April 9, 1937

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cctyicra Is copyright, by tbe Soven Arjto Pcsusra-Syndicate,-Ra» GroductSos-'ia^ijelo' ©?"'ta' part otrietl? •.forbl£dca.-;Any infriogoment oa tbl-s.-cop:rriaht- will fco




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as-Second Class Hall M&ttor ca January Si. 1ES1. as a of Ornate, .Nebrasiia. uadar tho. Act ct Mgre?a S, IS73

;FORLORN'HOPS en1 'Mr. Alfred Knopf, pnT>.translatidn'of ii..Andre Glde'B "Hoturn de V XL' S.\ S. R(Return''from tho Soviet) the hook will dpub'tlesa coat "tWo dollars ana 'ho one can tell now msny o£ the young Jewish men 1 Bud'Women whoare temporarily ldst r to.us — to our people and..to our-icauso — through their psychological • involvement with the Advanced high school and uniSoviets will • buy the book and read" it. Many,- many Americans versity students will be given a Trill read' the boofc even ao, ac-special rate of ten ce&ts to sec coYding to .my copy of.tho French "The Doll'fc House" which will be original- over- 300,000 people have presented by the Center Players, already bought and read the lit-Monday and Tuesday, April 12 tle book in France. • But precisely and 13, at tho Community Centhoae'who need the book most, ter. As this-play is considered one those who cause us to be so very anxious concerning their. future of tho great'classics of the stage,



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.., Rumania (JTA) — T i * t anti-Seiaitie campaign in xtuaania was denounced here last week, by Minister of Culture Victor Jamandi, addressing a . con\ < Hegio&al ference of the Liberal Party. • Charging religious institutions j • Held .z.zj, had become political and pastors April were actisg as • political agents, j The Southwest Regicxicl c?~- M. Jamandi declared: "The Lib-i ference of B'nai Eritb v"II Vzeral Party must end this state of j held in Lincoln Sunday, April 2F. affairs, if it. wishes to regain j London JTA) — ILe iwei.' ' •C V Headquarters will fee at the Corn- true to democracy." tleik L^s^n^cl c^rj.ress of! tr.e husker hotel, and a full 'program World Eionist .Organization Trill of'. activities is planned commencing at 10 o'clock in the rooming-',. open August S, probably in Basle, it! Switzerland, it was understood | -Henry Monsky of .Oaaha . will, K , be'the leader of the 'open, forum here. • j Ph b e e "i ^ r t discussion which.will feature tho The Council of the Jewish j afternoos session of the conclave. Agency, for Palestine will begin! srC't c the Center Players and the city's Archie Cohen of Chicago, secits sessions in _ Baste on August j and their souls' health. — the| educational institutions r.re coond vice president of District No. 15, it was stated. i air, 1 - t young Jewish Communists and operating, to make this presenta6 of B'nai Brith, will be tbe prinn?.c" '" semi-Communists — may avoid it tion, available to students. cipal speaker at the evening fcanTI ycr ° c or misa "it,, Henco I can" think at "The Doll's . House", written quet. Applause Keter Ussd ia Deterthis.moment of no more, useful two generations ago, still retains izing Wissers of The program! follows: 9 a. m., . small task than to give a brief ac- its full vitality and has remained 1 niG ' r Contest registration; ; 10 a. m., Council count" of the findings of Andre a modern play with a message as icy c^: t ' «.s meeting; 12:30 p. in., luncheon; Glde. ; - ' mportant today as when written. !Tv , f A successful, "Amateur Hour" 2 p.m., initiation and open fcritsn Fay© Klein Perimeter" First let us recall that Andre '"The Boll's House" tell3 the last Sunday-at the Jewwas discussion; 6:30 p. is. banquet,) y la "Tha Doll House" Glde is "by common consent one tory of Nora who through admusic, B'nai Brith sketch, and ish Community Center under the L* of the three or four greatest men verse circumstances is forced to auspices of the Omaha, chapter of I addres3 by Archie Cohen. of letters^In the world. Nest let borrow money and in doing so A large delegation of'Omahans the Hadassah. The contestants The TestisaoniEi luncheon hon•r r T ~ us emphasize the point that Gide orses her father's name on the were divided into two groups and oring Mrs. Kate Tatle will tate Is expected to attend. Those has always been noted for tho nbto. An unscrupulous lawyer out o wishing additional place Tuesday, . Apr;! IS, at 1 scrupulousness .and candor of his attempts to- expose this forgery lected f o r « a a i Judgment by the o'clock at the Jewish CommQEJt^ are advised to contact thinking. For years I have bought unless she used her influence no. v Center. Mrs. Tatle is a charter each. of. his bo"ok3 and have al- with hor .husband to effect his adwayo — whether tha subject was vancement. J. W. Cohen is chairman of the Winners were: the first prize member and past president of the o. twenty-five dollars, IraStanDeborah Society. At present sbe sympathetic to me- or not — bedn committee of Lincoln Lodge No. When Nora'a^shusband learns of jr-r-"? is honorary president of the orIntensely illuminated by the bone- the forgery, he. denounces her. 3773", in "charge of arracgetneats, tic dancer; second prize of fifganization. deep probity of his stylo which However, he repents,"'but Nora, Ecbbi J. 2 . Cobca Clanss EZaay assisted by' Sidney Poska, Nate corresponds, • of -course, -to- an rebelling at her • husband's disreGrossman, Lou Polsky, L. J. teen dollars, Harriet Bernstein, For many j-ears she h&s been Elads into " L l i l singer;; and third prize of ten dol- active in behalf of the Talmud equal probity of thought. Agree- gard - for her feelings vaa an inHesEsr end Herman diasburg. • Workers" lars to Abraham Dansky, pSanist, Torab. with which tbe Deborah rri-15 ment wars not. the point. The dividual, leaves him. Ho ff _" 1 e r O. who' played "Air de Ballet." point'was seeing a first-rate mind Society is affiliated. Fay Klein Perimeter, who Is New York (JTA) —Ucay pub- T\T mci ' Others who competed in the in action-— a .mind 3tripped,- ath- visiting, here .from . V^aahington lic utilities, banks, insurance Henry Honsky, president of Die, r 2 junior group were: Lee Ferer, letic, translucent. • ' • and Vwh ' o -played in a previous "pro^ companies, employers and emthe Talmud Torah, will be prinJack Cooper, Paula Belmont, iJis- \ cipal speslcer at the luncheon. Several yeans ago Glde -an- ductlon of "The J)oll's House," ployment agencies j r e discriminHus Cohen, and Jay Greesberg, I Mrs. Earry Wolf win act as toastnounced his adhesion to.the^Com- has the-leading role of Nora Hel- ating Jews to the point where the Phyllis WohlEer, Rosaline and! mistress. Mrs. Mas FroiskiE -will munl3t doctrine and faith and man; Thorwald Helman i3 play- Jews have become "marginal Betty Eosea, Corisae Wohlcer,' £*ve th^ preccr* z ».Jc*n i^^cc1" hope. In a recent volume (Nou- ed by" Charle3 Rachman. Harold workers" — to be considered for The National Fund Drive -will Eleanor Fredkin, Shirley Albert,' v r t n Urs. Tat'e ^r rre<-cnLevl v ttvellecs Pagea de Journal!) .ho. ex- S. Tuchmaa has the role of Krog- jobs only when the demaad for i a g-ift 1- E,rr~cc " rr Cc: ^o- rc-begin on Sunday, April 11. 'Mrs.and Arthur Kulakofsky. -pla'Ined.the "process of despair .of stad, tho unscrupulous lawyer. workers exceeds the supply. Jack Kaufman-is -chairman of the our prese'nt civilisation which Gwen Ueyarcon portrsys Mrs. In the senior group were Betty tc ths ^chc-^- STc.ttr r r : This Is one of th® conchisioii3 forced him to ceo a new hope for Linden, Nora's friend. Abe Salz- of Rabbi J. X. Cohen, chairman collection and will be cirsistci t y ttoaea, Reva Goreliefe, Fraccer Trl~* -* Tr-ry, humanity" In ths Soviets! He had man will have- the part of Dr. of the Conmittee en Economic lire. I. Bansky, ;.:rs. J. reldcan, Bordy, and Doris Kakoske, El-, V " ahvajta besn a believer in the Rank and Sara • Seckernsaa that Problems of tho American Jewish Ilrs. M. F. Levessoa, and Ilrs. leen Sevltz, Julian Nathan,. Kir- F ^ - ^ practical a e s ^ i t y of realising.tfcc of Anna. , . ism Rttbnita,' iKSTiiss" .Nath'ast, . Congress, iz a p^nphUt record- J u d a i Y,"o!fso=. prccept3,of trio Gospel.. KG sr*Tr TiG .Trorlierr -rrli" vr-;" c i r ^ Eleano.r .Cofca; - Patricia Klein. Tfcres young 'actors,^ Charles in- tho rrrrJt- c£ r- c'--y;~r Ir.that ChrWonfiaEi.Ii-U. finally.".aff detinitivci/1 Z&p.:d Eintiuo. " Ho turned his face, to OiO Ui^c^CuU5. I"rled»«r.., IT. JTir;';• z.z., 7 r i c ! C7 -Eileen SevHts, "pairi-bia Sl6f.~ xolc3-~oJ ti.3 Heltaar ciU- Yot::. It J; cat'/:,2 '••;_.. munl3ts>evcryrrhcrd 'were Elanl:, ZL Shapiro, I-l:;ncas Win-1 Phyllis Woiiaer, and Arthur Kui- c: t and SIcc?iniiti^ttO*i." justly elated over, tho adhesion to sstB.fo'r.'tEo play have fceca "It is tragic to note that cons troub, Ilcyer Stern, I. Piotkin, J. 1 akofsky. their philosophy and policy of, a desigaed by JNsia Secierman an J, Friedea, Jac":* Ercrr::on., Sara j • Eugene • Stein • was ' master ol| 1 business organizations maii' 60 eminent, i co ccrupluous, have "bcon executed by lir. SecCohen,'J. Bernrtein, riorris \~oa- ceremonies. . | choocs machlne-y only on the baso eloquent. He wa3 invited to kerman and Harold S. Tuchman. laer, Harry Trustin, O. t'lutzky.) " Mrs. Anna .Krasne of Frescnt.' sis^ of modern objective laothods ; Russia''to speak at'tho-,ob3e<iule3 Mr.' Tuchman is also stage manKlatsnick, f Nebraska, won the • first clasc of performance, choose employees Henry Solig, Philip of Gorki, to address, tfte ,ctudent3 ager. Joe''Bice, Mo.rrls Lintssian, Irvin round trip- ticket to CaliforEis , • • ' . on the basis "of blind. seatioients of Moscow and. the Soviet, writera Mrs. Herman Jahr, who for assarts Levin, O . C . Reiser, . Sol ..Lewis, s . ^ .Mrs.. Abe., Herzbe'rg won. the ' at Leningrad and to see for him- many, yedro directed the Center and social .; prejudice," Rabbi Cohen. . ' • : Sam'Davis, I. Morgessters, Sam- tourist ticket at the flraT self the land and the civilization Playera, has- 'returned to direct uel Stern, Al Fiedler, H. RosenH e charge the New York'Telethat waa being built there., 1 "The Doll's House.'.' phone " Company, Consolidated bloom, D. Silvermsa, James CoreTiueh' of tho stage equipment Gas Company, and Western Elec- •nman. Jack Melcher, and "William Id-rc icV.z Vr Tc- ^ Y: Let it be emphasized at .ones hao .been -built by the members tric Company with discrimination Alberts, . • ' " • ' . that Gido ia still convinced that oJ the Playero.' against Jews in violation of vthe • Also the Mesdaiaes' Herman Cosome form" of. Socialism .la. tho Mrs. • Samuel -J. Steinberg, 35, Memoerd of tho Center will be New York Civil Rights law pro-hen, Morris' Margolia, - Loais Alonly tolerable hope for mankind. admitted, without charge. Fifty hibiting public utilities from dis- berts, I. W. Rosenblatt, llaz Dav- died Thursday, April" 1, at a local itc -^f \ Ho i3 .'equally convinced after a Cento will be charged for non- crimination in employment on ac- is, Simon Pizer, Robert : Hooper, j hospital, Mrs. Steinberg was t, 2rrd l ~="« th'orough purvey of, Soviet Rus- membero. Since this production count of race, color or religion, Mark Leon, Isadora A'hrahamson, natire ct Omaha and a graduate sia. that-, neither Socialism nor is not of interest to children, only, : He Hits the. Chase' National Arthur 'Cohen, Lswreaaa Fiakle, of Technical High school. anyother^ratlonal 'hope for man-psrsons' over sixteen, years of ago Bank of New York, National'City Reuben Bordy, A.'S..Rubnitz, Kd-| Surviving are her husband; c kind in' celng realized ,there. Kot will be admitted. Bank of New York and Guaranty ward Brodkey, p.-.Bi-Cohen, Joan | daughter, Beverly, 12; a son, Arbecauno of. failureo or InaufficTrust Company, the three largest Faier, Moe Kstelsiaa, Keuben thur, i; her father, A. Greenw leqces or human- 'weaknesses.banks In New York,' as .among Brown,'' Harry -Silversiaa, Mas. berg; one brother. Ales- Greea- r rc- r* J I Those would 'characterize any pothe institutions discriminating Kaplan, Sam Zlotky, A. Roffmaa, berg; and '.five sisters, Mrs. A. -rj-^i litical and. cconlmlc experiment against Jews, and charges- insur- Morris Frie.del, '• Wiliiara- Milder, Sha'f ton, airs. Ales 'Sadofsky, Mrs. Not at all. He la disillusioned ance companies with similatrbfas. Fred Marks; Henry E. Befmoat, Harry Baer of Omabs, J.Irs. MurA VV *^ w with" fundamentals. He is conAt a meeting .of the Jewish He also shows limitations''"v;on H." RichliB," H. Okun, M. Gold- ray Klass of New'Brunswick, , sec ?. " cr\. vinced t h a t ' t h e . way . of Soviet National, Fund Council last Mon- Jews in professions. A'-: .'•'"•-. stein, J. Raznick,. S. Richiaan, •Jersey'aafi Mrs. U. Specter- of RUS3ia Its not' tha w'ay of progreca, day evening, Rabbi Louis I. GoldTo meet discrimination, Jher of- Sara'"Wiseman, MabeJ Goldsmith,- Nejr York City. iree. • cs tre c- cr ' - r' is 'not-the .road toward- c, better berg,- •gue3t speaker, suggested fers a program, centering around S. "Frohm, Richard Wright, D. Funeral. • services were .held or a happier humanity.' that 'the Omaha" council Join in Ep'stein.'I. Fiedler, Joseph Rosen" Precisely why? Because that tha' nation-w'ide celebration of establishment of community-sup-; berg/. H. Bernstein, s.. Kits, O. last Sunday, 'from the ported bureau to investigate coin1 Funeral Horss and-burial tras iz / which is static is dead. -And in tho thirty-fifth .annlveraary of the plaints of. discrimination, inter- Chorney, H. Smith and Sata Rice. Fisher Paris cesietery. 5 Soviet RUEsia life in the deepest J'. N. F . . cede where possible.'. He also pro~ sense has come to a stop. At the £Irs. Max Goldstein and Mrs.poses • enlisting the, cooperation best.'and most' {successful of the agencies and apcollective.farms he found the hpr-Joe Jlichlin have been appointed of .employment" ; ror of. "complete •deperdonalisa- chairmen of the Sefer Ha-Yeled, pearing to employers' sense: of tfon." A> robot, in- brief,, is no the- children's Golden' Book. This justice.* Denunciations, pressv-atfree. - He has-not yet reached boolr I3 kept in the J. N. F. tacks and', threats .of mas3;»presr ' 1 I freedom. .Glde,. adhering-almost building in Jerusalem. In it are sure he holds should .be used-"s3 : '. Unconsciously -to tha great- Ironic inscribed- the name and age of a "powerful reserve." Oma * j naSerstEud they could sot remove tradition "^of, Voltaire, writes: children who have contributed to -'^"To .the Jewish public,'^- "he tho J. .N. F..' says, '."raustibe '.brought., the'^realtbe Jews' and Britain iorced to "THe happine-3 of all is bough of Aserlca and the B'nsi recognise, tha -power fceiind the At the meeting Monday, a reso- iiation - that' to be shut out ••"of' a at the price of ths dc-indivldualB'rith; lodge Tuesday evening. Dr. islng of each. - The- happiness -of lution was passed to convey con- profession i or an occupation • be- Ben Zion Mosslnsohn, famous Jewish • Ideal. • cause ~ of -one's Jewishness,has dolences to" the family of Jacob all ie bought at the price of each "Tke PalestiEias Jew hePalestinian educator, • spoke 02. To':bo happy — conform." And de Haas, noted Zionist leader who far more than , economic consethree sources of streasth: A feel: "The Crisis In Palestine." ' quences.The anguish' and -frushe-'i}lu5,tratea,over and over from died In New-York last week. ing'of being hoxne; a feeling, that tration; experienced by these; ln- './The difficulties with the Arabs he is part of the ' vanguard of an* hundre'd details.that drcadfu during the past year have divldcals .affected" transcend"; the and mechanical conformity, ths< Jews'who are to corse; the feel-, feelings , of' those who are- unem- strengthened th® position ot tbe heavy,' dull -braggart orthodoxy iag of protecting a just cause. ' C Jews, according to Dr. Mossin1 ployed; for more-general reasons. bought .at .the price of enforced Ia discussing the Arab QUSSignorance of tho non-Soviet world Enthused by their' unusually ... . " I n ' a n .effort to traverse the sohn. - He explained that-by clos- jtion Dr. JjossinsoliE desiefi that 1 ing.-the^.-raarket-cf production the vicious, .barrier -. many consciously bought at " the price of keeping nuccessful presentation of the 'Use Arabs have feeen in Palestine thesa - huge mascea in darkness. Yiddish play, "Broken Hearts", and • systematically drop ;Jewish Arabs attempted- to break the eco- for fourteen hu&dred years. Hot"Their happiness is made up o. the members of the 'Omaha Choir asociatiohs.-- "Those who • • have nosaio structure ot PalestiEe. In- lesns hava • held the country that hope, confidence and Ignorance.' and Dramatic club are making 'passed' live as" twentieth century stead they, strengthened the posi- long, bat the Arabs corae. and g.~ There aro discussions. The minds plana for an entirely, new and dif-1 MarranosVin dread of discovery, tion of. the Jews. .'Governmental. were transferred from seem to work. Actually ^they are ferent Jewish play, to bo given In I Unless the Jewish • community institutions ; " j comes . to the aid of its youth • in Jaffa to: Tel Aviv' asd I17 closing . "According to Hoi stoctic. ., For all. discussions, are the near future. sourses, vrhen Palestine vas takconcerning tho question v/hether - A-large and appreciative atten-, their frantic effort toward. ecoa- the port of Jaffa a port was open: this:or" that.or tho other. Is true dance witnessed "Broken Hearts"' omlc'-'adjustment, moral and. so- ed-in ths .all-Jewish city, • •'...' en -from. tbe Byzantines it was flourisliisg country. During t h ' t "TechnlcaHy ths port t.13 .-nsny to the."party line." "It Is neve EJarch 2S, at tbe J. C. C. Ilr. dial' consequences-of'.catastrophe Arab oceupaUon the country -s-ar , faults. B a t according to British the line Itself that anyone din B. Martin,' director, praised each, scope may easue." 1 member of tho cant for outstand-1'".' The patapMet is ose.ta.a pro- experts, .the -devotion asd will to j devastated -— forests cut clowr I roaas -cestrcj-ed.. Tie desert inCUS3C3." ing work, and zlzo laudod tfc3;jscted -series :cf-surveys; thtoogh- create, the readiness to sacrifice jS -v Glde waa shocked-at the bujje harmony'of tho prcsantotion aa a' oat., the United . States to; ascer-' 'will nake it one of the-rsos't izn~ I The Jewei focad a country t -i X wriso differential, at;tho far lar whole. This waa homo out byitsia-.the.extent and.eaus£S:;of fiis- portaat 'sorts ia'tlis Near'East." Tie. too many poor. But this was no*tho rounds of apslauca at the end 'crimination;; and to eliaiinate-the : '"The great tfscssd? o f the \ desert as-i part sarsii* worst. This waa not tho crur, of the play. Earn Yrffo directed p'raetlcs wherever ••possible. diaspora," .tha speaker went en, built' roacla SJX& relorestefi thTea «U3 Tfa3 this: "Generally • • ;"&a3 '• teea. the separation.. of. tha countrjv" • the choir during tbe play. ; •"~f~~~——"—~ fayora to, go. to. those who •Jews.'lromthe soil. BecEmss they ' '"BesMee tlisir Iiigtorlcal rigtf: J.Ir. N.~ Llartin, president of th?' S"©63.la-ISepory'of D s th( U, provided always that they •'are now .crowing:"-Into tfca sell, club, thanks all, who JielSTd n i k e ^Ne'vr York "—:..Ten trees wlll-Ss are conformists and well within Us planted by- Hadassah in- tbe •Palestinian. Jewry.could stand by tlit party-Hoc- Such alone bens- it a success. -oTO-iind iti 2x liorcJs r£C£tilo^-BS . B-aniJeis Forest in .Palestine ia fit, by ony advantages." In othc i Dr. Mossinscha-'told ; herHfe Tha mother ol John Howard ( memory - .of Jacob de'Haas, Mrs. y'W0"dn r i d pa a noccs'sry conr:» Payne, author of '-'HcEie> Sweet j Moses P.. .-EjSstein, .actiag-presl- went on ia spite of tbe terror and Hoao" iTij 1 J G " ; ; 2 . ' j dent-of.;. Hadassah'announced.. • •how - tho - Arabs were'.'- Ibrcsd t& i of tits'- colcsics JLSTS cexr^i^rie ~

