January 22, 1937

Page 1


Ill the Interests of the Jewish People

By 3LTIDWIG XEWIS0HN' This column is copyright by the Seren A m Feature Syndicate. Reproauction in whole or tn part strictly forbidden. Any Infringement on t h i 8 copyright will be prosecuted.

u n ^ £ ? *«-Se«ma Class Mall Matter on January ZU 1921. at . Fostomce or umaha, Nebraska, under the Actbt Marc* 3; 1S79




VOL. XII—Xo, 4'


WHY ';OT IS SUCCESSFUL ,,:S HONORING ' . A special dispatch from Washington to the New York Times THUS FAR gives a detailed acount of immigration into the United States Mrs. M. F. Leyenson, chairman As a token of appreciation of! during the year 1936.: According of the Tree Planting Campaign of the interest shown by thirty lead•to the .present i laws 153,744 i. ing Jews of Omaha who purthe Jewish National Fund Counaliens could- have entered the .„ "Palestine chased 250 copies of his book,, 'Meaning of Present Situation' country under the quota, system. Speaks Before Open Meeting cil of Omaha, announces that so Jewish Popoia "Ko Peace Till B&liour Now Estsx M d at of Local B'nai B'rith Only 20,184 actually entered. In "Wisdom from the Bible and the Subject Of Talk a t far 364 trees haave been pledged 410,000 Other •words only thirteen _ per lodge [WORK OF EEKM Talmud," for distribution among; CoamiEity Pester or paid for. "Though the Omaha cent of the available entries unQuota was set at one thousand New York (JTA) — The Jew-j Jewish -libraries in der the quota" system were used. the United\ Contendingg that there Before a capacity audience t e r e can can bebe A resolution praising the work Certain smaller nationalities with greatly impressed by his eloquent trees, the local council felt that i'sh Agency for Palestine expend-: States, Dr. Philip Sher ordered no peace if there is DO justice very: small quotas, such as Greek tongue and forceful personality, 500 would be a satisfactory Hum-! 63 ? Z l 5 0 0 ' 0 0 V ° ^ l t E B e m e m e ^ : the planting of ' thirty trees in Sherwood Eddy, third of the of Henry Monsfcv r a s psssecl by ; .TfnTF?l°Tr, (T and Turkish, Albanian and Span- Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam, resi. ' j activities in the fiscal year end-:p , , ; speakers on the Comnturitv For- fiirectors of the OrnFlis Coimnun.- f^) —• Tbfrp n )ift.= . isir exhausted . their respective dent Bishop of the Omaha area of ber and therefore an appeal is i n g O ct. 1, 19?6, and S0.000 Jews; P a l e s t l E e ju m S e r i e s , discussed the "Mean- ity CheBt at. t h e election of o " i c - P s l e s t i n e inu.il done, t o fbp- Ar?bf-. Tbi?- vat , iuQuotas. The more numerous peo- the Methodist Episcopal church made to all those who heard Mr. I immigrated to Palestine in. that • Those ia whose honor the trees i n g 0* t jj e present Situation" at ers last S a t u r d a y . Mr. Nonsfcy V.-RS retire?: from ' chaMpr.p? f ' u r c to t ^ p r<"ii>KV, *-•pleB did not. e Jewis spoke at the J. C. C. Tuesday eve^ Ben Avi and were stirred by his ii t i m, e , bringing the Jewish popula- • have been planted are: H. H.tt n Communitv ' Center, the board in accordance witt. a y ? ' Corr.missiop by Aiii'i f'-.v n e Jewish t l o n t Oa n e s t i m a t e d 410-000. -jAuerbach, I. Abranison, Max BarWednesday Eight. . The most conspicous example ning, on "The Significance of message to help us reach that! According to a report issued by j| ish, Brodkey, Sam Beber, > "The wo-ld is menaced « u new r u l e l i m i t i n g m e m b e r s h i p t c Hadi, yptevsp. leader of T!>P *.-••*.) i h M. M D. DB ia that of • Germany. The quota Adolph Hitler." Bishop Oxnam's goal." One dollar and fifty centsj p i tine Foundation Fund, I Paul S. Blotcky, Reuben Brown, t h e probability of a world war. six consecutive years. A c h a r t e r i n d e p e n d e n c e Party nn<\ tnfiuK.-. t h e a e s lecture was under the auspices of for Germany during 1936 was •will plant a tree in Palestine, j the Jewish Agency .spent $1,148,! John A. Farber, A. Goldstein, Dr. The four denser spots are Spain, m e m b e r of t h e board, hp h a d of t h e Arnb I-Tiffe Committer-, '"''>25,597. Only 6,987 German cit- the Omaha Lodge of B'nai B'riht. 920 f o r served in t h a t capacity for four- wit-new denied t h e exinrs-.T- '> t Those desiring to contribute a r e ! agricultural colonization. ! A. Greenberg, Dr. M. I. Gordon, Japan, Italy and Germany/* izens availed themselves of the Bishop Oxnam divided his talk, 290 000 I o r teen years. Mr. Monsky was o n e • Gcvernrupnt in Pai°?i:ine. arV iu-\asked to call Mrs. M. F. Leven-i ? ' immigration and im> William Grodinsky, Joe Green-; According" to Mr. Eddy, * Spain opportunity of legally entering into four well-defined parts j of t w o so h o n o r e d . leclcins: only thpt Great r.riii.:;. „. . . . „ , „ . . . [migrant training, ?255,000 for berg, Dave Greenberg, David.-ras a denger ione because of the •'the United States for purposes of Hitler; Pre-Hitlerite ' Germany; At t h e election William Hn3~was there by virtup oC Oip ?.!:.;• sen Walnut^ 0850, Mr. Judah $211,-' Goldman, Kabbi David Goldstein, fact that the civil war mi-ht h o u s i n g a n dv u m c y o r k S f permanent residence. Hence 18,- the Nazi Party; and the Lesson E S E w a s elected second vice- date of t h e L e a g u e . Offoriiu. 5.i> Wolfson, or Mrs. I. Dansky. tenance of national : William Holzman, Morris Jacobs, spread However Spain car be i < = 0 0 0 f o r m a i l l 6J9 visas were left unsued. This America might learn. A complete list. of donors will ji n s t i t a t i o n s a n d provision of Ee-: Sam Josephson, Philip Klutz-: dated. Should Civil war break- president of t h e Chest and T-I. A. own interpretpiioTi of Arab ;•;;!>.'' fact is not at all surprising. The In tracing Hitler's career, the Wolf a m e m b e r a t Jargre OE the • in P a l e s t i n e , Auni Bpy v s s vni'<" temper ol the prsent regime in speaker touched on the pertinent of the Jewish Press. weeks issue c u r i t y during the disturbances,: nick, J. H. Kulakofsky, Karl out in Fnnce, the danger would board. . o u t of order by C h a i r m a n ;..->•<. $175,000 additional by the Foun-j Louis, Harry Malashock, Henry rapidly envelop the rest of EurGermany ia such that it would ra- facts that shaped Hitler's charac: ! Pee! yhei> t b e A.ral' lesuie;: !.<;;;. s-i dation Fund for settlement of Monsky, Irvin Stalinaster, David ope. The speaker termed Prime ther have its nationals starve a* ter and brought him to his presr T^r**™- f s t r> r""«-T-*i-"r » > - l ' " " f i £ , ' 'i h p - T ' i l ^ ^ i i i i n £ n ; ' . S i r • German Jews, $140,000 for ed-Sherman, Harry Silverinan., Harry . minister Blum as the greatest home than flourish abroad. Norent position. "His early life in t ill/ h i t t • • • • * ' "" ucational and cultural activities Trustin, Harry A. Wolf, Rabbi i French premier of our mprte tr generais it. difficult to imagine the at-Vienna left him an anti-Marxist, of J!pr,' S . and $105,000 for trade and ia-j David H. Wice, and I. B. Zimman. tion. titude of German officialdom to- an anti-Semite, and a pan-Gern. P-rii.iph Kiel' dustry. ". , _ . . . j Kazi Germany is in Mr. Eddy's day toward anyone who proposes man." I i\jTi i i v V ' i n i l < r ' n n r ' i n Eirypf. d r r i n ? : 1b? '\''t.The largest part of the; Jewish * XTT O * _ J ». | way of thinking the greatest danto flee from the rigors of his Agency's provided' by refirv'a budget huriirpt is T>rnvi(ipdbv i « • • " . O l I i G e r t O "To understand the Germany iger spot of Europe. "Hitler^" he country and seek either bread or i I I If-\T~C''~P' r - I the Palestine Foundation Fund of Hitler, one must think in psy'told, "proposes to change the freedom in -America. (Kereu Hayesod), which received chological terms. Germany was But this point of vie.: can hard- suffering from a persecution comits greatest income from the Unily apply to Jews, It is not true, plex. The German people had ex-More Than Half Have Outside , t e d s t a t e s v i t l l i York. N. Y — Soutn ihalf madman. "Germany's econJobs to Sustain of course, that the Nazis want perienced defeat, oppression, and \ The third speaker on the J e w - | o m i c s i t - j a t i o n i s g e r i o u s . I a tw0 ! administration for ^r »i Great Britain and Palestine folto get rid of all .lews in Germany. revolution. Never a united peoThem ! ish Lecture and Concert series, A.- or' three years Germany -will be tional Fund of Amp i <• *-« t lowing in order. Whipping-boy a n d scape-goat ple, its new pariament had thirT I 1 1 \ ed for the yep.r l r " r 1 n In addition to funds directly j W. Binder, will appear at t h e | a n n e d t0' teeih a n d "bankrupt. Jerusalem (JTA) "Working collected by. the Jewish Agency j Jewish Community Center o n ' T h e r e ^JJJb e a 6tr ong temptation ! n u a I m e e l i B ^ o f . -would be gone. The Naz's Aryan ty-nine political .parties charactermyth needs the presence of a ized by a lack of action." my way through college"' ia a ma- through subsidiaries in various I Tuesday, February 2. Mr. Binder,; t 0 u s e t h a t arEE1-_-. tives "of r<- ^ ri '4 ' "EII " rEioni ~'~ •minimum number of Jews, bedejor industry on Mount Scopus countrise, it used $125,000 re-! who has won acclaim for his in--, According to former Chancellor groups in the Unit"f ^ " • 1 M Bishop Oxnam" then told of the villed and degraded if possible, r <• where more than half of the 675 | ceived from the Council for Ger-jterest in Yiddish and Hebraic' Bniening with whom Mr Eddy Thursday, Jsnuarj for the purposes of its special methods of the allies in keeping Hebrew University students l a s t j m a a j e wry to settle 9 90. German ' music, is a composer and musi-i v i t ; i t e d ^his sumrne1 i the next .Fund's heacqusrle •A kind of rabble-rousing. On thethe country in subjection, the ris-year had outside jobs to support jeVris^ immigrants in SS colonies,; cian of note. Ubree vears wiH be highl- cac-e-- 'Avenue, Xew Yors C" ing power of Russia, the feeling other hand, since the government r r r n o( themselves -while studying. most of them previously estabFor many years be has been ;o u s fo r Europe. If peace can be \ „ r>r. Israel Go = : Zionist l^Pf^T. w?« r r r o~ pr r of Germany today loudly profes- in regard to thn Polish corridor, The precarious economic con- ij s h e d by the Keren Hayesod. musical director of the Ninety-: kept it will probably be kept for l the Presidency Tor * ses its desire to get rid of "Jews the accusation of war guilt, the ditions interfere with students'j The Keren Hayesod also ex- Second Street Y. M. H. A. in New : a ge n«-ation A war now wiU and to make the third Reich Ju- staggering reparations, the great work at the university, a recent ; p e n d e d $i0g,0O0 in the Palestine; York. At present he is touring •m e a E t h e ultimate partition of j All shades of 7 r ri i x 1 are represented ir. W t v r\ ^enrein, it may be taken for number of unemployed. "There survey showed. Only 43 per cent Drainage and Amelioration Co., the country. His'lectures, which1'Germany i « t arose a demand for a Messiah." ' i granted that a German. Jew deol last year's students had sufH-: engaged in draining 15,000 acres Ih e mustrates with piano accomj a speaking of Russia which ish National Fund r ~ Ti which is composed r n- c Eiroua to avail himself of the The speaker showed how the dent fondB to snpporKthemselTes :ot m a r a h l a n d . n e a r - L a k e Hnleh.lpantaent, have been extremely :M r . E d f i v h a s v i s i t e d tweIre Immigration quota of the United^ nationalistic points in the Nazi without seeking outside sources t t e r e b y ! , r i l l g i n g i t B investment; p o p u l a r . 't i m e S i tea times *• nee the coining Directors of 4 5' F.r -' ~ - f — - - f States, -would not have quite the" platform -were being carried out,. ofoincome. - ^ _ in that enterprise to |166,500. In-j This lecture is free to members of the Communists, he claimed tire Committee of : vation WSP intrr>< i rr ^--c - J difficulties of an Aryan ileeing While those of socialist nature The majority had vanous kind. companies doing j ve stments in o l t h e J e T i s l l comnnmity Center. | that in event of a war Russia from the Aryan paradise. Then were being pushed into the back- of-jobs About 2S per cent work- w o r t B U C t a 8 housing and irriga- jT i c k e t s for noa-memtiers .are ttir-'could defend herself for tventr the election, of t"H-pp r>' r T r TT : how are we to explain 18,619 un- ground. -ed^as day laborers Another 3 3 - t i o n v e r e c U e a . cents. |v eE r S while Gerraanv end Japan leacierR of America r "" ">~ *-~" P "There win be more conflict in per cent of them made money as;_. Established inSividual boldingrs | ' . E o n o r a r y tnemberr r * used visas? •'-•. •'.•-'•'-; Iwo-cld meet economic defeat iv. : __-Haw., .-i-repeat, are .we .to -ex- Europe/' he warned.•,:'V.The_jdie-. . .. . 3nies---w-ere--consolidated ainIi"U»" » T • T - ' V " " '" ifhroe '"•'^'Ticcio " " i s " E ' r t r i T rriri •Russia 1 3 . S. "Prise, who i? C plain the 18,^19 unused German tktors are facing * crlieis "and to working' students evea 'served a3 :n e w c o i o n i z a t i o n i a i t i a t e d during i - — T W - « - l - *•« i three, -gaining n s s - is B.CT., .nci steadily in material way. i United Palestine within they housemaids. • - v i s a s ? ; • • • • - . • ' • ' •' • ' • .easetne" 'situation • ; l h e y e a r . sums were ^spent to j in In a social sense it is making bril- Liipsky, vrho is turn' to the outside. The conflict i We need have no doubt at all,•will be long and in the course of A. labor exchange has been set c o n g o l i d a t e c o o p e r a t e settlements, j liant strides forward. However member of the Vt. o~ T I am .convinced, of the at-least time will turn to a class strug- up by the Students' Organization f o r b u i l d i r i g ( irrigation, maintenthere are certain evils in the of the Zionist Ore-r -r ir T ' tolerant and kindly attitude tow- gle on a continental scale." How- with the consent of the Hista- a n c e o f g i r l s ' agricultural train. . : Russian system, but is has thrown dmth, Jewish general federation iddle-class colo Morris Rothecherc >.V i n g f a r m S ( a l d t o m ard Jewish immigrants from Ger- ever Bishop Oxnam felt that the For the first time a its seven ;& c t a U e n ^ fo t n e r e £ p t „. t i e the Administartive C"i ~ ot labor, which seeks to place the o n l z a t i o n a n d maintenance of ag- years of existence the Hazornir world. It is the most Important 1 r many of all really representative conflict might - be avoided. students in jobs. choir has a female president. At experiment today. The Anglo- the Council of the » i iricultural service. sections of American public opinby "In the United Stater there are Despite the money made This service included instruc- j the recent election of officers Saxon countries are experiment- for Paleptine. ion. We know, as all. men do^ 1 the great-hearted temper and at-certain problems that are becom- working, the students' average ; t o r B i surveys, water borings, get)"-; Rose Novak was elected to the . ^ ^ . ^ j : b e r t T b u t h a T e l i u ] e i The officprp elpn pr -~t r ing acute, but they can be remliving standard is low. A ques- i O g i c a l research, research in cat-j presidency. Other officers are: ° . V-usva c-;Tes ^u^ice Israel Goldstein F ° titude of the administration of io = t i vice president; ^f^*:^&T * " 0 . V ^ l " Rimsky, Treasurer "" ' disease a n d experimental |Pauline Rifkin Mr. Roosevelt. Nor am I raising edied if the democratic forms be tionnaire prepared by the univer- t ] -* -, There m i ^ f be I\.O-W?.lsky. AspOCi? ^ r"~r»^M ~°r* i ^ a question of charity, of letting used to accomplish the democratic sity administration reaveled that : I , e W B . O T e r ? 1 0 0 / 0 0 0 was spent Uharles Mogil;' secretary, Edxx.f ^thcfr con Sft>n < .-tT. , T i i .,„<.*,,,p » down ordinary barriers, of shut- ideal. It is not enough to merely about 35 per -ent of the students o a t h e Agricultural Research Ex- iMoskovitz; reporter, Ida Wolk, ' -."Vhe Louis Sepal. Kono ' -.->r~p P-* ' n r r T y aand D a uiu: ^ l l D ^';rty - -ULe1 ing an eye.of stretching it seems worship democratic forms. They had no more than $20 a month, p e r i m e n tatioii Station at Reho-!sergeants at arms, Dorothy Elau | ^ Mr. Members of the ^ r r r- <- i p Eflfiy ctmcl-nfied his lectnre a n d M o r r i e Bernstein. •. that Jews of German nationality must be used before the dema- while some 43 per .cent had $20l b o t h Committee chosen F T C T OTI \ p t i by telling of his own experience left unused these 18,619 visas to gogue comes in .with; a .cure-all to $35. Part of the student body] I n a d d i t i o i l t o financing immiTbe choir was founded by Har-j in the south where he has organ- chek, Isidore Epsie r P> i 1 t v „. ..< TO MIiid pen,. — about eight per cent — had to g r a t i o n ^ colonization and educa- ry Bender and for the last few •which German nationals •were en- panacea." cooperative plantation for berger, Leib Glantz. Mrs. Israel: estin titled under the legal quota sysIn introducing Bishop Oxnam, provide for their families. •tion, the fund s>eeks to increase years has been directed by C a n - ; ^ T i c t l m g o f t h ec o n a p s e oft b e Goldstein. Dr. Karris J. l,evine. Gnrifn.-l i? flnp'-iK!-, wlnicli W»F t tem during the year 1936." The administration of the in-;.- t h e e c o n o m i c absorptive capac- xor A. ^ a w a i a u u . .mu^ai &v;"' Southe-n ten-n* r-^em Ee des-Samuel ^Tarkrwich, Liov.is P. dirferejif tfii'i.s'. he p^id "N?"'«-Rabbi David A. Goldstein spoke stitution seeking to aid the stu- i t yof the land." It extended loans companiements are played by. r\. ' . / \ Rocker. Sirs. A. P. Schoolman ' rheiPs? I vRTiT'tr- pimihaKizr, tliu; of the Bishop's" "long career as a Are we quite sure that German 0 1 J' *t cT" <Z and Avram Ben Shalom. and U I , ( i p r j n e y^n^pip -r,p-.p^-mF_ raf Jews are properly informed con- liberal and fighter for social jus- dents, has placed well-equipped f o r w o r k e r s . d w e U i n g a n droad-1 Harriet PJfkin, pianist, and Lou ^ e V w!.!! *1 6 1 1 communal rooms at their^disposal b u i l d l n g a n d improvement The Saks, Joe Saks, and Hymie G a n ^ " * / ^ : ^ ^ ^ ^ nepro" M e n d e l X. Fisher. Executive Di- beeomp a? .Tewish BE KnFlap/: u tice. ' cerning Ihis matter? &

PAID $2,50^ I




i si ; : II -s


Be Nest Artist

on Jewish Series-;^/- £*« t K n S S


Head Singing Society


in a new clubhouse.

