December 18, 1936

Page 1

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This column ia copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in ; whole or la part strictly forbidden. Any infringement on t h i s copyright -will be prosecuted.

.Entered as Second Ctas iiall Matter on January 21. 1921, at . Postotfice of Omaha. Nebraska, ender the Act ol March 3, 1S79

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1 A "WORD ON li&TW The Koyal Commission is in formal sessioi. in Palestine. For what purpose? Tc inquire, we are Announcement has been made New York (WNS)—Plans for this country to.-* " told, "into the administration of by the University of Nebraska .. for an international conference the Palestine , Mandate." The (tnat of $50, ISO, an> |20 _ite an [ prizes against race hatred, war and mis- her movement'. thing is in itself a matter of "unawarded to the students British Royal Commission Told American delegate the conKeren Eayesod Receipts ery to be held in Vienna next. Aufathomable though in all likeligust under the auspices of' the ference. hood not altogether conscious of Jewish Palestine World Organization Against Race The "Harand movement," as treachery^ The Mandate is there Problems j Dr. Philip Sfcer is the donor of Hatred and Human Misery, -Trere her organization is known, began 1 for all men to read. "It has been ithe prize. Dr. Sher has sponsor-j / ' R I J TiL& I / ' C PPlftX i* announced by Mrs. D:ene Harand, Ala& in 1930 but has only become inadministered badly and inequitTel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agency) jed similar contests at Creigbton) * * " ™ J.erusaltm (WNS — Palcor Reader and founder of the organ- ternational In scope since 1SS3. —The national conference of the; and the Municipal University of j OF ARTIST ELI AS* ably. It has been administered feebly and -with a pro-Arab par- Agency)—The new policy of the ization, in a statement in the of- She published a weekly paper Keren Hayesod of Palestine was j Omaha and is planning to enfie-w ; vgtiTMiK tisanship which has been more Palestine Goveinment, declining fice of the Non-Sectarian Anti- called "Gerechtigkeit" (Justice) a rad ' which has as its emblem a crcssthan merely unjust. It has been to issue special immigration cer- Nazi League. An Austrian Catholic who op- ed-out swastika in one corner and tion in honor of Dr. Chain Weiz-j Dr. Lane W. Lancaster of the j morally repulsive because it could tificates for Jewish youth of GerThe cur not even pretend to any right on many between t t e ages of 12 and poses anti-Semitism because she a figure of justice in the other. rnann, president of the Jewish j Political Science department and | Elias Newman, noted Paleetin- the Colle Her movement is financed pri- Agenpy, as '220 delegates aadjthree of his colleagues will con- i ian artist whose exhibit will its side nor even to imperial in- •17, was scorned before the Brit- believes it-is "bad for Christiano.OOtfguests from all parts of the'duct the contest. Judges are soon ' open at the Jewish Communitf which W P - "*iterest nor even to cash value. The ish Royal Commission studying, ity," Mrs. Harand has come to marily by Christians. country cheered him to the echoito be announced. Center January * and continue j the Jev; Mandatory power knows that the administratijh of the Palesfor his unforgettable testimony! for three days, recently closed a!: tine Mandate by Dr. Werner Senthere is no Arab in Palestine who before the Royal Commission.! two weeks exhibit in Baltimore. TWO OMAHA SISTERS ator, formerly of Berlin, member has not directly or indirectly benMessages from many represents-1 Press comments 5nci.iep.le tht-t Mr. I efited by the Jewish resettle- of the Executive of the Jewish MAKE IT "TWICE tives not only stressed the great j Newman was esception&Hr weli-j ment; it knows that the Jews Agency for Palestine in charge of value of the Keren Hayesod at received. This vas tip fifth H&1-; the immigratian department. Dr. DOUBLE" have made Palestine the only this time but paid tribute to Dr. timore exhibit. ! Senator described how 1,400 Jewcountry in the world. today that Weizmann, characterizing his apSince bis residence in pElestine. Within four days twins were pearance before the Koyal Comhas a huge surplus in its treas- ish children from the Reich had Mr. NevmEE has been active in • born to both Mrs. David A. Den- mission as a "great and proud efury; it knows that a feeble Tis- found a home and happiness in srt circles, being OFF O' the or-! : 0 0 enberg and her sister, Mrs. Louis fort for the Jewish nation." hub is of no use to Britain but the Jewish homeland. The conoi the Palestine A"tistF Mrs. Denenberg's sons that a powerful one could easily tinuation of a large-scale youth Jerusalem "Eed" Newspaper Zabel. : As Dr. Weizmann rose to Bpeak Shanghai (JTA)—Iran's i;ber- a n t i sculptors Association. were:born Friday night and have be a cornerstone of imperial^ de- immigration 1from Germany was Reveals Communist Activi- been named Marshall and Mich- at the close of the session he was i alism to her 5 0,000 Jewr, Enfi herj T ^ r k fcr Mr. Newman is tarr-d ! fense. The Mandatory power essential, he declared, to save greeted by a prolonged ovation, friendliness to Zionism were de- in m E n ties in Rioting privete collections: ael. knows' all that perfectly well. them from the ravages of the Nathe world EDC! ir. the' Then why a Royal Commission? ?i regime. One of the grievances g Mrs. Zabel's sons.arrived Mon- The entire assemblage sprang to scribed by A. R, Mirfenderski. throughout To confuse council, to make the which Jews have atiinst the PalJerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- day. Because of a bit,premature its feet and cheered him loudly. I new consul-general of Iran, in an1 Art institutes of Daveci-ort. lows worse appear the better reason, estine Government, Dr. Senator cy)—Hov bombs were thrown birth, they are temporarily being Confining his speech to a few! interview with the ewish Tele- Tel Aviv, Baltimore, and I n d i a n - ' ] a ^ brief remarks, Dr. Weizmannj graphic Agency, to throw dust as the French say, said, is its change in policy in re- into Jewish buildings by extrem- cared for in an incubator. said: "What you want to hear j -He said the Jews of the lend epolis. gard to this youth immigration. ists following orders by Palestine into the eyes of the world. from me I cannot sa}r today. But j which was formally called Persia Now these youngsters are includ- Communists during -tr.- recent Why? Why? The answer i s ob- ed in the certificates of the "laafter the Royal Commission has j enjoy full rights, are permitted to l> f, scure. It goes deep. The govern- bor immigration" schedule in- Arab disturbances was revealed In departed from Palestine I shall; raise funds at will lor Palestine a Communist opposition organ ing classes of Britain, whose vir- stead of " being allowed to enter speak." j (there are restrictions in some tues are great but are all pagan the country on special grants as published here. The author of the Deeply moved by the warm re- j parts of the Near East) and that article describing the role played virtues, cannot imagine that any heretofore, w it.h . the Jewish ception accorded him by the I many Jews hold Government pagood can come to them or their Agency guaranteeing their main- by Communists in the Arab disTo hoEor the perentr-Eixtfc National Youth Administrates throng, orders, who uses the anonymous g, which filled the Great • sitions. empire from men who are not pa- tenance. . " birthday of Sliss Henrietta Szoid •workers from Creighton and Omanom de plume of "Workman," deH a l l of t h e L e v a n t F a i r - t o capa-j "Iran gan. ... They cannot imagine it. Supporting Dr. Senator's con- clares that the Central Committee Their minds and their imaginaI IP tions stop working at a certain tentions, Moshe Shertok, head" of of the Palestine Communist Party ? IK point. The effendi who plays a the Political department of the consists chieHy of Arab"nationalgood game of polo may be a ras- Jewish Agency, appealed to the ist extremists and only a small yesrf . Commission perhaps gi cal. But they understand him Royal Commission "to give the minority of Jews.; ish, c encouragement to the persecuted j national liberation. In the recent I cstional Division which in headed! The readingroom has welJ-se one ajid even his rascality. Deep calls Jewish youths of Germany a The article states that the de- lected children' magazines and Jewish people. This is the only j Arab disorders and violence in the ' by Krs. David ce Sola Pool. Eri-; chance of salvaticn which is o f (=i to deep. Lawrence and the Arab cision of the Commnnists to take ! Bode frolE t h e •ife of S'iss Szv>\£ ] l tribesmen was not so different threatened by the Government's an active part in the Arab vio- books of Jewish appeal as well as thing a leader can give his peo- i Holy Land, Iran has kept aloof ! •• Jp ] e _ " j j e concluded his. short ad- j and took no sides in the unrest. will be dramatised. from Beowulf and- the Gaetish new policy." Mr. Shertok went lence was opposed by Melech Ep- others. Mrs. M. F. lievinson. ecaicstion- • In the game room there will be j aress with the reminder that "our j The beceficieEt neutrality on the tribesmen at the beginning of the on to describe the nature of the stein, a member of the editorial j &1-chairman of the local chapter.; not fail to history and legend of the Angles training given thes~ Reich exiles board of the American-Jewish ping pong, checkers, chess, bii- political struggle is not yet fin-1 part o Iran I invites everr HaciassF.h member; ished." . . . | press and the Saxons; Pagan under- in special settlements. The mem- Communist daily, Freiheit, who liards and other gaines. land her iriencis to c"sn£ s riep-: The children's crafts class, stands pagan. Our men arid wom- bers of the .Royal Commission, toured Palestine last July. Mr. Leib Jaffe, director of the Ker1 i sert-ccrfee at the ,'evish Com-! en who have re-founded -. justice through-their.•questions, indicated Epstein contended that Commu- under the direction of Mrs. Mey-en Hayesod,''and Dr. .Alexander \ Tf.T^f^J^T^T< munity Center at one o'clock and peace in Palestine and built the keenest interest in this phase nist participation in the disorders er Beber, -will also be included in GoHstein emphasized the fact that; U'jH|/!"i'!*f listen to LI F "rC 1 r-*of:-'r *-» of Jewish immigration. They despite the Arab disorders . the | the. first community amcng _jnen in. Palestine . would damage the the program. ftnT'.i that has ever been founded with- made inquiries regarding the spe- Communist. movement in Amer- All recreational activities -rrill collections of the Keren Hayesod out -resort • to .force,: /without the cial circumstances necessitating ica, but his arguments were un- open at 2:15--and- continue -until-; in Palestine this year reached thej ! Preeefilcjj *be brosflcpsl, vprt!' use of violence, and who during the, earliest Immigration of the heeded. According to these revel- 10 p. ta., every day except S a t - | T e c o r d figure of $155,000. j selections -will be g:ve,n t r S"r. The conference was the first the six months of the bloody and youngsters from Germany and the ations, which are published in urday and Sunday. Saturday it j Lawrence Fiiikel, accorcpsried s.t treacherous Arab "strike" com- benefits they derived from agri- Hoar, a . Communist periodical] continue from 6 p^ m. to 10 event to be held in the Great Hall ! the piano hy KergEret KurwitE [ cultural and occupational trainmitted not one act of reprisal, re-j now in opposition to the Central' p. m. and on Sunday, all day. of the Levant Fair since it was! • ' Guests may remain for • ing in Palestine. to j| Finkel, turned not one blow though little for the Palestinian Sym- Kasis Use 'Legal bombs were hurled on inrebuilt fo cards. There will be n~ chf.rire How the economic development Party, d • children were murdered and Hastructions from Communist leadphony Orchestra, which is schedGars Farther I but those wishing: to plsr Ere dassah nurses shot from ambush j of Jews in Palestine Jsas enabled ers at the headquarters in Haifa uled to be launched this month asked to Make up tables and fur- •' readsthem to send in increasing mea—these men and women" are as of the Jewish Federation of Labor by Bronislaw Huber&an, the disnish their ovn cards. j strange and x:ncanny to the pa- sure for. their dependants abroad at buildings of the Levant Fair, two tinguished Jewish •Violinist and Berlin (WNS) — Virtual congan rulers of Britain as that Jew- was described to the Ccmmission in Tel Aviv and elsewhere., Officers for the coming year founder of the orchestra. fiscation of the property of all by Dr. Senator. Replying to a ish teacher whom they have Kr IZWJF VIKS were elected at a special meeting Jews suspected of planning to transformed into a pagan god and query as to the proportion of the of the Social and Cultural Group leave Germany, which means ail FOR Ike U a dependent to the total immigrawhom from the lips outward they of the Omaha Hebrew Club held Jews, was decreed in a new law tion, the witness said that the PLAYHOUSE profess to serve. Thursday, December 10. authorising the Exchange Concently in the number of dependent No, this is no mere theorizing each Those elected were: S. Kenyon, trol Bureau to seize and adminimmigrant. He pointed out Her performance . characterized ister the property and fortune of and supposition. The pagan is that the sharp increase noted rechairman; S. Blum, vice-chairLeonard Muskln, for the pf br skill and intelligent restraint, showing his true colors. Lord man; H. Rudderman, secretary; all persons intending or reported four years a star plerer v-jth t in the number of dependant Peel, chairman of the Royal Com- cently Sonia Blacker, publicity; John Eileen Zevitz, fifteen year old to be intending to settle abroad Central High football team, v entrants was largely due to the .Moscow (JTA) — A series of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam mission, the other day sharply prospec- the only Omaha boy to v i e of arrears of appli- lectures on medieval and modern Feldman, treasurer; Louis Wolk, took Moshe Shertok to task on accumulation dramatic director; and S. Savich,! Zevitz, made her theatrical w i n were El- place on the All-State Eleven. cations from relatives in Palestine Hebrew literature for the Jewish the question of illegal immigra- before the reorganization of the prompter. The executive board j in the role of Miriamne in " - j r e a d y subject to Kns'kin, who is sixteen ye? tion. "You took no steps to halt Government Immigration. Depart- section of the Moscow Pedagogic includes Eva Konecky, Mrs. M.!terser at the Community Play- t o „ . p e r ce _, t o f t h g T g ] u e c , old EEG a sensor e.t Cer.-.rsl, v the practice," said Lord Peel. Mr. ment in 1934. Dr. Senator criti- and Literary Institute was an- Levey and Mrs. C. Horwitz. } house. • decree STrsdacite from • high school their propertJ% t h e E e ^ Shertok testified that the govern- cized the action of the Govern- nounced last week under the aus- On Sunday, January 31, mem-j m the part of the young Jew- i e l 3 p o v e r E t h e B - t n o r i t i e s l 0 Be_ June. Ee EBB not decided whi es pices of A. S. Bubnov, Commissar ment had never turned -to the ment which res-'.lted in the exbers of the group will present a i > Miss Zevitz gave an effective Quester the property of all University he will Ettenf.. Jewish Agency for assistance in clusion of brothers and sisters of Education. interpretation to a highly drara- sons under the pretext that they been *n pvtfour act play, "Der Fremder," by With the announcement coming the matter. He then went Into under 18 from the category of has been RE Cl f Jacob Gordon at the Jewish Com- atic role. She is a student at | m a y b e pi anl .= n g*t 0 emigrate. Aa- standing a rlete at a time when the All-Union the human aspect of the problem dependents. This ha", .resulted, South High where she is active in| o t her new law providing the honor' stL pri c QC his -" munity Center. and spoke of "the depths of des- he declared," in the export from Congress of Soviets was meeting | death penalty for Germans •vrho &t Central. Membership in this ' group is school affairs. pair •which compels Jews to seek Palestine by residents of large to adopt the tJ. S. S. R.'s new lib- open to anyone interested in draSylvan Frankel, a veteran . | smuggle Eonry or other propereral constitution, speculation was their, salvation in Palestine." "I sums for the support of their dety abroad slso puts s. potent antimatics. Talented children will be the Playhouse, also showed am not justifying illegal immigra- pendents abroad. The effects of aroused as to whether it might admitted without dues. Those mettle as Trock, the consumptive Jewish weapon at the disposal of tion," he declared, "but I am ex- this Situation were economically indicate that the Government was wishing to join are asked to call gengster. His villainies the authorities. plaining why it is unthinkable harmful and constituted a source intending t6 drop its ban on He- S. Kenyon,' Barney 3997 or H. highly convincing. Prague (WNS) — The food brew and Zionism. that a Jew should give informa- of grievance among Jews, Dr. The entire cast of "Winterset" j shortage In Germany is cow so Rudderman, Walnut 4753. The lectures, to be delivered tion which would lead to the de- Senator told the Commission. was well chosen for so difficult j acute that Jews and other persons by Alexander Chasin, will begin portation of other Jews." Both a play and proved that the repu- jw h o j i n f l i t difficult to emigrate Vienna Eliahu Epstein, member of the shortly, the announcement said, VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE Lord Peel and Sir Laurie Hamv m ioi- • tation of the Omaha Community jm a y leave the country if they can no C K staff of the political department and will cover Talmuuic" literamond were reported to be obviin. treat- 1 Playhouse as one of the country's jttrrn over to the food control birr- low ' G> FORUM of the Jewish Agency and expert ture, Hebrew literature of the ously dissatisfied with this. outstanding Little theater groups :e aus substantial amounts of population statistics of Pales- Middle Ages and modern works, of for- men! c Because of examinations in all -p o r T>:: \ Meditate on this incident. It on is justified. tine and neighboring countries, including even those of Chaim local colleges and high schools, eign' fats sad meats. Reports in • of the c? State ' fee comes very near to revealing the told j Girido the Commission that Pales- Nachman Bialik, the late Hebrew the Vocational Guidance Forum the Czech press • indicate that \«i: n"- • deepest source of all the worst tine attracts j for Fcrei thousands of illegal many German Jews are appealing of the Round Table of Jewish TJo-rl-r tht evil that there is in the world. Arab immigrants every year. The poet ^laureate and foremost exIficiEls in • to friends and relatives abroad to Youth, scheduled for Thursday, ponent of Zionism in poetry. These .two ^Englishmen, Peel and The Executive Committee ofi source of ihis illegal immibe sending them ! graphic Agencr •* It was recalled that the World will take place on Tuesday.'Dec- the Women's Division oi the J e w - | ^ U L i i them Hammond, well-born; well-bred, chief 'formed. j - " e . ^:s of food. gration are the Hauran, in Syria, ember 22. c Q supposedly sensitive and not al- and Transjordan. Describing his Jewish Congress which met in / . Jewish circles ish Community Center will holdj _ This meeting is open to all I its monthly luncheon meeting, together stupid men, must know travels in these countries in or- Geneva last September decided to j fears in pretty accurately the plight of der to study the effects of Pales- negotiate with the Soviet Govern- young people of the city and their i Monday, December 21, at noon, ISchmidt'e convt that naked despair; they must tine's economic development on ment for abandonment of the re- parents. at the Center. jCb-itceUoT Hitler know of that 'mmitigable trag- neighboring lands, Mr. Epstein de- strictions on the teaching of Hei n s c officials or» < edy. Yet they had to have it ex- clared that the background of the brew and propagation o£ Zionism. The yearly general meeting of jAustro-German EE plained to them that no Jew in Arabs who flood Palestine proves It v-£F expected the Vaad will be held Sunday, Dej Eretz Israel could denounce ano- that this type of immigration is EVA GLADSTONE, 87, Jewish problems cember 20, t t S p. m. st the S'nai: ther Jew who was an illegal entemporary nor seasonal. It Israel synagogue, ISth and Chi-: cultural spheres DIED LAST THURSDAY trant and cause him to be sent neither is not merely the economic atcag-o streets. ] more acute BF B n back to a Nazi concentration tractiveness of Palestine which is At that time the ennus.1 reports! camp or to the hunger and dis- a magnet for these Arabs but the Miss Eva Gladstone, 87, daughPrinceton, N. J. (WNS)—Dis-[ energy and *vice versa, as ides will be given and the election cf; ease in Poland. They had to have terrible conditions in the country ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Berfour commissioners and ten mem-; I — posing of the commonly accepted i , . r comEiiMsjoners : iiJU it explained to them. And when of their origin, the witness said. nard Gladstone, Omaha pioneers, t h a t is f^damental to the c u r - ^ ^ , _ t h g ^ ^ Shertok did explain -r- with what The distress and extortion suffer- died Thursday, December 10, at idea that Albert Einstein's theDry! grief and fury in his heart at the ed by the Haurahese affects the her home . Miss Gladstone had re- of relativity is so abstruse that-| : «at studies of nuclear . physics |w i I 1 t a f c e ^ unspeakable necessity one can type of immigrants who pass the sided in Omaha since 1SS8. only 12 men in the world can .is-, which bidimpor fair to have such, great! Refreshm ts r," be derstandit, Professor Henryu=.;j -practics,I easily imagine — Peel and Ham- Palestine border. Miss Gladstone is survived by Wolfe Smyth, head of the depart-} - , • •>, " ancs in mecicine; All members are -Lrg^d to s'if-5 The Haurani mond "were obviously dissatis- immigrants to Palestine two brothers, Victor of Omaha ment of physics, at Princeton Uni- 1 * ~ during e^ewnere. fied." 1934 and 1935 were estimated by and Max of Venice, California. versity, declares that the Einstein Why were they dissatisfied? Mr. Epstein at 25,000. *% T T ^» -*f Funeral services -were held last theory is an important factor in Because there is a law. Because Sunday from the Gentleman mor- modern medical research. At a meetiss cr those tragic men and women who tuary. Burial was in Pleasant club Isst 7 r Writing in the current issue of crept by stealth into the land of f/OMEtrS DIVISION Berlin (WNS) — The Arable jn i n g j E"I Hill cemetery. the Princeton Alumni Weekly, their fathers were guilty of an CLASS Porfessor Smyth said that "rela- translation of Hitler's autobicgra-j elected presiden of the erg-EEiziH action that is "illegal". But there Lose CitizensMp ' tivity is important in determining | pfcr, "Meiu Kampf" is nov E, best tion. Otter otiiee The Women's Division claES :srs chosen t r e : • was no speech before Peel and Istanbul — Jews and all other! the behavior of the electrons that j seller in Palestine, Iraq, Syria Harry Weiner. Hammond of the actions of the which was scheduled for this past persecutors who drove those men Wednesday has been changed to minorities will be deprived of the! the Van de Graaff machine will j and other Arabic lands, according i Oscar Belzer, ssec , ; Geadler, trsararer. and women to despair and to Wednesday, December 23, at 1 p. rights of citizenship in Iraq when j drive down the million-volt 5-ray j to reports in the Kasi press. e <>» i < 14 bscii-s," the flight and to stealth. No for those m. at the Jewish Community Cen- the new government completes' tube used in -cancer treatment In I ' Sale of the German edition was j As the first r the constitution it is now draft•??iBPCI to receive the * ter. Rabbi David :A. Goldstein the Huntington Memorial-Hoospi-j prohibited in Palestine tut- the j regime, Bltmenllta persecutors had passed laws acwill continue his series of lectures ing, according to Bagdad reports tal. Belativity first suggested that I recent Arabic traiislatioa is en-'ete a membership robassadcT. Valor1, on in the Turkish press. on Palestine. (Continued on page 8.) he w HE 8 Jew, matter could ba changed - into!joying-wide popularity. .start of the

