Jewish. People---
^ « - OJDWIG LSWISOHN < This column la copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction In whole or In part strictly forbidden. Any Infringement on t h i s copyright will be 'prosecuted.
Kntered as Second Class Mali Alatter on January 21, 1921. at POStOfflCB 01 Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1879
Meeting Tuesday at J. C. C. to Diseass Zionist Reorganization
Lecture Program'" ... .Series Is-BegiSs " . by Round Table
THE LIBERAL CAUSE Some .weeks ago that excellent thinker and stylist Joseph' Wood HI Krutch.inquired iu a brief series Before a representative turnWithout previous theatrical exP£ articles in the Nation into the A special meeting to discuss out of young people and: their perience Eileen Zevitz, daughter present status of liberalism. He the reorganization of the Zionfound that the cry raised in varist movement locally has been parents, the Round Table of Jew- To Put to .Sest Campaign Di- of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zevitz, has r~ '•%'} w been cast in the leading role of ious quarters to the effect that Chicago Rabbi to Speak from called for next Tuesday eve- ish Youth Thursday evening, Norected at Tieir Loyalty Jliriatnme in the Community Local Vaad Ha'Ihr liberalism is dead is far more ning, December 1, at 8 p. m. vember 19, inaugurated Its series c: Playhouse production, "Winterto Italy noisy than truthful. He had Ju3t ' Pulpits at the Jewish Community Cen- of lectures on Vocational Guiset" which is to be given the r? u~ returned from Europe where he ter. Everybody interested ~ in dance. , Rome (WNS) — Aroused by middle of December, I Berlin (JTA) — Germany is had Interviewed a number of peo- Kabbl Milton-A. Kopstein of Zionist work Is Invited., what appears to be an organized fifteea 'planning special "courts of honMiss Goldie.Carter of the.NaMiss Zevitz, ' who ple on that point and had found Chicago will be In ' Omaha, Friis At tlir nnminl mpcfinj? of the The committee calling , the tional Vocational Bureau spoke press campaign to impugn their years of age is a student at South or" designed to eliminate Jews not only that veteran liberals like meeting includes the follow* Tp.lnMid Torsi) lirltf latit TureBertrand Russell were more con- day, Saturday and Sunday, Nov- ing: Frank Ackerman, Sam on the need of the retraining of loyalty to the Fascist regime, High school where she is presi- from commerce by legal ir>c?.ns. it was revealed here by Dr. Otto Italian Jewry ia engaged in a ser<!?.j" evening ;;£ the Jewish dent of the Press Club, a reporter vinced of the truth and necessity imber 27, 28,"and 29, as guest Beber, David Blacker, Philip youth and finding interest 'other Jung-, a Nazi official, at a public CoJunuuiuy Center, H c i? r r ies of nation-wide' patriotic manthan the regularly accepted profor the South High footer, a of their attitudes than ever, but •abbl of the Vaad H'lhr. * Klntznicfc^Henrjr Monsky, Sal meeting on the raw mpferifls that men of pronouncedly leftist Rabbi Kopstein at - present oc- Miehnick, Dr. Philip Slier and fessions. With the new type of ifestations, in honor of the pro-member of tbe dramatics club, shortage -which the country is ex- Monskv-, WiHinin u. Hplrrsiprt building, housing projects, con- clamation of Italy as an empire. and a member of the debate team. leanings, like the French novelist cupies the pulpit of the Irving Harry A. Wolf. periencing:. The Kehillah in Rome sent a Andre Malraux, affirmed all the Park Jewish Community. Center The role of Miriamme 3s the The revivifying of Zionist struction of dams as in the TVA, Chancellor Kitler S. Ytiffe, Jlrs. J . GoUWve, rare old Torah Scroll to tbe. Falends of liberalism, though they f Chicago. He was ordained by work in Omaha and - other a'certain type of engineer Is main feminine role in this Kaiashas of on guard Egainst Jews being Ethiopia. Milan Jewry well Anderson play. The part is {was were prepared to employ means :he late Chief Rabbi of Jerusa- communities is- made particu- needed. Miss Carter" suggested to " t< toward the attainment of these em, the famou3 Rabbi Kook, and larly important at the moment anyone who contemplated engin- presented Mussolini with 100,000 that of a young Jewess who is in ' restored to power in Germany," or, thr members vt ends which, according to Krutch by the great Chofe Chaim of Ra- because of the crisis in Pales- eering as a profession that he liras for him to distribute to a " y |Iove with Mio, the voting boy out.jDr. Jung said: u c j "Only merchants who are realicharity "•= he wants. In Turin would endanger the very ends din, Poland. He is also a gradu- tine, with Moslem marauding also study the possibilities of 'air-[-*""".)• »»•">.»• •»" * « " "the! " ! to avenge the execution of ivwd Ton'h Bo-.rdly of the highest class will have they were supposed to bring ate of the Lewis Institute of Chi- threatening the rebuilding'of conditioning.' Among the list of [Jews prepared a richly ornament- f a t j , e r ed Kcport^ on i',.11 pluisos of Ttii-" a place in the Third Reich. Oth, about. new fields Miss . Carter recom-1 album containing a proclaia* cago. .' the Jewish, homeland. a ers will be ousted from coin-, mud Torah work vere ~p,rcanit'mended 'Personnel service' and ! tion of loyalty which they sent Since those articles were writFriday night at: 8• p.• m. Rabbi merce by special courts of honor to King Victor Einanuel. - -The others. od hy the oliiiirnsrn of the corsten, moreover, we "have had in Kopstein. will conduct the services I which we will establish in GerThe speaker stressed as one of Jews of Modena sent a gold Torour . country an overwhelming at the B'nal Israel synagogue, IS miftccs associated vith the imany's commercial system." the most important factors in ah covering to the synagogue in proof of the vitality of the Hbera- and Chicago . streets. Saturday \ Propaganda Minister Goebbelp" .school. Addis Ababa. Large patriotic finding a vocation that the indivilistic and democratic tradition morfling'at 9:30 he will speak in ! newspaper, Der An griff, launched dual learn to know himself, his meetings were held by the Jews and way of life. 'Whatever sec- Yiddish at the B'nai Israel. At u r i y e I O fio As the Eecond speaker in the \'as <3rive ^pel Jewish ondary causes.contributed, to the three o'clock, Saturday afternoon, In JiIs reporr pp prp.-ifdf-t-ji' ^f men t 0 and other cities. ' Community Forum's brilliant E r - | employ "Aryan" i be ready to accept his type of huge majorities by which Presi- Rabbi Kopstein will speak at the the Talmud Tor<xh Poprd. Hfiit-v The Italian press, however, has ray of oratorical talent, Dr. Louis j directly responsible to the r.utfrJudge Irvin Stalmaster will be work BO that complete happiness dent Roosevelt was swept back Beth Hamedrosh' Hagodol SynaJVIonsky stressed, the v o r k of Uif* orities completely ignored these occur. prominent ; Existing laws permit JewB e r g o f N w the principal speaker at a public York, may be obtained," into office, there can be no doubt ogue, 19 th and Burt. reaces and continues, to attack psychologist end sociologist, will 'ish merchants to- manage their i'eshiva department vhich V-;I.P luncheon to be given Tuesday, jf but that an impelling motive established during (.he year. KleSaturday night at eight o'clock December 8, at noon at the Oma- Following Miss Carter's talk, the Jews. Regime Fascists again Buildjng Character", |01™ enterprises. 3 which bound together in Mr. ven Btuuetite p, 1 e inteiisivelii i e Rabbi Kopstein will be the guest ha Chamber of Commerce, mark- Dr. A. Fellman discussed in« d e c I a r e d t h a t t h e J e w s are the talk on ?T explained \ Roosevelt's support liberals of all studying t h e Tp.lmi rt P.IH' Jlpiirev Jewish situation in Omaha. He r u l e r s o f R u s s 5 a . Wednesday evening, December S,! Vita 3 of. the B'nai Jacob Synagogue at :o require the labor, Italiana ing the thirtieth birthday of the at eight o'clock at the Jewishi shadings, professional people of literature. Mr, j\Tn;-!.s].:;" void o,J warned that many of the profesi authorities o fief.l with Jewish the fine work t h e sttulFiitF i>' (.h.r all kinds, the workers in a solid a M'lave Malke given in his hon-Tuberculosis Seal and honoring sions are topheavy and that High asserted that Zionism is a menace j community Center, ' its founder. Miss Emily P. Bissell to the Mediterranean powers and first came into prom- ! managers," adding; I TElmud Torph P.ve cloinrr in pr. inmass, members of cultural minor- or. School and College programs be added that it had no faith in Italicence as physician at Welfare Is-i "Employment of 'Aryan' men- j All the Jews of Omaha are in-of Wilmington, Delaware. Judge organized to avoid these fields. ity groups, was their belief that ian Jewry's protestatiocs of loyal- land prison in New York. In that I a » e r s i s self-explanatory, it can- rug knov/iedg•e of I-iebrew. HIP Mr. Roosevelt is himself a thor- vited to attend as.guests of the Stalmaster will sp-ak on "The Eible, and K:elif:ioc. No <i< A spirited open discussion folty. Thirtieth Christmas Seal." position he was responsible £ o r |not be aemanded of Labor Front | ough-going.liberal and libertarian Vaad. flcl£l th r has accrued durias this f lowed the meeting.. the sensational investigation of! °\ s ^ « ^aaress ^ n i Mrs. H. C. Cumney, one of the and that under him and his addeiicic oi over Tes l0 Jews Bill Grey, chairman of the Nebraska Tuberculosis Associaconditions £t this notorious p r i - ^ ' - sometimes even m ycp.r end the ministration the •classical liberthousand do! Inrs fo;• t h e tion, will also be a speaker, and Forum committee, presided. Jos Dr- rrcV"cties and tolerances o^ civilized son. 1PP.4-C4 ha? beer; lessoned Goldware is president of the j . I*. Haugh, vice-president of the mankind would be saved. Everywhere he has spoken, Dr. Round Table of Jewish Youth. Union Pacific, and general Seal Be£g has been received wits great \ \ \ f, f II L ' U i t Let us repeat. that,phrase: the Dr. Phiiip Pher, r^.irmn sale chairman for the 1936 cam- The second of the series will enthusiasm, and has several times classical liberties and tolerances. the Board 0 f l-'kiucption nf take place on- December 17,.at r,.0vi~4U paign, will preside. At the same returned to speak before groups For one' of the most vicious of Tainaud Torp.h, outliner; tlie time Miss Bissell will be honored which time there will be a discushe had addressed before. contemporary fallacies is -ihe fal Licuiars ot al i. t h e pi sion of "Medicine." . The General guest at a luncheon at WilmingTickets for Dr. Berg's lecture lacy that civil and religious libermud Torah activities, fxtrp and the Jewish angle will be preton. ty are a by-product of modern inricuiar £s we11 a s ed ucattonp . At Tel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agency) may be gotten at the Jewish Com: • . •Mrs. Joseph Weinberg. Mrs. sented. . New York (JTA) — A statismunity Center or frors any memdustrialism. Wherever and whenihe present -.Lime ££ —Twenty-five new settlements arp o r ber of the Forum- committee. ever men have awakened from tical analysis designed to show John F. Allen and Mrs. Wallace enrolied in iUe ia the Talmurl 7or?t). Spear are in charge of the lunchArab benefits from Jevish imbarbaric stupor they have striven :nt in the New York (WXS) —A triumph Theve eve ten clpsses, esi^h oZ after liberty and hoped for toler- migration to Palestine has been eon reservations, which will befor Fascism ir* Spain voulcl be v-i:ich h a r e c. course of siudj- J;»rBeisas, Sebulun -and Jordan Valance, first ,iu Judaea, next In issued by the United Palestine 50 cents a plate. followed by the establishment o:' uionious'y coKbiuiuf; ihem invC eys of Palestine, it was -gnnouncOmaha Jewry, is asked to supAppeal in connection with the Greece,, later ;ln early Roman Fascist, regime? in Brazil and. Ar-cr.e t*:\R ~ •:lie tTtliinift Tora!-,. - Berlin- {JTA) — . Handel's-- ra- jed st a meeting of the Asrfealtsir' public,-3galn/-Jat,;the.end -of. majiy hearings of the Royal. Commis- port the Tuberculosis;: Seal- sale jestie''fcratbriof "Judas^iiiicca-ba-l'alrCouncIl' ol' the General'Jewish' gentine from which the Jews m 1-7e F.ISD told oi t a p T&loiuf" darker centuriea In the early-"re- sion, inquiry into recent "disorders" which'" opened -Thanksgivng Day, eus," five-Can-I t j . o s s C0UI!tries would surfer hea- Tomh Junior Cong-"^.c:nUo<' v.-I-io'-i has -.been . "Aryanized," j Federation, of "Labor •'(Hists.dnrtfc) inasmuch as the funds .derived naissance. Their striving has at in the -Holy Land. .ninrn.inj:; newspapers reported, by - the I which ;opened here.' The new .col- ces/spons'ored by the'Eound table 1 v ; , , . ; it was declared br L.ei- meets every PfturrlrT 1 best succeeded only, most imper- -'•Figures are presented to show from the little penny health "Seal Nazi-poet-Hermaa Burte-workiag! onies will supplement the 188 set-of Jewish Youtli will be held s,i -.\-;vick, r*]-' eminent Yiddish poet anc; for religious service?, uAI 0!!t fii': play so important a part in the r fectly. Again" and again blank that health conditions* have imthe Jewish Community Center, Idrcmatist, i return from ArOnt s t; Talmud orah chilc'ren under the order of the Ministry j tleraents reported to have beea S S i Db 6 att obscurantists have resisted them; proved, the Arab population has control .of tuberculosis. The name of Propaganda and Enlighten- ! established since tbe World War. SunSay-evening, December 6, vpvious where he represented the serviceE- et the bears no religious significance, increased 462,000 in 14 years,' inagain and again the undue conment, and the new text isentitl- jThe additional-colonies'are to be Eins o'clock. The College Club | y i d d i s h v - r i t e r s o f A m e r i c a Pi the gorrues in, the cuj". but Is used merely because the centration of power in too few debtedness of Arab agricultural ed, "Hero, and Peace." j found on land of the Jewish -Na orchestra will play, featuring Ann \ international Pen Clubs Cocsrress. The number of }>npils hat- not hands — whether the name or cultivators dropped 60 per cent Seals make their annual apparNiernaa as soloist. Revealing that Brazil is alrea- been increased this5 ye?v dne icThe Catholic newspaper Ger-jtional Fund. method of that power was mili- in six years and Arabs have re- ance- at this season of the year. mania protested against the 'mut- ! The meeting also revealed the •Dan Miller, chairman of the dy governed under a cunsi-Fas- lack ol bus transportation. tary or agrarian or industrial — ceived employment in expanding Important roles in the drive are nation' of the oi'atorio, declaring: [ sharp decline of Arab workmen dance committee, hopes "that ev-jcfst r e g - m e &nd that Fascism is Oilier Hcpot^r, • has "defeated them" as they are industries, notably • citrus grow- being held by a number of prom"Is the * figure of Judas Mac-j on Jewish plantations as a result ery young person will attend, as ' b e e o n a l R £ , populcr in Argentina. inent Omaha Jewish women, inIn the reporiof audilin& con'.once more defeated In Italy and ing. 0 cluding Mrs. -Reuben Kulakofsky, cabaeus only a matter of -the' * the recent riots. Whereas the every effort is being expended to ( J I r > L e i v i c k s a l d t h a t t h e i n f l u . mittee, N. S. Tsf.Ce, chp.irnipp. vnC, Germany and Poland-and a t leas In addition, it is pointed out member of the board, Mrs. Jack Jewish people? Is not this figure j Proportion of Arab to Jewish la- make the dances even more en- € n c e o f S p a n J s h c u U u r e and litK. Barish cniKiunced. tlis-. Talnuit? tempprarily and under another that with the ^coining of the on leading privately joyable and more successful than e r a t u r e 3 n Latin-America, would Torah income for the fiscal j'er-r heading volunteers, a clear example of sincere relig- j borers guise in Russia today. But ever Jews, Arabs are learning advanc- Bramson, have i m p o r t p n t repercussions ious heroism "which should be i owned orange plantations had last year. v;as S11,4.PS and the disburseagain and again free men have ed agriculutral methods. The con-Mrs. Herman Auerbach, Mrs. Jo, been more ,than two to one, the On the dance committee of the t h e r e i f t h e . r a s c i s t r e b e ] s v.on i n me-r.ts smoiiu'ed tc Sll.£no. T t e seph Weinberg, Mrs. Max Holzshown to all human beings?" arisen to save freedom, which "is tention that the Jew is dispossesRound Table, beside Dan Miller, | _ . jr Jewish condiSpain Discussin present figures show that there l£S4-?>5 deficit which pnsoiiT'tfid the indispensable condition of the sing the Arab from his land is man, Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky, are now 8,000 Jewish laborers the chairman, are Rosalie-Alberts,; t i o n J n E r a z j i En( j Argentira. Fr. to f.2,267 is new fl.PTS. continuance of that process which disputed with figures showing Mrs. Ben Silver, as well as a Morris Arbitman,' Eertha Gnss, i j . revealed Ilia t in " those L e v c 5 and 1,500 Arabs employed in Jewwe call civilization^ And on Nov- that little' of the Jewish land was number who have assisted in pre^ ish citrus settlements. Since the Joe Goldware, Harry Perelmac, countries the words Jew snfi com- Rabbi David A. Goldstein, chnirember 3, 1936, the majority of a purchased from the peasants and paring the Seals for mailing and munist are synonymous. In Era- men of the Yeshivs;. Schoiarehip beginning of the disturbances in and Willard Smith. who will participate in booth and great nation rose once more in that over 600,000 acres of cultivI Fund reported ihst the income Tickets are one dollar per cou-; April, 4,000 more Jews have obz i l J e w i s h immigration has been Bangle. Day sales. defense of the-.good old cause, the able land are still lying idle. Sylvia Olander, 29, died Friday, tained employment in Jewish pie for the entire season and may !h a ! t e ( , yrhlle in Argentina J e v s |i of t h e Fund fimontUed to £4 4.-* \ cause of Amos and of the Deutorbe'obtained at the Jewish. C o m - j m u s t otjtEin special pe"rcisr.ior. i and <1isburpemenlP to ?"'?;.'£ C, J-Tp November 20, after an illness of plantation areas. •\ onomist, of the leaders of th Remains Jewess Despite inunity Center or from rnembers , f o r £ l l meetings a n d even v,-hen reported favoraM.'" on t h e w r ' i several months. Miss Olander was The Histadruth Agricultural 1 , ""fierce democracies" of Greece . . . . l of the coraniittee. a buyer at the Brandeis Stores for Council meeting was attended by Conversion of the early republicans of Rome such perrr.iSKion is grrgnted the !in. which the Teshivf. 5s? function'' eight years. She ia survived by representatives of all the agriculof John Milton and of Thoma «• meeting's are vf,tchoc5 by police 1 ing. 1 her mother; two sisters, Mrs. tural settlements. The session wss Budapest (WNS) — Yolanda Jefferson. air. Yr.ffe. Filso chairmati of I've spies. Mr. Lelvick F.lsc reported Gertrude Wiesman of Hastings opened with a memorial for the that the Jewish. poprJ.f.tlon in Bock of lAie comtr.itiee, .reported Jews aro liberals. Jews an - Hymen Shrier was elected Foldes, winner of the $19,000 all- and Mrs. Fanny Chasen of Oma- 33. Jewish agricultural laborers j Brazil End Argentina is ideolo- that trie income of liiti cosnm It tec liberals for two reasons which president of the Men's Club of nations prize novel competition, ha; and four brothers, Morris and were killed during the riots. clurinjr t h e Cisc;U year ftmoui-seft 'gically sharply divided. correspond to the two great divi- the Beth El synagogue at a din- told newspaper interviewers here Abe of Omaha, and Frank and Speakers at the meeting pointed that although her parents had Kv. Leivick'si fear of an immin- to f l i r i whirb pmount T T S bsndsions of Jewish history. The firsi ner meeting Sam of Los Angeles. out that a majority of the workher haptized as a Catholic when reason why Jews are liberals i held at the (JTA)—Palestine's new- ent Fascist regime in Brazil v:as efi over to the Tf.lmiui. TonJ". Miss Olander was a member of ers in the agricultural villages estHaifa she was six years old, she still p report from because in the course of our de Jewish ComInfant • Industry — shippiE had enrolled for the guarding and the Junior Hadassah. - ^ til© «i,_ cepiesSiO^, ,»__„„__;„_ |[James Vvatermcn "Rise, r.nc Mrs. regards herself as a Jewess. 3.41 membprs were enrolled in Eg velopment as a nation in our an- munity Cenwas born defense of colonies in addition to IsoS)e? Funeral Services were held ' Soule, w who Miss Foldes won the prize with t a l k e r Soule h o -have h v e tlie Talmud! Torah association cient homeland we.Invented liber- ter. Shrier, an has gone through the perilous a story called "The Street of the Sunday afternoon at two o'clock their regular.employment. It was days of the Italo-Ethiopian War, ! ^ _ « t u n i e d . from BrazH.