March 19, 1937

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column is copyright cy ttta Savea Arts Feature Syndicate. Roproacctlon In whole or la part strictly forbidden. Any Infringement da t h i a copyright Trill b'a proseented. " THE QUESTION Another annpal speaking trip coming luckily to an end. Thousands of miles through this country which is a continent; cities of and mountain, a few majestic, many busy but dull. Everyr where, whether I was officially invited by Jewish or non-Jewish organizations, Jews, Jews. The same Jews, • North, South, East, West, with the same . countenances, characters, 'preoccupations, troubles, perplexities. The same Jews that I have" seen in other days from Berlin 'to Bou-Saada on the edge of the Sahara desert and - from . London to "Warsaw. Members of one people In one situation which varies not in kind but in degree according- to the civilization'.and the nature of the state under which they live.

Entered ES Second'Class Mall-Matter on January 21. 1321, at PQ3tofflco of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act ot MarcJi S, 1S73


CzecheslovcMzni /rcnr?'! By Han Agekist Jew Praha (JTA) Intense Lnclig-1 nation has been aroused, in Czech- | oslovakian circles by the latest at-.I tempts to stir up anti-Jewish fee*' ings in .one of the few outposta c liberalism and ' tolerance in- Ceatral Europe..

Noted;. Educator to Speak_at J._C.;C. . on

district- Ifo. 6 To" Be Held At Elinneapolis

Attempts by Nazi students at the German University c£ Prague to demonstrate against the noted Jewish' Jurist, Dr. Hans Kelsen, which resulted in the closing of the university, have evofted a storm of protest in all circles. A German student was arrested recently for a death threat to Dr. Kelsen.

Philip •member of the Supreme Advisory Council of A. Z. A. will be the representative of the Council at the annual convention cj A. Z. Leo Schwarz, author and ediA. District S to tor, will appear as fourth speak20-22 at .Minneapolis. er on the • Jewish Concert and Mr. Klutznick will speak at a Lecture Series on Tuesday March welcoming luncheon Sunday r.ocn March 23. Mr. Schwarz will and at'the convention banquet j speak on "Proposed : Hoads for which will -be held that evening j American Jewry." . . : at the Hotel Xicollet. Mr. Schwarz is particularly X.These degrees" in the sharpness well-known for his "Jewish CarAt the convention the tournaof the Jewish problem evoke, of avan" one of the most complete of ment finals in basketball, oratory course, varying psychological anthologies, of Jewish literature and debate will be held. phases of inner response and out- ever to be published. The popsentatives from the Cornbelt, er adjustment. Todai" in the Uni- ularity. Qf this, book has made Great Lakes, and Northwest relarge ted States there is a definite and Mr. S c h w a r z internationally g number of woiaen turn- gions will compete in the events. 3Irs. spontaneous movement among famous.. . . . - . . • . - • ed out-for the luncheon meeting Minneapolis- as the sponsoring of the Women's Women's Division Chairman 1 Jews toward concentration, toward j ^ j chapter • will also have an entry However he' had previously Jewish Community Center a more vivid Judaism, toward re- been well-known", for his outin each competition. Monday noon. Mrs. Harry A. 'frsfrn, rememberance, reconcilia- standing work in the field of Omaha Chapter 1, winner of Wolf, retiring chairman of the tion. The very stubborness of the adult education. He . is the orthe- Cornbelt: Region basketball Leo Schwartz Family Welfare Committee, was isolated die-hards of minimum ganizer and the director of the To Appear Here Tuesday honored for her many years o* tournament will play against 1 Judaism serves only to set the School f or. Adult Jewish Educa-' South Side Chapter 64 of Chiservice. • "general trend into sharper relief. tion and has done considerable cago, Superior Chapter 251 of Mr. William Holzman showed Superior, Wisconsin and Dr. DeiLet ns not for the moment .in- experimental work in education, j The Konnd Table of Jewish motion pictures of the South Sea nard Chapter S of Minneapolis. quire tod closely into the caused For several years he has been Youth Oratorical and Debate conIslands. of this trend and direction. It ex- the leader of student groups on Hy Polsky and Sam KirshenCommittee reports were given bauna of Lincoln will be Cornbelt test will be held on Monday, ists; it exists • everywhere. In re- tourg of Europe and Palestine.. by the various chairmen. Ap- representatives in the Debate | March CS, in conjunction with mote small communities where Mrs. Sam "Wolf is chairman of proximately, one thousand dollars tournament and William Pearl- ; the local lodge of the B'nai Brith. fewness makes for a brief respite, the" educational committee of the was spent by the Women's Divi- stein of Rick Island, Illinois, will j The subject of this year's conas it has done and will again, Women's Division, of. the Jewish sion on the Center building. Mon- be Cornbelt Oratory representa- test is "The Future of the Synafrom the total Jewish problem, Community Center, sponsors of gogue in American Life." Each ey was raised by a -formal dance tive. where therefore, there is a strong the Jewish Concert and Lecture .. I contestant will be given seven ' human temptation toward volun- series under whose auspices Mr. Annual Recognition by PM given last fall - and by a bridge The winner of the oratory con- : minutes to give a constructive luncheon. These funds were tary forgetfulness, " even there Schwartz is- appearing. Beta Spsilon test will be entered in the inter- speech, on some phases of the spent for a new canvas for the men and women can no more for• Fraternity The lecture is free to all memauditorium floor, new equipment national finals to be held in New ; subject. Later in the evening get; even there they stretch out, bers of the Jewish Community York City. j each of the contestants will be as it were, antennae of yearning Center. ' Tickets, for non-mem-j The fifth annual award given for the stage, a paint job for the given four minutes to either auditorium and a new service of toward a source of fortitude-and ers are thirty-five cents and may i by the Phi Beta Epsilon fraterbuild tip his case or refute the arhealing which they themselves do be procured at the Center or ! nity to - honor "Omaha's ' out- milk dishes for the Center kitguments of his opponents. not understand. ; from members of the committee j standing Jewish citizen for' the chen. Two committees, one repreThe next general meeting of the year," will be announced at the To need with an immense and in charge. senting the Round Table and one Women's Division will be beld in Previous speakers on this ser- annual banquet at the Jewish May, at which time an election cf the B'nai .Brith, will be in charge. tragic need of which so often 1 Ernie Nogg is chairman of the only, a faint and far, memory re- ies have been Mrs. Avis Schul- Community Center on Thursday, officers will take place. New York (WNS) — Alleged : Round Table committee. Ee will mains—what a perplexing and man, JKlias Newman and A. W. March 25, at 6:30. Plans are also being formulat- misappropriation of party funds '< Dr. A. C. Fellman, an active difficult situation. The luckier Binder:' ed for a Mother's and Daughter's by Fritz Kuhn, chief of the Ger- : be'assisted by Haroia Banm, Moralumni of the fraternity, will act Mr. Schwarz will be the guest ris Arbitman, and Isadore Mittlepeople, still strongly allied to the banquet to take place on Slay S man-American Bund, the Nazi or- ; man. r-l great, tradition, still unalienated speaker at an open meeting of as toastmaster. In addition ot the ganization, is the real reason for: Ma Eaer, from knowledge, method, faith, the! Council-Bluffs- B'nai Brith, active members and alumni the 1 Frohm, the shake-up in the movement i Ephraira Mark's' are on the com-: often jeer mildly at those thous- 3Ionday evening,. "March 22, at following members of the advis1 ory committee will be guests: | which resulted in the dismissal : S:30y6'clock at the Eagle Hall in ands groping in a mist after that, Eittee representing ths E'r.Ei, (ti Walter Kappe and his supper- ; whfclf they-~Treed -'in ore -and more? Council iBluffa,^ iTMs- meeting -is Miss- Ruth-Alien; Mr..Pan!.Gold-[ S t j ters from; the staff of the Deuts- ; Trophies will he ETrsraed. byfor their lives and the Iive3 of open to all members of the B'nai blatt, Mrs. L. Neveleff, Mr. Frank j cher Weckruf and Beobachter, i t ' the. B'nai Brith. .The contest is Wice, their children.-Yet it is to be re- Brith, their families, and friends. Ackerman, Kabbi David The Spring book list carries as i is disclosed in the Tolksecho, an- open to the public. Rabbi David A. Goldstein, Rabbi membered that all these troubled Frederick Cohn, and Rabbi Mil-j usual a large number of books of ti-Nazi German weekly. and Jewishly vacant souls didn't ton A. Kopstein. The Volksecho presents docu- ; Jewish interest. Jacob de Haas, desire this- condition to come As in the past the person nam- j famous Zionist leader, has writ- raentarj- proof that Kuhn ousted about. It was there unhappy hered as outstanding citizen will be j ten, "East of- Amman." Ludwig the Kappe faction'because Kappe j itage from several preceding gen' A!Isn.&i£lXg: U . S . presented with a gold pin and a Lewisohn is the author of "A accused Kuhn of pocketing $70 0 erations of men who themselves certificate. Trumphet of Jubilee." Meyer Le- of the $3,000 collected by Ger-] did not will it, who themselves . The outstanding citizens cho- vin has written, of 'the Jews of macs here- as a gift to Hitler by j only it under a pres^sen for the past four years have Chicago in his "The Old Bunch." German-Americans visiting their _ New York (JTA) — Poland sure which they forgot and wantbeen: Mr, William Holzman, Mr. .Among the non-fiction are: homeland during the Olympic] cannot afford to alienate the ed and needed to forget in order Henry Monsky, Dr. Philip Sher, "The Dreyfus Case" by Dreyfus ( Games. Reports in the Nazi; sympathies of America by yieldto be able to forget the sterner Shertock Calls It a "Life and Rabbi Frederick Cohn. and his son; "The Guggenneims" j press in Germany snow that only i ing-. to "the barbarous agitation ultimate truth, that. minorities and Death" by Harvey O'Connor; and "Leon j $2,300 was turned over while the of anti-»SeniitiEm," according to divorced from speech and soil do Issue Blum" by Richard L. Stokes. | Weckrnf had been boasting that; an editorial published in the New ; not even co-determine their desIsaac da Costa Is the author of ! $3000 was raised. j York American and 1? other; tiny and are the objects and nevLondon {JTA) — Immigration an expensive but highly inforaaWhen Kappe asked Kuan on [ Hearst newspapers through! the • er the subjects of the historic ' j tive volume, "Noble Families the latter's returned from' Ger-, country. process—that, primarily that, is of as many Jews into Palestine as Recalling the aid of the United j possible was termed a "life and Among the Sephardie Jews." Salo! many what happened to the other; Sam Altsehuler 3711 N. 22, died of course, tho fundamental reason 700, Kuhn kicked Kappe out of States in establishing the Polish j for the Jcw'.'v renaissance and' death" issue by Moshe Sfiertok, suddenly Wednesday morning at W. Baron, has written, "A Social Republic, the editorials said: ! head of the polifical department and Religious History of the his home. Mr. Altschuler, who the organization. Zionist mov —?-.". "That the Polish people, so re-; of the Jewish Agency for Pales- has been a resident, of Omaha for Jews." ' I cestlr persecuted, should cot; I tell my questioners that. And tine, in an address at a Zionist over forty years, was 59 years of There are likewise a large num- j WICE 70 SPEAK - turn persecutors themselves is' they see it. But it is vague to conference. • • ^ age. . ber ot commentaries on the Bible, them, a mere intellectualistic 0M 'LEGS BWM' TGIHGHTlone of the incredible phenomena j IScr Mr. Shertok, here on a visit Surviving are his wife, Anna; including one book called "The of our times . . . " \ "c: c statement. They agree and the from Jerusalem,, declared there two sons, Edwin and Max of Psalms" by Mosss Buttenweiser. "T\*e cannot believe that, any; truth slips out of their grasp. could be no peace in the Holy Omaha; and one daughter, Tina Because of the great interest I ' Souls on the edge of conversion Land if Jewish development there of New York. that has been manifested in Leon ; responsible 'Polish Etniesnif.n or i THIRD IN LECTURE .need stronger or apparently stron- was forced into a "strait-jacket" Mr. Altschuler had for many Blum since Abbe Ernst Dimnet's •, any responsible Polish political ger nourishment. But they have made by^ the Grand Mufti, Mos- years been a member of the SERIES WEDNESDAYlecture at the Town Hall Forum : party will follow such a «. fatal so many inner obstacles to over- lem spiritual leader. He voiced Board of Trustees of the Omaha on March 7, Rabbi David H. Wice t path," the editorial ssid. "The; precarious position of the Repub- j come and one of the most stub- the conviction that enlightened Hebrew Club; a member of the For the third talk in his ser- at services tonight will speak on' born of these, especially for peo- world opinion would not concede B'nai B'rith, the Jewish Com- ies on the "Case History of tae "Leon Blum: A Twentieth Cen- i lie makes its OWE. survival aepen-s F 1 dent on the sympathy of the .- 1 " I ' ple over, Viet us say, forty-five, the Arab claim for exclusive dom- munity Center, and the Modern Jews of Germany," Rabbi David tury Disraeli." ; world." .; but also for many young people, ination^in Palestine. Woodmen. He was very active A. Goldstein will speak on "How Kabbi Wice will discuss Blum's | Prof. Selig Brodetsky, member in Zionist affairs. is that narcosis induced in them life, evaluate his work, and show j the Jews survived." T terrified at the notion of being of the executive of the W orld Funeral service were held This lecture, for the benefit of | his significance apen the present; duped by anything but; itself and Zionist Organization, asserted Thursday from the Jewish Fun- the Hadassah Youth Aliyah, will j day scene and his meaning for: roundtable conferences, as sugeral Home. Burial was in Gold- take place Wednesday, March 24, j Jews. its proponents. • | "But you don't mean," they gested by Vladimir Jabotinsky, en Hill cemetery. at the home of Mrs. Julius Abra- j Abbe Diramnet- spoke of Blum in j c say, "that we are to be religious? Revisionist leatler, were unneceshamson, 2521 N. 53rd street. ja commendatory fashion, shovr-; The Council Bluffs B'nai ±>rilh \ " Tour refuse the forbidden foods? sary since the Revisionists would POPULARITY CONTEST Anyone not holding a season j ing that he is the idol of the • Charity dance will be held next ; ^ You usher in the Sabbath? You be welcomed back to the W. Z. ticket but who wishes to attend : French Masses and that his re- Wednesday -night, March 2i, E.t:'«_' have a mezuzah on your door? O. at any time as long as they ,• BEING CONDUCTED^BY-• is asked to call Mrs. Abraham- ; forms have been of a liberal rath-; the Hotel Chieftain in Council j You dawen? You?" They have did not pursue a policy different Freddy Ebener's orch-! \ Bluffs. BETH EL MEN'S CLUB son or Mrs. M. -F. Levenson. ' j er than socalist nature. lost all touch with the higher fro mthe World Zionist Congress. estra . has been engaged to fur- ' "The Zionists wanted united humanities, Jewish and non-Jewnish. the music for this afi-ir ; A popularity contest to select which will he one of the out- , _^ ish. The imponderables, which are ranks," he declared. "The Revisthe "Sweetheart of the Men's ionists had a place in the Zionstanding events cf the - season. : the strongest things in the world, T!^e entire mezzanine floor c' the] ; mean nothing to them, /wh_lch is ist Organization. Their chairs at | Club" is^ being condjucted^by^the Men's Club" of "" the "'""" Beth **""- El " ' SynIlctel Chieftain has been reserv-iwhy they are so weak. And then the Congress are awaiting them." agogue."*""'The winner will be ane* for this a' : comes their final. troubled often nounced at the "Screeno-Casino explosive question: what, what yiT. Sircon Steinbergof Council *• Night" being sponsored by the SISTERHOOD SPONSORS do you believe? Bluff? is genersl chairman in : Men's Club at the Central Club, CONGREGATIONAL SEDER 21st and Dodge Streets, Saturday Members of the Executive f Character is fate, Each people and are: William Eclzmsn, pres- charge of this affair, s.ncl Mrs. j mittee of the Jewisu Community ident; Henry Monsky, first vice' at some moment, usually at that evening, April 3. Center and Welfare , Federation presideat;' Sam Bebe'r, second the ticket sal?. historic moment when it becomes \ The Sisterhot-.. of Temple IsMembers of the Men's'Club and a people, has an experience, pre- rael is sponsoring a Congrega- their wives are invited to send in for 1937 have been announced by vice-president; Mrs. David Green- • cisely that experience of becom- tional Seder at. the Temple on their nominations for the popu- the president, William L. Hols- berg, third vice-president, Harry ; ^ Silvernsan, secretary; Karry Mai-; ^ ' ing a people, which: it records in Saturday night, March 27, at larity contest to Hymen Shrier, man." Serving on this coraniittee.will asaock, treasurer;'" Dr. Philip ; ' in myth, in vision, in scripture— 6:45. All the traditional cere- 740 First National Bank Buildpresident, Mrs. J be: Milton Abrahams, Mas Ear- \ sher, hone in a creative structure which is monials wil be carried out at the ing. . the image of its soul and there-, Temple. Reservations are one dol- Persons attending "Screeno-Ca- Ish, Julius Bisno, Arthur A. Cohn, " fore* of its fate, which is true, lar for adults and seventy-five sino-Night" will be permitted to Dave Cohn, Mrs; M. L. Cohn, Da- --«? truer' than any other thing .that cents for children and may be cast their ballots for one of the vid Goldman, Dr. A. Qreenberg, i c David Greenberg, J. J. Greenhappened and can be proved, true made by calling the Temple of- individuals nominated. . Morris= Jacobs, PhiiiP not only for the tremendous mo-. fice. Everyone purchasing admission b e r j '.. ment in which the people was tickets at twenty-five cents .will Klutznick, Hobert," 3. H. born but for all ages and especialparticipate in the drawing for'the Kulaltofsliy, irvin Levin, Nathan j Lerinson, r Jack W. Harer, Dr. ly for the great recurrent ages of Eepert Ziosist Congress -. . fifty dollar cash door prize. rebirth. Lo eth avothenu kharTo Be-in'.Switzerland Several fine vaudeville sets Morris Margolin, Ephrais Maries, ath Adonai eth ha-brith ha-sothwill be presented in addition to Mrs. Louis Neveleff, Harry Trusnot with our fathers did; the EterPraha (JTA) — T h e twentieth the various games offered daring tln, Harry A. WoH, .and- Mrs. nal make his covenant; but with biennial World Zionist Congress the evening. The auditorium of Harry A. Wolf. u s , even with us who .are-here will be held the first week in Au- the Central CIUJ will be fiecorat- Officers of the Cemmnnliy ea/ • ' and alive today! How true it is! gust in Switzerland, the newspa- j ed to resemble the Monte Carlo ter and Welfare Federation -were f (Continued on page 8V) per Selbstwehr reported. elected at the annual : meeting 1 Casino.

