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8 ...WINDOW This column i3 copyright by the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction to whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any Infringement on t hi a copyright v/ill S3 prosecuted.
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Kntered as Second Class Mai) Matter on January 21. ISil, s t Postofflce of Umaha. Nebraska, under the Act o! ilarcb S. 1S73
PARADOX Boswell lecorded the conversa!J UJI'J t V i tions of Dr. Johnson and EckerYv'arsaw (WNS — E£j:u mann recorded the conversations zenski, anti-Semitic ncn.i'.r of ] of Goethe. Themselves men of orParliament, who was ch-x'caseJ.! t_.s r r c k idinary talent, they WTOtc immor! to a scries of duels by Lcca rr ,1L s ' " ' e .F T " tal books. The art of conversaj Brechinan, president of ths Jew-Hescrial Prcgrc™ i: IT; tion languishes amid the heat ish War Teterans, and fire otter : err j;v-.:i- e:-.and hurry of contemporary life Jewish war veterans, is trying to nor have we probably a Goe the, get out of them. c : . - . : £ : : .' i : v r though we have or ought to have .„ , On Sunday, March T, tver--- £-jN Tc1 v , Budzenski ignored the warnmen of the intellectual, stature of ast S three naxaepla-ies .n :r:~cry cl! C(:r-J.rii. .'.• ?^:c.z. d V>~.r;r C e ings of his seconds that he Samuel Johnson. At all events fight or apologize ^.ubliciy to the | the deceased parent? cf ^:r.i;r< . ^ ,- C v fi *- c re rz\ JCT E „. recorded conversation; spontanJews for his attack on t i e s ia i of the Vaad will -be r « ?-~ c~ '-- c c e r - — ;-." eously spoken often illuminates Parliament, and now claims that j memorial tablets .n the 3'r.r i 1smentality and character better as a member, of Parliament he I rael synagog-ue. It at.1.,: Scprit n than set discourse or ^written cannot'be held responsible for his {.will deliver a sorr:Lrn c- " . r o words. I want to record here a Eternity of ths Scul ' Car.tcr A. utterances. fragment of conversation of Dr. ana the Ilczeziu He also insists that he die sot Stephen S. Wise, which I owe to Singing Society w-.l cisxt c t ? : j - --„ insult those who are chailc* the diaries of my wife. (In these him and insists that ths press priate prayers an.1 s-r.g ".N.cl.t -,0~r* diaries there are also conversaFargest," a: song esr-C.ai]y ccn- - ^ - ^ misquoted him. tions of Jacob Wassermann and posed by Castor Esr-v ^czkiz far Thomas Mann.) this occasion. -«, „ • _ The Wises were dining with us Isa ivremer The two raemor.il ;al":t£ vcrc l'»C_ T1" ZTL. la Paris. It was the. year after dedicated en Sur:d~:, Darcmbc- *'_''„«-*,—,-, the Arab riots of twenty-nine. 13, for t i e perpctururn cf tic - ^ " — = - - ^ The wretched and unjust governnames of deceased r^re:-:&. Hari iiCUr re ment reports had appeared. Im: The.Hew, Beautiful Chesed Shel Ernes Braiding tablet has room fcr crs nurJred — migration had been restricted. To Returning to Omalia after an names. all of us there at the table whose absence of several seasons, Isa All those . who r.re . whole heart was and is with The new, beautiful building of , chesed Shel Ernes which has ! Kreraer, internationally famous their parents 'on t" s Eretz Yisrael the year, the day, the Chesed Shel Ernes, the Jew- grown stronger and b i g g e i j balladist, Sunday night again be given borklcts the hour ought to have been dark ish Funeral Home, at 19th and j through the years, treats rich and j proved her ability to delight her \ propriate~prayers :a Ecircv v enough. It wcs. But. suddenly Cuming street will be formally poor alike. • •• . 'audience.. Prim&/."ly "•" - - an actress ia n ( j translation, ZTZ l i e m " c . i S. S. W. drew himself up. His dedicated at a city-wide program Mrs. L. Neveleff, who is a | Miss Kremer by means ci her es-! o f t n e paresis will be ^zhcr^cC , ; ' '^S voice seemed more sonorous than daughter of Mrs. Levey, is the pressive features and the deft ever. A radiance seemed to go to be held next Sunday afternoon present head of the Chesed Shel manipulation of her iiauds crcat- the booklet. After t i e CCE through him and emanate from March 7, at 2 p. m: at the Chesed Ernes and has carried oa the ed an atmosphere for each, of the me71is v,e serred :n iYs asErnes building. him as he turned to my wife who ;Shel characters she portrayed in hersembly hall of t i e sy; sges-ue. Henry Monsky will "be chair- work started by her mother, i ? j t i a d just made what appeared to man of the affair. All the rabbis j Mr. M. Katzman'and Mr. Louis songs. The public is inv.isC to attend. him an unduly pessimistic obser- and cantors in the city will par-1Epstein are the .reception comDuring the course of the e'v-an- | vation. "Thelma," he said, "do ticipate in the program. Tc-ti ing Miss Kremer sang in Eeven mittee. languages, but the majority of The Chesed Shel Ernes was orZionism not forget one thing, The officers and the board of tor rtace n.Ei-mustn't succeed in a worldly ganized fifteen years ago by Mrs. directors of the Chesed Shel her ballads were is Yiddish. So sense in our time. It mustn't, God Harris : Levey, pioneer^ Omahan Ernes wish to announce that the enthusiastic was her audience forbid, fail. But we,could not who passed away a decade ago. entire public is welcome to at- that she was recelled for fear en?f t i s cortrri v / ; b? • so . consscratedly serve a cause Known for her charitable work- tend the formal dedication Sun- cores. New York (JTA) — As a rethat was not measurably in dan- Mrs. Levey urged the establishday. . No one was" intentionally .Miss Kremer's impersonations 2 r r " j m ~ 7 l ' i r «. r' sing- j suit cf the recent rlE.t to tnls ger, measurably opposed by the ment of a funeral home where slichted in the issuing of invita- included a colored Jewish funeral' services could be ing a lullaby; a Kentucky mean-j country cf l i n e . Irer.ee H : " U , world and the evil of the world I tions and everyone is cordially taineer telling of !ove^.ES she sat i of Vienna, founder cf ths u ' o r ^ r-~ T r ' ~ : and therefore the symbol of the held for the poor. Today, the invited. : and sewed; a Jewish girl of ear- i Movement ag£.ic;t T.tzz E-iretriumph.of _goodness and justice. discusEing the I and Human Misery, an An^r^cn Will it still be that in the days wants to marry i Society for Kace Tolerance Is beof. its worldly success? Are' : we formed here vLIci ir set^.n?: not happiest in our service who, FOR WWH HALL FORUM \ — to' mention only a few. By far j ing fc labor now? No, a_successful cause could never so wholly be- my j the United States. ZI^-F. l i n r ^ , | Rabbi David H. Wice will be a cause. All our heart and strengMissICremer was accompanied • it WES.stated, will ar--=- T _ . : t i e • MissICre p member of the panel at the Town th are with it now. But let us , Hall Forum Sunday night when at the piano by Iran BaEilevsky j United States in Arr.:. lear complete success. - Let us be who proved himself a genuine ar- ! A proviEio^al cc=-:iteo i t : grateful .for: the .'. jsrivilesa of i i i i b e f=ed --working' A:... series,, of Jesrish-'the^Jcslyn'-BIeiaorirJ nhfier " • •5 "- r £ - r •• - • Parents,- designed... t o , supply -the! auspices of the Colonial Barnes, j T h s t T r 0 a f ^ < f £p«?!^I" V - ' - - t ' ^ '^T-%- "w and given expression to one of answers to present-day problems Abbe the crucial paradoses of the mor- that confront, the Jewish child, , , laci, cf New Ycr.; al life. It is upon these parados- will be given by. Habbi David H. great thinkers _ . c.vr-f The acting sscre:=.r Is es that insight is v'.rawn. He whoWice, under the auspices of the particularly/well known for • his j 25S famous book, "The Art of ThinkAranow, lives by these - paradoses is the Sisterhood of Temple Israel, be- ing." prophetic soul, forever divided from the perishable, cunning of ginning March 31, in the vestry to Chrisiiarss and Je'vs, v-.i at the worldly. Success . corrupts. rooms of the Temple. eorabat ail forms of race pr t . ^- „_ •"Equipping My Child to Face .Power corrupts. A complete atAlmost one thousand young j dice. Among^iU .TS.^^Z. tainment of ends corrupts." A His World,." is the subject of the r: people of high school and college ! j ! ^ ^ , ^ l ^ 1 'f^ ^ ^ ^ c cause should always have this series. "Helping My Child to Adquality of an ideal, that its com- just His World," will form the age attended the second annual j jor"ag^j*^v.ioa to "Ui'^C^tci; plete accomplishment is nnattain- snbject for Rabbi Wice's opening Purim Carnival sponsoreu by the j T a r j 0 1 J S c-;tjes Ere V~e Ft able. Else it will reach that mea- j talk on March 31. On April G, Round Table of JewiES ToTith,"| out of the wcra . sure of fruition that is too near he will continue this subject, plications for citlzcssz.p. last Sunday evening. fruit speaking on it from the viewto death, The over-ripe The noise and excite m New York (JTA) —The root .ent falls from the tree. The next point of the Jewish child "As a BIBLE CLASS stage is corruption. Our goal is j Citizen." His topic for April 12th of anti-Jewish antagonism is "the the gymnasium and dancing in the path toward the goal. The I will be "A Child's Philosophy . o l j d e t e r m i n a t i o n of the Jews the auditorium lasted until mid• In-acordance vr<.i a trcd.Scr ' path is our highest portion and" Life," and on April 20, "ParentaT | throughout the centuries not to night. All the booths were exof long- Etandisg tic- 2 r l : C'r:: •lose their identity as a separate our best inheritance. God for- Subtleties in the Home." tremely popular. of ths Ten bid that it should be blocked or Plans for the series were com- and distinct people in any land The door prize, a radio, was will close its where they dwell," according to destroyed by murderers or ruins pleted at a meeting at the home at wl or desert sands. But let it re- of Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld, chair- David Lloyd-George, British war-j won by Dave Richards; and twomeetir toy dogs were won by Ab Kai-of members cf t i c c""s v , 1 t t ' tiers z.z.^ .main a path. Let the goal shine man, Wednesday afternoon. Mem- time Prime Minister. guests. This fine! c^asr v^* b; c^rc;'_ t J c radiantly at its end and still re- bers of her committee assisting In the March 6 issue of Liberty man and Leona Letwin. Ban Miller was chainaiui of hsd Tuesday, Z'.Z.TZ'L S HI t l s c^^cr,^. ^rc cede, the nearer we seem, to ap- with the ticket sales include the a weekly, he pays tribute to the Ir *~rJ ^ - ^ , proach it. Let the City of God. Mesdames Jack Cohen, Leon Fell- contributions <il the Jews in reli- the affair and Rosalie Alberts home of Dr. Leon relln£.n. was ticket chairman. Music was and the Zion of .our fulfillment man, William Feiler, Manuel Gro- gion and othc* fields and declares Moses Judah ~E.sxz be set on a mountain height ol dinsky, Abe Greenspan, P h i l that, given an opportunity, they furnished by Freddie Ebener's Montreal's first v-ctcr-wcrLs. orchestra. show, loyalty and give great serGod to. which we can raise OUT Hirschberg, David Levine, Hymie eyes.for help anc inspiration and Milder, J. M. Newman, Ben Sha-vice to the nations in which they courage; as we tread the path. piro, Louis Somberg, Harry Trus- live. Only ,the pilgrim reaches the hill tin, Hortce Rosenblum, S a m Replying to critics who accuse of Zion byknow'nj that his heart Wolf, Sam Wertheimer, jr., SamJews of Communism, Mr. Lloyd | ' i s already there, though his feet Gilinsky; M. L. Cohn, David Gold- George asserts: "No country is may never tread its slope. The man, Fred Rosenstock, Julius entitled to claim loyalty unto busy, "successful worldly man Newman, Louis Kulakofsky, Har- death from a people to whom it runs and hustles and is upon a ry Rubenstein, and Ben Silver. denies the elementary rights of hill-top. What at last he raises Admission for the . series is humanity. A Jew fairly treated The Community Forum of tho > , his eyes it is not the hill of Zion $1.00. Single admissions will be is a loyal citizen in'lall lands." He at a l l . l t is. a hill in a hell, he lias 50 cents. All lectures are sched- calls the Jews "the most remark- Jewish Community Center will ' himself created and then sought. uled for .8:30 p. m.. able race that ever dwelt on this conclude its series on Wedncr- ; ' day March 10, when Corael:r. . Long, Long .ago he lost the way earth." , , Bryce Pinchot spcafeE on. 'Whrf ; and abandoned. the path and He lauds the idea of "a nation- Underlies the Difference Between ; knew It. not, al .home for the Jews in the coun- Capital and Labor.' j t r y whiei they mpde faoiy : This Is no mystical counsel of Mrs. Pinchot, the wile of the j ground" declaring that "it will abstention and quietism. On the At a'"meeting held Monday, enable the Jews once more to lormer governor of! Pennsylvania j contrary. Thur? and thus only shall our."hopes be undying and March 1, members of the Omaha make a contribution to the work Gifford Pinchot v is a meciber cT j out strength Inexhaustible. Thus* Choir' and Dramatic Club con- of civilization as a separate one of the country's mos. distir.^r-: uished families/ She is a fiaagn-j only shall we riso from every de- tinued:; rehearsals for the four act community." ter of Ll-oyd Br; ce, former e d i t " i feat and be put out of counten- Yiddish drama. "Broken Hearts" Anti-Jewish hatred* he terms a of th'e North American Reviev.-,' by Z. Lieben which will be preance by neither hostility without "malarial insect whose poison in- and one-tiiae minister to Hoj- . "^aianai.insect waos^ puisou mour ranks nor by sloth within 4nted by the club on Sunday, fec M K 28 ' • i ^s Wealthy. creaUiFea." He gives -land. Her granSfatber. Edward ! 28 them. Koyal Commissions can 1M religious:bigotry as one o r its Cooper, served as majrcr cf Xcv,' j A g Aceordnig. to Mr, Ben Martin, come and go" Arab agitators can all York City; and her. peal-grar.,1-1 dramatic director, all i ll . proceeds proceeds causes but stresses the rise, and fall. Wo shall be alarm- •fr.om the play will go to c h a r i t-.j ii ssmm+ .r rff the father, Peter Cooper, ths fanic-.;r j ed: we shall rouse and summon j theMr. JewLloyd arUy imposed 5 them. George says inventor, founded the Cooper l'r.-j Israel. Thus we shall cause the able institutions. Mr. Martin also j a J e w remains a Jew ion, one oI.Kevr Toik's distl~;:-• obstacles of the world never to directed two previous successful J is just '. overcome us. But in our dark- plays, "Mentsclien" a n d ''Chasia | as much a Hebrew today in hisuished educstional centers. During the Bull Mooss Can:- i est hours we shall not be "wholly de Yosame*' which were given by sentiment, in his prides, and is discomfited. This path is the the group. his racial loyalties as he was paign of 1012 Mrs. Pinshct K ; , initiated .into ths field of pracil-, path of Israel in this age and the Tickets for t h e play may be ob- when driven .from Palestine." cal politics. TvIiEn "her •husbzr..'.. age to come. This is the path tained rby calling Mrs. Canar, Ma. r Julius Schneider, Ha. j _ •.~,~~ r^TT~Z~~Z began Ms political career ia IS"'.' . of redemption for 'Israel and 2473; • ; A.'Coltoff, W e . 410G, and | MABIQ PH§€MAM i Sirs. FinSot beams cue cf c"'.-' therefore, in a given' degree for? k Salinsky, 21S So.. 14th S t . j .•., Z2— ! standing political figures. An. r T -' mankind. Therefore this patli ; is' u f r t h e • A program of interest to readI dent sufiragist she .worked i;r ' which'IS our goal and the tread-- f f = ° ers of the . Jewish press will be 'the passage of ths Ninetee-p J ing of which ia;itsown reward i '*<??* Sir. Nathan Merlin is president heard en the Creigfctps UniTer- Araer.sJmeat. •. f ir. Olga " :tr shall not ant1 can not be lost ex-j cept amid the 3-ills on which i of the Omaha Choir sxid Drama- sity of the Air over "V7. O. W. nest • "As .first lady cf Pennsj-lvaiila, 1 Hrs. Pinchot bscaics . one el .the stands the heavenly city,.the Zion.! tic Club; Julius Schneider,, secre- Wednesday at 4:30. Mrs. Phi'i' crandall, trea. —,-.'. "/' ' ' — . . I great advocate of we snail never xeach unless-upoi. I the. 3>^tb -we tre&d we haye.alrea- j surer. The home or Thomas'Jefferson i and led the fight dy. reached it-in our hearts T h i s ! T h e nest meeting will be held •; was •.purchased; in. t h e middle • of | sweatshops of j e r s t ; o n Mon is w h a t S. S. W- meant ' This i d a y , .March S, a t t h e j the • nineteantJi century bv Uriali j championed t h e cause '..•.' ' • *s . -'.• - . "j h o m e o f Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sets- Phillips Levy; a'a officer '!•" - the ! i t e e ' w r t " ' P - - I C~^V^ tz-itee cfi •'.-•,'•. (-Continued, on;.page 8.) ; neider, 711 No'. 31st street. -•-. |Aajerican navy. " - jv,?, r > ' ^ t "to 'o^--'~- •