__ They during t h e past fisor-i ^'ear, snalism. The codes in Levlticu attorney, is a also disclosed that since the Arab ; from the Jewish Funeral Home. declared that Brazil is "moving Fishing Cat." and Deutoronomy contain for th past president strike, the Jewish area under veg- bears the scars of a rate war and very fast toward a frank declara- corrlir.g to N. Levinson, chairniEis first time -in human history so fai of the Omaha etable cultivation had multpilied is planning- now for expansion. j tion of Fascism," and "is likely of t h e associptiorj, Mrs. Chaiips Ko~s, gpcretnry of as the records go explicitly or im- Hebrew Club, three times and that the produc- Tbe Holy Land's shipping trade, | Deborah society, reported (briplicitly all the principles .. which was recently tion of milk had beea so "stimula- represented by the Atid Naviga- j for Old. orld Fascisra." The.' ber organisation had cf>ni:rib?urd have since been adhered to andpresident of • ted ss to cover the needs of the tSon Co., Ltd., decided at a re- (declared that Brazil he.s discarded fought for by the proponents ol the Creighton cent directors' meeting to inentire Yishuv. It was also anhuman freedom and human dig- Pi Lamda Phi froai the right of asylum, established sides the addiiionsl moi'.er spent, nounced that the Jewish Ageacy crease its capitalisation a new immigration <juots apply- for eatertfJninj. the cliildreu ni nity everywhere in the world. Ou Alumni Assowas now launching upon a pro- $150,000 to 1250,000 by issuing ing only to Jews rnd was foliow- various Tnlniud TOTEII activities. •ancient codes demand the limita- ciation, and is $50,000 In comiuoa and $50,000 gram of irrigation. work in thirty In keeping with a well-estab- Philip Klutznick, -Leo Rosen thai, ing Germany's ief.d n foreien f.ftion of state sovereighty, equal- active in sevA. Krf?; if; pri!!cli><:,l ox t h e in preferred stocfe. lished tradition, the annual Fa- Harry Silverman, Irvin Stalmast- settlements. fairs. ity of men before the law, toler- eral communTalmuc Tornh. Singularly enough, the depresther and Son banquet sponsored er, and Rabbi David H. Wice. ance of minorities (geriin), pro- al organizasion, favored the sew industry's J ~ ~ by the Social Service Committee CAMELS CLOG TRAFFIC, development. When the Atid Co. 1 [lECQt^FS F^Q'^ffPpJfi' tection of wdrkers and wage- tions. p. s * -. of the Jewish Community Center earners, the special concern of started in business. IS months | - " ^ ^ t ^ ^ T ^ ^ T r r ' ' H a r r y L, and Welfare Federation will be BARREDIN JAFFA individuals-and society for th ago, the depression made Initial 1V* tlLLM L&ktiM/iLL Sominer wa3 held at the Community Center bereft and the unfortunate. Thes AREA expenses low since ships and ship : QP3 Tf i i;"f elected vice-' Sunday, November 29, at sis codes establish once and for all accessories were cheap. "* '"'"-*•"•"*• president, ' o'clock. the primacy of a humane ethic, ! Jaffa (JTA) — Camels move Tha company took over t t • The banquet will open with an f an other-regarding ethic, as th [too slowly for the.fast tempo of S. Atid (which means futi >. invocation by Daniel Katzman. necessary motivation of a good Leon Graetfc, Hymen Shrier tbe net!'Palestine, and so the gea-j in Hebrew) and enlarged t.n r society and make the individual, is the new secretary-treasurer^ Max Fromkin will speak for the eral director .of Palestine ports j istisg Baaube-Syria-P a I e s t and therefore the free man. an has issued an'order barring them j line. Two more ships — thJudge Arthur Thomsen of thefathers and Buddy Earlsh will rethe free personality, "the respon District Court gave an interesting spond for the sons. The program froia the port area. S. Alisa and S. S. Ainal — v <• P r r *> slble . bearer of such a society talk on. the Use of balloons, dur- for the evening will feature sevHe issued the order after rlsit- acquired to open a regular <"•"• ^ - •> c These three-thousand year: ol ing the war. The audience.rath- eral amateur acts under the di| ing the port, and finding that the tai service, with calls s t "Es?i - - wr.codes bear every evidence of .: er enjoyed the narration-of sud- rection of Max Baer; a two reel camels -srere obstructing traffic. Palestiniaa and Syrian ports. ^^^ -r movie, and Community Singing very bad conscience about both den dangers and thrills as exArab drivers, -who stand to" lose ice&tly, a new ship was charts" war and robbery-—the bad con- perienced by the- judge and hisled by Abner Kaiman. Df.I. Dantheir livelihood b y the" ruling, | science that contemporary dicta- companions. He was; introduced sky will pronounce the benedic;hare become, incensed aad' 'are S;£ SHIPS TO tors have not even reached. N. by Edward Brodkey and Harry tion. ] planning a protest to the jroverEwonder that Jews are liberals am DuBoff.Harry Trustin will be chair' • • • ; ' S.1 lei atiU tisik If. pacifists./ .-:. , "" •'•"'•• man of the evening. Dr, Philip s (WNS-Falccr AIn Austrian Army Sher is chairman of the Social The second reason why Jew; cy) — The fleet of "Paler 1*0 Elro-Bidjan Service Committee which is sponare liberals corresponds to th ships carry the Jewlsl flag v Vienna (WNS) — A surprising soring the affair. second phase of their • history, increased with, ta-e snncuaosr " absence of anti-Semitism In the Members of the Social Service j Kpscow — It TFSS officially E S - that two more vessels had " -•/ t h a t of the diaspora. For nearly Austrian army has been disclosed ,'nouaced that 5,352''persons Ita- mace rss iff two millenla we have lived as by an official census which shows Committee are; William Holzto p. v heiween | raigrated to Biro-Bidjaa, a»ltoss>-\ minorities a m o'n'g majorities that there are 170 Jewish offic- man, Isadore Abramson. Leo Aba port cf Tel Aviv end ' races . Jewish . region•, ia the- -Far ramson, Mas Barish, Eugene \Hence our only hope of peace, ers.^ '..:-.••..'..-• gyp las ports, p , carrying Blazer, Rabbi Frederick Conn. 'ite, security, depended upon th East, i n t h e first cine• moctJis of jpap;?e~Scrs and. car All of the Jews in the army Dr. J,-M. Erman, Rabbi David A. of liberalism, of freedom J1S3S. . ' j There -will EOTT are being treated fairly, the cen-Goldstein, Dr. M. I. Gordon, J. J. Harry Ttzi'Jz. Paler
Planned t Jews from Trade!
Dr. Berg" to
Irvin Stalmaster to Be Speaker at "Seal" Luncheon
on Forum
Fable to Sponsor Dances
Sylvia Olander Dies
Shrier Head of Beth-El Group
Palestine Shipping Industry Planning Greater Espansson
(Continued on page_S.)
sus disclosed.
Greenberg, Dr. M. F. Greenbers,
*I:iciiiled..in the total vrere SOCisis ships
THE JEWISH PBESS, FBIDAY, NOVEMBEB 27, 1D36 mission of the Let gue of Nationa Garden of Allah," Just preview- returns to Austria to attend the and a Jewish grandmother . . . HEBREW-ARABIC has decided to coEvene a special ed la Hollywood. Ho was born Salzburg- Sununer festival, where Her mother's name was Ooltjnian session to be devoted "to the probii:tj the theatrical profession. Of he played prominent roles In tbe . . , The beloved singer pnee said DICTIONARY lems of rsleRtine sometime HB the proudly that "I fenow that much Turkish-Jewish . ancestry, . bis past years. of the artist in ray heart, much Of birthplace was Austria. He spent TKSS SCHLESS1NGEB GETS New Haven—The first volume spring of 10S7. f With tb«? nex regular Hessian my deep love for people, and the of a Hebrew-Arabic dictionary of much of his early career In A GOI4>\. XX CONTRACT of the Mandates Commission scnfire that is in me, I owe to my France.and Germany. His first the Bible by Solomon L. Skoss, Tess Schlesinger, a famous mowife was a New York, actress, his tion picture writer and novelist, little old Jewish grandmother, professor of Arabic at Propsie cculed for .Tune, if is helieved second a society girl form Lon- and wife of Frank Davis, MGM God rest her soul!" . . . Two of College,- has been issued ley the likely that the rxtrnord-ipary don. His present home is Holly- producer, has been signed by Sam- Mine. Schuaacn-H e i n k' a sous Tele University Fress as one ofmeetinp viU tsfcci plp.ee either at end of March or the wood, but he has no permanent uel Goldwyn to prepare screen married Jewish girls . . . She wss the ro3um.es.of the Yale Orient?,! the a militant supporter of the anti- series in memory oJ Alexander ntng ot April. address. During bis outstanding plays. Cfoldwyn also reports that s career as an actor no has played William Wyler's magnificent dir- Nazi boycott . . . Two years ago Kofcut. By Arnold Beichman characters of many nationalities. ectorial work on "Dodsworth" she appeared t t a concert for the Heads Turkish Art Academy of the Non-Sectarian AnOne of the major playwrights yet say. But In Britain, the tic and musical comedy sketches His father, Rudolph" Schildkraut, has already brought him favor- benefit ti-Nazi League . . . She received a JEWS STUDY SFAEISE of this era, Ernst Toller, now : Nazis are working, very cleverly . . . His first New York smash hit was one of tbe most famous char- able mention from the leading tremendous Istanbul — A Gerui8-> Jewish after she anamong those who belong to to. arouse. anti-Semitic ' feeling. was "We've Got to Have Money' acter actors in silent motion pic- critics as a possible Academy of nounced sheovation refugee has rieen appointed diwould sing despite Berlin—Tbe Israelitiscbe Fa- rector of the now Turkish Art that proud company of refit* German anti-Semites and their in which, he supported the late tures, appearing prominently as Motion Picture Arts and Sciences letters from Nazis threatening rnaliesbiatt, oldest Jewish weekly Acatiomy by the Turkish govern* gees from Nazi Germany, has British aides flood provincial Robert Ames . . .' After that he his son did after him, in man;award winner. . He has been as« life . . . And incidentally, she was in Germany, commenced publicanot forgotten lie Is a Jew. Here newspapers with letters to the supported such notables of the Cecil B. DoMille epic films. In signed to direct "Dead End," for born in Germany but in what tion of a page in Spanish and ment. on a speaking tour, Mr. Toller editor attacking the Jews. In one theater as Alice Brady," Peggy 1921 Joseph came from his native which Miss Schleslnger is writing not Portngnese to give Jews intending pauses long enough. to give his month, 2,000 of'these letters de- Wood, Mary Boland, Glenn Hun- city of Vienna to this country. He the script. Miss Schlessinger had is now Czechoslovakia . . . Patronize Our Advertiser* impressions of the Jewish prob- nouncing Jews as Bolsheviks were ter, Fritzi Sheff. Elisabeth Rlsdon was signed for the now famous for a long time been on the late to emigrate to South American lem 1and what he considers Its sent to British provincial papers: and'others . . . Goldwyn was sorole in the Molnar play "Lillom." Irving G. Thalberg's staff. After NAZI BUGGIES countries an opportunity to study only permanent solution. Erich Rix, Christian German the languages. In London you see leaflets strewn impressed with Cowan's perform In six months Schildkraut learned the latter's death, she resigned. FOR RENT refugee, in Detroit to address! —EDITOR over streets denouncing Jews reEnglish and made a sesatlonal hit ce in Spewark's Broadway p'ay. x j For Rff-^.-1;; Mve-room duplex. sponsible for the World- War. ' Boy Meets Girl.;' that he Rave which marked the beginning of Copyright 1936 by SEV1SN Deutsch-Amerikanischer Kultur- • Mandates Commission Eet£ AJi i'H.«. n. tlic bathroom. The Jew belongs In one camp German Nazis invite Englishmen him a chance to appear on thp his career oa Broadway. He often ARTS FEATURE SYNDICATE verband (German-American Cnl- jSpecial Hearing . j 3111 Mason St., "«^r Hun, ture Leagne), anti-Nazi' German —that of the men and women* the to come to the Reloa and see scteen . ... Cowan married Helen scorn Pa^k. $30 a menth, C«l( group, tells the story about 8 world over who are fighting for their new country. That is the Dodge, a. native of Slbley, Iowa. Walnut 1139 or Atlantic MT7. Geneva (WNS-Falcor Agency) j German worker in a baby carri- —The Permanent Mandates Comfreedom of. conscience, freedom of sort of propaganda in England. vpp years ago. age factory in Hamburg . . . Hia speech, fighting for social InjusVBut we are fighting it. We pregnant wife asked him to bring 1JMTEBKST1NO BITS ABOUT tice. That la the way,' and to home a baby buggy, but none Ernst Toller, German refugee are creating a mass united front 1 HE STARS came . . . The baby arrived, but playwright now visiting America, against this sort of reaction. This Did you Know that "Cnlco Marx By PHINEAS J. BIRGH etill no buggy . . . Hubby then the only way, for Jews to stave front comprises all political ele- is one of the best pinochle playwrestler, continue to bill him asexplained that his factory only ott aatl-SemitiBm which has ments from .tha Conservatives on era In the-—yea, the world? And TRANSATLANTIC spurted higher since the advent the right to Communists on the thst Harpo Marx Is equally proAnti-Nazi groups in Latin- the "Brooklyn Jewish Btar," al-makes the different parts for the Out left. Together, we can fight." of the Hitler regime. America are Jubilant over tae though he has been revealed to carriage but does not assemble ficient at backgammon? And th?t Turning to. the situation = of A aulet. soft-spoken man of the coming visit of President be of German parentage . . . Ruth completed products . . . Smart within the Reich, Mr. Tol- isn't all—both are recognized as Roosevelt 45, whose English lacks tbe Jews to Argentina and Bra- Hughes Aarons, Chicago ping wife suggested that he bring a brdg© experts, too ... -. Thev sty harsh sibilants and gutturals of ler asserted: il .. . . Although FDR's primary pong star, who has been touted different part borne each day and "All hopes of Jews in Germany Jack Fearl spanks his little boy objective in going to the German accent, Mr. • Toller South Amer- as Jewish, may also turn out to then assemble it himself . . . . for telling lies . . . After a fivethat their-lot! may .Improve, Is fube Aryan . . . Her father, Alfred Agreed . . . The next Sunday wife presents the experience of a Germonths visit to his native Vienna, ca is to open the Pan-American man born Jew who" lived in Ber-tile so long as Hitler and the Erich Wolfgang Korngold, wor'd Peace ^Conference, he will also try E. Aarons, New York theatrical called from the bedroom: "Why lin for ^lS yeara until forced, to Nazis stay In Germany. They famous minimal composer, is bade oT cut the ground from under| manager, who died. recently, was does it take BO long to get that flee by fear of the Nazis. In Ger- will always " remain- the scape- in Hollywoo'd to compose the j \ azl and Fascist propaganda in buried froa & Protestant Episco- thing together?" .'. . "I can't understand It," replied Heinz. "No many, he saw how wealthy Jews goats for anything evil that hap- score for Max Relnhardt's next; Latin-America . . -." Pierre Van pal church . . . matter how I manipulate it, no sided with anti-republican ele- pens In Germany'—* shortage of film . . . Both Lutee Ralner and 'aassen, ace foreign corresponmatter how I arrange the parts, ments until they, too, were forced food, wages, discontent. If the Paul Muni are hiring Chinese in-J dent and Seven Arts staff writer, Jews didn't exist. In Germany, STBAIGHT tbe darned thing still turns out to to flee. '..'.-.a due in the United States on terpreter3 because they are rethey'd have to be Invented. If unity is ever going to bebe a machine gun. "Sometimes, there is a lack of Fate of Reich Jewish "Writers ceiving so many fan letters, writ- December 2nd . . . His bag of exon Spain. Germany, Pales- achieved on the Polish-Jewish courage in Jews," said Mr. Toller, ten In Chinese ."Rosa Ponsellc and poses "The fate of the Jewish writtne and Ethiopia contains dyna- front the credit will go to Samuel (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts "and they Beefc to hide Iham- er-in Germany is a',-. terrible one. Judge Marchettl, whose names selves and to thlnK If they are They're all 'ghettoed,' which pre- have been linked In romance, are mite . . .Incidentally, It Is rum- C. Lamport . . . Lamport bag the Feature Syndicate.) hidden nobody will see them. But vents them from receiving any not of the Jewish faith as far as ored that Pierre's connection with jaw of a fighter and tbe driving the Toronto- Star and the Star power of an all-American tackle the Jew la not powerful enough • reading public. . Few ofwe know. . The judge we are sure'; Syndicate was severed because bis . . , The other day he delivered NEW DEAL AGENCY BACKS to stand alone.. The Jews must go wider today with every progressive or- them :have any opportunity to 13 a Gontile . . . Sam Holland, nat- bosses objected to his militant an- a stralght-from-the-shoulder talk CALENDAR REFORM PLAN tonally,known fiction writer, has i-Fascist tone . . . Margarita Sar- to the representatives of practicganization which fights not only earn their living. "The Jews have a responsibil- a new, year's contract with 20tb ati, Mussolini's secretary and ally all the important national persecution, of the Jew but againWashington (WNS) —The calst persecution of opinion' and be-' ity to help these Intellectuals, to Century-Fox . . . Milt Gross, car- close adviser, is telling people she Jewish organizations in this coun- endar reform plan which is optry, who gathered at his home, toonist and .writer, is a new argive them a chance to produce s a Roman Catholic when Roman lief." by Orthodox Jews because works of art because they were rival, in Hollywood. 20th Century- nslders know she's a Jewess . . . including the Federation of Po- posed His Wife an "Aryan" lish Jews which is carrying on a it would create & floating SabFox has just given him a.'^rm the fame and the pride of the fiettiot the p«£* io work or in plar The series of agreements between Mr. Toller was silent for a reqoiret »bBn4ant etis?ET. Thonsseparate drive for Polish Jewry . , bath, has won the support of the i s o s of pmople find Pecer Pan Fnntt moment, and then broke into a Jewish people. Seldom do Jewish contract . . . The best chess play- Germany, Italy, Japan and other Lamport, who la just back from Federal government's Central er at 20th. Century-Fox, we hear, aid committees think of them." Breed the ecooomicai, appedzios A Fascist powers explain the sudproud smile as hiB lS-year-olfl Statistical Board. w«jr to build *nd maiaatit: ecer^y, J Discussingthe possibility of is the Broadway star. J. Edward den appearance of anti-Semitism Poland, knows the plight of Jew- The proposed plan provides for tt'l «m«>ing- how t aiice or two, at % wife, the former Lilli Christlane ry there well and told bis guests mealsandberwcffcmeals,overcomes ,:. Bromberg . . . Fannie Hurst's n Italy and the Far East , . . Grautoff, descended from an atel- •vv-a'r, Mr. Toller declared it was a year of 13 months of 2S days that tired, let-dowo feeling. Try a 51 that unless a new deal is dealt lo»f»od compare it wich anr bread | ier of their duplex Barbizon- Hitler's purpose to. divide wes- new novel, "Sister Act," has been Don't be surprised if Poland and out by a unified American Jewish each, with Sunday the first of the you're erer tasted. At yonr grocer's. fr> Plaza apartment. Mrs. Toller, an tern Europe by first- - destroying sold to Warner Bros. They out- ermany break off diplomatic re- leadership to the Jews of Poland, month and Saturday the last day. "Aryan" refused the female lead- the" Franco-Russian pact, then bid every other studio in Holly- lations before the year is out . . . he'll have something Interesting Ing role in the. Nazi Horst "Wea- alienating England, from France wood . . . A! Jolson is an Insom- Dutch liberals are perturbed over to tell to the Jews* of this counWith the approach of the Britsel play, because of her opposition and then the Little Entente from nia sufferer, and when he slept the Nazi connections of Prince try . . . ish fleet in 1776, the Jewish conFrance and then— Bernhard of Llppe-Biesterfeld, the other night for four hour3 he to the Hitler doctrine of race hat'IT'S gregation of New York closed the "War against Soviet Russia." awakened his wife, Ruby Keeler, who will marry Crown Princess red. Instead she migrated to doors of its Synagogue and fled, end Your Perfect Energy Food As peace is indivisible, the not- at 5 a. m. to tell her. about It . . . Juliana of Holland In January • •MOTHER SCHUMANN-HEINK England with her husband and the rabbi tafeing the scrolls of the The two Gershwins, George and Before leaving Germany the The obituaries didn't mention Law with him. worked for 15 shillings a *veek ed playwright went on. In the Prince had a confidential audihlj brother/Ira, are going to write it, but the late Ernestine Schuin a phbto-flnishi'ng plant' until world so is war Indivisible. "A war against Russia would a, composition entitled "Rhapsody ence with Hitler . . . Salomon Ka- mann-Heinle had a Jewish mother her husband's playB were producPatronize Our Advertisers ed there and her talents found become'•a war against the world. In Hollywood" as a successor to han, Mexico's leading music critic is due in the United States in One must help the silent and sup- George's famous "Rhapsody In a more natural expression* The author of "Man and the pressed forces of peace still with- Blue" for the coming "Goldwyn December for a lecture tour on Follies" . . . Bronislau Kaper and Mexican culture . . . Masses," regarded as Mr. Toller's in- Nazi Germany." >-"'.•• Mr. Toller pointed to the Scan- Walter Jurmann, Viennese comfinest play, continued: "I am convinced that without, dinavian countries and - Russia as posers, had to sign a Joint conlands where anti-Semitism was tract with MGM because each SPORTS putting into practice the progressive ideas of • humanity into comparatively • non-existent. - In claims he is "helpless without the The Palestine Maccabee soccer world affairs, the Jewish problem Scandinavia, t h e anti-Jewish other." Jurmann says he can't team, now on its way home, left will never be solved. . The Jew, movement was small and in Rus- compose without Kaper at the with the munificent sum of $2,must stand in the vanguard with sia, ' anti-Semitic -propaganda has piano,and . v i c e versa, because 000 . . . It represents the Maccamade a criminal offense, he they have worked that way to- bees' share of the tour under the other races and peoples in the b struggle for peace. Why,- If war said. gether so long . . . Ous Kahn Is auspices ot the Federation of the ever .comes in Germany, the. Jew supplying the words to their mus- Polish Jews in America . . . Wonwill face pogroms against which ic for single songs. Their first der what the Polish Federation -the pogroms in. Czarist Russia song, "You're Ali I Need," proved got out of it . . . Soma of you would he insignificant." :•••, ; a hit, and their "San Francisco," have been wondering whether the By For a moment Mr. ' Toller for the film of that title has been American Oil company's advertisthought, gently, stroking a kitten JKKOMB COWAN IN THE adopted by the "University of San ing slogan of "Join, the-American Party" Is subtle Fascist propwhich had hopped up on his desk. MOVIES Francisco as an official song. aganda will be Interested to know Jerome Cowan who has been "\Ve must not cease to stir up that this company is owned by the .conscience of the world. One signed for his first motion picture SCHIIiDKRAUT—AN INTERthe Blausteins of Baltimore . , , must tell the world with simple role by Samuel Goldwyn, was horn NATION AIi FIGURE An International figure In the Jacob Blausteln, son of the firm's words the old story of brother- In New York City, but passed his hood and responsibility Ql all for childhood and youth In Hartford, true sense of the word ls« Joseph president, heads the Baltimore all.- One must state, that if the Conn.- In that city his father op- Schildkraut, who is cast In Selz- Jewish Charities . . . The manaLeague of Nations fights against erated a candy manufacturing nlck's technicolor color film. gers of Dave Levin, Brooklyn diseases like cholera, then the company Studied acting In League has a duty to fight again- high school and Joined the Hartst the. spiritual diseases, one of ford Drama League . . . A t the which is anti-Semitism." Two Splendid Values age'of 18 he was signed by a Here 7 Icara Ago traveling 'stock .company. -Soon Mr. Toller had been In the Un- after that he enlisted In the Navy in Kirk Repousse ited States seven years ago.. Did and was In service until the end he think there had been a notice- of the. World War After the able rise in anti-Jewish feeling war he went back to the stage . . . here? In Great Britain? Became a vaudeville headliner in "About, thiB country, I cannot a few'years, appearing In drama-
