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; Entered as Second Olasa Mall Matter on January 21. 1921, at Postoftlce ot Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1873
«-•« PROFESSIONAli JEW REMOVE CAUSES OF ARTISTS FOR It wast I think, in Vienna, now ANTI-SEMITISM RADIO quite a number of years ago that I first took special note of the j Warsaw (JTA)—Senator Moses Rome (WNS) — Notwithstandterm. A very charming and able jSchorr charged in the Senate ing t h e anti-Semitic propaganda man who was then editing the His benign countenance and j Monday that the Government "was of a large, section of t h e Italian Ions defunct Morgenzeitung, the jovial manner well suited for the pre.<">-official government Palestinian Artist to Appear I tolerating anti-Semitic agitation only Zionist daily newspaper that interpretation of the works of soI and interfering only when exever existed in a western langu- beloved a figure as Hans Christ.(Vys\$- : has engaged a con• at Community Center l cesses resulted, i nber o£ age, said with a subtly self-iron- ian. Andersen, Jacob Texiere, fam^ ' ,«s* iOv Jewish a r t j Asking, "Where, can the Jews . January 5 w i n t e r programs. ical grin: 'No one pays the slight- ous Danish character actor, fold 3 o V sV3 ;go?'' he demanded that the au-i est attention to what I say. I'mhis greatly-esteemed stories to an them are Bruno Walter,; a Berufs-Israelite ( a profession- audience at the Y. M. C. A. last Fritz Reiner, Hans Weisbach andj Elias Newman, Palestinian art- • tnorities remove the causes of; al Jew), you know." Comment Sunday night. Mr. Texiere apIsak Bobrowen, all of whom are j ist, will lecture at the Jewish anti-Semitism and not interfere I was needless. We understand each peared here' under the auspices Community Center, January 5, as ; with Jewish youths* studies and! taboo in Germany. | other. Once more the diseased of the Central committee of all the second of the Jewish Concert ] attempts to earn a living. condition of the Jewish people —; Omaha Danish organizations. and Lecture Series' program. Mr. • r,t w i. , .-.. • i ;F or the anomalous situation, if Newman will speak on "Modern For years this member of a you like — had been laid bare. Palestinian A r t." Wednesday, V1 (i i ' . " i .. ( V (mi T prominent Portugese-Jewish famJanuary 6, at 3:30 the Women's | '_<• l,( _ h ' » 11 1 i . ( t, And today in America the term ily that has" lived in Denmark for Division of the Community CenS-, T - , I'," ,i. , \ is still in use, very often in vio- three centuries has made his ter will present Mr. Newman at I "ll P 1 I ' V I \>• • lent use. Pseudo-Marxian Jewish great mission in life the" interprea tea. His pictures will be on journalists, like Mr. Benjamin tation of Denmark's foremost (.'. in .1,1 . , ; . , display also on Thursday. Stolberg use it, certain liberals story-teller. tHis sparse dark hair i! O \l1IH ('ii• Mr. Newman has made his who want to veil their anti-Sem- falls almost to his shoulders and New York (JTA) — Governor! home In Palestine since 1925. He itism in a general benevolence with a cigar in his hand, he Lehman last week called on the \was born In Poland in 1903 and New York (JTA)—An appeal use it and so do the anti-Jewish speaks affectionately of the man . l i Jew to "do his full share" in the|lived in the United States from to Lutheran pastors and church Jews," the people who are deter- to whom he has devoted his tali il fight of religion "to rescue the • 1913 until he went to Palestine. i leaders from representatives ot mined to get out from under, of ents. Jacob Texiere n ii world from barbarism and deHe was educated in New York | the five synods of the American all sorts. The common formula Mr. Texiere, whose3 ancestors struction." He addressed more : and Paris and for a time was for;Lutheran Conference to "take a among- the Stolbergs and their than. 800 persons attending aj eign correspondent for a number ; firm stand against slander and like is that there is precious lit- went to Scaudanavia as the bankmeeting at the Jewish Theological, of American newspapers. He is ; falsehood" being clisserninatec! tle to choose between the profes- ers and advisors of Queen ChrisSeminary opening • the- seminary's one of the organizers of the Pal-j against the Jews in America was sional Jew and the professional Una who enobled them, began his •••,• I-. estine Artists and Sculptors As- | made public last week by the semi-centennial celebration. anti-Semite. And this formula career as an actor at the Casino Seeing threats of war, economic sociation and during- his Ameri- signers. has a certain glib wise-crack Theater, in Copenhagen in 1902. distress and Intolerance as the; can tour is organizing an Ameri- ! It deplored "anti-Semitism in quality' that may momentarily Two years later he became an three leading problems facing can Sponsoring Committee for whatever form it may take as in- I V v i W i V i V ft ». • V.J ».,*. commend it to young1 people who. actor at the Danish Royal Thea„ , present day civilization, he de- the Tel Aviv Museum. compatible with the doctrines ol In the modern manner, have not ter, making his debut in the role of Ahasverus, the Eternal or the ( • •> Mrs. Sam Wolf is chairman of ;the Bible and hostile to the conclared that the spirit: of religion been taught any substance < of i i knowledge or any severity of Wandering Jew. Passage Is First Parliamentary was the only force which could the educational committee of the i fession and teaching o£ the Luththinking in their schools and col; In the audience that evening be depended on to meet these! Women's Division which is spon- ieran church as well as inconsistAct of King George's was^Georg Brandes, another famleges.. problems effectively. He urged soring Mr. Newman's lecture and ent with our . heritage of liberty Reign ous Danish-Jewish literateur, and fair F!ay. Jews and Christians to turn to exhibit. Now in spite of the uniqueness who at the time was the dramaThe statement called attention the Bible for guidance and inof the historical experience oE thetic critic for Copenhagen's largest to the "persistent campaign of j j j r ; p 0 T t ! t e r a n d Dr. rTr-r<-l;:r "v " " London (WNS)—The distinc- spiration in the solution of soJewish people, there have been and foremost i. Jew hatred" carried on by for. < • i, ( tion of being the first parliamen- cial problems. other peoples who have shared Speak to Jewish T 1 ! As a member of the Royal tary act of the reign of King eign agencies, augmented bv soSol -M. Stroock, chairman of these cracteristics of the fate of Theater, •, n ! ii Mr. Texiere played called Fundamentalist leaders Group govern- the seminary's board of directors, the Jewish people, that at one or character roles in the plays of [and fed by thousands of pamphment's public order act prohibit- paid tribute to Supreme Court another moment of their history Holberg, the Danish Mollere. lets, books, periodicals, and radio -Before a rcpresei •; i r , n. i i ' , n ing the wearing of political uni- Justice Brandeis on his eightieth they have been, either disunited In 1913 he abandoned his pos-forms and aimed at curbing the addresses. birthday and to the late Louis or oppressed or both. And when- ition at the Royal Theater to be)r. C. Poynter ( r-i- p : Signers of the appeal are Rev- ^ X sity of Nebrr1-! ; "* . r"•. r ever these peoples have been dis- come an apostle and interpreter anti-Semitic activities of Sir Os- Marshall, who would haTe been t i. i 'erends S. L. Tallakson. Gideon' united to their own hurt or have of the great Danish writer, Hans wald Mosley's Fascist Black- eighty and who preceded Mr. school and Dr. Mon i« Vc-.rr l .been oppressed, men have arisen Christian Andersen, whose tales shirts. The measure became law Stroock as chairman of the Seeks Greater Protection When Olson, C. M. Videbeck, A. W. . R. Gronseth. It and If League's Covenant from within these peoples who are known throughout the world. after the House of Lords ap- board. Othe. speakers were Dr. i 111? V December 14 at a Is Revised have been the summoners to un- •Andersen's Tales," Mr. Texiere proved it. The bill was first an- Cyrus Adler, president of the c C *i• Health Program" a, ;U I. t ill i [meeting of the Lutheran confer-i i , ion and the leaders of liberating explained, "are written for child- nounced by former King Edward seminary, who presided, Lewis L. s p e a k e r s on t h ( ?K o M ; i" r V, ence, which, represents 1.060 pas Geneva (JTA) — The World movements. Youth Vocrti.ir., i i.l ren to'be understood by adults." VIII in his address from the Strauss, chairman of the semi- Jewish Congress demanded lsst jtors, 6.251 congregations and 2,throne at the opening of the pres- ecntennial committee, • and Mrs. • ir . ( So it came about that Washi „ J. \ "Andersen," according to Mr. ent session of Parliament on No-Felix M. Warburg, honorary chair- week that the League of Nations 139 6,623 members. j Dr. Poynter, speri.T? c ington and Jefferson were pro- Texjere,; "himsejf was a great adprovide greater protection for ca- ; 1 general aspects of fessional Americans and Garibal- mirer, of the Jews and held them vember 3rd. It passed the House man of the women's committee. tional minorities when and if the ; pointed out thr.t tbi Governor Lehman spoke after di was'.a professionaf Italian and In:hlgh esteem. In -hisi romances of Commons on December 7 th. had-beeH~g*v-e"n-.a-reo6pti©&-ir. League's covenant is revised. Ku'sciusico - -was'-'••'»*'• professional are many "fine- "portraits of "Jew- .The..hill,.-, wJilch,-ia_an> answer -J In " a " memorandum to the Pole and Bolivar was a- profes- ish characters.. The last months the recent outbreak of anti-Jew- the seminary's lounge. T h e r e - ! League's committee for studying : ' l . , , , OF E u r o p e S JeWS,"^' doctors. Reqr.rtr sional South American. We could of his life-he resided in the home ish rioting by the: Mosleyites, for- ception committee included Dr. j the application of the principles j ^ c ^ ! 'stendily risen so th; I slightly and yet significantly shift of a Jewish merchant by the bids the wearing of uniforms in Adler, Mr. and Mrs. Warburg, Mr. j of the covenant, the Congress' the basis. and add that the lea- name 6f' Melcholr and it was connection with >olitlcal objec- and Mrs. Stroock,. Judge and Mrs. I I ' New York ( J T A ) — Concluding 'fields of specializ. . tives and prohibits the mainten- Irving Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. I yeETS ? ders of the early Protestant re- there that he died." ance by private persons; of assor Henry S. Hendricks and Mr. and I "to re-establish the position, com- an article on the •Jews of Eastern : e d u r i°r ! ' training h ' volts, from Huss on were profes1 ,! ^ ? ; the last f,"t< promised by anti-Semitic agita- Europe in the January issue o f . From 1914 to 1921 Mr. Texi- ciatlons of a military or similar Mrs, Edgar J. Nathan, jr. sional Protestants and that the ; Foreign Affairs, De&ider Kiss.! Knowing the field .,tion." Mahatma Gandhi is a profession- ere gave his chacterizations in character. h e fe!t t h e ecessitl He decried Intolerance, repres> Emphasizing that the Congress 'foreign editor of the Pester Lloyd | a s i n g r h n al Hindu and that Carl von Os-Germany, playing fifty evening9 One clause forbids "use or dis- sion, individual ruthlessness, the | of Budapest, sees anti-Semitism i ^ ^~ than PI represents millions of Jews In in Berlin and.then going into the vov n?r sietzky to whom, broken and ill play Of physical force for promot- world armament, race and threats V^opie to en • • countries members and non-mem- •there " a s incapable of destroying ! ' anc by German brutality the Swedish provinces as far as Tilsit. For ing ^ ^^"jof force as argument in interna- bers of the. League, the commit- ithese Jewish masses as were" the j "dentistry _ like » ( . . w the next five' years he remained Academy has just given the Novides for the dissolution of any tional relations, declaring that tee said the Jewish situation in | sytematic persecutions they under-1 tinuahy raising: its rcc,i bel Prize, is and was a profes- in his native land. In 1926 he jSqme schools as O',i . i I s Pi a l l . n .! "again we face the spectre of several member states and even went in past centuries." gave his interpretations three sional Pacifist. the confiscation of their war, war with all its ghastly suf- countries signatory to treaties Mr. Kiss, presenting a statist!- K l a c l e Dentistry '• s i time in the city of Stockholm In force-and The field of m i r r o r - r r - -i •- r property. The bill also empowers ] — ^ The German term "Berufs-Is- Sweden. of guaranteeing minority protection cal-descriplive view of East Euro- d i f f e r e n t • •.• picture. W j ;>"•=£; the police to forbid public dem- j . , raelit" is mo-e transparent than of seed for future. no longer correspond with the j pean Jewries, country by country, t h e r e a r e n o t e n o u g l I i .-n- / vsowing On his mission of interpreting onstrations in sections where such the English. It means an Israeldeclares their situation, except in ]other field open is t ' i ; i <r i ' ; League's stipulation. ite by calling, that is, one who has Andersen, he has visited all the demonstrations m a y interfere war." Russia, "must be painted in som- ! t a l t e c h n i c i a n s . the message and Without mentioning Germany n O" Describing 2s-i. • , n l i Scandavian countries and . Finwith public order, and in the been called to serve Israel, one bre colors." meaning of religion, as exempli' cians a r e also in den <rC ",') i who has had, as Catholics say of land. He has appeared in Aus-event the police cannot guaran- fied by the Bible, he declared by name, the memorandum asserted that one of the reasons for ;fields a r e especiaily o' i , the members of their religious or- tria, Germany, and Iceland. Twice tee order they are authorized to that "it is this combination of jus- the increasing violent anti-Jewish | MfS. y o u n g women.' ders, a vocation. But the En- jhe has been to the Faeroes is- forbid the demonstrations for glish term though opaque to the lands, Danish possessions in the stated periods. The ac* also tice and mercy and humility be- agitation which has shaken the Died T h u r s d a v ! Dr- Mar ^ li! ; h\ f - ; ' '•League's national minority guarfore God which the world needs north'Atlantic where he performstrengthens the existing Public! ignorant, is pregnant with an * !showed t h e parjiculprly J.M-,^I how the 7iu~ br- r; , : < equal meaning. For to profess ed, before the poor fisher folks Meeting Act by giving the police today." He held religion "a nat- antees "is the undoubtedly powMrs. I d. a ... ° o ! ;.' f o r . TO"y! dents. apnlyinE Tor r i - . p - k. , i i : : ' erful propaganda carried on in ural ally of all those who would who live there. increased power to curb attempts f means to speak out or confess or xamilwr figure in t h e l m e d i c a l - h l g b,ni bear witness (fateri) for (pro) or While in South Jutland he re- to break up meetings. Imprison- seek to !>ring about a real broth- every part of the world by a pow-drug department at Brandos, d i e d ; . , ,. erful state." 8Untlv o n U l ei n c r e r , r erhood among men" and deM (i . rv ceived a mesage from the King ment up to three months and to some knowledge, faith, allegiearly last Thursday morning at a ; . ,„, . t h e r e w e r p 1 2 0 0 0 a p r clared: The memorandum asked that a ance; love that will not be denied, of Denmark niforming him that fines up to $15t or both are the ^ "Let us not underestimate what revised covenant include provis- j local hospital after an emergency jo f . t h j g n u m b e r 7 . p } V f . p , provided that cannot be resisted, that must he had .been made a knight of the maximum punishments political" uniforms! i *ne religious people, regardless of ions procuring minorities protec- ! operation. She has been in O m E - ! c e p ^ O n - r - o r e v Order of Rldder of Dannebrog for for wearing lead to action and to service, and, creed or sect,, might accomplish tion by all League members and j h a for thirty years. F o r m a n y j A n ( J ^ v e n ^ Z ; , , o l , ; ,;,•,_;'/ iU his Andersen.Interpretations. This if need be, also to.servitude and while violation of the military la an honor rarely accorded ac- clauses of the bill can be pun-were they to work together fot reauiring countries seeking to join j1years before that she had lived" in igbsorb"d " suffering. st. Joseph.-MO. r M T o e ; t - t h e ; O U 1 _ ,_^lt , The first professional Jews tors who are free-lancing and not-ished by fines of $2,500 and im-justice and mercy in the spirit of; the League to accept the obligaMrs. Wooll is survived by t y r 0 ' finds e:"-"icuTlv iV stions guaranteeing equal ethnic, divine love." were the Nebilm, the prophets or, members of the Royal Theater. prisonment up .0 two years. "Perhaps," he suggested, "the public, religious and other rights sons, Harry of New York, and Ben jp r £ ! ,.*j c e According to Mr. Texiere, the vile it irather, proclaimers. Prophet is The general impression here is of Chicago, and two sisters 1550 ; to find records of i i >7azis proscribed the Jew because to national minorities. Jews in Denmark occupy an ennot a good term, for in.our conthat the bill marks the death o£ Chicago. |merits. Dr. Slarfoiir l temporary English it is fatally viable position, having had full knell of Mosley's party, at least Instinctively they may have known that men of faith . . , would inrights for many years. They are :vere"in(!ic?.t!or;s of C -' spoiled by the connotation of in the. public sphere. It is beSocial, Culture! Gresp to CHORAL AND DRAMATIC sooth-sayer, of fore-telling by few in number, though; there are lieved, the law is an Important evitably be dangerous enemies to Present Yiddish virtue of an esoteric fore-know- only 6,000 in Copenhagen which step in, tne'fight against Fascism u government which spurns as unn i- iii i CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS\e**™\™w?c^'-I ledge. iThis is precisely what the has a population of 800,000. A in Great Britain. King George's manly the ideals of justice, mercy On Sunday, January 31, memand divine love. Perhaps the crimination s-.re t h r " T f <Nebiim never were. They were thousand Jews arrived after the approval of the bill was conveyed lfl The Progressive Choral men who heard a call and whowar, and at present many, are by a royal commission consisting badge of shame which that-gov- bers of the Social and Cultural Dramatic Club elected its officers ;Jews make r.p S.PS i ir" r" vr' Group of the Omaha Hebrew Club ernment Is trying to pin/upon the coming as refugees from Gerthe populRtion, 11 VP~ " r" ' ' answered that call and who proof the Earl of Onslow, Viscount at a regular weekly meeting claimed the substance and mean- many. Goschen and thf. Earl of Craw- Jews will in the future be seen will present a four-act play, "Der which was held at the residence physicians ere Jews, f " : ' - - r ° Fremder." Those desiring to atas a badge of honor." of the Pt.tiden.fF cr,-,\> ' "Denmark has few Commun- ford. ing of the call that had come to tend are urged to get their tickets of Sain Yaffee. universities F.n-c c ' "" " ' ' them. And they proclaimed un- ists and few Nazis. Nazi-ism is a The folio v-ing officers were in- Jev.'E^ hut 1<! per cen' ,> •' > The first Jewish settlers in early, as there are only r limited ity, righteousness, that liberation disease that has manged to spread 'stalled: Mr. N. Martin, president; ical students ?.re Je« j Canada were soldiers who-arrived number of seats available. whose name and meaning are re- to other countries, but one of the Mrs. H. Azorin, vice-president; Danish ministers has declared The play will be in Yiddish. "However." Dr. Xl • • \ , demption. They were professionwith General Braddock. | Julius Schneider, secretary; Mrs. on, "religion or r?.c . ' - ". - ' that our country will not hear of al! Jews. And so were the Baal P. Crandell, treasurer; Ben Kar-should not be B dci.*""" i - • Shem Tbv and ages before him any of!our Jews being insulted." Itin, dramatic director; and Samtor in the limitation <>" - , , , Word was received Thursday When in 1933 the Copenhagen those, sages who were martyred jYaffe, musical director. Locfiily the-, situat' • i • by Rome and an age after him synagogue celebrated its jubilee, morning of the death, in Los AnI Plans to present the play, serions. There is nr, . • Dr. Theodor-Herzl of Vienna. And the King and the court were in geles of Harry Kavich, 45, a fori "Broken Hearts" by Z. Lieben, inatior, Rprr.in?' locfi] "' - ' •• • mer Omahan. Mr. Kavich left today we smaller, humbler, less attendance. i are being made. The date of pre-dents. Omaha has Omaha ten years ago to make his Mr. Texiere was brought to the effectual men and women -who jsentation will be announced at a rracticing J p w i F ! through our love for all Jawish United States for the first time home on the Coast. He is survived by his wife and A reception honoring the -ad- Mr. Sam Beber has been added later date. which i? Jn propcrt i v ' people and our sorrow over the two months ago by the Scandanvisory' board of the College of to the list of advisors. Jewish jicpulation. Jewish people and what we con-avian-American Foundation. He three children. CURRICULUM • Jewish Studies will be held after "Plcwever," Dr. y.? " "i ceive in all earnestness and after learned his..English in four \ARTICLE BY RABBI CQEi First Semester "pp.rents should b« c . infinite searchings of the heart months and speaks exceedingly PLANS BEING COMPLETED jthe classes the opening night of REPRINTED IE SQUTH [the College at the Jewish ComSelect One TO force their son? tf - ' •• ~. to be our understanding of the well although he sits with a dicmunity Center, January 5. Tuesday, 8:15-9:00 FOR HISTORY INSTITUTE ci~e. The Heir: j? cr.r, \ r •-• , tionary in his lap and occasionalAFRICA plight of the Jewish peoplet as Elementary Hebrew—J a c o b A prominent individual to be for .Tew r;nd nori-J* v ' we! are, we are the bearers of a ly fingers its pages- to assist him Kahz. An article by Rabbi Frederick j Jewisli ni'r.s^p thonrli ?~c-r great and noble and consecrated when he cannot remember a eer-' Plans are being completed for announced nest week will present Advanced Hebrew — J a d a h iCohn entitled "PhUo-Sernitism," Jpremium. \the Institute of Jewish History to Jthe first of a projected monthly tradition. We, too, have heard a tain word. _ . Wolfson. [which was first published in the His repertoire of Andersen's be presented by Dr. Abram L. series on "What I Believe." Bill Gve.y presided ct the i " call and have had the grace to !Jewish Press of October S_ p.p-in p. answer It. Aa best we can we stories Include sixty that he can Sachar under the auspices of the Speakers'will discuss their views - Yiddish.—I. Morgenstern. History of Jews in Germany— | ^ears as "Be of tee 'leading arThe next Forum wi'i be conserve the Jewish people. We are tell in DanisLr forty In German, ^Women's Auxiliary of the Beth- on Judaism. ar.rurersv • Rabbi Golostein. j tides in thr''Zionist Record of ccrncd wiLh s discnssim; oi ihe and two in English. He has told El Synagogue. This series Is to | Already a class of worsen is ;•. wci- k n i e u ' B • ' ' • • professional Jews. i November SO. TSe Zionist Kecord his stories before kings and presLPJ:MI Profession EH;! its oi-pcr- |f;lc. v.-iii s;:or*. e d be given on February 19, 20 and i meeting every Wednesday mornFriday, It Is both amusing in a bitter I is published weekly at JcharcneF- tunities. 9:10-3:55 S : f1 f' p . m. at ing at-the Center for Hebrew inlocmbor kind of way as well aa sad that idents high and low, rich and 21. jburg in South Africa and is .the j Select One" .- ^ 2 Tl. d and C Mrs. Jacob Blank, president of struction by Mr. Jndah Wolfsoa. these observations are necessary. poor. He has even siven a performance In an insane asylum.. Jewish Customs'and Ceremon- I leading Anglo-Jewish periodical | In ;0~3 V i n r r r t r (IF Kncomon. ;;t vpri f; the Auxiliary, announces that • Registrations are now being . They would be so among no other j on that continent. ' | confessor io The Infante Mtirifi of ials—Harry Mendelsohn. Fi w i n be servi Mrs. Lawrence Finkel and Mrs.taken at the Center main ofOce. Kroup or class _or faith or people ! Bible—Instructor to be An- j Dr. Cohn's article!? appear as a j Ptiairs, fdmiitpri his ATarrpno oriThe earlies. reference to a Jew.; amuel Steinberg have been ap- Tuition is $1.00 per semester. - As officpH vril] he cl^c n the world. AH men would 'regular leature © f t h e . Jewish j gin, !)»rame s Jew and removed nounced. (heir !', in New Hampshire occurred In'"pointed chairmen in charge of many subjects way be taken as Press. tu A,ir.s:erdaiT5, Jewish History—A. Katz. ] friends are in* ite« to attend. one desires at no additional cost. (Continued on page8.). . 1C93. "' ticket sales.
