April 16, 1937

Page 1


,^9 vj xy €alsma ta copyrlsSit by ITcatara Syndicate. Soa-Traolo or la ctrictly forbidden. Any n e a t oa th"lo copjrris&t-Trill &

POPULAR FRCHfT ..Why do people unite to form a popular front? Why do they agree to neglect their differences at opinion for the sake of common action? Because they have one enemy-— the same enemy — and are exposd to one danger — the came danger. They know that if that enemy triumphs and that danger prevails, it will make no difference — none, absolutely none — where the individual stood in matters of opinion. He and all that-he stands for and-all that he aspired to will "be destroyed. The example of Prance is the best. r Right and left wing republicans', socialists, radical^EDCialists (a mild enough sroup'despite ils fierce name) communists have all agreed to sink their party differences, and to fight the common enemy.on a common front. For they know perfectly that if CoL de la RoQue and the Crois-.de Feu'people get into power they will, like the~Nazis of Germany, not stop to ask: where did you Stand ? '- What -was your political color and affiliation? They will crush, stamp into the mire, destroy. It is then history itself that obliterates differences. For it is merely Weak-minded to say: I •wish that history had not talien -this utrn. ...I disapprove I will join nothing. 1 will cooperate in DO defense. I will risk, the future of myself ..and my children rather, than join the common cause of those, inyself included, who are menaced by a common menace -and threatened by an equal fate. It is weakminded. It is wicked. It is, above all, immeasurably stupid. - - " .-. ' •


Ea CSaaa Hail flatter <sa Jaaasjy a . isn, at Oasha, ilctr^sia. Emac? tho Act el £t=xcii 3. 1373



t -at Liocom D r i v e t o I!v XtO,"22:citv



-New York' (WNS) — Asserting that "racial prejudice ar.3 anti-minority propaganda ere always fore-runners of dictatorThe Jewish National Worker's ' ships," Dr. Stanley High, president of the • Good Neighbor Alliance silver will bi League outlined the plans of ids organization to undertake a fact-j a dinner at the Jewish CommunCenter Sunday, April IS, at finding on which to base I g program pg

. A large contingent of OmahanS have signified their intention of attending the Southwest Regional Conference of , B'nai B'rith, •which -will be held at Lincolfl on Sunday, April> 25. B'nai B'rith members who -wish to join the party are asked to contact Julius Bisno, in charge of local reservations. Archie Cohen^of ^.Chicago, second vice president"Of^District No. :6 oflB'nai B'rith^-will;-Jhe" -principal speaker at---the-' banquet which' will climax' ihV conference on Sunday^ evening.. Sunday/afternoon!:, the. feature will.be a round-table discussion led by Henry Monsky of Omaha, a member- of : the international executive, of, the order. Registration for the conclave Trill* start at 9 a. m. April 25 at the Corniusker Hotel in Lincoln. The Council meeting -will be held tit 10 a. m., followed by a lunche o n a t .noon. A special program is being arranged for the evening entertainment.^ •;.".".' •The Lincoln lodge of B'nai B'rith is. making/ elaborate plans to' entertain-the visitors expected from neighboring cities. J. W-

Johannesburg, South Africa (WNS) — While Dr. F. J. Halan, leader of the Nationalist Party, is „. t h e .seeking to unite all Fascist and anti-Semitic "orees in a united "an intelligent campaign of tci- S : SM r0- o'clock.Eadinowski, secretary "Nordic front" pledged to "boy- erance designed to enlist Amsrig nt cott Jews, oppose immigration An inte~C' cans in an offensive on behalf of j ot the Alliance and eiiaiixian of I tlie and solve the country's "urgent fundamental Americanism." grain lias r°er f — C T I affair,. announces program cas been The Good Neighbor League J tor A. SchWEC-1 national problems," the Witwa^ ^ Zlc ' s Henry T\ tersrand Church Council, one of which has organizations in sonie j ranged. * twenty-five state will serve as the !. The dinner will start promptly ; president, V . the most; important Protestant at 6 : 3 0 a n d a 1 1 agency throtigh whica this Etu3yj those having res-' ; plomas wi i "?_ ..,. ,.' r, church organizations in South will be -undertaken. "We have se- ervations are asked to be on tirae. ; Philip. St 1 ". C"T ™-n Africa, issued a public warning to cured, .however, :ihe cooperation f i board of e ... cr ~ all Christians against the menace and active assistance pf a nuin-12*HCycIlCS.I | The gra "i :.f- a'e T. ." c ^< pf. racial prejudice. The follow- Vher » O T " e*if rwtTG - t i ? "res f i / - » i ^ D T r r T t ? » t ? * " & i " a i * i i . _ _ _ _ _ of organizations which.are in ; man, Ker-" 71 -«;v— ing three resolutions dealing a position to help us get at "ths ! ! Schwartz, ; . • . ' • ; 1 i i f specifically with anti-Jewish -agi- facts," Dr. High said. "The direct' ; tye Lee """JJ-CT: : r-' tation were adopted: . work will be under the supervij "Norman I " - v " , * --> 1 .—. "The Witwartersrand sion of Dr. Howard LeSocrd Dean Budapest (Haras via JTA) — i A l e x Weir«-*Px- C r - •>• Church Council, believing that all of the Graduate School of Boston Of bIic de_ attitudes and, actions based on University, and a staff of experts j C a t h o l i c n o t a W e a n d a associated It will race prejudice are contrary to the ^ s u c ^ u with.him.wim . mm.- it «m be! ^ , aunciation of Germany's attitude r» ' " ' spirit of Christ, and that propa- j the purpose of our study to get j t o w a r d t h e C c r i s t j a a "religion by ganda which appeals to race pre- all the available facts-on the e: s. Protestant Bishop indicated judice through sweeping general- tent, the nature and the implica- •how far the recent papal encycliizations against a race as a whole tions of racial intolerance in this " Germany has swung ^ is dangerous, not only to the xace country, with particular reference [ ^ n ^ r i a T p u W J c " -pinion. rryio W c _ • —_,,.„ so discriminated against, but to to anti-Semitism. It 13 a remarkRev. Father Jusztin -Barthe harmony and well-being of able fact that, with so much said [ a a v a ^ a leading figure in the i ' ' Cohen is chairman "o?^ the com- the country as a whole, depre- in this field, • no such inclusive j „Hungarian . Catholic world, told . Amsterdam * mittee in charge," assisted by Sid- cates in the strongest terms that j study has ever been undertaken. r - r " 1an interviewer that the church eal refutst^r ci ney Poska, Nate Grossman, Lou anti-Semitic propaganda which is 1 "A number of "preliminary c o n - i . . T a a t B j u s t i c 8 f o _ . a l l . a n d c o n . B u t c h Nt- : - " • Polsky, L. J. Ilesser and Herman being disseminated through cee-j have already been fae;d j d e 2 l n s a U e s c i ? s s e s a 3 1 d t a e r efore ; that H o l l e r s , tain, channels in South Africa; 2 | and a well-considered., approach j c a M o t a p p r o T e ^a.-,^,^,;, Ginsburg. anti-Semitism." ' Jews was r ' —c - Take the analogy of a beseiged — The Council considers that the j to the problem agreed on. In BrI-; H e r e c o a i m e n d e d e s t reme prud- the weil-1 r ! city. Take the -analogy^of Madrid. ChrisUan churches of South Af- j dition to. working throcgh Good | e s c e t Q t l , 0 B O c f t j s floct ^ h g b g _ T _ M E P l r r , • What would-you think* of Madrilrica should exercise a restraining Neighbor League units K is ou-r | j d t Q ^ r i g i , t . v i n s ext rem-'! lr publish enos who refused to take' part in influence'through the pulpit and plan to secure the cooperation of i ast parties. j Mr. Be r the: defense of the city because Sunday schools against the spread churches, schools, labor organizaBishop Alesander Raffay said the follow - r they do noUat : all "points agree tions and independent bodies." of such propaganda. The ordin<=-f c ' r Of 50 ma *uu I U U B ^ U ^ uy^r.z. •^ ^ G e r m a n T . - i a s _ profoundly •with the principles of the governary laws of the. land are sufficdeceived In t h e course of h i s m t e m e w 1 ^ • _ . . , , nus," - .deplored „ „ , „ - , , f 1the , c i House ol Tc~ "rLer* 1 re ment? For -we know and they c ,; and ient to deal with the individuals Dr. High emphasized1 paracmariy! f a c t t h a t . . G e r m a B r h a s t a k e K a ! Jewish m-^—r know'that were Franco and his of any race in the population recent evidences th;a. ^.ad come I p o s i t i o n a g a i n s t ciirlstiaiiity."" •: Of 100 n r = - - r fc ir Moors and italisna;and Germans to- his attention of ants-Semiac : whose conduct as contrary to the " ' " • : House, fi-> e I n e fev ..h to capture, the city '."no-.. Quarter Berlin (JTA)—With all hope general welfare, and • action: or in- propaganda in t h e current labor! rc • * c 1 _^. only t t 5 would he be given, Would givn, no mercyy p ol; rcne-srfns the Polish-German •citera'en'fto. action outside the law situation. 'I have seen t i e "proof, !• 1* I no leniency "exercised. . To "Franco. Upper Siiesian "Minorities coaven- is destructive of the. very fabric j i e said, "that .the racial I?su? \ c«sl exec ^ the -difference between arepubll•-^--rTiie- -Ctrancil'^^ -nnfortTinately beins" "-isjectsa| tSl& ; conlllct'.between Poland and Ger'-an. with satisfaction the con- into the labor situation, labor, it-j Of E SSCC; " and a trade-unionist: is simply no raany-in the territory appeared to HOL63 sistent stand taken b"y many of self, will be the first to repudiate El Esta difference at ~ all, Off " .would •be-; looSrinf -this *».'ee1:. The fourth and' final lecture of; our country's leaders in public this drive. It is one of our pur-1 the" come, actually or morally,., the Joseph;"• Wagner-, Nazi governor utterances' against the menace of poses "to reveal the facts "knowing Eabbi David H. Wice's series, •; -^-tieli- e!e~.. ' V — P ~ 1 - - l" " ' ''' of the German portion o* the ter- anti-Semitism, and urges upon that once they are revealed the "Equipping My Child to Face His : f pper Hr • heads or. all. Palestine 'appeal ritory, declared tonight that as The propa- "World," will be given on Tues-; ^Tbere - e United Christian people the 4uty pf sup- propagandists and their day evening, April 20, in the Ves- men and the drive to sell shekels com- soon as* the convention espired th porting that attitude, and of se- ganda will be uprooted." try roocis cf the Tentple.- The: ing at the same time' •will help to Nazis would inane' -retaliatory curing so far as in them lies, that There *subject of this lecture will • "be'ter in twer test the-"temper; and common measures against Pole3 in the there be no discriminationjzud reoL 'Parental Subtleties in the Home.' larg-est t r ~ r ^ sense and the common self-prea- German section because- of what crimination of race against race At this time Rabbi TTiee will: eryatlve- instinct of. American he called oppression of' Germans in this land." outline a program for the "home faculties, Jewry. These;things •will -show in tha Polish district. C rwhich should develop the proper us'-whether the Je-wish people has ,\ Germany had been understood There i • ."" _ 1 attitudes 3s the child. The lec- staff of s - that minimum • instinct for -polit- to "be seeking .renewal of "the conThe Omaha Lodge of B'nai | ture will be followed by a quesical action -which . characterizes vention ho protect Germans Of Ell t 1 " B'rith will honor its 120 tion period. other peoples. For history has it- against a |'Polonlaation" cammembers at a. stag to be held ! The third lecture given en only one, ' - > self rendered utterly vain and paign expected to besin ia PolBrussels (WNS) The first empty and meaningless any resis- ish Upper Silesia' after May 15, April 12, vras entitled, "bcarfi cf c —•" Thursday evening, .April 22, in tance to the common cause of the bnt tonight the German press an- anti-Semitic" motion to come he- the gymnasium of the Jewish. "What My Child should.-Sead." Jewish people or any standing nounced the agreement would fore the Belgian Parliament was Community Center. At that tame Rabbi nice distri- \ board. overwhelmingly rejected when a aside from that cause. A "boxing-show-in addition to | buted resiiiEg- lists to those pre-i definitely not "ha renewed. proposal by Senator Van* Diren, A dark age, the extent of which several fine-YacderiHe Ect3 wiHjEei-t and exhibited boots for a:Germany'»had been seeking re- Flemish Nationalist, to oiast Dr. no man can tell, is upon us. Right be presented according to KaX; typical bom©- library fcr parent i or wrong, large-scale evacuations newal despite the fact that non- Aimiaaitov, Russian-Jewish phy- Baer, caairman " of tine Ladga's j ^nd-child. I Tene-wal -willgivs her the opporsician, as -director of the Military of our historical positions are entertaiainent comraitts&. To those -who missed the last; tunity to extend the Nuremberg Institute- "for Preventative Medtaking place and must take place. Marcliis Sclnvartz, athletic di-jlecture copies of the list win beGermany is the most spectacular lawB and other anti-Semitic legis- icine. rector,-and Paul. Hartaek, Gold-' & ; v e a a t t h e lecture this ccrsisg : lation to the German part of the : Shouted down -when he first ••example a,ndi Poland t h e . most ea Gloves "boxing CbaapiOS, will! Tuesday evening. \ : cniclal. There is, while this dark territory, -where formerly it could made his motion some -weeks ago, "be guests at tbe Stag.. j Over one hundred and fifty ,nd fifty ti.3 -.r: age lasts, no refuge or rebirth ex- not be applied under the treaty. Senator Tan Diren insisted on a Admission to the Etas will "be i p s r s o a s have -been registered for, Now, however,'it'is. expected that formal vote. : cept in and through .Palestine, limited to members 0! tne Lodge, j this series of talks. by & The vote lined up the Catholic, -the whole of Palestine, including as soon as the pget expires Jews ezit . ews c A large number 'c£ fathers TransjoTdania. But British im- in German^ Upper Silesia -will Liberal,' "Socialist and indepenshown interest End hare a t perial chicanery "win without •come under the same larrs as their dent members in a solid oppositended the lectures reg-clarly. poraticn. question' seek to limit and con- co-religionists In-the Reich pro- ticnr, bloc. Only the Flemish Na10 Mrs. Harry KoseESeld is chair- largely c' ."• : tionalists and the Rexists voted ; ' • • . •". •" '"*" • """ " ." ' ' ".. fine and cripple that only neces- per, insn cf t h e ticket sales. for the motion. sary refuge and • rebirth. . I t that ia permitted to come about, if the .New York ("WNS)— The neni- \ -^ . , _. K are placr development of P a l e s t i n e Is bership ol the Zionist OrgaEiza- jtfs.res* t c r icS iiSSS eduled to: harshly checked, 5,000,000 Jews tion of America is now 2S.C00, EH \ .In' Central and Eastern Europe increase of 45 percent Drer the j Tel Aviv — A Tel Aviv street' T ; t , I , 2 will lose their only hope and their The Round Table of Jewish same period last year Morris,! will be named in honor ct Jacob; ^ * only moral support and will sink Youth will sporsor the fourth MargTilies, secretary, reported to I de Hsas, Jfew Torfe Zionist leader: J ^ "Richard Klutznick, three-vsar' into misery and a degradation un- dance of its. seiies on Sunday, a conference of secretaries a«ri paralleled except by the "Untouch- April 18, at "the Jewish Commun- oia'son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip chairmen of Zionist districts n rcurced CTC •""" -ables of India. ity Centers- • .- v. ' • . „ • • . - Kluteniclr, died at a^local hospi- Greater ICew Tort. liach.