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happy and grateful, But a&rair-jly; Twee-Tien! Twee-Tien! (Two-Believe-it-or-not, a namesake of j sfoc c-f which the street iTen! Two-Ten!) ation is not-enough. E * JE a p a r t w ca.llpd 'CHC'KOO OUT own Paul Baerwald, the fam-! "We, that is to say all those who Wondering what the signifi- ous philanthropist, is a Leningrad consider the edification of Eretz cance could be. of that call when radio engineer v/ho was recentlv ^p.ivietie Israel the essential condition of I could plainly see that it had no arrested by the Soviet authorities EistEBt to the procuctioe manager jewerly Is a cquisition Jewish national regeneration, reference to the articles on sale, on charges of espionage and con-of the Seiznicii lot . . . is deler- platinum ban a.E'ueite diamust now be doubly on the alert. I quietly asked an employee for spiracy . i}f:''i> on t h e Reinhardt's rhe mined to Isarc the business from tnonds v-hicfc Statesmen and politicians are an explanation. This man said: Eternal Road," a wag writes, may the ground up >e\i fcnnd, fulfills an £m- third nper oi her playing with the destiny of the "Whenever a suspicious indivi- soon be renamed "The Eternal bitiori harbored since his he VOfid Of~ Student ! Gues? that's Jewish homeland. The situation dual enters the shop and the Angel." Because another ellBy EELEK SKSMOND Ciciallr. has developed to that stage where boss spots him, he warns us gel" has been found for the oftHollywood — I\I. .Robert Gugbarter and compromise end the salesmen by calling out: 'Twopostponed spectacle, rhose $175,H a r r r I-lPrF ifielrl, tlip p<?ri!>c is so-called principle of give and Ten! It means that with our two000 "put-up" has brought the genheim, Jr., twenty-six years old 6 fyequpr.t cur-trvropv nt {lip fivetake come' into play. Think of eyes we should keep a close "angel" total for the play to a broke a family tradition oi three ZTIC ten stores. Every time he Abyssiaia, how its rights, its pos- watch on that suspicious indivi- record all-time nigh of more than \ tgenerations when he deseneti goes it. he bn;. s fi huM dozen mining for movies . . . started ition, its very independence was dual's ten fingers!" $435,000 . . . Dec. 1 has finally this week to work in a minor irameti pbolos oT iV;e movie stars. frittered away by politicians who Two-Ten! That is the call.to been set forthe Curtain . . . IsTil? clerk rskr- viiich ones, Jlarall talked about justice and right- the Jewish people and to the rael Zangwill was so dissatisfield (with an "o", please) spot as as- ir>w? CTv.forc!" G P M T ? "Ol;, any fiays at Dartmouth where he deeousness, . and think how it was Zionists in particular today, Twowith the League of Nations that , , *, e 4) ou finally Great Britain's represen- ten! Watch out: It is your noli- he called it the League of Dam- v e l o r e a * t E l e n t f o r E t a £ ! ! 1 £ col~ ieg-iate shows. After graduation, tative at Geneva who tried to si- est possessions th-.t lie on the nations . . . Next week. Peters lence even Ethiopia's voice. counter. Keep your eyes on the•will give his readers the low- the theatre called, hut t.\~ fprnI was once in a popular de- \ customers! down on the real ancestry- of the ily persuaded him to try miring first. . Eren -while accedir.g- to partment-shop in Antwerp where! world's most talktd-of woman , their \rishes, his interest randerone of the managers walked j (Copyright 19S6 By Seven Arts efi to dramatics and he prod need around calling out uninterruptedFeature Syndicate.) Books All
By Pierre Van Paassen Seven Arto Staff Correspondent Pierre Van Paassen, ace foreign correspondent whose coverage or tnc jftnopian, Spanish, French ana Palestine fronts, set a new high in journalism in the Canadian and American press, in this article interprets the Eoyal Commission session in Palestine. A stirring, jfearless expose. —EDITOR
and better than anyone else, what ng the humiliation, the Agency is going on in the Holy Land, who desires that the fullest light%shall is pulling the strings, who is in- be thrown on the circumstances triguing, why the Arab masses that led up to the recent upheawere goaded and pressed into, an val. From its =ide the Agency apparently senseless g e n e r a l does not want to stand in the strike. Instead of a ringing de- way. nunciation of Arabic tactics, a The question before which we "The Last Mile" F.t tlie Salt LF-ke clear-out,- unambiguous declarapause is this: how far, how deepj Little Theatre. Eence. his hefrtion of admiration and sympathy Other Articles jira to Movielauc -w-ith his wife, for the Yishuv, which gave the ly will the Commission penetrate? : WE-3527 We know that the London GovIf baby daughter, and household world an object-lesson in forPalestine Is the business ol the bearance and patience, what do ernment has set an aprioristic furniture. ^ i lust received Jewish people. It is true that not we eee? A commission of inquiry limitation upon the scope of the the entire Jewish people stand to determine both Jewish and nquiry. On the face it may seem Charlie Chaplin's name vrili be Anyo'ie burBolidly behind t h e Zionist Organ- Arabic conduct in recent months. that the injunction to the Comperpetuated . . the London Street. ing jir.'-' of ization in the' great task of na- It is the old game of playing the mission to confine itself merely Inhere some thirty years ago ik-Ies will £<-•*: a n i p --.- o-' Ch-'.mr- |By tie Esrroa Life Issrrasse I Charlie and his brother, Sid, vent Icah in T,i I tional regeneration through Ere- impartial judge' between two to an examination of recent Coapssy, O i tz Israel. But it is also true that groups of "natives", as Mr. H. C.events, leaving such questions as Vent to school, will be clubbed ukah AUSv U T E ^ \ i'LSK. not all the Hebrews followed Luke called the administration's the principle of the mandate out "C.tiEpl'in Circus." Oddly enough k PAULAl PETERS Have you sever thought of life Moses out the Egyptian House of more than dubious role in 1929. of consideration, is a decision fainsurance s a plan through, E Bondage. Many, perhaps a. ma- But I say that the sending of vorable to the Jewish people. On which yon could create not only j jority, refused to leave the bitter that commission "at this time con- the face of it! But it is also a CLOSE CALL: Prof. Alfons!illustrious ancestor The son "tomorrow's pey checks" but a J exile by the shores of Babylon's stitutes as much of an act of par- most opportune provision for the Goldsmid, refugee from Germany I of Roger W., a Princeton grad, is innons stream of pay checks ^» rivers. The most worth-while tiality in favor of the Arabs as commissioners to put on the who is on the faculty of the Uni- [planning to enter the diplomatic through ten, fifteen, or "things in life are not accomplish- the attempt to place governmen- brakes when discussions should rersity in Exile, recently figured > serrice Hti'fa studying to be year? ed by herd-like majorities, bnt by tal3 and rebels in Spain on thebe chance iea<i the inquiry to in a bit of drama that -was pact-j a careerist in the coips . . . Right is really what life insurvery small minorities, who have same level, by refusing to ship come too close close to the real, ed with T. N. T. . . . He was visit-jj now he's touring the country and a clear vision of their goal, who ivar-equipment tc either, Is an act fundamental Issue at stake, which ing in Leningrad and was sche- ' has stopped long enough in Kanse life insurance r know what they "want and whyof partiality in favor of the big-is " Britain's uninterrupted nig- duled to fly to Stockholm . . . ||sas cit hanfl, stretches i k up some b k i ^1111 n s city tto pick banking out into the future five, ten, fifthey -want It and who know how time gangsters, who are turning gardly attitude, the scarcely veiled At the airport, two planes were experience. jteen, twenty Tears or even for B hostility of the Palestinian (Brit- lined up ready to take off to act in a decisive moment ol that land into an inferno. j lifetime and gathers in, the fuish) administration towards the Both looked alike history. The noted For that reason it is incumbent MISH-MASH: Dr. Joseph A. ; turo salary checks of a man, very idea of a Jewish National At the present. .moment, the on the friends of Eretz Israel to economist hopped blithely into S o s e n of _ A 5 r o 3°iat in i. cashes there, scfi placed the mon|Zionist Organization is the only be doubly on the alert. If, as home and the imperialistic mo- one of them . . . Just before it R u s £ i ' director - sO Q back to! great heap. After hav"(militant force in Jewish life which has been said, the British Govern- tives which determine that atti- toot off, he noted with a York for a d as pursuing an objective] the at- ment has of late years come to tude. thatitwasdecoraftdwithaswaa-irB cTeadTrs* ^ Biro BidTan^ "f- ° ^ this, * a life insurance tainment of which will have an look upon the Jewish enterprise After all that has happened tika and-that its destination was.'f; ^ ^ ^ l ^ J ! ^ ? 1 ^ j ^ £ h k e a guardian angel, is to which Dr. Rosen paid a .round th'ese earnings and enormous effect on the life of in the Holy Land as an embar- Britain should be given to under- not Stockholm, but Berlin ""• ber of visits, will figrnre in the | the life insurance company guarevery Jew, whether he is a Zion- rassing imperial commitment that stand that this Is the last com- somewhat similar incident added, Certain anti- j antees their distribution just as ist or not. The Zionist movement tends to hamper a complete pac- mission of inguiry to which the lines of worry and hairs of gray j conversations . , has reconstituted the nucbleus of ification of the Arab world or Jewish people are going to sub-to the iead of Dr. Kurt Rosenfeld Nazi groups are on Grover TThal- j you would distribute them if ala national Jewish life. It - hasthat stands in the way of a close mit. There is such a thing after refugee and former Prussian Min- en's neck for having invited Ger- lowed to live. You can eliminate all future trouble many to the World Fair, New built the foundations of an instru- collaboration of the various Ara- all as national honor and national ister of Justice Creating endtgh capital to Dr. .Rosenfeld, | York will stage in 19 S 9 . . with, scale plugged pipes and hot Too ment for the collective conscious bic states with Great Britain in pride. There are limits to the whom the Gestapo would give \ guarantee the paring of these •vreter heaters, Vj installing a - - - • early to get excited about it, isn't collaboration of the Jewish peo- the Near Eastern situation, a sit- discriminations and • despise to much to lay'its hands on, was in Balary checks to one's family is it? . . . Herr Adolph himself may a'slow and tedious process. Most ple in the affairs of humanity. uation which has been profound- which the Jewish people Is- Stockholm and •wanted to go tc be in a concentration camp by men work a lifetime at the job When we take into consideration ly changed to Britain's disadvan- rael! .The bearer ol God's mes- Leningrad Only German! the obstacles that have been over- tage by MuBsrlini's "Oceanic" sage to humanity — can be sub- j planes were available . . . Dr. Ro- that time . . . B'nai B'rith willa be i of' creating a sum of capital only announcing a new secretary r ! T• \ to find old age jest ahead while come so far: Jewish unpreparedjected. If any inquiries are necsenfeld still travels on a German if that is the case, If day now, to fill the post left ness for the task of redeeming a victory, is manoeuvring and in- essary in the future, they should passport, with American visas, cant by the late Dr. Rubinow . . ". | they are far from their goal. barren soil; Arabic opposition, Britain be held at Geneva or in the Hasince he is ijot yet an American Men have no guarantee that triguing and manipulating per_ • * . . • , j i The boys are calling it "Hitler British chicanery and added to sonalities and . situations, as I ;ue, under the presidency and citizen En route to Leningrad j S n a b b o._s now when referring to life and earning ability will be esthat the detracting side-issues en- think she is, in order to arrive with the collaboration of non- i he kept his fingers crossed lest ' an and ten3ed over t h e nonnal gineered in Jewish lile~~to swerve surreptitously at an elimination British jurists more-than-mere-coincidence ts and experts.. In the German pilot take it into his +>,„• _n •_„„_• „+ „ .,„ ^ without such a guarantee, the job + , ,„ . . . . . , that all important announcements i t h t the Jewish masses from the na-of Jewish national enterprise in this matter „. ._. __ .. h t iie savire:'- c international to- head to examine his papers and, hby _ tthe . „ , Government T«,«™ of creating capital sufficient tc h . -Nazi ftmrernTnoTlt Mrelative tional goal, the achievements hi- the Jewish homeland at the pre- portance, theof ble fro— \ t l role, the record, the I noting the identity of his passentake the place of earring ability g y p to scrapping the Versailles Peace ment par r~therto must fill the-^nost sangu- sent hiveau, the. sooner we know aims and the intentions of thejger, further take it into his head Treltv your home ' vi 1 ?•• on Satur- becomes extremely difficult. ine with admiration. There is ;this the.better. •; \ . : mandatory power itself Literally speaking, no^one bxfrs j veniences r^ A Z i sJI_ course m-i-nrtxtnT-v •nntr-OT- iteolf cVinnTH I .•._ _ ~ : _ ««e - *v-Plane _1 -off „*» „_,, i -treaty fl M n s n . w i e l l e r , our sports little doubt today that, apart: » 'forced landmg' t n t b | e d l t ln?th"at-case if:is* nol a British first and foremost be subjected to life insurance. TTtat one really t taken i a b feosses having an i - •— from Russia, the thought of Eretz '! Pt. ?i «+• /»OfO*r^ nv\ f l o w n ^s v*i > the light of day. Any other proThe "Rcfir - ' Israel and the cultural, social and commission of Inquiry Palestine cedure at this stage of the game his important cargp^ on German I glib tongue and accepted his re- } d o e s - i s t 0 T136H ' e Insurance to quest for three to two odds on I create a cash estate which can be ener built tr ' • religious repercussions of the needs, for in that case the com-is a cynical farce, an imposition territory you how ir z' ' Jewish national center's recon- mission of inquiry is but a trick on the rights and prerogatives of (Syracuse against Columbia . . . ! returned to either himself or his! HAREM NOTE: Kagheb Bey Expert tree surgery has saved family in theform of 'continuous jj stitution dominate Jewish life in to ;embroil the cards even more. the fifty odd sovereign states who t V*• ) the Galuth. Every Jew has come In that case it is the obvious duty have ratified the League's decl- •jvashashibi, ex-mayor of Jen George's tree, which Arab salary checks. under its sway. Every Jew feels of the Jewisli people to begin to sibn to charge Great Britain with lem, evidently believes_ there is J marauders had almost destroyed S i g ra u n d von Schossberger its influence in his own life. think of carrying the whole ques- "the fadl •*'•<> tion of building a Na- safety in numbers "We are re-during the recent disorders . . . There may be some who still tion of the mandate and all its tional Home for the Jewish Peo- liably informed that he has three Lawyer William Ryppel, who ledwas in 1SS5 created a baroa, the wives . . . One is Moslem, whom that abortive "March to Pales- first Hungarian Jew so honored. speak negligently of it, some may implications' including all the ac-ple In Palestine." he keeps at home . . . The second tine" from "Warsaw knows neitheven sneer, but ignore the Jewish cumulated evidence of British sabotage and chicanery of the last The methods of the Arabic eze- is a Jewess, who takes care of his er Yiddish nor Hebrew . . . While national movement, that nobody sixteen years before an interna- CUtive and of the Arab: higher- children in Southern France . . . "can. Jim Farley is vacationing in Iretional tribunal. committee are not the Jewish The third is a Christian, with land, his post office department i Today, although a period of relr, The Jewish people are entitled people's methods. The Yishuv In Jems-; seems to be doing all right ative quiet has set in in Palestine to know what Britain's real in- has conclusively shown this in whom he steps out alem, the story goes.that he Chose I A letter addressed in Yiddish by after six months of Arabic terror- tentions are In the Jewish home- the awful sis months that- lie beism and violence, a: critical hour land. The present cruel game of hind us. That the Palestinian representatives of each faith so i Harry Zalph of 2141 H street, has Etruck for the Jewish-nation- letting the Arabs appear as the Jewish community refused to be that when he dies, whichever gate I Washington, D. C-, to Irving £pn Stein of Thirteenth Street, ditto, i . i . v >fes> al idea. A British commission of injured party wherever they re- goaded into a resort to counter- to Heaven is open, he'll get in | got there without too much trouinquiry is setting out to examine sort to a spell of bestial violence, violence, not only saved Palestine FOOTSTEP-FOLLOWER: Os "ible . . . Lkewse, a letter addressthe situation ~and report its find- by sending out.commissions of in- from worse, but is a gesture of to and his violin,, New o" ings to London. There is, no quiry, as if- there were the faint- supreme spiritual importance. "We car Straus, grandson of the first | •.doubt in the world but that est possibility of dividing the are happy to think that the Yish- Jewish cabinet member and Am-!York Citv was properly deliverbassador to Turkey, has b d t T k h set t out!i ed to Dave Rubinoff, if" his pubjtwhatever that commission's final guilt Ketween Jews and Arabs, was capable of this gesture,to follow in the footsteps of his jlicity agent can be believed Correct Cloihes Recommendations may be, the has lasted long.«nongh. That the • '•'British Government envisages Jewish Agency submits to the imsome modifications in the pre-position of another commission of sent mode and tempo of Pales- inquiry, instead of simply ignortine's development. The sending ing it, or giving the word to boyof that commission in itself/in cott the hearings, shoWR that it my estimation, is a humiliation of has nothing to fear from the most the Jewish people. The British rigorous examination of the situaGovernment knows perfectly well.tion. At the cost of silently bear<
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Page #
