March 12, 1937

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- ~--£lUa. i l l colaam S3 copyright t>y tag Seven, .Arts. 5"eataxe Syndicate.- Ss>prodticlioa ia T7holo or la -part strictly forbidden. Any Infrlnsasneat on t h i s copyright "will'-ba

' Eatsred a s EEccnd C2ar3-&Isil JSIatter ca Jssusxy 21. ISE2, a t •Pcstoftiea d Omaha, Jtehrasaa. cader tho. Act of .March 3. 1S7!>

-ISo, 1 1 ,






When I am tired and need t6 l a , amused and stirred at the same time I take up the book3 of ELECTION RhZ Kurt Tucholsky. Not quits as often since the newB came last sumi" ^eo Scawarz. author of London (WNS) —Political anmer by Associated Pres3 from ^ewisn Caravan," will fee ti-Semitismts first - bid for power Sweden that Tucholsky, who had | fourth ipeater on t i e Jewish lecin Great Britain was crushed unfor years:.carried about "with him r jUire and Concert Series when he der an avalanche of anti-Fascist 1 a -rial of powerful poison, had fi- "President's Class" of 120 Hew labor votes when all sis candi- Defends Tastica "at j talks here Tuesday, Starch £3, on i . nally drunk its contents in Stock- ••'. . • •'. . M e m b e r s ' I s j "Proposed Roads for American ; dates of Sir Oswald Mosley's Brit• •• • . P r e s e n t e d holm and had left a -world which •i Jewry." ' ish Union in the London County he loved so intensely. * • 1 • -Sir. Schwartz is widely known Council elections were swamped ! iVC The Omaha lodge of B'nai by Laborites in the East End disDefending, the rights or labor |f o r n i s outstanding work in t h e ' He was in his forty-sixth year. to organize, Mrs. Cornelia, Bryeo eld of progressive education. He i He'd made a good deal of money B'rith honored Mr. and Mrs. tricts. ot ^ w ^ „, _ „ „. „ _ . the former so-- j i s - t a e GTS&nizBrdirector DZGP sa<i by hia Trritings and had of course Fred Bernstein of Chicago at a In the Country as a whole La- j _ _ o t > banquet at the Jewish Communbor retained control, winning ! eraor of Pennsylvania, traced t h e j o r t h e S c a o o l f o r A d u l t Je wsih i 6S taken the money out of Germany, of the firsj 94 seats wliich : were jd e T e , l D p m e B t ot the indcstnal j Education and is engaged In sev- Wasting-ton, D. C. (FXS) — : I have been told by friends who ity Center last Sunday evening. family ' agencies ' show a , filled. "• The! revoluUon before the Cciaiounity », e r a l experimental" educational knew him that>he had additional ; Mr. Bernstein, president of disForam smaller reduction in total relic! trict No. -6 of B'nai B'rith, spoke best showj > "Wednesdaynight.. In her, programs. • . means and that his health -was expenditures for the past yer" good. His last book, published in on the history of the organiza- ^ 6 ^ _ ^ _ where they ^ c t n r ® s ^ eto}d ol h e r TiBl}B t o J During the past several years than either Eois-sectariBE o^ 1932, .showed him .at the "very tion and its philosophy. polled 23 per cent of the t o t a l | F l m t d a r i n s t l i e r e c e H t 'sit-down• ji s h a s l e d 6tudent groups to Ear- Catfeclic Effeacies, apccriling to " s t r i e of c a t a c e "The President's Class" comheight of' his amazing talent, if vote. In Shoreditch the Fascist | ^ _ • ? * T fer J ^ ^ " ] o?e ana Palestine. bulletin on'private and public renot genius. Before going to Swe- posed of 120 new B'nai B'rith vote was 14 percent and in Lime- | with John Lewis, lief in urban aress published "c leader of the C. I. O. den he had long lived in France. members was presented to Sir. house it was 10 per cent. the Social Security Board. Bernstein by Julius Bisno, chair"John Lewis is a man who alThe ferocity of his- attacks on Seventy-one Jewish organisaways keeps hia word," Sirs. • Pincontemporary Germany, his Jew-man of the membership camtions reported s. drop of 4.3 per chot said, recounting -that during ishness, his pacifist and radical paign. A gold B'nai B'rith cest in relief .costs between Ocher .husband's administration, leanings made him an almost in- was tawarded to Abner Kaiman tober 1935 a Ed. October 1FJI", z: Pinchot and Lewis hs3 several evitable object.for, the onslaughts for having obtained the largest) ccrnpared with s. refiuctic-n cf B.C meetings. "He has a superb sense of those bands of Nazi gangsters number of new members during per cent in Eca-sectErisn arenrof timing, Snowing when'to nisrl: who had long ago murdered Wal- the campaign.. ies and 11.6 per cert in Catholic time, when to hold bseS, azs :Lapel crests for outstanding ter Rathenau and cracked the agencies. when to go ahead." work in the campaign were pre• skull of Maximilian. Harden. Tet ! westioa Arises in sented to Milton Abrhams, Jul"The invention of steam•when these gangsters and murderers actually came into power ius Bisno, Henry Chait, Harry B. Arabs • Start "Hew. Terrors as ed -the face of the community. Fiedler, David Mass production brought the I . v ^ k l i L U* and Tucholsky knew that a re- Cohen, Alfred . *> Palestine Awaits j woria out of an 'economy of scar-' turn to Germany was impossible Finkle, Dr. A. Greenberg, Philip Washington, D. C. (TTXS) — ! Developments . • j city into an- economy cf 'planer," j and that within his lifetime Ger- Klutznlck, Ben K&zlowsky, Bph'he Federal Housing Administra- j raim Marks and William Weiner. according to the speafeer. "Thej ! many was not likely ,to be the •a is powerless to forbid res- \ Jerusalem (Havas via JTA) — The HEW members were forGermany of his outraged love New disorders broke out in the jprodectioa .Of goods oa saca- a j trictions against Jews or Negroes» mally initiated during the banre-1jSSjaa add ee ee dd ss tQ { ri tQ pp rr C C p ee rr tt yy ii n n housing I and dreams, he took his own life. Holy Land last week as leaders' huge scale brought" aboat a rpM&, Sit, « . ta-a :. He was born in Berlin in 1S90 quet. Cantor Aaron Edgar and "of the Arab world gathered at daction of man's working; hours." j geTe3opraeBts cr snMivisions cr, \ to tell j ^ fcose rsortgage loans it grants and -as a very young man began Mecca and conferred en the fu- - Mrs. Pinchot. "srent ca Virtual Civil' War Eag-c to contribute essays, sketches, sa- Bernstein, Ida Gitlin, and ture course of Near Eastern pol- that this system brocsht abost a j ortgage insurance to private; rehce. Finkel,.. accompanied by U. S. Kasi Sisnis as maldistribution of iacoiae. "This sdtag agencies. Tils was tbe I tires, poems -to the famous weekitics. . j maldistribution of Sappe Ousted statement isa^e b r W. 3. Lock- ! ly journal founded and edited by Betty Fellman, sang during the A band of Arabs attacked a • or.e of the causes of. the fieprw-1 assistant cepnty adisinis-i w o o i U Siegfried Jacobsohn, . "Die "Welt- ceremony. ; ! Dr. A. Greenberg acted as mounted police patrol near .Lake sion as-the .United States was at t r a t o r o f t h e F H A t 0 t h e S e r e a | New York (TOCS) — Virtual buhne' r , which he edited for some Huleh and was routed after a toastmaster. a stage when capital iErestnrais A r t g F e a t u r e in res-j jcivil war is rasi-ng i s Nazi ranks i years after Jacobsohn's untimely sharp clash. ; In New York £s a result of the : pe6ar(lia death and which still exists as an Because of increasing out-' were not needed- and pp oo nn ss ee tt o o aa nn i- n in ^ ^ forcible diEmisssl of Walter Kapp e 6 a r ( l i a emigre publication in Prague and jNewChesed Shel breaks In ' Northern Palestine, tlve power was. . The very rich pe . and Kurt Klinge, managir.g rt t h a t t h aF H A t a dr < 1 E r . ; is for sale a t a . well-known Fifth authorities today banned all traad1 S E t e e d . a mostgaLS9 loan on tbe!editors, and Alex Guesseleld, •Avenue bookshop. Thus it will veling after nightfall between saved their money."-. vertising- -manapFr, cf thee DeutDescnblng a.typJcal Ifldnstnal | rmepe residential develop-: W i a d e be seen that Tucholsky "would Dedicated Sunday Safed and Acre. The Govern- plant, the speaker.told of backer 1 m e a t i a S e a t t l e w t i c l l b a r r e d : scaer "Weckruf and Eeobacfeter, . not even • have "been silenced by ment also increased its military control, huge coacentratioa .«*| j v a and "Negroes. • Empnasising ; official1 orgran cf the German- [ resources, high .executive ] -e^ a r t h e F H A " does-not Tend Tedexile. Tet the pen fell from his A capacity attendance "enthus- and public,security budget appro- capital tl high executve} ; American Bund. salaries, and tremendous profits, ] , , ^ £Ctg . hand. Why? iasticaily applauded the program priations by ?1, 150,000 to com- while the workers were paid low' £ r £ l n n ( s b a t B t a Til© ttree were ousted from He was a great wit and a great formally dedicating the hew bat the new outburst of violence. wages and.were.faced wita an ia.- lasurance agency fcr isortgsg-e tae oIHce of the Weckrul ia loans made' by private leading ; The conference at Mecca coinmaster • of language. He was aChesed Shel Emes building at "N—Bgescies - according to .the terras j Yorkvule t r a platoon of uniVirtuoso of German prose com-. 19th and.Cumlng streets Sunday ciderwTth^TiL^mage^TomTli | ™??Z*,?%Ji?Z> formed storm troopers SiCting on "rece 'A strosg labor "laovciaeni is and. conditions 'of t a e National : . parts of the Moslem world to pay | . parable tQ some first-rate master afternoon. l"^-!.necessary--for decent "wa^ss. A Honsing Act, l!r. Locfewood said Henry Monsky was chairman of homage to. the shrine of "the of an instruments-' Under- hia fuehrer -In America... who- had re- -niar.y, ' .strong, labor: .Eiorsm-ent is tc-s touch the language could effort- tas affair. Participating in the phet Moaammed st Jlecci; 'King .best defense -against A **».'CJ.SSJ3!1» XX*.** that- 'restrictive covenants conf3=i2e-3 -in; cesds 'afleeUn^ • sales : ; lessly thunder and cry, laugh and projftaza were the rabbis--and can- Ghasi--of: Iraq, .lbs • Sand; oj- Te-duEtrles ;ia_. e?grT_ ctJs '" ; ' T;>: '•»-'i't.2ilB;.12r-Eub-d;visiD3 ar« • Tiered lia. "" " " ^- "-'- "" " i- -e2iiefs -froia' all -parts ot > -CQntribudd tors-of .tiie br the AdaiiEistratlOBL -in COEISSClaugh ofteneaCf'~'^Sr*li&^%as," as tlons" to the work of the Jewish Arabia-and the Levant gathered.] of: labor to .orgssis-s tweaty lioa -with, their effect rpoa the in solemn ^conclave to decide, if ixigbta j I have said, a great wit, but also FirnereT~Hoine were received. * ]ysars ago." ; ' •/:'. property ana its circle ci Kasi2oni In G-friscn*-. • trip 'ATft a great humorist. And, in addiThe Chesed Shel Ernes was or- possible, on a joint pan-Arab pol-1i - Mrs. Pin-ehot was Introduced by 'isarketkbiijty-o£ : KuliE. "r.nfi Sis frllcTTErF Ccirry cut t.cere 'is v £ t i e . ' • ' • tion, he had the soul of a lyrist ganized fifteen Tears ago by Mrs. icy. j Dr. Olga Stastny. • Engene Blazorders from FrcpEretSa Kla5?- : rpce. ridi - and the modern" novelist's touch Harris Levey, Her daughter, Mrs. The nub of the discussion "was j er, caairraan of the • Poraia pre- ; Pointing.out tiat 'the Xational ter GoeSbels and Tninelin Eohel, ences he; in the delineation of. character. L. NevelefX, is head of the organ- the Palestine issue, where the j sided. This was tlie coacluding Houelng Act and tbe regulations who was rece-tly appointed lead-' that ~*':t > • of the FHA. "eoataia no restric- er c* all Gerzs&s. residents to j:o on • Comparslons are always mislead- ization today. Arab question is posed now in its lecture of. the series.. The committee in charge of the most acute form. *It was rumortions against any class or-race'of ing and inadequate. But to give ownership," Mr. Lockwood told an idea, of the man's prodigious dedication' included the Me's- ed that Ibn Saud would Kappe &z the Seven , Arts that Federal endowment I might say that he daraes: M. Katzman, S. Fish, J. forth take an active part ether hand, are Esekmg to €•£funds for inortgjige losas' is in. no belongs "with Aristophanes, "with Finkel, H. R. Milder, J. Milder, tling the Arab-Jewish an independent ICsei J t 'way involved end that "applica- tablish Swift, with Heine, with I/ucian William Milder, M. Jacob.'S. Utmost secrecy was maintained EaovemeEt 'ia ttis coanrj- Killed. \ " •,*.».. tioas lor . mortgage, insurance among the' few quiet supreme Weinsten, J. Goldberg, M. Turner as to the decision taken. vriiz .nativist Fascist grouiis. Tbe b! masters of both, mordant and J. Chait, T. Sherman. r ^^,^5,— j reach our Ji&uds only ss the reTireseat internal Ds.ttle clascE fromT*. laughing satire and "irony. His j fl 4 A U s l t o* tiie decision, of qualified On the reception committee LECTURE SERIES FOR the Jate presidential e'eetioi:. ;lr three central books "Under Five were M. Katzman, Louis Epstein l d i ititti iastitutioas . to ake the Ksppe, it wss Elletea. JEWISH PARENTS • •. individual 4cs.tis. Pseudonyms," "The Smile of and J. Tretiak. pledged XEZI support to the in- - / , .Many* organizations in the city Mona Lisa," "Learn to Laugh cepecdeut CBcdidacy of Congress- ; ieat Prospects There BsWithout Weeping," are all col-sent flowers to the Chesed Shel Proceeds from the lecture serman -"vTilliaia liemte cf North . d Largely oa Pcsds lections of the sketches, satires, Ernes on the dedicatory occasion. ies to ba given by Rabbi David H. Anniversary Dakota. S h o r t l y , thereafter, ' AvailaMa poems which he contributed to "Wice will go to the religious of Jr. Kadassaii Kchs rstiirtied JroTn. eo££erer<.c8F C the Weltbuhne. Until these books school. This series of discussions with Killer zni Goebbels S E S ' S B - ^' Workers Alliance. N?w York '{JTA) — Tae pos•were forbidden in Germany they for Jewish parents will begin Tfee , Osaata - Chapter cf the noTicced that the . Xazis Tronic p ( enjoyed a very wide sale and pop- Elects Officers March 21 and will be held in the | sibilities of settling Jews froni Junior Hsdassali observed its back L,anfioE. , °' vestry rooms of the Temple an-1 Germany in South American sixteen asuiversarr at an interularity among the most judicious and cultivated people. The day Officers were elected at a meet- der the auspices of the Sister- j countries depend to a great ex- esting meeting held last Tcurs* tent on the funds available, and will come, however far off, when ing of the Jewish National Work- hood. i, at t i e Tickets may be obtained at the Tsrith several hundred thousand j *f£_ they -will l e revived and remem- ers Alliance, held Tuesday evenCenter. p bered. ' F o r mankind permits Ing at the Jewish Community Jewish Community. Center, the ! Ben Eanfiler, -who organ- { Jewish Community. Center, the ! nothing to perish that is of the Center. Temple, or members of the com- jj settled this year, Dr. Bruno n eil, ized' th« local about Marcli i * highest order of merit. All this 8.' Harry! scting president of the Central first, 1S21, . was, the ioaored ] The t a t e for the "resects!.!"xaittee in charge. Mrs. Those chosen "were: 11 of the secDsd of the Center P.?? "- Tucholsky must have known. of the ar-' Vereln der Juden in Deutsehlaad Joe Radinowski, finance secre- Rosenfeld is chairman guest and principal speaker. Sirs. ers proanctiOES, "Tte Doll Ho-.wc" There vras,. indeed, very little tary; Mrs. C. "Horwitz, recording rangements. said. Handler gave a very IstErestins" that TucholBky did not know. Yet secretary; Abe Cohen, Assistant Rr. "Well, who toared South t a l t about-the-beginning of Jun- has been defisitely sst for Jlc-iof that little gap of ignorance he finance secretary; Harry Crounse America for four and a half ior Hadassah. . The organization GEJ" and Ttesdsr- April ID Er.i IS. -, perished. ; The one thing he re-treasurer; Joe Eichlin, hospital- Ilr. and Mrs. Abe Bersberg months to ascertain immigration grown *rora s, Ecaall group to Rehearsals Ere Is prosrc™- c' fused to understand drove him to er. Elected to the executive comEetnra from Califonua prospects, told the Jewish Tele--j ahasmembership of about one TEnfler the cirectioE. cf ICrs. E r - : a tragic and untimely death.; graphic Agency in an interview mittee were Mrs. J . Rlchlin, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Herzberg that there -was . room, priraarilj", sired girls, lira. Saddler WES ican J"afcr. n The .substance ol all ais writ- and Mrs. H . Bondarin, Morris arrived in Omaha Thursday evechosen as honorary for three clases of settlers — agings, like rie substance of all the Minkin and Mrs. J. Feldman. ning, foIloTnng a two and a half 1 riculturists, artisans and people Plans were "mans for a memT i e first Xieerse CciiBtrn r - ' ? r r writings of the great wits and samonth stay in California. They trita capital. bership caseins party to be fcelS Eep-s.rste.fl tae celeiratiori cC lu tirists, was the discrepancy beThe first case of a Wood accu- vacationed at X.03 Angeles and April £2 s t the l-luslo Box. New ster from the .Tevisfc Passover. In the latter connection lie.retween the real and the"ideal. In sation dates from 1144. Palm Springs. members who join the Junior Kavealed that several republics — | his specific case it was the discreespecially on the Pacific Coast — pancy between the real and the £*ssah or ct this cifwere willing to negotiate with the j J i 5 ! b e ideal Germany. In the name of ia German Government a barter i ij% his .'ideal of Germany he castigattie meeting, refresa- i agreemen whereby a lisas ted a m - ] ""• O i ed the real Germany of his time m e a t £ i T<>L C ber ol" emigrants• would be per-; -* •"'"'• *="• with the lightenings of a resistcoitted to remove their capital ia 1 ~ l e s s . and incomparable fury. the fona -of goods. . ] *" i!iit.lit;i-1ix»i& ii/US ^i?J J-. There were those of us who prior ; One o£ the great seeds in Souti • $^T?fpflf fftp,?? C^^Tf.« to 1933 said: "He goes too far." We know better now. He did not At least once every -week, and go too far. He was precisely, sometimes more frequently, -we scientifically right. But as what get telephone calls asldng, "I ganization is an effort to tie to- Iof • Jewish coin did' he castigate Germany? In have just received some pencils gether and provide funds lor _j kenazi ritual,• which do -not ex-! K?r X=;> —Trrt what character and^ according to by maii asking me to send my v.-orthy organizations in Omaha J 1st in raost South American cities, 'i est'ins is -shewing the and throughout the world. Bandwhat norms? As-a Jew.? No. As checfe to organization;' ed together with, almost 200 otha German? Not quite,. even ac- "The , necessity of fun organization cording to himself. On that point sent me some.handkerchiefs;" or er similar community organka-J ^ n d oaa uirements-. fcr cs-j a rp--r tions, we have organized oursel-j he Tiad obscure-'doubts of. his own. "I got a" fountain pen and pencil erit of coaiEijnlt'T ves iJjto a Council of Jewish Fed-j As' a radical pacifist and lover of set from . . . . . . . . organization, ^justice who lover German land- "B'hat^ahall I do • about lt?'t Our eratidns" and Welfare Funds, j f scape, the German language, the answer is, "Send or givs no mon- which latter organization atcities and the 'countrysides of ey before calling the Jewish Com-! tempts .to study these various sp- 1 ,„, j peals and recommend to. toe • Germany. He never denied his munity Center office.^» j member welfare funds on tae valS n j .Jewish, origin. Most of his The Jewish Philanthropies is j» Trlends and fellow-workers were happy to advise its members at idity and- the worthiness of ' the -*i Jews. Hia pages are peppered all times regarding organizations organization. ' f^T^'?^ Ti n with Jewish names and refer- or individuals soliciting funds for Yotins Glen's Club Feder-i ences. H i s most triumpaant any Jewish organization, cause, \ hy the Council of single character, that of Her; or purpose. "WT ether the solici- ations and Welfare-Funds is ' as J Wendriner, ia .the character of a tation js made hy telephone, in follow: An organization which funds on either a nation-^I 1 ? jowardly, Irightened, servile Ber- person, or. by; mail, It is wise to solicits : I lin Jew, BO d e g r a d e d in call-the office of the Jewish Com- al or reg-ioaal basis: B a trj- c Us slavish. yet: superficial Ger- luunity Center, Jackson 13C6 and .1.. A- legitimate purpose T?ita j nan ' assimilatioEism ; that he is check-' up.-as to whether or not suitable prbgram and no avoid- j the organisation is deserving of i able duplication of tae wori of j and what we lenow of it. ""ft (Contniued-on page S.) (Continued on page 2) *

