December 11, 1936

Page 1

Is the Interests of the Jewip This column ia copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any infringement on t h i s copyright will be prosecuted.

Entered as Secoad C13.E3 ilail .Matter on January SI. XE21. a t •Postofflco ol Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act o l ilarcli_3







A foolish canfused brash young man has written a book. The At L the Vaad H'lhr Center of Chicago. book is not worth mentioning. held ,j.y night, Rabbi MilBut having -written a book the ton J ^m of Chicago was un- At the present time EabbI young man has published himself Program Arranged for animously elected to fill the place stein occupies the pulpit of the Dr. • Lords Berg Addresses by the aid' of a kind and intelli•Mternoon and Evening at of spiritual leader of the Ortho- Irving Park Jewish Community Large Center gent, but, as far as this matter is Center of Chciago. Synagogue dox congregations of the city. Audience concerned, necessarily uninformTwo weeks ago Rabbi Kopstein On Sunday,. December 13, the Rabbi Kopstein succeeds Rabbi was guest Rabbi of tha Taad and ed Christian publisher. Now what "Psychiatrically c o n s 1 d ered, Harold Berger who left in Sepis •worth remarking upon is the fifth day of Chanukah, members tember" to become field director at that time conducted services at there is no sanity. " according to self which the brash young man of the B'nai Israel Synagogue, of the National Council of Young the-various. Orthodox synagogues j Dr. Louis Berg, who spoke Wed-! succeeds in publishing and the of tbe city. nesday night on the Community | : •• • 18th. and Chicago streets, will Israel. physical mechanicm with which Rabbi Kopstein was ordained Rabbi Kojstein will coxae to Forum at the Jewish Community dedicate tvro memorial tablets rethat self now operates. by the late Chief Ashkenazic Rab- Omaha this week end to be the Center. Dr. Berg, whose topic ' He gives you his * "trauma". cently placed in the synagogue for bi of Jerusalem, the famous Rab- guest of the'Vaad, Sunday night. I was "Who is Really Sane," said j "One day I ran from the street the perpetuation of the -names of bi Kook, and by the great Chofe At that time definite arrange-1 that sanity is a legal • fiction, j P.egistratioiL for the Co'te to my mother, and stood angrily the deceased parents. Chaim of Radin, Poland. He is ments will be made in regard to "Sheer optimism in our social or- j \\ JeTr^sh Studies which opens der. No one knows what a nor- I The dedication ceremony -trill also a graduate of the Lewis In- his installation as Rabbi. before her, blue eyes - burning dar» January 5, at the blond hair tousled." mal mind is. It has never been f start at eight o'clock, at which with anger, Community Center, mar n seen but only assumed. There is | ; Here we could end our analysis, time Cantor Abraham Schwaczkin no proof of a single normal mind |.-..; raaae at the J. C. C. desk, That unemphatic emphasis on and forty members of the Hazoanywhere." Dr. Berg defined a J | • college, founded in If54 *blond hair and blue eyes. that mir Singing Society -will present normal mind as one - free from j : subtle comfort in ni3 unJewisn a Chanukah concert. Fred White, Philip Slier, has been enti-p all abnormal, tendencies. j aspect quite gives the young man local attorney and member of the organized. Dr. Sher for it. "There are t3-fiay mere people j :•' congregation, trill be principal From It, all he hid. and away, two years head of the C" speaker. At -its meetinj last Sunday, De- suffering from insanity than from j -. all he writes and all he thinks cember 6, the Omaha Hebrew club all other physical ailments put to- | hap been directing the or<could at once be developed. SelfEarlier in'the afternoon at tvro I re-elected J. J. Friedman as pres- gether." negation and self-hatred lead to o'clock an important meeting of tion act! in nevr serrins' re Speaking' on the various types j. of the organization. Sam the death-wish for oneself as a all members of the congregation Family Welfare Periodical ident crcrr president. wag re-elected vice-presi- of social maladjustments, Dr. j j ^ member of one's kind. But let us will take place. At six o'clock a Praises Advice to Welfare Bloom The classes will be lim dent. For the forty-fifth consec- Berg said there is more suicide quote a little farther: " 'Mother/ banquet for all members and Board fortj* persons each. The n and more alcoholism tnan ever utive term Sol Rosenberg Sal Slicimicfc I demanded 'why did you make their wives Trill be held to honor lum trill include i l Hebrew, e serve as secretary, and for the (before. "People are seeking reSTsznefi President me a Jew?' 'What has happened?"' ho newly-elected spiritual leader. In a long, highly laudatory ed- twenty-ninth consecutive time, j lease from the difficulties cf the t£IT £Ed advanced; Yiddish she asked astounded.". Was the Habbi Milton Ai Kopstein. itorial appearing in the social ; elements.?}- and ad anced j . good lady, one wonders,, really Commissioners of the congTega- welfare magazine, T i e Family, John Reldnian will be treasurer. changing social order.* is j Itb History; Great. Jewis Per Dr. Berg commented on the ex- j I. M/TVintroul), Louis Morgan, astounded? Maybe. She had "re- ion are: L. Epstein, meeting the work of the Omaha Family sontllties; Jewish Custon. t i c trenie importance of religion in and Sam Altschuler were elected pressed" what was likely to: hapchairman; E. Bloch, Bible chair- "Welfare Association is praised Ceremonials; &nd Jewish. L. e~ pen to her small boy.. Maybe she man; and H. Marcus, M. Potash, and Rabbi David H. 'Wice is quot- Trustees. S. Kenyon, Daniel Sch- j the life of the individual. The j ture. warty, and B. Handler were elect-j suicide rate in Catholic countries had trusted to a reasonably unSigelman, J. Tretiak, and "Wil-ed. The College rrlil be diTii"° is very, small. "Science has given Jewish name and the aforesaid liam, Weiner. The editor, speaking of. family ed to the executive board commit- man reason but robbed him of j tvo tes-vreefc ,-semssters. J. c tee. blond hair and blue eyes. InThe program will be as follows: case work in a period of transiI ma v~i!2 be given v b e t E r i e faith. It has become difficult for stead of bringing up her child in tion1, shows the place of the layPART 1 I has completed two years c r c the common man to re :oncile a Jewish atmosphere and so help- America; Lighting of the Chan- man's committee in facilitating Gov. Lehman to'Speck laws of cause and effect with the ing him initially to absorb the kah candle; • **flloez Zur"; "Ya-this work. To illustrate his conChildren of the Talmud Torati j er Hebrew cz, • Yidisfc; or r•• e Divine. He no longer sees any rea- and the Talmud Tors.ii History of Jetrish 'Historr; one "er en "Ewropss® Jetsry" shock, she trusted sub-consciously en" by Gelbart: "GuteWoch" by tention he discusses the plan of son to live beyond material enjoy- and Religion. Department will to the chance of his "passing"^ So Bugatch; "Mir Shmiden" by the Omaha' organization that sets Snniay ment- Yet," Dr. Berg went on to take part in Ciiacnkah celebrsshe was "astounded." The Nordic aside fifteen minutes at the be»W^ ^ » i i " t t e say, "Great scientists of the Jeans t l o a £ n d j - ^ y t o t a t e p I a c e K { m . name and appearance hadn't elbart; "NIcht Fargest" by A. ginning of each meeting for dischwaczkin; Governor Herbert H. address by Fred worked. Let us quote just a little cussion of the agency's function of New York, vice chairman cf Eddington, and Einstein type arejg a y r December li, a.' the Jevrisfc farther. " 'What is this word Jew White. devout and religious men." | Community Center. and the Board's relation to it. the American Jewish Joint DisPART they call me? I don't want to be "The machine age has enslaved j Henry Konsiy, president of Rabbi Wice is quoted as say"Meishe tribution Committee, will speak man. It promised everything and i Talmud Torah. will preside. Dr.: called Jew. I want to be just Ro• Ganvet Arties," byy ing: on "The Crisis of European Jew- gave nothing. It took awayTnan's Philip Sher, chairman cf tbe CareE Trill be cast ' c tte bert.' My mother gathered me in Vladmir Heifetz; Jewish songs by 'As the policy-forming body of j ry" over Station WEAF and the j economi securltjr and the enher arms and I cried bitterly, as lantor Selz; ,"Seu Sheorim" by Board of Ec ncaticn of ths • TEI- and a carraral spirit an agency, the Board must con- Red Network of the N a child broken for. the first time." Hazomir; "Zemires," by Zilbert; cf his self In activity." mud Torsi, -will \riil be princpial at the Beth El S;T3a stantly be the balance wheel be- Broadcasting Company, Sunday. doo, •which starts Bt 4 Of course the good lady told her 'Onu Bonn Arzo" by Canton A. The cure for this extremely ingS speaker. tween two extremes — the ideal- December 13, at one o'clock coning- SunSar. Dscej small son that h& ought to be ;chwaczkin; "Hatikvqh." percentage of socia] njalsdjUEtSeven dr2.rns.tie ism that forgets material mech- (Omaha time). proud to be a JevvvvThat, if I may O-E c i «.i. inert t is not essily aeccsplisseg. I25 tea theme cf CbaHEkat, vrill j tare anics' and the utter disregard of Governor Lehman's address -will be allowed to be vulgar, did a fat human values that follows in the be broadcast sa part "of ths pro- "The h o s e is not fulfilling itsi^e presented. Tfcs £r£iHEtiiutic"E lot o£_ good, that, empty formula, -re: A Lm-5 KCEpuropse at preseat" Dr. Bers saii | to wake of materialism.. cesdingrs of = . the Joint Distrifeutloa after the child had been permittct!??I ctt s : ,e sees the home as the : "Social wcr^ers_oitEn_,.di8cnx?7. oraciittee's - National eiTfo reach the,,3ge ^r-ajrticnlateinadequate "comtntiaTIy facilities of Jewish leaders of the mesa here described without Jewen Sens; Macs-been l^c-1. <?rer|-np, A colored orchestra, with all for carrying on'their worK but States and Canada - at the Hotel ish atmosphere, -without Jewish LikeiriSB tlia sctccls hz.vs' fsil- the Chanukah Lights; '. are xmable to do anything about Astor 4n New -Yorfe City. The ed. "Children £.re gives a sniat- Kacca-bees; andl Let ~Z beauty, -without Jewish ceremony, the ' 'down south" nannony and 's Go T c i f r , - r r T^r-h memory, speech, iolk-way, snul or rhrtlmr; wilt play for the free it. It is -up to" the Board to make meeting has been called for tbe terins of learning and no charact- Jerusalem. the community conscious'of these dancing which will be'one of the temple, sabbath candles or.Chanconsideration of problems of er." The staff of the TalauS Torah ukah lights, nr seder celebration; stellar attractions to be found at deficiencies. The Board is tne Jewish Relief and Reconstruction Dr. Berg graciously held a for- is directing sd coaching tbe I bet, to be- vulgar again,' they he- Showboat party -Wednesday medium lor transmitting com- abroad. um of questions a t which time be young people for the celebration. be the the poor kid a Christmas night at the Blackstone hotel, munity ideals to the case workanswered challenges to his statesongs iri.ll be sung by the ers and for transmitting funds, 1 l gave sponsored by the Sisterhood of ments. Eugene Blazer, chairman Talmud TorahChorus. ; vrfce r r r.with the highest regard for rutree. of the Forum, presided. Hiss don't want to be called a Temple Israel, for the benefit of man worth, from that part of the erf f" the religious school. Belle Ryan, assistant superintenI Jew.' community which does not need, i_i..t«,w-^i=.t,* dent of schools, introduced tee "With a typical Showboat seti* Now our young mas Is twentyto ccrae, there vr; tvo ting, the party promises to bo oneto that part of the community Becausa of bad weather last speaker. f—I Hf nine and he has -written a book. which is in dire need." Sunday the Zion Flag Day was The next speaker on the Porcm " He has written himself down. The of the gala affairs of the season, The Omaha Family "Welfare On December 2, Reverend Jo- \ .•* book ought to be called: "I don't featuring in addition to dancing, Association handles such families postponed to this coming Sunday, will be Sherwood TJddy who will 5 to E sepb P. Ecercher, S. J. S.UHQ\\ZZ- \ ^ c ?; want to be a Jew." On the back cards, drawings and a complete in nped that are not helped by December 13. The Jewish Nation- be here January 20. 0! ge roo cafeteria with a wide assortment al Flag Day campaign in Omaha ed the highest grades in tne dasj ^ fe- of the publisher's dust-jacket is the Jewish or Catholic charities. ses in tne arts coilejre, tee tmi-|.V a •'% a reprbduction of a photograph of of tempting viands and beverages. Rabbi Wice was appointed to the Is being conducted by the Junior MRS. JOSEPH LEWIES, In addition, there will be door Hadassah. Miss Sonia Roitstein, versity college ana t i e college of j *^J" i tbe young man. Oh, ever so Norboard last January and is chairof Creigbtos. Univer- i ^r: AGE 68, DIED TUESDAY ms' die and determined-looking in a prizes, and a variety of amuseof the committee on educa- chairman of the Junior Hadassah Oi: Flag Day Committee and KalaS ments. Mrs. Joseph Levine, 6S, fiiedjsity. Among the Jewisi< stcdent I / foot-balliah, American Legion sort tion. Franklin, president of the Junior v , . i ere Sponsors of the radio Showboat Tuesday, December 8, in Lincoln j showing high averages Ere ;- of way. Even the nose seems to Hadassah. are in charge of the where she has resided • for the ris Dacsky, a senior in the Arts I f35 i be O. K. But we'd have to have a hour, have come to the aid of the local campaign. past ten years. Mrs. Stein had College who attained an average i"'" tea profile photo to be quite sure. I ocal group, lending decorations to The entire Omaha Jewish com- been a' resident cf Omaha fifty-!of So 7-9; "William Grar, E Jen-• M1 ta. '% suspect it's just the tiniest bit out supply local color, and they will Maxwell -House coffee munity is to be. canvassed. All seven years prior to her removal ior in tbe Arts College •whose \ ! ^ I of drawing from a strictly Nordic serve to -Lincoln. rage vrss S3 16-17, Gertruce j ' ~ The old time melodrama "East | point of view. Too bad. Julius Bisno, executive secre- are asked to contribute as generMrs. Levine is survived by her Orach, Sophomore is tbe Cnirer-; f And so — and so our young Lynn" which will be presented as tary of A. 2. A., has returned ously as possible. Identified by their blue-whits husbacd; a brother, Joe S. Marks sity College, -wtose sxsr&cs vras | f man started out into the wide nearly as possible as it was on from a-fifty-two'day trip through wide world to find out how riot the riverboats, during the Show- fourteen Eastern states. Mr. Bls-boxes the volunteers will conduct and three daughters, Mrs. Frank S2 S-16; Bernice Borzif, a Fresh-> to be a Jew, . He might just as boat era, under the direction of no's trip was made for the two- a popular appeal for contributions Eesnick of Omaha, Mrs. Morris jm a n j a tee IJniversitr CoIIere, f 4 ted 11 well have started at home and Mrs. Max Block, will be given at fold purpose of finding a camp towards the Palestine Land Fund Shrier of Lincoln, and Mrs. Erail 12-17. whooped it up for Russo-Soviet S o'clock and repeated a t 10. site for the fourteenth national through the sale of miniature re- Singer of Los Angeles; two sons, J others with high E-rerEg-es vrere ma". O e asaimilationism and Jewish disIn the cast are Rosalie Alberts, A. Z. A. to be held somewhere in productions of the Zionist emb- David Levine of Omaha'and Abejsol "Wezelman, appearance in the new melting- the beautiful young heroine, Mil- New England and" to hold a ser- lem. This is the twenty-third ob- Levine of Los Angeles, and five School of Coics.erce wiose aver- Esther age was S4.1S; s.nd Ksrold Zelispot with the other bays and girls Robinson, the hissing villain, ies of conferences "with B'nai servance of Zion Flag Day. grandchildren. sky, a sophomore is the College -who hate themselves and their and Alex Lipsman, the dashing B'rith men acting aa advisors to Tbe City Of Ratislsoa is be!iSV-!Gf Joamalisni whose average w kind and want to disappear and hero, all of whom the audience Is A- Z. A. chapters. , Theodora, Queen of Bulgaria to be the site o£ t i e oldest: ss 5-S. "pass" and having seen the fail expected to applaud or boo as the Conferences were held In Pitts- from 1335 to 1355 came of a famsettlement ia Bavaria. j The Creighton Honor Re •ure of all other and all previous occasion demands. Others In im- burgh, Philadelphia, Pawtucket, ily of Byzantine Jews. wiich includes persons hoiCii assimilatory movements, all other portant Toles are Bess Goldware, Haverhill, Hartford, New York an average cf TO or abcre vr suicidal leaps, hope -and dream Martha Hlmmelsteln, Herbert and Indianapolis. In the course also announced. KE~GS appear!; that here at last i3 a way of get- Kaplan and Rita Mantel. of his trip Bisno visited fifty A. iEfludea Morris Dar.£tr, ^TUHE ting rid of their Jewishnes3 o Chairman of, the ticket com- Z. A. chapters including those in Gray, Daniel • Jliller, Eerni getting rid of themselves, o mittee, Mrs. M< L. Cohn, will make Toronto and Windsor, Canada. Bordr, and G irtnifie O~S., plunging deep and disappearing the award of two tickets to the "While in K^wport, Rhode Isin the vast womb of the Russian next Drama League production, land, Mr. Bisno visited the oldest people. Tf * "First Lady," to the individual Jewish synagogue and Burial Dr. C. W. Poynter and Dr. MorWell, if that's the -way they selling the highest number of Ground in the United States. The '-«. -5-,— c; p. -r ris' Margolin will feel about it, all right. If they Showboat tickets. Jewish Community of Newport ers on the secon don't want to face the iron musl Others of the. committee -who dates from 1658 and has become r? nrc of Jewish fate and tragic glory o are working hard to make this a place of interest to botb Jews ture on vocational guidance spon- j VThUe is co~ mittee •:is Inzer sored by the Hound Table or Jets-- J Jewish functioning in the world the outstanding party of Sister- and non-Jews. to it<! putting the last iah Youti at tbe Jewish Communthey needn't. All that falls off is hood history are: Mesdames Julwork on tbe or Council's anThe Torah of the Synagogue, ity Center, Thursday evening, Deoti'al. ius Newman and Julius Abraham- according to Bisno, is written on cember 17, at S:15. But they might spare us thei son, cards and refreshments; leather rather than sheepskin and lis JJa-crx IS Bre ut ct C i-lis specious and silly rationalizations Jack Cohen, Clarence BeTgrnan was brought from Spain by the This" session ill be' devoted to to Ettesd the tltzir, Saturday ereT ining Dece ber IS, Our young man with, the lace an" and Sam "Wirthheimer, entertain-, early settlers. Bisno was also the analysis and discussion of the P t en j Hotel. expression and attitude of a foot ment; Max Holzman, decorations; shown by the Rabbi the subter- possibilities for young peopl?, j Featuring a cabaret strl?, **?-*' ball hero might have spared' u Ben Silver, arrangements, M.- L. ranean passage Tecently discover- particularly -youn; ; Jews o£ Osiaits allied his spiritually hideous and shame- Cohen, Louis. Kulakofsky, David ed. It is not knoTra whether this ha, in Medicine ^ance Trill be eonSucieS la th" j . ful defamation of our rebirth an" Goldman, program; Ben. Shapiro, passage was constructed because sciences. i bsst cf the currently pop-alcf resettlement in Palestine; hi Joseph Weinbsrg, David Wice, of a lingering fear'', or as "a mem- Dr. Poynter, tlean of ths School j "E^isg" tesipo. ' might have spared us the filth publicity. orial to the time that ..once ths of .Medicine of the University of i ••••..'•• j a a a for ths ca-aee, s,3.£ is beiEsr and the slanders and the lies and Jews-of Newport were-Slarranos. Nebraska -will .'peali: of the general field of medicine -while Dr. j assisted t-y the 1-Iissss Betty Sethe misinterpretations. He might Margolin, prominent Omaha phyhrhave spared us that . . .However, iiOS Steinbers;, sicianr "sriil dTrell en tha partlc- ] we have borne it all before and ularly Je-srish angle. ] we are still here. There is nothTo celebrate its tenth annivering new — nothing. In the days These meetings are open to all I . The Beth El Auxiliary will spon. of the Inquisition-in Spain there sary on the campus of the Univer- sor an Institute of Jewish His- the'young people of Omaha and' • DI •to ^.«3.r.^rf wa3 a gabbi Joshua of Lorea. He sity of Nebraska, alumni and tory, February IS.-20, and 21, to their parents. Through this ccr-ll it the ctser became a Catholic and a priest members of the Sigma Omicron ba conducted by Dr. A . L . Saeaar, isa of lectures ths Roand TsWs i i^° SpcaJi oa Vocatia>nal Gz I He was called Jerome de Santa chapter.of. Sigma Alpha l u fra- head of tha Hill el Foundation at ! to present a. frank diss-^II Fe. He wrote a book to prove to ternity irili liold'a Founder's Day the University of Illinois.. Dr. Saeof ths jsrofessioss and-voca-!(-c *n tils' I?QUI!3 Tslj'i the Jews that they -were "perfi- banquet at tea Blaclistoas Hotel, liar is well-known here and istions open to young Jev»"isli peoCf I idona",. just like our young foot- Sunday, December 13. considered one of the outstanding ple,, conslderius. opjortanities aad j vocational guidance. Sigma Alpha' ilu Has.been one ball hero. Jerome is said to have • • oratora in the country. His books limitations. been responsible for the conver- of tha outstanding fraternities at on Jewish History are widely Ultimately beoansa c-f 'tis is- j comisijttes 112 ciarc-3 ths £sr-1 tsl. Lincoln. Hsay Omaliaas are -aluterest: arottsed thrcrs th .3 -aset-ilss. mni of the fraternity. ' (Continued on page 7)

