l l lHE WORLD'S § 1. ..WINDOW... I This column is copyright by the Sevan Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in whole or in part Btrictly forbidden. Any infringement on t h i s copyright will be prosecuted.
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Old Toys'Needed by J. C. C.
SHMiOM ASCH This column is copyrighted by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Boys and Girls! Toys Ere Reproduction in whole or in part needed for Chacrkah. If you Sundown, Tuesday evening, De- After the reco*" Holy have lots of toys, won't you :ember 8, wiil mark the beginstrictly forbidden. Any infringeorbe kind and share them with ning of the festival of Chanukah, City by the Mac . ment •will be prosecuted. dered -the' re-de*., .on of tlis| Jewish .Leader Gives Three-1 those who haven't any. Tors Dr. Sher Hamad Chairman; "The War, Goes On," the new Membership Drive Dedicated variously .known as the Feast of jTemple. Associated with the vieHour Address Before in good condition are "wantec!. the Maccabees, the Feast of Ded-! toT and once more epical novel of Either leave them st the JewEoyal Cosnissica to Justice Brandeis cation, a n d the Festival of! T f» the Maccabeans is the legShalom Asch (G. XV Putnam's end that the only crucible of nnish Community Cecler or call lights. . Sons) is already high in the list Jerusalem (JTA) — Present- Mrs. T. Tully,. Harcey T24S. For eight days the Jews of the polluted oil found by the priests The Omaha Zionist District was of best sellers. That list is often lasted eight days .until new oil, i ns - t h e Jewish case before t h e ! •who will be glad to pick them Women's Hebrew Ckss discouraging on account of there-organized at a, special meeting world by. each day lighting one could be prepared for the fcolyjRoj-ai commission in a three-hour j tip. quality (or lack of quality) of held at - the. Jewish Community more candle "will commemorate candlesticks. to Siart Kerf address, Dr. Chaira Weizrnann, {i the victory: of the Maccabeans the books that appear on. it. The Center Tuesday evening. \ Temporary officers -were elect- over their, pagan enemies,' the Sy- Likewise through the centuries j president of the Jewish Agency appearance on the list of a book the story of Judith, an earlier j Tor Palestine, last week outlined like "The War Goes On" tralsea ed, to.: serve until the first busi- rians led by their king, Antio- heroine of Jewish history, has .the Jews' plight throughout the Epiphanes. Zion Flag Day • The College of ."rv .- u r 1 " ' , the entire level of contemporary ness session, . when permanent chus Chanukah was instituted "by the | come to be associated with the! world, demonstrated their" need •-; < literature and bears witness to officers will be chosen. The tem-Macacbeans in 165 B. C. and wasjFestival and because of this jisso-jfor and right to a homeland and to' Be Observed Hebrew classes v,rf*>*~ 1 - f , . 1 the existence of a public that has porary officers are: Dr. Philip to be celebrated with mirth and ciation the women play a greater j held out a friendly hand to the Locally Sunday reclion of Jiidch vs'r"-«-'T" V ," i Sher, chairman;- Joseph Tretiak, both taste and vision. joy as a memorial to the dedica- part in the Festival of Chanukah. Arabs. treasurer:" Frank Ackerman, secmeet every Wecrc?'!,"' r- - , - ! I want on this occasion to pay tion of the altar. Three years Tradition has it that no work, "There should be one place in Zion Flag Day will be observed ' ing at i f i J O 8. ni F ; ;""r . a tribute to Shalom Asch, the man retary. earlier, the soldiers of Antiochus especially that of the women, this wide world where we can i o c a i] y and nationally this coming ish Community fpr-n- <• r- J i and the writer. For over a dec- A general mass meeting will be upon their capture of Jerusalem ought to be done in front of the Jive 8s we want to lire," he de- Sunday, December 6. ! ing r.ezt VTednes.-'r-. r>" held shortly. -A committee is ade we: have been very close had erected a pagan altar for lights, but games, riddle?,, acd In Omaha the Jewish National < ber «. friends, for nearly seven years of working on arrangements at pres- hurnt offerings in the sanctuary other pastimes should take place clared. The hearing room in the Gov-Flag Day campaign will be con- I !Re£"ipt?*ciT.ion£ r r FT" F*I that time we were neighbors. He ent, and it is hoped to have a of the Templein soft candlelight eminent House was crowded to ducted by the Junior Hada.sss.li.! made at the J. C. C. f"17*! r > - t read me .great partB of "Three Prominent speaker for the rally. overflowing'for the address. Af-'in charge are Sonia Eoitstein, ; i by calling: Mrs. Kr-n-sr. C ihr i Cities" and'.of "Salvation" in the The first.of the year a memberhe had concluded, the com-1 chairman of the Junior ESICEE- ; j Glendaie 2BS4. original as they were written—-in ship campaign will be launched. B'NAI ISRAEL TO DEDICATE ter missioners, who are investigating jsah Flag Day committee, and Ka-' mr home, in: his, on the terrace of with the goal set^at five hundred. recent disorders in Paitstine', an-! lah Franklin, president of Junior ' TWO MEMORIAL the Cafe .de: la Coupole. I read The membership drive, in connounced they would like to ask JBadassah. j h i m t h e novels and. tales I was; junction with' a. similar nationTABLETS many question and invited him to Tee entire Jewish, committee | criuw writing • during those years. I wide movement, . is dedicated to meet them again this week. will be. canvassed. All are asked iff learned ; immensely from, him of Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Sunday, December 13, at S p. Dr. Weizmann demanded fair | to contribute ss jrecerously the 'jewis&i spirit, of Jewish life. Brandeis,. active . leader in Zionm., the Congregation of the B'nai application of the principle of:possible. Jewisli Icf-ucrs cc He' is good-.enough to say that ist' work for, many years, who Just Israel synagogue, ISth and Chi- j economic • absorptive capacity,! Those wishing to donate the use he, too,,learned from me in mat- celebrated his eightieth birthday. cago streets, will dedicate t w o j i c h i e E a i d t h e 3evrs h a f i a e-!of their cars are asked to be at | ters of technique, of art. T h e membership enrollment Sudden Demand Hade /by bronze memorial tablets. At the >w hp{. e r l i n f J T A I — A l l c . <~.~-rrgoing to; the Jewish Coramnrity Center. ce e(jf s o that Jews Banks and State-Controlled a t i c a n d m o t i o n picTii-e cr , ic.=n There is something princely campaign, has received the apsame time C a n t o r Abraham Jp a i es tine would not find the I Sunday morning at 9 a. m. Institutions about Asch/ ' I saw him first in proval of Justice Brandeis, whose and forty members of | frontiers Closed. | Identified by their Blue-White I w a s b a n n e d u n d e r K oocrc* r ' > • <• Warsaw. - A dinner was being photograph will--appear on every the Hazomir Singing Society win The Arabs had jrofited from j boxes,'the volunteers win conduct! K i c i s l r y of Propacr^iujf. znC ±-rBerlin (JTA) — Hundreds of I i E ' t t m e c t e n the f - i - u i ^ t '.-'.' given. in - honor of the late H. D. membership card issued to Zion"War by creation Of , a popular appeal for contributions is a " l e g e c T of the ."fv-"l -i "-> realty owr.ns throughout the. Nomberg. Asch towered above ists dnring- the coming year. Jv e n c e i n G e r m a n y ' s ci 1.1 "t ' ""i c In line,-with-the drive, the Jew-Germany are in danger of losing the colleagues and friends not concert p r e s s h e n c e f o r t h n"'"T r o i ' . r f only in stature. You feJt at once ish people are reminded of Jus- their property as a result of sudbeing is satisfied?" iproduci self t o clescripir. F r r . i - - . ."'•- ' • v ~ , • • in the presence of a great spirit. tice Brandeis'. own words: "Or- den demands for redemption cf speakers Dr. TTeizmaan said the Trans-'Zionist emblem. Contributions fiedecree states. " li " ' ••• That feeling I never lost. One ganize, organize, organize—unti mortgages made this week by b IJewish announced in the next issuewill of the Jordan Press. The affair had been included in the : posited in the Sloe-White'boxes sia! e-con trolled did not lose it even during his •every Jew :in America E&ands up • r t ^ S . ^ ^ w T H n - ^ w s p a p e r s j o p e n to the Jewry of Omaha. Balfonr.Declaration but "for.rea-jwill be applied for the aecruistion • A n n o u n c e m e n t o ' 'he V-*". T r j r I i ' ^ -• •childlike artist's moods, as when;, and ia ..cdunted-r—-counted" .with us T-'.r - ' - • T>- '- t v sons known only to Sir Herbert j of new land areas in Palestine as r a a c e b y P r o p a g r r f r during the brief flurry of pop-P a u l J o s e p h G o e b b c . r'" J —•=" -v r " - p r - r r . - r proves,, himself, wittingly or reported. Samuel '.(first Palestine. High national property. ' P ularity .that the books of all of unwittingly^ of the few who are According to the newspapers, Commissioner) was torn, away." This will be the twenty-third t b e j o i n t a n n u a l P P E ^ I I - •-• J c"""" ~r'- - f us enjoyed in Germany in the late against- their own • people." K e i c h s ' C h a m b e r o" Ci " " r r F T " r T . r :^ tbe mortgages have been called He urged the Eoyal Commission annual observance of "Sion FISE" twenties, he ' said, walking with t h e r e c r e a t i o n d e p r - : —er- r," ; v ' r-r-- ><- 1 , for redemption before the en"} of to consider existing, possibilities j Day. .• • us along a lovely road in the south German Labor F r c r ; , -o < M \ V , ' the year. [for development in the TraEsjorof France:."In Deitschland bin ichThe demands, the papers re' DiEclosing t h a t b«* r f f \'<i ' i " v, , • J dan. a gemachter-Mann." For what ported, have been motivated by National Fund to a l r e a d y been ispuet". P " . \-^r~ "••""• ; -r-"1. •<- <-" Describing the Balfocr Declarwas so clear was that he wanted the desire of public banks and said i t ' w a s nece < =«r-'" "•' n =•' ]-r J I T T . — . ation as the Magna Carta of the Plant Trees In his vision to prevail rather than credit institutions to terminate re" m E n y G e r m a n crJ:n"s- r- <-• r? ; -• -• . - , - - ; i Harry Cooper,' chief- of the sec j Jewish, people, he recalled that be himself, that he was then, as he lations with Jewish clients. follow- t h e . typical . ' • ' I ' i ' f - r i i- r -, -r ' . Brandeis -Forest ret service office here, h3s been once stated thst the meaning has always been, the - servant' «f While a number of the realty Provides Religious Freedom Jofhad nrr*' i n t h e i r c r i t i c ^ - r * i , - " r ' ,1 . promoted to supervising agent-o "the Jewish national home was .and .Gives Jewish Territhe" creative set. owners are in, a position to raise The local Jewish Xs.ticr.r.1-'Fc-nd the district -whose /headquarter, | that "Palestine should be as JewCotincil i s s Toted, to plant all " k i l l e d m&v^ C i * r r r - -r •»- - •" i — ThV servant of the creative' are '.in; ViJaltimdre. Mr, .; fcoopec funds to meet the sudden de- • •-. tories Eeprcsentatioa •• ish as England is English." mands, i{ .was/stated, the. 'major.act! - Thatvis i t J have known viity-during the war. .-.wragfperBt ""Certainly we ar& .sot Injuries"]'[ many of my eminent contemporar-- bodyguard to CJeneral Pershlns, is ity " of "them, "particularly- -those .-".Moscow (WNSj—Pull'relisious the rights of non-Jews. Before j ;hs organizations 'is tbe Louis D. freedom and no penalties or reliving in"provincial districts, are ies. None was sd briinmirig with" now in Buenos Aires where -he rrless otherwise strictions of civic rights whatso- God and "the world, I state that |~•racfieis Forest, the creative wealth of the teller went three' weeks ago to arrange not "so fortunate. The Ecverncit • foi trujy:. gres-t srtist f'-r- T - * n~"> _ nothing has been done to injure j ' The newspapers suggest that of tales, frOminone there poured for the secret' service protection of a' forest in Pa'-les- criticisia end tbe Tfl^c «•". ^> f enemies. Oandlc*rds;. gen-jftaers. ' I go further: the Jews responsible Jewish organizations : in writing o•'•'; in speech so rich, of President Roosevelt. r.->»-irirt-.-. n have done good to" the Arabs inj tine t o commemorate the eight- bOTind to ?Ril. police, so overflowing a stream of hu- Before coming to Omaha in do their best to secure credit for directly. TVe had to collect moni ieth birthday anniversary of Justhe realty holders affected in orbig, bankers and of r-urifyiug our « 1 i-e o ."rv; man material creatively seen. He 1932, he was a.detective In Boshas been fullr corr^'c fi" " r turned his handicaps into advant- ton, and then later bodyguard for L2l r convention and provided; for-iu-the--.ew^ed country. Some state that a plan to mobilize the ages because of this amazing in- President Hardingratfd President ( a b e t 100.000 ' other groups Lave since constitution o7 l i ee "OiOOO . "Tb" F T i _ n c r t v l -f h ' ">^ner wealth." "Writing, after his Coolldge. ..He>also;- was. assigned liquid capital of Jews who have r e = a t i c constitution joinea to create this memorial for j early beginnings in Hebrew, in a to guard fornier premier Viviana previously been forced to sell Union of Socialist Soviet. Repub-jpres) « the oasa for the J e ^ s h tie fazaoas American-Jewish Jur- r n r r " " . ' L' n . r i " . v - v o lies which adopted here ,,•„„ w™»h was m«.»* -h hearty and homely folk-speech" and Aristide Brland of l^ance at their commercial enterprises, util- the nntoa PrP hviEatsonal nome, but one estate in ist. -- ' Congress or So- [Canada or elsewhere a bigger. unadapted or not yet adapted- to the Washington disarmament con- izing such funds as credits for viets All-Union Among the 'local organizations after the .historic document ' Referring to alleg faons that all the property ow lers. the highest, and subtlest organiza^ ference.."During the war he rewas presented for ratificaUon i>j\sood land has already passed in.o | contributing to the tree campaign tion as art, he had to adopt the Joseph Stalin, secretary-general of I^wish hands, he said t h . land , are " the Council of Jewish Woceived the 'king's medal' from Full Program to . fluid and uncomplicated methods King Albert; of Belgium, one of j.is good now but bad not beea so i-men, - the Women's Mizrachi. the the Communist Party. —-straightforward, simple, un- four so-honored. does before Jews acquired it. " | Pioneer Womeii, the Vaad AusilFeature Showboat e- '-or~ , r r ci This sweeping reform —— . . , subtle—of the folk teller of tales. Mr. Cooper has T>een considered away with the class of Jewish deSisterhood Party By his original culture and by the Dr. Weizmann said much cjli the Omaha Hebrew Club, th livable land was still available ia a r y > Golcie' Meyer'son Society, the Declasses, who although gradually r : character of "-is medium apparent- the, ace of secret service men and An exhibition of circle handi- being absorbed into the Soviet Palestine, citing ' the Haleh ter- borah Society, the Beth. ly forever excluded from the i>ro- during President Roosevelt's reeconomic system," were until »ow j"tory as an eample He aeclar- ros'h Kagodol and the Sfcaare ^ios duction of immensely compli- cent visit to Omaha,. he received work by Mrs. Jack Cohen's Arts r— „— — « - - -*»^/» •* ^ congregations. special attention for his leaderand Craft group, and Mrs. Clardistinct element suffering from ed that a dynamic development cated works of art—such as those the ' Mrs. Jf. F. Le'venson is cceir- " i t bourPolicy ship of the secret service detail. ence Bergman's sewing group, of TVassermann or Werfel or AIonly essential required to realize man of the comraittee which is will be on display at the Show- geoisie. dous Huxley—he has succeeded in the possibilities and emphasised endeavoring to replace the forests boat party which the Sisterhood Another important phase of the these later years, without essenl ' • that unless such a policy w a s ! r a T B S - e d • fiuriEg the recent A r a t of Temple Israel will give Wednew constitution is the guarantee .r c e- c2 -^ tially altering his methods, in adopted Jewish c «-' o l o n i z a t i o n nprisllls in Palestine.-" The LovU of equality of races and the proa a o ^ e a •>***>* nesday evening, December 1G, creating works, that do not only _* T , ^ ^ «,,«t>i,™« tn-r would slow down. n+ ' D. Brandeis Forest will be one *~ f p - r - ' C when the ballroom of the Black-j _=..•„ vision of heavy punishment for simulate but actually represent Referring to employment of ! the largest in the Holy I,anfl. stone hotel is to be transformed any racial restrictions. The deep *, rs->c - L On Monday evening, Decembev achievements equivalent t o : the Arabs in Jewish enterprises, be achievements of .those .novelists of 7, at 8:15 p. m'.', Kabbi -David A. into a replica of an old-time river concern of tbe Soviet Union for said Jews must work to avoid reracial miirorities is evidenced by proaches of beirig parasites if LAST RITES BELB FOR richer and more complicated cul- Goldstein will review "Moscow boat. " . • tures and techniques. - It is, if Skies" by Maurice Hindus. This Entertainment, in addition to the fact that the constitution sets they employ Arabs and boycotters „ rr i <t p^ ^ p EAI5KEE, S4 .J you like, the. triumph of genius is the third in the series of Book the presentation twice during the up a new legislation of two if they employ Jews. a. £.!/ Evenings sponsored }>y the Beth evening of the melodrama, "East houses, the Council of the Union over art. ...';' In describing the world Jewish He began so. humbly and yet El Synagogue Auxiliary a t theLyane," will include cards, bingo, and the Council of Nationalities. position today, Dr. Weizrnann • Funeral services.for Dr. Members of the latter house .will Jewish Community Center. . and other games, with Mrs. Julius effectively with sketches of a litcontrasted it with that which pre- Katskee, who died on Thsntsgiv- . v ,*• t i " -.r " - r -• " - i " - t .t his office, were held For his following review on Newman and her circle in charge. be appointed oy the Supreme tle town. He continued along this decades ago, when j * road of the "Yiddish folk-tale in January'4, Rabbi Goldstein has A buffet supper will be served by Councils of the Union and the Jews were able to find shelter in st Friday afternoon- from the "Mottke the Thief" and "The chosen "Inside Europe" by John members of Mrs. Henry Pollack's autonomous republics and provin- America. He said Jews now found Peters-Kuriold Stewart mortuary. cial Soviets on the basis of ten Rabbi David A.' Goldstein olficiMother." But always and even Gunther. circle. "all the world" closed to thera. from i sted and barial was in Fishes In deference to.the Community during this period he rose from Mrs. Max Block is directing and f r o m eeaacc ^h u ?f on Z^.^ll j Farm Cemetery. time to time, without abandoning Forum, which has found it neces- Mrs. Ben Silver is in charge of J d Auxiliary' Dr. Katskee, who was 5 4 years. his method, mood, native content, sary to change . the Sherwood costumes for "East Lynne," a and two from each autonomous This means that the from January 13 to"streamline" version of which is district. .to something like world stature, Eddy date of age, until three months egc : Affair notably in "KIddush Ha-Shem" January 20, the Committee in to be presented. Alex Lipsman, Jewish republic of Biro Bifijan had been living in Lincoln. He and "The Sorceress of Castille."' charge of the Book Evenings an- well known for roles in Center will have five deputies and five attended the University of Ke- O - i . r ?•• 7<~> — ^ - - ( A desert luncheon followed by; He did so less in those American nounces that the second January Players' Guild production, r e - autonomous Jewish regions, in the an afternoon of Jewish music and ~v.&I^braska Medical school sad served Ukraine and tales, like "The Electric Chair" Book evening will be on Monday, places Sylvan Frankel in the or "The Return of Chaim Leder- January IS, instead of Wednes- cast. Frankel since has won a er" or -"The Children of Abra- day, January ,20.. The sixth, and Tole in the Community Playhouse :tal of 17 representatives ham." America, of which he isfinal.Book Evening will be Wed- production, "Winterset," and reIsrael.