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. Page 2
! Bernard TrseMenberg were givTAILORING VETERAN ming pool has continued to atZeta Beta I en the First Degree of A. Z, A. Coming: to OmahE from Sweden Sigma tract both young and old of both Celts Winner of the coveted gavel! Zeta- Beta Tan again finds its I A report of the Regional Tourna- in 1?SC. Mr. Axel Ileigren at the seses. Good sportsmanship and age of 17 joined T.h«i firm of G. A. Sigma F i t silver debate the promotior of food health for iAmcviPi Co., liner known as all who attend haa been the keyJ-?p!;n A- Ttiorpp'ioR, vhere he note and philosophy of our De•nneci sf; RsKistP.nt ciutor for partment and the excellence of (many important questions fiftalJ 7 rears. In jEf>4 he opened hia the program attests to the fine contest. Prizes of the. tournament lence ia. campus activities. work and the. interest of the is,possessing the honored. d-ebate j . Floyd Friedman, grefitiEiiEg ; fce tfcresbci! out et'th«> n«xt meet- ovr si'T.'f- tr;ilor shop si. 317 So. Chairman of our Ahletic Commit- gavel for s year, and compctitioa E e n i 0 r in Arts and Sciences, was ! j n g t 0 t, e £ e id s.t the J. C. C. 16;h Ftreet, finrl thrived until the monpv penir of 1P04, which made tee, Mr. Irvin Levin, and his en- thls y^ ppromises to be keener appointed last -reek SJ? a niemfesr j ji-T£rcj1 ji_ d it necessr.ry for him to seek a tire Committee. than "fiver. Leo Eiseastatt and cf the coEiralttee cf ten ca the j organization of the senior class. ! rev connection vith William and Leo Turkel are t i e house deba. '. LIBRARY.. '• Sn-!;h. Here he remained for 28 . ' Our Library has • the .most ters this year. • Arnold. Levin 2-nd Lloyd is & member cf several j ml Fund years r.s chief designer and vicecomplete reference division in the Ervine Green T-OB. the debating other important senior orgacisa- j The Jewish additions! tros G( For the past 5 year?, he had head; tioss oa the. campus at the•• pre: ^ounces By JadcW. Mares*, Chairman city on Jewish topics and person- trophy last yea.r. • Sirs.. ed She firm vhich bears his name frcsa alities, and more and more our Leo EiseE.statt.won- a role in ge sd a ta tpi r-,l ze e> b yH st be - E 3 Daily EO Nebrask- Frank Marks in memory of her si Zt" South 15th street, where .This is the second weekly petition. In addition, we arrang- munity program. The Round younger people and adults are the forthcoming Kosmet Klub < e d a p arranging y y and writingan .'husband; Mr. Kerry. Monsky m he features a complete line of imaa for r e series' of articles on the' work ed all of our Forum mtetings on Table, which represents some 25 beginning to realize its value and spring review "Bar Nothing | a a f o r arranging and writing- an being accomplished by the Jew- Wednesday nights and discover- Jewish youth groups of the city use its facilities. Thru N. Y. A. Rsnch." Presented annually by ja d for the Junior-Senior prcia. ' ! boaor of his motber, Befsr; Mr. poried and domestic suitings and coatings which are individually ish Community Center and ed when the Forum started that and some 800 individuals, is an assistance, we are now able to the exclusive m -n's honorary fra-j p M 1 f a s t e r • £ E d -Lawrence IR n d Krs- J a c o b K&hz in bonoT Welfare Federation. The ar- the .institution of bank nights in organization to which' the Center keep the Llbrai/ open in the af- ternity, the spring review Is "fea-j G r e e a r e c e ived the coraciiEsioiiE I their €.si:gfcier Mlns.m; *M£. ?<T tailored. S ticle below is on the Commun- the' movie theaters was a' severe points with pride and which "very ternoon, as well as in the eve- tured by an all-male cast, enliv- j0* c a p ts.i a i a the E. O. T. C. reg> | K B Over Tv introub. sixty dollars WEE collectity Center Committee, which is handicap for any program./ 1 definitely carries out this idea of nings, and in this way offer these ened by female impersonates jl i a e n t - B o t a s e r v e c i E S f£ r£t i,\e. ed during the P u n s Megillr.h: facilities to a greater number of . Nevertheless, with all. of these you. training for leadership. , headed by Jack W. Marer. andThe pony choruses.. j utenanta the firstand semester. Junior-SeniorProm, of Robert Etiefier Ernest Win-! serriceg at-flse Beth El B l a z e r , .Thru this organization our people. —EDITOR difficulties, Eugene D B t i is. is cochair Y h u r e n t h e B'na; B'na; jscob, Jsc Bete which Dave Bernstein co-chair- tr{JU j o u r a i e d t 0 Ocsafca last i Yeshunr-n,,._the Chairman of the Forum Commit- y o u n g people hold monthly^ RECREATION ROOM the I HemedrcfcS Hsgodol. Ec-s'i Israel be presented .Saturday, ; x agaizsst tee and hia. committee members dances and forums and a number man, to-debate The recreation room,.under the Thia October the Jewish Community Center celebrated Its. ten- have been able to bring an excel- of inter-club activities such as or- supervision of Haskell Cohen, th anniversary and this-occasion lent array of talent to our plat- atorical contests, dramatic tourn- has maintained Its popularity and particularly gave us an oppor- form. In f act i: the educational aments, etc. Thru this organiza- has now extended its program to music. Presentation of the 1937 Omaha on tunity to 1 sit back and evaluate value of this year's Forum and tion a yearly Purim Carnival, meet this Increasing popularity. . proni'girl Is the.highlight of the southward. Irvin. Kuklin earned a role in ! April 11. At tEJit time these tvro MEMBERSHIP the effectiveness and growth of the speaking ability has far ex- which makes up in receipts for affair which brings the formal our Center program of- this past ceeded, that of. last year. Those the entire cost of their program, The1 number, of paid members season to a close on the Nebraska the cieas' annual spring shew the i ErtiEtE,whose concert on Febru16 who are regularly-attending our brings together some 800.to 1000 16 -,-VFES SO sucecssfui, fi ill : Kcsraet Show.' He had a lead ES II year - with ' the programs'of the who belong to the Jewish Coma dancer dancer. Irvin Irvin has has had had many p ia insny I present &n entirely nev>- program. past ten years and, At the same lectures, feel It is one of the fin- young people; thru this organiza- munity Center and Welfare Fedtime, keep In mind the goals es- est Forums' from an educational tion every youth In the city is eration continues the increase Fifty couples attended the a n - j y e a r s o f e 2 p e r i e n c e p i a r ; n g in tablished some ten years ago for point of'view that we have had solicited for the annual Philan- which was noted last year; 1080 nual freshman party at the Sig- js b < s w s a n d h e ' w m no doubt be a Patronize Oar- AdvertisersINSURED CABS in many years.' . ; thropies Drive, with a setup and individuals paid dues to the Jew- ma Otnicron chapter house last. : the' Center by the founders, -Tve d gBccess i a tbls role, a complete organization similar ish Community Center in 1936— Saturday night. The clever affair: feel that the year 1936 will go CENTER PtAXJlRS on record as being one which •'' The Center Players begain Its in every way to our Benior divi- an increase of about 12% per •was carried out in the east side A. Z. A. very closely approximated these season with a pageant during our sion. The Round Table last year cent over that of 1935.and about of New York motif with all the proved conclusively that our , ideals. 40 per cent over 1934. anniversary celebration which deguests coalng in costume. ChapAt a meeting held at the Jewyoun;g people of e^very walk of This 'la certainly a worth- erons were Rabbi and Mrs. Harry ish Community Center Thursday, A~mere statement that the to- picted the ten years of Center life can and will.work together in Jolt and Mr. and Mrs. David Zogrowth. "Their year's program while reflection-of the aceptance tal attendance -for the year- was a unified program such as the of the men, women, and children lot. February 25, Kas&ell Morris and 150,466 means little. a Of much will include two more , produc- Center is giving them. of this community of the fine greater importance ia the fact tions, as well as a children's play.; that the past year has seen an in- Their work is of an especially It has been interesting to note work we are doing hers and creasing number- of new persons fine caliber and more and more how organizations and individuals their interest and participation In taking part in our Center pro- we have been able to interest our who at one time felt diffident to our work. It is the hope and degram and .new personalities being community In the fine plays be- the idea of meeting at the Jew-sire of our organization to condeveloped.. The year, 1936- has ing presented here. Miss Helen ish Community Center, how ask tinue to increase the paid memseen an intensification of 'our Merritt, our Director, is-deserv- to belong to the Round Table of bership who incidentally paid a program and more definite steps ing of. such praise and credit for Jewish Youth and are becoming total of $8,503.19 for 1936. 'In the direction of coordinating her fine work with the/group. some of the most ardent workers CONCLUSION the entire recreational and edu- JEWISH CONCERT AND LEC-of this organization. More over, It seems to me, looking back TURE SERIES cational work of our Omaha Jewthe experiment of the Round over the recrod of 1936, that the | ry. I t IB these accomplishments During -1935. we re-established Table has proven so interesting entire Jewish Comunity of Oma-[ that mean far riore to the life the Jewish Concert and Lecture. that many of the Centers in near- hr. can well be proud of the conand the valu© of our Center in Series and- found that the com-by cities have written to us and duct of the Jewish Community Omaha. munity was sufficiently inter- asked for our .organization setup Center. It has moved forward Practically every adult Jewish ested to warrant our carrying it and ideas so that they might be- far towards the goal of unifying organization In the city makes forward during 1936. This year's gin similar youth projects in all elements, all groups, and all j ages in the community, under one | uso of our building at some time program has been intensified and their own cities. -..;during the year' for Its regular broadened. We have -brought We can certainly feel proud of program which will advance the j activities' or • for banquets, social and are bringing five of the best this fine group of young people, best Jewish interest of all. We j functions, luncheon; etc. • More talent available on the lecture their President, JOB Goldware, have been cognisant of our re- j and more our young people are and concert platform. h and their other Officers. •' ? ' sponsibllitles and have planned our program with the ajm of Inusing our facilities and becoming Mrs. Avis Shulman brought us SUMMER HOME CAMP part of our .work.- These are cer- a description of the development Last summer's. Home Camp cluding something which would tainly accomplishments that we of Palestine and its place in the again proved the need and the interest every person living in can point to "With pride during world today. Ellas Newman gave value of such a program for our our city. The extent to which! the last year. . a lecture on'Modern Jewish Art' Jewish children of the city. Al- our community has responded ia j and brought with him a collec- though the public schools, thru evident in the division of this re- j WOMEN'S DIVISION tion of water colors and paintings W. P. A. assistance, had morning port and particularly In the ex-i Our Women's Division during 1936 has developed an extreme- which were both attractive and playgrounds at t h e . various tent to which our paid member- ! ' ly successful organization and is highly educational. Mr. A. W. schools and parks, we had . 92 ship has increased. one of the most effective Jewish Binder gave a lecture and ..recital children regularly enrolled for a We shall go forward along j women's groups in thb "city. Un- "covering' the development, and six-week'period in our Camp pro- these lines in the future with the : der the leadership of Mrs. David background of. Jewish music, and gram. confidence that the Jewish com-1 Greenberg. since last May, the Mr. Leo Schwartz will speak on This project in educational re- munity at large will recognize; : Women's' Division today points PROPOSED ROADS FOR AMER- creation during " t h e summer and appreciate the value of our with pride to its.50 regularly en- ICAN JEWRY. The final meet- months has received, the atten- work and" will -evidence that ap- i rolled members, to the repainted ing- of. th& Forum will be . given tion of -many local non-Jewish re- preciatipn in increased attend- ; and redecorated walls and the over to a program called a Yid- creational organization. They ance and steadily increasing j recanvassed floor of the Auditor- dish Night with local talent, giv-, have observed OUT organization membership, both in - numbers Ing an evening of dramatic and. ium, and to the reequipment of very carefuly. and! haye utilized and in finances. musical entertainment. the Center kitchen. much of our material in planning The committee Is particularly This year's Jewish Series has their -own summer program. In order to supply -the money appreciative of the excellent sernecessary to do- this work, the been well attended and is conParents, too, are - appreciative vices performed under the most women' conducted several succes- stantly proving moire popular: to of the value and training as well trying conditions by our Execusful luncheons and bridge parties the community at large. We hope as the car© which they children tive Director, Mr. Paul Goldblaft,! and held perhaps the most BUCI that in time the Jewish Forum receive. We have had many re- our. Educational Director, Miss j cessful formal ball in the history will become equally as popular' as quests during the Fast few Ruth Allen, our Physical Dlrec- j ^ flee* of the Jewish Community Center. our Comunlty Forum has been. montha asking us to continue this tor, Mr. Lee Grossman, and all I They have applied all of- their Certainly subjects, of ' such vital Camp for next summer and, If the various members of the staff, i T^ r °' Others $15.00 to $SSSS money to the betterment of the interest to Jewish life and speak- possible, to extend the Camp perPersonally I -want.to extend my j physical facilities of the building, ers of such a fine caliber cannot iod from sisr weeks to ,elght or appreciation to the Center Com- I and they shall undoubtedly con- help but attract great numbers !ten weeks. " mlttee and all the members of ! • tinue to do so. Even more im- of people. the other committees whose work j PHYSICAL DEPARTMENT portant perhaps Is- the organizaI wish at this time to thank Attendance and activity in our has made this achievement postion and cooperation of the ac- Mrs. Sam Wolf as Chairman and Physical Department has also in- sible. tive committees of the Women's the members of the Committee creased. Special morning clasDivision, which have . made ' so for their fine work in promoting ses for women are beginning to many 'of our. Center, programs this activity. prove more popular, our business successful. Aluehoi the work In ROUND TABIJ2 OP JEWISH men's classes and health club promoting Center, activities, 'in YOUTH have attracted an increasing bringing out audiences, in publicThe training of pur young peo- number of individuals, and handizing our programs has been di- ple for active . participation < in ball, basketball, and volleyball rectly" due to the work o t . the community life Is an integral tournaments all have been popuWomen's Division. Furthermore part of any well organized com- lar and well attended. The swimit is thru this organization that all of the Jewish women's organOrations of the city .'are being brought closer together and are beginning to develop a community-wide program and community •wide, participation.' and cooperation -among all of these groups.' • I .•wish to thank again Mrs. Greenberg and her chairmen and committee members for their fine
• w o r k ; • .' \
'COMMUNITY FOBUM The Community Forum this year has labored under eoine difficulty. The Town 'Hall Forum, which Is open free to the public, has offered us considerable com-
1 cap C&isaer's Maca iWi ttEd rl£Mfi ia col S IB. esoppsa Drat, eoo* e i s s s s j S53&, tooked 3. £3»5j H t s ^ - pepper. ta eftsssfcj twos la FreasM fesilas eaai, Co«x wits a caps e n s asa H «op fcos'sraa teSd ennbj. B u s to minutes ta ooonasa cvea. Bsrtea 6.
