April 2, 1937

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Tlala column lo copyright by tba .-•gavea Arts' Feature-Syndicata.- KoSjroaaetioa la whola or. in part strictly forbidden. Any Infringement .oa t h i s -copyright- will - ba prosecnted. '' •' • -~ \ " - ' •J'SRaCH-vANB-.THIS .,-. It -is u p t -so; very many -years .: ago -that--Jewi:,thought"-they, could . celebrate;.Pesach:in a purely his.torlcal or,; as the. foolish-phrase goes,.;merely TjeligiDUB sense. All .or nearly, all the.hapes' f or libera-ations Qt.mankind seemed to have .beencaccomplished; and. the.liberation of j.ewTy to be nearing:completion. ,We -were unfree in-countries themselves still unfree. These, -were • known as the backward,countries, and everyone expected them to catch • up day after -tomorrow, if not tomorrow with the ideals actually achieved in all - that -part of ' tb^o Western world -which, - by~tbe "common^consent rof ;all mankind, had reached a height and glory hitherto un-

EB EaecasS •Ctesa £Ea3i Matter oa January -21. 1521. a t • ojOmaha. jjebrasaa. ender tha Act it March S; 1879

Zio Taikj -i;iomst/-I l




» the Talmud Torah may tr*' i y V *>p~ si <: niEie zX the Jefrisn Community Center. Beginners clasV-r- w*> *A ^ - ^ S rrsasr- ses Ilorris will be held this semester. The Up in Cospetitioa sannaer session of t i e Talmud i Youths Torah always begins iEnieSiately ; « A « , « ; after Passover. i „, **"' Dr; Ben Zion Mossinsohn, one :s. &*fe J£Vf* ^ ^ C? **• Morton Margolin, son. .of Dr. * . «fc«* *«* S ^ i m x ,h, t< Speakers have visited the v£r- j of Palestine's leading educators, and Mrs. Morris Margolin, •sras 1—F I ' Q ions synagogues to ejsphasie the ! will speak at an open meeting .at declared winner, of the Oratorical importance of a Jewish education I e GLLL 1 LLLli I the Jewish, Community Center, Contest sponsored by ths Eoand ] for the young people of the com- j __ Tuesday April' 6, at 8:15 under ,.'ith a variety of talent rangTable of Jewish Youth and the munity. the auspices of the Omaha Disj icg Irora acrobatic EEC tap f,s/neOmaha.T^odge of B'nai 3'rith, last) trict'of the Zionist; Organization 1 ing- -to crocning; acd ir.clcfiir.gMonday night. of America and the local lodge j violin and piano vituosos and Morris Kirshenbattn -was ranrun- f p f i' < \ : l v\ of B'nai Brith. Dr Mossinsohn's cr t ^1 F - - ^ j voices Ijrio and basso, Omaha's ner-up. Other contestants vrere topic will b© "The Crisis in Pali T Ct j budding g-eEiiises will vie -pritb JLeo Jieyerson of .Council Bluffs known. .•••-..•' estine." . .:. . • . ; each other for cash prises Et the and Harry Goodbinder. One need not be old to rememFor two generations Dr. MosHadassah Amateur Eour, Sundsy ; The subject of the contest war ber .the period :vrhen these state- sinsohn has been associatd with April 4, at the Jewish- COKE unity "The Future of the Synagogue in ' ments wereitrnisms. If Jews were the Zionist Movement. Bora in j Center. American Life." still .persecuted anywhere the fact Russia in the late 'eighties, he An lB.tereEt.iEg array of clever .Margolin stressed the fact that iras regarded as an. anachronism early became identified with the entertainers will present an enjoythe synagogue can survive enly and .the state in -which the thing Zionis! Ideal and in 1904 he-went if an adequate system of Jewish Foted Sisnist "Leader Beoans able program T-ith Inn ana entertook place was held to be in need with a group of fellow students Dr. Ben' Zioa Mossiasoha Oritioal of Eicidst Admisis- tainment galore. Tbe curtain C r c v and Hebrew education is inaugof further Western ..civilization. to Jaffa, Palestine, to establish a To. Speak Here Tnes&ay Trill so up promptly at eight tratioa ia Sessst Years urated so that Jewish youth End . There vvere, of course, always school.. o'clock. Jewish children can appreciate lonely thinkers, who did not beli- D r . "Mossinsohn and his associtheir Jewish heritage. is invited to come X&w Tori: (TTXS) — Jacob de j eve -that all was as well; as it ates founded the first major edur sriayers • The trophy presented the win-Haas, pioneer cf political Zionism, !and bring their ^i -£HuS. The seemed. But the warning. , at cational institution In- Palestine, 1 proceeds c" is aff go to ner was given by the B'nai B'rith secretary anc •once subtle, and ..tremendous, the Heslia Gymnasium of which iographer of : Theodor Herzl, and friend, . the Hadassai Kedical Fund. Mrs. b i o lodga. •which Achad Ha'Am. issued in his he is today principal....'-""'. M • . 1 ' l meas ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *& EencrEi great essay on Outer Freedom Judges of the contest were gfapher and. Zionist raentor of! " The Heralia Gymnasium, under chairman of the atlair. and Inner Servitude -went utterly In less than two weeks, on April 'Jack Marer, Harold Abrams,'and Louis D. Brandeis, died here at > Dr. Mossinsohn's;.guidance, beAn E?plB.i:se meter vriil be cssfi unheeded except by that handful 12 and 13, the Center Players will Eparaizn Marks. IIax Baer was the age of 65. Eorn in London; to garse tbe response of each came the .first independent Hein 1S72. ae Haas TTES a prcmin- j of people who'already shared his chairman of the evening; ' present t&eir second offering of t . E "" brew school in Palestine. It was vision. Tbe West blazed with ent young jonrnalist when Herzl I cenpeting act. l.t ' «' V* t _ the nucleus for the city of Tel the season, "A Doll's House", . Joe Goldware, president of the freedom and a Teasonable prosiEh scene. As I efly oa appeared on t i e Aviv which grew up around the long famous as a classic of the Round Table, perity. To be a Jew seemed in of the organization and | editor of' the London Jewish!' school on the outskirts of Jaffa. theater. Written two generations itself to. be almost a little, out of ago by the famous Norwegian its meaning for the Omaha Jew- World, de Haas TES ths first En- I Dr Mossinsohn is a member of playwright, I b s e n, "A Doll's ish.fcoaEiunity. glish-bom Jew to join Herzl and j » date. The great festivals, were of Round start the mass movement that led j charming antiques, no doubt, but. the Vaad Leumi, the Jewish Na- House" nevertheless is not only tion Council of Palestine. At the modern in its mesage but its.lines f t? T ™ ^ c ^ , to Ms acceptance as -Zionist lead-; er c ru, history had long, long ago World Zionist Congress held in are. up-todate and not antiquated ii.i.-.i.i.'ii fir. . As a writer on the troyed their meaning. - •' Universitv L,ovr School j Chronicle, the London Daily 1 C " C1 P ^ "We are in another era. The old Zurich In 1935 he was elected by the years. Thursfi sy evening before the vice president of • that biennial inand tee Pall JJail Gazette, de simplicities are gone. The old "A-Doll's House" is the story Table of Jewish Tottth VcThe Jewish National Worliers | Haas ictrdnced Herzl to the Eng- \ over-simplifications, happy and ternational gathering.^ He is also of Nora who is forced to borrow cational G-nicls.aee Forcin. K T . one of-the Presidents of the GenAlliance will celebrate its twen-! lisfc. pnblic. Later te became his ; roseate, are gone too. Life has bemoney" while her husband is ill. Gillespie discussed the possibili-; e o m e immensely complicated. eral Zionist Confederation. Last Unable to get the signature of her ty-Xifth anniversary Snndav, April; honorary English secretary. Alter: ties of Lia-sr^ as s. profession forj r - r summer he was named to repre18, with a 6 o'clock dicaer at i attending TTorld Fire, terror and a new slavery ravfather; on the note, she" forges his young pesple. I the «arth. The Jewish people, sent Palestine- at the 'first"World name. An unscrupulous lawyer, the Jetrish Conriaisnity Center. j Zionist Congresses, at -which he The spaater stresses the fact j has/become a symbol and a myth. Jewish Congress at Geneva, eager for advancement in " the An • interesting prcgrBia has ] vras English secretarj", he cams to Ephraim Marks will preside at bank that her husband comes to !h?en ari>acged. Members, frieadsj Aaerica is IS 02 to spread the that legal traisiEg Is a reqeisite I Wherever the new slavery arises, : snr pro~| | _, in-most wherever the vertigo which has the meeting, and Louis LIpp will manage, threatens to expose this and well-wishers are welcome to | Zionist raessage here. : introduced the speaker. Ths pub\ seized upon mankind is most vioIn that rear he becar forgery unless Nora uses her in- attend. sec-s*— Reservations 'may is mafie by iary of the Federation cf AmcTilent, wherever men plunge the lic is Invited to attend this meet- fluence to see that he receives a ^ -Ing. _ , ' " > >oe calling' the secretary, Sir. deepest gnlfs of .reaction—-there .'" iCEn SioEists, an office lie resrTrbetter position. aB "peopia .;.:ii gttacked, ^ e g - t o assume t i e directin-n cl _h; T^Thcn Nora's'fcnsbazd .rersoves Rfidino'STsIri, "We.- 1S42, cr 7:1:3 — Krojfstad, tSe lavryer, trasT his ston"T."TJ:-Hr AT'is,ter i s _-pETScutd, r r , Jlrs. H. Botidaria, Ja. TO5i starved, beaten': as .'thS:ffepresetttg TTiitis xi letter rcvcilr lire. Has Goldstein, 52OS;! fn ^ orT , r , ini . 3 , C£ t l , e j - e T _ prjgjt.-.-. -atiye of that ireedom'and tha't ing Nora's forglng of her father's ! 21TB. J^Razafa*, Wa. S1S5; ^ r s . j F r o m 1 8 O S t 1 S 1 S fcs ^ . s e d t C0II7EST ON U0UDA7signature. ttrin r which-the new slave-states abhor. We'are n o t l i i one MizThe sets for the play are being Mln riylmV We. are in Mizrayim' over ". Pauline- Rifkin, sixteen year constructed of beaver board by *'ish Advocate. A freguei t co Mn, • We. 051S; Mr. half the earth.' And all the lands old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.Kate Seckerman and Sol Tuchbutor to the Boston ne^ C: 925; Mrs. J. -Feldman, Ja. -sis--Haas xetnrnsd to active E:~rof bondage'are- exactly like- that Rifkin, vs-as declared winner in nian. The Center Players,are the —^= - oc c land of bondage of old-—• slave- the state • declamatory contest third .theater group in the United 5533; llr. • Harry Crocnse, We.!. s.5 -eiecutive secretary of"t-r lands under ;the heel of deifiefi held last.Monday at Benson High Staes "to utilize ; this type scenery , 1110. Z i o n i s t ProvssionE.1 Ccmmiitrr Pharaohs, be they called Fnhrer School. - Miss Rifkin, a senior at instead of the old canvass or doth ' ,. ana the Federation cf ATaeric~i or Duce or -Chief Commissar and Omaha Tech;' is;president of the sets. • •• j Zionists, holding this post fr;~ whether they prefer to; attack the Pioneer; De"bateJ Society and is a The flood lamps .are also being j 1S16 to 1S21, -when the Brand; sbodies .".or the- souls of the Jewish member of the student council. constructed in the workshop out 1 Ilact wir.g cf Sionisn split v"th - r people, and whether they strive to Since she hag been a student -at of aluminum cake pans. For the 1 ths Lipskv group. A close frLr.1 Tech, Miss Rifkin has been on destroy that people by jextennlrifirst time the. members of the! cf Louis 3X Branfieis, fie Haas v-as C e n t e r Flayers are building | a-t I o n , or violent absorption. the school's honor roll. credited -with trlnsing him i- to She also has the leading role in equipment such as shelves and Wherever a country turns into a the Zionist Eovensnt. de H^r^ . - ;.•'•-" land of bondage for all its folk, the Senior Play. Harriet Rifkin, a bookcases. iras Elso credited with help r~ there that poor wretched and be- sister, was awarded a gold medal oe Admission to the play (JTA) ' — T&s Cuncil to draft the Balfotir Declarator. fooled rabble is given the Jews to for scholarship upon her gradua- free for Center members and I iffy Daring ths TTar ne JieipeS. fci-n£ German -Je-srry last hate and bate, so that it may for- tion from Tech. cents f o r nonmemfeers. High j'saoptefl- a budget of SCO,000 the American Jewish .Cozsrrrro get the iron heel upon its! own school students will be given a pounds:.(about 12,500,000) for asd was oas cf its delegates to err— , - ;"E neck and the enslavement of - Its the Versailles Peace ConJere-co. special price. csecution in 1937 of various \ jects'lf is'coordinating- in a: cf In 1919 he accospsrieS Brarfic z own _ : German Jews bofe witiiin and to Palestine. In recent years he Thus it has come about that OPENWEETIMG OF had been extremely critical cl . ---" c outside the Reich. Tesach is radiant with immediate 'J.N.F. MONDAY- -. ~i Z;r.i *' Ce^" inessaga and meaning. Its symAbout one-taird of the sum, or the Zionist administration a~cl "Zz~~i^z~> 1 171, 000 pounds, is to be expend- had allied himself •with. Ts,ldi~ r -^r - c-rc^.-h J.*L^: ZZ - at the very heart of EVEM1EG ': ed for settlement of Gsrsaaa Jews -Jabotinsfcy, Revisionist lesasr, Cz the historic process. The great in Palestine. Other expenditures' H s a s presided at the first symptom of the death of liberty An open meeting of the Jewish congress cf Jabotinsty's >"c-* r - t~ Sor all xuen is the persecution of Doylestown, Pa. (JTA)—There National j'knd Council Trill .be decided upon include: in Vienna I~ •:" ' ' u the Jewish people. And so when is no employment problem for the held Monday j evening at the Jew- For Telief of refugees to •t ivo!Zionist-Orsasization e Jews remember" their first great forty graduates of the National ish Community Center at 8, p. m. "United States, Great Britain, 1935. South' America and European liberation from a house of bdnd- Farm School, only Jewish farm Dr. Louis X. Goldbers of A prolific writer, de HEES -*t countries — 150,000 pounds. aga; and J?ray for their renewed school in the United States. only ^rrote bicgTsphies cf HeYork, a special representative of - • n t - - - Cc . liberation from the". houses . of .For'the Reichs.Representation j and Brasjlsis hx For the second successive year be Jewish National Fund, bondage of. the' world, they are all members of the 1937 claE3 the the speaker, according to Sirs. M. of Jews in Germany ar.d ths Ces-!of numerous boofes on aspiring not only toward their have been employed before grad- F. Levenson, head of the Coun- tral Belief Union of Jews in Ger- • Jc~isa Mstcrj, n i s s y — 137, COO pounds, to be ! and cf " own freedom but toward the free- uation, Herbert ~D. Allman, pres- cil. , •••-•.-.•.'. of men which dom of that He The general public Is iavited. .us«d for training emigrs-nts Sni j slid ma murders its own soul and its own ident, announced ^at. . .commenceactual emigratioa expenses; the author-of "The Great ment ceremonies-on"-the- 1,200liberties whenever It attacks and For the. HIAS-ICA Emigration al" with Dr.'Stephen S. T7;-~ acre campus one "mile from i e r e . FIRST OF LECJUBES FOiL "castaoiit the people of Israel. Associatioa, to ~DQ xised in eESlgra,- "Encyclcp'eSia oi Jewish Sac*" Pointing out that by hard work r We need to; seek t o : be slaves they could become members of tioit and cettleaeat Tsrark — 40- ledge" asg "Palestine: Tie Tz~* : PARENT'S <W no .more 'in Mizrayim /• but' free the growing number of Jewish 000 2,000 years." He contributed armen not,-only t o r bur' own sakes farm-owners, Mr. Allman in his Included in ths hE&g-et are allo- ticles to the SevenKabbi DavidJ.H. Wice ,gave the but for the • sake of all mankind. commencement address urged the first of a series of four talks for cations for German emigration | Syndicate, said en his second tr r J— :_ .- free men even in graduates to "save part of your We need : parents sponsored. by the Temple and retraining work by' the Joint j to Palestine acted as special cor- • cl: Misrayim ln order to show the earnings, and you can in the Israel Sisterhood, Wednesday at Distribution Committee and the j respondent lor Seven Arts. slaves of "Pharaoh" what ireecTom course 6£ a feisr years buy a farm S:SO p. m., In the Tesipls Israel United Palestine Appeal. The J. is, "in order to show them that :.'•-•• • D. C. will spend about 51,100,and gradually pay off; its mort- A u d i t o r i u m . : freo" men are men- "of goodness .000 on German-Jewish projects, gage." , . "Equipping My-Child to Face and of .peace-We need more than His T/orld," is the series title, of while the IT. P.' A. has asigned apA freshman class of 70 boys, d * ever to remember what and between the ages of 17 and 21, in -Raich'the opening lectSre ""was proximately |208,000 for the -we are, for one© more the blazing now being selected-, from appli- "Helping My Child Adjust to His same pnrpose. , At a special mestizo fcslfl. cr symbol of our" being is. the symTae remainder of this' tradset Snnday, March £S the Afiass T""cants from all parts" of the Unit- World." Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld is bo! o t the enbattied liberties and chairman of the series . and in is being met by the British sec- hnren Synagogce, 25th and " - ed States. • " • . ' . . ' . decencies of '.'•civilization'. If all charge of ticket, sales. . tion of the Conncil and the Jew- irard streets, el-sated the follc -men -are frse we areifree. If we : Tee second talk of the series ish Agency for 'Palestine. The lag coinir.,isE!o~erE: J. Cohen, ^ are; enslaved the . ..-world's'.peoples -. Pertiial Belles-Visas: is scheduled: for April 6 v/hen Council was established in Decem- Fellman, J. Fiskel, A. Kirs" Jare ensl&yejd -too. And _at such Rabbi Wice will speak" on' "Theber, 18.35. times,; above all, and never more Barcelona (WNS) '-^Child a s : a Citizen." "A Child's loan""today: do-'Tve need to' sound has ' instructed all its consulates Philosophy- of Lire" 13 the sub- rr~/rf the great.call and cry' of freedom not to i^3ue visas to East.Euro- ject for the third lecture on April * 4»* «•« ** m as seif-affirmation, "as-.-B-arnlng, a3 pean Jetra seeldns to migrate to 12,-and-the subject, "Parental a rallying blast to all those- who Portugal; according to reports re- Subtleties ia the H 0 2 : , " condo "not yet consent to the re-en- ceived here from Lisbon. ciades.'the series on Arrfl 20. slavement of. mankind. "...:• . The. same reports" cay that the Proceeds from . the cen s v J l : : J >"_+ on-! Tisy .. We have; separated from all the "Portuguese.' Government has f or- benefit the Temple's reh^ot-s b- hell on Apr ' 1 1 . . pagan peoples by the" preservation, blddea .tce.MajTsnos to-.build aay school. .. Series tickets are feclss of bur. form -which;.-is sn eternal as TTSII as inflividral 1 3tnr^. aspiration after freedom-;in'the -•It •vas.recsatly''aaiioanced that siOBS, -an'd'iaay ba obtc ntu . Eternal; v/e; the Hagadah the Marxaaos Ts-ere .bnildlcs'a-new at tae'-Teia'plo or from ITrn. SaBays, '.idolaters - in ancient. times synagogue -in-Oporto' in honor of s e n f e l d . •: ' . ' • ' c. th-i ra^j. -anti many Jews, alas,' are.idolators the oOGtii ."birthday of :Don Isaae .xtilj-.'saS'.- bow 4own- before th.e AbarBSnel, celebrated, Fortasuese ••Fernando; de] Pulgrr. trn-tcd | D~n~ v\, ::-„. ;^*<-h —' "• if Mots 'of t'ae •' pagan marketplaces, Jewish statesmaa, ..financier ' aad secretary of Isabella of Spcn, VCZ^'TZ. 11. r . li-r-n^rn, ^s [ ...r. •'V* ' ^ fContiaued .on'-page\ S.)..'..'.' •;; pailosopher.