It c o n t n - .

, Tiolinlsts.

i | £ ° ' ^ e - ^ e - - w-'s a w e d

total n u m b e r o£Echools is now delman -BLi-ui. . jinsriish, the •wit.nppf: replipfi. Are we altogether sure that all butes three per cent of the i n - 5 4 3 w i h h 3 9 > 7 0 l teachers andj At present the choir is rehears-|, n A r k a n s a j ' whjfo | N o t t h e economic c a r a o i l y 1* American consular representacome from students' fees to t h e ; ^ 217 pupi's ing for a series of radio broad- | c o n d i t i o E S t h e > e . it-he re^-1 tesc of t h e country** u)*tives in Germany answer ques|Postoor?.e Sts-rt o student-managed refectory. j- ' " • • casts to be given in the near fu- ., Ts - e a r e a p p r o a c h i n g t h e e n d sorptive •j"io^"ftT. H? conv.in^ipfi. HJS^ tions in regard to the unfilled s Sick-relief has been established | p _ | f l o l f l K l r s t f - t o ture> » > -«thf"- ii'P pnlirirsl rr- pprif r . "i.tuof an epoch. We'must tsr.e tbe quota numbers unequivocally and and the university contributes re- ^ a U l V a O i a D i a t t XO *o h-~no n a j j o i - . e s Kai)o-o.- itself Members of the Choir include: < f l 2 t u r e w i t h t h e b e , i e f i n j u s t i o e ; facilitate the emigration of Gergularly toward lodging expenses . Eebbi Dsvid Goldsieis:^ series: oonie P nsinori^ v u h o u i . thp wDorothy Bernstein, Naomi K u S ' _ d classes must t o a l l N a t i o n s a E man nationals umde^* the AmeriThe third discussion in ..the Vo- of needy students. It has establin, Jeannette Coltoff, Sylvia ,b a T e a c c e s g tQ t h er e B o n T c e s a n d of lectures for I-TBrtssssh v;11 b?- PIS'FPCF of fni-rr.," hp flckleti can1 law without regard to the ra- cational Guidance series sponsor- lished a special fund for longPaul Goldblatt, executive di- G e r e l I c k G o ] d i e G e r e lick, I*u!s: " 7 / . , VvV" ^ '. pin on FebTViSry p instcaci of Jpn-: •• • cial or religious group to which ed by the Round Table* ol Jewish term and short-term loans, as re ctor of the Jewish Community j (jei-ijgfcj/ Molly Keberg, Josephine uary 27, as KRbfci GoiclF^ein vili t f j ^ . i . f j <-*-< Rowland Haynes, president of those nationals belong? Youth will be held Thursday, Jan- was as a.number of prizes, scho- ( center, will i-ttend the third an- xathan, Rose Savich Rose Goldthe Municipal University, intro- "be out of town next week. Ail *: **• !?-»»• *-®-5*Ci. W-OlSEltrj?' Are we altogether sure"? And if uary 28. This week's topic will larships and stipends. nual conference of the Council of m a l l ; M a r y E l k i l l ) Morris eplitle speaker. Eug-ene Blaz- those- hnlfimg tirkrts for thP srrC f e b Sta^f M o n d ^ r •we are not, is it not high time be devoted to the possibilities for Jewish Federation and . Welfare js f e L o i i i s K € l b € r g ) D a T e Bodin, ' " - " rhaf-man""of'the "roVi"m c— ies a r e askefi t o please r o ' e *li!yc t S a U m a n C l t t e Lo r l m C u that we made altogether sure? young people in the legal profesFunds to-be held at the Benjam-, ^ i n . ' a n d B l l r E S t e OMAHA CLUB OF NEW ; chsripe. j;f,Tn5,c..F , ?1c H i g h IK iw" i mittee. pr Of There can be 'doubt but that the sion. . in Franklin Hotel in Philadelphia | j The next speaker on the Forum : T h e serieF consist? of live ioc-. COV^-T-V Clu^ wili hnn" n sfsj; p u Department o£ State would aid us Two prominent attorneys will YORK RE-ORGANIZING January 2&t0 3 L program will be Dr. Paul Douglas ; h i r e s . " T h e CR*P H t s t c r y of tb.f tr pi i h c rlt-hvoninE jri Tlip'pavfnt. In making such an Inquiry and discuss both the general angle The Omaha Club of New York Preceding the conference will University of CSJCRITO economist, ; J e w s of G e r m s r y . " in. -which TlFb- TTo-p"5 UToprlcr .Tnpunrv " r , TJi"taking the necessary steps tow- and the particularly Jewish situ- City is holding a reorganization be two institutes, • one on fund who will speak on February 10. ; bi Goldstein will t r e c p t h e hifstcy s t p p T---H* pfp-rf pr <i c'rlo^V1 nii>ard i remedying an inequality of ation of Law as a profession. meeting this Sunday. Readers of j raising and budgeting and the •of t h e G e r m a n J e w s from the* p e r wU? }<? cr>-ve><-: R i 7 opportunity should it appear that progress. These meetings are open to allthe Press w.ho have friends or rel- I other on social work At the meeting of Monday, Janv e r y bepinisiTis: o£ vheir e r t r y , Sperisl pnfpT-tsiTi-rnprjf w1F }w such an inequality exists. atives in New Tork are asked to!Mr. Goldblatt is on tne national BRACHAH ZFIRAH TO the young people of the city and j into t h e c o u n t r y . H e will Else <lis- t h e r< For we are asking no favor. If, their parents. The two previous tell them of the organization's ex-j committee for fund-raising. He uary 11, the Psi Mu fraternity of. f h f their semi-annual election of APPEAR LOCALLY; cuss t h e r i s e 01 Reform J u d a i s m , i^eon as seems likely from every point lectures were received with en- istence. Philip S. Mandel, 811 | has also been selected as a na- ;oheld trp r>x. prr»nr-~^.as chosen fficers_ l 2 T . e t j a t ; th'e cultura.1 contribntionF o{ -be rnr-nt.o of view, German nationals of Ar- thusiasm and acclaim. Westminister Road, Brooklyn, i tional consultant on "campaign- p r e s i a e n ' t { o r t b G coding term. FEBRUARY 16 yan race do not wish to avail Through these lectures it is New York, is acting secretary, jing' during the conference. Other officers elected were as fol-I for emancipEtion a n d e q u a l p n l i i - . ' j r ; themselves of the existing legal hoped that young people will re,Brach.£.h Zfirah, internationally I ical r i g h t s . lcws: Leo Herman, vice presi- • *~"'*'**• opportunities for Immigratlo'n—to ceive a greater understanding of dent; Millar d Sigal, secretary; known Palestinian artist, will ap- ' Proceeds 'from thi?. ror,r?p wi'.! • v the United States, why cannot the the work they intend to enter. Morris Faik, treasurer; Sam Gill- pear in recital, Tuesday. Febru- 'po to fill the Vouih Aliysb. vvoif '• quota be completed by German Bill Grey is "chairman of the ary IE, at S:15 at the Jewish |er, reporter; and Ned Giventer, cf the Omaha, chapter. ; f,v nationals of Jewish race? And is committee arranging the series. Community Center. serge&nt-at-artcs. incredible that, under existing Tbe comTv'TPP- in chp-rfrp ci-v-. f^re. fbp meeHnp of the : Installation of-officers will be! Her offering will consist of a conditions, there were not to be : s.sts. cf the Mesdames Archii.j y.ioTiip held Monday, January 25, at the program of Palestinian songs -• found 18,619 German Jews who J. HAROLD SAKS TO well as-. Yiddish and Hebrew folk • Prsmson, Drve Erodk^y. Fyl-r; Cape Town, (Havas via JTA) S p e a k i n & , a t t h« second read-1 Fontenelic Hotel at 8 p. m. desired to exchange America for HEAD SACHAR SERIES —In a bitter attack against t h e j ^ g " ^ t h ; immigration ""bill in j T h * fraternity basketl/all team. lore. their step-fatherland? The longer : Bloch, Julius Bisno. jEiin.es Cor«;. . ,% pj-j^p c;;,Pr ,-o p,.r.pn!n{ rha.!-YOUTH TICKET SALE "plague and curse" of the anti-j P a r l i a m e n t cen.Smuts declared I Present holders o£ the J. C. C. She will appear here under the ; man. . A r t h u r Romm. Abe Solo-!. TT!j,T;> one reflects the more monstrously -p-iit- cjj,i Ki.,hrkicy ' p r , r . T ._ Semitic stand taken by Soutn A l j ^ ' ^ g ^ g ^ g g , " | Senior League championship for auspices cf the Jewish National conta ned i a t h e queer this matter becomes. J. Harold Saks headr the m6n. Jules Shapiro. Phil Schwartz t a r r . Has the. circumstance escaped young peoples committee i n rican Nationalists,, Justice Minis-j b m w e r e juatifieu-by present con-; the past three years, will play the Worker's Alliance. Omaha Branch 1 and Bon Theodore. Jlrs. M. F. ; A 1 I ^ ^ ! T I t e r s e r ; in t?w Klntlor the He stressed that that the the bUl bill iS Barish-Saiiders aanintet *™ +^» ^4. j Lerensoii is chairman. e stressed : i<,{ rno^ervPvi. Hrf> iTlv^tp^ t p ft^. the notice of the leaders of Amer- charge of the ticket sale'for the ter Jan Christiaan Smut3 appeal- ^ J O J J ^ H ican Jewry? If so, is it not useful Dr. Sachar In'stKute of Jewish ed for support of tne bill fixing j w o u l d n o t r e d i i c e t t e n u m b e r o £ \ Bee Milk and Stoe Fund in a radical ^ charity same on Sunday after- REHEARSALS UMBER WAT and wise to bring it emphatically History and Jewish Problems. an "immigration quota for for- I m m i g r a n t s o r m a r k Mrs. Lawrence Finkel and Mrs. eigners of non-British origin. | c h a n g e in the South African Gov- \ noon, January 31, in the Jewish FOR PLAY, fBER to their attention? FMEBEE3 S. S. Steinberg are in general "Don't let us standardize South | ernment's stand on the :.mmigra- I Community Center gym. A preTwo observations need to becharge of the Institute for the Africa," Gen. Smuts demanded, tion question. I Hminary game will be played by added. My question and my plea Beth-El Won.ens Auxiliary. They "Stop banning anybody—Jew or Rehearsals • for the four act • • • ! The Government is opposed t o !! two girls' teams. Entertainment are not meant for a moment to report a large advance ticket sale. other — and welcome all good all discrimination between the I will be furnished by station play, Der Fremderr which is to be: Secular, classes are being l, e i G . diminish the primacy of Palestine The program of the Institute workmen who can comply with people of the white race and-sym-j WOW's leading radio talent. The grivea by the - Cultural and Social! in the-College" c f Jewish SiUfiies. I iSA spec Sol mf^elms: ot the O W J ' - - as' the" land of Jewish ImmigraClub will be- held SUiris as follows: Friday evening, the very reasonable conditions of pathetic toward the Jews, the first game will start at 2:30 p. in.Group of the Omaha Hebrew! Tuesday evening v.i ibr Jewssli ' »" - Hebrev.tion, as the land -of redemption • T « « « " r "*• *'• three o'rtcfet Club on. Sunday, Jsmiary 31, stCommunity Center. Those aezir-i^' Justice Minister concluded. sharp. February 19, (after services) tbe bill. and rebirth. But immigration . .sharp si tne jpwish. CoitiTORtifi* I the Jewish Communitr Center ing to do BO EMJ suit rcsieter « : • The Justice Minister's attack The ne-w bill gives the Govern-Gcnter> E p b w M n t o n A_ K o J m m ^ into Palestine 's today and is"Five Patterns of Jewish Life'f, I are vrell Tinier v s y , according to on .anti-Semitism was interpreted ment full freedom of action to Greece Aids Jews I the office of the Jewish Commun- new Bipiritu&l leader oC the likely to be fore some time un- .Saturday, afternoon — "Damaged Louis Wolk, director. duly restricted for obtlous polit- Souls in Jewish History/' Satur- as a reply to the Nationalist party restrict immigration ti South. AfviH epe&k. Vae itr Cer.ter. _ lay is from the pe leader Dr. D. F. Malan, who derica to the .best elements o* for- | Salonica The Government ical reasons. Nor is this all. The day evening at 8 p. m. "The PreThis nseetltig is one of the'-"moft;. Several incu'ries l!.?ve been relate Jacob Gorfioa. famed Tide manded exclusiri. of Jewish imeigncountries. Persons considsent Jewish Crisis" Sunday morn•t its decision American-immigration quota for announced, last conrprr.iriE- pcvaiic«?«: clos- impovtant ot t5»e year anrt ..'ews-jfall reports ; r-ei ! dramatist and migrants and charged the Jewered undesirable by their owa ing at 10:30, Round Table Dis: Poland "is Inconsiderable, that for to consolidate tne financial posi- j p r c l a i s e s t o h e a n U E e sl!C>ccss. • ses in TidcUsh and Hebrew, These - member is urged to attend, -A • Germany is large.. We must save cussion, Sun-lay afternoon at ish minority With .seizing control Governments are barned from tion of Jeuisli Tvelfare institu-' Ticket sales have been esces 1 rlassps -will be tsujrlit If enongh .special report -win be given, 'fte2:30 "Some Lessons of: Jewish of trade and commerce through- South Africa, under the terms of people are inieresleC i Ireshments vi!l be served. tions. . . ingly favorable. the bill. out South Africa. (Continued on page 8.) History."

Vocation Guidance Topic of Round Table Thursday

Attend Conference

Elect Is Tretiak Head of PsI

General Smuts Attacks South Africa Chauvinists!