Finishes for






Henrietta Ssolci Broadcast to Be Gircn on Monday

N. Y. A. Workers to Aid in J. C. C. Recreation Room


Social, Cultural Group Election

Soviet Education Commisar Begins Hebrew Lectures



Women's Division


llumenthcl I-i

THE JE^TUSH PEESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 19Sfi MIGRATION OF JEWS ONLY . . possible, than to have every non- delight in strength. "God Save the King The raad song-writer, was moaning to HarAs if that makes much difference Jew in the United States visit the "And one who plays ill is check- Harpo Marx's new Beverly Hills ry Revel, his partner, about havto., the authorities. . . . Seminary. mated — without haste but with- home has escalators instead of ing lost his appetite. "That's all (Copyright,' 1936, Jewish Tele- out remorse. stairways and a Wailing Wall for very well for you," cheered Re(Copyright 3 S36 by Seven Arts vel, "but if some poor actor finds ' "Education is learning the guests who worry . . . graphic Agency, Inc.) Feature Syndicate.) rules of this mighty game. i (Copyright, 1936, Jewish Tele- it, it will ruin him!" "An education prepares a man graphic Agency, Inc.) to escape the great evils of disBig goings-on for the Zukor I Britain Hints to obedience to the laws of success Silver Jubilee! The twenty-four By ROBERT STOXE and trains him to appreciate and stars in Parainount's trade-mark Poland to Treat ANTI-SEMITIC CANDIDATE seize upon the rewards which suchave been Increased to twenty- FOR The Jewish Theological Semin- matter" how brilliant and.wellMONTREAL MAYORALITY It© Jewry Better cess bestows with as free a.hand five. A history of the movies will IFAILS TO WIN NOMINATION . ary of America, one of America's trained, needs : help. He needs as she inflicts her penalties." I London (WNS) —A polite hint be assembled in celluloid by splicBy HELEN ZIGMOND great institutes of Jewish learn- trained instructors for hia religFrozen out in a Montreal win- that Poland should treat its minTo teach a child the rules of ing excerpts from fifty pictures j ^e'r ing, is fifty years old this year. ious schools, he Is immeasurably life, so that he may be able to including the Jews, better Hollywood—Again the hue and produced since 1912 and inter-! ANGLO-JEWISH PRESS HAIL- jorities, Outstanding people in many walks aided by trained laity and he can- By the Service Life Insurance live successfully, is the greatest i s,nd thst it should improve their spersing chronological news events! of life will participate in a series hot fuhtion properly without a heritage, next to a strong body cry . . . albeit from sources ig[economic lot was conveyed to Col. Company, Omaha norant and anti-Semitic . . . about of anniversary celebrations over conscientiously Jewish communand the enviroment of a happy I Josef Beck. Polish Foreigp Min: a period of six months. In this i t y . .•'•"•••'" • '•• home, that parents can give to a Jews in the movies . "They make • ister, by Anthony Eden, British Huxley, the great English writthe pictures . . . they control the article, Mr. Warburg discusses the In the field of inter-faith' re- er, drew a picture of education, c h i l d . ' •• , I Foreign Secretary, during thpir industry," opined a lecturer reseminary, Its signifIcancer and its lations, likewise, the influence of which is faithful and true in evconversation here, it was learned I A. A. U. REBUKES FROThe tragedy of life comes In the pany, a plan which he registered cently. We refuted this falsehood contributions to present-day. Jew- the Seminary is widespread. A ery detail, when he said: from authoritative sources. Col. :NAZI FORCES BY ELECTING fact that-so many children for some time ago, but perhaps a few in Ottawa in 1908. His idea was ish culture.—EDITOR part of the Moraingside heights Beck is understood to have urijed IMAKONEY PRESIDENT . . . whom college has been planned, chessboard is the world, up-to-the-rninute statistics would to have actors stand behind the educational center in New York, The"The |; Better late than never — but a j Great Britain not to curtail Jewfrom the first. moment on, are be timely. player on the other side is curtain to speak lines for the year ago would have been better. j ish immigration to Palestine beThe Semi-Centennial celebra- the. Seminary is across the street hidden from us. We know that cheated out of college. The life Let's scan the writers of scen- players on the screen. Embryonic j cause such an action would aption of the Jewish Theological from the Union Theological Sem- his play is always fair, just and insurance plan is the modern arios, PARAGUAY BANS JEWISH j' gravste the difficulties. of Polish talkies twenty years too soon^ those men and women who inary. It has for neighbors ColumSeminary, yhich will be inaugurpatient; but also we know to our method of guaranteeing to a child IMMIGRATION BUT STATS EX- ]Jews. Although he received no • • • out the finished script ready ated next Thursday evening with bia University, Barnard College cost that he never overlooks a the pleasure and benefits of a turn PULSION OF JEWS FROM CAP- : definite promise from Mr. Eden, It's the climate! George Tapps for the camera. According to the and all the affiliates of these two mistake or makes the smallest college education. an address, "Problems of Present The plan, most complete list available, there took his 84-year-old grandmother ITAL CITY . . . For email fETors ;'; it is reported that the British Day ; Civilization," by Governor institutions. The students of Un- allowance for ignorance. !i Foreign Secretary agreed that his through a combination of savings are some 524 writers' working on out to dance at the Cocoanut j let us not be ta'.greteful. Lehman of New York, Is an oc- ion mingle informally with their "To the man who plays well, and compound interest,^ means all the lots. Of these, about Grove. WIFE OF AUSTRAIN NAZI1 government would give full conneighbors across the street thus casion of which American Jewry the highest stakes are paid, with that "your boy and girl never wiU eighty are Jews. The numbers LEADER TURNS OUT TO BE sideration to Poland's request. • • • may be well proud. Judged either unconsciously developing the very that" sort of overflowing generos- be cheated out of the greatest may JEWESS . . . Will he new turn : At EH interview with a delegavary occasionally, but the best form of mutual understandA well-known comedienne has as an outstanding Jewish Instituity with which the strong show heritage." ' •• i tion of Agudath Israel leaders ratio remains equable. Slightly been swamped with tourist visi- j her out? tion of learning or a component ing. The library and the museum BRITISH . i O T A L CRISIS '•:': Col. Beck declared he bad made more than one-sixth Jews! And of the Seminary with their counttors lately, and she has done herj part of the American educational in a department that is said to best to show them the Bights.' MAY AFFECT JEWS AS FAS- ; co special requests of Mr. Eden system, the Seminary by the val- less treasures, antiquities and abound with Our People! Drives them about, pointing outj CISTS BACK KING . . . You can Iso far as the Jews were concernidity of its scholarship has earned rare manuscripts are the mecca of students all over the United the homes of the famous, Charlie | not keep the Jewish question ed but merely emphasized PoMore about this question next a place among the foremost theo:; land's interest in having the JewStates and in other lands. As a Chaplin's, Mary Pickford's, Har- down. week. logical seminaries in the world. ish immigration quota to Pal raresult the Seminary stands today old Lloyd's, etc. Finally, at the) NAZI PAGANS WOULD AP- tine Under the inspired leadership as perhaps the- outstanding center remain as large as possible. PLY NUREMEERG LAWS TO, end of a hard day, they drove past ] Going Hollywood, eh? GoverEe also made it clear to the deleof its president, Dr. Cyrus Aldder, of Jewish learning in the western CHRISTIANITY . . . Quite log-; j the buildings of the University of j nor Lehman of New York atgation that his government could the Seminary has served a dual world. tended the "Lloyds of London" California. "Who lives there?" j ical, and an honor to Christianity. ! not postpone enforcement of the purpose. Through its training of . . 'Architecture Spells Beauty' premiere the other night . . . ar- they asked. "Louis B. Mayer,*) NAZIS EMBARRASSED AS jsHsii-seechitx Jaw. young Tabbis it has been a mighty rived at & quarter to eight. When she answered, wearily, and nosed LIST OF JEWS TO EE BOYCOTA.' PETERS Physically, also, the Seminary force in the perpetuation of traTED CONTAINS NASI NAMES . . j informed by an usher that he was for homeditional 'Judaism in America and must, be a source of pride to So even the Nazis are becoming an hour too early, he answered, through dissemination of infor- American Jewry. Certainly, others converts to the sxti-Nczi boycott Heigho! "Oh, no, I'm not. I want to see WORLD FAIR: Two anti-Nazi studied for the rabbinate at Hemust feel as I do the warm thrill mation, tending to make the true movement. • • • the stars!" And see them he did! boycott groups are stepping all berw Union College, but the radio meaning of Judaism better under- that comes with passing through Stood n e a r the microphone, (Coopyrlght, 1936, Jewish TeleWIDESPREAD ANTI-SEMITIC stood it has contributed notably the Impressive doorway into the over each other's toes in the mat- bug bit him . . . watched celebs dismount from CAMPAIGN fcTIRS JEWISH ter of the New York World Fair's graphic/Agency, Inc.) quadrangle of the Seminary. Its • * • to the development of better -u Duesenbergs and Roll Royces, COMMUNITY . . . The lights of derstanding between Christians very architecture spells beauty, invitation to Germany . . . One BORROWINGS: Here's a fisttolerance receding from the Dark dignfty, reverence and piety. Here of them was engaged in some be- ful of stuff gleaned at random eager &s any fan, he was last to Continues Excavations and Jews. Continent? enter the theatre. hind-the-scenes work to get the Is the seat of culture in Its broadThe Semi-Centennial observance Jerusalem—Sir Flinders Fetrie, I F A S C I S M ORGANIZATION When the oth- from such colyumists as Ed Sul* * * , bld withdrawn is a milestone in the history of est implications. . livan, Louis Sobol, Len Lyons and Francine Larrimore is one of the "grand old man" of Palestin-! F O R I H E D WITH MOSLET'S Nobody can enter the Museum er barged in with a public pro- Walt Winchell the Seminary. It is a moment at Sam Levene, ian archaelogy, has returned to j . . . Well. 7011 wouldn't •which its directors, faculty, alum- on the street floor without being test that brought the reply that of "Three Men on a Horse" fame, the smallest of stars . . . meas- North Sinai for his third season! BACKING expect Col. Wedgwood to back it, ni and friends may be pardonably impressed by the tender love of the Invitations were sent by the never gets telephone messages be- ures five feet one inch . . . has of excavation on that fruitful site | Would you? And now, cause when his father answers to stand on a box for romantic which has turned up considerable; excused for glancing backward at the adherents of the Jewish relig- State Department ROYAL COMMISSION REARS J group number one is all steamed ion in many countries for their past achievement.. But even more the phone, he simply, shouts into close-ups in her current picture. important discoveries. I MANDATE PROVIDES TOR IM- j FTTREB CABS BO, it is a moment that permits houses of worship. As the German up about it, charging under its It, "Sam no home," aad hangs breath that group number two uppoet says, '-. "Alle Dinge haben "Rainbow on the River," Bobits true friends to take inventory; up, that being the extent of his to survey its possibilities and po- Sprache"-rrAll things have their set its applecart . . . And at this knowledge of English . . . Rabbi by Breen's latest flicker deserves writing, execs of group number rave reviews. The preview auditentialities and make plans for its language when we contemplate one are huddling over a plan, that Solomon Goldman of Chicago re- ence broke into spontaneous and next fifty years of service-to Ju- them. portedly has three brothers who This teeling of reverence and may or may not go through, to are popular New York restaura- sustained applause for the boy • daism and America. . HOLIDAY STORE HOURS—9 A, M. TO 9 P, M, . . . and there was much sniffling admiration lor the knowledge and stick a burr into Naziland's hopes ", Graduated Over 3OO Rabbis t Jack operates the fam- and show of handkerchiefs by the of profiting from the Fair .-..'. teurs In its half century of existence, the ancient culture which devel- Personally, the whole business 13 ous Hickory House, Al manages the Seminary has graduated more oped our religion comes over you a yawn, since the Fair is for 1939 a Chinese chowry and Chick con- feminine coterie. This silver-voiced lad acts, than 300- rabbis, many of whom even more strangely ' when you and by that time Peters and a ducts the Caliente A fourth are among the most distinguished look through the treasures of the lot of the other boys may be in brother. Sonny, is a lawyer with sings, speaks with ease and unleaders of Israel today. One of Its reading rqonTand the book vaults. the trenches, or something. "GIFTS TO GIVE AKD POSS offices over the last-named spot affectedness that is charming, but alumni, Dr. Joseph _Hertz, has One cannot'handle these ancient . . . Eugene Lyons, former Jewish don't think it all just happened. ince , 1913 i . served a s . the Chief scriptures ,^ithOUt .feeling transDaily Bulletin colyumist and U. His talent is the result of years BAZOOKA MAGNATE is what P. Moscow correspondent, is au- of struggle and perseverance .Five Rabbi of the British Empire; ported jnttr thtf far i>ast,when the others are serving congregations battle for ideais.and for reform in the boys a r e ' beginning to call thorizing "We Cover the World" out of his nine years spent in in 34 of the 48 states of the Am- social conditions" was just as in- Max M. Pechapin . . . His kazoo under the Imprint of Harcourt hours of practicing scales, vocaltense as it. 13 today. An institution business having boomed as a re- Brace . • . It'll have 15 chapters ises, night after night of rehearerican republic. • But this'is the most obvious of of the type of the Seminary im- sult of the political campaign and by 15 noted foreign correspond- sals for stage shows, days of studying foreign languages In adthe Seminary's many attributes. bues even a visitor, so surely a the swing music craze, Max is now ents Out of 110 rabbis invited Lesser known are its Teachers student, with respect for a long turning out the musical monstros- to see "It Can't Happen Here," dition to the usual school curricInstitute, the Seminary College.of line of ancestors and of savants, ity known as the bazooka, brain- Sinclair Lewii' WPA play, 109 ac-ulum. It was Sally, his sister, who urged, encouraged, managed him Jewish Studies, the Israel Fried- and lays the foundation for the storm of film and radio star Bob cepted the 110th having gone relentlessly. Even in Hollywood laender classes and the Institute appreciation of things beautiful Burns . . .According to Phi Ep- to Palestine . . . At a Jewish Fedsilon Pi Quarterly, the bazooka eration meeting recently when he had to go on of Jewish Affairs. Yet each has a in the Hebrew faith. Sally has ST PROPORTIONED• Tonic for Disillusioned magnate is also turning to alarm Lanny Ross contributed $1,000, placed him under the. tutelage of "; place in Jewish life. The Teachers a well-known voice teacher. STOCKINGS INSURE ' In this day, when the integrity clocks and will shortly bring out, Bill Robinson dittoed $250 and Institute, now operating in conjunction with Columbi-: Univer- of the Jewish people is question- in conjunction with the Water- Cab Calloway $100, Eddie Cantor It is easy to foresee for him a COSHECT FIT sity prepares men and women for ed, when our fortitude and our bury Clock Company, a "weather, cracked: "Us Jews certainly are career like Jolson's or Cantor's. The most exquisite stockings you Like them, he was born of humwork in the field of Jewish edu- patience are sorely tried, it is alarm" which will not only wake generous people" . . . In John have ever vrorn—s.nd the moat cation. The Seminary College of well for us to remember our her- you up, but will tell you how cold Whitaker's book "And F e a*r ble, non-professional, Jewish parlasting. The "UiSTEX" feature. • Jewish Studies' offers the degree itage, to strenghthtn ourselves it is the wrong side of your blan- Came," which tells about his ex- ents; like them, his talent for absorbs strain1" from the garters singing became evident early; of Bachelor of Hebrew Litera- with the knowledge of what our ket and what kind of weather to periences and impressions as the and permits you to bend .you? ture to .graduates of Hebrew sec- faith has meant* what it has en- expect knees comfortably &nd gTacefully. N. Y. Herald Tribune's correspon- like them, his voice has that ondary schools'desiring to con- dured and what it has overcome. The high twist, dull crepe finish, dent in Germany, there is this sparkling quality which affects resists snag's and is infinitely flat-. tinue their Jewish education. The The persecutions of today are AMITY NOTE: That group of anecdote about Robert Dell, Man- the emotions of his hearers; like taring to the legs. Israel Friedlaender Classes, in nothing new- Turning back the American Arabs and Jews are chester Guardian correspondent! them, he has achieved success on Hebrew, the Talmud, Jewish his- years, we see Intolerance, Injus- making progress toward forming . . . Bob was tTing to get Club- the stage, the radio, and now in tory, and Biblical history. The In- tice meted out to^our people in an organization to promote Arab- foot Goebbels on the phone, and the movies. stitute of Jewish Affairs presents strange doses, but we see too Jewish amity in Palestine . • • * the switchboard fraulein monotlectures, both at the . Seminary achievement and honor the death- Understand they've already for- onously chirped at him: "This Is Mack Gordon, the gargantuan and throughout the; country, on less pride of a people steeped in mulated a definite program the Ministry of Propaganda and a noble tradition. For the Jew a And that it includes a drive for Public Enlightenment. Hell, Hittopics of Jewish interest. All of these divisions are a part visit to the Seminary is Inspira- funds to erect a hospital at Haifa ler. With whom do you wish to At J. C. C. atLOST the Talmud Terah of the Seminary's-concept of its tional. I command it as a tonic that will be open to all and will speak? Heil, Hitler." "Thi3 . is play, Monday night—boy* vest and jacKet. Leave at Center er cat! larger responsibility to Judaism. for the disillusioned and have both Jewish and Arab phy- Mr. Robert Dell speaking," re- Harney 7377. s e d . ."•. V . . . " . • • '• The rabbi of a congregation, no sicians on its staff . . . Important turned the disgusted journalist, Vanity Fair three, 'our tad Similiary. a visit to the Semin- Zionists have Interested themfive-thread Kneemust impress the non-Jew. selves in the movement. . . About last stodsJngs . . . Auto Safety Clinic ary It is an antidote to Naziism, a re- which more anon . . . minder that the Jews are an anVanity Fair three.four and • • * Phil and Ben Yousem of the cient people, among the first civseven-thread all £ ; AA ALMOST A RABBI: Al AlexYousem Auto Safety Clinic, J1S1G ilizations the world has known. silk stockings . . . 9 1 « W who started and still runs Leavenworth street, 1 pioneers in No amount of propaganda to com- ander,popular Good Will Court that four-wheel brakes, have been in bat anti-Semitism, it seems to me, Vanity Fair, four and the air, came close to the the brake business in Omaha since could "be more affective, were It over five-thread stockings. pulpit in his early days . . . He 1926. Their four wheel brakes tester was the first in Omaha. Their shop is equipped with all the latest types of equipment for the correcting of brakes, lights, and wheel alignments. The equipment used'for testing is identical with that used by the City TestTKI HKKEl nm SAYS "IT'S UM" ing Station. In giving thought to a life insurance program Here's a s & shell be proud ef. It will Reecntly Phil and Ben Yousem •ay "Merry Cbristoas" ertry day. do yon add to your life insurance policies held a class for the entire gaAnd it pay*, for, itself ia food urviags. haphazardly? rage and repairman's association This semi-fitted Vanity slip of Get a FEES Nickel Saver. Kstel of Omaha in their shops on tricot has four gores with adNickels grow into doUsr*. Shews how justable shoulder straps wsd the average family can cwa a Westbrakes, lights, and steering. -Or, are they taken out for specific purposes, Beam in back to improve fit. nekel per persaa per day. About 250 repairmen were presShadow panel—is Blush ssd such as a clean-up fund, mortgage insurance, ent. Mayor Butler presided. White. ITS10 TEA2ICOHOMT THAT COUNTS Philip, i ousem has earned a naand educational endowments for the children? lUUTfflll VABITT U I I tional reputation in designing 1 Henaetiadly-sealed tmJt brakes for heavy trucks and trailSERVICE LIFE REPRESENTATIVES are 2 ?iv« Yesra Protectsea on unit. ers. The company ships various trained in. planning your life insurance program 3 Ejeet-o-Cabe Trsy cad SsaPower Brake HookupB to all parts tHey Frester. of the country. 4 Built-in WateJssfta. Ben Youseum has been an acTelephone AT-1190 5 AH-etesl cabinets tive leader in safety. He is a Including engraved ani Foll-pE»syered mtchsakm. ncuncenieat card to go iamember of the Omaha Board of side V i Safety, the Traffic Department of JOHN A. BEBEB, General Agent , the Chamber of Commerce, the Engineers Club and the National Safety Council, and acts in an advisory position with the Nebraska State Safety Council. In Three Lengths MY NOW-While Tftese Low The company distributes BenT<OT m. smooth Un£" beneath Fitdix Products for Nebraska, and OMAHA ted Costumes, skillfu^.y deWestern Iowa. The Yousem Comsigned to fit smoothly with or pany has the only four-wheel without a girdle, BO front or JOHN A. FABBEB, President brake-testing machine large aide seams, flat elastic band. enough to test brakes on the launder them like your hosiery. largest trucks and trailers that Main travel the highways. • i



