January 29, 1937

Page 1

I THE WORLD'S |? | . . . W I N D O W . . . '

In the Interests of the Jewish People

| | By LUD WIG. &SWISOHN This column la copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction In whole or In part striclly forbidden. Any Infringement on, t h i s copyright will be prosecuted.

Kntered as' Second Class Mall Matter on January 21. 1921. at


•Postofllce of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of llardi 3, 1S79


Flood Taxes Resource



-No. 4

AXOTHER REASON FOR FLOOD RELIEF In recent weeks I have been : CONTINUES / rereading Freud. I t is a very great experience. Things remain J? .^eal for the as they were. The world, is evil. •• sufferers conBut insight makes the evil of the .ters of the Misworld more tolerable. Happy is Jewish Commtmity Takes P a r t i a l to flood relief, they have playIn Belief of -n its fertile valley. . Member of University of Chi. he, said the Roman poet, who is ed an important role in Bed Locals Active at Eegional Cos-1J has been set at Cross activity. able to know the causes of things. Victims cago— Faculty to Talk at vention at St. jusand dollars although Every Jewish agency and hunHe will be free. Free of fear; J. C. C. February 10 Joseph • ved more can be raised. dreds of Jewish volunteers have By Arthur J. Lelyveld free of delusion. He will be libI . .e Council of Jewish Women erated from false and childish (J. T. A. Corresponuent In Cin-been active with the Red Cross As the fourth speaker on the i i\otea Musician to By F . R. K. | at their meeting Monday donated Community Forum program, Dr. ' in the work of rescuing and carhopes and entertain those only cinnati) Staff Reporter. jpear At: ! twenty-five dollars and individuing for the sufferers. which lie in the direction of what Cincinnati, January 26. (JTA) An interesting sidelight on the Omaha Chapter of the Junior> %\ members of the "Council gave is possible to such a creature as —Cincinnati's Jewish \ communof Economics of' the University i situation was the fact that the Hadassah sent the largest visit- ] forty-eight dollars. man. ity is taking its share of suffer- United Jewish Social Agencies ing delegation to the Southwest-; Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Mrs. of Chicago will i on Wednesday, • February 10, discuss present ec- I WTierein lies the core of theing caused by the swollen waters A. W . B i n d e r . fpircl FrMst m __ era Regional convention of the John Farber, and Mrs. R. Kulak1 discovery and the teaching of Sig-of the Ohio and in doing more reported no transients the other t h e J e w i s h C o n c e r t rn<1 ~<.,r-':Ui~h. Junior ^-_ held last Satur-1 ofsky are all members of the for the past several years been mnnd Freud? I know no better than its share in the work of rq-evening~for' one of"the" first times | dajr> J a Hadassah nuaJ 23 and in its history. The Cincinnati U. 'J a n u a r y 2 4 >Ta t s t> J o s e nSunday,; board of the local Red Cross. and briefer formulation than that recognized as one of the counI b r e w a n d Vidr'isii D'.^Pi^ P* **'.' P . Mis-' At the Hadassah Linen Show- try's in this S. A. along with the other :sonTi i outstanding economists. which Thomas Mann gave in the |m o s t d i s t a s t r o u s U o o Q o f t n e J. ! J e w i s h C o m m u n i t y CVnirT. TUPS 1 Oh b t k a \er Ten dollars was contributed by groups is cooperating with h e ii Omaha members took with tthe 1 In 19 30 and 19 31 he was secdiscourse which he delivered1 at jc i t y . g history. day, F e b r u a r y C. p.r S:j:\ p n, and Fifty-five . nf i*c n},;i ; very active part at all sessions of'the organization Red Cross to the retar o f t h e Vienna last Spring in honor of j ,. • . ' . , .. , ?,Tr. B i n d e r w ' i j i;iii=;ra;e h i s I?.-j dollars was collected from indivi^ Pennsylvania com-: the convention. of its abil-i . . •? jd l l ll ity. tnre. local! dual members by Mrs. K:Uakof- m i s s j O n o n Unemployment while Miss Kalah Franklin, and all All Hebrew schools at the same time he served in an A TIP.uvr of X^v-' Y o r k Ciiy. ?.'"' J e w i s h organizations activity I president and past regional treas; sky. are beyond the reach of the teaching of analytical psychology ed advisory capacity for a similar \ flood waters, Jewish-owned river- have been suspended as the com- In r e r - w a s elected third vice-' commission o! New York. He was ' to be the revelation of the secret front warehouses, jobbing and munity devotes all its efforts to \ president of the Southwestern bi? T"rivpT'^i; •>" v ] i " " r in ~> r 1. ~ *'* a member of the Illinois Housof the identity of the T and the the problems engendered by an j Region. Miss Fanuie Katelraan business concerns have been ing Commission in 1931 and of w o r l d , of being and happening, in damaged s h i p in o o m p o s i i i n r , . to an extent inestim- eighty-foot river stage — a flood \ - Council Bluffs, financial vice1932 and during the first years the recognition of the apparently able . at the p'resent time. Cnr- whose magnitude may be compre- j president and publicity chairman n u r i n p In? Cirpt vjpv, rp r = ] r of the Roosevelt administration ; objective and accidental as a conwater and power has j tended when it is pointed out' of the Omaha chapter, was s t i n e in l i ' 2 5 h e pcaiherecl a p r o u r was on the Consumer's Board of j trivance of the soul of man." Inof, course affected Cincinnati j that Cincinnati's rrevious record ; elected a member of the board of ol i h e i'olk s o u p s o£ t h e Chaiii'.the KRA and director oJ the conother words: Character is fate; Jews as it has every other sec- flood — that of 18S4 — reached j the Southwestern Region. -' • z i m . SiiH'P Lhcn lir IIP-- IJOOU M o v t sumer's council. men create their own destiny; tion of the community. Omaha was chosen as the A. v. ing to popularize P a l e s t i n i a n n i ; a stage of 71.1 feet. For his book "The Theory of they are responsible; history is Synagogues have been ' thrown meeting place for the nest annual , sic. H e is o n e AnirricF.n i n u s . it-; Wages'' he was awarded the five "shaped according to the soul. open to the Red Cross and are At the meeting of the Jewish convention, which is scheduled i w h o h a ? d e v o t e d h i s l i i e t o A.n thousand dollar Hart. Shaffner, j When the sonl is well and good being used as depots for the colCouncil held for next winter. Thirteen chap- National Fund \ f u r t h e r a n c e of Jev-'isb. m u s i c . and Marx Prize in 19 3 4. During we have freedom, peace, well-be- lection of clothing, food, cash i ters are included in this region. Thursday January 21, Mrs. M. F. the last Chicago mayoralty caming; when the soul is sick we and medical supplies. The Gym! At. present he is rhoirn'ins'.-' Miss Bertha Gortenburg of Levenson was elected president. : paign three days before tbe deadhave the servile state, armament i nasium at the Hebrew Union Other new officers are: Mr. j 'of the Free SynaErnrue ?' C?n>erKansas City, Missouri, was unanline 0T i l i n races, poverty. * f £, petitions were cirCollege has also been made avail^ ^ ie Hall in. Xcw York. head c," \ht. imously elected new president for George Soref, first vice presisecond: culated to nominate him for ' ' Let us take np one aspect of able to the Red Cross. " D D E H U t T f l P I T 7 depanmeni. oC music ?•• the Jev-. the coming year, to succeed Miss ; ^f°.t;___5.s;_f.oraDr. , Isidore Dan-1 mayor. Only the late start previce president; r i i U l f l A I U H E \ish Institute of l;Plipion. end the the matter. "Men are but chil- Hebrew Union College students Libbie Lorine Goldman of sky" treasurer"; Miss" Sarah Ger-j vented the required number of ____^___ : department oT raiiFic Pf Uie Xinrv dren of a larger growth." That have been going out in crews of Joseph, Missouri. Other regional a n , Recording secretary; Mrs.: signatures to be procured in Disclosure of Plan To Settle' t J -, s e c o ^ S ! r e e t , Y - y:- 3 L ,A- , has always been recognized, as fifteen at a J ime as Red Cross Nazis in Germany See "Jewish officers elected include *, i [ s s . m T ! Herman Cohen, Financial secre- j time, T the line of Dryden which I quote volunteers. Manning boats, doIntrigue" Behind Faye Cohn of Waterloo, lowa, !t a r r Million JeWS Called ! „ J j n ^ " o r F leccure ,s .vec , r j One of the most popular memshows. Few among the sons of Ing clerical work, moving supfirst vice-president; Miss Rebecca the Move The first meeting under the j bers of the University faculty, he Adam attain a true maturity. plies, distributing clothing and Unauthorized j1 ^^TTJ %^rZZ Lipson of Des Moines, Iowa, sec- new administration will take | has a genial personality and reaand may he poneii fit the Ji They are uncertain of themselves. performing other tasks incident1 Ne-w York (JTA) — A tentaParis (JTA) — The Pariser; ond vice-president; Miss Dorothy = l a c e Tuesday February 2 at 8 dy tongue. Tickets for the lecture Community Cento* . y They are weak. They are swayed a : Haint, Yiddish daily, daily, reported reported ;;Merlin Merlin of m a y be gotten from members of int, Yiddish of Sious City, City recording; recording ' J i hc i t ''m h community y be gotten from members of tive plan for settlement of 1,000P. t h e J e w i s h by every emotion and every wind I that preparations to send a com- ! secretary; Miss Clara Greenfield Center. r / m """*• r r r T /•»" " the Forum committee or at the 000 Jews in Santo Domingo, div- : of doctrine. They have no selfmission to investigate France's ;of Kansas City, Mo., correspondtttg-ed by Dr. Howard Blake, a ' l°h. 1 Alii/ f. V ^•5 *-/«!*. At. Judah Wolfson, outgoing presJewish Community Center reliance. Hence they yearn conV: invitation tocolonial Jewish setsecretary; Miss Lillian Schiin- ^ i d e n t ( v i U b e chairman of the N«w Tork Jewish dentist, who ; r ^ . ^ / F rvrjprj^ qTlKf}£T stantly for a state analogous to said he represented Dr. Stephen " the state of their biological S. Wise in negotiation? with On Sinuiay January £1 at 'J 1 childhood, when the»father According to the newspaper, j enson of Oklahoma Citv, Miss t h a t s e v e r a l i a r g e tracts of land I President Rafae: Leonp.rcieR Tni c'clock Di". Oamee M. \ a r d , c-xcBRIDGE Tyro prominent Omahans, Dr. ' protected, dictated. Then they Jillo this week clrev 1>PTC p . <-'•"."•--'-• • — - • — . — jthe local orgaHizations are In j Ann Mendel <pf St. Joseph, M i s s ; b e l o n g i n g t o p r i v a t e individuals ** - . .. ciu:ve secrpia-v cu the Chioajrr of AH Saints j were secure. Their needs were Frederick WlHe a EtaremFT-r rrpjonrr. ,>!«,, ' . , ,. v i lcontact with American and Brit-; Ann riost of Tulsa, and Miss:^ Qmaha have been transferred automatically supplied. If tihey premature E T I ! •••.•.nr""i.t*n~i7cr! . . , . . , . . ^ ^ review- i Cs iol l o^n i"a Pl - 3 o a t b e ° r i e r m a f l e b>' i Frances Berkowitz of Wichita, as t o t h e Jewish National Fund. . . . . Coir. ce'H'p. < > i .u;v.p E.IHL t tmetobeyed they were free -of .the misThe Hisblpnd' Country Club is disclosure a s pernp.ps leepcrcuz- . . ,, , ,. '^book "Wis- i Minister Marius Moutet. , regional board members. j M r s . Joseph Rosenberg is I r . i l S , VI;.'. O C v U F v i ! H r l . i i H ' ' Oi. '* uferies of choice and responsibility, j ed Dr. sponsoring- a duplicate bridge i f f -^' DP • e*" " ' n ^ T r ' - r p T ' . n n TIOP"' nnd the thA TalBible: and Tal' Negotiations with the Colonial' A full week-end of activities 'c>>airiiiaii cf'the Children's Gol- tournament for its mom bers and sibilities ? \ , ' " "in.'.r)?.t . ' ' . f>?;i::=T"'".' "' ~ Fii-si VuuanKr. rhu-vl: OL Om».r All .through, life..they:^want_and.li|om . ,tt°rp. s arranged for the convention. ^ jj ^_ -This is a sew -project a o o tib ^6mr'"Tfij projected commission will be j on Saturday noon a luncheon was * j . vreIl-kijO"?rii in Omaha. their families, '•starting' February : T*r. T\"?r. reryinsr *hai T>T, ueed a father. The"father-image f:mud" over no r e 1 at the dowctoKn clubrooms in haunts them. But they are huge iTuesday. \ started next week, it was stated. held at the Hotel Rohidoux Ten Dollars inscrites the same of the Paxton Hotel. The tourna- Blate represented the American i l r . Metcalfe spoke on creatures now and supposed to be all delegates. ..That afternoon an a child in a special Golaen Book ment will be under the personal Jewish Consrress or World Jewish the masters and shapers of their Sher, telling of his philanthrop- j Xazis See "Jewish Intrigue" Oneg Shabbath was held at thewhich is beins kept in tbe Jew-direction of one of Omaha's lead- Coneres. said he h s d cove fate. So they invent father- ies, his work in the juvenileBerlin (JTA) — The official home of Mrs. S. L. Goldman, of ish National Fund Building in ing bridge experts^ Mrs. G. Remimages and father substitutes and court, his sponsorship of essays'; 0 e r m a D news agency in a radio ington. and his other i broadcast charged the French of- St. Joseph who is Senior Advisor Jerusalem. father-ideas^—something on which on tolerance, Every organization in the city Members are to arrange their they can lean some one who will worthwhile projects. He prais- if e r t o permit setUement of Jews of the St. Joseph Junior Hadas- interested in the upbuilding of own pairings and to be ready to sal1 decidecan for them and take from ^ ^ tney lean, outstanding j f its colonies was the re'chapter. A formal banque. a s o n eo £ t h e i Qf o u r O held in the Crystal room at Palestine is being asked to send start play on February 1 at 7: I suit of ".intrigue by the anony- ;' twas them the pain and responsibility citizens of Omaha. Hotel ed a l s o t h a t a n n o u n c e m e n t o£ t h e •fc^ v , . ^ r : T.nMMor v.-ifl. ! he C).le R°bidonx Saturday two delegates to the Council. Dr. Clayton reviewed the book, i Jewish Government and sharp. m o u s plan might divert public a l i e n - 1 ^ ^ .- _ . . . . of decision. All men are constipreceding a formal dance. Jrvrhas drawn largely j Jewish bankers who wish to win Members of the committee in t i o n f r o m o p p r e s s i o n of J e w s in \ ^,J~'_. tuted thus. All men in a greater "Dr. Sher Approximately two hundred coufrom this wisdom literature charge ere: Harold Farber, ErnFrance's colonies." l e s Germany, Poland and elsewhere. or less degree need the fatherthat ! P attended t h * formal dance. His orgi\irj>:a*.'or hn? n.s iff? niu: est Nogg, Marks Lorig, H. MalaThe Flt-n as annoiincec by Dr. image. The question is: What the Bible. He has in all • in- The Agency complained Sunday was devoted mostly to 1 shock, Mrs. tlavid Feder, Mrs. stances compared existing transwhile Germany's demands for i Blake, n-ho returned with docu- V and whom do' they choose as a David Greenbcrg, Mrs. Ernest ments includir.g a letter from father-image? To whom do they lations with the original Hebrew colonies were being ignored, the i the business sessions, with a one !Dr. Vr,*'(l Plans tr Xogg, Mrs. Ed. Treiler, and WilJews were getting colonitfe easily. | o'clock luncheon during the reresident Trujillo to Dr. Wise iv>- nieoi. wi;!\ ;• pri-up subject themselves? Whom do Text." of i-MuMnf i cess period. Sunday night a bufliam Racusin. Reservation may Dr. Clayton concluded his rethey identify as both their fatherfet supper and bridge party conThe four act play, "Der Frern- be made by calling the Secretary. v i t i n p J e w i s h ppttlfment. lore- O m p l ; ? n c ; f o , . p p r u r i p p r i o n in N P image and their super-ego or ex- iew by saying, "This book may sees s e t t l e m e n t of 1.COO.000 Jews tionr.l Droihrrliood the convention. Guest Day to !•>*• der", will be presented by the eluded ell be called a classic."

