April 23, 1937

Page 1

Intercut ?. o: the



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Entered as Second CliC3 ilail Matter on January SI, 19-1. at Fostoltlco at Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act at March 2, 1S79



./TER CIVIL T/l:. Warsaw (WNS) —-Spain will need 20,000,000 immfsrant after the civil war is over to help rebuild the ruined country, Spain's minister of justice, Senior Oleiver told the Spanish correspondent •of th'e Volkszetung, Warsaw S nudist daily. Spain wil open its doors \rid2 to immigrants, Including Jews, he said, : but will give first preference to Sephardic Jews desiring to return to the land of their ancestors. '

"Sancta simplicities" as Dr. Landsteiner, a born Viennese and graduate of Viennese seats of learning, would' say on any and every analogous matter except on - this one, on which he has deliberately blinded himself. Does he for a single moment believe, that his friends and colleagues at the Rockefeller Institute do not know that he is .a Jew, or for a single




There is the case of Dr. Karl Landsteiner of the Rockefeller institute- Dr. Landsteiner is suing the publishers of "Who's Who in American Jewry" to enjoin them, under pain of §100,000 damages, from including his name. He is, • says he, a Roman Catholi^, Were i e to be included in "Who's Who in American Jewry" he would he avers, ..'-'be greatly' distressed "and humiliated and exposed to ridicule and contempt." He says, too: "It will be detrimental to me to emphazize publicly the religion of my ancestors." • .

moment take seriously his typically Viennese attempt at flight into Roman Catholicism? Among the most grotesque assumptions of the ashamed apostate is this: that the Gentiles are all fools ,and can "be easily fooled and that they do not see through these miserable subterfuges. If this is true of the common run. of men and women, how much truer is it of the highly distinguished group of intellectuals who form the staff o fthe Rockefeller Institute? Whom does Dr. Landstem-

# 1


TVHEX IS A JEW ' Jewish life never ceases from' its grotesque, its unbelievable manifestations. You think you have learned your lesson — you have not. If one were to live to the traditional one hundred and twenty years one would probably have just begun to hive glimpses.


Lord Marley, deputy speaker of the British House of Lords, accompanied by Lady Marley, will be.guest speaker at the rally opening the Jewish ^Philanthropies campaign next Tuesday evening* April 27, at the-Jewish Community Center auditorium, starting at 8:15 p. m. , The general, public is invited. There -will be; no - solicitations-- or collections at this jnass meeting. Lord Marley, who was .Undersecretary of State for War and Lord-in-Waiting to King George V during the McDonald Cabinet, is a prominent Laborite and at one, time was a member of the famous Fabian . Society. Since his elevation to the Peerage in 1930, he has been Chief Opposition Whip in the House of Lords and Deputy Speaker.

ted States since 1904 when as a young girl she came with h e r j a -tHer, the late Sir Hugh GilzeanReid, famous British publisher, who presided over the World Press Conference held in St. Louis.

to Lead Eonsd Tafcb at Southwest Conference

Omaha will be well represented at the Southwest Regional Conference of B'nai B'rita to.be General Chairman of Philsathroheld at Lincoln this ccmisg Sunpies Campaign , She.has always been interested day, April 25. in social problems and with Lord Henry Moasfcy of Ossaia," a Marley has several times visited member of the international exethe countries of Eastern Europe cutive of the B'nai B'rith,. will whera •Rehabilitation work is be- lead a round-table discussion, ing done among the Jewish pop- which will feature the conclave The Omalia Hebrew Club Trill ulation. " Her particular interests Sunday afternoon. er think he is fooling? Only, pahave been in child welfare, hous- •'. The banquet in the evening hold a special open meeting c r thetically, himself. ing, and nutrition. During the will climax the day's program. la Sunday, April 25, at 3 p. is. a: , That is not all. There are in war she received recognition from addition to a program of enter- I the Jewish Comunity Center. j The Cultural Gronp under the • this case, depths within depths. the French and British govern- tainment, Archie Cosea of Chiof Louis TTolk will pre- j Dr.. Landsteitfer is a scientist of ments for her work as a member cago, second vice-president of I| direction sent songs recitations In Tid- j the first order.- He received the of the French Red Cross. District No. 6 of the B'nai B'rith, j dish. Mrs.and Sam Hifkin, Pauline j Nobel prize in 1930 for his diswill address the conference^ I Rifkin, Harriet Hifkin, Herman xovery of human blood groups. . The Cornhusker hotel in Lin-! Mlrowitz, and Jack Savica will! >». L., <-i.. C..T7J What does that mean? It means coln will be headquarters for thei participate. . ' I at least this: that i u m a a beings conference. Registration w i l l j A debate, ''Should the Supreme | He is Chairman of the British belong to definite groupings acstart at. 9 a. m. The Council meetcording to the chemical constitu- Parliamentary: Committee for the ing- will be hsld at 10 a. ELi •will tat>is plsce with J. J. Fried- • tion of their first bipod and that Organization For Rehabilitation Xuncheon.will.be hrfd.at 12:M.. m a n •upaoldiss tt?---E.rftnns:xrrew ... this - cbemicaX—character—. of -the and Training. pX London.; (W~SB) —- An- inaxafr- " All visitors can look 'forward j and Irvic L&Tia, the negative. blood is heritable. For the first for several years he and Lady 1 to a full da" of entertainment "time in human history Dr. Land- Marley have taken- an active in- diate investigation is being de- planned for them by the Lincoln "i The Omaia Hebrew Club plans C " ~ Eteiner has Been able to contra- terest in tbe work being carried manded . of the Home Office by_ lodge. The Lincoln committee ia to have one open social or culdict .the old saying of the French on by the COST in Eastern Eur- Jews and Christians alike_ to fix. charge of arrangements includes tural meeting each month. MemDuring the Marleys' recent responsibility for the Fascist cynic that "maternity-is a matter ope. J;' W." Cohen, chairiaas; Sidney bers may bring their wives. There. j: Z'~i "<*r C!—'-*— of fact but paternitjva matter of stay in Eastern-Europe they-visit- demonstration in Whitehapel and Poska, Xate Grossman, Lou Pol- is no charge. opinion." Prom the Landsteiner ed 368 schools, cooperative fac- Aldgate, heavily populated Jew- sky, L. J. Messer and Herman .blodd analysis the .paternity of tories, and farms which Ort con-ish districts in London's: East Ginsburg. End, which turned into the nearchildren can be. determined. Un- ducts. less I am greatly mistaken, forFor nearly twenty years Lord est thing London has seen to a ti DcrA ensic use of the discovery ^has al- Marley was an officer in the Roy- pogrom when the demonstrators SISTERHOOD SABBATH tossed flaming torches i n t o xeady been made. al Marine Artillery and is a Cantor .Aaron Edgar sccd tbe • AT TEMPLE TONIGHT Beth houses and shops and precipitatEl Chorus will be featured It is not for any layman to in- member of the British General ed a riot which brought injury to in tbe concert to be given Monterpret, the wider implications of Staff. He served throughout the scores of people, Sisterhood SabSath will be apdisorganized Dr. Landsteiner's discoveries. But War, mainly in France and with traffic for more than an hour and propriately observed this evening day evening. May 10, at S:"0 in the auditorium of the Jewish £ *•' C j C i ^ the Grand Fleet. He was twice here is a man who deals with the needed the riot squad to restore ; at Temple Israel. Rabbi David Community Center. ' determination of the blood, who mentioned ,. in. Dispatches, was order. H. Wice will deliver a special SisA large number of persons re- t is aware of course of the im- wounded In-the Battle of Somme, terhood message. Members of The trouble began when a the Sisterhood participating in sposded to t i e announcement a* mense implications of the genes and Was awarded the DistinguishEdgar's : ed Service Cross.' crowd of about 100 blackshirts the service are: the Mesdaraes J. the concert as Cantor passed 'on from generation to generation, and this man has de- Although a Christian he has started, a march into Whitechapel B. Cohen', Loai3 Kuh, J. 51. New-work at Beth El hss received , luded himself injo believing that traveled extensively in this coun- with the obvious intention of ter- nian,..Fred Roseastoclt, Charles wide acclaim. Sale of tickets for the concert a few drops-of baptismal -water try on behalf of-Jewish organiza- rorizing the Jewish resident. But Shiinmel, Sol Wertheiiaer,'' Jr., will be under the auspices, of t e e ' no attention was paid to the Fashave changed him—r-blood, genes, tions. . and" Harry WIlinEfey. Beth El Auxiliary. Mrs. Dare character both inherited and. ac- Lady Marley, who will accom- cists until they suddenly began * l c cr The Mesdames Sam Bsrkowitz, quired from and with the histor- pany her husband to Omaha, is throwing:, their flaming torches Leon Fellman, Phil Gilinsky, Sam Stem ..is chairman ana Mrs. Joe Lr^_ services will bee- £t E ic group to which the innumer- making her first tour of the Uni- into stores and houses. A near Leon, and Louis LIpp will act s.s Freeman and Mrs. "Sniliaia Levey panic ensued. The Jews barricad- ushers. able generation of his ancestors co-cnairmea of the committee in ^ x^a Ttpt> y.\ JJT-T, ed themselves indoors and began "belonged. charge.-: jvxcoliz is invited to atte pelting thei marching • blatkshirts Mrs. David Goldman will be in . They are terns assisted t y the of And he is fierce in the matter charge of the social hour folio-wwith sticks, dishes and throwing and explains in the papers his ating, the^service. Assisting her •will Mesfiataes. Eernsn 'Coin, Aaron Chapter and Abe essi hot water at them and cold Vater torney filed as follows: "My, son be. Mrs. Clarence Brgrssn, Mrs. Elty,'Jack Lsttbeg, Morris Grnss- Esber ehaptet are n ch at the flames. (Ernest) is now 19, and he has William Feiler, and Mrs. Harry '; man, J, 3. Friedea; Joe Gold ware, Six persons were arrested, all Rosenf eld. no suspicion that any of his anJ2i(^ \_ r fS^:> i! ,^* Sain Steinberg, J, Block J. "Try-outs will be, held SunJeVs, after the police" Sad . discestors were Jewish. I know as Kaufmaa, J. Blank, I. Levin, M. day afternon at2 o'clock in persed the-Fascists. •- : ; a positive fact that if my son the. Jewish Community Center F. Levenso Moe Touset J.-K. ."were to see the book that is about Auditorium for the third proKulatoiskjv Julius S cSIII, UaJi *i-i ' — _ , io be published it would be a Julius Hovel MOTHER, DAUGHTER-• duction ;; of the Center" Players, Sherman,1. Ksrrv Trustin Bhock to him and might subject ; "Personal Appearance." : .W. Rosenblatt. l l m to humiliation." . r~ BANQUET. ;:; : Hungary.—.Andreas Yeszi, 20 Try-outs are open to all inIs one to weep or to laugh? year old Jewish factory Eppren terested. First, where has that douitles The Women's Division of the tice',. has been declared the win- NAZI ORGAN FOLDS-:. The play will r he presented most intelligent and cultured Jewish Community Center will ner, of a nation-wide contest for Geneva.' — The S^riss K&zi oryouth lived his nineteen years the latter part ol May under sponsor a Mothers and Daughters the • best novel .written ia Hua- gan, Die Front, suspended publithe direction' of Mrs. Herman that no suspicion of hisorigin and banquet on Sunday,^ May;; 9, Mo- sary. cation this' -week. Dwindling cir: ancestry has ever crossed his Jahr. ther's Day, at sis o'clock in the . Hi3 prlze-wianiag work culation -arid, leek of funds were (Continued on page 8.) auditorium of tbe Center. •' Ms first boot.