By Felix M. Warburg

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The Service Life Insurance Company




Page E

Attack: the trend toward Fascism as a part cf the Grim Sixteen Alii-j A. London Jewish, shoemaker IsjVopei, the German pefiaH-pusTu;i;E;During the recent election cam- matter of world momentum, only the lion to begin to Essert itself." (p. 1 claiming that he's the son of the 'team. paign in many .'nstances the at-in the United States it will take •2.) j late Sir Basil Saharoff, munitions About People tacks consisted essentially- of the guise of Christian Kepcblicon The American Gentile hafi Iking . , . Ana he intends to back slanderous stories and charges anisin." " . . . Fascism meaning, Ko-cl •ppRpe Carl van ur his claim with 6 against prominent American Jews of course, anti-Jewish dominance evidence . . , Kiss Emilie J. Soi-jpeace movement ir jr.?f V1? .A]like Justice Brandeis and Profes- of Gentile institutions expressed ed in black and red: onion, the new chairman or t h e i i r e d Kermscr. Frier,, the Anstris>Ei sor Frankfurter. Indeed, accord- in a man. or party that heads srch "A Vote for Eoosevelt is a Vote ing to Mrs. Elizabeth Dillings's liberation." (Pelley's Weekly, for Conniving Jews . . . A Christ- Congregational Union of S o u t h ' J e w who J'PC! won th*» .Tsoli*>; recent book, "The Roosevelt Red Nov. 18, 19S6. p. 2). ian voting for a Jew — is spitting | Africa, 3s the descendant r,£ pne | Peace Prise (he yenr be-.'ore j of the oldest Jewish families injTVe'rr rot boasting Bi.w.l it;, Record and its Background," the But that savagery _to which in the face cf Christ'" | South Africa . . . .Juan de 3a Cicurrent resurgence of anti-Semi- Pelley can stoop in public is only !\pvf. e The sheet carried a half-pa i erva, inventor of the s.i:togirF., tic feeling is partly the fault of fully revealed in the following in iie archives w su v i.Ypnr \ ? to cartoon marked "Jewish TJictatorthe President: "Roosvelt fosters morsel: who was killed in that London air P€- F. copy of the anti-Semitism" because "he ap- "Only the shallow-pated 'little' ship" and bearing the caption: 'It 'crash was half-Jewish \oi the 3 re points so many radical Jews to Jews are exalting in the 'land- has happened in Russia — It is mother's name was Kande" The American Jewish Congress The director of "World Service' happening in Spain — It is veil ihsl lie v.-f>p. [Odessa 's> at present completing its prep- it should be added, Is none othe partment Of Labor, as wail as key positions." However, if Mrs. slide . . . The 'big' Jews knew in on its way in France -— And if y, Dilling intended to add her voice their uneasy hearts that such an I copy w. arations lor an intensive nation- than the notorious CoL Ulrich "all persons of the Jewish reli- against rsbw rather than in favor of expression as the Ashkanazi con- you keep Mr. Roosevelt and His gion." He has written and circu* wide campaign for the exposure Fleischhauer,' star-witness for thelated a long string of leaflets and unfairness Kosa Ponselle'E fiance, Carle A. Jews in Washington b e e R resent f t toward the Jew, the and combating ol anti-Semitic Nazis at the Berne trial In 1934 articles in the course of his hate- general tenor of her book , mili- nived to bring to pass on Novem- certainly happen here." Photo- ! Jackson, .doesn't smoke in her I nr of fbe VF. 1 ' propaganda and subversive activ- In which the Swiss.court complet- stirring campaign, but a few ex-tates against that impression. One ber 3rd was truly the most dan- graphs of a considerable number | presence for fear it might irritate!! NJa;:i= cleiertrmv gerous thing that could havs hapities. As part of the preliminary ly rejected his and all other tes- tracts from his recent booklet, item in her book is particularly of prominent Jews anc Christians ; her • throat . . . Difiier Schwartz, ]| jii-. -;r tc burn : work the organization has as- timony in favor of the authen "The Edmondson Case. Jew vs.revealing: the New York Times of pened to all Jewry. —President Roosevelt, r Frances ' the "Ivy Lee of Europe," is in j'' o f hifr i i p t r , , sembled a large collection ol cur- ticlty of the "Protocols of the El Christians in Court: Allegations July 10th, 1936, is cited as not- "Jews elevated into authority Perkins, Mayor LaGiiErdia, Don-: this country on a secret mission! no Ary;-r-. , , , rent newspapers, magazines, pam- ders of Zion," the most vicious o as to the. international menace ol ing the arrival of 100 German in any country set abcut doing j aid Kichberg — were also print-j lor rjsBaron Henri fie Rothschild o'i:,_ of KP.nrnnr j phlets, leaflets, and books which tho anti-Semitic literature distrib- the globe-encircling 'Jewish Na- Jewish refugees, but Mrs. Dill- things with a ruthless brutality j ed, together with "descriptions" ; P& . From the Federel paper in the are printed and distributed by uted by Fleischhauer In the Unit tion'," will suffice to indicate the ing's own heading for this event t h a t precipitates the Jewish jef their activities under the head- . cunties and Exchange Comrcis-! Fascist groups In every section of ed States and ' in Latin AmeriCE falsity of his attacks on the Jews is: "TJ. S. Affords Haven for Rev- question into the realm, of bloody line: "These Jewish Chi9elers'Eton's reports -we learn that t h e ' isrht 1'tC fcv contest. the United States. Underlying this as well .as in Europe. Promote Communism to Kate ,i salaries of the four Kanischeyitr, as well as the unbalanced, un- olutionary Reds from Europe." "It mass or-Insidious and inflammatake fron thirty to six- Themselves Masters and Gentile [ brothers of ai&tzok. fame totaled American nature of the ideas We all know how figures can ty days for the Great Reaction en Slaves." ,0C0 last year . . . *;. U. Kan-t tory material is the appeal in the Another foreign sources for an which he attempts to disseminate: be distracted, but it is not often got the most. $24,0CC, ! regulation Nazi fashion to race- ti-Jewish and anti-democratic "A Jewish anti-American Con- that "A Message to the WorkingIrom h c and Mas, the treasurer, got the! hatred. The Aryan population Is prejudice is the British brand oo: least, $5,000*. . . According to j ^ incited to resent the presence of Fascism. A sheet bearing the sig-spiracy is destroying the "Repub- men of America" on the eve of (John Hix, author ol "Strange As; I~ O:ketKonlr "alien" groups, Jews above aall, nificant name, "The Storm," in lic. Historical documentary sup- a national election will stoop to oofc I: C**1^ It Seems," Judah p . Benjamin, I in this country, and to eliminate imitation of Hitler's Stunner and pressed records prove it," (p 45.)such an obvious untruth as the iamocs statesman, and Secretary j A poclceibook containing twen« their members, "whether native or advertising on its front page (Reference to the cover of the following: booklet shows that he means the "More than. €00,000 aliens, of TTar of the Confederacy, WSF | ty-eighf. circle naturalized citizens, from all "World Service News Dispatches' leaflets dollar bilh: t-.ntk distributed by his late mostly Jews, have been illegally a British citizen all his life , , , j two Invoice*3 fro' n Uip Fiocl- Vv\h-•walks of public and private life. as well as explicitly endorsing "Service' which YOU SHOtTiD KNOW he chooses to call admitted ot this country by the have sold France to Russia' •/[Rose \\"ies Sahiu. Boston soprano j lif-hlnc Some writers or organizations are Fascism draws, for example, on 'Suppressed Historical Records") aid of the Department of Labor. It is said that the Joint Distri- j O n e o f ^ e most virluent Entl- ;a n ^ dean oi music in Staley Co;- ; lost Et the Kips of Xpy Tork v-~ax still a bit squeamish about pro- the Fascist, monthly organ of the "Knowing that there was butEvery one of these aliens took a bution Committee will allocate ' Jewish sheets in Paris, "Savez-jiege< Erooklvn, stopped the chew ; Si-ndc^- at the ttoo CF.rr.irp,]. ?R-t claiming their "Aryan" hatred London "Imperial Fascist Lea Coinnuip.itr Cen* one course; that pitiless publicity job from some Christian Aineri- $1,000,000 to Poland for 1937 . . Vous" (Do You Know?), owned j a t t l l e -^siiflorf-Astoria party of ter. Anyone and -prefer termB which are some- gue." The Storm is printed In: is fiufiiiiE ii is es' The stir created by Sam Lam• ky a Jewish financier, is seeking j Home for Jewish the only cure for public evils, can workman. t b e Wtih more than what less offensive to public opin- Yorkvllle under the editorship o: in 1934 I started on a campaign 10,000,000 unemployed in this port's Polish relief plan is said to divert attention from rich \ children . . . Euddj- Mrer, second! to R, Glont srTErail JOIIK ion such as "Gentile," "American Raymond J. Healy, whose agi- to expose Jewish antiAmerican- country, the Jewish-controlled to be the goad responsible . . . J e w s by working up the bogey ,A TP Christian," and "White Protest- tation earned him 60 days in theism and Talmudic Communism Roosevelt administration brings Employers who want to uncover j t h a t recent Jewish immigration baseman oi the "Washington Sena- ; tors, is showing off his new-born 1 ant." But the trick will deceive no workhouse In June, 1935. Our do- which has been called 'The Code in an additional 600,000 aliens." Jewish employes who are passing from Germany ax.d Eastern Enr-'gjjjj'^ _ _ ^v^ ^ g Philip Go . Goldsteins person who has heard anything at mestic bigots also delight in quot- of Hell1; a 'Rabbi Racket' that as Aryans are asking them to ope is responsible for the antii f the Jewish agricultural o This statement appears in The ing at great length a pamphlet all of the Hitlerist ideology. The victimizes its own followers: an Knight (for September state their religion and national- Jewish wave . . . Because cf this'ujgEj. E t KiE-htstowu, K. , spirit that pervades the writings published by the Militant Chris- international 'Satanic System' White ^Ere ^ 1926) a puplished at ity as part of a questionnaire sup- anti-Semitic agitatioii Jews i n ! b o a s t i n g Of "the first babv ^born Ali Kind rvfdt- M» a *f- l. of the anti-Semites of all shades tian Patriots of London, whose subverting France, Britain, Ger- Charleston,monthly posedly issued by the Federal SoFrance 'are changing their names j . _ _ Jewish fans at the New there W. Va., 'under the Meats and Poultry—Come name, incidentally, has been bor in this country is fed by Fascist P P r.on\>lne.°(l, many and Russia, causing the authority of the Knights of the cial Security Board Speaking . . . Seventy-five thocsand eppii-jyork sij>ciEy bicycle race kept ur agents, and is foreign to all ex-rowed by Healy to designate his present depression and moving to White Camellia," who offer "a of social security reminds us that cations for came cl .^es cave; have a constsnt hoeing because ol cept those who have discarded the own-"party." This pamphlet is take over the United States militant opportunity to Aryan Lester H. Noble, former-member been handled by -he French !J^ jia* that flew from E -J FFTEC. P E U V E P V entitled "Zionism" and is acceptfundamental principles of Amerthrough Jewish-Radical adminis- Americans." The same Issue con-of the Montana legislature, was courts is the last year . . . Ed-I trackside Kiiiac and! ican life in lavor of tho imported ed as authoritative by all anti- tration" (p. 10). mond Kahn, the only Jewish restains additional fuel for the fires the author of the first old age Semites. • . product. of Toledo, Spain, was asMr.\ Edmondson assures us that of race prejudice from the peas pension bill enacted in the United ident sassinated by-the Fascists j Zionism Blamed for Russian of Edmondson and of James True States It became law in 1S2J he is not defaming all Jews in ;"We are offering below a • numMiriam Roback, 15-year old) they captured the city . . . Kahn j Revolution' of Washington, D. C , who has America, bnt only the overwhelmber of representative selections of Its purpose Is to distort the facts been exposed as advocating phy- daughter of Prof. A. A. Eoback, had his hands and feet tied, wae!. the anti-Semitic statements which concerning the aceptance of thb ing majority of them-. sical violence against Jews. Nev- is the youngest student in Rad-thrown into the street, whereup- j f "In my reference to 'Mongolwill fill the endless stream of Mandate over Palestine by the ertheless, the Knights pretend cliffe< College Mrs. Louis D. on a swastika-marked tank was III Fascist publications in our coun- British Government in order to Jews' I do not allude to indus- that they are, "in no way endea- Brandeis is collaborating with allowed to run vocr him . . . The try. We wish our readers to seeaccuse the Zionists of wielding trious citizens of Jewish Faith, voring to promote or incite relig- Josephine Goldmark on a book. Jews of Ce-Jta in Spanish Morocwho are loyal American citizens, for themselves who the enemieB secret and insidious powers. Acious prejudice." Then on the called "Democracy ia Denmark" . co are migrating en masse to the of American Jewry are and howcording to thi3 pamphlet not only but to that class of Ashkenazim heels of this disclaimer, they ofAccording to Lenny Lyons of French zone . . . The money levies they are responding to suggestions was the British Government in or Asiatic revolutionary mass of fer the following bit of self-in- the New York post, Bea Gottlieb, of General Franco have mined I from their assocates abroad, and the war period dominated by Communistic and Socialistic Jews crimination: the Jewish gal who once trimmed them complete!;.- . . . They may j we trust they will realize the im-Zionist leaders, but the Russian who are destroying American IZing Edward at golf, is trying to not leave, however, without be- j "The international Jew has Principles of • Government" (p. portance of the work in dealing Revolution' was "skillfully fomenting searched and mast leave even j} hidden behind the cry of 'relig- exploit the Simpson-affair by of-personal jewelry behind . . . . with this propaganda and with its ed and managed by the Zionists!" 14.) fering a golf act to New Tork vicious effects in stimulating dis- despite the fact that Zionism is Would Deny Jews IThe Bight To ious prejudice' down "through the night clubs . . . Remember the Pierre Dreyfus, son of the late ages, ever since they crucified 1935 A. A. U. convention when Alfred Dreyfus has published a crimination against Jews' in the not tolerated In the U.S.S.R. As Vote: book with sensational data on the business and professional life of further evidence of Zionist power Now-let us listen to his rather Christ. "Let it be understood that In- he votes of the allied associaAmerica. this anti-Semite would have his original notions on how to reform ternational Zionism, the so-called tions were jest enough to defeat martyrdom of his father. An, instructive example of s, readers believe that "The War the American Government: religion of the Jew, is not a re- an anti-Nazi resolution . . . The f shrelking sheet which is support- ended when the Zionists gave the "Briefly, our Federal Consti- ligion in the Christian under- anti-Nazi, forces charged that al- BY SHORT WAVE ed not by Its readers or advertis- word to bring it to a finish." tution,and State Legislative fund- standing. It is a political faith, iid members had been rounded Dr. Isaac Hersog, who went j ers but funds supplied secretly by -. The French section of Fascism amental enactments disqualify whose sole purpose is the destruc- up by the Erui-dage gang since from the chief rabbinate { £ Ire-i certain professional antI-Semite3 has also made its contribution to any Jew from serving as a Grand tion of Christianity and the com-they seldom attended conventions land to the chief rabbinate cC is the American Gentile, which fa the vilification of the. Jew in theJuror" (p. 27). plete domination of the world by . . . The 1936 convention justi- Palestine, is one of the closest printed In Chicago, and which is United States. One of the thick"Why should not Jews be dis-Jews, as the., now dominate and fied the charge . . . Sixteen allied personal friends of Eamon de too cowardly, to reveal its editor's est of the numerous pamphlets franchised and denied the ballot? own Russia, Spain and Mexico." associations voted in 1S35 andValera, president of the Irish identity. Open It up and a special distributed by the now defunct By prominent Constitutional au- Pelley "Warns Fascism Will Come only nine in 1936 . . . Free State . . . The royal crown page greets the eye under the "Edmondson Service" was one thorities we are informed that Out In Open: cr Spain is now in the hands o* bearing, the title "Who Wants seemingly harmless heading of this situation is covered in The sense of frustration betray- FOBEIGX MAIL POUCH a syndicate cf Jewish pawnbrok"World-Service-News." Although War?" This is a translation' o£ Amendment No. 14" (p. 48). ed by the anti-Semitic sheets afThe hoardings of Paris are cov- ers in Czechoslovakia . . . They, the unsuspecting reader is ordin- two articles which appeared last If one grows impatient waiting ter the national election is almost ered with manifestos starting acquired it by advancing a large arily unaware of the nature of year in.a Parisian review, and isfor such changes to be made, Ed- pathetic. William Dudley Pelley with such slogans as "the Jews BUB to representatives cf ex-King this agency, the fact is that little more than a long string of mondson's leaflet 'Rescue the Re- of Silver Shirt fame in his Pel-in. pcrwer," "France under the '• Alfonso . . . The jnoEey was used "World Service" is avowedly a lies presented for the purpose of public!" shows ten ways to quick ley's weekly at Nashville, N. C. Jewish yoke." and "the Jews ' to finance the Spainish rebels « . . Nazi propaganda organ. Its dis-blaming the Jews for the major results: emitted his yell in characteristic international conflicts.. For the "Buy Gentile . . . if you can-fashion: patches are issued semi-monthly benefit Red Rule by American public the not, buy Gentile exclusively, pur- Jews." A"Hog-Wild from Erfurt in six or more lan- translatorof has week later he proclaiminserted "explanaguages and, to quote Its own of- tory chapter subheadings'" which chase as little as possible, and ed in one word how he intended ficial statement of purpose, World appear also at the beginning as lower the cost of living . . . Boy- to avenge himself and his "ChrisService says: "It deals with the the "Contents." Several of these cott New York clothing and lux-tian Party" for the insult which machinations of the Jewish under- run as fallows: "Masonry, Social- ury production, almost wholly they suffered on Election Pay: world." What the tone of this in- ism, Communism Combined, Con- Jewish. B o y c o t t newspapers " 'Fascism' if you please, will sidious news service it may read- stitute the International Common which carry Jewish 'ads" and now make its appearance openly ily be judged from the story It is-Front under the Direction of play up Jewish news, but sup- in the United States, as a result sued on the appointment of Wil- Jewry." "Jewish Method of War- press American reports . . De- of what the Ashkanazi Tamrnanyliam. Bullitt as American Ambas- fare is to cause dissension among mand that American writers re- ites wrought technically throughador to France. "This appoint- others." "A Fact — Jewish Lust place Jewish columnists" (p. 6).out the nation on the past Novment," reads the dispatch is. prin- foryGold Cause of Boer War." •rominent Jews Singled Out for ember 3rd. America must join ted In " t h e . October-November 'The Jews Want War." number of the American Gentile, Edmondson Issued Anti-Jewish "Under present circumstances, Leaflets: constitutes an immediate danger TEE TESTING STATION IS KOW for France of a wa.- with Ger- The man who issued this vicmany, for Mr. Bullitt is the spec- ious pamphlet is : the notorious OPEN TO CSSCE THE SAFETY ial agent-of the great Jewish Am- Robert W. Edmondson, under tri. OF YOTJ3 CAB' OE TBUCE ; erican bank which supports the ple indictment for libeling Dr. From SchmoIIier &' Mueller Soviets ;(Kuhn, Xioeb and C o . ? Virginia C. Gildersleeve, Dean of-j W.S.) and which : demands .war Barnard College, and Miss FranTear Vehicle h Sub'ieet to e Kig'si with Hitler as 6oon as'possible." ces Perkins, Secretary of the DeThis Safety Terf Ss Tea tf.ey Kevc Scfer Treffse end Fewer