hLzdvU r.l J. L U - < —
\ ROUlxD iA.BIE ;,;;:-.:\:r .: v
I "Foreign;.Affairs" . I •' R:evfe.ws .Situation
Harry Kavich Dies in Los Angeles
-Page 2 question as it can, provided that In our opinion the,presentation Is dear, intelligent, and good of its kind. In our view, there would no longer be freedom fo speech and thought if a writei of Mr. Gessner's record and authority should be unable to secure a publisher for his books. We do not see why Mr. Lewisohn speaks 61 us as "Gentile" pulishers. Whether he means the word racially or religiously we see no way in which it alters the nature or quality of Robert Gessner'a book to discuss his publishers. The book is controversial and Important. We are not ashamed of its publication, and we are confident that any one who read it, whether or not he agrees With is conclusions, will find It an important, challenging book which Is not to be dismissed lightly.
sed' her life-guard examinations and Victor Herbert employed him manenl national institution to for this country in 5CS6, or 1S36-' had authorized the Palestine Govwhile still in her teens, -i»asn/t as an orchestrator j eminent to contr-ibute L5,00( conductor. maintain the continuance of Ger- 3f. been heard from lately . . ;• Sylvia TABLES TURNED OX FAMOUS man culture, unhampered and In 16S centers of Palestine ' (about ?2?.0P0) for maintenance Sidney gave one of the three lar- "RIBBER" free of racial and political preju- there were distributed 47,420 and rehabilitation of Jewish refu gest donations to the Los Angeles William A. Wellman, director dices, is headed by Dr. Alvin John- shekolim as compared with 23(~ I pees front recent disorders harCommunity Chest campaign for for Selznick International, turned son, president of the New School 000 two years ago. j bored in Tel Aviv-, Jaffa and else1936-37, She pledged ?l,000 . . . the tables on Vince Barnett, who for Social Research and director of The shekolim were distributed where. Binnie Barnes is getting plenty of is known as the leading kibitzer the University in Exile. in the main among the following Ke also announced an allocaIn a'recent'column published in a o h n - presented no argument work at Universal's picture-mak-' and "ribber" in all Hollywood, Prince Hubertus Lowenstein. parties: Mapay, or Palestine Lab- tion of L15.U00 (about S75.000) tne 'English-Jewish press Ludwig against this criticism, other than ing headquarters In Universal I The stunt cost Wellman a duck- who conceived the idea of the or Party, 6 4 per cent; General tr erect houses for 100 Arab famLewisoha/censured Robert Gessn- calling me names. City also KHty Carlisle Is ing in a swimming pool and Bar- academy, is general secretary of Zionist Confederation together | ilies whose homes were demolisher, author of" '.'Some of My Best Nor does Mr. Lewisohn analyze winning the plaudits of New nett $50. -t was on an outdoor lo- the Guild. with the Qlei Germania (German . ed when Government engineers reFriends Are" Jews," as one who my account of the Jews in the Immigrants Association), 16 per • cently razed a section of the Old York's theatre goers by her splen- cation scene beside a swimming •was trying to run away from his Soviet Union beyond repeating his cent; Hapoel Mizrachi, 3 per ! City quarter of Jaffa to construct did performance In a Broadway pool that Barnett decided to kid - Jewistiiiess, and suggested that cliche "the Russian melting-pot". cent; and Jewish State Part}', 1 roads. play success Warner Bros. Wellman about jumping- in and SALE GF SHEKELS IN his; early^ upbringing had nfat im- I expressly disclosed that Russia per cent. studios are keeping June Travis paddling the length of the pool - bUed 'Mr: Gessner with a sense is not a melting-pot for Jews who well occupied in various film pro- under water. Wellman took the PALESTINE DOUBLES Patronize Our Advertisers -•of Jewish culture. Calling the desire to maintain their Jewish comedian up on his dare and donductions. Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen-1 Palestine Ordered 'airthor "a'-brash young man", and identity. Birobldjan is only one ned a bathing suit, dived of* the FRANCE HONORS MAX FOK RENT the hbuscr that put out his book of numerous distinctly Jewish to Aid Riot Victims, deep end and swam, submerged, cy)—The doub'.ing of ttto sale in STEINER .a ."necessarily uninformed Christ- districts, to be found.in the rich Furnished room to coupl« ©* to the other side of the 80-foot Palestine of shekolim, which inMax Steiner, eminent musical tank. Only after Barnett paid! dicate affiliation with the World "/ian^pubUsher," Dr. Lewisohn as- Ukraine and the. Crimea. Mr. London C7TA)—William G. A. j single. Eesscnscle. 1815 director of motion pictures, has the bet did he learn that Well-i Zionist Organization, was report- j Ormsby-Gore .Colonial Secretary, Maple St., Apt. 3. «Ve. 1959 *'sailed-Mr. Gegsner for supporting Lewisohn- disclosed anything but just been officially notified that man, as a youth, was a member ed in a summary for the returns j announced in Commons that he " aVsitnilatlon in 'the Russian melt- enthusiasm for my report that he has been named an Officer of the world's championship team ting-jptit' and for criticizing the anti-Semitism is outlawed -in the d'Academie by the Government of course taken by the Jewish set- Soviet Union,, and the in a non- (Copyright 1936 by Seven the Westside Swimming Club Arts France. This is a recognition of tlement'.of Palestine. D r . Lewis- exploiting, non-private-propertled in New Jersey. Feature Syndicate.) seldom awarded outside France. ohn accused "Mr. Gessner of "slan- country antUSemitism ' can be The honor was conferred upon IT'S CLEARANCE TIME AT dering and blackening the char- eliminated. him by France's minister of na- (Copyright 199 36 by Seven Arts acter-of that which he hateR, The prosecution of anti-Semites Feature Syndicate.) tional education and fine arts-as - which in this case, is the Jewish does not -mean the eradication or a tribute to the distinguished people-," and declared that this disappearance of JeVs, I, as a Jew, composer for his contributions to Found Academy By LOUIS PEKARSKY -rrf'isn'tadoije -a^nong decent people believe that in the coming cenmodern music. The award was of-other, groups." AM, FACILITIES FOR RECREturies in> socialist countries there ATIOX made for no specific work but for to Aid Exiles — To-this column Mr. Gessner, will still be Jews, living aa' Jews the Jewish musician's life-long author of the book and Mr. John and continuing-- the beauty, and Harpo Marx has been boasting devotion to ihe interests of a New York - - JFarrar;. on behalf of Farrar and truth of the Jewish cultural heri- that his new home in Beverly greater modern music. Steiner is Academy of (WNS)—A German Arts and Letters Hills Calif, has vacllities for Riaeharfer its-publisher, have sent tage. signed; to a long-term contract every conceivable pastime from with David O. Selznick. He came which will award, scholarships to - in -to the Seven Arts Feature Syn' ~dtcate—and the Jewish Press the if-I.-am deluded in the theory, swimming to ping pong. Tet he to Hollywood in 1930 and has German artists and scientists exiled for religious and racial reathat anti-Semitism is motivated finds he slipped up on one thing. replies-that follow. composed the musical score for sons and enable them to continue -'-.I-j,; ,., -, THE EDITOR by economic factors, Mr. Lewis- His brother Groucho points out: more than 55 productions. ohn should prove me wrong, es- 'I like six-day bike races and their work and bring their mespecially if he is interested in era-! sage to the American people has At the age of 13, 3teiner| born AIVGEB IS NO ARGUMENT here's no provision in the house Every coat carries the regdicating anti-Semitism. Mr. Lew-for that." n "Vienna, had established him- been created by the recently orBy ROBERT GESSXER ular Goldstein-Chapman asisohn . should not become angry; ganized American Guild for Gerself as a musical genius by comCO WAN. IS A surance of high quality and .. J :•- '. ... • upon discovering how anti-Semitpleting an 8 year course in one man Cultural Freedom, it was anservice. ' Ltfdwig Lewisohn's attack up- ism can be and has been eradicat- FIND nounced at a meeting of the, year at the Imperial Academy of When Ted Maxwell, author of on ""Some of My Best Friends ed. Hawthorne House, recently need- Music in Vienna. He wrote a Guild's directors. _Are Jews" was apparently written And finally, in the discussion ed a radio singer to fit into bis musical comedy immediately afProf. Robert Maclver of Coafter, almost superficial examina-tioa. of my book. His confessed of books and the criticism of script, he called for lovely Jeane ter leaving school, and it played lumbia University is chairman of AND vulgarities--and unconscious vul- ideas, what kind of men of letters Cowan. Listeners on NBC coast for two years in Vienna. At the the Academy while Thomas Mann Fitted, semi-fitted and swaggarities against my mother and abandon the practise .of stating to coast broadcasts have heard age of 16 Steiner was conducting heads its European senate which ger models. These coats are father and inyself do not warrant fairly the author's own position her low, deep singing voice scores orchestras on a European tour. advises on the award of scholarof selected Australian Raba reply. " "I reluctantly write before attacking, it through the of times. The character original- When he first came to America," ships. bit, dyed a rich black, also j George White, Florenz Ziegfeld The Guild, founded as a perthese words-because he has at- author's person? ly was intended as a MsuaTone, Muskrats, Blocked Lapin tacked the thesis of my book, not but when Jeane read a few lines dyed Coney, Broadtail, procin any intelligible manner with IMPORTAXY CHALLENGING in addition to her songs, the auessed lamb, Beaver dyed regard to my statistics or interConeys, Caraculs. BOOK thor decided he had a real find. views -or•• discoveries, but rather By JOHN FARRAR Impressed "with Jeane's voice as a Tfiird Floor with meaningless words, such as I am glad to be offered an op- singer "and reader, radio listeners "oifal". ancL 'filth", "slanders" portunity to make a few com- began to flood the studios with ments on Ludwig Lewishon's ar- fan mail, and she is now rated as ,and."iiesr>v'J- . Sale %AA JUNIORS', MISSES' _ .The crux_ of Mr. Lewishon's ticle about Robert Gessner and an actress who is destined to go criticisms, -after disentangling his • book, "Some of . My Best places in radio. Miss Cowan sang AND WOMEN'S them from the personalities, is, Friends are Jews." over many stations In Southern first, that I have slandered the The most unfortunate part of California, before she came to Jews of Palestine by my report Mr. Lewisohn's piece is the sec- San Francisco, where she broadof'. -conditions and movements tion hazarding suppositions about casts from nov. Her voice has JUNIORS'. MISSES' there; second,-that what X have Robert Gessner's father, mother been heard in the movies when In the Gay Congenial Atmosphere of to say about the Jews in Russia and early training. The author's she has doubled for stars. In sevAND WOMEN'S is by its nature repugnant; and father, Mr. Herman Gessner, I eral pictures she has appeared in finally, that the connection be- have known and admired for person, including "Follow^ the tween anti-Semitism r.nd econom- some years. - He has profound Fleet" with Fred Astaire, " and ic factors is a delusion. and admirable consciousness of William Powell's "Star of MidSale $ JUNIORS', MISSES' My conclusions about Palestine ra'ce, and has been active in Jew- night." : AND WOMEN'S Priced ' are not,,unusual or peculiarly ish and Zionist activities in the WITH THE WOMEX STARS mine. Many Jews with a love of Northwest for many years. He News about the Jewish feminJudaism, have critized the Zionist founded the first Zionist organi- ine stars of the motion picture Parties in Main Dining.Room . experiment adversely. I went to zation in upper Michigan, .and is world is exceedingly scarce these JUNIORS' • Palestine*""'as'*'my book makes a member of the Executive Com- days. Wonder where June C!ayand Coclctail Lounge, BaliMISSES and cleari with an open mind and mittee of the Zionist Organization worth is now and what she is doroom, Mezzanine Floor WOMEN'S with hope. What I saw I set down of America, is a member of the ing? Sally Eilera is hard at work --as-"-xlearIy. and accurately as 1 American Jewish Committee, the in pictures for New Universal Reservations Limited ^-eo-ukl:—My criticism has -been American Jewish Congress, the studios Leila Hyams, Richard based, on the most part, on Zion- B'nai B'rith, and is on the board Dix's former leading lady in the JUNIORS' ist sources and upon interviews of Jewish orphanages and poor- films, who is an accomplished MISSES and with notable Zionists, including houses. Mr. and Mrs. Gessner, swimmer and diver and who pasWOMEN'S Dr. Chaim Weizmann. Mr.'Lewi- from the very beginning of their son's life, have passed on to Robert Gessner all the warmth and VICTORY CELEBRATION beauty of the Jewish tradition. JUNiORS 1 Robert Gessner and his father MISSES end To. -the tune of "Happy Days do not agree about many aspects WOMEN'S Are Here Again," the Democrats of Zionism, yet there is no misof Douglas .County will hold a gl- understanding or conflict between gantij: victory celebration at the them. All this the book makes WOMEN'S Fontenelle hotel, New Year's eve. very clear. I'd like also to add The /Burlington Road is running that Mr. Gessner Bhould not be MISSES' special trains from Lincoln to written about as though he were HALF SIZES Omaha for the occasion. to young to form solid, intelligent The entire mezzanine and main convictions of his own. Behind ballroom has been reserved and him. are several important books, WOMEN'S a biiffet banquet -will be served one of which, "Massacre," was and instrumental in revising abuses fromjl2:30 to 2:30 a. m. BreakMISSES' fast ,^fiU be available from 3:30 in the government's treatment of to 4 :!SQ. Freddie Ebener and Bob-our American Indians. He.worked by Bpwman's^r.orchestras and two in Hollywood, iff making the mofloor'" shows fwill furnish the en- tion picture adaption of that book WOMEN'S tertainment ;-which will feature —praised as a courageous and end Gregory, and; Eleo, Barney Starr, outstanding film. Moreover, he! MISSES' Charley Rankin and Jeannette has been a college instructor for j six years, and may -reasonably! Lee.. Edward J. Dugan, chairman of claim to know facts from delu- [ the riDousIaa- County Democratic sion. Sale $ Misses' and Women's Central Committee, is- in charge, Publishers do not necessarily of the arrangements. Reserva- subscribe to the opinion of their Fur-Trimmed Priced v-' tions; may be -.made at the Fon- authors. Our house publishes tenelle hotek '• books on as many sides of a