Veering. Hungary Against • Reich

Belgian' Senate .;. *. Rejects Motion



And that degraded outcast will be. In -the- eyes of- the world the Je-w. the-typical -Jew, ..the sspresentative of the Jewish people and to neither Salt Lake City nor to the farthest isles and boundaries of the Western world; will the news fail to come that, the Jews are over a great part of the earth a people of, outcasts and untouchables. And nowhere will superstition and rancor and the out-ward projection of innar suilt upon- substitute and' scape-^oat fail - to ask the question: Then v,-hy not here? And every Jewish position in the world and evenJewish point of apparent security and every Jewish right will be in imminent danger. There is one Jewich people. There is one Jewish problem which exposes to the 7 " lisht different pia=;3 ol Heel! ac-



Before capacity audiences iVo Center Players Monday and Tur'"-


day evenings, admirably interpreted Henrik. Ibsen's classic--1"^ t-K-o generations, 'A Doll's Hous' 1 . Tactfully and capably a vre"*.l-c"£ >• sen cast brought cut the strange-

of -what is one of the fe^r s*e"t %'ienna ("WXS — An ' discovery that raay revolutionize xaodern plavs. A .spring racsil;c-3hip frolic , tha treatment or-psychic Cistar•srill siven by Dr. w i l be s y the Omaha chap- bcncsG has been jss.de by >wi-h the zzcie rc'.a, Tz- 3 " ter of the Junior Hadassaa nest Edith Kleniperer, Vienna J Thursday "22, £.t th3 pLysician. y night, April p pain" N d Cap-' C ' Ti 02 at 10 ctrect and Tiroush an analysis ircf :z.ii huziaa cordiris to purely outside c itsl. All civ,' men"bcr3 r;^o join- blzoi, Pr. K!c=ip?r:r to E trs 1 c : - " . . . SBD. The Jew who docs not ed tha orsanisation uuring the have proved th-t pErsiio tmo-1 Eerir- 3 - c a - , to Palestine or buy his Eheicl, r«> i)a,st month "-ill be suect3 of hon- tion." cr? due to cheralcr.1 siote ex he may ccsin. to himse in the b'.cocl, the sn:otior.,'-l iior r.t ti'.:.-. affair. to J.3 ironi both "Suropo anO P^l"Miss Dorothy Kioilrin is chair- iitv.cQ bi;n,^ rsothir,- s e r e ir,r.a CJLJ::O, brcsta ths c o n a o a freit man ia ch.-r~e of rs=ervct:=nc Ciz- er:;crl=r ruinirc-r-icila- of t i s of, c. p^oplo's necGsriry cad is beins-t=-l2iea by the :::f> chemical blood niirtiirs. r.r..l deiivsra himself and his chil- EB3 Betty TuchEJ2.n and I lory Gar- Jlcdical circlrs here b3l;ove thic -•dr<-a"up to degradation and des-1 finkle. Special entertainment is dkcov.-ry r_:uy E:rJ:e pc"=ih!a ths pair. 'The caemy ia one. Thejb?ing arranged, and a larsa influcncins of hu=an c:r.rtionr.i hy ci^i (Continued on pase 3.) 'crowd io sotcd to cttczd,



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-Music-for,the dancing will be tal last - Saturday. evening of furnished-by Freddie Ebsnsr's throat Inlection." Apparently iif good, healtli wlien Orchestra. Dan MUler, chairman his parents left Friday morning of the'social'eoiamjttea of the OI f o ra T iTable, v , .is..in. i '-7 charge rtarea of two-day City Round or arar Ii he ^ ^^ ,J,visit ^ ^ia^Kansas ma nJrtt "became, ill Friday night. rangementa for the dance. . Besides his parents he is sur• The: Hound .Table of Jewish vived by his sister, Betty Lu, 5. Touth dances have" been the-most Funeral services were well-attend, d. The fifth and final dance of the series is scheduled "for liny S.

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- PageS

£ to all his followers that fcJs reAmerican economics. T&ey are farj known the iife of "tag plfl 'cage brain specialist, •who'is 1-esfi- { grand salon over 500 feet igion o l ui = ' t i " r more analytical of the motives bunch" he might have pierced ierced the the i icg the Fourth Medical Unit to j length, a ballroom. ze&img ov« ip* of Hetnand methods of capitalism, fitting secret of that chaotic,- .purposeless Madrid comprising IS surgeons| 500 people. Insurious" lounges. r i » German r d e q i •> ' ^ j slacking: rooms, card roocs, j f t unobtrusively into their proper mass which is American y and curses ^ been afI grills- and staterooms .vita rur;-? Ed Prt ' ' background instead of drawing ! Levin, who is still in his early i r 11 of the the'attention • like fake scenery. thirties, has with his latest nov- (Copyright, 1937 Jewish Tele- j1 ning" water, electric ligfcls and i >•-' remoTtelephone, and -sr&shed-E'r vei The lot of Jews—not as' Jews but el entered a path which should SK-p—s' Agency. Inc ) Paf rouocil. lation. as human beings who share the lead him to other creative work. Since the o£flcials nave fate of their neighbors—becomes (Copyright, 1937, by' Seven Arts f^o fnTiOr-'ty ft F, fi f; disturbingly- tragic in "The Old Feature Syndicate) t. J.^ V^ ^.^ '—s £' *>'-* v^ J, v ^ fc^ Vv Wf Sy HEHSY MOHTOB A «* j ning to take tnis. crui?e ihcuie Bunch," for sex ills and money 5— - r | communicate with Otto G. Feiton tho novels .of or'real estate dealers or Junk troubles and social problems can1 Secretary of District Grand Lodge not conceal their origin In eco,three American Jewish writers dealers. Th^ir mothers were mor-* Where Omaha Shops uuh Confidence No.' 6, B'nai B'ritk, 130 Weils St., nomics. who touch upon t h e present bid or hysterical, hard-working Chicago, III., immediately. and f uttsre- of th^vs, Mr. -Men- and frustrated.-The boys looked It is difficult to "type" Ludwig it ft Sil *>* &** *» f Justin G-. Turner is chairman tor finds confirmation of the forward to, careers, even .If they LewisohVs newest- • hovel. One of the committee in charge of the /-obvious fact that Jews are like had'to work hard after school or part of it,". "Burning World"— any_other people. Oa Monday, July 5, the' mmn-cruise. at nights to win a.profession. The called "The First Book"—Is a " v , - •—The Editor. : bers of District Grand Lodse No. girls thought, of 'life in terms of j profoundly moving story of life It 6, B'aai B'rlth will convene • once ;GERMAEY RECOGNIZES ;r The anti-Semites 'notwithstand- marriage to a respectable man is.in Germany under Hitler. ing and" the Jewish- c&auyinists who would gain fortune. But their has aVt the: force of an Incident more at s novel. business and ! ' LUDENDORFF'RELIGION* pleasure aserably abroad the-lur-j too, the Jews are-like: any other, hopes and their achievements did accumulating strength under the group of people. They have their not always coincide.' momentum of its. Inevitable urious -stearae.- "Seeandbee" tor! I Idealists' 'and their hypocrites, BET: The reader can bet hisa two-thousand mile convention I Berlin (Haves via JTA) ! Joe Ffeedman, . who probably sweep. It is the account of Dr. their geniuses and their morons. may be identified as Levin's pic- Kurt Weiss, a tiny particle in the bottom dollar that the World cruise which leaves Chicago .for; Gen. Erich Ludendorff, Quarter-i A fact; so trite -must seem revela- ture of himself, never did create sea of German hate who wa3 Zionist Congress will not be held a four-day trip ocross Lake Mich- j master General c£ the Imperial! tory to people who hear so much the sculptural masterpiece which overwhelmed arid destroyed by. in Washington, or any place 'else igau to "Sault St. Marie, Georgian; German Armies during the World these days either of the infamy, of haunted his dreams, Sam .Eisen that relentless i a t e . There is no in the United States, thi<» year.'. . jjiy and MarVmac Isjand, and j War, has proclaimed-'an open the Jewish people or their unique learned that-the law and1 justice hatred in Lewisohn's heart for If for. no other reason, because from there back to Chicago, to j battle against Christianity and glory:; ..'•..'.'.' . / -. • '...-. j the "caste of priests1' as his Neo-j are rarely synonymous . and: his, Germany. There is only despair most of the European delegates arrive on Friday, July <>%. '„ At this moment this reader of days as "a lawyer were hard and for the savagery which lurks in could not afford the trip here , Members of B'nal B'rith and! pagan doctrines were given the! books cannot .bring-to mind the embittering. Mitch Wilrier had the human heart. Nothing since And long before the Congress is their friends who wish to raakej official status cf a religion by the j name of a single volume which capacity for great medical re- "Midchannel" has so clearly dis- scheduled to be held, boatloads this cruise, do riot have to be j Nazi regime. j so vividly and truthfully portrayB search but his gifts. could not played 'Lewisohn's great compas- bf.U. S. Zionist leaders will be delegates, since the trip has been j The 72-year-old warrior, who 1 sailing over the briny Europe- planned for the pleasure of all recently became reconciled with! the lives of average ' American overshadow the fact, that he wassion. ••;:".' ' "— Jews,:, poof and middle class; im- a Jew,- which made him unacthe meedbers of the cruise who Chancellor- Adolf Hitler after a But "Trumpet of Jubilee" con- bound . . . ' : ' : migrant and first generation; poor ceptable in research centers. Es- sists also of "the second book"— wish to avail themselves of the coolness of several years, thus and ambitious—as 'does Meyer telle Green wanted to emancipate called "Apocalypse." It is the THE WHITE HOUSE will have opportunity as-extended. Here, is i climaxes a State-church cosfiiet Levin's "The'Old Bunch". (Viking herself from the crushing poverty story of Kurt Weiss' son who wasLord and Lady Melchet^of Eng- a chance to spend a vacation trip, j which reached a serious crisis in Press). "Haunch, Paunch and of her home but her 'freedom brought to America by his moth land as guests sometime in May . and combine with it the interest- j recent weeks. Jowl" Is but a superficial prank brought her only Isolation. Alvin er after the doctor was killed in .Mutual friends of the Melchetts ing sessions which will be presid- [ Gen. Ludendor'E and his wife, in sensationalism In comparison Fox.had a father who could sup- a Nazi concentration camp. and F . D..R. are reported to be ed over by all the District offic- j Dr. Matilda von Keinsitz found-1 w i t h i t . ' ••.--.••-•'".• •"..'• ' ' ials and members of the National j ed the Neopagan, anti-Semite re-} port him from his folding, chair Apparently Lewisohn is trying arranging the meeting . . . , Executive. ligion ia 1926. The doctrine hasj The stuff which he dredges up manufacturing -business. He tried to illustrate the theme that unSTORY: Jacob Billikopf tells The. cruise -..ship, the largest never had the official sanction of I from'an incomparable memory In the reform rabbinate, dabbled less Jews claim their heritage history and drama' combined. It is with.Christian mysticism and re-they will be /not! merely humili- one about the early days of the ship en the Great Lakes, Is fully the Nazi government, but today the truth whose flow' and' mean- turned to work in his father's ated and oppressed by others but J. D. C , when the business of and jaodcrnly equipped with a the World War leader This is not the • • ; '• ; • •/.. • '• ing leave ordinary fiction pale plant, ; they' will be crucified on their raising 'funds on a nation-wide thought of one dewas something new and unand imitative. Meyer Levin'. has, signer in s s'ddden But these boys'-and girls, men own self-hatred, jtn outlook and scale indeed, written' one of the great, and women are not .the creatures, apperception the men'and women tried . . . the method of digging April mood.. It is EH, up wealthy men to solicit in the classics of American Jewish .life, of Levlnfs Imagination. They are who people Ludwig Lewisohn's • all-enveloping, lyricwhich can be placed on the same ,your ;tiefghbors--^if you live ' In:upper-class Jewry in a midwest- provinces was to consult Dun and 1 al spring I r e ne . Bradstreet's listings , . . Tearlevel as three or four other nov- an •inexpensive-flat, or in, an,em town are not far above the There is juri o?" elg wtiich have portrayed folk.see-, apartment '^vhere you pay rent • Jove of "the old bunch." They too jerking letters being seat. to all word the kec 'rc>ments of America. • ' : ; beyond your means.'.'What. Levin are only Temotely concerned -with with Jewish-sounding names . . . 'i ioas stand fc—ZT~, To pay seemingly unrestrained has done is to thread their lives their destiny as Jews.-Aside from One of these letters .was sent to j A NEW CAR that," EoKcrrr. tribute to Meyer Levin has theInto a single theme whose mean- the fact that "Burning World" the top man in each small town UNTIL YOU HAVE Laces fes,turci ^ cast- of recklessness when coup- ing is as clear or as vague as theand "Apocalypse" contain: excel- . . A Jonas Weil, of Anniston,' DRIVEN THE NEW ling his • work with that of Lud-significance of life'itself. These lent material \ that could have Ala., got such a* letter, his DUQ --light and dart i ? r ; : wig Lewisohn on the one hand people of "The Old Bunch" are made two good separate novels, and Bradstreet credit being A-l . £t— and Edwin Seaver on the other." Zionists and Communists, corrupt consequently is not always to be • By return mail came a check! But deeply as due must respect Hepublicans and Democrats or found in "Apocalypse" which de- for $150 . . . Mr. Weil explaining Omafea'c Most Lewisohn's sense of beauty, and sincere Civil Liberties attorneys. scribes the days to come when he had been greatly moved by the ls.r u c Fastest keenness of insight and appreci- But most, of them, If they can bePresident Roosevelt will have be- tale of suffering and was making the contribution, even though he atively as one must think of those/ called Jews, are Jews only be-, come a pleasant memory in the YQT.QZILE great milestones in American au- cause' their origin,' theit—gnrround*-- minds of the people. • ' • . . - . himself was not a Jew . . . And tobiography and literature, "Up- ings, their Ideritlficatfo'h are Je-sy> Lewisohn paints ."a brave new- explaining further that the town's stream" and' "Mid-Channel,"- one iab. Mitch 'Milner-could-'fae moved world," with the youth of this leading Jewish citizen was a maa named Columbu3 Smith . . . must nevertheless acknowledge by the Jewish plight in. Germany Phona' seeking to.reconstruct an that Levin has done (something only in the most distant way. And country economic shambles with comBENNETT COHEN or superljly unique. LOVES: Dri Hugo Bergmann, Sol Meisel probably never heard munes borrowed from Palestine. LEONARD KLEIN for If' one Is given to totally ir- of Stephen Wise. As for Lou Mar-But from time to time, the man-Hebrew University rector, is a relevant generalizations, there is golis the Hebrew ! Renaissance ner of the- novel yields to the stickler for accuracy . . . In a remuch food for theorizing In read- would be. only av high-falutin' thun'der of "the prophet. Lewisohn cent interview he waa quoted as '* MAX M. BARISH ing one after another Edwin phrase." It.Is a source of wonder is passionately concerned with stating that his "first love Is phil: Seaver's "Between the Hammer that the very term Jew can bethe fight against war and fas-osophy" . . . He now denies this Third Floor and .the Anvil" (Julian Messner, preserved.as a classification of cism. He hates communism with . . . Averring his first love was Inc.), Ludwig Lewisohn's "Trum* people if "the old bunch" must an equal gusto/believing that It (and still is) a woman . . . pet of Jubilee" (Harper & Bros.) also be included within that peo- shackles the individual. Perhaps and Meyer Levin's • "The Old ple. And truly they must, for they it is old-fashioned,and traditional MISH-MASH: There are now Bunch." Three American Jews are the vast majority of American to regret the tone of the essay in more than 25 Jewish, physicians, Plysaoath- ESd touch upon aspects of American Jews to whom the plannlngs and the rhythm of a novel. There is, each with- considerable reputation life that reveal variety of tem-pleadings of famous Jewish lead- nevertheless, a sense of confusion In their home areas, serving with peraments in the- authors.'Lew- ers' are as the rumble, of a far- engendered b y \ t h e variety- of the Spanish Loyalist' hospital isohn is at one end of the scale away yolcano; .-•'"., ^ '• _-.,; themes which are woven through units . . . The latest to go will be of Jewish values. Seaver is at the"'•< Levin produces --lifer* Edwjn"Trumpet of .Jubilee." Its notes Dr. A. Ettleson, well-known Chiother.' Lewisohn is the conserva- Seaver' tries, .to Interpret! i t i ^ j i d are always piercing and- compeltionist of Jewish tradition. Seaver his-.version is the path of Com-ling but .not equally clear.' I t is the universalist for whom the munism. In "Between, the Ham-gives ample proof that Lewisohn's ancient phrases have lost po- mer and the Anvil" he uses . a concern with liberty Is real and W L U S iiv tency. Not between them but method comparable to that of reasoning. But though he has not above them stands "Meyer Levin. Levin 'but without the Iatter's fully illuminated what he conNot because Levin has-a prose greater understanding.' and effec- 'ceives to be the path to liberty, more eloquent ; or ;stirrjng than tiveness. So concerned is he with one-must, read'this book to hear Lewisohn's. He hasn't. But be-his object lesson- that Seaver's Lewisohn in one of his most sigcause he aims at nothing more novel oftNew Tork life is almost nificant commentaries on~ Jewish than, the mirroring- of what he as predictable as -a Grade B- mov- and modern life. . ', has'felt and known. No young ie. There are Tom-and JDick^ two If only Eewisohn could havo American Jew who.has grown up brothers, V h o become* the' "symin a- metropolitan center in. an bols of the, unfairness "of- AmerI-< .environment of decaying ortho- can life.. Alex and Anna are .jius\ doxy and genteel poverty can fail band and wife who want a baby to relive those awkward, hope- and can't afford it. Stransky J s ful, .painful days1 of striving youth the greedy and suave store ownas Levin describes them. er and Crease Is the' Christian "The Old Bunch," a rival to who hates Jews. With disaster "Gone With the Wind" in length, piling upon suffering, the .prinis the chronicle of almost a ^core cipal characters find release by of boy8 and girls, who were born joining the "Party"—that their POODLE SIZE - - S c In Chicago and for whom life took baby may have a hope of a beto£ meaning between the warter life.• years and 1934. They had fathers As between' Seaver and Levin I g Pottlod by who were small merchants' or would much rather have the latshoemakers or buttonhole makers ter'a undoctrinated chapters on



