November 20, 1936

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Intcrer! This coSutn.3 Is copyright by tils Ssven Arts Feature Syndicate, Hs2?ro£!ucUoa . iz ^bola c r in r^wrt Strictly lorbiudea. Any istri^srsn e n t en t b i s copyrisii: Trill fcs prosecuted.

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X0VE3IBSE 23, 1?;


Earlier Deadline Next Week

It is high time that all thinking Jews who may not yet have done Because of Thanksgiving: csv so take cognizance of the F.econStarting .November 24 the newon next Thursday, t h e Jewish structiocisni movement and phildowntown quarters of the HighPress will be printed one day osophy. No doubt can cloud t h e land Country Club -will be open earlier. All items for publicafact that this movement, for want every day and every evening to First Speaker on Lecture Fro-i tion must be in the Press ofcf an esacter word, is t h e most To Elect Seven Board Memmembers. The Club has taken grams Exposes the Hxntitien j fice not later than five o'clock bers; Reports Will-Be philosophical as well as t h e most Manufacturers • I Tuesday afternoon, November Eendercd over t h e old Variety club rooms, * dignified contribution that Amer24. News received after that Suite 412-17 Paxton Hotel for ican Judaism as such has yet Declaring the world more dan- time vrill not appear for ano- : London (JTA) — A public ormade to the right and fruitful The annual meeting of thegeneral club activities. 'der bill prohibiting the wearing grasping of our problems as- a Talmud Torah -will take place Luncheon and dinner -will be gerously near war now than at ther week. ; of • political uniforms and the people and as a group within nest Tuesday, November 24, atserved, "William Fchuchart will any hour prior to actual declara•maintenance by associations or American life. tion of war in 1914, Senator Ger8 p. m. at the Jewish Commu- act as manager of t h e club. individuals of private armies was The founder of the movemert nity Center lodge room. (JTA'i—A crop Opening of the downtown quar- ald P. Nye of North Dakota, first introduced in the House of C c ~ is Dr. Mordecai M. Kaplan and its All contributors to the Jew- ters was voted upon by the mem-speaker on the Jewish Communraons this week by Home Secrefundamental test is Dr. Kaplan's ish Philanthropies a s well as bers at a stag held Ostober 22. tary Sir John Simon. ity Center Community Forura, "Judaism as a Civilization." all members of t h e local TalA grand opening "vill be anThe bill, aimed particularly r<. Wednesday night exposed the sin(MacMillan, 1934.) F o r t h e past mud Torah Association are urg- nounced a t a later *u'e. Sir Oswald Mosley's Blacksh <year and a half, moreover, Dr. ed t o attend ister influence of muritior. manalthough net mentioning them Kaplan and a group of his adherThe annual Father and Soaname, a ] s o provides measures fp.- r jufacturers and then outlined a Featured will be the election ents and closer colleagues have of seven members at large to the banquet will be held at the Jew-preservation of public order z' i positive program of neutrality. issued a bi-weekly periodical call- Talmud Torah board. ish Community Center, Sunday, ' meetings and processions. Text r r I Senator Nye, a forceful and ed "The Reconstructionist" -which r , November 29, at sis o'clock un- ,UK The present officers of the has not yet t e e n r u b T , h- T>" - r •L r ranks with the "Jewish Frontier" j candid speaker, said that he b e - ; d e r t h e a r , s p i c e s o { t h a S o c i a i i d Talmud Torah include: Henry in that crucial matter of intellectjlieved if Europe goes to war, the ;S e r v i c e C o m n l j t l e e o f the Jewish ' The Haras'XeTE Aj-ency FT C ual seriousness which is so rare Monsky, president; N. S. Yaffe, | chances are ten-to-one that the ; Community Center and Welfare the bill "will not define the tf-ir Simon Pizer, vice president; in Jew'sh-Amerlcan life as i t is, ij United States will be drawn in. i Federation "uniform" but will ieave such r p for that matter, in American life treasurer; and Max Fromkin, — ' He presented a word picture of j n a r r y Trustin will be chair- finition -up t o the v 1 r secretary. itself. • .. At the annual meeting of the j the cost of a four-year war, and ;m a n o f ^ e v e n i n g M a 2 F r o m - heai specific cases, • ' Annnal Reports Two new and vital documents Reports on all phases of Tal-Beth El synagogue held last Tues- jthe material advantages of peace. ; k i n w U 1r e p r e s e n t . t h e fathers and day at t h e Jewish 'Community ! Commenting on the present arm- ;E u d d y . B a r i s n -srjil respond for the It was underBtooa that i t r have -just issued from the move- mud Toran activities and work ment, both admirably presented will be given by the chairmen of Center, all officers, members of j ament program, he said, 'No a n n - i ^ ^ ' T h e i n v o c a t i o n will be giv-Government pondered long f e by the publisher. They are "Cre-the various committees and by A. the executive committee, and )ament race has led to peace. And je n b y D a n i e l Katzman. Commun- I means of eliminating the possil imembers of t h e Board of Trus- p ° war has ever been followed by ; °^---- ,_-._._., . ative Judaism" by Mordecai M. Katz, Talmud Torah. principal. a period of prosperit}.' Kaplan. (Behrman's Jewish Book The heads of the various In telling of the a r n t investi House.) Rabbi Eisenstein's small groups: IOI. V...,. 1.71!,,.... j Ration, Senator Nye read letters jI e a t n r e s o n t n e program will be setnbly. volume is a skillful popularizaEditorial in G-a"Ft. Dr. Philip Sher, chairman of of p r o m i n e n t manufacturers, •s e T e r a j amateur acts under the • The law will defin? "rrorocation (in the very best sense) of Education; Max M. Barish, chair».VTE «iw ,'f Oi i l ' l clnurman. oi th. statesman, and army, and »aTy i direction of Max Baer and a two- t ' T e " demonstrations as being "Judaism as a civilization"; t h e man of Finance; Mrs. K. Tatle, Yeget&tisg" officers. At the time the invest- j r e e j movie. i ing- subject to ban. ProTision volume of papers represents a sel- president of the Deborah S.-ciety; OL the "onimissioti i ection of varied and vital contri- Rabbi David A. Goldstein, chairigation was started a Trell-tno-sra i ^ Philip Sher is 2hairman of • ^ill also be mafie empoweringTV*ars£w (JTA) — Garc-ta P'.'ei'. their enoe butions to t h e "The Reconstruc- man of the Yeshiva Scholarship munitions maker vrote a lettering "gociai Service committee, .police a u t h o r i t i e s to order ska, organ of the Foreign 0 ic-e ud most coiv tionist" which the editors consid- Fund; N. S. Yfaffe, chairman of stating that he was convinced that j, _ . in the cute of E. parade declared in an editorial ibis week sire manner. includes William Holzman, • changes ered worthy of reprinting In this the Boot of Life; Nathan Levini the idea of a munitions investigar Isidore Abramson, Leo Abrarns-; or the place of a demonstration that the situation of the ' i > more permanent foim. tion was instigated by Moscow t o ; g o a > M a s garish, Eugene Blazer, i in the event the choice of such 000.Jews in Poland could oi * r son, chairman of the Enrollment Thp. chief merit of Reconstruc- Committee. undermine American defense. ! Rabbi Frederick Cohi, Dr. J. M. • routes or places'make clashes and improved, by emigration '• . 1 ' tionism is its realism on funda"Every year the cry of "look"; E r m a n i R p h b i David A. Goldstein,: disorders inevitable. "fifty per cent of the .tv i At the present time, the enrollmental issues. I t starts out "vntli out for Japan' is made just be- Dr.M_T . Gordon, J. J. Greenberg. Preventive an 1 ^punitive povr- ] youths in Poland are vege c ,ment of the Talmud Torah i s 225. ! the recognition that Jewry is neifore the military appropriations ;D r _ M_F'_ Greenberg, Philip Klutz- ers will probably* be de'legated" to The statement came whi .- ..t'ther a sect nor an organization I bill comes up. This cry has grand ; n i c k r L e o Rosenthal Harry Sil- the police and the magistrates to ish circles were awaiting * which men can join or leave. The I returns for the little handful of German, Irvin St&lmaster, and for icterpre- suits of cor-versE-tionE V^ v l responsi jews are a people and Judaism is j those who manufacture the nee-; R a D b i David H. Wice. the bill's prorisions -prill Foreign Minister Josef Ber- T- > .ting; a civilization'— the civilization ' essities of war. The profits of be left. ' jCept. Anthony Eden. Eriti I -> of the Jews. I t might have heen 'the munition maker comes he law -vriil conform, it -w-asleifm ^-^cretar^' London c <T The Omaha Public Library has happier to have used the -word blood flows." ] understood, -w-ith established me-; and Monday a t -which tbp n ? ••culture" in its' anthropological recently released a list of books "There is no danger from j thods anxl principles of Sritish : tion of Je-wrish en-iLrratioTv ^«But that is a minor detail. of interest to Jewish readers. InE ense pan. The military domination oof j criminal justice, in accordance scheduled for diseusslor.. The mark of this civilization or cluded on the list are; S. J. BehrJapan is ending. No one is in a '• •with which mag-istrates make ceStressing- the Governmen culture, which sets It off from man's "End of Summer" which Harry Silverman better place to accomplish* t h e ; cisions in equitr rather than in ' terest in emigration Gaze < was recently produced here by others and chiefly characterizes-it downfall of the military clique jj President of Beth-IT pure and simple law. Guild; .ska declared that the "pas ' is the fact that i t is in t h e broad- the New York Theater than the people of the United j I tituce" of the Jews v a s r. est and deepest sense a religious Fediaevsfcy, "Nursery School and tees were re-elected. Over three States. The' 'Japanese military i ; ng. It. suggest eel thet Je civilization. I t embraces the- Parent Education in Soviet Rus- hundred persons attended- the in power because Japan • Horns Secretary Hakes Ee^sa. t* -whole man. But .its emphasis i s sia." Fein, ,':'A Harvest of Pebrew j dinner-which was given -under: t t e 4 f'stays 1 e a T S t h e United States'" f-^T!?*!.. ITn-?? **^^ T^ffM-ia ITAT'^a tiosal-'CMrs efore Hosss on the> religious aspect. _ Terse,"- a n d Feuchtwangef's 'Jew auspices of t h e Ladies -^usiHary. i t i n g the methods of F u r t h e r rec The editorial .express; Judaism being a civilization ° * R o m e - ' . Harry Silverman Will - again ^ Senator m u n l t l o n B m a fe e i E," • and the Jewish people its--living The recently published biogra- serve as president of the congre- Nye related how during the war ! Jerusalem (JTA) —Palestine's [Government's appro1.'?;! ol bearers or, if one prefers, vessels, phy of Brandeis has been receiv- gation; Mrs. Harry Lapidus will London (TTNS) . — Sir Oswald . death rate has faren irozr, SI.S5 Meet broached by Viacimi i jM o s l e y - S F a s c i E t blackshirts a r e ' t o IS.62 per thocsand in a rear i tinskv, head of the Xew it follows that, since Jews must ed at t h e library as well as Fil-continue as Honorary Vice-Pres- jjJthe French_and German 0 B mume a n " receiving financial backing the birth rate has risen, from Orearnzation. for live within this civilization or, r a -mer's "Fageant of Persia"; Hoff"0118 and Sirnon, ] , 9 to 45.16 per thousand, ac- thousands of ews ther, live it in experience, it can man's "Heads and Tales," the re^-secretary. or. their House i cording to the Government Health ! a period ot ten years to P F be a healthful and so helpful civ. miniscences of the famous sculp;- vice president; David Greenberg, munitions men stop at the sale of ; H o m e S e c r e t a r y j t o l d ilization only if Jews live i t . af- tress; Lorenz's 'My Life and second vice president, and Reu-military secret and advantage.' 1 i of Commons. Although Sir John ; Department's report tor IP"?. :| It pointed cnt, I declined to amplify his sensation-; Child death rate dropped from "there still remains t he firmatively and richly. Recon- Work'; "The Jews of Germany" ben. Borden, treasurer. .Members "The same company that s o l d !aall statement, it was learned from o 13.57 to 131 per thousand. | of finding new areas for strucUonism suggests as the most by Marvin Lowenthal, a book that of. the Executive committee I n important next step toward this has gone Into Its fourth edition; clude Sam Beber, • Arthur . Conn, poison gas to the Turkish E°vern- ! ^ e U . i n i o T m e d sources that his as- The pen era I bea'tji of the porn- ! 1 ment sold gas ms.sks to the»Tursertion based on a through-' lation has been Eirlily ssti?fsc-l OffiriaJ, end not another Jewish order or 'The Je-w Laughs' T>y Mendelshon J. J.. Greenberg, Philip KlutznicS, Cross." g-oingr inquiry Trhich. disclosed a;tory, the report SETS, wi;b onlv GcTfrpTCprfp proiprt. organization but the consolidation and I. Singer's popular novel, J. H. Kulakofsky, Irvin : Levin, kish In the parlance of the Indus-, f o r e i f f n l i n k t o t h e blackshirts. of "American Jewry into one great "The Brothers Ashkenazi." ' j usual seasonal eriflemics. Beand B . A. Siiuon. trialists, the National ApMosley immediately denied the j cause of a satisfactory rainy sea-, the- ~ r community which is to represent Other books in the library '_ Comunit. singing under_the di_ _ _ u , , ,peasant's , _ _ , . and ttllli Bedou-'the MUVU. through every Jew who.feels that which may be of special interest rection of Cantor Aaron Edgar propnation is termoxl Pander. c h a r g e a n d de inanded that Sir | s on in he is a Jew the "ethical nation- to its Jewish readers are "Thefollowed the dinner. Cantor Ed- To partake of thjs pluaaer o f f i c - j j o l m p r 0 T e h i s a s s e r t i D I 1 . Mosley ;i r i S had plenty of in^k and meat. aood" of Jewry in i t s American People, Yes" by Carl Sandburg; gar also sang several Hebraic ials are bribed; disarmament con-i a l s o a t t a c k e d t h e a nti-Fascist bill: Tfce department give= the total ferences broken up. up ] n o w pending in Parlianient, de- ! population on June SO, IPS? as asnect Within this great com- "Three "Worlds" by Mark Van melodies. ' pp , S? In closing his talk Senator Nye c ll ai r i n g i t . f it j munity there can be, as within Doren; 'Money Muddle' by James . a frarae-up against j 1,194 5 £ 9 iBClucir.«- 75P ^04 I,' outlined a policy of neutrality his followers. Detailed study of hammedans, S£0,000 Jews, analogous ones, all shadings of VTarburg, and "Political History and then recommended two con-the bill : to curb Fascist THANKSGIVING DANCE religious opinion. But i t will be of Russia" by Vernadsky. IJSO" functionally one. i.t wiU admin:b£ c BY ister face our economic problems in so far as they are group problems co-ordinate cultural and ednual ing.Ball, sponsor- referedum on the question of en- ; s t l i r t m o T e m c n t if it is rigorously! tr&t.& I,*I> p ucational activities- focus all soBerlin (JTA) — A university ed by the Junior Hadassah, to be tering a war; the second would! eQfOrceQ. 5t lff fines and prison AO«»/%KA.'M £.. cial services and provide organon held on Thanksgiving night, ^NovOf defense against anti-Semitism. education is not complete unless ember 26, in the main ballroom give the government the right t o i t e r m s a r e pr0T j(3 ei } j o r violation a student is able to prove suffiWord has been received of-thelo^pj,;. draft dollars and profits as i t ; o f t n e l a w . g i e r r r , s forbidding tne "'V .. It will ,in brief, p r o v i d e ^ socio- cient knowledge of the racial at the Hotel Fontenelle. Frank- drafts men. I wearing of uniforms for political death on. " Tuesday rain £ f Je ternlocical frame-work in which it theory, according to Prof. Astel, lyn Vincent's orchestra will play.Eugene Blazer was chairman. p u r p o s e s a n d t h e orgaEization of | Abraham B. Cherniss, 7 : , cf will be easier for Jew.?.to live as head of the Thuringia race deMiss Sonia Roitstein is gener- Congressman Charles McLaughlin Paul, Minnesota. l,Ir. Cherr.iss, &. itv Ce h 11 1 ' quasi-railitarv groups. Jews, to function as Jews, to partment. al chairman, assisted by Miss Mil- introduced t h e speaker. One clause forbids "use of dis- j former Omaha resident Enfi freAddressing a meeting marking dred Whitman, program "book bring up their children as Jews play of physical force for promo- j (juent visitor, passed 'away at his crave f and there-foro to be richer and the Installation of Dr. Johann von chairman, and Miss Fannie KatelI ting any political object" . and i home, , J more self-affirmative human. be- Leers in a new chair of racial man, publicity chairman. Other and M i provides. for the dissolution of! He is survived fcy his wile. duet. C ings and members of the Ameri- teaching at the University of members on the dance committee organizations using or dis-j Rose, a sister o£ Mr. Julius Sher- at Jena, he said that no student are the Misses Lillian Lieben, can nation. j playing force and the confisca-I man of Omaha. Among -the ls.rg.-e; On '- - _• Beconstructionism assumes the should receive a degree before Rose Dolgoff, Ann Knznit, Evelyn Plans. for the gala Showboat I tion of their property. The Dill; number ol Omaha, rels' ires centrality of Palestine to the r e -demonstrating knowledge of Nazi Green, Gertrude Kornej, Anne ligious civilization of the Jews as race precepts. Holland, Sylvia Parilman, and Party which the •« Sisterhood of |a i s o empowers t h e police to for- i viving Mr. Cherniss is Mrs. group *" well as the at least symbolical Sarah Taub, and Mrs. Ruth Sil- Temple. Israel will give "vVednes- | bid public demonstrations in sec- \ Trustin, an aunt. Club r ? S day, December 16, at the Black- j tions where such demonstrations i j j r _ cherniss was lor • primacy of the Hebrew language. After the exile of the J e w - from ver Rosen. " Istjon r" hotel, are progressing sa-irnay interfere -with public order,' r e a r s active in Jewish aliair I t repudiates the concept of Gal-Spain, the Sultan Bayazid II of .Paris \ E Tickets may be secured in ad- stone tisfactorily, according to Mrs. j in the event the police can-: _ ^ j , _ j 3 ; . M £E nn i K I rr ss _ jc U 1 Shermsn uth for the dispersion and I am Turkey issued orders to his prov- vance from any member of the M r r_ . „O n s i a , Group - ' very willing that, for pragmatic incial governors that they were to Junior Hadassah, or at the Ho-Milton Abrahams and Mrs. Louis; not guarantee order they are au-;a n d ?iIr_ A_ Kvnan. _.. .oC purposes, it should do so and, do receive the; exiles with utmost tel FonteneKe on T h - r s d a y Lipp, who are co-chairraen for the Ithorized to forbid the demonstra-! attended the funeral "in" St" tions for stated periods. The act; y\- e dcssday. affair. so with all sincerity. To face the courtesy. iwere r~"T night. • .. ' ' ' Mrs. M a i Block is to have also strengthens the exisilrc quite ultimate psychological truth charge' of the production of a typ- Public Meting Act by giving '.!: = on this issue is too hopeless and ical Showboat production, the police increased power to curb \ffs%T \', paralyzing. By the same token t o u c hi n g melodrama, "East attempts to break up / Reconstructionism while holding Lynne," in which a group of es- | Imprisonment up to three mcrths that Jews must be crippled souls perienced actors will be cast. The jand fines up to $150 or both crc unless they experience their Jewperformance, presented in tradi-jthe maximum punishments p raish civilization affirmatively, detional Showboat style, with ap- vided for wearing political u r i clares that American Jews must Carrae'. youthful viO-I At plause for the hero and hisses for j forms, while violation of the mil- j From ushering a t the Brandeis be American first and Jews afterOn May 1 he became head of is twelve years ago pearss.3 ' •P *•, Theater a t the. age of thirteen, ^ r * t? • ' " I t h e villian, is expected to b on I itary clauses of t h e bill car, b e : linist, a wards. This, too,, again from a h e Grand National Films which | t h e e T e E i n g - s highlights, as well ] punished by fines cf $2,500 a n d : thrills d Omaha rar.sic lovers, last he pr -pragmatic angle, it is we'll enough Edward X. Alperson, former Oma- taccording to the Wall Street week made his debut as s. concert nicue. • Imprisonment up to two years. to concede, although (provided I han, has risen to the presidency Journal h a s been financed by as a ,4rainatic sensation. i violinist at Tc~n Kail is New of Grand National Films, Inc. All'-circles of the Temple Sisunderstand correctly) there will in t h e magazine. Pathe. During the Civil War nine (York City. .Music circles here / be trouble about t h e definition of This week .terhood a r e participating ia the encouraged tl;e boy prodigy who "Time", Edward Alperson is fea- The article in "Time" 'which r p r o iect, and tickets \?nay ba ob-Jews held the rank ol General. i the -word "first.;' . r 1 in the course of a short wh'Ile tured; in the cinema section. A chronicles Mr. Alperson's ?Iss ia :-iained from any SisterKD-od mem-j; Needless to say Reconstruction\ played before over 1 5 column with his picture is devotthe film world tells how lie laagjber.'V Refreshsnents, _-entertain-| j hundred| ism has its critical as well as its j 01 E g e i organizations. [ constructive aspects and its crit- ed to his work with this new ago became convinced t h a t , the i m e n t an&..JFAmoEphere:"w"ill ail be | lchi I CarEiel was seat to Xe company Tshich h a i signed up double-feature bills had come, to";reminiscent 'of *-^Koy-boat days;-I i eve Tort icism of t h e various forms which 'by the Nebraska Society such outstanding screen personalstay and saw in them an increas-.j^ h the eighth fio-r Lal'.rood ol ' t Judaism, and especially the reliA re^v~'t is beta;; mnflc to • Development of Musical Taler.t ! Of F f gious life of Judaism take in the ities a s James Cagney, Conrad ed demand for .wholesale produ- the 'Blackstone tr: UT-C for a ricedjJevrish -~.A .-:- fursfcer . Press tion. which wss organise ; a reproduction o" world, has been immensely co- Nagel, Mae Clarke and others. - "'j cf On5Eha a complete his educsticn asd to EE?;st c.r.y j Mr. Alperson's family here in Mr. Alperson, the son of Mr. cf t \ gent and telling.'.'But thfc conother -loss! talent. On. Kar 15.j structive aspects of the movement and Mrs. J. Alperson, left Omaha Omaha include besides his.. par- promises 10 '•>" outslir.d : T ' e r.%> to give th!.? f-amU have been far more important about ten years ago. For a while ents his brother, Sam Alperson, Sisterhood r ^ - ^ ' cf tho s ; ; - r n , •.•."- U e k e d to call Mrs. T. 10*4 to raise funds to help him j continue with his studies, l i e So- j than its merely critical ones, and he was connected with the F o sand four sisters, Mrs. H. .White, will go to t h e Temple's rtl.S/Ouc A. T r I n Barney. 724S -who jiciety sponsored a concert r.t rrhic-h;' I do not see how anyone can sayFilm interests and until recently Mrs. Sam -Rosenblum, Mrs. Dave school. will see that It 3s given to the ! Josef ilosonblatt, famous Jewisla Mrs.-Julius Newman is chairanything higher in its praise. The headed the Skouras Brothers' Cohn, and Mrs, Moskowitz. Anthe fa-miir i s KsecL \ 01. tl u ! Carter, and Joseph Wincgra&pff, other sister, Mrs. D. S/Pruisner, man of the entertainment comchain of 550 cinema theaters, a snlury. J vice and Tioliniit, trpeared. lives in Sioux City. nineteenth mittee.. • (Continued on page S.) houses. -

