February 19, 1937

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lni©re.f>iia of tfte Jcwi&li People

u ZJJ This column 13 copyright by tho Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in wholo or In part etrictly forbidden. Any Infringement on t b l s copyright will bo prosecuted.

Entered as Second Class Mail Matter on January 21. 1521, at Postofflea of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act ct March Z. 1S79


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NOBLESSE OBLIGE lily observations on Mr. Robert Gessner's book "Some of my Best Friends are Jews" aroused a little tempest of controversy here and there. Me. Gessner and his publisher, Mr. John Farrar, replied quietly but bitterly. One or IEWS SEUN UNIVERSITY i IT! two editors or editorial writers ,L thought I had gone pretty far; EBBCMIQE M several others arose to, state their agreement with me. It cannot- be said that Sir. Gessner's book has had a 'good- pre?3' In. Jewish pubrri Salonski (WNS) —Tfce strangre situatioa of Jewish yo'eng men lications. 1 have no. doubt that- it I .. . ' j refusing a ucirersitj- education has.been or will be favorably re: viewed in those pseudo-liberal Palestinian Singer and Nachmn Story of Esther to Be Read! presents' itself here where the papers" which nurse the fond \ • Wednesday -Evening in University of salociki, which Nardi Win Praise of EflDiits Jews without any res'a ic hopes" that the Jews will disappear Local Synagogts'es Large Audience tions, has but one, Jewish c i in Russia and trouble them no _ , . , _ , j - ! dent. inabilitr of university gr-J.more. (That this is one of the What proved a rare treat to Beginning t0 - utu f ze t h e i r e d u c a t i o r ,worst varieties of Jew-hatred, the- large audience that filled the | February 24,Wednesday the Jews eveamg of the ;u a t g sreason for Jews not going to masking itself as even-handed Center auditorium, T u e.s d a y rl i world will celebrate Purim, tfee !j the * University, Eleven Jev icr , """ justice, ought gradually, to he ob- night, was the unusual perform: Feast of Lots. In Persia, the lo- graduates of the law school r~e vious to any one able to use his 'ance of the celebrated singer of ] cale of the events of the' Book of still jobless. mind at: all.) Hebrew folk-songs, Brachah Zfi; Esther, an extra day is observed. The local B'nai B'rith ha* e Of what I said of Mr. Gessner rah. Accompanied by her hus! The story of Purim is one of fund which provides scholarsL.ps and his book I have nothing to band, Nachuni >7ardit one of the ! the best-known of "the Biblical for university students. ' cer retract. B u t I should like to make foremost Palestinian i composers, I stories. Esther, a beautiful and j i it-clear that I did not, as tia; Brachah Zfirah sang the old * CT' j wise Jewess^ had replaced the] , T T r ^ r - ^ _— t~f* been sillily suggested make dis- songs of the Oriental Jews. i proud Queen. VasMi as tfie con- ijf^, j,,, [ ,\[ j {'{' | it agreeable remarks about his fam- While possessing a singularly ! tort of the King of Persia, the Lt±*~i L.L*.~-.~^~*.-\ *, V ily. I took an- anecdote, concern- expressive voice trained ' for Orj powerful Ahasueris. ITS ] J f i \ ZVZi ing his" childhood which he re- iental music, Brachah Zfirah deI Hainan, the grand vizier of the lates and quoted the words which pends to a large degree on her fa! king, gained the permission of he had written and analysed the cial expressions and the move| Ahasueris to slay a part of the anecdote and the manner of its ments of her hands for the telli population whom he accused of telling. In brief, I'did not go be- ing of her story. Her extremely j being unworthy subjects. This ni L. Hdlzzz hind his book or his statements mobile features - respond readily Dr. Philip Shcr I clement, unnamed, was to . meet Sectioss.1 eld President ot-the-Jewish and hence-did not overstep the to her emotions as she portrays .Honorary President of death on a day chosen by the Liscols Diiring'the critic's obvious rights. grief or whimsy, utilizing eyes Community .Center and ."Welfare nity Crater-'aiid -.Welfare FcSers- casting of lots. • Week-End There was in my article an ele- eyebrows, eyelids, and lips.. Federation. '.' . The plot of H a s a n was revealT""-r ment of_ invective, of denuncia- In true Oriental style she graceed to Esther by her cousin, Mor- Ban Miller of Omaha was e ^ c tion. Right. There was. It's -ra- fully moves her long, -well-shap•decai, and Esther told her hus- ed president fo the A. Z. A ther a pity that we have no more ed hand in an exceedingly expres{AMATEUR BOHR TO band that it was i e r people wbo Cornbelt region at the three C'l •k of that in America. One can have sive manner. were to bs massacred. Unable to tourcament held .In Lincoln ' r r ' BE .HELD BY ' too much of it. One can have too The songs, except fq? two v or recall the edict he gace the Jew eEd. He succfeeds r-^V ECul tiff : little.' There is -an element of three which' were sung in YidHADASSAH ' right to protect themselves and j Merlin of Sioax City. moral laxness in that over-much dish were the melodies of the the villainous Hainan, his mach- j The Lincoln team of Sam K.rpoliteness in that positively swee- Jews of Persia, Yemen, Greece, The Hadassah Medical Fund- ications frustrated, met' an ig- i shenbaum and Hy Polsky v rr tish spirit of concession which and Turkey. One set was composYouth Aliyah will spocsor an noble' end. The day of sorrow j the regional debating' event v V ' c irn. tends to obliterate all moral and ed entirely of songs of the moAmateur Hour on Sunday, April i Sioux City a s runnerup. The c ="Intellectual boundaries. Let us dern Palestinian pioneers. t e T r nc L P T " 4, at the Jewish Coraniucity Cen- was turned.to one of Purim has become a festival of' subject have done with it for a little . The melodies, based on ancient Revisionist. Leader Attacks t e r . , Contestant may register for .-* fr t h e Principle 1 the Sa~ Mandatory at Koyal Com- • try-outs at the' Center or call great joy. Gifts a r e exchanged A -1! -Marks-Bearsted •while. Let us follow the moni- liturgical and folk music, were n~ v*r r Plan fcr tions of our conscience. Let us composed "by Mr. Nardl. C T mission - Hearing Mrs.;. Julius .Stein,. GL. 19 4.S. or members of the community, tbe Enjigrfetion. of Jews from collection is taken u p fcr appeal to the not entirely callous? Mrs. Irvin Levin, GL. 2515. Brachah Zfirah is a Yeminite ed conscience of manldnd. First-prize wjll be Jewess. However she was raised . London (WNS-Palcor Agency) p Here is the Jewish people of in Palestine and received her —The Royal Commission, at a dollars;, second prize, fifteen dolerryinaking _ . _ . . . . sixteen millions. Let us suppose training with the Habimah Thea- hearing in a small room in the lars, and third prize, fivn dollars. < for the sake of the. stupid: ration- ter in Jerusalem. House of Lords, heard from Vlad- , Mrs. :• Phlneas. ."VTIntroub is tic of the'day and In many coia-| Eook Island for the subject alisms of a purblind world that especially.' -those of! b •uOEaaSs. i l d s Palestine." She and her husband appeared imir Jabotinsky, president-of the chairman .of.arrangements a a d i s caarter Nc. 1 recthis people is just like any other in Omaha under the auspices of New Zionist Organiaation^ a de- being,;assisted'!by. Kiltoa Rieok. Italy, the day is narked by a I basketball honors. . Tbe v-iv ; great isassjtiersde. people, no more, no less, no oth- the local branch of th&; Jewish mand-- that . "if . Great Britain - Is Debate Since the dispersion the sigm- : i a t S e E e t fcr ee eve unable to fulfill the Mandate" It er- except for the^ - accident . (a ; Worker's Alliance. -. ficasce of .P.uris : • luas .feecoiae! 2-tory, E.E.-,^ £^&IJ-.-C, •hsa.. .It..ju'p-r-after. ..consula-Word .-w-hicjh.^. gets you j_nojvhere, Eaore pronounced. Mar tlon with the Jewish -people. Jtr. but I "am talking.after =th~e7iaai.m-unities hare &• special Jabotinsky, th© first public wit7 : ner o f lime . and .the ..v- marketOver. 1£5 jerscas from On ; - Koran• in Htebrew that eosnaetaorates- a. similar-deness at the sessions held by the place) — no other except for tHe liverance of their own Jewish i Lincoln, Dcs MciEes,. " i^c-cl "' Royal Commission since its reaccident of its deracination and jland, OLtumva, SIOUE City, ,-t u r n ' t o England from Palestine " • Jerusalem (JTA) — Much, ia- community. dispersal. This people cannot j Council.' Bluffs irere represe" "^ interest in , Moslem world, in and emphasized the position taken by commit suicide by biological asJulius Bis30 o£ Omaha, csec - outside of Palestine, . has been Jerusalem (JTA),— The fishthe Revisionists with regard.;-to similation, as many peoples have secretary of t t e • A. E,. A, TT'\D by the' Heb-ew transladone, or else is .not permitted to ing industry, which thrived in the both the mandatory government aroused the awards. Rabbi Tfeeodore- X of the Koran prepared by do so. The two statements ancient Holy Land, is experienc- and ths. Jewish Agency for Pales- tion L.evis of Sioux City spoke a; t r e * , Dr. Joseph Rivlin, staff-, member ing, a revival. The two fishin tine. During his testimony, the amount to the same thing. Here, ' • Ffrllv" Ox tinsX banquet, c s "Je-K-isi Obof the Hebrew University School at all events it is, sixteen millions companies formed in r e c e n Revisionist leader asked for the of Oriental'Studies, aad publishjectives." months report the year 193S o liquidation of the Jewsih Agency of men and women and children by the University. The local Jewish Nations.1 F u n d ! Besides JJUler other new r : >-as being unrepresentative. The ed 1 no better and no worse, no wiser the whole favorable. The translation 'is • termed a Council is meeting, regularly, on | e.rs £?e; sej-mour Golden o£ . -' The two companies are the Pal- room in which the hearing was and no stupider, neither more the first Tuesday of every month. I Island, Tics presicScnt: PEIU- 7 - , nor less gifted than any other estine Fishing Co., of Haifa an being held was packed..as_itr._Ja? Three "persons represent each j cbonsfcy of COUBCH Bluffs, ^"- *~ accompanied by a num- ship "toward Islam by The Light, similar group of people. Take -i.t- the National Fishing Co., or Jaf botinsky, of his associates representing a Moslem weekly in. English •pub- Zionist organization, and each j retary; Joe Rufcinson of ^— r on that simplest and moaf reason- a. In addition, a "group of Ha: ber New Zionist Organization, be- lished;-In Lahore, India, which synagogue. At present the "local i Moines, treasurer; Jerry r - n *• ,i able bas^is. And this people is fa fishermen have built a sma the ;an his testimony. comments appreciatively in a organization Is Eponsorins: a i of Ottumwa, .senior serges -?.- ,motor trawler which they have persecuted from age to age beleading article on the- fact Dr. speakers bureau which, -will send | arms; Harry Rubin of ~/?^ .. ( yond all measure and beyond all been operating with a certain deAt the opening of his remarks, Hivlin spent: twenty years oa the speakers to any organisatioa de-} Moines, junior- sergeaEt-at-f ^ E the Revisionist leader declared belief. There is no form of dis- Tee of success. siring to hear cf the work cf the j lack Merlin o£ Sioux City, u One handicap Is that industrial that he wished to avoid misun- translation.- . crimination or exclusion or huiln; acd Morris Arbitmar c" Jewish. National Fund. The editorialcontrasts t i e developments on the coast of derstanding -with regard • to. the miliation or cruelty that is not F. Omaha No. 1. reporter. Much of the.'work of J. N. of:TisIpn of the''modern Haifa, Jaffa and Tel Aviv have terrinology that he would use. used against it. The foulest and with the frequently narrow is now being directed toward re- I The BUEinier sports prcr r ~ the stupidest accusations, explod- led. to the closing of considerable By "Jewish State", he said he Jew and sectarian of the mo- habilitating the refugees from i will be b-e* in Cocseli Bluffed as folly and malice a thousand areas of valuable fishing- grounds meant a "commonwealth- with dern Moslem, outlook holding the latter Jaffa, who.were forced to flee ! to fishing. Haifa was once the self-government in P a l e s t i ne, times, re-arise from age to age greatly different from tbe flays their homes at the beginning of j M S - d s S S richest fishing ground on the meaning the a r e a including as the whip3 and scorpions ZS when Islam welcomed both Jews the uprising last spring. After | alestine coast. Now grounds Transjordan." Mr. Jabotinsky eswherewith to smite, to murder, to sup and,Christians as the other "peo- the disturbances the leaders of j have been discovered, however, timated that Palestine and Transstarve, to crush this people. Now,, Palestine sought to prevent these | rj> ples of-the book." 0 E notably between Caeseria and ark the Twentieth jordan, "with a favorable politin what we' thought some years Jaffa Jews.froia-'returning to the j r e r g a r y of Kafiassah, "War Tantoura. ical regime," would have room ago the very noon-tide of history •narrow alleyways wfeere they | i o a Tort, and the I for many millions of Jews and and humanity. and justice, this lived under trying, conditions. } ice Islands will be linked millions of Arabs. "No one immitigable persecution rearisea AT-TEMPLE ISRAEL • The J. K . F . has allocated some j kup of tbe dreams of displacing the Arabs," in Germany, Poland^ '-• Roumania, • A n n u a. I . . Brotherhood Day, of the lands in its possession and j tioaal Broadcasting Cc-mpaj Mr. Jabotinsky asserted, saying the Baltics States, in- Yemen and that "Zionism represents human- w-hich is cale) rated- Eationally. on acquired ESW areas for the per- j February £5 from 10:30 to Iraq;.it threatens in Latin Ameritarianism though it does not ex- the Sabbath,, preceding -Washing- pose of building cottages for jst Eastern Standard' Tijue." ica; it sprouts- Into poisonous ton's birthday under the auspices these people. The cost will, be j • Mrs. - Frasfelin D. Roo*-"' '•' bloom in Italian Libya; it spurts The second annual Purim carn- clude cultural. and. spiritual!aspiof the National"* Conference of repaid by ths refugees in easy in-j ' • now and then in French North ival sponsored by the Round Ta- rations." Jews and Christians, -will be ob- stallments over a lengthy peri-03 i itcl. Miss Kae E. Lasdr wV ~ The witness described what-he . Africa; it is heard of In Harbin ble of Jewish Youth will be held served Friday evening at'Temple of years. .• ! oae of tbe first two ncrses *" •: in- the uttermost-East and is not Sunday evening, F-sbruary 28, at called the dlstastrous, position of Israel.' . T . the, Jewish people throughout the .The Rotary^Club of'Omaha-will " George Soref is in charge o£ t t e jKadassah sect to Palesti-f E •unknown — powerless, but of evil the Jewish Community Center. sj'nagogiie collections for tbe j will-speak from Ksn; - '~. intention — in the democracies The carnival will be held in the Diaspora. At this point -he -' re- attend.-services • at the Temple in Jewish. National • Fund. Mrs. II. ;1913 I., where she is s. first lieut" of the West. , Center gymnasium which, will be marked that: "I risk; unpopular- a body. Rabbi Frederick Cohn F. Levenson* • is president of the jin tfe-a Nurses Corps, I r And now this innocent and in- festivally decorated for the oc- ity with the Jews, but I am com- will deliver a-'sermon' entitled local Jewish National Fund. Coun-1 ct^f^s-A"mv pelled to say. that the governtolerably harried people has one casion. Each organization that is •"'What ,the World • Needs T-Iost". c i l . , • • ' • , ' ' ' " TB. . Edvs acchs plan, one hope, one gleam of a memberVof the Round Table ments of certain countries/ are light, in its incomparable dark- 'will have its own booth In the unable to .control the situation, prss ilt Ct CIS. 22. -who orgr • although I must admit that, they ness, a plan, a hope, a gleam as gym Bert.ha l,an! tte could do more fbr'the protection , -^ chil 6. W€:lIS.Ti • ancient as itself and as new as Freddie Ebener's orchestra will rice •wi n sp ea.k tr cin. T'•Tew " —' the twentieth century — the sal- furnlsh: the..mur:ic for dancing in of Jews." Mr. Jabotinsky paid vation of a portio'n of the people the Center auditorium. The fea- tribute to the Polish government «^-,f; R ? through t h e in the land of the fathers, the ture of the evening will be the for attempting, p building there of a good society drawing for a small radio, : Memof a Jewish society, of a society bers of the committee in charge League of Nations, to find ? The:. three day Institute conthat will shed its healing rays of the affair are anticipating a home for the Jews. "The Revis- ducted by ; Dr. Abrani L. Sachar Dr. Sachar wlil conclude t-s rcrMr. Jabotinolcy' 'said, ies with a talk oa "Socie Les^or^ upon them that must walk and much greater success than even ionists," "are accused of asking for, too [ under the auspices of tfee Beth of Jewish.-History." suffer in the darkness of the ex- last year. much. We only ask for. our. na- El Auxiliary-will begin tonight at Ssehar-,. a fenaer prcrcs-c ile. And even there, In that smal Dan Miller is general chairman. tural and normal rights. Our. re- the Jewish . Community _Center at of Dr. European. History at C-- 7 ' and barren land of" Its ancient quest for a Jewish majority is a 9^o'clock. In. a series of five lec- verslty of: Illineit," is E T1 "•--1 •*" hope and sole refuge, this peominimum and not,a maximum de- tures and discussions Hi. Sachar rector cf the B'nai B'r.! " I". . ple is beset by the enmity o ? mand." The witness said that he will'cover the: subject, ' "Jewish Foandatic-ss. He is the c^.L^ those whom t has benefited and had the profoundest feeling- of History and Jewish Problems". of afcoc.5-:',."A History ci ' by the treachery of those who The number sympathy for the Arabs but "the . At" the.first lecture the subject Jews"'and bs.s written r r T c . Berlin (JTA) have sworn to protect it; and its condition of the Jews cannot. be will be "Five Patterns of Jewish noble work and its incomparably of Jews emi; rating to the Holy compared with that of the Arabs, i Life", Harry silverssaa will pre- articles. fine moral beaming are not safe Land from Germany reached 7,- The: first are; starving; the-second I side. ;: " " • Oa previous occasions ' ! r - IT" ' •-*• from the jeers and the hostility 896 last year, the Palestine Of- merely'have a greater appetite, j 'Saturday- afternoon at ,3:30 Dr. Sachar has aispeared I- C~ "' ' : fice reported, making a total of a corrupt an', cruel world. a minority will not be- a i Sachar- will speak -on" "Daraaged Ms lecture have'been a ' c r - c l - ' • Is that a correct statement. o Jewish emigration' of 38,500 in Being for ihe.Arabs who have ! Souls in Jewish History" and-Sat- record crowds. the case? Are these things true the years " between 1933 and hardship many Arab states." ' urday. evening at S, he will dis1936. AnQ now comes a young Jew—cuss. "The'Present Jewish Crisis". Last year's emigrants includI care not If "Is name be Gessner ed 5,088 Tews of German nationIsaac Nathan was instriictor'-in j.Juliiis.Bisno. TrHI .preside at tScsa f or any other name — and '.. thl ality, 1,3S5 Polish nationals, 178 music" to Princess Charlotte of | meetings. cr young Jews • knows all thes of other nationalities and the re- Wales. He,..i3 the musician -who .A'Round Table discussion things and has seen many mainder comprising G c r m a n s set Byron's 'Hebrew Melodies.':, to be; held'Sunday nsoniiisg st :10:-30 | inusic» . "' o-a-at £:S00 ] andd Sunday " abroad. (Continued on page 8.)