Hebrew Club Open Meeting.on Sunday

« , • - - --

Demand FroBe of " • Fascist's Riot.. In " -'-London East'.End

Cantor Edg"ar-an'd Cliorus in' Concert

Tiry-Quk for Center ; - Players "Sunday

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Tfee ' ihei L Sam ^


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Page 2

they sre besrinciEg to iczr Ebere vfi, 'Ms.frist.er .Turiaeortjm' era do exist? Let us see. The the /Times Kosae hat ilie exs.mple of Xazi Crer- 1 un«r •or.is, the Pious, King of man who has the highest seat of -rrites: asny may •uliimz.iely have a fahonor in the new literary hier"What 'the .object is reaaaiEE:'JEl influence upot Fcsclst Italy." j the F r.kn, protected the Jews l aeainfit AgoW.rr., Bishbp of Lyons. archy, one Blunck', president of sorsewhate of a mystery, unless ; the Reich Chamber of Culture, has ' the newspaper Intends ia suggest, I 1 Just published a book according as seems probable, that persons ', J Mi QWM SYKFMQEl to which America was discovered j whose naraes appear oa the list | • "PIGS! SEAS DESPATCHES • Even "The cll for an o. K. are bad cr doubtful Italians cf j The rumpus over the disclo- Golem", a picture with a Jewish not by Columbus, as so many peoi vhc-si the raass of the popul&tios .; sure that Magda ; Fontangps, a theme, asked for and received ple believe, but jy a certain DietI should beware. j e crn:ent lece,ase of thf b e - French woman was Mussolini's this endorsement . . . O u r collea- rich Pennig, a Dane of- Teutonic c race. Imagine having to_ change gue, Bernard Postal, who's been '• "Tills move does not stand as' ,.'inamorata for. a time,,." reminds 1 more then tvo score of the finer,; i air the beautiful Columbus statrunning himself dizzy attending , zfi. isolated Instance of axtaositj • tis ,ihat before H Duce got mari against Je?:s, but must be judged j " e w i s ° - Pi* ried" and when he''was-still a So- the four postponed trials of Fritz ues of the Americas into monuments to Herr Penaig! : Kuhn, tells us that many ofthe in relation to otter attacks lor; orgarJssa leir cialist his lady love was Angelica •which the Italian press has bees ; orchestra., Balabanoff, a Russian Jewess who so-called Kiihn sympathizers who ; The -problem of Jesus is still the courtroom are really more annoying. His JewlshneE3 1 responsible. It should be &iCcZ lelped "him edit .a - Socalist papery throng anti-Nazi Germans . . . He- sawis something that demands dras, in fairness that only a few E»TT- ^ , . . King Carol's eagerness to rid one of them-reading of a tic measures. But for a German papers t a r e taken &n active p_ri Jloumania of the antl-Seinitic Yiddish paper, no lessa .copy . <r, professor it; was easy to prove Iron Guard 'is due less to opppaithat-Jesus really was an Aryan, tion to Jew-baiting than to a dethat the government has never • 7 sire to advance his^own Fascist! (Copyright 1937 by Seven Arts born near Frankfurt.' given any indication that it f1 These are indications of the Feature Syndicate.) youth movement, which is* called shsres the views each newepapert . I• " depths to 'which the successors of Strajeri •". . '. Already the Strajeri express and that th'e bulk of the ; Kant have fallen. The great Geris organized in schools and unl*. . Italian people have no particular •, ^ man" tradition has degenerated. .versities . . .London is buzzing feeliag against Sevrs. '• V~'ZT~] | Nearly all of Goethe's books are •with a story that Oliver Hoare, "It is noticeable, hovever, tts.!. [ "r»£V; -prohibited in the schools; and, in i financier brother of Sir Samuel Archie Cohen of Chicago {even newspapers that t a r e r r t 1 ^ r ^ Henry Monsky one of the 'new song anthologies JHbare, :first Lord of the Admir-r Speaker aft B'rasi B'rith Coaclave actively attacked Jc^rs recaatlr ' u v «, / Will Lead Open Forum the poem "Ich >weiss nicht was altyr had a secret' - powow- with have adopted' the practice of r.r- j soil es bedeuten"^-so popular Cohen, who lives in Chicago, Hitler" recently . . . The. recall of Pictured here are Archie Coing such headlines for Eews dif- ' that it could not be expurgated— hen and Henry Monsky, who will and is second vice president of |i patches JDrl Hans Luther as German enler e.nd Feeteet By EMIL LUDWIG as 'Jew Stalin' or t?.e i is said to be the-work of an "un- be featured speakers at the re- District No. 6 of the B'nai B'rith, j 'Jew Yogoda' yoy-to Washington "may. have or the 'Xe'vr Tret- j Jjeen due,' in part, at" least, to the The famous German Jewish known author," when all the gional conference of the B'nai will be principal speaker at the this, that or the other . discovery that his only close per- biographer here calls-upon all world_.knows that it is by Hein- B'rith to be held In Lincoln Sun- banquet which, will close the conThe intention' is obvious • sonal friend is Herr Koerner, a .those who love freedom to des- rich Heine. day. clave. —namely, to create is people": 'Jewish architect in Essen . ' . . . . cend from their% ivory towers The German language," to me Omaha is in this region, and a minds the impression that tit Monsky will lead the open forKoerner, who built the Essen and to fight'off the- forces that the moat beautiful in "the world, um discussion, which will high- large delegation of locals. are •words 'Jew' and 'CcErmsiEiEt Ier.- | synagogue and' the Ford factory endanger the peace and liberty has been robbed of its. glories. light the afternoon" session. planning to attend. der' are synonymous and intfr- i in that city on- the recommenda- of all.—The Editor. EfCSJETT COHEN or Even official decrees arei edited ! changeable. • tion of Luther, directed the edu- Though it was my good for- in the; style of small provincial EONARD KLEEN f in Jewish.circles is an attack on •am cation of Luther's daughter when tune to emigrate from Germany newspapers—no offense" t o . the "It cannot be denied that Jev- ' Zionism contained In a book, 'The ish communities in Italy are be- • JFrau Luther died . . .vThe theory thirty years ago, and although I atter intended.of -Aryan - supremacy suffered a enjoy, Swiss citizenship, I have Jews of Italy', by Parliament De- ginning to be seriously •worried. ; it The number of countries subiealthy rebuff. when the .only always been a' German writer, jected to jCensorshJp grows greatputy Paolo Orano, rector pf Peru- Hitherto they "have enjoyed a de- ' K im .German to win a prize at an in- And one May evening in 1933 I er from year to-year, and war is gia University and prominent gree o£ freedom frora social, rr.- ; ternational cbjoriis cdhtest in Zur- had the honor of sharing the fate coming closer and closer. Soon, cial and religious prejudice thr.t ] Fascist. Dr. Orando declares "it has been paralleled in. few other s ich was Dr. Erich Katz of Frei- of the best of my colleagues In a perhaps, .only some obscure is impossible to 'be good Italians countriss. Even ^'hen ROE5« WS.E • J)urg:. . , Katz won fourth prize L' I occupied a oceanic isle will provide a last rein competition with 60 composers, certain bonfire. and Zionists at the same time." the capital of the Papal States. [ fuge for those who are free in from 10 l a n d s . . . . . T h a t Moses fine .position—between Heine and spirit. He who remains silent In London (JTA) — AuthoritaThe New York Times reported Jews were allowed to go -about ' ;was the world's greatest military Spinoza—and I felt more flatterTnifiks from Rome that the daily H Tev- their business undisturbed, BE I the face of these problems is like Strategist Is the conclusion of Da- ed at being burned thus between •by the Daily Telegraph as declar- i ere, published "what purports to they have never bees the object ; jvorln Zunkowitsch, an officer in two geniuses of my race*than at the astronomer who, being told ing the Italian Government has \ be the ccmpletest existing list cf of the cruel repref"">n cr crrro-' S WE 0900 the Yugoslav" army, who. hasany. praise the "racial. theory" hat an epidemic was spreading, no intention of instituting an an- Italian Jewish surnames." Com- srion that hr? i-err thc> declared: "That doesn't matter" •tsritten. a 'whole, treatise on the professors might have bestowed^ policy. menting on the list's publication, some r>thrr ccurtrie?. Nr.,.,, to me.- I am Interested in 'the ti-Jewish military aspects of the Jewish- ex- upon me. • Fears that Italy might embark heavens only." Unfortunately he odus from Egypt ;.-•... A depresJews and Communists by no on such a program have been sion has. hit the: market for Hit-means represent the majority of ;oo caught the disease, and then aroused by the sporadic outhad to take an interest in. the ler's-autobiography in Stockholm those who'have been assassinated breaks of anti-Semitic articles in The Swedish- edition of and imprisoned by the party ;that affairs, of this earth. Italian newspapers, notably II We are with Goethe, who said: 11 Kampf", which once sold seized power in Germany. DemoTevere and II Regime Fascista. Only he deserves liberty and life ior 7.5 kronen can now be-had cratic "Aryans'* have met '".the Also giving rise to apprehension for 2.5 kronen, with, few takers. same fatei The. eminent pssiet- who daily fights to keej) them." & ' zky, who W33 awarded, the Nobel .Prize, long " languished, in the WHOLE TOWN TO SPEAKING prisons::, of the; Bo-ealled Third Unity in the anti-Nazi boycott Reich.,: For that matter, most of PALESTINE movement -is 'a, lot closer than the authors whose works fed that inany,people: thinkv . v . The office bonfire, had never, written on poliWarsaw The last four Jews staff_of the United Palestine Ap- tics. .Dictators, always; pretend of the town of Barshin have left peal , headQuarters is organizing that their opponents are enemies for Palestine, .completing an. ex- !g a union1 . . . It win be an A. F of of society. When a writer does odus w-hich has brought all of ~ i. affiliate . . ' . The work of the not:bow. to their opinions.he, la BaTshin's former 300 Jewish inNational Coordinating Commit- called a; Communist. . DOUDLS SIZE - - 5c habitants to new homes on Palestee for Aid to German Refugees • "Pacifist ' documents were tine. ibas -grown so fast that the Na-found i n the defendant's possesI Bottled by Hardlngs f tional Council of Jewish Women, sion" is :• a frequent phrase in Jews were expelled from Ire|--x4z3 .•with which it shared offices, has German police, records today. had ;to move to new quarters at Catholic authors have been ban- land in 1079. 1819 Broadway. ned tod, for continuing to believe sincerely In the Old Testament, 2T'S A PACT " Aft author who does not let' himL03 Anjjeleaas ought to have a self be "coordinated" to the Nazi look, a t Room 329 pf the Cham- philosophy—which regards war ber "of' Commerce Building . . . as a health meature for the naThat's the publishing office of tions—must give/up all hope of the Christian Free Press, a new having" his books published In Jew-baiting rag which is preach- Germany. ing what is tantamount to advoI would not presume to ' list cacy of pogroms . -. . The sheet German authors. according to reveals. that the Militaji^ Chris- literary rank". But it is curious tion: Patriots are raising an'Edthe less that nearly ali'those jnundso"n defense fund to finance none German authors who are apprethe-cost of defending the notorious anti-Semitic pamphleteer . . ciated the world over have been producer, Walter Wanger is imprisoned "or ftftced to emigrate, to have given assurances that while none o: the "authors recogafftl-Zionists parts of Vincent nized' by ' the Third Reich are Bheean'a hook ."Personal Appear- knojwn beyond its borders. The ance" will be omitted from the two famous authors whom the .Nazis claim as their qwn, Stefan screen version Antl-Nazfa Georg and^ Oswald Spengler, are ;work"ing in ' German munitions not sympathetic toward- that govJactories "are" getting in some .good ernment,- and, do not require- its licks for .the Spanish Loyalists-, . professed love. They're filling shells with sawThose German writers whom idust instead of powder and jam-the Nazis disown are read in every ming wa'ds of papers between the part of the civilized world; the firing 'pin and percussion cap' of writers of the Third. Reich are sheila destined for the Rebels . . .The- anti-Nazi boycott of German- read only in Germany. But perhaps great Nazi authr made films is so potent that all J distributors of foreign made plcjiures are submitting them in adjvance-to the Joint Boycott Coun-


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• TEE.,JEWISH PRESS. .FRIDAY. APRIL 23, 1P37 volume study, THEODOR H i j B Z L ' All Nations prise contest w i t h t e r ' necessity have I- c f i One of h i s latest contribution t o : novel, T H E ' S T R E E T OF • T H E • which a r e very merCor

T B o o i Vi'eeli, April • M a y 2 , •will h a v e c a u s e l o r o!)-

serration this -year .'as' never before. ,JFor Jewisli books" arid books "by Jews, it has been a • • record year. "In the toHb-wiBg' • article, tuj • nniiasr SestEre is-. ,-. sued exclusively by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency tn : connectioa -with Book ' \ffeebt' Miss•.'Goldstein >review3 the : year's 1 product. 'The anthoiy a : recog-r 'nized - expert o a Jadaica; i s Branch librarian \at the.; West; • End library in Sostonf Alass. •-.-•••


. • • '

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- . ' — E D I T O R -

literature was the editing of the j FISHING CAT, which deals with | space limitations precluding thsir i one volume Encyclopedia of Jew-[the loneliness of expatriates Iiv-j inclusion here. | ish Knowledge, a creditable'coci-• ing in Paris. pilation -which supplements the j Lord Melchett old J e w i s h : Encyclopedia issued i English industrialist end sn a , ! dent' Zionist. In his book, TH m a n y y e a r s ago. • " r ^OUT • NEIGHBOR, he conveys the story j - i - ;~ocee .Harvard University has recent- : of Jewish persecution through j Al S h e a s — nn.2\s cZ t i e \ wt n c v . a c •»<><. ly observed its- 300th birthday ; the ages, and concludes that Zion-i SrotI =rs ETir! tsr. A Stan I and in doing so., it singled out for ' ism is the solution.. Contrast j ther 1 is a t distinction Professor Louis Gins-i trith this attitude Robert' Gess-j ,s r o t berg of the faculty of the Jewish i ner's S O M E ' OF MY B E S T ; Theological Seminary, of America j FRIENDS' AEE JEWS in" -which ' ciety goes, t h e honor of having English translption is : NOAH the only person so honored in the ! he holds that Communism is the was introduced, tr. produced ; last year and Fchedula ! solution for the survival of the Hebrew letters. A There, although be a" v r ys v e cr-r p 1 an illiterate ' figure j l e in .gfor production.in^937,-Bome page' Index to Dr. C i Jew, not the nationalism of the good comedian and enjoye vice p-oc: c . : a physique ancom- { striking' literary ,Toiumes: MarZionist and the rehabilitation of popularity in vaude vin Lowehthal's JEWS IN GER-mon in. Jewish life. The entire is announced by'JJrl Boas Cclrsn, |! Palestine. _ _ MANY, < Mas Grunwald's THE essence "of the book is Life shorn Assistant Librarian of the Jewish • agree with •Whether cr not him we are.forced to I ""rifteen"yea7s later — t o d a y - v t CJ_ ; C J • =v > HISTOHT OF THE JEWS IN to its roots. The style of theTheological Seminary., > admit thatit is an astonishing!? 'S n d s A i s t m T E E : , I r . g ^ ^ b u t VIENNAf Dr., Joseph Reider's book is direct, written •with aa The Seminary is observing its | intellectual a n a l y s i s ' of w o r l d ;•„„ i n T . r p r P r j T . r p r t P i f l ^ i t l , { v ? . -which makes I fiftieth birthday. In' doing so, it | Jewry as he sees it COMMENTARY ON DEUTERON- elemental simplicity 5 i vaudeville life-like. And OMY, Moses Hayim Luzzatto's it.-'astonishingly The great dramatic spectacle,; ^s to Instead, he MESILLAT ••• YESHARIM (The integration I THE ETERNAL ROAD, EOT be- | Jv,^ lotion picture through the Path of the Upright), Isaac Gold- cite.here Harry Fein's TITANS of the best in Jewish literature! ing produced in New York, fo- • ,^ ^ . ,, ..-4. . berg's MAJOR -NOAH, AMERI- OF HEBREW VERSE which con- and culture'in America. Another j cuses attention on Franz Werfel's • r n T t T T to cisp; ghean :as been CAN JEWISH PIONEER, and tains a very excellent chapter on member of its faculty, Professor j latest book, THE TWILIGHT OF' cr Jessie Sarnpter's BRAND PLUCK- Schneour and his "works, as well Louis Finkelstein, is the author j A WORLD, •which contains a uel Goldwyji tc r""T the rclsJISEIC iiorris Lieber -n th= fill as the "worts with . biographic ED FROM THE FIRE. Such efof AKIBA: SCHOLAR, SAINT, j foreword and several of his novslla Dallas." •• j"Steiia JJaiia forts plead for appreciation on in swdfof L The storyr r sons H e b r e w poet9 pecial emphasis ] ••yr >ia^la. "l"f