To Lecture






Omahans Review Dr. Sner's Book on Station


teriorized conscience? Let me state the conclusion of the whole matter first. When they choose God, then we have prophets and freedom and- democracy. We have Nathan and Jeremiah defying kings; we iiave John Milton justifying to all Europe the execution of Charles I, the king, the traditional father-image of men; then we have the revolutionaries of France and of America, for let us not forget the sincere Deism of both groups. They rebelled against the church, against the devices of man, never against the Eternal. In brief: when men choose God as their father-image they retain the freedom of the individual conscience, which they are free to identify with the will of God, and we have democracy and liberty and tolerance and the last conclusion in that greatest of American sayings that no man is good enough to rule another.

Report Reveals speakers included Rabbi Myron Cultural and Social Group of the j Status M. Immigration to Meyer, Rabbi Iser Levin, May-; Omaha Hetrew Club, Sunday \ of Bokharians lor Phil Welch, and Basil L. evening, January 31 at S o'clock! Jewry 'Shut Off | Kaufman, all of St.'Joseph, Mis-; at the Jewish Community Center.! In South Africa Moscow (WNS) — The Tast I souri. The P y. which is being directed j :





Capetown, South Africa (WXS) in the status of the' Jews [ Delegates from the local chap- by Louis Wolli, was written by ; —After hearing Premier J. B. M. Omahans who attended the change onvention of the Union of Amer- of Uzebekistan, formerly Bokha- j ter were . the Misses Kalah the late Jacob Gordon, famous.' Hertzog warn that bloodshed might result from the continued can Hebrew Congregations in ra, under the Soviet regime was | Franklin, Sarah Tanb, Fannie, Yiddish Dramatist. Mary Garfinkle, Bet-j Members of the cast include: Orleans returned Monday. disclosed in a report at a plen-^Katelman, ^ " f u c h m ^ ^ B o T o t h r - Z l o t k l n . l M r . Wolk, Mrs. J . Rasnick, Mrs. ; influx of Jews, the South African ^ew uneauB r « ^ ™ ^ ^ ^ . | m e e t i n g of the Gomzet J, Richlin, H. Ruderman, Her- House of Asset bly voted S., to Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn eernment r n m e n t ccommission o m m i s s i o n ffor n r jJewish and Alice Joyce Susman. and Kabbi and Mrs. David H. land settlement, by Mr. man Mirowich, Harry Blacker, .2$ in favor of a new aliens bill MandWice attended the rabbinical jara, president of thi and Mrs. Harry Blacker. j which virtually cuts off all JewUzbekjEtan onferences. Members of the committee who ; ish immigration to South Africa. ! Comzet. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld Subject to 650 anti-Jewish laws have tickets are asked to bring : The vote was on the second' read-

Ort to Conduct Separate Drive; to the

were lay representatives. About ( ^ in addition 125 Kabbisand 750 j laymen_re_P-| a n t i . J e w i g l l r e s t r i c t i o n s o £ t h e ,- , Moslem authorities, the Uzbekis- American ORT Federation ations were at the conference. tan Jews, who legard themselves conduct its fund-raising At the religious services held at as the descendants of the Ten paign independent of the the Touro Synaggoue during the

^^g ; man at the Community Center. --,, i Tickets for the play are fifty will I 11C cam \ c e n ts. Joint

S0CiaUy conferee R^bbf "wice^eao" i ioLnooSmt i cTarliIb}erS ' aanrdec»™ ' « " S-Wbntion SSTilttee This Tear | conference, Rabb! Wice read S the u l t u r a l l y a dif-! and a w o n d q u o t a of $750,000


: introduced by the government to . offset more stringent legislation I proposed by the Nationalist Par! ty. The bill will set tip an im1 migration board which will h n e J. final and complete control o i f ithe type, number and country Ci : origin of immigrants to be r..: Mr. J. Ba&kin, of New York. mitted. The underlying featt-**e general secretarj- of the Work-; of the bill is that only such p~->man's Circle who is making a j pie are to be admitted as enn , tour of the rniddlewest and wes-; assimilated in South African Ii tern part of this country, will'! General Hertzog urged passf stop in Omaha on Thursday and j of the bill or. the ground that Friday, February 4 and 5. J was necessary to check Jew He will speak at the Labor Ly- j immigration 'before bloodst' strong ci c e u m o a T l i a r s 3 2 y ev ening at S j resulted from the p. m. The public .is invited to Semitic feeling now current T hear this lecture. On Friday eve- South Africa. Ke reiterated -

from Germany, Poland End K u - : h e U , f i V l ri n r Uie wer-k of mania on large tracts of rich ; „„,. np land in 25 years, each settler to receive "0 acres tax-free for live. years with the World JevisT- ' £" Ovalltli.J.r: Congress to support them r.r.tU they become self-si:pportinr. TP.wiirration of 1,000 settlers in the near future is envisioned. for whose transporiation about: - r c ; ^ , v ; v iWNS-r»c1or Apei*rS l . 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 would "be recr.ired, t o . c , - - , p;;les;ine is now to hevf be raised in t h e United Stales. ;i ts Kptpv ( v - i i t r r ) fouranin ponf: 'T\"hen t i. e c o m m u n i c a t i o n - u pf EF: AmrrK-a h a s iff? AVafBrfrom P r e s i d e n t Trujilio is r e - .m a r i F1K= - w a h ! nnd T p r k e r . A, ceived," Dr. Wise said, " i h p ; f ? r t o r v }; PR brjrnn opeT'i'ting i(i American J e w i s h Congress will r.^mr-t G?.n. ter. j-niruirp rule be glad to s u b m i t it for cnrefi;] n o r ! ; j ; of Te-\ Aviv. l l m i P r tiie BIIPconsideration to t h e W o r l d .lew- pi C f , ? o-- ^rjiopr Cor!'frid., P Jer,--. ish Congress, which is c o m m u t e d jRj-, mpxwrpvilirpv v-j1c v . n s iv by resolufions fdopted 5n Genevp ^ . p i j f , ^ .;,, - l -:., n r r t ,,,-,;.;•, ^ p Rf,trt

to Be

ferent community from what jn a s t, e e n s e t o f which about they were 20 years ago. Mandja- $375,000 will be sought in the ra reported that there is virtual- TJmted State, ly no illiteracy among the Jews, B. C. Vladeck, president of the who now have 55 schools attend- American ORT, explained that ed by 7,000 children. separation from the J. D. C. Budapest (Havas via JTA) — There are 15 Jewish collective that decided upon after the two Hungarian c o n s e r v a t iTe a n d ; f a r m s Uzbekistan on which agreed that such a banking circles expressed concern 1 3 0 0 0 Jew3 a r e s e t t l e d a n d a n . course- "would be in the best inthat the pro-Nazi fascist youth j o ' h e r 1 3 0 J e w i g t ^ . . „ a r et 0 of both organizations. organizations were preparing f o r | b e g e t t l e d . n 1 9 ? 7 _ Q f t h e t Q t a l i| terests H e a adddde edd t h a t t t h e O R T v a g n o w h eO R T a violent anti-Semitic campaign • Jewish population of some 25,- j organizing, a national campaign n Hungary. Hungary. 1000, 23 per cent are employed in:}, nar fi Doara ing he will be honored at a ban-1 previous assertion that the I The campaign is being careful- ;i n d u s t " 21 cent telon t0 ly masked behind the current !a r t i s a n B O C i e t i e s a n d 3 4 p e r cent quet bv members of the Work-]was not aimed a'- the Jews t h e " crusade of the Fascists against. a r e e n g a g e d i n g o v e r nment jobs. Jcias Chicago Law Fina man's circle and-their families, j selves but rather at Jewish. i~ Bolshevism, these circles said. ;Jev.ish Lester E. Slosburg, son of Mr. ' a t t h e Labor Lyceum, migrants. Former Premier , " T wome^ faave beenc o m . T h e anti-Bolshevik agitation ;p ] e t e ] y e m a n c i p a t e d _ and Mrs. J. Slosburg Jr., h a s , Mr. Easkin is a well known Jchristiaan Smuts, BOW minis1 might result in widespread dis-^ T h e r e p o r t a l s o n o t e d t h a t 4 0 been made a parner in the Chi-! Yiddish orator .nd one of the j of justice, niacs a plea t. " orders, and a result which would c e i v e d d e g r e e s f r o m MoECO w and cago law firm of Altheiiner, 3,'ey- ; best known organizers of t h e ' South Africa "welcoice &U po be the direct opposite of that :L e n j n g r a d universities and re- er, Woods and Smith. Also on,working class in New Tork. He ' workmen Jews or otfcerwi?c planned by the Fascists — tbe;t n r n e d t o ^QT^ a m o n g t h e i l r p e o . January 11 he was made wor- ! is-here under the auspices cf bat his appeal was futile. T spread or Communism in Hun-||p l e _ There have been 4GO books shipful Master of the Chicago ^ Branch 173, Workman's Circle, government party has pushed it was wa added jjo f J e w i s h interest published in Lodge 437 A. F. and A. M., at : Ladies Auxiliary of Branch 173, bill under the slogan of pro*"-" gary, it added.

Campaign on Jews Brews in Hungary

,\r r f

When men choose men as the father-image we have "statism," the worship of the state, of the nation, of the symbolized group, herd, pack in all its hundred evil and destructive forms. We have the deified emperors of Rome; we have Napoleon Bonaparte (and all the readers of all the innumerable biographies of that vulgar -nd gigantic Babbitt and butcher); we have all the dicta. tors, big and little, down to Mussolini and Hitler and Stalin. We have orthodoxy, obedience, wild chauvinism, the ecstasy of death in battle, and persecution and rule by blood-purges, heresy trials and firing squads both in Pester Lloyd, semi-official o r - i t h e rjzbekistak language since 29 one of the youngest lersons to and Branch 25S, South Omaha. tive mensures against invrclj- c the Wilhelmstrasse and TIoscow1 tioc, without anything that, be' become the highest officer in a j of the Hungarian • Foreign | 1 9 2 6 g .-. Red Square. A man and a party, gan the mark of persecution of Je* Offi d the sentiments Masonic lodge. i Jews Dtusiied Office, expressed the sentiments a dictatorship in brief, have beThe g'cvemment's bill i?- > " Mr. Slosburg graduated Cen-; come the father-image. Men be- of Hungarian Conservatives in anAddresses Hebrew Clnb tral High in Omaha and spent j Salonilti — The Jewish com- j signed to a lieve. Men worship. Men obey. article charging that "anti-Bolfour years at the University of |j munity of Saioniki is facing thej simulated. And the world is chaos. And note shevik agitation is only a pretext Rabbi Milton • A. Kopstein |Michigan, two years at Harvard jloss of & largs part of its proper-iand Nationalist leaders &^6. used,by those seeking to spread how well the dictatorships are at f spoke on "Unity and Peace {Law school, and one year a t the ty unless it can raise the huge ; papers have been echoing: least subconsciously aware of th disorders for their own profit. Among Jews" at a meeting of the {University of C h i c a g o Law j.surn of 5,000,000 drachmas (?50-ithe recent arriva 1 01 several { "Hungary has enly one choice psychic facts. They persecute thi g o v e r n m e n t jj d r e d G e r n r . n Jewish which a prudent revolution conceiv- O m a h a H e b r e w C l u b l a s t S u n - 1 School. A f t e r -his g r a d u a t i o n h e ''o O C ) religious man both in. German

ed by Premier Koloman Daranyi j day. Over one hundred and fif- ! immediately became a member injclaims is due it in unpaid com-j The Kationalist Pr.rty is and In Russia. They persecute or a revolution which, will be for- ty persons heard him speak, in tbe firm of which lie is now a I munity taxes. j mitted to deiinitt-Iy r.iUithe Jews and the sincere Chriscibly Bolshevik." Yiddish.. i The goreniEis-it has threaten! raes.sures partner. tian. They persecute all -svhost -£ At the meeting 150 tickets for | e l to confiscate the ccmuitiEity'E |a-d * 1tr.e father-image and reliance are ii 1 A Jew matriculated at the TJnij the play, "Der Fremder", Daniel Abenssr •was ninister prop&rty unless the back taxes'is cime \i forcstnlling tlis (Continued on -nage S.) versity of Pennsylvania in 1772. Isold. tionalist resident of tbe king o£ Poland. re paid.1 tion