to Giveni at'>the'


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Birs.. S.' Steinberg


at -Meetingoff J. N.-F.



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I their refusal to participate in th« against those who are aware of j fallen a^ay — •would not be refrain, let me — since after all j BRITISH UNIVERSITIES : bicentenary celebration of Goetthe truth.. ..But woe to. the people enough: to win a war in. which the one canuot say everything—close ! i!D\tingen Uidversltv. It is expect- .• SKUB which, not knowing what way to majority of the rest would only this letter with the brief eadj i ed that Oxford University and .-: '": turn, 'at last actually seeks its see, the opportunity of shaking fervent prayer: "God help our IvcrtiStiss hi Tt'eies, Ireland ;.,, way out through the abomination off the shameful oppression that darkened and desolated country London (WNS1- — Maintainof war/hated of God and man! i has weighed upon them so long— and tesch'it to mate its peace ; i E g t ] , e s a ~ e position that prom-! .nd Scot'snd vsll JoHcw euit.' ! Such a people will be lost. It a war, that is, which after the with the world and with itself!" j P t e d them to reject fcriutiens ic! • —• Tort (T 'Xf:) —. City Colbe so vanquished that it will nev- first inevitable defeat would turn IIES recei-'/ed e.n invitation to THOMAS MAKN j the Heidelberg Uciversltjer rise again. into a civil war. '-brEtiuE. last 3'es.r, Cfetabridge UrJ.-! b£ KjUTfiprdec at the GoettifigThe; meaning and .'purpose of ' No, this war Is impossible; Ger- Knsnacht, Surieh, vcrslty, the British EOJEI Socle-; rcn "nirprRUy fcicfinfonsry but New Year'i Day, 1337. the National'Socialist state is this! many cannot- wage ft, aafl if its ty "Ed the "ElverEities of Bsris-j Trill reject ic, Prf'^infT'it Frederick alone and caii be only this: to "dictators are i a their senses, then inphsra, Leeds, Kp.r,cher<tsr, TJ.r-\ B. Ko^nsnr; f,-« i^nrmmd the put the German people ia readi- their assurances "of resdiiness for G Mann y Patronize Our Advertisers ness fOP th«J s \Var" by peace are not tactical lies repeat' elimination, ruthless repression, ed with a wink a t their partisThe following article, reprint- traditlonc, the gaiety of the world J making a- criminal attack apon ed from the Nation, weekly „ than to. become a martyr for humanity when he undertakes "to extirpation of every stirring of ans; they spring from a faintmagazine, is an exchange of them': far more fitted to add a '.'totalize'.' a segment of human exposition; to make of them an hearted perception of Jest-this letters which, passed * between. little to foster conflict and hatred iife-^-by which I mean 'politics, Instrnment of war, infinitely impossibility 'But if -war' cannot Thomas Mann, • considered " by In -It. Something very wrong I mean tho state. • complaint, without a single crit-i and shall not be—then wljy thes many to be the greatest living . must' have happened to make my .'A. German author accustomed leal- thought, driven by a blind robbers end murders? Why isola- I UMLFILIL/^ U U author,- and the Dean of the life'.take so false and~ unatural ;a to this responsibility of the Word and fanatical ^ignorance. Anj- tlon, world hostility, lawlessness, 1 Philosophical Faculty* of the turn." I tried to check it,, this --—a German "whose • patriotism, other meaning and purpose, any intellectual ' interdict, craltcr&S University of Bonn, .The .Ger- very wrong thing, so far as' my perhaps^ .naively, expresses itself other escass this system, cannot darkness, a s d every other evil?Tman author Jiereiri clarifies at { Weafc powers were able—and In in a belief in the^ infinite moral have; all the sacrifices of £ree» Why not rather Germany's Volun•some length his attitude I so.'doing I called down on'myself significance of whatever' hap- dora, jnstfee, htiman.. happiness, tary return to the European sys•aid the Nazi regime. the fate, •which I must now learn pens in Germany--—should, he be including t h e secret and open tem, her recoQCilaUon>-with KarEDITOR'S NOTE to reconcile with a nature es- silent,, wholly silent, in the.face crimes for. Trhfch is has blithely opc," with all the inwsrd accora« of the inexpiable evil that is done beea responsible, can be justified paniments o* freedom* jastice, sentially foreign to it. only by the end-^-absolsite fitness well-being, and human decency, •Bonn", December 19, 1936 Certainly I challenged the wrath daily" in his country to bodies, for war. It _the idea of war as an and a jubilant -welcome from the I "i '•'. '-\i:-:-:'k'' souls; and minds', to right and To Herr Thomas ,Mann, writer: . of these despots by remaining aim-in itself disappeared, the sys- rest of the world? Why not? By request of the Rector of the^ a w a y n nd giving evidence of my truth, to men und mankind? And tem would mean nothing but theOnly .because.a regime which, ia University of Bonn I must inform irrepressible disgust. But it ia not should he be silent in the face ot word a i d deed, desiies the rights p i %%<*,. you that as a consequence of your merely In the last four yenra that the frightful.danger to the whole; exploitation of the people; i t of- man, which wants above all J -'. % would be utterly senseless. • sind continent presented by this, soul loss of citizenship the Philosophic] I hnve done so. -1 felt thus long else to remain in power, would i . cal Faculty- finds, itself obliged to befort?, and ivas. driven" to it' be- destroying .regime, which exists superfluous. Truth to tell, IS both of these stultify itself and be abolished if, I atrike your name off its roll of cause "I saw —r earlier than my in abysmal ignoranfce of the hour senseless and superflous, not only since It cannot make war, It act-' that has struck today" in the lionorary doctors. Your right to now desperate fellow-countrymen because war "will not be premitt- ually made peace! But Is that a world? It was not • possible . for Ytv-f • use thi3 title - is canceled • in ac- —who nnd vrhnt would- emerge it, but also because its "leading reason? cordance with Article VIII of the"from nil .this. But when Germany me to be silent. And so, contrary ed Nij idea, the absolute readiness for I had forgotten, Heer Dean, regulations concerning' the con-had actually fallen into those to-my intentions, came the ut- war, will result precisely in the that I was still addressing JOT. | 1 ferring of degrees. hands I thought to .keep silent. terances, the unavoidably com- opposite of what is striving for. ." DEAN"—(signature' Illegible) I bcK'svcd. thnt by the sacrifice I promising gestures which have No other people on earth are to-Certainly I inay console myself f The Philosophical Faculty' of liart iiia:Io I- had earned the right now resulted in the absurd and day so utterly incapable of war,with the reflection that you Ions • • " the Frederick-William Uai- to silence; that it would enable deplorable business of my nation- so little in condition to endure since ceased to read this letter, me to'preserve something dear to al exeommunieation'. • The mere one. That Germany •would have aghast at language which in Gervei'sity on the-Rhine. To the'Bean of the Philosophical- my heart —- "the contact with my knowledge of who these men are no allies, not a single one in the many lias long been unspoken, j terrified because somebody dares 3?aculty_ , the University of public within Germany. My books who happen to possess the pitiful world, is the first consideration use the German tongue with the) I said to myself, are > written for outward power to deprive ine of but the smallest. Germany would Bonn: for them above all; the my German birthright is enough be forsaken—terrible of course ancient freedom. I have not spokI have-received the melancholy Germans, outside . world and its sympathy to make the act appear In all its even in her isolation—but the en out of arrogant presumption, communication which you adressbut out of a concern and a dis-1 absurdity, I, forsooth, am suped to me on. the nineteenth of! have .always been^for me'only a posed' to have dishonored the really frightful thing would be tress from which your usurpers i the fact that she had forsaken happy accident. They aw—these December. Permit me to reply-to; Reich, Germany, in acknowledgdid.not release me when they de-7 books of'mint;—the- product of a ingIt as- follows: • reduced j creed that I was no longer a Ger- j that^l am against them! They herself, intellectually mutually nourishing bond beThe German universities Bhare the incredible effrontery to and humbled, morally gutted, in-1 man— a mental and spiritual dis- I nation and author, and de- have a* heavy responsibility "for all theptween confuse themselves with : Ger- wardly torn apart by her deep tress from which for four years j e prjesVnt diBtTessl'syJiilch'ilie?call- j * l ^ conditions ^vhlch I jnjy- many! When, after all, perhaps mistrust of her leaders and the! not an hour of my life has bees helped- to create in ed do.wq /upon their heads whenj. 5 ^" the moment is not far off when mischief they have done her .in j free, and struggling with which rtheyv tragically- misunderstood" many. jSach bonds as these It will be of supreme importance these years, profoundly uneasy I. have had to accomplish my cretheir' historic hour and allojved delicate.nnd. ot high importance; to hB herself, ignoran1-. of the future of. ative irork Say by.day.-The prespeople not to be course but full fo forebodings of -"their eoil to nourish.the ruthless,] they~"ought not.toTe'rndeiy sun'-jcoli * German sure was great. And. as a. man tb ^ m forces which have, deyasted.Ger- deredby politics. Tho«gh there} J™*A™ eril, she would go into war notwho out of diffidence in religious To what a pass, In less: than many moraily, politically and ec-might ho impatient ones at home four years, have brought Ger- in the condition of 1914 but, even matters will seldom either by onomically. This, responsibility who, muzzled themselves, would many! Ruined, sucked dry body physically, of 1917 or 1918. The tongue or pen let" tne name of .•'•-,• o.f theira long ago destroyed my take ill the silence of a free man", and soul . araments with 10 percent of direct beneficiaries j the Deity escape him, yet in • | pleasure .in my, academic honor I was still able to hope thnt the which j they by threaten the whole of the system—^half even of them mo»eats of deep emotion cannot I I '.and prevented me from/making great majority of Germans would world, • holding up the whole understand • my reserve, perhaps I any use of it whatever. Moreover, world and hindering-it in Ita real ;••'". „ I hold today an honorary degree even thank me for it. task of peace, loved by nobody, i i ^ l j r f Doctor of Philosophy confejrrThese 'were my assumptions. regarded with fear and cold averi: " X i d upon me" more' recently by They; could not be carried out. I sion Iby all, it stands on the brink Harvard University. I cannot re- could not have lived or worked, t of economic disaster, while its frain frdm explaining- to -you the. should have suffocated, had I not stretch out their hands v/ - grounds upon which it was cori- been able now and again to "enemies" in alarm'to sn&tch back from the Harry Z. Rosenfeld. ,ferred. My dipIpma-; contains a cleanse -my • heart;, to., give from abyss Joseph E. Rosenfeici MiHard R. Speicr -so important a member ;of VIce-Presidcnt Prcaldint Secretary """"-- ^sentence which, " translated .froni time to "time .free vent to my aby- the. future j family: of 'nations to "the Latin, runs as follows:';",';". . smal disgust -at ..what "was- hfip- help it, of, only it will; com© to BEFORE. YOU." BUY- TRUCK BODIES AND • TRAILERS, m ,..-••,, '.^.SEE.OUR COMPLETE LINE ' . we, the President and -"'Fallows pening at home—the" coiitempi- its senses-and try to UTiflerstSnd withTthe-approval: of-th'e; &nbr-| : jble'/-^ptdsjSHd;^U]^ more ,. cbn- the-"real needs of the world at ilayes.Safaty Steel'iPassenssr g^d Etst-laess Trsllsrs 'Anthony" All Steal Express snd Stsko- BocSss fcr . able^. Board, of Overseers, -of the' temptibie .deed. "Justly or not^my this-hour,.-instead of dreaming Vz Ton, % Ton, &*andl!4 ton Clusssls -.University in solemn session hav^ name; had once- and for..all' be- dreams • about mythical "sacred - designated and-appointed as hon- coine connected for the worldj necessities." Yes, after all it must AH S!z©s of Express, Stake, ssnsi Refrigereter Bodies o r a r yYJDoctor of Philosophy Thomas : Mantf, fain ous author, In;Tnselk or Trqilsr • who has interpreted life to many Sco Thera on Display at 2562 Barney Street it may riot drag drfwn the,rest of of* our-fellow-citizens .and togeth- ears; that I and no other'muit in the continent, with it and unleash er with a very few contemporar- clear terms' contradict the. ugly ies, sustains the high,- dignity of falsification. which this >, concept the war utfon whichaa the "ul-.German culture'; and; we have mature .and culturgranted-.tohim all the rights and ing. TharcTallenge distorted i-r-by which I mean those privileges appertaining to this deall the free-ffow;ng creative fanF©r fh'e first tfme, w« offer e gree." ' ." ' -•/' "/"' ' v "~: * ' ; cies to which I -would so gladly which understand the- fundamenfact that war is 'no- longer - perIn such terms, so • curiously have-yielded. It was' a" challenger tal vh©f© set ef breezy, dresses, coptreat this, endangercontradictory to the current Ger T | hard to resist for one to whom it misible--7T-, ed' and .endangeringcountry," or • led from the sferg' porson®! Palm man view, do free and enlighten-, had always been given to .express rather the impossible leaders into ed men-across the the"dcea* dcea* think of j and release hlmwlk through IanIan-|whose handg „ ag Sprirsgg werdrebes. Here «re r#hag me and,. I may add, not' only|£uage, to : whom. experience had| ( r i r c , t^nnt „ „,„,. „,„„ I_j»t tors treat a sick, man * — with the prodyefions of vh«f they wear is there. I t would never have 'oc- •!always been one with the purify.r J utmost tact and caution, with inciirred to !me to boast of the' "" ""'* "-"""-•"•••"' curred. imie the ing anil preserving' th®fr f«vcri*c- hiciervey, ft the i exhaustible.if not very flattering ,;_wbrds: I have quoted; but here cotisfry cliib, (lit beach, and The mystery of the Word Is,pat fence. But It thinks it must ; '• and-today I .may, nay,'* I. must great; tho responsibility for it, _ politics of p I a y p o l l t l c s t h e . repeat them. If you 'Heir ^Dean. * | (I am-Ignorant of the procedure' and its purity is of a. symbolic j p o w e r a n d hegemony—with the That i s ' an unequal . Involved},-have posted a' copy of and spiritual lcindj.it has n o t i d o c t o r a •' your, ..communications to.'me on only an .artistic but also general! g a m e _ I f o n e s i d e p l a y s p o m l c s • the-bulletin board of your unt- ethical meaning;-it is responsi-( v ; h e n t h c o t h e r n o i o n s e r t h I n k s !versity,- It. would gratify -me to bility itself, hnm^n responsibility „,. p o l I t i c 9 b u t o f p e a C G i t h e n f o r {*) Block print Ym«r> oV«»8, tuiip print jiavs -this-replay of mine receive quite simply, also the responsi-1 a , i m e t n e - i i m B l d e reaps cefc<^pe . scarf. Wine, P^ay? nswy> | the samo .honbrL Perhaps^-some bility for one's, own .people, t h c j t a i n - a d v a n t a g e s . Anachronistic bi*ek, brevrt. • 14-SS, • duty of keeping pure its imrge in l g n o r a n c e o f t h e f a c t t h a t w a r i s •] member of the university, some (b) Tw«'piee« liner, •jBtudent or": professor ' may bethe sisht pt humanity., fit t h C | n o . ] o n g e r permissable results for Word is involved the unity of h u - i a v I i l l o - o £ c o u r s e I n .. 6 U C C e s s e s .. pe'ek«i», leather ncve'ty be!4. _ Copsn, , | visited, by a sudd en fear i' a swift- inanity, t h e wholeness of the'hubrown, whits, wint, grey, 14 t«s 2C. l y , suppressed arid dismaying pre-, man ,„„„ yluuiclua , mwhich l , u , permits noproblems, ~{e) Monetsrie prir4»<< iinsn jis'SSB wiiH en ^'^sentiment, on reading a .docu-ibody today less than ever, to interegti^^ ppv^r?s>.n^t^hpf' C^HPP, ment-'which gives.him in his dis-q separate the Intellectual and arN»vy, bl«ek, brtown. wine, creen. 1&-44. 'gracefully.enforced isolation and tistic from thc political nnd so{4) 'Linen eost d>-e»s v-ii-ih iurrs bnek e«l. j l g n i o r a n c e a brief revealing cial, and to Isolate himself with.7 ' U r , hfph peek?!!:*. Pink, mai^s, v?hH«, - ' glimpse of the free world of the in the ivory tower of the J'cul'" aqua, blue. 1* te ?S), . -, intellect that still exists, outside. tural" proper. This tnie totality '(•) Grae« Asfiley iinfi?; ¥'i:<h fe^w iie pnd ', -•;'Sere I might close. And yet'at Is 'equated with humanity itself ^sa -: colored hutto^s, G^py. Btin=>. T^PJJTS. this moment certain further! ex- anw anyone—whoever he be—is ' White, green. 14 t« £0, *i"-:: '"MrM jgWi Iplanations seem to me desirable Simm (f) Dark linen with po?«s {''<?•: liner hsnrlu ,~dr:-.Bf- least permissable, I made M and shou^f'rars- hrwrn. nzv. win*n • no statement - when 'my- loss of 14 te 20. FAMOUS MAIZES AT A •;-civil- r i g h t s was ; nnnounced, (a) Whiie faackgi-oune! isiocked linen.. - (.thoagli I was more than!once oslvres« pattern, V>?f.<\ b!u«, h"f'Wn0 M to 44, ' ' ;.ed to do BO.' But I regard .the • /academic divestment..as a cuitFirst choice—as'd there's a • reason! (h) Tfeweret? lintzn ' fin white, ssnii d a r k . able occasion for a brief personal atier-Mat& less-acid Ilian oilier cofhnyr navy, b'rv.vri, v i n e . IS tt> SO, declsration^. .I.TVould'-beg you, ' Hew 'JDean (I have not. even the {}) B!oeke»5 Vm^fi in r*.rr-K"- priiem, While . .fees. "Itis milder,.rlcl3isr,-.m©I!ower--lss honor of knowing your name), to bjue, b'.a«k, brev^n, l i to 20, . •' short, .Butter-Nut has marvelous flavor. ..- •' regard yourself as - merely" .the -..- chance recipient of 'a communlca(k) •-: • .You.see, Butter-Nut.prepared'its i white b.sakprcts?id fin?) v?Siit ,/ :tion:.;, not.,r designed for : yoa in: a yoik button pf>ck«t,s,,. 14 io 20. '.:. ^|)ers6nal sense." ;'.,-'.'.' _','-.-.'• - ..'• ' •'. • . -'/coffee dififerentl7v: The-very choicest'' '••{•: I have ^spent four .years'.In an ; _ coffees are used and tiiey ••• -exile ^which it' would be.euphemeoliar, stitched ft-ent jtt y areiirought g Pink. " istic to call voluntary since. if I \ fi 38 ta 44. \ S •••' • MRt f-"D'IAM[ >'-'SPECIALS' had' * remairied- in. • Germany , or to a high psak cf fir.s flavor h? Fufr. gone; back .there I should probab• - • ' M I D G ' C T - - •• VLVi'lCAL 5ABY---0SAND" ter-Nut^s exclusive Spcad i.[cEov.-fc . :ly-DOt-be alive Itoday,;, In these AH ;• Full Tone,. • f MS ,@3.|iafa ', i ce;s. This moShc .'•'.r four;years the odd blunder coin-. MAIL ORDERS n u r ' % "> ' -' PssI! Seels .' % f ran mitted-by fortune- when she put Plcsss isenfi me. up tfco ricSirr:?j irt cr zip " me -.'in"" this situation has never ep V ;once,"ceased to trouble me." I could way .makes the Ha¥or more' delicious. -Included; in-Hospa's Sale, are nmr, used, MASOM & HAMLIM, never" have dreamed, it could nevfloor samples, and recpnflitioKed ^Pianos IIHAE2, STEiriV/AY. Mo matter-wh^t-coffee:you use now, - er havje. been prophesied ot .me at —Baby Grahfls, '.filslget Uprights, Con- ULEBAfJSCn n H : . my cradle that I should "spend solo and r ?er!od- Styles, thciaSlng-stll VOSE a sons, STRAUSE, ;you should- try the ssw Butte^Nai. /'these and; .many •'• iaoio. fa: v my -later yeara, as :a'n^emigre,;^esLESTER, EV2RETT .'r...;' -prppriated, • outlawed, and ;~ com^ '-.--SMALL:'- "PffeeV ; mitted to inevitable pdlitical pro" test, ^ r o m . t h e beginning of my : AFiorar-' as. - . intellectual life, I 1had felt myself In' happiest acedfd with", the 'tem•lui a •/'. . per "of my natlonahd. a4: home }iri 1S12 DOI3OIAS .'i Its intellectual traditions.« . 1 am JA 5323 better/ suited to. represant .those