' Classes Being: KeM at Jewish College j Hebrew Clufe to Meet



the doctor shrugged helplessly. 'golden opportuuitj- to show s hand, but the Jews were forget- launch a drive to commercialize has suffered from becoming typed ting their, like uiother birds from Chanukah along Christmas lines in gangster roles. "I'll fix it," said Harpo, taking j visiting banker around ^he lot. whom the young fly and are for- .. . . His idea is that Chanukah, out a coin and flipping it in the j The financier remarked that' it since gift-giving ia among its Leo Birinski, well known screen gotten. E'.r. "Heads, I get the toypo . . . jv,*as very interesting tunee he had . They would still be forgotten features? could be popularized in writer, has been signed to collabBy HELEN EIGM0NB !not been in a studio for ten years. tails, he gets it!" were it not for this order to which such a way as to make Jewish orate on the script for a new Selz("I'm just SIP bacUy off." moaned I belong, this B'nai B'rith which children (and even grown-ups) nick picture "The Prisoner of Hollywood — Orchid for clevOne of our lesser lights among : the filmniF.n, "IVt ten years since on a number of campuses has es- forget about.Christmas . . . part Zenda." Birinski, who was widely erest advertising of the week goes the "cuiekie" producers had the 11 wa*. in 8. bank''' known in Europe before coming tablished the Hillel Foundation, of the plan is to design a sizeBY ALFRED SEGAL to Paramount for its series of cutwhich is what the Y. M. C. A. is able onenorah in the ehape of a to Hollywood, wrote "Devil's Al-! O uts of pictures presented or proto Prostestanta and the Newman tree, with branches from which to bum", which was translated in 22 duced by Adolph. Zukor during ' Omaha lodge number 334 of - years 1912 to 1937. . . _ "Queen . Club to Catholics in the universi- hang gifts in the Christmas-tree languages, and prepared the or- the the Id'noi B'rith is contemplatmanner . . -. Would'nt be sur- iginal story of one of 1936's hit Elizabeth," starring Sarah Bernties.. ••. • . •-.--. • ' . • • ' • ing a momCCrslilp campaign' The Hillel Foundation gathers prised to see a couple of the big- pictures, "The Gay Desperado". hardt, leads the parade. "Lily Landaring the month of February, the Jews on the campus together ger department stores grab the Atnoag other screen successes gtry, James O'Neill, father of ibis—tho first of a series of with which he has been associat- playwright Eugene, J. K. Hackett, and keeps them conscious in a idea . . . articles on B'nal B'rith— is beed are "Song of iSongs", "Mata Minnie Maddern Fiske were the time of life when they might fall ing ran to acquaint the public LETTER CHAMP: That fellow Harl" and "Stamboul Quest." famous faces that emerged vis into amnesia; it imbues'» them With, the work of the organizathe Zukor celluloid in 1S13. And with the pride that a Jew must Charles Hooper of Idaho, who's tion, the largest and oldest so on down to Claudette Colbert, feel who knows his history; to its been.touted as the world's cham- MERVYX LEROV'S LUCKY Jewish fraternal group.—Ed. Gary Cooper — and Mae West. courses of Jewish learning come pion writer of letters-to-the-edl- NUMBER The Warner Bros, producer -k Where Omaha Shept wish Confidence tor, has clinched his title.as far also many non-Jews who go away I belong to the B'nai B'rith. Not and director Mervyn LeRoy, has as' we're concerned . . . He wrote with an enlarged appreciation of This month the film iEdustry is that 1 attend all ths meetings, but to the editor of Isreal'g Messen- adopted "62" fts his lucky num- celebrating Zukor's Silver JubiJews. when I:do I am conscious of beber, he tells us. These figures As a Jew who egotistically won- ger, Shanghai, China . . , It's in are used in every picture he lee his twecty-five years as head ing a stronger Jew. These men ders whether his successors will the Dec. issue of that interesting makes. No LeRoy film made in of Paramount. But the time also with whom I touch elbows are be worthy I am pleased to hear publication . . . his 64tii birthday, his 40th with ma and I am no lonely Jew the last tea years has failed to wmarks eadin that in these Foundations young amid a multitude of enemies. present "62" in one way or an-! £ and the MAYOR LAGUARDIA: This Is other. The number appears twice 4 9 t a y e a r sanniversary, af Jews are being prepared for in^er his arrival to I feel like the soldier in the to inform you that some Nazis t h l s telligent leadership in their Jewin "The King and the Chorus country from Hungary. trenches whose heart fails when ish '•• communities when they gethave more or less permanently Girl" — once as an address for he. is left alone i-va secluded secdefaced one of your sidewalks . . out of school. tor; he is mere courageous when Joan Blondell's apartment, and This begins to look like Zukor's So when the time comes to pay In a square of pavement on E. again on an automobile license column . . . so here are a few his comrades cluster all about 23rd street there is deeply etchmy dues to B'nal B'rith I do not him, ready for. defense: all for more items to remember him by. plate. Alfred Segal put off the bill, but pay it prompt- ed, "Heil Hitler" ?uri-ounded by one and one for all. As boys, Adolph and his brotha pair of swastikas . . . The job ly; since I feel that B'nal B'rith JUXE TRAVIS AND HER er, Arthu^ were destines for the Belonging to B'nal B'rith never was done when the concrete was rabbinate.' Traditionally, most of has-profited me in the sense that, their religious and racial identi- has vitally to do with my being still fresh . . . At least one pas-HOBBY as a Jew. Alone I am weak; in We hear that June Travis, Chi-j the sons of their mother's famwere I a salesman, I could get an ties. serby gets the impression that Hie' The Protestants and the Cath- B'nai B'rith . I am as strong as order from.a customer because he cago socialite, is spending a lot j n y w e r e rabbis, and their uncle, slab of concrete is a tombstone of time at her principal hobby,! Rabbi was also Ben B'rith. In fact, I olics were taking their young in tens of thousands. Kalman Lieberman, planfor the Fuehrer, waiting only for which is wood" carving. - During i d that they, too, should find like B'nai B'rith - the more bene the words "Requiescat in Pace" cause it is a fraternal order not the filming of her latest screen their life work in religion. Arand the dates . . . * for the private aggrandizement of effort, ehe whittled out likenesses | t hur became a prominent rabbi its members, but for the common of a number of Hollrwood cele-1 f Berlin. Adolph's career sufLIFE: Once he was the leading brities, including Maxie Rosen- O good of us all, .which is to say all man in the entire leather and bloom, who made King Levinsky fered many vicissitudes.. Jews. Ke arrived in America, a penhides business in New York . . . look Silly when they met in the nilese orphan of fifteen, tried bis Long ago we used to have a A swell guy and a philanthropist fight ring in Los Angeles recent- hand at the hardware, the upholsecret lodge grip and secret signs . . . Broke, today L. J. R. is mak- ly. by which one Ben B'rith made stery, the fur business, succesing a comeback . . .Selling conJune Is also busy trying to fig- ively. Even prl2e-fightirsg comhimself known to another; but cessions for the New York World ure out a plan to move her fam- prised an interlude. A bad debt that's, put. There is n^ allegiance Fair . . . 3y PAUI/A. PETERS that I as a Ben B'rith owe to my ily, the Harry Grabiners, from ] brought Zukor and Loew together brothers in-the lodge that I do Chicago to California; (right now 8 creditor* of a penny arcade, NOTE TO B O Y C O T T E RS: it ia anything but eunny and! aThe not also owe to ali Jews. arcade flourished, led to moMX7RMUR3 are going t h e ted their value, gambled on their My poor mind is not burdened rounds that an Important Christ- wide public appeal, and won .^. . While you are going about boy- warm in California. The tele- j tion picture theatres, and finally cotting this and that or him and phone company will lose a small j to picture production. A sketchy by any lodge secrets; since there ian movement to combat anti- His latest gamble, turned down her because of the Nazi taint, fortune ia long distance calls it j outline of the man who today is are none. I may bring my wife to Semitism, with some really big by many wise promoters as com-how does it happen that a prom- the Grabiners move to Hollywood. I listed in 'Who's Who in America' Persians, M & r m ots, the ceremonies by which new mercially impractical, became a members are inducted and she names behind it, is being quietly sensation from its first showing inent New York publishing bouse The gist of these numerous long k g a recognition of his aehelveRussian Cats, Natuwill probably be disapponted that organized in Kerr York . . . It . . . Every critic in New York hasn't been bothered about its distahce calls from June to her tnent. there are no secrets in it: For may be known as the League for turned verbal handsprings over announced plans to publish "a folks is "Well June, and how are ral Fitch, Caraculs, new popular edition" of Hitler's you getting on?" It takes t n hour she is fond of entertaining se- Democracy . . . it, exhausted his vocabulary of "Mein Kampf." . . . Sam Goldwyn plans to reissue or more to ask the question and crets. K i d s k ins, Northern "The Kid from Spain," an old ANECODOTE: A sterilization superlatives, and now the Swiss As I got it, B:nai B'rith is a operation is now known among picture that eloquently tolls the (Copyright 1937, Jewish Telegra- answer It. Cantor film about the same time Seal and B e a v e r y brotherhood for defense against Berlin doctors and nurses as a story of a daring young physician that Eddie's "Saratoga Chips" phic Agency, Inc.) injustice and defamation, to en- 'Hltlerschnltt." . . .-The German who lost his mind when his menChips" will be released by his PACKAGES TO RUSSIA Dyed Coney large and adorn Judaism as a for a Caesarian operation Is "Ka- ingitis serum apparently failed, is Joseph Radinoweki guarantees new bosees. good way of life, to convey to the iserschnitt." . . . Behind which the talk of the town . . . The film delivery of kosher food packages Poor Sammy, the face is gone j world some understanding of hangs a tale . . . Gabby Goebbels made in Switzerland oy a cast In to the U. S. S. R. These packages but the memory lingers on . . . i Jewish thought, Jewish ideals, was making a tour of the Berlin which German and Russian exiles contain Manishewitz Rokeach By LOUIS PEKARSKY Jewish purposes, to co-operate for hospitals . . . Stopping' at a wo- are liberally sprinkled, is an 21on National products. All orIf you've heard this one peace with; all men of good-will. man patient's bedside, he asked amazing piece of work that may WHAT THE CELEBRITIES ARE ders must be in not later than ple&se don't interrupt. H&rpo Something" I say, "ought to how she was getting along . . . possibly mark a turning point in DOING 30 so that delivery will i recently parted from his tonBils j With the return of Edward G. January a slanderous piece against Jews, The unexpected and puzzling {to the development of the motion be able to reach relatives for the and -was ordered to remain in the ! or I hear an insulting reference Gabby) reply was: "They did me s.icture as both art and science . . Robinson to Hollywood after a Passover. hospital to recuperate in peace \ to Jews in movies, or there Is a Hitlerschnltt.". . . . It dawped Its impact ia astonishing . . ' . Mo- five month's trip abroad, the arFurther information laay be land quiet. AH went well at first; ' something on the radio that of- on Goefcbels that gynecologists destly mounted, cleverly photo- rival of Benny Rubin from the gotten by calling Webster 1642. jthea a very sick patient wag put fends me as a Jew. perhaps had^decided. to honor graphed, superbly acted, the film East, the return of George Burns Clothing and food deliveries to j in the next room. Harpo com- i Swagger, Princess a n d "Somethin." I say» "ought to" Herr-Adolf by renaming the Ka- represents the first : thoroughly and Garde Allen from New York, | Russia are guaranteed. : [plained about the groaning, but be done about this." iserschnitt . . .Pleased, he was successful attempt to explore the Phil Harris taking his orchestra I Fitted Models in NorthBut what can I do? I can fume about to make the woman a gift human mind . .-..Aha to depict on a tour of one-night stands bein my own house; I can pound ern Seal Dyed Coney9— . . When an embarrassed at- that exploration . . . Although sides playing on Jack Benny's the table; but no one sees or tending physician pulled- his the plot is simple and devoid of broadcasts; Benny Baker helping Beautifully M a d e With hears me except my wife, • I am sleeve and whispered, "Herr Goe- love or sex interest, although its Benny capture "Cactus-Face Elmonly one angry man in my own bbels. the woman was sterilized." psychological explorations do not er"; Walter Winch ell and Ben Fine Quality linings. house. Doubtless, there are simBeraie. making a picture togethviolate accepted scientific tenets t ilarly Indignant men pounding 1 er; Al Jolson and Eddie Cantor Also One-of-e-Kinc! Samples SOUP: A Jewish soup kitchen "The Eternal Mask" iacks a wal- kibitzing with each other on the the tables in their own houses; lop, a full-grown thrill in its evbut they, and I are men apart, in Manchester recently announcradio lanes; Milton Barle in posat Greatly Reduced Prices each nursing his indignation un- ed that among its regular 'clients' ery foot . . . The picture tran- session of a movie contract there scends,, religion, but. your Mr. Pewere a number of Blackshirts . . seen, unheard. ' ters can't resist the temptation to seems to be great activity among That is why 1 feel stronger in According to our'own Aleph Katz, point out that Burstyn and May-the stars. The same cannot be the B'nal B'rith lodge. There office punster and jokesmith, the er are not the only Jews connect- said for the Jewish feminine I these other men are associated old saying "soup to nuts" has ed with the film In one way or stars. They are conspicuous by with me In the purpose.of being now taken on a new and more another . . . - The music score, their inactivity at the present indignant against injustice to- significant meaning . . . which also roused critical acclaim time and we'find little to write gether. Through the lodge we was done by the Swiss Anton about the women celebrities. Somake ourselves heard. We speak SHAKE-UP: Dr. Samuel Mar- Profes . . . And, la the event you phie Tucker Is due here soon for | as one man against the defama- goshes inveighed against in his a part In a movie. So is • Larry \ tion in the picture and the defam- colyum in The Day alleged high may be worrying about the boy- Adler. I cotters' "attitude toward . it, the ation on the air. We speak to- overhead entailed in tho operaa clean bill of gether and are heard. tion of the A*merican Committee film obtained' from the Joint Boycott ROBINSON ASSIGNED To TWO Particularly when 1 hear of dis- Appeal for Polish Jewa . . . The health i Council of the American Jewish PLAYS crimination am I hurt. It comes next day there was.quite a shake- Congress There is a possibility that Max . . . And when it comes . to me that a certain youth was up In the office of the Federation Relnhardt will direct Edward G. unable to get employment in a of Polish Jews in America, which to your town, do yourself a favor Robinson and Ruby Keeler in two "if'you've been waiting for a reel buying certain industry because he is a Is sponsoring the drive . ; . A and see it . . . . If you do, you'll of the stellar roles in "Casino," Jew. I might go to the executive number of office help, as a result, forgive Mr. Peters for filling so which is to be produced as a suopportunity in which you'!! get top value much of his colyum this week of this industry; "Sir. this is out- are now looking for job . . . per-musical film. Robinson will with the longest rave.on one suband fashion &\Und this January Coat Sale rageous! This Is un-American! begin work next week in "Kid ject he's. delivered himself of This is denial of- an elementary MISH-MASH:-A recent arrival . .. . beautiful Winter Coots topped with Galahad"? a story of the prize human right." from Germany informs, us that since he read "The Brothers Ash- ring. We agree with the Atner- j kenazl.""..'.-; ' But I am just one. The execu- new concentration camps are beluxury furs . . . priced for immediate s&lel lean Hebrew writer who stated ! tive looks at me as if to -say." ing built over the country , , . RUMOR- The whisper's going that Robinson Is an actor who I "What business is this of your?" One of Dr. Cyrus Adler fondest This lets me down and I go. on dreams for the JewisL Theologi- the rounds that you have to be Regularly 59.95 to 89.?5 Patronize Our Advertisers my way. cal Seminary is some day to have Irish to get a job with the New In B'nai B'rith I am not Just a school to train chazonim . . T h e York World Fair Corporation . . . one. I am tens of thousands. Seminary, incidentally, has • in That there are only a handful of Menoraht, Jewish Music, Blblei the "rst book ever Jews among the long list of exeB'nal B'rith speaks to this execu- its library 7 tive with the voices of these tens printed in Hebrew . . . It was cutive preparing for the 1939 of~ thousands. It speaks and he printed with movable type in jamboree . . . One of whom, inTrimmed with Black Persian, does not ask, "Wiiat business is 1475 in a little Italian town . . . cidentally. Is Maurice Menney Grsy Persian, Cress Fox, Kothis of yours?" He is respectful The library ha3, while we're on (nee Mermelstein), acting as asDON'T FORGET the subject, six volume;; on the sistant director of concessions, If and regretful even. JOHN FELDMAN linsky, Skunk. Sixes for Misses Sometimes, as a Jew, I am In various autos da fe during the our informant is correct . , . Anfor Matzo and .a deploring mood. Perhaps my Spanish Inquisitfon . . . The vol-other being Joe Cohn, in the pubPesadiche - Articles and Women. Too much cold Is cs damaging to foods cs .mood springs from my egotism umes list men and women victims lic relations department repreJOHN FELDMAU which seems to think that.when I separately. In deference to .the senting the State . . . What about too much faset. Thci'e why ?eu need elecTALEISIM • PRAYER BOOK* die there will be no one to take orthodox practice. it, Grover Whalen? . . . Reeulerlv 49.95 to 59.95 tric refcigeraticn Ihrougli fc© •winter months, Gifts for- Bar Mltzvehs my place as a champion of'the Ret. 609 N6. EOih St. QL.2371 Jew. too. But regardless of the season, yeuil PLAN: An ambitious promoter RAVE: It sometimes takes a P. 0 . Bex 710 Omaha, Nebr So I say: '"What of the next genius to spot genius '. . ., if that of our acquaintance Is about to sovo.- Your fcsaily's healsh is proiected— "T»eneration of Jews? Will It burn is true; then there's a young Jewthers'fl'.'no expensive waste oi foods—cad fa fiercely as I do against injus- ish, chap in New York who may tice? Will it be so diligent to pre- soon; rate 'the title of champion Trimmed with Persian L&rnbf you con take advaniag® o! bsrgcdn day food serve the good inheritance?" "spotter" of genius as it is repreprices. It costs but o few cents a day io ?ua Blue Fox, Skunk, Cross Fox,. I should like to do something, sented' In the field of motion picabout this. But I am no prophet tures .... . H i s name is Joseph BurQ modem Electric Refrigerator. Fitch. '• Skes tor Misses to rally young Jewry. I am no styn, formerly of Chicago and teacher to show young-Jewry thfe Cleveland . . ; Tab that name in Women. Jewish way of life. „ your memory ; box, because some When are lowest rates on Long But la tue lodge l learn mat day you'll see It In big lights over mstance lelephone calls in effect? Reguler 29.95 and 35.00 B'nal B'rith iB.i.'&olrif.. what , 1 the theatre marquees . . . - J o e , should like to do were I a prophet short and slight, and modest; is Fur Trimmed and a teacher. It seems that B'nai in his middle thirties . . . AssociB'rith ia catching , Jews . young ated with Arthur Mayer, the geneven at the time of life when they ial panjandrum of Broadway's Rialto Theatre (the so-called House might be flying away. AH day Sunday and every night It goes to the uriversitjes and of Horror Films) Joe Is the man from 7 p. m. to'4:30. a. m. establishes .Jewish contere (called who . spotted th© possibilities of F l e e c e Sperf Coats -with such films as 'The New Gulliver', Hillel Foundations) for the Jew.and, currently 'Tho Eternal Mask' Beautiful Long ®nd S h o r t . Ish students. I am told that formerly young. Jews In tho univer- both foreign products . . .'.both NORTHWESTERN DELI. TELEPHONE! COMPANY Halted Fur Collars—ia Bright. sities almost forgot they were films were knocking around the Jews and somo who could not Now Tork. mariot .begging, tor a Dsrk Colors. -.•-•' 'orget took pains even to conceal buyer for months ,- .-. Joe "spot•- E Third Pi««