Div Mossin^plin- Will -at'Open"



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J-lfltu •• r - i . .

Rehearsing for . A Doll's House"


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THE JEWfSH PRESS, FRIDAY, APB1L 2,1537 6fes? TesdJsgr evening taper

••• i . Wfe? da.we rersc'tnhsf 3&g$ph •-Pulitzer-'this' reefer '•• 2. Wfeere vrss fee' feors? 2, Wftjr-df<j •'• fig corns t o America? .-• . 4, Jl6-^ did he enter 'hr&er* tea,?

•""•• -.-



3, Wisy d/tf fee lesre ??ew

Ji wasn't «say« .He hzdn't beea(,60Q '-— <jai£6 a lot-of 6*. Ho-what eiiy did.-tie go. tr&lned tot &m protesstea, he h&d i one vs'co eighteen, years and why.-'did its-choose, this Ki» ,ne> rsot

1 Tor vttiM -profession did be sttidf?


cl \ lor afI •• t t e e


AESTfcas'! •srerg

the eily, snd vritfcla.vxo ye-gsra -fee*n&ssp&pet v •wss- gkfe to buy oat -the e&aef-ail tbe oM Pest sssd. thus' become \ {Cepjri^ht : sale owner of the Pcst-EfepstcJ:.. [ Festa In t£'3 ffscaijJfme Irs f-M tzgrriei s . .— _ —his trffe v a s & distant ret&thre; ef Jefferson, ti&vis, ' Confederate, President —. s s d «eented weiii on • Ifts way to becoming .the cot-! [•Gesso v.Gysge- ssd-ttzt raMcfsl!ti;8Jsfie!Ic^ dtfzea. cf •££ Lcsfe.." " j "V Became of sorse dfff'caliles I ; swifti, f /ifter a year's service, in the', into vrtilcb bis. editor' got, h rating Pulitzer,received hUtVr>Htzer Ifit fs«, J/yafs fn t%%%A discharge'—-'this,••wari.wSen fce> was tbirtj-sfz, znd went? orer Sy "tfcat t t e e — sCiJ:;€o J^e^r York. . T&ere fee i started out'to took for a: vt&y ol\ another Eewsjpsper, *b® "esrofs^r fete ttvixs iaUesr York. >paying for .it lk& sum oi-$S4G^-

5 ?.*<vfirftf


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— Jcnrfui szi liirrsni* from Eur-

I B M ~; RE-^ con-, •O EXi lev."is h


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Ecnsdor f» fB?^ End ^.feois© •ett-

we trust. i creas;ins: iU l Kb? other • 2;ng on Che o A ASKS If 2* £ 1 0 BE ^ ELD IN AlMEK- , come «;:rr,-;. :.rr : - r vculdI be a I)0V£il de-

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earn at


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to get, 8. In -wfcsS profession did fee Tscrars make his fortune? . ffall Psrfc 9. What did be think 'vrevid a<3

fee bis enduring- .tnesursests? 1.0*--What' &re bis er.dtsrins mtmti£aent&1 of him' tii&X. nickel en Ms. favorite, place iA? these Joseph Pxiiilzer himself, a certain hslel" fifear City Hall , could so Psr^,- Mas7 ye&r* later Tse-sfjow- fleas that fts reffiefflfjered these-; pmT hr>?Mh and blindnr.ss € cfeowfng- tftejjjuj to retire from paftHc me.'mrnt' day* be eontlnned to direct tfte

. . . Ths lad F&pkfa

to tat JMGO cftaatfedi ca . so wjT? ^' vie to don the feed- trfulif tee H»trew tfcat fce dec!3ed to jack - After ft -wsa orer, Jfr. -

T&e new factory Is capable o' i BECOMES J E E S r v r rsanufactBring €0,000 pounds of FIRST T, FIG HTEK 5""" ?Ellfe ssto cSeese daily. The cSeepe j won't mind ladders in bar is- of the Fuli-CreE.13. American j CHKISTIAN" TKIEE FCr CfceSdsr rarietj. There is stor- j ESSAY ON KOT>* TO C' r—age cspacity at tbe plant for SOO-j AXTI-SET.'ITIP?.T TV A7-"T"~ COO "pounds cf cheese, represeat-1 Ts"hj not? If! irrg 5,000,000 pounds cf milk. ' any such plat Milk " wise necessarily- be lost on the' esse-makteg, is


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xnsnufacture C 0 T e r 1S

-C'??O square feet «ft

rs.r.5:eS 'Ia large sum of money tor the *-.„-..„_.7 ° * " ' * «nccBfflfnl p 3 ftlfcitr; oI rise her lonallr, £n better pr^dTi^tirn.! - railroad fare, bat fi<? tras «Jc- f taWlshmcnt r,t a «cfieol for t h o j l ^ v' • • « yeara! the! ••: -viORB O:: MODESTY: The !s.tt 3ut this state IJESJ heretofore r»eE~ : eTn r ro r an ^— stole out on deck. Fer} ^ !f.? « : J s c 6 b <J« Haas left all refcresce- or less c ;n«w fawfjos Colurnbls School of I t e cheess some mo to bineelf cnt'oC his Tatna'ble En- her stood at the cyclopedia of Jew^h KnowieSg* ere — £«ss~JEg' tJie t i e rest . . . A», yoa TFJII reinenbcr, fiifi oEBUsptica to be that 'tlttgulgb, tbe _ „... <3i J darkness, listening to the soft f- ' cy paid cut. 1ST cheese fcas g-one tticro wag cao r LoaJa icon . . . Bat Z&Imon. Zilfeer gplash ol the water as it tapped to prcSccers HE^ •srage-cj.nurs ia :i«ft t h a t ; ; f h ; ; ; ^ ; ; c r ; , ; ; ' " P j f t z c ; - " p ™ L . . And when n o appointed hhour ROKictfrr.e actor, sare h'lniseif to find. 1 against the'sidy of the- ship. Then ciier ststea. T t e r e x Liioc-Ic stiral; coJj-uns snd s half in his h( j ,., cncJ .p f ; d manvroanr aa . - . - w w r e a m e . he •was at the fentl bracing bitnseil against the shock his Jack, of a regular profowion \ MMn havc factory Kieaca g.notSer psy-rcll. board (with his wife) . . Thank-' was a great 'handicap,.young J<v con cf the Yiddish Theatre • oi the -water, he made tbe piange: ymmz novelist or playwright or! fcere and arbiter market ICT t e - , rraoged hJs work BO that Ms 6ov& overboard and svr&ta to • twrsa SCO s.i:d 1,G€O niflt pro-': j hats and that, after tint© to study las', and by made tho name of Joseph a quarter of a century, hs didn't raore modest than actors . . . dncers, the rnisber depending ca : FtiHtzer immortal. • • • prodection and how nes-rly to cd-| come down with a bellyache or IJnt thfi paper/? oh which he might have;, E-LES3 NOVELS srea't so i c t paclty. the pla.nl is operating. h b m e ae(1Ha,ntcd w i t h a j ef tfflta something e\r.e to lesep him from built hla fortune — the New York S H ^ l b ' ^ ' i n f l u e n t i a l people, ono World and the Evening World— partaking of that long-deferred , . Try Aolzg a novel •whhost Robert? Dairy has bc-eji rsaticgf ;1 tsRing say part cf the aTphahet, cheese successrtilly en a scalier; ««»«»« him enough to get proved only too mortal, Not twen- repast . . . let aloae j - s t one messy letter s-cale for the pa.it twenty years, j hlffl a Job on a German daily pa- ty yeara after the death of Joseph * « • s o t take long for hf5 clothes tot per, then edited 'by ' the fammiiv . . . Matter ol fact, yoa dos't hare tins cozipssr E&de f li h The recent death Pulitzer hfs nold the two nf OBITUARY: try it been donee . . . :E c a r 3j- one-h£l£ dry. By morning ho was able <oj C a f ', Bchun. S c h urz lllscd th " Tangier hanker Isaac Aron! jjy cartoonists, tach ss Willlan illian!^ ff cheese. h present himself at Army head- j P u { , t j C f . g w o r k , and enc '.encouraged Worldfl. Their name has not dlfi-j Inasmuch £s the tea-1 might have been given cropper, "writing"' sn entire aoarters r— thejtirit the f<r«t ot ship* { a newspaperman appeared entirely, however, for j mAbcnsur (joarters ol the the ship* i orc than to bcf-omo and hanridStr New York ntill has an evening' passing notice of obit-! phabet-less story .to&i.ot reeraltai-tp make his a p - | Instead of • a;': lawyer* It ' was In cn-cap- in the proper curlsg cf cheese ; jjearanca tfa^re. ' | gfihurz, too, ^yho' brought tho paper called the World-Telegram^' uar y editors had happened to dig: tioned cartoocs, of coaree . . need to be controlled artificially, j \3oseph Futitzer vras the nam© of; youn£ nian Into public life , cheese can be nsie ss well in-Ne- i which represents a merger of the j UP t h l * f act about him: He was a] . . . this Immigrant boy gave to the British subject by i MEMORIES: When the J. T. A. brsslra as Sa other states, •provid-| Joseph Pulitzer yim only twen- Kvenlng World with another pa-i naturalized officer -who enrolled him Jn the ty-five when ho was dieted a per, the Evening Telegram. the Eecessarj" factory set-up i | £ ? c c lAbcnsur ? ! A c t °? Parjiarnent paid Winston Churchill one Act of 1S9S . . .Jonca t?nl»a Army. And in the' years member of tho fyls&btirr : state dollar a, word for s. cabled story • j 9 ntsde. At the le-sr plant, tern-' 'But although tho two papers j • « • that lol)6wed he made this name back in 1923 . . . And W. C. cab-, perature and fcujnidity csn be wtifeh Joseph Pulitzer built up no RECORD SMASHERS:' At least led .1,500 words _1_. . Wh®a_Meyer j costrolled .-K-itli. compiete accathe namo of this im« b<r.yemcinbercd'.tw6 persons of our aciualntanco.'I/crln, whose "TSs Old Bunch" I racy. flI^rilnt JfiW the mil

ITft erc

Sfw'p$ Wish Confidence

aflfllVAfiuy of bis birth' occurs, f l ^ i , ? h S L ? S



tneentiro American ' «wip«^| a g ^ J ^ ^ V t M :

world -will pauss to pay tribute to he, was tv/enty-fIvo' \m vms rncon-

ibis memory' , nlzed.-fls a fighter for political The son of a prosperous Hun- freedom and justice, and at tho garian Jewish grain merchant, So- Cincinnati convention which nomeoph Pulitzer was born In the inated Horaco Greeloy for tho Httl& town of Mako, Hungary; Presidency of the United States, but by the UBI6 tiis boy was ei%Pullzcr served as one of the eecyears old bia father sold his bus-retariC3. . : iness, and tba family moved to During the next few years Pulthe large city of Budapest. There itzer, bought and sold shares In Jesepti ^received hla education — various newspapers boforo finally In Oemafi, for Hungary waa part nt the age of thirty-one, bought of th& A.ustfittn Empire at that the St. Louis Ul?patch, an English tfme/ He wao still quite young j d a l l y ( T/h )ch ho immediately wben.iils father died; and when, im e r g e d W ith another paper, th a few years later, bla mother re- P o a t , . xho now dally, tho nt inarrled,. be decided that be was! L o u i f l post-filspatfch, auickly be eld enough to leave home and fij&ke Ills own t/ay In the world. Hs tried to Join tho Austrian invest Gaf9lyL 'wisely in army, bnt was rejected because of hiS'fonUu Tor tlie eaino reason ha y/as unable to jdin the' French .Annuity, Gndowmont, Ulfo 1 Foreign Legion, Finally, , how••• M A R K LBd&S.v.;. ever, he met a recruiting agent Hopressnta 21 Otrong Companies—tvery Typo 'of insurance fer tb« American Union Army and Bonds written, Call AT* v/ho accepted him lor service in fCB7 or WA.61S0,' the ClvJl War, Then came a long




Veuthfui and colorful »eft fieecee iri Jippers, Swaggers, Bexy Types! With padded 8hetild»!"t » . . umart seamed backs anei iilecveel Deep petch peekete find e!U pecknts, FtatteHne short ee'lsfe. 3n "Sielo', ©hfimp, Corenetion !i!u<a, Ceronaiion R«d, , Eei^e, NstM»T.l» ©i^en for miisaes. and v/onien., T H J B C FLOOR

tsuT-isj fs-iiasSu Ctlrieatet'* elu powtr

; I ffare» isf* tshigttsiioa taut' 3 •pEf*h!re~s!iys» , . ,.Tbt oaiit-ia thczooae?£i ptorsa ttsi«. CUSEI3 CEIES 13 All Ki 13A.fl. . , lUiyinacac'i plaj power eitci ibaadsaJ f eiejrs «>»nd« ci cuch tea £i roa'Il

ir:0 COST . . . iCdWsarar'f pluj power t3»arej l«u ran* oios ties* each c l s r . . . coir I»e!rjsitor BriTH BriH yyon t C«ii£cs:J of Low C L COM <rf Operan


f If you isava ibundint er.prm, And befit ibs tcmlblo vny to build onii cial/iiiloyouf ene;sv— «»» plenty of Petsf Pan Ftcfh Bffsd. Irt aBiailfln tout E!iTftA«l)eeorluo,«( nss/t end fcctwf ;n cicali, lieJci to ovtrcomv t!uf tired, let-down fssllan, Thl». «flffgy'fleii loaf will njili* « "blc hit" with ids enil/j famlly,,,ih«)''ll lav* in O.neif flavor, iti mln.iencJjr crutt end o</SD'(n:hntih A:!t you? g;oc4f foi

s TIAS pcsr:tKi:3 tun... Kel»ins!M'» piw power unit tons le JI time it dower spsea — JCSJ» cf drtwffls'ib!* *sr-

Tk«—csfsiSsa with s fire-Ycsj tscsioa Pisa.

