February 5, 1937

Page 1

In the Interests

...WINDOW... SJOBW.Q liEWlSOHN* '1 This column Is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, fieprosmction in wholo or In part strictly forbidden. Any infringement on t i l l a copyright will be prosecuted. -

Entered « s Second Class Mail Matter on* January 21. 1SZL at Postolflce of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March Z, 1879


-No. 45


UTOPIA AND ESCAPE TECH COMMENCEMENT, '' Utopia is escape into a fancied SPEAKER • better world. Each one builds himself car dreams himself at one time or.another a Utopia to ihiB Harriet Rifkin, liking. And "what is his liking! old daughter o*1 The sum ol his lacks, frustraSam Rifkin, '"' ^ " % *"' Girls' tions, insuf ficiencies and unsatisCommences " of the Omaha Zionist District Plans fied desires. What we have not Omaha .Tech,^h School Immediate Iletabershipand want — that is what we trygraduating ciu. Miss Rifkin Campaign to realize in our dream of a betwas on the hone.* roll nine times ter state, a better social order, a Mrs. Max Mayer to Speak after transferring' to Tech from realm of justice. For it is rare The Omaha district of the ZionCentral. as Women for any of us not to believe that ist Organization of America was She was vice-president of the Honored we want-and lack would be ours Priner debating society, business reorganized with the election of if the world were a better world manager of the senior play, and Louis E. Lipp, attorney, as presMrs. Max Mayer, director of and society run on a juster basis. the Des Moines Jewish Communwinner of the Junior League sch- ident. Immediate plans are be7 I. , , And" quite ideally speaking we ity: Center will be principal olarship in piano during her ca- jing made for an extensive memO I 'ill,,il . . reer at Tech. While at Central j bership drive and the developare quite often in the right in speaker, Monday, February 8, at •I -'-V*-' she was a member of the acap- j ment of a cultural program. Signatures of 100,000 Clergythis belief. In a world of true the 'Ladies Night' program which ella choir. j This year the Zionist groups justice, of delicate moral mea- is : being sponsored by the Omaha men Sought i s XT. S. . -* sures, above all of good-will, the Lodge of B'nal B'rith in recogni. )Miss Rifkin is also pianist for jare organizing - t h e Brandeis from All Hations great majority of human beings tion of the work of the women's the Hazomir Singing Society, j membership year dedicated to 'i S *,<-• would be able to draw closer to organizations of the community. She plans to study art at the Chi- Justice Louis D. Brandeis who NeiK York (WNS) — The sigrecentlycelebrated his eightieth their hearts' desire. cago Art Institute ' natures of 100,000 Protestant, Mrs. Mayer, a native of Iowa, birthday. Catholic and Jewish clergymen The great and grave trouble has received international recogDr. Philip Sher, elected as theare being sought to a pronouncewith Utopian dreaming is that it nition as a leader in feminine aff.'i- M - - , . ^ ,, , , , , , , , , . , „ , ; , honorary president'of the Omaha ment which declares that "in assumes the possibility of i. world fairs. Over a period of years ' ^ r I i 7 f ••>, > r , n . • t ! ,-,. , „ America we have and must mainwhich is not possible and more she was assistant in the Public >^' i f f i '\- = •> p . ,, v , tain a land wherein people of difdangerous still, keeps the dream- Welfare Department ol the Exferent religious convictions and er from.seeking to make his im- tension Division of the Univercontrasting cul'ural traditions perfect world a little less imper- sity of Iowa, first vice-president may live in amity and mutual refect by the whole trend and ef-of the Iowa Federation of WomI J.J.E L O J i.'F.velie(j aoroncl /.-IT PAUL E . spect." fort of his personality i n that en's Clubs, member of the Iowa ; several r e a r s t c eaitiy eeowm.i: Mrs. Max Mayer Approved by 32 Catholic, 40 state board of Vocational Trainplace and: station of life to which j conditions nn& V P E in T-isir «•'»:•»• Protestant and 11 Jewish leaders Goal.of the Local Lodge Set; in the sound and satisfactory old ing, vice president of the Iowa j ing h i e preparaMorip for the- V..Vthe statement which is being subphrase, it has pleased Almighty branch of the National Congress | Y i d d i s h P1&V B y . at 150 New i mitted to clergymen of all faiths God to call him. But Utopianism of parents and teachers, presiMembers by the National Conference o* becomes still more menacing dent of the Iowa League of WomJew and Christians is designated when, as is true today among us, en Voters^ and national president The Omaha Lodge of B'nal i thousand dollar Hart, SlisTCn*'-, to serve as 'a backfire against the l h e bepi: many young men and women and of the Service Star Legion. DurB'rith Monday night launched an &*™s*w oi »otn«pfc* w wo weeks from tonight, on spread in the United States of 10m "" many others who are more than ing the war she was a lecturer «- conclitio»B. Jifc i , . A large audience of over'two intensive ten day membership anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic and February IP, Dr. Abram L, Sac-: Ol old enough to know better, ident- for the food administration. v hundred and fifty person enthus- campaign under the chairmanship \ ^ i *' "Boci"1 SecurUr Jr. r.>, anti-Protestant propaganda and bar will give the first of his ser• ic- itfy their Utopian dreams with an For her untiring service she iastically received the perform- of Julius Bisno. The goal of the ! * , n K e c ' •-^•P-^B ' , ic' P- pi.;:>nm?-rr. " • to "encourage a fletermination on ies in the Institute of .levrisb Hisexistent polity and an existent was warded a silver loving cup ance of the play "Der Fremder", organization is 150 new members h e v a r Tt i 0 p cis! p ecuritr « fs *wjsl p the part of citizens everywhere'' tory- and Jewish Problems. The \ I"', ™ ™ " ««~iir liv.-i. state which is remote enough in as Des Moines' outstaying citi- a four act drama by the noted to be known as the President's ; l Pil E !l!Cfii to resist such Tm-American EDU first lecture will be fr'verj s.fter '" ~^_ " W -ioij., space, in speech, in moral atmos- zen for 1933. She is at present Yiddish playwright, Jacob Gor- Class, as they will be initiated divisive propaganda. The names S p. m. Friday everiTis: in order' x,ie J a t ^ » rare pin. o " TOenMn phere, in psychological back- president of the Des Moines Ha- don, at the Jewish Community during the latter part of the of all the signatories will be to make it possible lor members • f nt ' E «pienciti pereonaJUv, r i r ground for them to believe about dassah, lectuier on World Af- Center, last Sunday. The play month when Fred Bernstein of made public on Washington's of other congregations to v o r - i " " , - " ' - ! t -'- u " e ">•'•'•? '*« f>-' it anything they choose and notfairs in the Iowa Federation of was presented by the Cultural Chicago, president of District Sirthday in connection vrith the ship at their srnEgogues and then jI ' e c i ! ° n - ti-sen-sbsrs cf the Form to have to alter their opinions Women's Clubs, and director of and Social group of the Omaha Grand Lodge No. 6 visits here. . annual observance of Brother- come to the lectcre. \commniee or et thf. ."ewlsl, Qmr The local A. Z. A. "chapters are • even when they have been there. its community forums. Hebrew Club. hood Day on February 20 th and Members ©I the Beth Ei Syv.~ imv>mz-' Cpnter. Eugene B i a s ; i also enlisting their members in Last August when the Stalin 21st. A well chosen cast consisting the campaign to increase' the agrogue v-ill worship in tne iodgrfr j ° ^' r ™ a ^; o ! " j - * ! E rorun'. cnjviinlf The Omaha B'nai B'rith lodge dictatorship staged its f i r s t room at the Center and the 5ec-• l.e*"' *"• " " JiaBiert; T.-iVi ',n;^-i< will at this meeting give a cer- of Louis Wolk, Mrs. J . Rasnick, membership rolls of the 'B'csi The text of the statement folV frame-up trial and proceeded to Mrs. J. Bichlin, H. Rudenaan, J. tnre will be given in the main ; C i U c e thf *"»«*•«"•tificate recognizing the work of B'rith lodge. low: 'The United States of Amerrshoot the old Bolsheviks who5 each women's organization. Pres- Savich, Herman Mirowich, Har•auditorium." —- ica is -dedicated to the truth that whatever we may think of their Members of the' lodge are diidents of the various women's ry Blacker and Mrs. Harry- BlackI T h e t i t l e o f t h e J i r s t l e c t u r e SF p ^ A ^ T'" ' ^ ^ " IC* T all men are "endowed by their aims and methods, were sincere groups acting as the representa- er, has been credited with the vided into teams and the team Creator with certain inalienable " F i v e P a t t e r n s o f J e w i s h L i f e . " -- 1 '.*'' 1 , . i . i » ' L ' • i . ^ ' ^ 1 Ix«iis E. Liyp Utopians a n d revolutionaries, that enrolls the largest ntmber tives of their organizations, will snccess of the play. rights, that among these are life, ,In this lecture Dr. Sachar vill some of our American Utopians, Mr. Wolk - was also the -direc- of new members will be guests district, installed, the newly elect- liberty and the pursuit of hap'pi-' :-c!iscKEE five ways ol H.rias- ."CTSP-receive the certificate. , • •• { , ' . j ' i both Jewish and gentile, were .Organizations being honored tor. S. Kenyon is chairman of •j at a-luncheon. To the i&dirdu&l ed' : officsrs and expressed the hope cess'. Civil liberties and religious lisb-ly. The question and t.isoughorribly uncomfortable. In the member EiakEg. tbs best ,'sacming the Cultural and Social Group. that '••s-itS the fensaiion of the rights that cerrre froni this truth '• Eira period after the lecture p?a~ 'chaste pages of; the Kew Republic I are: _ Beth El Auxiliary, Bikur ~ J3£caus& of the- unstinted. re- J a -Gold ''B'c&i B'rith/ Ksy. ! | new -organization . Omaha vrauid mises ~te be roes:;,. K»:n.:.ids.tiaE7 H«of-Jewish wornin wbicir~gentlemen~ of " '" presented, ••' Each person bringing j again:-take its place as a vital X&cj andTablts" whomever ie~n Daughters of Israel Aid Socle-i sponse. plans are already beinjr ; teresting anfi iEsp!rir;f:-. J t i e Protestant, Csitholie tnd Jewclass ___„ ana naDits wno never |«u,. * ,,.°___1.,. „,„„„„ will "be -'tor-ia the rebuilding of Palestine D i n n o I , r i formulated l o r the production of Iin •' five new .members Mre. Lawrence Finkel r.t>f, ^r r-~ — W o ___ ish faiths, therefore, believing so much as really envisaged a Ity, Mizracni women, r ; awarded-.a- B'sai -B'fsth lapel" las the Jewish Homeland. another Yiddish play to.be given - ' - ^ ' " " ~ r ii; that these liberties • and rights Sirs. Saimie! Steinberg: who are *" ' ' . „„' __ * proletarian, whoop it up politely Women, Pleasant Hill Cemetery crest. . ' •Besides Lipp, officers are: Elin the near future. in charge of the ticket sales re• • . '/'-.••r'-,T~:~r Association, Senior ; Hadassah, ! are based upon the principles of for the class-war and the revoluTo the A. Z. A. chapter bring- jihu Cooper, first vice president; port a large 'scvance sale, •" • ' r*- l.~i religion and t r e dependent for tidn and the dictatorship of the j Temple Israel Sisterhood, Chesed ing in the.most ^members ten dol-I Julius : Bisno, second . vice presiworking-classes — well, in those =3hel Ernes, Goldie Meyerson Solars will be given. The Aleph Ident; Salewin, Mictnick, . secre- their perpetuation upon the cul' pages Waldo Frank addressed an ! ciety, Mt. Sinai Auxiliary and the responsible for the greatest num- j tary; Joe Tretiak, •treasurer; and tivation of those principles, af- NORMAN BQLKER WIKS idrop in Jew;!?}- jmipirre.tiop intr open letter to the rulers of the Congregation of Israel of South ber of new members will be pre-J Milton Frohm, publicity director. firm our loyalty to these fundSoviet Fatherland begging them Omaha. sented with an A. Z. A. pin, and A board of governors consisting amentals of all just government, waE eTeRif Starting on February 9, Rabbi ^ i ; ' ' f ic""e S for OA^to explain, please, please to ex- The" committee of hostesses are each member of a chapter en- of ten members at large will be E,nd express cur confidence in the Normsn Bolter. If. BOE of Mr, Im e K" ef David Goldstein will discuss in traditions of American life that and Mrs. A. Bolker,'?CS So. E T : " " ' ^ c t r j - m;Wfeb»r? i n th* plain — in' order that he and the Mesdames J. Blank, L. Neverolling three new members will elected by the, executive commithave championed and applied street, was awarcled first r r ^ e ; ^ C T e r m e I i t gP-^»<- v h i c t 6hn»? others like him could keep their leff, M. Grodinsky, A. Wolfe, J. five lecture "The Case History of be given a copy of the B'nai tee.. them. In America we have and in a national intercollegiate roe- ! ^ R t t n e r e ^ " « low toj s .l of 7f.S utopianism and and the escapism Goldware, L Pearlman, H. Bar-the Jews of Germany." This ser- B'rith manual. ' At a luncheon given. in honor must maintain a land wherein try contest for his poem "Section i"!€^E e n t e r e f i *-he countrr in t l * ; of their Utopia and the identifica- son, M. Brodkey, Z. Feldman, S. ies is presented by the Omaha The chairman of the memberm o " '" <• tion of that escapist mechanism Frohm, Irving Levin, Ben Silv- chapter of Hadassah for the bene- ship committee for A. Z. A. No. 1 of Ittamar Ben Avi,--editor of the people of different religious con- Gang." The poem which is dirid- j Jerusalem Daily Mail,, twenty-six vcitiocs and contrasting cultural, fit of the Youth Aliyah. T tOi } with the Soviet Union pure and er.M. Burstein, David Greenberg, efi into four parts — daybreak. \ ^ ' p mf^.Z, * ° P Ef--SF'? y is Reuben Lippet and for A. Z. new :mesibers were-added to .the ev traditions nay live together in morning-, Eltemoori. enfi evening . " ' In hiB first talk Rabbi Goldundefiled. Need I say that Stalin I. Finkel, S. Canar, and Herman ^ itnn."JF;rf.nf.f tor js.?»... stein will tell 'How It all Began.' A. No. 100, George Shaefer. Is- local organization. In honor of amity and mutual respect. The —was inspired by Eolker'E exper- |Pc^Tn'T^irffi _ v ' 1 ' r a T ' JTnmi^rption nt did not answer Mr. Frank's letter Cohen. ; adore Elewitz Is acting as advisthese and all other new members nation can reply upon the mobil- iences while working with a pee-1 *'"•"•* ^^l '^T* <H1T '' R£1 ' : ' } p PP*'1-' Other four discussions will be enin the New Republic? Did Tamtitled, "The Medieval Tragedy;" or to A. Z. A. No. 1 and Milton trees will be purchased for each ized spiritual forces of Catholics, tion gang last E\n»mer. ot _ lf-Co, The :-.«•• ?.4 J'ewlab ;rear erlane answer? Or Ivan the TerFrohm to A. Z. A. No. 100 dur-in the Brandeis forest. Protestants £nd Jews to support ' rible? Or even the slightly more BRACHAH ZFIRAH CONCERT "How the Jews Survived;" "The ing this membership campaign. A graduate of Omaha Central iS l r ' m 5 ? r p t < c m Y l ' a F '*'•- "'"?• Within the next few weeks an and defend this truly American High School, he is eX present a i lTi R ^ ' t l n c , ih? Deoember t«for Emancipation- and civilized Napoleon Bonaparte? TO BE HELD AT J.C.C. Struggle The membership campaign has outstanding speaker w i l l be ideal." Equal Rights"; and "Modern Does Hitler answer? premedical -Btucent a t the C n i - ; t f i l rc 5"" ep ? nt -e^ R drop irons fltbTragedy — What We May .Learn been marked by a stag for mem- brought to Osiaha by Cultural versit-r of Nebraska. F e EISP e.f- je r m o B L ! i p *v'- the w m e r*»v* And now Stalin, on the heels bers held Monday night, and a Committee to assist in. the develThe Brachah Zfirah and Nach- trom this Case History." tencea Creighton Unrrersltv for : v r h i c h r E R ? e ^ *™™ !.;,-;?:. in No— of the new Constitution with its iim_Nardi recital which is being Breadbreakers luncheon h e l d opment of-an educational, pro- i FORMAL QPEKIEG BY The lectures will be held at one year. Several o£ his poems :e m ' n e r t c - € ! ^ ^ SsptemSier, many and amusing jokers that sponsored by the Jewish NationJ Thursday noon. gram and membership drive. the home of Mrs. Louis Alberts, have been published, j December's total included «$. CMESEB SEEL EMEB leave the bloody dictatorship of al Workers Alliance, Branch 54, 1 The Executive Committee of The formal opening of t h e new that State-Capitalism just where will be held at the Jewish Com- 685 No. 57th St. the Supreme Advisory Council of I Chesed Shel" Bines building has Sugar cane cultivation WEE Intro- \ T^' it was (please consult Max East- munity .Center instead' of the TC? ? * " - ^ W £ '~ The first Jew to be president'A. Z. A. is offering a national man's devastating article in the Central Club on Tuesday, Febr- of the Swiss Confederation was ! prize to each chapter that secures ; been scheduled f o r Sunday, duced in Martiniijue t - a Jev. i * l ; ' 3 ^,- l " B t cl"^'-''---it.mr tor thr February number of Harper's uary 16. ; March 7. BerJEffiin a'Acosta in 1G?O, i-'eEr" S m e p ^ ' ^ ' ' ' B ' - iwmlgrontt the largest . number of B'nai Herman Arthur Hoffman. " magazine) — now Stalin finishes j are r*?cxitrtr.ft TO P'^BB^RF ?*. tniiit-1 B'rith members from among its .; The-newly elected'officers of what he began last August, the irnum of fS.ooo. iliRT- brouphf Jt alumni, fathers, and brothers. the Bikur Cholim Society will be crushing of any conceivable • op•j during the rear R{. JSepst £!£.This award, a large placque, was installed at the regular meeting P position to his pseudo-Czardom 3 ¥ l%!f-*-- ^ f " * donated by L Rude of Denver. ana Tea to be held at the Jewish by another blood purge based on Community Center, Monday, Febfantastic lies and stupid slanderB. ruary. S. Rabbi Milton A. KopRABBI CORN'S-ARTICLES "After thiB trial . . . " Someone stein will speak and install the said to Karl Radek. And Karl ARE REPRINTED IN officers. Radek, knowing the Georgian The executive board will be DISTAW PAPERS ' Caesar, said grimly: "After this A. W. Binder, CTitstanding auTo insure authentic settings Folk son^s commemoralinE- the , V _ ^ But alas for poor Dascom, not hostesses for the tea. trial I' shall know nothing . . . " and costnming the help of Dr. thority on Yiddish, and Hebraic normr.e *-._ Der h o ^ Officers to be installed are: Music, Tiies. night Et hte Jewish cfciiS'6 iEtrodaction into the etu- i If^: And Trotzky, a mistaken man, a Victor Levine, noted Arctic ex- having seen a white woman in a : Articles by Rabbi Frederick :£ p r!PS D1a h e B r t " ^ OK *M~ deluded man, but a man of hon- plorer, has been enlisted by theyear or a beautiful woman in two Cohn which originally appeared- Mrs. Louis Neveleff, president; Community Center shoved how dy of the Jewish law.-thfe plalnl F*™" years he finds that at the end of student, the or, of integrity, of intellectual Center Players who will present in the Omaha Jewish Press have Mrs.' S. • Fish, Mrs. J. Chait. and JeiriEi. ccstoins "have manifested of tbe-Talmufiic giftB too high to be able to con- ^Petticoat Fever" at the Center, his party he is stricken with a been reprinted in such distant Mrs. M. KatzsiEn, vice presi- themselves in Jewish fo2k nmsic. home music v^ere all o ^ v ^ v hv > Om*h«n, sent to that Woody game, cables Wednesday and Thursday^. Febr- dire ailment, "'Petticoat Fever", Jewish newspapers as the Zion- dents; Mrs. Charles Ross, treasIn treeing the history ol Jew- air. Binaer v h c sane'each son^ iF^o r w a r e a r e F D eh a a b e e n tinder the spell of the northern he discussed. " • " " from his latest refuge in Mexico uary 17 and 18. ist Record of South Africa, the urer; Mrs. J. .Finkel, recording lights the characters find things Western Jewsh N«ws of Canada, secretary; Mrs. William Epstein, ish nmsic Mr. Binder told how ._ . • f.ive in the tKairf, of Temple City: "Stalin, struggling to mainbefore the exile, music vras an : Dr. Levine has not only snperbeginning to happen. ' tain' his personal domination, has the Southern Israelite of Atlanta, Financial secretary; ana Mrs. M.important part in the dally life of ; "The love song doesn't appear • _ p e l Tised the settings but has gener^ taken recourse to the methods of No effort is being . spared to Georgia and the Jewish Trans- Burstein, corresponding secre- the Palestinian Jevrs. The fame ;in Jewish music until the cit^e- ' teentk the century, This WRP b«-•T b e r e s f i cause young: peopie vere. Cesare Borgia." Correct. Dictat- ously lent his collection of Eski- make "Petticoat Fever" one ofcript of Seattle. Kcm]i]_ Vorf. Rl.bin, tary. of the' songs of Eion spread i orship is of its own nature a vile mo clothing, equipment, snow- the most rollicking plays put • on A T>oard meeting will be held throughout the known vorid so :married early During the e n - : 8 n d t w - p b r p ; h e r e A j RnWc' «T Rabbi "Conn's articles^ which shoes, and whatever else that c-J tne the ni ninere^- ;r h | 0 S « , o rn(] ^ h }:uhiv and wicked thing and must lead by the Players. n f Onm are a weekly feature of the Jew- promptly at one o'clock. that at the time or the Babylon-1 lightment penot; ol might add to the genuineness of f Onm. ; th century the younc peole becac i". ish Press,-have been widely praisian exile the captors bade the to the same methodB and the scenes to be presented. It is ru-c n i i, f ' -• , . ed by editors of ' mored that Too-Too, Dr. Levine's same end. newspapers. Will our friend Waldo Frank Eskimo Husky, will have an im! "With the exile the Jews vere f r r s ; • ' • s once more plead in the New Re- portant role in this elaborate proj forbidden to sing, play or listen r—- <-r - - t i public with Stalin to be good and duction. ' to I2.iislc. However -with virae The Taad is sponsoring a Faami Samuel Goldwai^e? Sr. died Satproper and save the fair fame of The audience will also be treatther and Sons Service every Sun- i tne Jews founfi it necessary to the Soviet Fatherland and please, ed to the opportunity of seeing urday morning at 'his home. He j express themselves and were alplease explain, in order that the the first floor, show to be produc- had been an invalid for several • Henry Monsky and Sain Bebe? day morning at 9 ' a. m. begin- ; lowed to sing on the sabbat.Ii and great game of the identification ed north of the Arctic Circle year. Mr; Goldware a resident of Omaha attended the 'meeting ning February 7 at the Congre- i-on fcdnidajTs. Kusic became part of his private Utopia with the So- when two Eskimo girls. Snow of Omaha for the past thirty-five i of the executive committee of thegation B'cai Israel, The pro- : of the sew liturgy." The early viet Union .may go merrDy on? Bird and Liltle Seal, entertain at years, was a member of the B'nai B'aai B'ritn held in jliaml. Flor- gram will consist "of traditional • folk-EOEg-s according to JSr. Eind—. 1 - • And now I must tell an aneodote the first formal dinner to be giv- Jacob synagogue. Fourteen years 1 ida.' A large initiation ' in which services In Talith and Tfiliia, • er were not secular but songs of ago "when he and his wife, cele- tee Otaana fielegatioa partlcipat- congregational Einging and a serillll \. about Wnldo Fran&, prefacing it; en in the frozen north. brated their Golden Wedding an- Eil took place at tno. conlcrcncs. niOEBtte In EEglish. Tne public jiiope for s. Jevr-i&h restoration. Ji with the expression -of my gen- With an average of ten laughs Gradcally nmsic begras to niaisniversary, they- donated a. Scroll is-Invited. uine esteem for his gifts and. tal- per second the play progresses |ilest itself in every phase o£ Je-wof. the Law to a colony in Pales; • ; . - . ents and assuring him that I do: from its beginning to this climax tine. . To BS'GESSI S I isa life so mcch EO .that this ianot doubt the subjective sincere- when the poor lonely wireless opDeport jisti-lsraites,. lisfeop j iiuence is credited EE the reason Besides his wife, Mr. Goldware ity of his motives.; erator, Dascom Dinsmore^ on theis survived by four sons, Samuel,.On Soaday,. Te-bTU&ry 7, Batj&i 'Well, then: Waldo Frank waa isolated coast of Labrador has Jr., Philip and Jacob, all of Oma- David A.. Goldstein of 'the Beth' ! the musical world. i •>> <v o s o n t > Jn Palestine not so many • years two unexpected guests. Sir James ha, and David of Los Angeles; a El ..Synagogue, will be s^est • London — Deportation ef anti- ! . Mr. Binder discussed the varago. A good many years before1 Fenton and his fiancee,. literally daughter, Rebecca of Philadelj types c! folk songs begiuspeaker at theMnprnini: serrices Sejaitie agitators U'as demanded j io that Dr. - Welzmann had sought drop in, being forced down on the phia; and fifteen grandchildren of the First Unitarian Church cf by-the 'Eifihcp of London, "in a ining frilh the -cradle- song vrhieh with his incomparable persua- last lap of a transatlantic XligBt and two great grandchildren. ] in Jewish life took cs s, religlcOmaha. » The . .following Sunday ' "M" siveness to draw into, our move-: from London to Montreal. Ever rr Funeral services were.; held tho^ church will have as-its susst EtateEsest fieclsrlss Be found j ethical character as the asotlisr 'Sj ruent the then q lite young Amer- the gracious host, Dascom in for- Sunday with Dnrial in Pleasant gad burial John O. 'l«,Teihar«it,_ poat laureate Sears' tiri!tj, sotsr anS fosS cf Spraysg that her chili, bz led • to (Continued on page 8.) 1 maT garb entertains his guests, j Hill cemetery. '• tiie Etudj? el its law. cMldrea. . oo».u.