returned to bis studies, &ni Ilpha engaged in business. By the time lipha returned {from a business trip) Rabbi Jochsiimn became the .chief of the college. The schoisnr: Er HELEN 3I0M0ND PnbUabed ev«y Friday at Oraabo, "RcftrasJio, ts? I afterwards said to Ilpns: "IE you j (Continued from page 3) By DR. THEODOEE N. LEWIS j hadst stayed with us and had con- j THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COHPANY Eabb!, Meant Slaal Temple, Sioux City iticued to study the Torafc, we L»x will do," hs answers. "Your* ! would have iaade you chief of the I q U jj e gl n\ev.ie fan,'* commented i Subscription Prtcs, quo year • « • • '•'• • 82.00 [college." prove that hey isestill j f-jciKl, "But. ~vky don't you pick Advertising ratea furolahea oo a&pUcatloa. An incident of. unusual interest to us comes from Den- "THE USE OP THE BIBLE LV inexhaustible source ot tflrae- t To hoi he h u n p m it 1 1 ^ ' it yourself?" "Oh, tbe picmark, where Minister of Justice Steincke is prosecuting six . 1'REACHESG" BY CABX S. wisdom and truth, upon this rev-j * fa m a s t o , £ B h i p a n d E s i d . * matter," explained a O 0 d n r Editorial orflco: 500 Braadels T&eator Bulldinc PATXOH. WILLBTT CLARK Fascist editors for anti-Semitic libels. ! " ^ , ^ i £ i r i \ t l l l f f i f !''Let anybody ask me any law and tt'e the frames J H c r s b f i e l d > AST) CO. CHICAGO. 1036. $3. Sloas City OfCics—Jewlab Community Center cardinal,, contribution to mankind if I do not show the origin of the want. They're just the right size Steincke was pointedly asked why be was taking such DAVID BLACKER - . Business and Managing Editor and civilization. law, I BhsJl fall down from the for all those banquet pictures I It has long been a source of steps against anti-Jewish libels but was not taking similar ac FRANK H. ACKBRMAN • • • • • - - * Edlte? mast of the ship into the water." hare. And where can you buy deep regret and anxiety to the reKATELMAN Council Bin fro, Iowa, Correspondent tion on anti-Catholic defamation. His reply was that where such nice black frames for ten viewer that our people are losing PILL • • * .. Sioux City. Iowa. Correspondent cents, I ask you?" freedom of conscience existed legal action could be taken only all knowledge of. and genuine Print Shop Address: «504 Go. 3«tb Street where definite danger, existed. This, he added, was true in the reverence for, the Bible. ThroughFrom present indications, Joout the ages,. Israel has prided itcase of the Jws. * By Or. Philip SJBOT seph Scbenck will carry the (polself on being "The People of the iideal) movie banner relinquished Book." "Even those who had not by Louie B. Mayer when Hoov»r received advanced Jewish trainBIBLE Next Tuesday evening a group of Omahans will initiate fade«i fsotne yeara *gt». Schencfe ins '"•ere able to read the Bible My son, be wise and make my a movement to revive the floundering Zionist movement in I is favored by Roosevelt and he's Next to Palestine, South America has loomed as the most and more sufficiently acquainted heart glad, that I may answer . Omaha, Their action is moat timely, since now - - more than important section of _the world where Jewish refugees could with Its contents to appreciate an him who taunteth me. SAMUEL LAMPORT. P R O - i also well-liked, by the colony, ever - - there is need that world Jewry, in every nook and escape persecution and find a haven of tolerance wherein to illusion to a Biblical incident or The wicked flee when no man POSES INDUSTRIAL PLAN TO j he'll be a short of unofficial gocharacter. The Jew more than p u r s u e t h , b u t t h e r i g h t e o u s a r e j A I D P O L I S H T F W S . . . A m e r - b e t w e e n . cranny, show their unification and solidarity in the rebuilding eke out a livelihood. An indication that would-be Jewish aknew his Bible; he utilized It reg- secure as a young Hon. chant's industrial plan should and'strengthening of Palestine as the Jewish homeland. The emigres from Germany are casting a hopeful eye in that direc- ularly, and with remarkable re- A poor man who oppresseth the work effectively. ' w h e n Sam Levene appeared In ' Royal Commission is investigating conditions leading up to tion may be gleaned from the fact that the Israelitische Pamil sults, in his religious, devotional weak is like a sweeping rafti TWO ANTI-SEMITES SEEK t h e 8 t a g . e version of "Three Men spiritual life. In our days the which leareth no food. MONTREAL MAYORALTY . . . I OE a Horse," he was 10 nervou* the recent Moslem rioting, and the straws in the wind are wav- ienblatt, oldest Jewish weekly in the Reich, last week began and ignorance of the Bible among He who augmenteth his sub No good wishes to either of them. | n e dereleped Insomnia. Some one ering; not knowing which way to blow. In such a serious mo- publishing a page in Spanish and Portuguese to help teach Jews, as among others, is fearful stance by interest and increase, RABBI HELLER HITS LAY- | recommended certain pillc as sement, it is, imperative that the Jewish people singly and col- these languages to persons intending to settle in Latin America. and Bhocking. The Book which gethereth it for him who is grac- MEN WHO OPPOSE DISCUS-1 a&ilven. Sam's old religious fahas nourished and sustained Is- ious to ihe ?>oor. SION OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS t n c r > puzzled, watched his son lectively lendeyery bit" of assistance in backing up the Jewish rael for centuries is no longer a TALMUD FORM SYNAGOGUE PULPIT snrreptitously putting tbe capdemands for justice in Palestine. source of Inspiration and instrncRabbi Ami said: 'The prayer of But it's much, more comfortable sules in his mouth. Sam kept on tion, no longer an Influence in the a man is not answered unless he to have the rabbi presch on abs- swallowing them, but s»ld nothMost disquieting is a London dispatch to the New York lives and thoughts of our people. put his whole soul into it." tract religious topic* only. By Rabbi Frederick Oohn Times by Ferdinand Kuhn, jr., in which he tells of a scheme' * . ; • " • ing. One day Sam received an The coming generation of AmeriRabbi Jochanan said: "Rain is SOVIET GIVES LITVINOFF offer to pUy his original stag* Everyone wants to be a success. No one wants to be a to limit'Jewish immigration to Palestine to a figure equivalent can Jews will look upon the "Bible not withheld except for such men ITS HIGHEST HONOR . . Ke de- part in the film. Atter a prciongto the margin between the natural increase of the Arab popu- failure. -To escape failure, men even take their own lives, not as upon a work in Sanskrit, mys- as promise publicly to giv© char- serves this recognition. j ed argument he shouted into the lation and the natural increase of the Jewish population in realizing that thereby they consummate the greatest failure terious. Irrelevant and uninterest- ity, and then do not fulfill their POLAND ACTS TO AID ITS j Pbone, "I won't take lew than a ing, unless the present tendency promise." JEWISH CITIZENS IN REICH . . thousand E week!" Hl« father the same year. This scheme, he informs the public, was worked of alj, make any kind of success forever impossible.. Is halted. Ilpha and Rabbi Jochanan stu- So that they'll be sure not to looked up from his prayera, sigh* Success is. the great modern god, to whom a"ll kinds of • One reason among many for died out by immigration experts of the Palestine and British govthe Torah together. They ed, end mumbled, "It must be back to Poland. ernments for the consideration of the Royal Commission now worship is offered, to whom every sacrifice is made: health, the neglect of the Bible, Is the were in very poor circumstances come the pills!^ PRAGUE JEWS PLAN JEWISH even want of food. So they investigating" in Palestine. As outlined by Mr. Kuhn this virtue, honor, ease, unflagging industry, untiring effort and new -knowledge- which has recent- and said: "Let us rise and go unto THEATRE IN CZECH LANGUly become available concerning ' scheme, which appears to be an effort to "freeze" the Jewish endeavor. Men may dispute about religion, but there is no the origin, the growth and the business, thereby maintaining AGE Signing off . . . And why not? LEGION MARCHING population t(x its" present proportion of the total population, dispute that 'success' is the religion of the great majority to authority of the Book. Most men what is. written {Deut. 15.4) 'In- TOJEWISH PALESTINE HALTED NINE | (Copyright, 193« Jewish Telegradeed there should be no needy .would effectively curtail any substantial increase in Jewish which they pay unceasing homage and unremitting devotion. and women have been reared In man phic Agercy, Inc.) t; among you.' " They betook MILES FROM WARSAW . . . . an atmosphere and environment What is 'success'! It is supposed'to be. synonymous with population. Kuhn points out that "if the natural increase of whefe the Bible was held to be themselves and sat down beneath' the Arabs in one year is 25,000 and the natural increase of the happiness, the acme of ecstasy and pure joy. To achieve the the literal word of God, free from an unsafe wall and ate their get Into Palestine anyway, GREECE BANS HEBREW IN Soon two angels appeared invtwt 6af#ly, Wlttty In Jews 7,000, then the maximum number of Jewish. immigrants happiness of 'success', men would surrender every other hap- error, and'immutable in its pro- meal. JEWISH SCHOOLS . . . Sbc-u'tog and Rabbi Jochanan heard one in that year shall be 18,000. Population experts estimate that piness (as Mark Twain was willing to send his wife's relations visions and laws. Recent Bibli- of them say to the other: "Let us that Japheth doesn't reciprocate study has • upset this very the hospitality of Sheffi. Annuity, Endowment. L.H* without Jewish immigration the increase of Arabs would ex- in case there was war!). 'Success' is wealth, men say; and cal pleasant hut unscientific theory throw the wall down upon them ROYAL COMMISSION OPENS and kill them, for they Ere about M&®K E.CON ceed that of, Jews by 18,500 next year. By 1941 the excess unremittingly strive for it, forgetting that wealth may take ot divine revelation. Even those to neglect eternal life (study) ITS INQUIRY , . . They have a Repti>sen«8 "1 Strong Companwho are not Informed about the to itself wings and fly away! 'Success' is position, a good many would .drop to" a little more than 17,000 and by 194B, to apbusy themselves with tempo- large task ahead of them. i«»—Every Typ* of inturanet historical growth of the Biblical and »n<S @ond« wrtit«n. Call ATthink; and seek to attain it by hook or crook, by fair means rary life (business). But the BRANDEIS NAMED HONORproximately 16,000." If this scheme were adopted, and Jewish 766? or WA-6180, books and of religious Ideas and other angel replied: "Let them ARY CITIZEN OF TEL AVIV . . , or foul failing to remember how insecure is the jnost cerimmigration kept within these limits, the total number of Jews this includes the vast majority, alone, for tnere is en© of them America numbers him among her in Palestine in. ten years would'be • 36 per cent of the total tainly-thought position, kings being deposed and sent into are no longer credulous. They re- whom the time will succor, end most honored citizens. fuse to believe in the historicity will shortly become great." Rabnumber of Arabs, compared with about 28 per cent now, and exile I 'Success' is fame - — greatest mistake of all! Fame being of the Sinaitic theophony, even as bi Jochanan heard this but Ilpha (Copyright 1956 by Seven Arts IVSenorahs, Jewish Mu«l«, Blblm the "Arab community would be freed of its haunting fgar of 'the bubble sought at the cannon's mouth,' or, as Disraeli said, they spurn the superstition and did not, snd the former asked: Feature Syndicate.) 'the shadow which great minds cast, which little minds pursue dogma and false theology that ,,-... being outnumbered." . . master . . .hear anything? * to . masquerade j under 3 ,*. ,, Did the used the _ . . . . ., was tbe . as substance. XT ,i i Nay, I heard, nothing', From this dispatch, one would gather that the Royal ComPrague — A' Jewish tteeatre name of» religion. "Oh, emptiness of fame I . reply. So Rabbi Jochanan thought which will give plays In tbe Czech JGEIT FELDMAH mission had determined what it would find before-it even The tragedy however of many "Because I heard it and Ilpha did language Is to be established Qh Persic Zoroaster, lord of-stars I" . PKAVER BOOKS moderns is that though they re- not, In all probability I am the here by a group of ass'T started finding. However, such news sleuthing is invaluable, ject the old, they can not adjust — "What's failure or success to me!" exclaims the aspiring CiHn fer ear M!ts*«lMt since BOW fthej British government's commission could not very one to whom time will succor. He Jews as a raesxnsot creating wort j themselves to the scientific ap- said to Ilpha: "I have reconsider- for Jewish actors who cannot obRes. «SC Ne. SOth St. OL-W7S Paracelsus, in Browning's spiritual masterpiece. "I have subwell come forth with a proposal 'Which was "publicized in adproach to religion. Because the P. O. BOK ?1O Omaha. Ntbr tain employment in other theadued my life to the one purpose whereto I ordained it." Pervance of jtite investigation. Also, this dispatch throws a new Bible is no longer, in a literal light onthe recent granting of 1,800; certificates for the. labor haps in this very 'subduing' his success. Perhaps success is sense, the word of God', many fail the Torah." Thus Rabbi Jochanan I tres. see any truth, wisdom or immigration quota for the six months ending April 1, 1937. no definite, concrete achievement but the subordination of to beauty In Its, pages. Because its one's life to high ideals, the direction of one's efforts to some At first we thought that this was a victory over the Arab destories, its drama, its poetry and mands for stoppage of Jewish immigration, but now it looks great end, purpose, and goal. Perhaps in the patient, faithful, its laws are the works of men likeva preview application of a British plan, for future immi- conscientious seeking of this noble end, whether attained or they fail to realize that these proare a3 unique and as not, lies the real essence of success. You remember Lessing's ductions gration. •.:.'.._.•,.; . ' - :••/. ;'•',•' '•';..•:•.•'."••••;.•' . ,•. •' '• . genuinely divine as if they were The Jewish people have wought miracles in rehabilitating great statement, that if God were to offer him truth in one delivered In a miraculous fashion. can not understand that dithe homeland. Palestine has flourished because of Jewish ini- hand, and the pursuit of truth in the other, he would fall on They vine' revelation as explained by tiative, and the Moslems have been,direct beneficiaries. The his knees before the .latter and beg to receive it from the Di- modern Bible science is infinitely Jewish people have only begun their development of Pales* vine Beneficence. This has been. immortally expressed by the more significant and more truly divine than those ancient myths tine, and will .continue to create future • miracles because of superb Browning: whica sought to explain the ways "For thence a paradox the historic urge, because of the loverfprhthe land which they of God with man. Which comforts while it mocks,— have cherished for centuries.', . . a n d which has now become This Book written by the Professor of Homiletics of tbe Pacific a most needed and welcome haven of refuge.' We come to Shall life succeed in that it seems to fail What I aspired to be, " ' " School of Religion at . Berkely, _ Palestine with an olive branch extended > . . jiojfc a sword'-. .'. California, is an effort to show And was not, comforts me: but we must. be prepared for any and.every emergency, and modern preachers- how to use the in such emergencies, every local Zionist body which is active A brute I might have been, but would not sink i' the scale. Bible In preaching. The author Isaac Mayer Wise, the revered?founder of American Ju- readily adimits that the prevailcan be of immeasurable help. ' ing ignorance of the Bible condaism, wrote at the conclusion of his "History of the Hebrews' stitutes a barrier towards Its freSecond Commonwealth": "1 have written this history with quent and efficient use in the pulThe Father and -Son banquet has become a pleasant in- the proud feeling that man is better than his history." Man is pit. Nevertheless he feels and justly that the preachers by basstitution in the community. In this modem age of hustle in greater than his history I. Man is greater than anything he may ing their sermons and discussions which the; home'has been relegated to a place of minor im- or may not have been able to accomplish I Man is as great as on Biblical stories and characters portance, opportunities for fathers, and sons to come into so- his noblest intentions, his highest ideals 1 In the faithful, un- and tests can gradually re-Introthe Book into the affections cial contact of the proper sort art rare indeed.' discouraged pursuit of these lies the true essence of 'success.' duce and lives of the people, that they . Too many sons know the father as a gruff; tired man, For, in the last analysis, success is character. I have writ- can create a quickened interest In eager for a few moments of solitude and peace. His role is ten and spoken upon what I have called 'The A B C of Suc- its contents' and a new apreciatoo often the sorrowful one of being the disciplinary agent cess', A standing for Ambition; B for Brains; and C for Char- tlon of its values, that they can the modern man and woman, and the family exchequer,1 Too many fathers consider their acter. Ambition and Brains are both indispensable for 'suc- help emancipated f r o m superstition 1 1 sons only , as responsibilities and thefuture fulfillment of their cess' of a sort, a mundane success, a worldly success, often a and dogma, obtain a true knowlhopes and ambitions; : . .• mere^yulgar success, expressed mainly in material terms - - and edge of, E deeper Insight into, and more lasting attachment to .this • In neither case is there the realization that there may be the, world's most 'successful' men, History's Successes, have agreatest of all great books. a bond between them, that they -have- similar, sentiments. At been men of ambition (like the noble Lincoln) and of brain The author not only believes the Father and Son banquets they sit together as human be- (like the intellectual leaders of the earth); but all enduring that this Is possible, ha shows how , ings. Together they may spend a few moments in community success that is not wrecked at the end, so that one's reputa- it can be done. In the six chapters devoted to the Old Testament singing, applauding the entertainment. And; /when they leave tion and career do not topple down and crash in ruin about he writes several excellent ser' perhaps they wiU have a better understanding of one another, one's'head (like Napoleon's) must be built on the firm founda- mons based on Biblical texts, for in reality they have come not as fathers and sons, but men. tions of character, on the impregnable rock of righteousness. stories and characters. In every the message is modern and For there is a ^success' that is only failure and there is a case relevant to the needs of our gen'failure' that is immortal success. 'Success' in the eyes 1>f eration. Two chapters are devoted We have often repeated that much of the malevolent ills sordid, greedy man may be egregious failure in the eyes of to New Testament themes. . < • • in anti-Semitism is due to the all-powerful influerice of propa- God; while 'all the world's coarse thumb and finger failed This book should serve as ganda. Human weaknesses make the masses susceptible to the to plumb'; - - the finer qualities of the soul - - "all I could challenge to the occupants of our .who are in part at least infection of cleverly-maneuvered propaganda,.and the absurd- never be, all men ignored in me" - - these make up the impal- pulpit responsible for the decadence of ity of the charges of the assinity.of the statements seem to in pable, priceless qualities, visible and sensible to the Divine Biblical knowledge. No book can surpass the Bible in human inno way affect their potency^ We cannot help but be reminded terest and the best message or of the declaration in Hitler's "Mein Kampf," in whichAdolph Eye, that constitute the very, heart and soul of true. success, sermon is that which deals with without which all; other so-called 'success' is naught but ir, gives his philosophy away by saying that if you repeat" a lie some phase of human life and often enough, it will be believed . . . and th* bigger the lie, remediable and irredeemable failure. conduct. To preach on a variety Better to be a 'God's success,' to be 'worth to God' than of political, economic and social the easier it will be believed. / j '-'•_ •"./..-':;:,-.'•..•.:\ be worth to so often unworthy, fickle and altogether unre- themes Is often to reduce the pulIt is, therefore, not coincidental that at the same time liable and untrustworthy man. Better a 'God Success' even pit to a mere lecture platform. ^ the Nazis announce that an Arabic translation of "Mein Kampf By discipline, patience and study. the preacher, and espeically thp ~7~has become a best seller in Bagdad, that city ahould become the though a man-failure 1 J "So, take and use Thy work: Jewish preacher, who has much scene of a violent outbreak of anti-Jewish incitement. The homiletlcal aid at hand, the Bible Amend what flaws may lurk, same type of agitation which, was used to bring about the Moscan again become a valuable book lem terrorism in Palestine is being employed in Iraq, and as a What strain o' the stuff, what warpings past the aim I of Instruction and inspiration. If' My times be in Thy hand! our people are ever to regain their result the numerically small Jewish population literally has reverenca for and ksowledge ot , Perfect the cup as planned I 'its hands tied." " our Bible, the rabbi znust take Let age approve of youth, and death complete the same!" We might suggest to the king of Iraq that his charity th« lead. AB !a forrser days he. . - Frederick Cohn. should basa his preaching on this 1
begin at home. He seemed quite agreeable to use his good offices to help end the long, strike in Palestine. Those same pacific inclinations could well be used right now in his own backyard to protect the Jewish people of his own land.