Father and Son . Banquet To Be Held atJ. C. C.



s * 'I i &• v -••


Library Lists Books of Jewish Interest


"alestine Death - . Rate Decreases

Race Knowledge Held Prerequisite

"Showboat P a r t /





Page 2

Asul h e * h a s Sokolow'F -Bisters at'campaign one of subject.,matter of his talk would his - insatiable quest. Who, more Schoppe. The oldest bowler was be. declared that of all the qual- than the Jew,. has scraped his C. B. Schoppe and the youngest the express -wish of the Zionist j the least public ities which the Jewish people pos- shins? Certainly his pulse has was 1? year old Sam Resnick. leader in gratitude for Shlo..Fky'sj A complete sess, • the one which impressed quickened as through the ages he The centers most valuable and fine translations into Hebrew 01;eciuraiioTi BOOI- and a fascinating on« him as displaying deepest signifi- has followed gropingly that inner best all-around athlets, Aaron Epall of his Yiddish articles ai. thir- if in store for the readej cance was the application of the call for those qualities o' life arid stein, who bowls for the Potato who viii'P into Prof. Louie Finkel"modern scientific principle of living which are open only t o t h e Market team lived up to his repOH, MR. EDEN: ,. it jj stein's biographv of Ak'.ba . . . mutual aid and understanding" sensitivity of a highly developed utation of being a "star" and that was your idea, to seat the;P l , b , i Q b e d , n t h e F a n avalanche ' . within the family. ' He spoke on intelligence^ • averaged 176 for the 3 games. Italian. General, Count Q u i n t o i o f " ] i t e r F ture . - And that's s that subject there in the Temple ' Whether Dr. Bisch will concede Overheard on the scene of such Mazzolini, next to the Ethiopian; of literature pity, because it deserves paens o' that evening fullyi convinced and that the history of the Jew has terrific bouiiag was a remark delegation at the opening session 'praise I . . . It's leaded with interA scientist looks at the Jews mankind—knowledge. Knowledge inspired by what he saw and felt been an attempt to shape and give made by Ab Kainian just after he of the Royal Commission's inves- jesting data about one of the most balanced expression to these neu- bowled a good game of 102, and explains why they often which begets power; power which to be the fact. • BAD.LUCK to Mr. Robert Ed- t'rration . . . 'colorful and spir-aisUly productive emphasize trifles and minimize begets courage. Thus, In spite of But the Jews are neurotic — roses which are his, is problemat- "Thats tile lowest game of my j monson in his campaign for $15, A very neat way to take a slap of ieras in Jewish history . . . It will important things. In this inter- threatening defeat, he is endowed their children are • neurotic —- ical — and yet we can conceive career". ' We'll take his word for! 000, which, he says he needs to a Government whic\ besides havprove doubly interesting for those view with Dr. IiOuis.E. Bisch, with the courage to carry on — and neurotic ofter tend to over- of no fjiner' example of such an it—now. defend himself in that pending mg defied you in the matter of, h o h f l V e r e a d __ o r B r e n o w author of "Be Glad Yon're Ne- to bear further the flaming emphasize trifles and minimize attempt Ho guide the reactions of race libel trial. _ H a r r y .;a?K-1Cr'8 novel Anti-Semitic the Ethiopian conquest, is suspec-j r e a d these neiiioses thaa has fou"d exurotic," Miss Klotz,. . a new. torch of enllghtment, growth and important things. This article needs no introduc- Bob, you may be downcast toj of meddling in Palestinian pression in the development of of the same era, Festival at Mermember of the editorial staff of tolerance." . * 8 tion. Those of you that have read hear, has been so up against it | fairs . Thus, although one cannot de^ Incidentally, wonder the Seven Arts, tells of the It was growing dark, and as this column Know that anony- since i he h was indicted idi that he has who you sat the Nazi consul next startling observations of a most he reached for the button to light precate parents whose lives are mous" articles have been in and had to give up publishing his so- t j dedicated unselfishly to the task Whoever it was,' he did original scientific thinker. the lamp he aBktd whether I had of affording their, children the PROGRESS: The Warsaw Yidhere Is another one. called "service' We for one n't duplicate Count Mazzolini's I —THE EDITOR noticed it. I had, and strangely. d i s h preSE is "Last Wednesday 4 of the hard- will miss his frothy ravings. best of that within their power act in stalking out of the hearing.! .., . . BO deep an effect had the tight est fought games were played. Requiescat in pace! to give — love, tenderness, proi in if itorder isn't,toit keep -will soon haveone to b« v; .• with of Louis E. Bisch, M. D., Ph. D., grip of the metal hand which held tection, compassion — it must be Dave Richard's Ice Cubelets WONDER WHAT a royal Com-; its number. tt>e Neue Folkszeinoted psychiatrist, la candid and the/torch that unti. this moment conceded the Jewish parent is played Iz Levinson's assorted mission thinks about while It's in-j LET'S BE FRIENDS is the slot.i ng, Bimcist organ, which has direct Btyle reveals an accumula- I had been suffering from Its. dis- over-Indulgent. And why, Why Fruits. The scores were 13-15, gan that will be oorne aloft by vestigatins; a reign terror in | just started publication of a rotion of knowledge and valuable concerting yet magnetic influence. does he feel so keenly the desire Saturday will close t h e Fiftieth 15-12, and 15-11. The fruits a group of American Arabs and Palestine? . . . •'That lamp," he 'smiled wistj togravure section — the first in experience gathered over a perto lavish upon his children all Anniversary of t h e Nebraska were well protected the first game Jows which is seeking to form an fully, "might well symbolize' the iod of possibly more than half a Clothing Company, pioneer Omafrom the frozen ice cakes and that he himself has been 'deprivMISH-MASH: Ex-Judge Gustavo lifetime; knowledge to the aver- significance of your people. The ed? la it merely self-agrandize- ha store. Since November 9, this took ,it after great playing. But organization to improve relations Hartrasn, who died the other day, | age layman complex and too my- book might be used to represent ment, that through this means company/ which fifty years ago someone shut off the motor and between the Palestine' peoples. . A mysterious American Egyptian l w a s s m a n Df s L m P l e tastes even GREEK SCHOOLS sterious to be delved into, under- the wisdom passed down from his children (even they) may look started as a modest store on Thir- the ice cubes got hot and ran all physician, described to us as an though he did put on those lavish century to century as a heritage stood a n d - openly discussed; RESTRICTED teenth and Douglas Streets and is over the fruits. old fiend of Trumpeldore, is re- and successful entertainments in knowledge which in some strange of the Jew; the torch, the light up to him; or that he may see now the most important clothing the interests of the Israel Orphan mirrored in his offspring a glorOne man especially all during portedly behind the move. . . The manner has the power to crush, of that wisdom, which—— if the store In the middle-west has been Asyllim remember the Athens—A new education law and eradicate Inexplicable fears^- hand which carries it be strong ified self. Is it his strange man- celebrating the Golden Anniver- the play was the "Apple" of cap- group will have among its aims a r e t u r n t r i p I r oWe m a l ner of expressing once again that enough and unwavering — may caln Iz's eye out as a player was \ change in Zionist leadership " o n ! Washington permits teaching of Jewish hisunfounded sources of misery. sary of its founding. ; rotten to the core. The fruit man! the grounds that it has failed t 0 ! conference one night k s t Sum-; lO rv and religion in Jewish pri One of the indices to the men- serve to radiate the convictions of eternal complex of inferiority in a da m er vwhich hich hhe e which causes to surge ever withnier, The Nebraska Clothing Com- had a "Pear" of good spikers in win the good will of the Arabs >"II maw schools only the cur" " ^ e in a da>" h l l after ft th r tal character of the man is^ the basic and ultimate truths." in him the ambition to strive for slef.per, sit- rir-uhim of the state primary coach instead of pany was opened in 1886 by -MorRube Brown and Cliff Slater and note of individuality expressed in But what of the Jew and. his wealth, for power, for success — ris Levy, Matthew Strassburger, a "Peach" of a passer in Bob . One of the schools is complied v/ith. ting up all night both choice and arrangement of neuroses? Those impregnated FRIDAY THE 13th was the They are permitted to add the furniture in his room. Of tendencies toward over-sensitive- which sends him forth into the and Herman Cohn. The store, Cooper. Joe Cohen covered the day on which Mr. Justice Bran- lads in the J. T. A.'s mailing deep signi'icance in this respect ness, hiB proneness to segregate world disquised within the thick whose early owners are now re- floor like a "Banana peel" and deis had his eightieth birthday room, a refuge© from Germany, ho'iirs to the school session for He's Jewish teaching. is the massive, lamp of original himself rather than assimilate armor of pride and ostentation? membered for their philanthro- once tripped over the red line and and we're pretty sure—although is a liter?ry go-getter . lay «f=e only text and unusual design set upon one freely, that positive quality of re- Is it the desire to convince man- pies, gave the first day's earnings fell spreading out on the gym we hav'en't checked the records— publishing a rnimeigrEphed "Ju-I Schools Korrespcndenz," contain- j b o o k g selected hv the state educorner of his broad desk. In heavy pression, his abundance of crea- kind that he really is what he to the fund for the relief of the floor like a "peeled grape". One that this was the first time the ; copper is sculptured a book lying tive ability; but, withal, doubt, would like to be? Or is it because victims of the Charleston earth- man in particular was a "Lemon" iurists' natal day ever fell on so i n g information of interest t o ! r a t i o n a l sonorities. . open — and, resting on it, a hand fear and suspicion, manifestations the Jew, with his keen intuition, quake. and consistently got under Iz's inauspicious an occasion . . . German Jews, which he distri-; (his hand) grasps with firm hold of his inferiority complex, his senses a depth of pain and void skin, but all he could do was to Can't help wondering if L. D. B. butes at a racket each to other Patronize Our Advertisers The present building at Fifa thick torch which serves to ever-present inclination for .self- in the heart of his child; the im- teenth and - Farnam streets was give him sour looks. I am not threw a horseshoe o'er his should- refugees in the city . . . He sold | light the room. . defense all inculcated in the heart medicable aloneness of his exist- 1898. In 1912 William mentioning his name but after er for luck as walked from his out the first issue of 150 copies ence; the weight of the .burden . . . Hi? name is Hans Katzenstein \ A man brisk of step and pur- of the Jew —- these supplemented under, which he enters the world. Holzman and John A. Swanson reading this article you can figure home to the Supreme Court that and you might watch his smoke . with, the eternational -"persecuW e wish to announce the It out for yourseir. As for the pose enters. Slightly above averOr rubbed a rabbit's . . Incidentally, Le'H bite your Be it either or both, the fact purchased the business. Mr. Holz- Cubelets after getting warm there day opening o£ out" new fCoftn* age height, he appears much tion complex" (as termed by Dr. man is now president of the comleft hind paw, or tied a red b§nd Meat Market, 1S12 er younger than is later revealed by Bisch). What about them, these remains that under the influence apny, and W..O. Swanson is vice-1 was no stopping them .They took on his wrist, or what have you in head off if you call him a Gerof this.guidance the child matures man Je.w Along with most the second game quite easily. The the record. of his achievements: common neurotic symptoms of a , the middle of No. president. the way of superstitious antidotes too rapidly physically as well as other young refugees, he prefers cold hearted spiking of Les BurtFormerly professor of neuropsyv people? veek t h e At various times since 1912 the against evil? . . . to be known as a. Jew irom Gerchiatry at th& New York PolyclinSimply this: if properly direct- mentally. As a result, suppres- store building had been remod- enroad and Dr. Ellis was poisonmany . . . From a Washington rr ic Medical School .and Hospital, ed, they may not alone tree the sion,- over- sensitivity, selfrconsci- eled, until today the outside ous to the fruits and they naturousness; doubt, fear, all in slow NO INTERVIEWS: David Soi-jpolitical. correspondent comes the ally wilted under the frigid atassociate in educational psychol- Jews of all vestige of handicap, brickwork above the second floor ogy at Columbia University, play- but may remain to serve as an and gradual process of integra- is about all that remains of the tack. The passing of the Cubeles belman is back from Palestine nforination that Judge Samuel I. State Sution, finally in producing our perwith a flock of stuff on the dis- Rosenman of the N. Y. wright, author of three books added stimulus. : original. In 1918 the building to George Scha^piro, Paul Steinberr, re in e Court is abou . the only j R e s . WE-ssse fect speciman of neurosis. (one a text on clinical psycholorders which will be appearing in Dr. Bisch implies the existence and C. B. Schoppe warmed Capae of the original brain trusters \ . WE-2535 Dr.. Bisch feels, acutely the the east was added, and In 1920 tain Richard's zero heart. ogy, dealing' with the ' treatment of three types of neurotics. The The the Buffalo Evening News these T who Turas on the job in a "close, | of retarded children), and now normal neurotic, the hyper-neur- lack of. guided emotional freedom, the height of the whole was in- third game was a deluge. The Dave, ho is pretty days hia latest, "Be Glad You're Neur- otic, and the sub-neurotic. Furth- as compared with the rational, creased to four stories. fruits looked sweet and held a much peeved at the Yisliub's lead- intimate capacity" in the recent Today the Nebraska Clothing juicy lead of 11 to 6 then ran in- ers . . Says not one of them otic." er, not only is the Jew' neurotic, in our prsent" educational system. "I'm glad I'm neurotic." A but his enemies. Hitler's and all This.of course, ha^, a very direct company claims to carry more to an inferno. What could the would grant him an interview! . frank, almost appealing smile ac- other groups directing their pol- bearing on the nervous function famed clothing lines .than any Cubes do • after getting hot, but minority of the Jewish boy or girl, since other store in the world. companied the startlingly simple itical policies toward round out taking the third and PACT: Peters and Katz have During the anniversary celebra- final game, 15-11. The Cube entered into an exchange agreestatement ••— Zor simple it is, aa persecution, are neurotic, though his home enviroment as well a9 is everything which • is Tinder- their neuroses may be catagoriz- inherent mental characteristics tion there have been exhibits of lineup had: Dave Richards, Les ment, each to allow the other to stood; a s 'is life a n d all t h e pro-ed under the last of the three lend to establish almoat complete the changing styles of the last fif- Burkenroad, Dr. Ellis, Paul Stein- swipe yarns from his column . . . ty years, pictures of early Omaha berg, C. B. Schoppe, George Scha- Here's one from the J. T. A. Yid- Where a Charge Account Is a Friendly Convenient* fundities of the- human mind .and since their basic qualities display absence,of that essential. nerve structure a s conceived by evident weakness rather than Thus, Bisch, the man, the men- and Nebraska, a display of dolls plro, and the Fruit lineup had: dish editor's "Shnelshtrichen," . . « one qualified with both empiric misdirected powr. tal surgeon, to whom all minds owned by Mrs. John T. Buchanan, Iz Levinson, Cliff Slater, Le« The young Hebrew poet A. Shlonand scientific background a s well What course, then may the are as clay within the agile fin- and a collection of fans belonging Grossman, Joe Cohen, Rube sky, is now the owner ot the late as natural intuition and. great Jew pursue In Tiis endeavor to gers of the great artist; who, in to Mrs. Fred Pearce. Brown, and Bob Kooper. Dr. Nahum Sokolow's famous gold depth of lindrestanding. " I ' m harness rather than be overcome spite of material wealth and morIt was given to him by glad I ' m neurotic .• ' . . All t h e by these neurotic tendencies al achievement stands graciously The attendance record was pen great thinkers and . doers ' were which are so potent a • cause of against his brimming background broken by the appearance of one Their own contemporaries con- his present miseries? New Cleaning Plant spectator, none other than Paul eager to outrobt the pains of all By BAY SOHAPIEO | sidered them peculiar, ' eccentric. Goldblatt who came running from He'must disrobe. Tliat cloak who suffer those strange maladThe National Shoe Repair Com~ Usually t h e greater they were t h e of grandiloquence is as pitiful an ies which inhibit the mind and his office after hearing the tumult ^c more neurotic they were." anachronism' as Is the sword of quietly seer the soul. Standing Fifty bowling enthusiasts ap- to find out the cause. He just pany announces the completion of -„„,' Tha creative urge, t h e stirrings persecution employed by his en- there, -with hand outstretched, he peared -on the scene to start the had to stay and see the games the installation o£ their own new 5i n d noble passions of t h e imagin- emies. He must first and fore- leaves one with the feeling that JCC bowling league season with He must have lost 10 lbs. for all mammoth cleaning plant, with and '« , itiort; t h a t lower which, though most himself believe that no bar- all is well both within and with- flying pins last Tuesday nite at he did was laugh for 30 minutes. up-to-the-minute cleaning They also , i p t t o magnify che miseries, may rier exists between the Jew and out, that those miseries which the Ak-Sar-Ben alleys. Very We want more satisfied spectat- pressing equipment. through, t h a t came depth of per- the non-Jew other than minor re- daily occupy the lives of more much interest and good play ors—come all and be convinced boast "the most modern shoe re-i'}" :eption conceive t h e gifts of tran- ligious differences. That deep- people than we realize are not les- showed that the season will be a The play was much better this pair and hat blocking machinery." The National Shoe Repair Com„''{ 3cendental • joy — " t h e ability to rooted and prominent attribute of ser than our own; that we must big success. The Wardrobes took week In front of an audience fr, icale t h e heights where t h e view self-defence is conducive to the face • Intelligently, a n d boldly three straight games from the Otherwise there is too much fool- pany is now equipped to take care * "' Is broad and clear and t h e air gradual creation of a camouflage those problems toward which, un- Malashocks, the Omaha Potato ing. Watch for the big surprise of every need In valet service. % lj' rare, pure and piquant" — all of ostentation which a r m o r til now', we had been Inarticulate Market team won 3 traight to de- next week. The women's class i $ \ are nature's bestowals upon t h e serves In turn, to breed misunder- and uninformed. It is in this feat the Empire Cleaners, and the going to play the men's class. It \'ji neurotic. Unfortunate, that this standing, enmity and even hate. vein that we find infused the 201 Yousems defeated the Smith-Rob- seems to me the females are too ltl1 ' abundant energy is so often mis- Fear, doubt, suspicion must, be pages of his book, "Be Glad You inson team, 2-1. strong for the males, but wait and dispelled.. After careful self- are Neurotic." (McGraw-Hill, directed a n d fruitless. find out. The highest team total was the "And, strangely enough," Dr. scrutinization he must honestly Whittlesey House.) Wardrobe with 2368 with the Bisch asserted,, " t h e idea is as and conscienciously launch forth In speaking of the neurotic. Heads Social Workers well applied t o -v group" a s t o an upon those characteristics which Dr. Bisch says, "He may stumble Smith. - Robinson garnering the lowest team total of 2046 with Boston — Dr. Ben M. Selekindividual." The group i n ques- breed contempt. He must perand fall and scrape his. shins as each of these teams taking the man, executive director of the? Astion having been, the Jews, h e manently discard . the defence he strives to climb. But for all proceeded. to elucidate in just mechanism, of self-adoration as that he breathe.* more quickly, highest and lowest team total for sociated Jewish Charities ot Bos- I Highest ton and former president of the 5=1 what capacity the Jew, as a neur- the "Chosen People." Emulation his blood races faster and the vi- 1 game respectively. | otic, may function in this world. might be- constrained regardless tality and flow and sparkle of game was Harry Smighs 234—he National Conference or Jewish So, 1) Were Dr. Bisch himself a Jew of justification. The din of ma- sheer living are in him. When was the last man of the evening cial Service, is the new presiden "*{i j he might be accused of bias. But terial, wealth must be subdued. we're neurotic there is unrest in- to bowl for the Smith-Robinson of the Massachusetts Conference J* since he is not, his observations Finally, he must treat the problem side us. Yet this unrest is mere- and the next to last man to howl on Social Work. IKSUEED OABS — J are characterized by an ob'jectlve- as one of personal and individual ly the sign that we are gaited for that evening. The lowest game seek direct better things; that we have- not was Max Turner's Tl. } ness which deserves added cre- nature rather than ' Many old-timers spotted the group, cure. 5P; j dence., . ^ . ••' yet formed ourselves . ; ." lineups •with sucb. veterans as Ben I "The Jew," he declared, " is a During a visit to a small Southi neurotic, and possesses all the. ern town' one day last year. Dr. By this token the lifelong search Yousem, Ab Kaiman, A. FleischI 3Ualitle3 necessary for success Bisch was invited as guest speak- and yearnings of the Jew is un- man, Aaron and Leo Weitz, Abe j tnd ' happiness.' Within his cof- er to the synagogue of a rabbi derstandable. It :s trite historical Venger, Lou Malashock, Scholly !ers lies the greatest weapon' of | friend, and, when as'ied what the comment• once again to observe Goodman, Ben Shapiro, C. B.

