February 26, 1937

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' TMa coiamn la eoBsrisht by the Savea &rta Featura Syndicate. RoproQuctiou in wholo or In part atticujr wrbidflen. Any Infringement oa t & i g .copyright will b3


Entered as'Second Class 6Ial» Matter on January 21, 1821. „» _ fostofficool Omaha. Nebraalai. under tho Act ot ^larcfa 8. 1879


" ' . •" . V . 1

A FEW BOOKS, TRY-OOTS FOE CENTER v'-i• - • ! " > * [ f •• It is- with considerable hesita> f AY' V tion that a layman in several Bensea will permit himself any obserSliitii'Uil ""-^t f T!.' vations on the new volume by Dr. Isa Kremer, the noted balladist l han Baselevsky,; who for the nest Ccn,Mordecai M.-Kaplan, and he-will who just returned from a world several nudbers by Rachr production, " T t e assuredly not permit himself even tour taking her through South off, Chopin, and Liszt a-' , .. s House" will be tele! these observations without first Round Table of Jewish Youth ~ I' I > America, Palestine, Egypt, South W. J. Henderson,,; 5> ^anday afternoon, February T v 1 (- v ; 'paying bjs homage to the most Sponsor Second Annual Africa, England, France, Italy York Sun, says of Mi. :' 28, at 2:30 in the Center audI". 1'r'i \ r ' learned, .vigorous and influential P i Fete and the Balkan states, will ap- "la Kremer is not onl'K itorium. thinker now visible upon the ir. pear in Omaha In a program of list, but also an interpi% and The famous play by the American:- Jewish scene. Dr. KapAn irteresting The Second ^annual Purim folk songs of many nations. Paris (JTA)— A delegation of been. Errangefi end roprri. an impersonator." Norweigian dramatist, Ibsen, lan's new book is "The Meaning Carnival sponsored by the Round The program, under the aus- In the Chicago Tribune, E d will be given in modern dress. American Jewish laoor leaders, . of.1 God In Modern Jewish Relig- Table of Jewish Youth •will be Soc i ' 1 enroute home from Palestine was j ' .^ ^ r '- * !' 1 v > !•ion" (Behrman's • Jewish Book held, Sunday, February 28, at the pices of the Workmen's Circle, a ward Moore states, "Isa Kremer talk v e e 1 hailed lsst week hy 3,000 persons: f^' ' ' fraternal order, will take place sings the songs of many nations ; i , <• ; ^ ' i<• : i . . i i ! i House, 1937) and, whether to Jewish Community Center. The saug Zionist soegs and.greet- ," . " agrees or disagree, the volume is auditorium, lobby, and gymnas- on Sunday, February 28, 8:30 p. In the language of each and efi then -B-itb. -upstretohed fists in certain to finds It way Into the ium are being appropriately de- m. at the Central Club (formerly makes each one as eloquent and served ' the Socialist salute. Knights of Columbus) 20tfa and dramatic as an/ opera of tliesi hands of every Jew who Is con- corated for the festivities. Ladies' . i A feneesRl eon'nuuee of t-"!v«: ' Earlier, Then the delegation all." Dodge. cerned with the preservation of ; ol Lodge members is; in dw.v^e ni Freddie Ebener's'. orchestra was received by Premier Leon Admission for the concert is Miss Kremer is to be accomlife's highestrvalues in this age. : Blum in a courtesy call, the 50 and 75 cents, tax included. panied by the famous pianist, JoThe present reviewer • has the j commJUee ere tn f ; ?iler-i',iHieK »•>• New York (JTA) Possible Americans began to address fciia misfortune; to find Dr. Mordecai ' !iu? IMsno. Vivv.1 Bi,:..-cS,», Le«r H i t tCOTC as "Excellency", but the Premier liberalization of Argentina's imM. Kaplan's entire structure of interrupted. RABBI COHN RE-ELECTED iTTcr' migration policy has been fore- j thought unacceptable because he "Comrade Eltiin," he corrected. cast by Informed circles in Bu- Jewish, achievements 3a PalesSECRETARY OF LOCAL denies In toto ..he fundamental ip Klutr.r.ick, "rvir. l,rvh'. IXRVL'V Opening their season after r. Tn;stin and Albert Wohlner. enos Aires as a result of a recent tine were lauded at the rally. principle. I am, not, to be sure, RED CROSS census showing that the popua- "Palestine is cot a case of nar- series o£ postponeiaer,t.s, the Cen- Mr, Bernsteiu has h^e\:> prowv as Orthodox as the amiable Dr. ter Players scored a hit v.'ii.h the . Bernstein made me out to be the Rabbi Frederick Cohn was re- tioa in the capital sad the inter- row pationaiism, lust a glorious BroatJ-wr.;." success "i'ettieoat Fev- nent. in F'nr- i 17'riih ^ork. i-'*~ many years. He is e pf'.sC, pref;iother ddy: in an article in Dea resurrection," declared Jean L.oaeiected secretary of the Omaha ior' has been growing at a slowdent of the DPVU; Fish lodge €•• Yiddlshe Folk in which he dealt guet Socialist Parliament Deputy. ^ , _ ^ ^ er rate than anticipated. This ins e t f o r u e p I a y t h e chapter of the American Red Chicago e,n0. is vioe-cli;;.ivuu..n (K with the ideologies of Martin Bul e g s 8 . B t l o i . , n L & b r a f i o i . t v a s O],e for the twentieth time at formation was made public here Marc Jarblnm presided. 1 ber, Dr. Kaplan and my humble Jewish War Veterans to Spon- Cross The fleleg&tion, which studied jo . t h g b e E t e y e r i : s e d ; o r RI , R m r _. the B"itsi B'.riih llilitl .Fount's- the annual meeting held last by HIAS. tion. Since IS 17 he lias been * • self."! am not even mystically, if eoaditicas ja Palestine and con- • sor Bill in U. S. Thursday at the Paston Hotel. production here in Omaha. Miister in Cliftrscyfy ol the buppfSoprotiinis, Jewish innnlgrant- ferrefi with labor leaders there you like, quite as "rightist" aa Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky is start- aid society in Buenos Aires, afAuthentic costumes and equip- ior Couri. oJ Co;.>I,. Coi.U'.L.i, IJiUv" Congress Buber Tiimselr and find It diffi\ ing her sixteenth year as a mem- filiated with the HIAS-ICA Emi- and In otier countries^ sncludes ment were furnished b* Dr. Vic- f i cult to, follow - that great artist, Joseph ScblEssberg, secretary of ii>.-e~ gration Association, made public the Amalgamated Clothing Work- tor Levine, artic- c Washington (JTA) — A bill ber of the Board. sage arid saint on some of his Dr. Cohn also delivered the The plot of it1- } " w' t c figures showing a SO per cent in- ers' Union;' Isadore JCagler, gento prohibit the spreading of ra* 1 flights into the-ultimate. But I principal address at the meeting crease in Jewish emigration for eral manager of the Joint Board about the lonclii c co. J cial or reiigiuus propaganda and apa willing t o ' subscribe, even to bar such propaganda from the in honor of Dr. A. C. Stokes, re- the first nine months of 19S6 of the Cloak, 'suit, Shirt asfi Ree- Dinsmore, the v: > > i > without quite understanding, to i ^ ^ mails is being groomed by the tiring president of the local chap- over the same period ia 1935. fer Makers' UEJC3; Reuben GES- who iiasii't seen c o< <. .everything that Buber has meant ter. man for two year- ~ " *- *i "" Argentine adcaitted 2,9 69 Jews Jewish "War Veterans of the Unikia, presideBt of the United Kein Zwiesprache and Ich und Du Besides Mrs. Kulakofsky other ed by the arrival c r ^ ' ted States and j will be introduc•when on - the • first page of Dr. l^. 1 ?'ear, i n c c l a P a r s . i o ^ ^ ^ . f r brew Trades; Samuel Perlnsutter, ed in Congress before the middle members of tho Jewish commun- 0S5 in the same period of 1S35. vice presideat of the Internation- er Eind his fiancee \ e-• t c N Kaplanls prerace (I've studied dov,-n near Dascor ^ i ~ > • of March, it was learned this ity serving on the board of the the entire volume, please!) I find al Ladies' Garment Workers' Un- only is Dascom r r c. f thf Red Cross are Mrs. Morton I. Deweek. • these words: "Religion is a natuion; Joseph Brcvrslaw, vice pres- sight of huraans . i ^ ^ 1 r gen, Mrs. John A. Farber, and LUNCHEON IN HONOR ral social process which arises The draft of the bill has notMr. Henry Monsky. ident of the I. L. G. W. V., sudyoung lady, is zn r " i '» i "rvm from man's intrinsic need of salOF RABBI been completed, but it is expected Jack Blume, general mEBager of Shortly after the .. <. c vation or self-fulfillment."* A to make a misdemeanor the acts [ the Amalgamated Joint Boards of tvro strangers, C -~i D-v ^ thousand troubled questions rise. of spreading hatred against varfiancee comes to con. •• i " A luncheon honoring Rabbi Boston. ious groups by books, newspapSociety is an aggregation of men, Milton A. Kopstein will be gives ters. ficwever r r < L T i ers and other printed and mimeIB' it not? Can, there^-then,\ be by the Ladies' Vaad Auxiliary jstuffle leaves ere ' ^ • ographed .materials and In other c anything in society but what men » Tuesday, March 2, at the B'nai Charles Eachn ~ ^ Tr Rosalie Alberts ways. It is tentatively called the put into it? The foundation, then Israel synagogue at 1 p. a . A sonable Dinsmorf - " ^ Ticket Chalniiss "Group Libel Bill." Cornelia Bryce Pincfaot, wife of group of twenty-five' hostesses is not the social, which:is purely Kit Albert E cbarmin^ T *~c r *- secondary, but the psycho-biolog- will furnish the music for the The bill follows the general the noted governor of Pennsyl- is in charge of the affair. Mrs. Froha as the n * ~" t ~ " ' ~ vania, and one"" of the foremost ical. In brief: men first prayed dancing in the Auditorium. outlines of a "model" state bill A. Schwaczkin is chairman. Losfioa (JTA) — J. new Jew- { ^ , Sir Jsnies Fe and wondered and aspired separ- -A small radio will be given as which the veterans organization advocate of labor legislation, will Rabbi Kopstein will speak. Ish Legion for-" defence against i Gus as Clara ately and then together. What is a door prize.: Admiss'on is by drafted for introduction in leg-give the concluding lecture on Cantor A. Schwaczkin, accompanand Pal£Etis<= rioting ^ a s vged I';" • the Community Forum at the the meaning of "natural" in Dr. Kound Table ticket or -twenty- islatures throughout -he country. The latter bill,"already introduc- Jewish Community Center, Wed- ied by Mrs. Al FrMrel, r IV. E : ; Kaplan's context? Man is a rel- five cents. .. a group o£ songs c trigious, praying,' aspiring animal • Each organisation that is a ed in Connecticut and Pennsyl- nesday, March 10. Mrs. Pinchot •Reservations Ere I £.; cc-f- *>-will speak.-on "What Underlies e, S O with z cunt-feeling. That 1 member c ' zho Hound Trble is I vanla. provides ?100 -nutnt, -or bci\ forU.e Uirfgr'ences -of Capital '' find ,lorz~ -G *]T cr'7f;,? cf jt-tiir«\ iix tue nyiu. Labor." . True. Provided you make 'nature' Participating organizations! and violation. n v j " Mrs. Pinchot, a dynamic per- 5534 or t h s syrc^oguc, C~c'~~ ~ cr™7" *— *~ i ^ 3" r * JLf — a eo-estenolve v.-ith the Universe. heir booths, are: E. T. C. sororThe model.state bill raaTies ill0SS7. Reservations irust be i At ti-» s ' ~ c t —c v n r ,"rBut if "natural" i3, as I very ty, bingo tabled Junior Hadas- egal any propaganda "which sonality,- has done outstanding i o c t . r s ' s r~cc _e-- ci t™ > ev - <-• much fear, a sop thrown to anti- sah, fortune-telling; Ronoh, pen- shall, in language or otherwise, work and study among the labor by Sunday, Februcr; ZS. metaphysical positivism, as much ny pitch;.A. Z. A. 10(T, spinning urge, create or tend to create ha- groups of the nation. During her TC^-i t - U cras to say: Don't be afraid that 1 wheel; Pi Lambda Phi, baseball tred, in this State because of husband's occupancy of the exec. tea.* t * >» <L •an PEAFL'l/'l utive mansion at Harrisburg, believe anything that cannot be throwing; Phi Beta Epsilon* hot their race, color, or religion." DIES ill rzr TGI be checked up in the laboratory dogs; Delta Kappa, pop; Alpha An anomalous situation may be Mrs. .Pinchot was a familiar figf C- "• c-i-i rei A VZTT. -r: S' this month— then i must quite Gamma Chi, Ice cream; U.'.-.T., created in Pennsylvania because ure on the picket line in PennsylNathan Pearlnar, a t'c-rl : : E C V 1.: definitely part company with Dr. candy; A. Z. A. No. 7 of Council a bill "to prohibit attacks on race v a n i a labor disputes. " * z Tickets for Mrs. Pischot's lec- resident c£ Oisa-~, c*c^ T'crcrr ' T . ? Kaplan right here. Man has an Bluffs, pitching, A. P. T., Twen- and religion by writing or print"intrinsic need of salvation.". ty-six game; and-A. Z. A.-No. 17 ing" had already been offered in ture may be procured froai..K!eni- in New York citv, vhers io hse, Ccath ;—r' * ; : ^str >* Profoundly true. No other living weight guessing. the House of Representatives in ber of the Community Foram made his home for the Icrt four-,-. K. T.'ic~zc-.r v~c_ c?~ teen years. Prer^-is to L ro-jtL° T T ,~^Q . ~ •-' "~ ' ^ creature has. Intrinsic to man., Dan Miller is chairman of the Harrisburg by Jacob A. Elpern of committee or at the Jewish Com- moral to New Tcr::. T'r. Fern-; he;'c'Z. S. '- r ' ^ "'. c 'ov-" 1 Then intrinsic to the structure of Purim Carnival Committee and Greensburg, and referred to com- munity Center. V I'If maa had lived in CTC" " - T *..'-1 c^-,-e*r-, -: r~ ^ c -.'•-.• things. I can follow this process Rosalie_ Alberts is chairman of mittee. T :er ,tt " t " r c • r~c ,r teen years. of thought,and find God. But ticket sales. Other ^members It was expected that some way He is survived c\ t . s v-1£~, Nct-^*-" 5 c 2 - Ci- -~ " " - ^ •- " T ' r-r-, E PC-' God precisely as "a self-existent of the Carnival c o m m i t t e e would be found of reconciling the z c ',; four d a u g h t e r , i:r=. L. ; : r ? - — r ^ ' - ' " r "' " " '7 "~ ~. _ tie entHy", which is precisely what are: Morris Arbitman, Loi3 Bar- evidently overlapping proposals 1 ve rrTi c c r a of Long I s ' ^ d , Sarc z.-± ' ' " " ' " ' " " ' -' u ian Dr. Kaplan denies, and by deny- isb, Hannah Baum, Mildred Berg, in Pennsylvania. The veterans ,' 1 Mae Pearliaan of. i'f~ Yo-i, r~d ing which he robs the whole dis- Harold Bloch, Dorothy Chait, Ed- organization is contacting its Mrs. J. Gol^aro of Cisai.a; i r e lussion of meaning. ward Cohn, Evelyn Dansky, Hy posts in Y^riouE states. with a London (JTA) — A Jew in a sons, Morris and V. ,'!iam cZ r*cv -One more observation. "There Diamond, Herbert Forbes, Kalah view to seeking introduction of ;an be no- personal salvation so Franklin, Charles Gendler, Sarah tho model bill it. appropriate German town near Nuremberg- York; and five £T.~::Jch1Ldi:n. Furth has been sentenced to sis Funeral service: ' " c o 1 c'd I2 long as.injustice and strife exist German. times. weeks' imprisonment, ths Birm- New York Mondar cft°rrccr. Ar crer, c c , . - ' cT In the social order,'' Dr.. Kaplan Joe Goldware, Bill Gray, Beringham Sunday Mercury reports, writes, {p. 54) But injustice and tha Gnss, Joe Guss, Joe Hornbecause of his trousers faded to strife have always existed in the stein, Mary Kaplan, Rose Kaplan, . C1M QSLY TWO CCllYErJED the point where they resembled 3ocial order. To hear people talk Sam Kaplan, Bess Cooper, Helen r- n - c * - ^ ^ - r < - ' ^ - i - o r the color of Nazi storm trooper's nowadays, learned and simple, Stein, Ida Greenbaum, Morris KaPrague (WNS) — Cr.l, t T O i e i 8 . ' . : i Cf rf'.ccrr " .' r breeches. you would suppose that earth had tzman, Sheldon Kaufman, Reuto CarlEtiat- • 7*rce at tl. r « C'^T1-. It was brought out ia the Nur- Jews were convex led The Pleasant Hill Cemetery Sobeen paradise until now. And 1 ben Lippett, . Henry Malashock, have there been no. sages no Isadore Mittleman, Pearl Mon- ciety will hold a bridge-luncheon ember Appeals Court that the £e- ity in all of CZQC c^loi ak:a C^~-| zzr. ; n . = S.r =—- er v . ing 193G, aeeorc,-g to I-S-re-i tl-e rri: c T^ cr-cc> rr c ' c c fendant, HeinricaHutzler, 39, saints despite both natural and sky, Ernie Nogg, Shfeda Osoff, Wednesday, March 3, at 12:30 at | r r ; . Ar Ir'^-^ * - - r~ c~ ~' moral evil? Could there, in fact, Harry Perelman, Esther Pollay, the Hayden's auditorium for thehad dyed the trousers so that just made public. This is the sr:r.l!;ct ausibsr ' tiis.rs: rrcr*c~ i : c I"they would not resemble, the Nazi benefit of the Chapel Fund. be either righteousness or salva- Robert Fosley,< Abe Kaben. '-r.-rac. brown, but they had faded in recorded in the ;E* d'ccdc. Hostesses will be the Hesdaraes tion in a perfectly clicking UtopLottie Rips, Hsrbert Rosenthal, ia? Let's be "natural" and "sci- Eva Ruderman, Mildred Safer- J. Abrahamson, B. Shafton, S. H.parts. Actually, the trousers entific", God help us all! Salva- stein, Esther Silverman, Willard Katz, J. Neesman, M. Arbittaan, were fNazi on one side and civil-tion is an individual psychologi- Smith,. Rae Spar; Harold Stern, S. Frohm, J. Kaplan, S, Eabior, ian on the other. The Public Prosecutor maincal process. The saved man, seeks Alice; Susman, Rebecca Tatle- D. Rifkin, Jacob. Abramson, and tained that it was the job of the to save society by what be is arid baum, Dave Waner, Sam Weln- F. Jacobs. There will be a door prize and defendant not to allow his troutherefore does. Ills relation to so- steln, and Harold Zelinsky. prizes for.each table. Tickets are sers to fade back to the storm ciety is that Abrojanv ot the trooper's tint. He deplored the thirty-five cents. • people of the cities of the plain As popular as1 ever v . t i C=: - ^ ;--< - o , fact the law permitted only six "ha audiences, Tr. A. ^. Sc—\<~r a ^r"t'* -"=T"' . . It isn't that of either Karl SARAH GERMAN MEADS ," weeks' imprisonment for this of- director of tha E r r . L'r.t'. II c ~"\ <z~'^ Marx of John Dewey .'. . It teihis : M. VAAB AUXILIARY fence against "the national con- Foundations, brci.ri.t l.>z tcta 1 c _ 'I ^ ,"„' "amazement and blank awe" beThe Junior Vaad Auxiliary met science of the people." fore Science (with a Dig S>> on OmahaJectcrcs t p tc c^Ltcc" zZ- 2C the lips of the learned thnt some- on Monday, February 22, at the Mrs. Jacob Finkel, 83, died at After the Appeals Court judges ter the three daj .:;• t^to '-o ca^-, "l*t' B'nai Israel synagogue. Election .her residence, 2414 Decatur St., time makes me talk more orthobad affirmed ti.e original sen- ducted last wet -"~1 ^^-~ t v c » IJ, _ doxly (if one may say so) than of officers was held at this time Wednesday morning, February tence,-.Hutzler changed his trou- Auspices of tho I.-..1. "A z \. cr.. ' ^. ^1 and the following were selected: j 17. Mrs. Finkel, a resident of sers and presented the part-Nazi u I believe. But I will in deed and .. Because of t h i cr > ' [ ' i j ' ' , ' , « r* president, Sarah German; vice Omaha since 1906, had been ill in truth pray with the humblest ones to a bystander. terial offerer! or1} a zz.^~2". rr- C.__ . r Rebecca Kirschen- for two years. v, 1 Chasid in a Polish village of mud president, port OaLDr . Sacfa*'= loet'urer cc." •- r- .* ' ,1 Besides her husband she is surand be nearer the ncurces of our baum; secretary, Ruth Marks; be made; I' „*". % * treasurer, Bess Kirschenbaum; vived by two daughters, Mrs. D. being than to go in for this "soSchwartz and Mrs. J. Robinson; Funeral services, were held on cial process" business with its es-reporter, Mae Tucker. A program consisting of several two-sons, Morris and Col man, all Monday, February 15, for Mrs.• Five pat feras ' sential atheism and its essential1. Tie Reli s l'_ piano selections by Shirley Ep- of Omaha; seventeen grandchild- Sarah Silvinsky, '65, who died at ly uncerious meliorism. . . _ ^ ^ < Btein and Miriam Fiedler follow- ren and four greatgrandchildren. her borne after an Illness of three genius of the J e I loathed having to write these ed the busines meeting. The nest Sis of the grandsons acted as months.. 'Mrs. Silvinsky had been Judaism asks o c . ' . <~ iC. . paragraphs. But, as the, French meeting of the Junior Vaad Aux- pallbearers, a resident of- Omaha for 45 years. Life Significant?" liz Cc~ :. say, e'est plus fort que moi. It iliary will be held on Monday, . Funeral services . were held 'r Surviving r.re tbree daughters, swer is an affir - M e just had to come out; I turn with March S. ' : last Wednesday afternoon from Lois SHvinpky and Leal: Serf of the challenge of ' - ~ v "~* infinito comfort to tho esqtiistely tha home. Rabbi N. Feldman of- Oniaba and Mrs.. Cecil Ginsberg the faith that -,."c - \ a - ' beautiful and rightly looked tipficiated. Burial was,, in Golden of Ottumwa, Iowa; two sons, that the unliwrse 'r . ' - . DRAMATIC-CLUB TO:.:'on, most philosophical novel by Hill Cemetery. •jtJia individual ij<-3 L-~ i ;c~. L«eon of Omaha and Ales of ChiS. J. Agnon admirablj' translated .;••••••• , ~ i -> t -€IVE'•••YIDDISH PLAY: cago; four sisters, Mrs. Louis j 2..The Etbica. — i-z . -1from the Hebrew by I. M. Lask Smart of Miami, Mrs. J. J. fiicblive decently:.. I - ..,. . It is called "The Bridal Canopy' '\ The Omaha Choir and Dramatic UTIOlfAL ards, .Sirs. J. L. Greenstone, and I ideals of the pr . that the-tour ac and published 4as an uncommon- club announces 8 •MEET-: OH'TUESDAY Mrs. Jean Friedman of Chicago; ical pattern is cc ' ' c ly handsome volume by Double- Yiddish play, "Broken Hearts' and one brother, Boris Aronson j western nntfcns "* ~* " day, Doran nnd Company. \Th? by Z. Lieben, will be given at the of Chicago. . ' I justice; that: juf r - - - Jewish Community Center on The Jewish National Fund story of Rcb Yudel and his three direct Council will meet next: Tuesday Burial was. in Golden Hill cers- adhered-to, daughters and ot;.his adventures eterjv .. • |- 5. Tbe Katicr —. and of tho world in which he liv- the play and Sam < Yaffe . will be evening, March 2,_ S p. m. at the Jewish.'•Community Center. Mrs. ed, tho- early nineteenth centur.v in' charge of tb© music. ; A regular meeting ot tlio c!ub M. F. Levenson, president, urges ' Pedro do Aranda, Bisliop of \ have cola in on? is v{world of ChfFidlsm and its neighwill bo" held at the homa of 'Mrs. '.all members of the Council.- to Calahorra, was., arrested as a Iviar- ' Jewish . r.ctsosa





