February 12, 1937

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In the Interests of the Jewish People

1 C3B7 LUBWIQ This colnmn is copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction In whole or In part strictly forbidden. Any Inlringe-jnent on t h fa copyright Trill be prosecuted. THE RGXAIi COMMISSION DEPARTS The .Royal Commission has by now left Jerusalem. It i3 credibly reported that its findings mil not be published until after the coronation in May. All but the last few sessions were, through the abstention of the Arabs, devoted to hearing Jewish evidence. That evidence was presented by a group of men from Dr. "Weizmann on, who are by character and training, by their very inner structure, incapable of consciously trying to'-make the worse appear the better reason. "We all know that such men eiist; we know, that these men of the Jewish Agency are men of that kind. With dignity, with thoroughness, with precise accuracy they presented the Jewish case on its political and economic side. Once or twice they sought to present also the all-important moral side. For that the representatives had ' no ear. ' Worse: than ixO ear. The telegraph agencies report that during one of the final days when the Arabs were giving evidence, it "was said by some witness that the Jews throughout the world loved Palestine. Whereupon Lord Peel (who seems to pride himself on a sardonic touch) is said to have said: "Too much!" Whereupon the audience roared with laugb»ter. One understands^ of course, the icy sen^e of superiority to all passion or, at least, to all show of passion which the two words of the English, gentleman were meant to convey. One doesn't, you know, do or say certain things. Well, that insular and provincial narrowness of mind and heart caused Lord Peel to make one of the most vulgar and Ill-bred remarks in history. A man is crucified; an innocent man is crucified; he groans. One of the Roman soldiers says icily: "What funny sounds he makes!" And the other soldiers laugh loud long empty laughs. Lord Peel is a Christian and an aristocrat I make him a present of the analogy.

Entered as Second Class Mall Matter on January 21, 1921, at Postofflca of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 1879





Bublick to Be Guest in Omaha

i Morris Dansky, a senior in the Arts College at Creighton led the I University, honor roll at the end Two Performances at J. C. C. i of the term with an average of 96 Wednesday and 13-18. Sol Wezelman had the highThursday

Two-Day-Visit to Be Marked By Series of Affairs Gedaliah Bublick, past president of the.Mizrachi organization and at present a resident of Palestine, will arrive in Omaha Wednesday jnorning^ February 17, to be guest for two days of the lo- j cal Mizrachi Zionist organization, j Mr. Bublick, a well-known | journalist, will Bpeak Wednesday j afternoon at 2:30 at a meeting of! the Ladies Mizrachi at the Jewish j Community Center. I That same evening at 8 p. m. he will be the guest of Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein at the Chevra Shass meeting at the Beth Eame- ' drosh Hagodol Synagogue, 19 and Burt streets. Thursday evening at 6:30 Mr. j Bublick will be honored at a ban- 1 quet at the B'nai Israel Synago-^ gue, 18th and Chicago streets.' This banquet will celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Mizrachi Zionist organization of . America. 1 Arrangements for the banquet! 1 are being taken care of by the I Women's Mizrachi Committee of j

Gedaliah Bublick

Mathematican Multiplies Seven-Digit Figmes in Three Minutes

1r 1 nary 17 and 18, at

Buffalo, X. Y. (JTA) — Ask Dr. Samuel Isaac Krieger how much is 65,419,S76 multiplied by itself S, 481, 569 times. He will,



' : Community Center. • j The play, which enjoyed a I highly. successful s e a s o.n on i! Broadway last year, has its scene I : of action in Labrador. A lonely I i wireless operator has a British ' \ j transatlantic flyer and his fian§cee forced down near his station j and his reception of these two I leads' from one hilarious situation ! 1 to another. j i Rosalie Alberts and Charles j Rachman have the leading roles [and the supporting cast includes Milton Frohm, Bertha G u s, George Shafert Martha Himmelstein, Rith Mantel, Ernie Xogg, and Al Elewitz. Helen Merritt is directing. Una Gross and Sarah SekeYinan are in charge of properties and the

HONORED HER D V D'RTA-f O ' © f ? ! l ! Dl

-est average in the School of ComThe .Center Players will pre- merce with a 95.4 average, Gertrude Oruch tied for first place : sent their first production of the a m o n s Fever" this University College Sopohi': season, "Petticoat an" ,average of 9' \:Wednesday and Thursday, ' F e b r"- :ornores ^ U I C S with *llu, * 'lOTB' « »• »*•

set S

- c a T e 1i>een designed by Jack U l l n l D H I I l i 'Christiansen of the Omaha Community Playhouse.

Bordy led the freshman

n the same school with an average of 9 5 S-17. Mss Bordy had the highest grade in the University College. Pace-setter for the Arts juniors is William Gray, with. 95 2-17. Harold Zelinsky rated highest among the Journalism sophomores with a 91 1-17 average. Dave Zwiebelman with SS 15-17 was second highest among freshmen journalists.

Officers to Be Eie .ect Wei .Reports On • to Be Distributed

The annual meet in p of mem- w el far e Feriorption v.of the-Jewish Comnumity tributed. 'Tins repoi'i give you the answer in three j'Center and "Welfare Federation ied by gra ly presents minutes. I will be held Monday evening. beinc done by ill if Dr. Kriegrer, a friend of Dr. Al- ! •_ -, . _ . ,, , . „• _ Oinahan.c v h o I bert Einstein and former profe«-| February lo, in the auditorium city at consent ioiiF or sor of mathematics at the TJniver- | of the Jevrish Community Cen- organiza-.inPF ^v ill r e r a n sity of Goettingen, Germany, It e r ^ starting promptly at S pig-nificfTire of the Omaha Je-p ish. oomr works out this and other such j O ' e ]' oc ]j problems by the Krieger formuReports of the various phases : Harry A. TV< la". By ordinary methods t h i s : o f center activities will be given t h e Rnrvp little stickler --ould take 24 years : o u t a n d a n election of o"icc1 of work at a solid 24 hours a

The mathematician, now living in Buffalo^ gave his formula to the world in May, 1929, In the mathematical journal, Mathematische Wissenschaften. Among his other contributions harve been Professor Patd Douglas Tells i computation of the largest prime Center Audience Heaning I number and the largest number."


take plare

As a special feature meeting a graphic p»~cv of the rehabilitation v ' in Eastern and Cti r and in Falc.nP~ -1"-VJ the present 6: * v K This pictmr. a . - - . - . film

e n t n l r r


•"•* •

of Security Act which Mrs. M. Brodkey is chairCenter members will be admitYears of H u m p i ^ " T . man. Others serving on the com- Mrs. Max Mayer of Des Moines ted free of charge. Tickets lor prepared Vj the ,"o i . Ten years ago a lecture on soJewish Firms Is Speaker at mittee are the Mesdames N. Levnon-members are fifty cents; button cial security would be unintelliginson, E. Weinberg, S. Rothkop, 'Ladies Night' I. each. Blacklisted for ible, according to Professor Paul M. Arbitman, J. Goldware, and A. j H. Douglas of the University of j Furs from Reich A of epcr c Schwaczkin. j Omaha lodge of BnaiBrith Chicago vwho spoke Wednesday J Progress Noted S. Ravitz, president of evening at the Jewish CommunMizrachi, will preside at the ban-»ganization of the City for their Xew Tork (WNS) — Purchase in B'nai B'rith ty Cen|er on "The Social Securquet. Mr. Bublick will be intro-jwork at a "ladies night " meetof ? 25 0,00 0 worth of Southwest ty Act." Member Drive duced by Rabbi Kopstein. jing Monday evening at the JewAfrican Persian skins at the La"Twenty years a g o people Reservations for the banquet 1 ish Community Center. vag- fur auction at Leipzig. Gerbought they could support themmembership may be made by calling the office j Mrs. Max "Mayer, director of the i The B'nai B'rith many, last month by Art E last week elves from their current labor. Weiss, X. Sohel. Inc., and >,£>. The Arab evidence was tawdry of the Vaad, Ja. 0S87, or Mrs. X. JDesMoines Jewish Community drive which startec S. V r and trivial substance, though Levinson, At. 4252, or Mrs. E. [center, spoke on "Women in a with a goal of 150 new members 3ut the world, moved from self- Weinsiock, Inc., three of the Vsalar-_:gest Jewish-owned Inr firms, j e brash in form and intention. This Weinberger, Wa. 1354. The meet- changing World." lire. Mayer;found the team of Dr. A. A. mployment to labor for es." Professor Jjounglas explain Phil •may be said quite objectively. Itjj n g S an<i banquet are open to all told that her own -forty rears ia j Greenberg and XJISX-OUS .. pro • d,i going ca to tell hoy?., the-old. ^ t s - ^ ^ a not_at.. jLl.I-.sare * —--^ -Omaha Jewry* interested-in- the j-n-omenV •activirres'-covei-s"ilfe-lifeyteading- ?Ta -the number—of— people -who lost their savings would not havo been infinitely traditional upbuilding of Pales-1 span of women's organizations. \ men enrolled. The team of -T J better for us had the Arabs* evi- tine. Before that women were too busyjb-raim Marks and Julius Bisno were forced to go to the poor- the garment district. Five Lectures to Be G-ivcn Lo-: was second. ; house. dence been much more skilfull, in their homes. While ' several pickets march- ' callv IScxi, \T< The. team enrolling the largest ^[ la discussing the Federal old ed up and down in front o£ the j much more to the point, much "Women's organizations were laws, the speaker; more like our own, on the ground Mrs. Rosenstock formed before men's" Bbe said. number of new members will be, age pension do of fur and grarOi rices ' of the given realities. For the presentation of certificates guests at a luncheon. A large , old that the law must be cation- : ment workers held an open air Nest Friday evening. r. Abram Dies at Age 73 for The 'meritorius being of-! 1 because the wealth of the Unione astute thing in a barbaric and unselfish number of prizes are ! m a s s meetine duricg- the lunch way negated them. They refusL. Sachar -K-ill open his three-day service" were presented by Ep-jfered to both B'nai B'rith and A. I ed States is concentrated in the , o-called brain brain belt of t h e i * " " T t e ^ i r t e t i i ^ is tiraer the , Mrs. Flora Rosenstock, 73, ed to face or acknowledge them. hraim L; Marks .president of the IZ. A. members for their work in least while need is spread out all ^spices of the JOIBC x.cycot, Institute -K'ith a lecture on "Five They talked about antecedent died early last Friday morning l o d g e . Patterns of Jewish Life.'" This Max Baer, program this campaign, pg. Council. treaties and agreements; they de- at the home of her daughter, lecture will begin at about 9 Trcmicr presided. The new members enrolled durover tne country, hi? bevcott TSOInformed exclusmanded the abolition of every- Mrs. David Rosenstock. Mrs. Roo'clock at the Bexh-Ci synp-srosue. T h e org-anizations receiving this drive will be initiated! To relieve the cost thing that is and has come to be; senstock a resident of Omaha for awards and the recipients follow: ing Services at the Eeih-lil synagoduring the visit of Fred Bern-,ive government pensions compulthey threatened continued viol- forty-five years, had been ill a Bethel Synagogue auxiliary, Mrs. stein of Chicago; president of Dis-isory old age insurance was^ insti- bees nearly 100 per cent organ-. u ewill take place a? usual e.t h e boycott_ Eer. Gold, '•• ^ lence il their demands were not week. jtuted by the government. Prores- ized fo J. Blank; Bikur Cholim, Mrs. L. trlct Grand Lodge, No. 6. oom P.I manager cZ the Fcrrie~s' >_r. cr.. £ o'clock in t'"e Besides Mrs. Rosenstock she is met; Hohamedan and Christian some Julius Bisno is chairman of '• sor Douglas expressed of Jewish Neveleff; Council annonced that the Ur o* r.^F ,ragreed —Jamal Husseini and the survived by three other daughdoubt as to the advisability of Mrs. M. Grodinsky; the membership campaign. rcrBishop of the Greek church — ters; Mrs. Xoyal Cohn of Omaha, Women the large reserves as they tend to formed all nxanuff.c;iire~s' [ Daughters of Is-ael Aid society, tractors' and eye:* «<,o that the Jews wanted to possess Mrs. Delvan Becker of Mitchell, | diminish the purchasing power of that the worker- ci.-'iai c v . and destroy the Dome of the South Dakota, and Mrs. Albert iMrs. A. Wolf; Deborah society, Rabbi Wice on •{the working man. jMrs. J. Goldware; Ladies Free the Union will be cr'iec" 01 * Rock in order to ' rebuild the Gilinsky of San Francisco. "Likewise the old idea of a I Loan association Mrs. H. Barson; Lecture Tour Temple. In other words, the Arab man's lack of employment being strike in every shcr wic-e rry r r ; c: Funeral service were held on the merchandise or irsrc rhrte evidence was a calculated and ex- Sunday at the Burket chapel. Ladies Golden Hill society, Mrs. his own fault has • been changed Rabbi David H. Wice left last campanies is used. clusive playing to galleries — to Rabbi Frederick Cohn officiated. L Pearlman; Mizrachi Women of week for a ten-day lecture tour j by the depression. State nnemUnion is ? r e r r r i r a number of galleries; all anti- Burial was in Pleasant Hill ceme- Omaha, Mrs. M. Brodkey; Pion- in Minnesota and-"xorth" Dakota I ployment insurance laws create eer Women's club, .Mrs. I. FeldI HI Semites in the world; British of- teryu t i a L U a black ". <=t >^ man; Pleasant Hill Cemetery so- during vrhich time he will give an unfair competition so here too member in th-: gs ficialdom in Palestine and Downlit l was K as necessary for Federal regciety, Mrs. S. Frohm; Senior Ha- seventeen a d d r e s s e s before " '_ ^ ing Street that wants no more dassab, Mrs. Irvin Levin; Temple churches and civic groups. He j ulation.'' trouble than it has to have, reProfessor Douglas, who prev- ; VAAD ANKI¥EE5/i7J' TO Israel Sisterhood, Mrs. Ben Sil- wilL speak on '"Judaism and Degardless of the price of that ious to the lecture was the guest mocracy" before a student asver; Vaad auxiliary, Mrs. M. peace; the pseudo-liberals who ^ ^ r n Burstein-, Women's division of sembly of the University of Xorth of the University of Chicago al-j conceal their anti-Semitism unumni club at a dinner, was irstro- j £ELEBk*.Ai EU The Ladies Free Loan Society J. C. C, Mrs. David Green- Dakota. 1 • der the pretense of the poor Palwill hold a banquet to celebrate berg; Chesed Shel Ernes, Mrs. L. He will also address student du'eed by Principal J. G. Masters estinian Arabs being robbed of its sixteenth anniversary Sunday Neveleff; Ladies auxiliary of the assemblies at the At a meetine of tre _.or-d of colleges at of Central Hikn School. their political rights. Of course, evening, February 14, at G Congregation of Israel, Mrs. S. Moorehead, Duluth, Beiaidji, Wi- Eugene Siazer, chairman of the Governors of the VF?I; Ka'Ihr -t that bit of evidence about the o'clock at the Jewish CommunCommunity Forum series, p r e s i d - j v a s ^ ec ided to ho'd e r" b'.c reCanar; Mt. Sinai auxiliary, Mrs. jnona, and Mankato Minnesota. Temple of Solomon descends to a ity Center. ception and concert :E cciel-s tior. On February 16, Rabbi Wice ed. J. Finkel. depth of crude silliness that Mrs. S. Epstein, chairman of will be the- principal speaker at The nest speaker on the Forum io f t h e f i f t h a l L I i i T e r s . E .- : ought to defeat itself. But when As early as 119 4 Duke Leo- the anual banquet of- the Jewish will be Cornelia Bryce Pinchot, V a a d has the crude silliness of any ac- the committee,, has arranged a appear on March 10. Also it is planned ; o 1 cr or u cusation against the Jewish peo- fine program. Mr..I. Morgenster pold VI of Austria had as the'Federation of Sioux City, Iowa. j w t l 0 spiritual leader cf ;.c Vcr.i ple ever defeated itself? Silliness will be princapal speaker. Miss head of the mint one by the name He -will return to Omaha FebPt£bhi Milton- A. Ko?',f.-.. t works; slap-stick farce works, as Eleanor Cohn will give several of Solomon. ruary 17. Omalia Choir and this reception, SULLE.; . Ti'^'-i-c.' in that recent cable concerning piano selections; and E. Sellz, ac-Dramatic Club «"" at eight o'clock E.,. ih£ E'jir tho Arabs' complaint of the scar- companied by his daughter, will city and high price of Trives. The sing. 1 Israel Synagogue. damnable Jews paid such high The regular meeting of the j Morris Burstein v:r z: prices for land that the sellers Young Men's Vaad : Omaha Choir- and Dramatic Club ! chairman of this s k had money for from six to a dozwas held at the home of Sir. and j to Be Organized en wives. Now a poor honest good Mrs. Ben Martin, on Monday, | pfjpriis f i p n v patriotic Arab can't afford a wife. February S. All members were* r L W t " ^ " • ' " • ^ Plans for organizing the Young Li I They used to be $150 a piece; I present. The dramatic director, they now come at ?500 and over. Men's Vaad were discussed at a 'Mr. Ben Martin, announced that meeting held on February 9 at the Jewish four-act play. "BrokThe Kouiid Tab.e CL J c• Meanwhile the Congregation 5'nai Israel. Damn the Jews _ . r v en Hearts'* by Z. Lieben, cow be- Youth will sponsor ,,s £.p"Tt another group of utterly despering rehearsed by members of t h e i E U a j pur-;— CarnivrJ The. program committee apate young Jews began a march pointed at that meeting will meet club, will be given in the 'near jl a g > February 2S. t i t h e from Poland to, Palestine and on Tuesday, February 16 at the future. I Community Center. again the Polish police dispersed Congregation B'nai Israel for the The nest meeting will be held ' All youth orgF^i them a few milea from "Warsaw. purpose of working out in detail t, \ this coining Mcnday, February : participating in wl.^t You have read of the Children's a program of educational, cultur15, at the hoiae of Mr. and Mrs. i be a colorful affc,-. Crusade over wliich BO many sym- al, and social activities for this A.. Coltoff. auditorium, and ic" pathetic tears have been shed organization. festivally decorated throughout the ages? Who sheds The committee includes: Sid• | Gnessia of the Kabicaah players ^ the carnival -will L.^ tears for our children that ought ney Katelman, chairmrji, Sam lot Jerusalem. In 19 27 she went; to be safe and at home' in the Schwartz, Itussel Blumenthal, Brachah Zfirah and Kachinn Nardi jto''"Berlin to. study under Rein-: in the auditorium. land of their fathers? Who? . Harry Cohen, and Sam Weiner. The long-awaited appearance sic that comes from medieval; hardt'.~"r- ' I Freddie E'r-e~e~r 1 Let us not therefore expect of Brachah Zfirah and Nachum ! times. She sings the ancient! Tvalbuni Xarfii, was born in! will furnish the irr c r that the report of the Hoyal ComConcert Planned Nardi will take place Tuesday, J melodies or Yemen, Arabia, Per-j Russia, receiving- his early ednca-jler is genera) cbair~ ."mission will be according to the February 16, at 8:15 at the Jew- j.sia and other Eastern countries j tion at the Conservator}' of Kiev. 'fair. facts; let us not expect that it Isa Kramer, internationally ish Community Center, under the las well as the folk songs of pre-j After the war he moved with-his i will he according to the princinoted Yiddish artist, who is. tour- j auspices of the Jewish National j sent day Palestinian pioneers, family to Palestine where ^^ COPIES CF T~ ples or the rights involved. For ing the country under the ausorker's Alliance. ~ jShe was born in Yemen, at the : soon discovered the great wealth Z' . were it to be according to either pices of the "Workmen's Circle, Critics wherever these two (southern tip of the Arabian Pen-!of inspiration among- tSe folkthe facts or the principles, • ac- will appear in concert in Omaha have appeared have been lavish! insula. She grew Tip ia Palestine,'' SOURS of the JSTTS of Yeraes ana1 | „ cording to either the quality of on Sunday, February..28, at S p. in their praise, and have proreceiving- her education at the Persia and the old Rabbi F •ecerick ck OUT work done in Palestine or m. at the Central Club. _ . ^, ; claimed them two of the finest Children's village sponsored by I brought their poe rots Spain ] sented four copi the spirit of the charter given us This concert is being sponsor- artists ever to appear in the Un- the Junior Hadassah. {to Palestine. by- the nations to do that work, ed by Branch 173.and 25S of the ited States. - At the age of fifteen she was : A "government tax of five cents ;Sy Dr. Fini:p Sher . the report would have to he a Workman's C i r c l e . Admission . Brachah Zfirah is an interpre- preparing for a theatrical career • \rill be ' paid at the door on all Public library. On (Continued on page 8.) .1 ter of the -authentic Hebraic mu- under t h e will be fifty cents. talented director,'tickets. | gives to eacl; braise