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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1937 ! their loyalty to their country, >child in the various art museums but for a. year or tv a their lore of their German home-; of the city. On the whole my to hold my ( , ? ; ir ,_ » land, their contributions to and i childhood was happily normal, [ good iighte-s o L_J V enjoyment of German cultural i filled with schooiwork and play, i sioa. It setUib f u ^ ; "Has- u t ^ . % values. German Jewry had pro-i Of course I had my-hohby, draw-;—Did ] - "-iE£ e n duced particularly many Out- ing, which I began taking serstanding individuals who rose iously so early that I actually ' and drawing c cret J.* above the mass like an aristoc- j cannot remember the time-when ! of his eppoiern . : . ,. c ' £ ' _ racy' and whom every foregiiier! a pencil and a piece of paper did * drawing text cr '" : met when he entered into the so-! not represent a sort of gateway : all, for the r~- . I cial life of the larger German clt-, into fairy-land for me. Ar.d my :j ness in the T*•*•"- r r ies. And if hunger and fear of jparents, realizing -prhat this chance to c " * '""' ; expulsion and bloody pogroms in- *meant to.me, encouraged me..asd startling exi -<. r o~ c"t d - S flier particularly cruel physical j let me take drawing lesson?, I'm sure my father would field nose, and upon the auvtce IJritil recent years recognised Jewry %ill have ,been destroyed V^'m on the Jews living in vil- jthough inflation, ruined the Central Eurmuch rather have had me follow of my doctor I gracefully retir-. by all Germans as one of their opean middle class. Large seclages and small towns, these othj great modern literary figures, tions of the people suffered from by that time. The fatal blow, er suffer even more keenly from in his musical footsteps. ed from the ring. I've been be- . Arnold Ztveig is now an exile a very considerable degree of po- though preeedented some dozens the contempt, degradation and My Jewish education wasn't hind the sport page ever since — : from Ills native land, i n Pales- verty and of fear for their very of times in: the course of Jewish abuse in which the refined sad- j neglected either. I went to; «=n the comics page, in the back; tine, where he has found a new existence. The older -generation history, caught. it totally unpre- j ism of the more sophiscated: Chedor like all good' little boys; of the paper. "home, he wrote the following saw no hope of ever again be- pared and unprotected. The sis j priests of Nazism finds its es- ''—though I'm afraid that I didn't! That working with the pen is; analysis of events in Germany, coming wage-earners, the youth hundred thousand Jews of Ger- pression. These people can no' ' e a r n a s much there as I should. •; a healthier occupation than wield-1 -here published by special ar- saw no prospects of ever becom-J many had no group consciousness longer laugh at the suggestior In later years, anyway, I cameling one's fist isn't the or.ly thing! . rangeinent with Die Neue Welt- Ing "a part of the process of pro- f whatsoever. They were a creed. that they chooss their hoase-| t o regret that I had net pursued JI learned in my years on the I n buehne, liberal German vrcekly duction; and for students the not unlike some old Protestant maids with a view to their se-j Jewish studies longer; If IT- l\ews. every-! now appearing Prague, Czech- outlook was particularly hopeless. creed. Socialists and Zionists duction — a notion worthy of a \ ^ ° c l d b a T e liked to read the j t'aicg I learned thererelate would take j oslovakia. THE EDITOR - The practically unbiased choice were, puny minorities. The pride medieval provincial braiE. For Talmud in the original. But I j too losg. It would make a book ! of'civil servants, unrestricted op- and very life of Germany Jews j them the most distressing thing; have dene the-nest-best thing: I j — a book which I'm now eagag- | -signifi- portunities i n the liberal profes- rested on their century-old iden-jof all is the mountain of lies that! acquired a copy of the splendid ; ed in writing, and w.hich will ' : What is the esential cance of the crushing of German sions and free competition in thetification with the German na-iis rising in "their own" Germany; Harvard translation o£ the Tal- \ bring pictures a=5 descriptions of Jewry by-the. Nazi, spirit, ...as seen literary and artistic domains had tional entity, of which they felt i and burying them under its mas- i mud, and I am glad to confess ' all the important personalities that to this day I olten dip into I and events I've tad. the epportun- i from the^heights of Mount Car- brought about, in the decade fol- themselves integrally a part; onjses of filth. its inspiring pages. j ity of seeing not only in those! mel alter four years of'-. success- lowing the. world war, a selection By the time I was fourteen and i early years but in all my thirtyful assaults? I t emerges clearly of the fittest. But the less cap-, a half, and through the second: ^ e years as a newspaperman. as • nothing more or less than a able, as well as the constantly j grade of high school, my formal ! (For it is as a newspaperman, dress rehearsal for a bloodless— swelling ranks of newly trained j education was interrupted and 1 [ oc.e who has concentrated, on inand hence all. the more effective youth, wanted to eat-tfieir fill became a wage-earner. In other; terpretisg news acd character — civil war. The German Jews— and enjoy possession of all the words, I got a job — a real job, I from the humorous point of view, who, sociologically speaking, rep- wares which modern industry BO and with the Chicago Daily News, ; that I want to be regarded.) The resent a cross-section of the Ger- alluringly displayed to them in no less. I worked there for sev-; book will be called. "Anybody's .man population, including all j the streets and in shop windows, strata from the poorest to thej The i u g e army of general unIn this article Harry Hersh- bad proved hospitable to his bro- en years, doing practically every-; Biography", because it will derichest — are serving as the I.employed, former petty officers field — nationally famed car- ther, who was in business there, thing under the sun; sweeping; Pict a psriod rather than the life guinea pigs; they, are the victims and adherents of opposition par- toonist and wit, and Manhat- a larger city would provide great- the floors, running errands, re- •of an maividual. of the Central European social ties say that jobs were filled with tan's favorite toastinaster — er opportunities for the exercise porting and drawing were ray! But I da want to make specialties, though. Although I: mark on the name of the i revolution, the early manifesta- Socialist and Catholic workers describes his Odyssey from the of his musical talents. tion of which we can observe by and clerks; they were'the first plains of Iowa through a synHe was a fine tenor and an ac-could 'no longer attend high \ dual through whom : have been watching the fate of these Jews. to feel the full force of the blow. agogue choir to t h e comics complished violinist, as well as school — but the Daily News pro-! expressing my view: Abie the Citizens are being expropriated But to do away with intellectual page, ivhere h e now amuses a good all-around musician. In vided me with a liberal educa- Agent, ne Abe Kabibble. Of by the State: as well as by their differentiation, to make available millions every day. Chicago he devoted much of his tion! — I. continued my art stud- : course his same is derived from . of about local groups. Citizens are being positions for professors, notaries, —THE EDITOR time to the teaching of music. ies, and before long I was sent; that famous phrase to make drawings to fllus-! twenty vesrs Eg0. "Ish KaMbtle.' fought with boycott and .defama- physicians and editors, to create served as a cantor in a synagogue i out tion, are contemptuously remov- room for writers and actors, to People often wonder that I, a \a n d a l s o o r g a n W a n orchestra! trate news stries. And was I \ i always smile when I remember proud to be a full fledged newspa-i the trouble people took to cised from the ranks of those en- take over banks and business en- cartoonist and humorist, should a choir. It was as a member j permah! ' i cover"the origin-of the phrase; joying full civic rights. AH re-terprises and clienteles' a slogan do my -work in an office full of oand f t n i s choiT t n a t x> i n t h e e s r t y lationships with them are degrad- had to be found that would catch medieval relics, where I had spec-.} y e a r s w h e n j could s t m r e a c i j In my capacity as a reporter I • one scholar even traced it to a Love affairs with them'have the popular fancy, satisfy the ial window frames built in to ac-j hish c > b e c a m e steeped in the re-! was asigned to the hospital and J Talmudic expression, I believe. V ed. become crimes; marriages with guiding powers and mask the" so- commodate old ecclesiastic stain-j l l g i o n a atmosphere that I still [ morgue beat during those years ' And yet the actual fact is so s;:r.them render the non-Jewish part- cial character of the attack. ed glass windows, where nothing —quite an asignment for a young-! pie: The Jews used to say '".X-if'-t ner unfit for full citizenship and Three ancient bogeys, well tried save the indispensable electric love. Our choir used to sing in <chap in his teens! I'think it is | gefiedelt" to cozrey the ides, "I one of the Orthodox synagogues • are unequivocally prohibited to- through centuries of struggles for fixtures and telephones recall the because of the horrible scenes 1; should day. The every necessities of •power, were available, and theunimpeachable modernity of theof Chicago on the high holidays, j was forced to witness then that I; Jewish neighbors, trying t nrrand the beautiful, mystical cerei relife are refused citizens who are choice fell on all'three: "Down skyscraper on a lofty floor, of became a humorist. It was a; peat the phrase, distorted monial made a deep and indelible Jews: the milkman, the butcher, with the Jews, down with the Jes- whick. this office is located. impression on my young mind. In • form of self-defense; I had to: "Ish K&bibble." That the the baker is entitled to stop eery- uits, down with the Free Masons, Yet the explanation is simple: spite of the torture, increasing j learn to see the funny side of life, i caught on and spread a over tLc ing them. They are driven out underminers of the State!" To The religious atmosphere — in for I was too yotrng to endure the ; country is just one * thnsrof places, villages and cities, direct the attack against all three the broad sense of the term — from year to year, of reaching tragedies that.unfolded before me | things which happens every BO -r'they have lived for cen-was imprudent,* for it facilitated that surrounds me in my office for those high C's I used to look in hospital emergency rooms and j ten to convince me all ever age'r turies. In public conveyances, the opposition's view of the mo-merely expresses a harking back forward to that annual participaslabs. I that the only way to look in public parks and resorts, on tives behind the events. But it to the spiritual atmosphere of my j tion in our ancient rites, until at onAmorgue i short-lived phase of my ca-j Is from the humorist's point c" last nature asserted herself and the very streets of their native was unavoidable. Millions of jobs childhood. J my boy soprano days lay in the jreer started when, in my latter j view, towns they are exposed to moral had to be given- out, millions of Only M few. weeks ago I passed ! irrevocable past. teens, I was sent out to cover | and' physical injury. At the same promises had to be kept — theonce more through my native I think it was about this tirsej various sports events. I had al-j (Copyright 1FS7 t y Seren A'tr time they are forced to concen- group of those to be dispossessed State, Iowa, on my way back to Feature Sya.dics.te) trate in givefl Dlaces, so that they had to be made as large as pos- New York from Hollywood where I began — to the amazement and j ways V^en athletically inclined.) and the close contact with sport | even consternation of iny traSi• can be handled all the more eas- sible. , . I,had just completed a Photoplay j t i o n . l 0 T i n s f a m i ] y _ t circles inspired i s e t o take u p ; The life of Otto I I was s a r r j ily^ As no further extension of It of newspaper life, "Get I t First", i ot Chicago's.-beautifuul churches.! boxing in a big way. I've sever! at the battle c* Cotrore (£D£) ^: The fact that this la; loappenlng f"is possible;- however, the diseon- for Warner Brothers. But no Not only for their atmosphere of . been a heavyweight of course, a Je«r, Kalcaymus. .T*! —-u— .. •„.* all ..it tent tfint of of tthose h o s e *whn who *iave hn.T"fi hppn been parn a r - really-familiar chord was struck religious solemnity, which I lovto citizen ,who represented shadings of political opinion, and tially or wholly neglected so farby the prairies I gazed on from ed regardless of what faith because they supported the var-is becoming a source of danger. the window of the roaring ex- spired it, but also for the spienious political parties before the This we can see from the welfare press train, for I was only a baby dor of their stained glass winbrownshirted regime came to carried on against other organi- when the family moved to Chi, dows. Even at that-yearly age po"wer, brings out ail the more zations and groups that are dis-cago. My father, who, as an ac- t h l s f o r m o f a r t h a d b e c o : r , e clearly the civil-war-like charact- tinguishable from actual Nazis complished linguist, had been one most an obsession with rae. er of these measures. I t is ob-only by the fact that their allegi- of the very few Jewr to hold a "But I don't want to give vious, furthermore, that these ance to the old leaders and com- government position in Czarist Impression that I spent my childpeople are, to be expropriated, manders—the conservative weal- Russia, had come from Odessa to hood gazing at works and that to a large degree such thy Prussian • landowners and theCedar Rapids to establish hiin- though it is true that expropriation has already taken military aristocracy — is embel- self there in a profession dearer much more time than the avera place. Disregarding all questions lished with no explanations or to hia heart — that of musician. Df individual provocation or In-brown coloring. But the inevti- Which reminds me that in latei nocence, the dispossessors lay able next step toward giving years he often used to chuckle hands on the property of the Jew- work and human dignity to all isover the way he had pronounced I of his frank social revolution. To avoid the name of the town on" his ar( as the representative it the present system is willing to rival there; Sidderra-Pittsyova — group. shed'the blood of its own adher- in true Eussian style. He soon So skillful are these methods j ents The new &3-Iicr£cpo'f?,"^r jrord !•-* more copiously than was learned the right pronunciation, • that the other nations' have not donefarhowever; and he learned also \ [ June 30, 1934. i recognized, so far, the game that Buton that 'while Cedar Rapids, Iowa, '$ the mprale of German mea evervwiiere. Tliese sssart-Iooidcg sas%t; J»has been and is being played in ; -• \Germany. Yet the fact remains iiave pockeS&oc!!: c-^^zzl nz \ z^l ^: c c that, just as Bonapartism tested Wills their tlferiTtr s r r c the means whereby a small group Keep. Feet YOUNG, Comfortable'mid Smart 'in New of adventurers possessed of armFord recc ed forces was able to extend for retsil grocery B.J another few years the power" of the already vanquished hosts of show ihey sxc cr:c^"tzr~-~J!j the -nobility and .the church over other itesa of crcr^llrj cscl—»c"- i"rcr« r~ - iemoeracy, so an as yet Unknown / torce, in the guise'of Nazism, is V. testing out on ^the Jews of CenPanda—'White Lid tral Europe the tactics of masklie, 5.5O ed civil war, tactica that are inconspicous and effective. ~ ' All this did not come out-of a dear sky. The post-war economic crisis, appearing first as

