ZACHARIA and IN MiCHNICK, Attya. insurance Building F INCORPORATION OF rlERCIAL DISCOUNT CORPORATION hereby given that the onjrmed a corpoi-ation iindei if the State- of Nebraska, of This ronrnirntJcm shnil be 'J.VL DISCOUNT COIU'Onnd its 'principal place o) business shall be in the laha. Dounlns County. Ne. 'he general 'nature of the ha.ll be to buy. -Fell, ctlsoiherwise deal in notes, conditional sales ronounts recetvahle, securities. action, stocks, bonds, or stments. including the right uy, sell, lease, mortgage, or encumber, sell and dispose d personal property, cf all descriptions: to sell, brokas asrent for all characters on, including life, fire, burft. collision, liability, fidellmmerciaJ bonds; and to do Ihinps incidental or necese operaUon»ef a general In' business. The authorized
Infl:erests or the-. ..''- A p..
"f This column is copyright by the Goven Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction- la trades or ia p&rt Dtrictly forbidden. Any Infringejnent on t M a copyrignt will bs prosecutes. - .' ••..."..-*
PAGANISM AT THE-MOVIES This is an off article, -written not in my study hut in the offices of the Seven Arts in Kew Jork. Parties, • plays, people — all a little.jconfusing to one who Jias become a yeshuvnifc and who regards the great city and all that it contains ivith a certain mixture of- awe and wonder. And there Save been speaking engagements and questions asked and, among others, the question has been asked -— the very intelligent and very searching Question-— how precisely is that paganism to be defined that is rearising in the Tvorld and that is the common enemy of all those to whom it might be applied the phrase inTented by the eminent French novelist Jules Roniains: men of good will. • I think I found one answer at the movies the other night—one •very pertinent and very.shocking In" ,Omaha where A1 e p h answer, Misguidedly I was, taken to Radio City. It is maginif- Zadik Alepli, Junior Order of; Jcent and all this magnificence B'nai' B'rith, .ras founded,•' 13 louses idiocy. All this spl splendor years . _ . as l as iin more ago,
rk of this enrporation shall
00. divided into .100 shares f which stock shall be roipand when issued shall bo for in cash, services or mil be nonassessable. The rornmenccment of the corhall be on-the fiiins of a s .Articles of Incorporation County Cleric of Douglas Nebraska, and its terminabo fifty years thereafter, st amount of indebtedness he corporation shall at any ;ct itself shall not exceed enual to 2/3 of its capital o business affairs of this :. shall 1>? conducted b y . a ot less than two nor more lireetors,/v.ho shall elect a Secretary and Treasurer. ATVKVTIN MICHNICIC AMttEL ZACHAR1A GBODJNSKY, MARER & COHEN, Attys. naha Nat'i Bk. Bldg.
notified that on the April, J.SC7. Aiifrelo An|o and ft'arn Salvatore Rizeir petition in the above |ter settins forth that Osjler Berjriiuist. a resident Douglas County, Nebraska, i s tlrrrein on or about Oc= 3, seised nnd possessed of Jin the following' described lo-wit: -five. (u^ Feet of Lot n Block Three Hundred ttvo (S-!2). of the Qriffbt Omaha, as surveyed, iphed. in Douslas Couna. . . > sole nnd only heirs at ma C. Bersquist. Helma' 'KOUtst and Amanda G. ,id that tire prayer of said |L decree determining the death of the eieredent, Jrs. fircins the degree of id heii-s and the ripht relief as to the Court ust and- etpjitable, and •is set for hearing rranty Court of Douglas aslia,- on the Sth day of tlje hour t>f nine o'clock
t i
Dmaha. Nebraska, this .pril.'1D37- . S T C E CRAVTFORD.
County Judse.
WOLFE. Attorney fes St., Ofsco BWg.
ps. 9 Dozen Frnits, 12
.Dozen Saucers. 2 Dozen Dozen Grapefruits, 7 2 Dozen Creamers. 5 •s, G Sugars. 18 Sizzlinpr , S Green Ice Tubs, 1 e^ister. 3 Dozen Plates., r'Chips. 1 Dozen Na.p1?, 1 Dozen Cel—10|12 dozen Creamers. 3 Dozen Saucers, 3 IS Sucurs, 1 .Beer ink. 24 Chrome Napkin iozen Platen, 17 Eauce I Pots. 20 Utility- Pans, japots. 1 CoIanGdr. 13 ce Pans, 2 "High Chair, SMr
• • ' • • •
r.ditional saloa contract
the Omaha Fixture & ay. and signed by CamIridse, said conditional beins dattd October 19, been filed in the ofnly Clerk of Gnse i 2Jst day t>f October, a -will be for the pur-' -illoslns said. conditional 1 for costs of sale and lasts, and for the putK-in? the amount now "b-wit: 54.323.21. that no k-aceedinss a t law have jl to recover said debt "Teof. IE & STJPPLT CO.
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\ persecution of the Jews the hand ! of dark forces which will enslave 1 atiiletics. ! Polish democracy and the Polish -der of fools/Worse than fools, as the Bar 3Iitzvalv of-A. Z. A.-is A. Z. A. will b e broadcast over people" and the performing her yon shall see. T^he film that -was being cvlebrated Sundav, May; radio station -*3vOHi. Principal oic deeds in- defense of J f ^ s , " showing "was called "A Star Is 9, in a gronp of v<iried pro- speaker on t h e program will •r > j Sbolera A s c h, internationally n f T ' be Sam Beber, founder of t h e Born". Need I say that it was noi famous novelist and playwright, Order, while J u l i a s Bisno will morning, star that was meant, no Despite the fact that the \ said at a reception given in his act a s master of ceremonies. new planet swimming Into the ' honor by the Joint Distribution i Incidental music will accoineight of men? No, it was a movie Mother Chapter is located in i Committee preliminary to his em-; the broadcast. star—a queenlet of the. filina. Omaha," the. principal celebraLincola University Chapter! barking oa a speaking trip in be-; She was born in a village. -She tion will be in the city of Chihalf of the J. p . C.'s $4,630,000 j -R-as born among the poor and cago, where Sam Beber, found- j and Canada. . Its membership has . Has Hig-hest Avers-ga'cf . Social Fraternities simple. Not only, note, among the er of the Order, will be gnest grown from a score of midwestern ; drive. ! simple of heart, but among the of honor. In Omaha, the pro- • • Saying that he spoke for " t t youths to more-than 4,000 memsimple of mind. Simplicity of gram was extended over the Sigma Omicron chapter of Sig-' best -elenents i a Poland 1 ' T h e j bers and its alumni;numbers more ieart is beautiful. Great sages early part of the week to per] ma -Alpha 3Iu" again takes t o p ' h e denounced discriminations an can 1je simple of heart. But this mit Mr. Beber's presence in i than 5,000, scattered throughout ranking in scholastic! averages for ' attacks oa t h e 3,000,000 Jews c j the, world of business, art, literasort of simplicity of mind that is Chicago. The local program .5 social fraternities o.a t h e Univer- Poland, Asch declared glorified on'the silver screen is consisted of a ball at the Fon- ture and the professions. Charter inquiries for Aleph sity of Nebraska campus, accord- been the fate of t h e whole J ev-r ignorance and stupidity; it is tenelle on Sunday, 3Iay 2, and . ish people for ages to be mad mental age eleven; it is the low- a ^Bar Mitr»-ah banquet at the Zadik Alepli chapters throughout to the figures released by the ; responsible- for the sins and faults1 the world are now arriving at Inest common denominator of the Jewish Community Center on dean of student affair last week. of individual Jews or Jewish eternal moron. the evening of May 3, at which ternational Headquarters here in Sigma Alpha Ma's average for groups. Let us cot pay back ir. increasing numbers. The last to I shall make the long an4 fool- 3Ir. Beber was the principalthe first semester of this school the same coin. Even today oi be received was from a group of heroic deeds are being ish story short. For-it 4? the speaker, recalling many inci- Jewish youths in Shanghai, China. J"ear ^*as 2.S0G. The next iiigh- Polish soil^ _ , .-„. Q0 e moral that I am. concerned with. dents of the organization in s in. defense cf est,'fraternity average was .2.265, " "• ^^'^^ jLocal Celebration The girl rises to stardom in Hol- early days of the nbiv internarom Jews. VTe send om her here o u r :he highest sorority averAt the local A. Z. A. celebraly wood and" finds the man, of her tionally lenown fraternity. greetings and our thanks lt6 a" ' age was 2.714. la computing tion Monday evening," Julius Bisheart and marries him; He, alas, men who have shown courInternational Recognition no acted as toastmaster. Sam ! these averages, a rating: of 4 athose drinks to soddenness, to madness, ! would show that all grades aver- S e b^" ^0Td £ n f i d e e d i n serrlnz International recognition has Beber, founder of the order, was to bestiality. (Among the pagans aged SO or above, a rating ratin: cf S the Polish cause and savini t i e ' speaker of the evening. this ia considered an amiable _1 0 n to the Order on thi ver- . = 00 3 Polish same. ex-!., Ephraim ^larks, president of | would show that all grades anniversary, an •vrealoiess. For the feeblemind-i 1 eeds ave been - — ' SO t oS9, a rating of
*- ^ ~ C
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1 •<>
j.! i
-College stude-n s
in being coi'.asel ors a t Ci Yehudi ;Menuhin, world-famous : i Akiba, the Iicme camr rf 'Jewish, violinist, will - play ' in; Jewish Cornmu:lity Omaha nest fall, on the program, p a : n e d A u t h o r Frophecises rcsy applv tlurir=E ii'ie fnr ' ^~ of the Tuesday Jlusical club. ] Final Defeat of Polish i week to Miss Al leu ; Center for positio ns. Yehudi, who has won renown: Anti-Senites ' It 1= rec«sanon the concert stage, has been : '1 New York (YOCS) — Great; cants have at leas Oil 9 yea: * scheduled for November 10, at : masses of Christian Vorkingmen \ | college trainir.sr'a nd be able , - ' the Central High auditorium. ' and democrats "rightly see in the | LL'ilu U(. i, Cjar-bcS in cr; '
i !
