January 8, 1937

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Entered as Second, Class Kail Matter on Jaircary 21. 1S21. at .Pestoffica of Omaha,- .Nebraska, tmder the Act of March 3. 1872


BOGIES AND. DANGERS'-_• Occasionally one meets persons, younger arid older ones, who are exercised over the fact that PalClasses of the College of Jewestine serves the purposes of Brit'* . ish. Studies will begin nest Tnesish imperialism and that the'Jew. . . i cay at ' the Jevrisa Community ish Agency, has or seems to have Artists to Appear Local-'Center. The classes originally | Envisioning a program of co- eago. H made capital of the possible or To Give -Address oa Present -ittendesl the Lewis] ~ " scheduled. lor last Tuesday were operation and'organization, Rabbi ! I n s t I t n t e »d the University of probable usefulness of our Yishuv ly. on ~ World Situation 1 because of the recepMilton A. Kopstein, new leader of Wisconsin. in Palestine to the British emJanuary 20 the faculty n^i-'H—s. j tion for ' -the" Vaad H'lhr, pire. Persons who use this arguRabbi Kopstein h o p e s to! ' ... ; arrived in Oma-i strengthen the Orthodox group I Brachah . Zfirah and her fcus- I Rabbi Milton. A. Kcn=iei.r v \ ment -will never stop to define in E v e ba, T u e s d a y ! through its representative body, II band, their terms. To them imperialism ; Sherwood. Eddy, the third b d Kahum Nardi, famous Pal- j conduct the class speaker to appear on the morning, to as-1 the Vaad, and 'to •.organize the! estinian musicians, Hjrrived in New ! Registrations Comis a bad word vaguely connoting Forum Lecture series, J same his duties.; various youth groups. York last week to begin their may still be mafis at the ,~ev,*-r cruel conquest for brutal ecoI "I believe in the The Vaad includes all the O r -!| A n e r i c a n t ° c r which wil bring Coffimunity Center aerk, bclo-p nomic reasons and the holding of appear at. the Community Center, i } Vaad as a great! thodox congregations of the city, i tbein to Onaaba, FebiTiarr 16. Tuesday. unwilling populations in subjec- Wednesday, , January 20, at 8 I factor in the deo'clock. He will speak on "The Th-?y will appear here at the Cention to European -powers. ' Telopment and; Meaning of the Present World tral Club, formerly the Knigfcts Now unquestionably imperial- Situation." j progress in the of Columbus building trader t i e ism was all that (though not ex\ life- of Orthodos auspices o* the JeTrish Xatiocal Eddy, well-known as a comclusively that) from the sixteenth j Jewry in particWorkers Alliance, Branch 54. mentator on -world affairs, a travto the twentieth centuries. But j ular and the .Brachah. Zfirah is a folk-sinErwe are to remember first of all eler, and author, has recently ret Jewish commu; S er. . She "was bora in Yemen in turned from a trip to the Orient. \ \ / that the Jewish people had nothfor the local cl E.». i" £. nity - in general," New officers of the Omaha He-J Arabia and brought to Palestine *Plans ing to do with this process as a For many years he lived in China i L the international cCe'r^z.' at a : at the -of one after the death j Club were installed T people. Individual Jewish mer- and JETorea. and has written books! Rabbi Kepstein. he said as he dis- brew meeting held Sunday afternoon of her parents.. She had a miser- ! ° : the TPth birthdey or '-~chants or manufacturers doubt- on European.politics, Hussia,-and I cussed his future in Omaha. G. Solomon, founder oZ the Cc . [at the Jewish Community Center. able childhood, at eight years of less profitted by it. But they did the Far East. His latest book is j , Rabbi Kopstein is a memb Cantor Edgar Aaron of the Beth- age being a housemaid. At nine cil of Jewish Women, r t ' e b so as "members of politics • and "A Pilgrimage of Ideas." . j a rabbinical family, being de- El Synagogue, accompanied by j she was- accepted as a pupil at completed by the Omf>J p°r, • economic orders the character of Undoubtedly one of the out- scended on both sides from five Miss Betty Fellman, sang .sever-j the children's village. "Mair Sph-i and-include a tea at 2 ,"f Ft which they had not. determined. standing of present-day commen- generations of xabbis. His mater- al Jewish songs. City Coramis-! h-a," -which had been organized; Nebraska Power Comptr; F; oriuni on the second f J C - cZ The great maritime peoples con- tators, ho. is likewise a man ofj i a l ' grandfather and his father the Junior Hadassah. Here; quered the world. Some, like the sound ideas. He is considered a were both Chief Rabbis of Radin recent trip to Europe. her remarkable talents were re- i Electric Euilcing, Monet. in Poland,' his father having Spanish, lost their conquests. The forceful and eloquent orator. Mr. I. Morgensiern, vrho offici- cognized and she was sent to Gen- [ ary 11. Tickets for the Community served in that capacity for twen-•' British, the French, the Dutch The international broa ,>£-Et ^r essin, director of the Habirsah | kept theirs. The peoples who had Forum may still bo obtained at ty-five years before going to Pal-jficers: J. J, Friedman, president; | players in Jerusalem, to prepare which Council xecuiii CE .1.1 LL' no chance to share in this con the Jewish Community Center or estine. His paternal grandfather, j for. study under P^einhardt ing Mrs. Solomon and ..1 £ quest. primarDy the Germans but from members of the Community Jacob Kopstein, was rabbi ol Nie- jSam Bloom,- vice president; Sol | herself thur Erin, president, r t V £ I" f E in Berlin. 'Rosenberg who starts his fortyForuin committee. Eugene Blazer not the Germans alone, have menchin, and was the author of j speakers from seven IT*. " h V / " In Berlin she n e t Narfii, a ! fourth term as secretary; and chafed and sickened with envy is chairman of tbe committee. "Tor- • participate, will be picl r young Palestinian composer. who ever since and are therefore mortest- ed treasurer for the thirty-second. I Nsrcli is a nsii'e cf Russia £nd:3:S0 over radio s t a t i c Z"""L ally in the same position as the book In the Yeshivahs. Trustees' installed were; IZ;WES educated, at the conservatory^ Mrs. Rueben Kulakr' conquering powers. - The UUBCOYRabbi Kopstein in his early Wintroub, Sam Altschuler, and , Kiev. After the-war he moved ] Mrs. Sam Josephson y ; ites had the easiest time. By youth studied at the Teshiva offL 0U i s Morgan; members of thel^Ith bis family to Palestine. the tea assisted by merely moving strath : and" east the famous" Chofetz Chaim, the j executive board: Ben Handler, jTfcere he came in coatact Tritii tlie j B C ^ Cober, TT. A, K^ they came to possess one sixth .of K. Ki .-l.r' well-known Gaon of Radin, Po- Daniel Swartz and Sapi Kenyon. I music of the old Jews of Yemen, vin Stalmaster, the earth's surface. Since.. 'the Ssm TTclf, I land. He was ordained while yet and Spsin. Xarci becaise John Feldman spofee .-of. aborigines they met were mostly" modem folk-singer, nxin- Herman Cohn,"- LOUJF ;, TT very young, and then went with play which will be given on- Jan- 'the-new quite primitive peoples hidden Etre th uary 31. Mr. Friedman r§ported \ ^ °* e Hebrew Renaissance ' 5nrer,^ BPH his family to Palestine where he from the general notice of man,T. M. Xev r~ r r ; " " " at the Universal Theologi- on tbe activities of the year., kind their expansion was simple Address On " H i t l e r " t o Be j studied cal College of Jerusalem. He was Twenty-five new members ?.lrs. JTEETISI GroSjnslr-'. rvhave! After tneir marriage, Zfiraa and unspectacular. . Oiven at Meeting on ordained by the Chief Ashkenazic been initiated into the E :Sre'5 r 1 and ^ardi traveled through Eur- is epen to all Crursc " T — ^ Rabbi of Jerusalem, the late Rab- Club.' January 19 jope and are now visitis.gr America and their piippts. ' In brief, the earth is today dibi "Kook. jfor the first titae. vided-among satiatefiL-and unsatBishop G. Bromley Oxnam, Res- • On" coming • to the United i Tickets for this unusual pro' inted powers, among those who Rabbi Kopstein became an IgTam may be gotten Xroia the secwould keep what they have and ident Bishop of' the Omaha" Area States, rlea in Talmud at the HeJ a -er ' retary of the On; hs branch of those who still thirst for con-of t h e Methodist Episcopal instructor brew Theological College of ChiChurch, will speak at a meeting ** j the Jewish NationalYCorker's Al"' quest. There is no third kind. €r J" - T—r~ The second of the daaces spon- liance, A. X. Cohen 22IS Spen- ! .Mrs. J5am .- C?-HET ->-r :• And it is evident in theory and of the B'nai-B'rith, Tuesday, Jan1 j president ~~ r " I " sored by ths Round Table of Jeir- cer ETtreet. immensely so in practice that, the uary 19 r a t the Jewish Community :?s' CeiifSE. tHis ..subject.:will be "The I jS ; r.^Jawers,...the I'contented .._;_."j-ish Tenth will, he-held..at the Jew-rSg-2eii".2:o Community Center. Sunday, \L2S. LS.LLZ Il/lYXil .V - EnglaiHk'Fnnrce, "'Hol- SignificlnceHVA'dolph HiUer"• f'-U-'. {January 10, at 9 o'clock. •' j Otaer offi cers el ectei lana.":: - are liberal, civitizea^ hu- " Bishop Oxnam recently came t o r Omaha from the presidency of De , Pesrl Perei mane, compared to those (Still At - the next meeting of the; Freddie Ebener's orchestra win hungry for conquest - - Germany, Pauw University, Green castle, In- Men's Club of the Beth-El syn- j furnish the music. Tbe first of i Mrs. Belle Kavich, a resident o* diana. A graduate" of . tbe Tfni-i agogue, Tuesday, January 12, Ben j the - dances despite inclement! Omaha for tnirty-five years^ died !Mrs. Har **y Elader t-cPFi-e- ~:r^.[ Italy, Japan. versity of Southern California, he j Meister, captain of the Omaha j weather was well-attended and'. Friday morning, January 1. i Board cf -direc tors ;r~r r * - s . "Very "well. And we, an unwarlike people, a.people of peace, de- has done advanced work at Har-Fire department, will describe a' proved - the popularity ct the! Funeral services were held tbe Joe Goldwarei past sired to re-colonize our ancient vard, Boston University of Theol- series of interesting narrow es-; series. j same day at the Jewish Funeral Mrs. Keyer TstelmEt. ' z cr.r homeland. - We could, not and ogy,- Massachusetts Institute of capes from injury and death by j Dan Miller is chairman of the i Home. Burial was at Fisher Kaplan,' and Mrs. Max Technology, and in Japan, China, A tea E.nfi social Jr : would not do it by force. "We Omahans whg owe their lives to dance committee of the E.ound Farm. meeting. could not do it without protec- .and India. "': the Rescue Squad and the new; Table. Others on the committee; Mrs. Kavich is survived by He has been closely identified first aid ambulance. • tion. Britain offered us that pro. ; are Rosalie Alberts, Morris A r b i t - i o n e s o n . Herman of New York, tection. Would any other protec- with -the field of education and The meeting, a dinner meeting, j man, Bertha Guss, Joe Goldware, ! a n < * * o u r daughters, Mrs. G. Meytor have been ^better? Was there has traveled extensively. In 1926will be held in the Lodge Room j Harry Perelman and Williard ,ers > M r s - ^*- Perlis, and Mrs. E. an effective protector to be chos- he was. a member of the; Ameri- of the Jewish Community Center. Smith. ' • ' j Himelstein, all cf Omaha, and en who did not represent in. biscan delegation to Russia and in The committee in charge includes j Tickets for tbe entire season 1 M r s - s - Kivach of Columbus, Xe1 t" I The eight little Ecr-"f«F .. character an imperialistic past? '•19932 ;went to Japan as a mem- William Racusin, J. J. Greenberg, are one dollar per couple and may!j braska. ber of 'the Education Commission '. presented the playlet, ' . Evidently not. We could succeed Leon Grae'tz, and Hyman Shrier. be obtained from members of the ——n~^—~ ! without Ice Cream." >-:--r only under an empire. We could of the International Missionary committee or a t the Jewish Coin-! ^ 0 tfCif C rrr b- ! K&dasEEC Child VCelfr-e V The have had no choice but among Council. munity Center. : Kaunas (JTA) — local As pastor of the Church of All FISHER NEW EXECUTIVE Jbinate announced th at it will no eon last Wednesday, vf-pv p^ empires. Who will deny that of the empires, in spite of all that Nations- in Los Angeles he earned DIRECTOR OF JT T», ff 11 i longer convert CbristiaEs, who i mendonsly received ifcrt ^ ' J WIEU to marry Jewish girls, to Jn- ! repeat the tierformsnc0 I F"-~. can be said and justly said, the his reputation as a liberal. Since J. IL F. c to Omaha he has enhanced 1 The monthly M'lave Malke of'daisin. The announcement re- I Beth-El Synagogue Sur f -' British Empire is morally the best coming Lave Malke J bis reputation a s ' a leader in the Ifew York (WNS) -— Mendel the Mizrachi will be held at thejrealed that Easy Christiacs, giv- I on January 10. ."••' bet? •"' . field of social justice. N. Fisher, since 1935 national di- Adas Teshuren. synagogue, Satur-;ing E s the reason desire to wed' The cast includes: C": • cT = Hence, it is clear that those rector of the Jewish- N a t i o n a l i t y evening, January 9. Rabbi; Jewesses, have applied recently j berts, Corinne &nfi F t ; " =• who are troubled or pretend to v I ner, Joyce Haykin, Rv.'r ~x • Fund's 5500,000 Palestine Land Milton Kopstein will be speaker.'for conversion. TO PRESEfTT "BERIREMthemselves to be troubled by our ! sky, Betty Cober, Dor-- r-Redemption Fund, has been naminvolvement with British imper- DER" AS YIDDISH ed executive director of the J. N. ialism are not ttiin"king of what F., according to ah announcement Tbe playlet -K-ill be r ^^ is best for the Jewish people in PLAY benefit perfcrmsnee fo- 'I The Social and Ct'ltural Club by Dr. Israel Goldstein, president the world of reality. They are '' dassah Ch"id TTclfsre I i r f . thinking of mankind as it is not, of the Omaha Hebrew Club will of the Fund. In the past year Mr. Fisher has in a world that does not exist. present "Der Fremder", a drama And this fabled unicorn of manin Yiddish, at the Jewish Com- served as co-director of the UniCt in this never-never land of dreams munity Center on Sunday even- ted Palestine Appeal. Up to 1935 be had been cam• they have placed in Russia - - an ing, January 31. The name of Par", cThe part of the "Fremder" will paign director of the American Subscribers to .the. Jewish Press are feeing impcritim of grandiose dimenwss 0 1 ;tted- i:-OE tbe "c t r sions, subtly but relentlessly con- be played by. Louis Wolk, and Palestine Appeal for five years in given an extraordinary opportsaity. rectors c,i the Talmud T trolling the veTy thoughts of its will have a support, ig cast of the the Mid and Southwest. GcMblat:t, by virtue - . y innumerable subject peoples, and following: Mrs. J. Richlin,: Mr. H. Snbscriptioss to the Jewish Press &re sow tion ES esecctive tire; Daniel Israel Lopez, a Jew of i Ruderman^ Mrs. J. Raznick, Mr. proudly boasting of the greater due. AH thoss \tho ji&j their 1337 Eubsoriptica.. Jamaica, translated the psalms j Herman Mirowitz and Mr. and military establishment in. all the member ot th e "board j into Spanish. Mrs. Harry Blacker. during the^raosth of Jssaary, will, fcr as addi" history of the world. tional fifty csstts, b2 given a copy cf Dr. Philip Imperialism in Palestine, in n»» f f f^ other words, is one of the bogies Sher's new batik, "Wisdom fresi the Bible and that people whom it hurts to think Lwiarl/ W the Talmud." • are substituting for the real men3 m <* \ ace-to the Jewish-people and to £ V This book slons is worth $2,50, and ths regall peoples•- -.to freedom and. to ular subscription price of ths Press is $2.03. By civilization in their permanent £i. character. I t was Hitler, who anprompt payment ©f your subscription yes s a y "Palestine must be opened to hatred on the Arab masses." nounced there was but one criter- all the Jews," Mrs. Beba Idelson, Mrs. Idelson would hazard no iiave both for $2.50. \ 1 artist, spoke last Tus ion of truth,.- - that.which is use- secretary of the Women Worker's guess on the results of the Royal ful to the German people accord- Council of Palestine, declared in Commissioon. "The leaders of "Wisdosa frcm the Bibls and ths Talnnd" ing "to the Fascist conception of an interview'in her room at the j Palestine have always had their is an escep-tiosilly fine treatecnt cf V~.z rrzzi nsefulness. Thence came the " Fontenelle before going to the \ difficulties with Britain and this ination of. Jews and democrats Community Center where she|i S D n t another incident." learning of cvx people. Herein tlo r ± i^™ cf and pacifists irom German life; spoke at a -luncheon sponsored by the ages is aada. to .serve n c i r m nc:ir r.~d The group Mrs. Idelson reprethence came the hounding of all the Pioneer "Women. reinforce our faith. ••"' '" sents has in its membership forty that was called Knltarbolshevis"The Jews are willing to .prom- t n o a E a l l 4 >men. The Pioneer mus; thence came the breakdown ise the Arabs t h a t they Will not 1 Ths Je-ETish Press is isdispeasabls is O^ r ( a once glorious civilization into dominate politically; that they Women of the United States and Canada who are affiliated with murderous and filthy: Jewish homos. • It hss beca a fsitif-cl ssrvasit will not- buy land already culti- the Women Worker's ' Council "And now SToscow is heard from vated by the .Arabs; and that they ^ e s t a b i I s h e d technical and agto the same effect, as Berlin. A will agree to a democratic parliaths latest sews "of ths -world, asd ths hs.^^^ir i c u i t u r a l s c h o o i s . t 0 educate the •V distinguished geneticist, Professor ment." women coming to Palestine as! ings of-ithe ccamrsity, Ey it? ?-^r:-r.ctirr.'=,rd *' S. G. Levit, is being violently atMrs. Idelson, small and dark, •sadersta-sdisf of t i e wor tacked for his scientific findings. and -very vivacious, said: "The pioneers. They likewise support and playrooms for If a geneticist in Berlin stresses Arab3 in the colonies neighboring j kindergartens aa escellsat stirrey of events zl children of working women. environomental- factors, off comes on Jewish settlements are friend-j "Britain, Mrs." Idelson feels,! here a3d elsentrhsre. .• . ' ' his head; if a seneticist in SI03- ly with the Jews, but they-are,'"i not fulfilling her obligations ' S ' ,cow stresses, the biological deter- afraid of the .terrorists. "Many; der the Mandate. According to j ' This spscsifiJ "c-ffcr is-an c -• jjiinants in human_.development, have been killed • and many have j u n agricultural director of the j j g ESOUM not bs crcrioolcsd. cf£ comes his. ThV&avSa writes: iv" "If - 3 a well-known fact that Pro- left because they did not desire j Jewish Agency, there is room for :1 ^4 fesor I-<evit and bis Institute sre to participate in ,,the general i two million more Jews." : I Mrs. Idelson spoke'Yiddish' and / drsrsing in'"through •their works strike." . • . •' " '" • "The Effendim, the Arab feud-'for tbe convenience of newspaper an essentially Fascist "scientific al landholders, are the anti-Jews, i reports, Mrs. J. Richlin acted ss (Continued on page.8.) and they have.-'Impressed their'interpreter. '.