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.-. 'Translation; of

in Holy Land

'Jewish National Fund Cause!! Is

Purim. Carnival ' Being 'Planned - By Round Table


7 S96 Reich Jews :.,..- to Palestine 'in '36



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Page 2

b» A»k IX S. to

: be reqi.esiee. and girls and for men and wom-common program, we have mov- your backing, time, energy and I ion College was mined whea rag- !. . Bt&d tali t jdreiL i tseir fecuvsues „ « . money. In carrying forward jged Cincinnati refugee ' children' ^ ' ^ •tuou&cts " « ana » n f i sc en." Attendance has been increas- ed forward towards our goal durSympathetic the I toward civilization of belie, race ing and under the capable gui- ing the past year. This program these'ideals, I look for-and count j used it as a -nursery e r r ' Jiood . . . And Albert C. vTeihL i relations . . The Daughters of Ga every man and women in GnsTi>!.f;l:,iT;f:fO!i. C. (WNS) dance, of the Athletic Committee, will grow in strength and in powbrother cf Elsa Weihi, editor of j the American Revolution Ere imof which Mr. Irvin Levin is chair- er, only as we earn and receive aha. C Sif-f.ee Governmeni Young Isiael, was the director of jdertaking a Eatioswiae census ot man, we'have seen many imtc "ivvn R, uympatheflood relief operations s t St. Pe- j the cationalit;', places of birth, tic provements in this department. '.hr> Tpicp o£ the Arabtter's Cathearai . . . I occups-ticne, &nd cbs;."ECteriBt!es The Jewish Community Center e-" find "not to digO& t;u:© j}Z.T£T*ZS* £rr£Ii€.p?^rG!\'i£ c,.T'X;. and Welfare Federation is the crirein?••'.,e br-f.v-pfin one group ol By WILLIAM L. HOLZMAN great-grandparents cf every his'fe: strongest factor for bringing Jew uritt T OTS THIS sis cuizppi'Sf p,r,(S another" \Bchooi pupil , . he job « lo ralestine by a dele. Herewith Is presented the an- • "V?e had a particularly hard and Jew together in this city, and ior • KegotatsoEs a r e under W .c co oe et t ?ec.OOC . llre feEXB fcfi from t5>c Arab National . nual president's message, de- job taking care of the relief it has earned increased support a Hollywood screening c y been starte t h © i r o r f c jj ^ £ i r e a d y th?d called on Secretarj livered by William L. Holznian needs for Jewish families, and Which is measured by the in- YOU SHOULD KNOW o n e Trorfc Stockholm ... The Nazis' anti- published autobiography of UJiEcis ar.fi Ohio, I of Sttie Vill at the meeting of the Jewish children during 1936. The break- crease in membership dues reFather Coughlin made a spec- Semitism has cost Germany the of the Jewish members of Con- j Community Center and "Wel- down of "the local public relief ceipts. "The Arabs arc not against the Fifty-one of the ISC j ial trip from Detroit to New York ownership of two paintings valu- gress 18 ^r Sever kvic \ Another of our committees is fare Federation Monday even-- system threw an" increased bur• ev-T: tferr are Bgalnst the politAdolf Kot- successful candidate In New Jer- j to see "The Eternal Road" . . . ed at $750,000 ing. During the next three den on our shoulders. This, to- the Jewish Free' Loan Society, of The radio priest will tell all chau, appointed expert of the sey cousselor-at-5aw e x z. m i TL a- j ical Sicnisle T,-liO would deprive weeks the Jewish Press will gether with a; ; cut ia : out Com-Which Mr. H. A. "Wolf is chair- about it over the air waves . them of their land and pueh them Bonn Museum and Art Gallery by I t.Sohs were non-Aryans publish detailed reports con- munity Ch^est allotment (due to man. This organization loans Leaders of the New York and Goebbels In-p»acs of the world- nomination cf the Democratic |I Emztctht b?-rjr iritc the deSert," the delecerning the various phases of i 5 l d the failure of their campaign to money without interest to its Brooklyn Jewish Federations of famous Mas Friedlander, cleaned candidate for mayor cf New Torfe ! Grm&gZisnd Federation work. —The Editor- reach its goal) forced, us to face members and' to those who need Charity are denying our report of out what Se Eaid was rubbish , , . is being delayed because the pel-1 included the Ker. Eenjamin Hofii and Petei a choice of either cutting down it, and quietly and effectively is a merger . . They Insist tho joint, Among the rubbish was a copy of iticians can't decide whether to ; FrincctDn, N. S. George, both of New York, Tonight—at this annual meet- the. relief given to our Jewish relieving much of the distress campaign of the two agencies in Rembrandt's "Juno" which Xot- aaias E, Jew or a Catholic . . . entifie proof of the ejriEtf £Tifi Ameen Rihani o Ing of our-organization — I want families or refusing:... .relief to brought on by present conditions. 1937 is only a joint campaign . . . schau sold for $C50 . . . The pur- j Our guess is that the nominee Our Women's Division, under to touch upon a'few'Of the higb some of them or carrying these But we still insist that merger is chaser took it to Holland where j will be a Catholic and that a first disccreree i s 15X7, has been lights of our work during ID36. families-and Incurring a serious Mrs. David Greenberg's capable in the offing Jewish The thirty ap- it Is being offered for sale at well-known You have received-a brief report deficit in (operations. We chose leadership ( has grown into a plicants for the Job of executive |250,000 ES a genuine Reirs- leafier from t e e B r c m Trill bs published by professor Albert Einctelts and Ids associate at the of our work which covers our v re7 the latter and as a result, our re- tower of strength and activity. secretary of B'nai B'rith have fi- brandt The other "piees of named for president cf the city Institute lor Advanced Studies Over 500 women are enrolled in lief work, out Center activities lief department: spent over $4,nally been sifted down to ten . rubbish", s Bellini copy, was dis-council . . . AI Strelsin, New Dr. K. Eosen. ' and attendance, a report of the 00 0^00 more than Was expected the Women's Division, and be- But only four or five 'of these are posed of for $1,000 Now its York's and Milwaukee's seon adThe Tn,Etfep3T,Eti€63 evidence of cause of their activities, we were finances, and of the results of during"" 1936. . Y o u r Officers receiving serious consideration . . owned by Lord Duveen, the cele- vertising wizard, is back from s. our Philanthropies. Please study and MemoVre" of the Executive able to repaint our auditorium Refugees in the . United States brated Jewish art expert, and liejaunt to Cuba with the informa- these TTRVCS TTS.S erntsired 3n a. these reports carefully. If there Committee felt that in the face and replace dishes, pots, pans and have organized the "Self-Help of i3 asking a cool half million for it tion that the very lucrative per-1 paper published In the Journal of , the Franklin Institute of Phil- ' are any additional questions that of these circumstances, we were equipment In our kitchen. Clas- German Emigres" to provide aid . . . A monument to Belgium's fume business cf the island is i s j .: • you want to -ask regarding our justified in adopting this course. ses have been successfully car- for those of their number who Jewish 'World War hero, G-eseral the hands cf a multi-millionaire j adelphla. work or, any part of the program, We do have the satisfaction of ried on, and we all remember the are in need and to help others Beraheiin, has been . erected In who bears the jjarae cf Abarbsnel j please do not hestitate to ask feeling certain htat no Jewish splendid : formal dance conducted reestablish their economic exis- the main square of Brussels . . . 'and is a collateral descendant cf j them of,me or•'•of our Executive family in Omaha, - deserving and by. the women during November. tence famous Isasc Abarbsnel | All contributions will Numismatists are scrarabllEg for t h e Director, Mr. I>aul Goldblatt, at needing-^asistance, was obliged' to . The work of our youth organ- go for direct aid, as friends of a British, half-penny piece bear- whose ECCth birthdav Ecciver-i this meeting, or at any time. We go without care, and In this most ization has bsen another high the committee are underwriting ing the- head of ex-Kins Edward sary is being celebrated is. Lisbon Berlin CU'NS) — Holding that will welcome your interest in any difficult year I feel it is a worth- spot in our accomplishments. administrative costs The word on one side anu a Mogea David this j-esr A b*rdle tells «s • the. American film "Green P a s - ' Thru the Round Table of Jewish part of our work of program. while accomplishment. ' 'Zedakah" is the cable address of on the other -The coin was that Dr. Cbaim Weiais.&na Youth organizations, we have One of • the most gratifying reFor the past 6 years, Mrs. H. the Hilfsverein de Juden in Ger-minted for circulation only in Quite a h a d 5a the stock market •tures cmplcrs JNegroes as the cords of last year was the in- A. Wolf has been ch'airman of kept some 800 young people ac- many . . , The Polish maid of a British West Africa . . The Roths- recently — -with Epescer • andsymbols of Jewish guCfering and is tterelore hideca Jewish propcrease in receipts from member- our Family Welfare Committee. tively occupied in worth-while Jewish friend of ours Just quit childs are financing the construc- Marks stock, if j-ou-nmst Successful morithly ship dues. We collected $8,503.00 Under her direction the work has pursuits. her job after reading about condition of a subway in Prague . . . ••4 Up in dues in 1936, as against $6,- certainly gone forward ; and the dances and forums, debates and tions In Poland in L. J. Singer's T&e raining town of Broken Hill, 516.00 in 1935 and $5,477.00 in standards of our relief program stunt nights, and a most succes- 'The Brothers Ashkenazi" . . . Austrialia, which has only SO tion Thii new Ansocg the 1934. Part of this increase was have been of the highest. I am sful Purim -Bazaar and Carnival Eleibe Lynn, who rose from un- Jews, boasts the world's most isn e n t s being p a t in is s new fir©- j due to the campaign for member- sorry to have to say tonight that have been some of the accomp- derstudy to the role of the Alien olated synagogue E p&per declares ih&i "the j And speak- place ornsnieEted. with ship, which was held during and Mrs. Wolf is retiring as. chairman lishments of our Round Table of Girl in "The Eternal Road", is ing of isolation^ we hear there's I porphyry COIUEIIIS which set back j ? is cslciilatefi tc twist toe ! Fl*t Top detifa with the tea* following the celebration of . the of this Committee, although she which Joe Goldware .is chairman. In private life the wife of Ben-only one Jew iu of f.Bafe«-Grand. lASYTIMa. l Tahiti . . , The || the Weizaann bank account to ewish question Into the Negro i . The Social Service Committee, tenth anniversary of our Center will continue as an active memjamin Zemach, who created the British Royal Commission has' the tune of twenty grand . . . (jKeijiioB." because "Jfir e r r " ' Ok* ptune id cxchiBg* under Dr. 'Philip Sher, has conbuilding. I want to now express ber. The .Jewish Community, Cendances for the biblical spectacle . yet to complete its hearsing in Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Jr., jChristian t s e the >"rr~"T tr "*'•tinued its excellent and effective my thanks and appreciation to ter arid Welfare Federation val. . Like the wives of the other London, but wild rumors a s to and his brother John are azneng j ersiry casnon fodder r r " tz^ ^iMr. Morris Jacobs and Dr. Abe.ues the honored service which work making loans to help stu- three Jewish geniuses responsible the nature of its report are alrea- the swanky clients of K&rold j tior.El Socialism." Greenberg, as well as all of those she has performed and I want to dents, working in the Juvenile for the play Max Reinhardt, dy making the rounds . . . Jew- Wolff's Harvard tutoring bureau j who-, helped in. this membership take this occasion to express my Courts, conducting a Father and director; Franz Werfel, author; ish business men who backed the . . . Prince Hubertus zu Lowea-1 The oldest gr&rcr enrollment. I feel too that the in- personal • sense of appreciation Son Banquet, and a reception for and Kurt "Weill, composer —Miss ope inscribed, with r election of M. Budzinski to the! stein, £Eti-N£2i refcrease in dues' collections is and gratitude for the work she high school graduates. Lynn Is herself an "alien girl" — Polish parliament on the under- jugee, is now writing his autobio- is found i s the cemp I hope there were time to percaused by a better understanding has. done." :•• . ..".. is £&ted £S£. ; standing that he would defend | graphy under the title of "Con-j J sonally and Individually express and appreciation of . our work, During-the week of October 27 my. appreciation to every com- FOUKT HESTATE Jewish rights are now suing him | quest of the p s s t " . . , Mildred!' both in relief given to our poor to November 1 we celebrated the for obtaining campaign funds en- i Murcick, president of Junior E a and the excellent program of ed- tenth anniversary of the opening mittee and every person who ' That Nevr York Times cable on Budzin- j dSassah will soon become the wife ucational, social and physical of our building in a splendid made this successful year possi- the Jewish situation in Poland der false pretenses ski is one of the ring leaders of)of Benjamin •^'einracfc, Phlladel•was dated Berlin instead of Warble. May I ask that you please activities carried on by our Cen-week's program. Every man, phia clothier ter, but we must have more .mon- woman, and child had a n oppor- accept this message, each one of saw because the Times' Warsaw anti-Semitio agitation Jzerzy Shapiro, ey to . continue our work in the tunity to see and understand the you, as my personal word of correspondent, SRACIAIi NOTES future. : • .. . . •.'.- ..; fine-work which we are'carrying thanks and appreciation for your didn't want to lose his drag with THE GREAT FLOOD Native Fascists groups and loyal support and backing. the Polish government . "Niv" Rabbi Solomon N. Bazell of! on in all of our departments and N a z i s hsre effected a Isthe name of a new Hebrew In this report I have just Temple Brith Sholom, Louisville, j to participate in appropriate pubEDWARDS WEIGHT lic ceremonies commemorating touched upon the work of our monthly edited and written ex- was the hero of a bizarre episode! merger in the United States Where Cr-c'-^z Slrn the ^opening of our building ten important committees. Detailed clusively by college and high as a result of the flood . . . When jS ® s ^ o r , . E d w f J d _ F 1 , e t e l l « p °f , S a n ! CONTROL CLINIC cf a resolution Dl€ reports of the committees' activ- school boys and girls . . , The He-he started a c r o s s year's ago and t h e founding of Beargrass i lsi As the only office in Omaha California Seaate erspowities for 1936 will be published brew Youth Movement of Amer- Creek in a boat to broadcast hisii specializing' in the regulation of our-Federation some thirty years in the Jewish Press during the ica IS the publisher . . . And HaFriday evening services from t h e | e n n s t f c e &"veraor to set tsMe ago. ; " a person's weight, the Edwards next few- weeks. Those of you bonim, the Zionist pioneer youth, station is. the Courier-Journal | c a y e s c h ^ e a ro a w M c l 1 <='*isens Weight Control Clinic is in a posLast May we conducted a/most Who are interested in any com-is issuing Haboneh, a new Eng-Building, the boat capsized andj"~~~ " ' ~~—~ ition to help • the overweight per- successful ^ Philanthropies v. Cam- mittee or all",'. committees may lish language monthly . . . Charhe'was drenched to the •waist waist son lose;.'fljrfely.'.••• and "the ' under- paign*, -Under the c a p a b l e ^ a n d take the time .during your leisure les Jaffe, craekWhess master and he was Au organist . on duty -.at:the stae i h t to t V VSi normally. ll weight conscientious guidance; of' 'Bfr. to study these reports, t reporter on the" Jewish Morning tions, burst into the studio and Under £- competent and exper- S a r r y Malashock, we set out for yl;may.pay tribute a t this time Journal, -has authored "Jaffe's exclaimed: "I've got the rabbi ienced -staff* a'person of abnormal a goal of $43,600.00, which was also to the conscientious services Chess Primer"-. . . There's an inout here with nr pants, and some weight • is examined and' the about $10,000.00 more than was performed by members ' of the troduction in . it by Samuel Reswhiskey to keep him.warm" . . . causes that interfere with a nor- raised-in1935, to provide for the staff'who work 'daily in this hevsky . . . '" Nevertheless Rabbi Bazell broadmal assimilation, digestion, and 34 local, national, and interna- building, making is possible to cast the services wearing a Dizzy! ; elimination are corrected. A per- tional organizations which partic- carry on the program so smoothDean sweatshirt with . " H e and ' \ VIA.'SHORT; WAVE . • • son with a healthy food balance ipate in our funds. We were suc- ly. They have been outstanding across his The- sensational collapse of the Paul" emblazoned has no • difficulty in maintaining cessful in. reaching our goal and for'their loyalty, and under the chest, and his lower extremities', far-flung enterprises of Ivar Krureceived $43,638.53 from' 2882 a normal weight. . - • q.uiet capable direction of our ger, the Swedish ' financieh, and clothed in -i blanket . . . And he . The Edwards Weight Control subscribers. As a result, we shall .Executive Director; Mr. Paul his subsequent suicide, was only went home wearing a pair cf Clinic handles both underweight not^only be able to ake care of Goldblatt, they have done good a plot by Morgan and the Roths- pants bought in the studio for these organizations, but we shall and overweight individuals.* : work'during,the, past year. childs, according to a new book one dollar . . . The dignity of the _ An excess in weight, however Is wipe out a considerable portion "We need, and we deserve a more of a. menace to Health than of the deficit which We have ac- continuation and a furtherance on Krueger Just published In faculty room at the Hebrew Una condition, of being underweight. cumulated in carrying on our of this support of backing, time Statistics show the overweight w o r k during the depression and money from every Jew. in person haa. a shorter life expect- years. Omaha. Organized to advance the ancy than an underweight one. Under the Chairmanship :> of best*-interest of the entire Jewish The Edwards Weight Control Jack W. Marer,- our Center work community and to bring together Clinic's superintendent is Grace has been most gratifying. during all groups and Individuals in one Bailey Edwards. Dr. Lee Edwards the year. The Jewish CommunIs a graduate of the University of ity has been steadily growing Nebraska Medical School and hasmore concerned with the value of practiced medicine In Omaha for our work in bringing together intwenty-five .years. For the past dividuals from all walks of life two years.he has been specializ- in our program, which makes for ing in weight control with Ugli- JewlBh unity a r i d solidarity, which is badly needed In these ly successful results. . The Clinic is furnished with days. Our lectures, plays, dances, the latest in equipment for de- concerts And classes and . the termining heart conditions and growth of interest In our Hbarary the diagnosis of internal ills. Its — all attest to t h e growing esMEN'S AND ¥©011© offices in the Barker building teem and interest. we pleasantly furnished and are Our fine athletic • program is considered among the most beau- day by day carrying on its Job of tiful In the city. • building better bodies for boys INBURED GABS