Gems of the Si and Talmud
Success and Failure
To- /IP F^FfT^P^ of The Nebraska's ' 50th Anniversary
of Jewish "Women
HHfCT TCEDBING «2annBxr S I , JLS"27 -was a s t «s'
p- trv I On? cf zht iiprt ".r-QtF r* j Selt-E ItlStidor jin« r r r r ™ A "streamlines" version "East Xynns" .is in ^rehearsal -with a cast Til talented Tyouns i I under the airsctinu cf ."Sirs. Slas | Block, as tbe entertatnnrerit hijThj.lisht -.for the StxrKfcoai S p. m . 4:SO .p. -m. XOEKIJJ Artists .'Tfisich t h e HisterCTod cf Ts~pte | Prisus irill tic ,J:!TSIL -a; Eact i i Israel --will si-re "We3isEsfisy B"TP- ; tEfele xn£ tbert "Till E.lsr bx t £.30" j i^r J r - , ; *• JrcgrnTH, .'Concert HalJ 7.:I3O _p. m. -Main Galcries •ning, "DeceTalier :16, a t t h e .SiscJ:rr j stone hotel. The ^entire «:sstij issrved. — ICKCM ars- thirtp-iivc j •—.1D3B S:CO 35. TO. -Omaha Civic I j floor ballroom vr.111 be :tnins2onaOrehestm— Cescsrt S a i l . | l e f i "into & Tivsr best Jor the af—~r r ? " - r . r ; * ~ , . r ,. Sovember -SO —vtetcr | fair. 1-1 lEclatlons and Civic .Stagy | true to typs s 1 T'iU : GrDnp, Council o j 3errisb | bens-it cf circus, ^ce^tsry cr ^crs. ^ _ „ „ „ „ „ e - ™ -1 „ " * r " ' J r r i c "! < " " ~ r - * TToincn, -3. C. c . I .the characters -will, 'however, irjv-:Kovcmber i»0 Chessd Shel | psar in cost-asses typical of the • on TuasdsT atterEocr,, T o t r . t "hr." r 'Ei,; " . - F . t-i - , , ; . . r , era. .lira. Bsra Sirrer is Ernes Csrfl -Party,-J. C C. 8:00 J
Tlanecr Dn 3Iondny, :KDvember "SO, the International Relations and Civ- TVoaron's Clnb Ones Shabbos. sn — Joslyn ics Group nl the'.'Council of Jew"Xiecturs '.Sail ish "Women -msetin= at the 3?wItr. Hfigar .A. Bolt, -ispcakish Community . Center Ttill sponer 2:20 p . an. sor i t s ^innital ^jrosnun devoted
ter rtit H3x. ;anfl S i s . A . JStillman to international goad-nill. 3ess Uteas, Inrmeriy :ni Grser .Shocrafi -will -present "Tite ol .Butterfly" a dramatic r • ,1 ,I." City, -will become the bride Bl 3Ir. Xouis Caaax, son JQI readies. -Sir. and ZEIis. S. Cauar tit Dntata, Xuncbeon be served by airs. 3arry Shumovr .and Mrs. X on Sunday -November 5 9 . The iceremnny ^zlll take rplace Solzman of -.the Jmspitallty comat thfi -borne of Haibi Jiavid A . mittee. The musical prosRim ICfas Britor ^scheme ol tin» lniicn- Goldstein -in .the \pre3snce -of t h ewill jfeaturB 32rs. Syntan Salman, asm 'was -pink snfl -white. A resn- immediaifi iamily. A XEcepttnn soloist. /accompanied by Ilxs. r*wij»»«j«, t& Jnlciaturo bride and T71I1 "be Jielfl a t t h e Inmerilthe ZFinfceL jgrntini unnntitna un iferns, "CSS groom's ^parents loltowing t h e A bnard meeting -will ;presede thB-luncheon. 1—Pioneer "Womcen-: On Tuesday, Hecemher 1 , thE! '"£ » -'per.Ur.tt, r-rr;r en's Club x s, 3. C. C. 1 ^ I ^ . Cultural Study Group of t h e ! >to each indivuluul .plate .Eosalie Alberts, talested J-OUEE: 2:ao p . TU. Council trill mBet •.•at a desert j pink .ribbon. "When t h e i'sa TTIII be ssrrca of Mr.. ESd. :Srs. J a t k ircadms. art m e o'clock ut the 'I>ecembEr 1 — Cultural I| iclaughtsT, •lnnchBan -was over, each guest At ona of the jjrettiest serBAlberts, "sn3 a vrell "JIUDTTB -dsisc- l Staiiy -Grcrap Council 0f of the season 3Iiss ^Evelyn | Community Center. TCRB tola 'to pull t h e .-ribbon arid |jer, -will appear .-jrs t h e 'heroine, rtia artowBTB turned nut to i s in- jUpstein, daughter of 31r. and lira. 3Crs. Bam TVblf vriu interpret Jewish T?roinea, 3 . C. € , 1 ;p. TB. .l.ssbsll'S, The .hETD'E *rol£ :December. 1 — • Temple 'Is.dividual jcursa"-03 jxouis Epstein hecamB the bride CRensscen.ce" by Sdrxa St. Vinbe sinne by Sylvsi: T*rEsfcel, •rael :Sisterhood Stady Grosip H. Simons, son of OSlr. and ! n t juujjy, Mrs. Bam Sacharia M To each VTEU kno'vrri for his -vrc:ii vriih the nn mmounceS:13 p. j a . •mant an ithie iarm n t a aiploma, lira. A . Simons -on Sunday, TJov- jj^jj 3j r a _ ,j D hn .Rosenblatt -Kill be JJeccmber — — Women's Ui- Jewish Community Center ?ic^aes .at .this ansntins. •vlsisjn oi J. .C. C. — Classes ETS' group. JUiltca HDbinsar -will I Euiitjces t i n t thE next Di.es i>iis.»- j ^ Togntg weitj given portray .the villisn. s.s.6 otJisTs itus t r n i bE hcl£ ci. Saturday,' l j T > " n r i and Dessert -luncheon. A. -Goldstein, T7CO cT . f^.ai: v J B -• c-«'bridal :paxt takins part inclade. Se-ss SoliDecember -i — 'Temple Isay i 3U£TB. 3HIfce Colton* , Hita '.'Iilantcl and .Herbert 33EE1 Bisterhoca Craft Class 1 airs. en.- .Uartha Hisxsaelstein is "Epstein "wore an ivory j jxtx&id-of^honox; and "Mfry* boolc "holdsr. colored Ihrwerfid chiffon -velvet'.', attffenblitl xa JPhilaaelphia, -Miss go'wn, Slusical acconroanlnirnt trill "be I J-*£.isstin£ Eicus.tiffn -to^*;-^. J*. .T??B53— • lr -*-' ^ ^ •»-*" ^ t r s r —^r^* r r **"*'—'^T~ xael "BistErhooa Tirrrpct Class, itorm 31ttlns. with ions, Sarah 3Rnrbes of Ban Antonio, tignt-fltting sleeves. _n .ions train, reminisceirt tif the rl p . 3a. While Dutsids .-warm ^Indian Texas, Miss Bazal Snyder qi U n - and a cowl neckline, -fashioned .I>eccmber 4 — Teinple I s ,jmjn# 3nfl 3Xiss GoldiB 35u3man with a mnall ^stand-up colter ^at summer -weather prevailed, rael Sisterhood .Sereins GstJup, 3nn Miss 3?erniTO Rribinatm nf the back. "With it she -wore a ers a t ."the iiirst axxxural I p. m. itfts 'PIOHSST 'Trcianr "srlll 'be- Ml£ -.Omaha. Ittarris JioitstBin TMU bemrwli .gtuvai 3nade of tulle and sponsored by t h e Women's BccGEiter '5 — • — Betii-H! aasalon al the Jewish Community be trimmed -rcltli tiny -seed -pe man. GTOomsmen \WRMBI CQEE t.r.TT '^' j Center and Welfare federation Jliarr Dncg Pliablsos. from -which fell s. .short .face veil 'ber'l. " t h e lirst touch nf the l>ccenibcr G — Hound TEahle -Forbes ttfi past T'Eck T. a! Jewish ToutliUancc, 3. C. C. .exrremsly .Ions in the Center -T j.I.c-, T -rr.-t, : 'Cnhi: has .spoken 'be-1 and J)ecciDb.er ~ —Book Ji.cvisrRr. i i l / i . i ikiii.i,**.; .IXulibi JDavia A. Goldstein & liars gfrreral civir jFnrbes "wlU be C). t be the .ring On triruTsuny -evBiiiiij;, 3HHrShaIl -Forbes . Xouts Epstein, motacr DI tte l c i c l e s ; . t e r e ± r e e s j The UsassssE Brufir Group -vrlli bride, rwas-ppwnHa in ailwr lame, ; o w l s .^njimied of the -months soon .3>eceniijer 8 —— Umchaon .the I latest book, "Triiite Sanaers" bs-ana 3Irs. A. Bimnns, -mothnr nl; ^ u e •StnSy Grosrp. -1* s-f 15 ^jM. w s , ' bunco. 3*r.izE3 TTCTB "won the sroom.:in icyal blue lace. IteccsJber 9 •— -CormmmttT ifore a 'sathsrriijs el 'Jlethodist j Troceeds .from the dance, a 3U'Dacar 3Paub, 3Ira. iSam 3Hrs. 3 o n Theodore, slater of inancial as -vrell as social success, 'Forum — Dr. Xnuis Bcrs, 2. ; Hospital .Nurses. Wednesday,' iTise t o p i c c * d i s c u s s i c r . TTIII b f ;•'**•'' "*" CT?" L r r " " s ' " ^ T ' " " '"* {UovEHibsr -25. he addressed the j "The Status nl ..TeTjsb. ' 3Kiattte, Strs. 1. 3ailler, -ana 33X2, tbe groom, -who -was matron. oT | are to he used ior the nurchasinE C. C ! CnopErative Club a t t h e Hotel ;asa Trill be is a fcr jfirs. Iterifi A. Iteceniber i S — Cabaret honor, wure -an 'icB "blue satin L j XL n.e-w ca.1s.Tas3 tor the iloor nl Goldstein. Ilrs. Key«rr Stem "Vj" ~govm, made on -prbacE33 Iins3, the Center auditorium and TB--Sivteg Style JJancp— 3r. Cona- jHnme on the subject, ""Srcader IIread a. pjiper. iAspEcts of ThaaJisgivins." cll of "3ev?isb Woincri. wlth ^rovjai puffed sleeves trim-1 equipping the Center stage. ! Suri^iay, ^Hovci^bsr 2t?, ^Hubbi • 'ilrs. l*errr snvennEE T*1!I he .December IS — Seta SI mefl TTith three gardenias. 31iS3 Miss] j 31xa. ,3. .3." Grsenb^rg -was I Conn Trill deliver an address lie23E. A jlesssri iunchsoj! 3ttr. aftmi 35ra. "William ^losim en- Sylvia Epstein, Bister fif the 'man of t h e Dance committee and y j r n.. ri hr .". C C. J '•"T -r'.I be -scrvcti. Ifereiabcr iC — Tcnrplc Is- jfnre the Trisity Ciiu-rci! Forum at ttwBnty-2iTB Sttm Ttaodare "was co-chairbride, served as -maid-QT-b.onor, j-S'lst and 3inn.ey .streets, and on cone ii "clonk iunchenn SatuTitsy a t and traa gOTsrned in :yellDT7 iieavy man. Dthera -aaaisttas "2IT3. rael : Sisterhood .Bhnvs' "Bcat!Thursday, DecembEr .2, he Trill "Banilltnn 'Cale on Ibe -occasion ribbed rtafetta also made on -pringeneral ticiret b j! j . j . jspest bBlore the Council Biu"s cess Btyie -rcith -3hort -pnHed off Ttteefa" ttwenty-Iilfb ss; "Mrs. "B en 3l£zloiralsy; U r s . sleeves, and handed a t the Ihem lEttey -were ER imxrartart m'ettis^ next Then 3&TS. 32a: , cmiWBMM, MTEREM- (Araericari HevDluticr. m' aat .nl idlvarware a s -well vrlth .a ^narrow band of ^wine col- airs. 3 , Brman end ilrs. 2. •deenrattons; aitB. Hobert EI/iEE CURTAIL JEWISH anany n£bnr gitta nf silver, airs. ored -velvet. The Jfour bildesntaioB ra. tst tire «. T!. 'C. AH ticket in TmS ^SlT3. ATthUT 31 jUamond "wrlat WHTB a l l -SU'"' 3«y strtrnlg Ire tEnrca is, EE£ 5. TDFDtATiaS .-Sesal, :and ggt Irom Ihsr husband. shades nT bine. 3Iiss^Bfitty rrart -cr- tire Tfe-lrrEirinE ilcccc J hride, wnre electric ^a -01 -thB Ttxnze *\ k i n noiiain C o l l e t Clab -nrili blue talatla, trimmed -with ihrse tge Israel, Sunday after p n y B "itiage. 3»ria33 ^rflre TeitLG I T^ atra, Ban JHartta, 3Iia. X tm lan, IBTB. 3OB 3att, VEt ': ,-anfl jars. ^L. Simelateui. xXJEi X ? i .^T^i P velvet IHTB, l-tosen -VTSS csaiatiia 'a T :Steinarick Cnhn, Jas& -Cohn, Seymour and .Tara..'Amra • Evening, SMeveEilsEr tt t i the ."'^Ktoaay : deals vv-ith "Palestine ai wort* 33eacack blue talotta j Gbhn, 3)ave "Peder, Charles T^ell-j -r=-,„. sr .has been .ced to ' ; ton hotel. " on t h e :Eame Iine3 ESjman, i e o n relhaan, Al J'isdler,: ond is concerned -with scenes Irt The "chsirisaj: DI t i e CD-cirr:ittr>«- '• t ;SJ Sesal's rax^pt that it -rms Xav;rrence Pinkel. 3>svid T. that last ,ycsr! the oihsr -caustrtes 3iabbi s.: ': 5cr the Netr Terr's rj^rtr ESEUCIII>- . ^ buttoned dovni theberg, 2yman Greenbers, llave j aBt.sma JHIS. -Bam Green ;are unbfilted *hrf t h e <•-;»*>, ^^ m ,,»," v-~~. 1 -1' •vrexe -7SS Jevr3 -vrfio married lislrs. "TTice Tisftug "this srrsnnsT. baci -with annall Thincstons but- finiflmaa, Axthiir GnliJatEin, Ite^-j week viaitins in id Goldstein, 1 . 3 \ Goodman, Dave °ui of t h s Jcwteh faith. tons. 3Iiss Jfluma I The COIISSE Club is .ejea to s.Ii Chicago. grown "V7ES nxiuanrarine moire, CSreenbtsrs, IMsxnard Gxeenbers, r.young pfecpte nl :the city. J. Har^ICXS SXr£ ^ 3 " W i j £ l ' large pulfea siaxHolsman, Clyde Srasne, ~1.'SSRIB style RACIAL ' old Balis .is resident. sHQEIDAT !EEKE :. } i t flowar nt ijr. 3Iiilaknfsky, Irvrn X-evine, sleeves. ANGERS Xmtm TEtraaise Our jLS-rertissrs. '-•^• > Jraju i t e tUniveratty at a t stein, another cousin of the bride, Mendelshon, Willam Milder, Sertittjr, ^ ^pan iilne xibbed -tafetta. bert .Berlin JNewman, Btimue'D. made -with Rnmnneck, J . Itoasn, -Thll 3lossn- causs .Eisrlxi sleeves, :sn.naxe a t bi'att, Sarry Ttuhenstein, |"WBglaa author anif -Nobel Prize •C^ the .hem -with txro .-narrow hands Sherman, 3 e n rSilver, Bam Stern, j—inner, had bitterly attarired t h e A. 2. oi .blue -velvBt. A-rmthgr "Harry Tru3tin, 3Ioe "Vender, Itov- J JSIasi racial theories, the WestSSff .for .the velvet banfi stsrved as .thebelt. id .31. "WICB, E. X "WXdman, jPhin- j dentsehfir 3eohachter is denianiSAll t h e hridal nttendants carried H8. 'Biia -arji .fcsik -manihsrs of Eas "WintroUb, S . A .."WoT*, "Sam Uns an nfficial ban on her hoofcs ! 3Jo. 1 nt A. S . A. :bst- irblonlal hououots -of talisman Merrlt lthroughout Germany, and the! and IHiases itar tnnflOTHtantlins nl "V7hat A. \Z--rosea. •elimination of her TiTitisss *rasi j ' :cnd iBlanchB -A. 'to aana stands i n r and also to 3IT. 3hnan3 'had u s 'his atten-1 Ecrman ^terrspapers. j pledges anfl new anam- dsnts "his brother Sidney Stmons. Z. U . tr. 3IOTKEHB CLTJB 'IFrau "Dndset has betrarfisJ the f : . Z. ^A.., 3SnOmr Chnp- nt ChiCBSo, -who irorvfid "33 be3t :Mrs. 3 . J . SlosfaUTS, jr., xrss hsartfelt hospitality she er;jo;>xd| "Rill :Hoim ppen a Bc3mol DI A.man, and Jack ^Epstein, 3ernard hostes3 to tha 21. IB. T . IHother'slin our cultural -life," the 3 . A. ThB^ledjce Bmntera PlotKln, and Abe Sekt and 3rv-club .at a rone -o'clock luncheon at jsiid. "She did .not deserve •will lead vtheas <*laESS3 2trs 3Iacy tag yasinnan, both uS "Sious City.her .".home, ^November 3.3. The vEnsration -which vrag acctn 3anm amd Srnls UDSS- SenahBrs A Shiner for loO ^ue3ts iollorclns oiETrly elected nlficsrsjher by wide circles of cur -will "ire Jinarructed n n date and BBrved immediate!.s 'the preaided a t the ^nectins 3Irs. nersmony i n the 35allroom :ni theilahxshock, president; 3ITS. 3. J<4 -sis "gning iorrrsTd -for a.Bbaclrstone, and -vras Ibllovrsd by "Sloahurs. ^vice--presiBent; 31ns. -B. J^RMBEIS -TLUWER SSQ? Tarty "to ire npunaurcd i an inlormal xecsption -and danc- 3 . .Hosenbars, secretary; "Mrs. B. recently TB-opeaed Brandnl insJVlother Chapter 3or rshop i3 novv .under thE r Fiisdman, taseasurer and "Mrs. 3 .sia i l l t h e .A. iZ. .A. -tnambBTa In Dma- -After a short '-honeymoon Stieller, s secretary. nl -Fred Allea. "3Ir. | ±a <an9 CnuncD tsn- the baa TBtiiTned to rmake Mm. B . 3 . 3losenbergt7lll toTioat-^j,^ - ^l o rE S T e n T E a r s E s s o c . date JOT ibis affair lhas their iitnne "here. BSB to the -niembers al this club jT£ ea ^lth rsne , c l ^ m o ^ t aor :Monds7, tDEEHntber -.H a one ^o'clock "lunchBon tD "he| c l u s i V B ^ l n r i s t s to . K w . T t r i : . f f i t r tollov/ed by bridp at^ter faorae^nd ^me -^^^^ ^ aere 3IT. jSarry Trustui left JS0vem-j Trhur3a5y > ^scemhar 13. trainins -in "buying -and designing. her 21 lor Bt. liouis to attend the Since IDul "Sir. Alien has been a florist :in Omaha and has tress eishtesnth unnual rEonvention vdth the 33rantieis TIOTTST shop tbe 3IlE!lrEiiEPl "Vulley Aisochv- -' SsfheT "Btclnberg, .acsomsince tlon. 385- Mrs. Iferai M. 3fesxsaa "The Brandeis I T , "!TniBtin -tsraa to TSturn paniea "by her -sister, r .Shop vrlll :appear on the Young' Artist's carrying' Thursday ^nnxntosr types u"I cut Hmcers \ iBattmsaJtch Cake program sit the -Josiyn .THemorial and 'jrattssi .iilasts End .-speiiaiizes I Ifautter, 3*% xups at i4.:30 SundEy aBremoon. Ij j n -various Eorts ol dec0rs.tic2s, --0SSS, a tteiBPODn Trill 3>Isy four Tiolm Bolos: Iloral [lessens. End •snrsaises. ! xup paatry Ihiar, ' 2 % 1. The Second .movement ol Mr. and 3Ira. A. "Stino 2 ^ -Biroons halilns .vovxbBX, m tea4, :;'3Iena.el3ohn's "Concerto. daughter, .'Bess, -and 1 3potm sofla, % strong Jahe JJrealffsr ;and Hoa, Hlvin, ano-' 2. Perpetual llofion by Hia3. 1 Tlair i p 3. -Nnctnnie' In ~B Hat by "Chop- f :in :Irom litncdln, -eatly "by iE-kills2 -Dream""buttar; :add sugar atcw- torsd in. I l Uy; add :nnbfiaten <ssss.ona a t a day, -to :spend tEhanksgivins trlth 4. Qxpsy Airs by Sarasate. i ifcor, ' thns; atdd Tyimllbr.'; add all dry :to- their -cousins, 2 r . and 3Irs. Sam- The Misses \StEihbers .are .'the I - "Herald uel D. "flshx. .daughters -of 3Ir. .and 3!rs. Biraou j «»?• VV C Z, naiflly •with the rofiEse. 2Ske ; •at council "Bluffs. .;. | ' j^juare pan si 35D jia- 3HLW&EES!! Ifc3 Una Gross .'left last lor iHty 3ntautE3. Ior ailivaulice, "WG,, for an esictag: 3 tablE3pnoE3 malted I iuttsr, '3 cups uorrdnred 'Susar, 5 tondsd stay ~S7ltb rehitivcs. ' vVraps Gross -SSS3 Bntsriaine-1 a t , "tablespoons jcneoa, 15 Fiat Tas»«i .farewell parties 3?ri xold ocnlteB, 1 #tBasponn vanilla. iBett 'butter, xraol. and add augar tolrer departurE. anfl conja miisd tosnthsr. Add tsortae -Burwjy, bsattus -573!!. Add -vsnlUar, xsdd Tmrre xfllfco 'It iw»ivu I, U U - * »»iA. iiiji™ fcU fitted tr tar r r r ^,T3TUI ],;«"Utt j}a±e til t h e ^redding -of "Miss ,P"rita 3toltstein .-ami _ilr. Jireing i t a luncheon given , JStavembex I B . 'by 3Irs. 3Hnrris -Rnitatein rut t h e THntnl. Twenty-Bight ganat3
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WAR'S DEVASTATION—This picture, just received in the United States, shows some of the devastation done during the recent fighting on the Aragon front. Heavy shells and aerial bombs have reduced this once pleasant home in Tardienta, near Huescs, into ruins. Fighting continues in the Aragon sector, although Rebel forces concentrated on Madrid.