Ladies Free Loan Banquet on Sunday



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Page 2

were discussed a n d a committee I ber

of Sponsors' Club composed

unqualifiedly. Glenn Frank; B'nai B'rith. The Order has not I of sponsors for the military units than lead, are reached only su- gram of religious education in gram 'Wisconsin has hailed the;been content to rest on past lau- was appointed to m a k e a r r a n g e - i of the University's R. O. T. C. perficially, through socials, lee-, any University center in the Uni-of ments. tures, forums, or services. But ted States. Of these registrants, Foundation movement as one ofjrels, on philanthropic and frater- Tbe Athletic Committee p r e - I Both Miss Krasne and Miss Rubeven these become important about two hundred were non- the most worthwhile in the cul-jnal achievements. When t h e sented for approval an outline for .jnitz are staff editors of the 1937 communal assets. They are, af- Jews who came to the Founda- tural life of the campus. The Ala- Foundation program was offered an elimination t o u r n a m e n t to be j Cornhusker, Nebraska's annual, ter all, the reservoir of Jewish tion to get a grounding in Bibli- bama Foundation has"" been en- to B'nai B'rith it was quick to comprised of competition from 'and are completing perparations life. They will sit in , the pews cal history, the essentials of reli- thusiastically endorsed by Presi- j recognize its potentialities. It un- within the organization in all j for its publishing. and on the boards of directors ot gion, and problems of social life. dent Denny who welcomed It be-; derstood that the future of Jew- Ifields of sport. I At a recent party on campus Few groups have been . more the philanthropies, and general temples, synagogues, educational The effect of such a disciplined cause it will make the Jew a bet-jish life rests with youth, and that j A basketball game w a s played ! for all freshmeii women, Selma ter citizen as it helps to make no program therefore could be j steadilyy under fire since the WarInstitutional life. and philanthropic institutions, training upon the Jewish stu- him a better Jew. jZveitel, freshman from Grand Ismore important than that which! after t h e meeting. is quite obvous. Upon the I land, was awarded honorable than the American college ^ Building upon the experience They may not become Maskilim dents non-Jewish student it cannot be This brief survey of t h e p u r - helped t o mould t h e college i mention for her clever costume. ation. The indictment, set forth of other denominations, the Hil-but at least they will be- sympa- over-estimated. eration for Jewish communal r e j For the young pose of t h e B'nai B'rith Hillel "Miss Zveitel was recently elected by press, pulpit, movies^ radio, lel Foundations in Amerlban Un- thetic to Jewish values. If more sponsibilities. I t accepted t h e j ! to Orchesis. honorary dance sornovels, has been, quite inclusive. iversities were organized. They attention had been paid in: the people who come into contact Foundation would n o t be com-

Sigma Delta Y&u

past to this group, some o! ourwith Jewish life through the plete without a word about t h e challenge and despite terrifying ' ority. Among the other freshA happy-go-lucky group, imma- were the product of the vision great Jewish centers would not Foundation class-room and later defense function which i t ' h a s economic difficulty, it has carried I With the beginning of a new men who have been active on the ture, interested primarily in phy-and perseverance of a young rab-\ today be semester Theta chapter of Sigma for scraps and return to their communities to been performing in t h e past two on. On nine college campuses it | sical . exploitation squandering bi, the late Benjamin Frankel, crumbs topleading doing the work of the Delta Tau announces the pledg- campus are Pauline Schwartz and ' continue their teach, in a' Christian Sunday years. Unscrupulous propagan ,is today time and money, venerating taw- who had been serving as a bi- cultural and religious with . ,_ . ing of three new members —Vel- rearl Mererson who are members program. School or to take over the leader paren drey values, playing no part in weekly student rabbi at Chamma Beecnen of South Sioux City, : of V. V\'. C. A. freshman cabinet. rist, using anti-Semitism as a bait I h the _ temple, the synagogue, the community center, t h e i ship of a church are most valurecognized the important the great contemporary social paign, where the University of Nebraska; Sarah Miller of Wall i "Word has recently been reThen there is the little minor- able ambassadors. They are nothave educational institution and t h e I movements, —-. these and others Illinois is located. Upon his or-ity, brilliant, earnest destined likely to inculcate their charges role of a University as a mould- social service agency. Since t h e jLake, Iowa; and Lucille Mosco- ceived, of the marriage of Miss have been the burden of attack. dination in 1923 he determined for leadership in any field. This with prejudice through a distort- er of public opinion. Their agents Hillel Foundation is recognized : witz of Omaha. Pledging was Beatrice Hoffman of Chicgao, A Harvard professor chuckles to remain in Champaign and or- island" group is the head and ed tale of the Crucifixion or a have therefore been worming as the most intelligent and best : held Februrary 5 at the chapter Theta'p regional advisor. Miss that the American college educa- ganize a student center for the front of the Hillel effort. Every narrow interpretation of Phar- themselves into campus life. The organized effort among A Jewish I house with a dinner and open Hoffman, e recent visitor in LinA m e r i c a n Universities have tion is a process • which leads growing body of Jewish students. director strives valiantly to leavcoln and Omaha, was betrothed Such students, Hillel scores of German exchange stu- college students, B'nai B'rith t h e ';house following. from an infantile vacuum to an He had tbe support of the little en it. And when it Is touched by isaism. to Mr. Charles P. Goldboss of Members of Sigma Delta Tau sponsor, adds to i t s claim for t h e trained, are worth a ton of propa- dents who, cleverly, subtly, unobadolescent void. Another? speak- Champaign Jewish community Jewish cultural lnterester its Is ganda Chicago on January SI. are novf continuing their activitleadership in and superficial good-will American Jewish and of a -group of earnest and spread the gospel of ing in terma of physics, believes indeed a worthy conquest. For ies in various t'.elds on the Unilife. meetings. Plans "are now being formulatNazilsra and seek to win influ- j that the American "college stu- public spirited men in Chicago. these young people go back suversity of Nebraska campus. Jo- ed for Sigma Delta Tail's formal dent is capable of infltite resis- Largely through their assistance perbly trained to become effec- In one University the drama- eritial friends for the new Ger- j tance to the introduction any the first year of the Hillel Foun- tive leaders, to carry the respon- tics group, specializing in pro- many. Faculty members, return-1 ALPHA PI TAU kind ot useful knowledge. ' Still dation was successfully complet- sibilities ot Jewish lite intelli- grams of specific Jewish interest, ing f r o m specially-conducted cently chosen as a member of the Hermaine Kleeman, social chaired. In the next year, the project, German tours, impressed.by their another defines a campus as sev-with all of its potentialities, was gently. The Foundation move- is rated the best on the campus. Y. W. C. A. executive cabinet and The regular meeting of the Aleral thousand acres without an offered to the Executive Commit- ment is only thirteen years old In another there are classes in carefully selected experiences, pha Pi Tau wag held at the Jew-was made chairman of publica- man, is in charge of the affair, idea. Who does not remember the tee of B'nai B'rith, which under- and' most graduates are only just Hebrew and Hebrew literature, iadd their voices to the chorus of for this organization for and about 300 bids are to b« giTI approval for Hitler's actions.! i** Community Center on Febr- j tions participated in by fluent Hebrewl jibe that a college bred is a four- took 19 37. In this capacity she is ed-j en out on the university campUB now beginning to enjoy economic to become sponsor for the Such propaganda is dynamite and [nary 7, at which time the elec; speaking students. In all the year loaf? And latterly, the co-ed movement. of the "N" Book, official j and to alumnae and friends of decision ;was stability.! But already, so early, Foundations there are loan funds the Foundation directors have: tio* of- officers took place. , itor has been defined as a moron -with approved atThis campus calendar and directory j the sorority. the results of Hillel training are the international less on. . Every communty for needy students, social service been constantly vigilant to guard j The following were elected to jfor the school year 1937-1938. convention of the Order, in 1925,significant. Of course, parts of the indict- and a great Jewish youth move- near a Foundation reports the vi-work, celebration of Jewish holi- against its consequences. They office; Willard Smith, president; j Muriel Krasne of Fremont, Jailed for Anti-Jewish Insult ment are quite justified. Thous- ment was launched. In the first tality of the dynamo. More than days with dignity and beauty, have lectured before many k e y ^ r n e s t Nogg. vice-president;; who with Mateel Stein of Sioux Praha — A Pilsen court has ands of youngBtera swarm to the period of expansion, which end- thirty young people, for example, stimulation of Interest in Jewish audiences to counteract the ef-: Charles Gendler, Treasurer; Ben jCity was recently elected to Gam-sentenced a Czech business man, •university to complete their In- ed in 1929, Foundations were es- trained in the oldest Foundation, life of other lands, and a weU-in- feet of the propagandist. TheyjLeHtz, Secretary; Albert Oruch, , ma Alpha Chi, national advertis- Stanislaw Havilka, of Blowiti, to fancy, to sow their wild oats, to tablished in the leading univer- are now serving as the leaders of tegrated program of 'constructive have allowed no lies or half! Club reporter; and Sam Colick ; ing sorority, has recently been three weeks' imprisonment for truths to remain unchallenged.. as sergeant at Arms. j activities which makes the camgo through a last few years of sities,, at Wisconsin, Ohio State, reporter of that organiza- u s i n g insulting anti-Jewish their respective communities, pus the microcosm of an Ideal For they realize full well the cru-! The formal installation of of- ;chosen play before facing the realities of, Michigan, California. West Vir- whipping tion. Miss Krasne, is also a mem-phrases in a restaurant. up its loyalty and Jewish community. cial importance of the University.; ficers will take place at the an- , life. Some are sent t>y parents ginia, Texas and Cornell. The ex-strengthening its institutions. to ensnare a mate, others to give pansion ended when the problem And similar experiences are be- But is it possible to develop We neglected the German Uni-, nual banquet to be held this i the Beal of social standing to a of maintenance became increas- ing recorded in the communities such a program of intensive Jew- versities and we lost German; week. r* parvanu household. The univer- ingly difficult. Last year new re-touched by some of the younger ish activity without segregating Jewish integrity. We neglected! The initiation committee was the Rumanian and the Polish Unj commended for their fine work | sities are crowded with lounge sponsibilities were once again as- Foundations.. In another decade the Jewish student? This is an lizards, jelly beans, nitwitsj para- sumed and Foundations' h a v e this action and interaction of outlook taking new form. Away iversitles and they are today the;in Arranging for the Stag; heldi at\ sites and general ne'er-do-wells, been added at Northwestern, out- Foundation and community will fear which Is often expressed, but centers of anti-Jewish poison. We' the Rome Hotel last Saturday > But, in the main, the indictment side of Chicago, and at the Uni-become one ot the most impor- there's no ground for it. HiHel must keep our American sanct-j night at which time three new is not fair. The modern college versity of Alabama. and now at tant factors in American Jewish recognizes that the purpose of a uaries clean. They must not be! members were informally Inltiatgroup is wilder, less' reverent, Penn State and North Carolina. life. University is to broaden the stu-polluted by anti-Jewish propa-led. This was followed by a less disciplined. But it is frankdent and widen his contacts. It Iganda. If only there were Foun- : banquet and a program of enterHow does a B'nai B'rith Hillel therefore er, more honest, more critical of makes no attempt to dations or trained Jewish leaders i talnment. It has been estimated that Foundation function? It is a limit the Jewish "hooey," more inclined ot face student to exclu- on every campus in the country \ Plans for a nearly spring dance realities, than any previous gen- there the approximately a hun- democratic institution, governed sive Jewish interests. would in euch a time of peril! But we j eration. It has been considerab- dred thousand Jewish . students by a student council which is indeed ghettolze him.This Hillel is must be thankful for the little Menoraha. Jewuh Music Bible* ly sobered by the years of the lo-attending American universities. elected by the Jewish student a supplement to the University, minyan of Foundations that cust since 1929. Under proper The B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda- body. The council plans all ac-not a substitute for it. It operates serve now as watchmen in a guidance, it will face the pressing tions now reach -19.600 of these tivities and carries them through on the principle that the Univer- night of danger. They serve not; problems of adjustment to pur and each year, as new Founda- under, the guidance of the direc- sity supplies an education and only by actively-fighting lies and j new -world "with great courage, tions open, more' and more will tor. The program is as diverse the social and recreational oppor- distortions, but by the steady; and, it is to be hoped, with genu- e drawn into the orbit of Hillel as Jewish life itself. There are tunities DON'T FORGET every y o u n g ! routine of Hillel activity, which j nfluence. Of course, no miracles classes, discussion groups, relig- American which ine vision." JOHN FELDMAN ] contributes to the intellectual life j enjoys. The' FoundaThis being so it is strange that ire performed. Simply because a ious services, tournaments, dram- tion, on the other hand is the I of the University, which teaches i for Matzc and Pesadiche Articles the Jewish community has, until foundation functions on a cam- atic, socials, and a score of other agency for developing th*e unique young Jews to be worthwhile cit-j comparatively recently, paid so IUS it does not follow every Jew- projects which each Foundation Jewish cultural pattern which en- izens, which makes the Jewish; JOHN FELDMAN little attention to the colleges. sh student at once becomes a sponsors. In some Instances the riches the life of the Jewish stu- name creditable. TM-EIS1M • «»R*.VEB BOOK* Very few intelligent organized rained Jewish leader. Great effects have been spectacularr At dent. Every University president, entire Foundation proGifti for Bar Mitzvah* efforts have been made in the un- lumbers of the . students,, collegi- the University of Illinois courses where a Foundation has been es- gram,The Res. 698 No. 50th St. GI.-2971 which costs more than fifiversity center to tie up the Jew- ,te marranos, wish to be left' are offered for full credit in the tablished, has recognized this ty thousand P. O. Box 710 O n t i M , N«br dollars annually is ish group with Jewish values, to ilone, anxious to escape the re- University. Four hundred and and has praised the Hillel pro- sponsored and maintained by preserve worthwhile tradttionsi sponsibilities ot Jewish lite. twelve students were registered ' and to prepare the college prod- Many of the others, not particu- in each semester last year in the ucts for leadershp in the com-larly gifted, the average college four courses which were so ofmunities to which they return type, desflned to "follow . ratherfered,- the- most extensive prowith their coveted - sheepskins. -? DRESS OF THE WEEK What has been the result of, this neglect? The "average Jewish stuReading Time 20 Seconds, and Well Worth Your Tine dent, alert, mature, has. gone through his University course ?£, Eere's jour most exciting without being attracted by the NEW dress — flaunting richness of his cultural heritage. Ho has finished his training in BEICfSTEE colours — No Corset ever leaves our department until its perthe law, ;or medicine, or comfect fit hat been O. K.'d by our head fitter? That's merce, or journalism, and has refresher, g-ajer PRINTS. Why Brandels Corsets fit you as If mad* to order. turned to his community to folYou'll wear tbe smart low his chosen calling. But since lie has had no contact, during the jacket over brief new plastic years of his college life, sleeves, until time for •with Jewish values, he haa completely lost to his people. For deMartinis, and on. cades the enrollment of Jews in the Universities h a s steadily $2235 mounted, but this element has not been marshalled to preserve exclusive with us Jewish integrity. A vast hemorrhage has taken place and the best blood has flowed away because of lack of foresight.