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CAPACITY TONNAGE Committee will publish a: yeai Under the circumstances, there Sinco the isoeptlon of the Lean j chandise; the next time you sre y, there have been 1,684jj solicited in person or tey mail for FAMS LICENSED Ih book, just prior to the next cam- is serious question of the advis- SocJety, ED AT TEL paign. Which will include th ability of continuing to operate loans approved, totalling $133,-i a n gividual organisatioa, pick up j names and amounts pledged and this Home if so few old people S21.9S. It"'is Indeed interesting your telephone and dial Jackson a record of payments of. all con-reside there. In the study which to note that the percentage of 13 66. Mr. Paul Goldblatt, exeeuBy PHINEAS J. BIROK is being contemplated, there will loss over this period has been , tive director, or any other memtributors. Jerusalem (WNS-Patcor ' Agen~ i Tel Aviv (V/NS-Palcor Agency) is considered the likelihood of very negligible, amounting t o ber of the staff will answer year In making a report for a ful Helen Granitsch, president of blame it on John Heartfield, Gerv) — That rnrlio .Cans in Pales-' - A 11 FV' milestone in the hisc boarding out in private homes only 2.4 per cent. question promptly and pleasant- tine Ere mostly Jews is shown ii? j the Austrian Women's League, is man-Jewish cartoonist . . . Heart- year, it is necessary to take th those few residents who trill not he Jewish port of Te.' During the year of 1S36, con- ly. suing Dr. Kurt Sonnenfeld, auth- field now lives in Prague where business year of the Philanthro- be eligible for assistance, and if figures issued by the Broadcast- | or of her authorized biography, he makes a living illustratng the pies, which runs,from July 1 to proper care can be taken of these tributions in the amount of ?11S reported with the handing Service sittSioriiies, who reI because he refuses to delete cer- proletarian books , published by July 1. I report to you, there- individuals in private homes, the were received. (!' total of 1,200 tons ol port that lest rear an RduitionrJ j The need for more funds is tain passages indicating that her the Malik Publishing House in fore, on the year which finished Committee will consider the adHi: S,£16 licenses were graried and i v wt inother was a Jewess . . . T h e Londdn, which I3 owned by his up to July 1, 193 6. We collected visability great sincemany who once genof closing up the Home. erously contributed to the SocieThis amount o* tonnage is hall that the total number ot instru,$37, 543,40 of which. $7,000.00 well-informed Rothschilds appear brother, Wieland ' Herzfeld npp< ments authorized for reception o? l;e quantity (hat can b? handled Investigations on all applica- ty are now themselves in need of to be so certain that the next war One of our snoopers Las' discov- came from the current campaign wireless program was £f?,:'£S. tions for admission and on all a temporal/ loan. the great port of Haifa In will start in Central Europe that ered that the flagpole in the cen-We paid out to . . . j Over pixty per cent of 'he 5,- north and is two-thirds of what forms of service to residents in they have moved millions of dol- ter of New York's Union Square, The committee would welcome LOCAL AGENCIES ;£16 licenses last yesr, were given i could ';>e cared for at the older the Home are made by the. Case contributions and assistance. H. ll i-1-.l. lars worth of securities from their the hangout of radicals, has the City Talmud Torah ..$6,000.00 j to Jewish residents. Gn'y ten ; port of Jaffa just south of Tel Workers of the Federation. These Vienna branch to London . -. A. Wolf is Chairman. Other ofhatchet and bundle of rods, the Jewish Old People's j per cent were issued to Arabs. ' Aviv. services include all types of care, ficers are: Harry Kulakofsky, Behind the recent anti-Semitic Fascist insignia, at its base . . . Homjif . . . . . . . . . . . 1,100.00 New.York (WNS) —America's Reducexcepting food and lodging, and vice chairman; David Feder, sec- ability to Eieet the twentieth cenpress campaign in Italy is said to But before you start protesting aiortgras'e tion Fund . . . . . . . 3.900.00 the recommendations of the Case retary; William Grodinaky, trea- tury test of respecting and prebe Mussolini's anger at seeing his we might as well tell you the Vaad 1,200.00 Worker are considered by the surer; and Leo Abranison, Exe- serving the integrity of minoriname linked with that o£ Hitler flagpole's-older than Fascism . . . iledical & Dental Committee • 375.00 ' joint committee in determining cutive secretary. in the world Jewish press as an. Ludwig Lewisohn's new book will Social Service Comties "may determine 'our survival enemy of democracy . . » Thebe called "Trumpet of Jubilee," mittee . ; 150.00 $13,723.0 special care and special needs as as a' united nation, for as a caNATIONAL AGENCIES the situation warrants. frantic efforts at unification be- and it's having a heavy advance American tion we are aggregate ci EtuoriPhilanthropies Will tween Zionists and assimilatlon- sale . . . Congressman Adolph J. Committee Jewish ... 362.50 Funds for operating the Home ties — racial minorities, re-ligous ists In Austria is duo to the reEx-Patients' T. B. come chiefly from the PhilanthAdvise on Charities Sabath of Illinois iB one of the minorities, economic minorities— Home 125.00 port that anti-Semitic legislation ropies fund. Philanthropies paid slowly learning to live peacefulSchool of is impending . . . Newspapermen nine men elected* to 15 consecu- Graduate Jewish Social to the Home the sum of $2,100.(Continued from page 1.) ly, harmoniously anfi coopera•with the SpanlBh Fascist rebels tive terms since the first congress Work 7.50 00 during 1936. this, together met in 1789 . . . Congressman United States HIAS 2S7.5O or _ tively together," repott that many of the old Cathanother efficiently managed with $1,320.51 from other sourHikem 275.00 Senator Robert F . Wagner, cf olic monasteries are veritable William I. Sirovlch has authored -Hebrew ganization. Theological , ces (including membership, donNew York, told 1,500 people ga125.00 treasure houses cf Hebrew in- a play based on the life of Sp- . College I A[R-CQXSET:C>\ r E3 COMFORT ations, etc.), gave us a total tor 2. Reaonable efficiency, etc., andthered'in the ballroom of the "*vinoza . . . Ra*lp W. Mack, new Jewish Consumpcunabula. : . •' ' '• Relief Asoperating receipts of $3,420.51 suitable equipment for. such Waldorf-Astoria Hotel to pay trichairman of the board of gover- tlvos' 3VOTES ON SHE BUMTARX sociation . . . . . . . . SO.0O and total disbursements of | 3 , - work, both material and in per- bute to him at r. dinner sponsornor of the Hebrew. Union Col- Jewish Consumpsonnel, and a budget indicating tives' Relief So409.03. We have just learned that the lege, is a brother 'of'Judge Julian ed by the American Jewish CosSociety . . . . . . . . . . 775.00 Members of the Committee for an attainable program. late president Paul von Hinden- W. Mack, who is chairman of the Jewish Orphan gress. Acclfiinied as the cham3. An active and responsible 2.625.00 1936 were: Harry Silvejraan, " burg, the gentleman who appoint- board of trustees of the Jewish J. Homo pion of economic Justice, political T. A 125.00 governing body, holding regular Chairman, Harry Malashock, Mrs. ed Hitler chancellor,' was the Institute of Religion . . . Will Jewish Theological liberty and religious J. Flnfeel, Mrs. Mamie Kneeteir meetings, •with satisfactory form nephew of a J e w . . . it appears some Talmudic scholar please tell Seminary 125.00 L©avt Omaha 7:30 p.m. '• • of administrative control. [Senator Wagner's service to the Leo N. Levi MemoRobert Kooper, Mrs. I. Kulakofthat the sister of. Hindenburg's us whether the fellow who told were haile rial Hospital . . . . 375.00 4 Evidence of cooperation with nation " *F Governor sky, Dr. Philip Levey, Sam Ra. father was married to Cohen Van Winchell that the Patriarch Isaac N a t i o n a l DeserArrive Englewood 7:18 a.m. Herbert H. Lehman, speaking fcy vitz. Dr. A. Steinberg, Mrs. Kate other organizations in promoting phone 'from Albany, Postmaster Baren . . . When Frau Van Baren was the first to contract a child- tion Bureau ..... 31.25 efficiency and economy of adminof died, her younger sister married marriage because he married Re- National Council Tatle, and Mrs. A. Wolf. Arrive Chicago 7:30 a.m. Federaistration among local agencies General James A. Farley Gover.Van Baren . . . It was in this becca when she was only three Jewish a n d W e 1 fare Ls Sale Street Stfifio^ in the Heart of the Loop and in preventing duplication of nor George H. Esrle of Pennsy-t Funds . 125.00 Jewish home that Hindenburg's years old is correct?. . . . Our vania, Senator Robert Bulkley o Farm work. Organisations engaged in father and mother met for the Bible is strangely silent on this National School 125.00 personal service should clear Ohio, Mayor Fiorelio K. I>a first time ..-. Our colleague Pierre . . . Did you know that there is Nat'l Home for Obscn-a.tioa Lossisge « Double Bedr«>o»i • Sectional Sleeper Jewish Children . . 175.CO their cases with the Social Ser- Guardia, James X. Rosenberg Van Paassen reminds us that a. Jewish Temperance- Association National Jewish Set out Sleeper for Hock Island and Davenport vice Exchange of the Welfare and Dr. Stephen S. Wise, who General Leman, governor of the functioning in New England? Hospital 1,925.00 was toastciaster. JDimeF read? to serve at CfonthiE Union Station T :00p.m. Council. Belgian city, of Liege during the (Copyright, 1037, by Seven Arts Teshiva College . . . 125.00 Wider Scope 1.1S7.50 $ S.951.25 Senator Wagner drew applause German Invasion, was a Jew, and 5. Ethical methods of publicity, Feature Syndicate.)INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES By HARRY A. WOLF that his heroic defense held up THESE RNE TEAlf^S DAILY TO THE EAST promotion and solicitation cf when he warned that America's Hebrew University 250.00 Jewish National \ the German offensive long enough funds' ethical methods exclude: mere physical distance from the For many years, the Jewish ALL EQU3FMENT AIK-COf^SITIONED Fund ..• 250.00. to enable the French to mobilize a Solicitors on commission, or rampant racial and religions perFree Loan Society has been of LT. O m s t s '2:2." s m £:30 pm 7:30 p m Mizrach! 250.00 . . . The man who gave the GerNational Labpr ' outstanding assistance to men, other commission methods of secution of Europe "is an illusory Ar, FH-ff M o m c * . . f ;2% p.m. 7:00 [mi 11:15 p m >1€S Committee 375.00 man naval staff the tip 20 years safeguard for the timid "^end a Ar. Davenport.10:15 n m 1":.W »sn>. 3:00 fim women and children who have raising money. People's Ort Feder.ago that England could be starvBy HARRY MALASHOCK Ar. Kock I s l a n d 1C:2S s m 1 :W5 urn 3:15 « m b. The "remit of return me- poor consolation for the SJTSpanot needed relief, but who have ation „ . . . 425.00 ed out by a submarine* blockade United Jewish Ax. Chicago 2:2S p m T:3O a m T»30 a m required a little cash to carry th od of raising money by the- sale thetic. No thoughtful persons, This is the third of the series Appeal 7,500.00 "was ~ Dr. Levy, professor of eco- of reports on the activities of American Jewish • •Carries Omaha-Des Molnee Sleeper, of merchandise or tickets thru no sensitive person, can regard them over a difficult period. ' nomics at the Heidelberg univer- the Omaha Jewish Community Congress 100.00 $ 9,150.00 any manifestation of man's inMany splendid families, who, the mail. s i t y . . . And while we're on the Center and AVclfare Federathough the victims of unforseen c. Telephone solicitations to humanity toward mac as being : TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS S31.S26.25 subject of generals we ought to AND OPERreverses, cannot reconcile them- the general public for money or only of local concern. Prejudice —THE EDITOR CAMPAIGN LOW FAKES pass this story on to you . . •. tion ATING EXPENSES 3.S98.96 selves to accept charity, have donations or for the purchase of and persecution recognize no ar: General Eric Von Ludendorff was $19.95 Round Trip In Sleepers $17 M Kound Trip in Coaches bitrary bounds. If they live, been enabled to work out their tickets for benefits. APPROPRIATIONS •at his favorite pastime of blam- When I was asked to accept the TOTAL Berth extra. 30-dny limit. thru a 'EXPENSES $33,725.21 economic rehabilitation d. Agreements to conduct en- they are sure to expand. They ing the Jews for the loss of the Chairmanship of'.,the Philanthro- AND Fares to other destiinF.tkm? q«o>:e<? OTX cannot live if not allowed to es-j Once ' again I want to remind temporary loan from the funds of tertainments for raoney-raSsing war . . . This time he was chat- pies Campaign for 1936-7, I told every contributor that we expect the Jewish Free Loan Society. Expressing confidence purposes, the expenses of winch, pand." call ting with a French general . - . . the committee who visited me E. E . VllXfAMS, G. A. T. C . T01 that the "spirit of tolerance pledges to be kept this year. We These loans are made to any Omincluding compensation under the imfr; of ihr WmU BHg., when I accepted, that this year— •'You're .'right," said- the French1706O Farnam Street. Phone Atlantic S85R man . . . "If it weren't for the once and ,for all — it was neces- shall spend every effort to insure aha Jewish family of good char- terms of the agreement, exceed emanating from our shores will •Jews, and especially the Jewish sary to actually reach a goal, bal- collections and get every dollar acter, . self-respect and good stand- 40 per cent of the gross pro- spread its wings across the Atlantic," Senator TTsgiier said generals,' Germany would have ance our budget, and make ends available which is due the neces- Ing in the community, upon notes ceeds. sary work for ;which" our Philan- endorsed by business men. 6. Complete annual audited "every recession elsewhere in the won." . . . "But," protested Lu- meet. '..-.. The fund was started original- acouats prepared by a certified direction of darkness and intoldendorff, "we never had any Jew- We set out,to raise the goal of thropies stands. ly in 1910 with $1,000.00 given public accountant, trust company erance "commaruis U3 ia America ish generals." . . . "That's^ just $43,600.00 last May. This was by ten men—each of whom con- or university department, and to surge forward in the direction it," countered the Frenchman, 510,000.00 more than had been of liberty and light." fEEVICf ributed $100.00 -—and, it is/a made available for the public. "the Allies did." phidge in 1935 and many of the | permanent revolving fund, being We are not desirous of taking THIS AND THAT members felt that we were aimconstantly swelled by "voluntary from legitimate organisations ing at top high a target. Careful contributions from public spirit- their right to solicit funds for -When F . D. R. gets around to study of the needs convinced me ed Individuals. The committee their program. On •• the other shaking up the diplomatic corps that $43,600.00 was the least posBy HARRY SILVERMAH he'll promote Laurence Steinhardt, sible amount which we needed in KWe have continued to maintain appeals to the Omaha Jewry to hand, we do feel a respensibity Sam TJntermyer's nephew, from order to pay our minimum allot- our Jewish Old People's Home follow their example by contribu- towards our contributors to prominister' to Sweden to ambassa-i ments to' the agencies, who are during 1936 under the constant ting to the fund so that the work tect them froia fraudulent or undor to Chile . . . Dr. Hugo Berg- members of the. Federation and, supervision of an administrative may be increased and developed. warranted Eolocitation. The aest . mann, chancellor ovf the Hebrew at the sametjme, do something committee consisting of members In 1936 there were 295 active time you get a letter asking you university, is coming here on about .wiping out the deficit of the Daughters of Israel Aid loans, ranging from ' 525.00 to to send money to a Jewish orMarch 22 , . . This'U be his first which we had accumulated dur- Society and the members of the ?200.00. New loans granted in ganization in return for pencils, visit to America . . . He'll prob- ing the depression years. Federation Committee. As Chair- 1936 amounted to $5,838.00, handkerchiefs, or any other merably speak before some univerI am most happy "and gratified man of the Federation Commitsity groups*. » . He was supposed at the wonderful job done by tee, I have enjoyed the pleasure to be accompanied by Salman every person who. worked on the of working with the Committee Schocken, former German Jewish campaign. It was a grand job from the Daughters of Israel Aid department store magnate and and every man and woman who Society in determining the basic Wlf^'fO now chairman of the Hebrew Uni- had anything to do with it is de- policies, budgetary needs, admis'z'->&£»t&Zii versity's finance committee . . . serving of a full measure.of con- sions and discharges. But Schocken. is too ill to make gratulations and thanks. . . .that ere During' 1$36 the State began the trip . . . Arab debaters are You undoubtedly " know, that payment of assistance to old peofollowing Pierro Van Paassen important all around on his tour of the coun- our pledges totalled. 543.638153 ple," with the stipulation that from 2,882 subscribers. Not only when payment was made for try for the Zionist Organization. by themselves. . . . Incidentally, Pierre will start have we established a new record their care from state funds, these in total contributions, but much people could not then be living a tour ,of Protestant churches to preach the Zionist message in more important to me is the fact in institutions. Of the 9 people June . . . There's a-bill pending that we can look for full payment who were residing at our Homo Fresh . . . softly femiin congress which provides for and the clearing up of all pledges a t , t h e time applications were by the end of this year. I am gomade, 7 actually made applicanine new series of vital the exclusion and expulsion of alien fascists and communists . . . Ing, to insist personally that ev- tion of whom 4 have already refashions . . . rich in pledged is paid up in ceived assistance.' These 4 have Jacob de Haas, veteran Zionist, eryone Who 1 color . . . gey and full when the year winds up. moved out of the Home, and is ailing . . . A broadway producmodern in design ... there are oniy 5 old people in resWe are looking forward to pay er has found Jane Manner's draidence, of whom 3 are awaiting obligations to our imbued w i t h allure. matic studio a happy hunting- all of our thirty-four1 agencies. They have action on their old age assistance ground for new talent. This spring is ah orig... the- right to expect that Omaha applications. ABOUT PEOPIiE inal spring. keep Its; promises and pay them, The Committee is seriously If Dadaism drives you nuts and we of the .Philanthropies studying the future of the Home. f