Elected Officers .j of Hebrew Clubi

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Plan to Observe h, Birtihcirv of Council FG wilder






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By George Dobsevage Or-

This review is by George Dqhsevage, former secretary of the Jewish Publication Society- of America, and Is suggested by the publication of- Dr Philip Sher'a book "Wisdom from the Bible and Talmud". —EDITOR

serve the text. For centuries af- responsible, responsive, conserter the Talmudic academies con- vative and conserving. Tradition tinued the study of the Scriptures bands down knowledge, opinions, commented on yarient-. readings doctrines, customs, from generaof the text, and elaborated upon tion to generation, with more prethe traditions regarding Interpre- cision and! fidelity than they tations of the Mosaic Law. .At could be transmitted ' by books. the end of the fourth century, There are no corrupt texts, no these studies of. the Bible culmin- copyist's mistakes, no printer's About one hundred and seven- ated In that great literary work errors to "trouble the most exactty-live years ago Voltaire declar- called the Talmud. In the sixth ing, and n< censor to indict it. ed' that within twenty-five years, and seventh centuries, scholars 'Thus it was firmly believed.that that by approximately December known as Masorites applied them- in addition to the written laws in 31, 1786, the ,Blble would cease selves to the collecting of all the the Pentateuch, Moses had reto be read. In December. 1936, critical/grammatical, and exeget- ceived detailed explanations of the Bible, in modernized literary Ical observation referring to the laws which he handed down oralform, continued to be the best Bible. They supplied the Hebrew ly. To these laws were added ' seller in America. This does not text with vowels, tone accents, rules of conduct "Middot", which ' take into acount the millions, of and punctuation marks. They also originally were seven in number ' copies published, sold, and dis- laid down rules governing the and later, divided into fourteen " trlbuted by • countless' publishers transcription of the text. Their and increased to thirty-two. While all these oral laws were , and Bible societies. In fact, the work is called the Masorah. Bible is the most sought after Now, in the field of writing as not recorded in writing, at least " boot of all time. Its age, its dif- in all else in nature, since man- not for public use, they were prefusion, its influence, and its un- began scratching hieroglyphics on served most faithfully on the tabiqueness make the Bible eminent- stones, there is a survival of the lets of the scholars' memories. ly the Book' of Books. fittest among the myriads, of'con- The entire body of oral tradition edited: by Rabbi Akiba at the Originally sacred writings were tributions made to what is known wa3 beginning of th- second century, as literature. The best of these inscribed on rolls as is outlined in finally redacted at the end of the thirty-sixth chapter of Jere- are known aa classics. A classic and second century by Judah I, miah, though earlier recordings has been defined as a work which the called the Prince, the. Saint, or had attained the distinction of. were made with a sharp point on Rabbi. This is the Mishna, clay. Evidences of this may be having a commentary written up- simply, basis of the Talmud. Judah, seen in the British Museum, the on it. From this point of view the used his prerogative in Louvre, the Smithonian Institute, the Bible ia the. greatest classic. as editor,the select 'ins and, of and, among other place, in a glass In fact some of the commentaries making course, he omitted much that apcase in the Omaha Public Lib- have super-commentaries, thus peared important to others, while making its classicity fixed. * rary. many felt that even unimportant But not every thing spoken in The word Bible which has come name of God has been origin- material should not sink into obdpwn to us from the Greek, via the recorded In writing. The livion. Therefore, all the laws the Latin,'and "originally intend- ally Jews believed that simultaneously which were not Included by Jued to mean a book, has by its. con- with the giving of the Decalogue, dah in the Mishna were appended stant application to the Book of Moses received by revelation on under the name of Beraitot (omBooks, grown to mean a sacred Mount Sinai other instructions, itted doctrine). There Is a prebook. Thus the Koran is the' Bi- Oral Laws, which were handed ciseness, a brevity, and a proble of the Mohammedans and Das down faithfully by an unbroken fundity in the Mishna which reKapltal by Karl Marx ia the Bible chain of teachers to the men of quired an elaboration and interof Socialism. The word Bible as the Great Synod and by them to pretation. This body of exposiused for the first time in English successive generations. Similar- tory literature is tailed Haggada ocurs in a library catalogue .of the teachings of Jesus were and consists chiefly of folk-lore, the ninth century, so.' Professor ity oral, for He left, nothing written, legends, • Tilstoric recollections, Murray tells us in the Oxford En« nor' did He commission His. Dis- ethics, in fact of everything which gllsh Dictionary. ciples to. write for'Hiii. Knowing tradition retained but which was In a - broader Eehse,' removing this the modern reader 'will- the not included in the Mishna. Those it from its lexicographical con- better comprehend the nature .and who were responsible for the otation, '.the Bible ia the Book of structure of /the" sequel to the Bi- MiBhna were known as Tannaim Epochs — it is the book of the ble; thp great body of: Jewish lit- (teachers). There • re one hunancient. world, the book ot the, erature known as the Talmudi' " dred and twenty of ?theta, and middle ages,' the book of' modern' they flourished for two hundred times. Its diffusion la "establish- 7 The "word "Talmud'" means''to years to 220 C. E..;Those who fol"^ in another sense, It; siged; its influence on -one- questions. It has appeared'in count- nifies vdoctrlne'V or the exposiless editions, in text, in transla- tion of legal;., guides 'Halachot, tion and in commentaries. If one Vthe -::law in accordance - With were to evaluate the Bible in one which the conduqt of. life is to be word,, a compound word, to dis- regulated."! This body -of literatinguish it from all other litera- ture consists of two divisions. The ture,, that- word is "God-consci- Mishna"which Is .the codification oupness": •— -for" God-conscious- pt! Jewish, religious, and legal ness, in all its energy, and. inten- norms; and the Gemara, the coleiveness' runs lite a thread in the lection of discussions concerning web of - biblical writings.: More the Mlshna. The Torah (the > law, was the and more.' the authority of" the Bible has' come to be restricted basis of Jewish life as. laid down to the sphere of ethics where in in the Pentateuch. , While the the final analysis, It will find Its Law could not .be altered, changultimate universal' justification. ing conditions required- new ary For ages the property of the rangements and modified ordinJews,, the Bible: has overstepped ances. In. this way there grew up all national;boundaries and has a traditional law. which was transbecome- the handbook of human- mitted orally.ity. It was Ezra and the Great . Recorded history la known not Synod which, saw the need of col- only to repeat itself, but to contradict itself and, frequently, it lecting what were regarded as proclaims • from the. house • tops "Sacred Writings" Law, His- many >n untruth. .Lies of history tory, Prophecies," Songs,..and Re- would . compromise a. substantial flections. The Synod-was moved bookshelf. Legend la irby political, religious' and spirit- modern responsible ' Tradition ual necessity. ThJs body decid- closely relatedhistory. to legend, Is most ed upon the Biblical Canon and, according to the Talmud, actually molded some ot the Books. Only two of the Synod's members Lady'Maaseuse will give maflare known -by name —- Ezra, the sage at home. Excellent rocScribe, the founder, and Simeon ommcndations. Very bone* ficial for Neuritis, blood cirthe Just, the last among them. The Scribes or the Enumera- culation, etc. Miss'' Emily, tors,' they, who countc". the words We. .9017 or Wa. 1 4 9 6 .

lowed them were called Amoraim (speakers). The functioned for three hundred years to about BOO C. E. Their work ia called Gemafa. The finishing touches were supplied by the Saboraim who followed the Amoraim. The Talmud is written in Aramaic dialect Interspersed with Hebrew, Greek, Latin and some Persian, In order of both time and Importance the Talmudic literature begins with the Bible, which serves as a text upon Which the Mishna comments, of which, In turn, the Gemara is an amplification and commentary. In line of succession of material we have the Bible, the Mishna, the Gemara; In line of collaborators, we meet the Law Giver, the Prophet, the Tannai, and the Amora. The Talmud exercised a two fold influence on Jewish life. It served as a guide to the formation of religious, life and thought and it awakened intellectual activities. The legalistic and intellectual sides of the Talmud plumbed the mind's analytical faculties, while, the spiritual and folk-loristic appealed to tho emotions. Judaism may be defined as the most rigid form of monotheism, or it may mean more than merely a mental belief. In reality it is the effect which such faith exerts on life, thought and conduct. It is a way of living, a civilization. It conceives of a divine kingdom on earth; a kingdom of righteous* ness and Justice, the hope of humanity and its ultimate goal. The function of Judaism is to spread peace and good-will throughout the world. It may be distinglished from Christianity in that It concerns itself with this world, rather than with a future existence. Moreover this kingdom is intended for all men; not for Jews alone. This constitutes the universality of Jewish ethics, with its concept of the unity of God, the unity of the world; the unity,of humanity.' Its goal is to build an ideal world. The doctrine that human holiness can be embodied In a perfect society Is its most valid article of faith! Unlike Christianity with Its'basic doctrine of "Original Sin", Judaism emphasized the thought of "Original Virtue," and that man was beloved, for he was created in the image of God. The Jewish prophets, psalmists, historians, and sages produced the Bible, But the debt that the world owes to Jewls". scholars In the great translations of the Bible Is not generally known. The Septuaglnt was, of course, a Jewish production.. The Vulgate, the Latin translation by :j4rome, would not have been possible without Jewish hel,i, and Jerome

and syllables, did. much to pre-

expressed his indebtedness. Luther knew his ri&shi. The Kins J a m e s translators mentioned specifically their debt to David KirachL The revised English Version thanks Samuel David Luzzatto for his researches. In this connection It might be added as an after thought that while the English and other translations of the Bible may be magnificent, they are not always truth. The Hebrew concept is too often distorted by ignorance and prejudice. The volume by Dr. Philip Saer entitled "Wisdom from the Bible and Talmud" is in two sections. Part one, consists of selections from literature which was classic, when Ptolemy Philadelphus, in Alexandria, Egypt, arranged for the translation of the Bible into Greeks about two hundred years ago. Part two embodies wisdom from its sequel the Talmud. Both are the fountain heads, not only of Jewish ethics, but are the sources from which early Christian writers draiTs their living waters. The Sermon on the Mount was of Biblical and Talmudic origin. The selection in this book range from the whole field of Bible and Talmud and reveal an amazing diversity as well as a unity of idea and point ot view. The object of this volume has been to bring together the best and most characteristic utterances of the Jewish genius from time immemorial to about the fifth century of the common era. Dr. Sher's long familiarity with Scriptures and Talmud makes him the ideal person to cull this material. Throughout these pages we hear the God of the universe speak through his law givers, prophets, seers and elngers. The divine wisdom of Moses, the gentle cynicism of Kohelet, the soul stirring psalms of David, the visions of Isaiah, the lamentations of Jeremiah, the cry for social justice of Amos and Micah, the epical out-pourings of Job &s ho contemplates good and evil; the love songs of Solomon, are heard in the Biblical section. Shemaish- and Abtalion, Hlllel and Shammai, Rab, Rabbah, Rabbi, Meir, Akiba, Jochanan, Gamaliel, "the teachers who taught" and those who "were taught," all these and countless more speak incomparably in the Talmudie section. There is great vitality and "depth in this book. Dr. Sher's volume will appeal .to a great many people. Every library should have It as a permanent work. Jews interested in telling the world, what Jews have contributed to the larger ,. purposes of civilization would do well to help place this clearing house