Education. Uourses





J. J. Friedman Re-elected Head of Hebrew Club


-r 1

Showboat .Sisterhood on

Zion- r lag Day to Be Held on Sunday

Jewisli »


Julius Bisno "After Trip East



Banquet on Sunday Instltute'-of Jewisli'

T rl



Page 2

peasants and Jewish farmers ID time toward bringing about peace ical subjects. ber of members have served cn ! Palestine Concert the remotest parts of the country, and good will. The great achievements of all j the varsity debate team. Negotiations* commenced last Last .month Dr. Otto Loewi, of winners of the Nobel Prizes stand Several of the members of the To Be Broadcast Spring - w h e n Mr. Toscanini, the University of Graz, in Austria In history's hall of fame'for all J past tea years were sufficiently Jerusalem (JTA) — The first Bfor.islaw Huborman, the Ausshared the Nobel Prize in medi- time. But this year we pay par- i capable in athletics to secure the cine with Sir Henr;- Hallet Dale ticular attention to the memories; coveted varsity "N" awards. the Palestine Symph- trian Jewish .jo'inist who foundconcert ed the orchentra, end Stephen of London. • These- doctors have Fry, firopram director of P. B. S . made wonderful studies of nerve were reporter! to have met in Impulses that bring us new truths America. about the human body. They recent | football, and was placed on all of T h e National Broadcasting the Near EastSva'fem br the a $40,000 prize. scientists to be so acclaimed. It j the mythical "All Big Sis" teams !out BroadfiesUnr .Company said to have been < Dr. Loewi was bonTln Frank- is the earnest hope of Mr.'World j and cn several "All American"! t i n e enMV'timi£rrfi'' e(5 Gcv-1 seeking toWEF pick up the program fort-on-the-Main, Germany, 63 that each year as we learn more | teams. Bill Rosenberg lettered i n | T h e reC, ar- for hroadcasiine in the United ern]nm t a t j o n ^comploll^ years ago, and was graduated By Louise Wolk Anfcick and more,, and men and women ; baseball, and Sam Fleishman won ! „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ _,„., ,..; .. Slates, but it wae understood that , n Irangemerts it wss r r v c l from the University of Strasbourg to the J an an "K" as a membe of the var-| b r o a d c ' a E . t l p ' c r t L c < . ?r r „ ^^' in 1896. He studied under many go from strength to strength, the] merits had not been ! these arr cm begun by these three great ji sity rifle team. Year in and year | Decembpr so r )h^ " ' ""since he last chatted with you. 'and it is almost unbelievable that big doctors and at famous schools work (late because of i compietec Jewish pioneers will be continued out Sigma Alpha Mu shas been a continued out Sigma Alpha Mu has been a' tre, carrying the music fo Arp.b ! technicBl MR. WORIJ»'S QUESTIONS What has ha been doing? Thr^e while he made his fortune in Europe and for the last 2S Jewish cullies. and allpioneers mankind will willbesee the re- jj top-hotcher in the handball the manufacture. of dyn- years has been teaching medicine suits in a finer, healthier, more i See bow many, of thcso ques- guesses. No, you didn't quite through sion of the Intramural program, amite he was deeply interested in at the University of Graz. He peaceful and better life. guess it. Mr. World has been adtions you can answer after yon mirlng the Jtars.._;ri!, * and has won trophies and placijues peace, and when he died he left visited the United States in 1933 i constantly. have rend Mr. World's "Ask much of his money to further the to deliver medical lectures, and (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts These' aren't "th'e .stars ,that you Me Another" Chat. \ David Bernstein is head cheer has written many books on medsee in the sky at night and the}? cause of peace.' Feature Syndicate.) leader for ail university athletics 1. Who established the No- aren't the film stars that come to HB died in. 1896. and when his this year and with Morris Lipp bel Prizes? When? ' your moving picture house, but will was opened a new chapter in represents the fraternity as mem2. For what are the Nobel they are stars that-shin© brightly world education was begun. bers of Corn Cobs, men's honorPrizes given?. .- ,-. For Mr. Nobel had left a huge la £ivi:ig thought to a life izsur&nce program in. the history, of men because ary pep organization. 3. In what subject did Dr. their good^deeds help all people amount of money to found the : do you s,dd to yavx life insurance policies Asser become an expert? In advanced R. O. T. C. work | f j | to live better, stronger, finer Nobel Foundation, and under the baphssardly? Leo Hiil and Henry Ro wen have! HH . 4. What are some of the act- lives. direction of this organization an'•-'•• ••"•.•••.' ' ivities that made him famous? nual prizes were to be given to served as captains; Edward . Ro- I EH These stars are the Nobel Prize persons who have, aided mankind Ten years of accomplishment 5. What organization; did Dr. sen and Sam Fleishman, first lieu- i HH Or, &re they taken out for specific purposes, winners —-men-and women who the most in five'fields: physics, will be commemorated Sunday ley Lerner, Jacob Marx, Hyman tenants; and Fried establish? " " David Bernstein, Rosenberg, Leo Rosenberg, Henry evening, December 13, have made important scientific at the each as a ciean-tsp fund, mortgage insurance, chemistry, medicine, literature 0. When was the Nobel prize discoveries, or 'who have helped and the promotion of peace and tenth anniversary Founders' Day Rowen, Carl Sokolof, and David, this year, a second lieutenant. given to these two men? and edncatioaal endowcicsts for the children? to. the world, or whogood will between nations. banquet of Sigma Omicron chap- Zolot. Of this group Cohen and i Bernstein also achieved the honor 7. Why do we note' this gift bring.peace 0 have written wonderful books. ter of Sigma Alpha llu to be held Fellman were members of Phij ^ being the first Jewish man to j H I today particularly? ' Of course, this means that only at the Blackstone Hotel in Oma-Beta Kappa; Joseph Ginsberg be- If aptain. Pershing^Rines.^hocOTaryj ^ SERVICE LIFE . REFEESENTATIVES are December 11th marks the 25 th 8. When did Dr. Otto I*>etvi anniversary a person who has done something longed to the Order of the Coif, basic drill unit. Many other mem-! g of the winning of ha. receive the Nobel prize? trained in planning your life insurance program the Nobel Peace prize by two really important —• so Important Alumni, Fraters and pledges and \V. Zolley Lerner was active bers have served as non-cornmis-1 § | | 0. Why did he receive it? Jews;, last month another Jew that it will live forever In the will assemble at this time to pay in productions- of the University sioned officers and as members of 10. Whet do we hope will was given the high honor for his progress of the world — is given the various honorary drill organPlayers. felepliwe AT-1190 result from the'work of these medical studies. this award. Sometimes two per-tribute to the scholastic, financial, izations. social and political progress that Mr. Cohen has continued with three Jewish men? sons have done such fine things Through the years a splendid} l | | But let's go back and find out in one field that the judges can- has been achieved during the past fraternity work since his graduat.'on. One ot the first priors of' trelationship has eixsted between just what a Nobel Prize Is, whynot tell yhlch is the most worthy. decade. JOHN A. BESEE, General Agent ke and,its alumni. The It was ten years ago that thir- Sigma Omicron, he later became 0 3 a a chapter it is given and who made it pos- In this event both divide the na Good morning, boys and girls. Mr. Alumni Club snd teen young Jewish students at the regional advisor of Sigma Alpha! t i T e prize. sible. ' ' " World hopes bat you are keeping chapter have always This was the case in 1911, University of Nebraska, members Ma and now serves on the Octa-! During the nineteenth century, happy and busy, going to school way before any of you were born, when Alfred Hermann Fried and a local club called Kimmett, gon, national executive council,! hand in hand for the betterment j j j j every day, • playing ' vritn your there lived in Sweden a man byTobias Michael Carel Asser, both were initiated into Sigma Alpha the highest position in fraternity j of the fraternity. The present officers of Sigma j H I friends, helping yom- mothers and the name of Alfred Bernhard No- Jews, were given the peace prize. Alu as members of the newly work. , In scholarship Sigma •Omicron! Omicron of Sigma Alpha Mu are: fathers. Mr. World has . been bel. Mr. Nobel was a scientist — Mr. World is very proud of this, founded Sigma Omicron chapter. OMAKA Since 1926 more and more has always been on of the lead-1 Henry Swartz, prior; Irving Zwebusy too during the two -weeks he was a chemist and an engineer as well as of this year's medical award to Dr. Otto Loewi, another phases of the extra-curricular lng fraternities on the Nebraska \ itel. exchequer; David Bernstein, Jew, so he is going to tell you field have been Invaded by mem- campus. With an average of recorder; Leo Eisenstatt, assistant JOHN A. FAEB1E, President bers of Sigma Alpha Mu until this 3.009, Sigma Alpha Mu set a new exchequer; and Morris Lipp, hissomething about these men. In Our: year finds members in the most all-time scholastic average for torian. Dr. Asser was born almost 10 o years ago *-r- In 1838 — In the important activities of the Uni- any social or professional fraterDOWNTOWN nity at Nebraska. This year ArDutch city of Amsterdam. "When versity. XI LAMBDA nold Levin and Irving Hill, memhe grew up he became very much Charter members of Sigma STORE Interested in international law, Omfcron are Edward Alberts, bers of the fraternity, are candiXi-Lambda fraternity held & which is the law that governs the Harry B. Cohen, David Fellman, dates for Rhodes scholarships special meeting last "Wednesday relations. between countries" dur- Jacob Flnkelstein, Lonls B. Fink- from this district. FAIDLEY BLDG. ing war and peace. In 18G2 heelstein, Joseph. Glnsbarg, "W. Zol- Members of the fraternity who evening, December 9, at toe Paxton Holtel. The chairman of the became professor of law at the are now on the faculty of t h e , , . , . . , ,. ~ 16th & Douglas fifth &T p a r Academy of Amsterdam, and 14 University are David Fellman, n o U B C"e dn "t h aa tl *™'^? ^"" a l 2 p orchestra years later he was made profesassistant professor of Political'will furnish the tausic " s e c e for the afsor at the University there. His We Operate the only Science; Emmanueil Wishnow, In- fair. Each of the young ladies great knowledge of this subject structor of violin; and Morris will be given an attractive favor. was very helpful to the Dutc'.i Gordon, Instructor of fine arts. W. U Katie) government, and BO In 1875 he Zolley Lerner, until his departure became advisor to the Dutch for• • A. Z. A. 100 BY F . E. S . in the Downtown Section to assume directorship of the Liteign office, and In 1893 he served H tle Theater of Kansas City, was A lengthy discussion on E plan as a member : of the Dutch CounOur department i$ equipped with, separate display an Instructor of .Dramatics and proposed by Advisor Bill "Wolf on cil of; State. H t founded'an "or- SR. HADASSAH PBOGBAJI counter, separate slicer,' scales and .knives>used•;.'... •'3SS a* way to save. enough money to Speech. . . ". *$*' ifl<tfK fiV' : : ganization called the Institute of AT SYNAGOGUE WED!!fESDAT only for Kosber smoked meats.- : , • •:•'>- I; send "the entire membership < of j .Arnold Levin Is the present International Law which received The Council Bluffs Senior Hathe Nobel Prize in 1904. Dr. As-dassab will hold its monthly meet- editor-in-chief of the Daily Ne-jthe Century Chapter of A.--JZ.;"A. Featured for tomorrow's selling: ser die.d in 1913, two years after ing next Wednesday afternoon, braskan, official daily student I to the International A. Z. As Feinberg's . • he himself had won the Przie. December 16, at 2:30 o'clock at publlcation. '• David Bernstein Isjvehtion which will be held soon assistant business manager of the j in the East, featured a regular From Our Amazing Strictly Kosher Salami, lb.. . . . . . 2Sc Younger tiian Dr. Assw, but the -Chevra B'nai Yiaroel synago- Cornhusker, student yearly publi- mating held by the chapter" a t ! gue at 618 Mynster Street. Mrs. 1 ]U8t as eager to promote peace the J. C. C. Sunday, December 6. j Fainberg'o ' cation. Morris Lipp holds down Junior . . . Misses and happy relations among all Morris Grossman is chairman in the two responsible positions of Also a report was given by j of this meeting, which will Strictly Kosher Weiners, Ib.. . . . 28c people, was Dr.' Alfred Herman charge Chiarman George Shafer on. the j and Women's Collection sports editor of the Daily Nebrasbe a Chanukah program, and Mrs. Fried, who was bom in Vienna proceedings of the drawing the < Feinberg'o Strictly Kosher (Kosher Bacon) - . kan and sports editor of the Albert Krasne is program chairin 1864 and died in 1921. He chapter is holding December 27. j B r e a k f a s t Beef, % l b . pkg....... 19c moved to 3erlin when he was a man. Mrs. Leo Fitch will give a CoruhusRer. The basketball team has com-j Since the mad whirl young man and went into busi- Chanukah reading of her own or- Leo Hill-and Arnold Levin have pleted its schedule In the pre-seaof the social season iginality. The Hadassah Choir been honored by selection for the FINER FOODS—ECONOMICALLY PRICED ness as a bookseller. Later he is at hand . . . you'll soii league at tlie J. C. C. and the want and need new turned his attention to writing, will present Its first group of Innocents Society, the highest boys are' now practicing every at every HINKY-DINKY Siore! forrnals! Evening and was the author of many songa. Following the program, a Een»or men's honorary society. chance they can obtain to get in fashions Introduce Others social hour will be held and tea Both have served as officers' ofj books on the subject of peace. He new low decolletagre final readiness for the regular to 29.9$ For Delicious Food . . ^Try Oar Grill! and refreshments will be served this exclusive organization. . . . exquisite cluster* founded the German Peace Socieseason playing .in. the league. . of floweis! BeautiSigma Omicron has won the) ty in 1892 and all ot his at the synagogue. All members ! ; ful fitted h!ps that are urged to attend. • Delta Sigma Rho gavel, emblemaboast lovely draped Gives-Arabic Coarses . tic of forensic victory in InteTskirts'. Bedecked with f i n e jeweled Berlin -—The-Jewish Commun- i HARRY KITBBY HEADS AGU- fraternity competition, three years clips and buckles! out of the four the trophy has ity. of Berlin announced introfluc- I DAS'ACHIM The colors are exouisite in b r i g h t Harry Kubby was elected pres- been in existence.' A large i o n - tion.of courses in the Arabic Ian-j Rods, Blues, Greens. ident of the Council Bluffs Agu-|ber of Sigma Omicron members guag-e to Also Black a n d g d A !h While. das Achim Association at a meet- ave been, elected to honorary intending -to - emigrate to Ing held last Thursday evening, scholastlc organizations. Third Floor December 3, at the Eagles Hall. Mr. Kubby succeeds Mr. Sam RosenthaL Other officers chosen for the ensuing term are Sam Meyerson, vice president; O. Hoehman, secretary; Charles Saltzman, financial secretary; Sam Sacks, treasurer; a n d Messrs. I k e Krasne, Sam Rosenthal, Dave Fox and Simon Steinberg, members of the board of directors. Messrs. Herman Meyerson, S. Shyken and Sam Bubb were elected members of the credit committee. The new'officers will be installed on January 7 th. A regular meeting will be held next Thursday evening, December 17, at 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles Hall.

