In the Interests of the isli People This column Is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Ba» proauction in whole, or in part strictly forbidden. Any Infringement on t h i s copyright •Brill be prosecuted.
ebraska, un
January zu 1323+ a t
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NA2IS'JLAST LEAP No reader of this column -will have failed to note the Associated Press report that the National Socialist givernment of Germany has cancelled the German citizenThe tnurosl ineeting of the M ship of Thomas Mann, seized his "The Significance of Hitler" to Jewish C0ESHKHs5fy Center und house, library and lurnituTe in Welfare Federation will be Be Subject Joint Foreign • .-es "is: tseld MoEfiay, FebrKsrj- 15. Project Calls for Settling 25,Munich and forbidden the manuTuesday d T 6 l 4 _ef._-<_/ facture and sale of hia books in 030 to 40,003 Jews All members of tbe Jewish Agitation the Reich. This.move seems to! Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam, Community Center and aJl the have been not wholly unforseen,, R e s l d e n t B i s h o p o f t h e O maha contrfbators to the Jewish Phil- London - (JTA)—The Jewish anthropies ere welcome. since the third volume of Mann's i a r e „a o f, t ..h e „, .. . , . - _ . ' • Havana (JTA) — position in Poland,: Rumania, asd epic novel "Joseph and Ms Breth-! Methodist Epxscopal At tfds time -there will be an the Free City of. DansiS' was re- election of officers and reports • here commented cautiously tillsern", which bears the sub-title church, will make his first apported increasingly ' .grave at a of the various activities of the weet oa Congressman VTi iliam "Joseph in Egypt", though iden- pearance before Omaha Jewry at conference of tha . Joint Foreign Jewish GoismixEJtjr Center snd Siroricli's project to settle betical in format and type with his a meeting of the B'nai B'rith. Committee, - representing the Welfare Federation for the tween 2o,0P0 and 40,COG Gerprevious works, no longer bears man Jewish refugees on Cnbar Tuesday, January Board of Deputies of British Jews j past year. 19, at 8:15. the imprint, now become a great To m soil within five years. In conand the Anglo-Jewish assoeiatioE. j His topic will be "The Signifimemory, of S. Fischer, Berlin, trast to. the reaction following Continued unchecked and vio- j but of a newly incorporated pub- cance of Adolph Hitler." annoGnceinent of the project sevlent anti-Jewish..propaganda by | lishing house in Vienna, "the Ber-j Bishop Oxnam who came to eral months ago, when the press the Endeks and Naras, an out-; mann-Fischer Company, and was! Omaha only recently is considerbitterly attacked it, editorials lawed party,, was blamed for the j ; ed one of the country's foremost neither criticized nor enthused mannfactured in Austria.. situation in Poland. -The propaover it. ' Doubtless many instructed rea- orators and has won a reputation ganda, it was" stated,' is leading ders felt a pang, a feeling of mor- of being one of America's great Following an interview vitfc to continuous, rioting ia nearly al discomfort at reading of this liberals. President Sru, Mr. Sirovich anall' the . country's_b.igher_ schools. piece of news. Such, too, was my Admission to the lecture" will nounced the new Cuban executive .'-.ttempts to exclude Jews from initial reaction. Second thoughts be by ticket only. Tickets may bad received his proposals "very Warsaw, Cracow and Ltsblis bar brought an entirely different at- be obtained free of charge from sympathetically." The American associations were reported to the titude and an entirely other train Max Baer, 609 - Brandeis Theater committee. Johannesburg (WXS) — The congressman also conferred with The entire Jewish of reasoning. " For this act, above Building. B/SftOP Q.BZaMLJ£i' cie Batista, Cuban die. The. Jewish position in Jewish population of the Union - :' all other acts, we must be grate- community is invited. though the conference has deteriorated , in every diree- ! South Africa is now approximateful. It writes the Nazis down in Eabbi David A. Goldstein, past it was reported aftertion; the conference was told. AM ; U*" 95,000 or somewhat less tfcaa the eternal book of man's mem- president of the Omaha Lodge of economic boycott. against D&csfg j 4-75 per cent of the total Enro- ward that Col. Batista had promory. Perverse-, people in later B'nai B'rith, will introduce the - , Jews, it was stated, is being BUS- P e an population of a little over ised iiis aid. ject o? murh comment. ages may seek to defend them. speaker. Max Baer, program Mr. Sirorich revealed that he' 2,000,000' compared . -with 4.25 tained by Nazi threats against livPil or S?TP p r KfSdy ! p Subtle sophistries will be used; chairman of the local lodge, -will has beenasked, tog-ether -with , non-Jews who* attempt to fiesl ^ r cent is 1926, the South Africouncil will be darkened. "We preside. Several vocal selections American Jewish personal- j =^° Board of Jewish Deputies an'with Jews. A s a result. know those processes. There will will precede the lecture. An open to attend a Cabinet confer- i " aounced in reply to exaggerated be an answer. There will be< an forum will follow Bishop Oxnam's Rehearse.:- '.or "Petticoat Fev-: p o v e r t r i s • incl-easing and tlie en the project in the near amiNS.EE . answer to which there is no re- address. er" hav- been resumed by the 'community' is unable to meet tfce i n u r e s bandied about by 'e. o' thp ply. The answer will be the name Center rinyers. This play ori-igj-o-^mg demands : for relief, thai-Semitic speakers. His plan contemplated calls for In the violent anti-Jewish barBerlin (JTA'i—You can sesrcli of Thomas Mann. iginslly scheduled for 'production r e port declared. e introduction of the Jewg into high and low in the new telerage of oratory. sweeping over Izri rjonth has h e e n . postponed) - unchecked anti-Semitic agitaLet us regard the man and his over a five year period, ar.d phone 'directory sn£ you wor.'t iments. UE.Ul the evenings of February! Uon in Rumania has caused aaz- \ South Africa charges hare been His work. And first thj man. He is find -a rale. It's a "Keffepstiib?" 16 and 17. "'• . •'"• ';' iiety among the .Jews of ttstjmade that the-Jews comprise 7 an Aryan, a German of the North, 5v.'p.y5 been or "ICsffeehEii?'" now. rui* no "Petticoat Ferer" enjoyed a j country,' it w a s ' reported to 'the'-to Thi per cent of the European of Lubeck, where nis ancestors enterprises. Siro- longer by a enfetier. but ^r s long and successful run on Broad- - conference. Apprehension 'has \ population and number between constituted one of those families rants would "Kaffeewirt"' or. better ret, s. he has 8 rejuHptior beinj. The Omaha chapter of Hadas- way last season and was subse- ; a i s o been stimulated, it was de-| 130,000 and 140,000. of patrician merchants that were a scientists and true German 'Kaffephatisbesitzer.''. fine lerfurer. quently made into a movie starr- | clared, by the -government's re- j " The Board of Deputies also recharacteristic of the maritime cit- •sah'will present a series of four ing men who will Robert Montgomery. It is a part ol the Na-i drive ies of the Hanseatic League. Nor lectures by Rabbi David A. Goldof. Oms>It is a story of a wireless op- cent' order for revision of natural- \ plied to exaggerated assertions "make Cuba a chemicsl and cul- agrainst "foreJErnisms" in use in , is that all. Though in his1 first stein in which he will discuss erator who has been isolated at ization requirements which, if I regarding the imigr&tion of Jews, tural center of the world." ha, vil introduce the Getnan language ihp.t !I?F great novel "Buddenbrooks ' he "The Case History of the Jewish his lonely station on the coast of carried out,'may result in the loss ] pointing out that official statisprompted the-Central Keichsposi-. delineated the decay of just' such of Germany. The. first lecture Labrador for. two • years. His of Rumanian citizenship-for many j tics show that for the fire years siEt to clrop certain fore-irn-cler-ip-' nationals of 'Hun-'ending .December,. .1935 »<;wisb. a family, in reality of his own will take place at the home of tranquil existence is upset by the j g a r y a formerly Tickets tor thr Ifo ure ir>?.r n d Russia, nstions from tlie directory ; immigration- from all countires. family, he never cut himself loose Mrs. John Tarber, 104 South Ehn- arrival of a British flyer and his be obtRiperi ff. ihc ' *- * The "Tanripk?,!" hns blopsornpfl average 907 per year. There was from the traditions of his folk wood Road on Wednesday Janu- fiancee who are forced down near j out as E "Tanzraitir!." if yon ETC of ihr Coninuiniiy jan increase" in* Jewish immigra-• and fathers. On the contrary. In ary 27. the station. The ensuing excitepeeking- s dance hall, or a. "Tanzitlon. ia' 1936 du 3 to the arival of his essays and discourses he The lecture period will consume ment is the basis for the amusing New York (JTA)—Economic cimmer" (dance room). Siirillarj German. Jewish; refugees in the state again, and again that he is forty-five minutes and will be fol- situation. # , depression in Chile, now Eppar- ly," the "WciRkotal" has lieconse i -|& " i months up to-aadincluding Ncv.-!>* a child of the European bourge- lowed by a discussion by those Charles Rachman will taksthe tO- ©irO^ j ember Tsrhea new immigration re- t ently drawing to a close, has re- E, "Weinstnbe." Tbe "EraMiF!?. • o r n m . aisle of the nineteenth .century present.. Tea will be served fol- leading role-of Daseom j suited in the absorption sr-Z IREEJ «infl that he regards that Burger- lowing the discussion. - ' • . . . . _ •the lonely wireless operator--The. L.: Moscow (JTA}—A -ca'lectJGaTo? Igulatioais Ifecaiae effective. \ i Since t t o . South Africa sr-i^civisx. j<eca.jers isto nsore pro- er ct the worci'. 13 tumy with all Its faults upon its The committee '•. In charge con-part of Sir J a m e s Fenton, t h e 300. • paintings, *T8*Tsrpttire3 -and j migration as i ductive occupations, HIAS re- er te foKnfi. iead, as the adequate sustainer sists of Mesdame3, Jack Bramson, British flyer, will be. played, .by etchis^srcoatributed 1)y more taan-j frees •'•firtually nea-existent. : ported. As far EE "Ar T =• r n of the civilization of his age. AsJules Shapiro, Abe. Solomon, Milton Frohm, Rosalie Alberts; 200 American lartiits was on exr n Chile's'Jewish population EUIE- cerr ed,. t h ere is BP i" r a mid-European bougeois of the James Corenman, Ben Tehodore, will be Ethel, Sir J a m e s'i hibltibn-liere-.-last- week' preliminbers about 20,000, icclufiir.g ap-1 lection," or store v twentieth century he considered Sylvan Bloch, Dave Brodkey, Ar- fiancee who is flying with him, • r y to -being sent "to the Jewish j a prosimately 3,000 immigrants in! bny ready-made d~e it his duty to give his moral sup- thur Romm, Archi-* Jacobs, and and Bertha Gus• be- Clara',! autonomous territory of Biro-^ the past five years. Of tee recect \ riff, orgran of Prr port to the right wing5 let-us say, Julius Bisno. Mrs. M. Levenson i Bidjan in Soviet Siberia, Dascom's fiancee. . . • | immigrants, about 1,0 00 are Ger-• ter Paul Joseph i. oof the German Social Democracy is chairman. xhe -srorks were sent by the Others in the cast are: George and to declare in unmistakable Because of her splendid work j man refugees. Shafer^ an Eskimo servant; and; American artists, Including Jews for many years in behalf of the j The HIAS-ICA Emigration As- that this word i -• and public terms his allegiance to stricten from use •> Rita Mantel and Martha Hinimeland non-Jews, In response to an Talmud Torah, Mrs. K. Tatle was ; sociation has established a local cUistry and "Gerrrr- 1 the "Weimar Republic In other stein, Eskimo women. words, Thomas Mann is psycholoappeal- .for. ex hibit s to be placed elected honorary president of the Jewish immigrant-aid committee • Helen Merritt is directing the In the Biro-Bidjan Art Museum. Deborah Society at '.he regular ,-.t Santiago, with a branch at Val-i forcefi. to recall +^" gically and intellectually, much Jews controlled t! ^ production. The exhibition here was opened I meeting held last Tuesday. Mrs. farther removed from radicalism Preparations for Dr. A, L. Sacby Frank Kirk, an American art- A. Wolf, also very active in the ! contact with the Chilean Foreign try." than the Nazis themselves. He is, har'0 institute on Jewish History ist, who left Russia 26 years ago organization, was elected an hon- Office and Labor Department and! in every respect, as he is fond of and Jewish Problems have been HIAS SETS DATE FOR Kea Kcz r~c". because of Tsarzist oppression. orary vice-president. saying, a man of the "middle", completed by the committee of j MATZOTH PACKKAGES to facilitate settlement of Jewish' The works will remain on exaverse from all extremes, embrac- the- Beth El Synagogue Auxiliary, j Mrs. J. Goldware is the new t r Berlin ( J T A ) — ~ ' ing that "golden mean" which is who-are the-sponsors of the ser- TO RUSSIA hibition here a month, after which!president; Mrs. J. Bernstein, vice• started • a new in' P<the collection will. be forwarded president; Mrs. C. Ross, Secreat the center of man's classical ies. The Institute will be held at | family records of . wisdom. the Jewish Community Center, The -Hias Immigrant Bank an- to the Jewish territory as the tary; and Mrs. H. E. 'Selmont, the capitEl convw treasurer. Such is the man. Now let us re- February 19, 20, 21. I nounces that orders • for Matzoth nucleus for the museum which , Esisity back to ifThe executive board will be apthe Government isconstructing. gard the writer. Nothing of what In the five lectures that will j packages for Russia must bs in I t h e Voelfeischer T "• 1 „! I pointed in a short time. the Nazis, call Kulturbolshevismus make up the series. Dr. Sachar the New York office not later Karry Fellman, 62, died Tues- j it, "every BerliK • « -c a ultra-modern disorganization of will speak on: "Five Patterns of than February- lz. The Jewish GUEST RABBI VSABLE TO day morning at his home after a ', to identify Aryan ecp style or substance, has ever so Jewish Life"; "Damaged Goods Community. Center is the official RECEPTION AND TEA long illness. Mr. Fellman was a four generations.*" much as touched him. His style in Jewish History;" "The Present agent for the Hias for Omaha and APPEAR TONIGHT resident of Omaha for over forty FOR RABBI KOPSTEIN is a' great and grave and shapely Jewish Crisis"; "Some Lessons of Nebraska. years and had been active in the At services tonight at the Bethstyle. It is not an ornate style. Jewish History"; and a Round Packages are including those •srork of the local B'nai B'rith Due to the inclement weather. lodge and the Omaha Eebrew It is rich by virtue, of the spirit- Table discussion. articles of which there is a short- El synagogue Rabbi David A. "Oal. splendor of its texture. Mann in Russia. Packages are sent jj Goldstein will speak on the "Life last Friday, the reception and tea cClub. Mrs." J. H. Blank announces the age He was was at at one one time time chsir chairge in R . P g He llib# is, moreover, one of the .most appointment of Mrs. Lawrence from the Riga and Warsaw of- and "Works off Eliezer Eli B YehuY h u | in i honor h R b b i Miltor. Milt A. AK Ben off Rabbi Kop- ;m&n o f t h e board and a charter learned of novelists in the pre- Finkel and Mrs. Sam Ste'.nberg as fices of the Hias and with orders dah." Rabbi DavidvPolish of Ce- ; stein was postponed until tonight. ' member of the B'nai Israel Concise sense in which Milton i3 one chairmen of the ticket sales. Mr. to reach Hussia in time for , the dar Rapids, Iowa, who was to This will be held at the B'nai Is- gregation. of the most learned poets. Music Harold Saks is in charge of the Passover, they must be put In im- have occupied the pulpit Is un- rael synagogue, 18th and ChicaSurviving: are his w two and medicine and now in these young people's committee. able to come on account of ill- go streets after the Friday night daughters, Mrs. Kobert mediately. last years the history of the early services. The. public is invited. and Miss Ar,n Fellman; two sons, Subscribers to ths JewisTi Press are being Arrangements may be made for ness. Semites have been the subjects of cable orders as late as February Dr. Lees Fellman and Saul Fell8J5 tTitTP^redT A. W. BINDER TO BE his studies. And he has made 28 although thia entails extra man; three brothers, Sam of himself a master of them. "With NEXT ARTIST ON costs. .. ' / Omaha, I. Fellman of Kew York Kixibs crip ticiii tc tls & *> £%'."isli Tress are now this equipment of art and culture, and Simon Felltaaa of Lynn, MasJEWISH SERIES c IMu &%. iiose v ho pa-7 bscri' assuming of course the original sachusetts; one sister, Jlrs. S. LARGE ATTENDANCE AT genius of the man, he has proirjgthf of tV, vill for RT, f 1 dvGuller of St. Louis; &nd three A. "W. Binder, considered the duced a body of work (from MRS. IDELSON ADDRESS fr-pT- of Br, Fhilip which jut out in grandeur the outstanding authority on Hebraic n. -T Services were T-.?W. ?f the l>om < . SftfIT'S 7<cr> >,. ',-1 -Uj "Win:lor roTT f'hf "The Arab kings iatervened in appearance of weakness ia Britdn6 three great narratives: "Budden- ana Yiddish music, -will appear d Efterprpp.. PUTS?! T ? F i Over 150 women attended the the Palestinian crisis to prevent isa administration, the Arabs (%,, •• -4"; ; is."' v ; brooks", "The Magic Mountain," at the Je-wish. Community Center "Joseph and His Brethren") that February 2 as the third speaker Pioneer Women's organization a total defeat of t i e Arabs," ac- thought that time had arrived. •in Golden Hill is, speaking very strictly, unique on the Jewish Lectura and con- luncheon at the Jewish Commun- cording to Ittamar Bea. Ari, Pal-But they met a wall." | oofe &lr VS F- \T07t"b etftc rcg< ity Center on January 6. Mrs. estinian publicist, who spoie in this age by all the qualities cert series. .. ° . "The Jews of Palestine were j Bebe Idelson," principal speaker, lie AT-, x.^^., By "Wednesday evening, at the Jew%;;H:< l a $2.00 that make literature of,the first Mr. Binder, who is making a more courageous and more stead- j jrner.t Of T-Ol order. As surely as Shakespeare tour of the country, plays the pi- was enthusiastically" received by ish Community ,Center, Ittamar fast than even the civilian armies - < • • • * -»£•'•»•>>.'1» yc-u Funeral services for Abraham . , ; Ben Avi, the son of the famous was the greatest writer _ In the ano and sings to illustrate his lec-those present. fcs-v Mrs. J . Raznicfc sang several Elearar Ben Yehuda, told an- of Loyalist Spain. The Jews have ; Ellis, 71, were held in Lincoln, i world while he lived, as surely as ture. last Sunday, at the Roberts mornot had to kill Arabs. It was j Palestinian numbers, accompan- ecdote after anecdote to an audJohn Milton was the first poet of I5i his s-Tid t h e oai fro ied on. the piano by Mrs. Herman ience that held on .'to every word. sufficient for them . to know we Ituary. Mr. Ellis, en OmshaE, died at a local hospital en Januwere there." When Arabs found I Cb-hn. . ' . / : csccptios&Ily ;CiB£ treatment of the great 'Europe while he'lived,-'so Burely "To understand Palestine of the is-an ary 7 Efter s. heart attack. Is Thomas Mann, quite'"hor8 conA reception for Krs.