LOW race
Those esu» chorei Mem ligatst when
\ouhi\etuilptptndenergy.PeterPin fresh Bread ttiih its rich, Tvbo!«ome g is jour best fsod for PJJI pep and cntTgy. Eat an extra slice or two.st raealsaad beraeca fnesk—see how it keeps away ih»t (irtd.'lct-do- n ' fctling. Otdtt & loaf cf tbU SEC.-, fresher bread from your grocer today.
S end Your Perfect Ensrgy P
fsr exi rpreao legs p
1A i i*M bebist.
»"• v
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that Israel is a separate religion I Arthur beamed . . . the Cad chvjrand not a separate nation. The j sred . . . for a few blocks . . . tr^i greatest statesman raised by Ju'stalled. The three happy travc"dah in modern times, Dr. Tfcizi crs.piled, cut. and had to push \.'/r mann, has realized the il.ificulty Screeno-Casino .Xignt - is the [ dead chariot from the path cl and endearcred to handle 5: vriih same of the spring party to be ' osrusblng traffic. ' Arthur's I: ~ a courage, skill, and v'sdoni t i e presented by the Men's Club cf : V»-ES a deep pink . . . r e t due results of which will be endurisjr, the Beth E l Synagogue on Sa,tand Tsrill enable the JBWS enco srclay, April G at the Central more to make a contributics to t cinb. A ;fifty dollar cash prize : Farkyskarkas' -current faror\ r the work of civilization as a scra- will be given. .concerns the sj'ragogue-goer -?,] ; | rate community duelling In. their General chairmen off ttb ••'•;'"m ~ h e ' e v e n - : chanced to see his friend eat r : own national Lome. His solution is are Arthur Cots. Cy Silver, in a restaurant on s. fast cay. ""t
Screeno-Casim© Affair Planned
' /•. • ,
• -David Lloyd.Geor^e' \
finds a precedent and a jastifi- \ and Harry Silverraan. • chided. "You onprlit 1o be eshr— cation in the case, of another op-; Other committees-are: Tickets, eel of yourself, e~tirg; en Y~~~ pressed race—the Irish. Ireland j L . Graetz. Hi Shrier, Morris Ar- ; Kipptir. And -what's worse . . . "What-Can'Be the Explanation of^the Special eand Secular is now free to fashion its c-irn j kin, .Harry Frankel, and Dave , you were eating oysters besides." Hatred; Conceived • for. the Jew . Among - European Peoples ? destiny. Its sons and daughters ; Miller; Refreshments, I. V\". Ko-: "I know . . . I know." replied ;1 r The Malarial .Insect. Whose;Poison Infects•• Healthy. Creahave full liberty and opportunity : senblatt, .Moe. Venger, Sani Steinttires with the Feyer of .Jew Hatred Is, Buzzing in Our "Ears to build up an Irish state. Here j berg, and Jack Blank; entertain- repentant one, "b;:t there's r r their special qualities, character-; m ent, Ed Brodkey, Ab Kaiinan, "K" in Tom Kippur:" Today .with the Same' Vicious Hum and Deadly Poison as It istics, and genius will make the j and Dr. I. Bansky; Games, RoEver Did in the Days of Torquemada." Jack Benny's radio eontr- special contribution of the Irish | bert Kooper.'Sam Theodore, Harbas been renewed for three yer~F race to the civilization Surely the" Jews are the most c£ the i ry DuBoIf, Dave Greecberg-, Dave —weekly' stipend, $12,500 — Haman said unto king Ahasuerus, world. remarkable race : that ever dwelt Conn, Jay Kslashock, S."Eordy, 'There is a certain r.^ople scaton this earth. "When they -were This is how I understand the P. Bernstein, William Alberts, total salary. n^CCPOO, A ! tered abroad and dispersed among Gish. of Jelio, we'd say. a poor people of peasants and the people in all the provinces of idea of a national home lor theand Al Frank; Publicity. Milton shepherds -dwelling on a rugged ! Jews in the country which they Frohm. Hi ShTier, Ed Brodkey, thy kingdom; and their laws are m a d e h o l y The tempting fiDg-er cf Tilr plateau covering; ground no more and Irving Green, diverse "from' all people; neither | sround. •. land beckoned Samuel Goidr -extensive than Wales they prokeep they the king's laws; there- (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts burg. of Keinhardt's "The Eten. duced the most sublime literature Syndicate.) fore it is not for the king's profit that ever issued from the pen oJ Road." His friends advised 1. to suffer them. If it please the! mr-p. When ihey were a despised j taking some sort of cupiex nai. king,.let it .be -written that they j province in a great empire; they 'like DufX-Gordon. Forbes-Kobemay be destroyed." ! lound" a religion which'• finally ! son, or Tels-Napttia . . . said conquered their conquerors and is This isolation has been at the j The first regular meeting of the By HELEX 2IGJI0XD j would enhance his dignity, g today the accepted faith of the bottom of many a pogrom. The newly organized Young Men's j him places. He thought it o v r most powerful nations on dearth, j ' "All right," he agreed. "You er Hollywood—Sol Lesser boug ' call me Golden Burg''. The very fact of their surrrval The constitution was read and j an entire Swiss village for a as a-separate race,, under the ad-1 was not a Jewish device. It was j movie set in Bobby Breen's "Boy versities and tribulations through resorted to by the nations among accepted. Samuel Golde^burE:, t y the -vr Mr. Irvin Stalmaster spoke on j Blue" single. The village had which they nave passed* demonwhom the Jews dwelt. They were is the second of that name T every young man should. been builtprecariously near 2 strates-their inherent vitality and nowhere allowed to hold or culan active part in an organ- • mountain chasm, was condemned achieve stage prominence. Ei indomitable spirit. To quote the tivate the land or even to live but a t the same time most chalj ization of this kind. Rabbi-Mil-^ as unsafe, aafl evacuated by its trard Kobinson's original tag ME words of Walter Scott,.., describin the countryside. The medievlenging truth. • . Emanuel Goldenburg (with a ton A. Kopstein delivered an ad- j inhabitants. ing the maltreatment nf the Jews But the . most unaccountable al guilds forbade them to learn or dress explaining the purpose of i iuuo.uu.auu>. I/esser, vacationing "e" instead of a ' ' u ' ) . in England during the Middle I at St. Moritz, wanted to buy a practice any of the more honorAges: "There was no race exist- mystery in the history of theable crafts. They were not even the Young Men's Vaad and the few of the ho-jse fronts, bat the Behind the hliegs: Going c-"ing on the earth, in the air or Jews . i s the persistence, the permitted to fight for the country S r e a t necessity and ..importance authorities said take all or noth: iegiate are the Gershwins . . . -r the waters, who were the object source, and the^ intensity of their which gave them a grudging, of an organization-of this type. i n g . H e f j B a ii y a g r e e d , is havinc • return lor their composition. of such an "unintermitting, gen- persecution throughout the ages. squalid, and not always a secure Mr. Lawrence Finkle, *"eH-: it dismantled; and like evervthe more inI "Strike Tp the Bar.d lor U.C.L..A. j known singer, sang several Jew; else—Switzerland comes to eral, and relertlcss persecution as What n.akes it all' : thing explicable is the. contrast.between shelter. lira and George were present": I ish selections. He was accompan- j ! with lettered sweaters.. In E r r the Jews of this period Nor- the treatment accorded to the Under these circumstances, the ied at p i a E Q b > Mrg_ A 1F i a . . nian, Saxon, Dane and Briton, Jews-in- Christian •; countries and calumny which imputes coward- kle. 'land a producer is contemplatir = however adverse these races were that which they t nave.-xeeeived ice to them is the basest of all The following officers were I Mack Gordon flips: "A tune is . a film on the ~'Llfe of Cher" ? i like a watermelon—you don't When their aid was to each other, contended "which under Moslem rule.' : The ; warlike slanders. I elected: President, Sam Werner; know what yon have till you plug Chaplin." YVinchell gives Ben."? should look with greatest detes- followers of • Mohammed: extend- sought They have' invariably vcie president, Harry Cohn; .the jitters by insisting that tr-ed the fullest religious freedom •wrought and fought bravely for tation v.) i a people whom: it -was ! mites have attacked Ben's viol.r retary, Sam Schwartz; treasurer, j to the Jews, .who regarded both the lands which - accorded them Irving Brookstein; sergeant-at-1 accounted a oint of religion to Berrie's air-wave offer that 1 = ; date, to icvile. to despise, to Christ and Mohammed as false in- just treatment. The French Rev- arms, Julian fcathan; « e , e a t e . t o | i would trace California crar_e S h i t l i n e s t e r o £ t h e fiav i s Irvi terpreters of the. God-.of if-raeL olution conferred equal rights upplunder and to Persecute.'' the Senior \ a a d Rudy Mittle- , B e T ^ l71si^rS claim ha has s '• Ttlossoms lor a good suit of fl« r— But the Jews have endured all Neither/- Saracen nor-Moor "inter- the Jews and Napolean confirm- man and Sid Katelman. garnered from a sympsthefr fered - s-iththe" Avenue"— : rels ™ ^ T ^ ^ song hits in."Oae the Aver s-ith-the" Jeligious Jeligious woishi^ ed the revolutionary decree in Ihese experiences for thirty cen- fered listener a pair of rea Tinmentir=this respect. The result was that all the The.nest meeting of the \OUBSI , six—bec-n=P t w « turies, and still they are five of the Jewish communities in will be held Tuesday 1 songs there are in the pictnre. ; ables—size €6'. limes as numerous and many their midst." They profited enor- no Frenchman fought more gal- Men's evening, March 9, at S p. m. at times more powerful than . they mously by this statesmanlike at-, lantly for the tricolor than the the B'nai Israel synagogue. Mr. Gclfimsn met Ruben on tVf were in the greatest days of their titude. . In science and in. art the emancipated Jews of France. For William Holsman address .Two film, brothers (not t i e ^ . . . Holsma will w rr.tionrl glory. Their escape from superiority of the early Moslems and tell of I Earners) are famouj, for their street. "EOW'E buEicess?" "Xot sc generations hare enjoyed the j a t ttis r,-inipl::o annihilation is probab- it attributable "to the Jews. Chris-; full in the nghts theyciUzenship i friendly caustic phone chats. One good. I'm back to two a Cs: '" T ^ nghts »t ciUzenship in the ^ ^ ly dne to the fact that persecu- tian countries were impoverished full British Empire, and they have-rei in New York . . . one in Califor- "Ha-m-n, sot so bad. rn-o sboff tion was never simultaneous in by.the w^y in which, .under the quited this treatment by a loyal- [ : j aia . . . they.scold and screech at a day." "No." -wagged the other, ail countries. When greed and inflnence' of the clergy,-;they sup- ty and patriotism which never j At. Foatssslla __ other. "You blankety-blsnk sadly, "Two easterners." I each bigotry ombined to maltreat the pressed and limited Jewish ac- shone out more conspicuously. D a l e W l n t you" Vhow b i U e d a s t h e « K i n g \ sluggard, why .don't Jew in one land, he always found tivities. . ..; "•_.. ••'..; than during the World.-War. The o f Sv- „ ^d his b a E d a r e f e a .!some life in your "department?" Here nest refuge in another. We have had What: can be the- 'explanation most brilliant and successful gen-1 ^ Fontenelle Sat- • "Take care of your esd- of the an illustration qaite recently of of tbe; special and secular, hatred eral in the British army during! Brfifl-T ..T\.ls_rc] ibnsiness, and I'll mind xnise, von ' fleeing from the'face'of; conceived for the Jew amems Em the- Great War was aa Australians j .- ,"" |;^'*\. S t Louis, TTinter : nit-witted -*-%" Then Fitfidenlr to.imore tranquil.-iregioiis.-.^W.heii-- ropeaa-peoples? The .malarial in-. Jew—General SIdnssii. ,-tand.bis band have played in t i e i oae sing-sorgs, "HoWs Rosie?" Hitler drove 'the Jews . from ••'/•all-I sect -vrhose poison infects healthy .They are accused to .Germany-j D e B ! « K o B i e ? » ^fleets the other die v-;r?. the nigh places which their gen-J creatures with the fever of- Jewoi; conspiring to -establish^ a M o l n e sD> e st hMeo Li ni ne sc o Kl no t eHl o t e m l , Lin-I is fine. How's Rheba?" A=a t r ? r ius had -on for- them in Germany hatred is buzzing in our ears to- Communist state.' It IS true inat./ c Q l a ^^ Rigadon in Sioux City, 1I hang up, gentle as two love Sires —France, Britain, America and day -witii the same .viciou% hum the fundamental principles of the Sansan Hotel in Topeka, and j —"until t i e next time, opened their gates mde and deadly .poison • as^if. eyer did Russian Bolshevism are flerived other top spots in the Hid-West; from the -WT!tings of a great Jew- during the past few years. to the e i ' c s of Nazism. The Red in the days of Torquemaaa. ' .Arthur Caesar, in his big-heari- j Sea has always opened its -waters Religions bigotry is responsible ish economist—Karl Mars—and They .feature four vocal solo-led way, invited Gas Ed'vrarfis zzl i ", at the critical hour for this per- | for gome of the most brutal at- that probably the Bolshevik Bevo-j ists, a vocal trio, bacd glee club,; another pal for a spin in his Cr,i-' ~ secutEd people. j tacks made on the Jew in .Euro-. lutlon- would have been crushed and vaudeville specialty numbers. | iliac. The trio climbed in . . . ;Reprinted from "Liberty",
\. v > i ' . ' \
\' S
Young Men's Vaad
They claim to be the chosen jp e an countries..; But the antagoa- hut for the genius of a Jew-Trotgreatest l i i9 ythe — i impropeople of the Deity. There is'| i E m toi Israel was not exclusively Z certainly warrant for the claim I or mainly religious. -The root of viser of revolutionary armies in so far a= it refers to one pe- the troubleisto. be found in the since Danton and Carnot- But riod in their amazing career. They j determination " of : the Jews' these critics of Judah forget that vrere selected bv Providence as< throughout -the centuries not to the Je-pr has in the past endured the medium for the delivery of j lose their identity as a separate more in countries like Russia, the greatest soir'tual message and distinct people in. any land Germany and eren Britain (be* eyer sent from on high. No onewhere h h they They seem to : fore 'anti-sweating legislation was can read the story of the Jewish insist on preserving their Individ-; introduced) from social inequalixace without understanding why 1 uaUty as an .Orientalnation. Eng- tes and industrial bondage than _ it was specially deputed to con- ] lishmen are a mixture of*many, any other race. No country is envej-.to mankind this r-ost exalted j races; still they are'one people. titled to claim loyalty unto death a people to whom it denies j Out of an infinitude of .races the from the elementary rights of humanI United States is producing a type Menorahs. Jewish Music Bible; j which is 100 per cent American.^ ity. A Jew fairly treated is a i But; Jew remains a Jew through- loyal citizen in all lands. Many • devout Jews maintain out the ages. He is just as much
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a Hebrew today in.his sentiment; in his pride, and in his racial loyalties as he was when he was driven from Palestine. Dispersal has not disintegrated this national solidarity. I t has consolidated it. The Jews re^ fuse to be good misers. "When they were honcbinea in Egypt they were not as other slaves. It was in the days of their Assyrian exile, over 2,00C years ago, that
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Tha dress illustrated is but ess of oar szzsrt Frezch Roars selections. Also n s s y i.sspirisg {rocks in solid- colors is this group st . • 1
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Love Thy Neighbor
hrr hus-