" ' •

Immigration to

Argentine May



l !

Mrs. Finchot to ' Copclnde Series of Forum Lectures

Jewish Legion Is Being' Suggested For


To Nasi-Brown

H ^


By-Pleasant Hill

Mrs, i. flake!, 83

(Gontlnusd on page-8.)

Paul -Neremborg oa March"" 1.


A J i . u r ^ # « .






Ofc,' Messiah. • individuals. iEg clothing for the use of 'OUT least once a year. ' Appro-siineteof the night s ly 200 fathers and sens attended Oar master; our king, the Mes-jln the Family Welfare Coaimlttea families. ' •. ' : '• f •(' | the banquet. E i a h . '• •_ • An active group of men and We are grateful for the assisThe reception for high sehocl Ase -bausS tfcou art since ikonwomen, appointed*by our Presi- tance of t i e various Synagogues c •' ident as members of the Family in helping us to provide burial students brought out B largs •EEUCE -of j'ears, • c o ~ : to sever number o* individuals. Welfare Committee, has met reg- facilities aad to the Cfcesed Shel X\iiU thepe sturdy go'fies | ularly ; and given serious thought Etaes for its assistance in this reMembers • of the Social Service { i. v - v i t h ftll and co-operation in working out gard. The limitation- of space Committee for the year IE36 Tc the Throne c» Glory ; the details of this department's riake3 it impossible for us to in- were: Dr. Pfciiip Slier, Chairman, la. Celestial c&pi'vity. •j villmil it's work. I am particularly grateful dividually record every organisa- William. Kol'zaan, Isado-e -, Ah- n& thy eyes see .from on high,— j to the valuable and conscientious tion. Nevertheless,- we do ex- rarasoE, Leo Bsrmson, Mas Bar- he incessant fright aaa Bi:fi'e.> | " ' •> heavens. assistance of the members of the press in this manner- our thasks ish, Eugene Blazer, Rabbi Fred• ! beiow the Committee, without whose steady appreciation to all. Tie year erick CQh.a, Dr. J. M. Ensac, ugraontly befalling t t r broth-' ! ~'cr v Information con- ory Committee, consisting of the incidental service. You might be backing and support the work of abead of .us, 1937, will undoubt- Rabbi Darid Goldstein, i)r. M. I. ers. •v ,i J i e other. earning the -worli being done by Jewish physicians and dentists of interested in the reasons for clos- Mr. Goldblatt, Mrs. Bisno and edly be far from normal from the Gordon, J. J. Greenberg,' Dr. M. Aias! Thy ireedoia. is v, tno <3cwi3U Community Center our- city, has been of invaluable ing the 80 major care family Mrs. Kahs could not have beea point of view of . our Welfare M. Greenberg, Philip KlatEnick, - ing. ; he clouds and Welfare Federation is bd. and steady service to our > work. c a s e ' s . carried forward. wort. la cooperation' with other Leo Rosentha!, Hatry Silrernetj, '.-•.•"'• ' " •• • ' •" ing related la . a eeriea »of ar-'. Medical and needed dental ser, Conclusion private welfare organisations, we Irvin Stalinaster, and Rabbi- Da- inS trtilPt ifcon seef-t 21 were closed because "sertides appearing i n th© Jewish, vices have always-been given C i - ' •:'•(• T I " ; • ' i t a m b e r We are indeed grateful to the shall have the responsibility of vid Wice. ness, vices no longer needed"; 19 bePress within the nest three without, charge \6 all those whom i. i . t •• ->c v • '• - f p p h i r e many individuals, groups and or- first developing a decent,- ade''Td whilst then perceivest groan < cause o f " W . P..A. Jcbs"; 8 bei weeks, Herewith Is the report we recommend by any physician' i clear ganizations who have contributed quate public relief system 'in our ciUs,—• '. cause of 'relatives assumed care'; of the Family Welfare depart- chosen by tho persons needing IThpvGUpoc. a sHibile voice .is f f so generously of time, money, city and county, and second, see-, Froai 'the blood. innocently ment, which Is under the chair- such services. Our physicians 7 because of "Old Age Assist- and materials. Space does'not per- ing to it that the funds allotted i t.es.rc.— '-I shea,— • ance"; 6 because "services were manship of aira. Harry A. have been called at all hours and ''Ti'hcn t-. new generation will By DJLT Ttc rage _. wratn pervsces thee. [ no longer desired"; 6 because mit my giving personal individual by the State and Federal GovernWolf.—Ed. have cared for our'needy people of "leaving town"'; 5 because 'got thanks to all and everyone. We ments for assistance 'o .blind, agthoti cirdclk sii strength with the same degree of competI A penerpiion v"omprehenslve are, however, particularly grate- ed, and dependent children are In a year during "which, .the ence, cheerfulness and service as work in private Industry'; 4 be- ful to the Live Wire Cleaners and paid to those who are entitled to By j of litter redemption, w.t!: impsllisc force 2 because government urned public relief is given to those able to pay; I cause of "death' it in an amount at least adequate (formerly. o j si OE3: j A gt:iicvp.i\on v i i h an urge BOW of Peerless Cleaners, who without est forth. back to local public welfare agen- feel that we owe a deep debt of 'transferred to Child Care", 1 be- any charge, cleaned many articVlTjarton,' Tex > I for uiter ivdempiion, cies, which, in turn, were unable gratitude to ail our doctors and cause "Mother's Pension grant- les of clothing and wearing' ap- to cover their minimum, needs. I. the.'stillness of the Eight a Only to b& retreeted.. in. .falter j. Tbou, too, viU be proclaimWe shall also have to bend our Thus the resonate of thy £r& to do more than a-small part of dentists and want to express my ed"; 1 because "Disappeared", i roar I hear; j ed irre.— parel which was given to us by efforts toward re-establishing in . ilig I t ' Is interesting to note that the Job; when private employ- appreciation and thanks at this A tremor akin to the rattling To free pnd redeem my peoWith ihese cldes chains, although- 19 received W. P. A. individuals for distribution. The jobs and in business many of ment was unable to take over the . t i m e . ,; ' • ' - ' . . ' •, of chaios, nle." Greenberg Optical Company has those who were victims of the destillrees of the Is heerd ia the jobs, only 5 Teceived employment burden laid down by the County The resonant shuifiicg of their . night, frequently given free service and pression. We shall have to study Whenever hospital care was in private industry. Relief Administration* when the links.— materials. The Needle Guild, un- and, perhaps, go to work on the Since thousands of years. depression (seemed to be lifting,' needed and recommended by our. Child Care Records Suddenly the heavens- were der Mrs. B. A. Simon and . Mrs. job of vocationally training our doctors, we have made provisions but not sufficiently to materially Following but the policy adoptopened . William Racusin, were able to growing youth. Of course, we for such care and have paid fpr In the silence of the Eight c. I affect the need for help; when ed about five years ago, we have The KcUom School of Omaha And a grand light streamed groEs I heard — \ the W. P. A. and all other pub- hospital services* -The cost of hos- tried, wherever possible, to find give us many articles of wearing shall continue to carry on our • is seeking- about twelve bunded upon me. \ "Ok, Got how long, how ; lic relief and employment pro- pital care, and.-; particularly of families and homes in Omaha apparel, bed coverings, sheets, task of providing relief and med; old Victor Phonograph records. An infinite of rays iu splenjects' were uncertain and. unsure medicines, was particularly heavy who would take care ' of our etc.. Mrs. Tolman Tully, Chair- ical and hospital care for those S These records plus (he records dour,— man of the Clothing" Committee last year ,and we are certainly who cannot otherwise be provid.—during this year the Family Wherefore as si Thou breathchildren'who were orphans or dei thst hare slready been gathered Poured, in overflow , TOUECS Welfare Department faced His grateful to the ladies of the Bik- serted or who came from broken of the Women's Division Commit- ed for either thru friends and relei a f.€rder soul v.r.ic. me ; will be -.urned ever to the R^dio about, most difficult and. trying times ur Cholim Society who agreed to homes. During 1936, 25 child- tee, did' splendid work in gather- atives or thru public programs. "Vi"fcer<o-e fcest Tfcou. iva- I Corporation ' oC America which is give us ?50.(U rer,month to help Blended hue, purp iEu i . and has .come through with its ren were regularly under care in • offering E combination phonoblue, all Eglow. program Intact and with right to us-;pay for medicines which we Omaha. Qur workers visited hesrt into me, be proud of its accomplishments. had; to purchase during the year. these homes regularly, gave adIa awe. I fell stoppicg -an-d- kneel-1 vvfcprefore my keeas eyes, tc? pcr-j graph and radio to institutions I vho manage to collect a certain ing. We have, been .obliged to- spend vice and counsel,, all designed to ceptive ears.— "Incidental" Services ' number of oUl "enorfiiii^s. much more money than we had, give these unfortunate children To ieel all E-Bgiusc, tc per- | Our organization has always the home environment, the eduAnyone lis?i-jr,£ 0 |Q victor RRI beheld Gog, the Lord cf in order to take care of'all Je ceive crie-. • cords is asked to bring them eithlsh. famileis in Omaha who need- maintained that its job consisted cational opportunities and the hosts! To Ene a c t ber.r eddies? E-IU- er to ike Ke'lom school or (o the ed help and who could not get it of much more than merely sup- proper bringing up which is the Amidst chrystoiite and brilliant Jerlags S.EC. ^oe. - from public agencies, friends, rel- plying food, clothing, rent and right of every child. We can well : oTiice oC the ievish Press, 500 amber, AEC EJ" taEcs bast Thou . atives or from other sources. For similar essentials. Wo do have be proud.of our accomplishments , Srcndeis Theater r.tiiiding. Amidst clouds ot scarlet, clouds B7 BE.' PHILIP SHEE food, clothing, xent, light and the responsibility' of arranging in this field. • ascend and descend. come t rescue. gas, hospital care and medicines, the -details for- those who > need GOEBEELS P L A X S ANTIYonder upon a fla'saiag Xire sap. ' . Transients The work of the Social Service Tiou crested small factor in proportion to en. we spent about $18,000 during care at t h e ' Denver BanitarSEMITIC TAKE-OFF ON "ETERphire clear.—1936, about 54,000 more than ium and at the Leo N. Levi Me- . 246 transients were Interview- Committee covers the following vironment. During the past rear, The high and', es&ited Throne i Sines t i e &s,ymof time until end NAL ROAD" , . . But his very I handled 16 cases and EOEC morial. Hospital in Hot Springs. ed and cared for during 1936. In activities: we planned, ' : stands. ' "• iiile, "The Eternal Jew" presage.. every case we have offered a were referred to the Juvenile 1. Juvenile Court work. W& Have''the "responsibility of tryThe moon it's foot stool, the SHE tbe uUirnsle i'-eCeal; o!- the .Kav-,is>. minimum of a night's lodging TTherefcce iiiiTer E€ to see : ' As we look back over . the ing to procure suitable homes'for Court. "We Jews o£ Omaha may 2. Scholarships to . deserving it's head crest, cf Tfcy. childreE, i CHRISTIAN V.-QRKEUS "N year's ,wort, however, I feel sure refugee German children and" of and two meals to these people. students. , well be proud of our record as And it's train fill all hes- ! that we have kept faith with our trying to find places for refugee Whenever possible, we have arYet tc corn till end of time, iPOLAND STRIKE TO VIN J O n ^ far as Juvenile Court is concernvsns. 3. Father and Son banquet. needy Jewish friends and neigh- families. Differences and dif fi- ranged' to send people to their Thou given .me jBACK FOR .TEWS . , - Wfcirli ed. Numbering roughly 5 per Wherefore liEst 1 : poes to prove thfit Rnti-Seiriitistn bors and have- done our Job as 'culties between, parents a n d home and residence, Usually at - . 4. Chanukah presents to or- cent of the population of the city, Upon it sits (3-od, Lord of Glory. pewer to rescue, And lo! to the arms ot the is not cpor.tnneous with the vorkwell as was humanly possible..! children, finding relatives and our expense. We have always op- pfaans in the Cleveland Orphan our proportion of delinquents of To firess TTOUI to comfort Throne,— feel sure that the officers and friends who can and should take posed the policy of "passing on" Home. ing masses. Juvenile Court children is less hearts, T % Bound- with sturdy gciden of transients. It is not of any members of the Executive Comthan one-third of one pef cent of i"ic?e5r~F C 5. Reception for high school over the responsibility ot caring help to the- individual transient, chains,— mittee (who have been kept curthe total number. A -p'-'f"—•-- r ~ * - r r graduates. Is our master, cilr kia£, the ' rently informed of our work and for needly and unfortunate peo- to' ether communities or to the jAr 1 '" t o ' • D 'nf" r o c ' The principal object of this We hive continuously attemptMessiah. our problems) agree that: .we ple;^verifying the residences; of general problem; to make it pos- work ia to prevent children from have done our job well, and I. am tratisients( investigating and fol- sible for a transient to move f;om going to the Juvenile Court. Most ed to help students, with good sure also that alt members of. the lowing up'.f or the National Deser- town to town without hope or parents have learned by this time scholastic records'and -who sbow I have distinguished thee, Oh, Messiah! r Center and Welfare Federation tion "Bureau, locating relatives promise. Wherever we have been when difficulties arise to visit me promise of success in particular By thy- glotriug beany eyes, understand and properly apprec- fo£ people in other cities, finding convinced that a man could find at my olfice, usually -with the fields, •with loans to continue for children and finding a job or a home in some other their schooling. During the past by thy augest iate the work. ,-. ' ' / „ Cv or adoption — all these community; we have inade it pos- child. After a conference, and year, 5 scholarship loans were forehead. .' • . Federal-State Program• , in some cases after the child made. . sible for him to get there. Otherz By thy compassion liaes is Discontinued;:,.'; '•''.'• agjt-mati'y other forms om "incileaves, we make a social diagnowise, our policy has been to pro- sis and prescribe a treatment,^ In The annual Father -and Son thy ruffled, cheefes. /'. During the past two: y^ara-;{aa dentai^?Bervices have been jgrog ; 1 1 vide"food and a "decent place to 1 banquet makes it possible for;fa* a~d most striking'j\— ••has been reported to you aium&lf most cases, where the cause of us duiing- the year. when delinquency is due to environ- thers and sons to get , together By the fetters • on thy s r n s . : Iy) we had a very satisfactory ^ worked with 250 fain- sleep, sometimes clothings j : working arrangement\ tsrith\M'.tie :iUes?during 1936, and had -98 necessary. ment" treatment is successful — for a social, pleasant evening, at Verily, I hare .distingTiished thee, Douglas County Relief Adminis4 ases-fuiidsr care at the end of ;lhe We have at. all times accepted the child Is put on the right track tration, whereby their 'workers yearlyOf;, these - families 148 came our responsibility for caring for and stays right; but when the worked with ours to assure 'Tia to ..uii.'-f or relief and major care thetravelling Rabbi or Magid; cause of delinquency Is due to that needy Jewish families-.-;re-j andiJLQpitor incidental service. Weproviding kosher food in some heredity,. our-task--o't correctingceived adequate care. Thisplan elbsed; ttS; completed, 152 c ' these cases, lodging and cash in others. the child is difficult. Fortunate\V>.. worked well during 1934 :; and family-.records, 80 major and .72 During 1936, we helped 60 such ly, the cause of •'- heredity is a^ ; 1S35, but towards the . end•• •-.•of! 1935 it became evident that jthis agency would not long continue.; On April 30, 1936, the Douglas^ County Relief Administration1 ! closed its doors and relief-\ w taken over, first by the;-County1 f Welfare under the County-.Commissioners, then, during; the. sum-! mer, (in an emergency created by! the end of county funds)-by the: City Welfare, and finally in the fall by the County again. Relief given by these agencies was not . only inadequate " and unsound, but no real consideration . was given to individual needs.yno rent - • NOW FEATUKIN& was paid, coal was not given in sufficient ': quantities, provision •Tho Ceraplote Line off New-1937 W;as not usually made • for payment of light, gas and water bills and no consideration. was- given to other needs. Of course, we couldn't go along on sucha pro• gram and we didn't We again assumed full responsibility : for p all Jewish families and children and the number of families under our care jumped over 60 per cent within a few month. It was al0 REFIUGERATORS ' together too big a ^ob- for our on© social worker, Mrs. Bisno, -Ar '..' .-and In the fall we were fortunate ©DISH V/ASHERJ5to secure the partime services of Q H&f WATER HEATERS' a /trained, capable worker, Mrs. Kahz. ' ..-' °WASK2RS'" •' • • -