- Idelson last six months,"- he saifi, "It is g of our people. Herein tlie wisdom of cours" quite unrl railed by any was held a t t h e home of Mrs. necessary' to understand':-tiie Eur- cut the trees. "But we Survlvicg are three ECUS. BOB the s,?res is ros-dc- to -serve modern, needs of Lincoln, Lew End Sara of Omone,'! the greatest living writer In Herman Cohen during t h e even- ope of the last twenty years. Tne learned their -tricks." Rabbi David A. Goldstein will I n g . To illustrate the spirit of the aha, arig one daughter. Krs. Fhiiany language. • ' • - . • - . . .; sforce cur British have forgotten the idealcountry, Mr. Ben Avi told how ip Greenstone of Omaha. ArWell, if the Nazis repudiate review "The Biography of Anne ism that tools, them into the war. Sullivan-Macy" by Nella. Braddy rangements for the funeral were r in Omaha this great gentleman and great They have -deceived aiaa disillus- the port.of Tel Aviv was built in rmade by the .Tewisr Funeral OPENING CLASSES OF nine tours and when Sir Arthur! genius, what does their repudia- at the Jewish Community Center «ervsBt of ioned us. *In*many 'ways the BritHome of Omana. Burial WEE tion of anyone mean? Even the on Monday, January 18, at 8:15 JEWISH COLLEGE ish Empire is on the road to deca- .Wauchope, the High Commission- *in Lincoln. p. m. Czar left Tolstoi to his own deer, costing to Tel Aviv the morndence." This it-the fifth of the series Vices. Even those procurators of ~~~ ~ Mr. Ben Avi < told of the new ing after fee had authorized the! Opening classes of thV- College the holy synod of the Itusslan of Book Eyenljjgs being sponsorbuilding of the port, saw the fin-; RQUHB TMLE BAECE ansi school of English statesmen who of Jewish Studies ,were; held at church seemed to have some dim ed by the Beth El Synagogue ished.project, lie turned to Mayor i caa effer 1 tlie . Jewish Comunity , Center are followers of Colonel sense of the existence of Euro- Auxiliary. rence. They have corae to ro- DIzengoEf and said, "a nation The Round Table ol .Te-wishji Tickets may be secured pean standards and world opinion the 'j Tuesday.'•' evening, January 12. manticize about the Arabs and that ez-S 2a that ia a Eight will Touth -caiace feeifi e,t ttte Cer.ter 1 "The Nazis nave done things: Infin- .Box-Office* the night of the re- Those wishing to attend may still are enthvL. iastic 'ftir'the Arabic get' Palestine in & year." Sunday TTEF weU-sttenSefl. if itely more cruel than this; they view. Mr. Ben AVi prophesied that last register at the main-off ice of the civilization. "But the Arabs of TJie afele dances are provSlave spilt the blood of thousands 3-n epportraaty" tlutt the Royal Cosusissioa will stopj Roun to-day are not -what .they were. Jewish Community Center. of - innocent and rig&teous men, liqtddatuig Jewish Again they : are.'a. desert people.", 'But. we are just!ing increasingly popular with the!I ! : : SILOTSH set be evcrlookcd. Jews and German's, that trill not Employment Offices Classes are being held : every Mr. Ben Ave described s,a. in-1 begiaiifaig ia Tuesday evening. All members terview he had -with the Smir.Ab-' • "&ir. BEE .Avi came to Omasa orchestra fiirsislie-d tlie music. •cry out in vain against them. . They have invented new ingenu- Berlin —Employment exchange of the local. Jewish, community dullah of TraEsjotdaais st which under tfcs i uspices ol the Jevssli e next dan •€, a Purim Carities of moral and economic tor- offices of all Jewish communities are urged to-taie'-advantage of the.Etair made the statement "that., National Fs eld on Febrti be j nival, v: 1 tures. All their acts have been hi Germany were liquidated last- this fine opportunity of obtaining someday the Arabs -would chase! Ee vri is chairman of ii iatroduced by Henry l£S. Ds week. . • .. -•...„.: (Continued on page . 8.), a Jewish education. the-Jetra ^iato-the-sea.-- "With -the }-Moasky» tie Sance coi
Date Is Set for
TOTAL 0? S5.C33
Players Resume Rehearsals for 'Petficoat Fever*
"Cafe" Change to Ka HewDrive
Rabbi Goldstein to Give Lectures ? Before Hadassah
Chile Depression Aided Economic Position of Jews
U.S. Artists •
Deborah Society Election
Plans Completed for Sachar Series
Harry Fellman, 62, Died Last Tuesday)
Abraham Ellis,-71
Book Review By . Rabbi Goldstein
II in Your Check for
Page 2
Our Film Folk
By HELEN ZIGMOND Hollywood—Lew Pollack and Sidney Mitchell have written $ new looney-tune anent the quints entitled, "Like Five Little Peas in a Pod."
By David Neumark Brainin Mr. World felt that he needed a vacation this week, so he asked a young friend of bis to tell, yon tUe story of Jacob H. Schif f, whom all American Jews remember with particular rev« erence and love today because January 10th marks 90 years since he was born. David Neumark Bralnin, who is. eleven years old, hopes .that all the boys and girls will read this biography with interest.—Mr. World. MR. WORLD'S QUESTIONS See how many of these ques* tions you can answer after you have r6ad Mr. World's "Ask Mo Another" Chat. , 1. In what country was Jacob H. Schiff born? How old was he when he came to America? 2. In what field of business did Mr. Schiff become successful? 3. What Jewish institutions did Mr. Schiff help found? 4. What is Mr. Schif H's memorial in a great American university? 5. Why did Mr. Schiff not want to help Russia, during the world war? 6. Where is a street named after Mr. Schiff? 7. What famous American Jew of today is a relative of Mr. Schiffs? , 8. How did Mr. Schiff observe the traditions of the Jewish religion? 9. How did he help preserve these Jewish religious traditions in America? 10. How did Jacob H. Schiff look? "•••• Jacob Henry Schiff was both a • financier and a philanthropist, but that was only- as he-•was. known to the world. He was really a great Jew, too. / It !B my opinion ' that if he had not so generously • contributed - t o ' m a n y Jewish schools New "^ork would, •'so;.highly:: advanced! in Jewish education. ''•'-'•. - ••' - •' ; r ••. . Jacob! Henry' Schiff was born on. ; January. 10, 1847, ;in..;3?r&n'k" fo.rtr\Germany>7Hls. parents--were •Moses; aid 'ciaravSphlff., "Bpth. of them were parents ^ h o would have helped any. boy to be a fine man. His father was an- ^exacting and religious man who was often very strict; his mother, a woman of a sweet' kindly ^nature; The traits of both parents were - found in the son, tor he set before himself a life of exacting, duty, while towards others he was • kind and considerate. , '"Jacob Schiff received a thorough education. He learned the Hebrew language and could Quote the Bible freely in the sacred tongue. In 1865 he left Germany and •went to England, but he had already decided to make his home in America. Thi3"he did; late in 1865 Mr. Schiff arrived at New York, where he was employed by Frank'and Sons, but .soon afterwards organized the partnership of Budge and Schiff Company. He remained .as a partner there until his father's death In 1873. when re returned to Frankfont to comfort his widowed mother, to whom he was very devoted. Here he remained until late in 1874, when his mother told, him to go back to the United States, where she knew he • was happier than he was in Frankfort. " When he arrived in New York the second time he was employed by Kuhn, Loeb and Company, who, recognizing Mr. Schif f's great financial ability, soon promoted him to the position of headship, of the house. Mr. Schiff was strongly in favor of the Union Pacific Railroad, which he helped by according it loans which made a total of $2,500,000. He served as director of the Northern, Railroad, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and the Deleware and Hudson Railroad. As the purpose of this sketch is not to tell of the financial career of Mr. Schiff, but to tell of his life, especially as a Jew, we will leave his financial career. On May 6, 1875, Jacob Schiff married Theresa Loeb, daughter or* his employer. The marriage was • a success, as - Mr.. and •. Mrs. Schiff both Tiad the same political and domestic views. They had two children, Mortimer I. and Frieda. -The former became a member of Kuhn, Loeb ana Company, in 1900 and was closely1 associated With his father in his business and other activities. He died a- few years ago. Frieda Schiff married Felix M. Warburg, now also a member of the firm, and distinguished for his philanthropic work. I have gone' this far without telling how Mr. Scbiff looked, so [ will now.proceed to do so. He was.of the snort and stocky type. Fie had piercing blue eyes which were capable of expressing either
compassion or indignation. He ' Beatrice Kaufman, wife of wore a short beard which turned George S., is in town screainiewhite when he grew ' older. Mr. scripting. She missed meeting Schiff was a well-dressed man, Mary Astor the other day "by two : and', usually wore a flower in his restaurant booths. buttonhole. t Mike Levee was one of the prinAs I said at the start of tbis cipal speakers at a recent dinner. biography, Jacob Schiff was a Nachum Nardi and Brachah. Zfirah philanthropist, and his numerous He asked one of the press boys contributions to Jewish organiza- what he candidly thought of the Brachah Zfirah and Nahum tions all over the Northeastern speech. "It was all right," was Nardi, noted Palestinian music- ter of authentic , Hebraic music the laconic reply, "but there were of medieval times. She sings the United States^ rate him as a great ians, shown above, are now in a man as Moses; but .of course in a couple of dandy > spots where this country on an American tour. old melodies of Yemen, Arabia, and Persia, and brings to life the a different way. He helped to you could have stopped!" These celebrated artists will ap- poems of the medieval Spanish found the Jewish Theological pear in Omaha, under the ausProducer Harry Rapt and his pices of the, Jewish National poets. To these she adds the Seminary and to establish the Semitic Museum of Harvard Uni- wife celebrated their silver anni- Workers Alliance, Branch 54, on songs of the present day pioneer versity. He also gave $100,0^00 versary.' Rabbi Magnln remarried February 16, at the Central Club. of Palestine. for a Technical College in Haifa, them. And Just so they would get two artists are an integ- Nachum Nardi is a Russian Jew the right start in life, son.Maur- ralThese Palestine. . part oi the cultural life ct and as a pianist and composer is ice gave his mother away and Because Mr. Schiff was a form- Matthew stood up for his father. Palestine and havef a large fol- well known throughout the Near lowing in Arabia, Syria, Turkey, East. er citizen of Germany he grieved ... • • • Persia, Morocco, Algeria as well deeply when the United' States Tickets for this concert can be The Marxes are so imperman- •as France, England, Germany, obtained from all members of went to war against German^, but nevertheless he was strongly for ent, so transitory that they had Poland, and Austria. the Alliance as well as from the the United States and was never to make an agreement with their Brachah Zfirah is an interpre- Pioneer Women organization. known to ask Kuhn, Loeb and director that' if any one of them Company to lend money to the played "hookey" before the di- the musical director, arrived Central powers, though he was rector dismissed the company, he home safely from war-torn Spain, more than willing to lend money would be fined. Other \morning and en route she arranged for to the Allies—with the exception the boss called, "Places!" Grou- the publication of her story, "I of Russia, which he .opposed be- cho, Harpo, and hte rest of the Lived My Life at 21." (She .reHollywood, Calif. cause of the way they treated the actors faced the camera. Chlco's fers to her age, not the famous "Something must be done!" place was vacant. Trailing a faJews. A little while before the New York night spot.) With this simple, yet impera•war he persuaded the United miliar gurgle, they found him siptive statement, Mervyn LeRoy, • * * ' States government to put an end ping soup. Ruefully .he's reflectone of Hollywood's ace film direcing: One bowl-soup . . . $20.00! Mitzi Green returns to the spotto a trade treaty with Russia belight. She'll be featured in a tors, producer and one of the most cause of the way American Jews * * * Rogers-Hart Broadway musical, important figures in the motion were treated hi that country. Senor Goldberg, father of the and is also being optioned by Fox picture industry, lit another ciIn 1911 Mr. Herbert Putnam famous Pittsburgh half-back, Is | Films. igar, settled back in his chair at asked Mr. Schiff to buy a certain] also owner of a theatre. When he Warner Bros, studios in Burbank, • * • Jewish library which was for sale heard that his son was appearLionel Stander's life has been Calif, for a moment and studied and which Mr. Putnam wanted ing in a newsreel, he rushed to! a succession of jobs. By the time a pad of production notes on his for the Semitic.Department of the book it for his show. He pleaded,' he was nineteen he had been of- desk before again addressing this National Congress Library. (Mr. begged, but to no avail . . . it fice-boy, bank clerk, lifeguard, interviewer. Putnam was chief librarian of was already bought by his rival chauffeur, taxi driver, tile-set- "The solution to the Jewish this library). Mr. Schiff did this exhibitor. All the following week! ter, foreman of a -picture frame i problem," he resumed suddenly. on condition that a Jewish schol- Papa Goldberg had to be content' factory, reporter, press agent and | "is faith in ourselves and our felar would be put in charge of the with staring at his competitor' promoter. Finally because he jlow citizens as human beings. Semitic Department. This Is just marquee: "See Goldberg beat could throw dice realistically, he j First of all, we must, show our an example of Mr. Schlff's gener- Notre Dame!" (Tut, tut, Helen, became an actor. Even then the fellow-countrymen that we are osity toward all men and his de- you were scooped on this by Paul stream of jobs continued . . . he primarily Americans and Jews votedness to the Jewish religion. A. Peters in his last week's "Be- played In twenty-six consecutive secondly. We have no homeland, and since America has swung open • Mr. Schiff was religious at all tween You and Me."—Ed.) productions . . .all flops! its doors and adopted us, we times. He said grace before he • • • Sylvia Sidney refused ten ohshould show that our interest and ate, attended Temple every SatBlack-out. love is here. We have done much urday, and even on September 22, oh-oh dollars for network prattle • * * 1920, which was the Day of . . 'cause she suffers mike-fright. (Copyright 1937 Jewish Tele- to build the United States and be* * • cause'of its characteristics, AmerAtonement, he insisted on Fastgraphic Agency, Inc.) , ica is the logical birth place for Pen Portrait: Harpo. He chose ing, though he was already so inter-racial good-will and the sosick that he died three days later, to learn the harp when his mothIn 1141 a statute was passed er accused him of not doing forcing the Jewa of Tours to sup- lution of a problem that long has on September 25 th. A street in, downtown New enough in their vaude- act ."• . . ply the king of France with i. plagued us. "The Initial step should be the York is named after him, Schiff thought she couldn't afford such half pound pepper. Parkway. He was a great man an 'expensive instrument. She and an" even better Jew.' " • fooled him . . . bought an old one (Copyright 1937 by Seven Arts for forty dollars. It was later broken "up in a train crash , . . Feature Syndicate) The railroad gave him ?250 damages . . . and when he gathered together all the pieces, he discovered it was a real antique and sold it to a dealer for $200. Harpo cares not for appearances . . high•Warsaw (JTA)—-An interna- salaried, yet his make-up kit Is a toinal congress of Jewish relief cigar-box. He usually slumps organizations to coordinate their when he sits and lounging is his work was proposed in au inter- hobby. His facial color scheme view with "newspapermen by Dr. tor his current epic is dead white. David Lvovitcii, vice-president of * • • the World ORT Union; , • Janet Riesenfeld, daughter of 1
Personalities in the News
Aristotle described so long ago We are purged by pity and terror. "VVe are more human than w< tiles; and lie must carry the plan early production. He feels that were before, through—to ultimate success or I such films, properly treated, make (Copyright, 193 6, by Seven ArU Feature Syndicate). failure—with the complete back- not only good entertainment and ing of all Jews, rich and poor. food for thought, but also will <5o Whatever plan shall evolve, only | more for establishing wood-will time will • lell, but we have the j than hours upon end of anti-Nazi -finances, intelligence, and repre- speeches. If the proper vehicle is, found, sentation In all classes of American life to carry it out success- LeRoy stated, preliminary work I Munich (JTA)—American and will be don-s on it before the corn- ; British publishers were blamed fully. "What we do need, however, Is man life—on the level o* Shalom j for "the Jewish influence in Germore 'guts'," Mr. LeRoy empha- Asch and Thomas Mann—enmi- ! man literature" at the closing sized. "Instead of beiiit yellow, ties die, hysterias fade, differ- j session of a Nazi research conwe should get out and fight for ences are saluted and not con- ! ference on the Jews at Munich not only our own good name, but demned, and the spirits who rep- ] University. for the freedom and ecjuality that resent great peoples dwell side by i Dr. "Wilhelm Stapel, Nail litersurely belongs to the posterity of side in a vision of their equal ; ary leader, declared that were It worth. our race." i not for American and English Let it not be thought on ac- I publishers who translated works Movies Pave Way for Solution With so many Jews prominent- count of these higher and subtler ; of Emil Ludwig and Lion Feuchtly Identified with the film indus- considerations that "The War | wanger, thus raising them to try, LeRoy pointed out to us, the Goes On" is not an extremely I "world fame," German literature It is primarily j would not have been "permeated industry has for several years I "going" story. It is indeed a burning, I with the Jewish spirit." been paving ..he way for the so- that. lution of this broad social prob- I tragic tale of unmistakable hu- | Professor Franz Koch of Berlem. Such pictures as "The jnian beings—the "Eastern" Jews, | lin University made similar obHouse of Rothschild," "Imitation I the German Jews, the Germans—; servations about Jakob Wasserof Life," an epic picture now in 'meeting the dreadful fate that!j man. Professor Johannes Alt of prpearation at the Warner studio I history prepared for them, guilty jj Wuerzburg said that studies of dealing with the Dreyfus case and 'and guiltless at once, driven, fal- :'•Jewish influence in German litLeRoy's own "Chain Gang" pro- tering, destined to this path by erature were only important to duction have contributed much i forces above their ken or power. ' show that anti-Jewish legislation toward tolerance and the crea- j This spirit of impartial pity is the WES justified. tion of a more sympathetic, un- ! spirit of the greater writers. It is the spirit of Shalom Asch. It! Isaac Pinto prepared in 1766 derstanding society. makes the reading of this book ' the earliest Jewish prayerbook to Seeking Jewish Story LeRoy, one of the youngest and that experience of tragedy which' be published in the United States.