Sigma Alpha Mu Observes A Full Decade of Progress



The Service Life Insurance Company


; Strictly Kosher Delicatessen




Mrs. Nathan Gilfnsky entertained twenty guests at a luncheonbridge at her home at 118 Platner Streets last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Anna Herzoff of Sioux City, mother of Mrs. Gilinsky, was an out-of-town gtfest present at this affair. The Senior Hadassah Cultural Group No. 1 will meet next Monday evening, December 14, at the home of Mrs. Morris Yudelson, 226 Franlc Street. The Cultural Group No. 2 will meet Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Richard Gordon, 604 Roosevelt Ave.

as vthm Safety yaffles ibid

a&H fee

The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of the B'nai Brith will hold a regular meeting next Monday evening, December 14, at 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles Hall. > Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rudner and small daughter, Billle Hermine, of St. Louis, Missouri arrived here Monday for a visit at the home of Mrs., Rudner's mother, Mrs. \V. Solomonow. Mrs. Anna. Herzoff of Sioux City, Iowa returned to-her home Sunday following a week's visit here at the home of her son-inlaw and. daughter,, Mt. and .Mrs. Nathan Gillnsfey.

Many of Omalia's Most Successful Citizens Bank Kere

Mesnl>«r Federal Deposit Insurance- Corporation

Mein Floor


, DECEMBER 11, 1935

Page S

pressive an, account of the last whether Professor Cohen and his;. . . The rabbi oC the Temple if dayssofyPreedpni. In Germany as asociates know thct Dr. Arthur' 01 "- Nathan Wolfe. T!IC maiep the : tie ; ; ;material-\ Justified. Perhaps F'ready corf <r Iaeptaan,:-yrha is. said to have nt ' beehtin a concentration camp for ,til\ * * ~ ? ' a time,.•nras.too'closely enmeshed By Phineas 3. Birou "" . . . V . . . n > E V •with"; the-.people'., and •. events of * .i 1 .,ni 7 •which he. writes. The focus is Add to the growing list of antii c r nirr. <V- f i<. r-a •" blurred; the writing is confused Semitic outfits the Order of the > ; ? v l i i h F ^ - " i ••"• r . >- ' and" fagged. The entire pattern By the Ssrriss Life Is. Hed Hearts . . . It's an affiliate ">d r- - """p c' 7 T ~r f never, emerges above the jumble | Ccspsny, O=s" of the Ka Klux Klan and is orof individual,'pieces. ganizing in New Jersey . . . j After all is said and done, the Jews, seeking escape from an- I logic of life insurance is irresisti- Headquarters are in Union City, ' In testifying before the Royal Commission in Palestine Dr. He is not unmindful of the foi-is cultural pluralism, which ad- ti-Semitism through the building ble. There is no answer to it, noonce the main stamping groanc1 Chalm Weizman gave a vivid des- bles and the faults of the Jews, vocates the development of an in-up of an insulated world are des-argument which can stand tip of the Friends of the Xew GerI, cription of the^ life -of Jewry in but he recognizes how pitiably in- ternal Jewish life in the country cribed ^in . • Revuslry's volume, against it. many „ . . Movie exhibitors are Europe. Six million Jews in Eas- significant they are in the face in which Jews live which will which ;is not. a sentimental conbringing heavy pressure to bear Here is a man who wants to of the Gargantuan monster of completely satisfy their cultural coction but a comprehensive facvr; tern and Central Europe, he de-vice Will Hays, film czar, to get created in the anti-Semitic needs, taking of the outside world tual account of hLiory, present- leave a -decent estate to his fam-on tim to prevail upon Victor Sleclared, are in a position which, is imagination. r -who, having whatever it can r-ithout humil- | day factors and future possibil- ily, who wants to make t:tire that Laglen to liquidate his. Fascist "neither life nor death." The no historical- Jews in his old age he never will be background, feel ::-r?. lead of the Zionist movement is that hatred of them is the inven- iation or hurt. But the major [Hies. "It will be said, of course, forced to eat the bitter bread of military troop in California . . . part of Zionism is the rebuilding j that even in "Palestine Jews have Boycott threats against lUcLagnot given to melodramatic phraof Hitler would do well to of the Jewish National Home in'encountered'the hate from which charity or burden his children len's pictures are being talked of ses, but that phrase is the epi-tion with his care. reorient It will at Palestine. . . . A certain Philip Vogele, a I stliey fled • elswhere. This it is a tome of hundred of books and least offerthemselves. pecific £ i n d o t How is he going to solve these New York Nazi, is acting as the them the solace of For some conception of what ! m a t e r . hate does not thousands of speeches. knowing that they are no worse Zionism has accomplished a n d i ^ - But there' are Jews intwo problems -without using life agent for a lucrative business that Much of Jewish life is dislocat- off than their forefathers. insurance? If he had time guar- the German government has workwhat the future of Palestine may Is Palestine, ••.who visualize Che I>os5 ed by economic and political facibility { anteed hinx, perhaps he could ed up at the expense of tbe Jews Vallentin analyzes all the cli"hold for great numbers of J e w s ! °amity some d a y tors affecting all segments of theches of Jew-baiting, from the : solve the problem of an estate by . . . German Jews ."lio leave the i the adoption of a formupopulation. But there is one bur- charge of Jewish predominance in the best recent volume is Abra-1 through la Reich and want to sell their prop- ' will-satisfy the aspira- j accumulation, providing he was den that rests upon Jews alone: and identification with. Bolshev- ham Revusky's "Jews in Pales-! t i O nwhich of b o t h tine'V (Vanguard Press), which ! . peoples there. Whe- 100 times more lucky than the erty can't do it except at sacri- < and tbat is their Jewishness. ism to the reliarce upon passages was first published last year b u t j t b e r o r apt.that hope is visionary average man. But he hasn't the ficial prices , . Vogele has a list A fff^f ir : 'What anti-Semitism is and -wayof the Talmud to prive Jewish is time, and so ne must use life in- of Germans in this country, who C'rrhe hrnrs. now appears in a revised edition j for the future historian to anit survives have been guessed at malice and greed. taking into account many of the! s v r e r - In" the. meantime Jews have surance to create his estate or want, to sell their property here ' by as many -writers as could find In a rational world D. Vallen- recent events. and go back to Germany . . . With jbeen growing in Palestine who ! else e r r r r v crrftr't c ^c^» publishers. The latest, and prob- tin'e book would be a monument h& e stamina The facts of lif^ are against the help of the German authorities , ci-ori. These p^enrs lir»f The advocatea of the Marxist I Z ''***• - independence ably the beat of these guesses i s of scholarship and sobriety. But in the matter of saving an Vogele works out a trade between , the fine ^BE!s*ies ihtii emc to be found in "Anti-Semitism: since the world prefers to be oth-solution of all economic and p o l . f^d self-reliance missing in JewsJjhim only ir; instruments old-age fund. The facts of life the Jews and the Germans . . . j ^ t th t f th ld most other parts of the world. Historically and Critically Exam- erwise, his charmingly written as iticar problems will read iuc for for, for mere | testify that very, very few men Half the profits of these deals go ] * * « ' more ined," by Hugo Vallentin, Lectur- well as ably presented historical sympathy Heinz I.iepmann's 'Fir-J^X^ R iiias. We eiv'nK visa. I are able to save an old-age fund. to the Nazis. for th er in History in the University of analysis will gather • dust on the es Underground' (J. B. Lippincott j " ie ACT ^UICiaY. COSvTE ! The thousands of old men who tojtbe Jews, for reasons which do E&KLT ev€\ is* cs SHOW Upsala. (Viking Press). ^ shelves of those enterprising pub- Co.). Characterized as the story not have their basis in reason, iday are facing the prospect of a Jewish News Inspired by an. obvious sympa- lishers, the Viking Press. Or else of "the secret struggle carried on might get a new conception of the'penniless stretch of sunset days A former publicity man for one i i TO3* iitesc beectifnl pscnos. they for • the - people whose woes some missionary-minded Jewish by the illegal organizations in pioneer Jew in I*alestine through • are eloquent witnesses to the of the biggest national Jewish or- ! Ijj Visit Our Tfcirs! FSesf em£ Sec 5 rfTS'rsc ! i.e dissects, Dr. Vallentin writes committee will purchase a large Germany under the penalty of reading of his worts and ambi- practical impossibility of saving ganizations is now press-agenting 1 E ! S|50 Kigfc ©roclp Used Pis nevertheless wtih unimpassioned number of copies and address death," this book is, rather a des-tions. 5 for the Arab political committee • g; an old-age fund. How is he go;g I PU it: Wci5der, iil Esrcclns Offered cription of how Hitlerism swept clarity and reasoning that carries them to Christians who are not ing to solve this problem without in this country . . . Dr. Chairo Iv; 6 I.!pri£;l32 Psknos. your choice Comunism exists. Zionism exinto Germany, carrying away conviction. Welzmann is due in America iv, ?i;• CeEuIifuI Colonial Designed Kahoga?.. Granc! in need of such stimulation of j the use of life insurance? _ . . |I ^ SIS'T !fV ti The history which the author sympathy toward the Jews. The with its tide every vestige of lib-ists. And so. does anti-Semitism. j If there were some other ways January . . . He'll be the big gunp! Very Fine Qiifkerinc Gram' ESSOo !?**««• Smuli ] cj Perhaps some day only one of : Illumines and the anti-Semitic pi- Hitlers and the Mosleys and theeral expression. There is nothing of the new United Palestine Ap(-•: Deaui:fn3 E m e r s o n (Jrand Piiino, ji>?? !??r inRl^iimC)':. Cwrvjnp j fk than life insurance, there might rrT oneera whom he resurrects are Pelleys will continue to read their Jewish a b o u t "Fires Under- them will prevail. be a logical argument against it. peal campaign . . . The IF test or- j^ £or ieacliers a n d ?f««ents. perfect cop^rlitior'. . f"£r>r^ ; f iH;.--^ I fground." But it does describe how notorious. - But after ; it is all own brand of literature. ganization seeking funds to corn-1 But there is no other way. (Copyright' 1936 by Seven Arts written what is thy re to be. done? bat anti-Semitism is Prof. T.Ior-: What, then, is the answer to men and women, unm.indf.ul of Feature Syndicate.) I ' . H r v i ir—-— > ,-- • ; ( -•": . " , • : . rI Dr. Vallentin seems to be as pes-this problem of anti-Semitism their differences of origin, atrts Raphael Cohen'E Conference: Bans Ajits-flasi Filra on Jewish Relations . . . A group ' simistic, aa the Jews themselves. •which so many •writers can des-tempted to form a bulwark againHe says: . of prominent Jews are being ap- ! cribe so brilliantly? Many Jews st the onrushing forces of hate I London (JTA)- — Sir Ronald various times -governor proached to con tribute $15C.PP0 j "Nor does it seem possible to have begun to feel tbat the solu- and oppression. The bulwark jstorrs,, at — __ „_ . .Chicago — "I was a Capti-re in a •,M 1 olld d ith it h h j for a three-year program of factget rid of anti-Semitism- by thetion is- beyond their contrivance ccollapsed and with it as the Bnoflesia', Cyprus and J Nazi Prison," the Isobel Steelefinding to dig lip material on the ; non-Jews wellhopes as i jjoe rn lNorthern a 'conservative! spread of: enlightening literature. and is merely part of the insolu- Of millions, s a ] e m ( told based on her experiences position of the .Tews in the modern | Passions are not to be_ stilled by ble riddle of existence. Others try Jews. Communism says that ip a rty meeting;-that foreign gov- 'picture in a German prison, has been bar- world . . . The material is to be : statistical figures. /With facts and to "Bolve it directly for themselves when a better world is created ernments 'financed' the recent six-; jred in Chicago on the ground that Ir.-'i Cl!t, [iTI't^'f reasoning it"is .possible no doubt '—not through preaching "good the Jew will no longer -suffer. month Arab'.strike in Palestine, j "it would excite ill-feeling in theused as ammunition against acti- , r ^r"f-jr rr_rrr r". Semitic charges . . W.onder to confine anti-Semitic assertions will" to non-Jews who are very But it seems to forget that in the Describing -"-tne"-; Holy I^and as German colony." —this,has been widely done by kindly in spirit, but through the meantime we live in a worse a permaneBt-.pb-wHier. magazine," world and the load up on the Jew Sh demanded "that the the German Jews — but not to adoption of a way of life which e Governreaciithe bed-rock .-of the subcon- insulates -them from a^ hostile is twice as heavy as that Testing jment act on the findings of the r scious, where hatred has its world. on his neighbor. j Royal Commission-now in Palesgerms. The terrible thins about . The solution offered by Marx- l<iepmann's boo'i, either because tine investigation the disorders. hatred is that he who is seized ism is described by Vallentin, not of poor translation or insistence with it as a rule does.not wish to as his own remedy but merely as on irrelevant detail, is not as im- Patroriize Our Advertisers be rid of at. He continues to hate past of his listings at varions in-—.:;". \\ fT without regard to facts or argu- terpretations of anti-Semitism. In ments. the Marxist view "anti-Semitism "So as far as we can Bee, thiaarises as a product of competitive hatred: will flourish tor genera- jealousy and as a means adopted tions-and the-struggle will surge by those in. power to exploit anna backwards "and forwards. In this cient prejudices arid popular igconflict the Western, democracies norance, diverting the fury of the have, their place assigned, unless impoverished classes from their they' shut their eyes to the fact real enemies. It. is sought to enthat anti-Semitism i9 a means or tice the workers away from the It L *• producing .a:xeactionary national class war by giving them the ilpsychosis; the Christian churches lusion of a real national solidartoo, unless they will deny their ity and at the same time stamp- j Master; all in act who still re- ing oppressive capitalism as 'Jewgard humanity and justice as theish1." j guiding stars of mankind." Whatever m a y b e the validity, The author of "Anti-Semitism" of Marxism in other directions, its has explored every facet of this explanation of anti-Semitism is unreasoning hatred that always !just a little too pat. , 1 finds a pretext. From ancient j Then there is the Zionist .Bolu-i times to Hitler's Germany he ran-j tion, which is acutally composed ) sacks the records and the facts. iof two parts. The lesser of these


By Henry Montor



t I t




j .