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Page 2


ped, to take over the activity in when the Jew, either in this Among relief recipients, 27 per the collapse of the Duma movewhich B'nai B'rith had served as country or abroad, cries out "Ivri cent are "stateless" and forej&nment. In thousands, in tens of Palestinian Artist pioneer. Today its philanthropic Onochi." And a- In the past, thousands,. finally in amazing seven per cent "non-Ar- H program still is a raajor consifi- B'nai B'rith will continue to an- |!ere and waves of hundreds of thousands not cla88e<J jeration but it is no longer funds w e r through united action, j 7*™" *" they poured gladly, excitedly into j& mental. Yesterday B'nai B'rith wherever the cause is worthy. the United States, until after the | used special methods of interceswar America had become the hub j sion to rescue Jewish, coxnmunof Jewish life, with a population ,000 Berlin Jews i Menorshs, Jewish SVIuale. Blblei I ities from persecution or discriinof more than four million. And | ination. Difficulties in Rumania on Relief Rolls; through all of these changes impelled B'nai B'rith to urge B'nai B'rith functioned on its orPresident Grant to send its leadiginal platform of public service, Berlin* (JTA) — Thirty thening officer to serve as American Band By ABRAHAM L. SACHAR broad-spirited philanthropy, deT IGRGET Jews in Berlin clone are re-'. consul in Bucharest. The bloody fense, and cultural development. ceiving winter relief from Jewish pogroms in Kishineff evoked organizations, It was reported at This Js the second In a series, whole gamut of corporate Jewish ,r,ftUc and Today B'nai B'rith has legitithunderous American p r o t e sts of articles on the work of B'nai life. For, in 1843, when the Or-mate claims for one of the leadspecial relief conference. che Articles and B'nai B'rith drew up the of-a Wh'le B'rith —TH2 EDITOR der was founded in New York ing positions In American Jewish contributions have cle~ • J G H K ! ficial statement . which was dis-creased during the year, the City by a dozen forward-looking life. Its membership is drawn patched, through regular Amer- number of relief applicants hns !i rALE)63M . PRAYER BOOK« In 1850 an extraordinary Inci- citizens, there were less than fif- from every stratum. It is not a Cifta for ear MlUvah* ican diplomatic channels, to the increased, dent occurred in British political teen thousand Jews in the whole sh tad Ian group, made up of the particularly In the Res, 639 No.60th S t . QL-M7) Russian government. history. An obscure Jew of Gibr- country. The mighty waves of Brahmins in each community. It once-wealthy westtrn part of the P. O. Bo* ft0 Omaha. Nebr Today there are other calls and city, it was reported. altar, Don Paclfico by name, who immigration had not yet begun does not function on the Gold ' they must be answered in very had settled in Greece, suffered to deposit their millions on Standard nor on the Birth Btandifferent ways. No faSse pride severe indignities at the hands of American shores. The lure of the dard. Originally it wa9 German tmsmm ties B'nai B'rith to the past, coma. Greek mob during the Easter golden medlna- had not yet at- in Its membership for German pelling 3t to remain In establishseason. The hooliganSj appar- tracted more than tiny fragments immigration gave this group ed grooves, to hold stubbornly to ently whipped to fury by a vindic- of the great European settle- numerical and social predominHemt of Mt rit Furs traditions simply because they tive Easter kermon, burst into his ments. Unimportant as Jewish ance. The membership has steadare old. Through the Anti-Dehome, denounced him for the life was, however, it was divided ly changed with the newer tides famation League it has fashioned "crime" of the Crucifixion, scat- by social, economic and religious of -^immigration and Americantia new instrument of amazing vitered' his possessions, and beat cleavages.. The earliest Sephardlc zation. Its roster today repretality to Ward off the attacks of him unmercifully. Don Pacifico Jews held aloof from the "up-sents a genuine cross section of • When Omaha Shopt with Confidence modern anti-Semites who funcappealed for redress but the start" German Ashkenazim, the American Israel, with German, tion with the best organized proGovernment paid no attention to English speaking from the immi- Russian, Polish, Rumanian and paganda machines in all tistory. hiB petition. The case quickly grant 'greeners," the orthodox old-established American eleThrough the A. Z. A. it has betook on international signafi- from the "godless *and wicked" ments, rich -and poor, Zionist, and come the sponsor of a great cance and the Prime Minister Reformers, the rich from the non-Zionist, rabbi and layman, Brachah Zfirah American youth moresaent which himself. Lord Palmerston, called poor. There were few institu- professional man, artisan, and will leaven the Jewish life of toupon, the Greek state to render tional aids for the needy and the business man, conservative and Pictured above is Brachah Zfisatisfaction. When Athens still unAmericanized since' Jewish life radical, believer and free thinker. rah, world-noted artist from Pal- program. It established magnif- morrow. Through t h e Hlllel Foundations it has developed the procrastinated, Palmerton sent a had only just begun to jell. There It goes without saying that estine, who is in this country on icent orphanages, asylums, con- most intelligent large scale profew gunboats into the harbor and were a few fraternal orders, with numerically, too,'B'nai B'rith has a tour. tsumptive homes, old-age retreats, gram of Jewish activity among the display of power finally set secret signs and bizarre uniforms maintained i t s representative the wheels of justice into motion. and bombastic ritual, with spec- character. Ie begar with a few She will be presented in a reci- and an impressive group of other students in the great American The opposition party in England ial benefits and i n s u r a n c e lodges in the early eighteen for- tal in Omaha on Tuesday evening philanthropic institutions. Again Universities. seized upon-the incident to make schemes, but none of these had ties when Jews numbered scarce- February 16, at S:15 p. m. at theand again civic bodies and Fed- And tomorrow there will be political capital and promptly a breadth of vision or social pur- ly fifteen thousand. As immigra- Central club, together with Nac- erations stepped in, better equip- other needs and other claims vote of censure vas moved again- pose, and none survived the kalei- tion grew the lodges multiplied hum Nardi. Her appearance is st the prime Minister for jeopar- doscopic changes of Jewish life. until: today there are nes.rly 450 being sponsored by the Jewish dizing the peace of Europe and B'nai B'rith, to be sure, also be- in this couniry alone, represent- National Workers Alliance, Omathe welfare of ^ritain for' the gan with the trappings of the ing about sixty thousand famil- ha Branch 54,, sake of an obscure Jew of Gibral- average fraternal order, but soon ies or nearly 300,000 Jews. There tar. A severe Cabinet crisis re- divested itself of these and ded-is no city of substantial Jewish ed as a Jewish agency, preparing sulted and the life of the minis- icated itself to a wide program of population without its unit and itself for dignified leadership by try hung by a thread. social service, to the task of unit- scores of tiny communities can mellowed experience", and by Its Lord Palmerston rose to defend ing Israel, of building its philan- boast of their chartered lodge. hold upon the loyalty of every of Nebraska W his action last one night and thropies of protecting its .'• good Indeed among the smaller places group in Jewish life. spoke until the following morn- name, of warding off its enemies) there are cases where every sin- Perhaps the greatest danger Ing, in the outstanding speech of of developing its rich cultural re- S l e family is represented and a which a well-established instituhis career. He undertook to give Jew is indeed without portals of tion faces is atrophy which is a a thoroughgoing review of Brit- sources. communal life if her is not unit- consequence of an inability to beIt functioned on this platform ed in the fellowship. There are come adjusted to . change. B'nai ish foreign policy and its principles. He concluded with a clas- through all t h e bewildering few agencies anywhere in the B'rith has never suffered from sic peroration which set the tone changes of the century which world which have enrolled as this malignant Institutional disfor the age. Just as in ancient shifted the center of gravity of large a proportion of its Jewish ease. Its early fraternalism emRome, he declared any citizen, ir- Jewish life from the Old World population. It should perhaps be phasized insurance and special respective of economic or social to the New. For as opoprtunity added that there are about 150 benefits. When other agencies YOUR MOST status, residing anywhere in the was more and' more denied in lodges In other section of the were created which could serve IMPORTANT •world could-gain, the protection European countries, rather by world, as far apart as China and better and more efficiently In of the might and power of Rome man than by nature, Jews came South Africa, F a l e s t i n e and this field B'nai B'rith was quick SPRING by proclaiming "Civis Romanus in their" legions to these shores, j South America. to relinquish this feature of its sum" (I am a Roman citizen). They "'came as "forty-eighters" COSTUME This is why B'nai B'rith has so, too, any British citizen, how- after the abortive revolutions in the right to speak as a represenever, obscure, humble, of what- German states, they came from tative Jewish agency. It is not ever race^ hidden in whatever war-torn Poland after the col- a mushroom organization, called MAN-TAILORED corner of the globe could gain aspe of the rebellion of 1863.into being by a sudden crisis or the protection of all the resour- they came from bigoted little Ru-i a particularly emergency. I t did ces of the British Empire, by hismania which stupidly sought to not suddenly speak up for Jewish proud claim, "I am a Briton." destroy its only middle class, life because of Nazi terror here Palmerston won the day. , they came from Tzarist Russia to or pogromist'a atrocities there. It Civis Romanus sum! It is fair escape the terror which followed has not seized upon the hysteria to paraphrase thla famous cry in Alexander II's assassination and of the Jewish masses, in the face detailing the story of B'nai B'rith all the subseitd-cnt horrors of the of disaster, to win allegiance for SMART UNDER WINTER COATS which has functioned for nearly May laws, the pogroms of the particular dogmas or programs. a century as the watchdog of nineties, Kishineff of 1903, andFor ninety years it has functionJewishirights everywhere in the Buy your spring suit now and wear world and as the protector for all 5 * 3 * * s * * x x « « « s » « * » « * ^ ^ it under your vrinter coat. Just a who were in danger or in diffichange of gay accessories keeps it culty. Whether he dwelt in belooking new and it will prove your nighted Rumania, in darkest favorite from now through June. Russia, in Nazi-torn Germany, in Hain Backs . . . Sizes 12 to 20 the happier climates of England Action Backs . . . Sizes 11 to 15 or the United States, wealthy or SIXTEENTH & HOWARD STREETS in penury, strong and proud or harried by the white plague, scion of an ancient family or immigrant, regardless of status, of position in society, or religious or nationalist outlook — the Jew had but to exclaim "Ivrl Onochi" Third Floor (I am a Hebrew), and by that proud declaration he had claim to the protection or the assistance of the oldest and most representative Order In contemporary Jewish life. And all too ''often has the Jew been compelled to cry out in the .past century, a century apparent.This year you can not only count on reduced ly enlightened, with progress in prcea but, in view of riaing- coats, higher prices Some Commodities science and in human relations, are for the time being defeated. Selections as inuch ax 30% but dealing out, nevertheless, it8 may be made from -beautiful furniture for proportion of blows to the scat•rery purpose with a choice far vrider and tered Jewish minorities. And /Merchant*, Business Men and ethers who have . B'nai B'rith has consistently anmore varied than anywhere else in this part th« cost of SUMMER AIR COHBITIONING or» advlicd to swered the cry of "Ivrl Onochi" of the country. buy now . . . The cottt ef meterie! end leber a r t risiag now through diplomacy, now steadily. That's why w« say, "Take advantage of the • • through financial assistance, now portunity to get present prices for installations t» be through itB ability to strike out made during the winter season." ©or finance plan mattes new paths in institutional underit esiy for yen to do this. Thet plan permits hcvjug yeer system ready before the start ef ssmmcr with the bslfc ef takings. payments deferred until Ninety years is not a long span th in the three thousand-year-old The combined Engineering Pcrsenne! ef the AlliTEfeSP Dl> etory of the Jew. But in Amerivision ef SIDLES COMPANY (operating branches ip LSacoin, Omaha and Des Meines) have hesdled the •iKgieeer* can history it covers nearly the




mar wonder



February Sale of Furniture

Sunday is the Day for the Big Play

Der Fremder

Starts MONDAY, Feb. 1st

Highest Grade Semi-Anthracite No Commission No Costly Renewals Monthly payments include both principal and interest upon the exact loan balance*

THE RiOPEitN FUEL Clean — Hard — No Dust — No Dirt Per Ton CASH


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Jewish Community


CHRYSLER'S AIBTEMP eqsipmeitt end systems ere eveSDefele for single rooms, entire residences er the laciest buildings. Including hotels, factories and effice In addition to the eaeineering ability cveileble iit $iic AIRTEMP Division, the iisfegrity cf SiCLES COEt4l>&NT. established in 19C3, stands behind every prepese! eni ttistolietien. Behind thct splendid ucsme Is fhei ef CMETS. LER and AIRTEMF. Where ee«i yea possibly •" er csiurcnee ef sefisfeefion?

Four-Act Yiddish Play By J&cob Gordon


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Page 3

goes downward. That is certain. National Fund of America; Fan- j While the cat now under b'.y The tmepo of disaster is speedjny Goldstein is head of Boston's | care iE only the eecoud in vet»?ing up. Hitler's difficulties are West End Branch library, the j inary annals known to have «ii».constantly increasing. But with largest in the city, and a moving' i betes. Dr. Bloom believes thu. that increases his insane reckspirit in "Jewish Book Week"; \ the disease is comnaruve-b en lessness.. That is why there is '.'Alfred Segal, of Cincinnati, is en ! mon among both cpte and oops no prophesying of what the fuassociate editor of the E'nai jand that the proper treating, ture may bring. The fear of an B'rith Magazine and one of the j could oien prevtm the death <»• explosion grows in the Reich as best reporters iv America, ac- ; pets thus afiiicteo. the, glory and the splendor begin cording to O. O. JMdntyre. to dim. There are signs that the A |5J.O0 cash award will be regime is growing weaker. To us j given to the winner by E. L. these are hopeful signs. The final !Alexander of Atlanta, Ga. Medals Pactsmotut. War By Pierre Van Paassen episode of Europe's, distress has ; will be distributed to all district : and national victors. Pierre Van Paassen, noted Goering goes up to Rome, the she could bind neither Poland begun. Herr Hitler is now going ! WashijiEton. T>. C- t'WNS) — *• A. E. A. is a mode! fraternity synthetic drug which vov~ <!»?•• foreign . correspondent and com- prospect of French gold and an nor Yugoslavia nor Greece to her around praying £or help to stare : for boys between 15 and 21 years ; troys pneumonia p v r o s in rr.i.-.r. mentator upon European af- .English loan for the exploitation side is entirely due to the sur- off chaos — and Bolshevism. He Jo! ape and is sponsored by E'nni and v-hieh may " e thf forerunnerfairs, here outlines the situa- of Ethopia keep Mussolini a Tery plus of cannon as against a short- tries to scare other States with a B'rith as its Junior Oroer. tion in "which Germany finds uncertain partner for m y major age of butter. Bulter is a migh- picture of Tev olution in the Reich I of e, practical ?ffec*ive Rtrainn. herself after four years of undertaking on Germany's side. ty political weapon, mightier and seeks to intimidate others 'pneumonia in huni<in beiupp h»s with the prospect of a CommunHitler. THF EBITOK In certain small affairs the two than cannon in peace time. | Omaha, Nebr. — The IDS 7: torian, Lecky, has been selected IKSUUK TKEAIKEM i been developed by Dr. San ford ?<••ist regime as the successor of his jRosentliF.!. it WRP reported by •'•>; | judges of the international Eng- : as the subject: "Hebraic Mortar TQ DIABETIC Fascisms collaborate, but on the How could Germany come own. Cemented the Foundations of Rtional Inpi'iute of IlenUh. After four years of growling, supreme issue which is vital to through victorious in a war when Hitler is in a tight corner. Un- j lish essay contest of Aleph ZaIn its present form the: t'./iu ' baring his teeth and (sharpening I both of them — the hegemony she lacks sugar even now, when less he gets help he will not be i dik Aleph of B'nai B'rith are Dr. ' American Democracy." Two hun- CAT rulfi be poisoi o> f- to Lutuant,. his claws the Tiger of Europe, i in Central Europe — Italy and the frontiers of Holland, Lithu- able to stay the downwa-d glide. j Israel Go;dst?in, Fanny Gold- dred A. Z. A. chapters will hold the Third Reich, is pacing his j the Reich are irreconcilable once ania, Poland, Luxemburg, Bel- As far as the drluge after him Is ' stein and Alfred Segal. The ap- local and distrie* contests hefore New York ( V N F ) — The first cage with nervous exasperated land for all ano on that issue they gium, Denmark, Switzerland and concerned notody need fear a • pointments wer c announced this t h e most outstanding manu- recorded treatment oj a. diabetic step.- He is caught. He i s trap- can, always be split. Neither all the rest must be closed -to democratic regime in Germany, week by the Supreme Advisory ! scripts reach the judges of the cat with insulin is being carried FOR RENT; Ocwnctoire fiv* i international contest nest May on in the animal hospita! of Vet- roome fos" Isoisi ped. •" He is hemmed in on all Londpn nor Paris worry about keep Germans from going across for nothing could be worse than Council of the Order. ! sides by an impenetrable barrier the Berlin-Rome pact. Reasonable rent. 27 Honoring the laOth anniver- 1st. to buy foodstuffs? erinary Dr. Frank Bloom of Hitler himself. of Bteel. There can b3 no sud- . In 1914..the Kaiser ventured St. HA-3687. sary of the United States Constij Flnshing, L. I., who recently j j Dr. Israel Goldstein, New York (Copyright 19S7 by Seven Arts If we had to do with sanely - den, ligti&iing- like jump at some- into the war with the Austro- thinking people in the Reich it tution the. stateiaent of the his- i City, is President of the Jewish treated a dog in the same way. Feature Syndicate.) body's throat. All eyes are fix- Hungarian Empire on his •dde. could be said that the danger of ed on him, riveted on him. There Turkey and Bulgaria as partners. a r has considerably lessened in are a dozen watchmen ready to The Austrian Empire went into wthe hist year because of Geroverpower him at a moment's no- the ashcan of history. The sue- many's obvious inability to : tiee, at the slightest overt move cessor States are not Germany"s launch any kind of offensive toin fact. He knows this and his friends. Turkey is Russia's ally. day. But wa have not to do with nervousness increases by the Hungary, true, may be counted sane individuals. The world is hour. upon in an eventual conflict to dealing there with monomaniacs. ' Herr Hitler ard his Reich are side with the Nazis. But is Hun- The danger is that the worse In bad shape. Leaving aside, for, gary an asset or a millstdne it goes with such criminals the "the moment, the interior situa- around Germany's neckT 16th and HanieT more desperate they get. Pressed tion, -which is characterized by a No^ Hitler's prospeets of start- into a corner by circumstances of near-famine, we see Hitler's hope ing a' war now with any chance their own making, the men who of 'tackling France, "the mortal of success are positively of the stand at the helm of the German enemy," singlehanded, and chok- slimmest. There is a French State may at a n ' time get it into ing her off before starting for the system of fortifications in exist- their head to play va-banque and Do you expect to buy a-fur coat? If you do here is startling happy hunting grounds of. the ence which was not there in throw the torch into the powderUkraine and Caucasia, gone up in 1914. The-Maginot-line is an in- keg. "We have seen them take and valuable news. Fur prices have been advancing so fast thin smoke. His proposals to-is- calculable factflr in any future the risk of walking with a torch that we cannot replace our present stocks to sell within 25% K . It certainly neutralizes the through the powder magazine at olate possible areas of friction.in Europe have been rejected . o n e initial advantage Germany has in the time of the occupation of "the to 50% of our present seliinq prices. THIS MEANS THAT after the other. . The scheme was her ability to mobilize more Rhineland. They may take worse IMMEDIATE PURCHASE OF YOUR FUR COAT MAKES UP too transparent. Crush France^ quickly than France. That the risks in the future. -wipe out Czechoslovakia, swal- Russian army is a more efficient TO 50% SAVING—IF YOU ACT AT ONCE! For the future of Germany Is low up Austria, walk over "Lith- striking force today than the of the blackest. Four years of uania, Conquer half of Europe in Czar's famous steamroller no- Hitler have produced a state of a succession of swift hammer- body will contest. affairs in the Reich where1 it can blows and have the rest of the If Germany., is miltiarily in no be said that culturally, morally, Continent trembling at his feet position to wage war now, econ- economically and socially' there before the military, campaigns micically the situation is even has been destruction without parwere over. The invitation to worse. -The Kaiser started out at allel. The process of disintegrathat dance was not accepted. The a "moment ; .when-the depots were tion has made giant steps, especEuropean States prefer to stand chuckful -with, stocks on hand. ially in the last year. The matchtogether, remain within each oth- There "was an immense gold xe- less propaganda system can still er's call, watch the Tiger collec- serve in 1914. Today half Gerr mask the misery to the outside tively. There is safety, in num- many hungers and Dr. Schacht world to a large extent. But the does not know where-to find the cracks and fissures in the Nazi hers. The ceaseless tom-tom of the 200,000,000 marks 'Which his edifice are widening. The road anti-BolBhevik drum by the Fue- master has thrown away in the hrer has not succeeded in detach- Spanish adventure. ' • • ing France from her entente with Those supermen in Berlin may WANTED—TO RENT the Soviet TJnion. Hitler's vBol- be shouting that •• cannons are Wanted: To rent room one ' Ehevft •bogey-did not work e v e n | m o r e , i m p 0 £tant*than Dtttter, but persoq^ wants privilegfe ' of" l-withJ*e French bourgeoisie. T h e , . n r e a l U y and .i-•-*::. r cooking and sewing. Call m6st^reactionary73ottrnala in FarI -•-• -. . situa: is are the most determined cham- tion have lost tjermany her pow- Mrs. Marco, Webster O9O6. pions of the, Soviet military alli- er of political attraction. That ance. Extreme Bight and extreme Left are in agreement on ttstf this one point: The salvation of ^ peace depends on France and •Russia joining forces. Not all the HitlerB, little Hitlers and would be Hitlers can convince the world that the So-riet "Onion i? drilling an army for the revolutionary conquest of Cmmtinme the universe. That scare does not work. The humblest citizen With Mmeremsimgi knows today that not Russia but Nazi Germany ifa the troublemak- er and' that the Hitler Reich is the only potential grave-filler in Europe. , ... In the course of the fourth Do not delay buying your vear that has' juat closed the assurance was given that in a fur .coat unless you arc prestruggle lor her existence France pared tc pay £ much higher may fully count on Britain's aid. •VSHat this meant in gnashing of price for the $«me quality. teeth and guttm-al vituperation in the Wilhelmstrasse we may imagine but will probably never know, for it is part of German Carman's are prepared to diplomacy never to antagonize five you these savings on the British. Even when those British refuse to be 'aipressed by their regular sfoek ef furs &t Goebbels' shrill falBetto about Judeo-Bolshevism or by Joachim long &% quantities last! von Ribbentrop's undiplomatic hints. Poland swung back into the Every Carman Coat Is • of French orbit in 1936, and the process of undermining Boumania high quality furs and workand Yugoslavia, set in motion by manship with the Carman Goering, got stuck halfway. German diplomacy can Jook back name as a warranty of satis* Let C h e a p Electricity upon a year of failures. Nothing faction end wear. shoulder your cooMnr succeeded, except the launching of the rebellion in Spain —'• a job! Enow the freedom costly enterprise that may yet of automatic electric come to-stand on the red side in lelte'd, swagger und princess Hitler's ledger. cookery. You'll be bet But the great failure, the allstyles in almost every variaof tiresome "pot-watel Important miscalculation remains" tion of the new mode awaits the Inability to isolate France. ing" burdens and get < The chance of a localized war has your selection! real thrill out of a dail: • disappeared for good. If-the Tiger takes a-jump, today or toround of delicious foodr • morrow against France, or againprepared t h i s moderr st Czechoslovakia or even against Come early Monday whii» way. Electric cooker} Russia, he knows that he must selection! «r@ complete and count on facing all three and prois dean. too. you'll never regret the tim* %. bably more. For the internation. al constellation against Germany you spend selecting your fur may well be quite a deal more unfavorable than it was in 1914. eoat now. No matter in how gorgeous arSmsli ray of braid and medals Herman