Mrs. H. A. Wolf, Chairman






. fr







W. P . A., N. Y. A. and State Assistance Aid to Dependent Childpen, Old Age, Blind, E t c • ' We have, always maintained our interest In the people whom we were helping and wheneye^it 'was possible, we worked with the Works Progress Administration, and the National.Youth Adminis;tratlon in procuring work for our men, women and young people.When assistance, {o aged people, to the blind and dependent children was announced, we proceeded • to -prepare applications for all '. those entitled to assistance. We have bent every effort to get this assistance for those under our care who are entitled to it and until'these allowances are' granted, we ha^e continued and will • continue to care for our people. Medical Services The Medical ^nd Dental Advis-


time,end ; y washing —let' ihd'xnodezii: Electric Washer'. is work


3, €®riS?RlieTGD TO «S0 t5S5 CURRENT

"Ska ©i?Gate3^-E5G3fISG!?ate Wakzo IniO

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THE JJdWiSH-PKSSS;"FRIDAY, KBBE:raLST: 25,1537 ~ "aad •while•.we can and do eon-i said the C^E tinue our'-srork even though it Survive tz" e~zz - ,. i rains and; snows, the politics,! son sa'.d ^^ weather has bees of, Each, severe Trcds ity that our work has bees at .alare hea' •"* ' — ~ 1 standstill• for some time."" |America; t " c —• - ^ Jerusalem {JTA) — It is not - .He. went, o s to ssy that the po-jland, E E ~ <• C- —-> enough-fcr business to vrciiy lc;t litical•situation In Europe had-af-i is it-fiis '~ -«• • unfavorable weather keep iour- fected.the. taiads of the. traveling !some bel " n r-—

, r<





i l l E.

j Ists; away', from -the Holy L S B 5 . J public and he'did cot expect that! proved i They have • the •political weather' j Palestine would receive "even a! dispute. to reckon with, too. •• " :• ! fair • number of visitors." Sixteen j It i Last year, for : - instance," six j cruises this-year may-bring S,000


Six months ago one charming and talented Council Bluffs miss , shook t h e dust of her native y~ heath from her shoes and left for A the 'Big City' to seek fame ana perhaps fortune via the newest medium of dramatic interpretation the radio. Today this same young lady, Louise Fitch, twentytwo-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fitch, has proved her mettle and is fast becoming one of the outstanding :, favorites of the airlanes. With a brilliant career enthusiastically predicted by the radio editors of such outstanding papers as the New York Sun and Los Angeles Times, Miss Fitch by her series of first rate performances has become one of the radio finds of 1936. The Chicago Tribune has recognized her as onb of the radio personalities of 1937. Miss Fitch is remembered here for her txcellent performances during the last few years at t h e Omaha Community Playhouse. Her activities with this - popular local group might well bo considered . her apprenticeship for- her professional career. She played the leading roles in such outstanding Playhouse successes

months "of -rioting ' a n d • terrorism i tourists, "or half t h e number t h e d a m p e n e d , the desires . of bun-I country received in 1925,, 1927 .five year, c* dreds of prospective -tourists t o | and 192S, h e said. •i fiucticn- o ' z. ~-> see. Palestine.' '- Preference "to this M r _ salamah expressed t h e j slation-of ^<- ~ situation- -was-made" a t 43ie-> reca: hope that Palestine would benefit ! er a sens annual _meeting of- t h e '• Tourist ; from Egypt's • to'ui ist publicity 'historic E*-" 1 Development.. Association.'-of Pal- campaign, on which $2-50,000 isjof Yehoa«-- r~ estine. • •• • being spent.' The association es-'ecL a EIOFL^ " B y . t h e very name and. nature \ pe.cts t o advertise in Egypt, iirg-jnrast n o t 1: of this associationwe are a t the j ing visitors to come here as a section, 1 <= c- "-"e mercy of t h e clcmems," said j "fitting conclusion" to t h e tour There F"e ~ Dmitri Salamah,• t h e president," j of the- neighboring countries. pean. cou"^-«• x ^ and in Air«— -" -< thousand= or » v ^


i ^~-

1 r

rehoash CK - ' < i- c sible to . ' r z-~ c C "" was p r o c ^ c ^ • By • KAUBIC2. SAMUEL volumes, t c~ r \ over, not ~~ - The late Ychoasli, grcstest to divide the two 'languages and S'ith H e r - ^ r tmodern Yiddish poet, gave set them by the ears was itself an | bond, hi his <— F twenty-fire years ; of bis life (o artificialitj-. It was a matter of jadd' sign f a the preparation of it modern temporary emphasis. Hebrew i language? ~ Yiddish translation of the Bi- emerging into living, use, had to other. ble. Maurice Samnel, the well- elbow Yiddish off the field while society b<= known American Jewish man it got itself established. Once of . one -h L." of letters, in this exclusive ar- .established it can — and should will be cr ticle' disensses the significance land will — remember-that it was jean be" gr* J.-^"- v £•• T, r e of the planned publication of Iprobably through Yidaisb that jliminary ; u i ^ u : .s \, ^<,^^r der. but one snot;ld rccojrnize tlict '• Yehoash's Yiddish Bible. ; Hebrew retained a living-flavor in there are a few Jews well enough if vre permit the irirLifui pliysi- !•.•-." • E D I T O R ' its long dormancy; and it will re- iEformed, alert, enough arc*, pubc?-' needs of the moment to throv.: ' — — ' member, also that the spoken He- lic-spirited enough to have the us into a complete PSEJC, sc that as "Counsellor At T J W ; » "The It is~ not • so many years since ; brew of Palestine has been as project^ properly stated. in tLe scramble to survive v.-c forInheritors;" and "June Moon." Yiddish and Hebrew, ttee two in-'deeply influenced by the Yiddish Of course there hare been Yid- get onr raison d'etre, ve sbal' In tho play "Engaged" her interternal languages of the Jewish j in .which it was partly preserved dish Bibles' before -— and the have lost, also the strongest, bulpretation of the Scoxh lassie waa people, were at'/daggers drawn—| as living Yiddish is by --he Hemost famous was Tzenu T-re- wark of our defense. There is | one of the high spots of the PlayYiddish accusing Hebrew of ar-1 brew with which it is permeated, enu of our grandmothers, the wo-the Siiort range Btnigcric for sv~- jhouse season. tifieiallty and -'obscurantism. He-| Now there are many of us who,man's "Teltschchurnesfc" of re- viva!, ETLfi the Jor.g'rRcjre. T;oih | : V-••-* brew accusing Yiddish of illiter- \ in childhood, were given the feel- mote aaern-orr, a curious, rather I re neeapd. But of thr t r n | Last year she also appeared E acy and Galuth-psychology. Today I jug that actually .toth languages with the Center Players, taking helpless folk production. Th I the ingenue lead in "Rain From the hostility is-much -weaker, "for • were unreal, both dead or mori-i-w'as not, "until Tehoash t-Cc f t - , e t c take care ort5ie ?iricl:eru Heaven" which was presented at now- Yiddish recognizes that He-1 bund. Only, one was dying" in (to the task Ms immense s - t r i >- . brew has triumphed in Palestine j priestlj vestment, and the other E -ip and the Jewish Community Center. exquisite fee" *"" *rr and is becoming a. living influ-Un workad.237 clothes. Hebrew was modern Yiddish, a clasF.c t-rre- Miss Fitch began the training ence elsewhere; while Hebrew,' what the jRebbe ' wanted us to lation ranking, in beacf, tr-^-for her career also in Omaha. Louise Fitch • When but four years of age she not as terrified for itself, as-oacejfcnow, Yiddish was what father acy ar.d strength, trith t r studied elocution with Mrs. A. it was, admits-what'it-.must- al-jj and mother spote at home; neith- &aS. Luther versions. Tr e v—j Woodruff and later with Mrs. R. daily = programs—the , Betty .and talent with perseverance, she ways have Irnown, that "not Yid-|er had any thin? to'do witr real- jg nioiivSTseiital; "but in t ' - . " Boasberg. Even then her ability Bob broadcast over the Columbia gives every indication of fulfilling dish.but Galuth made'Galuth psy-| ity. That erroneous impression ! when" t" vras lekrranc Yi r2: \was evident. By the "time she had system at & a.m. and "The Story j the encouraging prophecies that ;chology and- that- illiteracy wast is not so wide-spread as it was -porting in Raglan not-in the language bet in eco- j twenty-odd years ago; yet it still! n was the Tog, in wr "'• reached her senior year In high have been made for her. nomic conditions. • •• • . ! exists. And its is therefore not j printed large sections, oC school, Miss ITitch was studying of Mary Marlin" at 11:15 over Shoulders It was really an amazing sort j irrelerent to assert that t t e pro-j E S i- s translation — I wci J with Bernard Szold, former dir- the associated stations of the Naof squabble. There are hundreds i ject now on foot to publish in (the instalments of the r r •>£ ector of the Omaha Community tional Broadcasting. company. of thousands of Jews even ia ! popular form Yehoash's Yiddish j *be sheer- simplicity ar,r. ^Playhouse, who for five years was Her well modulated voice : is ; Western land who go..-their firsti.Bible, side by side with the Ee-jof the style. It is aa her mentor. Washington, D. C. (WNS) — f I considered ideal by radio authorLikewise Miss Fitch's profesThe Spanish Embassy" has made smattering• of - Yiddish and He- '• brew test, is cot an act of .piety !if you want .to earn a brew in an-indissoluble unity. TTe'and not a.'throw-back to a disap-jrea'd its version of the I T sional career was launched in ities, and hei; gracious manner I public a statement by Dr. Albert Omaha. For eight months before and. the .excellence of-her per- Einstein expressing his- support learned Yiddish • by translating j pearing past, "but a reflex of liv-jis truer of Ticlcish tfcar her departure for. Chicago,-she formances have attracted consid- of the Spanish Loyalists. Einstein the Bible-into Yiddish. Admit-i ing needs in., the.-Jewish people. {other la: guage, and true- ' was a member of the staff of Ta- erable attention from coast to said that " I feel ashamed of theediy it was a -perverse and • isipo.s-1 When Hebrew-Yiddish." dispute j there is dio station ICO.I.L., where -.she coast. Her earlier training 13 re-fact that the democrat'•; countr- siblc procedure, typical o* the tor-i was at its most acerb each lore-i But ;! i o t only-took. paxX-an. tha broad- sponsible fpr^ her ..poise before :the ies have, not found i n this situa- tuoiis Jewish mind. Bat 'it ircrt-! tolS.the early denise of the other, j'ls.S StlJi tlis Dsst "tlrsx tion the necessary energy to com-ed as long "as 'it - was allowed- to; Hebrew conic-rot be revived be-| plied to the Hebrew-Yii3 ~ Ir :": ~_ '" casts originating from1 that sta- microphone. Since her- debut -on"the radio, ply with their fraternal duties. work.- -And therefore the"attempt]cause all the odds were against it,-tics which" is to be p roc"f>r-~ tion, but wrote-the continuity for Miss Fitct has come home for ( a large number of their programs Last August, Miss Fitch left flying visits' as her ."career is befor Chicago after having been of- ing closely followed, by • a host of fered an attractive contract-bj" Omaha friends and a.great ma.ny the Wrigley Company to play" the of her relatives. Her success does feminine lead on the ''Mortimer not. come as..a . great surprise to Gooch" program. This radio-fea- those ; in.; Omaha ' ; and Council ture is broadcast over the : Col- Bluffs ; who have, been following umbia network- every Friday her .wort.; . ' . . - . . 1 night at ten o'clock trader the However,'Miss;Fitch, with an Slash sponsorship of the Wrigley Chew- eye on a still more. brilliant future \ ; : has continued her vocal and musing Gum Company. . .' Pockets ; • Miss Fitch also appears on.two ical studies. By combining her • -

, \



X *>




Strapped Cuffs

Einstein Backs Spanisli .'Loyalists

Reverdbte Two-in-One

Dslivaritsef new Chevref@?i


era nowbe!ng C ; « J I ' '< f i ^ i ! " ' " ^ ' f rrr^f'r

Warsaw. (\\TN3)—• An unusual example of. iabbi\ Solidarity: he-, tween • • J . e w . i s h . ; and Christian workers in a Jewish-owned glass factory in Opotosczo, is reported , isew York (JTA)'—.The; Town by the Folkszeltung, Bundist orPlanning • Commission of - thegan- , ' •* .' .'. . . ' . Northern District of Palestine ' When the factory owner dishas accepted a modern, compre- charged, 50. Jewish, workers his hensive town development .plan 250 Christian workers went on a for some 10,000 acres in the. Hai- s t r i k e n '„ . . . . . . . .•,..:.".,., . -fa Bay region, /where one pf.the ; The-strike continued for sever, world's new. cities is coming into ial- weeks and f a s not .-called off existence, the Palestine Economic until- .the, employer took back th» Corporation announced. idismissed Jewish workers. The plan, prepared in, 1929 by -Prof. - Patrick Abercrombie, of Liverpool TJniversity, and Clifford Holliday, of Palestine, embrances an area between Carmel and Acre, acquired by the Cor- ••: ''Rixmainian: .Cotirt poration and the Jewish National, Bucharest (WNS)..— The .leFund in 1928, which has been.de^' gislative council,- Boumania's veloped to the point where; it.Is] highest legal instance. and ''; the becoming the chief industrial: equivalent of. the "United States center of Palestine. • ?i Supreme Court, has' declared illIt contemplates the division ol' egal - the- law- enacted in Decemthe industrial zone into areas ber which ordfiri the annullment -where light manufacturing ;-anu of the citizenship of hundreds of heavy industries are permitted^ thousands, of Jews in-the provinAdequate park spaces are nrovid- ces of. Bukqwina, Bessarabia and ed and widths of roads are de-Transylvania '.w>bse', papers are signed to accomodate a large fu- not in proper order. .. ture population and traffic. StriaTbe-counci' ruled -that this .law gent zoning laws will control the not only violates "the 'Roumanian density, of population to eliminate constitution .but is,., contrary to development of slum areas. / the Versailles Treaty,* by which Fifty industries have already all residents of the three provbeen established and about 1,500 inces were granted Kouinahian aomes constructed within the residential area along the lines Qf citizenship, if they wi£t>ed it, the plan. Modern- systems to when the provinces* were, annesmeet present and future demands ed tcRoumania. for water and sanitation a r e being worked out. Transportation facilities and the establishment fof synagogues, schools, dispensaries and other public buildings are keeping pace with the city's rapid growth.


nlearing~of the affair ordered both punished. .





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-Illegal, Declares-.-;

The ortginc of the play, "The Merchant of Venice," are found in the incident 0} a Jew,' Sampcn Cenenda wbo lost a pound of Slesh to a Homan merchant, Piifolo Ularini Secclu. Pope Sixtus Ui>on

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^ J L ^\-'V /i;.v£-' ' o . : i ; , ' '

WEAR IT tweed patterned side out and -you've a distinguished .Topcoat. I-'EA'R-IT plain side out and you've & fashion favored t a n , saberdirtc!

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\ es, •• that'* It . . . . it's made thai way— ingeaiouslT- designed and tailored so fist ei'tber sklc may be worn OUTSIDE ss the orcasiou tleraautls—(NoSe the illnstradon above,)

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"•*TOB- *" " " * P





W y cj i^msJia. ffebrasftn.

Prtw, ess yeir ifa rstc3 fura!n£ed



Vine?: 51)0, Brascjcb Tfccnter ~ C&as CJty'OMlco—Jenbb ttanmnoU; DAVID BLACKER - • Bnelnps ,-,n<J Manas'log FRAfJK fi. AC!JE!j:jAfl . ' . ' • ' - - • • Cdttc? fANMH KATEbM'Ati &>'yneiJ bluffs, Iowa, CorresposfleaJ PILL '-' '' ' - SJoo? C»7. Iowa, Corresponded? Shop h&dmtv. fl$O4 so. 39tb Street - - - •

Faleotlsie Ternrprfpm


Sltxnn, rrotld-famous, non-Je—hh. Gcnsan author. indite-3 the foJJorring interesting letter to tho d n a of Bonn University, replying to notification that Sin tononry d o ^ i o ate from that" mb'Tnty had been •jTith'iram boccuss of LL, lo;n of German citizenship. YfTrite-3 llapn: more IiroirJedge of Trho there men are rrho



W Bible"



—•—nT-x—-^- T - r — "

tbat which • i *- field jear

dishonored Gerajiy, in acknowledging that I a n cgainst the: They have the incredible effrontery to confuse themselves with ; ^ Jf'"*.'' iJl*JhlT.'1.. a s i T.th ti-clr r r r c ' . . ; . =---:Germany. When, after all, the time is not far off, perhaps, j '•r^zii L::r*ATa-e" -• wjien it'will be of supreme importance to the Geman peoplejccd final c=e to :o.:o-.-. iz cczi* -raot to be confu-red v/i'tli thenjl I^.^v^f,'"' v i- i; V^ e "V^^J"-'" «-..5f#s.1°,A"'vv^-^;s- V' \-^-* ." "To what a state, in lees than four years, Lave they brought0 j tctoiErrfphjJobo^i.ers V.na 'rzht.- s=iV:Vrst.? '-.cd ::: :c c r r •_: -


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• «evcn years "«Ipsee. And . -, the reitaae " rleaee that unto his