The Jews of Germany beset on nil sides by unconcealed inngs his , way thy hatred arc constantly being reminded by their rabbis "To love Ey Dr. «% " - i vi' st tbou i*obllshsd every Friday at'Omaha. Nebraska, by their neighbors as themselves even if..the love is, not recipBy BE. THEOBOEE N. LEWIS in1 abstain •THE JBWISB PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY rocated." . •'••••••• , '' abbi, Koust Siaai Xeraple, SIOKX Glj wine or i and, beIn their deep despair such advice may seem weak indeed. Subscription Pries, one year - • .?"• - - • • 52.00 For the poor ' Advertising* rates furnished on application. c tnuif a p It is no answer to. tlie pressing problems of the day. But it "EARIA" AMERICAN" JEWS"- BY ! jeeted to the erection of a Luth- out of the I n ii woman was because the Jews had learned 'to turn the other cheek' liEB 31. 'FKIiiDMAX. HARVARD j eran church. He was violently eonimp.nri thee, irt nuinEditorial CKfleo: 6Q0 Brandeis Theater Bulldiflg. they have survived while the more vindictive peoples have per- l i . V I V E K S I T I PRESS.'131 I prejudiced against the Jews and shalt surely op through Sious City Office—Jewish 'Jomrnunity Center thy poor and 1* iGKS. •' 1 objected very streuously to their ished, their .cultures of archeological importance only. UAVID BLACKER • '• Business and Managing Editor Professional anti-Semites habit-] settling'in New York — but, of thy land." While the Jew has been scorned his ..teachings have be- iually speak of Jews as foreigners | course, to no avail.' FRANK ft. ACKERMAN - • • • • • • • Editor come,the moral law of the western world. But tliesc teachings ' aliens and intruders. They seek j The . first Jews to read'* ^ \ •FANNIE KATELMAN CouncilBluffs, Iowa, Correspondent Series to convey the impression tliat j York vrerc of Portuguese <1 >. ANN PILL • • • • Sious City, Iowa, Correspondent Goldstein will have not as yet been tried. If the Jew wKo has been the Jetvs came to these shores after j and arrived on the St. C t Print Shop Address: 450.4 So. 24tb Street i;is lectures on teacher cannot practice what he has taught, then evil men America was pretty well estab-1 which 'set sail frcra Braz for She benelished, .hat they made no contri- | 1654. Despite the ncster r i are vindicated. Vouth Aliyah butioa "svliatevsr to the upbuild-' boat who caused them nine Tiffing? t h e Soil . . : •• 'V'V-Cv-V-VIn a world of turmoil where, aroused passions are replacL !', when he ing of the land, that they are par-' pleasantness, they rernaiT.e,>eui<:val TfagOur Hebraic ancestors were an agrarian: people, and His- ing justice and reason, the Jew must remember the teachings asites who always take and nev-; New York "and btgan to Ahrahamson tory tells a cruel tale of how the exiled Jews - - scattered to of the rabbis. , ., . cr give. '" !• substantial, contribution;; t t vonson will be 'every corner of the globe - - were forcibly denied the.right to Perhaps in the future" when sanity has returned to Ger- "Early American Jews'' by Lee: settlement as early as 1GC' •ture will be JI. Friedman should serve to j The wills or thsse early roC Mrs. John return to his ancient work. However, modern history has, writ- many, the Jews who now resent being told to love their neigh- i(counteract these base accusations i lean Jews reveal their Jc ten a new chapter in Jewish agriculture, with the result that bors, will have reason to rejoice that hate was never sewn in 'and to expose their falsehood. ' loyalties. They usually From early historical records Mr.; j some provision for the Sync. the agricultural abilities of the Jewish people as exemplified their hearts; that.they had never cultivated it. Friedman establishes the fact ' and stipulate that burial E by the dynamic results in Palestine are now recounted and that Jews came to American' bo in a Jewish cemetery. I recognized the world over. : ; -i . _•'• .-.•-.: _ . ' O u r B e s t R e c o u r s e ' • shoes as early as the 17th cen- ; where Je-?rs went their f tury, that they in common with | thoughts were for the S y n c Outside of Palestine we-also note what ;we think is a ( By Rabbi Frederick Cohn other 'immigrants made splendid j and secondly for a co-se- <~ LO the editor: healthy progress. An ever-grsowing body of Jews in other lands contributions to the founding of ; plot of land to bury their 1c * r rect au erronare living on farmsteads and tilling the soil, all part of a backOur best recourse is Truth, and our greatest resource the country, that, they were good; one man even provide'. t * r • v. hicli may have to-the-farm movement. The extent of this movement in this Magna Veritas, et praevalebit" ("Great is Truth and it', will citizens, loyal friends and faith- j minyan should be assemble Uif Vaad celebrafu'l co-workers and that they j thirty days after his loath ~ 4 (i ^ evening, Fefarcountry is brought to our attention by the report just issued prevail"). • , " . were honored and respected by | cite the Kadcish. and that e *• by the Jewish Agricultural Society in the United States. In Truth will, indeed, prevail; but when? Moreover, what is their Christian brethren of col- • of the ten should be compel r r •\us. I. Goldstein, 1900, when this society was founded, there were 216 Jewish Truth? 'Aye, there's the rub.' That is the'difficulty, indeed, onial and pre-colonial days. ] vtiih. twenty shillings. the local Vaad Ha' i at a i tlie orthodox farm families in the United States. Today, the Jewish farm to ascertain what Truth is, "What is Truth?" asked Pilate, The first part of the book deals j T h e r o l e t - n a t E E y r a So < ( u leu under the population approximates 100,000, and Jewish farmers can bebut would not pause for an answer. But we, who are not Pilates with the Jews in Massachusetts, jpl ~ y0 (i j n t i i e American P.Since the early Boston Colony jj j ^ ; : Well known as is th found in practically all of the forty-eight state;*. v to have sillied the (thank God!), in any sense, are willing to 'pause' as long as was fearfully intolerant of all II , a r e t 0 establish some me: The Jewish Agricultural Society is a toiiic for Jewish necessary, for a proper answer. Indeed, the world has been dissenters, it is. not surprising !o t this s a c r in C 3ng patriot.'. (•collection thai, fie iron synago/ue has farming in this country. Settling a man on a farm, granting waiting for centuries for an adequate answer to wherein Truth that th3 Jew was. suspected and i golomon was an unr.suallv •Ptf-d with the V.iad the farmer a loan, advising a farmer on his agricultural prob- consists. In one sense it may be said all history is a search for fearcd. Solomon Franco who j u U E | n c s s E a n CIlrj SE * m ear . . . unless Vaad reached Boston in 1C49 end an- ]w i ; a t W£ . s i n t boss cars a io~ lems - - these are part of the work of the society.: More'and Truth. Ephraim Lessing, the great German writer (of pre-other Solomon who arrived in 'i n a br ; e: - gp- c e o j time. K onj.ei Consider the pf synagogue a s more Jewish families, the report shows, are looking to the soil Xazi era, of course) in a famous essay called this "The Edu- 1GCS, were not allowed to land. :a " b r i e r sx,^e o'f t ! n : e > "H*e for their future livelihood, and about a thousand people turned cation of the Human Race." He was the one, you remember, Aaron Lopez is the first Jsw to : E o b e r t j T c r ris who was in c f n \ rman of the have been naturalized in Massa- j n n a n t c s <• f t h e R e r o to this Society last year for advice on farming possibilities. who said 'that if God were to offer him Truth in one hand, chusetts after he was refused cit- •cw fe rt ch ebo^otn f o i irn^sionens of the conipan:oTi= I And during tire past year one of its best works- was the plac- and the search for Truth in the other, he would fall prostrate izenship in 17G2 in Newport | tCstifies""to the treauent r ii synagogue. ing of a large number of youths and German refugees on farms before the latter and graciously beg for that, .instead of for which was his home. As a Jew, i a n c e S o i o m r f a gstendecT fcin 1 he was permitted to omit from t f c e • Arn2Ticzn goversir.ent. omen as employees. ' ;; the former.' There is no doubt, something thrilling, exciting, the oath of 'citizenship" upon the !00™ o a c d V ! n c c d t h e o a cdV! n c c d t h e on will hold Every possible encouragement should be given to this ten- intriguing in the mere search for Truth. But I believe most true faith off a Christian." C h i t i " The Th jj c 0 E E r c s s i a r c o trrr^ "s Saturday a t dency in Jewish life. The more of our people returning to our men would prefer actually to possess it. For many years they Presiccnt of Y.-.le, Ezra Stiles j Usclion"$Z52~7A4.7i had ** S. Xitz, 1G58 diary a splendid hi di l d i d trit i been renaid ancient, heritage of tilling the soil, the healthier and stronger believed they actually had it, and a great religious institution wrote in his. The third part of the bute to T.Ir. Lopes at the time of will be our integration into the future communal growth. . today confidentially proclaims that it, and it alone has it direct his death.' Though a devout Id e a l s v i t h t h e r o I e J e w s c l a r ecl Ii a o l ] i e r p a r t s of the American from God. The 'Truth of Authority' it is called. But Theodore Christian and a firm believer that salvation was reserved only f o r i continent ^nr.d. cs:?in ird-cctes Parker, the great Unitarian preacher of Boston o£ the early those Chesed Shel Ernes t ': who believed in Jesus, llr. \ t h a t t b s J e v - S w e r e a l E O ^~ E t the The far-seeing vision of a" pioneer Jewish woman will bear part, of the last century, contended strenuously for 'the Au-Stiles esprcssed the hope that he •e a r i j e s t s l t l e r s a n d The Clothing World Vndcr One Roof and Aaron Isopez might meet< a n ( j fruit for the Omaha Jewish community this Sunday, when thority of Truth/ again in parrd.se. This early ! *" formal dedication of the new Chesed Shel Eines building will Truth is indeed the final authority, and the only authorbe held: The Jewish funeral home had a humble beginning, ity. If li thing is not true it has no credentials, and no claim wKen it was established through the efforts of Mrs. Rose Levey upon us. But the true can enlist our. whole-hearted and our : share in the we rid to come. niotives of pecuniary gain. ... .who felt the need for a place where Jewish: funeral ser- enthusiastic support. And the true should call forth all the . vices could be held for the poor of the Jewish faith-and founded energy and ardor of our being. We should support the Truth the institution prior to her death. Since then the; Chesed Shel with all our faculties and all our powers. And only the Truth. ' ter.. of the Grand Lodge Ernes has grown into an integral organization in the Jewish 'Keep thee far from a false matter" says the Bible. "Speak ye isoss-pf Massachusetts and s. They- served, tne new lend, rich- i ly, sacrificially and honorably., ' community^ with poor and rich, treated alike. And it is only the truth, every man with his neighbor" says the (rarely Christian minister of that day and contributed significantly in ! left us a splendid portrait o£ crea'ting this land of freedom and \ fitting and proper that at the time of the building of a new, quoted)- prophet.Zechariah; "execute the judgment of truth has tto character of this gentleman opportunity. ' j beautiful structure for the Chesed Shel Ernes, a? daughter of and peace in your gates." The Talmud says "the world rests and of Ills "generosity. w K is Judah . .Manis an'early settler< valuable, , ^ , ^indispensable f » « " « - —volume -/» Sirs. Levey, Mrs. Sophie Neveleff, should be at the helm of upon three pillars, upon Truth, upon Justice, and upon Peace" .. , . ,. r ^ o ^ f T.:e» -• -,' -<« e the organization continuing the-charity work of:her mother. (Truth being named first); and Leviticus, Chapter ID, verse is one of t h e most interesting tof' 0 He was -the first Jew 0 i ^ g s e - T ^ ' - ^ d ^^^^^' ass> ^T. The Chesel Shel Emesvis a memorial to the philosophy of 11, says outright "Ye shall not lie to one another" (no excep- Jews. receive a de^rcv from Harvard) e s "'T G j °" ^', -I[C£li5 . , , „„. ».j , „• » accorded a cordial reception. ^__ Mrs. Levey . . .who when she had no .money to give the poor, tion even being made for so-called 'white lies,' as if all lies before 1S00, and became its first] regular instructor in Hebrew. To | P " • i' 1 f u' | f gave her services and who—when she had money -> gave both were not as black as night.) It is interesting, too, that the first insure permanent tenure at the j wOCI£l End LUitSrEl tsro* of her money and her services for the welfare of her fellow- Hebrew letters of the three contiguous books (though in re- University, he embraced Christ-j The Social and Cultural group j beings. ..' '... ...-.' . . . .-, ..;. ":-'-•" verse order), Job, Proverbs and Psalms, make up the Hebrew ianity in 1722.. He Trrote for his j of the Oraaha Hebrew Club held j students a Hebrew grammar, j a regular social meeting-, Tburs-! word, "Emeth" which means "Truth"; as though symbolically which nevertheless vcas not free! day, February £3, with Mr. S. j . Monarchism in Austria . to declare that not only they, but all:the books of the Bible, from, grammatical errors. I Kenyon presiding. Pleasure be-! > The .second part of the book • Ins made io go to Lincoln where! World Jewry has a direct interest in the internal struggle together, contain essential Truth, moral and religious arid spirdeals •with the role JCTTS played I Dcr Froinaer Trill be repeated. seething underneath, the surface in Austria. Tliti Nazis have itual Truth, by wWh, if a man follow it, loyally, heroically, in the building of New York. In j Newpiays for the rsnr.inder of long sought a more concrete foothold in Austria and went so and even self-sacrificinglyj he shall 'live, and not die.' 1CS2 there came to New Torlc j the season were discussed. the first zain"sier whose bigotry | ?>Trs. Kenyon served refreshfar as to assassinate Chancellor Dollfuss. But despite this atTruth is one, like a diamond, but it has many aspects, like was so excessive that he even ob- ments. tempted putsch, they, have thus far failed to obtain .their ob- the infinite, irredescent flashes from its precious shimmering jective of an. "anschluss." In fact, with more'and more talk heart. There is only one Truth, but there are.many truths; of a restoration of a-monarchy in Austria, the German Nazis truths, for .instance, numerical (which make up Mathematics); under Hitler began to fear for the future trendi away from artistic (which make up Esthetics); truth of conduct (which them. Hence, Foreign Minister von Neurath wau dispatched give us Ethics); and of manners (which give us Etiquette r to discuss with Chancellor* Kurt Schuschnigg the.status of .'little ethics!') There are truths physical, chemical, geological, things politic. .! astronomical, biological, political (and in these latter days), Neurath's purpose was mainly to see how far monarchist sociological and economic. There are religious truths (and • Sir *. . You'll Be sentiment had grown in Austria, a sentiment \rhich Sclras- falsehoods). Truths are'many and various. How from all these "Sold (cr Life'' on chnigg has been encouraging in order to counter-act the Nazi may 'Truth' be derived? « ' • « " « U t , i l k i l t i ^ ^ » movement. The result of the Neurath visit was disappointing Science is the search, for Truth. It takes facts and classito both the Germans and the Austrians, The Nazis in Austria fies them. It interprets these facts (That is where Philosophy staged too tuniultous a Hitlerite demonstration • - [this did not comes in). It construes Life according to the Highest that it sit so well with the Schusclmigg Patriotic Front, who, it seems, can think, dream, or imagine. That is Religion, the intuitive f ', " - I became more determined to push the monarchy;as the only conception of the Universe.and of God. Some call this 'Revelaway to circumvent the Nazis. Nor did it please Npurath, since tion,' but it is. the revelation of all Nature, including Human his objective was.foiled. ' M Nature. '.'The heavens declare the glory of God'. I . 'The law u-r.y fo Should the-monarchist movement gain grounil in Austria, of the Lord.is perfect, .restoring the soul.' This is inner and r natuwhat does this mean to the Austrian'Jewry? Wb cannot say outer:revelation. This is the very essence of 'Truth.' ii,ilorthat the Schuschnigg government has been any Sitoo friendly The Talmud says 'Truth is the seal of God.' Truth' is inKsts of to the Jews. While there has been no open anti-Jewish violence deed stamped upon, all creation, 'truth, the whole truth, and and while the official pronouncements have always read about nothing but the truth.'. We call it 'the reign of law.' Law is equality and respecting of rights, it has nevertheless been a ".o . . . er :M universal, unalterable, inexorable (compare the marvelous, too fact that the government has winked at anti-Jewish economic :- but ere r : t:: little regard sentence, 'a law hath He given which cannot be vnlh a boycotts and has tacitly consented to the slow elimination of transgressed'—which incidentally docs away with the tlieologiTs ihis the Jews from public offices. \ ' 1 -; . cal conception of miracle): the law of gravitation in the physi\->'VF C X In contrast, monarchist leaders are very friendly to the cal realm, of justice (spiritual gravitation?) in the moral realm. . ch iong Jewish position. Indeed, many of the monarchists leaders are Put your hand in the fire, it will be burned. Play With' moral 'lie iv I e~ ,'?-• Jewish. Rabbi Herman Fuchs is a member of the intimate cirfire, and you will be burned also, cle of the Ex-Empress Zita, mother of Prince Otto of HapsGod is true, infinitely and absolutely true. Let map, 'made burg, the prospective king. The Jewish War Veterans o£ Ausin God's image,', be true. also. Let him put falsehood far from tria is one of the hot-bed for monarchist sentiment. Ex-Emhim. Let him be' absolutely true in thought, word, and deed. press Zita has repeatedly given assurances that Otto, jf crownLet him shun hypocrisy and deceit. Let him avoid cant like ed, would maintain the Hapsburg tradition of equality for the plague. Let him espouse truth, or what lie considers to be •Other Spring '37 Suits Jewry,' pointing to the record to show that. the Hapsburgs truth, on all occasions. Let him stand up like a man for hiwere the first royal house to proclaim Jewish Emancipation. end Topcoat? $18.50 lo $75 convictions, firmly, fearlessly, at all costs. Let him say with Further, we are told, a representative of the monarchists seekLuther who defied an Emperor, a Pope, and the Inquisition: ing financial aid. in London has given like pledged. SEL O"v"v. -i r - , X V , , s TODAY "Here I stand. I can no other. God help me!' Regardless of what our political beliefs may be, for the "For Right is Right, as God is God, ' >- I ? i ' , • ' sake of Austrian Jewry we are pulling for monarchism as And Right the day must »-in! . ' 'against IsTazism. We believe in democracy as "against royalism, To doubt would be disloyalty t but we also find monarchism preferable to Hitlerism. t ' To falter would be sin!"