-synagogue, _. so "intelligently fond, seemed as nesday, ^February 3. Books to be tired from the "East Lynne" cast i house. cago streets. \ ° " e t i E e Presidest of the L:nco2r a scene to blight even his crea- reviewed on the last two evenings in favor of the Playhouse role, j ilr. J. Kahz will review sholom j lodge of the 3'cai S'rith. S^rrirtive yigor. But again and again will be announced later. • Other members of the cast are !JEV/ISH WOMEN DO Asch's book, "Salvation," ia Yid- i &S Dr. Katskee are his parents all during the years, in plays far -"• "«• f - - -r Tickets may be secured at the Rosalie Alberts, Bess: Goldware, i f/£H Iff ' CHEST dish. 'A group'of Jewish • songs j Mr. £=d Mrs. A. Katskee. Z21'. finer and profounder than the box office the night of the review. Rita Mantel, Martha Himmelstein, j will be sung by Mrs. Harry Coop-.j Lotfcro?' street; his -widow, twe .much touted "GocT of Venand Herbert Kaplan. Musical ar- j er who will accompany herself oa j children, Allen &r,d Gsle; twe geance;" Asch "unconsciously forerangements will be in keeping I the Ealaika.' . • . jj brothers, Sheii aM Lcrai; tvi told the" day when he, the yishu- ARTISTS TO APPEAR OH with the,Showboat era. . | ' By last Tuesday, 'the Jewish Mrs. Louis Xereleff will bs |ccae sister, lurs. John Kascc, vnik from Poland, would create ICORCOMCEET TjUESDAY "We expect thi3 '.o be one of women taking psrt in the Com| ' Oiasisa. chairman of the fternoon works that towered into world the finest parties as well as one munity Chest IJrive, undeV , t i e will, be assisted by the Mesda-e^ literathre—and towered so. loftThis . coming. .Tuesday, Decem- of the most entertaining of Sis- .leadership of:Mrs. Ben.'silver has T>. Cronnces, Xi. Fish, M. Eurily precisely because their roots : were sunk so unfathomably' deep ber 8, -at S:q'O. v- m., the Icor of terhood history;" says Mrs. Benreported pledges of approsijn'ately stein, I/. Turkel, J. Tvolfssn, ' !• Omaha will present Maxim BoroSilver,. Sisterhood-president Theit ty-ei h thnndred dollars, j Epstein, I. Moskoritz, I.. Krantr. wen s into a native soil of ethnic and historic culture. The author of din and".Zeiaa"Zlatin' in a concert entire Sisterhood is at work on} over one hundred, seveaty-five L. Kaeeter, snd X." Levinson. the "Shtelle" and -the.author of at the Jewish Community Center. the project, selling tickets, ar- Jewish women are cooperating- The afternoon willfeeopen tc 1 rul fc^la it? T,?~t rejrtslET - "The War Goes On"'are one and Featured o n - t h e program will ranging t h e entertainment, the with the Community Chest in its the public, Russian and Yiddish *-"folk f OO g t a n d a general good time, j annual drive to raise', funds for five cents. •• "* —"---"-^ meetiris oa J.Ior.dsy, Deceiribsr 14. ' the same. No- break has occurred be — .t S:1S p. m. in connection •witl* •_ in the continuity of Asch's devel- songs, operatic arias, a one act Tickets are 50 cents each, and • the caring Qf the needy of Onaha. may be purchased from any Sis- - . Mrs. R. Kulakofsky for the \ Levy SsnsiaEd opment And his three pre-emi- play,- and. recitations. -1 he- Locse'S'tasiis.! stap. Mr. Borodin: was formerly a terhood member, or at the door. J fourth year is a member nent, works. "Three Cities." "Sal^e! KSTT Orleans — lisrk Lsvy cli vation," "The War Goes On," are member of the Chicago and San "Winner of a contest for the; executive board of the Cbest an 5 i Chicago g was reelccted trcassrer; Isrgest gatherin 3*rita licld this year. H. Kulakofsky .Is on t1i?jof the .National 'AsBOciation so authentic because the world, Carlo Grand Opera companies, i jjmember selling the most tickets'Mrs.-J. ' B h l d thi vision of Shalom Asch has incbr- Bliss Zlatin,.,who 5s well-known to the affair,- will" Teceive two; Initial Gifts Committee • and in i Real Estate Boarfis for a sixth business rneetiUb "="111 be r "I t' t porated within itself the folk- for her recitations and- readings, tickets'for the Drama League pro- charge of - collections from the! consecutive "term at the close of i W one .of'the isosi ."prrtcctici i ion i! ! 1 C 7 will accompany Mr. Borodin at dnction, "First Lady," coming to club3 and churches of the entire j the association's ann'-sal conven-J .ttempted by tec - (Continupd on page 8.) the piano. jresp. Omaha that week. city. tion.
Chanukah, Feast of Li-
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Harry '.Cooper Is ^ . - Given Promotion
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Book Review to Be Given Monday
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Page 2
By Arthur Lelyveld
body of Apelles. ' "Who is for the he do It" he asked. "Was it Lord" he shouted. "Let him: fol- necessary" ' 1 low me! ' • Shimon's sunken eyes gleamed Ten or more sprang forward in. with- an unwonted earnestness. answer tdMattathiris'. call, and "Killing is never 'necessary.' Surebefore the startled Greeks could ly not as a means of preserving recover themselves and begin the our faith." He spoke slowly and pursuit, the priest, his sons and softlyi his voice striving to mastheir' new-found followers, were ter his emotions. "Decrees and through the. gate and gone. persecution, suffering will never The villagers who remained in destroy our people. If and when the square stood wide-eyed and our end does come it will be pale. Shimon, visibly shaken, set through t t e violence we ourselves about caring for the body of .Na- create. Through martyrdom Ishum. Tenderly be' and a few rael lives, through murder he others lifted and carried the flirts with doom." corpse to a nearby stone.bench, The next day, as they were where Shimon covered it with his rain-drenched mantle. It was a burying Nahum, word came that hushed and horrified group that Mattathias and: his band had now crowded about. For cuite a routed the Greek officials and while they were silent. Finally pulled down the heathen altar at one ventured to speak. "Why did iGibeah.
"Sing sing, .Baby, Sing Sing," j York's Metropolitan House next . . . It is interesting to riote, we j season. think, that Jerome Cowan,! Cfintor's 'A'cxt Picture Broadway matinee idol who Is; A story circling with the Tacsoon to make his film debut, haE|i r ,g season r.t Saratoga Springs, been, at various times in his life, ife, j X m Y o r ] . p t R j e - g famous horse
THE ENEMY PROXT ! town of Eisenstadt during t h e , a The smallest, most isolated of the death of. a woman and check-protector salesman, a ,racc track, has bocii selected as A bill calling for a sweeping in-! late IStn. and 19th. centuries .j 'towns, are often closest to the seven sons who had balked at :r in a Nev. York fie- i the first motion picture which vestigatlon of all phases of antiAn Israel Goering w&s among the i , largest cities. .Slumbering in the government's decree. Semitic, anti-Catholic, anti-Negro Jewish community officials whose! clerk in a store, Un' E soda-jerker, a JEculiP Cantor iriil make under Ills .shadow of the great center they, Nahum's babbling stopped short jnew long-term contra with 20th and Other subversive propaganda signatures appear on a document Un autOTnMle are oblivious of the bustle. There at the priest's door, Mattbatbjas , , , V C has already been drawn by a | dealin with the honors <2ue Century-Fox. The improduced are villages In Westchester,' Just received .them with unconcealed hear that Milton.Eerie, the Sun- iplay, "Sp.mf.ofra Chips" was writgroup of congressmen . . . It win I Jewish community officer . , bver the New York City border, impatience. Was It absolutely day Night Community Sieger, is be introduced during the second whose inhabitants have rarely, if necessary that they disturb him ^ sell boasting to his friends about his ten br Irrinp Cfiesnr, and Damon wants to sell or third week of the new Conever, visited- the metropolis. They during his hours of study?: Shirare, old collection of Jewish I new home which features a o I : ) t E i n e < i ar t h e grress The bill is so all-in- antiques containingE3 125 ar6 still a bit incredulous, even mon, softly stated the reason for hiptiest price paid i. J pitJLcb room—with pieces an adjoining towel level ' The c a n elusive that it even provides for, 'or an ur.preduced resentful. • of the automobiles that rheir call and Nahum plunged exy be bad for $7,500, By whiz by their front gates. ...' disclosure of the names Of people' w I l i c n *S What the;- CO. . . . . Rab-icited about his coming entry into (Copyright, IJiBSfi. by Seven Arts citedly "into his story, sparing vho have contributed funds t o ! b i J a c o b Minfcln is Proud that his j the movies. He ha« been given a Feature Syndicate). Such jwas Modin. Close as it none of the horrible details. As subversive groups . . . Walter j b o o k ' "Herod," has been trans-'contract satisfactory- to kirn bv a ";as to their chief city, the ru- he related more me" more of what Iated lnto Kappe editor of the Deutscher French . . . . If we had (Hollywood studio, but the success mors which now made their way he knew,, his woe rose in proporPatronize Our Advertisers wecjwm and Beobachter, chief I m o n e > r t o - b e t ^ e ' d wager that! of the "Community Sing" broad into'Its midst caused a wholly'ex- tion. "Ai Lariu," he cried, "what ^ a z t organ in this country, has! Jeremiah T. Mah'oney will be icasts in New York, in u-hirV, h, traordinary agitation in the lit- are we to <Jo?" he Deen recalled to Germany. . . H e ' s | e ] e c t e d President of the A. A. TJ.'is featured, will make it necessary . . . tle town's usual Dlacldityl Modin a t t h e "Do? What are we to do?" 'Omsha's Smartest Gift* aue to leave before Christmas, o s - | Houston convention this;for him to remain in th« M * t fnV'.^ *or!| was but three miles from Jeru- The pietist's chdler overflowed. for Men" tensibly f o ra powpow with Julius ?" e e k • • • According to Mid-Week' some time salem-—and yet the events which "Resist the blaspheming Greeks, Sid Silvers, drop- ^ Streicher His two predecesPictorial more and more Germans iPing his comedian's mask, is ,<had long been the main topic of of course. My sons, blessed be sors as Nazi bosses here, Spank- are beginning to rebel against i Ported to be writing a series of y<*~ discussion" In the vicinity of the the Name, are strong and brave. g noebel and Gissibl, never came Nazi anti-Semitism So much bair-raising dramas to be preSanctuary exploded as a. horrible No one In Modin will lay sacrim . back after going to Germany . surprise In Modin. so that plenty of Aryans are risk- sented by the Amalgamated Barfice before a falsehood! Now go At the conclusion of the Tal- ance with-the curriculum adopted A certain Carl Mundt has been ! l n S t h e Nazi's ire by helping their bers' Union . . . Writing about Nahum, the local wool-dealer, and spread that word." sent over here to take Kappe's Jewish countrymen mud Torah meeting held Novem- by the Board of Education. . There! Gracie Allen a few lines back we y had tafcen It upon himself to They had scarcely passed Place . . . The weekly outpourings ought to be some kind of prize; w ere reminded that sbe told us r spread the news. Heedless of the through ' Mattathias' door when ber • 24, Henry Monsky, president He went on to say that the of Robert Edward Bdmondson awarded to SamueT S. Fleisher, chilling winter rain, he hurried they beard the blare of trumpets'. of the Talmud- Torah, pointed oui Dundee Branch is developing nicethat the Talmud Torah as a whole anti-Semitic pamphleteer, are no • Philadelphia art patron, whose i i s being made for a picture o£ a about-tro mhouse to house chat- A Greek soldier appeared at the ly and that one class has already idea r Is functioning properly, financiallonger being published, but so i ° r a cultural Olympics has! Hollywood "yes" .'man, but the} tering -fcicitedly-—his unaccustom- head of .the street and stood there started "Chiimosh." Likewise the many of them had been printed I ^een adopted by the University of couldn't find any negatives. ed garrulousness -finding' an ex- a moment, the metal of his armor ly as well as educationally. Yeshiva department which has M l t x , e Kosenbloom Sicncd Previous to that the report of eleven students is functioning that they are still in circulation j Pennsylvania . . . And while we're planation only In. the terror which glistening in the rain. Then, cupFather Coughlin has been in! handing out bouquets the four * I J.osenDioom Signed the various committees had been properly and that Talmud is benow sought an outlet. ping his hands about his mouth, correspondence with Raymond | Mars brothers deserve something L former 1 ght heav given to bear out Mr. Monsky's ,Hs had been to Jerusalem— he shouted, first in one direction, ing taught there daily. The bosin?: aud one of C champior "some business matter," he said, then in another: "In the name of conclusion. Junior Congregation, of the Tal- Healy, self-proclaimed American \ ^ their plan to build a statue ! ° ! ° rfU! b o x e r s i n the Nathan "S. Yaffe, chairman • of mud Torah is successfully con- Hitler . . . Francis B. GiUchrist Is | to mothers-in-law . . . That they're revelling in his importance even Apelles andour lord Antiochus, at this critical moment. Some let all assemble in the public the auditing committee, which in- ducted every Saturday morning hard at work trying to unite all I not being funny this time is provH r e cludes as members I s a d o r e and about fifty upils attend. Be- anti-Jewish groups in the East in I ed by the eliecfc they laid on the ; °?- ^ one had told him that AnUoehus, square!" ' » «V« t « t il n g role in the behalf of the Rev. Gerald Smith.! »ne to start the thing going. Abramson, Max Barlsh" and Eph- sides between forty and fifty oththat madman, •. had Issued a demones. June Travis, the Chicr' | WITH OUR LEADERS What Nahum's thoughts "were raim Marks, told that there are er pupils of the Talmud Torah at- FOREIGN NEWS cree against Judaism—he had orin the briof interval between the in the Talmud Torah 2Q9 pupils dered that all Jews should wortend. Saturday morning services at " W o n d e r whether Hitler likes! Zionists are thankful they have e non- ryan company that his; no supreme court to worry about i cutive ship only Zeus, from now on. It summons and the assemblage of whom 131 pay tuition fees in the various synagogues in the was even whispered that pigs had Shimon had no way of learning, the amount of $370.75 p e r month city. Bent been sacrificed In the Temple— as the now thoroughly agitated and 78 pupils who are free of ° £ t h ° c o n s t i t u t i o n of the Fronx Warner Bros, we also lUrr "All in all, the Talmud Torah close'st i e a i !a i i S S . Z?> l 0 pigs mind you!—and. their filthy little wool-dealer went by a dif- tuition fees. t ^ J ^ £ j ^ ^ ^ \ ™ £ ^ ^ * «', America that Erich WoUgar.g Komgoifi blood 'had been spilled upon ,the ferent route. He pleaded that he • He further, reported that the is accomplishing good work, hart&ra US V i e n n e se mu s l c a l ccompos o m usical ~ ' what ° iS\'jer, ° started e-cork Scroll of the law. And what was had to look In at his house and total indebtedness of the Talmud moniously ; and peacefully. The whose daughters is aarrlTd ?o F! ! in th^ maling Wonder has on an oriponly real problem the Talmud A. I. Munz, Jewish automobile happened to the Torah on October 30, 1936, more, he had reason to be sure see that his family was safe. grandiloquentiinal score for "Danton," the next Torah is facing is the problem of magnate, while another 5s the wife amounted to $5,563.65. This When the sandal-maker entered that one Apelles, a minister of plans outlined some months ago j film spectacle Max Reinhardt .is of a son of the late Lord Jessel el by the Jewish Teachers' Semin-jto produce. In film production the Greek king,-/was even< now Modin'B modest "broad place" a amount Includes $2,000 borrowed ! bow to enroll more children." Mr. Yaffe, reporting for the Another of Ribbentrop's ary and^ "Known as Beet" d People's P l ' University i on the road to Modin with a considerable crowd bad already from the Jewish Welfare Federa. . . circles, this is new? of ranking- imsquad of foot-soldiers'. He -would gathered and was standing about tion for the purchase of busses Book of Life committee, of which j The celebration of Louis Lipsky's portance because usually when a the in groups of twos and threes, four years ago; §837.50 accrued he. is chairman, told that $113 enforce, the decree! birthday won the approval! composer is engaged to write a yours from Omaht'i came into the Talmud Torah of the celebrated Jew- of Mrs. Lipsky, but for a strange • score (for a picture he does it l u #, CHoose Finest ivinn'R Slop, where a The disconcerting information shivering on the damp paving- teacher's and secretary's salaries treasury from various contribuish banker, Sir Ernest Cassel , . reason . . . It gave her an excuse;a very short time and not before j ^ most comprehensive and com• was received by most of the vil- stones. At the end of the square for October 1936; the November, plete assortment awaits your tions t*o the Book of Life. The Leslie Hore-Belisha,, minister - to inists m s l B uon u Lipsky's getting some filming^ of the picture has actually j • approval, Jagers in terrified uncertainty. nearest the town gate a group of 193G, Jewish Philanthropies aplargest contribution, fifty dollars, transport in the British cabinet, | n e w clothes. propriation u s e d In October, men in military tunics stood in begun, Kern I' What to do Some spoke of esberun, as is the case with Kern' 1h was given by Messrs. Joe and acquired his peculiar name by (Copyright, 193G, by Seven Arts gold . . . Opera lovers will be incape—but Nahum reminded them quiet conference about an impro- $534; and $341.29 that the inDavid Greenberg in memory of blending the Hore of his step'C*x*< stitution owes for books used by vised altar of stones and wood. Syndicate). terested and escited to learn that that the soldiers • of Antiochus their mother, who died a year father and the Belisha of his -A zr. Korngold has completed a new • were everywhere. Some suggest- Behind and above the altar they the History and Religion Depart- ago. mother . . . Hore-Belisha is the ' "'••••'". •I So. 16th S t r e e t opera, "Katherine." which will be ed sending a messenger with a had erected a small statue—the ment. youngest member of the cabinet god Zeus. The work of the Deborah SoM. M. Barish, chairman of the produced at the Koyale Opera ! Phone JA-7936 • plea to the governor In JerusaSuddenly the murmur of the finance committee explained that ciety was explained by Mrs. Char- nest to Malcolm MacDonald . . House in Vienna soon, and in New lem. Nahum shook his head in And with MacDonald he forms a 1 By I.OCTS PEKARSKY vigorous disapproval: Too late, mob grew louder, as though at the accrued salaries liability is les Ross, secretary of the organibachelor minority among the Calif. too late for that. But no one some signal. Mattathias and his not attributable to the past fiscal zation. A cash contribution givKing's ministers . . . Jewish lead-! j _ - , mentioned the obvious way out; five sons had joined the crowd. year and that it originated many en to the Talmud Torah by the they might simply obey the order Their faces set, their cloaks years ago when the City Talmud Deborah Society during the last ers in Argentina are worried over j D i d ^ £oyr t h a t L e i l a H y _ an davoid trouble. No one "men- wrapped tightly about their bond- Torah was unable to clear cur- fiscal year amounted to $415. Be- the government's efforts to label! m a n s > {eading l a d & t R K O -Radlo is T e J ,k ^ o w n a m h e r ies, they stood near the altar and rent ' salaries in the current sides this, the Debdrah spent all Jews as Communists . . . J e w - j s t u d i tioned it, except Nahum. schools have been raided I fn [ m a n j . Hollywood friends for her "I. have, a family," Nahum surveyed the throng. Just as month. He also explained that the money entertaining the Talmud ish Buenos Aires in search of "red' i oViiiitta D jij t T interior decorator a s a n moaned. "A wife and three lit- suddenly the murmur ceased? One Talmud Torah because of -its fi- Torah children on various occasions. Of i m e c a b I e t a s t e nancial' condition found it necesof the Greeks had stepped before tle ones depend.on u e . Who am xilMMTS P . a n d is conA. Katz, principal of the TalI to say 'No' to the Greeks? Mar- the? altar and had begun to speak. sary several years ago to use the * , ' , _ stantly being conrulted on seme No need to repeat that address following months appropriation mud Torah, reported that the tyrdom isn't for a man with a The eagle-eye of Dr. Jacob . R . j h o m e p r o b l e m s ? . . . M a r k S s n d . —it had been heard before and of the Philanthropies at that time. Yeshiva scholarship fund has Marcus, Hebrew Union College r i c h > s alrria m ater is New York's family." '. - ' • * As for the 5341.29 that the in$369 in cash to back the scholarThis last sentiment he confided has been beard many times since. professor of history -has unearth- C o l u m b ; a u. . . . G e O rge Burns to everyone. Every one, that is, In suave tones Apelles—for it stitution owes f o r textbooks, ship bonds issued last summer to ed documents showing the exist- a n d G r a c i e A 1 ! e n h a v e j u s t ffioved except Mattathias ben Yochanan. must have been he—urged the there is enough cash collected the students in the amount ofj ence of a Jewish family by the ji n t 0 t h e f i r s t h o u s e t h e y . b a T e e v e r from the pupils rto cover it. $250. For the issuance of scholIt would have taken a stronger Jews to accept the ways of the name of Goering m the German | o y n e d . I t ' S in Beverly Hills. AmMr. Barish went on to say that arship bonds this semester, it will will than little Nahum's to con- Greeks. In. them was safety, in | pie space is provided for this popfess such doubts to the stern old them friendship. Who would be having his previous explanation be necessary to raise additional for the use of the Dundee branch jular couple's two children, Eonfunds. ^ Where a Charge Account Is a pietist. The aged priest hated the the first to lay sacrifice before in view, the actual Talmud Torah of the Talmud Torah. . jnie and Sandra-. . . Parkyakarkus deficit at the end of this fiscal The president of the Talmud . . .'".