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rven If , Tfje individual'wlio'started rolling: down a hill in a barrel G e r m a n y ! Ruined; sucked dry, body a n d soul, b y armament • Tvbo lived s.r.i n4 r.r.ed frcrn t^'. 1**1 hnU TrorM hftMin ! his youth, witlj |yhiph they threaten the v? " "™ ti,«lnisridie of the rrprld; holding up the fppn found, that'll© jeouWn't stpi> luidiyay, jvben jip'fjo Visli^d. i of a And His "joyride" did not eorap'to'a halt tint!) lj<? had crashed wholehis advanced : aisia iid israc-L These h one had disat the bot'tam pf the hj]J. ' •'•''. by is end ifecir bria;ia; f in h i - ions years, he should The terrprist propaganda of the Arab nationalist leaders Kfands ere £ j?;gT;'icEr;; s :.'.;.('li-a ,'iccuire disciplea in EK'ffifs for i;s. lias had much 'the same effect in 1'alesfine. Seehipg personal stretch out theirhands in alarm to snatch "back from the abyss ja s d l h e p o w e r f n l - Persszizuues,sy^so5ne zs* a* inst fc<*v;:n;:cs:; t e e . I t was Said ; I-;'-.i.'i i A!:ii-a had ' twenty j»aip as ^yell as wore eoiiceptrated poorer, the Moslem national- SO important a member of the future CommonTrealth Of Nations, cianpiosicg them here described j viOi mating original et-ccies p are keesJy related to the icteli-1 ctive to the itesJscics ! ;n c n ~ s : r £ tr.ct,.]i~r c. t ' s s t E.'TE.;- iO;.:r ilio:.r~fi!-.'-: t'if-'c'pJes who cauie ist heads mHered. in th<? Palestinian riots, .encouraging sniping tp IMp it if pply it will come to its senses and try to under- ectaa! -ami scientific temper of the i its development, Us character. : of t t i n t e r s e n d types of tnougfct? f.ron '.*: f e r ihe country beand bloodshed and hooliganism, Kpw - "'« three."of the Arab stand the real needs of the world at this hour instead of dreamend Antipatria In 'a "verj- geaaine way j These sc :o;?.rs truly i I E c. Eysttnir.t!o iK.lcrrE.tec f.nci iv-f-; r Gr;/i-"-.b new leaders, Ha^ Amin eJHusseini, Mufti of Jerusalem; liaghcb Bey ing dreams about mythical 'sacred necessities.' vre are a part oi the rlgoro-js ja-'r.etr school of !*Das ! carc-ruily hp3Enned mr.r.ner, r.nfi i r {in;-. f.U .:;;<V. ?• pr-iri-iial d e a t h , b e h respecjed corabEts, scholarly &ni \ £es Judg-ntcm: cr J I a style ± 1~r.c csce'iB fc.is p r c - i o t ; ? cs-.v-s c -in<i-v S:.tive liot Nashabsfjjjjj, former Sfaypr of Jerusalera; and Aoiihj Bey Abdul "And, as a jpan who, put of religious diffidence, will sel- tellectudlset forth In these pages. I ecce. The heroes in this unique efioris. Tins rich storehouse of er.cl- o ; i i € r > r>!-.:i i o n . A n d when Hadi, leader of the Independence Party—liase confessed to the dom utter the name of Deity, let me end this letter with the lucidly, , . r - r r : , . < ( ... ;r n 0 l l 8 a n < j ^jgfj. The scope p or the volume,, asd land far reaching scholarly sdrenUigh -Commissioner that'they ^re unable to influence the Arabs fervent prayer: 'God help pur darkened and desecrated coun- sta coaprehessire : ledgre cecervpp s. cordial ve-^cr.'f: . ;A?F c::: r ;r.;i j-.r-^ri t h e Jewish character Ere ! ture and their brilliant act! d ••'•-.r-f.r.-.t' nt!iso;aiized until wlpo .are conducting a reneWcj campaign of terror. Sporadic try and teach it jo make its' peace with the world and itself 1" trixly are consider- : info erery home, library c-..v.C v-o-; ' One can sot help • iffold contributions ibi >; -Ai-. !i)& c?. n:e So o u r eolithae researches in j school. It Trill assuredl become but s t o i r e the deep wide ensdi-jea at length. violence continues to grow in volume and intensity, but the No comment can add to the contents of that letter. nrl-i:.;s f.nt; tecght unto' R. blical Exegesis, ; a standcrd tion, the fine scholarship of Dr. j the fields of most alarming factor is the tense atmosphere prevailing in thp r, K. Cvn-a, K. JOBF5, R.' SiJew-ibocfc of reference in its Tv'axpEn. JCo form "of J--wish lit-{ alsaadie literature, land, the feefipg that ihese oQcasipnaJ sports of trouble are a eratmre, asd no type cf JeTiish I ;..-;u H. KSazar and it Was thoaght is neglected. Rabtirsjcs, J v.i-o pret'.-rvfd the Torah ia . . y prelude to future pogromizing. At present we hear of bombphilosophy, drana, the contraver-J F'T. vfc horr. • By Eabbi Frederick Coin • ings, shooting into Jewish colonies, desecrating the haHenyed sial literature, poetry, are all rep- j is v.-riitfrn in the book Of •Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, but Arab pewspapers, as Adifaa, "• The greatest tragedy ip. life is not death, for all Tsuist die resected. # Where t ce aether j i:\~s.: "Do not worry about --r-rv-'f trouUfs, . frr thott caution that "the fire of revolt is not yet extinguished" in (though some, deaths ace exceedingly tragic) but the rejection criticizes, hs does EO kindly and 7rit.l1 scboJarljaloofness aid i a 7 r ; no; vh£t iJbe day may Palestine and that "it can be ren^ejyejj by ^he Bfigljt^t wind." of the good and great by the mean, the petty, and the vile. : iorl.fc; j>?rt£ps when the bri?; ttie Dead CABLE FI^ASHES And the Hebrew daily, Habolti?r, publishes a secret memoran, The Christs, with their message of peace and good will partiality. war p;ay, .-rp-. rrr?.;e:. then wjJt not be is a succinct circles £."£ buzzing •.l~:-.:'.re ZEy ioager. and tliua dum of $jmr Abd.ijilpii, Arab• ruler of Transjordan, to High to all mankjnd, £re crucified on the cross of infamy. The Tie iniToductip o* the historical aspects, O T edploiHE-tic last rear's calle r t t e r e p c r t th&t £ Roger are sent into the wilderness, like Azaziel, hear': r - ; I t v ; •n'orried for x a the modern period sad its Im-Ii European power's ambassador ia Commissioner Wauchope, wherein the Emir warned tj'iat the ing the sins pf others.' The Lineolns, witb. their hearts of mercy E.r.isl; civu v a r . C r-l r-fc ;F not thine. Avoid radical, upon diverse soil of Gei'ci\l deals vrith ¥*?**! arod the |Btaqpja^ig^'jCNptj^npiists)'^yeire Wjrrjng up Hie and isentJijiGjjts and effort^ of reconciliation and reconstruc- pacts, .'-on.: thr to;j5t, for not evthe Jew and bas religious tradi- KouEBcJa (not Germacy) is the of the Gene:ci n*Eg house through vrhlcli t l s c t r bedouins in Tranajordan to participate' in future Palestine vio- tion, are Fpplly, assassiniated; as was ilatbenau, chief concilia- tion, and upon his social, ecoao--f "--'y'v.:.'.: t:;ou bring into thy.'-? ind nephev; oi Sivope, preside. ".. XJ^rr T.-;S> you peace, lence an.<l overthrow the Traiwjorjdsp. Government if Arab de- tor between the two traditional deadly foes, Gennany and Ejic sad political status. Povrer-' Xazi propaganda funds are paid ! - - ° Company, IUEU Kcrli-eri ,. ; .. r - r e , . - -v.,.- cr. cre t5 only tul and irresistible forces led toi out la tf ken to v:il<: mands were not met. -""..'"• catrlset crisis v;iil be set- ; E£ J' { France. A3VpojJrow Wilson, desiring only international unity, tte disirstegratissa ol the old andI manias ; porter HunsE.te-r, daughtt: If the Arabs are determined to crash at the bottom of the fjniyersal and eyerlasting peace, is hounded to an untimely firmly established Jewish lite. tied by tfce ELppcintmeEt o£ j 0 E SE.rah : : I r ; i r ; , - s:-.;.;.; "Jus? as it a ""o'essor £.t S.assacJ ] ijihalaclie, Peasant Pany leader j °" P* -''.'-''r?-/e ;.->r f r.!r.n to say Tfce Eodi-rn age with. its icdusPalestinian hill, we can do ribtbjng more than we have done to grave, dying Before his time, and the tremendous good he ni 1 r i -.' r-TT- •r';. • v ! ; r n i t is trialisEi a^jd new political tljeor- ! and mnitact £oe of aati-Sesiitisia j ^ prevent their tobogganning. We ican, however, let them know might have aecpmp.lishe.d, pf a broken heart. •:•-. s"' '" ':'. T:-.:•-:•.-;«? f o r a ies literally thrust the Jew Sato as Premier . . . Dr. "F. 3. Jialais, the Emr.zing iez.i oC Cfcarae ""."• head c£ the South African Naemphatically that we will not bu^go from pur Jewish .home-'•r; : r- ";: T :• \""inf which It, js always so. First it 13 "roses, roses all the way" asa new, be-wiideriss and fascinat- tionalist Party, is enibarrsEsea . . zanski, Jr., fcrmfir Labor Dernri: land. "We ar.p (|etermincd to fulfill the promise of o Palestjpe one.hailed in triumph; then these same roses are woven into ins v.'orid rvhlch be found difmeiit. Solicitor ,m speaking '<•&' - ^ ; • " ' i ! _ ! : . : : £ . • . : • •?--•-..:'.: It. i s p e r ficult to understand and .adjustrebuilt, and while we want tp avert violence and bloodshed, tjip garlands "placet! i}J>pn the necks of the victims intended ment ^ .-,,. , _ . . . _ . _ . p,,-,,;;jPy . tjip Moslems will find -the' Je.vjsh sqlf-defense more'than able for sacrifice, llecl ip dplefuf procession, amidst hootings and and tp cope with their most ,eowapd)y attacks. reyilings to their doom, and—often via the executioner's block perbly i n t i : . s o r 7;:?.; —to the, tomb. reflecting the gigantic Eome cf i;s ov-ish liberals, vrnen he_ was rai'nlster of tfce In1 Eponomic . r a n t y ; : , . [ Ij; matters not that after the prophet is stoned, imposing are primarily responses to the I EEJ I;: irfu;;. -:•.>.- s»;me time terior 'he accepted' sa invitation! (Copvrigtt ISST Br Seres Arts baffling chaotic and hostile enr Jewry watches witli'lrepijlatipn the day-to-day events in monuments are erected to his memory and posthumous, inEre sici;: srul -: ' Feature SyE t zYe rciieated to write aa introciuctioa to a vjroncjeat, and the attempt pf slurs ci'.t. ss.i •s CiiSi upon Poland, since three and a hajf million Jewish inhabitants there effectual honor is Reaped upon him; pr that multitudes make Jewish leadership at proper ad- Yiddish history of South Africa, uAsnne, and and his secretary wrote that "Dr. live in dire fear of thp future Jrend of events affecting .th'pm. pgyerent pilgrimages tp his grave, pr that he is-even-reverenced justment. : Malaa heartily •tveicctnes 'the ioea •;•.; ili-i unvarThe" latest development in Hpland may be viewed with and worshipped as a god. The ears stuffed with dust take no HasJdisna is the first, ' thocgh of havlsjg a history of South Af(••[ enauvinigin ralld deviation frora KabbSnlc Ja- ricaAin' Yiddish because such an mixed, uncertain feelings. CpJ.'Aclsni Koc, commander of tlje note of all this. The lips are sealed "in silence. The cold crushed daisai. Its origin with Israel c.ed against important section of the popula•eruienK-n v.iio Ealf a dczeii Arab jateliecii;r.ls Polish Legionnaires, in'a ra.dip bVfjadcast outlining the ajnjs heart gives no responsive throb. Besht.jits grov.th at the hands of , ? imilec. front tioa has a Tiacish origin apa j have bees assignee" the task oi a r e his successors, and the yigorpus, anji objectives o£ the npjy JGpyerjrifppj:party which is seeking Superiority is "always hated and resented. Mediocrity can a s ever here opposition led they have full;- identified' them- ! ••explaining'* the Faisstinian 6it- j O i «-" ' an authoritarian regime, condemjjpd ant'i:Jewish excesses but brook no master. . Inferiority rests not until it has destroyed uncorapromising hf Jlisiadruth by Elijah, the Goan o£ Witaa are selves with the country" . . . ! uaiioa to iion-Je-vnsli'audience ; -j^. ! and in Erro f-n integral the German workmen ^epanded that the Pojish pepp'je'^eep^jg "economically indp- that which is above it. The mean, petty, and ignoble cannot traced. " The fresh emphasis on Among the United Stales. In* ss.dtiii.iOE to ' has me the in jjie worldand importnr.f i<T;l emotiba that HsEidisia" b r o u g h t ] Aachea electrical appliance that aa Arab propaganda bureau pepdent." Referring tp ^hp Jpjyjsh guestion, Koc said: "Tlje appreciate the noble, grand, and true. The finest i-*^: -rm^;ru life,."is H4-- «„ at „* UV.,«,« ^o- iactory now functions full-tlast iia New i'rort ol' de;nocrfic: ractory arrestea for sarrcpataous- now ions full-blast course relevel of our cultural Jifg,ag well ^ pur regard for law and ;' EUstory furnishes us only too many examples, and alas, foto'Jewish, Iy' collecting -f urds for the Span- York. This ' bureau sends a cir- EEii mosL v.'or;n-v lie .ontribucognized; bat the" fanaticism, the order are too high to approye acts of violence and brutal apti- even from the earliest times. The faithful Samuel, last pf fhe ignorance and the: supersiUoii it ish Loyalists is a Ncsi official cular letter each week to ten: ot lions in t h t vc.-.tl 5v-,ards SocialisP-i r.re being EM?.!;'.' todcj by labJepsh excesses. To?|)je'|;pnjrary, the; ipstinct of ?elf-defense Judges, and among the first of the prophets, from the basest, fostered •which offset the good froni'the town of Haaren by the | thousands c£ addresses ail ever or in pfJcsiine. name pf Host . ' . . ' T h e ' printing f-the 'land: to heads cf forutus. 5 are exposed, condemned. Purged compels Ppjes to strive"fp,r ecpnpmic self-suffipiepcy . . . Or|ler vulgarest motives is east cruelly, ruthlessly aside. The plea of" its dross, 'Hasidism continues firm cf KccEig EBd Ebhardt its j leaders ol debating societies, pa- V'e here h?.cl t ioH^h "objecand security must prevail . . . Wp, realize differences between was a most worldly and specious pne. "Israel desired tp be to influence''contemporary Jewish Haccver is printing EiiUidns d j utical clubs, persoas Eoieu lor f.ive" reports op tes for General Franco's [ their liberal views and aiso to else 'especially through its capraiporities and ourselves as loiig as they do not harm the State like the rest of the peoples"; must fprsooth, have 'a life, rump government'in Spain . . . I aEiraators o£ frankly acU-Semitic :who b:ov." ir.io Ti'ion's 01tivating tunes and enriching jueiand refrain from erecting a Chinese wall of hate amid the king,? who though of giant physical stature proved spiritually 'Princess Juliana cf Hoi-1 movements; m short, the Arab' Cice on lhe Or.y 1-F . iliTig for odies. population." The parfy'^ program, giving the Catholic Church impotent, indeed, "Not thpe but Me, have they rejected" said One of the principle prid revol- land'and her husband, the former! i;i-;e oo.e day letter goes vfcere ks spon - i Europe. We ii calmly a favored position, 'assures other creeds that they will be God to Samuel." They reject'God who reject the good and utionary "responses to^th*? enlight- German Priace LJppe Biesterfeid.j s o r s f ee i that it •R-iil cio the ntostj 'to see i terms oi raent of tho n*vi age .. .."was the; have'become close friends of Dr. [ g o o d . xwo cl ILE issues, vrticii. I! by our treated with Polish traditional tolerance. groat;—the goodly great, the greatly good j for they reject HaskaSah "niovenient. Negatively; 'llelbdisla, president of tno'Eidn-[ saw . ( w e r e a tispuc o£ misrepre-i iii Uie The point that maj^ well cause the Jewish population dqep what jSod stands* for,—the greatly good, the goodly great. it 'was' a rebellion against rabbi- j ist Organization of Sosnowice, sentation. faSEirieatJon, distonion • who treated the Princess a n g • the French CE.I1 "bour- i epqeern declares thpt'.'tjjf? problem of pyer-population of the Israel itself is thg supreme example of this. The 'Chosen cic authority, against the rigid- Poland, for grippe while she vras honey- rEE;e 1 crcn". I,, have not fcecri j ity and the harshness cf'Jetfishj P.pjish countryside is to be settled by emigration of peasants Peop|e,' chosen by God, is rejected by man; made an outcast, legalises; positively it was a revi- mooning at'Krjnlca . . . P.ny OL the Arabic f.errooruEers as ! tp jtpwns to seek employment in trade and industry." This pop- an 'alien,' a pariah among the nations; persecuted, oppressed, val ot the Hebrew language, a reV-jreally iI' yet. over foing. ulation shift has been, respopsible for many, of the recent po- outrageously discriminated against (as in vile Gennany by thebirth of the dormant spiritual pox rouKHi Cn the whole, it 'seems, this: forces, a spiritual reaalsance cf Arabic prpt<a£EiuiE is rftber wel:,: groms, because tjje peasants are competing with Jews for theatrocious Nazis): c^jmnigted, vilified, his character assassin- wide proportions »nd tremea'dous prince Kubertus zu h .'rvi ^r simply tte doughty Catholic auti-Xazi received. It Is noUihig less than sfim opportunities in the urban areas, c?.tion of consequences.The HasUalah, in]l ag his hi $p,^y $ ^ bpatep, b h cry raised i d against i hi atedd as wp]l the. him. (as n he csla'maEiug vhiU a prolound inter--: fighter, telss us that vr] t]i?.i. will . kFrom all' of which we gather that tho official policy of in the streets of Vienna recently by the 'heir—shouting mob, augurated unwittingly ' 'by tfce dresses Jewish groups many in S c-Et some pprsone end ?1"1 librral cautious J,I o s"e s ' Mendelsohn, thp governmental #arty ip Poland in thp iniinediaje future will "Down with the Jews!) Down with" the Jews I, the people wiip spread from Germany' into ad- his audience besievv that Prince jj nons EUdcenly display in PalesThere is is h i s first caase" "End t h a t h e ' s | tir new that a presentation if \ bp the stoppage of violence against the Jewish inhabitants but more than any other have lifted humanity to whatever moral joining, 'countries, .' finding- . its really a Jew . . . The Prince, wise available from a r.on-Jcwish pon;; disciplea and' richest de- is the deiscei;dar.t of twelve Kcly ot view. Amasing, but not s'.-.rthe tacit approval of the ecpnojpic boycott agajnst thgm. heights they inay, perchance, have attained. Israel, 'the manleading ris velopment js KBssia, -Poland and IloKJ3.li emperors B.F*& E cou&;n orj iirising! The Arc.!} propneanois:;? of porrows and acquainted with gv'i^t* 'wounded because of Galicia. " In several stimulating Hobenzalk-ras, also Snforn-.s ' are CVE/£ invited te debate i" the world's franjgre,spQns,? an4 'iii whose stripes the world is chapters we learn of the r.ove! | the o f H e a l t l a " .:'••."-: • • . . • ' • us that the reason taere are BOJewif.U temples end centers. On and the poetry of Haskalah, cf liealcd.' Israel, Servant of G,od, Sariour of the world, and the the essays End the "iiterarj crit- many German Jews vHls - tbe tfce rostrum cf one Eticfc ir.^itu- i In 1013 two trained nurses, tjxeir expenses paid by the tion I saw e.n Ar?.b coctor srai a [ , • latp Nathan Straus, mad.o their way iptp the malarial-infestp4 reaj Messiah I icism,, and. of the many Hebrew Kaeae Loewenstein is that bis well-known enr.sssiy of Dr. Goeb-j iorefatSiera were so g-ooci to the In Israel it was indeed fulfilled: 'The stone which the periodicals wMch appeared from Jews who lived ia tlseii territor- faels' racHi] poison cispensurj- sell- j atnjosphere of pre-war Paleatine, and thege laid the foumhvto time -and became', world tipns of a great public health eriterpme that has become the buijdepj rejected has become the chief cornerstone," the very time at the adopted the cduled to speak on successive j famous and influential. These ies' ] T foundation^ by its p^ipral laws and its religious truths; the very periodicals "formed the cSiief vels- naasc when they were permitted eye'niiigs. Let there be- fairness euyy of the nations of tljp L e v a p t . ' V , hen- [ mily isames . t.as and objectivity thoug <•' ' Those first nurses, tho'."adWnee guard of the Hadassal} structure, pec.ause ©£ j|s absorbed" and assinjiliated ideas and Iclbs 0* expression for the gifted to itz, t h e inatz yens 1'aii' leaders. The prestige, | organization, brougljt modern medical science to a world th'a't ideals, of the edifice, pf society, of the Temple of Civilization. Haslcalah Some individuals, vho v.-ere a: the authority, the largo circala- j believes S11 CE knew only J|)p agelfiss superstitions of the Levant—herbs/ \ So the rejected of today "will become the accepted'of to- tion "of these Hebraic masRzinvs indiistrfes . .. , He's preparing to one time counted among the i>ro- MH; r h EK00KLTN PalesllEe to cslabiisli .,,,. .,..<-s -E '-he- Jevlali K;it!on;^ leate f charms, incantatipps. Tjiey camp iptp. a fprgotteii world' of raorrqw.* The worlds martyrs become its real herpes. Those that concerned themselves; • with canucri IU B i: C O M E S for packing his koslier Hoffie idea, h EV e rriiton me of: SC1I the deepest,"'ofteu ' phiiosophfc, sqpalor and fiith. ., .'cast off by those' they meant to serve.' have the supreme value hearing ; CKILD-inUDK TX A N C I E N f vegetables' ami tomato; soups, their satisfactionEquation upon present-j, SUe ongli! t? ISH KITK [13 . . . Gertrude Under the lca(|ership of Henrietta Szold, Haf]assah hag pf £he seryjep they, iren^e.red recognized at last., 'Their,names problems of • Jv.fiaisjra • coostUute hjcans and K die One SBiin--! : -iir Ver.ien, a' ijemarkabie testicioniai to. tbe ed by "the other EH.C. the Goldbergs'' ot "liiso oi trg, beepme of the great institutions of'tho world tp havp ita foiin- are aa honpy in all inontl}!?, and their ipcniorial is blessed for: intellectua! virility ..and spiritu KKE Is coming liacic to tho air the president ot E W « " ^ d|t|pn!3 in our own times. Its ;sanitary engineers and medieaj ever.''"Earth'3 rejected become heaven's accepted. Rejected by of the Ghetto imprisons with a new program called college, vrrote that fcts eyes .--Oii.VS T-'NiGREES The' revival of, Hebrew ..Sa Sinci u: Kid" in which Bob-I been opened men have Weed Palestine o£ the scourge of malaria. Its cliilff jnan, they are appeptpd by Gpd forever. ,;.'s typical of addressed by'ojje c£ the- VEIJSIT fotms sa escceclingly be featured roaiarak wplfaro stations hayp educated.thp women in pre-natal, po'st;"Take heart,-0 fionl of sorrow, and be strong! apostles. He had discoverand Inspiring story. The lnfJu- j by Brccn'-s said, to his 'Kstonisb.menlr. natal and qhild carcand have reduced the infant mortality er.ee of the Hsskalah npon' JewThere is One greater than the whole world's wrong! cc, he ot tbe,. Jevs but the poor TE P00M ish life and thought and reli-sion To Joseph LeftTvScfc, Lor.don ratP, to an unbelievable degree. '.-, i". Bq hushed before the High Benignant Power f Araii peasants are the reai suffer-1 ON1ST.S .• KUilic a n n o t b e over-estimated Jewish •writer, goes tu? paHn for The work ol HadassalJ ia not confinea to the Jews. The That moves wool-shod through sepulchre and po%ver! Through the jnediurn' o t the Has- iho most curiotns boot dedication ! ers'in the clash ol interest in ihej T S T 0WN . . HB(|assah nurses visit the homes of the countless pePplcs wiio fcurtdrc<)3 o* thousands, 'of Yre'evcr F.av? , , ' . His latest book, Holy Land.' Ke hnc subsequent-1 No truth so low but He can give it crown! •" artlcie to; j-n A Jews obtained'their, first Intsma- •Vv'liat WiH Haj-pes-to tbe Jews?' in fhe coiwsP of gonerations•'have found their way to the No wrong so high but He can hurl it down! of ">-Vcstera culture SVestern is dedicated "to iiio Innaemcrisl cme cf enr nRtiojiR^ YTlC 'Fprtile €resc<?n^' pi tlj<f Mpditerrnnpnp, * "fis no avail to bargain, sneer and nod science and Weptern t'ht'.'ight. memory cf Israel JSass-vciH" and What is still more'uniepje abpiit has been For ttotisaads of gifted and bril- to "the forward looking life of OE "tbe imperialist And shrug the shoulder, in reply to—God!" 'i b i thjs/orgapization hj liant ptsdc the new literature aiy daughter Jcao, -wbo ia the of Palestine by Ihz tbj) devotion of the women o£ America to its cause. Through• -' Frederick Colm. becrrac a r^tstilutc for t i e "Talout tho United States Jewish women have worked constantly v;e. i mud. K. m o t h e r ' s t y A i a g of this to raise money ?ind collect hospilnl sui)nlies ^ r Pniq^tine. HaTho relisicus movements, in Ju- bock Arthur GariicM Hays,. t5i£ frionds of Sreiz Isracs Refona, Con- chief. defender of free speech, of ;o Jev-":sh Ti&iioTiTil idea da^ah has jiepn the jpjnt prpjegt .of thp lay aud scientific posh Clioilcsb Nissan .........^...............................March 13 daism, itscnvn .fcen; the bi:-.?ts Eeo-OrUic-cIoxy a n d ! press and assem' has a distm.-! ing tc pubjic. 1st Day of I'esaeh ...»..A,~.....«««.r...................M...........«..IiIarch 3? their lcr.di*sj'" protstfepriists.'- arc) gu'ished brother, 1>, tiHJE J isc ; investigation will ebsoi Dr. 'Harold M. I rerse Neither riota nor catastrophes have discouraged its work. 7tb Day of -Pesncb ......=„.,... ,..,!,,......»,,.,«.........Mf....«.,;..,.ApnJ 2 cnrc£u'!y ccscrifcc-;! la s cbaptcr Hays, iis otolsryneoSocist. .v/feo { e f.c reciiHeKt's o'fic our lisibiliij' for this. f i t s j of the' ctlis ^ Four cf .With a four-point program of euro, prevention, teaching, aq<J t Roili ChodcQh lya? ..........April 12 er.titlr;! 'Jlovemeuts'la JaSslsm'. an "Episcopalian c'.iWE it?, t b c j s n'Sgat 17 , the Hadafisah medical centers continue the great EV: Lag b'Qsisr , ...April S3 fcrt'.d V.ct only ftc "poli':fe iglu ISS7 by Seven Ai cssress' arc } fieniE.i wer rH'ous6 Feature Syndicate) tradition of health. cr series 0* articles' j