**" *"• •TIP' • 5ft, ^ -

Jewish. Free Loan Society










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THE JEWISH PEESS...FRIDAY, MARCH 12.. 1937 The result is that after a brief j jan in particular. I regret to period of fifteen years of recon- that some casual remarks structive work there is no more mine at a recent J. D. C. confer- j specifically Jewish problem ia ence stirred up sonis acrimonious Russia. I do not want to be mis- discussions. understood. I do not mean to say I repeat emphatically that the


ance, delivers a soul-stirring' ed speech, which diplomats might well ieen before plunging their countries to cataclysmic disaster.

on" is Columbia's n •' f i e pic 0 00 feet of :e;;u;r Hollywood—This week's secj |. ** that life in the U. S. S. R. is a bidjan U. S. S.inE. in general and Biroparticular present ex- cess, story:' Mervyn LeRcy began j *llm> t 0 ° i two years t.o complete, millenium. The standard of living is still low, there is still plenty tensive potential possibilities of earning his living ss a newsie sel- j c o s t 0 2 e and a iiilions, and of room for improvement. But immigration for large numbers of • l i n g p a p e r s o u t s ide the Alcazar i k e f ? ? s u on the ed Se of your • By BE. JOSEPH BOSEH there is no specifically Jewish Jews of the laboring., elements Theatre, San Francisco. One day | s e . a t *°Tt ivro ^ours E.IK). J.AJ.!.e-SIl 2 111 1 Dr. Hoses, who is the presi- ments and reforms that are ob- problem. The Jews aro* in the from ot!her countries. I' mean not fcfi was offered a sraali part :n j r - ^ ^' dent of the Agro-Joint, here jectively beneficial for the coun- same position as all other ele- only thosa who are productive | "Barbara Frietchie" inside, t&a -up alcrg- Cinema Lane .won attestion—^inii L uPicfced tells of the need Jor devising try but, equally objectively; are ments of the population, are en- workers at present, but also peo--i theatre. liler Luther Acier, of the famous lama.mAdler, new means tor the economic detrimental to the welfare of our gaged in the same pursuits and pie.capable of becoming workers.! applause—by accidentally falling iThis is the only kind of immisra-! o u t 0 I a tree. Later lie west icio | ily a n a brother of Stella, sicnec rehabilitation of the persecut-; people under their present econ- tasks. Russia will permit if and ! vaudeville1 and a skit called "Two ! t ! l e dotted lice ce for lor TVanger ProHere we have a concrete ill us- Uon ed Jewries of Eastern Europe, omic occupational existence. I re5rllea it becomes possible to open i Boys at the Piano." The inevitable j dictions. eter' i.orre plans to and stresses the point that the fer particularly to the spread of tration of how Jews can adapt • t' h e The Soviet govern- j -followup was the movies . . eater- j d 0 £ Japanese most must oe made of every cooperative movement among themselves to changing condi-I m e n doors. neTer I«Ir. Koto £erir.Is. tlons when given a fair chance, j * Pretended to offer a je d the field at the bottom with 1 isierpretir; opjKirtunitSN existing or pro- farmers and producers in various Artnnllv. as as far far ns the Jews Of the ja i a 512.50 S12.50 a-week a-weet job inh in 5r> the *:h= -srsrdxrarS- i'Harpo Marrx Eurrealj- photorraphjected, to give them a new counties, frequently fostered by Actually, as fhf> the Russian i homeland for the, can TOU picture it? As Biroblfljaa c r ! robe department. That led to tit I e c < either in lease on life. the governments. I also refer to Jews are concerned, our Agro- world elsewhere. parts, to gag improvising, to as-1 though Harpo msell weren't THE EDITOR the revolutionary upheavals -that Joint work there could be safely No one, least of all tae Soviet [ sisting tie director, and finally j nsghtmar encr.s hi Georce Si in Eome countries cave been aim- wound up. It is only because of "Fugitive fron a ey comes bad: in "The OIu the immigration possibilities of government, ever denied that the j to directing Statistics and charts appear to ed against the Jews as Jews. settlement of Birobidjan is difj Chain Gang-, Oil for tae Lamps ; Soak." Paillette Gofidard's cockthe U. SS. R. that -sre feel it me liie an armor of steel that we But it i3 one thing to recog- would be a mistake to wind it up ficult and costly. , But the -ov- I of China," "Anthony Adverse," i til bar is ol platinum and precput around our hearts to protect nize the facts and quite another eminent is assuming this ex- ! are a 'ew of his triumphs. Now I ions stones in which is set a raiEourselves from feeling too keen- thing to draw logical and' human- at the present time: The sad facts of the Jewish sit- Pease, and the difficulties can be \ he has achieved, tops in filmdom . ! iEture of Charlie Chaplin. ly tbe misery and suffering of itarian conclusions from these our, less fortunate fellow, beings. facts. It is one.thing to dislocate uation in the other East Euro- overcome with modern technical j neads his own production unit 1 j stepped out this week with his, we believe we've caught anIn statistical paraphernalia they an integral part of a country's pean countries are only too well aids. I -srant to state the p problem £S |j first release, "King g and the Chor- I other Israiite Charles Lorinson, become distant, abstract. A dia- population, and it is quite anoth- known. Can anything be done to clearly as possible —'with ;us it | us Girl." Though lie is one of i a, comnier-upper amocg the ch-irgram cannot express the despair er thing to say that there is uo alleviate the misery? acter players, has relabelleS himaf a youth "vrho despite his rigor, place under present conditions A number of major Jewish or- is not a question of selection tSie Hollj-vrood's youngest esecs, he Iself Charles L*.ns. Tou'"Il see him best country for immigration, but is a keen, far-sighted observer his training, his innate eagerness for such and such an occupation- ganizations are active in this in ."Internes Can't Take Ivlotr-y '' to live, finds himself facing this al'group, and yet to Indicate the iield, and the work they are do- a problem of finding out what we j a natural Vv'hicii reminds "as . . . Et.rry beautiful -world of ours -without -a possibilities open for them to re- ing is necessary and splendid. could do in a country that may! oh n outbid every other produebe open to us. I construct their live? to be in the Euture. -without hope; ox the misIan Wolfe Reduced to its fundamentals, Joosa Ector in There is no sense in es2.ggers.i- "Leag-ue I ary of a father -who jfeels his re- same-position as tae other people their constructive. wori can be ol Frightener" Men" . . . er for the laushie. sponsibility and is anxious to do of the land. summarized as follows: Supply- ing the difficulties either. There! eraerg-es -with, a movie monicker, "You Can't T^ke It TVit.ii You,'-' paying $*GC,CCO, the hife'tcbt was a-time whe-L even France ! any kind of work to provide for Let us take the case of Russia, ins cheap or fee credits to artis- •was a land of barlsariaris and was Ien' Yv'ulf. Srenske oder K price ever EITCIL for. screen rights his family, but is deprived of this with which I am more familiar ans and small business people; I to a y. Ee evidently figures opportunity by sinister actions of because of my participation in training the youth for productive considered unfit for civilized haKore than title ch£ngir.g: ; " a e . can't take it with him." bitation. Birobidjan presents di*brute forces;'or the agony of an the Agro-Joint work there. The occupations; assistance for, regu- faculties, it has great natural i Georgie Tapps of the Bamberg-er j intellectual whose life -work is he- Jews in Russia were caught be- lation of emigration; donations resources,but and with m-odern teen- j c I a : a is now eigsi'ied Trith tfce T'ary iiTiujTFt.c-n. tas the irlRF.j ing swept .a-way lite a flimsy' cob- tween the millstones of history, for and regulations of emigration handle, George Clayton. isetbod for vrinning at the corse web by the action of brutal man- as were the other peoples there. and donations for the'support of nical means and with the governraces. When she loses, Hubby iacs "who happened to seize the Thousands upon thousands , of various local institutions. I fully ment's active interest- it can be j made a country of settlement j Rose ("Another Lacgcage") Jack Beany psrs half the loss . . power of government. them were crushed. Millions were recognize how important these capacity for Jews from abroad.; Franken is cut .-with a new book, •when she -jrins she keeps ail the I am not going-to attempt td- dislocated and had to begin life activities are and fully acknow- True, the doors are not yet open, j "Of New- Riches," and it was money. •. . wies Jcck vrns she jive a verbal picture of the life anew. But wherein is the differ- ledge the efficiency and splendid mainly because of the complica-! bought by David Selznick fcr half the take. Eel's a ECB- c ence from ohter East European .spirit with which the work is car- ed international situation. But 1 screenization before it became &;claims af our people in the East Eurostein! pean countries — .including in countries? It lies in the after-rev- ried on; but I am inclined to no fair-minded person should use j galley proof. funda- think that not sufficient efforts this category Germany, -which not olutionary government's The parses are taking lessons 30 long ago was counted among mental approach. to the problem. are being made in some direc- this fact as an occasion to attack the Soviet government or the esOne of our clever producers in tap and ball-room dancing. •••..' the most civilized . countries of .Not discrimination, not elimin- tions. ponents of the Birobidjan idea.; has decided to make all pictures ; ± though they have the. West. But I do 'want to ation Of the Jews from the life of More aggressive means must It would be much more sensible j in eight reels—six for the thea-: s ugh "talents'' CiCz EnO des li convey the fundamental thought the country, not putting obstacles be found not only to train our to seek some way of opening the j tres and two for the censors: ] worried public. that the Jewish/masses are fully in the Vay of adaption of the people for productive occupations doors sooner. capable of readjustment and can Jewish masses to the changed but actually to place them in j In his current, celluloid GregThe feud between the Tipsy rcadapt -their lives to become real conditions, not hyprocritical ex- these occupations. I believe that \ ory ' Ratoff acts as-a -vraiter. One (Copyright 1937 by Seven io and tbeir director, Sam Arts producers, toilers in the fields pounding- of obscurant racial if — in countries like Poland, j scene shows hira dishlas out tfes Feature Syndicate.) r E g e E on. Latter had-been md factories and shops, if given- theories, but just the opposite be- Roumania, Latvia and Lithuania | caviar—two heaping spoonsful to { a superstition-scolfer, allowed i fair chance by the governments came the policy of the .. govern- —some comprehensive projects the portion. A member of the cast; whistling - a the dressing-rooms, under -which they live, coupled by ment; not passive resistance as would be presented to the govobjecter on the ground that no i started new pictures on Fridays proper . technical -guidance and in some other countries, but ac- ernments involving the developwaiter in real life would serve j e v e a if the-*- -fell on the ISth. tive cooperation with the organmaterial assistance from their ment of productive occupations York — The weeks c two heapiag spoonsful . . . one Ia s ! j s o o n . * B u t t n e jjaxes io-enfi more fortunate fellow "humans izations that were ready and will- among their Jewish population April 11th to ISth will be cele-j would be sufficient. Ratoff rush-! ! rattan cane vrhich he has t S ing to help the Jewish masses reliving in brighter countries. which would at the same time brated throughout h h nation i d to t the th director, d i t lii j t e p t vrith him for twenty ;-cars the as t ed complaining, adjust themselves to thenew benefit the country as a whole Hebrew Week, it was announced j "Don't you listen to Cot fellow. j a j . j ^ j _ xi'ooS. refused to conIf we want to he honest with t ourselves we must face the situ- conditions. There was a specific tangible results could be obtain- at• a meeting of the executive | He is trying to cut down my part, jaa( tinue until the cane was returnJewish problem in after-revolued. ; ation frankly. "We have to admit committee of the Histadruth Ivtwo sad.facts, no matter how dis- tionary Russia too, for the vast ".-. And while we must by all j S. K. Mirsky was named Sam Jaffe receives this weefc's j S O L L E W I S S A Y S majority,, of our people there means combat the idea that the agreeable/this Jmay be. chairman of the Hebrew 'Week orchid for acting. As the twofound themselves "declassed" beJews are superfluous and thereFirst,: the economic structure of cause of their previous occupa- fore must emigrate, we cannot committee. During the obser- i hundred-year-old High Lama is the life of our people • In» East • tions. .But the government did afford to overlook any potential vance efforts wil be siade to raise j "Lest Horizon" he gives a bsntitEuropean countries is neither not take the attitude that the $15,000. safe nor sane. Altogether too Jews are outsiders and have to outlet where Jews who must em1 many of our people are engaged take care of themselves or T>e ex- igrate could get a foothold for __ in petty trades, a disproportion- pelled. It recognized the problem existence. I feel that not enough | g ate number have been drawn into as a state problem, and its solu- or sufficiently thorough investigations are being made of and in cne so-called intellectual profes- tion as the duty of the state. the countries of potential immisions and are -unable to make a From the very beginning of its gration. It is my conviction, living, too lew are absorbed in that may properly be called pro- existence the government carried however, that immigration procampaign jcet smuBt "be combined with defductive occupations. This not only on an educational The Stars cf Friendly Sorties cr*£ makes their lives difficult in the against the serpent of anti-Sem- inite plans of getting the immi;ountries where they :ive but also itism and other racial prejudices; grants to take up productive ocfarming, sloses the door for them in many has made anti-racial propaganda cupations, preferably sountries "that have immigration a criminal offense and has most wherever possible. actively cooperated with all orThis brings us to the question possibilities. ' ' '. Secondly, in various countries ganizations ready to help recon- of Jewish immigration to the TJ. S. S. R. in general and Birobidthere are taking place develop- struct Jewish life there. •*


