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SstarcS as Isecanfl Clara Uoll itattsr en •January SI, 1SZ1. at PostoIGco o? (tamia JJeSraska, ender t&a;Aet of llarca S. 1E79
,_ j r* f- ^
Praia (JTA) — Premier KifStill on the road, though' gradan Eodsa states to Deputies AaoaUy nearer the end of this par:H End Kuj?I the bo headed by Dr; • ticular r trail. No Jewish papers | Gcversiaezt would aid Jewish Harry A. "VVclf -is elmi. e and no timo to read»them when j schools and vocational training. Beta 'Epsilon Eraternity Budget Committee; ' \ "] ana protect there is -a poss&la glimpse. An sabbath ob-! ing tapcrtascs of Marks, chairman of theOrgan] servance. "alai-zaed report by -word ol mouth izations Committee • and Sa! laichAward j Jewish elemental-, srrc^llast night concerning the Colon—— ' nick, chairman-'of the-'Speakers' Harry A. Wolf was selected as j receive State assistance. vc—_ The ial- _2Iinister'3 sharply negative tha recipient of the "outstanding campaign committee for j committee. Paul Goldblatt is cssiuiiuuig . . ..• " - . ~ | uuiauuiH-i.. i i»u» »j«i<i«,j«"» —.- — i iniii-uiiiiiciii. ur i cthe e s u m m e r j tional t r a i n i n g for Tev—r'- ->-^'-*~ Enrollment ifor .pronouncement on the possibility Jewish citizen award" for the t h e J e m s n Philanthropies Drive je c u t I v e director o£ the campaign j semester cf the -Talmud Toraa! will be subsidized BE --" t ' < ~ V has been announced, oy Harry ja n d Milton "Frolita is c i a i m s n cf k-ili begin Monday, Marcs £9, and < comiE^- Suni^-cl^nof opening Transjdrdania to Jew- year, given yearly by Phi Beta Sp- | T r a s t i n t i"V"^ silon fraternity of Creighton unll > general chairman of 'the the Publicity committee. continue for two weeks. j respect Jewish ri-hfs c "~---,,,^ ish immigrants. Tragic and stuy. ' ' campaign. Julius Bisno will head Business Men's Division ,.._„' " ' ' vaace of Saiurcay £s Tfle T M ,„ „ _ , . . , . . pid both, of. course, if _it. i3 true. versity, lhe Premier sale The awarding of a plaque and the Business Men's Division and ; ^ m solicit pledges, Jroia iadividu- will deliver addresses in the va- j But we must not let any circumcertificate was to have been held stance or any. policy or any in- last night a t the fraternity's fifth justice or any chicanery, disheart- annual banquet at the Jewish Torah. Professions; I. P. Goodman, In- j Each associate . en us. ' We must be like the tide; Community Center. Rabbi Milton A. Kopstesn willj surance and Other Services; and responsible for a specific sabtiivi-; 6 p e a ] _ a { . B , s & . lsT&el. Kabl3i , we isiust: be -lite a river that rises; \ The award is given each year Morris Burstein, Wholesalers and Eion i swollen with the thaw of moun- to the man of Jewish faith "who | vid A. Goldstein at Beth El; PMi-1 Jobbers. The Youth's Division will have !l p K l a t z a { c i ; £ t B e t h H aine5rosli I tain. snows, and 'irresistably, si- has shown himself to be the most 1 U Mrs. David Greenber^- £ | l t s own campaign orsuniiatlos, ji H a g o d o 3 . L Korgenstera at B'aaiI lently, irrevocably flooding the worth to the Jewish people." An serve as chairman of the " °" < including a divisional chaimaa, chairnaa, ^;J a^c o^b ; B ^e a .K E . l o W E k y a t B > s a i land. It is not on. today that we advisory committee has each ol men's Division. Joe Goldware will and various other officers, A -&53 depend, sharp and dreadful as is its .members' submit three names be chairman of the Youth's Divi- group will .solicit ccntributlcrs Israel of South - Omaha; .the day's-need; it is not on to- to' a committee of the fraternity Ephraiin Marks at Adass Yeshsion. The Quota Committee .will from the youth of the citr. morrow; wo are - a people living which is responsible for making uren. Thirty-four'local, national and! very. jcdnEciously within time, the final choice. suraiaer session of the Talinternational 'Jewish organisa- < The .within- history,, reckoning by cenu Torah begins imiaeaiately j •Mr. "Wolf-has long been known tions are recipients of the fuses \ ™ Sis contestants will ^c-f.r. -E-C turies, by epochs;'we have always Beginners class-; as one of the most active of raised during the annual j e w j . j , : "fter'Passover. n the Oratories,! EHO Dr>r.c Cc^'had traffic with eternity. /We es e e E t nie Omaha^s Jewish -citizens. During Philanthropies campaign. "Wnn- '• ^ ^ ^" " *^ * ^ i s * - ' i I test sponsored joiatlr r : ••'"-? shall not" Jan'., undone by one ol Stress Jewish the past 25 years he successively erly these thirty-four orgssisa- ' ! Round Tsble cf Jewish V>.: '^ rr-' Its moments. ' . : •'•'•" .-"•", member of the Board tions conducted separate cam^ letter t aTso been sentfeythej the Oniaia Z.odj;e ol B'rf. T":\ h iSaeanwhile there continue the T a 1 ra to to of-| Associated Jewish Charities, palgns. To facilitate collection of j ^s t s , ^ ^ ? P « - j on Monday, March "E. questions -of /which I spoke last 1 Board of Jewish Welfare Federafunds and eliminate overlapping! ng «? of children w i o are m thej- The'sebject of this ;-e'*"f f"weelrand mingled with them from tion, first vJce-president of the : test Js-"The 'Future oZ tr<= f r r otter individuals, and other purposes these fnsd History unat Religions e *. i;but Jewish Community Center, mem- Sixth Aimnal District Confer- forts have Jbeen combined into the not in i eregular siepartmest classes | Egogue in American L.i'e." Crrb sroups some complaints, bitter ber of the Board of Trustees of one city-wide campaisa cc^d ence at Local Labor and sharp arid constant, over the I the Center, member of the execuby the Jewish Philsatltropies: j' the importance, cf a Jewish ec ctill immense and melancholy pre' . -Lycesin inutes " tive commutes of the Center and The campaign" will open ca Ap- ;cation. valence of. Jewish sloth, of Jew"Understanding ast Welfare Federation and chairman The sixth annual district con- ril 27 and close on May 5. isa indifference, o£ Jewish snob" 61; the Budget and Finance com- ference of the Workmen's Circle goal has not been announced by!I of the Torah., familiarity with our bishness and of Jewish,idoltry of religious practices, with Jewisi. mittee. '.'•.'. was held Sunday, /March 21, at the Budget Committee. the idols and golden calls on. the j ccstoms and rituals; some knowl- E2ore isinutes to refute • c : the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and market-places. True. It is all T"orty active alumni and active ] edge of-the Hebrew language, cf nientE ol his oppocenti .true. The majority of the rich members of the fraternity attend- Clark streets. The delegates rep! Jewish history and of presect-dsy up his cwn' case. Omaha Branch 173, men are nissardly? the pseudo- ed, the banquet. The Fraternity resented "Ere: K c - I protjleics confronting our people , jj, aContestants j_ieo !. fashionable bask tea little Quit? committee in charge of the ban-South Omaha, 258, Lincoln, 34S, Meyerson cf i will serve to -equip our cMicres i-g?Bj*c ' -normal Gentile favor and frieiadconsisted of Meyer Raben, 399-A, and 399-B, Sioux City 664, i to carry oa in a way that comHarry Goocbiadsr, 1,'orr.. ' Bhip and c.3t: why should-,we Sam Weinstein, Bill Gray, Harold and Des. Moines 406. ! ports with our glorious tradition," segregate ourselves? Minimum Blocn and Max Resnick. There were also fraternal deleI The letter also lists tfee facili- eab£"uiE., EEd laorton K-:-; • Judaism ia ctill ia many place*' gates from the Workman's. Circle Err,ie Kogg, chairmri Berlin (JTA) New restric-
n. ~' 4
April 27
Nazis Piling Up New Restrictions ' on
"Recipients of the award during
School at Des Moines, Ladies Aux- tions against
- •
.1 *
; ties of the Talmud Torah that
• will help make tie- child con. considered sufficient — at least the past years have been William iliary of Branch 406, Des Moines, 'were piled "up this week, bj local scious o£ his responsibility as c Essistfd br KS.EHS. Esrrfrom the lipa outward; above all, Holsman,'-Henry Monsky, Dr. and Ladies Auxiliary, of Branch and ' natiosal authorities in var-inerabcr cf t i e Jet-ifi. c o n m - Arbitmsn, £Ed Zsfcci 'Jewish ignorance is still thick as Philip Sher, and Rabbi Frederick ious parts of the CCT—-Tr. TS -of OaaJia. nitv. log and only gleams of the desire C o h n . • • . - ' • • . . / , Jewish cxilturil rcti^.,—, —^ "t A territorial conference was to know p.nd by knowing penetrato - Guests of honor at the banquet held at the same time to elect have been curbed With .rcr- r.r~, tho jjloom. And niggardliness were to have been Miss Ruth -:= F o - r V d e ] e bg a t e s to the-national conven- i frequency of late, a;a... r and cno])bir;linec3 and Jewish' is- Allen Paul Goldblatt, Mrs. L. !t i o n o f t h e ^ o r t ~ c _ - s Circle' bnTat of the r c - c - c . " . - " - = - L - ° " - ^ * tion sorencB still bnbblo rvs rr.tionnl- Neveleff, Frank Acfcerman, n s f " ' ' , which will bs held dur-n- lbs f irzt;' ; iz?f-"'on - and excuse phrases co\ shopworn tuid lociisli, co .1-ted j Frederick "Cohn, j ?c^jlysT{z~i'lT. IZZJ ifllV" Cl , and empty,- so. discredited and Rabbi aatoa A. Kopsteo. .B r a n d n 39Q.A, Lincoln, wrs elect-1 rr>i3j£3 !;>' ihs Jt'. i.i 1*:.. . laded, -thafc I ilusti ~to" -joint out -Dr. A. C. FeUmnn was chosea t o ed delejato and Ii. Kuntor of', r : ^c-rccn "=r League. Also r~C'-i for the ton. thousandth time their be toastipaster. Branch 348, Lincoln, was" elected • ineetinsrs dn'Goette c r i Dostcidiotic -• fallaciousnesa. -Growling, j ievsisy, scheduled by other Je^r-i c r o ' - c substitute delegate. cooing, piping: "But-1 don't •be- : Many important problems con- j ish organizations. lieve in nationalities" Then'make fiaiidvatioiis to Be The Gestapo ct ^ e <-a.~e tirae^ Etr^ted art front cf the Un.Tercerning the Workmen's Circle the. wbrld over according- to- your ordered the Jev.irh .Automobile were discussed. 1 - irepulsive inner wish of having More than fifty guests from the Club to pledge pro:peci:ve mem- j all manlcind.turn into a universal surronnding territory were pres- j bers t o counteract r.=,tL-Gernis,n, '-£'. tas"teles3 broth and 'hearing rise ent a t t h e luncheon g given u n d e r jj propaganda and r r c r - c t s German j ^ - to 7- r : r i t : t h ; I ' .'...utc r > -from that broth an esperanto When "A Doll's House" is giv- the auspices of the Ladies Aus- j esport trade vhc-2. babble. Mankind occurs only and en by the Center Plays on April abroad. (The club, a "gictto"' crexclusively on this, planet in the 12 and 15, at the Jewish Com- iliary of Branch 173 on Sunday. form of culture-groups or nation- munity Center sexeral innovaalities. Every dog- is some kind tion in stage technique will be of a dog, every tree some kind of presented to the audience; a tree'and every man some /kind The sets lor the play are part of a: man. And that iron; and of, the new stage equipment givmon Brothers' T- rb-strcr'r err -"Jl'-z. to '"Aryan" . blessed "fact will not be altered en by the Women's division of X the ;n:t. t ^te, t s From Kircfaeini sv because your soul is diseased and the Center. Utilizing the experit was reported the E : : . : palltips you1 don't' want to be the kind of ience of several West Coast little decided to prohibit J--.rii cattle " " ^c man you are^ Yes, I still have theaters, the Center Players are The Omaha Choir and Drama- dealers froia r~"t-clrst r s in lo"" to ! say that. In words of two experimenting .with beaver board. ' 2irc: syllables or in, words of .one. To Hitherto stage sets have been on tic club will present a four act cal cattle markets. play "Broken Hearts" by Z. Libjroung" and old,_male and female. canvass or cloth. ia, Sunday, March 28 at the Jew• "But do you- believe that, we iln presenting a modernized verish Community Center. The play sion of the "Doll's House" the •should segregate ourselves?" ViOlympia,' "Vl'cch. — CcthcLcs is directed by Ben Martin and carious shame tingles in me as I Players are taking one of the I and Jews throughout t i c rtite cf Lou-3 D. Z^TZ-zi^c'.r, Ar:3:,-.o J"i.~- -^^r~^ • choir by Sam Yaffee. heard that for.the tenthousandth classics of the stage and showing j Washington are ralljin-- to cp- tico of i t s "n.tcd States £v--c=.3 -^r-'-' c The club was organized ~bn time. Of all the forms of. animal that its message is as pertinent I pose a bill nov, p t a - i s ; Is the April 2, 1934_and now has twentoday as when it was written in life, dear sir. or madam, only ~and J state legislature Th::h •^•c^lJ. £Uty-two members. Proceeds derivexclusively.: the;. Jew. of.the. post- the latter part of the Nineteenth ed from the play will be donated i thome the teacLii:~ c: tL^ HI'olo emancipatory Galuth has fallen so century. in public sohcol. "A Doll's House" is the famil- to charity. low a?to consider instinctive preference for his own Kind a subtly iar story of the rebellion of one shameful and dangerous thing. woman against the monotony of 'ITAUM JEWRY TO "TCe-do not, .NOT, segregate our- her life and her fight for an ex- RAISE FUND FOE selves. •• Broadly speaking we istence as an Individual. Mrs. Herman Jahr is directing prefer, to! live and die with those :. who have our own memories, as- the production.
"Featured pa Next: at
r " r -
"Broken Hearts
Rome (WNS) — Italian Jewplrations, leritage, hope, joy, "apTy will undertake to raise a large petences. So does every other hufund to carry on special educaan In what •vr&s usdou'-tedlr t i e i-;t-jj r r-- -iman being in the whole world. tional and religious activities Even Scotchmen : prefer Scotchamong the Falashas or black most provocative lecture to be ~ lOrP ^ c r - - , I men, broadly speaking, to Engthan t h . Jews." Jews of Ethiopia, it was announc- given this season at tLs Ep Commu'nify Cenlrr, L~D Zzb-wzzz, lishmen or Irishmen. That hasn't * th© from Addis e d upon* th© return BOted educator _ L ! a^.L^r, T^;cyet prevented great Scotchmen ;• Philadalphia (JTA) — Remains Ababa of Dr. Carlo Viterbo, . from running Britain and its lit-of thfr nearest scientific approx- chairman of a delegation of Ital- day night-argcJ />~cr:;ra Jc~r c erature both. It doesn't threaten imation to the biblical Adam, ian Jews sent to organize Palas- to reorient their r r r r c a c i to •Tc ~- "I isa 'lite. .the'union of the kingdoms. I'm 60,000 to 100,000 years old, ha teliillalis. not trying to rob you of your have been found near Mount The Italian government a p - , "Jews are net Christian friends. But dooft any Garmel, Palestine, not far from proves the proposed, fund.. b e - !1o2t 1 Te « J s 101i 0T r.-s^-r are.rbora into ,- r e more taifc'that slavish talk about the traditional site of the Ger-cause it .sera in It afiaitional helpi to ^ >rtle for the" Itallanlzation of Ethopia. j ^5 a r e r- '-rJ-l JT self-segregation. "fl[e are a peo- den of Eden. This was reported to the PhilNo government. money will trsjf. Particular h-tcr;- - ple—a- people, shaping even alien tion.". languages * . (.German,- Spanish, adelphia Academy or Natural contributed, however. Sir. Schwara, cr°ail=7 cr "ProArabic) -into something- closer to Sciences in a paper by Sir Arthur c : t J i ;- - . _ posed Roads for ATTST'.SZZ ZZ~TJ'' our character end needs. Gar. Keith,. noted pre-historian, read pictured Auieric-j. J C - - . ; I lo 1 : tendency- to ' live in the same by his assistant, Theodore D. Mca complss of r*""J^ ^ i t ~> ^ * ^'•neighborhoods In citiea is due toCown, research : fellow of the B?f teaases without eci „ ' " • : ; A \" ? the unconscious hut spontaneous American School of Phehistorie q '.'••:•• sociological .functioning ol a peo-j' R e s e a r c h . New York (WKS) —: The first feon-Jewish worl , This "Adam,"-according-to Sir "Jewish life," ^ >— j-1. "" : commercial shipment of Palespie robbed b?,'historic fat0 of sco4 graphical integrity and trying to Arthur, was more cloely related tine .lemons,- 180 cases of first on-, E l a w l e y - ; - ; ; - - " ^ - j place little substitute bits of coil to modern man in isaay Tespects quality lemons,-were-sold at auc-rthronga tte yr--~. ; under its forever involuntarily than his contemporary", the Nean- 'tion in the New York wholesale I rccorSed literature, re derthal man of Western Europe. fruit HJsrket, it was announces j martyrological, - <-• wandering feet. > The DIEUIIS '• and bones found bs'Have 1 said all this before? long to the Mousterian period of by the American Econoinie ^Com-j ditien that givci <. • ! fact that Jetr; - ' rr Tory well. Then I have. I shall tho Old Stone Age of archeology. mittee for Palestine. Because of their large size, thin I agis hare beei ; - r t probably' say it again. These are finds .were-made in 1932 skin, outstantiiiig. quality.^ and \ contemporaries." 'the IEFSOHS, the few elementary in The the Valley of Cave3 near flavor and'unusually fine appear* j . "Persecution 1 - - Icssos3 which must be learned be- Mount Canaoi-. by a joint expedi£ors;thl3 Xewish- people of today tion of the British Royal College anee, .the lemons' aroused consid-jbeen aati-Jewisr^, ; . * Is transformed and transmuted of Si rgeona and the American erable. "interest and. .enthusiasm ! s o c i a 1 fabric. Z among dealers to whom" •" they'! comes from j , -(Continued on page 8.) School of Prehistoric Research. were shown. • •'. .. • • | r s t i e r . than a£tl-r -
" *
t •!•
1•f ' .