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dren, including 14-year-old Tal- jhourg. Minister to .Mexico in'topknot . . . g->t an W T S -«-» £7£ o- 75 pe- CP" o^ t tah, who is also an acconplislied j 1S67; • Lewis Einstein, Minister to j wound, bin -s ET *• _t on i it; c em car p -rr pianist, have never atteaSed a | Costa Eica from 1813 to 19S1; i even dazed." r . c _ : E . L - 7 ! regular school—but have t a d the! Leo Sack, Minister to Costa ~ loa " ' '] f-3ct, it see best instruction from private ta- ! from i s s s to 1537; Harry F. tors. Hephzibah has been school-| Guggenheim, A m b a s s a d o r to Few peep 1 "*• T-rived by some of the world's great- I Cuba from 1S29 to 1SSS; David lieopold C-OuO"5 •*-, est teachers of piano, including I E. Kaufman, Minister to Bolivia famed, pian = , v o Marcil Ciampi, -one cf France's ! from 1530 to 1SS3; and Pay A.Sold t o tils T~V. g. TT.~, ~ leading keyboard pedagogues. In j Desportes, Minister +to .a i color proees- r.^v- c addition to her solo studies, she from 1233 to 19 3 6 vr .nd nc has always played chamber music ister to Guatemala. j did the the y r^ ET n at home with her brother ss well i family batfr*%n'~' I an improve" J 3a as with her brother's quartet and quintet ensembles. v- - 1 — E r c z r ' ' j One of the directors of the r j l i f e h e c t i c f c - ,.h» C o e v * ••<- K Gramphone Company of England In this -unique interview | resulted in a. •.«>•* ca- ccn^-cc* interested in the orchestra in a if ornia,'' had been rumored iC— C\ By .HELEN 2IG?I0XD \rith the ' Mennbin family,I two happened to be. present at one of | for him with Eastman film ccaI T ' — -1" members of which——Xeliridi ana national "way, and in this way studying for conductorship. When jj these informal musical evenings j ! pany. .r t u u Mae West's part-' Hephzibah—are -srorid-famous would be glad to contribute to- questioned, about it, he was quite land-requested Papa Moshe Manu- I Hollywood c C * t* musicians, Miss Brotnian repro- wards it. They made this state- indignant, stating: "One does not [bin to'allow his talented dangh-! ment is all that the publicity •: Eddie Eobinscn, Jr. four, s?.r p-- " ' his Dad is the se< toughtert duces the atmosphere in which ment in a broad sense. study to be a conductor!" ter to make some records with \ blurbs claim for it mirrors man in Hollywood lie himscT of C--!\rij r t , " ' --1 7 n ' ' The Dickstein Immigration Bill We steered, into different-chan-i1 0her orother and'other memb'ers i here, there, and everywhere. these "children ivero reared to is-the first: C r e ; c°" l v c e Ti was the closest topic to-Yehudi, nels then. I had heard Yehudi c 'I e their home chainjer music cir-: member of the fourth estate inbe great artists. and the Menuhin famiiy In genr was interested in the reclamation I - T l l u s cegan Miss Hephzibah's :; terviewed her the ether day and! —The Editor. "career." And before saw . . . not only Mae . . . but:: JUHP Trav s has . Yehudi Menuhin's name has eral. Said Yehudi: "I am strong- of the Sahara desert. I wish I jsremarkable , f i/'Z •fV" ne had erer appeared with her ! Maes and Maes, repetitions and : natures . . . en. v ..h eacl ha: been blazened upon the page of ly opposed to the Dickstein Bill, could describe the electrifying ef- i in Paris, London and i replicas at every turn. Astound-! every newspaper, magazine, in as it is so un-American and in- feet, this question had . . . Oh, i brother I Pi . fV with, the "American indeed, Yehudi was much inter- j N e w York, her records c a d e with ; ed he stuttered, "Gee, you really the radio and in records through- terferes t-r. out the .world, until it i s a house- birthright of lair play. In Europe ested in having the Sahara desert her brother in sonatas of Franek, fTnean it when you say, 'Come up hold word His. vfolin-playing for they give: all American artists "a made livable, it would mean so Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart and \ and see me sometime!'" the past ten years, (he was butchance, any artist gets a hearing, much to Palestine, and France. Enesco had achieved wide circa- j Button, button, who's got the ten years old at the time of his why should they bar . European "Just think of it," he repeated en- lation. Papa Menuhin was besieged title? Maxwell Shane and Bill debut) has used up all .the su-artists in America? thusiastically. I thought-over it perlatives of music critics and "We were interrupted by a. cam-'and also thought over the vast with offers from concert manag- i Thomas wrote and sold a screen \ left the layman spellbound! This, eraman who wanted pictures of knowledge he displayed of en- ers and concert going, crganiza- ; story entitled, "My Girl Friday." you would think; would suffice as Yehudi and Hephzibah, and then gineering ..terms which were en- tions for joint recitals by the two \ Winchel heard the news, blew up, one generation's contribution tojby the pianp tuner. There was tirely, alien to these feminine ears. virtuosi, but for several years the broadcast that he was tired of Sirce Advent cf 1C&-; It was-drawing near lunch time .answer was "no." Finally, wh.en studios taking expressions from! the musical world, but no!, the some hilarity as the cameraman column without so much as; . • Serins . Manuhins bring forth,a pianist, a gave orders" for poses and the and. Mrs. Menuhin was telling me he was sure Hephzibah was suf- his 1 what. a marvelous appetite Yehu- ficiently mature, he consented to a "thank you". Whereupon an- j daughter Hephzibah, 4 years elder Menuhin laughingly Yehudi's junior; and Tepeat their marked that "for once they obey di. had, although none of the one annual joint recital in Paris, other studio burrowed in its ar-: i Xew York (WXS) •— D ; r r p chives, discovered that it had the four year period since the >^sensational gift: to. grateful hu^j orders instead of giving them," Manuhin children have ever eaten I London and New York, and tins purchased a play called, "My • ginning of the Xazi regi:re .r raanity. Hephzibah. Menuhin, j but added quickly: "But we in a public dining room. Pretty routine was followed for three , Girl Friday," some . twelve years ; Germany, S4,5DO German ,'CVT 'r-.'-r' seasons. The radio de- a g 0 f r o m whose Hebrew, name translated j never ask them to obey in the Hephzibah can'bake bread and consecutive but £ t h e t w o i n a a Joint o i n t r erecital citaI "R'illiara A. Brady. Now • settled in Palestine, it vrrs into everyday;English would read true sense of:the world." Mother cook the entire dinner in their I ° ^ the -contenders need is a ref-! vealed in a report received "my desired "one," is the embodi- Menuhin 'chimed in: "Children/are California-ranch home on the i occurred only a couple of weeks eall r ee. • [by Dr. Stephen S. Tfise. w , , ment of a rare orchid,;with poetic like flowers, ^f you constantly pull cook's, night -out. Yehudi and his i a s ° On i Chairman airman c! cf the United ?r"(-=V*-" -w*" eyes, blond hair, chiseled features j i t the stem of a flower vou spoil sisters Hephzibah and Yaltah are | Tehudi's temporary retireModesty: Paul Muni didn't tine Appeal, frora • the Cev •:.and the transparent charm of an-jit." ardent devotees of tap dancing meatt following, flli his hi round-thedthe think his performance in "Good Agency in Jerusalem. other planet, plus the gilt of] -After the pictures were taken, and the oldertwo Menuhin chil- i tled d o w a t o a Earth" so great . . . decided not The rate of immigration i-v:r leisurely life oa to see i f . . . until . . . someone Germany'represented music, simple mannerisms, coot-;-rj a s k e d .Yehudi about his re- dren are an adept mixed doubles < 20 per ccri their 102-acre ranch at Los Gaing-and tap dancing"! markable stage poise, which I tennis team. They spend a good tos, Cal., 55 miles south of San told him that the audience had of the total cf 16 4.-E7 Jew? vi.c When I was granted the priv- first observed in Carnegie JHall portion of every day on the courts cheered him at the preview. entered Palestine from more • - ilege of interviewing these star- when he made his debut there 10 when they are at home on their Francisco. For the past eight Moe Howard, one-third of the a score of countries. Of the c z" lets, little did I realize I would! years ago. He was at a loss to ranch in California's' -Santa Cruz years the Menuhins have spent Three Stooges, visited his young of German Jewish immi^-r- ' •yir in Europe, be led into the sanctuary of the ! explain it in definite termsi except mountains. Yehudi. and Hephzi-:most of their time daughter, Jean, at school. To 1S.051 or 5? per cent were i:rc -: with headquarters in Villa d'AvMenuhin family group. But there I t l l a t m u s i c test his knowledge she asked him SO and 6,605 were chilfirei 1 Ps 0 a l l i m p O r t a n t bah spend three hours a day prac-.f I was talking to Moshe Menuhin, j t Q e p e o p l Q ticing their music together,. four ray, between Paris and Versailles. what happened in 1776. '"What der 17.The family travels everywhere Mother Menuhin, who had her w e r e ttere_ H e a d d e d ; ..j o n l y and five days a week. The influx Irora Ge-r-'Eir together, and is remaining in Cal- street?" blinked Moe. Fciriharm in a sling due to -a burn, were j grader ,Joan advised him to go to readied its highest pereentr ;•=• r r To the Menuhin. family, con- ifornia until nest fall. want to make them happy and to Yaltah, the youngest, blond and tentment is more important than (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts I school and she'd be tee stooge. the total Jewish immicrgt ~~ daredevil of them all (and I'm sing to them." 1D3G when.7,SEG or IS per r—i fame and .. wealth. Said Mrs. I then asjied him why he liked Feature Syndicate) willing to wager we'll hear from Jery Howard, another fraction of all Jews who entered Ti'""Moshe Menuhin: "If Yehudi the "violin and he said: For two her. yet) and of course succeedof the Trio, also has a. head on tiae in- that year originated ' r r ~ should decide to give up his mued in capturing on canvas a sun- reasons. First, because it is in- sic and become a shoemaker, we him — a hard one. Once "when Germasr. German citizens rm.teresting and produces music; rise as beautiful as nature's early direct-r from GersiE.rr making a picture, he fell down an would be satisfied, that i s , if Name Steinkardt dawn, or the greatest poet ever and, secondly, because it is emo- that's what he wanted—and if he the pr.r,t four rsnrs elevator shaft . , . rirfit on his Peru Ambassador succeeded in describing ade- tional rather than'logical." were an idealistic shoemaker." : JVe then spokeof his teacher, Washington, D. C. (TVNS) — quately the simplicity TD£ a moth-' Hephzibah is IS, ac4 has been Laurence Steinhardt, er and her babe and no scribe Enesco, whom we heard recently could pen the words that would in Detroit with'our"symphony or- acclaimed a piano virtuoso in..! states Minister to Sweden since promoted., from do justice tocthe innate fineness chestra as violin soloist and con-ParisT London and New York. She 1934, has of the Meniiliin . family .gTpup."- ductor. Yehudi was studied with does not plan -"a great career"" I the but wants to play the j p Os t of "United State Ambassador There is a -bond -of -.unity ,and-Jin- Enesco";since the age. of 8, and for herself, ; derstanding that leads %o_ mysti-apart .from two years" when he piano for her own enjoyment. Un- ' A nephew of Samuel Untermycism—and in this atmosp'heTj?? I trie'tlUtELstudjr with_Qther teachers,. like het" brotlier-,r HepHiihah has -was made welcome and BO at ease- -has been with himbeonstantly* He not returned" regularly ib 'the con- er. Mr. Steinhardt was a prominthat I marvel at the simplicity "pi spoke in glowing-"", terms' of En-' cert platform -since she gave her ent attorney before entering the their graciousness. All Questions esco'i'saying he w'as his greatest first public Tecital in her native diplomatic service. His appointment to the Peruvwere answered directly and "with- inspiration, and • w;e, who heard out evasion, no matter which xone him • ".recently, know -what he eight years old, from the Schrine ian embassy makes him the sevmeans, • ' ' . high post in Auditorium stage that saw Yehu- enth Jew to hold of the family I addressed. Yehudi Menuhin, who for-the in his debut four years pre- the American diplomatic service Yaltah, the youngest and 14 in Latin-America. years of age,, insisted on telling past two years has been in retireThe others were Marcus Otterthe interviewer she looked Italian ment on the family ranch in Cal- All three of the Menuhin chiland this led immediately into the questions closest to the heart, i. e., Hebrew,,.the Palestinian orchestra and matters pertaining to the Dickstein Immigration Bill,, which will affect foreign artists VT" if it; comes into effect. The elder Menuhins and Yehudi know Hebrew;, and they all speak Italian, French, ', German, Spanish,, Russian 'and English. Yehudi was born, in New York City and later the famiLy moved to San Francisco, where Hepzibah and Yaltah were born. The Palestinian orch e s t r a, which Toscanini directed Tecently, was then brought- up. Mother Menuhin, -with Yehudi nodding assent, ventured that they, were


