3URG, W E B 3 . BEBEfV WCK and KELLY, Attya.. iiion State Bk. Bidg.
In Interests of tHe
"ROBATE NOTICE | flatter of the Estata ol L Cowger, Deceased. Is Hereby Given That tha taf said deceased -will meet Listratrix of said estate, bei County Judge «X Douglas Nebraska, a t the Counts bin. i n said County, on the t Jane, 1S37, and on the 3rd ilgust. 1B37. a t 9 o'clock A . ilay. for the purpose of-prelieif claims for- examination, it and allowance. Three ire allowed for the creditors it their claims, Iron* the 3rd ay, 1937. ..- -' ": ' BRTCE CRAWFORD. County Judge.
This column is copyright by tbo Seven Arta Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in vsholo cr la part strictly forbidden. Any lEfrinseraent on t h i s copjTi^t will £3 prosecuted.
A.MS &. O'CONNOR, Attya, Srandels Theatre Bids. OF INCORPORATION OF MOTOR FREIGHT LINES [is hereby given that the unhave formed a corporation to the laws of the state of L - The name of the corporF.4SROW MOTOR FREIGHT witn its principal place of in the city of Omaha, K e jThe objects for -which this on is formed are t o receive. transport, and deliver goods, nd merchandise of all kinds, sell, and otherwise acquire, use. repair, store, operate, d otherwise employ and utias, motor vehicles and other cea designed for the carriage isportation of goods, -wares, :ha.ndlse of all kinds; in connerewith broad general pow- : siren ihe company to engage pslness and to purchase, sell. p any kind or property. The d capital etock of the coris $25,000.00 divided into 500 the par "value of J50.00 each, hich i s common stock and tied shall be fully paid and :sable. The corporation shall a business upon the filins of ps In t h e office of the Counand sfcaJl terminate -upon [day of JIarch. 19S7. unless issolved by a majority vote tstajidiagr capital stock. The amount of indebtedness to s corporation snail at any (ect itself shall not exceed t of i t s capital stock. Tha '.. this corporation shall ~be by a. Board of Directors s than three nor more than : number t o be fixed by the The officers shall be chosen rectors and shall be "Presi3-Presldent. and Secretaryany two of which offices eld by one person. The-arbe amended a t any annual [ the stockholders, or a t any eetinsr of the : stockholders that purpose by a majority jount of the stock then out/The corporation shall have
Catered cs Urcond CIZZ3 Mall JIattpr on Janunjy Zl. 1521. ct
FcstofKco o l Omaha. NeSraEiia. under tho Act at ilarcii 5. 1S79
THE JEWISH JfOVEIi .fjf^i/ The Jewish novel in America \ ,and in the English language may T>e said to liave begun with Mr. Abraham Cahan'a "The Rise of David Levinsliy." Many ye.ars later I may be said to have taken up LEON Wilts the thread where Mr. Cahan left it. During the past decade, EXTEHPQZAItZGUS roughly speaking; I have written CONTEST Jewish novels in the English language and during the latter half Leonard Leon, who has already /^*"*N^\ of this decade several younger won many laurels for his forensic men have done the same* thing, •«r j ability this "sreeS added t i e Mcuntil now we can count each, sea,. j Shane medal for extemporaneous o n e oi e s t ^ r tixBi&to son on one or two Jewish Amerm. !Polltical| ^ 3,000,000 Jews in Po- Prises to Be Atrarded i e ' r j speaking g i v e n animaUy at ican works of fiction. • .Most Entertaining land Xaces utter impoverishment Creigfcton University. I am sincerely speaking of this Economic Presentation unless there is an imuiediate Leon, -who is a sophomore ia matter today not on my own S change in tHe government's policy t | the College cf Arts, -won over sis count. My new novel "Trumpet of . The annual "Stage-Kite" -1 • Cinalists Monday evening. The TO JEWISH .WGEEM which is responsible for the sitJubilee" is really a meta-Jewish Warsaw. (WNS) Political and uation, it was asserted by Sholom j the Round Table of Jewish. Youth peakers dretr the subjects to be novel (in quite the same sense in economic anti-Semitism became Asch, Yiddish novelist and dram- j will be itel don Thursday evening, iisc'dssed jast before they start- STUDENTS which meta-physical- means be-! 6, at the Jewish Community yond the physical) and I hope in. "»:;«Micxal government policy in atist, on his arrival here' to make! at S:30 p. m. Prizes The Council ct Jewish TTc?meB. L . • . — . . I Pnlnnd fnr thefirst time since the future to deal in fiction raa speaking tour for the Joint Dis- b e a w a r d e d t o t h e O P S a a l z a t i o a s : this week is announcing- thst a the establishment of the republic ther witfl the history of Israel presenting the most entertaining! ntLcaber of scholsxsliips -are araiJIS 19 -when the country's 3,- tribution Committee. than -with the scene ol our pre-in be] I? *r-> £.ble to Jevrish -vrozcea students of Saying that the need for relief j . 000,000 Jews , learned that the n u m b e r s T h e f i r s t p r i 2 e £snt~ fate. What concerns ' ine new government party, the Camp in Poland is more urgent today a cash award of $7.50; the secthe city, tiro-age, its scholarship | JViL than even in the post-war days, •deeply is the -workyounger of the yonng.,«„•».:. fund. Heretofore several ambit- j., men, i o £ National Unity, which was or-Asch "warned that the govern- ond prize, ?5.00; and the•• third er men. These prize, 52.50. ious young women desirous el F i n e _ j ganized by.Marshall Edward Sml- ment'js tolerance of anti-Jewish •with the esceptit This year's program will be in continuing" tfcelr ECiioDlirsg, SET? for $48,50C " " • successor/ of the late violence and its own anti-Jewish man, are in a state of Blight but!i ~ • . • , the form of a revue and will con.- • !rhrv>»i-V.-'»t ! W BCh Pilsudski, -with program endangers the govern-! sist of playlets, skits, marked rebellion against me and Marshall Josef the backing of?,President Ignaz Ql ment.itself by encouraging a disyet all show, th,eir awareness of Masdcki,; nad - announced that Trues, dance numbers, as menicate respect for law and order. The me ia • their books either explic- Jews.were entertainment, The orgenizaineligible for membereconomic plight of tlie Jews in Itely or "implicitly and all send me ship and that the party was comtions entering the tournament lastic" records of the e.prllcs.Et ' JJ their books or, what la the same mitted to a program of anti-Jew- Poland, he said, is inseparable j are: Alpha Gammi Chi, who Trill [ The Women's Division of the |are consiaered in the selectios. ais; thing-, cause their publishers to ish, boycott until enforced Jewish from that of all the Jewish peo- present Pinsky's Purlesqse ( i a : l T e v 3 s l 1 Community* Center &nii well-as ciis-racter. 'j -,_ send them to me. I read the emigration solved the Jewish pro- ple. two parts); Jr. Hadassah, • who ! Welfare Federation will hold its 1 books; I salute the-talent and thehlem. The sensational'. announcewilLpresent Town Hall News; A. I annual Mother and Daughter! •energy. In them; I try to Trrite .ment Z. A. 100, who will present t i e j S a n a u e t o a Sunday, May S, at 6 j was made by Colonel Jan Jewisli Scientists | author or publisner an apprecia- 'Kowalewski, chief of ^staff of the "Filming of Uncle Tora's Cabin"; ! m. at the Jewish. Community j tive word. The pen, so. io speak, party, ; i n a BpeEial coinmunique: the Hazorair, who trill present i . Aid. in Discovery ] drops fom my hand. Hebraic vocal selectioss; U. T. \ Center. The affair will be city-) The - announcement stated that What is wrong? "What is wrong only : such: Jews >3 can prove by •••'• of-Vital C h e m i c a l ' Sorority, who will, present play- j wide in nature and will include •with me or wiat is wrong, if any--their deedai^'to_be:-Sbod-natianaAnisterd^ni (J"TA) — T^cur-i ^^zy^^Vr- ^^rlTi-r^r"; let; and ASA 1, who TviU present j the various girl's organizations thing wita- Mr. RIeyer lieTia*a-en- j.list Poles" will be admitted to the Philadelphia (WNS) — Arthur the AZA- Jtevue- Charles Rach- [o f the c i t y > teea-yes-r-cld Frauleia" "TOS E.lb- i" CJjfijrmsi! F a r r T T Steinberg and X. H. Einhom ormous and extremely able- "The- party. Jewish converts to Christbeatrop, daughter cf. the GerinaE { ^ ^ w e s ' for tlie EC were among, the five scientists man will be master of ceremonies, j program for the Old Bunch"? One of his'young l a Q l t a r e Ambassador to London'owes t e r | grfve. • is 15 cents per person. w i The U people is morally uncomfortable! y eligible but all others who helped him develop during Admission life to t£e EtllfuII miiiiEtrEiions j V,^ E o e S 8 o . o Members of the committee are: j consist of: J t ! J ev«n those those who who fought fought for for Poland Poland four years of experiments the Bertha Guss, chairmsn; Rosalie | " Ciairnian, Mrs. David Gresa- of a famous tsraln rpecitlist, Br. j and his friend -— I've momentar' l e h wars of Independence are discovery of_ three chemicals n ily lost the passage in the 9S4 i barred. * ICEEZ Oljemcs, who is c* (JrJ.je-: „ _ , ,, , . v Alberts, Evelyn Dansky, Irene j berg; Invocation "Jews, as" Jews" the comwhich are believed to control M. H o r n ; i pages -— says with a, deliberate munique declared, "are no more growth of the human body, Dr. Fishberg, Huth Goldstein, . - _ . , . i are so great that v J » . . . - . » « » . ! €'^'EH L'3' Clli't; CLG.iti.1. thrust: "Are you".JfiwisWy troubl- entitled than are Tartars or Mo-Leonard G. Rowntree, director of Goldware, Evelyn Green, Joe" Mother's message Mrs. Sam TTol It was relaa^y jesrnefl nsre ihe ; r e f c U 2 e \ h i £ . . . a n d ed? Have you been reading Lud- hammedans to qualify for mem-the Philadelphia Institute for Harry CD^i&fnt •wig Lewisohn?" In other words, bership in air organization which Medical Eesearch, reported to the j n ? a n / ohn; Granfirsother s message, Eirl was c i s c t o e a as cured ; ^ ^ ^ from &. local hospiifii after e o c - ; c »-3r.^ r.,~,^ ^..,m-._ Mr. Levin who doubtless in*acer- ia based on predominance of annual meeting of the American! Lottie Pups, and Wil-Ivlrs. L. NeveleH; Great-Grandma- j cessfull treatL tain sense respects my -work, Christian principles. It would be Philosophical Society. The subther's message, Mrs. Julius Shef- j thinks I am in esence a-sentimen- as" incompatible for Jews, as stances developed are secreted ia .an; Community Singing," Led tronglit on t y an fojti: i£S Bt&rt Tuesday € talist and an idealist, in thei Jews, to be accepted in the newthe thymus glands and are the! *" r Mrs. A. Edg-ar (accompanist—- in BE actcractne eccl meaning of remoteness from life's ' party as.it would be for Poles to factors which determine whether! •rr-s.T. ' • * Mrs. Jay JlalashocS) Dance num-j realities. • . . ^ > •' / ber, Ruth. Kulatofsky; Skit, DI-j iisf, organization.". ' people will be giants, dwarfs Let me . take up tbo_. matter I reeted tj Mrs. K. Jab.r; Keciia-! persons of .normal size. : Outlining ' t h e party's .. "Jewisli _Tight there. Yes, ..precisely What j ticii,"'Sair3sy Alberts. " ' ,"..'.". ". ' ' *2^1E!I -XI^" -"1 ":""---jHemp'h:i'sr~Teiia" (5VKS) 7 •""Th'e troubles me • about., many of t h e ' ... Reservations a r e Eixtr-flre; Jew.isb. /•' question in this first successful method of treatbooks of the younger Jewish HOT- Jcountry i s one of the most impor ing pneumonia by putting the cents per plate £2d ssay be made • elists and immensely about " T h e tant national, problems. The Jews r white blood cells of one person by callias the Jewish C c i s t n ^ l y | c Old Bunch" is the absence of that are too numerous. The solution to work in curing the disease i n j Center. Mrs. Henry Beltcont Is; Is rated the greatest livtas brEia j , J~ ' ,l^ •whole category of elements in is mass emigration first , of allanother was revealed" to the Fedspecialist in Ssrope. Ee has re-|._ VZ^"'f, chairman of ike corasiittse. Those i Leads Open Fonnn them which they would call or and we will "seek i t in that direc- eration of American Societies for serving with, her £.re: Mrs. Jal-1 Discussion s,t are persuading themselves to call tion. - However, we cannot wait Experimental Biology by Dr. ius Abrahamson, Krs. Reuben | Lincoln sentimental and idealistic . in Bordy, Krs. I. .Bansky, Krs. J. J. SyrfaEL CatlloIlC the problem solves itself by Bernhard Steinberg of the Toledo brief: II ' am Hospital, Toledo, Ohio. Dr. Steinam tender-minded tender-minaea and anai ~ —,—.«•—:—— . Inclement weather failed to Friedman,-Sirs. David Greeaberg;, they are must ^without delayJews find berg's discovery enables the dampen the success of the South- Mrs. Leoa Jleadelsos, ilrs. TtTm. :e tough-minded. To • b e ' t t e disappearance "of .the I l l j . t-XllS jK.x*t,iC.l?r:. the Polish • * employment ^A^awfl miict for :w!thmif riplav popufind transfer of leukocytes frffm the west "tough guys" is their' -special Regional Conference of Milder, Mrs. L. Jfereleff, Mrs. A. Schwaczkin, Krs. Ben Silver, body of one person to another lation in trade, industry and the B'nai B'rith held in Lincoln Sun"note." Mrs. H.'* A. Wolf, and Siiss while they axe still alive and ac-dayLet us glance for a moment at handicrafts. We must spare no tive. Five cars of Omahaas were Blanche Zimxian. the great pagans who were no effort to Tolohize these main Aj:eiicy) — ArrrcTai of Eionist j fe among those present for the consentimentalists surely. Mr. branches of the national economy aims "in Palestine TTSE voiced here jE Levin know these versesDoes of Goeand enable our cities to play their clave. About 125 members of by BiEi-Op Mubarret, the Arse : ^ the: . . •• ; •.•-'• due part in the economic and culthe B'nai B'rith attended ths bushead cf t i e Catholic Ksronite • _A "Whatever as either truth or fa-tural life." iness sessions, while several hunChurcb in Beirut, epeafcing r.t s ! rble . . ;'; The communique is hailed in dred were at the banquet. reception gives to the Karonlte; r From myriad pages you have won anti-Semitic quarters aa vindicaHenry Monsky led a highlight Patriarch. Is babbling in a Tower of Babel tion of their ilong : C - t— agitation wb.De of the conference, leading the Unless love weld i t into one." in Jewish circles i t was' regarded open forum in the' afternoon on latter's departure lor Europs. Nietzsche was a tougher guy as the most serious threat to the the subject of a future B'nai m avmiuiui Speaking before & large ~s,v. than Goethe.: What was his ul-entire Jewish population. LegislaB'rith program dealing -vrith the esce, TTJiich iscludefi lss.il timate conclusion on certain mat- tion of theil long agitation while Berlin (WXS) — Fear a s d ters:-"Where thou canst no long- ty's program Is expected to be en- The annual reception for the development of a national educa- panic such as gripped GermsJi Catfcclie clergymen' t.n€. Ar Jewish graduates of all the local tional program for adults and Joan:aJiBt£, Bishop Ii*cl)arre£ t er love pass-by!" Wo du Jewry on April 1, 1833 vi.62 the - ~~ Jewish .press , high schools will be held on Fri-youths. serted t h t f "the JCTE as£ t mehr Ileben kannst da geh Archie Cohen of Chicago, sec- anto-Jewish boycott became ef- Lebanese have a common ti.to stand^houli bei! Tender? Tough? Swift wasi is -- urging - - all, Jews • , . . . .( d a y e v e n i n g > M a y 2 1 > a t t h e B - n athe ond vice president of District J?o. !j fective and again when the Nur-tiny." it was announced by about as tough as you make d e rt o shoulder ,n a united front ISocial srael the of B'nai B'rith gave the pria- eraberg racial lows were adopted Service Committee of After stating that the Catiiol them. What are his fury, Colonel ' Kowalewski's meet-the anti-Jewishassurance danger. Jewish. Community Center and j cipal address at the banquet. His are ag-ain- spreading among- the s.nS. n j s j to the Jews are both perseou.t cruel indignation which tore hia that the party - would advocate Jetra here as a result of the sudWelfare Federation. subject was "Is Life Worth. LIvin Germany, t i e Arab rc-Ilgic heart, his very obscenities but the "moderate anti-Semitism, den, eviction cf hundreds of cbilavoid All the synagogues are co-op-j ing?" leader expressed cympcltj T,-; -(cries-of hiB outraged love and dis^ dealing with the question on eratin'g in . this, celebration and All visitors were entertained by dren and aged people fror fccKies the sufferings cf t i e Jews; E appointment? :- grounds of race" and concentrate ana saaitoria xnaiE : -combined Friday night services t o ; a full day's program of activities and the trials that they Ere E.oir < Love in this imaginative and j be held a t the B'nai Israel syn- I arranged by. the Lincoln commit- j owned by the B'zai B'rith. -whose psriencisg ia Palestine. '"'Desr-: creative sense is insight, power, : | a- n- dJ '"-•' ' a g O f f n e ' 1St -"'"•• -••,._..»-•. ..-. -r ^ y j lodges have beea suppressed and * Chicago. tee in charge, headed by the ccitsire E S £ Trealtb. Impart organon for the making of val-Jewish alarm that mas3 pogroms j property confiscated. chairman by the Je^rs into th ccx:r.try, ] H a b b i M i l t o n A . Kopstein will j Cohen •ues, judgments, form. I t . m a y The explosions cf the helpless teinpts ere n o w being made are imminent. officiate at the services and will not be "tough" in that lax negaa b b e c h a i r m a n o f t h e e T e n i n g K young and. eld followed tlie exeNew York (T7NS) .— Everytive pseudo^sophistlcated sense of cution of aa order to the B'aai >,bi Frederick Cohn will deliver the the determination to admire es SiE -he cspresseS crmptthr ir.i B'rith to evacuate all its properinvocation and Rabbi David Goldnothing, give oneself to nothing, .on oispervlsor ties. stein will deliver the benediction. be duped by nothing. It.is strong Rabbi David Wice of Temple I s Among the c.g-e-5 people who rr.tilr' v . «-,.as life or death; it is arduous as Mrs. Ben Ravitz has been nam- are now tameless sre many w i o rael will deliver the sermon of strict thought; it is as athletic as . regional supervisor for the t i e ' . B'sai brilliant pole-vaulting or a ser- • Mrs. Morris Minkin, 57, died at the evening. J Council of Jewish WcraThe social servicecommittee j .for, life-long shelter ies of perfect paragraphs. Love the home of her daughter, Mrs. and the form it creates are Sam Weinberg of Fremont Mon- will also, select the outstanding j en according to ancoaaceiseiit: deeding" tbe'r"property ove-r "to t i e '' dade at New York headquarters " • " O rd»r *" * leaders * -""' rtsb. are strong. .Passion is strong and day morning at 5 a. m. She hadboy and girl graduate to respond i this week. Her new duties will The for the class' of graduates. fran tiealI therefore begets, lovelessneES and been critically ill for the past 3 out- 'include organization of New; ie evicted. j • passionlessnei.9 are encreative weeks and in-failing health for selection will be based oa standing and the accomplish- Council groups throughout Iowa Hu&dreSs cf B'aai B'ritfe offiand feeble. They.beget "neither the past year, •: , ments of extra curricular activi- and Nebraska. cials, Ineliidinsr the fceafis cZ ev- ! ideas nor forms. 1'b.e permanent Mrp. Minkin was born in Rusties. Mrs. Eavitz has interested ter- 1 •works of the human imagination are all — all — from Homer and sia." Her maiden name had been j Refreshments will be served ia self in a number cS coamuiul | ^ S J f %}^?- *£%?ZZ\ Pfoopus. She had resided the social hall of the'synagogue, projects since coming to Oraaha a ra b u r E, Fraakf urt-ats-K!'ai^ • the Tbrah'to "The Magic Moun- Anna : years ago. For the past year j J. tain," the products of a passion in ..Omaha for ' 30 yeara and has j.^ith jjrs. M. Burnstein and mem- two V of the Ladies Vaad Auxili- she has headed the membership-1 nd o ! > e of love that creates values and been active in: several organiza-. ]jers and dues committee for the Omaary in charge. ' form (bnth indissolu^ly). as itt i o n s . - - ' • ' • : • The following are the newly ha section of the Council of JewSurviving are her husband, two Junctions, a s it goes along. ish JVqmen, serving as co-chair-j Drouth is harren. No crops ^daughters. Mrs. Libby. Weinberg appointed members of the Social man with Mrs. Louis Lipp. of Fremont and Dr. Rose, Mikel-1 Service XJommittee. Dr. Philip ..g-row in the dust-bowl. An im1 This is the first time t t s t the ! after lengthy hi Id Ab potence of the f eart can lead to bergr of Philadelphia; and one jj her, chairman, Isadore Abramef coensisEts National Council lias named a reB' titter sterility in the" midst of soil, Sam, of Omaha:. and four i son, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Rabp a s Sfi^^'-^ portg all B' grandchildren. Dr. .Miielberg ar-{ W David Goldstein, Dr.; M. I. Gor-|"gional supervisor ia this district, j i bs c n CE.H cell o d In or- ] Tceking sessuality. If this" fright-1 mo-'-doa, Philip Klutznick, Rabbi Millul condition obtained among the \ rived in time to spend her ton Kopstein, Leo Rosenthal, V young Jews with whom Mr. Lev-ther's last hours with her. 469 JEWS TO BIRO-BIDJAN Ral)bi D a T i d Wice f In grew up in Chicago I do not .The'ina«r^..w'as.heW a t the.! - M r s - H - AHo official rsa?o^ ha^ r e t J 1 Wolf and Salewin Hichnick. ^ blame him for saying so.'.'. But ,by Jewish "Funeral Home ia Omaha offered for tbs seppressien c Mos ow (JTA) — A total of not implicitly and creatively, pass- Monday afternoon. Rabbi David 4CD J -. . jns-a judgmert upon.the fact and A. Goldstein and Cantor Aaron .„ _<• .1—4 lie fir-t B:d;cn Edgar conduct-d the cervices. . letting: us. see ti3" secret on and otherwherenesj; .. from that Burial took place at ths Beth world of horrible decay, he abancemetery. .If "hour "d^.c. of to cloned art, which is value tlirough .. The Pioneer.Women are plant-1 will cri -J"6T>"l5;l SOI form, oefore he began to write. ing-trees in P&lestiao' in raoraory rad'io ntatior v,r. o. vr. -ten -mace is nin . {ContinE-esS onpsge 8.) - of Mrs. Miatia. '/ ' ' . . '• '[eveains, ,Bfe2 .4, at 10;30 ^-^^.^•.