Greeuberg to

Honor Mr. at aWomen's Division

Youth Oratorical, Debate Contest To Be Held Locally Lf,

Nazis Here Split Over Financial Defalcations

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Spring . Book List :. Includes Many of

Poland Warned on

Sam Altschnler . Died.-Wednesday

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Blue ana White Legion, a Eon- addressing «.E appeal to persons FOX FOURRI the treatment of hia people and rectarian group opposed to Van- oi all sects and iVilhs announces Jewish organizations here are demanded that they be set free. vio- ji the Rev. iVit. Kmiih'e RIUI to "recisra . . . A cello which any vioAnd the Revolutionary War correported to be getting together &n6jI biiiid America for Americans." . . responds to. the escape of the on a joint plan for helping- Ger- licSst can tuck under his chin and established a ' New play has been invented by Da'-Id s Israelites from Egypt, with the man-Jewish refugees settled in , , . The committee By PHINEAS J. B1ROII difference that there was no acSouth and Central America to es- Raisky, a French-Jewish musico buiid up a "confitual battle in the latter case, the HOME NEWS Emma Tledeli, America's j points out that Germany knows tablish communal and religious ian iborrtip," whose idenenemy being defeated when God singer, is j Atlanta, Georgia, leading Foes of FDR's Supreme Court that a German building at the agencies adi 1-rp? secret let tho miracle of the JRed Sea making a hit on her second eonj v:\\ birthplace of KICK, is the home Fair would be the center o£ two reform are quietly trying to stir come to pass. up Jewish and Catholic opposi- years of demonstrations and pro-of a new Fascist movement called I cert tour of ilie Soviet Union , , , j " Have any of you, by the way, tion by warning that an impair- tests which would do the Nazis the National Order cf Twenty-1! Her Jiodienccs refUG?' tc fcelicve. j . It's organized in 4S ; ever seen any official documents ed Court would jeopardize Con- no good at all . . . Hence all the One the Egyptians. • In America the in which of people a r e getBEEF: shouting to pave the way for a states and claims 3,000,000 mem- sings so well in Russian . . , ArXthe regular calendar stitutional guarantees of religcolonists, who had built up the date Is followed by the number ('fiificr up about t h e Sir. World's Questions bers line their LaGuardia's priThere must be plenty j ually, however, she was bora ious liberty -. , . This move came withdrawal Seo how many of these ques- New World for their mother of the year reckoning from the into the open with a full page ad- vate reply to the Nazi press was: of money back of it, because its j Baltimore of Russian parents , . . j antl-Xar.i boreott business . . . If tions you can answer after you country, found that his mother Declaration of Independence? Be- vertisement by the American Co- "Aw, tell Adolph to keep his State directors get $10,000 a Intirnates of Mrs. W'aiiy Simpson those ihvee organization • (to have read' Mr. World's "Aslc country was UBing them to en- fore July 4th jf this year, for alition in the daily press . . . Call- Brown Shirt on" . . ' . oi naiim a .apade- s. bpii'le, they are year . . . Wealthy Arabs in the say that she end the Duke rich the British treasury by taxMe Another" chat, the AiiLi-NfiSi Lej^ue, the Joint Windsor speak German when United States are reported to be example, 193'/ is called in such ing the Supreme Court a "city of 1.—Why should the Seder ing them highly, and yet refused documents, the 161st year of refuge", the ad says point blank ATAZI XOTES read}' to tie up with the Nazis they don't want the servants to Ec.vcoi:t Council and the Jewish iV'sir Veier&nt:) JOU'I get together be celebrated In: every Jewish to. give them certain political American independence. So that that tampering with it is a threat in exchange for Nazi back- understand them . . . . One of the best known antirights which they deserved. Both soon, a lop steppiug all over each home? in Palestine . . . Since his refor this way of reckoning the to religious liberty . . . But how Nazi -women, who spoke at the 2.—What part o* the Seder peoples, in other words, were be- Fourth of July is considered the c6me the American Coalition in- Woman's Congress in Chicago on !t u r n from Hollywood Dr. S. M. (Copyright 1SS" By Sevet. Arts other's ioes In pubiio. and private d form p. unite;! boycott group, ceremony, do you like best, and ing ill-treated. And while it is first day of the year. Something includes in its membership such a program featured by a talking jj Melamed has been impressing Feature Syndicate true that the Israelites sought rew h y ? • • • : • • ' I th • — • *-— Yorkers ES a man of jays-1 lief by escaping to their old very muQh like this "was ordered Fascist and Nazi outfits as the picture, of'RudolfHess, Hitler's | 3.—To what American holi- country, Canaan, while, the Amer- by. Moses when the Children of Paul Reveres and the Industrial right bower, had an advance copy | t e I 7 ret reflect on nnj'body He lives in fee- Ess-ox day can Passover .be compar- icans were already on their own Israel left Egypt, when he told Defense Association of Boston? . of the est of Hess' remarks a n d i H o u s e in.grand style, and has the Betv.'cc-a You end Too many cooks ed? •.-..-. spoil the Fnixp our tefjrherp used pro-1 cl&ossips wondering whether he territory and needed to drive out them to consider the month of .•. The Catholic ban on theare- thus was able to reply to Tltm- cs.n ruin a - 4.—Xo what American lead- their oppressors, you can see that their liberation the^ first month going- during the Lenten season paganda on the spot . . ; The ! eaned up in the Him capital or THE BARC ;i:v up Bfr&in for to tell u s ., . er can Moses be compared? in both cases it was a struggle of the year, although, as all of was lifed for the first time when American Stencil Corporation, | i s engaged in some lucrative if "non-Aryans" whu would vaca- boycott, toe „ . Alihough he hai 5.-—Dame two parallels In for national freedom that took you surely know, the first month permission was granted to view which is on the blacklist of ail! mysterious type of journalism . . tion in Nassau, the Bahamas, no exrerif-ncp e.s P. n-Pdiator, Tnat of the Jewish calendar year "The Eternal Road" the lives of that leader and of place. '..''• advertising agent who is now that the depression is over your Ir. rpi.ers hereby offers to A new the boycott groups because it is Moses. comes in the late summer, when plan for finding jobs for gradu- the exclusive agent for "Pelican" I launching a Jewish feature ser- . . . Information has come this • preside e.t P roupd-tRb disensF; On Leaders arose for both peo6.—Name two parallels in ples. And it is interesting to re- we celebrate Rosh Hashanah. ates of orphan asylums has been products, which are made by vice is giving the impression that way that tourist Epeneiep arcc be- i - °' represenfprtre? cf nit After the deliverance from developed by Rabbi Isidore War- Guenthar Wagnar of Hanover, his advertisers regard his plans ing notified, in not too cryrfic i three prroups . . . (All weapons to American history and in the member that, just aa Moses was Egypt the Israelites had to wancar-with favor . . . We're telling him language, not to book our lads . be checked outside) , . . story of Passover. for years an Egyptian prince, so der through the wilderness for saw of New York . . . The plan Germany's biggest ink andHerr i herewith that he may find him- and lassies . . And now that j provides for business firms adoptj bon company, is ownd by 7.-7-When is July 4 th con- George Washington In his youth Patroniae Our Advertisers sidered the first day of the was an adjutant-general of the some years before they -finally ing orphans, giving them jobs, Bouer, a Yugoslavian Jew now) self without his principal client, hard times have gore with the | reached Mount Sinai, just as it and undertaking to look after resident in America. . . . Adverdoesn't cars to be involved winds, another famous resort •, year? ' • • • • • . Colony of Virginia and a major spot has reverted to an old sire- < g.—AVhat . i s the Bill of in the British aiyny in America. took some years .before the them for a period of years . . . Using solicitors for. Nazi papers I i n journalistic competition custom . . . it's none! Hights o£ the American Con- Just as Moses spent many years American States, having gained A. Topeka Jewish merchant is the in this country are intimidating' D r - Solomon Lowenstein, Dr. icherian I i . l i V p other than ye swanky Konay-' their freedom, were able to con-largest contributor to a Negro stitution? as a shepherd in Mldlan so Wash- solidate their position as a united Plaza of Kiami Beach . . . Our j German-American business men I Maurice Hester, Mr. Fells M. kindergarten, maintained by a 9.—What can we regard as ington, after resigning his comAnnuity, advertise In the anti-Nazi j aWarburg and Dr. Maurice Karpf beachcomber down thataway pops the Constitution of the Jewish mission in the British, army, for nation. In America this was Christian minister The Uni- who re in t-ff np with this snoqtful . . . One o" ; German press here by warning! London for a powwow en done by the adoption of the Connation long ago? many years gave all his time and stitution,, which laid down the ed Palestine Appeal (IJ. P. A.) them that their relatives in Ger- j Palestine . , . Broadway's most famrnp figures I n Stronp Gompan. often gets mail and telegrams 10.—Why Is there a great attention to his Virginia plantaieB—Every Tyo» of Lee Shtibert, got a very coin I ' ' fundamental law t>f the nation. meant for the Works Progress many will suffer for their errors | P i ! Ponfis vii-iiip.n, Call A t ! . difference tieUffcen the cele- tion. Both were mature men shoulder when he tried to mstcej . . American investors who have! OVERSEAS /SC7 oi" VVA -E150. bration of Passover and the when finally they heard the call At Mount Sinai Moses broiight Administration (W. P.-A.) . . . .been the R.' P. . . . And it's cot as if | stuck for millions of doi-! u m Hitler is doing a second volcelebration' ol the correspond- of their oppressed peoples and down the Ten Commandments, Stephen Wise estimates that half lars worth of N. G. German bonds I e of his autobiography in they're pammed to the eaves with | the fundamental laws which • all of the ?300,000,000 spent • in ing American holiday? came to the fore as leaders. he will record his activities paying g-uests, either . . . Beach- : Jews must obey if they are to be Florida during the height of the are burning up at the Foreign j s^'kich ince Moses appearing before Phar- Jews at all. We can regard the Bond-holders Protective Council i be became boss of Germany comber says the place has been | Ellblo season comes from Jews . . . There are the days "when all aoh with the demand that the Ten Commandments as corre. . . Organized in 1933 to protect! •tions • • Tvro illegal Fascist organiza-j half empty all season . . . Also, ;I o f that it circulated a letter to past boya and girls ^loolc forward to children of Israel be set free may sponding to the Bill of Rights in American holders of defaulted*)b e e a Ukrainian terrorists have j beautiful well be compared to Washington, the Constitution, while the hun-IXTERXATIOXAIi DIPLOMACY ,. foreign bonds, the Council and its I_ _ „ organized inThe Poland Ger- and prospective guests hinting; r tho Seder Eve, that twoby groups i r m of mal quite broadly thst "non&rj'Enop-; family celebration at which we as a member of the first revolu- dreds of other rules and regulaThe LaGuardia-Hitler tiff may If$30,000 lawyers Have each gotten * from the German gov- : are OUN (Organization of Ukr- hobes" wouldn't be annoyed by1 heai: once more, the story of how tionary legislature of Virginia, tions that Moses laid down for force Tammany Hall to run a Jew eminent for Don't Fortiet JOHN FELDMAN their service in con- sinian Nationalists) end UNA-] our ancestors were freed from calling for a Continental Con- his people and for their govern- for mayor of New York in Nov- nection with the negotiations by i K ° R '.Ukrainian Cossack People's j the presence of their pet peeves < for P/iniF.c a net Egyptian bondage. Mr. World gress and for an army to relieve ment may be looked upon as the ember ...' . Fiorello the Fiery has which a 169,000,000 German Organization) . . . Field Marshal this season . . . Fesp.cIicW. Aeticies made Hitler an issue in the mayhopes that all of) you are going Boston after the famous Tea Jewish Constitution. Location f o r iVi^>^op W i l t £*e mt bond issue offered to American Werner von Slomberg, German 1804 No. SOih St. WE.6450 to have your own Seder in your Party. And when Mosses, seeing RIPSNORTER Gerald K. Smith ; Moses did not live to lead his oralty campaign and Tammany holders in lieu of past interest on war minister, is loyal to Hitler Marks &. Ceenberp Butcher that all his' pleading couldn't b u t h e M. Maid- outstanding securities was regis- j own homo, for it is a ceremony inwho's been hungerin' for some I people into the Promised Land, will have to meet it .! doesn't believe a word of Shop (Next Door to idea! Bottling) tended for the home, and having soften the heart of Pharaoh, call- while Washington did live to seewin Fertig asks rather pertinentpublicity may soon be getting'; the Nazis' racial nonsense tered with the Securities and Exed down the Ten Plaguea upon ly whether the excitement in the a special appeal for children.- In Italy is .sincere in her denials some . . . His long delayed Com-; America established as a nation change Coirmission Among If fact, the youngest member of the the Egyptians, doesn't it remind and to serve as its president for Nazi press over LaGuardia's / anti- the that she is encouraging anti-Sem- mittee of One Million is finally j Res. phone CL-1W7* specia! agents named by Gerfamily plays an important part you of Washington when he told two terms. But, like Washing- Hitler blast isn't part of a plan many to handle these bonds is J. itism why did Mussolini select as to be launched . . . A pamphlet I the first Continental Congress to findan excuse which, would in it, and all the children love ton, Moses was happy in the & W. Seligman Co., which will his secret envoy to General Fran- j :. the chance' to shout "Dayenu" at that there, was no use in merely knowledge that he had brought enable Germany to withdraw share in a few of, $1,031,250 . . . co, Spanish revel commander, Ro- j tho top of their lungs, to race asking y&e British for justice? his people to an independent life from the World's Fair . . . Fertig Walter Winchell's contract for berto Farinacci, Italy's number I through the "Who knows one? I "Shall we after this whine and of its own, to a nationhood that his film appearance in "Wake Up one anti-Semite? A company know ons" all the way through cry for relief when we have al- would endure for ages. ties fought with bullets, but a and Live'' has a clause forbidding to settle Jews in Swaziland, one . to the Thirteen Attributes of God ready tried it in vain?" is- what And if Passover, the Jewish battle of the spirit, with Moses the picture to be shown in Ger-of the native protectorates with- I \ and. back again, : and. to sing the Washington said at that time— Independence Day, is celebrated trying to bring- the spirit of mer- many The Perth Ambov, N. i n t b a Union of South Africa, has j and surely that is how Moses must 'he, Cofamous "Had-Gadyah," which is with a religious service instead cy and justice into the hard, cruel J. refinery of the Anaconda "cop- b e e n funded in Johannesburg . . j so much like the familiar nurs- have felt when Pharaoh refused of firecrackers it is because in heart of Pharaoh. j per Company won't employ Jews. IA former propaganda officer for j ery rhyme about the house that to' let the Israelites go out of that ancient Jewish struggle for (Copyright, 1937( by Seven Arts! • Mosley's British Union of Fss- j Jack built. Not to forget the Egypt. The Ten Plagues repre- independence there were no batFeature1 Syndicate.) ' cists has deserted End jrirod 1>F Patronize Our Advertisers search for the. Afikomeni and thesent an open rebellion, like the. one -which finally took place in chance it gives to the lucky finder to get whatever he or she the American Colonies. Our Declaration of Independ/ wants as a reward, : 1 Of course all of you know the ence, I" which the American story of the Passover and the es-grie- li. 3 against the British ~ .are recounted, may be comcape from Egypt which followed it. But Mr. World "wonders pt. d to the various speeches of whether It has ever occurred to M ;es before Pharaoh in which you that this Jewish festival of the Jewish, leader complained of freedom is in many respects like our American Independence i)ay, and that the events which finally brought the Israelites to .the Promised Land are in many ways comparable to ,the events which led to the formation of the American nation. Let's start at the beginning. In Egypt we see the Israelites, who had been living there for centuries--—ever since Joseph in his wisdom had saved the land from famine—become the victims of oppression, and actual slaves of INSUEED GABS