of a leader who can pre- most capable directors in Hollysent a sound,plan to equalize re- j wood, is now reading manuscripts Palestinian Artists in This Country selection lations between Jews and Gen- in search o£ a Jewish story for
'Jewish Influence' Attacked by Nazis
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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1937 dominated. We want to be there j the only answer which we can I in Photoplay Magazine George Heftiricfa Mann, younger!By the name of Hans or Herms.t a; equals. We have tSe greatest j give, and which the world wflljJessel (juips that he has had an] brother of Thomas Mann, heads W i t h a Nordic nose like GopMi respect for your language, your understand—especially, I hope, j offer from Hitler—three weeks'I the Germ&n refueee committee iis pnrt P Norc'ic Goeri'isr j - T - religion, your holy places. But we, the British -world. -We must findj personal i-ppearance in Germany, • >_ eneva . Warsaw's latest eenon the other hand, as& .you to re- our own solution," and I hope that j •with all funeral expenses paid isation is the Eight of agreci ant! A Leipzig- pig' m a d e music '»• spect our religion and language, in the . course cf the_ next ten | bearded Jews shoveling enow in m a n n e r ci'ice er-lefrJi's!, F o r h<r KTUiUe.i in pi\ OP.Iour labor and our lives. [| years we •will find that solution.. Morton Feigec, l i e American the streets . . . passed o"icifi!l.<" S F pvve: There is room" In Palestine for In that tine peace will prevail in jcorrespondent of the Zionist Rec- JSXSIRE STUFF both peoples, and on that' basis Palestine, and we shall be [ Rumors of e new mpveirent to ord of South Africa, v e r t s at an son cMe^etioo we can live in harmony. If you to continue our labor. open-hearth furnace in the mills c o m b a t E.J ti-^emttism {ieciv.ecl Our ancients have said that it ~* i 1 -- Imand Steel Company in one of the biggest, national Jew- H e ' d n o Semitic 1hp.m ir> Vmvi, wish to be. the Efajority ia order ! t h a i you m a be s u r e . to oppress us we will never per- is impossible to acquire Palestine tne^lid^sT'tt. rush a TV.P.XS At night ish organizations . < est without great suffering. .Perhaps j ~ , . mit you. We are an old people, h e atten g a r . . . When to the Pacific Coast to sew up Oh. this bog: Trap •Nor' and we respect our given word. still greater suffering is intended jG o T e r n o r L e h l a a n Hollywood support for its own And he srrnntpd. proud 1 You and we have been designated for us. We must he able to bear II ated for his third term he became 1fight against Jew-baiting . . We And his «-prf irby Fate to live together in the it. ithe fifth of New York's 4 5 gx>v- i herewith publicly berate cur typist for same small country, a country I remember when I was in one mue oi As President of the Jewish Xobler pie never ernors to win three successive necessary only to give us the opfrom the salary cr ?,Ia\ Manescbe- y Agency for Palestine Dr. Weiz- portunity of setting ourselves to ly succeeded in planting a tree an which- in the -eyes • of the world Paris, during the war, - a-news- enas If you want to make w u z ' ^ -^ran Porker Arab comes along and pulls it up. stands-for extraordinary - moral paper published a drawing show-, f u n n y e r a c k s a b o . a t H e E r i E e r n . ! member : ^ mann is the symbol of Jewish the task in order that this memIn spite of all these difficulties, worth; there is room in the coun- ing two soldiers in the trenches, j in's play "Promise" ius* re- ; c u in our re- ' pecliprw BO Nordic efforts to make a home in Pal- ory, these prayers, this undefined ste and in spite of-all these troubles, try for us, our children and our j exhausted and ragged. One w a s ; ; t t0 _ you OE the subject not . estine for great masses of per- emotion that every Jew possesses m e n i b e r t £ a t h f tas'been chal- ? ° ! the Jews are going to Palestine. Now t h e citizen? of l-^itvU. Possibly- she ss.w a.N secuted Jews in various lands. might be transformed into au ex- This is a fact, and not merely a grandchildren, as well as for you, j saying to the other: "If only they j ieEged .to fight more duels than : long sgo conserve Kultnv u iu«imp ' picture of this dreamy-eyed grenin. .In this article he describes the traordinary force that seized hold vague emotion. We Jews are sup-your children and your grandchil-j can hold out!"—"Who?"—'Those; ail y other man of letters eonsequent'.y couirl- Took SlPTHleiSsolin aw" <"inr jcidentally, he's also France's •tleman, rebuilding or the Jewish Na- of hundreds of thousands, both posed to be practical-minded peo- dren. We are ready to build up; in the rear." visualize hire ir_ the rois of him front 1-iF i>e<iesUI <y" sfc tional Home and reviews the old and young, and made them ple who do not like sentimental- the country together with you j The people struggling up in the; fellow whose plays stir up esciteMrs. A. I-I. And wliite the muse of music j , . . big Jbusiness IDEE current world situation as it set out on the road to Palestine. ity. Yet we have seen in these We have already shown that in \ front have show that they can j meat amon S? jn'ORP. of v-"or- s p d fPiT*.r Jews z.nd anti-Bern- : . . . a spot "where one person could j hold affects the'plight of the Jews. They put t h e Nordic t'ovkev There is not a railroad, there last twenty years that the dream barely manage to support himself I Diaspora Dr. Weizmann, who is expected is not a ship on which there were which was slumbering in the soul formerly five can live today. We i carry on to visit the United States late not people of all ages going to of the people has heen transformthis month, was one of the im- Palestine. And these people have ed into a creative force, which has can increase the absorptive capa- i real Jews, You may call FUOU cU'vi-'n- io< the g leopard kings . . . vFhen Dr. Ber- ' portant Jewish witnesses to tes- achieved something which we our- rebuilt a homeland for thousands city of the country six, seven and j hold out. But you've merely mr-;u\ Rti«l ' fund,-raising outfit n the counten times, an& create room for! (Copyright 1937 by' Seven Arts nard D. Marton gels tired of be-| tify before the Royal C°ommis- selves did not believe possible of human beings. u conducting a biE campaign ish. Feature Syndicate) the generations to come. That is mg the rabbi of Shaare Zadek ;w i t h o u t & n v £ u s s f o r ^ .' sion noty inquiring into the twenty years ago. •. For Hitler know.:, the vpluo o" I have said that the reasons Congregation in Coney Island . he ;T h e o l o g l c B j - SeTninaTV . . . causes of Palestine unrest.— What is the cause of this suc- which in 1917-18 caused the can be a profess •• at Brussels! ; THE EDITOR. 15 tbe muBic ms cess? world to give us our rights in PalUniversity in Belgium . . . . He's " Might bring Demschi&nci Feature estine have more weight today When the. Balfour Declaration just had the honorary degree of There are countries which are astpr •• • • professor confer-eti upon him . . •was given to the Jewish people in easier to cultivate than Palestine. than at that time. If any attempt So lieroir TSorcIic pork^vf The day Alfred Dreyfus was par1917 it -was principally for two Fifty years ago Jewish colonies is made today to revise those reaMEEBELSSQEE Die Wpehi. p.m Kiiino. doned bj- Presi ent Loubet, the reasons. "It was during the war, were begun in Argentine and Pal- sons, whether by a Royal Commislate Arthur Br'sbane concluded at a_ moment when every one was estine at the same time. Let us sion or by any other tribunal, this (Editor's Note: Tlie Jewish A are runner-up, with 20 columns, . thinking' that .a new world would compare the results obfeined in is what we shall say: If in 1917 COMMUXAL KOTEM The Smiths- and Browns a r e ! ht tllse weditorial on the subject with Telegraphic Agency p'-es^nl* Kone of the gentlemen promo r d s you understood the reasons for be born out of the debris of the) these two countries. In Argentine poor thirds and fourths, having! ' ?nemah Israel Jehov- this amusing poem by sperifil ruins, a world of justice and truth the new colonists found a. coun- which you gave us the Balfour inently mentioned as candidates only 14 and 13 columns, respec-i al1 Elohenu Jehovah Echod" . . . I arrangement with the New SF.V (.TTA>—The .Arn.-u,,r. in which consideration would be try in which they encountered no Declaration you should certainly for the executive secretaryship of tively . 1IA SHORT W.OT iYork Post, where it oricinnl'.v : Israe extreme orthodox ,}rv-i>.>. given to the rights of all the obstacles. Wort was begun under understand them even better now. the B'nai B'rith will get the job Their Majesties King George j appeared.) NAZI ation, announced last vp.-i j organ*"* small and .persecuted "peoples the direction of a group of men At t h a t ' time we were told: . . That merger between the New The American Federation o f IVI and Queen Elizabeth of Eng-; it wi! surport ihe Goverumpi,' throughout the world. "We Jews filled with good intentions. They "Yes, you may begin your work York and Brooklyn Federations Labor ought to look into the mat- jI land are patronn of a number o" (LEIPZIG The sir«tue appointed were also a part of these peoples. had money; they had control of in Palestine, but only on condi- of Jewish Charities is an accom- ter of Nazis and Hitler agents I London Jewish charities As | Mendelssohn in this v-orld-famecl | \T E T B e Yr, The world thought that a thous- the enormous sum of ten million tion that the population already plished fact . . . The announce- serving as ^cabs on American-1 the D a k e i l I l i i Dl " c5le ss cf York i music center has been destroyed ' ^fcich" other ^^.jlv and-year-old injustice had been pounds sterling. And fifty years living there is not injured by it." ment is due any day . . We hear owned .ships against which "the | thel of ten attended concerts giv- j by order of the Nazi Government. y o , a jen by the Excelsior Philanthropic j Nazi set.horities felt Mendelscommitted against us, ana that ago ten million pounds represent- There is no need for me to say that the blending came about seamen are striking . in- Society, Jewish group cf L,ondon, ; sohn's far this injustice had to he made ed more than a hundred million that our work, in Palestine has when some of the Brooklyn in- haven't heard the end of thatt iname as a composer could good; it thought that the position pounds today. They hadevery fa-j not injured the non-Jewish pop- stitutions were tottering finan- j vitation to Germany to partici- which founded th° "Duchess of! not overcome the fact; thrt he appoint s, rommisssv ic P'." of the Jews presented a painful ! cility. They could work without ulation; on the contrary, it has cially It is said that 22 of |p a t e in ^ e v^ Ycrk's World Fair | T . ° * W a r ^ v . 1 i n t h e Q u e e a s H o s " i w a s a the ailaire oi *Le larceS', Jand urgent problem for which it (hindrance. There were no Arabs i been beneficial to them.. It has New Tork's wealthiest Jews kick- . . . Some of the biggest backers pital for Children as a wedding community after its eipcfpfl •' present to the royal pair . . They (BERLIN. — There is tin im- cil had been ("issoKeti. The was necessary to find a solution. r i n t n e country, no political com- j been proven that the Arab popu- ed in with $400,000 to finance of the Fair may cancel their con-'•; of honor at:portent racial distinction in Ger- eminent. ir.ter.dE to narne fni The civilized world said to it- (plications. And today, after a half lation has increased 40 per cent the merger after a breakfast pow- tributions if the swastika floats | ^ e r e a l s o t h e « TT ithe opening of the new Brady, many between, piss. The b'uevisor;' council" to £!?ai=i i\\? self that a moment whfen justice ; century of labor, there are in Ar- in the course of the last eighteen wow in the home of Felix M. over the Fair grounds . . . " i Grils' Club aac Settlemect in : bloods among Germany's hogs i miss?.!. "Warburg . . Dorothy Waring, ace years, that it has been strengthS. Senator Henry Cabot Lod and peace were on every one's j gentine a few very beautiful colLoa s E E d j^" f* ^ ' * <Je™"y's are 3,600.000 belonging: to a race j lips it was impossible to deprive IOnies in which there are settled, ened and enriched. We have care- anti-Nazi probsr, tells us that the Jr., of MassachusetSB finds the I for the 19S7 Nobel ! which is aristicraticail*- labeled a community of several millions i j think, about sis thousand Jew- fully observed the condition which yarn about her being hired by anti-Semites hot oa his trail he candidate Jacob Rutpert, oeer magnate, for can blame it en the fact that h e i ^ f f i n m e c i = l n e I S ?*• , "German noble white hog." . of human beings of just those ..JS^ families. We may thank God was imposed upon us. Plots, an expert on racial hygiene ! things. These were the two chief, j t n a t the" position of these Jews is I am not now discussing the a special anti-Nazi job is hooey j has named Jacob Spiegal of Bosreasons which during the years j f avor ai3le . _ D u t their children manner in which Great Britain . . . And the also says that Rup-1 ton as his secreta.." and Maxwell . . . The Fascist publishing house : Mendelssohn mafle music in London has folt'ed up follow- j manner cuite de'ecfabie. 1916-17-18 influenced the conduct > g 0 o f f t 0 ] i T ei n Buenos Aires. has carried out the Mandate pert has • nothing 'to do with any I Rabb of the same city to his sec-ing a bankruptcy The only ! But his grand pa had cursed hiir Dr. Cyrus • retarial staff . . . Leonard Lyons, of great-hearted and noble-spirit-j I n Palestine we started off: which was entrusted to her. She anti-Nazi outfit baby born to an American citi-; with R Palestinian tsint; ed statesmen. And to this must ] without a penny. That is an old | certainly could have done more, Adler, president of the Jewish j keeper of the New t ork Post's zen in Spain during the civil war ' Els 'Spring Song', yon mav F~gue. Theological Seminary, reveals that j Lyons Den, insists that one o£ be added the fact that among the iz 5 o n i s t a n m e n t . There is never both for us and for herself. But, j Pedro PXlanm, son of Mr. and] ie really unperiectible. "English people, and particularly. any money in Palestine; there are on the other hand, she could also he earned his first money as a the mosr • opular songs in Nazi j £ „ was „„„ written «*„_ by v^ Josepii T™.~-. i M r s - i-rvmg Pflaum, of Chicago | But such £ silly notion is verj among the leaders of the English many troubles instead. A n d Lave done much less. It is. how-reporter on the Philadelphia pub- ] ^Germany Irving- is the United Press' j oueer and cu&int. people, there existed the belief— there are the Arabs. Moreover, ever, absolutely clear that we are lie Ledger . Pedro I! and I am convinced it was a sin- Palestine is a conntry with verj struggling for our rights, and I (which he called to the editor's j composer, and odd there under *°™ ™ -^ Amencan con- Oh, such views are p.nticusxian. 1 i„ cere belief—that there was an in- little -visible water and very many have not the slightest doubt that attention himself) was to cover S a pseudonvm . . . And Lyons also!s u*** !ate i n the RPtHement of Jewish farmers ! ™=,r= tv.»t th . r.Arr^ dPipc-aMnn i Barcelona, choosing this Tor you've grot to be an Arysn P sll timate rapport and a close bond stones, and buying a plot of land we shall be victorious. This struge locale of his entry into ;To cualify ss genius under modincident- oi the Noblemen's Club had t n e ^ s u . J. i between the .-.Jews -anx^ Palestine, in Ealestine has become a com- gle will be a long one, ana I: can- at Tineland, N. s world to mate sure of being ; ern Nazi Law. now tbat t h e and ithst 'this bond between the plete science. "We did not tnoT? not guarantee that we-will have ^ - ^ T ~ t Jew-|best time when the club held its; native-born American citizen i You're got to be a German Theological Seminary once j annual outing at a kosher hotel; people and the land had never how to launch the -work. We -were no fresh misfortunes in the course!"* held ... the •!,„ next ^^4- +ten ^ . ^ t ^ e classes at Cooper Union? . . ; m Lakewood . . . Hand the palm: D-n w been severed despite the thous- people •with no experience, stu- of years. But^we ands of years of exile. The Jew-dents -who had left their class- are leading this battle to victory. The Cohens a n ' their relatives, for this crack to Harold A. Eenish people possesses the great rooms to disguise themselves as i mean that the gates of Pales- the Kahans, Kahanes, Cones, etc.Jry of the Los Angeles Press . . •! 52 quality of having been ahle to peasants. tine will remain open to the Jews I still take up the most space in j Says Henry: "Wonder if Wally 15K the New York tel?phone director?'j Simpson could di^ up a girl] preserve intact its historic memToday, after fifty years, there i should like for a moment to ory. That which bears the name are in Palestine 400,000 Jews consider the grievances of the . . . They fill 26 columns . . . The J friend in Baltimore who could j of tradition, or history, among who speak their own language, Arabs. There are Arabs -who have Levys, Levis, Levines and Lewises I make Hitler abdicate" . . . And other peoples becomes among who possess their own schools, a certain feeling of justice- and themselves simply an ancient re- their university, their Industries. who say: "It is true that everycollection which it is impossible Palestine is spoken about by ev- thing you have achieved here has to uproot, whether the Jews want ery one; the Jews speak of it. and not only not harmed us, but has it or not. They cannot fail to re- the non-Jews as well. Newspapers even aided us. But Palestine is a member. These are the three rea- print long articles about Pales- small country, and the Jews fceep BISHOP OMAHA AREA METHODIST-EPISCOPAL CHURCH sons which, taken altogether, gate tine. Do you see articles about j n coming in at the rate of fifty birth during 1917 and 1918 to the Jewish colonies in Argentine? othousand, sixty thousand, seventy the Balfour Declaration and then Has a new civilization been cre- thousand a year. This condition to the League Mandate. ated, a new culture? What do cannot continue. It is trae that Since that time the situation jt h e g e p e o p l e s a V t w n a t d o they the absorptive capacities of the nnfor throughout the world has, - fee]f a n a h i to? t? country are very elastic, and the do they aspire tunately, not improved. I might, T t e m U j fenow a t o u t it is that more Jews come in the more say the world is divided into jt h e r e J s a n T a m D e r o f excellent room there is. But you know that NEVER say that t ti am not not Zionist groups in Argentine. when a balloon is being blown up two kinds off countries. II am What Is the reason for this dif- there is a danger of its bursting." referring to countries like BelThere is another grievance: gium, Holland, Switzerland, Eng- ference? It is that in order to Tecon- "For the time being you are tryland or the United States. But with these few exceptions the struct a country it is not enough ing to live at peace with us. But world, as far as we are concerned, to have land—though certainly I there are Jews who tay that they is divided into two types of coun- e s s e n t i a U f o r -without land even must become a majority in the tries: those in which the Jews Jews cannot build up a country country, and this is what we want cannot live, and those into which —but first and foremost a soul to avoid, in the Interest of our they are not admitted. The rea- is needed, a creative • force; and children and grandchildren. It is sons which' determined England's this creative force is Palestine. this danger that we wish to prepolicy with Tegard to the Jews In Every Jew is aware that to go to vent as long as you are not a 1917 are stronger, if anything, to- Palestine is to "return" there, and majority in the country", after day. If in 1917 one of the causes it is because he returns to Pales- that it will be too late." Of this policy was Jewish tradi- tine as o£ right that we can make These are the grievances which tion, the generally recognized no concessions in the vital ques- are supposed to be at the bottom attachment of the, Jews to Pales- tion of Immigration. of the events now taking place in to tine was only a theoretic reason. This is the difference between Palestine. It is not concern for For at that time the world never what takes place in Palestine and today, but concern for tomorrow. doubted for a moment -what we what takes place in other coun- Our answer, in my opinion, Is that hoped to achieve in Palestine, tries where attempts are being majorities are not made for opSpecial car for women—free pillcvss which would have demonstrated made to colonize Jews. There are pressing minorities, nor are minthat the bond uniting us to our Jewish spokesmen who devote orities made for being oppressed land was a Teal one. -themselves to geography, search- by majorities. We never ceased explaining | £orcoantrleg in to setWe "say to the Arabs, taking „ . . _ ., _„ „_, that Jews repeat the name of!,." tie Jews; they find some every- full responsibility for our -words: Bretz Israel three times daily in where. But the Jews, simply do Today we are a minority, tomortheir prayers, that all of Judaism, not go. They are told that in j row we may be the majority; to-all our.sacred books, all of Jew- these countries things grow as day you are-the majority, tomorish life revolve around the cen- ihough conjured up by a miracle, row you may he a minority. Whattral point of Palestine. It was whereas i n Palestine there is no ever may happen in Palestine, we Via Kansas City /". difficult for non-Jews to under- water, and when you have final- do not want to dominate or be Low Altitude stand this, but today they comRoute ofthe deluxe prehend its significance. For-H ail-Ptdlmafi this tradition had been only a vague'• sentiment without any Teal content the achievements of these Breakfast 25• cents. Luncheon last nineteen yearr would never have taken place. And it was 3© cents. Dinner S5 cents. Only