:> [ ; •
"ebruary 20th. 1937. E. O'SHEA, pONARD J. HE1KSEN.
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Kathar, •tee aan; At
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Page 2 •• - i
o Celeb Its "Bar Mtzvah"
t h e religion and pr;il:-'( !, w of t ' le Sa !l'l ;(
•with t h e
l h ( f'lfit'if irr.t i o n i i n Ml U;<" IJoiifinj-fi. T )r." Ii « r u ! !.):< (!i
p;vi J! nrifinn rjf nllf Holy hnr.i i . best folk l i t i''i V 1, f. • ( ' . " • ( i t t ! « - v * ' i f - ; i cicnt ol
t h e siyn;U:;i»>;ui-.
Warsaw Zionists
u ;-T'pn w
tribiition of Jewish works. Jevi.<jh archives for documents repfirriing- the "Zionist movement pcts.biiHhe0 in ?"*f; m
of a.
J'IT>!«;•?••. (1;r;
nebarest portent point if. for eBtabcampe for fuurtonfs at a
Omaha —On Sunday, May 9, in o f Chicago where, in addition to | !I!0£t pojilllar Jcwifiis t;;;S;!:;i; knoM-n fv.- i i i l o i } every leading city of the United holding the thirteenth anniver- Jewish Young Folks Seek to J e w m i d (UuiliU-aUkt: ihiSbrary of Dr. I. V- ngres State a i d Canda, the 202 chapters sary of the .fraternity, that city • world over, nvr- WUKUIUH it; charcompiling 1 • 1 of th© Aleph Zadik Aleph -will will dlso present a charter to its , Learning , College -Survey acter. 1 rrf'T jn the K(;t Ki.'li'c "nisrs J e w r y uik'rs riled t h p j : Beveals '.:. * meet to celebrate the. Bar. Mitzvah Bar Mitzvah chapter — the thirand to Kill KiH. Hum of. R u Kcc o f i ? o l ( ] ; n p 11: of this Junior Order of the B'nal. teenth chapter to be installed in T'sc Xnv J0|.H5(1s. Jews, i if- s - d i e d i ; ! t ' d i o With t h e breakdown of tJvB'rith. That.it is actually a Bar that city. More than 7,000 invi- , Cincinnati (JTA) — There aro in .•* m f - r k a . TI Ghetto walls, u. IH'W <-i>;x;!i -Ur-^iiv. Mitzvah; that A.; Z. A. has really tations have already been mailed 105,000 Jewish students in Amerii.an J c v ry for Jewish, mu.^ii:. It tonic?) umi<;r "come of age" and is now ready by the Chicago chapters, to theican colleges and universities — to hf!f] in - V'O'-U. -.:' upiMiiifl•nrthe powerful influence of t}i<-; to take Its place among other leading Jewish citizens through- 9.1 per cent, of the hatjonal stuVI fc nn the ;i;j i)C!i'<. J i c more highly devriopo;! iiuvoinam leading •'. youth m o v e m e n t s out the nation, and Sam Beber, dent body —-According to what !fv] f ) i . i \\ "X£ ( — Doriin —i'errnission' t o mtiFic and flra.wp much from It. founder of the fraternity • and of the world- is. evidenced in its is described as the first complete i : tho chii.MAiAiedichl cour*e« It. becomes enrioliei! both in techrecord; over the past thirteen president of the Supreme Advi- survey ever made in the field.for Zfvri f;l': pV.ysici am- who want nique and in content, Tno trad- _ ~ soryCouncil, will bo,present. The years. The survey,, made by B'nal ic srecir. 1 inf- i l l Ci?T•TJ-.ii:! f i e l d s b u t itiona! sons becomes liarraor.i-fr! Ro.m,S,nis.ni On May 3, 1924,. an obscure entire, program will be broadcast B'rlth's Hillel Foundation Rer?ri.no* C er' i P i ' F Hirir Btudieg 1B and is sung by. full choirs and from a Chicago station, and, after search Bureau, headed by Dr. Lee Pictured. above is the first; was started, chapters have sprang young man in his early twenties, }n:^i'l'fiii vr- t-.as -beenj Cultural Program; trained cantors. New settings still a youth but. burning with the the program a huge ball will be J.Levingeiy covered 1,319 insti- chapter of Aleph Zadik • Aleph, j u p f r o m coast to coast prF.r!tr<1 f C the :pf-iin [the prayers and psalms are com-! Jewish tutions in the United States and Junior B'nai B'rith, which was desire to further the lot of Jew- held at the Temple Sholom. : Euchare;:!: (JTA) — An exten comir. u n i tr the niiniatry of throughout Canada. posed by gifted and trained canCanaday or 9,1 per cent of all la Omaha, the mother city, the founded in Omaha May 3, 1924. ish Youth throughout the world. pivf ci-IturrO prnrram n r t h , IuOn May 10 A. Zr A. chapters! - A n appropriate observance will j tors and choir directors, called together a small group of i chief feature of the Bar .Mitzvah those in existence, with aaagg're-j mark'.n Jews h:i,« been 1 n {lle It Si >Asc I p.nnon nepd that, the meantime, a new rpirit- !'y fho Kr.mpnin.n ZionirL civic leaders in bis home city in celebration will be a reunion, or gate registration of 1,150,000 everywhere will celebrate the Bar'aso be held in Omaha, which is i u a*^ l K:,VLUJCV-'E Of CO: lE-v-g o p e n e d • students. : ' Mitzvah or thirteenth birthday of j still international headquarters i movement sweeps ICastcrn 1 Omaha,. And from this first ga- homecoming day, for older memtivR Council, wliich will PoritI c ' y V. i'.?«t"ih such ihe the* order. Since this chapter! for A. Z, A. j Europe which brings forth an inThe 105,0,00 Jewish [ students thering grew the international bers. A banquet, athletics, speakCKt-MiFhn-if-nt of ep-.sbl i.sried. In p o s t -spircd and joyous song—'lie represent one for every 42 Jews fraternity ofrJewish youth known ing and musical program will be Xa;;i Genman movement known as "Ccassid- hrcw bool:shonK io Kid in ' '_-. V— probably the largest proporas the Aleph Zadik Aleph. This" provided. _ • ; . ism." The common folk, too, beyoung man was Sam Beber, now . .Arrangements are also ;; being tion of college students of any gin to sing in the vernacular — a prominent attorney. of Omaha, made for a thirty-minute broad- group in the . world — andvthe in Yiddish — a n d hundreds of and president of .the Supreme Ad- cast, to. be presented- over a na-1 Jewish proportion in colleges of folk songs are thus crested, defilvisory Council. Among those'pre- tional chain in connection with 9.1 per cent compares with a 3.5 ing with all aspects of Jewish life. per cent. • Jewish ratio in -the sent a t t h f s first meeting were: the celebration. There was z. tirne when J e w When we convpare . the music. of!itrt ribnted Dr. SauJ B. Arenson; Prof. Na- "The purpose of the organization population.' i D i u e a to comusic UIUMC. Did urn not n o t David Uciviu ish musicians a n d composers Israel with the music of modern than Bernstein; I. P . Goodman, has been to set up a model fraIn Other .words, the percentage soothe the troubled and melan-! t u r n e d a w a v fr0!n o . j r traditional "nations we realize that it has not and the .late Harry Lapidus. choly spirit of King Saul with j g o n g i considering it primitive and ternity for Jewish young men be- of Jewish students is two and a A constitution and by-laws were tween the ages'of 15 and 21. Athalf times that of the Jewish kept pace in its development with his playing? | jnSjgRifieant. Buc today we have FUR STORAGE • " • adopted and the groundwork for that.time, 1924 ~ and at the pre- population. ' The Jews tend to modern music. In the Temple there was an .n : many a'Jewish composer who has CLEANING. We cannt boast of glorious canan international organization sent time outside of A.' Z. A.— concentrate in the great universi- tatas and oratorias, magnificent elaborate musical service. The drawn his inspiration from our REPAIRING ties, forming 14 per cent of the Today, after thirteen years, the there was no other national orPsalms were sung by large choirs musical heritage and created organization numbers 4,628 mem- ganization of .this type. To carry students in these institutions and symphonies or operas. Ours is of Levites t o the accompaniment j compositions that deal with J e w REMODELING ber^, while its alumni (most of out this purpose, a program con- 13.5 per cent of the students in essentially a traditional song of an orchestra. But while t h e j isa themes in the spirit of our THE FURRIERS' •whom are" active • members of sisting of five points and termed, private professional schools. In which is deaf to us because it ex-,poetry of t h e Psalms h a s come j traditional song. A nuEiber of presses in a unique way the Jew' WAT B'nai B'rlth) totals 5,547. Twelve by the late Dr. Boris D. Bogen, separte arts -colleges they are ondown to us through the centur- j Russian Jewish composers,- notabish soul in prayer and at play. ! ly .6 J)er cent," 1.65 per cent in chapters are in the Dominion of ies, brining inspiration and coin- i ly J. Enjrel and Alexander Krein We deplore the fact that our |fort teachers colleges and 1.7 per cent Canada, and application have to millions o£ Jews and Gen- j paved the way for this new school great composers who have enrichin junior, colleges. • . . .been received from several , fortiles, the music of the Psalms was jof Jewish composers. Among the ed the a r t of music with their Of the. colleges studied, 477 eign countries for charters. The silenced forever when the,Temple j living composers who have have no ;Jewish students a t all. creations, have not drawn ytheir service ceased. organization plans to extend its Unfortunately, | lowed in their direction are Erninspiration from Jewish life and! while 113 have ,100 or more each. activities into this'. field during was no method in those j est Bloch, Jacob Yv'eiabers: and These 113 institutions contain 90. Jewish traditional song. The I the coming summer. )e re-i Lazare Saniivsky. Their compos-i•-i per cent of all Jewish students, by oral j tions may now be heard on While the actual anniversary X^£a7\£T generation to i concert stacfe throughout its r • • the rest scattered among 729 beer, Kubenstein or ••Stravin.ky | Omaha foe year* — in of the founding of'A. Z. A. falls nf mir Fnr Mtfcannot be considered Jewish mu-; s e n e r a t i o n schools. • ir a n a nr on May" 3, the many chapters will " world. sic, since they are not"rooted in j which Kf »witcve in New York city the Jewish In Palestine, today a new sf)7T is now one celebrate it on May 3, combining Ban on Instramental the experiences of the Jewish population is 30 percent, but to the eity a song w^ich exthe Bar Mitzvah celebration, with After the destruction of the is "being born Jewish? students form no less spirit. Jewish music, like all nanA presses the spirit o that o^f international Parent's the n than 50 per cent of the total stu- tional masic, reveals to us the I ff?° , Temple^ the 'rabbis proDay. . .. .. "•-. ; . the use of instrumental estine. But this song Is dee emotional and spiritual exper-j hibited dent bodies.". music This celebration of Parents' at 'religious services and rooted on our musical traditi "Evidently," Writes Dr. Levin- iences of the Jewish people. W e ! It is a fusion of the old and the Day by A. Z. A. chapters throughare made condemned the singing of secu- new ger, "this eagerness for know- I to feel its joys and sor- l a r s o n g s as is the very life of the nsw out the country is something of a ledge and_for professional ca- rows, its triumphs and defeats, c h a n t s a n- d Consequently, only the departure from the usual Mothcantiilation of the an- i Palestine. Boris-D. Bogen reers is animating our "Jewish its:.;" pathos a n d its- humor. I cient synagogue ers'. Day celebration scheduled by were preserved j . Through its song we become youth the country over. It came most organizations on the second International Secretary of t h e us. To these, new chants j 4GB,BG® aware also of its ideas and ideals, wfor out,'rather to our surprise, that e r e a d d e d in t h ec o u r s 2 oi t i m e Sunday in May. In order to better B'natB'rnh, 'Fivefold and FuU' ' this trend is far greater among of its superstitions and naivete, a n d o l d oonnee bring out and honor the joint was set up. of its yearnings, hopes and aspi«o<Ji«ed - and and th the men than the women.. The of its yearnings, hopes and aspi ill". share of mother, and father alike The-iive principles are: ' Jewish girls are only one-third scrvices rationg. A Jewish music critic became definitely associ-; WAR in home-making and the rearing 1. Religious ' Activity: ."• Attena t c d w i t h praj el YCaratr (JTA) —Approximate' ^ modes. This as-' of children, the second Sunday in dance at religious services and of the Jewish students, whereas once said "If you would k n o w 's o c l a t I o n ly 4 00,000 Jews cave emigrated the women in general' are almost the •heart^of Israel, then look into j °? Prayer and chant beMay is for A. Z, A. members. In- the sponsorship and .encouragehalf the college population of the innumerable pages of the B i - ! c a m e Il0lj * ^adition which no from Poland since the World ternational Parents' Day. ment of young-peoples' leagues country. The Jewish women are the ble, the Talmud and the volum- cantor or Baal Tefiloh was allow- War, it was ahounced at a conThe largest celebration-of the and junior congregations, and the still considerably a\>ove the pop- inous histories, but if you would ed to change. During.the Middle ference of the Jewish Emigration joint; Bar- .Mitzvah and- Parents' observance- of- all .religious holi- ulation percentage, but not near- catch a glimpse" of Israel's soul, Ages, the service of the synago- Aid Society.•' • Day of A. Z. A. will be in the city days. ' The figure represents talf ol ly so high as the men. Evident- t n e n >*ou njuft'look at and listen gue was continually enchanced and lengthened ly the- inclusion U;e cr.tire Polish einmigration 2. Social Service Work: Regu- ly, the Jewish students are large- to-its music." of numerous religious poems and curir.r that period, it was stated, Ancient Hebrew 3 lar contributions are •• made to ly men who are studying for the Tour fur- coat cleaned no iurrie-s' w?.;-—iy*- cJtr-ertf? who hymns. T!ie?» were the products curbs ia virtually various professions many of them have made a life-iong- study of their profession. Kellned communal enterprises; A. Z. A. Our musical heritage had its of the cantor-poets, called Paj-yawith a s excellent qua teams participating _ in Jewish against great obstacles and at beginning in .Ancient Israel. We tim, who not only wrote the 'all cct:r.tries of the -world have choice of several lovely patterns. Federation and Community cam- tremendous sacrifices to.themsel- might say tha*. Jewish music is as [ poems, 'but also conipos-cd or ci;t tho yearly average of Jewish eniigrar.ts from Poland to 20,000 paigns. The organization, spon- ves and their families." old as the Jewish iJuujMi--. people. Thej for th'-m. th<rii~ Sorr.e "° jcniau mi.-1 adapted melodies nieioriies for So^-,e ; "5°.000 " before the war, the s o r s and supervises summer l ntains many - allusions jo f these hymns became very po~- ' 'rr°~ "' London (WNS- — Freiland,. camps and arranges for distribuBible contains r s r t F ttate.-l. stify to the importance ular, and were PJKC in the Jc-^-l f the new Jewish territorial organ- tion of baskets to needy families; which testify son AGKO ization, is undertaking an immed- maintains a .scholarship loan fund and popularity of music, in the jSh home thoage er.tiro"ficiily." It lives of the ancient Hebrews. It was duringbyth; of the Payya-,' ate investigation -to determine for A. Z. A. members, and is a was used on all occasions, public Jerusalem (JTA) Lieut. tim, I believe, that the custom) the possibility of large scale Jew- member of the' Emergency. Roll Col J . H. Patterson, greeted herd and private, sacred and secular. of sincing iyn:ns "Ziniros1' dur-! ish settlement in Australia. Call for, the relief of German Jew- in connection with the twentieth .The- shepherds sang as they ing the course of the Sabbath arid , Its action, followed a sugges- ish Youth..'• I t . sponsors more of the Jewish Legion guarded their flocks; the far- Holiday meals became prevalent. tion for such'colonization by Sir than eighty.Jewish Boy Scout and anniversary of the British army, which.- he mers,1 aa they gathered their Solomon Ibn Gabirol, the fam-! Robert--Young, labor member of Cub troops. commanded, in the World War, crops; the soldier as they march ,Ous Spsnifb, Jewi?h poet, charac-. parliament in. the House of Comcalled for intetnal unity;among to war; the youths as they danc- tcrizzs the for.:? cf tho mons. . Freiland is also studying 3. Cultural: The. organization Jews d in i the th fields. fild Wddi ed Weddings andd iiApes thus: The Arabs, he decolonization possibilities in the sponsors regular monthly open He said,that Jewish friends In births were occasions for sons, clares, sing of Love and Lust; meetings for cultural purposes; French colonies. Paris (WNS) — A request to publishes dozens- of local regional England were doing their, utmost and dance. Dirges were intoned' the Germans of War and Rethe Jewish press .to deny the wild and district newspapers, and con- to secure the Jewish -national at funerals-. The victorious gener-, venge; the Greeks of w i s d o i al was welcomed home with song [ and Cunning; the Hindus of-Proand- unfounded rumors about the ducts, debates', essay contests in home's" development. "Do not worry about the Royal and dance. The prophets were, verbs and Riddle. But Israel's tremendous scheme for Jewish English and Hebrew,, .promotes colonization in the French colo- activity toward the revival of the Commission's report," he conclud- wont to aroust this spirit of song is to the Lord of Hosts. Jew- ' times vrca nies was made here by Maurice Hebrew language. ' A speakers' ed. There is a higher authority prophecy by means of music, and ish music up to modern r Moutet, Minister for the Coloni bureau to provide .out-of-town —the Bible which promised Pal- even therapeutic powers were at- confined to themes d alins with speakers is also maintained in estine to the Jews, and Palestine Ies. M. Mou'tet declared that France connection with this' phase of the Is Jewish." FuHE New Premium with coupons from • : is investigating the possibilities program. of settling limited numbers of Q£iti GRGVE r.iARGAKIKS 4. Social: A. Z. A. participates 26-PHONE PAGES Jews, particularly German Jew- in. the celebration of Jewish fesDundee Bath Towel 20x40 Size 20 Cc-jpons Berlin '— Twenty-six pages of 1 ish refugees now living in France tivals such as Chanukah, Purim the new Berlin telephone dircc(Last-coupons redeemable thia offer) in Madagascar, New Caledonia, and Succoth; sponsors plays,-bantory. are devoted to the name of 5 , C7AF2SM & I New Hibrides and French Guinea quets, dances and .other affairs. Lincoln Nazi organization, agencies a n d j g Omaha but he emphasized strongly that 5. Athletics: A. Z. A. sponsors ] &s»?»s«^<ss?^sssssxj^^ France is not planning any mass twenty, basketball tournaments o f f i c e s ' • Jewish settlements in her colon- in the winter, and in the summer ies. baseball, tennis, swimming1, track and field events'are. a part of the International A. Z. A. Olympics. SUNSHINE KDSHEK\ /SUN'SHINZ ICOS.'IS.I'v There is inter-chaptcr activity In CRACKERS ARE BAKED \ i CRACKERS ARE MADH '. almost every phase of athletics. EXTRA CRISP AND FLAKY"^ FOR THE ENJOYMENT OF; . *~ Jerusalem- (WNS-Palcor AgenTHE JEWISH PEOPLE ...AND THEY'RE , cy)*— Al Liwa,. Arabic daily, reEVERYWHERE I ^ KfCONOMICAL,TOO ' ported that the Palestine Government is planning ,the introduction of Hebrew ...as a subject in Arab schools. , ,, It J3 also-reported here that beginning on April 1st, the Palestine Government plans the institution of stringent control of tra. f fie from ; Trans Jordan' into Palestine. I DOUCLE G3ZS • - 5 c The institution of this system was one of the demands made'by the Jewish Agency during the recent hearings of. tho Royal Comz No. aotii tvE-ssas i mission. , (•;:'••,
My.Cantor Aaron I. Eclgar
Study Possibility for Colonization Within Australia
Patter Internal Unity
Hebrew Planned for Arab Schools
mi r. trting Tailors Spring and Summer Fabrics on Display TKiS YEAI ,\\ARKS 7h'2 THirJiS
The Samo Standard of Quality Maintained for Over Half a Century" SUNDERLAND BUILDING
Samo Location Sinco 1887 DAHED {.'] TSI3 EIOGK^J
— *-» r a
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BIS* *»• fa *=• i»« *
«. A <• 'i.