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THE JBWiSH-PHESS, FRIDAY, FEEHUAEY with being alien and bizarre and jhorizon. From the "rushes," they I Have About li'rseir," non^conforaiing. j say Walter- Wicchell is aniazisg BOOE comprises clipping's abcu. -, t i As to the .modern victims ia jas an actor . . . ana can be ecn- inmEsIf gathered curing the u n ^_ Germany, there came to the Jews |pared to .the best of then. fourteen yej,rs. Some are air uc- *" " of Persia the realizatics that an- j The directed was giving Trailer ing such as the lumcr of t i s tr--- e v ' ' "" ti-Semitism emerges not alone i a voice test the other dz.-?. The riage to Garbc, reports of sis CE- r * -I~ C when the disparity between Jews ; columnist -was to read short news gEg-ements and f o c r fore r - , ^ ^ ™ , and non-Jews is- salient—as? for i clips as he does on the sir. Ke brides. Other items deal w : c~_rexample, in Egypt, where the Jew iwas- just geting wanned, up -whenauto accidents^ a sea, mishap, c e~- i*r . - ~ lC E c followed the.pastoral mode cf life !the director yelled, "cut — that's criptions cf his birthplace ES "> * , * r-*r T while that of rhis neighbors was ifine." "B-b-but," s t a m m e r e d cura, New York, or Madrid. i predominantly agricultural. Oa I Walter. "What's the matter?" v the contrary, anti-Semitism could | asked the director. "B-but I'm ly —and - did—appear in an- even intit finished-" stuttered the per- jRainer rcade her radio d e l 1 ' ^^^« . ^ j r i r more vicious and brutal fora in iplexed aetcr. Then he laughed, - 'Particnlarlly timely because not only was a non-Jew but a as pedagogic devices to make "viv; hubby Clifford Oflets went alc-£ ce czvx- - J of the current discussion of as- weakling, a puppet in' the hands id ideas that are cherished by all Persia, where the- 7ew had suc- I realizing that he wasn't going a , to hold her hand so the wouicn'L;— similstlonism as a cnrc to be of every courtier who caught his men? In such an age of progress ceeded in making himself so like j broadcast. : be airaid. She wears her vrei-} followed by AtnerlcEn Jewry is fancy. The story does not even and enlightment is it not the the non-Jew. The Jew perceived ] The Span.es (a press agents' 'ding rinE on her right iand, Eur-j this article by the director of suggest that she entertained any height of folly and arrogance on that the more thorough was his Rotary) gave a dinner for Win- ;opean fashion. Rian Jaises claims] «r-—r~—. the University of Michigan Hil- deep affection for Ahasuerus. Yet part of the Jews to remain exclu- identification with and penetra- chell this week. Among the jto be an abrrnt-niinded tey coi- j '--»,'- "v lel Foundation, who sees in the she became his consort, and, at sive and maintain that they have tion into the political, cultural, speakers was Julius Tanner.., in- lector . . . has a total of sixty-] Pnrim story an- Recount of an the command of Slordecai, delib- a mission? Will not such an atti- and social life of his neighbors troduced as the "finest actor is two keys with no known locks.! I the more likely was he to meet attempt a t assimilation. erately hid her Jewish origin. ude and such affirmations tend (unscrupulous rivals Drao would B pictures and one who gets j Sol Wurtzel sigEeo. a new seven more footage in the trailers than •year contract. Having already THE EDITOR The Midrash seems to- confirm to arouse the ire of our Persian Whether the Book of Esther this view of the Persian Jews of neighbors and endanger the lib- ! play upon ihe fears and predju- in the feature themselves." He served twenty-three years with j retaliated that "he regrets that ; the Fes company, this piles up lepicts fact or fiction is a ques- that time as " assimilationists. erties and rights we prize so high- ! dices of the mob, so that its hation on which biblical scholars One Rabbi informs us that Ha- ly? Do we not by such a course j tred would embrace the entire I he has but one l-'ne to give to his.some sort cf a new high in the race and creed. j company." j business. Edward Robinson 3s are divided. Some believe it to be inan was sure of the success of imperil the very positions which To the credit of the leaders of ; cataloguing his paintings . . . . a tale with a purely imaginative- is plan because he observed that we have achieved in the economic, Walter Winchell doesn't tnow they've reached such proportions. ••etting; at best they characterize the Jews were, utterly indifferent political, cultural, and social life Persian Jewry it must be said that not only did they recognise it yet, but Ben Bernie has three t as a historical romance. Others to and neglectful of the dictates of the Empire?" the error of their ways, but they I coaches far his screen career — iver that the boot records defin- of their faith. Haman and AhasTwo years, ago Sally Breen The invalidity of this' reasondiscovered the path which was to| two for art's sate and one for ite historical happenings. • Leaving uerus, the Rabbi remarks, were ing was revealed by not an unwent to JCew York with £D5, a | bring them to ssiety and sereajg-olf. aside the question of the actuai- conversant with Jewish history. common incident. A Jew, Mordety of the data presented in theJehovah foils the plans of Israel's cai, eminent in the political life !ity. When the storm broke cpon | Letters addressed- to Pepper book, however, I see it as reveal- enemies only when Israel remains j o t Persia met an ambitious rival, [them they did not seek shelter I Pots, Parfcyacarpets, Barkus Paring psychological "facts in which true to Torah. This, they per- (Hainan, who came of dttferent 'merely in forms of organization. kus. Mr. Karkus , and other var" n themselves ar^ true. Between ceive, was not the case with the I racial stock. The latter captured;They did not stop with a program iations arrive daily at the studio I of relief or with safeguards the lines,one can detect tendenc- Jews of Persia. the fancy of his weak and capri- against defamations of "the Jew- all meant for Parkyakarkus. His fans have so garbled and conies of Jewish behavior which .hisWe must not be too harsh w i t h j ^ E ? ° n ? r * \ w h o ish name. They saw that their fused his name that he annountory- has- shown to be characterthe gift f - f* to t h e highest post th: assimilationists of that and Imost impregnable citadel was ad-ces, "If it's too much, just call istic; •' •" - .' :>.. succeeding periods. True, many of the king. Feeling himself in- jherence to the life "that their me Smith." is still a very ' The book of Esther rresents a may have succumbed to ignoble secure in the face of his Jewish— faith prescribed. picture of the fate .that befalls a and perhaps more clever—antageconomics.! motives. The lure of position and i "Go aseinble together all the 'George Jessel likes to dine at Jewish groupxwhich deliberately food. For only power must have prompted many onist, or prompted by the vain (Jews who are not present in SSu- the studio commissary. He says veers its course to avoid Jewish to give up the customs dear to desire to command the obeisance jBhan an', fast ye," was Esther's you don't get any music or danca cent or two identification. Before the advent for the de- \ admonition to • Mordecai. In this jing . . . but you see some wonmore a neal of Ham an the Jews seem to have struction his rival, ajlowed themselves ? " « Iwof•not " , merely """"•' 7 " . JI the Rabbis see a spirit o£ repen- derful eating! fared well in Persia. There is no,thoughtlessly „ *t*. „ • , ' .i«*v *>. „„* ' t u t of the entire s r o u p t o which jtance and a return to God. And hint in the story of their being to drift along with the current. he belonged. The supposedly libsubjected to-discrimination. Even To others this may have seemed eral i i n g accepted his cruel plan {when ISordecai is elevated to the Eddie Cantor and Al Jolson Rafter Haman . came into- power the wise course to pursue. It iswith astounding readiness. No ipinnacle of power and prestige in reminiscing , . . latter recalled an Jews were permitted to live in not difficult to imagine the Isra- scruple arose to halt his santion. | the empire he no longer holds-| occasion when it took him seven the capital, Shushan. Ahasuerus, elite of Shushan ruminating on All memory of invaluable service himself aloof froi-i his people and hoars to travel from New Haven jits ideals and interests, is theto New Tort.. "That's nothing," though not very keen of intellect this question. which Mordecai had rendered seems to have been a tolerant "We are now living in a land even to the person of the Mng 'interpretation of the Rabbis, bas- swapped Eddie, "it took me sised on the concluding sentence of iteen years to get from the Memonarch. Mordecai "sat in thewhich grants us civic and politi- was completely forgotten. |the Book of- Esther: "Mordecai tropolitan theatre in Brooklyn to cal equality," he may have said kings' gate," the Bible tells us— The scales fell from the eyes of a phrase usually identified with to himself. "We are .not restric- Mordecai, the erstwhile assimila- ;the Jew was next unto King Aha- the Amsterdam on Broadway, • a judicial institution and office. ted in economic opportunities. tionist, and froL the eyes of hissuerus, and great among the All in all, the indications are The cultural and social advantag- fellow Jews. They were blind no | Jews, and accepted of the nmlti- j I Ricar^o Cortez is compiling that hte Jews enjoyed "econom- es of Persian life have been made more. They saw that the vaunted]•jtude of hlsbrethern; seeking the an unusTial diary, titled, "Things ic, civic; political and even social accessible to us as to any other enlightenment and progressive- good'of his people and speaking equality •with the Persians. When citizens. We must not "jeopardize jluess of theage was spurious. ! peace to all his see£" the king's officers are sent out to the privilege by cleaving to the ! K i n & r vizier-and people were pre- i (Copyright 1937 by SEVEN sea ch for a maiden to become the strange ideas and outlandish ; p a r e d t o a s s a E s i n a t e an entire 'ARTS FEATURE SYNDICATE) queen they are not instructed to modes of our forefathers. We pp ee oo pp l e . TT h ee JJ e ew ss realized that t h t dede avoid the maidens of any particn- must not let ourselves appear ass p i t e the perssan pretense to 'ar group; -when Esther is brou- people alien in spirit and bizarre. j u d g e e a c h m a n a s a n l n _ ght before -Ahasuerus he doesn't in mien. We must, above all, be v I d u a l e a e h Jew ^ a s g r o uped with even inquire as to her race or conscious and proud of our Pers- his p e o p l e . u ^ e2LCh J e w w a s religion. ian allegiance. If we must con- l i k e a c e l l o f a l a r g e r organism, How did the Jews of Persia de- sider ourselves different and dis- i t h e j e w i s h community. They also mean themselves in this atmos- tinctive let it be purely in mat- 'perceived that BO matter how Hollywood — Flash! Mr. and of Mrs.. Citizen of the Jsorth> East, phere of freedom? What effect ters religious; the expression of much ihe m a d e theiT did it have' upon their national, which it Would be wise to restrict belief and behavior conform to South, West, the latest. bulletin cultural and religious loyalty? to special occasions and to a more those of their neighbors their en- from Screen Town reports a new : I see an answer to .this ques- or less attenuated in form." emies would still charge them star of the first magnitude on the tion "in the fact that the name- of • Some individuals, indeed, may God i s . not. mentioned even once have... gone,: further: ___" ^ in the'entire story, a phenomenonrjnlal era lasdawnear'in the bit &: that cannot be duplicated in any sed land-of Persia. Good will-preother biblical book. The name of vails. Superstition-is on the wane. its outstanding Jew, Mordecai, is Shall we stigmatize the vast maa derivative of a Babylonian de- jority of our fellow Persians as ity, Marduk. The heroine seems benighted heathtns? Do they not to have, preferred-to change herjinclude cultured and philosophil Jewish name, Hadassah, to one cally minded people to whom the images are but viisible symlinked to the Persian goddess Astarte. Esther needed little persu- bols of eternal verities. Do they aslon to marry Ahasuerus, who not conceive they cult and ritual A....


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THE JETTISH PRESS. FRIDAY;-FEBRT7ART 19, 1P37 of strangulation. The billion dollars is not to prevent another war but to prolong.the present peace until Britain has rearmed herself to a position which she feels would make her invincible. The Nazis have been doing just what it has been prophesied they would do. They are not only on the verge of destruction, but threaten to take all Europe with them into the chaos. The visits of these foreign diplomats reveal the seriousness of Germany's internal condition. All is not pleasant under the Crooked Cross.

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THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Price, one year - : - V - - - - 52.00 Advertising rates furnished on application.