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Page 4
country simply does not know! MINISTER SUGGESTS SETwhat lie is talking about. When! TLING 250,000 GERMAN JEWS General Queipo de Llano, the'IN FLORIDA EVERGLADES . . . rebel-broadcaster at Sevilla, steles! An idea, but too pood to be carthEt Spain, having saved Europe, ried through, Published every tfrlday at Omaha. Nebras&a. t>y thres times—once from ttie doir.-: AI A H O N E Y OUSTS A L L P R O T H E JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY By DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS ination of the Moors, the second NAZI OFFICIALS FROM A. A. U. Rabbi, Mount Sites! Temple, Sioux City time from the Jews, the third . . . V. S. State Department please Subscription Price, one year - - - • • • 52.00 time from the poison of Frotes-: copy. Advertising ratea tarnished on application. "THUS R E L I G I O N GROWS" ing life, and death. Rev. "Weath- I tantism—now makes e supreme' ASIC AMERICAN JEWRY TO (STORY OF JUDAISM) BY erhead is quite skeptical about j effort to break down the strangle-; RAISE ?5.000.000 FOR PALESEditorial Office: 600 Brandels Theater Building. That's the RABBI MORRIS GOLDSTEIK. much of the traditional matter I hold of Marxism, he is deliberp.teSioux City Office—Jewish Community Canter concerning so-called 'sacred sites' I ly lying in so far as the position! best possible indication of the cur834 PAGES. $3.OO. DAVID BLACKER - • Business and Managing Edttot 1 This is a splendid one volume and freely mentions contradictor} i of the Marxists is concerned in; rent improvement in business. FRANK R. ACKBRMAN - ' . > .-•" . . . . . EdltO? history of Judaism as a religion claims and resulting uncertainty. Spain. The communists ere the; El'ROPJ.0 FANNIE KATELMAN council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent and it fills a genuine need. The The most disturbing factor with smallest group in the Frente Pop-1 NAZIS HALT EMIGRATION ANN PELL • • • - Sious City, Iowa, Correspondent author traces in a comprehensive regard to the holy places in Jer- ular. i OF ALL MALE JEWS BETWEEN WEEN Print Shop Address: 4S04 So. 24th Street and interesting manner the evol- usalem and other cities of the 45 Are Jews to be Democracy is going to be vievie ution of the religious ideals of Holy Land is the acrimonious . torious in Spain. Madrid not only: permitted to rob German heroes Israel from biblical days to our wrangling that goes on constant-! becomes the Tomb of Fascism i n ' o { t h e &lovJ" o l d - r m g f o r t h e own times. Considering the mag, .The rejection of empty honors can become a greater honor ly among the various religious j Spain, but the superb heroism of : Fatherland? nitude of his task he has per- groups, and which ha SOVIETS DOUBLE 19 3? QUOcreated j the Spanish people in defending1 SOVIETS s The American Jewish" Committee, one of the major 'Jew- than any honorary degree. formed it with skill and undernot only a permanent state of bit-I their capital against the hordes of TA OF FOREIGN «EWISH 1Mish organizations in the United States seeking to protect the Dr. J. McKeen Cattell of New York, editor of the Science standing, always selecting the terness but which requires soldiprofessional killers, of the i j MIGRANTS TOthe BIRO-BIDJAN T e r c 0 tiny amount .of. rights and privileges of the Jewish people, has issued its exec- Press, won a signal honor for himself in the. eyes of liberal significant and the unique for ery to keep it in check. It is too will come to be looked upon, in Thus doubling; treatment and discussion. A study b£d that several sects in control It h e Ke ar future as the turning-i h o r e in the hearte of persecuted utive report at the thirtieth annual meeting held in New York mankind when he rejected a prof erred Nazi honor. He re- of the volume will give the readof sacred places associated with | o j n t ; n Europe's drift towards'' Tews The keynote of the report r - of interest to all Jewish people - fused to accept from the German government a renewal of the er an insight into the character Jesus, use them for mercenary j p },yss. SUICIDE EPIDEMIC H I T S For the <lrst time the """' a AUSTRIAN JEWRY . . . A muis that anti-Semitic agitation in the United States has been Ph. D. he received from the University of Leipzig fifty years of the Jewish religion, its variety, j and immoral purposes. One \lor]a hasleenho^Fascism „.„..„ has seen how Fascism must i t a n t f i g h t fi checked" during the past year, but conditions of Jewry abroad ago. In his rejection to the offer made through German consul rich ess, and the mysterious power I all they violate His most funda-; b e combatted. It is now realized.b e a m o r eERinst Fascism would exercised over millions of Jews mental teaching which He learn- jt h a t c o m p r o m i s e and the principle honorable means are tragic. . .. , • • general Hans Borchers, Dr. Cattell wrote: "It is my good for- through out the liges. ed in the Synagogue at the feet! o f g h . e £ n d t a k e w n e n i t C 0 1 R e s . toward the same end. 5 The unusually large and corn- of the rabbis, EX-K NG G E D W A R D TO rabbis , to love on another!! ^ 0 FX K II N In a day when most news is oppressive and the idealism o tune to have been a student at Goettingen and Leipzig when one another. F ssc c , mm are disastrous to the5 E c ;;c, plex material is dividec" into three j regretable that the auI democracies. The lessor, of Spair WHITE BOOK IN DEFENSE OF egtble au d e m c r p I tt ii ss civilization seems on the wane, it is heartening to know that the German universities were at the zenith of their great conparts. parts The first "How "How a a Religion Religion jjt h or ignores the contemporary r e - U U r n B o t be wasted on the liberals JEWS JEWS Interesting if true true. we are advancing forward on "the battlefield of tolerance and tribution to research and scholarship, to academic integrity bl C Ju aIS:n bi ~ ^ i f I A ' ; ^ h of Palestine for which the ^ r * of France. Belgium, . g , £ n d w o r k e £ n d w o r understanding. The most concrete evidence of the truth of th and freedom. I wish to retain the diploma granted me fifty touches upon the primitive foundAFRICA TO BAH and Britain. The slogan! S O t ! h ation of the Jewish religion; Jew is responsible. A chapter on : Holland JEWISH IMMIGRAreport of the American Jewish Committee was the all-import years ago without renewal under changed conditions." .he Spanish Frente Popular: GERM AX the Zionist movement and Jewish j GERMAN considers the major facts of bib- achievement in Palestine during i oK Pasaran: becomes the rally-T" 10 ^" • • They must consider it 0 ant national election of November, when the groups attemptlical history, and traces the the to make the Union of h last l decade would have en-'' ; n g c r v of all forward-looking, a ing to stir Tip racial and religious antagonisms were routed in if biblical As steel sharpens steel, so does a trained mind sharpen :. T h e inched the volume. The modern > m e n £ n " d WOmen the world over. South Africa a German colony. every sector of the country. The proper approach to the anti- another. second division "How A Relipon Jewish- pioneers have literally ! ( C o p v r i g b t 1 9 3 7 b v S e v e n FIRST CONCERT OF PALESLives On — Rabbinic Judaism," Phan^Pd th P VPrv a w nf tho j "• V/l ' 1 - ilfc Jewish, agitators is contained in this report, which declares TIXE SYMPHONY UNDER TOSinterpret the basic purposes and ^ n f r y " a n d no book"on PaLstin^! Feature Syndicate) that in the United States 'anti-Semitism is not merely an atCAMNT'S BATON STIRS COUNteachings of the Rabbis, describes i s complete with out a chapter de- i tack upon the American Jews, but also an attack upon al TRY . . - Eretz Israel comes of the reasons for the conflict of Juvoted t0 tnis neroic a n d insplrillg By Rabbi Frederick (John age, culturally speaking. American, institutions. More and more the American people^ daism with Christianity and w i t h | a n d consecrated labor, which is of "We have been wishing one another 'a happy New Year.' (.Copyright 1837 by Seven Arts Mohammedanism, and discusses ! c r u c i a i importance not only to the Jews and non-Jews, have come to realize this' fact and are' Feature Syndicate) helpfully some of the various | J e w b u t t o m a n k i n d . "What is happiness? : • uniting to combat un-American movements . . . Anti-Semitism schools of Jewish thought that; For one thing, it is "what all the world's a-seeking," as is a manifestation of the spirit of dictatorship, which first atarose within Judaism and the JSTasris Ban Addresses Ralph "Waldo happily described it many years ago. Synagogue. The author clearly j tacks the weakest - - the Jews - - and then proceeds to destroy Berlin—The Gestapo has banAlexander Pope preceded him by a century in the well- appreciates the crucial role the red s. scheduled series of adall liberty.' . Talmud has played in the life of By ROBERT STOXE | dresses by Mrs. Israel M. Sieff, known, oft-quoted lines* , Unfortunately, that is exactly what is happening in Israel, and its magnificient con! president of the British' FederaBy Or. Philip Sier NORTH AMERICA "O Happiness, our being's end and aim, Tibutions to the spiritual life of Europe. The Jewish community, weak because of numerical C O N G R l ' . S S TO P R O B E ; tion o£ Women Zionists, at Zion. Wealth, pleasure, ease, content^ what e'er thy name; ;he Jew and to his physical preCHARGES OF ANTI-SEMITISM ist meetings throughout the counimpotency, is the weakest 1inV in the chain which dictatorship BIBLE lervation. That something still that prompts the eternal sigh, AGAINST U S. CONSULAR OF- try in the English language. twists for. its own ends. As a consequence, the picture painted In the third division "How a If thou meet thine enemy's ox FICIALS IN BERLIN AmerThe police insisted that she For which men bear to live, and dare to die." Religion Faces the Future — or his donkey going astray, thou icans succumbing to the Germaa speak German, although it was by groups like the American Jewish Committee are black for ..Many think that happiness consists in wealth. If they ! pointed out English is her native Europe. "With Germany, Poland, Rumania trodding roughshod germ? deals with issues, theories again. only had a great deal of money they would be very happy, they thor CHIBIT AT tongue and it was promised that PLAN HEBREW and philosophies of Jewish life over Jewish rights in their desperate attempt to climb out of If thou see the donkey of him 1939 WORLD'S FAIR say. Yet we know, millionaires who are miserable and often so hat are of more immediate conBut her addresses would be translatthen; self-made troubles, we have long been aware^of what the cern and quite contraversial in who hateth thee lying under its h o w m a E y j e W 6 vrill be able to' ed into German Immediately afunhappy that they commit suicide. burden, thou shalt forbear to pass report tells us concerning the destruction of the living standter delivery. nature. This period is characterby him; thou shalt surely release Pleasure is supposed to make one happy. But pleasures ards and the morale of tens of thousands of men, women and ized by the breaking up of the it with him. children. Nor can we glean any hope or solace from the com- soon pall, and leave one with jaded appetites. There is a satur- hetto, by' the Jew's acceptance If thou at all take thy neighof Western culture and its standmittee's outlook for the immediate future of these unfortunate ation point of pleasure, and the reaction often leads one to ards and ideals, by the disintegra- bor's garment out to pledge, thou people. The Jewish agencies of relief and reconstruction and artificial stimulants, to addiction to drugs, to indulgence in the tion of traditional Orthodix Ju- shalt restore it unto him before the sun goeth down. rehabilitation are doing everything in their-power, and with most unnatural and degrading vices. Pleasure, moreover, is a daism and the resulting decay in TAIAIUD Jewish life. New • movements the limited funds available every possible aid is being effected. relative term, and what is pleasure to one may be pain border- such Rabbi J. Joshua was standing as Conservative Judaism, ing even on disgust, to another. Pleasure-habituees become Reform Judaism, Zionism, Juda- before the emperor when an inThe big problem at the moment is to keep the anti-Jewish^ blasees, so that, 'happiness' must be sought in another direction. ism, as a Civilization arise and fidel who stood by showed him : anti-liberal professional agitators from encroaching further on by sign of his hand: "A people j Of course there are the pleasures of the mind, of books, strive for acceptance. With sym- from whom God had turned away the gullibility of people who want others to do their thinking pahty and insight does the author for them. In this regard, the checking of anti-Semitic propa- of culture, of travel. But even these may fail to satisfy. As consider the several conflicting His face." Rabbi Joshua showed hmi with his hand that "God's ganda in this country is^iot the end - - it should be only the Ecclesiastes has classically expressed it: "Of the making of current Jewish interpretations of hand is still ove* ns." Jewish life, never permitting his The emperor asked Rabbi Joshbeginning. In eastern and central Europe, the Jewish leaders many books there is no end, and study is a weariness of the own to dominate. flesh." Who can read all the books that are published, even ua: "Do you know what the inflthought that "it can't happen here," and awoke to the barWhat is most worthy of note del has sBown you with baric possibilities .of hate-mongers too late. In this country, the novels, even the 'best sellers'? Many of these are exceed it Rabbi Goldstein's emphasis on hand?" He replied: "Yes, his he ingly disappointing, and bring us unhappiness instead of the importance of the preservawe must not only hold all anti-liberal, fascist, communist, showed me a. people from whom tion and survival of the Jewish God had turned away His face." happiness. . hatred-breeding groups in check but must force these subverpeople. Without the Jew who We even tire of 'ease,' and it becomes disease. What con- has been and is the bearer (of the "and what have shown him with sive elements to retreat into oblivion. That battle is not the your hand." "I showed him that Jewish religion and of the Jewish GoS's hand is still protecting us." fight of the Jewish people but is the fight of all peoples, all tents us today is a source of discontent tomorrow. Happiness is, indeed, "that something still, that prompts tradition, Judaism is impossible. The emperor then asked the Inbelievers in civilization and enlightenment. He rightly deems the religion as the eternal sigs"; a forever elusive and unattainable ideal. Like the primary occupation of the fidel: "What have you shown Rabbi Joshua?" "I showed him the butter-fly which, when we see it, seems to fly further and Jew, but Is fortunately free from that a people from whom God has further away among the bright flowers; yet, were we not to that fatal error which looks upon turned away His face." "And The National Council of Jewish "Women celebrated its run after it, might of its own accord perch upon our shoulder. the Jew as merely another reli- what did he show you?" The indenomination, with loyal- fidel replied that he did not forty-fourth "national birthday party" and the seventy-ninth For we often pursue a will o' the wisp in our search for hap- gious ties to the people of israel either know. The emperor thereupon birthday of its founder, Mrs. Hannah G. Solomon of Chicago, piness, whereas, as Maeterlink has so beautifully taught us, discounted or minimized to the said: "Should a man -who does not know v bat is shown hira by last Monday. ' Simultaneous meetings were held in approxi- the blue-bird of happiness may be in our own humble homes vanishing point. . Also gratifying is the author's a sign dare to raise his hand in mately two hundred communities in the United States and while'we so frantically seek it at the ends of the earth. The freedom from subservience to an- the presence of an Emperor?" He Canada - - including Omaha - - and a coast to coast radio broad wise Goethe long ago cautioned us: "Warum in die feme cient Orthodox do.gma which im- forthwith ordered the infidel's excast spread the story of the organization's good ,work through schweifen?| Sieh, das Gute liegt so nab.!" "Why seek the good pedes honest intellectual thought, ecution. and which among other causes the length and breadth of the land. ' in the remote? See, it is at your very door!" And Emerson has done irreparable damage to Rabbi Resh Lokesh said: 'Who"Women's Place in "World Progress Today" was the cen- at the very beginning of his career ironically warned us: "Trav- Judaism and Jewish life. The ever perverts the judgment of a stranger is considered &s if would tral theme of the Council celebration. That is significant. Not iling is a fool's paradise. We carry ruins to ruins." Jew is essentially a rational be- pervert.the judgment of heaven.' ing and obstinately refuses to so far back, the women's place in the world was totally domesAnd yet the search for happiness is a fundamental and refuge in comforting theolotic. But today the Jewish woman, in common with her sisters incorrigible instinct, and has even been defined and defended take gical assurances that are false everywhere, has assumed the burden of a dual responsibility as our inalienable right. It is the very soul of Americanism, and demoralizing aad theological y . . domestic and communal. Today she exerts a vital influence immortally described as the right to life, liberty, and the pur- angle but from a humanistic, in shaping the policies of the political and economic and social suit of happiness t 'Life,' even 'liberty,' would seem to be treating the inspiring record of By PIERRE VAX PAASSEX Israel as one of religious and What is taking place today in! 