r e


Hac|a.ssah Linen Shower honors

day, March 7, at 11 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. The 1 Aina'teyir program" will take place Over two hundred members of at the Center oa Sunday, April 4. Eererend »", E. Perkins cf. HaSassah paid their dues for First' Cor,gre£E.tIor.al ' Cfcurc i or; At the Hadassah Linen shower Anyone wishis'. to compete may February 28 — Isa Kreraer year'"'lS3G-S7 and had their do so by registering with JMrs. Council sncalc on •The held January 27, for the benefit 3lr.ns names inscribed on the parch- Irvin Levin, i;-s ^L.T^C* of the Hadassah hospitc's, 124 Concert I > iP ment scroll. The names of fif- trcub, or at i-l-e Cc.in.i.:, i Cer- z e e c \ o garments and $204.70 was col- March l — Coagresation of t ty thousand American women ter. lected. Contributions were made Israel Auxiliary March 1 — Sisterhood of will be inscribed, oa these scrolls by th'e following: A t t h em e c t r r c lemple Irrael which will be'kept as a perman' £ ~ " " The Mosclamos: J. Abramson. J. it vas vctesj b,1 "March' 1 — Ctcccd Shel ent" raembrial in the' RpthschildAbralmmson, William Alberts. Morris hsssah to hc^e \rkln, "A. B. Alpirin, Sum AHsehuler, Ernes Hadassah'SIeiiibrial Hospital. .Max Arbitman. J. Adler, Lu Ackertwo trips to 3-EiE r t ..Le March S —;' Council of JewMrs. J.- M. Ermaa was in the man, M.-M. Earish, Henr^ Belmont, program on AyrJ •Sam- Bpber, l.'Berkowifz,' Jake'Eiahki ish" TVtimen 'Botik'Beviej? charge of th'e • signTag the J. "Block, R. Bordy, Hyman Belman, of "'' Marih" 'z'— Pl'oneer' t f cnien, scrolls,' "" V ' David'Blacker, William Bonsberu; A.




KAFIiAN-DOLGOFF &rVand ^Mrs' H. Dolgoff announce 'the engagement of their daughter, nose, to Mr. Dave Kaplan of New Xork City. 3Mo definite dato has been set for the wedding. ' '"

The Clicsca ill meet on J' J!'. P


0X> ENTERTAIN AT A TEA Mrs. A..A. Greenberg will entertain at a tea at her honie' from 2;30 to 5 on Sunday, March 7, in honor or Mrs. Fred Bernstein, wife of the president of JMstrict Lodge No. G, B'nai B'rith/ Mr. gs. H o r d y ; ' R. Bordy, A. H. Bernstein will be in Omaha to Bordy. HrodkeyJ H. \V. Bi-andt. Joe Hern* KLKIN-KING ' Jtlarch 2 — Vaad Auxiliary Rabbi David A." GoltJsteln -will t.peak before a meeting of the s-tein, J. Bramson,' Harry Bvavlroff, H.'• fJrodUey. HaroM Brodkej'.' Dav« Luncheon* Mrs* I. Ituiakofslty of Chicago, Omaha lodge. give the second, of "his" series o£ Brodkey, M. I>. .Brodkey, n . H " March 2 — Mt." Sinai Ceme- lectures for Hadassah, March, 9, formerly or Omaha and Dr. Louis * Assisting Mrs. Greenberg will ISrown, M. Brodkey, Dora Chait, M The Ccir.i' cf J King, announce the marriage of be the Mesdames Julius BIsno, 12. Chapman, Btn Chai*. Maurice tery'Auxiliary " at g p'. E2. a t t i e h o a e of Sirs. rr Herman 'Cohen, 1L Cohen S o o , ; Z.c\ cv f i C v f .' "M-^tch 2 -— Hadsssah Study their daughter, Lorraine Myrtle Paul Blotchy,-Leon Fellman, Al- Oivin, John 'Farber, 104 S. '"Elmwood <c Dave Cahn, ' Arthur Cohn, Samue a d r f - c : 1- . -L\ CC , Group '•-;.' King to Mr. Sidney Klein or Chi-fred Fiedler, Ben Kazlowsky, Cohen, Jlollle Cohen, David B.-Cohen Road. ~ •- • Comisar, ftatis Dansky,: Herman . Fi March 2, st 1 r. cago on Sunday," February 21. -March 3 — Resular Classes 1 : His theme, • ".The Medieval Philip ' Klutznick, Irvin Levin, I\DansUy, 1. Dansky, 'Sam Davis, Joe Tragedy", will deal with the sta-Cornnunity Cc-'c-. IVJr. and Mrs. Klein will reside Harry Trufatin, and Albert Wohl- Daytcli. M. Davidson," Morton Eliren- Women's Division, ']. C. C. I reich, Oa^-e Ei>?tc!n, D.' Uenenbers, tus "of the Jews In Central Eur- Greenberg; .J!'s Jn 'Chicago after a trip to New ner. Louis Epstein, Sam Epstein,' J. M ' March 3' —' Pleasant Hill Cemetery Association, • Card ope during the liedieyal age. This! h'erg,' and" KrE. ? Orleans, La. ana Biloxi, Mississlirman, Aaron Edgar, J. Elewitz, -J b'alk, Harold Farber, S. Feldman P a r t y '''""' • • - • • - ' • • - • • \vill Include a 'discussion" of the ; will be'Soste"-= ippi. ' ' L*on Fellman, I. • Fiedler, Dave Fln< JAR MITZVAH RECEPTION kel. B. Flejschman; S. Fish, H. G. Crusades,'"the" Feudal System and h^ ^m revic"v -\ -or' ! : j Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gershun of I'leishman, "A". \Fbrman. O. Fox, H. ' the "Economic (disabilities of Jew-Along the I,"o ai 1 Lawrence Flnlsel, J. J. 'ouncil Bluffs will entertain at Franklin, : Fx"ietlman. ^lorria Frieden, J. J. ish life." For "'.Lose who "do"'not ford has been received bj ,i reception at their home, 427 Frieden, H. Friedel, Hairy Frankel, Mrs. J.uliu* Cl have tickets' for the entire series, Mrs. Leo'Wax'enberg of the niai- ] Torest Drive in Council Bluffs A. I>. Frank, yarn Fi'ohm, O. C. Gold- MRS. JAHR TO AGAM i..i.n cf tl.e li. A. Goldstein. I. Qcildsteln, J. tickets are fifty cents' per couple. Goldbrr?, rlage'of her &ister, ^Mis. Rosaline on' Sunday, February 28,. from ner; Goldware, Joe Goldware, Sam Gold- DIRECT Reservations may be'made with ChpHm Kwrnrcage sale are askni? Sh'ef, to Mr. Louis H. Couimins ol • .2:30 until 5 in the afternoon and ivare; J. Goodblnder.'Abe Greenbaum, Trvvisi' comr* Greenberg, Philip Greenbere, Har- ELAYEBS Mrs. Ml F. Levenson Wa,' GS50 that those baring bundles call The Los Anegelafa. Mis.. Cornmins is Crom 7 to 9 in the evening in ly "in ' tlip 'Nev- Vo?\€. v.-p.f Gross,' I. Grossman, GlirTtman, J. or Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, Wa. We. 0177 or Tie. E2£S. berg. ^The couple v.ill make then .ionor of their soivTheodore LeoI foiinfied ni 'KecHe i A. (Jross, J. J. Greenberg. L».-GTaetz, home ln"Los AHS.JLS Mrs. Herman Jahr, who for4009. , nard Gersliun, whose Bar Mitz- Fanny Grodinskyi Ben Handler, M, ' j . I' ':: *^. Pstrbnize OVT Advertisers Horn, JI. HertzberR, William Herzoff, many years \v?s director of the vah takes place Saturday morn- J. Hlraelsteiii, Rose Himelstein, JI. ing at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Jacobbw, S. N. Josephson, JI.- 'Kap- Center Players, 13 returning to The Hadassah Study Group will Sam Kaplan, Mori is Katleman, again direct this grctip ''lot'- the meet at'the home of Mrs. Irving ilYsa Aim,. Haliii " J. ijnagogue. No invitations are ,ivn. Katleman. A. Katskee, Lcnn KfipRubinaw, 144 N.' 34th Street oil thirt>-six guests at a ijridgo pai- .icing issued. All relati\es and J. ',arii A. Kntz, Jack Kaufman. Joo remainder fo the season. Klein. M. Kneeter. J. Kooin. J. KoopMrs. Jahr first because associ- Tuesday, March 2 at 1:50. A dest y ' a t t h o Walk Inn Cafe Sunda\ iriends are cordially invited to i>r, B. Koiney. J. H. Kulakofsky, ated with the Players at the time sert "luncheon will precede the afternoon, Febn>ary 21, m TionIjouis Kulakofsky. Hetiben Kulakof••ky." Joe Klein,"; William Kalman, R of their organization. "'She has discussion which will be 'led "by or'pf Miss Sadie Tatelniaii,,whoso r^ackpw, H. Lapidus, A. Laserowitz had' wide " experience as a stage Mrs.'David "Goldstein. •"'' marriage to Mr. Harry J anger t:\UFpKXlA t.I.EST !J. l^aFe«>witz, Ben l^ayton, H. Leibo1 Mrs. Irvin I>yin will read a will'take place on March 14. Fol- Miss' Estelle Mold of Glsndale, vici. Mark - Leon,' Irvin Levin, David director and before her marriage l^evine. Bessie M. F. Levenson, lowing "the "bridge a supper wd« California, has arrived in Omaha N. Levinson, J.'Levy, T-lt'b, N. Litismari, J was associated with stock com- paper dealing with "Women's Untzman, Ji Llpsev. E. panies in several of the larger Work in the Peace Movement." served. to b^ the guest of the Misses Ida Lintzroiui.'-M. V. Lorig, M.. IJpsey, Sol Lewis, Sam cities. and Betty Kotler. Miss Mold 1s Leon. Carl Lesser, H. Malashock, J. L. Mendelson, Leon. MenMrs. Julius Stein, chairman of MOTOR TO -MIAMI returning to her home after a .Malashork, L'. Merrlam.'E."Meyer. E. A Her work with the Center "Mr", and Mrs." M. *A. Venger and four and one-half month visit in Uelson; Meyer. Hymie'Milder. Jack Lincoln Flayers gained her the' reputa- the Hadassah Medical Fund, announces' the following additional son, Jerry, accompanied by Mr.New York City. iJail Margolin. Louis Margolin, Albert tion of being one of the outstandVenger's sister' and nephew, Mrs. H. A. Newman, Jules New- ing directors of little theatre names of women who have raisMiss Mold shared honors at a N'ewnwn, Julius Newman, L. J. Olander, ed their quotas for the "Give or Elizabeth Fried and Stuart Fried dinner at the Fontenelle Hotel man, 1L Ospft. Max Platt.l. rearlman. Ben groups. Many, of the foremost leli SiinCaj morning r j motor for | on Thursday, February IS, given Perelman, I. Perelman, N. Perliss, successes of the Players were ac- Get"" luncheon: the Mesdames J. Klntu-.i Pizer, I. Plotkin: William Po- hieved while' Mrs. Jahr was theFalk, Carl Riekes, A. Rips, M. Miami Beach, Florida, to visit for Betty Kotler, a bride-to-be. lick, Mark Polonsky. Abn Pradell. A. Wohlner, Herman Cohen, H. LipMr. and Mrs. Max Venger, par- ( Thirteen Quests attended. Plotkin. Melvln Plotkin. A. Rnchman, director. Raduziner, S. Havitz, H. Reuben ents of Mr. Venger and Mrs.Several social affairs are being liSamuel At present several plays are be- pett, Phil Greenberg, I. BernRice, J. Ringle, A. Rips, J. Fried, who are spending the win- planned to honor Miss Mold. B. Robinson. Harry Roehman, A. ing considered and rehearsals for stein, H. Marion, B. Fleishman, Roffman. J. Rosen, 1. Rief. J . Radu- the chosen play will begin imme- and M. Horn; ter in the south. ziner, Joe Rice. Phil Rosenblatt, Fred diately. VISITING IN CALIFORNIA Rosenstock, ; H. Rubens*e!n, Lena Tryouts for the Jiadassah AmRiseman. Aaron Rips, William RaduSURPRISE DINNER PARTY Mr. Reuben Kulakofsky Is visit- ziner. RIekes, Joe Rbsenberfr, ateur program will be'held SunMr.' and Mrs. Isidore" Bhafer, ing with his children, Mr. andLibby Carl Rosenthaf, Charles ROFS, A . 1512 N. 30th street, were enter- Mrs. Aaron Richards and Mr. and Uulmltz. L. Rothkop. William Saffer- SOUTH OMAHA AUXILIARY stein, A. Schwarczkin, Morris Segal, tained at "a surprise dinner party Mrs. Seaman'Kny of San Jose, J. Shapiro, D. Sherman. D. Silverman. The regular monthly meeting given' iix honor their twenty-fifth California. B. A. Simon, Henry SoliB, Hannah nr WUJL PAV vop Sollsr. A Somberff, D. Stein. Samue! wedding anniversary by relatives Steinberg-. C. Solson, M. Singer, Les- of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the To' tVmsott Congregation B'nai Israel win be and friends. The ccuple were TO ST. LOUIS AND KANSAS ter Simon, J. A. Stein, Bessie Stern, Charles Shimmel, Irving Stalmaster. held Monday, March I, at 2 p. ra. " presented with'. 'a lovely gift. B. Slobodinsky, A. Theodore, : Sam Th_ose present were: Mr. and Mrs. " Miss Ann Hahn is leaving to- Theodore, Harry Trustin. T. A. Tully, in the assembly hall of the syn. . . thai Jjgye the eejfjtei: pf : Ttirkel, J. Tretlak, K Talle. NaWhen busing"" ' :' : A- 'Shafe'r, Mi*, and Mrs.' I. day for St. Lbris and Kansas L. than Simon. Harry Silverman. Al agogue, 25th and J streets. th« fae^ipn stage . . . ere in DIAEIONOS' Swaftz.'Mr. and Mrs.. J. Brown, City for1 a visit with relatives Wohlner. I-reo Waxenberg. Sam Weiss. P. Wlntroub, A. Wolf,- Sam Wolfe, WEDEJING RINGS Mrr'atia Mrs. Morris Sax, Mr. and and friends. ' Miss Hahn will be Judah Wolfson.-A. Welner. N. S. TafMF. SIUA1 'AUXILIARY Mrs. i.''Ratzky, Mr. and-Mrs. M'.. maid^f-hpnor at the wedding of fee, Mose Yousem, Sam Yousem, The Mt. Sina! Cemetery Ladies Mary Zalk. Blanche Zimman. S. Malkin, Mr." 'and -Mrsl "A. B . Fer-her cousin, Miss Betty Cayman FI:OTC|J rqonj xlresscg . . . the Auxiliary will hold a meeting at er^Mfffe 'iRutllSilman.'iss Pearl of St. Louis, March 14. Miss Gay- er, H. Zeigman, J. Wright. th'e. Adass Yeshurea synagogue on g ^ s poled for ihph f l a ^ N^pprninlcjij, Mr. Robert' SwarU nian ig r£inern.ber_ed her.e as a freTuesday, March 2. A report- of • -t••'«•-• At ; Mtmyariff"Mr. George 'Shafer." ; ' quent visitor" at thef home of Miss Ipgs styling, jiorl exquisite «fe* Nine studnets of the Municipal the dinner held last Sanday will Mrs, Sh'afer has'Just returned Hahn. ' . '•" ' .- .UniVersity of Omaha received all be made at this meeting.' .from'an'extended' stay in ' the A grades during the first semessoiith where sjie visited with her, BBNEF1T BRIDGE TARTY dauglit'er and,' son-in-law, Rabbi ' 'Miss Mildred -Whitman : enter- ter and thirteen others received arid'Mrs. IM Miller. Jtfrs. Miller tained twenty girls, at a benefit one B grade with all the rest A, § fUusttatcd . i . is a'smart Jjjfwa? fhe former" Rose Shafer of bridge party at her home. Tues- according to Dr. C. W. HelmstadO m a h a . •"••'"' ; " ^ day* evening, February-S3. Pro- ter,' 'Registrar. p , tcit'h fefotyi* Pauline Rosenbaum, 2524 Leaceeds will go to the Junior HaPkote'' the per}' neti? ven worth street, was the only BRIpGE dassah "Give or Get" fund. l effect ami the freshman and Frances Fore, 8505 «|ujjus "AUm'an" entertain: Cuniing srteet, the, only senior to § ' "' e<T'at'.a luhclieon and bridge at JiKTpRN FROM >VEDWXG receive' seventeen hours of A - herTitjrni? W Thursday, February ' I ' R I P • ' ' ' ' ••'••' '"•''' ' ' • • " • ' ' ; ". . . 18, Jn'^pnoj--of her "niece. Miss ' ' Sir* an" Mrs. Irving Forces grades. .Miss Minnie Carlson, Betty- Bursieln whose' engage- have returned from a three weeks Deaconess of the Immanuel,Hos•---1 merit fo Lou Babenqiire of Fre-wedding trip through the south, pital, and Earl Cairns, student from. Manitoba, Canada living at mbp^,: was Recently announced. Mexico, and California. They wilt ; j^'r'^. Altmanfs sister, Mrs/M. A. be "at home at.SOOl Seward St. 3303 North 21st St. —both members of the junior class, also re-Le/vritcb of Sioux City, and her Mrs. Forbes is the former Miss ceived seventeen hours of A. • cousin1/ Mrs.' Isiael '. of Chicago Sbnia Roitstein. Ralph Kline, 515 North 23rd St., ',- shared honors. " Mrs. A. -- Babena sophomore, had sixteen creditdurV of Fremont, the. mother of hoiirs of A, ' : Miss Surslein's'-fiance,"was also Save Ticsi bj BUVJI:^ a guestr' *" ' • ' / , • " • " • '.'"• • ' " "' (fedaifalT ^ublicTs: was honored 'Prizes were "won by Mrs. Mary by' Omaha Mizrachi last Thursday Ash and Mrs'. Bernice MitUeih'an. evening at a brinquet'at the B'nai Dressmaking, tailoring and Israel synagogue. A large attend- alteration done very reason* ance enjoyed the affair. Surrender, <Jrar» . . . . . . 1.6S Sous'U Vent, eVarn ?1 ably. Mrs. Marko, 351Q HarMJss Harriet.. Maxine Cohn, 'Mr. Bublick spoke oii three difRe-pssions, Gr&rn l.&S n Avfcn, crsrr* !•**> ney street. Harney 3809. daughter "of Mr. arid Mrs. Morris ferent ' factors in the Zionist Swecf'Peas, cVera . . . . 2.1? ROCK B'svdeh Flowers, Cohn,' ~'celebrated' her 'twelfth movement! the General Zionists, Nuifde H p e l . ' ^ r a r i . . . T.9S birthday on Wednesday, Febru- the Poalo Zionists and tho Miz' " s f r a r n " . . . . , . . . . ' . . . ' 1.75 • 8e|!o«Jg!a,':'cJrsni.'1.'. -1.25 ' ary 24, with a theater party for r..chl. Railef's §2rd£n"s," dram # f£ 'ShaJJihari d r a m . . . . . . . %A9 j several of her friends. Mrs. M. Brodkey, president of Relief'% giraffes, "cirarn. TSs Le Vertige, 'dram . . . . f .75 tho Women's Mizrachi, extended Reilsf's Musuet, drem. .70s ' Lo Tab'ac B'ohd, ^r?m." .1.33 COUSIN'S CliTJB welcome as representative of Tho next monthly meeting of 'the- organization. MFstfe'foe, drefrj . ' . ' / . . . ? 5 s Mirniy, drani I? the Cousin's Clnb willbo held at B I " H ? Mr. Bublick also spoke- briefly Fins,' 'drsni'. .|I the home of Mrs. M. Frieden, at the Women's Mizrachi meeting Complimentary wkh escS purchase c£ 1213 'N. 53rd St.," Thursday Wednesday afternoon. He told •' GoHiwog'g Perfume st ..-.': r~..:: March 4. ' ' the 'members about tho Btth ""A Gol~Sizzng$ Charm Bracelet Zelroth school for girls which the local group is building in PalesA. Z. A. I tine as one of its major projects. t •• Plans for the observance of A.He related how the late Mayor Z. (A'. Sabbath are going forward Dizengoff of Tel Aviv. v»as interOut sprlns; sril P^ e v k ^ Is pc with Morton ISTarEolln in charge. ested in securing the ground on liniitlesr. thci vpu'" fir^trre This is one of the most important which the school is being built. The land vas donated by Tel Aviv of International A. Z. A. days and t i l e sl?orL y . ' t - z l r.-'.i . . . : ' " ia celebrated locally by a joint and is located in one of tho nicest neighborhoods oV the city. ' service at one of the synagogues. c a p e d r -": . . . ' " • ? -J— — Mrs. N. kevinfcon was general Tho chapter held a regular f u l l . . . — * " ' • • - meeting last Sunday at the Jew-•hairman of the banquet committee. She wag assisted by Mrs. M. ish Community Center" at which Whore the Clothing time'Ernest NogR/an active alum- Rrodkey, Mrs. M. Arbltman, Mrs. r/orld Is' Under One nus of the chapter, Vas elected R. Weinberff, Mrs., A. Schwaczkin, Roof for Service. Mary yawiUs, Mrs. I. Rosenblatt. as nn advfsor. Nogg hns been n member of the ch'iipfer "'or theMrs. Sopblo Rothkop, Mrs. Sarah past'ffve year;;. He" hasHerved as Weisman, Ann Arbitman, and E. president and secretary and fin? Weinberg. represented the chapter at two While "acre Mr. Bublick was the .r p ' of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Weininternational conventions. The election of a delegate to tein. 11.001 (he next' international "convention •will talto place at the next meetins. T