-No other cultural or religious group has been guilty of such poor statesmanship. The Methodists, the Presbyterians, t h e Catholics, the Episcopalians, indeed most of the important denominations, have maintained Btudent centers, directed by professionally-trained leaders, for the purpose of servings the needs of their campus groups. They have recognized that their young people have been uprooted from their homes, suddenly transplant' ed to a new environment,' their standards undergoing revaluation their Intellectual and spiritual outlook takng new form. Awvay from parents, ministers, institutional guidance, they have more than ever-required an agency on the campus to bring them safely - through their Sturm and Drang period., The Christian denominations have therefore strained their resources, established student centers, and sent their best men to the universities to direct them. And they have won the college group thereby. Their young people, disciplined in the colleges to understand their sectarian- responsibilities, have ro turned to their communities to .•'. take , over, the leadership' in churches, educational agencies.



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Craigieigh Coats and Suits Are Sold Exclusively ct Ccracn's

e wry

By Shalom Asch


Shalom Asch, world-famous Yiddish author whose name has been mentioned in connection with the Nobel Prize lor literature and .vhoui the English-reading pnblic knows particularly through the his recently translated novels 'Three Cities' and "The War Goes On", paints a rather brighter picture than we are accustomed to see of the future of Polish Jewry. '

poor trader and the needy artisan who also formerly manufactured in the small towns. This practice only for the home market can1 has spread. Today there are more now, owing to the modest earnthan 800 such kassas in all pro- ings (modest indeed! Rather one vinces of Poland. They have a should say, the "hunger-wages") capital of eleven million zlotys, | which they receive, send their half of which has been given by products aboard. The hat workthe local Jewish population. The ers are producing berets' which other half was given by, the Joint they export to' France, and — perhaps you have heard of it — Distribution Committee. The kassas are self-supporting Jews are breeding rabbits from through membership fees? and al-which they comb out a very fine though money in very small "wool — and nave you heard that amounts is lent out to the poor- Jews are Isading in the pr6ducThe natural allies of- the Jews est classes of- the Jewish popula- tion of hand-knitted carpets of in Poland today are those ele- tion, only a very small'percent- handwoven cloth which presents ments whose voices have been age is lost. With touching devo- some of the Polish folk art stifled, whose activities have tion, the poorest of the poor re- abroad? In this direction more been curtailed, the poor, oppres- pay the small loans, and there re- could be done. sed classes of peasants and work- payments are even more regular The Joint Distribution Comers who see in Fascism, and than those of normal credit insti- mittee has been devoting itself to rightly so, their worst enemy. tutions or banks. About half the the creation of such new occupaThe ruling classes, supported by population takes advantage of|tion for Jews. To facilitate this anti-Semitic parties, divide the the help offered by the kassas. I work, advisory bureaus are being oppressed masses, isolate the They are the best means of suc- opened in various small towns Jews by the old tried methods of coring the poor home artisan and with a view to instruction of loanti-Semitism, believing with the the poor shop-keeper to whom all cal Jewish artisans and to inleaders of the chuch that they other means of credit are closed. forming them about goods which can frighten their followers with Without them, the struggle of can be marketed abroad. - the bogus story of dsstruetive the poor for an existence would IV must further be admitted ' Jewish influence. Let the anti- be hopeless. As a result they are that the government realizes the Semitic parties employ the detes- a particular thorn in the side of importance to the country, and to the entire Polish home industable means of inciting public the anti-Semitic elements. sentiment against the Jews, hire The needy Jew, however, cher- try, of this Jewish activity" and gangsters with German money to ishes and protects this institution has come to the aid of this work beat Jews on the public places, to which he can turn whenever by setting aside 1,000,000 zlotys cause riots in the markets, cause he feels the rcpe too close around in addition to sums made availa new Przytyk on every market his throat; when he needs to ob-able by the Joint Distribution day — it will avail them nothing tain a trade license, whenever as Committee which the kassas lend an artisan^he needs to buy a bit oud to artisans engaged in the at all! Today in Poland there is evi- of raw material to keep his work- production of goods for foreign dence of Jews and non-Jews mak- shop going. It is true that 11,- markets. ing common cause in ' secret as 000,000 zlotys mean only ?2,000- In this direction a great deal well as in public. There is evi- 000 for loan societies which serve abroad, and especially by Amerdence of unusually heroic deeds the basic needs of more than 150- more can be achieved by Jews ,of brotherly understanding and 000 families. However modest ican Jews, through the organizahuman solidarity. Polish work- may be the needs of the. ^poor tion of sales offices for Jewish ingmen have saved Jewish lives Jewry — this sum is too small. products, from Poland. This is at the risk o ftheir own. The re- The kassas in Poland are. the a task for those who seek to help sult of the last city elections in very life blood, the most effective Polish Jewry. i3y this method part of the towns of Poland institution, maintaining the Jew-Jewish folk art could also be deshows a change taking place, for ish poor. Their capital must be veloped. For example, the proanti-Semitism in Poland is unna-r doubled if not tripled. Through [ duction of toys .for Jewish childtural and is propagated by polit- the kassas the Joint Distribution ren could be successful owing to ical parties for petty and mean Committee is enabled to contact the boycott against German toys. party purposes against the com-the- poorest masses of the Jewish The Joint Distribution Commitmon good and happiness of the pppulation and to bring aid tee has assisted actively in the country. . . . where it is most bitterly needed. opening of a school for Jewish The Jews in Poland are natur- The standard of living of the folk art in Poland. al and necessary city elements in Jewish population has fallen to a Polish Jews are eager for actthe economic structure of the minimum. A family in a small ivity in all spheres in homework. country. Poland could be one of town can live with only one zloty No obstacles created by the type the happiest countries in Europe; a day, frequently with even less. of education they have received it could enjoy an increase of Behold the great poverty! Or ra- up to now, nor those,which hosprosperity second to none if the ther the pitifully low standard of tile elements put in their way, three and one half million Jew-! livrag:•which' demands nothing will stop them. They are satis•ish town, population, which is wo- Imore than just sufficient to fied with subsistence living and are prepared to take upon themven into the economic life of the ,maintain life, in one's body. counlry. were given the oppor- However sad this mayfcein it- selves gigantic tasks, merely for tunity of developing its particu- self and however harmful this is the sake of survival. lar qualities and creative abilit- to a country which should aspire With an optimism and faith to a higher standard of living for unique in history, they draw upies. population, it carries a certain on the inexhaustable source of When Poland achieved inde- its remedy itself, a defense wea- the Jewish spirit, and continue pendence the Jews gave proof of pon putininto the hands of the their march onward with firm staunch devotion, of heartfelt pa- poor Jew in his bitter fight for conviction. Love of the world triotism. It is not their fault existence. It enables the Jewish and faith in humanity are part that their best intentions were trader to compete with those , poisoned by hatred, robbery and poor peasants whom the govern- of the Jewish inheritance of brutality. The Jewsj however, ment and society ha^e tried to which Jews cannot be deprived are destined to remain in Poland transform into traders and shop- either by their enemies or by and not in countries of immigra-, keepers^ with the miserable shops their fears. Neither death nor tion that they must construct which the Posen non-Jewish tra- destruction can a r r e s t this their future and search and ders open in Jewish towns, and march; no matter how long opcreate for themselves -ways and which are not al all adapted to pression is destined to last, no means for a decent life. the needs and the-ways of living matter how great the difficulties But the most effective aid Po- of the Polish population and the to be conquered, Jews shall enter a better and finer world. lish Jews must find within them- poor peasant buyer. It cannot be helped. It is the selves. They have learned much But this low standard of living fate of the Jew that faith be his from the bitter experience of the last years, and from the events is a still more importart factor in only support. Polish Jewry has in Germany. They are not wait- finding now professions for the given a glowing example to the ing for the enemy, who, seeing Jewish population. It is of great entire world of this historical them bereft of all support, will importance to the poor home ar- destiny of our people. In spite ol force them to find no occupa- tisan that he can produce cheap- all afflictions and the cruelties tions. They have begun, on their ly, not only for the home market which are meted out to them by •own initiative, and with the aid but also for markets abroad. Of barbaric forces, they have not of the American Jewish Joint late, entirely new branches of lost faith in humanity and have Distribution Committee, to find work have been created by the the courage to fight today in povnew occupations. They have freed Jews who, ' owing to the cheap- erty and want for a better morthemselves from that malady ness of labor and raw material in row. caused by the old Jewish concep- Poland, are enabled to produce We must . help to keep their tion of education that every Jew goods that can be sold abroad. In faith burning, we must aid them must give to his child an academ- this way they help not only them- to traverse the sea of darkness ic training. Fewer children are selves but increase exports from and hatred until the dawn when now sent to the universities. To- Poland, and thus enrich the Po- the entire Polish people will awaday the tailor or tradesman no lish government with foreign ken from the nightmare, the hallucination, the empty dream . longer desires his son to be a currency. Dire need drove the Polish which has made them lose all doctor, but is quite satisfied that he also be a tailor or tradesman. Jewish artisan not only to pro- sense of reality in their newly In all the provinces I visited, in duce cheaply but also to find new regained freedom and in the posall small towns/ Jews were beg- markets Vr hi sproducts. Hun- sibilities and limitations of a naging for trade schools for their dreds and thousands of Jewish tional life of their own. They artisans, spread over the small will awaken from the nightmare children.. Anti-Semitism las done a great towns, are now producing goods of chauvinism with -which they deal to unite Polish Jewry. It has for export. The Jewish furniture have been afflicted to recognize succeeded where internal friend- manufacturers, for instance, who in the Jew their brother. The ly efforts failed. Despite the in- fomerly worked - exclusively for best elements of the Polish peonumerable parties among Polish the home maket, are now" sending ple, who are today as helpless Jewry, there exists sow =a united their cheap products to South Af- and hounded as the Jews, recogfront, embracing all classes, rica . The Wilno glove workers, nize this even now. against the enemy from without and the economic needs from within.' The best proof of this solidarENJOY THESE MODERN ity was the fight against . the slaughter laws. The Jewish opposition is so great that there is FACILITIES AT THE good reason to believe the antischechita law will affect others PAXTON HOTEL more adversely than Jews, ^here is. a stfong tendency among the Jewish population to renounce entirely the use of beef, to increase poultry raising instead, and to develop vegetable gardening, thus replacing the use of gfri Dining Boom . Coffee Shop meat with foods Jews themselves produce. . The spirit of self-defence finds Private Dining Boom Grin Room its strongest expression in the the creation of Gemiloth-Chessed Barbershop Kassas, free loan societies. The Package Shop Joint Distribution Committee was the- first to startf granting Bmall " -i on-interest-bearing loans. to the '

