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THE .JEWISH PRESS. FRIDAY, APRIL 30. 1.037 on of .Jewish works. •. sli archives for documents ing the "Zionist niovemei.it » established In Bucharest \ Another' important point j program calls for estabmt of holiday; camps for teachers and students at a Sea resort.: .' jidition, the "library of Dr. nger" "is now compiling a | Who of Rumanian Jewry [. first compendium of Ru|'s outstanding Jews.
stein. Ruben Lippett, Jlortoo iran Government seldom turns a iasist Danielson is ti Margolin, Irving Nogs, End Win- aeaf ear to the Jews, and and there i keys in London's fog troub. iS) fOr j n s taace, ti tate of Texas Bob" Posley, captain; Irving (says Rihani) A corner of SUBVi'AY SIGHT Beitel, Joe . Belmont, Sheldon i that vast vast state is many times the i state is many times the , lady ci: ample gririh. Bernstein, . Ed Cohn, Stewart • size of Palestine, and it ought to t to • as only a colored fac Ganz, Sheldon Kaufman. Howard be quite sufficient for all ite pnr-.'in the subway . . . P Schonberger Jimmy Lipsey Schonberger. Jimmy Lipsey. poses of tlie Z i o n i ^ im I Sam TVeinstein captain: Nor- Ameen Rihani. ^ r a p i c e s of and white stripes . , man Bleicner, Marty Cap?, Hy. Institute of Intpmrt«on Ed-ea'i-n 'closer examiriStiOT. r. : talith . . .
tuni -
( kin, Abe Raben, Fred Rosenberg. • c U : f U n g T e i a s , _ _ _ - l e S ' 2 the glib, sophisticated perform- picture that has long intrigued : A 1 Sokol. RACIAL XOTE: F •» \ iance-of Powell. She endowed her,i him and m e that is of particular Charles Rachnian, captain, Joe deny from nov,- till c->m <! Guss> E r n i e BANQUET NOTES: There was she's of Jewish l-'ir 1 ' performance with a depth that j interest to Jewry. He. is playing, N°Sg, Harold Zelinmore intellect per square inch at inever be able to c s gave point to its fhin story. But i the name role in "The Story of s k y : the banquet .to Tbfiraas Mann | Jews of Lodz. Polar i \ L 1 it was in "The Great Ziegfeld"; Emile Zola", a pictiirization of, | (given by' Americaii Guild f o r : her mottier, a lovei; p i jthat she fulfilled the promise • the career of that powerful German Cultural Freedom) than •^"ornan named Pchtr-T"! shown in "Escapade", the prom-j French writer, celebrating particat any similar function in mans- will you stop rnr.riir.s: r—>i ' ' ise that was expected of a Euro-' ularly the part he played in demoons .' . . Samuel Untermeyer. Mr. Hitler, Pola? . . ipean stage star of her stature, i fense of Jewry in the famous loolcing wan and very, very tired., ' A g a i n p l a y i n g w i t h M r . P o w e l l , ' D r e y f u s c a s e . •> • * . made his first appearance at a ! PAIXFUL PUX: to-be outdone by even the ;this"'time as Anna Held to his FloT Concurrently with his screen public function since "his return ! who wrote ;be stor great British Empire, Hollywood; ziegfeld, she was the magneticcareer Muni has managed to find from California .' . , Governor : Jilamlok's arrival in recently held its own annual cor-j a n d v i v a c ious personality who as | time for the stage. He created onaOon ceremon - at which Paul jt h e s t a r o f t h e ziegfeld Tollies j the role of the" Jewish attorney! Gross of Connecticut turned in a: described him, QYAU 3tfuni .ana--Luise Rainer, recip- ; h a d w o n the jaeart of New York [ in "Counsellor at Law". Despite nifty sales talk on The nutmeg- £ E a G e r m a n d e n t i s L ients of the 193G acting awards |a s w e J j ^s-of Zie-gfeld himself.; his screen success he prefers the state as a posibie residence Tor t r a c t i o n . . . I f y o u of the. Motion Picture Academy of ;A n ( 3 a s t h e j o r e s a f c e n wife of her \ stage to the screen. Muni's skill j Thomas Mann if. as tlie rumor j u s t s l d p i t . . . .Arts and at which a young .yienhas it. he intends To make tlie Flo, she contributed one j as a make-up artist* his genius for FOR•'ZIONISTS: Some time ago ese actress and a veteran. AmerStates his permanent jo f the outstanding emotional bits ; being characters other than him-j this column calied your attention United MISH-MASH: If H ican male star were honored by, t o history of the talkin i t ; lf t d hi i d pictures self, stood him in good stead in to the fact that an Arab of edu- home . . . Herbert Bayard Svrope ! lieve -; there's a Coir.r- i t h e Film Capital's aristocratic d e - ' in the unforgettable telephone the creation of the screen char- cation had arrived in this COUP- confirmed ,bis reputation a? onestation brocccssting ~ " mocracy. •**""• " .••;"-.' I scene when she congratulated acterization of Pasteur. It was trv on a propaganda tour which • ° £ t b e c l t y s a b i e s t Germany, tun? yn\ir ~ ^ Miss Rainer . climaxed a ' firsts Ziegfeld on his engagement 3 t h to; first of all a job of physical re- would take him to a number of toastmasters ^ h5s set any afternoon rf r^ *r year's career in pictures by Win- ; . B i U i - B u r k e . scene, one of -i construction, a daily job in plas- colleges'. . . Since then we have I handling of a distinguished last c. T h i s to 10.CT megacycles m n g filmdom-s highest award f or ' thB { i n e s t pieces, of sustained" dra-; tic surgery and it-took'two hours obtained some detailed informa-^ s p e a k e r s a n dQ 2 eo £ t h e fflost d i s " wil get an earfui t' „ her performance as An.ia Held in m a t i c s i n a .-medium that so of ten 1 and ten minutes each morning tion that should be of interest to ' tmguished group ol diners assem'p making the Na:i? w- Ke ( o n er o o f i n a l o E g •The Great Ziegfeld," only her^.'turns- .emotionalism' maudlin, 'was ! for Muni to become Pasteur. Muni Zionist leaders both here and; b . l e d u n d e r sleep . . . Dr. Horde t > Y t z "r Eecond i e cond screen appearance, while, u n d o u b t e d l y what won for her ac-; takes his work very seriously for abroad '. . . The man in question'; "" • professor of homiiet c~ ut t ' f Paul Muni m was was similarly honored honored;I c i ^ ^ o f _ ^ fellow artists of the! he is of the acting school that is Ameen.Rihani, a Syrian Christ-: •— Jewish Theolosricsl Sen ^a1"1 ^= after'a'steady succession of Jiot- ; M o t i o n Picture Academy." .| believes that one must lose him-jian Arab . . big-• fiesi, , " c• His tour is under; PARTITION TIP: Wouldn't be T I self in his part to do' ^ h e r p r o v e d a two-year pr P- n ^ i the auspices of the. Institute of j surprised if the Zionist high com- , acepted and blood portrayal of Lo Ul s. Pas-; a artistry, and certainly her versa-j Now a few words about the International Education (2 "W.! mand accepts partition of Pales- i S t the Hebrew I'n ^^iT"^ \ teur in the -picture of that name.; Starting with the fa"i -i he ^ he will be 40. A not unhand-! Stephen Duggan, eminent educa-!if VOu in t, read Gil- teach the philosophy o" eui ^c on ; tie fame has been up different As the Chinese drudge/she, didn't some man, he is nevertheless not j tor, is the director and on whosa; bert K Ch»stt-to -'s book "The . . . Cause and effect; Trauciiope , seenr the same uctress. The be-1 the popular conception of a mat-board of trustees are such einin-1 Xew Jerusak absent from reception to Emir published 1 5 i i & o T f C ° n m f ° f _ a i witching enchantrj- of her eyesi'inee idol. He has black hair and ent men as John Bassett Moore,' 152 520 . . . In the last chapter t Abdullah on account of urabago. 3' U t\%a M C^ ? X; i S ^ e way: to sombre depth and | eyes, is five foot ten inches tall, a news item says . . . From bow' F that tome, the Itte ai-.thor wrote: S P - S K h l l ^ h" f ^ stiTtaess, her swift, graceful walk and weighs 165 pounds. He is and .Henry Morgenthau . "Dr. Weizmana suggested, if 1'; ing too n:utli to Arch demands? , — theatrical bankground, his ^ t h ungainly, happilv married to Bella FinkeJ a Among the campuses he has the office medico wants to knew . j now retired. ! visited are Indiana 17., Kentucky b e ' ^Copyright 1937, Jewish Telep-a! merged in her role. In private His formal education is slight, as U., .TJ. of Louisville D»Pau uw V., \ Muni came to this country as a pliic Agency, Inc.) h became b a trouper on..the h Yid Yid- | Berea College (Kentucky), Tay^ \ **Bele ™d S . ^ P ^ national ler-j life, Miss Rainer is now the wife he while Miss Rainer, the t O Ithe h P C nof f ritory quite in sense " ""''" ' " ^ " I of the noted playwright, Clifford dish stage, at the age of eleven, lor U. (Texas) . . . And this is the " daughter of a naturalized Amer-1 UNIVERSITY on the France; buC he did not see wfcy it | DURHAM Odets. In her year or so in Cal-He is, however, well-read, and for substance of his s lecture ecture on \ ^ ican1 citizen -who went back, to! i should not be a commonwealth of '. ifornia she has kept out of the his favorites leans toward the j Palestine problem (included ,f TVienna to open a business, never j caTltons a f t e r t h e manner of Switpublicized side of Hollywood's so- Russians, particularly Gorky and j talks on the general Nea- E-st; even visted this country until she j lz e r l a n d S o m e o f t h e s e c o a I d h s j ! cial whirl, rather preferring the Tolstoy'. Of the moderns, he pre-j problem): Th» Jewish National was brought" here a year or so company of the last growing fers J a m e s Joyce a n d Upton Sin-; Home is a n accomplished ' a c t " ; J e w i s h cantons, others Aral) can- ! London <TTN*5) Beer use t h e ' ago under contract Nazi ; to Metro- j group of Hollywood' intellectuals. clair among t h e novelists and E u - ! Lacking nothing culturallv e c ' o l t 0 I l s ' a n dE 0a c c o r ( i i a S to t h e type Marques? of Lonnc-nacrry, Goldwyn-Mayer. friend in j "Wonder ,-< if• Germany's pricc:psl Kice; nomically or socially to make i t " ° f 7 1 O T 1 " 1 : ! t 1 n 7 1 " rvnr,f,^ But ladies, first.- so let us ex-1A h i S n l y cultured European," she gene O'Neil. and E l m e r and ! nn still feels the same England, is its chancellor among the playwrights. , He• is. expressive of the spirit of Zionnir,,, fv,^ o ^ «p .|i9.ah amateur musician and sculpnTOQ t n e new amine the career of | tor. She plays the piano beauti-i socially conscious, very much in- [ ism . . . If this Home is crystal- way about it . . . If he does faud chief benefactor,-rTurham "L'niver-: queen of the movies. That she j don't believe his views on the sity owns the doubtful distinction \ ." | fully, sings, danpes and paints j terested in government and pol- j lized, or made to develop from ' should win .an acting award of being the only British r.niver- • subject h a v e b e e n "iand makes small statues "in j itics, having a particular fond-! within, and not from without t h e ^ P u b l i s h e a &UT' ing her first year in a new sity that has accepted £.n invite- ; !b r o n z e P i v e feet i n gt h e c u r r e a t lumlor only her second screen ^ r . inches tall, j ness for discussing Russia, which'way will be clear to a .solution of i «fcussion of the ; tion to send a representative to j S d r m a n c ^ doel w s L m ^ ^ Weighing 115 pounds, she is fond he has several times visited. His j the Arab Jewish problem . . No ! P s r t l t l o n r e P o r t s > n s i o B l d m a k e j •the bicentenary of fi-oettingen; ! in • ' of athletics, particularly tennis j -great hobby is music, and he ia. solution is possible Withonf a the * " headlines "" ' "~ no ~ ~ uncertain * " ' ". University on June ECtli. ; usual in the light of her past, j j reputed to be a violinist of al-; compromise manner The Arabs will I s 1 m1115 Cambridge, Oxford. London, • Hers was not long, hard theatri-; arxtPaul ^ ™ ; iluni is a veteran of pic-most concert -caliber. .. He is an | a c e p t t h e s t a t u g q u o > - f cal apprenticeship that is the lot • Manchester, Birmingham. U","er-'. tures who has long been known avid walker and a rabid prize • t h r e e c a r d i n a i demands are LIT-RY NOTES: Sholem'Asch of most distinguished players. . I pool, Leecs. Wales, Kesaing and ; as one of the foremost character fight fan. cepted by the British Government ! t o l d reporters on the Conte di other "universities have . ., It -: began when, as • a sixteenrejected Hollywood. To him It is, indeed, significant that -znd t b e J e w i s h Agency . . . The<;A i Savoia when he came in t'other -/-—--_-; actors in year-old girl -with no previousr-a."^*. *" • """jow"^. ^— invitations. i da t h e . two 1936 acting awards of ] a r g ; a j3 S O i u t e stoppage of ' Jewish ' 5" that-he can write only in the theatrical experience, she atepped | success did not come easily. Bethe Motion Picture.Academy went i i m m i g r a t i o n _ _ _ Legislation " to i k i t c h e n - s i E c e t h a t ' s l l l e CI1^ part f re t h en a m e o f P a u l M u n i h a d on ai bare stage in Vienna-ior-:an ; ° . OSVTE were permitted to return 4 a d i of the house he can get peace . . . . , ! audition. She spoke lines s h e I tfae slightest hox-office magic at- to'Mr. Muni and Miss Rainer for ; h a U s a I e o f ] a n f l t o J e w g to L ?pain in 1S6S. the portrayal of actual c h a r a c ^ r s . . ; " i Meyer Levin (THS OLD^SUXC^P 1_ e s t a b l i s l l m e n t o f a n i n d p e a f i e n t -had -learned in the previouB half | Cached to it he - " = - =""• «" t.h«» known, to many persons. And! writs us he's terribly tied up rigit nevertheless,"T "day" later 'Yiddish stage under the name representative GovemMuni doing Zola and Miss !_,„„. . . . .national _ , ,; she was the leading lady of t h e ' M u n i Weisenfreud. He made his TVith _ . • •• , j T T-. i ment . . . In this Palestine Jvation- now with work (for Esquire) that while I . > .company's most important play i Professional dehut at the age of.Kainer soon t o do L a Duse, o n ei al Government all t h e Jews that has been accumulating i eleven in the character role of an .might almost say t h a t these g r e a t j are now in t h e country shall have wrote 'The Old Bunch' " . . . Pan- . of the season. a new t r e n d old man. And.it was in old men's a r t i s t s have started tbe same~Tights and b e subject to nie. Hurst is writing her nest nov- ' f For this there ; .T UI LUIS sort DUAL of \JL thing LUlUg U1C1C is is : in Hollywood."**1 arts t h a t h e t h e sanae laws as t h e other ele- el in Italy while her husband Pi- ' , only-one explanation. T h e darkly i P achieved fame on
ITT1* A f tit i n '
f |p i iL 1
. The i&sclnatiiig rl'fe stories of "Paul Muril and liuise.KaineV, recently, awarded t h e . highest honor of the screen world, #re here recounted tor our, rentiers . in ..an" article that depicts the rise of these two Jewish artists to' tlie pihacle of fame. —-THE EDITOR
swed to Open IMedical Courses; [in (WXS) —Permission to !sh special medical courses wish physicians -who want cialize in certain fields but | continue their studies in p institutions h a s - b e e n a to the Berlin Jewish buty by the ministry ol i also announced tnat thB jf Cologne hare opened a club, the fouFth BUCh to be established in postercnany.