•• word "Greek" with a relentless Zeus? Mr. Marks, in telling on the ] (Einstein of Boston) has a new Friendly Convenience fury. There was a stir in the town year is $1,849.86, which was re- Torah association, Mr. N. Levin- success of the "Land of Prom-{idea for a thenn song for that Nahum did not even venture side of the crowd and all eyes duced by ?702, after November son, expressed the hope that a Ise," commented on the fact that!prison football team ov the Hudinto the forbidding presence of centered on a figure which now 1, due to the receipts from the purpose be alloted to his group all the various groups of Omaha)son river in New York state: : Mattathias. Not until Shimon the detached. Itself from the group. film, "Land of Promise," and which includes 141 members. Mr. Jewry were represented in the | sandal-maker, pointed out that Bearing in. his arms a small lamb thus the actual deficit up to date Jack Marer suggested that the audience and that many Gentiles Mattathias, of all people, should and striving vainly to sink his la $1',147.86 Comparing: it with History and Religion department attended. Henry Monsky, William Holz- FOR RENT: 2 rooms, sll be told of the impending danger. head into his cloak, little Nahum last year's pressing deficit of over be shown as a tangible accom$2,200, it is found that the same plishment of the Association. Furnished. Call man, Max Barish, I. Goldstein, N. modern. And when Shimon' offered to ac- moved slowly toward the altar. After the reports, votes of S. Yaffe, Mrs. J. Goldware, and, Harney 7316 or Webster company the little wool-dealer he Fury burst forth. Things hap- deficit has been reduced by more thanks were given to Ephraim N. Levinson were elected members : 0414. E. Grossman. consented to go. Nahum, along pened so quickly .that the stunned than $1,100. Dr. Philip Sher, chairman of Marks and his committee of sixty- at large on. the Talmud Torah with the other villagers, ha"d a crowd could not follow the sucI wholesome respect for the kindly cession of movements. Amid the the educational committee, on be- four members who vrere respon- Board. old cobbler. shout?ng and the surging of a be- half of his committee reported sible for the enormous success of Of 100% A!i-Woo! Flannels :^' As they made their way through wildered mob Apelles was .vainly that 'the 209 pupils are divided the "Land of Promise," and to . the wet, narrow .street to the trying to call orders to his dis- into ten classes, all of which are Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cohen, who priest's dwelling Nahnm retailed organized men. The first lull in making good progress in accord- have made their home available THEY HAVE A SMARTNESS FAR BEYOND latest -horrors, his gesticulating tho confusion saw Mattathias himTHE!R FEATURED PRICE— arms keeping pace with bis hur7 self, his hair and beard awry, his •white robe flecked with crimson; rying feet. An old man in An. tloch, he panted, had refused to standing sword in hand above the obey the order. His name was mutilated body of Nahnm. Then) Eleazer. What had happened ? amid renewed shrieking, his sons Nahum clutched at the, cobbler's set upon the guards. The old man cloak and peered Into his face. seemed possessed of maniacal They Btrucfc him down—right in strength, and his sword, already Kohcs with mannish the public square. And in Jeru- dripping, with the blood of Nannti-lj ro!inr«i — Robr* hum, no\r found lodgment in the salem, they were telling the story v i r clfep «ha«l col*
More Detailed Report on Talmud Tor ah Activities
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tinae in unprecedented Quanti- ed by Mr. A. P. S. Clark, director Class ties. in Palestine of Barclay's Bant, at -/ r r This large oil industry serves L20,000,000—is fair indication of The Bible Class of Temple Isa world-wide market -with oil and the confidence in the country's _ rael will meet Tuesday, Decemsoap. Olives, sesame and linseed stability. Nothing more than the 1 ber £, at the home of Sirs. Ben I All Ei-mbcrF of the La clips have followed in the expanded recent troubles were needed to Silver. Rabbi David E, "R'ioe will Ausiii; r;* o:* tne Conv^e prove how stable are the country's market. lead the group. Israel, South Omaha, a r e nrpeC to Besides these enterprises a finances. Etteiid ?i very miporiem. n e e ; i n g number ol others should be men- Authority does not hesitate to By tie Eerriss Life Is iC be heul, Moiulr.r, r>e< nt To I C S tioned as representing the diver- predict that another few years of unhampered development will p.l 2 p. IT,, in 1;5>.e Rs=em sity of Palestine's industries. "The Conflict of Cultures" vr'.V.pi the r-'-vP.^o^v, T."O" a There is a huge factory for the bring Palestine into the enviable Life insurance, all things con(Palcor Staff Writer) manufacture of matzoth, a great position of 'financial queen in the sidered, is probably the cue eco-be Dr. Frederick Conn's topic for Election cC pi'ice Near and Middle East, as site is discussion before the Current TllpCP, The investigation by the market for raw materials Palestine ternational breakfast In Jerusa- hydro-electric Etation on the Jor- today. undoubtedly the chief in- nomic function of "pooled" cap-;^ . of gisterhood o, dan providing electric power to Koyal Commission into the 3 regarded with much respect 'by lem, spreading: on his lap a Hal of the people that does the ( ^ ^ / i ^ dustrial center. T u e s d £ j - at 10:30 all of Palestine except the JeruA V^'C-T* S»pTF causes of the recent riots pro- her neighbors, Iraq, Syria (the Czeehoslovakian - made serviette, outright good for humanity. a. in., at the EIacksi.onc (Copyright, 1S36, by Seven Arts most salem area. A textile company, It wards off potential misery, reTides an opportune moment to Lebanon), Cyprus, Turkey, Iran, sipping tea from an- AustrianFeature Syndicate). established in 1924, employs lieves actual distress, keeps hope j nThis . , is" , l cue . ' . c in a series . pause and review the economic made glass on a Belgium-made for the future alive, encourages j ,~°jn? S . ^ , '. Mrs. Loui< assets vprought in Eretz Icrael Egypt, in addition to her largest plate, breaking a Syrian egg from over 250 workmen in the manufacture of stockings and other individual reliance and indepen- kofsky is chairman of th~ by the Jewish settlers. Julian exporters in Europe. a Swedish-made egg cup and lat- knit goods. Several hundred per- Women's Mizracki' dence and for the country as a Also as a market lor manufac. Meltzer, Palcor correspondent 2 er puffing Turkish-grown cigars • and noted authority on Pales- tured products Palestine is no from a Japanese-made cigar-hold- sons are employed in each of a Mrs. .E. Weinberg, chairman of whole acts as a balance wheel AXKUAL STUDENT SI a chocolate mean customer. " The Palestine cartonage factory, that never gets oet of order. It is the Jewish National Fund treetine a l l airs, snrveys the preser. Today you can have everyj , /,' '•;. ent economic status of Pales- Government's action, • announced thing from the eggs to the cigar- factory, several cigarette factor- planting committee of the Wom-a balance wheel in both social The annual Sciider.t Se~T in legislation on January 22nd of ies, an iron works, an iron foun- en's Mizrachi, announces the fol- and business relations. tine in this article. Beth El will take place this year, in imposing new duties ettes "Made in Palestine." Yon dry, silk mills, a cement pipe fac- lowing donations lor trees in Pal- Life insurance in its purely £5, &t which time all thr co '•"— —The Editor. 't against such objects as aluminum can also have Palestine-made tory, a beer factory, etc. business aspects is the founda- students vrill be the truest*, o i*r estine: Jerusalem (Palcor Agency)— ware, bolts and nuts, building beer, iron or galvanized goods of tion stone .in the structure of na- congregation. A German economist named Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brodkey, in Sis months of political dlstarb- bricks, primus stoves, welding fittings of all kinds, ingots, crude Dr.•• J. Adler has been estimating honor of their son's marriage; tional solvency. The United States An Oneg Shabboth TOE V ,. r paraffin! the. amount which Palestine re-JMr. and Mrs. Dave Brodkey, in could not have attained, xnuct .. ances have not disturbed the eco-machines, all kinds of "rearing ap- vegetable turpentine, j ceives and spends per annum. Heihonor of the birth of a son; Mrs. jless cold, its present position of served in their honor it! 1.1"~ > rf nomic foundations of ^Palestine. parel including ladies' dresses, wax, raffia, ardios, etc., etc. Room, follo-vring tfce service ""-•= Many countries of the world pyjamas, silk stockings, etc.—this 1 The country is spotted with in-' arrives at-the figure ol L1S,5OO,- M. Brodkey, in honor of the birth ;financial and commercial Bupremhare come to regard the country action indicates to a smalbextent dustries, great and small. The 000 revenue as against L22,S00,- of a grandson, and also in honor acy without life insurance as the Jack Kaufman and her niri tee will be in charge. as a place of perrennial employ- the remarkable industrial expan- very face of Palestine has been 000. expended. The balances are of the Bar Mitzvah of another great "shock absorber'' when men A Pre-ChE.E-uks.fc Oneg SIIF .• ment, a huge .treasury surplus, sion that is taking place. changed In this process of indus- made up by deposits of capital. grandson; Mrs. K. Wine, in honor die and their entire creative ef- both of the Beth-El Auxiliary will | enormous immigration and a forts otherwise would die wits of her son's recovery. from a reThe wild junction He assumed that the citrus indusbe held E.t the home of Sirs. J. K. | There is much dismay and con-trialization. . steady influx of capital. Pales- sternation of the Jordan and Yarmufe Riv- try brings in L3,000,000, <iairy cent illness; Mrs. L. Hosenblatt, them. That is a positive state- Kulakofsky, 114 So. 51, this Sat-; because the country's tine's prosperity has tecome a imports are- overwhelmingly larg- ers has been disciplined by a produce L3,000,000, industry and in honor of a grandson; friends ment but it is as true as it is pos- urday afternoon with T.Irs. Ken-1 •wearisome subject. So firmly fiz- er than her exports. This diffi- strait jacket of concrete and steeL trade L7,500,000 and rent of of Mrs. A. Katz, in honor of her itive. ben Kulafcofsky as co-hostess, i ed . indeed is this idea that a culty becomes greater, when you The prinfeval Springs of Tiberias property, traffic, etc., L5,000,000. recovery from a recent accident; Those taking part in the program j slackening1 in general business disregard Palestine's citrus ex- have been encased in stone. The Excluding the value of Palestine's Mrs. Frank in memory of her broare the Jlesdames: Arthur Cohen, < A. 2. A. 100 conditions- —which came about as ports. In 1935 a total of 1,110,- desolate sand dunes around Jaffa lands Dr. Adler estimated Pales- ther, Morris Cohn; Mr. and Mrs. William Alberts, Sam Zlotky, Max • Sam Rice, in honor of their son's a' resnlt ol the international .sit- 000 tons of export were discharg- and Tel Aviv have become great tine's national assets to be worth Endeavoring to raise enough Shapiro and I. E. Cherniss. Mrs. uation, and, in a measure, of the ed from Jaffa and Haifa, while arteries between towns. Hsrr Ramat 1/150,000,000 ( a p p r o x i m a t e l y Bar Mitzvah. T Silverman will ^ display local • Arab strike—As discounted the J;onnage discharged at these Gan, until a few years ago a 5750,000,000). The nest meeting will be held money to purchase badly needed! basketball ecuipment for the IbChanukah decorations vhict may December 16. in' most Quarters, and disregard- ports In 193G totalled more than pleasant little village outside of In the period between 1930 and chapter's team, all the members oer EBt Bl oeEdS a s m o d e l B I o r h o m e t e c ' ed completely.'in others. Foreign seven millions. Tel Aviv, where agricultural plots 1934, the amount of capital inof A. Z. A. Chapter 100 have j comment Is as enthusiastic, about sold for LI 5 per dunam, today is vested in industry rose from L2,Junior Hadassah : swung in with full energy to sell! But local opinion derives conour surplns as ever. The world an important factory area. A IKSUKED CABS their quota of tickets for a draw-j Patronize Our Advertisers press still makes much of the solation from these figures which dunam of land in Eamat Gan Is 250,000 to L6,500,000, and the Approximately one hundred "~" country's prosperity. The press indicate the forward stride local today valued at L800 to LI,000. numbers of employed from 12,- and fifty couples attended the ing which the chapter will hold of Palestine passes lightly over manufacture has made during the The settlement, of Kahlat Izhak 000 to 25,000. The principal pro- annual • Thanksgiving Dance giv- Sunday, December 27, at the J. were stone,, cement and C. C. past few years. The tonnage dis-- where banana groves were a ducts du <f the slow-down In trade. The prize will be a, twenty-five j ^ TO OUR FRIENDS— embarked from Jaffa and Haifa -It is true that the country has short time ago its chief Teason foodstuffs. The value of each ex-1 en by the Junior Hadassah dollar cocktail set. ]j* in 1933 totalled 755,000. In the for being, now Is the home of im- ceeded a million pounds, .• V immeasurably greater powers of year Then I Thanksgiving night, Novembei come metals, machinery, George Shaf er has been s.p- j ffi 1934 the figure increased to We ^-©cld like to take this opportunity to resistance to crises. The diffiwood j 26, at the Hotel Fontenelle. This pointed chairman . of t h e ticket} 'd portant industrial and handiwork- products and clothing, chemicals affair proved very sucessful, both culties through which Palestine 1,076,000. Last year they were ing plants. anaoKisce the opening of a new, Sanitary, Kosher and leather good particularly socially and financially, j committee. . passed during the past few months 1,110,000. 'A Meat Market s t 1512 North 24th St. remarkable has been the increase Franklyn Vincent's orchestra There are scores of similar A regular bnsiness meeting of ' have not either damaged her f 1- ~ T h e lesson is that a speedily places. Industrial plants of va- of chemical exports. played for the dancing. During the chapter will be held Snnday, & • nancial structure or seriously im- growing Industrial country can- rious size and equipment abound We sire Ihsscl'ing: only U. S. Choice pc»T°f: What are the factors in this in- the intermission, a tap dancing December 6, a t t h e J . C. C. After _^ paired her development. An Im-not hope to balance needs with in and around Jaffa and Tel Aviv, all business is properly taken care I inspected saes.£e cad dellcatesiseTis, tensive industrial development of exhibition was presented by Miss pressLve fact that emerges from ability to supply them, except of, refreshments will be served. Bay and in many large Palestine? How does Palestine Louise Xathan. •1 the confusion of a perilous land possibly after a long period. The Haifa including Jerusalem. Sev- have the advantage over her Miss Sonia Rritstein was genYour patronage will be appreciated r-,v.d a boom and land speculation, the problem is how to hasten the de-towns eral of these enterprises, by virneighbors? eral chairman of this affair, astrial will coaviace you that yev< isskc I?.P mistake >• somewhat over-liberal credit sys- velopments of the home market tue of superior craftsmanship and The answers to these questions sisted by the Misses Fannie Katem, the world situation, which once a home product is launched. long experience, have found a in making your meat purchaser frorn r<». i/-. naturally had repercussions in Toward this end local merchants lucrative market abroad even in are not unknown or questioned. telcian, Mildred Whitman, and The P s i Mu will hold their third it Sylvia Parilman. Great Britain's administration, . this country—the one impressive have Inaugurated a vigorous cam- highly." Industrialized countries annual New T e a r Eve frolic a t the Elks club, lEth a n d Docge, in feature in these unsavory and un-paign to buy Palestinian. The like England, Belgium, Holland the increasingly painf.nl need of A. Z. A. 1 A, the oppressed Jews In Eastern and lAMOM the main "ballroom on t h e seventh healthy circumstances is that biennial Levant Pairs are intend- and Sweden. Central Europe for a country floor. Palestine stood firm. ed to advertise the increasingly 1 The social committee of Mother Mcsic will b e furnished by AusPerhaps the largest of these is where they can live in peace, the More so now than at any other long list of Palestinian-produced A. is spon- tin Eevans a n d his orchestra. Tic"Diamonifs K©sh«r Lsfeel Prelect Your T»foie'f time.since the British Occupation commodities and thereby displace the concession for the exploita- untiring efforts of the Jewish na- Chapter No. 1 A. Z. tion of the mineral resources of tional institutions such as the Pal-soring a smoker for members kets m a y b e obtained from any have European nations and the foreign witfi home products. I5£2 No. 24th Free which is to be held Tuesday, Decpeoples of the Levant begun to Indeed, this list has grown in- the Dead- Sea where potash, bro- estine Foundation Fund, etc., theember S, at the home .of Morris member. There will b s drinks, dancing and special entertainlook to Palestine as the center of credibly In recent months. Three mine' and magnesium are pro- flow into Palestine of capital and Arbitman, The company has advanc- people whose enthusiasm for rement. industry in the Near East As a years ago-one sat down to an In- duced. The feature of this smoker will ed its output steadily and in a settling their ancestral homeland government report it was stated increases every flay—these are be the inaugural meeting of the that the production is "between constant factors in Palestine's j "School of A. Z. A.," which will be presided over by Ernie Kogg four and' five years ahead of success. and Macy Baum. A very profitschedule. Palestine potash and Syria, whose government has a able evening both culturally and bromine have successfully been L S.600,000 deficit, whose prosocially is definitely assured for placed on the market and authori- duction is far behind that of Pal- all those who attend^ tative circles predict this will be estine, is thriving on the fact that the leading export industry with- Palestine's Industrial output can The nest regular m'eeting of the chapter will be Sunday, December in a tew years. go a long way before it will be 6, immediately following the basadequate for the home market. Another company Is engaged In ketball game. As several things t h e manufacture of porclain During the third quarter of 1935, of interest to every member trill teeth. This company in 1934 Palestine imported a total of LS. be discussed during tee meeting, turned out a product to the value 1,484,000 worth of merchandise every member is expected to be of L28.5S5. and exported to from Syria—more than half of present. .% Mexico, India, Australia, Austria, Syria's total export during this Italy, Rumania, South Africa, period. Aaron A^olf de Pinto, Dutch Canada, in addition to England A responsible government offi- jurist, was secretary of the comand Belgium. cial announced recently that a mission formed in 1S70 to. preA total output of 100,000 tons new Palestine-Syria trade pact is pare a new t penal code for the of cement T?as the record a few shortly to be signed. There is Netherlands. years ago of the local company talk of similar negotiations with which was organized with a cap- Irag, Cyprus, Iran (Persia), Turital of L300.000. The demand for key, Egypt and Arabia. These cement in local building industry countries look with favor on Pal- FOR RENT: A nice room in —which is indisputably the lead- estine's prosperity in the hope a fine home. Close in to ing activity In Palestine—has so that some of it will deflect to town. Near Creighton Uniincreased that In snite of a rela- themselves. -5-ersity. Webster S3SS. tively high protective- duty, Im- The heavy Investment of Britports of foreign-made cement con- ish capital in .Palestine—-estimat* * •