i p r r, r m .
At 4 : 3 0 p . m., Sunday, a as of a temple of the ancient j tlian 200 other leading citfes m •world is made to contain the fod-Jtlie United States and Canada, Bar Mitzvali program of t h e
bounty Court of Douglas naska. tter of. the Estate of Qser Bersquist, Deceased. All Persons Interested In
ir. One Front Ear, One and Drnin'baurd. One . >ne Coil Bos. One Cigar "AVitll Case. One LCase. One Urn Stand Piate. . Twelve Sets of Tables. One Pet-Up iter Cooler. Four Tables Tallies 20x20. 22 Chairs. - Stools. -C Lineal. Feet •ling. Two Only Doors, ne ilajestic Broiler. One :e. One Galvanised Iron Work Ty.ble, One Table 3-. ft. S in.. One Batn iteam Table, One Pan. ork Tables. One Soiled One Two-Compartment lean Dish Table. One ne "Vegetable Sink and One Easement Cooler, nd Colls. One Deep Fat trhl. Bucliet Blade F a n r ' tfee ilaiicr, 4 Steel Fry Fry Pans, 4 Steel Fry " Fry Pans. 1 Sleel Fry Fryer. 1 Beating Bowl. 1 JJoast Pan. 2 Chinese jed Skimmer, jboons, C ilixin? SpoonB, i s . 2 Egg "Whips. 2 Ash vers. 1 Mopping1 Bucket, er. 1 Broiler. 12 Dtraen irs. 4 Dozen Salt & Pepijrar Bottles, 5 Dozen ?es.: 6 "IVater Bottles. 5 Classes, S Dozen Round Jpbons, 12 Dozen Teaozen Dessert Forks. 5 Forks, 10 Dozen Din3 - Dozen Porterhouse 1 Butter Cutter. 1 Food ire fePotato 'Masher. 20 Slop Heads, 1—4-Slice Double W'afflemaster, [7 Do^en^PIatos, 5 Doz-
1 1
CONDITIONAL SALES TFJACT SALE ;reby given tViat on the 1VJ7. at J0;im o'clock, Sure *"i SuT'piy. Company,* lias Street. Omaha. Me-; ndersigrned ivill sell at s to the highest, bidder
Entered as SReond Class Malt'Matter on January 21. 1S21, a t i"ostofflco of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 2S73
fS*. V - - * s k ^ ' jv *..'
up the screen in or-; this week: .: . . i the invocation and .Rabbi Freder : t h e. coveted Hamer trophy, Tier to devote herself to his salva-j " I seek at this time to direct i ick Cohn the benediction. .awarded to the fraternity attain-: dieted i aat efforts to murder 3 tion-and for a moment the story, the attention of the members of) Leo Sherman and Sam Wolk ^ g the highest scholastic aver- 000,000 Jews will fail, savin:: in its simple and humhle way | the House to an event of import- : presented tends toward a touch of moral jance to the Second Congressional: ed, "The Dummy. soundness .But that must not be.; District of Nebraska. On .May 9th j present Aleph Goaol, spoEe on ne- j The pagap. mob would not endure! this year there will be celebrated j half of the active members. Warsaw (Tv'XS) —Defying th« nor pay its pennies to be made to it h e thirteenth anniversary of the) Dan Miller, Reuben Xippett and i time • University of Nebraska schrecent government order which endure that. There must be no; founding of the international or- ! ilowis Arbitman were in -charge 1 elastic record l O r social .ra.era- disbanded all student organisaities, will be computed with this such thing- as renunciation; there ja e r Aleph Zadik Aleph, the junior ! of arrangements. \ tions as a 'measure to prevent
year"s first semester grade for fimust be no such thing as a true j B'nai'-B'rilh, in the City o£ Oma-| nal consideration towards the anti-Jewish disturbances, nation•wisdom of the heart. .That i s j t a ^y a fellow citizen, Sam Beber j Leader -^. Hainer trophy. Tlie trophy will.: alist students attacked Jews inothing for the; pagan. Hence Io £ tJ ^ e s a m e city. Today that; Academies cf Agriculture e n . of' Underground . be awarded at the annual Inter- i the the drunken husband, desperate s a m e m 0 T e nient numbers over Com.Ei.erce end then " en demonstratfraternity banquet. over his healing, walks one finei i, t . 200 c ap ers over his g, ed in front of the ministry of edAnti-Nazi' Group sunset evening into the sea. Butj "This Jewish young men's or-j ucation. Police dispersed ' th"" rioters and invoked their nenote again the-crude pagan m °-rg a nization is" devoted to work of i ^ ^ T o r k ( T r K S ) _ H i s f a c e PALESTINE'ECONOMIC tivation. He does so_ .in- ord«|aeTel6pIng an enlightened citizen- | c o m p l e t e l r covered with a blue CORPORATION GAINING] Pov,eT to maintain order in th that his wife may not_ give upJ^-Vry by its intense program of cnl- m a g k a n a attached piece i of f i colleges by -closing the two ECE- " "career." Success is the soHerr h ^ g tnpal. l social service, i religions, lii s a m e co lor, demies. c l o t a o f t h e Success is the idol. Success athletic activity. PatrioNew York (WNS) — The Pal-1 'york (TTXS) — Bearing underthe c,al S e h m i d t i l e a d e l e a d e r o f out any regard' it its quality, to f German sea- i estine Econoiaic Corporation's l^holem AscVs' assertion that . irable form, ;.«^. nti-Nazi t i g m J n l t g m o s { des ound a its. virtue, to any permanent conis fighting' ^nole owned subsidiaries earned i jevrs of Poland are in sre; t e a c M n g a n rinderstanding-l ° l e n - s u n i o n sideration. Stripped success. of and devotion to the great dem-i^ z ig m '"" o " n "Q e r m a n s hip S and in \a net-profit, of ?1G5,S15 during ; n e e d o f r e l 5 e f today than in th~ 1 3 Brutal effectiveness. Kaw power ocratic ideals of our country, has j fi and the corporation declar-; p o s t . - ^ a r eays, Konstanty J. JarG e r l n a n y j ^plained to a group of; ) "" or which the symbols again are been, the . real aim of' this * i reporters gathered in a Green-1 e a a. regular • divident of 2 per: osze wicz, president of the fnichrute physical things, newspaper youth movement." Village apartment his m e t h - i c e a t 0 D i t s common stock for the \o f churches of Christ, ,which «)picture, crowds in a state of stuI year gages -ia — missionary Other letters of congratulation \O(j •o f operation. . ended December 31, 193S, . „-_— . pid adulation, jewels, cars, "and the order, which Jias come of.j ^Telling how many of the un-Jit i s revealed in its 10th annual, -Russia and Poland, called Ass'1. louses; In this world e'on this anniversary, are from ion's members wear the swastjka, j. report. j ><&n instrument to arouse the b?.inot and must not be B Ot . fnat m u s v uu£_ " c ra ces of"the'Felix Frankfurter, who emphasi- j Schmidt, .who admitted that, was! The report shows that the cor-.; red' in the hearts of the Gentilesatlsfact on no _ ^ ^ a y ^ b u t j zed the. contributions of A. Z.' A. jn o t his real name, said the - anti--j poration made new: investments ; toward iis^ own people so t'r,a l e a r t nor^an^^ ^_om t h e t h i n g of \ to a better understanding as. well *xazi secret movement is growing ^amounting to 536,937 in Pales-.; they night be criven cut of tti h1" a Id "r any implication of i as to actual maintenance and es- ! rapidly. He handed out cigar- ! tiaian companies, bringing the to- Gentile countries." In a Setter tc l • ^ t e n t that the crass and+tension of Jewish life in ;Palest •; ettes which when half burnedi tal to SI,361,344. the -World-Telegram, Jaroszswic= Q ^l J 'zes of this crass and hid- tine. Governor Herbert H. Leh- i turned out to contain cleverly dis-j ^Loans to Palestine companies- said that Polish Jews,"are reithU ^'orld are not all-sufficing, 'man of New York has this to say: j jjujsed' little pellets which were j in 1936 canfe to $166,169, niak-i er" starTicg nor being persecuted: A we definin"' paganism? It 'May i offer my heartiest, con- j anti-Nazi literature/ j.ing the.total 52,765,515. 'they are enjoying ecual riglits." xQ m e t n a t we are. gratulations and good wishes. A.! Schmidt also explained how his j —— B Bear with the sorry story • for j Z. A. has. tafeen. a very active part j union- prints anti-Nazi leaflets on • •mother moment 'The starlet is j in encouraging groups of boys! hoard German ships under the CTief-stricken. She. has no heart and young- men to take a real in- j noses of Nazi ^ .agents. After - I TlQV* terest in a program of social, cul- | brief talk. Schmidt left the room , left for her work. ;She retire in earnest- She • will indeed tural, social service, religious and : while the reporters waited 15-1 abandon the world. Will she? Oil athletic activities as well' as an ; minutes to give him a good, head the scene 'appears l;i e r grandmo-i interest in governing service to i start. ther, her Tillage . grandmother, | the community and good citizen-j . ' . and 'asks: "Are you going to be a! ship. Because o r these high pur- j Mlave Malke quitter?" Oh yes, literally, > t h e l poses aii dthe manner in which j grandmother from-the village, a jjtheyy have been carried out during jj T h e Iasj . M i a . v e TJalke meeting ' g ll and d efficient f f i i t old old^.creature, creature jjtt JJl e p a s tt 13 ers A •swell' 13 years, A. Z Z. A A., is is !!o £ ^ j [ ; , , . a a i 1Organization will : asks, just that. No, needless to^m t t c l l t o b e congratulated . . . " ! be'"-held'Saturday , May S at S p. ' say, the startlet will be no quitother letters of commendation , .a t the B . n a i j a c ob synagogue f ter. .'She'goes' on and. on and tm a n d congratulation came from Dr. Ia t 2ith a n d x i c l i O l a s S t . to higher heights of film gloryji s r a e l Goldstein, president of the.; hes ; A n interesting pprograia rg and film success and.the implica- J-ewish National Fund of America, | been, arranged. Everyone is Intion i a —.for the. first" time in hu-fromBr. Cyrus Adler, president; rj£ed to bring his family as lh;.i ' man history, since the pagans, of of the American Jewish-Commit-! w jjl 'be'the last meeting of the old .