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ture says, "Justice is the foundation of God's throne." "The Ikiaai* s p i r U l l k e Horace Greelyl brief and succinct form the crit- lerige has everything, but vhb-j ever lias not t .his {knowledge} j ' ignoring caste likes, is hard I ical data on the books of the Supreme Judge of all the earth does Justice." In a secular sense for buyej what has fee? Whoever to • understand. Noah's early Testament. this means that justice is the constitution of the universe; and souther environment very likely - The author's attitude towards knowledge, what else is he in j it is so, as evidenced by the law of cause and effect which oper- prejudiced him against the Is'e- ! the Bible can &e best ascertained need of, but he who does not b,uy 1j ' tlift make the time and fnblished every t<Virtay at Omaha. Nebraska, toy gro. Greeley, a master of invec-'from the closing pages in which knowledge what avails him other ates universally and impartially. Put your finger in the fire tive, made a blistering reply] he discusses the present author- purchases? THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY thought you ptit into pre» j : paring meals seem really and it will be burned whether you are king or commoner. winch put Xoah to silence and! ity of the Old Testament and Subscription Price, one year • - • - - • 92.00 worth while are guar» •',.;•:•'Transferred''to. the moral realm this law of compensation shame. > Reminding him of hisstates his conception of rerela-! Advertising rates furnished on application. ~©n with own status and that "there were tion. To him, as for all religious becomes what we call retribution. "Sow the wind and you will thousands who would not eat! liberals, revelation is a contiun9i • Editorial Offtco: 500 Brandeia Theater Building. fries. Curbed reap flie whirlwind." "Dig a pit and you will fall into it." with a Jew", Greeley concluded, j ons process, not completed nor Slous.City Office—Jewish Community Center "Spread a net and your own feet wjll become entangled in it." "that he is-a knave we think \ finished. -It is only such .a conPretoria (Havsss vis, JTA) Print Scop Address: 4505 So. 24th Strcot much to his discredit, however] ception that makes the Bible re!-; Persons not of British natio • It is good to feel_that such a law operates. "-Some of us DAVID BLACKER . • - Business and Managing ifldltor unfortunate it ma> be for that! evant and authoritative ;,lor us.;ity were strictly forfoidC may at times question the justice if not the existence of God. luckless people." This controver-j Any other conception "held FRANK ft. ACKBRMAN - - - - • - . - ., • Editor j in 1 FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffo, Iowa, Correspondent We see wickedness in high places, crimes committed with seem- sy in which Noah's sympathies j Orthodox faiths is unteEabie and [ or"puWic"'a' tivitv were on the side of the'slavehold-j certainly can never enjoy the revANN FILL - - • - Sious City, Iowa, Correspondent ing impunity. A Hitler persecutes and seeks to annihilate a er is worthy of attention. Many { erence of modern men and vroia- of South Africa decree designed to curb Nazism. whole people: The heavens do not open and reveal the arms Jews who resent Jewish discrim- en. British netionais were forbidinations, see HO wrong in dealing of an. avenging God r and so we doubt whether there-is any den tc take en oath of fidelity to, unfairly with the Negro, and join | ': or obey the oi'aers of, She sover-" The large number of men, women and youths who have justice in the world at alL Let us take encouragement from a other whites in insisting that the j | e'gn or chief pi any state outside enlisted their services in the eighth annual Jewish Philanthro- knowledge of the inevitable and inexorable law of compensa- Negro know and keep 'his place'.! | the British comtsaEV/eaRh d n«pies campaign compliments the communal spirit of Omaha tion. "I will repay". says God and events finally justify our They forget that Negro discrial-! i tions. Jewry. This generous response shows that, our traditional "will faith, inth'e retributive justice of the Power behind, and that ination is only a prelude to Jew-j ! Violators of the isttc-r provi-. By Dr. Philip' Sisep ish. j sion wiii be liable to fines of IPO • t % it to help", is still part and parcel of the Omaha Jewish commu- rules and controls, the universe. "What we do we do to ourDespite his eccentricities . and! j pounds (about f4P0) or OPR year | nity and that the energetic drive which put us over the top selves," said the wise Emerson. What a Hitler and other evil unsavory political combats, 'Noah He delivered me from ray en! in prison. . ' last year has in no way been diminished. . ; , v doers and malefactors do they do in the last analysis to them- was regarded as one of the lead-1 einies, strongest from those vrho \ ing Jews of New York and fre- i hated me for they -were too raighHowever when the campaign is officially launched April selves. "Chickens come home to roost." quently served as spokesman for! ty for me. 7 27, we will be faced with an even greater challenge that last Abraham Lincoln was a devout believer in the retributive the Jews at important occasions, j T h e L o r d regarded me accord- ! year. The needs of the thirty-four local, national and interna- justice of God. "If God.shall rail that every drop of blood His piety was not great. l a one"{ng . t o m y righteousness, accord- i tional Jewish agencies have been accentuated by ilia .events of drawn by the lash, shall be paid with another drawn by the of his addresses he advocated' ing to the cleaness of my fcanjFr modifications in the Jewish ritual ! • the past twelvemonth, and as a consequence our budget, wasJ sword, then as was said three thousand years ago so still it which were shortly to be cham- hath He recompensed me. And the afflicted people, Thou necessarily raised to a minimum figure of $48,500^, The number must be said, 'The Judgments of the Lord are true and right- pioned by Reform Judaism. It is dost save, but Thine eyes are laphard to form an accurate and'just; o n Vae haughty, that hou laayof willing,volunteers.giv^i us the answer to how Omaha Jewry eous altogether.'" estimate of so contradictory a i e s t jjunjfcie them will react to the greater need - - busy individuals who are The workings of compensation in the world are 'the judg- personality. Much of the inter-j are taught: Never become glad to give of their, time and^effort,with.no pay but the satis- ments of the Lord,' evidences of the fundamentally just char- est of the book is due not so sue h a accustomed to vows, faction of helping the helpless and infusing hope into the hope- acter of the universe. "All things come alike to all," said Kohe- much to the biographical subject j j j a b j t xn&y in course of time cav.fr tt th author, a u t h r Dr. D ; you to violate your oath. Do colbut to the less.. Aside from our local agencies/ the Philanthropies does leth. There is essential equality in the life and lot of all. A i matter, Goldberg, -who is deeply engros- make a habit of associating with noble work in aiding organizations providing relief for the little defect here is made up ^vit'h excess there. Loss in one s e d in ^'oah, who admires him an ignorant person, not even with. persecuted and destitute Jewry of Germany, Poland and East- directionis balanced by gaia in another. The sum total of S ! ^ w S « k ^ S ? ^ 8 " a high priest if he is ignorant. Do not engage in too much gossip ern Europe, fighting the virus of anti-Semitism, assisting in the each man s experience is; ultimately the same. For all, in man's with women. development of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and build- brief life, there is a due amount of joy tempered by the inRabbi Simon said-, "If the eld"THE OM) TESTAMEXT, ITS ing a sounder, more substantial Jewish future. evitable sorrow; a measure of success modified by accompany- MAKING AND MEANING" BY ers tell you to destroy, and the .The threads in tile lives of thousands of our brethren here ing failure- his hour of victory succeeded by disillusioning de- H. AVHEETJER ROBINSON. 234, young tell you to build •— rather and abroad have been broken by-inexorable, conditions. We feat. There are the red and the black squares on the checker- PAGES. THE C O K E S B U R i " ; d 5 s t r°- T fcccrfi:ng_ to the advice 1 the eiders, and' do not build, I of in Omaha must respond through the Philanthropies in doing board of life, the •white'and the black keys on life's piano- TRESS. PRICE ?2.00. because the experience of the eidThis ia a small but valuable; our share. in tieing together again these;severed threads and forte, to, produce the major and the minor harmonies. There is destruction efiuals building." volume concerning the Old Test-; ers'Absye "We have a tradithereby changing catastrophic despair and desperation into light and shadow, midnight and morn. ament. The author is a well' tion that said: no one could be called new channels.of rich opportunity^. To give of our time is only known biblical scholar a master ; poor except one who is poor in ."What is Religion but the Great Compensation that God of the critical literature of the; part of our task; we must give of our resources - - give as offers for the ills, the sorrows, the sufferings, the calamities, Bible and possesse-". of a reverent i! knowledge." much as we can and then more, - -'so that we may continue to and tragedies of life? Religion offers us. the compensation of and religious point of view. His : In the lar.d of Israel they used , proudly share top honors among the Jewish communities as a consolation, resignation, acquiescence, calm courage J hope, con- purpose is to give the historical; to say: Whoever has this (kt-ow—•! background of the Old people who unfailingly fulfil our primary obligations. fidence, divine faith. and to examine scientifically the J* There is material compensation (perhaps the lowest and v a r i o u s classes of literature : least satisfying of all). There is psychological compensation, found in the collection, . He sue-! Pay for ciesning next fa!! ceeds admirably. ; when garments are : For the next sixty days, according to press dispatches, if made so much of in our modern school. There is above all the The material is divided into} ered. _ four or more Jews congregate in Germany they will constitute spiritual compensation-expressed in such sublime poetry as eight chapters, the titles of which j Furs and si! winter appare! are: "The Life Behind The Lit-1 ssfe in cur Co53 Storage a crowd^ and for some mysterious reason Jewish meetings are tnat of a Browning: Vaults. erature," "The Beginnings of . _ . -frcm Fire, Theft : "There shall never be.one lost good; what was, shall be as Literature," "History", "Proph-j^ Safe forbidden. , '••••'.• . ' " •• : W' Moths. before: ecy a n d Apocalyptic," Like so many rulings of Herr Hitler and company this Psalms",." Tie evil is null, is naught, is silence implying sound; i arbitrary decision is accompanied by no explanation. "Why a -'The Law Literature broken' and helpless people should be subjected 4o further Tin- "What was good shall be good, with, for evil, so much good more; The Canon." Jack A. Luttfecg: 112 flo. tSth is. 1S On the earth the broken arcs, in.the heavens a perfect necessary indignities.is a question that remains unanswered. '••' The appendix is of unusual round." * • . . A congregation o£ Jews can mean ^ o harm to .Germany;, Secret agents attend every Jewish meeting to insure discreet All things come, full circle at last, and all life is compendiscussion of the government. The possibility of the Jews par- sated for, paid for with the price that all must pay - - all-comticipating in an armed uprising is too fanciful for discussioD. pensating, all-completing death. •Behind these moves is the, desire to break the spirit of »-.Frederick.Conn.


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the Jew. Events of late have given him new courage.'The people of Germany, the majority of whom never did approve of Hitler, have been-prone t o b e kinder to the Jews than the government desires.. As the Nuremberg laws were passed to.make the Jew an inferior creature in-the eyes of the law-because the Germans did not always recognize him as such, so must By'DR. 2HE0D0BE.K. LEWIS .• * there be a continual battering against the morale of the hapBabbi, Mount Sinai temple, Sioas Cltj less German Jew. ' '•' ...-'":'-.' The stupid racial campaign was never universally accept- MAJOR N O A H (AMERICAN ed, of- course, ingloriously. It is ed.; A large number of vociferous crack-pots injected-it into JEWISH PIONEER), I S A A C difficult to believe that this GOI/DBERG. JEWISH PUBLICA- shrewd and experienced man of ;' the German political arena. Even in the Nazi party itself such TION SOCIETY OF AMERICA the world was^ sincere. The corbig-wigs as General Goering have" consistently opposed the 293 PAGES. ' nerstone was laid under magnifracial principles. x. •-". • "'.'.'.•.-•.".'.".',•:': Among the early American icent circumstances. The occa-

Jewish pioneers. Major Mordecai sion was witnessed by a host of Manuel Noah played a conspfc- important personages political ioua though unfortunately not al- leaders and prominent ministers ways distinguished role. His of religion. Noah, of course, was character was quite unstable, a the prinlcple actor in the comedy, peculiar r mixture *ol idealism and it was a performance which exegoism, of disinterestedness and actly suited his taste, in which he self seeking. He had an unusual delighted and which gave him an capacity for dramatizing himself, opportunity to exhibit all his talof creating the illusion of com- ents and gifts for showmanship. plete absorption in noble.pursuits Some of the rabbinic authorities while merely . seeking personal of the day denounced the ambiadvantage, j It is hard to judge tious plan in no uncertain terms. ; -;Hope_ i n P o l a n d ? . •,;,••- \ ;;. •;.• •;.' • /•• V.-- .-.• :,, ; :. • . him justly ^because, -as the author Others looked indulgently and ; A lighter hue brightened the inkyrblack outlook in Poland indicates; oiir. standards in journ- hopefully upon it. I am inclined the past week, as the trend of events swung pendulum-like in alism, in politics, in finance are to agree with those who attribute the notion to nothing more than favor of the Polish Jews.' As an illustration of what occurred, so different rand higher than those that prevailed in the'days; a real estate venture in the hope nationalists were arrested in one place; Endeks were impris- of Noah. Possibly the last state-' that It would initiate a boom, ~ oned in another; in a third town two anti-Jewish rioters were ment requires some qualification.! leading to financial profit for killed by police. And a government official strongly denounced Our standards are not necessarily himself and friends. anti-Semitic terrorism in a nation-wide radio broadcast. Also, hlgher — but contemporary life j Though-the plan miscarried, it is. better disciplined with power j is worth while to note that it open manifestations of any anti-Jewish boycott were prohibited. concentrated in relatively few: contained the germs of the Zion• Even in London; far away from the Polish scene, there was handa and it is much simpler to ist idea and movement.; Noah, chicanery,-dishonesty and sensed the homelessness of the a reverberation affecting the Polish-Jewish situation. David conceal greed. mass of Jews and the necessity! Lloyd-George, who was prime minister of Great Britain during This biography of Major Noah \ for- creating for them a place' the war,»stated in a message to a conference studying the con- is comprehensive and .authorita-j which they coulii call their own, dition of Jews in Poland that the Allied Powers, who wrote tive, based on letters to which thei where they couia live naturally author had-full access. . It covers ' and freely. . the minorities treaties, could not be indifferent to the degrada- every important event in the ex-j The author describes in detail tion of the Polish, Jews through the Polish government's failure Citing, and hectic career of Noah's'. the r bitter political battles in life and also the more significant I which n ' 3 eccentric hero particito keep faith ivith its treaty obligations. personal experiences. Without alrated and in which his Jewish . One week's events form only a small link in- a chain of doubt his service as American ! !birth and anti-Semitism always events affecting w the future of three million people. However, Consul at Tunis andhia attempt- < Played some'.part. His political we remain hopeful . ' . . praying that the-Polish government has ed establishment on the • out- , allies did not do him justice, even skirts of Buffalo a home refuge j though they availed themselves finally decided to Use stringent measures against violence and for Jews are best known. . ThS,'°* his unusual journalistic abilianti-Jewish agitators, thus bringing'more peaceful conditions Tuni3 affair ended unhappily, i ties which he, like all other to the country' and relief from physical terror to its minority Noah was recalled by the thea'; journalists, sold to the highest Secretary of State James Monroe' biddpr^ As Sheriff of New York, citizens. . ' •. " • under very questionable cfrcum-1 ut re was in the spotlight, and failstances. Though hin religion def-i e to win a seconfi term woundinitely entered into the difficulty, • cci him deeply. He served a3 there was also some rnisunder-' Judge only for a short time, un^j;;•>;•'•• r r'/V;:-;-:v:i^ ; iUAbv-^ed^9k'(^hn-.- :;; ';•-. ;•:.'•: : ; •: ;,/ standins about money matters. ] doubtedly; finding /it, too -tioescitDcsplte repeated efforts, Noah • ^S and peacef ul. : l i k e Emerson." (to ^ never Eucoecded in rehabilitating J One pi;his most'humiliating-eainterested in; the law of Gpmpensation.; Emerson? in • his Essay himself, itl completely freeing, counters was with Horace Greehimself from all nuspldon in con-; ley. Noah, in /severe and \vild V«f:.thatV:name,;-;:h.M^ nection tUia unfortunate in-j language,-condeianed.Greeley for ates throughout alilife, For every defect there is a cortespond- c l ( J e n t ' v/ltli • i breakfasting with two: Negroes. v ing excess/ For'every loss tliece is a balaheing;gain. • His attempt to found a place of, Why a Jew, himself subject to so-: : Is'notihis what theologically we call ?God's Justice?' Serlp- refuge fo.- Jews-at Arrara; end- cial; ostracism,'• ebould criticize a