By Julius Meltzer
Psi Mu
Pof Year Messages for Year Friesds in Ocr APPOINTMENT BOOK oJ Ocr Frenf Doer
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Page §
Queea when sub-divided became ty per cent of the Jews of Europe may be considered of Semitic Frederic Dannay end Manfred Lee origin. This twenty per cent are in the most part Sephardim . . . e.M according to my source and their descendants. The other eighty per cent, the Jews of information . . , they are of the Chosen variety. of Eastern and Central Europe where anti-Semitism is the Ev HELEN 23GMONB Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by That Jesse Lasky has lost sevstrongest, are of^ a stock that is probably Slavic in origin. K. LEWIS By DE. TEEO: eral fortunes, tot&iltag millions, THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Kollj'wood — .In Movieland j Temple, Sioux City Rabbi, BXoant Sisal Likewise Semitic blood is found in many out-of-way places. things are not what they seem. in his twenty-three years of film In isolated parts of Scotland are people who are believed to be Subscription Price, o n e year - - . . . . |2.00 Camera tricks are an old story..— i production. A d v e r t i s i n g r a t e s furnished o n application. That AI JOISOC'E eyes had descendants of early English Jews who retired to the highlands "•iftres Underground" by. Hein» and blind obedience. Few -~,. .w.*-, real- p h o E i e s f o r o u r l i s t : j "Mammy'" tears in them when ha Uepmann. J. P.Uppincott Co., ize how cruel It is, how vide* in the twelfth century to escape the order of expulsion. In the .London. 1OSS. toot his sonny-boy to the barber E r e macie Edltoriat Office: SOOBrandeis Tbeater spread and terribly efficient. Since S 0 K n d - M a E r recor&ln^s ! for his first IirJr-cut. veins of the Hidalgo families of Spain flows the blood of the sounc3 S i o u x City O f f i c e — J e w i s h C o m m u n i t y Center This booK tells the story of the the terror is the chief means of - Many recordings are made | That, P&VileUe Goddard apSpanish Jews, for at one time by royal edict, the noble fam- secret DAVID BLACKER - ••'• BuBinesa and Managing Editor struggle that is going on the Nazis for continuing in pow- . . .the best notes of each selected i pep.reS p.t a tennis match in a salt FfiANK R. ACKBRMAN ' - - • • • . • • • EdUO? ilies of pure Spanish blood were forced to marry New Christian in Germany against Fascism and er, it is' increasing in intensity, . . , the pieces patched together j fashioned of her own press clipFANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffa, Iowa, Correspondent the Hitler regime. Because the reaching ever -wider and wider . . . and you have an s.ria that is ! families. straggle xatsst of. necessity be car-areas, paralyzing and destroying flawless, a voice, divine. Some- rings, ANN PILU • • • - Sioux City, iowa. Correspondent * # * * Even in Poland at the time of the Frankist movement, ried on In the greatest secrecy, more and Tnore small but import- times a famous song-bird hits Print Shop Address: 4004 So. 24tn Street One of our more ambitious "blue" instead of black notes. thousands of Jews became Christians, many of them being given there are many in and out of Ger- ant groups. agents was trying- to sell hia Then the sound track is speeded j many, -who have actually come to The narrative is an account of patents of nobility for their trouble. up, vibrations increased, and the client, an unknown writer, to a believe that the Hitler governChanukah Hope Alas for Father Shem, progenitor of the Semites. Only ment has suppressed all opposi- a trained newspaper man's exper- , tone slithers up to its proper major producer. The executive ience in Hamburg during t h e ! h . And many times the pur- wanted, t.n know whp't were the Many centuries have flowed tinder the bridge of time since too well does he know that it's a wise father who knows his tion, that It enjoys universal ap- early days after March, 1933, Sen-ipi ;t rt c a n d beauty of sound is due to writer's "Don't be too proval and popular esteem. Noth- sational and heroic achievements jt n e skill of the mixer in the sound hard on credits. Judah Maccabeus led the heroic Jewish straggle to resist the own. children. the eltnp," argued th© ing can be further from the truth abound in plenty. Here we learn ! booth. agent. "Did Isolds KF.yer or Joe Greeks and their command that the Jewish people should abanthan that the German masses have how an obscure communist work-' Schenck hare screen credits when And ice is not ice when photoj become . reconciled to the Nazi er becomes the brains of the illedon their God and "worship Zeus. The Maccabean victory has The Maccabean Race Frozen water is too they got their first job?" "Ton philosophy and government. The gal opposition and confounds graphed. been celebrated through the years as Ghanukah, the Feast of transparent. They tried freezing1 mean to tell me this man is a tact is that literally millions are Nazism; how an unknown revoluBy Rabbi Frederick Coon Mayer or a Echenck?" The tenLights, but the significance of the uphill fight by that deterbitterly and uncompromisingly op- tionist succeeds in gaining mem- cream, but it wasn't successful. percenter stuttered, "'Well — not Finally, slummed milk was found posed to everything for which the bership in the S. A. and by wln"We are on the eve of Chanukah. minted band of Jewish warriors has not been dimmed by the i to b© the perfect ingredient for exactly - - but he'll work much Nasi regime stands, that they are decades. Chanukah commemorates the victory of Judas and hisdisgusted and repelled by its sad- ning the trust of the man imbues c i n e r n a E k a t i n g r i n k s . cheaper!" them with revolutionary doctrine Maccabees, over Antiochus, the tyrant, and the Syrians, two The JIaccabeans led a struggle for religious freedom, the ism, brutality and vile persecu- causing open expression of dis- One company sought a cotton tion of the Jew. A small but very content, and indirectly leading to field, None was to be had with•right to worship according to conscience., Today, over twenty- thousand one hundred and one years ago. minority of these un- the "Bloody Purge" of June SO, in a thousand miles. In desper- 1 FOR RENT: Fsvie room house Is that event too long ago to have practical interest in our courageous one hundred years later, the Jewish people are still in the forereconciled millions is conducting 1934. The story of the printing j a t l o n t h e y f 1 " 1 ? * f * k c shrubbery j all modern Water paid. front in the battle for religious and racial rights. The persecu- busy present pre-occupied, and even distracted, with problems a heroic and valiant struggle and distribution of illegal Iltera- In. a * e m p t y ><* " * «uck tufts I $16.5G. 2Z 24 SewarcL Ino f cotton c o t t o a on o n 30 against the regime at great risk ture which exposes all parties to ! of tions being visited upon our brethren in so many parts x>f and concerns of its own? f ^ n c h e s . So quire Jit Z SZO Sewari? St. real was the effect that a tourist JA-0636. to themselves and families. The Europe place added weight and meaning on this Chanukah On the contrary, it has immediate bearing upon affairs of bravery of these •who defy per- constant risk and grave punish- coming suddenly upon it thought ment is one of the most fascinatcelebration; during this season we read anew tlie biblical verse today, not only as concerns the Jew but of vital concern to the sonal danger, cruel tortures and ing elements in this book. What cotton a new crop of California from the Prophet Zachariah in which the Maccabees placed world at large. death is a tale that is worthy of courage and sacrifice" the" humaaf a n d t r i e d t 0 b u yl h e l a n t L record. Those who being is capable of? The meettheir faith: "Not by might, and not by power, but by My spirit, Two cultures contended in the Graeco-Eoman world of over permanent Invest Safety, Wisely In carry on a relentless war against ing of the "Leftist" groups in a Draw up a chair give a lissaith the Lord of Hosts." • two thousand years ago, that we may call, as Matthew Arnold an efficient and barbarous regime dark theater on May Day with- ten . . . they say: That the Ritz Joyous celebration is blended with religious devotion on called them, 'Hebraism' and 'Hellenism'. The Hellenistic, idol- are the real heroes of modern out detection is an amazing Brothers . . . Jim, Al and Harry Annuity, Endowment, Lif« the Chanukah celebration which starts Wednesday . . . a ray of atrous, pagan Antiochus tried to destroy Judaism, which was Germany. Of these and their achievement and proof, if any. . . are also matzos-essers. MARK LEON heroism this book treats. necessary, of the fidelity of the That Eleanor Whitney consistspiritual hope which helps illume the darkness of the future. then the only ethical monotheistic religion in all the world. Represents £1 Strong C o m p l opposition parties to the cause of ently presents her profile to the ies—Every TVpe of !nauranee Jews had to contend in actual battle, for three, long, bloody Heinz Liepmann, the author, a human freedom. Bonds written. Calj A T camera, not because she wants to an<j correspondent known for his opyears before, under the inspiring leadership of the courageous position to the Nazis, was instant- After reading this book and emulate Barrymore, but because j 766? or WA-5150, Zionism Re-Invigorated . and devoted Judas, and his brave followerers, called "Macca- ly arrested upon the rise of Hit-discovering the superhuman sac- her full face is too round to Last Tuesday evening we were listening in, while a group bees," because of their self-sacrificing heroism. They were ler, thrown into a concentration rifices and the fearlessness of photograph well. of public spirited members of this community were laying the finally victorious in the year 165 B. C ; when they once again camp and brutally tortured by histhousands of Germany's youth, That Joe Penner continues to | Menorahe, Jewish. Muste, Bibles He told the story of hisone may reasonably feel assured j hang ccto his old hat . . . it is i plans for the re-invigoration of the Omaha Zionist organiza- entered their defiled and almost ruined Temple, re-consecrated captors. maltreatment, after a daring es- that Nazism will ultimately suf-! the one he wore to his first broadtion. And as we paid heed to the many and varied comments, it to the One, Only, Living God, the God of Israel and of allcape, in his "Murder-Made In fer the defeat that it merits, that j cast and he snperstitiously carries Zionistic thoughts kept tumbling over themselves in our mind. Humanity, and in celebration of the occasion illuminated the Germany." Mr. Liepmann knows the German people will, in theIt to all his air programs. j FELDMAN • The Zionist organization in Omaha was not dead, as hadTemple with glowing light, so symbolic of the faith that had the workings of the underground not too distant future, ohtain re- That Carl Laemmle paid John i opposition at first hand. The tale lief from their oppressors who Drinkwater ten thousand dollars j Chanukah Candles and been charged; it ;was only slumbering .,». Vploanos have lain triumphed over heathen darkness and had saved pure religion he- tells in "Fires Underground" will go the way of all cruel and to write the Laemnsle life-story a Chanukah Menorahs PRAYER B00K6 dormant for years, yet when awakened had erupted with un- not only for itself but for all the world. Judaism's victory is authentic and gripping. Ter- murderous tyrants, to perdition i f e v Tears Ego, but unknown to Gifte for Ear MltsrvahB precedented fire; the Zionist movement in Omaha had been made possible Christianity which"a few hundred years later was ror is the chief instrument of theand oblivion. Liberty is en the j Drinkwater, he would have willRes. 609 No. SOih St. GL-297S Nazis in compelling submission march in Germany. ingly paid up to fifty thousand. P. O. Box TIC Omaha, Nebr resting for only a few months, and it would not take much to to begin a new era for mankind. That mystery-writer E 11 e r y breathe life, vigor, vitality into it and make it a dynamic force famous eighteenth century Hasi-. in this community . . . Strange* how we as a people have time Today two cultures, like light and darkness, are again condie leader who had a powerful! tending, for mastery and dominamce: "Aryanism," represented Gems of the Bible W-S*?'.*' for a hundred and one things, yet seem to neglect the greatest love for Israel, would defend the playing of cards on Hanukah and Talmud factor in the building of our nation, our homeland . . i' Onlyby Nazi Germany, under the leadership' of the cruel, unscrupunights. Jews play cards during, By Dr. Philip Sker a quarter of a million inspired pioneering Jews are doing the lous Hitler,—a pseudo-scientific racial theory that -would dethese evenings, he would say, so stroy religion as represented by Christianity both Catholic and actual work in Palestine in re-creating the homeland; the sixthat they can accustom themHAT HEADQUARTERS Protestant; and Judaism and Jews whom it mercilessly perBIBLE selves to staying up late, and thus teen million outside of Palestine, unable to lend an actual hand not forth hastily to strive, be able to study a great deal of Has the New to the tilling of the soil, can aid the work by spiritual, moral secutes, and by its. militarism embroils the whole world in hate- lestGothou know not what to do InTorah! ful strife and is an ever-impending menace of universal war; and material assistance . . Locally, only a handful seems vitally the end thereof, when thy neigh- Byron Set to the Time of interested in seeing that the local stimulus is supplied;;but and what we "may call "Semitism,"" as the exact opposite of bor hath put thee to shame. Maoz-Tznr A word fitly spoken Is like ap /this is not discouraging, since a handful of zealous workers is "Aryanism," which embraces both Christianity and Judaism pies One of the poems in Lord Byof gold in settings of silver. the nucleus of any great movement .> .Another strange fact (and incidentally also Mohammedanism) arid the moral and As vapours and wind without ron's "Heorew Melodies"—"On Jordan's Banks"—was set to the is that the Jewish people are practically unanimous in their spiritual ideals for which these ethical monotheistic religions rain, BO is he who boasteth him- music of Maoz-Tzur by the great Stand, such as justice and truth, mercy and love, unity and self of a false gift. support of Zionism and the Zionist idealsjjret they are passive. poet's close friend Isaac Nathan. cold waters to a faint soul, In. Zionism work, they realize that the movement is vital to the peace: the brotherhood of all humanity, of all races and na-so As A Charming Tale Concerning is good news even from a far rebuilding of Palestine as the Jewish homeland; still they are tions and individuals regarded as being all alike 'of one blood,' country. the Origin of "Latkes" While pursuing the Syrians, content to be "yes-men," agreeing with the program but notas the children of a common Father, the universal God. *Hebraism' and 'Hellenism' are again contending in the Ben Azai said: "That by thyJudas Maccabeus and his men ; playing an active role, , • own name thou shalt be called, stopped for food in a little town. : The Zionist movement, we are convinced, is headed for a modern world (and perhaps Fascism and anti-Fascism now di- and that people will finally seat The good Jewish women of the new deal in Omaha. .Today, the Jewish people need, every viding the world and threatening, to break out any moment thee in the place which thou de- place hastily prepared pancakes j and thine thou wilt al- for these brave soldiers. Soon th« j ounce of support Zionism can muster in the fight which is toin world-wide catastropic struggle, upon deepest analysis will servest, ways receive, for it is a rule that men of Judas were again pursu-J be waged for the farther upbuilding of the homeland. A crit- be found to be the self-same thing!) Nazi-Germany and. itsone man cannot touch that which ing the enemy. So strengthened j ical moment has arrived in Palestinian affairs, and every Jew openly-proclaimed allies, Japan and Italy, represent the forces is designated for another, and one were they by the delicious pan-j term of office does not touch cakes that success crowned their in Omaha, in the United States, in the world,* must take his of a revived paganism, in the world :JEngland, France, Bussia, upon its successor even by a efforts. place in the ranks of the Jewish supporters of a greater, more and the United States of America, with individual allowances hair's breadth." In memory of this Incident and modifications, represent the forces of advanced civilization It happened that a pestilence Judas glorious Jewish Palestine. Maccabeus decreed that ev- j in the world, based upon the ideas and ideals of national and raged in Sura, but in the neigh- ery year at Chanukah time Jews where Rab resided the international righteousness, of political and social justice, of borhood pestilence was not prevalent. The should eat "latkes." At the Bar of "Justice" international unity, of universal and humanitarian peace. townsmen concluded that this was A Chanskah That Eecaae a Tisha B'ab ; The- black picture of despair painted about the desperate There can be no doubt as to which of these forces will pre- because of the special merits of The Rabbis of old give the f ol- | Jewry in Poland has been spotted of late, 'with occasional vail in the end, though mankind may have to again pass through Rab, but in a dream they were lowing interesting explanation of j told that this would be but a glimpses pf light streaks tending to relieve the severity