" I T -





Sacfsar Series of Lectures ] or* February W

Hebrew Club Is Well Received

Rabbi Goldstein to Give Five Lectures

Bikur Cholim to. Install Officers

Died ost Moad&r












! "I""*- ^ T^r-J^

Sam Goldware ST. Died Last Satiarday

Fattier and Son Ssrvice -By




Page 2


gal, they are now preparing for my Braddock anl Max Scbmellng, party but a i nion of all "thcwi aften enough they will be believa large celebration of the 600th | the German, from taking' place j willing to stake their pfforts foi ed. And he built* an. organizabirthday of Isaac Abarbanel, the next June. Just to console you i the liberty and proG.ierity of th< tion upon pure "Christian" prinPortugese Jewish philosopher and beys, let Mr. World tell you that! German people," Affiliates'of t'ht ciples at a fancy price for Initiastatesman who was the "Treasurer if the Braddock-Scfemeling fig-lit People's Front pre assured of tion and for membership. It took under King Alfonso V of that is called off there wall be a bout Complete freedom of opinion tot patience and skill to piece togecountry, and one of the most fa- between Jimmy and .Joe L.ou?s, their own political, religious and ther the story,of the Silver Shirts mous and highly respected Jews which elaould be just as exciting economic ideologies. to ferret out the sources of supTbc proclp.nia.tion ftlso outof bis time. It was Abarbanel for all you fight fans. port, to expose the racket, and to By FLORENCE ROTHSCHILD Whoa the Jews of Spain asked to . Before saj-ng goocS-bye "of an-line* a- nine-point program wblct drive the rascals into the Federsave them when King Ferdinand other two -weeks Mr. World wants includes the following demands: This Is the third in a series opened wide and exposed. The al courts, MB. WORLDS QUESTIONS Palestine is stated in the Holy ordered them out of the country to tell you sport lovers that the ireetlom for all the Na.ti regime's of articles on the work of B'nal battlefront goes beyond individA short time ago an English See how many aZ these ques- Scripture, and. that the league ot B'rith ;—THE EDITOR ual cases, beyond local commiro-' translation of Holer's Autobio- tions yon can answer after you Nations merely recognized that in 1492;. but although Abarbanel first place in the national junior victims now in concentration went to the cruel King to plead i singles tennis rankings for men camps, revocation of all terrorist tie?. It spreads through the press, graphy; "My Struggle," w a s have read Mr. World's "Ask Me ancient Bibical right when it gave for his brethren the Jews had tot has been officially given to Julius tevs; pnniRfetnent tor all those During the past year or two the. radio, the; university, the launched in the United States, Another" chat. permission to the .Jews to estab- leave that land none the less. Heldinan of Hollywood, Californ- responsible for the Nail governconsiderable light has been' platform, the church. It involves floated in oceans of publicity. 1. Who Is Max Retnhanlt? lish a homeland there. How the But you must be tired of hear- i*.. while Seymour Greeiiberg of merit's crinies; complete freedom thrown upon the deaaiy uses to all the instruments that mold pub- The League was on guard at 2. On what do the Jews base Jewish homeland there is growonce. It was not interested in their claim to a homeland in ing we can understand'when we ing of how the Jews are Buffering Chicago was ranted third. An we :oj press &n& assembly; absolute which Jew baiting has been put. lic opinion. mustn't forget MeMn Schwartz-1 freedom of thought, conscience censorship". It realized that one . The Jew hap, become a pawn in Palestine? hear that last year, in 1936, Jews and have suifered In so an international game where' the This is the task of the anti- of the guarantees of American S. How many Jews went to Pal- throughout the world invested countries. So Mr. World waats to man of New York, who ranked) and religious worship; an Immeeighth In the boys Bin glee End jdiate end to race incitement: the stakes are bllllona, and often, in- Defamation League ot . B'nai democracy is the freedom to exestine to live there last year? $30 000.0C0 in Palestine industry, tell you that there is one country was B'rith. It" was created more than on. the third-ranking team in ]discontinuance of all forms ot in Central Europe where the Jews press views and sentiments. But 4.. Why do so many jews have agr/culture and buildings; though. deed, the preservation of economnow have reason to hope that the bey's doubles. Doesn't, that w a r propaganda; election of .ie" systems. For example, Junkers twenty, years aeo by Slgmund this volume was the first of a to leave their own countries? we cannot help feeling a little ead ] make you resolve to practice vip judges by the people am! protectthey will be persecuted less. That and industrialists in Germany, Livingston, 'a distinguished Chi- series which would come to In what South American coun- when we read that in that same! ion of the Individual against aroa your tennis? , frightened that their swollen hol- cago attorney. Through this per- America If. Hitler's profound retry has it been suggested that year only 30,000 Jews were per- j iod' it has focused, on the task of Copyright 1ES7 by Seven Arts bitrary legal decrees; full right the people are Catholics; &cd a flections found a wide market. It . .find new homes? dings may be endangered when mltted to come to Palestine to live j of working men and women to Feature Syndicate their people go hungry, cleverly clearing the.eiage and. screen, the was not an honest translation. It 5. Who is Sir Neil Malcomm? not even half as many as came | great Catholic newspaper there is organize in free labor, unions; school and press,, of material was carefully edited, with those turn popular attention to the tiny to that country the year before. calling upon all its readers to liberation of sciences from all rewhich defames Jewish character sections expurgated .which were 6. Who was Isaac Abarbanel? attacking Jews and their reHgon ,• Jewish minority and develop.the and In these days when Jews are bestrictions and the reconstltution The old vaud- likely to alienate American opin- 7. Where are the Catholics thesis that all the -ivoes of Germ- ville personality. making al special appeal for ing perscuted in 30 many coun- as the enemies of Judaism so o of all institutions of learning in comedian, with his vulgar ten are the eraenimes of the Cathany are due to these Jews. Friti witticisms at th§ expense of Jew- ion. It- was poisonous propagan- -good will to Jews? tries it eeems tragic indeed that a liberal and modern spirit. - Thyssen, steel and coal baron, ish life, has been eliminated. The da with reference to the Jews. 8. How did some Jews in Man- the one country which the Bible olic faith too. virtual king of the Ruhr, supplies movies, ; reaching- seventy-seven T h e anti-Defamation League In England, by the way, where chester, England, repay evil recognizes as their own is not a group called the the money for the attack and Hit-millions of admissions weekly In warned representative Americans Blackfchlrts with good? open to all who want to come; K 8her ler, his "willing tool, supplies the this country jalone, and conse- in every communty as' to the pos- 0. Why Is an effort being made there. have been trying to cause trouble sbile effect of such a volume. The anti-Jewish • slogans. Bankers of quently a; propaganda vehicle ot for the Jews, everybody is esailto stop the Braddock—SchmeBecause so many Jews need to ing Amsterdam — -he municipal T Rumania, terrified that their ill- amazing vitality, have been sale was killed and 'My Struggle' at the story that in the city Ung championship fight? gotten gains may be sequestered taught to avoid placing stigmas died aborning without'even meet- 10 What Jewish boys rank high leave their old homes if they of Manchster some jobless Black- Proclamation Calls for Union government has opened a kosher want to find work many people shirts applied to a Jewish soup of All Germans Opposed kitchen for needy Jews, serving as unemployment and famine upon any group or creed. Thous- ing the cost of publication. No in tennis this year? are .trying to thin" of places kitchen other Reich leader's vaporings to Hitlerism a complete dinner for five cents. scourge the lanu, calmly foment for food—and got It, alands. ot.achooK and^i^ighes.Jpst^ were launched in this country. ; where these Jews could be helppopular" fury against- the Jewa tutions ot learning have carefulthough the people who fed them Well, how many of you have and thereby divert attention: from ly searched ./thei?'• • curricula t&" There are hundred of lecturers given your dollar—or, if you ed to build up new lives Most of knew that they were enemies of Paris CWNS) —Establishment David Lubin or San Francisco these idfeas are later found to be -. themselves. The Bratlanu broth- avoid teaching; r. material! which, who speak before the mostinflu- havn't that much to spare, have the Jewse. Don't you agree with of a German People's Front was the founder ot the Inter-naimpractical, but the people keep 1 ers, controlling the largest part would create social orracial-fric- ential groups in th country. Some you beggec . a dollar from Mother Mr.-World that this is a fine way through a union of all Germans tional Agricultural Institute in of Roumahla'B banking systenv tion. All of this work.an enviable, of them have slipped past the or Dad —- "for the Youn Israel right on thinking up new ones all of making friends of our cnlmies? in and out of Germany who are Rome. the same. The latest one to come pay the piper, in this instance record of twenty years, has given guard of the lecture bureaus and Farm Fund^ which is being raised But unfortunately it seems im- opposed to the Nazi regime ia the anti-Semitic Iron' Guardists; the League a mellow experience; are, in reality, paid propagan- to enable children living on farms forward with such an idea Is Mor- possible to make friends of our called for in a proclamation isris Melvin Wagner of California. and the are therefore permitted an insight into methods ot bat- dists for groups that have a vest- or in small villages to get Young worst enemies, the Nazis of Ger- sued here >}' 73 world-famous itwnh Mmia. to call the tune. Munitions man- tling prejudice and exploitation. ed interest in spreading anti-Sem- Israel, the children's monthly who wants wealthy Jews of all many. That is why, as you prob- German refugees. countries to help in establishing facturers, e x p o s e d at l a s t It has gradually developed into itism. The League is more vigi- magazine? Mr. World Is sure that ably know, the Jews of this and Emphasizing that "the brown through patient Investigation, as the most efficient Instrument for lant. It cautions every comun- all you know and love Young Is- a Jewish republic in the South other countries—and i.11 lovers of trafficing with the lives of mil- protecting Jewish integrity in ity to watch for such men. Its rael, and 'will do your best to American country, Brazil. Wheth-. freedom everywhere, for that tyranny <*an be broken only lions to enrich their bloody clique American life. The score of, years, speakers' bureau arranges for re- help other boys and girls to get er anything will come of his plan, matter—are refusing to have any- through the union of all GerDON'T FORGET stigmatise the revelations as the has prepared it superbly for the putable leaders of American life it. So if your Sunday School and whether the government of thing to do with Nazis, to buy mans who are willing to fight for JOHN FELDMAN freedom and justice," the pro. work of Jewish pacifists who aresupreme task of our own day, theto follow the propagandist and to teacher hasn't already asked you Brazil would permit It, is some- their goods or help them in any clamation summons all Germans for Matxt and not loyalto the Fatherland. Eu- task of battling the most power- correct misconceptions. There tor a gift for this fund, be sure thing that only time can telL Pcaadich* ArtieUa In the Reich «nd in other counOne place where German Jews way. And now the non-Sectarian tries, gene Schneider, b i l l i o n a i r e fully organized anti-Semitic on- are hundreds of exchange stu- to tell her this very Sunday that of political, ecJOHN fELDMAN who have had to leave their coun- Anti-Nazi League, which is work- onomicregardless French "patriot," thus subsidizes slaughts in* modern history, dents in American Universities( you'r ready to do your bit. or religious opinions, to ing for this boycott of everything TALElStM . PRAYER BOOK* try are having a very hard time Nazi, .activity in Germany through many of whom are more concernFor quite some time the Lea-!ed with spreading the gospel of The,Bible stories you learn In of is Spain, where the civil war connected with Hitler's Germany, unite in a German People's Gift* tor ear Mttfvafra "' the medium of his Czecho»SlovakThe proclamation degue, no mushroom organization, Sunday School, by the way, areis causing the Jewish refugees a Is trying hard to prevent the Front. R»». 609 No. 60th * t . OL-WTi " .' iah subsidiaries. the new Germany than pursuing clares that thit new People's P. O. Box ?10 Omaha, Ntbr In- a,-•••word,. Anti-Semitism, has not called suddenly into being by t h e i r graduate studies. The the most important part of a lot of trouble. But now Sir Neil world's heavyweight champion- Front is not intended to be a new become',the most efficient instru- a particular crisis, has been, pri- League does not permit their al- beautiful new play that New Malcolm, whom the League of ship boxing match between JimYorkers are' seeing these days. Nations gave the task of caring . rnent for :tUe large scale racket- marily concerned ,with these new legations to go unanswered. The play is called "The Eternal for refugees from Germany, has eering. lfc helps to hide injustice attacks. Carefully, expertly, makand exploitation. It is the light- ing certain of each, step, it has ; Some may ask why all of this Road," which means the road on worked out a plan that will enning rod which. absorbs social been collecting data and fighting vigilance? What happened in which the Jewish people is always able them to leave Spain, though protest. And it works "succeBsful- back,. It has not functioned: Germany or in Austria can sure- traveling toward its ideal of peace where they will go from there is ly; ndi only because historic con- through mass meetings. It has not ly never happen in the United and good will for all. Mr. World another difficult problem Sir Neditions have primed the masses whipped up hysteria. It has not States? This is a freedom-loving hopes that many of you will have il will have to solve. chance to see Abraham, Isaac to7'believe almost anything about Bought to" destroy Its enemies by, democracy, a nation ot ? sportsNext door to Spain, in Portu* When Omaha Shop$ with Confidence • # • indignation parades. It has rather men. Americans will never be adnd Jacob, and Moses and King the Jews, but because in modern 1 hoodwinked by Nazi propaganda. utilized the experience and equip-! David too, appear before your times the resources for propaganda.are enormous. The radio, the ment ot twenty years ot service f} Bnt why not? Human nature is eyes in this fascinating play. And movies, the syndicated press, in defending; Jewish integrity. It no different in America than in when you see it, remember taat create /audiences qt .hundreds of has operated .through, its. trained Europe. When men are hungry, he three men who created it are representatives' iri'more than four when their savings are gone, all jnwa who^used to be very popof. thousands,- olten of millions. XYl the .technique O£ modern1 pub-' hundred-'Am-;ricah" communities. when their wives and children ular in Germany, bnt esu no lcng; licity, .too,, is utilized by.vested It has bjjilt. up Its .speakerB, bur- are in want, when, the future r work there because Hitler interests who find Jew baiting a eau. Its presB department, its holds nothing but hopelessness, won't let them. These thres men ready, n; ade tool and -who go- tore-i highly, efficient intelligencesserv- men are amenable to any kind of are Franz Werfel, who wrote the ward blithely in their program of ice. Its central office, effectively propaganda, "whether they live in play, and whose books your parmanaged, has served as a clearing Germany or Poland or South Af- ents will tell you about; Kurt destroying Jewish integrity. rica or the United States. They America is not free from this house where the isolated exper- cease being rational individuals. Weill,, who wrote, the music for iences of . individuals ' and comform of racketeering. Six yeara They become muddled, gullible, he play-perhaps you have heard of depression, crystallizes opposi- muntieis merge, where they are desperate, ready to listen to any some of his line music, over the tion to an economic system where jmunities merge, where they are radio; and Max Reinhardt, who eighty percent of the wealth is in (sifted, analyze^ inves'tigated, pled Piper. And there are many jwas the greatest man in the Gerclever wheedlers who come in a j complete perspective gained. the hands of.ifaout three percent•-•••*-' man theatre until .the Nazis made Thp record of the past eight- period of depression to accom- him leave the country, and who of the'people.'Many of the threatplish their purpose even at the ened interests, unwilling to give , teen " months makes a thrilling expense of the security of a his- directed the "Midsummer Night's an inoh, determined-to permit no J story or defense work. It is temp- toric scapegoat group. . Dream" movie which all of you system of social \control. turn touting to list the most important surely saw. The League realizes this and anti-Semitism to throw up a'and spectacular incidents, especIn Palestine, where Jews and Bettendorf Automatic smoke screen. Our American poll- tally since the review could help works />n a program ot thorough Arabs are now trying to tell a ticians hungry for the spoils o'f. materially in eliciting further prepardness. It will not be lull- British Royal Commission just Oil Heat Gives You Fuel Economy Unoffice, frantic that the New Deal .support from the Order. But, of ed into a sense of false security. why there is so much trouble be«No issue is to small or too large course, to make public the whole surpassed by Any may permanently deprive them of treen them, the Bible came into these sweets/seek to discredit record would; vitiate the effect- to Investigate. What appears to he news too last week, when DaOther Burner the administration, not by hon- iveness of the Bervice. Only a few be a trivial occurence in a small vid ben Gurion the Jewish leader, est arguments, but' by pointing general statements, now general town la promptly investigated, told the Royal Commission that That the Bettendorf Automatic rapidly worked through a n d he right of the Jews to live in out that it is permeated with knowledge, can. be made., - • Oil Burner will deliver a brilJewish influence and is taking its One .of the • outstanding ser- brought to a conclusion. And the liant standard of performance dictation from "the Jews in high vices of the League:: came .in .thesame thoroughness is appied in a in combination with all modem battle against a Pelley, or against places. Again, the Hitler regime, exposure, of the racketeering of type of heating plants is evianxious to build up favorable William Dudley Pelley and his the Green Mountain boys, or a dent by the recommendation public opinion in America in or- gallant Silver Shirts. Ttyis, astute Nazi agent in a University, or a of these leaden in the Heating der to win sorely needed credits, rascal, seizing upon - the Jewish propagandist masquerading, as a Industry: sends skillful agents to this coun- issue after avseries: ot tailiiied-in pfolessional lecturer, or an insltry or hires .he cleverest public- other fields,' began to/spreadfsantl- dous book or a press dispatch JCtwese* Boiler Corp. ity firms, whose taBk it Is to Jewish; poison throughjVJlSfe^ebtf'h- which purports to contain the Uttttd Stattt Reliefer Corp. build a roseate picture of the try, especially, in 6iepwisjoii"-cen- .'Inside" truth about Germany. Rety Fersee* Co.' y It'* the w*y you will new Reich: and to stigmatise all ters. ; iH'-itiis! >$liy ^•'•Shl^^gtt^r. All are watched, tracked down Fffzgfbbens Beffcr Co. adverse reports as the work of widely. Broadcast^;' ha" attacked and debunked. want to look for spring The League, then, is the stout I dec I Fsrsee* Co. "• • the cunning international. Jews, Jewish economic effort, home right arm of B'nal B^rith. And "the tapeworms - of civilization." life, religious, practices, "control" with & contrasting' top> America is honeycombed with of international finance,' com- as It serves the cause of all Iscoat or now under your propagandalstB who have wormed munism,'— all with a wealth of rael, it serves America as well, their way into, town and country, vituperation. Was there danger For when it unmasks fraud. winter co&t. Perfection church and." ^university,' service of war? The Jews were pulling when it exposes undemocratic club and chamber of commerce, the wires. .'Was there a pacfistic methods of. propaganda, when it • lies in their classically legloa post and .militia unit. They conspiracy? The Jews were pro- destroys the forces that seek to ; are the tools of particular inter- moting it, as a nation of cowards. set group against group and class simple lines. ests* and they carry through their Was there an economic, crisis? against class,- when it does all of this it is helping to build a p r o g r sum. with unsentimental The Jews had arranged it. . Was thoroughness^ finding it no hard- there a Nexy Deal?. The Jews, and der national life. In this sense ship to destroy the security ofr a their* henchman President •Rosen- It is not only, a magnificient inlittle people l a order to save,,the feiilt; were seeking through i t t o strument for the defense of the economic--or political skins of throttle the Christian. ; character security: of Jewish life but a potent force as well in. keeping our their paymasters. .'-.-. .: • ; I ; oi^iife country. Hdwis;'lone. to .tight .bach "Pelley- wasilttte concerned if people faithful to the finest tradagainst 3uch a nameless terror? there were: contr aditcions . In his itions of Americanism. , A" bigoted individual, the victim charges. Ete worked on the prinof a- narrow upbringing, can be ciple that when lies are repeated Patronize^ Our Advertisers fe~n^L^uji|imi.r »»'ivSft'UL flfti ' i',t'~ " ^--" T-~*i4B"~p*' *T'*f*'st ' " * reasoned ' with. Religious predJndices may be dissipated by education; social predjudices may ' Per Tfeos* Who Can b© ir.s.tdkd in your presbe mlgated by -wider understanR-£t Pick in ent. Heating Plant. Pey for it ding. But here iB.va powerful with t O W MONTHLY PAYphantom, . that 'skulks behind MENTS. • names and 8logansi that, doeB riot Suits come into' the open, that wraps -Dress Suits Itself in flags and race 'theories, RIGHT NOW is th« t?m« to that spreads Its network'across have a hsafing survey made. frontiers- and'.' boundaries, that O NO COST TO YOU. Teb Bpares no expense, that stoop? to Svti advantage'©f the low cost of every artifice, and . that is not e SPRING INSTALLATION © Swagger Suits .amenable to reason or "pity. It does no good to disprove its al-j @ Two-H«ie© Suits legations. It simply manufactures others, and spreads <them more a Sport Suits ' subtly, such a terror, product of modern conditions, - etrengnthened by modern resources,: can, be fought only through efficiently Third Fieor 2004 Fernara AT44SS . organized battle. The racketeers . 1 7 and 1Q must' be. trackei V-:-. .down, ••;• thel 30 O'clock methods analyzed," their '"set-up