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Valuable Door Prizes



Page 4

find any satisfaction until I had Strictly said: 'May njy whole body become covered with sores'." Said Confidential his disciples: "Woe is unto us (Continued from page 8.) that we must see thec in such a every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by condition." And he replied: "WOP I Bartholdy and Keep it here until By DE. THEODORE N. LEWIS would it have bjen unto me had THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY I Germany ha* been cured of th* EabW, Mount Slnsi* Temple, Slomx Csiy ye not Been me in such a condi- | Aryan jitters has brought him a tion." Subscription Price, one year • • • • .; • 13.00 flood of checKs frora interested Advertising rates furnished on application. peopie . . . But van Loon has re"ANTI-SEMITISM" its head transfer their own sins turned si] the money pending the By HUGO VALENTIN and transgressions. In this 'transEditorial Office: 500 Krnndels Theater Building. organization of a committee to THE VIKIXG* PRESS. ference' the victims achieve healcarry out his idpa . . . If you were Sioua City Office „ , , . . < u.i.i.unltjr Center 1936 ?3.00 ing and compensation —though excited over that operation which "Anti-Semitism" by the Jewish of course of an illusory nature. DAVID BLACKER - • Business and Managing ISdttor severed Simpiiclo Gortino from hla ; Jewish interest is manifest in the law introduced in thelecturer in History in the Univer- The tragedy for the .Tew is that FBAWK R. ACKBRMAW • • • - • • • • Editor .Siamese twin, Lucio, who died of Chamber of Deputies in France to curb newspaper libel. Pre- sity of Upsala and translated he becomes the object of transFANNIE KATELMAN Council Blutts, I<ma. Correspondent penumonia, let us remind you that the Swedish by E. J. Chater, ference, that he is made to bear ANN PILL • • • - Slonx City, Iowa. Correapondent mier Blum is sponsor of the bill, following the press campaign from the doctor who Terfcrmed it wag is a concise, scientific and scho- responsibility for the humiliation Print Shop Address: <S04 So. 24th Street j H. M. Wertheim, one of trnsere which drove a cabinet member, Roger Salengro, to suicide. The larly examination of the techni- of the group. In his suffering do j leite , . . Incidentally, Wertheim By ROBERT STONE of anti-Semitism, its litera- the people obtain release from clause ive are particularly watching enables an individual mem- que refused big money to be a guest ture, its propaganda and pro- spiritual tension and rich satis- NORTH AMERICA ber of a race, creed or political group to sue for libel when gram. Despite minor, variations, faction. No one has employed this AUSTRIAN CATHOLIC WO- star on a. number of important EDUCATIONAL RICHNESS the forces that create anti-Semit- ancient yet ever human rite with MAN ANNOUNCES PLAN FOR radio programs . . . A friend ol the entire race, creed or group is libeled. Adult Jewish education has for a number of years been ; In anti-Jewish propaganda which is malevolently vicious ism, that render it necessary and better effect than the Nazis, who WORLD COXGRESS AGAINST o u r s who is a H e br e w profitable to groups and indivi- by shrewd and mendacious and ANTI-SEMITISM . . . Une list of scholar has shown us a book -recognized as a golden hinge opening the door to a deeper con- and libelous in nature, the biggest obstacle usually faced is duals are always and everywhere constant propoganda have made groups sending delegates should printed in Venice in IB47 which sciousness among American Jewry and a wider vista for Ju- the legal difficulty in defining anti-Jewish libel. But nt.ier a appallingly identical. Particular synonomous the words "Jew" and be tells about E pair of Jewish Siaan interesting document. mese twins who were born In daism. Accordingly, Jewish educators have stressed the neces- law such as that proposed in France, any individual Jew would attention and much space is given "evil." ANTI-SEMITIC CANDIDATE to the Nazi madness. The ob- Whose problem is anti-Semitism FOR MAYOR OF MONTREAL Turkey . . . According Jo this sity of a full program for the Jewish people after they have be allowed to prosecute professional anti-Semitic agitators who scure workings of the Nazi men- and with whom does the solution JAILED AS SWINDLER . . . Kc story one of the twins wanted to left their.elementary schooling such as given in the Talmud malign all Jewry. tality offer a clue to the entire rest? Since the Jew is impotent ws.s merely u=ing the anti-Semitic get married, but the other obphenomena of race persecution it remains principally with the brand of boneetv in his persons.! jected . . . And the first <iied of Torahs, or an educational background for those who were unanguish . . A few days later the This is similar to a law in Manitoba Province, Canada, apd especially of Jewish persecu- Gentile. The Jew can give only affairs. fortunate enough to have finished their adolescents without other one, also died . . . If you tion. Considering that the auone answer, Zionism, the essence EUROPE which has been proven effective. If the French law works out thor is a Jew and naturally an. intimate contact with Jewish education. here any tattoo marks on your which was prophetically graspNAZIS SAY COLUMBUS' DISas expected, the way will be cleared to use a potent weapon strong conditioned, he , achieves of you can't ue buried in an ed decade3 ago by Its founder. COVERY OF AMERICA WAS body In 1934" Dr. Philip Sher was responsible for the founding to smash the libels of anti-Jewish propaganda. an amazing objectivity. Emotions The Gentile alone can make it CATHOLIC-JEWISH PLOT . . . Orthodox Jewish cemetery . . . of the local College of Jewish Studies, offering a curriculum and prejudices are kept in vigor- possible for the emancipated Jew To make the world too big forThe Bible expressly forbids tattooing . . . Josef Berk, the Polish forous check; only facts are dealt to live honarably and securely — of Jewish education for Omaha Jewry. While the College has eign minister who is urging mass with and with admirable detach- can alone free him from the phy- Hitler to conqmr? not "set the educational world oh fire" since its inception, it NEW SOVIET CONSTITUTION of the Jews, is of ment. sical and spiritual ravages of per- ENDS LAST CURBS ON JEWISH emigration has nevertheless put down the cornerstone for what we hope partly Jewish origin, we are told The main analysis is preceded secution. And for a realistic DECLASSES . . . The Communists by Robert Gessner in "Some of will grow and flourish into an ever-expanding school for adult Any news from Europe which goes against the tide of by a valuable historical survey grappling with this eternal prob- have learned that oppression does My Best Frienus are Jews." Jewish education. Primarily through the efforts of Dr. Sher, anti-Semitic agitation is so welcome in these days of duress covering manifestation of Jewish lem the volume under review is not .pay. recommended. It is a verNEW FRENCH LAW TO EXwho served as president during the first two years of the col- as to deserve eomment. Hence we are glad to read that the hatred in the Middle Ages; in highly more Recent Times; in Germany itable arsenal of facts about the ABLE JEWS TO CURB ANTIPatronize Our Advertisers lege's existence and who. now is continuing to«play a major Dutch minister of justice this past week informed the Dutch during and after the World War. Jew, his religion, his literature, j SEMITIC LIBEL . . We're afraid role in the direction of the college activities, and through .the parliament that a "more systematic prosecution of offenders" Several effective chapters deal in J his habits, his commerce, and his;it'll take more than a law to achand ideals. It is a jieve this end. efforts of several young folks who have devoted much time would be started to curb the increasing violence of the anti- scientific fashion with the more Iachievements • -Cheerful Room for Rent'—* base and popular of Nazi attacks significant addition to the enorJEWISH NEWSPAFEKS OF Reefton*iMe rent. Also board and energy to the work without recompense, the College of Jewish campaign. He further indicated that the government on the Jew, as enunciated, in the| raous literature on the subject GREECE GAIN CIRCULATION if desired. Call WE-0I61 af. Jewish Studies has weathered the many difficulties which al- is preparing legislation to curb the growing menace of Nazi theories of racial anti-Semitism; and a most welcome one. BY P R I N T I N G RELIGIOUS tpr 3 : 3 0 p. m. and ask for in "The Protocols of the Elders TRACTS . . . Thus proving that ways beset an institution in its infancy. This year the College disorders. © of Zion," rightly branded as the religion may pay even in the ma- Krr,. Gerehater. looks forward to its most successful season, with classes offered greatest forgery of the century; terial sense. The anti-Semites,'under the leadership of the Hitlerites, in Hebrew, elementary and advanced; Yiddish, elementary and are the most vociferous, but the constant manifestations of sym and in Hitler's "Mein Kampf", Gems of the Bible PALESTINE the bible of contemporary Geradvanced; Jewish history; Great Jewish Personalities; Jewish pathy for the persecuted minorities in various parts of Europe many. The libels and villiflcations CHIEF RABBI OF IRELAND and Talmud NAMED CHIEF RABBI OF PALInvest Safely, Wisely In Customs and Ceremonials; and Jewish Literature. The College keep the flame of hope kindled. contained in these treasies which By Dr. Phils? Sher ESTINE . . . From Erin to Eretz constitute a very Talmud for anwill be divided into two ten-week semesters, with a diploma Israel. ti-Semitism are examined thorAnnuity. Endowment, Cif« given for the completion of the various courses. ROYAL COMMISSION HEARS He who tilleth his ground snail oughly. Their effrontery, dishonThe Message of the Chanukah Lights OFFICIAL ADMIT GOVERNbe saved, but he who is perverse M£®f& LEON Registration for the various classes are now being taken esty and TiciQUsness are exposed MENT DID NOTHING To CE- Represents S1 Strong Com panin his ways shall fall at once. in a manner to satisfy every earnat the Jewish Community Center. The College opens Tuesday, leg—Every Type of Inturane* Rabbi Frederick Oohn A man who is laden with the MENT ARAB-JEWISH TIES . . . an<j Bonde written, Call ATest seeker after truth. Nor, for^that matter, have cither January 5, and all who can take advantage; of the teaching /66? or WA-B150. blood of any person shall hasten "We are in the midst of our Festival of Lights. Of tremendous value, -veritable Arabs or Jews dene enough in his steps unto the pit— none will by the excellent staff of instructors will find their Jewishness mine of Information and filled [support him. tcis regard, Soon 'an eight-fold splendor' will 'shine above our with-a and their Judaism richer. ••••;• — wealth of vital statistical JEWS DEMAND PROTECTION hearth." data are the &--veral chapters that He wtio walketh uprightly sh FOLLOWING NEW ARAB AT, Jewish Muslo. HMH have plenty of bread, but he who What is the message of the Chanukah candles as they deal wita "Jewish Influence in the followeth after vain things stall TACKS . . . . Palestine peace apGermany of the Weimar Constiparently is built on the European gleam so brightly in pur homes, as they shed their radiance in tution," "The Jewish Internation- have poverty enough. model. the twilight over the winter snows, and warm and illumine He who hath an evil eye hasal,,' The Jewish Financial Power" It is still too early to foretell the ultimate _ results, but a 'The Jew in Radicalism," "The eneth after riches, and knoweth (Copyright 1SS6 by Seven Arts JOHN FELDMAN movement has been started in Great Britain which may grow our hearts and our lives Jews in Bolshevism", "The Tal- not that -want shall come upon Chanukah Candlee and Feature Syndicate.) It is the message of Judaism that brings to us^ the bright, mud as an anti-Semitic Argu- him. to important proportions. "W"e refer to the new antifascist, Chanukah Menorahi TAt-EISiM . PRAYER eOOKf ment," "The Jew and the ProducTALMUD anti- communist, anti-persecution party which is being planned inspiring message of the Religion of Light. Tfee first Jew to settle In Port-j Gifts for Bar Wltzvah* tive Industry.'" All the base and It was said of Nochum Gaia-zu Judaism is the religion of light, and of enlightenment'. That -ugly Efter the expulsion of 14 87 following a mass meeting of eight thousand in Albert Hall, ' Res. 60S No. ECth Bt. GL-2975 accusations that have arisen Le-Tovah (this is also for thewas Moses Levy, an English Jew P. 0 . Cox 71C Omaha. N«br London, this past week. is why light plays such a part in our ritual and in our cere- to plague Israel in modern times best) who was blind in both eyes of Gibraltar. According to announcement, this all-party movement is monial. The 'Ner Tomid', our 'Perpetual Light', burns con- are refuted In a convincing and crippled in both hands, with boU authoritative manner. of his legs crushed and his whole being formulated for the defense of "freedom and peace" in tinually in our Temples and Synagogues before the Ark of body covered with sores, who was One can not help but be infurGreat Britain, and rumors have it that this is the first public the Lord, symbol.of the unity of the Eternal God. In the an- iated at the brazen Impudence lying in a tottering house: When step in the creation of a new political party which may ulti- cient Temple a fire burned continually on the altar, that was and unmitigated rascality of thehis disciples wanted to remove mately become a popular front regime. Sharing platform hon- 'never to be quenched'; symbol of religion's 'undying fire' that promoters of anti-Semitism. No his bed first and then his furniof men has ever retorted to ture, he said; "My children, first ors at the initial meeting were "Winston Churchill, militant lib- was to warm, comfort, illumine, guide and inspire. As the poet group such unprincipled falsehoods, to take out everything contained in eral leader, and Sir "Walter Citrine, secretary of the British said of that supreme expression of religion, prayer: such colossal abuse; and, effron- this house, and then remove my tery. Truth, honor, honesty, de- bed; for ye can rest assured that Trades Union Cbngress. . cency, these and all the other ele- as long as I sin in this house it "We are watching the fate of this movement closely be- " P r a y e r is the sours sincere desire mentary and permanent human will not fall." They did so, and V Uttered or unexpressed cause any change in the political status of Great Britain will virtues have been trampled under after his bed had been removed, foot in the Fhameful and brutal the house caved in. His disciples The motion of a hidden fire affect the Jewish people . . . partly because English Jewry business of arousing mass hatred then said: "Rabbi, since thou art That trembles in the breast." „ form an important and influential part of world Jewry, but against the J e * . ol making life such a perfectly righteous man, why art thou so terribly afflictprimarily because the future fate of Palestine, where the Jewfor the Jew intolerable. The candles are lit by the pious house-mother on Sabbath ed?" "My children," he replied. The chief and universal charish people are rebuilding a homeland, is dependent upon the "I myself am the cause of it. eve, proclaiming the sanctity of the home, and the sacredness acteristic of all anti-Semitism but political flurries around Downing<street. was one-time on my way to the of life and the beauty of religion. By a beautiful poetical gesr most specifically of the Nazi house of my father-in-law, and brand Is utter contempt for truth. ture the Torah, or Pentateuch, upon which the whole Judaism The more brazen and heinous the had -with me three asses, one ladfor Rick, Ceromy Waffles rests, was called "Oraitha," the Aramaic word for 'light* (He- falsehood, the more vociferously en with food, another with drink? A tMwfaL csceptoble gift-— a defiantly is it proclaimed, and the third with delicacies. In The Jewish attitude toward Russia and the Soviets has brew, "Ohr"), as if Judaism were all light, as indeed it is,and new Eectefs WaSle boa. A with fervor, wild -.nd passionate the course of my journey a poor been, naturally, mixed and uncertain. On the one hand, most shedding its rays to the four corners of the universe, a stream- that wins the assent of the simple man approached me and said: present like this xnalras anj give me some food. I am of the Jewish people are strongly opposed to communism and line, of moral and of spiritual brilliance. The light of Judaism and the uncritical. When the few 'Rabbi, ' fcesst beat a lltfli hungry. And I answered: 'Wait and honest souls what it stands for; on the other hand, the Jewish people in shines in the Christmas candles and in the lamps of the Mo-discriminating are outraged at foul slanders until I unload my donkeys.' But Russia- were treated with political and social. equality at a hammedan mosques. It streams throughout creation. Like the who dare question the distortion and before I had done so the man cspired; so I fell on his face and time when rank anti-Semitism was sweeping like a conflagra- Statue of^ Liberty, the statutes of Judaism 'enlighten the world.' especially when they dare expose said: up 'My eyes, which had no it they are vehemently denounced tion over the European scene. Anti-Semitism had been made They are the basis of all moral life, the foundation of society mercy for thy eyes, may become having sold out to the Jews. a crime against the soviet state, and every measure was taken and clviliation. They connect man with God. They bring the as Since blind. My hands, which had no the ultimate sources of to stomp out the last vestiges of ignorant anti-Semitism. To divine into his life and give him a conception of the holy.anti-Semitism are in the deeply consideration for thy hands, may become crippled. My feet waich temper this, however, -was the constant reminder that religion They are akin to light in that they are in consonance with rea- hidden and primitive recesses of had no pity upon thy feet, may the human heart, the author is was being crushed in the Soviet and such movements as Zion- son, absolutely in harmony with the laws of the intellect, and correct when he writes that anti- they be crushed.' And I could not for Lovers of Good Coffee ism bitterly opposed officially. Between these conflicting forces, sublimely expressive of man's highest understanding. Well Semitism will be with us as long the Jewish, people were despairing and thankful at the same does the .Bible say, "O Souse of Jacob, come ye and let USas Jews will remain in ttie DiasNo cjaesssng cbo«S good CoS»« pora. Reduced to simple psychotime. . ; with c a Electric Coffe© Make?. walk in the light of the Lord!" We extend this invitation to analytical terms, anti-Semitism is K© guessing about Has 3b>eS»g a the world, "Come ye, and walk in the light of Judaism," which Now, to add to the confusion of our thoughts, Russia haa method of rationalization. HavWhen You Thstssk ef Mats b e a u t i f u l Christmas present come forth with a new constitution which is announced as is the light of reason, of reverence, and of righteousness; the ing met disaster and confronted of Herman eliher. Intense suffering and frusdemocratic. Despite the barrage of criticism against the con- light not Only of 'Asia', but of the five continents; the light with We Carry a. Complete tration, a people to save its soul Line of Fresh Salted Nttts stitution and the skepticism of it being carried out according that shall ultimately envelop the .world, and be a lamp to man's must obtain some adequate and sad Nutneitt for Parties to the letter, it is nevertheless significant that the Soviet at feet, a light upon all their paths", guiding, guarding, inspiring soothing explanation of Its hurts Entertainmentx. Ills. The truth, it dare not least on^papernaa come to recognize the major principles of a them, until they realize that the Torah is, indeed, 'a tree of and face. The leaders shrewdly and Call democracy. This leads us to interpretations of vital interest life to all who lay hold of it; its ways, ways of pleasantness, carefully conspire In this task. In place of grankly meeting the situin, world-affairs. First, Russia has been swinging away from and all its paths, peace.' For STervfes—r.T-5C*>3 ation, the aroused and oppressed the original tenets of its communistic government. Illustrative for Faster Ironing So as we look lovingly upon the Chanukah lights, as they people find a scape goat and upon