ME. An expat furrier la Omaha lor years — fe> ^lisrje of onr Fnr Eepept.. which we beliera now oao of -the brat njppcd la ths city.
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—by experts who ;rofession. Keltned choice of several '.(,
If. | ••Iff S
elfin ex-jN lfin Luise of of the t h e flashing flashing and a n d ex
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S e c o n d
ments of t h e native population . . (Copyright 1937 By Seven Arts This is t h only solution • < Rihani F e a t u r e S y n d i c a t e ) y ' Uropped windblown hair — s h e ' i n t h er o l e o f a n o l d . m a n m , ^ e tells h i s student and faculty lis;yraa a prodigy of the theatre. Tri- ! Americans that he first ^attractteners) t h a t is practical o r possie a > m p h followed triumph, and the! attention as an Enghsh-speakble . . . If, however, t h e Jewish theatrical wonderchild played i n j I n S a c t o r o n Broadway. His masj National Home in Palestine is not Ithe dramas of "Shakespeare a n d tery of maje-up and his abiUty to (sufficient t o relieve-the pressure ilbsen, Pirandello and others as a | simulate age won him a Holly1 upon Jewry in central a n d eastern (Continued from page 1.) Jt member .or Max Reinhardt'sf a m - i w o o d t r i a l ^ a sa s a S B - c o n d Europe, t h e Zionists can establish meeo cus company of player's.- Soon she Lon "Chaney that^he appeared in J F r a n c e s B lumkin, Adeline Spec- j another nTtionaT^'houTe soine"Seven F a « a specially pre-j Rosenbaum, Bertha ^ t0Ff P a u I I n e h e r e e l s e l n t n e^ o r l d m i b a n i :>vas a star in her own right. A.nd pared vehicle that gave him an Slutzky, Slutzky A A 1l 1t a Hirsch Hirsch, Sylvia , j^vhen a:moVie scout "witnessed c o n t i l u l e s ) A n d i s i tn o t opportunity to- display his versa- Weiner. ;one of - her performances there (he queries innocently) possible tility. Irene Fishberg, captain, Evelyn to establish such ,vras t h e inevitable Hollywood a home in But. from that beginning there j Green;'co-captaii; "sonia Roitcontracts America, in one of these United t$ '
,-S Q ;&*
[.•wide range. As a result she is not •one of that school of Hollywood ^beauties who, as Dorothy, Parker Story of Louis Pasteur" and "The j j I o ° ; i s lonce wittily observed, h a s . the Good Earth?" Ever since he first j c h a i t j captured the public interest and 1 ("'power to run' the whole gaunt of iemotionB, from A to B"-- Some of attained stardom Muni has jeal-, f^s ously guarded his reputation. He her European tTiumphs were, scored in such roles as Dreiser's I h a s n e v e r a l l ° w e d himself to be -••An American Tragedy", Shakes-1 "tJ'ped" to" one kind of role, and peare's "Measure for Measure" i h l 9 P rc sent ambition is to be aland Pirandello's "Six Characters lowed to continue his career in Search of an1 Author." It w a s | . a l o n B the lines he. has" laid out was appearing in the \\ "f, n ™ 8 e » a , n d s 0 successfully followed. Muni is now making a
wood caught up' with 'her." But before . that Vienna, Paris and London had learned to-know her as one -dr tne great emotional actyesses of. the day. . 1 Miss Rainer :made her' first ccreen appearance in "Escapade", in which -she played, with William Powell.: >In the role of naiTe innocent she was a perfect foil for
Biissari & j|
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Leave'?or Chicago ; ; s 12:49 t a £s ieavs for Dsnver ; J S 1:20 s a f e Obserrstioa-loucijs car; &rwjcgToosi,'CBir>Tis£*Eni sad berths;-cocktail loasse; iassrisss fal3J-SSJUS Z sszsksz.
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Demonstration MAX r.L BAS1SH
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Pago v»elconie tbo tured cities.
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they garrisoned t.bo.sf t-ap- b al ly on i";'i Hion- is no question that it would : - • be fiit not. only of the world, but of Germany itself A
armies. ,
rcr boat is buf- ' n.Uy p<;-vi:oi ni i ;a raj eted by £ate, " " *""J"J : With sails, tattered pnti tern !": core, so j reefy gale-swept uc:eu hir'irnpiae- ! Mr teavenly T'&ihsr, lead
to- tke
And in a later day as the tide gradually pushed the Arabs j lohappen, ft musi l;appen, or life so tainted at tlie back once more, father and farther towards the south, no onebt fouled in action, would r.ot be worth living. The fought more valiantly ou their behalf than the 'Jews.' eable republic'1 of man's higher nature will 'require' it, Biin awahile, I pray! S JEWISH PIIEZ3 PUBLISHING CO1ISANY Around me mighty tempo The' Jew has fond memories, of those days, under Islam. ness we may iorgive, but baseness we "will smite!" cB Prlco* OBO year" . « 03.00 in furious strife. -..••' ' —Frederick Colin. While northern and central Europe were weighted with superA tish.errT:p,T! Jim I i i i a i ' lslns eatca Earntstcjj oa application. stition, Jew and Arab worked hand in .hand to preserve the of life, learning that Avas to reawaken the Christian world. Laden with dreams and I2dltcrlai O2£Ieo: 5C& Brcnaefcj Theater . that ponderously veigL SlouiJ City Office—Jewish Community Center If it were,not for the events today in Palestine, the'Jew Felhi Shop Addrcs3: 4604 So. £Ub Gtrcit would probably be the foremost proponent of Pan-Arablsm— Mv heavenly Father, leac OAVIB BJLtACIUDR - - Business and £Ianasinc Editor as sentiment would undoubtedly outweigh- reason, awhile, I pray! B. ACKERE1AW • EdUC? To fislx in creation's S't Dy B2. TIO3O30SE 2f. LE1HS Tho Arabs toying with newly-learnt methods of outworn KATELMAN Council Dlnffo. Iowa. C6?rcspondent young I cast H T net, abM,. Faoant Sinai Teisplss, Sioas City diplomacy; inspired by catch phrases too shopworn to gain 'PILL . . . » Sious On?. loffts. Corrospoadcat Lo, dsrg are ffeetiug fas: j attention except in maddened countries? misled by threatened is empty ret,—-• vested interests are forgetting the strategy of those Arabs "TITAXS OF HEBREW ^HERSE" | He is free from all those disturb- I draw up caught from Li c s We Miiot A n s w e r . . . (POEMS OP GREAT MASTERS j ing: problems which sen bet greet dismay. vrelgh eo whom they would emulate. " OF XEO-HEERAIC WTERA-j heavily upon Bialik. His subject "Titans of Hebrew Vc c If every member of the Jewish community in Omaha had The Arabs of that past era were an inspired people, for- TUBE) TRANSLATED BY HAR-jj matter is not always y specificaHy p y to be welcomed as an s c ' t been present at the Philanthropies mass meeting, Tuesday eveBRUCE HUMPHR i h f ' getting tribal rivalries and personal ambitions. They mani- RY H.- EDf BRUCE HUMPHR- JJewish. Incltfded'in this rolurae and helpful source of ins ,i uing and had heard Lord and Lady Marley, we feel sure that IES IXC. BOSTON. S3S PAGES, are two poems based on Jewish in Hebrew literature. T'r fested respect for logic and reason. As the Arab begs the westwe would have no difficulty whatsoever in oversubscribing the themes and extremely beautiful, dent aafi reader will c s r r ' ern world to read of his glorious past, so should the western $2.30. .Hebrew has neA'er been a dead "On Friday Towards Tfee Even- fit and pleasure from it goal of $48,500 fleeded: as the absolute minimum to do our world request the Arab to respect the lessons of ancient Islam. language. It has never died and -tide" and -"Hakafbth." urae. share for thirty-five local, national' and; international Jewish never will, as long as the Jew | Zalrnan Shneiur is among tbe agencies. Their eye-witness description of the abject misery; lives tbe sacred tongue will live, j "giants" of Hebrew poetry. He is! In every age and clime have Jews! of an aristocratic temper, and incredible hopelessness of millions of Jewishsouls . ...'our •, •.; ; ,"• .; "..• G e r m a n and •' Gems cf the Bitlz used it with reverence and love j views the struggle of life and the i . By Rahbi Frederick Conn brethren in Eastern Europe . . . was the most stirring appeal to express' their deepest, convic-j battle Israel with a philosophic and T A poem of which Americans may be greatly proud is Wilpossible on the eve of our annual campaign, and if the inspirations and . profoundest thoughts. I detachment and aloofness-. His! E?y D P . Pfeilip - tion gained by the overflow;attendance'can be transmitted to liam Vaughan" Moody's magnificent "Ode in Time of Hesita- As the prayer medium it has nev- style has been admired by many' tion," equal to anything by Wordsworth, of whom it reminds er ceased and never will, from as well as studied. He approaches! the people being solicited during the nest week, then :n0ne but Jewish lips. Some of tbe fore-'j the problem or Jewish suffering a heart of stone ean withstand the eloquent plea of. starving us, because.of its high classic literary beauty; above all because most of modern Jewish; thinkers! from a more universal angle than' children and despa'iringjaumari beings who have,1 been tossed of the fine moral spirit wliich pervades it, which is made synony- who Bare lef^ a permanent ira- { fioes Bialik. The following is a I Thou hast wisdom and p o mous with the loftiest Americanism. One can never forget the press on Jewish thought and life: scornful and bitter rebuke "to t h e ' ity exceeding the fame v 1 >r, I rudderless into a •yvhirlpool of sickening oppression. . • have used Hebrew exclusively a s ; savages who rape Jewish com-j heard. Happy are thy men, '. i p. ; While.Lord Marley's address touched upon the German closing lines climaxing the moral fervor and the noblest patrio- their Tehicle f o r expression, j munities: ' i are thy 'servaDLs, that £.lai\.. t J : . and Palestinian situations and delved into the maltreatment t i s m : " Blindness we may forgive, but baseness we will smite!" Amongst these, the most eminent | tinualiv- before thee, and t 4 J t . UKRAINE There is need of such a spirit in the world today, a world is" Afcad-Haam, tlte intellectual; of minorities in general,' the key of Ms ."appeal was Folatid. In hear thy wisdom. guide, par excellence, of world j •R"hile roaming' idly cloreci witt Poland over three ; million Jews, comprising ten per cent of thegiven-over'to the most colossal jniquity accompanied by theJewryThy father, ICing Soio»_oi bocncless liberties, To-day, HebreW'is exper- ' r population, are facing a worse" catastrophe than the German most disheartening indifference and moral callousness. Do weiencing an astonishing renalsance j Y o u crave into the synagogues ma e our yoke grevious 1 ' I t , vy taxation, now therefore r the Cossack steed, Jews. I n recent weeks some of the news out of Poland seemed fully realize what is being perpetrated in Germany-today,, and stimulated to a large degre'e by thou the grevious end i• Before the sires' dimmed eyes Palestine where it is the to indicate a more favorable outlook'upon the official treat- the full extent of the monstrous wrongs being committed by the modern tax which thy father pu i you raped and ~slew their seed, daily sgeecn. medium of the en-', ment of the Jewish question. But'these have proven to be Nazis in brazen defiance, not only of sister nations, but of the tire Jewish population. A steady j And hanged the mother and her us lighter, and we wiil sen c > And the council which c ^ nothing but the lull before the storm.. Lord Jlarley tells of a most elementary principles of right," justice arid humanity? and growing- interest in Hebrew j child on roadway trees. ed or old mezs tolfl'the Ki*"'~ letters, Hebrew., authors and He-! There, too, familiarity is breeding a kind of contempt, so that fcoboam: "If thou wilt cl^ -. letter from a personal friend and observer who says that the brew thought is taking place in | And when the sinking sun rolled duty t;Eto this people, ST ~ condition of Polish Jewry is one hundred arid fifty percent we become steeled to the most heinous wrongs, the foulest enor- the entire Diaspora. Jews everylike a severed head, serve them and F.pee,fe k'.v" worse now than when they viewed their unbelievable* misery. mities. We all know of the persecution of the Jew, of the at- where are beginning to study He- My dead incarnadined yc"ar waves them, "they vrill be thy seilald of-Ukraine: brew and to /appreciate and ta If And the news dispatches this Ttfeek from Poland show that the tempt-to destroy Christianity in both the Protestant and Cath- lore this ancient yet very modern From hell-fires, broken sriEs forever. olic,form, of the entire suppression of liberty^of outrages comlast prop has been torn from under the Polish Jewry* "We Ana the council consis" and beautiful tongue, which is as "Hosanna" waved in. pain. hoped and prayed'against it , »_r but this week political and mitted against,individuals not stopping short ev^n at murder. indispensable to Jewry and Jew-Tour drunkards' spears from rory young men told the King i unio the people: "Jly UttJe streams of. slain were red. economic anti-Semitism became an official government policy We have not yet forgotten the bloody "purge" instituted three ish living as Torah and God. er is thicker than ray i< The volume under review is a in-Poland for the; first time since the establishment of the re-summers ago, that the Nazis'would not hesitate to repeat did splendid example of the creativ-j The burning Torahs filled yo , . _ , IOZES. Wheras E V father burden you with heavy tax, Z public in 1919. , The secretary of the new government party, occasion seem to warrant. There 'is no end to their ruthless- ity, of the richness and the varie- ! shrines with incense-sine!!, j increase your taxes." Tour idols jaundiced were £ s the. Camp of National Unity, has officially announced that ness. See how-they have forbidden all Jewish meetings of |'ty, of the Hebraic spirit. j And when the King: told 1 plagued with pestilence, translator, Mr. Harry Fein, offers 1 Jews are to be d e l u d e d from membership and that the party more than four persons^ even for the most harmless educational us . choice aisd typical selections Tour harvesters reaped human the words of the council of is committed to a policy of anti-Jewish boycott and the'com- purposes. See how in their stupid brutality.they the other day from the works of five great poebones as recompense. j men, the people answere n saying: "What rcr = plete elimination of Jewry from Polish life. I t sounds ridicu- suppressed all B'nai B'rith lodges, annihilating with a stroke of tic masters, Chayim Xachinan But Nature's hand h writ. Set! K ifcav€ 2 iE Da vie! ? Neithe- ] is the burning hell ! Bialik, Saul Tcherniehovsky, Jalous for us to"iold brief in any way for the German govern- the pen the entire order which is purely philanthropic. No cob Cohen, Jacob Steinberg, and 'Xeath your foundation . . . till ment under the Nazis, but we -must say that however much wonder Sir Philip Gibbs, in his latest book, "Cities of Refuge," Zalman Shneiur. Each author is Jesse; to'your tents, O Isrrc by ruin you'll be delivered, we have deplored'the status of Our. German- brethren, we were calls them "criminal lunatics." Only criminals or lunatics or introduced with. a biographical! -" fo~r rich nobles Quarrel cow, see to thine own hcii'-'r i d ; " so Israel departed intc sketch and a characterization of j o'er a crust of bread. not in mortal fear; of the violence and pogroms, which we may both^eould act as the Nazis act. tents. his work. Of the five, Bialik alone I expect to break.out at any moment on the Polish scene. With I was made to realize the monstrous enormity of these is dead. The remaining four are | i on itself recoils . . . JIaid of From the land of Israel the self-restraint withdrawn, and with the Hitlerite platform and bandits and brigands, these "pirates" as the New York judge still creatively active and are in- jj .„.' Ukraine, mart well" sent forth the following; >rB j The selctions from the two philosophy officially embraced in Poland; it; is imperative that called them, these gangsjters who have gotten control of a great fluencing Jewish Setters. -universal agreement, Bialik ] ser knows poets, Jacob Cobea careful of yor.r' persons! rrglene. quick action be taken immediately! Diplomatic-action from iountry, by a recent, concrete. Instance; r There came to ouris. By regarded as the greatest cf tbe i and Jacob Steinberg, are infiiea-1 When you stndy tb the United States and from every country retaining^ democratic city within the week a little German girl-not yet twelve years Hebrew poets since Jehudsh Hal- j tive 'of their mood EEd temper.' to get associate to study togeth-; Be careful -with the'children | principles isv demanded in the name of common decency and old, the only idolized child of most loving devoted parents, who evi. He is cot only the greatest j Cohen is a mystic and an Idealist, ij er. of the poor, for from but the most authentically Jew-; consciously chooses lo dwell civilisation . . . and every* possible dollar must be contributed were compelled to part with her owing to iniquitous conditions ish,. He is deeply concerned with • ca the noble and the beautiful ia j the Torah come forth." to alleviate the suffering of these Jewish people and to mo-in Germany. She was virtually forced into exile, made an ex-the faith and destiny of Israel, life. His certain faith is exprer1- 1 Rfcbbi Juda PRICI; " O P P bilize "world sentiment on this grave subject. patriate from the country in which she was Born and which with God, with the problems of ed toucbingly in j.'The Grcrt , ^aj s occ ry > ~~z.