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rant that has German help you wondering -what .Tewisb voters! He sperks and writes several who fight for a foreign 'has created & new he'seve-i had better speak in whispers . _ . will do if the Democrats nomin- i languages, and because of his power in any war ic -which, the not with his lecture before i,Jewish Cultural Union oi n Because the Nazi have organized ate a Catholic for Mayor . . They j training in social graces, is al-United States is not a party. the League of German-American can stop worrying, because Jews j ways called upon to act as host Mr. Dickstein has also announc- which h r sought to esiBblii-h ' the principle!; oi Fascism Waiters,::. wjh.osa members snake don't .vote that way . . - We like j -when distinguished visitors are ined that, having completed an un1 regular reports on their eaves- the proposed bill to utilise un- i attendance. official End preliminary inquiry . from the TtlnuuL .Pi'oCesf-O'• on'Jifi assei'tPtl Uifti itip intfDeulEch-Ameri-'claimed bank deposits for relief which revealed that the Bind; dropping to the There is also j which has been Introduced in the British tories for the most part Lregion, the Ku ICIus. Elian, the t o r s of i b f I'ahiiUU »'t'Vf (he ikanisclier a Nazi-outfit which spreads sian- New York State Legislature t>T; b e l i e v e E n g l a i l d . s hove £oT p e a c e Silver Shirts and other secreL lerders about prominent. anti-Nazi Assemblyman Juhns J. Gans o* •must come through a rapproehe- orist and antl-Semilic groups ure German. Americans and- about I the Bronx . . . The Cohens and meet with Germany. Randolph reorganizing under t i ' f e T f n t other Americans opposed to Hit- jLevys must be boiling . . . Fig-- Hughes, writing in the "British names, he will ask Con cress to name a committee of seven viih rrp-«lerisjn....... And we've also been lures made public by the Federal Review," an Independent Conser. Fannie Brice, star of more The announcer was like, a god, day in Cincinnati, while I was a told of- the Black Storm Troop- ; Social Security Board show that vatire Weekly, justifies the past sufficient funds to undertake a sweeping investigation over a Ziegfeld "Follies': than tve can and when his "Aw, don't frighten member of the second row in a'ers, a n e w German group with |neither the Cohens nor the Levys , ! actions of Nazis Germany, pointr remember off-hand, here tells 'em! Give 'em a\' even break!" burlesque chorus. The soubrette i branches throughout the country j are among the first ten most ing ont the wisdom of those sages period of a year or more. Mr. Pllir. Dickstein said he doubted v lieihof her early youth i n a fascin- came, the audience -allowed the was taken ill just as she was The It'has special affiliates for j common family names the ating article which proves once trembling performers .a breathing about to make her entrace, and Polish,- Hungarian- and Wh'ite | Taylors,-of whom there are 61,- around der Fuehrer. As for theer. the rerent prosecrtion of a(!oresH rpiplirpti more, that genius will rise space. 000, just sneaked into tenth i way good Britains should look at Black Legion members had re-o: ciiHr,r;v! PTH! the .manager shoved me on in her Russian Fascists . . . above t h e most unfavorable place, which makes us wonder anti-Semitism, well, "their fath- dnced the organisation's mem- v.u".ononjy TO ih^ Finally one of the terrified place. I t was a typical burlesque ers (who were good men of sound bers. pculio-Kussia, 1're circumstances —EDITOR amateurs got the'hook,' and some number, good ff one encore. But what, happened to the Cohens HISTGMCAL.XpTEi judgement on many Questions) C1"P. decir'r^c Hipt 0"?rliosi The New York telephone direcone behind me . who-«e name I I had been straining a t the leash He reported thai secret t-.v.C v When that yarn about Jewish f >>'r expelled the Jews in the thirteenhas no desire to PP° ?r. I've always said that if younever knew gave me a push so long that I zoomed through it colonization in Santo Domingo tory seems to have that many !• th hooded soc-iei-ies lir.ve gsined centcry." minority peoples like a dynamo «tnd got six enlook a little deeper, no matter That's what- careers hinge on in If he-men start using ground in Westchester and Putlaid an egg.it spoiled a good storyu alone how unappealing a thin" may be New York. A push. When the cores. blame it on dermatologist I The writer of this equivocal nam Counties in New York, and iiied. If yoJ. know y< ur history. y ° jlipstick seemingly has forgot- in Nev .'p'sc.-1 , f r it will always reveal an element spectators saw a gawky girl in a Shortly after that Irving Ber- will recall that Santo Domingo Herman Goodman, who says it j tstatement \' ' ' r e n t h a t h i s art would be a precaution asainst lip ' P 3' celebrates the t h e sup's r i f ; c - j ; * 7- i >- o w o u m b e a of comedy. This was my creed j rumpled dress _nd a cheap sail- lin-again had a deciding role in w a s on-E o £ t h e p l a c e s ciscovered Precaution asamst up cancer . . . Maybe we're ignorant : birthday of one of its late g.-eat t h e E I r c k Ijecion t • cl.. '>- ' ever since I can remember. or hat they started their booing my future. I had a chance to do jb Christopher Columbus on his lancer . . Maybe were ignorant about botany, but we'Etared hard • statesman as a time of re-dediSchool was a nuisance. I always and shrieking but Tip in the gal- an individual number, but I had . > to the New World when. we saw a story headlined ; cation to the principles of Con- t h e i r ncn-ps - let r - s o >» .' i ing: t h e , - v o l , r r~ve< I • r . e played hookie. But the teeming lery my,newsboy' clan shouted: no song, no act prepared. I ran and that, at each stop it was Luis Primrose day, they c o n v i c f o r n ' porr>" o r ! e i >rlife of the ghetto thrilled me. I "Stick 'it, Fan!" Stick.it" out!" as fast as my feet could carry de Torres, the Jewish, interpre-"Wandering Jew Thrives as Wall ! servatisr Kurt Weill, ; call it, and the stauncher rnem- e r s in tr-p D F ' ^ O t r~or never cared much for what was The announcer said: "Whad- me to Ted Snyder's •••»•.• sic-pub- ter, who - w a s the first to go Pocket Plant" lishing house. Standings in the ashore ,;.'.'-.-. Consequently a mod- whose music is so important a!' bers of the party make pilrrimin my. school books. All that daya gonna do?"-: »f "The Eternal Road," has ages to the grave cf the man seemed very dull. But the peo"Tin; gonna sing -"When You're doorway was the melancholy-eyed ern Jewish colony in- Santo Domsigned by Walter Wanger ; whose favorite flower, the Primple on Forsyth Street, where we Not Forgotten by the Girl You young man of my screen-slide ingo would be carrying on what lived, the crowded tenements^ Can't Forget.'" T h e pianist days. I told him of my predica- Torres started 445 years ago . . . i to do the music for a picture of rose, is the emblem of their or| which Clifford Odets is writing | eanization. Benjamin Disraeli was the zig-zag crosswork of the d o - pounded out a routine accompan- ment. I the script and which Lewis Mile- this man's name, Disraeli whose thelines, the rumbling " L " trains iment • and I began "Now don't get worried," Irvand someRome (YiNS \with their crazy checkerboard of thing clicked! The spectacle of aing said. "I've just finished com- War Veterans of the United stone will direct . . . As we men- ' parent's returned to England ac- selom Colomh--T tion "The Eternal Road" we are ; ter the sound judgment of those lights and shadows on the street scrawny thirteen-year-old • girl posing a song that might go. If it If the precedent set reminded of the comment made : earlier Britains was found not so States below, the pushcarts and the with a Jewisii face singing , a will, I'll teach it to you." by the B'nai B'rith in holding a by one Aryan lady between the sound, •. He sat dow_ at the piano and meeting of its executive commitgangs of boys and girls —all that heartbreaking ballad was too was my school. The ghetto was much for the audience. Whether played the tune, then sang the tee at the Hotel Floridian, Mia- acts of this Reinhardt presenta- ; v.-. where I learned about life, and they started throwing. money at words of "Sadie Salome" with all mi Beach, takes hold, we may tion . . "I don't care I'm broad- ; the ghetto was where I learned me because r wa_ - excruciatingly the intonation of Hester Street. find all . J e w i s h organizations minded she declared, 'but there | to find comedy and humor in the funny or because there was anIt was stinging but authentic sal holding their winter powwows--in I will be a; lot of Christians who 1 will object to the Jews trying to accent somewhere of a genuine tire on East -ide types. The night Florida . . . most drab events. ,,, t of the performance I was sandmake it appear that the Bible is talent will nevei be known. I school There was • no harder 15X2 No. their book' . . . Sylvia Sidney will j than the New York ghetto. Out only know coins rolled about me wiched in between Lew Fields VIA SHDKT WAVE . . and Raymond Hitchcock, two of spno be . sign.ng herself Mrs. B. of nothing we had to contrive like hailstones.