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THE JEWISH PKESS, FSIDAY, 1PBIL 16,15S7 AX3fOtJ3fCE' BIRTH •' . BETM-EL AUXILIARY Vaad Amdliarv \BOX CCLLECTWrs • Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Steinberg announce the birth of a daughter OF EAT, The report of the Sisterhood i The Vaad dance held at the at the Methodist hospital Friday, convention which Krs. Jacob • Blackstone hotel Snnflay, .April April 9. Mrs. Steinb3rg is the j Announcement t.f= pr-e- r"~ former Celia Marx of Lincoln. j Blank attended will be given at; 11, was a great social and finan- that anyone having T C f o- 01 the nest meeting, which will be \cial success according to the comin their Jewish XEL crcl ^i held May 12. mittee in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Green box will be Eligible , r tb~ t -r - E Mrs. L. Xeveleff was patron; ing which vill tak° r 1 """ - >FV announce the birth of a daughter, chairman EE3 the following were LIPSMA^-BRODT WQMEi'S MIIRACE1 r — of Muriel Rae,-at the Methodist hospatrons: Messrs. and Mesdames: York City Et the rci.i The marriage of Miss MoTIie Miss' Mayme Brody,. daughter pital March SO. the collection. Th."7"^ v L b s B. R. Kiely, M. Barish, J. White, : Kaplan, daughter of Mr. and of Mrs. Gertrude Brody, became trip to Palestine Era-ce^ Xcr e\. The Women's Mizrachi trill! M. Katsraan, J. Tretiak, B. His-! Mrs. -Harry Kaplan of, Columbus, the bride of. William Lipsman, hold their annual dsssert-ls.ncs- j kin, J. Chait, A. G. Weinstein,: .ery licusEEd boxes. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freed, Kehr., to Joseph"" M. IFranklin, son son of .Mrs.. A. Lipsman, on Suneon and card party Wednesday, j of Mrs. Herman Franklin of Oma- day afternoon a,t 2 p. m. at t h e 2421 Poppleton, announce the April 21, at the JewiEb. Gcmsraa- j Morris Lever, E. A. Wolf, Leon ; Mrs. H. Franklir. fnnnr p er Mendelson, I. Goldstein, asd Dr. j ha took place Sunday, April 11, home of Rabbi David Goldstein birth of a daughter, Maxine Jan- j ity Center, at 1 o'clock. j and Mrs. Philip Lever. Oilier i at the Jewish Community Center. in the presence of members of the et, Monday, April 12, at the j Tickets are 3 5 cents. There j patrons were Henry Monsky, WH- j The bride was gowned in -white immediate families. There were Clarkson hospital. will be prizes at each table. j liam Grodinsky, Harry Steinberg,! The GclSle K?r"Eon Club will satin with a satin lace coat. Her no attendants. isolfi its monthly nutting THE?- ! Mrs. Sophie Rotbiep is chair- j William H o i i a a s, GcldsteinMr. and Mrs. Irving Hoberman veil ended in -a three yard train. fisy, April 27, at the Paster. Ho- • •The bride' wore an afternoon j tel. An . interesting program, has, She carried "white- roses and cal-dress of blue with Dubnnett ac- announce the birth of a son a t ; man of the affair and will be' as- j Cflapinan and Epstein Eros. sisted by the Mesdara.es N. Levla lilies. been arranged for this meeting. cessories. ' Her shoulder corsage the St. Joseph hospital Thursday, inson, "E: Blcch, M. Arbitraan, April 8. On Tuesday, :,iaj- H , the Goid.Mrs. David ."Forman, matron-of- waa of roses and sweet peas. : J. Goldware and B. Eisenberg. JUMIOR HABASSAH ie Jleyerson Club will give a one Following the ceremony a rehonor wore peach marquisette Proceeds of this affair will go o'clock luncheon at I-Iaydeii's audand carried yellow roses. Miss ception was held from 3 to 6 at Z. B. T. "WHOOPEE DATS" to the Beth Ziroth School for I Junior Hadassac held an interAlpha Theta Chapter - of - Zeta girls which is being- built in Tel- esting meeting at the Jewish itorium for the benefit of the Kalah Franklin, sister of the the.home of the bride's mother. Chalutzos of Palestine. groom, -who was maid-6f-honor, The couple are now residing in Beta Tau will stage their annual Aviv, Palestine. Community Center last Thursday Hostesses lor this affair will be •wore beige lace trimmed in or- Omaha after a short wedding spring event, Whoopee Days, this evening, April S, with a large the "Kesdames Jos Riehlic, Karry week end. Saturday night a nov-~ , •.' ' _ ange and brown taffeta, 'her bou-trip. crowd attending. Crounse, S. Tamo", and ilarian elty dinner dance will be held at quet was talisman roses. Miss Ann Goodbinfier was pro-TETTltZ. HEVIELSTEIN-WOIiFSOX the Hotel Cornhusier. The week Bridesmaids were Miss Ann Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wolf son end will be climaxed with a pic- The next meeting of the Col-gram chairman. A special feaReservations may be made by ture of the program was a beauty Batt in pink marquisette carrying announce the engagement of nic Sunday afternoon. lege Club of Temple Israel will demonstration presented by Miss calling Ken-o-ood 0244 or Glenpink roses, Miss Lena Kaplan in their daughter, Tibbye, to Mr. Ed Irvin Kuklin has proved a great be held on Sunday, April IS, at Dorothy Nichols and Miss Gladys daie IS44. orchid chiffon with pink roses, Himelstein, son of Mrs. Tetta hit as a member of the cast of 4: S 0 at the Temple. Ryan of the Maison Lorenzo's Miss Lucille Batt-.in periwinkle Himelstein of this city. IsTo date the men's annual spring show, Dr. Leo-Kennedy, professor of Beauty Shop of Brandeis. blue marquisette carrying pink has been set for the wedding. held last week on the campus. Psychology at- Creighton UniverFinal arrangements were made proses. . - ' • ' Lloyd Friedman was elected sity, will speak on "Lady Luck for the Spring Membership Fro'. The flower girls, Jeanne Bern- VISITS WITH SOX president of the liberal faction and Human Behavior." lic to be given next Thursday eve- • 'Jore than 10 P persons EttendMr. Samuel Friedman has re-among campus political groups. stein and Elaine Weinstein, wore Meetings of the College Club pink and yellow. • . ~: turned, from Chicago where he At the present time he serves as are open to all interested young ning, April 22, at the Music Box.: ed the first official meeting of : Miss Dorothy Zlotkin, chairman i the Omaha Club of New York visited with his son, Alvin, for president of the Inter-fraternity people. Al-Salsburg of Pittsburg, Pa. several days. of the affair, distributed tickets : Sunday afternoon, Slarch 7, in Council and as a member of the cousin of the- bride, served Mr. Following the discussion there to new member wSo Trill be the Gold Boom of the Capitol , committee of the Senior Class or- will be a supper. • Reservation^ guests of honor at the dance. Franklin as best man. Louis Kap: Hotel. A second meeting was ; CARD PARTY ganization. 1 lan of Columbus, Joe Schwartzfor the supper may be made by ! Plans were made for a beneHt- ! held on Sundry, Ar~il 4. The Ladies Auxiliary of the man of Lincoln and Albert Batt calling Wa. 542 4. Harry MacSell was elected to bridge party to be given on Tueswere ushers. Martin Jerome Kap- Congregation of Israel is sponsor-, VISITS coming day evening, Slay 25. Miss Mary ' the presidency for tte no das'v lan, nephew of the bride, was ing a card party Sunday evening, Mrs. Dave Wells is visiting her Garfinkle was appointed chair- year; Dorothy Abrsms, rice presApril 25, at 8 p. m. in the asA. Z. A. 100 ring bearer. man of this affair by Miss Kalah i d e n t ; Philip S. K£2de!, pecresembly room of the synagogue at daughter, Mrs. Bernard. Bloch, in Mrs. Kaplan, dress was of tan 25th and J street. Kefreshments Kansas City. ; tary-treasurer; end Sam Ofcun. Franklin, local president. At a regular meeting of A. Z. lace. Her corsage was garden- i will be served and useful prizes | Sergeant-at-armE. Karry KOEOA. 10 0 last Sunday afternoon, ias. Mrs. Franklin . was gowned will be awarded each table. GUEST FROM SEW JERSEY ! vitch who headed the "first Oms?-r !"F>. re J. 0. C. BQWLIKC! definite plans were made for the in blue lace, she also wore garMrs. H. Shampanier of Pater- dance which is to take place at j I ha club of Xcw Tort, back ir. Mrs." Sam Canar, Ma. 2479, 13 : Panthers 22 14 denias. , • i 192G, was named honorary- preein chage of reservations. Every- son, New Jersey i a s been the I 15 i ident. : 21 Mr, and Mrs. H. Batt accom- one is invited to attend. Admis- guest for the past month of her |the Fontenelle Hotel on May 2. iLions IB • Acting officers Eppointed were: . • 17 panied the groom to the canopy. sion will be 25 cents per person. brother-in-law and sister-in-law, I Tickets for this-affair may be •Bears purchased from any member of: 20 ; Second vice-president, . 13 Mrs. Batt's dress, was blue lace. Mr. and Mrs. S. Handler. { the A. Z .A. 100. Franklin Tin- [Tigers George : The J. C. C. Bowling Lesgce Her shoulder corsage was of garCohen; Co-Chairmen of Member-, • During her stay here * Mrs. icent and his orchestra will fur- • TO EXCELSIOR SPRINGS will >wincl up the season nest denias. • Mrs." David M. Newman left Shampinier was extensively en-j i Tuesday night with, the Lions ship Committee, Bronx and ',Ian- ; After the ceremony dinner was Wednesday for Excelsior Springs, tertained. She left Omaha Tues- 1nish the music. hattan. Miss BjTdie Chesneau; i served to 350 guests. A dance Mo. where she will stay ten days. day for Kansas City, where she i Arthur Castleman was named, and Panthers meeting for the Brooklyn, Queens. £nd Hichmcnd head of the committee to s a k e ; championship. The Bears and , Hill Boroughs, Mrs. Gertrude i •wasi'held after the dinner. Mrs. Newman will visit friends in will visit relatives and friends j '•• The couple will reside in Oma- Kansas City before returning to prior to returning to her home. arrangements for All Star Night, i Lions will play the other/game. ' Romia Habkin; Chairman Fi-J He will be assisted by Bob Batt ha after their return from a wed- Omaha. nance Committee, Earry Hclz- ! . and George Shafer. ding trip. man; Entertainment Committee Nekoa'Eddy Gssst Star Harold Zelinsky was elected j chairman, Syd Rosen; Publicity ; chapter delegate to the national 1 TtfOVE TNTG HOME Nelson Eddy, concert star and Director, Ben Berr-j; Social T>i- ] Nets Marquisettes Mrs. Clarence Bergman's cir- convention and Herbert Forbes) matinee idol, -who will make his rector, Hv Eier, Assistart Ssr• ' .Rabbi and Mrs. David H.~ Wice was named alternate. 1 cle of the Sisterhood of Temple geant-s,t-arms, Kate Yrirshbo; ; lave moved Into their, new home, ChHtons The chapter also announces • only gnest appearance on the ra- Custodian, Lester Cotn; AssisIsrael is planning one of the«larApartment 1 at the Knickerbockdio this season with the Ford By Mrs. David H. Newznaa gest social affairs of the Beason, that it will again set up the play- j tant Custodian, Darid Lsikes. ) er, 53 o r Jones Street. Navy Black Brown a bridge-tea to be held at the jground for the use "of children of iSunday Evening Hour, April IS, At the first meetiEg, Kose , over the Columbia network at S Blackstone notel Monday, April the Jewish Community Center, j Philadelphia Cream Cheese [ Erauri, c-pera EE5 concert Eoprsno ; TO BE AT HOME SUXDAT 19, at 1:30 p. m. " Art Gould was unanimously p. m. (EST), is back in excellent : and Eleanor "VTeller, concert, plan- i Cookies Si*c# 12 to 20 " ".Mr. Mayer Mayerowich will he health after a sojourn with his Take ^ cup butter, 3 packages Hostesses and assistants will be elected new Aleph Sholer. ' i'*1. T P : » T £5° rrrs:~ET~i., ' ' at home to relatives and friends At the meeting Sunday, Dr. I. mother is. their Zivcrly II*."-*s Phila. cream cheese, % cup sugar members of the circle. Tickets Sunday, April 18, from 3 until 6 Dansky led an open foruis on the home. o'clock, to honor his son and 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1% cups may be obtained from the mem-subject of Palestine. A.T1 £X3LCt.lil^ COS; L*lO"Prc.f i, CC.-~ CARMAN'S—Second Floor flour, % teaspoon salt, 2 t e a bers of, this group. Sirs. Charles ^daughter-in-law, - Mr.. and Mrs. cert tour with 4 4 E.???S.?C.?.2" '.z spoons baking -powder. > • Schimmel' is assisting "with plans. iOscar Mayerowicn, whose marri2S state — all wit!::r. fl^c ircztir VAAD MEWS CLUB age took place March 17. No in- mix soft cheesa and sugar, add — Tins severe h " : c?"~r, r 1 vanilla. Gradually work in the vitations have been issued. The Men's Club of the Tsad streptococcus infer*'?- c ' t~" dry sifted ingredients. Press will have the regular raonthly throat and iEtennitlert attacks rf through a cookie press in fancy MAIN D ; N : Nifi ROOM liEAYING FOR 'WASHINGTON meeting, dinner, and social on sinus taxed the handsome bari- tii Mr. Harry Mendelson will adPALM GROVE Mrsl Irving Perimeter and shapes on a greased sheet. Bake dress the regular meeting of the Thursday, April 22, et t e e ' So- tons's rhy?;cal rrprcrccs to the ndaughter, Corinne, are leaving in a moderately not oven (425Young Men's Vaad at -the B'nai cial Hall of the Cosgregation limit. But his Califrrr.ia h^;f..-y degrees) about 10 minutes. The Saturday for their home in WashIsrael synagogue, ISth and Chi-B'nai Israel,-ISta and Chicago St. has rcc.ci.si. marvelc-asly and i s ington, D. C. Mrs. Perimeter, the cookie dough may also be form- cago street, Tuesday' evening, Miss Harriet Bernstein will isirr;patirr:t tr bepin wcrfc en hi? lonner Kay Klein, "was guest star ed into a roll and placed in the April 20, at 8 p. m. He will speak render. a number of fine selec- nest ricture, co-t-sup his concert refrigerator over night then slicin the production of "A Doll's on "The Rays of Light in the! tions of Jewish and English, folk- activity. House" presented Monday and ed into thin cookies when ready- Present" Jewish Darkness." songs. to hake. " Tuesday by the Center Players. A short business meeting will oni^e Gur Adverlissrs precede Mr. Mendelsons talk. JUNIOR VAAD AUIIUARY Rolled Chocolate Cookies TISTTOBS FROM CHICAGO All young men who are interUse 1 Vz teaspoon baking powA regular meeting of the JunMrs. I. Osheroff and children, ested are invited to attend. der, 2 cups sifted, flour, 14 teaior Vaad Auxiliary was held Moa-J Martin and Lois, of Chicago, I1L, day evening at the B'E&i Israel are. visiting with Mrs. Osheroff's spoon soda,, 14 teaspoon salt, V* synagogue at which time Mr. Japarents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Fine. teaspoon cinnamon, ^ cup" butter, 1% cups sugar, 2 beaten cob Kahz began teaching: the orThe "Women's Pioneer club will ganization a group of modern HeliTTXCHEOX A>D CARD PAKTT eggs, 3 squares bitter chocolate , ' hold its annual bazaar Sunday, brew songs. The Ladies Auxiliary of Work- (melted). Sift flour, measure. Add bak-April 25, at the Labor Lyceum, Plans were made for Junior men's Circle, Branch 173, will give, a luncheon and card party ing powder, soda, salt and cin-22nd and Clark streets. A large Auxiliary services to be held FriSaturday, April 17, at 1 o'clock namon. Sift together three times. stock of merchandise ,is being of- day evening, April SO. Those parat the Hayden's auditorium. Tic- Cream butter, add sugar and then fered. Everyone is invited to at- ticipating in the discussion will eggs and melted chocolate. Beat- tend. Mrs. Sam Nitz. is chairman be Sarah German, Rose Sofer, kets are 25 cents. well. Add the dry _ ingredients, a? of the affair. Mrs. Lester Pezzner. The club will sponsor a Russian concert at the 'Labor Ly- small amount at a time beating ceum, 22nd and Clark streets, well after each addition. Chill until firm enough to roll. Roll out Sunday, April 25, at S p. m. A Mother's Day program will 1-8 .of an inch thick on a slightly /be given by the Auxiliary Tues- floured board and cut with a day evening, May 4, at S p.' m. at floured cooky -cutter. Sprinkle t h e Labor Lyceum. Refresh- with sugar. Bake on an ungreasments will be served. The public J ed baking sheet in a moderate oven £> minutes. is invited to attend.

' College Club

; Omaha Club In ; Mew York Sleets






-Yoxmg Men's Vaad

• Bazaar Sunday





. -- '". •


• ;







Mrs. Be*n Burstein: entertained j •for. Tier daughter, 3etty, a bride-j •to-be at her home Wednesday, April-14, at a luncheon and bridge. Tifiss Burstein announced the date of. her. wedding to be June 20. BETXJKNS FROM TRIP . Mr. Sam Handler has returned : from a tworweek's trip to Florida, New York and Chicago.


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MOLDS can take s figure without foes T~\ and givt it the graceful cunxs that feature the xaa»." tmt Fashions. MOLDS by FLEXEES is * fe&thsry bit offepare-formsnemagic . . , srooothg, snug, afsd as friendly to constant tubbing as t good haadkerdacf. K'iadc of lacj? lastiqus . t & .lovely to look at sad eas}' to •wear.


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The Jewish Philanthropies of Omaha supports recognised worthy Jewish agencies which are local/ national, or international In scope. Assistance' is :given''-to'-'organization's providing relief for persecuted and-destitute-German, Polish and other ^European' Jewry,- agencies combating the s p r e a d - of : anti-Semitism, and organizations sponsoring the: maintenance and development of the homeland in Palestine;

._-•>•-...--' -s.; 1 .