By F. B. Mills

Let-MOT Enjoyas Dinner too!



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Old Ice Bos

Qgr Eesspmss? Is Sseetty fhs Seaa es \ et i he Testing S*c£ics!-—This Issssrss Yea of a Fcsf, 'AceKrciIs .asp Jcb. Bring! ¥CKT C c r ia cr.s3 t c f Save Tea Beth TIMH csrf MQllZX

Le! Eer esfor Q^Asksms The electric rcsge Is culomsfic—it cooks -deiicknas sneeds c s d reqiares no wclcMag.





Page 4

THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1936 given permission to settle in the country. Nor are the universities of our own country quite free from this poison that has eaten away the essentials of. education and left a false front. Education, formal education, has much to 'answer for. As

nn ignorant man comes forward FLAK GEEIAN PAPER TO first with his opinion." »LETE WITH PRO-NAZI Rabbi Elazar said: "When the Holy One, praised be Ke, decrees greatness for a raan, it is for -him Prague (WXS) — Influential at OmaHa, Nebras__s, b? and bis descendants to the endJewish K.11G non-Jewish anti-Xiizi By BE. THEODORE N. LEWIS THE JEWISH PRESS PUBUSHINQ COMPANY of ail generations.1' (Because he groups here are preparing to si an. a recent Community Foruni lecturer has said, educators have Eabfei, BIotSBt Ska! Temple, Sioux City is a great believer in heredity.) a new anti-Nazi German language Subscription Price, ona year - • • • - • §2.00 neglected the up-building of 'character.' I t is a serious accuAdvertising rates (nnalsbed oa application. Rabbi said: Longevity, fertility daily rountrrnct the influence sation and one that if not answered soon, will through loss of 'MASSEKTOT KALLAH' EDITED ticed and preached. Sneering at land wealth do not depend on vir- ithe Prag-er Tageblatt which has BY DR. MICHAEL HIGSGER. faith in education, bring chaos. Talraudlc Judaism and at the rab- tue but rsther on" luck. This been acquired b} pro-Nazi inu.rEditorial Office: 600 Brandeis Theater Building, MORINESTEit PUBLISHING CO. bis of old should be reserved for iHustrated by the case of Rabbi'esis. Slous City OHlco—Jewish Community Center BROOKLYN, NEW YORK the ignorant and the malicious. and Rabbi Chisda, both of whom j A!'. Jewish advertisers hav? DAVID BLACKER • * • BuBtaesa'and Managing XSditor Dr. Michael Kigger, a secien-|Our sages have wrought wisely were great and righteous men. • , ;tti<lrawn their advertising from JPKAWK K. ACKBRMAN •.. .•. • - • - - - Editor tifically trained Talmudist with land enduringly. It is up to us to Still, Rabbi Chisda died at the ' the Tagreblatt and two Zionist .FANNIE KATELMAN Cocncll Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent One more coil was added to the spring of European re- several pieces of original research I Pr?serve the remarkable structure age of ninety-two, while Rabba; weeklies which printed in the to his credit, gives us a new andwhich they reared in love Israel died at the f ge of forty. In. theTfcpeblatt's Plant ANN PILL. - - • « - . - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent sistance to Nazi penetration this past week when Jugoslavia critical have cancelwi edition of two small Tal- and devotion to God. house of Rabbi Chisda there were their contracts. Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street showed clearly her opposition to Hitlerite policies by announc- mudic tractates, of close identity sixty weddings while in the house ing that several thousand German Jewish refugees will be •per- and of marked similarity in char- ! o£ Rabba there were sixty deaths. Hannah, Countess of ROSPacter — Massektot Kallah and In the house of Rabbi Cfcisda mitted to settle permanently in her country. Kalian Kabahti. More illuminathere was fine white bread that : berry, wife of the one-time Brit"Politika," official organ of Jugoslavia's premier, Milan ting than the textual reconstrucIn the small town of Chur, tucked snugly away in the even the do^,E did not care for, ish pr-iPe minister, wag all her while in the house of Rabba; life a. member of the Central SynStojadinovic, told of the successful outcome of negotiations betion is his scholarly introduction I Swiss Alps, a young Jewish man of twenty-five—^-David Frankl y Dr. Philip Sher there was not sufficient bprley' nfro^ue of London. Before her and the elaborate, helpful notes. tween Refugee Commissioner Sir Neill Malcolm and the Jugofurter—was this week condemned to eighteen years in prison bread for the family, j rr.iirrlage she was a Rothschild. He discusses among other things, 'for the murder of "Wilhelm. Gustloff, head of the Nazis in slavian government. "While the placement of several thousand the general character of the two Rabba said: Three things I BIBLE Switzerland, on the fateful day of February 4, 1936. The sol-refugees by no means solves the problem of the German Jews, tractates, the names of the tea- He •who trusteth in his own prayed to heaven to grant me. ! Menorahs, Jewish Muilc, Bible; of the Tannaltic and Amor- heart is a fool; but who so walk- Two -were granted, the third one , emn verdict of the five Swiss judges was in sad contrast to the nevertheless every bit helps . . . a n d if each European country chers, aitic Schools; the dates of redac- eth wisely, he shall escape. not. I prayed for the wisdom of: not infested with riazism took several thousand refugees, then - post-war verdict in the celebrated Schwarzbard trial, when a tion, the authorship, and similar Rabbi Huna, and the "riches of. , . . , . . . i He who giveth unto the poor, the severity of the Reich problem would be lightened. French court recognized the "moral justification" of Schwarzperplexing problems which. h a v e | s h a n n o t ] a c k b u t h e w h h i d e t h : Rabbi Chisda, which were grantFrom the political angle, the nazis have encroached their aroused the Interest and stimu- his eyes shall have many a curse.! e d' t•0 m e ' b.u t.t h..e modesty of Kab*" bard's slaying of the barbaric General Petlura. • Nevertheless, b i B e n lated the labors of many gifted When the wicked rise/men hide| JOHN FELDMAN Huna was denied me. the act of the Jugoslavian medical student stands forth as sym- authority upon a number of central European countries . . . scholars. T A i - E ! S ) M - P R A Y E R BOOKS . .themselves, but he who maketh bolic . . . a symbol of Jewish protest against Hitlerite oppres- and countries like Jugoslavia and Czechoslavia are realizing The tractate "Kallah" contains jh a s t e t o b e r i c h s h a l l n o b 6 un _ Gifts for Bar Mltzvah> The Jewish •settlement of Xikothat unless they actively combat the insidious nazi propaganda, twenty-four chapters of extreme j punished. sion. polis in Bulgaria is contemporan•• Res. €09 No. 80th St. GL-297S Though some of the I We in no way condone the use of violence. Despite the bar- they will be forced into a pro-German alliance which will end brevity. eous with the foundation of the TALMUD P. O. Sox 710 Omaha. Nebr chapters deal with philanthropy, j Rabbi Abba Ben Cohana said: city which dates from PS C. E. i barism and cruelty of a Torquemada or a Hatler, we do not their hard-won independence. the majority concern themselves "with marriage and sex. Most of believe that the oppressed individual should go outside the the material is found in other and confines of legal boundaries. If Frankfurter had consulted more important and larger folios any responsible Jewish individual, he would have been strongof the Talmud. "Kallah Rabathi" By Rabbi Frederick Cohn constitutes a commentary to Kally advised to forget about his determination to kill the Nazi By far the greatest event in this era of stunning, world- lah proper. The relationship of leader as a symbol. However, he asked no one. And though shattering events was King Edward VlH's abdication that he Kallah Rabathi to Kallah ia that we do not condone his act, we can understand it. "We aremight be free to marry Mrs. "Wallis Simpson of Baltimore, Mary- of a Gemara to the Britha. However the material in this tractate thousands of miles away from the horrors and barbarism and land, the woman he loves. is original and is found nowhere ! cruelties which characterize the Nazi oppression; yet our blood . This act-was stupendous, magnificent, heroic! "We areelse in the Talmud. curdles as we read of the terroristic acts. Imagine, then, how thrilled by it, enthusiastic beyond words; and we love him for Much of t i e subject matter of the tortnrea imposed nn "his -nemVlf; Trmst. hava •ropig'hprl nn _HB#4he= world will l u , b _ u J -.J-uiie'^ .uuu HrfuUy under? bo sensitive mind of David Frankfurter. Accustomed to physical stands. England which today has'martyred her heroic and importance and throws significant light upon the moral standpain from youth because of tuberculosis of the bone, he suf- noble ting will some day come to recognize that she has re-ards of early Israel and upon the fered even worse when as a student from Jugoslavia attend- jected one of the greatest kings in her proud, heroic history; principles upon which the sages ing the University of Frankfurt am Main he found himself that this self-sacrificing act of his is probably one of the great- sought to establish Jewish life. la the matter of sex the sages Everyone appreciates real qaalltv fooSwesr . . . immune because of his Jugoslavian citizenship but heard his ist ih'her history so full of brilliant and heroic feats, and will prescribe chastity, moderation, and here's the quality Slipper worM tmder one race vilified and" his friends persecuted. And then in Berne, have conferred the greatest immortality upon England and and consideration for the sensaroof to make jour Ckrislmas slxoppmg & pleasure! he found Gustloff active in trying to transplant the Nazism of will come to be recognized as having rendered a stupendous bilitles of the wife. Evil thought excoriated only a little less Germany into Swiss soil. His spirit could stand it no long- service to England, her progress, perhaps her very life and her is MEN'S CAVALIERS—Fine quality, MEN'S OPERAS—Fine kid leather than evil deed. Since sinful genuine hand-turned §E!5'0 er. He had to avenge his people,. . . and so he killed the Swiss character. —full leather lined. $(\% | J50 yearning and conscious dreaming soles t.,,,,,,,,,,,.. All colors __ to TC Nazi leader. His act was symbolic , . .and it served his main The full significance of ihin breath-taking and world-shak- about sin may lead to wrong dopurpose—to attract world attention to the plight of the Jew-ing event is perhaps not yet fully conceived. King Edward ing, purity of mind is repeatedly admonished. LIEN'S FAUST—Soft kidsk-n ish people-because of the unwarranted persecution by the Na-VIH has vindicated human nature, its true freedom and no- Charity takes precedence pracwith hand-turned soles zis. He became a martyr, and is willing to pay the decreed bility. He preferred being a true man to a mere puppet-king, tically over every other virtue. Few mitivos compare with Zedepenalty. . •;•.'•• a papier-machee Emperor. lake an illustrious predecessor who kah. The sainted Akiba, believed MEN'S BOOTEES . . . The heroism of David Frankfurter may be deemed fool- in his day was also crucified by petty, mediocre'forces not wor- it to be eficacious even in curing Soft kid, padded soles, wana lined. hardiness by many observers . . but the motives that moved h"p thy to loose the.latchet of his shoe, who is today reverd and childlessness, which in his day to his deed of vengeance have echoed through the centuries. worshipped as. a god, he too stood on the mountain-top of a lof- was deemed among the foremost human afflictions. So strongly The greatest tribute to Frankfurter ^vas paid him by the Swiss ty position,, was tempted with a kingdom of this earth, the of did this teacher feel concerning newspapers who paid homage by calling him the "Jewish "Wil- greatest and proudest empire in all the world, and alsd said, the disbursement of charity that MEN'S CORDUout of love for Rabbi Tarpnon, a liam Tell." ROY OPERAS Get thee behind me, Satan,"—put away a throne and the •wealthy" but parsimonious colleaThey're D a n i e l world's greatest honor, power, and dignity for love, for fidelity gue, he prevailed upon him to alGreens with padded soles. Colors: Buro what he considered duty, the higher duty, a greater' duty low aim to invest some of bis funds. Upon getting the money Eundy, B l u e sue Jewish interests are closely intertwined with the future of han just being an earthly ruler; duty to his conception of Akiba distributed it among the Brown. the British empire, and hence the constitutional crisis which, right, to conscience, and to God. We Cannot sufficiently ad- poor and needy. Akiba assured $f_75 resulted in the abdication of King Edward VJil was the deep mire him for this magnificent act. It was not lightly done. his disappointed friend that his cash was earning far larger reconcern tif those seeking a betterment of the Jewish position Who can know, who can ever know, the straggles that went on utrns in serving the needy than MEN'S PULLMAN SLIFPERS— MEN'S LEATHER O P E R A S — in persecuted parts of thfc world. his heart. Like Jacob at the ford of Jabbok he wrestled in yielding profits. Rich brown "kid, ripper pack Warm lined, padded soles. $ 1 9 5 The abdication of Edward V m undoubtedly weakens the all night with the .angel and would not let the angel go till it The sages had a high regard to match. Black, Brown, Burgundy X for the Toran and were unalterprestige of Great Britain at a time when her world standing, blessed him. In letting his throne gg, and all worldly pomp ably opposed to using It or their has already suffered tremendous setbacks. . And with, the weak- ind power connected with it, this noble English king, in many rabbinical authority and prestige ening of the prestige of Great Britain, the Jewish position in respects a mere lad, has won the Teal victory and achieved the for self aggrandisement. So pre-j WOMEN'S OPERAS Palestine is likewise weakened, since we are rehabilitating our blessing' of immortality and the approval of his conscience and cious did they deem the honor of the Torah that tbey unhesitating. AND D'ORSAYS homeland in the Holy Land under the aegis of a British man- that of all true morally-minded men who put right above all ly declared that he used it for \ xThey're the f i n e s t date and under, the inspirationVof the English Balfour Declara- might of what ever kind, who sacrifice earth's highest privi- selfish purposes, forfeited his made by Daniel Greer.. tion. Further, the shifting of the spotlight of British political lege for the privilege of being true to one's self and highest na- rightful share of bliss in the f N- ->3K__^ ^ ^ _ N Fine kidskins end set- ^ , . / e « / - a greater penwoTld to come affairs to an internal problem has served to deflect British at- ture. The humanity of the future will forever bless him. Eng-alty ms. Various colors sue" /I4***t "".. s.. ,.«*»- . they cojsld not conceive. ' -n^_=e -» white. !<*A \ - '•*>•$%? \ tention away from external affairs. Thus, Great Britain has land will come to see that this was her greatest king, and her The rabbis pieced a high premSJ50 i V ^ i x- *'* long been considered as the bulwark in Europe against radi- loblest son. His act was truly 'royal'. The Talmud says ium on learning and urged the to 'x / '•wMr?* «j*" " ' student in quest of knowcalism and fascism; her "king trouble" has strained the effec- "There are three crowns: the crown of kingship, the crown of earnest ledge "Never to pretend to.know tiveness of British leadership in European politics. Great the priesthood, the crown of the Torah; but the crown of a that -which he does not; never to Britain is the big hope of liberals to lead the way back to de-good name is better than them alL" King Edward has relin- be .embarrassed to confess ignormocracy, and every straying into a by-path takes them that quished the British crown but he wears a brighter, a more ance; and never to hesitate to ask a teacher to repeat that -which is much further away from the main road. not grasped." brilliant crown, the crown of character! ' 1 W O M E N ' S D'ORSAY AND ^ WOMEN'S VELVET DORSAYS There were conflicting reports concerning King Edward's I have no doubt that this almost incredible act of Kong To insure security and happiB R I D G E SLIPPERS—Soft kid %> —Padded soles, covered f t 35 help for Jewry. On the one hand, we had the fact that such Edward VHI which ordinary, cynical men would have said was ness, the sages warned against leather, leather soles, covered f t ©3 j v faeels. sherlmg trimmed . 1 granting the eye unregulated heels, various colors JL . \ . , _ Jewish leaders as Sir Philip Sassoon and Philip Guedalla were beyond the bounds of practical actuality, will have great epoch- sway, and against its infinite ex-j WOMEN'S BOUDOIR SLIPPERS . f ^ WOMEN'S BOOTEES —Soft kid intimate friends of the former king.' Also, he was a patron of making influence upon England and the world. Perhaps the aggerations -which mar ' life for ', —Comfortable, soft kid padded soles \ \ leather, padded soles, covered heels. several Jewish institutions, including the Jewish Orphanage, English church will be disestablished, as it should have been millions. To fail a victim to the 2nd heels. Red, blue' sad f t 50 ^ C sherling cuffs, blue cr #050 illusions created and fostered by | black JL \» brown __; the Jewish Lads' Brigade, and the Jewish Ex-Servicemen's As- long ago (as a state-church is in almost all modern countries); the eye is to court endless misery. sociation. On the other hand, from the time he assumed the Church and state be separated as that sturdy Englishman, Rog- Gossip is repeatedly denounced as j WOMEN'S D'ORSAYS —Soft kid ' \ ^ WOMEN'S TCDFKURS — A real leather, padaed soles, covered f t SO 1 Christmas trest. Made of fine *__5O throne he seemed to favor a reapprochment with the nazis and er "Williams, wanted, three hundred years ago. Perhaps tradi- a menace to personal and coin- j happiness. Talk concerning heels. Various colors JL » calfskin. Black or brown.... O apparently always preferred to wink at Hitlerite outrages in- tionally hidebound England will acquire new and more liberal munal others should always be avoided. stead of taking a stand in opposition. Some of the more pithy and strikideas on divorce and on many other subjects. Perhaps the ing rabbinic sayings in these folLittle is known about the attitude of the new king, George monarchy in England will be abolished and give way to a true ios are, "keep far from all that ' ""'"X\ CHILDREN'S SHEEP BOOTEES VI. However, if we may be allowed to conjecture, our proph- democratic Republic (as H. G. "Wells has so long been fearless- is ugly and from that which reThey're nstaSral slisepskln, red ecy is that he will never attain Teal power as ruler but will ly advocating). Perhaps the British Empire will fall to pieces sembles it; never colunaniatej sherling cuffs. Sizes £*•- to 2 against a friend, a sin which is j merely become a benign monarch who merely signs official as Ireland has already practically severed the link that binds it; | beyond atonement; love him who j papers and appears* at official functions. and we shall witness a number of new, independent democratic rebukes you but hold in light eshim -who flatters you; per nations. One thing is certain; the repercussions will be many teem CHILDREN'S FAUST mit not your lips to put you to i Q u a l i t y elk leathers, and might. Only let not the dictators gain new .advantage, the shame, your mouth to bring you j warm lined, matched pad4 3^" S. -«--ded soles. Sizes S J to 2. For those who hope that the world's ills and particularly Hitlers and Mussolinis, who will be delighted to fish in troub- to ridicule and your tongue to J bring curses upon your head; ha-1 the problem of anti-Semitism will be cured by education, how led waters. tred of a neighbor is equivalent I j disheartening it is to read of the role the world's universities Human progress must .go on whatever happens in this to murder; take leave of a teach> CHILDREN'S are playing in the furtherance of reaction. ' troubled and tragic world—and King Edward •Vlil.-tflll go er of a friend oaly with words of the Torah, L e. intellectual dis-i Irt'Germany it was the students Who were among the first down into history as having rendered one of, the greatest serv- cussion. I to don brown, shirts and add the cracking of Jewish skulls to ices to human progress, freedom,sdiginity and ultimate welfare; «*_. TO™ lined. *«£•«• * « « . S«« «_• *£^g*?« I have picked at random only a | their athletic program. Yet while Nazism was treasured not far greater than any service he could have performed as King few'of the Etore choice of rabbin9J^0 f|50' S<>95 only by, the students but by their professors as well, it held of England or Emperor of Great Britain. He has proven him- ical sayings found in these tracin the hope that the readers only evil .for them. self a true 'Defender of the Faith', defender of man's faith in tates may obtain some glimpse of the When It Comes to Holiday Slippers Come to Headquarters! Prom Poland come the discouraging tales of the demands himself and utmost fealty to man's moral integrity and his sosupremely ethicaHldeas that have that Jewish students be segregated. Likewise in Austria and dearly-bought and so sincerely cherished and sacrificingly and dominated the lives and teachings i of our rabinie teachers and which - Hungary there are urgent requests that Jews,be refused ad- heroically upheld highest human ideals. they strove to inculcate ia their mittance to the universities or at least be given classes of their —FREDERICK COHN. followers. No epoch ia Judaism has been more grossly maligned own. and slandered than that of the Even in South Africa, a new land where the supposedly Rabbinic and Taliaudic era. It aristocratic .tradition;'* of: the universities does not exist, the pro- ; : ;\* •-••: •.,..-•. •••*.••', ;' * . . . : * 5 S 9 7 - 1 9 3 S . . . . . . . . ; . j . - . _ •. is about time'that we Jews wake :. fessors of one institute of higher learning have organized dem- Rosh Chodesh Tebeth .......,.M.—...........™M....~......-«~J>ecember 15 up and discover the lofty peats •y. , _ of raoral idealism' and doctrine onstrations against German-Jewish refugees who have been Fast sti Tebeth -., JLleeember 24l W hich these sages of ours prac-