A quarrel is like a crack in a pail; it widens.all the time.
- - Frederick Cohn.
Wolf-White Nuptials ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. "Wolf -left "Wednesday evening for New York City to attend tlie wedding of tbeir son, Justin Eobert "Wolf, and Miss Silvia."White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris "White of New Yoi'lv. • ..'•-.. Tlie ceremony will take place Sunday at-high noon at thej home of the bride's parents at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, 24 Fifth i Avenue. The; couple will leave immediately for Cambridge,! Massachnsetss, where Mr. Wolf is preparing*for Iris LL.M, degree at the Harvard Law school. Rabbi Leo Jung will officiate at the service. ..
I Beth-El Auxiliary
|at_i2 o-ciock foiio^d by • i | W o m e n ' s D i v i s i o n
i o CIOCK luncheon.
Miss White is a graduate of the Calhoun school and attended the HONOR RABBI KOPSTEES* • LUXCHEO3C New. York .Academy- of Design). At-a beautifully appointed lun- • Mrs. Herman Cohen entertainwhere .she studied painting and ] chcon, the Ladies' Vaad Auxiliary- ed the Goldie Meyerson Group at portraiture. She is a memberof 1 entertained 150 -women In honor a luncheon at her home, 101 S. a prominent New York family. I of Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein at] 53 on Monday,-March 1. A series Her father, is a well-known phil- the B'nai Israel Synagogue, Tues- j of-benefit luncheons will be given Sirs. Fred Bcrr.atcin anthropist and business man, day, M a r c h 2. •;. '- ' • ; ,- •* j Mrs. Fred Bernstein of Chicawhose particular interests are the An address was given by Rab-! by other members and their g$, wife of the president of Disfriends to. raise funds for the Yeshiva College of . New York,! bl Kopstein on "The Historical! trict G of B"nai B'rith, will be . the Ort Reconstruction Project, j. Jewish Woman." Cantor A. Women's Working Council of guest of honor at a tea and open and t h e University and East Side j Schwaczkin s a i g a group of songs Palestine.house at the home of Mrs. A. A. accompanied by Mrs. Al Finkel. | The next meeting will bs held Greenberg, 5124 " Chicago street, Social Settlements. • . Mr. Wolf attended Central i The hostesses at the luncheon • at the home of. Mrs. - Cohen* on Sunday from 2:30 to 5:00 p. m. High" School here in Omaiia and were the Mesdames A. Schwacz- j Tuesday March 9 at 1:30 . ImNo invitation have been issued, graduated from Harvard Univer- kin, chairman; S. Fish, M. Acker- portant. business will be discuss- j Wives of all B'nai B'rith memsity cunx laucie in 1932. At the-man, A. L. Blumenthal, Sam ed at this time. bers, and their Irieads are espectime of his graduation he was [ Brown, O. S. Belzer, Charles Fellially invited. voted "honor man of .his fraternity j man.. J. Chait, D. Crounse, 1. A POPULAR VISITOR Assisting Mrs. Greenberg Trill Zeta Beta Tau. ' He received his j Fiedler, I. Goldstein, Kaplan, S. j . Mrs. Rose Lefko of the Grosse | be- the Mesdames Julius Bisno, LL. B. degree from the Univer- j Lagman, H. Lippett, A. Green-j Point district in Detroit, Mich.,'is Paul Blotcky, Leoa Fellaiaa, Alsity of Nebraska and attended ibaum," N. Levinson, M.. Magid, j visiting at the home of Mrs. Anna fred Fieldler, Ben Kazlowsky,. several summer sessions- at the William Milder,, L. Neveleff, M. Goldberg and being extensively Philip Klutzniek, Irvin. Levin, Irentertained.' On Monday IXr. and vin Stalmaster, Harry, Trustia, University of Wisconsin in Had- Resnick, D. Silverman, and >M.j Mrs. Sam Mindell entertained at and Albert Wofclner. ' isoh. . -.._.''• Burstein. the Aquilla Court. On Tuesday From his early years he' has Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swartz gave a been prominent in Omaha affairs 25TH WEDD1XG Brentgen Marcus Tras the first luncheon for the guest. During and has been .particularly well- VERSAR3T Jewess to become a singer at the balance of the week she was fcnoivn for his brilliant scholastic Among those present at the the entertained at various functions court of Prussia. records while at school ia Omaha supper given February 20 in hon-! and at Harvard. , : or of the twenty-fifth wedding an- jby the following: Mr. and Mrs. The senior Mr. and Mrs. Wolf •niversary of Mr. and Mrs. I. Shaf- j Harry Rochman, Mr. and Mrs. invest C£?£ly. VVlsaiy in "will return to'Omaha the ir.iddle er were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hahn,! Reuben Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miss Bess Stalmaster, of nest week. " Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Alpirin, Mr. IGrossman, Mrs. Win. .Boasberg, Mrs. Irvin. and Mrs. H. Glicken, Mr. and Mrs. Stalmaster. Annuity. Encswrnen-t. Uife Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Sam Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron ALBERTS-BEREX Daws on, Mrs. Meyer L. Stern, mmrn LEOH Mr. and Mrs. Louis Beren of Levine, Kenneth Glicken, Miss Mrs. Lawrence Goldman, Mr. and Kepresents 21 E.tfeng CompanCincinnati, Ohio, announce the Dorothy Glick-en, Mr. and Mrs. jMrs. Moe Katleman, Mrs. Anna' ies—Every Typi of insurance ana Bonds written. Ca!i ATengagement of their daughter, Phil Greenstone, and Mr. Henry j Goldberg and son, Albert Spen/C5/ or WA-515S. Pearl, to Dr. Edward Alberts of j 3Ialasho'ct. cer Goldberg. Husband Mr. David Cincinnati, son of Mr. and Mrs.1 Lefko will arrive this week and H. Alberts of Omaha.. IX EUROPE the pair will .motor, to their home. Miss Beren is a graduate of the Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill of LinTl WILL PAS ¥ 0 0 University of Cincinnati and a : coin, Nebraska, are leaving today To Consui* DEBORAH-SOCIETY member of the Sigma Delta Tau for New York City where they Sorority. Dr.- Alberts graduated will spend a few days visiting MALASHQCK'S The Deborah Socity -will have from the University of Nebraska their daughter, Ruth, before-sail•Medical'School. He is a member ing on an extended v i s i t to a regular meeting, Tuesday, March S, at 2 o'clock. Mrs, Joe of the Sigma Alpha Mu frater- Europe. •WEDUING KINGS nity. The wedding will take Mr. -and Mrs. Hill will leave on Goldware will preside. r Those members who still have WATCHES • SfLl SEWASi; place in June. March 10th, sailing on the Queea Mary and arrive in Cherbourg, card party tickets are asked to and GIFT JEWELSY KATliAN-BAKtON' • France, on March lGth. They will check them in at this time. The Deborah Society will have . W o r d has been received of the; spend several days visiting in The new Constitution of the engagement of. Mr.. Meyer Kap-j France and Italy before journeyIan,' a former Omahan, son of j ing to Palestine where they will Deborah Society has been drawn' Mr, and Mrs.• N. Lercaan, to Miss |-visit Mr. Hill's twin brother, tot up a n d r a t i l l e d . • -Catherine Barton, daughter -of J about, a month. They will travel Mr. and Mrs. H. Barton, of Ham- •through Egypt and Russia and mond, Indiana. Switzerland: during their trip also. The trip i s in celebration of the Hill's silver wedding anniverary ANNOUNCE EIRTH Hr. and Mrs. Sam Kaplan of; this Epring. They expect to roVi^-A. Red Oak, Iowa, announce ' the turn home about June 1st. birth of a son, Arvin Hubert, 16th ot Homey Street February IS at the Lincoln Gen- ENTERTAIN FIFTY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Irving Forbes eneral Hospital. Mr. Kaplan is forinerly of Omaha'and Mrs. Kap-tertiined fifty guests at their •••, Ian is the former Leona Schnei-home on Thursday, February 25. The occasion was the cutUnp of der of Lincoln. their seventy-five pound wedding [ cake. *' ' • BAR MITZTAH Mr. and;^Mrg. A. Gendler "anr_!_ nounce tlie Bar Mitrvah si their Mrs. Robert Swartz and daugL.son,. Sam, . Saturday morning ai tne-Adass YeshureV synagogue, : ter, Rita, are at present visiting Twenty-Fifth and Seward streets, with friends and relatives in Los All friends are invited. No cards Angeles, California. En route to have been issued." i the Coast they visited Mr. and . Mrs. Ben Marylander i n Denver. AT JOSLXS Dr. Wilfred.Payne of the.Mun- JtETURNS HOME icipal University will leeture on: Mrs. Henry Krasne has re/ ' "The Contemporary Novel" a t ! turned to her home from St. Jo3:30 p. m. this Sunday in the lee- j seph hospital where she has been ture hall at the Joslyn Memorial, j a patient. < At four o'clock Sunday a program of recorded organ" music will be presented in the concert hall. " Abbe Ernest Dimnet will be the- lecturer for the Town Hall forum meeting at the Joslyn- Memorial this Sunday evening at .. 8:00 o'tilock. His subject is to ' her "Internal C o n d i t i o n s in ^France." The Forum is sponsored * by the Nebraska Society of Colonial Dames. \ . All', of above mentioned activ" Ities. are free of charge. •
! Dr. Charles Burden Trill ad-i ;--!«-* , cress members of the Beth E 1 : O J " ^ T - i Auxiliary at their rejrular meet-! | ing, Wednesday, March 10, at 2 j / ' ? . in. He ~U1 speak on •'Have! iTou Paid Ycirr Way?" I j Dr. Burden, -svho is rainiEter c*' The the First Baptist Church. Is e' c ; E S S „ i leader in the Omaha Coir.ir. unity' IaI " " •Chest and the Protestant Minis-^ te" I try. He is an eloquent and force-: '- ~ ! tul speaker, j spcr.l: ' j There Trill he a Board meeting'TTorld
March T — Junior Council of Jewish "Women March S —=- Bikur ChoTJm March 9 — . Hadassah Lec: ture, series . • March 9 — Deborah Society . March 9 — Sisterhood Current Topics Group March 9 — Sisterhood Bible Class March 9 -— Goldie Meyerson March 10 — Beth El Auxiliary . March .10 — Cornelia Bryce Pinchot, Community Foruta
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Yeu'fl givs H f.rd plzzo h ycur hJ-isr, ihc<j$h*z . , . s^'Ja, ^icKcrlng KRSS f=itarjg Vr.z zzv: d.zr\ \zz\zli I-V-ira v'Mi ? IUSLT/ fur: „ . . cr s;!F ir'zr.rr.zd fc:h:cr:: h r'zh, sz'l ve: ~r: ever a crepe frscEu Chicis t!:c~i !n Kavy, C~\ '^~*' seas Ic? werr.eni nr-htcs crA jjr.tcrs...
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«mi ITomeH*« Sae»—Fowlfc flew
300 EXECUTED IN ETHIOPIA — Attempted assassination. of Marshal Rodolfo Graziani, Italian Viceroy of Ethiopia, during a distribution of gifts to the poor in Addis Ababa, was followed by execution of about 300 natives found possessing arms. Marshal Graziani is shown above, with the Coptic Bishop Kyrillos, wounded when 12 hand grenades were hurled by ostensibly friendly natives.
^ — " Kipper, &t Kenife'jrE rece" This scene shows the chris crsias fcsre=.cr-F cf the shi^ t hat Admiral _GeaeraI Erich Baedsr co^ims^isr" of tli£ Ssst, a s dectinsd to hs the fes cf the craircr fleet. II nr.—ed In rr.eT.orx of Gema last High Seas Fleet cosinar dariag the TVorid War.
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WIDOWS GEIEF—Mrs. Norman Redwood,, widow of the murdered labor leader of Teaneck, N. J.,'aided by relatives as she leaves the funeral service of her husband at Christ Church. Police of New Jersey and New York were attempting to find the murderers who shot Redwood six times. Millionaire subway contractor Sam Rosoff was held as a material witness.