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THE JEWISH,PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1937 ence; help us recognize the vani- hath come forth K. Elazar. ties we blindly piaretie to our own The daughter or Acher (who bed i?«e et MR learning) hurt; jdfi u« to achieve a higher, more civilized level of life | came to RobbJ F,TIC1 anked him for # I is | food. He said to her. "whose than hss hesn oar custom. a valuable book sng the Jewish j daughter art thou." "\ am the Publication Society deserves ere- \ daughter of Acher," she replied, <*it for reprinting It. and for Anfi he said to her, ::I» there making it available to the Eng- still left of his children in the world?" "Rob'>i," she said, "relish speaking, Jewish and member his Torah^ and not his Jewish public deeds." Thereupon a fire came down end crept around the seat of Kobbi; then he wept and gaid, "If those who disgrace themselves through it (the Torata) are honored thus, how much more By DP. PLilS* £ W will it honor those who Obtain praise through their use of It."

A Blind Alley?

' The hearing by the Royal Commission of the British Government into the Palestinian situation has ended, and the inPublished evess fiVldaj? at Omaha. Nebraa&a, bs vestigators have packed their trunks for home, loaded with THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Bj? DIL TEEODOUE K. LOTIS facts, figures, data, charges and counter-charges. It will be Rabbi, Blocs* SInaS Tespl®, SIoss £Kj many weeks before an official decision on the findings will be Subscription Prico, ono year . . . . . . $2.00 Advertising rates furnished on application. given, and in the meantime we can only speculate on what the "MISILLAT YESHARIM (THE were large and certain. Most apfinarreport will be. However, we may be sure of this much PATH OF THE UPRIGHT") BY propriate is the anther's, admoniEditorial Office: 500 Brandofe Theater Building. -.-the report will read as the British government thinks policy MOSES HAYYIM LTTZZATTO; A tion "if one quotes to you the . Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center CRITICAL EDITION PROVIDED saying, a man should always try dictates and not as the facts determine. DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor A TRANSLATION AN~D to please others, say to fctot, this Geras of tne Bible J^HANK B.. &CKBRMAU - - - - - :•-•' . - EdltO? If past history repeats itself, the British government will WITH NOTES BY MORDECAI M. KAP- is true so long as the Others act FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent whitewash Arab blame for the riots which were initiated and LAN. 230 PAGES. PRICE $2.00. like human beings End .sot il.ke slid Talmmd ANN PILL • - • - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent kept alive by Moslem.nationalists. But, we have a feeling that JEWISH PUBLICATION SO- beasts." Such independence ia ' Print Shop Address: ,4504 So. 24th Street conduct requires courage history will not repeat itself this time.. For, the British gov- CIETY OF AMERICA. This is a unique, instructive wisdom. ernment cannot help but be, impressed with the temerity of and spiritually rewarding book, T h e author also • inveighs '• the Moslem violence, and the largeness of their demands. Nor rendered in splendid English by strongly against laziness which I The stranger that sojourneth EX-MINISTER PREDICTS Four Years Long the well known scholar, Dr. Mor- leads to disintegration, religions-; with yew nbs.ll he unto you as the NAZI CRACK-UP ; Pour years ago, on January 30, that gruff representative can the British overlook the fact that the investigating comM. Kaplan, The introdnc- ly end physically and spiritually; | home-born among you, and thot of Prussian junkerism, who ruled Republican Germany, in the mittee was boycotted by the Arabs until the last minute. Fur- decai IN 1938 tion, consisting of twenty-sis against anxiety; against fear and shalt lore him as thj-Belf. Humility is .extolled, And ye shall hallow the fiftiev depth of despair summoned as chancellor a man he had snubbed ther, when the Araba finally did take the stand, to a man they pages, is extremely valuable for tension. and reviled. Goaded by the dream of a great German des- "put the British, government on the witness stand." Through- the description it gives o* that pride and vanity and arrogance th year end proclaim libertj New York (WNS)—The cr»ckof Jewish ethical literature are condemned as impediments to j throughout the land unto all tin i up of the Nail regime in tbe wintiny, a dream that haB pervaded German thought for a cen- out the Arab testimony ran the claim for complete national class to which "Misillat Yesharim" be- communion with God. Abstin-jinh&bJtaDU thereof; it sLall be n ter of 1937-38 WM predicted by tury, the fanatical Austrian assumed the role of the Teutonic independence. Contrast this with the demand of the British longs, and for a brief history of ence or moderation in all things, I jubilee unto you, and ye, shall Wilhelm Sollman, former Gergovernment by the Jewish leaders that the British change the period during which the food and sex. are urged EB con- • return every man unto hil pos- man minister of the interior *nd Messiah. • author lived and produced this ducive to the health of body and'sion. a leader of the anti-Nazi underHitler's rise, to power marked the end of an area. Since their tactics and fulfill their holy and moral and legal obliga- once popular and highly esteemSaintliness is described in j If thou sell aught untc ' thy ground movement in the Third the day of the cessation of hostilities a faint and numerically tions ' to further the establishment and rebuilding of the Jew- e d manual of self-criticism, soul. its several manifestations and i neighbor, thou Rhalt not wrong Reich on his arrival in thia counself castigation and self-scrutiny. degrees as are holiness and ies.T one another. weak idealism had been struggling with the traditional intrigue ish homeland in Palestine. try. I If thy brother becomes poor Reporting that the underground In short, both the Jews and the Arabs condemned the Our world, scientifically, mor-lofsin. and deceit of European polities. On January 30, 1933, that and religiously,—is radically Though the theology of the'and big means fail with thee, movement has grown by action of the British government, with the Moslems showing a ally minority element had its gloomiest prophecies fulfilled. different from that which existed author is naive and obsolete, he \ t- hen thou shalt uphold him, as a ] »nd bounds in "tb» last three In the four years that have passed, Hitler has done things fierce antagonism almost as violent as their sniping at British for Jews and Christians of makes no distinction between j stranger and a settler shall he months, Sollman said that the which were declared impossible. Ignoring all codes of honor, soldiers from the hills of Palestine. The future of millions of Moses Luzaatto's times. Y e t, j adultery and eating trefa — his j live with thee. crisis for the Nazi regime was due next year because of tbe food TALMUD all principles of humanity, he has shown himself Europe's mas- people are at stake, depending on British action. Despite the once we agree to ignore the theo- j evaluation of business honor is j crisis and tbe growing opposition ter opportunist. Circuses, out-distancing the displays of the apparent irreconcilability of the Arab and Jewish views, we of business to Nazism. Sellman % Blessed" be tbe Lordd off Isw a s Caesars, have been used to make the people forget the sacri- sincerely believe that With proper governmental action, the j ing doctrine of reward and pun-jmonial piety is excessive, he "ex- said, himself subject to the Nazi I j ' fices of bread so that the German militarists may once more two peoples can harmonize their differences and live as cousins ' i s n m e n t u P° n w n i c h much of the horts and demands business ln- rael who hath given to our fa-1[ terror in the early months of the whole morality of the ISth cen-j tegrity, never permitting outward ther Abraham a son like R. Ela- HUler regime. assume their former position. and neighbors for. their mutual benefit and the benefit of the tury was founded, we may derive^ piety to become a substitute for ben Arch, who is able to un- j Promised domestic reforms are long overdue., Only in the country. If the inquiry of the Royal Commission is to serve spiritual power and religious re-j shady dealings as many ritualist derstand lecture on the sub- Literature Lectures case of the Jews has an internal policy been fulfilled. Never useful purpose, it must lend its genius toward such a solution freshment from this little vol- individuals often do. In this be ject of theandDivine Chariot. There serve as an impeume. It can of course follows rabbinic precept,! are some who p-rform well, but a proud people, the German Jews have been degraded, hounded, Amsterdam — Amsterdam Untus to moral determination and j and doctrine. So keen is his i , j 0 n o t lecture well. Ton, howand shunned,. their morale ruthlessly broken in the hysteria _..... - iversity announced a series of le©To be the tail of a lion is better than to be the head of a fox character, as a source of strength | sense of business honesty that he je r e r , expound tfell and dost ppr-: tures on Jewish literature of the that has gripped Nazi Germany. in time of temptation, as a j condemns vigorously the "people; form well. Happy are thou. our j fourteenth and seventeenth cenToday, to prevent a general war in Europe, the allies are time inof days sor-| a re not outright thieves . . . yet \ father Abraham, from whom J tunes. A Wise man who does not teach others is like the myfcrii source row, as ofa comfort source ofIn faith in their dealings with one anoth- i making terms with this glistening-eyed madam, terms that plant in the desert. ol disillusion and unbelief. ' / • " er have a taste of the Ein of theft: ( could and should have been offered to the Republic. What The author, highly gifted, was in so far as they permit themborn Into a prominent, cultured selves to profit at their neighbor's Germany asked at the council-tables and was refused, has now family in Padua in 1707, and re-j expense, claiming that profit has The Thirty-Fjfth CouncU been grabbed by subterfuge and treachery. ceived not only a thorough Jew- nothing to do with theft." LuzatThe tragedy that today is Europe might have been avoided By Rabbi Frederick Cohn iish education but a secular as to quotes Rabbi Judah, who forare ack ^ from New Orleans and the South (just escap- well. Though Luzatto disting-j bids had the post-war. idealism, symbolized by Wilson, prevailed. a merchant to distribute Instead the old-time chauvinism had the upperhand, crushing ing the flood in Cincinnati), having attended the Thirty-Fifth ulshed himself quite early ini"p a r c hed corn and nuts among Be Your Guide many fields, the Cabalah won his j children as an inducement to and insulting Germany, turning a deaf ear to requests for al- Council of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. greatest devotion and love. This buy." Even in persuading a If not a particularly great, it was an altogether worth- lore, he mastered, and it in turn buyer one must be careful not to leviating the conditions of a chastened nation, and laying the while Convention. There were a large number of delegates mastered him. Unf ortunaftely j exaggerate the qualities of the way fof Hitler. ' • , ; Jj-' € &£**&• l i e e t c CO. present, from all parts of the country, also from Canada. There for him, the Sabbatai Zevi af-j product; never to cheat Jews or Dei? Fuehrer has brought Germany to bankruptcy. His i fair, which brought grief and d e - j n o n jews; not only to reveal the was great interest displayed at the meeting in the subjects preATUNIK vicious rearmament program, while easing the problem of unmoralisation to world Jewry andd 0 qualities but not to hide the EXT K.A employment, has had severe economic consequences. Yet Hitler sented and in the discussions. Particularly tense was the large memories of which were quite jj defects for "fraud consists in fcid\ remains because he speaks the language that the old-time dip- gathering (I have never seen such an immense audience) when fresh, caused the Cabalah to falljjj-g the defects in one's wares and into fearful disrepute and under f i s forbidden." How far removed lomat understands and respects, the sharp tongue from which the subject of anti-Semitism was before the meeting. A prom- the 0 .2 5 0 7 2 2 prohibition of the rabbis. j a p e tjje business practices of our j §pp inent Christian gentleman, by special invitation, also partici- Rabbinical displeasure how-|<<(jog drip platitudes to appeal to the lowest of emotions. eat dog" system from thejfjj and INSIST upon s PRINTED RECEIPT. Hitler has probably reached the zenith. His shadow across pated in the meeting. One of the speakers, no less a person ever, did not prevent the young j lofty peats of idealism of RabNebraska sfc£* 8sw recuires;. tttmt s9$ emte Europe has been a sad and expensive lesson for the prestige than Mr. Samuel B. Finkel of New York, president of the Na- mystie from pondering deeply j binic Judaism! fares be compiled by meters. For your preupon the esoteric secrets of thej Luzatto shares the horror of certain countries. He has accomplished one thing and that tional Federation of Temple Brotherhoods, who had already Zobar, teetien, insist upon m working meter ©ro any the- Talmud of Jewish sages for interest taking, eejs Im which you ridv! in a negative fashion, for Europe is now showing signs of rea- electrified the Convention by. his fine Presidential message, mysticism, and even writing a holds this sin as heinous as that j§= Y«?5Icw Cafe meters «r« checkrt1 «lr5V *wr lizing that international security is based on justice between took away the breath of all present, amazed and astonished commentary upon it, known as of denying the God of Israel. Ap-j|§j Qn3y Yellow Cssfe metres- IPPII* m Zoh&r Tlnyana, the second parently interest was not an in- j | § | ' receipt them by his sensational utterance "that anti-Semitism was 'in- the nations. ; p p et the end! cf esch Zohar. In the pursuit of the dispensable element In the eco- j § j | -ee. curable and inescapable.' His seemingly most pessimistic state- Cabalah tiusatto hope "to attain nomic system of that day since j |gg er must offer .the receipt ©r yt> £ \ ment aroused indignant protest. On cooler reflection it is evi- a supernatural power which he the author, adds rather innocentFOR SAFETY'S SAKE . . . € C AMERICAN STOCK God endowed those who ly that "I see no need of expat- §jj| dent that What the speaker meant to emphasize, or he em- assumed To those hundred percenters who decry the alien in- phatically said, was that anti-Semitism was an age-old histori- fulfilled the law of saintliness." iating upon this sin since every | j j fame of the young Cahalist, Jew dreads it." fluences in our government and continually list Justice Car- cal phenomenon, and his seemingly radical and unpopular The his activities and especially his This volume doza, because of hia Judaism, as such, it may be interesting to statement was really a bold defiance of anti-Semitism, a sort claims to mystic power spread perb English, can strengthen our g | | show that of the nine justices on the bench of the Supreme of challenge to anti-Semitism to do the,worst, the Jews .will not 'ar and wide and bearing a repe- religious, moral and spiritual re- | j | titioa of the Sabbatai Zevi deCourt, Justice Cardoza comes of the oldest American stock. fear it, he was used to it, he would discount it. Far from mak- bacle, tbe Rabbi of Altona ex- sources, can give us a deeper ln-|§|p Too often is forgotten that intrepid band of Jews who ing the Jew panicky (some seemed quite hysterical over the communicated him and placed a arrived penniless and battle-weary from Brazil to found the matter) it would but re-arouse his faith in God, his sublime ban upon all of his writings. | Driven from his native country, j first Jewish settlement in America. There were no colonizing confidence^ in "the Keeper of Israel, that sleepest not nor the excommunicated scholar went j societies to find them refuge; no immigrant aid to meet their slumberth." at the age of 40 to Safed, Pal-j estlne, where mysticism flourishship, the Santa Caterina. . There was a fine spirit of earnestness throughout the con- ed; there he wrote the Mesillat | Fearful of the reception they might receive from the govand died in 1747, be-j ernor, they stood at the battery and watched their earthly vention. A great" deal of thought (and emotion), was bestowed Yesharim, ing buried in the sacred city of upon the subject of how to make our religious services more Tiberias near the tomb of Rabbi possessions auctioned off to pay their passage from Recife. From that group of first American Jews have come some impressive so that they might be better attended. The thought Aktba. of the greatest brains in America. Emma Lazarus, Gershori was expressed that one should not be too critical of the ritual Though Mesillat Yesharim owes a great deal to the mystiMendes* Seixas, the Cardozas, to mention a few. They have as embodied in the prayer-book, nor of the music, which should cism ol Luzatto it is nevertheless maintained their Judaism with dignity and have found nothing be as Jewish as possible, Jewish choirs, wherever practical. b<=- free from Cabalistic doctrine, incongruous in being liberal-minded Sons and Daughters of ing favored; nor of the sermon, which should not be the main and the little mysticism found in its pases is deeply spiritual and the American Revolution and the pillars of their synagogues. reason for attending the service, nor should sensational de- devoid of aberrations. The authThe same influences that brought, the Pilgrims to these liverances be expected from the Rabbi nor only book reviews or Is quite modest when he says shores twenty-four years later guided those persecuted Jews (though these, too, have their place occasionally, particularly In his preface that his aim is not of Brazil. Their patriotism of the last three centuries has if they are made to bear upon Judaism). Beautiful ceremony :o teach anything new but "cerwell known and generally never been questioned nor has their faithfulness to Judaism1 should be increasingly introduced. The main feeling was that tain accepted truths which are for that people should attend services for the Sake of the service itself, very reason overlooked." Before ever-wavered. out of a religious and no extraneous impulse; to worship, to entering upon the consideration t religious duties technically give thanks to God, and to cultivate one's religious and spirit- 'ranslated MORE MILITANCY . as Mlzvot, the author Anti-Semitism-lays the groundwork for anti-Christianity ual and moral nature. It was brought out that, after all, reli- _etines "man's duty in the MAYBE NEVER SkQMM A VALUE world" as being that of preparaand godlessness, for the mentality which will succumb to the gion is the chief concern of the Jew, he belongs to a Religious" tion UKE STURDSFLXECE AT CKI.Y $ 2 5 for life eternal in the world. false, malevolent propaganda of Jew-baiting is fertile soil for People /who have expressed religion throughout the ages, 'a to come. Tbis only worthwhile SturdifleeCe is an extraordinary knitted all-wool fleece overcoating that the seeds of religious upheaval. We have, therefore, always kingdom of priests and holy people.' There was a fervent pur- goal can be achieved by faithful outdistances all others in the $25 price field. It's a Nebraska value feature execution of Mizvot. The aspects pose evident on everyhand to purify and perfect the Jew and contended that the Christian church should take active, educaof religious life which increase and Sturdifleece is available only at Th« Nebraska . . . In justice to your tional steps to combat anti-Semitic propaganda for the sake Judaism in every way, that they might attain the highest char- awareness of God end the striv-| acter, and be able to cope successfully and triumphantly with overcoat mosey see them! ing for the world to come are ' of truth and righteousness and also-for the sake of selfthe problems confronting the Jew and the world in these most Watchfulness, Zeal, Cleanliness, preservation. - . ' - , . Abstinence, Purity,, Saintliness, ETUEDIFLEECE is; designed to give STURDIFLEECE is a special blend of The Catholic church in South Africans wisely proceeding trying and critical times. Adult,: as well as juvenile Jewish' Humility, Fear of Sin and Holieducation, was stressed, that the Jew might be no ignoramus wool developed by Sturdifleece overwear without sacrificing ness—and the detailed analysis along this line. ThG. Nationalist Party there has embarked on that agreeable feeling-—"The fabric (for as the Talmud says, 'no ignorant person can be pious'), coat makers to their own specificaof these virtues of piety const!-' a program which is militantly anti-Jewish, while the more tut© the burden of "Mesillat you 1-cve to touch." It's s sems&tieii i that he might be conscious of, proud of, conversant with and tions. It's an isuheard-of overcaat overt anti-Semitic groups have amalgamated into the South Yesharim." : every add to his heritage of culture, that he might then better help value at $25. African National Gentile Fascist Party, under the leadership To give a summary of the yol- f to fulfill the mission of the Jew which is to be a blessing not of the Nazis! And, though this anti-Jewish, movement is just uume is quite impossible, and not' ® STURDIFLEECE in RagSsn cr Set-in ©Serve*! getting under way> the Catholic church in the country has al- only to himself but to all mankind. There are those who would my purpose. The deep psycholog- ' ® Sf OBOOFLEECE in Smartest EcSft Back SSjici insight of the author deserves ready acted, seeking to nip it in the bud. Thus the Southern curse the Jew but in spite of them he will continue to prove ical © STU1SDIFL.EECE In Various S©33sS C©3ors PatternsI mention. The great spiritual Cross, the official organ of the Catholic Church in South himself a blessed influence in the history of humanity. His truths which he repeatedly em-, ' @ STHIKS1FLEECE in Wide Range ef Africa, declares in its latest edition: "Any Catholic who takes weapons against attack will continue to be spiritual weapons, phasizes would, if incorporated in ! our lives, invest them with i part in what is known as Jew-baiting sins against god."- De-! even the scrolls of his holy Torah. In All the Wcrli We Know cf No Other Fabric k the Field of Fkece$ greater dignity, poise and seren-! Jnouncing all forms of anti-Semitism, the Catholic paper says All is not lost in Israel, there is still hope for Judaism and ity. Levity, scoffing and ridicule That Gives Bsiicr Omrcsui Ydns ** for that to persecute, boycott, or in any way molest Jews just be* the world, when such a fine body of men and women can nieet are denounced as hindrances to > cause they are Jews is unjustifiable and urt-Christian. in such large numbers with enthusiasm, devotion, and deep- spiritual growth; "mockery has the power to destroy every yes-, The fight against anti-Semitism is more than a Jewish est consideration to ponder and be inspired by life's ideal ends tige of the conscience and reverSee Our See Our task. It is a problem confronting all that part of the world; and noblest purposes. All power to the Jew and to Judaism in ence." As today, BO then, the' Sturdifleece opposed to paganism and barbarism, and in the battle to stomp, America and in all the world! May their strength increase i pace set hj the "fast set" whica, Overcoat Overcc&t ' decrees the fashions of the day} Window out anti-Semitism the liberal,' freedom-loving,, right-thinking- The world's supreme Dreamer will yet see hi3 dreams come psercised Window an almost irreslstable i non-Jewish world must assume a more-militant stand, as taken: true, his visions fulfilled, his hopes realized. attraction and the rewards for1 i conformity and "sportsmanship' j by the Southern Cross in South. Africa. - - Frederick Cohn. t .