By Florence Rothschild



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n cidents, which, serve for E S and ized o long as there Is one ' tact, ,Ct restraint ncl balance r : ought to -serve to otiiers as re- anti-Semitic -group Ir speech gad conduct . . . .* the V Jev;isb vealing- that ail is not black and rights are threatened.. I hope we yet I feel that 'here is no e n = despairing in countries even have all learned the sad sn<2 disJewish jitters in the Ui t t where anti-Semitism lias become tressing lesson that eternal vigi- Sta4les, £.nd the sooner we r l „ part and parcel of government lence is the price of human de- our fear complexes, the close- % policy; About six months ago cency and without human deeen- j be to the resumes of n. tHere appeared an article in Cur- cy the Je«rs are bound to be the vicz.xi sc£i3s (cucl I &3c l ! rent History by an American sufferers- . ." ^cni* ?c^-^6 P" I\7 ^ r~ ' journalist ia which, he mentions ' healthier will be .Tewts?: r<" the "Words like thai from an Austhat ia .Nazi Germany he found trian Christian; From a woman, j in t ais country." an organization, "Society of Decent Germans" "which lias been who in her interview with liecra- |I I vrent to! ard admitted: It has been my conviction for flooding the land with anti-Hit- lawyers. E.ery lawyer 1 consult-!! I believe it -was V7m Zukerman, ed. Last fall it was agreecT that ler propaganda. A hajjpy and Jewish publicist and Zionist lea- the time-had come for a cam- some time that playing upon he ed exacted a fee from me. Under, who first -ailed our atten- paign for $200,000 to open build- fears of Jews for the sake of var- hope-giving phrase and society, consciously, perhaps, I had a pre-] tion a few years lack to the harm ing. Thereupon- leaders in the ious causes, regardless how wor- indeed! Incidentally quite a num- judice against gemg to a Jewish j the Jewish press (and leader- Christian conrnunity stepped for- thy and constructive they may be, ber of publicises and travellers lawyer. I was made to feel by J ship) in this country, often unin- ward and volunteered their aid. is both unhealthy antf dangerous, I have pointed out at frequent in- my friends that Jews think ol ' tentionally and unconsciously, is A campaign organization was ergo,. a friend . of mine,- who has tervals that there hsve been and money first, and since Christian causing by the manner in which created, the chairiaan of which subscribed to a Yiddish daily for still are millio. s of decent Ger- lawyers acted the way they did, By HASEY KEESEFISLr it reports and editorializes and was a Protestant, a vice-chairman more than a decade, recently man to rtom the Aryan tayth of what could I expect from a Jew? reacts to pogroms, Jew-baiting, a Jew and the treasurer Catholic. wrote a letter to the editor of the the Brown shirti is both obnox- When I was at the end of my reThe latest dramatic blast v *• etc. It is months now that I Fnlly three quarters of the work- daily threatening to discontinue ious and hateful, an insult to sources, I went to se Dr. Moricz raust die its CTE rebound if ' their decency. It is well known his subscription if he continued have intended writing about the ers were Gentile. One team was Zalman, a well known attorney.! Nazi rge t h a t Benjr- r r - - . matter, and I can no longer re- made up entirely of Protestant cluttering his columns w i t h that many a German non-Jew has I "did not know then he was a i Franklin vas definitely anti-1suffered the sadistic tortures of threatened or actual pogroms and strain my self from expressing ministers. Several Catholic teams Jew I determined then and itic. The Nazis even give ,.Rabbi Bernstein the concentration camp or tor-, lhere my attitude and reaction to this included priests, who proved to JeW-baiting. tQ m _ W e fQ o>jt world—but aimed for Amer r mentions a similar experience ture chambers for, his decency • ^ ^ "aungevetigter eenyan", this be the most successful solicitors thfi aaii.Sen,itism w a s consumption—the supposedly r with a friend of his: "I have a and good-mil toward his xellow- | b r i n g i n g Christians and I tual T-orcis cf Franklin, v ' painful matter. : . . A sum in excess of 5200,000 But rather than to rely upon was pledged and has since been friend who some months ago at jew. Almost every book that [ Christianity" they quote as having sak'. ' J. my suggestion subscribed to a deals with the atrocities of the my own judgment I nave culled paid. In September the building And now t i bloody Poland, warn yon, gentlemen, that if - r , certain Jewish weekly. Recently Nazi that has come out of Gerpoints of views of writers and was opened-—a testimony, among he became very depressed about c lle b Iaore * ^ a n one joBrnal- do not exclude Jews Icr all thinkers (reiative to the matter), other things, to a basic element the position of the Jew in this many is replete .with manifesta- i s- t t ^h e >'S i your children's children v tions of humaness and decency of ^ t r h o u s of Eurmen far profounder than myself, of decency and good will in the Icountry. On analyzing ~hk attiude ope as far as the Jew is concern- curse you in your jrra-ves." as well as gathered news-items American community." I with him we found it had nothing the incareerted and tortured ed. Even out-of this Black Hole is something F-r.pposeuly f toward their fellow-victims of and incidents •vhich confirm my Such expression and sincere to do with his own experiences of Calcutta, have Lurst forth oc- in the clisr;- of Charles Pine1 — 1 point of view as well as that of gestures of good will and deceny, which had remained pleasant and Jewish faith. _. , . . . ,i casionally rays of light and sin- of South Carolina—FBppof T the men I will quote, ' that though on a iiaaller scale, could unchanged- and that it had come pertaining to what Franklin v - 'Thus, let us draw hope and j c e r @ m r e s of h;linan decencv there are rays if hope and sour- be multiplied a hundred fold in entirely from the things he read courage from the fact tnat non- ja n d g o o d ^m t o ^ r d the J e w > ^ • to Pinckney concerning the r—•ces of encouragement in the pre- this fair land. in this Jewish periodical." Jewish "men and_ women O i good , m e n t i o a o n I v a f e w w h i c l l . ceedings of the Constiiut sent darkness. Now permit to quote Isaac will" are still existent in consul- j _ _ . Convention. In an articlue, "Jews have,the Goldberg, who in Mo article, Now let us turn to the Euro- erable numbers and even raulti-; aish r e d a £ n e wOsn ei t he 7u ansd ri end t h ePTo il ids l l | Tbcush all this is now dee>- i. Jitters" in the November issue of 'Santyana, Dreiser, and Anti- pean arena where Jjwish life, ply manifold under tne tyranny >organizations protest against anr Opinion Rabbi Philip Bernstein Semitism" in the February B'nai particularly in Germany, Poland of Hitlers and Hanans of . our . ti-Semitic policy of the govern- ! by Professor Charles- Beard, " has this to say: polish ants d e I e n d i inent historian, to be, in liis t v B'rith Marazine has this to say: and Rumania is'indeed dark and day. In ever age and land there; "Jews have the jitters, any "But I speak today, not of Sant- ominous for the Jews. 3ven there have always been a handfuU if | w i s i t r a d e s s , e n £ g a i n s t p o g . words, "a barefaced forgr- •• rabbf' knows that. Almost every yana's deficieacies . . . and vir- it is not quite as dark and hope- not more, of John Holmes, Paa-.r o m _ m a f e I l l 5 hoodlums (In one ret the Xa;is props.gE.Et through agenci-ss in this cou- ^-' run,ors request for funds that come to tues! — as novelist. I speak of less as many Jews, who have of sens, Mme Marandt and tbeir, p o l , s ] j - t 0 T n t J j e r e w e r e him appeal directly or subtly to what some oversensitive friends late acquired a bad case of "• j firing about thst a pogrom was I motives of fear and self-protec- have called his anti-Semitism, "nerves" are- inclined to believe i So I read with joy and renew- jt o c o m e o « f o n t S e ^ a y Of a c e r - j tion . . . .„ • . that is, I call *hem over-sensitive, and who have become so terrified [ ed hope the article, "Anti-Semit- i t a i n f a i r _ Hundreds of peasants [ Passover "Jewish leaders and organiza- and they call me unperceiving . . . that they are unable to detect j ism Disgraces Christianity" by | from the surrounding Tillages,! tions must make .a deliberate ef- Now I know and like Kallen (one rays of hope and light Chat every Oscar 'Leonard in the February j vr^io deal with the Jewish store- j •J' V 1. £ £-*. fort not in inculate but to elim- of America's leading Jews and once in a while break thru even B"nai B'rith Magazine in which j keepers in that town., came with inate the mood. of fear from philosophers) and esteem his op- out of that bUck, black darkness. I he reports of the noble and cour- it f l e i r agricultural implements for for vo--r cfwrti i. aoie CT fcr s to American Jewry . . . To build inions highly. He stands in this It is such rays of light, as I have ! ageous work of Mme. Harand, of | Vveapons and stood guard at the ! Jewish life on the basis of fear is connection, for m a n y others mentioned and will mention, | Vienna, in organizing thousands j s t o r e s &T1& tooths of the Jews. | unhealthy as well as dishonest. whom I know well and like very which ought to be editorialized at j of Christians to fight Jew-baiting.! rr^e fair came off peacefully ! It Greatest problems rather than much. But truly, to convict a man length and ought to be emphasiz- | This Austrian woman has come jT v r o h u s a r e d and iifty Polish ! dissipates ; them . . . Certainly of unconscious anti-Semitism, on ed ; and reemphasized again and ! to this country in connection with j workers declared strike when ! Jewish institutions / . - should be the basis of a few passages in a again by the Jewish press and i the world congress against anti- i fifty oi their Jewish fellow-work-! supported and strengthened, but novel, is. almost like that legal leadership.' Otherwise, constant Semitism she intends to call inkers'are for positive, constructive reasons, malice which speaks of 'construc- harping on the dark and the ter- August, 1937. And drew faith! rifying only brings forth one of in human decency and in men j I believe I have said enouph j and not as a refuge from fear. tive murder.' to prove, rcy point and that of the \ two conditions that are positively "The mere reporting of Nazi "Now, I trust than I am not injurious — either complete cal- i and women of good will and in men I quoted above. And so I ; Jew-baiting in the press been ! the rehabilitation of European Call KA-11SS for Prompt DEITTC-Tenough to give chills to the Jews, altogether an insensitive Jew . . . lousness and indifference to Jew- ' Christians nations from the poi- conclude with the words cf Hab- j •T V j«t *~, and ammunition to the anti-Sem- Nor am I the type of Jew, who ish plight and appeals for aid for ! son of Jew-baiting-. From her bi Bernstein: "In the light of j with specific reference to the the victims, or an obsessing pho- ' passionate and truly ites. It has evoked, or at least sincere these facts Jews should try to i display reasonable judgment, j brought onto the open, particul- question of anti-Semitism, beli- bia that spells danger to the psy- words: arly unpleasant a n d sinister eves in pussy-footing around the ches of many a Jew and Jewess, "I am lighting not so much in forms of Jew-hatred . . . One can subject with finger on lip. One of which many a rabbi and behalf of the Jews as to save may, with complete dignity, comthoughtful and and sober Jew find a reported or threatened poChristians from becoming beasts.' grom on the front page of almost bat injustice; and most certainly can vouch for in their commun"We must organise all the anti-Semitism, like any other raities. any Jewish" newspaper at almost forces for goi i. will if we are tor ' any time. Anti-bemitic crack- cial prejudice, is an injustice. tho Let me just mention a few er- fight evil. Unfortunately, : pots are treated with the utmost But. \ cannot, therefore, discover freende Erscheinugen, happy in-.'.forces for good are badly organit where it does not happen to be, '• solemnity by the~ Jewish press when they should be ignored or and:I am wary about using such sent to institutions for mental de- a term as "unconscious anti-Semfectives. To feature the idiotic itism . . . - - . "There is, unfortunately, too vaporings of the lunatic fringe is both absurd and dangerous. In much real anti-Semitism. Let us this way the Jewish press (and not hunt it out where it does not happen to be. Let us have the Jewish leadership —• H. M.) rendering a disservice to the Jew- courage to combat it, with digish people. It ought to exercise nity, where it is." a reasonable editorial discretion in these matters." Rabbi Bernstein then proceeds Tins Hag-adah is ricbly illustrated, ^ i t h aa English translation and to mention in detail personal experiences that leave no doubt as an original Esglish istrodnotiios clEiifjisg1 the Seder Services. to the wide-spread" existence of pro-Jewish sentiment and good And JOZT grocer will give TOTS, a Hsgadali free with eaclj purcliase of will among non-Jews in this -2 ca^s cf IIASWSLL HOUSE COFFEE, the original and ideal Pescountry. One example, in particular, Is .worth mentioning: In sschdige coffee! Rochester, where Bernstein is ( Rabbi, a campaign to raise one ! million dollars for a new Jewish As €Terj year, I>lasvrell xtouss Coffee is Kosher for Passover, It has Y. M. H. J u a n d T . "W. H. A. was r started in '29. " T h e depression the HEOESHEE of Eabbi Herscli Kdkn of Ixevr York, You caa tnj came, only ?S00,000 was collect%•