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Israel, and therefore "The Light.' was going on, and the chorus of for Al, who at every dark mom- ' in the electric chsr f v I - ! T \\ i l l * >>' ' i O O Vr I f 1 1 ! I r i i I' 1 < 'i The defeat of the pagan forces angels' voices, separted from the ent came forward with fresh cour- ; Intyre hails oi * MU . and the rededication of the Tem-New Yorker ninth floor by only a age and capital, the New York the most ECCP •> r t l > ple after its pollution -were in- thin wall, was keeping the hotel theatre would have been deprived he knows . . Ti T deed signals for joy and gladness guests awake . . . On that night, of its only four-star hit of the .Harvard's Lav c- 1 -> i . • Ls,nclis was o* ^ * ' a resurgence of the light which too, a _couple of policemen came current season , ... • of Justice Bra r had led Israel from generaton to rehearsal about 6 a. ra. to lo- [ cate a cast member whose family, • . I unt generation. Both feasts rep- unfamiliar with the Reinhardt: SAZI XOTES resent courage, revitalizing pow- tradition, had reported her ab- ; The American Nazis are really | (Copyright l{ " Feature < er and self-sacrificing devotion to sence . to the Missing Persons worried about the boycott of the I Schmeling-Braddock fight . . . So | God. Bureau . . . much so that they have organiz- j A better understanding of ell • ed a chain post card campaign to , these qualifies is necessary to all : ROAD STTEKLATIVES counteract it . . . The mails are i religious people in a world which Perhaps the most novel occur- now flooded with cards reading: ; f m has witnessed a. revival of pagan- rence at any of the 'Eternal Road' "Send a penny post card to J. S. | f i r * fsm unprecedented in nearly two rehearsals Principal; Lincoln Junior High School, Minneapolis occurred on New Kilpatrick, Pres., Madison Squareyears. Apostasy and ir- Tear's Eve, when, at the stroke of Garden, X. Y. City, and say: "On - A- unique experiment in pro- loved by all. Reverence prevail-j Christians even in the remote thousand religion threaten both the Jews moting interrellgious good will ed. at all times. When the carols j days called the Light of the and the Christians, but now, asmidnight, the orchestra suddenly with t h e Braddock-Schmelitg Ey LeoTP-c "and tolerance is here' described were played one-would frequently ! Light of the World should coin-' in ages gone, perhaps this very swung from Kurt Tveiirs music bout — 100 per cent Americans into the strains of "Auld Lang are behind you." . . . But various byits initiator. hear volunteer voices of the Gen-jcide with the Feast of Lights re- threat will mean a cleansing and: gvne ' and the cast stopped re- Negro organizations are getting THE EDITOR tile pupils repeating the songs established by Judas. Maccabeus, From cists' a strengtheninr of convictions ,-hearsing to join in the chorus . . ready to lice up with the boycott that they - had learned in their "The Hamper," in celebration of that will bear fruit in days that Among the most interesting re- in retaliation for Hitler's insult gestures of fSeptember • • . . •10,. -1934, .. .for, the , early childhood. When the He- the end of the dark days of the are to come. Only in the mutual hearsal scenes was the picture of to Jesse Owens and other Amer- patfcy for ihe & minority re: •vast majority or_tlwr principals, jb r e w h y m n s were played Jewish pagan Antiochm Epihanes. understanding and appreciaiton Herr Direktor Keinhardt showing ican colored stars .at ihe Olympics teachers, boys and girls of Min- b o y H a n d g i r l s ^^^^ the meE Botu Both H anukah Hanukah and and Christmas of our dissimilarities as well as ,ioUT s m a l l b o r g h o v r t 0 e a a c t t l l e . . . The Gold Shirts.. Mexico's jab. in their n neapoha was s,gnmcant of only B a g e s o f ^ j , . f a t h e r s rv - C represent the struggle of man-: our similarities can light be David and Goliath scene which Nazis, are being heavily financed speaking of th SET: '-Our hr one -thine, and that was t h e be- „ . . • ,,. . . . „;„„!„ _» „„„(.%,__ __>,-_i _„-_ J^ot only did the morning con- kind to free itself from the dark-j brought to a world of ignorance brings down the house at every by important American interests : are with then ginning of another school year. ^ ^ t y p . f j r ^ t w Q ^ . ^ b u t ; n e s s and the stultifying fear of a;and persecution performance now . . . The fun-. . . Speaking of shirts reminds . glac if we m. >• For .me, ihe recently .appointed the very atmosphere of the sym- j| godless dl anu pagan world ld To T tthe; h; principal. of Lincoln Junior High bolically decorated hall touched i Christian Jesus was the fulfil- j (Copyright 19 37 by Seven Arts 1 niest thing -..your correspondent us that California recently incor- to them in th> has seen in many a year was theporated the "Civilian Army of fligb bcii(vbl, the date aad tlie'op- the depths of-one's inner self. I ment of the prophecies of ancient Sikhs i Feature Syndicate.) limitation of the David and Bath- Bluecoa.is_ Ltd.", the latest, of the •of The false pre.1i i sheba scene by two of the said vigilante outfits . .Lenny Lyons'.! most as mystifying as the « r s t j One felt here^that the two great, ucl small boys :— though this, of keeper of the New York Post's : However, day in kindergarten -for • young- festivals,-the Feast of Xights and have furnishei the Comin f course, is something that "Eter- Lyons' Den. has the town wonder- i sters i S o the Light of the native arr i Jial Road'' audiences necessarily ing what college he meant when the A "most amazing situation c o n - ! ^ o r W , ^ere-mingled one with : when their rt • • • • have to miss . . . The most awe- he said that huge adoring photos were threatei -^ fronted me. The members of t h e ! t h e o t h e r inspiring moment of the play — of Hitler now adorn the walls of !against the B faculty, .were at their posts, "and .j On, the closing day of school, for this observor. at least — is the superintendent's office in one j the doors were opened to.receive j before : the . Chiistmaa vacation, the scene when Abraham tries to of New York City's major col-1 ROADSIDE GLEANINGS the fifteen hundred pupils ex-jibe members of our 9A Dramatic YOU SHOCTiD KXOW, flee from the Voice of God, andleges . . . | Near the v < •p.Brted: At eight-thirty o'clock in Club . p r e s e n t e-d. Maeterlinck's Lord Melchett is coming to the Now that the Reinhardt-Wer- finds it following him wherever Palestine l i v " that morning less than forty per "Bluebird," the rtory of the seek- United states in February in con- fel-Weill production of 'The Eter- he goes . . . Most colorfu scene— ABOUT PEOPLE ' I ing for happiness in all earthly nal Road* Bas started, on wliat cent of the students had appearThe real name of Albert Viton, years has goi ed. I knew that the Hebrew New domains, only to find happiness, nection -with, the publication here producer Meyer -\Veisgal hoped is a 4<pss-up between the Egyptian writing ' They are the *• Year was being celebrated, but after the long, long search, upon of his book on Palestine . . . Elie- an eternal run you may be inter- slav^ episode and the dance of the fellow who has been 1 the gulden calf . . . Host gripping talized by tlf ested in some inside dope on the anti-Zionist, stuff fror . Palestine had not realized the effect the returning home. ! zer Kaplan, treasurer of the Jew\— the breaking of the Tab-in some magazines, is Albert Lev- For almost t t r r Jewish holidays would have upon Far too frequently we have fail- ;ish Agency and generally regard- j spectacle Ko, we won't bore scene our enrollment. ed to find-the joy of living and;ed as the greatest administrator j you with statistical details re- lets of the Law . . . Most tender itan . . . He's the son of a Rock ies they have •< f Many holidays followed that the zest for- doing when it has i: and financier the Zionist move- igarding how many dollars and scene — that of Ruth and Noami Island (III.) schochet and was secluded spot r 1 fall; each time sixty-seven per been too closely within our own1 meit has ever had, is coming to '•cents -were spent on how many . . . Most horripilant scene — The: formerly with the Jerusalem tur-" ten. rapidly vr— cent of our students were absent. reach. We hope to realize our America with Dr. Chaim Weiz- miles of electric cable, and all shade of Samuel arising from the eau of a Jewish News agency , . . ; They ciBiir- " 1 «• ' . . . Speakers at the lunch- , that sort of thing . . But ire must cavern of the Witch of Endor . . . ; The first of a f cur-volume efii- since Eiblical ~« In the Spring there were more aim in -teaching the youth of this j mann | tion of Dr. Chaim Weizmann's repuaiat.ee tl-ti festivals to .• be" observed by the generation: to obtain happiness eon session of the American Je-w- 'tell you about the first full stage I collected writings has been pub-' are ocly 150 S^T Hebrew folk. Ot first I accepted through consideration and appre- ish Committee's annual meeting,;! rehearsal, which we witnessed — BEHIND THE SCENES the only one not held behind or, anyway, what happened to the traditional procedure of mere- elation of their neighbors. But what's the use? . . . We be-jlished in Hebrew in Palestine . . that number i«it plain that] Ruth, played by ..sweet-voiced Ka- gin to describe "The Eternal I Believe it or not, Bob Pastor, the and. few yov c ly acknowledging the fact that "When; the Lincoln Junior High! closed doors, made it various days were holidays for School students.-' went home on ! they -wouldn't be at all sqnx-if j therine Carrington, missed a cue Road," so we'll content ourself inew Jewish heavyweight star, is AmericEE Keb ~v nephew of the late Rose Pastor story, CErries ' ^ t our .Jewish pupils, and that they that-closing day. bef ore vacation I the press ignored their remarts .[that night . . . Boaz — Ralph with expressing the pious hope •a ; Stokes, Socialist leader , . Samaritans : et ! would not be in class. •..-•-•... William Rosenwald went so;Jameson to you —sleepily rubbed that all of you. will have a chance Aiaalie famous r they took' with them an appropriBErnch, niece of Bemarci Then our Gentile pupils began ately and symbolically decorated ! far as to caution the gentlemen his eyes as he turned to address to see and hear this saga of what, j M. Barucfc, whose engagement to the marriage o r ^ to ask questions: "Way are the program bearing in parallel col-j of the press present not to make her — but no Ruth was there . . Hainan and Hitler to the contrary 1 Polan Banks. Virginia novelist. ber, Perhe.BS b * Jewish pupils out today?" "What umns the stories of" both Hanu- i notes of his address . . . Dr. A.The rehearsal had to be halted . . notwithstanding, seems to be an • has just been announced, is a : holiday is it?" ("Why don't we kah and Christmas, followed by ; E. Abramowitz, former editor of Francesco von Mendelssohn, as- eternal people . . . And we may as grand-niece of the late Isador ' a , y have .more holidays?" Each quessistant to Reinhardt, began to well tell you right now that New ! Rayner, United States Senator : tion increased my desire to know a resume of the striking similar-: the Jewish Champion, has been would never have been able i from Maryland . . . TChen GCTBTand the maestro York more about the Hebrew feasts ity of the two festivals. Not only j named executive director of the j grow perturbed, almost glowering to see the world premiere of this i nor Lehman saved three Brooklyn almost glowering and fasts, but the rush of the did they take with. them- the j Chicago Zionist Organization . . .; himself was the lady made her great Reinhardt spectacle if Mil-| youths from the electric chsir. form, but let us believe jTh'e other candidate considered j when at last . And what happeneventB that year prevented me printed Rabbi J. L L.. Z Zlotnick, waukee hadn't taken a hand is it Sam Leibowitz, the criminal lawthat they carried with the them thei Rbbi J l t i k fformer- i appearance from acquiring that knowledge. memory of the lovely refrain's ot'^t of Canada . . . T h e 92nd St. ed? . . She had lost her way . . . By this we mean that Al jyer, kept his record parfect . . . .Not until the BChool year of the morning concerts, the moral Y. M. H. A. is using space in the j crossing over from one side to Strelsin, the esthetic-souled head 'None of his clients have ever died 1935-36 was anything tangible of the drama, the esthetic beauty j New York daily press to advertise! the other of the vast rebuilt Man- of the Reliance Advertising Comdone. pany, who lives in Milwaukee a j and the New ! hattan Opera Honse stage! of the symbolic decorations; and, \iis facilities We all know that neglected above all of these, may they have York Post used a fine line of He- j Then there was the night when | good part of the time, unques- j fields grow rank with thistles; carried the seed of. understanding brew type in an advertisement of J ninth-floor guests at the Hotel j tionably was more responsible ! thistles, that produce seeds, that that will blossom and bear the the English translation of Abra- j New Yorker complained that they j than any one else for the successham Maura's novel, "The Shep- | couldn't sleep . . tbisn;.,are_scattered ./by P*e winds fruit of tolerance. One c^f theird fruition of the 'Eternal Road' t ^ d ^ i n i n g f i e i d s - tfnless "the As in December the sun, though Prince" . . I Reinhardt all-night rehearsals' interprise . . . Had it not been •weeds .are eradicated the damag- waning, yet gives promise oi his ing plants continue their growth new ascendancy, so it i* within and •""••become most devastating the hearts of mankind. Always at menaces to mankind. So • in the the lowest depths there come3 the j vast field of ignorance-" the ^this- realization that light will again i tleB of intolerance, selfishness, blaze in d i r k places. Christiansocial, racial and religious preju- ity, the child -of Judaism, kept dices thrive, and are carried by most of the feasts of t h s religion the anti-social to the four corners from which it had come. I t is not of the earth; spreading' chaos in surprising that the approximation ' their growth. Only through of a birthdate of Him whom the knowledge of the contribution made by each race to humanity can these ravaging • weeds be upL rooted and forever destroyed. With-this idea in i mind, and with the hope to develop a thorough understanding of inter-cultural relationship among the stu- BalUmore, Md. (WNSr The dents of Lincoln Junior High United States is »and must remain School'.-that would be permanent, "religiously at least, a tri-cultur-we opened our campaign, • with -co- al country" for "when the' day ar-operation and tolerance as our rives that some dominating group RIGHT, SON! KEUOSSt YUMJ KELLOGG'/TASTE Tcey-words. . - . so reach the ascendancy that it WHY NOT G I T CORN TLAKEf A H ONE its efforts to In the Fall of 1935 an invita- can materialize BETTER THAN EVER \U BOWL; ?OR tion was-extended to'Rabbi David make this a : uni-culutral land, CEREAL« COU1D EAT THIS NICE BOWL! EVERYBODY ? Aronson of Beth El Synagogue to then the war to the death for the i EVERYDAY! a conference. Ideas -were ex- other religious cultures will be! changed and plans were develop- on." it is asserted by Father A. I ed for the first • combined Hanu- M.-Keefeof Norbert College in aj kah and - Christmas program to pamphlet summarizing the con- ! be presented in Minneapolis. (As tributions of the Protestant, Cath- j far as we aTe able-to •ascertain olic and Jewish faiths to contem- | it is the first: ever-developed and porary society which is publish- j ed here by the Lord Baltimore) presented.) It was conceded that the pre-.Press for the National Confer- j ' sentation had a far-reaching ef- ence of Jews and Christians. F'-CFT P«ir fect upon the Lincoln pupils. Re- Rabbi Julius THark; of Nashville, Worth alizing, this, we. produced a Bpec- Tenn., who summarized the con- GET- THIS,LOVELY Much ial -Easter-Passover pageant in tribution of Judaism, . said that CEBEAL BOWL More Spring of 1936. The-pageanf "it is the historic - destiny of the depicted the various epochs of Jew to play the role of protestant man's struggle from the slavery so. long as injustice and bppres"BUY Kellogg's Corn Flakes atyonr of prejudices, hatred and fears, sion prevail anywhere' in the For the decnest possible Many lasts and patterns in this great to stand free at last of "the age-world. , And so long, too, he will : grocer's snd get your PREE cereal home hecting, ir,r?rJ» © n@ suffer; that long b \ wili remain old shackles. group. Black or brown calf and grain bowl while the supply lasts! cf the sensations] BettenSoft strains oi violins playing the object of persecution. Justice leathers. • Christmas carols and Hebrew for the Jew will come only when Everybody loves Kellogg's. dort Automstlc OI] Burnthere is justice in the world. In hymns were heard when pupils They have such matchless crispers. Yo^ vlll bs emessd They're Smart entered the school on the morn- the djvine task of creating a world in which liberty and civiliGond-Fkiing ness and flavor. Crunchy and de, ing of December 1-4, 1936. cf the ecsa -with wnics 1 Throughout the closing of Han- zation will prevail, where evil and hoe$ far Streel licious in milk or cream. Fine for your horns- cc*i ss mss-s ukah and before -Christmas stu- religious rights will be universal*»r Dresg Wear splc er.d sscn, the mnufe lunch or the children's supper, denst met daily for the early ^ j y , . the Jew'calls upon his morning concerts of music so be-Christian brother to cooperate/" sa exlis f he cod bin, Ihe T





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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1937 ments in Palestine and the Jews' "remarkable contributions to world's civilization" . . . in marked contrast to the chilly blast of but a:month ago. The editorial says in part: "In a land which only a few years ago was a desert, immigrant Jewjs have built up cities and have improved the soil, installed irrigation, and even established a university which is reviving the forgotten ancient language of their forefathers,, Jews may not be liked but their genius and remarkable contributions to world's civilization cannot be denied. We can only sincerely marvel; over what the Jews have done in Palestine." Can it be that the reaction to the Italian venture into the field of anti-Semitic agitation was so unfavorable in the world diplomatic courts that Mussolini has decided to veer back to the saner cqurse of equality in race and religion? We sincerely hope so.

Published ove?y Friday at Omaha, Nebras&a, by T H E J E W I S H P R E S S PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Prlco, one year. . . . • - .52.00 Advertising r a t e s furnished o a a p p l i c a t i o n . Editorial Otflco: "600 Brandela Theater Building. Slonx City Ottlee-—Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - • Business and Managing Editor FBANK B. ACKERMAN . . . . . »' . . Edlto? FANNIE) KATELMAN Council Bluffa, Iowa, .Correspondent ANN PILL - • - - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Streat .


By DEy THEODOSE N. LEWIS Rabbi, Efosmt Sissi Tessple, Sioas City "THE YELLOW SPOT" (THE EXTERMINATION O F THE JEWS IN GERMANY WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY A BISHOP OP DURHAM). KNIGHT PUBLICATIONS. 1036. 287 PAGES. $2.00 The "Yellow Spot" Is the story of "The Out-Lawlng of One-Half Million Human. Beings; a collection of facts and documents related to three years of persecution of German Jews, derived chiefly from National Socialist Societies very carefully assembled by a

and getting ready to take mea- ISH PHILOSOPHER ON 500TH sures for his safety the family BIRTHDAY . . . He's the one wbo was finally relieved by Chaim, pleaded — in vain — witn Ferdhimself who appeared at his;; inand of Spain back in 1492. home- covered wtih rags and his ; R E V E A L . MA NCHESTER body and face bruised. When ask- i JEWS FED MOSLEY'S BLACKed what had happened, Ch&im ] SHIFTS . . . Returning good for told a bitter story. ; evil. While on his ws,y he overstepJOBLESS POLISH JEWS ENpeu the forbidden BOH, be1p-&; L I S T WITH SPANISH LOYALbi temptedd fcy a great bargain Endd ; ISTS . . . Preferring Fascist bulsoon found himself on the other lets to Plarvption. side of the frontier. Here he was POLISH GOVERNMENT OFinstantly caught t p by the 'Ura- FICIALLY BACK FORCED MIdnc' and brought to a barbaric GRATION OF .-5.000,'noO JEWS . . way of justice. Ke was given a "hot" brushing, harnessed to R This is Bock Roger's cue to lead plow and for hours was forced them to one of the underpopulawith a whip to carry that heavy ted pl&tlbCS.

made to poison minds of small children against the Jew. The most valuable portions of this comprehensive record are the documents faithfully repioduced, and the many photographs of actual riots, attacks^ etc. These speak with an authority and a finality that are absolute sicd 5ncontroertible. They convey some idea of the extent, tbe inteisity, plow through the ground. After BIBLE IS MANDATE OF JEWS and the brutality of Jewish per- completing a certain amount of IN PALESTINE, ROYAL. COMwork usually done by e horse or secution In Nazi Germapy. But is the The reader will tun> with great '•a c °uple of osen, he was released MISSION HEARS