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A one-man Christian-Jewish Delicious And ParkyaI left the stage with three d o t the greatest comedians that ever good will movement has been P. Schulberg means of getting the shreds of lived. In those days if the audkarkas (Harry Kinstein) and Edlars in silver coins, and at the childish joy out of life. When we ience was surprised at anything I started in Poland by a Captain •Ranted to go to Coney Island, we finish of the evening I was did they werer't any more so Poprat-ky, a xetired. _rmy officer die Cantor decided to call its Congress May Make Investigation of Terroristic would work many days- making awarded the ten-doliar prize. I than I was as I never had a rou- . . . Through his paper, Zespol- quits after last week's broadcast. Bodies b>by streamers out of scraps of took part i r many amateur tine or knew what I was going to enie, he agitates against JewSALAMI, embroidery we found inv the re- nights after that. No one took do until I hit the stage. I had baiting and seeks to rally the (Copyright 193 7 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) New York (WNS) — German i fuse box in the alley of the lace me seriously, not even my moth- only instinct to go by. Lb peasants and intelligentsia to his aliens and naturalized American j factory, and then we would ped- er until I began bringinp home proposed league against . antiI started rolling my eyes and citizens of German origin, inclnd- j die them from door to door. Or an average of thirty dollars a Semitism . . . Having survived an my bands and arms in ing Jews, are being- coerced by : we would steal lemons from the week. This income eventually using ttsaue^gesTuTe; 7nYb~ega'n I r , - j anti-Semitic. plot to poison him, German consular officials in the us to move to One Hunpushcarts and then, with ice enabled Maiistw Xichoias r mer United States to fill out question-filched irom'ice wagons, . we'd dred and. Twenty-Eighth Street ing's lines: "Don't do that dance, j t ° ^ ; ' KNOCK, I tell vou, 'sadie, that's not a bus- j Tltulescu =is busily engaged in naires in anticipation of their bemake lemonade and sell it up- in Manhattan. i t U*itm . . Lou thought be-d lines*'for a lady . . ." And before j welding all democratic-and ,anUing called to fight for Germany town at-ttie ball games. and Side Lanes I reached the second verse the fascist forces Kouma_a into m in the nest war, it was charged ETR_:£.rcFA.£T The hardships and. the rigors go on the stage. He saw me mak- I reached the second verse t . Those; Jewish By Leonard here by Representative Samuel ing a lot of money, so he decided thunder of applause sent a shiver a i single of East i Side tenement life never he would try amateur night too. down my spins. That perform- protests to -Tokio -against antiDickstein. Displaying a copy cf •3 disturbed me. I'd help my mother He couldn't do anything but the ance definitely marked my en- Semitisnian Japanese-controlled ^ , the questionnaire. Mr. Dickstein salt the Friday meat, or wash the managers always offered a dollar Manchukuo won't get far . . . . The departing soldiers are ta_-; s a j d t h a t t h r e E L t s a n d p r e s s _re cf into the exclusive ranks of Nippon Lb new baby. I'd hang the.wash. We for the lemon acts. All would trance has gone Nasi-crazy . . . ing with-them happy memories of ; o _ e g o r t o r a n o t I i e r a r e b e i n g emstardom. never got much air or light. But have to do was. get out on the The swastika is omnipresent _ . in athletic contests in Palestine. At p l o y e d t 0 f o r c e compliance. I never complained. There was stage and ac: the part of target (Copyright 1937 By Seven ArtsJapan . . - . A n d pro-Nazi feeling Haiffa1 Colonel Kisch, on behalf ; fo n e e t t h i s s ; t u a t i o n , v h i c h something so real in all of i t that ro lemons or rotten vegetables is widespread . . / The father; of j Of the Palestine Maccabi Associ-' h e " s "l yE Plate's' treatVricrfcts and Feature Syndicate.) I enjoyed it the way we enjoy a hat the crowd woulr1 like to candid-camera photography .' is] at j O n, presented the Cheshire Reg-: ^ a s b " een go:sic on lor twe great play. Dr. Erich Salomon> late of Ger- j-n.e n t Vith a Maccabi flag in re- \ jao-ths, \IT* Dickstein has introthrow at hams.--. After a while We were quit. poor. It was the Lou got somebody to teach him many, -butvisow of ^Londoa w . • j memberance of. the many games' f l l i c e d a ^x{j i n Congress to forkind of. poverty that insisted on o dance, and rince then he's 1S12 Ke. Z£V7 Leo Reuss,, -an exiled • Gen_an ;p i a y e d- between the regiment andd citizenship cf naturalized following UB around wb ere jj-f ^e Jewish" actor, is the sensation "of jt i l e r^ccalii comedian. went. Poverty marched r ^ h t in een t Vienna-; T . Unable 'to get. "a job j A ta S p o r t s D a _ r e e e n t ] _ h e l d i n One day on Third Avenue- I on u s when we moved fromFornnder his own name he passed Afuleh- in the Valley of Jezreel,; FISTIC DEPT, met Harry Green, one of my amsyth Street to St. Marks Place in FC!» EEKT The real. reason behind the himself off-as' Kaspar Br_nd_Df- the Hapoel Sports Organization, Brooklyn. St. Marks Place -was ateur-night friends. He told.me er. a Tyrolean mountaineer . . . j npt so saturated --1th the ghetto of a j o b open in" a moving picture forthcoming tour of Max Schmel- Under-this alias he. applied for ai presented its flag to the 1st bat- j For Rent Fsirnisked room. t_e» King's Own Scottish ! Board Optional. SS51 D E V spirit or its cluttered life. But house = on Second Avenue. My in«g through the South is an attheatrical job and got it without j here too there was the great con- chores were to sell tickets in the tempt to exploit anti-Negro sen- question'because of his unusual export St. Karoey 71 1 0 . regular ticket-seller's absence, timent and rally in opposition to Both • of these presentations glomeration of nationalities — sweep the theatre, paint old scen- the anti-Nazi sentiment which talent'.'-.-.'.when the brilliant and t i e melting pot. • This was my had taken were marked by a feeling of good to boycott the Schmeling- "self trained" peasant : ; training ground. Here I learned ery, play the piano and sing • for seeks Vienna by Btorm Reuss broke fellowship and inutal respect for Braddock fight . . . The strategy all my foreign accents. Here I the screen slides. each other's athletic abilities. These slides were highly col- is that If the South doesn't like down an'dl.confessedthehoax . . . learned the difference between Our boss Joe Brainin'.cousin Negroes it will be opposed to the Russian and Polish accent as ored' affairs illustrating senti- anything likely to make a Negro Fritz of-Vienna, .who just got a Prince Peter of Greece, who mental ballads. The theatre translated into English. the world's heavyweight cham- poetry prize, -published his first ! has a deep interest in Chassifiism, would send me to music publish.When my mother thought 1 in Tin- Pan Alley, to be coach- pion . . . If the boycott ruins the volume of poetry on his sixteenth a few months ago visited the fa-] -was still in school I was busy an- ers mous Chnssidic Court of Belze. ed in them. At one of these hous- Schmeling-Braddock tilt, then birthday, some-years ago'... - an advertisement. calling ses there He was particularly interested Joe Louis gets a crack at Bradwas a brown-eyed, mild 1 U i __ errand girl in a dressmakiin one of the members of the | dock v •.. . Hence Schmeling's THIS AXD THAT young man who generally came lor an Inc estabUshment. They engaged forward o f f e r i n g suggestions handlers think it smart to show Rabbi's-circle, a former officer of J New York's political: master the Budapest Hussars. Attracted i me at about six dollars a week— about the song to be selected. their man in the South . . . We ! a s_m.I spsnt only on myself. My also hear that the Hitler hero's minds haven't yet forgotten that by Chassidism, this member of s_ ; One of the songs; I remember appearances purchasing expeditions took me below the Mason- Governor Lehman was cut by assimilated Jewish family, became over to New York, but not be- especially, because Irving Berlin, Dixon line will be used, to test thousands, of Catholic voteTS in one of the most important memTo prove became convulsed out how much boycott sentiment the last election • yond Forty-Second Street. I nev- for it was they still' remember . they are bers of this solemn court. er stepped on Fifth Avenue until with laughter' when, we sang it. New York's Nazis I was sixteen years old; think of It was "A Moon, a Girl; a.Boat, there is it! The East Side and Fifth Ave- a Float." There" he: sat trying to have" hired the Hippodrome for nue were two separate worlds teach me these ga ga songs, :and February 12 th to stage a protest that never spoke the same langu- there I sat, trying to earn my meeting against the boycott of Mike Jacobs operage We'd talk about it the way eight fiollars c- -week.- The story the fight Although the some stage-struck child dreams ends exactly .where you would ates the Hipp about stardom in Hollywood. want such aa'story s t o r y to end, with New York State Athletic _ ComFifth Avenue existed only in chil- Irving Berlin, a little more than mission failed to act on the rea dozen years later, .writing. the quest for a boycott of the bout, diBh fancy. „, . _ friends and I score i o r the Music. Box Revue, one of the commissioners is prinewsboy would gather on the housetops to and Fannie Brice playing in it at jvately in favor of calling off the sing the popular songs of the three thousand dollars a week. I fight . . . __ hour. We formed ourselves into That day in Tin Pan Alley was j |.\AZI SEWS a small band and sang for pen- the beginning for us both. My main chance arrived bnel If you eat in a hotel or restaunies in backyards and poolrooms and alleywrys —anywhere where suspectible listeners would give us a chance. Finally one of the newsies said to me: "Wh> don't you try for an amateur night, Fan? They give out prizes —ten-oollar ones, and fives and threes." A little Irish girl and I struck out for Keeney's Fulton Street Theatre, Brooklyn. When we arrived we found the gallery jammed to overflowing. As we passed the stage door one of our newsboy friends said: "Why not Bhcve around backstage, kid, and make believe yon are .going on? Then you'll see the ^

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Following thL suggestion my companion -and I drifted in with the mass of performers waiting their turns. Amateur night! The audience listening today to the suave voice o* Major Bowes introducing potential stars on his radio amateur hour is a V_ long way fron* the indignities o, - a n amateur evening in the 'nine ties.* That hissing, booing mob was packed with menace the minute you stepped before,it. I t dared you to go on. There was a large Iron hook in the? hands of a Btage mechanic; he took his cues from .the howling spectators, who gave little quarter after the first. sixty seconds or so, if you : ; f Jailed to lasso their interest and "^attention. .




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Upon toy request they put these the God witt all thy heart and •words in writing, and I took the vrith all thy BOUI, giid with all thy message to Mr. H. C. Luke, the •might, And He afflicted thee, and sufActing High Commissioner. Luke pretended to be sUernst- ferer! thee to hunger, and fed ly shocked and elated. He hsd a thee with manna which thou clear indication then, and there knewesf. not and which thy fath: of who was inciting the Ar&bs to ers ki-.ew not, that He might i murder, and he csciaimed that at make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by "Sanctions ! last he had'.something definitely everything that proceedeth out of Against War"; an<? "Efforts For \ on the Mufti. "We have for long the mouth of the Lord dost man Peaee", he analyzes the case for been trying to catch that man, live. peace and that against war. Ev- now we have him," he said. Of TALMUD ery title, fully though briefly ela- couse Lr.fee did t nothing fcbout borated by the author, is follow- ; the matter. The Mufti, as bead Kob took leave of R. Chlya and ed by several trenchant' state- : of the Moslem community in Jcr- the latter said to him. "May the ments from men who are leaders | usalem, drew and. drp.ws E SF.1F.TJ-' Merciful save thee from the in the field or international peace from the Palestine government. i tliinps that are worse than and justice. A special che.pter on i The Mufti, whose fingers v:e?e I death." (1B there then a thine the "Jewish Peace Ideals" con- ! dipped in Jewish blood on the oc- i that is worse than death?" Rob tains significant Quotations Irom ' cas5on of every riot and upheaval, |asked himself.) He proceeded to the Bible and Talmud. i remains Britain's loyal servant. ; look into the matter until he The supplementary ni&terial at ! It is he who starts the violence found the passage (Ecc) "And I the conclusion of the book is ex- j -whenever the British feel that find as more bitter than death tremely valuable. It includes loot Jewish enterprise r.eeds & little | the bad woman." Rob was oftea notes as indicated in the body of J curbing. The Mufti is the most annoyed by hie wife so that when the test, a biography of signifi- j isEefnS infilviduej the British havp j he asked her to prepare lentils cant peace books, challenging ; in Palestine in that cruel gsme : for him, she Would prepare small questions, and stimulating sug- ' of cat and mouse •which thej" sre I peas for him, ana when he asked gestions for debate. The volume ! playing with the Jewish National | for peas ehe would prepare lenshould help appreciably In creat- Home. ] tiis. When his son, Chiya, grew ing a more intelligent grasp of Fair Pley? Cricket? KOTT Jonp ; up, his father sent the orders to the problems of peace and war is that myth going to be kept up his vdfe to prepare his tneali and in stren thening peace sen- about the British Empire being ! through the son. The son used timents in our country. something like the extension of | to reverse the orders, and thus God's justice on eerth? Let the jth result was just what Rob Jewish people see to it that Enp- | wanted. "Thy mother improved land does not fritter away their ! herself," Rob once remarked to rights as they frittered &.wey the • his son. To which the son rerights, the position, and indepen- ; plied: "I caused It, because I dence of Ethiopia while talking jhad reversed the orders." Whereupon Rob satd to him, "This is justice and fair play in Geneva! what people say — 'thy own deg(Copyright 1837 by SEVEN cendents will teach thee sense.' However, thor shtH not do oo ARTS FEATURE SYNDICATE) any moret because it is said ijpr. By ROBERT STONE 9. 4) — "They hare taught their NORTH AMERICA tongue to apeak falsehood, they PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLAweary themselves to commit iniTURE GETS BILL TO OUTLAW quity.' " WRITTEN RACTAL ATTACKS . . . Sounds unconstitutional to us, vRabbl Chiya wail often vexed unfortunately. By Dr. Philip Sh*r by his wife. Nevertheless when HEBREW UNION COLLEGE he found anything suitable for BIBLE HOUSES CINCINNATI FLOOD Only take heet1 to thyself, and her, he ;would buy it and bring VICTIMS . . . Proving ence more that the H. U. C. is & fine asset keep thy soul diligently, lest thou it to her. When Rob said to him: forget the things which thine "Behold, she is annoying the to its city. eyes saw, and lest they depart master, and why yet bring her EUROPE GERMAN NOBEL PRIZE WIN- from thy heart all the days of thy prsents?" He answered: "it Is NER IN PHYSICS ASSAILS life, but make them known unto "JEWISH pHYMCS" . . . To the thy' children, and thy children's sufficient they makefi horn* lor me. raise our children, and keep traditional couple, physics and children. And thou shait love the Lord us on the straight path." metaphysics, is now added a third — Naziphysics. NAZI READERS RAP VULG A R I T I E S IN STREICHERS PAPER . . . Signs of awakening? PRAGUE JEW VOTED GERMAN LITERATURE PRIZE BY NAZI JUDGE . . . He doesn't sound like a practitioner of Nazi Justice. NEW AUSTRIAN S T A M P BEARS HFAD OF JEWISH IXVENTOR . . . That should make Austria's northern neighbor happy. CATHOIiC WOMAN CREATES BUREAU FOR STUDY OF JUDAISM IN BELGIUM . . . Thus helping to destroy that ignorance which is the basis of prejudice.

fore the bar of human justice in foreign countries. The speech by the premier following the Beck exodus proposal Bhowsr that they are still sensitive to foreign comment. "We must utilize this weakness to the fullest. The protest.'against Polish disBy DE. TEEO0OEE N. LEWIS criminations and horrors must not be stopped—-but must be EsbbI, Motust Steal Te»p!e, SIGEX (Sty doubled and redoubled* We—outside the pale of such terrorism—must realize its startling implications and must exert our 'SOME PROBLEMS OF LIFE" "Further Remedies"; every effort to save the soul of Polish Jewry. ..

Ppo-Paleotinian Unity The last vestiges of opposition to the rebuilding of Palestine as a Jewish homeland are disappearing, as all Jewry are uniting more and more strongly to maintain and strengthen our right to colonize, settle and rehabilitate the soil which once belonged to our forefathers. One Of the sharpest about-faces on the subject occurred this past week, when the Neolog Community, representing the liberal Jews of Hungary and long an anti-Zionist stronghold, announced itself as endorsing the aims of the Palestine reconstruction movement and aligned itself with the pro-Palestine cause. The leaders of this movement, Dr. Siinon HeVesi and Samuel Stern, asserted that recent happenings in the Jewish world have caused them to change their previous attitude toward Palestine. This is as it should be, because all of Jewry's strength will be needed in the momentous days ahead, when Palestinian policy will be fashioned. Palestine is and must remain the symbol of Jewry's future « ... as well as the inspiration of Jewry's present. \

BX KtfFUS M. JONES. 214 PAGES. $2.00 COKESBURi1 PRESS, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Dr. Jones, the author of this book is one of the outstanding religious leaders of America and one of the most distinguished members of the Quaker Society. He is best known for his studies In mysticism and the inner life. Religion and religious life are definite concrete realities to him afld he has succeeded in making them such for multitudes. In this book, which contains the Cole lectures delivered before large audiences of students and faculty, he deals with crucial issues that haTe been prominently before the religious public Is the last few years, and which must be faced courageously to insure spiritual health, mental serenity and religious faith. The burden of the entire bock, of all of the eight chapters is, in the words of Mr. G. B. Winton, who writes an interesting preface, that the only real values are spiritual values. This doctfine Dr. Jones develops in several chaptrs, the titles Of some of which are "What Mftkes Life Good"; "What Is Meant By Values of Life"; "The Essential Characteristics Of A Person"; "Who ia My Neighbor" etc. Dr. Jones writes in a very simple, yet nsarrelously persuasive style He discusses well known and commonly accepted ideals and truths which, for this very reason, are frequently Ignored and habitually violated. Dr. Jones' personal religious philosophy is based on a sublime faith In God and In the dirlne destiny of d a n . And in these pages he beautifully developes these precious convictions, and his interpretation makes them not only plausible but Inevitable. " S o m e . Problems of Life" should help many disillusioned and disappointed and confused minds find hope, faith and ideals —should help provide a fresh determination to lire on a high and adequate plane.