. f


^ 'iN





OALENDAE OF WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES January 31 — "Dor Fremder" -— 8:OO ». February 1 — Chesed Shel Emes meefinj, 2:00 p. m. February 1 — Ladies AnsMAGZAMIN-SEIPMAX BAR MITZVAH illary, ron^regatlon of Israel Mr. and Mrs. Morris. Seidman . Mr. and Mrs. David A.. Finkle February 1 — Sisterhood, of Lincoln, Nebraska, are an- announce the Bar Mitzvah of Temple Israel nouncing the: engagement ol their son "William, on Saturday, February 2 — Regular f their daughter, Goldy, tc Bennet January 30, at 9:30 at the Adass meeting Vaad Auxiliary H. Magzaroin, son of Mr. and Yeshuren synagogue, 25th and February 2 — Hadassah Mrs. A. Magzamin of Omaha. Seward. Stndy Gronp — 1:30 The announcement was made An, open house will be held in February 3 —Book Review, at an informal dinner for the his honor at '•he. home of his parRabbi Goldstein lamily held at the home of Mrs.ents from 2 to 5 o'clock and from February 3 — uadies' Free David B. Cohn of Omaha, Sun" 7 to 9. No cards have been issutioan 2:O0 J. C. C. day, January 24. ed. February 3—Reynlar ClasMIBB Seidman Is a graduate of ses — 3. C. C. Women's Dirithe Lincoln High, school and Mr. sion [SILVER WEDDING Magzamin attended Omaha TechFebruary 8 •—- B'nal • B'rith JANNlVERSARY nical High. No definite date has Ladies Xight Frierids of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mitieen set for the wedding. February 8 —.Deborah Sorowitz surprised them Saturday ciety — Card Party evening on the occasion of their ENTERTAINS FOB BRIDE-TO- Silver Wedding annivefB&ry. Out BE - '• of town guests were Mrs\ Sam Mrs. Arthur Roainsky enter- Levine' and Mr. Max Iviapla^i of purpose of paying a belated tritained at her home Sunday after- Sioux City,,Iowa. . bute to the women workers and noon in honor of Miss Zelda their 'indispensable contributions Charney, a bride-to-be. The col-BAR MITZVAH to the Jewish life of Omaha. I Mr. and Mrs. W. Kuklin anor scheme was Orchid and Crystal and the centerpiece, was a jnounce- the-Bar Mitzvah of their miniature bride a n d groom. | son, Eddie, on Saturday morning ceive a certificate of award for j at 9:30 at the B'nal Israel syna- meritorius service during the Twelve guests were present. gogue, _18 th and Chicago street.

Series of Lectures j Vaad Ones: Shabbos By Rabbi Goldstein I An Oneg Shabbos will be The first lecture of a series o f • «P°nsored *>y thp Ladies Auxilfour to be given by Babbi David • i a r y o f t h e U a d H I h r ° n t h e A. Goldstein on "The Case His- second Saturday of each month. tory of the Jews of Germany" Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein will will take place at the home of present a series of lectures on Jewish Mrs. Louis Alberts, 6S5 N. 57th




Mrs. J u l i u s Stein, chairman of1 .Mrs. Joe GoHhvp.re i'!!• l>e V-nthe H a d a s s a h Medical Fund, an- IPFF to t h e IIPHII elected Offi^-T 'Officers and board members • were introduced to new members nounces t h e adcsifioTip,' names o ' PTH' Pnarr! iupniiir-rF or <hr n.'-i1 of the Council o* Jewish Women, ; w o m e n ^"ho have rptspc! t h p i r or? h Society FT P nvp o't'Jnrk t ^rv last Monday, by means of a hum-j m o n e y . l o r t h e " G i v e o r G e t " sert li!nrti»n?-s M t h e lionif P I V ». ! luncheon. • ,TPCP1-- R f n s t p i n . ' ;J P v . r. f: :"-'•. orous skit written by Mrs. Philip .finni? v i ' i he complp.-nri *.-*:• Klutznict. Mrs. Abe Solomon di- i RlrB. S. H. Davis. M r s . .TOP. Tip-•'

TUeSday> FebrUarr 9> tirst Ones Shabbos m be: ? r oSoc£ ^ TheFebruary " The- committee in charge con- ^f IS at the home of

rected the play. Mrs. Arthur Romia and Mr* Hyman Eelmar. : J o h n F a r e r , J ' r s . P h i l K o s c n - ; f M i i i will bf- pivpr ?i th-: Jr-vM. were soloists. Mrs. Sam Teper : blatt, M r s . ?.I. 1*. Sepal, M r s . FF, m ' Conmt" if y ('r-iprr or< >'on,-i;iv »•*••>sists of Mesdames Jack Bramson. i ^ . r s - A \ Schwaczkln. Mrs. l.\ was accompanist. . Canar. M r s . Xlerbes i Np''pir-;T. ninp- TVhrr.p^y s, Fieldler is chairman of the Oneg i.Mrs. E. B-. Reuben. Mrs. Drvei Shabbos committee. ! I SilverniP.n. Mrs. K. Nodule, Mrs. j |Jr.'O??/*ri"C; 51"|*|P»{1| ? man. . LevrnBon, MrK. 1. SlH'rmp.n. The date of the second iecturei I ld