GUEST — President Robrsvslt keeps in personal taaeh \rith many phasos d the ccr""l2rjcrate population cJ tha natioa. Here is Arciibislicp AnCicisy Bashh* of the Syrian ~i!iii»bcSan~ Church of North Aasri;a, was a White Eo'jss visitor.
JUST BEFORE THE BATTLE—Millionaire sportsman Dan Topping and the film actress Arline Judge, in a Hollywood restaurant just before Topping and Pat DiCicco got into a fist battle. Miss Judge has announced she will marry Topping as'soon as she obtains a divorce from Wesley Ruggles. Topping alleged DiCicco made a slurring remark, and the battle started.
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FIKE — Smoldering hulk of the Hudson River steamboat Benjamin B. Odell, believed to have been set afire : N.Y. ]
TEIP DISRUPTS WEDDINGS—Walter and William V,*ecS!nben, 22, twins, of Garland, Utah, as they arrived in New York en route to England for missionary work, as is required of all Mormons. Their two-year service, disrupts y p their their plans plans to to mciry mc^ry Veda Veda cud ^
Rosoff, wealthy New . contractor, held as a material witness in the slaying of Norman Redwood, labor leader. Mr. Rosoff has been experiencing labor troubles in subway construction.
Lucas/twin sisters, they met at Utah State University, ewe " But>the ^ ^ ^ t h s y . w d i wait,
E 7 i E , FCt,"5: — It TTS t t " scrrse old carefree I-Cr.s Bacr, f o m e r hearr-s:?ht bojeisci;;s.r:picn, vho c-rrn-ed 5a K S F Yo:k reccn'-Lj*. Es c m s to prepare for a f.~bt t t tli2 Gcrdsn • v:izh. Ecb PartDr on I larch IE.
"sited tco lonj: r n» is or.-v ^-..cr -o ' >"
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WOODMAN, SPAKE THAT TITLE!—What the well-dressed woodchopper should wear was exemplified by Jim Braddock, heavyweight boxing champion, when he donned a fur hat and mael:inaw coat and posed like this at the National Sportsmen's Show in New York. Here the big fellow seems to be burying the hatchet,
but he's due to fight Joe Louis in June.
SEST PIE—Betty Rine of Sturseon Bay, Wis., who won the national cherry pie baking content at'a hotel in Chicago. Representing her State, she vanquished opponsnts from eight others. She -v;cn a pries of $103.
c:; r dinr; in Rome of Jl Duoo's cMcrt mother on th3 crm of PrsrrJ;r I, tiis-unifcna of co^mar.acr-r3-clz;
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THE JEWISH PBESS. FRIDAY, 1IABCH 5, 1937 to raise their quota. Numerous* 10 11 a single game. Highest was Ear- ' Meyerson 200. apninsi. \h<? Bears.. bridge parties, raffles, luncheons, (don't call him Hubert) "is. a for- j '"rre didn't have a one, but •schen. Lions ry Smith's 211, which ma-de the Tbe standing-*? reins in imerianpMembers e r r urged to be jnn-f fortune telling, theatre parties mer Central high star . . , Lee > we- do get one, he'll be a chzsip." Tigers Grossman \vas remarking about ! >_ . ' Tuesday night the. Jewish Com average 177 for the. three games, ed. Thoujrh the Tigers ar< still on. prompt or, howling nljrbu, *• i are being planned by members. the failure of a single Jewish bdy j .'-" V «T. C. ' c . BOWLECt; inunity Ceater Bowilug League Other £00 cr better g-nnies were the bottom they are b^pintiing to scsroity of bowiert. forces s>'*-to compete in the recent Golden | W L set somewhat ot & record in their Jack llelcher £07. Abe Tender, click and may move imo third teams to bowi t*-i;h four men »> BAKE SALE Gloves boxing matches at the City; i Panthers 14 t own class. Oat c* IT bowlers T of 207, Aaron TTeiiz 205, Doc. Plait plac-e if they ran continue if of Tuesiisy when, three teams h p r Vaad 11 The Sisterhood of Temple Is- auditorium . . . "No", he said, \ Bears 10 them registered 2 00 or better for 201, Leo TVeiti. 2fiS and Sam , bowl like they did Tuesday nig-ht , four men each. At the lata service thie evening Julius BiEno, executive secre- rael trill .hold a Bake Sale on tary of the A. Z. A., will speak I March 1G and 17 at the Brandeis on1 "The Typical American Jew- Store, Mrs. Julius Newman is ish Youth Movement." Cantor A. chairman of the committee in Schwaczkin will conduct the 'ser- charge. Anyone wishing anything specially "baked is asked to «all vices. ; The leather and Son traditional Mrs. Newman, Hariiey 6039. services are held regularly. every Sunday at 9 a. m. at the Coagre• gallon B'nai Israel, 18 and Chicago streets. , •" , : 1
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At services this evening Rab- •With the*long-awaited meeting bi David A. Goldstein's sermon between the Barish-Sandera and "Will be "Four Hebrew "Words Pali Mus as the choice bit of actThat Diagnose, the Ills of the ivity, the Jewish Community Center basketball league comes World." \ to a rousing close Sunday after> Next Week" . •„'. Nest -week's sermon will be on noon. the subject "How to'.Prevent Soul i The Automen beat their purple shlrted rivals in a previous clash E r o s i o n . " •• . and the PBI MUB aren't the kind to take a double beating from Temple • season. "The. Status of Jews in. Twen- one team in the same ; ty-Three Countries" -will be dis- Barish-Sanders ha\ e a- perfect cussed by Rabbi David H. "Wice record to date and the Psi Mus will be gunning to spoil this! at services tonight. . * _ Saturday morning services •will mark. All athletic facilities at the J . , be held at 11 o'clock. C. C. •will be Pilmed to handle aj large crowd for this hist big garnet . • Other contests on this final program promise to as interestThe Council of Jewish Women ing. The A. 2. A. No. 1 team, open at has gone on record favoring- the district champion, will Child Labor Amendment. Mrs. 2:15 p. m. agiinst the red-hot Manuel Grodinsky, president' of Alpha Pi Tau gang and the plucthe Council, will head a delejja- ky A: 2. A. No. 100" gang will try - tion of Jewish women who will to win their first of the year and five - at go to Lincoln on "Wednesday to upset the Xi Lambda attend a public "hearing- In favor rB:15 p. m. The Barlsh-Sander and Psi Mu quints tangle at of the ratification.
Koseltoff, Hsfiassali
.Council ;of Jewish
Mra. George Neuhaus is executive secretary o f / h e Omaha NonPartisan Committee tor the EatJHcation of the Child Labor Amendment. Others on the committee are Henry Monsty, Rabbi David H. Wice, Rabbi David A. Goldstein, and Mrs. Ben Shapiro.
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veal that ire toiled cossiderably in preparing a most elaborate program of entertaiEKient ender the auspices cl the Omaha Lodg-e. •which incSuded the late Karr? Lapidus and Henry Monslcy as principal speakers. It v&s in 19-4 and n-as hrt>£ficast orer station TTOATT (no-jr TVOW> aud TRE the first Jewish program on the air. On December 15. 1S25, another B'nai B'rith broadcast took place. Sam J. Leon spoke on a 3'r.ai B'ritti subject. Ditrir.p; the same year v e persuaded the local radio station officials to permit a
• sptf .i&Iisea in e e n t e ?• piseGSt:v.corfsa£*3sf funeral arraasjsraents,.- t?t
cat".flowers, , s.n&
Is Sherman Mlltort 1919 Faraara St.
pl&zi&p,.' '.- .... -'.' .-
, VJE-2929 ; f i
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Pcrmaaent Waves at" S3.S0 Oad Up" :.-,;.
71S erandsis' Theatre"'Daildins : -
**-VS*1* ** 27th a r.'srtha - HA. S523
Srass, Bronza Aiumtrtujn. Eo-fi Grey iron and Samf.Steel Cast. ings. Wood and S»S£!s>-Pailern«
Standard sizea Eroma ana iror Bushings. Sewer Mannoie*. Cis:ern Rings and Covers. Clesn. 3ut Doers, Sssh Weights and Yellow Brass Plumber*' Ferrules, cornea in EtDik. Eronze Tibtets. Crorute and Cast Iror GU! specialty.
All New Streamline Tables ' Restaurant—Bar Direct Wire On All ^sorting Events Ladies Especially tnvitsd
Men's 2 or 3-pisce- trylt-s "rlv.-CS Surts and trousers '.. .l.oj •" Single trousers .- .43'
Women's 2-plece lult.s... ".CO. ,-i Plain dresses "'.f; i '..
"- .65 • > .53 «.
s ' «neaiiJB5 -personality > Q : u c a a o » i1 . . . . • •,., A! associated' -*»ritJi a p r o a m e B i nj.e \ ', " r i s k " firm (icssrsBCe to xons*
Inside and Outside: Good for S5 20 Jones AT C2ZZ the girls, reports Lee Grossman 'isriice s¥Itll a E n " * \JEuys) . . . Hegina Klein so-o-o-o : . .--.: they're coming out for gym '••'"' Via JCovcr Clzas " "-1""^ ! contented-with J. L.'s conipaay . . • f j Observed at the Purist Cs.r.cirai . The present discussion is on classes in great swarms and putQ i giren by Round Table o° Jewish • the timely and necessary subject ting plenty of enthusiasm into their work , . . which makes Mr. j Youth: Dan MiH.er and his c o s of "Proper Relaxation." Si'i-I Grossman's job very interesting jI niittee cf • -srorkers -wreatlie-d in The next meeting of the Junior [ . . . Reducing exercises, tap dancjrccsirts lar Council of Jewish vronien will be ing! roller skating (without pHheld at the Paston Hotel on" Sun- low service), Tarious games, and <r» r5«,~ day,March 7; a t 2:30 p. m. Mrs. swimming Mondays and Wednesedicts .n n.a' \ ! their com! David A. Goldstein wlil • address days . . . Matron women are also ^racrah'^ CKC . Ha H H Inn, Is3 mif a •:1«^ . X Jp having their share of fun, volley^ 'this er-sat the group on the "Meaning of Passover." Mrs. Hyman Belman ball and swimming proving very } ! Played . .' • O Sweet'-Slitter •will sing several numbers. She pppnlar in Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning sessions . . . •will he accompanied by Lillian .•> .var resseral- sarlsrs arss of you Chudacoff. • . ..•• Let's hear from some -clubs in regard to Grossman's and. caaay otlzcr -produels'^J-j^ '•?. fss&loa. oa. ' f ; charge cf j plan to start an inter-dub sports ask - your.', grocer or csir'..'»V-_|# J -\^ competition league during ' the Junior Hadassah has already spring and summer . . . It sounds s f w ' . s^ca^a #.-:.;. ..|. y-'i» as .« c» our ssen-sce. made plans'for its annual "Give very good, but there has to be HA-222G 1 ,..'•,-'.;'is l'.-4Ssrisawn a t SSrd. Ka. S2S^ ; or Get" affair which is schedul- some interest ... . . Benny Kutler, . ed to take place on May 8th. Miss J. C. C. baskctuali youngster, Is Mildred Whitman is chairman in j doing right well at Tech where charge of the "Give or Get" sind he lias a starting job on Frank is being csistcd by the IJi-:t3 Mielsns' Maroon team . . . Ben Ann Goodbinder, Una Gross, Tan- haa another year — -watch him nia Katslnan. Uettyo Tuclinan, go then . . . Thy best underbasket and Dorothy Slotkin. Trorier. on follow shots 13 none A number of novel .affair? arc other than Hub ilonslty of the being considered by the mainbGrD Earisb-Sanders team . . . Hub
especialiy |««
Hose rerrrds . e~
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ury- i- os super :e Vr> £.nd L.ive" i < . \•'V i 1 < . b
ek, writes as amorous yotifig lady : are ^rur,i.>r£. •? s ! . . . Maurie Bernstein, prefers t o ' . . . Z,rj SxEc,el r ; r c~r so drug shopping at the new ilet-; ViEcea arC .s LCT ropolitan drag store because Ear-^ jbara- Batiiner's brunette heantj T v I I ' T cr 4 r 1 1 . ._ j adorns the place . . . Council Blui- isuent c : L I C t I e r i-g I c r ^ a €'• J v . " , E tc" t . n T* j|h;'S_'_t»«3rrssy JA, SS4-5 r ' Norman Rosenthal "carniral" . , t o ! : • ; a f i ' c - C ^ «•*: "• !. 'strutting -n-ith Betty Rossis, and ' H c b r n p i n f i - ^ a l ; « A " O • " $ ! b o t h e r . Herbie escorting "Dotty" . amo v';~-.v--;-.-;'S«ppiy'-Store f jCarael . . . Al P. (middle: iniiis!;is 11 TI ••••••« Tires.-.-;_ a Wash-ins: T"JbE3 '• ' © UUbr!catif!-v -Accesrscr'sn • Simeniang* -
ej? in America, tnc a nev-
The ever welcoaie xatki bricks a breezy epistle from our cwn,-^ Rose Darid.«oc ^cit. ELE'rst. poet-;^ ess and -world traveler. \rho -vrritef ' J, That she has erased the iITrrcr-| E naJjie \relis of a Koliyvood irsE.ior 1 stittSio. Not ES a picture actress, j my excited readers, brt ss a sec- j retary to oise of-the "Werner Eros. - e»
Effective r,7crch S, 2,037,.
Adult Education Department of the Board of Education, have evoked enthusiasm from those .attending. ; ' •' ' . • • J~ •-
and their friends are invited to the tea.
Men's hats Women's hats
Serival of Spirit.
;. • . eerres also as a member of' I the executive committee -•&* the, .' national organization . . Max and | Rose Sherman are gazing sky-! j ward in searci. of a certain 'birfl'' i . . . '. Jolly Sam Green (es-Sec'y j-of B'nai 2'rith) and his "rife Jean : [areT looking; for the same bird!': f r o m (lT"r;**r'^^:T Vv hatever has become ot the Fre-i t r r n d : n ~ a r " c mont "Beau Bninmeir Sam Ber-! A. H. / . cr-,v-ri
'ylr'^ci' & •Seal 0 s .
1213 Farnam St.
a very
The initistion of a ciess of ever 100 raerabers t y Oisana LoScre B'nai B'rxth on Sunder evening promises to be a communal event. In another section of this r.?wspaper you Tvill read of the plars mEfle for t t e occasion. Since E. capacity crovrfi is anticiprtru TC nrge ycii to mate rcur rcrrnations at orce . . . A FTTT ' c r *
i MI Cooperman . . . Kerhie Win- : in t n e i trouh and-Doris Martin, are "fev- P roducti on erish" . . . . Cong-ratUiatioBs to si Shrolly Goodn3B.n -vrho has just; ( K. O.) : Ijeen electec5 president of the >'e-p .' braska Clen-ners and Byers AFE'H!