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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1936 . panic will complete. Even if a acting in British pictures. Starvictorious Fascism does not expel red in "Abdul, the Damned." the Jews officially, another 1492 David' Factor, son of the cosis imminent in Spain. metic manufacturer, wired his (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts father tbttt. the special make-up he prepared had been accepted for Feature syndicate.) television broadcasts in England. Ben Lyons, American, appears on the first program. Quite an honor since the ether waves are government controlled.

is Eernie lefficg.

two years ahead of most children, 'played five benefits -Y. M. II. A, of his npe. He P'udirs under r.! y. \ \ . n. A., I-iadassah, Aiui-Xiiv:-; Parkralrarkas visited his den- tutor vtien <H tho studio, find id-\K(?aRlM ,. E,rt . - o m n n , T , j ( v ch^t, in tist one day. In the waiting room tends public school when no; I his spn~e timp lir mnflf p. In iii£, he noticed a row of silver trophy working. cups. He asked the molar man IS L.-UV ITiACTlOJ what they were for. "Ob, this i? Fannie Hurst pave { h e movies! for swimming . . . that one for a, feiv pointed dies in a recent Milton It. I'rohm announces Jiif golf . . . this one I won in a ten- speech at Kansas City . . . admilnis tournament . . , and—" "Just tec! that, films show some prcp-pps :'association v,-i(h A!'. L.. Boii^van • in the eenerai i)rnc;ice of minute." interrupted the comin ttio meclTP-incs, tint nrtiRtiCf.llv j ... ,.». ." , - „ ,Oniafi? edian, worriedly, "any for , , , , ", win: olncpf ar J('O4 teeth?" they go on ss puish. Insii, E n c i | t , o n a , B 8 n k Today's headline: Winchell Kiiisli ns ever." Fannie noplecied ; By Bernard Postal chagrined—Bernie grins, WinBobby Breen— now nine years to n;prition that pile hn? just «»''• j cliell's rule is to avoid agents; old—will never have to experience "Grrat Lau&iiter" to awe, inro'ov!| ,nves(f A clear and concise expose of opinion, especially In Barcelona, Fascist revolutloa generously supwhat the Spanish civil war has was militantly anti-Nazi. The re.- ported by interested foreign pow- By the Service Life instirance whereas Bernie conducts his busi- that ernbarassiris trombone-slide studio for a hundred tliousanii Annuity. Eincfowrneni, Life ness via the ten percenters. Late- of a changing voice, say the phy- . . . in round figures . . . and done to the renascent Jewish yoc&tion by the Polish rabbinate ers. • The first shots of the civil Company, Omaha ly when the two arch-enemies sicians. His sing-ing voice changpreviously had sold "Sister Act" community In that country is of the cherem imposed upon war were still echoing when "secsigned to impersonate themselves ed prematurely, and his lyric ten- to m o t h e r company for hrp.p Represents S1 Strong Comiun. contributed in this authorita- Spain in 1492 and the restoration ret documents found in the posles—Every Type of ' nKu Life Insurance is an optimistic and Bontis written, Gall AT. tive article by the Managing of Maimonides' synagogue in Cor- session of one of the rebel lea- savings plan. Even after a policy- in a flicker, Waltah, red-faced, or will remain constant as he much wampum. Rather lushy, 7667 or VVA-51S0. Editor of the Seven Arts • Fea-. doba as a Jewish shrine during ders revealed to the Jews of Spain holder has made only one depos- discovered he is receiving thirty grows up. He is also precocious plush, what? Oh. slush . . . er cent less than Bernie . . . and mentally . . . attends Grade 5-A, In one week Eddie Cantor iure Syndicate. Xo understand the officially sponsored celebra- that they had been living in a it he can look at his. savings conthe Jewish story tn the civil tion of Maimonides.1 800th birth- fool's paradise. tract and say "All of these thouwar —^and there is one—read day in .1935 gave dramatic evisands of dollars for my family in The documents disclosed that Mr. Postal's informative analy- dence of the revival of Spanish case I do not live." nothing less than a second expulsis. EDITOR Jewry. sion of the Jews was one of the Life insurance pays a man's The election of a Fascist gov- cardinal points in the program of family what he hopes to save for As these words are written Ma- ernment in November, 1934, fail- the rebels. A shudder passed them, wherein other savings pay drid is the scene of the most san- ed to alarm the Jews of Spain be- through the Jews of Spain when what he has actually been able to guinary battle since the world cause they had maintained a neu- they noted that the documents save. This difference between war. It may be an exaggeration tral attitude. Intent on building had been found on July 30th, life insurance savings'and other to say that if the Fascist- capture a new life, they took no notice of which was 444 yerrs to the day savings plans is what holds a man Madrid they will have clinched the growing political tension since the last Jews left Spain in steadfast in his insurance pro. victory, sealed the fate of the sec- which even In 1934 gave no signs 1492 in accordance with the de- gram. ond Spanish Republic and estab- of developing into vthe present cree of expulsion issued by FerdThe life insurance savings plan lished Fascism' • n the Iberian civil war. Nor did they regard inand and Isabella. Hope that the has another advantage, it splits Peninsula. The embattled loyal- as serious a number of disturbing author of this anti-Jewish proist government will probably be anti-Jewish manifestations. The gram did not speak officially for the savings job over the entire income producing period, making • able to continue its fight from monarchists a n d reactionaries the rebels was quickly dissipated possible comparatively large acCatalonia. But one thing is cer- had never looked with favor on by succeeding developments. cumulations out of small depostain — the fall of Madrid is al- the return of the Jews. But there Taking its cue from Germany, its. In other words is amortizes most certain to write finis to the were too few Jews in Spain to be third, and perhaps the last, chap- used as p o l i t i c a l scapegoats. the Fascist and reactionary press,the old age obligation by dlvidraised a hue and cry against the ing it up until the job of each ter o£ Jewish history in Spain. When Miguel Primo de Rivera, numerically inconsequential Jews. year is reasonable. CGiven with Purchases Twenty years ago an upheaval son of the former Spanish dicta- The result of this agitation quickThe life insurance savings plan of this kind in Spa n would hare tor, organized the Fascist green ly became evident when it was •I in All Departments aroused only' academic interest in shirts and openly boasted of his learned that rebel troops were does not ask a person to save I •Redeemable during 1936 Jewish circles, for Spain was as friendship with Hitler, he never- torturing and imprisoning Jews large sums of money, it speaks near to being "tudenrein" as at theless made ft clear that Spanish in Spanish Morocco, holding' hun- of small sums, not larger than any time since the expulsion in Fascism was not anti-Jewish. "No dreds of them as hostages and in- three or four per cent of the total 1432. B°fore the w. : ril war there Spaniard," he said, "would be carcerating many of them in con- savings desired. were virtually no Jew j anywhere ashamed to marry a Jewess. An- centration camps. Synagogues, • ia Spain. To the average Span- ti-Semitism is uncivilized." Jewish clubs and other Jewish"iniard of the first decafie of this But there were other forces at stitutions were confiscated or decentury Jews in the fleph were work undermining the position of stroyed. Wealthy Jews were forcunknown. In contemporary Jew- Spanish Jewry. Exploiting the ed to make huge "loans" to the By HELEN ZIGMOND ish history Spain was represented unsettled political conditions, Fascist authorities. For weeks by a blank page. Nazi propagandists swamped the Jews in Spanish Morocco lived anti-Semitic under a reign of terror. It was tn*e world war that Spain with violent Hollywood—The great German brought Spain back to the Jew- literature. In Barcelona Nazi When the scene of the civil war actor, Fritz Kortner, is one of Our ish scene. .German and Austrian agents terrorized Jewish refugees. shifted to the Spanish mainland Folks. Is currently a Nazi exile Jews interned in Paris at the out- Gil Robles, leader of the Catholic the Jews again suffered. Jewish 7 bought a $50.00 Suit at The break of the war were given their reactionaries, declared early in merchants in towns captured by choice of going to any neutral 1935 in El Debato that "we are the rebels had their property conNebraska and look at the handful BOOKKEEPER WANTED country. About 1,000 of them, going to purge Spain of Masons, fiscated1, A number of Jews were Will pay fair wages to exincluding th© late Dr. Max Nor-Jews and Judaizers." The mon- summarily executed, while others of Appreciation Certificates I got. perienced bookkeeper. Man dau, chose Spain, settling in archist press echoed-these senti- were b r a n d e d with swastika or woman, Must have busiThey're redeemable in merchandise Barcelona. Although most of ments and reprinted attacks on marks. Wherever the insurgents ness ability. Write to Box these expatriates returned to the Jews from Nazi newspapers. went anti-Jewish terror followed. 20 Jewish Press. at The Nebraska in any department." their native lands after 1918, theNazi - funds were lavishly expend- Synagogues wers burned and few that remained, together with ed to subsidize Spanish papers. Jews' were driven out of their a number of Jews from Poland Bankrupt dukes.and counts were homes regardless of their politiand Russia, succeeded in laying financed by Nazi agents and em-cal affiliations. the basis for a new Jewish com- ployed to spread anti-Semitism. In Barcelona, where the governFOR RENT munity. At the Bame time small In March, 1935, an event unpre- ment crushed the revolt, the 1 For Rent: Nicely furnished numbers of Sepbardic Jews from cedented in Spain since the estab- flourishing community Jewish Morocco, Turkey, Greece, Yugo- lishment of--the republic occurred was thrown into a wild panic room five windows. With slavia, Bulgaria . and- .Rcnmania when a'Tflob of Fascists attacked Business men liquidated their af- or without board. 3 1 2 2 settled in Madrid and Seville dur- a Jewish-owned Madrid. fairs, and. left the country. Some Myrtle Street. Ha. 699S. ing the war years. Under the pa- A few weeks later Marquis Desan- of the German refugees returned tronage of Ignacio. Bauer, Spanish ctara, monarchist spokesman, de- to the Reich. Others fled to :'~ representative of the House of manded the inclusion of an un- France and Italy. Those who reRothschild, .Jewish life began to equivocal : anti-Semitic plank in maine'd trie/i to remain neutral or the royalists' program, and warn- threw their lot with the loyalists. f:vive in Spain. On the eve of the revolution ed the country that the Jews The government attempted to alAN UNUSUAL OFFER FOB of 1931, which dethroned King were responsible for' Spain's in- lay the alarm of the Jews by razA FINE MUSICAL HOSIE ing the "Jewish mountain," a noAlfonso, .there : were sojne . 5,000 ternal dissension. Beautiful Grand Piano can The better business Jews in Spain, The liberal at- But still the Jews felt no alarm. torious prison in the heart of Barn o t be t o l d jp: titude of the republican goverri- They saw' in these incidents only celona where thousands of Jews from new. Touff ment soon made Spain" the mecca minor eruptions. And the atti- had suffered death during the Inman you are the can buy this for thousands of Jews from Eas- tude of the government seemed to quisition. But the commurity itpiano by paying er self was ruined. Latest reports l—j™ t n Europe. The'separation of justify their confidence. It was quicker you'll grasp [SB?' church,and state and' the estab- at this time that the republican indicate that there are hardly IsSlteb' llshment of full religious freedom governments indicated its readi- more than 2,000 Jews left in Barthis opportunily* encouraged: Jews from Poland ness to admit to Spanish univer- celona. Small balance due on terms and Roumania to come to Spain. sities all foreign Jewish students It would be rash to predict the to suit your convenience plus Shortly after revolution Spain in- who were being barred from outcome of the civil war even small carrying1 charge. This vited the Sephardic Jews to come French'uni/ersities because of should Madrid fall into the hands offer is an exceptional barback to the land of—their ances-. the "growing ' anti-alien agitation, of the Fascist's." Biit one fact regain for someone. Come in today and convince yourself. tors, officially revoked the edict and gave permission for the es- mains obvious: A Fascist victory oi expulsion — which had been tablishment of the first chalutz will spell the doom not only of ablolished by the constitution of training farm In Spain. The tri- Spanish, democracy but of the 1876, during the-first republic •— umph of the united anti-Fascist Jewish communities in Spain and APPRECIATION CERTIFICATES and invited Albert Einstein to oc- front in the parliamentary elec- her colonies. What the Fascists cupy a chair at the University of tion of February, 1936, seemed will leave undone so far as the j iSBfSS Which Are Redeemable in Merchandise 1516-18 DODGE ST. ISP!! •; Madrid. These friendly gestures, to the Jews to assure their status Jews are concerned, fear and j at Our Store Only During 1936" J| designed to rectify the tragic er- for years to coaie. This feeling s^ ror of 1492, attracted large num- was'bolstered when in March the mm bers of Sephardic and Ashkena- government officially outlawed zic Jews from all parts of Europe the Fascist party and forbade the . . . gives you a 50lli Anniversary I who were seeking'escape from- public display of the swastika. In Appreciation. CertificaSe of 25c. the economic cataclysm that was April; however, scenes reminisMm cent, of the Inquisition were enshaking the world. acted when the monarchists and For two years the renascent . . . gives you a 50ih Anniversary Jewish community enjoyed a stea- Fascists burned effigies of Jews Appreciation Ceriificnie of 50c. dy but unspectacular growth, at the Stake at huge Fascist demj'hen came the Nazi _regime in onstrations'against the Spanish Germany. German Jews franti- government. •dUC< Three months later, on July. cally sought any avenue of escape . . . gives you a 50t!s Anniversary Appreciation CertificnSe of S1.00. and within the hospital borders of 19th, the day se^ for the opening democratic Spain , thousands of of the anti-Nazi" Olympic games them found asylum. A few. in Barcelona,* the Fascist revolt 1 tXTHAT a wonderful thing months after Hitler came Into broke out. At the outset the reb. • • gives JOM a 50th Anniversary it is to be able to have an els were given small chance of power Salvador de Madariaga, Apprccialion Ccnificale of S2.50, abundance of clean soft waiSpanish delegates to the League success, despite the fact that they ter softer than rain of Nations, declared that - fcis had caught the government unafrom every faucet in the wares. Soon, however, it became country was ready to open . . . gives 3011 a 50ih Anniversary house. You will then enjoy ~ doors to the Jews bccr.use Spain apparent that what seemed to be Appreciation Certificate of $3.03. the wonders of soft water for felt "the great historical injustice a minor rebellion was in reality jr* «™n» an bathing, for shaving and all that King Ferdinand and Queen a well-organized and nation-wide other toilet purposes, as well Isabella did to the Jews." Within . . . gives jou a SQlh Anniversary a year there were 2,000 German as having the convenience'of Appreciation Certificate of S 10.00. • . Jewish refugees settled in BarceFOR RENT soft water for laundry and lona. By the end of 1935 the Five room house. All moddish washing purposes. You Jewish population of Spain was ern, 3111 Mason Street, PLEASE NOTE . can have all this by installnear Hanscom Park. $30 a estimated at 20,000, of whom i\ Each purcliase that is a multiple of S2.50 gives you • • ' • T o G e t Y&ui S h a r e ing a - - 14,000 were In Barcelona and the month. Call Walnut 1139 or S 50th Anniversary Appreciation Certificate as Atlantic 6477: •uliineil above . . . for Twelve Days Only rest In Madrid and Seville. . They're Given vfllt Purchases In AH DepartSl2t-Sing Monday, November 9. In Barcelona the Jewish community flourished despite. the imments . . . .Redeemable i n All Departments SHOP OX A TRANSFER poverishment of many of Its memof Tine Nebraska During 1936 bers. New synagogues were openSHOP IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Fastoa Mitchell Co. ed. Hebrew schools were estab11 s h e d. Jewish . organizations Foundries came into being. The German The simplest, easiest operated, nrt most stnrdy softener yon ma 37th and Martha HA. 5529 bav. This softener can be quickly instaHea in TOOT home, nnd refugees introducec new indusit is priced BO low that the actnM monpy -•savings will quickly tries which gave employment not Brass, Bronze Aluminum, Sofi par for It. I.Pt ns tell you more about Eott water and the many tbl it will do for you, Grey Iron and Semi-Steel Castj only to their compatriots but, to SEE OUR SEE OUR many . Spaniards. 'J.\J© fovern- ings. Wood and Metal Patterns j ANNIVERSARY ANNIVERSARY irect went out of its wr; to help Standard sizes Bronze a n d iron STORE WINDOW Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Cistern | tlu returning No refugee Rings and Covers, Oeanout Doors DISPLAYS DISPLAYS from Germany was refused ad- Sash Weights a n d Yellow Brass , mittance. Three of them were Piumeero' Ferrules, carried In i CORRECT AFFAEEL FCR KEN AND WOMEN stock. Bronze Tablets. Bronze one ' siven posts at the University of Cast Iron Grilles a Specialty. I Barcelona. By and large public