J ^ _ _





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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, ilAKUH 12, of cynicism. \Ye question many things; whether life has a pur- ruins a person's health. There i ,-, ., • n i wii i. t- I i *i > V 'were a Jew and a non-Jew who

£*aOUaded over? fcYtrtay at Omaiia. Nebraska, by S H E J E W I S H P R E S S P U B L I S H I N G COMPANY Subscription Price, one year -. . . . •-. ..- $2.00 Advertising rates furnished on application.

= Editorial .Office: 500 Brandeia Theater Building. - . Slooa City Office—-Jewish Community Center DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FBANK B. ACKBRMAN - - - - - * • • EdJtO? FANNIB HATBLMAN Council Biutfs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL . - •••.» - - Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. Sitb Street

Counter- Apology. :'

:•;•". J- ',-:,-';,''. '

pose, whether there is even a God. We add to Koheleth's list-jwalking together 'on the of 'evils' and 'wrongs' and 'oppressions' that are 'under the j read, and the latter could not non-Jew nfOtccl, whereupon the the incidents of time F.r.d nlac?. i Jewish commonwealth, or as $ sun' and can add a number of onr own; social injustice, eeo-' 5 r e e ? P a c e wlth t b e Jevr% H e r e " Jew replied: "Thsp refers only to '• The minister must no field ;.c : spiritual rentpr, or merely as the .


. . .


. T . 'minded the Jew of the


new ildinfis,

and the destruction

nomic misery, threat of war, prejudice, hate, cruelty on the • t i o n o f t h e T e m p ! ( ? . This caused , an old story.*" part of nations as well as individuals. "We instance Italy'p rap- j the Jew to breathe a long suffer-' of the Temple is ing of Ethiopia, Japan's robbing of China, Nazi Germany's out-! -—~~ ~~ ——t, rageous brutality, monstrous crimes of one kind and. another. "We call attention to the modern epidemic of kidnapping and to the usual, only perhaps more so, vice and crime j to the widespread spirit of gambling; to the lack of respect given to the most solemn oaths; to unscrupulousness in. high places and .in Rshhl, ESonat Sfzai SesspSe, SSOES City low; to the almost.universal cant and-hypocrisy. "We can point to the critical condition which of the whole finds itself, "THE EXPLORATION OF THE ! the cause of God ars closely the danger, of the entire in collapse what weworld call 'civilization.' Life seems futile indeed. All noble deeds and aims in vain. Life

INNER WORLP" (A STUDY OF i lied to mental instability

LiiP€ f o r t h e hard.down-trodden Jew; ami Eastern Europe Uzf inday in a unitec inr-lfi snake our voice! '•oice of Christiar j trained expert, "spiritual healer." - Arnericp.. in \VhiTPha.U ?,ncl DownbF.orp Pome..fatal, dia ble i n c j n in the quack and diprej r-rrr i? jpsupd and be j| in eon ing c* *-h.p term i-'.U i"> UF j true and noble connotation. I Tfae volume is divided ini.c F n i t w me? nnp.nimouB actior | three- parts. The first "A Jour- v.-;u no? ovir impress England ney of Exploration"' is £ personal am; Ftsy The cnir. Tory hand thai note and describes the character would throttle the life out of Palof mental illness, especially as il estine bur confprfed action it is related to religious experience. n o v •within the iangre of possibil:

the physician,


do v-hsit



^ ^ ^ MEXXAL DISORDER AND RE- j emotional disturbances. The great "With the temple of tolerance at tlie New York "World corrupt to the core. Life, indeed, a 'human comedy,' if not ajijlGIOirs EXrERIEXCE) BT j religious lenders of the race. "Theoretical Imiilici-uons"',


J:; n 0

. many are doing today, surrender i his function of rendering sniritI tial aid to Uie noiweiijpioiifr con! sultact, the p£;-cho;;ri?lvr.L He I must make himself a wiUir-.g :

iht i- yy . those who have transformed and < cnj^p^ Fair "I'd have a chamber of liorrors and as a climax I'd have tragedy or a hilarious and delirious farce. Koheleth would ANXOJf T. BOISEX. It is r-nt. bpfrayinp any secret C1«AKK & CO. SO0 . PACKS. molded the religious thoughts of .scientific analysis of the tneore her, we spy that. Dr. Stephen S. in it a figure of that brovm-sliort fanatic wlio is now menac- seem to have a number of corroborators in the hectic age in PRICE $3.00 men and romen, all have been ties,! foundations: of. religious, . \ V :-e has ;lie enr of our governvictims of fearful • stress and character, development. . ing the peace of the world. I'd give them an example they which we live. . Tie nt. pv,r) rhat ht is on the frlendThis is a unique original, and strain, have indulged in. deluAnd yet an important thing remains to be said. It is within important study in the life and third, "Practical Application", could look at and learn." : ' sions, hallucinations and ir< con-will prove most helpful and re- ltppt term? vith President Roosduct that amazed and terrified garding. It should be carefully PVPH. Mr. aorsh is a stauncb These now-famous words of Hon. Fiorello H.. La Gnardia, man's pou-er to correct the present state of affairs. We may I functioning o£ the human be tempted to say with Hamlet, "the times are out of joint, Oh [especially in its abnormal and Mtheir contemporaries -vrho, unable ; read and studied by L;1 those in- frienn of ppipstine. vre hare 8 Mayor of New York State> have echoed around the world, and zarre number of chamrvons in Washtor explain the bizarre . thinking [terested cursed spite that eve* I was born to set them right." It is Phases. The author's perin mental difficulties the repercussions will De felt for some time to come. And, sonal tragic, his sci- and peculiar beharious conclud-1 and in their cure. with a full week elapsed since their- utterance, we can more within man's power to set things right if he would but bend | e n t l H c a n d painstaking research ed that £hey v»-ere deranged, un- i Ai. fhi? moment when Great This original, stimulating and calmly appraise the turmoil caused by the statement of the himself resolutely and courageously to the task. There are j and prolonged studies make it balanced, and "besidec themsel- scientific contribution to a sub- Britein is ssrain angling for Amves." In a restricted sense, the ; ject that is very important FV6 erican friendship, a frierdshlp in things man cannot do. There are things man cannot know. He supremely valuable. mayor of the largest city of the world. • Informed and-socially minded conclusion was correct. However' little understood ran rot hp too which all the advantages would is sui'rounded by mysterj* and an infinite number of things are To begin 'with, we cannot 'help but point out with La circles are learning to look upon it did not go beyond surface In-' highly recomr .ended. It •will be 011 Uriiain's side, we should be to make American amity Guardia that Hitler was nSt mentioned by name and that the beyond his Jren. He cannot solve the inscrutable, problems o£ mental disturbances, acute emo- i dlcations. It ignored the sub-'. bring immeasurable benefit -to tioneci upon a just treatffitler government was quick to recognize that La Guardia existence. But tliere are things he can do even as there are tion upheavals, as forms of dls-1 conscious motives, the irresist- every doctor and minister. r ( \ f Palestine problem by ease and not as something pecul-! able forces that controlled end 1 meant him. When the German government made, formal pro- wonderful things he has already accomplished. There is {he iar, alarming, .shameful. Mental j overwhelmed such religious gen''"or that reason it is test to the United States government,;surely they did not mean marvel of the aero and the radio, to name only a few of the illness must be regarded like the iuses like Paul, Banyan. Fox, EKC! „ , r the first place that -" • pf leaders of the Zionthat Hitler should he enshrined in the temple of tolerance which outstanding wonders. Man must mateh these achievements in illness of the body and treated others without number. The " ~ rrtion be strengthened. it was proposed by Michael "Williams, editor of the lloman the material and mechanical realm with similar ones in the by trained, skilled, and patient i truth is that religious fervor, ' , - e w j n America stand r, practitioners, as is physical ill-1 over-whelming religious convic-1 1 Catholic "The Commonweal," to be erected on the New York moral and social sphere. Man can bring about a Better Society ness. Again and again does the; tiois, being mastered by a passion1 - 1(ounted," is the insis*->*-> 'W'».rwiVii™ ^i -"-r of Mr. Justice BranWorld Fair grounds. The world over, Hitler stands bared today (there are evidences that he is already beginning to do so right author emphasize that it is cruel; believed to be Divine — such zeal : Tf FZTTi,T>T T/ "^ 7" ' ' C as the greatest menace to peace and as a symbol of intoler- here in America. Witness the better relations being established and unscientific to diffrenitiate i often assumes abnormal forms of , ance: the question, therefore, seems to resolve itself to whether peacefully between employers.and employed, even here in our between mental and physical ill-j.thought and conduct, finds ex- j There is a current of pi'nve vC'opyripht IPS" by SEVEN ness, to view the latter as aatu- j pression in a host of complexes, disquietude running-1firm:cr:';! rv'Ts fc'Y.VDlCATE) or not Mayor La Guardia, speaking in America, has the right own city of Omaha). That is: the kind of 'Humanism' that ral, Inescapable and universal I in UEconventiocal incredible, of- ish life in America at the n ; moment. And tils is not • to voice' the truth about a fanatical barbarian who at the mo- appeals to me. I do not believe that man is the center of theja <* tbe former as abnormal, | ten suicidal, behaviour. shameful and exceptional. Since j "George Fox, amor the Doc-| reason . Vagri'ely, intuitively we Universe in the sense that would dethrone God. I realize man's ment has a throttle-hold upon a large'nation. PafBly. Wisely tn approximately twenty-five per] tors" Is aa illumlna and stirn-'all feel that the next few voars We cannot be too critical of our own government for humble place in an Infinite Cosmos. Nevertheless I believe in cent of the population is subject | ulating chapter, and tracing the veil! witness events of world-his"apologizing" to Germany for La Guardia's statement, since the things that'affect man's immediate welfare, material, moral, to and suffers from some form j deep intimacy and association of/'torical importance. I believe that "I Annuii Endowment. Life the technicalities of "statesmanship" and "diplomacy" haVe and spiritual, he is in a position to help himself and should of mental disturbance, no other j mental disturbances frith relig-- j humanity- has arrived at a higt2v f: . LEOK Compan\ somehow always degraded truth for the sake of comity and do so.. God has "put all things under his feet." And whereas attitude is permissable or scien- jo'us zeal" of more than the ordin- • critic?.! 'juncture and thnt%.-p 8 HGpresentv tifically sound. Mental illness js a r y kind. Had Dr. For consult- •'stand before decisions which v i l i j insuranc* E substituted "politeness" for right. But, the crux of the situ- even the Bible says "The hidden things belong to God" (thus no more an affliction than typ- j ed the doctors of his -day. .they, in a larpe menrure determine Calf AT/66? o1" A-5150. ation is contained within• the'TJnited States reply. To quote: with a phrase dismissing what w,e call the metaphysical and hold, and like the latter is sub-: could not have been of service to .'"the shspe things to conic." J " I t t tJiia country the right of freedom of speech is guaranteed the esoteric) it also adds "The revealed things are for us and ject to analysis and cure, though ; him. They could not. have com- i From the Veist cftP.ngF?'! tlinf the process requires greater skill, j prehended his messianic complex,'stand before the door—Mussolini by the Constitution to every citizen and is cherished as part our children to do them." It delimits the field of action. Our more patience and because the his deep urge to redeem and to;calls them " t h e next division of the national heritage." In this country, we differ from the realm is the practical and the ethical. Nothing prevents man factors involved are not material save sinners. The physicians! the •world's markets"- —Palestine M. S O M I ' i . . D e a l e r in • J e w i s h B o o k s z,z%d AH Third Reich as operated by Hitler and his Nazis in that we rom 'taking the bull by the horns/ correcting what needs cor- is not always quite as successful. •would have so-dght the secret of |-will not be excected. Something: The author's personal tragedy, \ Dr. Fox's conduct in some organ- i i s brewing in Xear East that ; O t h e r R e l i g i o u s A r t i c l e s can say what we think; we are not in a straitjacket by which recting, initiating what needs initiating, 'shattering to bits' narrated truthfully, is necessary j iC difficulty. They would have bodes nc .good . . . to Eretz Israel, £42© Decatur WE-3S27 our tongue.must form the words desired by a dictator. "When what is ripe for destruction, and 'moulding nearer to the heart's to appreciate his point of view, failed since very frequently the-whether the ! -whether ithe British -wil] seek to ! ;c--st r e c e i v e t ' a fresh stock of all k i n d s of Mst»os of t h e best qualithe German government officially protests because a United desire' what heart and intellect bid him to mould and to build. and positive convictions, Early j origin of mental and emotional j limit Jewish endeavor in the ties, and ??sc 81! k i n d s of p a s i o v e r in life he suffered from such j disturbance is not organic, EotlHoly Land by a stoppage or a .T-ticies. like M a i z e flour, cake Nothing but inertia and the selfish interests of some preStates citizen speaks the unvarnished even if unpleasant truth, acute mental disturbances that | physical, utterly unrelated to scy Icurtailraect of immigration, the f!ou'-, egg rn^iirog cookies, e t c . i e l w hnve a It'll line of all kinds vent man from translating his ideals into fiction, from impleit is in effect telling our government to halt freedoom of speech he had to be confined in a san-j physical defect. For the raind 'report of the" Royal Commission of R o k e s c h ' p K o s h e r a r t i c l e s for in the United States, a curtailment as foreign to our country menting them into realization. Man that was capable of the itarium for a period of time. AS-; is diseased when its mental col- 3f Inquiry will show us —• if ve F e s c" c li, m e l u d i n ^ s t r a w b e r r y , and chnr.-y jelly in pint ter regaining his mental health, j test is confusing, oppressive and rait till then. " ; craspberry i a s s j i " R : ^rid a!so oil m beauti. as tolerance is to the-Hitler government. Thus, in his news- most marvelous things in the physical and material realm is he returned to the ministry, his I unhealthy. A cu re can be af-j ie seems to me, hcvevr-r, the,':' paper column, General Hugh S. Johnson comments that "the surely equal to matching and even surpassing them in the politi- former vocation. However iajfected only when the content is j American Israel should not wait; R e m e m b e r PJHO r»7y o w n make soap. K o s h e r for p e s a c r i . P e s a c h place of attending to the relig-, purified and washed, or belter;till the fait accompli stares us in. C a n d v , t o o . only trouble with Fiorello was that he said a mouthful." And cal, social, moral, and spiritual sphere. 1 lous needs of normal men and I still completely discarded end re- the face. Y\"e, the friends of Eretz i Heywood Broun adds that if Mr. Hitler'^ pride is hurt by La If life seenis-.'vain',' make it significant. If existence women he dedicated his effort to ' placed -with fresh and helpful i Guardia's statement, so much the better. And "Westbrook Peg- eems-empty, fill it with good. If the universe seems purpose- the diseased and sick in mind, to! and hopeful material. Not an or-1 i ler tops the bill by holding that "the Nazi government, in all ess, aimless, and indifferent, history, and idiot's gibber, sound the inmates of institutions for j dinary physician is required its angry wordage, has not yet given any reason why Hitler's and fury signifying nothing/ endow it with purpose by having mental sick. He is now spiritual but one "who can heal spiritually, > director at the Elgin State Hos- diagnose and prescribe for spirit- j image should not be given a place in a chamber of horrors." a purpose high, noble, and excellent in your own life. "What pital for the Insane at Elgin ual maladies. "What, however, are the direct effects of the La Guardia hough there is frustration? There is also fruition. "What if where he is doing original anfi j Since "mental illness" incident? In Germany, its effect show the type of government here is trial and tragedy? There is also triumph. The Talmud constructive work. He is signif- do with the philosophy of life, • icantly enriching the lives of the with the sense of persons! failure ; running the Reich. The Nazis are venting their spleen upon s, "Man is a partner with God in the work of creation." Let inmates and curing mg,ny mental j and since certain types of mental' a n d disturbances, j disorders are very closely related j the hapless and helpless Jewry of the; country. German Jewry him not be a 'sleeping partner.' Awake, man! to the divine afflictions is in the grip of panic, since the Hitlerite press has served potentialities and the sublime possibilities dormant within hu- Since the author has cxperienc-j to certain types of religious ex- S ed acute emotional disturbances,! periences, organized religion and! notice that German Jews will have to pay for the insults against manity. and in his own -words "has re-1 its functionaries must not permit! the Reich voiced in America. The alarm felt by the Jews in turned from the other world," | the physician to assume full con- j "And in the sunrise' standing he is fully qualified to. deal with J trol and exclusive responsibility.' Germany is now as great as it was in March and April, 1933. • Our kindling souls confess mental disease. His mastery of j They have a duty towards mental i StilL claims the Nazis, Hitler ought not be-placed in a chamThat no good thing is failure, the psychoanalytical technique patients which they can not es- I : ber of horrors. , -I •'-•,.'; and literature increases his fit- cape. Ministers must teach the j No evil thing success; . nes for the novel and' important physician to cooperate with them ; Politically, in New York a hornet's nest has been stirred From age to age it groweth duties he has undertaken. and they in turn learn to cooper- | up. The pro-Nazi Germans have banded together to take reThat radiant faith so high As is evident from the sub- ate with him. Where the two CO- j venge on La Guardia at the polls next November. In contrast, title, the author holds that deep operate the curp will not only t>e j And its crowning day is coming . religious fervor, that great moral hastened but more permanent. ; the anti-Nazi forces have rallied to La Guardia's support. To By and by. passion, that unyielding' chafip- The key to mental health lies in j illustrate, approval of the.mayor's action has been voiced by - - Frederick Cohn. ioning of what js believed to he] religion, in a healthy philosophy! such groups as the German-American League for Culture, the Free Thinkers Society of San Francisco and the Non-Sectarian. Anti-Nazi League. A typical example of the reaction was the large bouquet of flowers left at the City Hall by an un• ;• a n d ' T a l m u d ' • identified woman, who wrote on the attached card: "Millions By Dr. Philip Sher of Germans inside and outside Germany thank you enthusiThe a@w spring lamps are astically for your courageous expression of the truth." She here! New shades BIBLE would not give her name because she has a father and a brother Thou shalt not i oppress a hired bcs©s — nev b'ecru y for in Germany. • '• • '••/•-•_.-/ servant who is poor and needy, Swing Into Spring Another effect of the La Guardia statement is that it made whether he be "of thy brethren or your h o s t — end good with The Nebraska's it difficult for Germany with grace to bring its exhibits to a stranger. < Extra Value for New York in 1939, the mayor thus accomplishing what antieyesa 'in the same day ttou shalt Nazi boycott^organizations had been unable to do - - keep give him his .wages before the sizn sets, for he is poor and his Germany outof the" 1939 "World Fair in New York. life depends on. his pay. V A uThereisr yet another phase of this; situation which should re Thou shalt not pervert the Jusnot be overlooked and which leads to: action on the part of this tice due to a stranger. cverv* r o o s — priced for , • /..TALMUD ' - - . government. From time to time the Nazi press has been vitu- '• . We are taught in a Baraitha: ©very piirses. Se© perative in its bestial comments on high officials in the United In the former years the burial ex' ( States as well as the country itself. , Thus, unbridled attacks penses were so extravagant that have been made on president Robsevelt, and uiispeakable libels they affected the relatives more than, the incident of death, and dous eyes. have been uttered daily against Americans and American in- consequently they would abanstitutions in the German government-controlled press with the don the dead body and run away OU'LL know they're Extra Value German government's approval and by German officials. These —until Rabban Gamaliel came and set the example of disregardthe mifiut'e "you cce them... They insults.reached a new high after the La Guardia remarks. In ing the custom through himself are ultra smart . . . exccpticnaliy fact, the Nazi comments were so raw and obscene that most when according to hi 3 request comfortable. The utmczt dcllcr-fcrof them are unprintable in this country. "We have been in-, they buried him in a linen shroud Whereupon the public also bedollar value on the market today. formed that a full report on the denunciatory statements in came accustomed to burying their the Nazi press has been made to the State Department by the dead in linen shrouds. American embassy in Berlin, and we shall expect our govern"And now," said Rabbi Pop.i, j ment to save its self-respect and the respect of its citizens by "the dead are buried in canvas m Plain Toes . . Cclfrkzns shrouds about a zuz in value." demanding of Hitler a counter-apology. ' (Now we need a Kabban Gama» . Buckos , . BlccI: GT liel to reduce the expense of the X-RAY FITTING SERVICE Brozvn grave, which is hard for the poor ' • Is Life Vain?* people.) "Vanity of vanities" said Koheleth.of old, and lie, drew up In the college o£ Rabbi Ishmael it was taught: Why is tho auricle! his bill of particulars. ti" of the ear hard," and the lobule [ Is that our sentiment still today? Do we still look with a soft? In case one hears unbecoin-! , sort of pessimism upon the world, its character, and doings? ing things he should >,o able to j As the user of English as it is spoken today would say, place the lobule into it and prevent from hearing such things. I "And how!" Ours is pre-eminently an age-of skepticism, even Rabbi Jochanan /-aid; "Sorrovj #