Every cbavsnieace you would wast ia a ssoiera electrictl tet is ia the cew, 1937 plus-powered Kelvinator. .But that isn't s.II. Qjnsider the two big facts displayed sbave. They go down to the very fundamental* of refrigeration.. They're what a a k f the really big iii•^fereace between Kelvinitorsad others. . • -^.They dean better refrigeration s«"rks . . . quicker* coaling . . . fattrr freesiag . . . longer life . . . Signer csoeer-ssviflg for.yo«. That's why it's a good thing, s. wise thing, for you to know these two fscti trw;* Kelvinatar before you decide wkich refrigerator yoa tre Roinj; to buy. Yet Kelvinstor costs ao csore than othert. And it's Bufprhingly essy to own. Weekly piynteati slnjost ucbclaevsbh- small. Yesr* pay And all the time you are paying far it, the 1937 plus-pmverril Ktlv. .stor can be saving raoney for yoa™stsrting fttw, Ckxsz in STU.1 ice t! great te&igerator t o d s / . . . .

p* 19 P P 1 "


Knc c~ c in

each ol 45C

03 ir O*-

eloaf today.

endYcurPetkcl Ew$ Fooi*-

14tB & el KOISE "<'»^>IKaAflnUjm'OiVA«aiijLwiAiHWJ


_THE JEWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, -APRIL 2. 1937 brought substantial beaelifc sions of the Hebrew -university. stiff flsht bretriag in t n s BOE-G | IT fcnpTE BE Alfrs .DismanstGl Arab and Jew alike. True, its primary function is as a cf '••'Deputies of British ,TFWE , . . < stein . . . To Trials i r e ei^-y ?•••! great center cf Hebrew edaeatios ~Hia democratic forces are battling; Etrar,r€r, the ISF.7-; "They. will,. S & - constantly sn& culture, & haven .lor the Jew- I against the shah-sha cro-sra i a Jew, increasing, flow of..practical. and ish. scientist, scholar and student j The 1; •St Xazi edition of Sleyer'E material.benefits. .-In,the field of to irhoin but few doors remain j Germ Encyclopedia, shows under cultural understanding.-we. at the and breadth! letter 1" a full pag-e of pictures university are. laboring -just as ,f ciifnt-c-bnes with the captain: ancang as j o diligently, if with less obvious re"the first autos" . . . The top lelt. sults. In the Institute of Crisist- . it has a picture is captioned/'benzine pov;;Ion to build a b: er car cf Siegfried Karens from al Studies, a great work is going; of sympathetic understanding forward in- building -an- under-! tween the Occident -and t i ° r.:ecrJenburg (1STS). Tae invention was forgotten" . . . But standing- of Islamic culture end j Orient. . is barely twelve years ttere's no mention that Mercus civilization among the western Polish Jewish j Schocten, treasurer"of the univer- races. The Koran has been trans- since the university was founded was a Jew ana tfcat Vienna- hs.s la. Polish -universities, after their Jewish subjects. daily defeat trying to study' in students speak Hebrew fluently, I sity, was obliged to cut the bud- lated into Hebrew and the first, but its progress and growth have erected a monument to him as the Triac the •; surcharged atmosphere of he, said. The Hebrew university get eight per cen; for lack of volume already has been pub- , been substantial. Its SO 0-odd inventor cf the automobile . . ... ci j students from ail over Europe, On' t i e same page the picture : cicec antiSemitism, gather in their stu- has 'an agreement -with.- the funds, resulting in curtailment ofjlished," he continued, "The first vbluine of the his- j yes, even America, its faculty of of another car with lie following ; rubb lr II LI dents' . homes . and talk : of their schools whereby it has, observers experimentation. tory'of the beginners of Islam by 103 members, including- many caption: "The first lower car of ; no" ; yearnings to he a t . the Hebrew at final examinations and puts These things trouble the philuniversity In Jerusalem . where questions to ascertain the stud- osopher-rector. Under the pres- the famous Islamic . historian, leading scientists —and scholars, practical, use; ' the Mercedes of of D tlje rnas;:€ p "- : o n there are no Endeli excesses nor ents' knowledge of Hebrew. ent conditions, he said, it is iin- i Balatmir, which was never pre- would be just cause for satisfac- 1801, s a n e d ' t e r be daughter ceale ; 1 Jewish students in' Polish uni.s just' now of Jellinefe, v, tion if we did not envision the "ghetto benches." possibir*to""attracr'the" world*- \ ™^ J ^ ? ^ versities, are in constant fear of A few weeks ago they receiv- being, beaten, he declared. For famed scholars that the Hebrew been printed by the university greater opportunity, the larger and Maybach other "volumes will follow. task that still lies ahead. That erful cars." . cfc ed a' message of • encouragement a time it seemed to him as university should have (although. and , ,. , . . ^ ,v we will ultimately achieve this son of a fa: ous miracle ra from Dr. Hugo Bergmann, first though the whole body of Jewish the university has placed 30 G«- j VtV^T^Ji?^! * i ^de£ l greater objective I do net doubt." . . . The Austrian Jewish T\"ar of our Arabic rector of the Hebrew"" university, students would.like.to go to the man-Jewish refugee instructors rious members ~~ ^ " "'"" °~ (.Copyright, 1937, Jewish Tele- Veterans Lieag-ue has been incorpartment; b.e f' •who visited- Poland en route to [Hebrew university: In Cracow, a since 1933.) He estimated that graphic Agency, Inc.) r.i"nir-i "This is one of the great misporated in the semi-Fascist Faththe United States. - In many cit- delegation visited, him and pre- 51,000,000 annually is regtiired erland Front, the official militia ies Polish Jewish students' .dele- sented a memorandum asking for to maintain^ the university excluof the- Austrian government . . . gations waited on him, urging an-agricultural faculty. In other sive of capital outlay for expanA slick little scheme by -which "World1? F B expansion of the- Hebrie'w univer- cities . delegations asked medical. sion. Yugoslav parliament . . . Ey barsity "facilitiels so that they could and'.law faculties.: II B II ES.?"»i H It is difficult, too, to bring : ter agreement, Germany bought go to'Palestine'. • ' : • •. Some students' in Poland have more American students to the plums from Yugoslavia ana paid Dr. 'Bergumrin' "was touched- started agricultural courses with university. At present there ,are By Fli 2.3 dinars per tile Instead of t'fee The "impression ; of^ thestf .thbu-| a View To completing" them in less than 20, and Dr. Bergm'ann inarket price of 1.4 "dinars , . . JHaEs died a poor man despite sM\~ sands'-of students who needed the Palestine, for an. agricultural fac- would lite -to see a greater num- TOU SHOULD KNOW The" sellers -were Nazi sg-cnts who We want to welcome into the t J l e rumors .that certain wealthy used t i e difference for university, he brought with him ulty is planned at the Hebrew ber, for one reason because they r pro propacran- '• P. bill i n Co*~:rT J e w s vrere are a good influence at the unianti-Nazi boycott movement Sol { Helping him . . . to the United States, where he is university.- THoweyer,' funds for da. . . .. Since Germany bought seeking to stir interest in:ti-e uni- oniy one chair have so far been versity, for another because Dr. M. .StroocS, chairman of. the exe-! ABOUT PEOPLE more from Yugoslavia than she US as ace The editors of the Biographical sold, the Yugoslav State I versity. His oneweek visit in Po- fortneoming—1*10,000 ftom a Mr. Bergmann believes all . rabbis cutive committee of the Amershould spend a year in the "Jewican Jewish Committee; Edward Encyclopedia of American Jews land-^-his first—strengthened- his Ochberg of South Africa. And the ceal ^ T..P-«->Cresolve that the center of Hebrew" the faculty•„ needs at least four, ish-saturated atmosphere" of Pal- S. G-reenbaum, also active in the owes us two hours . . On the to " No Robert Jyehraan, strength of their stateraent that learning on Mount Scopus must chairs^ besides experimental sta- estine, and for still another be- committee; he expanded. .--.•-• tions. The agricultural faculty's cause he wants the university to nephew.of Governor Herbert.Leh-' Clyde Beatty, the pint-sized budget remains to be worked out hare links with the Jewish youth man; and Mrs. Otto H. Kaim . . .] tamer, is Jewish, we spent • * « • movement in America. The stationery on which the Kos- ! hours . back stage at the circus Hugo Bergmann'.is a. most-nil-j. by Dr. Chaim "Weizmann and Dr. - ' • • • • » • Sectarian Anti-Nazi League an- waiting to interview what xectorish looking fector; perhaps [ Jacob' G Lipma.n, director of the How, the interviewer wished to nounces its benefit concert at thought was a modern Daniel that can be understood when it New Jersey Agricultural Experiknow, had the disorders in Pal- Carnegi Hall on April 27 th. lists . . . But Beatty informs us that is remembered'his first love was ment. Station. estine affected the "university? these people among the sponsors \ he is a full-blooded Aryan end philosophy. (He Is Professor of • » • •.. Incidentally,"whoever got up | that he so advised the editors Philosophy ' at .the" University.) The Hadassah-University hos- Hardly "at all. Students were not He is retiring almost to the point pital and medical center, which deterred from their work; to the that stationery pulled two bon- j Robert Moses, New York's of timidity. His face, with the will contain the university's medi- contrary they developed a grim j ers . '-. It has no union label and I gressive Park Commissioner, is furrowed .forehead and graying cal school, is now being erected slogan that the work must go on. it Includes the name of a dead ! being talked of as the white hope the anti-La Gnardia forces for moustache, is kindly. He speaks ;R n d will be. completed, in Dr. No lectures were suspended, al- man as a sponsor, the late Con-'of : in a thin, hesitant voice. His j Bergmann's estimation, in a year though certain examinations were ! gressman James Beck of Pennsyl- mayor of New York . . . Although. j vania . . The American Leg-ion is ! Moses took a shellacking in 1934 gray eyes are sympathetic and and a half. It will open as a postponed, Students and faculty members j helping the Jewish War Veterans | when he ran for governor against JS* understanding. • - ; ' •'- : ' j school' for -graduate -work and But "behind those eyes there re- alter "work downwards" until-it helped to defend the Yishub, serv- I organize new posts-.' , Command-'! Xiehmanv-ius friends feel he coulfi Tolve' great .plans, plans for j accepts students -tvishing to be- ing asghaffirs to guard the col- j er-in-Caief Harry W. poliaery has j lick Fiorello fcy getting the £ro-wth of th© university that has ; come physicians.- The funds to onies, or in the Haganah, the un- furnished. C. I. C. Schaffer cf the port of' aati-Xew Deal democrats Don't be surprised il FraakPoor J W. V with the names ol become his; life wort. He. talks j maintain the buildings after com- official Jewish gruards. P. Adams, the coluranist let young students were killed "within J prominent Jewish vets -who would j Iin of new faculties, new buildings, i pletioa are. not yet in sight, J j changing the street plan,, having j . Besides -the, agricultural and a few weeks while serving as ii be interested in f orinicg new i out by the New York Herald-TriI posts The Refugee Economic burie, ends np with t i e New York all American rabbis attend the j medical faculties, the university watchmen. Corporation is "working on a big Times or Post . . . Rabbi Samuel university for a year. He wants | needs, in the-opinion of its farYet the university bears no scheme for Jewish, settlement in B Titkin of the Bronx is editing room' for thousands of,,students ; seeing .rector, a . law school, al- grudges. It holds to be one of South America . . . After many a who's who of the world's rabon. Mount Scopus. - . ; -• -• '_. | thongh this might involve obits primary purposes the foster- years of residence in the Wall binate in Hebrew . . . The C. I. In his . mind's eye ihe.univer-'' stacles bscaiise of the varying sity in different countries, an eeo- ing of Arab-Jewish friendship— j g t r e e t area, the J. D. c. executive O.-A. F. of ti. -war reminds us that j y of some. 800 students haar'al- : I -nomics department, - departments and Dr. Bergmann is convinced offices have been moved to mid- 50 years ago the A. F. of L. came j ready grown ;~to thousands. - It that "Arabs and Jews can and town New York,, where the cam- Into being through, a revolt 1 radiates its influence to _Jewry: Of zoology, botany..and geology, will live side by side in Palestine paign headquarters have been against the Knights of Labor, led ! dispersed throughout the world.'•'•*i.na- n e w buildings for' tha existin amity,' peace and ' understand- for some'.time . . . That plan -we by Samuel Goiapers . . . New Ho- | He speaks of "our niissian t o t h e ing facilities: and. the library.>".. in S " ....." \ .: mentioned here to same one cf cbello claims that fourteen-year- j people-bt-Israel and; .the land of. T h e .^economics ' department, -Uncls Sam's new destroyers for old Jordan B.--Biermaji, who l a s i He" said that "at root' there is Commodore Uriah "- P. Levy . has just received a patent for a new j Israel." •• ' " j Dr. Bergmann said, :is something In- six weeks this gentle mis-T that will come-in'the-near fu- a community of interest, a com-j won the O. K. o f t h e aavy de- kind 'Of clothes 'rack, is the j sionary will ; try to impart to j ture. .Students trained-in it-will moa purpose in the- upbuilding ~oi partment . < ' . For' a' ten dollar world's ytranjresrt. inventcr . . , j American Jews" and r t6 faculty•• b?>-.a'blotto g-et• posrtions.Vin Pales- Palestine which can. make for contribution •you can get the Judge Jacob Gitelmsn of JB.oth.esgroups , of colleges; and -universi- tine and -elsBWhere,.~as-statistic- understanding and peace. The "Synpgogbe of the. Air," a. 15-.I ter is curing drunken drivers by ties what the Hebrew . university I i a n s and-economists, Hebrew university will continue minute program broadcast Satur-j making them serve jail sentences ! v has accompIisheCa&d what it can | The- "Wolf aon building, -which day. at .9:^45 a m. 'from Station Saturdsys, Susdays and noli-1 accomplish. It is. his first visit J houses the library, is almost fill- to labor toward this end what- WLW, Cincinnati," ter ray kadflish . ,' Yon onglit to'.get your-! ever temporary setbacks may be to the ^Unfted States-and he came j efl (Dr. Bergmann was formerly at the invitation of the Anierican librarian of the university and encountered. Our 'scientific in- for your departed relatives . ". • self's' peep st Philip M« Raskin's ! "* Friends of the Hebrew university. under his. direction the library vestigations and research in the The program will-soon be'heard new' book cf poems, "Lanterns In ! On. his way here he visited not j grew frbm.2.0,060 to 300,000 vol- field of public health, agriculture on a coast-to-coast hookup . . . the Wind" . . . It's grand read-. . only Poland, but his native coun- j nrnes)- and needs a new wing. A and the exploration of the natur- We. welcome the Jewish Outlook Ins, Anglo-Jew- CABI^EGBAMS- • ' try of. Czechoslovakia, and Italy, j housing system!for students, fa'cfac. of New Orleans . _ . _ _to'the _ . i l d t h !!. n ity memberB.andd_. employees iis al resources of the country have i s n :press family . . . Jacob ;de In Eraha his .presence h helped.the Behind the sceses there's E | Czecho'slovakian Jews. ; He saw • also, among the; plans, germinating President Edouard' Benes and the i ia 'the mind" of .the sector. Education Minister, and then the I To make room-for some of the government agreed to Jewish lead- proposed buildings, it is intenders' requests to bring,Jewish ele^jfl tojjrearrange"the"istreet" plan mentary schools under tfie stateii Of the campus, so i h a t v;hat is now .budget The government alsoj the maln^ street will '.be utilize'd j agreed to exempt the Jews from j for' building*. ' '•••'. •r\ a Sunday closing law. : r .." j "if ; ,these, -plans could be put In Poland, he stiinm'ed"up the through; the ;university," .which Jewish situation', in one word—- now has-731-undergraduate and "desperate." He said that thou- 60 advanced, students, In its pressands upon! thousands of Jewish ent two ^Fatuities" .of/Humanities students wish to go to~: Palestine and • ScIenpes.Vcourff; accommodate Yards a i d Sfi©wr©©ius T9fh'.Qnd Mich to study, and indeed three-fifths four or five thousand.' -Sut these plans require^ fim'ds',and the . fiof entering students,-at the Hebrew university are from- P.oland. nancial: sitaatiori ;oT -tie univer"They a l m o s t , call it a -univer- sity is ihiicK,'graver-""than" most sity ' for t h e "Polish Jews,' 1 he AmericanVJews -are -aware.