-knew -infinitely ..better .of;t e e , from Louis Lipsky, . of. the ;s e a s o n . ' j course;—: 'that that, -way lie con- j Z i OIl j s t organization of America, j tentment and happiness and the ja n d Dr _ J a m e s E_ rrest. chief. es- ' r fulfillment of life./ \; • .- .; jecutive of the Eoy . Scouts of | V< The Nazig will n | SIcCook, Neb., May 6 — R a t b i not hear of fail-JJ _ i mmeerr-ccaa , • ' Tire. The pagan -must Goldstein, of Omaha will u t .succeed, succeed p A c o n ''c r c t e e y i d e nce of the fact!dIDe lai vT iedr A. 'And he must gain Ms ends with-1 t h i t . A z A t r s i n s : l t s . m e iabers t h e t b e P r l n C 1 ?^ s t r e s s a, out ever- examining: the: value " communal leadership is] I ^ commencement , of j, o_r .. „ ™ ^ . f ^ment exercises exer^es ; c c. th d under d any eternal t r n a l a s-} \ those ends - . , *? ^cCook inSH sclooi srac'.: aS jnstance3 ia [ pect. . : He;wm not.: be'.a vHtter.j^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ h a T e nt -- ; ating class Goldstein's the eremngtdiic o,i=-,ia,, ; even though quitting vould mean | positions of ro-pon,iMity ';- '• p and the S\ro-i'." saving the of m^n, caring'. the peace oflives the world, saving his { ., Arr-l-a Jev,-i-h COSPH' it- • Jl . " "r"j** " '•"] Commence esers'ses are to be in Dunns tfce 1? yeirs of it^ PXI«- Il h e 3 J e t l l o a i s t c h u r c h < tie. Tisat i from one chapter"in Omahc.~" ICe-, Pars Willie, the wil, " W h s t trie " 5Tliat ^n true which conquers, pre- hraska,thet oorsani: more than 200 ci".E>. cio%-io business needs is more *::'tera tlrrou^hout the Ucicod Statcal do-vrh customers:" ', (Cor.t:r.ucJ on pr.se S.)
) .'
>. >
* Page:
an artificial one. Jewish poverty starter at a fciph school track' in the r/ar for "ice tradition, of I rcther. They fought for tft« tradl cries to heaven. c c e t at A&hlanJ , . . r:;i r n ' s-V' f- t»t'«" r. ' r (r'~ court-? " ttor «f freedom Sa this country The Polish peasant who has livpal, the nli-arcurd g t c J- U< C. i-i j> s , -pt-'i 5 F , V " / l ~ e . i | ioff 1 i t 3$. F (rev&otn ell-embraclng BB« By SA-T SGKAPIE0 ed close to the Jew for a thoueago. "\v • Z W F ~ r t ftfjj^rfivf- r< distinction of part? >2 J C sand years, is in touch with him i r«-f* " in a hundred different ways in Tennis players, here'.3 a break. daily life. He knows and sees that the Jewish peddler, the Jew- The Jewish Community Center 'J ish craftsman ^ h o makes his lit-|-fathletic department has secured 'Treachery,* Stcler of Johnny .Tatom, London Edttcctcr'^ *• tie fur coat for him, or the poor m a sh a^ A a iS c l u b Professional, Jewish shopkeeper, who sells him ?tO C , f C, l M S Center hi s salt herring - he sees that - London ( J T A ) — Oliver £ ~ r - h > a " ' i q I"1 ' ' r all these Jews are starving and! ° ar sf tMs oe ns sd iaoyas hb ae nmd Thursdays, the ley, president of t h e Boa.rU of £C-\ 1^<? v . - h i*i ? ~i v s j ; >c^ j lire, in-even greater poverty than " * ^ l l e d for May ucation, denounced _r.ti Sei_Ui~:_ J ' c c i . ' t t'ercl*--' . r ' s -By Sfiolem Acch be'himself. He sees that the J e y last week as " t h e blackest tieaci.-, t ^ a s c - _ Jc»fcv i o if ^ - - T -?* r > All men, women and children is earning his bit of bread hon'" ' Sholem Asch, world-famous of which were burled' three- ferior. As I expressed my amaze- estly and is satisfied with next to who are members of the Center, ery" t o - t h e ' s o l d i e r s -fcfto foi ri... «'« < i - >* ~- " ' " " ' novelist and playwright, who fourths below the surface of thement the old Jew replied: "What nothing. This poor peasant is belias just arrived in this country ground and where the light of can I do? I am a Jew. I cannot ginning to understand that the are welcome to partake in the -instructions Mr. Tatoia will hand for a nation-wide speaking tour tho sun could come in through expect her to regard me as a lyi| entire anti-Semitic movement — out. in behalf of the Joint Distrlbu- only a small slit.Where one must carried pn by t h e idle middle man being." /"""">, C r~*S. tribntion Committee, has writr\ ?' / 1 ' - ' : •;_• ; v A \ Jen for the SEVEN: ARTS FEA- step through a dirty gutter to get On the second Sunday I went class, supported by t h e rich land-j T h ep r o p o s e d J u n , o r owners and sanctioned by the r u l in — in this cellar I counted the by car from Warsaw to Kutna. I t W-TURE SYNDICATE and THE league at the Center took-—a big was a magnificent day. The car ing class — i s ; intended for one step, forward at a meeting last! JEWISH PRESS this exclusive following inhabitants: One widow who" had two young passed through many Tillages and purpose only: To throw sand in week when 40 youngsters turned article in whjch he records his impressions of the misery and daughters, busy at flower-making small and bigger towns. Every- the peasant's eyes, distract his a t - up a noisy session. ,C [ : ; • -• • . / !_ L suffering h e saw a n d felt near the window; a woman with where the population was out intention, from t h e t r u e causes, of Lee Grossman hopes to get the his misery, quiet his thirst for the street dressed up in its colorseveral grandchildren — her husamong the Jews of Poland durleague started May 16. band had gone away, no* one ful Sunday best. A. race, of mot- soil a n d home. ing his recent visit there. Mr. Grossman also has high knows where; a workingman; orcycles was to: pass through that) They try to offer him the doubt- h o p e s ' t h a t the men's Softball] -—THE EDITOR and a sicks Jew who, bedridden, day, going from Berlin to "War-ji ful Jewish stragan, or_ pushcart, loop will also get started. All Lee was spitting out the last remnants saw, and the people were out? instead of the soil which he needs are four teams. After he ' These are random notes that I of his lungs into the faces- of the awaiting the passing show, The!'needs; the Jewish shop is tobe Scribbled » during my journey small children. Those children road leads through, the famous;! his own if only he will aid the gets them, he'll need a doctor. through Poland. What I saw who were already able t o craw Polish - town Loyvitsh. The -''pea-ij landowner in ousting the Jew. Les Burkenroad is one gentle\there, what I felt .as the misery collected like little birds aroun sant folk of this district dress-inf However, he has no grudge l ot our brethren was brought the dustbin near the privy in or- brightly colored woolen clothes, against the Jew, and he has rea- man who takes his job seriously. Recently appointed athletic Some to me, compelled me t oder to play, while the bigger chil- which are, incldentalry, woven by sons for hating the rich landowncome back to America to tell my dren played in the dirty street. the Jews on hand looms as in the er who lives at the expense of the chairman a t the Center, Les has tellovr-Jews, my fellow-Americans The. very little ones were pltfying old days. The entire countryside peasant. Those peasants who moved ahead -with • forcefulness and has had the tumbling mats r that they cannot leave these peo- about on the broken stone floo: —fields, woods, pastures— lay have let themselves be drawn repaired and will soon have win-j : pie to their fate. I saw, too, theof the cellar. -.'