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Page 4

That Lincoln was the first President to appoint a Jew a fullfledged minister to a foreign Times of stress in Israel have always left in their wake a • j power, the post of minister of most disastrous phase of Jewish life, its False Messiahs. JudaBy BERNARD POSTAL, <Italy having beer offered to and PabUsbed every Friday a t Omaha, Nebraska, by ism is not alone in suffering from these men and women who That Lincoln r a s the first rejected by Sigismund Kaufman By DR. THEODOEE N. LEWIS T H E JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Jewish of New York. I President to appoint appear upon the scene obsessed with, their desire to ameliorate Rabbi, Hoist Sinai Temple, Sioas jarmy chaplain, Dr. Arnold Fi9the unhappy plight of the people and in their zeal proclaimSubscription Pries, one year . . . . . . 52.00 chel ct New York getting the epThat the "Hebrew Citizens" of Advertising rates furnls&ed on application. ing themselves sent by God. ipoiEtment in IS62 after Congress AKon. Illinois, were the first con"TASHLIK, A. STUDY IN JEW-1New Year's Day but even . on ., passed special legislation Yet these self-appointed Messiahs have never strengthened ISH CEREMONIES" BY DR.!-Passover and Succos, Haslsana tributors to the fund raised to Editorial Office: 600 Brandela Theater Building. Judaism and in most eases their effort has been tragic. During JACOB Z. LAUTERBACH. CIN- Rabba being a relic o£ this. But it possible. erect a Lincoln monument In Sloox City Office—Jewish Community Center the days of the Roman domination of Judea thousands of pre- CIXXATI. 1936. (OFF-PRINT! despite the radical changes the That the last photograph of Springfield, 111. DAVID BLACKER • • Business and Managing Editor HEBREW UNION COIe ; rabbis forced upon this ceremony Lincoln, taken on the Sunday betenders to the Messianic garb sprang in every corner of that FORM FRANK B . ACKBRMAN - - - - . ' - ' • - - - Editor LEGE AXXVAL VOLVME XI.) iTashlik. remains in essence That Lincoln appointed a Jewfore his assassination, wag mace FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffa, Iowa, Correspondent unhappy land. The middle ages and Renaissance saw a Sab- This is a fascinating study of •Primitive repulsive and -" by the nfrne of Einstein United in thfe Washington studio of AdoANN PILL • • • - Sioux City. Iowa, Correspondent bathai Zevi creating schisms in Jewish communities from Copen- a most obstinate and popular and from the pagan lphus Solomons, later president States Consul to Nuremberg, Gerf Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street hagen to Jerusalem; a Solomon Molko whose intrigue in thesuperstitious Jewish traditional; ears and belief in the existence the B'nai Brith, the picture »>«!•• n ? * ' t h e ™rld capital of [ceremony, by the nti-Semitism, ;. showing- ;the Vatican itself brought thousands of Jews as.well as his pre- | T a l m u d i c scholST% . , President sharpenDr. J a c o b z . o u s spirits. i n sa p e n c a l O r l s E0Ecious self t o destruction; a n d a Jacob F r a n k adding peril t o JLuuterbach, rrcfessor .Emeritus • -Dr. Lauterbach has enriched ; The Annual Federation Meeting That Edward Rosewater, later of Talmud at the Hebrew. Union • the world of Jewish scholarship Within the memory of all of us remains the picture of the the always perilous position of the Jews of Poland. College, Cincinnati. jwith this comprehensive and au- That the first pulpit uttterances founder and editor of the Omaha old communal system used in our Jewish community. There is An essentiallj* democratic organization as the synagogue I • thoritive study of Tashlik, un- a connection with the death of Bee, transmitted to the world


probably not a single dissenter who will argue that the former with its dependence on well-established truths rather method of many organizations was better than our present uni- human beings has a magnetic attraction for those who except-'. •Lincoln's Emancipation Proclapractice. His illuminating a Saturday, mation. fied Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation. Over- they alone are bound to save. And so today history repeats •*link when uit occurs on Saturday discussion of the diverse forms! J J J • . ^ v a > w h e n the observance is moved to That C. H. Liebermann, Wash- i lapping of effort, doubling of expenses, multiplicity in book1TasIllik h a s assumed throughout; ton Jewish physician, was one of j That Lincoln relaxed from the keeping, clashing of common interests - - these are but a few itself. Armies of unhappy youths are to be led from Europe the second day, that we go to a e a es to "safe havens;" ghetto-dwellers are to be liberated and taken--body of water, preferably a river, ^ s ; throws much light upon : the nine medical men at Lincoln's heavy duties of the Presidency land recite prayers or hymns, — of the evils corrected by the amalgamation of our communal , , h and that his portrait is;by playing a night game of pinand uponOfprimitive 4. i •• ' Unrf ro^ito n p jsentences w r . nr hvmr.c _ tmony e evolution rellglOUS mind-death-bed CCre-; today several from the endeavors under one co-ordinated organization. and mentality. Those interested ! arang the 47 persons in the fam-;ochle with his close friend, Dr. book of Micah and other pass i n t h e s t u d to far outposts. 3 " o f religious origins;ous painting, "The Last Hours oflsachar Zacharie, a Jewish chiroIf anything, the unification under the Federation program a_e8i a n d W hii e doing so, shake All these voices in the wilderness give some hope, but the corners of our garments. podist. will find here a documented sttt-; Lincoln.' has been too efficient. Our Federation work is taken care of dy of an interesting rite and of \ their hope is too often without foundation. False Messiahs, I Much ink has been spilled and so well that the members of the Jewish community as a whole remarkable powers of persev-1 That the Hasnkabah, the Sep- That the Lincoln penny, the j they lead folks on like mirages; and foot-weary from chasing much effort ia- been expended its eranCe I n f a c e ol r e b u k e a n d do not pay much attention to the details of our work. In fact, in the houe of erolainine t h l s ! ! hardic funeral rite, was recited first coin bearing the head of a. these phantasies they have no strength to pursue that which Condemnation oi Innum p e r s t i t i o u s ' e r a b l e I i u a Jewish house of worship for (President which , was issued On Sil most of us would be surprised were we to analyze the maniprimitive, rankly ^ rabbinical authorities who tried any other than those professing'August 2, 1909, was designed by rite, borrowed from the pagans. ia vain to uproot it. fold accomplishments under the Jewish Community Center will give them surcease. the Jewish religion for the first a Jewish artist, Victor B. Bren"Ghetto life has left many a mark on our melodies, that It is no secret that the rabbinic roof, all done as more or less routine during the course of a time in Shearith Israel Eynago- j ner, whose initials, VDB, appearauthorities look with profound, year. Other committees, however, are not unaware of this . . . must be removed to reveal their hidden beauty" A LITTLE BOOK OF 8OXGS" ! S ue> N e w York, during a Lincoln ed on the first 28,000.000 of displeasure upor it, and that ' —-Dr. Jacob Singer, Chicago. some" like the Gaon of Wilna re- BV JEROMK SAl'IR. 96 PAGES, imemorial service. 'these coins. . since Omaha is pointed to in national circles for its Jewish pudiated it by ignoring it alto- BRUCE HUMPHRIES IXC. BOS- " communal work. gether and hoping that the mas-TOX. But this efficiency cannot hide from us the heavy respon"Jewish people would appreciate a little privacy, at theses would follow his example. De-: This small volume of poetry sibility and hazardous adventure of meeting the needs ^of a hands of writers, journalists and publishers .who have found spite rabbinic disapproval it con-'dedicated by the author to "the modern American Jewish community. As a consequence, be- anti-Semitism to be profitable. We dislike to be taken into tlnued to enjoy the favor and Common people" has been writreverence of the masses, and is ten by one to whom "justice is an hind the scenes is the struggle to conduct worthwhile forums, the dissecting room for anatomical study every other day." practiced assiduously to this very; aspect of beauty The "author the battle to adequately take care of charity, the fight to find day. ; keenly senses the profound sor—Dr. Abba Hillel Silver^ Dr, Lautertach analyzes i n ' - r o w s o f t h e m a s s e s j a our land funds for the thousand and one "odd jobs" which, demand this scientific monograph, the ba- a n d T O i c e s t h e i r bitterness and attention. Pride is a mask behind which our faults are hiding. sic pagan origin, heathenish mo-! p l a i l l t s - Especially is he exercisTo solve this problem the co-operation of every member Uve and superstitious character j e d 0 T e r o u r economic and social CO. Of the ceremony. He skillfully I arrangements that doom so many of our Jewish Community Center is vital! The first step in m ATLANTIC '. • ' J E x p e r i e n c e and fascinatingly traces the var™<™s m poverty, sickness and such a co-operation should be the attending of the annual ious crude attempts made to con- unemployment. The social note By Rabbi Frederick (John meeting of the Jewish Community Center and Welfare Fedceal and obscure the true pur- d o m l n a t e s h i s thought antf poetic Experience is die slow fruit that ripens on the Tree of poses or Tashlik, fear, anxietv, | e r f o r t s - u m a n y m o r e w o n l a eration next Monday evening at the J. C. C. The Federation share h l s h e a r t throbs 0.2 5 0 72 2 is the big agency of our Jewish communal activities, and anLife. "We all gain experience of one kind or another. We have and reverence of demons a n d ' l y i f t h o s e i n a u t h o r - specialU J spirits — in this case those r e i » y ™ ' o u r attendance once a year at the annual meeting is not asking too but to live. The longer we live the greater our experience. siding in water. | civilization would be i • •• . and INSIST upon a PRINTED RECEIPT big a sacrifice. We must be acquainted with the work of the "Live and Learn" says the proverb. rn. v . . . . m , .,. , jmensely nobler ind more Just. Nebraska state law requires that all cab fares be Yet learning is not experience. Or rather experience iis The basic origin of Tashlik is! Federation before we can help in the fruition of that work. Of compiled by meters. For your protection, insist not mere learning. Tennyson has made the distinction clear. that very primitive and heathenparticular interest to us at next Monday's meeting - - in addiupon a working' meter on SET cab in which yon ish belief that evil spirits reside Gems of the Bible ride! tion to the printed reports and the election of officers - - is "Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers." All kinds of knowl- beside in all bodies of water, that the graphic picture in the form of <a talking slide film which edge we may acquire, be veritable walking encyclopedias, have they are unfriendly to man, and and Talmud Only Yellow Cab meters issue a printed receipt at in order to ward off their j will show the rehabilitation work done in Eastern and Central degrees from many universities, been a long time at school, that the end of each trip. Driver r&x&t offer the receipt By Dr. Philip Slier dangerous designs, have *to be j or you ride free. Europe and in Palestine from 19l4 till the present. But ofand yet not have acquired wisdom. "Wisdom comes with ex- placated. To this end, petition j primary concern is the necessity of having as many of ourperience. That is why many even illiterate persons though and bribery are necessary. The | Thou shalt not give him thy FOE SAFETY'S SAKE—GO BY interest, nor give community members show a proper interest in our own Federa- they have no great knowledge, may have never, or for only petition and gift must be made ; al for increase. could be received i. e. : a t t h they e tion. We cannot and must not rest on. our laurels of the past a short while, gone to school and yet the}- have a certain kindiwhere abode of the spirits, the; How goodly „_- .. are _ thy ._, tents, , O - - we must initiate a great out-pouring of Jewish interest in of wisdom, a homely, a practical, often an uncanny, shrewd wis-! routed That ^n^ "^ S° d e e p l y ! J a c o b - ^ dwellings, 6 Israel'' Jewish community work, leading to the building of a stronger dom, gained in the School of Life, the University of Experi- strongly the ra1bbismaob1ected0tWoiEethlethee,baneQrec^rsed be" Jewish life for the future. - ence. Great is experience! Nothing can be a substitute for it. Tashlik and no matter what a c - j o n e that curseth thee. AN OKAEA II'TTIT tion they took to stamp it out,) Ye shall not respect persons in

Let theMETER Ixe your guide!


Answer to Hitler


Even the German Nazis can find no "Ersatz" for experience. "We have to go .through the mill ourselves, burn our own fingers if necessary. Only then do we fully realize the nature and power of fire. It is the fire of life that tests men and converts the iron of their nature into the steel of character.

they could not wean away the j judgment, ye shall hear the people from it. In one form or j small and the great, alike; ye another It continued to persist shall not be afraid of the face of and nullify the healthy rational-j any man. ism of the authorities. The su-! Our Rabbis were taught: He perstitious element in human na- who loves his wife as himself,