Women's Mizrachl

will be March 9, at the home of i HAD ASSAM LINEN SHOWER \

A i r s . J o h n F r r i e . «-r • " - « . ' . , ,• j Mrs. M. Brodker, ztiS Web. "r , ^ n The Hadassah Linen Show.er | ster street, -will srire a. benefit Bey, M r s . B € T I ^ ^ V wrr \ I bridge at her horae Thursaay. ' e p h I j t p p e y , ~y..vr * i l ^ r - h v o i '-pn- ^ • I I I I I I ^ . t jheld. at the Community Center en j February 4. A one o'clock «3es- E n d K r p . N . P P - ' ^ 'Wednesday was considered aS sert-luncheon will be served. , , . I , k ' . . I . , At a regular meeting of the h u ^ e success. Cash contributions' Proceeds will po toward the V i . . , i I • > ! Ladies' Auxiliary of the Vaad a m o u n t e d t 0 ?153.oO and 111! building fund of the girls' Beth POSTPOtX rKJLiZ iH'Ihr to be held February 2 ati.earments were collected Zeiroth school in Palestine. Mrs. i 2:30 p. m., Rabbi Milton A. Kop- T h o s e v h 0 v e r e ™ a b ! e t 0 a t " Brodkey inviies all her friends D u e t o i n c l e i i ' t . I J I v >>,,u t , , i > stein will discuss Jacob Wasserand me.nbers of the orps.nir;stion p 1 s r 1 e t " P f c i * \ . ;,. i , 1 - , make <x ' < s : , ; to make up tables lor the affair, C r e a m , " w h i c h v s i « . V i ' i i > i man's book "My Life as German ! ed to to "spend an enjoyable efternoon b e p r e s e n t e d l«f "••>• r ! ( T < 1 r , • and Jew." sky, Ms. Ben Brodkey, or Mrs. and at the same time help e S u n d a y S c h o o l o i . * i i i i - i [' This discussion is to commemo-i Jacob Blank. was posLpuned s l L \ .» l>t u\< r ;•worthy cause '' rate the third anniversary of the death of Wasserman. Mrs. Sophie Rothkop i« card en Sunday, J a r ; . . . i ; f t Those tcikint. ;n it in 11 . Members are requested to patty chairman. Any member or ; r v H ii t for the drawing of friend of the organization who isMisses Shiflfe '^ i < l E;KALE clock postponed i New m e m b e r s of tite Sisterhood interested in beir.g- hostess at a and r h y l l i s W o ! i n - .' 1 ' < . ; ' | will be h o n o r e d a t a l u n c h e o n benefit party for the girls' school kin, R u t h K u l r . l o M : Tt , ' Ct j last month. T e a w i l b e served by M r s . J . ; Monday a t T e m p l e I s r a e l . T a b l e s is E.sked to call her at Kenwood hen e n d Dofrib ii.C ..'cri Li • • l c\ son. Bernstein a n d h e r c o m m i t t e e . j will be decorated t o symbolize 5T0G. Mrs. Mayer, who will be guest KNTKRTA1N AT liL'ACHEON ——— i the traditional Hebraic holidays. No invitations have been issued. •of honor, is an internationally Guests will be seated st tables Mre. Mendel Forbes and Mrs. Patronize Our AMP- ,^ch known lecturer and is a leader in representing the four seasons of Mike Colton entertained at a The Ladies F r e e Loan Society worn-en"* organizations. Outthe year. luncheon at their home on standing nationa: recognition has will observe t h e i r Sixteenth A n - Hostesses will be the Kesdames A regular meeting of tbe CbesThoraday, January 14, lor 24 been given Mrs. Mayer for her ! niversary with a d i n n e r a t t h e Morris Ruben stein,- Jack Cohn.1 ed Shel Ernes Society will be held gneBts. The affair was given in i Jewish Community Center on scholarship. iLouis iCu akofskv, L. Gordon at the blinding at 2 o'clock Monhonor of Mrs. Sonia Roitstein \ Sunday evening, February 14. AGross. Fred Rosenstock, Charles : day February l. Final report on B'nai Brith's 'Ladies Night' will whose marriage to Irving Forbes j : fine program has been arranged d will take place on January 31.- I Dascom Dinsmore, the wireless I be open to the public. Both men and all those attending will have Scbimmel, Sam Berkowitz and .the furnishing-? will be given. | operator at an ice-bound station and women are invited to attend. , an enjoyable time. Reservations Samuel Grodinsky. Speakers for the respective ta- j j can be made at the meeting HOUSE PARTY j ninety miles from the nearest bles will be Mesiatnes L. H. Co- HADASSAH STUDY GROUPS settlement is the. loneliest man in ; JR. HADASSAH which will be held at the Jewish h e The Phi Delta Mu Sorority Labrador. He hasn't Been a white j Community Center on ttednes- _ / ^ ^ ,t_ ^ gave a house party Sunday even- woman 'or more than a year. and Sam Wol Mrs. Ben Silver j The Hadassah Study Group ] ing at the home of. Miss Eva Ru- No wonder that when Sir James | Junior Hadassah will meet •day, February 3, or with is president of the Sisterhood. A [will meet at the home of Mrs. derman in honor of Miss Rebec- Felton and his fiancee, Irene i nest Thursday evening, February I Will Bloom, We. 1724. board meeting will be held at ' Sam Stern. 242 K. SEth Avenue. 4, at S p. m. at the J. C. C. -•^T ca Tatelbaum's birthday. The Tuesday, February 2. at 1:SO. noon. A report of the Southwestern ^ Sorority presented Miss • TatelMrs. David Goldstein will lead JUNIOR COUNCIL Regional convention will be givbaum with a lovely gift. . the class which will discuss the \") Mrs. Bess Brown of the Adult LADIES' AUXILIARY OF com sends false mess'ges Instead en. Jewish attitude toward peace. ! Education division of the Departof the ones they gave him in orGUEST HERE ! ment of Educaticn pave her first CONGREGATION OF ISRAEL der to keep his unexpected visiMiss Molly H. Jacobson of San tors prisoners. POSTPONE WOMEN'S DIVI- jof the series of talks on "Health j . Francisco, California is the guest lnvest Safe';/, Wtee!y In SION LUNCHEON I Tor the Business Girl" before the i The Ladies Auxiliary of the Thus 'Petticoat Fever,' the laof heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. test project of the Center PlayI members of the Junior Council ; Congregation of Israel will hold Henry Jaccbson. Due to unforeseen circum- I of Jewish W-men >n Monday : their-regular monthly meeting: on ers, gets Its start. On Wednesday Annuity. Endowment, Llf» 25. Mrs. ; Monday, February i, at 2 p. . m. and Thursday, February 16 and stances the Women's Division j evening. J a n u a r y SEC "WEEKS XX CAIilFORXIA luncheon meeting scheduled for |Brown's subject was "The Comin the Assembly room of the 17, the Players will present this Mr. and Mrs. Abe Somberg -will recent favorite i»t the Jewish February 1 has been postponed imon Cold — its causes, preven-; Synagogue, 25 and J Street. All nepresents 81 E4ronj] Companie»—Every Type of Insurance leave February 2 for California Community Center* until March. jtion and cure." These ~ lectures • members are urged to attend. end Bendi Written. Calj AT- • ; where they will remain about six j will be held every Monday even- j important business w i l l be Charles Rachman will play the ?667 or WA-E150. weeks. . •. ' . ' ing at the paxton Hotel. ' transacted. leading role of the lonely wirePatronize Our Advertisers less operator. The part of the AJTNOUWCE BIRTH blustery British aviator will be % Mr. and Mrs. Harry Perlik i n - taken by Milton Frohm while Ro'. nounce the birth of a son at the salie Alberts and Bertha Gus Methodist Hospital on January will have the leading feminine 2 0 . . • - • • roles. Center members will be admitt-.BENEFIT- BRIDGE AKD ed without charge. "Tickets for non-members are fifty cents. : The-Xiadiea Auxiliary of Workmen's Circle( Branch 173, will hold.a benefit and luncheon on Saturday, January 30 at Hayden Brathers store. This organization meets every other Friday at eight o'clock at Omaha Bodge of B'nal B'rith the Labor Lyceum. has designated the meeting to be held Monday evening, February EnilTf..T, TO VISIT HERE I 8. 'Ladies Night', Mrs. Max MayMr. and Mrs. I Hlrschmann of jer, executive director of the J. .West Englewood New Jersey ar- {C. C. of Des Moines will be the "7fi'n I |Cirived Tuesday to be the guests i guest, speaker. . 0 L'rlUua o£ J>r. and .Mrs. Herman HirschThe local lodge of B'nal B'rith ' - - , - ^ « , „ „ „ „ _ • -"I } - i mann. is the first men's organisation to take official notice CONVENTION j of the important work that ? Among the. members of the ! is being undertaken by the JewOmaha Chapter of the Junior Ha- ish women's groups of the comS f oi . " r dassah who attended the eleventh munity. The lodge has announcannual Southwestern Regional ed it "Ladies Night" lor the Bole £ for r* .Convention of the Junior HadasFebeco ? T ; r ' "'-^v " , sah at the Hotel Robidoux at St. Toot * rn"tr ' 'V Joseph. Mo. last week end were Dr. 'Wpr.'c ?»i»v r>«"v3i.r the MiBsea Kalah Franklin, Sarah Taub, M a r y Garflnkle, Alice S for j»i>c Joyce Susman, Bess Kirahen-r Colgate's Tootfc FRSIC, ri baum, Anne Kuznit, Sarah GerX for - (?'>€ man, Dorothy Zlptkin. Bettye Pepwident Tootfe 'X*p*v«ler .SE>c Tuchman, Ida Kotler Esther. Laf'6fi«"i C'ie«B$iB|! tly-Ktil Tooth Pinrfier. .SSc zerson, Lucille Kaplan, Mamie Temin and May Tucker, "all of Omaha; Miss Fannie Katelman of Council Bluffs; Miss Lena Kaplan of Columbus, and Miss Ann Kaplan of Avoca.

Mrs. John Farber.

Vaad Auxiliary

, % . ,


Ladies' Free Loan

Center Players Make Plans to j Present Comedy I


Chesed Shel Ernes

Month End


• * _





Local B'nai B'rith Makes Plansfop a "Ladies Night"



APPENDECTOM\ Mr. Nate Fine underwent an appendectomy at the ' Methodist Hospital Wednesday, January 27. AT JOSL.XN MEMORIAI •.'• The following activities will be presented at the Joslyn Memorial on Sunday, January 31, 1937. 3:30 p. m. Lecture Hall; Lecture by Reverend Edwin : Henry Berger on "Growth of the. Radical Spirit." • i1 -4:00 p. m. Concert Hall. Organ Recital by Martin W. Blsh '"assisted: by William Pfeiffer, .Baritone. • • ' ;


for "Soggy" ; Where, the Clothing World Is Under One Roof for Service.

>ENING o f •


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Fear Grows

BOYAL HONEYMOONEBS—Princess Juliana of The Netherlands and her newly wedded husband/Prince Bernhard zuLippeBiesterfeld, as they enjoyed winter sports during their honeymoon at Krynlca, Poland. The Polish government placed a nearby-villa at their disposal; The Prince was reported an. excellent skiier, but Juliana, was somewhat .of a novice.






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MAKING "HABD" MONET—These scenes are in the.United States Mint in Philadelphia. Upper left; metal has been put into a melting furnace. Upper right, pouring molten metal into lorms. Bottom, left to right: Weighing ingots; metallic bars cut from ingots; rolling bars into longer and thinner strips from which coins will be cut. Uncle Sam has three other similar coin-msnulacturins plants in the country. They are in San Francisco, Denver and New Orleans, with assay offices, in New York and Seattle. Uncle Sam uses silver, copper, nickel, tin and zinc in producing the coins you use. But there hasn't been any gold minted since 1833.

•..."..•'.•"•,"." ''• ''•*••"•*: •'•"• '.•-":



INDUCT A EOfG—Ijoadoa ls«.wsfeeataf to the TPP? tiiat thecoronatioa Cffi^aordeE o* Kiaj; O O T P "TT rnf, QTT-TTT riwnbPtJl 9X9 not far away, ^nth-stantis to ^xomniodrtp t^o«<?rnri«' n being erected. This one, in the sSsdpr of tlw 'RITSCS T>ig Ben clock on the ParlJEiasat baasmg, is raisins i s Pa-Lament Eqaare. Of coarse there TSZ & foe vhea t5sk r&s liken.

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XOUIS'S NEXT OPPONENT—Meet Bob Pastor,' heavyweight boxing champion of NewYork State, who is scheduled to fight Joe Louis, Detroit Brown Bomber, at Madison Square Garden, New York, Jan. 29. Since leaving his studies and the football^ team, at . New York University, Pastor has engaged in 20 ring battles, losing : but one. He recently knocked out Ray Impellittiere. ;

HELD — David Harris, 47. held in Los Angeles after he walked into a police station and confessed, police say,' that he wrote extortion notes to parents of Jane Withers and Freddie Bartholomew, screen starlets. Federal . authorities expected to charge Harris with use of the United estates.-stalls-for purposf Of extortion.

, B1VEBS BEACH BECOBD STAGE—Although thousands of workers Struggled to>keep^^ swollen rivers" ih?10 States within their channels, river dikes were-beingtbrbkeri Even, sandbag barricades.were swept away by the terrific force of the floods. Hereithe Sfc.:Erancis River breaks through .the dike near ; Bennett, Mo. More than 2,000 fled to higher -ground.'-•'•;::-..'."' r 'I •'•'. '..'•"

**t£if 1 "*'1fr

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WOMEN AID LOYALIST FIGHTERS—This girl Loyalist gets advice in no uncertain terms from a fellow-soldier on the Madrid front in Spain, as she aims her rifle over a sandbag barrier. Women have fought savagely beside their menfolk in Spain's Civil War.

. lIEMPRIAL'TOiWILL-rThis shows the beautiful park and memorial-tower dedicated to the late Will Rogers by his friend and admirer, Spencer "Penrose. I t is situated on Cheyenne Mountain, •not f a r from'Colorado Springs, Colo. .

18 EUET IN FLORIDA TTRECE—Air new of the v~eek o? the Southland, crack southbound tourist trr.ir of the /Atlantic Coast Line, which occurred near-Odessa, Fla. Eighteen -persons were injured, but-more than 100 in cars from Midwest points escapedunhurt. Railroad officials blamed a broken rail for the ^treefc. Two day coaches and three Pullmens left.the Tails.

. . . , . ' - Sere 3s the-saeae'as ColcnerQei-ferR.! ,1-Isj-BJSHn • Gosrinp. German Air Minister, met Premier Kassolini'ta Bonse for'a series of cssTexistloari, presuai•ably about Spain. Left-to right: General Goering; Coimtess Cisne; .&er-fat2jer, Premier' ri Count Ciano, H Duce's *on-to-law, and FrauGoering, -partly' hidaea, - •• •

THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY.29,1937 I ond game. 'Lee Grossman urges I PLANS ARE COMPLETED greater attendance at these j Sharpshooters FOR BETH-EL DANCE aclassy junior games which is pre-1 Omaha Jobbers

••:••••.-.. Beth-El At services tonight Rabbi David A. Goldstein -will speak' on "The Eteraal Roud in NCTT York and Toscanini in Tel Aviv." Cantor Aaron Edgar and the choir •will lead the Service. Next -week Rabbi Goldstein •Brill speak on, "The Life Work and Teachings ot Ahad Ha'am."


W. W. L. I the J. C. C. singles handball tour- j nament which has an entry list Panthers .7 now of 36 in both Class A and B Lions _ _ .6 divisions. Play will start Mon- Bears senting the "youngsters of today i Council Bluffs A. Z. A. -5 Arrangements have been com- who will be the stare of tomor- j Ramblers February 1. ....0 Tigers .1 pleted for the Beth-El Winter row." The three-way tie in the J. Dance, which takes place at the C. bowling league came to J. C. CBowling League Interest is mounting rapidly in Standings: Blackstone Hotel on Sunday, February 14^ Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg and Mrs. Maynard Greenberg, chairman, and a large committee of Beth El members are working hard .to make this an outstanding event. Card rooms are being provided for those who do not dance.

Aids Jewish Charities

At Friday evening services, January 29, Rabbi' David H. Salonifei — In an effort to disWice's sermon will he "Problems Confronting the Religious Jew" pel rumors that his regime is un—Echoes of the New Orleans friendly to the Jews, John Metaxas, Fascist dictator of Greece, has convention. . .....•• Regular Saturday morning ser- authorized the expenditure of •'vices will be held at I I o'clock. 500,000 drachmas ($5,000) for Jewish charitable- institutions.