'A Rare Value Treat al worlds, and her strength is growing more and more potent. worthless did they not enable us to 'pursue' and presumably moral evolution. The spirit of Spain is of vital significance toj the work is scientific and yet rev"We are therefore particularly happy to felicitate the Na- to. attain 'happiness.' the whole world. For the first erent. tional Council, since its work demonstrates the help that the time Fascism is not having a Anyone who geek a brief study It is, indeed, 'our,being's end and aim,' the very object walk-over. The ' Spanish people Jewish women can extend in so many varied lines of endeavor. of Judaism will find it in this voland purpose of our life. Despite the implied hedonism that ume. He who searches for more are giving the French and the incurred Carlyle's reproach that it was 'a pig-philosophy5 and adequate pastures will be able to Germans and the Austri&cs an obthe attempt in some quarters and on the part of some forms satisfy that desire by turning to' ject lesson how Fascism must be Two hundred prominent members of Rumanian Jewry of so-called religion to frown when happiness and the desire the rich biographical material the combatted. For the first time bourgeois liberals have under-' have offered to become converted to the,Greek Orthodox faith for happiness as not the highest expression of life and in a author appends at the end of the stood that they must stand to-1 book and to which he wisely re- e t n e r For quick selling we've deliberately to "identify themselves completely- with the Rumanian nation," tense unworthy and even sinful: Judaism has taken the view frains from referring in the text. g the working-class orpriced & great group of heavy all-wool j ganizations if the road to the we are informed by the-Bucharest newspaper, Curentul, which ;hat a good God has created the Universe with the intention Sport Jackets ©,t this record low price. is closely connected with the ecclesiastical authorities., The if making all His creatures happy; that the means for man's IT HAPPENED IN PALESTINE' marauders of humanity is to be BY LESLIE D. WEATHERHEAD barred. paper further tells us that the Rumanian church officials are happiness be scattered abundantly about, and that it is only THE ABINGDON PRESS. NEW The Fascist bloc Italy-Germany' Vast range of sKraciivf! plaid pat.' so impressed by the increasing tendency among Rumanian a perversion of our use or abuse of them that frustrates God's YORK. 325 PAGES. $2.50. is disintegrating, falling to.pieces. I Duce Mussolini, no more thsn The title of this book by Rev. Jewry to adopt the Greek Orthodox religion that they are intentions of man's attainment of happiness on this beautiful, Herns and color combinations. Strap Weatherhead, the well known France or England, can afford to planning an intensive campaign for mass conversion of Jews God-blessed (though so often man-cursed) earth. _c«f£s, elssiii pockets, iuminister of the City Temple of see Germany installed on the and are prepared to appoint special missionaries for this Mediterraneon and on the PyLondon, suggest most readily SinThe indomitable hope of attaining happiness at last, deTcrtecl pl^ai fceltecs r.port. backs, clair Lewis' famous novel "It renees. Italy's supreme task in p u r p o s e . • . ' • ' ' . . • . • . - • • . . . . • • • • • • • . ••'..-'.'". • \ ; ; . . ' • • • • " •• spite life's disappointments, frustrations, sorrows, and evils, Can't Happen Here", which Inci- Europe is to prevent Germany eide buckles at- vaigs,, closofitting If we are to put credence in the accotuft, a Jewish lawyer is indeed what buoys us up, and gives us the invincible faith dentally should be read by every from gaining the supremacy in sapper s© top. ft-;! <.«;„ a -5,| fisrictly and a Jewish, industrialist approached Patriarch Miron Chris- and dauntless courage to T)ear to live ahd dare to die.' intelligent American and lover of Central Europe. This is also the human freedom. Undoubtedly Nebraska standard of workmanship supreme objective of French diptea with the proposition that the two hundred Jews-, including And .who has ever expressed the content of a truly happy our author chose the title so as This common basis of in- j 111 every detail. Si financiers, industrialists and members of the liberal profes- life more beautifully than our own American, William Henry to give a measure of vividness to lomacy. 36 to 46. terests in drawing Mussolini out' sions, wished to be baptized. They are quoted as offering to Channing? an old story, the life of Jesus, as of the temporary arrangement of' lived in ancient Palestine. He collaboration -with the Reich. Ger-. build an imposing Greek Orthodox church for converted Jews. "To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather brings to the eighteen incidents Unquestionably, the, number of conversions of Jews to than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be*worthy, he chooses to discuss a psycholo* many will have to look elsewhere \ JL JL JLJU" JL for allies. For the moment Hit- i various Christian faiths is on the increase throughout Europe, not respectable and wealthy, not rich; to listen to birds and ! interpretation which makes ler faces isolation. Your Choice of These despite the fact that Hitler Germany refused to distinguish stars, and babes and sages with open heart; to study hard, he narrative human and fresh. Certain newspapers in t h e ! Wonder Value Jackets The style is easy and the mater- United States which bet yesterday j between the converted Jew and the" Jew who remained true ;hink quietly, talk gently, await occasions, hurry never- in a al is interspersed with many in- branded Mr. Roosevelt a Comtnu- ' Straet Fleor—Sport* »aefeirf Section to his faith. Many others, not willing to undergo conversion vord, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up teresting personal experiences. nist are .going to be further, dis-'j but despairing because of their plight, have, committed suicide. hrough the common?" It is impossible to relate the credited in the public eye for; toxy of the career of Jesus with- their false and misleading MerBoth ways out of the dilemma facing these harrowed and perLet that be 'our symphony' and we shall find it a sym- out fregueat reference to tbose pretation of the background of secuted brethren of ours are wrong. Each of these methods is ites in the Holy Land which have Spanish events. For whoever says )ny of happiness indeed.' the coward's way out. Even in the days of the Marranos of became sacred on account of as- that, it is a fight between Fas- - Frederick Cohn. oclation with Him at birth, dur- cism and Communism in that
Spain, many of the Spanish Jews paid lip-service to the Inquisitor because it meant a choice of either conversion or burning at the stake. In Europe, despite how bad conditions are, life is not defaulted for the privilege of remaining a Jew. Privations are suffered, tortures endured - - but the manly way is to fight for an amelioration of conditions, to take a firm stand; on the side of liberalism and democracy. The Jewish people have been undjer fire before . . . . through the ages their story is the story of battles won against odds. The traditional spirit of our forefathers made Israel great, and more of that spirit in would-be converts who seek the path of least resistance would help our present-day Jewry win its fight for justice and righteousness. ..'--..'• __
A Symphony of Happiness ;
Gems of the Bible and Talmud
esscn o
Page 5
WOMEN'S DIVISION LUNCHEON Ai»D BRIDGE The Women's Division of the An open meeting of the Wom- CALENDAR OF WOMEN'S The ballroom of the BlackJewish Community Center will will, en's Mizrachi will be held WedACTIVITIES . stone Hotel , will on Monday be sponsor its annual luncheon a n d ! n e s d a y ' January 20, at the J. C. January 17 — Junior Counbridge Tuesday February 16 at j C - R a b b i Milton Kopstein will be cil of Jewish Women Meeting I the scene oZ the first luncheon j and card parly of the year to be 1 o'clock at the Community Cen- \tbe s u e s t ? P e a k e r January 18 — Beth El Aux- ! given by the Omaha Chapter o£ T e a w i Ub e 3 3 r v e d a n d ter. Proceeds i-om this affair !i bers iliary Book Review — Rabbi and their friends are invited ; Hadassah. Mrs. Joseph Goldware will be used for resupplying the Goldstein j and her ten hostesses promise an I OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY At a midnight ceremony last January 18 Hadassah affair to be long remembered. Dekitchen with necessary equipment HADASSAH STUDY GROUP Mr. and Mrs. Max Kaplan will Saturday, Stanley P. Levin, and Mrs. L. Neveleff is chairman of Card Party, Blackstone corations will be in silver in hon-, Miss Adelaide Goldman, daughter j hold open house on Sunday, Jan- the committee in charge and Mrs. The Hadassah Study Group will January 19 — Hadassah or of this Silver Jubilee Year, meet Tuesday January 19 at 1:30 uary 17, from 3 to G at their I. Stalmaster is chairman of ticol Mr. arid Mrs. Joseph Goldman Hadassah's twenty-fifth anniverp. m. at the home of Mrs. Henry Study pronp, 1:30 p. m. of St. Joseph, Missouri, were mar- jhome a t 4719 Cass street in cele- ket sales. January i » — Council of sary. Solig, 4 405 'Woolworth Ave. jbration of their twenty-fifth wedOther members of the commitried at the home of the brideJewish Women "mncheop Mrs. David A. ' Goldstein will A cordial invitation is extendtee are: the Mesdames, Max Bargroom's mother, Mrs. Ida Levin. ding anniversary. January 20 — Community conduct the class. ed to everyone. The proceeds will No invitations have been isish, Henry Belmont, Jacob BernRabbi Milton A. Kopstein of- sued. Forum — Sherwood Eddy to the Medical Fund. Reserstein, J. Blank, Herman Cohen, ficiated and Miss Bluma Neveleff January 20 — Mizrachi 1• go rations may be mad- by calling Junior Cossdl A, A. Cohn, Dave Crounse, IsaWomen and Dr. Eobert Fox, both of Omai Mrs. Goldware or members ol dore Dansky, David Epstein, J. M. The Junior Council of Jewish FORMAL* DAXCE January 20 — Women's Di- j her committee. ha, attended the couple. Erman, J. J. Friedman, Joe Gold-1 Women will hold their regular Tisioa Classes The E. T. C. Sorority will, hold January 27 — Eadassah Lia formal dance a t the Music Box ware, A. M. Greenbaum, A. {meeting at the Paxton Hotel at UOIJXBEKG-JACOBSON The annual Hadassah Linen Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jacobson Monday, January 18. Freddie jGreenberg, David Greenberg, J. {2:30 p. m. Sunday, January 17. nen Shower January 27 — Hadasssh ^ Shower which takes place on announce the marriage of their Ebener's Orchestra will furnish J. Greenberg, Max Holzman^ Morris Katleman, Meyer Katzman, A. Z. A. 1 Lecture series — Rabbi David [Wednesday, January 27, will be daughter, Ina- to Mr. J. Kenneth I the music. j under the direction of a commitGoldberg, son of Mrs. Lena Gold- | Miss" Shreda Osoff and Miss Philip Klutznick, M. F . Levenson^ At a special meeting held last A. Goldstein tee headed by Mrs. Reuben Kul! Etta Camel are co-chairmen in ! Philip Levey, Charles Levinson, | Sunday, the Mother Chapter electberg, both of Omaha. I akofsky. Mrs. Ben Brodkey and Morris Levy, Jay Valashock, Wilj ed ex-Aleph Godol Dan Miller to The. wedding took place in i charge of arrangements. Mary Mrs. Jake Blank will assist. Washington, D. C. a t the home of | Kaplan is president and Eva L.liam Milder, Herbert Neveleff, represent the A. Z. A. 1 at the Every January the generosity ! Henry A. Newman, H. Noddle, J. district convention at Minneapolthe "bride's sister. Rabbi JKorman ; Konecky, sponsor. of the Omaha women makes it I Rosenberg, I. W. Ttosenblatt, Haris. Gerstenfeld offcialted. A very enthusiastic audience : possible for the local chapter to ry Rosenfeld, Ben Shapiro, Ben An international membership greeted Mr. Ittamar Een Avi | IN HONOR OF BRIDE-TO-BE isend to National Headquarters Silver, Irvin Stalmaster, Julius. drive for all „A. . _Z. A. chapters __, to he spoke before the Beth- ; contributions of linens and cash. HONORS. BRIDE-TO-BE i Mrs. Har*ry Y. Fladerman en- Stein, Harry Trustin, Sam Zach-j get new B'nai Brith members was jj when El Auxiliary at the Jewish Com- I This year^ according to Mrs. : tertained a t a beautiful candleed at a luncheon on Thursday j light,bridge tea at her home, Sun- '"<*», and Miss Blanche Zimman- -{discussed by advisor Iz Elowitz. i niuniiy Center at 2:30 Wednes- Kulakofsky, donations of blanmay be obtained from A beautiful large trophy will be day. He stressed the fact that January 7 at the Hamilton Cafe | day, January 10 honoring Miss ijanyTickets member of the committee. awarded at the Summer conven- for the Jews of Palestine it was kets, sheets, and pillow slips are honoring Miss Sonia Roitstein a 1 Sadie Tatelman, a bride-to-be. tion in New York to the chapter a test of strength, and unified the the requisites asked by National bride-to-be. The table was at- The color scheme was pink and bringing in the most B'nai Brith people during the last uprising , Headquarters, but due to the S. A. M. MOTHERS CLUB tractively decorated with a table • white. The table was lavishly set ; work entailed in -packing aad members. Club The S. A. M. Mother's there. center piece of spring flowers. Af- with a lace cloth, an oblong ceni shipping and the freight charges, will hold their regular meeting New committees for the preter luncheon the guests played terpiece of pink roses, sweet peas | cash donations will be appreciaton Tuesday, January W following sent term were appointed by The annual Beth-El Winter jed. j and' white chrysanthemums and a 1 o'clock luncheon a t the home Aleph Godol, Joe Hornstein. dance will take place at the Miss Roitstein, second and third t silver candle holders and white A regular meeting will be held Blackstone Hotel Sunday Febru- ! There will be a tea and a speclof Mrs. I. Fiedler, 123 No. 33rd prizes were won by Miss Sophie Sunday, January 17, at the J. C.ary 14. For those who do notial program will be presented. St. • Rothcop and Mrs. J. Miller. Assisting the hosteas were the C. at 3 o'clock. dance there will be several card Rabbi David H. Wice will show the .pictures he took *"hile In PalMisses Rose Saciin, Soph Oland, TO BERMUDA rooms set up. HONORED AT BREAKFAST and Etta Tate'man, sisier of the Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mayper A. 1. A. 100 The committee assisting Mrs. estine. Miss Helen Garber, a bride-to- bride. have departed for Bermuda. They At a regular meeting held at Ernest Nogg and Mrs. Maynard be, was honored by Mrs. Albert J Mrs. Julius Stein, chairman of Prizes Were .won by Mrs. Jack will stop at Haiti and Havana be- the J . C . C. Sunday, January 10, ! Greenberg are: Mesdames B. A. Garber a t a breakfast, last Sun- Crorney, Mrs. 3M Epstein. Mrs. fore returning in February. the installation of the newly elect- i Simon, Irving Stalmaster, Dave jthe Hadassah Medical Fund, anday, January 10, at the Paxton Melvin Martin, and Mrs. Sol Mared officers for the coming, term ; Stein, Moe Katleman, Philip Klut- l nounces the following additional Hotel. Fourteen guests were tin. TO ATTEND CONVENTION was held. The new officers are: znick, Sam Theodore, Moe Lins- * names of women who have represent. The breakfast was fol- Immediately following the tea, Quotas for j Rabbi and Mrs. David H. Wice Aleph Godol, He-bert Forbes; man, Robert Kooper, Cy Silvers, cently completed their 1 lowed by bridge. Mr. Fladerman was host *'o the ! left for New Orleans last week to Aleph S'gan, George Shafeij; Reuben Brown, Bennett Cohn, ; the "Give or Get' luncheon: the men at a buffet dlm>er in the j attend the convention of the Un- , Aleph Mazkir, Joe Guss, Aleph ; Nathan Turner, Elmer Gross> Mesdames, Jake Blank, Moe KaDESSERT-LUNCHEON •Ic/wnstairs recreation room and | ion of American Hebrew Congre- iG i s b o T i P a u l S a c k 3 ; A i e p h Shot- ' Jake Blank, John Faier, I. W.telman, Albert Newman. J. M. Mrs. S. Teper and Mrs. Jack the evening war spent in playing Erman, Sam" Theodore, Robert gations. Tuesday, January 12,a r e G o d o l i B l l l p o s ter; Aleph ; Rosenblatt, Hyinan Greenberg, .Kooper, Max Shapiro, Dora Chait, Marer will be hostesses at a des- cards. Rabbi Wice spoke before the K.Shotare Kotone, Ben Schneider; I Harry Kulakofsky, Philip Levey, sert-luncheon, a t the Jewish ComA. M. Sisterhood in Chicago. j Aleph Shofer, Meyer Grandell, j Louis Kulakofsky, Rueben Kul- and Reuben Bro n. munity Center, on( Tuesday, Janjand Aleph Kohen Godol, Harold j akofsky, Moe Venger, Joe Greenuary 19, at 1 o'clock for the In-ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Patronize Our Advertisers j berg, N. L. Nogg, Sylvan Bloch, | Zelinsky. ternational Relations and Study Mr. and Mrs. Mark Polonsky VISITOR HERE Mrs. N. M. Nusbaum is visiting i I s a d o r e M ttleman, a former \ Phineas Wintroub, Sam SteinGroup of the Council of Jewish entertained their many friends at of this chapter, told o{ berg, and William Alberts. -Women. a Sunday dinner^ January 10; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis \Aleph Morgan, and her brother and sis- j Michrr WILL PAT YOU Dr^ p . R. Nielson of Creightofl honoring their son. Norman', who ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold g ;o.m e o f Ug e 3 t p e r i e n c e s i n _ University will be guest speaker was Bar Mitzvah recently. Nor- Barish. Mrs. Nusbaum is the; g a n ; f r o m w h e r e h e h a sJ u a t r6 To Consult turned A large delegation from the and will talk on President Roose- man was the recipient of many former Ruth Barish of Omaha., ^ , J u l i g B l s n Q B n € W p r i z e p U n ! Omaha Chapter of the Junior Havelt's recent trip to South Amer- lovely gifts. ica. Mr. R. Lackow acted .as toast- She is here for an indefinite stay, jo f g e t t i n g r e ] a t i r e s to join B'nai j dassah plan to attend the annual When bcying B'rith chapters was also discuss- i Southwestern Regional Conven- DIAMONDS master for the evening. BTFFET DIXXER ed and a committee was named j tion of the Tunior Hadassah WEWDWG BIXGS ANNOUNCE BD2TH Members of the Highland CounHerbert | whicli will be held at St. Joseph, Dr. and Mrs. Herman Kully an- GUEST HERE M h Godo, Club and their families were fe Forbes to help work this plan j Missouri on January 23 and Jan- WATCHES • SILVEKWABE Mrs. Albert A. Garber of Hur- try nounce the birth of a son, born guests at a buffet dinner held through to success. The comGIFT #EWELE¥ luary 24. pn. South Dakota, is the guest of Thursday Friday, January 15. evening at the downmittee chosen headed by Advisor Any member who wishes to atMrs. Kully 1B the former Miss her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Co- town clubroomB in the Paxton Milton Frohm includes Alephs tend the convention should make . 'Carolyn Rosenfeld of Council lick. Hotel. Bingo, entertainment, and Shafer^ Himmelstein, Guss, .Gould reservations by calling Miss Kalcards followed. and Crandell. ah Franklin, Market 1236. VISITING IN OMAHA " Mr. and Mrs. David-Hoberman Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Kirannounce the birth of a son onstein of Washington, D. C., the January 10 a t the Clarkson hos- latter formerly Miss Sara JacobThe nest regular open meeting, pitaL •-...•'• son of this city, are visiting Mrs. ol the Women's Division of the Kirstein's parents of Omaha, Mr. Jewish Community Center will be TO BE HOSTESS TUESDAY and Mrs. Henry Jacobson. held Monday, February 1 at the Tuesday evening n* 8 o'clock, Community Center. Mrs. Morris Burstein will be hos- RESIDES HERE This will be a luncheon meettess a t her home for a group of Mr. Henry Wise of Rawlins, ing. The program will include young women of the community. Wyoming, is making hia home movies of Australia an". the South Rabbi Milton A Kopstein will be here with his mother, Mrs. Joe Sea Islands taken by Mr. William guest of honor. Wise and his sister, Ruth. Holzman.