shadows efflbraein^ Polish Jewry deepen with the passing hours. Approximately three and a half million Jewish cltiaens reside ia Poland, representing over ten per cent of the population, aad their plight grows hourly worse than the suffering of (jertaan Jewry. For Some time, actual pogroms, actual visitations of brutal maltreatment have clouded the lives of Polish Jewry. For seven hundred years the Jewish people have lived in Poland, helping solve its problems, joining in its fight for liberty, alwaya ail Integral part of the country. Today, more and more, the Polish Jews are not being treated as citizens of the Polish BepHblitf, and the foveramentai leaders are violating the minority rights clauses of the Versailles Treaty and contravening the words.of the Polish constitution itself. *•"• tO •"** Poland in general is suffering from world-wide economic Catching Up With Oneself ills, in suca a situation, the people become prey to oratorical By Rabbi Frederick Oohn agitators and demogagical promisers of panaceas. And so, the Have you ever, for whatever reason, found yourself bePolish anti-Semitiea-^-the Endeks (National Democrats), and the Naras (National Radicals)—have taken a leaf from the hind in your work, of whatever nature it might be, and arc Hitler philosophy and have conveniently blamed the Jews for restless and nervous till you could 'catch up with yourself!' all Poland's troubles. But, what is even worse than in Geis What a strange phrase, that, 'catch up with yourself I' How fflany, ia the pogrom attacks upon helpless, innocent Jewish paradoxical I Is a person ever behind himself, like his shadow, families. o that he must move forward and 'catch up,' be beside himself Government anti-Semitism—always cloaked behind an offi* again and, on a par with himself, thence continue on his way! eial equality stand—reached a new high when the Polish For- He would indeed be "beside himself' if he tried to catch up eign Minister Josef Beck came forth in parliament with sup- with his shadow. But we must not continue these puzzles proport for vice-Marshall Medzinski*s proposal that Poland force duced by the peculiar idioms of lie English language. I supthe expatriation of three million Jews/' since the country could pose 'catching up with oneself is like the expression 'lifting only support 600,000." This was toot the first time Beck had onself by one's boot-straps t In the first place, in this era of mentioned the forcing of Jews oat of the land, but it was low shoes, we don't have any boot-straps. Secondly, we couldthe first time.that a high government official had suggested n't lift oneself by them if we had. such an expulsion—which is tantamount to the de-Judaizing Both phrases are, of course, arresting expressions for disof Poland. tinct ideas. 'Catching up with ourselves,' means, of course, ' The international reaction to this proposal was immediate catching up with our work, delayed or neglected or left unand strongly unfavorable. By Polish and international law, done for whatever reason; gathering up the loose ends; getthe Polish Jews were citizens, and there is no logical reason ting back on our schedule; resuming our program; taking up why their problem should be segregated. The solution of the our regular routine, perhaps to be soon immersed again in the Polish problems is the goal to be Btrived for, and that would dull daily round of assigned or accepted tasks and duties; and, 'THE QUEST FOR PEACE". ABRAHAM CROXBACH. automatically solve the Jewish problem there. The Jewish unless we are specially lucky or watchful, finding ourselves DR. UNION' OF AMERICAN HEproblem can be solved only upon the soil of Poland and by sunk in the old immemorial rut. BREW CONGREGATIONS. CINaccording the Jewish citizens equality with the other citizens It has occurred to me that the world has not yet 'caught CINNATTI, OHIO. 223 PAGES. 1.50. of the land. When Poland officials saw the predominant atti- up with itself.' It is far behind its highest ideas, its noblest A more pressing problem than tude of foreign diplomats to their action, they used their an- institutions, its well-conceived aims, even behind its better peace, a c o r e immediate and uncient "stall." The premier himself, Skladkowski, addressed "the knowledge, its potentialities and its capabilities. How far is iversal one, does n o t exist. Though the peoples of the world Polish parliament and declared the government would not per- the world behind its own ideate of peace, as conceived by the are justifiably alarmed &t the apmit anti-Jewish excesses and threatened the anti-Semitic agi- Hebrew prophets, when 'nations would beat their swords into parent imminence of another tators with internment in the government concentration camp. ploughshares and their spears'into pruning hooks; when na- world war, they are fearfully impotent ia the face of the terrible (This was a tragic joke, since at the same time pogromist tac- tions would not lift up sword against nation, nor learn war prospect. at and mouse It it the supreme tragtics wer6 being continued.) Addressing himself to Deputy Bud- anymore 1* How far behind its own ideal of Justice, as con- edy of mankind that the issues of By PIEEEE VAH PAASSEN zinSki, one of the anti-Semitic leaders, Skladkowski said that ceived by these same storm-petrels of social reform, when 'jus- war. and peace are today in the If any Jew testifying before unscrupulous, he should be in an insane asylum, not parliament, and re-iter- tice would flow like water, and righteous like a might stream J' hands of t w o scheming and dlabolicial dicta- the British Royal Commission of ated that the government was determined to utilize all its re- How far is the world behind Malachi's sense of brotherhood, tors, to whom international con- Inquiry in Jerusalem had dared Sources to put an end to anti-Jewish disturbances. Declaring the realization that 'we have all One Father, One God has cre- flict Is a face-saving device, an to employ the language which Husscini used he would Jews were being unjustly held responsible for the peasantry's ated us all I' How far from any time conception of the unity inescapable necessity. Also dis- Jamal not only have been, raled out of turbing are the false halo and difficulties, he caustically remarked: "I ask, did the peasant- of the human race! glory with which war is every- order, but he •would have been ciited for contempt in addition, ry's situation improve even slightly after the anti-Jewish riots?" And we are even behind our better knowledge. As has where invested,' the worship of Jamal, who is the Mufti's cousin might, the reverence for the proThis ia rather confusing to someone used to straight think- been said, "We know the better and we do the worse." fessional EOldier, the glorification and secretary of the Arab Higher announced blandly ing and honest action. Bnt, it is symbolic of European diploMost astounding of all is how we 'lag' behind our own of death on the battle field and Committee, that Arabs wiulr* revert ot viothe unwarranted assumption that macy for the right hand to do one thing, the left another, and scientific achievements. We have invented the auto and the is both necessary and Quite lence if they did not gain their the tongue glibly dart in still a third direction. PaBt experi- airship and yet in so many things (not only government) we war ends. In other words, this sordid natural. ence has taught us not to put faith in the premier's words. We are not only in 'the horse and buggy' era but in the ox-cart Dr. Cronbach's splendid vol- individual, yrbo iis nothing but a big-time gangster, was allowed to must be convinced by action and deeds, not by pretty phrases. age. This was the great point of the late James Harvey Robin- ume exposes and refutes these stand there end threaten the Britfalacies, and a host of others, Let us examine a few pertinent facts. Polish Jews are ex- son's epoch-making book, 'Mind m the Slaking'; and he has ish Empire. The representatives have gathered about the in- of Britannia took the menace tremely poor. Over 56 per cent of all non-Jews in Poland are re-iterated the same thought in his latest (alas! last) book, that stitution of war. In the pages of without a word of comment. at least able to work and earn; with the Jews this percentage published posthumously, having been completed and edited by this book, war is revealed in its In 1929 the Mufti and Jamal is only 33. Thus every employed Jew engaged in some pro- that kindred spirit, Harry Elmer Barnes. His thesis is, we starked nakedness, brutalty, des- together assured me, in the truction and demoralization. fession, or business in Poland is burdened with two non-work- have made momentous advances in science in the last three- Dr. Cronbach's plan is Quite course of & stormy linterview in ing Jews whom he has to feed and clothe, while every four hundred years, but have applied them only to external, ma- simple and very effective. Under the Omar Mosque vestry rooms, that the government would ultiemployed non-Jews have only three unemployed to feed and terial matters, such as lighting our homes, cooking our food, fourteen headings, some titles of mately have to put a soldier with which are: "The Cost Ot War"; clothe. Seventy-five per cent of all Jewish .business men and driving our vehicles, implementing our machinery, but we have Moral Degradation"; "The Dis- a bayonet in front of every Jewtraders in the smaller towns had to seek loans in order to buy not applied them in the most important matters of all, to social mal Outcome"; "War Griev- ish home in Palestine if it wanted their trading license. One-sixth of the entire Jewish population affairs, to education, to religion, to the things bound up with ances"; "Fictitious Atrocities"; peace. That is to say, these two intimated that every in Poland depends for a living only on what they get from our real happiness, our true welfare. How theology, particu- "Antecendent Grievances"; "The individuals Righteous Side"; "The Real Jew in Palestine was in danger relatives in other countries, like the United States. In many larly, 'lags' behind! Outworn creeds, superstitious dogmas, ob- lauses"; "Truth, A Remedy"; of assassination by their cohorts. towns Jewish unemployed outnumber the non-Jewish by three solete forms, discarded ideas still holding away over vast multo one. Jewish philanthropists in Warsaw estimate that every titudes, ruling great empires. Witness Great Britain, how ob- that we call 'will o' the wisps' that beckon so alluringly- beseeond Jew in Poland needs assistance. . scurantism and rigid conservatism hold that otherwise great, fore us. Now, let us glance at the other side o£ the picture, at iberal, and enlightened people in its power. England has not In the March of Time man will yet overtake h-iiasclf, outsome of the agitators. As ia well known, the students in Poland yet 'caught up' with its own Roger Williams, who lived three strip his best performance, win life's race snd be crowned with have taken the lead in pogromizing and discriminating per- centuries ago, in the matter of church Disestablishment for victory, sefiUtions against Jews. Professor Galetzki, dean of the Uni- instance.. "Daily- with souls that cringe and plot versity of Cracow, a center of violence, startled Poland last -"We Sinai's climb and know it not." We have not yet caught up with our own pioneers. That week with his frank Bta.tement that the wave of anti-Semitic intrepid trekker of the spiritual, Abraham; that leader not - - Frederick Cohn. terror sweeping over the Polish universities is the result^of the only of .his people, but of the world, through the moral wildmoral degradation of the younger generation of Poles. In his erness, Moses; that advance agent of the universal and the HEBREW CALENDAR statement, Dean Galetzkl declared that moral and mental de ethical, Isaiah; those harbingers of the New World, who lived *Eosh Ghodesh Ada? February 12 fenercy is widespread among the younger -university students. twenty-five hundred years ago—for all our attention tor'gpeed' Purira. February 25 He cited facts and figures, to prove the prevalence of venereal in this otherwise 'fast' age, we have not caught up with them Rash Cnodesh Nissan March 13 disease, abortion, sadism, drunkenness, and other moral crimes yet. They are yet in the van, while we are in the rear on that 1st pity o£ Pesaeh ...... ~ March 27 at, the University of Cracow and asserted that a similar situa- Road of the Ages that leads to the Land of Fulfilment whose 7th bay of Pesaeh April 2 tion existed at other universities. The outspoken Polish edu- milestones we pass with such difficulty, turmoil, and travail. •Kosh Chodesh Iyar »....t....April 12 cator made it; clear that the attacks on Jewish students eman- Amos, Plato, both Bacons, Grotius, Kant, Darwin, perhaps tag b'Omer. ....> April 29 ated from these moral degenerates and not from the normal even Karl Marx, Ferdinand LaSalle, Woodrow Wilson,— Rosh Chodesh Sivan Slay 11 $dd older .students who bitterly resented the loss of time and though now in the far past are still far ahead of us. Only coin- 1st Day of Shabuoth ..May 16 uaterferenee with studies resulting from the repeated disturb- plainingly can we keep up with a Franklin Delano Roosevelt •Rosh Cli'odesli Tammus ~ ....June 10 ances. Add to this the previously uncovered facts of a liason whose old ideal we call a -New Deal.' A magnificent marble *Fast Of Tammuz June 26 ^between the Nazis of Germany and the anti-Semites of Poland; palace of a League of Nations is all built and ready for us Rosa Chodesh Ab • .— July 9 the professional leadership of peasant mobaj and the lawless- and we are loathe to enter its spacious and hospitable halls. Pfist <2>£ Ab , . •• J^y ^ ness and plundeting' banditry ot the anti-Seniites. Clearly, the No, we are far from having 'caught up with ourselves. *Rosb. Ch&desh EUul August § anti-Se#iiti6in rif? in Poland is a commentary on the low state In the very parlance of the day, the modem vernacular, let NOTE—Holidays begin ia the evening prscedisg the dates a civilization; has £$llen in that country. us 'get a move on ourselves' and see if we cannot catch up designated. Poland stili has aa official cense of shamo b at least with oumlves, not to epe&k of the beautiful ideals, •Bosh Chode&li also observed previous day.



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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1937 CALENDAR OF WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES i Febrnarj- 6 — Pioneer Women, Oneg Shabbos. February 7 —. Junior Council Breakfast Fcbroary 8 —Biknr Cnolim February 8 — Junior Vaad Auxiliary February 0 — Deborah Society February 9 — Sisterhood, Current Topics Class February 10 —-Community Forum, Paul Douglas February 10 — Beth El Auxiliary February 14 — Beth El Winter Dance February i e — Hadassah Study. Group

Vaad Auxiliary

CLASS ORGANIZED TO STIMULATE STUDY The March meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Vaad will OF HAGGADAH

Council of Jewish Women


Deborth Card Pftrtv

The next meeting of the Civics I The officers of the Independent take place on March 2 at the and International R e l a t i o n s Loan Association will B'nai Israel synagogue. This will ! A Vaad Clievro. Ein Yakov was gror.p of the Council of Jewish .Workmen's .be installed £t E bancuct t n a pro'recently organized by Rabbi Milbe a luncheon meeting. Women will be held on Monday, r gram to b e held s i the E'np.i. isAt the regular meeting held ton A. Kopsteia, the purpose of February 15, instead of on therael E.rncgoeue ol South Omaha. last Tuesday, February 2, the which is to stimulate interest in regular meeting- date of February £Eth e n d J , FPl.rur.rj- 21. FORBES-ROITSTEIN ; ! the study of the Haggadah of the a five o'clock ceremony at SHOW electric clock was won by Mr. . 16, at 1 o'clock at the Jewish ! The officers B-e: Abe Tfoirpon | Talmud. The class meets daily the Birchwood Club, on Sunday, Ben Garelick, 5439 So. 2*th St. The Junior Council of Jewish Community Center. Tine will be i president; Ber iVIarur. vice pre?i- j January 31, Miss Sonia Roitstein, Women Will hold a breakfast and The Ladies Auxiliary is also i between evening services at the a dessert luncheon. Mrs. James \&tni\ Goodman Keyerson, treasMT. KA daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry style show, at the Fontenelle Hoplanning a rummage sale to be {B'nai Israel synagogue, ISth and Corenmaa will be hostess. \ urer; M. Tatelm&n, secretary. Di| Chicago streets. Rabbi Kopstein . Roitstein became the bride ol Mr. tel, held during the month of April. Sunday morning at 11 e r e Ben Iiar,iov;F=ky, HnrThe next meeting of the Book 'rectors Irving Forbes, son of Mr. and o'clock. Miss Lala Fineman of ! Those having bundles are ssiied j instructs tbe class. rjI?7-orsky, A, Pclr-lrifer, i?sre Review group will take place on Mrs. Mendel Forbes, Habbis Da- Sally's Frocks will be in charge. to call Mrs. A. Sehwaczkin, At- I Officers are: Gabai Rishon, M. jKraU, Een Corelirfe. An.vi]i;.rv v jSegelman; Gabai Sheini,'M. SchMarch 2. rs. Jack Cohen will lantic 5534 or Mrs. I. Fiedler Ha. vld A. Goldstein a n d Rabbi N . JMias Bess Bernstein is chairman | The £?sr>cift:ior VE.? arfrnizpC. lafer; secretary. Dr. Leon Fell- review "Drums Alorg the Mo; Feldman officiated a t t h e cere- of the committee for the arrange3003. man; and treasurer, Morris Mal- hawk.'' At the next generr.] meet- in lf!J4 'with ten memberR, 1-Trrrr mony." ments. ing cf the Council en February iVvrortV.y Frrvinfr ES fir~f. prf-fifkin. The bride " w a s beautifully . Models will be Anne Hurwltz, 22, Mrs. J. G. Masters will review I elect. New the memberp!:'p hr.r gowned in Schiapparelli model of Sylvia Jonish, and Ide Blackerifrrovrn to tti. The rrcf.p'p fexV<\- ;-ui-e of "Gone With the Wind." •white bridal satin fashioned on There will also be other enter•ties h e r e grown from fVu f- ior.n Two members of Sigma Alpha The Annual Bridge luncheon of t h e empire ailhoutte lines a n d "a tainment. ••Et t h e Ftrrt to S'T50' a inn.r r.t jnrrthe Council is planned for Karch Mu received their degrees last l o n g train. She -wore a long veil 22 at the Jewish Community | sent. The interest rKte is live week at the mid-year graduation a n d carried a bouquet of Easter LfXCHEON F O B SO GUESTS Center. Mrs. Sam Wolf is chair- ! per cent. I T tVOi-:;,-..• of the University of Nebraska. The Women's Division' of the Lilies. Mrs. i . Resnick entertained a t Gerald Philip Conn, Sioux City, Jewish Community Center will man. Attendants a t t h e wedding were i a luncheon f o r thirty guests a t la., took the degree of Bachelor j hold a luncheon and brdge, TuesB e t h El Au:c:i;Hr'.r Mike Colton, matron-of- the BlackBtone Hotel, Tuesday, Mrs. of Science in Chemical Engineeriday, February 16, at tbe Center. honor and the bridesmaids were February 2, honoring- Miss Agnes ing from the engineering college. ; Proceeds froxa this affair will be I The Beth El Ausilir.:-;- wi:; hold the Misses Hazel Schneider of Leaff of Sioux City, who is to be By HELEN ZIGMOND Karl Marx Braverman, Grand Is- 'used for res-applying the Center a "Fetch and Biie" l-,:nchpoi- m Lincoln, Sarah Forbes of San An- the bride of Morris Rcsnick. The Junior Vaad Auxiliary will I the Jewish Community CoiUrv, land, receved his degree of Bachi kitchen with necessary equiptonio 4 Texas, Goldie Zusman and j Out of town guests were Mrs. Screws and bolts; Harpo final- elor of Scierce in Business Ad- i merit. meet next Monuay evening, Feb-iTVeSnesSr.v, Feb-iin-y 10. r.t 1 Berenice Robinson of Omaha, i R u h t Leaf, mother of t h e bride- ly Caught up with a bio—no, she's ruary S, at 8 p. m. at the B'nai ] o'clock. C"rtP.:n F'fTi T-IM^er vi!i ministration from the Bizad col| All the Women's organization Israel synagogue, ISth and ChiT h e bridesmaids- were dressed j to-be, a n d Mrs. Sperling, both of a red-head. Consistent, he kept lege. i bp Bprp.T^r. A bru'Trl rn^rtirr v~V\ I are joining tog-ether Tor this oca l i k e in taffeta gowns designed ; sloux City, a n d Mrs. Babendure mum about his marriage to Susan Morris Lipp, North'platte^ was ;cassion. Tickets may be obtain- cago streets. A delightful pro- • be hflcl F.f. IT. by t h e bride. jand Mrs. Schmitz of Fremont. Fleming which took place Sep- appointed to the position of News has been arranged, includ- j The snrittal Betti r i tViPtpr from the Committee or at the gram • Mr, Forbes was attended by [ > —• tember 2flth. Harpo, alias Ar- Editor of the Daily Nebraskan, jed ing a turnorouE skit, entitled PP.nee will tr.1-:e pir-cp Stnids^ r | Center. Mrs. Louis Neveleff is Morris Roitstein, best m a n a n d ;ONE O'CLOCK LUXCHEOJf thur, is forty-three, the oldest of official student daily publication ! chairman of the committee in "Help Wanted" which will be ; February 14, nt the F-lackstonp Morris Fine, Lee Hurwitz, Her- j Mrs. Sam Rees entertained for the Marxes. Miss Fleming may for the second semester of the [charge of ths kitchen furnish- presented by Rebecca Kirschen- (Hotel. Accordicr ;o thr enrr.n-.Ubert Forbes of Omaha a n d Ber- lairs. Dave Kassler of Minneapolis be cast in "The Best Years" . . . current school year. During the ings and Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster is baum, Sarah Cerman and Slay i tee in charge, s. recorc Ftffri nard K r a n t z of Lincoln were ! a t a one o'clock luncheon, Thurs no quips, please. And Harpo ance is espectefi. first semester he served as sports chairman of the ticket sales com- Tucker. groomsmen. day, J a n u a r y 28, a t h e r home. could qualify for membership in A reception will follow the editor. mittee. Marshall Forbes w a s ringbear- Sixteen guests were present. MrE. the "LifeBegins-at-Forty Club." playlet, and all girls ore? 18 Lloyd Kronlck, Sioax City, was e r a n d R u t h A n n ForbeB of San,Rees presented Mrs. Kassler with Joe Penner plans built-in gags for years of age are invited to atpledged to Sigma Oraicron chapIT WILL PAY Antonio w a s tralnbearer. Flower a loVely guest gift. his new house . . . the swimming ter of Sigma Alpha Mu at the tend. T o COT»FI,I!; girla were Audrey a n d Anita Mrs. Kassler is visiting Mre. pool will be.under the dance Forbes. •Joseph M. Resnick, 270D Bristol. floor. When the guests get start of the second semester. He is enrolled in the Arts and SciCURRENT TOPICS Miis I d a GItlin, soloist sang " I warm, he pre^se^ a button, the ence college and is a pre-law stuWben bejing At a receut meeting held at Xibte You T r u l y " and "Because" TO B E 'AT HOME' floor Blides away, and splash! dent. the Beth Hcmedrosh Hagodol and was accompanied by Leo Rabbi Frederick Cohn will DIAMONDS Mrs. David B. Cohn will be a t they're off! — er, they're in! V> Because of the Illness cf his fa- synagogue, 19th and Burt streets speak on "International Science" WEJIPINCI CINC3S Maries, violinist a n d Milton Rob- home from 3 t o 6, Sunday, F e b - Groueho sent out five hundred ther, Harry Ginsberg, Dakota plans for reorganizing the Chevra inson, pianist. Tuesday morning at 10:30 at the WATCHES - SILVEEWAEr ruary 6, a t a t e a honoring h e r announcements that he will not Blackstone Hotel before the Cur- and GSFT /E^'ELJT V Following t h e ceremony dinner sister, Miss Goldy Seidman whose send put Holiday greeting cards City, returned to his horae at the Shaas were considered. close of the first seaester. He The following officers were rent Topics class of the Temple was served l o r 250 guests. A r e - engagement to Bennett Magzamin this season. Georgie Jessel's will return to the university next ception and dance was held later was announced last week. book will soon be off the press . . fall to continue his pre-iaed stu- j elected: A. G. Weinstein, presi- Israel Sisterhood. Mrs. Louis d e n t ; S. H. Katz, vice president; Kulako'sKy is chairman of the • . r , ' In t h e evening. j it is titled, "Hello, Momma!" dies. % S. Katelman, secretary-treasurer. series. Tickets may be procured Out of town guests were Mr. | AT WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Clifford Odets, on return, will The class in Talmud meets on at the door. a n d Mrs. Forbes a n d children, |- Leonard Seiner, son o t Mr. scribble for Wanger, the one proWednesday cf each week at 8 p. Sarah, Daniel a n d R u t h Ann of \ Morris Selnfer, is in St. Louis a t - ducer committed to accept Mus- PUPILS OF SUNDAY m. at the Beth Hamedrosh HagSan Antonio, Texas, Mrs. H . R o - • tending "Washington University. solini's Invitation to make films SCHOOL EDIT "SHQFAK" odol synagogue and is conducted senblitt of Philadelphia, P a . and ! H e Is majoring in Political Sci- on Italian soil. What strange by Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein ol Miss Hazel Schneider a n d M r . ence. Mr. Seiner spent one term hook-fellowB these movies make! The initial edition of the pa-the Vaad. The public is invited. B e r n a r d K r a n t z of Lincoln. at the University of Nebraska. Music Director Boris Morros' per, "The Shofar", publication of After a wedding trip through shirts are so noisy, you can't the Jewish Community Center t h e south including Mexico and HOCSEW ARMING hear the band . . . his newest Is California, t h e young couple will Mr.-and Mrs. O. Ortlund, who green with little white fish run- Sunday School, will make its ap- The organization of the Toung be a t home in Omaha. recently moved Into their new ning through it as a secondary pearance this coining Sunday, Men's Vaad will take place on 16TH AND February 7, under the direction Tuesday, February 9, at 8 p. m. home 2715 Country Club Avenue, theme.. of the sixth grade of the school. at the Congregation B'nai Israel, were surprised by friends at a TO BE HOSTESS AT BRIDGE • • 0 Richard Newman heads the ISth and Chicago streets. The Airs. Sam Epstein will be hos- houeewarming. About thirty-five tess at a bricge at her home, guesta were present. Mr. and Mrs. Chieo Mars was sick. He hadstaff as editor-in-chief, assisted purpose of this group is to pro5009 So. 33 St., for the "Ways and Ortlund were given a gift for a chest cold. He called a doctor. by Leonard Stoller, as the assoc- mote good fellwEhip and revitaThe latter ordered Iilra to bed iate editor. Other members of | lize Jewish interests and faith. Means Committee of the Ladies their new home. with instructions to eat little and the class -serve as the star-repor- jThe organization committee conAuxiliary of the Vaad on Wedrest a lot. A half hour in bed was ters/ The project is under the \ sists of Sidney Katelman and nesday, February. 10 at 2 o'clock. RETURNS HOME enough . . . Chico got up, played direction of Miss Rose Kirshen- ! Russell Blumenthal. Reservations are thirty-five cents Mrs. Harry Schneider left for eighteen holes of golf, ate a baum, sixth grade teacher. The All young men of the age of 21 and may be made by calling Ha. her home in Lincoln, last Monhearty dinner, ana went to bedpaper, a monthly publication •was and over are -welcome to attend. 6702. day, after spending a few days at 1 a. m. Next day the doctor a suggestion of Leonard Stoller. visiting with her parents, Mr. and thought he looked improved, but The name, "The Shofar" was a TO VISIT Df EAST Mrs. Jacob Kaplan. Mrs. Schneisuggestion of Rabbi David A. 'Mrs. Morris Shapiro left Wed- der was formerly. Sarah Kaplan advised him to stay in bed. Chico Goldstein. played golf, ate a spaghetti dinn e f l d a y evening for several of Omaha. . ner, hied himself to a night club. More than 150 subscribers have months in the east. She will Next day the doctor took his pulse been attained by the tireiess efrisit in Syracuse, New York, and and decided, "I think you're bet- forts of the editor and associate with her family In New York ter. Guess it will be safe for you edition Is appreciated as will all City. to get up for a few minutes to- graphed affair. Reporters canThe -sixteenth anniversary of day." vass every class in the building BENEFIT BRTOGE~LinS'CHEON « * L a d i e s F r e e ^ a n Society will and take this means of announc• • • be given Saturday, February 13, be observed at a dinner at the J. Goodman, the exhibitor, came ing that all the news for the first at Hayden's auditorium at 1 C. C. Sunday evening, February home the other evening wearing edition is appreciated as with all o'clock, the proceeds of which 14. "An appropriate program to a sick look. "Ah, Rheba, it's notnews for future publications. The the celebration Is will all be given to the American commemorate so good. Tonight the theatre was news consists of class projects, arranged. jokes, editorials and entertaining Red Cross for the victims of the being' Those wishing to make reserva- half empty." "Cheer up, Sam. news'items from far and near. Oood. Twenty-five cents will be tions are asked to call Mrs. Will It's not so bad. I was there Mon- The cost of the paper -will be one snarged each person. Reserva- Bloom, We. 1724; Mrs. J. Weln- day night. I saw it myself - - the In o u r downtown cent an issue for the aim of the tions may be made by calling er. At. 5587; or Mrs. J. Flnkle, place was half full!" s t o r e , Ka!«Jley BlcLs;., paper is to be useful and enterMrs. "William Monovitz, Webster Ha. 0930. 16th and Douglas, • • • taining and is not intended to be 3858, the general chairman, or vre operate tSie only The young hopeful of a lessor a money-making proposition. members of the committee in strictly koslier celi» movielite asked his father, Who catessen in t h e charge, Mrs. H. Alperson, Glenwas Shylock? "You ought to be Luis de Santagnel. fiscal agent downtown cectsoa. aale 15G2, Mrs. A. Brookstein, The regular meeting of the ashamed," was the answer, "GoSeparate d i s p l a y Atlantic 0017, or Mrs. B. Katz- Deborah Society will be held, of Aragon, was In 14 73 made the ing to Sunday School for two case, separate aian Webster 391G. Tuesday, February 9, at 2 p. m. years and you don't know that!" representative of the knights and knives end clscere noblemen in the assembly of the at the Jewish Community Center. are u s e ^ for icos&er I T JOSLYN MEMORIAL Aragonese estates. items. A Social hoijr will follow the \ Ban Anti-Kasi Blotters The Jpslyn Memorial will pre- meeting. Take sdvactsige ot sent the following activities on these values of'rrcd Capetown ^ Blotters bearing 3unday, February 7, 1037. Invest Safety, Wisely la Workman Circle Concert for tomorrow's eel!Belted S«al Swaggtr (Dy«d 3:30 p. m. Lecture. Hall: the inscription "boycott everying. Workman's Circle Branch 173 With May's new roll collar Lecture By Dr. Lyman Harris, thing German" have been barred and 258 will sponsor a concert on Annuity, Endowment. Life that regularly n i l s for $95 •An English Journey." February 28 a t the Central Club troia the public schools of Cape 4:00 p. m. Concert Hall: Elcsiier Sslsrnl, Organ Program — Duo—Ar.t f e a t u r i n g the internationally Province by order of the departHepresents Z1 Strong CompanSliver Beaver Tunic Coat famous artist, Isa Kramer. Records. les—Every Type of insurance ment of education. Fear of arousand Bonds written. Call AT(Dyed Coney) KOSKEE8 WIEKERS or * 4:30 p . m. Lecture Hall: ing racial feelings in tbe schools 7657 or WA-E1E0. PIONEER WOMEN With lylsJnbocSer'g ficwer fus Music Appreciation Hour — FRANKFURTS, was the reason given. tons that ssSs re Shopln Program —: Under the di- The Pioneer Women will hold s Ife.. rection of Mme. Thea Moeller- an Oneg Shabbos, February C, at Eerms. the home of Mrs. H. Ratcovltz, Seal Princess Coef {DyesS Coney 2105 Grant Street. There will be 8:00 p . m. Concert Hall: Wills Iionnct'e newfcripfetaa"Slosher Town. Hall Forum lecture by a reading by Mrs. J. Raznlck. tdops best, rcj Prof. Wilhelm K. Pfeiler, "Un- Meinbers of the organization will ferstandlng Europe." participate in a discussion. Eeaver Princess Ceef p f s d Coney) KQSKER CHILI, 9 % Wits Alix's new esggrcr belt