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of Jewish ideals before sympa- backward lookin^. man." He Is en- Dr. Sher may be said to have thetic Christians. tirely abreast of modern thought, turned ever tv?o libraries, t o t o l Evil winds range In various and he has EH understanding of lect his book — the library of countries, and sozae Jews hare Jewish values, the significance of ! thlrty-Sneii books known as the; small power ot resistance. If Jew the -past and the duties of the pre-i Bible, e.Bd the library of sisty"and Judaism are to be feept alive sent. The importance of the pre- ! three' boots knov.'n as the Ta.1in the -world, then Jewish life end sent selections Is the psychologle- ; mud. thought must be zaade to reach |fil approach manifested by Dr. i A Terr plena. JCWB v;as in the Jew and Gentile alike. The Jev- Saer, which gives It a character ! habit of prajiTL.-, te God to hasish spirit must be presented Ell HE own. Samuel JobBBcm stat- ! tec the advent of the Messiah, worthily because Jews are saia- ed that 'A' EiEE rill turn OTCI i ority, and they must present their naif a library to mafee a book.", OP. page. 3.) special ideas and ideals in no mistaken apologetic form. This book is a most eloquent antS convincing apologetic of the Jews. The world and the Jew 'must know what ia meant by Jewish life, Home P I Mcif Furs That it stands for Jewish faith, Jewish martyrdom, Jewish idealism, Jewish culture, Jewish rigor, initiative and adaptability to tt Where Qmufm Shcpt. tsilk Confidence varying gocial and economic conditions. In this collection we find a subtle and delightful combination of profound reverence for tradition together -with a modern spirit as It'animates a sclolar — fitting him to ba am expon ent of the thought of his c-wn day. Dr. Sher is "a forward and




Wot AM






Page 8

templation of God'fl infinite pow- tef, but from what was known 1 wicked to be an uprighteo-as witthe Governor of Tripoli permits ! synagogues. It state he fesp »'•*.ANTI-FASCISTS ers." at the tizae, it was understood I ness. the merchants to' oven t vt<?T?. in • promised special pri vi] c-gre BILL GOES INTO Then a. Quotation from Daniel that the famous investigation, of i Thou shalt not follow a raulti-j-the morning, later than r-'if" >.n XII:3 which heads the article: tude to do evil;inneither witness a causeshalt to tfcou-i turn EFFtCT "And they that be wise shall shine the origin and .Boraxes or t i s Rus- bear at the brightness of the firma- sian .pogroias in 1903-1804 ns&e aside after a multitude to preLondon . (WNS) — Tie XLT.> ment: and they that turn many by Michael Davitt for 'New York vent justice. forms- of t i e Fascist blacksiirts to righteonsnes3 as the stars for American and other Hearst newso* Sir Oswald 2£osley are rs.-piz.lr By BERNARD G; RICHARDS Roba: • "This is what peoever and ever." : papers, was nof undertaken with- ple say: A zuz for pleasure is not being put away in camphor balls • « * as Great public c~Arthur Brisbane, the famous democracy anS equality among interest End guid- to be obtained, but a zuz for trou-! tier bill forbidding the i A widely travelled and - eulti- \ millionaire reporter who died men part of his religion. There vated gentleman, a cosmopolitan ance of Arthur Brisbane. Michael We can be easily found." Our; such uniforms went into effect. % recently, in many Trays en- were the family traditions and by habit and instincts, Mr. Bris- Davitt was the famous Iris\- pat- Rabbis were taught that the fol- Scotland Yard sent out forme" dearea himself to the hearts of | also the training which lead Ar- bane delighted in the variegated riot, soldier, and war correspond- lowing three things the Holy One, notices t© all political crganizaAmerican Jews and Jews the ; thur Brisbane with .Ms studious and multi-colored life of the great ent, who, with the use of only praised be He, laments daily: for|tions warning them of the ex. jvorld over. His death was no mind and unquenchable thirst for Metropolis, with its mingling and one arm, went into the maelstrom him who has the opportunity to j tence of the new law and the penf{ small blow to them. A constant • knowledge to roam through the fraternizing, if not fussing of the of Csarist Russia, and carried out'study the Tcrah every day andjalties it carries. EX defender of tolerance and ar- distant -stretches of historr . and son's and daughters of many ra- with him a report that stirred the does not, for him whose circum-) llosley announced that wh'Ie dent protagonist of fair play to survey the onward march of cial groups and nationalities. Ac- indignation not only of America stances fio cot allow him to study j his followers would doff their VJLfor all races, it is no exaggera- civilization'. from its earliest be- cepting human beings on the sole but of the whole world. When in | but who nevertheless does study, | iforms they would retain r, tion to say that be will be sore- ginnings. . ; . •: basis of merit and worth, he chose 1921 Henry Ford's Dearborn In-j and. for a chief c* a congregation blackshirts EEfi ties without ly missed, f i n the following ar" I loved to explore "with him," his associates and friends from dependent, carried on its vicious who conducts himself haughtily lating t i e law by wearing t ticle, "written exclusively for said President Roosevelt in his among all races and creeds, be- anti-Semitic propaganda against towards his congregation. I under ordinary clothes x s E the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, ! tribute. to the memory of the de- lievers as well as non-believers. the Jews, Mr. Brisbane, through Robbi and Rabbi Chiya upon' of identification et public mectMr. Richards, who fcnew Mr. j ceased, " t h e processes of history Prominent among his close as- his widely known column "To- j coming to a city asked if there! ings. Brisbane -well, reviews bis rela- land the rise and'decline o£ civili- sociates, co-workers and friends day," which was published not j was a scholar there whoia they in the Hearst newspapers but could visit. They were told there tions with Jews and gives a few : zatioris." • • were many men who were active- only in a large number of other dail- i was a scholar, but he was blind. FASCISTS EEFQIXE LAW intimate glimpses of the man. « ft. ~ O " ly identified with the Jewish com- ies, subscribing t o . the feature | Said Chiya to Eobbi: "You as B&EEIEG SAEBAIH 0.0511" J —KD1TOB. ; The late Nathan Straus syndicate, constantly refuted the | chief remain here, so as not to .The study of languages, ancient munity. cultures and civilizations, brought j Iw na t s i ml oa tnQS counted among his most charges and ridiculed all of these j lower your dignity, and I will see Rome (JTA) — It was officialScion ol, a cultured arid distin- Brisbane to a vivid realization of j friends. Brisbane and i-Semitic ly asouncfd here last week that guished American family, Tieir to mankind's indebtedness to the i Straus were in constant contact aad ith Mm - ^"hen they I brought Mr. Brisbane to a lun- exe "^eat ^ cheon of members of the press ^s a i d departing, the blind scholar qtIE . r ter will be compelled to : "You have come to see a k e e p t h e i r E t o r e s c p e l 2 o n t - u e Nahum tendered to the late Dr. N a i k e e p their Etores c p e t bad common, ranging and the editor devoted j countenance that can be seen, but. 3 a bbaih. Failure to obsen-e ar Hebrew genius as .manifested inUrom politics . to v philanthropby, Sokolow, c a n n o t E e e his entire Tddress, as'he (my --wish! ordering to be dd h did also l ! j cannot see. ^Therefore — ' — = '— ^ ' ordinance -• . . "stores" . and from business,to sport. The the ikept open led recently to the tris that) ye deserve to see on other occasions, to a vigorous p r o t a ^ s , of . o l i t , j Strauses, the Lehmans, especially defense"of"ourpeople"againstthe|countenance g a i n s t t h e which | \ v sees { but o \f\vei;{ l i Jew e ; all Jews and the Hogging: cal ideas, remained the staunch: Governor Lehman, the Schiffs, c ca annnnoot t b e sse e n " R o b b i t & e a s a i l i o f three others. defender of tolerance, and fair.| the Lewisohns, Seligmans, and grotesque "Protocol's" and s i m i -jI jto R. Chiya: -"Had I listened to j play 'for all races and creeds and According to the anouncement, other outstanding families in- lar spurious claims and assertions. you not to visit him I would not The same treatment was accorded I L , nnwearyin, ^ ^ V ^ ^ ^ cluded Brisbane "within their cirhave received this blessing." bagotry and prejudice in every cles of constant friends." With in "Today" to all Nazi fantastic h e • Chaldeans, Greeks, and h mostt con-i ""*' t*"" men like the late Joseph Baron- assertions and extravagant claims. form. The career of the ~"~ ',.••""' -• spicuously, successful and per- * ° ? B a * JJS° ^ e " i f f ? * H e b r e W E - dess, Abraham Cahan, Leon Mois- As a writer who delighted to ilFcsdsts Accept Baa lustrate his thesis with the disvasive editor of his time touched ^ ^ i r wisdom, and folklore, figured ; London (Havas via JTA) — maay conflicts of opinion a n d I constantly in his rapid flow ofjseitt. the late Rev. Sett, coveries and conclusions of BC5he had various dose Joseph relationships comment ! The British XJnioa of Fascists ancrossed the exigencies of politics 1 ' Interrogation, and com- of * *a most cordial and sympathetic j ence, Mr. Brisbane constantly | nounced it would forbid its meminendatioriV . scoffed at and riddled the theory and public life, at various angles; ' bers to wear uniforms at any pubI present-one or two quotations character. of a superior "Aryan" race. At but throughout all" chacnges;"-con- to illustrate this interest: "A man lic demonstrations under Brittimes in the course of a long j ;" m -r7ew"7ublTc" order Taw. troversies and clamors, the bril- may begin the study, of the Bible There was, of course, always, all and career, he liant editor and commentator held in his childhood and read it t o as there is t o d a y . a considerable, W l mnstrlons . proved . . of- |id i n a r ..y — t t b g e n i .n e friend aloft the ideals of his celebrated the . last day of his., life, always number of writers, editors, andpimselt to be a genuine friend ox I n e c k t i e s u n d e r t h e ordinary suits father, • Albert Brisbane, who as finding new inspiration, n e w managers of the Jewish faith em-.|a" oppressed peoples^and especial-1 a r e p e r n i i s a b I e c n d e r t h e l a w > (he pioneer social reformer, made jt h o p g n t a n d n e w meaning. The \ ployed hy the Hearst publications, ly of the Jews suffering from per- statement declared, however. most beautiful and powerful writ-] and these men and women always secution. He was rated as the highest ing that has ever been done is in found in Mr. BVisbane a helpful paid writer and editor in the Book by Dr. Slier mentor and friendly advisor. FOJS EEMT Isaiah." •The writer of these lines, as world. His lasting reward will Room to employes! couple or Shows ScliolarsMp Old"The beauty. and power of the Testament came from con-! newspapermen a n d communal rise higher still by the gratitude two men. 2 7 7 6 Webster St. templation of the stars. That! worker, had the privilege of meet- of a historic people which does At. 4 9 4 6 . (Continued' fTom page- 2.). The clczrc^cc ihz-l OTZ.ZIIZ splendid poetry was written by I ing Mr. Brisbane when he first not forget. (Copyright, 1937, Jewish Telelest there be no Jews to be re^ shepherds, inspired; by theiricame to New York from Boston c™c "r'C"nr7idous! graphic Agency, Inc.) deemed. After Jerusalem, Tiberi t hill1 a t t h e beginning of the century ias1 Pumbedita, Toledo, Wilna, i nights of'watching, on quiet hill-1 at. the beginning of the century. • - ^ _ : jdes, long hours-passed in con-; and the helpfulness he extended perhaps.. America may create the s 'in. the first interriew in connecbright day for the future xenaisGems of the Bible tion with a matter of Jewish ined to decide rabbinical and ecclessance. To trace furrows, sow the terest, extended through all these Beed,'remove weeds/ and bring i iastic problems ^put to him for years during which there were and Talmud home a harvest, one' must needs consideration.. He is at home many conferences and much 'cor' "By Dr.' PtiUp Sh'er the entire range of Talmud have a field. We have husband- midst ; respondence which_ for the most men; workers there are like JDr. and poiskim, while his familiar- part had to do with Interests afBE3LE Sher, but the field needs, tending. ity with later rabbinic literature fecting the welfare of Jewry here a "stranger shalt thou not And The readers'are lacking, ilodern is indisputable. -His skill in re- and, abroad. Our- first talk toot preoccupations, not so much with search and interpretation is place, in 1302 and-the last, alas, wrong, neither shalt thou oppress strangers in the . life, but - with the business of boundless." : . in the "closing days ol October, Dr. Sher has prepared a vol- 1936. making a living and the many Throughout he manifested Thou shalt not titter a false re- j distractions, • nave, taken, our ume which* will not. be "gone with his genuine devotion- to the prinminds off the values that are per-1 the wind"; for this literature ciples of equality and fair play to ort; put" not thy hand with the IHSUEEB C&BS manent- Accordingly any ' book 'taking its Toots downward and all. racial and Teligiocs groups. which restira the erternities to bearing fruit upward" will teach But the real test of friendship mankind is most welcome. Dr. mankind to be. Btrcng to bear the and brotherly. feeling came in world's hardships, be cheerful in Sher is not a rabbi by profession, times of stress, of trial and crisis, nor is.he a professional scholar. forgetting them, and keen and in- and every tragic occurrence that He'is one of the best known med- tellectual In over-mastering them. affected Jewry from the days of ical men in Omaha, In addition • _The ultimate ethical ideal is the- Kishineff pogroms to the Nazi he is a communal worker (he that man must be "his brothers persecutions in Germany, stirred dislikes the term leader) .teacher,, keeper" and help to provide com- this trenchant writer- and advoand guide in educational; and so- fort and 'security-for his fellow cate of human rights to the decial service activities. However, man; This book will teach man- fense of hapless and oppressed the ground work-for his . wide kind-to practice Ideals which the Jewry. The exact details are, of V: Talmudic training was laid at the masters preach. The emphasis course, an Inside editorial matfamous Yeshibah at Telz^. presid- israther on deed than on creed. ed over-hy that luminary, Rabbi Eleazer ;Gordon. _At .the age of seventeen he secured Semichot (ordination) from: several of the foremost authorities in Russia, who gave written- testimony- as to the young man's scholarship and /erudition "in all branches of •ancient Jewish lore.* He emigrated to the/Ohited State; in 1893. He aoon came into contact with the dean of Orthodox Rabbis of America, liabbi B. L. Levinthal, ©Met Rabbi, in , Philadelphia. Writing in 1895, Rabbi Levinthal saidr "1 was greatly delighted to meet this brilliant- young man who Is - indeed a. rare gem. I find r^ him to be possesed of great learning,, and entitled to fill any rabbinical position within the gift of American Israel. I- am prepared to recommend him as being most X / worthy' of "the • honor. After a careful study: of this prodigy of learning and; character, I had so •much-regard for his capacity and li you leal chiHy whea you wisdom, that -1 permitted ' him, go to bed—-iiss iha Sscfcic during a stretch of time, In my HsaSing Fed. Good for aches We Predict Instant Success for absence, to act as my substitute, cad pedns, too. -S you When l.:Tcar:i;. room crepes for he was most emminently fitt-. -fur. trinmsd coat"in French room, wools . . . are ofup to Q cold hott plug in