'•-^ Reich Common • - .lie Jews


n ~. \

— Suicides

Cy DU. TIKOnOUE X. LII'TIS Rabbi, .Mount Sinai Temple, Sices -City i


111 © a " • e frequently n non-Jews, aci ' 1' i s h e d by the ' - •> n o f J e w s i n

"THE JEWISH RECOXSTRCC < women are . aehieveiiis emancipai .Uwish organiTIOX PAPERS" EJDITED Bl'jtion. in -spite of Orthodox sutlicr• Editorial Office: 500 Brandeia Theater Building. MOilDECAl M. KAl'LAX. CEH-lilies. Siooi City Office—Jewish Community Center i p is based on a UMAX'S JEWISH BOOK HOUSE j Too often, the Synagogue and 0AVID BLACKER - • Business and Managing Editor • >I<=P<» of 14,0 ,s:: 1038. PAGES £69, .PRICE f2.00. jits functionaries are blamad for FRANK R. ACKBRMAN Editor i • f t t » o prominent This volume is a collection of j the decay of worship and lor the The observance of George Washington's birthday n e s t ! the more significant articles and;almost complete disappearance of ' ' i i i PCearch workers, FANNIE! KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent * i "I..man a former of- ^ Monday recall? to mind several excerpts from the writings of J editorials from recent issues of I prayer. Dr. Eugene Kohn, of CalANN PILL • - . « ' - • ' . - ' Sioux'City, Iowa. Correspondent i <• Knch Ministry of I n - ^ j the father.of our country concerning religious liberty. jthe "Reconstructionist,:' the or-! ifornia, considers this justly aiPrint Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street < 11. D1 Georg Wolff, f«rthe Jewish Reconstruction', arming'situation in a sr'o-ndid srWashington wrote^May the children of the stock of Abra-1 groupof which 1 appears biweekly.: tide on "Prayer and The ModTn: II 1,-ir of the Berlin ham who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the!The material Is provocative, sti stim-; Jew." Our conception of prayer '' I f i merit. Purini Prototype ' ' • - ",,. '•',• ': -. ... ;.' _< free ; has undergone a radical change. D r . G o l d m a n a n d D r . W o l f f and refreshingly fi Next: Thursday is Purim, "the carnival holiday o£ the Jew- good-will of the other inhabitants - - while everyone shall sit julating ;:i'p <>n|)pcially interested in naIn safety xinder his own vine and fig tree and there shall be j from old and empty platitudes.- iandour liturgies are far fro;n sa- i EiijBh paid to Rfu.bi E'nzr-r: ish people., So much tragedy has been written into'the-Jewish . i The editor, Dr. Kaplan, found- [tisfying- the spiritual needs: of rtcir.in- whether there were Of all the animosities which have : C r an<i leader of the Rrconstruc- i modern Jews. Prayer rer;i:ires ?. ; 'Got; iiiVCFtigrted a"! !,h" m e r i ; y special causes of raortalily book of life that a holiday of gaiety and joy is welcome. But, none to malce him afraid . o r i c u s h a b i t s which wouiii be {'•01 a EEtie- ; onj? Jews wl ich could be asstates in" his in--radical re-intf rpretaii even more important to Israel as a people is the renewed faith existed among mankind, those which are caused by a differ-ition Movement, a d t r i o d to ISVPCI, and. U P could cri the crucial'problem of I factory liturgy and a convincing i n h e rited peculiarities ence of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate hah;; and confidence inspired by the Purim celebration. Jews, . namclj', that!God conception. Until we succeed : n o t find rd;;' nieriioriou.". „ ews. V which would fit. I s r a e l b e t t o r ; The story of the Jewish people in ancient Persia being and distressing:, and ought most to be deprecated . . . As man-|^iy' '"take"fo/VraTted'thatbe-^Tn obtaining these, we are, I cm kind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that j ing a Jew is a liability." That an afraid, doomed to continue be t h a n m o d e s t y / ' OFFER $500 PRIZE FOR

Washingtonian Liberty


threatened with destruction by their arch-enemy, Hamari, and then being-sa.ved from a hopeless.'situation;'by Mordeeai and his cousin, Esther, is symbolic . . .-symbolic of the triumph of right over wickedness, of the victory of Jewry over.her op: pressive enemies, of the Jewish will to live. . In the ages past it gave the Jewish people an opportunity to unloose their pent-up emotions, inhibited by the dire sorrow of Ghetto exile. Even in the synagogue service the usual decorum was dispensed with, -with stamping and rattles filling the air whenever the-name' of Haman was mentioned, in the Megiliah,,'To'day, the festive ceremonies are still regarded. In Persia,- the land' of the Purim story, we find the children shooting fireworks on. this holiday and burning an effigy of -Haman, In Palestine, merry-making and dancing are part of .- the holiday program. In_ all lands, the Jewish people make a joyous occasion out of Purim. And in the' Purimspiel, Haman is—more often than not— pictured as a blundering clown whose plans were -always defeated, instead ;of a, terrible villain. This is as it should be, for the hate-mongers who" deal in racial oppression and opportunism are naught but clowns • blundering blindly across the stage of history. As-history has taught, the Jewish people have been deathless, while their oppressors and detractors have perished . . . the ultimate lesson of Purim. ••...'•

/ all those who. conduct themselves as worthy members oft the I i n c r f a f^f

re- a prayerless. and to a large de- ••• O u r Kill/bis w e r e Uuifrki:

jgard their Jewishness ls an " n - c r e e a Oodless, people. community, are equally entitled to the protection of civil gov- i\°elieYea misfortune is a startling] Dr. Kohn's "KelijrJo.r.s Scncernnient. I hope ever to see.America among the foremost na-'fact which no amount of theoriz- tions for The Sex GuMn .cc of same tions in examples Of justice and liberality." l' n g "r sophistry can obsenre, The;}:oclern Jewish Youth", is average Jewish youth, especially ftnfement concerning a. if his is intellectually pitted and j ins issue, Ke peeks to ia member of the so-called upper and establish pound ant J Jewish .classes, regards Judaism : reasons for sex purity. Before long the destruction of Spain will be complete. Its a permanent liability, hind-^tion, and self restraint" in Place of cities, glorified by the great Moorish" builders, will be in ruins. ranee to success, and" aa blight: the ancient sanctions, no loncnr I t s c o u n t r y s i d e a l w a y s a n i n s p i r a t i o n f o r p o e t s , p a i n t e r s , a n d - u p o n happiness. Unless we ra<'i- obeyed and respected. Kis third cal!y modify this sililster fran e! m u s i c i a n s , w i l l b e a scene of d e s o l a t i o n . contributions <i fia un R with the or-

Behind Spanish Decadence

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•• ot mind there is neither hope nor eranization





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m u c h affliction?'" ;f he pry?: 'T •am a w a r e of : b e f-rt nr.f, J r r Jew-sh: n o ; •worthy pvrn as fhrv r T . " ]ir 'slow- | is iiiimeciEte'y accepted inn ,7n-

T h e d e s t r u c t i o n of . S p a i n : b e g a n Over f o u r c e n t u r i e s a g o jf u t u r e " f o r American Israel. -To! communities Is ^pjrestive. w h e n t h e r u l e r s of t h e c o u n t r y , b i t t e n b y t h e s a m e b u g of i neglect this unprecedented and Mr but surely the necessity of co- : d R i s ; n . ^asic ordinntin.c Jewish, endeavors of t e a r f u l fact> i s t o e v a d e t S e


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Ti?f- ronferencR also authorized i.r.p r i ' l ' | Hfation of a year book dpvni-cd io R scientific study of Jewi.~r. life in America and agreed to c r - n - r-Hp provide nu. erial for university s'udents writing on Jewish

1 "Totalitarianism," abolished all religious dissenters from i t s i problem of Judaism and to court forming a. united ront, is driving m p . r i f i m e n i s a n d ~ o : i ; f > o t t h e v i c boundaries. • disaster. Aloi gside this menacing Jewish communal lenders io prrFancy would have us believe that immediately Spain set s i t u a t i o n a l l o t h e r J e w i s h d i f f i - ' f e e t s t r o n j r r r o r p a n i z c t i o n a ! u n i j v ' s ^ " - f l e n i ? : i , s n i l ? t i f u p o n r . i i c h 'fade into insignificance, 'anrl a greater measure- of es to v ; l upon a period of decline. On the contrary Spain had a period cultiea (Inuv he niiiv do er,. Reconstructionisni holds that inony. of great glory. However, while dissension was prohibited, the Judaism is a Civilization, the ( Palestine is treated rdmrrtc'v Rabbi Akiha WRF nirt by Jonacomponent elen.ents of which are and realistically by two contribu"- than, and tter rskrt; him dissenters Jiad not left the country en masse. religion,. land, language, culture ; iions on "The Place of Palestine such questions that he wa = When the last Jew and the last Moor finally did leave, and folk-ways; with primary em-; In Jewish Life" by Ira Eisenstein able to £ive pn answer. Tnrrer.fthe last vestige ^of a commercial-upper middle class, wealthy phasis on the first, element which land "Palestine and Tfce Diappora" Io n "°nathan s "Art thou ;.hst Ak:ba whose fame extends frorr* and educated,' disappeared. Spanish enterprise and the Spanish is distinctive and indispensable, j by Samuel Dinin. • Extremist'? la elaborating this, philosophy! the Zionist camp_ win be dissat- one end of the world f.o the othuniversities, the first in Europe, had been the products of Moor o£ Judaism, the editor mentions sil'kid with the thesis of ?.*r. • er? Kappy mayest tlxou be that and Jew. thru: hast acquired such a name.







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!the well known fact that, religion Diain. that a


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S p a i n b e c a m e a t r u l y f e u d a l n a t i o n , u n i t e d i n r e l i g i o n , | j 9 n o longer the chief ? .nd exclus-'and a Diaspora Judaism ^ i ; i ai-1 Eiihousli thou hast not the reach in scholarship to he ev^n an oxl a c k i n g t h e u n d e r s t a n d i n g a n d i n c e n t i v e t h a t h a d m a d e i t t h e ; i v e concern of man, and that new ways continue; those in the a r t i - i herd." Upon whi"h Rnbbi Akiha • !a n d v a r i e d a n d g r e a t•-t n• a. t i o n•. of ,E u, r o, p e ., A, n d t, h. u s w«a s b o r n, t„h e d e c a d.e. n. t S p a i n I st?, cornppte eucccssfiiHy enriching for inter- Zionist carrp ' w i t h Mr. Eisen- rep'ifu. "Xof even r, shepherd." compete eucccssfiiHy for in-^tafns its istcin's that e??nv in wi'ich br- n a : u - i now being hurled.to destruction. General. Franco, bke a less I f o r ~ e r u n d i s p u t e d sphere of can si;d is inThose who, in easrerness flnencing' deciFivcly Diaspora ludangerous predecessor, Don Quixote, is attempting to keep fluence. to preserve the Jewish religion, ;daism that it is a' spiritual ECC-



X.:w York (WNS) — EgtabH:-M-mom of an annual prize of ed to ,Jucni = m'.' Arc yOU r o ; i'-i.'•(' fnr the best book in Yiddish a^'z-vo that. Israel 1-= brt^l-^r ^ Y - ] I rv ponir phase of Jewish life in .-".n^rvica was voted by delegates -. nowaScyn u n d •r j->pr?pc:it'or. f:;«rdiTi£r a conference of the 0 - driven 8roi<p<I 'orrp OT?P n-n" ~n Ariif-iCFtn section of the Yiddish ccrrrpc, in m o i - r n i n r "ivn S r i - r n f i " Institute in Vilna, Po: another, • he

Anti-Semites battled anti-Semites instead of Jews in Bucharest this past week, when a mob of Iron Guardists invaded the headquarters of the-.rival Crusaders and beat up every one in the building so badly they had to be taken to the hospital. out the forces, that will revitalize the country. With nation- neglect and even discount other essity. Encouraged in their sadistic tendency;by the sight of blood, alistic/rather than religious, totalitarianism as his goal, he is forms of Jewish activity, do their i , pnrt two is a COlieriion of cQcausg tremendous harm. "For theijtorial comment, clasFlfir-d. i:r.dr'' the Iron Guardists then attacked Professor Nicholas Jorga of continuing the tragedy of 1492. very sake of religion^ it is neces- : these six hT.dines " \nti-Fr-r-iLthe University of Bucharest and prevented him and students sary to foster other interests be- ' ism"; "Zionism""'1 "Corr>rr;;'iitv Criticism sides religion. It is only when re- Relicion;" "Social Justice"• and from entering the university. . : ' ligion is a way of life that it has^'Culture' 1 . and makes rrovoc'aBy Eabbi Frederick Oohn "We haven't heard of any protest from the Crusaders to the vitality and appeal. Emptied of- tiv e read inc. The editorial? arp o' "Anyone and everyone feels it his privilege to criticise. government, since they do not seem brazen.enough to complain these concrete raanifestatjons. of; more than tem^orarv i^te"-'?t .. Yet, criticism is a difficult and important art. social and esthetic activity, reli-'aKd express Jewish attitude 1 ' ?nd against action which they themselves apply demonstrate against Criticism is not mere fault-finding, pointing out defects, gion is like a hollow shell." True; convict ions "without evasions and! others. However, we did hear of the protest of Jqrga to .Pre: and challenging- words'. ": ~ . • ". ." " compromise: mier Tatareseu, 'wEp;warned that fie would resign unless the making adverse remarks." The first part of the volume is The word 'criticism' comes from the Greek verb, 'krino' devoted to lengthy and detailed The ."Reconstructionist Papers'" hooligan tactics of the Iron Guardists is checked. But, Profeswill aid materially in providing sor Jorga, is strongly sympathetic to the establishment of fas-, wliich means 'to judge.' True criticism is a judgment, not neces- articles. Rahbi Milton Steinberg the intelligent and conscious Jew cism in. Rumania ... . . and, like so many otliers, is so near- sarily adverse. True criticism may be praise as well as blame.' writes with insight anC clarity j; with a {.'Hide to Jewish about anti-Semitism.- Though no learrsinc acd ^ife. The volume de- '• sighted in his viewpoint that he cannot see that all about him ' . The great criticis have understood this. They know how s u b j e c t is as constantly discussed | « e r v e , a wk<* h - n - to assess and estimate works and individuals rightly. ! among Jews as this, none is so totalitarianism and hooliganism are.comrades-at-anns. Matthew Arnold,; for instance, knew how to criticise H i s i m i s u n d e r s t o o d - T h e h i d c I e n , b u t "Essays in Criticism" show this. j true causes of the disease are

'•:;io:ahs. Jewich Mutte. Blblci

DON'T FORGET JOHN FELDMAN for Matzc and Articl»» f A L E i S ' M - PRAYER BOOKS GrftF for Bar Mlt»v«h» Res. 60E No. SOth St. GL-897; F. C. Box n o Omahl. N«br


"Safe for Differences" •...

• .