~. good and evil. The tragedy of Hour," "The Children's Souls.'" This is the sudden and immediate challenge to us. I t is she ioves, cruelly separated from her parents whom she mayIsrael' life among the nations and j Jacob Steinberg is melancholy Krz'-i n. only one part of the gjgantie responsibility we face. During never see again, actually torn from their loving embrace, to the miracle of it are, among his! and grlociny. His so-^1 is In pfrfavorite themes. Eialik voices ia pettial conflict. He has no peace. the anguish of their tortured hearts. One year ago this very the remainder of this Jewish PMlanthropi^s campaign, we, the touching .language the heartache, j He searches continually for God r c t Jewish people of Oniaha, must answer with our hearts through month we executed a Hauptman for the kidnaping and murder the sufferings and. the nobility .of land is in Quest of faith ana c . - ' I 7 our pursese how we feel toward the. oppression being fiendishly pi an innocent child. I s not this kidnaping ? Are not the Nazis Israel. He celebrated again and ! surance. His spiritual battle is T~daily guilty of kidnaping and murder? Are not their crimes again the old Jewish ghetto life powerfully mirrored1 in the fcl- : ; visited upon our own flesh andTblOodT '/ and its major institution, the lowing and called "A Prayer." S ten thousand times worse than those of a Hauptman* Hauptr Synagogue. His best known and SIjr heavenly Father,' lead me ^z O . r t CZ cr, r r-;; man, after all, kidnaped and murdered only one; Hitler and most loving creations are those yet awhile,' I prair! . ; Lav/ ...... his fiendish Nazis daily kidnap, torture and murder not only one whose" themes center around the Spent is my youthful spirit. I ara, z.In evidence again is another sufferer of a chronic ailment (nine other children crossed the wintry seas with the tender Synagogue and its traditions. "On; disconsolate." " , that peri'ddically.infect^ Jewish life—self-hate.''The latest per- little Jewish maiden, and there have been and will be other the Threshold of the House of Prayer," the "Hamathmid" and sonality to succumb to the dreaded malady id a famous scientist regular consignments), but hundreds and thousands. of men, "If Thou Wouldst Know," arej who fears that his Jewish ancestry may prove embarrassing women and children, among them the-most eminent scientists superb examples of Bialilc's rare I gifts. The latter is a powerfully j to his son. ; > like Einstein; Thomas Mann, regarded as Germany's, if not the stirring tribute of reverence and j To heap Condemnation on the head of this learned doctor world's greatest writer (a(nd he is an "Aryan" at that!); hosts affection to the Synagogue, and is useless, for such a case is for the psychologist rather than of the finest, most gifted individuals; hounded, brutally tor- to its podr but heroic worshippers the moralist. Would this man look to the great .people of Jew- tured and persecuted, driven into, exile, if. not confined in con-and students. Thescret of Jewish survival is ish history, •figures held; in esteem-by both the'Jewish and tton- centration camps and done away with, secretly or openly, on answered in this great and majesJcwisli v/orld; he Would: find: men and women, of great' moral one pretext or another. Do not such things cry "to high heaven? tic poem, a few lines of which " courage whose" feeling of self-respect demiajaded they forsake No wonder an American' youth was prompted the other day td follow: If thou wouldst know, O humwhat this scientist desires! ' • / " 7 strike'at this, as David Frankfurter was* and is now in jeoble brother mine,— Had an Isaac Abarbanel been influenced by the Spanish pardy of his life because he preferred a manly protest to life Go to the house of prayer grown old, decayed, king, who offered him position if he would renounce his Juda- itself. I wonder if the Nazis will dare to condemn him to death. In the long nights of Tebeth 2sm so that'he would not be forced to .join his fellow-Jews' in '. > desolate, esile; he would be looked npon as half the stalwart figure: we If so, America and the world should rise in protest. It is time Or in the scorching . blazing Thanimuz days, know today. I n his trials he achieved greatness. Had a Gracia omething concrete and drastic were done to show the world's In noonday heat, at snora or displeasure and to seek to end the intolerable" condition of afMendes-Nasiglistened''to the flattering tongues of Lisbon and eventide . . . fairs in Germany, which is no longer an internal, domestic mat'Antwerp, uhe would haveJbeen the shining light of the great If God has left there still a courts of Europe, but today she would he an unknown figure. ter, of concern: only to Germany, but* whieh concerns and af•remnant small, Thine eyes shall even to' this Had the progenitor of the Solis family- assnnied the titles rightly fects the "whole world; The world is put to expense and trouble, day behold his by birth, the Bcholarly American-Jewish family would never inconvenience and hardship, mental anguish and physical sufThrorch sombre shadow^ cait • fering because of the crimes, unrestrained, of these "criminal have existed. ' . i 'jy darkened vails, lunatics," these inter-national villains, bringing the fair name of In isolated nocks or by i \ o The man who seeks to escape from his Jewish heritage ;c"- tbe prcct conistove. brings no loss to Judaism. Judaism doesn't count its success humanity and "civilization" into disgrace and constituting an bincd Stray l-nely JCVJ, lii.e shales ! f frcE c:a? pr^t. in numbers. He will be the loser and this son who unwittingly international scandal as well as a menace to the 'peace, safety -yirz cs-pcrience. and happiness of the world. "We cry aloud" with the Psalmist, Dark mournful Jews with faeos ' will pretend to a heritage that isn't even his.' 2c-a i s ^ v : a ; 1 "How long, 0 Lord, how long? And I n view of the cowardly ,-sJ " ..- % 1.:• L c r t i c '-' J.'^h- ! .1 Cimpotence, weak helplessness, Ehameful heedlessness of man, Tea. ty r-aiutb. ^^lIi.^ > FagG3 ©if tHo P a c t ' •' •• ' even of our so-called leaders, statesmen and diplomats whom we Fcrjct'li;- it.C.r toil in tho TE.1-' Deapitfl the atrocity • stories coming iron; Palestine the are often forced to think are nothing but time-Gcrvinrr, selfziv.-l ;;'.r.r vrcrr, I AM t^c:r r?"cr;y m f i r s c i ' present day Arabs are no cruder than other people. Events seeking politicians, we exclaim "Arise, 0 Lord, and let Thine in Europe prove- that neither are they more foolish. But when enemies be scattered I Let those who hate Thee flee before rc:.i v.izlr cr.rcs v l t i • ! J $7.50 they suppose their- acts against the Palestinian Jews are neces- iThee!" The Nazis have been long proven to be enemies of God blc s saryfor the success of their aspiration- to bring back the de-and man. Their so-called philosophy is one of virulent and poisr-o-v lowly. trifiai tLo 1 parted |>lory oi the Arab", empire, they show that they,, are,-at ' I ' i.^. onous hate. They are the enemies,of all true progress, of ele- To And Ci: —r ;,!) TI: least,- deluded. I'M mental justice and humanity. Let a righteous God Veatter* The Arab world has become hypnotized by the great dream them, "put to flight" those who'have caused thou.asds to fico T: -t ; . : : 1, here'r —cvrr of re-estaBlishing the formidable Arab Empire that for cen-from their native land, vrho have put to flight, into darkest Thr.t turies remained a. .threat to Christian Europe. Its victorious Aryan pagan night, as in their own Teutoborger forest, the s u : t » of i ;:" f s armies crossed, the Pyrenees into France; ita troopa occupied world's highest ideah, of justice, of ri^ht, czd oi" truth. mort rc;,-'-".r tho city of Lemberg and besieged the city of Vienna. It will be a great day for ,the world whe^ the Nazis ..ire . No historian has neglected the role of the1 Jew in this em- overthrown—as their fellow-Aryan Hauptman was rrprclxoJpire. Persecuted by the pre-Islamic Spaniards, the Jews of ed^and punished. Tfe uro encouraged to believe thct tills r i l l tlic vcr;il-.c i the Ibcriaa Peaninsula flung open the gates of the cities to occur before za^vtvy leu£ now; the Wilder-round' ^jVciicuu t«T ti
v.he reel ideal's c tRiight: After A'nier, R. Juda spie? that Hone 'vl"* ehoald he l\is college, be1 ,1, ions, and 1 I iic to1 overi traditions c be ignor< n Maier by ••>! .ered the « \. Juda: ilaier." and
you not Maicome to erwhelm aditions ignor"What is dead, will .be-
ii'ji*, *i itii 4 i , ' i
i?.: -
ii. 9!
r Hats
THESE IS T-Vt O F l SPINKSl . . . ABC BTJIwS IT . . . the Comnieie .Hom« Laundry Unit that Washes, Rinses, Bk:es and Damp Drie?, ••iinnfir
i » 5 ,4V tn/vily
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TUB JETYTSH TTLZ??, FKIDAT, 1PE.IL C?. Tsriorm. for the real ideal's
rltabbis were .taught; After isath oi' H. tinier, E. .Juda h.cted his disciples that none Maier's disciples should ba |ed to enter his college, •• bathey were disputatious, and it come to learn, but to Dvexwith citation of traditions der to prove.him to be ignorOne disciple of E.. Slaier by lame of Simchus entered tno ge.- He said to R. Juda:.; is 1 ~sras taught by R. Maier;" u&a. becnife enraged a n d • "BsveTrtor warned you.not imit in-e disciples of E, Mailecause they do not come, "to i, hut merely to overwhelm rith the citation of traditions 'der to prove me to be ignGrit. Joss then said: "What people say. "R. Ma'ier is dead, uda is enraged. What will be~ > of Toraii?"
The Sis^erhoofl TDX Teinpls 3sxael Trill have -a ilOther-Daughter luncheon at the Temple, Saturday, 3Iay S, .at 1 o'clocfc when Orcr two hUBflred Tr mothers and .daughters will be tended" the'informal tea civ£a ii Tea .: the.women s division of ,the Jew-; on the program by represented CHOOSES 1YEDDIXG "DATS BHlTa AXSOr ish "Philanthropies Tuesday after- j 21r. and Uvs. 2 . 11. JSalkin an- speakers. Miss SaTa Ferer, daughter of noon at the-Fontcneile. | Mr, Aaron Ferer, Jias Chosen 1 nounce the birth of a daughter atV Speaking. for the daughters A Lady Marley. was the .gTiest of j - -ss.-t t : Monday, Hay 10, at the date -oil the Methodist hospital, April 22. •••vrili be Eleanor Hene, tvliile Mrs.: .honor and save an iiispira-tionai ; the Slesc iJack Cohn Trill represent the mo- adress, tellinj iier .marriage t o Murray 33. Good- . •' " K.-"hr>f of TV fiwn An entertuinment program of Los Angeles. The Gere-
will .include
ilier husband .had witnessed cf tbe :
t of o l l o w .y will talre piaee at 5 o'clocl; it in Eastern_ . • •• . I Babette Ginsburg and feats mag- ,Jewish "pin iat the Blackstone hotel, in ihtr] .BRIDGE all those pre and ur~iEj presence of the immediate- fam-j Miss IJna. Grosa entertained atj.ic by Professor "W. E. Kiintington \ 1 ilies only. The couple -will make la benefit bridge ;party a t b.er | conjuroT.' through redoubled phllaathrc home at 4908 North 24.th Street! lira. Julius .Newman; Mrs. Abe I their i o n i c in Xos Ahgelea. . efforts.
A. Stem, Gold? ai t,
Concert Il'lay 10
aw York — Teh .Jews . a r e ng the Gl persons awarded rvrshrps :for research in varaields by the John Simon genheiin ilemoTial Tounda.during 1937. . .
Tuesday evening, April 27, '_for| Somberg and their committee will j Mrs, David Grecnherg, ctz the Junior Hadassah "Give or!.-be in charge of luncheon arrange man of the women's 'division Get" quota. ments and reservations. -Mr. and .Sirs. • J osepb' .Hertzberg ' tae t€» tc the philanthropies, was in cha: announce the engagement of their BFODGE TARTT 'daughter, Julia, to Meyer Raben, of ' the T h e Omaha Chapter i>on of .Mr, and Mrs. .TAaye Uaben Eadassab is planning to of Council Bluffs. No date i a s A.Tegular meeting-.of the La-j benefit bridge .party on been set ior the wedding. ••:.•.auxiliary will be held j Tuesday evening, Blsy 25, at the Tuesday, May 4, at 3. p . m. at the | Jewish Community Center. Prizes A nonrert o*. Jewish classical, ] The LacLcs JB'nai Israel synagogue, • J.S th and and American music will he pre- : Congre CC.UG3. c* seated .by Cantor Aaron. Edgar a regu nounce the engagement of their ; p r i z e s ^ m b e s i v e n . Befresh- officers will be held. :aird the Seth-Ei t h o r n s ilonday S. at 2 p ra. . : j daughtex, Gertrude 3ernice, to jm e n t g ^mi}B served. .• The mother and daughter ban- i .cvening, ilay 10, at the 2. G. C. Gross Cohn, son j Sir. An entertaining program is be quet. of the Araad Auxiliary ;will i They will be assisted by Usthsr, of the street. iTarry Cohn. TCo date has) ing arranged by the.committee in Fell- j to atte be held at 6 o'clock Tuesday,) Stsinberg, violinist, Betty been set for the chaTge ol this aflair, and every- i l a y 12, xit the synagogue. . .man and Plorence Steinberg, as- j _onei£f urged to save this date far ; coiapanists. • •BOXO3K -GTEST this affair. >: I The .members of the chorus a r e ;
IZZ Ci uLe
Isr«.t. •z 11. z nsr r at £•••*• ft Lbe-s
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Chesed .Sliel Enies
One hundred and ..Itfty guests , Miss "Mary Garfinfele is general •Harriet .Bernstein, Bertha Guss, ! -attended the beautifully appoint-1 c a a i r m a n l n -charge ••'of arrangel-Heoecca 'Kirshsnbauni, E s t h e r , ed tea. which -.Mrs. Dave Levine ! : m e n t s . Tickets may be secured t C 1 ~1Z j.j. A regular meeting of th gave last Tuesday afternoon -atj, f T o m , a n y member of t h e Junior ed Shel Ernes will he held in the,; G r e B I l t Shirley Maltz, Doresce lier home to,-honor /her guest, i-gadassah'. -' Chesed.Shel Sines building at 2 j s t e i n b e r g . David Bodln, Jack Do!- D l e . e ^ o ^ ,.„.„. Sirs. .Jennie Uirschmann of New.-: ~ . - - • • " p. m. Monday afternoon. ;. fl i a w r c n c e F i a k e I > g - ^ H i n . : » l c ^ °Z£"-u : Id E bane ti Gt I A Orleans, La.. .. I Matured will be a report -«m | fcl H a r r y D u B o f f < a n f l j £ c c l ) : a -S L EI. f ict ? ^« i-S e x « ^ ' ' ' ' • ' * - ' t i i i i c ^ %»• S^JLX I.'Z,-. * . * • • " *•*• S1OTE TO ^ J 2£^iX A. color scheme ol. .yellow and! Sir. and JHrs.-.Mas Pirsch and the dinner given by the organi2a- iTj a n 2 This alfa-ir Trill m a r t the IE1± the >-.-^ - - ' •white was used'-..throughout the j „ of Council i t i o n - l n ^ e 3 1 week's issue the year of eristsne-e of the .Junior, Can »r i.ciit y t n z i u . lisi oi looms, -with _ttilips and Hnapdra-; -^™ff'* to Omaha ana { hostesses will be published. Harriet Bernstein, Ida Gitlin, Order of B'nai Brxith. founded in . - gons. On the tea table rweroj Bluffs, have = : : iXawrence Finkel and Harry Du- Omaha, with the installation of • fc-ri masses of ;yellow tulips i n mir-; are now at home at .235.2 Ida St. xored "containers and Tari-colored j " " . Dan Miller, past Alsrph QOU.OL .randies .were used.;,;. ) SXTElitTiUX FOn -" . I Mrs. David Stein .is ,chairman " Heeeiving witL. Jlra. Xevine, In an election held.at the chapel of the ticket sale committee. She of the 'Mother chapter, is fr.-nersU
• dsfaa! of.. :-wcrj .lhat-call I37a vsu eirill.'sreny.Our p£nsd» esBsrisncsd .nisn end '.jssdsni vans -cost "vaa no
•Slgma .Alpha Mn |3on. .
ca: 31C50 CZSQ p selling glcrHly.
"UDS3JTY ST©I2ASE Telephone JA O2SS 11D7 Howard St.
33 -BUl' OKE SHEHHES JTJJLDS J U . . . the piste Jtome-Laundry TJnit that fahes, Erases, Bhies and Damp .l!fe*,-^32ttsaiional ABC Spams" SMsi 177 with modem, streamline fen.ha3 been acclaimed the Most initiful "Washer JEver "Built. Th3 |EC exclusive .French Type Agifor -washing principle cashes fthis Faster. Safer, Cleaner and ittlTEE without need for hand jpbing even the most heavily iied clothes. Is.;-large •capacity tub and t h e inner dryer basket are of smooth, ibest quality'.ABC porcelain ,asling your clothes the greatest TJTD1 tion and safety. Tvool blankets, jiher -nilloira, -cfalldren's .zipper 1 ts.-ami delicate'fabrics, as-well as | rer clothes and linens, are •washed Inpaghly dean .and damp dried in Staiew-minutes'.lime ' . • • iimtranii-parts are enclosed on the $C Spinner Model 177 and the |1C patented locking device on the inner chamber .assures complete iety ID ths operator and.;childn*a. jpy yonr .leisure hoars Tvith t h e Jra ABC -trill bang
FOR HEIIT Hies ?J2m:clied rasms to o Call AT. B33I.