Our Film Folk

Each Purchase. of $2.50 {


Each Purchase of $5.0

Each- Purchase';of $1


V it

• I1111



Pase 4

every frYlday at Omaba, Nebraska, by

IHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - • - • • - S2.00 Advertising rates furnished on sppttcation. Editorial Office: 500 Brandeia Theater Building. Sioux City Office—-Jewi3b Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FHANK R.ACKERMAN r - - - - - - - E d i t o r FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs. Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL ••--• - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street

have come to the conclusion that existing law required amendment in order to deal more effectively with persons and organizations who provoke or cause disturbances to the public peace. A bill to strengthen the law without interfering with legitimate freedom of speech or assembly will be submitted." But this is not the only way Great Britain, with her traditional insistence on equality and justice, has answered the demands of the Mosleyites. Leslie Hore-Belisha was made minister of transport, a full cabinet rank, at a time when the Blackshirts were making their enfeebled attempt to infest England with Nazism. From all manifestations, there is little or no worry that the Nazi brand of Fascism is going to sweep into any kind of power in Great Britain. Nevertheless, we enthusiastically applaud the attitude of British Jewry. Instead of sitting back while the government talks about protection, they are organizing a campaign of defense on their own account.

nunity and sold him into what they no doubted considered destroy-1 muni his. ing slavery, "You meant to do me evil, God meant it for good." This

can and does ibe Sew find him: "Come an« see what thy creator die i'or thre. Arriving at storehouse ElBKer said: "1 review is woefully inade- vovr that nH this wheat be devotquate for so moving- and dramatic ed o the poor, and tbou hast a and tragic a tale, superbly told. e in if. equal Jv the other

That is God's purpose behind history with all its evils, wars, and crimes: that is God's meaning behind all life - - with all its sorrow, suffering and tragedv:—ultimate g-ood! Tlie final Within its pages are interspersed j-delightful bits of -precious Jewish perfection, happiness and blessedness of all humanity! To wisdom which the author employs quote again the incomparable Browning: with skill snd effect. His deep love for the Jew and Judaism, his "There shall never be one lost good! What was shall live as strong humanitarian ideals and before; his revulsion at the Nazi infam- [ The evil is null, is naught, is silence implying sound; ies have all combined in. helping j What was good shall be good,'with, for evil so much good more; him to produce a book v.Lieh tej to become a classic and i On the earth the broken ares; in the heaven a perfect certain which Jews will always be p.ble


- - Frederick Cohn.


n< ti II 'ai

% £ a


' Tragedy .lias, stalked central European Jewry for so long that a tale of tolerance is Mglily welcome. Aungary is the latest, country to lift the pressure on her Jews, and when Premier Kolman Doranyi raised the official ban on Zionist activity in Hungary, as well as outlawed a newly-organized antiSemitic party, he. was carrying out concretely his promise to treat the Jews with absolute equality and to forbid all forms of anti-Semitism. With the death of Premier Julius Goemboes, Hungarian Jewry were told they would have a better lot, but we were skeptical. Particularly did this seem out of place considering whp Hungary's cronies were.and considering the growing antiSemitism these "cronies" were displaying. However, now, under the enlightened rule of' Premier Doranyi, Hungarian Jewry nave cause for renewed hope. And if these recent developments are not mirages of the night, we may yet see Hungary joining Czechoslovakia and Jugoslavia as defenders of freedom and liberty in. central Europe/



Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration Fifty years is a long, span in the life of a business institution, and the Jewish community in Omaha Jias .prideful reason to extend congratulations to the Nebraska Clothing Company and to its president, William L.. Holzman, on the celebration of its golden anniversary observed the past week. Through half a century Jewish business leaders have played a leading role in the growth and development of the Nebraska Clothing Company, and - - even more important - - their philanthropic spirit and broad civic-mindedness have been woven into the warf and woof of the community's fabric. .Externally, there is nothing in the present Nebraska Clothing Company building to remind the delver into history of the structure which modestly housed the company a half century ago when Morris Levy, Matthew Strassburger and Herman Cohn launched their business venture. But internally - - in communal leadership and civic development and good merchandising principles - - the men at the helm of the institution today - - "Bill" Holzman and Otto "WVSwanson - - have carried on those master-merchandising ideals which have made

By DR. THEODOBE N. LEWIS Rabbi, Mount Sinsi Temple, Sioox City

to refer to with profit. Let UP hope that this brilliant achievement of Mr. Lowenthal will win him a host of new readers. Jewish and Gentiles, and that he win continue to devote bis talented pen to ihe enrichment of Judaism and the service ol Israel,

Gems of the Bible and Talmud

THE JEWS OF GERMANY (A bade under the Nazis is but the By £>r. FhJHp Sher STORY OF S1XTKEN CENTUR- culmination of that modern verIES) BY MARVIN LOWENTHAL JKW1SH 1'L'BlilCATION S O - sion of Jew-hatred which appearBIBLE, C1KTV, i93G S2.75 ed in I860. The Jewish leaders He who turnath away his ear This Is an indispensable booR j shocked and unable or unwilling from hearing the law, even his for those who seek an intelligent I to comprehend the sharp econom-Jn'rayV'is an abomination. grasp of the Jewish problem In | ic and FOCial forces behind this! When the ripht-ou* exult, there general and of its German aspect j phenomena, adopted a humiliating Ik, great glory, but when the wickin particular. The author, a mas-, and futile technique. They reputed rise, men must be sought for. ter of English prose, and of hiSjfliated their race and nationality; He who causetn his transgressubject matter, has placed before i proclaimed themselves a religious isions shall not prosper, but ^hous a proud record of well nigh! sect and pro-.dly and childishly j s o confessed and forsafceth them incredible achievement followed j announced that Germany was j shall obtain mercy. by wild desperation and utter; their Palestine and Berlin their I TALMUD ruin. It is also a condemnation! Jerusalem. Foolishly they be-1 Silence is the cure of everythe leaders of German Jewry forjHeved that a new nomenclature < thing^^When" Rabb7 Dimancarnetheir lack of vision and self de- would satisfy and silence the anti-j trom h e l land a n d oof f I sIsrael r a e i he from tthe he „— said ception, for their obstinate re- \ Semites. So they became, in vain! that there ther 8 ar: "A word is fusa to face reality, and for sac-j of course. Germans of the Mosaic | worth a *ela "(a dollar) and si-

"" t,0 T T •p.? KORKR.T *?TOXK NEW 1'ORU NAZIS HOWL THAT ;VKS, SIMPSON IS A JEWESS . . . But the Jews reali?:e they cannot claim her. FATI-iKF. COU0HL.IN SAY3 HE DEFENDS Tlltf JEWS From FV.rh ti.efendws" may the Lord deliver us. CKXFUfi MAKES ARGENTINE JEWRY NINTH LARGEST IN WORLD . . But Barou de Hirsch's dream of a large Jewish agricultural population there remains unfulfilled. ENGLAND ANSWERS liOALjEY BY NAMING JEW TO CAB1XET . . . That's telling 'em. POLISH JEWS FORM LEGION TO MARCH TO PALESTINE . . . But will the Homeland let In thepe wandering Jews? AUSTRIAN JEWISH SCIENTIST WI.WS NOBEL PRIZE IN MEDICINE . . . Hitler must love that. POPK XAMK3 3 JEWS TO PONTIFICAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE . . . Nothing surprising in this, is there? ROYAL COMMISSION DUE NOVEMBER 11th . • . Marking the end of the war? ARABS DEMAND END OF EALFOc'R DECLARATION AND MANDATE . . , But the Tishub puts its faith in its record of achievement and British justice. HEBREW UNTVERSITY BE- • GINS TWELFTH YEAR Bearing high the torch of knowledge in the Holy Land.

Polish officials and Jewish leaders are in agreement on. the Nebraska Clothing Company famed as the store carrying "ficing only too often the welfare; persuasion and repudiated someiience two. ^ , - 1 . , • I...-* i,..ii.._ .I.— • it , j i of the Jewish masses to their eco-'of the most basic tenets of Jew- Rabbi ^.-uv.- Samuel r.. Ben Martha said: one very vital point regarding the status of Polish Jewry today m o r e• noted clothing lines than any other store in the world, | ™ Tnterests and hoped fo"! "The study of the Torah is more ---namely - namely, that as many Jewish youths as possible should emi emi- where vhere "quality merchandise needs no comparative prices" prices." |j but unrealized unrealized, self-advancement self-advancement, ii But to no avail. important than the building of grate out of the land. The question resolves itself, therefore, Recognition of the firm's standing* reached a new high at the What an emphatic admonition to The steady growth of anti-Se-ithe Temple." (Because it is 1SG5 American Jews not to put too! into how this emigration should be accomplished. estimonial dinner last week, with outstanding leaders in the much faith and trust in those of mitism intensified by social and | years since the destruction of the At present, the Polish problem overshadows the German. slothing industry coming from far points of the country to pay our leaders who still cling to the economic forces, which finally ex-(Temple and the Jews not only under the Nazis, is de-' survived but also increased in To begin with, there are over three million Jews in Poland, liomage to the Nebraska "Clothing Company. Their tribute outworn thought patterns of the ploded sciibed vividly and dramatically J large numbers, so wt now have {Copyrifht ISC6 by Seven Arts Emancipation era, and who seek approximately eleven percent of the entire population. Furmost aptly expressed by one noted personality, who said: to guide and build Jewish life by in the fourth division of the rol-i about 16 minion Jews the world Feature Syndicate.) ther, the discrimination existing there cuts more keenly in that 'There are only establishments in the country the fatal illusions of German ume eminently entitled, "Rejec-! over. But if the Jews would quit tion." What did the Jewish lead-! studying the Tora.h. the Jewish it manifests itself unofficially but nevertheless effectively. Dur- ivhich can equal the record of the Nebraska Clothing Company, Jewry, illusions which left a peo- ers do in the face of the approach-'race would be a thing of the past College Club ple unprepared and stunned in the ing- his recent visit to London, Col. Beck- tried to get British but none can surpass it." day of trial. Th At the second meeting of the . - multiplied their protestations of i e charitable collectors would aid to expatriate several thousand Polish Jews but met with The Jewish community is proud to be represented in the The opening thirty-Six College Club held Sunday afterpages | o t i s m . f lovaltv t o ^ i d e themselves when they saw G e r m a n p a t H o no success. And Gazeta Polska, speaking semi-officially, de- business realm by such leaders as "Bill" Holzman. In congrat- which are devoted to a discussion are devoted to a aiscussion , t h e F a t h e r l a n d > G v o n t o - ^ e ,.J Elazer. the man of Bh-tha. be- noon at the Temple. Dr. Millard the clared editorially that half of the Jewish youths were "vegetat- ulating him, we wish him and the company he heads many ofnch th usan< ° J / e a r s ; f ° r m , t e n t of cancelling a contribution (cause they knew he would give Langfeld, Dr. ILeyer Beber, and the background or the introduc-l awa ing" in Poland and urged foreign Jewish financiers to aid more happy birthdays and successes. everything he had. One day Mr. Paul Golctblatt discussed tion to the colossal and inspiring t Q { ^ e Hebrew University, andi h e >" weisC o u t prior t o ' - n t o t h e market to "Health Insurance and State Medemigration. . y a few'months p story which follows. Here we this only icine.'" bb u v tt bb e ddi fit for f hi the Hitler follvlj daughter's wedding his "What was the Jewish response? Lord Melchett, an outmeet the first manifestations °f i and l^nor"revolution. The next meeting of the College nee! And What now their wedding.outfit The collecThe Mystery of Suffering organized Jew hatred, and the children " are flockins eagerly snd I t o r s o f t h e charity observed him, Club will be take place, Sunday, standing British industrialist, came forth with a proposal for virulent and uncompromising an- hopefully to the land they s o i and hid themselves*. However he November CP. at which Mme RabBy Eabbi Frederick Cohn expatriating 35,000 Jewish youths between the ages of 18 and tagonism of the church. In a shamefully repudiated. | pursued swiftly and said: "I bi K. Wic«? will show motion picThe Book of Job is one of the greatest, not merely in the moving 19 annually. And in this country Samuel C. Lamport, cotton chapter "Behind the __ . . . i cause you to swear that you will tu-res takers during his recent trip merchant and philanthropist, called a meeting to I discuss his Bible, but in all literature. It deals with the problem "why do Gate" we learn the secret of the rMr. , , u r p o s e v e a r e to the Mediterranean region and t h e Lowenthal ha, performed;..^ ^ for what faith of the Je"vr and of his undy- h° Palestine, men suffer, particularly the righteous t" It raises the greater masses a Parfic-,. c e l l e e t i A n d t h unswered: plan for large-scale industrial cooperative action to find a maring" loyalty to Judaisin, J uuaisia, a faith iauiii| tular The Coilejre Club is open to all service In emphasizing, .that , < W e a r e C 0 n e c t j l l raonej' for. the problem of the existence of evil in the world. If there is a h e i r ket for "Polish industry and provide employment for Jewish and tradition which enabled h r i ' th !r wpeace and security and ] wedding- outfits of two orphans young people o-f the city. -• •• e f a r e l s a l w a v s E n d £ V e r J-'who are about to be rnE.rried." He workers and v manufacturers in Poland. Meanwhile, in Poland fod, and if He is good, which is of course the chief quality to face unafraid not only exile! ,fh e r e ' nnd degradation, but death, w h i c h tjh^e i n n a t e l y bound up with zi&. ..j v o w l h a t h e j . h a v e p r e . Palestine Deports Reds a growing movement among the Jewish young men is the Jew- in our conception of 'God', and if He is omnipotent, as we re- transmuted fr^nomnto^ hie Peace, and security and t h e Irference ...-.- _ , . Jdaughter." - , , r.}1to, •• *„,! VBP „ over my And his fr-!.i) frail hnrtv body futn into welfare of the non-Jewish pop ish legion. Thousands between the ages of 18 and 32 are ig- gard Him as being, why, then, does He permit evil In the impregnable spiritual steel. everything he had. leavgave Jerusalem — It was announced rights are seenr o n e Z,JZ> f o r w h i c l l h e p , . o c e e d . noring an official government ban on recruiting for this Jew- world? This question has perplexed the greatest philosophers Book Two, "Degradation," cov- ulaUon.he Jewish officially that the Government arld rights j e d t o b u y s o m e wheat, and depos- has deported twelve Communists J_ _*_ ish legion, which proposes to march to Palestine without visas and moralists, as well as the author of the Book of Job. Job ers a period of about fire centur-i°°f are secure afe safe only|j{.e£ -•{. j n * , j s storehouse. When to Spam. ies roughly from the Crusades j reaches the well-known conclusion that God is so infinitely or passports and demand admittance from Palestine authori(1096) to the Reformation (1600) where and when there is a con-!(.ve xaottej. came, she asked her ter: "What did father bring ties. Their plan is to ask the authorities of each country they more than we can possibly understand with out limited in- during which time Israel endured sciousness or social justice. Where; oppression, injustice and tyranny And the .daughter replied: Meno^shs, Jewish Music, pass for permission to cross frontiers without passports . . . a telligence, that we must regard all He does as an inscrutable a continuous and heroic and un- rei martyrdom. It was the ^n> t h e l o t o f t h e J e w i s ' a s i { "All that he b.-ougrht he deposited plan which on its face shows that it is impractical but which mystery; having basis, however, |pr our faith that He is In- matched must be misfortune of the Jews to be c o m - j - Persecution and degra-| i n the storehouse.- she then wert is nevertheless valuable in that it demonstrates to what depth finite Justice and that aU that He does, in some high, holy pelled to deai in money lending i d a t l o n - I I l s therefore not o n l y | t o the storehouse and tried to way, is for the best. Job utters the triumphant sentence, "E'en during these centuries all o t h e r | t t l e P art 'Cular duty, but to the!open the door. Sh- noticed that Jewish feeling has gone. forms of honorable trade being j special advantage, of the Jew to; the wheat was piled w high and FELDMAN Many and varied have been the plans for emigration of though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him!" strictly' forbidden them by the) Participate actively, in all move-j that the storehouse was «r» full TAUEIS'M • PRAYER BOOKS ments t h a t a i m t o Evil, the philosophers have said, is the absence of good. church Constant and heavy e x - | "^crease social; that the wheat forced its way Jewish refugees from the large number of countries persecutGifts for Bar Mltsvah* by ecclesiastical and tern-' "gebteousness, that strive to mate, through the cracks in the wall? so ing their minorities. But, the trouble is always the same - - As such it is imperfection. And the object of so-called 'evil' actions hfe m o r e Res. 60S No. EOth St. GL.-SSTS poral powers who offered t h e ' secure and more abundshe could not open the (ioor, ' i t takes huge sums of money to transplant people, and land is to spur us on to perfect what is at present imperfect. If it Jew intermittent protection o n l y ! " 1 f o r , , t h e great masses. Only in When her husband returned from P. O. Box 71(5 Omaha. New must be found where the refugees will be admitted. Eight were not for this there would be no progress in the world. for what they could extract from the welfare of the general com-ithe house of learning, she said to now all the money possible is being raised to take care of Men would be content with their lot however low. There him, plus the grave risk involved, made the interest rates fearfully projects which are already underway, and it would seem that would be no 'civilization', for the race would be stagnant, high. When the burden of debt any new agencies to seek funds for the same purposes would sunk in indolence and indifference. So-called 'evils' drive them became intolerable and especially not be able to make much financial headway. The best thing on. Disease, for instance, goads men on to find remedies there- when a high cleric or important that we can do is to strengthen the homeland in Palestine for for, even at the risk or sacrifice of death. Pain is a signal of personage wanted to escape payment, expulsion followed, on one . the future and lend our best energies to the agencies already something wrong and an incentive for its correction or re- pretext or another. Not only were established so that our efforts should not be diverted into side moval. Even physical evils, such as storms, earthquakes, floods, the debtors then freed from their famine are causes' for man to exert himself, to attempt to sur- obligations but they came into channels or weakened because of split-strength. mount them, or even to utilize them, as man plucks electricity possession of the property of the Wholesale uprooting from the lightning, to be henceforth his obedient and construc- creditors. of Jewish communities from GerTHE CAUSE OF THE NEEDY ' tive servant. man cities occurred with sickenAs old as the people of Israel is the tradition of taking So, too, moral evils" as suffering, loss, tragedy, serve some ing regularity throvgh these care of those who find themselves in need. The ancient sages higher good. They purify the spirit. They perfect the nature centuries, and were accompanied by indescribable horrors. Yet with decreed that wb.en the grain was harvested and the grapes of man. They make him patient, resigned. They elevate his no other possibility of earning a gathered, some of the crop must be left in the field for the character. They make him an influence of good. How many livelihood the Jew continued to, the supremely ethical ad-j poor and the stranger. an invalid, by his or her saintly life, his conferred great bless- ignore monition of Judah, the Pious, This week, during the Community Chest Drive, the Jewish ings upon the world, not merely by some work that his or her "He who lends money at interest citizens of Omaha have an opportunity of respecting the pre enforced leisure gave opportunity to accomplish, but by the will be ruined- -he, his children, cepts of their elders who bade them remember the needy when influence they have been exert by their character, and and all his associates." The "Court Jews" the leading actors they counted their own wealth. by the patient, quiet heroism of their noble lives! in this heart rending drama were The Jewry of Omaha have not failed their fellow citizens. It is the noble Browning again who, by his sublime spir- often dishonorable and unprinci"Working to make, the Community Chest Drive a success are itual nature, has contributed so beautifully to the solution of pled, and sacrificed all too fre- 2 Jackets, Double Cellophane, several hundred Jewish men and women. Likewise thousand; this universal problem of human suffering and evil in general. quently the good name and the . Double-Mellow Old Golds welfare of their communities for of Omaha Jews are showing their generosity and contributing Recall his inspiring words, in .his poem, "Eabbi ben Ezra." doubly Fresh and Fragrant! purposes of self-aggrandizement so that the poverty of the city will be diminished. ]':'..' and personal safety. "Poor vaunt of life indeed, , NCE UPON A TIME, cigarette makers cicr't In the third section Mr. Low"We have not and shall not forget our less fortunate breth Were man but formed to feed pat Cellophane around a pack of cijare.Ies. enthal tells the story of the slow ren. "The righteous consider the cause of the poorj the wicked most smokers seldom got a cigarelle ihsl On joy; to solely seek and find and feat; and painful march of Jewish And was really hesh. regard not to know it." emancipation and the enormous Such feasting ended, then ' i Then the cigsrelte makers Soot io paSicg price It exacted. The new status As sure an end to men: '. of citizenship and equality brought one jacket of Cellophane around each pack. SQUELCHING MOSLEYISM .,- , Irks care the crop-full bird! Frets doubt the maw-crammed the Jew amongst other things, That helped. beast?" • > * ; ;. deep emotional conflicts, a host Great Britain is moving slowly but deliberately to stomp But r.oE until OLD GOLDS originated dottble of neurosis and frustrations, psy- vrrapping—a sea! o{ two Cellophane Jackets—was He says further: out the manifestations of religious and racial intolerance which chic strains and spiritual confu- tlie problem ©£ true cigarette freshness solved. ^ have marred the English'scene in recent monthsiAs had .been "Then welcome each rebuff sion. It deprived him of his forflow every Doable-Mellow OLD GOLD just mer appreciation of and devopredicted, a bill has been introduced into the House of Com- That turns earth's smoothness rough, sings to your senses with fell flavor aad fration to Judaism; left him spiritmons to ban political uniforms and put a halt on public meet Each sting that bids nor sit nor stand but go 1 grance. Sings in a douhle-tnellow voice that is ually orphaned and naked. 1 the iaheriJsace of priss crop tobaccos. ings tending to incite racial antagonisms. While the Mosley Be our joys three-parts pain! Yes despite these gigantic sacBlackshirts were not specifically mentioned, there is no doubt Strive, and the strain; rifices, despite the Jew's escessive © Neither taeciker nor climate ecu put en but that they are the direct object of the bill. We expect Learn, nor account the pang; dare, never grudge the zeal in de-;"udaizing, in making OLD COLD out of condition. And tniUiomhimself a German, despite his cf OLD COLD enihasiasts answer this nets cial action to be taken shortly on the matter - - this was fore . / t h r o e ! " .';... ' • . " . ' manifold aad conspicuous contrinote in cigarette freshness in praisehd t&nss" shadowed in King Edward's first formal address from the There is no gain without pain; and even what we'wall butions to the country, the massX.: throne opening the new session of lent. Confirming and deem evil is turned into good at last. This is triumphantly es continued to hold to their old pleasant anti-Semitic prejuprevious reports that the British government was preparing to illustrated in the glorious Joseph story where Joseph said to and dices and to regard him ES an MADE FROM THE FIHEST deal with Mosley's hoodlum's, the King said: "My minister] his brothers who had persecuted and even sought to kill him alien intruder. The Jewish de-