' smiled. ' '. .


' .

* ' .. -' The university has virtually no Onejof the ainis of the Jewish •endowment fund.' To collect the school .system in Poland is to pre- \ budget from year to year is difpare students for the Hebrew uni-j ficult and'mates long-range planversity. There. aTe two school ning Almost impossible. At the systems: the Tarbuth, where He-J end-f>f March, Br.'bergmann reb e ^ is the' language of instruc vealed, university .officials are not tion,; and a second system, headed sure';Of* enough funds to carry by Dr. ;Braude-of Lodz, where He- J through for the 'nest 'half year, brew is used for instruction in~Onlyl;two ~ months ago Zalman





3 3



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And, when a few years back, peace was restored in American Zionist circles, de Hnaa could not agree with the Zionist leaders and as always - - sticking to his convictions - - he left the fold and joined forces with the New Zionist Organization headed by Jabotinsky. Because of his aggressive forthrightness, de Haas had many political foes. But in battling him, his foes always battled against principles and not a'gainst the man, since they recognized that he was sincere in his beliefs. And whatever his beliefs, he earned for himself an immortal niche in the history of Zionism, for his was the pioneering spirit upon which great movements are founded. :

o?csf FetQty at Qmsha. tiebraata. tor JEWISH PRESS fUBUSSING COMPANY p Price, ono year • • • • • • 82.00 Advertising rates furnis&sd ea application. Editorial Office: COO Brandola Theater Building. Sloas City orflco—Jowlsn Community Center DAVID BLACKER . • BuBinesa-ond Managing tfKAJNE B. ACKBRMAW . • - - •/ • • FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent, --PILL •'•••"•'• • Slous City, Iowa, Correspondent Print Shop Address: 4004 So. 34tb Street

lip declared. -1. o *f made the 1 to the Reveri 'i'' ! en, indepenv ;^c had asked ' •:ributed to a br~ i;,s, Palestine, - n u n away if he 1

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'THE JEWISH PROPHETS," i in "his text, -srherever possible, the BY •HARRY ' h. COMIXS. 279 [very words the prophets employ-


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{);*. 4 4 applications for nati liralizctlon rpecivee! by the Pales; tine Government in 1!).">6, 597 v.cve refused, it was announced.

E oase cf Go

By Csloriai Secretary

ed, which with his expositors beL»AGKS. ©msby-Gore "TEACHING T H E P R O F H - 'come fresh and intriguing. The KTS" BX HAKIIY Jk COMIXS. postesilie prophets rvho served j London (JTA)— The situation •Tcrusaicrr. (JTA) — Ni»sim 2.-0 PAGES. T H E U.VIOX' O F their people magnificently but I In southern Palestine is "not abH i i B 11 K W CONUUEOATIOXS, who are frequently overlooked are | normal" the House of Commons Toiedp.r.c r t f replaced on eppeal CINCINNATI. treated as adequately as those | vas told t y Colonial SecretEry I from E scnf.finoe of two years' imprisonment imposed on him for No group of men has exercised whose periods o£ activity date j William Ormsfcy-Gore, * jparticipating in disorder* in Tib; as lasting a n d a s tremendously prior to the fall of Jerusalem, | Eeplj-ing to qi-estione ors the beneficial an. influence o a t h e la the skillful hands of Dr. latest developments In the I T o!r: erias on Feb. IS). lie pJeaded selfBy Kabbi Frederick Cohn thoughts and aspirations and re- Comiss, the individual prophets Land, the Cnlmi'isl Secretary sfiv ! -defence. llgion of mankind as did the j become important licks in &E avre the authorities had made many.: The fire which wreaked havoc in the 93^year-old West With the conclusion of Pesach,?our Feast of Freedom, we Jewish prophets. Fearless, sel inspiring chain. The social and \ arrests in northern Palestine s,nfi vrie Ecedk End Synagogue in New York, one of the largest of the Re- face Shebuoth, our Festival of Morality - - just as Israel faced less, deeply yet humbly convinced ,political and economic forces be_. "preventive arrests" in Jerusalem i Ctf of a comiaissJoa from on high, ] hind theprophets, the ideals and Kctr Fehsfine High form congregations, haa burned a painful sear into the con- Sinai in the wilderness. He said the Palestine High Com-1 they spoke with a divine passion truths they proclaimed, their missioner, Sir Arthur Grenff:'! I sciousness of liberty-loving Americans. No definite proof has Is there any connection between these two, Pesach and in behalf of social justice, truth, characters and personalities all Agenteen established that the fire was the work of Nazi vandals, Shebuoth, besides chronological, and the ideas they respective- peace and ethical conceptions of become vivid and profoundly Wauchcpe, was touring c'isturbefi f areas in Galilee and would report ! cy) —- A rei-o-r? fipurp in the hisbut the police department of the metropolis is working on that ly represent, freedom and morality? the Deity. Their words spoken moivrig. And, what is also Ira- further on the situation shortly. I tory nf cjtrus shipments from centuries ago are fresh and valid portant, the volumes are written . theory. This incendiary theory is strengthened by the shameThere is the very closest connection, logical and philosoph- today. A boolc dealing •with the from a definitely Jewish point of j The Arab Supreme Committee, Palestine was revealed with the ful fact-that, this-was the fourth synagogue to suffer in the ical. Shebuoth carries out the ideas of Pesach. In morality, times, the messages and the per- view. This fact should lie errs- j Mr. Ormsby-Gore declared on the ' :aanoenccment t h a t 9,250,000 New York area within a fortnight. And in the other three - • freedom receives its crown (fittingly is the symbol of thesonalities of so conspicuous & phasized since raost studies of the j basis of the "whole evidence" et cases of oranges, lemons and his disposal, disapproves of the grapefruit have been exported group is always welcome, and es- prophets and of Biblical litera- ' violence. defaced by Nazis who left their swastika insignia - - there was Torah, the crown). . | from the Jev.'inh homeland this ture 4<a.re written by Christians, pecially is this the case •with the ; no mystery as to the origin of the desecration. The other three season. There are no grounds for the. In morality freedom attains its highest expression. He is who, * despite their scholarship, present colunies which are stimT?ere Temple Rodeph Sholom,; Congregation Agudas Israel and not yet free who is not moral. The immoral person, though he ulating studies of the Prophets are almost unconsciously partisan Eiig'gsslicn that Jewish citizens o£ ', The new last, represents an inand biased, and can not com-Palestine tin not have the same- c.;-ir>se of £.500,000 cases over .Congregation Agudas Achira. ^, may consider himself peculiarly 'emancipated,' far from being of Israel. The smearing of synagogues with filthy Nazi slogans coun- so is really but a slave; a slave to his lusts, passions, and preThe ancient prophets, like re- pletely free themselves from rights to self-defence as people in Christian predispositions. tersigned by the hateful swastika is reminiscent. In Germany judices; a victim of his vices, sensuous and sensual inclina- ligion I s general, have been fearSince the author is an educator, fully misinterpreted and their before the Nazi gained control.of the government this was a tions; a prisoner of his desires, subject to every whim, to every messages have been either dis- he does not satisfy himself with favorite practice.' Nor need we go into how repugnant it is to fleeting and irrational caprice. He is no master of himself j on torted or comfortably denied. writing merely a new test bock Their essential doctrines are im- concerning the prophets. He America and American ideals. For one'thing, we in this coun-

Halting Hooliganism



...'. The Eternal Rpad



the contrary, he is mastered. He ia fettered and bound. knows how difficult-it, is to pretry detest the coward who in the dark of night stealthily strikes . The moral person on the contrary is free to deVote him- palatable. The justice and the j sent the content of the prophetitruth they proclaim are still rein the back with an act wnich he is ashamed to perform in the self to.every good cause, to the widest range of interests, to mote Ideals. cal books to youthful minds—and how handicapped the teacher is. light of day. Nor do we in this country tolerate the destruc- give himself wholly and completely, to attain to the fullest The vehement denunciations oppression and exploitation. To meet thw problem and to aid of tion of property nor the invasion of the inalienable right to self-expression and the most satisfying and gratifying self-reatthe b et teacher e a c S e r i in a a ap 0positive Sltire the hypocritical practising of for™rbe freedom of worship and freedom of thought. ' wrote the second volume "Teachlization. "Who is a hero!" asks the Talmud. "He who can mat religion i l with ih remarkk ing the Prophets" which is in the What should we do about it, is the immediate question. rule himself" is the answer: but echoing the verse in the Bible, able sharpnessapply to contemporary of an elaborate commentary [Americans are deeply shocked to read that such things can "He that ruleth his spirit is greater than he that taketh a city." life. Privileged leaders, like form to the first. The teacher will happen in -the United States. They ar& indignant.- But'the The moral person is the true ruler; greater than Alexander their predecessors in all ages, here find definite and richly | find it more convenient to ignore Nazi vandals are not easy to catch, since they slink, about in who conquered a world, but could not conquer himself; greater the message of the prophets and suggestive guidance in the use of the dead of night. In this country we can defend our prop- than Caesar and Napoleon, who founded empires, only to lose to espouse substitutes for moral "The Jewish Prophets." description of the nature of erty. We say that the synagogues in the New York area which them, for they were not erected on the impregnable founda- shortcomings and social sins— theA prophetic experience could | ritualism, ceremonialism, etc. are being subjected to this cowardly series of attacks should tions of justice and.of righteousness. The vast majority of men and have been included in the first j defend their property. We think that the Jewish War Veterans are 'taught to regard volume witt much profit, • and | would have formed a Eplendid and j Freedom is t£e very essence of morality. No act, even a / in Hudson County in Jersey have taken a forward step* They — — necessary introductory chapter, j have organized vigilante committees to guard Hudson County so-called good one, is in the highest degree moral that does Jeremiah, Isaiah and other major It is too bad that the author ne- ' synagogues against desecration. The bludgeoning of a fewnot proceed from-a free will. Involuntary, forced acts, the re- prophets as miracle men, endow- glected an opportunity to intered with supernatural powers and ^ of hooligans caugh*t in the act of vandalism would soon s£op, the sults of co-ercion, of duress of any sort, are not in themselves able to interfere or suspend ji pret the liberal conception p moral. Morality must proceed from, good intentions. The great natural laws. Others delight to j J . a n dd i T i a e i n E p : r a t i 0 E . epidemic of synagogue (Violations, . natural laws. Others delight to of the iewish prophets as had to a an<| t e s c h philosopher Kant even went so far as to say that there is noth- 8think 0 thSa r tho prophets prophets to to both both young young nd || l C C e S Soff ^A ° events. il fj e ^Diligentf i i ! " tho future ing good in the world except a good will. We must will the vincrs old, I know how baffling and & ein- j good; only then is it good. If not willed, if unwilling, how- ly do these simple and uncritical eive is the modern Soil-Tillers/ '• '.- - • . :.. . ' conception c£ i mde p folk search the Biblical test and i llack k canjj For the first time since the dispersion,,the Jews of the ever seemingly meritorious in itself it is not good. It is the resort to intellectual casuistry in prophecy. This serious and EhoBl fee rectified is a Eec- | world are once more turning to the labor of their fathers— free-willing (better than free-wheeling!) that imparts to anthe hopeless and impossible task ond edition. of making actual historical events agriculture. In the Crimea, in the Ukraine, in Palestine the act its virtuous character. coincide with the predictions Jew has discarded the gaberdine and proudly donned the peasHence the emphasis laid upon free will in the Bible. There made by the prophets—as if the Gems of th© Bible ant's smock. is that glorious sentence in Deuteronomy, "Behold I set before truth of the prophetic message depended upoa accurate predicHerein America also the soil has had its attraction. Ever you the .good and the evil, the blessing and the curse, life and and Talmud tions of tha future. Some even since the great migrations to America attempts have been made death; choose life." Morality is ma'de to.consist of a set of torture sentences from* the proBy DP. PIsllIjs SI»£P to settle the Jews on the land. Within the last few weeks have choices; alternatives between which we must choose. We are phetic books to make them fit come three very, encouraging signs as to the progress of the urged to .choose the good, it being clearly implicated that we with the history and myths of the "BIBXJB New Testament. Such gross and Jews of the United States who have turned to agriculture. thereby choose life and blessing. The choice of the good re- cruel abuse and ignorance shocks • Saul said to David: Thou are The report of the Jewish Agricultural Society, recording sults in the enhancement and enrichment of life. The "choice and rightly so, those who see in more righteous than. I, for thou I the prophets of Israel not super- hast rendered, unto me good, j its activities, is particularly optimistic in,regard to the possi- of the good confers undreamed of blessing. .* human-creatures especially favor- whereas I have rendered unto j bilities of. the American Jew as a farmer. Through its various , Why is Israel the "chosen" People! Really because long ed by God with literal messages thee evil. "I a n distressed for thee. E7 agencies it has aided in finding land, financing the settlers, and ago it chose God. Coming out of Egypt, there at Sinai, it 'elect- from Him, but courageous and Very pleaeducating them in the newest and* most efficient methods of ed' God and thereby became'elect' The 'Chosen' People is the bold spirits who penetrated tfce brother Jonathan. sant has thou been unto me. Wonvery heart and' sbul of religioa, farming, ~ ••' '. '•"Choosing People, one that ehooses God and the right, God as who grasped, by; the profoundest derful w£s thy love to me, surpasi Likewise wor'd from the government resettlement projects the highest expression of, and supreme sanction for, the right intuition the nature and mystery sing the love of women." . J Thy beauty, O Israel, upon thy ^ present a picture of! apparent success. While material returns It is this choosing that confers on us that moral character. God of God, who were burdened with high, place is slain. How are the 4. so sensitive a conscience that are few, nevertheless the first, year has been one of more en- the all-righteous and the all-mighty, could have created us ^ | they could cot resist its unalter- mighty fallen. couragement than -discouragement. I t i§ almost enough for perfect and kept Us so (some even criticise God and doubt His able dictates^—the real Divine Rabbi Chanina had a poor man these Jews who knew.only the sweatshop to be released from existence, His goodness and His power because He did not Voice. in kis -neighborhood to whom he their ghetto and enjoy the fullest fruits of their liberty. • do so); but then we Would have been mere puppets, pulled by Possessed by aa ever present was accustomed to send four zuzAnd thirdly, aa in past years'the members of the graduat- a string; mere automata with no will, and therefore no worth, consciousness of. the Divine and im on every Saturday eve. Once he ,j ing class of the National Farm School have all been placed in of our own. God wished to create responsible human beings, His power they preached under sent it through his wife, who reinner compulsion, magnificent, turned with the money saying: responsible positions even before they have finished their the superior,sort,* alone worthy of divine creation; therefore an powerful and eternal messages j « K e floes n o t need it." Upon R. courses, attesting to the reputation of this institution where He endowed us with free-will, giving us the power to choose touching upon . the profoundest chanina's Question "What have realities'of human life and des-.j y o u s e e a that makes you think young Jews are being trained for agriculture. between good and evil. Therein lies our dignity and our tiny. Fearless and original g 0 ?"E n e replied: "I heard he was ! j While the majority of Jewish farmers'are concentrated in destiny. e rep preachers and champions of so- zs^e^ n'cm * with "•what will you dine a relatively small area in the east/ scattered throughout the cial rjehteousnesa righteousness ^fere. ^fere those tt hhe e SSjjiivveerr outfit he' Mankind, like Israel, is on the march, treading 'the Eternal ciai outfit (vessels) (vessels) or or tthe entire country, even in Nebraska and in its neighboring states, Road' from the darkness and slavery and cruelty of Egypt to prophets of Israel, and of truth, | g o I i J o u t f i t ? " Whereupon R R ChsnCh are a considerable number of Jewish farmers. They established the Promised Land of freedom, prosperity, peace and happi- of the sacredness of human life jJ p a s a { ^ : "This is what R. Jochand personality, of a Divine o r - i a n a a m e a n t when he said: 'Com-? themselves by their own labor and perseverance. ness. After it has crossed the Red Sea of hate, of sanguinary d e r i n . t h l s universe. The very ] e t l5S jjg thankful to the frauThe importance' of the soil to Jews can, hardly be fully conflict, of bloody wars, years of weary wandering in a wilder- nature of their massage makes it dulen*t poor, for if not for them we would have been committirf realized. Judaism itself was made impossible because the an- ness of doubt, hardship, and-jdanger are still before it. But it unpleasant to present day sinners, and despoilers of tho poor. sin every day lor not doing sal- ^ cient Israelites achieved stability when they managed to plant has encamped at Sinai, and has in its possession the Moral And misinterpretation and distor- •fictent for the poor.' " | their roots in the fertile crescent, that' land of milk and honey Law. With God's Torah as its guide and compass it will reach tion 'soothes a guilty conscience. Kabbi Joshua said: "He who : To appreciate these divinely closes Ms eyes to charity is conover which the ancient peoples fought for centuries. Here on at last its destined goal, the Promised Land of it3 prophets' inspired men, It is Imperative to sidered as if lie serves idols." that narrow strip of rich soil, an oasis in a world of deserts, visions and its heart's promptings> - the ideal land • - the Land place them in their proper hisRabbi Phinciiitlii *ii isa*iii >-««t"" —— XiilDui .Mari.and iViU.il fclUU Rabbi ibii^'Ut -^ uiji^they achieved a civilization based on the needs of a farming of the Ideal - - 'flowing with the milk' of nourishing plenty for piaC@ torical setting a n d always to keep ] b a s > w e r e t n s EOJ)S 0 { K Chisda. people. It was an enduring way of life that has- preserved all mankind, economic and material substance and subsistence; In | I mind i d the t h e political, political the t h e social one of - whom • —•would '•> allow' - > i — - his ^-~ ser••**•and economic conditions which vant to eat before he himself die- 1 r them through the vicissitudes of their exile. tho truly 'abundant life ; and th"e 'honey' of sublimest soul- served as a stimulus and a.-chal- ed, and the other would not perOnce more they are tilling the soil and' living the lives satisfaction, spiritual gratification; sweet, human happiness - - lenge, which made them against mit his serv-ant to eat iiEt.il ac jj : their will and at* enormous per- himself ©£ free men. With, the one 1 delicious and divine content. ., 1