There were published in America during the year 1936 some-' nnforgetabie tales EE Ii s 0 E e j^g^* gjj eaI . n-?rer ETfr f-=i schol : on such tHingv over- ten thousand" • b'oofes saying-"More than- we have read .THE BRIDAL. CANOPY by S. |! eiitR a contemporary D b i j a c o b g. MInkin's very CLASS REUNION and THE MAN i cf telling. Ii marked the cealiEC ' arid. new. editions." Of these ten is-contained therein". To the So-J. Agnon is another book -which |e s c e l l e n t biography of the histor- | WHO CONQUERED DEATH. ' thousand volumes, an-astonishing ncino Press goes the honor of comes t o . us in translation f rom ji c a l f i g u r e i HEROD, madman -or j The year cannot boast mush of a silly breach, between himself and the late Ed Gallf-scter and percentage have been bobkB of a publishing a complete and unathe Hebrew and "with which the murderer, is here portrayed in a j -written expressly for the .Jewish sent them both on the vr&y to for- '. Jewish characters —; a. y bridged translation of the Talauthor makes his initial bow tonew role, for the author finds ex-; child, but-as these little contribuage this year, even: a s ; last, ; :eii- mud i n Englisli. The: work was the American public. I t is nottenuating circumstances for Her- j tions come along from time to tune that is seldor made in mu814 the two tirely out oi proportion :to "the done ujiderthe sponsorship of the often that a publisher's blurb od's bloody behavior. He claims \ time, we can note a great im- sic. From. 1910 t men had staged a partner Let,, comparative population 'statistics Chief Rabbi .of the British Em- can be taken for granted, but in a new interpretation.;—j provement in their projected ap- then a c.isa£reeraer.t ca.i pire and many noted scholars. this, instance everything that is of. racial--groups. -.. ::"\ : \ ' statesman and jp e al to childhood. Betty Kalisch- split between them. t h a t o f & , Another striking characteristic The translation combines extreme Claimed for the volume' isr.at politician -forced to commit hom- ; er's W A T C H M E N OF Some sis years 'tier is t h e ' high percentage .of best- fidelit yto the test with a proper least from the point of view of icide and murder as a means of jxiGHT deals with eminent THE c^s.r- sister brought the two coi sellers of recent- date that have | appreciation of English idiom and t h e Jewish reader, modestly j acters in Jewish history from the together at a dinner part; been contributed by the Jew, An-elegance of style. phrased. This is "indeed a classic self-perpetuation. •*=— i time of Sicieon Ben Jochai t o pair shock h2.ncls E~.fi •" E. other phenomenon: is - the fast •with a highly spiritual note, a Many J e w i s h women w r i t e r s j Rabbi Isaac Wise, t h e eminent forgiven. Al doesn't ever, that-writers unknown to even the book of simple, people "who eman* ber what It was that cause average American ;. Jevr • - before '•'.• It -is/-difficult to ... disUnguishate a simple faith, live and talk appeared t h i s year, b u t none o£ • Jewish leader. E d i t h Lindoraan row. They revamped t h e m -with a n y great contrlbaj Calish i n ' h e r J E W I S H FAIRY ! what is best when several may them with a y g C n stage they -were translated-.into Engsimply. The reading of this book act, and Shean g.nd Foy lish, have made the grade. . •. - - •justly claim that classification. leaves the reader in an exalted tions. Fannie Hurst's GREAT i BOOK presents stories reto•Idt wrote Vior * r ~ an introductory E umber it to say, however, that mood, for it is s"heer literary bea- LAUGHTER, is in itself not too ! from Talmudic lecends for verv • The classic quality.; : and .• t h eSuffice late^ fall and spring : lists are virile a book. It is much too in-'young children. " i t . Shean "wrote the music,, -high-merit of.the Jew's cantribn- the that very prolific author-| well sprinkled.. with - Jewish au-erse, and it was titlec1 " volved in its characters and fu»tion to current literature i s a thors sponsored by some of the ! H tile iii the solution of the indivisingular testimony. to . the in- leading publishers in the country. koium^GREAT^wS wS^ Shean ™ recalls ^ ** that ^ « ^it™isas a! The recent 80th birthday of dual's place. creasing awakening of the Leane Zugsmith's characters in j EN, stories of ancient heroines catchy little thing EE.£ the aud-1 Justice Louis D. Brandeis has Since his introduction to the ish. conscience. All menacing English speaking "world, Sholom produced a number of striking A TIME TO REMEMBER are ] from the earliest "to the modern iences seemed to like it better j factors- serve but "to.- increase and Aech's much more those of flesh and day. name has continued to testimonials on the man, the than the rest cf the act. to fashion a new applied cones- command A story of Haym Sclomc-n, the | ^ n d g'v respect. His latest American, the Jew, and the jur- blood and give every .indication iveness and the desire, on the inTHE "WAR "GOES ON, i sist,, which have enriched Amer- that Miss Zugsmith's penetrating forgotten Jewish financier of the jt.J i e . j^y^g" .. and music, and soon it | dividual's part for racial unity TOlume,, a monumental document. It is aican history and have singled Mr. powers are beginning to single Revolution _ is presented f orchil- j h a d d e v e l o p e d i n t 0 « j j t i Gallagh- j and. expression. " -'"' "•"•'' _" " "'• ' '".' Brandeis out as a contemporary canvas .graphically depicting out more worthwhile elements in i dren in Charles Spencer Hart's; Shear./' The scng: "•" Germany has for many years vast character and situation, produc- «rusader for the rights. of•, the av- modern realism than she has cop- ' GENERAL WASHINGTON'S SON} ' J l overshadowed the cxt, ! led in the publication of the ed" through the tragedy -which the erage man. Chief, among these ed with ..in her .previous works. I OF ISRAEL which also-includes L ^ n works_of high Jewish scholarship. inflation period in Germany cre- books is Alfred Leifs BRANDEIS Naomi Jacob is an Englishwo- j other forgotten heroes o! Ainer-:j comedians for the "Follies", EEC Today her leadership is~ tailing ated. It is an indictment not on-THE PERSONAL HISTORY OF man, only half Jewish, who is j lean history. i all they did was sing that song, into the hands- of Anglo-Jewish of actual warfare but of theAN AMERICAN IDEAL, which rapidly becoming the leading nov-I i t would be unfair to treat here partner remained Publishing houses." Chief of these ly harrowing post-war days is a well documented study, pro- elist in England. She writes of i of the very newest books by such i for sisty-eevei are - "the Jewish Publication So- equally fusely illustrated. which men are subject to after distinctly Jewish themes and pro- authors as Meyer Levin, - ' • Heins ciety of America and the Soncino every, . This more recent study points .blems. Her latest book, BAR- i Liepinann, Grant Lewi, Daniel such'bloody holocaust. Press:,of London. -Both" of these Patronize O'er Afivctissrs to an earlier biographic sketch on houses merit high praise for makr • • THE "BROTHERS ASHKEN- Louis4 D. Brandeis by the late REN METAL, is the story of a j Fuchs, Ernst Toiler, Ludwig Lewdomestic conflict between a Jewisohn and others. 'ing available " in • English t h e AZI by 3. J. Singer Is a genuine Jacob De Haas. Mr. De Haas "was The books are indicated in this •works o£ contemporary acholars. masterpiece by far and large one an ardent Zionist, a former Secre- ish couple "who marry simply and and through translation the im- of • the finest : literary "works o£ tary and disciple of Theodor wholesomely and then are divided summary because either the au-j j thor or his -srark holds an impor- \ mortal "works of the past. the'-.year. -It is a stirring novel, Herz.l, who wrote several' books by riches. arian \ "tant place in contemporary An- j : rich inthe portrayal of life in Jolan Foldes, the Hun: Th6 drab format of Jew"ish especially and . exhaustive two-I.Jewess, recently won the $19,000 j glo-Jewisa literature. Many of "books issued in the past is also all its ramifications, psychologigradually giving place to a- more cal, economic and political, as it modern dress. Jewish books are 33 revealed through two charactnow well bound and attractive- in ers, twin, brothers in the" city of external appoal, yet bear evidence Lodz. . of scholarship presented with This year marks the 50th birth^\?/ day of Salmon Schneour, the conclarity and profunditytemporary Hebrew writer, living To the Jewish Publication So- in Palestine. His firsc book in'|

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The lertsbrsMp of Batter-Hat Cbfles dat back mealy yeairs.' Alv/ayaiS hzsfcssasoted for Its esceptiona! fiatrc?. Bai so"7, Battex-Nut Is better- t&an eve? be£o?e, tbanbs to &s nex? S^cclnl MeSIor/!as Prccsss diccovered by iSaftter-Kai esparis. TMu nev/ method reduces the nafeai acids ©f Batter-Hat?3 choice coffees and BuSds a p tljsir'rls^aess. It makes a oaoothsr, ,saefio^7er, mere chajmiajj Savor. Yen probably have sever lasted -any coffee qoite co gecd. Sat flavor is net a tHag to Iba satiDfcctorily dezsr&zd by r/crdc—yea taustfeyths'ssT/ Baiter-Nut Let tfia siccpsrJs for licclf. It h 3

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'after April, when. Jlay follov,-s, and the white throat bnilds and all/the swallows i' 'The blossomed pear-tree in the hedge leans to the field and scatters o£: the clover blossoms sad dewdrops;—at the bent spray's edge— Published every itrUlay ct Omaha, Web?23t»s» by , THE JBWISB PRESS PUBLISHING COMPATJ1 'That's the wise thrush; he sings each" song twice over, Lest you. should think lie never could recapture §2.00 Subscription Price, OBO year The first .fine careless rapture!' Advertising rstca faraislicd oa application. Robert Browning is one of the greatest poets "not only of . Editorial Offlco: 500 Brandoia Theater England but of the'world. There are ..those who speak, of the " . Slous City Offlco—Jewish .Community sCentcr obscurities of his style. .."While parts of Browning's voluminous Print Shop Addresa: SCO* 8o».S4t!j Strest works are difficult, on the whole he is perfectly lucid," if one DAVID BL.ACKBR - - , Businesa and Managing Editor is willing- to.make the mental effort that poetry 6f'sueli greatFHAWK B. ACKEKMAN • • • • •, • .-.-• • E<HtG? FANNIE KATELMAN Coubcil BiuffSi Iowa, Correspondent ness and of such rare, ripe culture demands. There is an iaANN PILL ":• • """• ''-.' Sious .City. Iowa, Correspondent tell&etnal quality to Browning's poetry. Hie has written "I cannot feed on beauty, for the sake-of beauty only g " t i l e j e w i s k F u t u r e " - - ' '• ';-,- . v •', - Nor driak in.balm from lovely objects merely for their "Building the •'Jewish'/ Future" is the campaign slogan of ./loveliness; '.-'.,•_:• Omaha Jewry as we launch the eighth annual Jewish Philan- . My n a t u r e cannot lose her first imprint; • thropies drive nest Tuesday. ' — I still must hoard a n d heap a n d class all t r u t h s - Israel has been a people of vision throughout the cen- , " W i t h one ulterior purpose: I must know.!" turies. "Wandering from Egypt, from Babylon, from Spain, There is a strong brain-foundation to Browning's poetry, from land of "persecution to haven of refuge,. . . the Jewish along, with t h e deepest feeling, t h e liveliest imagination, ex.people have always looked ahead, pfercing the black douds quisite imagery, a n d unsurpassed musical utterance. He was of today with the bright sunshine of tomorrow. Ours has been no 'jingle-matT as Emerson said of Poe, a n d as even t h e lordly. a rich heritage, and the Jewish community in. Omaha* has in Tennyson was in some of his artificial 'faultily'faultless' poems. the past contributed its share towards the perpetuation of that He ever preferred 'sense' to 'sound', though he knew how to heritage. We therefore feel assured that in the forthcoming combine them, incomparably. campaign we will once again help tamp into place the mortar Browning's genius was essentially dramatic. H e was the which is building for the Jewish future, the mortar of Zedakah Nineteenth Century Shakespeare (whose birthday occurs togiven body by generous giving and deep understanding. - Indeed, it is unthinkable that at this crucial hour we day), though with a difference. His stage was the human soul. should forsake those for whom we have cared these many years >He understood the soul as few did, could probe its depth, set - - beset by tragedy, they look to us -with hope - - the hungry, forth its intricacies a n d complexities, describe individual souls, and the maimed, the shelterless and the sick, the persecuted as in "Men a n d "Women" ("speak from every mouth i h e speech and the hunted . . . nor can we desert Jewish education or a poem!'} b r o w n i n g was p a r excellence t h e Poet of t h e SouL yorith characterrbiiilding institutions, which are the corner- In "-Andrea, del Sarto," the 'faultless painter' permits himself stones in the building of the Jewish future . . v nor can we to shyly point out to 'his Lucrezja' a technical imperfection of forget the organizations succoring the disfranchised and^re- the great Raphael: "the a r m is ; wrong. Ay, b u t t h e soul! he's Raphael!" * :•' building broken lives. :..'••'-. So, whatever deficiencies m a y be i n Browning "Ay, but Let these, our brethren in dice need, not cry out in vain! Their /eloquent plea mnst toucn. deeply" the • Jewish heart, the soul! hejs Browning.' No poet is so soul-ful, so spiritual, so inspiring. His is a robust optimism. "How good is man's •warmed by centuries of charitable giving '; '. . our answer life""he sings, " t h e mere living! How fit to employ be written in the generosity of our pledges. AH the h e a r t . a n d t h e soul and t h e senses forever in j o y ! " : The whole world knows the song from "Pippa Passes': Life'of S e r v i c e - , -.: ...-. ,- . ' . . - -. " y:-., "The year's a t t h e Spring Community progress is built u p o n unselfish service. T h e And day's a t t h e m o r n ; stagnancy of commornal backwardness would be our lot, were Morning's a t seven; it n o t for t h e idealism of those men a n d women who devote* The hill-side's dew-pearled; themselves to good deeds, without seeking or expecting earthly The lark's on the w i n g ; rewards . . . their greatest p a y m e n t being i n t h e ' p l e a s u r e of V " . The snails on t h e t h o r n : knowing t h a t they have helped a worthy cause. God's i n His heaven— . The Omaha Jewish community has carved for itself an r imAll's right with t h e world!" mortal niche in American-Jewish history. Throughout t h e Browning's superb faith is revealed in innumerable paslength, a n d b r e a d t h of this country, Omaha is k n o w n for its sages. Here are t h e sublime lines from "Paracelsus": communal s p i r i t ; i t s leaders have been recognized for outstand" I go to prove my soul! ing contribution to Jewish life. TKis month, a t a testimonial I see m y w a y as birds their trackless w a y . dinner, one of our leaders in charitable work, Mrs..Kate; Tatle, I shall arrive.! "What time, what eircuit first, received t h e praise of t h e community for her m a n y years of I ask n o t : b u t unless God send His hail devotion t o t h e doing of good, particularly h e r u n t i r i n g efforts Or blinding fire-balls, sleet or stifling snow, on behalf <o£ Jewish education a n d ijthe Deborah Society.-Hers is In some time, His good time, I sliall a r r i v e : the ideal of communal leadership. Never seeking r e w a r d , she .-..''. H e guides nie and the bird. I n His good time!" has labored-for the good of h e r fellowraen, a n d no w o r t h y cause has found h e r absent^from its supporters. W h e n the testimonial Above all is Browning t h e Poet of Love. H e 'would love dinner w a s planned, she protested'."., for in h e r own m i n d she infinitely a n d be love^.' l i o v e is best' he concludes i n t h e feels tfhat she h a s been well-paid in having t h e opportunities t o idyllic "Love Among the Ruins.". And was ever such loving devote herself t o t h e numerous organizations a n d charities w h o tribute paid as Browning's to his poet wife, Elizabeth Barrett, owe their very existence to her. A n d thereby^ she earned t h e whose all too* brief life together and preliminary wooing contestimonial dinner e v e n m b r e t h a n before. ' '•• stitute one of t h e most beautiful love stories in t h e domain of .Many d a r k nights will have to be passed through in t h e all literature; as well as furnishing, the basis of one of the lovedays ahead for Judaism a n d Jewish life. B u t it gives u s new liest, most popular and successful of modern plays ("The Barcourage a n d new. inspiration t o kno\v that;w'e shall have the' retts -Of Wimpole Street") : services of such people as Mrs. K a t e Tatle . . . individuals who, "My perfect \icife, My Leonor, motivated b y t h e beautiful desire t o . e n r i c h their own lives by. -""..' • Oh heart, my own, oh eyes, mine too, enrichening the lives of others, have kept alive t h e traditional Whom else could I dare look forward for, ideals of Israel. - ••'•; "With whom beside should I dare pursue The path gray heads abhor?" ' . |Worth how well, those dark gray eyes, J e w i s h B o o k W e e k .;.'••• ' . . ' . _ • • •/.• : ; ••••-• ' . That hair so dark and dear, how worth As a convenient method of concentrating the attention of the entire country on books of Jewish interest, Jewish Book That a man should-strive and agonize, Week will be celebrated beginning on April 25. Jews are a , And taste a veriest hell on earth literate people, the tradition of .learning being so strong that For the hope of such a prize I" a book v/eek seems almost-unnecessary., •; "Nature obtained her best of me-^ Commanding the central attentioii in any Jewish Book Qne born to love you, sweet! ? Week is that one work which marks the beginning of anything And to watch you sink by the fireside now that! might, be*,considered" literature, the milestone "denoting , Back, again, as you mutely sit civilization -^/the-Bible which alone justifies the existence of, Musing by fire-lighty that great brow : the Jewish people. -.'.•.. . • - .••-..".' , , And the spirit-small hand propping it, Yet it is not alone as the single literary contribution id Yonder, my heart "knows how S" ' , . the world. Jewish literature has not remained 'stagnant, conTo her he dedicated his "Men-" and Women" in the inimittent to jrest on this supreme achievement. A Justus, a Josephus, able "One Word More," the most magnificent dedication in all a Philo, the writers of the New Testament, all appear at the literary history: beginning of the Common Era. "There they are, my fifty men and women The Hebrew poets whose beautiful lines are today incorNaming me the fifty poems finished! porated into many of our prayers carried on the torch. The Take them, Love, 'the book and me together: . Renaissance saw the Jews beginning to write in the vernacuWhere the heart lies, let the brain lie also. lar of the country where they resided. A son of the statesman Oh, their Rafael'of the dear Madonnas, Abrabanel, Leo Hebraeus, -was one of the first great writers • ' Oh, .their Dante, of the dread Inferno, to-use Italian. Germany has had her Heine; France bar Proust; Wrote one song—and in my brain I sing it, England, Disraeli1 and Zangwill to choose names at random. Drew one angel—borne, see, on my bosom'.'' Contemporary American literature is rich in Jewish figAnd after her untimely death in their beloved Florence, ures. Not only- is' English the language of expression, but the he thus apostrophised her in "The Bin-* and the Book," reN teeming life of this country from the earliest days has in- garded as his masterpiece. spired and stimulated Jewish writers. They have' interpreted "Oh lyric Love, half au'vcl and half bird • American life with ,a genuine enthusiasm. And all a wonder end a wild de:-ire— As a clearing house for the best of purelj- Jewish literaBoldest of heart'; that ever br;:vo:I the sun, ture, the Jewish Publication Society, and its affiliates have Took sanctuary within the holier blue, done an invaluable service. And can** ;; Irhidred isoul out to hi:v fnce— ."Jewish Book Week" has meaning. For thoce who have Yet hu;risu c.t the red-ripe o£ t b ; her.rt— allowed their interest in books of Jewish authorship and theme Kn»l then, r :KI hici-'.ysii from the rcaJins of help! to lag, it is a welcome 'opportunity to visit the library end Never may I co:iv!i:crico my "Qxi'j, my due • _ local bookshops and renew acquaintance -with old friends and To God, who bcifc faiifrlii '-OVJ: by ~ift CL Ilieo, make now. Except wit!: bniit lw.<l ."nd V '.'ochitijr hmid— Th*>+':;<Jn, d: pit:

Jniversity ; Encyclopedia of .Nazis Ridicules turner icani&m''

>Tev: York (J7A) — The Ke-.