social restrictions. These curbs have been swept away, and though the Soviet Union is still a dictatorship, the constitution explicitly guarantees equality of racea and religious liberty.. Another straw in the wind is that the Commissar of Education decided to sponsor a series of lectures on Hebrew literature, including.Bialak . . . and previously, Hebrew and Zionism had been anathema in the soviet.






to the





of this are such considerations as the allowing of personal prop- gleam arid twinkle like the stars in heaven, our souls repeat erty and the shiftlfrom radical "love and marriage" ideas. Sec- the simple lines: ondly, the democratic constitution of Russia places the soviet closer to'the democratic side of the ledger in the European "Shine on, 0 Lights, in glittering beauty! line-up. For many weeks political writers have been prophesySpeak to our hearts of faith and dutyl ing that Europe is squaring off for a terrifiic conflict between Recall the heroic days of old, the forces of democracy and the forces of extreme rightism as When brave Mattathias, and all the bold, expressed by fascism. Foremost among the democratic counFaithful sons of a faithful sire— tries left in Europe are England and France; foremost on the Their hearts aflame with holy fire— opposite side are Germany and Italy. Unless we are mistaken Gave their lives for Thee and Thine, the Soviets were making a bid for closer co-operation with V And shed their precious blood like wine the democratic countries by drawing up its new liberal conThat priests do pour upon Thine altar; stitution. ' .'• .':•_;: :,-' Not one brave heart or hand did falter; Israel was saved, and Israel's way These latest moves in Russia have.been directly beneficial . Of worshipping Thee and praising Thy glory to the Jewish people in Russia. The new charter wipes out Shall live for aye, in spng'and in story." forever the "declasses." A large number of the middle class A bright, merry Chanukait for one and all i and their children - - the bulk of the Jews in Czarist Russia belonged to this class - - had suffered from civic, economic and • • Frederick Cohn. '



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ner Bros. Studios in regsrd to 'chest" in Culver City, aidmg bufi- 'ryniore and Elaine Barrie (nee '•Jacobs) vevp mofobec hy PRCP" Mervyn LeRoy's picture "Three jfireds of poor families, and hoe p.t!d Jir.mer? s? t. Men on a Horse." She claimed it i built up the rarish from e, tiny 'fans ACTIVITIES A regular meeting of the Bikur iwas inhumane tc put such a load | wooden church, tc a FC'IOO! end : Hollywood pro)i!i'?r-. • . . Mn^pc iV."el£are bureau and new is erect- Marx and 1I;F bride, SnsRf. FiersvCholim Society will be held Mon- | on one animal . . . LeUcy, by the The Pioneer Women's OrganDecember 12 — Pioneer ing:, expecL to fiari. Iioii?ekeepi«f Women Oneg ohabbas. ization will present a Clianukah day, December 14, at the Jewish j way, has just purchased a recent ling E modern concrete e.nd steel •poon in rhn'r n r v l y i-iiiU borne , . i church fcuiiding. The ctmn-Jttee Community Center at 2 p. a . A [novel, 'DeatB In the Deep South.' December 13 — Cabaret celebration at the Jewish ComSwing Style Dance Junior munity* Center Tuesday, Decem- 15-cent dessert luncheon will : He is beginning his career es an; conducting the campaign consists Sophie KoFenp'.ein, d ' a m s t ' c p n v j precede the meeting. I independent producer . . . Myrl j of Harrr Repf, chairmen:, J. J. fespor fit t?)? t.'n.;'.T-T.\s5ty oC TVf;M!Council of Jewish Women. r Mrs. Harry Cooper will sing a Alderman who arranges the mu-Cohu, Jack Chertok Jack Conwp.j- jirifrtoi", r.ii.d P ie~iif oC iht lAiilc TO BE HOSTESS AT WEDDING ANNIVERSARY December IP — Bikur Cho- ber 15. Mr. Herman Boadarin Theatre jrrpur of Sestilf-. if, prnvc' William i KcGuire, Ben Than, sical numbers of Irrin Cobbs Pagroup of Russiar and Jewish folk HOUSEWARMEfG • " will speak on "The Significance lim—1:30. .At a very lovely family dinner, ; songs. Members and their friends ducah Plantation on NBC, is a jjames K. SIcGuiness EDII Hilly of t h e cinema aURinrr.rnis c~ pnf Members of the Beth El auxMr. and Mrs. John'FreJden celeDecember 14 — Clianukah of Channkah." of h e r pupils. Frances F a r m er . , • Grafiy. new musical genics catcfcing tbe are invited. Torah—8 brated their twenty-fifth -wedding iliary will be hostesses Sunday, Program—Talmud Mr. Lawrence Finkel will sing i A mo rip vl;e moF-t hpnv'Mnl T I W I S S fancy of Hollywood. His spectaDecember 20, at a house-warming p. m. anniversary, Sunday, December several appropriate selections. J ^ ''in KoHywood Hiici il't-lr mo^i tir.cular work on Cofeb's show bids at the new home of Rabbi and December 15 — Pioneer will be accompanied by Mrs. AlNEW YEAR EVE PARTY 6, at the Stein Cafe. JACKIE EELLEI1 OFF TO p--pf:p,:v^ chrLra^'U'-ri^t icf /^r<iH~!>*k fair to make him one c£ AmerMrs. David AGoldstein, 325 So. Women—Chanukah ProgramA large wedding cake Tvlth ailFinkel. Chanukah eongs will be •Col'a. minifltt-ri*;; tc f)>p most sought-after musical ' IS PLANNED BY PSI MU ica's December 15 — Conncil of sung by Mrs. J. Resnick, accomver horse shoes and vases of pon 37th. The NEC tenor Little ,";ie Royal Court oj Bpipjum, lirti" arrangers . . . Harry Cohs with Heller has SEiSed 'or Lor; Son to pons and silver tapers formed the Guests will be received between Jewish Women—1 p. m. panied by Mrs. Herman Cohen. his Jobella stable has focr horses iXornia Slsc-arei «u>« her sincerity; 2 and 5 and 7 and 10. December 10 — Mizrachi table decorations. Plans are progressing for thefrom which he hopes to develop 'fill an indefinte engeg^RiCtiL r.t and Lv.isc Kniner and he- mmOn this occasion the drawing Women—2 p . m. . Their son, William, of Milwaur for the Electric washing mach- "most glamorous" Jsew Year eve a candidate for the ?1C'O,COO San-JGrosveEOr Bouse. Keller is UB-rl'iciiy . . . [•.tp-rmonios t?i7.&r<5 December 16 — Women's ine will take place. Persons bold- party in Psi Mu history. kee, Wla., arrived here for theTO VISIT IN CHICAGO ta Anita Handicap race this win- | ually heard on the radio from Larri- Adici of EaJiimore v,ili r»Division Clashes—1 p. m. j Cticago. Eifi family lives in Mrs. Philip Turek and son, Noroccasion. Mr. and Mrs. Freiden ing stubs are asked to bring The annual affair will be held ter. This will be the tirst time ; u r n !<>(.(! iij ijeooivibe-v i ' r o m I-iJigrDecember 1 0 — Temple Is- them. The program -will begin in the main ballroom of the Elis that t.n active representative of Pittsburgh. At Grosvenor KOUEF ii lard were presented with a beautiful man, leave December 15 for Chiin tr.Ve rsri; in pnofher J'iccago, where they will stay about rael show Boat. set of silverware. promptly at 8 o'clock. A nominal club, isth and Dodge, on the sev- motion pictures will have a start- be vill s-ceed Sophie Tucker as ' ;.nre . . . featured tertciner. Jackie is a month visiting with Mrs. TuDecember I S — Temple IsSixty-six guests were present at admission fee of fifteen cpnts will enth floor. The cbarge will be er in tbe world'B richest torse rek's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe rael Sisterhood Craft Class — be charged. Refreshments are tosix dollars per couple and will race stake of the Los Angeles ciimbins rapidly in hie r^est ' ^ ' the dinner. ,f bl ' i' «•>' r lie, > fame. He is a former choir boProsk, and her brother-in-law, 1 p. m. be served. include dinner, drinks, music and Turf Club . . . ' \ ! ' ' i>i i i i '' n prizefigtter, jockey a n d > " • Dr. L. H. Turek. December 18 — Temple Isentertainment. Austin Bevans and JiNTliBTAJNS AT Dr. Hugo Reisenfeld is the rcu-gUErd. In 1ES2 he TTSIB with I - i, ' r . : ; i rael Sisterhood Puppet Class— his orchestra will play. ReservaliUACHEOX AND BRIDGE 1 p . m. tions will be limited to a hundred sical director of Bobfcv Ereec's Bernie'B bsnfi EB soloist and -r-! i ; . - - r i '•* VISITORS FROM CHICAGO Mrs. Philip Zollotuchen enterDecember 13 — Temple Isfor two years. couples, and may be made witn "Rainbow on the River." Dr. KeiMr. and Mra^ Al G. Sebring of tained at a noonday luncheon and Chicago and two children, Gene rael Sewing Oroup—1 p. B?. The Pioneer Women will hold any member of the organization. senfeld', yoa remember, conducted nations prominence. the first motion picture symphbridge IBBC Monday in honor of and Nancy, arrived in Omaha "December 21 — • — Executive an Oneg Shabbos this coming ony orchestra at New York's Ri- iMOSE KE1TS AM> her daucnter-in-law, Mrs. Ben Saturday at the home of Mrs. J. Committee of J . C. C. December 4 to visit Mr, Sebring's alto Theatre . . . Mischa Cefkin, I We hear thnt Kary Livir.^stiTif Zolotuehen, the forme." Eva Ive-parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. SilverDecember 22 — Hadassah Feldman, 2424 Burt street. The former member o" tbe Rochester, 'gives the glamorous, ladies of 1; ner of Sioux City. Forty guests man and his sister and brother- Study Group. program will include a discussion N. Y., Eastman Philharmonic Or- i screen: a run for their mo; " were present. by Mr. Harry Mendelsohn and a By LOOS PEKARSKY in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. Eisenchestra, is directing a new Jewish Ivrbea it comes to vrearir.jr ptr.ik i,. Prizes were won-by Mrs. D. Sil-berg. The visitor^ returned to reading by Mrs. J. Kaplan. IX HOLLYWOOD, WE HEAR verman, Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. N.Chicago last Monday. The Pioneer women are also | Fannie Brice was honored last American Young '"'horns at theiciothes. Sbe can match tic Brown, and Mrs. J. Chorney. announcing that Mrs. Bebe Idel- | Thursday when the students of Jewish Community Center in Los.clothes against the best oJ thrrMrs. Zollotuchen has been ex- FAMILY CHAMJKA1' PART5T sohn, delegate of the Pioneer (New York University presented Angeles. Mr. Cefkin has •conduct- ;ln fact, v?e are told sbe holriF i' r tensively entertained since her Mrs. M. F . Levenson will enterThe Infant Welfare Committee Women from Palestine, will be a! her with an M. A. degree (not ed similar large groups in Csrae- | distinction of never vo-r coming to Omaha. Parties have tain at a family Coanukah. party. of Hadassah met at the home of guest of the local gronp, January | master of arts, but master of :gie Hall, New York, and Jordan ;the same costume to any tve >1~C been given or are being planned Among the guests will be Master Mrs. Dave Sherman, last Thurs- 6. Plans for her visit here are j amusements.) She was selected JHall, Boston . . . Ruby Keeler 'broadcasts this year, DOPF t " in tier honor by Mrs. L. Bailen, Richard Asher Frank, son of Mr. jday to discuss plans for the Thrift now being formulated and will be for this honor after a poll con- ! takes a recess -even' three hours : make some of OT.T -women rent''-' Mrs. H. Nachshoen, Mrs. N. GI-and Mrs. A. D. Frank. Luncheon to be given on Wednes- announced in a later issue o£ the! ducted among the 30,000 students I to run horce and see Al Joisoc, [envious? . . . At the Jack Berr* Jr. . . . Julian Shapiro, a Ealtiventer, Mrs. J. Saylen, and Mrs. day, December 30, at the Jewish Press. Mrs. Idelsohn is one of j at the university . . . Sampson Jr. . . Julian Shapiro, a Baltimore ; broadcasts the honored seat pn--^ ! to Jack's father. The disUngru, bBaker. Community Center. the outstanding personalities of jRaphaelson, the noted author is JOSL.YN MEMORIAL jboy who at, one t i m e fiid A recital of poetry and music This affair will be, given with present-day Palestine. building a $25,0 00 two story, 12 i radio work, has been signed fcyjed-looking elderly cectUman rp«y Helen? Magaret, Poet, and the veiw of acquainting members room home in the Riviera district Paramount to write scripts. He 'er takes his eye off tbe CIELE-LEAVES FOB HOME ; smoting funster. Now that il s ames B. Peterson, violinist, will and friends of Hadassah with the of Southern California . . . Solis knoira as Jack SanfercS. Mrs. Charles Tort of New York e presented at 3:30 p. m. this wonderful work that is being acj-rater pipes are beginninj; Lesser, President of Principal formerly Miss' Rose Gilbert of iunday in the Joslyn Memorial complished by the Infant Welfare freeze In Jack's home tpvn, W : ; leaves Hollywood 'V Junior Hadassah will hold an Productions, Omaha, departed for her home af- ecture hall. Mis-; Magaret will Division, in education of the chilA FIXE GOODWILL GESTTEE kegar., 111., Jack's father has ct—•soon for an European vacation. ter a three weeks visit with her read excerpts .from her own com-dren, in the sanitary preparation important meeting nest Thursday jHe will fly to New York for the Jeirish, and Gertile celebrities jto Eollyvoofi to visit his no r,' mother, Mrs. Helen Gilbert and positions, and Mr. Peterson will of foods, proper infant feeding, evening, December 17, at 8 p. in. j premiere on Broadway of his newof the screen world have Etsrtesi i son . . . , r other members of the family. play a Sonata by Grieg, Romance hygiene in the home, and in theat the J. C. C. Miss Sonia Koit- Bobby Breen musioa!. In Europe a drive to aid the bnildingr of j "When Ben tnC TTf' r~ ,r While here Mrs. Vort was. exten- in G major by. Beethoven, and La provision of hot luncheons for the stein, chairman of the Thanksgiv- he will search for story material what is probably tbe first rnovie- jiR"inchell Errire in. Hoilyv"1.""* ing Dance, announced that all tic-for future Breeji pictures. First studio-backed church in the insively entertained. A farewell par- lochette by Paganini-Kreisler. children of school age. jcear the end ct the year to iarl-F ket money shoula be turned in at showing of Br.een's picture will dustry. Stars and writers &t !a motion picture- together t i c : ty was given by her sister, Estelle The program is free of charge. Everyone is urged to attend this meeting. Following the busGilbert. A program of recorded organ thi9 affair as it is the generosity iness session, a Chxnukah pro- take place in forty key cities at Metro GolStryn-ME-yer Etudios £re i will broadcast from the same Ntthe same time as the New York raising ?7oOO by cortributions Ilional Eroadeastlng Companj- will be presented at 4:00and loyalty of the local women gram will be presented. E. T. C. SORORITY opening, for whic^i a $200,000 ad- among themselves to help finance \aio . . . The newlywcd John F. "p. m. in the concert hall. that makes possible 'doing our At the last meeting held Dec- Ivertising appropriation is to be construction of the new church of Ab Kaiman was guest speaker bit' toward the salvation of theember S, the Misses Fannie Ka- (spent . . . Another new convert to St. Augustine's Parish in Ci;3ver at the last meeting of the B. T.STUDENT SERVICE BY needy children of Palestine. telman, • Roseile Handler, and California's climate is Phil Har- City, Calif., opposite the studio. C. Sorority., held at the home of • Those who are -erving on Mrs.Sarah Tanb were chosen as dele- ris, orchestra leader on the Jack The Rev. John O'Dornell, pastor Miss Helen Shrier on December BETH-EL AUXILIARY Sherman's committee are the fol-gates to represent Omaha at theBenny broadcast, who is to build of the church, for nincy years has 3. Mr. Kaiman gave a very inlowing: Mesdames Reuben Brown Southwestern Regional conventeresting talk on Hollywood and The Beth El Auxiliary will Al Fiedler, J. M. Erman, David tion to be held at St. Joseph, Mo., a $12,000 Spanish ranch-bouse beers a "one man community the filming of pictures. type of residence In Encino . . . A. Goldstein, Robert Kooper, J. sponsor a special student service Flans were made at this meet- Friday evening, December 25. All Shapiro, S. PIzer, Al Wohlner, on January 24. Alfred Nets-man, musical direcing for a Chanukah party to beuniversity and high school stu- Seymour Conn, D. B; Conn, David tor of Samuel Goldwyn Producheld at the home of Miss Bertha dents of the city will be guests. Wice, Julius Bisno, Al Newman, tions, gets an average of 100 fan FOS. RENT: One Toom. r WOMEN'S MlZRACEl Slutsky. ' ' Rabbi David A. Goldstein will re- Sam Theodore, Ben Fineman, and letters per week, which provide fornisliedi to cosple or view Sholom Asch's latest novel, Sam Stern. The next meeting of the Wom-him with an 'oportact index of le. 5605 EroHie Street. WalS. A. M. MOTHERS CLUB Mrs. Morris. Katelman is co-en's Mizrachi will be held Decem- popular taste in ransie • . . An old nut 5452. "The War Goes On." Tea will be The next meeting, of the S. A.served In the lounge. cliairman of the affair. ber 16 at the Jewish Community woman in Nebraska wrote an inM. Mothers' Club will be held on dignant letter of protest to WarCenter at 2:30. Tuesday. December 15 at the A. Z.A.I home of MrB. M. Rosenstein, 1127 Next Sunday December, 13tb— Park Avenue. A luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. The newly Mother Chapter No. 1 A. Z. A. Mrs. Ben Ravitz reviewed the elected afficers who will be in-will take on Sioux City chapter Pulitzer prize play "The Old stalled are: Mrs. J . Goldware, No. 7 in a basketball game which Maid" at the montlilv meeting of president; Mrs. H. Elsenstatt, promises to be a thriller. The the Junior Council of Jewish treasurer, Mrs. I. Fiedler, secre- proceeds of this game will go Women Sunday afternoon at the taryr and Mrs. Julius Chalt, pub- toward redecorating the gym. Paxton Hotel. Tuesday, December 8, marked Honor guest at the meeting was licity chairman. the opening of the school of A.Miss Elsie Fried of Germany, who Z.-A- at smoker held at home of has been in Omaha only three Morris Arbitaaan. The next ses- months. Miss Fried told of the IT WILL PA¥ YOU sion of school will be on Sunday, hardships under which Jewish To Consult December 20, with Macy Baum in Germany live and of the difpresiding. During this meeting ficulties they encounter In atMAIASHOCE'S election of officers for the second tempting to aet out of Germany. Wben bnjing Lack of sufficient funds and the term will .take place. DIAMONDS The skating i>arty planned by endless red tape connected with WEDDING RINGS mother chapter will definitely securing passports make it very WATCHES - SILVERWARE take J>lace Monday, December 28^ difficult for Jews to -nigrate Members of A. Z. A. No. 10C ofto other countries, she said. and GIFT JEWELS? Omaha and Council Bluffs No. 5 Mia Fried is staying here with have been invited to attend. Nov- an aunt, Mrs. Metzger, but wheelties and exhibitions are being ther or not she will make her planned to make the party more home here permanently she does enjoyable. : not yet know.