A Nick© in'


- - Frederick Cohu.

sonal ' cost, channels of divine allowed bis servant to .eat revelation. Without an appre- first, Elijah used to converse, hvt i ciation sf the political and social with the one who would not allow j character of those times t i e his servant to eat before he him- ,

Jacob de Haas, one of the last of the founding fathers of prophets remain as they are to self bad dined, Elijah did net : . " • many, sacred, mysterious, ob- converse. political Zionism, has passed away at the age of 64. Though L i t h u a n i a A w a k e ; • • ' ; - . " ' ' : Th? Balkan states have of late shown greater independence scure, and therefore futile, often, in late years de Haas was an outcast fron/ official Zionist cirOur Rabbis were taught (Ex- ! en harmful aaiiiuui vipersonalities. .io«.uu...w—. 23.S) "and thou shalt take H" | eles because he allied himself with Jabotinsky'a Revisionists, of their neighbors and a stiffer backbone in fighting off the even Dr. Comins has set for himself j br ;. oe> » <rhi3 does not pretend tc . he was nevertheless recognized by even his foes as- one of the narcotic-like influences of near-by propagandists. the none too easy'taslc of reveal-\ .bribe of money only, fere i Thus, Lithuania is showing a strong pro-Jewish trend by ing the struggles of their lives jmean grand old man of Zionism. Omaha Zionists, who met him seve v e n t, r ib e o f anything . . . as i; ' eral times, were impressed by his Zionist fervor.and fiery the government. Examine, for example, these interesting de- and of making their messages j happened oace that Samuel was ^ Jng the river on a ferryboat. ' velopments: tho government determinedly stamped out an at- < clear to the youthful student and cr0SS sincerity. bis hand to preman gave h | uninformed laymen. He achieves When Zionism was still considered "an insane idea" in the tempt . at anti-Semitic excesses; the government protested the i a splendid success. In- a -.. syse- j v e i , t from fa :ins. "W3ie.t,": _.... . in clear and sim-jLE_ _ jl.'"CaTi I fio lor yo-; "beat of Jewish circles, de Haas became imbued with the Herzl inclusion of Lithuania in the, list of anti-Semitic countries in • imatic manner, _t,* The man FPlanguage does he d describe the !fj oo rry yc cu ur r bi pla languagedoes spirit ZAJ. gladly sacrificed his career to "become a part of Dr. Chaim Weizmann's testimony before the Royal Commission; political eud social crisis .tbe pjj ^. »i s lawsuit bsforf e Herzl." Ho \vas the one who introduced' Herzl to the English tho demands of anti-Semites for amendment of the Sunday prophcts faced, and the majestic j t a e e / » "1 •beco •become disqualified public, and in 1902 at Herzl's request transferred his activi- closing law aimed at Jews were rejected; the foreign minister doctrines they enunciated. And jf r o j n prefidicg as Jad | k0 • { very comprehensive. Not Not j a v r s u 5t," 5 t " replied lid ties to the United tSates. Probably his greatest achievement promised that Lithuania would support the Jewish demands j one' i oSf ' t h ey comprehensive literary prophr'i is for the Zionist cause was the acquainting of men like Brandeis for an open door in Palestine, before the League of Nations; omitted. •• Amos, Hosea, Isaisb, and Frankfurter with Zionism and interesting them in thethree Jews were honored with the high order of Gedimin in Micab, • Jeremiah, Zephania, K»hum Ezekiel Habbakkuk.. Q\z.Zcause. He was a potent force in the Brandeis-Mack wing of connection with celebration of Lithuania's independence. ish, :-Has$i, ZeeharlaB, Ms-ls.:* *, in this country until 1921, when in the bitter internal Every light helps •" brightea the . 'dariaess.'• g£ Buropssa Jdel, Jonah are all Included m e cf atro nl &>? control tno Brandcic-JIac!: group fell from power. acdicvality. done justice to. Ha incorpora *2S,! "zis «^rt / - . ; : " ^ :.•. _ ' • \ •. '

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•Junior Hadassah , i

Yaaet Ausiliarr

. Junior


w?tint i r s ^ r r zi \ At a meeting held on March 15 \ important t at the Central Club, the Pi Lamb- • ds.y eveninj,, A--^ t, z.t da Phi Fraternity elected the lol-' ; o Ciocfc pron-p T ct t ° lowing officers: B e n Shrier, | | Corsrscnity Ccn-c-. I ar president; Leonard Hurwitz, yjec-i ABRAHAMS-KRAKSE FOBMAL SPllIXG DANCE i the Spring Z re v-*,, "-"= ppresident; Harry Cohen, treasur- j Miss Ida Krasne, (laughter of Alpha Gamma Chi sorority of er; Adolph Xayton, secretarj"; j i Cd. Js"eW H "~" ">"-«= T J-'-' f Mr. and Mrs: Isaac "Krasne of the Omaha. Municipal University and Willard Smith, Master of' Council Bluffs, became tne bride will hold their formal spring Work. of Harold Jay Abrahams, son of dance on Sunday evening, April The installation banquet was F r o l i c 'whic" — * * ~ Mr, and Mrs. Edward Abrahams 4, at the Fontenello Hotel. Two held at the Fontenelle Hotel on j of Omaha, at a quiet ; wedding hundred bids have been issued. Sunday evening. March 21. i n , ; April IS. T - —- "Wednesday, March 24, at the Ho- Freddie Ebenep's orchestra will conjunction with the National! *^J Barton. . Rabbi - Frederick play. Founders Day, which was held • Dorothy Sic U - T*~ ,» Cobn performed the ceremony in Miss Esther Silvennan,;1 presi- at the same time at the Waldorf ; i cf this affa:-. the "presence of members of the! dent of the sorority, is tho sen- Astoria. . . ; All tafisabeimmediate families. ,: I eral chairman. She ia being asi teed. The bride wore a honey-colored! sisted by Miss Rose Kirohenbaum crepe frock with a matching box-j and Miss Bertha Slutsky. style jacket, and wore brown ac-j Miss. Goldie Silvermaa has cessories. At the .shoulder she •been selected by the sorority as The Women's Misrachi will hold ' wore a single orchid. their ^candidate for the annual its annual car<f party on "Wednes-: A. wedding luncheon, was serv- \ election of "O" club sweetheart i day, April 21, at the Jewish ! ! Several ^-^-c. t - ^ r-_ ed. immediately following . the at the' "O* club dance on April j Community Center. This affair \ | American groc--.. v , ~ *- s r ceremony. The young couple left'23 at .Peony Park. will'take the place of the regular on a honeymoon trip to Kansas I Pauline Rosenbaum represent- meeting. Mr3. Sophie Rothkop is City, Missouri. ed Alpha Gamma Chi at the chairman of the committee in i ginning Apr, ' -— -- , Mr. Abrahams and his bride schools recent Charm school. charge Mrs. E. "Weinberg and i |-April 10. will malie their home in "Omaha Mrs. M. Brodkey will be hostesses. ! I ' ! Tfc-s year r---'1 «• ,.» r upon their return. Plans are also being formulatTO BE HOSTESS AT TEA ' dredth env.ii " ~z— - . Mrs. Dai-id Greenberg, chair- ed for: the rummage sale which ing of the *• c r" P FLOWSKY-KOHLBEEG i * cof Division will soon be held. Mrs A. Green_ " 4 mr.n 1-l-i.tnu. V **- the t u b . Women's »« k f l l ^ ^ U 0 J U» *• » l O t U U of VI 1 in America ci. f (t ,_ Mrs/Emma Kohlberg of.Oma-j t h e . j o w i 5 h . Philanthropies, will berg is in charge of this year's * footing. Fi - , . : i : " : . „ . ha, announces the marriage of bo-tcss at a- tea at her home ; sale and seeks th, cooperation of j trifcution w e . ( , s - --her {laughter. Miss-Tobye .Kohl-j o n ^xl\ for members of her jail the friends and members of ' oly. T h e 7 •" -*™ ^ ^ — - r - - r berg-, to Mr. Max Flowsky of Mil- j committee, the Women's Mizrachl. -;., • operates ccr— — n n r= r — ~ vraukee. The marringe took place) ••• ."--.._ j nity cnterpr,'-'^ in Blilistiukce on Sunday, March TEA SATURDAY i-"•-«N ! D c r i E g t h e v r^lx f-E~,. T i-. - 2 1 . , . • • ' • • . . • . . '311:8 Adele Muyper will he hos.- • - -Tv,, .* i o s l l tii& p - o c ^ - 1 F - - ^ ^ ^ ; Y™ Omahans attending the -wedtess to 150 of the young school ' . . •'•-. •• ; E t t i o a rrill h e „ ' . j>-n J "^<-"c ding Mother. Chapter No. 1 was vie-! ding were: were: Mrs. Mrs. Emma Emma Kohlberg. Kohlberg. < . ._ , , » ., « s e ta t a t e a o n torious in the oratory debate con- j YALE FRANCIS TRUSTIN ^' ~ * , a-nd^putuc^—c 7^ ~ ' ^ ^ ^ Mrs. Anna Neemen. sister of the at 3 o'clock , Saturday, April 3, at her home, 123 S. test sponsored by the B'nai Brith j bride and her daughter, Claire, 53rd street. ,' • . . ' • • . ' ' and the bride's brother, Morton and the Round Table of Jewish! On Saturday morning, April 3,: training from Cantor Aaron E2-'the public appearance of the oldM i s s M a y p e r •vrill b e a s s i s t e d b y Youth. lest grocer ia the. Tnited. Sictrs. Kohlberg. Morton Margolin won Yale Francis TruEtin, sou or Mr.' gar. first place and received the tro- and Mrs. Harry Truslto, will bo- j Mr. and Mrs. 'Trustin cordially ; The NE.tlor.E.1 Association cf HeMr, and Mrs. Flowsfcy will reGorelick, and phy given by the B'nai Brith, and come a Bar Mitzvah'st the Bsth invite the members of the cca-jtail Grorrrs will pay a revrp-Q r.f via Bide i n M i l w a u k e e . .'•""'Pauline Rothkop. Morri3 Kirschenbauin won sec- El Ej-nagogue. He will set a pre- gresatioa End their friends to- J25.P0 to the person Trho nct»TClly ond. Harry Goodbinder also was cedent for Bar Slitzvah services j partake of the Kiddish in honor ; fiijeorers the Oldest Grocer. The SHEFTEL-ZEJLIGSOX entered in the contest by the Mo-at Beth El by being the first boy! of their son after the Services, Des.n d American grocers will be PsZ Miss Jeanette Zeligson of Okla- AXXOTJXCE-BIRTH/: i teken to TTLshinerteii end r"ehoma City, daughter of Julius Ze- j Mr. and Mrs. Max Sherman an- ther Chapter. Morris Arbitman at Beth El to conduct the JInsaf Saturday morning. ligson, formerly of Omaia be- nounce the birth of a son, Stan-^ and Ernie Nogs were on the Service on the occasion of his be- On Sunday, April 4, Mr. and j ^ t e ts th reside Mrs. Trustin will receive at their: coming a Bar Mitzvah. came the bride of Mr. Harry j ley, on Monday, March 24 at the committee of the Round Table. Yale receved his preparatory boine, 2435 Kansas Avenue, from | Sheftel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mas j Methodist'Hospital. Mrs. Sher- 'Morris Kirshenbaum, Buddy Sheftel of Kansas City, Mo., on man was Rose Levin before her "Wintroub, and Joe S. Hornstejn Hebrew training with Mr. Ha;ry 2 until 5. No Invitations have marriage. March 21; were initiated into the chapter at Mendelsoa and his Bar Mitrvah been issued. Jcrusalcs. — Petcch a Victory banquet held at the The wedding took place at the T i e d t h e £\srAtr ?' s Mrs. Edward A Rosen Music Bos on March 15. At this home of the bride's, brother-iner hotel « Lsacohi w « the S c « e ,, ^ ft r e s a ] t c f £ G o T f r E _ law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ted' of Nebraska City . announce tho time the chapter also honored the for sisma Delta TM'B i p r a g lor-; procIairl-E it a crils£nee Greeiiberg. ,OUt of town guests J birth of a daughter, on March 26. basketball team for its' victo'ry in mal March 19. About 225 cou-'city entitles to have fifteen ccun- ; : Climaxing a year of freshisen the Regional Tournament held at who-attended the wedding -were) -— pies attended the affair. Hcrinine : „;-.,"„ *""„, _ ^_^"« Lincoln. The team made a fine activities, ten girls are being in- Kleeman, EOCIJLI cl .irman, was :a cillors £.nd a Mr. and Mrs. Mas Sheftel, Miss'gpRlXG VACATION HERE Ann Sheftel, Mr. J. M. Greenberg, | M j s s jiasine Grossman, a Jun- showing in the district finals held' itiated into Theta Chapter cf Sis- charge o* the affair. en April S is the Temple a l l o t Kansas City. Mr.- and Mrs. lor at the University of Nebraska, in Minneapolis on March 19-22.' ma Delta Tau this week end. FolNewly elected president cf Sic-i A c t s ^ f c n i T f i T e eOroritier T-~e There will be an important lowing* Initiation ceremonies, a William Greenberg and Mr. and s p e n t her spring vacation in ma Alpha Iota, jrcfessional ma-; c i l D S E I 1 fc \ h e A s s o a i a t e d v - - , Mr3. Mel Greenberg ol Wichita, i O m a h a T j S itin 5 her brother and meeting of tlie chapter next Sun- banquet for .initiates will be givsic sorority,' 3s «.arrirt Bvron o*i . en by the active chapter. day at the Jewish Community Mr. and Mrs. Morris Zeligson, s i s t e r . i n - i a w f , Mr. and Mrs. Lea ~*-u: New members are Louise Dav- Lincoln. The organization which ; ^ m o ^ , Mr. and Mrs. Julius Zeligson and Grossman. She was also the Center at 2:30 p. m. his ss.rae ni is the largest cf the university's: idson, Des Hoines; AnnabcII.Emiiryca Mr. and Mrs. Lester R. Greenberg house suest of Miss Min Yaffe. A. Z. A. Sabbath will take place 1 be in•n--v.V-ri-^v the jrrcvr'"wr~Z musical clubs, dra-srs its r s e n b e r s . t^^,jfjf l1 rf»•___TrV---.>, l ail of Tulsa. this month at the Beth El syn- jlein, Sioux City; Edythe Krasne,. f o a a f f i l t a d Oakland; -Jeanette Poloasky, • " / ^ ^ " aon-affiiiated j . ^m i cted. At fi ; gresgefi fce Ee e After a wedding trip to New COt'SINS CLUB agogiie with Alephs Morton MarOmaha; Alice Perelman, Omaha; S^s on campus. _ j E t y j e Ejjcw also on the program i Orleatis, . Louisiana, the couple golin, Dan Miller, Morris ArbitThe Cousins Club will meet on Pauline Seh-B-artz, Oinaha; and Final preparation are now be-| Jearette Pc-loasky, Muriel KraBr.c , reside in Oklahoma City. Thursday afternoon, April 8, at man, and Joe Hornstein repre- Selma 2veitel, Grand Isiaad. -• ing made for Sigaa Delta Tan's; Frances Kalin, B.T.& Kosalyn I^asii- : senting the Mother chapter.An the home of Mrs. Reuben Kula'The ballroom cf the Cornhusk- skit ia the Coed Follies to be-giv-1 testy trill be models. , all A- Z. A. choir ia being readied KAPLAN-DOLGOFP ' kofeky. .'..'• for the occasion and the Alephs Miss Rose Dolgoff, daughter of Mrs. A. Mazie oj Siottx City, Mr. and Mrs. H. Dolgoff, became Iowa, will be t h e honored guest. will take over the entire service. the bride of Mr. David Kaplan of New York City, at a jpretty home SEDER GtTEST . wedding on Sunday, March 21, at Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein.was South- Ozaaka Ladies' Auxiliary six o'clock at the home of the the guest at the Seder at the A regular meeting of the Ladbride's parents, at 2441 Bauman home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wein- ies Auxiliary of Congregation of .Street. Rabbi David A. Goldstein, Israel, South Omaha, will be held assisted by Cantor Aaron Edgar stein. •" . • Monday, April 5, at 2 p. m. in and Rev. N. Feldman, performed TO VTSrt IN* NEW YORK the assembly hall of the Synagothe cermony in the presence off Mr. and Mrs. K. Trilling and gue, 25th and J streets. . fifty relatives. daughter, Renee,- are leaving SatImportant, business "will bs Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. urday night for New York City, Hyman Belman sang "At Dawn- where they will remain for ten transacted and all members are urged to attend. A tea and soing," accompanied at the piano j cial hour will follow the business - 1>y Mrs. Joe Roitstein., meeting. A wedding supper was served VISITOR FKOM CHICAGO following the ceremony. The cou- Miss Rosela Kulp of Chicago '.: pie left on a short honeymoon Bpent a few days in Omaha visittrip. They will make their home ing at the home of Mr. and Mra. at 2441 Bauman Street. A well-attended, luncheon was Sam Llpp.