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373 PAGES. £3.00. ,V •> S. J. Agnon, the author oi "Th? \ c Bridal Canopy," is the foremost [c? t Palestinian novelist. Hebrew is, i I t1 of ' course, his exclusive .medium' c: for expression. In his own land j t l anfl ."Eiaoagrt - lr>vers of ,Hebre,Tr j c— "* "" "- , i ~ throngftotit the world he is not' t' f t"'c, oulx read ant! enjoyed but high-.; structivcv ly esteemed. . His gifts .are-'inulModera ,Te%rs ~,ro in. the habit : A!%,*Z ! tiple and rare.. He-is, first .and ! Of ridicuHnsr the faith, the trust »s-«i « p're-eajiently, s. natural story tell- and the impertubabilitv of spirit! er. He is intimately acquainted | of the ghetto Jew. Yet It is the ; with «very minutiae -of that Je^sr- . simple faith of the hero that the j ish. -ghetto life which is rapidly skeptics, the iconoelastics of OHT\. disappearias- .Prom first hand , day, need so wrgently. The ghetto: C I training EE3 study does he- know i Jew enjoyed a spiritual bliss be- i in S h the religious habits, beliefs and yond •-whicb the wor iand. ( custonss of the ghetto denizens, faded into utter insip:ificauce. ' half "He has profoundly '.experienced j The- spiritual values be cherished • z i not craly tfcs pathos and tragedy1 j invested his fireary life Cud ppof. the ghetto but its strength, and ; pressive toil "with a .dignity, a La J beauty. He sees clearly, and d6ei>- j peace, a-religions idealism "Which iews ly heyond the surface exterior; ,rnsny a modern misses anfi craves and his vision is lofty and grip-!for. ping. . .• • . j "The Bridal Canopy", the first ChiU : "The Bridal Canopy" is a story ; great Hsssidic .novel to be ren- Costr pf a ghetto Jet7 of the eighteenth ,'efed into JEngSish. should increase Gurs " century, and of the gospel of Has- < the circle of admirers of S. J. Ag-; sid.ism'which he professes and'the j.non, and incidentally, reveal the 100: i Hassidic life he leads. This is cot; strength and beassty of Hassl- (Dut the place to describe ncr estimate _• dism. ;. . Mail- i the Hassidic.-movement. The in-j trodactJon, written by Mr. La sir,! provides an excellent surninary of the tnovernent. of its basic tenets, institutions, merits and defects, ' its good and evil. Hassidisra ; founded by'Eesht in the seven-; teeath century flourished richly! during succeeding ages. It', be- j Patror.ize Our Advertisers came an attitude of mind towards ] Thou has delivered me from ; a mechanism of escape',from the •Tthe contentions of m r people,; intolerable |K© the Polish Jevrs | h o s b a s t kept m© to be the tcaa ; •were forced to endure at the j of the nations, a people -whom ,1 . hands of cruel Polish and Rus- j ^ave not known Eerre me. . •: Bian oppressors. They found re-! i n David said tmto G'osi: ."I B E : lief and consolation in Hassidism j lnt STave straits; let me fall EGW ; th whose chief pillsrs were God, and, iH l-o e hanas of the Lord, for ; s his regent on earth the IZaddick; j f «cJes are great, and let. me: and whose dominant characters- ! not fall into the ha.nd of man." | tic ~as an emotional exnberance !, And G'oi said to King Solomon: I plus an obstinate refusal to per- "Became thou has tsked for thj mit harsh facts to mar the pfom-! s e I f cnaerstanding to aiscern juste, of a certain and bright and j \]f'' and has not asked for lonp eternal future in the ^orld be- J £ H e i ^ r lor n c a e j 1 11 . ^ ' yond. Despite its many excesses, f^;" " ? s, V ou^ ' lfc^ E ' "e' The Cloth;-g Wor'c which ultimately lead to its d e c a - l f ^ ^ " ^ " eil an-"; eg dence, Hassidism discharged an ; i i t h o u h a s nofc £ £ k . indispensable function and serv- j cd the Jevs magnificently in. an ( hour of-great stress. ! bbi Cha^na Vaid; "koses-bcOne who is acquainted •with the i nR a6 Tlch o £ n o t h i else''than aim?, the -preachraents and prac-) c m t h e c ] i J p s o f .^^ ^ b l c ; s / , tices of Hassidisnj, and the in-1 troduction supplies these, --will : H o f y Qn^ p r a i s e d b e H e ! fi(?rF find the volume of absorbing in-j ; shecnina to rerf terest and most delightful. Ths j n_o perTait t h! e j , j o anTOne ua ess e S s troas-, hero is a Jew o£ very simple j ""; w i s e > 'Tich a n d t l l l n l > je." faith, Keb Yudel. His principal) R o bbi was versed in the Iradiproblera—and the one "which is t i o n s o f thirteen different TTSJ-S, the basis of our story—is to-find j s e v e n ci ^-jjich he taught to Rab- \ bridegrooms for his three mar-1 b i chiya. When RoDbi became r riageable daughters. The prob-. E i c j ; later: he forgot all of it. | » ' le'm is aggravated by his inability j whereupou R. Chiya reminfle^ \ to provide dowery, and by the UB- him-of the. seven-forms irhich fcp ' I ceasing nagging of an aggressive h a( j taught him, but the six re- i wife "who is terrified at the pros- . maining forniE were forgotten. pect of three unmarried daugh- There was, ho-srerer, a laundr;-- ' ters in her home. In the hops of I man who would sit and lister. > i locating husbands for his three when Robbi used to stndy these , t daughters, Reb Yudel sets out on remaining forms for himsel*. a'long aid trying "journey.. In Rabbi Chiya then Trent and stud- , the course of. his "wide travels lie led it from that laundry mas an I and his driver meet "with incred- came lack and reminded Robb" , J ible amazing adventures. The Since then whenever Robbi ssv~ , j difficulties and tribulations do not the laundry'man he 'would say: i shake the. faith of Reb Yudel in "Thou hast made taeVnd Chiya." ' God. The simple, uncritical, but! ^ We are^ taught ^i-ti a araitha unwavering faith helps him to re- that a man should not say "I main serene and hopeful in the will study' the scripture so that I face of adversity. The faith of may be called a wise man. I will the Mishnah that I-may beReb Yudel symbolizes the faith Cstudy 0I a of the eternal -Jew who' never ^. «n*« « h o l « ^ ^ ^ ^ E . ! wavered in his God and whom hi*, ^ ^ s t t ^ c o U * s e - B U t S ^ God never forsook. * " '•""" The original story in the He- of knowledge, and honor will brew presented grave problems come in due time. of translation and .innumerable 111 164 2 six hundred Jews. of difficulties. These, Mr. I. . 1.1. Amsterdam with Isap.c Aboab n = Lask, a resident of Palestine, met Hakam settled, in Pernambuco iv with skill and discernment. -He Brazil."

The black minute's at end. And the elements' rage..the .fiend-voices that rave . Shall dwindle, sliall blend, < • Shall change, shall become first a peace out of pain, , v Then a light, -then thy breast.. Oh tnou soul of raj*'mind I I shall elssp thee sgrain, - . And with God he the rest! .• All this makes" Browning' the supremely religions poet. Moreover his spirit .is most closely akin to Judaism. From hi* dark olive complexion (probably due to Creole desceni) it was thought and affirmed that Browning had Jewish blood in hi-, veins. He had deep sympathy with the Jews End with Judaism. Many of his poemsi have Jewish subjects:, notably the well-known snd widely-quoted, "Esbhi Ben Ezra" (with. its "Grow old along with, me, the best is yet to be, • The last of life, for which the, first was sisde." '< Browning was-confident'that the "British piiblic" which | failed to appreciate him at first, would 'love him yet.' All who i understand him love him as few are loved, with a deer>, iiiti- j mate personal love - - he has-meant so Ere' 1 t i t'.^ir -rh To ~<il\\ ' His proud words at t h e end of ''Parace-l""*" hr^: !.•""• n g,\i iously realised: '.-. ;''. "But after, they will know me.- 12 I ' t c p . Into a .dark, tresiendo-as sea of clcul. • . It is but for a time; I press God: Izzz* "Oh +.0' be in E n g i - m i ; ' ..../Close to my hrfeast; its splendor, iron or late Now t h a t April'c there!" "Will pierce the gloom; I shall1 eir.crj'o ^ne tloj", 1 Ihor.o ara the famou. ; opening lines o£ Ikov, ninq's lovely Even ;ii":<-v !:!•. -;, >~v. <l-i-:..i ;i, in "Prc^pic?.'',hc is assured ol • : You 'understand roe!" lyric of the Spring. W i t h magic words .he describes iiow ihc ievei'las'.n.'; union ^L'.- !c-r: has 'immortally "emerged ' ! lowest boughs x*oimd the elm tree bole are in tiny leaf; liny/ 5 " F o r !,u«.:-.j!-i', ih« v e1.-1 L;tn-r- the lisst to the brave, - - Frederick Cohn,



0 of the eighth \« zification has a battalioii of > na, has just aj>: i i ' s a tendency or most of the emphasize Nazi 1 e many mis-



of Chancelia is ascrib-s her than to > n fced to the - i-le on "Ab<- i points out nafied on the inrity resolu1 rtte than the truly respon*• been comir Germany." 1