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Page 4

THE JEWISH PRESS, TBIDAY, JANUARY 8, 193T minating point

of his vory exis-

find an anchor for her safety. In The Voelkische Beobachter, Hitler's official organ in the her desparste struggle, Germany tence, and being driven by" W* third Reich, announces that Nazi Germany plans are no more was blinded by the iron fist of & thought almost to the verge <B£' demagogue and drowned her cul- insanity, he commuted the crime; new anti-Jewish legislation despite widespread rumors to the ture in the deep of the sea; Far of-killing. contrary. But any Nazi promise in the past has proven to be This act oJ violence could nevPublished OT?ry Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by from its darkness a •moBBtar arose nothing but a scrap of paper or puff of wind, meaningless and • By DB.' THEODOBE N, LEWIS and BEfier the Js-lse pretense of a. er be tolerated end vrbJle accusTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Saviour misled the nation. A new ing, him for using force, the civilworthless. "Whenever the Hitlerite leaders have seen the stolid Babbi, Mount Sissi Temple, Sloes Subscription Price, one year . . - . . - $8.0© philosophy called "Racial crystal- ised v,-orM looke with condemnaGermans tighten their belts with a little more grumbling than Advertising rates furnished on application. lization" became the leading cul- tion towards the creators of rausual, they have taken it as a sign to parade new anti-Semitic "SOME OP BIT BEST FRIENDS Jews under attack behave like ture of the shattered Germany, cial hatred and put their verdict action before the populace to. change to subject. "We shall be- ARE JEWS" BY ROBERT GESS- men — do not run like rats into Built on ignorance and stupid of blame i.pon the heads of per.Editorial Office: -800 Brasdels Theater Building. . FARRAR AND RINBHART holes for shelter. And the dif- chauvinism, the new teaching be- secutors of a whole people. ^ Sioux City Ofllco—Jewish Community Center lieve a let-up of anti-Jewish propaganda and legislation when NER. ference is collosal. INC. SSI PAGE. §3.00 came a Ejersace not only to the Antisemitism, the ugly and inDAVID BLACKER • • Business and Managing Editor such action is an' accomplished fact. Also distorted are the author's j Jewish people^ but to the very human remnant of the Dark FRANK B . ACKERMAN - - - . . - . - - Editor Tee volume Is a report of the criticisms of the relation between j principles of -civilisation. Significance of the greatest sort can be placed on the gov- author's Pasf, because en instrument in FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, lows. Correspondent observations on Jewish Jew and Arab. It is cruel acd I Not a EBtion, but Kitler end the hands ot unbalanced leaders ernment figures revealing a twenty-five per cent decline in the ANN'PILL. - - ••-••-"-••• Sioux'City, Iowa, Correspondent life and fortunes gathered in the ridiculous to expect the Jew to j l.ke — a result o" the econ- of a once great nation, driving P r i n t Shop Addresst 4504 So. S4tb Street .;.-.. Jewish population of East Prussia, and a decrease of closer course of a recent trip through ] build" Palestine, to expend his en- his omical and political distress of Jewish Youth to the point •*>! into fifty per cent in the smaller towns. Births among Jews in Germany, Poland, Palestine and | ergy and wealth, so as to provide Germany — &re the ones to share sanity and forcing them to c o o Soviet Russia. Though he re- j additional employment for Arabs, the guilt o£ Eavid Frankfurter n i t crimes foreign to their nature East Prussia have fallen, sixty per cent. cords bis impressions faithfully I so as to raise the low standards and bear the terrible burden put and their teachings. MOTIVE NOT ENOUGH The weeds sewn by Nazism are beginning to sprout their interpretations are too ofen dis- of the fellahin. No other people on the shoulders of that idealis—Lucy Lowenstein. A clearing house for Jewish thought, we have always poisoned heads. tored and out of harmoay with is called upon for mich unselfish- tic sufferer . for big people. ness, for such self sacrifice! and his facts. •'• maintained,'is. essential.-- - if we are not ta squander our enerThe wisedom gnfi ethics of the In Germany.he has found that to expect this of the Jew when Jewish religion, and Its great Menorahs, -lewlah Music, •lbl«» gies and ideas. Thus, in the vital question of aid to Jewish millions of its own. people arc opthe Jews who have teen most vicphilosophers, do not permit one refugees and assistance to Jewish sufferers in all parts of the RUMOR OR FACT? pressed and. slowly ground to dust timilzed by the Nazis are the poor to get afflicted with the passion ' In Albert Cohen's excellent novel, "Solal," the bearded and world, all world Jewry is agreed that something must be done the midlle class families, in all parts of the world, is to de- of revenge and one is always guidmand the impossible. It is braJews of the Mediterranean Island of Cephalonia gathered bewhich "is also, true of the general but in determining what that something should be, we are ed fcy the highest principle of JuThe rich Jews have zenly dishonest to call Zionism daism, "Thou Shall not Kill." f wish to ihank my friend* f w still dissipating our efforts.. Our main line of endeavor has fore their aflcient synagogue to sun themselves and muse upon population. escaped the more barbaric man- 'predatory nationalism.' Only one the,- patronage for' M»tzo« dor. But how often overburdened Ing the iast three years and been Palestine, but so many subsidiary movements have arisen the events of the world. Gossipping in their archaic Spaniih ifestations of National Socialism, who suffers from a blindness and patience floes not keep within the hope they will continue • • cut. of an ideo^Dgical ia&rxist torn era, that oft times our work has been de-tracked from the main dialect, they always discussed the same rumor—that the King some even becoming "honorary" bigotry limits of self-control — and emoHia impatience with the type can be guilty of such unfor- tions overpower the dictation of line. To be specific - - in the past week three more "plans" to of England had decided to become a Jew; No news from the Aryans. JOEW FELDMAN Union of German Citizens of the givable aspersion upon, the Jew I TALEiSIM - PRAYER BOOK! aid Jewish refugees have been Hung across the Jewish horizon, outside world ever shattered this belief or enlightened them Jewish Faith and with the Patri- and upon one of the noblest en- wisdom. David Frankfurter is the most Giftm for Bar Mlt*v«h» otic Society of National German terprises of Israel. each from a separate source and each seeking to arouse popu- to the true religious position of this sovereign. expressive example of -uncontrollRes. 659 No, Wth St. GL-297} In Russia^ the author sees the Jews for the bootlicking and lack Today another rumor comes to the ears of the anxious ed passion. Revenge for his suflar Jewish support. P. O. Box 710 Omaha. N«br self respect, is justified. They final solution of the Jewish p r o ' - fering brethren became the cul-' Jews of the world. Not that a King of England has decided of lems. If death ever solves anyhowever deserve pity rather than -_•_ The most important of these three is the "Lamport plan." upon conversion. Far better than that is the news that the denunciation. The unhappy crea- thing then the Soviets have solvSeeking a way out for Polish and Rumanian Jewry, Samuel C. former King Edward is devoting his solitary moments in. the ture, forced to be Jews, who ed the Jewish (juestion. All talk Lamport, New York business man and philanthropist,' starts Rothschild Schloss to the writing of a book condemning anti- gladly if they but could abandon about Jewish life in Russia is just their faith and people, refuse to moonshine, since assimilation is on the admirable and correct theory that most of the Jews in Semitism. face reality. The recent tragedy not only approved but forcibly Eastern Europe cannot-be transplanted from their countries, His voice, the voice whose farewell speech thrilled a world, has increased their subservience, encouraged from above, since Hethat their salvation must be worked out right where they are. speaking out for the Jews would be like the sound of thunder servility, and cringing; attitudes brew is prohibited, the Bible outTherefore, he proposes that an existing organization, as the to dwellers of the drouth-stricken plains. A monarch, who has strong and common among all so- lawed, Jewish custims and ceretabood. If Jewish life conJoint Distributing Committee, work through their "kassas" ruled the greater empire of the world, despite an abdication called better classes of Jews ev- monies erywhere. An illuminating ex- sists exclusively of the Yiddish in effecting a'two-way flow of trade between Poland and the is still a power in the world of affairs. No better champion ample of this slave mind is the {stories of Shalom Aleichem or United States. Put briefly, his plan calls for work to be sup- could be asked for. eulogy of Von Hindenburg in. the les known Yiddish authors, then Berlin Temple — the man who it exists In Soviet Russia. plied these Jewish unemployed through money we supply to This rumor, baseless as it may be, has put us all in the has betrayed not only the Ger- It is quite true that anti-Sembuy the raw materials and then the selling of the products in position of the old patriarchs of the mythical island of Cepha- man Jews but the German Repub- itism has been legally prohibited the "United States. In theory, Lamport is one hundred per lonia. Should it be true it would be like an emissary seeking lic which he svrore to defend. and is punished as counter revocent right. "We cannot possibly transplant all of- the Jews in out these ancient souls to tell them they have not talked in vain. More honorable was the rabbi -of lution. This praiseworthy policy an obscure Orthodox Synagogue is however, accompanied by rigorEurope t<> Palestine or Birb-Bidjan or any other place of in Berlin who prayed not for the ous Russification. And assimilarefuge. "We must do what we can for, most of these people soul of Hindenburg,"'but out of tion always runs true to form, in Russia as elsewhere. As American the anguish of a pogrom." where they are. And training them to be artisans and crafts- ALL ABOARD FOR NEW ORLEANS Jews try to be more than one The chapter on Poland indicates men andr.giving ihem finployment in their new-found-fields By Rabbi Frederick Oohn hundred per cent Americans or as j a stirring compassion for the sufis the best ultimate solution, since relief is only temporary. American "Reform" Jewry is bound for the sunny South ferings of the Jews and a hatred the German Jews out-Nail the But, in actuality the Lamport plan hea'ds"toward the shoals land. The Thirty-fifth. Biennial Council of the Union of Amer- for the superstitions which still Nazis in protestations of loy&lty to a. land that hag disowned and of impracticability. . The1 Joint\'\ Distribution Committee has ican Hebrew Congregations will be held in New Orleans, Jan- enslaves them. No Jewry in the ruined them, so do Jewish officworld is in as a precarious, an been working in accord with the Palestinian funds, and every uary 15 to 19. impossible and intolerable situa- ials in Russia strive to out do the possible dollar which can be raised toward their reconstruction The TJnion' was founded by Isaac Mayer "Wise, that Mas- tion as the Polish. The twelfth non-Jew is eagerniss to destroy work in Europe has been obtained. How the vast sum required ter Architect and Master Builder of'American Judaism. He chapter which discusses the di- every vestige of Jewish lift. In verse and crushing methods of hounding Zionism and Jewish for Lamport's idea can be raised is the one. point the philan- cameto these shores from Bohemia as a young Rabbi in 1846. destruction employed against the functionaries, in uprooting the thropist neglected to work out in. detail. And when we did He found Judaism here in a chaotic state, the early Jewish Jew is entitled "Hitler Is More j Jewish religion and in savagely make it possible for these people to step up production tre- immigrants having brought each his own brand of Judaism. Humane." The title is precisely persecuting Hebrew and its dethey behave not like free mendously, how could we practically stimulate the sale of As early as 184&-he issued his clarion call for,'union,' and it descriptive and conveys but an in- votees, complete picture of the error and men but like slaves. Like other i tthese products in this country; hpw could they; be marked-to took him twenty-five years to accomplish it. In 1873 the 'Union' poverty and hopelessness of the Diaspora Jews they live a life of identify them? These are only the beginning of the question, was finally formed, to be followed by the Hebrew Union Col- three millions of Polish Jews. "slavery in freedom." They dere be themselves but ape in the.r marks that bar the way. Unless a new huge reservoir of funds lege in 1875, and the Central Conference of American Rabbis And the world does not care, does not anti-Jewish zeal their Gentile not even know! is discovered immediately, we cannot increase Our present ef- in 1889. "With these three(institutions, Dr. "Wise laid the foun'comrades whose good will they Poland the author went court at all price, even that cf forts in the Lamport direction, regardless of desire. dations of American Judaism, not only of 'Reform' but of to From Palestine, with high hopes, and self-respect. great relief. Jfo one can quarrel - A second, plan proposed ••» - this is a revival - - i s the Judaism at large which followed along the lines laid down by with The author fails to realize the his criticisms of the land scheme" of Representative William Sirovich for the settlement Dr. "Wise,. The Federations of Sisterhoods and Brotherhoods policy England is permitting — possibility of a change in the Soviet's attitude towards the Jew. ' of 100,000 German Jewish refugees in • Quba. 'According to were later developments of the spirit of organization and unity which vindicates the justice and Suppose Stalin's euccessor hapof Dr. "Wise. the necessity of Single Tax, faSirovieh, he has taken the'project up, with President Bru of thered by Henry George. Zion- pens to be an anti-fern ite; or per'•If you will pardon a-personal word, the convening of the Cuba and with? CoL Fulgencia Batista,- virtual dictator of the ist leaders view the development chance the august Stalin himself Union in the South this year is of particular interest to the with alarm. It is definitely un- turns anti-Semitic? — and his recountry, and an American'commission will be received on cent execution of former Jewish writer. His first positions as a 'student-Rabbi' were in the healthy. - •• • February 22 to discuss the plan. This plan calls for the estabSouth: first in Donaldsonville, Louisiana; next, for three years When however, in his disillus- Bolshevik leaders who paved the lishment of a network of industries b y German-Jewish! refuionment, because he finds explo- way for him supports such & posgees to open Tvorld markets for. Cuba, and was termed "fan- in succession in El Paso, Texas; and just before his gradua- itation of Jew by Jew, he asks sibility. To ask the Jew to trust future to a dictator whose will tastic" by Luis Machado Ortega, when he was secretary of tion and ordination in Helena, Arkansas. Many are the de- what is the difference between his is absolute law is fantastic tnd lightful memories of those times', and the friendships then made Tel Aviv and Lodz, he betrays a state of .Cuba and was visiting in Prague. Our own opinion is deep ignorance of the purposes absurd. Even 'best friends' have are held very dear. It was then we made our first visit to New tfriit Cuba will be interested if the proposition means a lot of of Zionism and a lack of under- been known to become enemies. Orleans! How well we recall our excursion on 'Ole Man River,' standing of the Jewish problem. money brought into Cuba with everything going to Cuba and Zionism seeks to normalize Jewlittle or nothing to' the refugees. . :.' ". . "--,,'• ;. . ..' * the barbecues, the mosquito-nettings, the sugar plantations, ish life, to free the Jew from inand our first eating of the juicy sugar-cane. Probably the The third proposal is made by Dr. "W. MTHowlett, one offirst Jewish services in El Paso were held by the writer, and ner conflict, frustration and bitThe worker in Tel Aviv, the executive secretaries. of theJ Greater'New York Federa- he gathered together the children in the Court House in their terness. though he suffer economic exploi- j The question "Who is to share tion of Churches- He suggests that the United States and first Sunday School. Across the river in Juarez he got his tation> is nevertheless spared that the guilt of David Frankfurter's Great Britain each admit 250,000 of the 500,000 Jews still in first taste of Spanish (Mexican), civilization, in the language, additional oppression and humil- crime?" attracted my utmost atthat his fellow Jewish la- tention. -Germany and settle them in rural areas. In the United States, the Government'Ball (the vice-presidenit of the El Paso Con- iation To answer, or to explain this borer and the Jew in general, in he declares, the refugees could be settled on drained land in gregation was the Acting Mayor of the city and was presented Lodz and elsewhere, are compell- tragic event, would cover quite a the Florida Everglades and on tracts around the Roosevelt with the 'keys'.of Juarez), even his first and (last) bull-fight. ed to endure for no other reason lecture or even a whole book. I afford to undertake such Dam at Phoenix, Arizona..He is of very fine character and The wife of Rabbi Merfield, now of-Hollywood, is the daugh- than that he is a Jew. To be couldn't singled out for persecution mere- a great task, but wish to point is an excellent example to ,his fellow-men^ for i i s desire that ter of the then Secretary of the El Paso Congregation, Aaron ly because of race and ancestry— out a few facts, which to a cer"the Anglo-Saxon nations" do something concrete instead of I Haas. " . . " . • ' . that is galling and cruel. Even a tain extent, could answer this The most sumptuous quality overcoat pogrom in Palestine, and the re- Question. feebly uttering verbal protests. The 'two things in the way of Atlanta is of special interest, not only because country- viewer has experienced one, af- If some youngster would come at this low price in all America! this planare: first, the United* States immigration laws would wide attention has been focused upon jt by the deserved vogue fects the Jew in radically differ- up and say: "Of course we all are . ' not be repealed to make such a,marked change; and Secondly, of that truly excellent novel "Gone with the "Wind" (someone ent manner than similar experi- very well aware of the ones who Thanks to The Nebraska's foresight in the amount needed to finance thepr-oposal would be staggering. said that means, 'he left on>the Zephyr!'), but because the ence in Poland and Germany. In are to share the guilt of that buying, here Ere genuine. Worumbo Palestine the Jew has that inde- young- Jewish student and who These plans' arc actuated by the highest of motives. But, writer's parents-in-law were married in that city during the scribable feeling of "belonging," are to be punished for him &s fabric overcoats in a rare value treat unfortunate, they will find peaceful repose together with plans War; his father-in-law, Mr. Jeremiah K. Hagen, a prominent of "being at home", and physical much as for thousands o£ other victims of the ninscrupious and I for Jewish settlement in Albania, Ecuador, Angola, Chile, merchant, held the first Jewish services in the city, sending attacks, even extending over for you. . ': perversive leadership of present '• months, can reach only his body. China, and.other far-scattered spots'on the world globe. j to Savannah, Georgia, for a Sepher Torah; and Mrs. Hagen, They do not injure his soul, nor Germany." . a young bride from Philadelphia, organized and taught the humble hie spirit, nor degrade Almost every civilized person him in his own eyes. In the very would accept this statement but! WORUMBO fabric overcoats in uh RELIGIOUS EXHORTATION first Jewish Sunday School. midst ofv terror and death, he is deep in his heart will try to find I $ters <md uhiereUes, •Much. water has flowed under the mill since those days. unafraid. In Palestine the Jew a convincing explanation of htls . The Archbishop of - Canterbury,'highest ranking clergydestructive factor. meets a pogrom v. ith a bravery Judaism in America^ has attained to magnificent proportions, man of the Church of England, is fulfilling the true quality of Looking back to the time, right W'GRUMBQ fabrics in rnglan or set in determination Jhat are imhis office by exhorting, his. followers to • purge themselves o£ as .will be evidenced by the notable gathering of men and and possible, and unknown, in the after the war, we could gee the sleeve overcoats. anti-Semitism. This is far different from the days,, of Tor- women from all parts of the.country in old New Orleans in the ghettos of Europe. Palestinian German nation trying h&rd to quemada, when the church used the cloak of religious love to middle of January. May their deliberations be of greatest WORUMBQS in rich browns, blues, value to the further progress and development of Judaism in hide the, blackness of foul hatred and racial persecution. greys, checks, plnids' or solid colors. J In his message, the Archbishop warned the people of Eng- this land. American Judaism, sponsored by Israel's noblest land of tlitTspread of anti-Jewish propaganda unless checked, sons and daughters, will contribute mightily to our beloved saying: "I am concerned to notice some signs of the growth country's moral and spiritual welfare. "Warmed by the farSee The Nebraska special window disof anti-Semitism in this country. It is, I know, at present- con- famed hospitality of the South and' its salubrious climate even play of'.'genuine Worumbo Overcoat*' fined to a few very irresponsible persons; but unless it is in mid-winter, the delegates and'representatives of American and then slip into your Worumbo st The checked it may spread. I trust we may be spared the shame Israel will go forth inspired to re-dedication and re-consecraNebraska today. of giving any sort of encouragement to the discreditable preju- tion to the cause of Israel, the Gulf Stream of Humanity, beardice which has led to cruel persecution in other countries and ing happiness and blessing to all mankind. ' especially in Germany, of a race to which our Savior invhis - - Frederick Cohn. . human life belonged."Real religion differs from pseudo-religion in that it prac- HEBREW CALENDAR tices "the tenets it" preaches. Rosh Chodesh Shebat .-. ". January 13 CORRECT A7PAKSX/ FOR- HSR AKt» WOMEN *Rosh Chodesh Adar, February 12 v PROOF OF WORDS : • ., , Purim , , .February 25 The proof of the pudding is. in.'the eating; the proof of Rosh Chodesh Nissan March IS political promises is in the performance. , 1st Day of Pesach .... .March 27