Sigma Alpha Mu

•!.;:£ ori;-".

Women's Division Planning Affair

Jr. Vaad Auxiliary

Chevra Shaas to Be Reorganized



Young Men's Vaad


Ladies' Free Loan 16th Anniversary

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Deborah Society

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Raccoon Swagger Coef With Itisarious aark stripes that repslarlj- eell for $IP5.. %,' I «

cr Vcn:r:s NeKonaiSy Known W1NKELMAN QUALITY.-,'

Think of buying genuine Winkelman' Foot%vear . , . values to SlS.50 t , . for $5.50. Fall and winter models. A size for every foot. . . but not in every style. It's thrifty to buy now. 1SI6 Dodga St.,

With Alix's Jroat button dos- C"l


AND "OP Liberal Allowance for Year Old Plena . . . Up ta S Years to Psy ihe Balance . . . f.'cs Usual Smell Ccrryfng Ctargo

Tsgtikivl? EDIIS for £150

V/inkeJasa—Shoe Szlon

Persian Swccf sr Ceef With Vloxmef's CE'TTL collar



nsiarly sells for £255 <*M : w

Kcsher Dill


- s , :">"-' -- • &£-

\ *:&

r \

L.eracu Princess C o i f Vi'iih VioRnet's {foMen bow | fecit ths t reg. seiis lor $275 «

;:'• •



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NEWS FEATURE PICTURES •Arkansas Refugees Flee-—13 Trotskyites to Die in Russia

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OUSTED BY FLOOD—William Greer removes his household goods from his flooded home near Luxora, Ark., when a weakened levee near there allowed the Mississippi to surge in. However, a shovel army of 100,000 men held the main dikes,- and although a million people were homeless, hundreds of thousands more were saved by the immense levee system, 1.200 miles long, that the government built at a huge cost. . . . - . . -

MOBILIZES—The Arkansas levee weakens, and refugees at Oceola, Ark., are loaded into an Army truck, of which. 30,000 •were available for relief work. These refugees were ordered to leave this section by the National Guard. The Federal government Is now mapping plans to put 200,000 in theHood zone on relief and moved to destroy all contaminated food.

TRAGEDY CHILDEEN—A group of refugees arrive with their bundles at Oceola, Ark., after the Mississippi River crashed the levee, flooding the district and driving them from their homes Thousands are leaiing low-lying regions in this stste for higher ground, to be cared for by the Red Cross and tixe Armv in tented cities.


TO WED-—Vittorio Mussolini, eldest son of the Italian Premier 2£?J^l flance;1 Miss Orsola BuvoU, young Milanese girl, photographed recently while attending the games in the Milan arena The couple, who became secretly engaged shortly before Vittorio departed for the East African campaign, will wed Feb. 6 in Rome

THEY MAY MEET—Joe Louis, right, poses with Jimmy Eraddock. world's heavyweight.champion, at Louis' training camp at Poinpton Lakes, N. J., before his fight with Bob Pastor, New York ex-collegian,,at Madison Square Garden, N. y . Louis won in 10 rounds on points, Pastor backed around ring, avoiding Louis' fists. '*





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f'.-~,--^.'" FAME IS FLEETING—Now partially crippled, Gertrude Ederie wno Became famous years back when she swam the English Channel, is shown as she left the Supreme Court at Mtoeola, L.1., with her lawyer, Alfred Meldon, after bringing suit for $50,000 against owners of an apartment house for a fall she suffered on their property. Miss Ederie is lame and her hearing is marred:



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CRACK TRAIN DKBAHiED—A passenger &nfi & porter were injured and a half a dozen other passengers were shaken up when three rear coaches were derailed a-s the Pennsylvania-Railroad1*-•• Bier, the Constitution, pulled out of the station at Trenton, N J. The cars were hoisted back on the tracks by & huge crane, a» shown here.


FORMS COUNCIL — General Senjuro Hayashi, former Japanese minister of war, who was ONE FLOOD CITY HELPS ANOTHER-When flood waters from the Ohio River recededtoCincin- selected by Emperor Hirohito to form a new government, after nati,^ Coast Guard boats left the Ohio city for relief worktoLouisville. These boats were sent to the negotiations by General Kazustricken flood area from seacoast towns in New Jersey and Massachusetts. As water fell in Cincinnati S. snige Ugaki, whom the Emperor s t a r t e d o n 15 000 h o m e s a n d ^ T ' buildings. Fourteen people died in Ohio and 250.000 first picked, - yielded to Army f opposition. •

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- WEABING THEM HIGHER IN LONDON—Mu Swai, a membei of the Burma tribe whose women's idea of style is to wear huge "rings about their necks, creating a giraffe-like appearance, is Bbotfn with her 7-pound son, recently born at the Princess Beatrice HbspttalinLonddn.

CONFESSES—Vladimir Romm • vho confessed being the conact man between Trotskylte •onspirators in Russia. Seventeen «If-admitted Trotsky supporters confessed, during their trial in Moscow, to plotting to overthrow the Stalin government. Karl Radek, the chief defendant openly admitted his oppositior; to Stetfin In his final words tc the Judges, despite the death sentence which faced him. He was sentenced to 10 years in Jail three others got jajl terms, and 13 • were sentenced' to-death.-

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FpBM AND SPEED—A study .in motion, showing form and great speed, these litae greyhounds flash around a track in San Francisco in pursuit of the elusive electric rabbit. The greyhound has been called the fastest animal and can easily run twice as fast r as a crack human sprinter. S£e the different styles x>f running the dogs use -


BULWAEK. AGAINST FLOOD*-An air view o! the main levee protecting New Madrid, Mo, a Mississippi waterfront town where thousands are at worM reinforcing the wall with sandbags. Although the threat of rain hungg over g Army over the the Obio Obio &aa &aa Tennessee Tennessee valleys engineers weie wei confident fidt th valleys, Army engineers these ramparts would hold the flood back. .. , < ; Copyright United Newsp!ctur«



mge ir

BAB MEEZVAH Mr. and Mrs. H. Silvennan announce the Bar Mltzvah' of their son, Robert A., Saturday morning at 9:30 a. m. at the B'nal Israel synagogue, 18 th and Chicago streets. Friends and relatives are cordially invited. No cards have been issued.

which up to now have been more 21-19, 21-4 defeat. Murray Win- Rosen, 21-9, 21-11. j troub, 21-15, 21-17. ! W. L. : League found the Panthers firmA. Weitz. Georpe Soliapiro. t.n, or less immune from the num-troub's victory isn't such a gTeatj Sam Teper defeated Dave Rich-1 Lou Saks defeated Morris Ro- ! Panthers 9' 3 ly established on top of all con Sam Kaizmsn were the only o.}» erus clausiis bug, may soon have surprise, the scores indicate that lards. 21-10, 21-20. ' -sen. 21-7, 21-15. ^ Lions '.""..'.'..'.'.,' 7 6 tenders. Jack Fleishman of the fr bowlers "So go over 200 v.-!;l to, willy nilly as the quaint saySam Epstein defeated Harold! Bears 1_! Z6 6 winnere scored £51 for the third totals of 212. £03, 202. resnA.ing goes, submit to its bite . . . Wintroub will be a title threat. | • Millard Sigal defeated Herb ! Tigers 3 8 game to lead all other players, tively for single Kanies, P n . Other results: " I Marks, 21-6, 21-13. : Garber, 21-15, 21-14. It, seems, if our grapevine is CLASS A *• CLASS B j ! The beginning of the second Leo "VTeitz: registered one pame at Steinberg reached 106 as did St;u bearing accurately, that they Jake Schriebman "defeated Ben Ben Effros defeated Ben Win- j J. C. C. BOWLIXG LEAGUE : round of t i e J. C. C. Bowling 213 to be second high man. j Horwich with 191. have had a survey prepared for them by. a group, on •which, tp base campaigns for endowment funds . .. . And the survey contained a paragraph recommending that, if they wanted/the campaigns to succeed, they would have to cut drastically their Jewish quota . . . The survey, as we get it, was based on feelers put Temple The topic of Babbi David H. among prospective donors . . .: ' Wlce's sermon tonight -Brill be "Are We Permitting Our Child- XIT'RY NOTES: Got quite i a kick out.of "The Street of the ren To Grow "Up/'. , Begular Saturday morning ser- Fishing Cat," All Nations Prize vices will be held at 11 o'clock. novel ($19,000) by the Hungarian Jewesst Jolan Foldes. . ..'.. The book, although it didn't meet ;, ' Vaad with what you might call critical J «Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein's ser- acclaim on its publication here, mon topic for Friday night ser- I gave this reader-a very interestTieeB is "Majority Rules." j ing evening . . . Miss Folder, in telling the moving Btory of a Beth El group of uprooted, exiled in a By AB KA1B8AN At Bervices tonight. Rabbi Da- Paris alley, reaveals a masterly Tid A." Goldstein will speak on theI touch in handling character,. ac•» handsome Chicago Bravo for Omahass i Berger, Jdfe and "Work of Ahad Ha'am. tion and emotion . . .- The story lad . . . The gentleman bearOmaha citizens are receiving ' This sermon is given in obser- has swift pace, and is marked by a movie star resemblance is AIR CONDITUONINC^ praise for the generous response ing vance of the past Yahrzeit of onea surprising deftness and reFIXTURE SUPPLIES Mr. Swartz, a brother of Mrs. to the Red Cross appeal, far ex- Milton Mayper . . . The Milton who -was the most influential of I strainf seldom found in new wriceeding the quota alloted. Curthe modern Jewish thinkers and 'ters . . .'.While,.-the. "book is by are sojourning in Harent Jewish affairs should not Mavpers leaders. His influence on Zion- no means a masterpiece, it devauna, Cuba . . . The following cause us to forget the fact that are members of the Central ism and. on the Conservative syn- serves to be read * . \ Your reFor the most complete J£J^ZT~\ hundreds of thousands of Ameri- High Debate team: Dewey Seigagogue movement is paramount. porter being the predicting kind, •election of fixtures *nd Merchand d i s e s t o c k s h a v e i n t i ' • f * ' l 1 } , \ < '» Air Conditioning cans have lost their homes and! ler, Harry Goodblnder, Morris - •' Next "Week he'll- even go out on a limb and supplies in the Midwest |\ \%f | \ J > ' creased In value. It is impossessions in the flooded area. for every purpose KlrshenbEEin, Meyer Crandell, portant that you check yotir Next .week Rabbi Goldstein will should loud that some day he visit the Their problem is immediate and Joe Insurance policies with your Soshnik, enfi'Irvijig Rosenspeak on Abraham Lincoln and woudn't be surprised to hear of greater importance. Prominent baom . . . BO make wey for adinventory to d e t e r m i n e Distributed by Tfi.qm.a8 Paine. This sermon is that Jolan Foldes won herself rxrr r:: in local Red Cross circles is Mrs. ditional oratorical spell binders proper protection. given in recognition of the birth- the Nobel Prize . . . The girl has, Rube (Gertie) Kulakofsky, whose . . . Herman and BiUie Ferber, it, in her . . . The book, by the day of Abraham Lincoln and of Consult I committee of workers is lending thespian sons cf Mr. and Mrs. the 200th anniversary of Thomas bye, put Mr. Peters in such a Air Conditioning Corp. , generous co-operation. The Jew1101 Douglas H. Ferber, have made their Paine. The Sermon will discuss mellow mood that he decided to ; ish communities in all the flooded S. 1 0 4 No. 1 8 t h S t . mark in the entertainment their place in American history have a look beyond page 101 of JA. 2724 INSURANCE: areas- are doing their share in the . . . EEIie, a nimble footAT-3454 as political and religious rebels. Sholem Asch's "The War Goes 766 insurance BidsAT-8034 > work of relief and rehabilitation. world On." . . . And he cajne across a ed dancer is also a capable M. The American Israelite, Cincinchapter on Sinnes (the man with C. . . . Kis brother Herman nati Anglo-Jewish periodical, is heads the black beard) that's distinctly a musical comedy troupe printing half the size of its norworth reading . . . If the rest of appearing presenting «t Miami, mal issue. The paper contains the book measured up to that Fla. . . . Flash: The charming chiefly flood news. Meeting no- and chapter it might have been clasintellectual clacgbter of a tices are announced as temporary sed as" a masterpiece . . . well known hostelry proprietor, TIRE CHAINS and subject to change. "Say It With Howrers' will ajjBonuce. her cngageiaeiit $1.29 Pr. and Up in. March; to » prominent, jrocng ALCOHOL - 39c Gallon attorney nrho hails from MinCandid Carters Wedding Shots ——Prosper— ompletc New fork (JTA) — A proponeapolis . . . Recommend: EabI At the Forbes-Roitstein wedCHAMPION Spark tien&l brands of sal tp determine immigration into By BAY SGHAPIBO bi Goldstein's bock lectures . . j ding nuptials . . . The groom and 39c «nd witieB. Palestine by. capital "investment j his attendants attired neatly and! book reviews of a thought inspecializes in c e n t e r , U; made in an - economic suirey The Jewish Community Cen handsomely in wedding h&bil-! spiring nature that sends one pieces, corsages, . funeral entitled ','the Rebuilding-of PalPtMEBQMZ ment .". . The bridesmaids, pret- 1 scnrryiEg to the book store . . . ier's basketball league had a leadarrangements, wediia^a, estine," issued by the United PalSopply-. 'Stores,. I ty and smiling . . . The ring bearcut flowere, and potted «stine Appeal in connection with er after last Sunday's activity, U Sherman Milton MosHovitz I er ; a cute youngster bearing an ' Loaesome Louise plants. the-'National Conference for Pal- which saw Barish-Sanders sound1 9 1 9 Faraam S t . j expression of bewilderment . . . ettine. Louise Fitch, Omaha's stellar ly thrash the Dft-championship T.^sln Floor Crc~dc*.3 Ctsrc Now cornea the clear and,, sielodi- contribution to radio, is an imWE-2929 . The Burvey was made by Jo- Psi Ma gang, 35 to 20, before a ous tones of our own solist, Ida p n i E i T e l i t a e C E e r c b . . . Last SatseplL L. Cohen, of London, econ"packed-to-the-gllls' crowd which Gitlin . . . Leo Marks, official jUT&&J erentos she came to the omist and Zionist leader. It is violin accompanist at weddings,; r a U r o a d s t a U o n t 0 b 5 da f r i e n a prefaced by an introduction, en- did its bit in aiding Omaha's draws his bow and • the wedding. f a r e w e l l greeting Sud-'ecly titled "How Many Jews Can Pal- worthy : charity, The. Omaha-Bee estine Hold?" Examining 'three News Free' Shoe Fund. : " , march begins the appearance j s f e s V £ S g e i 2 e : ^ E' fiesire {c ' possible bases fpr'imigfation, Mr. | ol-the-bride and groom ss they; fl S M ( . a r w i t h m e m l ) e r B 0 , .; However, being the leader doesr THE KRASNE Cotaat-^IindB ^Jthat j the -b est - is .& , march to the canopy, bringing a : j , e r f a f f i i l j . _ # _ Boarding an Oms: n't "make-; ttfe~•^afirT^ulSvVnew system, whereby .a new immigrant BEAUTY SALON hush . . . apparent and refresh-! ta b o _ n d t r E i l l •E n e a r r i T e a h e r e champs. The-teams play a full would "be allowed for every Xii 50 ling midst all the solemnity. ^ s s : S u E d E j r monilief retunsteg the / Peii Features Shampoo and invested. He hold ' experience has round of games -yet with an upthe merry smile of the bride, j E a m e C&J b e c a u s e 0 - h e r required ; Firmer Wave FOUI^DRiES set lurking in every "Sunday's proshown that the XJ.00.000,000. inwhile Rabbi Goldstein afiminis-, a p p e a r s n c e a t t h e n i i 0 B t a t i o n 27th & Martha USL. 5523 gram, the Psi Mu's are not to be & m 8. » i. ^^ r y L tered the charge the cere- ! f o r t n e £ o l l o w i E g day • trbduced into Palestine, of which counted out of the running. Brass, Bronze Aluminum. Scf< Aside Grey iron and Semi-Steel Castmony pronounced, came th© "one . 'Wrigley proeram Louise r o m i c e 1.85,000,000 has been, investedi ' The Barish boys hopped'out to Permanent Waves at ings. Wood and Metal Patterm minute' 1 kiss of the principals, | has" made it possible for' the coun- a big lead in the first half on been subbing for the lead in Standard sizes Bronze and Iror $3.50 and Up r e m i n d i n g o n e or a romantic [the Mary Martin 'program broadBushings. Sewer Manholes, C>s try- to maintain another 650,000 the bull's eye worlCof Lou Wein:ern Rings and Covers. Clean. movie scene . . . Then the dinner cast at 11:15 A. M. over the N. people. 716 Brandeis Theatre lut Doort, Sash Weights and er, then spent the rest of the time ;and dancing ot a spirited orches-, B # c n e t Vellow Brass Plumbers' FerBuilding The economist goes into detail | barricading their hoop like it was aailjr rules, carried tn stock, Bronrf Jtra.and the general nuptial jovial-' tty jhow that development of .ag- 1 a shipment of gold. Only deadly Tablets, Bronze and Cast Iror AT-4333 • I t y . . . Trhich completed an enGrilles a specialty. . riebifure and industry make pos- accuracy from the free throw line In the Spotlight joyable evening for all those -who sible increased immigration. "With gave the fraternitymen any semOur he&dliner this week is Mrs. attended . . . improved farming methods he jblance of hope. The Ioser3 could Joe (Fannie) Goldware (raise the