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Editorial Office: 500 Brandels Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center ; DAVID BiiACKEK - « Business and Managing Editor FRAJNK R. ACKERMAN - / - - - . . . . Editor iPANNIB KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent "ANN FILL - .- - - Siouz City. Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street '

tradition, and they staunchly believed that their children shoul FOOTNOTES TO # grow up Englishmen and not Hollanders. The Quakers whose large settlements are to be found By KOBERT throughout the middlewest were non-Conformists, scorned be By DB. THEODOBE N. LEWIS XOKTH cause of their distinctive dress and their high ideals., Even toda; FEDKHAL H O D . Ka&bi, Moaat Sinsi TesEpSe, Sloas City there are numerous groups, some of which have been in exist IS T K A T 1 O K CA s ence for over a hundred years, that have customs far more BAX ON JEWS I>> unique than the .Jews—the Dunkards, the Mennonites, th "CHILDS HISTORY OP JEWISH; mo us . number of nine hundred WHOSE "" LIFE," BY DOROTHY F. ZEL- j and sixty-five pages becomes tire- I LOAXO IT GU Amish, wearing ' a distinguishing garb, condemning vanities IGS. 250 PAGES. BLOCH PUB- \ some. A more serious objection For that matter, dc practicing unusual scxrial. customs. . is the profuse employment of ob- train from investing r LISHING CO. which disgusts the read- on such developmec No one denies them the right of living as'they please. No Because the period of instruc-! escenity r if h e is a t aIJE r m a l NEW YORK HA, ° &ad does one even challenges their practice of sending missionaries to tion in our schools and hours of |1 ' JEWS CLAIM TO L^ the sessions are limited, only the! not enjoy filth for its o.ra sake. convert others to their beliefs. PEOPLE . . . period Is -studied and j Why an author like Meyer Levin, CHOSEN chose them as thf i_ The American Jew has discarded the gaberdine of theBiblical even this with little success. •who ha s -written several splendid ier European ghetto; as a group he subscribes to no differen From the constant emphasis on things, should compel his heroes goat. . MOVE TO BUILJ social philosophy than his neighbor. Nor does he send forth Biblical history the pupil would and heroines, to habitually use OP TOLERAKCE A l be justified in concluding that. dlanguage that is by normal stan- FAIR . , . Exhibit A •" missionaries to inflict his ideas on his fellow men. Not even Jewish life came to an abrupt | a r d s regarded as taboo and un1 his great trait, his religion, differs in a large degree from that end with the Biblical Era, and of • acceptable^is^hard^to understand. exchange ot complin' r The author's gift cf narrative ] Mayor La Guarclia a., i. course nothing can be , further of his neighbor. is ' genuine and his heroes and ]Ier. from the truth. The great peoples of the past were nourished by a caval Hoiv to remedy this serious de- heroines are living creatures. ; CANADIAN JUDGE cade of differing cultures. "Where uniformity has been the fect has Ions been a problem to They would have been even more j sHADCHEX BENEFACTOR those interested in Jewish educa- so had be omitted tbe Inconseq- MANKIND . . . And ureiil rule, progress has come to a halt. uential talk and petty detail, and. shaeehorim agents of lie;

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A n t i r N a z i F e e l i n g . /:. •.•••.•./' : . V :.., ; • Anew crescendo in anti-Nazi feeling is being attained in gibe)vurfamilfi this country as the result of a rapid succession of events - touched off by the LaGuardia-Hitler verbal tiff and brought \ a treat to a head by the mammoth anti-Nazi mass meeting in Madison -* THE Square Garden this week, v ^WORLD'S FINESTi 'For some time, the sinister hate-mongery of the Nazis has tion. Post-Biblical history, bethe obscenity, which burden the where marriages Ere cinde"' \ MACARONI not been brought to the attention of the general American pubcause it is so complex, so varied, and so rich in content, coming in book and its characters. lic and. the far-reaching tenacles of it's insidious propaganda ' EUKOl'E contact with peoples in all parts t ! RErOKT £4,000 JEWS EXt have worked in the dark. However, the spotlight was focused Springtime In Humanity of the earth, conflicting •with- so j GRATED FROM GERMANY IN , on •un-American Nazi activities in the United,States by a series many cultures and transpiring in 1PC6 . . . If the Nazis aren't careGents of the Bible ![ iul By Rabbi Frederick Cohn so many lands represents a hurof events - - La Guardia's speech; the American apology; the there'll be no Jews fit all in and Talmud which few pupils and teachj Kitlerland before long — and insult to American officials and American womanhood in the Is^it 'Springtime in the Rockies'? Soon it will be Spring- dle ers ever succeeded in surmountj then what will be cer Fuehrer's By Dr. Pit-Hip Sfcer German papers; the German replies to American protests; the time in all the earth. Daily, now, as the sun mounts higher, ing. j raison de'etre? anti-Hitler mass meeting on Monday evening, when such men. the grass will grow greener, the skies will become bluer, the Since the period, however, is | C Z E C H BIOGRAPHER OF BIBLE RICHARD WAGNER CLAIMS as New York Mayor LaGuardia, Labor Leader Lewis, and for- breezes more ^oft and balmy, the. birds will sing in increasingly of extraordinary importance and Multiply not exceeding proud HE ADMITTED HE WAS A JEW knowledge thereof, a mer NBA administrator Johnson denounced Nazism; the Dick-. glad chorus, the flowers myriad-hued and deliciously fragrant •without Jewish child is seriously handi- talk; let not arrogance come cut . . . That's why he was such a : stem resolution in Congress exposing un-American Nazi activi- will scent the air. Glorious spring will "be here, and we shallcapped, an acceptable test book of your mouth, bitter anti-Semite. r ties in this country; the rebellion of the German-American find ourselves unconsciously repeating in our souls the words has long been a major need. Miss They that had plentiful, have JEWISH ORPHANS IN hired out themselves for bread, Dorothy F. Zeligs has now ably tvnt rr* *ir»o League of- Culture against the Nazircontrolled Amerika-Deut- of King Solomon's lovely Spring Song from the Song of Songs, filled this lack _with her splen- and they that were hungry have (Copyriph ivezi Fesiure Syndicate.) scher Vqlksbund - - all following one after the other have which no doubt inspired Mendelsohn and Rubinstein as it hasdid and fascinating "Child's His- ceased. . '. tory of Jewish Life." The vol- He will keep the feet of His tended to strain German-American. relations and make the many others. ume covers the first sixteen cen- holy ones, but the wicked E*hall American public conscious of the:.aims and purposes of Nazi- • "Arise, my love, my fair one, and coine away! turies of the Common Era. T£ie be put to silence in darkness, for Prepare Mow for Your Passover Table Americans. " • large and difficult material is not by strength shall man pre. For lo! the winter is past, the rains are over and gone First and foremost among the complications is the ad- 'The flowers appear on the earth;' skillfully divided into four Units, j vail. , FISH - CHICKEN - EGGS the titles of which are "Palestine) He raiseth up the poor out of mission of Fritz Kuhn, supposed Nazi "fuehrer" in America, The time of the singing of birds is come, In The Days Of The Rabbis," j the dust. He lifteth up the needy We a r e featuring special for Passover—Fat that he has 200,000 Nazis in his organization and that they And the voice of the turtle-dove is heard in our land; 'Babylonia In The Days Of The from the dunghill ^ o make them Chickens—-Strictly Fresh Country Eggs——and _ are being outfitted with new, natty uniforms. And while he Talmud And Geonim," "Jewish sit with princes and inherit the Liive River 'Fish. The fig-tree putteth forth her green figs, Life In The Land Of Spain," "In throne of glory. claims that his group stands for Americanism, he does not And the vines-in blossom give forth their fragrance. L a rge Ri^-e C^rp » » 1 Oc LI). The Days Of t h e Ghetto." Each bother to explain the presence of the swastika banner, military Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away!" Rabbi Jochanaa was once ridunit is subdivided into chapters. Full Line f Selected Fresh Tro'ist, Pike, Pickerel uniforms, martial drills, Nazi salutes, and "Heil Hitlers." These, In the Spring not only a 'young man's fancy5 but theThe division "Things To Do And ing on a donkey with his dis£.nd L Large Lire plus the enrollment by these "American Nazis" in the National world's inclination turns 'lightly' and spontaneously to love. Talk About" suggests some inter- ciples following. He saw a young esting projects for the child. j woman picking barley out of the All Live River Fislb Triscije 'srect from the Guard to obtain drill and military^ training, have not made Spring is the most beautiful season of the year, and that The presentation is executed j dung of an Arabian's cattle. ["'racks Rivers by Our Ov people here so "well-disposed" toward a group which is at-is why Youth is so marvelously beautiful, for it is the Spring- with rare discernment and de-jVv'hen she observed him, she contempting to foist its un-American theories upon our democracy. time of life. "We can sympathize with Anatole France's senti- signed with a careful eye to the j ered herself with her hair, stood ST£>LLER?S FISH £c POULTRY .. Nor has it .helped these Kuhn Hitlerites among their own peo- ment that youth, not old age, should come last in life to pro- curiosity and interest of a grow-1 up and said: "Oh, Rabbi, assort ng child. The author has taken me." 'Whose daughter art thou?* • pie to have brought to the public eye the fact that they raised duce a happy ending and at a time when we could appreciate care not to sacrifice any of the he asked. She answered; "I ara 1623 No, E4tb St. JA-S699 $3,000 for winter relief in Germany^ yet, when the delegation it more, its loveliness, its charm. For youth is too soon gone, essentials. Not only is the life j the daughter of Nakdimon ben [ Door North of Shukevt IVIavket headed by Kuhn gave the money to Hitler, glowing accounts as the flowers that it brings in masterly succession (The violets, of these centuries recreated, of Guryon." The Rabbi then asked on a minor scale, but theher what had become of her faappeared about the "$2,300" contributed. The contributors in the crocuses, the tulips, the jonquils, the iris, the lilacs makecourse eading figures are all here and ther's money. She replied: "Is this country, knowing they sent over $3,000, have been asking the all-too-brief Procession of Flowers). And, as with health, n their well known roles. The there not a saying in Jerusalem Talmud and some of its major 'The salt (means of preservation) what became of the other $700. while it is ours we do not fully appreciate it; youth is too innobecome vivid and con- j of wealth is through ben erolNor has it'helped the sentiment in this country any tocent, thoughtless, and free. And youth is unique: as the poet eachers rete by a description of the life | ence?', and my father was not read about vandalism by the Nazis. Thus, for the; sixth time has sung: The Clothing World Z'~ce~ One .Roof n the Talrnudic Academies. The j charitable enough." He then ask. . unit devoted to Spanish Jewry j ed what became of her father-Inin two years the Temple Rodelph Sholom in New Yor^-has "There are gains.for all our losses; delineates such well known her- j law's money. "Ah," she replilea, been desecrated by unkno^vn vandals, only this week some es of the spirit like Ibn Ezra, "one destroyed the other." RabThere's a balm for every pain, Nazis painting bright orange swastikas on the outer walls. ehudah Ha-Levi, Moses -Mai-i bi," she continued, "dost thou But when youth, the dream, departs, monides and many others. Of course, we could take the view of the New York Post, not remember signing my marri- > It takes something from our hearts This volume will receive a cor- age contract?" being "why argue with crackpots?" Or the LaGuardia. view dial welcome in all our schools, ' And it never comes again • Turning to his disciples, he that the Hitlerites are beneath the dignity of meeting on the ,nd aid our Jewish children to said: "When I signed her mar- 1 Let us, indeed, 'gather the roses of youth •svhile we may.' Main a better understanding of riage contract her father gave field of honor. But, it would not do to pass off the Nazis' inHistory, too, has had its Springtime. It is known among he intensely important period in her a dowry of one million goldsults as unworthy of answer, for the weeds of poison sprout ewish history covered by the en denars besides that of her fahistorians as the "Renaissance," that bright, beautiful period prolificly. "While resentment of Nazi activities is at a high uthor. ther-in-law." Rabbi Jochanan point, it is incumbent upon the" forces of enlightenjhent to con- following the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries when the then burst into tears 'and said: tinue to educate.the public to the real purposes and designs human mind awoke from the long sleep and winter of the Mid- THE OLD BUXCK." BY SIKY- "Happy are ye. Israel. As long THE VIKING PRESS as ye perform the will of God no ^ of Hitlerite agents who seek through subversive means to in-dle Ages, when it put forth new blooms of culture and of in-965 LEVIN. PAGES. <?3.00. nation or people can ognress ! lienJLtJblo: fect our country p g ^ e a s d i This is an interesting and ia thee, but when ye fail to perform That was the time, of the rise of new languages and. nationali- places an absorbing book about the will of God lye are delivered j | a group of young Chicago Jews, into the hands of a humiliating j ties, of: Italian, French, and Spanish, born,from their common whom Rumanian Ruminations the author discovers as nation, but also into the hands of ] Rumania is joining.the growing list of European coun- mother, the Latin; that was the time of Dante, of Petrarch, of they emerge from adolescence the beasts of the humiliating na- j and describes their quest for life tion." Did then Nakdimon ben I tries who are. taking direct governmental action tb counteract Boeeacio; of Raphael, of Michael Angelo; of Savonarola; ush- and opportunity. He portrays j Guryon not give any charity? Be-j ering in the religious "Renaissance," know as. the "Reformaanti-Semitic agitation and violence. > vividly the struggles, the defeats j hold, we were .taught in a Barai- j The situation in King Carol's land had been growing con- tion," when the modern spirit asserted itself, bearing its gifts and the triumphs of this, large tha: It was said of Nakdimon j varied group of second gen- ben Buryon when he left his! tinually worse, but it took the attempt by the "death, squad" of liberty; and democracy. The great philosophical historian, and eration of A m e r i c a n Jewish to go to college to study the | of the anti-Jewish Iron Guardists to assassinate Dr. Trajan Oswald Spengler, has shown us in his epoch-making work, "The youngsters, some o' whom fol- house entire road would be spread ont I Bratu, rector of the university of Jassy and leader of the anti- Decline of the "West," how history has its seasons of Spring,low professional careers, while "with fine woolens, which the poor | drift into business. The people used to fold up behind j fascist National Peasant party, to wake the cabinet to the criti- Summer, Autumn," and "Winter, marking the different 'civiliza- others plight of the parents, hailing their own use. | cal danger of letting irresponsible hoodlums run rough-shod tions' (The Egyptian, the Chinese, the Babylonian, the Mex-from an altogether different en- himIf for you wish, I will interpret * .over the rights of the citizens. The cabinet took action to sup- ican, the Arabic, Graeco-Roman, "Western, etc.), which, like vironment and rigidly condition- this that first he. did it only for j press all secret societies and arrested many of the Iron Guard an organism, are born, flourish, decay, and die; and like the ed in other behaviour patterns his own honor, secondly, he did | appreciated is not always not give enough charity accordmembers. By a new law drafted the police and the military seasons come, continue for a while, and then pass away. So though The Nebraska's treated sympathetically. Their ing to his means. will be -enabled to intervene in student riots. And, also sig- the beautiful Renaissance, with its genius of art and culture spiritual tragedy is profound; and nificant, the Peasant Guards, military wing of the Peasant and. revived philosophy, its buds of science, was the Spring- and their impotence to control The first grist and sawmill in their.offspring and to understand I northern Wisconsin wss built in Party, received instructions to hold itself in readiness for in-time in the history of humanity. strange ways is pathetic. 1805 by Jacob Franks who had Judaism, too, had its "Renaissance" when the old religion their stant action to protect party leaders from Iron Guard venThe volume is marred by twosettled in Green Bay ia 1792. geance. .. . • ' •••' . _ ; ••'•'•.'.•• ". • • • ' : • • / • ' • " ,,put on new shoots and blossoms, the staff of the "Wanderer of serious detects. The unnecessary ' One of the most damaging blemishes on the Rumanian the Centuries' and through all lands, as .Graetz said, suddenly detail which requires the enorPatronize Our Advertisers record sheet is the large number ox priests of the Orthodox "blossoming like Aaron's rod." That was about the end of the Church who are identified with the Iron Guard. Religion is eighteenth century, following the activity of the gifted and kind are undoubtedly Still before mankind, but it will learn' not fulfilling its purpose and serves the world ill when its noble .Mendelsohn, accompanying 'Emancipation' consequent to look forward with increasing patience, hope, and iiiiwaver- j It's made for Nebraskans and Nebrasleaders preach hatted instead of love and strife instead of upon the French Resolution; when the Jew stepped out of the ing certainty to inevitable, universal Spring! ka's climate . . . for vou Ncbraskans Behold, we know not anything; dark and dingy ghetto in which he had been cooped up for peace. } . . • -' , sre hounds for travel , . , you're 0:1 the "We can but trust that good will fall—• centuries into the sunlight of the new and intoxicating world. go snd wherever yon go a. Cumateer The Jewish benefit from a clamping down on the Iron At last—far-off—at last, to all will be your comforting1 companion, Guardist fanatics is both direct and indirect. It will result, That was the beginning of new progress for the Jew, inteflecAnd every winter change to Spring I" we hope, in a lessening of the pogromizing in the,country. And jtual, cultural, political, social; yea, and religious also. The Eocfitstrr ttrriom! cf vsrrnt soft, Jew's spirit has revived and despite the* lingering mists and • . Frederick Colin. also, any trend against the anti-Semitic barbarism of the faswBferwesisifmf smd h's'rons Clfwsateer , ' fabrics loomed exclusively for Oitna* cist-riddled Iron Guardists will help discredit their movement, miasma of persecution, and hate born of the medieval ages, the teer Topcoats . * « and staunch" paving the way for a closer approach to the minorities' rights Jew breathes.the purer air of the modern era which will inly tailored for active service. spire him to new efforts and new accomplishments in the prose-' Do You Know the Value of Good guaranteed by Rumania in the'post-war treaties. cution of Ills original and eternal mission to bring blessing to Cleaning / all mankind. • ' Distinctive Culture \ • • _ , : ' :: •/.•..:, The world is on .the'threshold'of a new Springtime. Much According to the estimable;David. Lloyd' George, much of of the old is perishing, like the fallen and dead leaves of au- TRY THE BEST IN CLEANING YOUR SPRING' the present-day anti-Semitism can t e traced" to the Jew's deter- tumn, beneath the winter's ice and cold. But in this mould new Yes, Only The Nebraska mination to retain his unique culture. If the ^.Jew were the life is stirring. The Tree of Life puts forth new leaves, soon g Features The Cilmatcer Spring Coats, Sails, Hats, Top Coats, only group in the world to possess this, trait, Lloyd George's to be in full blossom and beauty all about us. A New "World I Ladies' Suits, Draperies &nd' Curtains ; answer might be satisfactory. . : Other Spring !37 Suits and is being born, a world of new creations and divinest possibiliF«r Coats Cleaned and Glazed Cold Yet every nation of Europe, almost 'without, exception, has ties. Blessings like blossoms will rain upon the human race in Storage 'Free - » Complete minority groups seeking to retain elements of- a cultural pat- the New Era that is coming. Mankind is being united as never Service. tern of their fathers. before. Efforts for man's happiness are being put forth as In this country in particular the Jew's desire to be unique neveii hitherto. The movement for peace and justice takes on /"S ,fS \ « should not be held against' him. "When in 1620 the Pilgrims set increasing strength. New institutions already exist, political, €2 IS KB €2 & S forth on a perilous-voyage they did so not because they were moral, social, some on an international scale. The world will seeking religious freedom, for that they had been granted in learn to use these more and more, to appreciate and value them 112 Mo. 18th St. Holland. Eut they were Englishmen proud of their English more and more. Many winters of woe and of evil of every :