Mrs. Bramson Has Active

Dance Chairman.

Kew members of HasLasssh are 1 the Mesdames: William EadusixiiT! T'AT* er, Isafiore Sherman, Isadore Abrahamsoa, Harry Frankel, Morris Arkin, Samuel £. Kaiman, Julius Haytin, Kilton Mayper, Sam TTertheinier, Karry, AlperIn rrepertion for the firs son, M. Klein. L. H. Nogg, Paul nual c!.Ence of the Btrnstein, J. M. Malashock, Ralph CoTnmr.inity he rejruipr rneet.inr of ffi» Goldberg, Jay Wrigh Morton Federation LIpsej, Kelvin Plotkin, Sol Detjf. Kil! Comet^rv APPOC!? • Sat.urcaj* r.igrht. s.t gan, S. E. GiliJiEty, Dave Sosen- Center, the aufiitorium has> beer will be helc. f.t. tbe ,15'JIR.' Jacobs Kynaporne. ZAih pt?n TS'Vbstock, Leo TTeits, Shapiro, I a Mabel Goldsmith, M. A. Wasser- | s ~ 6 E e Falling EDDT, icicles. s?.nd olasr on TnePnRT, Novemhpr r<, nan, and Sol Ff.hz. 2 pale ightE wi for tne luncheon j port the cancers to &n ice cam-ihe cedication of the ne OE December 6. can be made by calling Mrs. Al-iral in the frozen north. fred Fiedler, Atlantic ££E5; Mrs. Patrons of the cance are: Mes-| Lawrence Finkle, TTalctit COSE; , srs Patronize Our ^.c'ver{it»c-tp srs and and MesdameB JJesdames Sam Sam Arrlcman, irvin Stalmaster TTalcut j S a m A I p e r S 0 E , Herman Auerlwcl.. 5109. Eari^h, Be-ber, Mrs. Darid E. Cohen aufi Mrs. Sam Borer. A. H. Brodker, David Darid B. Cohen will hare charge Elacker, Leslie Burkecroad, Paul of decorations. Elotcty, Dave Cohc, Harry CoopPreceding- the luncheon a board er, -EermEii Cohen, Isadore Chapting- will be held a*, twelre man, Ben Danbaum, William Fritz, Karry Ferer, JohE Farber, Morris Ferer, DETICI GoifinaEii, David Greenberg, aufi J. J. Greenberg. Others Include Rabbi and ^rT6. Plans for the Beth El Rigacoo D. GoldBtein, Dr. and Mrs. to be held at the Jewish Commnnity Center oa December IE Goldman, and Messrs. and Ke promise an enjoj-able time tc all fiamea Paul Goldblatt, Daviti

/ oniea' s

Announcement lias been made of toe recent marriage ol Miss Caarlotte HlrschterB, formerly of Omaha, to Hr. Samuel C. Kendis, also a former Omahan. The couple vent on their honeymoon to Santa Maria and San Francisco. Upon their return from their honeymoon, the newlyweds will make their home a t the Picadllly Apartments in Los Angeles .

Mrs. Jack Bramson, one of the most active worktrs annually in ;he Tuberculosis Seal campaign :onducted by the Nebraska Tuberculosis Association, will head more than one hundred volun-

Earlier Deadline Nesft Weels

Next Thur&day being Thanksgiving day tbe Jewish Press vrlll be published one day early. All itenj»: tor the Society Page for next treeb's edition must be i n the J*ress office before . five o'clock, Tuesday, Novembei 24.'

ANKOU>XE WEDTOKG The marriage ol Miss Evelyn Schlanger, daughter of Mrs. Jeanle Schlanger, to Simon Feldman, •will take place at tiie Beth Hamedxosh Hagodol Sjraagogne, 19th

in administering the summer .Fresh Air Camp at Seventy-eighth and Center streets. Leaders in the can:paign nave set $12,000 as the goal to be raised this year. The mosey is needed for a. program of Ekintesting and X-rayi g in the high schools, where the disease takes its highest toll. Statistic* show that two-thirds of the deaths caused by tuberculosis la among young people Detween 15 and 45 years of age. Early discovery and arrestment could prevent needless loss of life. Additional funds are also needed to enlarge the capacity of the ^ummer Health Camp, whicb now can care for only 44 boys and flrls.

SORORITT PARTY Phi Delta Mu Sorority held a theater party in honor of the new president, Eva Ruderman, Saturday night, November 14. The and Bnrt streets, Sunday, Novem- group later gathered at the home CALENDAR OF. WOMEN'S ber 29, at 5 p. m. of Miss Edythe Epstein where a A reception will be held at the midnight supper was served. EnACTIVITIES home of the bride's uncle and tertainment followed. Nov; 2 1 — Beth-El AczOi* aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hobersry Oneg Shabbos. man, 128 No. 34th street. All friends and relatives are cordial- VISITING IN OMAHA Nov. 21 —- AnEEal Dsnce, Mrs. Rose Vort of New York ly invited. Women's Division of J . C. C City, formerly Miss Rose Gilbert Nov. 22 — Joslya Btanorial of Omaha, is visiting her mother ANNOUNCE BIRTH Lecture Hall, Miss Helen W. Mr. anu Mrs. Vario'WBky of and family at 2804 Newport Gauss soeaker, 3 : SO p. m. A party -was given in St. Louis announce the birth of a Avenue. Joslyn Memorial Concert son, Harold Stanley. MrB. Vark- her honor at the Fontenelle Hotel Hail, Organ recital, 4:GO p. rn. oweky, is the former Lena Levy by her brother. Mr. E. Gilbert. Mossrt i*rograiii — 4:30 p. Many other affairs are planned in Mrs. Jack Bramson of Omana. m. her honor. Totrn Hall Fcrcm, —— 8:00 eers in a city-wide Bangle Day BRIDESMAID that will be held Saturday, Dec- p. m. Mrs. Morris Brick's name was BACK FROM NEW iORK Nov. S3 — Council of Jewember 19. inadvertently omitted from the Mis3 Faye Gerelick has re- JMra. Bramson represents the ish Women Study Groop 2 ; CO list of bridesmaids who will be in turned from a month's stay in ealth chairmen of the* Omaha p. in. attendance for Miss Sarah Kap- New York City where she was ex-Council of the Parent-Teacher AsNov. 23 — Junior Council * lan's wedding Thanksgiving day. tenslvely entertained. sociation, and as a leader of this Modern Problems class, Pasgroup, correlates her work with ton Hotel — 8:OO p. m. CANADIAN GUEST the Nebraskp Tuberculosis AssoNov. 21 — Talmud Torah Mrs. Anna Stern has as ' her COCKTAIL PARTY ciation, in protecting the health meeting, J . C. C. 8:00 p. &s. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Erman gueBts, her daughter, Mrs. Saul of school children by educating Nov. 24 — Temple Israel Goldln and children, Patria and entertain at a cocktail party at them in the basic facts oi the dis- Sisterhood Bible Class. their home Saturday evening preCharles, of Winnipeg, Canada. ease. Nov. 24 — Mt. Sinai CemeMrs. Goldin was formerly Miss ceding the J. C. C. Women'k DiAssisting her !n conducting tery Ladies A'lailiary, Adass Ida Stern of this city. She is be- vision Dance. Bangle Day will be various civic Tesh&rea Synago^ae. ing extensively entertained durand educational groups, including Nov. 24 — Plesssat Hill TO KANSAS CITY ing her visit here. MrB. A. B . Alpirln left for Kan- 'arent-Teacher health chairmen. Cemetery Ass's. B'nai itusobs Bangle Day proceeds will aug- Synagogue, 2:00 p. za. sas City to visit relatives and JOSLYN MEMOHIAI* ment funds raised by the sale of Nov. 24 — Goldle Blevcrsoa Hiss Helen W. Gauss will lec- friends. Tuberculosis Seals. The entire Clnb. ture on "Beauty and Ugliness In proceeds go for health education, • Nov.; 24 — Temple Israel' a Settlement Neighborhood" at RETURNS HOME the prevention and cure of tuber- Sisterhood Current Topics, 3:30 p. m. this Sunday In the Mrs. L. Kaplan of Jamaica, Long iulosis, in Omaha, as well as to Blackstoae Hotel, 10: SO p. m. Island, who has been the guest of Josyln Memorial lecture hall. pay for a health nurse and assist Nov. S5 — Senior Hadasab At 4 p. m. Sunday Miss Esther her Bister, Mrs. Joe Goldware, for Luncheon,, J . C. C. 1:00 p. m. the past three weeks, is leaving Leaf will play the regular Sunday Nov. 28 — JQBIOT Ead&Esah READS ORIGINAL PLAY afternoon organ' recital at the for her home next week. Dsaice, Fontenelle Hotel. Memorial, assisted by David San- During her visit here Mrs. KapNov. 27 — Temple Israel ders, Tenor, who recently won thelan was entertained by Mrs. Leo Mrs. Philip Romonek read an Sisterhood Craft Class, 1:00 p . Foz. Mrs. O. Fox, Mrs. A. N. Mid-West Music Festival contest, >riginal play BB part of the pro- m. and Delores Sanders, Accompanist. Shrago, Mrs. I. Perelman, Mro. N. gram which the Women's Faculty Nov. 27 — Temple Israel Perelman, Mrs. A. Kaslowsky, Club of the University of NebraIn the lecture hall a t 4:30 p. m.Mrs. Sisterhood Puppet Class, 1:09 Ben MIHman, Mrs. Sam Gorethis Sunday, a. Mozart Program, llcfe, Miss Ida Daytch, Mrs. D. ska Medical School presented be- p. m. sponsored by the Federal Music Stein, Mrs. Eva Konecky, and 'ore the Faculty Club of the UniNov. 27 — Temple Israel versity of Nebraska at Lincoln. Project and directed by Mme. Mrs. Sisterhood Sewing group, e t Hairy Chernniss. Thea Moeller-Herms, is to be, pre1:00 p. EI» Mrs. Kaplan will be the guest Bented. I t will consist of escerpts Dec i s —Beth El AxsSHaij DIME CLASS oi bonor at a luncheon to be given from the opera "The Marriage of —"Rigadoo" by Mrs.3. Stein at her home, and Figaro". Dec. 10 — Tesaisle Israel at a no-hostess luncheon at tbe The Bible Class of the SisterNo Tong Park of China Is to be Paxton Hotel, Tuesday noon. Sisterhood Show boat party. hood of Temple Isruel will'meet the lecture tor too Town Hall at the borne of Mrs. J . M. NewForum, sponsored by the Nebras- SEE THEATER GUILD man, 723 N. £7 Street. Co-hostka Society of Colonial Dames this esses will be Mrs. Albert Newman TO CALIFORNIA Sunday evening at S. His subject PRODUCTION Hrs. Iz Levinson and eon left and Mrs. Sam Wertheimer. Among those in the audience at will be "Our F a r Eastern Relalast week for California. She will the Theater • Guild Production of tions". be gone'for about six weeks. "End of Summer", starring Ina All of the activities are free of Claire, MODEM PROBLEMS CLASS presented at the Central charge. : The Junior Council Class in High auditorium were Rabbi and MrB. Frederick Conn. Rabbi and Modern Problems will meet at tbe Scpcrfluouo Hair pormmnMrs. David H. Wice, Mr. and Mrs.Paxton Hotel, Monday evening at entljr reciOTod by skilled' eight o'clock. Maltipls Eleetrolysia Opvra* Mrs. Samuel Stern and Mrs. Ben Silvers, Mr. and Mrs. Albert tor. Writs Frieda Bradaliaw, Meyer Stern will be hostesses to Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Jules New523 World-Herald Mli man, Mrs. Louis Somberg. Mr .and Blonde Jews are found in many the Oneg Shabbos group of the Osaaha, Nebr. Beth El Auxiliary this Saturday Mrs. Morris Jacobs, XIr. and Mrs.countries where the Gentile popat 2 p . m. at the home of Mrs. Jack Melcher, Mr. and Mrs. Benulation Is of dark complexion. Samuel Stern, 342 N. 35th Ave. Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. P a t l BernRabbi David A. Goldstein will stein, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swartz, discuss t h e portions of the Torah Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gross, Mr, which are read in the Synagogue and Mrs. L. Gross, Mr. and Mrs on Shabbos mornings during the L. Llpp, Mr and Mrs. Max Holz man, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stemberg month. Cantor Edgar will ' lead the Mr. and Mrs. Richard Einstein singing-* The afternoon will be Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wolf, Mrs. Eva concluded with the Avdolah ser- Konecky, Miss Sylvia Welner, and vice, the- ending of the Sabbath others.