of thea tragic struggle to win supremacy for the right. Memories small object wherewith to demon- the Enrperor Trajan's persecution •blackness. However, two events of the past week plunge the of the Maccabees at this time hearten us and inspire us with strate Rab's merits and that this of the Jews. was so in consideration of the On the night of Tisha B'ab, I •situation into greater desperation-than ever. faith and courage for persistence in the right, and heroic re- merits of a man who lends his they tell us, when all Israel was' • First, the nationalist student strikes have spread, with the sistance to all tyranny and injustice and monstrous •wrong. hoe and other digging tools used mourning for the destruction pfj hate-mongers more and more insistent on ghetto benches for Jews are particularly called upon to take a leading part in the for burial, without compensa- the glorious Temple, a child was j tion. In the city of Darogroth, born to Trajan. During the ChanJewish students. . epoch-making and crucial fight. Oh, for a modern Judas Mac- the residing place of Rabbi Huna, ukah festival the royal child died. Secondly, the,Lublin Appeals .Court iinally announced its cabeus to arise! Alas, Israel seems woefully lacking in anythere was a great conflagration The Jews did not know what to decision on the Przytyk pogrom cases. Last March, after the modern leader comparable to the heroes of old. The nearest but in the neighborhood where do. Should they kindle the lights) inedieval Przytyk pogrom, the Badom court made an astound- to one that we can discern is the youth David Frankfurter, soon Rabbi Huna lived the fire did notor not? A conference was held, j reach. It was thought that it It was decided that the sacred ing decision in the name of "justice." Instead of meting .out to be put on trial for his life, for having risked his life to strike was on. account of the merits o£ lights should be kindled. severe sentences to the guilty hooligans, the court let them out a blow in protest against the unbearable indignities and humilia- RabbL Huna that the neighbor- S o m e malicious individuals, Overcoat time calls out the overwith very, light penalties but slapped on some unusually severe tion, the actual physical and mental sufferings, his people* hood was spared. But they were however, came to the Empress coat hat the hat ©£ bolder lines In a dream that this' would and said: "Look at these wicked sentences on the Jewish victims. In other words, the victims though innocent as Job, have been called upon by- a fiendish told be but a small recognition for Jews! When you give birth to a and'deeper rich coloring^, Sec the •were.punished for .being pogromized. Naturally, an appeal was tyrant and his partners in crime to endure. May God protect Rabbi Huna's merits and that it child they mourn, and when your new Knox Overcoat Hsrts In oxtaken with the expectation that the sentences- would be him, and protect and vindicate his cause! Meanwhile the words was merely in consideration of a child dies, they rejoice. They certain woman who would heat must be punished." - changed. And, incredible though it may sound - - the sentences Of Emma Lazams—the young American Jewess of a generation her fords, greys, browns znd greens oven and then place it at the The Empress believed ttsess were changed, all right . . . but in this manner: the sentences ago, recalled today because her inspired and inspiring words disposal of such, as desired to people rough or smooth finish. and immediately sent a Of the Jewish, victims were increased in duration instead of de- are engraven on the Statue of Liberty, the semi-centennial of bakff their bread, without com- message to Trajan, who was then on a'foreign campaign, asking him creased. In short, Polish "justice" as it stands today, means whose dedication_all America has been celebrating—resound in pensation. to come back, and punish the that murder of and violence against .Jews are mild offenses our soul: Jews. • • . LIGHTS OF punishable by notihng more severe than six months in jail, while Trajan did return-—and Jewish Jews who defend themselves and their families against murder"Kindle the^taper like the steadfast star blood flowed. CHANUKAH The Known—An Yet Tag pogromists may expect prison terms ranging from a miniAblaze on Evening's forhead o'er the earth; By Rabbi Abraham H. Unknown—Martyr mum of six months to'a maximum of'eight years. Chant psalms of victory till the heart take fire, Hannah, the famous woman Israelitan "•.•'. An appeal will be taken to the Polish Supreme court. UnThe Maccabean spirit leaps new-born !1" martyr of the Chanukah story, less* a reversal is made there, this instance of "Polish justice" It's Derby Hat "Wake, Israel, wake J Becall today may never have had the name of Maoz-Tzur a • Non-Jewish Hannah. The earliest source to will go down in history as one of the greatest mockeries and The glorious Maccabean race. Melody The overcoat end the derby , . . travesties in the annals of modern jurisprudence. The familiar melody of "Maoz- speak of her, the Second Book of Oh, for Jerusalem's trumpet now, Maccabees, does not mention her they lead the winter ctj-Ie parade— Tzur, " t h e well-known hymn that To blow a blast of shattering power, Is sung after the kindling of thename: neither does the Babylon^ 4 , S5. ST.5© To wake, the sleepless high and low, Mixed . • • lights, Is cot Jewish a t all, as isian Talmud. K And the MIdrash t o . Lamentations refers to her asj commonly supposed, but is really And rouse them to the urgent hour! "Within the last half century the terms, "Anti-Semite" and an adaptation of an old German Miriam, the daughter of Tan-' No. hand for vengeance, but to save, "Anti-Semitism" have become popular. They are misleading 8 folk song of the Middle Ages. chum. Et&ls—gfeest Flow It fe in the "Joslppbn,, a popuA million naked swords should wave/* and scientifically speaking have no meaning whatsoever.SemThis German folk melody has also "Strike! for the brave revere the brave!" been Utilized by the Christians'. lar historical book of the tenth itio races supposedly include all the descendants of Noah's The famous Martin Luther,. for century, that we find her called gone, Shem. This should make the Arabs likewise the target by that familiar name of Hannah —FEEDERICK COHNl" example, utilised it for his Gerfor the first time. of Anti-Semitic feeling, yet in truth the "Anti-Semites" enman chorals. Thus we do r e t really know courage their depradations in Palestine. OOERECT AFPAKSL K»R JffiK AKB "WOMEN There is nothing, that promotes independence like a cash Thank Y O B , Rabbi, for the true name of this famous Defending tfs! ' According to one eminent anthropologist, only about twen- balance. martyred mother of. Maccabean - -b u t
h e r e
a r e a
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p h o t o
Overcoat Hats by Knox
1 s
"Xevi Isaac .-of. Berdicnev, the times.
^ ' •
Wices Show Film . of Scenes Abroad
SOLOMOXOW-KAPIiAJT . Three hundred guests attended the wedding-of Miss Sarah Kaplan and Mr, Joseph Solomonow in the Ball Room of the Blackstone Hotel. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rabbi David-A. Goldstein and assisted by Cantor Sclrvsraczkin. The canopy •was beautifully decorated vrith white pon-pons and ferns, bordered on ^ach, side •with vases of white chrysanthemums and candelabra •riih tall white candles. The bride wore a white brocaded velvet dress, form fitting, a long train and ccwel neckline fashioned at the shoulders and back with tiny pearls. Her veil was finger-tip length and the crown was fashioned off-tie face and trimmed with seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of white roses and chrysanthemums. '. Mrs. Libbie Kaplan, mother of the bride was dressed in wine colored brocaded velvet and her corsr.ge was of white gardenias. Mrs. "William Solomorow, mother of the groom wore a maroon crepe dress with a corsage of white gardenias. Mrs. Nathan Gimpel who was matron-of-honor was gowned in copper colored, lace and carried yellow and bronze ponpons. The four brides-maids wore dresses fashioned on princess lines, with puff sleeves, trimmed with three bands of velvet and the skirts were also trimmed with ttiree velvet bands. Mrs. Morris Brick and Miss Ide Blacker wore blue and Miss Sarah Rifkin and Miriam Kirschenbaum's dresses were in rose. They carried old fashioned bouquets of pon-pons in colors harmonizing with their gowns. ^ The bride-groom was attended by Julius Kaplan, brother of the bride, who • served as best man and "William Wolf, Paul Hoffman, Morris Kaplan and Sam White were ushers. A reception and dancing follow-
Attesting to the ability of RabDecember 5 — Eteth El AES bi and Mrs. David Wice in the iliary, Oaeg Shabbos. realm of photography are the moDecember 6 — Hound Table tion pictures taken by the two on of Jewish Xoulh Dance — 3. their recent trip abroad. Two C. C. 8:00 p. is. ed the ceremony. reels of these pictures were shown Following a short honeymoon December 6 — Id&or Lyat the College Club at Temple Is- ceum Grand Concert 8 p. ai. the couple have returned to Omarael, last Sunday afternoon. hr. and they will make their home December G — Joslyn MemOne reel, which significantly orial, Rowland Hsynes, luecat 203 N. 3G Street. opens with a scene showing the tnre Hall, S:SO; Eiertia Bosh, Arch of Titus which was built to organist, Concert Mall, 4; Eve» JVATHAJT-GOIiDBERG coin me in orate the destruction of Ij-n Smitft, Piano Recital, Ier« Mr. Maurice Goldberg announ Judaism, deals wita the Renais- tnre hall, 4;SO; Tcntr, Sail ces the engagement of his daugh sance of Jewish life in Palestine Forum, Prof, Sto&e, E:00. ter. Miss Rae Lea Goldberg, t and is a worthy rival of "profesDecember © — busier COEEJulian Nathan, son of Mrs. Hatti sional pictures that hare recently cil ineeliag — Psston Hotel Nathan. No definite, date has been shown in Omaha. Itecember 7 — Boot Review been set for the wedding, which There are scenes in the old Rabbi Goldsteia, 8:15. will take place sometime in 1 Jewish sections of Jerusalem,; Dece&iber '7 — Clsesefi Bhsl spring. where live the old people who Eiaes Sleeting — S:05J. have come to the Holy L,ana to December 7 — Temple Isdie, and there are the scenes of rael Sisterli«x>3 —- I>ebsf« — the new Palestine with its fine The marriage of Miss Eudic specimens of youth with the will — ^Ladies AcsStillman of Houston, Texas, and to live and build. December S — Tesrple IsMr. Louis Canar took place Sun The pictures have caught the i rael SistertiooiS, Bible Class— day, November 29, at the home o! spirit of Tel Aviv with Its bcstl- j Rabbi TTice. Rabbi David A. Goldstein. ing streets that suddenly become \ Uisry, Cosgre-ECtlom cf Israel, A reception was held followquiet on Friday evening. One shot i South Omaias, 2:00. ing the ceremony at the home o] December S — Icor CoEcert shpws the baby buggy parade in j the grooWs parents. The Misse Tel Aviv at which the young —S:Sa — > . C. C. Reva Gorelick, Genevive Stern December S — Sisterhood— mothers of the city give their offJosephine RuSnitz, Esther Stern Rabbi Cobem — Blacketone, spring their Sabbath airing. Irene Marowitz and Gertrude CaIn the Palestine reel are scenes j 10:SO a. m. nar served as hostesses. December S — Deborali Soof the colonies, the fine schools, j Out of town guestB were: Mr, the homes of Weizman and Bia- ciety — 2:09 — J. C. C. A. Stillman, father of the bride, December 8 — Golflie S5ey« lik, Arab villages made of oil tins of Houston, Texas, Mrs. P. Still erson dispter — Mrs, Trice, and the British command preparman of Houston, the bride's ing the defense of an outlying speaker — S:©3. graridmother, Mr. and Mrs. Ben December © — Eafiassah Jewish settlement. Canar of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. The second reel. In the main, Study Grosp — 1:03. H. Toldowsky" and daughters, Mr consists of pictures taken at his- j D e c e m b e r © — 0011111313113 ij and. Mrs. M. Kaplan and daughter toric and scenic spots of the Med- j Forma —Dr. Ix>nis Berg, £:00 Rae, Miss Margaret Shulkin, Miss Ruth Kosberg, and Mr. Cy Lansiterranean. From their liner j J. C. C. December 8 —• YcaS AcxUi« burg of Sioux City, Iowa. which was not allowed to land > Bliss Bernics Yonsem because of the Spanish civil war, I ery—Afternoon cf Jewish Cnl-' The couple will make their Mr. and Mrs. Mose Yousem versity of Nebraska and the Uni-the Wice's took a picture of the j tore, l:S0. home in Omaha. December 9 — Beth El AuxTuesday announced- the betrothal versity of California where she city of Palma and its cathedral I of their daughter. Miss Bernice was a member of the Sigma Delta where in the Chuetas placed their , iliary — Itmcheos, l:O3. GORDMAX-RICHMAX December I I — Temple IsTorah and Menorah at the tiine! Mr. and Mrs. Sam Richman an- Yousem, to Dr. Morris R. Black- Tau sorority. rael Sisterhood Craft Class, of their conversion to Christianity j Dr. Blacker Is a graduate of nounce the marriage of their er of. "Wichita, Kansas, son of daughter, Esther, to Dan Gord- Mr. and Mrs. I. Blacker of Oma-Creighton college and the Creigh- during the period of the Inquisi- j 1:00. December 11 — Temple Isj man of New York City. The mar- ha. The wedding will take place ton medical school. He is a mem- tion. riage took place.at the home o some time in January. ber of Phi Beta Epsilon and Phi At the College Club meeting, j rael Sisterhood Puppet Class, the bride's parents. Rabbi David Miss Yousem attended the Uni-Delta Spsilon, medical fraternity. Rabbi Wice explained the pictures j 1:00. December 11 — Temple Iswhile Mrs. Wice showed her skill I A. Goldstein, assisted by Canto rael Sisterhood SewiEg Group, Aaron Edgar officiated, in the HOCHENBERG-GARBER as a motion picture camera cperj Memorial will be "Romance and 1:OO. presence of the immediate family. Mrs. David Garber announces Realism in American Democracy" ator. December IS — Cabaret The couple will reside in Omaha. the engagement of her daughter, by Professor Harold V. Stoke of ring Style Dsaier — Junior VISITORS FROM CHICAGO Helen, to Mr. Sheppy Hochenberg the University of Nebraska. The Mrs. Ben L. Herzberg of Chi- ! Council of Jewish Wossen. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hochen- "Town Hall" is sponsored by the December IS —Beth EH Rigago and her two children, Bobby ! Nebraska Society of Colonial berg of Des Moines, Iowa. oo, and Adrian, are visiting Mrs. j Announcement was made at a Dames. December le — Tesnpi* IsAll of these activities are free Herzberg's parents, Rabbi find j rael Sisterhood Sbcw Boat. Thanksgiving day dinner. No defMrs. Frederick Cohn. They will | inite date has been set for the of charge, and the public is Inbe in Omaha for three weeks. ' vited to attend. wedding. COHN-ROSEX Mr. and Mrs. Abe Rosen of Papillion announce the engagement of their daughter, Mollle, to Mr. Fred Conn, son of Mr. and Mrs. As a highlight of the Chanukah Jacob Cohn of Omaha*. season, the annual winter dance The announcement was made at given by the Junior Council of a Thanksgiving day dinner given Jewish Women will touch a modfor members of both families. No ern key and be called, "A Cabaret, definite date for the wedding has Swing Style." The affair will been set. take place at the Paxton Hotel on December 12. ZOliliOXUCHEN-IVENEB Advance ticket sales promise a Mr. and Mrs. I. Ivener of Sioux record crowd. Tables for refreshCity announce the marriage of ments will surround the dance their daughter, Eva, to Mr. Benfloor. Miss Toby Flax is chairZollotuchen, son of Mr. and Mrs.man of the committee. Co-chairP. Zollotuchen of Omaha. The men are the Misses Betty Segal, wedding took place November 22 Rose Steinberg, Lylyan Chudain Sioux City. The couple will coff. Belle Goldberg, and Helen make their home there. Steinberg. At a meeting of the Junior TWENTIETH WEDDING Council to be held this Sunday ANNIVERSARY afternoon at Paxton Hotel. Mrs. A surprise party was given at Ben Ravitz will review the Pulitzthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph er prize-winning play, 'Old-Maid,' Brown in honor of the twentieth a Broadway success of last searedding anniversarr. Many bea- son. utiful wedding gifts were receivMiss Goldle Carter spoke on ed by the couple. Present were: vocational guidance at the meetThe.guest of honor, Mr. and Mrs. ing of the Junior Council's Mod-' Joseph Brown and family; Mr. ern Problems class held last Mon-1 and Mrs. I. Swatz and daughter; day. Mrs. A. J. Mallinckrodt will] Mr. and Mrs. Paul Katzman and the meeting of the Moddaughter; Mr. and Mrs. * Robert conduct ern Problem's Class to be held Swartz; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sas; Mrs. I. Shafer and son; "Mr. and this coming Monday. Mrs. A. Shafer; Mr. and Mrs. A. ,evine; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ferer; Mr. and Mrs. J. Chorney; Mrs.-P. Rozinsky; Mr. and Mrs. J. HerA regular meeting of _tlie man; Mr. and Mrs. J. Sellnsky; Chesed Shel Ernes •will be held MiS3 Ruth Silman, and Mr. and Monday, December 7, at 2: D 0 Mrs. I. Ratzky. o'clock at the Funeral Home. Arrangements for the interior decorSPEEDING WINTER IS. ations "will be made at that time. FI/ORDIA All members of the organization Mr. and Mrs. Max ""Veneer are are urged to come. ;n Miami Beach, Flordia, where hey will spend the winter at the Backer Apartments, 950 Pennsylania Avenue. . The Deborah Society •will havej a regular monthly meeting next; RETURNS HOME MiE3 Bess Bernstein of Geneseo, Tuesday, December 8, at 2 o'clock 111., returned to her home Sunday at tlie Jetrisi Community Center. vening a f t e r spending the Important business will be disThanksgiving holiday and week- cussed at this meeting. nd with Miss Ann, Green. Miss G0W1E MFSIS0I Bernstein was feonored at B. cocktail party given by her hostess CHAPTER receding the Junior Hadassah Mrs. Darid H. Tv'ice will spes.k « dance' at the Hotel Fontenelle, Thursday and also at a party Sat- belore the Goldie Meyersoa chap- w ter ol the Pioneer "Women, nest ; urday evening. Tuesday, December S at 3 o'clocl!;. j II The meeting -will be held at tire J JOSLTN President Rowland Haynes of horns of Mrs. Herman Cohen, lfrl the Municipal University will lec- So. 53 St. A Tea -svill ure on "Sidelights on the Pilgrim Fathers" at 3:30 this Sun¥01? ii ay Afternoon in the Joslyn Memrtal lecture hall. Coasslt 2 At 4:00 p.. m. Sunday, Martin I W. Bush will play the Sunday afernoon organ recital in the con;ert hall, assisted by Ethel Nel- BIASl on, mezzo-soprano, and Esther WSDDINfl SDTCfS ilnkel Grosjesn, accompanist. A piano recital "by Evelyn imitb. will be presented at 4:30 to. Sunday afternoon in the lealire halL The "Town Hall Foruta" leeure this Sunday evening at the
Chesed Shel Ernes
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Uelicious foods prenrr°r" n r ' r - ? p ort on I as our Jewish vornpp rp.r. v~?p?,^r Mrs. 11;• V P ; I them, losfiR of fiinnr frsropF fprT the Cof T h e pro; ;raro v-;i I cc = ; or : coEtestE for those who seek eTiterj tEinment, a porfreons Faissisr, Tea Charaik r i b JJonsrs l v CRV, {fir Apron Room with sort soothing Kuspian Edpar «ud nr a<;clr f.;s: I)V iilrs. P:icf. v.i> 0 vi\l toll music for those who Peek relp.xa- David ' j tion. a cen of iniqtiitv for the about iler I.rir io .";i lest inc. i group who crave escifement in ; games of chance, ETI orchestra for OVT j the £Toi;p who want to dance, j Those are just £ lew o£ the things '. IB store for t h e hundreds or rteo! pie who Ere setting aside DeeeTrber IS to attend the Belli El carnivEl r,Ed Fagadoo at the Jewis; Community Center. It starts Et 4:00 p. in. so iht I the chilgren can enjoy the cern> i spirit that win prev&il. Balj loons, cones, cs.ndy lor the titl| dies. Dolls, blankets, baskets c: loofi or. the paddle wheels. Us? j beautiful 27 inch Shirley Templ| coll, the t e n d macle Efghan. r large mattress for the lucky ticke' holders. Door prizes, top—o* great Talue. committpe of fifty mer. F.nr" hs.Te spcrefi no time oeffort toward making this t h r "Greatest Event of the Tear." Tickets Ere twecty-five cents fo1Rflnlts. with children under IT admitted free. A JC? door prizf CVr will he giren.