In his address telling.of the "achievements"'of the Nazi regime during the past four years, Hitler once more emphasized that he has carried out a great revolution, »quietly, peace"What is History but the record of experience, the experi- ture exercises a peculiar* charm, and honors even more than himfully:,"We have broken no windotv, we did not touch the hair someUmes even over scientifical- j se lf, and he who leads and raises ence of the race. Life is woven of the three ,strands of Past, of one adversary - -," ne said. . . ly trained minds. Tashlik remains , his sons and daughters on the It is accordingly interesting to read the comment of Wil- Present, and Future, the Trinity of Life. Yet the whole present to this day, despite its repulsive [r j g n t p a t n > an<j t r i e s t 0 marry a popular and honored i them off in their youthful a g e helm Sollman, former minister of Interior in two German cab- is affected by the past as the future will be by the present origin, custom amongst Orthodox Jews, (concerning hirr the pasfasre inets and a member of the Keichstag for eight terms. Follow- when it is on the way to becoming the past. Therefore the Interesting, indeed is Dr. Lau-;reads: And thou shalt know that ing are some quotations from an address delivered at the meet- appeal to history, the consultation of elders (in spite of Presi- ter^aucTs penetrating analysis:! there is peace in thy tent. dent Roosevelt's attitude toward the -Supreme Court) "Ask I of the complex and elusive forms Rabbi illazer said: "In the fuing of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, in New York: this ceremonJ Thy Father," says the Bible, "And he will tell theethine eld ' ' assumed in the'ture all the professional men win "I am one of the many thousands of Germans who can ers and they will declare it unto thee" "For we are but n f l T ^ °£ f c f e n t u 5 i e s a n d t h e mod-become farmers." testify to. the contrary.. j vtv^iuiv iv u u w luv-t. *• ui we are UUt OI- ifications it underwent from time | When Rob entered a path (be"My home at Cologne was destroyed by storm troopers yesterday and know nothing," Says J o b . They are of a remoter to time and plane to place in thejtween fields) and saw the ears of Adolph Hitler; my weak sick wife was attacked and offend- yesterday and presumably know, if not everything a "Teat h o p e o £ ° b s c u r i t l g i t s °«gin and'! waving-, he used to say: "Toss r ° . „ i Purpose. The Kaporos, another- iyourself (be proud as thou wilt) ed by the heroic guard of Adolph Hitler; I myself was knocked rlf>n1 " Y P J I N ofcall m o a t ' « .„•„„ T~U ><r\u tradingceremonial. Dr. Lauter-j in business vields more i d e ous proves conclusively down by fourteen highly armed young heroes of Adolph Hit- deal. Years shall speak, says Job. Old age for counsel," hbach to be ! trading profits than thou dost..' says another proverb. Age for counsel, youth for action. Yet merely a variant of Tashlik. At; Rabbi Popa said: "Have ler; I was tortured, stabbed, blown and kicked in the headbe ill-considered, rash, unripe, immature, ignor- an early stage of cultural devel-l vision of your own production, quarters of the Nazis at Cologne. Cologne is the place which lest it should . . . . |Opment-the people had no scru-! a nd do not tftiy it et»n though it ant, and reckless action, modifying, t h a t age should I t ISthe unquestionable have; pies about retaining some of the! may cost the same price, because delegated me eight times to the German Eeichstag. The tor-01 age IS Counselled. obviously pagan elements!you can have them on your (able turing was commanded by close personal friends of Hitler him- a great deal to teach, for age has acquired experience. We" re-more of Tashlik and actually brought j while they are fresh. But housequire expertness, skill in our professionals, artists, etc. Howeelf, now in high, official positions in Hitler Germany. the food with them and cast it | hold goods — buy ready icade *1 am in. the possession of a list enumerating the names ever these may come from a certain born'aptitude, talent or into the river in the hope of pla-!and do not spin." the evil spirits. This ex-j Rabbi Popa, said: "Be alwiys of 105 personal political friends of mine who were tortured even genius, they cafl be brought out and.perfected only by eating plains the prohibition of Tashlik j ready to buy land, but be c.ireand murdered by the storm troopers of Aloph Hitler. One of experience. Maimonides said this even by prophecy. It'might on the Sabbath. At certain times if ul with your ciatrimonM affair. my~ friends still living in Germany and still a high German be a heaven-given gift, a divine afflatus, even revelation; yet and in certain, communities the j Go down a step when you are official once showed me a list of the names of 1,084 former it has to be brought out and developed, subjected to experience. custom was followed not only on choosing a wife." Who has had suck experience as the Jew? It has made friends of Hitler, some Roman Catholics, as well as conservahim what he is,'the people of religion, the people of deepest tives and monarchists - - murdered on one day, June 30, 1934. feeling because of persecution and suffering. The people thereThe names of 10,045 political or religious personalities either fore of music, drama, tragedy, comedy. The artists, the genmurdered or crippled for lifetime by th*e storm troopers of iuses of the race, the people of deep emotion; therefore poets, Adolph Hitler are listed, in a private set of statistics which prophets "highest aspirants to be noble clay under the Alhas been made by political friends of mine in Germany. mighty Effort"; sympathetic, loving, the people of ethics, since WE-2535 15i2 r.'c, 24th St. The Third Reich has murdered and starved at least 220,000 the root of ethics as David Hume, Adam Smith, and the EngGermans . . . Hitler's statement of a bloodless revolution in -Delicious BARFree Sauce Germany is a shameless lie of the greatest liar in the present lish moralists have pointed out, its sympathy. As the Bible also points out "You know the heart of a stranger, for we timel" were strangers in the land of Egypt." How history repeats itself! In the land of Germany the Nazis have sought and are HEBREW CALENDAR • ;... SALAMI, CO LOG;: A, lb. still seeking to reduce the'status, of the Jew to that of a ring °Rosh. Chodesh Adar February 12 stranger, an 'alien.' Out of these modern experiences of the Lb Purim. ....................February 25 Jew must also come" some creative blessing for the entire huBOLOGNA,- Ib. 'LIVER WURST, RosiTChodesh Nissan ........................................;... ....March 13 man race. , Lb. 1st Day o£ Pesach v...... ..........March 27 KNOCK'• • Let us gain all the experieHce we can of the most favor7th Day of Pesach ...................................,...............;............April 2 W U R S T , l b . . .. able sort if possible. Let us not flout or belittle experience. oRosh Chodesh lyar ............................April 12 It is often of decisive value. And as we accumulate experiCHILI COM BREAKFAST Lag b'Omer «.......................;......................;.«...................»...Apnl 29 CARNfc, lb. ... .. Rosh Chodesh Sivan —i.;.May 11 ences Of every sort in this solemn business of. life - - joy and BEEF, picg. . . . . sorrow, success and failure, triumph and defeat let us 1st Day of Shabuoth ........................«.....May 16 COitWEP BEEF, TONGUE LQAF, *? *Rosh Chodesh Tammuz ............,..,.......................»............June 10 pray with the poet: Lb e So take and use Thy work! •{ • Fast of Tammuz .....;.,............................................i........-..iJune 26 Amend what flaws may lurk, • Rosh Chodesh Ab ,......m^^.^...J.......^........J......Jviy 9 We Handle Extra Fancy Powltry and U. S. What strain o' the stuff, what warpings past the aim; Fastof Ab I.................... —.............................«July 17 Inspected Meats *Rosh Chode.sh EUul ..;..........................; i...^.....:.v.....August 8 Our times are in Thy hand; "WE-DELIVER" "Perfect the cup as planned; • NOTE—Holidays begin in the evening; preceding the dates &&%% Ho. 24th St. Phsns WE-2: designated. Let age approve of youth,; and death complete the same." "Diamond's Kosher Labe! Wii! Protect Your *Rosh Chodesh also observed previous day. - - Frederick Cohn.

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THE JEWISH PRESS. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 1937 •BTIII participate in s. national ; home of Mrs. I_ouis Albert. The of festivities to cele-; first lecture traced .he wEncier- F.pi < CALENDAR OP WOMEN'S lirate the twenty-fifth anniver- jinsr of the Jew. and hi? status ir, ACTIVITIES sary of the founding of the or-1 Germany up till merUeva"; times. canization on the regular meet-1 rreceeding the eddret_. Cantor PC February 13 — Vaad Anxing day, Wednesday, February Aaron Edgar entertained the a 1.1 fliary, Oneg Shabbos 24, at the Jewish Community group with scrips, and chants _,nti February 14 — Beth El Center. spoke on the oririn and evolution ' Dance An appropriate Silver Jubilee of Jewish music. These lectures j COHEX-ROSEST • February 14 — Ladies Free MTNCHEON AXD SHOWER program will be presented. The'are being sponsored by the Ha-j Miss Goldie Rosen, daughter of Xoan Banquet Mr. M. B. Dolgoff and Mrs. H. main feature of the meeting will ciaspah Medical Fund. Tbe pro-1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosen of Papil- Lewis entertained, at a luncheon February 16 — Daughters be the Epeeial honor to be accord- .Ceeds will go to the Youih-AHyah! lion, became the bride of Mr. and shower at the of Israel Aid Mary Stein ed all paid up members vrho will'Fund which provides for the im- j Fred Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cafe on "Wednesday February 3 February 16 — Women's be asked to inscribe their names migration \nd care of German ; J . Cohen of Omaha. Rabbi David in honor of Mrs. Fred Cohen, the Division Bridge on a parchment Scroll, a memen- and Polish children. Tickets for j Goldstein performed the cere- former Mollie Rosen. Twenty February 17 — Women's to o_ the Silver sxiversary con- the lectures may be procured mony in' the presence of the im- guests attended. Division Classes taining the names of all the Ha- from Mrs. Julius Stein or Mrs. M. mediate family. The only atFebruary 17 — Woirien's dassEh. members in the S50 chap- F. Levenson. tendants were Mr, and Mrs, H. S. A. M. MOTHERS CLUB Mizracbi ters throughout the Union. This Lewis and Mr. Bob Rosen, brothThe S. A. M Mother's Club Scroll will be placed In the reer of the bride. will meet at a. one o'clock lunch- j ception hail of the new medical eon on Mondayi February 15, at i « • i c» T_ n center which Hadassah is now Z. B. T. MOTHERS CI_ITB the home of Mrs. S. Canar, 4832 ' A n n u a l J o e t n J t l building in Jerusalem. Everyone Plans for the annual Psi Mu Mrs. Ben Perelman. win be is urged to attend and to be sure Day were drawn at the regular S. 22 Street. hostess to the Z. B. T. Mother's to bring dues. meeting. Monday, February s. Club-at her: home at 3011 Stone The date of the event was set for DAUGHTERS OF ISRAEL AID The anual Beth El dance will street at a one o'clock luncheon ! An amateur hour is on the pro- Sunday_ March 14. ; itake place .Sunday, February 11, on Thursday, February 18. gram of events sponsored by the A basketball game followed by A meeting and election of of-1 a t &* Blackstone Hotel. ElaborMrs. L. Xevcleff Mrs. Irvin Stulmaster Medical Youth Aliyah of Hadas- a. matinee dance are to be held fleers of the Daughters of Israel j a t e Plans to make this affair a Chairman of kitchen furnishings Chairman of Ticket Sales TO EXTERTAIX ;_.ah, according to Mrs. Julius in the afternon. with the banquet Aid Societj will be held February ! success have been made, by the MIBS Sylvia Magzamin -vrill enThe luncheon and bridge spon-> Philip Klutznick, Mathias F. Le-! Stein. This affair is to be held 16. All members are urged to at- committee in charge. ter tain at an informal Valentine Philip Levey, Charles!on Sunday April 4,: at the JewBobby Bowman and his orch- sored by the Women's Division of-venson, ,party to honor her brother, Ben- i tend. estra will furnish the music, [the Jewish Community Center Levinson, Morris Levy, J. M. Mai- ish Community Center. Invest Safely, Wiseiy in nett, and his fiancee, Goldy SeidCard Tables will be set up in aiwill be given Tuesday, February lashock, William Milder, Herbert: Contestants may register for man, Saturday February 13. ! room adjoining the ballroom for 16, at the Community Center at! Neveleff, Louis Neveleff, Henry try-outs now, at the Center or Annuity, Endowment, Life ! those who do : ot dance. 1 o'clock. !A. Newman, H. Uoddle, J. Rosen- with Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, HOSTS AT DINNER The Bikur Cholim Society will j Mrs. Nathan Nogg is chairman Proceeds from this affair will berg, I. W. Rosenblatt, Harry 'Mrs. Julius Stein, or Mre. Irvin LEOM Mr. and Mrs. A. Magzamin hold a rummage sale sometime in j of the affair. ,««p'pe»ent_ El Strong Compan. be used for resupplying the Cen- Hosenfeld, Ben Shapiro, Ben Sil-iLevin. Three prizes will be given: were hosts at a dinner, Sunday, March. Anyone wishing to •e»—Every Type of insurance conter kitchen with necessary equip-; ver, Irvin Stalmaster, Julius'first prize, twenty-five dollars, ana Bonds written. Can AT; January 31, in honor of "their tribute to the rummage sale is ment. Stein, Harry Trustin, Sam Zach-: second prize, fifteen dollars, and j /667 or WA-B15C. son, Bennett, and his fiancee, asked to call Mrs. J. Chait, We. Members ol the Kitchen Show- aria, and Miss Blanche Zimnian.: third prize, five dollars, Miss Goldy Seidman of Lincoln. 0177 or Mrs. J. Goldberg, We. er committee are Mesdames Max I All the women's organizations; Mrs. Phineas Wintroub U chairTwenty-five guests were pre- 3228. One of the successful affairs | Barish, Henry Belraont, Jacob;are cooperating. Tickets are fifty man of arrangements and will be sent at a. tea later in the aftergiven by the Junior Council of: Bernstein, _ _ _ _ J._ Blank, _ _Herman' cents and may be obtained from : assisted by Mr. Milton Rieck. noon. J e w i s h W o m e n t h i s y e a r w a s t h e ;C o h e n A[ A < Cohn^ or at the D a ; . e C r o u n s e , It h e C o m m i t t e e Com- Mrs. J. J. Friedman ia tlctet breakfast a t the Fontenelle Ho-:I s a d o r ' e Dansky, David 'Imunity • • Center. Epstein, 'chairman. The proceeds of this tel on Sunday, February 7. Ovei • j M. Erman, j . j . Friedman, J. I Mrs. Louis Neveleff is chair- \ rfair will go to the Youth Aliyah OS" BUSINESS TRIP a The Oneg Shabbos Cultural j sixty guests •were present. The . Goldware, A. M. Greenbaum, A.! man of the committee in charge' movement fund. AnyoneRae Borsky left Saturday for to New York City on a business Group, sponsored by the Vaad; latest spring fashions were mo-! G r e e nberg, David Greenberg, J . o f kitchen furnishings and Mrs. to raise Give or Get money in trip. From there she will fly to Ladies Auxiliary •will meet on! deled by Miriam Martin, Libby : j Greenberg, Max Holzman, Mor- 'irvin Stalmaster is chairman of connection -with this Amateur Florida for a ten days vacation. Saturday, February -13, at 2 P-iDolgoff, Anne p. iDolgoff, Betty Betty Siegal siegal and and A__ne; Meyer. Katzman, .the ticket sales committee. I Hour may do 80 by callins Jlrs. ris K a t i e m a n , m, at the home of Mrs. A. Sch- j Hurwitz. Toby Flax gave several j Julius Stein. waczkin, 2857 Davenport Street.!readings. VISEFS IN CHICAGO Additional names of those who will | Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky and Mrs. M. Lipp left for an ex- Rabbi Hilton A. Kopstein have rained "Give or Get" money give the first of his series, of leeMrs. M. Katelman of the Senior tended stay in Chicago where she jare the Mesdames X. Berkowfte, •will visit her daughter and son- lures on "Outstanding Jewish j Couifbil of Jewish. Women 'were j Howard Kaplan was recently Mrs. Joseph Hosenberg, chair- ; S i m o n Bordy, Heraaa Dtatkr, in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Personalities." The first to be the guests of the Junior group, [promoted to the position of news ; man of the Hadassah Gift Fund, Hennaa Cohen, »nd J. A- -Gross. "Wise. discussed •will be 'Achad Haham' Plans for a joint meeting with' editor on the . - _Daily . . _ Nebraskan _ _ . . ! announces • the following tree conwhose tenth Jahrzeit was last the Senior Council were discus- stafL Before cne can win such tributions for the Jewish Na-j T h e Monday sewing group met ENTERTAIN FOR SACHAR ' month. a position he must secure satis- tional Fund: j a t t l M j . M m e o I M r B . K. A . M e y«r sed. Sally Morgan presided. The discussion will center about COMMITTEE factory recommendations from; Mrs. Rose Cohen in memory of ^ ^ Monday afternoon Next Mrs.' Lawrence Finkel and Mrs. "Ahad Haham, His Life and Conhis professors, be a student w_t__;ner husband, Abe Cohen; T__e: M o n a a y i Julius Newman M r g , v Sam Steinberg, co-chairman of tribution to the Jewish Renaishigh scholastic rank, show init- Monday Sewing Group in m e m - j ^ ^ behosteES to the group at committee in charge of arrange- j sance Movement." iative and perserverance, and he o r y o £ M r s . E A . Meyer's grand- : h e r The first regular meeting of ment lor the Sachar lectures, en- j must have shown some journal- ' m o t n e r , Mrs. Ginsburg; Mrs. S.; the newly organized Junior Vaad tertained the~ committee Thurs- j Auxiliary was held on Monday; istic ability while acting as j _ j e - ; Feldman in honor of the birth of i T h e f i r s t o f t h e lecture series day at the home of Mrs. Finkel. j Along with his promo- n e r grandadughter, Edith Tobye' bby T R a b b i DaviS Rabbi DaviS A A. Goldstein on evening, February S, at the B'nai; porter. An Oneg Shabbos has been; tion Howard was also voted into:Feldman: Friends o* Mr. and.' "The " Junior Hadassah will hold an Israel synagogue. Jews in Germany" was givThe constitu• planned to take place after Dr. • open meeting and Purim pro- tion. was presented by the tempo-j Sigma Delta Chi< national honor- j i I r s _ j i a r t Polonsky in honor of en • last" Tuesday evening at the A. Lu Sachar's lecture on Satur- j ; ary journalism society. gram next Thursday evening. rary president, .Rebecca the Bar Mitzvah of their eon. Klrsch- j day, February 20. j The University or Nebraska Gorman; Mrs. Arthur Laserowitz February IS, at eight o'clock at enbaum and was formally accept-. d e b a t e t e a m t h a t wiil journey 0J1 ^ n e recovery from illness of the Jewish Community Center. ed. The following girls were sel- j EC WILL PAT YOB VAAD SPRING DANCE in the near future to meet h e r husband, Arthur, and son, ected to assist in a Purim Carni-: the Universities of Missouri, St. pnilip; and Mr. and Mrs. Louis To COBSBU The Vaad Auxiliary has cornLouis, and Washington will be' gp S tein in honor of tne marriage • composed of Robert Stiefler and o f their son. Sidney. Wfeen bcytrg Hotel on • Sunday, Ernest Wintroub. In the -univer- j omitted Irora a previoTis list o£ bring a _ tooth - brush, a was__| a n ( i Helen stein, DIAMONDS •will be Card Tables Sit> t r i o u t s t h a t B e r e h e l d p r e April 11. cloth,-or a dish towel to this afA rlpver qfcit waq nresented " ' ' " ' " 'tree donors was the name of Mrs. provided for those who- do not WEDDING EEXGS A ciever Skit was presenieu., v i o u s t Q t h e . e c o n d semester,1 B Fresh___an who contributed a fair and every gift will be sent to tand a reception followed. ( . ,B ^ F « » t a a n w t h e s e m e a w e r e c h o s e : b dance. Mrs. 1L Burstein has ap-. WATCHES • SILVERWARE the Palestinian hospitals _"» «•'' . The nezt meeting of the group : t h e d e b a t e c o a c h f r o m ^ U 1 ^ T Dora to Mr. sidpointed Mrs. Sidney Katelman a U r S e ^ c=£ GHT JTEITELET Purim donation. and Mrs. •William Milder as 0 n y nuaber f contestaats b rt The committee in charge _u-; „ __ •>^ o at s n^ m i n i ^ i ^ , "? £ B.2fh'! ° *° * W Cahn o f Kansas City. Julius t chairmen of the affair. Mre. CharStiefler o£ t b e t.TT,<_' ^ a s a member i chait also contributed to the eludes the Misses Ann Goodbind-; r a e l S y n a g o g U e , at TTTV,.^ les Feitman is publicity chairman wmen " m e ; T a r s i t y team last year while Ern-' t " Z7JJ&&/J er, Esther Lazerson, and Goldie jpermanen win ue eieLi l e s t % r j . o _ _ . a s n o t e l i g i b 1 f i » o r v a r . and Mrs. L. Neveleff, patron Zusman. Folio-wing the program, je^ a n ( j a chairman. committee a p - . the' c o m p e t I t l o a C 0 P P ed Purim delicacies -will be served. ipointed to plan a Cultural and s The Omaha Chapter of Hadas- j Other members of the commitAll members of the Junior Ha- | Educational program for the curtee will be announced later. ball that; dassah, the Senior Hadassah and jr e n t y e a r _ held last Saturday night was j their friends are cordially invit- j ' one of the' most successful for-' , Mt. Sinai Auxiliary ed. TESTIMONIAL ADETRESS mal dances ever witnessed on the j A regular meeting ot the Mt. j campus. A large amount of ere-' Friedman.; Sinai Ladles Auxiliary will be On Thursday evening, Febru- dit is due to Lloyd Interfraternitr ; heM Wednesday, February 17, at In last week's issue of-the Jew- ary 18, at the anual meeting of president of the 2:30 at the Adass Yeshuren Syn- ish Press, the price of corn beef! the Red Cross, Rabbi Frederick ; council, 'who was greatly responin. the ad of Diamond's Kosher j Cohn will give a testimonial ad-| s ibie for securing Bernie Cum-| agogue. Meat Market, 1512 No. 24th, was; dress in honor of Dr. A. C. Stokes 'mins and his nationally known j OFPEE WOODEN SPOON inadvertently put at 25 cents per j At the Skinner Manufacturing! orchestra. Lloyd is also one of; Purchasers of Kellogg's All- pound. It should have read ( 50 • Company dinner tendered to the'two student members on the In- j _ • ' i officers and employes of the: terfraternity Board of Control.! Bran are being given the oppor- cents> Diamond's advertisement for jHinky-Dinky Stores. Rabbi Cohnithe body which governs the! . . . youll choose.your new KELLY DONS whll* tunity of acquiring a serviceable wooden spoon. This spoon will be this week's specials appears else-i delivered an address on "The A ; Greek organizations oa the camthe selection of linens, Swisses, Heido Crepes, B. C. of Success." jpus. given with the purchase of one where in this issue. and novelty cottons is et its best! large or two "Standard size packages of Kellogg's All-Bran. The Bpoons are made of Emooth strong wood and have a wellshaped bowL They may be gotten Illustrated Is * at your -local grocer.