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YOUTH PH.GEIB1AGE—Thousands ol young m.ea and women were gathering from all sections of the United States, when this picture was taken, to. converge on Washington. Their goal was the American Youth Congress, and their mission to urge passage of a bill providing for youth employment and vocational training. This group is one that left New York City.




HOZ.Y CABPET GOBS TO MECCA—For the first time in" ten years the Mohammedan holy carpet leaves Cairo, Egypt, for Mecca. Formerly the carpet, a series of rich brocades for coverings in the Mecca mosque.-made the journey every year. In 1926 a: clash occurred between its Egyptian army escort and the Wahabis, an Arabian sect. Now peace is restored and the carpet journeys again.


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CCTAL EOSIAXCr—This hitherto r.nrublisii-'i p.ccir'F of Krs. \TaHis Simpson and tl-e IX ke o' Vir.'-'s - r r s ir.srir CF:V IP ^0"? as they ?.hc?rcd t'r. r IV rrrrtcr Strc rc in T^r.rr _'. •-hn Ume tliey were me^.^ers cf e pr.T- ps-ty VPII Report has it -that I.Irs. S^rnpson trie rnarrisd in l£zz~. xaeis in e^ilo near Vie

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TAKEN FOE A SLEIGH BIDS—Juliana, crowji princess of The Netherlands, and hex new" husband Bernhard, former German prince, enjoy a sleigh ride during their honeymoon. This scene- shows them Jn Zakopanegp, Poland, where they were much interested, in-winter sports. The driver; on the high seat of the local equipage, is garbed in the peasant hill costume." • " •


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KEY? POST—John I^iehce! Carmody, fomsr I^cw York insSis1 trial publl^atiCuS eclt-cr, v i s hzs s-ucccedad Morris L. Cocie" cs Rural EiectriScation Administration hsad. ixZr. Csnnoiy, t e n .in Eradferd Co'^ntr, Pa., boscs as a steel clerk sad bookkeeper. He is a member of the Society cf Industrial Ensincors, the Lsbcr Relations Board and the I-Xsdistion Eoard.







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BIATESNAIi ATTENTION — "What's this?" asfes the mother girafle. in the Berlin zoo. "Something wrong with my; baby?" So she turns her head and stretches her neck, to-see what's the trouble. All of which belies that old joke about "there ain't no slch animal," though this picture does look mighty queer.

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at Vauksr?". rJ.., ccri--'-?i~ n " s r rc^r ordering tlasra to vasa-.e. "flies. V;x- :x pollca explodsil Lcacrtds cl Les,i f,a,c baz tis ICC £irli:orr; v.irci i'ncT crcc.r.iin£ r TC-'UCKC fcr.rste rrf j'rr." rT.~irr.lr, i~

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o cu-. f'.r plant. vc 5v; .^.usrs. But Lu:l"u 1'OKJCS oi.



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CUP OF TEA—Premier Senjuro Hayashl of Japan relaxes from many duties to1 take a CUD of tea in his sitting-room in Tokyo. He has been much criticized recently for what his opponents term the "poverty policies" of bis new Cabinet. The Cabinet has recommended vast reductions in appropriations for the army .and navy and the militarists are angry.

3 ;






SOCIALITES ON HONEYMOON—Ansier Bidd.1s Duke and his bride, the fcnr.sr Priscil'a St Gsor^s married Jan. 2 in a brilliant wedding at Tuxedo Park, K. Y., honeysiocnir.r at I'o'ck^i Island, in th: Pacific. Mr. Duke is at left, Naval Commander Richard, who piloted their plane irom Kcndrla is or the horse. Mrs.-Du!re is a cousin of President Rcosevclt. Their hosti Ps-jJ Pc-rcn, st right.



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BKOV7BJ EOMSEIS—TliSs is the faca and poss that 'Jos -Louis Detroit Brown Bomber, presents to his opponents In the neavy•weight tsoxing rin2. Louis recently signed for a bout with Jim -Braddoc!:, heavyweight champion, in Chicago in June, despite a Braddocls-Schmelias actssment for June 3, in Nev/ York.'

PAIB OK AH ASTIFSCIAIJ SSJUA?«TJ—Filling of 23,C:3,SC3 cuSic yards of znzterM s,nd ccnstnaotioa cf o ICCCC-foct s n its borders are necessary to provida the -iOO-aera artificial island :» £::n ITi'ar.cZco Duy fur tlia ICJ3 sketch made from an architect's plans sho-.vs how it v.'ill loci; rjh&xi co:sii-IstcJ."C^n "rebels_o*.s hill; ;,l San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridss hich atove ths'v/ater at. loft. This EUJ b:!::s ri:l»i™c.' is en Wrtr, Tuoz?


PciJfcq of

ui° ; ianp Srar ••• }:•!.' s J'air

THE JEWISH PEESS, FRTDAY, FBBEUART 26. 1037 its leaders killed while fighting ing- tennis classes for girls . . . j ha A. Z. A. team vron ths re-j tap dancing! vita the Spanish Fascists, Tateresira submitted his" resignation. Roller skating is proving very j gional : chamnio-Qship at Lincoln i* J.' C. C. King Carol is-as reported grave- popular with girls on Monday and recently, it was the second tia« ly disturbed becaus? the ambas- Wednesday nights . . . Grossman in 11 years that a local A. Z. A. j Panthers sadors of Germany,, Poland, v Italy reports there might be more. gang had taken a similar honor j Eears _«_j. skates to roll around on.in the .... Tie last time was 1931 and Japan participated in the j Lions „„ Temple Rabbi David H. Wice will speak demonstration. He also warned near future ... . When the Oma- j No, Lee Grossman doesn't teach j Tigers on "Nine Old Men" at the Friday Tatarescu that something must evening service. This is an ana-to done to curb the Iron Guard's lysis of the present • issue of the•excesses "which have become a namembership - of the 'Supreme tional scandal. Court. -,," •'•.-••' .. Begular Saturday morning services -will be he'd at 11 o'clock. '..By BAY 'CCOAPZiD ;

' •.'"••.'

I T a a d


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: >

j Tuesday night the League re- i of ths ieague by a comfortable \ three game total of 5ji£ whi.-i 1

j turned to bovrling: after a •; layoff £ce io the Golden 5 • last week. ^ 8! T h e Panthers E^ept 10i games from the luckless 12'zz'l ,is s rc?u't err IIJJ::I

-week's •: margin. The Bears moved into ' exceptionally poou in aniSm:! Gloves second place br taking- ttvo out I ieagxie. ' of three from the Lions, «'ho. .ipc];: Mplrher F am icsir.m three dropped to third position. uymie LrvSn bov.-ied f lind Tigers i Phil Katsman socked into tbe i games of £11. 2i>6 . TOO. reai or. : : ; ' ; ! : . : _'{•*• two games of 202 for a i lively.


At the jate Friday night serA year ago, Lee Grossman got vice of the Vaad H'lhr 'at the a gang of youngster basketball B'nai Israel-synagogue, lSth and players together, put them in. the Chicago streets, Kabbi ililton A.. junior learue and called them the Kopsteiu •will speak on "Theory Sharpshooters. . and Practice." Cantor A. SchwacTheir shots were sharp enough zkin Trill conduct the service. to win the championship. The Saturday morning service Last Tuesday history repeated -will be held at the Congregation itself. Another bunch =of boys, Beth .Bamedrosh Hagodol,. 19th picked up at random by the masand Burt; streets. Rabbi Kbpstein ter mind, Grossman,- and again will speak on the Portion of thetabbed Sharpshooters! annexed W e e k ; , v; • .• ' - : ' • • - ' the J. C. C. junior league crown The Father, and Son tradition- by defeating Omaha.- Jobbii^s al morning services are neld re- Company, 19 to.lG. " . gularly every Sunday at 9 a. m. The team is composed of Verat the -Congregation B'nai Israel. non Wintroub,. Ed. Gerber, Carl Fredricks, ilorrie -Kirshenhaum, •..;••• : / . - ' B e t h M ' • '-'' ^ \- Morris Ruderman, Sam Novak, Service'. tonight will be. conduct- Nate Shukert, and Max Delrorigh. ed by';Cantor Aaron Edgar and Besides the magic in- their name, the Beth'El choir. ::"•' these, boys play remarkable -basJRabbi David A. Goldstein will ketball ..for their .. youth. - Frfidgive a-Purim sermon, "A Swedish ricks, Delrougb. and Ruderman Professor and an American Hab- led the attack! -with, five points bi View Anti-Semitism." This ser- each, in the victory-drive over; the mon ^is based on two recently Jobbers. . ' ... j j . published books on anti-Semitism In another junior league; game —rone by Dr. Hugo Valentin, a last Tuesday, Council . Bluffs A. Swedish profesbor; the other by Z. A. continued to show-improveLee J. JLevinger, .an American ment--by --battering- out---a 25-7 rabbi. . triumph over Ramblers. N. Rosenthal was extremely torrid with Junior- Hadassaii 11 points. ' . : ' - ;

Intellectual Appeal' Jc o a t Feref . . . true the lone exThe lecture series of Dr. A. L. Icep f i ° 31 c f E r E i e K D £ S Sachar continues to register as an jc a s t iR aa minor part, the entire


, Junior Hadassah will hold an If you wait long enough, anyimportant,meeting nest Thursday thing will happen. This was the evening, March 4*promptly at 8discovery of the Xi Lambda basp. m. at the Jewish.. Community ketball team Sunday when that Center. All member are urged collection "of short-panted athletes to attend. 'r ••'•'.• • defeated the Psi Mu team," 34 to Preceding the regular meeting, 32. - • • •• • a short board meeting will be : For. eight years, Xi Lambda Tield promptly at 7:30 o'clock at cagerB had been trying to get the J. C. C more points in 3 single, game-than the Psi Mus. Many times, X. L.'s Junior Hadassah held a Purim would come close. ' On~ occasions, program and open meeting hist the teams clashed lor championThursday • evening, February IS, ships. But always Psi-Mu. would at the Jewish Community Center. win. A victory for the whiteMr. Judah Wolfson was the guest shirted X. L. boys was gradually speaker.": JVir. Wolfson- gave an becoming a vision, something" you interesting"' talk" about Queen Es- dream about. Finally, it became ther. . ' 3. nightmare. Purim delicacies were served. Then Sunday it came^truc, realMiss Esther, Lazerson was in ity developing out,of' h-ope End charge of refreshments. ambition, . .-'..'.* ,\v -,-A Junior KafiansaJi board" meet -The Tlptory'_ drive _vr.-led/ drive . v j i - lea iby y r ing was held Monday evenifasr,'.: . -TiiB"Tvictory 4 " 5 l b ' T f ll.:iiL iL J "-•'Mas ."TTirutt . ""••5lorrl3"'-i'ra=f February 22. at the JET, ish Com II"" 1 »^ — * \ " " i ' * tnunity- Gcntar.-^CIesiJjrr- sed an outUm? ol the Southwes been "try-ins to pull the trick. Tho tern Regional constitution. > m s s 'Kua turned, in taotlrcr [Uric r Mary Garf inkle -was cbosen,'chair- Psi performance" r.'itliIz man of a fund-raising event'sch- and Sam Glllcr ulaying Bogdanoff good Ldseduled for nest month. ketball. • - '" The result -tvas a bit more seTSigma Alpha Mu ious than just the sensational sideof the case. Loss by the Phi M.us Sigma Alpha Mu again 'succeed- just.ahout cinched 2th©. cTufflhioned in winning the interfrstEi^iity" ship for the Barish-Sanders team, Intramural handball champion- who. now have a tu-o-game lead. ship of" tho University of Xebra- The Automen defeated A. 2. A. ska. This marks the" seventh handball., championship.';tha't ','&ifc. ^ , i S S .; tcr IS. -" •: ; '\:• .=•. ma Alpha SIu.has won in. its ten I In .the ,third*.-game:'dn; fhei.inrears, of--existence an this jcanrjjus Members of the winning fojir-wall tefg'stiiiis Sunda'y:.program,vr ^putteam are David Goldw"are,;;A'arbn tering Alpha ..Pi Tau; team" began Finklestein,. Irvln Yaff e and Ra-cliekins in the .final >;half> to":defeat A..Z. A. No. 100, by a score leigh wooif: •..-.•'"'•: '•' of 23rl6. . '„• ..- ," .-;;..- .-.-. Pledges of Sigma Alpha Mu will stage :theif. annual ireshmah Tar- : Nest, erent of interest; for handty Saturday,' February'2? "at the ball players .is the midwesters A. chapter house. Tho eaBf side dis- A. V: doubles tournament, startirict of New Yoik City will form ing-March 15 at t h e J. C. C. ihe motif for this unusual cos- courts. The only time this institume party and Johnny Cos's or- tution has lost the doubles title chestra will' provide the • music was when one member of the-finAlumni from Lincoln, Omaha, team was forced- to default Sioux City' and Chicago are ex-alist or illness. With Paul pectde to attend this traditional because iffair. -The part will begin after Grossman in California, there is :he championship Kansas-Nebra- a- gopa' deal of conjecture, on the provable doubles partner of Morska basketball game. Bloom, who is the : perennial Arnold Levin was the student I rie doubles king of- the midwest. representative at a Charter-.Day 3anq.net held at the-: University J Blooin is recognized as one of the Club February 15, . a n d spoke • I fih«3t doubles performers in anyariefly on.' the: students' attitude j;body's handball court. Entries close March 10. toward the student union" building, upon which work has alreaLEAGUE STA.M)I.\GS iy begun. Senior League Levin-also served as editor-inW :Lief of a special Sigma Delta Name '. g' 3hl newspaper, published in con- Barish Sanders __ G junction with the annual conven- Psi i l u 5 :ion of the Nebraska Pre.<-3 As-Xi Lambda 3 lociation in Lincoln last week, Alpha Pi Tau 3. formerly editor of the Daily Ne- -'-. Z. A. Xo. 1 0 >raskan, Levin is now contribu- A. Z. A. Xo. 100 Junior League :inj; editor to the Awgwan, /uniW 'ersity. monthly humor publica- Xante jon. Sharpshoters ,7 (Winner of League) • Anson Weeks and his nationally famous orchestra will play Council Bluffs A. Z. A. 7 G it the- Junior-Snnior Prom, of Omaha Jobbing Company 5 .-. 0 J) ; vhich Dave Bernstein is rtnehair- Ramblers nan. Benislein was largely res- This "kVeeii's Sriir'dulp—Fein-. SS ! >or,sible for suctiring- this famous Barlsh-Sanders vs. -A, Z. A. No. j lance, orchestra to play" for the100—1:30 p. m. . . lophisticated affair that officially A. Z. A. Xo. 1 vs. Psi :>.Iu— :nds the formal season. Date of 2:15 p. m. he Prom is March 6. Xi Lambda vs. Alphn Pi Tau—

3:00 p. m. (Gym to bo free by 4:00 p. m. due to tho Purim Carnival.)