Omaha Fixture and SupplyCo.




J. C. C. Sports

'. Flower Shop-' •


etatea the population . living on this land could easily be trebled, irBile^*the possibilities for expansion lin industry are held even more elastic than in agriculture. " T t s survey . itself reviews fignrea in capital investment, immigration, population and national income, pointing out that the two major factors which have contributed to th budgetary surplus and to the increased wealth of the country are the stream of Jewish immigrants and the

score but four times from ' the field, the dapper-dandy, Iz. Bogdonoff, connecting two- of 'em.

On the same program, Kitty . Clover girls team won over Rusjsell Sports, 24 to 20, in a.; added attraction. The gals put on a good show with their- screaming and screaching. . Also adding to the enjoyment of the fans were a group of entertainers who don| ated their services'for the charity cause. . And that's not saying about Millard Sigal,.the dark, ro"• stream of Jewish - capital. Total mantic tenor who did riot allcw capital invested by the Jews is the Informality of his basketball estimated at L107,000,00 and garb keep him from "putting productive output of the Jewish- i over" a popnlar song. section of . the population at j Next Sunday, all the teams tear L20,000,000 annually. J charity from their hearts and Onf point .ismade that "there bang away at" each other in a is :a' gradual but significant in- manner which -promises . another crease in the numbers engaged in thrilling afternoon for the fans:



BILLIARDS—SNOOKER POCKET BILLIARDS All New Streamline Tables Restaurant—Bar Direct Wire On All Sporting Events - LatJiei Especially invited


BUHNEil SEEWiCE Lumber & Coal Co.

BILLIARD AND LUNCH 1818 Farnam St. . WE 3423



industry, handicraft, transport A. Z. A. No.. 1 and Xi Lambdas GUY LIGGETT SAYS: and building" while "at the same ! open it;-.Psi Mu and A. Z. A. No, Cirsb It, Folks! time there Is a relative decrease 1100 carry on; and Alpha Pi Tau •Ttii» is our fast "Special" for the winter . ^ lasting all through • in the numbers engaged in agri- j and Barish-Sanders put on the February . . . culture—r 14 per cent today as j clincher. , Any TWO regular 75c garments against 18 per cent at the end of cleaned-and <»1 1 A STANDINGS—CLASS A 1931/' pressed «? J.. J. 1/ W.

Barish-Sanders „._._.... 6 Psi Mu _„.._.—.—.—... 5 XI Lambda __-—^ 3, Alpha Pi Tan——w—-: 2 , A. Z. A. -No. 1 .2 A. Z. A. No. 100 .0



tedick Tower 15th a Ksrney JA. Omaha's Laroest \.ni Most • Complete Storage and Auto Supply Store


• fires . a Tubes • Accessories

• Washing © Lubricatina • Simoniifng

Service With a Snslle We 'Never Close

KIA.12Q3 '

Continuing to impress, with: their power and smooth piay,| Council Bluffs A. Z. A. xompedj home "with a 33-15 victory over the Ramblers in junior league; competition on Tnesday. Sharp-; : .LAUGH: The World Almanac shooters, banged . out a 15-7of 1937:.now ranks'as one o£ thetriumph over Omaha Jobbers ia leading/hooka of humour . . . . It the other game. Btiil'-lists; Germany, as a "repubSTANDINGS—CLASS B OSwoei Suiter lic" '. . . Loot it tip, if you're OOiatcd E3ilk . ' 1 skeptical ;-. . . Incidentally, ; the Sharpshooters _ •O Soar Cream 2 ^ale of the book of facts must Council Bluffs ... i a v e increased, sharply among Omaha Jobbers _ 3 and many other products, Jewish organizations .-'. . They Ramblers .........~ esk your grocer or call . .6 can make' good use of it, what with all those out-of-the-way Opening Bhots were fired in the places to which -Jews are being J. C. C. singles handball tournaHA-2226 r : i n v i t e d . .•-.. / '-• :-:-i" • ': \- v.Y. • • ment last week with a scattering of outstanding matches, in. - torCOLLEGIATE: While it's no•rid" Class B engagement, Mike .secret that quiet sort of numer- Levey edged out Art Cohen, 21us clausus for Jews is practiced 13, 14-21, 21-13 in the only three by some iiniverBitiea here, this gime match played. may come as a surprise to some In a Class A match that slight• of • onr nairie friends , , , A cou-ly tinted of an upset hue, Murple of tho bigger brain factories, ray WIntroub cracked Sam Zorin-

The photograph of the week: the eif-liie appearance of William HOIZTHSB, unecdotist, traveler, camera enthusiast, lecturer and all around good fellow . . . while vacationing at Sun Valley lodge, he recorded Sun .Valley scenes frith his




c m l n e n t l r

I o r thiB

important work. A JHZiesa. (Fable) Occe upon a time there was a community in which there resided a number cf suspicious acting persons. Came s coIumniJt (not a calnmniBt)' who had hep.rd ru-

movie camera . . . Rehearsal* mors of the actions of aforesaid

Regular Standard Dry Cleaning -.. . - Hloher priced oarments reduced 25c each if you send


Lovers of traditional music including Yiddish folk songs ivho failed to be present at the Binder concert . . . missed the musical treat of the season . . Among those present w h o evinced obvious delight at Binder's interpretations were Mr. and Jirs. Harry Wolf and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kavitz . . . Binder's description and singing ©f the "Chazzsn anf Snabbos'' (which Al «?olson frequently sings over the air waves) particuiarly the audience y deHghted g

applause sign), a tireless worker, whose unselfish devotion to j Hadassah and other local T O - : men's organizations is evident, j Not on infrequent occasions has; she accepted arduous tasks as-!^ signed to Tier, which duties she; I proceeded to discharge vritb a. ^ willing spirit. Recently with the! 1 aid of Mrs. Julius Stein, and & supporting committee, cue of the «! most entertEicing luncheons o* the season WEE gireE t y Hafias- • sah, which was attended by near- ; ly 4 0 0 women. Her personality j c and fine ^ualitieB of heart End' ^

for "Petticoat Fever" «re being completed . . . Tiiis comedy, a hit on Broadway End equally popular on the screen,

contains many 5acsli lines . . . Rosalie Alberts, thoogh a r accomplished dsnsecse, has been exhibiting dramatic ability in her recent stage performances . . . Handsome Charles- Racb-

man in the male lead, reads his lines in a professional raimaer . . . he will be remembered for his exceSJem work in Central High dramatics . . . The report


For.. .

flss & Rtopcn "Courteous—RetlableC.

Funeral Directors Our funeral parlor* are . fcrnisiied in 'Home-like fssHioa. •

•• .

We have spared- neither Almc _ nor expends in sSevelopSrsa e\er> } Dhss« o? our servite.


s Farnssn s t SSrd HA. 122S

suspicious wroiiECOers find said, "People, I shall throw a spotlight on the stage end in this spot-light you will see' the guilty person." The columnist meant no one in particular, in fact he hsd no idea r.e to the identity o£ the culprit. Is the columnist to be blamed if a particular person leaps out into the light and yells "Why are you accusing me, I .«ra an innocent E E E ; " . . . This fable *ras written wiii a point, to call

For coEi. clcthlnp i>r en?1 necessity thst zero temperatu b aloip. Voi; i te £51X. and supply the we eek. Phone AT

to the attention of certain adults who have been acting childishly because o£ harmless .news items, •which emphatically did not concern the persons who Scviefl . ' . .

that Sylvia Sidney, cinema star, is engaged to Ben P. Schislberg, the. film producer, brings us io mind that Sir. Schaibfirg's nephew resides here . . . Sam Yiddish Play a, EricrsEs Stanlbarg, president of the Judging from the applause, s s Pioneer- Irftssor •Coaspsnjr, informs us tnat the original faia- enthusiastic audience gave infiici!y_ name is Sthntbarjj, bst that ' ation of their warm approval of his' iilnstrions I'lJcle adopted i the sincere presentation o£ "Der the name of Se&slberg, for & iFremder" {The Stranger) . t .

more steple proaiaiclatios . . j Tbs play, the first ol series giv- j i The willowj-i goldea-isaired Bet- Jen by the Cultural Social Group } ty Ttxlsirsii's pcrsormlity bas |cf t i e OnrSa Ect-rtr C r r , PZV- J; captured the ctttrtisa cf Hrrrr (Coatir.i:eS CE rJf£ £•)


;...«,; } V,.

^ mi*

ESS S o , »Stts Si


THE JEWISH PRESS, FKIDAY,, FEBRUARY 5, 1937 eral months. Accompanying her were her two sons, Charles and Roger. ' Miss" Esther Pearlraan, of Chicago, her sister, met her in Omaha and will go to California with her. ,