IN MEMORY — King Edward V m ot Oreat Britain led his people in tribute, to the British war dead, on the 18th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice. Here His Majesty, second from right, is shown a t the memorial services in Albert Hall, London. Left to right are: Right Honorable Stanley Bruce, High Commissioner of Australia; Baron Cartier de Marchrienne, Belgian Ambassador; the King, and Lord Milne.
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MOTHER GEEETS MONARCH—An interesting picture of Bang Edward of Great Britain as he kissed his mother, Queen Mary, when she arrived at'the Home Office in London to witness the Armistice Day exercises at the Cenotaph. Recovered from her. rejcent cold, she viewed the ceremonies from a window. King Edward lY/as always her favorite son, evident in this affectionate greeting.
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ENVOY—Joseph K Davies, former Federal Trade Commissioner and international lawyer, of Washington, newly appointed United States Ambassador to Moscow." He succeeds William C. Bullitt, recently appointed Ambassador to France. Mr. Davies was married about a year ago to Mrs. Marjorie Post Hutton of , New York, cereal heiress. He was born in Watertown, Wis.
1 — Lord Maxwell Aiuken Besverb-cok, one of EngJ land's leading pub^shers. as he arrived in New \ o r ^ and then : sealed liome rgnn Born i n Newcastle CESTwda hr served as i a Canadiar rep-eseri*Ptivp pt the ' front, during the Ti"orid War. 1 Later he entered j ournalisrr and, 1 &t £7, owns the London Daily ; Express, the SundLi Express, snd Evening: StFndffi. •
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- f .«4'»-*.y^ 4-' GREETINGS—How representatives of the Spanish Loyalist government were greeted in St. Louis, Mo., recently. At left is Rev. Fr. Luis Sarasola; center, Senora Isabel de Palencia, who represented Spain at the League of ..Nations, and. right, Mrs. Maria Cocoles, representative of the St. Louis Spanish Club.
,!TOOK HIS FAMILY, TOO — Maurice Bailie, French soldier of ^ans, was faced with leaving his family without means of support, • r.hen he was conscripted for the army. So he took his wife and the joungsters with him to Vincennes, when he reported for duty. ^7!\ entually provision for them was made by money from the regi•"« mental funds for soldiers in distress. \
SCALES—^Pretty Shirley Stynchcomb of Asheville, N. C , looking for something to do while vacationing a t Miami, Fla., made for' herself a new beach suit of real silver tarpon scales, as the fishing season opened.
COUNTESS AT DINNER—Countess Kurt Haugwitz-Reventlow, the former Barbara Hutton, five-and-ten heiress, as she looked at a recent hospital festival dinner in London. With her is Captain Euan Wallace, a Member of Parliament. ' ''
COACH — Captain B. P. Chadwick, coach of the 1st Engineers football t e a a a t Fort du Pont, Del., who may succeed Lieutenant Gar Davidson as coach of the West Point football t e a n next year. Anay routine calls for a tour of duty elsewhere for Coach Davidson, a t the end of this season.
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STCUENT ASTONISHES AET WGSLD—Ramon Contreras, 17, San Bernardino, Cal., high schoo] pupil, has astonished artists by his creative expression and his mastery of colored inks. He never retouches his work. Abo\'e, his "The Miser."
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uSLD AS HOSTAGES—When Paul Petri. confessed burglar, es& o e d from Chicago police, after they had arrested him in his i BKSTISBt AIB FJiEET &USHEB—With new. tenseness developing in Europe, London reports that the : British Government is speeding her construction .of % big. air fleet. Here is one of the huge new I K . the police took his wife. Mrs. Eleanor Petri, and her daughbomber^ recently christened a t the airplane works in Radlett. The craft is a high-wing monoplane & Charlotte, 3. into custody as hostages, hoping Petri would with slotted wings- and -variable pitch propellers. Fifty, new airports are planned. Th kre shown a t police headquarters.
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tix NEW State _ architecture. This design by Trowbridge &. Livingston and Fr&nois Keally was selected ivom 125 in a nation-wide competition. I t will cost $2,500,000. -
fHE'JEWISH. PRESS, FRIDAY, "NOVEMBER 27. 1935 joy ana yet Tvaich also hia anpany. with himself as president. eral early Belasco dramas. Many Lasky became first vice' president tlon chief, scores of famous stars was the first movie-maker to :-pictures and Fin-nine prfwr effect on tae physical make-up of Moving to Hollywood, the comfamous stars of that pioneer film in charge of production. He con-were discovered and hundreds of bring'English authors to America. ; erer End Nino Martini to p your body. Roller stating brings pany: set up a studio in an oldera were assembled tmfler the tinued in active charge of all pro- photopl^s, many internationally He left the Paramount oreranizfi-' rontraotp lie iwiimr ?.'into action certain muscles of thebarn .at Vine street and Selma Lasfey banner. tion in 3932 jsnS lined up vrilh r-rtih l\Tnry rjrj.'fnrc?, fon ductions for Paramount Publix successful, were produced. body which, with a little exercising will soon lose their Sluggish- Avenue, "The Sqoaw Mar" VBS After a merger with Famous Corp. until 10 32. During the sls- L&sky personally uncovered ^ Fox Pilm Corp. as an inflependent I'Pickford-Lapky JToOnctii" ness. With this thought In mind their first picture; then came ser- Players Film Company in 1916 ' teen years of his reicn as produc- j Maurice CbcvaMer ir rnrl i producer. After making eleven [in August. 18«3. Rabbi Milton A. Kopstoln, of air female members of the CenShicaso, will conduct services for ter should see to it that they are :ho Vaad. Friday night at eight enrolled in this class. All it 3'clock ho will bo at the B'nai takes Is one evening a week while Israel synagogue. Satnrday morn- the return in body value will be ing at 9^30 he will speak In Yid-priceless. ilsb at the B'nai Israel. Saturday itternoon at three o'clock he trill speak at the Beth Hamedroah Hagodbl synagogue. „ Rabbi Kopatein is a guest rabbi.
The "Wardrobes grabbed a firm '•.old on first place in the J Bowling league by winning three games from the Omaha Potato Market team and now their' total is six games won and none lost. The Smlth-Koblnson teaor won Temple . The Temple will have the Kev-three from the Malashocks to'take pread Frederick W. Clayton of over second place with four yran tha All Saints Episcopal Church and two lost The Yonsems lost as tbo sueBt speaker at the Fri-two to the Empire Cleaners and day evening services at eight are tlea for third with the Potao'clock, his a u b J e c t being to Market with three wins. and three losses. The Pontiac team "Grounds for Thanksgiving." Saturday morning services will is in fourth place with two and four and the Malashocks are In be held at eleven. the, cellar position with none and BIX. Best games were chalfced up Beth-Bl . At services to-night, Rabbi Da- by Dave Cohen's 225, Marvin vid A. QoldBtein will preach^a Trailers' 224, and Abe Venger'B "Thanksgiving Day" Befmon. He 223. Venger is leading the league will speak on Jewish gratitude arfth an average around 190. The for the foundation of an Ameri- feature was tha Malashocfcs* low 606 same (ouch). The grocery can democracy. Next week Habbl Goldstein will team was the only team to have speak on "The Jews of Germany" the same men roll 83 last week. Aaron Weltz must have been mad by Marvin Lrowenthal. at the pinsetter as he sure threw hard and fast. Here's hoping- for higher scores for all.
The pre-season handball tournament hag moved into the semiBy Ray Schaplro finals with the following teams This article needs no introduc- remaining: M. Wlatroub and S. tion as- you sport followers know Teper, M. Bloom and Iz Bogdanand so .without an-y-t-^ore formali- bff and M. Goldberg and.H. Marks. ties here la;just what yon want. Wintroub . end Teper defeated • Playing according to Dr.* orders Kriselman and Shapiro, 21-12,and the "Remedy -Boys?'- (not an or-21-14 to move Into their semichestra) captained by Joe Bice, final round. Bloom and Bogdanoff defeated Joa Cohen's "Paper and disposed of Adler and Turner in Notion" . team. two out of three tho quarter-finals • in three hard games' in the feature of last week's fought games with- the- scores, Health Club play. Joe Cohen'B 21-20, 12-21 and 21-17. Gol* gang looked best on "paper" hut berg and Marks' defeated' Gendlethe play"; was on the gym' floor man and Saks,- 21-4 and 21-11. and the Rlcemen changed all their Semi-finals and final matches "notions" of victory. The scores will be played off. next week. were 16-14. 13-15, and 15-6. The papermen kept stringing along the first game, but no matter how hard they played they just weren't strong enough to. hold out. Even the raw decisions by a prejudiced referee couldn't baat the fast playBy IiOUIS JPEKAfiSKY Ing Remediera. This game went Into extra points and ended at 16JESSE L. LASKY 14. Joe Cohen went to the extremes the necond game and gave Hollywood, Calif. •— In his new his men a pep talk, prodfled"them association with RKO-Radio picvigorously with "paper forks" and tures studios" in Hollywood as'a soon got Batisfylng'results. The producer, 'JessellT. "Lasky.'jpl'oneer, paper boys soon had this game in movie-maker, Is heading his own the "bag" as the "Remedy Boys" unit and expects to have unlimitlooked a wee bit sick and were ed opportunities to continue ..his "nosed out," 15-13. The third unbroken record as an- outstandand final game was won by theing fashioner of films. Recently medicine 'kids," as the series end- the Pickford-Xasky combine was ed. 15-0. Wow! What a kick that ended and Mr. Lasky "was offered remedy stuff has. It seemed like a position in practically every maboth teams were all one one side jor film studio in Hollywood. Unof the net, but they weren't.. The der his newly signed contract Notioneera' spikers all ^ with RKCUFadio studios he will had paperweights on their backs mike six Important pictures a for their spiking was bad, and theyear. passers seemed to have "passed Jesse L. Lasky's colorful career out" from carrying too much lead- in .the films since its inception not paper as the referee was called twenty-one years ago is comparto the phone by. a friend of theable to a history of the motion "Rice" team. Joe did a fine job picture business. He is one of of serving to start the last game the founders of the Industry and and didn't finish until ho had ahas been responsible for many of safe lead .'of 13-0. The'boys fed Hollywood's mopt spectacular bleach other the ball in fine style feriagB. Born in San Francisco, and soon won out 15-0. I'm he attended public schools in that afraid Joe Cohen fed his men an and San Jose, Calif. He was overdose of "volleyball" for theunable to attend college because last game. I understand that the when hl3 father, Isaac "Lasky. died ref. wears glasses everywhere but he had to support his mother and in class and I make a motion he sister. This he did by.- playing a have no exceptions. The' person- piano and cornet in various San al of the paper team were Joe Francisco orchestras. He also Tohen (capt.). Dr. Ellis (spy fortried his hand at a reporter's job the other team), Rube Brown for the old San Francisco Eve(long fellow). Bob Kooper (pass- ning Post. . er), c.'.B. Schoppe (passer), Abe Then came the Alaskan gold Brodkey (splker). Bob. Green •(?.)« rush'days, and Lasky was one of The' "Remedy Boys*' wefo Joe the first to reach Nome. As a Rice (capt.), Cliff Slater (advis- prospector he had flashes of luck or). l.es Burkenroad (spiker), and # great adventures, but, like Dave Cohen (spy for non-relative mosi of the gold-rushers, returnJoe), Iz Levlnson and Phil Feld- ed home with little money. nian (Marx Bros.) and Pete Turning again t o h l a musical Thallas (passer). About this big talent, Lanky became a member game "between the male and fe-of the Royal Hawaiian Band of male health clubs It was decided Honolulu,, playing the cornet. LaIn a supposedly secret meeting ter he took over the leadership that the -men needed more prac- of this famous aggregation. Gotice so they chose a certain night ing back to California he organiznext week to pick out their best ed a vaudeville act with "his. sismeh. I personally hope they wear ter and joined Herman the their best outfits because they Great's road show. He became should at least look cood even if Herman's manager, and later their play will bo t-e opposite. parted on his own as a producer Read this, column next week and and booker of vaudeville. Trehear moreabout this annual clas- mendous success followed, and he sic. '~ built up a fortune of f 150,000.' After" his marriage , to Bessie' Gains the Laskya" traveled to Eur-1 ope, where he became Impressed The pre-season basketball league with the : popularity of the conhas now passed its third week of cabarets . play with tho•Hottentots and the]-:tinental On his return to New.York he Psi Ma 'in the lead "with; 3; associated with the late and 0 losses, to their credit. In becam© Harry B. Harris and established third, faurth and fifth and sixth a Folies Bergere on Broadway, it places respectively "are: the XI was "an artistic success but a fiLambdas;- the-APT, and iha AZAnancial flop," to Quote. Mm;' and 1 while -the Century Chapter of cost him practically his entire A 7 A holds down the cellar posi- fortune. Then'he combined with tion. Play after- Harris to produce plays, and his y Is every 2Sunday with no ad-success . waa so outstanding that noon beginning & Hero Is your his fortune was Boon * regained miBBlon "charged chanco to see three good bas&et- and his reputation as a showman baii games in one afternoon at no enhanced. .Besides many stage expense. . hits he produced an original operetta, "California,", and discovThei.iroBen-'s sro form- ered Cecil B. EaMllle. whom he ing a roller skating group which engaged as "'collaborator/'" will meet onco every week in the "in the winter o£ 1914 Lasky Center gym commencing In the joined forces with Ds Mine anfl nea? future. Here is a tBrllliag Samuel Goldwyn to form the sport—one that young and old en- Jesse Lasky Feature Play Com-
isiifirTaTer In the day.
•- • ; M e r i t e d
FIXTURE SUPPLIES! For . tljo , most complete •election of fixtures iincJ supplies in tbe Midwest visit tlie
Air Conditioning for every purpose
Distributed t y
8i Supply Co.
Air Condiiionins Corp. 104 No. I S t h St. AT.3454
1101 Douglas JA-2124
Acceooories and Parts for all Cars Tires - - Oils Batteries.
"Say It With Flowers"
Yosir specializes in c e n t e r pieces, corsages, funeral arrangements, weddings, cut flowers, and potted plants. ' v
' Ix' Sherman' -Milton Moskovlti 1 9 1 9 Farnam S t .
Floor Ersndels Stars
CEAUTV SALON Features SHampoo and Finger Wave
27th- a r.lErtha HA. 5523
Brass, Bronze Aluminum, Sofi Grey (ron and 'Semi-Steel Cast. i n g c W o o d and Metal Patterns, Standard «ize» Bronze and Iron Bushlngt, Sewer Manholes. Cittern Rings and covers. CleanOut Doors, Sash Weight* and Yellow Brass Plumbers' Ferrules, carried In stock, Bronie Tablets, Bronze and Casf Iron Grilles a specialty.
..Tha ZotOs Permanent Wave with no machinery and no elee-' trlcity used at $3.50 and up.
716 Brandsls Theatre
BILLIARDS—SNOOKER POCKET BILLIARDS All New Streamline Tables : Restaurant—Bar Direct Wire. On All Sporting Events - • ... Ladies Especially invited
Lumber d Coal Co.