Soala Eoitsteia Mies Sonia Roitsteia is general chairman of tbe Committee sponsoring the Junior Hadassah Thanksgiving Dance on Thursday, November 26, at the Foutenelle Hotel.

Beth-£1 Plans


The Otaalsa Chapter of Hadas- attending. According to Mrs. Greenberg:, Max Holzmar, V sah is conducting an intensive John Faier. co-chairman of the Jacobs, Robert Kooper, Srnc membership cainpaigt under the Ways snd Means Cojnntittee of Ian, J. K. Kulalcofskr, Louis Knchairmanship of Hrs. B. A. Si- the Beth El Auxiliary which is lakofsky, Phil Klutznick, Jrviti mon acd Mrs. Charles Levinson, sponsoring the Chanukah carni- Levin, Kilton Lsvingstors, Sam and to honor the members who ral, "This affair wlil be an in-1iLeon, Leon, Earrj" M&lashock, ,T. M, have -joined the ranks of Hadas- comparable event" • K&lashock, Maurice Kicfclir,, Kysaa this year, a luncbeon \rill be The whole Jewish Community J mie Kiider, as orris Milder, Albert given on Wednesday, November Center Cter buildil-g1 is to be turned j Newman, Sam Robinson, Harry j 25, at the J. C. C. et one r'clock. over for t h e carxnral and booths, Eubenetein. E. A. Simon, Her, Following the luncheon, a pro- which are beiar built unfier the Somberg, Irrin Stalmaster, Dr. gram arranged by Mrs. Ftiineas able direction of Miltom Frohmjand Mrs. Adolph Sachs. A b t Somd L Kaplan. | b e r g t L o u i s Somberfc> J o s e p h Wintroub -will be preserted. Rabbi Albert D. Goldstein of DavenThe children of the SunflEV TTeinberg, Al Wohiner, E. A. port, Iowa, s-.ctive in the Zionist School are sponsoring a booth Wolf End Sam Ei organization, will spea> on "Thethat -will display their needlework Also the MesEFB. Eugene Blazer, Prophet's Dream ajid the Ped- and woodcraft. Prizes are to be William Groflinsfey, William Holzdler." Rabbi Goldstein, who at-awarded to the boy and girl re- man, Sam Herzberg, A. Lorring, tended the Hebrew Union College sponsible for the outstanding Hetrr Monsky, Keubec Natelson, with Rabbi David H. Wice of Om- pieces cf handcraft. Any child and I. E. Zimman, aha, is an able and forceful cr- wishing to participate or enter Mr. and Mrs. Abe Eereberg, ator. this contest may do so by call- KTB. Louis Keveleff, and Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg will ing Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, chair- Krs. 3. Erinan. give the 'obligation' to the newman of this booth, airs. Eoberi j Franklvn Vincent's orchestra members and community singing, Kooper is co-chairman. Another will furnish the music for the led by Mrs. Aaron Edgar and ac-feature of the Sunday School dancing. Proceeds will go tc the companied at the piano by Mrs.booth will be the drawing for an fund of completing the dedecoraJ. M. Malathock will conclude the Aigan and a Shirley Temple coll. jtion of the Center auditorium and program. Mrs. I. Tv. Rosenblatt is chair- i equipping the Center stare. Those serving on the reception man of the "VTays and Mean? ComMrs. Greenberg and Mrs. committee are the Mesdsmes: mittee; Mrs. John Faier is co- Sam Theodore have been in Horace Rosenbluia, Harry Coop- chairman. Mrs. Morris Katelman charge of patron's tickets. •T, Isadore Sherman, and Julias is ticket chairman. Publicity Haykin. chairman is Mrs. Harry Trustin. Patronize Our Advertisers

il !

1i i i 1 i

MM i i i-



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,1 GEEAT - GRANDMOTHER VISITS 60 — Approximately 60 sons, daughters, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren and assorted in-laws greeted sturdy Mrs. Anna di Massa Agnese, 81, from fschia, Italy, when she arrived in Brooklyn, N. Y., recently. She is shown with some of them at her son's home, on her first visit to America. She had not seen her children for 15 years. IVIASCOT—This donkey, held by Lieutenant-Governor J.B. Snider in Vicksburs, Rliss., v:ill become famous, if Mr. Snider has his say. The miniature steed vill be presented to James A. Farley, Kational Chairman of the Democratic party, as the party's o 3 cial 'mascot. Then he •will take part in the inaugural parade in Washington next January. He has been a local feature for three years.



BEH5GE rATEOL—Thccs 4.C rnoiot policomo:! v Jl guard against t r a S c violations on the nevrly opened San Francisco-Oakland bridge. If violators sre arrested they will be bent in a tabloid jail resembling an oversized telephone booth on the structure itself, until police transfer them. This view vras take- from one of the suspension towers and shows boats below.




SWEET BABY—Meet Juliet, leading lady and newest attraction a t a San Francisco zoo. This lion cub has a twin brother named, of course, Borneo. But while Romeo continues aloof to the stares of the crowd, Juliet tells the visitors just what she thinks of them, as you might guess from this picture.


CAMPAIGN — Miss Mary C. Duffy of Newark, N. J., Supreme Regent of the Catholic Daughters of America, world's largest Catholic. women's organization, which" is about to launch an enrollment campaign for 100,000 new members. The campaign will be carried on throughout the United States, Alaska, Canada, Cuba. Porto Rico and the Panama Canal Zone.

MINING HEIE TCRftS TO FILMS—At left is M. Robert Guggenheim, 26-year-old heir to the copper, nitrate, tin and diamond fortune founded by his grandfather, who has taken a modest position with a Hollywood film company. He hopes some \ day to produce pictures of his own. He is shown with William Wellraan, film director, who is giving him a few pointers about pictures.

i \ •<**.

* I*!




VICTUALS — Prices of holiday foods started to climb in San Francisco as the maritime strike continued, but many thousands of strikers passed daily through the joint strike committee's mess hall shown above. Good food was plentiful as the Marine Cooks and Stewards union took charge of its operation.

i IT. C. L. A- HOPEFUL—Young Bill Spaulding, son of the football coach of the University of California at Los Angeles, in practice for the left halfback position on the Bruin eleven. Kept on the sidelines by injuries the last two years, he hoped to be a, regular this season. It was thought he might enter the contest against .Washington State University at Los Angeles.

RU3VIOEED — Edward P. McGrady, Assistant Secretary of Labor, who has been striving to bring about agreements in the maritime strike in San Francis. co. Washington observers say he may soon be made Secretary of Labor.

MAY WED SOON — Hollywood film colony is listening for the wedding bells of Geoige Raft, screen star, and Virginia Peine Lehman, Chicago heiress and divorcee. Mrs. Raft has been seeking a Reno divorce and Raft and Mrs. Lehman, shoisTi above at the Hollywood Tennis Club, are expected to wed soon.

PILOT—Majid Shariph, 23, native of Bagdad. Iraq, shown at Roosevelt Field, Long Island, after passing his test for a pilot's license. He is now taking advanced flying and p«ans to return to Bagdad later to start an airplane business. Eis family owns the largest moving picture houst in the eastern city.

DICTION PSIEE—Iria Claire, actress, shown in a radio studio in Chicago as she listened to ceremonies in New York in which Professor William Lyon Phelps presented her the American Academy of Arts End Letters gold medal for good diction. She was unable to go to New York because of Her stage engagement. She said she used to trip over words of two syllables.


BATTLE IN THE. CLOUDS—As -Rebels halted outside Madrid to reorganise their land forces city with six Rsbel and


two S f i S JVewspIctnn*

THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20r 1935 I chair was wen by Mrs. Joe Brown, , man of its .Je-Rirh National F u n d - a n d members who wish to donate of the ie_. lost tribes tells that protes e

Wo men's

{611 No.- 30 St. Mr-. A. Shafton, ! chairman of the affair, stated A large atter-ciance marked j that it was a big success financitije meeting oFtbe "Women's Miz- ally. rachi held Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. i. Beber, an ardent workThe Jewish -women Omaha Ripa, Jack Kaufman, Dave Stein. The drawing of the upholstered er in the organization and chairare taking a particularly import- H. Hirschman, Samuel Cohn, ant part in the current Commun- Dave Levine, I. Sokoloff, andTVliss ity Chest Drive. Over one hun-Libbie Kaplan. dred and seventy-five -women are Mrs. Eoger Holman heads the participating in the campaign to "Women's .Division of the Coinraise funds for the charities o f j m u n j t y Chest. The Jewish Comthe city of Omaha. . ; munity Center and Welfare ? FedMrs. R. Kulakofsky for theeration is a;member of the Cornfourth consecutive year is one of munity Chest, the four- women on the executive committee of the Community Chest. Mrs. H. Kulakofslsy is on the Initial Gifts Committee and is in charge of collections from clubs ,T and churches of the entire city, imniitinmiiiiiHE r «"?tr Mrs. Ben ilver is acting as chairman of the Jewish Women's Temple Israel division and Mrs. Morris v KatelRabbi David H. Wice will is secretary. . • speak on "An Old Suggestion Office assistants include Mrs. from a New Free-Thiaker .—Quit rthur Cohn, Mrs. Dave Feder, Praying'." at the Friday evening E. Julius Newman, and Mrs. Da- services. Services start at 8 Greenberg. Majors include o'clock. rs. Manuel Grodinsky, Mrs. Ben Saturday morning services "will avitz, Mrs. Louis Llpp. Mrs. j held at eleven o'clock. Wlip Levey, and Mrs. Jrvin C. evin. ' AIR CONDITIONING FIXTURE SUPPLIES Beth El s "Women in Mrs. Grodinsky's eliAt this evening's service; Rabbi sion are the Mesdames Horace Davii A. Goldstein's sermon will iosenblum, Sam Stern, A. I. Pra-be "An Eye for An Eye," the ell, L.. Alberts, F. K .RoddjvMey- first of a series of sermons disFor the most complete Beber. J . M. Erman, M. Ber-cussing accusations agairst Jews • election of fixtures and Air Conditioning yicl, Abe Greenspan,' Harry and. Judaism, and the answers supplies in the Midwest tamow, Clarence Bergman, Sam Jews should know. for every purpose visit the vartz, Al Newman, "W. A. KosenNext JFriday , Rabbi Goldstein sr, J . M. Newman, Max Holzman, will preach a. Thanksgiving serDistributed by H. Brodkey, Bert Hene, Mil- mon on the theme, "Jewish Gratpn Livingston, Abe Bombers, Mel itude for America." reltman, Chas Schlaif fer, E. L. Air Conditioning Corp. iubin, David R. Cohn, I. Weiner, 1101 Douglas Talmud Torah Services F. Friedman, Joe Freeman, 104 No. 18th St. At Talmud Torah services this JA-2124 jfohn Faier, Sam Davis, Harry SilAT-3454 erman, I. A. Cherniss,-.-.Harry Saturday, the sponsor -will be Edward Lincoln. Last Satommer, Hyman Belman and Miss Mrs. u r d a y tlle Sess Blank an d Miss 31anche | eph Bloch. sponsor was Mrs. JosSimman. •'••"•_•''' Honored at the scroll Saturday Mrs. Ben Rayitz's division in- vere Abraham Bondarin, .Gordon fcludes the Mesdames Jack. Marer, Jhrqlly Goodman', Paul Goldstein, I'otash, Norman Bloch, and Nor,-nders Steinbach, Harry Ravitz, man Lashinsky. Accessories and Parts for "Say It With Flower*" Talmud Torah services begin all Cars" Tires - • Oils - I. Krupinsky, Jack Orlikof f, HuBatteries. ert Sommer, Philip Klutnick, at 10 a. m. Saturday mornings in ennet Cohn, aiaynard Greenberg, the lodge room ol the J. C. C. Winterize Your Car Ibert Steinberg, Jane Appleman, Now! rthur Goldstein, Gertrude Langh- CALENDAR REVEALS JEWspecializes in c e n t e r S. E. Block, Art Roma, I*eo pieces, corsages, funeral erman, A. A. Steinberg, Sam ISH WOMEN VARY THEIR World PHofor arrangements, weddings, Steinberg, Alfred Fiedler, Sam ACTIVITIES Supply Stores |reenberg, James Corenman,- Seycut flowers, and potted lz Sherman Milton Moskovitz iour Cohn, Art Green. Ben Kaz- As an aid to milady's overplants. 1 9 1 9 Fsrnam S t . sky, Sam Green, Howard Mil- taxed memory, the Jewish" Press Floor Brandeis Store , „ , Herbert Neveleff, Frank in its last edition introduced a WE-2929 Ickerman, Elmer Greenberg, and weekly calendar. At the time the liss Esther Stein, • calendar -was being compiled t i n the division headed hy Mrs.there was no realization it would ipuis Lipp are the,Mesdames Sam be of such proportions. A modest J'olf, Sam Gilinsky, Phil Gilinsky, calendar of a few scheduled .avid Goldman, L. Kulakofsky, M. events was contemplated, but the inbenstein, H. Rubenstein, Paul result was seven inches of space THE ilotcky, Morton Hiller, A. D. Rub- devoted to seventeen activities. BEAUTY SALOP! ptz, Leonard Posley, Bon TheoThoser curious ' of how the laiore; Max Block, Harry;..Mala- dies of "Omaha spend their after:— Features Shampoo and Finger Wave jhock, J . Malashock, Sam -Robin- noon houTS -need only glance at 27th a Martha If A. SS23 Ion, Sam Appleman, J . Wright, the list of activities to which femSQc Brass, Bronre Aluminum, Sofi Allan Cohn, Sam Grey Iron and Semi-Steel CastNathan Turner, inine Omaha devotes its time. The Zotos Permanent Wave ings. Wood and Metal Patterns. folf, Harry Hirsnberg, Jack Current Problems, Bible Classes, with no .machinery and no elecStandard sizes Bronze and Iron , Sam Teper, Morris Shapiro, Stifdy groups of various and sun- tricity used at $3.50 and up. Bushings. Sewer Manholes, CisLevlnson, Joe 'Weinberg, Phil tern Rings and Covers, Cleandry sorts, lectures, book reviews, out Doors, Sash Weights and 716 Brandeis Theatre Rochroan, and craft classes, and a mulitude of gBlumberg, Harry Yellow Brass Plumbers' FerBuilding rules, carried in stock, Bronze other groups are changing the lobert Rosenthal. Tablets, Bronre -and Cast Iron

Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.


The Bracelets Floi^/er Shop

Pardcn Elifcfiell

Assisting Mrs.. Phillip Levey ladles from epeponents of mere ,rare the Mesdames Moe Linsman, housewifely duties to creatures of "Lawrence Gross, Milton Abrams, understanding and intellect.


Grilles a specialty.

Harold Brodkey, Edward Brodkey. Leon Fellman, Elmer Gross, Al UTILIZE ADVANTAGES OF Mayer," David "Wice, Morris Levy, •M. E . Handler, Harold Farber, Er- THE HANDY SERVICE nest Nogg, Joe Rice, William GUIDE OaiAHA'S RNEST P. Levey, Jack Melcher, William RaRECREATIONAL PARLOR :usln, Sam Theodore, M. A. "VengStarting- with this week's issue BILLIARDS—SNOOKER V"> '" ?r, TL. H. Kooper, Ruben Brown, POCKET BILLIARDS ' Dave Sherman, I.' Rosenblatt, V. the Handy Service Guide "will apAH New Streamline Tables M. Ganz, Herman Cohn, Al Wohl- pear regularly in the Jewish Press our readers a convenient Restaurant—Bar ier, Ruben Tfann, Rose Kramer, offering reliable means of turning quickly Direct Wire On All Sam Rothenberg, H. Au,erbach, lo the type of. service desired. •Sporting Events find Sylvia Moskovitz. The advertisers in the Handy Ladies Especially invited Those in Mrs. Levin's division Service Guide are ail reputable T-j the Mesdames X. Stalmaster, business establishments, and deWilliam Milder, G. Solomon, Louis serve and merit you patronage. BILLIARD AND LUNCH 5ogolow, A. Greenberg, Leo Bran1318 Farnam St. WE 3423 We recommend that you give , .on. Julius Stein, M. E. Chapman, them a trial. Julius Abrahamson. Joe Goldware, H




.BURNER- SEHVICE Lumber & Coal Co. V/ALNUT 0 3 0 0

J J . Friedman, R- Bordy, David B.

CURRENT TOPICS •!* TohW Dave Cohn, David Greenicrg, Dave Bernstein. I. Dansky, America's place In world hap[ Abrahamson, Henry Belmont, penings will be the subject of Dr. Frohm, J. J- Frieden, P . Frederick Cohn's discussion be•*LLIH * - - — . fore the Current Topic group of Wintraub, H. Milder, Max Davis, the Sisterhood of , Temple Israel Ralph Goldberg,. Meyer Stein,- A. next Tuesday at 10:30 a. m, at the Blackstone Hotel. His topic Icor Concert -will be "America's Role in the World." Mrs. Louis Kultkofsky The icor of Omaha will present is chairman of the series. Ticin Tuesday, December 8, at S:30ikets may be gotten at the door. j m. at the J. C. -C, • a concert >v Maxim Borodin and '•• Zelda XI LAMBDA 51atin, featuring arias from famA special meeting of the Xi IUB.operas, Russian folk songs, Lambda fraternity was held at ind readings. . . Mr. Borodin formerly sang with the Paston Hotel, Wednesday, he Chicago and San Carlo Opera November 11, to begin preparations for the Fraternity's Companies Miss , Zlatin is well c w T e a r . B Oinner Dance. mown for her readings and reci. „ „ „ „ „ , „ , „ are „ „ ,in ,„ ncharge „, Arrangements h . _ D of ntioas and will accompany Mr. Bill Sokoloff. He is being as3orodin at the piano. sisted by Arthur Grosman, Max Turner, and Oscar, Mayerowicb. GOLDIE MEYERSON CLUB A limited number of bids will be ' •'

r —'

•' '


The Goldie Meyerspn Club -will j


- ——


the home of Mrs, A. Meyerson,, . ^ H a d a s s a h R m n m a g e Sale !602 Einkney St. Mrs. Leo Taub Tvill be he 1 ^ Monday'and J A ill be cp-hostess. , Mrs. J. RichNovember 22 and; 23,at in gave a report at the .last meet- day, 1616 % Capitol Avenue. • For the ng on the National Convention vhich was held recently in Bos- jconvenience of those who "have bundles to bring, the store will on. jb< open all day Sunday.

Phone Atlantic 2815 2315 Farnam' Street

Scrviss With a Smile We Never Class


For .