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Gemo Q? the' Bible

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March 13 — Vaad Auxiliary, Oneg Sl-abbos . . March 15 — Open meeting, Women's Division of Jewish Community Center March 16 Hadassah Study '"'roup March 17 — Temple Israel Sisterhood Bake Sale March 17 — "Women's Division Classes March 17 — Llizrachi Yeomen.

The Hacsassar *>-^ iry-outs vrili be f" <_ ->t ': March 14, at 1J.CC •k I the Jewish Coirr u! Those -Pishing- t - t ' P j 'do so b r ettencli-"- ^ • registering at t r c Ce j Si Sirs. ulius S ! the ileiieal ~ i "wto desires ' Get" EOiiFy \ ' so by offer;: - ] 1 necticn with 1 • Mrs. Stele IT"'1 • \ 184S. ! FoUo-B-iEE •; £ j c* woirea v v c • pieted their i 1 ta: T i e Mes _ ! Phil Greenb- p ' H. Brodkey, Jr 'Kaplan, Ear ' iler, Dave T, Arthur HIUE ' Dp.ytch, Her- • • Pelt-, H. •" " v • Blanche ZizRir.r.3\

HOCHENBERG-GAKUKK (ANNOUNCE BIRTH ! The marriage of Miss Helen • Mr. and Sirs. Jaclc Davidson, : Garber, daughter ol Mrs. Sarah • formerly o£ Omaha arid now re- ( Garber, to Sheppio Hochenberg, I siding in Chicago, announce thej son of Mr. and Mrs. Mas Hoch- j birth of a son, Donald, on March | enberg. of Des Moines, took place -i. . j Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at .' ..: ; i the home of the bride's mother. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Korbholz Kabbi David H. Wice perform-1 o f st. Joseph, Mo., anounce the ed the ceremony. . j birth of a son on Monday, March I Mrs. Garber entertained at a j s . j I r s . Korbholz is the daughter ! BAn '2HT3VAH dinner following the ceremony jj o f j I r a n d ^ I r s > s < Handler of! Dr. and Mrs. Morris Margolin for members of the immediate j Omaha. j announce the Bar Uitzvah of family. . ' ,i their son, Esar Gordon, on EatAfter the wedding trip the ! Mr. and Mrs, Charles L. Fell-; urday morning, March 13, at the young couplo vil make - their.i man, 3002 So. 16, announce the' Beth El Synagogue. Friends and borne in Des Iloines. I birth of a son, Stanley Arnold, ' relatives are invited. >"o cards | February 25 at the Clarkson hos- ; have been issued. HONORS BRIDE-TO-BE I pital. Miss Lillian Koom entertainThe Bar Mltzvah of Marvin Sied at a luncheon at the raxton Mr. and Aaron Davidson m o n ' s o a °* M * - a n f M r s c ' f""011 Hotel last Saturday in honor of announce the s i m ° ? - **» take place Saturday of Miss LaVerne Feblcowitz, Febleowitz, ^hose; Cy whose o • morning, March 20, at the Beth El Synagogue. marriage to Mr. Ted Newman b ' r t h o i a s o a o n J I a r c h ' • Davidson is a former Omahan. •will take place on March 21. Mr. and Mrs. Simon will entera v v T v r n ' t a i n a t a reception at their home A regular meeting or the ."i"SILVER AVEDDIXG ONE O'CLOCK IVXCHEOX 12513 Wirt Street on Sunday, ' ior Council of Jewish Wc~ " SARY Mrs. H. Franklin and daughter, March 21, between the hours of was held Ssucay, March C. > ' ' Mr. and Fifty guests helped Miss Kalah Franklin, entertained 2 and 5 in the afternoon and Paston Eote]. Piajis v p r » > .=• celebrate at a on? o'clock luncheon Sunday,! Mrs. Sam Feldman and 10 in the evening. All • cussed to send delegates t - '•.-( ^ ^ ^ ^ T March 7, at the Jewish Commun- their silver wedding anniversary.; regional conference to be fcr t. _r last Sunday. Avrum Epstein en- inenas anu r _ ity Center to honor Miss Mollie Jlinentpolis May 1-2. Plans vt-<tertained the party with a num- | * ° c a r d s are being issued. 1 Kaplan' of Columbus, Nebraska, tertained the party with a also m a c e for a joint meei T ^ v,l ber of Hebrew songs. who will be married to Morris J. RETURNS FROM CALIFORNIA the Senior-Junior Council Ci . - • • Franklin on April 11.- Mr. Itueben Kulakof sky reish Woraeii to be lield. in A, •.". 1 Out-of-town guests ' included ENTERTAIN AT A TEA turned Wednesday evening from T.Irs. I). A. Goldstein gave r ;""•• Mrs. Abe Greenberg entertainCalifornia wh3ro he spent the Mrs. Harry Kaplan and Miss lightfnl talk on Passover. "T" ed at a tea Sunday afternoon to. past month visiting his children, : Belman sang a srrci.^ r: Lena Kaplan of Columbus and of honor Mrs. Fred Bernstein 1 Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kichards and Ssther Silvenaan •; songs, Eccompar.ieti on the P 1 ""' Pearl and Eva Wolf of Fremont, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Seaman Kulakofbr Chxdaco". * Nebraska. Mr. and Mra. David Siiverman ' senior at the Municipal UruverThe tea table had a centerpiece 1 sky. announce the engagement of i sity of Qicaha and is president of , , of '• white snapdragons, white TO BE GUEST QF HOXOR their daughter, Esther, to Albert ; the Alpha Gararaa Chi Sorority. \ j sweet peas and Calls lilies vritb Dr. and Mrs. J. JM. Erman and -rr-«. - » %, r_ •*->-• •>,-_ i y r ^WgJ^g. ;3 a graduate of: silver holders holding white ta•, son of Morris "Wiener. No Mrs. J. J. Friedman TTII.1 leave the University of Nebraska Col-! date has been set lor the wed1 pers at either side. . Mrs. Harry Tie "Women's DiiisJoc r ' Friday morning for Minneapolis Lapidus poured. ding. ' | lege .of Engineering and is at the ; Jewish Commur.itr Ccr.trr where Dr. Ennan will be the th Mrs. Greenberg wore- a black Miss . • • • » • ! - tr»^~»« iuiss Silverman onvertuan and a.iia Mr. .iir. Vv'einvv ein- present present time tone connected" cocoecteii*- with -v, u.n CUK hold a luncheon meeting ?' guest of honor at the Department white The Council of JewxshU omen „ a r e b o t h Coopaay of d u a t 6 s o f Ceatra] | H w z a ErtgkieeriEg Center on Sloe day, March I of Minnesota Veterans of Foreign crepe cocktail gown with busy plans ior VIIIRV with Dlans l o r its an-1 , . _ . . . ; _ . , . , trimming at the neckline. Miss Silverman Is cow a j Columbus, Nebraska. one o'clock. Reports on tS c luncheon which takes j ivities of the Women's D.\ man is national surgeon-general j place Monday, March 22, at 1> | other games will "be offered. Re- will be given at that time. of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. JBIRTHDAT PARTT o'clock at the Jewish Community | : Mrs. Max Gross entertained . Mr.. Tniliani Ilokman . freshiaents will be served. Center. Mrs. Sam Wolf, chairtwelve little guests at her home, th:" N l g ' h t A p r i l 3 j Admission is twenty-five cents show mctscD pictures 2oth -VTSDDEvG AXirrVERSARX j per person. There will be a draw- toot while on a recent. '• Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zollotuchand Mrs. Henry Newman, is maken celebrated their twenty-fifth the ninth birthday of her daugh- ing plans to accomodate^ about .. S c r e e n o-Casino Klght" spon- ing for a $50 cash door prize. ^ Australia cca the South 5ter,-, Bose Elaine. Tickets may frora i lands. wedding anniversary Sunday, three hundred bridge and bingo . g o r e d b y t h e M e n . f l C l ^ o f t h e y be obtained I Reservations for the rurFebruary 2S at a supper given any member ol the Men's Cli:b. players. - . ! B e t n E J £ynarogue will be held 1 are thirty-five cents and E < for 4 0 guests. . A board meeting at noon pre- at the Central Club, 21st and I made by calling the Corns Their son and daughter-in-law, ceding the luncheon is scheduled Dodge streets, Saturday evening, i Center. Mr. ,and Mrs. Ben Zollotucben. of to permit the naming ol a com- April 3. Sioux' City 'were present. - ; , Study Gro-an The affair will be a combined • The Hadassah The last Ti'oraen's Divisio:. Screeno party and raudeviile will meet Tuesday afternoon at will t e held on T,*edi ' S \ M. MOTHER SCLUB 2 the inembers of a ticket committee js h ° "«'- Arrangecieuts are m the home of Mrs. Samuel Kai- SlE.rcfe IT. follov'i'nE a one i The S. A. M. Mother's Club, . c h a r e oi A r t h u r man. 115 No. 27th Avenue. Mrs. April 11. Mrs. dePSPrt-lKncher-n, .Wolf include the i e Conn, chairman will' hold a luncheon meeting j stono Hotel on is chairman and j a S B l s ' ' ° s - ^ . . ' . • • . , Katleman Some of the out- '• Leon Nogg vrill be co-hostess. rl t nick B e I 1 ! of the evening/ : Rabbi Frerleriel: Colin v"" Monday, March 15, at the homo ,Sidney ,^=1,4.™ ™u* -r -f-rwhaiiMesdames: Philip JUutznici, lien; • , ,,„„„„. ,._,r,*\,*^ ^ " i o A dessert luncheon wi acts of be i elude "his series oj ir.Iks. of Mrs. J. Bernstein, ',£10 North Mrs. William Milder, i Ravitz, Louis Lipp. Sam Teper, j - stage - and served at 1 o'clock precedin the 35th street. Z ^ ^ to f J ^ ^ ' several.!meeting. of the Committee are ' Juliua Abrahamson, M. M.. Green-, Patronize- Our Aererti-In^ afldition Screeno, berg. L. Gordon Gross, Herbert] the Mesdames Sol Lagman, Dave RESIDING IX Morri3 Katelman, Harry ! Epstein, Morris Burstein, O. -S. I't,,^ hhp _«, Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. M r . Harry y Belzer, Herbert Neveleff. Al Fin- f ™ " " % who since their marriage marriage in O Oma . ,t -o^^T, T 'A. Simon, Abe Stein, David ha three years" ago have ttraveled l na uir« o .,»*«.»., — coun , - J. Burstem.^lax Kosen I., ^ ^ ^ , S a m Z a c h . f the in various sections of the coun- Fiedler, Charles Fellman,, L Ele-, • Still others who are aiding try are now making their home | witz, Leon Mendelsohn, Sam Ban,! . - ^ Hesdames: Irving I in Washington, D. C Mrs. Levi- j H. P. Milder, Abe Krantz. Sam ^ Ben Silver, u Reuben tan is the former Sara Ann W - ! Brown, Dave Crouse and K La-, Brown, l m a s t Morris Linsman, Ben die of Omaha. vinson. Mrs. L.• Iseveleff is will' in Kaxlowsty. Albert Newman MilOrchestra charge of Patrons tickets. TO BE GUESTS HERE ' _.-. ton Mayper, Moe Bercovici, Cy Austinthe Bevans* Mr. M. Echenberg and David; furnish music, Silver, Sam Greenberg, F-dwin and Becky Echenberg; who are j Brodkey, Arthur Green, I. -P. spending the winter in Miami Goodman, George Spitzer, WilSocial, Caltoal Grasp liam Polack. • Beach, Florida, will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph-Tretiak Named to head a committee Mr. and Mrs. Louis Morgan enbefore returning to their home in tertained the Social and Cultur- which will have charge of the Sherbrook, Canada. al Group, of the Omaha. Hebrew Council's rummage sale April 6, Club at their home last Thurs- 7 and 8th, are Mrs. L. Gordon AT WASHBtRX Gross and Mrs. Edwin Brodkey. day evening. John Shaniherg, son of Mr. and members are asked to Plans were discussed for the Council Mrs. Barney Shr.mberg of Hutch- presentation of the "Yiddische save old clothing, lamps, dishes inson, Kansas, formerly, of Fre- King Lear." and furniture for the sale. mont, Nebraska, has been electThe legislative and study group Tryouts are being held for the ed student president of the Law parts. The play will be directed of the Council of Jewish Women School of .Wash-burn College, To- by Louis Wolk. will hear a discussion of "The peka, Kansas S. Kenyon is president of the j Proposed Change in the Supreme Shamberg is a senior and a Court," when Jack Marer, attormember of the Phi Alpha Delta group. ney, discusses the subject at their j fraternity. He was-recently, apnest meeting, Wednesday, March i pointed to the board of editors 16, following a dessert luncheon of the State Bar Association jour" i at 1. o'clock at the Jewish Coia:: At a meeting held last Sunday >m u n l t y center. nal/ Morris Arbitman was elected del- ' " . M i A AT egate to the "national convention Twa Jews. Bromet and De The following programs will be I t o b e j j e i d jn >,-apanock, N. Y. Lemon, were elected to the secheld at the Joslyn memorial on | Morris attended the last.-National ond National Assembly of HolIn t h e : convention and the past three " Sunday TVlarch 14, 103" land (1797). tournaments.* He 3s Lecture Hall at .3:30 p. m. Mr. Regional _ Paul H. Grummann -wiH lecture !n o w Aleph Mazkir of the. Chap- ; on Gounod's "Faust" followed by i t e r . •. ' | ..' IT WILL PAS YOU excerpts from the opera directed r The chapter discussed plans I • '. To Constslt . by Madame Thea Moeller-Herms. j for the coming A. Z. A.' Sabbath. J At 4:00 p. in. in the Concert | The basketball team, regional j Hall there will be an organ re- champions, will leave for Minne-, : cital by Miss Esther Leaf, with j apolis Friday night, March l£r, t o ! When bsyios