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"if :r*rrr3f"-:r.r' opponents. In a world of intrigue, he stands alone as a gentle7 distress I called upon man, a man of intellectual integrity. I. and out of Hie temple •ft mx ToSce, F.nfl my pry Had a, man" of his type led Prance in. the immediate postr ifito His ear. "O* war period, France would be breathing more easily today. He Published every Friday at Oznahn, Nebraska, by r c r " ; r r e v ; cr ;v? --^ TALMUD By D S . SHEOBOEE K. LiuTsTS has faced the problems of France with courage and intelligence M S JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPAN years. And Dr. Coher. is t O O 1133.- j Bioment vhen Robbl theMocmfi Siffial Sesaj&e, Sices. City patient for this "G-euleb. j and has laid the way for cordial Franeo-Geman relations. ££' he lifted up his ten Subscription Price,, ono year •_ * * - . • • 52.00 Since the «evs vill rto ;' c!ssF,f-! If he can remain in office five months more, he will have Advertising rates' EurnlsUea OQ application. S-,E£ said: "Sovereign of pear is. tfee sest century, s.e very1.' the e"f.!£, it is known and reestablished a time-record for post-war premiership^. If he can PBOPOSKP KOADS FOB MQD« j.ccang-es Icr'tfee vrov&i. It is cp gly concedes that 'or per-' JEWRY. NATIONAL COUS-! to tbe Jews to cooperate with the T3jfee t h a t v ith m y t e n Editorial Olflco: 600 Brandeia Theater Building. bring his program to a successful conclusion, he will have dis- ERN 1 sonal happiness &vd to be v< ' ' ~ "" "' p eP ; CHI OF JEWISH WO3SEN. NEW I liberal and. enlightened political - " fingers I he.ve labored unceasingSious City Office—Jewish Community Center red to cope with racial discritn- j ly in the Torch and did not ensipated the danger" of war and brought Europe back to sanity. .YORK CITY [ forces who are striving to 3m-: f° Ea cn n m Print Shop Address: 3504 So: 24th Streat d more just, ft mir ; J e v"n s - c fitc i i cif)kadvisable advisable that, the '• •, *. ,., ... . Tiiis is an extraordinary sig- ' prove and render Blum has sounded a new note in European politics. The nCT DAVID BUaCKER • • Business and Managing Editor " eon , EflBti nificant pamphlet, with addresses economic system. In the battle j M , . ^ i: joj- the v-orl&!y profit ia so much French Jews, who begged him not to assume office for fear 0 Rn FRANK ft. AUKEKMAN Editor t £ r e n _ E . o m e Tulmiidic " " " " ' "I.t s my little Tinge-, May it thereby Marvin Lowenthal, Erich Gut- with anti-Semitism, reason and | ?™ ?*. that if he failed the ghosts that stalked the Dreyfus case would klcd ..land .Morris R. Cohen, de- logic are inadequate and inefficFANNIE KATELMAN Couacil Blutts,' Iowa, Correspondent JEtes the! ' ore please Thee that I shall rert ANN PILL* . . . • Sious City, Iowa. Correspondent EEe e* til fiSBiniilatiofiistB ic jin peace." Whereupon a Heavenreturn again, recognize now that the fate of France was inlivered at a recent ineeting • cf I ient. Those who yield to antithe National Council cf Jewish' Semitic allurements flout reason, j °' l;r voice -^ent forth end saidi; "H» their hands. He has brought back the principles of justice and Women. The symposium- coa-j ridicule logic and prefer falseman honesty in diplomatic proceedings* He is proving that rational- tains so much vital necessary i hood to truth. Traditional Challenge detruth for American Israel that 11 The lack o£ Jewish unity con- In. two and a half weeks Omaha' Jewry wiil launch its ism is .the stronger force and is still able to .conquer ignorance. wish intimat* it -were possible to. place it [ tributes! greatly to the sense a prince among men. He is in every he- vill never find eighth annual Jewish Philanthropies campaign. An efficient Blum is in every , T , , . A , , , •-.. . , .in the hands of every J e w a n d to • e£ German Jewry c u d is campaign organization has been welded into being, headed by sense a,good Jew, for his teachers have been those prophets l n s u r e J t 8 c a r e f u i perusal, study j pediment-to successful ™ a most capable general chairman 'and leader, Harry Trustin. who on the Judean mountainsides prfeached justice among inen and digest. Particularly true is i anti-Semitism here. this of the address by Ivlarvin' groups so .among the Hevrg tliese But, as Trustin points.out, this drive is not the campaign of Lo-vventhal on "Germany of Yes*; are distinct social classes wkh "The "reason why .the chairman or his divisional heads - - it is the campaign of * Influence . • ' . terday and America of Today", i definite economic or csste preju- with self-hate, loatting; their peo: &re beloved by me ple s,nd their heritage'—F"F.V for To identify in waich he summarizes the traj dices. the well t>eeach of. us, of each and every member of the Jewish commu| their townspeople is not becausa „ By Eabbi Frederick dohn gic mistakes German Jewry tas,' i E « of the Jewish masses witt •and anticipate wltfe sadistic tle- j they consider them superior to nity. The men and women chairmen are the' generals in the lijrht Jewish racial' nuiside, Fr.f Everyone wishes to amount to something in this world. No made, in the hope, that we will j that of a few -wealthy Jews • i!it'2i££lvefe but because they do battle to aid thirty-four Jocal, national and international Jew| happen to exercise power fcr Tir- this fear of the phettP ">?. till per them, , ; noi rebuke, them for not performone wants to be a nonentity. Read Dale Carnegie's "How to avoid nonsense. Thousands upon thouThe three grevlous errors ol i-tue of t&sir wealth is danirerous ish agencies - - but the. fight will be decided by you and me Eeavenly duties." fiaDGs oof f Jews combine E deep :| ingWin Friends and Influence People" and you will learn what German Jewry are, first, failure; in the extreme. In Germany, the : sands * eTr * comMns liibbi Chlys. was tutor to the ,- - the army in this struggle for humanitarian causes! l0J ltJ t 0 *e*r\sli lite, an important part the desire to be important plays in deter- to recognize that the Jewish! wealthier Jews, with an ere. £25! *f c \ children o£ Resh Lokesh, and Last year Omaha Jewry- oversubscribed its quota - - show- mining the actions of men. All are ambitious of exerting cause Ss bound up; with the gen-j Justifiably so, to their own ecoa-,' ff'" «ltt:re with att- zcttrt pr.r once be absented himself from eral cause of freedom, secondly.' omic Edrantage, supported heav-! ticipatlon Sn public life of the his duties Jor three days. On his ing a deep Jewish consciousness and a keen appreciation of influence. the tendency to underestimate- ily the parties of reaetios and. return he w s questioned as to the unprecedented problems facing our brethren. • Again this What is influence? The word comes from the Latin 'in' and minimize the strength of an-;: torj-isas and actually helped t h e ^ ^ pohens' essay indicates the and he replied.: "My father left year we are challenged - - and we MUST NOT.FAIL! Ours and 'fluere', meaning 'to flow upon,' referring to the supposed tl-JewIsa feeling and to cling t o Nazi victory. The Germaa Jew road American Jews inusi . not tfce reasons for his being absent, the illusion that anti-Semitism' should havejn addition to prop- take. It is the road to extinction, JRC a prr.pevjne, Rn(j in the thre« is a struggle not merely to maintain the spirits and lives of action of the heavenly bodies, the stars and planets, which, by can disgrace, to. pcrrcaccnt degra- &?.yv- I gptherec} nine hundred be fought by argument and i aganda allied himself •with the to tens of thousands of-bur people in Europe, not merely to. give their constitution, juxtaposition, and motion were looked upon reason, and thirdly, the tragic j liberal parties who were hostile fiatJon, to- spiritual tlavery and ic cUistpfj; ot ,crP.peEP Find I have y4t succor to the helpless here and abroad, not merely to help re- as determining the lives, character and destiny of individuals lack of Jewish jinity and disinter- j to anti-Semitism, who were sg- bondage of soul infinitely more WTx ir-.ore ti>.£Ti. hRK of the grapes ested aggressive Jewish leader- gressively seeking En ecosoinic destructive of honor and self-re- free for anyone to gather them." build a homeland wh§re Jews may live as of right and not onand nations. If you were T)prn under a certain star' your whole ship. reformation. If they ha,d 'won, spect than that of the body. Thereupon 1 Keen Lofcesh remark- • sufferance - - ours is also a struggle to preserve our ownlife would be affectecT "accordingly. Up to modern times, and No more tragic fallacy can a; the fate of German Jewry would Eg-aSnst this road the Sevr must, ed to hlic: "Kadist thou not beea ; battle' with all the force et hie CO negligent Seeing time in the morale. Giving to the Jewish Philanthropies is more than an even today yet, men had recourse to astrologers to have their Jew commit than to assume that! have beea entirely different. '• comcianfi. For Dr. Cohen Jusia-! instructioE of rcy' children it anti-Semitism Is purely a. Jewish { No greater lessons does h e act of philanthrophy; it is interwoven in our spiritual tradi- fortunes told and future events predicted. It is known how issue, ;ue. It Is not today, and never! Ainrican Jew, have 'to learn. Yet' ism 5 s . a liability and a curse. For would have yielded even more." tion, hallowed by years of generous contribution. Every Jewish Louis X I of France consulted his astrologer even in matter hass been. It is a symptom.of a! I doubt seriously if he -will do BO. iu s ii: *s B n rtESe*-> s. pririleg-c r,nd individual must identify himself and herself with the Jewish of state. cancerous condition, but not a j The American Jew, like the Gen- a blessing. For us, the rery pos-1 :malady per se. The Jew whoj tile, lives ia a fog cf confusion, sibility of Jewish disinteErrEitioB.' community by contributing unstintingly to the common cause With the growth of the modern scientific mind astrology Ignores social Justice, who, and is impervious to lessons of and disappearance is a digeasterj "OASIS'* • . . surely, none in our community is so callous to responsibility gave way to astronomy as alchemy did to chemistry. The old blindly which must be averted end will | viciously opposes all movements j experience and logic and truth. or so tmappreciative of the plight of our people as to^fail to notion that the stars determined the course of events and the for economic reform, who fights j The second member of this i ^^ !• " C' .'•or announces This p&rrpMet de liberals and liberalism, who fails; symposium, Dr. Erich Gutkind, perform in full this solemn duty and obligation. f ', ;i ( if handle th« lives of individuals gave way to the view expressed by Cas- to champioa the cause'of the poor i in his address makes a •' strong ful study r4.Ed t r e A S T P - I T - Ct • ' ( i ,ance of the That is why we are confident "that Omaha Jewry will once sius in Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," on which Sir Thomas and the submerged is furthering j plea for traditional Judaism. Dr. who devotee & ' e y lo\~t tr 1 " ' * '. f\\ is the curwiil benef.t -EiaKEu'tl ". again rise to the heights of- generous giving and "go over the Barrie founded his well-known play, "It is not in our^ stars, anti-Semitism.. ,The fate of the j Gutkind is a deeply spiritual j - : - " • among the 1 Jew is intimately bound up with! spirit, to whom Judaism is pro- i top" in the campaign starting April 27. ~ T- p-i coast. dear Brutus, but in ourselves, that we are underlings." Whether the fate of every minority. Theifoundly real. Unfortunately he! f f > c\ ground, the man is to be an 'underling' or an overlord, a success or a failure, only certain cure for antl-Semitvj is unacquainted with the Ameri-i r ..» L' ! •• ^.ground, the T'J | happy or miserable is regarded as depending upon himself, in ism is Justice and equality for all. | can scene and temper. s — v -i * to Monopoly Security will be achieved only The address of the third mera-j ~' T- vl- .^fTish content Caiitonization of Palestine u J 1 the last analysis on his own free-will. Free-will is contrasted when economic and social injus-sber of the symposium. Dr. Mor-1 f f l«o available. t The grapevine source informs us that the Royal Commis- with fate. Henley has given best expression to this in his tice will end, when - exploration j ris R. Cohen, filled with contra-1 sion of the British government is seriously considering a solu- famous lines: " I am the master of my fate, I am the captain and poverty will be abolished and dictions, is an illuminations eorawhen the social Ideals of Judaism mentary upon the plight cf many tion of the Palestine problem in geographical rather than socio- of my soul!" _ . and of the Torah will triumph, a Jewish intellectual. Dr. .Cohen 1 Be of E ^ : political measures. "While it is admitted that the Palestinian The second grave - error Is t o ' is one of those Jews . who WEE Which is it, fate or free-will that rtdes and determines? us prcve ICT our commission is at present merely .deliberating and that no defin- Volumes have been written upon the subject and philosophers underestimate the strength of ' raised in a devoutly Jewish h'oiae, the cities of our God, anti-Jewish -p r e j u d i c e s. The! who is familiar with Jewish tra- Lord wiil fie that which ite decision has been reached, it is nevertheless significant the in all ages have sought to reconcile fate and free-will. Theolo- Ameriean Jew Is becoming irrita-; dition, who haa a great reverence way British papers have been talking about eantonization of the gies, religions have been founded on the one view or the other. ted by discussions of anti-Semit-j for tbe Jewish past, but who has Kim goofi. David said; Holy Land, or dividing1 it between Jews and Arabs' so that part The truth, as is usual in such cases, probably lies between Ssm, and quite annoyed. • With J no hope ia and no desire for ai deac this attitude goes the feeling that! Jewish "future, in. Tsrhosi the ia-S would be a self-governing Jewish dominion within the British the two extreme views. Free-will, though an undoubted fact, ,brSng him 'bact Eg&inT anti-Semitism Is not • as serious j stlnctive will to Judaism has be- iCan i Es to aim, but fee will n©t Empire and the other part an .-independent Arab state em- has its limitations, and is modified by circumstances, by theas H is frequently made out to; come paralyzed. He is a strong; 6 ^ rel me. bracing Traiisjordan. environment, .by heredity, by forces over which, as. the say-be: by rabbis and BO called "pro-: advocate of assimilation . and j Geographic division of Palestine between Jews and Arabs ing is, 'man has no control.' The Bible has a famous sentence, fessional" Jews, that in this land j would welcome Jewish disappear- j , _ ' t ^ t . ' is not new; it has been proposed before and it has never met "It is nofrwithin man's power to direct his steps," though Jere- who sr© educated and intelligent ( ardently hopes and prays for this »lr.tlon. with favor. We feel that • the suggestions are being made miah had said r demolishing the Pagan notion of blind, inexor- will never fall for it. In view- of! consummation. Intermarriage is, tlirough the newspapers so that the British government may able destiny, 'to give to each according to his deeds, according taa narted successes and for him, the sane and final soluof the Ku Klus Kl&n tion of the Jewish problem. observe the public reaction; therefore, if we let 'the British to the fruits of his doings'; implying that one's 'fate' wa3 thestrengtH this certainly amongst, the Jews The only difficulty with, intergovernment know now in no uncertain terms how 'Unaccept- fruit one grew in hia own life, that character was destiny. And Is both astonishing and alarming. marriage, ana a fact Re bemoans, able the proposal will be, then there is a much better chance on the other hand, despite the part that forces play over which The harsh truth is that "what isj is that the process is too slow happening ia Germany can hap-j and that it can not end the-Jew of it being squelched. ' • i man is said to have 'no control,' despite the fact that the quali- pea here—if.the economic picture; "in our day." As he computes it, Such a partitioning of Palestine would mean the end of ties and tendencies of man are as deep not only 'as the viscera,' Jewish' homeland aspirations in Palestine; it would severely but as the universe itself, so that cosmic forces do operate even ence'transforms tlie lives of all about her and even .revolutions limit the eventual number who could find a home in Palestine in our smallest acts, due to the constitution of ourselves and izes their-characters and destinies. •' . and would in effect make the Jewish homeland a mere military of nature, it is nevertheless true that great forces of regulaInfluence may be as silent and invisible as that of the base for England in the Near East. It would surely not cause tion and-even creation lie within man himself, that he can call wind that passes over flowers releasing exotic fragrance;'or a finish to any differences between the'Arabs and the Jews, forth energies and exercise mighty power to control and direct like that of the hurricane, that leaves a path of destruction in j since .the plan would inevitably permit-racial strife "pockets" circumstances,'and, as it "is said, 'alter his environment.''. Ten- its wake. • „. * in various parts of "the country. ' '* nyson has expressed this most beautiful snd eloquently, in the Consider the influence of-Israel,, that has brought 'SalvaIn'this battle, both Jew and "Arab see ,'eye to eye; Arabic lines-in "In memoriam'' that are supposed to refer to the in-tion' to the world. And of Israel's Bible, that has profoundly [ | newspapers declare that the Moslems will never accept the par- trepid, audacious, masterful Disraeli. .effected the literatures and the lives of all peoples. f( titioning or cantonizationo'f Palestine. If ithe British govern"Who breaks his birth's invidious bar, . The greatest and the humblest wield influence; writers.; ; ! ment can be impressed with the depth of opposition then the poets, statemen, leaders in-every realm of human activity; &'• \ i And grasps the skirts of happy chance, proposal may die in its infancy. , . ' ,Homer.: a Virgil, a Dante, a Shakespeare, a Goethe, a Caesar, _ - • And breasts tEe blows of circumstance*, \ a Napoleon, a "Washington, a Lincoln; and our parents teach- j And grapples with Ma evil star: . )I ers, and friends. • Who makes by force his merit known, -{THe Man Blum And above all, our beloved dead. As Felix Adler, in his And lives to clutch the golden'keys, Today France is celebrating the sixty^fifth,birthday of its 'Faith and Destiny" has superbly expressed i t : To mould a mighty state's decrees, Premier,- a man who only last spring emerged as a potent force "They that have left; us are not afar; their presence is And shape the whisper of the throne; • .on the international scene. The first unbaptized Jew to hold a near and real, a silent, and august. companionship. In still And moving up from high to higher, premiership, Leon Blum is a comparatively new political figure. hours of meditation, in the stress of action, in the midst of Becomes on Fortune's crowning slope ."While for years he had been recognized8 as one of .the outtrials and temptations, we hear their voices whispering words The pillar of a people's hope, ] of cheer or vrarcung and our deeds are ia. a sense .their deeds j standing leaders in his own country, the world at large hardly The center o£ a world's desire!" fj,«*. *u*. tTmt*v e«"iM£Sl ill VOUf -' j realized his existence, except perhaps as a literary man and a Whatever the cause or the explanation, whether due toand our lives their lives. Sprl-Hat ... . « w that fcelissg political visionary. • • • "So does the light.of other, days still shine in the bright-j fate or free-will, each one is in his degree, for weal or woe, a cf stj I: correctness thst goci with • Modest as European rulers go, Blum had written no stir- center of conscious or unconscious force, an influence. The hued flowers that clothe our fields. So do they who have long | *"" " l, v kHC5^ jti.4S.iLS OH^JT &X ring autobiographies trumpeting cure-all, programs. He hadvery .atoms," as Shaler has shown in Ms fine book "The Neigh- since.beea gathered into the silent city of the dead still live i never created consternation among his opponents by vindic- bor" (which ought to be more widely read, particularly by in the. deeds we do for their sake, in the earnest effort -we put j tively proclaiming that "heads would fall." For years tie had Jews, for the marvellous things it says about the Jews, 'the forth toward greater rectitude, patience, purity, under the in-1 refused not only a cabinet position but a'premiership because highest species of^the genus homo'!) exert influence among fluenee of their unforgettable memories." \ he Would not submit himself or his party to futile compromise. themselves. And 'an influence', as Emerson, has suggested, sum"6li may I join the choir invisible Of those immortal deed who live again -The road that.Blum has traveled and,will travel is not the ming all up, is all that any of us, even the greatest,' in the final :• In minds made better by their presence; live - '•' ' smoothest!, His government, a coalition of parties' with di- analysis is. But a definite, and sometimes an unrealized, inIn pulses stirred to generosity, verse personalities and conflicting aims, is considered tempor- fluence. I t is Emerson, too, who has expressed this inimitably: In deeds o£ daring rectitude, ia sc^rn ary.- No Preach premier iri the constant shuffling of power.has ';Thou knowest not -what, argument • ' remained in office but a few months. Around him is-the wreckFor miserable aims that end wit;- f-?7f. Thy life to thy neighbor's creed hath lent." " ... age of.France's post-war diplomacy. Internally are the ravages In thoughts sublime that pierce: tl.c rt:.S"t like stars Each one should be careful of his slightest act, word and wrought by a powerful and "selfish financial'oligarchy.' Sur- even thought because of its ineyitablej even undreamed of, inAnd with ..their mild persistence iircrs c a ' s search rounding France on every side1 are elements of discord—Hitler, fluence upon the life, character, and happiness of his fellowTo vaster issues. ; ilussolmi, war-torn Spain. So to live is heaven: man. The injunction of the--Talmud'is-well-known, "Ye wise " To make undying music ia the ~-crId. In the face of every discouragement Blum assumed office. men, be careful of your words, lest through some hasty, illSlay I reach . ' . ' ' . . . ' ~" Blo'od had flown in the streets of Paris. Civil war was threat- considered utterance ye wreak .irreparable injury." "Life and 1: •That purest heaven,."be to otlis-: s^uls ^ ening1. International conflict was spoken of as merely around death are in the power of the tongue,", says 'the wise proverb. The cup of strength, i s "Borne-greit -jrony, the corner." Men can make or niar, effect triumph or disaster, ruia or en'Enkindle generous ardor, feed c".r love, Today the figure of Blum looms large on the horizon o£ throne by what they say,-'do'or even, think.''"Beware ".when .Beget the srailes that i s v e no cr«c!ty European politics and the world which little knew him asks God lets loons a thinker oa the earth,"-said this same spiritual. : : • Be 'the sweet presence, .of a-gocd diffused, questions about this man, this Jew who at the-present time Emerson. , '•' •"_.-' ' •-"'•'.;"' :'; ';• ; •And ia diffusion ever more ialcnss seems to have aM. the ear-marks of the savior of democracy The power of i«flu:nes:;1ias -beea-.beautifully .SIIOTTU: in 8 ;. So shall I' join the 'ekoir invisibls in Europe. Lloyd Douglas' latest book,' "WMts -B&gmers. ' Haaxiais, 'the .Waos«;aiTisic is.the gladness, cf 1-3 world." It is still too early to evaluate his program. But the char- central character, another "Servant" i s the House" by M? ssjs: • ' , • . . ; • -.-. - . Fredsriek C6h&, acter of the man commands the respect of even nis bitterest terious, mystic, yet altogether-human ;attd « « a . humble