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. The fourth annual Brotherhood Day as a national instituAnatole France, was one of the greatest critics of the age. led; and in view of the German- -, tion trader the auspices of the Conference of Jews and Christians will be observed this week-end. The Brotherhood-Day idea is a sound and appealing apting essays. In "The God Idea In Eraehah Zfirah and the capable proach to. the religious problem. It does not debate doctrinal the soul among masterpieces" The human soul, also, however Judaism" he re-examines the tra- composer and accompanist, Nahumble, is a 'masterpiece' of^God. Beware how you wound or ditional concepts of God and chum Xardi. differences; it seeks no least common multiple of faith. It does finding injure the humblest human being, particularly by words of un„ them unacceptable to nioWhen I looked around*! could not advocate common worship; it builds upon the plenitude of just criticism or individual censure. There is nothing so deli|dern Jews suggests a new atti--| see a packed audience c£ youn each separate faith and bids men Be loyal to the group to tude towards the God idea. Jew-; and old alike following t h e cate as the sensitiveness and sensibility of a human soul. To which they belong. We have long maintained that understandish. secularism like secularism in charming: Erachali Zfirah • ing of each other's view would go a long way .toward .better wound it, unnecessarily, unjustly, is nothing less than a crime. general is in a large measure due I eagerness and admiration. the untenability ef the tradiIn her quiet, melodious voice. feeling between faiths, and Brotherhood Day offers such an It is often nothing less than murder, spiritual murder. Re- to of God,'• to [in her individualistic manner oC tional c nce u nE member "Shylock's words, 'who steals my purse steals trash i ° P ° . opportunity, " . . . vii^ hands . . , ', j.-, ,, . . ,J • • ""au •• • W hich the modern mind can not : grace and rhythm, subscribe. Dr. Kaplan interprets eyes ailurmost expressive •. The basic idea of the problem of modern Brotherhood Day out he who filches from me my good name, robs me of that subscribe. Kaplan interprets the Deity in Dr. terms that are mean- ! most ing sheexpressive presenter BaE colorful r!;apis contained in this year's slogan, "Make America Safe for Difwhich naught enriches him1 yet leaves me poor indeed.' Be ingful and persuasive. The gen- sody of song. ferences." This suggests that the basic problem of our. civilizaKer interpretation was very careful how you rob another of what is perhaps his greatest uine atheist is he "who considers tion is'moral and spiritual rather than economic, social or possession, his character, by unjust, irresponsible, ill-founded, life as meaningless vanity" even vivid and crestec1 an imagination he scrupulously fulfills of things un\nown ard carried political; that there are great areas of activity of common con-, and reckless if not malicious, criticism. It is easy to .criticise! though the ritual requirements of reii- one into the far corners ol cern to Protestants, Catholics and Jews in which they can co- It is hard to bear criticism stoically and nobly. All it takes to the ancient world.. "The Status of The Jewish operate-- such as the resistance to totalitarinnisms and impor be an average critic is a good supply of egotism, a big dose of She seemed at imes a grotc-squttation of foreign propaganda, of hatred and strife, the battle conceit, a plentiful amount of vanity, utter selfishness (though Woman" is bold and unpleasantly little figure stepped out of the truthful. Sentiment and filial frame of an old painting and by against'paganism, communism and fascism. pretending unselfishness), the more.ignorance the better, and love have obscured the fact of the '..miracle of an artist come to life, • - The American traditions of civil rights and liberty of con- perhaps a few grains of malice and uncharitableness thrown permanent inferior,legal status of j In other places one could iiear the Jewish woman. The Jewish ; a tale of passion and love, a lulscience form a priceless.heritage, and we of all faiths should in for good measure daughter and wife are bereft of ; laby of devotion and tenderness, unite forces in battling the common enemies. Be careful how you exercise the gentle. (1) art of criticism. all legal prerogatives and rights, j native dancing Liid the music It takes special preparation, unwonted competence and un- The Oriental habit of placing wo-1 playfulness of a child. man on a par with the slave and All this was combined with, inusual skill. It even takes a certain amount of genius. Yet 'fools the minor which unfortunately is telligence, Money Troubles., . artistic talent, and •The present administration has recently been honored by rush in' to criticise 'where angels fear to tread' on a human the basis of Biblical and Talmu- j musical knowledge, j soul lest they do infinite harm, perpetrate irretrievable disas- die legislation, dominates Jewish i The program Was carried out British law even today. Inequality, dis- \ by the young singer with muelt crimination, subordination, is the • grace and expression and genuine legal fate of the modern Jewish \ artistic talent. It proved to be ment. Without the dew of the kindly, encouraging word the woman. Inability o£ the wife to \ delightful entre*ninmer.t for thea flower withers. The flower of faith, confidence, spontaneity so sue for, and win, a divorce, the' audience. necessary to all productiveness and •fine creativeness, withers plight of the agunah, the desert-.] JCachura Xardi, a' fine composed wife, and the institution of ; er of deep understanding, lias and dies upon the human heart. Ichalitza, are shameful evidences ! done much to emphasize, the beaThe classic example of unjust criticism is Job. Job knew j o f h a r s h inferority .relics of a by- { utj- of Semitic music lie was innocent. God knew he was innocent. Satan himself gone age. Though, .Dr. Kaplan —Lucy Lowensteln

French ambassador. However .the two come with but a single purpose—that of getting the United States to graciously adVance something like a billion dollars to bolster the morale of "the Third Reich. ' Neither country is acting out of the, goodness • of its heart. France under former nationalistic governments .relentlessly drove Germany to the edgei_i of •.the p r e e ^• c e on winch ,t now i knew he was innocent, yet his 'friends' (God save the mark!) ,. _ j xr-, 1 i i • -mi.^i-wji., j u j.ritmu.5 Itjruu s a v e - m e m a r K ! ) Stands. 3 tands.

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condemns these legal • discrimina- ; he " hesitates to repudiate TO THE EraTCn— them, as Reform Judaism has j "The Jewish National Workers done. To wait till the Orthodox1 Alliance wishes 1,o express to authorities amend or abrogate Omaha- Jewry its n.->preciation for j

' tions<

England, under a blundermg regime at cross-purposes ! accused him of all manner of evil and wrong-doing. Job apT H t, v m S n a ? T ° U S ' C ° n S 1 S t C n t ~ ? t U p i d i t ^ t 0 ! P e a l e d t 0 Ood, for every unjustly aspersed soul desires iustiL strengthen the Kazi regime and to remove the possibility of a cation and vindication. Job felt utterly helpless before his the cruel provisions is tanta-; the support of the concert given saner government B coming to power. . c r i t i es, yet he' knew in his inmost soul that he, was righteous mount to-waiting for the coming ; Tuesday ercnins". The situation m Germany is critical. Since 1919 money has "I know that mv Eedepmer liveth' he cried out in deepest of the Messiah. The unreasonable! All those who cooperatec' for been poured into Germany o keep at from going Communist, anguish and heroic faith. And Job was vindicated at last. His obstinacy and dogmatism and this affair • and especially the .Now the economic pohcy of the Na, l s has proved suicidal. While steadfastness and unflinching courage were rewarded with blindness of contemporary rab- Jewish Press are thanked for authorities are too the boycott has done its share, it has had the full co-operation recognition and full appreciation in the end. Job" was God's fu..r c\ c;.' ^ The s t n t u / o f tho s< of the NaZ1 pseudo-economists. , . ^ . ^ t r u m p a c e wllicll H e k e p t u p H [ g gIeeve a n d ^ :~ chsrrin"? in sj,tc cf | tradii->=alistB. in Paic:-Hr.e The avowedly militaristic intentions of the government took -the winning trick at last. • i i . everyi-.rere else. Both the tin leave no doubt as^to what.purpose new credits will be used. is a g a m e , a n d t h e c r i t i c s a r e m a n y , b u t h e w h o p l a y s i n nd the envimoment hr.ve v--. Despite the cry for more land, five per cent of Germany has imperturbably, respecting the rales, despite a few losses "is cafed the enrly Reform leaders, j .Andrea of rpthrj-,"" ef T>-J. who finding the rabbinic author-Ichar.ilirrl", been taken from cultivation since 1933 for military purposes. bound to be triumphantly victoriousiat last, v Hie? inuransi=xant, ignored thnra !jcanza, v.-ifo c C h n i s o IT Of Knz. The former, allied nations are not duped by Germany's cry _ - Frederick Cohn. and the iiBjuft laws. Jewish land.

90EHKT A.rr*m,u to-, t s .

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DEBORAH CARD PARTY NEKI TUESDAY On Tuesday evening, February The February ineet 23, at 8 p. m. the Deborah; SoCouncil o£ Je^n-ish We—* ciety, an auxiliary of the City held Mosday, Krs. ,T Talmud Torah and one o! the •win reviews* "Goze TTif" oldest Jewish- .women's organizaa one c'doii. XEWHAX-FEBI/OWITZ tions in Omaha, will hold its anand a twelve o'clock bo£.r,.' r Mr, and Mrs. DavicT Feolowitz nual card party at tlie Jewish announce; tho engagement • of E&LBHBAB OF WOHEH'S Community Center. ; their daughter, Laverao Beverly, Mrs. Joe Goldtr&re, president of tfce recen to Mr. Theodore A, Ne-vrman, son of t h s Deborah, will b©. assisted on .the of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Newman. ;\ -February • 10 — Eschar Ixt- by'the committes including the •• '•• . . . • • - - • • No definite date haabefin set for & t t t n t e * Mesd&mea. D. B. Epstein, a. H. he tLEnCEl fcriege : February £0 —- Sachar. In* the -wedding. Davis, H. Nevdeff, Sarah Prohm, be helc s.t the 1. ^ s t i t u t e • • . - • . . ' . • £7. 1£TS. ; February £0 — • Beth El' J.' Finkle,. J. Bfinisiein, C. S. PUEIM LUNCHEON • . ,' •• HOES, Mr. Aitltman, L. Kevelsif, assisted by I£re. Ker Oneg Shabboa The Goldie Meyerson Club -trill and Eva L., Koseckr. s-nd Mrs. Jack Cohere. ; Febtti&ry. 2 0 — P i o n e e r have a Purim luncheon, Tuesday, TPomen -Oneg --Shabbos Arroangenien'ts have been'.sa&de February S3, at 1 o'clock a t the 31 ——'Sit.' • £iaai for table and (loo? prises. Jewish Community Center. A. Auxiliary Dinner tr.usicai program will follow. 21 —. Sacha? la- 0MC :§!1ABBOS BY • 1 The rest ^Reservation. may be made by s t i iFebruary g c-r tite '-. ''• ,- • - . ' • • • I i 5Cr Tasfi Au ary Trill be calling Mrs. Herman Cohen, GL. ' l SATURDAY , -I?cbraary ;sa —Junior .V&ad 2G84'or Mrs. Marion Tawitz, GL. Auxiliary I the B'Esi. Is 1844. TlcketB are . thirty*! ive Immediately after t h s lecture • ;- Pebm&*y 2 3 —- J?sborah So* cents. . .defy Annual; Card -Party • - of Dr. A. L. Sach'&f, Saturday af•' 'February £3~—• Goldie Mey* ternoen, the Beth El Auxiliary a pjg,sp will hold"an OUST Shabbos in the VIITOIl HERE \ crsoa Purini Lanrfieoa iE $.?.t K i E cr, Miss Berenice Liberman of . February . £3 — .-Pleasant auditorium of tha Jewish Combfcs itilivTi. A. Krpftetn Chicago, formerly of Bioux City, Hill Cemetery Society. •• •• • munity Center. 1 en " ?rj5f-t TTe vrcrM . Hostesses will. b& the • Mesis spending the week end ia Oma- •. Ifebnuuy 23 •>*- Sisterhood ASout damea B. A. Simon,'LI. F . Levenha visiting friends. 2»Ils3 Liberr Current Topics Cl&ss . As^ciectioa ef man is snroute to Chicago after February 24 — .Hadassah san, Simon Plzef. Louis Alberts. st tS's Sam Rie&, Sam fr&hm, Mas Davspending the past .two weeks wltn i Jubllco is, and Jay Wright. . her family in Sioux City. There" will be four'tea tables with two eamovars at each table. AT BEXTAL CONVENTION At the text Eiecilug t>i vlie J5r. B. T. Friedman is attend- GIVE PABTY Current Topics Group • cf t t c ing the Dental Convention in Chi- The Buncoteera Club save a •E...T.: €. Ssrsnlj" srael Sisterhood,' IVes-! cago. He left last Sunday and valentins party at the home of Isa. Kreiner, , iaternatioaally Miss Krerafer has juet returnSophie Blumkln, last Sunday. Feirutry IS, et 1C:JC s,t vhe l, remain a week. kflown balladist, will appear in ed Irom a. tour cf Europe, The E. T. C, Sorority field its The room was decorated with Hotel, Kabbi Frt^ti- > on Sunday, February 18, *-hich eb© eoaplete r*rised ber Valentines. An , amateur contest election of officers on Thursday, ict Cotia •will spetb en "The He TO PITTSBURGH CONCLAVE repertoir. at the Ceatral Club in February n , at the fioma of Miss olution&.rr Mrs. Jacob Blank will leave on created tho fun of tho evening. Mary Kaplan. New officers elect- a program of Folk Songs of many i is li'iy and sirectyTuesday for Pittsburgh where Dolores SWar, the newly-elected ed were: Bertha Slutaky, presi- nations under auspices of Braachcent. president won first prize and Mue Our Acvcr'agert attend the convention of riel Goldberg second. she dent; Edith Schneider^ treasurer; ea 173 and 25S of the Workmen's Iran Basilevsky, her nccoia• the Women's League of the UnitCircle a fraternal benefit order, panist, is a rianist of -vricle cote t and Etta Camel, secretary. Plans ed Synagogues of America, Febrfor tho activities of the coining ATTENDS BESTAL CLINIC uary 27 and 28. . ing eecifled to attcrnS Dr* M. I. Gordon will return year, were discussed. Mra. Blank will be accompannight «ervices refciarly from Chicago Saturday, February ied by Mrs. .E. Meyer, her mother, ; end la criEg plans fo 21. Ho haa been attending the . and will visit relatives and At a iaaeker held recently a t j f t n n t t a I >j8St j e IT i 8 h friends in Chicago and New York. Dental Society's Annual clinic. , it* hoass. Use Phi Beta Epsiloa |A T r B r d i J n tl?<, T f r T Members ef tee Alpha Gamcsa fraternity of Crefchtoa naiT*r.lty | t h e pIllISS tO Ab' AT JOSLYN Chi Sorority t>t tbe p pledged th i d l l i sirs elaser fi of Coancil BJcffs. 31 ca The following activities will bs University have a full calendar ef Sadafisah'0 Silver Jubilee Day activities this week with both in- (Jllelicfl of Oiaaha, Kor presented a t tha Jbslyn MemorTllS oi Omalia, &n& Sanoel Gant-. l 5 s a J a clfifest fiecipherible iaS^rlp- \ ial on Sunday, February 2 1 . will be celebrated Wednesday, ionnal and forasai Jnitiatloa n s n of St. i^anl, Miaaesota. "• -e»'i£i cferactery February 24, at the regular meet- ing place. 1937. is o a t h e t r a b of Bea a ing at tho ' Jewish Community cereiaoar — i =-a Ellabelle Korsey, Esther Stein3:00 p. m. —• Lecture Hail Bueao de Mesijuits. vho died i z ' Two plays Sponsored by the Center. The signing of the Scroll berg, and BveJyn. y r conducted by the Pledge Dramatic Department of thQ will be tho- *eatur© of the day.charge of tee iafonasl installa"?vciasteJn. The new ea 1682. Municipal University of Omaha. All paid up members -will affix tion at the hotae of Jaset'Graets, caaergo a pledging period of 4:00 p. their names to a beautiful parch- Tuesday evenin g, •Fe'feraary p m. — Concert Hall Ffe 6 thrsa laonths "before beis^ b 16. Duo-Art Recorded Organ Pro- ment scroll which- will be placed Thursday ths final • initiation into t i e in the reception hall of the Ha-pledges of th& group eatertalaefi ernity. M&ny alumni cl ths clispgram. . -BY P U E L I 5 DEMANS! dasEah-ltothschild. U n i v e t a ity tlieir active 'niotJisra* -tt a 4:30 p. m. — Lecture Hall tef fetteaaed tlis Staoker. A Return Erts*se«*nt c sponsored by The hospital. verca party at tea iiose of AflaOmaha Music Teachers' AssociaA playlet, especially written 11ns Specter. Beta Upsilca fire: Harold Stern. tion. for the occasion, "The DramatiFormal initiation is scheduled MAIN D1NSNS ROOM A N 3 8:00 p. m. — Concert Hall zation of the Tweat~-Five Tear "Willlaa" Gray, £ecrePALM GROVE Town Hall Forum - lecture by History of Hadass&b" will ba pre- for Sunday evesiag at the" FoaMeyer ilabea, treaEtirer; IS tenells Hotel. SUPPEf Estlsfer Silversaa Prof. John D. Hicks. "Heeent sented. The cast includes the DlRtirsg Trends in American Government.' Mesdamea David B. Cohea, I . So-will toastmistress vita 18 p. m. ts 7 P. TO. t » aud Phil Malkia, reporter. 1 £ . Ptt. g kolof, J. Bosanberg, James Cor- Janet S p . m. Svelyn Dansky trill ept&k Kateaaa and Mslkfa are ^"•. ''-*.Women's Dkisisa Affair _ enman, Aaron Edgar, Hyman alumni. f th actives ti dP for ths and Pa-alins Eo- dis.2s ot t t s liosse -tud ^"Oyer 350 -women attended the Belman, Al Fieldler, Louis Al- senbanin for the .pleases. Pleases the Pas-HeUeaia represeatativti. "bridge-luncheon sponsored by theberts: Misses Toby Flax, Frieda who'will be iaitiatea include TBs frateraity at its last cstt- ;v---~- — .« "Women's Division of the Jewish sosenblatt; and Buddy Barish, nah Baum, Sylvia Weiner, PaulLipsman,,; Haskell Cohen, Community Center on Tuesday. Alex ine Eosenbaum, Adeline Specter, Proceeds from the affair will be and Milton Frohm. Frances BluaMn, Goldia Silverused to buy' new equipment for man, and Celia Lipsman. the Center kitchen. Hadassah Study Florence Steinberg and Esther i Mrs. L. Neveleff, chairman of The Hadassah Study Group j Steinberg are charter members of tHe Kitchen committee, .let it" be will meet Tuesday, March 2, at a new music organisation on the known that the presidents of all the home of Mrs. I . campus, the Kappa Ma Lambda. the women's, organizations will 144 No. 34th stree^ be called upon to help In select- dessert-luncheon will precede the Florence serves as vice-president and Esther as historian. ing the new equipment* session. The discussion of en KOILDanslry, treasurer of tfa® TV. A. Iflh Attitudes -Toward Peace" will | A., served as a meiaber oi t i e (Except continue. Mrs. David A. Goldstein i committed in charge of tae ValA. Z. A. 1 leada the Study Group. entino dance that t h s W. A. A. sponsored. Pauline Rosenlsauin T h e Mother Chapter became received an all A record in Eevthe reigning basketball champenteen hours -work, ths.-highest j ions of the Cornbelt region at the number of hours a freshman may convention held at Lincoln, Feb- • Th© Pioneer Women's ruary 12, 13, 14 by eking out a ization will have" an Ones Shabvictory over the Lincoln team. bos this coming Saturday afterMembers of the team included noon at the home of Mrs. Mor-bridge-luncheon to bs given at . Ray Schapiro, Morris Adler, Dave ris Epstein, 160S Willis Avenue. TVeiner, Harold Garbef, Herb Members of the organisation -Brill Meiches, Morto:; Soref, and Loo give readings. Sherman. These Alephs -will represent Invest CafsSy,,Wisst? la the region at the district tourna- PLEASAilT MILL-SOCIETY ment to be held at Minneapolisf Ar.r.ultf. Cn£;v.-r.tsn^, (.t'a March 20,21 a i d 23. . The regular meeting Morton Margolin and Morria Pleasant Hill t i Strar.3 Compssa. Arbitmah, representatives of the bo held Tuesday, February Every Typa e? tr.c^r^fti chapter in the debate contest 23, at the B'nai Jacob Synagogue ana Eoni'a written. Can AT» •were eliminated by a close . deci- 24th and Cf V/A>5 sion in the semi-finals. Irving o'clock. "Sbgg made a fine showing in the j oratory contest. The chapter is cooperating with B'nai B'rith in its present membership' drive. Kuben Lip- pett is the chairman of the campaign . and is being assisted by TO GIVE YOU the- entire chapter. The nest day of international importance is A. Z. A. Sabbath on March 19. Although nothing has heen definitely arranged, plans are- going1 forward and will be announced. There will be an important meeting n: the chapter on Sunday, February 21 . i

*-•• ( ^ 1 i t i - . ' U a


FM Beta Epsiloa

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s, tailoring &nd alteration done very rcanonatly. Mro^ Maro,'.--3510 Harney street. 'Hsrney 3000.