BILLIARD AND LUNCH 1818 Farnam St. . WE M22
VJ&UZ'JT 0300 '
Folks who know and appreciate qusDty cleaning.' are always: wlllna to. pay Just a little more for a QUALITY Job.-
©arage Harnsy 'JA.-314G* Omaha's Uargest tnd Mcst Complete Storage and Auto .. Supply. Store « Tires'. . O Washing o Tubes, *. Lubrlcatirs o Accessories • Slmonizina
Salts . Plain Drosses:
. -Service: With a SS?JI!# :; ' IVe Kcvcr Clzzo
MA-1233 I,.
r e _ I the senator flew in early and The Jewish spondee! nobly- in the • Com ia unit v granted an interview t o . the Chest -campaign -Jusf co'cipletea.'! flaily newspapers . . . If V the The- -women particularly deserve senator ii»<I been fpprisetl of praise" for theunmberE tbat'tnrn- the. charm and elegance that ed out td comb.the streBts'-to aidj Miss Allen possesses, she would CONSULT TVX in securing - funds to meet the.' issve untlonbtesJIy "scooped* the needs of the many agencies -which ; news ha-srks . - . . The admiring look to this drive for subsistence.;! Ah-h-h's -end Oa-h-h's so RudInsurance It i s ' a pleasure on. our part to 1 ible'-when Annette Rirlclin Si!-' With 16 yea'-F of salute Mrs. Reuben Kulafcofsky,.} rerman ansl her R<?oraJ>Ic twills, ence in tKe GenfF.' ip. ..Marline and! who has been a member cf the) SUt-ancc Line in rer-sr& to executive committee of -theChest! in irablic your Insurance for the past four,years, and herj credit manager at the State aids, Mrs. J. Harry. Kulakofsky. Furniture, is the prood "C Mrs. Morris Katlernan and Mrs.* • m J o e "OiojjioncTv's f fspncTs Ben Silver, who were responsible made merry «t a stag in his in the organization for the Jew-.; honor . . . Sans Vfhjfp ^ras in ish Women's cdnraittee " ia the-: campaign. ' ' . \ Genial Joe and his bride-to-be 1 have made *'chnpah" reservaDebating . Geains. -. . j tions . . . Kerry Dworsky, popDigging up facts of youth ae-!i ular South Side bachelor, is the complishments-of prominent'Oma-'l type that all motliers nppreciate bans, ire find that Ralph Gold-; . . . He carts their youngsters berg, the theater tycoon, estabto SnnsJay School on busy Sunlished a record as a'brilliant oraday mornings . . . Libby 3Ieyer» tor during- his high school and^ son, the only Jewish staSer.t college career. At 14, he was the i graduate of South Kiph, played star on the South High debating; £©sr \ CK the lead in the school play j > squad which defeated -Central.' Klrmball's 3-4 finish. ^; High school. The Central team! returneci dry, Ell fiat pieces Sol Rosenblatt. His for-] ironeci. accomplishments continued) seeing Ctiicfi he entered Chicago cniver-i ap<I ia the Hf became captain of the.' slty. column" of the < Chicago team at a period -when; this school met and defeated op- Jewish Cbsmpioa . , , Ttie frowi ponents, from every section of the •worn at the Women's Dfvisior: nation. Today his rebuttals con- dance added briHiaace to the Ktch, C. B. tinue to be of a convincing nature 3> ffair. Ivonise 1 girl isaliiEg go-o5 in roiliol when purchasing film, rentals from the various exchange offi- ES sn irLgenne on X B. C . Ernest of the chewing grcia ces. .. . teys after her'dehnt two Treek* "Ad-lobbing" ago . . .The* c&Ennimg yonnr •'Farfolte tzibalas? to the lady dancing with Henry SlonL W »- V - - T r »• Lincoln store located near the sky was Ms flsnghter, Scj. Cornhcs&er because of their _ A Seal Treat display of an offensive caricaKeinindin^ yon of the father ture of Marshall Goldberg, the end sou bsnqset Snud football star . . . It is rumored ninjs at 6:30 at the C C epecteci Ivleatjr e.i»t" that certain nan-Jewish -stuvandeviJJe, songs and movie? jl for a toub'it cfiectdents called at the store and are included in the prograir ^ have tne demanded its removal from . . . Borrow a son for the evetheir show window ; . . Anothcheck I', C'PT*-. ning and snake a fatherless bey *$ er Omahan seeking feme end happy . . . Set aside the ercfortune in Xew York is Henry niag of December IB as a grals Mendelson . . . He is a student occasion . . . ' The Temple I s at Teachers College, Columbia rael Sisterhood' "Show Boat" University, finding time also to party is a new idea In enteract" RS correspondent for severtainment . , - Wat'cb. for forth- ' r ' «1 out-of-town newspapers. He is publicity etxarrman for the Pity-Pellsy's Partr! Jewish Graduate Society . . . Post-election sidelight in the reomaJians desiring to commun- j suit cf the vote for the presiderS"e I ' r rr,icate with Mendelson, can cy cf the United Ststea cf VTiireach him at SI4 John Jay. Co- liain Dufiley Pelley, head ct t r r lumbia University . . . Add in- self-styled Christian party. Pelle^.' separables: Jlyisie Tovarish. Va- convicted of stoclj fraud in North siieff Zorinsky, tbe Vender & | Carolina, ran an a CK-F - O^_ Sons tobacco salesman, and his I Semitic platform. Claiming 4? black cigars—Sain Josephson 1000 members in the state cf > "K and a pocket fell of "elongat- Washington, Pelley acfi his viceed" cigars—Bennie... F&lk>.: per- president candidate Kemp, pollec' sistent purveyor .of pens, sad approximately 1,500 votes in E.j-r N : , ITT i his " c h n c k i e " tvhich s o u n d s , l i k e _ j 8 S 0 p r e c -;ncts, T h e e t h e r C h r i n An. excelUl g thunder. hd A l iian candidates for for the the rTF-• r a a pparty a r t y candidates lent pai-lor entertainer .whose.. » r i O c s s t a t e oztices fared the sair? imitstion of Brice i f Fannie F i Bi .is i a treatment as their leader. -As r ' classic: Harry Giventer . . . further icdication cf the-tolersrt Among our pet peeves: the spirit of the Washington voter?. straight-lacd yonng isen who j A >L _ Coha. C9-year-old pioneer complain bitterly when men- citizen of Seattle TTES re-electf' , * > It i tioned in this column, but who to his second terra in the EtEl? bask in the Sight of publicity legislatnre. otherwise . . . Startling -resembT" rr T ,T « w f * *r- *~ r* *~ All-Arcrsd AtHete lance: Stewart Gilinslvy and Phil Colleges EE3 -nciversltles vri'.] Goldsfcone, movie isnd realty tyl e a s e t a k e Eote_ A tx.t c , _ coon . . . "Midfiie" Berg has pis star has-been-discovered ia t. been advised by a fortune .tell- youngster •whose accoEplisfcrner-1"' tc C Cr pne supr we r«K, ^ P O ^ C A" er , that matrimony for her is thus far indicate a .brilliant ath"jssi aroisnd the corner11 . . . letic career. He is Robert (Bel •> bat <S3dn"t state - what corner* Fromkin, 12 years of nre. the scr A wrictuae greeting to newcom- c-f- Mas and Sortie FrrtrTnr. T f i x ' r- f"i r .ers, Acron Ginsberg a n j vrilo Bobiy 5TL3 l-psr. cure"?* ercr. norence v.ho rcci^s r.t the Morris Apartincnts . . . Be is th? ener cf the He^iaace ilcnufoptsrins Company . . . ^hs fii all trcr1.; rvrrt- in I^c :-"crr <•'Chew your way to Ee-urj' has brsn too rnucli cf sis in"r:rr2rf , vcr tr~rhy. Ct>er trr~L ^s r r to rcsn? cf the tcn^iine s;rc. oy ycv.r.c Frcrrir^ wl e-rrr t^c• j->:S~;r.^-by the Kimiicr cri~cas» "*e t c
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Page 9
administrative efficiency, are the Lawrence, EphrJam -and Dena gue. All members are urged to much deeper than their need of its protection. Let us put It this " Baron honored their parents .with attend. really disticctiTe (jualities which way. Wherever and whenever In a dinner for seventy-five guests may yet make him the modern A. Cohen left last'-week for Bos- the world the principles of free in the Warrior Hotel. coucterpert of Disraeli. ton, .Mas3.., for an extended visit enquiry which the Greeks originated were rscdered inoperative, with relatives. Mrs. B. H. Raskin presided- at there knowledge sickened and a one o'clock luncheon; Saturday died. Wherever and whenever •-.-MONSKV. OROD'NSKV, MARER in the Martin Hotel; honoring her & COHEN. AUorrteys. the principles of individual and daughter, Miss Elizabeth Raskin, : 737 O'"?'^? Nati. Bank BldQ. Hore-Belisha, the new tion-wide Inspection of social morality which the Jews Iroa ; British who-will be a January bfide^CoVoriginated were rendered Inoper- Jewish member of the British roafis and • higJrwETs OE'E motorNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ers for 35 guests:/vs?ere "laid ."at ative, there freedom > and toler- cabinet, Is only 38 - years old, cycle, Hore-Belisiia''"ordered the iv.jhe County Court of Douglas Counan<i;.-tolerance;-in fthe;'societies In : tables appointed ~ in I * brown» • atfd Rabbi H. R. Rablnowits will whichiw.e'lixed. - Absolutist or ip- ance and' goodness sickened and but is already being hailed as construction of safety islands and in the Matter of ilie Estate of Arthui gold.; The afternoon was-.spent another Disraeli. This fascina- striped crossiEg' l&ftes. TJhen he : f talitarian states ruined' usp'-'flerce died. Jewish'.liberalism, in other The annual card : party spon- speak this evening on the subject playing'bridge.' • persons interested In f*atd estate sored by the Ladies Auxiliary of "Thank God for America." Canand, intolerant • orthodoxies amid words, 13 not a doctrine and a tingly informative article por- decreed a ban. octhesounding-of areAllhereoy notified that a petition has : measure of defense but a measure trays the man and outlines his automobile horn between 11: SO been filed w said Court nileg-inp that Shaare Ziorf Synagogue -will be tor Plfskin and the synagogue the "all-pcvwerful, -mai6rity: ruined Miss Esther ; Miricen : left ~ for career. THE EDITOR said deceased died leaving no last will p. m. and 7 a. m..^ with .prison choir will chant the ritual. of redemption from recurrent held next Tuesday' evening, Dens; war-ruined us. •These ptoc.'espraying for administration upon sentences lor v i o l . - . t o rs. From and Tomorrow morning at Junior California Thursday, •• accompan- se3;ai^cl-,their repercussions; up.oa barbarism for all mankind. . The cember 1, in the social hall of the his estate, p.m! that a henrine- will be services, Sammy ied as far as Omaha by her, moth- our fate have-never varied'by an spirit of disinterested inquiry into It has recently become the vogue these measures he turned his en- had on said petition before said court synagogue. Bridge prizes and a congregation er. Mrs. Mirken and Esther Iwfll on the r>th day or r>ecomhcr. 1!>S6, find door prize will be awarded and Heeger %vill act as Cantor and Da-visit in -Omaha over the" week-end iota, not.'.by; the:breadth?-of a hair truth- ,was originated by 'the among American newspaper cor- ergetic attention to the problem that if they fail So appear Rt paid of safety for pedestrians. His Greeks* but serves all mankind, vid Runts reader of the law. ReCourt on the said 5th day of Decemrefreshments will be served. with; Miss Mirken departirigV, for all through the. ages 'f rom, the op- "fhe-epirit of liberalism was or- respondents In Europe to describe scheme of erecting 20,000 amber ber. 3036. at fi n'cbTk A. M.. to conpressive? measures- th'at-' set-,in -'afevery promising, Jewish statesMrs. John C. Levin and Mrs.freshments; will be served by Mr.CallforhiaVSunday. '"' """~~~ test said petition, the Court may grant popularly called' "BeHsha the same Hnd grant ndminiptration of ter-.the.{accession "of the Emperor ignated by the Jews hut also man as a potential Disraeli. When globes, Philip Sherman are co-chairmen and Mrs. Mas Lasensky, in honor beacocE," at intervals of a quartserves "all mankind. Hence It is -said estate to Bes= Katskee or come of the approaching wedding of Sir Herbert Samuel was the leaConstantine^to the ''•Germany ,of of the party. Assisting, them are '- 'Members of-the Young-Jtfdea'n er of a mile throughout London other suitable person and proceed to evident on all counts that Jews— Mesdames William,Kutcher, Emil their son, and by Mr. and Mrs. Eli club held a rush tea, Sunday "af- 193.3,^::-'." I.:./;.:..,. •-1_.::X. ;•-, unwarped, uncrippled, whole and der of the British Liberal Party created a sensation. Pedestrians . ERYCE CRAWFORD. he was hailed as a "second DisLevich, Sam Shulkin, Mike Grue- Robinow, In honor of the birth- ternoon In the Jewish .-Commun- ' Now if. the Jswsvwere liberals County Judge. raeli," and when Leon Blum be- a p p l a u d e d , but "fcutomobllists H-15-;iC-3t. sane must be liberals and of sltin, Louis Kaplan, I. H. Levin, day of their son, Edward. only for the' second reason arid howled because the "Bellsha beaity Center for'old? and- prospective ; came the first Jewish premier of their ve'ry nature the proponents initon Mushtin, Joe Kutcher, Art J- J. FRIEDMAN, Attorney cons" slowed up driving. Jofcemembers. Miss Esther -Weiner only-out'of the cold:necessities.6t 74C First Nati Bank Bldg. eir^ situation as-.a diaspora peo- of'liberty- and peace. We are to- France he was called the "Dis-sters and hoodlv nag" begin shootKaplan, Meyer Shubb, Lorence Sunday afternoon In Shaare Zion presided. HissvDorbthy; Merlin, Silverberg-, H. Sherman, Milje Synagogue. The ceremony will president of Junior Hadassah^'and ple: it; might; -however speciously, day a" fairly numerous people and raeli of France." And now theing1 at the beecons; and thousands NOTICE E5Y PuiI7cATION-ON P E . have-been-argued t h a t they are a people hard beset snd it is no newspaper men have discovered of them were • smashed. But as 1ITSON FOR SETTLEMENT OF Sherman, Storey Lipshntz, Morris take place at 5 o'clock with Rabbi Miss Anna Pill were. speakers. FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACwonder that we have abnormal another Disraeli in Leslie Eore- fast as tfce striped, barberBfaopliberals only "to "sate otheir " Rubin, Nick Sherman, EH Robi- H. R. Rabindwitz and Cantor A. COUNT Belisha, the aggressive young fringes, ..whether . Revisionist or But sinceJ-. they, i n T e a t e i in the County Court of Douglas Counrow, S. Gelfand, Mike Mushkin,/ Pliskin officiating.' • Mr. L . . S . Goldberg talked;^on j iiinister of transport in the Bri-like poles .' with ty, Nebraska. Max Rubin, Sam Slotsky and A. The bride who will be gowned the social security" act" .before ism a i d first' declared ; Its' pririci- Communist. But we' are the clas- tish Cabinet, who has just • been In the lwett*r of the Ffitp.te of Ethel Beechen. • Prieden. Deceased. in white satin will be attended by members of the Woodbury Coun- ples amongrmen and todk"with" sical" liberals and libertarians and elevated to full cabinet rank in Belisfca had them replaced. .Mupersons interested in said matter her twin sister, Mrs. Hyman ty League of Women Voters, them" into their long exile those by the.cause of liberalism we the Baldwin gorernment. In the sic-hall srtiEt bii'5t Jokes 'around p.reAllhereby notified that °n the fith (lar • of November, 1,«::<;. Sam Cohen Markman of Peoria, Illinois. Mrs. Wednesday afternoon, pf. Delia great^ elaborations•• of>"«nd • -- com-stand or fall. his beacons, cartoonists pok'ecl fun case of Hore-Beiisha, however, it filed R .petition in said Counts- Court. mentaries onthose'-very;princiMarkman will wear a gold velvet Galinsky was' chairman ' of the is not only the correspondents' at him, ETitomobilists cursed him prayinfr that his final administration ples, It Is-evident that tha;-liber(Copyright 1936by' Seven Arts -account fileil herein fop Fettled and algown. Bridesmaids will be the program. . .--'.. .', -' alism of; the Jewish • people lies •f't corps but the London press as —but his" came'became a"by-word lowed, .and that he-be •More than two hundred couples discharged from Feature Syndicate.) Misse3 Ida Edelman, Dorothy Gelin ererj' BTlt'rsh' home. The "Beihis {rust as administrator anil that a well that is booming him as a attended the annual Thanksgiving hearing -vriVi be had on said petftion son, Dena Baron, Sylvia .Jacobprobable future Prime Minister. isha beacoss" were his monu- before said Court on the dance given by the Sisterhood of Mr. and Mrs! M. Novitsky; enSth day of Three years ago Hore-Belisha ments, and they were everywhere. December, 1:1.70. and that if you fail Mount Sinai Temple, in the ball son, of Sioux City, Helen RIssin tertained .slxty^gues.ta ,T|ianksglTr to appear before paid Court on the of Des Moines, and. Betty RappaNow heVtrj-ing another'stunt — but ambitious room of the Martin Hotel. Jack ing evening,. honoring', their-son sale? Sth day of December, IS^fi. at 9 an otscure House of Cora- green, pink and archer-colored o'clock A. Ji.. ami contest paid petiReams orchestra played for the p,prt of Cedar Rapids. They will and daughter-in-law' whose -marmember of the roads as as experiment for safer tion, the Coii'-t may errant the prayer dancing. Dr. Delia Galinsky and wear ^ gowns of'.coronation blue riage was., a .recent event in St. mons whom few people gave any night driving. ' ' .- -•of • said petition, enter a decree " of velvet with gold accessories and ' heirship. nvd make such other and Mrs. S.' S. Novltsky were "chairLouis. Rabbi Goldbefg .spoke v on consideration in political speculafurther orders, allowances and decrees. net and velvet caps. men of the party. T&ese exploits, totally _," unlike as to this "The Significance of Kiddi^hin." tion. Today, however he is one Court mny seftn m-oper. to Little Gloria Krigsten will be the end that all matters pertaining- to anything any other British csbMrs. Goldberg, also, sp'oke,- briefly. of the most talked-of young iaea The Thanksgiving theme was said estate the flower girl and Julius Lasenhad ever done, made determined. may be finally settled and in. change inet meiaber stressed In the ball room, and in. British British public-life. public-life. The The change .—-..—-.-_.-.-.r-..r.--~:-'. Bakst exiled to Siberia. Bakst in'hl3 political fortunes is trace- Hore-Belisha a political kead table decorations by the commit- sky the ring bearer. '•"' ' .'"•"••" Sir. .World's Questions BETCE CRAWFORD. Ivan Lasensky will attend his tee headed by Mrs. Fred Sherman. . See, how" many "of these ques- heard'.[ of the order and, leaving able first to his unique record of In the last general election" he ll-13-36-3t. County Judge. Brother Maurice as best man. Mrs! A. M. Davis was in charge tions you can answer after you all his.belongings behind him, he accomplishment in a succession of polled "a tremendous vote. His RAIWACICTTI & ROBINSON of tha refreshments and Mrs. Ushers will be Dr. Carl Grund, have read Mr. World's "ASSE Me fled to Paris. government posts and, second to success was assured; it was only' REED. <£. E. l_. MARKS, Attorneys Louis- S. Goldberg of tickets. Mrs. Harold and Louis Oppenham and In the great French capitol, no tee fact that his elevation to cab-a matter of • time before :he would Another" Chat " '* •;''•' First Nati Bank Bldg. Goldberg is president of the Sis-Bud Adler of Des Moines, Iowa. -l.Why is Chatmfcah the,right longer troubled and oppressed, he inet rank has been widely con- be acknowledged as - one of. the NOTICE EY PUBLICATION' ON P E . A wedding' dinner will be terhood. time to tell the story of ;Lcon began to do his best work. Here strued as Great Britain's plain coming--political figures in Great' TITlON FOR SETTLEMENT OF served in the social hall of the Britain." •Shortly before KingFINAL ADMINISTRATION AChe' met S. V. Diaghilev, director answer to Sir. Oswald Mosley's . Assisting the chairmen on the - ' B a k s t ? - . ' • '•; ; :,. , . . , •-• . •..:-. COUNT George died :he appointed -Horeof, the Russian Ballet, a famous campaign of Jew-baiting. various committees were the Mes- synagogue following the cere.' A:\Vlien-and-;wliere was. Leon in the County Court of Douglas Counj 5 coinpany' of ~musicians 'aml-da-Bci ": Scion of "a distinguished Sep-B elisha to- the-PrSvy-.