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. O Sweet Gutter ' O Baled Hiilk ' • . O Sour Cream . and many other products, ask yojjr grocer or call . 2

tairy HA-222S

Our funeral parlors are furnished in home-like fashion.. We havs spared neither time - nor expense in developing every phase of stir service. t

Fzrnara c t S2?d

j^AIMAN COMMENTS . . . too modest too divulge ; ing his Tast knowledge of Hebrew

An Invitation

Of the forty bowlers who be-j I gan their season last Tuesday, i i about twenty-five are of "mark- j Tor those' ; etable" age (bachies). I rrho hare an inclination to vatch: '• several stahvart young men dis: port themselves in very health-' ful indoor exercise, vre recom-; mend particularly to the femmes, j i that you come to the Ak-Sar-Beni bowling: alleys on Tuesdays at 91 ; P.M. Last Tuesday, Abe Vengerj ' was high man with a tree game | • total of 571. Other high marks; were made by Dave (OK) Cohn,j i-Marvin Treller, Aaron "Weitz, ! ! and Phil Katrman. . |


Congratulations, Eddie


The meteoric rise of Edward; Alperson recorded in Time Maga-I zine last week and elsewhere In' the columns of the Jewish Press.: Eddie is regarded by his associ-! ates as a chap with a cheerful and zestful personality and for;

that she shall be compelled to talk in asterisks . . . when referring archly to an "arrival"!! . . . Visiting celebrants glimpsed at various niteries: Sioux CStyites: . . . The dynamic Sam Ficlnis and his sparkling-orbed •wife, Mildred . . . Lou Agranoff and his ever popular "vibe!" Rose . . . Billy Seff, Deatia Baron, Ben A'oTitsky, Mrs, Joe Kamnowitz, Bob Jvroloff, Abe Kozberg, Ressler Stein and •wife, Xieona . . . David Beber, now of Chicago, in the company of a pair of "dazzlers", the "blondisfi" girl of casting directors delight for the screen . . . This column in discussing Our local newspaper gentry, inadvertently omitted Sam Mindell, night editor of tho Bee;

C'l^*'1 233


literature . . . Miss "Parareh" (not kosher, not traif) reports


Insurance Agency With 16 years of experience in the General Insurance Line in regard to your Insurance Problems.

SUITE 766-67 Insurance Bldg

Arthur Green, the police rehis kind cooperation, spirit and' porter of the Herald, and Francharitable inclination. Mrs. Al-; «"s Robinson Kline, an "Elsie person, who is the former Lillian. Robinson" in the making . . . A 1 Riseman of this city, is a glam- good example of family unity orous beauty of the slender bru-i and devotion: The Xovitsky nette tvpe. j family of brothers f«Bd sisters

"Ad-libbing" i . . . Sol and Diana A'ovitsky, of Caption "ab-Iibbing" is a cor- i whom can be said ".\ grvateT ruption of the Ijatin—Ad-libi- '' tore doth not esff", ncvr in tuin-tvtilcti iiterallj- means "at ; Sionx City . . . During their reliberty" or "as Ton please" . . . : sidence here, Sol w: J a popular Actors' contracted this term to ij president of the United Food the word "ad-lib" or "ad-lib- I; Stores and Diana established a bing" . . . Thus the "ab-lib- ; record in conducting fend raisWng" . . . A "bobba roisa" sez :! ing drives for charitable instiyon . . . "ernes", sez I '.'.!. . One ' tutions . . . of those stories that will never be told outright: .A certain ex- :: Football Follies hnsband is still in love with his ; A football fan •who is kno'srn ex-wife . . . who is in love with as a gourmand (fresser) joined the hnsbancTs very dear friend our dinner group at a popular . « . who in turn is unaware of eating place. He began his dinthe lady's affection other than : ner hy "tackling" a. piece of friendship . . . Prize winner ; "maneerta herrir.g", then made a, j Ruth Bloch is being pursued ', "lateral pass" of "gehEkte labor" % in a persistent manner by a • to his companion and in returCrelghton TTni Junior vrho pos- | "intercepted" a. bun. TThen the sesses a smiling personality . . . "noodle zoop" arrived, he "fnm.Louise Nathan is "tapping" her b3ed" for the rpoon and then way into the hearts of a couple "scored" •vrith a piece ol "rof ?: s of lads . , . causing a bit cf brotten". He then asked irr ' conrnsion . . . • A prominent "tinie out" for "substittition" of grocer of the west end district rye for "white. "Signalling" the | in Council Bluffs is muttering : 'waitress \rho "was on "jrnard", to . , * His name was railed as 1 "dash" in the kitchen for r the winner of 675 dollars at a plate cf "boorakos", he "uo&iecl" "Bank Xight", ,inst ten min- everi-one -when lie "reversed" the utes prior to arrival in the ; usual order of dessert by "tacki- v theater , . . Add second-looks; ,. ing" another riece of "maneer^E \ Babe Milder of the Morris SIU- ; herring" wifh. a large "slice el c -ders' and Joy STonsem' of the I onion. Wm. Yonsems . . - Central High cuties who tare the nonclialGoldberg- T i e Great ance of correct dress . . . A dash The Xebraska-Pdtt football cl-=of salt in the "soap sundae" | sic E.t Lincoln last Saturday creof a certain chap who calls a I ated additiQual interest in the girl at a late boar . . - invites 'person cf Marshall (must be himself over, sprawlj bis legs i Moishe) Goldberg, -vrho was the on her good furniture,—bores , cj-EOsure of all eyes. Kis for..her with old jefces (which he j ball pla3'ing still lias ucii for L.i_ considers clever) an.3 then "pro- nslTErStil £C-Ciciixn &E S, CcinGic^i' ceeds to call another "maMel" for the AIl-Ancrican' irythicr.: to an affair which matters . . . eleven. He originally intended l r The very eligible ^dentist who | go to Notre Dame, but Pitt ic'eases the. pain of his feminine | lowers persi:E3ecl him to attcr"1 admirers . . . "called it M day" 'their school. Ke is IS years c'r. abont a year ago with a certain treighs 177, and fcss tvro iar"r young Bliss from the South . . . years of football play. Kis Ia?^ r ~ and now he has become her j operates a general store and r n c .c "Knight" again '.'.I . . . To male i house at Elkins, Tv". Ta. inquiries; The anbura-haired charmer who greets the patrons A boQcet cf her favorite popat the Martin Orng shop in to the most active and adoraV Council- Bluffs is Ruth. Scharf j of the older set: Krs. GolJ . . . B'nai B'rith Brevities, • Trcstin, nother of Comirassior." breezy fonr. page chronicler of • Harry Trcstis . . . Her four sec*Omaha Lodge activities, is ed- | mark of years has not diminisr?. ited by Russell Blameathsl and ; her ability -to play a pood ea~ Milton Frohm . . . "Man-about 'of bridge sad to participate in 'l-c town" Leon Ferer known as ! fiiscussions concerning: timely trp "The Chief" (a good Indian) is ; ics . . . "Lour zolt ifcr ieben" . . a victim of "Hollywooditis" . . . ; A bonnet slso to her daughtrr has just returned from a six- Mrs. Jack (Freda) Erainson, ."c • month visit and is saturates! her activity in P. T. A. v.-ork . , with the glamorous Califorcia She is a a e a i s r of the execufvc atmosphere!!! A'ews scribbler I board cf the Omaha Parent Tear! • Milt AltscJiEler is recovering : ers association", and prominent rlfrom an attack of "heart racr- ; so in Hed Cross -work . . . mnrs" . . . suffered darin™ the Make A Date engagement, of Marcella Sherr, For the first ar.nual dancp r the "Span-yid" at the CocoanEt Grove . . . and who'left for Dal- | the Center Auditorium S a t t r a r ' las to appear there . . . A cer- • evening Eponsored by the YCOTJIZ-' tain TridoTf In feer daring thir- Division of the J. C. C. and Ti'- • ties, or shall "we say "glartag'" fare Federation . . . Proceeds v .. thirties is looking longingly at : be v.sed for a good cans© . . . T" : a lonesome grocer . . . Hnser,*! ;."Cabaret Spring" spo-pcred by O : Colica, the "lta~dy men" at ths Jncicr Cciccil, Dc-cr-bcr 12. Center . . . <jniet cncl cMrnaa-

Patrcnire Cnr <LC.I i-'dzzn

ciiae is g:ood. fo


r p r HOUSE if presented before Kov. 23

t*irj r ^ r p •*c? r"~^"~

W : ! * ' > £ • " , > : Cf.

.; ,' , ' ; , ' : • ' '


i, ,

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-e ri.

ic T''.-I'



i i


The Mt Sinai Cemetery Lad- ;Handy Service Guide, there, apes' Auxiliary will hold a meet- j pears a coupon by the Harkert j ng at the Adass Yeshuren syna- I Houses, featuring twenty-five ! sogue on Tuesday, November 24. [cent lunches for a dime. This V. final report on the new chapel j coupon will be honored at any rill be given. Refreshments will I Harkert House up to Monday, >e served. .^ ' ' I November 23..


© Tires . • Washing o Tubes • Lubricating 9 Accessories • Simoniring -

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Special Offer

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In this -week's issue of

i Toner 1 5 t h &. H o m e y

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ueet on Tuesday, November. 24', \HADASSAH RUMMAGE, SALE


Dry Cleaning:, Too

>- -> I work for many years, is leaving . old clothing are asked t c call the firsi knows Kins of Japan ^ox c,opharaic nato* 'for California. Mrs". E . Wein-; either Mrs. L. Morgan or Mrs. E. . was Osee, 73 0 B. C. and t h e l a s t ; , : berg- h a s been chosen J. N. F . \ YTeinberg. iking cf Israel was Hosea who j form movement 1 chairman to t a k e h e r place. I ; died in 722 B. C. The rummage sale is being- held; N. McLeod to. prove fcis theory j at 1708 No. £4th St., Friends that the Japanese are members In 1825 the Jews of Charleston Patronize Our Advertisers





" ' "' " "



at all deeply or at all scrupulous- man will resign He is said in Amsterdam, had aroused the served for relatives o£ Palestine 1 can withold his assent or coop- to be concerned over the way Leh- resentment of the German auth- residents. Cp.pitalist immigratior eration, . . . . man Brothers, banking house, is orities and infuriated Nazi news-" is unrestricted raid does not com< : tion. under the schedule. being run Our guess is that papers. The weakness.of the movement this tale is just plain hooey . . . One of the loveliest and largest is its slightly "dated" positivism. Circulation of anti-Semitic literaffairs of the autumn social seaMISS ANffA PILL, correspoadent I want, to speak Jn..all/ humilty. ature, under the signature of Henson will be the dinner party and The leaders of the movement are ry B. Joy, former president of the TMPiiiiiiiiiM^ reception accorded to Mr. and men whose Jewish learning and Packard Motor Car Company, HOCHMAJJ HONORED AT Ma'ariv, Rabbi Goldberg has chos- Mrs. Bernard Baron by their chilauthority entitle them to be mydrew a statement from the com- New York (JTA) — Poland., Moscow (V.'NS) — Disposing en for his topic, "The First Tal- dren; Lawrence, Ephraim W., and SURPRISE PARTY Mr. O. Hochman was honored teachers. Only, they ,talk about pany that he was no longer con- whose government is seeking ex- of v.'iid rumors that Maxim Litmud: Finished." The lecture will Dena Martha, on the occasion of religion'and then shy away. MetaBut his obit-1 P&triation of £0,000 Jews annual- jyinoff. Soviet Commissar of Forbegin at 5 p. m., and will be held their fortieth wedding anniver- at a Party given by thephysical considerations burn their nected with it . ChevraB'nai Yisroel Society at ua ies (he died a few days after ly, has had an emigration of IS6, eign Affairs, r a s to he removed in the Auditorium of the Beth The annual Cabaret Dance, sary,. Sunday, November 22. fingers. They go 'n for Vaibinghis home at 829 Fourth Avenue sponsored by the Sisterhood o Abraham synagogue. Everyone is A dinner will be served in theTuesday night, November 17. (tacitly) and the als ob atti- tne statement was issued) said he 134 Jews between 1925 and 1935,, because of feeling- against him acaccording to figures published in count of his being: a Jew, the So. Mount Sinai Temple, will be held welcome. grand ballroom of the Hotel.War- Hochman has:served as secretary tude. Why, in < 936 ? People will was one Paris by the • HIAS-ICA Emigra-! V j e t government honored him on next, Wednesday night,' ThanksThe Auxiliary of the synagogue rior, beginning at 5 o'clock for for the Chevra B'nai .Yisroel So- not commune in ->r«iyer with "the tion Association and made public his COUi birthday by conferring giving eve, at the Martin Hotel held a special meeting to make nisrubers of the family only, for ciety for thirteen consecutive power that endorses what we behere by HIAS. i upon him the Order of Lenin, Jack Reams and his orchestra will plans for the Sudan to be held w h i c h seventy-five invitations terms, since the building of thelieve ought to be," but only with The peak year of the Jewish i the Soviet Union's highest decorfurnish the music for dancing and on December 5. Plans were als have been extended. new synagogue In .1930, and hethe Melech Adon l'khol ha-shalom exodus was IS35, when 30,717 • ation. decorations and novelties in tht made for the dedication of the Guests from away will be: Mr.has tak^n active part in all afI once wrote (if I dare menJews emigrated from Poland as ; The Order was presented to ball room will carry out th<Oran Kodesh, to be held upon th and Mrs. Joseph Baron; and Mrs.fairs' of the various Jewish or- tion it) a small book named "The compared with 23,393 in 1526. •Litvinoff Rt the Kremlin in the Thanksgiving theme. Dancing wil return of Mrs. Joe Gorchow from Bloom of Chicago, Illinois; ganizations locally. He was pre-Permanent Horizon" which priDuring the ten j-ears, 67,24 2 of presence of the 'highest Soviet ofhegin at 9:30 and Jast until 1:30 Rochester. Mrs. Paul Kaplan is Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sudow of Aber- sented with a lovely upholstered vately I called: Prolegomean to the emigrants settled in Palestine, ncials. o'clock. president of the Auxiliary, Mrs. detn, South Dakota; Mr. and Mrs.Arm chair from the memters of Jewish religion The libera27, 75 5 in the United States, 15,Stalin mppif pinned the deDr. Delia Galinsky and llrs. Sol John Bird, vice-president, and J. Arkin, of Akron, la.; Mr. andthe organization. Covers were tion of metaphysics has been com466 in Canada, 4,689 in Central coration I,i?rinoff's Ip.pel. Mrs. M. Lass, secretary. Novitsky are co-chairmen of the Mrs. Barney Laskovsky of Hinton, laid for twenty-five guests. pletely accomplished. Religion is N a s i s S e e k t o C r e a t e F a v o r . American .republics, 31,0 9 8 in arrangements. la; Mr. and Mrs. Ate Brodkey, primary in the -atcjories of time Argentina, 13,COS in Brazil,' Swiss Sentiment Patronize Our Advertisers and value. The positivisms die— aud Mr. and Mrs. Reuben KulaMrs. A. M. Davis is in charge 37S in Uruguay, 1,150 in AusBefore Trial A. Z. A. RAFFLE Lucretius, Cointe, Kuxley. Israel fcefsky of Omaha, Nebraska. of refreshments; Mrs. Fred Shertralia, 17,169 in European coun- REED, KAMACIOTTI G. ROBINSON Council Bluffs Chapter No. and mankind — Israel, above all man, decorations; and Mrs. Louis Following the dinner which will 7 The [ ties and 3,774 to other overseas Chur, Switzerland & E. L. NiARKS, Attorney* (JTA) of the A. Z. A. will give away —has regained it cheruth olam. S. Goldberg, president of the Sis A Senior Hadassah gneeting will be served from 5 o'clock, until S First NMti Bank Blcig. David Frankfurter, Yugoslavian j countries. free,a big Turkey to the person Another weakness is the sudterhobd, chairman of the tlckei be held next Tuesday afternoon o'clock, a reception will be held Jewish medical student, •will £0 , NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PE the lucky number at a committee. . following a free dessert'luncheon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ber-riaeting to be held Monday eve- den intrusion now am. then of the on" trial Dec. 9 in the Chur Can| T1TION FOR SETTLEMENT Of economic fallacy. If Jew hatred \ FINAL ADMINISTRATION AC' at 1:30 o'clock in the J. C. C. nard Baron at 1810 Grand view ning, November 23, at eight tonal Court for the murder last •: COUNT The program Will be opened Boulevard, beginning at 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles Hall. Tic- could be eliminated by the elim- February of Wilhelm In thp r.Miniy Court of Douglas Coun Gustloff, LADIES' AUXILIARY > . -Nebraska. .Nebr with the singing of Hatikvoh led o'clock until 11 o'clock as open kets may still be purchased from ination of competition ("papers, I<"azi agent, in a hotel in Davos. In t h e IMH P. 152 ff.) then we are not einoi' 'ho Kstnte of Graci OF SHAARE ZION by Mrs. M. B. Herzoff. Mrs. Herz- house for friends and associates any member of the A. Z. A. orThe trial will last three days. malig historically and our history All p^rs(>T)s i i i r o - pstp<l in snkl m a t t e off will also sing a group of He- for which no. Invitations have been ganization. . . Berlin (JTA) — A drive to and martyrdom have no meaning ar*> h«jreb>' n o ' u f i tl thn t on t h e 7tl . Jerusalem, Nov. 12 (JTA) — • More than 150 women attend- brew songs, accompanied at the extended. j flay of Nnvonil v r . VX'.R, A l h e r t A and the rise oi, anti-Semitism does create favorable sentiment for 1 Seventy per cent o£ the 1.S00 im- . rkins f iW! P n«tition in f»ni(l Couned, the dessert luncheon and piano by Mrs. C. C. Robinson. Miss Reservations for th" Book Re- not. symbolize decay of the peo-the Nazis in connection with the migration certificates available Hr ly Court, praying t h a t his final art Thanksgiving program given by Bessie Resser, Instructor at the ministi-iitinii. ;io<-<uii!t filed h e r e i n b* ples among whom it is observed forthcoming trial of David FrankMr. and Mrs. o . Jacobsen of view and '-.ea to. bo given at the schedule Hebrew School, ' will speak, and new labor under the s e t t l e d End a l l o w e d , a m i ( h a t h e bi the Ladies* Auxiliary • of Shaare Des Moines, la., .announce the en- home of Mrs. J. Katelman, 417 and Jewish civilization has not furter in Switzerland for the d i s c h a r g e d from Ins t r u s t a s arlminisof "Wilhelm Gustloff, have been earmarked or bacheZi'on Synagogue, Tuesday after- current events will. be discussed gagement and approaching mar- Oakland Avenue, on Tuesday af- the uniqueness and validation murder n n r 1 t T r > t p r a n f ! t l l a t ? h e a r i n g -svill he ha< l o r s u w a s by the membership. A business learned, with 10 I"- 1 i o n saw! pf-tiiiot! |.r.ror<- ssiid C o u r t oi noon. undfr thereby of every other civiliza- Nazi agent was opened this week.icent - f o r riage ot their daughter, Sylvia ternoon, December' first, maidens and 2 0 per cent t h e 5th (lay of D e c e m b e r . lfl:!G. an< A program "was presented by meeting at which Mrs. W. C. Slot- Jacobsen, to Sol Kronick, son ofthe sponsorship of the Sisterhood tion and Me might as well do our National Socialist Party Correst h a t jf yniT i.-iil t o n.i'poar before saic C o u r t r.n t h e snir? f,th <in>- of DecemMrs. M. B. Herzoff, who sang a sky will preside, will follow the Mr. and Mrs. L. Kronick of Sioux of the, Talmud Torah, are being best to disappear. But Recon- pondence, Nazi news agency syn- for families. Of the 1,300 entry permits reber. 1P:;I;. P.I f> ^,:\<u:U A . M.. and oon program. group of songs, accompanied at City. made rapidly. Only a limited structionisia is itself but another dicated an article appealing to petition. the Court ma g in the l,S00-certincato et er satn t sHirt Mrs. J. Lehman and Mrs. I. H. Miss Jacobsen. attended North- number of tickets can be sold, so expression of the -will of the Jew- Switzerland to "create an honest the piano by Mrs. C. C. Robini h e prny..-!- of sni<! p e t i t i o n , enof heirsliip. n n d m a k ' son. Mrs. Frank Epstein spoke on Levin are in charge of«the dining western University and the Uni-anyone interested in attending ish people to live o o t understanding between Switzer-1'schedule for the sis month?: be- st ue rc h a o t hrie'Tpc e r Rnti f u r t h e r orrTern, a l l o w following- a IIEEC last Oct. 1 The Statue of Liberty, and arrangements. land and Germany by exposing j a noes s n d i k i i M s . a s to t h i s C o u r this affair is asked to make resversity of Chicago. Mr. Kronick deduction try the Government, may seem prn|>ot, to the end that al Abe Beechen appeared in the tabis a graduate of the College of ervations promptly with either (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts the poisonous inciting work off j the matters jiertfinhip to sni'l estate ma; Agency for Palestine leau •which followed. Mrs. Lorthe Jewish propagandists." be finally scUlpfi and <letermined Feature Syndicate.) Engineering at the University of Mrs. Morris Yudelson, Mrs. Isaac ELECTED TO EXECUTIVE ' h a s already received 65 0 and FJITCF Cn.\WFO\iD. ence Sllverberg read a humorous Chancellor Hitler's Voelkischer Iowa, where he was affiliated Sternhill, or Mrr. Ben Kubby. II -!.1-ofi-"t. County Judge Beobachter and Propaganda Min- e 5 0 win b e panted at the end Thanksgiving declaration which COMMITTEE The Book Review will be given with Hhe Phi Beta Delta fraterJanuary. was written by Mrs. William Kutister GoebTjels' Der Arsgriff pubnity, of which he was president. by Mrs. Covert T. Brown, who; The certificates are allocated efcer. Mrs. Morris Rubin was lished identical articles urging will give a review of the famous A. H. Baron, who .represented according to occupations as folchairman of the program. Mrs. the Sioux City Federation of Jewthe public to read Nazi literature Miss" Eva Ivener, daughter of stage play, "Victoria Regina." Art Kaplan and Mrs. M. Mnshkin ish Social Service last week-end at on the GUdtloff case "to obtain lows: £50 for persons tngag-ed in Mr. and Mrs. I. Ivener, will beware in charge of the luncheon the regional convention of the Naa clear picture of the machina- agriculture, 50 for industrial exMr. and Mrs. Marvin Bobkey of BBAJuDEISETTES :ome the bride of Benjamin ZoltrLiJ arrangements. tion oi Judah, which constitute a perts, 750 for pioneers and protional Council of Jewish Welfare otuchen, son of Mr. and Mrs. P.Des Moines, Iowa returned to Virtually everyone knows the j danger n 0 r o n l y "to the Third fessionals and 250 have been reThe next Auxiliary meeting Federations in Kansas City, was Sollotuchen, of Omaha, Nebraska. their home Sunday following a Are I'^hic points in the career of 80- Reich but to the order of Eur•will be held with the men of the elected to serve on the executive Sunday, at 5 p. m. in the Tipher- visit here at the home of Mrs. salient '. of'erfr tb'<* if j year-old Justice Brandeis . . . Buti pe." FRADENBURG, WEBB. BEEEK. O 1 congregation on December 9, at committee of the region for theeth Israel synagogue. Rabbi H. Bookey'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. KLUTZN1CK & KELLEY, ' V.TCk t o * did you know that until recently! ' executive of the Berlin T hfi 1 which time • a Chanukah program coming year. The committee isR. Rabinowitz and Cantor A. PHs-Joe Scharf. Attorneys • ; ] the U!ihrr-r he was a crack canoeist? . . .|Jewish Community, reflecting the Union State Bank' Elcfg. i? •Rill be presented. composed of three men, the other kln will. officiate. r r The Oneg Shabbos of the Aux-two elected at that-time, includ- . The bride will be attended by Guests at the home of Mr. and That he takes his lunch to the:Jews' anxiety over the anti-Jew- NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE, o? p irr o OF INCORPORATION OF ', iliary was held last Saturday af- ing Mr. J. Oppenheim, past re- her sister, Mrs. Thomas Kipper- Mrs. J. Mendelson during the Supreme Court's chambers? . . .!j S h propaganda campaign, order- ARTICLES ROSELAND INVESTMENT COMThat President Wilson wanted j ed statements read from pulpits past week were Mrs. Harry Leviternoon in the home of Mrs. Joegional president, and Mr.' Nathan man of Chicago, as matron of PANY. ; him to be Attorney-General? Notice is hereby piven that H ; of all synagogues in the city ex- special Kutcher. Mrs. B. H. CBaskin spoke Stein of ^Milwaukee. meeting- of the stockholders of i honor. Other attendants will be tan of Minneapolis, Minnesota, That Dr. Charles Eliot, late Presi-j pressing abhorrence at the and Mrs. •William Greenstein and on the Jews in Poland; Current • Mr. Baron participated in con-Miss Edith Fineberg, Mrs. Max the Koseland Investment Company, a ; ! txcef'nn* * Corporation, duly called and held et : Iff "jrPPe events were presented by Mrs.rention, speaking on "The Prob- Shamblott, of Duluth, Minn., and son of Colllnsville, Illinois. Mrs. dent.of Harvard, favored Bran-|sasslnation as contrary to Jewish the principal place of business of the That! teachings. Sherman, and singing was ems of the Smaller Communi- Misses Dorothy and Lena Zollo- Levitan and Mrs. Greenstein are deis as his successor? corporation in Ornnha, Nebraska. Ari*- . . . ". . " 7 T p The C.-V. Zeitung, organ of the ticle I of its Articles of incorporation sisters t a Mrs. Mendelson, and in many small towns in Eastern ties." was amended to read as follows: i tuchen of Omaha. • . • : led by Miss Bessie Kesser and Mr. they spent ten nays visiting 'here Europe there still exist pictures Central Union of Jews in Ger1. One hundred fifty goests will and also with relatives in Oma-of Brandeis describing him as many, reiterated the organiza- The name ARTICLE D .Eisner. of this corporation shall t =k.i. j ,