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WEST COAST GOES BACK TO WORK — Bousing from the lethargy brought onfaythe threemonths' maritime strike, the West Coast now goes back to work, following settlement of the strike. Here is a busy scene on the San Francisco EmbarSadero as loaded trucks move in to load freight on ships once more. The scene is indicative of new activity all along West Coast waterfronts.

FOUK- DIED EX THIS CM!?E-Three Akrcn, OAC, tuc'.r^cs rrc~ r.ne c vcir crash of this private'y cwrjed plarse Then it st~rc!r T T I,."i""sV!"T"fr " . C Pr~r° scattered over ten acres. Pilot of the picne, which vas er rou',e to .^!'~nr f~OTr ably lost his way in a rain squall End trisd to negotiate a forced Ir-ncinsr,

V'C'C . " • > r •?

i.v iccl in the '""fe were n- . p-esum-

BASEBAIX IMMORTAIi-rRemember Nap Lajoie, baseball star of yesteryear? For 15 years, around the turn of the century and thereafter, he batted more than .300, part of the time with the Cleveland Americans. He played in major leagues for 20 years, but never on a pennant-winning team. He is shown here, with his peti enjoying & vacation at Lake Worth. Ha.

, ~~ *

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SHIP CHIEF — Marius Boeger, - appointed by the Nazi government to operate the Arnold Bernstein and Bed'Star ship lines, both controlled by the Jewish shipping man, Arnold BernsteinReports from Berlin said Bernstein had been detained there and the lines charged with breaches of exchange laws. Captain Thor Eckert, American manager in New York, said management of the lines remained unchanged and they would operate as usual.


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TROUBLE FO^ THE HOME FLEET—Tossed -feigh en mountainous waves en Its trairdsg cruise to the Canary Islands, Britain's Home Fleet met precarious running in tae Bay cf Eisosr, ^"est d Franos and north of Spain- This picture was made from the decli cf His Majesty's ship Rcxal Sovereign shows the Besolution and the Bamilies plowing through the turbulent seas.


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SHE SHOWS SEA SHELLS — When the tide receded at Tahiti Beach. Miami, Fla., recently, there was Miss Helen Howard of New York City. Casting about her for a novel bathing suit she discovered some sea shells and forthwith, with much Ingenuity, she fashioned the unique apparel as shown above;

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o-. Governor iofoTS strike, ".P4P- The

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EEOFICAI. CSBSETJ—This-gay scene took placs on the stens ex the cspitol to San Juan, Puerto Rico, as Miss Malsn PiDrantoni was crotmsd queen of the Ponce de Leon carnival. The coronation, occurring at midnight, opened one of the gayest festival coascru Uncle Sam's Island territory hits seen. Miss Pierantoni iros electc;! que*ss amons ceven districts for her title of "Miss Pujjrto Hjca"

1-= LT lCT£ E


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THE JEWISH PBBSS.. FRIDAY, FSBRTTAHY; 19, 1B37 a quota of $4,500,000 as .Amer- A. Z. A. No. 1 ;.._ 2 ican Jewry's 1937 share in the A. Z. A. No. 100... 0 financing of Palestine reconstruc. Junior League tion, and adopting a resolution calling on the British government Name W to do nothing to endanger" Jew- Sharpshooters _ . : 6 ish rights in Palestine. Both El Coun. Bluffs A. Z. A. .7 5 tonigto will bo con- llore than 1,500 delegates, rep- Omaha Jobbing Co, ; Services 5 ducted by Cantor Aaron Edgar resenting 2,000,00.0. Jews of evand the choir in the Jodgeroom ery shade of opinion and includqt-the Center. After services Dr. ing. Orthodox, Heform and ConA. L. Sacbar Trill give the open- servative elements as- well as ing lecture of the Institute. Zionists and non-Zionists, attended the Conference, which. was /Wednesday night the Congre- convened by the United Palestine gation -wllr gather for Pnrim eer- Appeal in association with 40 -na-Ticesat 7:30. Mr. Reuben Lnck- tional Jewish organizations. o v Irill/chant the 2>Ieglllah i n the traditional manner. . -'•' . "Hsbbi- Goldstein TVIII ' interpret the Purim story. Children present •will be given Hainan Gre-. Istanbul, Turkey (WNS) — gors-by vomen ot the Auxiliary. The Turkish government is pre• • ; ••:• - . N e s t F r i d a y . . . paring to set aside a large stretch Nest Friday evening Rabbi of unoccupied,but fertile land for Goldstein •-will give a Purim ser- the resettlement of 600 Jewish mon,' "A" Swedish" Professor' and families who were forced to move an American Rabbi View tAnti- from their homes in the DardanSemitism." The sermon'is Based elles area where the government on- two reeenf book -which exhaus- is building important fortificatively1 treat tbia whole "problem. catioas, according to reports in The-books are "Anti-Semitism: the -Turkish press. Historically and Critically Examt The Bite of the proposed settleined." by professor Hugo Valentin ment has \not yet been revealed ofgrinally-written in Swedish and but it is understood that the govtranslated into English; and theernment Intends to convert i t insecond,- ' 'Anti-Semitism Yester- to a large scale Jewish agriculday and Tomorrow" be l i e : Lev- tural colony. . ' • ' . . . :

5 'Ramblers —_


8 Tau. Xi Lainb'da vs. Psi K B . February 2S Co. Bluffs A. S. A. vs. Ra

CoiiEcil Blufis A. Z. A. faE.slret- ; thrilling- game. iy--Jis.1refi i:?rmis pie^-pr. • i ball team costicned t o he a thorn TTich Tox anC B.oseiufc-! ie?n- inr the in=p--F. This Week's Schedule :fcr leaders in t h e J . C. G. jtraior i n £ l b e v a j ' - t h e A - E ' A " (;-'lhli '^ « ^ , U P V jnniov )**?.; February 21 _ ^ „, ,. snatched t h e verdict vvs.y trom c. omr-.I'is Jot'^inn t.T-™. '.2; Barish-Sanders "vs. • A. Z. A. IIers' . ' ie&sx^ _ ^ ^ " ^ ^ l U l s ^ b c " E ; group that TV&S -eafiy la p u t t!i<? Jiambievs, SS to 1Z. S|No. 1. . • • j Sharpshooters vs. '-Omaha Sob- jt n o c ' : e a ° " >--s *e£.tiinE ^harp- •cy clinchers on ihe league ch&m-' Gendier made 1-", point?


i shooting

A. 2 . A. No'.' 100 vs. Alpha Pi j bing.


IT to IS, ia a , pionsliip. Carl Precincts, the cur- ] the war for the viciorg.

Dardanelles Jews

i n g e r .

• . ;_• • ' • ' . - - . ' .

' -


• • • • • '

For t i e saoot eorsplste celectioa of fixtures t a d et3|7plies in tbo -Mi^iarest visit t h e

. ' Temple

. -At service tonight members of the Temple will observe 'Brotherhood Day.J Rabbi Frederick Conn Jake Schriebman is the best wil speak on."What the World handball player at the J. C. C. Needs Most." At any rate, that "was the outRegular Saturday morning services will begin at eleven o'clock. come of the regular season tournament completed last week with Jake edging out the surprising . •. - - , , •• V a a d •'• • Turner in a hotly-contested . Rabbi Milton Kopstein will Max finals match, 21-15, 21-20. speak on "There Is a Unique Peoindeed, though Schrtebman'3 pis" at services tonight a t the climb to the championship is a B'nai Israel; Synagogue, i • Saturday morning services will distinct surprise, the performance also be held a t the B'nai Israel of Max in the entire meet was the highlight ot the four-wall Synagogue. At that time Rabbi swatting. Kopsteln will speak on Israel and Turner, the all-around award Amalek. •'• ~ winner in 1935, was generally '•• Special Purim r services a n d classified as "tough to beat" bnt reading from the Megillah will not necessarily of championship take place "Wednesday evening a t caliber. Max gave this theory a swift kick in the Beat of tho 6:30. pants, batted the smashing Jack Ban out of the tourney in the semi-finals, and made the oddson-favorite, Schriebman, hustle The Mount. Sinai Ladies Auxi- along like a man running to catch liary will give a dinner, Sunday, a street car on a cold morning. February 21, a t the Adass TeshJake had too many pins in his ' uren Synagogue, 25 and Seward system in the .first game for the streets at six- o'clock. Mrs. A.title and made Max take EJ 21-15 Roffman is chairman, of the af-licking. The bouncing Turner fair. : - ..-..-;. . - V •'.' •. .. .. then demonstrated how he tras -Mr. l a r r y Finkel will sing. able to beat Ban and "why he had , 'i About one. . hundred , persons the right to be in- the court by are.expecte&r Reservations can leading the; champion." through : be made by calling Mrs. Hoffman, most of the second game, taking a .20-18 •play- . Here Schrieby, always a top-notcher in J. C. C. play, but who hasn't used the courts consistently enough, battered' over three straight to take the victor's laurels. ' Schriebman replaces Manny Jerusalem (JTA) — Palestine had 15,689 criminal and other Goldberg as our handball ruler. offences in' the. first eleven Manny was forced out ot play this months of 1936 as compared with year by a hand injury. .





P t i r i m



:. Sinai-Auxiliary •

-Palestrae Crime. Is Claim

11,856 in the same ' period Df 1935, with the rise attributed to The class B champion of the last year's disorders. . ball-pounders is ace' of the little Murders, according to a Gover- fellows Sammy Epstein, cracking nment statistical bulletin, rose aside Hy Gendleman in the finals, from 105 in the 1935 period to 21-18, 21-17. 248: last year. The grimmest Sam,. always able to hold his month - was last August .when 5 0 own against bigger men, had depersons died violent deaths. For- spaired of his chances, saying, ty were killed in September. "I'm getting too old, too fat, and Violations of road transport or- I can't see anything." dinances! fell from 35,755 in the It all this were true, Little 1035 period to 17,750 in 1936. Sammy would really be in bad This wasn't, iecause Palestinians shape. However, when "Hawksuddenly began obeying traffic shaw" got through knocking the regulations, 7'Ut because the po- living stuffings out of the' black lice were too busy to catch many pellet, it was Gendleman who was violators of these ordinances. in bad shape, though the loser Attempted murders • totalled put up a sterling match. 464 last year, compared• with 99 for' the same eleven-month perHats off to Omaha's A. 2L A iod of IDS 5. Manslaughters, how- crack basketball team. - ever dropped from 127 to 88. - Coached, by Lee Grossman, and H i g h w a y robberies increased led by Handsome Ray Shapiro, from'30 to 94. the splendid young local gang moved through three tough op §4,500,000 for Palestine ponents at Lincoln last week-end to win the regional tournament Washington, D. C. (WNS) —and the right to represent its disWith the slogan "a dollar for ev- trict at Minneapolis at a latei ery Jew in America" the Nation- date. al Conference f o r Palestine Faced" by the prospect of meetbrought-its two-day meeting to a ing the great -Des Moihes team close by unamimously approving in the very first round, the Oma ha kid3 didn't get bud; fever and fought out a 21-17 victory. Des Mcine3 had been getting tha championship s.a annually as winH. A. fiallander, branch manater comes and tho victory over ger of the Airtemp Division, Sithe lowans put high hopes in the dles Company, 1903 Harney St., heart3 of the Nebraska' youngannounces the introduction of the sters.' new All-ln-One Air Conditioner •Then came Sioux City, another developed by the Chrysler Cortough gang. In a thrilling game, poration. Omaha won 23 t o 21, with Lee The Airtemp "All-in-One" ia a noticeably^ grayer at complete summer air condition- Grossman the finish.

Air Conditioner

for every purpose '

siia Fixture and Supply.€o»

Distributed by

. 1101 Douglas

104 No. 18th St. AT-3454

JA. 2724

cs YiP.E. Pr. a n d Up ', ALCOHOL - SSc GcHon .' ..- — P r o s p e r — CHAMPION Spark

"Say It With Flowers"

Tite fSraniels specialises im c e n t e r pieces, corsages, lunsrel

' Supply Sferes

c s t flowerc, end potted plants.

la Sherman - Milton r.lcskcvltz 1 9 1 9 Farnaia S t .

Crcr.dcia Sicrs

WE-2929 i 1

some " Ifcyy Shapiro TTE.3 at Ms handsomest best. Hay, playing a settlar game ot guarding H3 well shot the basket like V/illisci Tell plunks apples olZ little boys' heads, dropping in five buckets for half his team's points. IiSAGl'



Barich-Sanders 7 G Psi Liu .—XI L=nbd3 — : -i Alpha Pi Tau.'. 2


• '

DEAUTV Features po - Flnoer V/ave Brass, Cronss Alaralaam. Sof mgs. wood and fitetsl Pstterrsi Standard sisss Bronze and Iror Bushings, Sewer Msnhclss, Cistern Rings and Covers, Cieanout D00E3, Sash Weights and Y*I!ow Brasa ' Plumbers' Far. runs. csrriEj | n Btcsk. Srcnie Tablets, Eronsa «nd Cist Iron Griilia a E?ssl:!ty. .Gray Iron and SemUSteel Cast.