- *• n '
THE JEWISH FRESS, FKIDAY, MARCH 28,- 1937 • G-otdwRr« in memory of father. section of Brooklyn. cooperatives. -He Urea Sam Coiflw&re, senior; Mr. and Some day they hope to have a real colony anfi tsas been Mrs. Dave KfUlexBRii to conamemspring irosi tho begi orste the birth o* son, -Joel Marsynagogue. . . Non-Orthodox members • also was Brown' who planne Tin X&i'cra&r.: &n& ,|VIr. and Mrs. hold meetings, usually on Sunday oay. Brown vrho wrote SIT; Kerbcr. JC'iIr-kofskj- in memory ol afternoons, and listen to some iaal application for its dteatioa ] farm, -with five • homesteaders i rs, Ns.tiia?i Fenr'iaan. visiting scholar discuss cultural and had that application approv- j: working it, has netted tb.e cclsubjects, such ss an Interpretation ed'by the Uaited States govern-i ony-'a profit of 117,106. in It 5r fn*:5;ib1« thai; there wag a From ths start h® has i past season; and that the coopers of current events here and abroad. meat. oir.rcuTiftr in Worms: Rabbi Levlne, of a neighboring been chairman'• of its Board -ol tive kosher fiv.ring" the time of thf town, comes thrice weekly to Sponsors and Advisers, and z.ovr store has been teach children of the Orthodox ia . addition ia its dollar-a-year Sato larger chart colonists the Hebrew prayers executive •• director. ists, seeing the | language, and a teacher N, The sponsoring board has | pleted, are convi j er« Ks.thrr, The life of tho Jewish needle- keep their new houses spotlessly his younger children. Personally Goodelman, xaa&es trips as often ethsr njeiafters, including Dr.- Al- j succeed, swish Mu»le. 8lbt*> croi-kcro settled in tho agricul- clean, and plan for their, spring be and hsa wife have little time from. New York to instruct chil- bert Eiasteia, the eminent scles-j (Copyright, 1SS7,' by Seven Arts ] Stein in memory oi Golcvrare's f&tber, Nat-hen . turM-indnstrial colony Jersey gardens. -: Feature Syndicate,) for sociability. They are making dren of the non-Orthodox mem- tist; May Myer, former garment scan; Sirs. Reuben Kula bers, both at the parent's expense. : Homesteads, near Hightstown, manufacturer aad now vice-presiAfter working hours? Then a new.- life for themselves and for the Jatrzeit of fatlier, As an all-Jewish group the dent c£ the Sterling . National N- J., Js hero portrayed by Mr. they attend to the business of thetheir children, and in this new BETH EAEIEBRQSK Jersey Homesteaders are not seArmstrong, who ja a member colony. And beyond that they go life they have invested §500. Bask, Manhattan; Dr. leader LuJOMN FELDMAN ' GT0?r' T<'rr< ^ , lie-' fcr questered in Moamouta county. 'of the Federal Resettlement in eagerly for the many, educaCEMETERY AUXILIARY To get that' money ' tho home- The county has a, large popula- cia, of the U. S. Department of ' Jaftrzeit'cf fett^' H"1m KlchrV Administration, under whose tional and cultural activities of- steader sold his life insurance, hi3 Labor; Maxwell Copelof, former j and. mother. SOTS, Kiriam Gross: • auspices Jersey Homesteads fered them. Visit the old farm soldier's bonus, whatever treasure tion of Jewish farmers and a cen-NKA executive ia children's dresstile 0 tt f »i" f>iaizo« Will Be at The anniisl meeiiag I Kr. &n& Mrs. Reuben Kuls-fcofeky was established. if-?* £ti'&: Si. WE-MM house almost any evening, and he had. He staked everything ter of1Jewish social and religious es; Jacob •Blllikopf, social workH amedrosh Hagodol Cezae- in. ra^morr o° Kabbi Erodskr; h r/& Ci rseniwirg Butcher • • ' • ' . — T H E EDITOR you will find a scene of this kind: because he had faith in the col-life in Perrineville, within a mile er; and Dr. "Wise. But the colon- i tBe er jt.h improvement Auxiliary -rill \ M - „;' Mrs. Hecrj- Belinont :H Shop of the Homesteads. The colon- Ists believe that they would not i POD" tc KStiaf Bottling) sO o Et S s t\ imemory ^ ^ - r - of. mother, Krs. Jcr-ri? ony, a faith which apparently Irving -Plungian and his comb e h e i d Tuesday, March Eighty or more families of Jew- mittee on Firo and Transporta- none bat Jewish people possessed. ists and people of tho village visit be resettled today were it not for!'i: so at the Jewish FELDMAN Er. v.vxl Krs. Joe GPWish needleworkora and farmers tion are in session. Plungian is The reason why the, colony is each other on occasion, and the Crth- t Brown, and have told j center. Election of officers will j ^ s r e ' l n jEemorr" of'father" Krt this year will obaerve their first speaking:. "It has been moved made up solely of Jewish home- colonists recently helped lay' the Benjamln EO. ' ' i take place s s d plars for the iracornerstone for Perrineville's new Passover'in their new cooperative Hcuses for the horaesteaders '.provement of the cemetery -rill an Pearlraac; Sir. RT>& I've. colony of Jersey Homesteads, and seconded that this committee steaders is because no Gentile synagogue. have been growing in number for b e discussed. •which Is being built near Hights- purchase a vehicle and set up aneedleworkers could be found a year, until today 100 are com- As raeetings are held only who would invest $500 without a In Hightstown, however, the public bus service between Jer-r town, N. J., by the Federal ReH.ightstown. guarantee of security for thecolonists got away socially to a pleted and occupied. They are of twice a year, it is important that settlement Administration. The Bey Homesteads and 1 money. dubious start. Hightstown folk cinder concrete block construe- i all members should attend. Mrs. Festival of Freedom is especial- Is there a Question I )' are 95 per cent Republican. They tioa, cl fotir to seven, rooms, mod- ( B. Meyer is president. . The motion carries, and a bus The colony was started by a ly significant at this time for 7i'l: Confidence Where CW'"r 5\r these families who have found a service is established over the group of philanthropists, headed had heard rumors—that the proj- era baths, modern kitchen e«j-jip•new life in the open country, far five-mile -'*'. route, starting this by Benjamin Brown and Rabbi ect was being built for Commu- inest and refrigeration, and sirYQUMG MEM'S YAAD Another fcuadred i . from tho madding city of tene- month and- filling a need felt by Jonah B. Wise, for garment nists, . undesirables from city mothers who wish to shop as well workers, and the trade is predom- slums. These rumors were ac- families ezpect to be resettled ments. They are celebrating the A meeting cf the Young Men's r fact that their colony is half com- as by children, who can get to the inantly Jewish.- Yet the sponsors celerated by an anti-New Deal from on up to August or Sepcf the Yaad Trill be held on pleted and that It is flourishing. picture shows more often now and the Resettlement Administra- press during the presidential tember, •syhen the project "will bei!; Club „. Tuesday, 6, at S p. in. &t campaign, in articles which conthat they no longer have to hitchtion were willing to admit. Genentirely completed, according to the B'nai April The colonists will observe their Israel Synagogue. demned "waste of taxpayers' tiles. Samuel J. Finkler, governAlfred Kastner, government arFirst Seder in' the <julet sanctity hike. AH youcg men 21 or over are money" but failed to report that ment selection officer, solicited chitect who designed the houses. In another room some of the of their new homes.. All of them invited to attend. '."-'will, celebrate the Second Seder homesteaders attend a class in 150 non-Jewish cloaltmakers to the money was being paid to 600 The colonists, in undertaking or more mechanics and laborers, something . unlike any other colIn a communal festival In the adult education given by Com-submit applications, along with -garment factory, to be conducted munity Manager Walter. A, Si-voluntary applications from a engaged In building the colony, ony ia the world, have for their Then who otherwise would have been money-snaking enterprises- three West . Pointer. thousand Jewish families. •by a rabbi from New York, and mon, former cooperative industries: laanufac-i The' follo-wicg have contributed supplied with food by their own Though all are American citizens, it was discovered that, to quote on home relief. some of the homesteaders want to the project's information service: cooperative store. Hightstown's merchants were turing, of ladles' garments and,' to the Gift Fusd cf the Beth El :. Eve»ytning in the colony is perfect their English. In addi- "Jewish families alone had faith the first to realise that the twomillinery; agriculture, on a 414- j Synagogue.'brand new save one old house, tion, the night school gives in- enough in themselves and in their communities hS"S something in acre £arn; and Consumer Co-op- i Board of Directors of the Beta •which came with the ground, and struction in arithmetic, literature, government to put up the money, common. With ths growth of the eratlve, which supplies their food, j El Auxiliary commemorating the and for that reason all 200 fam-new colony the two peoples etc. While the colony Is being dedication of Rabbi and Mrs. .oven - it has goings-on . Inside e t c • . . ' - • . . •.- . . . ." . which it never knew before. It In still another room some one ilies chosen for Jersey Home- bought commodities from, each underwritten and built by the Be- j David A. Goldstein's bcsie; Mr. hats been renovated, and serves as is lecturing on Palestine, while steads are Jewish." other, and Hightstown cams to settlement Administration,' all of j an<i Mrs. Harry Perlick to corn•-a temporary community center, elsewhere on the same floor an Now, to make certain that their know the Jersey Homesteaders. Its industries are being financed j memorate the birth of sos, Bur.with meeting rooms, day nursery authority from Washington ex- investment will not ;;o the wayLater the axe was officially bur- by the colonists themselves, out j ton Michael; I,lr. snd Mrs. E. ;ond byDagogue. . i plains the latest advancement of of most other cooperative colon- ied when a delegation of colon- of a revolving fund of $100,000 Meyers in memory of Mrs. B. . H e r e are held, meetings of thethe cooperative movement. Among ies, the homesteaders are work- ists attended the President's In •which they have invested ?500 Meyers; Mr. and Mrs. Joe GilinWor&ers' AJm Cooperative Assoc- hi3 listeners are a number of Jun- ing day and night. Birthday Ball in the Hightstown each. From this fund they pay sky in memory of mother, Mrs. iation, the factory cooperative, ior Homesteaders, who expect flra house and danced with rent to the government for theS. Meyers; Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Details of establishing and leaded by Boris Drasin. Here some day to inherit their parents' Higlitstown people. Occasionally $100,000 factory of glass, Bteel I Kulakofsky. ia memory of Mrs. running three cooperatives; of oralso meets the board of the Jer-shares in the colony and who tho Homesteaders throw a good sey Homesteads Agricultural As- therefore are taking a deep in- dering their ne,57 life; setting up party In the factory building and and concrete, which covers half Sarah FilviE; Dr. and Mrs. John the temporary governing body; an acre of the colony's 1,200 Sarit at Beth El Dance; Mrs. J. sociation, which runs the 414terest in it, now. starting a volunteer fire depart- Invite the countryside. For in-acres and sets a new standard j J. Freifien in memory of mother, acre cooperative farm,! under the stance, a t tho formal opening of management "of Louis Cohen and • Many- Juniors are attending ment and free public library; the factory, and again on Newaway from the sweatshop. They] Rachel Goldie Plottin (Jahrzeit); college, and when at home give providing' lor instruction in Hepay for machinery, raw materials, j Mrs. J. J. Freidea in. memory of . offlcership of Harry Katzenellen- talks at these meetings or assist ; Year's eve. Hero also they celebogen, Abe> Lipsky and Leo Li-in the" adult education classes. brew- and Yiddish for the chil- brated the return from a trip rent for two New York show bove. Stiii a third group to meet Among the'homesteaders' children dren and sending the children by west of their patron and "father rooms and other overhead, and bus to a.neighboring public school l"Vft , It e r e -is tho Homesteada Civic ; of the colony," Benjamin. Brown. pay tbejaselves union wages. They Council, which servos as a muni- in college is Ela Isaacs,: formerly -—all of these and many other There was eating and dancing pay rent for the farm land wages cipal governing bod/ pending the of East Houston street, New problems require meetings and and speech making—much of to the farmers. Out of these Annuity, Ends WHi«Rt. LSfe wages fanners and factory workcolony's incorporation as a bor-York, who is being graduated this appointment of committees. And this. spring from two New York colvirtually every homesteader and fill LEOK ough. This is presided over by ers alike are buying their hoaes;. leges—r-Hunter, to.which she ^re- bis wife are memBer»,,of one_ or . . . . . . . . . . . «eprcser-t» £1 S "Mayor" Philip Goldstein. frpia their collective profits they; . Type cf ins Brown is a cooperative' expert hops to buy the whole project and ! Behind most of these men, ceived ^scholarship from Seward more of these committees. ....ajn^...sands writ ten. CE;« ATBOW head of the colony, as behind Park high school, and:Her?eliah 5 'On; Friday \niglits and Satur- and head of the Producers Dis- repay the' government for Its is-} -5120. /65? er WA • ' '" days the Orthodox members, num- tributing Agency, New ' York, most of the homesteaders, lie Hebrew Academy. Boris Drasin's son Lee is bering a third or less of the col-which represents several Western etorlea of vicissitudes over which they triumphed to reach at last graduating from Cornell Agricul- ony, hold religious -services ,in this goal which they- consider the tural College, where he has been their makeshift synagogue. In beginning of a new life of health, preparing for life In the colony; the.'creaky attic of the old farm Leo Leefer's son Bernard is in his house they have a Torah, several .work and security. ^Boris D r a s i n could get nofourth year in the University of Hebrew Bibles and benches. Also •word from his wife and two chil- Louisiana; Irving Bach, son ofthey have their own cantor. He dren, stranded in the Ukraine, Morris Bach, treasurer of theis Sidney Bainow, now an operduring the worst years of the Rus- Workers' Aim Association! is fin-ator in the factory. At one time sian revolution. Now they are at New Jersey State Agri- he was a professional cantor in reunited at .the Homesteads. cultural College; Sidney Gushen, Philadelphia, and also in the l-> ' " L.o.,^.-^«J Y • .' Cohen was an'assistant district son of the factory's chief cutter, Louis Gushen, is in Brooklyn attorney in Leningrad, but. was tailed by the Bolsheviks to Pal-College; and. the list is much, : •; " ' : QUALITY estine in 1925 because of hislonger. Mo3t of the juniors, if not in • in Zionist activities. He ,eame to America with a Jewish, show college, -are working; in the colALL CLEANING troupe, and wound up working on ony. They have their own organo farm near Hightetown. When ization, which meets in the farm jersey Homesteads was started, nousa and has a principal inter;five miles soutneaot of that: vil- est the cultural advancement of lage, Cohen became its first their parents.' Ono of its activihomesteader and aleo father of ties is a magazine called tho Very aert. rr'-rr. f new junior the first child born in tho col-"Jersey Homesteader." Cost, Suit '-.i ashions in ony. As preparation for his -work Thejuniors a t home Join their the gizes he took a course In the State Col- parents in attending lectures giv9 to 15. lego of Agriculture at New Bruns- en weekly, on agriculture, by Prof. 3. G. Jaffa of the State AgNO EXTRA COST AT Harry Katzenellenbogen was aricultural College, by Farm Manboy of eleven, attending the Rab-ager Cohen and others. This inbinical Seminary In Sokolka, Po- struction is designed to fit the land, of which his father, Simon, colonists to till their home garwas the head, when a German dens.. • •".'• ' • , ' • ' ' army, of occupation conscripted Occasionally the colonist Jack A. Luttbog him to act aa interpreter, for hesqueezes out anevening to atS £2 No. SO Of. JA-SG7O could speak Yiddish', Hebrew, tend the picture theater in. Russian, Polish and German." In Hightstown, probably to entertain O N o w yea. czs. easily aSbr«3 1321 he came to'America, gradcsa hvsy. uated from a college of pharma-i c'flc—tic rs&lges&toe tiat always cy and worked in a Bronx drug ecsi kit io ezxs—h cow pdiced lower store. But he foreswore that for za CVOJ! Doa'g hs sctisfis a career of cooperative farming. ieco, IVSCTS/ t&s thrill of cm*nHe .too studied at tho State Coliag the bess—and setts tbrse lege of Agriculture. Thus these colonists, drawn from many countries of Europe, ^ y €<3fe>lne?5 © Drillicr.t Juot think, tho LOWBOY stranded later for years In city stands only a yard and zvi £^l!^3 e Lists Ccnvcnicncc tenements in this country, are two inches high, yot it is united in a beehive of activity to . op beautifully proportionmake their colony a success. ed tt doesn't loolc in tho Csld" Ccpc«iiy «f.1oro leant "aquat" or heavy. A aueation; often asked is: Standard GO-noto tioy"Can they adjust themselves* to board. Occupies loss floor country life?" The answer Is spaco than a 2 by S foot N o t o a e bit c f t£c<2i'tioasl G-E egszlity that they not only" can but have rue. Handsome Mahogany h&s bsea cacxiS«:od .•» . these sre t h e already, done so. They enjoy or Walnut finish. Easy, &nsat refrigerators G-E ever cITcres!tho fresh air, and they are far responsive action. 'Rich, colorful tone. too busy to. worry about tho Ios3 o j c i t y lights and gaieties. The Priced An Low Ac a e a work all day In the factory A surprisingly compact or on tho farm. The women