Bikur Cholim




, t

Pioneer Women



Jr. Hadassah

Junior Council


burst forth






Favored for Festive Holidays




Gala frocks for- the merry round of Yuletide fun quests! Fresh from New York .... BO you know they are "tomorrow's" fashions! Youthful, rustling taffetas with slim basque waists sntJ wide flare skirts! Kich satins with snort puff sleeves, wide, full shoulders , x ,\ \ _ . . . to "sit in" smartly on teas or cock/ V.~\ tails. And many more!

Junior? . . . 9-15

tliuei* . . . J2-20 ITomcn'*.., 3S^2 Hcl/ Sise$ 181-261

Newt Smartly Styled, Youthful Maternity Dre$ses, 6.95

^ know shell welcome this A beautiful, practksl, wearable J. &am Gold Sttsps chiffon !.. .They're sheer 2nd fine and? Gothcm'mads — which fnsacs tfast'tfou're gmng the feest*known i V

Cosis ia~~ snd snd k sif spedalJy trained ^Icswoaisa hdp you sskes"' Cold Stripe Gife fer cvoy t?osi»n"' e s yoas -Christmas list. Pricss srsr modsK.t£, .sad your gift—wKsslusr It's one pair, three, 02 & elssss— surely bz spprcdffited.


Soli Exdastody by lisrz

17.95 A riot ef eslor on e Isfacl, brown, or navy ^rciind ,. *, © dress ihet makes yo« ftel Qiy. fosf1 fs fool; &f if. And when you puf !i on SRS se® whef these ufim simple lines do for yotnr ftcHre, vou'fi want enpfher «nd cnotbtr cf fh??s0 crisp, fresh print? last unpacied from their Hew Tort wrappings. Skes 12-20,


"Y" "y 'Y"™^., «•<£*«**»







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S E T TO BBITISH DRAMA—Fort Belvedere, country home of King Edward of Great Britain, where, presumably, one of the greatest dramas in modern English history took place. It was within the guarded gates of t>»<s charming estate that King Edward held a private conference with Mrs. Simpson said his most.intimate counselors, shortly before she left England for Cannes. Among recreational features of the estate,are the swimming pool at right and the tennis court at lower left. Note the line of ancient cannon just inside the hedge.

.„i EOYAL FAMILY ANGET—At right is Queen Mary of Great Brit-

•Hii LJ4 5 ! I f*

ain, w h o threatened t o go into strict retirement if h e r son, King Edward, married M r s . Simpson. With h e r a r e t h e Duke a n d Duchess of York, who asserted they would leave t h e country, for t h e same reason. They a r e shown a s they appeared a t t h e wedding of t h e Duke of K e n t t o t h e Princess Marina, two years a g o .



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KING EDWAED, HGETEE—King Edvara of Great E -liain. reported to Iiave decided to figrht *c- his right to n ? ~ r V-s Wsllis Simpson, rather than to let his Cabinet fo-c-e lh;-^ 'rn—i t^e throne. This interesting picture shows him as he broadcast s message to the world, shortly after his father's dea.ii. Ke has threatened to broadcast his side of the present controversy.


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* e ''' ^ « ITALY GBEETS HOBTHY—Marching in perfect precision and Impressive order, the Legions' of Italy, recognized as one of the world's mightiest armies, pass the Royal Tribune, during the impressive military review staged in Rome in honor of the state visit of Admiral Horthy, Hungarian Regent. More than 300,000 Italians hailed the Admiral as he rode through Rome's streets.

ATJ.Y—Winston Churchill, brilliant Conservative naeraber of the British House of Parliament, who rallied to the support o* King Edward, in the King's controversy over Mrs. Simpson. Churchill offered to form a new Cabinet if Prime Minister Baldwin resigned.



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MAY BE QUEEN—A recent picture of Princess Elizabeth, daughter of the Duke and Duchess of York, who would become Queen of Great Britain it her uncle. King Edward, should abdicate over the crisis created by his friendship for Mrs. Simpson. Her father, the , Duke, is heir presumptive to the throne, although the Duke threatened to leave England if Edward married.

- MOLIBAT—While northern folks button their overcoats or go skating, pretty June Travis, motion picture star, basks in the warm sunshine &t Palm Springs, Cal., during a short vacation at the noted resort. But she's earned it for she recently completed three pictures in as many months. ANCIENT ENEMIES MEET IN PEACE—A few years ago such a scene as this would have been impossible. I t shows the Turkish Sect as recent guest of the British fleet at fleet headquarters in the harbor of Valetta, Malta. This unusual visit was a direct outcome of the agreement made between Britain and Turkey, during the Ethiopian crisis, and the friendly relations that resulted. The Turkish fiagslup. the battle cruiser Yavuz, was formerly the German cruiser Goeben.

\ • - V,




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TO THE QUEEN'S CHOICE!—^Reflecting the quiet and dignity of oueen Mary's life is this Christmas card w.hich the Queen will qpnd to her friends. The card, designed by Edith A. 'Andrews, lamous artist, is a scene in an English garden, showing a quiet


SraSt between rows of laurel a n d pines.

EOSE BOWL CONTESTANTS—Football teams t h a t will face each other in t h e Rose Bowl classic, at Pasadena, Cal., J a n . 1. T o p : Washington University, Left to r i g h t : Peters, right end; Bond, right tackle, Iavenski, right guard; Wiatrack, center; Starcevich. left guard; Markov, left tackle; Johnson, left end. Rear, Haines, right halfback; Logg^ quarterback,: Nonogroski, fullback, and Cain, right halfback. Bottom: Pittsburgh University line, l^eft to right: Hoffman, Daniels, Delle, Tezze, Adams, Glassford, and Matisi. •- •


i -

• 'I


S.irrrr.t WiU^nscn, canon cf the Pro?;~t^r.t r^-s^cral Cliurca c^ the Incarnation at Garden City, L, X., who has been appointed roctor of Si. Thomas' Ep^copal Chuich la Washington, D. C. President Roosevelt and his family are communicants of St. Thomas's.







FIXING JTT ON—Here's something unique—a raatclistick skyscraper. Tile fad recently struck Cleveland, Ohio, rhose people go without sleep in an effort to outdo each other in building towers of matches. Here is John Frearis. a shoemaker, as be proudly gases on his tower of 5,700 matches balanced on a bottle. He closed : up shop to try for the championship. CeKrrifrfefc United