Dance on Sunday

A-s'.- f c



Junior Council

Vaad Oneg Shabbos


Zeta Beta Tau

Such Variety in


Herzbergs Suit Fashions

You Are Sure to Find a

Jr. Vaad Auxiliary


Junior Hadassah







If you Y wise

Nelly Don Dotted Swiss Favorite

You Can




$2.25 Since the eighth redaction in long distance telephone rates during the last ten years you can telephone at night or any time Sunday from your home in Omaha to the farthest corners of the United States for $2.50. Walter S. Gifford, president of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, said recently: "...we shall continue' with" every expectation that long distance rates may in time he further reduced, and that w h a t e v e r shortcomings there may, be in the service today -wili T_e eliminated so far as humanly possible." FIORTHWESTERH • BELL TELEPHONE , COMPANY



Limitless sre the bottndaries of tine suit scene . . . EC so matter what the necessities of your figure .,. . or tfcc inclinatioES of jour 'attcy . . , fashions tc CEptiratc rou . . . await vc in larp

Spring Dress

Fourth Floor


es lor spring


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French Room

Ravr on row of ric-rac swirling a r o u n d the swing skirt, and on collar and sleeves . . . accounts for the.popularity of this smart fashion. Choose one "or more in blue, black, brov-n or rust Sirss 12 to 20.

The d r e s s photographed is developed in soft pastels . . . or in daring bright colors or. in giddy prints. Sizes

Sutular at 5 P. M.—-KOIL v-~\:

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Q U A L I T Y K ^ traditional meCV of

French Room—Second Floor




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Hesr Herzbergs Troubadour . . * Sands? st 5 P. M. . . . ROIL





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Worry Increases In Strike Area 5E#



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BEEETS—Wearing red berets, these girls are parading in front of Fisher Body plant No. 1, in Flint. Mich. Some of the sitdown strikers whom the girls sought to encourage by the demonstration are seen i a background.

© Harris & EwiBff.





ARRIVALS — More National Guardsmen moved into Flint, Mich., as tension was tightened by the issuance of a writ of a t tachment, calling for eviction of strikers from two General Motors plants. Nearly 4,000 Guardsmen occupied the striketorn city. Above, a machine gun commands an approach to one of the plants, while Guard trucks rumble past at left a r d a detachment of new arrivals marches into position a t right. Citizens looked on seriously. "V <






.\ ^ © Harris ts Swing.

© Harris & Ewing.



ma ,

FLOOD BABY — This baby was boni4ust as Mississippi flood waters Inundated her mother's home near Victoria, Ark. She is Dmitra, daughter of Mrs. Mynia Gregory, who is holding her. At right, Dardoil takes proud interest in his new baby sister. The family was marooned three days before being rescued in a boat. They are shown a t a refugee camp near Memphis, Term.


WRIT—Homer Martin former clergyman, international president of the United Automobile workers of America, whose arrest was ordered in the writ of attachment directing the eviction of sit-down strikers in the Flint, Mich., motors plants. Fqprteen other union offlcials were ordered &rrested.

EOLD-OUTEK—Joe DiMaggio, sensational Yankee basebaU star natl to do something vrhile he held out Jiis 1,W7 contract for a larger salary. So he took himself and his uke to a, swimming pool m his home city of San Francisco and started to sing:. In no time at all he had an audience, as above. It was understood he wanted to close his salary deal at $20,000.

% w-. ^ <!



© Harris gc Swing.




^ , Art

^. e l a t ^




JUSTICES OVER SEVENTY—President Roosevelt's message to Congress, asking power to appoint an additional judge in Federal courts when an incumbent has reached the age of 70 and has not retired, calls attention to the members of the United States Supreme Court shown above, all over 70.

1 " \ *



SCION—Viscount Pedro Domecq of Jerez, ^Spain, scion of the famous Spanish distilling company, as he arrived a t the I n ternational Pan-American - airport i n Miami, Fla;, from a winter visit to Cat Cay. He fled DINNER BUDDIES—Grover Whalen,. president of the New York turbulent Spain a few weeks World's Fair, gave a dinner in New York to diplomats and Conbefore this picture was taken, gressional representatives. Here is how the cameraman happened after thrilling experiences in his to catch Representative Hamilton Fish, left, of New York, and native country. Senator Joseph T. Robinson of Arkansas, at the dinner.

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REFUGEE CHILDREN PLAT—"This is the way we go to church—" So sang these



Tiding recreation as well as food and clothing.



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HAUPTMANN'S WD3OW — Mrs. Bruno Richard Hauptmann, widow of the convicted and executed Lindbergh baby slayer, as she appeared recently at a court hearing in Brooklyn, N. Y., where * sh& testified before the indictment of Ellis H. Parker, Sr., New : Jersey detective. With her is her small son, Mannfried. The Parker-Wendel case was an outgrowth of the Lindbergh case. ;











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" S ^ K ' ^ 0 . A BROKEN SUBWAY—Rebel bombers scored a direct hit on this subway tunnel in MadrioVSpain, ripping a huge hole in the ceiling. Part of the roof may be seen caved inorpon the tracK/Oovemment ^volunteers patrplthe subway t o keep refugees away from a further possible caveui as the result of weakened walls. Civilian population often crowded into subway tunnels when the warning drone,of enemy airplanes was heard. .

SEBTKBAY — All Egypt made vast preparations to celebrate the 17th birthday of the youthful King Faronk on Feb. 11. Only son of the late King Fuad and Her Klajesty, Queen Nazli, he acceded to the throne in April. upon his father's death. He is an ardent sportsman and & fluent lirguist.

BERG-BAUER-BARROW—What with this clab a i d f w

advocated for special golf shots. Pstt^ E e | l f - e l ° f apolis Dnks sensation, had*to get a wheeSarrow *or



J. C. C. Sports By BAY SOHAFIEO In the mad scramble for successor to Manny Goldberg as J. At Friday-night services Rabbi C. C. handball ruler, four sharks Milton A. Kopstein -wlil speak on fought their -pray to the Eemi-fi"Twenty Years of Balfour Decla- nals last week in some :torrrid matches. • ration." • : 1 Saturday morning, Rabbi KopThe concensus of the "balcony stein -will speak on the Portion experts" seems to be that Jake j of the "week at the Beth Hame- Schriebman, the curly-haired pindrosh Hagodol Synagogue, 19th shot artist who is making such a sensational comeback in the fourand Burt street. ' ' ' wall swatting, will be the most likely occupant of the vacated Beth-El . 'At services tonight, Rabbi Da- throne. Jake plastered some beauties vid Al Goldstein •will speak on "Abraham Lincoln and Thomas all over the lower portion • of the front wall against another Jake, Paine — American Heroes." Next -week Dr. Abram lu Sach- Adler by last name getting a 21ar yrill give his lecture on "Five 17, 21-12 victory. ' Down in the lower bracket, Pattern of Jewish Life." Cantor Aaron 'Edgar and choir will lead roly-poly Jack Ban is cutting a considerable patli with his speedthe service. jball shots. His most notable tri| umph came on Tuesday over dark Temple Rabbi Frederick Conn -will oc- and sweaty Millard Sigal, .21-17, cupy the pulpit at Temple Israel 21-10. Millard who hits beautiat services tonight. He will speak fully with either hand, and who on "The Jewishness of Abraham also croons in a pinch, couldn't cope with Jack's bulls eyes to Lincoln." Saturday morning services will the corners. Murray /Wintroub, the young begin at 11 o'clock. lawyer-man, was doing some considerable surprising by beating VAAD FATHER AND Sam; Teper, 21-14, 21-6. Max Turner, the all-around selection SOKSERVICES of two years ago, bounced leftThe Vaad Father and Son ser-handed Georgie Schapiro out of vices, which will be held regular- the tournament in a I sizzling ly every Sunday morning at -8 three-gamer, 21-19, 13-21, 21-14. o'clock at the B'nai Israel syna- • The Class B handball boys axe gogt^ ISth and Chicago streets, also having a time of it. Sam Epwere conducted by Rabbi Milton stein, the mighty mite, brushed aside Lou Saks, 21-17 21-17 In a A. Kopstein last Sunday. A splendid attendance of par-dandy match. Paul' Steinberg ents *and children joined in the went three game to beat Gerber, traditional worship and chanting 11-21, 21-15, 21-15. Sam Shapiro of traditional prayers. After ser- had to come back from a onevices a meeting took place at game deficit to lick Paul Bogdonwhich a sponsorship committee Off, the Alpha Pi Tau man, 1321, 21-20, 21-12. Hy Gendleman was chosen.


J. C. considers it quite an honor that he was chosen as official at the World-Herald Golden Gloves boxing matches . . . BuJ ask Lee if it Panthers was an honor when he got gen-Bears erously slugged trying to part a ! Lions couple of battlers! ' ! Tigers

Those serving : on this commit- revealed some power in turning tess are: Dr. O. S. Belzer, Sam back M. L. Levey, 21-12, 21-6. Werner, H. Marcus, Irving BrookRoaring along the titular trail stein, Harry 1A. Cohen, Max Marwith the motor and cutout wide cus, and Dr. Leon Fellman. crew added another victory in open, Barish-Sanders basketball Women's Division Classes their unbeaten string last week by trouncing the. gallant Alpha The Regular "Women's Divi- Pa Tau team, 34 to 22, in the sion classes will be held at the feature of last week's Class A Center, "Wednesday, February 17, basketball skirmishes at the Cenat t h e Community Center follow- ter on Sunday, ing a dessert luncheon. The Sanders have the passing, v Rabbi Cohen will continue his the experience, the fight, and the -p«- lectures. shot-makers. It takes a pretty good basketball club to beat a four-star special gang like that. Women's Mizrachi A. P. T. wasn't up to the task. Psi Mus stayed in the running •• • • An important meeting of -the performance "Women's Mizrachi will be held jwith^a crackerjack . , next ."Wednesday afternoon, Febr- j against A. Z. A. 100, sprinting to a 46-20 -victory-in -a breeze.' Iz Plans are being made to have Bogdonoff continued to be a first Gedaliah Bublicfc, former presi- cousin with the aoop with no less dent of Mizrachi, appear before than 19 points. Millard Sigal was the organization. " He 'will be in becoming something of a relative Omaha next -week, and the organ- himself with 14 points, all of ization plans to; honor him. Over fifty Women' were present at the benefit bridge given by Mrs. M. Brodkey, president of the organization. All members- of the organization are urged to follow Mrs. Brodkey's example, since those holding these affairs are eligible to attend the group's "donors luncheon," to be given in the spring.

Joy Lashinsky; secretary^' Lillian A. Z. A. No. 1 Katz, treasurer and Joyce Blum- A. Z. A. No. 100 kin, reporter.