VL Loruf.r.c-ji
Beth El Auxiliary The Beth El Auxiliary will hold ;| its aiinual Chanukah luncheon on ;| T\"efinesday, December 9, at the '»
CABS l@eb
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Jr. Council Dance on December 12
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H«rt h the ideal Chrittm«« gift. Thig psttern—R«n«i«*ane«—!« L ?u ?"J* *P»«neor with dignity, without the |?enji!?y cf E5sffr>e88 ' thtt dignity too often carries -with it. ^ All Hsrsd Chased § . . cf 7xs;uisili Esauty
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' Tofa! lor 5-PIece Set, $175.00
Salad Dish Fluted desisn. IS inches in gdiameter, fint tjueiitv Reed E and Sarton silver pint's, »
Deborah Society
Sold Here Only in Omaia
Same es iltastrtted exeept #;
eval shape .ant! 15 inches ?snji, %
Two light, Wz Inches high, fin* qusSity silver p!«t®.
Graceful shsps, ea^resfssjl qualify ver pleis, very use-faL
WHITE...to flatter your face... BLACK bJim your rigure! A bit cf white *f the fece me'kes black «ven smsrferl Under your aood black coet, there's -.--H7 nr«-"- i'*-"> h^-'-vP! 1 v ^ c And I'.c.
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t DUCHESS AT CEAFT EXHIBIT—Charming and lovely Duchess of To-k showr r.t the arts and crafts exhibition by disabled veterans, held at the Imperial Institute, London. Among the articles were many busts of her brother-in-law, King Edward. The Duchess and her husband, have Ibsen, urged as England's rulers by peers angry over the King's friendship for Mrs. Simpson.
;JANE AND HER MOTHER — An interesting picture of Jane ••Withers^screen starlet, and her mother, Mrs. Ruth E. Withers, 'tgkeri outside Jane's portable bungalow in Hollywood. Mrs. Withers, frustrated in a dramatic career for herself, planned early 'that her daughter should become an actress. She now accompanies : the starlet to the set and is constantly wi.th her.
BEARDS —After many preliminary contests, the finalists in the. Japanese. national beard championship ' gathered in a Tokyo restaurant,, as above, to await the decision of the judges. Some Japanese believe . long beards bring good luck, since pictures on Japanese currency all show such beards. The men above are-mostly wealthy business and professional men.
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HOSTS TO PBESIDENT—Alexander W. Weddell. United States Ambassador to Argentina, and Mrs. Weddell, hosts to President Roosevelt during his visit to the Pan-American Peace Conference at Buenos Aires.
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GUNS—While nsabers of the Soviet CongTess dared GerEany to try aggression, reports indicated that Soviet warships were en route to the Mediterranean to aid Russian ships carrying supplies to the Madrid forces. Here are menacing guns of the Soviet battleship Marat.
; Goldstein, the first baby. born in the Reseti' tlenient co-operative community at Hightstbwn,.N; J.; shown with ;jber parents, Mr r and Mrs. Philip Goldstein. Many,ofjtlie residents j of: the community came from crowded tenement'sections in New ^ y , through government assistance.
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EEBEL—General Emilio. Mola, commander of the Rebel forces in Northern Spain, as he looked during a recent inspection, of his troops on the Aragon front near H 3Siposition iti becomes b iinHuesca. His creasingly important as Rebels blockade northern ports.
LOOKING TO HOPELESS FUTURE — Frank TaUach, 17, and Louis Miller, 18, sentenced Chicago tto 199 L i were Mill convicted 18 each hof t d Martin iin Chi 199 years iin jail. jil They killing Damanskas, 42, during a break into his garage in September.
JAILED—Congressman Jolin E. Hoeppel of California, and his son Charles, committed to the District jail in Washington, D.C., for a term Of four months to two years. They were convicted of selling an appointment to West Point Military Academy.
_ FOE THE HCAUGUIL&L—Preparing tor l4.iooc serte ;or the inur i.he f-rst truckload auguration of President Roosevelt on Can. 2 of lumber arrives m front of tJir c^p'tc! re Trc^iu^^.o^, to be laid overfeestone steps.
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CITIZEN SELKIRK—George Selkirk, outfielder for the New York .Yankees baseball team, raises his right hand in Rochester. N. Y., and takes the oath as an American citizen. He was accompanied, by his brother Donald, who also took the oath. The: Selkirk ' >brothers were born in Huntsvule, Ontario, of Scotch-Irish, descent. Georse was bornon Jan, 4,1908.
•ERE, B1TB5E, ?EEET THE TSTCGINSES—'ior' love us, If it isn't the Wigginses of Tithes Bam Lane. 'Harmondsworth,Middl8ses,'England! Wiggins,-a-fararlaborer;™and bis missus, who is 34, are shown with/ll of their 12 children born in 13 out of 14 years of wedded life. As if that wasn't a record for a nice, compact family, Mrs. Wiggins is expecting another soon. ^U^If*-C™j™*!WfBI
TSAXKS CB3LSEEX TO PLAT—Flirt. Kich.. actomotive city, is attempting to ellm" UN* i c cnile delinquency and traSc fatalities by supervised plsy centers during out of school hours. Here are little / girls of 5 to S learning to knit fa a fascinating game. The move is succeeding, with almost no fatalities and dsliasaeacy reduced 70 psr cent.
THE JEWISH PBESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1035 Crounso, J . Shykcn, and Chasen. . .
) • •
T; j i 5 '•'.
Max commencing at 4 o'clock. This [to all Jewish boys regardless of'seasons double handball tcmrna- tiers. Play •will be in both Class 'Murray Wintroub and Sam Teper! In the second class is for the purpose of teach- i"Whether they are members o* the :m e Q t which will get under tray i-^-£ 2 d B so designate which class ' ; n the finals, by the scores of si-j than 2 points s ing the fundamentals of the win- j Center or not. The clas' 'Will be: g 0 0 I l t This j g " a chance to get In b'O'J are eligible to play in. i 13, 21-20. II T M a. great meteh'at any on* tivo.p. The Teper-TVinter sport to .youngsters so that J1 Personally conductedd by Mr. : s n a p e { 0 T j a t e T outside COiapeti;all the way thrctigh. In the first! troub duo lofinp R heart brenkft ll b M : more Jewish boys will be great Grossman. . jtion. Enrollment fee is 10 cents In the pre-Eeasoa doubles ionrn- garne the count was knotted at 18 ; 20-21. The match took exactly athletes, as well as great business | per piayer and the money will be lamest the teams of Mil lard Si??.1 jail when the Sipal-ZorinEfcy com- 1 hour and 20 minutes to be stagmen etc. The class will be open Sign up now for the regular [ used for an award to the win- j and Sam EorinEky asd defeated jbination got •"hot" and ran out. :ed.
At services tonight, Rabbi Bavid A. Goldstein •will discuss MarFolks,.this week there is to be vin Lowenthai's recent book, "The no exception, BO here goes: Lost, ol Germany." This boot is since last Mond.-y, a hand off of the most significant Vcrlt on thethe volleyball Scoreboard. To preJews of Germany. It ia absolute- vent the occasioaal impulse to ly necessary for the understand- take * 2 points at once, the ining of the fate of German Jewry. structor had th»» hands adjusted It ought to be in every Jewish on the Scoreboard so not more than one point .-ould be taken at home library. Next Friday Rabbi Goldstein any one time. It is rumored that preach a Chanukah sermon, a certain M. D. whose name I Cantor Aaron Edgar and the choir won't mention but whose office will render special Chanukah mu- is in the ^ost Office was last seen closest to the scorebpard. It sic. ' • ',' -. seems to me his team won the Temple last game Monday (I woner). Rabbi David H. Wice will base Last Friday was .a record his sermon tonight en Sholom breaker. Not one spiker appearAsh's latest- novel, "The War ed on the scene of battle (battle Goes On." . really putting it very mildly). At Sabbath, services, Friday, is It must have been a spiker's holDecember I I , Rabbi TVice will de- iday, but the passers carried on vote his sermon to a Chanukah in -greatstyle. The "Insurance" theme: "Seeing the world as it isagents, captained by Cliff Slater, —the Greeks;, Seeing the World won 2 out of ? games from the as It should . be—-the • Hebrews." "Oilers", captained by C. B. Chanukah lights -will be kindled Schoppe. The agents played acand Mr. Harry Duboff will be cording to their "Policy" and gnest soloist. copped the first game 15-11. Junior Congregation 'Too many frozen radiators was The Talmud Torah Junior Con- the reason for the loss", moaned gregation will! have regular set-1 Capt, Schoppe. The second game • vices .this Saturday morning at 10 was very hard fought as the gas I in the lodge room of the Jewish boys were well protected with full insurance coverage. Phil Community Center, Mrs. li. Witkin will be sponsor. Feldman and Iz Levinson cleaned Saturday's sponsor was Mrs.their windshields (glasses), John Sterling and Dave Cohen "oiled Meyer Katzman. their springs" and Lou Weiner and Schoppe directed the play Sisterhood which ended in their favor by the score of 16-14. The third contest A debate between students of was the rubber game, the referee North and Central High schools was the rubber (robber) as both will feature the program of thesides were game.^Tims was taken Sisterhood of Temple Israel's out for a little pep talk by both meeting, Monday, December 7, incaptains. Slater pointed out why the Temple vestry room. insurance was niore> important North will- take the negative on than oil and gas. Schoppe filled the question of government own- his "flat tires" with (lukewarm ership of public utilities, and Cen-air), and proceeded to pump his tral will have the affirmative. The men full of "Volley-Bull" but, debate will follow a 1 o'clock alas he ran out of gas himself luncheon and a board meeting at The final score was 15-11 in favor of the underdogs, that is, the noon. • "Underwriters" "Long John played a "Sterling" game and his one handed stabs featured the Vaad Auxiliary The annual balte sale of theseries. .- Jay Stoier appeared on Vaad auxiliary -will be held Tues- the scene for the first time since day, January 12, at the Branded his marriage, but is still tfie same Store. Those -who Irish specially old Jay. The ten took the worst baited delicacies before the sale beating of' the season as the short should call Mrs. A. M. Green- passers thought i t was a ladder. bauin, "Walnut 1422, or Mrs. Da-The agents were: Capt. • Slater, vid Crounse,. Glendale 0842, co- S c h a p i r o , Steinberg, Gilinsky, Sto-ler and Joe Cohen;" "The Oilchairmen of the sale. The rummage sale of the Vaad ers were: Captl-.Sohdppe, Levinauxiliary -will be held sometime son. Feldman;.: Weiner, JSiexiir durin&_lhe.; month of April. Those and Dave Cohen: IT two' more •who have anything t o send for spectators than wer& there last the Bale are asked to call Mrs. H.week visit this weeks' games Schwaczkln, Atlantic 5534, or there will be. just two spectators Mrs. L Fiedler, Harney 3003, co- in the stands. If by no othermeans, we will have to bribe the chairmen. business man by offering free peanuts while watching, the clrHadassah CUS; EVERYBODY'. •WELCOME, The DecemLer meeting of Hadassah which takes place on Wednesday, December 30, w-ill be de- In a hectic battle, the Hottenvoted to the Infant Welfare, ac- tot five took the Center pre-seacording to Mrs. Dave Sherman son basketball league by\ nosing and Mrs, Moe Katelman, co-chair- out the Psi Mu team, 214L9. It L men of the Infant "Welfare Fund. was none other than Saul Yaffe A luncheon will be served. An who turned defeat into victory interesting program has been ar- for the Hottentots when,-with 90 ranged. The Infant Welfare seconds to play .- he tossed in Fund has for many years supplied
Community Loss
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their children.
»riW« Accessories and Parts for all Cars Tires • - Oils - Batteries.
, The Hadassah membership campaign came to a close with the admission of the following new members: the Mesdames Wm. Raduziner," I. Sherman, "I Abramson, Harry Frankel,' Morris kin, Julius Hay kin, Paul Bernstein, J. M. Malashock, Ralph Goldberg, Sol Kahz, Harry Kubinstein, S. E. Gilinsky, Milton Mayper, Morton Lipsey, Charles Feldman, G. Meyerson, Theodore Mayer, David. Goldman, S. Brodkey, I. F; Goodman, Mollie Rosenblatt, Jack Marer, .and L. H. Nogg.
. •' •
Your Car
. • Mow!
Supply Stores Sherman Milton Moskovltz 1919 Farnam St.
last 2 minutes of play led the APT five to victroy over the AZA No. 1 team by the score of 22-19 The score at the half was knotted at 10 all and at the three-quarter mark it was still even- a t 15 apiece. Dave Weiner looked good for the losers by taking high point scoring honors of the game with 8 points. la^the opener, the XI Lambdas trounced the last last place AZA No. 100 team, 3212. Lanky Norm Korney contributed 5 field goals to his team to lead the scoring attack. The century chapter of AZA are still looking for their first win against 4 setbacks. Next Sundays -games mark the closing of the Pre-season league which on a whole has been high successful. No admission ia being charged for this game and. here is a basketball fans dream of a afternoon well
Also the Mesdames: M. Klein, M. A. Wasserman, H. S. Alperson, Mabel Goldsmith, Isaac Chernisa, Max Shapiro, Clarence Bergman, Leo Weitz, Harry Rosenfeld, Dave Rosenstock, Sam Wertheimer, Sol Degen, M e 1 v i n Plotkin, Jay Wright, Maynard Greenberg, Sam spent. •-..'• Josephson, H. Guss,:C. Solson, H. Fleishman, Sophie Monsky, BerMalashocks still have a clean nard Fisher, and S. E.Kaaman. record after 3 weeks of play in the Center bowling league. They HADASSAH STUDY CROUP are In the cellar -with 0 wins and The Hadassah Study Group 9 losses. The Wardrobes are stil will meet Tuesday at l o'clock at way out in front, having lost only, the home of Mrs. Sain Zager, 513 1 game while . winning 8. The N. 47', Mra. Perry, Silverman Yousems took 2 from the Potato quint, the Smith Eobinsons lost will be co-hostess. The study of Jewish lawa per- 2 and the Empire Cleaners won 3 taining to women will be continu- from the lowly Malashocks. Las ed. Mrs. Meyer Stern will read r.eeks results cause a 3 way tie a. paper on this subject. Mrs.'Da- for second place between the Youvid A. Goldstein leads the class. sems, the Empire -Cleaners; and the Smith Robinsons. The 0PM team is next to last with 4 won •Vaad-MenVCIiib; and 5 lost;and the Malashocks on Because of the coming holidays, the bottom. The Pontiac team the regular dinner meeting of thehad the highest game, 900, last Men's. Club of the Vaad will be week aa well as the lowest C66 held Thursday, December 10, atThe Yousems laid low more than 6:30 p. m. a t the-B'nai Israel 2400 pins for a new league high synagogue,1 ISth ' and Chicago to date as best tames were rolled streets. up by Doc /Blatt'a, 210-202; AarElection and - installation of on ''Weitz'B, 22C; Marvin Treller's Jfficers will take place. An ex206, Harry Smith'!* 236, and old :ellent program: Jias been ar- man Schoppe's even 200. ranged by the committee consistng of: Sol Lagman, Dr. O. S. Bel- .-, A midget basketball school and ;er, Ephraim Marks, Harry Wein- league is being formed fcy athletic ; r, arid A. B. Gendler. The nom-director Lee Grossman —hich w nating committee Includes Dave be held every Friday afternoon
"Say It With Flowers"
The Urastdels Flower Shop specializes in c e n t e r pieces, eorsaget, funeral arrangements, weddings, cut flowers, and potted plants.