"Wohin? Whither? That has been the question confronting HISTORY'S LESSON The government of Portugal has announced to the world Jewry through the ages, as they have wandered the. face of relief to the final chapter in this and with ebuse &nd mockery Commission convinced? group of investigators." Th© title | tragic story fittingly entitled 'The chased out of the village. that it is making arrangements for the celebration of the five the earth • - driven from country to country, yet implanting 'Yellow Spot1 Is derived from, the I Other Germany.' In our mad des- |a n d Crawling and in a state of pain | hundredth anniversary of the birth of Isaac Abarbanel, finanthe richness of their traditional heritage in the soil of each land. custom universal in the Middle (pair and bitterness we often for- | ,. humiliation, he made his ve.y s of the Bible Ages which required the Jew to ! get that in spite of the efficient > borne. And here he was, a sight " In 628 the Jewish people were expelled from. "Holy cier and philosopher, treasurer of King Alfonso V. of and torn flesh . . . AfAbarbanel was one of those rare geniuses with a penchant identify himself conspicously by and unbroken propaganda, rjil-! t e r torture d Talmud Arabia"; in 1181, from France; in 1290, from England; in 1349, a rested help lions and millions of Germans : vhil t d andd given i h l attaching to his outer garment, a Dr. Philip Sher : from Portugal; in 1492, from Spain; in 1622, from Switzerland; for profound scholarship and the ability for action. A mem- yellow spot. persist in being friendly to the Chaim C h i regained his strength and a low whispering voic* gave orin 1741, from Russia; in 1913, from Russian town into the Pale ber of one of the four Sephardic houses tracing their lineage Not many will be able to read Jews; bitterly resent, though 1 2 j in ders t0 his ^ ife > friends and of Settlement;. Since, there-have been no major expulsions. But, to David, he felt the heavy responsibility of his Judaism. Ever through the volume, so horrible silence, the shameful persecution : and so tragic is the story which of innocent men and women, and - neighbors. Ke asked them to re- I Ke who turneth away his ear the Nazi German government started the modern official trend a student of Hebraic learning, he became one of the outstand- it tells. The brutal sadism re- often, in danger to themselves, ! t a i n absolute silence, not to ut- from hearing the law, even his to persecute the Jewish citizenry to such a high degree that ing philosophers of a golden age of scholarship. Yet at the corded and documented in a man- show their Jewish friends k i n d i t e r a w o r d 5 n condemnation tow- ; prayer is an abomination. V-'heji thp righteous exult there ehusers of the his abrsers every avenue of escape is sought. In. Rumania, the Cuza anti- same, time he was distinguishing himself in his service to the ner to satisfy the most devout of ness and consideration, tryingX]to> j'arcs it would result is great glory, bu.. when the wickJewish nation, 1C Nazis apologists leads one to des-1 ease their heavy burdens Crown of Portugal, a service that five centuries later is still Semites have introduced into the senate an active program pair, to hopeless pessimism, to j more vitriolic I'azi organs re,. • in even more disgrace and re- ed rise, men must be sought for. _ Ke vho causeth his transgreswhich calls for the expulsion of the Jews. And in Poland the remembered. complete loss of faith in human-jpeatedly denounce thes~i brave • striction to the poor sufferers.' were accepted and in sions shall not prosper, but who As a Jew he • stood before King Ferdinand and Isabella Ity. " The Nazis not only flout and j spirits "who refuse to join the ;Ha i s Corders anti-Jewish agitators have long been shouting for the transfer confesseth and forsaketh them violate the most elementary de- Nazi crusade against the Jews, i 5 k e composed manner everyof at least a million of the three million Jewish citizens out and offered his fortune if they would revoke the edict of 1492, cencies of civilization, they do EOThe German masses have not yet | boAy around him returned to shell obtain mercy. and when this was refused that same fortune went for the re- defiantly, exultantly, with a bra- been converted to Jew-hatred; an i their daily routine, and Chaim TALMUD of the land. 1 Silence is the cure of everybusiness." zen mockery that is shocking and 'other German..1 exists which is j tT0i hm ies w"Cattle Plans in large number have been submitted to transplant demption of Jews taken into slavery .. s s humane. It is ! marching on: Chaim's thing. When Rabbi Diman came Truly a child of his age, until his death he was a wan- incredible. "What is alarming just, the Jewish people from Central and Eastern Europe, scene of sry was from the land of Israel he said and tantalizing Is the attitude of this Germany which is destined j wounds healed and the stor travail. Each has in turn been discarded as impractical. Now, derer upon the face of the earth, welcome at every court be- the civilized nations who refuse some day to rule in place of the 1 B l m 0 E t forgotten. (There was that there they say: "A word is mu from an official source in France, comes a new outlet for Jew- cause of his financial genius, unwilling to serve where Jews to intercede in behalf of the vic- present barbarians. Let us hope | c h more to attend). But Chaim v-orth a sela (a dollar) and sion the questionable ground that that. thp is not nnt far fsr distant the riav day is distant 1 became famous since he was civ- i«n^P two." ish immigrants seeking to escape persecution. Marius Moutet, were persecuted. In his old age, an exile from his native land, tims, Rabbi Samuel Ben Martha said: that what these assassins do in when the German people togeth- en a new name and was known colonial minister of the French government, offers coloniza- he heard the tragic tale of the end of Portuguese Jewry. Mem- their own land is strictly the pri- er with the German-Jews will be all over as "Chasm, the Ox.'1 "The study of the Torah Is more This is one of the many tragic important than the building of tion of Jews in the following four colonies: Madagascar, off bers of his own family were dragged through the streets of vate business of Germany, and freed from the savages that tjr! anize over Germany today — and occurrences in every day life of '- ^ Temple." (Because it is 1866 the east coast of South Africa; New Caledonia and New He- Lisbon to the baptismal font. With his own eyes he saw the humanity must not meddle. a Russian Jews times Ego, and giyears since the destruction of the The volume, a record, carefully which are hastening its millions 1 brides, large islands east of Australia; and French Guiana, in blackest pages of history being written. leirce was kept for centuries. I Temple and the Jews not only collected from National Socialist to ruin and death. South. America. Moutet in proposing consideration of the plan Today the twenty-six hundred Jews of modern Portugal documents, establishes beyond For the case of the present rat- survived but also incieased in uation in Germany — as it was ' large numbers, so we now hare cautions against illusions of rapid mass colonization and fore- are joining with their government to commemorate the birth- the possibility of a doubt the Napolicy against the Jews, a polin Russia, a forced silence is of- about 16 million Jews the world seesgood, results if the project is backed by,a financially pow- day of this great man. Let'other nations who plague their zi icy of extermination, which is beten employed as the only avail- • over. But if the Jews would quit erful body, and if the territories are carefully explored and Jews learn from' this simple lesson, for maybe they, too, ing enforced with teutonic efficable arms in fighting for the safe- i studying the Torah, the Jewish the prospective settlers closely chosen. ty of the little what is left of t h e ! r a c e w ould be a thing of the past someday resurrect from the musty pages of history the names iency and cold blooded brutality. What makes the future of the A rumor, regarding the major . Jewish people - -•--- in — Nazi-land, if | in less than a centurrO A Jewish individual, Premier Blum, heads the French that today they curse and send into exile, for such is the Jews in Germany so completely The charitable collectors would Jewish organ Nations In ' Europe ! t h 5 s m e t h ° d Is not ethical enough government. And when a proposal of help is made in seem- capricious mind of man. * hide themselves when they saw hopeless is that this inhuman and not taking active steps in defend- —it is at least justified! ingly good faith, there should be no reason for us to question criminal policy is founded on a ing a certain case — a victim of —Lucy Lowenstein Elazer, the man of Birtha, because they knew he would give fanatical conviction that the Jew Nazi Germany, serves as an "'inits background. Especially since the French Colonial Minister The Meeting in New Orleans away everything he had. One day Is a menace not only to Germany j gpiration to the writer of this letconcluded his offer with the statement that "we desire to help he went ont Into the market to By Rabbi Frederick Cohn but to the race. The anti-Jewish , t e r , I t s e e ms these organizations buy the wedding outfit for his the thousands who are victims of political, racial and religious policy proclaimed by Hitler and Ia r e v e r y often competed by irony By the time this goes to press, the 35th Biennial Conven- repeatedly affairmed by his faith(laughter's wedding. The collecpassions." Nevertheless, we feel dubious about the entire matfate to demonstrate their intors of the charity observed him, tion of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations at New ful lieutenants is unalterable, ir- o£ •*•* to **• dignation by •way of silence as the ter. Remember, for example, that the French minister takes and hid themselves. However he reversible; it will be relentlessly ; only weapon in protecting the Orleans will have met and adjourned. pursued swiftly and said: "I the pains to point out that in order to make this project for till it achieves its das- many thousands of Jewish people A large number of delegates have been present, from all pursued cause you to sw*ar tnat you will tardly aim, the annihilation of in. Germany. refugees successful, it will require the backing of a "financially tell me for what purpose ye are parts of the country, especially induced to attend not only by German Jewry. To indicate this tragic attitude. jjowerful body." Every bottom dollar we can raise is already collecting." And they answered: ROBERT STONE the excellence of the program offered, but also lured by the -Tlite initial chapter portrays | r -^ish to tell to the readers a lit- jfORTHByAMERICA going toward the established projects - - as colonization and "We. are collecting money tor the balmy Southern climate, as a welcome escape from the cold the "Nazis' attitude towards the j tie story, a fact which took place transfer to Palestine - - and where we can raise the millions Jew as announced in their auth- j in Russia jusi rigors of the North. oritative books and .magazines, in i which would of dollars required is an unsolved question. Secondly, consider Besides the meetings of the Sisterhoods and the Brother- public addresses by their leading jOrv the suf f this strange angle: it is only a matter of days since Alexanpreference over spokesman and last and most Ita-1 ol ure that "" " "" der Cuza in the Rumanian senate, in his usual tirade against hoods of the country there is, of course, the main meeting of rifcute even the Rumanian Jews,4 demanded that all of the million Jews in the main and parent organizations of the Union of American cent of that quota. | n e proceeded to buy some wheat, Hebrew Congregations. The latter was founded in 1873 by days of 1933. characterized by j analogous to the Jew-hatred o .Rumania be transplanted to this same Madagascar. And it is ROOSEVELT BACKS DRIVE jRn d deposited it in his storehouse. the economic boycott, cruel beatj the Barbaric Russia of years ago also only a matter of days,|ince anti-Semitic officials in Poland the heroic founder and organizer of American Judaism, Isaac ings, crimings wholesale arrests and crim - a small •• town • . . .midst . . of TO REVITALISE JUDAISM . . . ] "When the mother came, she askIn in. ^he drive needs ail the backing :e d her daughter: -'What did fasuggested Madagascar as a place to- which to transfer several Mayer Wise, who transplanted to this country the spirit and inal assaults upon innocent men, poverty and misery a Jew by the iThe itt can can get get. I ther bring you?" And the daughwork of the early German 'Reformers' of the beginning and women and children. The auth-j name of Chaim was living andj xEW YORK JUDGE RULESjter replied: "All that he brought thousand Polish Jews. "With Poland and France making the were wise to include the struggling hard foi his existence, i CHARITY PLEDGES NOT L.E- he deposited .n the storehouse." same proposal, we cannot help but think'that the Polish and middle of the nineteenth century, Abraham Geiger, Samuel ors heartrending yet c o u r a g e o u s To suppoit his family he was GALLT BINDING . . . In other >'She noticed that the wheat was Holdheim, David Einhorn, Samuel Hirsch—the father of the French government agreed on the matter ahead,of time. This statement of Rabbi Abraham of "commercializing" by buying and words, gentlemen are born, not piled up rnrt ihpt the storehouse late, illustrious Emil G. Hirsch—and others. Rathenau, who was confined in selling cattle and it was indeed a made by legal rulings. suggests a bargaining, in which Jewish capital is sought to the ; was sr full *hpt the wheat forced As such it is a Reform body and the delegates represent he Orianienburg Concentration pitiful way o£ business, his way. REINHARDT'S "E T E RNAL ' its way through tine cracks in the mutual advantage of France and Poland. Camp for months arid horribly the beginning of the week he ROAD" STIRS NEW YORK . . . ; walip so she eoiiirt not open the the Reform Congregations of the country. They are the flower maltreated. The boycott and the In would leave his home and start And New York's reception of 'The i[door. Whet! her husband returnMadagascar, by the way, is the land considered years of the Reform manhood and womanhood of the country, con- assaults aroused world w i d e a long journey by foot far into Eternal Road'' stirred Reinhardt. i ed from the hous- of learning, back by Zangwill's Jewish Territorial Organization. It is not taining some of the foremost citizens of America. Reform protests to which the government the country. Equipped with a EUROPE | ,he said to him: "Come and see offered in the spirit of another "homeland," and it may have no longer able to remain silent, pair of heavy boots put on one DUTCH Q U E E N BARRED j Arriving si: the Pf.o-.ehoU<<e Elazer Judaism has taken deep root in this country and though its replied with typical Nazi impu- shoulder, and a prayer-book and SWASTIKA AT DAUGHTER'S | said: "I vcw Sh..i BU (his wheat possibilities now which were unseen before. But before jumpmembers are outnumbered by those who harve recently come dence that the reports about the Tfelim in a small sack on the WEDDING . . . What you mighi be Devoted to the poor, and thou ing at it as a panacea, we have to go slow - - checking into its to our shores, it may be said without exaggeration its spirit persecutions were "atrocity pro- other — be would go arourdj c a n barring the sinister. hast but s. shfirf Jr. it equal to the paganda" circulated by the Jews from village to village until offerings and, most-important of all, figuring out ways and PORTUGAL TO HONOR JEW- othpr poor,' pervades the entire development of Judaism in our conntry. to defame the "fair" name ot the means. From the present status, our surmise is that we cansomewhere a bargain — a cow or Our American Judaism, whether Reform, Conservative, or Reich. Today we know who be- other kind of cattle — would not bear the burden of any transplanting alone, no matter smirched Germany — the Jews, Orthodox, breathes the spirit of the American environment and or the Nazis. The excesses against be located. Attaching this heavy where the destination - - we must have assistance from a body of twentieth century progress and adaptation. Corservative the Jews continued with increas- load with a rope to his strong such as a vitalized League of Nations. body he would carry it back to An Offer To Judaism is hardly to be distinguished from Reform. Orthodoxy ing intensity but Vrere carried out town, and here at the market with greater sublty during 1934 in this country is becoming Neo-Orthodoxy and its Rabbis are and 1935. So common did po- place the "merchandise'' was sold REPLANTING THE TREES , largely young men educated in American universities imbued groms become that on pages 6S to the local butcher and Chaim made his usual two to three rubwith the modern spirit. I was particularly impressed with this and 69 are listed forty-nine places les profit. This miserable amount Omahans who had the privilege last week of hearing Ittareported in the German press to Subscribers to the Jewish Press r.re- being mar Ben Avi, Palestinian editor and publicist, obtained a.new fact when I recently attended a Jewish Welfare Federation have been scenes of mass arrests was enough to make him contented, and in a cheerful mood he given au extraordinary cpport\;sitr. understanding of the courageous spirit of sacrifice which dom- meeting in Miami Beach, Florida, the launching of the South- and pogroms. would hurry back to his home. inates the life of those hardy pioneers who .are building a new ern Drive for Jewish Philanthropic funds, at which the rep- The "Sturmer" receives, and Subscriptions to the . r rvish Press are now For his family circle Chaim Jewish homeland. In his vivid word portrayals he painted, a resentatives of the orthodox Rabbinate were beardless, ex- appropriately so, a full chapter spent Sabbath-day resting and due. Ail those vrhe pay ifceir ifvT subscription with striking examples of the po- indulging in the rituals of a pious picture which inspires all of us to reduoble our efforts for ceedingly youthful men. dta-ing the isozth of *&sxiK.ry, will, for BIS addinorgraphy and filth which the Jew. t Zion rebuilt. . • tional fifty cents, be pvei: a. copy of Dr. Philip Reform Judaism has supplied the norm for the develop- degenerate Streicher broadcasts There was no time for thinking • As we listened to the native Palestinian tell the Jewish ment of Judaism in this country and despite its seeming paucity regularly to the German people. or worrying as Sabbath was Sher's new book, "Wisdom from the Bible and Nothing speaks more eloquently crowded with many spiritual pleaaide~ of Moslem riots, we somehow became convinced that of members is exceedingly influential. the TalEsd." of the depravity and cultural sures and besides that smell neither Arab snipings nor British duplicity'nor-obstacles of Despite the supposed decline of religious interest in this standards of the Nazis than their taste of tbe "cuggel" and "SolThis book &Joise is worth SS.PH, r,nd the regany sort could stop the Jewish upbuilding of their land. "We country and at this particular time, the large gathering in adoration of Streicher, and their end"! The beginning of the week foisting upon the German masses was hopeful and with a smile : ular subscription price of t i e Press is S2.00. By became convinced that regardless of the price to be paid, New Orleans is inspiring evidence that Judaism still lives and a sheet, which is making the Ger- Chaim would stf.rt his nest tour prompt payxssr,t of your Fiibscription you may whether by peaceful means or by warlike means, the Jewish evokes the love and loyalty of large numbers, particularly of man press a byword all over the .*. . and so day after day, week have both for $2,50. world. after week, time was marching Chalutzim would make Palestine their homeland., ts devoted followers. Problems of great import to. Jews and on — a life of a poor, miserable The alimination of Jews from Symbolic of this were the trees in Palestine which Ben Judaism,, not merely in America, but throughout the world, "Wisdom from the Bible and the Talmud" the German economy which pro- existence. "But Chaim never Avi urged all Jewish people to buy. The Jewish people are were the object of paramount and particular consideration and ceeds remorselessly, has been gi- complained" is E. B exceptionally fine treatment of the great and found his condeep-rooted in the soil there, just as are these trees, trees which deliberation. There is still prejudice against and opposition to ven a semblance of legality by the solation in prayer and hard hon-! learning' of car people, JEercir.. the wisdom of j have helped change a desert into a flourishing oasis. In the the Jew even in free, democratic America. In one's travels one Aryan paragraph. Mi.ch valu- est work. the ages is mads to serve modern needs and able material carefully documentOnce he failed to return home i recent riotB, when the Arabs found it impossible to kill the is shocked to meet with the sign in leading Hotels,.clearly if ed is found concerning it, the at the expected time. It was a j Jews they began to cut and fire the trees. The trees represent not conspicuously displayed, "We cater to Gentiles only." The Olympics, the Nazi' racial laws, j very unusual occurence and the The Jewish Press is radispen sable in Omaha the life-blood of Palestine upbuilding, and Jewry in every part Jew has still his right place to win in the world and the 'Jew- Jews ln Concentration Camps, family became alarmed. After and about the persistent efforts!two (jayS Of strenuous waiting Jewish fcpsr.es, It h--as been a aithful servant of of the world should honor special occasions through the plant- ish mission' is by no me^ans yet accomplished. Zionism at best the cssanurity, brispisg1 the the finest of features, ing of trees in Palestine. '": '•.. f offers but a palatial, and at times very disheartening solution section of the fifteen or sixteen million Jews of the world, to the latest news of the world, raid the happento the age-old problem of the Jews, and there yet remains a! the bringing nearer the solution along the lines of Justice and ings of tbe community. By its appreciation and great deal of profound thought, earnest reflection, serious and; the self-respect of humanity and sivilizaticm of the enigma raclersstasdiag of the world pit.Tj&tion it can offer The wind changes so rapidly nowadays in Italy that we sincere consideration and deliberation, careful and wise orof 'the Eternal Jew.' & 3s excellent nzrvsy of events of Jewish interest can hardly keep pace with the shifting gale. Mussolini has al- ganization to bring about a satisfactory condition of the Jew's \ "When the delegates return to their respective homes may here arid elsewhere. ways used a flexible diplomatic policy, and when his news- position, function and welfare in this world. These questions they feel heartened with the thought that the Convention has | paper, Popolo dltalia, recently printed a strong anti-Jewish \yill not be solved in a day. They are a matter of years, per- been of real practical value and benefit.to them, so that they! This spcci&l offer is an opportunity that attack, world Jewry feared with reason that Italian fascism haps of further centuries. All Jews must contribute to their feel reinspired to rededicate themselves, heart, soul and might,! Ehcrla not be overlooked. would link with'Nazi fascism on anti-Semitism. ; , solution. It is the purpose of the Union to add its might> its to the progress and welfare of their beloved Judaism, knowing i However, II Duce has. already changed .the direction of itrength, and its prestige or position, power, intellectual, and that therein is involved the true progress and final perfection In Your Check for $2M Today, his blowing, for this week his Rome: edition of the Popolo material wealth and influence, as a representative body of the and happiness of "all mankind. d'ltalia carries/an editorial warmly praising; Jewish aetiieve* 'our or five million Jews of this country, the most important • - Frederick Colin.

Letters to the Editor

Footnotes Headlines






















vHE JEWISH PBESS, FRIDAY, 7AMTAET 22, 1937 KESLDES HERE Mr. Mac Guttmari of Providence 'Rhode Island is now making his home in Omaha.