""cifpalities "\Iinister of •" rk issued an "•* •- of cftlzen-

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t-ni-.P: Our Advertisers

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»e Speaker

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The Pleasant Hill Cemetery sof - . —re ciety has changed - its meeting Mrs. Mas Mayer of Des Ivloises, date to Jlondiy, April -6, instead ' will be the guest speaker at an _"The Jewish Natlgaal Work-! open meeting in Council Bluffs of Tuesday, April 2,7, in order not ers Alliance twenty-fifth anniver-: o a .Monday evening, April 2 6, at to interfere vim • the Philanthrosary dinner held at the J. C. C.i o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Tis- jpies drive. Members and their friescs are A3fXOIJXCE MARRIAGE DATE 1 FELDMAN-SHUKE iCunday, April 18, was a great! r o e i synagogue at 618 llj-nstcr! invited to attend... A tea trill be Mr. and Mrs. I. Fiedler an- { Mr. and Mrs. M. Shure o f ; s u c c e s s both socially and finan-j street. held immediately after a short nouqce Sunday, May 23, as the'; Minneapolis announce the en- ici ally," announced • Mr. Joe Rad-j zirs.. M^yer is .j,v-t rr tbe meeting at the B'nai" Jacob .syndate o£ the marriage of their • gagement of their daughter, Han- i&owski, chairman of the affair. \ agogue, 2-ith and Nicholas St. a tdaughter, sfiirley, to Joseph D. Vnah,, to Sidney Feldman;/ son of ! - M o r e that -one hundred and til- ! t Lagman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. j Mr. and-Mrs. S. Feldman of this l'*? People-attended the dinner. : Lagman. . . , city. /No date has been s'St for [ A musical program was arHadassah ___—__• . the wedding.* . j ranged'for the affair. Those who •AXN'OUXCE KXGAGEMEVT ••" Miss Shure is visiting here with ; took -part were Cantor Aaron The last meeting- vi the Hadassah Study group was held Wed. M>. Harry Cooperman announ-! h e r u n c l e and aunt, Mr. andMrs. { Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Al Finkel, nesday, April 21, at the home of ces the engagement ol his daugh- ^ Baum . v ~ j Mr. and Mrs. J. Raznick and Mr. Mrs. David Krantz." This, meetter, Sibyl, to William Frieden of I' ~ : * H..Mirowitz. ing closed a successful series of . Philadelphia, formerly of Omaha -j-AXXOOfCE BIRTH Mr. Radmowski complimented j ten meetings on "Jewish ' ReliEon of ""Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Frieden' M n a n d Mrs. Arthur Goldstein,'. hwl s committee on their splendid gion and Ethics." of Omaha i announce thebirth of a son, Rob- • "rk in making this silver anMr. Frieden is a graduate of' e r t v « r a o n at the Methodist hos- \ nivcrsary jubilee such an out-1 Members of the class express1 standing, success, and also espresed appreciation ang satisfaction the Iowa State University college ?ital Thursday, April 1 i, sed on behalf of with Mrs. David Goldstein's work "> Pvr-t-, • p - r - V of engineering/Miss Cooperman I „ ,' —: ~ ~ , . thanks , . ,the . al-! x ., as teader of the group and it WEE graduated from Technical High!- M r " a n d Mrs. Harry Ferenstein ; l l a n c a to the member and friends unanimously decided to continue •B e-e E ~ — z > tv F - i - o .announce the birth of a son, • who attended. school. the group nest year. The engagement was aunbunc-! T Thursday. April 22. Mrs. FerenMrs. M. F. L-ereason, educaed at a family dinner held at the js t e i n i s t h e former Rose Forman. tional chairman of Hadassah was Cooperman home" Sunday, April! '_ ~ : — ~ in charge of the meetings. IS, No date nas been set for the iT I S I T I ^ G SISTER • Honored for superior ScholarK ., wedding. . : Mrs, Samuel Schwartz of Chi- s h i p a t the ninth annual honors : Because of the Philanthropies cago is visiting her sister, Mrs..j convocation of the• University of Campaign, the regular meeting of Milton Mayper. . . : . Nebraska Tuesday morning at the ON VISIT Hadassah has been postponed unSirs. Max Mayer coliseum, are the following memtil "Wednesday, May 5. At that Miss Bess Goldware of Chicago ! v^SITOR FRO5I TfEW YOKK bers of Sigma Alpha Mu: ; Southwestern Region of the Sen- i m e e U - 0 I a i E a t i E g COJaniit. is visiting here for a week "with j . Libby Kramer of New -Y"ork Arnold J. Leviav PhivBeta Kap- ior Hadassah and is director OJ. • , ... . * «. her parents, Mr.; and Mrs. A. P . : city is visiting here with her cou- par Aaron Finklestein, Pi Sigma : the Des Moines Jewish Comaun- , I-rese^t- a siai- o, o.ii.Goldware, 2620 St. Mary's Ave. ,s i n s - Ji r . Joe. Morgan Mr. Louis Alpha, honorary political science; j jt center. All members of the | i' ' 7 From here she will visit her un-; Morgan and Mrs. D; Sorine. Irvin Zveitel,' Pi Sigma Alpha,; B'nai Brith, Hadassah, and their cle an dcousins in London, Eng-.j •'. -^ honorary political science; Aaron > friends are invited to attend. { Elaborate plans are now he land and- -will attend the corona- TO VISIT ON WEST -COAST Finklestein, Class of 1938 Honor; _ I formulated for a gala affair to c : *- -. c : mark -Hadassah's sixth ans tion of the king. -- Miss Ethel Resnick, daughter List, upper ten per cent of class,! 1i k e l y c a n d i d a t e f o r ^. varsity po-j "Give or Get Lracieon." The eiof Mr/ and- Mrs. J; M..' Resnick, arts and sciences college; Irvin HAZO3nR PARTY." I act date will he annennced nest left for California to Tisit an annt jzveitel, Class of 193S Honor List, sition nest season. David Goldwar? made the trip j -vreek. Friends and parents of mem-in San Francisco. From there ! uppen ten per cent of class, arts Kans. vwith tLeT a Stm U : n e l c n a i To- thf f-ric.; I r - c r ' t D " bers." of the Hazomir Singing So- she will go. to Los Angeles to visit Sand sciences college; Leo Eisen- ! to "> /Manhattan, ™ f laf-„™*\ « a - 1the "" ij " ,1'There .\ ^ti5°!e t" b h ' 2 ?""•" T i< t t " c *" '"" ciety were entertained at a party her Jeanette. statt, 3 S Honor List; team hRr sister, sister: J«j»ifi««. . -•'„» Class ni«« of ~t 19 iQsa n m n , i.ut: University of Nebraska baseball, who wish to raise mosey for this last week for a two-garne worthwhile project acd be eligon .March 22, at the Jewish ComMiss Resnick was extensively upper ted • per ..cent of class, busseries. Dave, Nebraska's only ible for a seat at the luncheon. munity Center. Music for dancing entertained prior to her depar- | administration . c o l l e pitcher on the team, Those interested are asked to call saras furnished by Don Kelley and the mound duty for Mrs. Julius Stein, Gi. 194S. his orchestra. Card tables were Misses Gertrude and Ruth ! Honor List, upper ten per cent of in the set Up for those not wishing to ; Bloch, Una Gros and the Temple jj class, arts and sciences (pre-med) 1 State dance.. | Israel choil, as well as the office i college; W. Harold Civin, Class one hit. :Prizes were won by Mrs." E. j fOrce of the company for whom of 1940 HonorList, upper ten per Lloyd Kronick is a member of j "--z. c ' tl = -»Seltz, Mrs. J. Chorney, and Mrg. Miss Resnict worked. - " " --- [•••-—^'-„ r t P. Zollotuchen. . - •. Mr. Kar- - " d f- 'cr- •< c ' c ^ Over one hundred, persons at- rnoTOR TO DES 3IOFXES 1940 Honor ^List, upper ten per a-vine Green-won the Sigma j r*" Mendelson spoke oa "Some ""*ec s "Iv ^r i - Mr. and Mrs. Max Kirshenbaum i cent- of class, arts and sciences Alpha Mu ping pong champion-_| Rays of Light in. the Present r r ere " .-i- r ; ;A weiner roast is being plann-| a n ( i family, and Mr. and Mrs. H J college. sllua He Etsted that r ship, by defeating Aaron Finkle- JJ e w l s a situstion." ed tor the first week in May. . j j aC obow motored to Des Moines} Initiation of new members into stoin in tho-fiT.nl Tn^f^T, t h e eopla should loofe s t i ' Jewish p ^•Cantor A. Schwaczkin is direc- to spend the. week end with rel- Sigma Omicron chapter of Sigma i stein in the final match. Sigma Alpha Mu's horseshoe the happy and positive side o£ tor; Of the group. " ' " '' Alpha Mu took place Saturday squad, David Gold-srare, Lloyd Jewish life instead of at the dark atives and friends. night at the chapter house.Kronick,. Henry Rosenstein and and unhappy side. Dr. Abram Sachar of the UniA discussion led by Rafcfci MilirECTTERATIXG Workmen Circle Aosiliary -• : „ , "T"1" " x v , ' Henry Swartz, advanced to the versity of Dlonis m-as guest of, ^ ' ton A. Tlopstein followed Mr. i n h e i n t e r f r a t e Miss Ann Pollaywho recently j . ^ ^ ^ ^ "'»"«• ••"""r"-. 7 I semi-finals in the interfraternity On Sunday, April 25, at 8 p. m. cf pottery belonging to tne th"e Ladies Auxiliary of Work- underwent an appendectomy M.J Sigma Alpha Mu last week fol- j i n t r a m u r a l p a s t i m e o f p i t c h i n g ilendelson's talk. colithio Ego (prehistoric c"^ recuperating at the Lutheran i lowing his address on 'Survivals , , At the business meeting wMeh men_*s Circle, Branch 173, will horseshoes. Hospital. That Speak" before a large Jewpreceded the address, plans were whss. copper .£.Ed brorise. T"?"^ present a Russian* Goncert. A varish gathering of students and made for a special Friday night used, preceding the use el ire;.] iety of talent has been gathered Balpaa'"Kindness Week" townspeople in Lincoln. service to be ield May 14. Mr. vas repcrtec s.t Affuleb. in .19 to insure an -evening of artistic S. A. M. MOTHERS CLUB _ , . _ Brussels (WNS) — Emphasis David Bernstein, captain of the Leo Fried will represent the or- Jesreel Taller. o and bridge = A combined meeting entertainment. Pottery of the first, secona rrc" party was held by the S. A.l l . ! local company of Pershing Rifles, | on opposition to persecution of ganization at this service. . The to the concert 1L will Mar*' Mothers club at the Paxton hotel I national honorarj- drill organiza- \ the Jews was a feature of the next meeting will be _held MET- i third fcroE-s spps TTER f.lsp ' " •iVci£irniTiirof the! Monday, April 19. Hostesses were|tion, tool: an active part in tbe j 'TVeei: of Kindness" sponsored at the B'nai Israel Synagogue. cus . [the Mesdames Joe Goldware, Ju- regimental'assembly of the riOe-jby the Belgian Bed Cross to p r o affair. I lius I. Chait'and Morris.Civin. . f men held/on the Nebraska cam-j pagate the ideal of banishing all Patronire Our Advertisers Our I---------- ••• • -*^ pus last "week. He Tras in charge . rancor and hatred from people's

; AlpKa Mu

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tTro-daj" affair. A regular meeting and election la 306 the Council ef Elvira A visitor at the Sigma AJpha of officers of the Ladies Golden Mu fraternity house last -week forbade Christians to eat with j Hill cemetery society will be held j en "^ DaTid Go ia s tein Jews or inteinarry trith then. ] Tuesday, April 27, at the B'nai |o f Q^*. Israel synagogue, 18 •& Chicago At. the annual basketball- ban-street, at 2:30 p. m. Mem"bers are of the University of Nebraurged to attend.. • ska aionday night, Irvin Yaffe Remcved t y Muitipls Electrolysis was awarded a sweater with the Al! Work GuaranteecJ Goldie Meyersoa Club "1940" freshman numerals for CONSULTATION FREE and ConfisJentiaS ^ work _ oa the The Goldie Meyerson club will [ his outstanding hold a meeting Tuesday, April J freshman basketball team during C352 27, at the Paxton hotel at 2 p. m. ; the past season. Cornhusker 523 Werld-HcrsW Diij Important business will be dis-| c a g e coaches xegard Yaffe as cussed. All meiabers are urged to



Junior .Hadass ab. Junior Hadassah will hold a meeting next Thursday evening, ' April 29, at eight p. -m. at the J. C. C. A report of the membeTi ship dance held Aprli 22 at the j Music Box will be given by- Miss [Dorothy Zlotkin, general chair| man- of- this affair. A large number of new members were guests j at the dance, having joined the Junior Hadassah during the past month.' •; ' Tickets "will be distributed for the bridge party to be held at the Jewish Community Center on Tuesday evening, May 25, iy Miss Mary Garfinble, chairman of this alfair. All members who are raising their quota for the "Give or Get" fund are asked to give a report at this meeting. Miss /Mildred Whitman • ia in charge of the "Give or Get" affair which Will be held next month. The Junior Hadassah will present a skit for the Kound Table. AH Star Night to be held -next month.: "




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Money you contribute to the Jewish Philanthropies k LOCAL 1." CIJY TALMUD.;TpRAH--Prpvide8 -a .-thor- ': pugh, snodern Jewish-education for all Omaha 1. - c h i l d r e n .


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and,maintains aged people of Omaha.' ' •-':'-. % MEDICAL AND. DENTAL ADVISORY COM: MITTEE—Acts'- in advisory capacity to. the Jewish Coxmriunity Center' and Welfare 'Federation in medical problems of the Federation. 5. SOCIAL SERVICE ^COMMITTEE—Grant's loans and offers assistance and general coun- '. sel^o students, does juvenile court -work, etc.




.-.- .



. •• '

• ,



AMERICAN FRIENDS OF HEBREW UNIVERSITY—Supports"' educational program - a n: d maintains Hebrew University in Palestine. - - ••; 8. HEBREW SHELTERING AND IMMIGRANT AID SOCIETY; (HIAS) —Directs Jewish immi- • gration into proper - channels, Resists• and aids • •'

. •. '




HIKEM—Relief and service organization for refugees.' •.''//.' .. .-' . ."10. JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE-~Provides relief for oppressed Jews in Poland,\Germany, Rumania-and elsewhere. .'• AMERICAN ORT FEDERATION—Conducts trade schools, in Russia, Poland, Latvia, Lith- uania; provides tools,..equipment, etc. [12. LEAGUE F O R'LABOR -PALESTINE—Sup- '•,:. ports work of .the Histadruth' (general Federa- ' tion of Jewish Labor m"Palestine)-, helps build '•'





co-operative colonies.

ocralie defense of Jewish rights. M 19. ts a n & coun.tera.cts AntiSemitic propaganda. 20. B'MAI B'RITH,'WIDER SCOPE COMMITTEE '—HilleL Foundations' work with Jewish stu-. • dents in' universities and, ccllegesf A. Z. A., ' funds for- care of .hospitals," orphan lomes f etc. 21. COUMCIL. OF JEWISH FEDERATIOMS AMP -WELFARE FUNDS—Develops standards and co-operation for Jewish 'Federations. ,•






AMERICAN COMMITTEE- F O R SETTLEMENT OF^ JEWS IN BIRO-BIDJAN—-Trains and prepares settlers for 'Jewish' Republic in;' Biro-Bidjan, provides materials, implements, etc.

irty-five organizations:


i'NTER'N'At-'l-O-N AL 6.


27. 28. 29. 30.


UNITED PALESTINE APPEAL^-Provides for the rebuilding and development of^ Palestine," and includes: 14. • JEWISH NATIONAL FUND—Land purchases in Palestine, reclaiming and preparing it for national use. 15. MIZRACHI^ PALESTINE F U N D - P r o motes ^religious thought and tradition in Palestine. 16. VAAD HA' I^IR-—Distributes local funds to smaller European and Palestinian inotitutions ' . of learning, child care, orphan homes, etc.

NATIONAL [17. AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE—Organi- sation interested in Jewish-civil rights, respon-


VER)— Cares for-those--discharged- front Tubercular 'Hospitals who arenot yet resdy for, active life. "GRADUATE SCHOOL FOR JEWISH SOCIAL1 WORK—Trains and-equips future Jewish Social Workers. :HEBREW...THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE (CHI• CAGO)—Trains.young men for the Orthodox Ralbibinaie and for.teaching positions, ' JEWISH' C O N S U M P T I V E AND EX-PATIENTS' RELIEF ASSOCIATION (LOS AN' GELES)—Gares for'tubercular'patient®, pro-' vides training"-and after-care. JEWISH COMSUMPTIYE RELIEF SOCIETY (DENVER)—Gives free relief to needy tubercular sufferersj many OniaEa patients there.' •JEWISH ORPHAN HOME {CLEVELAND)— . Takes care of- orpEaaed ®.nd neglected cMIdrenj many Omaha children there. ; JEWISH TELEGRAPHIC AGENCY--GaUier« Jewish newS'-throug'hout the i%rorlsl and properly distributes It. . JEWISH THEOLOGICAL S E M I N A R Y — Trains Conservative Rabbis and Teachers. • LEO' N.. LE¥I MEMORIAL^ HOSPITAL (HOT, SPRINGS)-r~Accords needy .people benefits of Hot Springs treatment for arthritis, rheumatic disorders, etc. • NATIONAL'- DESERTION BUREAU—-Worldwide network to trace deserters, re-establish'

NATIONAL FARM SCHOOL—Train© JewisK youth, for agriculture. . ...... SOME FOE JEWISH CHILDREN 33. [)——Saves -children f r o m horrible sufferings of-tuberculosis. 34. NATIOMAL JEWISH HOSPITAL (DEMVER)' —Offers free aid and service to all tubercular 32.


RABBI- IJ SEMINARY (YTESHIVA COLLEGE)—College •of Orthodox Rabbis, offers college'

. . " • • , * •

. * !


THE 3EWISH PKES3, FRIDAY, Pluminer, Cusicfc, Shames, Hoff-I Lions _, j - ' ; Steinberg's Lions is. three hard • man,: Jensen, Kaiman, and Sto-jBears . ^ . ; fought games- Tuescay -night. at fcasdii; • r ^j T \ ler. '• •". Tigers : ..._,..„....IS 23 ;t h e Ak-Sar-3en alleys. The last In the playoff for the cliata- ] fraiae of the came TT I ' " i v J . C. C. BOWLING pio&ship of the.J. C. C Bowling: the winner -when L,eo TTeitz came an 5 trc " " p ; i - - I Omaha — The International Final Standings j League, •..the the . Panthers emerged ; through in "Dick- Merriwell" man, Z~P~*~ -=^- r~ Headquarters of the Aleph Zadik 1.5 ' victorious over Captain -Paul; fashion to ice* the contest. Aleph f (Junior Order B'nai Brith) Panthers is in receipt of a letter irom ftabbi Solomon Katz, of Wellington, New Zealand, relative to .the formation of an A. Z..A. chapter in his country.' * Rabbi Katz first became acquainted with the A. Z. A. man? years ago as president o£ the Male City B'nai B'rith of Birmingham, Ala. Others inquiries with regard to the formation of foreign chapters have come from Shanghai and Czechoslovakia.


- -



The two Omaha chapters of A. 2. A. "will • observe tjseir annual A.! Z.-A. Sabbath at the Beth-EI synagogue this evening. The fol' lowing -will participate; Morris • Arbitman, Joe Horasteini Seuben . iippet, Morton -Jlargoliii, . Joe GTISS, Abraham Resaick. and Paul : Saclia.. The topic to be discussed ''is ''Jewish Youth. Faces the Challenge of Modern Jewish. Problems."" . . . . \ . j . . ... ;. Next "Week ..-.' •:..•' Friday evening in obserof Jewish Boot Week Habbi Goldstein will speak on " F o u r Jewish Books—A Minimum Libraary lor Every Jewish Home."


Santiago -r— The Chilean Interior Ministry, striking at the Nazi m o v e m e n t , has banned mass •_ "-;..•.• -> T e m p l e • • .•,:'•,. Sisterhood Sabbath will be cele- m e e t i n g s, uniforms, insignia, brated this Friday '.- evening at badgeB find other emblems revealTemple Israel. Rabbi David H. ing group activities. "Wice -will deliver a Sisterhood message. Regular Saturday morning services will be "held at 1 o'clock.