••- : into opening shops in the towns under brilliant sunshine, and was ot the .Joint Distribution brilliant with the gay colors of do not know how to manage. Xo dow shades for the gym floor's] 'Committee, the amazing achievethe peasant costumes. Every pea- matter, how much support they east windows, so volleyball playOn the third day, Monday, ments of this organization, with sant, man or woman, looked as if receive from society and no mat- ers -won't have any more alibis. Hither and dither: the comparatively small resources was on the way from Warsaw to cut out of a picture; well washed, ter how great the campaign for .Warsaw has^a forty per The matron's volleyball sesI decided tha "Qtvozfc. the boycott against the Jew, the ( a t its command. combed, ornamented, and dressed cent Jewish population, Orvozk sions Monday, Wednesday, and J must do my part in increasing ninety peasants prefer to go to the Jewas for a marriage feast. per • cent or more. A new .these resources, even a s I did road Is ish shop rather than, patronize Fridays, continue to sizzle, t h e construction beIn general the atmosphere has their fellow peasants. The Jew • sprightly gals taking their comduring the war and post war tween theunder/ two towns. During my improved lately among "the-non, years. is content wi^h a minimum pro- ! petition Quite seriously . . . Lee walk I saw hundreds of workers * One Sunday morning I strolled laying nlpes, hewing atone, pre- Jewis^h population. The depres- fit, and his living expenses a r e soj Grossman has them divided into through the streets of th© poor paring the tar base; there was sion 19.decreasing and there is low and his trading experience so i two teams, Robins and Cardinals Jewish district in "Warsaw. - Thenot. one Jew among them. Near hope for better times. But a s for g?eat that it is very difficult t o —and they don't flock together • Pale, haggard faces, frightened compete-with him . The^treat handball tournament, congregations w e r e returning Otvizk a few Jews were standing to sart soon, is attracting a recfrom the synagogues, the Beth- about, idling and looking on, the Jews on this happy occasion-These things I have seen wring ,, Sledreshim. and .from the innum- while the Goyim were building eyes, faces mirroring the damp . In my heart. What can I do to help this ^ - b r meet, e a k i n the g entry erable small congregations of the the road from the town to.War- walls of the unvehtilated cellars my losing list player must struggling brethren? I can t h l s m e p t t h s 1o!3lnff n ] ! Chassidic quarters. I t wan a bea-saw. I asked them why they stood where they must live. They were my t u llittle i t h ? Iway. treat his- conqueror t o a slab of help but inb ar monetary utiful day, a bright early.autumn there while the others . worked. dressed In their poor torn caf- But Now what if they ! I can lend the weight of my {ice cream , -_s Sun shed an agreable warmth, "What else should, we do? Do tans, with'their small, worn hats pen and made it beer! . . . Grossman's my voice to the cause, so and the entire Jewish population you think they would let us work slapped down over their faces that the whole world will Snow starting things again . . Last ."was out in: the streets, in the week, the curly-haired boy was on the road? Go a h e a d / t a l k to and stood there with their weary of the plight ot my brethren. jcourts, on the balconies of their them, you'll see!" women and children whom 2iomes or strolling about in the they hid for fear of the Goyim— ' squares whiie the children were Three miles behind Warsaw in the courts of the little houses (Copyright 1937 By Seven Arts • Feature Syndicate;) playing in the . dried-out gutters there Is a farm >. of Chalutzim, and looked into t h e streets » • I t , . 5 i or i i the dirt of the courtyards - . which the Jewish, community has through cracks in door windows. I t was a sight of the most fright- put a t their disposal for their And if a Jew did venture out into Anthropological Expedition Profeucfs end jful misery, neglect, hunger and training. A hundred and fifty the streets and" look on this fete to Biro-Bidjan - T f.teferiof Co. poverty.. The people made the young people, drawn from all of of the swastika, and the Eagle, he Moscow (JTA) —- The Lenin-impression of having been buried Poland, have made a model farm ORSABf MIXES grad Anthropological and Ethnostood pressed against the wall as ; LIGHT JACKETS alive. Every second person was out of; this neglected swampy an. unwelcome stranger, filled graphical Museum- i s sending an j j C0?!C£_TE •undernourished, skeletons of Skin piece of land. They raise there with fear and trembling, his eyes expedition to'Biro-Bidjan to stu- 2 0 PLASTERERS' SUP}»U_S Over slim dark f r o c k r . . . 0 MASONS' SUPPS.IES ,' and bones, crippled,- candidates the' choicest flower©, and angora dark with death-fear,' like' a dy the cultural' and sociological out of the Fsris epcrdrT ©ESICK AND TILE .-*' for the grave, as if writhing be- rabbits, which: Jews have intro- mourner a t a marriage feast . . . situation of the Jews in the auto. . . fresh s s a fcreeas. tween the- emaciated fingers: of duced into Polish farming. Their nomous Jewish region. 4520 COI>GS ST. consumption which : i r consuming: cows give double the milk of the .Birdseye imported piqae . The materials, collected are t o The hope of the Jews lies In be 3iot only the body but the soul aa average cow of - the Polish peaand sheer crepe t insk® shown, at the exhibition. Sosant. Their vegetables are the the democratic and radical ele- cialist Biro-Bidjan," to be Held in this youthful combiua^ beat to;be had In Warsaw. B u t ments of. Poland. ' ] I t would be Leningrad. tion. _' • immeasurably stupid, even crimthese young people are training In this country tha Jewish chil- themselves for emigration. The inal, t o lump the entire Polish X flren look as if they were .living Poles satisfied with that — people together into a single an4n a Chinese province which has as longare ti-Semitic, bloc. There are secas it is for emigration and v z t h a opsr.Inj of c a r new c-piSsc-cc r t c r c Eirsctc-f s t j Just passed -through'a period of tions of, the Polish people who 1 8 1 8 - 2 0 . Doisslas S t . — J u s t 2 d o o r s w e s t of ll-sizl PoRfenslSej famine. I saw the children' of not for Poland. have had no opportunity to spea"k Germany soon after the War, but en Saturday, May Stfs. Free carnations vtlll ba gfvefs t o ssfj . Exclusive With Ut The Jewish business man, even their mind during recent years. adult visitors. the Jewish children of Poland, In Their leaders were silenced by ^"Warsaw streets overflowing with when he seea possibilities for en'jflirt and misery — these children larging his activities, is in contin- brute force, their organizations "are more undernourished than uous fear of excesses provoked by crippled; but they are alive, and , jthose German children who hadanti-Semites. No one thinks of en- are now starting to collect their JAKl , passed through the War. Male larging- his business; on the con-forces. They know a n d underjand female teachers of the pri- trary, every one tries to reduce tand that the anti-Semitic wave mary schools told me facts such! his enterprise. The insecure sit- which has swept over Poland Is , bs, for example of children sav- uation of the Jews increases un'png the bread of their only meal, employment among them, which, Sailor i>e; 1 . . . full gkist ,. provided for them by the school, In turn, has a fatal influence up. . . safip'" p'-'lar, com* -|ln order to take it home to their on" the economic life of the countrasting r i r f i B g and try'as a whole. But who bothers hungry parents- • bright It r t f r buttons! about a little thing l i k e - f h a t Sizes I H f , when the object Is to undermine In the Warsaw ghetto I saw A Division of ?oung women, some- twenty or Jewish enterprise and force the Jews to emigrate? tssuTard tnorlcan thirty years old, who looked old anitary On day I found myself in a and broken down: dead eyes, 4 Radiator CORPORATION fewollen bodies, legs like match- Warsaw antique shop, an elegant bticks, dragging alopg in rags, shop in excellent ta3te, when a " preathing asthmatic breaths . . . I Christian woman entered. To my us Contractors paw men going about like ghosts, surprise she' addressed the neat 2612 Leavenworth A t 2360 elderly shopkeeper In the'famil •pale as sheets, living ..corpses with r 5nad, flaming eyes, continually \ form, as if speaking to an in. Jabbering to themselves.. Tho fslums of Warsaw are the worst, Ijteem. with ^fae greatest misery to •foe found anywhere in Europe. S" _________ <5 SCCJ tiso PeOQF fesiII cns!3 S_5s. |- In one Warsaw court, in a dirSir_3s5o" . . . IssisRtly rcScsscs iy cellar, the, two small windows Sa^Cabas from Tray—2 e r a dozen at a timo... 'does awsy wIHi I7sst® of laeifins looso under faucet!