Patronize Our Advertisers

Rabbi Milton A.Kopstein speak "on '^Claims ol Religion" at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, Friday evening. An open forum will be held after services. By EAT SGHAPZBO Saturday- morning Rabbi Kopstein will speak in Yiddish: at the A rare treat is in store for Beth' Hamedroah ,Hasrodbr synakef ball' followers Sunday aftergogue. ' • . '. '


. € . € . Sports

Tree Donations Donations for 386 trees in Palestine have been made; by pmaha organizations and individuals. Among the organizations planting trees in Palestine . a r e : the Beth El Auxiliary, • Council of Jewish Women, Mizrachi ' "Women's Organization, Hadassah, Plo• neer "Women, - Vaad ."Auxiliary, Adass" Yeshuren Congregation; Omaha: Hebrew Club, Temple Israel Sisterhood, Goldie Meyerson Club, Deborah Society, Beth "Hamedrosli :Hagodol, "B'nai Jacob, Char Zion Congregation, B'nai Israel Auxiliary, B'nai B'rith, Old People's Home, and the Zionist : District. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Frieden contributed' to celebrate their twenty-fifth -wedding -aniversary; Mrs. A. D. Frank for her son, Richard Asher Frank; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kahz • in honor .of their daughter," '-MerMam* ~ Mrsr M. Brodkey in. honor :6i ; Abe Brodkey; -Mrs. Bessie Freshman to celebrate the" marriage of her

noon at the J. C.(C. with the presentation of the much-awaited game between the'Barish-Sanders and Psi Mu teams lor the league leadership and a four-star special program which consists of a girls' cage-screani-fest, and musical entertainment!' ' The program is; being presented for a charitable cause, proceeds'being turned over to The Omaha Bee-News Free Shoe'Fund. The' Center has' donated its facilities for the past several years to this<canse and is happy to do so again!. '•;-'•• J .

the show gets under way at 2:30-p. m. with the preliminary activity, the focal point of interest' hinges upon the Barish-Psi Mu contest. : Both teams are undefeated in league competition and an intense rivalry between •the individual players promises a red-hot-.afternoon. . , The girls game will be played by.Russell Sports and Kitty Clovers, two..of. the outstanding feminihe:-qiiintets in Omaha. : ; Tife.Viehtertainment "will consist of four acts-with such prominent stars of - radiolahd- as Joe; Chris-

daughters-Dora; •Mr. and Mrs. Max Kaplan to celebrate their ty, the dynamo at.the piano who

twenty-fifth, V.'anniversary.:';;;. Mr: is master, of .ceremonies at the and' Mrs. Harry :Perlik*;iii:; honor Club'' Rr>yal;<4May- . Jane,- France, wJto... ha*d the '• temale lead a t ; the Mrs.^Ew Meyer- in;; ,honor|;p|ifiEr.| A£^gar.-Benv:De£." Show, vocalist, gra n ndsS>n ^ n ^ ^;=i3artaa= a r t o i ^ H l n e b ^ ^ i i f c - ^ 0 1 1 1 1 'Bandnskti;. a^Kjrd-ian-^laypr, the ' Jo^-sistei*,- daride.' team, the ^ ^ ^ o u i s ^ G r e e a i b e r s •$]/?&) oryl'of - her; ~—~«-i- '•»+— '-na. above three services.have.hfien 4bEizeristatt ;inr>, memory ql.; ."Freda; :nfet"efl.' by the Midwest ;Talent, EnEizenstatt; Mrs.'; Joseph/- Hlznine'lr' teritises. Btein--:in' memory vof her ; husband J' > •The'iprice is 25c for this enRabbi, and. Mrs.' David Goldsteih tire'^afternbon' of: entertainment. in memory of their' grandfather, Lineups: Samuelf Berman- Mr. .and"; -"M*&\ Barish Sanders Levei'son in memory' of Judge t. .Bogdpnoff." ; Iz Novak

W.''G..Hastings;..Mr:.iand>Mra. M." S.'CfflierV-;'V~. F. Eevettson in: memory of Harry if. Sigel.'. ; ; Klbfe-

• ' . ' v - - •::-;•.. . • • • ' • > • • V : - ' . ^ \

~" - .s - ?. a ?t e • Hub Monsky

! V Bergman.* *

Inairidiiais-- contributing are:". J. -Stoier. -"'.' 'H. Alsutler S. SStelman, ;"Mrs'. Herman- Coh; en, Mr's..'lvC>. Hurwitz, / ; Charles The torrid shooting-: of Iz BogMann7; Cantor r Abtiham : ] Schwaczkln;-;H.;-'Crqun_se,:vReuben.Xack- donbff, the supe/ clpthing salesman, snatched a victory away w' MorrisAMin^ini •• • Sol Sol Lewis Lewis,from £ lighting" Alpha "Pi Tau ow,-

Max.' "WintroiibV; J- Linsman;v -Dr: Isadore -Darisky^ • Dora-.Tfetiak, M. -;Whitet;:E.: Block, H . . E . Belmon'tirCantor>;A"aran?Edgar, H. Lebovici^. • Louis" Greenberg, S. "^Richinanf. H; Osbff,' . : MrB; - -Max •WintTPUb,'; E.t;.. Weinber^, Edith Toby.J'-Feldmaa/ Shblem Novak, Harold Novak, F. Richlin, Aaron Bondariri, Julius Bisno, Henry Monsky, S^H. Belensky, Mrs. Sol • Lewis; Dr. ^Philip Sher,. Ben Chait and-Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Gerstein.

quint Sunday'. at. the Jewish-Community Center after .it.was thoroughly, believed, the youngsters would hang an - upset on -the mighty Psi Mu-team. ••'• Ahead at the half, 20-9, on the sensational goal-shooting of Wil lowly Will Smith, the Alphas were'left behind-when the dapper Bogdonoff began cracking the hoop with a sharpshooter's con sistency, pouring in six field goal, in the last half. The final score was 3 6-28, six points coming to the Psi Mus in the last minute of play as the Orange and Black of the losers floundered in com plete route. Barish-Sanders too were forced Warsaw (JTA) — Haint, Yiddish daily, reported that a court to put on some pressure to stay action- has been planned by. a in the unbeaten- class as the spir number.: of Jewish industrialists ited play of the XI Lambdas ha against Deputy; Bfluzirisfey, ,antl-. the Automen. in 20 different deSemitic'member ;of "Parliament,. grees' of water, Tall: hot,- for mos on the; ground t h a t : he obtained of the .game." But. class Trill tell the Barish boys pushed on t money, from, them on ' false pre- and a : 40±31 triumph. ::;' ' ' • tenses. . •':•':•'•'•'. '• • f All' oflast Sunday's" games, in The industrialists.-- are' said to have contributed 150,000.- zlotys the senior: league proved .above (about 530,000)- towards Bud- the high-water mark as far a zinsky's election campaign on his thrills were concerned'With A: Z promise to protect Jewish Inter- A. No. 1 emerging with a bit ests. • The deputyt however, has' ter, victory over their fraternity proved" brie • of the* most outspok- foes, A. Z. A. No. 100, 20 to 11 en of -the anti-Semitic bloc in Sherman and Soref," a pair'of Ian ky youngsters, used their heigh Parliament. to good advantage to* turn th tide. But the remarkable im BOYCOTT]JEWISH DOCTORS provement of the A. Z. A. lads under the ; coaching- of Pau Bogdonoff marks them-as;a team that'll make the best of 'em hus .;—. Admitting tle. Be'r'lin- , that Nazi 1- w-does:not forbid ArStandings: yans, to--: consult Jewish 1 physic-



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specializes in c e n t e r pieces, corsages, funeral arrangements, weddings, cut flowers, and potted plants. T.i£~ia Floor Erandeis Store


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Permanent Wavei at $3.50 and Up 7X6 Brandeis Theatre Building


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ians, .the Ziel 'arid; Weg, "official organ of/the Nazi ; party's health bureau^, has called on Germans' to . boycott'Jewish doctors a s p i r t ot • their .duty, to -the' German Tace. The paper declares t h a t : "all Germans-.are-supposed" to avoid intercourse -with the Jews r and eliminate ; their influence even in fields where no specific legal proscriptions exist. Thia is not merely a question of cleanliness and of racial tact, ..-but simply the duty of every German who claims to br regarded as such."

Patronize Our Advertisers

L. end Tuesday night at the Ak-Sar- teams meet. Leo Weitz was the only bpwlpv Ben playground. The Panthers ' annexed three games from the ; to make over Uie coveted "EC!*'' unhappy Timers and as a result j class with a total of TOS. Dnr are on top. The Lions are very j Platt, Harry Smith. A. VTeitz, srul C. close behind and may climb to; Jack Melcher were short a few an! the top next week when the two < pins of reaching "200."

Barish-Sanders Psi Mu . Xi Lambda ..... Alpha Pi Tau . A. Z. A. No. 1 A. Z. A. No. 100

-2'; -0.

Sharpshooters; took it"' on th chin for the first time .this season in the J. C. -C. Junior basket ball league on Tuesday when Council Bluff's fighting ^ A. Z. A: lads pinned a 20-18 defeat on th« league leaders. N. Rosentball let the victors. Omaha Jobbers squelche Ramblers, 23 to 12, in the sec-

Cleaning Special ' men's cults | 2 or p l a i n dresses or" 1'

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Funeral Directors Our funeral parlors are furnished in home-like fashion. We nave spared neither time nor expense in ticvelcplns every chase of our service.


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Joseph. Hyman recently in. our city as adrance representative ol Kosher Merry-Go-Eound Cantor Pinchii, "who is soon to friends of Mrs. AUan appear in a concert here, presented proper credentials snlficiently j Kohan are pleased to bear that to identify the fact that he was! she Is convalescing from her reone of the first to recognize the cent illness . . - "What'.produce ability of "Bobby Breen. This Jew-j merchant has placed an order for ish lad, -who is being trained by a "chupah" on or about March 1? the master Eddie Cantor, h a s ' . . . Milton Frohm possesses all been nothing short of a sensation j the qualifications of the Ideal netin, radio and pictures. Hyinanj.work announcer . . . clear dieadvises that he brought young' tion, authoritative manner cfj Breen to Borris Morros, head of! speech, gentlemanly bearing, and i the Paramount music department, ] for television purposes, an obvious I 1 for an audition but -u-as frowned; dimple! ! . . . Harry Leraer is j I upon because of the activity of; the cause of the "busy" phone j I the Gerry Society, which prohib-Uigcal at the residence of Mr. and j ited child performers. The same'. Mrs. Meyer Coren. . - . the news; Hyman brought suit against Ed- i magnate's daughter Ruth is the die Cantor recently alleging j attraction . . . The department breach ' of contract, which was, store widow who rids herself of settled out of court. The young- i all inhibitions every Saturday ster's real name is Isadore Bor-1 night • drinHng long and serioutsuk and his guiding angel is his | Iv . . . fciODe'. '. . . . .false Zr\iv. sister, Sally Borsuk. His parents j Stalmaster possesses one of the reside in Montreal. i finest" legal .collections of books


ICaira 21 ii Insurance

Life Ineiirm-nce and »^rsr<\iities in one of t e e leading; companies of Amencd. Also general insursnee covering pereonBl property.

SUITE 7S^-€T Insurance AT-&0S4

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Community Playhorse prodEC _ s received warm praise from he is quoted at one to ten odds local critics for her intelligent inty the "bookies." terpretation of the character cf the movie "fan" youngster ir

Neighborly Chatter


t;..,.,. ' . . . .

n P c r e l n . r - . Perelnian's. ± t L -


r *- •

r .v -.-• --. r-o

the colored men twelve times and

; night, is 8. Jewish lad, a fe , ^ INew Tork university football £ « istar. Experts, including Benny • . ^


cotcplete selection of national brancls of liquors

containing literature extant j Sport Palaver and history of the law . . . Perj Pardon us for . deviating from haps the local lassies . are inter| our "shmoos" department for a ested, so we mention the return, ! bit of sport chatter. Doc Pow- of the Broadway "Don Juan."" | ers, the New Tork Daily News viz: Sid Abranicwitz . . - DoroI columnist, writes that in the past thy Taielman, of the Meyer TB25 years Jewish boys have held. teiman's. won the. coveted honrr j the fight titles twenty-one times, serving as toaetmistress at the the Italians nest with eighteen ^ ^ t rt oJ t n e

(10) per:

j -personal Appearance." . . . The

Sam Beber and Henry Monsky j "peppy, sneppy, cheppy" at the have been attending an executive! Municipal -cniversity of Omaha ^is session of B'nai B'rith at Miami, i Morrie Klain, student estrsordiFlorida . . . Much favorable com-| n ary . . . aside from being crr- 1 ment anent the original skit• MrsJ sidered as the "Sweetheart cZ Philip (Ethel) Klutznick pre-| Alpha Gamma Chi," Omaha r . sented before the Jewish Council; sorority, said Klain's journalistic of Women at a recent luncheon'; efforts contribute an icterestir.fr contained a poetic flavor with' portion of the Gateway, the i;r:a parody twist on the various : versity organ. . . . A I S . and Esmembers* . . . Incidentally the fe-;ther S. have built up. to a "'terrl- | male satirist has been busily en-: fic let down" ' ! gaged in the. care cf the "Quin-j tuplets" (the trio of the Sam Be-j Cording Attraoticjns |/ ber's and her own two kiddies) j



. . Psi-Mu ana Barish-SarC- \,


. . . The Sam Bebers are return-: € rs Motors meet for top basket v ing home from their Florida so-: Da i; honors EundEy afternoon rt \ journ on. Sunday nest . . - The • the J. C. C Gyin. Proceeds TO £ chilly blasts out California way; g0 to the Bee-News Shoe Fund ^ g-o has influenced many Omahans to: .. .. . Besides the exciting ET&ITCE. t hie themselves to the sunny there will be a floor show pre- i beaches at Florida. The Mas sented by artists from severs.] t Venders, the Sam Platts, the Al well known local clubs. Jchr. Kaimans, Bess Cohn and others Kuropatken Chapel, the TT. K are wintering there . . . Libby announcer, will M. C. the shew. Saylin prefers a lad who has. the . . . A musical treat is the retv.™ same initials: L. S. . . . Congrats of A. TT. Binder, musician, ccvto Joe (J. J.) Greenberg of the poser and lecturer, who v /.I r H. A. Wolf Co. . . . He has just speak on "The ^"ew and His ? uheen elected to serve as president: sic," a survey cf the development Jewish music from of the Omaha Association c In-; surors . . . The liquor salesman;times'to the present pf.lest.5i-/r- < who unwittingly caused a youngjers.. Binder illustrates 'me poirtr maiden's tears, breaking up a j with music. Tuesday eve is V:-long friendship . . . proceeded to ] date and admission is free tr drown his tears with the brand; Center members. F e b r u a r y ' l - i \ of liquor that he dispenses . . .! Is the senior social event of tre Felicitations to Mr. and Mrs. M?.x; season.' The 'dance to be givr- J (Insurance) Kaplan on their; by the Beth El Auxiliary et - . 1 - -. twenty-fifth wedding anniversary! Blackstone Hotel. Mesdames XE- 4 : and the Robert Koopers' on th'eii j than (Ruth) Kogg ana Karnr-cL ^ tenth wedding anniversary . . J (Sally) Greenberg are in charge Mazzeltoff to the Harry ar.d'. . . and don't froget to atterc. Gladys (Meyer) Perlick's on the: the all-Tiddish play, DEI Fre^ c-, arrival of a "boytrbik" and raso;er,at the J. C. C. Sunday eveni- = an-: Helen Shuken who Sunder auspices of th? Ci to Da.v<2 are t h i proud parents or E ' and Social group cf the B Samuel Kenyon "maidele" . . . bofi are irsts"! , Club, charge. L. \Talk has the lead £i .1 . . . Flash! The- Perlick infant Salewin MSchnick is directing lie has been named Burton Michael and the Shnkert baby is named , Sharon Beva . . . Rehearsals for j the initial play of the season, 77,757 j "Petiicoat Fever" by the Center New oifc — 7 ',T5T free me&ls i players is EOW in progress . . . and and. 21.S06 toot packages v-ere ! scheduled for February 17th and given to Berlin Jeirs by eis kitjlSth . . . we promise some-inter- chens during XE26, Joseph C. Eyesting sidelights concerning cast man, secretary of the .TDC, has of players in a later issue . . . j The John Beber'family address is £55