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ts Sherman Milton Meskovlbc 1 9 1 9 Farnara S t .

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bears his nature, he possesses a;'°rth at ths Center Sunday eve I certain dramatic quality Purin. enhances his description of inssg-' -srhen the seconi Enr.ua!Table cf ; items, magnilrinc them 'Je-vrjsh sponsored by theF-ecdie Sou EbenE-f Youth. g-raphically and lending distincmusickerf ins" bane tion to everything he SETS. Kis "his

"Say It With Flowers"

i i i

The Braadels epecializes in c e n t e r pieces, corza^ez, arrangements, cut . flo-wers. and" potted plants.


excellent sense of humor so ap-•vrill play for tbe cancers, variour the imiuiEUive parent during the interruption of booths to intrigue ted many other1 entertaining feathe Friday eve lecture . . . -when tures Ere scheduled . . . Reserve he ceased for a noment and then Monday nite" for the B'nsJ B:r?th continued with ths reisErS "^Sov , A special fee-ture vril'. I that the 'Strange Interlude' has tbB sho"^"iii^ of s, picture tit;| subsided I shall continue." .. S i si ed "Kevoit (or. maybe Gevolt? i r summation a t the close of. .Sun-: ^ . " , " / " dayTs lecture -vras a fitting: climax j IJi'"*L" to the most interesting' discourse i X\ of the scries. . ' I elling •peTBc • • J- A pleasant com ality is that of Kiss Ida Spring, resenf s.rrS-ra frpra'St. Joe, Ko. fe Just-returned i-cxr It is r e t our intent-to edit-'. ' " S h riElItr?, in4; retter to e&U stter.-- a. hxr;rij!z ij!.z -i?Tp ?Tp 'i in ^ York lor ^

[_ i r ^ i ^ i :•'"


Features bhampoo end Finger Wava

Permanent Waves a t G3.S0 and Up 7XC CrcrsSsIs Tftcctro


Brass, Bfonse Aiurntnun, Set Grey iron and Semi-Cteei Cast, mcs. Woca and f-'ct;! Piitcrsi Standsrd s'zss Crc~.re Bnd Iror Sushtngs. Sewer Manhc'it, C'» :ern Rin^a and Covers. Clean. 3ut Ccors, Sarti IVsij.'.tj s.ns Yellow Brass Plt.•^^!^e^s• Per rules, carried In stsck, Ercnn tstsists. Dronz' sna Cr:t Iror Grm-3 a cpeclslty.


and many otner pro^ ISCL- your ffs-c-or c? c-



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organiration that1 tnerits your | ^ ^ ° ^ ; ° the "dope" r ! I . . . • S&iii i support. Tee ."paverjent pound-j ^ '.,,. ^ ^ , oGilinsty has EC iers" under the cbairraEnship of i _^ ^^;t 1° X^,. name for tis joules Bisno trbo have secured j ^t^^J^^t,'^."'r-^t,^ ter . . . He &dj members thus far are: ' Isadore! ^ 'Pea.cl>es" . . , . j; Abramson. Leo Abramson, ' Milt | c Abrahams, Mas Baer, - Eeubsn \t her sliiii bas the rrsr i.v,s • Eordy, Harry B. Cohen, Sarid j L Benenberg, Al Piedler, Dave Fia-j' afr.recuect ^ o coiGEZ'Jter from I>e<r Lei, Ai Frank, Milton Frphm,!.v—.nes . . . what is tbe cause? . . Gooflman, _Sam Green, jA l w a J . s

Thil KlEtznict, Ab Kaiman, Carl J- Lagman, Eph Harks, Simon Pis-OH e = ^ j cr, "vVn. TiTeiBer aad .Nathan ere ; Yaffee . . . Je


OCrrccj py.lZT


'Bulba" Market) Steinberg, flood disaster the B'nai BYith came to the fore -with aid for the and his "veibele" have £. contendrehabilitation of Hood victims. ed look!!' .- . . The stateraeni n ir The Anti-Defamation League ecu- ; t i s t 2-Ppes-reS lave lori tinnes to cosibat "the evil and a previous issue false propaganda directed -at burthe impression that the item conpeople;. ' The membership cain- cerning the betrothal of s. prominent hotel keeper's d ughter re-


<• <



AND LUN'CH lSIS.Fssirnam St. WE -3423

r.1A. 12313



t-adies Especially invites

A T . 4333


preparation o* tbe initiation ban-


Folks: This is «ie last tveck of ours foi"?1.10 Special... j-ou'll not pret another like it lor many months . . . possibly NEVER again. This -iveek you can set any Two regular 73c articles cleaned and pressed for $1.10 . . . higherpriced garments reduced 25c •each if you send TWO. Calls received Saturday p J J will lie picked up .Mor clay s.i the "Special" price.


some cf cur r-Ss.ls citissnsto^*^T*iF; ^-lioppe &z -4L"th anci DoCig.-e £Hs. . . ] the lecaj 3'sja.i-B'riih lodge. Tiaei^Iiss Spring (please, no T-UEE) is • •srss -when the B'nai E'rith inera-^a sister cf Sirs,•'• Sam (G-rocer) j bership .drives excited the inter- | Eera&ii . . . The Jack Davidsons, fest of our leading s o r t e r s . TSe '•te i s ifae adv-ertising head o£ ±. j result of .-these campaigns echoed :a n d F . Cough Ureps in Cbicagc miujj for their first born . I were in a Eieasure respcjnsible-fcr E T e like-wise, brother Aaron and the signs! honors accorded Orn<?-: | hans. Of late a slight ennn Sas :•frau Sylvia svait the arrival oi (been o-bserved. During'the recent; titeir second born . . . Sam ( Ora-

! paijrn

C1U1.TARUS—SNOOKER . POCKET BILLIARDS • Ail -New StreamrinB Tstiles . RestaurantrrBar . OJrect Wire On AH :


i ality. His method, of "delivery fcy the audience iccics-ted tnai , brings a mental stiraulEnt to another play should be presemec | young and old. He sets forth vith great clarity the perplexities of modern Jewish life. A handsome I chap in his early thirties, "whose he name. Sachar {meaning sweet) The carnival spirit v:

JA. 2724


• •- - • ' W E - 2 9 2 9

making: their initial event of ertraordiaar- ssgnin-; c a s t ^'^ debut. Cileries Kacbman. cance. It is an accomplishment j stage Rosalie Alberts and .Milt Frohrc •." ! Tvhen a lecturer can cause a good- j pis ring t i e central chars cters re- <% | sized audience in any community i veaied a sew trio o£ dramatic «' to return for lour successive }ec- i stars in the mating . . The Stage ^ tures during a forty-eigit hour! setting -WEE attractive' becense D* » period, sustaining'a' keen interest! the authentic polar psrEphernal- < _ on each subject delivered. Sachar ia provided by Dr. Victor Levire, c is an artist -srio can be termed as a portrait painter worcis TR-JJO second perrorrxs&rice on

1101 Douglas


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rp . Bucharest (WN;.) — Premier There is romc' .talk by Lc= ieorg Tatarescu'R tolerant attimp.n of organizius an introude toward tho increasingly bold club athletic prnsram in the itt'Juds of the antt-Semltis Iron spring . . . play wculd consis' of }uard has -created a ' national Softball, voile? ball, tennis, hor;erisis. Snnimoned i^- Kins C^rol sho:-3, ~olf, - ind zfr.yba tiicllyo Gsplain tbe pcrmipr,;on grant- Trinka . . . ilr. Grc:-m"n, who is d tho Iron Guarft to stace a all cars, would IP:, to hear fros mge deicor.ctration in connscticn you clubs . . . Abo thcro is rsrao •riih the public funeral of tTro ojchatter at tte Center about zta-'w



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JA. 314S I Sachar's Salisnt Stateaeats j'ins. - *

Picked at 'rsnacrni .Iron* his ser- i cf ..n r ies: '.'It tras Kisg. Herod "w-ho s s - ; ^ c - , • n ' snred his tJirc-s in tbe c a u s e r ;al - "• of a fos, ruled h.1% Idzigrdon like | Us ' a tiger and died Use a dog"' (ajas11" >. r" •" parallel to a certain European \ ter ' dictator, •we--hope!!> . . . "You ; is.1; -Service With a Ciirslls e can judge a people or an Individ- i l' I7o Kcvcr CIa23 tial by its leisure tiias spent". Er~ (Card players -will notr turn to: ' ^ " , fctudy and reading) . . . . "The-. ' - r statement made t r Father -Coug-h-,: Er " , lie some .time ago that it is t i n e : — ! for tae'Jercs to abolish the "ere; ' ZI». —! , f o r t h e eye aEd a tooth for s ; ^ I tooth lair" . estriixlished t h e fnct \ in. w . ^ i t h a t he T K S zaistalren, belr.j u s - ; " J < i fcxailiar Tv-;th t h e Jewish Izvr c f j r s ; " "Courtsoas—Rt!;a > life" {Father Cocghlin was also j .he < • • > • - r X unfamiliar with t h e popularity -oi i • ~. . I, j I>\ B . R. prior to ths^ ejection, ! th '.Oaj>." ;fsiae?al parlors are | ! remember?) " " " ' . ii h r - Omaha's Largest t n a Mast Coioplste Storage and Auta Supply Store o rirss '•-Washing © Tubs* © i-ubrtcatina © Accessories o -Slmonizing

- fastioa. '