' Penaaaent Waves at $3.50 end Up

71© Erassfisls Theatre


c IN

Bll-LJARDS-^SNOOKER POCKET BILLIARDS At) New Streamline Tsb!e3 Restaurant—Bar Direct Wire On All «:portinD Events Ladles i Especially lavlted



BILLIARD AND LUNCH 12t3 Farnara St. WE S423

Elaborate plans fcy the ^"aa.d . . for *.the Concert ar.d Reception honoring Milton Kopstsis, their ne-w spiritual leader , . . ca Sun- Kstber (E^rnzcntiir;!) Eeincr day, February 28, zX the E'nai are aepartin^ fcr XT', .^in. T?v~ Israel synagogue . . . . After Eub- sas, where ?.lr. Seiner yrZZl he scribing a^arfis for the best es- in ctiarjre of a. ciottiiEj; store, says on • "Racial anci Keligiotis ojje cf a prominent, cliaJ Tolerance" for the past three . . . Murray TVintrocb is years as aa anonymous' contribu- ii3g a "Dssh" for "Dot".*: snfi tor . , announceiaeiit was made we c!oa.*t bJasrae him . . . Jlr. publicly of t&s donor. Dr. Philip EndS Mrs. Walter Schiusrael r o Sher . . . named Omaha's Je-arish sisiing ia St. i»ocis, preparing; outstanding citizen In 153 5 . . . *or a- "spedE"' event in SepReports of a commendatory na- tensber . . . Congratulations to ture recerred from Siou^ City Hose Davidson, -who has beconcerning tee rmpressiTe address come secretary to a \Tamer delivered t>j Rabbi "VTics at the Bros, esrectitive in the 'ilm ccpannual banqquet o^ the Jewisl: itol . . . Federation . . . Add honor roll students: KsslceH Morris, son ot A. Z. A. Cosdare Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morris, a senior 'CTords-eye view ol the A, Z. A. at Central High, received 5 "A's" during the semester . . . Young conventioa at Lincoln: KighlightE or the gathering included the Morris aspires to be a Medico . Nathan Strauss chapter oi A. Z. spiritual entertainment, the 'serA. at Los Angeles donated ?>2S.OO vices Friday nite including the for the Harry Lapidus Ueniorial Sioux City choir led by Jack MerFund in Palestine . . . a Eeraos-- lin . . ,>Oinaha's flashing basketT ial \rell -deserving . . . Ed-ward ball "live" opposing L.iEc-oln E "quints" {cr Dionnes) . . the banRosen thai, son cf Mr. and Sirs. Israel Hosenthal. -whom many quet -with Jules Eisno's "fellc-vrg" frill recall as a youthful prodigj causing a miner "riot" . . Kahbi . . . now a "jnocher" (executive) Theodore L.e-wis' fine talk Sunday' at Golds in Lincoln . . . Three jnite . . . The slogan cf Chapter year old Dickie Rochnian, Eon of !40 from Rock Island "I grness you Harry and Jean Rochman, is the got something there" seemed to youngest Sunday school pupil in bear some significs-nee . . . The the city . . . A certain local man- jouquet cf posies tc the affable hostesses, the ufactHrisg concern has on its j and ehamins staff an. engineer -crho can speak j group cf Lincoln lassies vho aidbut Spanish and Yiddish . . . he I ad is the social activities: Josephstrangely bears a Nordic resemb- j ine and B.ose Gold, Selma find lance . -. . Lillian Keiser, -irho is a jHocs Kill, Anne Lotman and Eyl: linguist of parts,, has been acting j via TTolfe •were the "busy bees" -as-his interpreter, and that is another story! !i ensrat-iihe A. Z. " ' ulatio2S to Mrs. Sophie Nerelefi iTvis (Fta-eg-SE) KaiE-EE


G LIGQETT SAYS: Ctrcb ft, Folks! . This Is our last "Special" for the wlntsr . . lasting all through February . . . / _ Any TWO regular 7£c garments. clsaned and Cja 1 f\ pressed ..• %?l»iv

OR E3e CASH AND CARRY Regular Standard Dry Cleaning . . . Higher priced sarmentj reduced .25c c:ch if you send TWO.

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eascjag . . . ct the Seth El AnsiliEry fiance . . . Ca~tor Acroa Eg^sp end his ever s a ' t i a g fraa very proficient ia the fissice art . . , Mrs. Mas "WintroBb, snotfeer of a •q-Eartette of "ziHalach," tripping the light fantastic i s yoatMal fashion \riih her dancteg partners: Ffeiseas, Mnrray, ITillisia ssd Xrosis Wlntronb . . . and less fstignefi than maasy cf the' ycEBjrii . . . Jimmy Corenmaa and his bride (The fJufeca girl Des Koines) a striking

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as tealc nite . . . t a r r y Finkcl, | ^_ ^S L~J_ ?~* the operatic baritone fioisig a i^..^^'.^*"1 '^ bit of "crooning-" l o r Maestro j "^J ^^ = ,';, Bo&'by BoBmaa . -,K . Oinalia -' - __ ^ J" * _,, Uni Cs-iapas -wiiisperiags: thss JL.* ,_* the Alpha Gsisuna Chi sorcrity | ' ^ ' " " " plsn to' pledge only two' new Jewish students this semester, vis. "Ben-Its" IViatroiii sisd .«. "Blai-ine" EaJpcrin . . . IfffiEsr ^ ^-^-, , .r -, ^^„ ,_. Esvicli. pesjeires a s compass to., j ^ _ ^ , J __._ direct feira to the Feres rssi- j _ ' . ^ fience . . *Xis Kctls J~^hn Is ths

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and n a a y o t j o r l' grocer cr er.! Kf -!*»-•



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and Mrs. Irvin (Estelle) Stalnas- Eng Us -guitar . . . Strange t r t ter on the excellent arrsfagemests tree: There VEJ a. EEortage cf for the successful tea given t y the ""ersises" for dates for the v^ri.Women's Division of the Center |cas z-ffeirs {Osaha girls, are r c c . . . The Keller sisters currently appearing at the Cocoanut Grove are formerly vaudeville heafiliners . . . they popularized the sister, Eong team idea . . .


system .that cools, dehumldifies, filter and circultes the air. It •Encountered by tho arrogant can .also ba used'for heating. It Lincoln team In the finals, Grossis automatically controlled . ad- man's gang fought their hearts justed'by means of ctaple dial3 out and gained a 20-1G victory. on the cabinet. i TlTwas in this game that Hand• The entire system, Including the compressor and con 'ensor, is enclosed in one cabinet that occupies a minimum of floor cpace. It is easy to move and reinstall and is adaptable to the decorative scheme. The new Airterap "All-in-One" conditioner is conslctely acicnibled at the factory aad is delivered ready for Installation. Airtemp Incorporated a 1 so manufactures complete honio heating and air-conditioning cysteins.

\cho is visiting trith her caster, Mrs. Aaro- TZgsr, ^IIP of :he •Caator . . . Miss Ere, fc-Eir a Xctioael Vjtce Preside"* o l