Letters to the Editor

1 EBOM HURQX airs. J>. Colick, a xecent guest



Council of Jewist,


ai th.6 .home of JIET fstm-m-inir and

daughter, 3Ir. and lirs. A. Garber, nf ..'.Huron "' South. Uakota, Tiras accompanied imniE'.ijy •them. Hr. Gaxber -returned -.to Ibis, home



ana JSTS. Gaxber frill remain iiere

lax n snnrt -visit.

.eon, «:I«43 .JXsbr. l^

".ft11 t r i?VTiS


The marxiqge :of Miss ^Berenice [SEG ,anfl Dr. "Morris Slacker)

-:ol-Mis3 2Jlunxa

«J £n iff ill? 1

3ionaky, assistant j



" . ^ ~ "

HJ ^' ^ ^ ^


\j 2 " I '

Societj- Eisfitjii£. ,£:SC.

tLsuKhtsr nl 12rs. 3L. Trill t a k e jplacs at,:the_31ackstone jxeiiei Director, -returned t o :, to "Robgri A, -Ftec TJOIB-W 3 n t e l OT Thursday, January 14, l a s t - ^ e ] , a l t e r being m s t ^ome s t 12 s ' l t a i . Stoibbi Xtevid -A. City, . HimshErm siven ;mt Obiastehi -will Tp£xi£axm -at '.home i o r 3L sroup «af ttbe 2? S' 1TO CHICilGO intimate iriEnBs. 3Ir. ana airs. David Sester x A aantErpiece B ! -Eprins _21nwers 31 abort trip south .His turnBa ao *tneir "name in aisefl m i i h e "li.mtthy.mi table,

Sasuarr i s — .ZJcboral -<w



Sunfisy BTsnins alter a T viBit -R-itli aixB. Better's 3JT. and .airs. IP-hnip :Kathan.


in i n s -innn xil & ".Nevelell .rsnaivfitt i s r

SCHOOL iiiiB Ensasemant nf their bas Miss "Beatrice Sommer, ID LDU BL X^JiiB, 31D., Una also ihe University ol lima, jflure, sum .nl Sir. anfl Hxa. Abe ! tthe-CrBishtDnUnivsraltyla"wisansnauiE nf jSremmrt.2Jetrraska. .two vreeks, -returned i «dnnnl. .fine ±s a rmsmnsr ai Sis-1 —: to 'Columbus, Ohio, ' f»ifi.'i'{-r ana IBsia 32n, ^mtiunsl Imnnxaxy attens school. 3Ir. ana 3Irs. Charles music -sorority. 32r. Ttec sranuairom 3Jew ISTork University , the birth of s. -aaushter | is a senior n t the Crisighton j^t St. Joseph ^hospital, Jtecemher | ^niveiBity School ^3Ieaicine.3LeU4. j . as a member Df 3?hl Itelta jSpailon I i 3irs. Joseph Gold-ware, chairifratErnity, ,ana 'Bamma > xnj_a t ;<M KJTC JSSO 'iiUMJGE • |man of the Badassah Silver 3U Sigma, lonnrary xhemical 2ra-j airs. Irvin i s v i n -war/ :hostess , -which -will be given iternlty, ' ' jat a luncheon sad. '.briose a t .the j January IS, .at the The -wefluins "^H -he.-an svent l^taitEnelte SDtel, jaondHy, Jana- i Sotel -will call ^a "meeting of ner committee on Hanflay, ary -4th. tff June.

3L ifigrsE -in TPVWII*. a t ^Ptrntl

"v JL A xegular meeting s u e election , ol officers ot the Deborah Socret^ , vill be held at the JeTcish Con>munity Center on TuestfiEy, uary 12 &t £ :"C> p. m.

(January 3.1, .at the Jevrish iComimunity-Center " t d o'clock. and 3Irs. !I>avia •Ohurne.y i 3Irs. :Bam "Eraft EntETtained .at j Assisting ;Slrs. Goldi^are a t the ensassmsnt cof ihsir a. Tunchenn at her Jiome Tuesday, luncheon -will be t h e anesdames S. son i»:

^reedman. set lor the

3ionor at 3Irs. \ IHexschel 3tecember 2S [avis, Joseph Sosenbers, Sen V Bbl IHartln. iormerly TVTJKS iliriam ijiaplan. John JF'n.ier, ^ h i l Hosen- | JJO date has j Jacobs <nf I>es ajbines, Io-«ra, jbers, '21. 31. Senal. Bam Canar, | j . JHefbHrt JStsveleH, IE. 3 . Heuben, I 1TO .^LTTSKD Ca?TTEJ»TION


At a luncheon neid at Dixor-'s last SunfiEV, the lilother tlhapte! installed Its -nfr tsSicers Thr i."1""^*, _" * - , * ' .-re Aleph Gxn3ol, ^n- ^'"_,.~ t " V. 1. - 1 . Alepk S'ysn. Huenei ^^i , *— I 1 l jXiippett: Aleph Gisbor, Saxn T o',x. _^ _ Ateph SJictaTe -Godo;. XSar^e V«-»: - r _, J "'J' ^ -^'.Z,r er: AlTOh 5aT>tE.re UotoTir ~~T-- ^,|" ^ r ^ '. " . i'inp ^Knsrr: Aleri Bttiisr, 7 ' ^ ^*. " - . ^ \ t "£ _ Ailier: Ai^pfc Tloh^r. Godr- T ^ T , . W ^ ^. Miller; End the Aiepii l.r:i.- - " r ' * _ . . " r '^

• ; H . INnddle, S . Sommer, Charles!


jVIrs. 2Jymie rzoxhisfey i s Heaving'ievinson, 1. -Sherman and T^'il-i 3giss ^Itta Tatetman «utertainea t o r Chicago Saturday nnight to at- itaxa Pollack. j at ;B luncheon on Bunfiay-, Jann- ttenfl "the coba TnaxhinB convention. I i T"or twenty-five Tears ol loyal irv ~Z, in 3ronnr n l "her Bb3ter, a t thB JHervice :to Palestine, "Eaua'ssab BH3IE, -who "-will "be TnaTriea un

MartOi 3.4 to S a r r y 32ns2r. JnoJrraXESClNG i chapters tronghout the conntry xeceive -vritbin a lew» uays T t e "wedaing -BatE-sras jevealsa | :B61 Cburgin nf Sious City, i a r - j Ijy scrolls tied-vvithTribbrms t o 3 n - imsarly ol TJamah, is convalescing ifrom national headquarters beaoaivulual corsages. . j a t t h e ihome of hb; TinclB and; tif ul scrolls on -T,-hich sisnatures ThB Jons -table rset i o r thirty aunt, 32r. and TErs. 32ark Schmidt, |D* jniid up members Trill be aJ^gnEHtB -was -Hennrntea TTifh live T04 IE. "Sth:street, 3^remont, 2ieb., : fixed and Trhsn completed-vill be aiowET-^iltea xanaie- Smlders u n a 'alter si 2iv&.nnmth illness. isent .as :n perpetual record to t h e ; r •WifltB -tapBTS. i — ~ jSadaEsah S o t h s c h i l d University. "InnnBBiately ioliDvrin; ^the :lun- \TO.35ETBES TO T O1XASMISS3~WASHISGTCE5 j S o s p i t a l i n 3 > alsstmE. .It .is ivos>Xteim, t a b l e s - v r e r e s e t i n r in-iaKE. I a i i s s iEsther 3?aiex, a s ;• EEfla rthat m m b s r of .thB 3?aiEr, -srio "wio h has r£hat ^everj ^evei'> 3arrembsr v been-vl3ltins Ihsre-auring the ihnl! Omaha Chaptsr TK-111 endeavor to IRrizes w«ru •vron Tiy : jielsyBd. ^return. J a m e s Corenman, iday. season, U?ellman, Sophie Dland,'.nna 31T3. Csrl |Jns to -Washington -on iacsount of * lillness. IBhE ~wiV. Jleavs Vhere Sunuther 3iffair3 :are 'be- J aay. ^pbmnea tlor


(-pay Jier aVues by February the | "Silvsr 3ubilee Day." — and so j jisve "her arsme inscribed on this

beautiful everlasting- scroll. . Dues msy b« sent ±o 3Irs.'. [Stein nr 3Jrs. "Wm. Alberts.

V'jWfl'tiin -friKreTJ . JBr.- ana 3Irs. SidnEy Cahn of City, 3Io,,. -visited Tvith I T H S . 3Db Schvurtz -was tostess -.Cahn'B . jno'fiiST, Mrs. • S . 1 a 3ianateTchieI shBvrar, IBec:ana JxTDthsr IHaxry aur- i 3D, Jn hnnor rril ^ i S o e i n s last vrsEk. :ena. 'They -STBTB i T h e Junior Council ol Jewish -ol Sious City, a honnrsa -at- a ainsET a t t h e inane i "Women -will meet a t t h s Paxton Dut-nfeto^-n : "Snests •nf SSr-Jeniry .'Cotler .and aaugh- jSntel. on :Sundsy January 3.0 -at 3Ieriam ' and Hda. 3Irs. Cahn j":30 p . in. a _ R. 3 e n 3Iarylanaer ••ot-DggvCT, j ^ -Coloraao. Tvrelve- -gnssts -rare j *"

Oort-Tni p— tiont. Vvvz " " maap ^ it

A. 2. A. I

tern! cf office Itir tme y e "


• trntre his term.


„ „ _^ ~~,. -f """ * ~


i Afcsr t h t 'izneheon thf ticphs I-Kratched the basket3E.Il team lose ! isi—SE.unfflsrs Et the Z, C C. | A -TE-'jisr TMrstirg -will b? iseic • at 'tbB Jpvisii rJcnExn-unitr" C;€i!tET. -In StmtlEy, JsntiETy ^XC, Et 1 T'clock. r. anfi Ulrs. Samuel Apple- • State "University vxA is I man nnnounce the enssrsinsrit_ n'f ^ G r ggnixj^ ysar at Creisatcn "Dr.j- n.11 TaBriSjerE a^e "Trrjrsfi "tr Ettenfi. > 'their daughter, Florence, to ner- versity. l l r . Goldstein is E ^rat- HGr TUTTTB S S T c S-iKTUt t H 5 tQIXTllfi— < i'nian Goldstein, soa n* 31r. and rate ^ the "VTharton Sciiccl c j ^ r s - Abe Goldstein. • Pinance ' of iii? Tjaiversiry -B. TJiss .Appleman '.attendsd Ohio ..Pennsylvania.

* Iffi «

nif %,

i PTbfe23or Charles C. Charvat of Creighton TIniveTaity -will lecture TO TTF. SOJT OKBI> TUB monuay Sewms Bnrap "Aspects ^ nf "Willa Cather" at !hnnnr "the nirthnsy ol 3Irs. 3>hil I s ^ o .thb3 Bunday afternoon in the -airs. Jack 3ramson jnsiyn ^lemorial^iectnre'hall.

3Hrs. Ban 3Honaay, January

|| ! '• <



st the A _i''»*ii|^^-iii nf ^recoraed iuncheon nn music ^will :bs iiriaanted at 4 TJ. on. 11 I S , at

ttonEy ioltorrins rwEBks Bastern trip. ^S aefl She National Convention nl Jnnbrr ^ ^ Jnnbrr ^ m i i . in "Washington, t the th ID. 'D. -with JiEaaguarters ast 3Stejib3-weT S o t e l . S h e Jita iin 'Chicago, 3?hibiaBiphia T u r k City.

thi3 SunBay Jn t h e cancert iialL jkt 4:30 ip. m . 3unasy afternoon the jHunicipal Tlniversity nf ranajja plgyers -will present :n short cnmEay, "SHpnTESsea 3ssirEs" in j the lETStnre inill st the Joslyn 3Ie- j

mnrial. The jilay Js airectea Sirs. Jean Jarmin. .Another :±n the series nf lectureB -will Zss Sail 'sentea s t S:T)0 3». m . this Sunnay mbiK .in rthe Joslyn ^Memorial i concart "hall. John 33. d a r k , ProiHEaor nl "Sconnmics -at the TJnivarsity -will lecture xm '"Scanomh; jjationalhnn." The aeries is Bpon-

-Circle 3ranch 3.73 leia t s a r ' s ^e 2na Tm& £Zax& Bt. tthis-affair T^lll .^o i o t h e Hiabnr Jiycenm J^imfl. ^Committee i n nhnrs^ uf arOTBgemBntB conaiHtea uf • Sirs. GreeiSeld, 31rB. X Bchrwartz, lilrs. in. Snsman, "HrB. J a t e Su3man, 3BLTB. X. "Witkin.