Women's Mizrachi
Omaha Dreoker uu ;
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Beth-El Auxiliary
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The next Women's Division AT JOSLYX MEMORIAL " RETURN HOME The special feature of the Jos- Mr. Joe Wise and Maurice Wise classes will be held Wednesday, lyn Memorial "Open Evening" of Node, Wyoming, left Tuesday January 20, at 1:00 at the JeW•thifl (Friday), evening will be afor their home after . spending ish Community Center after * a dessert luncheon. program of "dancing sponsored by two weeks visiting here. -the Municipal University of Omaha under the direction of Miss "CHUMMY SUPPER" The Omaha Chapter of the Ruth. Diamond." This program Wanted to Share: 8 room will include fourteen interpretive Junior Hadassah entertained its bouse with couple or adults. dance numbers in which thirty- members at a "Chummy Supper" Reasonable rent. Mrs. Max two dancers will take part. Ac- last Thursday evening, January Shrier, 2811 Hamilton. ATcompaniments will be played by 7, at seven o'clock at the Mary lantic 6 9 3 1 . Miss Betty Fellman, pianist, anjd Stein Tea Rooms. New Members the' orchestra under the direction were honored guests a t this afof Mr. Henry G. Cox. The Jos- fair. lyn Memorial art galleries will be Invest Safely, Wisely In open from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m.,RETURNS FROM TRIP EAST Joseph .Goldware, Rex of the and the program is scheduled to begin in the concert hall at S:15 Chi Chapter of Pi Lambda Phi Annuity, Endowment, Life p. m. The public is cordially in- fraternity, returned from a two j vited" to attend, - ' . • • weeks tour of the east which end-' Kepresents 21 Strong Compan. Homer W. Anderson, Superin- ed at the fraternity's national j '"—Every of Insurance j and- Bonds .Type tendent of the Omaha Public convention in Pittsburgh. written. Call ATMr. Goldware visited in New 7667 or WA-5150. Schools will-lecture on "RespectIng the Pupil's Individuality" at York, Pittsburgh and Chicago. 3:30 p. m. this Sunday i t the lecture hall at the Joslyn Memorial. The organ recital at 4:00 p. m. this Sunday at the Memorial will *be played by Miss Esther Leaf, * assisted T>y Berneice Dugher, pi* anist. These programs are open 1512 Douglas Street to the public without charge. 4-
,I . . .
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fUUIH humor him. Before thia long de 21-10. The other Class A match go out but the Wintroub-Yaffe best struggles that has ever been Ban combination for three tough I started. On one serve, the Gen Last Thursday nigl Wintroub and Ynffe playing Sha duo' managed to be the victors. In Murray Wintroub ana Sol Yaffe witnessed on the Center four-wall layed volleyball game betwee games before Ban and Richards Idleman-Saks tea i 19 straight the women and men gym classei took the long end 21-20, 21-13 the second mat«h the score, was courts was witnessed, by a large were declared the victors. The ; points before they wer«. retired. pSro and Schriebman for the Cen 13 played, I had better give th< score over Jack Ban and Phil deadlocked at 13'all and then the gallery of fan when a compara- [scores were 21-14, 16-21, 21-20. i In the last and f nal same, the ter Class A handball champion men a little advice. After seetn Wright. In the first game, the victors managed to pull away for tively unknown team of Hy Gen-i In the second game of this match. count was 20 a!l with game and ship, while the Epstein brother! their.very loose playing.last week, score was tied at 20 all and each a 21-13. score. dleman and Lou Saks really ex- the winners had Gendleman and match point up for three complete (Aaron and Sam) faced Richardfand Mann for the Class B title. I would say their game is much team had two complete? serves to In the Class B match one of the tended the Dave Richards—Sam Saks 14-1 and thetj the fireworks serves. Temple ^ Mr. William Holzman will con- sloppier than the weather. On Friday evening aervicea at the. the other hand the women's clas Temple in the absence' of Rabbi has b e e n working overtime. "Wice. He will deliver a short ad- "Dime-a-dozen" Grossman (bedress. There will be no services fore I go further, the reason he is called this name is because Saturday morning. coaches like Lee can't be bough for less) has- done a fair job Beth-El At services tonight Rabbi Da- teaching those girls the game, so vid A. Goldstein will speaK on the he thinks. I personally believe Life and Work of Eliezer Ben Ye- they taught him what little he knows about volleyball, although hudah. he does a fine Job of pumping up Next Week Rabbi David A. Goldstein will the ball. These young ladles have ^epeak on "Israel's Songs of Tri- learned the game as it should be played, and show fine team work umph." • Very seldom Is a ball spiked before it is passed twice. Singles Vaad is unknown to these lassies (men "The Ideal Synagogue" wllf be the subject of the sermon of Rab- note). If the men don't improve bi Milton A. Ko-Ltein. Services 105 per cent, I can see nothing will begin at the B'nai Israel syn- but 3 victories for the ladles agogue, 18th and Chicago streets, Practice games are held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 o'clock. . Saturday morning services will The women playing regularly on author and traveler, the speaker v News Oddities be held at the Beth Hamedrosh these days are: Theresa (Terry) Dross, Alice B(owling) Hickman, The frontier :own of Klamath en the Forum lecture series WedHagodol synagogue, 19th and Falls, Oregon, numbers fifteen nesday, January 20th at the CenBurt streets, at 8:30. Rabbi Kop- Helen (Heimie) Heimrod, FanTAX! CABS FIXTURE SUPPLIER nette (Fan) Lincoln, Byrd (Bee) stein wil deliver a sermon at this Jewish souls. Among its colorful ter Auditorium . .-. Bishop G. B. Oxnam, resident Bishop of the Pardum, Jessie (Pete) Peterson, time. • ' • • in habitants is K. Sugarman who Rose (Sparkplug) Sommers, Ruth has resided there for thirty years. Methodist Episcopal Church, a Call ATLANTIC 3322 CONSULT THE( W o o d y " ) Woodward, B e s s Sugarman adopted a slogan that well known liberal and leader in Junior Congregation For the most complete the field of social .ustice, will adPlummer, F l o r e n c e can be termed by recognized adThe Talmud Torah Junior Con- (Lights) selection of .fixtures and (Hoffle) Hoffman, Mrs. George Air Conditioning vertising agencies as a "stopper" dress the B'nai B'rith on the subInsasrastc® gregation will meet this Saturday <Pabst) supplies in the Midwest Marsh, Z°lma (Willie) ad. "I ain't mad at nobody" is ject "Significance of Adolph Hitfor every purpose at 10 a. m. in the Lodgeroom of Williams; Sylvia (Si)^Cusik and ler, on Tuesday, January 19, at visit the . Life Insurance eo<3 Annuihis slogan which he displays on the Jewish Community Center. Stella Jensen. the Center auditorium . . . ties in one of the leering his thriving store ?nd uses in all The sponsor this week will be and be sure of a Distributed by companies of America. his advertisements. Mrs. M. Potash. SAFE TRIP Also gener&S inntarsnep Wrong Guess \ In the meeting held in physical covering: persorsl propA columnist on an Eastern ..LOW COST Table Talk " directors Lee Grossman's office erty. - To Raze Old Synagogue last No Charge for Extra Passengeri Air Conditioning Corp. journal prints a list of the actSunday, noon, the whole bowlOne of the social events of the Bonded Drivers Rotterdam, The Netherlands1101 Douglas SUITE. 76©-©T ordinance was reorganized "season: the formal dance to be ivities of the' leading Jewish j 104 No. 18th St. Fully Insured Cars The famous old 17 th. century syn- ing rance' B sportsmen and women who have Tom Casey, Harry Hershmann JA. 2724 this.time on, there'will be given by the U. T.. C- sorority AT-3454 agogue near the River Meuse will From Proprietor^ AT-SOS4commercial backers instead on Monday eve., January 18th participated* in the athletic arenas be demolished in 1937, it wasno in the last decade. He lists Ira the boys will go i out to enjoy the . . , the Music Box will be tbe .a-^wa^i^ disclosed by the Ashkenazie Jew- great game of bowling instead of scene of this swanky soiree . . » Hanford an Omaha boy as the lad ish. Community. making it a business. The teams Freddie - Ebener's complete or- who rode Bold Venture to victory Decision to tear down the tem- will be named the Tigers, Lioni ganization will be on band to in the 1936 Kentucky Derby. ple was taken because many Jews Bears and Pathers and your Jewdole out the tuneful melodies, We are personally acquainted have moved and are continuing to ish Press will carry the latest ^''^'^'^^^^^^^^^SSSSBSI^imS^mi^^l!: with surprising novelties inter- with the Hanford Brothers and move from the neighborhood.- - scores on these games. Bowling . TIRE CHAINS spersed for the entertaiment of we are certain that they are of "Say It With Flowers" When Low £SE SpSrcts §1.29 Pr. and Up is every Tuesday night at the Akthe guests . . . Domestic infelic- Catholic faith. The owner and Sar-Ben alleys,.-with- the- games ity is bringing angry, protests trainer of the thoroughbred is ALCOHOL - 3 9 c Gallon { Phone WE-2£22 for « beginning at 9 p. m.. from tenants of one of our bet- Max Hlrsch . . . 3 I S So. -—Prosper— complete selection of nater known apartment houses . . CHAMPION Spark Plugs AT-4291: By SAY SOHAPIBO tional brandt of liquors thus causing whisperings at Your correspondent takes off Forward Legislation 39c and wines. "Kaffe Klotch" gatherings . . . his hat to the members of the A group of libel law aimed dispecializes in c e n t e r * Featuring at Wholesale Cold weather and deep snow business girls- and the Matron And then there is the local rectly at persons and organizapieces, corsages, funeral S Schrai'tt's Chocolate* couldn't keep basketball fans womens classes who have been crackpot pamphleteer who dis- tions using the U. S. mails for arrangements, weddings, (f Cenatje. Dry Ginger Ale away from the Center last Sun- braving sub-zero weather to contributes mimegraphed sheets . . the dissemination of literature LIQ.UQIZ cut flowers, ' and potted day as the Barish-Sanders, the tinue with their gym work. The © Muriel, Harvester and one of the sheets recently atIz Sherman Milton Moskovlti that attacks a particular race or plants. "Pai Mu, and the Xi Lambdas business girls jvho convene on tacked a local Rabbi for his ut- religious group will be introducFREE DELIVERY Ciaeeta Rey Cigar* 1 9 1 9 Farnam S t . emerged victorious in two hard Monday and Wednesday evenings terances . . . Miriam Perelmeter ed early in the coming Congress 18th S 6 FsJctaff Beer Main Floor Brandeis Store WE-2929 fought battles and one runaway. have been showing great, enthusand Phil Cutler are as close as . . . One of the agencies lending »j»».v~&*m?RS!r.,&wxi™&* The Barish-Sanders trounced the iasm in Physical Director Lee "two sardines" . . . Betty Hir- their assistance in the forward A. Z. A. 100, 44-10, and their Grossman's winter schedule and schfeld's idol is -lenry Green- legislation is the United Jewish co-holders of the league leader- have made it a point to refuse berger of Grand Island . . . she War Veterans. Among other orship, the Psi-Mu, came from be- dates, miss appointments, forget is of the North Platte Hirscfa- ganizations sponsoring the meahind, to defeat the A- Z. A- 1, 31-shows,'and what have you; to take felds . . .Basketball fans please sure include the Veterans of For24. In the last- game, the XI note: I r v Taf fc, Nebraska eign Wars, National Association advantage of the marvelous facilTHE KRASNE Lambdas nosed out the Alpha J>i ities of Omaha's greatest physicfreshman, has exhibited suffic- for Advancement of Colored PeoCLEAN LINEN BEAUTY SALON Taus, 34-27. • • ' . _ . . . al center. The Matron women ient class to entitle him to a ple, outstanding 'women's diviregular berth on the IVebr. Un- sions and labor and allied units. In the opener, the Bariah-San- who during that deep snow last Features Shampoo and Finger Wave FOUNDRIES Good Merchandise iversity freshman squad . . . 1ers opened up their offensive at- week disregarded wet feet and Handsome Howard Kaplan is 27th & Martha HA. S523 tack on the last place A. Z. A.cold fingers and turned out for Young Journalist Always- Attracts Bras*. Bronze Aluminum, Soft true to his Omaha "trust" . . . 100 and the younger, inexperi- their gym classes are only a few Among our local press gentry Grey Iron and Semi-Steel Cast, CUSTOMERS the co-eds at N. U. can testify enced men didn't, have a show as that can vouch for the effectivePermanent Wares at ings. Wood and Metal Patterns is Horace L. Rosemblum, an unStandard «>ze* Bronze and iror to same . . What newcomer in the poweiful: offensive'tactics of ness of the Center physical de«3.5O and Up young man, who holds Bushing*. Sewer Manholes. CisQmsiiii Towel town (a Colorado boy) receiv- assuming the pre-season . winners was al-partment and the necessity of tern Ring* and Covers, Clean, an important position as Editor 716 Brandels Theatre out Doors. Sash Weights ana ed no less than five invitations most impossible to stop. Every physical work*outs in a woinans Siippfj? ol the Soverign Visitor. As the Building Yellow Brats Plumbers1 Fer. from that macj damsels for official man, with Hub Monsky in thelife. After conversing with Lee rules, carried m stock, Bronze organ of the Woodmen of 1CE-2S2S E T. C. formal? . . . Ed-Mar the World, the strongest fratern• ablets. Bronze and Cast Iror lead, figured In the scoring for rossman, I, personally would Ycurp Since 187S Grilles a specialty. Apartments can be termed as the winners. Monsky contributed like to see every Jewish girl and organization in America, tbis honeymoon row . . . three new- al 18 points to the cause, while the woman in Omaha take advantage and interesting publicalyweds reside there: The Ab attractive defense of the Barish team was of something that not every city tion combines fraternal news hapG or mans (Esther Richman, the to hold the Century chapter to 3has — an excellent swimming with general news matJoe lievinskys (Fannie Dub- penings pool and gym floor. field goals. ' • ." ter. It circulation which is near noff) and the Sol Martins (MirDuplicating their good game of half million mark, reaches iam Jacobs of Des Moines) . . . the The reorganized J. C. C. Bowltast week, the. Mother Chapter of readers in all parts or the World. OMAHA'S FINEST Sidney F. is inconsolable be- Rosenblum A. Z. A. kept In reach of a vic- ing League met at the Ak-Saris past president of SPECIALISTS cause his "Hard-hearted" HanRECREATIONAL PARLOR tory until the IaBt 2 minutes of Ben Alleys last Tuesday night and the Press Section of the FraternTire Buy fa T«wn nah has departed for MinneapoIN BIULIAHUS—SNOOKER play when Abe Bergman scored 5 found the Bears in the unbeaten al Congress and is at present See U« For , POCKET BILLIARDS lis . . . Among his many accomclass. Sam Katzman was high "points to keep the PsI Mu in a chairman of the Board of Direc£££,£ Fanrcsurm St. FURNACE OIL plishment, David Lazarus has All New Streamline Tables deadlock for first place. The man for a single game with 234. tors of that body. Previous to i £ . 44ES, Restaurant—Bar become a sculptor of note . . . AND Ciery play of the A. Z. A. team He was closely followed by Leo his association with the W. O. W. Direct Wire On All Railroad end eCeum ship his plaques are truly works of Weitz, Jack Melcher, Abe Venger and the handwork of Iz Boggy of served on the staff of the ' Sporting Events Tickets to «5I ports of the BURNER SERVICE art, judging from the photo- he Gas Parking , the PsI Mu team featured the with 214, 208, 204 respectively. Omaha Bee-News. He is also an Ladles Especially invited World. graphs of his work received by active member of the Temple Isgame. It was" the floorwork of The Bears and Tigers were forchis parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. ed to play an extra,frame to deBoggy tUat kept the PsI Mu five SAFETY PARKING CO. Lazarus . . . An equestrian with rael. Independent within a field goal of the losers cide the winner of the third 1402 CAPfTOL. a flair for riding wild bronLumber & Coal Co BILLIARD AND LUNCH' 1STH and DODGE and then Guard Bergman started game. The. Bears managed to A Deserving Promotion t S§ Years of 1ETH and DAVENPORT 1818 Farnam St. W E 3423 chos: Louis Sinykinf a South win the last frame. on a rampage of his own. Leo 205-7 NO. 15TH ST. WALNUT 0300 Charles Schlaifer, a very capTravel Service Side liquor dealer, who can be J. C. C. League Sherman and Morris Adler lookrightfully termed as a "Yid-able young man of the film and Won Lost ed good for the losers, while Iz disha Cowboy" . . . Members of theater advertising industry, deBears 3 0 .. Boggy stole the show for the our social set tiring of bridge parts from our midst this week Panthers 2 1 Psi Mu. and Mah-jongg have turned to to accept a position as publicity Lions 1 2 Getting off .to an early lead, roller skating is a new indoor and advertising manager of the : 0 3 Artiste Theater in San the XL's were enough points Tigers sport . . . According to a na- United Mid-Winter Special Francisco. This is in. effect a ahead to stave off a last quarter tional periodical, which con- considerable promotion The\ fast-stepping Sharp-Shootas comJan. 