Suppsr ZsJ.nci::g 10p.tn.-1 a.rri
H. RoefamEin. 0 Military
• *2 , < .. ~r
r<V» T, , 11 .-Misses -were Mrs. Sara Zevin and SLTB. Al) Goldie Gerelick and, ..__., — Tis jrrscees fro ter house Monday night, the .fol- j is assisted by the rdesdanies TTil- chairman cf t i e Bar IXItsrai "JUayer. Those who assisted'at the Goldie "Zusman entertained thir- lowing, men were elected to hold Levy and-Joe Freeman, cotea -table were Mrs "Theodore! ty-live guests at a benefit bridge j offices for the ensuing'year: Trv-'j chairmen. his committee. Jaiins 3isno, ere-! gasizE.ticr: .iissi, Mayer and Sirs. J. M. Srman. jparty Sunday afternoon, April 18. | i n g zveitel, Grand Island, prior; j — cutive secretary of the crdCT, trill'. TbllanlirTpleE^ G; a t tbe Mrs ^Eirschman, Trho arrived! ' home of "SIIES Gerelick^i Leo Eiaenstatt, Omaha, escheqn- "J ~ " laBt-Saturday,-i3 being extensively j ' 3 4 1 7 -Hamilton Street.- Proceeds! er; jiorris Lipp. North Platte, remay .still be bad by calling e"n--j cecm Arros.is.tion, ivill go to the Junior corder; Irvin "Taffe, Omaha, his-| Tixe er Dan Miller, Ea. 10T«, Hiss: tin, the-resident Junior T a a d AllxinarT entertained. torian; and. Samuel A. fSadoff, | ^ ^ 'Give or Get" lund. Allen at the Jewish .ComE^nlty' £.11 tboss -^ED " n i g M s e r T i c e s s l n *0B hiM Sioux City, assistant -exchequer. | A p r i l 3 Q . a t & e B , a a i I s r a e ] s y E . Center, cr any .dEmrs? cf i t s • isir a FUCCEES. "The out-going officers are:.Hen-j agogue. Participants and their ; mother ch£ Mfs. Hyman Sorine was hoHtess ; . 2 H > - J^ETINE TO speak be- xy H. Schwartz, Omaha, prior; i subjects trill be: Fannie Peizner, ' : -at a 'family dinner In honor 'Of !, X>r. Victor Levine l"\Ttr Advertisers IS Patronize O Jour first cousins at her home i f o r e ^the independent Ladies club j Irving Zveitel, exchequer; Dave "ToTith in the Community"; St:rSunday evening. Thirty guests'•a t ^ 3-C G. Tuesday, Slay IS. J Bernstein, Omaha, xecorder; ilor- ah German. "Tcuth in the Synwere present. The cousins "are j • j ris X,ipp, iistorian; and .Leo sit-.agogue"; and Hose Softer, wnc 3Ir. Joe Morgan, Mrs. Sorine, Mr. j TISTTOB- IDEATES • senstatt, assistant eschequer. "srill spcai in Tiddish, **Ti.e Jer:f """ ^xonald lievin, liosalie, was Xouie "Morgan-and Sirs. Libbiej M r s " ^ a u r i c e S a c h s °* C h i e a in jJDiana. recently initiated into Phi Beta h a s leSt l D r home after EerneT of New Tort City. Tfflra. I F° The senior ladies auxiliary will t Kappa, national honorary -EchoKerner had not seen Slr.^Louie | m ^ parents, here tor 5Ix. and Sirs. J . Abr-Mastic .fraternity. Levin, Eenior in at: 1 as hostesses at a tea after the Slorgan Ior 32 ^ears, prior to .her amson. Mrs. Sachs, the former • the "arts -and science college, has services. coming here to visit relatives. Xiibby Abramson, extensive-[ been outstanding on the "Dniver-i. ly entertained during l e r stay. sity of ^Nebraska .campus. j VISITS DAT7GHTE&S JMorris Lapp was initiated into [S3 i\: the :Com Cob chapter of Pi Epsi-i xcr J • Ccpiss ilon Pi, university -pep" organiza-l .Geneva fWNS) k -end with her daughters,, Ladies .Free Hociety j tion last weei. i and Jerry Tretiat. Jerry is T The iI1JlQia "Jlaymond Brovm, Kansas City,! refugees -with regard to Identifi=•,card party Tuesday a student.at-theTIniversity of.111! studeTH.Et.'the"University of .111-1! ' ' * * • a t ' t h e - J . C. C. it taking part in the speech de-, . , its and .tools. MT&' Tretiak -tdU;..'be .the' - f e n i n =j Marcus TtosenHtein is chair-jp^tment's annual Shakespearean ' X T r i X i a ^ b t a fcanded to guest of her daughters at tiie mo-] "man-of the committee in charge , festival. Brorm is appearing in representatives of all member, ther and daughter banquet. and Trill act as hostess. 3tlrs. J . 'minor roles in _nreserttations o* tes of the League cf Nations "Weiner is chairman, of the ticket (the hard's most celebrated worts.'sby Joseph Avcnol. sacretary-gsrcommittee. eral of the League, with a re\'Ct There will be individual table IGVIIG HEPS VAAD quest tbnt they cocmcxt or. t i r ! prizes and many door prizes. Tieconvention before July 1 when licts are 2Z cents. To secure tic3y Lira. Daviil 1 1 3 The next- regular meeting of League £;*mbcrE Trill mest to die- ' J kets call Mrs. "Weiner, -AX. S5S7. 1 the Young lien's "Taad will be cuss it. held Tuesday, May 4, at the B'nai | Tee convention rrrrests to Bate Dainties _ Israel synagogue, ISth and Chi-i •ualise the rights of refugees 2 cups chopped dates, 1 cup In Dental Esssrve Corps Dr. Leon Pellman has receivstreets, at S p. m. Import- in matters of insurance, tussticc •walnuts chopped, 1 teaspoon -tranfrom business win be discussed, j and schooling wth tier? of the ilia, ~,i cup sugar^ 3 -eggs beaten, n the All young men who are_ interest-' citizens of the countries in which t 1 cup flour, r2 teaspoons baking corps of the TJ. S. powder, % teaspoon. Ealt. Put ed in the work of this organiza- they live. dates, nuts, sugar," vanilla, and tion are Invited to attend. "Prks ia Ccsts: Beaten eggs in bowl and mis thoroughly. Sift dry ingredients J . H. F . B=s Cc!I=cac=s together. Add to first mixture. The TVomen's JDivision of the Multiple n e Bake in a shallow, greased pan in J. C. C. and "WelfaTe Federation Alt Wtsrk BuaraTTtesd Mrs. Jack Kaufman, chairman CONSULTATION PH.EE a'moderate oven, 325 degrees forjivas av/arded a three-yard bice of the J. JC. P. Bets collections, 3nd ConfsSsntJa: SO mmutes. Cut in squares and tablecloth as the prize for table Omahans announces that seven setting in the contest sponsored sprinkle with powdered sugar. are eligible for the drawing , by Brandeis among -women's or- which may mean a trip to Palesganizations in the city. IXice tine for one of them. Mrs. David Feder -was chair- The hex in the Some of i l r . and l i i cups cooked, 1 cup whipped cream, 1 teaspoon almond ex- -man of -the committee. Sirs. Julius Stein held 512.04. tract, 5 tablespoons powdered suThe bos of Mrs. J. Milder con-1 gar. "U'hip cream; add cold cookA. 2. A. IBB tained 59.33. Others with So.00 ed xice, sugar and flavoring. PJle or more were in the homes of Annuity. Mt, i.rf8 in sherberi glasses. • Chill until TVith the two-Iold purpose of Herman Cohen, Blanche Zimman, Tery cold and servie. with crush- celebrating the Ear Mitzvab of ZIrs. Dolly Slgutter, J. J. Frieded pineapple and a maraschino A. Z. -A. and of -raising money for en, and -A. Epstein. cf cherry on top. ics—Every Typs its J.937 Jewish Philanthropies writtsn. pledge, Sam Beber Chapter No. Tobias Cohn was physician to or WA-SI;;. 1100 of A. .Z. A. is giving its third Jiive successive Turkish Sultans. i annual Spring Frolic Sunday eve-1 ; ning, May 2f at Hotel Fontenelle, S~J 3:30 p. m. */t*^dL Profits derived from the dance will he applied on the 1937 philanthropies pledge of the chapter. I The dance Is open to the public at 51.00 a couple. :Pranfclyn Vincent and his orchestra will play. Committees in chargs of arrangements have been "working under the direction of Ben TVin1 troub, chairman of the social ! committee, Joe C u s s , Eonny Richards, ana Bobby Bait.
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IN THE BOOK—Then the Big Book, was opened at police headquarters in New_York, and in it was Inscribed the name of George Baker, known to.thousands of followers as " F a t h e r Divine is God!" Here the diminutive Negro cultist, arrested in Milford, Conn., on a charge of assault occurring at his "No. 1 Heaven" in Harlem, is shown .among burly-detectives. ns.v.:":,.::;i
EIGHT THIS WAY, GOD—Ushered in'by Negro • detectives, ,here is the diminutive Father Divine, known to his followers as "God," as he arrived at New York police headquar- ; ters after his arrest in Milford, Conn., charged w i t h assault. Nearly 5.000 disciples shrieked,' "Peace! Wonderful!"
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S P E N D E R — Representative Maury Maverick of -Texas, leader of a House group in Washington - that asked for an increase in the relief appropriation for the fiscal year 1938. He would boost the, amount to $2,500,000,000, topping by $1,000,000,000 the figure recommended by President Roosevelt. The House has rebelled at the Administration's economy drive.
E—This aerial view siicws ;ion cf the Great Lakes Esposit!on, frhich opens ir. Cleveland May 22. In the foregrcmnd is til: the h"u^e Kigbee Tower in frcnt. Afri; ;ht is a section cf the Firestone fsrrn. exhibit, •while in the eenter are the Varied Industries build ress. Cleveland's municipal sinis in background, with the shore::front of Lake Erie at upper
CQTViZOXZZ: IN CiriTCt—Zcre IF HIE Ftf-.aic o' ^'jUifim Jenninss ErjT-n, former Socretarr cr Ste.lc enc r.o.oc: Ncbraskan, schsduleci Tor Codcviic^ on April 2T E; tlic -Unicec S,f ;c& Capitol ia "U ashins-ton, D. C. This likeness of. the C-rerl Corr.r^oner is the work cf jMidolph r%-£-s. vhose scuiriurr -is vo?-;r.=ctucc' in the Luxembourg, in Paris.
ONE AND ONLY?—There's no use weeping, girls. It looks pretty much as if lovely Barbara Stanwyck were the cne-and-onlygirl for Robert Taylor. Here the two screen folk are shown as they were present a t a sports show in Los Angeles recently. Bob's mother says it's okay with her.
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addition to Westminster Abrier. The A Anr.cne iis to be usca at tl>e Th coronation as a robing rostn fcr members of the roral family a n i their attendants.
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shows fee Dube end members of his pcrtr the town's famous church end its- equally famous cemetery, as the Duke waited pationtly lor Mrs. Simpson's divorce to become final on Anril 27.
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BEITISHEIt — This interesting study cf the British lien is one of the decorative pieces for the
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TWO SOCIALISTS — Hannen Swaffer, Great Britain's leading Socialist writer, left, and Norman Thomas, head of the Socialist party in the United States, as they met in Lenders, recently. Nearly 1,000 wildly applauded Mr. Thomas' plsa for international unity among Socialists, when he addressed a meeting at Friends House there.
I* ' '
V-EIGHTS — Scions of one of motordom's first families, as they lined up at a baseball game in Detroit, recently-. Left to right -are Edsel Ford, "son of Henry Ford, motor chieftain, with his son William, his daughter Josephine' and Mrs. Ford. Two other children, Henry -II and Benson, .were absent. The Ford home is at Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich.
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3 STELES—What the oddly dressed outfielder-might ' wear this season is shown here by Gerald Walker, Detroit Tigers ; center fielder. His closely cropped pate, raincoat £>md baggy ' trousers astounded his teammates, during a recent home-town • practice session, . ^>
PKEBHER — Luis Companys. president of the Catalonian state in Spain, who also has taken "over the premiership, after negotiations failed to solve a governtal crisis. His intervention vies an effort to' establish a working government ana he" planned formation of a new cabinet.
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4-.* A PEIOS COrtONATIGJC—Twenty-sis years, sro a prlar Gecrjs trtis crownsd Sans of En&land, on Jun? 22,1S11. TMG -ct-no ^lio',,s tlic sovcrc.'-n, Cc-c:s"c v, u-.tli Cu^ca I«Iirr at ins duraar, or otlici-I reception, hsU by the lung in D:!hi, Lr.di-. At that time the procl«ma::cri w^s rsna annQunclns the royal pair as Eaaoeror'cnd ntaprecc cf Irjfii^,
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his Silver Jubilee. Hecently &« saArt Cohn ' il received the Legion of Honor of benBasketball, Brown; Handball, Phil FeM-
ji iMgki iwimi jj Tenplo
of Germany and Poland —T&eir Status Today" Trill be the sermon topic ol Rabbi David H. "Wiee at Temple Israel this evening. Saturday raorninjj services •will • Sid Graumin cays, "The banks ought to sot together and have besin at 11 a. m. theatre nights — it vould serve the exhibitors right." Junior Yaad Auxiliary nisbt Boris Morros, the nsusie direc•will bo observed at'late nervJces tonight. Rabbi Kopstein ~ill pre-tor, • received many congratulaccnt • the auxiliary members in ations after his first broadcast the oymposinin on the role of Jewish other night. One read: "You youth today. Participanta are were great, but why didn't you Fannie pezsneT, Sarah German, play the lines Btrdsht instead of and Jloso Soffer. Cantor A. Sca-in ^dialect?" Even Sbrio' loud •waczkin Trill officiate. Members green tie turned crimson. o£ the Senior Auxiliary •will be hostesses at a tea and social a ^ Gregory Ratoff •was coaching te'r. the cervices. candidate for his next picture. Trying to get the proper enunciaAt Saturday morning services tion from one member of the cast at Consresation Beth Hamedro3h he screamed,"Kavr, naw! Dot's Hagtsdol, J9th and Burt streets. not r-rlght! Now you ar-r-re ta-vrRabbi .Kupatein will devote the kink like Hehr-r-rmann Bink!" sermon.:-.tq: '.v the 'Philanthropies campaign! . : He •will : sspsak on In 1919 Maurice Moscovitch, 'Jewish : Philanthropy—its Mean- playing "Merchant .,- of -Venice," ing and Purpose. . ._ -was one of the outstanding actors in England.. Herbert Marshall, The father arid son traditional just starting his career, -was' givservices take place regularly a t enj the . role , of Antonio. Many Congregation B'nai' Israel, ISth times Marshall -wanted to ask the and. Chicaio : Btreets," every Sun- great actor for his autograpti, but day .morning at .9 * a. m. After could never summon Up" enough cervices the •worshippers partake nerve/ Currently they axe .•work"of'the "breakfast eerved by mem-ing on the same lot. together . . . bers : -of: the Tfoung Men's Vaad. Marshall thought it an opportune Parents and children are invited time .'. ....; approached -Moscovitch to attend these; services." •with a tattered piece of paper. It •was a faded program of -their ;Vv .BethEl; ; . performance" together In 1919. In: observance of National Jewish .NW Marshall'is the.-proud posBoot ";Week: itabbi Goldstein T7W sessor of the Moscovitch- signaspeak this evening on "The Four ture. Jewish Books, ^hich ' Constitute Speaking of - surrealism and th»s: Minimum: Libraryv for every r nightmares . . . -why doesn't some Jewish jHome.".: "•".stuff a flickKext Treek Rabbi Goldstein far-sighted producer er irith the Marx: Brothers, the •RUl.base :his sermon on the recent ."noTbl "by .liudwis' lietvisohn, Ritz' Brothers, and " "the" Three "Txiimpfit' of; Jubilee,": The con-Stooges;'and %'dd a dab" of tVo of .firmatipn services •willi take place Peter Lorre'.'as an antidoteT -this year on Sunday ' morning. May 16, the first day of ShevuSpring has caught up with a oth." There are thirty-one young certain theatre manager -. . . he's men and Tromen in the class. bursting forth -with couplets like these: A guy I like is Samuel Brjskin. He's got Astaire, so what's he riskin'?
le of William J e n noted Nebraskan, ited S t a t e s Capitol jt Commoner i s t h e epresented i n t h e
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getting installed in & Duke of Windsor, be Rev. Mr. Norton the town's famous
' Distribstcd by
Wear Ever Utensil* . . . SUex Ceffes Master* . . . Pyrex Ceok>ng Ware . . . Toastmsstcrs . . . f«1a!S'« Uniform* . , . Kitchen "Gadgets" '
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tklT CenjStSsniss Corp. 104 No.'18th S t . ' "' AT-3454 '
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Ss onsrraan Kl!ten 1D1O Farnaca S t .
JA 2724
"Say It WitL F!swer« r
specialises hi c o s £ a rpieces, corsages, fan
cai flswera, o=d potted
'The: Beth-El .Bynagogue. -will A guy I like is Adolph Zukor. hold' confirmation ^services 'San- : Me had his chance, and, boy day: .morning, May* 15, the first he took 'er. i- n- s» i day of Shevuoth. The class number339, the largest in the liifitory EXIT ' ' .-" of the synagogue. (Copyright, 1937, Jeyisa Tele" The following are the students graphie Agency, Inc.) and;;-their '-parents:/;" GrcsmberS, Lee Jane, Mr: and Mrs. Joseph J-: ; Krssne, Arlene — Mr. and MrflFeatures. Shams>oo end Prof. Karl Landsteiner; -who is Flnser VVava • Leo; Katz, Lillian, Mr. anil Mra» seeking an injunction td keep his Frank; Wohlner,; Helyne—Mr. biography out of a_ Wio's Who and Mrs. and Mrs. Meyer Stern, in American Jewry^5 left-Austria, guardians;'Raduziner/ Estelle — Permanent T/arca et ' to escape anti-Semitic discriminMr. and Mrs. Louis; Greenberg, ation in the University- of Tienna j O y _ _ . Mr. and; Mrs. David; DaA couple-of months ago' •sre told vis, Leslie-r- Mr. and Mrs.. Max; you that Rudolfo GrazianI, ItalTatelman,- Florence — Mr. and ian viceroy of" Ethiopia, had inMrs.'-Julius; Rosenstein, Ruth — formed our. boss that fumora of Mr; and Mrs- Morris; Fox, Esther his Je-wlshness were incorrect.. . . —Mr. i n d Mrs. Oscar; Gershnn, We now learn that Graziani is Shirley <—-. Mr. and Mrs. Ben; the name of an old Italian Jewish Sommer, Belle. —^ Mr.; and Mrs. family. . . I a i N e w York liErary Harry; Fox, Shirley—, Mr. and there Is a yellowed Jewish book Mrs. Leo;. Blumkin, , S o p h i e containing th© Graziani - family's Mr." and Mrs." Isadora; Marks, book-plate . . . . The anti-Nazi R i t a — Mr. and Mrs. Harry; Leachamber of horrors proposed for ser, Lorraine — Mr. ;and Mrs. the Kew York World's Fair by Karl; Bordy, R e v a — Mr. snd O S — S N O O K E!1 Mayor La Guardia will actually Mrs. Simon; Kaplan, Rae — Mr. POCKET QII.S.IARC3 be set up by Billy Rose in his reMax; Belmont, Paula Ruth —Mr. AIJ N e w Streamffna Ta&5es newal of the Tessa Centennial exRestaurant— Car and Mrs. • Henry; "Wolk, Gloria position at Fort-Worth on June Olrset Wiro On All Lee — Mr. and Mrs. Louis; 2Sth . . . There's a synagogue in Events Grossman, Bettie — Mr. and Mre. England which refuses to accept Morris G; Bubb, Edythe — Mr. money-lend erfl as members . . . and Mrs. Sam I.; Dansky, Miriam When Mayor La Guardia met —Mr. and Mrs. Isadbre D.; Sellz, Harry Krenik, a WPA -worker Shirley •— Mr. and Mrs. EmanMILLIARD AND MJNCB who Is his double, he proposed •uel; Konecky, Milton—^Mrs. Eve; 1S13 Fsmsm Ct. V/Z C him as the next United States Friedman, Gloria — Mr. and Mrs. ambassador to Berlin . . . ^ 7™-1 Sam; Rosenblatt, • Betty — Mr. and Mrs. L W.; "Barish, Ho\rard, (Copyright 1937, By Seven Arts Charlea — Mr. and Mrs. M. M.I Feature Syndicate) Boaaberg. Leonard" — Mr. and Mrs. "William; J&eyer,' Connie — Mr. and Mrs." Ernest; • Wright, JET/ISE PAPER III. SPAfflSH Have Jeanette —r Mr. and- Mr3. Jay; Nogs, Alvin — Mr. and Mrs. M.' Mexico — Mexico's first JewWINTER GARMEIITS L.;' Gotodiner, Yale — Mr. andish newspaper in the Spanish 'lanMM. Joe; Goldstein, Harry H. — guage will be published here Mr. and Mrs. , 11.; Eistenstatt, shortly under the name of Jua How and Sosles? In Sanitcs C 'PhUlip — Mr. and, Mrs. Harry; Verdad (The Truth.) Malashock, Edward TI. - 1 - • Mr. SCs Per Dzj ana Mrs. J- M.;. C'ohn, Julius M. Patronize Our Advertisers The cheapest Insurance " —^Mr. and Mrs.- David; Wollr, you caa fjtsy. Better bo safe t3ban sorry. Evelyn — Mr. and Mrs. Louis. s;
final on April 27.