" ZKtr. JKenynn a n a 31r. "S. ^iresentEa n Tnuaical


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/^ Irsai tiir trims.

Invrst Satsly« V/fcsly In T"K ""3** " | 1»yr[^fS'*l^CT!TJ J^. "*^

Annuity. ^m2svsm«mt, Liia Rcpreasnta 51 Strong Cunipan. las—Every Typs nt Imuuinsa jjTid Sontta written. Call AT-

TiniTfps, j h faws iftat you TnsS m 1


7C37 OT WA.131E0.





**?' ^i'1"




S a w "IS 4» » — S * w


lass lintk «f 'law ssr, row*.

> ift^^ii"t3K3*^gM«®!^



- ^ , - « . ~ ;,„ . #JMf|J-W , ' • '

MOTHER—This is Mrs. William W. Mattson, mother of the 10year-old boy,' Charles, kidnaped from his home in Tacoma, Wash., by a bearded.man who broke into the sun porch. Aside from shock,: Mrs. Mattson was deeply worried because the boy, who already had a cold, wore only a thin jacket, knickers and bedroom slippers when he was seized by the intruder.



- ~ywjrMs-!<it" *• "

;ggffgg?gfgg^gB!^^ THIS HOME MISSED A BOY—Holiday joyousness filled this home of Dr. William W. Mattson and his family in Tacoma. Wash. Then suddenly tile sinister figure of a bearded man holding art automatic burst into a sun porch. He seized Charles, 10 years old, threatened other children and kidnaped the boy, throwing a demand for $28,000 in ransom on the floor. This scene shows the Christmas trees lighted outside the Mattson home.

BOBtBS ©n> IT—A prsphic picture of how many sections of the ancient city of Madrid, Spain, look nowadays, after repeated aerial raids'by Rebel bombers. Here the Church of the Good Success, on Mendizabal Street, is a mass of ruins.-Many of the civilian population have been killed by the bombs.


1 t "*




HOLIDAY IRONY—This Is the holiday greeting; card of Dr. and Mrs. William W. Mattson of Tacoma, Wash. It shows their 10year-old son Charles riding his pony in a small boy's conception of a rip-snortin' range hand. But even as the cards were in the mail, Charley had been stolen from his home by a ruthless kidnaper, who demanded $28,000 for him."'•'",


• s • ^1








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u PASSENGEBS TUBN SEAMEN^-Captain Norton, second from left, of the British ship Limerick lacked 31 members of the crew, after they struck at Honolulu in sympathy with American seamen. Six passengers agreed to help, p g g p, if the shipp would start. It did, and here are three of them learning the job.



STEDSE CONCILIATOBS Mayer Harold H. Barton, center, of Cleveland, meets with Lincoln R. Scafe. left, general manager of the Fisher Body plant, and Louis P. Spisak, right, president of the Cleveland Automobile Workers Union, in an eSort to settle the strike and put 7,000 back to work.


| I , j l i

-" < i"



; BEACH WEAR FOB 1937—This ensemble for the beach, worn by ; Olga Cornett of Los Angeles, proved a sensation at the Sunshine Fashion Revue at Miami Beach, Fla., recently. It features white poinsettias on a black ground, with cut-out flowers for trimming. It also has a princess coat slit in back.

LCIGI CAEDENAE. EENCEHO1 Secretary for Oriental Churches

NO SOIL—Here's a potato yield grc^rn without soil. Dr. \V. F. Gencke, shown in picture, of the California Agriculture Experiment Station at Berkeley, also grows grain, flowers and other vegetables without soil. Ke produces them freely in and upon tanks filled with nutrient solutions, getting among other resuits 2.4S5 pounds of potatoes fros an acre of tank surface.

«v -,*

. i

ENRICO CAKDSN&E, CASPARS! Prefect o* Che Supreme Tribunal





p , - v v a s .<*( "';-«*


* y »x •St.

ELEVATED—Milburn L. Wilson, Assistant Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, elevated by his new appointment by President Roosevelt to the position of Under Secretary, succeeding Dr. Rexford Guy Tugwell. He Is called the "father of the Agriculture Adjustment Act."










LEO CAEDINAL DE SKEEENSET Archbishop, unattached N






2V&L C'CONXELE.or o' Boston

COLLEGE OF CAKECCALS—Cardinals advise the Poue and elect his successor. Cardin?i-BishDDs trkc tbsir fifes *ro-r> fbc <suburban sees of Rome—Ostic-Palsstrinf.. Porto anc" Srnts TTutin ', Albano, Sabins. Frascati F,nd Velletn. There ere s.x CsrdinaJ.-Eishops in • the College of Cardinals, two of whom, Cardinals Sincere and Gasparri, are shown above.

i -

EMPEROR'S SII.VER AUCTIONED—When Emperor Haile Selassie'of Ethiopia fled into exile in England, as Mussolini's troops approached Addis Ababa, he carried with him severaL thousands of pieces of silver from the palace in Harar. Recently they were put up at auction in London, as shown tare. The total collection weighed 16,000 ounces with melting value of about $7,000.

IL DUCE HAS A FILM ABRIY, TOO—Hep! Hep! Right oblique—! But It's only a screen army. The stoutish person at the^ right is Premier Mussolini of Italy, In the act of revie^ins soTie of his Libyan troops in Rome. They "are garbed in ancient costumes and they are supposed to bs Carthaginian flgtjters at tlie battle or Zazna In the Italian film "Sciplo Alricaaus."

R E C O R D — I&ryse ^sslic French aviatris, who establlsacc* an uncScial record for speed when she fisw from D^ksr, SereEa2, ccross tie Souta At'sntic to Natal, ErazJ, a cistcacc cf 1,202 mites. Ker etepseS t rae v$s«! 12 hours 5 Canutes, bresk^rig the reccrd preiiously held by Jean Batten. New Zealand fber, \rho made the Sight to 13 Hours 15 t

SENATOR BOSS—Many Important Questions ipcr 4he "gffe • Congress after its opening. Jan. 4, not the least of which'is'the change la neutrality laws •which President Roosevelt will urpe as a-res-ult of the plsnes shipment designed' for Spain. Here is Vice' President • Joftn Nsnce Garner, Tresident of tfie Senate as he ' posoJ witli i i s . gaveJ just before the opening.


Pagt f

THE JEWISH PRESS, FBIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1937 that have been overflowing the Schedule for January 10: Center gym can vouch for the A. Z. A, 100 vs. Barish SaunBranch 173 and branch 258 of act that some real basketball ders. the Workman Circle will sponsor thrillers may be Btaged. Admis- Psi Mtf vs. A. Z. A. 1 a lecture on Friday, January 15, sion is cheap and a well spent af- XI Lambda vs. Alpha Pi Tau. at s p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, ternoon is in Btorer for the basket• TJaad ' 22nd & Clark et. The speaker irtll ball enthusiasts. ' In the Junior league basketball At Friday evening cervices at be Mr. H. Fine, Instructor at the the Vaad, Rabbi Milton A. Kop-Workman's Circle School in Dec Btein, new spiritual leader, •will Moine, Io-R-a. He -Bill talk on give his Introductory cannon. •Democracy and Cultnro in Old Following the services a tea Greece." . Trill be held to honor ot th© Rab- Admission -will be twenty-five bi. Hostesses -will be the- Hea-cents and the public 1B invited to' dames: X>. B. Epstein, Jacob attend. Bernstein, M. Burstein, William Welner, and Dave Silvenaan. The public is cordially invited. College Club John K. Chapel, a member of the broadcasting staff of WOW, Templo At service Friday evening Rab- will speak at the College Club of bi David H. "Wice'B sermon will be Temple Israel, Sunday, January "Should the Church and Synago- 10, a t 4:30. Mr. Chapel is a nepgue Fight Communism — An An- hew of the late General A. M. swer to the pope and Others." \ Kourapatkin of the Russian ImArmy and he will speak on Regular Saturday morning ser- perial "Communism I Have Expervices will be held at 11:00 ienced It." ___ As • o'clock. • • ' - : . . . " ' • Donald Brodkey la chairman of the Program Committee. Harold Bcfch-El At services to-night, Rabbi Saks will preside. . : . This will be an open meeting. Goldstein •will Bpeak on "A Mo-

Workman Circle

dern Miracle "Worker." This sermon iB-based on the life and work of Ellezer• Ben Yehudah, the father of Mr. ittamar Ben Avi vrho conies to Omaha on January 13. The life of Ellezer Ben Yehudah is-a thrilling tale to the revival ot HebreTT fis a living language. His biography is one of the most f as-

Dear Sports Editor: After reading my last article (in print), I thought it was high cinating of any in modern Jew- time to quit. My only conclusion s that It takes more to bore you ish history. than I ever realised. I will conKex Week • Next Week Beth-El will have tinue writing until you and the as guest speaker. Rabbi David readers are fed up. Please let me Polish of Cedar Rapids,, Iowa. know, by your column, when my Rabbi Polish haa already won dis- doom Is near, and I will climb tinction for himself as an elo-back into my Ink well. quent speaker and for his devoMany of the Health Club memtion to Zionist causes. The topic >ers have New Tear's resolutions. of bis sermon will be, "The Night If they all livo up to them there will be a hot time in the gym evHas Three Watches."* ery noon. Some of the (resolutions

Junior Congregation




the A. Z. A. morale and gave the Dodge Bros, team the first fcaJf 16ad. Not until the third and fourth periods that the skilled basketball players as Lon Weiner, Saul Yaffee, Jim Burroughs and Is Novak forced the fraternity team back on their haunches. For the first time in the regular eeaBon the preseason.. champions

Plans are being- . made for large delegation from the Omaha Chapter of Junior Hadassah to attend the Southwestern Regional Convention which will be held a St. Joseph, Mo., on January 23 and January 24. Delegates from were given a hotly contested the local chapter will bo the Mis- game and It tras for the simple ses Kalah. Franklin, president, reason* that-the younser toys disand ; Fannie Katelman, Sara' played the will to -win and fight. Taub, and Rosalie Handler. "With elongated Willard Smith Any member who plans to at- hitting thaJmeshe3 for ten points tend the convention should make the AFT'e had an easy time de-' reservations by calling . Mi testing tho A. Z. A. 100 2S-3. I t Franklin, Market 123G. •was not because of the superior playing of the -winners but mostly because of the lack of basketball brains, the losers displayed that. ' Readers of theJewish Pres went toward the APT victory. 'are being given a special offer by the Pantorlum of a twenty-flvti With-Smith the only one able to cents disconnt on clothes sent to make points, frild basket shooting featured the contest, ; ; •' \ be cleaned before January 16. Playing against .their arch This discount Is being offered to all those who present the cou-rivals, the Xi Lambdas, the Psi pon appearing in "the. Paatoriuig Ma had a hard tima- convincing tho XL's that they •wera Matea. a a . '•' ' . . •... •••• ' - . Tie yantorium has an estab-; SIHlard Sfgal, star center, helped lished reputation as one of tucthe Psi Ma cause •whea ae | rang finest cleaning establishments - in tho bell for S -field'.goals to take ibli part ©f the country. Their txlgU scoring ficssrs for the day. worfe 10 always satisfactory.- ;: . Games this year in' the Class A league have proven t o . b e well played and well matched.: Crowds Patronlza Our' Advertisera

Pantoriam- Offer

- Air* Conditioning • for every purpose

For t i e most complete - selection of fixtures &nd supplies ia the Miiweit visit the

Distributed by

W EST-E R-N Air Conditioning Corp.

and Sppply Co. 1101 Douglas

104 No. 18th St.

JA. 2724

AT-34S4 Igr5gsmaHBa



The Junior Congregation of the Leland (Dime a Dozen) Gross Talmud Torah will meet this Sat- man—To start refereeing with his urday at 10 a. m. in the Lodge eyes open. room of the Jewish Community Clinton (Shift) Schoppe—To Center. Mrs. Sam Halperin will earn to speak Jewish. be the sponsor. Jonathan (Singles) Sterling— o use both hands this year. David (Hazen) Cohen—To Sigma Alplha MM take up more than dancing at noon. Representatives of Nebraska Paul (Potatoes) Steinberg—To chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu re- ihow up more regularly. turned to Lincoln the first of the Moses Franklin week with high honors won at —To also (Whispering) act deaf this year. the national convention of Sigma Alpha Mn held in New Orleans, Pal (Doc) Ellis—To quit fish ing- at noon by staying ont of the December'28 to January 1. Arnold Levin, Rosalie, was an- net. -nonnced as the winner of the §50 Samuel (Porkie) Gilinsky—To 11 his windmill with banana oil H.-1. "JacobBen _Scholarship_ Award,; to;:--stpp'-thV squea"Eing'=of" the awarded to the ^individual mem- members.;' •ber of S. A. M.'who- has distinJosephus (Bad News) Cohen-rguished, himself during the past take a long trip and not over year not only in'scholarship but To a red line, also in campus activities. First. honorable mention went Lester (Simple) Burkenroad to Sigma Omicron chapter in the Too quit handing out samples and annual inter-chapter competition really start spiking. *?.• the coveted national scholar- David (Ice-Cube) .Richards— ship /prize—the Founders'- Cup. To learn to fly so he can" go up In attendance from Nebraska at and spike. the New Orleans conclave • were George (Shires) Shapiro-r-Tp Henry H. Swartz, Omaha; Karl dig up a good spiker-to pass to.. Philip (Napoleon) FeldmanM. Braiferman, Grand Island; David Goldware, Omaha; - Irving To stick to handball. Zveitel, Grand Island; and Hen- Isadore (Honest Abe) Levinson ry GreenbeTger, Grand Island, all —To spend his spare time as a members of • the active chapter. waiter so he can learn to serve. Nebraska alumni at the conven- "Let's all come up some day In tion were Harry p . Cohen, Oma- the near future and sea how many ha; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Fied- of these BOYS live up to their ler, Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Mor-promises..There is no gate charge, lots of body parking space, and a ris; Zolot, Lincoln;" and Max filled with LAUGHS. I'll be Kramer, Council Bluffer After the gym you. The DOOMED indiadjournment- of the ' convention, seeing Kramer went' to Havana, Cuba vidual. I o t a short visit with friends. As Nebraska delegate and pres- Thrills, chills, and spills featident of the local fraternity, Hen- i ured last Sunday's Senior League ry i Schwartz" madeseveral"Bpeech- basketball games a t the Center. es during the' business cession. In the opener, the Barish SannCleveland, Ohio, was selected as ders defeated the A. Z. A. 1 30the convention city for 1937. 22. In the second game the Before the midyear vacation, APT's trounced the A. Z. A. 100 David Bernstein, Omaha, was se- 22-9, and in the headllner the Psi lected by the student council as Hn -went over the Xi lambda 30co-chairman of the junior-senior 20. The underdog A. Z. A. 1 bunch prom. vCo-chairmanBhip of th "prom committee"- is recognized almost aps.et their older and more as one of the major social posi- experienced rivals In one of the tions on the Cornhusker campus, finest displayed basketball games The junior-senior prom is th this year. With Yaffee coming In final and swankiest formal dane just before the half ended to ring in three field goals •which upset ot the school year.