all of Denver, and the Los An-Street. Plans were discussed for geles Hospital for Consumptives. the A. Z. Ai^Tournament to be Oldest Jewish and Christian Books Meet The local committee in charge of held at Lincoln nest week. • In- Jewish Hheofogkd Seminary Library this drive are Dr.'Isaac SternhUl and Mr. Nathan Nogg,. Louis H. The Chevra B'nai Yisroel SoKatelman, Ben Gershun,'" Leon ciety at a meeting held WednesMISS ANNA PILL, correspeadeat BX P." E. E . Frankel, Louis Bernstein, Abe day evening, February 3 at the Mrs. Milton Mushkin and Miss Fellman, Ben - Seldin,- and. Dr. Ju- Synagogue, made arrangements Bess Lipshutz returned home last lius Moskovitz. Everyone Is urg- to take charge of all Matzoth or- J SISTERHOOD MEETING week after a ten day visit in Chi- POSTPONED ed to give as liberally as possible ders for Passover in Council | of Miss Ida The ma.riage cago. Bluffs. All proceeds will go to Krasne, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. when the craoniittee calls. The Mount Sinai Sisterhood the Chevra B'cai Yisroel Synagowill meet this afternoon in the Gerald Cohn, son of Mr. andIsaac .Krasne of Council Bluffs to The Council Bluffs Chapter No. gue. Orders raay be given to Temple Annex at a one o'clock Mrs. Max Cohn, 1720 Jones St., Mr. Harold Abrahams of Omaha, 7 of the A. Z. A. h e l d a meeting [Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, phone 1797-j, luncheon. Members will be Seat- was among the midyear gradu- which was scheduled-to have tak- Wednesday evening-at the home who will be in charge of the orWins First Place in Oontes ed at birthday tables with a lios- ates at the University of Nebra- en place last Thursday afternoon, of Leo Mey'ers'6n r 104 North 25th ders. January 2 8 has been postponed t ska in Lincoln. He received his tess presiding at each table. Held at Central to a latter date because of the Mrs. Sol Noyltsky, -program Bachelor of Science degree from High chairman for the year, announces the College of Chemical Engi- illness. of Mr, Abrahams, who is confined to Immanuel Hospital that a playlet, directed by Mrs. neering. Joe Maron was winner of th Louis S. Goldberg and Mrs. T. N. in Omaha. annual' Central High School or- Lewis wil be featured on the Mrs. Ben Kalin of Mitchell, atorical contest and Sidney Kalin program. Included in the cast More than one hundred twenSouth Dakota, is visiting in Sioux was awarded second place. . will be Mrs. Roy Shwarzmani City this week with her parents, ty-five persons attended the anMaron spoke on America's Mrs. L. S. Goldberg, Mrs. -Ed nual 'Fathers and Sons' Banquet Hope, and Kalin's subject was Kan ton, Mrs. Fred Herzoffi'•'• Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Emlein. given by the Sisterhood of the By Dr. Frank Kingdom "What's Becoming of Us." M. Weisberg, Mrs. L.-Sllverberg, Miss Rose Albert, 1104 Twenty- Talmud Torah Sunday evening at In this article Dr. KIngdoni na- connotation of some kind of mor; The former ia the son of Rabbi Mra. W. C. Slotsky, Mrs. A. H. the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagoand. Mrs. J. D. Maron, and Sid-Lazere, Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Fred third street spent last week end gue at 618 Mynster Street. The tionally known educator and lib-al failure We apologized for in Lincoln at the Sigma Delta eral thinker, and President of the ney is the son of Mr. and Mrs.Sherman. Tau sorority house, before going committee in charge Included the University of Newark, evaluates those of our friends who were diKalin. Mrs. L. D. Sacks and Mrs. Lou- to Los Anseles for an extended Mesdames Morris Yudelson. Abe the role of religion in the Anier- vorced. If a man in public life J The extemporaneous contest is Heeger are in charge of thestay. Gilinsky, M a x Cohn, Charles experienced divorce it meant the also held last Friday was won by luncheon arrangements. Saltzman, Dave Fox, Ben Seldin, can way of life and points out end of his career. Today divorce the task of education, religious Nathaniel Singer who spoke on Goldberg wil preside at Miss Norma Cohen of Atlantic J. Katelman, George Hoffman, and secular, in an i r a of pro-is accepted and even praised as a j Controlling Soil Erosion. Joe theMrs. social emancipation and as a re- If meeting. City, N. J. arrived in Sioux City Herman • Krause, Harry Kubby, found social change. Maron won second place on the assertion of the true loyalty to | recently to make her home here. Sam Sacks, Joe Gotsdiner. The —The Editor subject of Unemployment Insurprogram which followed the banlove itself. Within the past years, J. C. C. Team Wins, ance. quet included Nathan N p g g, we have had a president of the The American dream is of a United States who was married to Among the treasures owned by ihe Library cf the Jrvi$h TVoioaica! toastmaster, Mr. E. Cooper gave community of men bound togethSpectacular shooting by Sam the Invocation; Dr. Isaac Sterna divorced woman, a divorced Seminary cf America, which this year is cripb-^inr \hf SemiJUNIOR HADASSAH (Continued from page 1) Kaplan enabled the Jewish Comhill spoke for the "Fathers" and er by the love and practice of man as a candidate for president o! Jh founding, ere a copy ©f £ Etbie printed ky Guttermunity Center basketball team ican writer. Apparently in vain. Ben Kutler responded for the reedom. It has emphazised as receiving millions of votes; End berg in 1445 and a Jewish Code of Lews printed in Italy In 1475. .The Junior Hadassah Chapter ;o come through on the long, end But the time came when Mr. "Sons"; Cantor E. Sellz of Oma- central in its organization the a man re-elected to the held a, special meeting "Wednes- of a 15-14 score against a strong Frank went to " Palestine. He ha sang a group of Hebrew songs hree Institutions that are most dency in whose family two day eyening Ih tne Jewish Com- First Presbyterian Team. This came intimately active in the distinc- vorces occurred during his back first to Europe. He accompanied at the piano by histively munity iCenter, to hear reports of win puts them in ..a three way tie said that human areas of develop- term. We have a whole daughter; piano solos were given he had been profoundthe delegates on the recent re- or second place winning three ly impressed ment — the home, the church of popular heroes and hero by Jack and Arnold Lincoln; and by our new life and gional convention held in St. Jo-and losing one. . our achievements there. He said Benediction by Mr. S. Shyken. and the school. Love, religion which divorce is so common that cf more ih&n 1C7.Q33 volumes find ever 7,DD3 rare manuscripts and seph, Missouri. Flans were also Kaplan led the winning team, that he would write about what This affair was very successful, and learning have been the pri-in some cases it amounts m mat j e a r jy Hebrew incunabuSe, is the most notable Hebrew collection .1 discussed for an Iowa Conference with five points. mary colors in the bright bow to a kind of tandem polygamy almost | I n f j , e w o r | j # Priceless | n that much of If h Irrephaeibk, the Library he had seen and felt. We waited. both socially and financially. to be held in [Waterloo this of the American vision. We may or may not deplore this llion At last a new book by Waldo spring. It Is well for us to re-examine shift in opinion. That is not the Frank was announced. Its theme .The Council Bluffs Lodge No. The Junior-Senior joint meetwas, of all things in the whole 688 of the B'nai Brith will hold all three, as well as the concept point. The point is that in anynot help is the one who has ceas-1 ing ia scheduled for .Wednesday wide world, the exactness with a regular meeting next Monday of freedom itself in the light of realistic interpretation of the ed to grew, whether he be six orJEWISH DEATH RATE evening February 24. American scene we must take it ninety-six. The s.v of education which the doctrine of the ImmaEXCEEDS BIRTH RATE .'temporary world. No good pur- into account and realize that mas- \is i0 l3e 'P everyone who comes unThe sun room In the home of culate Conception expressed the o'clock at the Eagles Hall. pose is to be served Ly the repe- ses of our people have just simp- j d e r i t s influence to live his life soul of Spain. ' Mr. and Mrs. Abe Somberg, 5414 Bucharest (WNS) — The Jewtition of traditional phrases un- ly thrown off the authority of the 1 t 0 t h e 'ulaess of his capacity. The The Council Bluffs Senior HaComirent is superflous. Escape Nicholas street, in Omaha, will ish death rate exceeded the Jewc r o w n oE t b e less they are filled with contemschool is not an in- ish birth rate in Roumania dur- * 'The Sioux City A. Z. A. chap- e the scene of the wedding o escape. • Anything on any irrele- dassah is planning to hold its an-porary meaning. Eternal values old sanctions in a determination )t e to live their lives in terms of a | "ectual prodigy but nual Linen Shower on Wednesvant periphery. Anythingbut VIIss Edith Skalovsky, daughte whole ing 1S3 6 according of official ter will conduct their annual Frimust stand translation into connew kind of freedom ; man or woman. statistics. day.-evening service at Shaare f Mr. and Mrs. Eli Skalovsky, the center, the heart, the blood. day afternoon, February 17, attemporary vernacular * of us, however, is a social In a similar way the Zion synagogue- this evening at 8 o Lonis Chesenf son of- Mr. am Virgin Spain. The Soviet Fath- 2:30 o'clock a't the Hotel ChiefIn the largest cities in JewWe can harly overestimate the o'clock. Jack Merlin will act as Mrs. E. Chesen, 2110 Jones St erland. Anything but the real, tain. Mrs. Max Simon is 1chair- changes in the habits that have and the Synagogue have lost in j experience. The whole person ish deaths average 4 fiea month man is charge of this affair and the attainable, the given, that for social prestige and power. Two j cannot be defined except in terms I _„ _ cantor and will be assisted by the n Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock Jewish. as compared v.-iti o f t h e v hole affected the daily lives of men ;" . community.- It be-j births A. Z. A. choir composed of Bob *abbi Milton Kopstein will rea which real work can be done in Mrs. Albert Krasne is program in the ninety years since this syn- generations ago the religious i n - j a month, In Bucharest ( Cohen^ Haskell Lazere, Joe Mar- he marriage lines in the pre- a world of reality and real sacri- chairman. The afternoon's diyer- agogue was founded. During stitution was the most powerful comes therefore the function of | deaths totalled 105 a on," David Tilevitz, Sam Rivin, ence of the immediate familie flcles made and real tears shed slon will be Bridge, and reserva- that period men have passed single force in any American education to relate people com-!| month as against 75 births. tions may be made by calling and real blood; anything but that prehensively to their whole enwhen the pulpit thunLeonard Leubowltz, Earl Novich >f the bride and groom. Th j On the basis o£ these statistics through the age of steam into the cornrriunitj% bride, who will be unattended to which one is called by nature Mrs. Simon, 5470. Admission will era dered the people acted and. thevironment. and Phil Zeligson. 'there vere 5,5-0. Jewish deaths of electricity. The light of be a piece of linen which is sent and unperverted instinct and traThe basis of this approach is', politicians trembled. It was a t h e ring 1PT-6 ss compared with Calmon Levich will introduce will be met at' t h e foot of th home and office, the practices of to the Palestinian. Hospitals. dition and where one is wanted part of the routine of life to s t - i t h e beginning- of the fulfilment ofi G . f 6 C births. the speakers. Joe Goldstein who tairwayin the long living room domestic vrork and the communtend religious services regularly. I American dream, a funfiawill represent the chapter in the and will be escorted to the cano- and needed and where despite inMessrs. , Herman . .Meyerson, ication between neightbors and Here was a bafigeof respectabil-; mental appreciation of human oratorical contest at the regional >y in the sunroom by her father, sufficiencies and inadequaicles Kosa Bonheur, a French Jewcontinents have all been transvalues T b a t a m a n ma ?" c o m e ess, v.-as the first vonian to bfe conference in Lincoln will de- he will wear a grey suit with and a thousand human imperfec- Louis Bernstein, and Ben Ger- formed with the coming of this ity and good citzenship. In some ;t 0 t n o -w liver his oration. David Olensky oronation blue accessories and tions, one can give one's whole shun spent last week in Chicago, new power. The internal com- section of our country this is still : himself and to be aware the Grand Cross of the and Haskell Lazere.who made up jarry a boi-quet of Johanna Hill heart. Any place but home. AnyIllinois where .they attended the bustion engine has given us new I true, but in the great urban cen-j o f t ! E o w n Powers in such terms: French Lecion of Honor. people except one's own. Any Canners Convention at the Hotel the debating team a t the confer- roses and lillies of the valley. means of swift travel, new kinds Iters that set the pace of our so-| t h E { ; t h i s T e I T experience ilium-, Following the ceremony, a God except the God of one's fa- Sherman., a ence will also speak. of roads and even wings with 'cial and intellectual experience J J^ of others ce Cnderosso and with Manthers. To that Is to be preferred it is definitely not so. At a re-> is t h^se for^tim^the^ralue beginning of the good life Jiu e l "David sssociated The Junior Congregation will wedding dinner will be served in any T ^ f which to fly through the air. In exotic perversity, any bloody : U!uea WltQ Miss Sylvia .Ross returned home the Somberg home. cent State Conference hold its service tomorrow mornof social jaad of the good society. Freedom Gutenberg, " inventor of printthe realm of the mind, we have Sioux Cityans who will go to dictatorship — anything, every- following a week's visit in Mar- undergone changes as profound workers that I attended there j means the right lo live, but it has rn g. ing- at 10:30 o'clock. Berton Lipthing, so it be not Jewish, so it were thirty-one discussion groups. not meaning if life, human life, shutz will be cantor and Seymour Omaha to attend the wedding, be not the Jewish people, so it be shalltown, Iiwa where she was those in the habits, One question before them was the is not itself of supreme value. Eathe house .guest of Mr. and Mrs. j will be Mr. and Mrs. E. Chesen Robinson reader of the law. Astronomy and physics have openEen e t h e J. Gervich. of sodal forces of | u c s t i o n " democratic ! FRADENBURG. W E B B. BEBER, Flans are being made by theMiss Rose Chesen, Mrs. I. Bash not the land of Vsrael . . . ed up a new universe, psychology f h r r t T r r n l l r i f v T h . . BEBE Of how many in' how many | way of if it enable bl men to ! . -,KELLEY Att synagogue for the .lecture by Dr.efkin and daughter Rose, Mr. and f life if KLUTZNICK «. KELLEY, Attyg. forms can not this same story be live so richly that not only life i The Cultural Group No. 1 of Mrs. Ell Skalovsky, Mr. Joe Skal is that in only one of the grrups A. L. Sachar which is scheduled \ ; U B n OF WISSt?l_UTION OF the Senior Hadassah will meet new science of human under- was the church considered at all.but lives, however they may dif- j NOTICE for Sunday, February 21. Dr. ovsky, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis told? '° ^ ^ " ^ ^ When will they awaken from next Monday evening, February standing, and chemistry has op-Again, we may praise or blame, fer in heritage and practice, are j OMAKA PACKING COMPANY, Sachar will speak on The Present Skalovsky. Mr. and Mrs. Jack A Corporation S, at 8:30 o'clock at the home of ened new and fascinating doors but here is a social fact of prime seen to be worth living. Chesen of Lincoln will also at- their foolish narcotic dreams? Jewish Crisis. •. Notice 1s hereby p-jven that nt a meetititr of stoekhoidorF of the Omaha Utopia is the opiate of great Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, 610 Sixth to the intelligence. Our econo- importance in the estimate of tend the wedding. Paokins: Company, a co'roration. duly mic life has passed through a perAfter a southern wedding trip sections of the Jewish people. Avenue. what is going on in our midst. (Copyright IPS7 by Seven Arts held at the office nj the corporation iod of development that confronts For Plan Sweater Hop Feature Syndicate.) on the sntli dny of December. 1936. Mr. Chesen and his ^ bride will When will they face reality? large sections of our people, at which all of the stockholders were Leo Meyerson, son of Mr. andus with financial and industrial religious authority in the old make their home in the Castle present and voting, a resolution was (Copyright 1937 By Seven Arts Mr3. M. Meyerson, 105 North organizations beyond the power duly offered and WHR unanimously The-Athletic Committee of the Apartments. " j sense no longer plays a conscious J Most Emigrants Jewish adopted that the said corporation Feature Syndicate.) Twenty-fifth Street, was chosen of our fathers to conceive. Polit- | part. A. Z, A. chapter is making plans cease to do hucinesF nnd that the as the. new managing editor of ically, we have witnessed in our It Is in the raidst of these proNumerous parties have complisnme be dissolved; accordingly notice for.a^Sweater Hop a t the Jewish generation the most devastating Kaunas — Jews constitute the i and l off suchh nciion the dissolution Community Center tomorrow mented Miss Skalovsky and Mr. Kciman's Kosher Komments the Signal, the Thomas Jefferson changes in states and govern- found social changes that school majority of emigrants from Lith- j of the" satVomn'ha' Pncki'nV:"company, High School weekly newspaper. evening, o t which a l l . members Chesen during the past few finds itself. Necessarily, the | a corpot-Rtion. is hereby uauia according to date publishments that a like period has ever and alumni are invited. The com- weeks. Tuesday evenink Dr. and OMAHA PACKING COMPANT school reflects the society in theed here, which revealed that of (Continued from page 7.) By I. RAZNICK. The Sisterhood of the Talmud seen in the history of the world midst of which it finds inself. In ! 1,620 persons who left t h e counmittee is selling tickets to buyMrs. J. M. Krlg8ten were their President. have have been spectators at new sweat shirts for the A. Z. A.hosts at a dinner in-the Stoup ailed the professional road shows Torah Society held a meeting We Attest: JACK RAZNICK. a strictly authoritarian society \tt rryy: nn tt hh ee pp aa ss tt ee ll ee vv tt nn mm oo nn tt ttjjss ,, 99 44 SS the collapse of the Chinese EmSecretary. and Shaeffer dining room. Wed- presentations. Louis Wolk a fam- Wednesday afternoon, February basketball team. r cor j PrepPTiee of: nesday afternoon, Mrs. Nick iliar figure in local Jewish thea- 3, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel pire, the revolution in Russia, the the school is nothing more cor j w e r e j e w s > 4 S : o f v h o m emigrat- InSAM BBBEE. and Mrs. K. Greenstone ter circle, gave a stirring perfor- synagogue. A report was given passing of the Hohenzollerns and less than an instrument by which to Palestine. SHAARE ZION AUXILIARY Sherman entertained at a one o'clock mance as "der fremder." His in-of the "Father and Son" Ban- the Hapsburgs, the rise of Japan society perpetuates its present inluncheon, and afternoon of bridge terpretation brought memories of quet which proved very success- to a world power, the bloody di- stitutions. This is not so absoThe Ladles Auxiliary of Shaare complimenting Miss Skalovsky, the great^Jacob Adler, who made ful. Mrs. Harry Kubby and Mrs.vision of Spain, and, most amaz- lutely true of schools in a free Zion'will hold its monthly meet- Thursday evening, Mrs. Leon the character famous in the hey-Herman Krause were hostesses at ing of all in m'any ways, the ab-state, but it is relatively true. In ing Tuesday afternoon, Febru- Shulkin and Mrs. Jack Lassman day his career. Mrs. J. Rlchlin this meeting and refreshments dication of the King of England, the midst of a confused people it ary 16, In the social hall of the entertained at an evening of and of S. Ruderman furnished the were served following the busi- the first such event in all that la natural that the school should synagogue. Mrs. Joe Kutcher, bridge^ honoring the bride-elect, proud Empire's long history. also be confused. real surprise with their capable ness meeting. . . president, will preside at the busTraditional education could "What is happening to ourselves Monday evening,members of portrayal of the grandparents. It Miss Beverly Mendelson, stuiness meeting. The program will take the home and tfae church for in the meantime? What is hapinclude a number of questions the Ivre Club held a stag.part'y was their first stage appearance. dent at the Thomas Jefferson pening to the traditional Ameri- granted. It had certain powerhonoring Mr.. Chesen. . . . . . . —Mrs. R. Raznick, whose dramaHigh School, was a member of from, the audience called "Ask tic work is familiar to local thea- her school's debate team which can way of life? Without being ful stabilities upon which to the Rabbi/' A demonstration of Miss Rose Zelinsky, daughter ter goers,, gave a sympathetic participated in the Debate Tourn- an alarmist, I should like to sug- build. Today is has to deal with . The Book of Memories which has of Mrs.-J. Zelinsky, 1919 Douglas portrayal of Bluma the wife of ament held at Fremont, Nebraska gest that perhaps the most im- social and religious illiteracies -been compiled by Sioux Cltyans Street, will become the bride of der fremder." —Herman Miro- last week end. She is a daugh-i portant fact about us for the kind that were not at all a part of its will be presented and Mrs. J. '/ of occasion that we here celebrate experience in other days. Where Kress will give a reading from Sidney Raskin, son of Mr. andwitz as Pinyah, Mr. and Mrs. ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mendelson. is that we are witnessing a grad- can we find the sanctions that Mrs. H. O. Raskin, 900 Sixteenth Harry Blacker ap Benny and LilThe Joint Hospital Drive was " T i e Eternal Road." Refreshual but real disintegration of ourwill replace those our fathers ments will conclude the meeting. street, this Sunday afternoon in ly, rounded out a well balanced launched in Council Bluffs Tues- institutions. Our old moral and knew? Education cannot supply Shaare Zion synagogue at 5 cast of players. Credit also to The speech class of the Auxili- o'clock. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz Mr. Wolk the director, John day and will be continued for theinstitutional controls are losing them all. The school cannot subary-met. Monday evening under and Cantor A. Pllskin will offi- Feldman, Hascall Cohen and coming week. The purpose of their power over us. am not in- stitute for lack of home training tfie. direction of Mrs. Kress. Mr3. ciate at the wedding. Mrs. Frank "ialewln Michnick for their assis- this drive is to combine the ef-dulging either in praise or blame. or for the absence of religious forts of the local committee to zeal. What i- does it must do in Robert Sacks spoke on the life Huntsman will play .the wedding ance in the technical aid requir- receive donations for five lead- I am merely pointing out theits own field. of Baruch Spinoza. march and recessional. sd. After the performance a ing hospitals in place of making facts as they appear to me. What can it do? It can touch The family and the home do growing rcsbls wry on thesm Travel-the The bride, who will be unat- uncheon was served at the Hill five individual collections. The lives creatively. It can tended, will wear' a white satin Hotel honoring the cast and their institutions included are the Na-«.not now hold the power over the define its objective not as the fiae Etrezmiisedj Diesel-powered Zephyrs of stainless ;own, princess style. Her.linger- associates. Mr. S. Kenyon acted tonal Jewish Hospitalt the Jew-minds and loyalties of men that instilling of facts but as the EteeL Completely sir*coaditiioce«s... richly appointed,. I Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will Up veil will fait from a Juliet s Master of Ceremonies at this ish Consumptive Relief Society, they once held. A generation bringing out of people. This apeak on •'Jewish Objectives" at cap, and she will carry a bouquet gathering . . . The Ex-Patients Home, The Na-ago, a divorce was a rarity and means people of all ages, for the i windows... delidoas mesls... no cs the regular service this - evening of whHe roses. " tional Home for Jewish Children, to the average mind it carried a only person that education canFollowing the ceremony, a In Mount Sinai Temple. Important Reminders Next Monday, Rabbi (Lewis will wedding dinner will be served in Wednesday, February 10 the 1 J " speak before the Rotary club of the social hall of the synagogue. lommunity Form presents an Leave for Chicago m 12:49 ans daflj Cherokee, Iowa. While in that Places will he laid for 110 guests utstanding economist, Dr. Paul Leave for Desver m 1:20 &m ckik city he will also address the stu-and the table appointments will Douglas, who will discuss present carry out the bride's colors of conomic trends. Reserve Sunday dent body of the High Schoo, g ; g m, compartments, fowtaooffl peach and blue. February 14th, for the Beth El aa-d berths; cociaaiH ioursge; iusrsrrosss iallf-casrpmsd coaches. Guests from away will include Auxiliary ili dance at the BlackWilliam Tarashansky T Mr. and Mrs. H. Krasne, Mr. and itone Hotel. 'O l , ft Mrs. A. Zelinsky and Mr. and William Tarashansky, 1604 Mrs. J. Saylan of Omaha; Mr. Charlotte Sacks of South High Leaves for St. Joseph &£.& Kansas Gtr s « 9'3§ ft Jones street, died in a local hos- and Mrs. S. B. Elkin of Fonda; pital Monday morning. Funeral Mr. and Mrs. William Raskin of •was the only Jewish girl from . • - CoacSaee Rtid obscrvaiion-pario? teco.ge.-i Omaha who went to the Midland services were held Tuesday af- Charter Oak, and Mr. and Mrs. Low eae-fps? s»<5 «stsa<l trip fare n r r c e Risk- sw all parts of« . ternoon with Kabbl Rabinowltz Harry Raskin of Yankton, South Debate tourna*nent at Fremont. Sates. Travel cosafosssblp, coETeaieotly, economically via, IIIB Biuiiagtos* he is going to.be hostess at the and Cantor A. Pliskln officiating. Dakota.: ; For inferm/siim er ikke's C®S$MU " :, . -Survivors _are his widow, Cec- , Following a wedding trip'to annual Portia Club banquet to elia, three : sons, Sam,; Meyer, and Chicago, Mr. Raskin and his "e held at the Blackstone, MonGeorge of Sioux City; two broth- bride will make their home in the ay, February'.nth-. 301 S. Sixteeath iitre«t errs, Aron and Joe, and two sis-Follis Apartments. Pbooe Atlantic 5 57S—-6851 The first authentic documents ters, Fannie Kline and Jennie elating to a Jewish community Krants of Milwaukee. • _ "Si ^ SHAHPE5 General Agent Mrs. S.' H. Shulkin departed n Germany dates from 321 A. D. Ono of Many Spectacular Moments tn Biff Extravaganza "Milady's Jewel Trove," in MsrWednesday for Los Angeles. Cal- nd tell of the organization of the cus Show's production "of"" "La Via Pare©" which opens a week's engagement today at the OrPatronize Our Advertisers ifornia, where she will spend sev- ewa of Cologne. pLcutrt Theatre. In additiota is the screen attraction, 'Great Guy," starring Jcme* Cagne; and MB.® Cl&rhs.



Society News

Shaare Zion




°L*\ L

SS ^ S "T V

Mount Sinai

Eye-Filling Pageantry in Marcus New Show

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