-Council, the •' ty.-- Nebraska. dames Earl Kline, M. Weisberg, mony. 'Invitations have- been Is- BOOK REVIEW - TO - B E ' t ; . : 1 1 sued for a reception at 9 o'clock ers. Diaghilev. engaged Bakst to O D I J E S D A Y • • '• '.. • ' ' ' ' • • . ' • •'. H. N. Slotsky. Meyer Levitt, LorofficiaHy bardie family which has beenj "" ^ Jn the jvtfuter of the Kstate of Grace 3. ;T«11, about -;his first; efforts aeslgn the settings and costumes identified with British life, = more the elevation; o" a new : rftoparch. . .L. AicDonald. Deceased. A Book. Review; and* Tea" will [_to paint ence Silverberg, Fred Herzoff, M. in the Martin Hotel. .irfiea He trastt child.-; ..-AH persons interested in said matter Complimenting.Miss Oppenham be given by the Sisterhood of the ;-.4. >• Where; did he getibla. artis- for the ballet and he made artis- than two centuries, Hore-Belisha When the? latest .csbsBeV.--shi.rt ^.re: hereby. B. Herzoff, Ed Kantor, T. N. notified thRt on the 7th tic history with his achievements. found him;-a-full-fledged"'iris'mSBF •day of .N'o\cm'o»f. ]s;;i'>. Albert A. Lewis. Herman.Galinsky,-H. Fish- last week, Mrs. Tom'Lasensky and Talmud Torah Society next Tues- Mlc education? was born in England in 1S9S. He '• •Harkins filed a petifion in said Counday afternoon, December first, at ol the cabfaet there ^a?"no;s,«r-. the Misses Mary and Ida Edelman gall, N. Gorchow, L. Weinberg. N. ty, Court, nrt»yinp ?ii,?t hip final ad<:•:- 5..trhy, did his work displease Color' had always fascinated was educated at Osford, Heidelprise. '•. . ....... ° ; Levitan, J. Kalin, Philip Sherman, and.Dorothy Gelsdngave a for- 2:30 o'clock at the h6me^of Mrs. ,-the Ciar? rninistr-ation accourit filed herein l>« him; now'he produced with rich berg and the Sorbonne. Burins' ,.-_ ;._.- -, ;• .' '. settled and allowed, and that he be tire spectacular min- discharged L. Agranoff, Sam Pickus, Herman j m a l t e a - T n e bride-elect has-been J. Katelman, -417 Oakland'^ve- - 6.;, W.ith .what - famous, cinsical unusual' shades. His costumes the world war he was at the front i s Meanwhile frorr his trust as administer ° J transport continues to trator and that s hearing will be had Miller. Meyer Harrison, E. N. [ a E u e s t o f M r - a n d M r s - Lasensky, nue.- Mrs.- Covert T. Brownu Will - company^ • did. he ~- first, make a and 'settings were different than for four years. Twice cited in i on said petition before said Court on aren give a review of ' 'Victoria'--R'eany that had been used before. dispatcb.es for bravery, he retired i startle and;.amaze the. staid Brit- the Sth tftiy of r>eceniber, 1H36, Greuskin, Sam Greenstone, Abe P .ts of her finance. and ? ' ish gina," .the famous -stage play that They, just .as the words and muthat i f you fail to nppenr before said as-a major. Of wealthy antecePublic Still lacking tiro years Pill, Milton Commer, A. J. Gilin-,-. 7.- to £ for tr I eslie Court on the said fith day of DecemHelen Hayea. played , in j on the sic,portrayed the. spirit of the dents, be was destined for a bank-' f . . '; : . Kore-Belisha is ; Of interest. to Sioux Cityans sky, J. H. Greenberg, Wm. -.Gilindifferent-..fromi other, art? . . I!);!*!, at P o'clock A. M.. and conBroadway stage in-' New York.-The ' - 8. Name ono of the mostfam- fiailet. One of Batst's most fam- ing career, but he preferred law being hailed as one of the Unique ber, test saia petition, the Court may sky, Abe Agranof, W. C. Slotsky was the wedding' Thanksgiving committee ,in charge of arrange- ops prodncUons-for'".ithich he ous undertakings was his work in and journalism. In 1923 he made personalities in. Great .Britain. To grant the prayer of said petition, enevening at Marshall town, of Miss and Si Krueger. ; ter a decree of heirship. and mak» ments are' the Mesdames Morris Fae Reider, daughter of Mr. andYudelson, Isaac.Sterilllll, -Be,'n designed ihe costnmea and set- thVballe't "Scherezade" a story of his political debut as a Liberal jbe compared to Disraeli"is in; it- •such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court the Arabian nights. * ' member of the House of Com-self a distinction for. one so young ; mat' geem proper, to the end that all Mrs. Ben Reider of Marshalltown, Kubby,. .Herman Meyerson, < Harry t i h g s ; - ' ; > ; " ' - ,•'...'.- / I , ' • ' , ..•, but Eore-BellBh'&'s gu'sto, cashing! matters nertflininp to said estate may , ,B[Is fame grew. He became to Frank J. Margolin, son of Air.Kubby, - Sam Sacks, and Herman •O.-Hbi?..did Prance, reco^dze: mons from Davenport. His-first &l be finally Betflea and determined. amssing energy,, plus and Mrs. H. Margolin, Castle Krause. Tickets .inay be'secured fcis Be"n|qa?' ; '.'r-;.'' '•:r \••:'•"•,' •' "-,-•.' known as 'The magiciaxi of • color*! few'years In Parliament were un - j T. EKTCE Cn.UTFORD. County Judge. ljtt.'.Whet artistic .plan'had h©~ fiis.reputation' as a great artist distinguished, b u t ; he achieves I Indubitable' political, talents .'and j ll-1S-Sfi-"t. apartments, in the Tall Com Ho-from-, any member, of,the .cpmmitspread/ all' over; Europe "and to some uiinor fame by Ms fretjtieEt The Oneg Shabbos group of the tel. : hoped to accomplish''before he tee or' at the Katelman, residence America. ' American art lovers in- biographical sketches oi his feK The ceremony took place at 7 the day of-; the • Bpok. R-eview. Fol- d i e d ? ' ' . ".'"•• Senior Hadassah will meet tomor" '-"• " ' • " .rited'him to cometo thia country low members, which were pubrpw afternoon at 2 o'clock in the o'clock beneath a canopy of -flow- lowing the review Jby^ Mrs.'. Brown In 1922 where she showed his art lished in the London press. He home of Mrs. Sam Shulkin, 3314 ers arranged against ferns, with tea-will, be- served..: This "-affair work -at 'large': exhibits.'; Every- also served as an elder of the Jones street 'The program is in baskets of chrysanthemums" and is open to the .public, j and; every? nook and ^earner ..where Jews can where he-was welcomed with Spanish and Poi uguese Synago-I charge of Mrs. Joe Levin. candelabrums on both sides, join- one Is urged to attend. . . . . bp f ;fou^, Mr^ Worid^iias seen, the gTeat '^enthusiasm: He' painted gue and today represents it en The regular Senior Hadassah ed with ribbons. gleam'of: the.^Chanuka^^.candlVs. the'Board of Deputies of British meeting Tuesday afternoon followThe bride's gown was of white . The Council Bluffs 'Chapter.'No. For the'second iweeksin Decemb.er portraits'-'and even designed la- Jews; dies dresses V for the great Paris ed a dessert luncheon in the. Jew- satin with a long tulle veil fallmarks;* the :.b^ginnlng"'of'the^ joyish Community Center. Mrs. W.ing from a coronet cap. . Her 7 of the,A. Z. A., held its.annual bus "'F^ast of,.lights", and happy dress-malting housese which are ' In those early years of his pubTurkey raffle ' Monday ^'.evening, the lic career Hore-Belisha's chief j C. Slotsky, • president,. presided. bouquet was of orchids, white November 23,..at. a joint meeting girls, and bbys-:'are; kindling ' the w.orld-famous. He received : roses, sweet peas and ililes of the with'the-B'nai Brith Lqdge^No. Iignt9 of ;the,;Chanukah Menorah Legion d'Honneur, the highest task was making friends and con-; valley in a shower bouquet. Mrs. 688. Mr. Calvin. C. Johnson.ii.92,1 and.- singing V-bf;. the • valiant* "deeds tribute France can give an artist. tacts. A cheerful, zestful person-j ality, an energetic, resolute and Frank Sanders of .Des Moines was Seventh; Aven\ie, .won' t twenty- of. Judas •Maccabeua". ^Presenta are As he grew older, his health beambitious nature and a shrewd casjep'oor-'and'he died in Paris matron of honor and'wore peach five , pound turkey for holding the exchanged and.- if.- ypui. are. lucky, in- 1*92*^hoping, until the end, talent for biding his time and colored velvet,- carrying white lucky number. you'may.^e'tenVreceive;a gift on .. ' ' ."' '• '*.' capitalizing on all opportunities The annual Chevra Kaddisha roses. Bridesmaids were Miss Lu- The A. Z. A." will-hold, a meet- eich of.the '.eight nights ,of the that'be could come back to Amer- were his principal stock in trade. ica to visit the Indian reservabanquet.wiL lbe held next Sunday cille Abrahamson of Fort Dodge, ing next. Monday eYenlng,,Novemtions and'gain material for an In- And he made the most of them. evening In "the "Jewish Commun- Miss Maxine Leibovits'of Council ember 30, at the'home'of Arnold Because. Mr.. World; discovered dian ballet. He saw marvelous British politicians are always on ity Center. Following the dinner Bluffs, Miss Dena: Baron of Sioux Lincoln/ 21J Ninth Avenue,' to th'af it was r a'Cha^ukah gift^that the alert for promising- young opportunity for . using rich col- men, and in Hore-Belisha the brief talks will be presented by City and Miss Betty Brody of Descomplete plaas forrja^'Hayracfi sorted••'Ijeon.^ Bakst, .^tl»e famous Moines. Their gowns were of lace ride to be. givett .on' Saturday Jewish artisf.^on hia'care.er/ this ors, in such a production but he fast-declining Liberal Party recomembers'of the group. : in autumn colors, wine, rust, rose- night, Decemberv6.; ;. ' seems'.ito be" a*m"ost suitable time w,as', never allowed to see his gnized a clever and talented figdream come true. . • wood and fuchia, and they carto tell his story."_ ; ' ' • ure. By 1929 he wa3 a member The life of I.eon Bakst shines of the inner circle of young Libried .Johanna Hill roses. Mr. and ; Mrs.;Morris- Yudelson In _i^68,' Just three years 'after : as brightly as do the Chanukah A speech class organized by the Patsy Reider and Shirley Ann were honored at 'a Surprise* Party the . American' Civil "War ended, candles which first made possible erals," but .the impending demise Gorshel, nieces of the bride,'were given by a group of their friends there ,was;bbrn~in.the 'city of Groof his party boded ill for his poLadies Auxiliary "of -Sbaare Zion his': glorious accomplishments. It will hold -its- first" meeting next flower girls, wearing ankle length last' Wednesday' evening, Novem!- dus in Russia' a; little". Jewish .boy isVfi.Hed with light and bright col- litical future. Then came IS31 Monday evening in the synagogue frocks of peach colored organdy, ber 18, at the Yudelsdh 'hbm'eTat whose^na.me >ras) Leon /Bakst.- At or and beauty and music. It has and the establishment of the co226 Frank' street," in"; celebration first hl3. parents]could ;s^8j nothalition government. What -was j social hall. The group under the trimmed with brown and carrying of their' silver - wedding ' ariiniver- ing .rem'afk'able,, about f^hini;*;he brought happiness to. thousands. left of the Liberal Party split on guidance of Mrs. Kress, instruc- baskets.of rose, petals-which they sary. Covers were laid for twenrbmped^and played and gjrew just -^-Andso, as we kindle our Chan- this issue, and Hore-Belisha cast Faye Margolin, the tor, will take up the subjects of scattered. ty-five guests, ' " " . - • • • • • • • • • . • like; any other • little '. boy. -But ukah 'J lights, even while we sa- his lot with the faction led by bridegroom's niece was i h e ring The Jew of the World.' Mrs. ! : The Bar Mitzvah • 'df - Irwiri gradually they did begln to' notice lute the Maccabees, redeemers of Sir John Simon. As a reward he Frank Epstein is in charge of the bearer carrying the ring ' on a something different. When little the Temple of Israel, we think of was named Parliamentary secreCherniss, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Dacommittee sponsoring the group. white satin pillow. Leon 'saw a: beautiful: sunset or Lieon Bakst, genius and great tary to the Board of Trade, & post noanolly vid P. Cherniss, took place last LeRoy Goldblatt, nephew of the More than 25 wpmen have signioil year Saturday morning, November 21, the blue._of „ the sea. or -the green Jew, who also served Israel and equivalent to Assistant Secretary bridegroom sang "I Love You fied their-intention to-join. Truly." Arthur Bergen of Sioux at the Chevra B'nai .YlsrOel aya- of a forest, he grew very ©xclted, the world in love. when the of Commerce in the United City acted as groomsman and agogue a t ' 618 Mynster. • Street. and this Joy at seeing beauty ana . ess i i ' fcs States. vsm e Sim Lamp. ushers were Morrie Miller of Out-of-town guests at the- Bar color seemed more, important to (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts In this comparatively minor ofprcrid®' precious Its a Feature Syndicate.) fice he made &n imposing record,: Services this evening at Beth Sioux City, Pierce McDowell of Mitzvah were Mrs. H.- Arenson, him jthan ashiny -new- bicycle 'or; Eelp fe® whel*v Shirley-Temple doll.'might'be tb and •within a year was • promoted j Abraham will begin at 5 p." m.,Sioux Falls, Joe Russell of Des mother of Mrs." Cherniss. and : c kssl2al«s>' wSztet this any little or girl today. to the Financial Secretaryship ofi with Rabbi Benjamin Goldberg Moines, Abe Reider of Marshall- Mrs. Saul Poska, both of Lincoln . . . wills c M22sr SSES Lsssspl ! Nebraska. -• ( One happy Chanukah, a kind the Treasury. Here again he-fiis-j conducting . services. Tomorrow town, William Zelinsky of Sioux relative gave Leon a box of paints played unusual talents, investing morning services will begin at 9.. City and Dr. F. J. McAllister of ••''• Petach ' Tikvah, Palestine Plans are being made'' for the and from that time on be thought his office with something more Reading .of the Torah will take Kansas City. ; ; brushes • snd (JTA)—Work will begin shortly than a sound capacity for the inA dinner for ninety relatives annual Jewish- -National Fund of nothing^ but his place at 9:45. At 10:15 Rabbf oiua new power station near this ! Goldberg "will speak on "The Mo-and the bridal party was served Flaff Day to be held on Sunday; colors. .He ;trled to; paint every- Jewish town* which Vill be cap-tricacies of national finance. In a December 6, in ; Council -Bluffs. thing, from the "doorsand' vlripost usually -associated with contives of Man," MnchahT services In the hotel where a U-shaped able of'derelopfng 24,000 k. w, "will begin at 4:30 tomorrow af- '-able was decorated with autumn The committee in charge are Mr. w ..sUls of his home; (for ;which h,, almost enough to sapply the servatism and traditional methSam. sacks; tore. • Sanr Meyefsbn'i he;-was iscolded by his nibtter.)' to ods Hore-Belisfca succeeded -in ternoon. Shalns Shudas will be flowers, tapers and ribbons. 28,000 k. w. h,: seeds of the enMr. 'Margolin and his bride will and Miss Fannie Katelmac, and the likenesses i of the famous.pie- tire :country ontslde the Jerusa- making himself a colorful figure. served at 5 p. m. Rabbi Goldberg's In the House of Commons he subject will be "A People's make their home in the Sioux anyone who' will donate • either tare3 he r saw- at'.-'tire-' museuirra. their services, o r a car. for a sh*ort Quickly won'fame as a sparkling Arthbugh hls parents"vwere./jroor, Apartmepts after a three weeks Dream." • other power stations speaker -who could translate the time that dayis asked to call,any they managed to.helpvhimi'stady Daily services are held at 7 a. southern trip. can,-easily'-meet the present deorthodoxy of finance into a! Last Monday evening the Ivre member of. the-committee immedt* with:the,beat teachers^ In St. Petm. and 4:30 : p.m., with morning irre&t, the Palestine dramatic language. lately. . • - ? . 4 ersburg, arid. as he -grew? older,' | club gave a stag party honoring services on Sunday at 8 a. m. The Electric • Corporation is under; Following & minor cabinet | ewni his .teachers . -thought." he ' Ain Jacob meets daily between Mr. Margolin. ' ' The Council Bluffs -Aguda'a should.' be seait to-Paris,.to study.'. stood-to be : anticipating future sira&e-tip in the SufiiBier of'193 4 | Minchah juid Mi'R'av. . . • • he: climbed another runs on- the! Achim Society will hold,an. imThrbugh.';tHa ^iHdiJess oit.a rich needs. . , •. . Mr. and Mrs. Ell Skalovsky, 415 . At a special congregational political ladder when he ^rss portant meeting next Thurpday noblewpraaii, he•> receiv,eti; a«isskot their meeting called last Sunday by JoeGeorge street,, received ; named minister of transport withevening, December 3, - at *.8:34 larBh-ip-i at-Athe --..faiabaf-i-Jiljea Gorshow, president, final arrange- friends and relatives last Sunday o'clock at the.Eagles'Hall.. -An' Academy la- "Paris; ' There" he stu- Jailed' out portfolio. Previous holders of afternoon honoring their daughments were made for the "Rabbi election .of officers will, take 'jflae'e died ana worked/iorse.verat years ;;A court In Frankenthal has this office had failed to make Sudan-"-"which "will take place on ter, Edith Skalovsky whose en- and all members are urged" to-at- and later,returned, to. Itussfa. Ecatenced Joseph Eocltcr, S2- much of it, and it was generally Thursday evening, December 3, In gagement to Louis Chesen was tend. •; While he .was Jn Psrte, he could ycar-old JCTT, to fire months' im- believed tbat by his acceptance y the .auditorium of Beth Abraham announced. not1 help, but*compare .the- happi- prisonment for "rseeki^a: to throw of it .Hore-Beliaha's political caTuesday evening, Miss Rose synagogue. reer had been 3ide-trscJied. But Collman . Yudelson, ; student r at ness sjad freedosi«'.of the-Frecch Chesen ana Miss Rose Bashefkin tho' University ; of Iowa -at : Iowa people .with the- poverty. " anda'bad light on the Leonora 2c* sit- the young statesman fooled every r Kscr c s d JSs low entertained - at a bridge party City, la spending tho'Thanksgiv- hareh treatment .of' tHa Russians uation of Genaa3:y- ia tb.e course one. Within a yeav the minister of coavereation." honoring Miss 'Skalovsky. of "transport -was as -well known as ing holiday and week end .visiting under the Czar's rule.*, i.Llke 'all
About England's New m roivacs
. News!
MISS ANNA Pitt, correspondent
Auxiliary Card Party.on Tuesday
B y B e r t r a m J o n a s - - *..-•••
Shaare Zion
Hadassah Oneg Shabbos
/ bcuieti
3 '7a 3j m I
Beth Abraham
Friends and relatives of Mr. Hiiss Nettie Oppenham of Des and Mrs. Barney Baron called on loines, Iowa, daughter of Mrs.! them Sunday evening, when they William Oppenham, will become! held onpen house at their home, t)ride of Maurice Lasensky,, son 1810 Grandvlew," on the occasion of-Mr. and Mrs. Max Lasensky, of their fortieth wedding annlver2507'West Fifteenth Street, thi3 sary. Earlier In the evening,
his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Morris thinking psoplS'..of".thaVida'y. ha Darred frora-Sisa&r Yudelson. ' . "-" : deeply impressed by the of the pdopla, that ho Berlia — TLe municipality The Chevra' B'nar Yisroel So- could only paint them as he,caw of Soanebcrg bi'rrad Jewish pedciety will hold an Important them -f-.poor aad sick, and- tho dlers from the actual bazaar, meeting next Wednesday evening, fierce young- revolutionists. , Na- rraUtins-thera Instead to disDecember. 2, at eight p'cloclr st turally the Csar -did sot l$ie. rach pk.y their warea in a distant vaasd .fas- ordered -• Lssa tho Chevrs B'aal Yisroel
the' Prime Minister. By a series of striking and rather unorthodox actions lie nade his nsnia s word. His first Jobwas to tackle J
Britain's traffic crisis, which resulted front, 150 motor accidents I each- week.' After a dashing na-1