Beth-El Gift Fund
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^.1 6 - - . * . ^ •,«-6
E-?r^o5." FRIDAY, 1IARGH 23, I9S7 orary rabll anJ £a c:cc;:lr; t i e i police. pf'V-lt PWfisJ jpi 'Plift 1 ' 1 ' HIT ' Baron Abram Lumbroso wag in ; 1S46 pulpit of a. n;rta I x i l c r The curfew followed the per- b t U - U l l i i i i l l l V i l tiff ! appointed physician-iE-chiel \ te t b e c a t u r e ; 'explosion cf a • "bomb ™ . ^ ! Ber of TuEis. _ I .T,,« m a deaths- 3: year.-'.-ago' .was,- .tasi-s .a.mQ3g a group-of Arab" laborers -f"'-;ll': % fcS-K'V. I : of Ch throughout^ Sis ; East;-, -srss"'- op. 3 of engaged.ia building worfc near the ! At the recoiGrneBCction ot; tbe ; psatutho;..outstanding"'- 'stirderts-i of •the Jewish . smarter. Three of those _ J Injured- ars believea to be Arabs 5:3 Jccob T-TantiPP of Vt Tfco- Sis^ocn "Jamil;- c:c:.?;c3 j v i o were preparing to throw the the same position i a tJic 1C--_T &sd bomb. ..-Previously theFar Ea:t aa.tae-Ecttsctl'I;- £0 ia community had. been ceeply .stirE'jfop-s." ' Pcrpite tSrlr creat' red by z bomb explosion on the wealth they ."have reiscri ens cfimain Jaffa- rosd, ia which IS the most'pious of Je-aiti fsailies ' Jews and-ons .-British Eofcier were aad"IIri3. Sasaoca TTCS recrgni^ed' iajured, .seversl cf. them >stcwn, Socth Africa (WKS) . p"! A real old-fashioned Seder, long ;as a donkey's^—just like our hs is coming into the room, that as perhaps the greatest cZ ^rc=i- ly. The" esplcsioa, vfc.ich occcr: —Organization of a group called | l • sach a s many of us .remember. village idiot. his long, silky white beard touch- ea TalELtia.ictsch0ls.r3 of joar day. red--at.t&e'tersajnus' of the Egged i the Swaziland Settl^raent Corr-or-;§| ' from dm-' own childhood, but To insirs-the costinuatips. of Cooperative Bus Company, ia the Now come3 the finest part of es the table as he drinks the wine tvbich few of oar cMMren have . all, the Dayenu. What a. delight from the goblet set aside for him. the. great'-'religious : • tradition of center .. of the city, opposite the I Etion which is seeking to colon- s * iiad the opportunity to enjoy, to repeat with my father a i r the I feel the, loving-kindness of his the-Sassoon family, she'imported cafes, a "movie isosse and the j 128 Jews and ethers ia .SwasiiEnS, ' g is here des<Sr3bea b y ' t h e Dean. favors God conferred upon us! eyes as they rest upon me, and a'-teacher "from Bagdad ' to' Lon- shopping -district, created a panic I s BritiEi-o^rnecI territory south- M o£ Hebrew letters, who recent-'. And- after- every favor to shout a delightful shiver runs through don- for"' the - ••'edncstiqa1'. of" "her in that- section' of the city. One j east of the Transvaal in the TJc- ' s r Ijr- celebrated his "seventy-fifth! joyfulljv with all. my might: "It all my body. I feel' as if a. gust grandcBildfen; Arab dead and seven others I ion' of South AJrics, has createU g ip birthdayA-The "Editor. wounded "was. the toll . of four I a great stir iere. would have been enough!" of air from another world v had I Circles uEfriesalr tc Zev:i$,h m bombs thrown into two Arab Few'.editors of-.Jewish', papers "What marvelous things God come into, our- little, room, the I immigration 'to South Africa re- : g are' as'influential aa •vss.tis ls.te j cafes, o n e ' n e a r ' t h e Jaffa Gate did for us! He divided the sea air of a better and purer and ! A Seder a- little Lith! gard the corporation as a scheme , | | uanian village, In my father's for lis, and we crossed on dry holier world, a world where only N.. E. 3. -Ezra, for',tHi'rty-ts'ree"| and the other near the Arab vil- I to circnmveEt the recent ban CE • M land! I-feel-as if I had myself angels live, souls unweighted by years-'editor, of Israel's Messeng- lage of Lifta. ' h o u s e , 4 « . . ..' . - , , . . • -.-• is Samuel Gottfried, farmer In \ Jewish immigration. : Cleanliness and joy shine from crossed the -Bed Sea over that bodies, a world of eternal sing- er, • of • Shanghai, Chisa.' A Sepi The Sontli African Board o f ' g hardi' of"Bombay,' he -vras'oneof Sosh Biaa, in Northern Palestine, , every nook,.- everything has been dry path, with walls of water ris- ing . . . i Je-wish Deputies has announced • II the Far East's most active Zionwas killed' by a fusilade-of shots scrubbed, and. polished to gleam- ing mountain-high on either side. How deeply I believed in every'••-''••• ' •• in the center of the colony. • TheI that Eeitbsr t i e Boerfi nor EET ;g <I7-V «T *r ™. ^.»n ing brightness. ITresh; white lin- Yet for God such, a miracle is thing in my childhood—how mar- ists. C f^ Until-the.' influx 'of White "Ecs- victim, the sixth. Jew to be killed I other recosiiized Je-wish bodr hes : 'g en, sparkling holiday dishes, and nothing out of the ordinary. Then velously, magically beautiful, was years MJ- connection with the encer-ig all the family dressed: in brand- I see Eharpah and his hosts com- Seder night in my -father's siank'-after" the -Revolution"', of i since March 13th,-was ; 1917 China was "free froia "anti-|°ld, unmsrried and the graudson j tatiisgr. !• lieventcTi, ir.anp.fer -pf g new clothes delivered by the tail- i ing after us, to seize u s and make house! ; ! the • corporation, explained t b a t g Semitism. • Ezra ' toot the lead in of. one of the founders oi Hash or a bare half hour before sun- us captives again -•_- and suddenfighting this vicious _ importation Pina. The prompt action of aa : the coir-panr has Eccruired s, g set. In- our : hearts too pulses ly the sea flows together, and'all ;rrptr-T> r-.f - !CT? fl in A surge-of j something new and fresh and the Egyptians »a of the arriving re'fug-ses "who Arab watchman foiled an at- stretc it i s sellii blaraed'-their"- trobules on 'the tempt to set an explosion in the bright, bright as the .seven can- sadness ;and pity-wells up in my j to a r r cue, ]M orange groves of Felix M. WarRussian Jews. •v ' dles burning in the glistening heart. They too were human beThe esteem".fc*'•'which , hs was burg near Beit Dejaa. The home ! ana vnsies to settle - there. Ulr. ;g brass candelabrum that stands, on ings,- after all. I try not to see held in Shanghai was: taanifested of Rabbi Bernstein, in the Old i L.eveston -said .the corporation's the snowy tablecloth.^ :My father the horrible picture that insists • \ by ths -eulogies : priEted-• ia the City of Jerusalem was stoned and ; lisa-received applications for land ^g is a king, pay mother a queen. on appearing before my eyes. But tbejoyful mood returns a s ' Shanghai : and 'North "-China per-.'the telephone liae between Jeru- ; purchases from a considerable : §§ And I "see myself as' a little prince, By Leonard K a t t a a -• iodicals"i at his' death -in Decem- • saiem and Hebron was cut. The : number of Ecn-Jevrs. •g a real king's »son. "With every we read how ther'Jews lived on •a her. enlistment cf money ana men for i 'The Jewish, applicants include ; § inerve in my body I feel a new manna :for forty years in the wil- d »• "• 1 — ' • • » 1 • — • " '• »• the security cf the Jewish settle- ; South. African citizens as well EE ' g freedom, I am free as_a. bird: No derness. "We awoke in the mornNovember, 1936, marked the ments ia Palestine, particularly .aliens resident on temporary pci'--g 'teacher, no cheder,- no everyday ing; and 'there was ;the manna ly- centenary of another great -Jewin.the north, was voted, at a rally ; raits Trio vrarit to tr.lte up fa~m-'S burdens^. , .--'• ' * _ ; . ' - ' ing o.n.^ the. ground, all ready to ish scientist, Cesare Lombroso, 'held, under the auspices cf the .ing in Swaziland.' ;' My'father, and -I ;sit In regal eat,^ and-it-would have any taste credited with being the founder • :gVaad .Leuiai. In-an effort to -find \ Ee said the corporation TTEE : g luxury, "leaning against, soft, one wanted.-. Nor was it neces- of modern criminology. Lombrosary to make clothes or shoes those responsible for the bombing purely a private enterprise E.cfl ip •warm"-white pillows. Red wine so, an Italian army of the Arab cafes, the police, con- , that there VBS no intention' ct •=. fills' the, ^ gaily -'., ornamented gobveldped his theory ducted searches in various Jew- I bringing people frosa overseas , g lets, large .an'' sniall. :My father all r-time, bur clothes remain- are criminals • because they . are ish houses in Jerusalem "but with- ; into- SwEzilaM EO t t t t later tter g chants .the Triddusti,' a rpxoud full- ed.wliole- and jiew,. nothing tore born so. • " or wore out.; That__was the ideal Present out-results. The police also in- mi^iiii gs.12 Entry IH^D i-xis ciiion. ^~ *»v.-^-. d a y c r i r a i n o l o g f a t s I -, • • _ . - . . . • _ . . . . _ throated' song: • : "Who- hast life! No worries and no cares, vestigated, a numfce? of. automo- I STraEiland. is administerecl i y c g sanctified TIS with" .Thy com- no. need tq -v?ork-for one's living working with newer instruments] "San Iaf*ett' La^er, lsv.%.'xessioi bile plates alleged "by Arabs to be- ! resident ccmrnissionsr unCer t h e ; s ; for skull measurements" have dis-j'" ' Hsgi^-SS'-'-iLrabs Cost-iims mandments^ and' hast found pleas- aa niy.^father has to work, to get proved his contentions. However long to Jews but no evidence tras ure in" us ..."j"J.And 'my young new shoes and, clothes for me. discovered linking these plates Lombrso's work was not without heart Is filled 'with j o y , ' with And, : as;]if. all, this were not considerable merit leading as it -Jersisalein: .(WKS-— Palccr with the automobiles from w-hkhgrateful delight' t h a t ; I was born conclu)r4-A~s^ viioleiice' '-mounted'the bomb had beea hurled. ' a Jew.'' ' •":'- ." " " ' . • - , . . • - ; . . ' enough,''God gave", us the most does to some practical At a meeting of the "Arab • • •'. How - gloriously -beautiful • are precious gift"of all, the holy Sab- sions. 3 i s systematic research within.: the-Jorusaleia-city limits, the platters -bearing—the—covered bathi _ T^P.. JwOhderful. Sabbath, was almost unparalleled in his the. .'government proelaiiaed a Higher. Committee, at- which the day. curfew over the municipal • area, Mufti of Jerusalem presided, it matzoth! "What mystery I can with" a i r its joys. : "Had He^'given us the Sabbath feel in the .ceremony! The egg As a member of a prominent ordering'ail eitiseiia to be iadoors- was decided to appeal to the | and the bone, the" bitter herb3 and and a p t -brought - u s to Mount Italian-Jewish family, he evinced between- the hoars- of-7 "p. m. -and [ Arabs of Palestine to adept'EH | I -cannot even imagine a great interest in Judaism, being S. a-^rn.- .The District Commission- j attitude of calmness sxa trust ia i the haroseth are-transformed into Sinai.. mystic symbols- before- my eyes. •how .any .one could possibly exist a cautious student of Zionism er later lifted thocurfe-r ca Jera- j the Arab rulers. The Arab pop- j No longer ordinal?- egg and bone Tyithout th"e;Torah.'To live with- and anti-SemZtisia. salem ..but :-tension- ' continues j -elation was assured in the maci-j and herbs, but the essence of out the Torah would be like try- In his declining years he devot- nevertheless. -. - • rA ... mm or '. was festo that th-e Arab rulers • -rculd some unfathomed secret. - ing t o Jive without air . . . ed himself to the study of spirit- spread among, .the. worshigpsrs st- adhere to" their pro-rsise that they \ ' - No'w my; father opens the door ualism and before his death-be- ten.ding.the Mpsgue of . O s a r . t h a t | a r e concerned with the solution Now all is suddenly silent. f ; for Elijah • the Prophet," and calls lieved that he had found a • clue a Jew .had ..been, arrested, in '.pGS-j of. all of Palestine's problems. Gravely, /my father regards me. to him_a hearty greeting. True, to an after life. session' of,; a bomb, in^tlje .vicinity My mother's gaze too fixes itself of the' J.Io3gue. . Later.-an: Arab on me, and by the joyful bright- I cannot ;;see the-Prophet Elijah "Abraham" Colors! The grandson of the late Flora aear."the-Mosque of -Oraar,." carry- \ position .of Engineer *t t i e court ness of her.eyes I.can tell that with-my own eyes.- But with evit is/only with .a gregf effort that: ery fibre of my being I feel that SassQjm_lias been made".'at ifigr :a.;b'o2ab,.'wss.-Eeix9!i ''-by";the ' of'the Bute cf Ferrara. she restrains' -herself-.from, com- ' Ing over to me and giving me a kisSi Even though she does "restrain herself I can-feel that kiss. /J And in my small.-voice, trembling with ezeitement, I ask the jour questions: "Wherefore is this night distinguished from .all other nights?" ; Gravely my .father . answers: "Because ws were Blave3 . unto Phafoah . . . . " - . . . • ' :
Piss Variety Shew ^iiriiu-fit
S y IReiilseit" JElralniia'
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Cosrect V ~>CioShea
He answers my questions as gravely as if they were; entirely new to him, 33 II such qnestions Bad never even occurred to him Bsfore, and as If the answer too were something n e w , a n answer that had just coma to bis mind. How happy I am that God with His "mighty arm rescued us-from Egypt! Had It not been for Him I too would now be a slave in Egypt, I would be mixing mortar . and struggling to make bricks without Straw, and as I labored, the whip ot the taskmaster -would lash my little back. • -.Then comes the delightful tale of Rabbi Elazer ben-Azariah. He was only eighteen years old.when he-became recogniied a s , a great sage. An&because some- one might have laughed, saying: "A fine, sage that ia-—just a beardless ] youth,"" God -let a miracle come'to pass, and,overnight gave Him". a long white • beard, BO • that - he loosed like a 'man - or -seventy. That is': why it "is written: "Verily • I ani like a man of: seventy of .use." ''I look -as if Bj. seventy." i s what Eabbl Ela2ar meant;- "but actually I atn only; eighteen years old." | m . I wish anil" hope for;Such a-miracle, for;a long .white.* grow onl.niy, own face,overnight! How I would prize such a "long white b e a r a ;
.•;;..; ] \
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.My fatner reacheg, tfiat portion of. 'the- Hasgadsh "that f eil3 of -the . four different types .of children: When we come" to the "Wicked son —"What says the wicked son?" —my childish wrath' flares up," my whole being is filled with •fury." I want to have that wicked eon before me, -to beat: him; with my fists till he is; black and bine. to,teaeh-hlm a lesson he will never forget. F.00I, wicied fool! W h a t ' a , dreadful thing to say "What mean • you by this service?" you ask. But. what do you . mean by using the word "you?" t i t t l e though you deserve it, are not you a Jew also? I become aod •avenging, angel—I would kill him, tear him to j>eices. •;-Bux my : anger", soon -gives way to laughter: "We have reached "Him who hath no capacity to tar quire.'' Such ignorance —^- such •£iinpleiEindednes3!_ "H.e"iaust "be a half-wit—he knows all, n o t .even the. story of the Passover.-^l can see. just what he ' " -would look like; Mouth' hanging
, -ope-SV -eyes-dull -as. argoleja's, .ears
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Vatican9a Voice 0TCS7 Friday ot Omalsat notess^a, by JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING .COMPANY. Sptoa Frlco, oao year ' . . • : < • * " • • • • • 02.00 Advertising rates furniabedi oa application.