Accessories and Parts for all Cars—Tires - - OUs - Batteries.

"Say^t Witii Flower.'

Winterize Your Car

I: Sherman



Mlltsn Mostcovltz

Ffirsam St.

J specializes ia c a n t e r pieces, corsages, faacroJ arrangements, wecdic^s, cut flowers, and potted plants.

K!sin Roer Crandets Ctcre




THE BEAUTY Features Shampoo and Finger Wave

FOUKSRISS 27th-a Martha . FA. SS23

Permanent Waves at $3.50 and Up 7X6 Brahcfels Theatre

Brass, Bronze. Aluminum, Soft Grey iron and Seml-Steei Cast. me*. Wood and Metal Patterns. Standard sizes Bronze and Iron Bushings, Sewer Manholes, Cistern Rings and Covers, CJeanout Doors, Sash Weights End Yellow* Brass Plumbers' Ferrules, carries In stock, Bronze Tablets, Bronze and Cast Iron Grilles B specialty.






All New Streamline • Restaurant—Bar Direct Wire On All /<SportJnB Event* _ Ladles Especially invited BILLIARD AND LUNCH 1813 Farnsm St. W E 2423

D This Ad Is Worth W« offer 25c discount" on any suit or dress sent by

.Press readers only. "SUITS-or ' " - . • ' " ' PLAI^-'DHESSES Cot oat tbio ad and it will be accepted as cask. :



(UPEJEKE Lcmbo? d CccI Co. 17ALT3UT 0300

c lei ISth & Harney JA. Z14Q Omaha's Larsest tnd Most Compfeta Storage and Auto Supply * Store 9 Tlre» © Washlnsj • « Tubes • Lubricating O Accessories 8 S l m o n i l

ServSca Wifii @ Sm5!a Wo -tlcvcr Close

mm of Cutter. ODctod C S O 0s:2 and many other products/ f ash ycrar grocer or call . . '


Our funeral parlors are furnished ia boxae-Hke fashion. We hava spsred neither time nor expense In c3eve!sp!ng every Dhase cf eur service.


g i ness games, the Sharpshooters and the j Geafiler and Eob Branson Jobbing, botfr teams-More Omaha Jobbing Co. are the "Whole I t b s show by virtue of their -wins over! t s r e been able to trouoce all ota-' point !k their opponents last Tuesday Eiteler opponents; in league gRines.; these

these basketball games. EflrcitB rticniM mate it. r. to drop r,v end watch h e r men of tomorrow Ere toGcy.

j fceiball Bchool, the CIBS?- p.ot m>-

' der way %lit flriEf, colors. Tht j firsi part el the seaBOj! viS] W I used fo teach f.b£ funtiamontflSp •*<• I tfeese yonnpnterp and in sboiis * at the Center. With Carl • Frefier-1 Juniors, xitally interested in their I icks and B. Wistrcub leading the j buddies play t a r e been paeteB|:j xnth £5 ettenfiicp, Pan Green- ;' month a league win be formed tr. Sharpsijpoters asd with Jfonn i the'gym on TuesgaT- sites to wit- [ field iv, charge of the midget ban- i get play started.

J. C. C. restsuranteur Dave Smith and tie song thrush, Harriet Bennett Somberg, stalwart j Bernstein . . . Jackie Lipp and »^»»_ of Sir. ,. ana ^ •.Mrs. ,•* Ben Som. son I Sammy Moskowitz . . . '"Bootsie"

Schmoos Tztsss

berg spent th© holiday vacation js * u t z t T . ' B v i " i - i E - s Uckled Ted with bis parents . . . Sow fa | c asfia ,* a New-Yawfcah . . . Clara, pointed Capteia of the BOTC I Kaplan and Milt Eimmelstein . . . a onit at the Slissonri MilitErj- | Harry "Cap" "STeinberg snfi I striking looking damsel from Academy at Mexico, Mo. . . . . Karcia One of our younger set, s lit- Denver . . . The artist, tle to the plump side, bas^ given I liieb and Harold Cocpernmn . . . up "cycliag1* . . . instead of re- New Year celebrants at the Sk*dacing her -weight, she discov- iline Lodge were giTen a treat beered that she gained addition- | cause o* the presence cf Gary Hirschraan al poundage . . . the reason: a j Gross and Kermise "graisen appetite" . . . . Add Ivrho estertained the patrons vita similes: As hopeful as s basknite ticket holder:! . . . Aim Fellmaji doing the town -with a "Greek" . . . not & dialectician, not a resianrastecr . . Ms name is Dr. Louis Greek of DeeSioau, Ioway . . . he is tall, dark and "thensome"!: . . . "The Volga Boatman", a Criak suggested bj- JEIarry TTolf . . . a dash of frait juice, a bit of grenadine and a "jigger" ot real vodka . . . add more vodka for potency, lift the glass SJI& exdaiza, burn baired Ann Eretiak, tlsnghter' of BIr. s a 3 Elrs. Joseph Tretiafc, a ^ a d c a t e of the journalism class of JforthTrestern L:niTers5ty, new eujploye2 by Esqutre "Kiag" ia Chicago . . . Jack Razaiek has met his •*rraterloo" in Waterloo !* . . . Elizabeth Kortiey's popularity tvas dcraoastrated when was coaffced ia the Hospital with ma. ssikls . . . the female " a e t " broke all records for Tisitors, according to her friends . . . Add girls that can be described as "Zlss and Shain": Helen Smith, daughter of Mr. an<2 Mrs. Hyman Smith, likewise Ruth and Minda Friedroaa, eJaBghters of Mr. EBC! Mrs. 3. 3. Friedman and Pearl lApsej, danghtep of Sir. end Sirs. Jacob Lipsey . . . Herb Marks, the "life of the party" vrho is termed a "Casanova," has "stark" ambitions . . . she is a Jassie from the "plain" region "ant thar" in Wycunjis . . . . .Attention *s feeing directed to a local attorney's secretary who is seen constantly srocad toira •with, her "boss" . . . ehe is a former beauty priza wiuaer sad he a young barrister -who has

recently opened an office . . . Ja-ck Stetsky end Slarsen Eobinson tmcleciaea as to the date

INSU Cf' .1T.r'^~



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— r."

c. t

A Just Appeal

C Z '• - s


r.-- r. r .




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C ;r ':". W


Having been on the exchange ; list of several of cur leading-: Esglish-JeTrish periodicals, vce hsre had &s epportuaity to make i as to the relative ;

merits c* the Tarioue journal - - . THmnbaall description of throughout the country. In t h e I > i Betty Soref: "a lifeline Betty I larger ci :ies there are r-r>». &Lu Hoop" . . . Sirs. Baxld Gold- 'of HST?E: persin

Und ::;



\ ther SilTemiEii ssjiiirec. hy Al < \, IWeiner . . . The S&ni Finkel'E \< y.-irip."- ^ nr ! {Sarah Kaiashock) doing s, Co'd-\(' jble celebration., greeting 19S7 and. ten, «c* ^ V^ , * . Ir 'celebrating a "vrecding a i sary . . . Ccte Sare Kara Grsetz j-trith inimitable Sam Wolk ' c iCii" Muriel Frank Trith M.orrie "Chef" [Adler . . . Bertha. Guss &nd Max j Turner cutting capers . . . A, P. |T. celebrants . . . Bob EchaeicLer l&ad .Terry Schlaifsr . . . Chuck I'Gold'bc'ig knfi Josephine Xiouis . . I Mr. and • Mrs. (new3y--K-ed) LCB iCsnar . . . Chuck Gen&ler and j Florence Mosher . . . At the E. E.; j T. Affair Rosalie' Albert's formal • ^ ^ rv ~* rj so Etnnning that it attracted the | | attention of the male meraberE of \ ja gro-up as -well as the 'Oh's" as.fi! i "Ah's" of the female section . . . '. «rT r- s Our j !her escort TTBE JJOZ Shrier opera-tire reports that at one &*fair^ ererybody that tras "in" •sras'"OTit" before the eTening vras ] over!! . . . Irvin Kaiman, radio i impressioniEt has severed his injEiiranc© cons^tions and is now asi sociated with the Jewish Press • as subscription and adve-rtiEing i solicitor.

New Years Eve combinations: tertainment » . . The lEtercatioaEp-hraim Marks and Rosaline Pi- al broadcast C-TPT the X. S . C. , zer . . . . Segina Klein zwl JIra.my blue Ketwcrk {4:E0 ~>. rr». to ILerasoE, the-,Council Eluf'sts . . . !LouMInldn and Esther Singer . . | Gertrude Orueh's Infectious smile- t j, & 44th Arrivc-H^rr of the Kai wsa directed st her esoo I tional •Coliek ful



L.J*.-* «BBV - c r r r

trade B'ocn End. irrin Cohen . . , Hy Shrier end Dorothy Camel . . Sister Etta Camel v i t a Ben Le:itz . . . Ehiriej' Rain, ac cxii-zito-sm beauty with Ernie Y\Tintrout . . . Aukie Taffe and "Babs" X.'| dsr entertEining the Kev Ye&r t ! party at the Aguilla Corrt iritt e i professions,! fiance roctise . . 1 ! Excelling vith the X. X,'B . , . Key ) % ! Shapiro's and Josephine "Babe | < I Gold's (the chsriaer from, c t r •^ i Capitol city) isEpromptu fitnee I \ [number . . . Stccning blonde E&-j \

i stein reviewefl Thcjasis Mssa's tahloifl form that may rank ahead c, book 'Joseph aad Ms .Brother^* I in size and style, nevertheless this before the Beth-Si Woiaec's newspaper prc-vicles events of. lieas^ei Oneg Shabbos ia 5Iia- Jewish interest ia the vorlS'B acneapolis . . . Another frequent tivities and features tsst appeal four some: Gsorg0 Coha. ES3 to every ssesber ol the family, , Denver, Buffalo, Misnea- • Flo Ijohnnsaa cf Sloes City ESS Dallas, poiis, Colciafcas, PortlEufi sod J Harold Lohrsi&a sad EStaette other cities that far esceed. Oma-' . Tuchmaa . . . ha in eize aad do?s act cevote one-haif of its cpace to local and natiosai affaire .as our own (JewArsslozs to decide ish Prsss.} It brings to yea all They're stillwas trying who the joke on— the guests graphic Agency feature material, or the hostesses. A few c£ the the Seven Arts and Jevrish Teiefriends of Miss Blunia NevelefI jr e p r e s e s tingr articles and stories Had been invited to her • " b i r t h - | t r v e l l t l l 0 ¥ ; ftUthor8ritbbiE day party lionfiay, but they a l l | E n a e£I1CE.tcrs tfce-best In moasm expected, that the resl "cause; J e w i s j , t j. c -gj; t chronicles J t celebre" was.to announce her c a - : t t e activities cf S-rr,E,rort:e. Cengageiaent to Bob Fos of Ke-w-|ter & n f l - j r -t E r r E _i crp£,niz.«tio-,E. York, doctor-to-be. The guests iA _ a E l l f o r rfee price ~c~ looked ia the flowers, under the 'than your d&ily Newspaper. Is. plates, in the croquettes — and dioate your appreciation t y •welfinally' resigned themselves to ccmlng th© Press .EUbscriptios. or their mistatel T t e lancheoa case Inciaei and went—and still EO anaouacenot be S.EIES ment. Time to S ° home . . . and: c u ^ ^ x ^ i-ISTTE , VOX i-iiS.L i D caw the hostesses casting anxious j £»,„ jj^i-rTgjj r* glances fioorwarfi, frowning ce?p- | " *^ _ZS. ly. And then past the sero hour] T>.— —comes the a-sraitsd telegrana, HonvA Tstis of Trntii ntii announcing the en| flasc© Si'Eday e r e