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THE JETVTSH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1SSS hang on until the tide turns, is of monkey gland rejuvenation, is JAnd lie's prouder of this b the very inan for whom life in- getting ready to Renovate his re-jtiir.n hs vrtui. fee or zr.y fin a surance can do the most. cent bride, who is a cousic of veriumeration that nn£rh.v h"v The business isan under such Mine. Magcla Lupesou . . . but was EOI — given Kin". circumstances Bays: "Give n e ! BACK HOME Dorottj" Parker {born Ki time and I'll see this thing James Tree, boss of that Wash- child) America's number one through." That is exactly That jington, D. C. anti-Semitic outfit Hie insurance "will fio, give him ! that published James True's In- ! about her forthcoming time to-win; for if death doesn't Reports, has gone out of(from heaven . . . Fiiii V By t i e Service Life Insuranos give him time life insurance pre- dustrial business . . . It appears that the I Cincinnati Eeds' outfiel Cospany, Omaha miums promise to pay his family anti-New Deal industrialists who | bare s new incentive n the same estate that would have backed him have soured on fcira jin the person of Jeanne The reasons many men believe come to them had he 2ivecl end . . . And William Dudley Pelley |of Chicago who's ncv: Fr, they are not in the market for won. has discontinued Pelley'e Weekly jtraub . . . . The stormier the ocean, the and revived bis old paper, Liberacal student whose mind "was sotine, which they called "the na-life insurance are the very reasons Seo liow many of these upset by the sufferings of his tural place, of refuge" for the why they need it. The man whogreater becomes the need for ex- tion, but in fancier form as a bi- (Copyright li-ZG By Se: because of conditions has extend- tra care regarding life boats. It monthly . . . Pelley is living at questions yon can answer after fellow Jews in u-ermany that he persecuted Jews of Europe. Feature Synciicait you bare read Mr. World's killed a Nazi leader in SwitzerPerhaps some of you know ed his credit far beyond normal, is the time to make sure that Altameda, Calif . . . Anti-Nazi land. He has now been tried for very little about the Jewish work who has seen his good assets j there are enough of thera to do forces are getting ready ior z "Ask Me Another" chat. 1. How did one school prin- murder, and has been sentenced in Palestine. But Mr. World is "freeze" and who needs every the job they may at any moment boycott of the Schmeling-Braddock title bout nest June . . . Part cipal save his Jewish, pnpils to spend eighteen years in jail, at sure all of you are familiar with cent of cash to enable him to be called upon to do. of their amenition will be the embarrassment during t h e hard labor. Many people think the littls blue-and-white boxes usdisclosure that Schmeling is a school Christmas celebration? that this sentence is too severe ed to collect money for the Jew"" i O *" prominent member of the Nazi 2. Where were the Jews for him. as his mind was unbal- ish National Fund, which buys party and a picture Ehovrir.g him afraid to have public Clianu- anced at the time, and he suffers land for the Jewish people in from a painful and serious dis- Palestine. And as Americans you a «*•• in the uniform of a storm troopkah celebrations this year? er . . . The Baltimore house 3c S. What did David Frank- ease besides. Mr. World cannot should be particularly proud that which Mrs. Wally Simpson's mofnrter do? How has he been excuse his act, but it does seem of all the countries in the world Ev ther once took in boarders, has that, a great deal of the guilt for ours was the one which gave the NOTES ON ROYALTY punished? ac Norsa, a London Jewish inn- been cold to a syndicate in which j LUTHERAN CHURCH URGE,? this murder belongs to those most money to this Fund last 4. Who* shares the guilt for Former King Edward's host. keeper . . . The Duke's wife was a prominent Jewish BtovrTaaE is I PASTORS TO COMBAT U. S, whose cruelty caused God-fearing year; more than a fourth of the David Frankfurter's crime?, j ANTI-SEMITISM . . . They knew Baron Eugene de Rothschild, is a the daughter of Isaac's youngest York—' 5. Whom did ex-King Ed- , young David Frankfurter to two million dollars collected came Czechoslavakian citizen . . . When daughter, Maria, and Sir Edward interested . . . TC.e won't be sur-j that tnti-Semitisin breeds attacks ! Jewish Wrax prised if it turns out that Billy break the Sixth Commandment. from the United States. ward visit in Vienna? Why did Czechoslovakia was created its Walpole . . . And while we're on Rose has acquired the house for ; on Christianity. i;,s animal IT he go to that city? A great man died in Palestine founders decided that a Roths- | the subject of geneclogy we might exhibition at New Jersey's PaliC I N C I N N A T I CATHOLIC nn7r.it'- PiniSi 6. What place do many Boys and girls and grownups recently — Mordecal Ben Hillel child would be an asset . . . and tell you that Lord Louis Mount- sade's Park, which he is said to SCHOOL NAMES JEWISH KEF- < i. p!etlrp> American Christians consider j too are still reading- about ex- Ha-Cohen, one of the pioneers of Baron Eugene, youngest of the batten, great-grandson of Queen own . . . The number of commit- JUGEE TO FACULTY . . . A fine :| are ieci»' -"the natural place of refuge" King Edward of England, . whothe movement to make Hebrew a four male Vienna Rothschilds, Victoria is married to Edwina tees, organizations and confer- i good-Trill gesture. Herve-t ' for persecuted Jews? gave up' his throne because he living language again. Eighty was prevailed upon to become a Cynthia Annette Ashley, grand- ences to deal with anti-Sernitisra i SUED FOK KEXIGIXG OX: • 7. What country contributed wants to ma-Tj- an American years ago, when Mr. Ha-Cohen Czech citizen . . . Another broth- daughter of Sir Ernest Cassel, the in this country is growing last . . 'PLEDGE TO N. Y. JEWISH . the largest share. to the Jew- woman, Mrs. Wallis Simpson. So was born, Hebrew was a language •^ Baron George, died in an in- celebrated Jewish banker . . . Have you noticed how active Gov- ; HOSPITAL . . . We hope the : ish. National Fund last year? it Is Interesting indeed that the which only Bible students knew sane asylum a couple years ago . And the royal family didn't say ernor Lehman has become in Jew-| court's decision Trill put e.u end What is being done with this people he went to visit as soon as well; today, it is an official lan- . . Eugene is the dandy of the boo because they know that ish affairs lately . . . In oae week !to the non-payment of pledges, ! 1; * u money? he left Englrnd were Baron and guage in Palestine, and many family . . . Recently he was voted Prince Albert, Victoria's consort, I he made three speeches at as j MINNEAPOLIS HIGH FOBPOL | 8. Who was Mordecal Ben Baroness' Eugene de "Rothschild children grow up there able to on of the world's ten leading gen- was himself the illegitimate son •many Jewish meetings . . . Friends i PUPILS CELEBRATE CEAXU- '• v X IS Hillcl Ha-Cohen? of Vienna, of the famous Jewish speak nothing else. Mr. Ha.Co- tlemen . . . Don't be surprised if of a Jew . . . Edward VIII's Lord | of the mayor of a certain New :KAH AND CHRISTMAS JOINT-|; ' 9. What Is the difference be- banking family. one; Gorrmarw Baroness de hen was one of the best-known the wedding of Edward and Mrs.Chamberlain, tb.3 Marquis Cholo- Jersey town who are booming him JLT . . . Mutual respect vT;! be the 1 ftepre sen i 1 ies~~E ve~ y T tween the way the Hebrew lan- Rothschild, an American by birth, Hebrew authors, and his death Simpson takes place under the mondeley, is married to a sister for Governor are casting about | result of this experiment. of in^ir-'aMf { •Jon tie. v guage was used eighty years was a Christian until she mar-was mourned by all in Palestine Rothschild r o o f . . . Which re- of Sir Philip Sassoon, Edward's for a way to rid themselves of a | ORGANISED JEWISH T E L - j !1 pnn 7667 o SO. 'A-51 minds us that Baroness Eugene closest friend . . . ago and the way it is used to- ried her Jewish husband, but and wherever Jews liye. Jewish judge who is a close ad- I FAKE AGENCIES IN U. S. ' ACROSS THE POND de Rothschild was one of the favWe in America too lost a gift'SPENT ?48.00C,0e0 in 1PP5 , . . now has adopted the Jewish faith. day? viser to the vrculc-be governor 10. What did David- Freed- What is more/ the chief reason ed man, when. David Freedman orites of Edward's grandfather, The major Jewish organizations . . . The judge, it is said, has And only seven per cent of this | went abroad. ! Menor ahs. J wist! Music, rib!*.' man write, and how did his why the former King went to passed away. Very few of you Edward VII, in whose court cir- in Europe didn't lift a finger to made too many enemies . . . Vienna was to receive treatments knew of him when he was alive, cle she was a popular figure . . . aid the defense of David Frank- ABOUT PEOPLE URUGUAY BANS P U B L I C ' ' I •work reach the public? from tne famous ear specialist, but all of you have laughed at SIRS. SIMPSON AGAIN fliiH I USE OF YIDDISH . . . On the I furter . . . Some of them even opDr. Heinrich vcn Neumann, the his jokes. For Mr. Freedman was Add to your list of Jewish No- (theory that Jews should speak posed the efforts of anti-Fascist L'Aifaire Simpson was a. JewSo many things have happened Jewish doctor who is so famous the man who wrote the funny ish plot, the anti-Semitic press in and anti-Nazi groups to help him bel Prize winners the name of Ladmo? in the last couple of weeks that for his wonderful -cures that Hit- gags which many of your favor- Europe is howling . . . The Jews, . . . The battle royal between the Nils Bohr, the Danish scientist ' YUGOSLAVIA TO A D K I T j OEIf Mr. World can hardly decide ler himself wanted to go to him ite radio comedians relayed to says the papers, were alarmed American Jewish Congress and who won the Nobel palm in phy-I SEVERAL THOUSAND GERMAN •where to begin his chat with you last year. (But Dr. von Neumann you over the ether waves. His because Edward was too friecdly the American Jewish Committee sics in 1922 . . . His mother was 1 JEWISH REFUGEES . . . Every I TALE IS1K - PF,A.vcn BOOK*: Gi «iS for today.. But since this is the win- refused to give any treatments to death, which was very sudden. Is toward Germany, so they schem- in 1933 over the best way of an Adler . . . If you're a habitue ! little bit helps. I[ ter holiday season — you cele- the man who is leading the per- a great loss to the amusement ed to get rid of him . . . Before dealing with the German situa- of the Jewish room of the New! SOVIETS CANCEL GENETICS I | Res. €•)r No, brated . Chanukah only a- short secution-of tfie Jews in Ger- world of our country. P, O, Tothe Nazi brain-trusters thought tion is being repeated in Eng- York Public Library congratu- •CONGRESS BECAUSE OF SA-j (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts up _ • time ago, and you are now enjoy- many.) this whopper the same papers land . . , The principals are the late Abraham Berger, the chief re- iVANTS' NAZI IDEAS . . . b u t ' Feature Syndicate.) ' You know, of course, that a search assistant, trho is introducing the free time known as the were yelling that Mrs. Sirapson is Board of Deputies and the newer Christmas ^vacation —soini inter- British Hoyal Commission has a Jewess whom the "Elders of Jewish People's Council . . . The ing his wife, the former PauJine f esting news about the celebration been inquiring into the causes of Zion" had selected to captivate Deputies insist on separating the Kaplan . . . The knot was tied by of. these holidays seems to be a the dreadful riots that took place Edward in order to control the J fight against anti-Semitism from Bsrger's boss, Dr. Joshua Eloch . in Palestine this year. But. did good starting-point. British Empire . . . On the other the war on Fascism . . . The . . Which reminds UE that we y All of you boys and girls have- you know that there is a large hand a couple of Yiddish papers Council says it's one fight. And have learned that it is Nehemiah had the experience of feeling em- group, of Christians, the Pro-Palthe debate is raging merrily . . . Bloch, Dr. Bloch's daughter, and in Poland screamed that Mrs. . bara&sed when your teacher in- estine Federation of America, To the Editor: Simpson was an anti-Semite and German CathoSie priests are re- not Miriam Roback, Professor I am referring to the recent ar- they even professed to know that fusing to'officiate at funerals'of Koback's price who is the youngvited '.-you to take part? in the which is giving.great moral supschool Christmas celebration. For port to the Zionist cause? Only ticle by Rabbi Frederick Conn. It she had attended the Nazi party Nazis whose coffins are draped est student st Radcliffe . . . Miss aftersall Christmas is a.religious last week several hundred' Chris- is inspiring to learn that there congress at Nuremberg . . . and with swastikas . . . The Soviet Bloch is five month younger than festival- of Christians, and al- tians held' a meeting at which are still men who possess a deep ir London the gossip-hounds say Government has issued a special Miss Ro:>&k . . . The two girls though - the sentiment of "peace they called upon Great Britain to understanding and appreciation that she was an agent of the set of Birobidjan stamps bearing are churcs . . . Stanley Eero, to on earth and good will among fulfill her pledge to help estab- of things other than just of ma- German propaganda ministry . . . the portraits of Birobidjan Jew- whose efforts New York City men""is""Xjne -to -whlch-all Jews lish a Jewish honielana i n -Pales- terial .value. Taking^ his quite FAMILY TREES ish settlers . . . Jewish refugees owes the restoration of the Schiff Fountain and the creation of the justified attitude in the case of subscribe,^'and nobody wants to The uproar over ex-King Ed- in Switzerland, raoEt of whoia are Charles B. Stover Memorial in King Edward, Rabbi Cohn plainseem;» "poor sport" "When the living in-the most penurious cirly explains his noble and beauti- ward's amour with a commoner cumstances, are forbidden to en- Central Park, has received the ofwhole^class, is celebrating a fesful conception of life. In times reminds us that the Royal Mar- ss.se in the slightest gainful ac- ficial green leaf badge of the tive occasion, it does make a Jewwhen most everything becomes riage Act of 1772, which requires tivity and must report periodical- New York Park Department . . . ish youngster feel rather queer commercialized and love is look- all members of the royal family ly to the Security Police . . . The to be asked :to recite * a poem ed upon as a mechanical devise, to obtain the King's permission police have the right to raid the The Lake View lodge, the third about the birth of the founder of before marrying, was the result largest lodge ever to be institut- called "love-making," the course of a love affair between a Jewess homes and apartments of the refanother religion. taken by King Edward in solving ugees at all hours of the right So Mr. World is sure all of you ed in B'nai B'rith' history, was love problem could bo regard- and the brother of King George and day, and have recently taken will be glad to hear of the idea of installed in Chicago at the Beld- his III . . . The Duke of Gloucester ed as antiquity, as a rare and Principal William Von Levern of en-Stratford Hotel, under the precious object to be respected scandalized Georgian England by wide advantage of this right . . . the Lincoln Junior High School sponsorship of the Chicago B'nai and admired. marrying a granddaughter of Isa-,Dr. Serge Voronoff, the exponent fo Minneapolis. In order to show B'rith Council. Arthur H. DavidWhile analyzing King Edward's all of his pupils t i e beauties of son is the first president. religion Dr. Von Levern has com- The lodge started with a char- love affair from the aesthetic and bined a Chanukah and Christmas ter membership of 300, and wasaltruistic point of view. Rabbi celebration in his school; the presented with the charter by Cohn overlooked a statement of Jewish students tell their Christ- Fred Bernstein, President of Dis-even more significance. I refer ian schoolmates about, our owntrict Grand Lodge Number 6. Theto the democratic trend spreadA Special complete Five-Course Dinner whiter holiday, and the Christians only two lodges in this district ing all over the world, from the have their regular Christmas cele- ever to be installed with larger shabby shacks of working people at $1.00 per plate will be serve3 New bration at the same assembly. charter membership, were the to the magnificent palaces of Year's Day from 11 a. m. to S p. in. How many of you would like to South Side lodge, and the Chica- kings. The principles of democracy were the vital factors in : try out this idea in your own go Lawndale lodge. Celebrate the coming of the New Year a.t school? Don't you think it would Richard -33.. Gutstadt, Director changing a king, or rather a pupKing Fong's on New Year's Eve. . . Enjoy pet, into a human being, and is help you and your Christian ot the Anti-Defamation League, friends to understand one anoth- delivered the principal address of a symbol of democratic philosoour gray music . . . No Reservations Are er's religions better? Dr. Von the evening. In vivid detail, he phy which applied to real life Necessary. Levern, by the way, has the same informed the audience of the pro-spells a' god home, bread and sort; of combined celebration for gress made by the B'nai B'rith in butter for everybody. Passover and Easter in his school. its efforts in behalf of the JewLucy .: oewenstelu. This- is the "American way of ish People. In 17S6 Aaron Levy founded Among the prominent guests doing things. It's quite different 313 South 16th Street from what is happening in Ger- present were: Julius M. Kahn the town of Aaronsburg in Northmany today, where the Nazi ter and William Sultain, past presi- umberland County, Pennsylvania. ror, which you ;know about, has dents of the District; Otto G. Felcaused the JewB to keep so mnca ton; Secretary of the District, sevI fffydr * P i <fWF3?F to themselves that they were eral lodge Presidents including afraid, this year, to have any pv.b- Chester Levin of North Shore lic Chanukah festivities^ such as Lodge, Lawrence L. Hollander of you enjoyed la your Sunday Abram L. Sachar Lodge and DEMOCRATIC Schools Mr.. World does not like Leonard "V. Finder of Adolf Kraus VICTORY BALL AND NEW YEAR'S to dwell too much on what Is go- Lodge, also -a vice president of ing o n . In Germany now •— it is the Council; Nathan W. RubenEVE PARTY far too sad a. .spectacle But lie stein and Abraham Johnson, does want to tell you about Da- Vice Presidents of the Council: Spesseres! by Justin G. Turner, Past p'rseident vid Frankfurter. of the Council and' a member of You remember, of course, that this •was the young Jewish, medi- the General Committee. 3-eKfE EDW. J. DUGAN, CHAIRMAN VS=l* Thsss are gswr.s thai make you DEC. 31, 1936— 10:30 P. fvi. U'sirJ1 is rise belts ens! v;arf io blew SUPECl whistles! They heve «s mush Swing es ihs besf send in tpvr> , « . find MAIN OAUBCOM AND ENTIRE MEZZANINE FLOC& e?rry ens is es new en 1^37! Mart DANCING AMO ENTERTAINMSNT Hardings put super-carbonation in every tJyks ftsn v;s ctrs ieli absi;!- Issre. bottle of Colonial Club and Old Kentucky Elact vnih iHfie fcys!iES cr whlfe, Ginger Ale—to make them the best raisne'i'y wHa wh'ta end «arceous prints ers you've ever tasted. ftaf hnd a cesh cf fcrfliicRss under fhs cerk cast. All zhss.