Gems of the Bible and Talmud

A Royal Abdication

When You Give Slippers • . Give Real Nebraska Quality


Intertwined with British Interests






] ilia Green arrived

today from


Members ow the Alpha-Gamma ! the University ol Iowa at" Iowa. CALENDAR OP WOKEN*S Chi sorority of Municipal Univer-j City. Miss Green is having as ACTIVITIES sity entertained at a luncheon at; her guest during the winter holi-

inf. & r l f v f r l r y l p . . i.= f.:IiP<?n the home of Miss Evelyn Dansky I days Miss Bernice Jacobson of A "grand and glorious'' New Tfee Bible Class of t h e T e m p l e for i h e Chiio V.>!!>rf Th 'in honor of Miss Fannie WJtkin, |Des Moines a classmate of hers at Year's eve party is being planned I s r a e l S i s t e r h o o d will m e e t EL t h e l u n c h e o n vliicli wiii KRUP pln.-e who will be married Sunday af-;the University, h o m e of jMrs. L o r i ? P o m m e r . j r 0 VTe<]pp?p?''. IV-TT'-brv r o , pr ternoon, December 2". The Mis-j Miss Thelma Gasper, daughter by the Psi Mil fraternity. The affair will be held ic theF a i r a c r e s KoacI, o n TuepflRy. De?- jpv-jsh C o a - n u i n u v Cev.\t-~. ses Florence and Esther Stein- i of Mr. and Mrs. George Gasper, ballroom of the Eiks club, e m b e r Z2, M r s . K e r r y J e v m s i : eorcinj; to -V;-s. n,n>PRp Wi RABBI AXD MRS. GOLDSTEIN PEZZJJER-WITKIN berg assisted with the arrange- (' comes for her vacation from main ISth and Dodge, en the seventh End M r s . C l a r e n c e BerirniP.n v f l ! roi;ii. p"Of.-'r.n= r b a i m u - r ; . Jlr. and Mrs. Louis wltkin an- AT HOME merits. _ (Oarleton relieve at Is'orthfield, | Carleton College floor. Preservations, limited to be c o - h o s t e ^ e s , : T h e r e v IV; Fir.;- hr c-;i;fi>n( d? nounce tbe approaching marriage Rabbland Mrs. David A. GoldPlace-cards were In the form of Minnesota. i one hundred couples, are cpen to of their daughter, Fannfe, to Lss-stein will be at home to their R a b b i p ? r m K. Trice wil'. *hcr raiioiis on t b e ihMer-. P:e?e;wedding-rings, encircling gentlemen | bii , and may be made with silver wedding-rings, encircling Among the young .ter Pezziier, son of Mr. and Mrs.friends Sunday, December .20, t h e IHOUOE p i c t u r e s he look while tjon? mr.v be m s n r In- r p l ' miniature bridal pairs. The same scholars who will spend their' L h e p u c William Pezzner, on Sunday, Dsc- from 2 to 5 in the afternoon and on t i s t r i p to P a l e s t i n e . pattern was carried out in the j holidays in Omaha are Arcnand charge is sir dollars per couember 27. The ceremony 7/iU from 7 to 9 in the evening at I rip KPH-Impri, i-o-fiifir center-piece. The seven pledges JGilinsky, who will arrive Satur-':;The will Include dinner, take place at 5 o'clock at t h e their residence, 325 So. 37th St. ' affair. of the group staged a s original [day from Harvard and Bernard j pie, (jr{njjwhich S £Efi entertainment. BETS EL AUIIUAKT Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol synaact skit depleting the court-.' Chapman, son of Mr. and Mrs. IL • Members of the Women's Aux; m floor gogue, 19th and Biirt. Rabbi Da- iliary of the Beth-E! Synagogue VISITOR FROM CHICAGO nize Ox'r Ari"eri ship of Miss iMax Chapman, who arrived yes- j ™ , ^ vid A. Goldstein and Cantor Aa- will act as hostesses. ! . SUverman, j terday from Champaign. Illinois, Mrs. L. Shayne of Chicago will Headed by Esther Music for dancing will be furron Edgar will officiate. * Fries} ie»iiii£ s p' sparrive Friday to"visit'ier sister, the girls are active on the cam- i where he attends the University' nished by Austin Eevans EEd his The bride will be attended by j orchestra. rites. Beth El "iv f-i « u Mrs. Benjamin Friedman. Mrs. pus in academic and sport activ- j of Illinois. HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE her'BiBter, • Mis3 Anne "Witkin, tea in honor c*c r r r r c lir~i~e i Shayne will remain here for aboat ities. Miss SUverman has played | Large contingents of students ! T t maid-of-honor, and Mrs. Esther Miss Berenice Yousem was guest two weeks. the lead in several dramatic pro- ] are also arriving from the state • the holidays. ~o«'t.e -«e'= v DF T it^' Witkin, Miss Lottie Zlotkin, Miss of honor at a luncheon and handduction presented by the advanc- j University at Lincoln and other i the Mesdamet .Tack 1 PI T I T Pioneer Women v kerchief shower given by ..Miss Anne Kiess, and Miss Dorothy ed dramatic art players o£ the j nearby Echools. Arthur Thc»odc~e t i l,Fr - r Babe Newman at the Blackstone TO TTSIT HERE Zlotktn, bridesmaids. school.. She is now cast in the Leon Gralez. EECI D E ' P A w The Pioneer V o s e c ' s orgsnIsadora Richlin, who is taking leading role of "Suppressed DeThe groom •will have as his at-Hotel, Sunday, December 13. Local high echoo sine 11 ' w I izi*tion is planning a. luncheon £t Pleasant Hill tendants his brother, Samuel Pez- A luncheon and bridge was giv- graduate work in Chemistrr at thesires" to be enacted at the Joslyn EKV students t ' e co' 1 ' ; n | the Jewish Community Center on zner as best man, and Edward en in her honor by her mother, University of Chicago, will arrive Memorial during- the holidays. 6 to honor Mrs. -Eebe ed. The regular meeting of the Dolgoff, Herbert Marks, Dave Mrs. Mose Youseum on Saturday, this week to stay until after 'New Esther Steinberg is a member of Mrs. Idelsohn is seePleasant Hill Cemetery society the girls' quartette. iiiess, Sam "White, all of Omaha, December &, at their home. Other Year's. omen's Working will be held Tuesday, December i " t a r y of the EllabeUe Korney, captain of the and Lou Kaplan of Columbus, affairs are being planned for Miss lestine C o0u™ n c i 10 .o? Yousem, who will become the 29,~ at" 2:SO" aTthTB-naF Jac^i H ^ * i - , ^ t b lichl second-year soccer team, recently Nebraska as usLers. !\ the_ Pioneer Women ™ TO RESIDE HERE 24Ui~ and Nicholas of the^Eiletf bride of Dr. Morris Blacker In Synagogue, spoke at the "Women's Athletic No Invitations have been is. Mr. and Mrs. H. Harrison who Association | States End Canada r,re affiliated. January. streets. banquet, representing sued. .'•••: recently moved here from Roch- sophomores. The sorority also , The formal dedication of the) Mrs. Idelsofcn, an eloquent! ester, . New York, have taken an participated in the intra-inural new chapel which wss to take; speaker .ami linguist, has been sn j TO BE HOSTESS AT TEA apartment at the St. Regis apart- volley ball tournament. GOU>BERG-FISH place on December 20 has been. active Zionist since her early stuMrs. Ernest Nogg and Mrs. ments. Mr. Harrison is manager Mr. Sam Fish announces the Maynard indefinitely postponed. |i dent years in Russia. Because Plans are now being formulated will be hos-of Jordans. Their daughter, jof her Zionism she was placed engagement of his daughter, Bliss tesses at aGreenberg tea for the committee Marcia, whp is a Junior at Vassar for the spring formal dance. The | under arrest by the Soriet governGoldye Fish, to.Mr. Harry Gold- arranging the Beth El Auxiliary will arrive Saturday to spend the home of Rose Kirshenbauai will j emnt. Six years ago she left Bikur Cholim berg of Omaha, son of Mr. Hy-dance to be held be the scene for a tea to be held February 14. | Germany where she had made man Goldberg of" Brooklyn, New The tea will be given at the home holidays with her parents. Friday afternoon, December. 55. Over two hundred women at-jher home since her exile from, York.. No date has been set: for of Mrs. Nogg. , tended the dessert luncheon given: Russia, to take r p residence in j TO VISIT PARENTS the wedding. by the Bikur Choiim Society at I Palestine. Myron Cohen, son of Mr. andSTUDENTS RETURN FOR TO VISIT EV ILLINOIS Mrs. Goodman Cohen, will arrive HOLIDAY VACATION, the Jewish Community Center: This meeting will be open to JEXTEKTATNS AT - LUNCHEON Miss Helen • Jane Chapman is Saturday from Chicago to spend Monday, December 14. Mrs. Har-lall women of Omaha. Mrs. J. Miller entertained at a The winter holiday season ry Cooper entranced the audience j luncheon Thursday, December j leaving Tuesday evening for Hub- the holidays with his parents. My10, in honor of her niece, Miss bard Woods, Illinois, where she ron is studying under Richard i! finds the usual influx of young with Russian, songs and foik j Patronize Our Advertisers ed i n this nevi-es; ! dances. ' j— . . . Sonia Roitstein whose marriage w i l 1v i s i t M I s s A l i c e R u t h Berlin. of cruisp frocks. to Irving Forbes will take place Miss Chapman will return in tencomposer at the DePaul Univer- lull in school activities. From all j The tea table was presided over four directions college stuaeats j i j . Bernstein. M. e t r• K T i nv b y t i j e S e E d a m e s students j , on January 31.. Tvrenty gueBts days. . • - ' sity. W&MTES* are coming, ta"king advantage of |Kztzman . Finkel, S. Fish, JewishPOSITION Katzman, j J. 'attended the luncheon which was youno man, 25 years of age, f ciHHr line* o the announcement 'School's Out.' Charles Ross, William Epstein, J.: wlshei position, fun charge book•held at the Hamilton Cafe. LEAVES FOR EAST and stenographer. Capable. nori'.-" acr *o s ?. Forgotten are pencils, paper and Bernstein, and J. Goldberg. Mrs. : keeper 'A and Mr. M. E. Chapman, -who haa Max Altchuler, senior" at the C»n furnish excellent reference. A color co scheme me of f blue bl and, books. Box 310, Jewish Press. OP' •f. .( fiiJOT's»ti iv University of Nebraska Medical Louis NevelefJ is the president of. ai white was out with pom-[been ill for Beveral weeks, is nowSchool, left for New York City Miss Jane Rosenstock is arriv-,! t h g B l k u r ciioU^ ct i s r poms as a carried center-piece and there convalescing at his home. ins from Radcliffe on Monday ch. V 'iviti where he will take hia examinawere blue candles and white ribpa;stels . Sizes ts t© tion for an iuterneship at one ofand will remain in Omaha until bons. Bunco prizes were won byLEAVES FOR FLORIDA COLLEGE CLUB after the New Tear. A newcoser Miss Frances Lee Kort, daugh- the eastern hospitals. 30. ai.oo Miss- Roitstein, Mrs. Harry Roitto Omaha is Miss Marcia Harter of Mr. and Mrs. Nate Kort, stein, Mrs. Ben Eisenberg, and rison who attends Vassar. From] The College Club of.Temple Isleft last week for Hollywood, PIANO RECITAL Mrs. Nesselson. Berekeley come- two University frael will meet this Sunday afterFlorida, where she will visit with SUNDAY of California coeds. Miss Ethlyn j noon at 4:SO at the Temple. The her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Abram Dansky, son of Mr. and AKSOUffCE BIRTH Knlakofsky and Miss Joy J5on- College Club is open to all the Mr. and Mrs. Dave Katleman J. D. Stino.. She will be gone all Mrs. Herman Dansky, 3154 Lin-sky. Miss Kulakofsk/ is expect- young people of the city. coln Boulevard, will present a pi- ed some time this week and will announce the birth of a son, born •winter. ano recital in the Lecture Ha'l of Thursday, December 10, at the be in Omaha for abotft a month LOS ANGELES " the Joslyn Memorial, Sunday, before returning westward to re- HADASSAM STUDY GROUP VISITISG Methodist Hospital. Mr. and. Mrs. Gail Margolin and December 20, at 4:30. Dansky, who is sixteen years sume her classes. daughter, Pauline, are visiting in VISITS PAHENTS , ' The Hadassah Study group Miss Ruth Friedman, daughter old and a seniorat Central High Angeles. Norman Bolker w41I "visit his jwill not meet on Tuesday, DecSchool, has studied music for the of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham 22, as scksSuled In order arrives today irom lindeawood past ^Ight years with Harry BraBolker, during his -winter vaca- RECUPERATING college at St. Charles, tion. He is a student at the 'Uni- Miss Sylvia Pariiman is recu- viroK, Cecil Berryman, and Marversity of Nebraska. perating from an appendectomy t i n present the following at her home. Friedman, comes from Nashville, jogram;_!.:,.- . GOLBIE MEIERSQN CLUB Tennessee where she attend Ward Scarlatti Belmont College. WINTERING m LOS AKGELES Two Sonatas Sne' trill be E Major . . G Minor Mr. and Mrs. Louis Margolin home for two weeks. The Goldie Keyerson club will Ravel are spending the winter in LosSonatine Beatrice Sommer a r r i v ed Wliere the CIotMag meet on Tuesday, December By Mrs. David EL Modere . Angeles. ^ Thursday frOLj. Columbus where!at the home of Mrs. Herman World Is Under One MouVt De Menuet she attended Ohio .State. Miss Cohn, 101 So. 53rd street. Final Anime TO ATTEND S. A. M. Roof for Serdice. AKISEED COOKIES Ballade No. 2 In B Minor.Liszi Sommer will remain in Omaha plans will be made for the recep% cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 CONVENTION for three •weeks, Saturday morntion of, Mrs. Bebe Idelsohn, the .Friedegg, 2% cups cake flour, % tea- Harry Cohn, Max Kramer, Mr. Viennese Dance No. 1 *s ing, Miss Shirley Barish, will be-j National delegate from Palestine, mann-Gartner spoon baking powder, % teaspoon and Mrs. Al Fiedler, Henry Schgin a two weeks stay. Mias Ear-'who will visit here on January 6. wartz, and Dave Goldware -of OmaEtude-Caprice , Ganz baking soda, . \i teaspoon salt, 1 with jaclcct removed, t h e ish is a student at the "University | ;i #1 cup sour -cream, % oz. aniseed.: ha; Morris Zoiot of Lincoln; Carl On Wings of Song. .Mendelssohn- of Chicago. Five Jews have been Lord Mayfrock changes miractilously Irving Zweitel, and Liszt Cream butter, add sugar, beat- Braverman, Greenberger of Grand Island Toccata, Op. 7 . . . . "Schumann Sarah Anne Margolin and Phy-j ors of London. frctw. fhe spectBtor pporte f© en egg, blend thoroughly. Sift Max will leave oh December 25 to at- At the school music contests dry ingredient^ together, add alJhc frsnkly sport* drcsi, convention of last year, Dansky won a suternately with sour creaih to thetend the national Mu iraternity held perior Tating in both the Omaha TeJiorcc! in "StarcK," »a the Sigma Alpha first mixture. Stir in aniseed. and state competitions. to be heldjin New Orleans. , a increclibiy crisp new fcl»rie« Drop .mixture by teaspoon on an oiled baking sheet Bake at 375 Bright pastels. Sizes ia h» Judah Touro, famous American degrees until edges are brown. Jewish philanthropist, was one of so, 35^» B the two highest donors to the DBOP FRUIT COOKIES The next regular meeting- of Bunker Hill monument fund. v. 1 cup butter, cups sugar, Mother Chapter No. 1 of A. Z. A. 3 eggs, well beaten, 1 teaspoon ta be held Sunday, December 20., soda, 1% tablespoons .hot water, will be featured by the semi-anIT WILL PAY YOU 2 cups Hour, l^s teaspoons cin- nual election of officers. To Commit namon, % teaspoon nutmeg, % f .^"^V Great interest is being shown ! teaspoon .cloves, % cup chopped by members of the' chapter" in the French Rotrm . MAJLASROCK'S' • walnuts, Vs cup chopped raisins, forthcoming skating party tp be Second Floor J y4 teaspoon salt, %'• cup'cut up held Monday, December 28, at When baying dates, 1 y~ cup flour* % cup co- West Farnam Skating Rink's. DIAMOBIDS -'. coanut. •>•... One of the most thrilling bas- WEDDING EINGS '. Cream butter and sugar. Addketball games ever seen at the WATCHES « SILVEEWABB well beaten egg, dissolve- soda in J. C .C. gym was staged by Moth- and GIFT JEWELSY hot water, and add to mixture. er Chapter and Sioux City No. 12 are sure Add flour, combine spices, salt, basketball teams last Sunday. After three extra periods of play, the fruits and , nuts\ with remaining Hoar and add to first mixture. visitors eked out a 27 to-25 vicevery girl Hake at 400 degrees until brown. tory. . , •