Chexei She! Eme$

- , . v.

Women's Mlsraclii

„' n ! -

A. Z. A. No. 1

F Tf l ""* T

Sigma Delta Tan




given by the Pioneer Women, last

EATT-GLASEB. Tuesday at the homo of Mrs. S. WEEK BXI> IN OMAHA Mr. and Mrs.Sam Glaser -of Mr. Morris Lipp and Mr. Ralph Okun. Mr. M. Minkin spoke on Omaha announce the approaching Lepacfe of Chicag'o spent the week the Significance of Passover. ' marriage of their daughter, Eve- end in Omaha visiting with Mr. A regular meeting will be held lyn, to Mr. Gerald Eatt, son of Lipp's parents, Mr. and Iilrs. Sam on Tuesday, April 6, at 2 p. m. at Mr. and Mrs Philip Batt of Chi- J L i p p the Jewish Community Center. cago The wedding will take place at "VISITS PAREKTS the' B'nai Israel Synagogue on llr. Harry Bellman of Chicago Sunday, April 11, at 3 p. m is visiting in Omaha, with his parRemoved fcy Multiple Elscirolysis ents. All Work Guaranteed WOHLKER-L AZARUS CONSULTATION FREE ENGAGEMENT and Confidtntia) TO VISIT REIiATIVES Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lazarus • Mrs. S. Weinstein and daughannounce the engagement of ter. Miss Dorothy Weinstein, and S23 Wortd-Herald B!c!g. At CIS2 their daughter, Pearl, to:Mr. Nor- Mr. Harry Levinsoh and daughman "Wohlner, son of Mr. Louis ter, Miss Rosalie Levinson, all of "Wohlner, of Tabor,- Iowa. Fort "Worth, TexaB,' arrived here Miss Lazarus and Mr. "Wohlner j a E t Friday for a visit with rela13 WILL PA¥ YOU tives. They are the guests of attended Omaha. University. To Consali No definite date has been set Mr. and Mrs, S,. Katleman and nt Mr. and-Mrs. N. Levinson. for the wedding When baying GUESTS HKRE FOR' PASSOVER HOMDAXS Dr. and Mrs. Irving Sternhill Mrs. Oscar Katleman and childof Hot Springs, Arkansas, are the ren," Kobert and Beverly, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. " C a r l j spending the Passover holidays Riekes. Since their arrival, Dr. Jvisiting relatives, at Sioux City, and Mrs. Sternhill have been extensively entertained.




-Mr. H. A,


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at [j O (Center Above) Dot:j ted Swiss with white fi hz.nd cabroidorcd trim Bt


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1 " o ( I « ' t Above) Flock I Bet Voile, \-rith diL-.tj> vrhite tattinj tri: C r i s p tailored stylo

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VISITORS FROM CHICAGO was governess of Leonora, wife of . Mr. Morris Peltz of Chicago, his tho king of Naple3. * ,• daughter Phyllis, and two sisters, the Misses Rhoda and Mae Peltz, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mas Peltz. Miss Eva Kay of Chicago, sister-in-law of • Mr. Morris Peltz, is OUSLI y Travel Do!« also the house guest of Mr. and scnico te noesckes fcrtfccf.year B'o da tssa Mrs. Max Peltz. AT JOSLYN The following activities will be presented at the Joslyn Slemor! I ial o n Sunday, April 4, 1937. 2:30 p. m. —Gallery J Gallery talj by Mildred W. Pelzer on the lo-sra Exhibition. 3:30 p. m. — Lecture Hall Lectnre by Dr. V. H. Vartaniau — "What May Philosophy Do For Us?" 4:00 p. m. — Concert Hall ^Concert by Shenandoah High \ School Orchestra directed by

Youll V




O <EIgit Above) All sizs flock dot voile, v;ith neck' tofc-sia"cn« aredcuir' in tho princess sUhouetta . -52.C8 UlScrs ?J-C3 to ?1M3

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COBONATION DESIGN—Preparing for the coronation of King George snd Queen Elizabeth, here is the approved design for the decoration of Queen Victoria Street, JU>ndon. It is by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott. Banners shovring the city arms sunnoantedby a blue scroll and a crown will be suspended over most streets and the city will be decked in red and white.

IT'S JUS3? NO GOOD—Sad as it may seem, this United-States currency, part of a half-million-dollar lot, is just no good, after it was damaged beyond use by the recent flood waters of the'Ohio River. Shipped to Washington by a Louisville bank, it is being sorted by Donald Smith of the Treasury's redemption division.' Much of it will be destroyed. ' ' ; .

"" " "" ^





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ITJ.SK » " Sr/JN—Gon?-T' O r e - CD; psrtr ; - Ireland, vl">o commands "the taliorLS of Iris'r. volur-tec^s fsr>'-:ng <^armr to Spcin. The l,4r»r Inp^xr.cr rrEtfo's trocrr fo" P"f: r pi^ rro-;vK " I r ^ C!:nrir-; Frort."




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I EOTAIJ FASHLY—This is the latest picture of Prince Gustav Adolf, ton end heir of the Crown Prince of Sweden, .and his'family.-Left to right they are: Princess'Eirjitta,, Princess' Sibylla, Princess Margaretha and. the heir Prince. Ths interesting family group-is i drawing room of Haga Castle, near Stockholm.

F. Chrysler, clnirtaca of the ba of the-Chrysler Kotor Cc3rp: tion, ^rhsss nscctirsg: •Kith J; Ih Iiewis, CtO'ciilcftria, rcs*il In psace ~3~Dtistioiis in tlis 1 trcit' actor strike. After t'ne Hz:iZT hollizr ho end ?£r. Lexpected to rercms Cis cor encss for a* £rr.I strifes prasat.




, iii.

STATUES FOB FSANCE—-These gigantic statues of a young .Russian worker and a collective farm girl are of stainless steel sheets, eoon to be shipped from Moscow to stand in the Soviet jpavillion at the Paris Exposition. They are 84 feet high to be placed oh -a tower 110 feet high. The man will hold a hammer and sickle, in one handy emblem of the Soviet Union. .

; i





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UUSSIA'S NEW ICON HORSE—An iron horse nc:mcd for Kus, ,a*s " e n of Steel, JcrsOj recently put on the rails at Moscow for a trial run. Shown above , it Vvcs built in the "Octo tion" locomotive works in Voroshilovgrad, on uitra-ctrcamliaod proportions. Ccllsd ths proudest of locomotives, it runs at a speed of 85 miles an hour.

1 -


POIiAE BASE—Otto Y. Schmitt, director of the Soviet Northern Sea Route, who left Moscow recently for Archangel, on the White Sea, to supervise preliminary surveys for an air base near the North Pole. Establishment of such a base. Russians believe, would speed transatlantic flights to America and would fulfill a long-cherished plan.

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IS his cho^or: svccihrcrl. IiO<"crs ir, rcr*. 2. &s lc*?rs in reel Lfo, lictvccn frrvcnr




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WBITS WEBEN'T SESVEP—Sheriff Thomas C. Wilcos, left, and UndersheriS Bernard McGrath of Dstrolt, with some of "the 6,000 writs prepared but not served against the sit-down strikers in the Chrysler- plants. Through the efforts of Governor Murphy and other mediators the strikers readily left the plants after a ssries

of peace parleys.

IS TIHS KO17 A "CHIII?" C3KC2ECn3 hero in Los Angeles. Oh-c£i! (left) thcro's a g: going to loocan up with come Iguanas. Tij.'

do. "Well, Lt's :oe you put up yo-.ir t' % ill;: this, w

rs-.rr. re •three mo





3. T3IDAT.


district Tritere ii«> - J U J J ^ - , *th ' -3uninr .-.boy. is-*ri-nm«-T3 :g-*t raJ-ley - -Tieltcian. .llnrris Xliciiiiri, -Panthers -stock Jnvestmente -of ^the "ostrer ^ : c f a a S C T "-to ^fam---.tiKir istiiff ^ ~ r , ^ - - d - e y -BiEenlifirs. Jiarald 1 ? - : .lions y. Such 3 t 11 i


hands -,. ... „ and .he is I

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-the ieasnse ireferre The T



-At rthe 3etiHEl Synagogue to- "-fifteen ;y.ears old! •; • lor •honors. oiight, a h s .test xiay of 3assovHr, •will begin ait S o'clock, •"VTiieii iLaua Huxner, uninar, in 32dgaT .and ;ths (Cinitnr ^ tsd :nt nt -court c t f:for rpsnniEsicm :to •Choir rscill sins special iPassovex li in films ;nnd siga ;a contract -mi-sip tBabhi ma-sid _A. -Goldstein ..Sire -a .PassoveT sermon on -Rith .raierryn XeRoy, -the rto ^Prevent Soul HSroalon." -reithhelfl .approval ^penaing ,inras Saturday -Ttrarnins services-sill tsiation rs3 to Whether IisHoy .is t


"They iincliiiiE Btan-

iin? to an *nd. The -axe cue —asre nrt c? ..first i


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for E s LEE if- jrame Trjtii 23C. Dtn- tii€ Pan t h e n tansic -with -the -tr hiri: singi-e games •were Abe , -ere.

Jjegin at 3 -O'clock Tjith Tizkorvat "a rrespoiraibie producer and mtoie to .live -iip .3 the iproYisioiis uf rtice about J.Q. " ! .And -reere -Slervyn's l a t e , the -son xif :3Ir. and Sirs. ks as-well s s cheeks . Harry !lTustin 'becomes -a. 3 a r ."Slitzrah. - -HE "Till -conduct the Eerrices :besinnins -with ^the :taking nut ol the ITorah a t about IRepcrrt Jias -it -that i t -was 3tocuntil the end M the aiusaf Irefellex, X 3). Jiimsslf; -***ho persuaded Ihe -.'Kanisr iirsres, JSarry Ext Tvesk, ItabM / G t i t o s t e m ! ; ^ , . ^ B i ' i i o l i y W D D d ; _ ^ . n o t t ^ h a l J ^peitk tm ' S O T ;.to Win Jthsy ! £ V f i T talked i t over T7ith i-fcm ^Eriends and ILnllence People/' j — rjt -^—^ . ^ a j s - ^ y -_ This -sermon is suggested by thfi! jjjg -jinnni they imok rrcith-that nams by rDalei ;ins .caesar. -ATsnea Chresax, -Take CarnBsie. in. tliscussing :the hook, !;Rticke£eller ... _ .. 'ire -can yo -any3abhi Goldstein -reill cite the -^e-i-™*ta-re,.fo .any thins, set advice on ' fliu. -.•WL&U.UIU ax ; i i i u u u u «iiiu ..iuiu ..iteaitii .xrom tiie vcimle blocks!*5!-l

Tastf-on now to set along "Trttir ;: ler institute if lie rants it.-And ' docs he do"? IH= comes Irere.'


OT.T Harry and Albert _ ;puTcha5ed Trinter iomes in "5Iia- ?


Mrs. Se-177- ,'ii-" ^ Trtio ~*etr^*itly -me Grand laiani: . ^

_A:t serriees -tonight IRabbi Ttov- ;-mi id ^H. "Wice -will speak on "IWDUl "TD Oieep fit Bopliie TTucksr', Oiire Our "Youth .A-gatn." a rmile evtir> Saturday annmins -sss ; "What, oto be :ireld at XI.