&•(£. Sports. BAY -&QS&2W0'

The late services tonight will be:dedicated to the Men's Club of the - Vaad. Rabbi Milton A.' Kop. stein will share the pulpit with representatives of the Men's Clnb. Mr^ ilussel. Blumenthal will speak on • "The Power of An Organization'' and Mr. Morris Burstein thai will speak on "Organizations, Their Aims'and Purposes." -Members of the-Ladie3 Auxiliary will be hostesses at the tea and social following the services ' :-Cantor A. Schwaczkin .-will conduct.the service. . •At the Saturday morning services.' at the Congregation v B'nai Israel, ISth and Chicago streets, Rabbi Kopstein will apeak oa the Pbrtion of the week. . 'Father and Son traditional serTlces.'take place regularly every Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. After services the children partake o f a breakfast served by members • o£: the Young Men's Taad. : Next Friday night will be Junior-Vaad Auxiliary Night. Several members of the organizations win participate in a symposium. The-theme will b& 'Youth and the Synagogue.' .; -• '

'-^Continued from page 1.) . A; G. ."Weinstein, Judah Wolfson,


You may think this is the slack season in'sports at the Jewish Community Center, with basket ball, band ball and the other winter activity in the moth' balls. Howe'rer, Lee. Grossman tells youthe only slack period is between the hours of midnight and 8 -a. : m. ; . . - ' ' ' ;. / . For instance, at the girls gym class last Monday night, no less than 37 -fair maidens swarmed over the court, to" the distinct delight, of Mr. Grossman. Lee explains vthe delightful new reducing device, the stationary bike, may have had something 'to do with the big tuns out. From the way the gals: are going for their reducing, Mae West isn't so popular any more. . Or maybe the boys should be the ones to give ; opinion on that point. Another item which 'brings out if the large number of girls, is he purchase of 18 pair of new roller skates. It's good to bs in practice, said one girl, because ou never know when the boy friend is going to get fresh.





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And talking about volley ball, time to mention the go- , . . .

. . .

Kaiman TTES the "rledp:?" •"•ho ', braved the curious crovS vitb

Valedictory .

. SHALOM UXE.ACHAH And now my friends the tine has various rites Isabel IC£t2ecome, as the Maestro Bemie is j man. I wont to say, Trhen -vre must part. ; Bess Krilfirrr. To those of you vrho have con- ; roup . . . A ' S tributed to this department, ta those -who have encouraged i;s in > r< every -way, to those Trho have | fielle J'^rrLscr rirc eriticizea -as constructively and other-wise, ire dedicate this last column of ours. Kosher ' Kon- is in S ents hopes that it has made no '• enemies Tver vaist?); that it has' given yon pleasure throughout: its seven months of existence. TTe; Key l a i >. j "~1 • .\ express our cvrn keen disappoint- :matter : thuT K"-"ment at our inability to go on. We cannot continue to indulge in •by Liie this Evocation -delightful tho' it •tives . . . has been, snd in dropping jour- ' the Lii'e " nalisra for the jioiiee.-v^e lesve i on the E".; - i : •with you our paraphrase of! lion or Ir Thackeray's "The . End of the •tr3 ^ f Marks rr~ t-r • < Onr coltimn's done; the deadline er Ann T c \ — r ~ j drops . . ^ Zc~-, - -~'^ • Slow falling to the proofroom's praises c £ •1 •> " ' | tell, bsna , , . 1 " T" ' ! A moment, yet the -rriter steps south err. ":> c > - . i And loots .around to say larettell. . . . Tr.-^t | It is an irksome irord end task. j And irlien he's la-sghed asd said in SIOEI. C f f " his s&-^ house, -r " ! He shcra-s as he reraores the mast : His face is anything but saybc?y y1"!- sr - - t rnpn rt -F- - " - • . 1 A Special Treat jr.estio ?••!'.ff. FT' The distinguished speaker yrlio ity a c i •vriil address th's mass meetir.g- at ehErity . . the Center next Tuesday evening, •£!!•which Trill, fire, the opening g s a o.e^ ia the Philanthropies campaigm, :. dci a non-Jei", Xord Dudley .I.Is.rley,; ? p * v r ~ jhas taken a prcsiiaent part in.the : 0 I 1 Trorld-'Kids liEtt to j f o i e t r JEWS j iitUoz , , i from oppresFica,- B?fh- i e enfl . ft the ~~~ ""' r jhis wife, LadT 1'zrley M r e taken I coin r : <•' -- rt I an active interest ia the. Trork -of \ Rossis T —" T •-rehabilitatioa of the Je-vrtsli peo- ; ^sat ti-=c-.;c | pie in eastern E-drope for Ecric-a!- Speaker ~i ; . e Ul Omaha: the pavel E-.C C itnre and' industrr. are Xorth T.rtte ' ; r r - — || Jewry interested in the welfare ! of our people at house snd-Ebroafi j should attend this meeting:. There 'will be NO COLLECTION' OR SO-; "I wart . . lie Ia/°J ^ LICITATIOX OF FUNDS. of his r~~"" s famed F~r^ "- r



•who last week went out to Ben-! son and pasted a neat defeat on . the women out there. A return i game will; be. held here on Wed- j nesday, the "2.8th at 10 a. m. | Grossman has started a league I for his morning tribe and called [ Cardinals and 'Robins. They ,

Sam' Weinstein, captain; Norman. Bleicher, Abe Raben, 'Kenneth. Glicken, Fred Rosenberg, Hy; Diamond, Sam Kaplan, MOT-. ris Katnnan, Phil Malkiii, Martin -Capp, and Al Sokol. Irene Flshberg, captain; Evelyn Green stein Forbes Gooflbinder, Caroline Kulesh, Ann Rcizs, Lot- volley ball as played ths right d sco these th ht way, como up and hot tic Rips; and Rao Spar, G-anics. Personnel o£ the tvro

Omtsd froai Gwitscrlastl

W e a r Ever U t e n s i l s . . . Silex CoffES Makers . . . P y r e x Cook-

by ..

Under the direction' of Chairman Les Burkenroad, the J. C. Z.-'s new athletic committee "be;an to Junction last weefc at its irst meeting at the Hill hotel. Members of the group under Les, who hy the way was at one time probably the greatest high school basket ball player in these parts, are Renben. Brown, Arthur A. Colin, Earl :SiegeL Paul Steinberg, Sam Epstein* TPhil Feldnran. Irvin Levin, Mrs. E. E. Sommers, and Lee Grossman. .

"fidfiert Posley, captain, Ed Coheii>:-iSheldon Kaufman, Irving Beftgl; Joe Belmont, Sheldon BufJttstein, Stuart Ganz, Howard

Visit Our Kitchcnv/are Display

;.A1s"-Conditioning for every purpose

jBrbfesslons: _ ..;-'•. ; ^ . : Friedman, Major. Al Fiedler.:;Lbuis lipp, Dr. M M. M M. MarVi M golin, und Br. S. Z. Stein, Co-Majors : Milton Abrahams, Xieo Abra- "Sad to relate, there will be'no Boii, Don Brodkey, Harry. B. Co- J. C. C. Softball league this year. Either the gang at the Center hen; Herman Corenman, Dr. Ben Goldware, Dr. Arthur M. Greene, Is getting " s o f t i e " o r t a e boys Beii/JSazlowsky. Edward ShaTton, want their heauty sleep Sunday H.; £-Shrier, Dr.. A.. A..'Steinberg* mornings, but just the same there Insurance and Services: hasn't been enough interest in the X, F. Goodman, Major. Sam Ep- fascinating game at the J. C. C. Btein, Abner Kaiman, Morris Po- to organize, even a ^four-team tash, William Racnsin, and Ben league. -. ' ' • RaTitz,'Captains Naturally Mr. Grossman is Xouis Abrahamson, Jack .Al- very' disappointed.'- But what is beHs; Hyman Bellman, Jake he to do? As mighty as he is. Blkhk, Dave R. Conn, Mc*ris Falk,: Harold Farber, Phil Feld- Lee's not a softball league all by ;- ' k Fikl Alex himself. man, i.awrence FInkle, Lawrence Fran: . The gentle art of self-defense, Freeman^ Leon Graetz, Art Goldstein' D a v e Greenberg, Joe hoxing to you (box-fighting to Greenberg, Lee Grossman, Max mamma and pappa) will be givICapla-h, Bob Kooper, Boris Kor- en a generous airing in the near nejvAl Mayer, Simon .Plzer, Har- future at the Center. In other ry I Smith, Harry Sommers, Sam words, J. C. C. boys are going to get instructions on how to use Stern, Sam Theodore. their "dukes" for something else '. Xoath Division and fork. Assisting in the Youth's Divi- besides holding a knife Lee Grossman : announced sion; are: Ernest Nogg, chairman of-.the Initial Gifts; • Hannah classes, under a proficient inHe Bailtn, Speakers; William Gray structor would start soon. General Solicitations; and Harold wants to hear from the lads who BlDckV chairman of organizations. are interested. • Dan Miller and Bertha GUB are majors. The J. C. C. iealth club volley The- following list includes cap- ball league is getting kinda chestaihsand -workers. ty these days and is reaching out Evelyn Dansky', captain; Fran- to try their ^prowess on others. ces VBlumkin, . Alta Hirsch, Pau- After all, -why take it out on line SRosenbaum. Bertha Slutsky, themselves al lthe time. So come 7 J Silverman, Goldie Silver- Tuesday, April 27th, at the hour .;.Adeline Spsctor, and Sylvia of 8 p. m., the Center passers and spilrers will move into action Weiner. • XDIS ' Barish, captain; Louis against Benson volley bailers at Millar, Beth Kay, Bernice Frie- the Center floor. You're -welcome deii-Rosalie Alberts, Miriam Rub- to attend, but you're -warned to Alberts, Minda be ready for anything. If the Friedman, and Phyllis Berkowitz. Three Bitz Brothers-had a volley Morris Arbltman, captain;.Irv- ball team, their antics' -would be i n e 2<ogg, Ed Chait, Joe Horn- as quiet as a movie sound studio Btetn;;. Reuben Lippet, Herbert compared to the way our volleyForbes, Morton Margolin, Bud ers carry on.



teams are cc rollov,-s:

Berne, Switzerland — Else Cardinals—llesdamcs Pr.rdnn, r, eminent German (Woodward, Dross, Pederson, LinJer,-i"h poetess, has been .ordered I coin, Heimrod, S o a n e r s , and to l<;".-e Sv.-itserland because of Williams, her antl-Nasi activitiea, ' H.obin3 —- ',Ic:dr.:nE3 Lcwir,

end many ptLer p r s i a c i s . ? ' as!: year r;rccor cr c^IS . %| ,


Schn COS ' 1

O Cv.-acS C ^ K c r O Zo-lr Qrc~~i

Time has cot dimmed its, ease and manner, of the genial s.na i £^ j gentlemanly. George Jessel Trhen j occupying the center spot of the ;berg s i c "-•• j dais on a festive occasion. And bea ISEU>I 5 • •well has he earned the sobriquet as. a toastmaster par excellence— »^ . 1 , Orc> to tise his term—"and deservedly so:" Jessel's assignment at the -r Variety clnb banguet {ast Sunday-!—rais.•nras BO light task. Interspersing | tnary r' "Zul ?nc Ms merry qnips, irhich, dre-sv long ; ments : and loud laughter during the in- The n<~ fir— r - . - - r - - r troduction of those at the speak- ol hlf'"" T"r" : T - " . ers table--which included Gover- border : zl ' : E : ^ - - ^ nor Cochran. and Mayor Butler, j f-d!pr ! George, immediately after the j Eta e 'banquet .jammed a "corona -coro-!. . na" in his_ aoath, lao-jsn^ed tiisstage and prccecflea to direct I what Tre considered the grssdert Tne:.r r c r s r ~ array of vanSe-v-ille talent since tide : - ~ "f'"" t " ' ' 1925 B. T. (before talkies) . . . "Je-K-ir: C—',f " E r r Earlier ia the day TTS indulged licatici c—r*1"^ "" ia a bit of chatter frith tins in- center rcir teresting eSap "whora Tre have had ixesse!1 ' cthe pleasure of previously neet- ea a - : " ing . . . Tiers is a saying that , • e t - ~ •wifand heart are seldom • loan a ceiveti ~ '. in the same person. Kot so , in tral K -'I this -Instance. Jessel reveals hiin- age, a . •.• j self as a polished gentleman, a come z. : I litersteur, a patron ct-ihe arts : ! asd as one sell-educated. -lie tells -us that he has given up th? : stsge entirely £=d vrill devote fcis his rr. -T-T—'" entire time to the proa-action -of films at TCamer Bros, studio. He will serve as sn aid to Merryn LeRoy, the famed director vrho lias embarked on an iritlepcraeni producing career. Jessel's stage experience ccElifies h5in as a writer and story consultant.. tlici.t " ~ " I

T'wa Cur fancral parlors ere fi;rr.;.Ejr.d ia torse-like Earlier..

Garb 0'

Taylor. eaierg Inge fr C" 1 riiim on He;Ilywo( -


fi^-'r-e .c'ocrt • r:n?o- . ©IljCT Eotii svard , i i T i "

D it



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j, r L . c i n r ' e c-~ ».

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Pcgo 3 Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs. Leland Goldberg, and: Mrs. Minnie Goldberg, of Shenandoah; Mr, and Mrs.Ed Pill and-Max Pill of La Mars,-Iowa. .:-.-•

.~>.<*1 P <


r P vs., p.rBERr

lyn Danskj* desires to be in charge of "Hull House" . . . As for Mr. Kahs . . . his suppressed desire is to teach a capacity sized Talmud Torah class.

proof of that. A man of the bigii- j and character. Let that fcucvest intellectual attainments acts | ledge end the matter for us ESfi in t&is specific matter wit&out j for all Israel, judgment sense, 'prudence," selfrespect or .dignity. -Would he do ( C o p y r i g h t I S S T ' & y S e v e n Arts „ Feature Syndicate.) s& in any ether matter? No. Th e i5" punishraeat of ttie apostate is the , ' Dates to Remember effect of his apostasy on his raind WM. M. WOLFE, Attorney The B'nai B'rith conclave at 1101 Douglas St., Ofsec Bi Lincoln/ Suadaj, April 25th, at FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEEER, I NOTICE OF COND5TIONAL. SALES the Cornnusker hotel . . . Try- KLUT2NICK and KELLEY, Attys.. CONTRACT SALE outs for "Personal Appearance," Unlijn Stats Bank Eldg, Notice is hereby given that on the M 13T at 20:00 o'clock. 11st._<3ay of May. 1837, final "Center Players production NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS i at-Omaha Fixfj & Supply Company, on Sunday at 2 p. m. in the Cen- Xotice ce is hereby given-that all e x - j lltfTand Douglas Street, Omaha, >Te- f r ter auditorium . . . A. S.'A. 100 isting debts celi of Barish-Sanders .. . Motor- j. braska, the undersigned will ... sell a.t " on the 31st day of December, i public auction to the highest bidder dance Sunday, May 2, at Foate- Co. 1&3£, amounted to the sum of one tor cash: nelle hotel . • . B a r Elitzvah cele- hundred thousand, six hundred One Back Bar, One Front Bar, Or.e . . , Double Sink end Drainboard, One bration (13th anniversary) of A. lars and 23-100 dollars ($100,600.2"), " dent. i r . M. BARISH. President. i BottJe Chest, One Coil Box, One Cirar Z., Monday, May 3rd,-banquet at t BEN SANDERS. land Cigarette Wall Case. One L51. SI. BAJ31SH. • ! Shapea- Cijrar Case, One Urn FtErtd 6115 p. m; at the J. C. C. . , . IT? Being a majority of the Board of : and Deflector Plate. Twelve Sets of Tuesday evening mass meeting of Directors. 4-23-1C: Booths -with Tables, One Set-TTp Philanthropieis at the Center . . . Table, One AV&.ter Cooler, Four Tables FRADEMBLfRG, WEBB, EEEER, SR.TSC, Three Tables 3Cx"0, 22 Chairs. Lord Marley guest speaker , . . KLUT2NICK and KEL.S.EY, Atty's. I Eight Counter Stools, 2S Lineal Feet