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Council of Jewish fomen.

Vaad Auxiliary . Planning Dance


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Miss Evelvn Faulk, pianist,^ as as- participate in the district tournaDIAMONDS • M ment.. A banquet and a dance, WEDDING KINGS sisting artist. held next week to honor WATCHES • SlhVE the basketball team and to give end «!FT JC7EL3Y y . j t n e m a r o u s i n g Bendoff, and also The International SUver: Com- jI to -honor~'four new. initiates, fi pany, makers "of Roger B Brothers, h i A special meeting will be held 1847 silver, has issued an: Eng- ! this Sunday, at the Center. All lish Book for Passover, especially ;i members are urged to attend. •adapted'for young people. • j The book contains the story of the first Passover, gives a , d e s - r lipsoooooooscococoooooocooeocossoococoacccoccccocj rt r « ^..M. cription of the principal Jewish " holidays, and is a veritable trea- j sure of Jewish information specially adapted for the use of young • people.

Keeps food lcn~cr.


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New Arrivals Daily!

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noiir-ire cAd Curt. Giver. rn':r.™'~~

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Naiionaily famous styles In iha season's mosf flattering sHades.


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Industry Now Strives -For Employes Safety




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ABOVE—Guards of heavy steej place «urrouniJ ihe grinding wKeet, in csse the ttkeel breaks, and a suctioa system carries o^xmery dost and cetal fraqaients LEFT—^"hlte-hot scca! is bsd niedicinc for a v.orkrasn's tees. S:cel-cappcd shoes and asbestos leggin's a-e WOTS to prevent bursts or other serious injuries.


ABOVE—Wristlets automatically (natch hands away from a descending press punch in a Bethlefiem Steel plant. TOP CENTER—A fine-mesh-wire heat mask checks heat from this pipe-welding furnace. The fine screening absorbs heat, making the work not only safer but adds to the workman's comfort.

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PAYED WITH GOO)—This road connecting Julia and Bamoha, Cal.r is literally paved with, gold, though thousands of. tourists drive over it annually without knowing. Crushed roc&from a neighboring quarry, of which it was built, assays at $7 a ton. Fred —•"Koele and Orval Hammer, who now own the quarry, are shown • searching for the gold-bearing stone on the quarry dump. The county supervisors say it would not pay to tear up the road and sell it as ore. , '

SHU'S t E ^ CCXEXASIX—Kiss 1C. W.zzis rurr.e'd, bS, ol .?!inrs Masc., first v o r x n n.cht telephone orjcrrtor n- the voiii, the only voman ever io lic^c bncr. s. tclot)Iioac Liu r c r r . i r r r n d now a Constable in Qu:ncr. She hss Ivc gun: r i £ Lnevr Ucv to use then:, ll:ourh fc-c r"iTr cc™-i,~r c1, c~ onr Cn~r I - ' I T ^ C , ' i r younper 1 1 forscrsticn rrcr :;?* t" ; rr.i"^ t i n " s~:o'..nj \ . ' I T ' r-iontli perusal of Kolr ^"nt S'le summons 1"ie p o l r r ' i c r~r!~" r-11 -necessary crrost. S i s r r r r s ^cr OSCIEI l:?;^o vsnScr r> Irr--.




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A B O V E — A pill tor tiie t e s t ! Perspirsticr. v\:hdraws necessary sslt IPOHJ the bodv. A taalet of salt and dextrose so^ar relieves heat fatigue—one oC the most 'effective antidotes yet discovered. The tablets are svaii able in conveniently located contah-srs.' l a c^e st^cl J plant the 1935 accident toll vzs reduced by a Xzv\ cf j 10 per cent of the previous \ s:r, by safety divlces.

ABOVE—Gosgfes of heat-treated safety glass protect this operator from flying scraps of red hot seals. RIGHT —"Cat-taib" in a doorway remind this workman of possible danger from approaching yard engines. Such devices are planned to instill into the minds of employes the thought of safety, until Eelf-preservation grows into a sixth sense thereby becoming innate with them.




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•CHICAGO'S ANNIVERSARY. — Cannons boomed and ^sirens shrieked as Chicago opened its six-months observance celebrating' the 100th anniversary of its founding as a city. Above, Mayor. Edward Kelly, right, receives from Frank Loesch, civic leader, the gavel used by the city's first mayor, William Ogden. This feature ceremony'was at the Chicago Historical Society rooms.

1 LUNCH—En route to Havana to study agricultural problems, Mohamed Amine Youssef. Egyptian Minister in Washington, stops off at the International Pan American airport at Miami, Pla., for lunch, before hopping gulf waters in an air clipper ship.

MOSLErJG—One usually thinks of Moslems in an Arabian or Persian setting, but here is a gathering of them in "Weiring, Surrey, England. -Ths- im^m of the Shah Jehah L~oslem mosque there, is shown spsaMng, at right, durins a recent celebration of Idu I-AdiE. As jncy bs seen, they are shosleesr i°r a Moslem remo%*es his shoes before entering a radsque.


1 i




YANKEE STBEAE3MNBK—^What »vas described us the first fu!Ijr rtresrr.l:nod ioccrr.ctire on zn eastern railway "was this huge engine delivered to the New Yorlc, "Kevr Haven & Hartford road, here ssen •pulling into the station at New Haven, Conn. It is the first of a fleet of ten for the road. Its length is nearly 100 feet and it is 10 feet wide over the cylinders.

DON"? TTOEKT, B3RS..BKADDOC3i—James J. Bvaddock, champion heavyweight boxer, isn't going to boat up Mrs. Braddock, thougii the piciure niight convey thai: idea. He's merely showing the eameramen v:h£t hs intends tc use on Joe Louis in Chicago, on June 22. Tiia End Mrs. Eraadoct sre sli^vn arriving in Kianii; F1&., whore Jisi startEd trsining for tlie Louis boa*;.


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, , v>%<H\i T. S. EIJKS AEOBKB—Cole:;! n:e;dcr2 K r^crvsl:. riciJt. na-y a I?ef7 Yorfc editor, ploys dee-: tcrnto T.Uh r turnins nbo'ird the 0 . S. lircr ~7^-"~Av~ic?~, rTr™ circa'd. '/Xlcft, -i;r,

T/E.-T, K d-.ars-Ed Ir^-. Senator Fxc=

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Page f

IISSimiinillilKiliEmiiannnmiinffiliHIi^ I ed to a contract by "Warner.Bros.j ;Let the wolves how — . forward; Iz Bogdonoff, Psi Mil, • players. will be listed by this ccl- :-western A* A. TT. handball tourn- • Richards, Sam Eorinsky, Millard i s a n c IS V.- 11 be- etareci ir .3>* ~" ' in 1|37. After nine years of do-1 •forward: Hubert Monsky. Uarish- uinn. TTateh for It.. s.ment. SiE-ai. P. Wright Wrirht Aaron Epstein, Enstein. tie Monsky, BErisltament. :! Sigal, near future. L a d ? \ r b c a~?- '•'•• But this column is determined •forward; mestic life, Miss Ralston drove Sanders center; Lou TTeiner, BarJ. C. C. performers -vrho have George Schapiro. find Jake Sch- teres;«d tu'e • to name an allstar basketballfive out 'io the studio last week and ish-Sanders, guard; Mas Turner, Handball, experts of the clreacy sirr_e5 r.p EISS T>"1;O are riobmcr.. their names i > fiwis.Dii.iinf; in«i.''-Ji.-> took'ia screen.test for an Import- at the Jewish Community Center. Si Lambda, guard. •west vrili gather jnr. Di-r, Of' J. C. C. expected lo mate a serious ant part in a picture being directHere it is: |ifip pnrt .),; Next week, another • .group of ; four-vail courts starting Monday for t h e singles championship are or coUiiriTi i ' o r meet ed by Archie L. Mayo. She, won ..Beth El Willie Smith, Alpha Pi Tau, outstanding J . C. C. bc?!:ctl;all' to tak° pert :n t h e annual rr.'.C- rt'ss J.f'.cr. :~r~ ~*>—r. ~-: * r 1f

'IT',-- beys between the apes of events.

At services tonight Rabbi David the ^role and played it so Well A. Goldstein urill speak on "Four that 1the studio offered her a conHebrew Words That Diagnose the tract which she accepted. Miss Ralston, daughter, of John RalI I I B O ! the World." Tomorrow mrraing, Esar Gor- ston, | famous Austrialian musical don, the son of Br. and Mrs. Mor- comedy star, was an actress in ris Margolin become a BarSydney prior to her marriage to Mitzvah. Cantor Aaron Edgar and Harris nine years ago. the Beth El Quartette will lead j . -[[ : ' —— the service. Members of t h e ' The nameof Marine Reiner, a Confirmation Class -will ptartici- I form«r "little theatre" and radio star ot Philadelphia, '; has been pate in the service. added to the fast mounting rostNest Week

Nest Week is Sabbath Hagodol i er of istarB and players under con— the great Sabbath so called as tract:;to B. P. Schulberg, indepenthe Sabbath before "Passover. dent?! producer for Paramount. Jewisli tradition' requires that this Sa"bbath be set aside tor a discussion of the of Pesach. Therefore Rabbi Goldstein will devote his discourse to an inspiring interpretation and discussion


Miss; Reiner originally came to Hollywood to work for 20th Century-jFox in several films.