Linen Shower on Wednesday

BRIDE-TO-BE HONORED Mrs. Kaplan was hostess at

Friends of Art Tea


Council of Jewish Women


The Cultural Study Group of

January 2S —I'ionecr Wom-

IX HOSPITAL en Ones Shii!>l>os the Council of Jewish Women Joseph Batt, son ol Mrs. Ethel j Mrs. Ben Brodkey is co-chair- •will meet on February 2 at the Jar.uafy '23 — C.-until of Batt, is in the Lutheran hospital j man with Mrs. Afnlen Kulakof- . j e w j s a Community. Center. Mrs. Jev.'isli Womrn Luncheon with infuenza. He had recently i sky and Mrs. Jake Blank oft h e ^ Sam Teper will give a book • r«January 2 " — -lunior Oorm•j . ^ returned home -after recovering ' annual' Hadassah ' Linen "Shower ' cil of Jewish Women —HesStlj v eWg TS- L-Or,is Lipp and Mrs Iz AVeiner •will be hostessps at a February £ — Culturai one o'clock dessert luncheon.

shower Roitstein, a bride-to-be, at the Mr. Abe Venger left Tuesday French Tea Room, Sunday, Jan- uary;20, the Temple Israel hood and the Council of Jewish i night for New York City where on his recent .rip to Palestine uary 17. j he will attend the Tobacco JobPrizes were -won by Mrs. Harry. Women „ „.,were represented by Mrs.•, From there he Bett Sdver> M r s M a x Friedman, Mrs. Joe Shenfeld, and ' Mrs. Jack Cohn,- andHolzman. ! bers Mra. Ben; "will convention. go to Miami Beach, Florida, .Mrs.\Nate Kirk. Shapiro. . to visit with his parents, Mr. and :iIrs This group will sell tickets dur- Max .Venger, who are spendAXXOUNCK BIRTH ing the r-.embership drive. Mem-'i n S the winter there. He will s t Mr. and Mrs. Herman Levinson bers of the Friends of A*rt will be I °P o f £ a t Baltimore, Washingof Lincoln announce the- birth of entitled to attend the lecture to \ton >a n d Chicago on his return -a daughter at the Bryan Memor- be- given by Grant Wood, noted | home. ial Hospital on January 17. Mrs.Iowa artist, at the Central High j • l»evinson was formerly Josephine Auditorium on January 28. Mr.' " Monheit ol Omaha. Wood comes under the auspices of the Friends of Art. • -j The Junior Council ol Jewish Mr. and Mrs. Ben Zare of ChiWomen held a regular meeting cago, Illinois, announce the birth Sunday January 17, at,the Paxton Honor Bar Mitzvah of a daughter on January 9. Mrs. Hotel. Plans were made to launch Zare was formerly Sally GreenMrs. Ben Brodkey Xt the dinner given bv Mr. and •* membership drive which will be berg, daughter of Mrs. Nathan chm xed ar t o b e h e l d j Co-chairman of Hadassah Linen Mrs. Mark Polonsky on January ! f J ^ ^P ^ Greenberg of Omaha. Sho-rer

Study Group Council of Jewish


Women's Division The nest

oj>en met :ing ol


Women's Division o-'


ibif hpv

Community C e n t e r w-;!! 1-e held lipif.p r Monday, F t >rr.a*\ 1 . l o l i r w i n p : a 1>. h e i c luncheon c t t h e C'.-T.IC r. On t h ei n s X f v program wi I Lie t h e movies l a k en by Xv. U'lUiLn. itolr.n-.an on liis !a?i. trip l 0 ' h*' Svi:;h Islands- iind AU?:"F.'IF.

Reservations for the iuruh are thn'iv-l'ive cents and may he made by caning the .Center or Mrs. David Greenberg.


i.' (i. v. i!l .'-ir.lif

f I ;i s = v

! Wire.

The Council of Jewish Women JR, HAP ASSAM tvill meet at a one o'clock luncheon at the Jewish Community Center on Monday, January £5. ! a n ( j Hyman Greenberg in ; Junior 'r pi fir. < Thirty-seven new members will memory of Sylvia Olander; Mr. JR. VAAD AUXILIARY ! for St. osep Mis?<M:ri be the guests of honor. !• VP--rev]i and Mrs. Paul Bernstein in memattPIld An original skit written by ory of Edwin Katskee: Mr. and At a -reception given by Mrs. al f'onv Morris Burstein, honoring Rabbi Mrs. Phil Klutznick and directed M s J.. J. J. G Greenberg in memory e e r g in memoryMilton A. Kopstein, plans for the by Mrs. IVbe Solomon, which will •of Abraham Cherniss; Mr. and 'lampoon' the board members and i Mrs. Reuben Kulakotsky in mem- 'reorganization ofconsidered. the JuriorThe Vaad F r ? n k ! i i : . Auxiliary "were the organization's will th i t i activities ' tiiti ill j ory 'of Edwin Katskee; Mr. and 'program Auxiliary will "werebe considered The both culturai be presented in song and verse. Mrs. A. H. Brodkey in memory Mrs. Arthur Ronim and Mrs. of Edwin Katskee; Mr. and Mrs. a n d B0Cial Hyman Bellman be the vo-j seaman Kay in memory of Ed- ! D e t a i l e d P!an« vill be outlined calists. They will be aceompan- -win Katskee; Mr. and Mrs. Aaron!111 a constitution to be drawn up led by Mrs. Sam Teper. Mrs. Har- Richards in memory ot Edwin 'Monday, January 2 5, by a comLpjjjg 'mittee of five consisting of ihe ry Kulakofsky •will be. the anKatskee; Mr. and Mrs. nouncer. Richards in memory of Edwin 1 ^ r e e temporary officers. Rebeclea KirBhenbaum. Sarah Oerman. Others taking part include Mrs. Katskee. ., , . , _ . , -. .. (and May Tvrcker and Bess KirElmer Gross, Mrs. Jack Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyers to c o m - j g h e n b a u ma n d Mrs. Ben, KailbwBky, Mrs. PMl memorate their torty-seventh 10, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah Sunday Februaiy , . ; brief * S a m i wedding o r t adversary; their tMr. o r tand y e n Mra. th Kopstein a n d Mrs. Hirschberg, and will show motion pictures taA series of lectures on 'Health t on the "Jewish Sel;." Mr. and Mrs. David Shukert an- of their son, Norman, guests hon- for the Business Girls'' will be jken while abroad. Cantor Aaron G r e e n . •• K. Meyers in memory of Mrs. _ _ ored Norman by planting a tree' Th o s p y Committee at Ginsburg; Mr. and Mrs. e y | -- _ nounce the birth of The H Hospitality Ginsburg;' Mr. Mrs.E . M Mey-| ! Edgar will sing a grpup o f vocal —,—„*..-.— - - a daughter, = . ,ln. _ .l r a , e m. 1. 8. b.o 0 a n d .l . iConducted by Mrs. Bess M. Brown b M the luncheon Will be Mrs.S Sam|| € r s in memory of Edwin Katskee; j W o m e n ' s .January 20 a t the Methodist H OB ..|' , P T " " ' m " . » ' . ' - n : ! o f the Adult Education dept. of selections. pita!. Mrs. Shukert was former- | « J * » J £ » ^ e ^ theBook of.A e B o a r d o f ? d u c a t i o n a n d ^ S J. Blank In memory Mrs. David R. Cohen. Mrs. Da-Robinson, Mrs. B..; A. Simon, ^and imr.a n a f I i F 6t Edwin Katskee; Mr. ar-d Mrs. A large attendance al t l ^ meetbe held at the Paxton Hotel every vid B- Cohen, and "Mrs. Jack Mrs. S. H. Boddy. ly Miss Helen Freed. Monday night. The lirst lecture;Bramson will be; n charge of the The luncheon -Will "be preceded Phil Kosenblatt in memory" of of the Women's Mizrartii MAKE HOSHE IN ARIZONA Iwill be on Monday, January 25, tea table. by a Board meeting scheduled for Abraham Cherniss; Mr. and Mra. j Wednesday afternoon heard ant *i Mr. and Mrs. J. j . Barmish of [TOMr. an and Mrs. Albert PiUor and { tivelve o'clocfe. J, H. Kulakofsky in oiemory ol! inspiring address by Rabbi Milton nnai*De8 Moines, Iowa, announce the ; daughter left on Monday, Janu- at 8 p. m. Assisting will be the Mesdames: «l Edwin Katskee: Mr. and tfrs. B. I Kopstein in Yiddish on the sub- •e«— Every Turf birth of a son, Louis "David, on ary 11, for Phoenix, Arizona,, Harry Malashock, I. N. Chemiff, A. Simon In memory ol Edwin j e c t i -Religious Trends in the *£? or WA-E1S0. January 9. Mr. Barmish is a for-! where they will make their home, j Julius Newman, David Levine, Katskee; Mr. and Mra. J . 3. Frei- j Movement." Joe Bloch, Louis Kulakofsky, J. mer Omahan. " Mrs. Herman Cohen, chairman den *o commemorate their _oth z i t m i s t H. Kulakofsky, A. Somberg, J. Mrs. N. Levinson Berved tea WTXTERING IX LOS AXGELES j Plans are rapidly being-. tormu- Abrahamscn, A. S. Rubuitz, S. jo I . t n e Gift Fund of, the Beth El wedding anniversa-y. and refreshments. OXE O'CLOCK LUXCHEOX Mr. Edward Glnck a n d his sis- j l a t e d f o r the annual Sigma Alpha Pizer_ William Milder, William j Auxiliary, announces the followDr. and Mrs. Erman in appreMrs.' H a r r y Malashock was hos- ter, Mrs. Theresa Sommer, a r e 1 Mu- formal dance in Lincoln a t ciation of winning the afgan at ji n g contributions: tess t o t h e members of t h e Z. B .spending t h e winter- in Los An-; the Hotel Cornhusker, Saturday, Alberts, H. P. Milder. Harry PIONEER WOMEN jRochman, Earn Yousem a n d Mr. and Mrs. Dave Greenberg the Beth-El Rigadoo; Mr, and T. Mothers Club a t a one o'clock geles. They will r e t u r n home [ January 23. Music will b e furMrs. L Abrahaiuson in appreciaMALASBOOTS luncheon a t h e r home Thursday, 1 abmit in memory ol ^acob Hadurfngr; ri' 1. . . j nished by Sternie Steinberg and j Phineas Wintroub. w i n n m g an rteetric roasThe Pioneer Women's organiJanuary 2 1 . . , t W h e n hn,y1?^ —:—; j h i s . orchestra. Morris Lipp. soM , and Mr ,A. Fran* ^ m ^ _ ^ . : B e Mra . . . rill hold an Oneg Shabboi; | ery January and the contributions [ ZIotciT t 0 SCHXEIDER-SCHLAIFEB " \ icial chairman-, is in charge of the DIAMONDS Albert ! commemorate the Bar | this Saturday, at the home rf GONE TO THE SOUTHLAXD j Mr. a n d Mrs. S. Schlaifer an- j formal affair which 'takes place to Mitzvah of their son, Richard El-j Mrs. H. Richlin 1S16 No. 2 0th Richlin vin* Mr. ' and Mrs. David M. New- |nounce t h e engagement of their; during t h e weekend during sem- jestine. Because of the rapidly TX- • Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyers in (street. Readings followed by dipin memory of Albert Soffer; Mrs. man are leaving Sunday for Hot jd a u g n t e r t Geraldine, to Robert: ester examination week. • panding program of the Hadas- Rose Kramer in memory of Ros-thankful rejoicing of the recovery cussion will be given by meinberfSprings, Arkansas and New Or- ;S c h n e i a e r i S 6 n of Mr. and Mrs.; Arnold Levin writes finis to an sah health activities, there is alind Sherman; Miss Sylvia Mps- of A. H. Brodkey; Mrr and Mrs. of the group. lean, La. where they will attend jJ u l i u s Schneider. " I outstanding collegiate newspaper great need for supplies. A. Simon in memory of Harry kovitz in memory of Has the Mardi Gras. They will stop j M i s s -gchlairer attended Cen- i career when his term as editorSherman; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Adj over in Nashville, Tenn,, to visit itm, & n d S o u t n n i g n schools Un-chief of the Daily Nebraskan, j o f W sf a t n e r , J a c o b ler in "memory of Rosalind Sher-j with friands and relatives and •where she was affiliated with the [ official daiiy student publication, In Law Practice man; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wohlwill return home about March 15. Alpha T h e t a sorority. Mr. j expires next week. As editor of Salewin Micbnick announces jner in memory of Rosalind SherSchneider attended Creighton j the student newspaper, Le\-in has his association with Samuel Zach-jnian. PLEASANT HILL ^• • GUEST. FROM CHICAGO University. He is a member of (been an important force is thearia in the general practice of law j Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rice in comof Miss ' Gertrude Newman the Phi Beta Epsilon and. Alpha proposed student union building, at 728-29 Insurance Building. j memoration of the Bar Mitzvah A regular meeting of the PleaChicago, I1L, is the guest of herPi Tau fraternities. as an eradicator >f student pol.'• Michnick. well-known in local J of their son, Morris Norman Rice; sant Hill Cemetery Society will Bister and family, Mr. and Mrs. No definite date has 'been set itics and proponent of many Richard Stern. muchly-needed student reforms debate circles, is president of the Mr. and Mra. J. J. Greenberg in be held at the B'nai Jacob Synfor the wedding. College of Jewish Studies and is j memory of Albert Soffer; Mr. agogue, 24th and Nicholas and issues. secretary of the local Zionist dis-iand Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky in at two o'clock, Tuesday, January WIKTERIXG IX Morris Lipp was one of twelve j trict. 'BRIDGE IiUXCHEOX He is a past chairman of i memory of David Diamond: Mr. 26. Mrs A men pledged to Sigma Delta Chi, Mrs. Clara Rosewater is spend-I-b r a a- ' "e n Hosen of Papillion Ne; the youth division of the local, and Mrs. William Boasberp in June in Jcxnucrr and You're in Luck W aln t national professional journalism ing the winter at the Alexander | ^ ! ' ^T<* A^r l « : Philanthropies. memory of Sylvia dander; Mr. Patronize Our Advertisers Hamilton Hotel in San Prancisco, | ^ncheon a t the King Fong Ca» fraternity, Tuesday at a special n=n» I on January 14. in honor, of herluncheon. Recognition by SigCalif. ,' I daughter, Mollie, a bride-to-be, ma Delta Chi is for outstanding j Twenty-four guests were present. journalistic endeavors xm the AT MIA>n various publications at the UniPrizes were won by Mrs. H. Mrs. Sadie Mr.ye- is spending versity of Nebraska plus high Lewis, Mrs. A. Levine, Mrs. H. thewinter in Miami, Florida. Glicken, Mrs. H. Goldenberg, Mrs. rating in scholarship. Dave Bernstein, and Mrs. E. Ep- Irvin "Aukie" Taffe has won a BATT-GOLDBERG position on the varsit" freshmen Mrs. Lena Goldberg announces ! stein, basketball quintet at the univerof her daughter, jsity. Norman Bordy is showing j up well on the freshman swimceremdny was performed in Kan-EKX TRIP squt.d as an expert fancy sas City, Missouri, where they \J • Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn will return on January 25 from will make their home. t 7o Take South a. southern trip during which "they 7c Weczz al Kom© „_!.attended the conference of the Union of American Hebrew ConNow gregations. To WBST EveryFOR CALIFORNIA ! By Mrs. Davia M. Newman where Later ***' Mr. and Mrs. John A. Beb.erj and children, Barbara, Carolyn j Orange Jui»ibles Michael, left for Los Angeles,] % cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 and If you've worn them you know California, they will make ' egg, % cup orange juice, 1 tea-their future-where home. ' spoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon why! Each season new exclusive grated orange rind, 3 cups flour. % teaspoon salt> Vi teaspoon so- AT JOSLYN MEMORIAL prints like these spriteiy Spring The follbwing activities are to da,'•*£ cup. sour'milk. Cream but; be held at the Joslyn Memorial ter; add sugar, beaten egg, orpatterns . . . designs of Nelly ange and lemon juice and rind; on Sunday, January -24" First buds of ihe season, i 3:30 p.m.—Lecture Hall. add" sifted dry ingredients alingenuity in frocks for all day and the pretties* always. ternately with the milk. Drop byj A lecture by Dr. L. V. Jacks spoonsful on a greased cooky 1 on "The Influence of Greek TragDue to ?he 'Vaecnuioctunrr's j edy upon the Nobel Prize "Winwear . . . with Nelly Don's ex.sheet. Bake 15 minutes. advantageous purchase j ners." • Ask for "Soggy" ! 4:00.p. m.—-Concert Hall. of thp linen abroad, h« act-fit and low price, no wonder • ' Cocoanut Cookies .. Where t h e Clothing % cup butter, % cup sugar, 1 1|- Duo-Art Recorded Organ ProA.ND we- are able te mil ' • egg, I teaspoon lemon juice,-- % gram. World Is Under One they're known as the b'csf crepes at a saving. cup milk, 1% cups flour, 3 tea- 4:30 p. m.—-Lecture Hall. Roof for Service. Musical program arranged by spoons baking powder, % tea-! .(tub-going, too) you can buy «t spoon salt 2 cups cocoanul. Cream ! the Omaha Music Teachers' butter, add sugar, egg and lemon, sociation. _ Sift dry ingredieuts alternately! 8:00 p. m.—Concert Hall. with the milk Add cocoarut. Drop ; Town Hall Forum Lecture by j by smaU spoonsful on greased | Hurbert C. Herring on "The Fu-I Irish crochet laze or con- s»* cooky sheet. Do not smooth over,' ture of Pan Americanism." .1 trssting buttons.- embroidbut, allow spac(- for spreading. erv- or birdirr, Lcip- \< Bake in moderate oven, 15 to 20 w o n ' bf- r.»V i~ c -, ^ 'i minute's.

! » > ; • » -

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•>EATH — With bowed heads hese men are taking the batered, frozen body of 10-year>Id Charles Mattson from the ."ield near Everett, Wash., where t was found in the snow, hapless dctim of a fiendish kidnaper md killer. President Roosevelt immediately issued orders for a manhunt, while an indignant public applauded his action Meanwhile the boy's body was conveyed to the grief-stricken Mattson family in Tacoma.

,- s





DEES AFTER PLANE SMASH — Martin Johnson, widely knowr jungle explorer, who died, and Mrs. Johnson, who was badly in jured. in. the wreck of the Western Air Express In the Sierr? Madre foothills, near Newhall, Cal. Mr. Johnson died from a skul fracture, broken right hip and other injuries. Mrs. Johnson had s broken leg. This picture was taken as they arrived in New Yor' from Borneo, last October. ""



VIOLENCE — Angered by attempts to halt the passace of food to stay-in strikers m Fisher Body plant No. 2, Flint. M-ch.. strike sympathizers overturned this automobile of S h e r i f f Thomas W. Wolcott and battled police for five hours. Deputies climbed out of the machine unhurt, Governor Murphy later called out the National Guard.



>a '








' '!