Visit Oar KiteHenvrsre
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ican Civilisation with Eo~£r& ! * • Sourd, dean cf the Boston Uni- Now that Maurice Bisgyer has versity gradusts- school, as the been named executive secretary master mind , . . Its purpose will of the B'aai B'rith you Eight re- be to acquaint ana educate Amermember that -we hinted he? -rou-ld icans -with the 'cultural contribuget the job two greets £go . . . tions to America of the various The National Council of .Jewish racial and 'religious groups , . . Women, •which, hss never taken, It Trill wort primarily through any p$rt in any movement con- schools ace universities . . . It nected vriih Palestine, -will short- has ambitious plans lor a EES- I " ly anounce. the .establishment cf earn of American culture at the 1 a peace' scholarship at the' He-"World's Fair . . . Stanley Kicrh ^ bre-vir. University ia -the name cf has resigned EE president of the <? Mrs. Arthur J3rin T . . This week's Good Kelghfccr League ... . . The ^ candidate Xcr oblivioa is Joe report that Karl Xiandsteiner'e \ "Weinberger, city attorney of Pas-suit against" the TTho's Who -in ' £ saic. New Jesrey, who took a Ber- American Jerrir has . been settled tf1 muda cruise on the Europa ^ . " . and that t t e professcr's name is ' 7 "When taken to --task, ha said: to remain ia the book is not'true CZ "Whatcha ffoieg to do-ahect it?" . . The New York Supreme Court I . . . Wonder iotr. he liked it vrhen is 'still' consifiering- ths matter . , | he had-to -witness some, fancy -&~ propcLg-anda Him of' the S£y-1 "Heil Eitlerisg". .- . . A certain reuth M u E e u EL xras recent!1 Rabbi Charles Haddock is said l own at oward Tnirersl to be planning a . ne<sr • Jewish Washlngt.oii . . . It VTKS presented t' Quarterly . . . And Dr.- S. llelamed is reported to be tcyisg Trith to the university by the Gentisn I * the. idea cf a Jewish, publication, railways . . . German publish:.-" ! \ too . . . A ne"!r face ^ovrder has houses are sendicg free books to < •teen-named for Lady Marley, s.ny Americas - university that proraisent nca-Jetrish OKT -vrcrlj:- grants then . . . Processor Shuner . - . . Tsrenty-five per* cent cf the sales.go to OUT . . . ~Sw Tort.-City-may. get this year's ges celebration, is said to-be a convention of the Zionist Organ- Karl agent . . . Don't tie surprisization of America -. . . Mrs. Usvid ed if. Honysroofi busts out. vith Alpert, one cl the up and coining a rash el tnti-Xszi films as a repainters of ths nsv American sult of Germany's a school, is the rebbetsin o£ Tyler, Hollywood product* Texas . . . .
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Here's a nandball treat. j the discretion cf tne committee' & plsyer lose, he also lias to EIT? Despite vfcst TS-RB rritten e.t. • The effort w Dishing" into, the'novelty, the J. j being v.3,^3. m the placement, "Ms conqueror £ E cnjoyE-ble dish. 5 tipper part of ibie column t .11 a . France. Last at a testi- man and Earl Siegel; Swimming, C. C. "handball committee has: The treat coses In vrl t h e . T h e v l c n e r s h o u l d "btiT- t h e l o s e r r b o r r . t h e monial dinner -with • twelve hun- Samuel Epstein; Women, Mrs. E.! doped up a "treat" tournament j losing player in each m u s t t h e i c e crea.m jr. c o n s o l a t i o n . B u t t b ? .T. C.C. sr effort Trfi! Ftill in p J. C. C, pof^n.)' 'pprne. dred guests as onlookers lie wasE. Eoiamers;; General, Lee Gross-jfor buy., the -winner a slice be made tc orpanirp j c circuit. tSiere. Don't let t'f.p. kiftR f b handball swatters. ice Tho's on e committee, made Knight Commander of the man and I Levin; .Bowling, Paull ii • Players Another treat—there's HO entry "Gotta, try to do my best," said away all the eoftbaU play ftt Players will will be be jj utt into three;; creara. -That That doesn't doesnt seem seem right. r i g t . Ano Order o/ t&e Croira of Italy."Now Steinberg. ((classes, novice, B, and A. with: i h to this h department. Not only does fee. .Center. Grossmsn. if onjy "Der Furore" vrould b©\ magnanimous, a triple Entente •would be cosily ensconced on Zukor's breast . . .
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going until th caae across .
'•ay employee, chosen be held at Louisville de over the Carnival * A leading up to theCnited Newspictures
If the man at the Jewish Community Cents? don't care to piny soft^all, Lea Gronsmsn is solas to got Eoniebody elca who floes. A non-dialect story about Sam With plans for the annual J. He likes to play cards, C. C. coftbsll league definitely but iateo to lose. One night the fallen throush duo to lack of in>£ • a o game was agrainst him . . . histerest, Maestro Grossman has '< UPmf losses T/pre -heavy . . . finally in I .sent out a C3II for a juaior softdisgust he threw the cards on the ball league to be formed from table and shouted, "I'm through, lads between the ase"i of 10 and I'jn. eoing home.!' Collecting bin 15. O hat and coat, he rushed out. Tbs Watch the kids come out! scenery looltel rather familiar at There will ba a meotlns of all the door, but not until he reach- lada interested In this league on ed the street and looked back did TJay 2 at 10:15 a. xn. There will asa T^B? grazer c? call . he discover that he had loft his bo no entry fee and it IOOSD lite own house! a' bis summer for the J. C. C. youngsters T»1IO like the farcimEdward Ilobinson, Tirho yearns Ung same of coftball. for the role, attended' a eostums 'psrty dressed as Napoleon—just Still rolliaj merrily aioas oa lo show Jack Warner. the victory path, tae J. C. C. ath-
Erocuilvea of Zukor's
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When Hitler isaae peace -with General l,u.deiifiorf£ fier Fuehrer must have forgottes that the general left "the K&zi party many years ago to start his own Tas! ture Society, eiifi --other mas nenberg League becausefcerej "^"ho -vras introdnc^d ES *'Sec~0garded the Nazis ES "hopelessly j tary Wallace" . . . In ehattiEfc Judaiied" . . . Palestine's-, most | ^rith the two, I.Irs. Wise spoke Crass, DPIS."!2S Aiunssr.tTs, ScfGrey trcn ana Stral-Stas: Cast. popular newspaper is Itc-a Tv'eyuIBSS. Weed and Metsl PEttern* ehad, a sheet vhlch specialises ia Standard sizes Bronsa and fror Bushings Sewer ^lar.teciesc, CisEpilliag dirt about Palestinians . . tsrn Ktnga.and COVEPS, Ctean. ssrt Dsors, SssS wes^hta sno Scotland Yard is looking into s rellsw Brass Pitsmsers* Fer- report that. a group of London rates, csrrssa to stock, Crsnze police on a visit . to Germany TSit Eronss ana Cist Sror a epfl shouted "do-sra Vith the Je-srs" h/ir /ir EZC-P snd remarked: " H O T goad it is to be able to say that freely" . . . A library o* Judaica to be "pre" > • ssBled to the Manchester - (Eng! land) Central Library hy a group ; you haven't jruersed, re v-rs S">c! retarr cf Agriculture, Herry of Je-ws "will include a copy of. the "Protocols of the Elders'of Slon" . . . To take the eurse off i tirnate E-dT^rers . , . P. S. !'-•-. ' it, however, it -will be bound together -with a number of "brochures exposing its falsity . . . A new school cf amateur paintisg which advocates art as a' medium for healing persons vita psy- White House repTts thrt S»—echic disturbances is being spon- i t&ry cf the Treasury I,;r—ce^thcu sored in London by Arthur Segal, I has caught hcIZ frcm TZZ. bea Germaa-Jeivish refugee . . •-, His j cause cl the failure cf revcr-e idea has "FCn the approval of Sssj esticiste t r C"~P ; r ? r r . « rr1- , xaund. Freud . . . Seg-al's son, ] Bata, Crech shos majr-^Etr. hate? "Walter, -was the only noa-Sritish- j unions, but Trhen he r;c^pd t 'ull er to vria a prise in an interna- crecs suit in a hurry v tile on e tional architectural contest ia visit to ricrtcn. he cct il .rt.~ which £50 architects participated . . ." Lion Feuchi'wanger, "rho's j firm, a ctr^ct.y union r i r ? « . »• •writing a plsy about German ref- | Did yen trov- that the h r i s - r ugees, is .planning a visit to Biro- : and ElcLZe z,- the Er-^!=— zl t i " bidjan . . . Peter Freuches, the So^i't XTnicr vrs f:-rt urr*! in z Daaish-Jetrish explorer and for', letter rrittan by > - ' t tc the I" tc j mer governor of Greenland, has ! bees invited by the Soviet SCT| eranieat to joia a Soviet Arctic Oz~ co*iP£~-e 3crnrrt PrrLrl ' T i expedition' . . . Putzi Ks.afstE.en- • a. right's t ' : : * beer; se rs'f- ' Omafts'a i^rgtsi s.na Msxt Csmplcia Cteres* snsS Auto sel, Hitler's former friend vrto is j friend cf I"crrr ?-ecrr, J-r Supply Clsrs ia exile in London, fras t i e flEatcier of ths Nazi party, Ms money keeping the raovenieEt „
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are conaiderins erection of a mu- letic Chalrsaaa Lcs JSuriea.road jseuia; oa tbs, lot to hours all theat a xaeetins rcceatlj" at the HiU medals, decorations, tributes, and botel. • Berapboote sTrarded him during Here aro the committees;.
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has shown itself capable of infin- ner at the Hotel Chieftain Monof racial hobili.tj". ite renewal. And by the same! clay evening, April 26,, in honor counts a dozen token we also know that the of Mrs. Max Mayer of Des Moines Eat it could not bj "kids" were what they were and president of the Southwestern empire to either it became what they became be- Region of the Senior Hadassah. the Dorians, to tl ' cause they had left home—which Following the dinner, an open the Macedonians; AKPJA PILL, correspcadeat is defensible and has happened meeting was held at the .Chevra Goths in n before — but had no place t o g o B'nai Yisroel synagogue when Gaul nor the Nor. B y A r n o l d •'•'Zweig1 but a spiritual slum. Mr. Levin j Mrs. Mayer was the guest speakland were enabled must know that.' Why docs hejer. op their character. \EEDERATION BOARD A large delegation from the not communicate that knowledge been vanquished, the religious; ceed in hurling Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of to us? MEETING Li falsely, j blood-baths and ru is brought out in this brilliant An important meeting of the He substitutes the feeble trick- the B'nai Brith plan to motor to analytical article by Arnold j statesmen and diplomats had fail- \ and suffering:; Board of Directors of the Feder- eries that make for the avoid- Des Moines, Iowa on Sunday, May Zwcig, faiisoas German Jewish ed utterly, the representatives cf; the tig'ber cultures c ation of Jewish Social Service ance of form. The art or organic | 2. to attend the Iowa B'nai Brith - author BOW living in Palestine. tae people had supported every | gated peoples that c will be held next Monday even- j narrative is a very arduous one. Conclave, C c l v e when the Des Moines Mine for these This article is presented la catastropfaie course, the ecoaom-} torious, ; ing, May 3, in the Jewish Com-j To add sketch to sketch is farChapter of the B'nai Brith will English fop the first time hy ists had miscalculated, the farmake life worth !_•* munity Center. j easier. Much is attempted.' Noth- entertain at a Banquet for all Ihe Jewish Press by special mers were letting the masses' for the conquerors. starve,' all sacrifices were laid on | Processes which in Mr. E. N. Grueskin, president I ing is finally done. Prose is hard out-of-town guests. •", The tenth annual Mother and arrangement with Die~ ' Xeue those who until then had too pas- [ required » Baughter Banquet, sponsored by of the Federation and Commun- to write -—harder'probably than IVeltbaehne of, Prague. sively let themselves be led. The Council, Bluffs Senior Ha-j ; S'ion, will take place Sunday," May ity Center will; preside. The meet- verse. The right word, the right their course in a iev -1 The Editor The entire German people felt forces based oa re"" i-> phrase are not easyito find. It isdassah will entertain at a Party May 2, at 5 p. m. in the social ing will begin at 8 o'clock. the disgrace cf having, despite its! lation of a higher cv , tall of the synagogue. A brief immensely easy to go through at the home of Mrs. Louis Lon•To reach, an . understanding of : spirtual past, permitted it- j maintain "them's^-ec c - ' 1 -i z\ newspaper files and cut clippings don, 201 North First Street, next the role played by a n t i - S e m i t igreat service in the main auditorium of s m ' ^ T ^ ' ^ V ^ ^ T It sought a j ever and substitute topicalness of al-Tuesday evening, May 4, at eight i n the development of the middle-! the synagogue will precede the more drastic mi ?r ~ C L < f Jusion for making the amber cry- o'clock in honor of all paid-up ^ banquet. . . , S r v we mu*t avoM ! £ £ r O n g ' ^ ^ i c hand that would U - a k e E ing masses wi ' r : O l c l I ; in , Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will e 5 tte of %%£* ^ ^ ^ 1 * ^ !^ »"> ftture « ? t o > e w | t h r O u S h the flaunt - : ; ' Mrs. J . H. Moscow will he s p e a k t h i s e v e n i n g a t M o u n t S i - stalise around your fly. Who ismembers, who will be guests of If France found such a hand ; armies as a constsr,, 5 toastmistress of the evening. The n a i T e m p l e o n " A S p a n i s h W o r - tender? Who is tough? Who isthe organization at this affair. of attributing it to explosions of i tasks. c r i i. j n „._„ ! the sentimentalist? Who takes Mrs. Ben Kubby is chairman, as- Insane hatred on the part of a; Jhil, Russia in 1917; but in ; other countries invocation' will' be given by Miss t h y . " : .. :;••••'•••. "•••.; . . the easiest way? A page of truly sisted by the Mesdames George (Copyright : r " " n s I<la Hcshlelow, and Mrs. Joe-Kutindividual such as iGermany it was lacking. And j Wednesday, Rabbi Lewis gave wrought prpse may remain." Dry Roffman, Isaac Sternhill, Mas pathological , , „ , . , , now came terrible proof that fear j T cher, - president, -of the. Auxiliary several addresses at Rock Rapids, wepost-war must go back io f b e j a g . l e a d e r l e s s a n d o r p a £ n e d ••, prose, too, like Swift's. Only it Cohn, Ben 'Gershun, Abe Bear, Julius will welcome the guests. A group I o w a i ; to theStreicher sources of ' '"'.'•'.',. needs'to; be dry like white bur- and Harry Chernlss. j o£ songs by. Miss- Ida Shindler Semitism, which is much older•": gives rise to a force more than understanding of gundy and not dry like chalk-r •will follow, next on. the program. and much more widespread than ; c ful a u s e s a n d< f f e c f f hc! , Who a few years from now will Mrs. M. L. Marks left last the variety advocated by Hitler; N o t t e c a u s e understan^f*>«- '"»o-i Accompanying' her at the piano trouble to look up these thousand Tuesday for Chicago, Illinois, and and Goebbels. Nor can we content ; will be Mr. Pierce Wall. and cemmon sens© are too i Jerusalem Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will topical allusions? Mr. Levin may was acompanied by her -young ourselves with saying that the at-i son. £eebl^^ ''Little Miss Loreen Kaplan will c, I speak in behalf of grand-daugh- speak this evening at Shaare Zion say he doesn't care; / h e ' s not grandson, Mark Rosenberg, son j tacks on Central European Jewry | ''The-Jew Still Arwriting for posterity. And that synagogue on of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rosenberg i are. based on fantastic fallacies ters, Miss Lucille Mushtin^in bePliskin and the would be precisely what I fear. of Chicago, who spent the past; comparable to those at one time and because the souls of .masses I under the jurisdictio. * " half of the daughters, and Mrs.gues." Cantor are easily confused and swayed, ! Jewish city of Tel A* will chant the Art comes from immortality urge. month here. Mrs. Marks will invoked against the Free Masons ji jjjj Kl K. Miller will respond in be-synagogue ghoir e t h eE 0 U i s ; children. The \ ported in the Arab service. • Though we know that chances are visit her daughters, Mrs. Rosen.n desin the Catholic lands of the South 'I Weimar Republic was too weak hajf of the mothers. cribing: changes Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kutcher will a million to one against us, that berg and Miss Flora Marks, for or against the Pope and the Jes•are ; being I "A Kitchen. Symphony" will be j and its spiritual head unwilling uits in Protestant countries. The | to arouse a mass, raovemeri. presented:~with.;,the; following tak- be hosts to the Junior Congrega- one chance in a million is all that several weeks. J e f f - -rC T C drives us on. Abandon it and you machinery brought into play here ! against the national gods of t i e ' ing part: Misa ;Libbie Olensky, tion tomorrow, morning. ^ C abandon art. Racine is a much A. Z. A. was all too familiar; it has been | German people which had a great Mis Jean Shindler, * Mrs. Mike stronger writer than Sterne, and The Council Bluffs Chapter No. functioning since the time of the | mother-organization to guide ana ~ ^ - s Mushkin, MrsT" Jbhn..C. ; Levin, Thomas .Mann than James Joyce. 7 of the A. Z. A. held an inter- Crusades and the Black Death. Mrs.-Arc Kaplan, .Mrs. Jack Koscomfort t h e soul — the CathoLc Love and form are strong. Meta- esting, meeting last "Wednesday As the progenitor of this latest berg, Mrs.-Maurice Rubin, Mrs. physical indifference, and form- evening at the home of Ben Kut-manifestation vre must ' identify re. Ben Gelfand, Mrs. James Gang,' lessness are feeble. My final crit- ler. The first of a series of the recent world w a r . T h e old The others were unable t o d o tv., Mrs. JoeKutcher,:. Mrs. Milton icism of my-younger contempor- monthly c u l t u r a l programs was ! ruling powers of t h e Central Dur- what was required. The ruined 'j ' '"" Mushkin,. Mrs. Sam Slotsky, and classes, tlie artisans, pea- e,» feu c t r ~ t A v aries must be that they are not given, with t h e topic of " W h a t is j opeaa authoritarian States a n d of. Mmiddle ce Mr. Earl Novich. "'. . U U B f uowners niiei.B O 1 Bsmall iilJtil sants, cf shops and •"lu^ci m c f Tev i=-" strong enough. '•..'• 1 re a^Jew. T h e discussion w a s hejd j Russia h a d brought o n this war. |h o u s e s / c I e r k s < t e a c l l e r s a n d f moat A puppet show will be given 1 ^'"^.