186,134 Jews Left iHigrh Soviet Honor Poland In 10 Years; Given to Litvimoff

Flan Thanksgiving Dance Wednesday


Most Palestine Certificates to Unmarried Men


! [




be served at the wedding dinner A..Z. A. in the hall of the synagogue, folOne hundred and fifty newsies lowing the ceremony. Mr. ZolloThe affirmative side of will have a regular Thanksgiving •uchen' and his bride will make bating team of the A. Z. A. chap- dinner with turkey and- all the heir home in Omaha.

ha. Mrs. Greenstein. and son left Wednesday evening for Collinsville, while Mrs. Levitan returned home Thurrday. •

ter won the debate held at the meeting of the chapter last week. The team was composed of Morris Aizt-nberg and Vernon Montrose. The- negative side was upheld by C h a r l e s Shindler and Paul Schwartz. _ The - t e a m s were coached by Joe Maron.


"the president of the Jewish tion's denunciation of the slaying States"? That he doesn't own,voiced last February. a car and always rides in taxis Book Banned

JfOSKOVITZ F1XTCKE COMFAXT LOUIS SIOSKOV1TZ. President TIBBIE MOSKOV1TZ, Secretary. 10-D0-36-4t owned by independent operators? Geneva (JTA)— Emil Ludwig's . . . That he rarely refers to docu- book on the assassination of WilThat he sends in hisjhelm Gustloff, i\"azi agent, entitments? duea to the Zionist organization j led, "Murder in Davos," has been of America exactly on January j Prohibited by the Swiss Federal 5th, which was the day he joined j authorities, it was reported, unin 1912? . . . And that he attends til after the trial closes early in

trimmings, on .Thanksgiving Day. • The Council Bluffs Lodge No. Through the generosity of the lo- Mr. • and Mrs. Ben Fish an- 688 of the B'nai Brith will hold cal business men, the annual nounce t h e marriage, of their a • regular meeting- next Monday Thanksgiving- dinner w i l l be daughter. Miss Sophie Fish, a stu- evening, November 23, at the served next-Thursday noon at the dent at the University of Iowa, to Eagles Hall. The- winners of. the Sidney Spatz of Newark, N. A. Z.- A. raffle will be announced to all his correspondence himself December. j . c» c . '". • , i; Bookshops have been given Mr. A. M. Davis was in charge on November 11, at -Rock Island, at htis meeting. All members in longhand? . . . permission to dispose of their 111 .Mr. Spatz,, a graduate stuTHIS AND THAT are urged to attend.. . of raising the • funds for the dinWonder where the Young Ju- Present supplies of the book, it At the meeting, Irving Pill was ner. Mr. Herman N. Slotsky will dent at the University of Iowa exliras stated. The volume, printed named Aleph Shotar. The basket act as toastm aster, and Judge pects to receive a degree of mas- A large crowd attended the •lean got the cockeyed idea that| ball team held its regular prac- Bernard Brown will speak follow- er of chemistry in February. Mrs. monthly meeting of the Council Mrs. Wally Limpson is Jewish . . . Spatz is a Central High graduate. Bluffs Senior Hadassah Wednes- In its October issue the organ of J. J. FRIEDMAN, Attorney tice Tuesday evening at Woodrow ing the 'dinner. 740 First Nat! Bank Bldg. Wilson, school, t l a n s are going A musical program will follow Rcth will continue their studies day Afternoon, November l g , atYoung Judea says that "an Amerforward for the celebration of Na- he dinner and the - boys will be at the University until February. the Hotel Chieftain. Mrs. Albert. ican Jewish woman, a Mrs. Simp-j NOTICE^ BY_PUBLICATION FOR SETTLEMENT OF Krasne was program' chairman. son from Baltimore, moves free- TITION tional A. Z. A. day on December created to a matinee at one of ADMINISTRATION AC FINAL Work has been received here Mrs. Herman Krause was chair- ly in the royal court of England" COUNT 20. ho local theaters. the Countv Court of Douglas Counof the marriage of Miss Libbie man for this meeting assisted by . . . Sounds funny to have the In ty. Nebraska. Mrs. Herman-Krasne and Mrs. Young Judean and the Nazi press Braver of Kansas Citr, to Chaim In the Matter of the Estate of Ethel B'NAI B'MTH Frieden, Deceased. ieib Sacks, also of Kansas City. Louis Bernstein. A pl^ylette, en- agreeing, because, as you know, All persons interested in said matter tilled "Life Begins Anev" was the Nazis also say that Mrs. Simp- are hereby The wedding took place last Sunnotified that on the 6th Rabhl H. R. Rabinowitz was day ot November, 1S36. Sam Cohen • Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will day evening in the Tiphereth presented by members of the son is a Jewess The Non-Sec- filed a petition in said County Court,! the speaker at the regular B'nai continue his sermon on the life Sforad Synagogue. The bride, "a Emesel Club. Girls taking part Anti-Nazi League is again praying that his final administration I B'rlth.meeting held Wednesday of Louis D. Brandeis at the ser-former Sioux Cityan, is a daugh- in the play were, the Misses Ruth taiian looking for an executive secre- account filed herein be settled and al- j . , . ,1 lowed, and that he be discharged from t evening in the Jewish Community vices, this evening in Shaare Zion. ter of Mrs. M. Beaver and the Seldin, Lorraine Meyerson, Ida The latest occupant or ih [ s t r u s t a a administrator and that Lerner, Florence Meyerson, Rho- tary Center. The program was fol-lantpr A. Pliskin and the syna- ate Rabbi Beaver. that Office, Lawrence Craner, is I hearing- wfll be had on said petition before said Court on the 5th day of lowed by a business meeting at gogue choir will chant the ser- Mrs. Sam Levin of Sioux City da Krasne, Dorothy Saltzman, Maurice Shochat of theDecember, 1836. and that if you fail and Libby Grossman. A group out which Edwin W. Baron, president, vice. . " to appear before said Ccrurt on the •Ra'timore Jewish Times believes was a guest at the wedding! of songs were rendeied by Miss said 5th day of December- ]DS6. st 9 presided. Tomorrow morning, Mr. and that the item about a Scranton, o'clock A. M.. and contest said peti- I ,Irs. Barney Baron will distribute • Mr. and Mrs. Eli Skalovsky, an- Sylvia Endelman. . the Court may grant the prayer | Pa., riding academy advertising tion, of said enter a decree of \ refreshments to the Junion Cori- lounce the engagement of their Gentile' horses was a typograph- heirship. petition, and make such other and gr'egation. Reader of the law will laughter, Edith; to Louis Chesen, further orders, allowances and decrees, ical error . . . Schochat says it to this Court may seem proper, to should have read "gentle" horses as Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will >e Paul Matlin and cantor will be on of <Mr. and Mrs. "E. Chesen. the end that all matters pertaining to -.'. . Remembering his phenemon- said estate may be finally settled and (Continued from page 1) — 3peak this evening on "Roger Wil- Jack Mosow. W> date has been set for the wed; al success with I. J. Singer's play, determined. BRTCE CRAWFORD. 1 Hams' and Religious Liberty." . jng, recognition of Judaism as the civ- 'Yoshe Kalb," Maurice Schwartz County Judgre. ^ Thursday Rabbi Lewis delivBoth Miss Skalovsky and Mr. Sorority Officers ll-13-36-3t. ilization of the Jewish people, the

One P


Shaare Zion

Mount Sinai

' ]> ' I1 4

» <! , 3 ' j 1 ' 2 \ I \



recognition of this civilization as is having Singer's latest novel, a religious one, the plan to organ- The Brothers Ashkenazi," draIn Baltimore the ize the entire Jewish population matized of America into one great com-American Jewish Congress branch munity for the purpose of helping and the American Jewish CommitJews to live creatively the civil- tee get along famously . . . The ization which is theirs inevitably Congress uses quite a lot of the and which therefore alone can Committee's material for mailing give them an adequate means of to its non-Jewish friends . . growth and expression these can be done, genttemen . . . are capital matters. I do not see NEWSY--BITS William Dudley Pelley, Amerhow any Jew- who has reflected ica's would-be Hitler, polled 825! votes as candidate for President - Dr. Manuel Pas of Denver, Col- in the late election . . . New York orado,, visited this week in thepolitical circles are again buzzing home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. with rumors that Governor Lehand Mrs. A. I." Sacks, enroute to home, after attending the More than 150 people attended Miss Ruth ' OrHkoff returned his the • bridge party given borne Jast week after a three Pittsburgh-Nebraska game last Wednesday evening at the War-week trip to Los-Angeles, San Saturday in Lincoln. rior Hotel by the Junior Hadas- rancisco, Seattle, and the Canadsah chapter. Mrs. William Kut- an Rockies.MONSKY. GRODINSKY, MAREB • . 4. COHEN, Attorneys. cher was chairman, with Miss Sar. 737 Omaha Natl. Bank. Bldg. ' etta Krigsten, Miss Hena Baron, Miss. Rose Bashefkin . and Miss NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION and Miss Lucille Kronick, assist- Rose Chesen will entertain at a ; County Court of Douglas Couning. . '-. bridge, party next Tuesday eve- In the.Nebraska^ A style show in which three ning, honoring Mls$ Edith Skalov- Jn,ty. the Matter of the Estate of Arthur Sioux City merchants co-operated, sky,. whose engagement to Louis Katskee, Deceased. • • was a feature of the evening's en- 2hesen is announced this week. All persons Interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has tertainment. Door prizes and il!ss Bashefkin is the niece of Mr. said leavingallegrinff no last wiH been deceased.died filed Jn for said'aamlnistration Court that upon dprayingand awards for bridge were given. !hesen, and Miss Chesen, his sls- ana hisidestate, that a hearing- will be Proceeds "will/ go - toward the had on said petition before said court the 5th day of December, 1936, and Palestinian Funds of the Junior Bridal colors will carry out the on that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 5th-day of DecemHadassan. table appointments and favors.

sred three addresses in Norfolk, Jhesen are graduates of Central Nebraska. "In the morning he Miss Dorothy Davis was elected High School. spoke before-the student body of president of the newly organized tho high school. At noon he ad-sorority known as S. V. P. The Mrs. B. H. Raskin will enterdressed the • Chamber of Com- election and' organization meeting ain at a luncheon Saturday noon merce, and in the evening he was held Saturday evening. Mir- in the Warrior Hotel, honoring ipoke before a church group. iam Passman was elected vice- her daughter, Miss Elizabeth RasMonday noon.he addressed the president; Eiaine Brodkey, secre- kin, whose marriage to JackLipsionx City Rotary Club on "Roger tary; publicity chairman, Boots manvwill be an event of this win(Villiams and Religious Liberty." Levlne; p.nd • program , committee. er.. The Cultural group of the fem-Fern Shafton, Helen Guttleman, The afternoon .will be spent in pie Sisterhood will meet in theand Frances Maron. ; bridge. . some of Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis Plans were begun for many so:his atternoon at 1 o'clock. At cial affairs during the winter. Mrs. Jacob Courshon of Chicago ,-wo o'clock the book review group s visiting here in the home of I7ill meet in the Lewis home, Mr. and Mrs.. A. L. Galinsky and ffhen Mrs. Hoyt will review "A Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Davis.'




Bridge Party

prayer for My Son" and "South hiding."


Betli Abraham •

j Services at Beth Abraham synj igogue ,wllljbegin this evening at ' > o'clock. Tomorrow morning, I jervices will begin at 9 o'clock. - aeadii:& of the Torah will take j >lace at 9:45, and Rabbi Goldj )er£ •will speak pn "What Unites \ J s " Mincnan services -will, be < leld at 4:45 and Shalos Shudoth it 5 p. in. Rabbi Goldberg will ipeak on "The Drama" of Abraam," ; Week day services are held evMrs.. Eniil Rosenstock w i 11 The Young' Judean club will ry morning at 7- o'clock, every leave today for her Lome in Kan-hold a membership tea, Sunday vening at 4:45. and at"8 o'clock sas City after a ten day visit in afternoon in the J. C. C. Miss TI Sunday mornings. the Max Rosenstock home. Esther Weiner is in charge. Sunday between Minche and •







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• ' . "










. '

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A m Guard young eyes!


ber, 1936, at 9'o'clock A. M., to con> test said petition, the Court ma5- grant the same and grant administration of said estate to Bess Katskee or some other suitable perron and proceed to a. settlement thereof. BUYCE CRAWFORD. 11-13-36-3L County Judge.

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