-CS. ^


•>• •

HELD AS BATHTUB SLAYER — At right is Major Green, S3. 'Tegro porter, charged with the bathtub murder of Mrs. Mary Case, in Jackson Heights, New York City suburb. Police said they trapped him by a suit belonging to the slain woman's husband that he attempted to sell. He is with detectives.


SURPRISED HOLLYWOOD—Claire Dodd, screen feature actress surprised Hollywood recently when she came out of retirement which she entered last May, and announced, the arrival of hei son, Jon Michael. Miss Dodd in private life is Mrs. Milton Strauss After finishing a picture in May, she merely told her friends she was going on a vacation.

/ •



STKIEE EATTLEE—A FLnt. Mich., noliccr-.rr eqiurncc vith gaa mask helmet end teai-gr.s bOTib >?ckct JIS- W W* lrr strikers at the Fisher Bodr plant. At least £C pe~sorif 1 VCT invrei1 in the f;vc-hour n glit battie between co^s &n^ r^f -in-pc-^

.-"-^' ->


• ^i



FINDER—Gilbert Morrow, 19year-old farm boy, who discovered the Mattson boy's body In a lonely snow-covered field near Everett, Wash. Morrow is pointing to the clump of brush where he found the body while he was hunting rabbits.


VICTDI — Mrs. Mary Earn^t Robinson Case, 25, bride of a year, victim of the vicious bathtub murder m Jackson Heights, N. Y. Wife cf Frank Case, who discovered her body when he returned home, she was a woman of culture and talent. She was a native of Lancaster, Pa.


CHARGED WITH ATTACK~Dr. Gilbert Wynekoop, 56, brotherin-law of Dr. Alice Lindsay Wynekoop, serving a 25-year term for the slaying of her daughter-in-law, Bheta Gardner Wynekoop, ir 1933, shown after his recent arrest in-Chicago.-Released in November from a hospital for insane, he is charged with an attac! on a Chicago woman.

\ v i

ASKS MOTOK INVESTIGATION—John Z>. Lewis, right, chairmen o* I*IP Commuf-po for Industnai Organization, has announced that he and his aides •*£' seek s Corgrresstonfi Tvestiptt-or of the General Motors Corporation. This was after a conference m v; asNneiO'- as fboie Lef> John Brophy. CIO director. Center. President Korac. rCart.n of the Automobile 'R"o-\c-f oi"


llL-J^. ^ ' ^ ^



*• - 1 --

MAURILI© CARDINAL JEAN EODRIGUE FOSSATI CARDINAL VDLLENUEVE Archbishop of Turni Archbishop of Quebec AMERICANS\TARDY—Upon the death of Pope Benedict XV, ii 1922, Cardinals O'Connell and Dougherty hurried from America to Rome, but were too late to participate in the election of the new Pope. Pope Pius later decreed 18 days' lapse between the Pope's death and the election, instead of 10.


JULIANA'S PLAYGROUND—This charming view is of the countryside where Crcwn Princess Juliana of The Netherlands went honeymooning with her consort, Prince Bernhard, ,at Krynica. Poland. The royal couple spent much of their time on skis. While Juliana took lessons, Bernhard raced riotously, pulled by a horse. When-the Princess tumbled into a snowbank, she cried out in Polish to photographers, "Please don't photograph!" (Courtesy Gydnia America Line.)

STAY-INS AT CADILLAC—Among more than 112,000 employes of the General Motors Conaorption idle as a result of the automotive strike, were these workers in the Cadillac plant in Detroit who recentl'- joined the stay-inners. This scene is in the locker room of the plant ES the men enJov a game of cards to occupy the prolonged, leisure. Copyright




THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 32, 1937 and proved to the baJtetball fane LEAGtE STANDINGS that they were somebody to look Senior League tip too when for all but the last W* 5o seconds of play they led the XI NAME Lambda team in aa airtight ball Psi MU ,.. 4 game. In the last 50 seconds of Barish-Sanders 4 Beth-El I play a foul committed by Jack Xi Lambda " 3 At services tougiht Rabbi David I Epstein on Max Turner who in A.-Goldstein will speak on "l3*Uurh made the point to tie the Tael'a SongB of Triumph." igame Bent the crowd Into a frenNext week Rabbi Goldstein's j zy. In the extra period, a field subject will be "The Eternal!goal by Max Turner and one by Road In New York and; Tosean- Art Grossman cinched a victory inl in Palesdne." for the fraternity boys. Little Norman Kuklln who has not seen much seviee for the A. 2. A. team At services tonight the topic of suddenly hit his stride and it was Rabbi Milton A, Kopstein'B ser-i this lefty that kfept the losers In mon w m bo " T h e n Bang M0Bes"i the game. "With two good games Alter services there will be a BO* under their belt, the A. Z. A. No. ciat ana open forum. Hostessea i couldn't take It and so giving •will • be Mrs. Louis Epstein, Mrs. a poor exhibition of their basketLi. • Weitzman, Mrs, H. ball talent let a APT five mn and Mrs. A. Bchwa.cztin. roughshod over them for a substantial lead. Herb. Mark's 14 Temple points was good for offensive At cervices tonight Rabbi David honors of the game, and with this H« Wice will epeafe on the sub- boy popping them In from all anject, ."Should tho Church and gles of the court the losers laded Synagogue Fight Communism —• out of the game. An Answer to the Pope and oth- Schedule, for Jan. 24: ers." A. 2. A. No. 1 vs. A. Z. A. No. Regular Saturday morning ser- 100 at 2:15. will be beldat llj:00 o'cock. Barish-Sanders vs. XI Lambda at 3:00 A.Z.A.10Q AIRCQNDMS Alpha Pi Tau vs. Psi Mu at At the executive meeting held 3:45. last Sunday, a new schedule of meeting dates for February and What kind of a game Is Volleyearly March was made out so as ball? Is it an old man's game? not to conflict with basketball gameV. " The schedule follow: Is it exercising? These and many Thursday, February 4, at 7:30, more question have I heard in the Thursday, February 18 at 7:30, locker room at the Center. Would .and-Thursday, March 4, at 7:30. anyone ask these questions about First class in the School of A. baseball, the nations favorite ZlA. will be held on Sunday Jan- sport? Although volleyball is an uary 24, at 3:30 at the J. C. C. indoor sport it can easily be comThe new Alephs to.be present in pared with baseball. this class are Albert Kaplan, Has- For example: Serve: a serve in volleyball is t e n Morris, and Bernard Trachas important as a pitcher's contenberg. trol. Return of Serve: player's return of serve can be compared to a baseballer's ability to snatch ground balls. By EAT SOHAPIEO Passer: his job is as vital as an in-fielders peg. The Jewish Community Center" Spiker: has same reputation as ia-honored for the fourth straight clean-up man. Volleyball means more than year to represent the city in a basketball game for the Bee Shoe batting the ball back and forth Fund. The Psi Mu will be repre- across the net. Each play is sented, for the fourth straight started by a serve, like a pitcher's year'and have held the J. C. C.throw in baseball. The receiver class A. championship for the last of a serve must be able to pass three years and are out to make the ball properly to the passer in it Xourth In a row. This year's the front line. This passer then opponent will be the fast Bartsh- sets the ball up accurately to the Sanders Motor Co. team. The spiker for a kill. It takes many game trill be played -January 31 hours of practice to be able to at the J. C. C. starting- at 2:30 pass correctly for a good spike. A p. m. pass has to be set up high enough The entire proceeds of this over the net and close enough for Same will go to charity, the recip- a kilL A good epike is aa thrillients being the shoeless children ing as a hit in baseball and a of Omaha. These teams will be i good spiker has to have timing «mdii up of the finest-array of I a n d b e very nimble coupled with basketball talent in the city of being able to use hifl head at all Omaha. On the Barish-Sanders timea. A nice return o» a. hard j team you will find such stars as spike is like an infielder making j Jimmy Burroughs., former out- a spectacular stop or a brilliant standing athlete of Lincoln High, catch. At times a Bpike is part- ! causing a alert J Lou Werner, former Tech and tally deflected ! Pittsburgh-Kansas s t a r , Hub player to crash into the stands, Monsky, Harry Altsuler and bump into the wall, or make a Charles Korney, former Central hard run just as an oufielder in High basketball stars, and Sol baseball znurt do On hard hit Taffe, Leonard Seiner and Iz No- balls. Last but not least the teamwork is as important as in any vak former Tech stars. ;The champ Pis Mus team will game. Each ball should be passconsist of Iz Boqdonoff,: rated as ed twice before spiked. Without the best Jewish basketball player this teamwork 't Is no game as at the present time, Sammy Gil- the basis of all games is team ier and Abe Bergman, former play. Techsters, Millard Sigal, the outAfter summarizing all these standing^ personality basketball facts one can come to the conplayer, crooner, dancer and mas- clusion that kny game be' made ter .of ceremonies, Sam Epstein, either dull or entertaining. And handball champ, Irv Paeaoff, lot-'. believe you me, volleyball can be nler Easter star^ and Jay Stoller, as thrilling a game as any. promoter of the four last Charity P. s. After this article I believe games. I will take up the game myself. ' The ( entertainment will consist The Sharp Shooters Junior ol W. O. W. radio talent, whose names Will be announced later. Basketball entry lived up to their A preliminary game will be be- name and emerged with another tween the Kitty KXovers and, Rus- victory over the Ramblers by the sell Sports girls. The game starts score of 18-8, thus retaining una t 2:30 p. m. This entire after- disputed possession of first place. noon of entertainment for only Vernon Wintroub, Carl Fredericks, and Sam Novak proved to 25 cents. be the big noise in the Sharp ; :.New: handball doubles champ- Shooter attack, accounting for 15 Ions have been crowned^ 3a two of the teams points. Mike Land- | . comparatively easy games. Jay man proved to be the only offen"Schriebman and George Schapiro sive threat for the Ramblers condowned Saul Taffe and Murray necting 5 points? during the mel••Wintroub by the socores of 21- ee. In the other tilt, the Co. 11, 21-11 to win the .CC doubles Bluffs A. Z. A. No. 5 after a slow .handball tournament. George who start gathered up momentum left has been playing handball for 6 and right to completely submerge years and Jay who has been work- the Omaha Jobbing Quint 22-9, ' i n g at this game for 12 years at half time found the score •have; been playing as partners for deadlocked at 4 all. Fox, flashy forward of the Hawkeye Quint two; years have at last achieved waa hotter than the depot store ••:'„• th'egoal they have trained so and garnered six field goals in ; hard for — a championship. In the last half, while Hy. Diamond .\gbing-through the eight games helped the cause for the victors .... oil the way up their hardest com- with 3 buckets. petition came from the veteran combination of Max Turner and HANDBALL Jake Adler. Outside of this round, the champs had little dif- Entires are now being taken ficulty in convincing the hand- for the regular season Singles

Alpha Pi Tau A. Z. A. NO. 1 A. Z. A. Ko. 100 . L. »unior League 0 Sharpshooters 0 Omaha Jobbing Co. Co. Bluffs A. Z. A.

2 1 0 4 2 2


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'• ball teams that they were tops in handball tournament which will start play on Monday, February Center play. ' 1. Ente-ies close Thursday Janu] liast Sunday's games with the ary 28, at 9:00 p. m. The tournOutlaws, the Xi Lambdas and ament 1B scheduled to be completthe APT's winning ended the ed by Thurs., February 18. Comfirst round of basketball play in petition-will be held 1E boht Class the Center. The Outlaws won A and B. No tournament games over the Barish-Sanders 31-25 in will be played on Sundays before an exhibition game while in 1:00 p. m. so as to assure the league play, the XI Lambdas/had members of the Physical Departto go into an overtime period in ment who are not participating order to defeat tho A. Z. A. No.In this tournament that they will 100 by the score of 29-25 and be able to use the courts. The the APT'B trounced the A. Z. A. success of all tournaments deNo. 1 36-24. The Outlaws with pends upon the, players to play Fritz Kampf leading in .tho offer their matches when they are schsive took z. hard game from the eduled, so there shall be no postBarish-Sanders for the losers ponements or ^delays in playing. >. first setback in pre-BeasoL and regular Be&Bon play to date. A fighting' A. Z. A. No. 100 loam stood i'P on its hind legs

The syffln as ' nm walls will be cleaned, washed and renovated this Friday. ,

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I considerably. Kam Yowm t> S Ramblers o 4 i aha Jobbing Co.; Sharpshooters Lions 4 THIS WifiEK'S SCHEBUUS i vs. Co. Bluffe A. Z. A. No. 7. Tigers 'n ii.pd to be i.lir ''hottest'' wlion 5 j January 24: A. Z. A. No. 11 vs. ' .„.,.,—,. T h e J . C. C. B c w l i n g Leajrup , b o v i e r i t w o pa nip? of r o r F-IK" Vt;> • A. Z. A. No. 1; Barish'Sanders S. C. C. BOWL1XG L E A G f E ' m e t at the AkSer-Beri Alleys, Us*! for a hi;vV. t'.verarc of iS"';, 0 j vs. Xi Lambfia; Alpha Pi Tail vs. W. L. Tuesday night, but despite the PIP!!. hiul I:l.n, Sinn Kr-rjiirk 2 i Psi Mu. Bears 4 2 . cold weather several players v e r r Rnrl Snip Kpt-msn ^04 fn4 £ ; " h o t " pnd boosted their averages hisrhept pinplp canipp bowled January £6: P^aablers vs. Om-j Panthers

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Farncm at SSrd HA. 122S

I doinps at the University of Kebr. Oma-Yorker* g Omahans reEiaing: in N e w | is the formal fiance-midway beTork, please note . . . A reorBan- j t-reen esams of the Sigrma Alpha Ization of tbe Omaha Club is sch- Ma on Saturday January 28, at eduled ior Sunfiav, jannary 23, ; the Hotel Cofnhusker . . . The at 16S4 West lOii Street, Brook- ; "exam S. A. M." fiance motif •will lyn • . . All former OmahanB, ; be carried ont (opportunity for j their friends and relatives may a pun) and new innorations will communicate -vrith Philip S. Man-; be introduced in the form o£ nodel, Secretary, 811 Westminister rel orchestrations and presentation of the entertainment fea-1 Road, Brooklyn, X. Y. tures.

Peripatetic Persiflage


Ufe Iniurknu sot! Annui ties in one of the l companies of Also generalp m covering pc> «oi>f! erty.

Important Reminders Mrs. "Sid" TTintronb's larorA new musical radio program ite song number "Pinney'« from heaven" . . . Dr. Isaac | featuring our own Lawrence FinSUITE ^ Sternhm (Conncil Bluffs citi- Ii kel, baritone, and Margaret and Insurance Blag zen So. 1) proved his terpsi- Al Finkel, pianist duo, -will be AT-E0S4 chorean ability at a recent 'heard from Station W. A. A. W.,! dance affair . . . Abe Vengcr's 'iMonday, January 25^ at 3:15 p. j departure for Florida has cans- ! m. Listen :'n for a half hour of ed a shortage of the "Man- i musical moments of the classical abont-toirn" variety . . . A Por- i variety. The program si being tia to be; Gertrude Rothtop 'sponsored by the Ed Patton Piano . . . can be coiasiended for her 'Company . . The basketball game ambition to become a member ! that promisee a pack of thrills, i When Lcm lr. f of the law profession . . . she '< the Barish Motor Company - Psi j is enrolled at Omaha Univer- Mu battle on Sunday afternoon Phofi* sity in the Lair Department . . I at the J. C. C. Gym . . . all procomplete Belectiou o Philip Krasne, a former Conn- 'ceefis go to the Bee News Shoe tional br»nde r ; Fund. cil Bluffs lad, is resident attorand wines. ney for the Grand Xational Sorority Social Success Film Corporation at Los Angeles . . . he is married to Ber- : The E. T. C. formal affair at LIQUOR fTCKT nice Ferer of the Harry Ferers* the Music Box . . . attended by . . . The well known optician , some tvro hundred couples - . . FREE is looking at life throngo. rose- ;The enchanting atmosphere plus I8tJi & colored glasses . . . he and his jEbener's tuneful group of melo"fran" will soon celebrate & idistfi . . . then £dd the gathering very special occasion . . . What of a large cumber o£ beautiful millinery mogcl has cessed his girls and their attractive escorts, Chicago travels smi note finds plus the charm cf the hostesses . chief interest in a, comely fli- ;. . ecaals the sum total of an r-Ivoree . . . The debonair EBS. fair that Ernies rleasart dunce "smiling Mac GnttiaaSi, who has tistorr . . , retnines, pencritas. been residing in Pittsburgh, has dyevkas, tooritEis, maiulach and e arrived to mate his bome •with frauleins . . , EH types Trere r^" sest ESS in moaem t'arb . . . his parents . . . a business as'Among the beautifully grov-ned: sociate to his brotlier SETS in the operation oJ! the Reliance LiSby Blacker, Kannah CrosEick, 'Belle Goldberg, Ere Konecky, Mfg. Co. . . . Girls, be is EO-O-O interesting!! . . . Tfast was S- .Mrs. Paul Goldblatt, Mrs. Henry Belmont, Mrs. •''TiluiE Bisno . . . year-o!d Gertrcde Rosenblatt, •Statuesque beauties that •would daughter of Blrs. JenBis Kosea- hare made the late Flo Eiegfeld blatt, vrfeo won the heart of the sigh •with adrciratior: Ana Reiss. radio •'msn-ois-the-stsfef," and Shreda OsoJf, PwUth "Babe" Shypassers-by with her accurste ken, Annette Hurwitz . . . New description of fun in Omaha . . and old combinetions as follows: Blonde Sylvia Silverman of the Mary (Katzela) Kaplan with Brandeis Drug Dept, effects a .Marshall Gillcr, Kose (Mo. Val"halo" faairdwss . . . causes a ley) Kaplan •with Mas Diamond, w l -yr2%t it Tci second and perhaps a third •Rose (Omaha) Kaplan and 1'J.RX look:: . . . M. G. M. (make Turner Sfcreda Osoff and Henry Greeks money) CSiarJie liieb , Corec,' Mildred Berg and Phil has been squiring s gorgeous 'Erinberg of Armour, So. Dakota, rea-tiead who answers to the Etta Camel and Da-rid Ri?iss, EveSee Us ?-'<"• name of Isabeil Greenberg . . lyn Kaima-i and Al (Hilex) Goldshe is from the "nsile high" berg, Helen Shrier and Dr. Earry city of Denver . .' . Saia Levy, Rich, "SootEie"' Slutsky ana Bill formerly the Bankers liife head ; Joseph, Jackie Lipp ar»d Irrin in Omaha, Is now operating; the Goffstein, Edith. Schneider vith Ocean Park Hotel in Ocean Paul GoofiEiSe of Des Moines, PePark, Calif. . . . Orasha friends itite Tillie Bice and Abe Venger. SAFETY PARKING CO are happy to hear that his Lala Fineiaan "with "Coal Earon'" 0C CAPITOL health has greatly improved . . i Saltzman, Ida Blacker and Nate 1BTK snei DODGE Fine, another "fine" boy; Korris Iz Tretiak, newly elected pres1ETH and DAVENPORT £05-7 NCI. 15TH ST. ident of the Psi Ma, has pre- Fine -vrith the dart eyed senoritapared an active program for Hke Harriett Sherman, the dethe organization the coming mure Lois Filviik and Hascall year . . . their spirit of co-op- ICohn, Fay (F&gala) Gerelick and eration for all worth while jJoe Rosenberg:, Sveet Sally Morcauses is worthy or mention . . igan and Kurry (Koishe) Starr. The local young nose and Annette "HBrwitz ana Dr. Sam throat medico who "fares" well Morgan, Sarah German (Aryan in with the young ladles because .name only) and Stanley SIIEPof his extremely polite man- • iro. Dorothy Camel and Murray ners (read carefully and then i Wintroub the young barrister. gness who) . . . Word reaches Rose Fidms.li and Milt Altschuus that Dr. Herman I. Faier, ler, Eeva (Hepburn coiffeur) For coai, clc.h'pp or pr who is now an intense at Cedv \hr 7 r D'I'r FlcT %'r>v <•<•" orsr.d JECS Raznict, Gerars of Lebaunon Hospital in Ii. ( A., has been appointed to a two trude Ellis1 E-nd. Ellis (Yunpatch) v/e ask. Phone AT 6L year Eye Residency Rt the Shafton, I ay Polsky snd Jiorrie Stanford University school of (Hermit) Klein. Ruth. KoberMedicine . . . a regular chsp man and Bernard Lintzman. Topossessing a warm personality, I bye Fias and la'wyer Hyman Lea delightful sense of humor •Tin, Ruth "hyken and Dr. David and a capable medico, so we ,.platt, liillian (Bubbles) Jonisch are told . . . "Fis reported Keva i vrith Irv Chuaacoff, Sylvia JonUpsman's theme s o a g is, •iscls ana Is Bereevics and Hsrry "Where is Tay waEjJersng boy • (Ponti&c) Siritr •vrith Frances tonight'!" . . . Gentlemen may ; Turner . . . like red-heads, this one, according to Fran Blusikin, a "kls3n-e Damon KuEyon, news commenmaidel" . . . Everything seems "Kay-O" with Dan Sillier . . . tator and s-tithor of Bport yE.rnK, or is it "Kay-K"? . . . Baroia has bee^ writing s. new column iSelinsfcy is afflicted w i t h for t i e Kearet eynfiicate under "Banin" trouble . . . EEd it's the caption "As I See It". CoU:ranot the tj-pe that the Spanish cists who tkroug'h happcnctance Loyalists sisd Kebels ar© head- have been writing iinder a t.in-.llar caption, have been tckine ursing at. each other . . . derserred bows, bectuee of the note-d 'writer's nee el the same label. Kiltoti K. EUSSJIE, vrorlc, S. A; M. Fraternity Frolic