Council of Jei Women


A regular meeting of HadasA special meeting of the JewThe Current Topics class of the [ sah will he held on Wednesday, Temple Sisterhood trill meet j ish Workers Alliance has beer. . . March 31. A board meeting will Tuesday morning at the Black- | _There_ are_ ever _z^ety patron- called for ne^t Tuesday evening, esses for the .-.iinual luncheon be held at 1. The program will be stone Hotel. Rabbi Frederick and bridge of the Council of Jew- Mr.rch 23. at the Je?-;sa Comdevoted to the Youth Aliyah. mxirAty Center. Members who have tickets and Cohn will speak on "We or They: ish Women to be given Monday j Plans will be discussed for the A Conflict of Two "Worlds." at one o'clock at the J. C. C , Mrs. money for the drawing are asked big celebration of the twentyANNOUNCE BI1.TH S&SGER-TATEhSIAS j Sam Wolf, party chairman, an- fifth anniversary cf the Verto bring these to the meeting. Jewish National Miss Sadie Tatelman,' daughnounces. ' ban&'s fo tin cling. Mr. and- Mrs. Simon Gorelick, The drawing will be held April ter of .Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Tatel- announce the birth of a son, Sid- i, at the Hadassah Amateur ProBridge and keno tables -will be ( All members are urged to be man, became the bride of '; Mr. ney Joel, on March 10 at the gram. set up. All the board members • Harry Janger, son of Mr. ; and Clarkson Hospital. i are among- the ninety patrones-; Those members who have not The spring rcwish National Mrs. Jacob Janger,- at a home signed, the permanent scroll to Fund Bos collection •will begin j ses. This affair is expected tc be i I,?" ceremony on Sunday, March 14, be placed in«the Hadassah-Roths- on Sunday, April 11. Mrs. Jack j one of the largest-attended of the i • Mr. and Mrs. Louis "Wintroub at 7:30 P. m. .' events. I announce the birth of a son, Ko-child Hospital and would like to Kaufman, will be in c2iaxge of tne I Council A board rr The bride wore an eggshell sa- bert Harlan, on Friday, March 5, do so are asked to call Sirs. Irbe held at ; Sir. William I tin gown modelled on the,prin- at the Clarkson Hospital. Hadassah grou? and vrill be a s - | 1 2 j , p r e c e ding~ the affair," when "a P travelvin Levin, Gl, 2515. sisted by a committee consisting in o m i l l a t i l , s c o r cess line and carried a bouquet will b e '< ogee of E;F rer of the Mesdames I. Dansky, T. j T named of white xoses and sweet peas. 5o -itli Sss? £.t a >cU~£ IT rTiGOD C p - r Mrs. Julius Stem,-chairman of T u l l y j j _ j _ Friedman, Judah | Mr. and Mrs. Isadore KosowMiss Etta Tatelman, sister of sky.announce en meeting cf the Hadassah IVIedical Fund, anthe birth of a son Wolfson, and M. F . Levinspn. the bride,1 was her only attendant. at the Methodist Club of the Vac nounces the following additional hospital on Zeta Beta Tan Feldman will be in Mrs. J. She wore peach taffeta and car-March 13. . Twelve lie— r e inters vrere zCnames to those who have com- charge o the Pioneer "Women. ried an arm bouquet of rupture mitted into the pleted "Give or Get" quotas: jJ u n i o r Hadassah and Mizrachi | Alpha Theta chapter of Zeta xoses. Mr. Irving Janger, broth Mesdames Mas Fromkin, Louis Women will also -participate in ; Beta Tan announces initiation ; will be held April C at the : er of the groom, -was best man. FOR SPRIKG VACATION" Greenberg, Philip Klutznick, I. the collecting. ] of--the following seven men: Har- iIsrael Eynacorue, IStli and Miss Harriet Bernstein sang Miss Shirley Barish will ar- W. Rosenblatt, Morris Levy, A. S. will canvas \ Ian Milder, Leonard Friedel, J.lil- CEEO streets. and was accompanied by Miss rive home Saturday from the Un- Rubnitz, Morris Milder, Sam Be- A corps of worters , ents | lard Rosenberg Robert Evelyn Mahan, pianist. iversity of Chicago to spend the ber, S. Olander, and Miss e Ida ' t h e c i t v a n d c 0 l e c t t h e c o n t All your.c raen 21 years Blue Boses." The '! man, Granum o £ After a noneymoon trip to spring vacation with her parents, Daytch. over are invited tr> Ettend. • •• funds from thi3 source are used I Cohen and Irvin Sherman. The Chicago the young couple will be Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Barish. for Land redemption. j formal initiation will be held on "at home" at 4G10 South 23rd Volunteers will be needed to j Sunday afternoon, March £1. at street. ; ARRIVE FROM CAWFOIIMA the Hotel Cornhusker in Lincoln. assist at this time. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Brodkoy On Saturday cieht, March' £0 At a and Mrs. M. M. Barish arrived By TJOUIS PEKARSKY an informal house party wiil be BAR home Tuesday after spending the working for him, at various held, in honor of the new initi- beme ofT ITte £-1 Miss X arty LcByron V.T.E clectrd ^"Mr. and Mrs. Harry Camel an-' winter in Los Angeles and Palm Hollywood, Calif. — - Sarah times, Dorothy Parker ates. nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their Beach, California. Kreindler of San Francisco, one i husband, Alan Campbell; Sam and Jerome Milder has been ad- president cf the Er.r.eoteers. Othson,- Marvin, at the B'nai Jacob of,the featured musical artists on Bella Spewack; Lillian Bellman vanced from sophomore to junior er officers are Miss Helen Cocperiaan, sscretary and Miss Xurie: synagogue, 24th and Nicholas RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA the National Broadcasting Sys- and her ex-husband, Arthur Kostreets, Saturday, March 20. No Mrs. Theresa Sommer has re-tem programs, was the first of the ber; and Sarah Mason and Vic-football manager recently. Also Golciberg, treasurer. Miss Dolores joining the football m a n a g e r Skier, ouirciEg- president presidinvitations have been issued. All turned from a- two months so- "child wonders" who have come tor Heerman. ranks is Granura Kaplan as a ed at the meeting. friends and relatives are invited. journ in Los Angeles, California. from that city in recent years. freshman manager. A program el entertainment She was rated one of the latter Sid Silver's success as a movie BAR MITZVAH SATtJRDAr was provided by :>Iiss when she was just six years old ^writer was recently embellished TO RETURN FROM LOS The Bar Mitzvah of Marvin Si. • • .. and had been studying the vio-with a starring role in the new Junior Council mon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton A N G E L E S .Mr. Edward Click will return lin for only seven months. She picture, "Born to Dance," in Made In Germany Simon, will take place Saturday The Junior Council of Jewish i Ey Edwin C. Lonvenl' .ai morning, Ma ch 20, at the Beth on April 15 from Los Angeles had never seen a violin when she j which he sings, dances and tells where he has been spending the first expressed a desire to play | some of the gags he wrote for Women, who are sponsors of j "Jews are no good/' Eerr El Synagogue. winter. that instrument. Her father, a ! this photoplay. Sid, who recent- Troop 4 of the Girls .Scouts, are j Franklin said, Mr. and Mrs. Simon will enterprosperous San Francisco "busi- ly concluded a series of radio pro- reorganizing the troop and will • ."Don't let them try your tain at a reception at their home ness man, had a tiny instrument grams •with Al Jolson, is a native hold the first meeting at the Jew- ! ence. 2513 Wirt Street on Sunday, BACK FROM TWO MONTHS made to order for i e r , and took of Brooklyn. Only 3 feet, 3 inches ji s h community Center, 'March Out with there, or they'l March 21, between the hours of TRIP the bread 2 and 5 in. the afternoon and 7 Mr, and Mrs. D. M. Newman her to Sigmund Anker, famous tall, it is said that I13 shops f o r j 2 1 j a t 3 ; S 0 _ Qirls o f t h e a g e s o f Anker "was clothes in the boys' depart-! 1 2 t o ,'ga r e and 10 in the evening. All have returned from a two months California teacher. jible to become ; Of coming gsnerctioiLS." friends and relatives are invited. trip to New Orleans, Louisiana, i enthusiastic over her keen e a r [ m e n t . . members pf the troop. i San Antonio, Texas, and Monter- i and immediately accepted her as No cards are being issued. brought this secret Janet Graetz is'captain and Ly-;Der Ang a'pupil. Edward G. Robinson, Warner llyan Chudacoff, Gertrude --Gain-1 out— ! ey, Mexico. Ey the time Sarah was nine Bros, exponent of art collection, sky, and Lillian Slutsky are lieu- j T h e thought seemed rather : RETURNS FROM CONVENTION years old, she was appearing pro- is branching out into the fine ! Mrs. J. Blank, president of theIf.urim Concert . | bright. i fessionally and had been the books field, too, having acquired tenants. Isow all the Treli-traiced Karis' Beth , El Auxiliary, returned on Any girls interested in joining I guest artist at a concert with a a dozen old and first editions the troop are invited to come to ! Monday from Pittsburgh where • Given by'Hazbmir symphony orchestra. She won within the past .month. The Rob"He she attended the convention of FrsEklin sure was rirht." 1 scholarships from the Mas-inson library includes S,000 volat: nai Israel two the Women's League of the Unitters School of Fine Arts two from Teddy Bear Cleassrs umes as well as the nucleus of ssor Bearfi ed Synagogues of America. Mrs. But erudite Members of the Hazomir Choir Jack A. Luttbeg is novr - oper&t- j Eas proved it's an invention Blank was accompanied as l a r as presented a Purim Concert at thethe Curtis institute in Philadel- the fine book collection. . ing the Teddy Bear Cleaners lo-] The Teutons Ben had not rsverPittsbugh by her mother, Mrs. E. B'nai Israel synagogue, Isth and phia, and was a pupil at differRatings based on a five-year cated at 112 N. ISth street. This ! ed, Meyer, who continued on to visit Chicago streets, on Sunday eve- ent times of Cezar Thompson, Samuel Gardner and Mishel Pias- checkup of all films gave David concern has been in business for j The Jevrs he didn't mention. friends in New York and. Phila- ning, February 23. tro. Miss Kreindler was the sec-1a gelznick the first position thirty-tTro years. Mr. Luttbeg, a j delphia. Members of the choir are: so-ond child musician to play over 1 a m o n s producers of Hollywood resident of Omaha for 27 years'-The Nazis press, though., I'm pranos, Dorothy Blau, Jeannette the radio and this youthful vet- box-office champions, according •welcomes nevr patrons and prosa- j Efrail, AT Coltoff, Lois Gerlisky, H o s e eran of broadcasting recalls all The- Omaha Music Teachers as- Goldman, Naomi Kuklin, Rose the various stages of transition to the authoritative film trade ises the same style of service as t Won't let tieir readers s?e "Fame." Eighteen in the past. j That the Herr Frafelin they cissociation will present following Novak, Pauline Hifkin, and Idathrough which the newest art has publication. films, produced for EKO, JJGJI All the-help has been retained I played artists in the Lecture Room in Microphones still looked and for his own company, Selz-. and -will continue the fine qcality j TTss — Made in Germany. arusiB in LUB ^ ^ . . w u ^ ^ Dorothv Burstein, gone. Mary Elkin, more like telephones than any- nicli International Pictures, gave •work for -which the Teddy Bear j (Copyright 1!?S7 By spi the Joslynon Sunday, Marion » « • Chorney, • • March 21stMemorial at 4:30 o'clock. Goldie Gerelick, Sylvia Gerelick, Violin Quartet from the Stud- Molly Kelberg, Edna Moskowitz, thing else when she first became Mr. Selzniek top spot. Cleaners has been, famous. i Feature Sradicate. acquainted •with them. In priio of Frank Mach. Josephine Nathan, Rose Savich, vate life, Sarah is Mrs. Norman Blance Erca; Edward Dulacki; Dorothy Zollotuchen. Baltor. Xumir Malimanek and Nene ReTenors are Leonard Bernstein, fregier. Margaret Erca, Accom- Louis Kelberg, Charles Mogil, When William Wyler returns j panist. . E. Seltz; bases, Morris Bernstein, to Hollywood shortly to begin diPiano Solos: Mildred Peterson from the Studio of Martin s W. ll.' Teplitsky, and Dave Bodin. j recting "Ueaa End" for Samuel Violinists, Hymie Gendelman, I Goldwyn he will bring with him Bush. Soprano Solos: Harriet Bern- Lou Saks, Joe Saks, Nate Seker-| a magnificent silver 'loving cup stein from the Studio of, and Harold Kaplan. Harriet j which he won as second prize in Rifkin is pianist. . ' a bobsled race on the famous Thea Moeller Herms. Cantor'A. Schwaczkin is direct- Cresta run at St. Moritz last The, public i s cordially invited or of the choir. • month. to attend. Admission is Free. The program consisted of a Samuel Goldwyn believes in the The following activities will be group of Yiddish and Hebrew theory that a married couple can presented at ihe Joslyn Memorial melodies. collaborate on the best plays for on Sunday, March 21. the screen. This.year he has had Patronize Our Advertisers 3:30 p. m. — Lecture Hall Illustrated lecture by Dr. Nels August Bengtson on "Central America." 4-00 p. m. — Concert Hall Organ program — Duo Art Records. 4:30 p. m. — Lecture Hall Program sponsored by The 16th and Harney Omaha Music Teachers Ass'n. S:00 p. m. — Concert Hall Sheers and crepes . . . 'dangerTown Hall Forum Lecture by Prof. John P. Sennlng on "Pioously chic . . . dramatic in their . neering With One .House Legis3^ lature." simplicity . . whether they are