i-EI AuxiliaryThe Beth El Auxiliary will have a regular meeting which will be preceded by

The last meeting of the Sister- j hood Current Topics class will be

!eth-E! Plans * 1 ARTICLE BY MEKDELSQB i C o n c e r t i n M a y j REPRIEIEB IE 'AMQCATE; j

A concert of Hebrew and '• uish music will be presented by

|_ Bug;ne Netter, strchbkhojp • ! Manila at the time oil the Aim>: '. ioan 'occupation, was a Jew I:1

Hmniaage Sale

• hirth.

Vaad An.Jisn

rtx -

7»- 1 '""'

luncheon on wedne at 1 p. m. at the inunity Center. 'ilasquerade of Eternities. concert will also be the Beth El 'been reprinted r-i t i e CCT tE ANNOITNCB BIRTH Mrs. Dave Sherman, chairman KAIMAX-MOSEOWITZ Choir and ths Seth El Chorus, j vocate of Boston. of the Mr. and Mrs. David Raznick ' nominating committee will Sir. and Mrs. Louis Moskowitz New- . Palestiaiav. music, sever rl Alpert. editor JR. EABASSAH DA^iCE a - announce the engagement • of announce the birth of a daugh-' ™onnce a new slate:of officers. belore heard Ja Omaha, will fcc | vocate, writes their daughter, "Jeannette, to Ber- tor,". Shirley Ann at the Lutheran i Election will take place at the.. Plans are Hearing completion at this concer Ketearsals *\.ci nard Kaiman, eon: or Mr. and May meeting. . hospital, April 2. for the spring membership fiance | l l a T e b e e a i n progress for over,: r Mrs.'B. Kaiman of "Kearney. • '•• - ' j.urs. Jacob j a c o o Blank jaianK will w i n give a a , — . — ~ _ - — - _ - ---*• - ., „ „, _ t h Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Kaplan an- «*ort of the Sisterhood c o a T 6 a . to be m e n by Jun.or ^ a ^ s a h " ^ t ^ i t t s e The couple have chosen June C c-t z't r t :n charge cf parallel to ycir on **«•*•«** . . t M ^ • . « t i P n THarsd^y mgl.t, A p . J . . . . . Mticket sales includes Mrs. David 'Jewish Press c= IMcrcr If . as their •wedding date. \ " ' - nounc3 the birth of a daughter i « the Music Bos, 19th and Capitol , tiat the z " 'ir tr on. March 31 at the .Methodist hos- j month. There will be a board Are; Miss Dorothy 'Slotkin is j Sicin as chairman, and Mrs. Note meeting at 12 o'clock. even to the i*rc uf tie :L^ cs.1 w m i a m BAP. BHTZVAH- SATURDAY .' pital. chairman-In..charge -of reserva- j Levey and JOB Prceraan phrases such i.s sn-nniu: t t i _ Mr. anxd Mrs. M, Fleher of 2-145 tions, and she is-planning a num- a s co-chairmen. darkness. I a:si tak^g t Lc Brown street, announce the Bar Mr, • and Mrs. , Lester Meyers ty of^repri £ y o u r Aiit ii-uele Mitzvah. of their eon; Morton El- announce the birth of a son on •Young Mea's V&ad her of novel entertainments for this affair. All new members WOffifin'S UlVlSlOZl. in.the Jew•isli L liott, Saturday, April 10, at 9:30 | March 26th at the Methodist hos; A smoker for members and who join the Junior Kadassah The Women's Division of the at the B'nal Jacob; Synasogue, pital. Jewish ComnunitT Center •will be j Mends was held a t ' the last j during the coming week will be 24th and Nicholas streets. ; l meeting of the Young Men's Vaad. j guests of honor at this dance. ; represented in the annual "Table- j : A reception, vrill be held on SURPRISE PARTY Rabbi Milton A. Kcpstein deliv- which will be for members and >S e t t i n S . . Contest" sponsored by; Sunday at their home from 2 to Mr. and Mrs. H. Gerber were „„„, • «„*„„_•,;,_. , , i V „„ their escorts the Brandeis Stores. The -con-1 The Mizrachi Sirnist Oirani.6, AH relatives and friends are! Honored at a surprise party April ^ p r o b l e ° " C onfron«n- Jewish Rcservatipns may be mad" by test. which opens April IS 'and'sation is inviting the eriire Cmacordially invited: No invitations j4 i n celebration of their lifteenth jY ^ ^ America." calling Miss Zlotkin phone \VEb- ' c o n t i n u e s f o r a ^ e e J j l s " e I d 0 3 fca Jewish cemmunity to a JI'lEve 1 hare been issued. wedding anniversary, Seventeen .• A musical program was pre- i ster 4999. the Tenth Floor of Erandeis and 'lalke Eeception to be held Satcouples attended. is open to the public. Those at-! urfiay evening, April 10, Et ?• sented by, Mr. Irving Kaiman and tending vote for the best-set '.o'clock at the Beth Eamedrcsh xos AXGELES VISTOB Mr. Julian Nathan. . ^-rr: vi-'r Irish : ' ?/orlassa Circle AusiHsry table. ' | Ka^odol Synagogue, IPth and ;Mls3 Sylvia Abrahamson of Plans are being formulated to : The iadies Ausiliary of the Last year the Women's Divi- Burt streets. Los Anseles, formerly of Omaha, have" a Friday night service dediWorkmen's Circle, Branch 173, sion won-a valuable, prize. This Over five hundred personal inis -visiting with her parents," Mr. Arnold Levin, Rosalie, received cated to this organization at some sponsor a benefit card part\ year their table will be set for a vitation have been sent out and Mrs. I., xVbrahamson. She the signal honor .of being an-. future date. Mr. Leo Fried will i at Haj'den's Saturday afternoon, • Formal dinner. It is the only ; those who ha.ve been actively will remain here a few weeks. tnonnced as one of the new mein-| represent the Young Men's Vaad jA p r U 1 ? > a ( .o n eo ^ l o e k _ T h ep a b _ j t a b I e r e p r e S £ n t i ! I g a rish wo-j terested in SioTiist work. I bera of Phi Beta Kappa,' national . at this service. _ ^ . | lie is invited. man's organisation. i At this time delecxtes vri'A be FROM sioux crrx honorary scholastic society, at a i Prom interest shown hy mem- On Sunday April 25 a Russian Mrs. Dave Feder is chairman ' elected attend the twentieth 3ux City Mrs. A.jiiazie of Si< spccial .assembly' nt the TJniver- i 'oers and by the number of new C o a c e r t b gh e ! d Labor, C 0 B u a l t t e e i a c c a r g e a r i d J s i annual KizracM conrcEtioa to be rived ^iWednesday to s;pend a aity. of Nebra-ka Tuesday. . i members the. Young Men's Vaad ,L y c e u m _ 2 2 n d a n d c ] a r t s t r e e t s . ; b e i n s 2 S s i s t e d b t h e jf e s d a m e s . held in Atlantic City, New Jersey, days v isiting here. , .Sigma Alpha lie's debate duo, i promises to be an outstanding Admission will be twenty-five ; William " Yousem, M. I. Gordon, * Msy 9-10-11. Leo Eissnstatt of Oiraha and Leo : crganization of its kind. cents. Ivlorris Levy, Philip Levy, Hyinaa Eabbi Llilton A. Kopstein wil) T1SIXED I S OMAHA Turk el cf Lincoln, faces the de-:- The next meeting of the group spealj on "viThat is Jewish NaFerer, and I. Chapman. Mr., and'*. Mrs.. Dean Davidsofi haters of Phi Alpha Delta for,the T r i I 1 he'held Tuesday, April 20, Sampson Simson was the first j Mrs. Feder urges r.H J(ewisa j ticua'Isa. Cantors ScliwECzfein and : children, Norma and "Byron, universitj'. championsiiip in the at S p. m. at the • B'nai Israel Je-vrish member tjf the New York' women to attend the exhibit of i an3 Selz will siv.g interfratcrnity intramural foren- synagogue. Bar (1802). _ the tables. EOEg:s. with Mrs. Davidson's brother-in- sic contest this week. Subject of law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leothe,, debate is "compulsory arbi- ONEGSBAmQS BY nard Pinkovitz and family. The Davidsons are en route to Phoe- tration of industrial dispntes" AUXILIARY OF VAAD nix, Arizona, Where' they will and the S. A. M. arguers .will uphold the affirmative. Sigma Almake their future home. • They An Oneg Shabbos sponsored by pha Mu, defending champions, were formerly of Lincoln. have won the Delta Sigma Rho ! the Ladies Auxiliary of the Vaad "i'oung Byron Davidson, who is debate gavel three years out of j will take place Saturday, April two and a half years old, created j 10, at 2 p. 'in. at the home of a furor in Omaha by. his amazing its four years' existence. As a reward for outstanding plrs. William Weiner, 110 Park ability to read and pronounce letRabbi Kopstein will ters of the alphabet. - He is al- work in Nebraska publications, lAve'nue. Morris Lipp, North Platte, was j give the third of his series, of lecjeady able to add and BUbtract. Hear Hersbergs Troubadour . . . SOU . . . ct 5 this recently elected secretary of | tures on "Outstanding Jewish Sigma" Delta Chi, national profes- Personalities." afternoon • > • and daily at 10 A. M. (except Saturday) BETCRNS HOME At this Oneg Shabbos he will •Miss Dora Greenherg, wjio has sional journalism fraternity. Lipp was also recently ap- discuss Isaac Abarbanel, the j "been visiting with -her parents, pointed general chairman for the great' Portuguese-Jewish "Fhilos- i _ Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenberg, over the Passover holidays left for herannual Corn Cobs spring party. opher, diplomat, and - financier; Dave Goldware of Omaha is whose five hundredth anniversary; home in Houbton, Texas. ! one of the promising candidates is being celebrated this year. Mrs. I. Jiedler is chairman of [ on- the Nebraska baseball squad. FROM HOT SPRINGS Dr. and Mrs. Irving Sternhill,' Goldware, a southpaw, is trying the Oneg Shabbos Cultural group. -who have been visiting with out for the pitching roster. ; Maurice Tatelman of Omaha AosiGary friends and relatives, returned Jr. last Monday to their home in Hot has been re-elected, secretarySprings, Arkansas. While, here, treasurer of Nu-Meds, honorary The Junior Vaad Auxiliary will they were extensively entertain- pre-zned fraternity, hold its next regular meeting -on ] ed. Mrs. Sternhill is the fromer • At the close of the basket ball] ? , I o n a a r f April 12, at S p. in. a t jRuth Shapiro. season," Irvin Yaffe of O_maha was t h e E . n a i ; I s r a "synasogue'. . A awarded a freshman numeral for very interestin program h a s ' 1EATE FOIl "VISIT his outstanding work on the first- been arranged. Mr. -and' Mrs. Max'. Fromkin year squad. -•...--". left Wednesday for a several.days Leo Eissnstatt is- a member of Hadassai visit in Chicago and Milwaukee. one of the choruses in the annual While in Milwaukee they will at- spring . production of Kosmet tend a concert of a friend, Frank Klub which will be staged in Lin- The sixth anual Hadassah "-Give or Get" luncheon will be Glazer of Milwaukee, who until coln, April 12-17. '.'•:.'• held on T nes a a y> May 4, accordrecently was a pupil of the famed ing to announcement made at the pianist, Arthur Schnabel. \\ meeting last Wednesday. -• Mr. Clazer studied with Mr. \ Schnabel in Germany and Italy. Saturday, April 2, Theta chapMr. Glazer made his American deHadassah 'Study Group ter of Sigma Delta Tau held its but in. New York last'January. annual spring initiation. A group Mrs,' David Krantz will be. of ten girls -were taken in as TO VISIT PARENTS members of the sorority. The; hostesses to the Hadassah Study! - Mrs. Charles Hermanson ar- initiates are: Louise Phyllis .Da-.;.Group on Wednesday, April 2 1 , ; rived from Los Angeles tor an vidson, Anabelle Emeline, Murial; at 1 o'clock at her home, 3022; extended visit isrith. her parents, Frank," Rose Mary Hill, Selma ] Nicholas street.'.. Mrs. David A. ] Mr. and'Mrs. Sam Nitz. " .» Hill,; .Edith" Krasne, - Alice Perel-! Goldstein, leader of the group,; men, Jeannette Polonsky, Paul-! will continue her. discussion on AT JOSLTN ine Shwartzr, and Selma Zveitel. ] Jewish Religion and Ethics. At 3:30 p. m. Sunday at the The initiation" was followed by a A -dessert luncheon will pred Joslyn Memorial, Rev. Leo Mull- banquet given in honor of the cede the meeting. any, S. J., •will lecture on "Pre-new-members at the Lincoln Uni; sent Day Life as Reflected in Our versity Club, crr«» BIKUR CEOIM Fiction." The lecture is open to -The theme of the banquet was' the public. the Torch, jeanette Polonsky, A regular meeting of the Bik-1 At 4:00.. Jp, m. in the Joslyn MarteL Ellman, and Frances^ Kalilemorial concert hall, Jliss Es- lin' were speakers. Recognition ur Cholim Society will be held i v O Er ; ther Leaf will play ,the regular pins, were given to the new initi- Monday,'April-12,. at•'2 p. m. at Sunday afternoon organ concert, ates; by the active nienibers. the Jewish Community Center. assisted -by Bernice Evelyn Stromherg, pianist, of Oakland, Nebra- the sorority cups. This .year SigTo Speak la.Sissix City » ,*„ ska. The public is invitee' to at- ma'Delta TaU started the practice "Rabbi Frederick Cohn will octend "without charge. . of awarding a t u p to the out- cupy the pulpit of Temple Sinai