Junior Leiyrne Sharpshootters ,• ) 6 ' 1 Council Bluff J AZA 4 3 Omaha Jobbing Co. . 4 3 A regular meeting of the GoldRamblers 0 ' 7 ie Meyerson .Group- was held at j This Week's Schedule the Jewish Community Center on February 14: No Senior League Tuesday, February 9. Plans were made for a purim Luncheon for Games Scheduled. February 16: Omaha Jobbing Tuesday, February 23 at the Jewish Community Center. A. paper vs. Ramblers; Sharpshooters vs. on ''What Purim Means to Us Co. Bluffs A. Z. A. No 7. Today" will be read. A musical program is also being arranged. Tickets for this luncheon which is open to t h e ' public are thirtyfive cents and reservations . may be made with Mrs. Herman Cohen, Gl. 2684. • Mrs. Meyer Levy was appointed chairman of the committee drawing .up plans for. the card party to be held in the near future.' .••-•:-..••-, . ' '

Jewry Urged to Mobilize Behind Jewish Homeland London (JTA) — Dr. Selig Brodetsky,vice ^president of the British Zionist Federation, appealed at a -meeting, of the association called' to consider "the critical Palestine situation" for mobilization of Jewish forces behind the Jewish lomeland. Speaking of the "great struggle" Zionists faced in regard to the Royal Commission v/hich investigated the Palestine situation he expressed the hope that Great Britain would honor an agreement which, he said, it had entered into voluntarily and enthusiastically twenty years ago... "' He .added "that the Jews had no intention of retreating from the Balfour Declaration, which pledged Britain to facilitate creat i o n of a Jewish homeland in the : "olv Land. . . •'

In the snappy junior league •which is delighting Tuesday night patrons of the \J. C. C, Sharpshooters were really living up to their name as they smashed the Ramblers, 24 to 7. Carl Fredricks and Buddy Wintroub led a. searing attack for the winners. ; Omaha Jobbing boys won in a thrilling game over A. Z. A. No. 7 by a score of 18 to 17. From the way the Council Bluffs lads have been playing of late, the results tinges of an upset. -Here and there: Our present day girls are either becoming v.ery active or a bit overweight . . . At any rate,.Lee Grossman, who might have a lof to do with it, with all his charms, reports that between 25 and 20 girls have been taking regular gym class . . » Also there are between 18 and 20 women taking part in matron class activity for the women . . . Just because the temperature goes to low outdoors, your thoughts freeze Just thinking about it, is no reason swimmers shouldn't be taking their splashes in the J. C. C. pool . . . Now is the time to get ready for your summer swimming by taking'a dip in the Center water . . .. The temperature is around 75 or 80 and you can't do that good at Palm Springs, Calif... . . and boy, it costs a lot of money to go there . . . Lee Grossman

1 that of a French Ambassador'» . . | Mr. Kaplan in his tallr expressed Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dansky jenCO uraging hopes that Palestine are proud parents, and rightfully ;w o u l d additional thouenable jso . . . when congragulated be-; s a n d B o f une mplpyed Jevs in Po| cause of the remarkable scholar- j l a n d { 0 emigrate t 0 t ) j e jeviih jly record of their t^o sons they; h o m e l i n d ^ ^ _ When returning replied in their usual modest; h o m e o n a S t m d a y ey^ t u n e in t h t other th b ld acac manner that boys could W. O, "W. a t 12:16 ana listen to complish the same if they but the soothing melodies of Ida. Git-

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2. 0


Lions. Jack Melcher, Sam Hor-1straight games with the Lions, until February ltl. The GoUl«i, wich, and Oscar Meyerowitch led:Doc Platt smacked into the pins Gloves Tounuimrm ;.i fiu- 8 m ; . the Bears in the two victories for one game of 224. He was the jtorium Imp captured the bo^-twith games of 203, 212, and 205 only bowler to cross the cherish- fOr n e x j Tuesday nic'nt PIH? it !•• respectively. ed "200" mark among the Lions hoped the layoff will revive ttu>i>! The lowly Tigers fought hard and Tigers. an<i bring out some good bow-lint and emerged the victor in three • Bowling will be: discontinued j on the sixteenth and thereafter.


a red-hot bunch. Xi Lambdas continued to show they are a formidable team by beating Lee Grossman's scrappy and well-passing A. Z. A. 1 o u t fit^ 23 to 18. Morrie Franklin heaved enough toward the iron rung to ring the bell for 12 of the victor's points.

IiEAGtJE STANDINGS Senior League ! At the last meeting of the Bun- Name "W cateers Club held at borne of Hel- Barish-Sanders . 7 en Kooperman the following new Psi Mu .6 officers were elected: . Dolores Xi Lambda 4 Ruby Sklar, president; Ethlyn Alpha Pi Tau • :Z'•'•'

VT 10 8 7 6

| After Tuesday night's bowling L; meet at the Ak-Sar-Ben Alleys, g 'the Panthers found themselves in „ : first place by a safe margin. The ' ; Bears defeated the Panthers in 8 j two out of three games and mov9 ied into second place ahead of the


which came in the first half. The A. Z. A. laas are to be commended for a fine performance against


C. Bowling League


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Soref, Eph Gershater, Morris Kirschenbaum, Lazer Singer, Buster Slosberg and Joe Soshnik . / . -At Creighton University, Bernlce Bordy was high among the Coeds in the freshman class Kith-a j95 1-2 average . . . . Gertrude jOruch was high among the sopihomore group with a 93 . . . Arts 'seniors receiving better than a 95 II included "William Gray Over ! at Omaha University we pasB a ! laurel sprig to Pauline Rosenbaum, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. j D. Rosenbaum, who earned sev-1 enteen hours of "A" in all subjects in her freshman year , . .

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Kosher Kommentator

One of Miami's most, useful citizens, so Rabbi Frederick Cohn reports, is Sol Goldstrom, a former Omahan . . . Goldgtrom, a dynamic individual, operates one of the largest bakery concerns in Florida . . . prominent in civic affairs and busies himself also in behalf of Jewish organizations . . . A belated news addition to the Forbes-Roitstein nuptials: The name of Mrs. Morris (Ann) Roitstein as maid of honor was inadvertently omitted . . . pretty Ann is a very gracious Women's Work Recognized young matron . . . Michael AnUnreserved criticism the.local gelo Roth, a descendant of the members of B'nai Brith who failfamous artist, (osserl) exj>3oiled to respond in sufficient numteer. raconteur, equestrian and jbers at the "VTomens award night socialite, is a "love acrobat" . . hast Monday eve . . . While the . he has be#T3 "tumbling" i'or lodge room was comfortably fillTillie 1 : Hy Weisberg. & mer• ed, there was a noticeable abchandise traveler who hails isence of our devout lodge brefrom Chicago, ffine? frequently jthren . . . However, the officers

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Good K c r c h c n ^

! of Omaha Lodge are to "be con- •with Helen Cnstferhfrn, the gi-1 j emulated for the introduction Tritli the expressive orbs . . . ;of this noteworthy geFture, that The style shop presented bj"

! of recognizing the sterling: worth J and value of the Womens Organiizations in the city . . . Those abjsent missed a rare spportunity to ihear one of the noted women oriators of the nation . . . Her inaniner of speech and confident bear'ing enchanced her value as a speaker . . . Her subject: ""VTouSen in a Changing: World" created strict attention throughout her lecture . . . T h e presentation of the "Certificates of Award" to the heads of the organizations suggests to us also that the secretaries of the various organizations are deserving of consideration . . . It is they who bear the task • of keeping and considerable i detail work that is also of valuea I importance . . . Let us hare continued recognition of the efforts of our Women workers and the organizations they represent . . . Aw Main! !.' ! !

Radio and Theatre Chatter


This Is our last "Special" for the winter . . lasting all through February . . . Any TWO regular 75c garments

Morris Dan- lin, accompanied by the studio made the effort sky, an Arts senior at Creighton o r g a n i s t . , . a program tnat *>roUniversity topped all students |m i a e g relaxation of the mind at with an average of 96 . . • A t | t h e c l 0 B e o j a gtrennouB Central High, the younger I * « H o n Tuesday eve. at 8:30 p. m. sky (Abraham) secured 5 A'« t o | nOTCT T B r 1the h o nC.•,B. S. network, George rank among the leading pupils Givot, the "Greek Ambassador" Jewish pupils with 5% A'B at will be the guest artist on the Central included Mildred .Laytin, Jack Oakie ^program . . . Givot is Belle Sommer and Joel Abraiiam- currently appearing an R. K. O. Bon . » . ThoBe receiving 5 A's picture "When's Tour Birthday" were Anurah Gershater, Etta BtarTing Joe Brown . . .


"Sally's" at a Smidiij-


fast at the Fontenelle. under the auspices of the .Iisnior Council fo Women, attracted a Iarg;e rsiimber of "clothes-hunting" lassies . . . the models were Libby JJoIfroff, Betty Segal, Marian 3Isrtin and Annette Hiirrvitz . . . The "5orsia Henie" effect as introd-nced by Sliss Mnrtin evoked some gles" . . . Harry Janger Sadye Tatelmaji arc consulting railroati time tables . . . in anticipation of their honeymoon . . they \vlil he wed. next month . . "Bashful" Beim Falk wants to know if the 'parallel center' referred to in Karl Kndek's treason trial in Russia refers to a football came . . , Xo. Benny, but *'left wing" is a more popular football expression, meaning the left sine of the line . . . which Kaflck apparently chose, thus receiving Stalin's top in the spot where the football peneralij- receives it . . . Seen emerging from the Omaha Pnhlic Library the literary minded 3Irs. Jlatt (Eth-

Omahans visiting in Xew York are advised to see "The Eternal Road" playing at the Manhattan Oprea House . . . The production : so we are told is nothing short of searching for proper material ; amazing . . . It is said that the for her participation in the in| play will become the greatest sin- formal discussion which fol;gle influence in bringing the non- lowed Rabbi Goldstein's' lecijew to better understanding of ture at the home of Mrs. I#onis i the Jew . . . We sincerely hope Alberts last Tnesday . . Among i that the play will be presented in the generous and whole henrt! our city or its vicinity . . . . The etl workers of the older womj Cultural group of the Omaha He- en, the coTJSciencions endeavibrew Club have been extended an ors of 5Jrs. Kate Tatle fire veil j invitation to produce the play known to the community . . . "Der Freinder" by a Lincoln or- though a septuagenarian she is ganization . . . In our'review-cf still very active in the affairs the play the previous week we of worthy organizations . . . mentioned the name of S. Ruder- HymaTi srad Ann Ferer arc man instead of Hyman Ruder- basking in the Hsvana snnman, as one whom so capably re- shine with their two youngpresented one of the characters . sters, Ksrvey rad IJamelic . « . . . Radio listeners who tuned in last Saturday at 6:15 p. m. to i To.-*- --* ?«---N . "The Message of Israel" program j * Jli '** iJ " i •"- tJ -" w : T h e !heard a very informative and edsocial event, d the season. jucational eddress by Rabbi Louis -the dance affair Sunday night st Mann.. . . Following this program the.Blackstone . . . Beth El Auxthe N. B. C. -network presented; ^ s - ^ committee headed by Sirs. 'the voice of Dr. Isadore Goldstein ! Ernest (Ruth) Xogg end Mrs. chairman of the United Palestine jMaynard f Sally) Greenberg reAppeal in this country. Remin-'Port a lETge advance sale of ticUscent of the announcer of the kets . . . . The play "Petticoat FeviMarch "of Time prosTsm.- heier" at the Center, V-Tea. and I boomed an announcement of the Thurs . . . several new f l y e r s m ! Palestine Appeal in Palestine: the cast making their first cpa speech thct sounded Lke