f*1ain F l o c r D r a n d e l s S t o r e
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-CSAUYY SALON Features Shampoo and Finger Wave
FOUNDRIES 27th & Hisrtha HA. S523
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With 16 i serving in that office for 43 years I Setts', Sol Krocick and bis lore- j J . . . Inclement weather failed to: 1 '* b n c e t 0 b e - ^ 1 D i e t - a c ^ ™ , \) prevent the "old gentleman Ironi! ^ « 7 Miller and his exot.c frau. ; J the eligible bachelors: Moxie Ber- :< attending regular meetings : But a few weeks ago he attended man and Jlorrie Keppel, and £
rour ^
Insu many other cong'enial couples all a stag meeting at the Center and asserting that the occasion martdelivered his customary speech • • B'nai BTith. the Odd ™~soa _ _ M E v e , r i l E i s c motjl. lows and the community in- S en-e r Q f J u l m ^ o MrE_ eral hare lost a valued citwea . .ij_ (R nosenbcrs at the EaMay his soul rest m peace . . jdaEEafa membersvip Iuncheon Bravo, CQU=CI1 Bkiffs! ! A deserving salute to Nathan : JCogg and his hustling committee of workers in Council Bluffs their completed a group stitutions . . An indication of! ^ £ g t h ec ^ , . ,Klmt>aJ!'s S-4 finish. an excellent eomatmity ^ : E a t i o a J e s ! i u s t teel in Newport,! Newport j j» returned elry, eM that is reflected in the fact taax , „ . ..R. I. . . . organized in iCES and | X amount of money the amount of a o n e j _ collected ; f e n 0 T r n £ s t f c e o l f l s s t s , , n £ C O g u e in | { exceeded all previous drives by » ; A m e r i c a _ ^ ^ ^ iR T e r o n t o b e i ^ 'versal - - percentage E S ^zrit^ p6r3r.isEion i o Tlsit ; j of the . . . A happy re-; ^the Dionne Quintuplets (Rose j "i years when Oraahans were re- Conn Bisno. are yc-j listening?) quested to aid in the collection . A speaker who possesses perfect of funds . . . Council Bluffs Jew- dJctioE -rien aSdressirg sn r.u- fish Community Marches On!! dience: Judge Irrin Stalmaster . Yocr Oniaic P i c s . . He was the principal .speaker ,_-. p , s o u r upiiuo-i, xietoss I . t. •5n*> •h;~~-h,~.~r- - • *vp »p u . ; "Who are the most satorially re- fcerciiiOEis &t. esl las | Omaha Jewish women? the Chamber cf Commerce.. A \Xve believe that general interest the ! exists benediction was introduced
No Chzrc-e*
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Bogdanrff -with two sensa-
Paul ^ r e o f tional one-handed shots in the
the children: of Palestinea i awith «£££* t ^ t ? £ t £ eQ ^
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.Martin in Sioux city . . . Dr. Delia]
A venerable old man has been 1 Gilinsky, Mrs, Louis_ S. Goldberg laid to rest . . . Ke was Harry | a n d M r s > S o 1 N°rK6fcy busily enFriefiman, well known to hun- 'S£Ee£i i n *-he details attending the dreds of OmahaEs as a result ofjfiance . . .Stunning gowns, swing| his lifetime participation in l o d g e ; t i j n e =iUEic, informal rlrgirg, ail 1 circles . . . As secretary of the : typical of a holiday celebration . iB-cai BTith lodge, we were in — The S a m Pickus', the Hy Milclose contact with Mr. Friedman, l e r s '« t h e A - M - DaviE^, the Lou the ue-
New Streamline Tablei Restaurant—Bar
Direct Wire On All Sporting Events Ladles Especially Invited BILLIARD AND LUNCH 1818 Farnam St. WE 3423
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sse from the audience. j ted tentatively the following list, j which they consider from their tir ! observation only, tbe following Thanks, a ISlicn ' K ^hc-* j best gowned Omaha Jewish wo- J OEi-ThaCfcSS'iviEg refleoticns: i^ I men: .Mrs. Harry A. "VTolf, Mrs.; the miraculous n&Ener in wMnh | Hyman (Honey) Ferer, Mrs.. Dave ', we escaped serious injury 'while j ~~ (Sarah) Conn, Miss Sara Ferer, • traveling to Siotrx City Curing s. | ^ Mrs. Max Holzraan, Mrs. Al (Syl-J blinding Enow-stons: . , . Twice j Nv ( C~, via) Mayer, Mrs, Elmer (Marian) j within a radius of ten miies our j "3 ji Gross,. Mrs. Allen (Ida) Kohan,, car skidded off tbe highway and j j Mrs. -E. I. (Marian) Kubin, Miss j remained aright . . . Thus we of-j ; Faye Gerelick. Selections always | fer our thanks lor our pood for- j SPECIALISTS [create controveries (we hope),; tune asd add thereto our heart- j IN I perhaps you have an opinion. Xoifelt thanks for all the blessic^s | I prizes are offered, merely a {rood: that have corns to all cf us in the i FUSiriACE OEL j topic of interest to some folks, i year that has clasped. Let us l AND thankful for these asd for all Send in your list. otaer blessiags that may be showBURNER SEH¥ICIi ered cpoa us during the coming Hokka I vear -^-Aw-Kain!!' Kye-flasties at the Hadasszh T&aEksgivins fiance at the Hotel Fontenelle . . . . Lumber & Qccl Cc. Kalah Franklin, the charming Arrange to attenS tbe lectTire • IVALKUT 0 3 0 0 r.ad capable president escorted on Wed. S>ec. Btis. . . The speakto the dance by a police crsiser er, & noteS «?ewis?i psj'cb.ologigt car . . . An auto collision being sad socSoIo^st, Trill discuss a •> the cacse . . . Sonia Boitsteits, topic titled "ITbo is reaUr the general cfiEfmtan of the sane"? . . . Dr. Berg -win be redance, wns stn^ning in B re<1 inensbered us the physician who veivet formal ajsd doing a was respcBsible for the geiisa-
Ik Knrr.cy JA. Omaha's Larnest i.nd Most Complete Storage and Auts Supply Store O Tires • Washing o Tubes • Lubricating O Accessories • Slmonizing
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O Sweet Gutter OCcur Cream and many other products, ask your grocer or call . .
Our funeral parlors are furnislsetl ia bome-like. fasLiesu We have spared neither time nor esPor.sa in developing every Chsri' cf car £:rv);s.
"rtaninba" roiatsse Trftii & ~ c s p tiosal isvcsi5£ciioa ot coailitions at TTelfare IskEf5 Prison able' fiance partner, unidentiia Kew Tori,- . . . Otir people fied . . . Incidentally, "Senorshould iacLicete • a greater r.p~ Itaf1 Sonia has made "Chops." preciatiois oi the Qra&hs. Com" reserr&tioRs for fesr xvei&ng to manity Forom trfcich sponsors Irving Forbes on January "1st these Jecttires. Ih.e Pomm is sis . . . Dot Bordf and. 5'orric FIBS importSint coiitribctioR 4c the Sn a seclndpfl corner _ doing some intricate (Jasnce steps . . , fetcllectusl life of t c comThe petite Esther Lazet-soiu tacnJtj- in genera] EH H shouldbe reeoprnSzed «-s sach sntilixigly greeting all the patrons . . . Auburn haired Sylvia Sitverraan with. Jlorrie rittell Qo-t of Saasas City . . - £«. -J. please TTe say reroir retnote: What forraer Alabama 'fully so, to Harry Cooper, ECS O j University grid star is beccia- ; t i e Federal Secret Service vho i ing "pally" with Sally? . . . . ihES been promoted b r Sis-trans-? And what Bes Mciaes repre- ! fer iroxn. Orasfca to Baltimore i, sentative of a picture trailer wbere .1 serve as Ectisg- EU- I he firm iias promised his-recent jperrisorv ag-ent . . . Tae !asgn?S*<*j-ctl girl friend a I End ssodest Harry leaves a tE.fe Ic Let-™ •• cl. ' "screen test"? . . . Rose SlarssSel; i of friesfis here who desires to tbrow a "tzibo^a" ct jwell in his new post X.. W-, w h o a slse alleges is s "ciaiseier" ,. . . Harriet (Boots) jed cpoa c s a s,i:s:.l?rr lierin, tbe Sioas City cotle, I to speafe before vark "s civic bo- \i j tripping along . . . S&e Is a ! dies . . . Cocper is one of io'iir ij 1 recsired t i e j | yoangster mho possesses chana- j Anerieana 'i:iEgs laedal frcm King Albert ] % lag personality.
ir . r V n" f".
HA-222G sg eve at tfce
Ectel j-E,t Terdna
,•. i.-.
,~ v
Page 8
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1936 ed to Omaha to attend the reception.
colors . . . And, though it may beEon that the greatest of living MCNSKV. GRODiNSKY. MARER COHEN, At-lo-ncys sacrilege to say it, they're not German writers, Thomas Mann, is 73" Omaha Nati. Bfink half bad—for a dictator . . . WOE- spending the culminating "years of Mrs. I. Bachefkin and Mrs. der if unfavorable reviews of his His creative life in writing- what IS HEREBY GIVEN That Louis Skalqvsky entertained 66 works in those early days was is probably the greatest Jewish ; iheNOTICE itiu'erFijrriPd hp.ve fornied a corg<:etts at a one o'clock luncheon the.real genesis of that recent or- novel of all times. Note, then, I poration rui'fMipni to the taTv." of Jhe MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent . Cincinnati (WNS) — Children der by Goebbels banning all art how on the highest leve' of hu- IState ol* Nebraska. and bridge, Tuesday afternoon, In The nnme of Oie c<v-pnrn{ion ig in Sunday schools of congregathe Sioux tea shop, honoring Miss miis tions, affiliated with the Union of criticism as the "legacy o£ Jewish pletion of his next picture, "The j VEST DODGE THEATRES COT?Edith Skalovsky, a bride-elect. influence in Germany's culture." King and the Chorus Girl," auth- I T'ORATTOX, vith !(K principal place American Hebrew Congregations . . . Prof. Einstein is likely to ored by Norman Krasna and Iof business in the city of Omaha, The Centerpieces of pink and white J.-If. F . FLAG DAY SUNDAY Hebrew Mothers objects lor which this corporation is The Jewish National Fund an- will be asked to raise a fund of make more out of that little phoroses, the bridal colors, graced Groucho Marx. | formed are: To acquire as lessee. nual Flag Day drive will be conMeeting Tuesday the 13,000 to finance the excavation owner or otherwise, ami to operftte tables. to-electric eye camera he co-inThe youthful creator oi popular | t heat ITS for th« exhibition of movingOut of town guests at the par-ducted locally as throughout .the of Kadesh Barnea, scene of the vented than be has from his rela- entertainment, v.'liom many in jpictures snd 'or the presentation of The Hebrew Mothers Club wi ty included Mrs. Nate Skalovsky country next Sunday, December 6, Israelites' sojourn in Sinai after tively theory . . . You can't patshow? or performances o* every kind have a dessert, luncheon Tuesda of Odebolt, Iowa; Mrs.-Abe Ska- and everyone is urged to co-op- the exodus from Egypt, accord- ent a theory, it appears, but youj Hollywood look upon as a genius i and character, and to handle, deal in contract, wish reference to movtn^ :an'. successor—both in power and j snd afternoon, December S, in the so lovsky, and Mrs. Ben Skalovsky erate when the committee calls ing to an announcement by the picture films and /or shows and perjariistry—to the late Irving Grant, The bridge team cial hall of Phaare Zion Synago of Norfolk, Nebraska and Mrs. at their homes. More volunteers Union. can a camera forman^es of pvery kind find characV ' that won the Vanderbilt Cup re-jThalberg, has been active in t h e ' ter with reference to the production, gue,• .at 1:30 o'clock. A program Jack Chesen of Lincoln, Nebra- are needed to give part of their Dr. Nelson Gleuck of the He-cently !the distribution, or the exhibition of is all-Jewish-Phil Abramtime Sunday to make collections, brew Union College and director screen world for IS years; Ke same, and to do any am! all things' The Ladles Auxiliary of Shaare of recitations and musical num ska. and anyone who can donate eith- of the American School of Orien- sobji, Fred Kaplan, Harry Fish- started as a wardrobe clerk after i necessary, requisite or proper in the oa Synagogue will hold a joint bera will be presented Jean Shin' bein and Irving Epstein . . . Ar- a turn at vaudeville when still ; operation of then ires and/or enterer his or her services or a car is eeting with the men of the con-dler, violinist, and Cantor A onterprisep: to purchase, Mrs. Philip Sherman, 1704 asked to call either Mrs. Sam tal Research in Jerusalem, who thur Brisbane-suggests that. Van- in his 'teens. He hails from San ;tainment legation Wednesday evening, Pllskin will appear on the pro lease and otherwise acquire and to has found the spot which he beDouglas .Street, visited this week Meyerson, phone 1199, or Miss lieves is identifiable with Kadesh derbilt phone Hitler that you Francisco. deal in penTnlly in reai estate and ecember 9, when a, Chanukah gram. * j personal property of every kind and don't have to be an "Aryan" to ogram will be presented. Conspicuous arnsng his cirec- j character and to dispose of Rn<l enAt the meeting Mrs. N. Matli in Chicago, with relatives . and Fannie Katelman, 4491. Persors Barnea, will do the excavating. understand bridge. friends. cumber same in any manner whatsowho have the little "blue boxes" The program will open with a who was elected president of- th The Sunday school children, (Copyright. 1936, Jewish Tele- torial contributions to the screen I ever. The Company shall have duare urged to have them handly so who iving Menorah. Taking part in club, will be installed. Other ofare "Anthony Adverse," "Three ' thnnty to borrow money and issue will be asked to contribute graphic Agency, Inc.) lls will be Mrs. Aba Beechen, ficers are Mrs. I. Stein, vlce-pres Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Levin and that the committee can open ten cents each, will be kept inMen On a Horse," "Chain Gang," : evidences of indebtedness therefor. The Iota! authorized capital stock )s irs. Fred Herzoff, Mrs. L. SI1-ident; Mrs. J. Himowitz, secre- Boots spent Thanksgiving day in them Sunday morning. "Little Caesar," "Five Star Final" j Si' formed of the progress of the o.OOii.O", par value SlrtO.Qfl per share, erberg, Mrs. Frank Epstein, Mrs. tary;, and Mrs. A. Mazle, treasur- Omaha. and many other great successes, j al! cf which shali be common stock. work by means ft slides and talks and when issuer! slisH be fuli.v paid V. H. Baron and Mrs. Moe La-er. (Copyright, I93fi, by Seven Arts | The Council. Bluffs Senior Ha- to be prepared by the Union's non-nssessable. The corporation :ere. Jack Merlin will act as Feature Syndicate). I and shall commence busine«s upon the filMax Rosenthal visited in Sioux dassah will hold ita meeting on commission on Jewish education. ,hamas of the Menorah and will inc of its Articles rticles with the CountyCity with his parents, Mr. andWednesday afternoon, December Ckr Ck'rk of DoUfrla C t v, Nebraska, Count jhant the appropriate benediction Shaare Zion and shf?n DoUfrlas Mrs. Dave Rosenthal. He re- 16, at the CJievra B'nai Yisroel MONSKY. GRODINSKY, MARER & continue unfii January I, ove r the lights. 2fl3i'>. Thp hifrhest amount of indebtCOHEN, Attorneys turned to^Dc3 Koines Monday, synagogue instead of the Hotel edness shall not. exceed two-thirds of Harry Trustin of Omaha, Ne- where he is associated with the Chieftain. A Chanukah program "37 Omaha Natl. Bank EldBChanukah songs will be prethe capital stork, This restriction NOTICE TS H E R E E r GIVEN That shall not apply to indobfodneps sewill be presented, with Mrs. Morsented by Cantor A. Pliskin and braska, will be the guest speake: Sally Shops. cured by real estate. The number of the undersipned have formed n corat Shaare Zion synagogue thi ris Grossman, chairman, assisted the synagogue -choir under the shall be proporation pursuant to the laws pf the '• members of the Hnarc! By Robert Stone 3 t h e Mesdames Lawrence StP.te of Nebraska. : vided for by th* .By-Ij^ws. which leadership of H. H. Buntley. evening, speaking >n "Europe a Mr. and Mrs. H. S. • Novitsky NORTH AMERICA The name of the corporation iV noard shal; administer the affairs of Choir members are Ida Heshelow, Compared with America." Mr. and daughters visited in Omaha Krasne, Herman Meyerson, Sam corporation. The stockholders THEATRE CORPORATION, i the AMERICAN FEDERATION OF AVE.VUE returned recentSacks, and Morris Yudelson. Mrs. Tillie Shindler, Rose Shiloff, Ann and Mrs. Trustin with its principal place of business in shall hold their annual meeting- on the over Thanksgiving day. 1 LABOR REAFFIRMS ANTI-NAZI second Monday in January of each Omaha, Nebraska. The objects for • Albert Krasne is program chairLiptson, Mrs. M. B. Herzoff, Earl ly from a trip to Europe. Canto which the corporation is formed are." year fs.ml e!ert Directors. The DirecBOYCOTT . . . Labor knows that A.. Pliskin and the synagogui man. Mrs. Leo Fitch will give a tors shall elect T'residpnt, Vice-PresiNovich, George Shindler, Tom To acquire ss lessee, owner or other- ; nazism is its enemy. Gerald Cohn, a senior at the Chanukah reading, of her own orwise, and to operate theatres for the ' dent. .Secretary sml Treasurer. The BarrJcks. and Bernard Lazriowich. choir will chant the service. • Articles may he amended upon notice exhibition of rnovinp: pictures and /or; University of Nebiaska, in Lin- iginality.. The Hadassah Choir CHILDREN IN REFORM SUN- the With the assent in Gloria and Lois Novitsky, daugh- At Junior Congregation service! coln, presentation of shows or perform- i as provided for. le spent his Thanksgiving vaof 6( ^ of the outstanding" DAY SCHOOLS TO FINANCE ances of every kind and character. ; writing ters of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Novitsky tomorrow morning Bertram Lip cation in Sioux City with his par-will sing a group of Chanukah to handle, deal in and contract • capita! stock, the Board of Directors THAT LIBEL CASE against EXCAVATION OF ANCIENT IS- and shutz will act as Cantor and Ro selections. Refreshments will be will present a dance number. with reference to roovine picture' mfi.y sell ali the property as an enanti-Semitic Robert Edmondson RAELITES' HOME and /or shows and performances ' tirety upon such consideration as they bert Pliskin will be reader of t h ents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohn, served. Young tilms Mrs; Herman Licht will speak law. every kind and character with ref- j de«rn fit. 1720 Jones. Street. . is being dropped, we are inform- fingers dig into pockets so that of erence to the production, the distri- j on '"The Significance of ChanuDated December 1 n . 