: the meet *< e be-

A large crowd attended, the Stag party given by* the Council 1 ( ounty 1 Bluffs Agudas, Achim Society last «n the ' ti'e 3rd Tipliereth Israel Thursday evening, April 15, at i 1 :k A. 1 tho. Eagle Hall. ' Mr. Harry KubPreFriday evening services at Tip- by, president,..-was in charge of -i> n«tion, t Three hereth Israel synagogue -will be- tho meeting. The committee in '«• Ulors gia at 7:15 •o'clock tonight, with charge of the program- were 1 J e 3rd Rabbi Sol Bolotnikov officiating. Mesara. Max : Cohn, chairman, TO. Rabbi David Wico of Omaha, Tomorrow morning the service Charles Saltamanv and Ben KubT T- TNebraska will be the guest speak- will begin at 9 o'clock. At 5 by. Cantor Herman Marovitz of A«ty«. er at the Senior Hadassah Linen o'clock tomorrow afternoon, Rab- Omaha Bang a-group of Jewish As,. Shower, next Tuesday afternoon, bi Bolotnikov will speak, in the folk songs and presented a very hf=t r ~ RL r April 27, in the Jewish Commun- synagogue. ON OF entertaining progranv Ho was T- C ity Center at 2:30 o'clock. Ho accompanied at the piano by Miss '"» lin•will speak on the work of HaFlorence Steinberg, who played < HfJon Shaare Zion dassah in Palestine, and will vie of rre r" t also a piano solo. Cantor MaroUnion Stats Bank Bids. Wall Paneling:, Two On!j' Doors, n< *ne«; o* 1 Bhow moving pictures of scenes vitz's program was • so well re[One Cooler, One Majestic Broiler, One i- r - ' - rf J ~ l IGHT Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz -trill from Palestine. . NOTICE O OF INDEBTEDNESS i I Majestic Ranjrs, One Galvanized Iron rnci ' i r i v ^ N „ r ' oe Of ceived that the. Agudas Achim Notice is hereby given that all ex-I Canopv, One "work Table,6ne Table A musical program will be pre- speak on "Rabbi Akiba—Sch'olar, Society are already making plans o sif „ isting: debts-of the Omaha Packing j 3 jt, 6 ia. x 2 It. 6 In., One B?!n < h this hs=t F ' "•" i n sented by Miss Edwarda Metz, Saints and Martyr", at Shaare for an open meeting in the near Company on th the 3 31st-day off D Decem- \ jrarie; One Steam Table, One Ppn T-f 1d f < eceive, c pianist, and Miss Berdina Hill, Zion synagogue this evening. The future and to have him - present Omaha, — Eight Aleph Zadik ber, 1S3S, amounted to the sum of Rack. Two Work Tables. One Soiietii * p-oods, r : sermon will be in connection with thirteen thousand, seven hundred 1 IOi_t fe Table, One T C f ' > H! kinds, 01 n Two-Compartment Violinist. ; Aleph chapters and their Boy - f., ninety-five and 25-100 dollars C$13,Or.e Clean Dish Table, One m- '.. i,--B aoquire, the celebration of Lag JB'omer. another program. Scout troops are.- conducting an 795.25). Omaha. Nebraska, this and to use. i-eppir. s f i r i , Mrs. R. H. Emlein is in_charge Jack Merlin, and the A, -Z. A. Meat Elock, One Vegetable Sink end | Dated et Omal oppj-s.te, I. RAZNICK. President. and otiicvwist pvuisiov a n d utiDrain Board, One -Basement Cooler, | i * ^ 6 s F °£ April. WB7. t ifase, experiment for the Jewish Comof the Linen Shower with Mrs. choir will chant the service in the [DraBRXCE CRATTFOF.TX JACK RAZNICK. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cherniack mittee on Scouting, of the Boy Compressor stid Coils. One Deep Fat , Mas Brodkey and Mrs. A. Good- absence of Cantor A. Pliskin. IIARRT RAZNICK. County Judge. I conv«yaT!ceB de^-,ern?d for th*^ csrriag-e Fryer, One Diehl Bucket Blade Fan, t - l t - i i I. RAKXICK. have returned home following L a Scouts of America, it was ani find t;-tiiiKpor(p.Hor. of p-oiMis. wares, site in charge of < the refresh1 Coleman Coffee Kaker, 4 Steel Frj* MORRIS RAZNICK. j and merrhapi.Iisp oi r..!< iciivis;: in conMonday, Rabbi Rabinowitz adweek's stay at Excelsior Springs, nounced today by Jerome G. VoBEN KA2LOWSKY, Attopncjments. ". 2 Steel Fry Pans, 4,. Steel Fry Being a majority ol the Board of Pass, | nectiun therewith broad p-enerai powPans, 3 Steel Fry Pans. 1 steel Fry Suite 632 insurance Bidg, ge.1,. chairman of the A. Z. A. Directors, 4-23-It Pan, 1 French Fryer, 1 Beating Bowl, | I erF are tiven the cornpfno te engage . " • • Linens brought to the linen dressed' the members, of the Slous M O . " • ' • • ; in p.r.y busirtpss ^n<; f*1 Tiu^cJi^.^f3 SPH 1 Roast Pan, 1 Roast Pan, 2 Chinese Committee on Scouting. shower will be shipped to Pales- City aiinlsterial Association. '"_•'•' • MOTiCE OF INCORPORATION C^ '• or tieal in ai;y kind o ' 5>ropert\. T h e Caps, 1 Retirmefi Skimmer. UOUSS E. U F P , Attorney Plans are being made"' 1 of • the Mrs. George Roffman is spendtine for. use in the Hadassah hosThe project deals with the use 8 Mixing- Spoons, 6 STixIngr Spoons, . PROGRESS! VE SAL.ES CO., INC.' i p.!!thori ?ef ! cR:»?fii i-tf>.'k ni the c>r504-10 City. National Bank Bids* Kotioe is hereby g-iven that the un- .; j'oration is S25.0iio.00 <1<.vi'?.<>rT into BOO 2 Cake Cutters, 2 Egg- "Whips, 2 Ash Omaha, Nebr. pitals there. ." , Mother Day service -to: take place ing the week in Chicago, 111., vis- of Holy Day programs for JewMay 7, and.for the Confirmation iting relatives. While there, she ish .troops which are used suppleCans with Covers, 1 Mopping Bucket, dersigned have formed a corporation 1 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION O F 1 Mop Wring-er, 1 Broiler, 12 Dozen pursuant to the lavs of the state of • B!1 o ' vli'ich "is POWTIIOT "s'foi'k*aVcl service, scheduled for May 14. Water Tumblers, 4 Dozen Salt & Pep- Nebraska. The name of the corpora- ; when issued shali be inSl'- paid a n d was the house guest Of her, sis- mentary to the regular scouting "TRUCKERS PORT, INC." •;•-•' A . Z . A . • .• Notice is hereby given that the un- pers, <S Vinegar Bottles, 5 Dozen tion shall be PROGRESSIVE SALES : j\on-p_r^e--"ph]e. The co^rn; :>.tion siiRi! program. ter,".'Mrs. Fred Schwartz. dersigned have organized a .corpora- Cocktaii Glasses, 6 "Water Sottles, S CO.. INC., -p-ith its principal place of conimen^'e bvi^iness unop. r\it» filing of "The A. Z. A. enrolls the youth tion to be ' known as TRUCKERS Dozen Soda Giasses, g Dozen Round business In Omaha, Douglas County • its articles in the oCace oi' vhe CiivmNebraska. The peneral nature of tlie ; ty Clerk and PhRl< tortriii-isrp- wxyoxi Elaborate plans are being made A large delegation from the after he has forgotten most of his PORT, IXC, at • Omaha, Douglas 1 Bowl Soup Spoons, 12 Dozen Tea- business : to be transacted by the cor- I the first day oi i l a r c h , IWtST. unlesH County, Nebraska. The general na- | spoons, 12 Dozen Dessert Forks, 5 by the-A. Z. A. chapter for'their Council Bluffs lodge No. 688 of Jewish education," Mr. Vogel ture of its- business is to operate Dozen Oyster Forks, 10 Dozen Din- poration ' shall be to conduct a gen- ' sooner dissolved, b}- R majority vnte .celebration of Mothers Day. on Dr. Louis Dlmsdale left "yester- the B'nal B'rith expect to spend said. "And was organized to re- saraffes. filling: stations, taverns. ner Knives, S Dozen Porterhoupe eral advertising: business . both as ; ol tne ^ outstanding- capHr,i «stook. The Knives. 1 Butter Cutter, 1 Food • Principal and as agent; to create. de- ! hignesi amount of indebtedness to May 9. The meeting ori that day day for Chicago where he w^ill Sunday, April 25 in Lincoln, Ne- new our youths' interest in Ju- lodging houses; to buy, sell ana deal Steak ; v-hir-h t h e corporpfion. filial! fit any in personal property, real property, Chopper, 1 Wire Potato Masher. 29 : velop, promote, furnish anS wii vari- : time subject itseic shali not exceed .to which parents^ will be invited, take a. special course in- the treat- braska to attend the Southwest- daism and Jewish life. The ob- and securities, and" to do all things Stone Jars, 2 Mop Heads. lr-4-Sliee oui> forms of advertising-; to sen. sto.-k. T h e f ,-tl!irrls of, Ur capita! .•will also, celebrate the Bar Mitz- ment of Hay Fever and. allergy at ern Regional Conclave of the ject of our experiement is.to pre- incidental to and necessary for the Toastmaster, 1 Double AVafflemaster, ! to purchase, or olhervi.se acquire any S t.w atiairs! o? this co'nnorpf\r>r*_ pVi^ll be carrying out of the above objects. 2 Mop Sticks. IT Dozen P l a t e s , f> Doz- ; rights, privileges, licen^pp or fvP.j{- | conducted by a Board oi Directors yah of A. Z. A. and an appropri- the Cook County Hospital .and ! ohises suitable for the purposes of the B'nai B'rith. The headquarters vent the boy from forgetting hia The authorized capital Btock shall be en Butter Chips, 8 Dozen Fruits, not. loss than flvee nor m o « tlmn ate program "will be presented. the Northwestern University; He for .the convention will be the Jewishness. The boy of scout ?1O,OOO,0O divided into 100 shares of Dozen Cups, S Dozen Saucers, 2 Dozen icorporetion; to buy, hold. Fell, niori- t• o: ; gage, trace and deal in fill kinrl^ of seven, the miniiifr to be fJxefl bv ttie be ! Egg Caps, S Dozen Grapefruits, the par \-alue ot $100.00 each to ' Chapters from this region have will return to Sioux City, May 10. I by-lp.v-s. The o'-Meevs piip.ll be chosen age can easily be guided and led . . to pur- I l>y ihp directors pnd ph«ll he Presf" paid for in cash or property and be 1 Dozen Nappies, 2 Dozen Creamers, 5 ! real ana personal pro;: Hotel Cornhusker and a full day been Invited to attend the dance when issued. The cor- Dozen Creamers, 6 Sugars, IS Sizzling" chase, hoici. cancel, end re-i.'Rue the • fient, Vice-President, snd Siecretary; activities is planned for all to develop an interest in Jewish non-assessible : ; shares of its cs.pits.1 sEocli, &n£ to uo to be given by the local chapter Steaic Plstters, S Green Ice Tubs, I poration shall commence on March Mr. and Mta. Sam Mosow, 9.18 activities because his mind, psy; Treasurer, any \v.-o OL which offioes 22, 1937, end terminate March 21, Ohmer Cash Register, 3 Dozen Plates, , all of the things set forth to the same on May30.' The affair will be in -30th Street, have- returned-^to members and their guests. be held l>y OHP pe^^or). " b e ?\v<~ chologically, is still plastic and 1387. The highest amount of Indebt- 3 Dozen Butter Chips. 1 Dozen Xap- '. extent as natural persoTin mtpht o- .: rnsy •.icief- may be ainenddi: e.t any annual the form of a Sweetheart Dance. their home after an extended stay can be Influenced by trained lea- edness to -which the corporation shall pies, 1 Dozen Mustards, 1 Dozen Ce!- i could co, and vhich now or hereaf- i meeting of the Ktnpl.;3Tn}<itirrf, or at RUV er may be authorized by law. at any time, subject itself shall not ery Dishes. 2—10J12 dejer, C r e a m e r s , " """ - — . . — . - - . . .. . _ 'he - I special meeting: of the stockholder!! In Phoenix, Arizona, .w'here-they -The..Junior Chamber of Com- dership." exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. 3 Dozen Fruits. 3 Dozen Saucers. 3 authorized capital stock of this cor- ; called for thst purpor-c- b? p. majority visited- in the home -of their merce of Council Bluffs will be The affairs of this corporation are to Dozen Flatters. IS Sugars, 1 Beer poration shaU be $5,000.00, consisting j vote in a m o u n t of i.h" FtOfk ih"n o m , : Speech Class to Meet ,i>e conducted by a board of not less Pump with Tank, 24 Chrorn= Napkin of o® sheres of the p?.r vaHie of i Ftaudini,-. The corporation shall have daughter and son-in-law,. Mr; and hosts this. Friday and Saturday, Each share of stock than two nor more than five direc- Holders, 6 Dozen. Plates. 17 Sauce $100.00 each1,539 STUDY HEBREW IN April 23 and April 24' to the lira. Jules Kroloff*.'....-..'..•'•'• tors who shall elect a president, vice- Pans. 4 Stock Pots, 20 Utility Pans, ! shall be fullr paid for anil non-asX>a.te<3 Febrtinr?- 20th. j^-i". Iowa state Junior Chamber of 'HEW YORK- HIGH - The speech class of the Ladies • sessable -vhen issued. The corpora- \ president and secretary-treasurer. , 2 Dozen Teapots, . 1 Colander, 3" In the Pr?*ence of Louis E, Lipp. Ladles, 2 Sauce Pans, 1 High Chair, j tion shall commence business upon Auxiliary of Shaare Zion will Mr. and ;Mrs. B. Kaiman; and Jommerce convention, and a I the filing- cC it? Articles with the Vv-ILLIAII TVEIXEK, 1 Touth'g Chair meet-this .Monday, April 26, in iEsther and Bernard of .Corning, large delegation is expected from SCHOOLS HENRY WE1NER, covered by conditional sales contract I County Clerk of Doufrlas County, Xe-" SOL. WEINER. in favor of . the Omaha 'Fixture & j braska, £nd slia'I continue for a per, the synagogue social hall at 2 Iowa, Mr. and"'Mrs;* Jack Kaiman Sioux City, Des Moines, DavenNew York (WNS) —rThere are Supply Company, and Eisrnefl by Cam- i iod oi SO years. The highest r v-'i > . (o'clock, under the leadership of and sons' of Sidney; Iowa, Miss port and other leading communi- 1,539 students enrolled In the eron J . Wooldridge, said conditional i of indebtedness to which the <-o~7>o- Mrs. Ruth Kress. sales contract being dated October IS, ! a tion sb.6.51 at eny time subject ri.:.'i Jeanette Moskowltz,; Mr. and Mrs. ties. Mr. Max Shostak is gener- Hebrew language courses in the FRADENBURG, WEBB, EEBER, and having been fiied in the of- • fchsll not exceed tT'o-thirds c ~ ' ^ f Mrs. Barney Baron will speak Harry Rifkin and sons of Omaha, al chairman in charge, of the con- public high schools of New York, KLUTZNICK and KELLEY, Attyf. (3835, I fice of the Cour.ty Clerk of Gage i capital Block; but this . i-es-.'ctiuUnion State Bank Elds. "on the life and work of Theodore were Sunday guests inr.the home vention and full week-end of ac- according to the annual report of County on the 21st day of October, i sha-I not iJicIuSe inflebtf f>T>Pss ^ ^ri ••( r" Dy mortg^tsres or isens The ^r^ ^o-.^ Herzl. Mrs.- Frank"" Epstein is of Mr. and- Mrs. Joe Kaiman. •• ' tivities Is planned for the guests. Superintendent of Schools Harold NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PE- 1!)"6. Said sale will be for the pur- • ol the corporation shall be com ;K-:ei. pose o' foreclosing said conditions! TITION FOR SETTLEMENT OF chairman of the group. G. CampbelL sales contract, for costs of pale and ! by a Board of Directors, to - r>1 • .The Hotel Chieftain will be headFINAL ADMINiSTRATION I of not lesF than two persons, rni i ; all accruing costs, and for the purThe largest number of students, ACCOUNT Jerry -Pill 'returned Sunday: to quarters for all the affairs. pose of satisfying the amount -now ! the officers of the corporati n . vpiof 512, are enrolled In the first ! shall b^> a President. Xic?