-t Scr- - v 1 <-{ f by a l l members, with Sam K a r had continued i t for four y e a r s by.the N. Y. A. under the direcespecially, t h e women — a l l cf A conference of Jews, Catholics (Copyright 1937 "By. Seven Artsi Chomsky i n charge. T h e n e s t I and h a d finally suffered a n u t t e r iC tion of Raymond Fisher. whom h a d ' f o r csnturies f o u r i "Feature Syndicate.) . Undermeeting will b e held Monday eve- defeat. As early a s 1916 a Left- confirmation of t h e i r o w n aspi- t u t c ~ \2 I ^ ^ r ' i ^ 7 v ^ ^ c ^ " "Then and .Now" a style show and-Protestants for Setter ! standing will be held in Sioux ning, May 3 , a t 7:30-o'clock a t ward movement became percept!- ] r a t i o n s I n t J j e l i f e o f t b e of'1927 to 1937 will conclude the rul t h e home of J o e •• P e r l m u t t e r , | ble, a n d a t a Berlin conference program Miss Saretta. Krigsten ? i t y > -^ a J s 1 0 a l ? d M a y l7"A num' 2S02 South Seventh Street. A l l ' h e ld in 1917 the paladins of anti-! ^ T e l o d e t b ? 0 ^ antl Mrs. Frank Margolin will her of Sioux City organizations Z/JS TJZLIC members a r e urged t o attend. Semitism suggested adoption of ; h a d s o long worshipped. The; take-the rolalot. College Girls; are sponsoring' the- conference G: which will be open to the public. The Council Bluffs Agudas Acthe methods most recently utilis- could not admit caving been milMrs. L. J. Kaplan and Mrs. M, Three' out of town speakers him Society will hold a n import- ed in Czarist Russia;. Blame ev- led. Their sense of dishonor Shu'bb, bicyclists;' • Misses Esther a n t meeting next Thursday, even- erything on the German Jews,! s o l l s i j t another basis. The French I and -.Pauline Priedman,. bathing will' appear on the program during, M a y . Q, a t S:30 o'clock a t urged men like Fritsch, Bartels; , Beauties; Mrs. Philip Sherman ing; the two day meet. They are R B S S ] a n S i i a £ siraikr n d tIle Dr. Felix Levy of Chicago, Dr. the Eagle Hall. All members a r e and their 'leader" Reventlow. At i asituation, and Mrs. Joe Kutcher. At Tea; had called to aeffaurt r-' >"-z r, '~ Yard of -Chicago, and Dr. Walsh urged t o a t t e n d . Mrs. B. Baron and'Mrs. A. B. MRS. MAX MAYER GUEST that time and later this appeared ' those who had led them to battle. c zz.- T; hf of Des Moines. Friedman, grandmothers; Mrs. A. SPEAKER AT JNF to be merely a particularly j The. defeated Germans shifteThe opening; session will begin The Chevra B'nai Tisroel So- shameless bit of self-revelation the blame ca thsir coaquerci.. TZ. Baron and Mrs. Mike GrueCELEBRATION" ,--J skirr, Belle of: ..the ball;. Mrs. at 9 o'clock, May 10, at MorningA large crowd attended . theciety will hold its monthly meet- with no prospects of success for jand on the disarasmest' whicL Epstein and Miss Jean' Shindler, side. College, when the topic for open meeting and program spon- ing nest "Wednesday evening, its ideas. Yet fourteen years of; a a d I a U e r had forced -apon them be— - discussion will b e - "UnderstandMay 5, at eight o'clock, at the Brides. '."', \. -; • - . - . . ing Somebody Else's Point of sored by the Council Bluffs Sen- Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue propaganda undisturbed by t h e i ^ n c j unconsciously they harbored ior Hadassah and B'nai B'rith republican forces sufficed to j Jn their souls a "fierce! reasises^ MJS. Sam Shulkin is in charge View." Lodge No. 688 held Monday eve- at 618 Mynster Street. transform sensible Germans into ; to • direct agafest -s. scapegoat a I of the menu arrangements with Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will frenzied Nazis. Obviously, there-! t a e dreams -of hate -which the. Mrs. A. B. Friedman, dining room preside at the afternon session ning, April 26, at the Chevra chairman.' Mrs; H. Ucht and In the Martin Hotel, when the B'nai' Yisroel synagogue at 618 The Jewish National Fund fore, the depths of the German; dared not consciously d i r e c t Council wil sponsor a Charity Mynster Street. Mrs. Mas Mayer mass soul vibrates when this note j against the eld rulers". For tbes Airs. H. R. Rabinowitz are in.subject will be "Why Do We the' | is struck; and this, applies else- j r u jers still had the power to purof Des Moines was the honored Drawing- in celebration of charge of the program. Have - Prejudices.'' tbe guest and principal speaker. Her thTrty-f if th anniversary of i w h e r e also. I s Latvia and Lith- j j s a them, by means of aa arme AJen of the .congregation - will The evening session of the first subject was "The People Take Jewish National Fund. A t w e n t y - | n a n l a , P o i s n d a a d Roumania, in | unofficial militia and other banes serve the dinner. - .: day of the conference will be at Notice", and was in celebration of five dollar cash prize will be; Czechslovakia and' Hungary and;o f adventurers, ss the blood- - , - • - e - . 8 o'clock in the Martin, with Revawarded to thA the person w a r d e d in npr^nn lholding i n M J n c Austria, . . _ • _even in . _ Switzerland ^ ^ 1 i anda [events . of . 1919 . . .ana _ 1920 __ proved" — ^ ^ ^ ^ erend Thomas M. Coghlan . Jnthe thirty-fifth" ' anniversary of athe winning ticket. Distribution Luxemberg and Holland the rdark the Jewish National Fund. Mrs. The required scapegoat was ofcharge, and the topic for discusof the tickets commenced Monday; 0 r c e 5 o f anti-Sernitisni struggle fered them in the form ot the sion will be 'The American Way.' Mayer is president of the South- evening, April 25, a t an open! fagainst those of democracy. The Jew, who suited this purpose for western-Region, of the Senior HaThe subject for discussion at dassah and is the head director of meeting held at the Chevra B'nai! glaring flames that, have burst a variety of reasons. First, h= r ~r"~ the afternoon session of the secMr.' ' Sam I o u t I n Germany can, however. i Israel Merlin, 60 yeSrs old, ond day will, be Religion and-So- the Jewish Community Center in Yisroel synagogue. constituted a minority, hardly on. Sacks president p r e i d t of f th the local l lJNF JNF serve as a spactroscope in which; per cent of the population, Sec- n. iIn her interesting Sacks, die'd Saturday night in his home, cial Justicer and the evening Des Moines. 3 ( 1S1E • Pierce, street, 'following an meeting, which will conclude the talk, Mrs. Mayer spoke of the sig- Council, announced the purpose we may analyze this conflagra-j ondly, tne catechissi desiffnatec T ~V r of the project. Tickets may be illness of several months. He conference will feature a gener- nificance of the Jewish National tion, its burning component gas- | him as the foe of t i e Savior anr ' Fund projects and the importance obtained from Mr. 3am Sacks. es, and determine the nature of of humanity. Third!!*, Sad-been a resident.of Sioux City al discussion and play.^ Airs. Morris Yudelson, or Miss the, psychological elements which for 30 years and was a member of rebuilding Palestine. ntained hiis separate groupmaintaine of Shaare Zion synagogue. in other lands still smolder in obThe program also* included a Fannie Katelman. ! existence with. Funeral '.- services were held, scurity. * group of songs rendered by the i seemed beyond all normality. Plans are being-made this week Monday afternoon Jn the Shaare Here is a nation which Senior Hadassah Choral Group | Fourthly, he had, as a liege or Zion synagogue, with Rabbi H. R. for the annual Mother and turies identified itself with its often Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kalin, Mit- under the direction , of Cantor DaughterJTea tojie given by the j c e ni r s . Their virtues, achieve- the capitalist system, Rabinowitz officiating. Aaron Edgar of Omaha. Members ru e enough become the visible manchell South Dakota, announce the Surviving; Mr. Merlin are' the ments and aims set the standard ifestation of forces that were of the Choral group were Mes•widow, Mrs. Molly Merlin;, four birth of a daughter at Mitchell. dames Morris Grossman, Saul Su- and the Sisterhood of the Talmud f(jf the people. Thus in church: strangling the poorer classes of sons,: Joe, Mas, Morris and Jack; Mrs. R. H. Emlein, mother of valsky, Leo Meyerson, Harry Co- Torah next month. A very inter- and school one generation trans- j the people. Fifth., his intellectual thre«i daughters, Sybil, Bluma Mrs. Kalin left Wednesday for hen7*Rae Ross, Ben Talpner.'nar- esting and entertaining program mitted to the nest reverence for I forces had.brought forth revoluand Dorothy, all of Sioux City; Mitchell to visit with her. ry Cherniss, Sam Bubb, Richard is being arranged by the'commit- the military aristocracy, the king, | tionary leaders and systems that r a brother,'Harry Merlin of Sioux tee in charge of this affair. Gordon, Abe Leibovitz, and Nathe landowner and tae employer. [ fought against economic disorder City, "and four slaters, Mrs. S. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cohen, than Nogg,' and the Misses ShirThese were the fathers, so to: and injustice aad hence seeniec ' h l 701'Rebecca'street, announce the Duncan; of Eyteer, . California, All news items, for this column speak, their honor was identical; to menace all those who could c^ ley Maltz and Rae Wolfson. They Mrs. B. Copel of Sioux Falls, and birth of v a son at .the Methodist were accompanied at- the piano should be phoned into F.. R. K. with that of. their children, hum-| not imagine a new order and •who ' „' Hospital on April 22. two ulsters in Russia. by -Mrs.- Albert Krasne. Nathan phone' 4491 or 650, before five ble submission to their authority j indignantly rejected being classed --^ Gilinsky presided a t the meeting, o'clock, each Tuesday afternoon was the duty of their subjects, j -with the proletariat, the enwash- " HEADS INTERNATIONAL and Mrs. Richard Gordon intro- in order to assure publication in This point of view, which for ; ed workers^ And, finally, he had duced Mrs; Mayer* Mrs. Albert the current issue of the Jewish centuries made of the State a I given to the sew Republic s greai RELATIONS CLUB Krasne was program chairman. Press. "father-State" and its territory; many servants and supporters More than: 150 women attend' Rabbi Theodore N- Lewis was The program was concluded with the fatherland, served t o . weld; ed the annual Linen Shower givelected president of the Internanetr upheaval would ha%'e sinto the minds of tne subjects an; to tional Relations Club at their an- en by the Senior Hadassah chap- the singing of Hatikvoh, led by g Cantor Edgar. ' vnual election this week.' Miss Is- ter Tuesday afternoon In the excessive appreciation and atimir-1 eroiis positions open. c ation of their rulers. As a -fa- Fourteen years of propaganda abel Sloan was elected vice-presi- Jewish Community^ Center. Rabbi Among those from Council David Wice of Omaha, Nebraska, ther's authority is unshakable for made of tnese subterranean ideas dent "and MiE3 Lucy E." Hobbs, spoke on the. work of Hadassah Bluffs who attended the B'nai oecretary-treasurer. " . .:' small children until it is replaced a powerful impetus that raised, a small faction to the status cf the At the meeting Howard Sacks in Palestine, and showed pictures B'rith District Convention held at Berlin (JTA) — Today's Jew- by'that of their group of com-; the Cornhusker Hotel in Lincoln ish children in Germany wish to rades, so the profoundest depths i ruling party. All modern psyand "Helen- Broyles we're present- taken in Palestine'. Mrs. R. H. ed -tr^th. books ' l i recognition, of Emlein presided, and several mu- on Sunday, April 25,. were Dr. be factory workers, mechanics of the national soul clung to this j chological technique and very their ,Xork; on the league of na-sical numbers'were presented by and Mrs. Oscar Greenberg, Mr. and dressmakers. The* tendency high esteem of the ruling classes considerable suras cf money wore tions j' examination given in theMiss Edwerda Metz, pianist, and and Mrs. Morris Grossman, Mr.toward business and the profes- and of that "solid'symbol which, used to mould- the raass soul. Tlie and Mrs. Herman Meyerson and sions has waned. high (schools several" weeks'/ago. Miss Birdina Hill; violinist. known as the "State," stood ] investment has paid well—though Following the program, refresh- family, Mr. and Mrs. Saul Suval- . • This was the statistical depart- j clearly defined in contrast to the j it cannot fee viewed £s pensanments were served. Linens con- sky, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Frankel, ment of the Reichs Representa-} people, although, this State sbonid je nt. For already TO ses the „, •••«.„• -I tributed by those who attended and Messrs. Nathan Gillnsky, tion Of Jews in Germany learned I have meant only the consensus j proof of -what "we tried to tell Plans are Under, way for .the | l t e sent to Palestine for-use Louis H. Katelman, E. Cooper, by polling Jewish schoolchildren I of all those active in it oa the j the masses in all the Vears o f oar cnnual Mother and Daughter ban- wI1 in the Hadassah hospitals: there. and Albert Fox. Presiding, at the who were graduated this Easter. I auestions cf modes and means j yain " struggle; " ~" The . authoritarian quet ,to be given by the Sister- • The Give or Get luncheon spon- business session was Mr. Najtban About-1,400 boys and 1,250 girls that concerned all. 1 State of old, revived as the Third hood ot Mount Sinai Temple. The sored by the Senior. Hadassah will Gillnsky, who.is president of the—almost half of the Jewish gradBut it. is front those depths of | Reich with its violent methods date jag been set for Saturday, be 'held May 11, in the Jewish district. • uates replied. > o.f force, cannot-feed the soul-that the State derives its [ and vrc May tf at 12 o'clock noon. The Community Center. An eleboror clctha tlierc, canOf the boys, 51.47 per cent eses- Independent independent ilife, f , that it rises! the banquet will bo preceded by a re- ate program has been planned The CounclP Bluffs Talmud pressed "a desire to become fac- j above the people to the status of not give their children t e oroniJigioua service at 12 o'clock Inj a hd'an out of town speaker will Torah Society will hold an imtory workers, chiefly in the met-! an.idea %vlilc3 entitles the ruling j ised security from ae t h e Temple-..-•.•..;•;• - . , give the address. Those wishing! portant meeting Monday evening, alurgical industry. Mechanics'1'classes to sacrifice the ctraimun-; stimulate industry to a .lasting At 'tho religoius service, M r s -1 to make their contribution which ! May 3, at eight o'clock at the were also a popular field. Only I Ity to It. Only Secatsse the ideal | new life or bring about tlie peEceSchwarzman will •, speak. w i u e n t Itle themi to attend the' Chevra B'nai Tisroel synagogue 9.35 per cent chose business and of the State Is anjaljraxnated '— { ful exchange cf cpinstodities wlta Talks; will also bp given by two l u n c n e o n ( a r e . a s I f e a to communi-1 at 618 Mynster Street.;3.22 per cent favored liberal prothe soul of the Individual as j the decso-cratlo world. members of_n*n * —i*-u Tia--«* Abe »v« Pill -n*n or «- M ^ of'-'-- the confirmationconfirmation cate with'..Mra; Mrs. |? well as of the mass — with the i - It did succeed in doing: -wrhat It' fi fessions. Class, <iiois-Nov-itfity.. and -Marjor- Sam Greenstone, co-chairmen qf ^_ __^ pr'omlsed its powers behind the ; The Sisterhood of the Talmud • figure of t i e _ Of "t h.e professions nainea, mighty ie IVeiniierg.,. ,The-former, Torah Society will hold its month- teaching' the Give or Get.; a nwd ' rabbinical" "work ! fa father to. becOE.9 & veritable. Idol; throne: Put s. certain percentage/ ir g o k cpca!r!;oa "The";True Significance ly meeting next Wednesday after- ranked high. Only 1.07.per-cent ' of. the unemployed youti into aa- ] does i t acquire reality and. Ue of Mathers Day" and tne ' latter noon. May. 5, at 2:30 o'clock at " ifctrra and train iliem for war, j . ' the 'boys' named' engineering!power to stand iiamtitable in tliej on "Wast I as." a Daughter Hope the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagoiC-nt industry i their "chosen p profession and[i face of any doctrine whicb cnt- enrich s i n and fa i "h fi to me«n .to our Jewiefl Commuu(Continued fronupaga 1) gue at 61S Mynster Street. Plans law,:t heconomics had to de- i with huge order?, reinforce tbc : and philology at-'ical reason ineritably j-will be completed for the annual tracted but' three' persons gy'Tenivelop becanse o! the th constantly i power of capital — but persons. -'Tenivelop becanse. o Mrs',, H. G. Fishgall and Mrs". J. And that older generation of the • Rummage, sale to be "'held in. theper cent of tae boys' ] certain, section o" It were uncer- \ repeated failures of tne Kalin'-are In charge of the lunch-! parents of these poor, wretched near future. tae nationa? wealth to It, fill ; taia about their future. j powers. , con arrangements ;while Mrs.: E. "tough" children— did they have Anyone w h o has a bun- Most of tae girls expressed aj Beepseated coafusica'seiaod the; ihci^peopi *s Seacls "rrfiii ideas uvA •• N. Grtisskia is general chairman, to be delineated as being actually of— old Clothing -to donate — for,— I desire - , -die „ . -~ to -., become ~—«^^w dres Jressmakr-r" [German at the end of I91S as he j doctrines self-slcrlfied cs clenot-1 The program-will b . . j what . . they . . seemed . . _to these poorjthis . purpose is'asked to call ?.Irs: | Nearly 13 per these- rulers j Ing- progress ever Ctristienjty j be composed'of cent cfco=e doine--'V'' ,-;e—ed t i e T-,-rcctc! e " three 'lumbers. First,_Miss^Dor- '^kids"? For^jwe know that they j Morris Yudelson, president of the tie work and S.35 per csnt wish-' r-a & -wrougHt in the world &nd inSEC! democracy. Yet these ideas ; othy Lohrman will give imper- were not.TCeknow that they Sisterhood, phone 5645. Is fathericnJ. It appeared be- are but tiis most ancient raiiitar-1 ed jobs as shop assistants,. sonations. The second number represented, even though in a 1,'VVli j islie eoetrines of t t s ~orld: E2e» j 'yo£(i dlcput tfcst t e will he "Brides of Yesterday, To- state of decay and senescence, a The Board Members of the The Council of BczScrs (1246) irronsly led in *-rery sense t!^,t!Ivctirn cf jj:o ^'Mt'T to fl^-Jr"?-; ; j * \~ day, and Tomorrow"; and the culture that at least once bad Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah fortads Jews to practice ' inedi- j all authority hod been proved, s 'ir.- csste of t i c Strts, der ?r?generals hsd tio;i of warlike QUS-;t;c3 cs third ',JWHy Daughter get Gray." power, grandeur, form, and that entertained at a sis o'clock din- ciae. Xneorporators. 'ssurpatioa:
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