C . V





Miss June Meyerson, who spent ah, will be the guest speaker, service, construction work carried s is a guest this week in theEretz Tisrael. But it will be atSETS WEDDING DATE the first ten days of her vacation Mrs. Albert Krasne is program 0Ut &Iuj greater use o£ electric home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen least a struggle between civilized Mis Ida Krasne, daughter at home, left on Wednesday toj chairman, and Mrs.Saul Suval- service, according to J. E. Davidand Mr. and Mrs. I. Miller. Mrs. men, not between a state turned Mr. • and Mrs. IkeKrasne, A. M. Davis, 1524 Summit AveCouncil Bluffs, has chosen Thurs- visit in Des Moiies over the New j sky is this month's chairman for son, President o£ the Company. nue, was her hostess at a lunch- into an inquisition and its abject day January-28, as the date for Year's holiday before returning ; the organization. The Company's customers used home. Bridge entertained the slaves. her'marriage to Mr, Harold Abra- to Iowa City where she is a stu- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fitch and MISS ANNA F i l l , comspeadeal dent^ at the Univ ;rsity of Iowa. tteir son, Avrum, are expected to much more electricity during guests during the afternoon. (Copyright 19 3 7 by Seven Arts hams of Omaha. Robert Rosenfeld also visited leave Sunday for San Diego, Cal- 1836 than during .936. In the Miss Krasne is being entertainFeature Syndicate) year just closed, the customers of r ed at numerous affairs prenupti- both at home and.in Des Koines \ ifornia, where th9j -vriU spend the the- power company used 410,Shower • in April and the Give' or Mr. and Mrs. Leo Franklin, during his vacation before return14 Seventh street, announce the remainder of the winter months. ally. Get Luncheon in May. Mrs. Sam Irth of a son, on January 4,-in 000 POO kilowatt hours in coming to Iowa City Monday. Greenstone and Mrs. Abe Pill ;he St. Vincent Hospital. parsion with S6£,000,000 kiloOther students who attend the Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kosenfeld watt hours in 1835. Mr. Mitchell Herod is expectwere named chairmen ot the Give University of Iowa at Iowa City j are spending this week in Chicaed to arrive here Sunday, accomThe tegular meeting of the or Get, "During XSS6 the Nebraska panied by Mrs. Herod, to mal:e and who resumed their studies • go, Illinois, where Mr. Rosenfeld Power Company carried on exMount Sinai Sisterhood will be Tuesday after spending their ra-! is attending the National Furntheir future home. Mr. Herod, held this afternoon, following a tensive construction work that re(Continued from page 1) who has been a Shocket in Kan-cation here were Miss Maxine i iture convention. one o'clockr luncheon in.' the Temsulted in the expenditure of more Leibovitz and the Messrs. Ber-! sas City for a number of years, ple Anner. Members will sit at onception, a biological predestinMr. and Mrs. Abe H. Karens than $3,000,000;" said Mr. Dawill become the new Shocket in nard Balaban, Robert Endelraan, birthday tables at the luncheon. The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare ation of races, the omnipotence family of Auburn, Nebraska vidson. "I»»"luded In this conCouncil Bluffs.' He will conduct Jack Gordon, Donald Rosenfeld,' Hostesses - for each" month are: Zion will hold their January f heredity as the biological basis JXP LEADER Sidney Maduff, and Arnold Hoffand Mr. End Mrs. Henry Maduff struction, is ft aew 12,600 kiloOPEN MEETEJGa Kosher Meat Market also, the January, Mrs. B. Aronson; Feb- meeting on the 19th of this >f criminality, and so forth." Kul•and family of Anita, Iowa spent watt turbo-irenerator and 1,200 ruary, Mrs. Earl Kline; March, month, following a dessert lunch- urbolshevismus - - "Fascist sci- >.The Jewish National Fund location will be chosen next week. man. Knth Scharf returne* :| last week here visiting at the pound pressure steam boiler at here Mrs. Dave Davidson; April, Mrs. eon. Bridge will form the after- ntific conception" - - tweedleMissSunday the company's ; over station at home after spending the home of Mr, end Mrs, H. Mr. Ben- Avi Ittamar of Pal- A number of the College Set E. K. Grueskin; May, Mrs. Lounoon's entertainment. the foot o£ .Jones street. This part dum and tweedle-dee. How about that New Year's week-end visiting in man, parents of Mrs. Marcus end Agranof f; June, Mrs. Herman Announcement was made at ruth, objective and according to estine, who is touring thia coun- have returned to their studies on of the co .siruction program will City, Iowa where she was Mrs. Maduff. •, MiUerr-July, Mrs. Mike Grueskin; the Auxiliary Board meeting that act? . How about freedom of in-try speaking about the work of Monday following their holiday Sioux coat approximate!} $1,600,000 ; the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. L.. August,Mra^ Meyer Levitt; Sep- the following have Joined the quiry and faith and idealogy and the Jewish National Fund, Is ex-vacation. Miss Pearl Meyerson, I*azar. when completed, which will be g ^ Miss Mary Scharf of Minneapopected to be in. this community who divided her vacation between about March 1." ... tember, Mrs.' Nate Gorchow; Oc- Auxiliary this month: Mrs. Louis herefore progress? The Nazis re- e'ther next Wednesday evening, a visit at home with her parents lis, Minnesota returned to her tober; Mrs. L. S. Goldberg; Nov-D- Sacks, Mrs. B. Ginsburg, Mrs. roached Albert Einstein for re-January 13. cr Thursday evening, and a visit -with friends in Sioux I The Council Bluffs Lodge No. home Sunday after spending the As a result of this special conJames. Gang, Mrs. Frank Margoducing the Aryan universe of January 14. An open meeting is ember .Mrs. Fred Herzoff; and New Year's holida-- here a< the struction work end the building 6S8 of the B'nai Brith will hold City, has returned to Lincoln, j December, Mrs. Jo© Levin; Mrs.lin, Mrs. Morris Lasensky, and pace to the wretched Jewish su- bfcing arranged by Mr. Sam Sacks where she attends the University a regular meeting- nest Monday home of her uncle and aunt Mr. of new farm lines and other adv ierstiti6n of time. -The world local president of the JNF CounL. L. Sacks and Mrs. Max Bergen Mrs. Abe Epstein. ditions and betterments, the payevening:, January 11, at 8:30 and Mrs. Joe Scharf. of Nebraska. aughed. The Central Committee cil. are in charge o f the luncheon arrolls of the power company were Mr. Ittamar is a well-known Collman Yudelson, who attends o'clock at the Eagles Hall. f the Communist Party (new speaker and will have a message rangements. .. • • • considerably increased during the University of Iowa, returned :onstitution or no new constitu- o2 interest to the-entire communA play "Grin and Bear It" which 19S6, he said. At the present to Iowa City after spending his The Council Bluffs Senior Ha• was written by Mrs. Louis S. "The Fiftieth Anniversary of ion) will not consent to have its ty. There will be no admission time, S60 men are employed on Goldberg and Mrs. Thedore Lew- the Jewish Theological Seminary" Marxian 'utopianism interferred harges or collections, and every- holiday vacation in New York dassah will hold its monthly' this construction project. City, where he represented the meeting on Wednesday afternoon,! is will be presented by Mrs. Fred will be the subject of Rabbi H. with by the facts of biological ex- ne is urged-to attend. Further deThe year 19 3 6 was one of the During 19S 6 more than 601 Sherman, Mrs. A. H. Lazere, Mrs. R. Rabinowitz sermon at Shaare eriehde' a n d experimentation, ails will be announced through Iowa Chapter of the Phi Epsilon January 20, at 2:30 o'clock at 1 most active years in the history ; Pi fraternity at tis international! the Hotel Chieftain. Mr. E. Coop- of the Nebraska Power Company farm cu^omers were furnished Ed Kantor, Mrs; M. Welsberg; Zion Synagogue thia evening.' k'nd the_world ought to laugh. ocal newspapers. convention. er, principal of the Talmud Torfrom the standi-oints of electric with electricity for the first time. Mrs. Fred Herzoff; Mrs. Earl Cantor A. Pliskin and the syn- Here are the frightful dangers Kline; Mrs. Lorence Silverberg; agogue' choir will chant the rit- >r rather the single most frightMrs.-. W.'C. Slotsky, Mrs. Gold- ual. ful danger that faces mankind, berg and Mrs. Lewis. ' ^Because of the blizzard no Jun- .tie rise of gloomy iron orthodoxat Mrs.; Goldberg will preside ior Congregation services were es, war-like whether apparently the meeting. held last Saturday morning. To- ffensive or defensive, ready to II i aia; morrow morning Berten and Mil-jlunge us all into the caverns of niiHiiniirait' ton Llpshutz will distribute can- he primitive, of the subhuman. dy to the children of the Junior We are to be no more men. "We : Congregation. ' are to be a horde. We are no : t more to think. We are to obey, The'..Jewish.' National Fund we art to be conscripts not only Council' 'hSsr"decided upon Januf the body but of the mind. ary-?! sa ih'e date'for the Second B r i t i s h imperialism?' . Bad Rabbi Theodore N. Lewia will Annual" Jewish. National, Fund enough measured by ideal standBanquet. The" banquet will be speak this evening on "Looking rds - in a world of prophetic held at the Jewish' - Community Backwards." dreams. But in this too human Center, and .Ittamar Ben Avi, Pal- Dr. Lewis has spent the past world which is so manifestly enestinian, editor and lecturer, will week in Chicago where, he gave a ering a' new dark age we can afbe:.the principal speaker. He isseries of addresses before various ord to let the British Empire touring, jthe United States in theclubs .there for the AntiDefama- ake care of its own conscience. interest of the Jewish National tion. League of the B'nai Brith. Gandhi was not stamped out. Fund.: ..-. . . ' . ' """. Meier Dizengoff was able to re. Tfce<. Jewish National Fund ONEG SABBATH buke the British Government In Council.is composed,of :represenMike Krigsten ' and Mrs. 'alestine before all the world. We iatlv.es .of- every Zionist' 'organiza- JoeMrsl Krigsten will be hostesses to hall fight Britain every inch of B Barney the Oneg Shabbos meeting of the the way for the redemtipn of tion,, -in the y . yii y the. ..city. Baron is chairman bf'tlie''Conn- Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion edd tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 '• ''' ' '" ' ^ ' • " • LOUIS E. LIPP, Attorney o'clock in the home of the for504 City National Bank Bldg. mer» 2415 Jennings street. A u x i l i a r y D a n c e •-••• OF SALE UNDER LIEN Mrs. A. H. Baron will preside. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the Mrs. Meyer Shubb will present 18th or January, 1937,'-at* 10 o'clock M.,- at the General Garage Comcurrent events of Jewish intereat A. pany, 1108 Jac^sph Street, Oipaha. : .The- -Rainbow Boom ...of ; theand. Miss Ruth Mane will speak Nebraska, the undersigned will sell at Public auction to the highest bidder •West Hotel will be the scene of on "The American Jews." for cash,, the following described props the annual Winter Dance of the Mr,. N. Eisner and Miss Bess erty, to-wit: . Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Resser will lead in the singing of 1 1930 Chevrolet Coupe, : • Motor No. 1612161; . Synagogue..Nobie Gabberts Orch- Hebrew songs. A .discussion and upon -which there has been expended . estra, will play for dancing. refreshments will conclude the labor, material.' care and diligence by the General Garage- Company, at the Mrs. Meyer Shubb is.chairman p r o g r a m . : . , , •• • - . - , ' . . instance and request of Loren Hes3 of the dance arrangements. AsSaid sale -will be for the purpose of foreclosing said lien for costs r of sisting her with the .dance are sale and aU accruing costs and for the Mrs. S. H., Shulkin, Mrs. Philip purpose of satisfying the amount due Sherman, Mrs, Joe Kutcher, Mrs. •In-the presence! of the immedi- thereon, to-wlt: ?30.00 and Interest: no suit or other proceedings at M...-Mnsfekinf....Mrs.. Li H. toiir, ate families' and intimate friends, that, la-w have been Instituted to recover Mrs; .John C« Levin, Mrs;' Mike Miss Elizabeth Raskin daughter of said debt or any part thereof, and •i\* due notice of this proceeding has Mushkin,: Mrs. Henry Sherman, Mr. and. Mrs. B. H. Raskin, and thak been given to the said Loreh Hess Mrs. Art Kaplan, Mrs. U d Kan tor, Jack Lipman of Stevens Point, a3 by law provided. GENERAL GARAGE, LIENOR. Mrs. Abe Beechen,. Mrs. Morey Wisconsin were married last Fri- l-l-37-3t. Lipshutz,. Mrs. J. Krigsten, Mrs. day-morning. 0 BEN E. KAZLOWSKY; Attorney EmULeylch, Mrs. Morris Rubin The. ceremony at, 11 o'clock Suite 532 Insurance Bldg. and-Mrs. J3.. Slptsky. was conducted by Rabbi H. R.NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Rabinowitz and Cantor A. Plis- SERVICE AMUSEMENT CO., Inc. Notice is hereby given that the unkin. dersigned have formed a corporation The bride, attended by her par- pursuant to the laws of the State of : The name of the corpora-Herman;; Tlubin was elected ents, wore an afternoon dress of Nebraska. tion shall be SERVICE AMUSEMENT president '.of tEe A. Z. A. chapter blue crepe with grey accessories. CO.. INC.. with.. its principal place of ; business in Omaha, Douglas County, at their"meeting held thiB week She carried a Bouquet" of Talis- Nebraska. The general nature of the in the Jewish' Community Center. man roses. business to be transacted by the corshall be to buy, sell, distribFollowing the ceremony, 40 poration He succeed "Jack Merlin. Myron ute, lease, hire, or otherwise acquire Heegar. was elected - vice presi^ guests attended a wedding din- and dispose of amusement devices, novelties and other personal property, dent; Joe Maron, secretary; Ber- ner in the synagogue. and. to act as agents in connection nard Rosentnal, treasurer; HasMrs. Lipsman has been associa- therewith; to sell or to purchase or acquire any rights, privikell Lazere Senior Sergeant at ed' with the Visiting Nurses As- otherwise licenses or franchises suitable Arms; Lloyd Krunlk, Junior Sea- ociation here. Mr. Lipman, who leges, "or the purposes of the corporation; geant at Arms; Joe Goldstein, re- attended the University of Wis-to conduct amusement enterprises an<i furnish entertainment of all kinds; to porter; and Jack Merlin, religious consin, was associated with the buy. Hold, sell and exchange any and kinds of real and personal property; advisor. " : Raymond Clothing Company, be- all to deal in stocks, bonds and securities; to borrow money and secure'the The newly elected president ore moving to Stevens Point. same by pledging its real estate or -was also named delegate to the After a wedding trip to Chica- personal property, and to do anything district tournament which will be go, Mr. Lipman and his bride and everything necessary or Incidental to the conduct of the business of held 'in Lincoln this spring. The will make their home in Stevens the corporation. The authorized cap' outgoing president was elected Point, Wisconsin; ital'stock of the corporation sholl be $10,000.00, consisting of 200 shares of . alternate. the par value of 550.00 each. Each Mlsa Sadie.Louise Burnett, who share of stock shall be full paid for A revised list of the members and non-assessable when issued. The elected to the chapter at the last has chosen this month for her corporation shall commence .business election Includes Morris Ginsberg, marriage to Alfred Levich, was upon the filing of its articles with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Morris Atzenberg, Vemon; Mpn- complimented this week at a Nebraska, and shall continue for a trose/ Lloyd Levich, Sam Edel- number of parties. period of EO years. Tho highest of indebtedness to which the Wednesday evening, Miss Fred- amount man, Marvin Kline, Leonard Jacorporation shall at any time'subject "cobsoni Lawrence Mushkin,. Cal- elle, Brpdkey, 3244 Jackson St., Itself, shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital stock; but this restriction mon Levich, Paul Schwartz, entertained sixteen friends, hon- shall not include indebtedness secured Robert Cohen, • Toby Shindler, oring Miss Burnette. The even- by mortgages or Hens. The-business playing of the corporation shall be conducted Cfiarles Shindler* Jr., Harold Lef- ing hours were spent by a board of directors, to consist of kovlch", Nate Orlikoff, Dave Tlle- bridge. not less than two persons, and by the of the corporation, who shall vittf, Sam -Rivin and Robert Marx. This evening, Mrs. R. B. Ja-officers be a president, vice-president, secre. Flans for the next few weeks cobson, aunt of Miss Burnette tary and treasurer, any two of which may be held by the same perInclude an installation of officers, will. entertain sixteen guests at offices' son. The articles may be amended ; and initiation of new members. the sfcrax Tea-Shop, honoring her. aat any regular or special meeting oi The.bride's colors of Peach and the stockholders by a majority vote o: outstanding stock represented at Aquamarine w'ill be carried out th« tho meeting . HEBREW MOTHER'S in the table appointments and fa-:

Meeting of Mt. Sinai Sisterhood

Auxiliary Meeting ' - /




" '




Shaare Zion

Nebraska Power Has Active Year

Date Is Set f o r ; -'-v;jiTv..3N F* Banquet

i I

Mount Sinai Temple

scriibers of

W e Deem Ourselves Fortunate To Be Able To Offer You > • •




Wisdom from the Bible and the ' ..,; '


[Tuesday Evening

A $ 2 . 5 0 Copy of





Sodely News


We Want You to'Read and Own Dr." Sher's Valyable Book





. • ' . " ' -




;: ;V

A. L . W A R R E N , Mrs.-Carrie Sampte-r. of: Fre 12-25-36-tt. Hebrew Mother's'Associa:••'•• Incorporators. mont, Nebraska, visited this week tion will hold its regular meetFRADENBURG, W E B B , BEBER, ing next Tuesday/afternoon in thein the, home of her son in law and KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Attys, .daughter, Mr and Mrs. Hyman SCO Union State Bank Bldg., Omaha social hall of Shaare Zion synaFlshgall. gogue, Mrs. Mi Matlin, will'pre^ NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF side.. Following the business OMAHA PACKING COMPANY, Mrs. Alta Kruger, with Mr. and A Corporation meeting and program,r refreshNotice is hereby given that ' at a Mrs.-Abe Krueger of Chicago meeting ments will 'bej served, of stockholders of the Omaha visited in Sioux City this week Packing Company, a corporation, duly held a t the office of the. corporation with relatives.

- - Senior HadassaK:

on the 30th day of December, 1936, at which allvof the stockholders wen Miss Ida Kuklen and Miss Dee present and voting, a resolution wa duly offered and was unanimously .' At a. board ejecting ofythe Sen- Lottman- of Lincoln,- Nebraska, adopted that the said corporation lot Hadassah held "Tuesday after- spent several days in Sioux. City cease to do business and that th same be dissolved; notic ~ noon in the Jewish Community this week, visiting with Mr; andof such action- and accordingly of the dissolution ' Cerilervplaas'le5;cre'.EQado for.the Mrs. Loula :Kuklen. of the said Omaha Packing Company. a corporation, is hereby given. January- .meeting .at -tha..chapter OMAHA PACKING COMPANT It -will-bo .held January 26 in the Miss Lillian Coom of Omaha, By 1. RAZNICK.

President. Center and will follow a desser spent last week end in Sioux City Attest: JACK RAZNICK. luncheon at one o'clock. visiting with friends. Secretary. In Presence of: The Purim Bazaar will be held SAM BEBER. in February,, the annual Linen Mrs, Abe Miller of Minneapo-

For-A $2.50 Copy of" DR. SHER'S Boole..and Y©yr $2.00 Subscription•toTHE JEWISH PRESS ' * J

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