" ,( i ^

T IP 1




Sigma Delta Tau


A regular meeting was last Sunday at thfr Jewish Com-j standing in campus activities, Tfg^gjJ inunity. Center. One of the -larg- (and who has taken an active in- j * Washington — Lawrence A., est turnouts of the year attended j terest" in sorority work through- gtcinhardt of New 'York. UnHPil j this important meeting. -Plans.j out" her freshman year. Selma j s t a t C 3 Minister-to Sweden, has for the Bar Mitzvah' of A. Z. A. Hill holds the honor of being thei-j. transferred to Peru as Arawere discussed. ; ' , firet girl of Nebraska's Sigma [ bassador. j. The chapter plans to enter a Delta Tau chapter to have her : _. Softball team In the J." C. C.'name inscribed upon the fresh- f League- again this year. ! man cup. The scholarship cup | "A"ND"H":S A.; 2. A.' Sabbath will be held ! was also .awarded. It was given { on" April 29 in conjunction with h o Pauline Schwartz, a freshman. Chapter 100. : J April's, a meeting was held at • Dan Miller, delegate . to the \ which the election of the new or-, * Voc=3 Trio district convention in Minneapolis, ficers took place. They are: pres-{ •MAIN DINING ROOM gave a report on the convention. I ident, Murial Krasne; vice presi-j PALM GROVE The chapter voted to have a j dent and pledge, advisor. Uartel 1 skit in the Hound Table All Star Ellman; secretary, Jeannette Po-, Supper Dinner Dancing n*-"* Dancing i^i^t, ' lonsky; and treasurer. Josephine 7 p. m.-fl p. m 10 D.m.-1 a.m Hubnltz. The out-going officera l are: president, Francis Kalin, vice president .and pledge advisor, No Minimum Check or Cover Charge Harriet Byron; secretary. JosephThe ' Women's Mizrachi will ine Rubnitz; and treasurer, Murhold its annual benefit card par- iel Krasne. ty on Wednesday, April 21, at I I U1LI. PAV VQV the Jewish Community Center, JMoses Albsrt Levy was sur- , Co c"csnsu!f and will be In the form of- a 1 geon-general in the army o? Sam ] o'clock dessert-luncheon. g Houston during ths Texas War! Sirs. Sophie Rothlrop is chair- of Independence. : man. Assisting her as hostesses •will be the Mesdames M. Brod3s:ey. S. Weinberg, M. ArbHman, J . Goldware and B. Kisfnner^ Proceeds of this a'fair will c;o to the Beth Xiroth School tfor Girl1). •B-hich_ is being built in Tel-Aviv j


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Su-Vi e h'jx'ness'tlk* «p*•— i " .-.:! cc:?.s!on in •i l:.~-s v/Mii e new - _,,.„ _ ^ ^ Yhs co!or* »n : c 1. fi: E. Sterns sheer rv" *«w VV?e shew but ©»ra


standing freshman of t i e year.; of Sioux City this Friday' evening. ' This cup is awaraded to the girl • He v,'ill speak on "Springtime In"[ who has maintained a Ugh scho- Humanity." held lastic-arerage, •who has been out-






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Crowning Above—Lord Ellenborough, Honorable Corps of Gentlemen-atArms. Left'Center, Philip Walter Kerr, Rouge Croix Pursuivant. Top-center— Sir Gerald Wollastorr, Garter King of Arms. Upper left—St. Edward's Crown.

HIS GRACE IN ROBES—This picture of His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, showing him in the robe he will wear at the coronation of King George "and Queen Elizabeth, was taken by his special permission at Lambeth PalaceV London. He is the Most' Reverend Cosmo Gordon Lang.

Left—Earl of Ancaster, Lord Gre^t Chamberlain. Right-center, Rt. Rev. St. John WiUson, Bishop of Bath, and Wells. Above—Major Algar H. S. Howard, Ncrroy King of Arms. Top right, Briiain's Crown, of State

\ ^

PhotcM copyrighted by Bassano, Ltd.


IL DUCE SCCTXES CRITICS—I-:e"e :? 'he s v ? Premtsr J,Cussolim cC I t e l j . inclircted V'' e:rov. cntics. pDrr.eul^rlT 1ho«e m G r e r t E - . - r . r . >-_—p :

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ing throne of inr.OC? rrt->-e ?:?->-= -n:; " - : -"_"-1 spoke from s high halcony on ihr frcr.i o" .^- o^ Gir&ntic lid or rois rnd c\hcr Trsc-^r ?>;r':c'.; v . -

Tripoli as s-v ou1 at

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DICTATOR RECUPERATES — Chinese. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, with Madame Chiang, his American-educated wife^ recuperating at.the village, of Chikow, Chekiang province. He suffered serious injuries at the liands of rebellious troops in Sian, in December, under Chang Hseuh-liang. . \j^



COITEi: — Copper. &lniO£l unbelievably thin, is the material "for this bailiing suit wcrn by .Miss Dee Patrick of Bisboe. Ariz., known as the coccsr'city. She exhibited- it recently -Rt the Chamber of Commerce stjie show.


QUEENS OF THE FAIRS—Mile. Madeleine de Charpin, risrht, queen of queens and eood-will ambassador of the Paris Exposition, talks about fairs with lovely Betty Campion, yeoraanette of the Great Lakes Exposition, at Cleveland.

SOCSALITE WEISS—This hr.ppr picture of I^r. snd Kvs. Diego de SxicUTZ was tai'cn diuin- their honcrnoon. pi, Del Monte. Cal., after a surprise weddi-;?:, THe brids is tnc fo-^cr s-riy- Marshall, ht scion divorce from. Marshall Tir General family, ia 1D30-. The bridegroom is JI de Xciranda, French Icli-vinj r.rr:r c






FOLIER, — Bishop Antonin Pokrovsky, Greek Catholic bishop for Alaska and the United States, -who arranged in San Francisco to become an American citizen. He hoped thus to foil Soviet seizure when he travels abroad.


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WAil YlCTEsl—This tragic picture tahen in Barcelona, Spain, shows an elderly vroman- undergoing an operation in the? street, after Rebel bombing raiders had loosed their rain of death over the city. The woman was hit by a bomb fragment, which members of a medical-unit are attempting to extract, rather than to let her face a possible delay at a hospital.

DITCHER — This tremendous wind-up shows Clyde Shoun, pitcher for the Chicago Cubs, going into action during spring training at the camp at Pasadsna. Cal. As may be seen, tho bi? fellow is a southpaw hurlrr and- this hot one he is in the process of- delLreiics is guaranteed to burn up the hema sack, or at least acorch it.

FESNC3 KU EUburt c." ?3.r:s. curints.z ;' 0'. vDrl-<~rz -r^rchfr. ;r; 0- v r tehee1, thr proz l vliouscr.as there. riund l the funerals, sScwins

n, Ibis- ir a prrnc dunnp, hi Caitcd Newspictwres


3-tTETvISH 'PI3SS. 'i-xiJDAx. -•—* ~~g

ITS titat 3-wceJved"" by the Gerrnm , piyliis ^Sinum, '.ilarsurlLe Xlcar- < •Kczis -is ths Seictatss election? i nsy, JZthfil Stollsr, ilrs. UaTiri _,.. ithsrc :Lion 3 xil 3.S30 ... .. . jjisabatfa 3ersner ' Davidson. "Sarah Stoller, Xuciile ' is .plsunin^ -a "Visit" to "Palestine ' Diisan, Jlarvia rwichsrds, £ a a 3aars ci a f l "Papist ^sitatois ar- . Pedman, Eddie Ivapbra, ami -Air. Tigers in'Umimania "may ''.have and 3Irs. Ben Civiu. i '.Kexi Tussdsy aii^ht At rservices ttmjjjlrt UaKui T>a-; t t a i r E3X3 jiaiutcH vritb. a spEcial 3L "Wice TVUI •npssili on '!3Ia- ' r s d Eye Trfiieb. doesn't -enme- • nff jtir 37na.h," t i e iaseinniiirg storjy for a year".... .. T i e object nl tin tarty JLniErican-JsTV* TVJJD to identify t h ^ a -to rprilice jansls-h3Tidedly " .attempted to j thwraRhDUt"the country jvlter-their solve ths Jevrish "pxoBlexa. rxelsrse . . .The beautiful silver S a r r y TniBnZt T^III be -guest '-camishxbra t h a t -adorn "the Gothic •soloist Trttn tire choir ami "vcill jdrtireflral in TaTnm m "Sla'torca, ["Spain, -originally treluis^efl "to .the jsyiL-StJSiiE nl that -city, • Irom ITVJIICII tteyr. r erB taken oOO ;yeaTE l a t e s e r v i c e V t c W h t -Kill tolas© Trhen'the Jevrs were forcibly a-nicaten to "the Xadns JLusiliaTy | converted to Catholicism . . . . - 2nrd ths T a a d . rRabhi ^lilron -A. beriptions nn the caunalubra .tmenSopstsin -triU -present 3lx3. -3Ior- • lion the Jiame ol SLumonutes Tis Burstein, -pmsidHnt TQX thB TIT-(The -publishBT ol an "Siislisb-lauSanfeaUon. ~ i o "will ieliTfir s [suase I'nBcist impGT in SlKjorca, nriel talk to be JOIIOTTsa by a n Utrnnshoia ol "the Spanish address by 3Ira. X. 3&svele£l on ,-ia .an -Amarican citiran T?y 'TTflnKinlB Hole in ihe CDmnmn-J-rnraie nl Hobcrt M. Savett...

t ~ ~ s "-set to ehnnrpiorrshrp cf : . r

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—? -Paine and x n ^ t y~i





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~hh» xhoir -vrill iconduct t h e ser-' of "the srEms Xura ^Iancrdlt -ricen. Slambcrs "of the .Auxiliary ' -ed by Bir -Arthur 3Iichaal :Bamuel, •vriw -srlll be loatessns s t Ji -social, natrcat Jerri3h member oof the Jiour iollcrwins the services -arc: ! Uritish BOUBB of Xords . . . . . . . . S t . Chairnian. 3Irs. 3atrob Uenrnteln,'hater's 2£=.nxxnlt TTSS -the -nanre the'MesdamEB Xouin Spatsiu, oi the Jsrrish. quarter in-J =espellea befoTB "tire Jetrs _A. G. TVeiiEtein. Irom 33nglan"d in the 1 3 t h century -At Saturdiry muraiu; services j . . . Sarmuel, "vrhose family TVUE u t "the CansresKi;ion 33'nal Israel, gjiong "the tevr -said "to 3TEVB EB- i 3tabbi Sopstein Trill - s j s i k i m -the ;.-csped espulsiou, "rras bom i n "the ' 3*ortion TDT thtj -week'." :. ••. " ].-ancient liouse :in ."Mancratt in -Hesrular father :snd soil :tra3it—j-^jjjjjse .secret csHar syna^osue his fianal Esrvices irill .be 3isld »Sun-•;ancestors hid "to Bscape esile.. .. . Bay morning .at ~S a. i n . :B± ±he 'r^t rrspiace the Geneva JJanssn ii israel., B u r s a n -3nr t h e a i d of .".those • l o s t -tbetr nnxtinnality u s ra o l rpost-^vrar ^nap changes, litjuidated .next Tear, Ddd _At Herrices rttmisht, 3labhi Sfa— GdldBtein T»-ill ;Bpeak m hjJanssn, s o n of ^ h e l a t e T^idtjof '"Mavr to ^Win 3teiaaii3 anil Unlln- 25axtsen, iomuder of "the 3oreau, .has 'Eatablishea .-a sreir tion callEd '"Kansen^help" ..'.. "The ' JStset "VTetsfe • -rreelc H a o a i S n r r y 3nlt n l Jewish ttenikra5 JIDUSB B I Xincdln vrill occupy .the "pulpit ^ - -Buns ;in Tnnsi«TS 'sseins not rto Ihmi rthe Spanish *reb- t SoinStBin ^spsalrs =els a r e jpeTs'ecutins 3"evrs.... - 3 t i s i s t -the Ts.vuaapsns; s in' Xincoln. t h i s JB-rriHh a i r m -which ;enflnrses , General ^ ' r a n c o ' s fl-raf ts nn GET- [ m a n hanfes 'before t h e y ;ar& -paid j by Sritiab. "hanks i n .GibraltEr --rep- j xssentbas S n g l i s h oil i n t e r e s t s - . . ' a. IHEOK . TTE. Cha-rlE3 ;C.