Dramatic Club

Pleasant Kill

Worker's Alliance

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NATION'S COCNCtt—Here is the latest official picture of President Roosevelt and his Cabinet, taken in Washington. The President is in left foreground. Eo^dinr from his left around the table are: Henry Morgenthau. Jr., Secretary of the Treasury; Homer S. Cummings, Attorney General; Claude A. Swanson, Sscretcrj- cf th3 XCavy;"Ker.rr A. Wallace, Secretary of Agriculture; Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor; Vice President John N. Garner, at opposite end cf table from the President; Dcr.isi C. R.CPC7, Secretary of Commerce; Harold L. Ickes, Secretary of the Interior; James A. Farley, Postmaster General; Harry K. Woodring, Secretary of War. and Corcell Hull. Secretary of State, in center foreground. 3Mr. Woodring is the newest,member succeeding the late George H. Dern.



LiDTic'cn, v h i c h


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S™CCJ.S; re-el i r vh_:cli l i r r . " p e r " s .

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IT'S TOUGH — An examination for entrance to Uncle Sam's military academy at West Point was held recently in New York, and here is what the candid camera caught in-the way of mental agony. Casualties among penholders and pencils were reported heavy and even a handkerchief came into use. " -

i WITNESS-^-Senator Burton K. Wheeler of : Montana, leader of the testimony against President Roosevelt's proposed Federal court reorganization plan before the Senate Judiciary Committee in Washington. Mr. Wheeler has favored a Constitutional amendment to change the court personnel.

Otto Ni er, c. Of i director cf ths Trho has been r C.7T.Zi to thensvly erected pest of c irrr.e.rL c f ths beard cf c!:ree ^•»e c: the

^jiUY_^-I CHAIE E1AKESS SIT DOWN—From the standpoint of arrested motion, what more lopes! than thct these "employes in a chair factory in St. Louis. Mo., should stage a sit-down strike, occupying chairs they recently constructed? Joining the epidemic of sit-dev.-n strikers, thsy sought higher wascs.

:rr.e,t;; .1 S;tileBZ.ZLLZ for Ir.t: —ents, at Ec>sie. ~v itser;zr;d. *~ r.

Sir Otto Trcs recently a visit ^r in the United Stc.tss.



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BIENTIONED — Benjamin V. Cohen, 42, general counsel for . the National Power Policy Commission in Washington, mentioned as a possible appointee for any vacancy that may occur on the Supreme Court bench. He is a native of Muncie, Ihd.


\ ,X




i s A-COMING — Evalyn Knapp, lovely film actress, caught the Easter spirit early, at her home in Hollywood, and cot togged out in this costume. It's just the thing, she asserts, to wear on that early-morning hunt for colored eggs.











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G3.IZi;TIXGS—Tho IX;*"- cf T^o^rr'V cr.d his lovelr bride tlia chosrs c ' t h e peop's as they return frorri thslr hor^crrr.oon tc ths Luke's histeric ccstls ct / . Er.gie.nd. The Dv.!ie :? z. busrV=rso=

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I . CHE3E1—Sir Thomas Inskip.

British Minister for the Co-ordination of Defense, who is temporarily in charge of Britain's air ministry, during the absence of Viscount Sv/inton. The Viscount; recently Etsflered a heart attach and is oil Tor a month.

. *• SHELLS SHATTEB CITY—Scrcsirins out cf thz- -i'ht, lcT.--rr.r.r^ rhc"!: rrBarcelona, Spain, from some mysterious cource, crin^in.'- c'cotii rnti cI—tu-oMon to tli; ci .s r.ixv. Tae Madrid government charged they cams Ivors, '.varcliips -vitlila tl:s tu:;:-r.:ila U:;J.I\

;.3 oiver;ce ^e : ^ ; - .

in ."."..ric-.n r.:iz.

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THE JEWISH PRESS, -FRIDAY, AlARCH first came to Hollywood to make Yaffe, Barish-Sauders, forward. j Lee Grossman is planning to ! Panthers IT 10' ing League. The Bears rsn into Doc Morgan, and Ssm Tonpem. the Tigers conlfl rrnt match movies in 1927 . . . Miss "itainer Sigal. Psi Mu. center. \ e I ] t e r j , c > c . teams in the Ona- ; Lions 14 13 a 'lot of feuble when they met The former member of the Lion? Pan then; s.nd found thr-rriR? came to Hollywood in 1935. Burrough, Barish-Sanders, guard. | b a Bee-News golf and tennis : Bears 1"> 14; t he Lions "and found themselves : participaled u. only two came? deeper in thr cellar position. Daughter of a Vienna merchant, Bergman, Psi Mu, guard. ! Tigers 11 " 16 ru dely dropped from second to. init-had a total of 4C0 and. bowlleagues now being proposed. A , YV>itr boosted his aver she went on the stage when she with a pah- of "I'OO" £RIHPF All tennists. and golfers are j The Panthers trounced the Ti- third position. The roaring Lions ed one fame of Z24. was 1G. Max Reinhardt starred Tennis and. golf performers — asked to give their names to,'gers two out of three and con- swept the three games series due Touch Aaron Weiu BOC did Dot 1'jaii. and Jpck her in "A Midsummer Night's -. Temple here's a chance of a lifetime. Grossman if they're interested. I tinue to lead in the J. C. C. Bowl-' to fine bovriing by Harry Smith,, into the pins for a BS4 average,. with 220 and 201 respectively. Dream." Her rise in motion picAt service tonight Rabbi David H. Wice "Will speak on "Leon tures has been spectacular. The Blum: A Twentieth Century Dis- exotic, • brown-eyed actress won raeli." •• . :• •;•-. )[.: -.•the" best actress award -for her Regular Saturday morning ser- role in "The Great Ziegfeld." (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts vices will be held at 11:00: Feature Syndicate.) Next Week ' . :'V A short service will be;: held next. Triday, th© Iir3t evening of Passover, beginning at 5:45 p. m.

By- •. . . ' . ; • V a a d . • .-i;; At late Friday night serrices of the Vaad H'lhr at the , B'nai Faced with their greatest basIsrael Synagogue, 18th and Chi-ketball adventure of the year, cago streets, a' special Shaboth Omaha's crack A.. Z. A. No. 1 Hagodel will be conducted. Rab- quintet headed for Minneapolis bi Milton A. Kopstein will;eluci- today to play in the district A. Z. date the laws and legends' per- A. tournament. •• . taining to the forthcoming PassThe Omaha Alephs .coached by over holiday. Cantor A., Schwac- Lee Grossman, won their regionzkin will conduct the services. al meet at Lincoln recently to At Saturday morning services qualify ifor the shot at the higher at the Congregation B'nal Israel, stakes. Eight players, in addiRabbi Kopstein will speak on thetion to Coach Grossman, will Portion of the week. make the trip, set to "do or die" Saturday; afternoon at 4 p. m. for Dear Ol' A. Z. A. Rabbi Kopstein will deliver - a This is the second Omaha team special message at the Congrega- in a full eleven years which has tion Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel, qualified for the district tourna19 th and Bnrt streets. ment. The traditional Father and Son Best wishes of this column and service is held every Sunday Omaha's Jewish community acmorning at the '.3'nai Israel syn- company the spunky youngsters. Af? S agogue at 9 o'clock. for every purpose There have . been handball; •"•••• -Beth E l flukes — but none like flukey Distributed by ' T h i s Sabbath is Sabbath Hago- fluke that decided a match in the del, the "Great Sabbath,"* so call- midwestern A. A. V. four-wall ed, because^ it is the Sabbath be- tournament which held sway a t fore ihe Passover. In accord- the J. C. C. last week. Air Conditioning Ccrp. - ' ance Tfith Jewish tradition which It-was between the teams of 104 No. 18th St. requires that this Sabbath be set Millard Sigal-Sam Zorinsky and AT-3454 aside for a' discussion of Pesacb. Max Turner-Jake Adler. The observance," Rabbi Goldstein-will game was hotter than the kitchen devote his sermon to an interpre- stove on a wintry night. Sigal, tation of the meanings of Pesach the dark romancer, was torrid symbols. Cantor Edgar and thewith his left hand to give his choir will present special *Pesach team a win 'in the first game. music.- In preparation for next But Turner and Adler turned the week's Seder Cantor Edgar will tables to add the second same Mavt. Prosper teach the congregation Seder and even the count. . SPARK. PLUGS.. 39s melodies. Guaranteed for 20,000 It got to 20-15 in-the third with Miles On Saturday morning, Marvin, Scat Covers for AH Cars the- son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Turner-Adler leading. . 4©c end Up Sigal and Zorinsky got the Simon, will become a Bar MitzMost Complete Stock in serve and ran i t to 20-20, the vah. City breath-taking point in all handNext Week ball play, especially in a third Services will take place at 6:15 next Friday evening. There will game. Zorinsky, the bread man, be no sermon. Immediately after served a wicious one to Adler, anlz Sherman Mliton Moskovltz the ^Service, the congregation will other bread man.- in: the same 1 9 1 9 Farnam S t . company. And horrors of horgo to their home for family Sed". • WE-2929 ers. - Services Saturday morning rors!.-The ball hit the window in will begin at StOO, Saturday the court" door and bounced away night at 6:15 and Sunday morn- at right angles. Adler started up ing at 9:00. There wiil be no to shake hands. But on: the othSunday School on Sunday, the er aide of the court, Turner swung his left arm like he was second day of Passover. aiming a t a fly on his forehead. He hit a ball . . . a ball hit the THE front pjnner .fashion . :« . and a guy by the name of ZorBEA5JTY CALCM Features Stiampoo end '"With the • excitement of- re- insky all but lost Ms teeth as he Finger Wave ceiving the highest award o£ a p r a w l e d helplessly, . mostly through surprise, in his efforts to merit the motion picture industry can bestow upon its own mem-retrieve the low shot. Permanent Waves at While the balcony crowd all bers, Paul Muni, designated" the 03.50 and Vp outstanding actor of the past but dropped down to the floor, year, is .hard at work on his next Adler got np and served the win71G Brsndeis Thestro picture lor Warners, " T h e Life ning point. of Emile Zola.."- This film is based on the stirring fight by the Ruth Diamond, women's phyfamous French writer to obtain sical director at Omaha universjustice for Captain Dreyfus. Jos- ity will take charge of Lee Grosseph SchildTn-aut has been chosen man's women's class . Monday to-T-lav". the role of Dreyfus. while the J. C. C. maestro makes At the annual banquet of the the trip to Minneapolis- with his Acatiemy of Motion- Picture Arts A..Z. A. kids. and Sciences, Muni shared honOSAKA'S Flf.'SST ors with Luise Ralner, who won There having been no "beefs" ECHEATIOTIAL PARLOR the award for the best actress in at the J. C. C. all-Star basketball BIUL.1ARDS— SNOOKER 1936, Muni, whose real name is team which appeared in last POCKET BILLIARDS Muni "Weisenfreud, is a native of week's Jewish Press, this column AH New Streamline Taales Lemberg, Austria. He started is bold enough to now present the Restaurant—Bar • stage work at 'he age of 13, 28second team in this all-star, 'allDirect Wire On AH years ago. For a score of years sensational group. Here you Sporting Events he played in the Yiddish theater are": . - .•.:Ladles Especially invited in Kew York and elsewhere, and N6vak, Barish Sanders, forward.