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THE JEWISH PKESS, FSIDAY, APRIL 16, 1937 the stamp ho takca a sock a t ' Council BluU3Chapt=r No.! given by the coamittee. A. dis-j evening,-Asril 12, at the Easle! Sunday, Aprfl SS. Th le local mem- | Moines chapter of the B'nai Adolf , . . It is being -Trhirpered | U S1 b e ^eld on JM .SUD- ;H all. • Babbi Louis I. Goldberg of ' bers and their families bare beer, : Briifa. G d that Mrs. Leon Blum,.wife of the'7 of He A. Z. A. will hold a meet- '1? 1 * « ^ e f ~-j ~-j j N New York City vas the invited also to ctteea the Iov:a .' French' Premier, v,-as admitted to ing nest Weducsday evening, ^e r..3 a r c ' speaker. s were made for-a . B'cai Erit h Day zt Des I England recently only after the April 21, nt 7:C0 o'clock at the j " he Oh~rS? G~o"P i the group of the I •rre-ihr-s :c en Pur-dry British Foreign Office had forced home of Ben Kutler, 1?>2 TCest; sr" rar r aiicrdel tie sttenc thr D:. 'r:r; Czzz'iCT-z iz her to promise she -vrould make Broadway. y. Report p r t of f the h A. . Z.,' J A large l ^ e crowd c atic ;.he Choir, . "Talmud Torah Night" is to b<3no public addresses . . . The Eng-A. dance hold this week will be, B'nai Brith meeting held ::cr.dry:-eld in L:::CD:=. observed at tha Vaad late Friday lish wouldn't let her off the boat J nijtkt services at S p. m. Rabbi until they had her promiea . . . . 9 Milton A. Kopstein -will spea& oa T7e hear that Eome German Jetrs "Jewish. Education." The lollop- are still having their books pubing children of"the upper and lished in Naziland, but under the lower grades of the Talmud Tor- names of good Aryans . . . And ah vail give talks in Hebre-v? and we're also told that Germany is Yiddish; Gordon Margolin, Mar- on a hands-dorm strike , . Whith vin Camel, Zlarcia' Byron, Irving means .that except in official cir- Witbln, Esther Baumer, and Die* cles and on public occasions the Pelts. The menbero of the Deb-Nazi -.salute is dicing out . . '. *A . orah. Society -will ba1 hostesses'at machine -which can, produce facdocument, the tea and social after 'services. simile any -written printed matter, map, etc., in three . •, At Saturday morning services at'.-Cqngregation Beth. Hamedrosh minutes has* tfeen- invented by ' -Hagddol/.. Habbi Kopstein will Marcel Levy, a . German-Jewish '" speak on the Portion; of the vreek. refugee now living Ja Karachi, The Father and Son traditional India . . . Nidachei Yisrael is the services: take •placB'Tegularly ev- name of a new society formed in •_. ery.-Sunday morning at 8 o'clock. Palestine to help the isolated - • at the* Congregation B'nai Israel, Jews in such" out-of-the-way ^ \i, 18th-and Chicago streets. - After places as India, China Yemen and Ethiopia . " . The Nazis must be4 services the: children 'partake o£ . breakfast "^hicli is,served to them lieve there is something in ' a by members of the Young Men's name . . . The Hitler Guard lead-, • a n d favorable i e v i - v n Vy tbe i o -« .•'• Among tha Hews Eialto er trio is now dean of Heidel1 •" Vaad. '. • \ ' • ' •' •' ' ' \ Crrtf berg, University is named Krieck, Who is 'it that said whenever j ccl critics accordec '-• t "' ! players -vrho sccrec • : -v<- Ib=~r which means war,, while Hinderthere is ia a man aa animating, : _:.:, :'• _J. •• Beth-El . • / .' er is the monicker of the Reich ruling characteristic essence or I Play " A Dolls Hoi.? " . . . T O T ; Rabbi Harry Jolt Will speak Culture Chamber's supervisor cf spirit which is himself, has what i m y Characii, local :--~-c 1 " n . F . T ' p r^ — TL.- • '* tonight at the Beth-El synagogue j the Evangelical press who > is we call personality? . . . oar nom- J f c r E r i t t s h - G a u m o r t I change, a n d a grand ; v , ; - 1-r'- \ on ••.'•••'An Interpretation of Jewish threatening to expel church Ediination of a chap who qualifies: Visit Oar Kitchcn-wcre FDllyi". Rabbi, Goldstein -will -oc- tors who don't comply -with Nazi Edwin Bred-key, who has recent- I i n g for Minneapcli:- v : ---o l e v " ' ,-' Display cupy Rabbi Jolt's pulpit in Lin- ordera;. . . A new Ashkenazic ly been elevated to -n executive ; be associated v i t a i! ; ~"r ' n%. • Wear Ever Utensils . . . Silsx coln" at the.same time. position with the State Furniture :; Brothers' o r g a n i z a t ^ r . . . " : r : synagogue seating 1,000 people Coffee Makers . . . Pyrex Cookfor every purpose T E S P a u l Goldblatt f.~ e j ~ ' " " u ing Ware . . . Toastmasters , . . Next Tveek the Beth-El syna- is being built in Shanghai . . . . Company . . .'Among the lassies Maid's Uniforms . . . Kitchen ~h* c gogue "welcomes the local A. Z, A.Dr. Celina Spkolow, daughter of who qualify is Edith Haipcrin, cf secretary of t h e C " c-. "Gadgets" r 1 ' .=• Distributed by chapters for their annual Youth the late Nahum Sokolow, is colthe pretty face and perfect teeth • spoke on the re!ati"i c" r .r ">> Omaha Fixture and ' forces to socisl leg r : r . , , r: n Sabbath. The theme of the .ser- lecting all the--letters and writ(chewing gum concerns, please Supply Co. note) . .•: she is secretary to thei the Sion Baptist cl.; * r 1. . . ci vices -svill be 'Jewish Youth Faces ings of "her father preliminary to Penney Co. evecutive in the city . • v h i c h erected rapt - ' c"" — . . . the Challenge of • Contemporary the publication of- a" complete edIt Will Poy You . * Belated compliments to the Oma-' Tune in a t 10:45 r ~ r " - t r - ; Problems." " t ition of his works . . to See Us-for 104 No. 18th S i ha Singing Society on their fine ilion -vvBBIM and r - r - I , - . ^ j 11 tb &. Dougrins • AT-3454 presentation of their play at the: Fitch in a nevr t " - / , c sc" it,'. » : " JA 2724 .'••;-' Temple \: T I D B I T S . • ;: • •;•"•.. : --; ; - : - : . Central Club . . . and to Ben Mar• "At-'..:' Friday evening services F r i e n d s o f t h eD r o p s i e C o l l e g e tin, director, Jack Saylin, the Rabbi David H. Wice will speak for Hebrew arid Cognate Learnleading comedian, and Mrs. Cranon -"What a Pauper May "Will. His ing in Philadelphia are anxiousdall, who played the heroine -so Children.'-1 ly watching the reorganization "of realistically . . . Sonny Garber's one. vrho has live I ' I" "-. I \ 1~ • Regular Saturday: morning ser- the bankrupt Philadelphia Bapid mythical " brother • has E few and blessed his sur1 ^ -•'• T . ' i ~ ,' ; vices will be held at 11. . Transit Company . . . The bulk friends guessing!!! . . . Lillian goodness and c o i " - °f. x <•? rr ^ Kav/ Prosper Ci:^r.:?iC:3 ,of the college's funds are in P.' B.. "Say : It With Flowers" (Babe) Perelraan who registered her share of the T T : . , . F TJ'"., SPARK -PLUGS -. . . .3Se T. securities and the whole fua success in her first appearance But how infinite': r_r-.e ;>rc^- 1 Guaranteed for 20,000 ture of the college therefofe - de-, •in a Community Playhouse pro- ing is the passing c" -- - -v " ^ ' c^ . . ': '• " M i l e s : . • pends -on the reorganization -. . '. duction is' preparing to attend ihe n o t r e t even t a s t e d .-; " . " ' . Z"r <J" "Seat Covers for .All :Cars it is said that if the "reorganisaUni. of Chicago specializing: in m a y b e iifce-ned t o i -- ' £". ••4S»s and.Up .'. " BX PBIKEAS J. BIKON tion is of such-character as to dramatic art . . . Casual glimp- d o v n j u s t a t t h e h i - - -<- ~— - iMost Cozaplete Stock in specializes ia c e n t e r impair the college's resources the ses: Una Gross dreaming about The sued en death r r " i " 1 — f '- . - . . , City.'. pseces, corsages, fcsiEral institution may become part of "last year's crop of kisses" . . . (Dickie) Klutzr-ic',:. : ' - r - - - < r : - ' LISTEN TO f Titian-haired Bertha "Whitebook old son c-I Phil e,nZ T:.lr€1 " , I '7- ~ "Cherchez la.femme" would be the graduate school of the Uniin a mannish sail Vsich emphas- sick, cast a Ehado-?r c ' p oorr^ c - r » a good tip to those hunting for versity of. Pennsylvania . . ^-All t -. r- f cat flowers, assl poiieu izes her femininity . . . Ljiyan the entire commui "o • J^ \'-z.\l Is-Sherman KSIIton filESkol ,th9 angel backing the "Nazi move- but sev^n of the 150 manuscripts plants. \ 1 9 1 9 Farnam S t . Chudacoff knows a -game which and alert youngster. T i . " T i - • <,' ment in .this country > . .s"We have Bubmltted in the Jewish prize she illustrates with those elo- source of joy not €'.'• ; 1 _„ ; is ^ it on good authority that, the lady no'vel contest of the Jewish PubWE-2929 quent nniElcs.1 fingers . . . 'tis a eras b u t also to \\~- ~-—r *" whose-initials are H. F . S., is one lication Society have been elimlittle bit Minsky!!! . . . Libby frisnds. TTe join v • " - ; ' • r rof" t i e -key figures in New York's inated. Annoncement of the Blacker off to California with au- ers in extendin?: o r r r<"?' i ( i f* *^•••$00" and that she trace3 her an- winner: is due in a fornight . . . thoress Lee Ronell . . » thrilled p a t h r to t h e ffcul;- r ;-•• ~ Y<— cestry, back a couple of genera- Speaking of the J. P. S. reminds to the core at the pospect cf vievtions in America . -. . S h e ' s -also us that! it will shortly publish blooZ bereavement. — Ing the hssrinrET scene" . . . said, to be one of the heavy- con- craphies of XsaacsU'eeser-and Jutributors to a number of alie.n- dah. Touro also be SiHO r " *ZZ?- *? J^^" "C33 zi tmittiig outfits . . .'• Incidentally, interested to know;"taat the SoEddie Himmelstein are cebatlrs: CEAU7V C£i Naw. York's- high society folks ciety's series of books: on various as to their "wedding date . . . Vivc hdvis "taken to attending Nasi-par- European Jewlstii" communities Features Brtsmpoo end acious Miada Friedman trith.thc In ? • . FOUKSIHSES Finger Wave ties ". •'.. That mysterious frater- will become source .-rrorks for a "blonde-viiing" Cappy Lib«rir.r.n 27th a Sisrfea HA. SS23 C " "- "11 color c r "" nal order known as"the Mantle new world Jewish •bis.tory to reBrass, Ercnza Alumlnan, Eofi . . . Abe Saltiman's dramatic t > ' ClubS "which the~ San Francisco place the celebrated Graetz hisCrcy iron and SEml-StSEi Cast> livery suite interesting to 'Cii::lrr -» ~ ings. WoosS end Metal Pattern*. police are investigating,, isn't by tory . . . .Permanent Waves a t StEndard sues Erortza and Iron ie" Bergcisn . . . Eon Toyage tn any chance a higher- order of Busnings, Sewer" MsRhsies, ClsC3.50 and Vp Tobie Steinberg, vha left frr Borne secret anti-Semitic mov&cerir. Rings and Covers, Ciesn. Washington . . . she joins theOut Doors, Sash Weights ana ment?.. . . Two years ago'there .Yeiiow Brass Plumbers' FtrVeterans Bureau-. . "but of courrc •were rumors that it'was connectruiaa. carried jg stosyc, Eron« as aa . employee!-! J . . ,'Edi.e TabiEts, Bronra and Csst Iron ed with the Silver Shirts . . . . A a (Jeweler) Erodkey is .easting a i Grilles a speclsity. . high-ranking Nazi Visitor to these ( miring. glances totrards Ecttr shores is nursing a swollen jaw Beecher, a Des Moines Belle . . . and S" pip of a shiner .-, received The J. C. C.- Eovrling Leacue when he tried a little Heil-Hitler•winds up their season next TuesSL?u ing' in one of Gotham's swanky day . . . the final games "Trill denight, clubs in the presence of a JEWISH NATIONAL ITXD cide the pennant victor . . . L.sler Rabbp Louis I. Goldberg of couple of Jewish guests . . . One t - .: : . . . ..... . E stag is planned fcr the memNew York City, special represenof "New. York's most' exclusive FIRSCT or r - r - ' . i c : -:-- :-. t.,- - * . - c bers and. their friends . . Lock! clubs, which lias no kno-wm Jew- tative of the - Jewish National a Kosher'poet! Capricious Am ish .• members, was the. scene re- Fund," was the"'guest of the local has .a m a n , I know she does i m Bll-1-fAHUS—SNOOKER cently of a confab on how to deal Jewish National Fund -Council, on .POCKET . BIL.1.IAROS plore jts," t o ' v r i t h h o l d - h i s n a m e , Monday," April 12, arid Tuesday, L' Speaking of with" Jew-baiting All. Nsw Streamline" Tables : b u t ' t i s a Ehfine, he ' i s fcao-srn r s April 13, with headquarters at ' Rsstaurant—Ear JeWrbaiting, the whispering .camANtJ S i d n e y . , ' , ; . . ' (Can y e a guer?1. I>aign against Sidney Hillman on tb.e Hotel Chieftain.. Mr. Sam Direct Wire On A!l Sporting Evtnts FT, ~f IZZ the. part of labor-busting business Sacks, local JNF President preUcdics E:pscJal!y tnviicd men in the South is growing sided at the meetings, and plans it louder . . . . . . • were made for a 'celebration' of Destined fcr a.famed career t the Thirty-fifth anniversary of an ophthalmologist (eye. spec;; the JNF to be held locally on BOYCOTT HEWS BILLIARD AND list) is Dr. Herman Faier v "r May 12. Rabbi Goldberg gave a " Germany gets revenue out ofvery interesting talk of the im- 1S1S Famarn St. WE Z' has arrived from L.os Angeles Z; every, picture"shown in this coun- jortanse of the'work for the Jewfa visit -with the STERN realitlc: • • - 1 try^regardless of where it is -made ish National Fund; and the purj Ben v,Qvr scets-the FIXER thirc . . . The basic patents on the talk- pose for the special celebration of I in life . . .applies to the r r T ;r it. V ies are. German-owned and Amer- the • 3DtS' anniversary' which is two-sose, poetess Ruth Finer ?.?> ican producers have to pony, up Ben Stera . . .' Laser (Supercrsff taking place throughout the naThere may be denials but it is a '~ -* t F. Kaplan and Bercice (ICnte E f - J r c c I r> - r-r.: ' ' tion. Mr. Sam SackB was apfact, that parleys are "under way pie,) Hisffinan are playing th.i pointed chairman and .Mrs. Morbetween the Non-Sectarian Antigaines ci "hearts" . . . Phil enc GUY LIGZ37T C.1V3: " Nazi: League and the Joint Boy- _rls Yudelson as -co-chairniaii in .Ida Gerellct, ncsr residing i s Lc: Ladles: Try SANITONS fcr cott .Council for a united boycott charge of this :. affair.: Further ycur tailored suits and spring Angeles, are "heir-minded" . . front" . . '-' Among the demands coats-only she -is a former stewardess of :.< said to be made by thcr .Anti-Nazi later issue of the Jewish Press. Sanltone cleans more thoroughUnited Air L,ines . . . Bill Lo" rLeague as a condition for unity ly and puts the needed oil back E a n and Kinnetie Tachraan r-te Stire-s ins Auto into dried out fabrics and furs, is the adoption of a new name Plans have been made for an planning a rosy future . . . Cr; which would enablo it to main-; open meeting and program, sponof Oma.ha'3 raost attractive bruo rirss • Writing tain-something of its identity and"! sored by the Council Bluffs Sennettes possssiag a distinct met: *Jffi Lusricstins r an-agreement that the American ' * ° Hadassah and the local B'nai I>olitan air: Ruth ilesnick- in tl : LJ Li ^ V * i i i i Jewish'Congress and the Jewish j Brith, to be held on Monday evediscount department of the U. c At. CZ33 T.:n. 22G2 Labor Committee, who constitute [ ning, April 26. Mrs. Max Mayer Kr.lional Bs.nl; . . . she is a s's r ' 10r<. FOR CASH AND CARRY thecBoycott Council, won't talk ' of -Des Moines, who is the Pres6f Mrs, Kenry 'T •'"i >V?—rboyeptf in ih6ir appeals lor funds '; ident of the Southwestern Re. . . Exclusive F " " ' ?"""— ~1 — -. .J."i?Donrt let anyone tell you thai.; Sion o f t n e S G a i o r Hadassah ce:3 store-b.uye- L o „ T^"L German optical glass' is indispea- j Tail, be the honor snerst and ; iclded . . . slia . z. j ~r s , z ~ E B a b l s . . . American chemists have ' Principal speaker. The Hadass-nd .friendly-^£-""-o now: developed a glass which is ; sah. Choral Group will entertain far superior to the German pro-' as part of the program. Everyduct . i . ' B u t American beer guz- J one' is cordially invited to attend, ir Florence SET •zlero still like German brews as one of the ' Imports of German beer rose Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gilinsky I beauties of X* *.. ttpm 56,000 gallons' in 1934 toannounce the birth of a son,


op. AsroR Etl?ar o£ Omaha Is the <H ;.?ip prnnr at :-.. T'TosTPin to he n r r ser.tecl at uie open ruec-uise of On Brith or. ?«Ion(.l&v eveninj Apri £6,