By Florence Rothschild
no re,
Letters to the Editor
Install B'nai B'rith Lake View Lodge
TKe "King Fong Wishes a Happy New Year to All Their Friends and Patrons
-^5"'"it''"''t' **^ • £:Y iia r T= =*ncii£a-:.t;.'" ! '-';i|'
Democratic Central Committee fitt-
tiff Si
No stirring Is necessary. . . they mis hy themselves. They keep your holiday drinks balanced, full-bodied and as s m o o t h a s silk.'-
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I* Carmen's
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Page 4
Published ©Tery Friday ot Omaha, Nebraska, by
• TEDS JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Bu ascription Price, ono year • • • • • • • ?2.0Q • Advertising rates furnished on application. Editorial Office; 600 Branaels Theater Building. Sioux City Oftico—JewlBh Community Center DAVID BLACKER • • Business a n d Managing Editor FRANK B . ACKBRMAN . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . • -Editor. FANNIB KATELMAN Council Blnffi. Iowa. Correspondent ANN P I L L - • - ' S i o u x City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street
TEE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 103" jature like the Stuermer. vavioiu cal event insures its greatness. Yet, though himself Aryan, h I pamphlets which are wide'.11 discreated a furore by his outspoken* opposition to restriction: j tributes:!, as "Isaak Blumehen,'1 on Jewish artists in -Germany and refused to conduct in th< | "Jews in lower," ''Jewe wic By Jean Lerio Freemasons in Parliament," Reich because of; the nazi actions. His stand for ""freedom o: PARIS. "Jews and Freemasons Gangstei the arts as well as equality in. other; fields has made him as By DR. 2HEQD0SE N. LEWIS Since the flays of the Dreyfus Republic" i;sii« ' by John lieEabbl, Mount Sinai Temple^ Siossx City great a man as he is a musician, and all lovers of liberty recogcase, France has not seen ench n&Ufl leader of the SolidarisU I an increase of anti-Semitism as Rlso Fascist party. nize him as a'champion of that universality which is part and j has arisen now, apparently as In addition there are anti-Separcel of the music he lives for. . "CREATIVE JtTDAISM", IRA civilization, which implies a land, part of the Fascist offensive. mitic Tie-vrspaperfi like La ParoU The JeAvish people in particular appreciate Toscanini's E I S f i S S T E I S , BEHBMA>'S a language,"a law, folk ways and The action Fraucaise is taking and Le Pore Epi. Certain newsJEWISH BOOK HOUSE. 1936. customs. Jewish leaders make a leading part in the campaign. coming to Palestine to open the symphony concert series, and ) papers in Alsace Lorraine supthis Judaism so appealing and so In parliament^ the movement is port sPti-Semitic agitation in the honor him for both his genius and his manliness. •Reconstructionism", Is au in-^joyous that Jews will gladly and ] led by Xavier Vallat. He, how- jI German lnnguRjEre. However, it
fluential a n d highly fruitful eagerly accept the burden of a iever, is still surpassed by Darmovement in contemporary Jew- Jewish civilization in addition to | quier. des Pellepoix, member of i would be a mistake to make only ish life. The basic philosophy of the American, which they share the Paris municipality, who lor 'the National Socialist hirelings the movement and its aims are in common with the rest of their some months has been very ac- responsible for this new French Somewhere in the background of a great man, hidden in brilliantly set forth by its leader, fellow citizens, and which is al- tive in the anti-Semitic move- anti-Semitism. Part ot the ' rejsponsibility belongs to certain «othe shadows, you will usually find a devoted woman who has Dr. Mordecai M. Kaplan, in his ways primary. ; meet and appears to have the a n been in a large measure the inspiration and staff of life of th epoch making volume "Judaism The division entitled "Torah", ibition of assuming the role of the | the antS-Scmitic arguments in celebrated individual. Such a woman was Mrs. Albert Ein as a Civilization," A bold and or- the last in the boot, sets forth in j French Streicher. The spotlight of public attention has been more or less stein, wife of the world-famed scientist . . . she passed on t iginal thinker, Dr. Kaplan has detail the program and philoso- j Some time ago a meeting was 'their fight against the Blum govThey appear to believe shifted away from the Reich Jewry of late, but this has not the great beyond this week after a lingering illness, and w become impatient with the con- phy of Judaism as a way of life ! planned in Paris at which he was i[ernment. that, it will be more effective to fusion and the chaos of Jewish for the American Jew. It is un- ' meant a diminished focus of discrimination >andf oppression. pay tribute to her memory as an exemplification of splendid life, with the evasions and com- usually stimulating and summar- j SIucli as we would like to write that the persecution of the womanhood. promises and insincerity of~Jew- izes the practical implications of!i but the meeting- was prohibited. than to conduct their ish leadership. What many have Judaism as a Civilization. Here' Thereupon he plastere_ Paris with unfortunate Jewish residents of Germany fias dwindled away fight, on purely objective grounds. Elsa Einstein was content to "bask in the reflected light o long ago hesitated to do, expose are considered the problems of | posters containing the following with the passing of the years we must instead confess that her celebrated husband's fame. Before her marriage to th and denounce Jewish smugness, the family and the synagogue; They overlook that by employing announcement: all too many of us have become inured to their pleaa and cal- great scientist, he had shown much talent as a writer and Jewish refusal to face harsh rea- Jewish folk ways; Jewish ethics; "Meeting has been prohibited these methods they are playing/ into the hands of the Third \ lities, Jewish self-deception, Dr. and the new-Jewish education, a loused to their hardships. Reich. •'.- ' musician . . . but she gladly gave up her promising career Kaplan does thoroughly and fear- matter of pressing importance I by the Jewish government." i History-making news emanates from Germany almost when she saw that taking care of Albert Einstein was in it- lessly. Quite naturally he has but fearfully neglected and ig-! The anti-Semitic movement ha? French society. It apdaily. Right now, the world is watching anxiously the German self a big job. She was at one and the same time his cook, aroused voluble opposition, abuse nored. The final chapter entitl-j penetrated pears to be relatively strong in Rumanian Jewry four-year plan, aped sa unashamedly after the five-year plans housekeeper, secretary and manager. Her task included tha and ridicule. His opponents un- ed 'Creative Judaism' closes with •the Ear Association, a profession able to refute his criticism and a series of "wants," thirteen in j in which many Jews are to be Is Disturbed by of sfhe hated Soviets. Disquieting is the report that ration of being a buffer between him and a curious world. Auto charges seek comfortable refuge number, wheih form an accept- j found. But even Catholic circles cards have been issued to all families and that the government graphers, interviewers, organizations - - all had to pass her In ancient and shallow and dan- able substitute for the old Mai- ido Cuzs/s Program not seem to be immune against fixes the prices''of the various commodities; that a great food, approval before they could hope for aid from Einstein. The gerous slogans at which even they monidean creed and its thirteen ; anti-Semitism, as was proven by Bucharest (JTA)—Jewish cirthe statement of Cardinal Baudparticularly grain, shortage is expected; that the gold supply health and care of her husband was her life's work, and her laugh In their more realistic mo- articles. ments. The Jew who is concerned with! rillsrt, who declared at a cele- cles were disturbed this week by of the Reich is being stretched to the thinnest of thin. The life's work was well done. No era in Judaism has ever preserving Judaism in America., Jbration that he fears "on the ba- a program tc expel Jews to Madaevidences of unrest simmering under the surface of a tightlybeen confronted with* such col- who wants his children to be sis of personal information'' the gascar and bar them from trade lossal and revolutionary changes reared not only as Americans but j intervention of revolutionary and commerce in Rumania, offercensored Germany spell a threat to the peace.of the world -•-. as ours. Jewish leadership has as self respecting, loyal and hap- j Jews in France. ed to the senate by Prof. Alexthe possibility of a volcanic eruption at any moment, an erupnever been called upon to deal ander Cuza, head of the anti-Sepy Jews will find "Creative Judj By Rabbi Frederick Cohn Get Kazi Support tion that may swamp the whole of Europe in the lava of war. with so gigantic a transformation aism' 'a challenge, a stimulus and j Various mitic Xational Christian party. anti-^cinitic organizaThe Jew's Chanukah gives place to the Christian's Christ- lnthe outlook and status of Jews a helpful" source" of information, j En such a tense crisis, what, then, is the position of German Before offering the program Dr. tions seem to be directly supportas that which has been ushered Since the future Judaism in the! ed mas. ' Jewry? Cuza launched a violent attack on bj' jerman organizations like in by political emancipation, sci- United.States will shape itself in Verband fur Auslandsdeutschtum the Jews, predicting that they Is there any relation between these two? As already stated, the Jewish people,in the Reich are in entific learning and western cul- accordance with the philosophy j (Society of Germans Abroad). In "will soon be treated everywhere The most intimate relation. The'connection is not only ture. The present versions of of "Reconstructionism'' this small} all probability t r e "Francists, led like once in ancient Egypt when a sorry plight. The socialist-radicals led by Goebbels, RosenJudaism all responses to the new volume should find its way into by Bucard, are in direct contact they were put to the hardest laberg and Ley, and the more moderates led by Goering and chronological, Hut logical, psychological, and historical. conditions Dr. Kaplan finds in-1 t n e homes and hearts of Amer- with the anti-Semitic Internation- bor." To name the most important fact first: If there had been adequate because one and all they j c a n jews. And it assuredly will. al (Pan-Aryan League.) a creaSchacht are fighting internally for control of the economic Kis program, as preented to the plan of the nation. The Jewish question is being used as a no Chanukah there would be no Christmas. If there had been fall to grasp and to deal with the tion of National Socialism. The ] Senate, follows: undamental difficulties a n d headquarters of this "Internation- j means of adjusting the differences - between these divergent no Judaism there would be no Christianity. Christmas centers problems of American Jewish life. 1. Expel all the Jews to a regroups, and if history repeats, itself, those differences will be around Jesus, called 'the Christ'; his birth, his message. But Neo-orthodoxy, is rejected bemote island, preferably Madagasfought out on the backs of the Jews. "While Goering and Jesus was a Jew, and all he was and taught was derived from cause its basic doctrine that of a Reich Ministry of revealed Torah is Schacht have not directly alleviated the Jewish persecutions, Judaism. The New Testament, which contains the record of the supernaturally but which has now come under By Dr. Philip Sher untenable, one which no free 2. Jews not to hold state or the direction of the Society of they have at least been moderate and contained in their state- life and teachings of Jesus admits this. In that part where mind can accept. Conservatism public utility positions. Germans Abroad, which today rements. The Goebbels faction, however, have insisted on an- Jesus is asked, 'Wherein consists the essence of true religion?' 13 shot through and through with S. Jews not to be accepted in BIBLE ceives Its orders directly from the compromise and completely deother anti-Semitic campaign to keep the masses from thinking he replied, "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. void The refining pot is. for silver. foreign office of the Nazi party. the army. of any definite platform or too seriously about their ever-tightening belts. As the pendu- Thou shalt love the Lord thy God .with all thy heart, with all philosophy. Being chiefly a mid- and the furnace for gold and a This office maintains contact 4 Jews to be barred from is tried by his praise. with the Hungarian Nazis and the professions, trade and industry. lum of political expediency swings back- and forth, so does thy soul and with all thy might (and all thy mind). Thou shalt dle of the read movement it suf- man Iron sharpeneth iron; so man Rumanian Cuza-^oga party. Paris 5. Jewish real estate to be fers from all the peculiar shortlove thy neighbor as thyself. Keep the Commandments." This comings that characterize the sharpeneth the countenance of his is flooded with anti-Semitic liter- confiscated. the treatment of the Reich Jews become milder or sharper. The Gestapo (secret service) has during the past few is pure-Judaism and naught but Judaism. It has no one dis- timid and the uncertain. Though friend. . If a wise man contendeth with weeks adopted a much more hostile attitude toward the Jews. tinctively Christian note, as afterwards developed theologically subscribing to the fundamental a foolish man, whether he be anirinciple of Reform Judaism, that A recent order prohibited the Jews from personal intercourse and dogmatically. It is a literal quoting of Judaism as taught every generation has the right to gry or laugh, there will be no with the Gestapo, so now when a Jewish man disappears, his in the Old Testament. It emphasizes the unity of God, love for mold its own philosophy of JewTALMUD family can only write to ask about him . . . and their letters 3od, love for man and the morality of the ten commandments. ish life, he finds Reform unac:eptable because it repudiates the Abba the surgeon was accustomare rarely answered. Not even representative Jewish-organizaThere is another teaching associated with Jesus, particationhood of Israel and Pales- ed to receive greetings every day tions caiunake inquiries, and even the men arrested are de- ularly at this time of the celebration of Christmas which is sup- ;lne; because it transforms the through a Both Kol from the heatained for long stretches without any reason or charge given. posed to convey especially the message of 'peace and good-will.' Tew Into nothing more than a re- venly session. "While Rabbi Abigious denomination, because it ayi received such a greeting only While for foreign consumption it is stated that the nazi gov- Jesus is hailed as'the Prince of Peace.' rejects an intensive maximum, each Sabbath eve, Abayi felt disernment interferes in no way with Jewish businesses, this is Now 'peace' is the distinctive teaching of Judaism. It was Tewisb way of life. By repudia- couraged because of the greater misnomer. Jewish merchants are forced to sell their busi- the Hebrew Prophets who visioned the ideal time 'when swords ing Palestine, Reform has di- distinction conferred upon Abba the surgeon, and he was told: nesses at ruinous prices or face confiscation. An "Aryan card" would be beaten into ploughshares and spears into pruning rorced Itself from the mainstream "The thing: that Abbr does thou f Jewish life, has denied an "essystem is used to control the discrimination against the Jew- hooks, when nation would no longer lift up sword against nacanst not do." What did Abba the ifying element and ish merchants, and this same system is used to keep com- tion, nor learn war any more. When each should sit under his aential Judaism, and valienated the surgeon <lo that made him so He had a bos outside panies from hiring Jewish; employes. And now with the Ger- own vine and fig-tree with none to make him afraid.' It has ewish masses who see In the at- renowned? nis , i.._.««i *rBa»lof office where the fee for t M man people being virtually commanded where and how to been declared that "Israel's mission is peace." The love of peace Jtudp not only sharoeiui retreat i . . . there, ., iut r o wa bljndness DOT on j to, and shocking h t i _ _ treatment was deposited buy their daily needs, the last link has been forged in the has been so ingrained in the very nature of the Jew that not gnorance of, the most elemen- and the one that could afford to chain which fetters the Jewish business man. And now that only is he peaceful (meek, mild, unaggressive, non-resident, ;ary facts pertaining to Jewish re- pay deposited in the box, while by, and those that had no the strategy has been changed from the open battlefield to' turning the other cheek, to a fault many think, returning good dities in the several Diasporas. passing means would merely coffle in and After examining and rejecting the camaflouged shelter, the economic persecution of the re- for evil) but his ordinary, common salutation of daily life, as sit down without the least cause i he three versions of American for shame- If a young scholar maining Jews in German, business life is only a matter of time others say "How do you do," "How goes it?" "How do you rudaism. Dr. happened to come to him, he y~ jw ou . . . until no Jewish merchant remains. •> carry yourself?" etc.. is "Peace be unto you!" to which his fel- lew synthesis, Judaism as i cjthe l d not accept money, and in But, even worse than the economic campaign of annihila- low Jew replies, "Unto you be peace!" The Jew's love for peace lizatlon. The philosophy, addition he would ,;ive him monthe Ideas and aspirasaying: "Go home and take tion and displacement is the spiritual degradation of the Jew-, and desire for peace has been expressed in many ways, in both >rogram, ions of the civilization that is ey, good care of yourself." One day Judaism, he sets forth in his maish people as a body. In the newspapers, in the magazines, in Bible and Talmud, but perhaps the briefest, concisest injuncAbayi sent two of his desgnum opus "Judaism as a Civil- Rabbi the courts, in.the speeches . . . the Nazis have increased the tion is contained in the words "Seek peace and pursue it." ciples to Abba the surgeon to ization." The volume is an in- watch'his actions. Abba entertainintensity of their Jew-baiting. Children are insulted and made tellectual achievement Judaism has not only exhorted peace but has shown the rank and for that very reason Has ed them and gave them to eat to feel parasitical; grown-ups are mentally tortured and made one infallible and indispensable way of attaining it, what may and invited them to remained an insurmountable ob- drink to feel that life k n o t worth living. overnight. In the morning the be called the very secret of peace, in* the simple but profound stacle to the academically un- disciples folded up the pillows So black is the German picture that well may world Jewry words of Isaiah: "The work of righteousness shall be peace, rained yet earnest and enlighten- and carried them to the market ed Jew. In the interests of the i- cry in pain and sympathy. However, the darkness is pierced and the effect.of righteousness shall be quietness and assurto sell. There they encountered who constitute the mass of and said ot him: "Let the & b7 some rays of light. Through their own actions, the nazis ance forever." Peace on earth will not be brought about by latter, American Jews who fine tto'pre- Abba master estimate the value of the iff seem headed for failure. They have tied a noose around their hristmas celebrations. Peace will not result from mere ad- ;ent divisions in Jewish life un- pillows? There's New Distinction He told them how much : |f| -own necks, and their own wild gestulations are the means of vocacy of-peace or holding aloft the sublime peace-ideal. Peace ;atisfactory and mythical and he thought they were worth. 'Perho therefore search for a new haps they are worth more,' they in The Nebraska's tti tying the cord ever tighter and tighter. Politically, econom- will not even come, to pass as a result of peace conferences, pproach 'Creative Judaism' has And he answered: "I can t,'f ically, socially . . . the rope tightens. "Also meaningful is the peace pacts, peace palaces, peace prizes, nor even a League >een written. It la a simple replied. purchase them for that amount." lj I fact that just this past week three eminent German scientists of Nations even if 100% organized (as it is not at present), eadable, greatly reduced edition They then said to him: "These if "Judaism as a Civilization," pillows are thine; we took them ' and a publishing house have dared the wrath of the Nazi re- even though that is the greatest instrumentality for peace lone by the son-in-law of the authee. And now we pray tbee -gime by issuing in Munich, cradle of the Nazi movement, a new (with all its imperfections) yet devised on earth. Only 'the hor. Rabbi Ira Eisenstein, and from tell us what didst thou suspect ?' edition of their standard work on race in which it is asserted work of righteousness shall be peace.' Righteousness must lone very well. us of?" "I thought that perhaps fthat the average Jew is more-intelligent than the average Ger precede peace. There can be no peace without righteousness Rabbi Eisenstein not only ex- some prisoners had to be ransomed lounds the philosophy of "Jud- and you did not wish to tell me man. Right now Goebbels is checking up on how that book (as Isaiah also said, 'There is no peace to. the wicked'). There ism'a*. a Civilization" but he ad- what amount that would require, got past the rigid censorship he has rigged up . . .but mean- must be righteousness in high places and in low, on the part leres wisely to the chapter ar- so you took the pillows." They • while the world reads how acknowledged" leading authorities not only of individuals but of nations; there must be a per- rangements and divisions, thus said to him, "Now let the master making it. in reality a digest of take them back." But he answerin their field of science smash the very basis of nazi philosophy. sonal, political, national,^ international righteousness before the larger and more comprehen- ed: "Nay, I have already made up The scientists are Prof. Erwin Bauer, Prof. Eugen Fischer and there can possibly be peace. Individuals must keep the moral sive treatise. The very heart of my mind to devote them for Prof. Fritz Lenz, and their opus is "Law of Inheritance and law, be just and kindly to one another. Nations must be right- he thesis of this volume as of its charity_ purposes, and hence I >redecesBor ia that "it is impos- cannot take them back." Racial Hygiene." So long as there remain in Germany men eous in their dealings with one another, must not exploit and sible to have .the Jewish religion Here's Rochester fine craftsmanship - of the heroic mold to stand for right and justice, then there oppress, must not discriminate unjustly between their citizens, without a complete Jewish Hfe; in dress clothes at z price all men that if the Jewish religion is to Remains hope. And in the hope of the future we seek salva- must disenfranchise none, must grant political equality to all; Population Falls saved it ia necessary to save will sppreciate. And a complete dress tion for those Jewish souls buried alive in present-day nazi must not violate the most solemn oaths and international treat- .11 of Jewish life." This is sound Bucharest — The decrease of clothes section where you're served doctrine. It is fantastic Jewish population in. Rumania is Germany. ies , and engagements. There must ;be social justice, economic ewish by men who know whst is authentic ond words to isolate the re- shown by tha official demographopportunity and equality being granted to all.. Only in this gious element in the Jewish tra- ic Government organ which re-! in dress clothes. way can there be peace, all strife avoided and the horror, ter- lition and to concentrate upon vealed an annual excess of* It,000 i hat to the exclusion of all other Jewish deaths over births Bucnar- j New musical history-is in the making in Palestine, with ror, and tragic error, of war forever cease. actors. It Is utterly alien to his- est and Czernowitz lead in the ] •k Midnight Blue Tuxedos ,., s shade . the arrival o£ the noted maestro," Arturo Toscanini, to conduct that's blacker than black at night. Israel believes in this and has ever striven for it. May oric Judaism. Jewish life as a number of Jewish deaths. 1
Peace and Good Will
Gems of the Bible and Talmud
a seritH of symphony concerts by the Palestine Symphony Orchestra in the Jewish homeland. The orchestra's premiere will be broadcast throughout the Near East and possibly throughout the world. . The tumultou's reception accorded Toscanini makes his visit to Palestine to open the symphony concerts an occasion -of more than musical significance. The name Toscanini is a ' by-word in musical circles, his fame has spread the length <and breadth of the universe and his mere presence at a musi-
;he whole world believe in it likewise, and find some way in ;his modern, scientific, pragmatic age,—the age that has invented the auto, the air-ship, radio, television—-practically and actually to bring it about. The injunction 'Seek peace and pursue it" becomes ''Seek righteousness and pursue it." The pursuit of righteousness becomes the one great aim, greater and nobler than even the American'pursuit of happiness'; for there-can be no 'happiness' without rigiiteousness. "Quietness and assurance" are the Biblical equivalents for our modern
security': and this is possible only tlirougli political, social, ,nd international, righteousness. • Peace is, indeed, as the Rabbis declared it, 'tliescal and onfirmation of all blessings.' At this season of 'peace and ood-will' Israel salutes the world with its ancient greeting, 'Peace be trnto you!" May the. answering response from all ;he earth and to all the earth, be "Unto you, peace!*' - - Frederick Cohn.