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.PRINTED - - CHIFFONS Ssnsrt .women will be jbsistiug .on tailorcrl and flowered Chiffons.' T h e . one pictsredl lias. _ full skirt . .. . clever short jjoetes, grtliereJ fhosl* (Zcrs cr. I draped bodice. Si zcj Ter
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tto eaaiJ «ao a copy
-fi.v^tp^j^- ^lut.
- . Slflta. . . . . - . airt!
^ / * , ' • :
Uy fought for the .tradi reedom in this country sdom all-embracing ani I distinction of party. ^eed."
Our Comics. Chaplin showed her quet will -be held • at the .'Blackrr ] « 5 P some of his tricks . . . Cantor stone Hotel. The Alumni-Fresho taught her how .to put over an man cup will be awarded at this - 1' pc ' . r e American tune . . . then came the time to the member of this year's } rRitz brothers . . . greeted her freshnan class who has been sel" f F with a Elap on the back. She re-ected by the active chapter as the turned the slap. Whereupon, in outstanding member in scholartheir usual spirit of "good clean ship, aetivtiea and general fraterfun," they picked her up and nal and campus interest. _ swung her through the air. She In honor of their mothers, the screamed for help . , . grounded, members of the chapter will enshe concluded she wouldn't study tertain their parents en Sunday In virtually every community Chapters are able to -carry thjs unusual in view of t i e fact that that type of humor. - : -v -" , r-i - In the United States and Canada into effect because they receive virtually every Jewish organiza- "Are These Our Children?" Ed- at the chapter house in Lincoln. ' The new president will address' •where there are one hundred.and from Omaha each month the A. tion in America has its national die Cantor spent every spare mofifty Jewish families, you -will Z. A. Monthly Program "Which is headquarters in New York City, 1 ment coaching daughter Edna for those present on behalf of the- bcc^-ZE Cut / f f l c C l ' , r <=- . . . T £ \ "^ - i telling of the activities find a chapter of the A. Z. A. a rather voluminous loose-leaf where half the. Jews in the United j her radio act with Jack Warner. members the past year and the present! 2 - - £ ^ <"""". T^ "V" T " ' L £=• f ..e of These chapters live on a'program publication giving . detailed plans States reside. But A. Z. A. pre-Jr. over N. *B. C. And then she of conditions of the house. A re-| the n ^ i Z C A ecn'e-Uor. Z. PL «. ' and spirit that emanates from and suggestions for all phases of fers to "carry on in the city of Its couldn't go on. Mike-fright! ' sponse -will be offered by Sirs, j Omaha. their work including a one-hour birth, to continue to reach out to crcxnn 2 > : Harry tlalashoek, president of' f-c i i "Aleph Zadik Aleph of B'nai completely prepared program for the east, north, south and west A certain agent planned a trip. the Mothers' club. A short proand in. so doing injeci that simB'ritb is today the largest Jewish j a public meeting on some culturFriends gave a farewell party. grain, of entertainment will foi-! boys fraternity ?n. the United | al subject of interest.- ' In addi- ple honesty of purpose and per-Then he was delayed. Again he low. Irviu Kuklin, who recently: That Get Slapped by Choneh {theMIS"-" 1 " 1 States. It has for its purpose the tion there are Parents' Days, na- sonality that is characteristic of expected to go . . . another party took one of the leading comedy; East Sider's^ ubiquitous kibitzer, back-slapper end gate-crasher) ? \ the middle west. . . . again postponement. This roles in the Kosraet Klub annual • enrollment of young men between tional Sabbath observances, inter; recurred so many times that spring musical production f ea-'. . . . And that a branch may be cial I r.c" — the ages of 15 and.21 in an or- national • awards for individual : d in Palestine soon after turing men in all roles, will tap George Kaufman finally remarkget poo»l ganization whose progran} is de- Initiative, sectional tournaments ed, 'Ah! forgotten, but not gone!' dance. A dinner will complete you set foot there on your sec-;. voted to the mental, moral and in basket ball and debate, an Inthe afternoon's activities. j onfi (and perhs.ps permr.cpnt} ! cion, ^ t • \ physical development -of its mem- ternational oratory contest, and visit to Eretz Israel? . . . Those' rbers—the eradication of bigotry conferences galore! Rumblings and ramblings: CuThe opening' of the spring ten- j who have felt the thump of your ' east, n < most uc^~ ~ v and race prejudice, the intensifi- " The Omaha headquarters tries pid has been 'given notice' at the nis season found tvro of ZBT's By HELEN Z2GM0ND " Ermon Pessis-Renee Torres dom- hopefuls filling berths on the calloused palm tell me that among ! l a n d :«• cation of participation in things to meet the special problems of Hollywood Shiver my tim- icile, say reports. Phyllis Dobson the famous backs it. has caressed Jewish, and the stimulation of in- youth. A couple of years ago, bers! varsity team. Irving Kuklin, who and all that sort o'thing . « . (birth-tagged Ludwig) is neglectwere those of Dr. Chairn Weizterest in educational, humanita- when members began to feel the we just received the news . . . ing Filmtown because of one Ab- in his high school days vv-as state nianss, Prof. Albert Einstein, Is-' rian and philanthropic endeavors. pinch of the financial depression wired by wireless . . . Melvyn junior and state high school % , A. Z. A. did not grow up over and found themselves unable to Douglas is descended of "mame- ner Rosenfeld of New York. Ar- champion, fcxs already earned his rael Zangwill, Sholom Asch, r.m! went r~ r ' night. It-dia not come into ex- continue with higher education, a loschen" kin. Pre-screen name tie Auerbach, who began his non- "X" for winning matches at Araes : lost of others . . . But t hat vour when ' • v,sensical dialecting to amuse his against Iowa State, and at Man- '.keenest regret is never having than i istence on a wave of popular en- Scholarship Loan fund was creati' ' friends, is skyrocketing to fame. hattan over Kansas University. had the opporttznitj- to ley your thusiasm because of a "new idea." ed -where money could be borrow- was David Hershelberg. George Givot middle-aisles with Lloyd Friedman, who has also: hand on Dr. Theodor Herzl . . . • w h a t =L " T V ' t It was originated back in 1924 by ed without interest. The local annual radio show Sam Beber who was just out of Because of decreased budgets, for the benefit of ether editors! Maryon Curtis of Chicago this gone far in junior tennis matches : P. S. Bet you'll never get to r e l i c e " r ^ c — . . . week. during his high school cays and : thump Peter's pleitzes „ , , Creighton law school. He reala I J L L C 1 t ^ l i t* was distinguished by its Yiddish in inter-city tournaments, is well! ized • that the youth of the com-many libraries in the smaller artists. The goyem? They com1 ! DICK ROLLINS: Otr boss says ! Take, take, and retake of a on his Vy-ay toward earning his munity began to lose interest in communities have been unable to prised the audience. Eddie Canthe Boy Scouts and other.similar purchase books of interest to the tor, a southern belle, hung bash- certain scene with Grouncho and letter. Hft was unable to make : you called t'other day about that | In order to afford its item tfcis column ran yon two • organizations around the age of youth. members the opportunity of readweeks Ego . . . And that we tid an actor out of clay," 1G. That from then on,they were match of the year, but was vicsuh) Benny's arm and sang a dit-.j an injustice, particularly since permitted to drift more or less ing the latest and best books, the ty. Walter (white around the Iyelled Director Sara Wood. "Xor torious in his play at Manhattan you hers ?ou have had such a fine record f . o - *- «•*< for themselves, and at a time A. Z. A. created a free circulat- crown) Winchell m.o'd. Gordon] a director out of Wood!" snarled when the team traveled there of giving your professional serv- : when a stabilizing influence was ing library. Out of Omaha, each and Revel, looking like circus Groucho. last week. end. ices gratis to a number of. gooa ; most needed. At a time when day. books are sent to" every part posters for the fat man and the Kot contested with placing two causes in the past five years . . . youth becomes indifferent to of the country in order to encour- dwarf, sang and played hit after men on the varsity tennis squad, ZetaiBeta Tau So "sense' it, please . . . \ family and church influences; at age youth who want to think with hit that they wrote since 1933. the house team advanced to the a time when youth begins to feel others. quarter finals of the intramural Block and Sully sallied. George Phil Laser was unanimously