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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1937 •< . .- r •• - i r > evening, February 22, at 8:30 a bridge party honoring her. o'clock a t the Eagle Hall. ; Members ot the Welfare Bur Rev. eau, where Miss-Jacobson is a so Edwin H. Berge'r will be the -r- : - !•:". r ; . ' •' c cial service worker, entertained guest speaker and all members at a party for her last Friday are urged to attend. Further evening. Saturday noon Saretta plans will be discussed for the HISS AIWA PILL, ciufrespoadeBl Krigsten and Dorothy Merlin Dance scheduled to be held in the 7cl -v.-- . .ri: ? s' were her hostesses at a luncheon near future. in the Canton Tea Gardens. •The Jewish National Fund Last Sunday afternoon, Miss -..Shaare Ziosi Jessie Slutsk; and Mrs. Morris Council has received a shipment "Queen Esther's message to her Slutsky entertained at a bridge of Palestiaian Candy for "ShalYounger Sisters" will be the sub- party as a courtesy to. Misa J a ach Mones" for Purim, and also a number of MegiJlahs. Anyone ^ ject of. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowita' cobson. i * „ . n ~- During a recent visit to Deswho is interested in purchasing sermon a t Shaare Zion this evenThree.hundred people attended ins. ••""•Cantor A. Pliskin and theMoines vdth her parents, Mr. andthis delicious Purim c a n d y the animal Federation Banquet, synagogue choir will chant the Mrs. Oscar Jacobson, she was en-should get in .--touch with either .held Tuesday evening In the Jew- service. The choir will also sing tertained at i rties given by Miss Mr. Sam Sjicks, local, president v-pui-'I r o r ~ t'-e F "Prv ir ish Community Center, and heard special purim numbers. Jeanette Alaber, Misses Belle and phone 2200 J,•-•or Miss Fannie the annual reports. The Junior Congregation wit Sara Hurwitz and Mrs. Rose Haa- Katelman, local secretary, phone J3r. David Wice of Oinaha, Ne- hold its regular servcie at 10:30kenberg. 4491. All proceeds will go to the cr fhop'.cce.- cr i c v ; : ; : braska was the guest speaker and tomorrow morning, when Herbert Jewish National Fund. Above a r e pictures! members cf Ks.rr-.ff'* C3~,r.r*ei? £CT, cf ^ ;•; ' •f t'• spoke on the place of the Fed-Holland: will act as Cantor and Mr, and Mrs. Philip Sherman Sofia, Gulrr~ria, which vras this -week jrrla!!ccJ ? ! i h s first I / t r c - -•B "" T '" eration in Jewish communal life Seymour Robinson, reader of the2112 Jackson-street, departed ree c L iE Mrs. Al Wolf of- Chicago and pcc:n Chaptsr of Aleph Zcdsk Aleph of E'i?s.i 2 ' r : t h . . ~ " * ' ^ f'C^c^* "?•„€ t r and the Jew's obligation; toward law. ••- ' , cently for-a southern trip which her brother, Beu Jacobson of ! mendous posters, their ovrn ' his people. , Sunday morning at 10 o'clock will include stops in Mexico and Kansas City, Mo. spent-the past c Omaha, Nebr. — Sara Beber, 1 The'group -which constitutes 1 iwork: The lirst showec. Other speakers were .Rabbi the children of the Sunday School the Rio Grande Vallfy. week, here visiting at the home founder of A. Z. A., and president ;A# £ A.>s 2 6 5th installation is lean, ragged children sleep's"r Theodore N. Lewis, Rabbi H* H and the Talmud Torah -will join of their brother-in-law and sis- of the Supreme_ Advisorj' Csmn-; 'c I the streets, and the second - Rabinowitz, and Rabbi Sol Bol-in a Parim program and masMr. and Mrs. Louis Chesen ter; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seldin. cil, announced this week the for-, i ed the sarue children plr- otikof. Mr. A. M. Davis acted a q u e,r a d e contest. Community have returned to the city after a They visited also their parents in p mal institution of the first Euro- ; sponsoring B nai B n U iOd^e, j a b l e s i na gRrd£,n £ n d ^ p . . toastmaster. and the president's singing will be led by Miss Bes- southern wedding trip. Omaha. Numerous affairs have pean chapter by Aleph 2adik ; and is .located in Sofia, Bulgaria, jT| e gge tat carpentry and ma. B annual report was given by Mr. sie Resser. A Modern Version of been given in their honor during Aleph, junior order of B'cai - The only other chapters outside ] "Children of the Streets Ler-r E. N. Grueskin. Musical . selec- Purim will be presented by memat 222 Frank Street Wednesday t Moe Lazere, Lou Lipshutz and afternoon. B'rith, for boys between 15 and j of the United States are located iTCcrk" was the title of this r . tions were given by a trio com- bers of the Junior Young Judean |ber on the program. Thes~ 21 years of age. ! in sis Canadian provinces. posed of Jean Shindler, violinist; Club under the direction of Miss Dave Ginsberg are spending a ' posters seemed ot winter vacation in Florida. touch GIsela Pill, 'ceilist; and Libbie Sophie Franklin. Taking part In Mrs. Louis Bernstein entertainwhole audience most Olensky, pianist. Jack Merlin led the play will be Sadie Shvid, Jean all,- and got a tremendous - oC Stanley Jacobs has returned ed the members of her Afternoon the community singing. Shubb, Annette Kanofsky, Anna- from a trip to Miami Florida and Club at a luncheon at her home applause. • In the annual report given by bell Satin, and Doris Kaplan. their stay. Asd this entire modern r i " ~ C 1 - r " Cuba. Mrs. Dave Davidson, his Mrs. Dave "Wigodsky, superinten- Games refreshments, and prizes spectacle produced by the j c if mother, departed Sunday evening <•* dent of the Federation, she for the masquerade contestants The Council Bluffs Chapter No. sters of Tei Aviv ended witb FTfor an extended stay in New York thanked the members of the Fed will be included. 7 of the A. Z. A. will hold a otfcer large picture of to< •" ° r r •> t r - r - - < r eration for their support and co- A debate on a subject relative and other eastern cities. meeting next 'Monday evening, By hungry 'street children. I' v—«. operation' during the year and to Purlm will.be given by Edwin 1 e r r "•! r F ' •- ^ r February 22, at eight o'clock at ! borne across the stage, enc' i r- p. ~ ( Gacst Conductor Mr. and Mrs. J.. L. Levitt, Bel- the home of Herbert and Norman told of the work of the Commun- Sherman, Harry Nadler, Anna€ I ! ( r ^ I If n -. * .. — j clerneath it, in large letters v e t ity Center, . ' - ;; i f < -> , r c -, helle Satin and Annie Kanofsky. levue Apartments have returned Rosenthal, 1730 Third Avenue, f o u r pitiful siiaple line£ r e This time Mr, World has ask- ^ - " Medical aid to the Federation Wednesday evening, February home/after a month's stajs In This will be a very important ed Miss Sulamith Schwartz, an lion that I saw ia Tel Aviv last \ brew c£ course): . clients is given she- said through 24, the Megillah will be read at Florida. year. r - • V ' o t ; . meeting and all members are American young lady who liv"Why is it ihzt £21 ihe ch u T . the generous' co-operation of theShaare Zion synagogue a t 7 c ~ p - " ^ r- - v 5 urged to attend. Last year, as you may rezaesjct iS! £ei v ed in Palestine for tvro years ber, the Mayor of Tel Aviv, the' " — Mrs;. J. Kalin nad Mrs. A. L. Jewish physicians of Sioux City. o'clock. f >• n and taagh school in Tel Ariv, Ma theiT ancrcs-^'Stein returned home after spendShe also thanked the Jewish, lawlate Meyer DizengoH was very ill, I TC ? aH,-Jewish city of the Jewish and ing the week end in Lincoln, th erf ore t i e people thought • ^ ^ ' yers ot-Sioux City for their asHonselaad, to tell yoa shout Stud? in school E.nfi lesrn ~~f> where Frances Kalin and Mateel the usual* big celebration' -would sistance in the legal aid. for r *• i i c r- - , the Tray Porlm was celebrated be out o£ place. But they realJz- | t t J n 5 s . ^lle we (Continued from page 1) Stein are students at-the Univerclients, Emphasis was placed on " there last year. Miss Schwartz t h e Wander through the fine work of the Federation's Solomon Goldberg, son of Rab- sity of Nebraska. hem with his own eyes. And fie was osee the national presi- ed that the ctildrea couldn't be ( se 1 | " " •> " > I f ' , , , club- Jeaders. They include Mar- bi and Mrs. Benjamin Goldberg, comes to Eretz Israel and betrays dent of Junior Hadassab, the deprived of tieir celebration. So \ * ng shoe-laces. cells. X>evicn, Marion Shiloff, Sar- will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah toMr. Arthur Weiner of Omaha t with a kiss. "The entire Yishuv Young Women's Zionist Organ- it was arranged thst each public | * ' ' f i p ^ f < school i s the city should prepare! (Copyright 1ES7 By Seres ..- ah..Sadoff,,, Bernard Erenberg, morrow morning at . the Beth has recently been appointed,as Is a social ghetto." Rank self-ha- ization of America, which Mr. a short play of its own and these Feature Syndicate.) Mytoa Heeger, Herman Rubin, Abraham this evening at 6 District Sales Director of thered. Are Danes living self-aftir- World hopes yoa girls will Jo.-e- Goldstein, Mrs. Herman o'clock. Tomorrow morning he Skinner Manufacturing Company matively with Danes In a ghetto? join when all j o a grow old plays — composed and staged al-' liicht, Sophie Franklin, Eva Orli-' will read the Shachris service at in the Sioux City and South Da- Or Albanians with Albanians? He enough most entirely by children, &r.z —SIR. koff afld:Mrs. Dave Levitsky. 9 o'clock and the reading of thekota territory. acted by children only — vere is in ghetto of self-depreciation :.. Work, with the newsies was de- law at 9:45 o'clock. At iO:30 he all dv.ly- performed on Peri™ ' Mr. Weiner has been'connected and self-humiliation and fear. We C ' scribed by, Mrs. Wigodsky, who will speak on "The Experience of with the firm for several years. do not employ Arab workers. Has raorniag OE a large stage bn. .t JIB. WORLD'S QUESTIONS told about the Thanksgiving din- My Childhood. He will also con- He is residing at.the Y. U. C. A.he ever heard of the geulath ha* for the festivities-upca a till 1^' > - - r 1 ner served to over 150 newsies as duct the Musaf service. while.; getting settled in his newaretz, that redemption of the • See how rasay of these | the outskirts of the citr. Thoci-' well as. the ^penny lunches served qnesUon you can answer after j ands and thousands cf childrer Shalus Shudaa will be served position. . ,,'; and which is to redeem and prothem every- evening, of the • week at the Beth Abraham tomorrow ductivize the Jewish people? Has you bare read Mr. World's i and paresis aud curious spectsOT but Saturday. , -.. , | tors filled the field ia frost r : ' afternoon. at 5 o'clock by ;Rabbi -Mrs. Anna:,B.erkDwitz Is "expect- he ever read Gordon? What does "Ask Me Another" chat. 1. What is the' gayest holiJ the stage. , Report of the aid given to the and"Mrs.- Goldber in' honor of ed to ^ arrive in Sioux City this he do? He brings to Palestine an day of the Jewish year? r r out oV town .Institutions and the their son,, and Sunday evening week ..from Los Angeles. She will utside point of riew, an "Ti 1 VvTbEi they saw vr&s the chili• 2. Who is the heroine of tbe | rea's OWE expression cZ the His interest of the Federation in the the Ladies Auxiliary of the syn-come- to attend the Bar Mitzvah sti point of view, hot one that Talmud Torah, was made by agogue will serve a dinner in the of her, twin • grandsons, Marvin as arisen from the sore needs Pnrim story? Who is- the Til- j in Palestine and the stnzggle i r , Mrs. Wigodsky. ; ' ' synagogue honoring.him. At, theand Paul Matlin. build tip s ce-r vrovld there. Per, • t d stricken souls of the Jewish lain? banquet Mrs. Goldberg will'speak S. Wlist kind cf PHrim cele- j except for tbe play produced jeople, of his people. From that on "The Duty of Parents to their mtslde and alien point of view bration is usually held is. Tel j ths Orthodox Miarachi s e i o c . Children" and Rabbi Goldberg idds one sting, one stripe# one Aviv, PalestJr.e? these dramas dsdn't deal with, t l ^ will speak on "What We Owe t o 4. VTby wasn't -this sort cf ihadow more to the Inumerable Purisa stDry itself cr &ny cthrr our Children." thers. I omit his inaccuracies, celebration' held in 183-8?. . - - episode of- Jewish tistory.' T r c afternoon Rabbi and 5. W*hs> prej>a?cd the 1SSS of truth and fact, perThe anniial Purim Bazaar Mrs.Sunday 'F Goldberg will be at home to celebration. ia .Tel ATJT? | to celebrate P u r i s toy presentir z ersions and downright mis-statesponsored by the Senior Hadas- their friends at 433 Center St6. What did this celebratloa j plays ia TftJch they s i c wed The". ments. I am concerned with the fiah chapter will be held" next . P Palestine-means to tbesi! Thursday noon, February 25 in rom -3Nto 6, honoring'their son.! A. Z. A. PLANS NEXT TOUKXA- readful moral fact of the as- express? V Pf» 'c '. 7. What do yoa know sboct umption of that outside and hosOse school, for esantpie, pr:the Jewish Community Center. A he to-'t. i : Tf"; ; " " r r ' * * eBIEXT IN COUNCIL BLUFFS the Jewish X&tioiml PKnd? tile point of view and ot that cold ) seated the Jewish. National Feud, noon luncheon will be served be- \ The. Coun.cil Bluffs Chapter No. willingness to rub salt into the • S. What lesson fiid one j which stands for the great impcr-j -.V) tiiCt. L=. cv.es . . <.c L.c tv.l.it tween the hours of 11; and 2, \ to stE-re -ritfc him ihe.jcys (if 7 o f t h e A . Z. A. took an active wounds of the People Israel. Had group of cM'dreii draw . from tance cf satioaally owned land, is !any) when- many favorite Jewish dishIn one of the best games ever Cart-at the:•_.. Cornbelt regional he.found faults and Jnadequacies theand tbe profit accruing Tower of Babel story? tbe buildias up of the country, i Prairue —Extension cf frcvernes and delicacies will be on the!seen in the "Y" Gymn, the Jew r (again, if say) from such-.a rr.re tournament held last week end at from a strictly Jewish point of 0. Who s?» the Yemenites? There was a child dressed as • a \advecfure, menu. . . . . , . EiBCt liEcnciSi aid so ihe Tarbuth Ish Community Center team won the Hotel; Lincoln in. Lincoln, Ne- view, he might yet have been IO What is being <J6ae for large blue National Fund Bos; &' ; At the Bazaar, members of the a 19-18 verdict in five overtime or i-,ifit"£v; Kchooi nisin.ts.lned by Senior, Hadassah will enscribe periods over fourth, place Grace braska. •; Among the members at- charitable toward t h e m ; , he ihe Tel Aviv .childen .whose boy dressed as a faraer on Isa-i Ttus, in the course oj bis reg-t.hp JeTish con-'i!ii;r.i?r v;p.s promtheir name, on a scrboi which will M. E. team.Trailing 15-13 wfth tending were Messrs. Herbert Ro- might yet have viewed them in | parents arc too poor to give tion&l Puisd land; ajsd a girl rep- ular duties, £,nd ia beiveec vul- iS»e ic a Jevish nelegRtion Ji-y be included in the;scroll for the 30- seconds left, Gene Sherman senthal^ Abe Raben, Leo Meyer- sorrow and not in anger; he i theia tbe proper care? Mlnisier ot Educfij.ion Frsvncfce. National organization and post- made a long sjiot to tie it up .at son, Ben. Kutler, Sam Karchom- might yet have staid in Eretz Yised in the Rothschild Hospital in the end' of the; game. Al Zeligson sky, Frank pirsch, Arnold Lin- rael to help, and heal and, if you I thJnk all children love pEtrofiJse OUT Advertisers coln; and the local advisor, Mey- will, cleanse by giving himself. Palestine./ Purlra story. It's romantic ^ was high point man with 14: er Maltz. . | . . But he, a Jew, comes and mealike a tale out of the "Arab-1 devoted its play to "MafiiTin Pal-j X5s£.r .. -Proceeds of the bazaar will go points and made the winning basSam Karehomsky, secretary of sures with an alien measure-_and most toward the Medical and the ket. Bergen and Sam Kaplan the local group; was. elected re- a false measure and a wicked bian Nights". Here is the InsurYputh Aliyoth projects of Hadas- held Kingsbury 3rd high scorer ;ional secretary, and represented .measure and writes the- words ious marble palace with golden Ciy 1 ' ii: i v -',*"*, couches and silver rods sad fine eah,in Palestine.. of the league to 3 points. The Council Bluffs in the Oratory that will be, that may be, ar1% '..- .Mrs..HrM. Levine and Mrs. Sol team is in sole possession of 2ndcontest. linen hangings and golden vessels jp-ti^,^ Leo Meyerson and Ben rows in the hands of our foes. Novitsky are co-chairmen of theplace with five wins and one deand here is the story of the King different product — amosg them Kutler represented the local chapentertainment F-nd excellent in-: Bazaar,. Mrs. S. Shulkin is infeat, I . . . . . . ter in the Debate Tournament. "Noblesse oblige." There is no and the Beggar Maid all ' orer a large can of Shemen '"•' a ;structios. I think (and you can j absolute truth on earth. There is again. And cere, too, virtue tri-i charge of the menu; VLra.,3. Leh-i tie cf inarah muk s a c a j p a s s t t i s o a t o . o l h e r E } t h a f y c u ! Council Bluffs was chosen as theInnocence and suffering; there is man and Mrs. M. Levitan, the uiaphs and eril is punished, tbe j 3a* Assis marmalaae/all P r o - l b a T e d 0 E e a fhl t f c 5 n g «a v r i t i D £ . ; meeting place for the next Corndining room. The Junior Hadaswickedness and triumph, how- TiHain Hainan Setting his just j ducts ct isrhich Jewish Palestine and publishing this book. In the i belt Regional A. Z. A. tourna- ever brief. The moral facts are deserts. sah. chapter will have a candy t^r,4Si ^ event test you do not knew it, j is justly proud. Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will ment which is scheduled for next the incontrovertible ones. That is booth a t the bazaar. Because it is a story of I am tskirsg this method o* Inlovea Ij edA "The third school a play callspeak this evening a t Mount Si- summer. a good saying of the French that and beauty and fiasger, vith Towergave of Babel," in fornxiEg you that you hare done i nai Temple on "Anti-Semitism— itiijitXiR is tit; (i- f;'£>o<i tin* nobleness has its obligations. happy ending, the Purim story Which groups of immigrants t o | a s p e n (jid job, & scaoia yet fas-1 v f t v . "luetiE *>r.ra3.f:l>.," ' fee Facts and Fanclea." • PUBIM SERVICES Jewishness has its obligations. has for manyy hundreds of years | Palestine — you recognized their y j transforming:' job < Purim will be celebrated begin- These obligations lie in the world The Sisterhood ' Book review a favorite theme for plays, origin by their distinctive dress what has been Httle more then a j circle wilt meet this afternoon in ning next Wednesday evening, of moral values. To outrage them Ibeen s am sure ai! cf you boys and or appearance — were rullnr'j glasiorc-us legend fell o£ hiatuses,;! the home of Mrs." E. E. Baron, February 24, with the reading of is blameworthy and ignoble on T i i a t sicpp.'iB like, A p the Megillah at the Chevra B'nal whatever plea. A crucial truth — girls have often seen such plays j brick upon brick in a large struc->° at0 a ^ T j r . c reality e. thing of 2222 Nebraska Street, pefformed^ in Sunday School • cr ture. But its' group SE2 snd blood Ylsroel synagogue at s e v e n Children of t h e Religious isccr... li eiif.'fct ftc« hm a truth that should give pause to -, Dr. Abram li, Sachar will ier EcgYou hare portrayed the Major I o'clock at the synagogue." Every- many, many more than it does. Hebre-w School or In your Jew- °^s. iang ish center. Many of these plays] lisa or German or Yiddish cr Po!sp.eafe here this Sunday evening School will have a Purim pro- one is urged to attend. . f Sa of amazing versatility, J Ir-1 inv.:v. €."t: i.o c*». are real farces, for Purim is ourUish. or Arabic or .Eusslss — . B E 3 1 " o C&326 of Etoefc" thfit oufsrit-J at g:15 in the shaare ZIon Syn- gram and party next Wednesday agogue. His lecture ia being evening, February. 24 in the Tem- Plans have been completed for (Copyright 1937 by Seven Arts gayest holiday, often celebrated I suddenly, when'they failed to UE-j.eg t f e e gTva^jg^ itiGUteitiori, v h ; Feature Syndicate. )sponsored by the Ladies Auxili- ple annex. Miss Ruth Marx is di- the annual Card Party and Linen witli raasquerades and always derstand one another, .they could Jj, £S a ' special crpe&i' tc the race j cpp spe ary of the synagogue and his sub- recting the play "The Paper Hat" Shower to be given,.by the Counwith hilarity. ot go on' building, and the struci ESEJexploits j era his ject will be "The P*rsent Jewish which will be presented by Mar:cil Bluffs Senior Hadassab. next •LITHUANIA REJECTS I'll never ".forget the first Pur- tar© collapsed. And this, the child j B O t ^Jew j , s least inttrer-tin,c of vhich jorie Weinberg, Lois Novitsky, im play I saw, -when I was all of announcer declared, was exactly! Wednesday afternoon, February o Jounci on\ ; SUNDAY CLOSING PLAN •. JD'r, Sachar, is professor of his-Doris pill, Joan Agranoff, Milton 24, at 2:30 o?clock at the Hotel six years old. It tras at our Tal-i 6 Trould lifippes if Hebrc-H.-i^a"rd 7 . Mazie, Harold Grueskin, Seymour tory, at.the University o£ Illinois, Kaunas, Lithuania (JTA) —mud Torah, and because of toe!"^ ?© not • universally Etafiied anfi! *or ^ev;s. n&mec j •• • > r f i c ;i V Qr p^fv.ge Chieftain. ; Mrs. Max Simon la and nations? .director, of. the Hil- Robinson, Herman Barish and chairman in charge of this affair Proposals to prohibit Jews from performance I sa^sr there, I have spokes ia the Jewish Homeland, j Arkrat. " h a t brings "^*« e'.-en I Barbara Davis. A dance will be lel. foundation. H e ' is the auperson is asked to bring a keeping, shops open on Sunday never been.able to'think of Esth-1 A really touching tribute to iciOfier 'is the fact ~ths.t he r n s j thor of.-, several volumes on Jew- presented by Fredell Sacks and Each piece of linen ?.a admission to submitted by the anti-Semitic er as the real heroine of the pur-[•Palestine and what is has already I6 E O E g the first American Jews; the kindergarten will recite a ish, history.... • -,. this affair, and all gifts will be Versllniki organization and the im story — as of course she v&s. i done and-can do for irreteSec | ] S public life te reel, EE the .pub-j group of Hebrew poems. Refresh'. He has spbkeu in Sioux City sent ot the Palestinian Hospitals. Union of Small Traders were re- For the part of* Vashti, the'Queen i Jews throushout the -p-cria -was; j- s b e rs blurb ruts it, "t!se last j 'Ahasuerus banished I set forth by a group of children j c j tr,iJ-Seir.itiEEi " Eiot;sls v;iil j twice in the past ; few years and ments will Reserved. The afternoon's diversion will be jected by the Government last •whom-King from his palace, ^'as played by'ajfrOEi osa of the moat persecuted | ^ e espscialir interested in him' Ills large audiences 'have been Bridge, and prizes will be award- week. thrilled with his understanding An- official statement said the very beautiful, girl, while • Esther j Jewish groups to be found ££}•-! inasmuch as i e is regarded a^^ ed at each table. Purim delicaci anfi insight into Jewish history as Government did not intend to al- was represented by a young, lady wisre. They -were Yemenices, {America's first Fiotist. ies will be served. Everyone is well .as his charming manner of n'-terlai ter the present Sunday closing who, in my eyes at least, Eceiaefl whose parents had • coiae frora j Tf itfe preeiou: cordially invited to attend. presenting his subject..' la-w, pointing out that because rather dusnpy; BO that to this day I Southern Arabir^ and with c!iar-:fej }2sac;, being .Mrs. Morey; Lipshuts is In- • Miss Sylvia ' Jacobson, wh ose BAB MITZVAH Jews kept their shops open on I still feel, that the'iaost romaa'-lacteristic grace and rhythm t i e r j original , character in the -story. i£j.danced t^o ryrabolic fiacces, the;EfeUftiuy EBC! : charge of the committee on ar- marriage to Sol Kroniek will take The Bar Mitzvah of Theodore Sunday peasants had an oppor- tic •*• ' .-;..' - ..! first, -expressing- the oppression) edification Krd rangements for: the lecture and place in DeaMoinea on February Leonard Gershun, son of Mr. and tunity to make purchases in Queen .Veshtl. I Je-s plans are being made to accomo-. 27, has been the inspiration for Mrs. Ben Gershun, Will take place towns at savings. Of-ccurse the piece-to .'go -ior'jsiid grief of ^ews i . T d&te a capacity audience. a number of lovely parties dur- on Saturday mcrning February a real F u r i a celebration i s , Pal-.! -t;9 sec-one very gay stid ing the past few weeks. estine, and, in' particular, the city:,' pressing the joy of being tome is 27, at the Chevra B'iial Yisroel KAIMAN'S KOSHER ' Tho Buds of .Sboronah, a newly of'Tel Aviv. '!niere-iaey. have" a. j P&Isstiae. 'Sxiis asd Eedcaiption' Mrs. li." kroniclc, mother of synagogue at 618 Mynster Street. KOMMENTS . formed organization of young Mis3 Jacobson'a fianco and his regular carnival, a beautiful pro- j was t i e sarae . ci this play with-| (Continued-'..from page T.) Sunday, February 28, Mr. girls between the ages of 10 and sisters I/ucile and Ruth, were andOnMrs. cession of -floats that all -th& bua-i out. words, ; ... i joy particularly the Iowa Gershun will be At .14, held-their meeting 'Saturday hostesses at a dinner party at the Home to ail their relatives and Nevv-s, edited by Jack Wolfe, dred snd fiftr thoc^rd-. tnousand- JPWE .cl\l Uany cthsr cefcoo! toofe part I 1 •afternoofl,, February - 6 , " at. the Oasis,;to which fifty guests were friends at their home at 427 For-academician,- Hterateur, dniet- the city turn-out to-see.- Tb's ia! tils tei2 5"oy ofitem &II,* Tfe?re boi^e-of RaciieTGlnsbtirg. '•• invited. est Drive from 2:30 o'clock to tante, .and ' man' of af/alrs. Wo a glorious- and- modern cplebTa* I cot '••'••'Meetings Vill- fea'heW • every Misa Jacobson shared the hon-five o'clock in the afternoon and' must take him to task for perSaturday afternoon a t 4 o'clock ors with several brides at a sup-from seven o'clock to nine o'clock : mitting a paragraph to appear Sa ' h 4 ZionSjmapsue at : tlte5ha4fe ZionSjp per party given recently by the in the evening in honor of their his "Man About Tofra" column. i&ny girl between thd. age3 of Missea Dorothy Gel6on, Mafy and son's Bar Mttzvah. No invitations relating to the person whose _ 101 and 14 who is entered and Ida Edelman. are being issued. . home vras threatened by fire, etc. would litaj to join, can .do so,, by Miss Dena Baron was he" hosetc. , . , . The .item -wag not in getting in touch' frith either Mrs, tess at a Sunday evening dinner The Council Blufts Lodge No. keeping^.-with 'the balance of the Herman Llcnt or Miss Sophie party and Miss Nell Slnikin and 688 of the B;nai Brith "wilt hold material, and the caption to same Mrs. Nate Gorchow entertained at an important meeting .Monday entirely unnecessary s g •••' Franklin. s



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sasaar . Next Thursday




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Mount Sinai

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