•k Standard Black Tux or Tails that mskes white linen gleam in contrast.
TSE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER '25, 19SS TO RESIDE LN CHICAGO OFFICERS INSTALLED BY Bob Singer left Wednesday for Chicago, •where he •will make his \ MT. SINAI AUXILIARY future home. He is residing at The Park Lane, -with his parents^ At the regular meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Singer. Mt. Sinai Cemetery auxiliary the following officers were installed: TWO AVEEK VISIT Mrs. J. Finkel, president; Mrs. S. Miss Dorothy Sherman left last Fellman, first v i e e-president; RECEPTION* OPEX HOUSE night for a two -weeks visit with Mrs. H. Albert^ second vice-pres]\fr. and Mrs. Louis Hiller will relatives and friend- In Chicago ident; Mrs. S.' Fish, third vicebe hosts at a reception and open jand Milwaukee. president; Mrs. A. . Ricbman, treasurer; Mrs. A. Hoffman, fihosue to b hid at the downtown nancial secretary, and Mrs. L. Ruquarters of the Highland Coun- VACATIONING try. Club • for all ths menii.ers of • Eugene Stein is spending the benstein, recording secretary. the Club and their friends this winter holidays in Minneapolis Rabbi N. Feldman gave an inSaturday evening. and St. Paul. . . ' . • • teresting talk.
f r
] ported br the Women's ". Mrs. WeiEbtTg asks that. " r r An excellent attendance v&s bers End R'1 interested r .. 'present at the meeting of the Wo-work attend. men's MizTEcM, held at the .1. C.• Tlic following: donations for C, December 16. Mrs. E. Weic- trees in Palestine are announced berg reported on the very suc- by the orgaEizetion: Jlr. and Jirs. cessful rummage sale held re- John Frieder., in honor of their twenty-f i f 11 -^dciiif: annh-ertcent'y. j Mrs. VTe'.rberg; is giving a- ben- sarv; Mr. end-Mrs. L. Frieclros^. iefit bridge at hf>r home, S5S No.in honor of their dEUFl:fer> rrcF.r;41 street, on Tuesday slternoOE, riagp. Mrs. J. Siece': Mrs. X. I December 29. AH proceeds will : YTolfson. in honor of her .recov• so toward the Beth Eeiroth ery; X.TS. S. Riekcs, in honor of school for j-iris in Palestine, sup- • the recovery of her son-ic-ls.*";
BAZNICK-LEAFF ENGAGEMENT The engagement of Miss Inez Leaff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Leaff, of Sioux City, to Mr. Morris Haznick, son of Mr, and Mrs. I. Raznick of Omaha,- 3021 So. S2nd street, is beiqg announced today. "; Both, are popular member's of ANIVERSARY TEA TO VISIT IN 1A3 ANGELES the younger aet. Miss Leaff atThe Buncoteers are having The Misses Sarah and Mildred Youngsters to Be tended the University ot Iowa. . their first anniversary tea at the Whitman left this week for Los in Flay Wednesday home of Lillian Katz Wednesday Angeles, California, where .they FKESHMAX-KOTLER " >. December 30 at 3 o'clock. •will visit •with their Bister, Mrs. Eight clever youngsters Trill ENGAGEMENT take part in a playlet entitled, Hyman Harris. Mrs.. Jennie Kotler annonnces TO ENTERTAIN ^AT TEA "A Party Without Ice Cream" by the engagement of her daughter, Elma Ehrlich Levenger, which Miss Babe Milder^ daughter, of GUEST HERE •—3<Iatsuo Photo. Miss Betty Kotler, tcr Mr. Harry Mr. and Mrs. Morris Milder, will Dr. Michael F. Wermel of will be presented by the HadasA. Freshman, son of -Mrs. . B. 'entertain at a tea from 2 until Washington D. C , has been the sah Child Welfare Committee at Miss Rose Steinberg. Freshman. 5 at her home ori'Saturday, De- j guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. its Thrift Luncheon, Wednesday, At a cleverly appointed lnnchNo de'inite date h i s been set cember 30. and Mrs. H. A. Resnick, the past December 30, at the Jewish Com- ieon given in her honor by her for the •wedding. munity Center. Assistants a t ' t h e tea -will be week. Dr. Wermel is chief of the I sister-in-law, Mrs. Samuel SteinThe cast will include Shirlee ; berg, Monday, Miss Rose Steinthe Misses Joy Yousem, Libby research bureau of the finance di• GOIiDEN-FRUMKIN Fishberg, Ruth Rosenstocfc, Ro- vision of the Resettlement Ad- Alberts, Corinne and Phyllis | berg, daughter of Mr. Harry Mr. and Mrs. Louis Frumkin of salie Alberts, Genevleve Stein and ministration and is a member of Wohlner, Joyce Haykin, Ijuth | Steinberg announced her engagethe faculty of, the Government Knlakofsky, Betty Cohen, and ment to Albert Shrier. Chicago, formerly of Omaha, an- Pearl Lipsey. ^ Graduate School. Doris and Jean Levenson. nounce the marriage. of their News of the engagement "came Community singing led by Mrs.:as a complete surprise to friends Before going to Washington, daughter, Miss Ethel Frumkin, to ENTERTAINS AT DESSERTDr. Wermel was a member of the Aaron Edgar will open the pro- | of Miss Steinberg, who learned Mr. Bernard G'lde.i of Chicago,' &UNCHEOX faculties of Columbia and New gram. on Sunday, December 20. 'about it only when a box of what Mrs. Leon Fellman entertained . ' Reservations may be made by ! looked like ordinary cigarettes Among those who witnessed for twenty-five friends of her sis- York University. calling Mrs. Dave Sherman or was passed around after lunchthe ceremony were Mrs. Ethel Si- ter, : Miss Phylis Green, at a desMrs. Morria Katelman. mon, aunt of the bride; Miss Kal- sert luncheon at her home on LEAVES FOR NEW STORK eon. Concealed in small scrolls ah Franklin, who was visiting in Tuesday, December 22. Mrs. M. Arkin of New York I which enclosed each cigarette Chicago enroute east; Mrs. Her- Miss Green, who is _a student City leaves today for her home. jwere the names of the betrothed Hadassah man Smehoff, and the Misses Lil- at the University of Iowa, has She has "been the guest of Mr. i couple. lion and Rose Dubnoff, cousins as her house guests Miss Ber- and Mrs. Philip Natlfen and Mr. ! Miss Steinberg attended the The Hadassah Study group will of the bride, all of Omaha. enice Jacobson o Des Moines and and "Mrs. M. Bernstein. Mrs. Ar-meet at the home of Mrs. William j University of Illinoi- an<i the UnMiss Maxine Kopel of Cedar Rap- kin has been visiting on the West Polack, 619 No. 34th street on Uversity of Nebrrska, from, "where ANNOUNCE BIRTHS. ids, Iowa, classmates of Miss Coast. Tuesday, December 29, at 1 jshe was graduated in 1935. She Mr. and Mra^ Harry Friedman Green.' I is a member of Sigms. Delta, Tau . o'clock. announce the birth of a son MonTO BE GUEST HERE Mrs. David Goldstein will lead sorority. day, December 21, at the St. Jo- ENTERTAINS AT LUNCHEON Mr. and Mrs. Henry Appelbaum the class and Mrs. Max Shapiro Mr. Shrier attended. Creighton seph hospital. Mrs. Friedman Is Mrs, J. M. Baker entertained of Chicago will be the guests of will report on • the lesson of the I University and is a member of the former Mirriam Hollander. at a luncheon for forty guests at Mrs. S. Nathan, Mr. Appelbaum's afternoon, '"^Tiat Should Be Our[Pi Lambda fraternity. her home, Monday, December 21, sister, Monday, December 2S. Mr.Attitude Toward the Commu- i No definite date has been set and Mrs.<iV.ppelbaum are en route nity?" | for the wedding. Mr. and Mr- Leo Fried an- honoring h e r daughter-in-law, to the^ Hawaiian Islands. Anyone wishing to attend may 1 nounce the! birth of a son Friday, MrB. Phil Baker of Milwaukee, — * iff call ths hostess or Mrs. M. F. ; VACATION HERE December IS, at the Methodist Wisconsin^ who is visiting with her. She 'wilf remain .here about TO ATTEND CONVENTION Levenson, educational chairman j Miss Charlottee Siletzky of hospital. two weeks. Miss Kalah Franklin, president of Hadassah. ! Denver, Colorado, is spending the Scaring honors with Mrs. Phil of the Omaha Chapter of Junior I school vacation with her cousin, GO SOUTHWARD Baker was Miss Fannie Witkin, Hadassah, left Thursday to atRabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn who is to be married this Sun- tend the National Convention in Junior Hadassah iMiss Helen Fingeret of Omaha. left December 24 to attend the day. Washington, D., C She will spend . meeting of the Union American two "weeks in Chicago and New Plans for the Northwestern Ee-' Hebrew Congregations' at New York before the convention, and gional convention was the main TO BROOKLYN Orleans, Louisiana, which meets en route home will visit in CleveMr. Syd Abramowitz left, last land. She will return home about topic of discussion at the Junior Irom January 15 to January 19. Hadassah meeting Held Thursday weet for Brooklyn, New , York, They will visit various southern January 5. evening, December 16, at the cities on the way. Rabbi and Mrs. where he will remain for about Jewish Community Center. Cohn will *eturn to Omaha on five weeks. Miss Kalah Franklin, President VIST! FROM CHICAGO January 25. of Omaha's Chapter left Thurs-; Mrs. H. Weinberg and children WINTERING AT MIAMI of Chicago, are visiting Mrs. (day evening, following the meet- j Mr. and Mrs. Sam Platt are IfAME OMITTED Weinberg's mother, Mrs. Ethel ling to attend the National Con-! the winter at Miami Haspel, The name of Miss Leona Let- spending and her sisters, Mrs. Si-Ivention in Washington, D. C. This) Beach, Florida. They -will re- mon Green and Mrs. Joe Dandy. 'is the first time in more than ten win -was inadvertently omitted main there until May 1. j They will remain here ten days. years that Omaha has been repIrom t h e l i s t of bridesmaids who resented at a Junior Hadassah • will be in-*ttendaneevat Miss FanNational Convention. nie Witkin's wedding, .December HOME FOR VACATION . v Lawrence Bordy is heme on his RETURNS HOME " 2 7 t h . •.'.• • • ' • ' • . . • ' . • • • Goldie Susman was unanimous- • Mrs. Sidney Canan of Kansas vacation from the University of ly elected Cultural Vice Presi- \ Chicago. He' will return to his City, formerly Dora Freshman of dent. A membership affair which j Omaha, left for her home after classes on January 3. a visit with her mother, Mrs. B.is to be in the form of a "Chum- j Ask for - " g Freshman. Many parties "were my Supper" is planned for Jan- • GOES EAST uary 7th. i given in Mrs.Caban's honor durBy Mrs. David H. Newmaa Joseph Gold-wre, law '37, rex ing her stay here. Where the Clothing of the local chapter, t< attend the Nazi Flag Barred ; World Is Under One Pi Lambda Ph' convention in TO VISIT IN KANSAS COT Cheese Souffle. Berlin—"Aryans" having Jew- | Roof for Service. 3 .tablespoons butter, 3 table- Pittsburgh, Penn.Miss Rosalyn Rosen left Thurs- ish wives are prohibited to dis-: spoons flour, 1 cup scalded milk, Enroute he will visit in Chicago, day for • Kansas City, Mo., to play the German swastika flag, j 3 eggs, % teaspoon salt, 1 cup New York, and Philadelphia.- He spend the holiday vacation with the Ministry of Interior ordered grated American cheese, 1 cup will be* gone about two weeks. Miss Barbara Tasman. She will on the ground- that the emblem soft bread crumbs, 3 tablespoons must not he flown over a house '. be gone about ten days. chopped green pepper. Melt but- ARRIVES FROM MINNEAPOLIS •"•here a Jew lives with an "Ary- j ter: add flour and milk slowly, Miss Merriam Lieb, daughter an." . ' Patronize Our Advertisers soft bread crumbs, % teaspoon of Mrs. J. Lieb,. arrived home baking po der, and green pepper from Minneapolis, where she atAdd beaten yolks and grated tends the Art Academy. She will cheese. Add - beaten whiter of be in Omaha for two weeks. eggEi Pour in a greased baking dish. -'Set-in*. a.'pan of water. Bake in a moderate oven for -thirty FT WILL PAX YOU minutes. Serve at once. To Consult
& beu; ,'?n.
,£ ', K tit, X "K, A. AM , svp fr•-C 3 i F i r BMrs=. P . C'< •PI .; j h: fOT' 1 be PR' for ,"f af ?y It T;t ntioic Sinrp.
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Ratal-Vatican far ikt 6sf« New V««r*« Eve Ferfy «f* mi m premism—end whf n«f, witfe thit AiL STAR OB*-Ni{|ht Only Pre«Soc*i«>B—Fr«el«!|' EtosMr, Omekc'i favaritc Mecstre, mn4 kh fireatur Swisf 9ma<6, wifk «• •jpeeitsHf imperl*^ fleer tk*w ef nunif
F-AVOSS—UniqB* . , . URBSBG! . . . H
PLACE—n»tf ef rects. Tttr c-t merffnf ikt Palm Grev» «n«J the (m«ri R»W C-ir.;?!f Eoem for ibh N«w Tetsr's Eve Seiree. Ne crswAn^. fiesteryotiene !•; te 4CC. Privacy: This de lose perfy will be heitiHi ffwrn fb« rest cf **c- fcet«J. EEJey yeur ©we exelBsitfe porfjr. 1C:38 p. m. TIME—Pre«3i- 1£:Sf p. tn, Bn*i" cotnc firae rexf yeer.
•a. f- . N 1
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Kitchen Chats
Cheese and Apple Puffs 2 eggs, 1 cup milk, ".-cap flour, 2 teaspoons .baking . powder. • *& teaspoon salt, 1 cup grated cheese 1 cuji chopped apples. Beat egg well. Add milk. Add dry ingredientB. Add cheese and apple. MLs well. 'Drop by spoonfuls into hot deep crisco. Fry until brown. If desired apples may be omitted and puffs served with hot apple sauce.
S^asy of you hare been waiting . . . acd waiting: . , . for Tallies BBCB. IW tbege . . , belay no longer . . . get the Eersfeerg- fur trlsissed coat reu're had joor eye on . . . Sato-day! VALUES TO $49.SS In Cfearanc* a t . . . .
Mi»ees* u s j Wcroni'i Sizes. • • • FetsrlV Ficos*
7 1311
{j Omaha, Nebraska We have just made a fortunate parcbase of several thousands of dollars wcrtt ef
VALUES TO $89.85 In Ciesrsnee « t . . . .
with the Greatest Joy and Hilarity at the
VALUES TO $69.95 in Ctoarane* a t . . . .
When baying
in the 1937 style all in yellow gold, which we ere shle to offer yea ct n velua £9 p*est that you .will never be cb!a to reeaivo It sssin. ' 21'JewcI LORD ELGIM which sells QVBTyvMGTQ for S^S-SO 1¥ILL P S S©LD . a7-Jewel '-ELGIP3'which sells everywhere for S47.S0 «ss low s s 1'S-Jewel SI.6IPI wtslcfi sells everywiies1© for ' . 7-Jew0l £L'@!R-which sells everywhere for EVEflY WATCH CAIieiES A FACTOHY We have also purchased thousands of vrortK of
Our finest French Eocn: crepes art£ wools are always the bsyisg signal for Omaha -
' .
dewn. t" the I?vr pricpp thai vb.p p,.ppreciE.t i
VALUES TCJ S2S.tS In VALUES T® In Cl€Z:rz:iz:. e t . . . . VALUES T© f©S'.S?S ' ESC Women's S;z«s . . . Slstfe Floor
Main Ballroom—Elks Club ISth and Dodge—7th Floor
•whicTi enables us to offer you a
ij tiiju desire KiriQ CSDHIC . . . CARNATION . . . LADY V/itli iiol'o-w bangle staiuless ksH
$6.00 Per Couple Ticket includes i DANCING . . . PINNER All You Can Drink ENTERTAINMENT Plenty noise makera and novelties . . . Music by Austin Bevnno orchestra . . . informal. Reservations may be made with any Psi Ma Member
SOL© E¥EHiyir/lfSiE
f'cr csats . . . go dswjs in |}rfee Sai•crdaj . , • c TTZ re l?v~ yon caE't afford is pass tiiem bjS
We are able to fill any order o£ extra piece of sil-rerwnre t&ftt you vrish at the earae
TH0USAJC3S O? BCiXfiRS C? DIAP*1CNSS tEFT FGH LC&KS WHICH WE SZU. &T 10 PZ5Z CmWT fiSO'/S LSftlS I I 1 I Erery diamond is su&T&ntacd in trezght and quality.
C©aifesilant T«rms
If it is not -wisat we reprasest -j-crar
money refunded. Rieil Orders 17K3 Co FIT^d Everywhere I ESoBey Return ©ssarantee If flot Sstisfsstcryl 1VCI Send &.r*ywh@re fat ©pen Enspectfonl -. .
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GOLD IN THEOTT.T.—Noneed for~ another California gold rush, however. The gold in this hill is Uncle Sam's property and is buried under the new mint that is. being constructed on a San Francisco hillside. Vaults under the building are hewn out of solid rock, presumably impervious to time, weather ~or-&andltr.yattacks. This unique picture shows the • sturdy, type of architecture used, indicative of the trend of modern structural designing.
WHERE BULLETS HIT—Bullet-scarred wall of the New York '; apartment where G-men under personal direction of Chief J. , Edgar Hoover, aided by New York police, arrested Harry Brunette, 25, after a barrage of shots! Brunette was wanted for the kidnaping of a "New Jersey State trooper and later confessed, accord-' TT3H3.';£07<3-nien, to three Wisconsin bank robberies. G-men and "police clashed over the arrest, after tear gasbombs fired the house.-
GUNMAN—Harry Brunette, 25, alleged bank robber and kidnaper, captured by G-men headed by Chief J.. Edgar Hoover, after a gun battle in and around a New York apartment. His bride of a month, the former Arlene LeBeau, was wounded in one hip.
HO5IE AGAIN—Deeply tanned and looking physically fit and refreshed by his 28-day cruise, President Roosevelt returned to Washington expressing h i g h hope for gratifying results from the Pan-American peace conference he opened at Buenos Aires Dec. 1. Ke is shown here on the Presidential Special from Charlestown, S. C, where he landed. His son James, and Mrs". Rc^sevelt are at left, with President and Mrs. Garner at right.
/ .
GANBLES EN EEE EAIE—Miss Inga Bagge of Stockholm, 20,' metal-factory vorker, elected by a large majoritv in a popular vote for the cilice of "Lucia Bride o? 1E36." in ths Svrdish city's annual festival. Each night slit will ride on her i;i-o;ir. in a motor track, v,-earing lighted candies in her hsu:. p£ rhove. The Lucia bride formerly rode on horseback.
HE LIKES ADOLPH—Japanese Foreign Minister Hachiro Arita, seated in his home in Tokyo, admires picture of Chancellor Hitler of.Germany, following signing of the Nazi-Japanese pact for combatting Communism. Grave fear was felt in Tokyo thfet the prospective war in China might force Japan to take a hand, Mr. Arita informed the Japanese Cabinet.