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Fago S,

• cabinet, the Jugoslavian parliaFriday afternoon at 2 o'clock in I down. Let us, therefore, look Nebraska today to attend the re-j more Minute Tapioca, j mer<t was told by Deputy Zhivota the home of Mrs. E. E. Baron. forward to the report of the Roy-gioaal district A. Z. A. tourna- j The pool again picts Bine CrctMrs. C* H. Hoyt will review al Commission with a healthy meat this week end. They will I by as the outstanding male « -r-~•Honorable 'Estate' by Vera Brit- pessimism, with a not at all cyn-participate in all of the activities, j of popular songs. He is "c "c c pi icte r e c <; :ed in order by Frank Vcr^. ~, tain and "The People, Yes" byical but very realistic attitude. - r Jif >.R7? propaThe reply to any injustice, to any The Chevra B'cai Yisroel So- i then Kenny Baker, Benny's likCarl Sandburg. , ? € book Of 00New York (TTXS) — Is Slaver chicanery, to ugly partisanship ciety have taken charge of locatjabie, naive tenor, and Lenny i c c~tP.nl/er b : and policy is closer Jewish inte- orders of all Passover needs for!Ross of the Maxwell House Show V/ins Scholarship J; A militant chsrcpion oi the f..r.- , gration behind Palestine, a tire- local Jewry and proceeds will go Boat. less appeal to all consciences in to the Chevra B'nai Yisroel.synPALESTINIAN ARTISTS The effect of Jack Benny's in- ti-N£.zi • oycott and a member cf Marvin Klass, son of Mr. andthe world not utterly poisoned or agogue. Anyone who wishes to I the board of directors of . the i fluence is felt even in the poll iNon-Sectarian. APPEAR HERE THURSDAYMrs. I. L. Klass, 912 Jennings hardened, more mosey, more place their orders at this time j for favorite Anti-Nazi League, ** studio announcer; street, has been awarded a money( since we have and want may do so by calling Mrs. Abe'Doa Wilson, well known chanip- i the Mayor learned f.c his embs.r-. Brachah Zflrah, interpreter of scholarship by the Harvard Uni- neither arms nor force) and G-ilinsky, phone 1797-J, who is in lion of Jell-O, wins the title in jrassnient that the Police Depart-' ^ 7 ? Palestinian and Oriental folklore, versity law school. therefore in the long run more charge for the synagogue. | this division by a wide margin. ment has purchaser!'ten riew me-; itorcj-eles equipped with generaWill appear in a concert next Klass, who was graduted from land, more people, a stronger and Eabbi Wice of Omaha to be Thursday evening, February IS, Morningside college in 1936 with stronger Yishuv. To prepare to —— [Runner-up to Wilson ia Harry t o r s merle in Germany. "i ' , A, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen left j Von Zell, who is heard every Sun- I This disclosure, which vieigt.es Principal Speaker i ia the Jewish Community Center. highest scholastic, honors, in the make this reply to any negative Wednesday r rm morning for Excel-;day afternoon with bis bantering Assisting her will be ; vNachum class, entered Harvard L a w aspects of the coining report of sior Springs, Missouri. They ex-1 confreres, Stoopaagle and Budd, ja municipal r^TuIatioc forbidding : Rabbi David H. Wlce of Temple Nardi, pianist and composer. ! school last "fall. The scholarship the Royal Commission is the purIsrael in Omaha, -will be the Both artists are Palestinians who was won by completing in an op- pose of the great conference on pect to be gone about two weeks. Ion the Minute Tapioca program. :I the purchase of foreicE-made i ! Since he came to General r goods, was made in affidavits f"iprincipal speaker at the annual are touring the United States, in tional examin-.tion open to all Palestine to be summoned in ! eC. in t h e Supreme Court fcy the,' Mrs. Harry Brown of Seattle, Foods' Jell-0 program in the banquet of the Federation of a series of concerts. Their re- first year law students. .... >.• Washington early in February. In Washington, is spending a couple I Fall of 1954, Jack Benny has : inciian Motorcycle C o m p a n y [ Jewish Social Service nest Tues- cital in Slou$ City ia being sponHe-was one of the 19 who were this once more critically impor- of weaks here visiting at " the i never failed to take first honors 'against the city End CoraiEission- : , day ' evening in the Jewish Com,- sored by the local branch of the the scholarships out of tant hour of history American home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Stein- jin both classifications opea to I er of Purchase Russell Forbes ' i munity Center. Attendance at National Workers alliance. Mr. awarded the 300 first year law men whoJewry Is the chief defender of the berg. Numerous affairs are being j him in The Wcrld-Telegram poll jchaigicg: the i with buying a ri- r this annual event which ha3 inLouis Shindler Is in charge of ar- took the examinations. Jewish people and of the honour 'val machine, the Harley-Davidson ( c if previous year's attracted the rep-rangements and the ticket sale. of all the still free peoples. The given in her honor during her j of radio editors; best comedian. iwhich contain^ Bosch (German) - t , Visit. j Opinions of the editors have resentative members' of the Jewconsciousness of that extraordin'magnetos. It_ r c ish Comunityj Trill be limited to The program-which will begin been substantially verified by naary station and function ought to Society News 350 and everyone planning to at- at &:15 o'clock will include the ; „ The Council Bluffs Agudas Ac- tional pools made in the * past | arouse, to fortify and to inspire tend is urged to make, reserva- following numbers: "As the Day Mr. and Mrs. J. Jacobson, 815 our people to the highest possible him Society will hold a regular I three years by is&dfEg audience- 1 Jzgzslcvs Told Kczis \; tions for the banquet not later of Rest Departs" (Hebrew), "Let Tenth street, anounce the, engage- effort and sacrifice. meeting next Thursday evening, | checking agencies which arrive at Mount Zion Rejoice" (Hebrew), than Monday evening. February IS, at 8:30 o'clock at j their results from ballots repre-"1 • Ffncncc Fcscisi Partr "Echoes", "Lullaby", "I Have a ment and aproaching marriage the Eagle Hall.. Mr. ..Adolph M. Davis, former Garden and a Well" (by Bialik), of their daughter Miss Frances senting a cross-section of radio ; president of the Federation will "The Song of Ruth" "Flowers Helen Jacobson of Los Angeles (Coypright 1937 By Seven Arts listeners. Benny not only ranks j Belgrade (WXS) — Germany > Feature Syndicate) act aa toastmaster. Mr. E. N. from the Sack", "The She Goat", to Herman G. Mintzer, son of uppermost in the estimation of ! is financing a Fascist and anti- r Benny Again Leads th£\critical Grueskin, president of the Feder- 'The Doll in her Carriage", "The Mr. and Mrs. N. Mintzer of New men of the press, but i Semitic mo. ement in Jugoslavia i ation >and Community Center will Two Dolls" "God — The Hero" York City. I I I !he is also supreme ia the raind o£ i under the leadership of M. Lyo-' ^ give hi3 annual report, as •will (By Bialik)'. Miss Jacobson is a member of 1 9 S S A n n u a l P o l l ! t h e h >' PKrcr£tical r a d i o audience. ! titch, a former member of the '\ Mrs; David 'Wigodsky, superinAlpha Gamma Epsilon sorority tendent. of Morningside College. Mr. MinJack Benny, Jell-O salesman OK KELLOGG BROADCAST tzer is a graduate of New York Jacfc Merlin will lead the comAUXILIARY MEETING extraordinary, for the third time, _ munity singing; with Abe Satin's university and a member of Delin as many years breezes home! G e n e a n d G I e n ^ . *' h °se "clever BY F. B. K. i orchestra playing during the ta Sigma Tau Fraternity. The Ladles. Auxiliary of Shaare an easy winner of practically aI1 1 breacasts are heard over WOW dinner. ush t i e Zion synagogue -will meet _next 1936 radio titles except that o f I ta&r er o £1Ten Cornbelt Network; Rabbi .Theodore N. Lewis of Tuesday afternoon, February 16 Sioux City guests at the wed- The Council Bluffs Senior Ha- "best instrumental soloist." A c - ip r o g r a i B .S baj r f rt eh ee i rt a En d nlsa t h e i r Mount Sinai Temple, Rabbi H. in the synagogue social hall atfding of Miss Edith Skalovsky and cording to ballots cast by 2 52 ! K e l l o s P° °rs, the R. Rabinowitz of Shaare Zion promptly 2 o'clock. Mrs. JoeiLouis E. Chesen returned Mon- dassah has postponed its annual lpading radio editors in the sixth | = Company. card party and Linen Shower^ and Rabbi Sol Eolotnikov of the Kutcher will preside and Mrs. A. I day from Omaha where the marNew York World-Tele-1 Gene's right name is Eugene Orthodox Synagogues will also H. Baron will be in charge of the riage was solemnized Sunday in •which was scheduled, for next annual gram radio poll, Jack Beany is'Francis Carroll and Glenn's is j week, until Wednesday afternoon speak on the work of the Feder- program. the home of Mr. and Mrs. ; Abe "best comedian'" for the | Glen Owen. They spend consid-1 ation and the Community Center. Featured on the program will Somberg, with Rabbi Milton, Kop- February 24, at 2:30 o'clock at named the Hotel Chieftain. Mrs, Max fourth consecutive year and for | erable time in the studio quesMr. Jacob Kalin and Mr. Bar-be a group of questions on Jew-stein officiating. other artists, announcers, is chairman in charge of the third year ia leader of the i tioning ney Baron are co-chairmen of ish life, under the "heading of The bride's parents Mr. and j Simon "best program." 1 a Q d engineers as to the merits of this affair, and Mrs. Albert the' arrangements. Mrs. J. Kalin "Ask the Rabbi". A presentation Mrs. Eli Skalovsky, Joe SkalovIn winning the latter title, j their program. and -Mrs. William Lazere are in of "The Book of Memories" and sky, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Krasne is program chairman. charge of the reservations and an interpretation of the book Skalovsky attended as did the Each\ person is asked to bring a Benny and his hilarious Jell-O j They first combined their eftickets; Mrs. S. Shulkin and Mrs.that has been compiled by a lo- parents of the bridegroom, Mr. piece of linen at this affair to be gang were credited with almost j forts in Cleveland -where they j sent to the Palestiniau Hospitals. twice as many votes as the near- j t^ere an immediate success and j B. 'Shindler, the menu; Mrs. R.:al society/ will be given. ' and Mrs. E. Chesen Miss Rose This aT est competitor. Jack Benny's j e since been one of the most j affair is open to all memH. Emleln the dining room. Mrs. Ruth Kress will give a Chesen, Mrs. I. Bashefkin and consistently successfud " record,! popular radio teams on fete air. J .This banquet and annual meet- reading from 'The Eternal Road' daughter "Rose. Mr. and Mrs. bers and their friends. gains stature when it is consid- { Outside the studios the boys j Ing of tho Federation affords by Franz Werfel. Jack Chesen of Lincoln attended ered that his .outstanding recog- [ diversions "are very simple. In the Sioux Cityans the opportunity of More than one hundred twenRefreshments will be served the wedding also. nition has been gained in a half-1 winter the3' tend strictly to the acquainting themselves with the at the- conclusion of the program. ty-five persons attended t h e hour entertainment in competi- business of preparing and giving •work of tho Jewish Community With more than 100 relatives twenty-third anniversary celebra- tion almost entirely with full I their broadcasts. Regardless of Center;'and* the' Directors of the 63 and friends present, Miss Rose tion of the Council Bluffs Agudas Federation In their announce- HEBREW MOTHERS CLUB Zelinsky, daughter of Mrs. J. Zel-Achim last Thursday evening, hour programs, accrding to the!the ^eath " they find time for editors. ' Jong walks. ment of the Banquet urge Sioux insky, 1919 Douglas street, and February 4, at the Eagle Hall. They thoroughly enjoy giving I City Jewry to attend. Benny is also kink of the comAt their meeting Tuesday af- Sidney Raskin, son of Mr. andMr. O. Hochman was'chairman in programs. Gene is able to ; ternoon; the Hebrew Mothers Mrs. Harry O. Raskin, 900 Six-charge of this affair, and was as-edians with a score again nearly | their Ja the mouth organ and guitar | Club made plans for a card par- teenth street were married at 5 sisted by Mr. Sam Sacks and Mr.twice as large as that of his clo-;Ps t*Tt J l e same time and takes the j ty to be held March. Acknowledg- o'clock' ' Sunday afternoon in Charles Saltrman. The program sest competitor, F r e d Allen.! ment of a monetary gift from Shaare Zion Synagogue. Mrs. included a group of Hebre-w folk Among the comedy leaders fol-j Parts of both "Jake" and 'Lena'. Mrs. J. Zelinsky on the.occasion Frank Huntsman played the wed-'songs, rendered by Cantor E. lowing Fred Allen in order are of her daughter's wedding,, was ding music. Rabbi H. R. Rabin-tEellz of Omaha, accompanied by Bob Burns, talented newcomer. Rabbi Isaac 3,1. VCise m an made at the meeting. owitz and Cantor A. Pliskin of- Miss Ruth Shyken, and Miss Shir- George Burns and Grade Allen^ addres following Lincoln's death Sellz of Omaha, accompanied by consistent favorites, and Colonel'said that Lincoln had told him he Plans were made to give a par- ficiated. • Maurice, Samuel, noted American Jewish author and lecturer, ty for the children who participaMr. and Mrs. Raskin left Sun- view of .the activities of the or- Stoopnagle and Pudd, whose ris-j believed himself to "be of Hebrew will, visit Sioux City next Wed- ted in the program at the recent day night for Chicago where they ganization. Remarks were given ing popularity" is'helping'to "sell J parentage. nesday, February 17, and address Talmud Torah Banquet, and it will visit before making their by Mr.l Harry Kubby, president of the organization, and Mr. Sam an open meeting in-the Jewish was voted upon :to donate : ?5.00 home in the Follis Apartment. Rosenthal, past president. FolCommunity Center in the even- to the Red Cross. • Mrs.. N, Matlin ing a t .8:15 o'clock. His lecture presided, at the meeting. - Miss Velma Beechen departed lowing the program, a buffet will be sponsored by, the B'nai this- -week for Lncoln, Nebraska lunch was served. B'rith Lodge and the Inter-Club where she has enrolled at the Oneg Siiabbos Council. There will be no adThe Council Bluffs Lodge No. University of Nebraska. mission charge. 68S of the B'nai Brith held a Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Sioux Cityans who heard Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Nate Goldberg, meeting Monday evening at the hold its Oneg Shabbps meetSamuels in a lecture here sever- will 907 Iowa Sttreet announce the Eagle Hall. Plans were made for tomorrow afternoon • at 3 al years ago Trill remember him ing birth of a son on February 4 at a Dance to be held at the Hotel o © © j'clock in the home of Mrs. Barfor his comprehensive knowledge the St. Joseph hospital. Chieftain .next month. Mr. Siiey Baron, 1810 Grandvlew. of Jewish life today, and for his mon Steinberg has been chosen brilliant manner in presenting his Mrs. Herman Licht will speak as chairman in charge of this m the Jew during the French subject. . dance. . Mr. Samuel has had a varied devolution. Current events will (Continued from, page 1) and colorful career. Educated In e presented and a discussion Mrs. Rae Ross left Sunday for England and graduating from will follow. one-hundred per cent • endorse^ Excelsior Springs,. Missouri to be Singing of Hebrew songs will the "University of Manchester, he ment of the Jewish Agency and gone for about two weeks. -continued to study In various e led by Miss Bessie Resser. the Zionist - world-organization as Mrs. A. H. Baron is chairman of French and German Universities. instrumentalities of the Jewish Word ha3 been received here Following the war he served for the program. people's self-redemption and • it of the death of Mrs. H. Meyers of one year with the United States would have to be a condemnation Los Angeles, California last FriPogrom Investigation Committee J, C, C, BASKETBALL TEAM of Arab pseudo-political brigan- day, February 5, at the home of to - Poland, and the Inter-Allied dage, murder, myth-mongering, her daughter Mrs. Morris ShulReparations Commission in Paris, The Jewish Community Center disturbance of the peace and In- kin. She was seventy-eight years YOU will find « dozen Berlin^ and Vienna." Basketball Team won their four- creasing prosperity of their own old. Mrs. Meyers, is survived by j uses dally for this fine Making annual pilgrimages to th straight league game when land — a peace and prosperity seven daughters, Mrs. Charles! -Palestine • to follow its develop- they deafted the Tabernacle team which they have done nothing to Saltzman of Council Bluffs, Mrs. j wooden mixing- spoon. ment a t first hand, Mr. Samuel 23 to 14. Al Zeligson was high create. o r even to deserve) but Joe. Gilinsky of Omaha) Mrs. Leoj BIECC of ssaooib, strong has written a number of authen- point man for the winners with which they are magnanimously Marion of San Diego, and Mrs. asked and "in sober fact, besought tic books on the progress of the four field- goals for .8 points. RoShulkin, Mrs. Harry Kahn, Mrs. wcxocU vitli; E wellJewish reconstruction of . Pales- senthal was next with 7 points. to share. Joe Slotsky, and Miss Lillian sliapcd ibov/L Ides! f©r tine; -Among his books are 'Jews The guarding of Gene Sherman No, there is a stupid fatality Meyers, all of Los Angeles. Mrs. . on Approval', "You Gentiles,' 'I, and Len stein held the. losers about these things. We have hadi Meyers is a . former resident of all isixsEg, s u e for i the Jew.' He l a s also written a forwards' scoreless. The J^ C. C. as everyone knows, previous gov- Omaha. Funeral services were novel and a number of essays. team is tied-for aecond place with ernment reports. And they were held Sunday afternoon in Los jellies or His translation of i the work of a 800 percentage. ' •• ' in each instance shifty, dishonest Angeles. i ia regarded as. one of the Any Omaha team in the age and partisan. But for that very finest, -•'-... limit of 12 to 15 wanting a game reason it has been possible to A group of members' of the IIogg'i ALL* r may get in touch with . Charles nullify them gradually and grad- Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of ^ ar.d gel this •',•:. ' > ' A ' . ' Z . A . .;. Shindler, 1724 Hamilton--street. ually in practice to live . them the A. Z. A." are going to Lincoln, i

x f




You'll fee

epons TV^.V- pi J

'-'.Mount. Sinai. * ,

Sioux City chapter of A. Z. A. be. •well represented at the District A.: Z. A. tournament this Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will •week end in Lincoln, Nebraska, speak this evening at Mount Si•with almost 25 members in at- nai Temple on "Akiba -— Saint tendance, and contestants enter- and-Martyr." , ed" in the debating, oratorical arid Rabbi Lewis will speak Sunday basketball contests. evening at the A. Z. A. TournaThe Sioux City A. 5J. A. choir ment Banquet in Lincoln, Nebr. •with Jack Merlin as cantor will conduct the synagogue services this evening. r Members of the choir, include Jack Merlin, Bob Rabbi H. R,- Rabinowitz will Cohen, Leonard Lebowita, Haskell Lazere, Earl Novich, David speak this evening at Shaare Zion Tilevitz, Sam RIvin and Phil Ze- synagogue on 'Gilded Exterior —HollowWithin.' Cantor A. Pllsligson. ' Joe Goldstein, will " represent kin and the synagogue choir will Sious City in the oratorical con- chant the ritual. At the Junior. Congregation test while Haskell Lazere and David Olensky will compose the services tomorrow-' morning, Leonard Rosenthal will act a3 cantor Sioux City debating team. Paul .Matlin, reader^ of the Tho basketball team - consists and Candy will bo. distributed o& Leonard Lebowitz, Milton law. to the children by Mr. and Mrs. Gnio3kin, Harry .Elsberg, Lloyd M. A. Levlch. Krnick, J o e Devine, Marvin Plana aro being made by the EHfle and Charles Shindler. synagogue for the annual elecEarl Himowita who ha3 been coaching, the debate team and tion of directors to be held MonSidney Baumsteia, basketball day, March 1. coach are attending the conference xAth the A. .Z. A.,members. Bco!i Revi J A number of the members who are not participating* In1 the con- The Mount • Sinai Sisterhood tests are •' also attending . book reviow circle will meet next

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.