Sunday — Joslrn Memorial. December 3 1 — Henrietta Szold Birthday Celebration — Hadassah. ' , December 22 — Goldie Meyerson Group. Temple Israel —Bible Class. December 29 — Pieasant Hill Cemetery Society. December SO — Hadassah Thrift Luncheon. •




Kitchei Clats


A.Z. A. 1




At the The ONLY stockings that fit every leg—tall, medium or small, and *


Reservations for the Gala New Year's Eve Party are at .a premium —and why not, with this ALL STAR One-Nloht Only Production— Freddy Efaener, Omaha's favorite Maestro, and his Greater Swing Band, with a specially Imparted floor show of many scintillating stars, Including: BARNEY STARR ELEO CHARLEY RANKIN JEANETTE LEE

* - . *






come in every foot size—are Gotham Adjustable* .;. . . give Adjustables r a n d youYcan Be sure shell find them exactly the n'sht i These .fine, sheer stockings make your Christmas shopping easy^—* they'IL fit 'every A leg^on^your Christmas list!. Say^'Adjustables^—and see how

beautiful, practical end comfortable siik stockings can be. Look for the three Adjustebies Girls on the-stocking tops v

.^ m m


FAVORS-—Unique . . . Unusual . . . Fun-Provolcinjr. PLACE Plenty of room. We' a r e . merging t h e Palm Grove and tlie smart new Mam Dis ninj Room for this New Year's Eve Soiree. . Ho crowding. Reservations Heated t o 4OO.- Privacy: This de luxe party xrill be isolated from the rest of t i e hotel. Enjoy your own exclusive party. MENU—A complete course dinner of delectable food Trill be served continuously from 10:30 p . m. .. TIME From, 1 0 : 3 0 ' p . ta until como time nest year.

Special'Bos Prices ' Exclusive .la Omaha at ,H S IN -i® YSAPS




m M



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3»3«^^*' !



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SO31ETHENG FOB CHEISTBtAS?—If you are perplexed over selection of £ Christmas p«esent, here's a suggestion. It's a stuffed whale shark recently placed on exhibition in the Roosa ell Memorial Hall of the American Musema of Natural History in New York. The shark was cau&ht in Acaoulco Bay, Southern Mexico, and measures 18 feet from its broad nose to the tip oC its tail.

NO. ROMANCE — There is no romance in warfare on the Spanish fronts, as winter sets in and cold, damp winds blow out of leaden skies. This picture, received recently in the United States, shows Rebel infantrymen wearing heavy clothing as they gather behind a barbed wire entanglement near Villaverde. War with wet clothing and chill blankets has little brilliance.



I. J


^^.. * J

IN MOTHER'S TIME—An interesting picture of Queen Mary of Great Britain and her two sons, taken back in mother's day. At left is Edward, recently King, when-he was the Duke of Cornwall, before the title of Prince of Wales was conferred on him. At right is the Duke of York, who succeeded Edward to Britain's throne and who now reigns as King George VL



T>*( " ^



MASS FOE SOLDEEE DEAD—View of a huge open-air mass held in Seville, Spain, in memory of soldiers of General Francisco • Franco's Rebel army who had been killed in battle. Many high military officers were present. -


.. -



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-M. ,

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AEIi B BOMANCE—-Amos famed Egyptologist oi PAKAIAEIi O M g Lansing, , t l i t M k hhas'found ' f d a 3,0003000 the Metropolitan Museum of Art Art, N New Y York, year-old' parallel to the recent King Edward's romance.- King Amen-hotpe m we-', low-born Teye despite opposition from the aristocracy, making her his "Great Royal Wife." These 70-foot figures near Thebss, Amen's capital, recall the event.




' ' »




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KING—An informal picture of Britain's new King, George'VI, as he emerged from a swimming pool at a boys' camp in Southwold, Suffolk, England, in the Summer of 1933. As the Duke of York he,sponsored the camp, made up of about 400 boys from public schools and industrial centers hi England.






' .1 ^

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"WAIXY'S" EEFBGE?—Delightful villa of the Earl and Countess of Berkeley in Rome, to which, according to rumor, Mrs. 'Wallis , Simpson, beloved of the recent King Edward, may seek refuge. It has been reported that Mrs. Simpson would leave the Rogers villa • in Cannes, France, to escape further publicity.


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FAMBLY — Sam JeSries, S7, an tmenployed bridge worker, was haled into a Chicsgo court for keeping five of his children out of school. So he- seat for his family and asked the judge how he could clothe and feed 10 of them in all, as above, much less send them to classes. The judge delayed his decision. N

•< " *


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DBAMA IN FACES—Dramatic picture of Frank Crone, left, and Ernest" Pla, as they appeared in a San Francisco court to answer to charges of murdering a watchman. William Daly, one of the trio, escaped and committed, suicide.

DEATH BY GSEEN SUI^PHUS—^Upward of 1,000 Japanese met death in sulphur-filled green mud when flood waters from a reservoir swept over three mining towns. Here'is rescue trork carried on near the town of Osaruzawa, after the mud had hardened and the poisonous vapors had escaped. Roots of trees have been exposed, in the background, by ths terrific rush of the waters.

SOLDIER — Vincent Patriarca, 24, New York barber, whose enthusiasm for aviation led him to enlist with the Rebels in the Spanish Civil War. His plane was downed over Madrid and he was taken prisoner, but the State Department helped him to> be released. He is shown as he arrived in New York recently. He said he was with an Italianequipped squadron of Insurgents.

L EHTELET EEAUT TOE CrTilSTSrAS—Shl-Icr Temple receives many Christmas froTs ad-nite-s throughout the vorld. But among: one of her most priced possessions this year is her Uttls cog, Stovawar. The screes starlet JS show n m her Hollywood home with a huge Santa Ckus doll and e Japanese doll for companions. She is also orate thrilled viih her ~\ow pajamas.

WASE DAY EX E 0 O T E — T h a t Tln-Csrs Tourists Association Ihst ;<= J r v o n t a g VIC"P!' L n - v r in the "United States decidsd to hola a winter xaeeiJis a Kor-dD. £->°re t~e ?nr-c r* the founsis f • D-de Ca;, Fia.. about t o get clean clothing fa prepared en for t h e event Left,fcn rirVt: Fe-&e-i s T i U e Frank McDowe^ Mrs. Summervffle a n d Mrs. McDovell. all of Au-ora. 111. Ccp> right



dent of the chapter and nowMid- mail, a nica 205. Young Resnick when he rolled a 175 game after; days. Keep in trim -while wait- ' Omaha Mkt. 6 9 .400 western regional adviser for the rolled the other, a mere 212. This he had rolled a 76 Here's hoping ing for further details. ' Malashocks " 12 .200 fraternity, will also accompany the is his first game of 200 although he remembers to live right from Tv'on Lost Pet. two delegates. he "has come close tvery week. now on. 12 3 -S00 • T h e ' regular season basketball ; Wardrobes Zeta Beta Tau, the oldest and Levine, bowling for the Smith- j This week concludes the pre-i Empire Cleaners S 6 .600 play will begrin nest Sunday £t largest national Jewish college Robinsons showed the best come-| season league and play will not' Yousems S 7 .533 2 p. ra. Only cfcange made ir, the • Temple fraternity, will hold Its eighth na- back in the whole pre-season start again until after the holi-1 Smith-Robinsons .467 . league from t h e pre-season plar \Rabbi David _H. Wice's sermon tional convention in New Orleans, to-night -will be "Man of the La., on December 27th, through Year." Regular Saturday morn- January 1st. Headquarters -will ing services -will begin at 11:00be the Roosevelt hotel Of that o'clock. city. Zeta Beta Tan, founded in 1898 . Beth-El ..: and now having 35 chapters, is At services tonight, Dr. George known Internationally as the donDobsevage of -New York -will, be or of the "Gottheil Medal," which guest speaker. Dr. Dobsevage has it gives each year to the Amerbad an-interesting career of Jew- ican who has done the most for ish service. For many .years l e Jewry. Nine medals have been was executive secretary1 of the presented since the institution of Jewish Publication Society. and this annual award. The awardaided in the publication of 125 ees were Stephen Wise, David books of Jewish, interest. At oneBrown, Aaron Sapiro, Julius Rotime, he was candidate for Con-senwald, Felix Warburg, Governor gress in . New york against the Herbert H. Lehman, John Haynea present Mayor LaGuardia. Re- Holmes, the Pilgrimage Team qf cently he published r. new illUB- the National Conference of Jews trated edition of Graetz' History and Christians (Everett K. Clinchy, J. Elliott ROSE and Morris S. of the Jews. • His topic will be "The Romance Lazaron) and James G. McDonof Jewish History." It will be timely. Informative and inspiring. On Saturday morning, Milton, son of Mr. and ^Irs. A. Simons., will be a Bar Mitzvah. Mr. and

Mrs. Simons cordially invite the congregation to be their guests at the Services and the Kiddish. Next Wepk Kext -week Rabbi Goldstein will base his sermon on Sholom Ash's latest great Tiook, "The War Goes On." : Next Sabbath is annual Students Sabbath and stndents home from college are £spically urged to attend with their parents. After the Services Mrs. Jack Kaufrman and her Committee will entertain in honor of the students at an Oneg Shabbos.

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Two hundred, strong witnessed the most exciting and thrilling Distributed by basketball last Sunday when the' Sioux City A. Z. A. No. 12 nosed out the Omaha A..Z. A. No. 1, in Air Conditioning Corp. three extra periods. 27-25. Omaha got off to a good start 104 No. 18th St. and when the whistle blew endAT-34S4 ing the first half they were in the lead, 11-5, .• all of out-of-towners points being made on free throws. It was as ttie second half got unJunior Congregation -The Talmud Torah Junior Con- der way that the excitement realgregation -will hold its •. regular ly came In. t h e Mother Chapter services this Saturday in the feeling secure let .up and the Accessories and Parts for lodge room of the Ji C. C. Mrs.Sioux CItyans took advantage of all Cars—Tires - - Oils - this and with 2 minutes to play Mary Stein will be isponsor. Batteries. in the final stanza,. found themselves in the^-lead, 21-17. Due to Winterize Your Car MT. SINAI Sherman's 2 buckets the Omaha • ""How! boys pulled themselves into a tie A ^ regular meeting of the end the game, i n the first exSinai Cemetery Ladies' Auxiliary tra period, Leo Sherman started will be held next Tuesday, Dec- it off with a side shot which was ember 22, at 2 p. m. at the Adas j m a tched with "one by Grueskln. iz Sherman Milton-Moskovitz Yeshuren Synagogue, 25th and i I n the'second extra period, Sher1919 Farnam St. man again scored for, the hbmeSeward Streets. towners as guard Kline of the No. WE-2929 12 chapter scored a long one with 10 seconds to play,to tie It "up. By mutual consent, the teams agreed that the first 6her-making -a basOver one thousand persons ket would be the victor and Sioux caught the contagious carnival City proceeded to do so as Zeligspirit at the Beth El Rigadoo, held soa tossed one in the basket to TOE last; Sunday vat the'Jewisn Com- end the game.;Krohlck and Zeligson; •starr>a"-for:tSe:;steners -firMFe Features Shampoo and Even before the doors' opened- Leo Sherman was the whole showFirmer Wave throngs Of people waited to be ad-for' the losers 'scoring • 10 points for the days high -scoring' honors. mitted. -'• .-- — The booths were colorfully and Permanent Waves a t It seems as if this person just attractively-decorated.. The noise S3.5O and Up of the crowds and barkers well won't let us alone. Here it Is . ^. nigh drowned ..put the orchestra again: 7X6 Brsndsis Theatre Mose Franklin's fast moving •which played the latest swing muBuilding sic for those who wanted to dance. "Stationary" boys wore Pete No one-turned down the multi- Thallaa' "Hats" completely out plied of chances offered so that while cleaning them in 2 out of all went away laden with baskets 3 games in the Health Club's best of groceries, boxes of candy, dolls, volley "ball games last week. Due dogs, and everything else to thrill to some fine "Blocking" and good passing, Petes- gang were "Tops" one's heart. • Russian atmosphere prevailed in the. first game by the score of ir. the cafeteria which served 15-13.' Before the second game Cr»?AHA'S FINEST supper to an overflowing crowd "Silent" Mose lined up his "RubRECREATIONAL PAHLOR ber Band" and blasted forth with from 5 to 9 o'clock. The ShirBlULIAKOS—SNOOKER ley Temple Doll was won by Mary a fiery pep talk. The final dePOCKET BILLIARDS Jane Howe. The hand crochet cision was not to allow the hats to "stretch" their victory any All New Streamline Table* Afghan, went to Mrs. J. M. ErRestaurant—Bar man. 'Nathan Howrich won thefurther. The "Hats" were soon "enveloped" in a fog which was Direct Wire On All box mattress. The main door «5portino Event* priie, an electric toaster,'was won caused, by the —steam" of the 'stationary' brigades ho*, pfe/ing. Ladies Especially Invited by Mr. I. Abramson. .. , Dr. iSllis the "stationary spiker" So phenomenal a success was who was standing "Indian" fas' -PIAMOSB ' the Rigadoo, the -committee In hion as if posing tor Chief Tiona, BILLIARD AND LUNCH charge headed by "Mrs. I. W. Ro-showed plenty of smoke in the 1818 Farnam St. ' WE 3423 senblatt, chairman, and Mrs. J. last two games. Feldman, passer Faier, co-chairman, wishes to, ex- for the "Hats" /ust couldn't press its appreciation^ for the co-"PHil" the position. He should operation given. have abdicated (given up his — hat. and gone Into exile in the handball c o u r t s — Greta Garbo style — (alone). Lea BurfeenYEAR' END SPECIAL roads fierce spiking in the second From far and near the Z. B. blattered the "Hats" so badDec 11th to 31st Alums and active chapter of the ly that they were in no shape for Suits, Plain University of Nebraska will gath- the third game. The heads-up er to attend a formal stag din- play of,Capt Pete and Phil AbDresses, Top Coats, Hats, E t c ner followed by a dance to be len was overshadowed by the Cash and Carry. . . given Sunday night at the Black- playing of Shariro (Shires) and Higher priced garments reduceo stone hotel. A large gathering of Samuel (Insult) Gilinsky who 25c each \1 you send TWO. Reo. ular standard Dry Cleaning. No members and guests will dance to were as useful as a "Straw Hat" "•eduction In SAN1TONE. the sweet refrains of Art Ran-in January. GET YOUR TICKETS dall's orchestra. EARLY FOR THE VOLLEYBefore another vacation gets BALL'CLASSIC NEXT WEEK. MA-12S3 under way Robert Stiefler and Er- BUY THEM FROM SOL GER- QT-4303 nest Wintroub win have pat in LISKY JCCS GENUINE SItheir bids for the university de- MON JPURE ATHLETE. IT IS bate squad. Robert was a mem- RUMORED THAT HE WOULDber of the varsity team last year N'T TAKE A ROOT BEER FOR while Ernest received recognition RUNNING — AN ERKNAD (In as the -winner of the Long debate 9.2) — HE DIDN'T WANT TO trophy for the best freshman. RUIN HIS' AMATEUR STANDBoth were excellent debaters for Central High school copping many ING. tournaments and individual honors. The Empire Cleaners threatenI OSivcst DaStar rvi n Ttuklln advanced another ed to tear the "Wardrobes from the top position in the last -weeks step in his career as a college proOs fessor. Recently he was notified play in the JCC pre-seaoon bowling league. \ The ; Empires won and many other products, to the effect that he was on the first game but couldn't match ask your jjroeer or call . ., University'g pay roll aa a tap" the in the next two. The Youdancing teacher for physical edu- pins sems held on to third place by cation students. He has been trouncing the Slalashocko two out HA-222G and teaching dancing for of three while the Smith-Robinmany years. , sons broke their tie for fourth Bernard White and Edwin place by riding over the Potato err Soniiner win represent the fra- Mkt. in twb out -of three. ternity at the national convention. 200 games were scarce as only Bernard was chosen as the chap- two were recorded. Harold "Waaci ter delegate and Edwin : Sommer Epstein, a modest young postman r s the representative for the rolling his first series for the club. Richard Hiller and Omaha Potato Mkt. team waited Herman Rosenblatt,- past presl- until the last game to deliver the