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SONS KEDE TOO-^Sons of the late Will Rogers led the TJP.Iifter's- Red quartet to a rousing 14-4 victory over the Uplifter's Blues in a first-round contest of the polo tournament in Santa Monica, Cal., for the Will Rogers perpetual trophy. They are shown.above with the trophy. Jim is at left, with Will, Jr., at right. The Uplifters are a polo club* , .
F R E E D — Lola Lane,, screen actress and former wife of Lew Ayres, as she appeared in a Los Angeles court and was granted a divorce from Alexander Hall, film director. She charged that Hall had become indifferent to her.
o loo zao TROUBLE IN CHINA — Arena of the world's latest war center. Following the kidnaping of Dictator Chiang Kai-shek by General Chang Hsueh-liang at Sian, the Chinese government at Nankins sent troops from five sources against Sian, capital of Shensi Province. Dictator Chiang was feared dead.
PEESIDENT'S MOTEES SPEAKS — Mrs. .Tames Roosevelt, mother o* President Roosevelt, made a brief address et, the, ltmcheon in New York of the Musicians Emergency Fund, at which wives of prominent artists were present. She is shown above, at right, as she was assisted to the microphone by Mrs. Vincent Astor, president cf the organization, who presided at tUe luncheon.
MISSING—William Bogen, former array pilot and co-pilot of the 190-passenger, twin motored air liner that was believed lost somewhere in the snev clcd mountains betweers, Los Angeles and Salt Lake City. Searclnns parties were sent out after r"eports of hearing a plane in distress were given by residents of Alpine, a sisall coisnisity on the slopes of ths \\ asatcl: ti
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SECONDS AND OUT—It took Joe Louis, Detroit Brown Bomber, exactly 2G seconds and xme punch i-nnek~out stout-hearted Eddie Slmms, home town product, in Cleveland. A' crowd of 11,000 paid J « o OQO to see the jig-time kayo, shown above. Simms is down, with Louis; at right. Referes in right foreground. Louis go^ $20,000; Simms §4,000.."°-
^ V.,
HACING UKDSK THE PALMS—Florida's racix.e ESIEOH, scheduled fcr t3 cars, r=l oil to a eo: start at Tropical Park, Coral Gablo?. Here Is p^rt cf the crord of 15.CCG en epeninz Ca; Is attendance for s starter in the hirtory cf the park. Fans here are leaving the zvCZozlz crd he: for the rail to see the-first race, won by Bob CJiarlie for a purse of $700.
-•ivi,:^ ari.oi. i, n w s-s.-vu^ vlult The ;'xc m e ' 7»i;,':!cr: z: Yc-L.
Pagre 7 And has been spending quite a "guts^" I can't say. Anyway the jbeen bribed to keep quiet, been ;Ule has been drawn tip by Phy-, day mornings from 10:10 to from 10:45 to 11:45. lot ol his time on Indian reser- Health Club vOileyballers can done *° bring a friend to visit ' away with, *«r has jast lost vations . . . Felir, incidentally, really get in a good night's sleep his intestinal fortitude. Let's wait | sical Director Lee Grossman BO 10:45, and work in the gris on jtcis great institution of ours In | that the young girls and boys can the same dars from 8:SG to used to play tennis •with our boss tonight instead of the usual Fri- and see. This past "?reek and MondW •"»«• for the outaiden to get en jtake advantage of their spare 10:10. Tbe junior bors bare and Tuesday of next week inkling of what is being done in . . . And trimmed the pants off! day night cussing and worrying, Itime. For the junior girls, t i e Tuesday and Thursday moraingE "Bring: a Pa!" for the junKW* our physical center, theme "Briag of him more often than not. ! If I don't get an article next Due to the vacation during the i schedule is fixed so that they can for themselves, gym class from Each junior boy or girl who * Pal- weeks have proven to be Temple week, I'll know that he has either holidays, a special vacation sched- jswim on Mondays and Wednes- 10:10 to 10:45 and EwimmiEg member of the Center is pi '"" the thing. At.JTriday evening services RabBOOK: Dr. Kurt Rosenfeld bi TVice's sermon "will bo "A Jew-former Prussian Minister of Jus ish. "View of Jesus." tice, received a complimentary copy of Robert Gessner's new book, "Some of My Best Friends Beth-El Tonight is annual students' Are Jews," inscribed to Dr. Chaim home-coming service. Students W«izmann . . . When Dr. Weizhome from, college on vacation amnn arrives nest month. Dr. Roand local students are especially senfeld hopes, he'll probably urged to attend'.'. services with bring with him the copy he must their parents. Rabbi Goldstein have received inscribed to Dr. Ro•will; base his sermon on Sholom senfeld. Ash's book, " T h e War Goes On." Cantor Aaron Edgar and the aug- FAT CHAKCE: Somebody in mented choir will lead the ser- i Poland who's interested in marvice.. keting Polish products'to AmerAfter Services the congregation ican Jews has pulled the neatest will participate In an Oneg Shab- blunder of the year-.'. . The probos Tea. Hostesses -will be Mes-duct sent over for. marketing here dain.es Jack Kaufman, chairman; •was goose fat . . . It's kosher . Mas Kaplan, Dave Miller, John But yon -wouldn't think it from friedeh, Leon Graetz and A. ithe label . . . Which Teuds boldly 1 Theodore. and bluntly, "GODBS Lard." . , Meeting for Parents of Confirnia- The explanation being that the :.:"•/.' lion. Class Pole's literal translation of lard The.parents of children of the is fat . . . But what the translator Welcoae, Rabbi Xopsiein i a na crafts fcTonp . .. . The 'eaConfirmation class will meet with gorgot to note was that it's not We are pleased to welcome ! lmo aonn " f o M d MrE - Clarence BergRabbi Goldstein and Cantor Ed- only fat, but pig fat. Rabbi Milton Kopstein, the n e w ; directingt h the barmaids . . . TAYl h e att gar, on Wednesday evening, Janspiritual leader chosen by the 'lae d ta11 " ' " e barker summonto a uary 6 in the Center Lodge Room i PICTURE: Molly Picon, while Vaad to represent Orthodox con-:!i o u s «end the grand, gior- [ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ — ^ instead of January 5 as previous- in Poland, did a picture which gregations in the City. He is a gleeful and gigantic Produc- \ " * * « « » « ^ ^ f ly announced. bachelor. np.Tsnca.hi P. . 1 ti°a ° "East Lynee". Mrs. Max i < CONSULT TKE bachelor, personable in appearM w a r will be shown in a big New York For the most complete of the ance and possesses a gracious j theater soon under the tite "The selection of fixtures and Air Conditioning personality. Rabbi Kopstein, a it"thriller" provided keen interest, j >W^\i<=¥~ Yidl with the Fiddle." . . . Molly supplies in the Midwest brilliant student, comes from a ehd e audience T a s t 0 ° v e l 1 b e b s T for every purpose being the Yidl . . • Joseph Green visit the family of Rabbis. He was or-i t h. e *™™Tand failed to "hiss" Life Inenrance And Annuiformerly with Maurice Schwartz Tiilian ties is one of the dained by the late Chief Rabbi ! sufficiraOr . . . Ro-: is the producer . . . It's Molly's Distributed by •nti1 be sure of p. compjEinissi- of Kook. He occupied the pulpit of jSalie Alberts played the lead and first talkie, unless our informer Also 4T<Erser«3 SAFE: rn^ the Irving Park Jewish Commun- elicited sympathy with her clever | ( covering- pereon»I WESTERN is crossing us up. propSsippSy- Co. at * ity Center prior to his coming a n d convincing: portrayal of the! ertv. Air Conditioning Corp. here _ _ , heroine. Milton Robinson was ;' LOW COiT j DEGREE: Dr. Cyrus Adler 1101 Douglas Nc Charpe for Extf? P s s ' i the viliian irho bore the hirsute < 104 No. 18th St. I grand old man of Jewish educaBonded Drivers JA-2124 Testimonial Dinner j adornment (moustache). Alex , tion, was the first man in the Pu!!y inBitrefi C^r^, AT-34S4 Tom Cadtv. H» r r v H^r^h Lipsman t h e ' "apple cheeked" j Morris - Jacobs handled the United States to get a doctorate | toastmaster's job in an inimitable : hero "boomed" out his lines. Othi-of philosophy in Semitics . . . Givmanner at an appreciation dinner ,*" .""",* • BEER BARON: Is it true, Jacob en by Johns Hopkins university given bv the Omaha Chapter of * 8 " 0en * * ^ J ^ T " ' "B T %M'• Ruppert, what they're saying when he was a mere stripling of the American Newspaper Guild in ! * [ ; R'ta Mantel Martha Himabout you? . That you're the 24 That was way back in u « *v „ „ *- „ , :Eelste;n and Herb Kaplan . . Mrs. ( "angel" behind a'new anti-Nazi j is87, "when Mr. Peters and a lot honor of the promotion ol memM m A f c r a b a E l s a n d KrB_ Louis •cultural group comprising Amer- Of other gossip-mongers weren't Accessories and Parts for "Say It With Flowers" icans of German descent . . . And around Here's hoping he'll all Cars Tires - - Oils - that Dorothy Waring, who billed be around when Dr. Adler cele! promoted frora managing editor Batteries. . . . Mrs. j { I to editor in chief, an all-importherself as chief undercover inves- brates' his own _gemi-centennial Mrs. ssm j i Pf!PT3C- WL-2ZZ2 for ant position in •which policy and Winterize Your Car tigator for the Congressional com-;, . . Lots of interesting data is : and Mrs. Jules (Esther) complete selectien of many other executive decisions Pepper mittee which a couple of years : coming out in connection vrith the Newman served on various com!are made. Russell Peters adago investigated Nazi subversive • semi-centennial of the Jewish specializes in c e n t e r - ; vanced from news editor to man-mittees . . . Flitting here and yon ! activities, has been employed by Theological Seminary of which he Featuring «t pieces, corsages, funeral j aging editor and succeeding- Mr. you in a confidential capacity in is president . . . For example, the arrangements, weddings, I Hunter. Fred Stouten from teleSchmftt'e connection with,'that organization. seminary's Teal* estate and equipcut flowers, and potted graph editor to news editor and 000000 I ment are .worth a cool 56,000,000 iz Sherman Milton Moskovltz Muriel, Sam Mindell from night editor to announced that the affair was a plants. LEADER: What about it. Men-; <.^ And "not a nickel's worth of FREE DELIVERY 1919 Farnam St. Cueets day telegraph editor and copy success from every standpoint . . . del Fisher, is it true that jou|jt"ja' mortgaged . . . More on this Floor Drsn£eis I chief . . . have been .unanimously elected next week. WE-2929 "CMt-Chat" Chatter executive director of the Jewish (Copyright, 1936, Jewish Telees The continual stream o£ National Fund and that the an- graphic Agency, Inc.) • - • ' Ihr Eant Dos Glaben! nouncement of your election to. Sam House, local sportsman, guests who called last Scad&jthat post, -which, has been vacant was tlie first newsboy in. Oraaha tO COEgratlilate Rabbi i>arid ECOVERS for a number ol years, •will be RECOVERS to sell Yiddish, newspapers. It Goldstein End wife. Hose at Joe Batt, who after a gallant made 'Bhorfly? was in IS04 and his territory em- their housewai-ming . . . Sirs. ..;-THE fight has recovered ^rom a rare braced the lower Douglas . Street Goldstein's radiant ci»sna enarea, and, by the way, Sam chancing her welcome to the | illness, is now at his home. "The BEAUTY possesses a library containing jynests . . . I/ester Ahrefaamsoa, .vREP-ORTJER: Dear Dr. Weiz- ] nature of Joe's illness has T>uzFeatures snampoo and many noted works of literature. Joe Kaplan, Eiiieen. Simoc, maiin, you: may be interested to jzied Omaha physicians and two " F l e r Wave FOUNDRIES Good Merchs.ncl.38e He is deeply interested and is Dora WcJfsoH and Louis Zitnik loiow:,.Vwlien you ,arriv« here for ! operations were performed in the 27th &- Wlsriha HA. 5523 among the members of Tech somewhat of an authority on reBrass, Bronze Aluminum, Scfi your -long-deferred"- visit in Jan- j hope of discovering the trouble, NEVER orrcrrf Grey Iron and Semi-Steel Cast. ligious literature . . . Jacob Tes- Higb. honor roll o£ the last uarjfr-that the Jerusalem corre-JHe was in the hospital four Permanent Waves at >ngs. Wood and Metal Patterns iere, the distinguished Danish ac- quarterly semester . . . ConvalStandard sizes Bronze and Iror sponflent of a big American news-! weeks. S3.50 and Up Bushings, Sewer Manholes, Cistor^ interpreter and reader of escing at- home after bospitElipaper, who misquoted you on your His mother, Mrs. E. Batt, exOmaha Tcivef tern Rings and Covers, CleanInspected, Hans Christian Andersen's fairy zation: Ida Koh&n, wife of 713 Srandeis Theatre aut Doors, Sash WeigMs ana famous speech before the'..Royal.{.presses her appreciation^for the Yellow Bras* Plumbers' FerBuilding tales, is a Jew of Sephardic or- 'H&aclic! KfiMera' Kohan of the t Karket Commission . the day before j gifts, flowers and mail that were rules, carried In stock. Bronze igin. An interesting interview "World-Herald staff . . . Leo Tablets, Bronze and Cast Iron Thanksgrivinsr Day, has been sum- f sent to her son by friends while JIarks, wbo is prepared to reGrilles a specialty. | with Mr. Tesiere is printed elsemarfly discharged. (he was in the hospital. where in this issue by Leonard turn to his duties wills the CONFERENCE: ..Seen and heard Nathan, a member of the Jewish Omaha Fixture find Scpp'y at the J. D. .C. parley in New Press staff. Says Jack Reel of Company . . . Marts introduces ;s York ., . . Goy. Lehman incessantthe Bee-News: "Few dramatic ar- s s innovation during his conBy BAY gCfHAPIEO ly smoking a pipe while listening tists seem able to accomplish as finement at. the hospital by fatto'the. speeches. . . . The only much with eyes, posture and ing flashlight photo '-shots" of platform-sitter •who smoked, by movement. Mr. Texiere embell- Ills visitors . . . A carnation to Before the largest crowd to OMAHA'S FINEST ishes his readings with every one Jeweler Eddje ErcxSfcej- who the way .... . Rabbi Jonah. Wise ever, witness the opening of the 'v^ CcL Cit SPECIALISTS RECREATIONAL PAHLOH of his senses. Truly a great ar- conies forth with sn unsnUied (ira-wing a big laugh •with his de- regular basketball season at the iN BlUt-IAROS—SNOOKER tist who does his work in a de- story concemJEg EGwancl Wind»scription of .Felix Warburg and Center, the A. Z. A. No. 1, the POCKET BILLIARDS lightful informal way" . . . The sor-TTaliis Simpson Paul Baerv aid as the Damon and Barish-Sanders Motors and the 7fjn::&cn. OIL All New Streamline Table* Pythias-of •philanthropy , . . A n d Psi Mu emerged victorious in (Newport, R. I.'Synagogue, bas a ; a s t O T e hf.pperar.g . . . That was Restaurant—Bar AND of himself and "William Rosenwald three well played games. I Torah written in leather, which Harold (Popkey's son) Tuch-' Olrect Wire On All as the Amos and. Andy . . . .OverIn the curtain raiser, the I was brought orer bw the ances- maa who was so attentive to BUIS^Efi SERVICE Sporting Evcnt» heard: Henry Ittleson, automobile Mother Chapter had a compara'tors of the founders of the syn- comely Clara KapJsis . « . One Ladles Especially invited finance man, is now the wealth- tively easy time of It shellacking la^ogue, from the Spanish Inquisi- of the grade feacfeers at a Iocs! iest Jew in America . . . And the Century Chapter to the tune jtion. While repairing the floor public school (rut .Jewish) scg-PLAMORE.'. that's admitted by those who have of 25-13. Due mostly to Morris | boards of this synagogue, a trap gested that t.he-Jewish children Lumbar £i Coal Co. BILLIARD AND LUNCH hitherto been ranked on the num-"Maniac", Adler, stellar guard, door was discovered leading- to a who IEESSS their presents ia 1818 Farnam St. WE 3423 IVALKUT 03C0 who passes the ball at the basket ber one money rung. secret cellar, En auxiliary case- \ school, bring them to their Instead of at a team-mate, the ment, similar to those used by! parents during tlie week . . . adding iiiat the Marranos in Spain. UndoubtUNITY: The J. D. C. and thewinners were able to keep their -MWflW^SH^i. f'% * I ^: &^ f' (=%\ | edly they were prepared for a the only present that she det'. P. A. are drawing closer to- first half lead. Adler was good for five buckets, while Kuklin's sired was that the children coasimilar experience when they migether than they, ever have been grated to this country . . . A sec- tinae to be proficient In tfeeir since the split a year ago . . . A last quarter two field goals were ond hand bookstore in Portland,' grades . . . A heart-Sctterer is small committee of importants is the offensive threat of the losers. T h e Barish-Sanders Motors, - SPECIAL Maine, has a volume containing! han&osae j-oEng .JiEiriji Saltzmapping an equitable percentage Dec 33th to SXst | the records and minutes of the Eian, who Is vissting Tritli fcjs V.asis on which funds from var- pre-season champs, slapped on the XI Lambda five a decisive dej Portland Society for the promo- Sad, Mr. Samuel SaJtsrasn . , . tyuwv ious charity funds throughput the feat as Harry Altchuler led them f »4% ! tion of Christianity among- the j Thouga but So, he is assistant 15th JA. 314G country, will be .allotted to each In. a 39-22 Tlctcry. Yaffe opened jjews, dated 182: to 1829. This; to Geae Inge, radio editor of • . . Our informant emphasizes Ek Coats, HaU, E t c Omaha's Largest i."d Most scoring •with a free throw and ' is the oldest existing record o£ I Xtos Augeles Eersld-Sspress . . this does not mean a united J. D. the Complete Storage and Auto For cos I, clothing OP an> Cash and Carry. . . reducet . .S9c from then on the winners had Fish who Hioher priced garments j ths First Christian Missionary for end so BCTO- tis 1Goldis necessity that sere temper C.-U. P, A. drive. . • 1 Supply Store e f ' H l S fit: I-OV- Hfc M c- ' 2Se each If you send TWO. Reg. i? in' tlhe " m 1 I ' Tlicre firing slofig. Voi> can ofais their opponents well in h'and. Al| Jews. The last item costri&uted | ular standard Dry Cleaning, Nc to $5GC, and supply *^^ (5a ® Washing O fires "eduction In SANITONE. i by Julius Bisno, who has just re- ] sppenrs to be ES epiCemic of FACE: A prominent Jewish so-! t h o u s h t h e score was convincing, we sek. Phone'*T 6SO0. • Lubricating o Tubes l;%, $&m %m I: ^ *« ^"v> *-. V «fe>«**: * Slmomzing ciety ^oinan of Scranton,. P a . . ! ^ e boys put on a good show for i turned from an extended trip in ] romances ©ceding 'mongst 'the o Accessories name of Mrs. Lester Schwartz, ithe, customers,_ the game being j behalf of A. Z. A. organization; ujembers of the' Center office Service With a Smile work . . . • staff . . . A certain petiie looks BO much AT-43S3 woman wonders if tfce cj F.1A-12S3 We-Never Close Simpson that wiS reach the v.pper *k 51 card, the Psi Mu fraternity fresh A lleny "Grcdi-s" \ tlie bcilaisg ! : {Etslier c": ; .c.' they lamp her. -" from a defeat from the A. Z. A. The good ship 'Showboat' dock-j Tfcst perfect, physics! specimen 1 the week before,. took reBURLESQUE: If you want to N&. on the top floor of the Elsek- of s yonugstcr galloping: down venge on the APT's and confee the premiere, of the Minsky quered them by the score of 29Hotel last "VTednesday vciih- the Center Gyta Court is llnthe Temple, Israel Sisterhood at; bert Slonsky, s °n o* Henry s the helm . *. . Co-operation aad j Monsky . . . ionmerJf a slz.T on , you'll have to get theI " ; " ™ P-l'-Mn all the .way permission of the use ci litho- • the Central High basketball \ s© & ifl©_ graph and printing material by i •End football squad, he Is now . The very swanky invites sent victors. Sam Giller and Millard "CourtEous—Reila&Ie" 'jthe lilasTvell House conipasy add-; a member' of the Bsrir.Ii 3-Jo tor out to the lucky ones bluntly Slgal of the Psi Mu divided scored realism to the affair. The en- j basketball teasn is tine Ccvtc? specify "formal" . . . A n d once ing honors on their team with 9 trasce revealed a gang-plank to j Jjcsgu.e . . . In rinded in t5ie 31st the show gets under sail, there'll points as Herb Marks led the . © Sweet Butter'" admit tlie guests 1 end patrons . . j of public school bors boii-orefi • . . 0 Dated' P.lillf • • .' ' be a special section in the rear q£ APT's with the same amount of Our funeral parlors sre • 0 Bour Cream . • In the "lo-casle* of the "boat'"; reccstlj- by the Kotersaas os the orchestra, admission to which points. , furnlelsed in Home-like the "mess hall was in charge of- their irork ia scfeoIsrshSp ssd you'll need, in addition to a tick- - Admission to \ these Sunday and many other products, Mrs. Julius (Sadie) Kewmars, | citizpzjslil? were the fol'owisgr: fit, at the very least & tuxedo . . games . are 15 cents for non-memaslr your jjroccr or call . Mrs. Abe Soisberg aad Vxelr cir-J Gordon SlargoMs, Albert l e g We have spared neither time Wonder if the burlesque Queens bers and 10 cents to members of W cle . . . Various booth, lined the ; man and Eobsrt SihenaaB. nor expense in Civeloplng evzry *U also dress, or rather undress. the Center. For the few pennies, ohase of our service. deck, -firhicli were "manned"' (-wo- j At the Puppet sbotr given Sunday afternoon <>nn be -well HA-2226 IFsmsm at SSrd HA. 122S inaned) by Mrs. Jack-Cohn ssdj spent. Enjoy a good afternoon. ]her circle in charge of the arts] INDIAN: Wouldn't be at all surprised if Dr. Felix Cohen. For the first time in weeks, I ••onn&, blond, brilliant son of have not received' that annual arProf. Morris R. Cohen, who is 3nticle on the Health Club activihe Department of Interior, is oneties. Whether it'F boenuce the >f these days vjndncted into some victims of his wcelrly ribbings ndian tribe as a honorary chief have found him out and done • - Felix Is drawing up theGov- awny with him or whether he if 'rnment's new Indian laws . . . just losing what is known as
Flower -Shop
. .'Supply Stores
For . :. .