—' •* TJtirrltmtcr-s -of -tn- -f;r-T _^Sates _Eru-" Scwlm- £

-and OJaubs: Schedule tif services Jfor ;the | Chaxlss 3leisner Trill soon inrsre! "hrst.iisys -ol 3^ssso5?sr: htrro -rolumos .in -print . „ , -child3Iaariv iFridzry, Jcpril _2,;Tsn's stories they t are, Tailed ' «-r45 np. m . • j "Jneh iHish Jeople." Cliiiord' 3Inrnfaag Service — ZPriihiy 3ind ; Ddets-iousht lionise Plainer A] Saturday, S:30ai. an. -j-hlcyclB — - ;to reduce. Eleanrm ."Minchah —.-Friday ami! Batur- I CS^rshlield) IHarriet, -scho porflay, JAirrll 15, 20 TI. an. ,j trays -the :lour -vnunen characters _At Txiday -mtirnins -serrlcsB rat |"ior .A-mtm "n Andy, is Trorkrng- xm T;cm?Tesation 33*nai Hsrael, tRabbi [.a J.itUi. jfenncis laeasrsr iras -a "Milton A. Sopstem T*ill :"Sireak on -sviroaen luck -piece specially a^e-

Cards Ki" -Chicks - - T3ree

2D4 Jin. l ^ i .AT-S434

^> rciT.. distributors lor I ^ r u L l r > * " - - ' " % picrjrcF . . H^~ t i r c^arrnnz ~ itrt '~ ^ -* 3 \

Adolph Xt?--tir -TTI^IT r . . . I>?tcran- p i t i rensz tain -ri5*ini::t:r--., p-T-r-'tattled tl*-» -?I**~aent«: tt>

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"*V*iSt T^3— T HiAJ*' r*P ^ . . , ? O ~^n.TTTTtnLl^- Ct I ~tttOT €xt]uisite. TITJC 2nd -prnTTiCtit've- *niti.cii"

to ifit around the steerins "Jsrxel's Sans ni •On Saturday before the ilentor-jT^iheel of iiis xar. JL -wit

S c u t SBvars far £•

X 3mine City is rir-n-a;>J r y j : -rr.1' c^ t.i« _ - ™ ci-r., - r . r -7-=—- , . .

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r ten arri l , i r I-:r?=~ tm t h e i r tiirr- ^n-P ^nimnirT- £ r : r - - i-« f - . c n e > teenth -creddmp: snniTsrsarr . . - =-=a^e =i -i£ za~-t,i-r.- tr j „ "Boots" L.=TIT.'= visits tr Ctemli:: known only to "her c

scraitjrcs, funeral >


ths:r frr-r.clr, T-fccthrr



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sends xiut publicity the SB*mii . ^Borflon TJ! rt-wo-cent -3tanrps Iheron.. ISlorris nafficiatB rat th« .liats, please ^nate. iJfnrrk' iHamedrosh Sam ILeTine, trhace •meteoric ! r^athers ^and :;Sons ttra- J -rise rfrom rstase ~to screen .left iiim | ditional-SETTices'-will bBTTBSunied, j.in 'high 3sather, greeted a n oldi Sunday,-April.y,.,3tt3 va. nn. fpal, :a rpaliceman. "Doins -pratty There Trill be naoliate 3ri"day {-WBII rthese days,-eh, Earn.'?" Ten',' misfat itirvice .'-this -sreek. INext ijniniied.-.-the jactnr. "SZTT? -your lat-w»ek :ffieonCTibBT3 ol riheXadies j-^st picture ;.th° other nis'ni." "Bh^iniiliaTy -rrill -spsak sit cEervices. | ; huh, Jilre .if!" ^sked Bam,


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A3J 'New "Strsamline T s t l i TSsstaurant—2ar -Dlnsit V/tra J3n Ail ^t Snts tnvitsd

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it looked just 1 heat Jake the j 3 u t Jake, who -has S daily, battled and "took ths

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I the sym ha3 been -Hooded -svith 1 girls on "Monday and ""Wednesday \ -ssilli ashxreg -nrnrily rfar- ,.nisht..,... the Center Trill .reaper., ^ l o i t a s -w?itK rriiipls .or a t 5 -p. m. -Baturdry a s the Pats- 'ZZZ -mitt OTBT holidays came to a close . . . : ' and "hortv v.-as your matecs.? ira. 2S11 "H^mttcra 3 1 . At. I -Spring sports a r e nest in -order

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This-and That: the .street. T h e critics hare told "Everybody, -no doubt, has .-no- <-J> .CSJY 1.Z2ZS7T C^.'t2: -you the rest. There only -remains tiecd the cleanup .in 'the first J i^ d f = 3 : T ^ ^ANrTONS. t o tell ol hsr -triumphant aretum handball court , . , . . 'ihe "EfiCnTld \ your -taliond xuit. and cprrrg t o CinematoTm -Khlch shnuld he •will -soon -set a "like treatment, ^ ~casts '"• soon, "sriih novaral atudioa -nowrriys "3Ir. Grossman". . . 'Our infor- ' cteana mare -tfTU^tr^h anglins -tor -her .afenators. }y -anil -puts ths nseded -oi! bszk trrto jjrrea -oat fairiss -and furs. that 'there -rc-Ill -be -some ' 3Brtnnn gym equipment for the .glxfc;, 1 of iDTnortant niachine £

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for the 3 . C. C. athletic depart- ' —-——— meitt ami ^rapid •progres's TTSS > aiade last -rreek to -start* the 2a- -i ">?— aural -Softball league. ,) "^ _At a ineatins oi munsjcsra in \ Xee GToaman'a office it appeared t 3 \ that lour ;teams rrouid saon -f ' square off foT Softball play. !Thii ^ Z, I cuts -ihe number -o£ ts-trr*: jhswn ' j ^ jrom sis, jnakin^s ^or a -faster cir- I cult. " > 1 iinJ I Tcaiaa mo:t likejy to coarpese "^ J=E-=

"J ihe .Icasne a r e A. Z. A., Tsi U u J J —1 j Omaha I ^ t a t o Jilarkflt a n d Alpha ! 1 .rnom-lo s m g l s -a-r s o n - j [-^Ei T a u . •pl-s. a a s i ilm-s-la 3 H . i i a - ' i GTossnian announced that fran- d a chise nicrncy in dun -by .Hcndrr, 4 j April 7 and that jplr.y T;E1 zt=,n -ST5. Ise is ,?13 Tier .team, this «J inim coToring con trr.cts, franchise, balls, and oliiciatius. 3-laye"a i n the league must bfc TSBT7. B of tko ^ , Z. C. etiilsUc