Sir 3Iatthew Nathan -was the ,^ .first .JETT -.to bs _appointea sover- i1

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America asainst :the a itst ::iru2i ^bBing ."an anttSmnlte -that ilia --must intimatB. aymfe 3Bp3tein jrot-the smfl ?biisinsss partner Community Center sv: J r a n c i s Salvador, .3e"$rish inBrnber j -ppoj irolling Jhot Ia3t Bundcy Trhsn -of' ths .South XJaroitaa 'Colonis.l jii^ Tall-but onade a clean -srreep of ^Assembly .. „ . . Beiratcrr 3toyal B. lall traces lin •the junior tank .meetCopebind ,xsT-Ksw T o r i might be | ^Hyniie :;made 23 .points, ~vrss' •tin ^OIIT* xiiiiKH .and -^encTally ! -aU-nTosnH. i •snti-33eniitie 3ikmphlfitesr, :1s Ihai!B e rsmn tiie -40 said ao&ryard'J Firr^rr V.'avs ths -itiiiuiil -GsTnTsre !Sall 'rjxee style nraces then ciiiie bac£ i > ; the /BuprsniB hto'sEt airst ,bi apah-.Ql novelty,^ • Court JEfuriii^plan. at-T^faich Copg- ;-a:ffair3. OnB "vras "the -iCMyaru t £ xandle Tace "srMch 'issA the 'hirs©' J Jand Teas rths rprtacipal JPidTAiL**Tzzra£ %~\ s i v ^ a "&i '.as Van inrportent TictorT' in -the crorrd in a n uproar. Ths boys' a i s h t rasahrst -the "•'JeTriah ijtot" :to -splashed .salons vriih 'lit -candles, j X -crmtrbl i.he Court,. „ .. ill you TIB- ! but TrJieuevsr -a -candle v.-eut out,"' Sin "to HHB snore furthering xsi Tin- j t t e rswinnntrr had to "go to t h e idsrstsnniES- -betvuen oncial a n d -aidelines ..lor rrs-lightins. ' croups 'and ;aiscDirnrg- bpys Xoun^ out that Tester and [ ^ to flis- asandba light don't s o TTBII tosetl -±ag ~nl -ensdit ••aemocraTTj' itrredtt ihB -Asso- BT. ciated -^iiffl .^AuSiBn.?i€3T va- ^ntrs? or— -Another movelty Tac^ wun ~by crenteH l o r Just ihat. lEyxnis 'vrz3 :tb.E Hicsfiah xscc. ,..,.-, DarStuejnsreT, "^'hichj ;Nornian JPolonsfey and 3?uciy :Js on if 11B 'in ;tae current areripdi-.j:Eresnbesg• -nirnvrcd -remarkablfi xil ^ite KBTV Turk Public i Bwinxmins "talent comins i n Itnr y, J K > "be Tfiad -only :±n a n i thsir -sha-re -of -points. "Kry XDUX, out-nl-thB-vray .corner - „ 3.t's ikept j 'Central TClnb -boy -star, -rrzs "an t "intk smd 'ker iin .a. .sgssoial j added .compeiition. Xonf, -rrJio , "the !, ' ills . . , . . . • • i-hss be All New 2THIjrGB TO "Sra!TOH Central cclub, -could only .set ± Strsrst Wrra All JPropoaed legislation "to Txzr . thirds a t -ths Center. Irnm t h e nnaibi ^11 .literature ^tenS- j "3lc3Ults:ring t o .create mrcial"W .TBlisiouB j _ -3- -.C. !C..-Anm=a Bwbn Tifcet • 3iatr°d 'is'betas trppo3e"d iin -certain ilSevent • tjuarterB lor ifear t h a t .-it -would ! ^0 ^ a r d TTBB Style "Sti.l_IAKD AND exclude t h e "Bible, both Testad i n n e r , Symie "Spatein_ W2 ZS2 1313 "arnam JS1. ii, !Sorraan ansnta ol which contaba -vshement , 3iay Xouf ileninJcbjtiunB mil "the JEVTB . . . T h e Time _3tev. Gerald "Winrod : ol Wichita,

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3 -cess cr tte a2a:r.

lo^sy trcm -3Tts3 "^^fni-Xitis^' i?3

mss. Wees -3Tta Metal fstttsr



Tatiiits, s-ranxs Tnd CEK mrr f ^1-e Centrr Tlrr~~ 4 " r ' a -uecCtE^-. ^.i-r-. -.:.•..-:-.-. .•-.----.:- .-.-:.:-...-.„: i:.:..:r ..:::.::-~ x~ >c^i— p ^ r t r r r c «, 1j , , , ,..,,„—,—„__— p-trl-xastcr. Z.z TZZS ,

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your 'tailcTTti suits a n i "rur.'r^ ^asts -only IV ant! -puts til, into Srreii "ou:


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in tire T^ss mniGujy a ?^r;i caHefl ruunics lar .snotlicr ' '^ 3V "*7 3 ! Ti ar . J.iie liist ID i n - , ' = by II&sli^!x7.T7inz£, "tfif ait -pi "Piv- | - t 2 r i J l s >3_ c _ £._ =o £f 3 all l a ^ u a . i.J TTO3 jaauc "-lilla "Dndo.. "s t - j ^ i^^-yg -,-m -trrrt piny I '-prll . ~ l t h i t s "lleich Tilin C - m - 1 pitnniB^ en v. -ZauT-tcsia aircuit. ^ c r j j - - - J - J atlinr pr=iuri;= "her _ . „ That thr^itcnrcd borcntt i-^j^jjig T-irhmp to •_5iter"in-s asird j 5 - = i T D - - -r^!3=t>T CT =ali . •"-ofEKD'r.aiicnir? "noldirr-and t h e ,t o j - e t i n touch --ith Gra^nnan s.t ] } -~>^-.. „ „ - , „ —1 ^r-^^,. Xniiy" hnr been called ri»* fe9" Uie r^Tlie?! rt.^tc. TSi'n'ics X E ^ . I > -- - - - - •- — J TZ-OZB -the varimiT! -HntKSasi boy-; j_ T , i n ^y A-priil4. it HA-I^2Z3 BDtt outfits TiTjre Trrcuis to 3tn3- j ,. ] i^_____ -n?ctiK3 t t e illm t o lie G « r a a - i -^yro-^2'ZtZrr IK-rvtiTS-nf tf.r TIT -iutt -SEO had ceatri- i -j, "p, Q_ tsthiT'tic "flrr^rtcnat. TTs tifl t o brEahin-s the- "boycott. ! 33^ -x'iasl to XJt;et von all. TI "nistBTj 'Te^Hy x<jp-csts Itself Patricia T a n DuiaSa, Xcx Saelcs i 3nslisa -Jfivrry .had iietter . Charlotte Sacks, Tt vrurryins • - • llaalsy'a can-J^Lriker -Castleciai in thfi "T ,.n?» r trn County t rinn, Ctay ^rnitb ?_bia. oi J'sciT 2sauer, —


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Kansas, i3 sponsoring m -petition -ana -chaiirfettST BCbeme to ?siir "lip j-40 ^ Tara Sack StrokeSpstein opposition t o any rmove to curb | 1-ntailins "privileges iEor inrcb liter- | -— raturs . . . I f you 3-emeniber .the | 3 3 h m k Tom explosion of H?1S, SO "S; •of Gennnn , ^ i "X. unnoatand u^ht tD he Qtnre t o block "the plan nt the:Ka=is t o net lip -a ennp H-CcnrnmntlatiBS ^o,_000 J'"*"0"1""™ j4 f l Xard Candle 3tace troopars THiaT Xake-tttrpstCTJiis, l n \ _ -rr_™;» TTW,,<.=™ ^northern Tscvr Jsxzey - Ths site -of "the -proposed ctmrpis S. H a r r i s T-iciain t e r mile i r o m "the Atlas u n d 00~KTiirjl 3Vfifi S t y l s rales "ptrtyfinx tartories, tire l a ~ JL. JH;7iLie Spstcin <cst in tim -vrarld . * . ^ - . German- 1 .talking Him, mads in 1 S^3U3vXoux the TiTsies Qf "the j j S ^ i a ncspite -tne l a c t -.hat it -sat- ! _ . . . - . , -^ -Jrtos Sitter, in t o Tre ilfatributed ; j ^ ^ ^ f 5p 3 tshi •in this -country "by the -GtrrrrOTa j ^ x " poiona!rp Corporation . . .. SntiUed r 3 ^ "Grcsnbsr1 -


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writer to him: "You see, an ar- recervatiens in Omaha. Tickets to make final reservations for; dad's, cfcazzanic capabilities, tfee TYTO thousand • Sews ot New tist vith U3 today has first of al can be obtained far sixty cents the-A.'Z. A. dance to be held | youngster delighted a Passover Ycrfe Crity .servesS in, ttie l;nioa to stick to the party-line. „ Un per couple from -any A., z. A. April 14 at the Music • Box at j dinner group with song selections Aray during' ths -CiT.il War.' less he does that the jjreates member or at the Jewish Com- Omaha. that' revealed histrionic ability gifts would be considered men munity ^Center. ' This" affair is . •.'.. Barrister Hjrian Sfcrier is 'formallcia'." Any man of tin open to all members of the A. Z. ' 'The Council Bluffs Agudas being- addressed as Professor , » » 01SS ANNA PiU, csnwjcaici most moderate esperlence and sa- A. and their friends and every- Acbim Society will hold a regu- is© is now an instructor of public ABRAHAMS gacity could have inferred al one is yrsed. to make their plans lar- meeting-nfext' Thursday even- speaking at the Omaha .Univerthat Andre Gide reports and now to attend. d ing, April 15,' at S:SO olclock at sity night law department . „ . thousands of thlnklns people the Sagle Hall. A special ester- "Farfolte Boorakos"* end "aite hava Indeed drawn the right inThe Council Bluffs Lodge-No. •tainmeat- will'-be held, aad all izfbalas" to tfeo group of "crashJoe Maron, student at Centra ferences. My point, my question 6SS off the members are urged to attend. h B'BSU. ' Brith t -will ers" and also the girls -who vrore Nebras! High school, who has won nu my — yea —cry is quite another: an important meetiag-nest MonatiorY'is street clothes at the sprinj "What is it, vhat i s ' it in this X ES' merous honors during the. past day evening, April 12, at 8:30 •About thirty-fire members of m a t ^ I p h a Gamma Chi affair . .". U busines: bleak slave-state that takes hold year in the oratorical and foren. o'clock at the Eagle Hall. FollowJunior Hadas3ah and . Young the . C h ^ r a . B ' n a l l i a r o e l - Society Keen listeners to t h e Eddie C£P- braska. of ..the ^imagination of so many oration is Judea groups Trill visit the Jew;:sic meets at the school, will be young Jewish men and women? ing the business meeting, Dr. attended a Diaaer Party and in- tor' broadcast last SaHuav racht lie, transi isb.' homes in Sioux City this Sun- the guest speakep at Shaare.Zion What comfort or -what; beauty or Louis Goldberg of NewY ork City! stallation of new of'icers s t ' the noted that Bobby Breen chsu'ea ;s, and ir Synagogue this evening at the be the guest speaker and -will I Chovra B'sa'i Yisroel synagogne the-"words "Ado-shem «is ec« c" and to use, repair. Ftor* day, for the annual Jewish Nawhat hope do tliey tind there?-Is tional Fund Plas Day. - F u n d s regular service which begins a it .a faint . pro-Russian feeling talk on a subject of interest to all at SIS Mynster Street Tuesday "Adonoi" in his rendi i^r of El iea.se, end otherwise emnlo lize trucks, motor vehicles evening', April- 6. The new of- Eli" . . . a number thct t collected/will go to the 3. N.-F. 8 o'clock. . His -subject ' Is, "A drawn from the involuntary sym- members. hct t t ' i ea conveyances clesicrned lot- t! ficers installed' were President, S. millions of Jews and Miss Rosalie Sacks and Miss Student Looks at Life." Joo is pathies and habits of their parand transportation of poo n-^ Florence Major are corchaitmsn the son of Rabbi and Mrs. J. vice president, Sam . , ^ -Motseltoff to S£.n end Je-n and mercha'hcli?? of all kirK ents? Many would, no doubt, an- •'• The Emesel Club Trill entertain •Shykei therewith hroad £,-e: for; Flag Day. swer: at least cur people la-not its members at a Formal Jnitia- Sacks; Secretary, O. ' Hochxnan; Green ca the'birth'of a «• x POIEJ. nection ers' are given the company :': In'announcing the plans for the Tomorrow morning, Harold bedevilled there as such.' True In tioa and Dinner Party .at the Ho- treasurer, Dave Fos; and Board brunette baby girl , . . 1 1 = % n- in any business and to pur deal in any kind of pro? Flag;Day, they asked the co-op- Lebowitz will celebrate his-Bar a sense. Quite untrue in another. tel Chiefiain on Sunday evening; of Trustees, Messrs.-H. Saitzniais, ette . Siegman has arrived frora or authorized camta! stuck o eration of the families they visit, Mitzvah. He will serve refresh- What does ^ a •• man - ^ain beyondApril 10, at six o'clock. New Louis H. Katelraan, and Sara Ro- Hollywood to visit •nub l>e" pa-- poration is J25.nfic.0O divide to- make the day a Successful one. ments to the; Junior Congrega- the quite Immediate if he is pro- members who will be guest's of Eenthal. Mr. O. Hochiaaa was ents, Mr. and Mrs. H'Taan Zvzz- shares of the parc value of.! Of Which ' c^r^tmiTi mised a world some day. •—•' pie in honor are the Misses Edith Bubb, the installing officer and gave the isan . . . She will return when F.il The Junior Hadassah Round tion following their service. •11 fa< when issued ! : principal address, of the evening. Phe ct The,Board of Directors of the the sky by arid by — at the price Lucille Abrahamson, and Shirley Table meeting •will be held nest her- mother recovers from her re- non-assessabie commence business up'-p. tl Monday evening, April 12, -when Synagogue will;meet in the home of his whole soul and his people's Gershun. Miss Miriam Saks will All officers spoke briefly. cent illness. its articles in the 'office of 3 Coim.e u p o n ty Clerk End shall term! the-second in a series of talks on of Mr. H. Levin and Mr. and Mrs. so.ul and his memories and his be toastmistress,. and the com. unless the first (Jay -of I.Iarch. 1 aspirations and the reducing to Ike Levin, 2201 Jackson street, mittee assisting her are-the Mis- Kaiman's Kosher Zionism will be heard.eooner clissnlyod by a ma.,. ....... a hopeless robot state of Jiimself FRAOENEURG, WEES, E E E E R Monday evening.; : ses Libby Grossman, Thelma Paspf the outstanding^a.p;ta] stock, : The' cultural -group -of- ths JunKUUT2C & KUUT2NICK & KELLEY, ys. highest amount of indebtedne Plans are -being made for the and his children? That Is the ser, and-Dorothy Salt'zman. Miss ior ".Hadassah met Wednesday • 200 Union State Bank which the corporation shall a: Cmaha, evening ^ i t h Misa- Florence Ma- annual • Mother's • Day service question I raisel That is • theFlorence Meyerson and Miss Lortime subject itself shall not. c question I ask. -Who do we lose which will be held Friday everaine Meyerson are in charge of jor. Miss Rose Pill spoke oa "The (Continued from page 7.) [ON NOTICE OF INCORPOKAT any, any of our youth from- work arrangements, and. the Misses ning, May 7. PATRICK I-IQUOR STORE n Art." o for us and our cause and the Sylvia Endelman, Ruth Seldin, ver, Colo. . . . she is president of Notice is hereby given thHt the i r have fornied a corporat l ei th xpd by the cause of Eretz Yisrael-for- this Rhoda Krashe, and Ida Lerner, the J. C. R. S. chapter ia her derslgned be chosen of State of NeV HEADS GONGREGfflON mess: of-foreign and putrid po- are in charge of decorations. home city , Now on the way |.The narne !me of this corporation shall be by thp direr;ors and shall tie PresiS tage? Are you Socialists? Well "Patrick Liquor Store", with its prin- dent, Vice-President, and S^cretnryto visit the hospital also a cipal place-of business p.t Omaiia. Ne- Treasurer. pr.y t-^*o of. vrhicb. offices bridge expert w h o h a s participat- braska. • Hiss Helen Share' was .elected ; Mr.. Mai Levitsky was elected and good. There is the .HistadThe general nature of the may be held by one person. The arMiss Flora Marks returned . to business to be transacted end the ob- ticles may be amended at any enmmi ©resident of: the F . L. M. club, president of the Adas Yeshuren ruth. I cry out that question. her home in Chicago Sunday fol- ed in state a n d national totirna- ject and iJurpose for which Ihis cor- meeting of the stockholders, or at an;..-••.mreting- of the stnckholflprs at;'theif-meeting "Wednesday eve- congregation at their annual elec- What is the answer?. lowing a two week's'visit here inents . . . A traffic w a r n i n g t h a t poration is organized is to buy. sf-H Fpei'lal graphically relates a t a l e : "Drive tion last Sunday.; Mr. A. Kosor-distribute at wholesale or retail, cp.iied for that purpose by a mp.jnri;;ningVln tha Jewish* Community, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. vote. in amount of the stork then ov.iwines, whiskies, vinous liquors and | like hell .and y o u will g e t t h e r e " Center. The d u b advisors, Miss- berg was elected vice-president; M. h. Marks. ' any and all other k:nc]s of beverages f ; (Copyright 19 3 7 By Seven Arts . . . A*'child-prodigy w h o is a A. Zeligman, recording secretary; End liquors; (b) to distill, manufac- j «s ShlrIIe Fien and Esther Eirerise; Feature Syndicate}. "chip off t h e b l o c k " ; R a p h a e l ture, make and /or rectify liquors and jberg-presided :during the elec- A. Katz,"secretary; B.' Rosenthal, Do. ed F Mrs. Ida Rolnick and small beverages: (c) to acquire, hold, disEdgar, son of Cantor E d g a r a n d pose, lease, piedsre and /or encumber tion/' ... '••[. ;-' '•'"'••; '•*'. '; treasurer; and E . Lelchook, J. ion, Selwyn, of Chicago, Illinois the.' Missus . . - . .absorbing h i s real and personal -property, and id) ' MIsa Grace Silver was elected Kaplan and J. Cohen, trustees. eft••• Monday for their ihome folto do any and all things necessary or t Mr.« Levitsky served as presivicfe-p.resident; Clara! Dvorkln, convenient to the accomplishment of lowing a two weeks' visit here the purposes herein set forth. The ^scretary,; Charlotte Levin, treas- dent for' the congregation four With relatives. While here," they FBADENBURG, W E B B . BEBER, authorized EG4-10 City JVationa! Bank Bidg. capital stocl* of the corporttier;" Ruth Rice, reporter and years ago for a term of two years. snd KELLY, Attyc Omaha, Nebr. ation shal! be $10,000.00 End ail said | were fhe house guests of' Mrs. KL.UTEN1CK '.Union State Bk. Bids. stock shall be common and of ths par i liiaine: . Stern, sergeant-at-arm3. Rolnick's brother and Eister-invalue of $100.fl0 per share and shall ' NOTICE OF INCORPORATION; OF Following tKe meeting the club NOTICE be fully paid up and nori-assessab'e. I aw, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kubby. In. t t ePROBATE "TRUCKERS PORT, SNC.' ire P. D. n. Matter of the Estate of The corporation shall commence do- I TCoiice i.«t hereby piven that the tinattended a' puppet show given by Frances L. Cowger, Deceased. ins business upon filing its articles : dersi?:n.Gcl .have orjranised P. cn^s'nr-Rthe rN* Y. A. under, the .direction Miss Lorraine Meyerson, sen- Notice I s . Hereby Given That the •with the County Clerk cf DouElas : tion to be known KS TUVCKERI: creditors of said deceased will meet County. Nebraska, and shall continue ; of?Mr»-Raymond Fisher. . INC.. at Omaha. Douplas Mis Elizabeth Umansky,; daugh- BABBI I/. GOIiDBEBG TO BE ior at the Abraham Lincoln High the administratrix of said estate, be- for a' period of fifty years from ssid i PORT. County. Nebraska. The general naSchool, spent the past week end fore me, County Judge of Douglas date. The highest amount of ln»1elit- | ture of its business is to operate ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman JNF GUEST MONDAY The. Jewish JTational... Fund at Iowa City, where she was theCounty, Nebraska, s t the County edness shall not exceed two-thirds of : gamcres. filiing- stations, taverns Umansky, 1410 -Myrtle street; Court Room, in said Count}-, on the its capital stock, but this restriction -. locljriTijr houses: to buy. EP!1 and flea Council will hold an important assistant director for the local 3rd day of June, 1B3T, and on the 3rd shall not include indebtedneES secur- ; in personal property, real T>*.-onortv. will be married Sunday afternoon, <3ay of Aurust, 1S37. a t 9 o'clock A. ed by mortgsg:es or liens;. The affairs ] and securities, £.n& to do all thing's meeting 'next Monday evening, school's play, "Two Crooks andl l , each..day,* April 11, to Louis Lelchook, son for the purpose of pre- of the corporation shall be mEnaired \ i ' l f -In a statement referring to the of Mr. and Mrs. E . Lelchooki ilO? April 12, at promptly 7:30 p.-m.a Lady", which was presented for senting their claims for examination, by a Board of Directors of not less j f*nrr.vin?r out cf the. above objects. Youth: Es3ay Contest sponsored Tenth street. The wedding will at the home of "Miss Fannie Ka- tate honors. Miss Meyerson won adjustment and allowance. Three than two nor more than five- mem- ' The fr Yc zrC cm ;r are allowed for the creditors bers. The annual meeting of the- cor- j TlO.PtV.CO C'*>iec Jr*r by;-the InteriClnb Council, Cal-. be at_5 o'clock in the Beth Abra- telman, -417 Oakland- -Avenue, a superior rating in interrupted months to present their claims, from the 3rd poration shall be held on the second j thp pF1" vs'ue *>f f1' i r man Leyich, cultural chairman of ham-synagogue. -. •• who Is secretary of the local eading contest. While in Iowa day of May,- 1D"7. . Monday' in. January of each year at ] re-d f"- Sr crrh cr p f-nC Tvhlch meeting the stockholders shall ' iion-ps«ess Me v-*-(r i the. A. Z< A." challenged the ;roup. Babbi Louis, I. Goldberg Jity, she was the guest of her S-S7-St.• BRXCH CRAWFORD, County Judge. elect a Eoarfl of Directors find theref Young Judeans by- intimating of Boston. who - is - a special rep- Jster, Miss - June Meyerson, who upon ths Bosrc shall elect a Fres*- \ BRODKEY & BRODKEY, Attys. that'the papers submitted by the Mr. and Mrs. B. OHikoff were resentative of >&e Jewish Nation- s a student at the University of dent, Vice-President, Secretp.ry nnd \ £73 Insurance Bldg. at home,to their friends last SunTreasurer. - Ar.y two • of rats offices j A... Z'. A. members would' excel. al Fund, will be the . honored may. be held by one and the sane'i Et a"1" r—'p rvt "•cl itP'l" ^p-^ day afternoon, honoring -their juest and principal speaker. His TheiYoung Judeans aro respondNOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS person. These articles may be p.rnraS- !j fzceeC f - p - . t "('" c-r 'A- n s ' f, ? Notice is hereby given that ail ths anv regular or specif.! mfptinpr cf The r"- -F rf Jr.* or—-. •„ 'i,-r ing;by urging their members to daughter,. Miss Eva Orlikoff and subject will.be "Thirty-fifth anThe Council Bluffs A. Z. A. existing debts of Barish Oil, Inc., 03 at ths stockholders by two-thirds vote of j be conducted by E. board ofx no her -fiance,' Mr. Ben Dobrofsky. niversary of the Jewish'National enter the essay contest. the 31st day of December. 1SSS, the outstanding stock. thP.n t^'o no- JTT>~« thpr " 'r hapter No. 7 held a meeting of town guests: included Mr. Fund." . Every organization who amounted to the sum of $4,475.SS. IN WITNEg, WHERKOF, the par- tors whr shrl" eJ p "t ? rfe^ie^ert Papers must ba typewritten on Out Monday evening at the home of (SgJiiJ.) M. M. BARISH, ties have hereunto Pt-bseriho' their one sldo of tho-paper only, and and U r s . Jack Orlikoff, Mr.' and ia • a -member of the JNF Gouncil Abe Raben. Next Monday, a President. hands' this Ifith dnv cf March, 1SS7. | ) 31. jr. Barish, M. D. Ero^HARRT SINGER. I is .asked-to: send a representative ;hort important meeting .will be contain from 1000- to 1500 words. Mrs. SI Silver of Omaha. ; key,.'Henry Grabois LEO ROSKCF.AKS. ! to. this--.meeting.' • • • held at 7:30 o'clock at/the-hd.me -Belnff.a Subjects are New. Economic Opmajority of the. Board'of la the Presence of SAM BEBKR. j Mr. and Mrs. M.Rocklin-preDirectors. portunities for the Jew; Why be *-19-E7-4t i •I Joo Wolfson, 728 So. 21st St. 4-9-37-lt . .. 1 : sided at open house last Sunday A. -.Z. A- DANCE 4PRH1.14 Loyal to- My People?:and Has Plans have been completed . for Life in America a Future. afternoon, following ^the. wedding of. their, dau'ghter, Sarah Rocklin, the Dance: to be gponsored by the to Alfred. Herzoff' of Kansas Coun.cU Bluffs Chapter No.- T of ONEG SMABBOS:heA. Z. A. nest Wednesday- eve. Mr. Herzoff arid his bride left ning,, April 14i at :nlnep o'clock at •.The' Oneg Sabbatn o£ the Sunday/-evening for Kansas Qity the .Music Box; at lSth and CapShaare' Zlon Ladies Auxiliary will where they will make their home: itol Streets in, Omaha/ The com" be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 mittee in charge are Leo Meyero'clock in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Terry, of Chicago, the son, .Abe.; Raben, and Herbert RoMrs.. Abe' Silverberg,- 3051 Stone former. Sara Kaplan -is visiting senthal, of Council Bluffs,, -and Farlr Boulevard; Mrs. iA.\H. Bar- her. parents, Mr. and, Mrs. J*. Kap- Hymie Dianmond.is in charge.of on will preside. '. . .lan, 1613 Fourth sfreet. Her sisMr- B. Eisner will speak on ter, Mrs.. J. 'Kantor entertained WM.M. WOI-FE; Attorney 'The.Russian Jew. Current events, at an evening, of'bridge Thursday, 110V Douglas St., Ofsco Bldg. -. an open discussion, and singing honoring her. NOTICE OF CONOITIONAL SALES yrill-'bo included in the program.