Page §
Society News
Epic, the Ks.levs.la. ; pied e Macbeth and many others. IHUS Recently--when told thst he TTBS ! like | being considered for 'fte Kobe!' clv.c! (prize, in a characteristic {tj'narnic! Tlc j fashion, -Tchemichovskr snorted a re < that he is not Bernard 'Shavr. "I • pros will accept it." for the
Number 419,000
Miss Elizabeth Raskin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Raskin, ."• > ' L k* tat ii&^'eri Tel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agency) has chosen New Year's day as —The Jewish population of Palthe date for her marriage to Jack KISS ANNA PILL, correspoadeai and Sida Lanes B¥ P. B. E . estine at the end of 1936 reachLipman of Stevens Point, Wiscon• B y L e o n a r d ft&thea • iiiTECMKaaximnniiiciiaEJia sin. The ceremony will be held KSKSinnpnnnsiinnHinninjnnnrnisinaiiBis ed the new high of 410,000, it at 11 o'clock in the social hall of The Council 31uffs Lodge No. was reported at a meeting here of Shaare Zion synagogue, with Rab- 688 of the B'nai Brith will hold the Jewish Federation of Labor. In a pointed communication to Other statistics of Jewish debi H.' R. Rabinowitz and Cantor a regular business meeting MonA. Pliskin officiating. A wedding d a y evening, December 2S, at velopment in the Holy Land dur- its wealthier citizens the Jewish! young men of the Settle-. ber! breakfast for the immediate fam- 8:30 o'clock at the Eagles Hall. ing the past year showed that j community of Aden :.i Arabia has j m e n ( . •sir*f-1.n jrV i p i j E I Vi. Jews had invested more than I made an appeal for less ostenta-i* , h o ilies of the bride and groom will Election of delegates to the next British District No. 6 convention will be 130,000,000 in Palestine during tions and cheaper weddings. The; c o l o n i s t s b r d a n c l l 5 f e W e H 5 S hi e n d ' would r o t *6n^ The past week has been enliv Mrs. Bebe Idelsohn, of Pales- follow the ceremony. of;F I i n g w b e r e r ened with. students from various j tine, will visit In Sious City on Miss Raskin has been compli- held. All members are urged to 1936. Of this sum, $17,500,000 reason: the Acen equivalent v in response to was poured into agricultural en- 'keeping up *••'•+* * T~~~*.~> J.I the° Joneses' is colleges and universities return- January 4, and address a meet- mented at a number of parties attend. | the requests of the Eritish soiNew York (\v.\'S>—-The Jeivg terprises. J raising havoc with the birthrate. ing home to spend their winter ing of the Pioneer Women's or- during" the past week by friends j diers, the younjL: people of the col- h a v e t h p lipp hicst fppf in AmerThe powerful federation of La-j Aden's season of bethrothals vacation with' their families abd ganization *;that evening. Mrs. and relatives. The Cultural Group No. 1 of jony danced 'the Hora.' ica. Dr. Jerome Pc!ia;tner, noted friends. Idelsohn is the secretary of the Saturday evening. Miss Hannah the Council Blaffs Senior Hadas- bor now has 100,000 members, j follows Siracath Torah when the If the Arabs \roiild IBI-CP up expert, found r.fier a nr-tiosiFrom the University of Nebras- Muapzoth Hauualot in Palestine. Lipman entertained a group of sah will meet Monday evening, believed to be the greatest pro- j young people meet in the syna-! football and devise a national foot v.-itle surrcr of six niorihs flrriiii: This year Cupid's visit to ! d~n it, is possible that the Roy-; which portion of union representation to j December 2S, a t the home of Mrs. ka have coma Frances Kali She was born in Russia and refriends a t a bridge party, honorhe l-.ii v Joe Gotsdiner. The Cultural population in any country of the j Aden's Jewish community has i. Mina Slotsky, Annabell Ernie n,'ceived her education there. She ing her, thousands of feet. f l n Q 1LS world; 10,000 new Jewish workbeen as successful as a European ; Mateel Stein, Arnold Levin, ahd|was exiled from Russia" because Thursday evening, Miss Anne Group No. 2 Class will meet at y simpler. i MO.MSKV, GROD'NSKY t Sam Sadoff.. of her Zionist activities. Six years Cohen was her hostess, when she the home of Mrs. Leo Meyerson ers were reported to have been disarmament conference. absorbed during 1936, with the i COHEN,Vnitvs. ' on Monday evening, December •Students from the University ago she moved to Palestine to entertained sixteen guests at an The communal leaders point to 7-S,-i-«--i j country's labor market described the~Jact that the economically less: 28, at eight "o'clock. of Iowa, at Iowa City, who Will continue her Zionist .work. Mrs. evening of bridge. Trans jordi •,n as "under marked improvement spend their vacation here Include Idelsohn will speak on the new- Tuesday noon, Mrs. Henry be*! 'Promised to Arabs; 7 Henry Greenberg, Josephine Ko- est • developments in Palestine. Sherman^ and Mrs. Joe Kutcher Mrs. Sam Gross entertained her as compared with the end of be 1935." senblum/ Bernard Skalovsky, Mirpresided at a luncheon in the Afternoon Club at her apartment corae the style in the city. ThereLondon (JTA) — Sir Herbert i I!," iam Barish, Newton Sacks, MorMartin Hotel as a courtesy to at the Hotel Chieftain Tuesday fore they are waiting in the hope ris Bernstein, Ernest Epstein, Miss Raskin. Samuel, first British High Com-; ' < afternoon. that their fortunes will change Dave liasensky, Isadore Shindler, missioner of Palestine, explained i'_',' Mrs. Nate • Goldus and Mrs. Loyal Keir, Dave-Singer, Rosiu- Rabbi Harold Gordon of Wat-Louis Fish will entertain today in Jerry Krasne, son of Mr. and The magazine Coronet publishes ''l a s t T e e k why Transjordan was!"" d e d VrRh t h e HoIj na Dikel,- Mas Gorchow, Art Gel-erloo, Iowa, will be the guest the Martin Hotel at a bridge par- Mrs. Leo. Krasne, underwent a fascinating tale of the world's!" 0 1 ; 1 " Lanfi lItlder t h e fand, Milton Barrent, and Lester speaker this evening at Shaare ty, to which twenty-four guests Mastoid operation at the Mercy By HELEN ZIGBIOND first professional detective, Jacob : BaKour Jewish homedec!ar Xazriowich, and Perry Osnowitz. Zion Synagogue, when the Tenth are invited. Hospital last Friday,, and he is Hays. Though a member of one Iland a t i o n . He told the Hollywood — Producer Sol M. A n g l o P a l e s tine .-Robert,-Pill and Lewis Wein- Annual Students welcome Bervice Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. now getting along satisfactorily. r of the fost prominent American-j ~ ,' Clu-b that a V urtzel has been in this scream- ' Jewish families of colonial times, berg,- students at .the Shattijck willbe held, Rabbi Gordon is a Raskin will be Miss Raskin's C* I '" ^ ~\\i graduate' of the University of Military Academy at Faribanlt, ; Miss Pearl Meyerson is leaving ie business since 1&15 . . . began j hosts at a dinner party. • raised as a Christian. MONSKY, GRODINS'KY, ... Minnesota, arrived in the city Minnesota and the Yeshivah in as secretary-stenographer for I Sunday for Sioux City Iowa to i MONSKY, C.ROO NT K V , IV ASER £ Monday to begin iheir vacation. Jerusalem. He will speak on ™ O°°£f NN,S.M|r.nnky8BtdB j William Fox. The story goes that T A l ^ C ° n S t a b l e ° f N e W Y O r k ' i Miss Sarah Kaplan,. daughter visit over New Year's as the he once saved Fox's life - and Jacob had no equal as he with ' COHEN. 'Living-. Jewishly." Cantor A. Philip Silverberg and Bernard Pliskin and the synagogue choir of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaplan, 1613 house guests of her sorority sis73" Omaha Nstl. B a n k EHrlp, thereby got a life-time job. But nimble wit started to rid the city Marks," students at Harvard, ire will chant the ritual. NOTICE IS HKH E Fourth street, will be married to ^ Miss Annabel Emlein. Miss G; 1 "EV Thn in fairaess also spending their vacation in must add of crime. For forty years he held ! noratinn the iindei-fsicnori *r} p >:i>rSamuel E. Terry, son of Mr. andEnifein was a guest at the Mey-that the Fox studio we Following the service, a recephas changed his position, using great skiii in. Sioux City; with, their parents !»n-ntion imrsuanl m t h e ' Is; Mrs. M. Terry of Chicago, Satur- erson home last, week enroute to hands three times since those solving murders, kidnappings and i AyEXCE^THEATiJli _..,.> tion will be held in the social Henry Ginsberg and Bill LaasTlinanip ' of' I IK>r?irv - n t i n n t<day evening in the Edgewater her home from Lincoln, where robberies. ! X'ithv,itS r > r i n c i p a ! PInc^ nf'busi'nef.= 'in Ti-i r-- Ar berg are here from Minneapolis, hall of the synagogue, honoring Beach hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Kap-she attends the University of Ne-days . . . and Wurtzel remains. < the students. Perry Osnowitz will PORAT1OX. v.-sih inc '•"i.-ii t i i - i ' - f i t s in .His viewpoint as a criminolo- | ^ h % h ^ c S r a t i o ^ formld"---• where they are enrolled a t nf business in the c i t • of T EC !re oth be toastmaster at the reception lan, William Kaplan, Isadore braska. gist was decidedly modern for he I ? Q" ss tessee. owner or orp University of Minnesota. t h j s c objocis for wlik-h Strange case of Ann Loring: A not only arrested, .but he tried to j « £ - *• 1o n p P ! R t P t l l e H t I P S and students representing their Kantrovich and Miss Mary-RozofHIT: IV ncqui ion oi- movinp pictures find/or I fnrmed •'•••Henry., ,.'Himovitzi enrolled Melvin Brown left Wednesday sky of Sioux City will attend the personality contest winner from of shows or perform- | °. colleges and university w i l l prevent and to rehabilitate crlm-1 91* ?spntation Rush" Medical -School in Chicz Of every kind and character I " ' f i f s for the exhibition of for Chicago and Waukcgan, Ill- Brooklyn. Arrived in Hollywood, I inals. . . speak. Refreshments will' be wedding. ajjd to handle, <ieni in nnc! contrnct i " ' ' ' '" i'"* liiTseiii;: and Norman Brodkey, a stud " nerfornwncff c>f r-.-e served by~the Ladles'-Auxiliary of The ceremony at S p. m, will inois for a visit with relatives. she had the good fortune to bej Even in his own time his talent with reference to moving- picture 1 ' i at-"the Illinois school of Optqm- the synagogue. *"—- - - • ' • • and character, and f> handlo. He expects to be gone for two in be followed, by a formal dinner in recognized and he was conflnd contract, v.-ith r r to etry in Chicago, are spend picture film? n n r ] / o r ; the hotel for 100 guests. George weeks. Hood of El Dorado." Next followsidered the world's greatest deTomorrow morning, Seymour their -vacation in the city -wfith ed "Absolute Quiet" . . . Unfortun unfortun- ttectire t i !t l U t i o n ' o r t h e exhibition of same."and formnncfs oT ev<-ry kind MIU; .•ha.-.-.cRobinson will act as reader of the Olseri's orchestra, which will play ter v-ith refevencr "to tlm product ion. their families. ately . . . for the producers have * . ! t o d° s r y enrt all thinp-s necessary, rhe d i s t r i b u t i o n , or t h e exh'lijtjnn of the wedding march, will play durKaiman's Kosher r quisi{e o r Miss Bernico Galinsky, who is law at the Junior Congregation ing the dinner. Same, a m i to rio finy ami nl; thniiif n d / o r entertainment Once when h e Was responsible of? theatres e Proper in the operation remained "absolutely quiet" ever innocent n e c e s s a - y . reaiiipiie ..r proper in tiie among the returning students is service. since. In the meantime, she mari The bride will wear a costume operni.jon of t h e p ' r ^ F a n d / o r enlf:-^\lTrl I enrolled in the University of Il- The nest in the series of book of British tan and green velvet Komments ainment enteroriso. :; to PIH'^IKIF^. ried^ took i. -house m the Holly- je d the man's name and effected Ellr in real estate ajid persona] prop- tlease reviews by Rabbi Rabinowitz will a n d nthovwise ncqiilrp nhd (n linois. -.-' •_-«;--• erty of. every kind and character and J wood hills, and daily waits and his release. with a hat to match. Her flow(Continued from page 7.) deal in penernlly iv r»n'l e s t a t e nir? be presented on Monday evening, to dispose of and encumber same in .Sidney Bergen, who is studywonder. No sound . . . no sign . . . any manner whatsoever. The Com-Personal p r o p e r t y of every kin(! a m i ers will be yellow orchids. January 4, in the synagogue soAt his death in IS50 by order c h a r a c t e r and to dispose or and e n ing, in Chicago, is visiting with by the College Club . . . a except her weekly pa.T!j- shali have euthority to borrow pay-check, ^ of the courts, Hsys was given a money Miss Kaplan is a graduate of and. issue evidences of indebt- cumber s a m e in pn nmnner vr'r his parents here, and Miss Caro- cial hall. 3'oungster playing his first viowhile therefor. ! The total authorised ever. he C o m p n r Central high. Mr. Terry, gradushall hsv< state funeral, and "it was noticed edness lyn Fishgall, a student at 'the lin solo before an audience the tedious moments. • capital stock is J25.noii.no, par value Ihorjty to ho;-i'i.\<- IIT'IT"- and issue ate of Northwestern University, that a great many of the mourn- SI on. oo per share, el! of which sh=" evidences of i n d e b t e d n e s s tliorekir. University of Wisconsin, has jarwas astonished to hear a song is associated with "the Canada Dry j ers were former convicts whom he be. Common Stock, -and when fsst:led The- totn.l airtnorizei:! rppi;;i| suwk j« rived in town for her vacation^. accompaniment . . It was little s h a l l be fully paid a n d nor.-asKes'snhie! S-5.»n(i.ii». p a r value siiiij.iui p,^r s h a r e , association in Chicago. They will Jack Benny didn't have Joe I had encouraged to follow the T h e c o r p o r a t i o n s h s l l c o m m e n c e liUKi- i " ' h i c h shuli he common stock. five year old Dorothy, daughSioux Cityans who are attendleave at 925 West Carmen, in i t s Articles ! " issuer) siin!' ho rtiliv pnifi ness upon the filingter of Dr. Phil and Lee Roui- Penner's duck, but found some- 'straight and narrow.' ing Morntngside college and enof Douclas i ' non-assess.-iiile. T h e coi-pors'ti with the County Clerk Ihicago. • ' Cerk _. . The annual Father and Son For years all good police offi- County. Xebraskg.y snr] onek, who sang the refrain in thing that swims equally as well. joying, their winter vacation his h l l comnieni'f. imsjnf-ps unon the riishall shsll continue I n inc: of its Artk-le w t : h th<> o - n t i l y •week include Pauline and Esther Banquet will be held at Mount French, much to,the delight of i "College Holiday," Benny j cers were urged to imitate Hays' tintil January •].- 2DS6. The highest Clerk of Dr>i!c!Hs Coini'y, Neln-iiska, amount of indebtedness shpii no? exMembers of the Debra Club stands in a gondola, singing. As F r i e d m a n , Esther and Berrtard Sinai Temple, Tuesday evening, fine example. ceed two-thirds o£ the csoitRl stock. and phplf- fontiniTe untii J p n u ^ r y 1. the youngsters present h ei s will have their annual party for December 29. Representative fa-"•'''"'. T h e h i c h o s t a m o u n t of imieb;This restriction shall not EP|i!y to in, Erenberg, Melvin Rosenfeld, ind propelled across the stage, "Sister" I>©rothy possesses a j debtedness secured by re?) esfste. The thers, sons, and grandfathers will members who are in the city for pair j I a trio of little gondolas, exact Betty. Osnowitz.. a n i t h e caT)iia; PJOCK. T h i s r e s t riction nviiriber of members of the Board shall of the most trusting ZioBists have an almost childspeak, and a musical program vacation, Saturday evening. A wondering phnj! noi: ;iPi):V ii . imk'bl'MlnesH.' s e brown ejes . 7. The (replicas of the big one, follows like mania f o r remembering! w-r,i cured hy r-opi o s s r i r , Thn n i m i h r r o* dinner at the Elka Club will be "XJght of January 18th" is not j f i i m will be presented. birthdays. This year t h e r e h a s i fsi»s of the corporation. The stock- n i r t n b e r s of tho Bonrd pimH foe j>r&. Members of the Sisterhood of followed by a social evening. -„ . . n . , , , n " lorrc m m i holders shfiir hold their annual meet- viriPi! for- hy Hir T;y-ij;v,.s. \vlil,-h the drama that has been reIt-
• i!T
Shaare Zion
1 1
•, j . |
? n r 1
Father and Son Banquet Tuesday
r f
e n r
Death Claims Sioux City m
the Temple will serve the "dinner. Mrs. Meyer Marks and Mrs. Mor- Mr. Sam Cohen, Sioux ApartMrs. Frank Baron, 1216 Grind- ris E. Skalovsky are in charge of ments, departed last Sunday evening for New York City, where view boulevard, died Mo day-the. menu arrangements. . he will spend a two week vacav night in her home, followi tion with friends. lingering sickness. She had een
celvlng rave notices from the j A Line-o-type from the Holly critics, but rather a social j Woods: event that will he an outstandBobby Breen always- carries a ing affair . . . The local chiro- ;good luck piece — an IS 13 penpractor vrho has suddenly be- ny sent him by a fan . . . Gloria come enamored of a genuine Swanson is granted the legal
an UnUSUaliy l a r g e Crop ! i n s o n t h K s e c O T l d Monday in Janu- Hoard <.f!?.il fldminiRter t h e pffnir*: of The Rjoekholdw-* BrBP.deiS, H e n r i e t t a Szolu. i erj" of each j-esr end elect Directors. t h e cor-poration. shall hoiri thfi r pr.nv-'' nir«!!ng" on the The Directors shnl! elect Louis Lipslcv-, Bea Gurion, and •Tami^rv of each '-l-u Vice-President. Secretary end Tress- | second Alondny in .Tann ! an Urer. The Articies may" be Emended t-r >Tr E ' " e)pi?i l)iv-oir;or!-. T-hf- i i n e o others. s p h n ! i nl ij.^1j upon notice e.a provided for. TVith Hie '^~' Pr?r-v;^n\ Among the. birthdays beiic assent in writing- of
of the
an*: Tren^iirrr.