^r~i"W^W57" > r ^ .r

l j E 8 Y S R [^J

Strictly''. ••- .' Confidential






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. 300,000 gallons in 1935 and"near-' Sunday, April 11, -at the Z.Iercy ly; 600,000 -gallons in 193G . . . I Hospital. Mrs. Gilinsky is the Coiunlnist Milton Suriaman of the j former :\Iiso Louico Hcrzcff of Pittsburgh, Jewish Criterion has i Sioux City, Io~a. discovered that a large steamship j ' ——:— company is, mating special world j The Emesel Club . entertained cruises which carefully omit Ger- thirtt-en member, at- a Formal! many from their itineraries . ." . j Banquet at the Hotel Chieftain j Certain clauses in the renewal of i Sunday evening, April- 11, at j the 1935 Polish-German conuner- G:SO o'clock. Miss Miriam cis.1 treaty -will make hard sled- served as mistress o£ ceremonies. dtag lor.the boycott in Poland . . JS'av; members "vho v;cro honor at this aliair AGZIO23 T I E POITD :.!IE?C3 Edith rruhb, Shirley GorJlillions of good Nazis tre jtun," ntid Lvicille A The theme of tne Hitler every day new German stamp has Der Fue-the everlasting rose. hrer's picture oa it r,'j evcrytiais decoration:; verc cr.rrie?.

a Kazi -pasiies ids Xist

tlov>-n an the t^ilc

O3wcci aK O Cc^:? Crc=r.-3 and rnanj' cthc? o s j yciar grocer c \



9 Lira.

II. Blank,

623 Sioux attendance . . . The Jerry Eatt-

Apartments, .returned home Sunday, after a two week visit in IIilvraukea with her eon-in-iaw and daughter, Mr. and rirsl S.'Patz.

'" Qh Inier-Club Elects, Directors

Mr3. Anna Herzoff and Stanley Herzoff vlalted-in. Couneil-BIuffa this .week . with rir. and JIns. Nato Gillnslty. They v»*ere accompanied by r.Irn. Ben Pill.



Evelj n Glaser v edics v, as sol707 C—a1--! N_t I. \ r'"~. emnized before the iLiraediate I ' Z*' =UE' i " / , T " " nerr.be-:: of tno fsV.i'y . . . The*OT r _TI- ON ~en en r t t v ^ : : o r r " _,_ rmniiiin-IIolly Kaplan C~ TIN „ " 3 " " 1ATK CO ^s cereraoay T?ao w i t " '•--d.1 b;- a s audience of Invite! Ci" ' Trho jammed the lo^s.h-11 oj tbe_J. ' I n t1 e^ t - <•' < j > ' ~ ' ^ r C. C. . . . I n a C ' a t ^ l y after the Ad r"^ * nt. Oc* c t ' ceremony the cacc.c as-^iabled in . . . . . . !21fc. . ' l. 3 "7. I - - ^ the dining room T,L re a dinicr K i I cf/f ' a . I t, n i i i ^ C-- f was sorved to over 100 rsr^ens . . C -t - i ' - t * h r f " . E .•^t" ti'* —"\...-t f * heif i ') tRabbi Goldrtfcis offlc -.tod and ll ' <.-. c -nc a . t ,_i £ i" « it~ Cantor Edgar led the audience in 1

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< • k A .• • -> < n r e h i i*ion,