itw -y

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•-, • I CONTRACT SAUE Miss Annabell Emllen has re- Notice lg hereby given that on the May, 1937, at 10:00 o'clock, turned to her studies at the. Uni- 1st day ofFixture & Supply Company, versity of Nebraska, in Lincoln, it1thOmaha and Douglas Street, Omaha, Nebraska, the undersigned - -will sell at -B?<. Frederick Cohen of: Oma- after spending 'her. spring vaca- lublle - auction to the highest' bidder tion with her parents, Mr. and 'or cash: . . . . &s,,Nebr., will be the guest speakOne Back Bar. Ons Front Bar, One Mrs. R. H. Emlein; .. .;. : er a t ' Mount Sinai Temple this Oonhle .Sink J»nd Dralnboard, - One

Bottle Chest, One Coll Box. One Cigar oveaing, Hia subject will be and Cigarette ~ "W«1H " Case. One Lf Spxingtlme in Humanity." Jhaped Clsrar.-Case, COne Urn Stand _ind X)efleetor Plate* Twelve Sets of - Tho Sisterhood- meeting this Bootha -with Tables." One '. Set-Up ^Continued from paso 1) afternoon" will bo preceded by a Table,-One-TVater Cooler. Toiir Tables Three Tables 30x30, 22 Chairs, 'colorful Rainbow luncheon at 1 quence. of this, state -of -affairs: !fix3S,-Counter. Stools. 2S Lineal Feet o'clock. Appointments at the "The spirit which is today con- Sight if-Wall Paneling, Two Only Doors, Ono Mgjeptlc Broiler, One tables will be in rainbow-colors sidered .'counter-revolutionary' Is Jne-Cooler. Range. One Galvanised Iron to. carry out the luncheon theme. none other than that- very spirit btajestlc Canopy,-, On© Work Table, One Table ft. 6 Jn. z 2 ft. 6 in.. One Bafn •Jlnj.." H . S. Novltsky, program of the • revolution, -of which the blarie. One Steam - Tabje, One Pan chairman,1 announces- that Cecil ferment' first caused an explosion Jack, Two Work Tables. One Soiled Table, One . Two-Compartment 'Senton, librarian will speak on in the. rotten swamps of the old Msh. One Clean Dish Table, One Children and tho Radio. She will czarM world." And so (page 67) jink. tleat-Block,'One Vegetable Sink and "»raln Board, One Basement Cooler, be. Introduced by Mrs. Morris 6ide Is forced to t h e f i n a l and and. Colls,. One Deep Fat JWetebergv a member- of the pro-dreadful conclus'ion: "The least tompressor 'ryer, One Blehl Bucket "Blade Fan. Coffee Maker, 4 Steel Fry gram- committee, who will also protestation, the smallest critic- •Coleman 2 Steel Fry Pans, 4 Steel Fry present a voice of the people pro- ism is subject to the most "dire" 'ans, 'ans, 3 Steel Fry Pahs, 1 Steel'Fry 1 French-Fryer, J Beating Bowl. gram: .Mrs. Louis (Soldberg'will punishment and is, moreover, 'an, Roast Pan, 1 Boast Pan. 2-Chinese preside. •- -. stifled at once. • I: question whe- Taps," 1'Re.tinhe'd Skimmer.: 8 Mixing Spoons, 6-Mhdn^ Spoons, ther in any otHer country today, Cake Cutters, 2 Egg ^Vhip?, 2 Aab unless it be the Germany of Hit- tens with Covers, 1 Mopping Bucket, Plasi _ Mop 'Wringer, 1 Broiler, IS Dozen ler, the human mind is less free, Water 4 JDozen Salt'•:&. Pepmore bent - down, more timid. - by ners, 6Tumblers, Vinegar Bottles. 5 .Dozen Day- Banquet: reason of terror, more deeply re- Xicktail Glasses, 6 Wafer "Bottles, 5 >ozen Soda Glasses, 8 Dozen • Round ; 3owl Soup Spoons, 12: Dozen Tea" Pians were begun; for their d-uced to vassalage." . .--..' 12 Dozen Dessert Forks. 5 It is immensely tragic. I do not ipoons, tenth annual Mother and Daugh5ozen Oyster Forks,- 10 Dozen Dinter Knivea, Dozen Porterhouse ter banquet, at the .-meeting of Jeer. I do not rejoice; I do not iteak Knive3, 13 Butter Cutter, 1 Food the Board of Directors of, the say: I have told you • so.' \."I • am chopper, 1 Wire Potato Mashen 29 itone Jars. 2 Mop Heads. 1^—4-SUcc not • amazed at Gide'a report of Sbaaro Zion Ladies Auxiliary. 'oastmastcr, 1 Double Wafilemaster, 'Tho banquet will be held Sun- the saying of an : eminent Soviet Mop Sticks, 17 Itozen ;Plates. SDoz>n Butter Chips, 9 Dozen Fruits, 12 day, .May. 2, at ^o'clock in the losen Cups, 9 Dozen Saucers. 2 Dozen social hall of the. synagogue, and MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARER & "•SB Cups, 3 Dozen ! Grapefruite, ,7 ' ;• • COHEN", Attys. iqzen Nappies, 2 Dozen Creamers, 5 •will bo preceded by a brief . 737 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. ; —)6zen,Creamers, 6 Sugars. IS Sizzling thanksgiving Gorvice In tho synaiteak Platters, 8 Green Ice Tubs, 1 BY PUBLICATION ON (hmer Cash Register, S Dosen Plates, SOgTic. Mrs. J, H..: Moscow will NOTICE Dozen Butter Chips, 1 Dozen Nap• PETITION" FOR SETTLEMENT be toastmiBtras3.' Mrs. 'Mike jiea, 1 Dozen Mustards, 1 Dozen CelOF FINAL ADMINISTRA;ry -Dishes, 2—10)12 dosen Creamers. TION ACCOUNT JIuchkin will bo to charge of the Dosen Fruits, 3 Dosen Saucers, 3 In the County Court of Douglas ' >osen menu - arrangements, with. Mrs. County. - Platters, IS Sugars, • 1 Beer Nebraska. .'ump with Tank, 24 Chrome Napkin Herman Licht aad ; Mrs. H., R. . • In the Matter of the,Estate of Er- Holders, 8 -Dosen Plates,. 17 Sauce T. Rothhols,. Deceased. Rabinowitz In charge of the pro-nestine UUlity Pacs.' AH persons interested in said mat- Pahs;,'4•-'Stock;Pots,-20 2Dozen Teapots; 1 Colander, 13 gram. ' •., . \ ••".'•. . ter are hereby notified that on the Ladles, 2 Saure PaiJ3, 1 Ki^li Chair,

Seisioi; Plans for the Senior • Hadassah linen shower were made at the meeting of the Hadassah board, Tuesday" afteraootf In - the Jewish Community Center., : Mrs/ R-.-H. la cBairmatt of the linen It will'be. Iielcl'on April - 27 .In tao Jewish Community Center,, ••;••'- :" '.- '• •'

FlnnG for the Bcaors'LuHcaeon Trore also dtacucsed at. t&e mest-

24th day of March, -1937, Henrietta 1 Youth's Chair •• Kohn filed a petition In-said County coveretT Eaics contract Court, praying that her final admin- in favor byofconditional the Omaha €z istration account filed herein be set- Supply Company, and tinned5"iature bj" Camtled and allowed, and that she be eron J.•: Wooiariri^e, raid con'Jitionr.l discharged from-her trust as admin- sales contract'belns dated October 13, istratrix and that a hearing "will be 1936, and Iiavinrr been r.U.A. ir. tlie cZhad on said petition before said Court iice of the County CLrk of Gs.ce on the 24Ur day of April. 1937.' ana County ; on the 2l*t day «" Octolitr. that if you fail to appear before said 1938. Said Gals' will be for t^c r*'~Court on the said 24th day of April, pcSse - of foreelo~ins Said conditional 1S37, a t 3 o'clock A. M., .and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree cf.J of heirship, and make such other and sales/contract, -for c::;ls c-r r;'.c > further others; allowances and de- elt accruing co-=ts, and for t^' ^ S T crees, as to this' Court may seem poss .of satisfying the arrount r.c-.v due thereon, to-i.It: 3U".21. t l - t :u; proper, to the- end that all*matters suit or other procpec*!?!"? ~t ! I T )I?.V!" pertaining- to • i^ald estate may ba - fi- been instituted to recsve- cald Cc'ot nally settled and determined. BBYCH CRAWFORD, " - ?r ollAHA ElXXURb Cz CUPFLT CO. ess £-2-37-34. -•/ - - .-.;Counts;. Juds«.--' 4 - 9 - 3 7 - f t -. • • "


ILVCHMAN, Attorney, ci • Tli««lr*e Butidlng

<£MT TO RATION OF it. eight rt . Hotel, «F meetArticles ;d "in the


In4 which 0.000 ot


e Board >c («) of i being2) year

>e«rs fn ™ with County, March,

MARER - 4 Sldfi. TEN. Thata! M.e<"*ir>|f AUSTIN i W. 1937, of Inctir-

nma corwn. .bold, estate in ; -"u>.tes of of, leR.pe, •v.-lse ennny part •;: in real «.5 estate fiirouRh 'the?- cor> acquire tr- t h e ?rp'!<>n of r to sell, •wise e n_ rer^onal in"1 ntonev othor obncl in exby it or cuiired by r mr.-pose ^ Ciiaran• or conn oonneci t of the b, and to of every

B<=FI ry for

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rrs. INC. sident.



Modeia Elsclrlc Hsfrigorslcs pcy ihcle ©wn\way — la . MANY. WAITS!* Your cheep elselrie Es'rvic© '^Ives ycu dcpeadsbls :T©!rIgera!Ioa csi ' OST' Costly food' spoilage 'is elimlast-M, S^cLrls BeMgerclioa Is easily'within th© roach cl •&©-•- average - family budge!. Ea LY— B ELECT




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