g celebrated at least in Palestine is Standing t d i i l stock the Board oi A" Lit'lc-;-: rn-:-:y be- j-ii^i^jifier; ur-on notice capital fn~. \vj;h tlif (>s«f<iil in Directors may sell all the properly a? : avsr i i provirtff] that of Satal Tchernichorsky who i n c ; of S0 o " t h e ot!t«t,indin£T blonde femme . . . may soon ; guardianship of her lS-year old • bas reached his sixtieth a resident of Sioux City fo 21 as entirety upon such consideration i CRp?Eal pincKHi? Renrii of Dirnctor? Mr. and-MrB. Louis Mitchell of as they deem fit. I m a y sell sli t h e p r o p e r t y SIF fin c n years, and -was 60 years old A students' welcome service Toledo, Ohio, former Sioux City- announce the event . . . What daughter, Gloria Swanson Som- j Tchernichovsky is consideredyear. Dated December in. jrc.n. hy j tire??- upon such corsulerp. '.ion RP they very eligible widower is court. -Funeral. services were leld will be held this evening during K. .D. 'GOLDSBRG. born, offspring of the actress' | ; - o s t authorities the outstanding have arrived for a visit in HEU.VIXE GOL.D33ERG. deoni fit. Tuesdayiiafiernoon with R ibbi the regular Friday evening ser- ans, D;Uec D' cpn'Th'"-r V,. 1 f'-'^ Hebrew poet, short storv 12-4-41 Incovporetors. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samtag a most delightful widow? marriage to the late Herbert | ylrlns n. n. aiti.i'UKV.r,. Benjamin "Goldberg officiatin vices which begin at 8 o'clock. Pickus. . • . ' . - . Our prediction is that all Somborn, restaurant owner . . . i writer, essayist, dramatist, and i-IERA;LVK (Jui.iifSKKG, EEN E. KAZLOVVSKY, Attorney Surviving are the wido er; Students from the various colwill agree that they are an Sue Carol returns to the celluloid Surte 53E Insurance Side, translator. four, sons, Abe and 'WiHiat of leges and universities, who -are pair when and if the an- in a character part of all Despite his literary and linguis- N 0 T | C E 0 F INCORPOF1AT1ON OF Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz arrived idea! BL'RG, VV E B E. EEEER, Moline", Illinois; Sam of Chi( igo here for their vacations will par- home nouncement Is made . . . I n things! MCK «. KFLI.EY, Att.yn. Edward Robinson tic versatility, .Tchernichosvsky is j SERVICE AMUSEMENT CO., !nc, Wednesday from New York 20C Unior State Bank Stdg. and Jack of Sioux City, and twoticipate in the service. They i n - City where she visited with rela- mentioning recent South High bought a castle in England to Xotice is hereby sriven thEt the nndaughters, Mrs. Jack Slotsky and clude Frances Kalin, Bernice tives. . . .most . of his : .„••.,» have, forme corporation ' N O T I C E graduates, the name of Bea store all the antiques he purchas- a.. physician devoting EY the f^tate of I P E T I T I O N to t h e v a r i o u s h e a l t h centers ; pursuant to the laws Mrs. H. Epstein, both of 3?oux Galinsky, Henry Greenberg, JoE S-tTTLtMENT Eoginsky was Inadvertently ed while there Paul Lukas . time i he .name ot the conwn :n Tel Aviv. His latest triumph in,v^,b p p HN,f.j,. ^ P M l N l f City.; omitted . . . Ben is a yonngster seph Rosenblum, Bernard Marks, he FEKY1CE •; ,la now taking out his citizenship h a g b e e n h i s t r a E s i a t ; p n H t o H e . ! ^ . TiON ACCOUNT Miss Ida Orlikof has returned Mina Slotsky, Annabell Emlein, home after a weeks.vacation with whose school record merits ats i'..n "w-jth its JTincinal plp.ee Co iy In the Couuly Courv v Doug-las Bernard Sfealovsky, Norman Brod- relatives and friends in Minne- 'tention »'. . Moe Franklin re- I papers — after all these years.' ferew o f Homer's two great epics. | ^ ^ a T h ^ ^ ' ^ r e i " ^ - ^ ' ™ thr- Ksi In the ports that XI lambda (X. L.'s) jtime — has a part in " key, Carolyn^ Fishgall, Miriam apolis. 11 be to kv.y. PRJI. distrib- • \ V . J is also responsible for Hebrew: p ? ra ' t!O " 3hii-e, in P<?id rson^ inLefpste*! are holding their New Year's All Barish, Melvin Rosenfeld, Mateel or othervipe acquire [which he alternates with a ! " £ ! translations of Sophocles. ~Theo-ja^ d S At a meeting of the Ivre :lub Stein, Newton Sacks and Sidney ar hereby noUfied affair at the Central Club . . . n 0 e l t i e s a n < 1 •lh "A Day at th'e Races" y of' Xo-vember, held Monday evening in the lar- Bergen. A uaj- ai lire n a t e s . . . AI |c r a t e s Moliere. Longfellow and I \ ' Sther^pereo^.a'i''property: • a dinner will be, followed by a ;iu 'Shean J r . and his partner, Ed -I .,...,.„ „ " , . feiell°w a n a End to act ES agents in connection ph tin Hotel, Philip Goldblatt vras WORLD'S WINDOW m'y Co? ){ a p r t i ' i o r S C hC l a S S ] C S a s O e d l p u s R e s t h e floor show . . . reservations Gallagher, may co-star in a movie " therewith; to ,en or to . p u r e l y or Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will ra- t'nr.t elected president .for the coling (Continued from page 1) < ° * • otherwise acquire anv rierht.s. T>riviare open to the public . . . D a - j based on the lives of their famed ii»:- " nohises suitable tion year, and plans for a New 1M'S speak on "The Jewish Student." licenses IRVIN C. LEVIN. Attorney, for the purpnsp*; of tbr corporation; Following the service. Rabbi and gladly, admit .that the quality of vld Bernstein, son of Mr. and | O U s fathers . . . Mitzi Green, after . . - 2 6 3 Brsndeis Theatre Euildinfl. eve party -were outlined. ; to conduct amuscment entcT'prises BTKT chnrp-ec f r o n : thf-ir trisa Mrs. Jacob Bernstein, and a Mrs. Lewis will give an informal NOTICE OF INCORPORATION ten years on the stage and screen, OFJfurrJsh r-ntfrUiinmcnt oi all kinds;,to filid eAGCircor (Mid t'pnl Iceleadership differs, that all supMeyer Shubb was named I ^'.jy. hold, pel! nncl exchpnp-e nnv pnd be .hart on s n i ' ' re!>;im president a n d ' Leon Dobrc si)'., reception in the Temple annex in posed leaders are not as pure in member of the S. A. M. fratcr- at last reaches legal age (16) to Ven thst the un- j all kinds of real and pei-sonai property: Court on the 2*:th fhi 13.1t;, ami thnt i:' you . made a heart as they ought to be, that nity, was elected as Co.chalr- i WO rk in New York " to deal in stocks, bonds and secretary.'Eli Rublnow was !ect- honor of the visiting students. said Court here, as everywhere, there enter man of the Junior Prom Com- personal appearance at the Vered to the post of treasurer, mittee at the University of Kesailles Club. Tfill the failings and weaknesss of our The New Year's eve partj PLAN NEW YEARS' common human nature. But It is braska . . This is the outstandbe held in the Martin hotel i the only, I think, among the Jewish ing social event of the season main dining room. Forrest lige- EVE FROLIC Binnie Barnes . . . fastidious, O m a h a , I v e r a s k a . a n d 1 * g e n e r a ! n a - I t h e c o r p o r a t i o n . T h e puthorize<2 c a n - i a n d m.-.ke s u e ! The alumni of the Phi Epsilon people, that leadership and love and the Committee is composed film fashion piate . . . -wore in a j S r fi t p e b u s i n e s s t o b e t r a n s a c t e d ! i t a l s t o c k of - t h e ' c o r p o - p f i o n ' s h e ! ' tip- < 1 e r s -' r J l o v T n c e ^ play low and his orchestra will p o p ^ r . to "f.naii oe t o p u r c h a s e , o w n . o p e r a t e a n d I J10.000.00, c o n s i s t i n g of11 2\m sha'-ps nf •' this Court m ay of the prominent juniors in the for' dancing and an elat rate Pi fraternity of Iowa University of and concern for the people p f c r l n i n i j i t HJ o r e ttheatres, h e a t r e s , music m u s i c I tthe he o ar v a l u e of S.iu.i.in ach Knrhl n u 5 nt-i-lainuis:. recent picture, a gold link necklace TOnsrol one o r m more par value S^l*-" eeach Kach I e ei'nldd Jt nhKa lt rnil ' iL m '"""f"! school . . . Heie's a late Flash n a i l s a n d a n v tj-pe o forn of enter-! share of stock fhnl! lie full pp.!,-! for I Ff'.t'rrBtr.te mcr he finnlly FC'AKI: niu! will be hosts to 80 couples at an have- — as such — ever been orr form floor" snow will be presented . . . fastened with a safety pin! tainmen.t, . . . Morrie Raznick, South Side to cesl In any and all | and non-assessable irhcn -issued, " The ' determined, busfness incider Mr Shubb is chairman, o, the "All University" frolic N e w made a reproach.. Yet. there is aen.al or pertaining i corporation shiili . commence business!' ' Er,VCK CWAVl-^u.x is today handing the thereto. upon t h e fSiinp of i t s a r t i c l e s viEh I"-4-"R-3t <_o»in(y .MidgA. arrangements, e-nd is beini as- Year's Eve in- the Martin Hotel. perbaps less ground for reproach packer, "Ring Around Romance" marks ring to the .petite Sioux City To borrow money for corporate purthe County Cierk of Douplas Countv. sisted by Mr. Dobrofsky. A um- Vic Fribourg and 'his orchestra among the Jewish people than brunette,- Inez Ireaff. the one-hundredth tune that Al poses and to secure any obligations' Nebraska, am: s ' . H <v>r'in>.c m-" '.• mortgase. pledge, deed of trust or i period of 5' ' ' r. •« "n- 1 i r l i f ber Of out of town guests a ex- will play for dancing1 and an elab- among any other. Who'ever heard Dubin and Harry Warren have Dy OtriPr'WiSe. ^ , j > t r i n d e b : e . - p e - c m v.-i , r ' h r)]f orate "1937 Review' will be pre-of a professional Jew attaining • pected to. attend the party. written in collaboration. T o p u r c h a s e , fease o r otfcfnvSpe nc- i c o r p o r a t i o n s h , V. :• L I - ' ...... --i,l ,ecsented. power or making money or sitting Zig-Zagging with Z. B. T.'s qP u iSree , a n ed at Ioa hold. o w n . sell a n d d i s - 1 itse'f. shsTl n o t r : c-e-i" t r ^ - " ' - - r > ( . - '/ J d P e r s o n a l p r o p e r t y of j t h e c a p i t a l H o t , ; l,i-r t l - . - - r . v i - , . - , o r Proceeds of the party will go in the seats of the mighty? Pro"Magic-I" our operative re- . And one wit bemoans that the a?n, i °KinnE a n a t o rleaT in Fforl-r.l:) (Ph^]] T\ot lnc'lli l r i i"*.1- ' (< 1C1''1 [ , , i . c" toward the education of a Ger-fessional leaders of other small ports: Mildred Safterstein escort- trouble ' with Hollywood is tdo b o n d s , d e b e n t u r e s a n d s e c u r i t i e s of j b v m o r t f r a c e i o - ]r»n<- " r' --"'«••••,P">-> \rj s h e c o n , o r a : , o ! , „,,.,; ;,„ ,.,,n,;1Iir,.,man Jewish student in the Chem- nationalities '• have often become ed again by Barney Miller , . . many supervisors and not enough every sort. To purchase, hold, sell and trans- i t?y P, bosni pf '' At their meeting last w Ines- istry college at the University of generals and presidents of Repu- must be "ep-ess"! J Ruth Friedfer shares of stock of this and other; n'of !es,= thpn *v 'r-<• day evening, fifteen new me lbers Iowa. _ blics. Thomas Masaryk was forman a holiday visitor witti Ho- supermen!" corporations;, and to acquire the good-i officers of the c i - p o - . - - . - o n . v . were voted into the A. z - A .:hapwill, rigrhts. assets and property, grid • be a M-eKidcn:. >. f - p --i ".•• many, many years a professional Dr. L. j . Dimsdale is in charge ward Kaplan . . . Helen Greenundertake and assume the whole or i tary and treas-ip - , • -. tv o < The Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi ato v l has beenpl dged of the party arrangements. Czech. He is a great and good berg and Ne." Univ. cheer-leader nf a • n > " p a r f o f t ! l e ooIisation.<5. -and-in 'offices may be h ul stopped the illing "• |. general to., do anything insofar as the. [ son. The artioi' • ter The class has man. But he had his reward. Ernie Wintroub . . . Mr. and Mrs. veral m short on the Olympics. They con- i same may appertain to, or he useful I Hat -Any rntrnlar roted What is the reward of the best Arthur Green fel months, and: for. or necessary, in connection with j the stockholder She is the for-sidered it bad propaganda and j| the duties as pledgesjwere :lude JUNIOR HADASSAH DANCE of- professional' Jews? Poverty, conduct of the business of this i the oi-tRtonrTir1" i t h e meetine . " baited it by protest. They also i corporation. RivMore than .200 couples attend- misunderstanding, rolling: up-hill mer Dorothy Margolin who was carry on buFtneg!! ?,t eny placf i about an agreement I orToplaces Orll- ed the- annual Junior Hadassah the.fabled stone of Sisyphus and prettily attired in a dubo-net brought within the jurisdiction of I showing for- | the United StF.tes and in any £nd al! I Und- dance, last Sunday evening In thepraying, often' in vain, that it do dress with gold^trimmings . . . among exhibitors Pearl Bernstein with Jerry MilforeiKn countries. .. : • j I2-25-,18--iL. eign films that no film trotild fee lont- Martin Hotel ball room. Jack not instantly hurtle down again. The authorized capHal ptock of thi." i •• der . . . Dorothy Kulakofsky and accepted -without its company lorria Reams' orchestra played for danccorporation shall be $111,000.00. divide-.. Mel Sommer an Inseparable pair source, producer, and, if possible, into Nevertheless! There .have al100 shares of the par value r ' . f : : Jr., i n g . ••.--•. • : • • • • " .'.'\ $100.00 each: and all of said stock- | r ways been professional Jews: . . . Jerry Gross and his "precSclfrartz be common stock' and shaii he ' • Miss Saretta Krigsten and.. Miss there always will be professional ious" Pearl Osoff . . . Insurance its director being clearly stated ihall paid for In cash. note,"?, or other pr-t- ' X on the celluloid. Dena Baron were in charge of the Jews, I am a professional Jew salesmen Sam Handler with Dot perty or ser%-iceK. a t the reasonable ', I, arrangements with Miss Florence and it is the one thing that I am Friedel . . , "Babe" Bloch and One of our hardest working market value thereof ana shall be f( Lohrman and Mrs. William Kut- proud of being.' "Smilin" Harry Perelman . . . Ir?executives often arrives at his of- non-assessabfe. . The corporation sha!i commence do- .1 per- cher assisting. business en the first flay of Dec- •' When the" Stolbergs and their Kuklin, dance instructor at the fice at six in the morning. He ingember, 1036. rand its existence shF.r; : ;' University of Nebr, with Dorothy Proceeds of the dance will go kind babble again about anti-Semimmediately plunges into his terminate on the 30tb day of Koverr:- i nown toward the Palestinian: Fund of ites and professional Jews or theCamel 20u6, unless its !3fs fee extenfird ' ^ A corsage of " roses |- w o r jj- a n ( j j S oblivious to all else. fc^r. Iseyond ssid -dHte S3y smeucrnent • to ' Sun- the Junior Hadassah. pseudo-liberals do so — we will trimmed in the fraternity colors Pouring over a script, he sud-these articles. '> in That the highest nmocnt of c r y i r - ' all know what to answer them. was presented to each date . , denly wanted to confer with the debtedness or Jsabnitv to ^rhfch tt/"^ mrna,'Injured:, by- Bandit Of course, we professional Jews Art Randall-furnished the music writer. -The writer, feeling; bright corporation is st any time to subject. vreek Fhai! r.ot exceed two-thirds r ' • Morris Sperling was injured have come down in the world. No Irv Kuklin en;ertained with a s s a 'morning lark, -walked into itself, its capital stock. one knows that better than we whirlwind tap routine and Ana!jjj studio at eigfct o'clock, and Monday when he resisted a robe of That the affairs of this eorporstio-. < But certainly Neeman -warbled torrid torch l-^ns surprised ber who entered his store at 500 do ourselves. the bOf?S' R CTeSt- fS2«2 b^ cotr-3--ict-?t! b,v s t>OE~ri of f"- ' J _*' * ." ~ ' *" . "" i rectors not lees than nor more ths-r Amos was a professional Jew and numbers . . . Soaior Hadassah Court Street. The robber entered ing, 1're.beer calling your phone j fc.aven,-of the following; officers: A ana a case could be made out for :cupy the store when Mr. Sperling .was an hoar. _ Where hare you President. Vice President. J-eeretsr\. ' for ; b u s i n g meeting will r~ r - ,and Treasurer, any two of Thseh r>'- , A busing Ha closing and struck him several Moslie- rabbenu -himself. Brith' HachayU Legal been all norning?" flees rnay be held by one and Vre ' ^ t t h e attention^ times with the.butt of his revolsame person. i •• -- EAKI, t>. F.OSS, Praha — The authorities have ver. Mr. Sperling received medi- (Copyright 1936 by Seven Arts That's al!' today. W ROSJE3 ROOFE ; Feature Syndicate.) legalized the Brith H a c h a j " I I, cal attention atii the St. Vincent incorpoorators. j Center. right-wins Zionist semi-military] (Copyright "lD35, J>e-5vish Telegra- In presence of hospital; arid is recuperating in* IRV IS C. LEVINC. Slotsky will organization. pliic Agency,. Inc.) his home. v Patronize Our Advertisers 32-11-S6-I1 meeting.
Mount Sinai
Heads Ivre Clu
£ r r
o u r !