The latest interest in campus

iCca^ist £d






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Page 8

MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent

Rabbi Elected for Orthodox Groups Sixteenth Annual Event to Be Held at the .>. J.O. C. The Sixteenth Annual Talmud Torah Banquet will be held next Wednesday evening, January 27, in the auditorium of the Jewish Comunity Center, at 6:30 o'clock. The program will include addesses, songs, and "a play. The banquet is sponsored by the Board of Directors of the Talmud Torah anu the Hebrew Mothers Association. They urge every Jewish family to be represented at this banquet. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. M. Matlin, phone 82491 or Mr. M. Satin, phone 85446. A Chassidic play directed by Mr. N. Eisner will be presented by George Harlow, Esther i Rachael Ginsberg, Morton PHBkin-Bob Pllskin, Morris Lass, Isadore Shindler, Marvin Matlin, Paul Matlin, Toby Nadler, Joe Shaeffer, Alvin Feingerb, Irving Levin and Sadie Shvld. Miss Jean Shindler will offer a violin solo. Hebrew and English songs will be presented by the Talmud Torah choir under the direction of Miss Bess Resser. The choir includes Paul Matlin, Marvin Matlin, Sadie Shvid, Alvin Fineberg, Joe Shaeffer, Jerry Shaeffer, Irving Levin, Isadora Shindler,. Harry Nadler, Toby Nadler, Adeline Stern Kachael Ginsberg, Morris Lass and Anna Kanofsky.

At a meeting in the Jewish Community Center last Sunday evenlngt Rabbi Sol Bplotnikov was" named rabbi to head the orthodox synagogues of the city. Rabbi Bolotnikov who has been a guest in the city for the past two weeks spoke at the meeting Sunday evening, and also at Tiphereth Israel Synagogue on Saturday afternoon. Ho has returned to Chicago, but will arrive here early In February to asume his duties. He will be formally installed shortly after his arrival in the city.

Shaare Zion Auxiliary The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Synagogue met Tuesday afternoon in the synagogue social hall. The meeting followed a dessert luncheon. Mrs. Joe Kutcher presided at the meeting, following which the members adjourned to an afternoon of bridge. Mrs. Frank Epstein, was in charge of the program, with • Mr. M. Mushkin and Mrs. Arthur Kaplan in charge of the bridge. The Auxiliary speech class met this week under the direction of Mrs. Kress ^,nd the chairmanship of Mrs. Frank Epstein. Mrs. J. H. Mosow spoke on Manasseh Ben Ezra. The next meeting of the class will take place on February 2 when the speakers will be Mrs. Robert Sacks and Mrs. Henry Sherman.

FUNDS TO BE DISTRIBUTED TO ATTEND CONVENTION TO ORGANIZATIONS The members of the local JunA meeting of the budget committee of the Inter-Club Council will be ield early next week, at which time funds raised at the Carnival in November, will be allocated among the twelve organizations of the Council. Thirty-one organizations comprise the Council.

A. Z. A.

in the diaspora should not only bo approved but scruplously tran slated Into action. Wise and effective work in this direction is already being done o* course by the National Coordinating Committee under Dr. Jacob Billikopf." Thus-we have the instrumentality and the will. All yj lack te the 15,000 to 20,000 German Jews a year who could come> who would come and who do not'come. Why?

A large crowd attended the Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah meeting . held Wednesda> afternoon, January 20, at the Hotel Chieftain. Mr. E. Cooper, principal of the Talmud Torah, was the guest rpeaker and gave a very inspiring talk. Chamisho Oser (Copyright 1937 by Seven Arts B'Shvat program was carried out and Palestinian fruits were servFeature Synilcate.) ed following the meeting, Mrs. Saul Suvalsky was etiairman of the month's meeting and was assisted by the following hosesses: Mesdames Albert Krasne, Simon Steinberg, Louis H. Katelman, (Continued from page 7.) and Ike Feblowitz. news commentator of the Pittsbugh~ Jewish Criterion, c'lims FATHER-SON BANQUET that he has beaten Ruyon to the JANUARY 31. draw by almost a month. The Father and Son Banquet, Attorney Sam Klaver of the Pub- scheduled to be held next Sunday, lic Ledger, a local weekly paper January 24, has been postponed that contains an Italian page, and to the following Sunday, January which incidentally is an informa- 31 and will be hold at five o'clock tive Journal cohterning state and at the Ohevra B'nai Yisroel syncity affair, claims the distinction agogue a t . 618 Mynster Street. of the headline prior to the above Mrs. Morris Tudelson and Mrs. mentioned. We regret tc advise Abe Gilinsky are in charge of resall and sundry writers that the ervations and everyone is urged caption "A I See It" has been in o make their reservations as use on frequent occasions in past oon as possible as only a limited years. We can boast to an or- umber of reservation can be aciginal headline, that of "Kosher :epted. Komments" but it is too insignificantj for the reader's interest The Cultural Group of the Senlies in what is contained below the headline rathe» than the caption.

Benton Harbor, Mich (JTA) — In 1903 a dove alighted on the shoulder of Benjamin Purnell and he thereupon decided that he was the "seventh messenger" ordained to lead the "ingathering of Israel." With outside aid, "King" Ben and his wife "Queen" Mary established a house of David here, a colony which thrived and prospered. . In 1930, "King" Ben died. Mary predicted he would arise from the dead, but he didn't. That resulted in a schism and now there are two colonies side by side — the "Israelite House of David" and the "City of David." Both are prospering, aided by tourist traffic which comes to see the colonies all of whose men are bearded. In these group of "Israelites" and "City of David" it • is not known that- there are any Jews.

ior Hadassah chapter will leave today for St. Joseph, "Missouri where they will attend the Junior Hadassab convention there. Miss Dorothy Merlin,, pesident of the chapter will be the Sioux City delegate. Others who plan to attend include Rose Sperling, Rose Shiloff, Goldie Lehman, Yetta Feinberg, Tillie Franklin, Sophie Franklin, Florence Lohrman and Nelle Sinikin. The chapter will give a Kid BEQUESTS TO RELATIVES Party next Wednesday evening. The evening . will be spent at MARRYING NON-JEWS games and. refreshments, will be BARRED served. Mrs. - Jack Lassman. and Mrs. Leon Shulkin are in charge London (JTA) •— Abraham of the arrangements. Plans have also been made for Wartski took precautions to see the Junior-Senior meeting in Feb- that hia relatives would remain loyal to Judaism after he died. ruary. , The waterproof manufacturer specified in his will, disposing of a $375,000 estate that if any perJ. C. C. CLUBS son (except his two servants) Bernard Erinberg has been nam- benefiting by the will marries ed leader of the cub scout troop outside the Jewish faith, he forto succeed Louis Klasg -who bas feits all benefits.

Mount Sinai

Society News

Senior Hadassah


"The Golden Jubilee o£v the Jewish Seminary" will be the subject of Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz serman at Shaare Zion synagogue this evening. Cantor A. Pliskin and the synagogue choir , : will chant the ritual. Junior Congregation will meet tomorrow morning at 10:30 when Bertan Lipshutz will be cantor and Harry Nadler reader of the •. l a w .









V •

The final book- review of a series, was presented by Rabbi H. R Rabinowitz Monday evening in the synagogue focial" hall, when he reviewed 'Waz of a Transgressor' by.Negley Farson,

an "open door" policy for Jews and Suman tissues kept alive" perin Palestine. This was the mes- j manently outside the body as sage of encouragerrent sent to i medical mind? of the Hebrew unJewish workers of Palestine by} iverslty on Mount Scopus probe William Green, President of the j the elusive problem of cancer. American Federation of Labor, in I With an anonymous contribua statement read he»e by Isidore j tion made in 1935, the university Nagler, one of the seven Ameri- j has established departments of can trades union leaders now vis-1 Radiology and of Experimental iting the country on a tour of in- j Pathology, with modsrr appsraspection. The message was en- ! tus, now housed in the Nathan thusiastically ..pplauded by the ; Straus Health Center. They will crowd of thousands jammed into .' be moved to the Hadassab-Roththe Lfevant Fair Hall for a recep-.! schild University Medical Center tion to the visitors. Hundreds i as soon as it is completed. I

I Isaac Cohen. New- York (WNS) — "'be antiNazi boycott created in the UniJewish-Arab Paper ' ted States industries which did Tel Aviv — Davar, Hebrew lanot exist here before the advect of the Nazi re^'me in Germany, borite daily, reported that s among them being the mamifac- JewisVi-Ar&b n ? w s p a p e --«. !U ttire of artificial flowers, certain shortly be published in JerusaChristmas ornaments and numer- lem. ous celluloid products, according According to the report, the to a survey made 1 y the Non-Sec- new publication, the first of its tarian Anti-Na*; League of the kind in the country, will be fibenefits accruing to American in- j nanced by Egyptian Jews and will be edited by a well known Egypdustry from the boycott. tian journalist. Emphasizing tha' only a short-

Siouists in Albania Green Says Labor Tirana, Albania — Zionist activities were launched in this Demands an 'Open Hebrew Uni Work country for the first time when Door* in Palestine to Probe Problem establishment of a Jewish National Fund committee wai authorizof Cancer Cure | Boycott Creates Tel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agency) ed by the Gorernment. —"The American Federation of The committee if headed ^ by More Jobs for Labor with all its political and Jerusalem (JTA) — Tumors of Albania's oldest Jewish economic Influence" will demand ar© being produced in animals American Labor ; two settlers. Menachem Yomtov and




Nineteen new members will be initiated into the A. Z. A. chapter on Wednesday, February 10 In the Jewish Community Center. The election of new members was an event oi this month. On Friday evening, February 5, the A. Z. A. chapter will conduct services at Shaare Zion Synagogue. Th.'s is an annual feature of th J A. Z. A. chapter which attracts a large congregation. The entire service will be conducted by members of the chapter. Tq_ finance the expenses of the £ local participants in the Lincoln | n a d , ^ ^ °f K t h e « p M t *fr< convention, the Sioux City chap-! Assisting him will.be Myron Heeter is selling tickets to the Orp- ger. Joe Goldstein will assume the heum Theater, good any day during the week of January 22 to duties of assistant scout master January 28 inclusive. Anyone of the J, C. C. Boy Scout Troop. wishing to buy a ticket may pur- He will work with Herman Rubin chase one from any of the A. Z. who is scoutmaster. A. members. At the convention • Mrs. Jack Levitsky has been the Sioux City chapter, choir will named advisor of the Senior have charge of the Friday even- group of the Young Judeans. Assisting her will be 'Eva Orlikoff. ing service in the synagogue. Miss Sophie Franklin is in charge of the junior group. Mrs. Herman Licht has been instrumental in the organization of both Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will groups. speak this evening on "Aliens and Alien Baiters." The service begins at 8-o'clock. • Next Friday afternon, the book Friends of Mrs. Philip Sherman, review group of the Temple Sis- 1704 DougfoB Street, gave a surterhood will meet in the home of prise party for her recently, on Mrs. A. M. Davis, 1524 Summit, the occasion of her birthday. The when Mrs. C. H. Hoyt will re- afternoon was spent at bridge. view "Gone With the Wind." Mrs. Sam Baron, Castle Apartments, returned last week from hicago( where she spent a month The January meeting of the visiting'with relatives. Senior Hadassah will take place Mrs.- D. Rosenthal returned renext Tuesday afternoon in the Jewish Comunity Center, follow- cently from Tex. where she visit;ing a dessert luncheon at 1:30 ed with relatives. o'clock. Mrs. W. C. Slotsky will Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horwitz preside a£ the meeting.' departed Tuesday for a southern Mrs. Louis Agranoff and Mrs. . A. H. Lazere are in charge of the cruise. meeting arrangements. An afterMr. Frank Frohmann returned noon of bridge will follow the this' week from California where meeting. The Hadassah Oneg Shabbbs is he spent -a month' visiting with 1 scheduled to take place on Sat- friends, r urday, January 30, in the home of Mrs. L._S. Goldberg. •

Shaare Zion

Using a special X-ray apparatus which permit? rays of varying wave-lengths to be produced in exceptionally powerful doses, research scientists produce tumors in animals. The Kadiology Department treats animals •with cancer-producing substances, the Experimental Pathology Department studies thr- inticate processes of cell drlision. Its experiments are bf sed on e new method known as 'tissue culture,' whereby cells and tissues from human being's and animals are kept <<Iive perms nently outside the body. Colonies of normal and malfgnrnt cells growing independently are subjected to detailed analysis.

Kaiman's Kosher Komments


of skilled labor in certain categories has prevented a. more considerab'e inroad by '.merican manufacturers into fields once controlled by German;-, and that there sre .€rnpio.rnien opportunities for stilled -workers in thoce fields in which American , firms ere m&kinr items formerly imported from Germany, the League announced It intends to establish EE employment service which will endeavor to pi.-"= unemployed skilled German re?«g-ee workers trained in those

ior Hadassah will meet next Mon-1 packed the vicinity of the Hal] day evening, January 25, at eight' unable -'-- •to secure entry. o'clock at the ionic of Mrs. Sam After expressing fraternal Lincoln, 217'Ninth Avenue. greetings to the workers 6i Palestine, Mr, Green wrote: "We Mrs. S. Snj'der of St. Louis, steadfastly hold that, the open Missouri spent several days visit- door must be maintained in Paling friends in Council-Bluffs and estine so 1 hat persecuted Jewish Omaha. Mrs. Snyder is a former people may find a refuge and a home. In conformity with the resident here. Balfour Declaration, Palertine must be maintained as a homeB. Balaban left Saturday night land for the Jewish race. The for Chicago, Illinois on •>, buying American Federation of Labor, trip, to be gone about ten days. with, all its political and economic influence, will remain immovable in support of this policy."

kovitez, and the Messrs. Nathan Gilinsky, Leon Frankel, Sam Sacks, and Leo Nogg. All members are urged to attend.

(Continued from page 1). 1 our people by • every. good and hopeful means. The second observation to be made Is this: American Jewry should practice no ost/ich policy but guide the German "immigrants in accordance with the peculiar needs. and the peculiar character of the Jewish people. Scrupulous care should be taken not to let thousands of German Jews infiltrate- our great Cities as either competing professionals or -workers. Xand should, be acquired Agricultural settlements should be founded, preferably, ' of the Moshav ovdim type. Aaron David Gordon's great programatic • eseay on the work for our rebirth

fl I

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"Wisdom from ike Bible and the Ta^^ =

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ABRAHAMS-KRASNE WEDDING The marriage of Miss Ida Krasne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Krasne of Council Bluffs, to Mr. Harold Abrahams, son of Mr, and Mrs. Edward Abrahams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Abrahams of Omaha, will take place next Thursday afternoon, January 28, at 4:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents at 316 Grace Street. Rabbi Frederick Conn of Omaha will perform the ceremony in the presence of the Immediate families. Numerous affairs have been in honor of Miss Krasne prenuptially. Following a noneymoon trip, Mr. Abrahams and his bride will make their home in Omaha.

FRADENSURG, W E B B , BEBER KLUTZNICK & KELUEY, Atty«. 200 Union State Bank Bldg., Omaha

ILgr \^^



We Want You to Read and Own Dr. Sh'erWslusble Book'

P. B. K.

The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of th3 B'nai Brith will hold initiation of new members at a meeting to be held Monday evening, January 25, at 8:30 o'clock at the Eagle Hall. Mr. O. Hochman will present his stereoptical slides as a feature of the even ing's program. Mr. Louis H. Katelman is, chairman in charge of the program. Dr. Isaac Stem-, hill is chairman in charge of the initiation degree team, and is being assisted by Dr. Julius M. Mos-

/.... !.'V ; : '., . C ^ ; . . - .









Notice is hereby given t h a t , a t «. meeting of stockholders of the Olnaha Packing Company, a corporation, dul hela at the office of the corporatioi, on the 30th day of December. 1936 at which all of the stockholders wen present and voting, a resolution wa; July offered and was' unanimous! adopted that the said corporatlo: cease to do business and that th same be dissolved; accordingly notia of such action and of the dissolution of the said Omaha Packing Company a corporation, is hereby given. OMAHA PACKING COMPANY By 1. RAZNICK. President Attest: JACK RAZNICK, . -•• Secretary. Jn- Presence of: SAM BEBER.


For A $2.50 Copy of DR. SHER'S Book and your $2.00 Subscription to THE JEWISH PRESS

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