1MB. ancient relics may be dug up— bution, or the exhibition of same, and : A Board Meeting of the Synaed from a reliable source The K. T). The Council Bluffs Talmud R?. kah". A one act play "She Must 1o do any and all thincs necessary. ' Miss Ruth Kosberg visited with K GOJJDBKRG, requisite or proper in the operation ', 12-4-4t Torah Society will hold an impor- N. Y. District Attorney's office, sounds fair enough. Marry a Doctor" by Shrlom Alei- gogue will be held Tuesday eve- friends in Omaha Sunday. Incorporators. theatres and/or entertainment en- ! PRINCETON P R O F E S S OR. of tant meeting Monday evening^ however, emphatically denies the chem will be presented with the ning, December 8, in the'home o terprises; to purchase, lease and oth- i report Says the case, which FINDS EINSTEIN THEORY | erwise December 7, at eight o'clock at acquire and to dea! in t-ener- j FRADENF.URG. W E B B , following cast, Rudy Shindler Mr. and Mjs. A. Silverberg. Members of the Debra Club met the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synago- was billed on the nation's first HELPFUL IN MEDICAL RE- \ ally in real estate a.nd personal prop- I KLUTZNICK #, KELLEY, BEBER, Attyg. . S. H. Shulkin, Mrs. Morris Rubin of every kind and character and | Monday evening in. the home of gue. £00 Union State Bank Bldg. pages, as the first race libel case SEARCH . . A relatively import- j erty to dispose of and encumber same in Jack Merlin, Earl Novich, Mrs JUNIOR HADASSAH Miss Sarah Sadoff. ''' in this country's history, is mere- ant find, it would seem. any manner whatsoever. The Com- NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON Emil Levich and Mrs. William pany shall have authority to borrow | ly being postponed because of a PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT Kutcher. The play is directed by money and issue evidences of indebt- j Miss Leona Fried, who recently LATIX-AMERICA OP FINAL ADWiNISTRASeventy-five members of JunAnnabelle Emlein and Mina crowded criminal court calendar edness therefor. The total authorized ' ACCOUNT Mrs. Kutcher. BRAZIL AND PERU BAR capital stock is 525.000.on, par value • Ip the TION ior Hadassah attended the an- Slo,tsky, students at the Univer- underwent ah operation for ap- . . . Our guess is that the case County $100.00 per share, all of which shall ; Coountv, Nebraska. Court of Doug/as Mrs. Sam Slotsky is in charge nual "Paid-up" party^ last nigh; sity of Nebraska, spent their pendicitis at the Mercy Hospital will simply be pigeon-holed, un- VISAS TO POLISH JEWS . . . be Common Stock, and when issued •• the Matter of the Eslate of Reid of the program.. Mrs. Joe Kutch- in the Rainbow room of the Wes Thanksgiving vacation in Sioux is • now convalescing at her home der pressure of calmer Jewish Greenland will be next—or is i^l shall be fully paid and non-assessable. I V~.InTalma.ce. Deceased: The corporation, shall commence busiat 1229 Sixth Avenue. already in line? er will preside at the brief bus- Hotel. Only paid up members City with their parents. heads who are convinced that it All persons interested in said matness upon the filinfr of its Articles ; iness meeting: which will precede were eligible to attend.the party with the. County Clerk of Douglas i ter are hereby notified that on the would- be bad tactics to revive it EUEOPE County. Nebraska, and shall continue 25 th <i?.y of November. 1936. Fanny the program. Following a dinner at 6:30 a mu Mr. and Mrs. J. .Kalin and Sid- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rosen enter- now, particularly in view- of the until 1. 203fi. The highest \ Talmage and Omaha National Bank ITALIAN JEWS HOLD NA- amountJanuary slcal program was presented,. Miss ney spent Thanksgiving, Day in tained at a family dinner party at crushing defeat anti-Semitism met of indebtedness shall not ex- i filed a petition in said County Court, TION-WIDE DEMONSTRATIONS ceed two-thirds of the ca.pital stork. prating: that their final administratheir home Sunday evening in Dorothy Merlin, president of the Hastings, Nebraska, where they in the recent campaign . . . And This restriction shall not apfily to in- : tion account filed herein be settled PROVE PATRIOTISM . . . debtedness Synagogue Dinner chapter presided. secured by real estate. The ' and allowed, and -that they be diswere joined by -' their daughter honor of Mrs. fiaul Golden of that the indictment will .be held TO Roman Jews do as the Romans I number of members of the Board shall charped from their, trust as executrix The December meeting of > the Frances .who.is a student at the Winnipeg, Canada, who :"s spend- as a club over the head of Balmy do. Sunday Evening chapter provided for by the By-Laws, and e.xetfutor "atid -that a hearing- will j be ing the month visiting relatives Bob to keep him from resuming which Eonrd shall adminis'er the p.f- be had on said' petition before saJd will be held next -Thurs- University, of Nebraska. in' Omaha. NAZIS OPEN INSTITUTE TOR fairs of the corporation; The stock- ! Court or the Tjfith day of Itecember, •his rantings. A Chanukah dinner will be gi-day evening, December 10, in the shall hold their annual meet- I IBM. and that if you Tail tt> appear SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF ANTI- holders irce on the second Monday in Jam1.-: before said Court on the said 26th Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Courshon ven next Sunday evening, Decem- Jewish Community Center. arv of each year and elect "Directors, j <iay of December. JD,'!(i, at !• o'clock A. SEMITISM . . . We thought they About seveaty-five persons.atreturned to their home in Chicago ber 6, at 7 o'clock in the TipherGOOD LUCK to Sarah LamThe Directors SSIEII elect President, 1 >L. and contest said petition, the Vice-rre?i<3ent. Secretary and Treas- j Court, may erant the prayer of said after visiting In Sioux City with tended the Book Review and Teaport, daughter of Samuel C. Lam- knew all about it. eth Israel Synagogue. The dinurer. The ..Articles may be amended j petition, en-er a, decree of heirship, given by the Sisterhood of the MUSSOLINI AIDS POLISH upon notice relatives. . • . ner will be sponsored by the Laport, in her new job doing re&s provided for. 'With the ; Hnd make such other and further dr« Talmud Torah Society on Tues- search for tSe Foreign Policy As- JEW CONTINUE STUDIES IN assent in writing of fiO'r of the outdies Auxiliary of the synagogue. ai'-owauros and decrees, as 'to day afternoon at the home of standing- capital stock the Board oi df-vs. A symposium on Justice BranCpurf IP ay poem proper, to the Members and non-members are sociation . . . Miss Lamport, a ITALY Mr. and Mrs. Alex Miller, of No doubt Rome is a Directors may sell all the property as this Oakland end thFt mutters pertaining to deis will begiven at Mount Sina invited to attend. The dinner will Kassar grad, has been engaged in vast improvement over Warsaw, j as entirety upon such, consirferp.tinn said es=sate nli Cleveland, Ohio, visited this week may be finally settled and be open to non-members as well Temple this evening . during the in the home • of the latter's par- Avenue. Mrs. Covert T. Brown newspaper •work. ' d e t e r m i n e d • -• •'*•*' SPANISH FASCISTS PKE- j EKl'CE CRAWFORD. as (hey deefn fit. as members of the synagogue and regular Friday evening service ents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Mushkin. gave a very interesting dramatiaPARE SECRET LISTS OF JEW- | Dated December I I ISSfi. 12-4-36-"!; County Judge. tionof the Broadway Stage play, Lester Davidson will speak , on auxiliary. GENEA.LO3ICAL NOTE: An ISH CITIZENS . If Jews, and R. r>. GOI/DBBRO. 'Victoria Regina." Following the ancestry Brandeis as a Lawyer and KEKJI1NB GOLDBERG. Mr. and Mri. Ben Schulein, are expert spent hours in the not Marranos, are involved, why i At the meeting of the- Auxil-. 12-4-4t Jncorporators. Dr. J. M. - Lande wil visiting htis week with relatives Book Review, Tea and -delicacies library of congress one day, at secrecy? Patronize Our Advertisers iary held last week, Mrs. Charles Judge." were served at a beautifully ap- our request, tracking down those on "Brandeis as a Jewish n Chicago. • • Barricks was elected president; speak NAZIS STUNNED AS'OSSIETpointed table with a large basket .-.'.reports that King Edward's ZKY, ANTI-NAZI WINS NOBEL Mrs. J. D. Maron, vice-president; Statesman.": of yellow and white button chry- Nazi Sunday, Rabbi Lewis will atfriend had Jewish blood in PRIZE . . . WeV bet they expectMrs. A. Saitlln, secretary; Mrs. ZOLLOTUCHEN-IVENER santhemums used . as a center- lady her veins . . . He reports that not ed Hitler to ret it. B. Shulkin, treasurer and Mrs. S. tend the convention of .Iowa Repiece. Mrs. Morris Yudelson ligious Leaders in. Des .Moines At one of the most impressive v Baker, recording secretary. Plans president, poured, and • assisting all the Nazis in the world could PALESTINE were completed for the dinner ar- Iowa. In the morning he will oc- ceremonies of the ' season. Miss hostesses were the Mesdames Is- make a Jewess out of Mrs. Wal- ARAB MILITARY ACTION rangements, and refreshments cupy'Rabbi Eugene Mannheimer's Eva Ivener, daughter of Mr. andaac Sternhill, Ben Kubby, Her- lis Simpson . The ancestral were served, after the installation pulpit in the Des Moines Temple Mrs. I ivener of Sioux City, be- man Meyerson, Samuel H. Katel- tree . shows - French and English PLANNED IF-ROYAL COMMIScame 1the bride of Mr. Ben ZollotSION IS ADVERSE That's of the new officers. The first Amer- the Arab effendi idea of what aruchen ,. son of Mr. and Mrs. P. man, Herman Krause, Sam Sacks, antecedents ican settler of the Warfield famThe committees In charge of BOOK REVIEW MONDAY Zollotuchen of Omaha, on Sun- Abe Bear and Harry Kubby. This bitration means. the arrangements plan to accomily, Richard, oame to Maryland day, November 22 at the TIpherP affair proved' very successful, ROYAL COMMISSION HEARS odate a capacity attendance. A Sol Davies Warfield, 1,750,000 ACRES OF PALESThe fourth book review in the ith Israel Synagogue in Sioux both' socially and financially, and in 1662 program of music and addresses series being given this winter by City, Iowa. The ceremony took proceeds will got to the Talmud a bachelor, was Mrs. Simpson's TINE LAND CULTIVABLE . . . will follow the dinner. uncle . , . However, maybe be- It sounds like enough to take care . Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, will be place-at five o'clock with Rabbi Torah fund. cause the Sol sounded Jewish, he of everybody. held next Monday evening, Dec- Rabinowitz officiating. always used the name S. Davies ember 7, in the social hall of the The bride wore a white chiffon Mrs. Abe Leibovltz returned Warfield Death Claims . To complete the synagogue. -- •. • wedding gown fashioned on p'rin- home Wednesday following a ten the Warfields were members John Harlow At this meeting, Eabbl Rabin- esa lines with a small train. Her day visit at Marshalltown and tale, WORLD'S WINDOW owitz will review 'I Am The Fox' veil was of tulle, with a small Iowa City. She attended the Re-of the "Noble Knights" in England, way back in 1066 (Continued from page 1) . . Mrs. John Harlow, a member of the by Winifred Van Etten. crown trimmed. with tiny seed ger-KapIan wedding In Marshall- Simpson's mater was a Morgan. Shaafe Zion Synagogue, the Fedpearls caught at the tip of each town on Thanksgiving Day at vision of the teller of the early eration of Jewish Social. Service, ear with lilies of the valleyi She which her daughter. Miss Maxine tales. ECHOES of a famous Transatand the Chevra Kaddisha, died In Sisterhood carried a 3hower of white and .eibovltz, was a bridesmaid. She lantic flight come to us from "The War Goes On" is a work his home Monday night. He was pink sweet peas and shell pink spent the remainder of her visit majestic in spirit in this respect, London The JTA office there, The December meeting of the roses. • 50 years old. with her daughter in Iowa City when Harry Richnian and his pal that here the most authentic, Funeral services were held at Temple Sisterhood wlll.be held where Miss Leibovitz is a student landed in Wales, wired Harry for perhaps, of living Jewish novelMrs. I, ivener, mother of the the family residence Wednesday this, afternoon, in the Temple an- bride was gowned in black crepe at the University ot Iowa. a statement . . . Several days ists does justice to the terrif3"ing afternoon, with Rabbi H. R. Rab- nex, following a one o'clock with a shoulder corsage of sweet later, the office got a beautifully miseries and misfortunes that luncheon. Mrs. E. N. Griieskin inowitz and. Cantor A. Pliskin ofpeas and roses. Mrs. P. ZollotuMrs. J. Krusne, accompanied by engraved card, decorated with a drove the OJerman people—that will offer the invocation. Mrs chen wore .a blue velvet % gown ficiating. her son, Lawrence Krasne, have snappy silver plane, announcing people being historically and Surviving are his widow, Freda; Roy Schwarzman who is chairman with a corsage of sweet peas and returned home following a three psychologically what it is—into two sons, Isadora of .Canton, of the program will speak on white roses.. Mrs. Thomas Kip- weeks' stay at Rochester, Minne- that "Mr. Harry Richman grate- the raving madness of these latfully acknowledges your recent Chanukah. Mre. A. H. Baron South . Dakota and George of ter rears. As a historic pheperman, sister, of the bride, was sota where Mrs. Krasne underSioux City; five daughters, Fan- will speak on the life of Vincent matron of honor and was gown- went treatments at the Mayo expression of kind thoughtful- nomenon it is from this if not j ness." nie, Ethel, and Ida of Chicago, Van Gogh and the Modern Trend ed in sky blue moire styled on ilinic. from other points of view to be Mrs, Bessie Saltlin of Hartlngton, In Art. Table decorations will princess lines. She carried a bouranked with that other phenomeMI5H-MASH: Henry MorgenNebraska and Frances of Sioux carry out the theme of Chanukah. quet of shell pink roses. Mrs. Jack Steinberg and small thau, jr., who looks after the naCity; three brothers, Girshel of Mrs. Louis S. Goldberg will Bridesmaids were the Misses daughter, Jeanne, returned home tion's purse, is an apple addict Russia, Max Harlow of Vermil- preside at the business meeting. Sunday from Kansas-City, Miss. He can afford to be, since his lion South Dakota.and Henry of Mrs. Jack Robinson and Mrs.: M. (ena and Dorothy Zollotuchen, ouri they spent Thanks- New York farm turns out an anDanbury, Iowa., and two. sisters A. Weiner are in charge of the sisters of the groom, Miss Edythe givingwhere week end visiting- relatives. nual crop of 25,000 bushels . : . Flneberg of Sioux City and Mrs. Mrs. Mary Robsky of Chicago and luncheon arrangements. Max Shamblott of Duluth, MinnYale's official seal has a Hebrew Mrs. Ora Gill of Russia. esota. They wore gowna'in harMrs. R. Wolinsky of St.. Jo-legend on it—"Urim Vitomim," monizing shades of Rose moire, seph, .Missouri left Monday for meaning "light and truth," . . . ELECT OFFICERS and talisman roses and her- home after speeding a few That was the inscription the high Workmen's Banquet Miss Hannah Holdowsky was whitecarried pons pons. The bride was days here visiting at the home of priests of Israel wore on their Sunday Evening elected president of the Los Am-preceded to the alter by Sally and her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. breastplates . . . It you don't beigas club, at their meeting held Rena Ivener of Sioux City, nieces nd Mrs. Leo Meyerson. lieve that Adolf Hitler of GerMembers of the Workmen's last week. Miss Ruth Rice was of the bride, who were her flowmany used to make a living by When your Ironing is finished do backCircle and the Ladies. Auxiliary elected Mrs. Herman. Krasne entertain- painting, take a look at the curvice-president; Lucille ir girls. They wore white and aches start? Does fee! tired feeling fo the branch will have their an- Mushkin, secretary and. Helen link dresses and carried baskets ed the members of her Luncheon rent issue of that photo mag if rose petals. nual Banquet, Sunday evening, Share, treasurer. Club at a luncheon at her home named Life . . . It features recreep over jout Then why not disag© December 6, in the Jewish ComPlans were made for a party in " Mr. Zollotuchen was attended Thursday afternoon, December 3. productions of four Hitler watermunity Center. Guests from Oma- the near future. The next meet- y his cousin, Ben Fanorow of to the saodfern aeihod. With tke new ha, Lincoln, and Des Moines are ing will be held at the home Chicago, best man, and Max and- " Matthew Gross left Tuesday for expected to be in the city and at- Elain Stem. ; . Thor Ironer you sit "dews.- to iron... la 'homas ivener. and Reuben Rat- his home In St. Louis, Missouri tend the banquet. ner of Sioux City and Bill Sher- following an extended stay here Mr. I. Victor is chairman of the at the home of-his brother-in-law man of Omaha were ushers. arrangements. A program of Miss Harriet Bernstein of Oraa- and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. of a new Thor Ironer. ' music and addresses will: follow ia sang "i Love You Truly" and Katelman. .. Of interest to Sioux Cityana Mr. Joe.Merlln-of Sioux City, vio-' . Max Steinberg left- Monday for the dinner. was the wedding of Miss Eudice nist, played the wedding march, Seattle, Washington,' to be gone Stlllman, daughter of Mr. and A dinner -for 150 guests was about ten days. MRS. TRUSTIN TO SPEAK Mrs. Abe Stillman of Wharton, erved following the ceremony in Texas, and Louis Canar, son of The Council Bluffs Chapter No. Mrs; Harry Trustin of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Canar of Oma- he reception^oom of the Syna- 7 of the A'. 2. 'A'.wlH hold a meet'.••-.'..•..... , : Nebraska; will be the guest spealc- ha ,on Sunday afternoon. In Oma- : o g u e , ing next Monday evening, DecemAfter a short honeymoon the at hte Oneg Shabbos of the La-ha. The ceremony took place in ber 7, at the home' of Aba Raben, dlecj Auxiliary of Shaare/ Zion, he home of Rabbi David Gpld- ouple will return to Sioux City 2115 'Avenue D. Tentative plans r.hlch will take placo tomorrow itein, In the presence of the im-where they will make their home. will be made for the District afternoon in the home of Mr. and mediate families;. Mr. Stillman The Germany colony of Sarona tournament to be held in LinMrs. Philip Sherman, 2111 Jack- iame from Wharton toattehd-the utside of Tel Aviv lias protested coln this winter. • son Street. Mrs. J. Krigsten will wedding. High Commissioner Wauchope give current events, and singing A reception was held - "in the nd the German consul.against On May 24; 1749, Count Valeisot Chanukah songs will be led by ome of the bridegroom's parents he new administrative plan which (tne Potocki was burned at tbo Miss Bessib- Resser and Mr. D. Sunday afternoon and evening. A would Join the German suburb to la Vilna for having become Eisner. number of Sioux Cltyan's motor- he all-Jewish city of Tel Aviv. a Jew.
Children-of Sunday ' School to Finance 'Sinai Excavations
Mount Sinai
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