It is not for what the Jewa do ' much for me." Or, that day Mar that they ere persecuted, The."-" .- Ul:ha was detained until late, at Ere victimized vhether they do: ihe, whereupon hi« wif* or don't. It Is for what they are,-, accompanied him to the house oi ins poor ffifn. .As eooa as th« to wit. •Tev.'f:' t h a i i~ poor n"H;n nov.ioeri, he went ou! bearers. of Judaism, a. piiloso
The anti-Semitic race theories - - a distorted weapon twisted to serve the evil purposes of agitating propagandists must be shown in their true light by. non-Jews. We have always contended that the educational truth which m&€e a' jus-: to msfit *.herr.. KP.T IJkba snd hi» which would expose the dastardly canar Is of the hate-mongers le principle oZ thrs-- Trl'r- w^raeureE to rtsn. from him Cf. yf:£.?S S vTO. ph;--:vri"- tp-r wtrrt,?.. R- fireplace is a subject for enlightened Christians who are deeply inter??, * . frrTT! -r-nirh thff: f;i- i^ad been put BT .EVELTJf TTX-i the Hitler regime ana the fceroested in the development of civilization, and it. is therefore enficsi; cv.i. -"ivb'.- fiif? !;b«r,r so- anxiously it reproach to j HARPEK &' EKOS. j issa cJ its opponents, couraging to find that the Osservatore Romano, official organ CO. 343 PAGES. n;r f.vf.r? .pf>of.wpe R a b b i JochPR. ©S.GO. i This volume is a very early ! barbarian •world which reseir. RTIRV. sr.i.-l: '\A n?p.n should rather of the Vatican, has taken a strong stand on the subject. In Evelyn Underbill, -whose books) effort of the author, sutobio- j more lipvp I:ln:Pe'"PG iTrrendered to be unyielding language the paper denounces the racial theory pn mysticism are well known &B& i graphical In character and mcvthrcvn .ir;? ? furnace- then to propagandized by Kazi-minded individuals with this editorial prized, sires as in this -volume aa I is? I t us to taderstaad taders authoritative sad - illuminating j the background of Heins L,iej>- I bearers of this philosophy irn'st' r-v.i Mr i-escrihnr ;.c etiame in pubcomment: "The religious error consists in the fact that he (Hit- studr cf the techinque and art: mans, the dif lenities and strug- j expect tc be hounded frcm pillr.r to port, to be- driven forth, reler) refuses to recognize the basic law of religion - - the eternal of worship. Zl:.v ITt.bc, li&ti s, poor man in I gles of his youth, the rapidly j; viled £Ed persecuted until the J^is np ! ghborhood tc whom he A. more pressing need for re-1 changing Eioods cf melancholy soul of every human being. The philosophical error . . . is that I Cay when humanity shall finr.Hr i v,-R?- arrri5n-;ori!f!f: tc- send four ligion does cot exist than that depression quickly folio it wants to degrade man to a thing—a drop of blood, a racial of | accept '.he rule cf God over ths ! hundred Kii^im hpJore. t h e day of making the art of worship rorld. That GET v-iH come. At^ne-renl. product—instead of recognizing the personality of man. The meaningful and stimulating for •will to live. Once he sent it he is vr&i spite of everything. Then fcu- = through his BOH, who returnjudicial error is that of recognizing a 'racial value' whereby millions of religiously minded in- written, interesting, often absorbed vliL ih?:- !iion«'-y, gaying: "He the natural right of every individual is violated." The Vatican dividuals. Organized religion can, ing and holds ths attention of the only com dope no;, T-.CP.Z it." Upon his fanot function without articulate,; reader throughout. organ further finds that race means division and that the race formal and prescribed, though! Because of its autobiographies! ther's- taiesifior.: "%Vhat hast thou peer; t h a t r^'.toF yoit heUeve s o ? " theory leads to a separation of men and hinders an under- not necessarily rigid, .forms . of i nature, the continuity of the car-! hsve seen that tbe son repliprl; standing between peoples. "The race theory," continues the •worship. The -prevailing apathy j rative is broken up, or not al- ! in pspeneive lie vast irnhilt:!organ, "imputes to entire nations faults which only individual to religious values, the present < vsys evident. The several epi-: old vine." "I;t P i? «pefi to such precaraous state of institutionali.sodes, hotrever, are cot only men can have, and sees in entire nations nothing but faults and ized religion is directly traceable• deeply human and touching, but: comfort:," Tf-<^Tl.:pfi ib.e father, mi j !: "then he purely Reeds more." He no virtues, and therefore it finally can awaken nothing but to the decay of worship and of'carefully constructed and well' j Er Dr. r dcisblpd the rrr-OKSit and sent it hostile sentiments." prayer. How to restore this an- j narrated. to him. K P o!!>•''?• fp'i happy and indispensable and sacred The Lord said unto Samuel: ordered that il--e charitable acThis is a step in the right direction. The Osservatore Ro- cient, practice is a baffling problem, "Look not on his countenance, counts be broiurht before him, mano is recognized and honored by Catholics, and this discern- which somehow must be solved. nor on the height of his stature, i s he .Eni.rjifi that the toing expose from an authoritative source, will help defeat hate- The volume offers many splendid because I have rejected hiis, for ?~V. (1 V"' ry,v.r. v r l t t o n there was suggestions. it is not as man seeth, ss man mongering more than a dozen good-will meetings. i:?-;rusK,nn Signi g-old dinEvelyn Underhillt has a strong ;
Editorial Offico: BOO Brsndeia Theater Building. Slons City Office—Jewish Community Cents? ©AVID BLACKER '» . • • Business and Hana&iag Edito? E. ACKBRMAN - - - - - - • - Edite? KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondeat PILL • • •' •• Slous City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Streot
-R e - e m p h a s i s biiF r e e d o m ' .
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Tonight world Jewry starts the observance of the Passover holiday, tapping anew the springs of inspiration and cour age which have been symbolized by the feast of freedom. "While the emancipation .of the Jewish people from the shackles of a Pharoah predominates our observance of Pesach, the holiday is also significant in Jewish history as marking the return of spring. This can be traced to an ancient agricultural aspect of the -.festival. •In Biblical times Passover marked the barley harvest when all pious Jews would 'make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and offer the first fruits with joyful ceremony and singing. .' However, in this-day when the question of personal freedom and liberation is once more paramount among the nations of the world, it is only fitting and proper that the emphasis* looketh on the outward appear- PPVf tl e:;c;sinied; "Sly provision on Passover should be on the influence of the Egyptian delivgrasp of the deep and underlyance but the Lord looketh on the '. ; By Pierre Vaa Paassen erance upon the emancipation of all peoples. From the Pass*, he ty, f.-bi'ii? th-p joiirncy is a ing realities of the religious life. Silence is the fence built around wisdom. More than one observer cf the i heart." over story mankind draws strength in its eternal struggle She is superbly right in attributR scr.n r^p " T*e •.'"'•"pnpon gare p | David said to Ssi ast has in th© ing the antagonism of the proph-i against slavery and tyranny. c o niented on r * i ie the kicg of Isrs-e > •• ' ' i . if of his the fact ets of Israel to ritual and formal- w h e r e a s H i t I e r h a g r a l s e d h a t r e d | dost thou pursue- - " Israel's Festival of Freedom Jewish parents should emphasize the story of Passover to fio ism not. to these per se but to j f o r t h e J e w t o a d o c t r t n e c £ s t s t e ; I -?- *'^ a « « ' their children, and imbue them with the spirit of the pioneer By Eabbi Frederick (John Lord there"--e the deception and hypocrisy which j t b e Fuehrer's prototvpe,E;gnor' a'd"fhe E C E nd fiecidf Jewish leaders in emancipation. At the Seder ceremony, let r rrler in We are on the eve of Pesach. Pesach is Israel's ancient accompanied these, for the sub-; Mussolini, never geeis evea 'to M and thee EEd pleac* stitutes of ethical living for which have .taken, a definite stand on ' '" - - - 7' ; fi™*& A l l them be told the meaning of each of the symbols on the Seder Festival of Liberty. ritual and sacerodatalisra became. the Jewish Question. Some has- deliver me cut cf ; r : 1 . ,• Articles table. The Matzoth speaks of the unleavened bread the fugiThe first stand for human freedom was made by Moses Though genuine religion must be tily ded-cei from this that there j Our Eabbis we £ _E tives from bondage prepared in their haste; the Charoses of and Aaron when they confronted Pharaoh, the first and typical prophetic in character and chief- were really not enough Jews to one has EO means r r c •e L r r i j r k of all ' 4. -' , 7 ] ' ; r* * t >«• t ihp«t the mortar made by the weary Hebrew, slaves; the bitter herbs tyrant, with the demand uttered in the name of God," 'Let My ly concerned with the practical jg o around in Italy to make snti- • be supported hy c'-r-. - he .quail• <' "atspver b supported in t h e v r ' issues of life; it can not and must! Semitisza worth while. Others 1 of the bitterness of slavery. Let the Passover holiday be our people go that they may serve Me!'. ''""••. «*ke not dispense with symbolism, rit- I proclaimed that the Jews cf Italy ! which is Ihereaf tere-emphasis of the ideals of freedom and our protest against i- f '»» klndi ll al and with such communal acts ] had BO completely woven thera- a present." Freedom has ever since, as Heine said, 'spoken with a He- of worship, .as the recitation of; selves into the national texture p i'cfe« for the oppression and spiritual slavery current in many lands r ci rwts«rry, Kar Ukba had r r^ brew accent.' Israel's successful stand for freedom has inspired •• " - i ^ in pint creed and psalms, etc. As it is | that, eseept for a creeflal differhi vicinity for wl o s today. , " f n- b««utlmany of the world's greatest struggles in behalf of liberty and criminal to neglect the ethical for[ j ence, thev were not distinguish-! put four susim in . t c < the ritualistic, so is it the height able from the rest cf the Italians I ceath the doorwe; f justice. Protestantism rested its cause upon Israel's Bible. The of folly to ignore the latter In j and so had mscEged to save j One Cs.y the poor :,. . resounding words from Leviticus engraven on America's Lib- the mistaken notion that ceremo-1 themselves as a group Iron drew- Till n Across the Mediterranean has gone II Duce to pull the tail srty bell, "Proclaim liberty throughout the land and to all the nlalism as such conflicts, with i i 5 the attention ct the rf.ilettoethical faith. Religious liberals; bearing, have been the inspiration of American who are finding the people unre- j shocktroopscastor-oil-administering of the British lion once more and at the same time coordinate inhabitants thereof" of blackshirtiErn. ' f" ! his own position on the southern shores of the sea that he liberty, as well as of liberty throughout the ages. It is no acci- sponsive and indifferent are be- jj it wss pointed out, even ' of the Ducs's best friends bdasts will someday be converted into an Italian lake. With dent that so many of the world's greatest liberals should be ginning to grssp the crucial sig- • some ere nificancs of ritual ceremony and ! ^ 3ev;s; the first secretary cf , Jews. It is in their blood, as well as in the whole spirit of their his usual theatricals he has made a gesture of good-will to the symbol. They are indispensable j t h s Fascist party, August© TurEti E a d religion and their history. That is one reason, for instance, why A r a b s . •'•,-" • . _• to a healthy enthusiastic espres-' > Guido Jung, tinzncM , All this fan-fare -in Lybia bodes ill for Palestine. Mus- he Nazis hate and persecute the Jews. They recognize in them sion of faith, religious conviction! adviser_to the regime, Donna SJargaretta Sarfattl, Muss- • solini has made another sensational weaken the influ- the greatest foes of obscurantism and re-actionarism as well and hope. I olini's closest collaborator in his i "Worship" deals coniprehen- S o c i a l i s t d a j . g a E d l a t e r his c n . j ence of England among the Mediterranean people, and this as the foremost friends and champions of progress, of freedom the character of wor-1 t UE t^£S s^Hc biographer, is a Jew- ] time Palestine is more vitally affected than even by the Ethio- and of justice. Not to go further back in history, Heine him- sively ship and with its rich and v<-ri-! ~ * -^ self was one of the great modern liberals. Though a poet, one bus forms of expression. The jCES. pian campaign. . • . -.... The conclusion wss that Not that the Arab world has any chance of profiting from of the greatest that ever lived, to be ranked with Goethe and deep and moving reverence of Use j, csjin is jsct neceESRrily — . .a friendship with Mussolini, for Fascism seeks friends only to Schiller, a sweeter singer than either of these, he wished that author for all religious attitudes j i U c g p d t h - t J e v s migrfct further its own ends, In time the Arabs will find themselves a sword should be placed upon his coffin, for he desired to be and quests gives the volaiae' a; w o r s e t S a t l g i T e t f e e ir purport | and a power not frequent- I a ^ friendisaip to etnbrj-oE5c Far--| more subservient to the arrogant Mussolini than they have to regarded 'as a hero in the War of Liberation of Humanity.' flavor ly present in a scientific treatise. acist moreneats in different coun-j England. But 33 the Arabs strained under the oppressing rule His compatriot Ludwig Boerne was another such liberal, and Here is science plus religious tries. It was — End still is — j and .mystical devotion. It argued that Jews by becoming j of the Ottomans so they long to rid themselves of the com- they have had successors; among their fellow-Jews without num- fervor is a bleEsed and fruitful combina- Fascists can cut the ground from;' paratively gentle but nevertheless restraining hand of Great ber: Ferdinand LaSalle, Gabriel Riesser, Adolph Cremieux, the tion indeed. under the feet of still dornsant! Britain. ,' . ate lamented Rathenau, the present Premier of France, Leon Part I concerns itself with the " anti-Semitic tendencies in Fascist; m specific elements in the art j-parties asd thus save tnessslves j From India to Gibraltar the Arab world convulsed by this Blum; in literature critics of the calibre and achievements of more and exercise of worship. ' The ! and their fellow Jews from a deal; false nationalism is ready to seize any opportunity of gaining reorge Brandes (whose real name was Morris Cohen! Most first chapter, "The Nature of j of unpleasantness oa . the dday; anally. Troubled minds in Downing street may pucker their Jews are liberals today, though here and there we find an ex- Worship,'.' is a clear statement'of j w h e a those- parties becora© the | j . power in the State. brows and see a chance of making Palestine, focal point of the treme Conservative (as Disraeli became), and even re-action? the alms of public worship and of I dominant The vehement anti-Semitic ar- i . present Arab struggle, the political football in the diplomatic aries (usually among Jews of great wealth). But the spirit of that for which humans crave la tides which have appeared c£i their puny, inadequate attempts Jews as a whole, as of Judaism, is liberalism, inherited by them to quarrel with II Duce. " find the Divine. The discus- late in Italian government-con- j trolled newspapers have upset 6.11! from that first act in their history which we are eommemoratStrategically situated Palestine commands Britain's lifesion in the chapter on "Ritual the fine calcuU'lons of those! and Symbol'' is on' a high pJaas, line to Italy. Oil from the fields of Mosul are pumped to the ng at this season; which was, indeed, the beginning of their comproraisers "who would have j and yet deeply reverent, the Jevrs forget themselves so far | harbors to fuel British warships. Only too welt Mussolini rea- historic career as a nation which was bound up so closely with critical as is the entire volume. Part II fas civilization's advance in religion, in morality, in appreciation is an historical survey of worship I « f c lizes the importance of Palestine. Impotent Italian Jewry can make no protest. Lybian Jew- oi the spiritual life, in social progress, in aspiration towards as it is found amongst Jews, j ths very antithesis of Judaism, I Catholic, Roman and Greek, tha Italo Bslbo has had some " ry has'already felt the strong-arm of the dictator who brooks the ideal. Free Churches and ths Anglican flogged publicly in the no opposition. World opinion can no longer frighten him who If ever the world needed Israel's Festival of Freedom it is Communion. place of Tripoli because they re-; defied it so successfully-during the conquest of Ethiopia. at this time when liberty and democracy are threatened as Miss Underbill is utterly free fused to obey his decree, to close , Mussolini has a singular purpose for treating with the never before, when freedom has been crushed in what used from personal prejudices. Though their shops cn Sur>.