sonv of t h e Catholic Church of Was not until the closing seconds In the blgg-est upset of the sea-j ing seconds of plar proved to be Sunday, December 20. j No. 12 will entertain the basket their friends should he more ldi in the Rnssian melting-pot of the game that the outcome was son, the nest to last place AZA'the deciding point in the contest.! .. jbal] enthusiasts in E basket bal'^lnd )r> purebspp p nefcpf. oday. Note that this has In strict ertaln. Art Adler led the scor- j for the ASA were; "What promises io be the out- thriller, the proceeds of which lets mar he purchased fmm smogie nothing: whatsoever to' do ng attacks for the winners with 9 ;No. 1 stood up on its haunches [ Outstanding 60 Sherman and Morris Adler!standing athletic event for the will help re-deeorp.te the gym. Omaha AZA No. 1 member srui with the merits either of Catholic ointa while Jake Adler led the jand handed the second place Psi j L MU team a slap in the face. A .'while Iz Boggy stood out for the • <*&y v j ] j he n e ] d in the Center For such a cause as this and with they will entitle you to be an eye Christianity on its own ground or ffensive for the leaders with 7 free throw made good by Morris i losers. i gym at 2:15. The ASA Xo. 1 o f the cost only 15 cents per person : witness to a real basket ball game, he merits of Russian CommunBeth-El : >oints. Adler, stellar guard, in the clos-1 Regular season play will begin (Omaha and the Sioux City ASA, every member of the Center and; Don't miss it. sm on its own ground, • I t has to Rabbi David" A. Goldstein will preach a Chanukah ,6ercnon to- do with nothing- in the world exnight. Cantor Aaron Edgar and cept the psychology which never aries from age to age despite the Beth El choir will sing special all variations of formal attitude Chanukah music. ana doctrine of the self-hating Jew, of the Jew who does not Temple want to be called a Jew, of the At services tonight Kabbi Da- Jew who has a death-wish for his vid H. Wice will speali on "Life people and himself. As It Is — the Greek; Life as it It's pretty bad. It's bad, too, Should Be—the Hebrews."- Regular Saturday morning services rom the yoint of view of our Jentile friends. The publisher of will be held at 11:00. / . the young American Jew's book, for instance, may not immediateJunior Congregation ly see- through the sorry business. The Talmud Torah Junior ConBut one day he may. And then gregation will Iiave its services he will wonder why a Jew should this Saturday in the Lodge Room be so furious against his own peor of the Jewish Community Center. pie and so eager to foul his own Mrs. J. Bernstein, will be sponsor; nest . . . It isn't done among decent-people of other groups. It Old-Style Russian Bath simply isn't done. And the reawhy it isn't done are very Under New Management sons good' and very permanent reasons. choosing a charmer who formerAn old style Russian bath, so Youth Activity ly resided in South Dakota . . . familiar to many Omahans from (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts Salute Dan Miller, Billy Gray Evelyn Spiegal enjoys dining with the old country, is now being and their committee of energeAIR CONDITIONING! Feature Syndicate.) manged hy B. Hbberman at 2421 tic workers on their successful that Kew Yawk chap . . . What Hamilton street. The bath was dance held last Sunday . . . It prominent member of Beth Bl formerly under-, the management was the first o£ a series of month- and his musical wife, are elated of W. Krasne.. . ' -. CONSULT TK£ ly dances held by the Round Ta- over an event that will soon ocFor the most complete The bjith will be open Saturble of Jewi9h Youth . . . We -were cur . . . Ed Shafton's bridge toU By KAY selection of fixtures and 1 fare has increased considerably of Air Conditioning day night and all day Sunday for impressed 'with the representasupplies in the Midwest men and on Tuesday from two tive group ot young men and late . . . Al and Bonnie Kaiman for every purpose visit the Those charging "Wardrobes are o'clock in the afternoon for womwomen that -were present . . . TTe are headed for tee balmy Florida With 16 jreBF8 cf p en. Daring the hours reserved still - tops . in the Center howling suggest that the adults tafce a climate and the Hialeah tract . . They will return here around ence in the G c r f f ] ?r Distributed by for women, a female attendant is league, taking- two games while greater interest in their activitm March 15th . . .M. G. of St. Joe, losing one to the Youseras last ! present. • • • - . . - . ies . . . Mo. prefers cxitie Mary Kaplan, your The Russian bath Is credited week. The Smith-Robinson team and we don't blame him a bit . . . SUETE ?€?£5»CT Air Conditioning Corp. with haying a beneficial effect for was pushed down into a tie for Let's Go A songstress with a "hotcha" filth place by the onrushing Em1101 Douglas those suffering fro'm rheumatism Insurance Ei£g. Arrangements h a / e been com104 No. 18th St. style of song delivery: Ann. Neepire Cleaners who took over secand bone ailments. JA-2124 pleted for a Chanukah holiday AT-SC34 man, soloist with the College ond position. The Yousems are AT-3454 event that vill inaugrate a new Club Orchestra . . . in third place with a 50-50 averidea in dance affairs . . . It is age and the Malashocks broke styled the "Cabaret Swing", intheir losing streak by taking two Paging* Mr. Stork cludes tables for service for the out of three from the Omaha PoIs there birth control among a. k.'s and y. i . ' a who desire to tato Market Tjoys. The- league relax (?) after a rouad ot ter- Jewish couples in Omaha. A standings' to-date: pslchore . . . The Time: Saturday glance at the 19 3 S birth rate fig"W. L., Pet. — Eve. 10; 00 p. m., the Place: Pax- ures indicates strongly the posAccessories and Parto for "Say It With Flowers Omaha Potato Mkt. 10 2 .833 all Cars-—Tirea - - Oils - ton Ballroom, Sponsors: The Jun-sibility that the question may be 8 4 .666 Empire Cleaners Batteries. ior Council of Jewish Women . . . . answered in the affirmative. The 6 6 .500 Opening Rally Held by "Peace Yousems Sunday eve., December 13th, thegenera.! birth rate of the city durSmith-Robinson 5 7 • 416 p r.electiori ef BRWInterIzo' .Your Car Beth El Rigadoo will occupy prac- ing i s 3 6 wgs i s per thousand . . and Freedom" tional hrandr. ef liquor* Omaha Potato Mkt. 5 •7 .416 From records compiled by the . Blow! tically the entire Community Cenand -wines. 2 10 .166 Group Malashocks specializes in c e n t e r ter space . . . This affair replac- Jewish Press, the Jewish birth Two hundred games were rollrate reveals but nine per thouing the annual road show will inpieces, corsages, funeral London (JTA) Fascism, ed by Goodman and Katzman. Ab clude a replica o* the "gold rush" sand . . . NOG? arrangements, weddings, Kaiman had his second low game Communism and persecution were days in California . . . The grizcut flowers, and potted denounced last week by promi- of his bowling career, a flashy zled "forty-niners" will be porFootball Satellites Iz Sherman Milton Moskovltz plants. n e n t figures in all walks of life 104. Phineas "Wintroub had the trayed by some of our wellS. B. T. fraternity takes pride 1919 Farnam St. addressing a huge mass-meeting low game for the night with a ff J V ' . F U I T T knowns . . . So-o-o I'll be seeing in the fact that an all-star footMain Floor Drandcis Store in Albert Hall which launched a j 103. These boiling artists" are WE-2929 you at the bar on Sunday eve . . . ball aggregation recruited from movement known as "Defense of sure taking the game serious, the ranks of their fraternity while their mates are knocking Freedom and Peace." . would afford keen competition to down pins, they are sitting on More Dress Opiaioas Winston Churchill, liberal leaRepercussions have been felt ! any eleven in the nation. . . . Here der and Sir "Walter Citrine,' sec- needles. about the list of the ten best- jare the stalwr.rts: retary of the British Trades UnLeft End, Jaffe, Chicago VrAgowaed Jewish women of this ion -Congress,-.-were among those THAT MAN'S HERE AGAIX! jversi-ty;. Left Tackle, "CCilenskr, city . . " . Since there seems to be who-*calIeti-foT active defense of THE KRASME | So. Calif. .University; Left Guard, a difference of opinion, we are dempcracyTand freedom and a vig- I'm. back again -everybody, this BEAUTY SALON University; printing a. list of those receiving iMonsky,. Alabama orons campaign to combat dicta- time with an apology. I forgot (Center, Hurwitr., Chicago Univerto tell you about that female-betFeatures Shampoo and popular mention among the cortorship and persecution. FOUNDRIES Flnoer Wave respondence received, concerning jEity; Right Guard, Erousseau, So. To the accompaniment of fre-ter half volley game "which hasn't 27th BL Martha HA. 5S23 been played yet. It will he playthis subject . . . Mrs. Morris (Bet- I Calif. University; Right Tackle, quent cheers as he attacked the Brass, Bronze Aluminum, Soft University; ed along, with the other "bowl' ty) Milder, Mrs. Morris (Peggy) I Merlin, Vanderbllt Grey iron and Semi-Steel Cztt. Nazis, Mr. Churchill made a plea [Right End, Ottinger, >Torfh Caroings. Wood and Metal Patterns. classics. This "volley bowl" exPermanent Wave* at Ferer, Mrs. Abe (Biuma) Greenlor tolerance and for "stamping Standard sizei Bronze and Iron -t7niversit> ; Quarterback, $3.50 and Up berg, Mrs. Cy (Dorothy) Silver, i lina Bushings. Sewer Manholes, Cisout the disgusting Jew-halting travaganza was postponed Thanksj Goodstein, Chicago University; tern Rings and Covers, Clean. Mrs. Max (June) Block, Mrs. which some people are trying to glvin week or account of a out Poors, Sash Weights and 71<$ Brandeis Theatre fowl." A short visit by our William Fritz, Mrs. Wm. Milder, [Right Half, Litwak, "Western KeYellow Brass Plumbers' Ferimport across the North Sea." Building friend the turkey put both teams rulet, carried In stock. Bronze Mrs. Sam (Esther) Schwartz and \serve; Left Half. Luchmac, CoiHe assailed Sir Oswald Mosley, Tablets, Bronze and Cast Iron I umbia. University; F u l l b a c k , Mrs. Wm. (Nell) Boasberg. British Fascist leader, for "gro-weigh (way) out of shape. Grilles a specialty. Friedman, Rice Institute. The lost hand on the scoreveling" before the Nazi dictatorboard has now been replaced ship in the hope of making EngTowa Topics & Grievous Error jn'int u ' "•"•gj'fflf'''!«"• j C7* '''f^i''"*"""'—""'"—• ""W land grovel before him and ap-Some kind gentleman, who must If you hear folks "kidding"' Dr. have gone on a milk diet donated Our turn to chuckle because of pealed for joint action for collectPhilip Sher about his new "baby" bis-canned beer- jpener for a hand don't raise your eye-brows . . . it the editorial that appeared in ive security. \ is the new religious project whcih several Jewish periodicals conCitrine condemned Nazi perse- and the players have been thirsthe Talmud Toran Is sponsoring, demning the Scrantcn daily cewscution of Jews as "without para- ty ever since. The proper thing OMAHA'S FINEST accepting: a want-ad. and which he compared to a baby ^ t ? 6 ^ llel ^in modern history" and pre-to do now would be for the losRECREATIONAL PARLOR much to the delight of the memT i r e CTsry IT dicted that it -would fail, but a t a ing team to buy the winners beer 5or- i < Horsemen Academy, Gentile Kor BH.UAROS—SNOOKER bers in the audience great cost in "human suffering or milk every week. Rut, alas IneiI'm afraid they will all have to POCKET BILLIARDS dentally the report that h e jses o n l y ' . . . The iiuendea word | ^ and misery." He charged that converted into brought the Quintuplets to the! the Nazl9 were financing the Bri-be content to just open the games All New Streamline Tables with the new gadget. Restaurant—Bar ' tish Fascists. Father and Son bantjuet was true "Gentile" . . . Typographic errors Last Monday noon the "Potaappear an Direct Wire On All . . . they were five youngsters. in copy toes," captained by Paul (Brains eir,b£rasEmer.t Sporting Events • who were invited to be Ms guests j generally causes TWELVE GERMAN JEWS SPEC'F'C»TiON O Steinberg, "skinned" the "Banan ^ are you listening? . . . . S a r a Rice, the Remedy man, j L.adlet Especially Invited pr>f»cs'tic*i*i-rn* O'A E T . as" captained by Samuel (Insult DEPORTED BY has an enviable record as a Scout j SAFETY PARKING CO, Gilinsky In three straight games, -'PLAR9ORE 14DE CAPITOL Master . . . thus, his sou, Buddy Lumber £. CccI Co. GESTAPO Capt. Sam of the "Bananas" slip1BTH anri DO California Oil Worid, a nationBILLIARD AND LUNCH is following his daddy's 'footsteps 1E-H snei Df\ E. Berlin (JTA) — The first ped one over by selecting such 1818 Farnam St. ' W E 3423 WALNUT 0 3 0 0 JT5as an active young Scout-. . ; al magazine devoted to the Petro- ; «f twelve of a number of German hands as Burkenroad, Ellis and feum industry contains an article j j What eligible widower, who manJews ordered expelled from the Schoppe on his stalk, but Capt ages a downtown ladies ready-to-, i na current issue . titled.."Oil . . .Roycountry by the Gestapo (State se- Steinberg and his "spuds" played wear store and who has virtually ! * " * Interests from the ^ i e w cret police) have already been with their eyes open wide and been in retirement . . . has been | ? o i a t o f a Buyer", written oy Ar- | deported, it,was reported on the proved the opposition a "rotten showering attention on a pretty | 'i a n n Marowitz, Reformer Omabasis ot information from foreign bunch." For the thirddivorcee . . . Flash ! ! ! The Wolf ; ' o w residing ir in Los Angeles j j little change was made to aid the consulates and travel bureaus. broth-ers discover a pair of 'gold" |i n. . . An illuminating .ing article css-1- ^ YEAH? END SPECIAL ailing "bananas" as ' Sam G., reThe Gestapo,. whioh summoned Rediclc T©i"/er nuggets . . . they are the Gold : 5 intelligently with matters per-j < Dec. 11th to 31st the Jews to.headquarters and or-quested to change two green sisters, a pair of* Lincoln "love- j taining to oil investments. Jlr. > <* 1 i 1 1 •ItrVs. 1, 1fc,**.'£. * f I?!?1) Suits, Plain dered them to leave Germany "bananas" for one "potato". The lies- . . . The permanent feminine | Marowitz is a member .of the! * e .a* r f ! '1 e •• f o r d without giving reasons and al- request was granted and the third 15th & Ksrncy JA. dwellers at a local hostelry are American Academy of Political W-W--*«!•*?.• fi , ' t's, It! Dresses, Top \ Vov.i F P aKtI though all the Jews hold German game was a "salad." The green TOmaha's Largest i.nd Most all a-twitter . . . mainly because ; Social Science . . . Coats, Hats, Etc. U X>r passports, vouchsafed no informa- "bananas," (Phil "Wright-.'and For coal, clcthin F 0 r «ny p^her *" 1 : Complete Storage and Auto C. Thomas Charack, (look, he! " Cash and-Carry. . . . .99c tion pn the number already de- Jack Ban) working their secofii Supply Store n*cess!*y < ™c t Higher priced garments reduced parts his name in the middle) the j S p a i n ' s Civil W a r brinp E'en p.. Vou c a i m. f< ffmffa, game of volley ball .played - in ported. 25e each if you-send TWO. RegO Tires • Washing new representative • of the GauI_F'JL C • *.* to £500, ?r'C KUp!3?v Ib** secu^jtv -4, '. S :(• fci, 1 m W-. ular standard Dry Cleaning. No spired ball. Humiliated over-th hone £ o Tubes,• Lubricating we ask. P reduction in SANITONE. ..mont-British. film eichacge, is a Berlin * . STkltB U m i g T a t l O I l o Accessories • Slmomrins fact that the two were exchange* (JTA) — Repercussions!^ recent arrival Jack Kesnick. for one "half-baked potato" (Jo the South Side packer, is causing!! of the Spanish civil WET t a r e \i Service With a SrejsSe Cohen), they helped "skin"' tbei talk among his boy friends, be-]severely nit Jewish emigration I^ (Continued: from page 1) QT-4333 We'Never Close r.iA-3.233 former mates arid showed the discause of his sudden-interest in a i possibilities, it WEE stated by the j £ slon (just how, one-wonders) of astrous result of a "banan comely brunette . . . Earners con- | Kiltsverein der Juden ic Deutsch- j c 5000 ; Jews to Christianity. He split." . ', cerning Toby Steinberg. Silver- j land, central Jewish reliel body] took part i n the disputation of Tune in next week and hea; man marriage to Louis Ccrr.bleth I in the Tieiefc. Tortosa. But the rabbis with, how Mose Franklin's "Stationary were unfounded . . . it was learn- j "In connection with the civil whom he argued were unconvinc- Boys" took Pete Thallas* "Hated that Cornbleth-,.a former Coun-ivrar in SpaiE, a certain restric- ^ ed. . • •;• : • •. .- . ters" to a "cleaning." cil Bluffa resident was married i tions os iramig-retioa been j » Of course, they were unconjto a Mrs. Silvernian, but it was j introduced' by a number of over- i vinced. The whole process is so The ' pre-season basket bal not t h s ' popular auburn-haired | seas couatries, particularly in; transparent. If A man hates him- league closed i n a blaze of glory "Courteous^—Reliable" Toby, _who resides in Los Angeles ! South America, with a view tc self and hates himself for belong- for the Hottentots, an upset- by . . . Kite Club patrons are clamor- j keeping out Spanish radical eie- ; ing to his people so hates the fa-the-AZA No. 1. and a hard rough Furasra! Directors ing lor the return ot Freddie Eb-j meats," the report said. 1 V I., thers that begot and the mothers game . between the Xi Lambda! •• 0 Sweet B u t i s r • ener... and his entertaining, baJad! I t was Etsted that Brazil, with-' that bore Wm the-things is so and the APTs. '• The Hottentots Our" iuneral parlors ©ra .-. .o ©ated mnu " "' cf dance musicians . . . ' A t e Flei-jotst modifyiEsr its law, hsd coasidprofundly diseased from a univer- ended their season without a los O'Scuf, Cream • furnished in iiorae-!!ks sher, 110V a prosperous merchant j erably tightened control over the sal human point o f view that it when they trounced the AZA No fashion. in Cameron, Texas, Is visitisg \ afimissios o* imiaigrants and had must of necessity immensely in- 100, 29-12. The AZA No. 1 nose and many other products, J with his parents, Hr. azd Mrs. \ stopped issuing: vis&s for "stateask your grocer or call . . tensify the guilt-feeling that lurks out the"Psi.Mu. 22-21 and t t We , tiave spared neither time | Jacols Fleisher . . , H B -will be j less" persons. In the Argentine, nor expense* in developing every at the bottom of every human APTs defeated the XL's,' 22.-17 •wed within a month-'ot a St. Louis [a decree effective Jar., 1 mates ohase of our service. consciousness. ' Tlien "how" can the With Saul Yaffe leading his ofHA-222S lass . . . Insurance counsellor Phil jit more difficult to obtain visa, man mitigate that dreadful feel- fense with 9 points and every ma Ferasra at 33rd HA. S223 3 Feldraan is a . "wiss E M " ' 5n | the EiHsvereis said. ing of guilt! By justifying his ha-figuring in the scoring it -was tred. ; And Tiow shall he justify very easy- thing for "the Hottenhis hatred? By slandering and tots to win;" their fifth stralgh blackening the character of that game and hand the last place fra I f iUii. A which he hates, which in this case ternity team their fiCth straigh ^ is the Jewish people. I t is-a "per-defeat. . : **#© fidous" people — "perfidious" of old. perfidoua in Palestine today. . The APT team had a hard tlm It deserves to disappearin — bb- convincing the XI Lambda3 tha they were a better team and i



Omaha & Supply Co



Flower Stop

• World ilofor Stores

Paxton Riitchell







^ H I1


For . . .