Samuel GoKwyn produced and released three .pictures last year of the observance of Pesach sym- and; each one of them has been 'singled out for possible awards bols. • Cantor Aaron Edgar will teach of ^iierit by the Academy of Mothe congregation the,melodies to tiofi Pictures Arts and Sciences. One of his directors, William Wybe sung at the "Seder. ' ler,'has also been nominated as having done the finest work of Temple thei year in his field . . . Lillian Rabbi David H. Wice's sermon Heiiman, famous playwright, tonight, "How Do you Approach has returned to Hollywood to beYour God" is based on the Torah gin!-work on the script for "Dead portion for the week, the open- End" for Goldwyn. She is the ing . chapter of Leviticus. . author of "These Three," one of the! pictures listed among possi• •• • : -TTaad ble.'nominations for the best film At late Triday' night services of.fthe pact year .'-.' . "Returning of the "Vaad, Ttabbi Milton A. from Europe after an absence of Kopstein will speak; on "Positive several months, Sol Lesser, PresJudaism." Cantor A. Schwaczkin ident of Principal Productions, will conduct the service. Services disclosed plans to increase his will be held at the B'nai Israel company's production program 'to Synagogue, IS and Chicago St. mtiet demands of foreign' film ex: Saturday morning Rabbi Kop- hibitors for more American-made stein will read the Portion of the miisical and adventure pictures. week at the Beth Hamedrosh On. his trip he signed up the famous composer Oscar Strauss . . . Hagodol Synagogue; 19th andSigmuhd Romberg, one of Amer-Burt streets. The .traditional Father and ica's greatest comic opera comSon service is held regularly ev- posers, is-to write his first dramery Sunday morning at 0 o'clock atic score directly for a motion at the Congregation B'nai -Israel. picture when he prepares the musical score, for an MGM. film . . . Edward G.! Robinson, once out of a job and with only ?15 to his name, speni $11 of it for a paintBy PEEARSKT ing' that took his fancy. Later he;Was offered $1000 for his purTHE TVEEK I S HOMiTWOOD chase . . . . Joan Blondell has just Business is good in Hollywood,, received a belated wedding- gift particularly -with the movie, pro- in ihe form of 100 rosebuds from ducers, judging ironx t h e a n - an admirer who remembered that nouncements of big . business Tier' Barnes as a child was Rosedeals being • consummated here. bud Blondell. Edward; L. Alperson, President of Grand National Films, Inc. has Bigned a 10-year lease for the Ed- (Gopyright. 1937 By. .Seven Arts ucational1 Studio in Hollywood Peature Syndicate.) and permanent headquarters will be established there for this new company. Grand National will y * S3"5<!>.-fSl"-is5-, 0 take, occupancy April 1. .FollowfT^f*/^'"*_&•$ J{" ('*^% ing -Jihis— announcement comes-~ -- * word-that Selznick International Pictures, headed by David O. * ** J. C. C. Botvliag Selznick, has. purchased the his15 9 Panthers rs toric RKO-Patto Studio in Cnl-Bears 13 11 ver City. This is the biggest ma- Lions 11 13 jor step in the s studio's prosper- Timers • id 14 ity expansion program, according Tuesday night the Panthers to Henry. Ginsberg, general manwere again defeated two out of ager for Selznick. ".- ' ' three games and saw their lead We hear that Merryn LeRoy, cut down. The Bears and Lirina ace lilm director, has secured the are fighting for second place and services of two notable figures in are only a short distance behind the theatrical "world.for his ownthe leading Panthers. The Tigers producing company. Max_Gordon, are in the cellar position, but are famous theatrical producer, with steadily winning games and may many hits to his credit, is t $ help ifiove up a position or two. LeRoy in the production of an elaborate musiclal ish'ow to '"be High single games were Jack;' .started soon. Gordon and LeRoy Melcher, .Oscar Hayerqwich, and are old friends and the former Hose Franklin with 227, 217 and will give the latter, the benefit of 200 respectively. Keglers Meyhis broad experience aa a play er3on, Fleishman, B. Levine, and producer and the latter will teach A "Weitz were only a few pins , Gordon now to mate movies, and ihort of bowling in the 200 class. at a fancy salary while learning. .: Next Tuesday night at Si j>. m. George Jessel, noted star of mu-sharp the Panthers will meet the sical comedy who is being kept Tigers while the Lions and Bears very busy with radio engage- will fight for second place. ments in New York these days, Barish-Sanders won the .Jewish has also signed an agreement basketball with Producer LeRoy to join his Community Center -staff as an associate producer. league championship but they did Jessel will bring his vast experi- not do it with, a perfect record. The Psi Mua took care of this e n c e in "the entertainment field to aid LeRoy in ideas, stories and latter dietail by landing the treatment of future pictures. He champs a 41-36 licking last begins his new- work April 15, day as the circuit held its final moving- from Universal studios, session. The winners jumped where he has been until now. : out to a big aead at the outset ou the sensational goal-shooting of THTI. HARRIS' WIFE SIGXED '. Iz,-Bogdonoff, the clothing sales. "Pretty Marcia Halston, wife, of man who had a, "perfect fit" Phil Harris, the orchestra leader, practically everytime he heaved I is the first new; actress to be sign- the leather at the meshed ring..! ••: The Automen, with "the belated j arrival of their atar, Lou. "Weiner, | rallied strongly in the finalquar- j FREE RENT for-: an -eHerly ter but couldn't overcomo the big j ; : woman, in return for advantage set up by the Psi JJus. j y t f -with another eUerly One of the -most thrilling games j of the year set off this final bas-', lady; "alee apartnsent—-conketball program. This was , the ^ Senial company. Call WAdouble extra period tussle Alphaf S13S. Pi Tau won over the fighting A. i Z. A. No. 1 kids, by a So to 29 !margin. Away to a lead, A. P. T. held For Rent furnished room it until the final five seconds Lome cuiiatle for when Dave Weiner • dropped a couple. or single. Cooking free throw to tie the game at 24privileges if desired. SOS 24 at the end of the regular playSo. 31 Street. Haniey 6260. time. The "Alphas jumped out in front in .the first extra period, but again in the last five seconds A. Z. A. knotted it to delight the Party TXOVT' livsnsr in Los An- screaming audience as Leo Sherman counted from underneath geles wisaes to sell the hoop. property at sacrifice In the second overtirner, Willie Sood nouses 5n'Jewisk neis Smith got hot enough to play in a. Glendole 194S. Cab Calloway's band, icing' the gam'e. Coach Red Greenberg-, of the A. P. T. was finally seen reg-; istering a smile after Willie's hot For Rent S or . 7. roam streak. Bouse and garage all raodXi Lambda r.ubdued the galon>, in Jewish, neighborhood. lant efforts of A. Z. A. No. 100 ,, WE-4629. by a count of 35 to 17, in the other game on the program.


Bt a luncheon , Talitiifiiin - _ _ ; t h e couple . . Phil It in Erie is rnanObservations by your correspondent . . . during a. Tisit ajrer a n d Max GriTot is t h e ssssisrat the City Talmud Torah of theant ZQExEtTer -cZ t h e s e i r MetroAlepn Beth (A B C Class) taught politan. Dreg Store a.t 2 5th a n d by Mr. Jacob Kahx . . . To watch , T the eager, faces of the children i ^ r u i s . . trcoons, ^OUIE and who range in aSes from -6- to 9 \ ^ ^ : : n , ana their w : v M years, and to listen to their in- ; retumefi from thejr winter so-



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Distributed by munity t o come and learn f o r ! themselves, t h e fine fo-andation [ • being laid there for a future' ^r •n-orthwhile Jewisli Community . . I Greer! ^7?: £"'-r": ! " -"" r '. J Mr. Aaron Katz, t h e principal, in-! t i e Ac^rov F — ^ c . 1 " t t l " r-<forms u s t h a t t h e r e a r e eight (caused trerr. £. Ir C-t f— i\,- i.— " classes daily t a u g h t , by four j being: T i - . r j — u r - f r r . a c r ?, teachers, consisting of Elihn j t a d f a / c i to r t ; i - n r t l .ii a : " r Bloch, Jacob Kahz, J n d a h TTolf-|sons.W.o r r r . : - rf -. r - f r - r - r son and- Aaron Katz, ranging ["Party u : r h F V .° i r i b ' - r E . r r , ' from t h e first g r a d e t o ' t h e Ye-jinS- T r ° — E - >»r"r-- f- -Y'r-r-; shiva or High School . . . . The | and ' r ^ r r e - ! >— if .-'"-"•• i~ \" r'T e s h i r a Class is t a u g h t by t h e i f i c e . TV ; h T . - ~ r = r ' F ]--"-<--». Rabbis Goldstein, Kopstein and (ping c f e i r . r t Z'tT.r r ^ - c - r >c*

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is" t a seat was available ffiany were turned away at . the Banquet and Initiation of the B'nai E'rith -membership class. ter ] ; : Por the first time in local B'nai B'rith history incidental music WES included in tne initiation j t T-: r— c: ceremony, greatly ektancing the!' " ' ritual presentation of the Omaha • ]rf Lodge Degree team. Songs and | ljl ^.'! chants "were effectively rendered; Vpr r r T rev-ari;. ~r by Cantor Edgar, Lawrence Fin-':" ; tel, Ida Gitlin. and Harriet Bem- '^ stein. Betty Fellman. was t h e , 1 ^ * . * ^ piano accompanist . . . . Harvey: ^ a ^'""; u Leon, son cf Sam Leon, a past - ^° '~u president of District Grand. Lodsre jiaJ-»-"-"• 'No. 6, was the candidate who rep-i ei^ C'T resented the class of one hundred j and twenty nemtiers, one of the] largest classes in local lodge his-; Tre C tory, which honored Fred Bern-' Iocs'- -' stein, the president of the District;'raticr? Lod^e KTo. 6 . . . TJr. Bernstein's : March '. talk -was interspersed with hnnior; ine : or tut inspirational nevertheless. As: has 1'-an illustration of the effectiveness : sion. T 1 oZ h'is ;speecn, one of the gnests ; ente- r approached t15 "with the statement Ste.r" c ."I have seTer before realized the; sier— : 'ral-je of B'nai E'rith member- j is clir-"1 sl:Jp;-I desire to enroll now" . . . j

ESaln Flocr Crzndcls Ctora


^ : ~ .?. \~<.- ] . - : ' • » *




I .. r



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P e t e r Greenberg, formerly on; initis t i - i t - : ' i t h e ageacy staff of t h e I.Ietrcpoli-; of I I : —.r~ F" j t a n Life Insurance, i a s resigned ' Leon I"'" ~ - liis position t o become associated j Miiton Trr'~r~ with the- operation of t h e I d e s i i B i s n ^ zz.c Z". Bottling-Company; an institution] pres^ r e ~ - " t h a t has been in existence f o r i t i a t i ~ n t"—r — nearly 20 3'ears , . • South Side, on i r e r ' - . r . ! packer Jack Kaznicfc h a s t u r n e d ! bars . . . T i t o t h e fiark-eyed Eemice Snfiston, \ B e r r ' : : a . D e s Moines damsel . . . Dr. A.|- 0 £ V - ' : - . - t : A. • Steinberg a n d " r e i b e l " B r e i T e c t ~ ; r seeking larg-er quarters . . . theyj als. 5rrm t r r prefer a place with a spacious j prof ' . " i f" y a r d ! ! ! . . . H e w a s t i e m e d i a t o r ; Kirs ~ v r -




AND LUN'OH 1318 Farnsm St. VVE Z422


is Sioux City pal a-j girls date with ner because the boys j cornnr^r-'—had assured him that she was alorat*"- -"-"dazzler" . . . c o s the inclement; the f"' E* ~; weather . . . the Sicus City p a r To 7—>'-n was snow bonnd and ci;r hero was ; triti""", ~~. compelleS to keep t t e tryst aim-: Spec ~.\r*^ I j self . . . and tne "daszler" fiazsled ; iani " ~rr "' J the "fixer" sufficiently that he! Cclr ml '] is usurping her time . . . . Gar! scjic—: . ' . - r j Kansas City correspondent advises; awar."1' " . " Ins that the chap with t i e amor-1 outs": ~rz j oas cognomen, Caleb Belove, now'•v n r r c -. j residing in Kansas City, was mar-, and " " ^ I ried'recently to a "Kiss Lft5;y Fsd-. j c r ' ; I er of'.Detroit, Miehiran . . - Be-;. , . I love is related to Sam anS Birdie +0 tl- ."«•I Josephson and was formerly atr,,e- C. - 1 " 'student at- CreigSton University tfceir •'«---" . . . . Chic Betty Fellnian.' prefers ' o as€~"chict" in preference to otters . . the:" Bakery Bales—as Mas Saerrscs ; (->0- - — states that ae -ee-ds inore '£oi;s"i-' ized "" " ' — in in t i e frmi'r T T r:




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Page 0

id we disident of the District Grand Lodge J the Eagle Hall. Mr. Leo SeilMr. and Mrs. J. Kanofsky, 1821 No. 6 of the B'nai Brith, and is a } .w&rtz, internationally-known leeNebraska Street, celebrated their iai tug on ILL twerity-fifth .wedding anniversary | Master in Chancery of the Super- turer and author, -will be the honkyakarkus' Sunday evening, when they enior Court of Cook County. , Dr. ored guest and principal speaker. !msn. The tertained thirty-five gue3t3 at a A. A. Greenberg of Omaha, first All members, tbeir families, and j >eing. Hardinner in the Sunset Cafe. The vice president o£ the District I their friends are urged to save liSSMAPIIX, BSP. P.. E. after dinner hours were spent in Grand Lodge Xo. 6 was a guest j this date and attend, this affair. I Xew To-"- i least .one iseries of c r n v l the Kanofsky. home and a midof the- local . group. Mr. Berni was establiii 'tl night lunch was served. stein gave an interesting talk of The Council Bluffs Agudas 24. [Lodge Xo. 1 cl Sfeaare Zioa Guests from away • included the progress of the B'nai Erith. Achiin Society Trill hold a reg-aPlan3 are nearing completion it a warded c ' , I lar meeting nest Thursday even- tectioa of I >. ^ i -nabbi H. R. Rablnowitz will Mr. and Mrs. I. Shaeffer and fam- for the Community Dance to be Mrs. B e n R u d n e r a n d s m a l l I i n S . March I S , a t 8 : 3 0 o'clock a t Itinguished r"*-, held oa "Wednesday night, March speak on the life of Don Isaac ily, .Mr. and Mrs. A. Shaeffer, 24, at the Hotel Chieftain, under daughter, Billie Hermine, left I t5le Eagle Hall, 1 The first S T - C Abarbanel,. this, evening at Shaare Mr. and Mrs. P. Katzman. and the of the local B'nai last Friday for Los Angeles CalifGarrison V-i'a-d Zion synagagug, commemorating Mr. and Mrs. I Schwartz, all of Brith.auspices Mr. Simon Steinberg i3 ornia, following a visit at the Mr. and Mrs. Milton Simon of,i D. u_ Baker, fo-cie • ;, Members of the Senior. Hadas- the fifth; hundred anniversary, of Omaha. r SPCT° r 1 general chairman in charge of home of'Mrs. Rudner's mother, Omaha announce the Ear Mitz-:j War; w sah chapter" will be -hostesses to the birth of] the '; Spanish statesChar.-s I" this affair which will be the outMrs. W.Soloraonow., They will rah of their son, Marvin on Satthe Junior HadaSsahs Of the city man. Cantor A. PUskln and the Miss Dorothy MeV-in, Miss Soi of the Grerter >, next. Monday evening, March 15, synagogue .choir Tirlll' chant the phie Franklin and Miss Tillle standing social event of the sea-join Mr. Rudner, who preceded urday, March 20, at the Beth El I l i o n o f y i i i i c L son. Mrs. Richard Gordon ia in them to Los Angeles, where taey Synagogue, 2 0tn and Dodsre Sts. iThompson, y^ when, the Annual Junior-Senior r i t u a l ; ' : ' . ' . ' " •-"•.•• "-.' -""'••'•'..'.• ""• Franklin spent last. Sunday in charge of the ticket sale, and iswill make their future home. A reception Trill be held at : McDonald, frrrmeeting .wiU, be held "in the Jew- Tomorrow morning, Mr, and Waterloo, Iowa, where' they at- being assisted by the Mesdames their honie on Sunday, Warca 21, i tions Corar l ic r " i is... Community Center at 8:'3OMrs. B. GFelf'and will "serve re- tended the Iowa Conference of Moxris Yudelson, Joe Gotsdiner, 2 to 5 aad from 7 till 10 [Refugees; Jp-pio'clock. freshments to • members.of the Junior Hadassah. The Waterloo Phil Saks, Herman Krause, Na- The Council Bluffs -Chapter No. from f h theA A. Z. A. held a meeting-! No invitation are being issued* i former president, .'•: Mrs. W. C. Slotaky. president Junior: Congregation. chapter w?s hostess to more than than Nogg, Sam Gross, and Max7 of e A. o£ the Senior Hadassah -will Next Monday afternoon, Rabbi sixty Junior Hadassah - members Conn. Freddy Ebener's orchestra '<Monday evening. March S, at the M . ~ ' speak briefly, and Mls3! Dorothy Rabinowitz.' will review "Cities at the conference. will furnish the music for the home of Arnold Lincoln. Plans i "S2IS Des.£!_d Falror... e »." r .x.1 Merlin, president of the, Junior of Refuge" by Philip Gibbs for were discussed for the handlins j dance. "• Suppress & nas •' Hadasaah chapter will respond. the Catholic. Women's Club Of oft he check room at the Com-1 Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. CoomAa ^out ot town speaker -will give the Blessed Sacrament:Church. munity "Erev Pesach" Dance to I er have departed for Chicago, SR. HADDASH the principal address of the eve- Plans are • being made i by the where Mr. Coomer has been beheld at the Hotel Chieftain, on j Bucharest —Charging that the The Council Bluffs Senior,.Ha- Wednesday ning. ' Mis3 Anna pill --will pre- Junior Congregation for '.elr night, March 24. An '•B'nai Brith is only a band of transferred by the feally Frocks dassah will hold its monthly important meeting • 'side-at,the meeting... -n-ill be held | Free JIasons -srho are warring Company. annual Friday • evening service meeting next Wednesday after- next Monday evening, Nazi Germany, the Xazi . , Amuscial skit-"Happy Maids which Is scheduled-for: March March 15, I against -—- . — artles i n noon, March 17' at 2:30 at the will be presented by members of 19. Details; of the service will feii'l — _ have„ preRoumania Mrs. Ben Shulien departed last Hotel Chieftain. This month, the at the home of Irving Cohen 3 7 IIP ente the Junior, Hadassah. included appear in -a 'forthcoming issue of week for Chicago, where she will |I sented a p.tition p.tition to to Premier North Seventh Street 1 d a Pre ^0^ m Young Judaea idea will be carin the cast •will be Miss Ida the Jewish Press. _ _ j Georg^ Tatarescu deraandang that visit with; relatlven and friends. ried out in the program. Mrs. Na;_•.'/ t b e B I]a i B Heshelow" who will take the part Collman Yudelson, student at ' - 'rith be suppressed. than Nogg is chairman in charge the University of Iowa at Iowa ji ql'd. Society'Girl;. Miss Bess Res" " — Mrs. Fred Foreman of Madison, of this meeting, and Mrs. Albert M ser, Nurses.Training,School; Miss City, spent the past'week eml j ° N . K Y , GRODINSKY, MARER & South Dakota, arrived in Sioux Krasne is program chairman. In- here visiting his parents, Mr. and Elaine Stern,- Meier Shvayah; COHEN, """ ' ' City Monday for a week's visit » cluded in the program will be Attorneys Mrs. Mary Kantrovich, Jewish A novel •program . entertained with friends and relatives. Miss Florence Meyerson, who will Mrs. Morris Yudelson. National Fund; Miss Ruth Wig- members NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVKX that of the* A. Z. A. chapter give a reading; a dance and reciodsky, Culture; and the follow- Wednesday, Uie undei-slsripd have formed a oorMrs. George Krasne entertainevening, when a ProMr. and Mrs. William Galinsfcy tation by Miss Clarabel Cohen, ing ' as "Happy Maids"; Mary ^ ^ ^ pnrsuart ^ ^ r to the L?ws of the Quiz program was,present- have departed for a vacation in and musical numbers by Jake ed the members of hef Afternoon pora'ion, Fosofsky, Tillle a n d Sophie fessor Club at a luncheon-bridge at her ' COMPANY. v,-ithh its .principal place Brown. F.ranklin, Taniaie Kutcher, Pearl ed by Marvin Kline and five vol- California. home at 125 South Eighth Street unteers of the membership. in Oriaha. Xebra.«i:n. The Qlensiy, Dorothy Gelson, Rose "gj^wiJWjtmiBiWednesday afternoon, March 10. Plans were the meetMembers of the Debra Club Sperling and Lillian Rivin. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. Ing for the A. Z. A. Sabbath to held their meeting - Wednesday 6SS of the B'nai Brith held a a g:enpral' real estate . Gloria Noyitsky, of the Young be held at Mount Sinai Temple on evening in the home of Miss GisPlans have been made by 'the ! ^ . ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ? ^ Vnw^Tn " d \ very interesting meeting Monday jiidean group will present a March 19. ela Pill. Council Bluffs Lodge Ko. 6SS of |s econduct a. business for the pi;rpn?f> of' evening, March 8, when Mr. Fred group of readings,'and members the B'nai Brith for a n ' Open | I U l 1 " a t r e t a ! I a n d : " r wholf ra ie r , Bernstein of Chicago was the of the Young Judean group will , , .. , _ , . ^ , . I merchanflise of <?vprj- kind p.nd charThe Buds of Sharon group of honored guest and principal Meeting and Program to be held j actor. The Company shaii have BB- Si hesitt,.'." H Oiieg Shabbos Tomorrow attend the meeting. the Young Judeans held a bene- speaker. Mr. Bernstein is pres- on Monday evening, March 22, at 1 thority to liorrow -money and issue' Ssop 85 the NewEfi?!ma i has b*2*n cc?npic! Refreshments will be served fit bridge party Wednesday eveII The evidences of indebtedness eft l.ic 4»ac-UU>j ei »sii! total authorized capital stock is i \\- . by-the Senior Hadassah following The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare ning FRADENBURG, WEBB. BEBER, !I Th in the Jewish Community : SIK.OPO.OO, par value $100.00 per sharp. ; l ri Zion will hold their Oneg Sab, the program, and the tea tables iff KLUTZNICK _. KELLEY, Attys. ! The corporation shall comirK-nce ^^:si- ; Center. Kaiman's Kosher Union Stste Bank Bidg. \ tie.«?t "upon the fillnir of Its ArticlpF : 1 woMG-^sfaeus Ho* Spr.injr- , which will be attractive with blue and both meeting,tomorrow afternoon __ I with the Cour.ty Clerk of Doug:las • white tapers and appointments. at; 3 o'clock in the home of Mrs. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION I County. Xebrnska, and sllali continue! I; from hijK hlppd pr Mr. and Mrs. Eli Sef? announce Komments Mrs. Zella Levitan in B. Gelfand, 2927 Sunset Circle. «nd ^«p?5!n»:!?5 inHot Ss fin^s waiera. In the County Court of Douglas I until .Tamiary 1, _».". Tin* hiirhei=t i the birth of a daughter, March 5, County. Nebraska: - | amcn.:nt oC ss Khali not e^- ! (Continued from page 7.) charge of the "refreshments. Mrs. -A. H. Baron will preside, In the Matter of the Kstate of | feed two-thirds of the capita- ftork. ! 1 Besides the bath* this iftt* in the Methodist hospital. Mr. generous manner and : the program will consist of andipir'riSSi is 0 1_ Cowprpr. Deceased. . . , ^.. .- ... Long zolt Frances Mrs. Seff, former Sioux CityAll persons interested in sairf estate Current Events by • Miss"••• Bess aris are now residing at Rock Is- ihr lebinr . . . . :enk c oHntryskie in crh 0, C secured by real estate. tHrous^ Americ«*e are hereby notified that a petition has The number of members of the Boani • :fAMQV$JRABffl,iFATHER \ Resser, a. talk on the Palestinian been filed in Court alleging that shall be provided for by the.3y-T*avrs. ', -The E«i!ten«n »es m J ^ i saiil dereased died leavinR no last which P.op.rd shall artministf-r the sf-| SIOVX CITY AN, DIES Jew by Rabbi Rablnowitz, and land, Illinois. Good Will Broadcast h '**»« i•will and praying for administration fairs of the corporation. The stock- \ Hss.*5€ How, »?1VT2^ s- ¥®u. * -*ou ewe singing led' by. Mr. . Eisner and v. ^undfce mode m «? Lcfivc _^or He§ Sj: We desire to commend WOW's upon his estate, and that a hearing i bolders Fhail hold their annual meet-; ' Miss Resser. :• will be had on said petition before I ing the second Tuesday in February; 1 . Rabbi Hyman brodsky, • father *flfy So ^ r«.e«--l ?c*n £ 5C «ngr :. S* •WORLD'S WINDOW chief announcer John K. Chappel said court on the ."nl day of April, I of pach year r.nd elect Directors. The j ok Mrs. A. I. Sacks of this city govemn•vsni: !_;«< 4«!et OK th« benefit of He t S for the intelligent manner in 1937, and that if they fail to appear! Directors shall elect President. Vice-i (Continued from page 1) at said Court on the said "rd day of | President. .Secretary and Treasurer., ' and Mrs.. A. I. Kulakofsky of STUDENTS WINHONORS which he interviewed the Hon.April, 19.17, at 9 o'clock A. M. to con- | The Articles may be amended upon Omaha, died, last -week in his ready with appetite and unction Fred Bernstein over radio station test said petition, the Court may i notice BS provided for. The corpora- I' ' tioihe at Newark, New Jersey, ?, %^ t ON DEBATE TEAM to lick the boots of even the Hit- WOW . . . Mr. .Bernstein's en- Brant ,»the same and grant adminis- ' tion shall have a sea*. ( S_Ss*t 2^ - »T1 " ;»W'^;h'Xs -.^ ^ ' «fc tration of said estate to Flora Hiecie- ' I>ated January- 21st, !9"7. • i following a short illness. He was ler dictatorship if only that dic- lightening ptatements concerning mann or snme ofher suitable person ! HARRY B. COHEN, .86' years Old. Rabbi Brodsky .With a'record of six wins and tatorship will let him. Nor is and proceed to a settlement thereof. E. £CH\V-\T.TZ. B'nai B'rith aims and objects Was the dean of orthodox rabbis no 'losses, the Central High school there in all of Tucholsky's pages were highly informative and well BRYCE CBAWTORD, ! Incorporators. ! .- County Judse. ; ' 3-12-St in-New jersey and rabbi of thedebate squad won the invitation one kind or understanding word chosen . . . It contained a mes-3-12-37-3t. •Aashe Russia Synagogue, one of tournament• Jield. at- Western Un- concerning the Jewish people . . . sage of "good will" that was of . the largest orthodox congregaion College,: in LeMars, last week There was his tragedy. There was j immeasurable value. We have tions in the country." v- " end. • The team is composed of the dark gap In the knowledge I consistently been an advocate of "; Tribute to bis memory was Joe Maron, Sidney Kalin, Harold and insight of this man. of genius { constant broadcasting of our en-' paid by city officials of Newark, Lefkovich-and • Nathan Singer. virtue and high ideals. In a j deavors as a means of counter-! . a_. well.-. a£ representative mem- The affirmative team- was com-and deep sense, though' on a higher acting the misconceptions that! hers of tlte rabbinate -Who ^attend- posed of Kalin and Singer with plane of. course, he-was his own | may be held by some skepticsJ ed .tl^e funeral services. .; Lefkovich and Maron on the Neg. -In. writing of the life of Rabbi ative. 'Signer and Maron were Herr Wendriner. If the Germans j The Los , Angeles B'nai B'rith' Srodsky, .The Jewish Chronicle awarded scholarships in recogni- would only, let him live and sup- I loge is a shining example of the) value of broadcasting programs pf Newark said "Th© scholarly tion of being the best speakers in port his family, Wendriner attainments, piety and humani- the tournament. Fifteen schools ready to shout: "Heil Hitler!" If containing intelligent presentatarianlsm of Rabbi Brodsky- en- participated in the tournament. Germany would only conform a tion. little to his ideal .—r his fundadeared him not only to his OrthA scholarship at Harvard uni- mentally though unadmitedly ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attys. odox .wing of Jewry but to theversity 400 Brandeis Theatre Bids. valed at ?200- was award- Jewish ideal of a righteous naentire conlmunlty." ed tonBernard Rivin, son of Mr.tion, Tucholsky was 'ready to In the County Court of Douglas and Mrs. H. Rivin- of Scotland, shout: "Deutschland uber alles", County, Nebraska. In the jratter of the Estate of Tom S.D. and grandson of Mr. andno matter what became in that Burnstein, also known as Tom BernMrs.• •_. A.- Levin, 160G -..Ingleslde Germany or elsewhere of Jews as stein, .Deceased. "^ - / i '* .-*"' »»' 7~""\ the heirs-at-Iaw, creditors, and Avenue. Bernard is a freshman Jews, of the Jewish . people as a allTo other persons interested in said esat Harvard. ' "" . ' people. 'Well, Germany would ,tate: Tou are hereby notified that a petiNewton Sacks, son of Mr. andnot conform to that Jewish ideal tfori has been filed in this Court on Mrs. A. I. Sacks, 2807 Pierce has of his righteousness and peace the 9th day of March, _!)37, by Gladys Bumstein. that Tom Burn,•;.'.At a: meeting of the Board of been initiated into the Phi Epsi- and justice. It became more and stein, also alleging as Tom Bernstein, Directors of the Federation of lon. Pi fraternity a£';the Univers- more pagan, dark, -warlike, cruel died on theknown 1st day of October, 1933, intestate; that a t the time of his JewiBh Social 'Service and Jewish ity, of Iowa, according to word and turned with an immeasur- death he was a resident of Douglas able brutality precisely against County. Nebraska, * Community" Center,; 'held . this received- by-his parents. and that he was these — Jews and Christians who possessed of an estarfe- of inheritance week, E. N. Grueskln was rein the following' described real estate, were the bearers and proclalmers to-wit: . elected president for the coming Guest Eabbi of the Germany of Kurt Tucholyear. , Ell .Robinow was re-electLot IS in Block 4 in Brown an Addition to the City of ed financial secretary. Mr. Jack Rabbi Philip F. Waterman of sky's outraged and aggrived and Park, South now a part of. the Robinson was elected secretary Grand Rapids/ Michigan was thedisappointed love. But with them City ofOmaha, Omaha, Douglas County, Tucholsky would have nothing to Nebraska-, as surveyed, platted and Mr..«Louis Agranoff, treasur- guest speaker at the Knife and er. ••. : ' •• . ••' • Fork club Wednesday evening in go back to. Like the alien lover of andLotrecorded; in Jlontclair, an Addia woman to whom nothing unites tion to139 .".Five, vice-presidents were elect- the Martin Hotel Ballroom. the. City of Omaha, Doughim nothing organic nothing that las County, Nebraska, as surveyee!, and include'Barney Baron, A. Rabbi Waterman's subject was platted and recorded gives him any rights, and whose ed, EL* Baron, John Lansberg, Max The Story of Superstition. That sajd petitioner has an interest real estate being an heir of iasensky, and Mr. Morris LazThe rabbi represented the Jew-mistress • turns out ot be a "bawd, in said deceased; said petitioner prays riowich. ish faith in a religious sympos- Tucholsky, his Germany having said that a hearing be had on said petition, that notice, thereof be given as I Plans were made at the meet- ium with Clarence Darrow "and gone hopelessly astray, had noth- required by law, and that upon said ing, for a drive for members and others recently at Grand Rapids. ing left but death. hearing a decree of heirship be entered and administration ' of , funds, which will be this month. It was exactly like that. Be- said estate further be dispensed with. You are therefore notified that a Book Review Next Friday fore some higher tribunal love hearing win be had on said petition may give rights. Before the tri-at the County Court Eoom of said The Book Review Circle of the bunal of the -word and of history County, on-the 3rd day of April, 1337, at S o'clock A. and that if you The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Temple Sisterhood will meet next it does not. It is easy to imagine fail to appear ntHI., said time and place Zion-synagogue will meet this Friday after-noon, March 19, ineven a moderate and ' non-Nsfzi and contest the said petition, the Court may grant the same, enter a • Tuesday afternoon in the social the home of Mrs..Jack Robinson. German saying: "We asked^ this decree heirship, and decree that hall of the synagogue, following Mrs. C. H. Hoyt will review "Ex- man neither for his love nor for further ,of administration of said estate a;-dessert luncheon at .1:30 p. m. ile" and "Fighting Angel" bythe vitriolic anger of his outrag- be dispensed -with. ERTCB CRATVFORD. ed love." In Kurt Tucholsky's Mrs. Joe Kutcher, president of pearl Buck. . .' County Judge, love of Germany there wa3 fatal- 3-12-37-3t the Auxiliary will preside. ity and tragic guilt. Guilt toward Mrs. Dave Shulkin will sing a hmiself, guilt toward the Jewish group of conga and Mrs. Frank BOBBY BOWtftAN people.' That guilt and its conEpstein wjll speak on the Youth AND sequences extinguished his gen.Aleyoth movement. ius and drove him out of life . . . HIS* ORCHESTRA' ; A playlet "The Voice Withln't, Formerly with RUDY VALLEE Mis3 InesE Leaff, duaghter • of Need -I draw the moral? directed by Mrs. Morria Rubin, MAIN DINING ROOM will be presented with the follow- Mr. and Mrs. Max Leaff, 915 and ing taking part: Mrs. Jack Kos- Jackson Btreet, has chosen Sun- (Copyright 1937 By Seven Arts PALM GROVE berg, Mrs. Mas Rubin,, March 14, as the date of her Feature Syndicate.) Dinner Supper Frank Epstein, Mrs. Emil Levich, marriage to Morri3 Raznick,. son Dancing Dancing 7 p. m.-S p. m. Sirs." Abe Epstein and Stewart of Mr. and . Mr3. I. Raznick of Al Boasberg trying to sell his 10 p.m.-i a. . Omaha. The ' wedding' will take home, advertises: "Buckingham Gang. SQturdayp... rsSarch. S3m p place in the Pathfinder Hotel at Palace In Beverly Hilla." That', Fremont', Nebraska", "with ' Rabbi not exactly what we'd call an upMOTEL F©flTEIiELLE I *£ S i H. R. Rabinowits reading the to-date palace. marriage lines. The ceremony Dr. Theodore N. Lewis will will be witnessed by the immed-1 speak this evening at Mount Si- iate families .of the bride and nai .Temple on "Thomas Paine." groom. Reverend Dr. Swisher of the Con- A-dinner for the wedding party gregational Church at .Whiting, wil follow the ceremony. - Mr. Ipv/a, Trill aleo speal; briefly dur- Raznick; and his bride .•will make TfiV^e service. Reverend Strish- their home in Omaha, Nebraska. cr will attend the service with a group of members £:om his Mr. and Mrs. Hyman UraansScy, church at Whiting. ^ 1410 Myrtle Street, 'announced Dr. Levvis spoke Thursday at the engagement, of their daughLervlarc, and next Monday after- ter, Elizabeth, to.I/Ouis-LJlchook noon will address a meeting at con of I.Ir.'and I.Irs. E. Lelchcolr, 1107 Tenth street, at an informal Sheldon, Iowa."

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party, Sunday evening in the latter's home.



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