Mrs. R. "H. - Emleln and her r ""hree committee are " cotapl«jtin"& .pi. us ~ ~ l Sir." and '1-3. S. Shroffer and Nine members were elected to for the Senior 'Eaciassab. .linen i f Jrd a Ferry n d Georjje departed ' I ' ^ a u i ! <• t t r. h - . . ' . - ? v ic r"--b«rc' a -•?- -<. ; — the board of directors at a meet- shower v/hifchT, is = scheduled for thi" wee'; for Lcs Ar^el^s, Ccllf| ) 1c i - - 7 i - ^ - r C. t f Z * i *• s. i - 2 ing of the Inter-Club council held H<> suitable to the liappy occaApril 27, in the-Jewish Coumua-' | m l 2 n <! i-\ cf -\ *il I 7 ^ *"i t ° T^ 1 prnici, where? they > vill make an H ?«Tonday evening in the Jewish ity Center. , . . . Innediately follor.mg ' » - < u - "- " - e < - « • -- — Community Center. They are Si , Ilabbi Wice of Omaha" will, be extended'stay". •- » r ~ ti the dinner, dancing took place (l n "o7 ,r t -r1 j- "»to o" • ' .' v' I I £.-•n dc*c |\- i - ^ = C **" M C — i • O - «• i. ~ ' , Krueger, E . N. Grueslzln, H. Fiuh- the guest e'jeaUer^ at. th?- X.incn " ». r= . , ^ t. C ,_ : r~ i £ — 1 -= N« T c i e . " - f-•« c ' . -cU, ~ - i M OF vlth music frrnicbed by Julian Mr. and ?Iro.'17d Kantor a c - ' r - pr'n-" t i i , ' i " ("'IT f C 1' " __ ^ • gall, Barney Baron, Edwin Bar- Shower andiv'll show pictures he * v \E6 Nathan's orchestra . . . Busily en- OL^ ^ , \a i>n- ' l r 2 .-"-'I e c i Ci fr i ^ I J " ^ " ' A - "i r ^ (fcom-panied ,byBobby Pill spent j l on; I. Singer, Mas Mason, Ben has taken in\palestine.c .-- . ( ^re- ( o i o^ition gaged in directing the details was cc Sunday' In Omaha with friends ( Sekt. and Mrs. J. Kutcher. Two C _ ; - K ^ i e of f i and relatives. - *<•••-• •*' -«•»••• David Forman. p-upe-, to *' 3 " " - ." t a l rL " « - s . ( H normembers -will be appointed to the i r I K.ilT ] nrtali.i,- to « ^ e«t r n .-< L» ' - ' ^ '' 1". t CLFr. ^ ' . * « - " board by its members,J and the \ f c V l«f Of \ Mr.' and-Mrs. ,J.-<; Pola^Koff of HI ,„ \p. annual election of officers will be P t I p 4-2-37-Ct v in h this Kansas,, City . visited ^here last I Dieja held at the next meeting. 1 CCS" * *i " e i \ e , vreek with Mrs. Polaykoff'a par(Continued Iron paso 1) The council ia composed of LCUST C. I.TP, Att « " > • ' " ' o n " I ' l l P C'O r., " 1 1 KilHis, representatives of every Jewish . Jospeh Baron', a former ' resi- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Montrbse. danger Is one. The ruthless cont in t - ~c i <mie, £04-13 C t r Nat.c-ial Ca k L ' g. *;'-_c ^, ° 1 i '" I - ^ ^ ' k (> t n dent ot Sioux_ City,' dled-'Monday i'lrs. Polaykoff before her recent queror when he enters the sacred organization in the city. i." i < , n ) , ct. , 5 marriage was Miss. Agnes Mon^ < ' * , < T i < ; „ if NOTICE OF INCORPORATION C " in. his home in Chicago, fbllovvlng city which you and I *have not de*o t h e r pi P 1 b > *>' c ' I ' ' i « her < r ' ir-3 n v 1 i r' "TRUCKERS PC=5T, I N C " v a lingering-illness.' He was 556-Ose'. During their stay f here, fended will not ask: were jou j Xotlce ' ' < i ( i i . i i - lau-e i" ereL; ETIM-I tliat t*>r n . a <." £ ?1 r ' j i i r v < JUNIOR HADASSAH ' ' v a res, years old. ,^ Mr. .Baron was born Mr. and Mrs. Montrose entertain- Orthodox or Liberal, were j o u deis'gned ^c:^e c z i r 3 a c< ela- r*>~ ? fc nk rod L> rb - - i ri e It * irf t v t ) \ 1 ' ' »ontion to 1^6 i\"o^-n a*. XIit_ OIj.'J^IS L ' i« Cl cs» O-^e C- ' ,-v. O" C rrr > i ) < f ..O. in Russian and came to the Unit-i Zionist or.not, urero jou Jlizrachi ' " ' \ * n »p r T' wPORT, INC.. at Omaha, Us-Siss | and Oiparette Well CE."?e. One L- If..-_l. t . . . . n ( . i ! M i n o p u i e u n e s b » . . . . r n returning -to'Kansas -City, or a member of' Histadruth, 'did j-County. Br. J. N. -Lande addressed a ed"States' as a'young.rfijan;anjd're- ~~*~.J ers a r e jr.'ven the c o m p u r v 10 e n g a g e Nebraska. . The general nafcy raoi-tirafres or 'liens The business 1 f j.Shaped Cipar Case, One Urn Fts.nu j in P.n.v bu.' ir'.e^$ e..?Hl to nurchHse. Polaykdff \ visited in you give • to• the community chest jture of Us . business is' to . operate ''and. Deflector Plate, Twelve Pets of Iot the corporation shall be -conducted or (ir-iii in a n y kind of |jrii!n;rty.' TSPJI, meeting-of t h e . Round tfable sided in Sioux CityVsev§ra,l;fyears Mr.: aiid pt'ri. he garages, fining stations, taverns, (Booths -B-ith Tables. One Set-Up' i by a. Board of Directors, to consist1 eiiihorizer eanimi ntnt-k oi the'- cor1 group- of the Junior Hadassah, before -m.oying to--'Chicago.: St. JOsepli. l - .' • '- '• r " ' " -' ' or not, were-you American Demo-| lodging houses; to buy, sell and v' not ies? tl)Rn -two persons, and b -- j'orstion is JiS.'ino.ni! (Uvided into 5(H) i.Table, One Water Cooler, Focr Tables | - Monday evening, speaking on the .Surviving" iaife:;' .the:-; widow, ..of officers of -the co<-norp.tion, v-.-lio shaves of t h e p a r value m-KAOo each, crat or Republican?- He -will not i'SGxnG, Three Tables .30x30/22-Chairs, I the bcf is, Prer-iiieat, Vice-President. mi » : v-liicii i= I'fimmii" stock and medical-work in Palestine.! , ,. Chicago;:-th*re^v:d&\i^n}'er;-:Mr?y •• Miss Rose Pill is' a member "of ask. He will' come'with the old, | Eight Counter. Stools.' 2$ Lineal Feet ; snail Secretary'-Tim; Treagnrpr, snv tvo of vh«>i> isw!»d B'nnl' be fui'r paid a n d incidental' to and necessary for • ttie i.of Trail Paneiing:, Two , On'sy Doors, j --:; The••• Board of; Directors ; of: the Leonard " TaylQi*,^ /Mrs;:,. ArtJyjir which offices- may • tie held' by the carrying put. of the above • objects. non-assi'ssable. T h e cr>'-r>i>'p_tlnrt shall ', One Majestic Broijer, One jFame pprsor.. The DjrertorF;' m;;-^Junior ? Hadassah -will, meet thi3 Shaf tpai^and^Miss JDeiia. BaTon;- ot. The,authorized, capital- stock,'shall be .. v . j s u i f s s ii(»'!i ih»: fiiinK of Rang-e, One Galvanized Iron | pnact ruitf.bje Jiy-laws die Ages:' Hierosolyiaa' est perdi: , for the ' con$10,000.00 divided .into 100' shares of • • '-!..-.(,. fh» office o; the CounMonday, evening in the- home .of •Chicago; ^ourjtijrpthe.r^^.cBwney-: dii'rrent'.'"at; Central High School ; the' par value -of'-.$10.0.00 each to be| Canopy, One Work Table/One Table I duct of the corporation's business. t y . Clerk a n d shall t e r m i n a t e upon ta! Jerusaieni is lostl-.-Sfep! -Hep! ; ; 3ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 6 in;. 'One Bat-n i Miis'.Ruth Mars. . . l>aid for in cash'or -property-and-be Marie, One Steam Table. One Pan !The Articles m a y he simeruled Ht any ...... <u .-.taycii. 1'tv^T. unless Baron, ;'Ed','Ba'fon,- i ^ o r r i s : Barbn this;evening. . The play is oner.of or special nieetincr of -the M>I.!I r (iis'.ijlvi-d by v inwidvlty vote ••I- The: cultural•--group will meet and" Simon ; Baron of-vSioax^Clty; sixteen- in-the city wide play con- cried the 'crusa'ders as they waded non-assessible when, issued. The cor-Rack, Two Work Tables. One Soiled I rep-uiar stockholder? "by a- majority roin: o~ i-f poration shall commence on March through-pools-of Jpwish'blood. : Di?-h Table, One Two-Compartment I ;n.mii-Uiiuiinfe siot-li. - T h e next Wednesday evening, April and two Blster^j'MrsV. A; 'Gbodsit^ test^--. . < ' ' '"''* ' • 22, '1937, .and . terminate March. 21, Sirik.' One Ciean Dish Table. One :the. ouistanding stock represented at m^rlvpt a m o u n t ofL-a.)iiiii iTi-i^btpvlnens I© Jews of America, see-to it that •13ST;' The highest amount, of. indebt- Steal Bioek. One Vegetable Sink and ithe meeting,21v; In the home of Miss Rosalie and Mrs. MrTBroakey " o f ' Sioux which "ire eomora tion phai! a t a n y - edness to -which the corporation shall. Drain Board,' One Basement Cooler, j H A K R T MAnrrs, " ' time t-u'-UPCi: iu.-elf sb.o.1' not exceed Sacjb and Miss Ruth Mars {will '-Mrs. -Paul' 3&Hn %arid Mrs. '• Sam Jerusalem is not-lost again! any .time sub-ject itself, shall not AXXA KAP.crs, • tv-u-tliii-fi." -of its capi'tH! stock. The Don't deceive yourselves.. Mon- at 5 s; and Co!3s,. One Deep Fat • > 'Cohen -presided''at*'' review, .Kiddush Hashem by Sho-cay.<-••.; • pV~r--yS-Z--'i'• a 'luncheon ey must be; given; But money is exceed two-thirds of its capital stoefk. •Compressor4-IS-S7-4* ' ; Incorpor&tors. afffiirs of this corporation .shall be Fryer, .'One Bifhl ."Bucket Blade F a n . ! '.-'• Mr. ' a'n'd ';Mr*s. ^Barney ";j|aron, affairs of this corporation are to 1 .Colernan Coffee J.Taker, 4 Steel Fry J i;nnr!ti.:rp(' }:y a :*,?ur(l <),: Uireotors Tuesday in the'"Elks/tClub enter- not enough. Don't put your con- The' . lorn-Asch. : be conducted by a Board of not less MONSKY, GRODiNSKY, 'MAKER &. of notl».«s thRp tlir«?e nor more than Ed. Baron^.Sad :Mra.:";Max. 'JBaron taining for; Mrs. Fred A.-'Mlrkln Pans, 2 Steel Fry Pans, * Steel Fry • thaii two Bor more than five COHEN, Attvs, • .' • • s^Vfn;. ."he- number to b^ f;xed by the Pans, S Steel Fry Pans. 1 Steel Fry i 1 went-tp "Chicago^ tt>1 fattlend r-tiie of Tulsa/ Oklahoma, who is' visit- sciences off with the' exercise of tors who shall elect-a president. . 7S7 Omaha Nat'! Bk. B!dg, l-v.fers. The oi'ficei'P phsl! be chosen Pan, 1 Frencn Fryer, 1 Beati^jr Bowl, j president and •Secretary-treasurer. by -;hp (Jirectors w i " sh.ai; lie Fresirachmonuth. It Will .not do. Y O U ' funeral on Taefidfay .-';''^*'' ,,"•' : Roast Pan, 1 Boast Pan, 2 Chinese ! In the County Court "of' DouprnF - -••;'•.-• ' - S h a a r e t Z i o n ; _ - ' ingwith Mrs.} J. Mirkin, 3339 Ne- are asked to have merely the tra- In the Presence of Louis E..Upp. "1 Caps.- 1 Retinned Skimmer. • j County, Nebraska. '" :; ; WILLIAM -WEINER, 1 braska street.". ' - . ' . !' S Misingr Spoons, 6 ilisSng Spoons, ! In the Matter of the Estate of Os-- Trt'asuvet, nn t^vc of ^-hioli oifices ditional leb tov, t h e / good and : HENBT WEiNER, •" . ; :Rabbi H. R; Rabinowitz will m?.y. he held on? rerson. The arj'2 Cake Cu*ier?,"2 Es.sr "Whips, 2 Ash 'car Alexander Berfrquist. Deceased. v-i-Mrs. * Morris; Welsbe'rg- was-,, her .slightly sentimental • heart. ' The • SOL. WEINEB. Xotice to • AH Persons'Interested ir Uci^p'rr>P.r' h e UTv-nfl^fj. v.t any annuai i Cans with Covers, 1 Slopping' Bucket, spfeik on "The Jew Still Argues" hostess V^etoesriay f ••- an& ,••- Mrs.besiegers • are at the gate of your 4-2-37-4t -Said Estate: - . meOiHig of th* .f--xockhoUi^r^, or a t any 1 1 Hop Wringer, 1 Broiler, -12 Dozen at the servitie' this evening; • ih Theifeatute-Rf. the B'nalV Water Tumblers, 4 Doscn Sc3t &. Pep- You F/re-rier-R'by notified that on the sfocin! niee'-'rif, of Hi--- cfookholders MpCrfis .JRubin.- Will entertain -for day .o£ 'April. 3S37. Ang:»lo An- cnlied for t h a t piippose "by a majority Shaare 'Zion synagogue. Cantor &. meeting'nest-.Wsd'nfisiay; "at the her rSaturday. r Mrs.r:PhH'ip Sher- city.; Your house is on'fire over MONSKY, GROD1NSKY, MAREft &. .pers, 6 Vinegar Bottles, 5 T>ozen 12th COHEN, AUys. Cocktail Glasses, 6 Water- Bottles, E tonio Rizsuto and Ssm Salvatore Ilis;- voie in nm'Wnt oi ;iie s;«u'k then «utpliskin and' the''synagogue iholr Jewish Commiu^ity^enVeJt'winfbe man "will b6 Mrs.: Mirkin's hos- the lieads of-your children. Not ruto filed their petition in the above 737 Omaha Nat'l. Bk. Bids. L Dozen Soda Glasses, S Dozen Round only the' houses of your brethren wiU'chant'the ritual. . ' '. tlfej1 initiation."oi vne^w'. amemhera .tess."iSundayrafternoon.:.-,.-. ' ; i Bowl Soup Spoons, 12 Dozen Tea- entitled matter setting forth that Os- a seal. car Alexander Jrterptjuist. e resident Peter! Fs>5>riiary ?0ih. IPS", in. Germany and Poland and Rou- NOTICE "IS- HEREBY GIVEN That • spoons. 12 Dozen Dessert Forks. E of Ortiaha, Doujrlas •••'•'. Plans are being made for the Nebraska, injto the lodge.-;•" J^_.il':_X ! ' \ : ' j liozen Oyster Forks, 20 Dosen Vln- died intestate thereinCounty.' at a duly constituted.Special Meeting mania. .. Yours. Even if with the on or about OcMother's Day service which will • Edwin:' w;;. .Bafon.^will 'preside -Mr.' and: Mrs. Lloyd Cohen: an; ner ICnives, 3 X>osen Porterhouse tober 3S. 1SP9, seized and of the Stockholders of "AUSTIN PAXiF.I, E. .CPKIEA. possessed of of the body'you-cannot see APARTMENTS. I X C p Nebraska 'Steak Knives, 1 Butter Cutter, 1 Food en Interest Sn the iOiiov.-in£T be ' held Friday*, evening, May 7-.at the- meeting.-'- • - • ' , . \'i:* •"•:~S.. described nounce rthe.. birth'.'.'o.f.-; a: daughter eyes • IJ5OXAKD .7, HF.iSSEN, f Chopper. 1 Wire Potato Slasher. "9 t , ' t f ' f > i >-•, i it. Nothing is what buying the corporation, held on llarcn Jo, 1837, 'tits, Herman Licht will speak in iApril"?6"^:at the: IiUtheran Hospital.' shekel means.- This is what pub- Article- II! of-the Articles of Incor- I Stone Jars, 2 Slop Heads, 1—i-Sliee V P«— 1 " . " ' - ' i f " " i 7 " . ' - r ' " . i r>oubie AVafflemaFter, behalf'of the mothers. Miss EsMrs.' Ctrtien~"isithe"-fornier ; Jea.n- lic adherence to the Zionist cause poration "of the. said Austin Apart- jJToastrnaster,.,'l ments, Inc., -was duly amended K5 2 Slop Sticks, 17 Dozen Plates. 9 0 c z ther. Erlnberg, the daughters, and 'ettfr Roginsky; of: Omaha.; - : i-en Butter Chips, S -Dozen Fruits, 12 that said Article, headed "General means. Nothing' less. It is our Nature of Business," as amended. j Dozen Cups, 8 Dozen Saucers, 2 Dozen tiiyrence Baron, the sons. Isadore CV Eifehb\rgr2 8,i a for-; . , The." F . -T;-,'M?': ciub.-.met:- this common front against 'the com- provides tnfi.t the objects of said cor- [•Egg Cups, 3 Dozen Grapefruits, 7 Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz' spoke -\-. • c. <r poration are to acquire, own, hold, I Dozen Nappies. £ Dozen Creamers, E Wednesday "before •, the student mer resi^.e'n^b'f'SipuxjCify,' dfeij 4 B e n ^ p J a n s , w e , r e . • : • made to mon enemy, of us all. It is our maintain operate real estate In : Dozen Creamery, 6 FugF-rs. IS Siz^Iinfj people's front.'. Our popular Nebraska, and [ Steak Platters, 8 Green Ice Tubs, 1 Iowa, and any other state body ot North Junior High lasf; SundEiyj"In hisvhoiae'rat^Ar Se ictab:pins of" .gold- and front. On the formation and val- or states in the United States of jOlimer CaKh Register, S Dozen Pistes. Schopl. • itck :for.-tKe> raembers,;and .the or and persistence of that popu- America, and to sell, dispose of, lease, !." Dozen Butter Chips. 1 Dozen Napconvey, mortgage, or otherwise < en-; ptes, 1 Dozen Mustards, 1 Dozen Celub* colors . of peach-.afad "green lar front • of the Jewish people to- cumber such real estate or Eijy part I erj- Dishes, 2—10;i" cozen Crparners. ete.;chosen. .} . . , ; ; ' . , ii. and generally to deal in real 13 Dozen • Fruits, S Dosen Sa^lce^f!. S Sidternb'od Tea.'"..:' •-•:. andattended;: the §ioux .City An;outline: for .1 the coming day depends ihat people's fate for thereof, estate and ,amy interest and estate "• Dozen Plattes-s. IS Sugars, 1 Beer r r f . ' . , ^ - " o - -rt c t <. -o therein, either directly or through iFump with Tank, 24 Chrome Msphin . 'graduated 1;'ftrio ni months was^also made a t : .thedecades if not for centuries. : i: a t Martin Hotel schools.'"'tie ownership of stock iii any other cor- | Holders, 6 Dcsen Plates, IT S£.tice Jews'of America, form and susCentral ' High: - school'-. and"' at-meeting. ' . . ;•' poration or association; to acquire I Pans, 4 Stock Pots, 20 Utility pans, . . tain the popular front! personal property incident to the i 2 Dozen Teapots. 1 Colander, J3 -'•_ th e i TJfliversity' of; South* The Bookreview group of the tended : 1 holding, mainJer.ar.es and operation of . "Ladles, 2 Saare Pass, 1 High Chair, Sisterhood of Mount Sinai Tem- ern •CalifornlaV Jv.r^.-J;.^ , :*'Ureal estate, •with the power to sell, |1 ToutVs Chair :-Mr. -Mas ;P1U-:returned;- to- his ; convey ,ntQrt£r2£re or otherwise en- j co\rered by conditional sales contract Funeral services "were -held. In pievwUl -hold its closing, meeting home:in;LeMars, Sunday,, alter a NAZIS VRDER '"ARYAN". cumber or dispose o* such persona! : in 'favor of the Omaha Fixture ,& of the' season nest Friday after- Sioux .'City -;"Mcfn.da'yt.'afternoon, moitii's.-visit -in-Los: Angelea.v Cal : property; to borrow or raise mosey j Supply Cornpar.y, and Eisrned by Ce.njHENSm/LAY•. • with yRatobi'H^R.T'R'ahinbwitz a«id and to issue bonds, notes or other ob- ; erftn"'J". Woolc5rl<ipe, said condi'tion?;! noon, April 23, at the Martin Hoifdrnia, vwtth his son. B e P L ligations for that purpose, and in ex-i sales contract being1 dated October IP, t$L'-.A tea will follow the reviews Cantor- A: .-'^ift't^iof ficiatl4«y"^-;r.change for monies received by it or llSSS, and having been filed Sn the ofMOKE':EGGS-.-:: : property purchased or acquired .b^--,fice oZ the County Clerk of Gage for w$ijeh will begin at 2 o'clock.. lCaimaia's ;IC;oslier for &r.y other object or purpose | County on the 21st day ot October, Berlin. (JTA). — ..-Germany's it'or 'Mrs. C. A, • Hoyt will review in and about its business;, to guaran- I 1936. "Said sale will bs for the purhens — "Aryan" only'-—are'Uti-r tee any or bonds or con-pose of foreclosing said' conC'.tionat "fearewell Romance" and "Visit 'Kldmments-- " • ''. der-orders- to-lay ".between 130 tracts ordividends oliier obn^rations in connec- I Kaies contract, for costs of pale £nS to^SputhEhd." '' tion with fns accomplishment of theI ail accniir.e costs,1 Enfi for the purand 140 eggs a year. . . . objects hereinabove set forth, and ^Anyone wishing to make resto! pose or satis'yins the amorins now •-.X(Continued, from, pagej7.) make and perform contracts of every I due thereon, to-rrit: 54,035.21, thst no The Nazi party news agency, ervations ; for the jea may call kind, incidental to or • n&essary. for or other proceedings 2t la-w have edr.,to"/any previous' offerings for pointing.out that the present.pro- the attainment or furthering of any|si:it Mrs.- E. N. Grueskin, 3321 Jeni been inst^txt-ted to recover said debt duction .an&<advised them :to'get Jbese. occasions' . . . Headlining of the objects hereinabove • enumer;Gr any part thereof. nings street. ."tei;cfi5jS|7i'Roii'f of 'Mr;; anli ihe^sTibW'^wril be Georgie Jessel "Aryan" ;hens because- "the in- ated. ' - - • • OMAHA FIXTURE & SXTPP1.Y CO. ; By H. A. WOLF. • President.. Mrs..;;js:i; Lelch(idkJ, ;ljtil)^:' - T.entH;. 4-S-37~St by. .the' heire as 'guest-artist crease cannot be achieved., K. H. KOOPER. Secretary. was "^qlemniz^d/isUndWy.' -.'atv' "5 jvlip'.cornea' T : • . • ? : ; • ' . ' • - ' A . Z . A . ; ••••••••••,•• - -AUSTIN APARTMENTS. INC. mongrel hens which now popu1 orithis occasion".„.'.."With'him o'clock in"th&.^.eth^A~b^h'am'ayn-: Patron lie Osr 4-2-37-4t • • ' . - • agogue by- •Mb|i^ ;H^:ii::?R4l)Ja6^ wilVhe his wife, Norma Talmadge late. Genaaij farmyards.": .;'. • : . \ : -JfTfty couples a'ttended the A.wftz and Caniofj^^^PlislHnii'Mfis' Jessel"..'".'.' Active In the arrange' Z: A. Hobd-Dance, - last: Saturday Jean. Shlndl.efi^yioUnfgt^- played ments "lor *tne general" entertainevening" at thb Jewish Commun- the w e d d l r i g . m u s i f e j Y \ ' ' ment -for i the •• visitors and local g y . I ity: Center. • " . • -. guests*are Joe"J'acbb"s,'Harry..ShuAbuffet ^ ^ e r " a n d dance* iplans are being' made by the how, Ed -'Stiaiton, Joe''Ros"enberg, - chapter to initiate a new group held in; the sdcia'lvhBffiot-'ttiefsyfe •Hymie'Noyitaky,'-Lo'uis'and- Sam Jf /J£*S5 /* JO' I"K~ '—r ~ e-~'. of "members at the Parents Day agogua J3ps"tein, -Meyer Stern • and • Sol Lelchoolr.andlhSS"bride will : .'•»( L ' . * I ' v ' <<B> k.— t-3 C^L. t J * program which is scheduled -for Mr.' Yeager-. -,\. Busineao'session' of . t» * %>_,i*v^< M.4y;• 9. "' The" program - at that make", their. home:ln":sioux ihe convention will-'take rplace on tneetmg will carry;out the ThirCbildren.xof.llr. and.^JIrs.-.B.. H.' 4he-previous day" . . . A few tlcteenth birthday celebration- of A1.Shiloff .honofe'd-'tlipm.at'-a party liets are as yet available for nonZ. A. • • • Sunday. everiitl:j;i.T>ij. jihs-'occasion members . . - . - • c"







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Essay Contest' ' - • ' Nearing Close

of their'fortieth/wedding anni•Avalanche of "Chasanehs" versary.'. The party/wan given,at the^home of Mr'.-and-Mrs.-H. Shi- , Sunday,.April 11th, was a red loff, 608- Twenti'etn1- street.' - • '...letter day'fn.-llymens court (God Guests from'.aw'ay. included-. Mr.< of,-marriage 'to'youse guys) ' . .

; There are only three more and Mrs:Sol'?lelcherandM'r. and weeSs In which to submit an es- jMrs'. J. Miske'r;of "Norfolk, Ne-~ say .in the Youth Essay Contest, sponsored by the Inter-Club coun- of Atlanta,' Geor6id.-.'/.'l'..i"T...' cil. ,• The contest closes May 10. .- «Vll..persoA eligible, namely-stuL dent3 of high school age are urged'to-submit their papers within this^.period..- The three prizes tor t&e best' essayo are twenty-five dollars in cash, ten dollars in cash and a gold medal. • P.apers.must be typewritten on one i side of the papet only, and - must contain from 1000 to 1500 vordo. Subjects are New Economic Opportunities'for the Jew; Why'be Loyal to my people; and Hab • Jewish Life in America a Future. ' • T




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Mrs. J. Blank to 1 Addres Mr3. J. Blank of pmaha,' Nebraska, x prksidfeat of the Ladies Ausiliary of Congregation BethEl ' of Omaha, will speak at the V-:. • meeting -of the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zloa synagogue Tuesday afternoon, April 20, in the synagogue cocial hall. Mrs. Blank attended tho convention of tho Women's League held recently in Pittsburgh, and she will-speak about this convention. The program will be preceded by a dessert luncheon. Mrs. J. Kutcher will preside at th£ buor ine33 meeting and Mro. Barney Baron will preside at tho program. The invocation will be given by lira, Kobert Sacko. Mrs. Mike Sherman and Mrs. Sam. Slotcky are ir> charge of iho 'menu arrangements. sninmi r.nd thsf'Ceafcr e2c?' of c;:::',-.!!;.- plrr..":;^ Patronise Our Advcrtieoro


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