At the present time surveys are and Grade tripped and quipped, elected LIT-RY NOTES: Sholom Asch i:! most "'grown up;'' when rating a to the presidency of Al- tournament. The members of popped being conducted in over one huninto his old Second Are- • \ high school f rat with "social presillness prevented Milton Berle's pha Theta Chapter of Seta Beta the squad, Robert Stiefler, Erntige" is a major-objective. Mr. dred communities in order to de- scheduled appearance. Parkya- Tau at the annual election held est Wintroub, and Lloyd Mala- cue fcasgot't, the Cafe Kcynl, E.I-. \ Beber felt what Jewish yonth termine what trades, handicrafts karkas evidently parked elswhere^ in Lincoln Monday night. Other shock, have been victorious in most as soon as kis boat cocked ' i fee there with I. needed was a busy program with and professions the young man of Al Jolson asked for request num- officers: Harold Perelman, vice three matches against s u c h . Tool some interesting objectives. today can enter and find the bers from the audience. When president; ErEest Wintroub, trea- strong athletic , fraternities as Singer, whose great novel. "The \ greatest chance for a happy liveBrothers Ashfcenasi," is now in j surer; Stanley Siosbnrg, secre- Acacia and Delta Upsi'on. Sam Beber, working together jrreatesi cnance iur a. iwvw «"•- - its seventh printing, having sold i iThood. It is the ultimate hope they• sugge^^ed evexythmg ^ else tary; and Jerome Milder, historhe said, "You'll get 'Mammy' and; With t i e close o? t i e school •with Henry Monsky, L, F. "Shrol- that a vocational guidance departyear drawing near, thoughts au- close to EO.CCO copies . . . The] ly" Goodman and the late Harry ment will be set up as a-result like i t ! " And they did. A spell ian. of enchantment emanated from The retiring officers are: Rob-tomatically furn toward the an- J. D. C. has delegated Benjamin j gi Lapidus, began to interest Jew- of the findings. Rubinoff's fiddle. And thank ert Stiefler, president; Harold nual spring carap-Js ejections. The Hanft, of the publicity staff, tr • ish boys clubs in a more serious The activities of all youth orSomrner, vice president; Phil La- ZBT's are affiliated with the Libminded program. "With rituals, ganizations are at a low ebb dur- heavens for no television . . • ser, treasurer; Bernard White, eral faction this year. Immediatedegrees, a well co-ordinated plan ing the summer months. . In an CLEAN LINEN f of organization, the idea/grew. effort to maintain chapter solidar- ' Today's Opportunity: Joe Pen-secretary; and Harold Perelraan, ly following the organization of i Attracts CtiKtCTEerr s this new line-up, Lloyd Friedman Soon B'nai B'rith, :-• -world-wide ity and permanancy, A. Z. A. last ner wants a butler who can play historian. OMAHA TOWEL ~' In Omaha Saturday night the was elected its president. At a reJewish Men's philanthropic or- year inaugurated track and field baseball with him. cent meeting the members unaniSUPPLY ,= entire chapter in conjunction ganization, adopted. A.; Z. A. as tournaments In all sections of the When the" studio needs Peter. with the Omaha alumni trill cele- mously placed the responsibilities Vocr* Since 1STS ". its junior order." And from then country, thus providing a wholeon A. Z. AJ-B value became cumu- some supervised xeceartional-out- Lorre, they connect with his val-j brate the fraternity's Founder's of campaign manager upon KE 2S2S et, who calls his agent, who calls j day. A stag and Informal ban- ert Stiefler. lative. ' : - .•*-•• . let. his doctor, who gets in touch with In 192T, vPhilip M. • KTntznicfc - The presence ' of the A. - Z. A. Lorre, who calls the studio . . . was brought up from Kansas City headquarters in Omaha is most "that beat the dog, that bit the to assist Empire Cleaners*,; I;;'F. cat, that ate the kid, that father Goodman, who was then secretary; n bought for two Zuzim, chad gad of 5the supreme advisory, council Leon De yon. . . . " or governing body. • Later Mr. "'BelgU . . . Klutznick. who was a Creighton was warned not to '/Denies P r e j u d i c e useRubinoff law student in between time, behis $150,000 Stradivarius on came executive secretary.- New the set because of possible damPrague (WNS) — In an inter- age from the' kliegs. So he groups sprang up throughout the country and soon the matter of view granted to 'Josef Frankel of brought over a stand-in . . . a administration became a job. Jul-the Jewish . Illustrated "World cheap $15,000 Testori! ius1 Bisno was brought up from Leon Degrelle, .leader of the BelMemphis, Tenn. in 1928 to be- gian Fascist Rexist Party, denied Gracie Fields and Gregory come the assistant executive sec- that'his movement is anti-Semitic Ratofr, the Alpha and Omega of declaring that his view of the retary. In 1933 he succeeded Mr. the king's English, were photoKlutznick and Max Baer was Jewish - problem approaches that graphed together the other day. brought from South Bend, Ind., fTUussolini rather than Hitler's. A book salesman is making life Pointing out that because of miserable for Ratoff . . . wants to as his assistant. h ( "Practical English, and For' the past seven, years the various racial admixtures the fa eech." f f e c t i v e s pSpeec. Omaha National Bank building Belgian people is not liable to j E ffective \- V&1&&P . <c ? e!> *&& . ' ^ " ^ V & has housed the national head- set out on a crusade for racial j Miss Fields (not Jewish), highm quarters. The groups today are purity, so that the racial angle est -paid of English actresses, is administered by sis hundred ad- of Nazi anti-Semitism would find talcing pointers from some of visors, a score of deputies, dozens no fertile ground there, Degrelle of regional associations, seven dis- added that members, of his party trict associations and numerous are not examined as to racial or, ± state associations and a field of religious affiliation and that bus- | j p O R . . . . — —— secretaries. In San Francisco, iness connections between Jewish !§| ROBtRTS Kansas City. Milwaukee,' Memphis firms and Rexist groups are quite J s jg 0 jind Philadelphia, there are locat- mmon. l-^'^i Ki-fV Sweet Butter He did.'however, say that t h e l g i ed field offices working under su* M',.•»•..„,® Dated Milk • Rexist agitation against aliens §j pervision from Omaha. strikes. Jews more than any other ~ •••'.Sour Cream' Organiaztions are of two types: Those with "vertical." Interests group, as a large proportion of end many otKer prodactn the aliens could be permitted to and those with "horizontal" in- remain Ask Your Grocer or Call In Belgium only on conterests. The former is interested dition that they refrain from all IJ»"^_'^.' '' in social activities, or outdoor ac- participation in the internal aftivities, : or basket ball. A: Z. A. fairs of the country and from all _ HA 2 2 2 6 y. s - trains its-members to have a hori- attempts to mix into Belgian pol- § 3' fli'iinmwi* 'iM i! n!!!i!!in ' r'tHnMW' 'H!' zontal outlook by interesting itics. 1 s _ ' ' «"- ^ ' them in many-diversified projects '•**- t \ ^ **» IlilfiiiiLyiiiiliLliiJliJllij,!;;!!!!!!!"1 A calculated •towards the: end of dei'i, ir ,J>f J«t i < '- ' veloping followers lor-all sorts of K' .-i^-'iy „.-.' community'enterprises. It does this through: - Its -'fiye-f old" proIt, . \ >.« - - pram consisting: of - athle'tics, BC~ tx i ••.,, ..• cial-servics work, religious activir ties, .social and" cultural studies; c
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Published ©very {Crfdajr fit Omaha. Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription, Pries, one year 53.00 Advertising rales furnts&ed on application. Editorial OHica: 600 Brandolo Theater Building. Sioux City Office—Jewish Community Center Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street DAVID BLACKER - . .Business and Managing: Editor FEANK R. ACKERMAN • - * - - W • - E d i t o r • FANNIB KATELMAN Council Binffs, Iowa, Correspondent ,>ANN PILL - - - - . Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAT 7, 1937 versities continued to reject the German bids. Of the "big FOOTNOTES TO Gems of the Bible three," Yale said no; Harvard voted not to send'an official delegate, but said that if one of the university's senior proand Talmud fessors happened-to be in Germany at the time he could be a Dr. Philip Ey BIS. TEEOSOSE N. LEWIS l XOHT.H AMERICA representative; and the action of Princeton University, which Eabbi, Bfosrat Ei&ai Teiaple, Sious City j HEXRY MOXGENTHAU, SR was founded by King George II of England, who also founded BIELE 1 And Elijah said to the people: j HONORED AS IM 3VI I GRANl Goettingen University, was perhaps the most cutting rebuke of I TiTlO MAPE GOOD . . . The 'cit all. There was no question as to the meaning of the Latin "GEXEEAL WASHINGTON'S Lfssa, Poland, in 1740. He and How long h&lt ye between two \ of his native town — MannSOX OF ISRAEL AND OTHER his family fled from Warsaw af- opinions? If the-Lord be God, fol- faeim. GermaT-r message from Princeton in which hope was expressed that "the FORGOTTEN Him, but if Eaal follow him. HEROES OF HIS- ter a pogrom for Holland. From low remembrance of your glorious past may, in these uncertain TORY" BY CHARLES SPENCER there he went to New York ' -&Ed the people answered him not Iljrhtnd. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S times, when there ^re in the world so many forces unfriendly HART. J . B. UPPINCOTT CO. which city lie reached in 1772.' '.a word. MOTHER ,<UDS JEWISH OLD Elijah mocked the prophets of PHILADELPHIA. 227 PAGES. Immediately upon arrival he csst to the pursuit of universal knowledge, give to you and to all^2.00 FOLKS' HOME , . . Setting an his lot "with an organization call- Baal and said to them; Cry aloud lovers of true learning everywhere courage and hope for the Of the twelve chapters, all deal- ed, "the Sons of Liberty." which for he is a god who is either mus- example for some of our Jewish dowagers to follow. future." ing with forgotten or neglected was engaged in spreading the ing or he is gone aside, or he is XEVv JE.USEI" SYNAGOGUE
heroes of American history, the gospel of rebellion against Great on a journey, or per adventure he TO INTERPRET JUDAISM IN first which ia featured is by far Britain and which was a source! sleepeth and must be awakened. LIGHT O.F MODERN PROBLEMS the most interesting: and amaz- of constant irritation and trouble And Xaboth said to Ahab: The , . . An interpretation of moding. The author is very much to the British authorities. Be- Lord forbid it me, that I should ern problem? in the light of JuAs the sapling is bent, so shall the tree grow. This truism arroused over the fact that the; cause of his sympathies with the give the inheritance oS: my fathWe would be blind to fact and unfair to our idealism, were services daism should be next on the proof Haym Solomon (Gen-j cause of freedom, SolonJon was ers unto thee. has been, the fundamental and basic idea behind the charactergram. strengthening of youth; and in building the future of Israel, we to skip over our own shortcomings. Hence, we are frankly eral Washington's Son of I$rael) > arrested and imprisoned. TTi.« lln-j And Elisha PEW thst Elijah JEWISH EMPLOYER IN MASto Washington and the American j guistic ability, which proved use-1 went up into Heaven, and he i SACKUSETTS PICKETS OWN our leaders have constantly stressed the education'of Jewish ashamed of the action of some Jewish students in Haifa, Pales- Revolution ful to the British, procured for! cried: My father, my father, the and American Repubtine, who assaulted Arnold Zweig, world famous German-JewE STRIKER GETS y o u t h . • •'.' . . . . • . •• , • .;•'. • • •...'••-•..• of Israel. And he saw lic, though admitted, have never him special privileges while in ish author, who is now living in Palestine, when he delivered SHAVE . , That's cooperation him no more. been adequately rewarded and prison. However, it was the vision and idealism of an Omahan for rou, a lecture at the Haifa Technicum in the German language. The commemorated. The author proTALMUD After his release he married . . .Sam Beber . . . which gave depth and sustenance to a R. Abuha. said: "A man shall EUROPE vides a full account of the mani- into the wealthy Franks family. lecture was finally broken up amidst the shouts of "you mus nation-wide program for Jewish young men. Thirteen years THIRTY :EARS A, CONVERT fold services of Solomon, of hisi-Hi s unabated agitation tor separ- always be careful not to impose ' ago, in Omaha, Sam Beber founded the Aleph Zadik Aleph, speak Hebrew." love of freedom, of his patriotism j a tion from Great Britain caused too much fear upon his house- j VILNA JEWISH LAWYER RERegardless of the charges as to what radical group was and most significantly, of his in- j him to be arrested again. With hold, for a great man like R.! TURNS TO JUDAISM . . . It took destined to become international in scope and the largest Jewto blame, it is no credit to us to see even a few of our students credible generosity of purse. liberal bribes to his jailers, he e s - ! c h s n 5 n a d l d impose too much | him a long time to recognize the ish boys' fraternity in the United States. He recognized the Haym Salomon -was born in caped and came to Philadelphia. fzar upon his household, and the i futility of his efforts. ape the detestable antics of Nazis, or Endeks. Our only con JEWS STARTED IT. BUT flw: need for a unification of youth activities and a program touchThere he opened a business of result was that they fed him jj |coi ing every phase of youth endeavor at the ages where interests solation is that these few jmisguided youths in no sense repre NAZIS ADOPT SHADCHONIM selling bills of exchange which with forbidden food." the Jewish people. Rabbi Juda said: It happened IDEA . . . That Jewish influence he called the "little society on *.thi tegin to drift. He appreciated that just as branches are imFront Street." In a very short once that a man., during the creeps in everywhere, doesn't it? LEON BLUM BLUSHES AS jjple) -portant to a tree, even more important was the necessity of time it became the rendezvous of years of depression, entrusted a YOUTHFUL BOOK OX LOVE golden dinar to a widow. all the important leaders of the he P'°! the tree having deep roots widely spread. The result was Aleph Revolution and he did a thriving) latter deposited it in a pitcher APPEARS IN ENGLISH EDIZIONIST CONGRESS (met Zadik. Aleph - - - . A n d today, on the occasion of the "Bar I where she kept her Hour, and un-| TIOX . . , But the French have By Rabbi Frederick Coin. To the Editor of the Jewish business. tnejj Mitzvah" of the A. Z. A., over two hundred celebrations will knowingly baked it into bread, i a sense of humor, so no harm's in charge of Robert Morris, Press: : if* i be held in various parts of the United States and Canada . . . The "April showers" have brought the "May Flowers." Again we are approaching one the government's -finances, upon and gave it to a poor man. On a a certain day the owner of the di-; AMSTERDAM JEWISH DOCiitha tribute to the man who is father of this great movement May is here at last, with a beautiful May basket of happy of the outstanding events in the discovering the financial gifts nar asked her to return the gold-; OR CURES DAUGHTER OF and boundless generosity of SoloJewish national life. In a few fdnv and who is president of the Supreme Advisory Council. vents. Incidentally, May 7 is Browning's birthday. He wasshort months the Jewish Zionist mon, allowed him to handle bills en coin. Whereupon she said to NAZI ENVOY IN LOXDON ' Since its organization, the national headquarters of A. Z.born in London in 1812, and died in Venice, December 12, 1889 congress will be called into ses- of exchange and other financial k i r ? : "May one of my children die |j That's more than a Nazi doctor where it is." It was re- j vould do for a Jewish daughter. A. have been in Omaha, which has remained the hub of A. Z. A. The Queen of the Adriatic placed this tablet on the Rezzonico sion and the eyes of the world matters for the Continental Con- ii fa tJe dknow t h a t i l &i NEW CHRISTIAN SECT IN gress. When Washington had no j will b© upon them to see the lat& E ° t take long j activity. Its program . . . for Jewish youths between the ages Palace in his memory. before one of her "children died. ENGLAND OBSERVES MOSAIC funds which to pay his soldiers, est developments in the Jewish i ;,cori) f fifteen and twenty-one . . . is devoted to the mental, moral . We await protests o battle for a Homeland. Before Morris used his own. credit which The Rabbis upon being informed 1 CODE "Open my heart and you will see the Irish bacon interests every Zionist congress there is al- was bolstered and enhanced by of the incident remarked: If such I from (3Hed a n ^ physical development of young Jewish manhood - - "the 10 . Graved inside of it, •Italy.'" ways a drive to sell shekels. It is that of Solomon and the latter's a thing happens to one who IJ ^ to mention the Westphalian eradication of bigotry and race prejudice, the intensification personal possessions. swears truly, how much the more j ham industry. May 9 is "Mother's Day." We shall again pay tribute to my intention to call to the atof participation in things Jewish, and the stimulation of inseverely will it befall one who PARLIAMENT BILL WOULD Albert Bushneg Hart, Profestention of the Jews of Omaha the .'