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- •

- . * ? • .-


Sode!y_News Miss Frances Rutstein,; daughter-of Mrs. BeulahRutsteln, 314 Eighteenth street, became the MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent bride of Dr. Harry A.-Levich,;son of-Mrs. Anna Levicb, 608 Market —nimMtumii»n«[ijinimiumtiMi Street,- at noon Thanksgiving day music by Miss Jean Shindler and in Omaha; Rabbi David A. GoldMiss Bessie Resser; songs by stein officiated at the-, service in Cantor A. Pliskin and talks. by his -study in the• presence of.Mrs. Miss Resser, Mr. r . Eisner, and Rutstein/Mrs. Jack Levltsky, BisMiss Sulamith Bere3kin. Mrs. J. ter of the bride and; Mr. and Mrs. Himowita was • in charge of • the Harry Belmont, of Omaha. The bride was attired in a -At a. meeting Sunday morning menu. Gifts to the Hebrew" School brown street frock^with matching in.: the Jewish Community Center, plans were drawn up for a con- were presented, by Mrs. Fein berg, accessories. A Wedding dinner centrated drive for sew members Mrs. J. Cohen, and Mrs. J. Kier. was served by Mr. and Mrs. Belmont.', ' • ; • • . . ' '..' \_ for .the Federation of Jewish So-Dr.: and Mrs. Levich.'.returned cial Service, and Mr. A. M. Davis NEWSIES ENJOY HOT to Sioux City after a trip to St. was named general chairman of LUNCH DURING WINTER Joseph, and Kansas City, - Miss. the campaign.


Twelve workers will assist Mr. Fifty newsies enjoy a hot lunch Mr. and Mrs. Ten Kalln returnDavis In carrying out the drive and it Is planned to complete the of cocoa and rolls every evening ed to! their home In Mitchell. S. entire campaign in twc weeks. during the winter through the co- p., after • visiting with relatives They include Jack Robinson, Mil- operation of the Jewish Commun- and friends in Sioux City. Miss Delia Shtloff will leave toa Bolstein, E. N. Grueskin, Si ity center and the generosity of this week for a visit in California Krueger,- L. J. Kaplan, Mike Skal- the local business, men. For a penny the boys are serv- with friends and relatives. ovsky, E. E. Baron, A. H. Baron,

Barney Baron, H. Miller and J. ed a steaming cup "of cocoa durii.S the hours they sell papers, - Mrs. Joe Gorchow has returned Kalln. The campaign will be divided and the difference In the cost is home from - Rochester, Minnesota. in three divisions, newcomers to paid by annual contributions of the city. Increases in former the Sioux City business men. In The ' Independent t'arane will pledges, and rerewal of contribu- this manner the boys have a hold a banquet In the Jewish tion by those who have dropped chance to warm up during the Comunlty Center next -Sunday

of theatres and/or .entertainment enterprises; to purchase, lease and otherwise acquire and to deal In, generally In real estate and personal property of. every kind and-character and to dispose of and: encumber same In any' manner, whatsoever. The Company-shall' have authority to borrow money and issue evidences of indebtedness therefor. The total authorized capital stock is ' $25,01)0.00, par valud Jluo.ou ..per -share, - all • of - which - shall be Common Stock, and when issued shall be fully paid and non-assessable. The corporation- shall commence business Upon the-filing-of its Articles with the • County Ulerk.: of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall continue until January 1, J!U36. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds-of" the capital stock. This restriction shall not apply to indebtedness secured by real estate. The number of members of the Board shall be provided for by the By-La™, which Board shall administer the affairs .of the corporation. The stockholders Shall bold' their annual meeting un toe second Monday In January of each • year and. elect Directors The Directors shall elect President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Articles may be amended

Th'e deadline for the essay contest sponsored by the Inter-Club Council . has been . moved ahead ten days and all essays must be In the office by January 15 instead of the 5th as previously announced. The contest is open to all Jewish, students o£ the Senior High schools. • The essay subject may be any one of the following three: "New Opportunities for the Jew"; "Why Be Loyal to my People"; "Haai Jewish. Life inv America . a Future." Essays must contain not less than one thousand words, no more-.than fifteen hundred words. They must be original and if quotations are used, source must be Btdted.The essays must be typed and-on one Bide of the paper only. . First prize will bo $25 in cash; second prizes will be $10, and the third prize, a gold medal. The Inter-Club Council committee In charge of the essay contest includes E. N. Grueskin, Mrs. S. H. Shiilkin, Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis. Judges of the contest will be Rabtii L*wls, Rabbi ' Rabinowitz, and Mrs. Max Brodkey.

Oneg Shabbos .The Senior Hadassar Oneg Shabbos will be held tomorrow afternoon in the home of Mrs. Sam' Shulkin, 3314 Jones street. The program will deal with the Infant Welfare Work of Hadassah In Palestine. Mrs. S. H. Shulkin will present current events. Mrs. Morey LIpshutz will speak on'the school luncheons and Miss Sadie Shulkin will speak on Infant Welfare. Mrs. W. C. Slotsky is president of the Senior Hadassah chapter.

Ckanukah Banquet Two hundred people attended the'Annual Chanukah banquet at th'e • TIphereth Israel synagogue, West 6th and Sioux street last Sunday evening. The Banquet was sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of the synagogue, •Mr. Morris Lazriowlch, toastmaster of the evening, spoke on the work and" devotion of the Ladles Auxiliary for the synagogue. Other speakers.were Mr.'M. Shulkin, Rabbi J. D. Maron, and Rabbi-H.-R. Rabinowitz. The congregation and Auxiliary through the columns of the Jewish Press thanks the committees who helped make the banquet a success. • .

JUNIOR HADASSAH DANCE The Annual ; Junior •Hadassah Dance will be held Sunday evening,- December 20wln the Martin Hotel, according to plans made at the chapters meeting last night In the Jewish Community Center. Miss Saretta Krigsten and Miss Dena Baron are co-chairmen of the dance and their committee includes Florence Lohrman and Mrs.-William Kutcher. At the meeting a program followed- the business meeting,. with Mrs. Dave Shulkin singing a ' group of songs, - accompanied at the piano by Miss Beatrice Fill; The traditional Hebrew prayer over the Chanukah lights was presented by David Kuntz^ • and Miss Bessie Resser spoke1 on the story and significance of Chanukah". ' " The meeting was concluded With games and refreshments.

MOTHERS CLUB .The Hebrew Mothers Association ;. sponsored a dessert .luncheon . and program Tuesday afternoon in the social'hall of-Shaare Zion. Mrs. N. Matlin, newly elected ' president, presided at the meeting. The program included

A Chanukah service will be held at Mount Sinai Temple this evening when children of the Sunday School: will participate and Rabbi Lewis will speak on the holiday. • ' The following children were on the Honor -Roll1 o£> the Religious School for the month of November for doing excellent work, having perfect attendance and attending at least one Friday- evening service during'the month: Barbara Robinso'nv Joanne Agranoff , Stantpn_. Cohen, Doris Grueskin, Samuel Heeger, and Bernard Weiner. ' -. Yesterday noon, Rabbi Lewis addressed the weekly -meetings of the Kiwanis. Club. ,

DAVE ERENBERG Funeral-services for Dave Erenberg, 1010 : Ninth- street, were held at the family; nomejast Wednesday afternon with Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and Cantor- Pliskin officiating. Mr. Erenberg, who was 51 years old,' died In a local hospital following an illness of several


- •"''


He was" born In: Russia,. March 20, 1885. Surviving is his widow, Anna. •'•. . •

Patronize pur. Advertisers I RVl N C LEVJ N, Attorney, 763 Brandels Theatre Building. NOTICE ' O F INCORPORATION OF WINN THEATRE I N C . : • Notice 13- hereby given that the undersigned have - associated themselves together and: have organized a corporation tinder the-laws of the State of Nebraska. The name o f the corporation is WINN THEATR&UNC. The principal place of business shall be at Omaha, Neraska, and the general nature of the business to be-transacted shall be to*purchase, own, operate and control, one-or more theatres, music halls and any type or form of entertainment,' and to deal in any and all business ; incidental or pertaining thereto. • • TQ borrow, money for. corporate purposes .and to-secure any obUgatlons by mortgage, pledge, deed of trust or otherwise. To purchase. lease-or otherwise acquire, and to hold. own. sell and dispose of, real and personal property of all kinds ' and to deal - In . stocks bonds,: debentures and securities of every sort. • To purchase, -hold,., sell and transfer shares of stock of this and other corporations; and to acquire-the goodwill, rights/'assets and property, and to undertake and assume the whole or any', part, of ..the' obligations, • and In general to do anything Insofar as the

The Shirt World Under One Root

MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER i COHEN, attys. 737 Omaha Nat']. Bk. Bids. IN THE SIATTEK OF THE ESTATE OP Arthur Katskee, Deceased. NOTICE IS -HEREBT GIVEN: That the creditors, of said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate,

Bucharest (JTA) •— A court martial in Brasov sentenced five members of the anti-Semitic Iron Guard to prison terms ranging from three to six months for threatening to murder exrPremJer Virgil Madgearu, leader of the National . Peasants Party, whom they.had 'accused of "selling his. soul to^the Jews."


Clerk of Douglas County,. Nebraska, tors shall elect President, Vice-Presi. sn<3 shall continue until January 3, fienf. Secretary an<? Treasurer. Th« 2036. The highest amount of indebt- Articles may lie amended upon notio« edness shall not exceed two-thirds of as provided for. With the assent in the capital stock. This restriction writing of 60% of the outstanding shall not apply to indebtedness se- capital Btork the Board of Director! cured by real estate. The number of may sell Hi! the property as an enmembers of the Board shall be pro- tirety upon such consideration as thes vided for by the By-Laws, which deem fit. Board shall administer the Effairs of) Dated December 10. 19.16. R, V. GOLDBERG, the corporation. The stockholders! KEK5HNE GOLDBERG, shall hold their annual meeting- on the Incorporators. second Monday in January of each 12-4-4t

Directors may sell all the property as as entirety upon such consideration as they deem l i t ' .Dated December 10, 1930. . . - . . - R.-D. GOLDBERG, HERM1NE GOLJ3BERG. 12-l-.4t incorporators.


Mount Sinai

deal in generally ID real estate and personal property of every kind end character and to dispose of and encumber same in any manner whatsoever. The Company shall have authority to borrow money and issue evidences of indebtedness therefor. The total authorized capital stork is $25,000.00. pax value $100.00 per share, all of -which shall be common stock, and when issued shall be fully paid and non-assessable. The corporation shall commence business upon the fil-

upon notice as provided for.' With the

me, County Judge of Douglas evening. • A program of music before County, .Nebraska, at the " County and;addresses will follow the din- Court Boom, in .said County, on the 2nd day of February"1937 and on the ner.*

Iron Gnardists Sentenced

lease and otherwise ecquJre e.nd to ing of its Articles ^?ith the County year and elect Directors. The Direc-

assent in writing of 6U%.of the outstanding capital stuck tbe Hoard ot

zero weather and at the * same out in the past few years. .A'report meeting of the com-time enjoy 'nourishing-food. mittee will be held early next Mrs. Dave Wigodsky, superinweek by Mr. Dayis and his com-tendent of the Federation supervises- the preparations,' and servmittee. ing of the food.

theatres for the exhibition of moving pictures and /or the presentation of shows.or performances of every kind and character, snd to handle, deal in and contract with reference to moving picture films and /or shows and performances of every kind and character with reference to the production, the distribution, or the exhibition of same, and to do any and all things necessary, requisite or proper in the operation of theatres and /or entertainment enterprises; to purchase,

2nd day of-April 1937,'at 9 o'clock a. m., each day for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three mouths are allowed for the creditors to. present their claims, from' the 2nd day of January 1937. BRYCE CRAWFORD, County Judge. 12-U-36-3t MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER COHEN,-Attorney* 737 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the undersigned have formed a corporation pursuant to the laws, of the State of Nebraska.. The naine of • the corporation Is WEST DODCiE. • THEATRES CORPORATION, with'- Its principal place of business in the city o l Omaha. The objects for which-this corporation is formed are: T<y- acquire- as lessee, owner or otherwise, and. to operate



To Christmas Gift Shoppers You're sure to find "His" ideal gift at The Nebraska where the men's wear leaders of the world are presented in one vast combined exposition. ,

A Qreat National Exposition of

same-may appertain to, or be useful

Shaare .Zion. A Chanukah service will tbe held at Shaare Zion this evening at 8 o'clock, when Rabbi H. K. Rabinowita will speak on--"The Old Jew Did It". Cantor A. PJiskin and the synagogue choir will chant the Chanukah service. The A. Z. A. chapter will be hosts to the Junior Congregation tomorrow morning. Bertari vLipshutz will act as cantor and Bernard Weiner reader of the law. * Sunday afternoon the children of the Hebrew school and the Sunday School will present a Chanukah program at 3 : 1 5 o'clock in the social hall of the synagogue. A play, a Major skit, recitations, kindling of the lights and songs will comprise the program.

Beth Abraham Services this evening at Beth Abraham synagogue will begin at 4:30 o'clock. . Tomorrow morning the service will begin with t Mr. M. Shulman reading the Shachris service at 3 o'clock. Reading^of the law will take place at £:45. At 10:15' o'clock Rabbi Goidberc will speak: on "Our New. Maccabees." Mussaf services will begin at 10:30 o'clock with M. Shulman presiding and Minchah services will take place at 4 p. m.; • The Rabbis Sudan held last Thursday ev<s:iing in the synagogue was attended by 150 people. Mr. Morris Levicb acted as chairman and speakers were Mr. J. London,-Mr. M. Shulman, Mr. Joe Gorchow, M. E. Barish, Rabbi Goldberg and Mrs. Goldberg. In charge of the menu -Were Mrs. Paul Kaplan,' Mrs. John Bird, Mrs. A.' Lass, Mrs. I.: Moatrose, Mrs/ 'SI. Shulman and Mrs. I. Sterling. ^

Auxiliary Gives Chanukah Program

for,. or, necessary, in connection with the conduct' of the business of this corporation. !• . To carry on. business at any place or places within the Jurisdiction of the United States and'in any and all foreign countries. • • • . • '. The authorized capital stock'of this corporation" Shall be $10,000.00, divided Into 400 shares of the • par- value of $100.00 each; and all of ' said stock shall be common stock and shall be paid'for-in cash, notes, or other property, or;.services, at the • reasonable market value thereof and shall : be non-assessable. • The corporation shall commence doing business on the first day of Beeember, 1936,: and Its existence shall terminate on the 30th day of November,. 2036, unless its life be extended beyond'said-date by'amendment to these articles. That the highest amount of any Indebtedness or liability -to which this corporation is at any time to subject itself,, shall not exceed two-thirds, of its capital stock. • - - That the affairs of this corporation shall be conducted by a board of directors of not less than nor more than \seven, and the-following- officers: A President. Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, any two of which, offices' may be "held by- One and the same person. . In the presence of: EARL D. ROSS IRVIN C. LEVIN . » ROSE ROOSE Incorporators . 12-ll-36-4t

FRADENBURG, W EBB, BEBER, KLUTZNICK & KEUUEY, Atty*. 200 Union .State Sank Bldg,

NOTICE BY 'PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the County Court of Douglas Coounty, Nebraska. • In the Hatter of the Estate of Reid W. Talmage, Deceased: AH persons- Interested In said matter are hereby notified that on the 25th day of- November, 1936, Fanny Talmage. and Omaha National Bank filed a petition In said County Court, praying that their final administration account filed herein bo settled and allowed,-and that they be discharged from their trust as executrix and executor and that a hearing will be had on said petition before Bald Court on the 26th day of December. 1936, and that If you fail to appear before said Court on the said 26th day of December. 1936. at 9 o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the • prayer of said petition, -enter a decree of heirship, and make such other .and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this • Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. . , • BRYCE CRAWFORD,; 12-4-36-3t County Judge.


737 Omaha Nat!. Bank Bids. ore than 200 people attended NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN-That the open meeting and program the undersigned have formed a corgiven by the Ladies Auxiliary of poration; pursuant to the laws of the Shaare Zion synagogue Wednes- State of Nebraska. The name of. the corporation is day evening, Mrs. Joe Kutcher AVENUE THEATRE CORPORATION, with its principal place of business in presided at the - brief business Nebraska. The objects for meeting' and-Mrs. Sam -Slotsky Omaha. which the corporation is formed are: To acquire as "lessee, owner or otherwas in charge of the program. and to operate theatres for the A Menorah Tableau• was follow- wise, exhibition of moving' pictures and /or ed by a dance by" Gloria and Lois the presentation of Shows or performances of every kind and character, Novitsky. Mrs. H. Licht-spoke! and to handle, .deal In and contract on the Significance of Chanukah I with reference to moving1 picture films and/or shows and performances and a play "She Must Marry a of every kind and character with refDoctor" concluded the program. erence to'the production, the distri-

Patronize Our Advertisers

bution, or the exhibition of same, and to. do any and all things necessary,, requisite or proper in - the operation


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