-^***^ ~<— Chicago after spending ' a week no fnVthJ6ltMat~teVo"'"Jth^ Es'ate of Ca*h ' sb ue l t n o r o t h e r Proceedings a t law have 1 Secretary and Treasurer, am o c ,. AH new items for this column term. visiting with his- mother, Mrs; e in«»«ted to reoc%-er said debt ^ i c h ofrices n^y be held There are 378, in the second erine^lcFlr'and De^ViedRosa Pill, 1710-Douglas street. / should he phoned. In to F. R. K. \ Rabbi Theodore N. T^ewis will term class, 386 in the third, 200 y e at phono 650 or 4491, before 5 speak this evening at Mount Sinai o of t h e c o r p o t - a t i o c ' s l.,.-i,p<.-. Miss Esther Mirken;has return- o'clock each Tuesday afternoon In in the fourth, 31 In the fifth and »Oth Temple on "Self Hate." The ser: 32 in the sixth. ed to Sioux City after a Tisit Of vice will begin promptly at 8 several months In Los • Angeles, order to assure publication in the ministration account filed herein be current; Issue of the "Jewish outstanding stock repres>"i t»u E t Omaha o'clock. . ". settled and allowed, and that he "be the California. Press. discharged frora his trust as adminS Thursday, Rabbi Lewia-addres.WORLD'S WIMBOW HARB.Y aiARCUS, istrator and t h a t a hearing Trill be XOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVES That sed the student body of MorningAN7TA MAECUS, had oa siitfl petition before said Co"ft j at a"du*.r constituted Special .Meeting {Continued from pass 1) Dr. Wm Krigsten : returned ..to : -"37-41 Incorporators on the 15th <Iay- of ilay J9S7,- and { of the Stockholders o* At'STIX side College at a Peace Day pro- Chicago Sunday after a- -• -weeks ICaiman* s • Kosher' lhat it you fail to appear before Eai& }APAKTJIEXTS. IXC, a Nebraska gram/ • vmind? Has he been — I ask ia all court on the said 15th day of Slaj-, I corporation, held en 2'e.rclt IS, I S " , visit here with his parents,; Mr. Tuesday evening, menlbers of and Mrs. S. Krigsten. . courtesy. ir- tieeQ l)rought up to 1937 a t 9 o'clock a. m., and contest ' Article III of the Articles of IncorKommenfo -' . ' .-. petition, the Court may grant j poration of the said Austin Apartbelieve that he had no grandpar- said the Temple Brotherhood held a the prayer of said petition, enter a ! ments, Inc., vras duly araenfied. so ents, or that his grandparents stag dinner at' the Martin Hotel. "Miss Lois Levitt spent .'last decree of heErship, and inalce such J that said Article, headed "Genera! , (Continued from page 7:) . and further orders, allowances J Xatere of Business," es Ernendec, A social hour followed the din- week end visiting" with -friends at ered to honor Mrs. Kate Tatle •were Aryan Catholics? But sup- other and decrees, as to this Court may i provides tha.6 the objects of ssid corposing for a moment that young ner. . • - • . • ' " " " " . • ' - • proper, to the end that all mat- poration are to acqr.ire, cwn, hold, the University of Nebraska in and' to hear deserving words of Mr. Landsteiner has been brought seem ters pertaining- to said estate may be I maintain and operate real estate in : tribute for-one who. has tolled In Lincoln.^ :' ••'-".. • • finaJly settled and determined. i Nebraska, Iowa, and any other stats us as hermetically sealed as all behalf of local organizations. • BRTCE CRAWFORD, or states in the United States of that, did the learned doctor sup- t~23-Zt * County Judge. I America, and to sell, dispose of, lease, Miss Rosalie SackB was •hostess convev, mortgage, or otherwise enpose that the bringing of this suit r HARRY S1LVERMAN, Attorney cuniber si^ch real estate or F.ny part •' The Junior Hadassah chapter to the Junior Hadassah cultural Eoakoktions and the asking of the Court-for 763 BrancSjii Thsatra BuiitJing thereof, and g-enerai'j- to aeal in resl •will entertain members of the group "Wednesday evening. Miss George Glvot's marriage -to this injunction and that bit about Omaha, Nesraska estate and any interest end estate therein, either directly or through [Young 4udean club at a program- Ruth Marx reviewed' "Kiddush Maryon Curtis takes place Sun- "the religion oif my ancestors" NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO otrnership of stock in any other cor\ and tea this Sunday afternoon, HaShem" by Shplom Asch. day in Hollywood •. . . The "Grik" would not enlighten the. young j ARTICLE OF INCORPORATION OF poration or association; to &c(jtiire UNITED FOOD STORES, INC. April 25, in the"Jewish Communpersonal property incident to the Adonis' appearance on Ben Ber- man? Again I ask: Is one to Kotice is hereby given that oa the holding, mair.Sena.nce ana operation of ity Center, from 3 to 5 tj'clock. nie's program last Wednesday in- laugh or -weep? 23rd day of March, 3S3T, at eight 1 real . estate,. Tsrith the pemer to sell, The program will be., under the o'clock P. SI., in tho Paxton Hotel, ! convey ,mort{jape or otherwise endicated that he is still a favorite For the plain and stern truth Nebraska, at a special- meet- I cumber or ciKpose of such persona] .direction- of Miss Sophie Frankof the air lanes . . . His character of the matter is, of course, this: Omaha, ing of the stockholders, the Articles •, property; to borro-w or raise mone;; lin, advisor of the Young Judean. ot^Constantln" in the new Gar- Were Dr. Landsteiner not a Jew of Incorporation were amended in the j and to ispiie bondF, notes or other obrespects: I ligations for that purpose, and in ex- . group, and arrangements for the bo picture "Madame Walska" 13 the editors of "Who's Who in following The authorised' capital Tras in- change for monies received, by it or I tea are being made by a commitby far the best assignment he has American Jewry" - would never creased to $200,000. $50,000 ot .-which for property purchased or acquired b r j p. n. n. Is common stock, and $150,000 ot it or for a n y other object or purpose tee headed by Miss Rose Sperlreceived Iff'pictures-.. • .Sidney have included his biography , in which Is preferred stock. j ia a n d a b o u t its business; to g u a r a n ^ j | |0|^U — f bti \ttit'lil ifl£' / • • • . : . . Fellman is now "sure" of Helen their work. Secondly, cad they The manner of electing the EoarS i t e e a n y divSflenfls or bonds o r conI'Gloria and Lois Novitsky, MRS. MAX MAYER OF DES Shure of Minneapolis, so his mistaken, him. as a Je-w if he were of Directors was changed, Kis, (6) of ! t r a c t s or other obligations in connecthe members of the Board "being j tion w i t h the accomplishment of t h e 'daughters of Mr. and. Mrs. Sol MO1XES TO BE GUEST friends report . . . Wedding bells really not a Jew, a simple point- elected annually for a two (2) year \ objects hcreinabove pet forth, End to JKovitsky will present a novelty make a n d perform c o s t r a c t s of every will ring on May 9th for Ruth ing out of the fact to them would term. The Council Bluffs Senior F€rerof the Aaron Ferers . All as more specifically appears in kind incidental to or necessary for i 'dance, number, and • a group of have • sufficed. No suit or injunca Certificate of Amendment filed -srSOi the a t t a i n m e n t or furthering of s n y I 'reading will be given by • Doris Hadassah and the B'nal B'rith The - Lester Simons • are biding tion -would have been needed. The the County Clerk of Douglas County, of t h e objects hereinabeve. e n u m e r | Gruesktn, -daughter of Mr. and Lodge No.; 6,88 -will sponsor a their time . .'..- . likewise the Al very " need of such measures Nebraska, oa the £7th day o* SlarcH, ated. 1S37. B r H . A. TTOT/F. President. joint open meeting and program JMrs. EVN. Grueskin. ".'_."-• Garber's who .'reside In South Da- proves up to the hilt "what all the AT^ TTOHT.NEF.. PreEia?nt. •R. H. KOOPETl. Secretarj'. | ; ' A play" "Mister Rlley" will be to- be held Monday evening, April kota •:'.:. . T h e personality girl is world knowa anyhow. Hence all Carl Stahrner,' Jr., Secretary. At'STlX AFARTirENTS, iNC. given by Annabelle Satin, Ruth 26 at 8 o'clock at the Chevra Sophie >and not Edith Halperin that Dr. Landsteiner has succeed- 4-2-37-4t 4-2-ST-4t Kutcher, Gloria Novitsky, and B'nai Yisroel Synagogue at 618 . . . Morris Aronovicb. who won ed in doing is publicising for all JThelma Slilndler. : Mynster street. Mrs. Max Mayer the opening game for theJhillies fc world-to see his pathetic Jew:•. The tea tables will be attrac- of Des Moines, la.', will be the against Boston with a smashing tive with spring flowers and tap- principal speaker and r.- honored home run is an AZA, product . . . ish self-hatred and self-contempt, era and several Junior Hadassah guest.' Mrs. Mayer is president His performance along with his his lamentatfle terror and unwormembers'wil pdur. V " of vthe Southwestern 'Region of gentlemanly conduct oh the play- thy, shame. "I .want to avoid any publicity," the Senlojv Hadassah, and is the ing field at Haselton, Pa. attractDr. Landsteiner pleads, "which director of the Des .Moines Jewed the attention of the major SISTERHOOD BOOK ish" Community Center. Cantor league, scouts . . . The Center might segregate me from my JTaron Edgar of'Omaha and the bowling league ended with plenty American friends and place me in a category which I' do .not.de, ••The concluding meeting of the local Hadassah Choral group will of; thrills'.. . . L e o Wetiz won the' sire." Again, as often before, I present a musical program,, singBook .Review group . of the pennant for his team with the fi- must plead for our American i Mount. Sinai Temple Sisterhood ing a group/of. Jewish folk songs. nal throw by a narrow margin of friends-— the good: doctor's and will'take place this afternoon at Everyone Is urged to.attend.- ; two pins'-. . Suppressed desires my own. They know. They know. the Martin Hotel at 2 o'clock, attracting attention, your, roving They are no fools. And most of and will be followed by a tea. ., Plans are being made for the reporter interviewed the teach-; them are men and women of fine 1 Mrs. C. H. Hoyt will review annual mother and daughter tea ing staff of the History and -Re- sensibilities and a high sense of two books, and Mra. E. N. GruefC.*» "ITS' to be giyen* by the Sisterhood of ligion department of-the Talmud honor. And to believe for one Bkini is in charge of. the reservaTorah: . . .Bess Bernstein would moment that they will esteem | "the Talmud Torah Society and the tions for the tea., local Senior Hadassah on Sunday like-to say "Hi toots" to Presi- more highly one who denies and! afternoon, May 9, at ^the Chevra dent F. D. R . . . . Betty Fellman by implication defames arid des-' fathers 1 B'nai Yisroel Synagogue at 618 would like to pump the foot -ped- pises the innumerable . . . those children of Mynster street. A very interest- als, while Godowsky plays... . Es- that begot and mothers that bore' him is to insult American men i ther Morgan wishes she would fix ecfion* Ing and entertaining program is r Mrs. J. Blank addressed the being arranged by Mrs.' Morris Hitler like her namesake did Ha- and women as they have not deoilers meeting of the!, IJadies Auxiliary Yudelson, who is in; charge of this inan in the long ago . . . Roth served to be insulted by us or any i t ? ei v!"-h K-j ' ' - c i ef~**j" J e w . ! ' • • • _ . ' K r ; i •• Finer would run, her hands thru of Shaare Zion Tuesday after- affair. '/ . " the beards of thei nin& supreme noon, following a dessert lunchHow. can . a man ol Dr. Landeoii in the social hall of the. syn- The "Brith" 'for: the infant son court: judges . . . Rose Kirshea- steiner's intellectual attainments' agogue. ; She spoke .on the recent of Mr. and Mrs. 'Nathan .GHinsky baum Vi'ants to blow the siren on fall into such a snare of h'umilr.-, M s— V " - M - - ' « . ' - . " - >•- . • , - _ " , " • • convention of t h e Women's was held Sunday morning, April fire trucks . . . . Gert Oruch v.'ould tion and misJudRment? Did I net' M C~i J-p~'« t h h';' f-»—- .- ' , ' w r ^ iz. r:?>£rT£, E l e c t r i c _ League of the United Synagogues 18, at the Mercy hospital. Rev. dance with Fred Astaire . . . Alta ray that Jev.ish life is grotesque? , •l Hirsch would be thrilled with an &eld In Pittsburg, Pa. But to tho editors of "Who's ' A. Diam6nd of Omaha served as Mrs. B.arney Baron waB In Mohel, and the baby was .named invite to coronation ball . . . Vel* Who in American Jewry" and to, charge'of the program and Intro- Philip Howard GUlnsky. Follow- va Wiseman would do a sister act all friends and colleagues cngag-; > 7i.it W"-,T", c:t :•» i'.i 1ST,-•• n S" -• f" duced iae_ speaker. Mrs. J. Kut- ing the "Brith," a dinner was with Bee Lillie with Phil F. to ed now or in the future on sini- j K : . - ? "-'.>• t . - , ; ; . V c - - f . ; Echer presided at the meeting served at the Che7ra B'nai Yis- write the script . . . Henrietta ilar undertakings I would Eay: • v.-hich preceded the program. The roel synagogue for 35 guests'. Secsel would like to play "Scar- T/hen you -aro in doubt'ns to tho • invocation was given by Mrs. Ro-Among the out of town Guests let" opposite Gable . . . Loyal Kap- Trillinsnc23 of cny one to ba in-1 bert Sacks and Cantor A. Pliskin present were Mrs. Anna Herzoff, lan would be a ring master In a clu'ded, EEU bin r.nd abide by hi", > circus . . . .Hanna Baum would ansiver. It is unworthy of the,' presented a group of nongs. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman and like to teach Hobt; Taylor tho d5~Hity of the Jo~ieh people t-s, Members of the Auxiliary are family, Mr.-and Mrs. Louis As filing tickets for the Orpheum noff, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kantor; "Aieph-Beth-Gimel" . . . Babe forco It£o!£ upon the tpostcto.' Tijeater for nest weeks presenta- Mr. and Mrs. Fall:, Stanley Her- Newman would like to supervise His nemesis is in vhat hi Is, in ; tion o£ Paul Muni and Miriam zoff, and Mrs. Molly Pill, all oJ hoy own "kindergarten" . . . Eve- what he has marie himself. The i case of Dr. L-andsteiner is a clc-ir ' Hopkins' ia "The Womau I Love."


A. Z. A. Groups



Mount Sinai

i ' C H ! S ^ f E S - ^ \:^f^^ * SC»,T CO. SS ^SSe ^ J ^ .

Junior Badassah

n I


• IDS' ia fc


' • • .



• Conclave-Report



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