<J.v end neve | j J undoubtedly finds one of the; their place o; business bast to Arab world. And the Arabs are blindly jumping to secure his to be regarded as leading countries, when Dictators have ap- she many historic traditions of wor-jthe outskirts of the city, ewaj aid, disregarding the adage of those who bring gifts. With peared throttling liberty till it has almost been extinguished^ ship peculiarly adapted to her re- j from the center of commercial Britain out of Palestine, they see themselves chasing the" Jews and waging war against freedom and democracy even outside ligious life, she shows no favorit- activity. So many. Jews had con! and scrupulously refrains gregated in that center that Tri- j into the sea. their own countries with the resolve and determination to ut- ism from criticism. • Her- attitude | poll was "beginning to loc-fc like] terly annihilate them. Freedom of speech, of the press, of re- towards ths Synagogue and Juda--a Jewish city," we are informed, j ; ligion, of assembly, even freedom of thought (as far as that ism illustrates this scientific trait. | For protesting against Ealbo's } 'J Foisted, on the World . •' usual grotesque errors and j decrees the Jewe of Italy are can be regulated) have been absolutely abolished in Fascist The Joseph Salmark, prolific writer for the Seven Arts^ makes Italy and Nazi Germany, and these tyrannies reach out, bent conscious misconceptions-, about • warned by Mussolini's house-orare entirely lacking. In- £aa that "the Jew is always the a suggestion which Hitler is probably studying at this particu- on destroying them in the rest of the world. This is a time Judaism Etead there is a splendid effort to provoke? and justifier cf antilar moment. Commenting on the fact that in Italy it was a for the utmost assertion of liberty, political, intellectual, civil, appreciate tha mother tradition c* j SemitisEi because he •iggrsrJewish professor who "proved" that the Talmud provided the social, literary: of every sort.1 That is the value of Israel's an- Christianity and the heritage of | ates." this is exactly what the ideological basis for Fascism, tho political godfather of Nazism; cient Festival of Liberty annually to keep alive, and to stim- the Jew. She does-not identify | I a wBnt is not Pharisees Vith hypocrites. . Miss j - T h e J e w E of T r s P c l j j NNOUKC: SMSNT that the new that the leader of the Hungarian Nazis is really a Jew, and, ulate the spark of freedom first kindled in Israel's heart and Underbill is deeply conscious of! 5.re_f_iUzeBS _joJ the new Kcsnan j Hickev-F: ceraara Travlwe'ars are and, because Italian i what's worse, the adopted son of a rabbi j and that the Fuehrer then, like a fire (not, however like the Reichstag-fire!) spread the enormous debts of the Chris-j : T-,-' -r.-r^y met: hays of the Jugoslavian Nazis is not only a Jew but has the sup- by Israel throughout the world, till its flame shall consume all tian Church to the Synagogue, j law does sot recognize the Jews j as a minority or es a sepsi *' port of his party - - Salmark caustically writes-: •",••*. * but tyranny and oppression, and the Light of Liberty warm and and grateful. Would that her at- j corporate body within the cation, j titude were more widespread. but only az a religious sect, the 1 "ord we'd like to bet that some of the Nazi master minds are be- illumine the earth. ; Her statement that the Jew re- j & - w s of Tripoli should not have ginning to think that perhaps it mightn't be a bad idea to Liberty is. mankind's supreme possession. Without it, life cites the Sheaa twice daily (Page I fceerl jaolested. Italian citizens of j drop Nazism, which has won so much ill will for Germany, itself is valueless; indeed, impossible. For liberty is the very 211) is a Elinor error. He r e - j L a t i a £ t o e t and'the Catholic re-! cites his confession- of faith | li^ioa were net told to shut up j and/accuse the Jews of foisting it on the world." ,» •' breath of life; humanity's life-breath, the lungs of existence. thrice. • ' | shop. Why, then, Italian citizens \ rr The Jewish blundering in'Nazi diplomacy is staring them Without liberty, life is stifled, suffocated, dead. Those who are faced with the cf Semitic stock and.the 'Mosaic'j grave and heavy responsibility cf religion? in the face every way they turn. But the climax, we imagine, t>; A most heartening example of the supreme value of freeworship ths raoring es-' The .lews-of,.one country effer ; came when Hitler himself is unable to force the Jugoslavian dom was given in recent months by one of the most highly- making perfencQ that it once WES and | the other are le*r-r-'^s that they i Nazis to "purge" themselves of their Jewish fuehrer and sec- placed personages of the world. Posterity will recognize the which it must again become, will \ are undesired. Here the motivl- | retary, M. Diamenstein. Diamenstein approached•the German heroic sacrifice of ex-King Edward, the Eighth, of England find thisi volume stiaiulating scd zatios of- t h e eiscrimination ' against them Is comms ri- j Nazis with a plan to create a Jugoslavian-German economic when he relinquished a,throne and an Empire for the right to richly valrj% There it is racial differ- S union. When the Berlin head-masters learned that a non- be a human being. Human freedom received tremendous ene otaMtarian. rtS.tional- j Aryan was the boss of a Nazi party, as soon as they recovered dorsement by that truly royal and imperial act. He. showed "XIGHTS OP AX. OLD CHILB," ^f other place they are j Other Hickey-Freeinsn Clothes bcin^- s.n eleriient a ; from their stupefaction, they demanded that the Jugoslavs get by one of the mosj; dramatic deeds in history that freedom is PAGES. S. " I*. LIPIJfCOXT Ia c c " i y ferrTiGnt in society | ' • $50 tc $7$ revo rid of Diamenstein. The Jugoslavic Nazis stunned Berlin even a most glorious empire in itself. .ting force i i l i e de- ! Heins LiepniasE, theauthor cl i j as if further by. replying that they were uot anti-Semites, and will Let the Jew, then, celebrate most enthusiastically-his--an- this' novel, is universally JSEOTO! e h r i , t 5 a n ij; a tion todprocess, en* tills earth j there rsE-iiy exs; NEBRASKA accept, with pleasure the help of talented Jews. cient Festival of Freedom. Let him sing at Seder and at Ser- and 'sdalrcd feis dar^g its fclaspli; raous general arThe situation would be funny, were it not tin&ed with vice, with Moses and. Aaron, with Miriam sad her.-maidens, ca.x?a from afi courageous fts-ttlp I .li ,nent racs a r tragedy. The whole situation sums "up "once again the old with the Invisible chorus of liberty-loving fellow-Israelites devotion to the cause of. Jiumaa' ter Ecctisfng th» Jewa of truism that in all these' quiek-to-powor movements - - the Jews throughout the ages: freedom, trnth nad justice. : His fceen pacifists "who brongx merely form a convenient scapegoat - - a "red herring" thrown .vro books, "Msiroe-r—Macij Irs the defeat of tfce B.e-Ic'n "Sound the loud trimbrel, on land and on. see! Germany'-* sr.d "Fires . TJnd>?r- last vr&ty EOV/ chassres hL tune t 3 across the political horizon to becloud the real fundamental Jehovah will triumph I All mankind be free!' '• 'hsve revealeS -to a a, charge- that the Jeirs are driv-j underlying issues «t stake. - - Frederick Cokn. ' scJied "irorld the barbarlsja el'ins: for -war. ^ *
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, 5IAECH 25, 19S7 VISIT IN KANSAS CItT - ' . i Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alpirin left ! last night. for Kansas City, Hr..,: to spend the Passover Holidays with their children, Mr. ana Mrs. ; I. Borgman and Mr. S. P. Goldterg.
Several names cave been enThe annual congregalk -r 1 tered in the popularity contest der cZ Temple Israel will to select tbs "Sweetheart c* theat tile Temple Saturday c z " e n ' s Club." Members cf the March £7, at 6:45. Men's Club of the Beth El SynRabbi David H. "Trice v agogue are conducting the con-duct the Secer services - test and will announce the vrinner at the 'Screeno-Casino Night" Mrs. Julius JS sponsored by the Men's Clcb t-i committee are in caarg-e. the Central Club on Saturday Keservcticns nisy be evening, April 3. to the Temple, At. r?S4- — Members of the Men's Club and Mrs. Newman, Ha, 60."!?. their wives invited to send ularity contest to Hyman Shrier. Persons attending the 'Screen-Casino Night' will be permitted to Tie regular meeting el ;_£. c t ino Night' will be premitted. to cast their ballots for oss cf the sat will be held on Ti>d-" - • March SI, at the Jewish Z— individuals nominated. Each person purchasing a dUEity Center. twenty-five cent admission ticket wiy be "Eligible to participate la Kcpstein -will be the feE'_- the drawing fcr a fifty dollar the afternoon. The Misse- 7."~rcash door prize. line £Efi Eetty EOSEU W . r-e In addition to games offered ssst xic-lis selections. during the evening there ^rill be Sirs. Julius SiG'.n, chairr ~~ cJ several fine vaudeville E.cts. the Medical Fund, reque* - **r
PASSOVER GUEST MAYEROTOCH-MEPPMA3T SECETVE AT THOME Mr. and Mrs. S. Handler have Lou liieppman of St. Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Simon re- as their guest their sister-in-law, Missouri, announces the marriage ceived a t their home lasst Sun^ of his'Bister, Miss Hose Liieppman day from 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 in Mrs. H. Shampanier of PaterEon, to, Oscar Mayerowich of Omaha, honor of their son, Marvin, who INew Jersey, who will remain over son of Mayer Mayerovdch,; on became a Bar Mitzvah on Satur- the Passover Holiday. "Wednesday, March 17, a t the day morning, March 20. LEAVES FOR CHICAGO liome of Rabbi Frederick Cohn. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. B. A. Simon left Thursday The ceremony was performed in Mrs. B. A- Simon, Mrs. Nathan the presence of the immediate Simon, and Miss Shirley Simon. night for Chicago where she will actassak spenn. three weeks with her sisfamily. After services a dinner ter, Mrs. N. Light. •R-as served a t the Faxton Hotel. AXXOUNCE BIRTH Folio-Ring a wedding trip to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rips an- FOR PASSOVER HOLIDAYS Denver, the couple will b e . a t nounce the birth of a Bon on Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Sachs borne at the Terrace Court Apart- Tuesday, March 16, at the Methwill arrive from Chicago Friday ments. ; -J odist Hospital. . morning to spend the Passover holidays with Mrs. Sachs' parGRKEK-LIPSEY Mr. and Mrs. Julius Barron of ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Abramson. Mr. and Mrs. David H. Lipsey Shenandoah, la., announce the Mra £achs is the former Libby of Dea Molnes, la., announce the birth of a daughter, born Friday, Abramson. engagement of their daughter, March 19, a t the Methodist hosMiss Leila June Lipsey, to Dr.pistal in Omaha. ' VISITOR, FROM NEW YORK Myron A. Green, son of Mr. and William Flax of New York is all Efubs ard tickets for t t e i — T . r Mrs; H. Green of Chicago, forvisiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. iEg be brought to the znee r - r Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Widman S. Flax over the Passover holiCantor Edgar to merly of Omaha. the rlraTTi^E; -v-vil tslre r "•* r Dr. ' Green Is • a • graduate ; of announce the birth of a son, Stan- day. the Amateur Hour prcfrr— "Present Concert! Creighton TJnirersity College of ley Joseph, on March 10. . April 4. Medicine and is a member of the Cantor Aaron Edgar will preDr. and Mrs. Ben .Herzberg of VISITING HERE sent his first concert for the Phi Beta Delta. EpBilon, National Phoenix, This year's "Give cr ^ f • announce the Beth El Synagogue on Monday, luncheon promises to be il " .i'Mrs. Abe B. Greenberg, of Medical fraternity. Dr. Green has birth of aAriz., ! sou, March 19. Mrs. Houston, Texas, the former Anne May 10, at the Jewish Coanaun- gest sirce its incEpticc r u been practicing medicine in Chi-Herzberg " was formerly Dorothy ity Center. ; yesrs Ego. Mary eon-n: - Greenberg of Omaha, and her cago lor the past sevtn years.. Klein of Omaha. son, Daniel Ephralm, are visitMembers cf the Beth El Aus- jas well as members are v ~ - E iliary will be in charge of the ; hard to make their ing Mrs. Greenberg"s parents, Mr. qU"L&= °r BEBKSTEDC-ABBAHAMSOK RETURNS FROM WEEK VISIT sale of tickets. Mrs. Jacob' that they will be entitle^ n and Mra. Alex Greenberg. Mr. Jnlius Abrahamson anMrs. Mose Tousem has reBlank, president or the Ausili-; place at this outEtaiidiEE ^r.^.^nounces the engagement of histurned from a week's visit with ary, has appointed Mrs. David; eon of the year. sister, Miss Pearl Abrahamson of her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. MUSICALS Stein ss chairnan cf tlie com-, Abram DansSy, pianist, will Krs. Julius Stein report lr.c Omaha, formerly of Hollywood, and. Mrs. Morris - Blacker, of appear mittee in charge, and Mrs. 'Will-; at a musicale in the conv La to Mr. Albert Bernstein. Wichita, fcans. iaia Levy and Mrs. Joe Freeman j atlditiosal names of those cert hall of the Joslyn Memorial, are eligible to the sflair. ""Vrr ' No definite date has been set as co-chairraen. j Sunday, March 28, at 4 p. m. He the Mesdames Libty " r r r r loir the VISITING HERB will play Brahm's "Variations Cantor Edgar's singing has *areEpstein, D. Epstein, Irv^E I.c'-Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Kaplan of and Fugue on a Theme of Hanf.'rs. Thecdsre A. N' won acclaim from all those who ;L. in, L. Rosscthal, M. Kickr, Sr-<. Los Angeles are visiting with del." HOKORS BRIDE-TO-BE On Sunday afternoon, ?Iiss La have heard fcixs asd the concert j Froim, Ben Handler, s n i Xr.:c A bridal shower in -"honor of Mrs. Kaplan's parents, Mr. and Verne Beverly Feblowitz, daugh- promises to be one of the high- Simon. > MIBB Mamie Brody, a bride-to-be, Mrs. Louis Freedman. Mrs. Kap- THREE-DAY TRIP ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Feb- lights cf the season. •was given by Miss Lillian Kush- lan is the former Mina Freedman . Mr. Milton Frohm and Mr. Xee lowitz, and Theodore Arthur Preparations for a : enter ainner of Council Bluffs at the of Omaha. . Grossman have returned from a Newman,, son of Mr. and Mrs. JUNIOR MABASSAH ing evening are well under vre.r < French Tea-Room Sunday. Dinthree-day trip to Minneapolis. Alaph Newman, were married at for ths K&d&ESEh. Amateur PI cur, ner was served to sixteen guests. FAREWELL DIXJfER the Blackstone hotel in the presJunior Kadassah will hocor all which the Medical Fund, is e ocThe centerpiece consisted of "an Miss Sally Morgan was enter- HOUSE GUESTS FROM BERLIN ence of the immediate families. new members at a spring frolic soring oa Sunday, April 4, atthe elaborate spray of yellow Jon- tained a t a farewell dinner on Dr. and Mrs. Erick Basch of Rabbi Frederick Cofcn perquila,, sinias. and sweet peas. Tuesday, March 24, given by 50 Berlin; Germany, are the house formed the ceremony before an to be held oa Thursday Eight, Jewish Community Center. A Favors were white love nests members" of the Junior Council guests of their cousin, Mrs. Da- improvised altar of ferns and car- April 22 at the Kusic Bos at ISth great deal cf takut is being discovered and it will be -w orth •with attached wedding bands. ., of Jewish "Women. vid M. -Newman. . Mr. and Mrs. nations. & Capital Streets. while to attend. - Boring the afternoon, bingo, Mis3 Morgan leaves April 4 forNewman, were hosts at a dinner Mrs. Bernard Fox, sister or the Miss 'Kalah Franklin, presideiit Evervcne is EEkeS to- rtic bunco, and bridge -were played. an extended trip to Los Angeles for twelve guests, last Saturday bride, was her only attendant. of the organisation, has chosen her the date and ccme -and b Prizes were won by Misses and San Francisco, Cal. evenings in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Silver was best man. their friends. ROBB Ban, Bertha Kushner, Alia Basch. During the ceremony, J.Iiss Miss Dorothy Zlotkln as chairElkin, and Mra. Maurice Katz. BENEFIT BRIDGE PARTY affair. Marie Swanson played the carp. man in charge of this Other guests were the Mesdames Miss-s»Gertrude Lewis enter- RETURNS FROM LOS ANGELES The bride wore an ivory satin Each sew member who joins the t e s t e r Pezzner, Nate Kaplan, tained 12 guests at.