A new definition o£ gossip: this studio. They s;re Tiose Lr-vin, j \ "concerns familiar people In fira- Rose DaviSsori, Kae Acelpon F.p.d ]• ^ inatic circuiaEtances, romances cr. Bess Abrahamsc-n Gordon .- . . A i something of an equally intimate card from Charles Schlcifer from significance . . . Chupah reserva- San Franciso. who is the publicity tions for Helen Garber and that•: chief of the Tr.Iied Theaters in "sneppy, peppy" Sheppy Hoekea- that city, writes enthnsiastieally her .the Des Moinea chap . . the ol the city that he terms the leadof the "West. same for Esther Silverinan and ins metropolis Al- Wiener . . . A "Chas-a-neh" ; George Givot wants us to kno-vr prediction.: Ti'ni. Friedea SEd-Sy-, that he has been assigned a part
son. Justin,
charmiag- Xeir York lass . . . a former contemporary. Justin -will be remembered e.s the vrriter o{ an interesiirig coluian under the caption of Spectator J r . . . . -which graphically described the routh outlook o£ the Jetrish scene . . .
broadcast of the T. I.I. and T. TT. 11. A. -which included Pain Beber and Win. Biumentha! as the inrI6ertal]y. seems to lisve- resspeakers. lizpa the CEpntilitie? cr OTnnha' girls. Four o' onr former T r i dents tol esceHent positions ft Hosey Newsy Kotes
Features Shampoo and Flpger Wave S
on your excellent -worn; for many Fred Bernstein, t i e honored; years to come. A jruest. Ke is fcucvrn to CfcicaEoansi and in the Kificle West KE a fcril- • E lisnt orator. His civic enfieETors <\ Arcisnt History his active associations.^ To correct a statement that the induce B'nai B'rith broadcast on Sunday mtli a long list c ' Y;orttr c-r&'En-.'^ noon-Rill be the first of its kind izations. The tea end pen hctse • ^ emanating from Omaha, permit at the house of Mrs. A. Greenberg-'. \ us to mention that the files re- Wires oi E'nai B'rith. members . v
s.y'-',It' With Flowers"
CHAr.:?lc:4 Cparh Plasa
the high-Oying Xi Lambda team by a 39 to 28 margin. The X. L.V.were fresh irom besting the Psi Mus tbe previous week but there was a distinct need of a shower bath after the A. P. T'a "got through with them last Sunday.- • ' . . " . '-. . •'.-' ' :•••'• All down the line, the Alphas turned in a crackerjack exhibition. Willowly "Will Smith was
In the list of donors to the Hadassah linen shower the following names were inadvertently omitted: the Mesdamea H. Auerbach, J. Batt, F. Brodkey, I. Cherniss, Edna Cohen, "A. Falk,' C. Feldman, S. E. Gilinsky, M. •Greenberg, I.. Horwitz, S. Hand- perfect with his one-handed ler, -H. Merriam, L. -Meyer, J. M. "turn" shots, getting 10 points. Rice, F . H. Roddy, I. 'W. Rosen- Herbie Marks, the jumping jack, a kangaroo to. shame. Arthur blatt, J. Schiff, Max Shapiro, Cy put •"Beebee" was all.over the Silver, L. Sokolpff, J. Wiedman, floor andAdler it was nothing to find Sam Shapiro and L. Weitz. him in two different places at the Additional name3 will be pub- same time.-Aaron Epstein, the ^11 lished in next week's Jewish around award winner, sped Press. ' "' ' . ' . • : • • • • ' - . around like he was ou roller : skates. Paul Bo donoff and Benny Leftiz were red hot. There The Ladies AusiZiary of the was no beating that Alpfca,Pi Tau Workmen's Circle Installed its gang last Sunday. • new officers at its meeting, Friday, February 26, The following LEAGUE STASDIXGS were Installed: Mrs, I. Schwartz, Senior League treasurer; Mrs. L. Balin, Record•'• • ' ' .. • -W. ing secretary; and Mrs. H. M.Barish-Sanders D Stein, secretary. The Executive Psi Mu 7 committee consists ot the Mes-Xi Lambda 5 datnes L. "Witkin, s. Mogel, S. Alpha Pi Tau 4 Pollay, M. Rosensteini M. Green- A. Z. A. No. 1 2 feld, J. Susman, .5. susman and 1 K.Z. A. No. 100 7 ' 0 J. Halmon. / | • Junior .League Saturday evening there'will be j Sharpshooters (Winner) .7 a meeting at-8:3ft. There will be Council Bluffs AZi. 7 IS a speaker, followed by entertain- Omaha Jobbing Co. 5 ment. Refreshments will be Ramblers 0 : s e r v e d . "'•'•••..••-..•. ' This Week's gchedule March 7 — A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Alpha Pi Tau 2:15 p. m.; A'.-Z. The Junior Council of Jewish A. No. 100 vs. Xi. Lambda, 3:15 Women's health classes, conduct- p. m.; Psi Mu vs. Barish-Sanders, ed by Mrs. Bess Brown of the 4:15 p. m. \
Distributed by -
'•'•'''•'..''• ~: •"'•.•
most ccraplcic eclectics of fisturcs end 'supplies in t&o . Micwasf
Air-CoR&'Uoxfns , for erery purpose
• • • ' . . •
Last Sunday's gam.; had plenty of kick in them with all teams turning in sizzling performances that made If rough on the hoop meshes. , • Barlsh-Sanders started it off Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam, chair- with a 45-25 victory over the man of the committee, will speak battling-'A.'Z. A. No. 100 kids. over WOW, Sunday night at All the Automen had plenty of 10:15 and explain the amend- •success in finding the middle ol the iron rung while the boys of ment. "Pep" Bogondoff kept right in Members of the committee have the thick of the fight JTor -*• big prepared printed cards for citi- portion of the time by getting zens ot the state to send their their share of baskets. •"'•State Senators In Lincoln urging IVlth ilillard Slgal (The Croon their ratification of the Child* La- Baby) and Iz Bogdonoff leading bor Amendment. Over one hun-the way, the Psi Mus put on a dred and. fifty members of the torried pace in subduing the A. Council of Jewish Women have Z. A. No. 1 quintet by a 44 to signed these., cards. Thirty-five 26 margin. • • . -• members of the. Council and the The:be3t was the last. Alpha Pi Temple Sisterhood are cooperat- Tau, threatening to be. tbe: best ing-in the drive for the ratifica- team at the C a t e r oae:of these tion of the Child Labor .Amend- wintry days, totalJy delapadated ment.:
Congratalatioss to Hadsssah on its 25th anniversary of its foursc!ing| It Tras on p-urlm nigrht c* 1912 that the Women's Zionist OrgranieatJcui of America -vras organized. Founded on Purira the new org-a,nisation called itself Hadassah, adopting the Hebrew name of Queen Esther. From its inception Hadassah has been prominent in the rebuilding- and progress of Palestine. J\o Jetri?U •promen'e organizations can point to a more ncMe record of humanitarian serrice than this group. To tbe local president, Mrs. IrrJn fRose) Levin and its xnerrberphip of nearly 500 ^*e extend felicitations on the occssion of your silver anniversary. May you carry
,-¥EL i
«..k tlsi V, L
Ti-s rirs't article described the MONSKY, G R Q D J N S K Y ^ M A R E R , &\f ^ ' v , i T C * The mystery I3 expressed in TorICaiman'c ICosiier ah and Talmi.d, in law and legtvritcr'a impression of Jewish em737 omen's Nsri.* Bk'. Sia's. ! -.— c *"."" . *"•> write: end and Ljjain and again, a3 in isrr.iit.3 an the steamer with s y a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVISN That the familiar lines of Browning, ts on the first day of January, 1M", the by the high poets of all peoples: tha total, outstanding secured indebt(Continued froci page 7.) edness of H. C. i'aidtey Company. That low man seeks a little thing IKONS KY, GRODINSKY,-MARER, '& inc., a Nebraska corporaiAoii, vdzh EIISS ANNA Pill, cWcpesfcl ' Chuck Gofdberg and Jo Lewis, to do, its • principal piace • of business in COHEN, Attys. : Li Omaha, Nebraska, ^ a s SMS,500.00. 7 " Omaha NaVI, Bk. Bids, Bob Schneider and Geraldine Sees it and does It: Attest: This high man, with a great thing Schl'aifer and Charles Gendler NOTlCTi iS HEREBY GIVEN That i K. A. AVOL.F. President. with Helen Smith . . . B'nai B'rith on the fji'Et day of January, 133*. the 1 Senior Hadaccah to pursue. the total outstanding secured and jjn- i E. H. BROWN, will* b e / ' o n the air" on Sunday secured indebtedness of Standard De- j Dies ere he knows it. Secretary. The Board of the Senior Hanoon, from 12:00 to 12:15'-... . velt>pm«nt Company, a Nebraska cor- \ K. A. WOLF, poration with its principal pJace of i R. H. .BROWN, d^ssah chapter met Tuesday af- That low man goes oh adding to when Fred Bernstein, president business la Omaha, Nebraska, -s-as I K. H.. AUERBACH, ternoon in the home of its presof District Grand Lodge No. 6$J2,752.C0. one, <• : Majority of Directors, 1 s ident, Mrs. W. C. Slotsky. Plans will be heard in a radio broad- Attest: i S-5-lt hundred's soon h i t : More than 150 attended the were made for the Annual Lin- This His K. A. WOLF, high m a n aiming a t a mill- cast over station TV.OW . . . The | MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER, dinner and program for the con-en Shower to be held in April, J, A. C. KENNEDl", ion .'.-'•. •••.-j COHEN. Attys. broadcast will inblude an intergragation, of Mount Sinai Temple, with Mrs. R. H. Emleln as gener{secretary. 737 Omaha Nat'l. Ek, BisSc. view by John K. Chappel, "WOW Misses an unit. "' . H. A. V?OVt\ Tuesday evening, when a radio al chairman. '•.'-••announcer • • . Be sure to tune J, A. C. KENNEDY. Tv'OTJCB IS HEREBY GIVEN Th-' skit was the feature of the eve- Plans were also begun for the A. W. GORDON. on the first day ef January, 18S7, t>is in at this time to hear Mr. Bern(Copyright 19937 By Seven Arts T. F. KENNEDY . . . . . . . . . . . . the total outstanding secured and c~ning's program. Taking part in Jewish National Fund bos collecstein's views on current Jewish Feature Syndicate.) Majority of Directors. ! secured indebtedness of Eastern JMor'the skit were Mr. A. M. Davis, tions which will be made the last 3-5-lt I gsge & Loan Co., a Nebraska corpo and world problems . . . NSKY, MARER, chow, Mr. Mark Sabel, Mr. Louis CohEN, Attys. Mrs. -H. M.. Levin and Mrs. Sol . 737 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. B{$e. Goldberg, Mr. H. Fishgall, Mr. A Veiled Interview Novltsky, chairmen of the Purim H. A. WOLF, Abe Pill, Mrs. M. H. Weisberg Chuckle of the week is the in2S.622.76. NOT1CE. JS HEREBY GIVEN That Bazaar held last' week, made President and Miss Miriam Blank. on, the first day of January, 1837, the terview by a local newspaper of their report of the proceeds. K. A. TTO:,F. H. E. AUE3BACK, total outstanding- secured and unMembers of the Temple's young a pair of German fraulein who the secured indebtedness of Southern The Senior chapter will hold a H. A. set provided entertaiment as . AUERBACH. D! P. ?.. S. are visiting here . . . the head- Mortgage & Finance Co., a Nebraska H. H. AUERBACH, joint meeting with the Juniors on [1 with its principal pJace of Singing waiters and waitresses. line writer's caption particularly corporation DR. P H I U P SHER, March 15. K. A. vroz,r. business in Omaha, Nebraska, -was' Majority of Directors. They Included - Dorothy Davis, provoked the giggle. Hitler's re- *ss.e99 « i8 . 5 . l t Elaine Brodkey, Elaine KqsenBRQWK, CELEBRATK SIXTIETH ANNI- gime in Germany the past four Attest.of Directors H. A. TTOL.F, i MONSKY, GRCOfNSKY, MAKE R, feld, Bob Mane, Bob Cohen, BerVERSARY •.;;..• -•:. years has been a menace to peace, PresidentCOHEN', Attys. nard Rosenthal, Arnold RosenMr. and Mrs. H. Saltznjan cele- democracy and civilization. He H. H. AUBRBACH, 737 Omaha Nat'l. Ek, C- •"feld and Sibley Newman. Services at Sl-aare Zion syna- brated their sixtieth" wedding an- and his Nazis have spread racial H. A. WOLF. NOTICE. IS HEREBY Gl The- committee in charge of gogue this evening will be con-nviersary a t their home at 742and religions discord throughout H. H. AUERBACH. j on the first day of. Janaary R. H. BROWN, the general arrangements in- ducted by the Junior Hadassah Mynster Street last Sunday, Feb- the world. He is attempting to j the total outstanding securp Majority of Directors. j secured indebtedness of Dc^ cluded Mr. Louis Agranoff, Mr. members, marking their second ruary 28. They have five chil- de-Christianize Christianity. His 1 al-sales Co., a Nebraska c: r A. M. Davis, Mrs." T. N. Lewis, annual Junior Hadassah Sabbath. 'dren, Mrs. Dave Fox and B. Nazi regime uses fund£ defaulted ™ » « K V » * R E B , t ] with its principal place of 5 Mrs. A. M. Davis and Mrs. Louis . Miss Dorothy Merlin, president Saltzman of. Council Bluffs, Mrs.' to American holders of German MONSKV. COHEN, Attys. Attest; I \ Goldberg. Mrs. J . H. Greenberg of the chapter, will "introduce the Abe H. Marcus of Auburn, Ne- bonds to speed up its race at re737 Omaha Nat'!. Bk. -Bldg. E.. A. t C J " waa in charge of the dining room speakers. Miss Dena Baron will braska, Mrs. Henry, Maduff of armament. He has spread terror P NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That ararngements, with the assistance speak on the Eallour Declara- Anita, Iowa, and Sam Saltzman among minority groups, BO that on the first day of January, 1B37 the R. K. EF the total ------• of Omaha. There are • fourteen of Mrs. Milton J . Commer, Mrs. tion and Miss Rosalie Sack will free speech has been stifled, and H. A. WOLF.. % A. J . Galinsky and Mrs. J . Kalin give a readings* an interview be- randchildren and five great those who would cry out in proK. K. BROWX, Alajority 6i D - c - * its principal place of business in as co-chairmen. tween Balfour and Weizman. grandchildren.test dare not for fear of being with 2t Omaha. Nebraska, was $263,025.SS. Mr. Hyman Fishgall, president Members who will read portions hustled off to the dreaded con- Attest: MONSKY, GRODINSKY, rVA T A of the Temple congregation was of the ritual include Katherine Plans are nearing completion centration camps. And yet "evH. A. WOLF, COHEN, Attys. President. master of ceremonies and H. N.Gralnick, Dorothy Gelson, Sop- 'or the Community Dance, spon- erybody loves Hitler"!! <i* Omaha Nsfl. Bk. r P.. H. BROWN. Slotsky led the community sing- hie Franklin and Nell Sinikin. sored by the local B'nai B'rith,' H. A. WOLF. Secreted. ing. '. . . ' Tomorow morning, E d w i n to be held at the Hotel Chieftain on H. H. AUERBACH, the Sherman son of Mr. and. Mrs. . n. H. BROWN, on March 24th. Freddy Ebener's secured Henry Sherman'will celebrate his Orchestra has been engaged to Realty Co., a Nebraska corporation NOTICE IS KEREBT '"GIVEN That \ Bar Mitzvah.N Mr. and Mrs, Sher- furnish the. music for dancing. with its principal place of business in on the first c?.y of"Jariussry. 3CCT. the MONSKY, man will be-hosts to the Junior A number of novel entertainment Omaha, Nebraska, was ?"SS.772.14. j the tots! outEtpjuiSnc secu^-Ve E S S . ur I perurotj Indebteflncss of The Vv\--r. Congregation, honoring their son. is being arranged by the commitH. A. WOLF, 737 Omaha Nst'U Bk. Eldffi. 'Realty Co.. a : Nebraska' corpo-Rtioi Prpsident, Plans are ;t>elng made for the Jack Benny has signed a' threej with its principal place of l^u.