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the Center last Sunday and filled ertrevery nook and corner of the A Belated Criticism | building . . . the carnival spirit A majority of prominent citi-1 that prevailed at tee first annual zens, listed as pall bearers at the j"Rigadoo"' (frmo the word "rigafuneral of a beloved and esteemed ] doon" meaning a lively dance) C citizen, were conspicuous by their! by the Beth El Synagogue absence. The touching eulogy de- given . . . Mrs. I. VT. (Etta) Rosenblatt livered by Kabbi Fredrick Cohn •was inspiring and fitting-. As theand committee deserve a huge Rabbi so aptly stated "He shared bouquet for their work in making his modest means with the less this affair a huge success . . . Lew M Spirits fortunate and iras hapr" in do- from a social and financial standpoint , . . Mrs. Phinests (Sid) ing so.v' Phone V\'S,'ZZZZ for a Wintroub, an attractive and convincing gypsy (but r.o gypping) complete selection of naDelectable Entertainment . . . The "sub-Eub-dehs" attracttional brantie of liquore B'nai B'rith members in st-' ing the dancing- partners . . . The end wjmes. tendance at Monday night's stag' appetizing food Eerved by Mrs. enjoyed, the boxing bouts of the: Dora Stein and her lovely yonng Golden Glore championship aspir-i matrons in a--typical Russia., atants. The real entertainment.! mosphere . . . The soloist Ida Githowever, Tras furnished by Patsy! lin sang- native Russian melodies Chandler (Paysee Kandler at' to the accompaniment of music fcy home), a. New Tork lad -crto has] Esther and Florence Steinberg been entertaining the patrons as i. . . The pretty little cfcilci -who M. C. at • the Cocoanut Grove \ nightly. Kdt since the appearance^ pointed vriih pride at her daddy's of Georgie Price and George Gi-i grotesque outfit tras Judy Theovot has an audience shrieked with \ dore, age 4, daughter of Sam and laughter as. they did on. fhis occ'a-: Isabelle Theodore . . . her dudcr sion. , The character studies - in jand Hy-Snrier were balloon purYiddish by: this clever young man! veyors in clotrn outfits . . '. -'Bob •srere kurgii -provoting\ and tier-i Koper, .-•£-•-.-h-jstling; bartender «. t a. « w i, \ t ~ • * •« oughly enjoyed. "Chandler, -who! with Mrs. J.. ,T, (Viola) Greenberg was'a: la-w student in'one of the' and Mrs. 'Arthur (Xaonii) Coin, New Tort colleges, is also ai. all-1 Mrs. ."Hilda -Segal -End I\Irs. Leon round athlete. He has been ("Sdith) Graetz as bar mauls . . . granted the privileges of the Cen- Mrs. Irvin (Hose) Levin- was a ter athletic department d-uricg his; busy person" in the "fciiijro" room Breakfast Specials stay. • j . . . Loyal Kaplan. Milton Frohm. I Mr. aad Mrs. I.Ioe Venger', Kr.^snd :Mrs. .'.Moe Linsinsn and Mr. end • Aroinid tbe ; Mrs. -Al Finkel'busied themselves ' Art Adl^r would walk miles ! in various capacities . . . A low for a "Camel," toeaiiins the j bow to Mrs. Meyer (Lillian) Beadorable Dorothy- Camel, a screeii | ber for the picturesque decorations test candidate, and not a ! that .adorned the booths . . . The ,' ' r ^ > "scream"' test girlie . . . They j barker with a .bit Oi a ""R", c. •were the brothers TTOIJK and | Fields" -flavor EE-delivert?d- by 1. not Wolf, referred to pre-riousj W. Rosenblatt . . . Lawrence FinIj- as tbe lads vrho fitscoreiiisd i kel looking very "sedtictive" in : 1. **-• \ a pair of "gold" nuggets in Lin• the afghan "he was raffling . . . coin . . . Scooped by that masIF ter of tvordage "Man Aboct |The busy little Miss, Paula BelTotra" I o w a Jewish Xcws ! mont whose ticket sslllcg proscrlTCiier, ancnt the tiep&rtnre 'ceeds exceeded that of the adults. from oar midst of Ben Leiberman, who now resides la I>es Word's e3"e vie^r of Saturday's Moines . . . He left a gal or tvo soiree at the Pastoa: The "Cabweeping ('.') copious tears , . . aret S^riES" idea attracting a ca31. A. X.'s ttinmbnail descrip- pacity crovrd . . . Toby Flax, Belle tion of the lad: a Jackie Heller Goldberg and Sally Morgan, pretwith athletes sJiojjlders . . . tily attired and beaming -with satSam Swartz, the furuishins isfaction at the gay atmosphere goods' bnyer at browniag-King •vrhich prevailed . . . Mrs. Ben fetiS4>MU^ , store, is so-o-o-o happy wheTi in (Madeline) "Silver, attractive in a the company of a certain little black crepe dinner gown irith a , 4 v., "banjo-eyed" charmer'• - • Dor- gold sequin cocktail packet (blame V othy Pappier's departure 'or my informant if described incorChicago wbere slie will be in rectly.) . . . Other beautifully charge of a millinery section at goTvcea -women present -were Mrs. Mandel's store, leaves X. H. in Sam (Bess) Stern, Sirs. Keyer a melancholy frame of mind . . Stern, Mrs. Phineas (Sid) Trie-; The costumes for the eolorfel troub and Mrs. Julius KeTffiau Clianukah plays were e3es!£nat- . . . The distinctive hair coiffure • ecl by Mrs. J. Bemstcin . . . Sid j of golden haired Ancetts I-Iurtriis •' Abrauiowitz attached to the In- I. . . Attorney Edward Brockey in ' C For cosl, crofihFnf fr nr* terai Kerenae Uirisica is leav- I a "close" conference -wit!i Evelyn ! J necessity that sere tempe ^ brine along. You can cbt T-aC ing for Jfctr Xort to risit with I Kosen a "shaina maiden" from' Ji tc ?3SC, and supofy the & his parents . - , thas several j our neighboring "Dee-Moan" . . . \ we £sk. Phone AT 6E0C'. maidens are in despair! . . First i entirely a legal proceea-ure' . . . to announce New Tear resoM- : Dr. Harry Rich dancing -with an tions is Edith SefiEeider, the I attractive blonde-haired dsrnse! tiisid and retiring blonae . . . ! .. . Harold Bloch asd ME grrsxde refuses to reveal saise . . .. The ; school "sweetie", Lottie Kips - . . fever-itdiing "fissslaeh" of the i Norman Bro-wn and the striking pray haired ladies who indulged f-vrillo-wy blond-hsired Ethel Act-1

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Zeta Beta Tau


Xe\r Year affairs to i meroas take place Stan Slosberg and

This column t a s been accused, HoTrard Kaplan, arc sponsoring of being too sugary, excessively,1 a party of a novel sort centers laudatory in our praise of modest aroend tile "swing" music of folk -who derote their time and .Larry Burnetts and his versatile eforts in behalf of -vrorth3- cans-.; gang of entertainers . . . The | es. Also those -vrho hare been I'si Mu fraternity arc planning j signally recognized for outstand-; a bigger and better celebration, j ing- achierements. If that be the | •which -will include a floor shotr i charge, -we admit our piilt hop-! featuring an exotic dancer, j ing that the sentence may be in I the form or further correspond-: "Rig-adoo" Eonndup ence, in which ron may air your! rievrs. i The happy throng t t a t jammed

Rigadbo by Beth El Huge Success


is the r^e-£efiSQE league winner, should H ::. point to re<?c^-(.lie Hottentots, who v.-ili perform Sunilsy e i w n r n n s to v-;rnr under the banner of the Barisli- ihese baske!:>a3l frame? .->?; *.!->-•> ' Sender Jilotors. CLher teams in are chock lull of ihrnif and r-~ the league are: PsI Mu, A. E. A. sets. Plan to be an ardent sm-i'No. IOC, S i Lambda, and the ; tator and booster of Centr; AFTS. All basketball lovers sports.



"Courteous -Reliable"

P"c::c?c3 Directors Our Funeral parlors furnished in homo-Iikc fasriion. We have spared neither time nor esptnis in tisvelopina every Dhace-rf cur ctrvlce.

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ia a ""' Et the Biknr i erman . . . Oh-h-h yes! there vrere ' affair . . . were encour- i many attractive brunettes present ; also . . . For instxiias the erotic aged by t&e songs and "feala- 1 looking visitor. Mrs. Lee EOW&E lassa" "pmyjug of Mrs. ilsrry I (yidfiis?! inferpretEtioa, JloEen(V. S.) Cooper . . . Personal ^P:E'>, ~ C r ' r r ^ r - t r r r r . z.- L: t

chatter conceraiT-.™ t>-e Trr^p'e 1 Krrrj?. rr >". V. C. r T T rrli.'i Israel production *'Slsow Eo.-.t"* will be scribbled in r e r f TvcrJr-15; chit-ciiat . . . t o o i c t e 'ov t i j « w e e k ' s edition . . . Scr.^ do-'C";,^*- tieir party . . . Drrrtt- ::rk,-f---y tion cC i'carl «Jso;[, dar™hter of Mr. n a a ?Irs. U j - = a n O?ofr : " ^ C l i s b t f c l . de'Juia-^s £ = d d o IO-.Clj-"' . . . W a i r h for J a n s a r r I I " h Ici- the social e v e n t o f tise sen? c.itr erfiloc: "Krr=-? C t,~. • r?a=C3 I 1 ! . . . Of i i = a i -