drr - oi

— C" c **• ^

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Page 8


tice and that truth and that prac- public. Plenty of refreshments ate much expense vhich had in Southwestern Region of the Jun- important meeting next Wednes- jMOUS RE-TRIAL TO RABBI tice of human brotherhood that will be served according to the the past been paid to hospital ior Hadassah. day evening, February 3_ at eight (SHOT AS SPY IN 1920 . . . But they must of necessity attribute committee in charge. An admis- representatives. Every family is o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yis- I if he is found innocent they can't| to.•Him as being accorded to His sion charge of Twenty-five cents requested to contribute as generMiss Lorraine M e y e r s o n , roel synagogue. All members are ! bring him back to life. will. And since He stands above per person will be made, and a ously as possible for this worthy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam urged to attend. AFRICA all humanity, even though each good time is ' ssured to all. Tic- cause. Meyerson, was chosen as one of ITALY TO NAME ETHIOPIAN MISS AIWA PILL, correspeadeat people be elected toward its char- kets can be obtained from Mr. O. the princesses for the Mardi Gras TOWN FOR JEWISH W A R a_cter..and function and special re- Hochman, chairman, Mr. Sam The Council Bluffs Talmud Ball to be held at the City AudiHERO . . . To offset the perseculationship to the transcendent and Sacks or Mr. "Charles Saltzman Torah Society will hold an im- torium on Monday evening, Febtion •©£ Jevrish Sabbath observers WIN HONORS divine, so will those who are His during the coming week or tic- portant meeting next Monday jruary 8. Paul Krasne, son of in Tripoli? children strive in all their better kets can be , purchased at the evening, February l t at eight | Mr. and Mrs. George Krasne was tO •"* 1'A MiSTIM-] ' Miss Sylvia Herzbff was award- and higher moments after the Eagles Hall next Thursday even- o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yis- chosen as one of the escorts for ROYAL COMMISSION HEARS ed a bronze medar by* the John unity of mankind in His unity ing. Everyone is urged to make roel synagogue at 618 Mynster this affair, and Floyd Yudelson, LAST WITNESSES AND LEAVES plans now to attend this affair. St. Marshall c h a p t e r , Sons of and in the Unity of His name. son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris YuFOR LONDON . . . But its raemMr. Harry Kubby is president of American Revolution, for ' excelOh yea, the Jewish religion is the organization. delson, was chosen for a member Speaking in the language lie lence in scholarship in Amer. bers can't draw that deep sigh of By ROBERT STONE The Sisterhood of the Talmud of the "Gentlemen of the Court." -\ORTH AMERICA termed hia "third-best", English, ican History. Miss Heraoff, who a very philosophical religion. It j relief until they have handed in Torah Society will hold a reguIttamar Ben Ave addresed more graduated from Central High Is the religion of free men. There DARE SCHMELINC TO GIVE r tneir report. may be a Torah Ejneth. It is not lar^ meeting next Wednesday afMr. and Mrs. Leo Ungar are 78 PER CENT OF BRADDOCK | NAZIS SENDING TRADE DELthan 200 people at the annual J. School in the Mid-year class ^s HOSPITAL DRIVE ternoon, February 3, at 2:30 leaving Sunday on a motor trip BOUT RECEIPTS TO GERMAN JEGATION TO DEAL W I T H :N. F. banquet of the Sioux City the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A| at least, written by a dictator or The local committee for the council of the Jewish National M. Herzoff, 103P Seventeenth St. a party. In its name, as again Hospital Collection will inaugu- o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yis- I down south. They will visit first REFUGEES . . . The challengers 'ARABS . . . Birds of a feather— the other day in Tripoli, men St. Joseph, Missouri and then r.ight just as well have saved : you know the rest. Fund Thursday evening in the Theodore Skalovsky, also a defy the tyrant. You and I may rate a new method of getting col- roel synagogue at 618 Mynster tin visit also !u Corpus Christi, and their breath. Jewish Community Center. member of ,the mid-year graduat- not be very scrupulous Shomrei lections which is expected to com- Street. All members are urged j!Mexico j (Copyright, IS37, hy Seven Arta City. '- Mr.-Ben Ayi speaking from a ing class at Central High School mence the. early part ' of next to attend. Feature Syndicate) DENY AMERICAN JEWISH j Shabbath. But those Tripolitan personal knowledge of the prob- was presented the Bausch «end week. llr. Nathan Gilinsky, presCONGRESS NEGOTIATING TO lems of the Jew in Palestine en- Lamb science award for the grea- Jewish merchants who insisted on idents of. the Council Bluffs Mrs. M. Bernstein entertained f Mr. Ernest Ross returned home SETTLE JEWS IN SANTO DOMlivened his address-with many test progress in science. He Is closing their shops on the Sab- Lodge No 688 of the B'nai Brith fifteen guests at. a luncheon at j Monday from St. Louis, Missouri INGO . . . . Anyway, the report JEWISH POPULATION bath and received upon their nakdramatic, inspiring and 'some- the son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris who Is in charge of this drive, her home last Friday afternoon j where he went last week on a seems to be premature. DROPS 80% IN humorous stories of his exper- Skalovaky, 3018 Jennings Street. ed backs the lashes of that foul has anounced that for the first n honor of Miss Ida Krasne, j buying: trip. EUROPE dictatorship are men and heroes, SAAR iences in Palestine. He comparI Both Sylvia and Theodore time a joint drive is being held whose marriage to Mr. Harold I FRANCE CONSIDERING JEW- i - saarbruecken, Germany (JT ed Borne of the amazing events in graduated with honors of. 95 per assettors of human freedom, be- for five important hospitals, in- Ahraha^s of Omaha took place j Mrs> G e o r g e K r a s n e e n t e r t a i n . ISH COLONY ON ISLAND OF A) — The Jewish population the upbuilding of Palestine with cent or above, •, Among the stu- lievers In the kingdom of God. cluding the National Jewish Hos- e MADAGASCAR . . . With an area of the Saar has fallen 80 per cent ' *' ed the members of her Afternoon: All free men everywhere should the miracles of the Bible, and cit- dents who graduated with honors pital, Jewish Consumptive Relief at a luncheon at her home 25 times that of Palestine, per- since ing as one of the most miracul- of 90 to 95 per cent • were Sam pay them homage. They made no Society, National Home for Jew- 'Miss Fannie Katelnan return-!jClub the territory was returned Wednesday afternoon. haps the island really can find to Germany, ous" the building of the Jewish Edelman, Marvin Kline, Sam Ri- father-image of the Italian up- ish "Childrer, all of Denver, Colo- ed home Monday from St. Jothe official organ of " room for Jews, port, he gave a vivid and thrill- vin and Lillian Turchen. the Saar Jewish Community re.: start. God is their father. There- rado, The Ex-Patienta Tubercu- seph Mo., where she attended the | Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Krasne and JEWISH DEATHS RATE IN ported. fore they are free men who would ing account of the remarkable instrive for that kingdom of God on lar Home, all of Denver Colorado Southwestern Regional Conven- | children are spending the winter RODMANIA HIGHER T H A N cidents that lead to the building 4,500 Jews residing here at BIRTH RATE IN 1936 . . . . A j theOfbeginning Re-Elected Farane Head earth wherein all men shall be and the Jewish Consumptive and ion of the Junior Hadassah at j in Phoenix, Arizona. of the long hoped for porC of 1935, only 1,000 Ex-Patients Relief Association of the Hotel Robidoux last week I 1_ self-resolution of the Roumanian free. The speaker gave a moving re;are left_ the paper stated, adding Los Angeles. This joint drive by end. Miss Katelman was elected j The Council Bluffs Chevra Jewish problem? Members of the Sioux City In- (Copyright, 1937, .by Seven Arts the local committee will eliminport of the many times that the a member of the board of the] B'nai Yisroel Society will hold an! POLAND TO GIVE POSTHTJ- [ that not a. single Jewish wedding Jews failed to take advantage of dependent Farane re-elected Moriwas tfeld during all of 1936. .Feature Syndicate) opportunity to own Palestine ris Albert as president of the orthrough lack of vision' and coop- ganization for the fourth suceration in raising funds and urg- cessive year. Ben Kaplan was ed, his listeners ot spare no ef- chosen secretary. The farane fort in raising the necessary mon- was organized in 1922 and has ey for the Jewish National fund for its purpose the maintenance to carry on the work of settling of the Jewish Cemetery at Graceland Park. „ Jewish refugees on. the land. The Palestinian publisher told of the plans for development In •FATHER AND SOX' BANQUET Palestine for the next five years SUNDAY EVENING and assured the listeners that The January meeting of the Plans have been completed for the Jewish people of Palestine Senior Hadassah chapter followhave great confidence in their ed a dessert luncheon in the Jew- annual Fathers and Son Banquet ability to meet the problems as ish Comunity Center Mrs. W. to be given by the Sisterhood of they appear, with the help from C . S l o t s k y p r e s i d e d a t t h e m e e t - the Talmud Torah Society this Sunday eveningt January 31, this country of the Jews, through i n g ; • . • : - ' • . . . • - . ' . • • " ' . ' commencing at five o'clock, at the the Jewish National'Fund. afternoon hours-were spent Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue More than $250.00 was raised atThe bridge. at 618 Mynster St. The commitat the meeting. Dr. J. N. Lande tee' in'charge have .arranged for presided at the banquet. A muan -entertaining program to insical program was presented by J. C. C. TEAM SECOND clude Dr. Isaac Sternhill who will the Talmud Torah -choir. IN LEAGUE speak for the "Fathers" and Ben Kutler who will respond for the Defeating the Y team with a "Sons". Mr. Nathan Nogg will score of 27 to 3, the Jewish Com- preside as toastmaster; Mr. E. munity Center . boys basketball Cooper will• give the Invocation; By DR. PHILIP SHER team went into second place in The annual Hebrew School ban- the Y. Inter-church league.- Al Mrs. E. Sellz of Omaha will sing quet was held Wednesday even- Zeligson led the,winners with a group of Hebrew Folk Songs; ing in the J. C. C , when more seven field goals. Kennth Shad- musical selections will be given than 200 men and women inter- wal was the outstanding player by Jack and Arnold Lincoln; and Mr. S. Shyken will give the Benested in, the Talmud Torah were for the losers. ediction. The committee includes present. . The team held. a scrimmage 'I,. 1 " The program included songB with the Smith Electrical team Mrs. M. Yudelson, chairman; assisted by the Mesdames Abe Gilby the Hebrew School choir, talks Tuesday evening in the North insky, Herman Krause, Charles by^ members of the Board of Di- Junior Gymnasium., Saltzman, George' Roffman, Harrectors of the Hebrew School. A Any team composed of boys ry Kubby, Joe Gotsdiner, Ben 5 one act play was presented under from the ages of to 15, wish- Seldin, Sam Sacks, J. Katelman, the direction of Mr. B. A. Eisner ing to schedule a 12 game with the Dave Fox, and Harry Cohen. Concluded the program. J. C. C. team, may. get in touch Mr. Jack London is president with Charles Shindler, Sr. coach More than one hundred reservaf tions have been made for this afof the Talmud Torah Board and of the team. fair. Every Father and Son is Mrs. N. Matlin Is president of the urged.to attend. . Hebrew Mother's c 1 u b. Both •sffitm* groups sponsored the banquet. ABRAHAMS-KRASXE M. Satin was general chairman with Mrs. A. B. Friedman in Miss Edith Skalovsky, whose WEDDING Miss Ida Krasne, daughter of charge of the dining room and marriage to Lou i3 Chesen will be Mrs. Goldie Baron, the menu. an event of late February, has Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Krasne of been complimented at a number Council Bluffs, became the bride of parties during the past week. of Mr. Harold Abrahams,-son of A.Z.A. Tuesday Mrs. Sam Sekt and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Abrahams Harold ' Barricks entertained for of lOmaha at. the home of the - -.A prize will be offered ta the her at an evening of bridge. bride's parentr at 316 Grace St. A. Z. A. member who has sold Thursday • afternoon Mm J. Thursday afternoon, January 28. the greatest number of theater Kutcher and Mrs. William Kut- Rabbi Frederick Conn of Omaha tickets for the A. Z; A. Theater cher were her hostesses at a performed the • ceremony in the Party tbla - week. The tickets luncheon and bridge in the lat- presence of only members of the have'been sold to raise funds to ter's home. two Imediate families. Mrs. Alsend the A. Z. A. delegates and bert Krasne, sister-in-law of the Wednesday evening Misses Lucontestants to the Tournament and'Libbie Rubinstein enter- bride, played the wedding march. next month in Lincoln Nebraska. cille tained at an evening of.bridge as Following a wedding dinner, the Due to unforeseen circum- a courtesy to the bride-elect. young' couple left on a honeystances, Sidney . Kalin and Joe Next Sunday evening, Mary moon trip to Chicago. Maron Trill be unable to repre- and Ida Edelman will Entertain Upon their return home, Mr. • 'm" sent the local chapter in the de- a group of friends at an evening Abrahams and his bride will rebating contest, and the debate of bridge honoring Miss Skalov- side in Omaha. Numerous affairs team will be mad© up of Haskell sky. have been given complimentary Lazere and David Olensky. to the bride. The cultural committee of the Complimenting. JVt i s s Sarah chapter is sponsoring an essay Kuntz, a bride-elect, Miss Miriam AGUDAS ACHIM contest In conjunction with the Blank entertained 18 guests at a ANNIVERSARY Best Chapter award. one o'clock luncheon this week at The Council Bluffs Afjudas AcPlans for unusual and enter- the Oasis. The afternoon hours him. Society will celebrate its taining programs for the coming were spent at bridge. twenty-third anniversary if the months are. being made by Marfounding of-the organization next vin Kline.and David Olensky who Mr. and Mrs. R. Nussbaum of Thursday evening, February 4, at are in charge of the. program Rockford, Illinois, were guests in eight o'clock at the Eagles Hall. committee. the E. Barish home Tuesday. Special musical and- entertaining Any Jewish boy between the program is being arranged for ages of 15 and 21 wishing to join In the presence of their immethia affair, which is open to the A. Z. A. is asked to get in touch diate families Miss Ruth Lazin•with Bernard. . Rosenthal who ger and. Joseph Charnielaf f were NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS heads the membership commit- married Sunday afternoon. Rabbi Notice Is hereby given that on the tee. first day of January. 1937, the total H. R. Rabinowitz officiated, and outstanding indebtedness .of t h e the ceremony took place in his Werthelmer & Degen Feed Yards, Inc., a Nebraska corporation with Its study. •..-.. : principal "place of business In Omaha Mr. Charnielaff and his bride was None. • . • ' - • SAM WEIITHETMER, EabbI H . R . Rabinowitz will will make their home in. Sioux President. Attest: • • - . ' . continue his address on the FifJ. J. Regan. Secretary. tieth Aniversary of the Jewish F. P. Tyler. Sol ti Degen Theological Seminary at Shaare Sam Werthelraer. Zion ' Synagogue this evening. Being a majority of the Board of (Continued from sage 1) Cantor A^ Pliskin and the synaDirectors. • 1-29-37-lt gogue choir will chant the ritual. a transcendent realm from ; the Rabbi Rabinowitz. attended the vantage-point of which they can FRADENBURG, W E B B , BEBER, KLUTZN1CK & KELLEY. Atty». conference lor Mid-'western Rab- draw strength^to'denounce, to re- 200 Union State Bank Bldg., Omaha bis in Chicago on Tuesday of this sist, to % be, freeJ ••'"'•••• .".; r NOTICE OF DISSOUUTION OF week, returning to. the City, WedI must within the limits of this OMAHA PACKING COMPANY, nesday morning. V .', •' A Corporation ' . column take a logical leap. God Plans are being formulated by is the source of human freedom. Notice Is hereby' given that at a meeting of stockholders of theOmaha the Ladles Auxiliary of the synPacking Company, a. corporation, duly agogue to^ bring Dr. A. L: Sachar The kingdom, of God is the only held at the office of the corporation on. tho 30th day of December. 1936. to Sioux city for a lecture. The realm of human freedom. Pro- at which all of the stockholders were date for the lecture has been set foundly philosophical' is the Ideal present and voting, a resolution was expressed in the words,of our litduly offered and • was unanimously for Sunday, February 21. that the said corporation urgy.- "V'hayah Adonai Tmelech Adopted cease to do business and that the al-khol-ha'aretz ba'yom ha'hu i;l- same bo dissolved; accordingly notice such action and of the dissolution President of Hospital Staff hyeh Adonal echad n'shemo ec- ofof the sold Omaha Packing Company, Dr. Samuel Kline, 2715 Stone had . . . And the Eternal shall be a corporation. Is hereby given. Park Boulevard has ben named as king over all the earth; on that OMAHA PACKING COMPANY By I. HAZN1CK. president of the physicians of the day shall the Eternal be One an<J President. For A S2.50 Copy ofDR. SHER'S Book and Your $2.00 Subscription to THE JEWISH PRESS Lutheran Hospital'at their recent his name One.": , Attest: JACK RAZN1CK. H Secretary. election. He succeeds Dr. I. C. Men whose father-image Is th<k In Presence of: Vangsness, Eternal wiU etrlve, alter-that JuB^ t ?4M .J




- Last Call -

Senior Hadassah

To the Subscribers of THE JEWISH PRESS:W e Deem Ourselves Fortunate To Be Able To Offer You A $2.50 Copy of

the Bible and iheMiaMv^a

Hebrew School Banquet Is Held

For The ' " Very - Nominal -Sum of 50c




Society News

W e Want You to Read and Own Dr.






Shaare Zion

C i t y . -




- - .













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