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Over the syndicate corr.rp a ,_ T ^'i,-,. r I ^.*-_".Jl '**— "".' story that illustrates the rldisu- 1.1, / ' - " _ ! _ , . ' - , . _ ! . . " - ,„." t ious vlevpclnt of Xczi "ds~nl:y'. ^ , - _ n . _ * m ^ . ^, v^_ ' ; Several here- beer, jailed in the ^ c ' r ' r - . _„„ \ - i . . ,,_„


Tr<=> ?hrr>



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Oar funeral. parlcrn

We nave spsred ji nor cxpcnsQ , n dcveicp.rg « Y t * 2i"i2^i c? cur s;rv(-c.


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j 'ns have been cxj-reFsed c n ^ c ^ _ r ^ _ .„ - p — , . ^ „„1 raore r;cn*jin«:l-r scusht for t.niel* ;-, m ,- —^-.T—rw 1 ::cv,-s f i i t 2 . j.z.Zi'lzrA£.V.y re ^ > r . ~ r _ a ? ^ v - c _ , r . ; rv, might rerrcl that "Kilo ~^ is the no~-,->--: 2 zis of Jate c--r' Rachmpn a'.^o know as K«.ck rt^el , _ „ . „ "Around t!"e Tcwn" columnist. .J"" —••'—?""»--• -<"."r---l r e film and dramatic crjLc. ''~-Z~'" I- C " - - _ c ^ ^ i r : :.i ^ . .'.. ; : u re: c "

A r i c r . T>l.o h^-c! I*.- 1 r c ^ n ; i^r...


This Hagadah, attractively illustrated, Tvith an EnglisL translation and an original English introduction which clarifies the Seder Services, will "be distributed free-as a gift by the makers, of MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE'with every pound ean of Pessaclidige coffee that you-bny at your grocer's. Get yonrHnjradah at yonr grocer's before the supply is exhausted.

or Prmk

space in calilrg r.ttcr.tion to the • T"C~C' ^ru<=d r'-,-";" gua*'"' ri^-'-Z hirh ijsrht fc >t*rres cf t ^ e c u r r r r t •£TTcs thrTuV-i-l": 'i"lu ".J- i.^i programs end ihers to cor^e. T."? j y , n - i r - , - - 1 T. r r . . , „ * ,i f ,beheve that r r c : c chr.ttcr crcrts ' >LT^ "^ '~vs r ^ . ; ? - V : v - \ - ' ^ T**7




K i ' o - - - , v-;1; ^' £-"- ••- ^ e~rt<-c\ ' - /


Coed, to tfuTiast Drop


d ; F . r e r r , t b e r - i r t c f ***?" '•'z~-r'"\"°i ''"•*--. '• - ^ : " \{_~ : a n added -, d i a l t w i s t e r s t o f . n d t h e p r o c r a m r . T ? „ . - - • * — „ y-rr — — Ti.•_'.,_ "> t h e y -^V.l e r ; o y . A g o o d f e a t u r p 7 V " 5 t t r X r " ' r r ' " " ' v - r — "'-"•>; 4 ' h a s b e e n t h a t f e w e r p e r p c n a l r p - r;: T "tr-fr'"c\V V " r r d ' i f " " * ' " ' c v ~ '


Men's 2 or 3-plece s u i t s . .$..SO Suits and trousers. 1.30 Single t r o u s e n .43 Women's 2-plece s u l t . s . . .so Plain dresses SO Men's hats „ 65 Women's hats .50




Liquor - Wise ing, Max Turner and Bertha Guss j | . . . "Life c the Party" Marvin \ \ He tlr.nciie Treller has been attentive to \ \ what young lady? Congrats Brandy a r. to Lou Canar, the enterprising: £ Ser Sir" proprietor of the latest ana new- "r est in drug stores . . . We reco- *•• mraend for the ''Chamber of Scr- ^ norrers" the guy who snaps "Let -;_ me have a couple of dollars unt '. tomorrow" . . when, he knows that tomorrow will sever ccrae:! . . . Josephine Kubnitz is etitrr of the "N" Book at the TJnive-- JET sity cf Nebraska , . 'What secrc- * tary to a prominent local xzvryri \ is contern.plEti.Rg "orange "bio?- > c s o n s " with a physical culturist? j J . . . Din-lighted tables at the Mu-j > sic Box make an atmospheric res- i »» dezvous for Barbara Baumer and ] £ Maurie Bernstein . . , Others ecu-i <s pies tripping . the light fantastic ! ^ at this popular ballroom, were: j i Lou Sase and Etna Moskcvitz, i 1 the two Epstein girls Sylvia and \ £ Shirisy with a pair of Sioux City ' ^

in the E e r of lzfc h r r t r r n cf the - - V .•!'-^'~—'l~I.~ •""*"„'„'-/, . ," '1

Effective T.larclt 1, 2937

CcajUnstsa c3


sr; ,

t*i:t the Irccl dEillrc " l i s t r r r - 1 s~;carci rr^r.^c Fvar^^.ac cr. t i t j vide sufficient ECWS rastsrial is pt"r.e fsrr = *r' Tc~'r'^"<*''r i " r " r t


3525 Jones 4SS2 So. 24th




dssover Seder Sszvfco



BILLIABD AND LUNCH 1S18 Farnam St. WE 3423


• • Soslisr Xcckoktioas The day dreaming gaze on the countenances of the members of the Junior Council of Women is not a sign of ennui or that spring hath arrived . . . it is just the relaxed Epirit that has been injected as a result of the lectures on relaxation delivered by Mrs. Bess Brown cf the adult educational department of the Board of Education . . -. Martha Kimmelstein playing the leading feminine role in the coming Center players production is striving to reduce that she may be in character . . . We often wonder why this capable young actress does not seek larger fields for the display of her j talent . . . The play, a modern j version of Ibsen's "Doll House", \ is being directed by Mrs. Herman i „. Jahr, whose keen discernment of j * casting roles and excellent per- i <• ception of stage direction is well j *• known to local play-goers . . . j ^ Add inseparable combinations: : <?, Babe Newman and Henry Sterl- j £


dio c o l u ~ n

• This Hagadah Is Free At Tour Grocer's


Word has reached U3 that Bob Singer, formerly of Omaha journalism circles, is now associated With the ultra sophisticate ' d a g ' Esquire, in the Chicago office . . . possessed of a pleasing personality and a keen perceptive mind, It is our prediction that this young chap will rise to proraiaence in the journalistic world . . . The bundle of. blonde loveliness whose smile would mate an attractive chewing gum ad: Helen Janger . . . visiting with her relatives prior to her return to Baltimore where she will soon become the "bride of B. Sydney Becker . . . a prominent attorney of that city . . . Former Omahan Abe Levine, brother of David Levine, president of the Union Outfitting, Jjas opened a new and swanky film artists agency in Hollywood, representing radio and picture artists and the placing of same . . . Levine is the husband of the former Dora Goldstone, sister of Phil Goldstone, Hollywood movie tycoon. . Talented, petite brunette, Rosalie Pizer, daughter of Mr. and Krs. Simon Pizer, conducts the new radio feature over W. O. "W. every Friday from 3:00 to 3:SO p. m. . . . a fashion show sponsored by the Brandeis Stores, with Miss Pizer as the commentator on current fashions for milady . . . Flash: Madeline (Tickle) Schwartz, sister of Mrs. Nathan Adelson and residing in Los Angeles will become the "bride of Louis Norman Osder on Sunday, March 21st . . . family address is 9 0S So. Wooster St., Los Angeles, Calif . . . Happy reunion: Mrs. Lou TTintroub and Mrs. Sam Manritz were childhood -chums as E\"e Katzrnan and Fannie Ostrovich . , . happy days were recalled when both ocupied the sarse room at the Clarkson hospital last week . . . the Tvlstroufcs are the proud parents of a robust baby boy (Robert Harlan); the Manvitz's are the equally proud mama and daddy, of a "maidela" (Florence) . . . Efth-ris J i n ' s Club prepar.rg for thc.r'5crc-r.c' party Arrll Grd, -will introduce an innovation in the Lne cf cn'.er-

Chamber of Kaporas) at the New York Worlds Fair.


tT.ecJ :he r--t

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Page 0

Mr. O. Hocliman of Council ed a violin solo accompanied ! Bluffs was the guest speaker at the piano by Miss Florence Steinan Open Meeting and Program of berg. ©f Marriage Contract! (Continued front paga 1) the -Lincoln B'nai Brith Lodge I SElOE j We can live as individuals and as Tuesday evening, March 16, at Mr. and Mrs. Milton Simon of I Lewisburg, Pa. (WNS) — The ! preside-* a people only by renewing the the Hotel Cornhusker at Lincoln, Omaha . unouace the Bar Mitz-j legality old-fasbiosed Jew- | Union L covenant. When we break it un- Nebraska. 'Mr. Hochman pre- rah of their son, Marvin on Sat-; ish marriage contract in which j ?•& sec" der pressure we, too, break. It is sented an illustrated lecture of urday, March 20, .at the Beth El ! the' fcrideX father, promised the | State Pc renewed in different ages in dif- his stereoptical slides showing Synagogue, 20th and Dodge Sts. groom. 70 shares of stock in bis | ferent ways. Our historic and his-the B'nai Brith rituals at iniaA reception will be held • at soap firm may be tested by Fed- j Hussia, tions. - A large crowd attended their tome on Sunday, March 21, j era! Judge Albert VvT. Johnson in ! the 'NF torical religion1 was always a d veloping one until it was petri- this affair. Mrs. Hochman ac- from 2 to 5 and from 7 till 10. j the suit of Aaroa Dacbaot^itz of I fied in the Shulchan aruch. Wa companied Mr. Hochman to Lin-No Invitations are being issued. Brooklyn against John F. Cap-! FRADE _ -C need to re-ally ourselves with the coln for the program. Ian, wealthy Lebanon, Pa., man-! KLUTZ". C t days before the closing of the ufacturer. j ORT SCHOOL OPENS Talmudlm « We need new hala- A.' Z. A. A son of Rabbi Hirsch Dacb.o- ! choth. The chief halacha, the The Council Bluffs Chapter No. th witz of Brooklyn, Caplan. failed Kaunas, Lithuania (JTA)— chief way or path today is the 7 of the A. Z. A. held a meeting to live up to t i e pre-Euptlal in""tho path first to Zion In our hearts Monday evening, March 15, at The neir "House of Jewish La- agreement. Frances j_, and thence to the new Zion In the home of Irving Cohen. Plans bor" the latest in the chain of The ve&ding- of Dacfcowitz to ' Ere -.^'l?Eretz Yisrael. But I do not love were completed for the A. Z. A. ORT trade schools throughout Eu-1 Hyeora Capias in 1934 was at- beenherp sa i d df over-secularisation and, am ha- members to take charge of the rope is nearing completion. ! teaded by 50 rabbis. I t ended in ITvia , , am " A : : am Two floors of the building are ji a divorce. aretz and at the most wandering, Checkroom for the B'nai Brith i v;pon hi substitute Maggid that I have be- Dance to be held nest Wednes- already occupied by the school, M-V,l b e come from time to. time, I beg my day night, March, 2 4, at the Hotel and the; tliird floor will soon • be In 1506 4,000 Msrranos were ! 1M7. poor, seeking, melancholy unful- Chieftain. Proceeds from this ready to accommodate Jews seek- slain ia Lisbon. i at! " I April, If filled friends to begin with -ges- method will go tcj defray expenses ing to learn artisanship •. aafi i test sa tures if need be, which will at for the Tournament to be held skilled crafts. ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR. Att«s ! s r £ J ? t t l p <. r length, since they are right and in Council Bluffs this summer. 403 Ersndeis Theatre Eldg. J ' \ trs-U°n o « rr native and saving in their nature, Sam Karchomsky, local secretary, Polish Town Judenrem. and procce th ( >anty Court of ? Soufcias![ induce the higher emotions, the was appointed the efficial deleI£U V Nebraska. Warsaw (JTA) — Following rCounty, prouder thoughts, I beg to learn gate to attend the District No. 6 the Nazi practice of purging In the Matter of the Estate of Tons! 3 * 1 2 " s " " " also knovrn as Torn Bern- ' '~ one beracha, that over the bread of the' A. Z. A. Convention at whole communities of Jews, Prz- Burnstem, stem. Deceased. ' and to cover their heads and re-Minneapolis, Minnesota this week ybyzew, near "Warcaw, has become To the end; t e heirs-at-latr. heirsatlatr. creditors, end all other persons interested in said espeat it before their children. . . . end. the first town in Central oN Poland to be made entirely "free of to abolish Christmas trees and Mrs. Abe Bear- entertained Jews," . ,ant!_-Sernitsc, jie-vrspajsera burn the Chanukoh lights . . . .to • to make their houses by some twenty children at her home at reported here.They said the last Jewish fam- j eiea on the ist day of October" ij'"'' quietly- conspicuous symbol Jew- 513 West Washington Avenue on ish house in the sight of the'ir Sunday afternoon, March 14, in ily left this week. The last cea-| ^ e ^ a t e ; that at the time _of ^hi's | gentile friends.. . . . .To find the honor of her son, Aaron David, sus showed a Jewish population IT"" possessed of an estate of Inheritance i formed h path, in other words, by treading the occasion being his eighth of 109 for t h e town. in- the following- described real estate' I a SpnfTT< The afternoon was it—which is the only means o» birthday. to-vrit: • ' i Rage in Lot IS in Block 4 in Brown ! security finding any path. Of such para- spent playing various games, fol- Palestine Expenditures Park, an Addition to the City of conduct doxical nature are all the clas- lowed by refreshments. South Omaha, novr a part of the seliine r Jerusalem — Government exCity of Omaha, Douclas County. '• merchap sical truths of the moral life. . . ; Xebraska, as surveyed, platted Mr. and Mrs. H. Saltzman were penditures for the past year to- j and recorded; A book should be written, of i tliority t( ' evidencf course, a book not too long and honored at a Surprise Party at taled 5, 307 000 pounds, it WES IjOt IS9 in llontclair, an Addii ! The t.»t tion to. the City City of Omaha, Dougvery lucid on the physchological the home of their son-in-law and disclosed in statistics issued here. las County, Xebraska. as survey- I i The sum Included 1, 333, 000 truth of the great autochthonous ( daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fox ; T h e corT r ed, platted and recorded That .said petitioner has an interest i:T ! etf f: il! l !t-'r scriptures of mankind and so the at a six o'clock dinner Sunday, pounds (56,665,000) for military in said real estate beinfr an heir o f ^ ' " truth of the Torah for Jews and, March 15, in celebration of their reinforcements. said fleceasefl: said petitioner prays I County, X anniversary. in the same book directions sixtieth wedding that a. hearing- tie had on paid peti- ; until Jt tion, that notice thereof be driven as : amot:nt n should be given on that basis for Covers were laid for twenty-five FRADENBURG, WEBB, B E B E R reqiiireii by law. and {hat 1'pon said j °eed tv KLUT2N1CK &. K E L L E Y , Attys. the renewal in living practice. of guests, followed by Bridge. This hearing a decree of h<?irship be en- ! This re; Union State Bank Bids. tered and further administration of ! debtedn the covenant. , . .And if the ged- affair was arranged by Mr. and said estate be dispensed with. i The rrnr ollm among our spiritual leaders Mrs. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. B. SaltzNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS You are therefore notified that a : s-ia"i be ~> Notice is hereby siven that all e i - hearing will be had on said petition ! ^-'hich r slack on that job much longer I man and Mr. and Mrs. 3.' Shyken I Isting debts of Bjornson & 'WeKsel at the County Court Room of ssid i fairs of may be. forced to undertake it of Council Bluffs; Mr. and Mrs. ! Co. on the S2.=t day of December, County, on the 3rd day of Aprii. 1S37, holders •= I 1936. amounted to the sum of Twelve at 9 o'clock A. M,, and that if you. in£T the •Henry Maduff of Anita, Iowa and myself. Four Hundred a.nd Sixty- fail to appear at said time and place5 of each and Mrs. Abe Marcus of Au-j Thousand Six dollars (512,468.00). and. contest the said petition," the i Director <Copyright 1937 By SEVEN Mr. burn, Nebraska, and Sam SaltzCourt may prant the Fame, enter a j PresideJulius "Wc-ssel, ARTS SYNDICATE decree of heirshsp, and decree that I "he AT <_ c President, man of Omaha, who presented further administration or said estate' notice r <= TTalsh. the honored couple with a beau- Robert be dispensed is-ith. ; tion shr Maitui O. Walish, Julius Wesspl. ERTCS CRATTFOP.tJ, ! Datec tiful radio clock.