»i -

, - * - , - -,-.-

' i





large studios. The climate, like a picture of his wife, Saskia, a Flag Day drive conducted last that of California, is especially Christian. week, under the sponsorship of the JNF Council and the Council suitable for a motion picture in(Continued from page 1) ;•*! Bluffs Senior Hadassah. Mrs. Sain dustry. Exactly four centuries ago a cording to which their persecu- Meyerson, JNF chairman of the gentleman by the name of Frantion of the innocent was legal. If Hadassah, and Miss Fannie KaThe filming of the life of cisco Millar WHS cited before the and Side Lanes MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent there were in the universe an em- telman, secretary of t h e . JNF Rembrandt by a British companj- authorities of Mexico City for bodied principle of evil,' if there Council were in charge of the reminds us that Rembrandt for practicing- Judaism. Don FranBy Leoaard Nathan 313' were Satan, I know what he drive which proved "very successthirty years lived in the Jewish cisco Tas reconciled to Catholiccabulary." Cantor A. Pliskin and would be. He would be a maker ful, and they wish to express their quarter of Amsterdam. Many of the synagogue choir will chant For hundreds o* years Jews his most famous works are of ism three years later, but instead appreciation and thanks to all of laws. the ritual. / hayel ived in the state of Cochin Jewish subjects, and his models of Judaism being stamped out by Nine times out of ten It is the who helped make it successful. Tomorrow morning, Mr. and on the Malabar coast of India. All for his New Testament paintings this action, it steadily increased law that is on trial, not the man. For tu-e hundred and fifty years I Important on the social calen- Mrs. Joe Levin.will be hosts to this time the Jews or Cochin have The man is more precious than The Council Bluffs Talmud been generously treated and have were Portuguese Jews who had the Inquisition o£ Mexico was conI dar of the winter season, will be the Junior Congregation, in honsought refuge in Amsterdam. the law made by other men whoTorah children held an Imprompfronted with the problem of Juda•^ the Junior Hadassah Cabaret or of the twelfth birthday of their did not know him or his case or tu Chanukah program at the Che-enjoyed rights that should arouse One o* Manasseh hen Israel's ism. son, David. Samuel Heegar will Dance which will be held Sunday envy, in the hearts of their Euhis need or his inwardness or his vra B'nai Yisroel synagogue Sunbooks was illustrated, by Remevening, December 20 in the Ball act as Cantor'and Seymour RobMiss Sadie Shulkin and Miss mitigation or even justification day morning, December 13, un- ropean brethren. brandt. His paintings because of inson, reader of .the law. The Room of the Martin Hotel. The Nellie Morris were at home to before the tribunal of his own der the leadership of Mr; E. Coo- -. The Maharajahs of Cochin have his choice of subjects have be"Urges War On Nazism attendance at the Junior Congreentire mezzanine floor will be" defriends Sunday afternoon, honor- soul in some court of eternity. We per, principal of the Talmud Tor- depended upon the Jews for the come anthropologically as well as Capetown, South Africa — A gation services' last S a t u r d a y voted to the dance,-giving-ample ing Miss Raskin. The bride's are not mechanisms, or robots. ah. An exchange of Chanukah. development of trade and com- artistically important..- • He has warrant that South Africa must '/.'••> dancing space 'in the Jarge ball numbered 108.colors of brown and gold were Yet the law treats us as though gitta -was held and Chanukah re- merce and unlike other rulers did preset-red for us the features as put an end to Fascist and Nazi Announcement, has :been made room. '.•"'" carried out in the tea table ap- we were. A law that bids a Jew citations and songs were given by not turn them into scapegoats of well as the costume of the early propaganda was sounded here by Jack Reams orchestra will sup- by Mr.' Morey; Llpshutz, - member- pointments. state. Nor were the non-Jews of Dutch Jews. "The Jewish Bride," Minister of Agriculture Rietz. send another Jew back to the hell the children. ply the music-for, dancing.: Pa- ship chairman. of the synagogue, Cochin given to raging jealousies the title of a number of Eem- "We must chop off the head of of Germany and Poland is a more that Mr. and .Mrs. Herman Licht trons and, patronesses-, at• the that culminated in pogroms or brandts studies, in every case is the snake before it does more The members of the Board of criminal* thing, a fouler offense A large attendance was present wholesale expulsions. dance Mr. and.Mrs. Ben are new members of the synago- Directors of the Visiting Nurses against the spirit of man than damage,'' he said. 3ekt, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Slotsky, gue. Association, with whom Miss Ras- any single infraction of any law at the Chanukah program and A few weeks ago a Zionist dele- MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & Five hundred people attended meeting given by the Council Rabbi and .. Mrs. Theodore' N. kin has been associated, enter- in-the whole world that any ingate. Dr. Imnianuel Olsvanger, COHEN, Attorneys Lewis and Rabbi and- Mrs. H. R. the annual Chanukah program tained at a luncheon last -week dividual can commit. It is the Bluffs Senior Hadassah at the visited the Jews of Cochin. In Patronize Our Advertisers 737 Omaha Natl. Bank Bids. held last Sunday afternoon in the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue Rabinowitz... law that is guilty and not the honoring her. line with a well established, en-: NOTICE IS HEEEBV GIVEN' That ' Miss' Saretta. Krlgstein and. Miss synagogue social hall. The probreakers of the law. And that Is Wednesday afternoon, December lightened tradition, the Mahara- i the undersigned have formed a cor-1 R R ^' N ' C> l E V ! N - Attorney. Dena Bar oh are co-chairman of gram lasting-two-hours included 'Miss B e s s Lipshutz, 1915 true a thousand times a day in 10. Mrs. Albert Krasne is pro- jah of Cochin received Dr. Ols- poration pursuant to the laws of the ' Theatre Stste of Nebraska. i £ r VL Building. the dance, with Miss , Florence plays, sketches, recitations, songs, Heights Avenue, -wilF entertain a every land in every court of so- gram chairman, and Mrs. Morris vanger as a State gu?st, placing Ths name of the corporation Is I Lohrmnn and Mrs. William Kut- and dances. r Member of the fac-group of Miss Raskin's intimate called justice. Rigid and inflex- Grossman is chairman of this af- a private car and boat at his com- WEST DODGE THEATRES CORcher assisting.• _ . . _ • - . ulty of the .Sunday School and friends, at an afternoon of bridge, ible laws, applied to human souls fair. Assisting hostesses were the mand. Imagine the reception ac- PORATION, with its principal place : of business in the city of Omaha. The I Plans are being made to accom- Talmud Torah were presented next Sunday. without a specific interpretation Mesdames Dare Fox, Sam Sacks, corded Zionist delegates by the objects for which this corporation is! ation undo"- the' tew^oTfhe SMe I'f with Chanukah gifts by t h e L a d Morris Yudelson, and S. Shyken. formed are: To acquire as lessee, | Nebraska. The nnrnn Af the corner odate a-large, number, of guests bearing upon the moral values inor otherwise, and to operate I Mrs. Leo Fitch lighted the Chan- governments of Russia, Germany, owner T me - xo tTHEATRE IXC ^ and many but of lovfn gueBts are ies Auxiliary of:• t h e ; synagogue. volved in that particular case are theatres -for the exhibition of moving-! af.on_J 1 aS il a and Poland, and for that matter Mr. and Mrs. Henry Margolin , ' P''""'ness Rhall be at Refreshments* were-served by the ukah candles and with each light, pictures end/or the presentation of iO, "fT y .Ci;.5KK; expected,= • .-'• ' • are most wicked and cruel things general nashows or performances of every kind i «',.,-«.•' -^ « V1 -Tit the Auxiliary, and the Hebrew. Moth- received their friends Sunday af- in the whole world. They are the she gave a brief resume of the by some Jews. ""T """ o b p transacted" and character, and to handle, deal in iIhlu ?' ers Association. The program ternoon in the ball room of the root of all evil. They are veil it- achievements of Henrietta Szold, and contract with reference to moving i shall be to pm-chase. own. operate ami films and /or shows and per- I h X ° ' ^ n 6 " m o r e theatres music ADDRESSES B'NAI B'RITH was given jointly by the children Sioux Apartments honoring their self. The lav has no majesty ex- founder of Hadassah, who is cele- Another nole from India is the picture of every kind and charac- nniis ana any type- O r form of enterof the Hebrew School and the son and daughter-in-law, Mr. andcept as it has understanding, hu- brating her seventy-sixth birth- result of a recent announcement formances ter -with reference to the production. I tainment, and. to <lnai i n a i l v and aU Mrs. Frank Margolin, whose marincidental or the distribution, or the exhibition of | business • • George Dpbsevage of New York Sunday School.-• . manity, flexibility, wisdom, ex- day this month. The Hadassah made by the trustees of the Bom- same, and to do any and all thincs i riage was an event of last month. Choir made its aebut at this proCity addressed an open, meeting bay Synagogue that no non-Jew To borrow money for corporate pur necessary, requisite or proper in the ! Plans are being made 'for the cept as it deliberately upholds the gram when they sang "Rock of will be con-verted to Judaism operation of theatres and /or enter- I Poses p.nd ft. frcure any obligations of the B'nai Brith lodge, Wednes- Tenth Annual Students Welcome higher values, if necessary in its tair.ment enterprises; to purchase. ! oTh"wj^ a £ r e ' p l e d s e ' d c e i ! o f t r "st or Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz will reday evening, in the" Jewish: Com- service to be held next Friday own despite. "The. Sabbath was Ages" and "After the Lights are merely for the ourpose of facil- lease and otherwise acquire nnd to i deal in generally in resl estate anc? i To purchase, lease or otherwise acmunity Center, speaking on "Jew- evening in the "synagogue. A1 re-turn home next week from New given to you," said our sages, Lit." itating a marriage with a son or ! property <5f every kind and jqun-e. ami to hold. own. sell and disish Contributions to Civilization." ception will- follow the service, York City where she has spent "but you, you were not given to solo, Miss Rae Wolfson sang a daughter of Israel.-. | persona! character and to dispose of and en- '•pose o,, rra! and personal property of "The Butterfly and the Mr. Dobseyage was ior 20 years and representative students, from the past week visiting with rel- the Sabbath." If that Is true of a same in any manner whatso- .' all kinds Rnd to deal in stocks Taking this action as un- i cumber Flowers," accompanied at the piever. The Company shali have au- ! Ibonds, debentures and securities of executive and literary secretary the various Universities and col-atives". necessary Indian Jewry finds this | law supposedly of God, how in-ano by Miss Virginia Dye. Followthority to borrow money and issue; eyery Port. : of the Jewish Publication Society leges will speak'. • ' of indebtedness therefor. To purchase, bold, sell and trans: finitely truer is it of a law made ing the program, tea and-refresh- the opportune moment for con- evidences .ihe total authorized capital stock is i fer snares or stock of this and other of America.- He has been a memMiss Beatrice Pill entertained by other men. demning arbitrary decisions of, par value S100.0D per share. ; corporations: and to acquire the good ments were served at a beautifulber of the editorial staff of; the members of the Hadassah chapter the trustees of Indian sj'nagogues. all cf -which shall be common stock, i viu. rights, assets and property, and ly appointed table. when issued shall be fully paid j to unaertake and assume the whole or Jewish encyclopedia,' tho Standat a Give or Get party Monday This is the" mark of the pagan. , Mount Sinai Likewise the agitation against an and and non-assessable. The corporation ! any part of the obligations, and *ln ard Dictionary and'. the , Literary evening. - An -evening of games He worships the law irrespective established practice the world shall commence business upon the fil- ' p-oneral tn do anyihlne: Insofar as the Digest. of its content or consequences; he Kosher Komments over, the auctioning of seats in Reverend H . J . . Adlard of the entertained the guests. same may appertain to, or be useful ing- of its Articles with the County , lor. or necessary. i n connection with is "loyal without examining the Mr. Edwin W. Baron, president Unitarian Church will be the the synagogues during- the High Clerk of Dottp-las County, Nebraska. ' the confliict of the business of this shall continue until January 1. | Members of t he- Debra Club objects of- his loyalties for their o£ the lodge, .presided . at the guest speaker at Mount Sinai Holidays, has been resumed by and (Continued from page 7.) corporation. 2036. The highest smount of indebt! ethical content; when will Jews t b e re Temple this evening. Reverend gave a Chanukah party Wednesmeeting. . . . . . edness shall not exceed two-thirds of I To carry on business at any place law I Hear You Calling Me" , , , T h e ! Jewrj bellious elements of-Indian the capital stock. This restriction - or rterpf vifhin the jurisdiction of Adlard who will leave soon JOT day evening. in the home of Miss and Christians rebel against s "lolly-palooza" with the auto-ty-! " shalli not apply to iriWebtednees se-; the United states and in any and all where he has accepted a Esther Erlnberg. Games enter- and loyalty? cured by real estate. The number of j forpicrn countries. coon, Harry Smith . . . ad-infini"All VN1VERS1TY" FROUC England members of the Board shall be pro- j The authorized capital stock of this pulpit, will sreak on "What tained, the guests during the eveturn ! ' ! The Jewish Theatrical outlook vided for by the By-Laws, which! corporation shall be $10,000.00, divided O'clock is' it in Civilization." ning and Chanukah refreshments (Copyright 193P by Seven Arts shall administer the affairs of ! into mo ehaj-es of the • par -value of is exceedingly bright. Twelve Board An "All TJniyersity frolic" will Rabbi Theodore N.- Lewis will were served. the corporation. The stockholdrrs ! SlOii.on each: and all of said ' stock Feature Syndicate.) ». • . shall hold their ennup.l meeting on the ishall be. common Ftock and shall be be held New Year's eve at the read the ritual and introduce the Another Marshall Goldberg Yiddish theaters are functioning second Monday in January of each ! paid for in cash, notes, or other |jroMartin Hotel, when the Alumni guest speaker. Football fans and others are in New York City this season. year and elect Directors. The Direc- t porty or services, . a t . (he reasonable Miss Ray Abraham of MapleE v e n in of the Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity tors shall elect President. Vice-Prpsi- market value thereof and shall be congratulating Leonard Muskin, j far-away South Africa a ton, Iowa will arrive in Sioux City The Annual Father and Son ; clent. Secretary and Treasurer. The non -assessable. of Iowa University will be hosts. troupe of Yiddish the brawny and handsome son of actors from Articles may be amended upon notice sponsored by the Tem-tomorrow from the University of The corporation shall commence doThe frolic will be in. the nature Banauet, Vilna is presenting as provided for. With the nssent in mt: business on the first day of Dec1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Muskin, on a season of Alabama at Tuskaloosa, to spend writing of 60T<- of the outstanding ember. I93f>. and its existence shall of a supper dance, and attendance ple will take place" in; the Temple the winter holiday with her couJewish drama. having been chosen on the All-" capital stock the Board of Directors Annex on Tuesday, December .29. on the 3»th day of Novem•will be limited to 80 couples. In Palestine, where for several may sell all the property as an en- iterminate Star High school eleven. As a ber. 21.136, unless its life be extended Mrs. Myer Marks and. Mrs. Mor- sin, Miss Sylvia Friedman. tirety upon such, consideration as they | beyond said date by amendment to years small 'moving picture com- depm fit. B I P . R.-K. Vic Fribourg and his orchestra linesman, young Muskin was a i these articies. ris E.- Ekalovsky are chairmen of will play for the dancing, and an power on the defense and fre- panies have existed, some of the That the highest amount of any InMrs. Leon Gladwln of Detroit arrangements. ••. .• Dated December 10. inni. I debtedness imnnrannnmrnmniiD liability to which this elaborate floor show and "1937 quently was responsible for of- outstanding cinema people of EuR. IX GOLDBERG. | corporation or Michigan is.visiting here with her A: Z. A. ELECTIOX is at any time to subject HERKIXE GOLDBERG. Review" will be presented In the rope are considering establishing fense drives engineered by the itself, shall not Mr. and Mrs. M. Silver, 12-4-^t Incorporators. I its capital stock.exceed two-thirds of course of the evening. .' .<'"' BOOK REVIEW TODAY parents, The Council Bluffs Chapter backfield boys. It is said that 2101 .Grandview. That the affairs of this corporation Proceeds of • the party will go The Book: Review group of the No. 7 of the A. Z. A._held its prominent schools have invited MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & FRADENBURG, W E B B . EEBER, ! shal! be conducted by a board of diKLUT2NICK & KEi-LEY, A t t y j , i rectors of not less than nor more than COHEN, Attorneys toward the schooling of a German Mount Sinai •" Temple Sisterhood semi-annual election of" officers him to enroll . . . 200 Union State Bank Blcig. ' seven, and the following officers: A Miss Bertha Seff.and Miss Sar7^7 Omaha Nat!. Bank Bids. student who will enter the Uni-will meet this, afternoon in the ene Barrent have departed for at the home of Abe Raben MonPresident. Vice President, Secretary, NOTICE EY PUBLICATION . O N versity of Iowa the second seme- home of Mrs. I. Miller, v.hen Mra. Washington, D. C. to spend the day night. Herbert • Rosenthal and Treasurer, any two of which ofNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT ; fices may be held by one and the Receive Critics' Praise the undersig-ned have formed a corster. •• The young man who ma-C. H. Hoyt.will review ,"Sparken- winter. was chosen as .the new president OF FINAL ADMINISTRA! same person. Eileen Zevitz, the young South poration pursuant to the laws of the TION ACCOUNT \ jored in Chemistry will continue brooke" and 'Wake Up and Live.' to succeed Hymie Diamond. Other High student, and Sylvan Frankel State of Nebraska. EARTi I). ROSS, In the County Court of Doufrlas \ The name of the corporation 5s ROSE ROOSE in that field at Iowa. , officers elected were Abe' Raben, of the Jewish Center players, play- A>EXUE Cocnmty, Nebraska. | THEATRE CORPORATION*, Incorpoorators. Refugees Enter Holland , Dr. L. J. Dims'dale is in charge In the Matter of the Estate of Eeid | with its principal place of business in vice president; Sam Kar^honsky, j 'iRVLN C. i,EVI>T Amsterdam—Holland admitted secretary;. Harold Fox, treasurer; ing characters of Miriamne and Omaha. Nebraska. The objects for W. Talmage, Deceased: of the party arrangements. , All persons interested in said Hint- I Trock respectively in the Com- which the corporation is formed are: 892. additional German Jewish i2-n-3«-« ter are hereby notified that on the To acquire as lessee, owner or otherFrank Pirsch, senior sergeant-atmunity Playhouse production Miss Elizabeth Raskin, whose refugees during the first ten and to operate theatres for the 25th day of November, 1B36. Fanny arms; Robert vRoffman, junior "Winterset" received enthusiastic wise, exhibition of moving: pictures and /or Talmage and Omaha National Bank Shaare Zion marriage to Jack iipman will be months of 1936, it is reported. sergeant-at-arms; Ben Kutler, re- praise from. the local dramatic the presentation of shows or perform- filed a petition in said County Court, an event of ear.'-' 'January, has Among, the recent arrivals were ances of every kind and character, praying that their final administraRabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will been the charming inspiration for 22 Jews who had first gone to porter; a n d Arnold Lincoln, critics. Despite her inexperience and to handle, deal in and contract tion account filed herein be settled with reference to movinjr picture and allowed, and that they be dischaplain. Eugene Telpner will act her performance as the appealing films use as his sermon subject this a number of parties during the Spain, only to be driven back to and/or shows and performances charged from their trust as executrix as athletic reporter. Advisors for evening "Is the Term 'Mercy' past few weeks.- ; ssiter to the cowardly Garth was of every kind and character with ref- and executor and that a hearing will Germany at the outbreak of the erence to the production, the fiistri- be had on said- position before the coming ternuare Myer Maltz, -still Found in the Human Voimpressive. Sylvan Frankel efMrs. /Morey Lipshutz and Mrs.Spanish civil war. or the exhibition of same, and Court on the 26th day of December, chairman ;> Nathan Gilinsky, and fectively subdued the character of -t-ution, to do any and all thlr.srs necessary, IMS, and that if you fail to appear requisite or proper in the operation before said Court on the said 28th \ Max Turner. the gangster Trock. of theatres- and /or entertainment en- day of December. 1936. et 0 o'clock A. j Herbert Rosenthal is the officterprises: to purchase, lease and othand contest said petition, the j erwise acquire and to deal in gener- M.. al "delegate from the local chapCourt may grant the prayer of SFAC : Dennenberg Derby ally in real estate and personal propenter a decree of heirship, I ter to the District convention to erty of every kind and character ana petition, make such other end further orbe held in Minneapolis; and Hy- Attention Toronto:- Omaha's to dispose of and encumber same in and ders, allowances and decrees, ns to manner whatsoever. The Commie Diamond was chosen as alter- candidate for the Stork Derby, Mr. any pany shall have authority to borrow this Court may seem proper, to the and Mrs. Dave (Fannie)-Dennenend that all matters pertaining to nate delegate. The local A. Z. A. money and Issue evidences of indebttherefor. The total authorized said estate may be finally settled and chapter is going, rapidly ahead berg. The twins just born make edness determined. t capital stock is $25,000.00, par -value with all phases of its work. Plans a total of six boys and one daugh- tlOO.fllt per share, all of which shall BRTCE CRAWFORD. Common Stock, and when Issued 12-4-".G-St ' Connty Judge, are being completed for the final ter. The couple are comparative- be shall be fully paJd and non-assessable. tryouts in oratory and debate. ly young in years. Mazzeltoff. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing- of its Articles The basketball team is a member with the County Clerk of Douglas of the Class tB league at the Jew- H. N. Jaffa was the first Amer- County, Nebraska, and shall continue ican mayor of Albuquerque, New until January 1, 2036. The highest ish Community Center in Omaha. amount of indebtedness shall not exThe team is being coached by Max Mexico. 7? ceed two-thirds of the capital Eto«k. This restriction shall not apply to inTurner. A large delegation plans debtedness secured by real estate. The o attend the regional tournament MONSKY, GROD1NSKY, MARBR number of members of the Board shall COHEN, attyt. be provided for by the By.Laws, which will be held in February 737 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. BldB. which Board shall administer the afat Lincoln. The next meeting of fairs of the corporation. The stockIN THE MATTER OF THE ESshall hold their annual meetthe chapter will be held Monday TATE OP Arthur Katskee, Deceased. holders ing on the second Monday in Janu'i -~ -A > ' / i evening, December 21, at the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That ary of each year and elect Directors. the creditors of said deceased will The- Directors shaii elect President, home of Herbert and Norman Ro- meet the administratrix of said estate, Vice-President. Secretary and Treassenthal, 1730 Third Ave. before me. County Judge of Douglas urer. The Articles may be amended Milton""Mushkin entertained for Miss Raskin at a luncheon in the Martin hotel.' Table, appointments were carried out in the bride-elect's colors, gold and brown. Bridge entertained the guests during the afternoon hours. Out of town guests included Mrs. Sid Robinson" of Walthill, Nebraska, Mrs. Henry Harlow, of Danbury, Iowa, Mrs. Harry Raskin of Yantton, South- Dakota, Mrs. A. Sherman of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Miss Ethel Edelstein of Hibbing, Minnesota.

Hadassah.' iJunior Dance on Sunday


^5£ ^ ^ H '



3,123,200 Crackers Per Eight Hour Day tr

SM^JC:: t


JOLLEGE STUDENTS HOLIDAY Collman Yudelson, student at the University of Iowa at Iowa !ity, will spend his holiday vacation out east. He leaves today for ihicago for a short visit before oing to New York City, where he will represent the Iowa chapter at the international' convention of the Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity, to be held at the Astor Hotel in New York. He is president of the fraternity at Iowa City. Other students at the University of Iowa are expected to arrive home today from Iowa City to spend their vacation with their parents. Among them are the Misses June Meyerson and Maxine Leiboyitz; and- the Messrs. RobHere's how the cookie3 are vat above the conveyor benchV In chocolate,"sprinkled with coert Rosenfeld, Bernard Balaban, Capped with marshmallow whip : As the cookies pasa beneath the coanut, crowned with a bit of in the new Iten-Barmettler plant. Jack Gordon, Donald Rosenfeld, vat they pause for. an instant, pecan, cooled and dried to the From the mixers, the marshand the marshmallow is squirted Robert Endelman, and Arnold point where they are ready for mallow is elevated in a long rib- onto them. On the same conpacking.Hoffman. veyor bench, they may be bathed bon (see arrow at top) to the Miss Pearl Meyerson, student at the University of Nebraska, is ex" With a capicity-of 3,123,200 contact. The entire plant, built when -anything goes wrong. : pected home today from. Lincoln crackers per eight-hour day, the at a cost of. eight hundred thouOne of the automatic dough to spend her vacation vkiting her new Iten-Barmettler Biscuit plant sand dollars, Is on one floor The miners weighs more than fourteen parents. Miss Meyerson will be at Thirtieth ?n<." Taylor streets, great oven; built especially for thousand pounds. accompanied home by Miss Anlast Tuesday started production. the plant and hauled here in The factory .employs one .hun- nabelle Emlein of -Sioux City, who Revolutionary in design and san- eight freight- cars, cost fifty-six dred persons and will use an ave-will be her guest for over the holitation, the plant takes its place thousand' dollars. rage of one hundred barrels of idays. Miss Meyerson and Miss Emlein are both members of Sigas one of Omaha's most import" The crackers, are-baked at a flour per day, ant concerns. temperature of 600: to 750 ' de- O. H. Barmettler is president ma Delta Tau Sorority at Lin•-.•.. All dough mixes are- prepared grees and..go through, the sixty- of the company. Dick Barmettler coln. by automatic machinery and then one fCDt oven in three and one-is production manager; Bill Barforced "through pipes to the place half minutes. The oven: Is thor- mettler, sales manager, and John The Jewish National ' Fund where they are needed, so that oughly equipped for; all emergen- Barmettler, special salesman. W. Council reported . that, over sixtythere is no opportunity for human cies so r that i. alarm ;.bells • sound R.. Avery is secretary-treasurer. two dollars was collected in the

County, Nebraska, a t the County upon notice as provided for. With the Court Room, in said County, on the assent in writing of 60% of the out2nd day of February 1937 and on the standing: capital stock the Board o! 2nd day of April 1937, a t 9 o'clock a, Directors may sell all the property as m., each day for the purpose of pre- a s entirety upon such consideration senting their claims for examination, as they deem fit. • adjustment - a n d allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from th6 2nd Dated December 10, 1986. day of January 1937. R. D. GOLDBERG. HERM1NE GOLDBERG, BRYCE CRAWFORD, 12-4-4t Jncorporators. County Judge. i2-ll-36-3t

. <'




V 'SU< tilMHTNir

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