6th to Jan. 31st spirited rally by the APT's to win ducted a survey, only 15 per pared to his present position, Men's Suits or that their second game of the regular ers went In the Class B League A B O C MACHINES cent of the nation's Jews obPlafn Dresses or : FOR of advertising chief of the Triseason. Due mostly to the dead lead last Tuesday evening by deFor inventorv and Year-End 1 Suit and 1 Hat or serve Kashruth . . .more of 15th & Hartley JA. 3146 feating the str, ng Omaha jobWork State Theater Corp. Schlaifer's 1 Dress and 1 Suit or eyes of Mose Franklin and Art this later . . . The shy and ra- amusement experience was of Any Two 75c Articles Omaha's Largest .nd Most Grossman, the winners were able bing aggregation, by the score of ther introspective Rose Fisher particular value to Variety Club Attractive Prices For coal, clothing or any ethej Complete Storage and Auto to, jump into a big lead only to 19-12. The Bcore was nip and has very definite opinions on affairs. He or^an'zed the "Hol- necessity that lero temperatures tuck throughout the contest, beSupply Store bring along. Vou can obtain S5£ have it dwindle down when Pep ing tied three-all at the end of EAST renPis Cash and Carry 99c current events . . . What "tall, lywood Tattler", theatrical chatto ?500, find euppiy the security Higher Priced Garments Re• Tjres • • Washing Boggy started the losing frater- the final period. In the extra Every Make and Size we ask. Phone AT 6800. dark and thensome" purveyoi duced 25c Each If You SeridTwo ter radio broadcast, which had O Tube* O Lubricating nity team off on a scoring spree. play off time, the sharp shootera of films has become adept as created a vast number of listen* Accessories * Simonizing THE PANTORIUM IM!¥E» FINANCIAL With a few. more minutes, Peplived up to tneir name and garpouring tea at social functions? ers, and which finally attracted Typewriter Ce>»? I n s . SAVE 103, FOR CASH SEUVSCE ' Servito With a Smilo might have been able to lead his nered three field goals and one . YOU «..,'. AND CARRY . . Sammy Uantman, Crelghton HARRY FERER, Pres. the attention of West Coast ra1515 Jones St. boys to a victory, but time is incharity toss for the seven point 1440 First NM't. Bank Bldg. We Never Close freshman footballer,- has "scor- dio moguls, who offered him a 4512 So. 24th St. a basketball game. Grossman, difference. Vernon WIntroub, ed" a touchdown with Adaline broadcast hour du. ing his recent Franklin, and Turner starred for Sam Novak, Carl Fredericks^ MorTatelman . . . Harold Stern and visit in Los Angeles. He is the the., winners, while Pep Boggy ris Ruderman were outstanding Lillian Friedlander are "sugar son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Schlaifer took offensive honors on hisfor the victors, while Norman and molasses" . . . Jack Fox and is a native born Omahan. His team. . • . Gendler stood out for the Jobla ringing the door-bell at the charming- wife is the former Eve. Record crowds for the first ing crew. home of Ida Lerner . . . Harry lyn Chaiken. time In the history of the Center Giventer's fortune falling pro" 8iend«p"3xe for ReaJthl It will be. So yoiar In the other fracas the Co. have been attending all Sunday Bluffs A. Z. A. No. 7 ^managed to clivities are being discussed at ts?e to have Axel Ke^re Mrs. Al Boasberg, wife of the keep afternoon basketball games. And hit their stride for tb-j first time you nattily attired. women's gatherings . . . "Courteous—Reliable" writer, was showing her new they are not disappointed, as thethis season and. one in easy fashhome to a friend. This was the games played are full of thrills ion over the small fighting ramFuneral Directors Recommendations living-room, this, the kitchen, ©Sweet Butter V and spills. Basketball is one ofblers. Harold F6x and Norman Grace Bailey towards, Supt. ©Dated Milk The book containing ancient there, the master bed-room, etc. the. most thrilling games to watch Roseglhal led the way for the Our funeral parlors are Lee W Edwards. rVj. D., ® Sour Cream The visitors asked if her husband Jewish lore and excellent selecas play js always fast and bodily cross-the-rlver boys by connecting furnished in home-like Medieai Director had a den. "No," explained his tion of wit.visdom and edifying contact brings the crowd to their six and four fielders respectively. 5 and many other products, fashion. helpmate, "he doesn't need a den egends, written by Doctor Philip J ask your grocer or call .;. feet as well as beautifully exe- Maynard Katzman was the only T&iLQft We nave spared neither time Sher, noted Omaha physician, - - he growls all over the house." cuted plays can do. Be one oface Ins the hole the ramblers . Farnam St. nor expense in developing every 322'-5© 1.5th St. scholar and philanthropist. A the many to spend a. thrilling could uncork. Call! BA-65IS for > chase of our service. The Jews arriving in Newport Recirk book that belongs in the particu• *JA>0865Sunday afternoon watching these HA-2226 Appointment ^ Fernsm at 33rd HA. 1226 lar in 1658 brought with them the Last Tuesday nfght some very person's library . . .Sherwood teams strive for victory. Schedule thrilling and exciting hand ball Eddy, weir known comentator,i first degrees of Masonry. for January 17: matches ^ere played In the JCC A. Z. A. 1 vs. Alpha Pi Tau at regular season-doubles hand ball 2:15. competition, both in Class A and Xi Lambda vs. A. Z. A. 100 at Class B. These matches were 3:00. semi-final contests with Jack Scbreibman and "Lefty" George . That man won't leave us alone Shapiro defeating Manny Goldand so the only thing to do is toberg and Morria Franklin 21-13,
Omaha Fixiur© and Supply Co.
The Erandeis Flower Shop
X C. C. Sports
Supply Stores
Paxion HitcheS! Company
Hedick Tower
for $1.1©
and Side Lanes By Leonard NatLan
Seeking an authoritative reply b these' questions, We consulted Terry Sackhelm, Scenario Chief of Mew Universal Pictures. Mr. lackheim is a forme; writer and iroducer himself, and not so long igo was struggling for recognition In this creative department the motion picture industry. Officially Jerry Sackhelm is executive assistant to Charles Rogers, Studio and. Production head, and in charge of Universal Studious writers. He knows the writing field thoroughly,, itsi pitfalls and
It iB almost amazing to read George Eliot's "Daniel Deronda", written In the middle of the nineteenth century, and see a blueprint for modern Zionism. Long ' before there •was :Jiy thought of a Ball our declaration oi a surmise that Britain -would one day control the Holy Land, George Eliot had propounded the methods and ideology of Zionism although at that time the movement was nameless. '•• It i s prophetic' to see the hero of the book; Deronda, having learned of his Jewish origin, setting out for the East to study the possibilities of the building of a Jewish nation."-<;
barriers, and IB in sympathy with of the studios is that no material the real author or- his heirs down! rises in his seat crying, 'Stop, 11'Where do we get new blood?' I writings receive in our the movement for youth and newshall be accepted from unknown on our necks with legitimate com- jthief!' Needless to say, no studio ' and 'How can I break into film 1 research for good dlalofi>«-- * blood In the industry. sources or unknown writers. Be- jplaints and demands. The author' •would consciously use an idea or I writing?' The enswer is: mage- ' plot constructors. Sacklelm smiled in recognition. hind this is the fear of plagiarism ; is in the right and the studio is •story to which it wasn't entitled. [ zine fiction, novels, plays and I "Lastly, if you should ?r'- y.: He had encountered these inquir- and Its heavy financial toll, a s ' in the wrong, for it is our busi- j There are too many g-ood scen- \ radio. These are the training •. hrnd t t a play which P'T'".-^ies before1. From university offi- well as the inconveniez-e and em-.ness to know what we aTe buying.; arios and plars to he bought . grounds throurh which evpry ; hit. you can rest assured i.hw."; "The' other amateur writer who '•• cials and clubwomen, from any- barrassment of law suits. from established authors. scenarist must pass. If you suc-| less than a. month you'll he sat.1 i body and everybody who had an "Among unkno-sni writers there '•. "And so these tvro chiseling ceed in publishing a novel, scv- ir. E big vnnrn vith P. nuinha: interest in the unborn scenario- are two types of plagiarism ! has caused unwarranted trouble | type, rare EE they were, hare for- ; era.1 magazine stories, or bvoad- other people P.'] tnifcinp *-'•. •'•:* to the studios is not Quite as un-i writing careers of friends' and rel- criers we fear. One is the would- ] ever deafened motion picture I cast a number of radio dramas. : - - end thr^fMl 'bp p. cloBPf" iatives.' •' ' ' ' -be author who is low enough to jscrupulous as his brother. He is jexecutives to the earnest and de-i you are eligible for Hollywood. bolted door bppvinpm P Kirn *•'• the type who unsuccessfully sub"I'll try to be brief," he start- copy a story from an old tnaga- j mits stories to the picture plants serving pleas ot their brother as- : Tour stories and scenarios will he- i'np torpiif., 'Quiet. Ptn-rr ."".it,*: ed. "Despite'the desire in Holly- zine and try to sell it as his own..and .several months, even years, pirants. ; accepted and read by studio o"i- ence." " wood for jiew.. writers with new Should it be bought and put on|J later, witnessing a film similar to | "Which brings us," Sackheim addition tc the system- i.CopyrJsht i f " by Sevni; *.ideas, one of the staunchest Tules the screen this naturally brings his in various respects, virtually 1 continued, "to the questions: [ atized readings your published Feature Syndicate}
* The disconcerting tews from -Italy Is a tragic note in this day . a n d age, for Italy' was the one : 'place where all during the centuries of persecution there were some interludes'of friendship and pleasant Jewish-Christian rela'. tions. Despite the fact that it is the place of origin of the ghetto and other,.luimilialing devices,, nevertheless the Jews of the Italian cities found themselves In a position, far auperipr. to tnat of some other European countries. V In Venice for many years it was : the custom for priests and rabbis to listen to one another's sermons . and then in the salon of some ghetto dwelling mercilessly criticize'interpretation. No distinguished visitors to > Renaissance Venice ever left •without a visit to one of the numerous synagogue/. During Succoth the patricians of the city came In their gondolas to see the booths built in the narrow alley- ways and at Purim everyone came to see the Purim plays. Restrictions were many and the Jews in the red or yellow hats were forbidden outside the ghetto walls after sunset and Christians could be whipped for being found within those gates after the sounding of the bell in the Companile. So imbued with the spirit of the place and times did the Jews become that during the Renaissance the intique of the ghetto sadly at times was very similar to that of the palaces ol the Grand canal. "With the .approach of ;Kapoleon's army, the ghetto gates ,.W.ere torn, from their hinges and .burned, and the ghetto laws vent ;" into dficafd." "' -' ~'. * Italian Jewry has always play'-.. ed an active part in the life of the :: country. There Is no reason why •-, its patriotism should now "be questioned.
K O W IN PROGRESS... Carman's January Fur Sale..,. Offering Several thousands of dollars worth of Quality Fur Coats from regolar Carman stocks^reduced without regard to costi plus Sample Lines from some of New York's leading creators . . an unsurpassed opportunity to select the Fur Coat You want, of Carman Quality and Standards, at unbelievably low prices.
•| DO TOTT WANT TO B E A 2; SCENARIO WRITER? ' ' "go you want to be a scenario writer?" Thousands of h i g h Bchool teachers, college instructors and ^parents 1 have emiled approvingly as they repeated these words to countless eager youths and adults, ,;. too, all aspiring to become Rob.'• ert Biskins, Lillian Hellmans or Morris Ryskinds. - . And so, typewriters and note sheets well in: hand, thousands embark every year for the fabled gold fields of Hollywood to bom bard the film studios with stor. ies, synopses, and ideas. Some wisely remain at home, perform their workaday tasks in offices, stores and filling stations, writ in their leisure time and enrich - Uncle Sam's postaj departmen with, their Hollywood correspon dence. • '"•;•-.-•- -Sat invariably every Instance - scripts are Teturned to the -waiting hopefuls unread, unopened, »nd without a -word of explanation other than a polite note stating that anch and such studie does not accept unsolicited manuscripts. As one, the youth mutely throw arms heavenward for explanations. How! does Hollywood expect ti get new blood that it cries for? - Why should .even a- reading be refused my efforts? And most important: How can I secure a foothold as a scenario writer t
Taxes From Beer :• vBeer has contributed $613,968 '::'.'-to taxes to Nebraska during 1936 according to an estimate issued :.-*:lut week by Robert A. Drum, • president of Fontenelle Brewing Company, which is an increase of 41 per cent over 1935. In reviewing tax returns from the sale of b^er throughout the nation ifr. Drum pointed out that beer had paid well over one billion dollars In taxes to federal, Btate and municipal treasuries since prohibition was repealed for which actual figures are avail-
• ; 1.?J;^ iO?;. : ; : 1 ; ^ * . .y' ,5? v ^ } ; " ' . : •
ONE GROUP REDUCED TO As new skins are bringing 4| from 25% to 50% more you <] will be wise to take advantage of Carman's January Fur Sale V a l u e s . . . . . . . . . . .
' a b l e . -
*. ; • " '[-
"Much of this money," stated Mr. Drum, "went into old age pensions, unemployment relief, child welfare, bond. retiremen and law enforcement. TJnemplbyment "was relieved 10 per cent by •he relesalizatlbn. of beer."
MODEL FUR COATS ,1 Persian Betted Swagger Size 16. Reduced t o
1 Persian Swagger T
Sire 23. With Vionnet « calyx cellar »-«-..„..
1 Caracsil Tonic S i z e IE. W i t h A i U ' s front button closing . . . .
YQU'II find i t the most practical kind of thrift to buy yourself a fur coat tomorrow at Carman's. You'll
1 Black Caracal 'Princess Cpaf
find i t thrift to buy a SECOND fur coat if you" already hare one..
1 A. Hollander Seel
Siie 18. Collared luxuriouEly with si!v#r fox.
Size 16. Dyed Coney. Fr'eess; gold pslm If. belt.
1 Raccoon Swagger Size 16. 'With luxurious dark stripes. Red> to
.1 Squirrel Swagger Size 16. With Molyneaux's new chin coMar
QME GHOUP REDUCED TO You'll find a variety of furs, a lineup of new styles such as you've rarely seen In any one Omaha store at such incredibly low prices
1 Ccraeoi Princess Coat. Size 1S. With s Vionnet solden bow belt.....
I Persian
Size 14. With Moiyneaux's Mary Stuart sleeve.
1 Grey Krimmer Persian
Size 14. Princess; Lefong's Antelope tied collar.
2 Persian Swaggers
Sizes 14 and 16. Reduced to
I Persian Swagger. Sire 1S. Reduced to
GROUP ilDUCED TO Swaggers, Fitted, Princess and Tunic styles In an array of furs •that is overwhelming in its completeness and astounding in the values offered at these amazing prices .* -..-.-..