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THE JEWISH' PRESS,-FBI1>AY, " APRIL' 2,-. 1937., itlng her parents. , Mr. and Mrs. | tus National Palestine Conference est inoraeEts dream of a Zioz of I wiaefe r e Sam Meyerson. in Washington was in reality a JreesJoza &n& of peace. Let us j fcrs.sts, ineetiEST of the 'Americas -"Elders build such a Sice. Let us- set a I Arnold Hoffman, student at of Sioa" tit which a decision was great example. Let-us lire a law j (CopjTSgrht 4* London (WNS) — Legislation the- University of Iowa; spent his reached ' to' support'' Trotsky as that ehall be as a beaeoa-Hght. J Fez.: to curb Fascist terrorism and an-spring vacation at the home of against Stalk Let us build Zlon both i s Misray-1. r I.... his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoffti-Semitism in England will be Ambassador Troyanovsky's .-un- ira and 03 its own iniraerr-.oriE] man. urged upon the - British governequivocal statement is expected to hill. Let •us not cease our Pe- £54-10 City 0! o'cloelr, and this evenings ser- ment by the Conservative Party. put an end to,the sudden rash of The Council Bluffs Talmud sensational bat entirely baseless each with this week. Ocr age NOTSCE CF A decision to this effect was vice will begin at 1 o'clock. Meneeds an unending Pessch "TRUCK morial services will be held-Sat- taken at the annual meeting of Torah Society will hold an imreports about Birobidjan. l a his Notice is he portant meeting Monday evening, urday: morning at 10:30 o'clock. the party's central council after statement he reiterated by'impli- ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attye. tion to ki 403 Erande!s Theatre Eidg. -The card party sponsored by Rabbi. BolotniKoy will speak be- various speakers reported on theApril 5, at eight o'clock at thecation, the Soviet Government's PORT, Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue terrorization of. Jews in London's the Mount - Sinai Temple Sister- fore Haa&oris N'shombs. His suboft-repeated determination to conI County, MOTOFfFR^IGHT LfNES !t u r e o' ."•••• ' . . - ' " • . at 61S •Mynster St. -IfQod,' which -was postponed last ject, will be " W h a t is the Mean- East End.. . tinue the work in Birobidjaa. The ARROW Notice is hereby given that the tin- i sarag-es, ; It Vas also emphazied that the week.• because ot- inclement •wea- ing of Hazkbris N'shomos." Soviet envoy's statement - to Mr. dersigned have formed a corporation ! Jogging h( to Conservative must^ opposa Fasc- • Mr. and Mrs. B.-Saltzman had Braiaia folio-wed by only a few- pursuant to the laws of the state of i p>pn- person ther, will be held next Monday Nebraska. The name of the corpor- & Recur as their ..guest for Passover Mr. ism lest the impression be created evening,. April • 5,- in the Temple days a message lie sent to- the ation is "ARROW MOTOR FREIGHT incidental ZlOB that only Labor can combat Fas- and Mrs. Keith Peltz and daugh- ninth anniversary banquet for LINES" WHIJ its principal place of .cariTJnpr Annex. 'Committees in charge of in the city cf Omaha, N>- I " h e euthc rizefi c?.T>!' ; ter Lorraine of Ilarlan Iowa and cism. the affair -plan to • accomodate e Birofeifijs.il sponsored by=Ieor. In business braska. The objects for which this i JiO.OOO.fiO Services at Shaare Zidn BjhaMr. and Mrs. Ben Cohen and famcapacity crowd. •that -Eiesage Mr. Troyanovsky corporation Is formed are to receive,-1 the par T gogue were held last night to beily of Harlan. handle, transport, and deliver poods, j TC-ie. a for n~cash or said: "The Soviet .national policy •crsres. . Mrs. Meyer: Marks and Mrs. A.gin the concluding - Passover holand merchandise off all kinds, i1 uoii-BBaessible "" v;lien issiled. The corto buy, sell, ana otherwise acquire, 1 has completely uprooted the soM. Davis are co-chairmen in iday. Services: this morning beporaffon shall conirnr-n -e o i March use. repair, store, operate, 1 £2, 1BK7, a n d t orminat e ST arc'i SI to use. Talmcd - Torch called .'Jewish "question1 in- the U. and charge of the general arranger gan-at 8:30 o'clock,-and the reglease, and otherwise i i d uti- 1SS7. The hitrhes t amoi. Jit O ' itlti^ijt — ments. Mrs. H; Fiahgall Is in ular service a t 8 o'clock will be li trucKs, k motor vehicies's-nd other edness to which the cos pora t ion shall The Sisterhood of the Talmud S. S. R. The working Jewish pop- liza conveyances designed for the carriage at ar.y time f=ubject it = eif ph^H not charge of the refreshments; Mrs. held this evening when Rabbi Torah Society will hold a regulai ulation as well-as all other .num- and transportation cf goods, wares, rxceed two-thirds of Its capi s.] stock. Jack Robinson and Mrs. Morris H. R. Rabinowitz will speak on meeting Wednesday, April 7 a t erous nationalities in the So vie and ^merchandise of ail kinds; in con- '' The Kffairs of th s> ooip n HrP t c flection therewith broad general powI be conducted b.v a boar d of" not*. leFp Weiner, table arrangements; Mrs. the subject "May the American 2:30 o'clock l at the* fiynagogrue, Union have "-received unlimite ers are given the company to tis than two nor m are tha 3"! ft \ & direcpossibilities for their political, ec in any business and to purchase, Marks and Mrs. M. K. 618 Mynster Street Jew Sing Lustily." ntt vice* tors vho shall elf ct a, pi or deal in any kind of property. The I onoiaic and cultural development tickets. Tomorrow morning services .-will president and secretary- tre?5R urpr. authorized capita! Ftock c ' - t S e corSimon Krasne, 72 years In. the Presence of Loi !is K Li P P . One of the clearest indications o poration is $25,000.00 divided tnto EdO j begin at 8:30 and the memorial I AM- W'K1X this is tite creation of the shares cf the par value of $30.00 each. service at 9:45. Rabbi Rabfno- March 27, at the home of JKEI HEN!IY WE SISTERHOOD'-MEETING- . , witz will ^speafe •'• on the subject daughter, Mrs. Abe Rosenberg, ] all of whSch is common Ftnclc KnS ]Xl, SOu autonomous ares in Birobidjan when issued Ehall be • fully paid and j 4-Z-S7-U where Jewish settlers -with activi "Wat© U5: and Live." Cantor A. non-assessable. The corporation shall '.-.' FRIDAY AFTERNOON Pllskin will chant the ritual. following a lingering illness. He HARRY. SILVERMAIV AH orn(^v business unon the filing- of support of their brother people, commence la survived by three daughters, articles in the office of the Coun7cS ErandeiB Thesirc Bui (ling in the IT. S. S.-R. are building its ty Clerk End shaii terminate upon j The Sisterhood of Mount Sinai Omaha, Nefars s k a Regular Sunday School sessions Mrs. Rosenberg, arid Mrs.. -Wilthe first day of March, 1SS7, unless j their own. national Socialist! Temple will hold its April meet- will be resumed this Sunday liam Sloaburg of Los Angeles, sooner dissolved by a majority vote; NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO state.*' ing neitlTiiday. afternoon in themorning-, at 10:20! o'clock. -y who was here at his bedside at of the outstanding capital stock. The i ARTICLE OF <NCORpp_R_ATiON OF highest amount of indebtedness to j •»••-•• ~ — UNITED FOOD "STORES." INC Temple Annex, with Mrs.' L.." S. the time of his death, and Mrs. ^'iiich the corporation shall a t £ny ] Xotice is hcrfT:-y priven thMt or Goldberg presiding a t the busiBen Krupinsky, also of L03 AnSoviet Ambassador Reiterates time E'Jbject itselt shall n o t exceed i £Srd day of llarcli. IPST, p.t » two-thirds of its capita! stock. The j o'clock P. M., in the Paxton H gele3, and one brother, M. Krasne ness5 meeting. . • Territory Integral Part of affairs of this corporation shall be j Omaha, Neb;asKa. at a spcoiaf m of Council Bluffs. Funeral serMrs. H. S. Novitsky, program U. S. S. R. conducted by a Board of Directors | ing of the Etockholderp, the A-t (Coatiaaed frosx page 1) of not le?s than three nor more than of Incorporslion v;ci-e amended in chairman, announces the follow- Passover Memorial services will vices were held Monday afternoon seven, the ricmbp.r to be fixed by the f n i ing ' program^ with Mrs. Morris be held at Mount Sinai Temple at the-Jewish Funeral Home in Ne-w York.'(WNS) — Rumors bj'-laws. The officers shall be chosen The authorized c^fvtai WP. iv.~ ."Weisberg, a member of the pro-this evening at 8 ,6'cloqk. Rabbi Omaha, with Rabbi David Gold- that the Soviet Government has such as the slave-state. Bat theby tho directors and shall be Presi- cressocl to ?20n.flfl0, SSO.OiJO of remnant that was brought by the dent. Vice-Presiaer.t, and Secretarj'- is common stock, F.nd S150,{ gram committee - presiding. Miss Theodore N. Lewis will speak on stein in charge. Burial took place decided to liquidate the Birobidany two of which offices which is preferred stock. Eternal to His service is in that Treasurer, be held by one person. The EP> The ' manner of p'.ectin?; the Cecil Benton of the Public Libr- "Whither Judaism." at Fisher's Farm South Oma-jJan project were strongly denied service now and has been ia that may Regular Sunday school sessions i l may be at any annua " Directors Tap chnnpefl. R!T ary will speak of, her experiences ha. by Alexander Troyanovsky, Soviet servics frca generation to gener- meeting of theamended stockho'ders, or at any j the members of the Beard wita children through the radio. will - be resumed, this Sunday special meetingof the stockholders Ambassador to the United State, elected ation and it-is this remnant which called for that rtsrpose by a. majority term. annually for a two (2^ Mrs. "Weisberg will then present a morning a t 9:30 o'clock. - • in an exclusive statement to J o -Is forever the symbol of the rise vote in amount of the stock then out. The Chevra B'nai Yisroel SoAll afl more KPecfficjiliv arippa j Voice of the People broadcast. The cornoration shall have B, Certificate of Amendment fiie*" rj? in ciety, held its semi-annual elec- seph Brainin, editor of the Seven and fall of human freedom and astanding. "seal. the County Cierk of Dnugias r1 tion of: officers Monday evening. Arts Feature Syndicate and the human health and human goodDated February 20th, 1HZ7. Nfhraslca, on the ETth day of Worldwide N e w s Service, in ness. LEO U MELLAM. March 29, at the Chevra B'nai . ..A. DANIEL 33. O'SHEA. •which the Soviet envoy pointed * At TTOKLXER. Vrcr-idar.t. Yisroel synagogue at 618 MynThere are n a s y ^ays in Carl Stahmer, Jr., Secretary. U3OKAP.D J . HE1NSEX. ster Street. The following of- out that Article Twenty-two of we can help to realise within h!s- 4-2-37-<t 4-2-S7-4t Herman Rubin who representthe new S o v i e t Constitution Ensued the Sioux City A. Z. A. at the Mr. and Mrs. B. Orlikoff, 1117 ficers, -were chosen for the E tory the dazzling truth cf the ing term, Mr. S. Shyken, Presi- makes Birobidjan an integral part message of Pesach. We can assert Regional Convention/in . Minnea- Villa Avenue, announca the enof, the Russian Socialist Federapolis, reported at the meeting of gagement of their daughter Miss dent; Mr. Sain Sacks, Vice Pres- tion of Soviet 'Republics. Am- onr freedom and so all human TJlEl 50 SEC01PS MM WELL I¥OSTK the local chapter, Wednesday, Eva Orlikoff, to Benjamin Dob- ident; Mr. O. Hochman, Secre- bassador Troyanovsky's statement freedom here by re-building the rofsky, son of' Mr.'and Mrs. N. tary; Mr. Dave.Fos, Treasurer; that the Sioux City Chapter is one contained in a telegram from ruined Sioa in' cur hearts, by letof the leading contestants among Dobrofsky, 1304 West 4th St. and Messers.. H. Saltzman, Louis Washington, was In answer to ting our hearts be under whatever the rest of the chapters in the Honoring their* daughter and H. Katelman, and Sam Rosenthal Mr. Brainin's inquiry at the So-skies and amid whatever hardcountry for the Best " Chapter her finance,' Mr.'and Mrs. Orlik- as trustees, all officers being re- viet Embassy regarding reports ships the last citadels of freedom award medal. This award Is pre-off will be a t home to their elected. in the Yiddish press of a major and of peace. We can do tetter. sented annually t o H h e . chapter friends Sunday afternoon, April change in the U. S. S. R.'s Biro- We can reach, cat and by our that has done the most and car-4, from 2 until 7 b'clock. No PASSOVER SERVICES strength ssd bounty and devotioa bidjan policy. ried out best the Boris D. Bogen cards have been issued. rebuild the sctcal Zioa of a peo• The concluding holiday services The text of Ambassador Troyprogram, the official program of ple's hope in Erets Yferael and by for Passover • will be held this A. Z. A. The award will be made MIsa Sarah. Rocklin,* daughter morning-Friday, commencing a t anovsky's statement to Mr. Brain- that very building la the face Of at the New York tournament in of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Rocklin, 8:30 o'clock at the. Chevra B'nai in reads as follows: "Birobidjan injustice, ot rsarder, of the wick3227 Jennings Street, will be- Yisroel synagogue a t 618-Mya- is included In the R. S. F . S. R.ed g-ame oJ pagaa diplomats IllusJuly. • .Plans and Ideas presented a t come'the bride of Albert Herzoff, Eter Street, and this evening, (Russian Socialist Federation of trate to all n&akind the might ot the: Minenapolis meet, were dis- of Kansas City, Mo., - son of Mr.starting at sis o'.dock. On Satur- Soviet Republics)' " in Article the spirit that goes oat from E o n . Twenty-two of the net!" Soviet can mate the call I'shaxiah cussed a t t h e meeting Wednes- and Mrs. Max Herzoff, 2310 begin Constitution. All talk about the We morning, servlcs Court Streei, Sunday ' afternoon, day Lsba'a IJ'Yersshalayiia a. call and day. . : - • ' . ".• ". at 8:30 o'clock, and Yiscor meApril 4. : morial; servicowjll. be held a t liquidation of the Birobidjan pro- a WIHII sot.only for as but for the ject is therefore nonsense. Jewish unredeemed cf all the peoples. The ceremony, at, 2. o'clock in 9:30.o'clock at the synagogue. DIPLOMAS GIVEN BY settlers will be coming there as For all men |xcept k§ their darkthe home -of the bride's parents, soon as houses a t e prepa'rd for will be witnessed, by 40 relatives LOCAL TALMUD • of the bride and groom. Habbi Miss Maxine Leiboyitz, student at them." TOMB Patronize Our Advertisers Theodore N." Lewis; -will" read the the University of Iowa a t Iowa The reports In the Yiddish press marriage* lines.' Lillian Magazln- City- spent her spring, vacation quoted 3 dispatch froni' Oriente, a :; Six students of the, Talmud er, pianist and Esther -Santes, here vislting^-h'er parents, Mr. and semi-official Italian news agency, F R A D E N 8 U H G . W E B B . 6 E B E R Torah. receiTed their diplomas a t violinist will play the, Lohengrin Mrs. Abe Leibovitz. She had asto the effect that Stalin had al- KLUTZNICK & KELLEY, attyi... her house guest, »Miss-Rose Levy £00 Union State Bank Bid graduation exercises held Tues- wedding march.* " - "• Omaha, Nebraska of. Hamilton, Ontario, who is thelegedly decided t o liquidate the ; day evening in the Jewish . CoinThe Rocklin home w;ill be dec- chaperon a t the Sigma Delta Tau entire Birobidjan project because NO' TICE OF INCORPORATION OF Jnanity- Center. Mr. Jack' Lon- orated with a profusion of colormost of the Jews in Birobidjan PATRICK LIQUOR STORE don, president, of the Talmud ful spring flowers against a' back- Sorority House at . Iowa City. were sympathetic to Trotskyism. Notice is hereby given that, the cnNumerous affairs were given in Torah Board of Directors presid- ground of palms and ferns. Stalin was alleged to .have reach- iersigned have formed a corporation their-honor during their stay. ed at.the exercises. . The bride will -wear an aqua the laws of State of XebraKka. ed1 this decision after studying re- under Tho name of this corporation shall "be The graduating students in- marine lace'.gown, floor length ports of the G. P. TJ. showing the "Patrick Liquor Store", with its prinMisss Edith London of Hollyclude David Kuntz, Esther Rivin, and peach slippers. Her veil of cipal place of business at Omaha. Nei t e n t of Trotzky sentiment braska. The general nature - of -the Bob PHskin, Toby Nadler, and peach tulle, will be short and wood, California, who arrived eamong the Jewish settlers fa Biro- business to be transacted and the obGeorge Harlow. caught up In a turban effect. She here this month for an extended bidjan. The Oriente news agen. ject and purpose for which this corThe program included a group will carry a shower, bouquet of visit with her parents) Mr.' and cy recently broadcast a story that poration is organized • is to buy. sell or distribute at wholesale or retail, of songs by the Hebrew School Johanna Hill roses. Miss Miriam Mrs. Louis London, is spending a KCCYES, Kr#. PASS KOIEETS. wines, wSiEldes. vinous liquors and choir and several addresses. Rocklin and Miss Belle Cohen, couple of week visiting relatives MONSKY, GROD1NSKY, MARER & any and all other kinds- of beverages and liquors; <b) to (KstUl. manufacwill be. bridesmaids, the former in Chicago, and will return to COHEN, Attys. ture, make and/or rectify, liquors RJI& 737 Omaha Nat'l. Ek. Bids. beverages; (c) to acquire, hold, diswearing a 'peach- lace frock and Council Bluffs next week. •oittesf: pose, lease, pledg-e and /or • encumber the latter blue chiffon. They will NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON real and personal property, and (d) carry nosegays, of Talisman roses. to do any and all things necessary or Mrs. Saul, Suvalsky^.entertained PETITION FOR SETTLEMENT convenient to the accomplishment of OF FINAL ADMIN1STRA-.. Mr. and Mrs. Rocklin will hold twenty-five children a t her home the purposes herein set forth. The TION ACCOUNT authorized capital stock of the corporThe youth essay contest, an- open house from 3 to .6. Ap- last Thursday afternoon in hon-' In the County Court of Douglas ation Ehalt be J10.00-3.SO End all said Nebraska. .. nounced in -the Jewish Press last pointments-will be in the bridal or of her son, Selwyn, who cele- County, In the Matter of the Estate of Er- stock shall be common and of the par value of $100.00 per share and shall week, entered its second week, colors" of yellow and brown. As- brated his ninth birthday. The nestine T. Rothholz, Deceased. fully paid up and non-assessable. persons Interested in said mat- be with five papers submitted by sisting hostesses will be ^ Mrs.afternoon was ' spent playing terAllare The corporation shall comsnenca dohereby notified that on the inp Dave Hurwltz, Mrs.' Lorence Silupoa filing- its articles games, followed by refreshments. contestants.. The-committee in 24th day of March. 1037, Henrietta •with business the County. Clerk of Douglas Kohn filed a petition in said County County, charge of the contest stated that verberg, Mrs. Fred Herzoff, Miss Nebraska, and shall continue Court, praying that her final admin- for a. period this.forecasts & favorable sign of Goldie Lehman and Miss-Lillian Miss.Pearl. Meyerson, student a t istration of fifty years from said account filed herein be set: 'The highest amount of Indebt' . interest, in view -of the edrly Magaziner. the University of Nebraska, spent tled and allowed, and that she be date. edness shall not two-thirds of discharged from her trust as admin- its capital stock, exceed stage of t i e contest. ; but this restriction After a short wedding trip, Mr. her spring vacation visiting her istratrix and that a hearing: will be shall not Include indebtedness securon said petition before said Court All eligible candidates are urg- Herzoff and his -bride will make parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman had by mortgages or J.er-.s. The affairs on tha 24 th day of April, 1937, an<3 ed Meyerson. She retuned to Linof the corporation shall be managed ed to. participate. The "first prize their home in-Kansas City. The that if you fall to appear before eaid by a Board of Directors of not less Court on the said 24th day of April, than two nor more than five memis twenty-five dollars In cash. All bride's going - away costume will coln Monday. 1937, a t 9 o'clock A. II., and contest bers. The annual meeting of the corJewish.young men and women of be .a navy blue, suit, with gray said petition, the Court may grant the poration shall fos Jie'd on the second prayer of said petition, enter a decree The Emesel Club ; entertained high school arges are eligible. accessories. . . in January of each year Bt : heirship,. and make sucH other and Mondaymeeting Its new members at an informal of Subjects for the contest inthe stockholders shall further orders, allowances and de- which a Board of Directors and therecrees, as to this. Court may seem elect clude (1) (New Economic OpporMiss Eva Gordon haa return- Initiation last Thursday evening, proper, uponthe Board Ehalr elect a Presito the end that all matters dent. Vice-President, tunities for the Jew. (2) Why beed to Sioux City after an extend- March 25, at the home of Miss pertainingand to said estate may be fi- Treasurer. Any two Secretary of said offices L6yal 1to My People? (3) Has ed stay In Los Angeles, Califor- Florence Meyerson, 127 South nally settled and determined. may be held by one and the same Eighth Street. New members are Jewish Life a Future in America. nia. person. These articles may be amersd• :. ' • -.': ' . " " • ' • . ' - • ' . BRYCE CRAWFORD, iz'rV.s Sw-er^r'n, rcr-c at any reg-ular or special meeting cf 4-2-37-3t the Misses Edith Bubb, Ruth SelRules denote one thousand to County Judge, the stockholders by two-thirds vote cf dln,. and Lucille Abrahamson and fifteen hundred words in typeMrs. • Harold. Levy of Chicago is MONSKY, GRODINSKY,. MARER '& Uis outstanding stock. COHEN, written form. a guest thir week in: the homes of Thelma Gershun. Other honored . • • • • • Attorneys !K W1TXE3 WHEREOF, the parMr. and Mrs. A._ M.. Davis and guests were Miss Pearl Meyerson, who attended the University of •NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ties have hereunto subscribed their Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Galinsky. this 16th day cf .March,., 1037. Nebraska and Mis3 June Meyer- the undersigned have formed a cor- hands HARRY SINGER. pursuant to the Law3 of th» LEO ROSKCBANS, Mrs. Jack Robinson, 115 23rd son, who attends the University poration, of Nebraska.. The he -nfme n m e of t h l In tha Presence o* SAM BEBER. . A puppet show of Hansel and' street, visited with relatives and of Iowa. The formal initiation State corporation is HOt' is TWELFTH STREE STREET S-lS-37-llt Gxetel was presented by the N.friends In Des Moines this week. will take place April 9 at the Ho- COMPANY, with its principal | t e S of business in Omaha. N Nebraska. ^Thl b \Y. A. a t the Junior Hadassah tel Chieftain. objects for which this corporation is Mr. Morris Gordon,. Instructor meeting held "Wednesday evening formed are: to maintain and operate a general real estate business; to en• in- the Jewish Community Center. in the art department at the Uni- Donald Rosenfield, student at gage in the financial investment and versity of Nebraska in Lincoln, Miss Dorothy Merlin presided at business; to engage in ana the University of Iowa,* returned security conduct a business-for the purpose of visited in Sioux City this week the; business meeting which folto Iowa City Monday following selling-, at retail and|or wholesale, with his parents. lowed the program. . merchandisa of every kind and charhis spring vacation spent at theacter. AL The Company shall have au• :rA.group of Passover songs was home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. thority to borrow money and isfua Students who have returned to offered by a chorus composed of their -^respective . schools after Joe Rosenfeld.' His brother, Ro- evidences of indebtedness therefor viiete Is there The. total authorized capital stock l*i Hadassah members. Miss Rosalie spending their vacations in Siouz bert Rosenfeld, who is also a stu- $10,000.00, par value $100.00 per share •a valae in food Sacks was in charge of the. pro-' City, include Henry Greenberg, dent at the •University of Iowa The corporation shall commence bwU lii-r thisrir«ed ness upon the filing of its Articles gram arrangements. with the County Clerk of Douglas Newton Sacks, ' Frances.' Kalln, remained at Iowa City. . '.' Plans were made for-spring Bernice Galinsky, Loyal Kier, County, Nebraska, and shall continue until January 1, 2037. The highest events on the Hadassah calendar. Miriam Barish and Mina Slotsky. Mrs. Ben T.slpner entertained amount of indebtedness shall not exThe Cultural group of the Jun- Miss Fan Cohen of Minneapolis, ten children at a Theatre Party ceed two-thirds of the capital stock This restriction shall not apply to inior Hatlassab. -will meet next Wedi Minnesota, visited this -week in followed by a supper at her home debtedness secured, by real estate nesday in the home-of Miss Flor- Sioux City with her parents and in celebration of the 'ninth birth- The number of. members of the Board shall be provided for by the By-Laws ence-Siajor. Miss Rosa Pill will friends. day of her son, Maynard. •' trtilch Board shall administer, the afspeak on "The "Jew in Art." fairs of the corporation. The stock- i shall hold their annual mestMr. and Mrs. J. Rodin had asholders Ina the second Tuesday in February Demand Curbs on Sheoliits their each year and elect Directors. Th«> house guest during the of elect President, ViceKaunas, Lithuania—Anti-Sem- Passover Holiday Mr. Rodin's Directors shall Secretary and Treasurer itic groups submitted a memor- brother, Mr." Al Rodin of-Sl'ous President, The Articles may ba amended - upon -Services for the concluding andum to the Government last City, Iowa. notice-'as provided for. TJje corpor?. -..- ' tloa- shall have a. *eal. Passover holiday, were -held'iast •week • demanding curbs on;-Jewish.' • Dates January 21st, ISS7. night-- at-' Tiphereth Israel^ with ritual slaughter of animals simiMiss June Meyerson, etudeat HARRY E. COHEN. Habbi , S . Bolotnikov officiating. lar to those.which went into-ef- at -th'e; University of Iowa, spent . .-. E. SCHWARTZ. —_ . . — •.—-„.»• i u a . iuo umisisity oi lows, spent "Services this morning begaa a t incorporators

Conoervatlveo Aak Curb on Fascism



iVEX Thai ii~! .Meeting * AUSTIN





e t o ~n *~ n t




Mount Sinai

By H. A. TXOT.V, Prsident. %pcre!n.ry






-in Second Week






fect-in Poland oh-^few Year, - ••••' Her'- holiday .vacation ' a t homo vis- S-12-ii




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