-a benefit Mrs. J. A. Haykin has return- gown made with a full, sweeping e pioneer TT cen will enPhil "Katz, Art Rosen, and the bridge party at her home on Sun- ed from Los Angeles where s i e train. The bodice of the gown had Janior Hadassali during the cosatertain at a Passorerr luncheon Ing month -will be a guest cf the Misses BeBS Cooper, Helen Lips- day, March I S . Proceeds from spent the winter. long sleeves and.a high neck line on Tuesday, March t-C, at 1 T-. in. man, Dena Brody, Jeannette Tur- this affair were given to the Junclub at this affair. Keserrations draped into a cowl. Her tulle veil st the hcrae o: Mrs. 5, Otuc, ner, . Sara Epstein, and Anne ior Hadassah "Give or Get" fund. VISITS rAREKTS was bordered with lace. She car- may bs made "by calling Kiss Slot- 14" 4 JCn. ISth St. All ir.trr.bers Reiss.: . -...-.-• . : Miss Edith London of Los An- ried a boguet of white roses sad kin, paofce TTcbster 4.SBB, iEvit<?d to atlesS. geles, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.sweet peas. BIRTHDAY; PARTT "-* ~'< " „ L. London of Council Bluffs, arA dinner was served foilotring Mrs. Sam" Ban entertained 12 rived on March 17 to visit with the cereraony. children at her; home, 631 North Mrs. Ben Silver was named her parents. She will visit in Forty-third street, Saturday after- chairman of the nominating com- Chicago for two weeks and renoon, March 20, in honor of her mittee for the Council of Jewish turn to Omaha before going back daughter, Doris May, who cele- "Women, appointed Monday, a t ato-California in June. A meeting of the Junior Vaad brated her fifth birthday. Tho board meeting that, preceded the Auxiliary "eras held on Monday afternoon was . spent playing annual bridge luncheon at theHETURNS FROM VISIT evening, March 22, Et the B'nai games, .followed by refreshments. Jewish Community- Center. OthMiss Anne Hahn has returned Israel Synagogue. Ths business meeting consistT i e dining room table was deco- er members of the committee are from St. Louis, Mo., where she rated With spring flowers, and f a- the Mesdames Reuben Brown, J. spent three weeks visiting with ed of the anounceoent of, committee chairmenships by the presTors were presented to each child. H. Kulafeofsiy, Leon Fellman friends and relatives. ident, Miss Sarah German. and Sam Bertowitz. Selection 'of an additional GUEST FROM HOUSTON ' The committee's,, report, com- MOTOK TO OJ.IAHA Mr. and; Mrs. Herman "Wise of sponsor, Mrs. Carl Lagman and ' M i s s Dora Greenberg arrived prising a slate of officers to be from Houston, .Texas, to spend elected for the coming two years, Chicago and sons, Richard and the decision to.conduct a Friday the spring holidays with her par--will be made at the April meet- i Jack Stanley, motored to Omaha night service on April 30, in ents, Mi. and Mrs. J. Greenberg. ing, and the election, will be held to spend the holidays with Mrs. which the girls Trill participate in May. More than three hun- Wise's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.•vrere made. Following the business meeting dred women attended the lunch- Lipp. 25. B. T. MOTHERS' CLTTB Kabbi Milton A. Kcpstein save i eon and bridge which followed Mrs. S. Kaplan was hostess to the' first of his series of lectures j the Zeta Beta Tan Mothers' club the board meeting. Mrs. Sam on ths minor propneta, discussWolf was chairman and Mrs. at a 1 o'clock luncheon at her Mrs. Clarence Bergman's group ing "Amos, Prophet ol Soci?.l Henry Newman and Jock Cahn home on Thursday, March 18. of the Sisterhood of Temple Is- Justice." • Mrs. H. Ackerman will be host- co-chairmen. rael will be hostesses at a bridge Miss JRebecca Xirshenbatira ess a t the next meeting of the tea to be given Monday, April sang several selections aecompsndub., _ '.'..'; 19, at 1:30 p / m . , at the Black- ied by Miss Eetty Fellraan. The Moves Offices stone hotel, according to an an- next meeting of the Junior Vaad AT JOSIiTN Dr. S. A. Osheroff has moved nouncement made by Mrs. Berg- Auxiliary will be held on April An illustrated lectnre on Mexi-, his offices from 236 Medical Arts man, who willfeein charge of ar- 12. co : by Professor Eck Frank Building to Suite 411, Medical rangenjents. Schramm of the University of Arts. Through the influencs of Denis Nebraska will be given this SunSocial, Coltsral Group do Samuel, an English Jew of day afternoon a t 3:30 in the Brazil, the English -were given lecture hall at the Joslyn MemoThe play committee of the So-permission to erect a Protestant ; rial, .. • . cial and Cultural Group of thechurch in Rio de Janeiro. (Continued from page 1.) At 4 p. in. Martin "W. Bush Omaha Hebrew Club at the home fundamentally adjusted to Chris•will play the regular Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blacker, afternoon organ program,* assist- tianity. Judaism was not basical- Tuesday evening, March 30. ly a religion but a social and ecoed by Abram Dansky, pianist. Removed by Mr.'Louis "Wolk will offer a Multiple Elaetrsjyais .A' Franz Liszt program, spon- nomic regime of life. In the special treat in honor of his All Work GuarsntsstS sored by the Federal Music Pro- Nineteenth century Judaism took grandson. Marshal C. Fried, on CONSULTATiON FREE ject and directed by Mme. Thea on the aspect of Christianity.. We that evening. and ConfidsntUi . .| Mbeller-Herms, will be presented have inherited a Christianized apat 4:30 Sunday In the Joslyn proach to Jewish life. The essence 22 WcrSi'-Hcrnld "'c;^. At C"2 of Judaism has been lost once . , . Many Uzstsers&y Memorial lecture hall. All of. these activities are free the social and economic aspects • T h e final architect's drawing have been removed." ' . •"of charge. of the iirst building of ths new "Of late the Jews have develWILL PA¥ YOU Municipal University of Omaiia oped a nationalist approach, incampus was approved at an inOoBsalt herited a point of view chiefly formal meeting of the board of from ' Zionist and Yiddisbist Regents late in the week. sources that the Jew is basically The new H-sbaped building, in a. political group. Jewish nationGeorgian style, will be dominated alism is precisely the same as in on the- front by . huge pillars, any other European country and three stories in height. I t will has no relevancy nor desirability ANNOUNCEMENT - - be located on the highest point ef in tho United States:" the new campus, facing Dod^e "The Assimllatlonist approach street. The ground vdll be landsees the solution of; the -Jewish scaped in a long slope down is problem in the dissolution of Dodge street on the North, and Jewish people. This lacks histo- Elmwood Park on the East and rical perspective r.nd ia unreal. In South. .'.-.-.-
'Vaad Auxiliary
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Jr. Vaad Auxiliary
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Here's.a sale that gives you fashiom that are the newest of tlie new-—at a price that speafes for itpcl*.
Sizes 12 to 20
'. Audience Aroused
Omaha women, i3 xnth. the Aquila. Special models for matrons -who T7ear half sizes. FASHION CORKER OF OMAHA
America every group has the right to contribute to the American civilization." "The Jews have developed a technique for adjusting themselves under stresses of every Jdnd. .Today after centuries we are witnessing B normalization of Jfcvt'ish economic lifa." Sir. Schwara was Introduced by Harry A. Wolf. He is tho final outside speaker on the Jewish concert and lecture series -sponsored by tha.Educational committee of the 'Women's- division, of % the Jewish Community Center,
Swaggers • Fined Princess
Dawn Blue Shrimp. Thistle Nude Natural Navy Slack
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BIG SHIPS—This air view shows flv$ Atlantic monster ships tied up at once at Hudson River docks in New York. From foreground: Berengaria, .Georgic, Nonnandie, Rex and- Europa. More than 1,250,000 tons are represented here.
'J^.ST , r
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THIS BOS' STELL AIIVE—Ten minutes more ~nd this boy might have left school at ICEV London. Texas, alive and happy. But death lurked nsarby. Suddenly an explosion roared, from an ignited gas pocket. Walls leaped into a tangled mass of ruins. And in those ruins trsre Iruadrefis of youns; victir^sC Terribly injured, this "boy still alive is borne tenderly atray on a stretcher.
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Londonfc "r*rc,3Cls S>:phon3Jn, e 2r? c r"i«. \ £,,-. v . i l w ; i \ r«. Barrens' further cr™r» ; ~rt : c~; 'tie Tcrrcr r."\."r,.^r v &'.,:., bhown abo^-c, vriU £•? free fc—vf-rr t>s IX:1;? e" i ^ - r ^ o - r'i— '.-n~il 2T. This is c recent pxture cf her. <? ^- v p.-.or«.
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— New end hitherto THIS BUS WAS A DEATH VEHICIiE—Gay and carefree boys and girls rodain this bus en its way to the consolidated school at New London, Tcsas, the mornins of the worst echool disaster in ths nation's history. But it bore them to a rendezvous tritlf death. Eere it waits, unnecessary now, to take them home. In background, towers of the oil wells.
CXOSE-UP OF. ECINS—While the entire consolidated school at . New London, Texas, was wrecked, the part that housed the elementary grades was left standing. The high'school* department was completely demolished.
Albert Lebrun oi Frasce. LI. Lebrua stands in ths center c* vast unrest, &s Fcscists end CcrnmuEiists clash repeatedly in his country.
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» ~ i j i ^ * - . . . . . ^ . ' - X - . . r j . , - .-• .CARPET—A section of the $50,000 carpet to be used at King George's coronation ceremony in L Westminster Abbey, May 12. is A m F 0 B SWent brushed and rolled before ^ ^ INJUEEB—Fire trucks, automobiles, commercial trucks—any kind of vehicle was iPnvin'iT tho fcrtn^T o* r»t«^,«l pressed into Esrvioe at New London, Texas, to transport injured children to neighborir g hospitals and leaving the factory at Glasgow. arst-aid stations,-frqm the scene of-the school explosion. Other vehicles irere bearers of the Ccad, lor Scotland. > upward of 500 pupils and teachers -srere MUed,
Afrjccn ccio^" o£ lj-br& cslls si,«
^on to ih « bases at if. hair.
ii Italy so directed.
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ESIzlT SPUING FE1XING—Meet big Ed Brandt, Ley to the Pitts-t>ur£ii Pirates Diound staff, as he warms up durins spring practice st'Saa Ssraadlno, CaL Ed is a product of Spokane, Wzih. He weighs ISO. •
BEAUTY—Catherine Cscova, of Spanish descent, rrac voted crccs of the "Day in Sp2,in" ce'ebrr.tion cporscorecS by .the Garden Club ac St. Ausuctinc, ?Li. TL. ''city is Amsvicz's oldest, fc"C25cd to IBS,
re:%. :i?i. 'c:i'lr £" '~-"*-~ Jy £zz« rpx-^rd, i-i-vlrsrs ia-'d, tr,3 walls burst outward and the rool tattled "C^C'J: ^mia izio-a t^rrrl^i r-.a;.-. H*rj i-. s dcra-urt Tisr cf Btcsl a s ! coz:rcte ruins. Parents ftoai
»41, The viK be
H Dace Pledges~ Protection for
he : was recalled from. .Tunis be-jof Refuge for the Jews, on Grand pointed'various European Chief; it is the corner stone that land papers, ana on the'authn r of a Ion*- lisi of F T ' - - . - ^ cause as the president of the tTni- Island outside' the village of Buf- Rabbis as administrators of hia ! stands ia'the^E^IfElo" KtetoricEl 'scence* of 1VM- \n---p r---H{i •--,• ted States bluntly informed him falo. Always a -visionary, always oloay. Some J-ews looked upon Museum. ' 'chne-en le h ^ m ? m - e c io'Wp : he-r r - ' -> -onr "his religion made him unsuit-j primarily a man of the theater. I him-with tolerancs and anmss-: Dr. Goldberg has not only done : peli Kirch cf thVle^nV that h*« "v-'i-.-'W-'>-'•""''-V-or .^ , j he had his day of dedication, re- ; meat; others - declared him a a scholarly piece of work but has --OWE VV VOWA VtiV w ' m f " or : p" nofpb'p' 'r-^-i-'i-V' Tripoli, Libya- (WNS) —• In a able for the position." In Ms grand manner he at- plete with pomp and ceremony, j charlatan. Today all that remains' a great figure out ol Norh Nosh ~re -=r^o-" j * *8 ^Deci-'i : ' o *hfhVorVo' r ' Ar calculated effort to assure -world JeTTry in general and the Jews tempted to found Ararat, a City In a high-handed fashion he ap-1 of Ararat, all that ever came cf| Drawing on unpnblistied l e f t s ' : w u w V Hr^Trc "and "is th»! b u t " ^ the United %
Services scheduled for Congre- of Tripoli in particular that he gation Bnai Israel and Congre- rejects anti-Semitism, Premier gation "£eth. HamedrosL Hagodel: Benito Mussolini paid an official Friday, March 26, Maariipy at visit to the ancient ghetto of Tri6:30 p. m. poli and assured a throng of Saturday, March 27, Shachrlt, ol thousands of cheering Jews 8;S0 a, m.;; Mincha, 5 p. m.;: that "you can count on my proMaarty, 6:45 p . m . • ' tection.". -• , '. Suuday, March 2 S -(second day ; Completing hia tour of Libya, of Passover) shachrit, 8:30 a. m; Mincha, 5:30 p. : m. ' • Mussolini and hi3 entourage through flower-strewn ' At mornins services-of the first marched streets lined on both sides with day of Passover Rabbi Milton A. bunting and lanes of Jewish girls. Kopstein -will Epeal£ at the Beth II Duce also visited the Old N
- . , . . •
Rabbi Aldo Lattes declared that On the second day of Passover "Rome is just and pious and alat .morning services at the Con-ways has treated her sons as a gregation B'nai Israel, Rabbi great mother; d,oes." Mussolini's Kopstein will speak on "Four gesture to the Jewish communCJroup3 Claiming Leadership.'' ity, was particularly significant "Srynin" for the first born will because the Jews Tiere have been be held Friday, March 26, at S the victims of anti-Semitism in a. m. at the .Congregation ,B'nai recent months. _ " I Jewish, culture. Ke tdvocates re- ,*• I s r a e l . : .-._;_• ' •..' •'.."•; •'...•. ^ .. It was in Tripoli that" Jewish The knitted red outfit so ac=-Tision of the textbooks in vse in I . ' Cantor 1 A. Schwaczkin " and merchants were publicly whipped mired by nany of t h s ' I e a m e SuEfiar schools so that t t e child choir will conduct all services at on. orders of Governor Italo Balbo students at University cf Omaha : should be prepared to 1-^e hrrKnai-Israel.-' : ' : for refusing to obey an ordinance is worn by petite, Sopiomore \ ^^-n^xi^T ^ith his feUo-rr^r, tr ' f which, would hare required them Ruth' Coren, daughter of News teach them also the ire-rod rf -j to violate the Jewish Sabbath. • '.•; ;/-: : Beth-EI ' MerchEEt (I've got it) Meyer Cor- ; elevating the etE-ndard or Services' thi3 Friday evening For ilio taest cosapleto win cor-tribute frr^r-'en she is preparing for a begin at 6:15. There will selection o{ Jixtsres &a<I teachers course . . . Oscar Meyer- 'ti2e cereiopnert ot AmeriCFr r; 1- ', Air, g be no sermon. After the Service e Cc o" t u r e supplies ta tlio Kisweit owitch's absence irozs. the rs-fes j - Sch^arz' cpeatinp encrar»-' ( members of the Congregation will for every porposo visit tlaa or the J. C. C. bowlers last Tees- i ^ents follow at Denver tnd Pu- , go to their "homes for family nev. d a day eve-was excusable . . . quietly: e ^ J o - After the Pueblo visit he !< Seders. . Saturday morning Ser- Major Xoah: American—-JevrisH DIstribnted. by Pioneer. Dr. Isaac Goldberg, r nsmec he withheld the information that . "V5ri11 f I ^ t o Hollywood where he :, vjces "will: begin at 9 o'clock, Sathe was to wed a charmer from ; u " i i l conduct a Passover Seder ; ( \ urday evening at 6:15 and Sun-ish Publication Society St. Joe, Mo. . . . her casae is Hose i service amorg a Errotp of film i day morning at 9:00. American Jewry is extremely Liepmann . . . T h e ardent suitor notables including Norms Shearer/ Mr Ocr.Clilsr^.T-z Corp. -;':•• .•::"' Next W e e k / . , ' . -'. '• 1101 Douglas of Edith Schneider who bombards : Thalberg. While in the film city, ; < iThursday levening Services-will fortunate in the wealth of color104 No. ISth St. -„.„._,->— - r _ , ^ ^ the lass with cards, letters, books, i Sqhwarz will confer with " " begliKat S:15..TMday morning at ful personalities that characteriz' JA. 2724 fr AT.34S4 ed its' early life, in an «ra relaetc., is a Detroit s-;i. i Brothers ES liirn- * " '' JhOO and Friday evening at 8 etroiter Goldie SilES to the the plans ol of HimP r . . . nni.