~""tieEs- i tee in charge of this affair. Mr. Seventeen members of" Shaare H. H. AUERHACH, IS HEREBY GIVEN That I Omaha. Nebraska, was S4.rSCi.0P Zion synagogues were elected to annual Junior Congregation •• ser- Simon Steinberg is general chair- year contract with General Foods onNOTICE the first day or January. 1837, the H. A. WOLF. i Attest: • •' ' • the -Board of Directors at the an- vice which is scheduled for man and Mrs. Richard Gordon is which will keep him on the air the total outstanding secured and nn- j • H. H. ACERKACH",secured indebtedness of Overland Sei H. H. AUBRBACH, March 19. Berten Lipshutz has -. President. n charge of the ticket sale for for Jell-O until the : summer of curitics Corporation, a Nebraska cornual dinner Monday night in the R.i tH. BROWN, been elected to act.aa cantor for this dance : which will be outporation, with with it 1940, C- Lawton Campbell, Gen- poration, social hall of the synagogue. its principal, place o f •!.•; Majority of Directors. Li Omaha, Nebraska, was! " The'new board .members are that service and. Harry Nadlor standing social event of the eral Foods Sales Company vice business ?55,000.00. V.. K. j MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER, & resident announces. E. Chesen, Sam Cohen, Leon will give the president's report.. month. AttesUR. K . 1 COHEN, Attys, According to an agreement H. A. WOLF. Dobjofsky, Dr. Frank Epstein, Other members of" the Junior 7S7 Orosha Nat'!. Bk. Bids. • • PresJsJest. Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Gershun reached between, the air's topL. .Felnberg, Ben" Fish, : H. Levin, Congregation will take, part inH. H. AUERBACH. NOTICE IS. HBREI3T ' GIVEN t l v t the service. entertained about three hundred ranking comedian and the mak- H. A . W O L F , . • Secretary. Morey Lipsnutz, Frank Margolin, on the first day t>f January. 3ES7. the fifty guests at a reception at ers of Jell-O, Benny will be heard H. H. AUERBACH. the total tiutstanfiinfr secured end unA.-Mazie, H. Miller, N. Sadoff, secureti indebtedness of the Cariton R. H. BROWN, M. Satin, M. Sett, A. Silverberg, SHAARE ZION AUXILIARY their new home at 427} Forest exclusively during the ensuing Realty Co., a Kebrrtska corporation. R. H. KOOPUB, Drive Sunday afternoon and eve- three years under the auspices of Sam Snovsky and Sam Weiner. . Majority of Directors. ning in honor of their son, Theo- the "six delicious flavors." Talks were given by Mr. John 3-o-lt . • i Attest: Mary Livingstone, . -wisecrackLansberg, president of the con- The speech class of the Ladiea dore Leonard; who was Bar MitzH. A, -WOLF. MONSKY, GROSINSKY, MARER, ' President. gregation; Mrs. Meyer Shubb, Auxiliary of Shaare Zion will vahed Saturday, February 27, at Ing heckler and poetess, has also COHEN, Attys. meet next Monday afternoon in I t K. BROWN. 73? Omaha Na4'!. Ek. the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synago- been signed on the three-year baHarry Nadler, Mr. Lipshutz, A. Secretr.n-. • H. . A O U , H. Baron, Barney Baron, L. J. the synagogue social hall under gue. Assisting . the hostess were sis. • • • . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That •H. H. AUERBACH, the leadership of Mrs. R. Kress. the Mrs. Dave Finkel of Omaha, tha first day of January. 1S37. the Kaplan, Eli Robinow, IL Singer, The Benny—Jell-O programs on the total outstanding secures! sna un- R, H. EROWN, Mr. Mazie, and Rabbi H. R. Rab- Mrs.H. Ri Rabinowitz will speak and Mesdames . Sam Meyerson, will continue to be heard Sunday secured J-iajori ly of Directors. indebtedness- of the Austin inowitz. Mr. Margolin w a s on the life of Noah and Mrs. Mor- Hyman Fried, W. Solomonow, nights over the NBC-Red Net- Apartment Inc.. a Nebraska .coroora. i 2-5-3t ey Lipshutz will read from the Lawrence Krasne, and the Misses work at 7:00 p. m... E. S. T., 6 toastmastef. &!: writings of N.oah. hirley Gershun, Rae Wolfson, p. m.., C. S. T., and 5 p. m.., 11. j jo The board of directors will Nirt^k: Bltfc. The Oneg Shabbos Auxiliary Attest: , Lorraine Meyerson and.; Leona S. T., with a repeat for the Far meet Wednesday evening, March H. A. WOLF. . "•'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That 10, in the home of Mr. Lipshutz will meet March 13, in the home Fried. The tea table was over- West at 8:30 p. m., P . S. T. Presides t, on the first day of January, ISBT, the R. H. COOPER, Under his present contract, to. elect officers, it was anounc- of Mr. and Mrs., B. S. Gelfand. aid with a white filet cloth and the tota! outstanding- secured End vrsRabbi Rabinowits will speak on Secretary. secured indebtedness cf Overland Readorned with a basket of . pink Jack will remain on the air with H. A.. W O L F . • . . ed. . •• alty Cn., a Nebraska corporEtlon. v.-ith the Palestinian Jews and ' Miss and white sweetpeas and match- his Sunday Jell-O show until the H. H. AUERBACH, Nearly~20 persons attended the its. principal place of biislness irj Bessie Resser will present cur- ing tapers. •" R. H. KOOPER, Omaha, Nebraska, WES Jnoao. • • end of this June. The new agreedinner which was served by the ' HEKRT MONSKT, •,• Attest: rent events. The balance of the ment will go into effect upon his Ladies Auxiliary of the synago.Majority of Directors. K. A. "U-OL.F, program will deal with a Pesach . The Cultural Group of the return to the microphones this 3-5-lt . gue. Mrs. A. B. Friedman was President. theme. H. H. AtJEREACH. Senior Hadassah will meet MonFall. . in charge of the dining room, MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MAKER, &. Secretary-. COHEN, Attys. day evening, March.8, at eight Coming to radio in .the Spring with Mrs. Max Herzoff and Mrs. H. A. TVOL.F. 737 Omeha Nat'!. Ek. Eldg. H. H. ACKRBACB, o'clock at the home of Mrs. Mor- of 1932," Benny has established Mike Mushkin in charge of the To Attend Conference ris Grossman, 210 W. Washing- a success record which has not NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That " R. H. BROWN. menu. Iilajority cf Directors. the first day of January. 3037, the ton Avenue. Anyone interested been eclipsed in any branch of on the tota! outstanding.secured and un- »»-5-lt Several members of the Junsecured inde" ior Hadassah plan to attend the is cordially invited to attend. A the entertainment industry. Al•nai Iowa Junior Hadassah Confer- round table discussion will-be led though a favorite with vaudeville co rpo ratio by Mr. F . Cooper, principal of audiences and patrons of Broad- of huslne; el.,. Omaha, N Eighteen new Alephs were for- ence this Sunday in Waterloo, la. the' Talmud Torah, who will be way revues, the ,"Waukegan boy I12.O1S.S0. NOTICE IS KEFIEBT GiVEX That Dr. Jung of the University of Attest: mally initiated into the" Sioux osi the first das* of Jar.us.rj-. 2SCT. the :he guest speaker. who started. his career as a pro. H_.A. WOLP, the total outstanding: serured p.rifl unCity A. Z&. A. chapter 12, Wed-Iowa will be the principal speakPresident. fessional violinist was an unsecured Jndebtcdnpps of the H. A. nesday evening, when they re- er at the conference and Miss H. H. AUERBACH, Wolf CoTTspar.y, a Nebraska corporaThe Council Bluffs Lodge No. known to the great majority of Secretary. Bertha Gqrtenberg, r e g i o n a l tion, -wit^ its princ'p^i plp.re of busceived their first degree initiaH, A. 688 of the B'nai Brith will hold radio listeners just a few years WOLF, iness in Omahs, Nebraska, was $107,tion before the B'nai B'rith meet- president will attend. H. H.AUEKEACH, 255.SS. a regular meeting Monday eve- ago. . R. H. BROWN, Attest: Ing "in the JewiBb. Community ning, March;. 8, at 8:30 o'clock Kajority of Directors. Early in 1934 — when he had , H . A. TTOLF, Center. Edwin. W. Baron, presat the Eagle Hall.' Plans will be been on the air less than two 2-5-lt Prpsidrnt, ; ident of the B nai B'rith lodge E . H. AUEHBACH, made for the Dance to be given years-^—the nation's radio editors MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER, & Secretary. presided. - • COR EN, Attys. Mr. and Mrs. Harry HoldowH. A. TVOU", 737 Omaha Nsfl, EK. Bigg, • The new A. 2 . A. members in- sky, 603 Iowa Street, announce on March 25. a t the Hotel Chief- voted him th econntry's outstandH. H. AUKP.BACK, ing kilocycle comic. Then he tain. • R, H. BKOWN, clude Bob Marx, Nathan Orllkoff, the'engagement of their daughcame under the Jell-O banner in NOTICE 13 HKUEBT GIVEN That} J.Ia.iorisy of Directors. Calmon Levich, Bob Cohen, Paul ter, Miss jilosei Holdowsky, to the first day of Jamiary. 1837. ttie ' <> • ,» Missse Lydia and Sylvia Ross, October, 1934. From that time on the total outstantjins secured and'un-l "" Schwartz, Lloyd Levich, Charles Marvin Krpckover, .2916 Jendaughter of Mrs. R. E; Ross, are his Sunday'night NBC programs secured Sndebtedr.sss of Northern Shindler, Lawrence Mushkin, nings Street, son of Mrs. Rose &. Ftnance Co., a Nebraska today for an Indefinite have been voted the overwhelm- ^Tortjrsg-e corporation, %vith its principal place of Sam Rivln, Morris Ginsberg, Sam Krockover. of Kansas City, Mo. leaving visit in Los Angeles, California, ing favorites among all type3 of business in Omaha, Nebraska, wag Edelman, Leonard Jacobson, MarThe wedding will be an event where they will visit "with rela- broadcasts in every successive vin Kline, Dave Tilevltz, Vernon of this summer. tives and friends. Several fare- National Radio Editors' Poll. Attest: H. A. WOLF. Montrose, Morris Aizenberg, HarP President. well parties have been given In This fs particularly significant acold Lefkovlch, and Toby Shind• H. H. AUEREACH, Mr. and-Mrs. J . Cohen, with their honor -prior to their depar- cording to authorities, when it is Secretary. ler. their, daugh'ter Rose, and son, H. A. WOT^P. considered that his 30-rainute The program also included a Milton, have arrived in Sioux ture. H. H. AUERBACH, show competes successfulI. B. ZIMMAN. debate with Dave Olensky up- City from Patterson, N. J. to Sam Sacks left Wednesday for Jell-O ly with full-hour programs. A. W. GORDON, 'holding the affirmative side and make their home, and are "resid- Hartfort, • Majority of Directors. Connecticut for a visit 3-5-lt Haskell Lazere the negative, on ing at 215 Twentieth street. Mr.
, &
5. \
^ ' N Ttiac
Secretary. V OL.F, 'On ectors.
* C i \ K S That '' '9S7. the •
1 ri and un•• -- . oi-pora1 ' 1 < t>f h u s v a s $74,-
fesooesii II nine II
Shaare Zion
Jell-O'Signs ..Up Jack Benny for. 3-Year Contract
Directors Elected ' at Shaa're Zion
Society News
the question .of " the Samuel, Marks, Bearsted plan for mass emigration of Jews from Germany. Joo Goldstein-spoke on The Jews in the Upbuilding of Germany and Jack Merlin led the A. Z. A._members in .a group of songs. " :-.-.'
Cohen is a brother of Sam Cohen. Sioux Apartments*
Mrs. Philip Sherman, 1704 Douglas street, departed Tuesday evening for Chicago, where she will spend a week with friends and relatives.
Gerald Cohen, 1720 Jones St., left Monday evening for Chicago, • The Junior Hadassah chapter where he will spend several days.
hold a round table meeting WedMrs. Ben Pill, 2002 Summit nesday evening In the Jewish Comunity Center when Rabbi H. Street, returned .home Tuesday R. Rabinowits epoke on Politi- after, a stay of .several days in Omaha. cal Zionism. '•' Wednesday evening the cultural group will meet in the home of Miss Nell Sinikin and Miss (Continued from page 1) Bea Resser will speak on "The Protocols of Zionism — The is what Martin Buber means by Greatest Lie in History." saying that we can reach Zion only by the way of Zion. Thi3 from another angle is the central Idea. of Franz Werfel's Eternal Rabbi' Theodore N- Lewis will Road." All high raen of all agea speak this evening at Mount Sin- and all faiths. have ' shared the ai Tecaple on "The .'judicial1 Is- knowledge of this secret and'-of sue." , thig. mystery and have therefore The Templo Sisterhood will been, to the wonder of the worldmet this afternoon in-the" Annex ly, happier and serener than the following a one o'clock luncheon. men of the market-places with Rabbi Lev/is delivered fivoad- their full * purses and rotund (Irc^sea boforo different groups paunches/ their goals reached, in Yankton, South Dakota Mon- their ends accomplished, their rlr.y morning and afternoon. success- won, their souls - dead.
with relatives. He expects to be gone about two weeks.
Mrs. J. Siegel entertained twenty guests at a Bridgo Party, followed by a supper, at her home Sunday afternoon in honor of Miss" Sadie Tatelman of Omaha, whose, marriage to Mr. • Harry Janger wil ltake. place on March
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liVERY employee your hunibie su!> Iscf .. eager to serve you, A King's ransom could .not. buy better food cr a more comlortcibls bed Cofles Shop... Cocktail Bdr . . . iauious Walnut dining room. 450 rooms with bc:h ., cc< waier. Garage in cennecfior? - '-''
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Chevrolet Tops ^ : Automobile List
Chevrolet's position in the automobile industry is revealed in its announcement o£ complete figures for new car registrations in the United States iu 1935, showing a total 0! 830,250 new 1 4 . • -.: • ' .• Chevrolet passenger cara licensed in the country. Ben- Scharf of Mlnenapolls, A comparsion with the indusMinnesota spent the past week try as a whole shows that ot the end here visiting at the home of 3,404,497 new cars registered is ' his uricie and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.the United States, 27.3 per ceat j Joe ^Scharf, and his sister, Miss were Chevrblets. The Chevrolet ! Ruth Scharf. gain of 2/3,552 over the previous j year .was s o r e than- double that I Mrs. L. Wolinsky of St. Joseph, of, auy other manufacturer, asjU Missouri spent the past week exceeds tha combined . gains of here visiting at-the home of her the eeven makers ranking- fronj son-in-law and daughter, Mr. second to eighth place ia regisand Mrs. Leo Meyerson, 750 trations. .. Mynster Street, and . their Infant In . truck . registrations also, son, Larry Brain,' who was born Chevrolet held first place by 1 February 18. 204,344 ..units, as compared with 1 •167,128 for. .1,935. Chevrolet1.', ;\ All news items for this column lead in trucks over the nest higb- ' should be reported to Miss Fan- est.'manufacturer was 27,10-J 1 nie K'atelman, phone 4491 or units. . 6,50, before five o'clock each Tuesday afternoon in order to assure publication in the current issue'ot'th'e Jewish Press. Romo — . The important Italian- organ Gazetta del Popolo be In 1S30 a number of "Algerian gan s series of .articles on PalesJews arrived in Boston.:. There tins by tb9 vr&li kaorva w-rits^ Is no- trace of them today. ' ""'' Mario Soberro. •;
I" T the
1 f ini u n >> hh Uus & > "•• i>«iHtion, 1 it<-ines8 In out
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