. ...v
1 Hudson Seol ' (Dyed Muskrat.) Size 18. Reduced t o . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Hodsen Seal Swaggers (Dyed Muskrat.) Sizes 13 and 23. Reduced t e . . .
1 Hudson Seal'Swagger. (Dyed Muskrat) Size 40. Reduced to....
. • - ••- Cer/Bca'sSeeesd
« j » i > w * -r-,w ;
Everything reduced fa great sale, notwifhstandina the astounding now firmly psfablished in making every coet * double fee-fure value. The ihrifty v i ' q y take advanfaqe o-f this oncee-year opporfunify «nd wilt be rewarded with values that will probably not be Available «igam for many, many years.
Page 8
noon, January 20, at 2:30 o'clock the members of her Afternoon Eagle HalL Mr. O. Hochman will him Society will hold a meeting of the Levant Fair In the all-Jewat the Hotel Chieftain. A Cham- Club at a luncheon last Thursday present his. stereoptical slides next Thursday evening, January ish city-of Tel Aviv and crowded also. Louis H. Katelman is in 21, at 8:30 o'clock et the Eagle the auditorium beyond its capaisho Oser B'Shebat program Is be- afternoon. (Continued from page 1) city with formally dressed men charge of arrangements, and Dr. ing arranged. Mr. E. Cooper, and women. war and all their sentiments of principal of the Talmud Torah, Miss Rose Fox -'eturned home Isaac Sternhill will conduct the Hall. the jungle. But they have done will be the guest speaker. Miss Sunday following a. three weeks' initiation. Cheers rang through the hall MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent no single thing so clear-cut in its Ivy Seigal. of Omaha will sing a visit in Chicago, Illinois where after every number and sustained symbolic repudiation of human group of, songs. Mrs. Albert she was the house guest of her , The A. Z. A. Chapter No, 7 will applause greeted Toscgjiinf at the civilization. This Is their definite Krasne is-program chairman. Mrs. uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. hold a meeting nest Monday eveclose of the concert which comJoe Maron and Sidney Kalin; farewell; this is their unmistakprised Rossini's Overture, Brahms ning,. January 18, at eight o'clock Oratory, Joe Goldstein; Basket- able return to savagery. For Saul Suvalsky is chairman In Morris Fos. Second Symphdcy, Shubert's Unat the home of Herbert and Norball, Lloyd Kronick, Mickey Grue- they- cannot repudiate Thomas charge of this meeting r.nd she is Mrs. Edwin Bridkey of Omaha man Rosenthal, 1730 Third Avefinished Symphony, Mendelssohn's skin, Phil Zeligson, Harry. Els- Mann alone. With him and be- being assisted; by the Mesdames Midsum.ner Night's Dream and berg, Joe Devine, Marvin Kline hind him stand all the highest Louis H. Katelman, .•{•men Stein- and her sister, Miss Pauline Bern- nue. All members are urged to berg, and Ike Feblowitz. All stein of Council Bluffs entertain- attend. the Oberoa Overture. and Sam Edelman. spiritual triumphs - of mankind, members are urged to attend. ed at a one o.'cloek luncheon at Palestine's musical critics, in Plans have been completed for all the most precious goods of the Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agenthe Hotel Chieftain last Wednes- The Emesel Club entertained at commenting on Use historic conthe Second Annual Jewish; Nahuman spirit. No wonder they JUNIOR HADASSAH cy)—Arturo Toscanhii, Italian Arrangements have been com- day afterioon in Conor of Miss a Party at the home of Miss Lib-! tional Fund Banquet, which -will repudiated Einstein and with him pleted for the-new Kosher Meat Ida Krasne whose marriage to bie Grossman, 210 West Wash- Maestro, characterized the Pales- cert, vied in adjectives to describe f be held Thursday evening, Janutine symphony orchestra whose the perfection of the performance Junior Hadassah held its meet- Aristotle and Copernicous and Market to be conducted at 742 ary 21, in the Jewish Community ing Wednesday evening in the Newton! No wonder they repudi- West Broadv ay, which is the Mr. Harold Abrahams of Omaha ington Avenue, Sunday afternoon, first concert he conducted here as under Toacaninfg baton. ParticuCenter. The banquet, sponsored Jewish Community Center with ate both Moses and Jesus. It is same location as the former meat will take place January 28. Cov- January 10. Additional guests, be- "one of the world's greatest'' and lar emphasis was? placed on the ers were laid for thirty guests. sides the club members were the j fact that the members of the orby the local Jewish National Miss Dorothy Merlin presiding. all of a piece. • market. Mr. MUchell Herod, for- Bridal appointments were attrac- Misses Edith Bubb, lucille Abra-j was deeply pleased with what chestra, most of whom had been Fund Council will have as . the Miss Ruth Marks spoke on "The many regarded as the greatest: They have given pfficial notice merly of Kansas City, will open principal speaker Ittamar Ben Jew in ^America," and a radio skit now of their resignation from the for business next Monday, Janu- tively carried out at the luncheon. hamson, Shirley Gershun, and oration Toscanini has received In concert-roasters in Germany, had Norma Seldin. Avi, .one of the world's foremost was presented by Connie Saitlin, ranks of civilized mankind. They ary 18, and will serve a 'Shocket' his musical career. In coming to been able to subdue their personMrs. Oscar Urecnberg •enteralities as parts of a great musical Hebrew publishers. Gisela Pill, Margaret Kosberg and have officially established the to the entire community and also tained the membeiE of her Club Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grossman Palestine to conduct the orches- organization. A native of Palestine, Ittamar Rosabelle Wigodsky. jungle. When hereafter pseudo- handle kosher meats. New equlp-- at a luncheon at the Hotel Chief- I are leaving Sundry for New York ! tra formed by the distinguished Ben Avi received his early educaThe only way In which the enPlans were made by a number sophisticated fools after a three ment will be installed to serve all tain Tuesday afterncon. City on a buying trip. They ex- Jewish musicians who hare been tion in the Holy Land and later of .th emembers to attend the Re- weeks' conducted" trip through patrons in the best manner posexiled from Germany. Toscanini thusiastic audience would end Its pect to be gone about a month. at the Universities of Paris and gional Convention, which is sch- Germany come back and tell you, sible. "showed his solidarity with She appisuse at the close of the conThe Cultural Group of the SenBerlin., in P^aris he was for many eduled to be held next week end formally regretting a little the stand for justice and liberty." cert was the appearance on the or Hadassah met Monday evenNorman Abrahamso • of Counyears editor of several leading in St. Joseph Missouri. platform or Huberman who exseverity toward the Jews, what Mrs. Leo Blank of Chicago, 111- ing at the home of Mrs. Joe Got- cil Bluffs and Messrs. Donald That was the interpretation English and Hebrew newspapers. fine and handsome things Hitler nois and Mr. Albert E. Gllinsky sdiner. pressed to the crowd the "heartBordy, Al Sokol and Ned Cofan of given by Bronisiaw Huberman. He is a gifted linguist as was has done, for the German people of San Francisco, California have Omaha left last week for Los An- the noted violinist, who formed felt thanks of Toscanini," Indihis fathei^ the famous Eliezer •—- there is a final quiet answer: arrived here to visjlt tEeir father, Plan9 are being made by the j geles, California. They expect to the orchestra and persuaded the cating that by coming to PalesBen Yehuda, who is considered He has separted the German peo- Mr. Barney Gilinsky, who is ser- Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of remain there for an indefinite Italian conductor to direct the tine Toscanini had showed as An The January meeting of the the father of modern spoken Heple from the past and the present iously ill at the JennieK Edmund- the B'nai Brith for a class of stay. They madf> the trip by mo- opening concerts. Leading per- artist his hatred of the forces brew. Ittamar Ben Avi was the Senior Hadassah chapter is-sch- of humanity and its goods and its son Hospital. sonalities from all parts o' Pal-! shackling freedom and tolerance. Candidate to be Initiated at its tor. first Jewish child in modern eduled for the 26th~in the Jew- culture; he has cut the bonds estine streamed into the newly- j next meeting to be held on Montimes to be brought up in the ish Community Center. The meet- that once united Germany to Mrs. M. Bernstein entertained day night, January 25 at the The Council Bluffs Agudas Ac-' built concert hall on the grounds' Patronize Our Advertisers spoken Hebrew language. He is ing will be preceded by a dessert mankind; he has done what no is touring the United States in luncheon. Following the meet- previous tyrant in history was bethe interests of the Jewish Na- ing the members will adjourn to sotted enough to do. The foolan afternoon of cards. Mrs. Louis ish and corrupt government even tional Fund. Mr. Barney Baron, chairman of Agranoff and Mrs. A. H. Lazere of Charles II amnestied Milton, the Jewish National Fund Coun- are in charge of the luncheon ar- though he had defended the execil Is in charge of the banquet rangements. cution of the King's father and Mrs. Sol H. Novitaky, and Mrs. served the Cromwellian Commonarrangements. The council is composed of representatives from H. M. Levin have been named co- wealth. ' It remained for Adolph every Zionist -organization, in the chairmen of the Purim Bazaar Hitler In 1936 to go out of his which will be sponsored by the way to repudiate the greatest of city. Senior Hadassah members are Senior Hadassah. his living countrymen. in charge of'the menu preparations and the Junior Hadassah J. C. C. TEAM IN LEAGUE (Copyright 1937* by Seven Arts members will be In charge of the Feature Syndicate.) serving. Mrs. Sam Shulkin heads The Jewish Community Center the menu committee; Mrs. J. Leh- Basket ball team won its second man and Mrs. Zella Levitan, the victory recently in the Y inter- 8lffllllllHM!in«ttl|lltlllt'tlH III IIIIIIH IIW I I ! H Ilimiffl I m;ITffl|e dining Toom committee. church leagu^ when they played the First. Presbyterian team. .The first victory was won when the team . played the • First Covenant BT F. B. S. team. Charles Shindler, Sr. ia coach KabbI Sol Bolotnikov will speak of the team, and members include at a meeting in tin Jewish Com- Eugene Sherman, Wallace Rosen- FATHER-SON BANQUET munity Center^ Sunday afternoon thai, AL Zelingson, Leonard Stein, JANUARY 34. Plans are being formulated for at 7 o'clock. His subject will be Sherman Sperling, Isadore Shind"Civilization and the Jewish Cul- ler, Sam Kaplan, Art Miller, Bert the annual Father and Son Banture." Bergen, Norton Bain and Irving quet to, be given by the Sisterhood of the Talmud Torah SocieThe speaker who is visiting Ducoffe. y on Sunday evening, January here from Chicago, is a graduate 24, at five o'clock at the Chevra from the Yeshivah in Lithuania, BOOK REVIEW MONDAY B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 where he was also a >abbi. Mynster Street. As reservations He spoke last week in Sioux The concluding' book review in are limited, everyone who wishes City at the Tlphereth Israel Synagogue and won the praise of his the serlea given by Rabbi H. R. to attend should make their resaudience, as an eloquent speak- Rabinowitz will be held next ervations immediately by calling Monday evening, January 18 in either Mrs. Morris Yudelson, er.. Tomorrow afternoon he will the social hall of the synagogue. phone 5645, or Mrs. .Abe Giliuspeak at Tiphereth Israel Synag- He will review "Way of a Trans- sky, phone 1797 J. Tickets are seventy-five centa per plate. A ogue West Sixth and Sioux Street, gressor" by Negiey FaTson. very entertaining program is beat 3 o'clock. ing arranged^ and every father Auxiliary Meeting and son are urged to attend. Shaare Zioh The January meeting of the SR. HADASSAH The sixth annual Baccalaureat- ,adies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion The Council Bluffs Senior Hate service will be held at Shaare ynagogue will take place next dassah hold its monthly Zioh Synagogue this evening for Tuesday afternon in the Social meeting will next Wednesday afterHall of Shaare Zion Synagogue. the Jewish students of the midyear graduating class of Central The meeting will follow a desN E. KAZLOWSKY, Attorney High School. " sert luncheon. Bridge will form Suite 532 Insurance Bldg. The service beginning promptly the afternoon's entertainment. • i at 8 o'clock will open with the Members are requested to arrange NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF AMUSEMENT CO., Ini processional of graduates in cap heir own tables for playing. Mrs. SERVICE Notice Js hereby given that the unand gown. The choir will Bing Frank Epstein is in charge of the dersigned have formed a corporation pursuant to the laws of the State of a special number during the pro- meeting. Nebraska. The name of the corporaMore than 150 couples attendcessional. Won shall be SEIIVICE AMUSEMENT INC.. with its principal place.of Marion Shiloff will act as mas- ed the annual dance given by the -O.. justness in Omaha, Douglas County, ter of ceremonies, and Rose Zel- ,adies Auxiliary Tuesday evening Nebraska. The general nature of the to be transacted by the corinsky will give the invocation. in the Rainbow room of the West business poration shall be to buy, sell, distribSam Rlvin -will' give the class Hotel. Mrs. Meyer Shubb was ute, lease, hire, or otherwise acquire and dispose of amusement devices, Pledge. An address "Comparing chairman of the dance. novelties and other personal property, the Educational System of Unifna to act as agents in connection therewith; to sell or to purchase or ted States and Palestine" will be otherwise acquire any rights, privipresented by Sara Sadoff. Marvin leges, licenses or franchises suitable the purposes of the corporationKline wilL speak on "The UnfinThe marriage of Miss Sadie forconduct amusement enterprises and ished Business of -Education." Burnette, daughter of Mr. and to furnish entertainment of all kinds; to y Sylvia Herzoff will give the vale- Mrs. I.'KroloM of Mitchell, S. D., ,, ; /"!?* - s e U a n d "change any and kinds of real and personal property; dictory address. Portions of the and Alfred Levich, son of Mr. and all to deal in stocks, bonds and securiritual -will be read by Rebecca Mrs. Louis London, was solemniz- ties; to borrow money and secure the1 same by pledging Its real estate or /Katz, Sam Edelman, Frances ed at 4:30 Sunday afternoon by personal property, and to do anything Matz, and Vernon Montrose. Rab- Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz. * and everything1 necessary or incidental to the conduct of the business of bi H. R, Rabinowitz will deliver Immediate relatives were precorporation. The authorized capthe benediction. Other members sent at the ceremony. Mr. and the £5? stock of the corporation shoU be of the graduating class include Mrs. Levich are residing in the J10.000.00, consisting of 200 shares of tho par value of $50.00 each. Each Theodore Skalovsky, Elaine Shl- Smith Apartments. share of stock shall be full paid for aifer, Ruth Friedman, Leonard and non-assessable when issued. The corporation shall commence business Lebowitz, and Lillian Turchen. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kuntz, 714 upon the filing of its articles with Saturday morning services at Twenty-fifth street, anounce the tho County Cleric of Douglas County, and shall continue for a Shaare Zionwill begin tomorrow engagement of their daughter, Nebraska, period of 60 years. The highest at 8:30 o'clock, and Junior Con- Miss Sarah Kuntz, to Marvin Sch-' amount of Indebtedness to which -the shall at any time subject gregation at t0:30. uster, son of Mr. and Mrs...J. Sch- corporation itself, shall not exceed two-thirds. of uster of Chicago. • The wedding the capital stock; but this restriction not include indebtedness secured will be an event of next spring. shall by mortgages or liens. The business Miss Kuntz is a graduate of of tho corporation shall be conducted by a. board of directors, to consist of Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will Central High School and Mr. Sch- not less than two persons, and by the officers of the corporation, who shall speak this evening on "Sell Hate" uster is a student at Northwes- be a president, vice-president, secreat the regular Friday evening tern University. tary and treasurer, any two of which offices may be held by the same perservices tonight at Mount Sinai Mrs. J. N. Kruger, 3701 Jack- son. The articles may be amended Temple. T h e service begins any regular or special meeting of son street, departed recently for aat the stockholders by a majority vote of promptly at 8 o'clock. Chicago where she visited with the outstanding stock represented at the meeting . relatives. . - SAM COLICK,
Senior Hadassah
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• A. L. WARREN, Mrs. Leon Gladwin has departincorporators. " Committees for the coming ed for her home in Detroit after 12-25-36-<t FRADENBURG, W E B B, BEBER, year were named at- the A. Z. A. a months visit here in the' WillKCUTZNICK & KELLEV, A«y«. meeting this week, by Herman iam Galinsky home.. £00 Union State Bank Blda., Omaha Rubin newly elected president. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF Bernard Rosenthal will head the Miss Ruth Rifkin, a student at OMAHA PACKING COMPANY, membership committee; Haskell the University of Southern CalifA Corporation Notice ia hereby given that at a Lazere, Bocial; Sidney Kalin, so- ornia in Los Angeles, is Tislting meeting of stockholders of the Omaha cial service; Jack Merlin, relig- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Rif- Packing Company, a corporation, duly held at the office of the corporation ious; Joe Maron,V cultural; Lloyd kin, 903 South Paxton Street. on the 30th day at December, 1936, Krpnick and Phil ZeHgson, athat which all of the stockholders -were and voting, a resolution was letic; Toby Shindler and Calmon Word has been received here present duly offered and was unanimously Levich, sick committee. by Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Herzoff, adopted that the said corporation to do business and that the - Installation of new officers and of the birth of ;a son to Mr. and cease be dissolved; accordingly notice the first degree initiation of new Mrs. Jqeffrey Straw, Pheonix same of such action and of the dissolution the said Omaha Packing Company, members will take place before Arizona. Mrs. Straus is th^ for- aof corporation. Is hereby given. the Baal Brith lodge at their mer Leah Herzoff o? this city. OMAHA PACKING COMPANY meeting in the near future. By L RAZNICK, President. AL the regional tournament to . During th* : Civil War Jacob Attest: JACK RAZNICK. be Held in Lincoln on February Pranks acted as chaplain of hosSecretary. Presence of; 12, 13 and 14, the following pitals for the Federal govern- InSAM BEBER. Alephs will participate. Debating ment. 1-8-37-U
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