-lis 1 Terinan, poe o'clock. On Friday evening, Rab- tively free from demands of con)oeteB» £la Gertrude '.iE S '"?*? Eternal Road." fcT~—' bi Goldstein will give a Passover formity, the first Jewa in the TJnStein, is being squired by Billy j Bfixmon • entitled .-"Jfciow to Prevent Ited States were allowed to give Rosenbaura . . . add hand holder* j •o - ! Soul Erosion." Cantor Aaron Ed- free reign to their talents withGlittering-eyed Helen Shrier and ! Dr. .i.-nur Isaacs' Current Coir>gar and the Choir will conduct out fear of rebuke. Al Riinmerinan . , . Gertrude' Can- j suts contains zn article cosA product of his time was Mor-the Service. ar is the recipient of 13-psge mis- j cerning a nevr type of Insurance i " decai Manual Noah whose bioProsper CUZ.".~i?lQ:i | gives from a Minneapolis suitor, jt J l a t is startling is its rse. South r .On Saturday.morning, April 3, 1 "Say li Wilh Flowers" graphy, the first to be issued by Ii FLOGS ZZz f April number of Radio Stars n s g \ African Jews have rurchesed a ^ Tale, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Guaranteed for 20,000 features beautiful picture art in • policy which wKi iEfiemnify them ; ^ Harry Trustin will become a Bar the Jewish Publication Society, has recently been published un. .. . Miles , • the photo of our own Louise Fitch : sgainst the possibility cf South- | < Mltzvab. Mr. and Mrs. Trustin Ssai Covers fcr All Csrs « . . Dust, brooms, cleaning para- Iv e s t Africa going Nazi or South- | ^ •will receive In honor of their son der the title "Major Noah: Amer' - 49e and Up ican- Jewish Pioneer" by Isaac .following the Service. phenalia, pots and pans and piles ! ^est Africa beins repined by i ^ Most Complete Stock in Goldberg. of "chomitz" . . . and not a chair i Germacy. One policy vrith a pre- y. specializes is c e n t e r * Next Saturday morning, the City last day of Passover there is the Noah was a bit of a Don Quixamounting to feO.OOC.OC 1 pieces, carcEjes, fcseraS to sit on". . . you guessed it . . . ote Imbued with the romantic traditional Yizkor Service. Pesach cleaning!! . . . Mrs. Lucy j insures a l^siness man arrangeinoiits, •weddings, spirit that was rampant in the XiO-wens cut flowers, .. and potted early United States. To follow his I: SMermsn MHton Mcstcovltz Temple j -with her plants. career is neither tedious nor tire1919 Farnam S t . Services thi3 evening at the son^ leading as it does to 1 ploying: __ . . . Eleln Flesr Drandlcls Stsrs Temple will'begin at 5:45 p. m. strange corners of the world, and bro-K- -srhich causes her hearers to I destruction cf his hsme fcr ^s^.I WE-2929 and last until 6:15. convulse TTith l i g h t e r . . . The | agitators. Tor the Infonnation of to grandiose schemes and ideas. Regular Saturday morning eer- Noah was a native of Philadelyousg and attentive Council •sr readers, American insurance ;vices will be held at 11. Bluffs hoy frieEd -who takes the coinpaiiies can iafiemriiJy inerchphia, raised in the home of his .-".. Kext Week petite "Bsbe" to hear her Rabbi E-nts in the sane E2E,Ener, bet £ON the famous Jonas Next week at Friday evening grandfather, spent .every Friday eve . . . i s re- timately there is no suet coverPhillips, an "uncompromising" Rabbi David H. Wice triot -who had proved his mettle ceiving benign iooj^s . . . . and then nrlll speak .on "Would we Live in the * Revolution. In Noah's there is the STERLING chap •who Our Youth jigain?" ' \, veins flowed-the-Wood flf the SOPHIE (pua a y "word) . . . Tne proud Nunez family whose prothe arsusl FfcilsEtrcr.hieE: i Features SHampoo and Kazomir Society and their guests j genitor, a Portuguese court physFinger Wave and! drive, the Outstanding Jevish £C-j^ ician, had eludeil the guards of their card party 27th 5 fi,i3rtlsa KA. the InQuisition and joined Oglewitii a tirity of the rear. Tfco" tte car dance at the Center Brass, Bronze Aictr.inKm, ScTi I: • By .BAY SOHAEEO'. , here?, cs as fenr thorpe's colonists in Georgia. Grey iron ana Scml-Steei Csit. ninnber of younger persons ia at- ; pa:s;xL p_ Permanent Wares at dance . . .'Rose Novak, a •nss. Woaa ana Metal Patterns r e - i tbcsiEStic division te'fis Ere El- f ^ . The political career of the Maten Standard sizes Bronze En3 Iror ; The Midwestern AATT singles jor began In Charleston where $3.50 end Up i ycMg lass; is the president! ready E t j c r i . J^Je^J^^J \{ Bushlnss, Sewer ManhcEss. Cittite handball "tournament is -still in the Code of Honor brought him tern Rings and Covers, Clean, 7XG Drandals' Theatre oat Doors. Sash weljjhts and of the group progress with the singles tourna- several challenges. An opponent YelSow Erssa Plam&ers' Ferment scheduled to be run off to- of the 4dea of duelling he managruiss, carries fn stock, Ersrsse Tablets, Broms sna Cast Iron day. Those remaining in the ed to settle, his early difficulties ATT-5S33 Grilles a «psc!a!ty. handball play in the quarterfi- amicably but finally he did apnals are one Y. M. C A. 'swat- pear on the field of honor. The ter and three center athletes challenge had been issued by ana n d n o t ,>-«- . .__ *. ~ + - T - J . They are: Bob Wurgler, Jake other Jew, Samuel Kantor. the cMldreiL cf t t e Tatand Torah] Aboje ft.lle. us cnp.ica,.e or.r s u e Schriebman, Jake Adler and Her- As American Consul at Tunis School of History and Religion . . | ces^.Ui ar^re v^ ^ s ,^o..o bert Marks. The Midwestern with a characteristic bravado he at their model Seder last Ev.3.£s.T* \ _, ,.„ . „ _handball affair hag been run off defied the piratical Bey of that . OLIAHA'S FINEST i US very smoothly and the matches t h e n powerful Mediterranean OITT Eorr.ination of a jrirl TheSPECIALISTS lave been played as per schedule. state. _ ;" frOZl GlT0» possesses s certsic brand of -etlieSI LLIARDS—SNOOKER IN Dear Ab: | real cbsrra that has endeared few Elected sheriff of New York, he POCKET BIUL1ABDS .Jt ii true that I a n esgagred to Jt 0 t i e t e s r t s o j many persons;" set at liberty the imprisoned debThe Center physical departFURNACE OIL All New Streamline - Tables a very lcrely-girl, and « are to : gajjy jjorgan, irhass cepr,rti;re ment will be closed on the fol-tors during an epidemic that AND RestaurEiri-i-Bar. he E&rrled ia Kay."I appreciate s j o r g a s Francisco, Cslifc-rnia, lowing days due to the Passover threatened their lives, all the Direet Wire On All your -wire and icps that'you -will j j ^ ^ t s a IOSE cf one of Omaha's holidays: Saturday and Sunday, while forgetting he was responsi^sortina Events ba hero for the occasioa. I £.m j esthusiastic T-orters oag the March 27 and 28, and on Friday ble for their aggregate debts. His Uadles Especisiiy Invited contemplating on baying a_T£.ach | r O T : n E e r S£ t. A test.iEior.3E and Saturday, April 2 and 3, un-political. activities brought him to of r •-,' r o| Tammany where he became a j^, ior ty and there settle-do-vrn to &J-its J y the i ? E tjl 6 p. m. on Saturday. er t t K egarc i j~£eiEj}erB Sachem in that powerful organpeace- and conteEtEisst. Kegarcs of the Jrinior Counc ol :< n:Sc? a ©ccl Co. BILLIARD AND LUNCH f i d j friends. ization. TTosien which V;EE else at- • to all ny Os 1313 Fzrnsm St. WE S423 J. C. C. BOWLING'. *7 pal, tended "by t t e heeds of the Senior I Politics were not the limits of - Panthers __._.!8 ; 12 .....Noah's life. He aspired to be the George organisation. As presiaeEt ct tfce j Lions . 16 14 Junior Council, Jliss Morga-'s \ most popular playwright of his Bears --15 "•• '•IS T eathnsiasm EES cooperE-tion ere- j day, and his extravagant producever Greetings Tigers ;_._.....12 • 18 tion, gained fame throughout the A gootea Toatill!i Today I. J ated coEFideranle activity Z3- zee The Lions are slowly but sure- colonies and were even produced "Erev Pesach" . . . ETCH the mild.; E rcur. VVe ;o,n the c r r m u i t ; ly gaining on the leading Pan- after his death. One had enough believers in the Seder -will ££tfe-r j feeing vCr brz ^ y l ; : , ME17 thers and have hopes of taking merit to be revived in 1932 by srouiid ths IsstlTS fcosrd E.EL par- j "thein out'of first place before the the students of Columbia UniverCLCANINQ take of t i e xarious loofis that .•:•'.' ' : season ends. -Tuesday night the sity. svraboliiE ths Passover, holiday. Effective March 1, 1 Lions- ewept two out of three During the great era af early There is a certain spirit of renr- I ^e_ r:,,-] w-,1 - c ^.^ ~^«.,_^ '<<--<-' 15th a IJarncy IX S2.4S Men's 2 or 3-pIece suits...$..SO gaiaes from the PaDthers'and are journalism, JNoah -was the 'Grand ioas'solifiarity asd hopeful spirit iOT E S . f r r r c r -JJ-J-J- vrr'ker. bt t Suits and trousers 1.30 Omaha's Largest tna tf.cst now only a few games behind the Mogul' of the editorial world, his Single trousers .45 | for the future ia the general r0u-.lT5a.-~y -lersi-^eld. t u r c r ct rrarr Ccmplete Store^e snsl Auto Women's 2-piece t u l t . s . . . .so leaders. * ;, • . .-:..'' . \ -. ?• scathing pen making Mm a varj tine ol "the evening. Of course : i B —, rrct:s Vi'ICzs tr'-:. " c - c"Supply Stor» Plain dresses . . ^ . . . , .SO iety of enemier. Hose Franklin chalked up a Men's hats ,., .65 ] tbere is a greater Eig-nificsnce ^or ;g 0 £ : l e>-{Cr L j ! - r : . p ; : ; CT cl r~;c O Tlras O Washing pair of games at 210 each for a Women's hats 50 Yet Noah was primarily, a Jew, I the paresis and children, vrho E?e :R s e . i C - r _ ^ ^ ^,- t l f :fC> jv-. : , • Tubes e ( S S i total of 536..His third Despite his political and journ|1 deeply concerned -with, the ritual; ^ a s . c o r _ t £ r ^ r •-, c - rr . irr -- •».,- Tvo « Accessories © game of 116 marred hi3 chance o£ aliotic distractions, he still had istic phase of Passover . . • ^ s s s ; mov> r r - T 1 - vt"'-> i" ITo"'-1 Teaching the 600. total for three tome for the synagogue and_ he AT the matzos, please . . . | wood. K:s -^^crrlrr- «c : f r : i . games; became the spokesman for the Co. 2CJ1 r.:a j e r j.ile reoen'.Ir ccnT' Due to some fine bowling by rapidly growing New York Jew•Inspires AdtdS 'H&Datios Jack Melcher tha Beara: defeated ish community. Ha advocated Strictly "di the. record" state- i the VLW the last place Tigers two out of Jewish schools and a Jewish UniI lE-* AV' '.5i£' : <!: il j three to continue to remain in versity and he anticipated the nade at a luacheoa gatheriEg fcy ; sevo-d third place one. game behind the birth of the Reform movement in ' I^eo S c h -w a r z, iatematioaally ' gat'-E-i" j second place Liona. .'. Melcher had this country. v ir^zifd author and writer. His jfte*<-«-p a grand total of 60ftfor /the night His fame as a Jew rests 'upon ; r " - ^ X'rt " „ _ c» •—•" ,_ _„ „ . „ ,siriort talk gives is a converEa- ; Ah= *Ir; with games of 214, IS8. 19S..His! his visions _ for Jewish coloniza-j *!• ! iioaal BESier proved ES enter- ; ori^c cr average to 'date is 1751';_^_ ' jtion. His years abroad had im-' \ * I i=:sing as his lecture later ia. the ; sad ' a-: Fleener bowled 214 ari3";rPaul pressed upon him the sorry plight' I" j evening. Sch-srars's vie-wpoists at 1: ber? Steinberg had 201 for other in- of the Jews of many countries. J i Ihs ..liincheoa caused surprise O Cv/cst C^t*cr dividual high single games. / . Bven .ho had felt the stiag when 6EP35 several ~~?*ent and a verb- • o Dated t"i::i Oar faaoral psr'cra are al clasa resulted. Tfec rtatenents Zi-t O Soar Crccru fcrcscliesl la faatno-liks tho* of en EEtDiiEiins vrre JTC and raany otker projJt2cts faskicn. l"sh!y iatercEtlns ar.J inlcrnic- Ilerr^" noli your grocer or call . the. Loolilns '"cry auch iice n tht C."
TfsQ Brasdels
Flower Shop
'. Supply Stores..
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For . . .
Ws nava Epsrcc! neiiher 13!" expepss In c'evsJopti^ every ch^sa cf our ssrvise.
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Pago 9
6:30 o'clock. Cantor Pliskln will £f iirtii ii iiitiidi Ului Ji'*i.*inieiVi ii iJiiiwiiii chant the Passover, Ritual at the services. . ••. •: Mr.- a n d Mrs. " M. ,Rlf kin, 903 There- will be no Junior Con- South Paston street, entertained from a mob of slaves fleeing from ^j^",gregation service tomorrow morn- more^taan 300'friends at an..o|sen itself ia the- deserts of the .world ^ ',j ing, nor will thero be any session house- Sunday afternoon, honorInto a people—a people forever- j ^rfces* OISS AfTOA P i l l , eonespcadcal of the Sunday School ; Sunday ing their daughter MIs3 Ruta Rifmore ct peace, and loving-kind- j a ^ ^ j morning. ' •-.'.kin, w-hose-engagement to.-Sani E. aess'to'all'mankind, but a people • tg^i A la'rge, congregation attended Epstein, soa of Mr, and Mrs.'T. Fund" boxes nest-Monday, March Passover vcalr ec^ins today, eo strong by virtue o* its raoral | g ; .t 29. Mrs. J. N. - Krucger- is chair- the Junior Congregation annual E. Epstein, S42S Correctlonville March 28, sad appropriate serv- oaesess, so trelfied into a stsgle j J^se e ^ man of the bos collections. She service last Friday evening in the Road, was announced that day. ices will usher in the holiday this moral force of many million Trills | e will bo assisted by Mrs.. Sam-Bar- synagogue when children of theThe wedding will be a June event. evening at 6:30 o'clock at the that truly like a river swollen by' i S 5 £ ; The bride-elect is a graduate Chevra B'uai. Yisroel synagogue on and Mrs. Meyer Marks who are Junior congregation conducted ^ assisting in the arrangements, tho entire service under the direc- of East High school and attended at 618 Mynster street. On Satur- the mountain thaws It will flood the land of its need and hope and j *" tion of Mr. Eisner and Miss Res- the University of Southern Caliand a number .of. Senior Hadassak day, the morninjr services will be aspiration and sweep into f crget- J * Class to Make Addresses in membera who will canvass the ser, .Instructors of the Talmud fornia at Los Angeles. . ( held at 8:30 o'clock, and at 6 : '. English, Hebrew, and Torah. .'C&n'for for the service was fulness a wilderness of colonial j Hi Mr. Epsteia, also an East high Jewish homes in the city. o'clock in the evening. The traYiddish Lipshutz and Rachel Gins- "graduate, ia a graduate accountsecretaries and their immoral ,.^9' The committee j s urging every Burton" berg acted as master of ceremon- ant of LaSalle: University, Chi- ditional Seder service; will be paaderiEgs to pciicy. ca.i RTn Jewish family to co-operate with held ia aany bosses'both Friday —Six^ students of the Sioux City ies. Addresses, recitations and cago, and is associated with the • ' AH r i g h t . So far, so good— j^b FC them by having their bos ready songs Talmud Torah; members of the were included in the serv- Booth Fisheries corporation here. and Saturday evening following or fcad. B u t 1 TroJild n o t end. my \ ' *""" for the women who-will make the the services at the synagogue. • graduating class, .will receive ice. '.'.'• '• • • •. • . . . . • He is regional deputy .for Iowa long trip a n d ray seeisg of many ! . , , c a l l s . . ; ' • • • ••-.' their diplomas at graduation exservices and Nebraska of the A. Z. A. andwillOnbeSunday J held at 8:30 o'clock at the e w s ' again Quite oa t h a t note, I j Elmer j ercises to be held pext Tuesday advisor of the Sious City A. Z. A.synagogue. say to those who complain; I s&j j j ' ^ ' v •. Tiphereih -Ismel ;'- chapter. evening, March "30, 'at 1'8 .o'clock IEOSCHWARZ ADDRESSES i • • to those valiast -souls trio t a r e | ilarrj-: In the Jewish Community Center. B'NAIB'RITH ••••• • the JewiBlx vr&y &sd who j J l a < J l s s i ! Passover \services at.Tiphereth A large crowd attended the David Kuntz will deliver the Ere desperate so oftea over the j Valedictory address in Hebrew. V Speaking before-an open meet- Israel will be held. ; tomorrow ;. Mr. and Mrs. L. Montrose, 1015 open meeting- sponsored'"'by the Esther Rivin will give an address ing sponsored by the local" Bnai morning. Rabbi S. Bolotnikov will' Thirteenth street, announce thtj Council Bluffs lodge No. 688 of £lownes3 of the same process in j in English.-Bob Pliskin .will give Brith lodge, Leo' Schwarz, writer speak Saturday morning on a engagement of their daughter, the B'nai Brith held Monday eve- jothers: "Reineisber, Jews are c\c AKcficv a recitation from the Chapter ot and' educator, stressed the im-Passover subject, and again Sun- Miss Agnes Montrose,, to Mr. ning, March 22, at the Eagle hall. people. T i e world is what it is, ? 