We finva ffpsr .:.•>


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duled for March 22, at which Kroioff, a claira adjuster- for a rest synagogues, the Kac&i "• Ka- Security".?" "Ai, sty." .sighed -the berg's voSume, tfeoegil- ''provided, time Mr. Leo Schwartz, national- leading, insurance company ia clcsSi -filikveh Israel, with other, "•"with, "Bank- Nights.. « n d | as'it should be, with all 'necessary ly-known author of "Jewish Car- California, here on business . . . Major M. M.-Noah • was 'promin- Dish Nights end Double Features, j aeho'lerly f:j>arH• tut).- is a soundly avan", will be the guest speaker. Mrs, Al (Marjorie Freidea) Ber- eat'y identified . . . Wonder wfco j I fcareii't jrc!, room i'or. . Socialfee-JSend immimFCly pnuiBlKfi: nsrallve I ;-r« SB rr'-'li^rs'y 'he best piece of Plans were made also for a ger now residing in Cleveland . . . is building our modern ernagog- • ci;r;tyi"' Of interest to Sioux Cityaiis Dance to be iield on March 24, at Mrs. David (Rose) Lefko sow.re- ues . . . • work of its vt>: •!3p.?.;>e p,n<? eccom* will be the marriage tomorrow the Hotel Chieftain. tllBB ANNA PILL, correspoadcnt siding ia Detroit, visitiug with LijrttS CV.Xl. plishpc, .f.rn;Tnor, evening of Miss Sylvia Jacobson, CHIME: A welJ knov?. • Jewish T Mrs. Anna Goldberg and"family . ^ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar The Council Bluffs Agudas Ac- . . Sirs. Peter (Ida) Greeaberg publicist has just coiapletec. s, Ii! Copyright, (Cenrr.fr hi: ' If-T7 H- ' Seven' Arts newish Jacobson of Des Moines, to Soil hini Society will meet nest Thurs- departed for Florida with her pamphlet with the title ."The rapfcic Apcncy, Inc,) T'e.'tnre ErWacntc.V" Kronick, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.day evening, Mtrch 4, at S:30 young son, Stephen, to visit with Crime ol Francisco trance,' 1 Kronick of this city. The marri- o'clock at the Edgle Hall. LOUif, -E. Ler parents . . . . Sao wilt spend which you'll be readies about onej 1 504 C i t v F>;K<'.'•• Bfinf,- BitJfl., age, will be solemnized in the 1 /i'i/T&H fc'isil^XV Passover Holidays with relatives Ot these days . . . Mount Sinai Temple will hold study of Rabbi Eugene Manuheiia New York . . . Julius Solomon, • NOTICE o r s its a n n u a l Congregation dinner mer in Des Moines, at 6:45, in Mr. and Mrs. Jay Chernisek - f..:,-,.'.;-: }}iat a!! PXhave moved into their new home who lias bees associated with a MISH-MASH: Focrtees KDSO-! f r f j v ej - . 1 with t h e cooperation of th<? Tem'?!'3r(i>, Inc.. on the the presence o r the immediate at 135 Park Arenue in Council leading Akron, Ohio store, has re- lulu youngsters sent in a check \lIUiulu'**'"'** Speaking before an;open meetI ?<U d n " of 7>prr-ir ii<>' ~. ir?6. amounted ing sponsored by tho B'nai B'rith ple Sisterhood, n e s t . T u e s d a y eve- families of the bride and groom. Bluffs. turned to the Nebraska Clothing for ?4.50 to the J. D. C. cam. .' ' ' \ ning, March 2, i n t h e TempJe An The bride ."will wear a three O E 1 lodge and the Inter Club Council Company ia charge of the millin- paign . . . Seldr Popkin, wife of) ° ' Norway (JTA) — The j last week in the Jewish Commun- nex. T h e diner will b e served piece gray tailored suit, with ery section . . . What chiropodist Louis, was notified by the editors j anti-Jewish boycott' has been <le- i The A. Z. A. Chapter No. 7 held " —• matching accessories. Her cority Center, Maurice Samuels trac- a t C:30 o'clock. and an alluring young brunette of the New Yorker that.-tfaeyy were j ciarefi Illegal ia. . Korvsiy I n charge of t h e arrangements sage will bo orchids. Following an Interesting meeting Monday ed the development of Palestine of evening at the home of Herbert are pulsating? . . . . Sol Tucker, paying her ID onus rates- for herfirst lawsuit, ol Ifs? kicd. The «u"E I for t h e dinner a n d program a r e the ceremony a wedding dinner and Norman Rosenthal. Reports brother of Mrs. Abe Woltaon, is from the beginning of the Zionwas brought by "s.'-Jewish trader j ist movement until the present Mr. a n d Mrs. A. :M. Davit, Mr. will be served in the Jacobson on the Cornbelt conclave were climbing the ladder of success article oa a leper, coming out isaga'cst a Nervregiati cloth, factory i !£ R. UTF, Attv. an early Issue . . . Dr. Zvi Diessn- iGt day, telling his large audience Louis Agranoff, Mrs. Ii.-S. Gold- Lome for the bridal party. • C «.;1 r-Jf-fi, Dank B'idg, discussed. The local chapter will with.the Neisner store in Denver refus-ng iethat the strites and riots in Pal- berg a n d . M r s . Thedore N .Lewis, Sunday evening a dinner will be the nest hosts to the tourna- . . . Pet Peeve: The chap who lis-druei: of the. Eebrew . College lsi puzzled by reports, widely cirpreviously accepted. NOT . O ? " . ."•-?M (•-.'•EFTEDNESS. estine during the past year were with Mrs. J . H . Greenberg in be served in the Jacobson home ten attentively to. a story and culated abroad (even in Palesment. The ..manufacturer, EMS ha had J ivfn that all « t .essentially an economic uprising charge of. t h e dining room. for. relatives and friends, and a ««!• Ktores' Corp. then explodes with "Haven't tine), that he is going to speak refused the or£pr because ."per-! and not a National uprising of H . Fishgall, president of formal reception will be held in ihe> • < ] f j r ' ciV JlTcmfipr, 1936. s o n £ l heard it lately" !1 . . . Romance ia Lisbon, this year at a eelebratr.imosity" forfaace him i Arab against the Jew. . the Temple will a c t a s master of the Kirkwood hotel. The bride a is rampant among the office staff deal vrith. Jews. Tfcs court, ruling j ' ?.?: jtAtiks,' ceremonies -An orchestra will tloa Sa honor of Dos Isaac Abrawill wear a turquoise blue dinIn his analysis of the Arabat the Center: — Goldie . and ". '' * T in the pla'stiff's favor,' declared ! President. •• vanel'a quincentenary celebration Jewish problem in Palestine, Mr. play for dancing during t h e din- ner dress trimmed in gold at the Harry, Marshall and Mary, Es. . He denies all. however, add- the manufacturer's' fectioE ' -wasi Samuels stressed that it was def- ner iiour a n d a variety program reception. v' a" i\iaj^7?tf'' of tlK- BofiriS of ther and her Eddie . . . The "def(Contim ed from page 1.) "All I know is wnat I see Jn i asra'DBt the lav since sh • races . ^ s. H : ? 1 0 "•"t ..#."•• Sioux Cityans; wh< will go to but was a weakling in the time of inite" bachelor with the mellow ing "All initely not an indication of fail will follow. the papers." . . . What Near East! **& nationalities were e c u ^ . M i •-it .ore of the Zionist movement in Dea Moine3 for the reception Sun- a crisis. c e r iiie i a w voice is Herbert Goldstein, who EM::', -La' T , .A fly, Palestine. day. include Mr. A. Slutsky and . 3 Uriel Acosta — Raised a possesses such a pleasant manner nation, with a chamie&ae appetB'NAI B'RITH ite it's trying to support ca & 5vM- C4t;i'.l-.-f.'.'j, .1Pank Side. '.'The Jewish-Arab problem can family, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Slut- Christian in Portugal, Acosta be- in declining "dates" with the fair beer picket, has, been futileiy trybe solved" said Mr. Samuels, "by The B'nai B'rith lodge, will be sky, Mr. and Mrs. L. • Krunick, came concerned with the petrifi- sex . . . The open house session at IE I thfee things. First, the Jewish hosts to the A. Z. A. chapter next Mr. and Mrs. A.AKosberg, Mr. and cation of Christianity and inspir- the Dave and Sadie Greenberg ing to purchased several million dollars' worth of ntJnitioss in population In ^Palestine must b Wednesday evening at: the Jewish Mrs. Morris Lasensky, Misses ed by the pages of the Old Test- residence . . . thera gag i , y fe, Community center, wnen the A. ament,^ returned to the faith of I ed a group of talented people big European, power has gummed • AT.Kfi Warssw — rhs Palestice O i ferent type of British offftial in Z. A. debating team and orator Dorothy Merlin, Ida . Edelman, his fathers upon learning he was which resulted In an informal the works for it by Intervening ixicei 6. Pc-i MAKKS. Palestine, and third, by the Jews who represented Sious City at -Dorothy Gelson. Lottie Feinberg, a descendant of a Marrano famwith Cantor Aaron with the powers that be fa Wash- ilEli .f FalsKtine s c. changing their attitude towards the regional tournament in Lin-Nell Sinikin,, Florence Lohrmann ily. Horror-stricken by the lack musicaSe *!>.*• Board of ington? . . , Edgar, Lawrence "Kibbits" Finksa 15S6, compared vritb. more | tho Arab." coln will Bpeak. ;,They include Margaret and Ruth Kosberg, of prophetic Judaism in the el and Mrs. David (Rose) Goldthan £c,CC-C. is." the .preceding Joe Goldstein, orator, and Has-Fannie Rosofsky, Mr. and Mrs. Dutch synagogues, he protested stein as the principal artists . . . year. kell Lazere'and David Olensky, Ray Leahy, Miss Velma Blank against this rigid discipline that much to the gratification of Dr. Approsim&tcly SC,COC debaters. Jack Merlin Trill lead and Miss Helen Bottome. had disgusted him with the Sachar who was present". . . froia all countries entered Aftera -wedding trip, Mr. Krontho A. Z. A. choir in a group of church. Twice excommunicated Home builders who believe in the tine in IS3 6. rll exick and-his bride will make their by the. rabbis- he committed sui- future of Omaha: Sam and Bess songs. :; By EELEN SIGSIONB "Kevery Member Present — The first degree initiation will home in the Stellart apartments. cide after hr.ving the entire con- •Rothenberg, Maurice and Doris No Proxies" ia the slogan, for the be given to sixteen new members gregation walk over him as he Micklin, Izzie and Ross Ziegman, Hollywood — S a r a Gol&wyn'e Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dave lay penitently at the threshold of and Irvin and Naomi Green . . . Shaare Zion congregation dinner at this meeting. Max Maron. will 1'Cci.Mxsir frcrc r e , gesture was practical . . . he donSperling held a surprise party the synagogue. next Monday evening, March 1 in conduct the initiation. The gals are just "tickled pink" ated the entire children's •srErdfor them at their home 192S W. thei synagogue social hall." The Edwin W. Baron, president of at the hirsute adornment devel- robe frora "These Three," cora- bors, is very, ccneerely delineated. \ m Bfiinsr n h-n'Ry r*C the. B o a r d irr dinner will be served a t 6:45 the B'nai B'rith lodge vrill intro- Third Street, Sunday evening, on The Present Jewish Crisis o'clock and.•will be followed by duce the program. the occasion of their fifteenth t sd cora- Yet the book is epic and - lejrec- j 2-28-lt clary, deeply rooted ia tirae azkl i '. Jewish integrity is being more by the "Don Casanova" Sid Ab-1 piete "outfits, to"° the an election cf th'e-Board of Diwedding anniversary. folk and yet soaricg 'beyond botb. AHy. severely and more efficiently as- ramowitz, who returns to his Flood Relief. -OUiS, E. L.SP rectors, and reportB by Mr. John Sank E}rf{ home in Brooklyn. by its hucan sweetness, its -eihHadassah Oseg Shabhos Lansberg, Mrs. Eli Robiriow, Mrs. 7.E3J3 sailed since the decline and fall _.,,.„ . ! ical depth,- its tr&Kcfchig with the of Spanish Jewry. In the past NfTSCE OF- IM Joe Kutcher and Mr. Harry Noiir* IK liercb;Stella Adler, newcomer to thesexI e s !<"e T 'ti"I<i . that. RII exthe assaults were by anti-social The Senior' Hadassah chapter ler.1 ' . parts, was approached about forces. Today governments have , or. Jhe ."1st ! book that-will grow er;u not Cim-\ Miss Tillio Shindler will be will hold its Oneg Shabbos meet; , a la j icisb with tiias. It flips into the i i 8 r , . : .: taken over the monoply of anti. amounted to ing tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 heard In a group of songs and a Si.fiTi.i.b. t s s did sts.trast I unfathomable- well of Je-vnsb lore j Semitism. play will be presented by mem-o'clock in the home of Mrs. Joe to take, they ssfced. j aEd faith. aafi yet. brings ih&t i . Tolerance is the luxury of D. BY P. B. Levin, 3405 Nebraska Street. sr .r K. i,r,rz bers of the Young Judeah Club Beverly-WilshJre," she j lore £Ed ..faith'ciosa to - the r,rdr\ Security of Jews deI abundance. JII. -4 tj?\' under the direction of Mrs. H. A program'•will! be presented (Note to tourists: Beverly-TtTil- versal heart • o" ras.c. . The tEle pends not on Christian good-will, Licht and Miss Sophie Franklin. by Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Mrs. shire is a ritzy cinema hostelry). eE(3s, RE it isiiEl £ng ehoujd. In ( R. 'ATT, but when there is enough to go Barney Baron, and Mrs. Frank BAR SIITZVAH KECEPTION * * * the land ct Israel, even F,S ever er;- i Epstein. Singing trill be led by The Bar Mitzvah of Theodore around tolerance can be afforded ihe Bcvan*: of All the orchids sad a cccple iiEE desires -his 1 Directors. Leonard Gershun, son of Mr. and and Jews are safe. 'ARTIST PRESENTS Mrs. H. Licht. : adveagardenias go. to Frsiseins LsrrlThe Jewish problem in Poland Mrs. Ben Gershun, wiU.take~pla.ce turcs to c™fl la UNUSUAL PROGRAM isore this week . . . alter tntzci heart's desire. this Saturday morning, February is part of the Polish problem. Podelay E Junior Hadassah ' rnany interruptions, 27, at nine o'clock at the Chevra land on the rocks, the victim of a A volume cf assentirely Violin: Legends have grown up she's) launched and for s, long rcyBrachah Zfiran, interpreter of problem. B'nal Yisroel synagogue at 61Sdreadful e c o n o m i c .AmerI Major. Neah; NOT1SE is'. Palestinian, Hebrew, and YidAt a board meeting Monday Mynster Street. Mr. • and Mrs. There are no pogroms in Poland. about • young YeSmdi Blenuhia, age. Preview Ecfilesce wss He- J,wlMi.«^,,., ci'.-ep ( h i t all esr.by .i^iOEiear' dish folk-songs, thrilled , a large evening, the Junior Hadassah Gershun wiU entertain at a recep- The Poles don't want to destroy prodigy of the fiddle . . . And a lighted and fiscinsted trith t s r \ Goldherg. inc.. ci. Oovi" . on the 3.1f=t <"ay (Jewish store of lore is piling up about audience last Thursday evening chapter'outlined its activities for tion at their home at 427 Forest the Jews. Merely want to terkeen .chErEcteriEstiaa, fee? fcrs&y' atiwi-nfflfi to the will be re- sum o^ ^"orie cLA-xerica).It his violin, too . . . Did you "mow, with a program of unusual inter- the month of March. Drive on Sunday, February "28, rorize them and chase them out her voice, self l ths.i Zs,v.p;for example, that it was made est. ^Accompanied at the piano Jleadc's Plans were made for round between the hours of 2:30- of business. 200 years ago by Antonio Stradiv\by Nachum Nardi, the artist sang table open meeting for Wednes- o'clock nad five o'clock in the af- The Jews "were •well-off when may cha]& O as cne the songs of the Jews of the east, day evening, March 3 in the Jew- ternoon, and: from seven' o'clock Germany prospered. If the al-ari, at that tiras nicety years old j oJ the Ghetto' X o w V"0tC- ; That fiddle is more sensitive telling the story of her songs sh Community tenter. Rabbi to nine o'clock in the evening, lies had given Republican GerSidney stolsty's first tro-fi-jber r.zg'k • £Hfi origiuj,; | with her actions and gestures as H. R. Rabinowitziwill speak and for all relatives and friends. No many one-third of what they are than most people iCtri.AN.n That cast was s^ch s success ttfet i s ! e. Majority o:C the Board of ch en Tigrorous^y interest- \ well as the words. • today offering Hitler, there sweats, catches cold, has fever an open discussion; will be follow- cards are being issued. awoke the nest morning £arc3. IrThat .it cost New Yorker GoldThe program was sponsored by ed by refreshments. would have been no Nazis. Gerthis conditioia he took the frrfesg cs this p'ctiiTescue figure ' \ E . h e | the National Workers Alliance many turned to Hitler when they man |60,000 and that that mus- medicine, -which prove Friday evening, the annual hi'.y. to s>« lirea — a thorough J e w , & ttream-| DANCE FOB MARCH £54. found legitimate means didn't ic lover turned ot over to YehuE-an k Bids, Hadassah service will be held at sleeping pills, and wrote his col-j er, • writer, adventurer. Plans have been formulated for work. di as-a birthday token on his nran In a cose tfirougfioEt t i Shaare Zion synagogue, when a Charity Community Dance to fcejiccsty ioiiched 'even -in that That be- cay. In Eastern Europe there are twelfth natal day the chapter will conduct the ser-be given • on Wednesday evening, sriod fcr sonie'taiRg euite 2r.]R3Wero! Onnip« cause Yehud! has played it, the seven million Jews in the shadow afcly AtnericEi!., AcerlnEE JCO, Kabbi H. R. Rabinowita will vice. Speakers will be Rosalie March 24, under the auspices of fiddle is cow worth at least $200ot death. Sacks and Dena Baron. of . f V i And while we're ea the s"r, speak" this evening on "Breaking the Council Bluffs.Lodge No. 688 characteristic Inflamed nationalisms won't 000, on the theory that a great David Sarsoff, R. C. A. top. Mfees j hopeful, eligrfetlj-' On Sunday, March 7, several of the B'nai B'rith. The entire the Frame or Destroying,, the PicGAKAGE COlirAMT, violinist's playing on a great vioClass cleavages are to recall his youthful ture." Cantor A. Pliskin and theof the Sioux City Hadassah mem- mezzanine floor at the Hotel bring war. Sng j esgle-screEtriEg days. Dr. lin actually improves it That days. He sang in s choir synagogue; choir will chant the bers will go to Waterloo, Iowa, Chieftain has been reserved for developing in western Europe. Stradivari made the Instrument £o participate in the Iowa-Hadas^ this affair. Mr. Simon Steinberg The Spanish civil war is the becould fee engaged for •vredc''~£S~ Bervice. ~ gining. A Fascist victory in Spain for ,a Princess Khevenhueller cf at 25 cents, SO cents \t he touched it'CEfc Tomorrjpw morning Junior Con- :ah conference, v ' ' • is general chairman in charge of means Civil war in France. Vienna, famous violinist of , her Monday evening, Miss Nell Sin- the dance, and Mrs. Richard Gora high C. On oce occasion his gregation will meet at 10:30 day . . . That only four other perWhen Civil war breaks out, the Tioarc! of. ExnpiC o'clock. Herbert Holland will act kin will be hostess to the cul-don, president of the Council eachec ED. sons besides her have drawn s j voice soared to the heights, fcixt at Cantor, and Robert Pliskin ural group of the Junior Hadas- Bluffs Senior Hadassah, which Jew is through. The radical kills bow across it . . . That it finally there was .some doubt as to. ime fci; 2a •> Tellew C sah. Miss Bess Resser will speak organization is assisting for this him for a bourgeois, the reactioa will read the Law. X.V"A~T rececf.'y. S'or was bought by a Czar of Russia, whether he struck a high C. Bare j asked for thirty cests. The rs.tb" J en -fiSfi • vxffie During the reading of the Meg- in "The Protocols of the Elders affair, is in charge of the ticket considers him a liberal. played by a Professor Pcpoff, The most wholesome country considered a moment "I'll £ive| eE3.p!cye3 »h.'*"\~]Z v 5c -ffc.e • orgr.r.i-sttriB'. F.I j lllah on Wednesday evening, of^ Zion — The Greatest lie In sale. who is .supposed to have smugglNCTiCE-. C ? . f M D E E T t D M E 8 S in Europe is Sweden. Sweden's . 3e. accorSlag u, 5. A.'Kon-i Kotioe clappers were given to the child- History." is !u<~e!:;v civrr- tiuU all exed it out of Russia during the yoa the'extra nickel, Dave, but I •wealthy and ruling classes had " I i'iJin? (levin nf IT-an^.-Martin, Inc.. « March 15, the Junior -and Sen- Mr. and'Mrs.- Leo Meyerson anren by Mr. and Mrs. Morey LIpthink you l ras £ half cots.' ser, PresJ6e"t, Revolution owe Ana that the Sothe gift of yielding gracefully in •Co"r.crp.',.':on. on t h e r.l.^f. fh!.5" of !.><?Paring- tfet? lest" six. TP.OT-.UK. oo~i'.b^-!', \ shutz, and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rob- or Hadassah will hold a joint nounce the birth of a son, born IS.'KS, p.rrH-Mni^e<i t o ( h e s u m * * - viet put a price on PopoEf's bead meeting in the Jewish Comrnun- Thursday, February 18, at the time. Tellow Cab lass spent -?15,CCO tor i taow. : CK •Bobby Breea tronpes lite as j ^^ The greatest necessity is to for the deed . . . And that before r"r;^-\~-f;- ^ : . ^ T T ^ ^ " , I f f . tionsJ lard- s.riS. remofielicg1; ,ty Center, when guest speaker Jennie Edmundson Hospital. Mrs. Yehudi would play in Moscow the old-timer. Ke sang bis "nunibers j T-J keep up the morale of the Jews. will address ^the groups and a ^Meyersbn is the former Miss Helenlarging its Quarters st CIS j Government had to pledge not tofor the Preside-t'f! Ball in Osfe-I SISTERHOOD MEETING ikit will be presented by the en. Wolinsky of St. Joseph, Mis- Palestine is the only refuge confiscate it . . . ' land, then collapsed. It vrszs | where the Jews have a morale, Clvir'B C£.rriEu NEXT FRIDAY Junior Hadassah. souri. • . . . learned that he fcs.fl TEJCF; where they feel they have a fightThe regular meeting of the the Board of The Temple Sisterhood will bad nein-s on his isind—the death! J_J.J 5 VOCABULARY: Walter Wining chance to live. runior Hadassah is scheduled for meet - next Friday afternoon, The Sisterhood of the Talmud , The democratic Ideal may notchell says a theatre cwned hy a of his dog which he cherished j-ILL. March 5, following a one o'clock March 31 at-the Jewish Commun- Torah Society will hold an imsalvage Europe, but it can. help Jew might be called a einernago- incre than anything else in tbs :• ' • -. luncheon In the 'Temple • annex. ty Center. portant- meeting n»~xt Wednesday the United States. With Us re-gue . . ', Yv'cader i! that crack Mrs. Sol Novitsky" is chairman of afternoon, March 3, at the Che-sources, its liberty, Its absence of should bo tabbad synegag . . . the program which will: Include vra B'nal Yisroej synagogue, class-consciousness, the United A. I. A. Day after s preview a certain! a group of songs by the Morningplans will be made for a Concert States is still safe tor democracy. NEWS: Slvyon, Jewish For- producer, arrived at his office E2d j side College male quartette and a Members of the A. Z. A. chap- featuring Cantor Aaron Edgar of , .-*--,=•, £ ••* It is the duty o£ the Jews to, sup- ward colyusiist, insists Charles was handed a set of very-"bice" talk by Dr. EartRoadman, preS»ter will receive their first degree Omaha which is.'scheduled for port democracy. A. Dana was all \rrong on his reviews by the press, "I sbocM ident of the college. Mrs. L. S. B'nal B'rith April. All members are urged to definition ot news (man bits dog) rcrry," a ^ tij e IV ' Goldberg will, preside .during the meeting next Wednesday evening. attend. Mrs. Dave Fox and Mrs. . . . Dog1 bits man is still goad "It rolls ' off Eiy back like £ i Some Lesson ia Jewish History business meeting. Mrs. Louis During the meeting A. Z. A. Abe Gillnskyywill be Hostesses at | enough for him, he says . . . Add- duck!" The oldest -written Bible, tbe Agranoff will .giya the invocation. members will present a program this meeting. grave of Spinoza, the Goblet of ing, "when dogs hare newspapers Mrs. Mas Brodkey and Mrs. R. of addresses and songs. Sophie Tn'cier comes to thej Elijah in the synagogue of Pra-man biting dog will be news." . . H. Emlein will be hostesses at Word nai been received here gue; the proclamation of the PorThe chapter is making plans screen with a rnissloa—to brfngrj the luncheon. for its annual "A. Z. A. Sabbath of the death of Mrs. Anna Saltz- tuguese government honoring Is- CENSORSHIP: To beat the rig-soothicg salve to styils'a stouts. service to be held at Mount Si- man of Minneapolis, Minnesota aac* Abarbanel, i blouse made id censorship oa pogreai news She'll v,*ear he? hundred £c^rss last Wednesday, February 17, at out of a Torah by a- Ukrainian under which Polish Jewish pap- fashioned by Ettrops's'. nios-t fam-j nai Temple on March 26. Several Alephs also plan to at- Kocnester, Minnesota.- She waspeasant after the raids of Petlura ers are chafing one. of them hit ous raodfstes Sn her film i»crk to] tend the District A. Z. A. conven- 49 years old. " Mrs. Saltzman are all survivals that speak i! on the idea of writing stories of prove to. ladies of orMcnfcr Iires { Dr. Abram Sachar spoke at tion in Minneapolis on March 19. was a former resident of,Council one comes to them with back- local pogroms In a disguised t ! s a t theJ" c a n dress as sjEiruy c?! Shaare Zion synagogue last Sun- Herman Rubin has been elected Bluffs. She is survived by twoground. manner . . . Thus they inverted Stag Sisteea. day evening, before a filled aud- delegate to the convention from sons, Carl of Minneapolis, and the rtacas cr ths towa (as oa* We too are survivals of four Albert Saltzman of Los Angeles, itorium, on the present Jewish the local chapter. Sorib'c-es from dorg for Grodro,) placed it ia thousand years. Every survival California. Funeral services were crisis, telling In great part of his America, described the victims as a-dl Graets win held Sunday in Minneapolis. Mr. speaks oul; if we. interpret • the four month slay in Europe last Negroes and called it a iyach- Stefan in message of those survivals and Claimed by Death and Sirs. Charles Saltzman of summer and" of his - Impressions Jag instead of a pogrom . . . Ie—ssa." . ourselves. Council Bluffs returned home of the plight of the Jew In PoSomeone tipped the censors off, ferids® champion . , . ! Tuesday from Minneapolis where Word has been received here of land. , . however, and tae bald spots, ia- home the &ac - - the rrir, the death of Mrs. Ann Saltzman a they attended the funeral. ; The lecture was sponsored by dicatteg stories that .have bees ery time. Lthl-r Hclman the Ladies A axillary of the syn-former resident of Sioux City. pulled, oat of the forms at the offered a screes test for ,-» 44, Mrs. Saltsman had been a resiagogue and as in former years Mrs. Rae; E. Ross has returned last moment, are.once core spot- Watling1 role in "Gone dent of Minneapolis since leaving his lecturt attracted a large and home following a two weeks visit ted Ell over the Yiddish papers Wfad." "Ths Goad Ea: (Continued from. Seven) responsive audience. The lecture Sioux City sis. years ago. Shein Excelsior Springs and Kansas in P o l a n d ' . . . * imiere'ic New Tcrk v; died In Rochester, Minnesota.. was followed by an open forum". City, Missouri. and satisfying smile, is Henry j Mrs. Jos Kutcher, president of Locus, one of the city's tsost acSCPEKSTITION:' Many Euro-j! hoc-k-np ej Ihe auxiliary, introduced the Mrs. Albert Krasno has returntive workers, who has just comAuxiliary Card Parly oth- j ris-rscre's £ speaker. ed home following a ten day visit pleted a terra as President of Los pean artists se?er wish eac'a : er good laci- oa the ere c &a 'Ira- i sao-w etrsg The Ladie3 Auxiliary of the in Sious City, lova where she Angeles Lodge B'nai B'rith . . . . portant ereEt, such as en ;ad t-i visited her parents. Convalescing at her home: Mrs. tioi!, or a premier© • » , Tbev sre it. CUiais Workmen's Circle No. 6G4 vrill Is (Lil)' WeSner . . . likewise Ju- etersaliy grateful to you if you tract . . £2 Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will hold a card party at the Jewish The Council Bluffs Lodge No; lius Tatelman who' has just re- say to tliasi as their big snoaent apeak this evening at Mount Si- Community Center, Thursday af- GS3 of the B'nr.l i5'rith held an covered from a'siege of Intestinal looms, "Hay you break a leg1 or aai Temple on "Democracy Triinteresting mooting Monday eve- flu , . . Former Omakanj^Tlsitisg your necl:,." ternoon, March 4, at 2 o'clock. umphant." Proceeds will go tova.rd the ning, February 22 at the Eagle this week end -whom. • the Sooiaty Monday, ho will go to Yankton Hall. . Rev. Edwin Berger •was Editor failed to spy: MInette HISTORY: The firs of Demo- j toilD^- cacl South Dakota, v/horo he is sched- projects supported by the Work- the jj'jest GpeaTrer. P3an-r were -Sherman;", who. represent a csahue-and McSesaa were the build-] "W e ! i .*' uled to deliver five addresses. men's Circle and its Auxiliary. ! ' uncle for tin opsa nesting Echs- nietio firm la'Dearer »..».«. s res of oao ef Philadelphia's e&rl-1 "w£.£t are xas Ccfss-


Society News

Next Tuesday

Sacliar Lectures Well Received


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r FilmF

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Shaare Zion


oa Jewish Crisis



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