ewi fJlSS ANNA PILL, JOINT HADASSAH MEETING SISTERHOOD BOOK REVIEV/ More than 150 women attended the annual joint Junior "and Hadassah meeting held Author, Lecturer to Address Senior Monday evening in the Jewish Open B'nai B'rith Community Center. Rabbi H..R. Meet Rablnowitz gave the . principal address, speaking on the work of Leo W. Shwarz, author and lec-Hadassah in the upbuilding of turer, will address an open B'nai Palestine. •'••.. Brith meeting, Sunday evening, Mrs. W. C. Slotsky welcomed March 21, at 8 o'clock - in the the guests in behalf of the SenJewish Community Center. Mr. ior Hadassah chapter^ A dance Shwarz is the author of "The number was presented by RachJewish Caravan" and- his new el Ginsberg, accompanied at the book "The Golden Treasure of piano by Beatrice Pill. A musiJewish Literature" is to be pub- cal skit was presented by memlished soon. He has also written bers of Junior Hadassah. Miss a contemporary Jewish history. Anna Pill presided at the meetMr. Shwarz served "as a research ing. Tea was served by the Senworker for Max Reinhardts' ior i chapter following the pro"Eternal Hoad" and was the or- gram.

ganizerand director of the School for Adult Jewish Education in New York City. . Mr. Shwarz will speak on "The Rabbi S. Bolotnikov, new rabbi Jew In Europe." Mr. Edwin W. Baron will preside at the meet- of the orthodox synagogues here will speak at the Tiphereth Israel ing and introduce the'specter.

Tiphereth Israel.

Barney Baron to •':- Head Synagogue

Synagogue Saturday, March 20, at 4:30 o'clock. This Saturday preceding Passover is known as Sabbath Hagodol, and the rabhl's subject will be. "What Can We Learn From This Great Sabbath at our Present Time." Rabbi Bolotnikov will be at his home 121 Seventeenth street, from 9 a. m. until 3 p. m. from March 21 until March 26 for 'Mchiras Hometz."

Barney Baron was elected president of Shaare Zion synagogue at a meeting of the board of directors Wednesday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morey Lipshutz. He succeeds John Lansberg-. L. Kaplan, A. H. Baron and . Morris Satin were elected vice Girls Club presidents; Dr. Frapk Epstein, recording secretary; " Eli BobiA new club has been organibed now, financial secretary, and at the Jewish Community Center Max Fa Ik treasure-.-. for girls fifteen years and older. Advisors are Shirley Fine and Esther Erinberg. JUNIOR CONGREGATION Any girl interested Is invi ted SERVICE THIS EVENING to, attend the meeting next Wednesday at the Community Center The tenth annual Junior Con- at 7:30 o'clock. A constitution gr-egation Friday night service will be drawn up at this time and will be held, this evening at the aim of the club defined. Shaare Zion when the children of the congregation will conduct the entire service. ; -i Bertan Lipchutz will act as Cantor and portions ct the ritual The book review group of the will be read by" Ann Kanofsky, Temple Sisterhood WUl meet this David Kuntz, Sam Heeger and afternoon in the home of Mrs. Harold Gordon. Harry Nadler, Jack Robinson, Mrs. C. "H. Hoyt president of the Junior Congrega- will review "Exile" and "Fighttion will deliver the president's address and Rachael Ginsberg, ing Angel" by Pearl S. Buck. The Sisterhood will sponsor a vies president, will preside. card party in the Temple Annex Speakers will include Seymour next Wednesday, evening, March Robinson, Jack Moscow, Lorraine 24. Mrs. Meyer A. Marks and Bailin and Thelma Shindler. A. M. Davia are in charge of Readings will be presented by Mrs. the arrangements. Edith Gelfand, Maita Heeger, Sadie Shvid, Frances JEIarlow, EsMr. and Mrs. Sam Lipton, 1717 telle" Raskin, Bernard Wigodsky Jones street, announce the enand Harold Leubowitz. . • Prizes for perfect attendance gagement of their daughter Ida will be- awarded. Miss . Bessie Serene Lipton. to William Wolfe, Resser and Mr. N. Eisner will of Omaha, Nebraska, aon of Mrs. lead the children in the prayers Rose Wolfe of Chicago. The date for the wedding has -not been set. and singing.



Society News

Mr. Wolfe attended the University of Iowa and is a graduate of the Law School of the UniverA . Z. A . SERVICE sity of dmaba, and is associated A. Z. A. Sabbath will be ob- with the Omaha Fixture and Supserved at Mount Sinai Temple ply Company. Miss Lipton is a tonight .when local A. Z. A. mem- graduate of Central High School. bers: will conduct the service. Mrs. Eva Woskoff, 609 Main Sidney Kalin Trill be in charge of .the service and introduce Joe street, announces the engagement ,- Maron who will speak. Members ol her daughter, Ann Woskoff, to of the chapter will participate in Harry Shulman of Fort Dodge, the reading of the ritual and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Shulman, 721 Seventh Street. The A. Z. A. choir will sing. wedding, date has not been set. Both Miss Woskoff and her fiance are former Central High Hadassah. Oneg school students.


Plans have been, completed for pany on the "1st day of December, j Three Thousand TVo Hundred JCinethe Community Charity Dance to Mrs. Max Harris and daughter, 1336. amounted to the sum of Six I teen dollars and forty cents (STS.IIB.Thousand Tm Hundred Twenty- j 40)., be held next Wednesday night, Betty Lee, left Thursday for Fre- Eight dtilars and 4S cents. (S6.22S.iS). \ Ca.rl A. Anderson. March 24, under the auspices of month, Nebraska for a visit with Izzy Fiedier, President, President, A. E. "WickstroTn, the local B'nai Brith, at the Ho-Mrs. Harris's parents, • Mr. and Alfred A. Fiedler. Carl A. Xelson, tel Chieftain. The advance tic- Mrs. J. Yerbin. Izzy Fiedler.' Carl A. Anderson. Being a majority of the Board of s Being "a majority of the Board ©J ket sale indicate a large attendDirectors. Directors. ance. The entire mezzaine floor The Council Bluffs Senior Ha3-19-37-lt "-1S-S7-H at the Hotel Chieftain has been dassah held a very interesting FRADENBURG, WESB, i " E B E R FRADENBURG, WEBB, B EBER, reserved for this affair which meeting Wednesday afternoon, KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Attys. KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, Attys. | promises to be one of the out-March 17, at the Hotel Chieftain. Union .state Bank " ' Union Stats Sank Eldg. j standing of the sea-Mrs. Nathan Nogg was chairman NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS NOTSCE OF INDEBTEDNESS j son. Tables for Bridge will be in charge of this meeting, assistNotice is hereby given that all exXotice is hereby £ivep. that £13 ?^- { arranged for those who care to ed by Mrs. Albert Krasne, pro- isting- debts of Milder Oil Co. on the istinff debts of Xebraska Chambers ' 31st day of December, ISSfl. amount- Optical Co. on the ,"lst day of Dec- I play cards. Freddy 'Ebener's or- gram <chairman, and Mrs. Harry ed the sum of Twenty Four Thou- ember, inafi. amounted to the srum'of chestra will furnish the music for Kubby and Mrs. Sam Meyerson. sandto Two Hundred Xinety-Six dollars Thirty Kipht Hurflred Ninety Three and S3 cents (24.205.S3). the dance. Simon Steinberg is dollars and 54 cents (5S.Sfl3.S4.) The Young Judaea program was Hymie Milder, *T. Xj. Chambers. general chairman and Mrs. RichPresident, President, carried out. Little Claribel Coard Gordon is in charge' of the K!la V. Milder, H. H -Lewis, Hymle Milder. .T Li Chambers tickets. .. Tickets can be purchas- hen gave a dance,- Miss Florence Being a majority of the Board of Being- a majority c-f the Board of ied from any member of the Meyerson presented a humorous Directors. Directors. committee or at the Hotel Chief- reading, and Jack Brown present5-19-S7-W 3-19-37-lt tain next Wednesday night. §pramnainnaniffiH3Era^ B'XAI BRITH OPEX MEETING MONDAY Leo Schwarz, internationallyknown lecturer and author, will be the principal speaker a*nd honored guest at an open meeting of the Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of the B'nai Brith next Monday evening, March 22, at S:3tf o'clock at the Eagle Hall. Mr. Schwarz is the author of the ".Jewish, Caravan1' and has written several otfier well-known books. Mr. Schwarz has traveled extensively and will talk on a subject of interest to the entire community. Mr. Schwarz will appear at the Jewish Forum program in Omaha: the following day. Everyone is urged to attend the open meeting and program Monday evening.

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aire pleased to announce that Roberts .Dairy Products again'will be KOSHER for PASSOVER just as-these products have been offered, .to our many Jewish friends and customers on this Holiday for the past eight years. A/ ^. r


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County Ji

3-19-37-lt 1 FjRAOENBURG, WEBS, E E S E R, '• Miss Edith London of Holly! S-12-it & KELLEY, Attys. "-•< wood, California arrived here to- F R A D E N B U R G , W E B S , B E B E R i Kl-UTZNICK Union Stsie Eank day for an extended visit at the KLUTZNICK & KELLEY. Attys. Union State Bank Elds. NGTSCE OF INDEBTEDNESS i home of her parents, Mr. and Kotice is hereby given that all ex- j .Mrs. Louis London. She will reNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS istinsr debts of Carl A. Andprson Inc., i Notice is hereby given that al! on the 31st day of December. 1SSB, I main here for about two weeks. Istlngdebts of Karney Hotel Com- : amounted to the sum of Kever-iy


BY F, B. E .

Mr. a n d Mrs. A. L. Stein, 2720 Stone P a r k Boulevard announce the engagement; of their daughter, Mateel Stein to Preston P o l sky of Lincoln Nebraska, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Polsky. Mr. and Mrs. Stein will receive their friends Sunday afternoon, March 2 1 , from 3 to 6 o'clock in honor of their daughter and h e r fiance. Miss Stein has attended the University of Lincoln where she was-affiliated w i t h - t h e Sig. Ladies'Auxiliary ma Delta Tau sorority. .The date for t h e wedding has The regular meeting of; t h e not been set. .Ladles-Auxiliary .of Shaare Zion followed .a dessert, luncheon in Miss Carolyn Fishgall, a stuthe synagogue* social hall, Tues- d e n t a t the University of Wisconday afternoon.. Mra. J o e Kutch- s i n , ' s p e n t h e r spring vacation . e r presided a t t h e business meet- here with h e r parents, Mr. and .ing and Mrs. Morris Rubin was Mrs. H . Fishgall. In charge of t h e program. Mrs. F r a n k Epstein spoke, on Mr. and Mrs. Mike Skalovsfcy the Youth Aleyoth Movement and will arrive home next week after a skit " T h e . Voice Within" w a s a three month southern trip. Bepresented by Mesdames Jack fore returning homo they visited Kosberg, Abe Epstein, Emil JLe- In Baltimore ?vith their saa-tavich, Mas Rubin and Master law and daughter, Mr. a n d Mrs. Stuart Gang, with Mrs. Rubin di- M. Silverman. recting; . • . ••Announcement w a s made of a Mrs. Philip Sherman, 1704 gilt of 530 from Mr. and Mrs. M. Douglas street, returned" home Leaff to tha-auxiliary i n honor of this week after visiting in Chi-the marriage of their daughter cago with friends and relatives. last Sunday, and a gift of §5.00 from Mrs. Jlike Krigsten. Herman Rubin -will leave today The Ones Shabbos Auxiliary for Minneapolis where ho will a t met last Saturday afternoon in tend t h e A. Z. A. Regional .conthe home at Mrs. B. H. Gelfand. ference. He will go as a delesate Current Events- were presented of t h e local A..Z. A. chapter. by ' l i s a Bess Resser and Rabbi Habino-,vitz spoke on t h e Pales- j Miss Eva Orlikoff has > spent tlnian JOT,-, Sinstog of Passover that past - week visiting" -with lodios w a s led. by Miss Resser. friends i n Chicago. The Senior Hadassah Oneg Shabbos will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the home of' Mrs..- Max Rosenstock, 503 Twenty-ninth street. Dr. Lande will speak on the Hadassah hospital work in Palestine and Mrs. Louis Goldberg will present Jewish current events. Mrs. Herman LIcht will lead the singing: of Hebrew songs.

Being: a majority of the Board of I 3-12-37-E Directors. '



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