3 7c ' BHlp. Isaiahf. in. Hebrew. Toby Nadler portance of adult education in a day afternoon at Tiphereth Israel Frank Polaykoff, of Kansas City, Mr. Leo W, Schwarz of New York Tne emancipation (so-called) j _ „_„_ Missouri. -Miss Montrose is mak-City- was the principal speaker fooled and betrayed us—cur ! ^ ^ ^ l i wil speak in Yiddish, and George program- for a- positive~Judaism. at .4:30 o'clock. Harlo'w "wffl'present a gift-from Mr. Schwara spoke: on "The Asher home in Kansas City. No' and honored guest. Mr. Schwarz fathers, our grandfathers. It is j she^total f h wedding ddi h the graduating class to. the Tal- pects of the Jewish Situation in date for the has been ia a noted lecturer and author, hafd to believe that that period j ^-e^4fsta Junior Hadacsali set mud Torah. . and gave a very inspiring address is over; it is card to envisage t i e j ctpai psac« Europe." « Mr. Jack London, president of . M'rC Edwin Baron, president of His At a Board Meeting of the JunHebrew School witt preside and the Bna.i Brith lodge, presided at ; Mr.:'and.Mrs. J. Jacobson. have tion .ncipation and sell- j ior Hadassah chapter, held Monaddresses will be made by sever- the meeting and "introduced the returned from Los Angeles, Cali- traveled extensively and gave his emancipation is at feanfi. And j day evening In the Jewish Comal representative members of the speaker. An open forum followed fornia', where they attended the munity Center, plans for the com- wedding of their daughter^ Pran- viewpoints on subjects of inter- many of the prizes of the -world, ] community. est to the community. Following the address... ing weeks were made. ces Jacobson to Hy Mintzer of his address, an open forum was frhica only unpractical fools will The Talmud Torah choir will The' regular March meeting will New York Ctyy. Mr. and Mrs. s i n g a group of Yiddish, English held. Mr. Nathan Gilinsky, pres- fcelittle, seen—thougli it is only be held "Wednesday evening, Mintzer will make their' home in J. - Cohen Dies and Hebrew songs. The choir is ident of the S'nai Brith, intro- seesiEg—to be set upon trying I March 31, in the Jewish Com- Los Angeles. composed of the following studduced the speaker. Dr. Isaac to get by ivitli the old humiliat- \ .Jacob Cohen, .815 Sixteenth munity Center. Featured on; the ents: George' Harlow,'" -Rachel Sternhill acd Mr. Millard H. isg and discredited aethods. | program for the meeting will be Ginsberg1, Sadie Shvld,' Thelma street, a resident of Sioux City Mrs. A_ J . Galinsky returned Krasne were ia charge of the pro- Imagine, if you can, any ether \ a presentation of a Puppet Show Shindler, laadore Shindler, Esther 1 for 28 years/, died last Thursday this week from Cleveland and grcap o£ people that you know by, the N. Y. A. Miss Rosalie Hiviri, Morris Lass,. Toby Nadler, -morning in his home, following Chicago where she' visited with gram. I being asked to s a k e vh&t is at Sacks will be In charge of the tior ou are Harry Nadler, Paul *Matlin, Mar- a lingering sickness. He' was 60 friends. Bernice Galinsky vill arbottoia a metaphysical fiscision the fiih ds program. Sam Karcaomsky r e t u r n e di . . . ; . vin Matlin and Bob Pliskln. They years old.*. . rive in the city this week from BE' EEd t0 a conrersioa stei•nEtein, The Cultural group will hold the University of Illinois, to spend home Tuesday from Minneapolis, i t b a t c s n rexperience n. also Mr. Cohen was born in Russia. liave beea directed b y the ino t fce Minn., where Us attended the D i s j ' esperienced £lor,g file 1 on tl structors of- the EChool, Misa Bes- After coming to the United States their meeting on April 7, with her spring vacation with her parBEjr s a w d E t Ft trict No. 6 regional convention of I ^ trail, but test re- ^<Ies th ' he aie Resser and.Mr. N. Eisner. • he lived In-New York City for Mips Florence Major hostess. ents. the AZA. He was the official j 5Kires scnipuloas and nnconven-1 April 11, the Junior Hadassah two years before moving to Sioux City. He was the proprietor of will join with other cities in the Miss Mina Slotsky will arrive delegate of . the Council Bluffs | tioaal thintisg, in a sense revolu- j J£ f i e ollow sic c esc-ib <3 annual Jewish National Fund tc-v the Murray Hall Grocery. this week from -Iowa City where chapter No. 7 of the AZA. Lttiosary thinking and the I>c "8 ' - r-irV « Survivors, include the widow, Flag day drive. fts, caiaE AdC i m to ' she is enrolled a t the University < r>al - s. r Simon Krasne, who was ill at i premises, opiates, rof Monday evening, April 12, a of Iowa, to spend her spring vaLena; ason Nathan, and a daugh* O-nrlD i e tne Jennie Edza-acdson hospital j viatiens, easeiaents ter, Miss Ida. Cohen, all of Sioux Round Table and forum will be decision her parents, Mr. andfor the past week, is now conval-; that held with an outside speaker ad- rs. c i t y . • ' .' ; • " • • ' . • • ' must seea. athletic snd £l-!E P f C. Slotsky. escing at the home of cis tiaugadressing the group.' cr ' r Funeral services were .held last fcleak. tasgias any other J The-Inter-Club Council is of- Thursday afternoon in .the Shaare The monthly Board .meeting , Mr. Max Pill of LeMars, Iowa, ter, Mrs. Abe Rosenberg, 4l£ group of human beings faced by j fering three prizes to the winners Zlon synagogue with Rabbi H. R. wlllbe held on April 19, in the South Ninth street. P'* bpsr p is visiting in Los Angeles, Calisuch a situation. Would they do j of the youth essay contest which Rabinowitz and Cantor A. Pliskin home of .Miss Ruth Mars. fornia, with his son, Ben Pill. is being launched this week.. For much better than Jews? Wculd i An afternoon tea for the Young Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson the ;:best; essay submitted, the officiating. ths- t a, r.ea.ring bs Judea group is planned for Sun- Mrs. Mai Rosenstock, 503 entertained 30 guests at a "Pid- they do as well? Would the rici i tior ., tl notice t' •writer-will receive $25.00 in cash, be more generous or t i e snobs j reqisire.a b:r law, :'s day afternoon, April 25. The proyon Ha Ben" at their home at Twenty-ninth street spent several! the- second best- will, be awarded TiTig gram for this tea will be given 600 Roosevelt Avenue Sunday more capable of the grace of ha-1i lifts.Ml ana •:-fnrther •with'-a-prize-of §10.00,-and the days in Omaha this week, visiting terc1 CEi tate he flisp by Young Judea members. mility or the tcoaglitless more j ssjc afternoon, March 21, in honor of third will be awarded a gold medwith relatives and friends. OU Members of the-A.>Z. A..chaptherefotheir month-old grandson, Larry willing to take austere aad strea- h eTa ringrare wi U be hs ter conducted the Friday evening E t t h e Co ur.ty Cc. Brian Meyerson, son of M/. and'.IOUS t h o u g h t ? . . . Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. Participants eligible are all service at Mount Sinai Temple Nation&l Registry ' Con:ntr. O E the "re Mrs. Leo Meyerson. Among the; No, I aia not hope-i-ess of our 'CiOC a t S o Lk A. M Kanofsky gave a dinner recently Jewish. students of high school, last week, w£en several of the E p p ear £t s out-of-town guests present were j people. I am, upon the whole, ; fail p7,^toage and may'select a subject from, Alephs - read -the ritual and ad- \_ Bhie-White Boxes in the Sunset Cafe honoring them ^ I. t 1? S ecu irt mj~:'5 on the occasion of their- twenty- Mrs. L. Wolinaky of St. Joseph, ! proud of our people and glad of: Cov. the following themes: ( I ) New dresses on Jewish, life were givdeciree of ' fTHBt Mo., mother of Mrs. Leo Meyerj ple EDSJ wfcen' I've rested o a r p e o Economic Opportunities for. the en bySldney Kalin and Joe MarNew York (WNS)—A nation- fifth wedding anniversary. Pol- son, and Mr. A. Stone and Mr. -ErojI1 - t h ! s tTip r n a a s w e r &s*\n fart:her aclimini"trsi b® din Jew; (2) Why be Loyal to My al box clearance week to' obtain lowing the dinner, .the guests adMrs. William Stoae, also of ;m h a , , - p a t i e s o e t h e nzms toolis^ Plans for, the-comlng month for a register of thevblue-and white journed' to' the" Kanofsky home People?; (3) Has Jewish Life in Joseph," Mo. , ''.'.'.' . America a Future? These subjects^ the chapter include a series of Jewish National Fund boxes • in for .a, social evening.., silly old questions ' in the hope •were especially' chosen for their j Saturday night dances culminat- Jewish homes throughout the U c0ln ® when'.they Mrs. William' Slosburg of. Los 1 ^ ^: day. broad scope in that they; allow j ing in a Sweetheart Dance in May country will begin on March 29. Mrs. S. Baron is visiting this ESfeed Angeles, Cal., is spending the j the entrants to show their origin- when the A. Z.jA. Sweetheart will The national box register aims^ to jweek in Aberdeen with her sonality in thought, as well as re- be elected. Chapters from neigh- establish more intimate' contact! in-law and daughter, Mr. and mouth here visiting at the home of her brother-in-law and sister,! MONSKY, GHOOfKSKY, KTARER boring cities, will. be. invited to between the* JNF- and ithe boi Mrs. S. Sudow. ' »r search ability. COHEN, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Rosenberg, sad ' • . ' . 'V -.* • The rules are few and simple. the dance. holder and to create the possibiliAttorney* her father, Mr. Simon Krasne. [Each, entry must be typewritten, A new-class of members will'be ty of a closer and more systemat- . Miss Dorothy Epstein is in • XOTJCE IS • HEREBT GIVEX that! 'double spaced and written on one initiated, in the near future and ic scrutiny of the methods of dis- Sioux City spending her spring the Tindersigned have fon^ed a. cor- j Mrs. Millard Krasne enter- poration. pursuant to the Laws of the! ;side of the sheet only. Thewords | any young man between the ages tributing and clearing the reposi- vacation with her parents, Mr. 15 children at ner home at State ci Xebrsska.. The name of the I • are minimized at • one thousand ! of 15 and 21 desiring to join, is tories for small coin contribu- and Mrs. Tom Epstein. She is en- j corDcratSon Is TWELFTH STREET and the maximum is set at fifteen j asked to get in touch with a tions to the land redemption rolled in the University of Min-436 South First street last Satur- COMPANY, with its principal place i us of business in Omaha.. Nebraska.' *Z^hv day afternoon, March 20, ia hon'hundred. • ; ! member of the executive commit- fund. nesota, at Minneapolis, objects 'or which this corporation is or of her daughter, Tharaa L«e, formed are: to inslaiain end operate, i The . committe has selected tee of the A. Z. A. chapter. ' The register was decided _ upon • three able judges in Rabbi H. R. celebrated her eleventh a general resi estate business: to en-1 by the administrative committee Mr. and Mrs. Ray Friedman, who ffage In ths fiKands! investment End; Kabinowitz, Rabbi Theodore N. birthday. The afternoon was weerity btisires?; to cngng-e In End i in connection with the JNF's 35th 208 West Fifteenth street, anShaare Zion conduct a busineps for the pisrpo^e of i :; Lewis, and Mr. Max Brodkey. In anniversary this year. nounce the birth of a daughter on spent playing games, followed by selling1 at retail sndJcr wholesaJe, i ; speaking of the contest the judges refreshments. There are: 800,000 Jewish merchandise ofvevery kind snd char- | March 20. Because of the Seder service in acter. The Company shall have EU• u r g e d all young men'and women homes; throughout the world In the homes this; evening, no late thnrltr to borrow money and issue' A Iarge cvor d eligible to participate, stating which these boxes are "to. be Mr. and Mrs. William Gilinsky j -' attended the evidences of indebtedueBS therefor. Friday evening services will be '[ that such a -project, in itself, is Tho ti>tS-l authorised capital Etoek Js . are expected to arrive, home thi3;: community charity__ dance, sponheld tonight at Shaare .Zion. The found. 00, par value $100,00 per share. } self-informative and constructive sored by the Council Bluffs lodgeIn the United States'the boxes Xfte corporation Kjiali 1 coanmeiice buRjweek after a trip to California. early service will begin at fi:30 'from a Jewish standpoint. The nesa upon the filing ci Its Articies No. S8S of the'B'aai Brith, which last ten o'clock. , . _ • ' . . • - . . ' j yielded f427,600 in the v with the County ClerK of Douglass J closing date of the contest has •s?as held at the Hotel Chieftain .County, years. , * KebraskK, and gh&ll continue' , Saturday morning. and Sunday ; LOSS OF: CITIZENSHIP ijjjeen chosen as May 10 th. Wednesday night, March 24. until January 2. 2037. Tfa<> highest : morning-the service.will begin a t ] amo-uzit c* indeb4edn(>?s shall not eS FACED BY NAZIS Freddy EbeE'er'a orchestra played c.eed fvro-thlrds of the capital stock. 8:30 o'clock. Saturday morning FEDERATION BOARD for the dance, -which tras very This restriction shall not EPP'J' to in- j HERE J SenioF.Hadassalt- Rabbi ' Rabinowitz will speak on : 'MEETING MONDAY New York (WNS> —Aimed atj successful. The entire mezzanine The number of members or the BosriJi "The Test for Freedom." Sunday was r V the By-Lawn,! The Senior Hadassah chapter morning his subject will be reserved for this affair. shall be provided f oEdrpJniFtpr The March- meeting of the German-American Nazis . w h o ! floor ths s i - ' l start its Tegular Passover col- "Striving . for. Freedom." ' Satur- Boards of Directors of the Federa- have'participated in German elec- Simon Stelaberg was general ! which Eoard' s i r s ot t h e cor T lection of the Jewish National day evening services will begin at tion of Jewish Social Service will tion and plebiscites, especially in Chairman " ' fholders Toration. The stock-! shall' hold their ET.rr.j3i mest-| ins the £scoRd Tuesday in i-e&maryi be . held'.next Monday evening, the Saar, the House of Repreof each year &n& elect Directors. The' Eoyal Scottish Academy Director? shall elfct preBiiJfttt. Vice-] March 29, in the Jewish Com- sentatives passed the Dickstein Seoretarj- End TreaB-arer. Edinburgh, Scotland — Benno' President. munity Center. E. N. Grueskin, bill which would deprive of their Th* Articles rr>ay be a-rnenfied iipon j president of .the Federation will citizenship all Americans who Schbtz, eiaiaent sculptor, h&s notice es provided for. Ths corpora-' vote in foreign elections and pleb- i been elected to the rack of ECE- tton shsJi haxe a SPEI. preside. Date-3 dfamjary Jlst, 18S7. iscites. ' demician ia the Royal Scottish HAKST B. COHEN, ^ ^ . The bill is now before the Sen-Academy, the first '3sv: to bs so ' E. ECirPTASTS, Incorporators. honored. ate for final action. 3-!2-4t :
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The Speech Class of the Ladies jps^^s^ssS^iisS^SsstfSas^^ Auxiliary of Shaare -Zion Trill meet next Monday afternoon la the synagogue social hall under, the leadership of Mrs. Ruth | Kres3. Mrs. Frank Epstein is chairman of the group.
Monet Sinai
FOE HEALTH, PLS/ISURE AND REST SjssctS o C?»5K=>.fcsaWiJuS»esiS»OB ct At «vcf-pe»u!si H « Sprinjj NcStcnet Ptrff £?i3 c! (!:a Nets iLsjirair), oStieh Kj> txen cemsUtely aaitiruztd to meet te-
csr?s-.7'» crcsi* yrt stil ecniss ca thj UcdiSic-d Kinjiway lisip;i«!i(y R-,-3 yesii d!3 IsssIA l y t!rh!in3 t r j (uthnj in l!is fRsdisins! wdos c? «6 v)s;'J-kr.ZJ3 KcJ Spfinjii, wli:ch o s sorcfRaieal tspznted. Fcf Vei« tiifsfen hem Kjh t l s i J pKusrej naifiij, ihonRs&si «nd c'noi diiaiders ha»a fc-jrj feifj E s l i a if.s hz\ht t'«s irr!efr.o!;cs;!'y losjwn AAtnsn tpa effcrdj l!i« c?p:f&rJlv k?i ipiriSed si!«sJ» ovei UeM tS brs»'.S.u!ii,-,3 b i i ^ y . H--3 EKrio'j fB«3 sc—^ eevuJrysidi in uijp, else/ i!wr;Bti'jR3 efesJs s^, Lr.'i'.£3 yes. Vcu csf2 ycares'J a ye^Ji end heattS »e:!efi«3 »8ie:is.i
!t!jt en '.!••: fc^n?;:» of He» Spii.i;s istlcrs.
There Trill be no servicea at Mount Sinai Temple thi3 evening because of the Seder services held In the homes. Tomorrow" morning; Passover cervices vill bo hold at tlao Teaplo at 10:30 o'clock. Rabbi LcTTb will Gpealc on a Passover thenie. There v/iU be no Sunday School session thin Sunday morr.iajj. • Rabbi Lewis spol:e at Rock Rapids last Thursday morning.
O A -W£l-:WJTi&A*
- More, than-200 people attended the card .party given .-by 'the Sisterhood, of'--;SIount-'- Sinai ."..Tempie Wednesday eveaing. in the'Temple ' A n n e x .
. • ' . "'.._.. : . ' •
• . .'. ,
.-.' Mrs.-'M.1 Marks aud Mris.. A.. M. [ Davii3 .were'-te:-charge .el tae, s4a~ j ersl: • arrangesaents'.. Mrs." .'-Jack I Robinson' and Mrs., -Morris- Tf eiacr were: in -charge of= the tables anfl Mrs, H.-F£s&sall, rs?rssJjn$eats.