•utifi our mothers, living and dead; acknowledge their unique in(MAKE BRITISH MONARCH Emeritus of History a t Har- swears falsely. ,'sun terest^iix educational, humanitarian and philanthropic endeav- fluence and self-sacrificing love and devotion. "We shall recall seriousness of the shekel drive sor Our Rabbis taught: Those who j KING OF JERUSALEM . . . Can vard, says this of Solomon, "all this year and to them a few j and. ors." Every field of youth interest - - be it education or Lincoln's words: "All that I am or hope to be I owe to my Americans may claim Haym Sol- are being humiliated by others,! this be construed as official recreasons why the united support sports or religion.or dilture - - is thoroughly and efficiently as s. patriot, a benefactor to bct do not humiliate others, who ogniiion of the theory that the angel mother." Such men as he are a witness that "the hand of every Jew is so vitally neces- omon his country, an inciter of patrio- listen t o - t h e i r reproaches with- British represent the Ten Lost £com; ^ treated in its comprehensive program. • that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world." The sary. even, answering: them, who ' Tribpf? We in Omaha, the birth-place of the A. Z. A., take mater- poet Heine, in a beautiful sonnet, tells how he roamed the In previous shekel drives there tism to members of his race, to out duties, because of j his countrymen and to later gen- | p e r f O I T n was always an inner struggle or , nal pride in the growth and success of this Junior B'nai B'rith world in search of love,' only to find it on Bis return brimming battle. The several divisions qf eration. It looks as though his love for duty, and rejoice in spite REVEAL .TABOTINSKY ASK• or i: of all their psins, because of the ED WEIZMANN TO DISSOLVE I organization. The Bar Mitzvah celebration is a compliment in his mother's eye as she came to meet him. the1 Jewish folk, such as the Rev- credit were better than that to the leadership we develop and the communal spirit we inisionists, the Mizrachi, the Poale the whole thirteen United States reproaches, concerning them the I ZIONIST CONGRESS AS PRICE Reminds us AH eyes are turned tto London, for the approaching Cor- Zionists, exterted their indviduali of America." What a magnificent scriptures say (Judges 5.31) But OF HARMONY jpovs spire. As we congratulate A. Z. A. on its Bar Mitzvah, our may those that love Kim, be as of the Nazi promise to stop fightefforts to sell the most shekels in tribute! onation. England is to Mve another King George and another >a™v5 hope is that it grows from strength to strength, with everorder that they might have great- Solomon loaned money to many the rising of the sun in his might. ing' the Jews once they are exQueen Elizabeth, recalling all the glories of the past. England er terminated. \xLndj increasing power for good. '.'••'• representation at the congress. of the great figures ef the Revois admittedly one of the greatest of countries. There are those lution, including James Monroe SUPPRESSION OF NAZI This was the situation on prevjand' ! (Copyright 3 S3 7 By Seven Arts j f o r i / '• , , -..••/"- ' ' . . " -• . • ; '• •;::. . ; . . ; . who are jealous of her; Germany, for instance, her bitter, en- ous occasions. This year it is dif- and James Madison. Madison tes- ORGANIZATION i Feature Svndicate.> tifies, to his generosity in the folferent and for a very definite reavious rival,! chafing under her own conscious inferiority, de- son. Our Mother© • . ' .i. lowing words: "The kindness of Budapest (JTA) A Governnot'< Mother's Day, universally observed next Sunday, has a spite her braggadoccio pretensions to supremacy. England has The Jewish fight to established our little friend Haym Solomon ment spokesman, answering Front Street near the Coffee Question on dissolution .well.^ special significance to us. Throughout the dark path of Jew- been contemptuously called "a nation of shop-keepers." Yet it a homeland in Palestine is facing in House, is a fund that will pre- Hungarian pro-Nazi "National a serious danger. The enemies 1 is remarkable that "shop-keepers" should have produced some I n ; ish history, Jewish mothers have been revered in Israel's hearts of the Jewish race have offered vent me from extremities, hut I Party," affirmed in ParliaWear Ever Utensils . . . Silex a r e n as a most potent factor in keeping alive the rich spiritual of the greatest names in the world. Shakespeare, the world's he argument that the Jewish never resort to it without greet ment last week the right of the Ccffee Makers . , , Pyrex Cookmortification as he obstinately reauthorities to take preventive greatest poet and dramatist, was an Englishman. Darwin, a people as a whole do not want a Jn a, heritage whieh enabled us to withstand the vicissitudes of the Ing wa^e . . • Toastmajrterg , , jects all recompense. The price homeland. They will join with measures against any p a r t y ages Maid's Uniforms • . . Kitchen 'famSl * Hannah, Rachel, Sarah . ... great are the names of Jew- name foremost in science, the epoch-making discoverer of the he Arabs in demanding that the of money is EO usurious that he "threatening the security "Gadgets." law of "evolution," and Spencer, his interpreter, were Englishquota of Jews allowed to enter thinks it ought to be extorted State." i -Germ ^sh mothers in our past - - and great also are the unsung mothers men, as were Bacon and Newton, who played revolutionary Palestine be restricted. They from none but those who aim at Deputy Czoor had asked why ,ihe J of our present. Oramhs launt the statement that the profitable exploitation. To a nec- the party, led by Major Franz Oft have we heard the old Talmudic saying that God roles in science, as did Locke and Hume in philosophy. Next ight for a homeland is the work essitous delegate he gratuitously Szalassy, Supply Co had been dissolved by 11th &. Doug-laB could not be everywhere and therefore, he made Mothers. But, month marks the one hundredth anniversary of the accession of only several Idealists and that spared a. supply out of his private the police while a court decision Jews &s a whole are scarce- stoik." Too bad that Solomon in a case .against Szalassy. was no matter how much we may praise them, our words are still of Queen Victoria, which Centenary will be celebrated in the yheinterested in the matter. can not displace in the public still pending. t 0 iee e t0 fall. The world will recall such remarkable Englishmen (and iiand ° ^ adequately express our debt to our Mothers. There is no doubt in my mind mind the mythical figure of Shy•jnary Theirs is the courage and self-sacrifice which make a people Englishwomen) as Disraeli and Gladstone; Tennyson and and I am sure there is no doubt lock. How unfortunate it is tha* l Coi-ni.d3oi or is 'deemed the typical FREE! jks, U great; theirs is the nature whose greatest pleasure is to serve Browning; Swinburne and Matthew Arnold; Macaulay and n the mind of anyone who reads Shylock Jew and that Solomon who "rese t n e Kipling; Scott, Thackeray, Dickens and the Bronte sisters; his article that these statements vrovi!' y love. That spirit was evident when Hannah sacrifused all recompense" is unrovi! vi! *k° George Eliot; Ruskin in art; Haydn in music; a veritable are untrue. We know that the known and unhonored. vr ight for Palestine is dear to the o r , ficed her seven sons and herself for a principle; that spirit is galaxy of genius,' stars of the first magnitude in the firmaWhat is truly amazing about heart of every loyal Jew. "We "FAMQUS FOR FIEE FURNITURE" i evident when lonely German-Jewish mothers of today send ment of man's highest effort and achievement. ' In our own now it, but how can we prove Solomon's financial relations with Use Our Easy Payment Flem——Farnam a t 22nd In , their children to Palestine where their lives may be rebuilt. * day, such men as the late Arnold Bennet and Gilbert Chester- t? How can we convince the the government is that not only Every woman is pleased with the remembrance of a special ton, and still active among us, George Bernard Shaw and H.High Commissioner in Palestine did he not. receive tbe interest t this fact? How can we throw due him but that the government thirty occasion. But the Jewish mothers, we feel sure, would be even G. Wells, are of world-wide influence and significance. nto the faces of our enemies has never repaid the principle. nd P * more pleased by gifts in her name which would do a wider heir false attacks? T h ^ m e t h o d Many efforts liave been made to Emina Lazartis, in her beautiful Ode on The Statue of my friends, is easy. A so'lld sup- to have the government reimsticks, good. Thus, daughters are being urged to buy trees in Palesibreatj; tine, through Hadassah, to honor their mother. And sons could Liberty'~ called America "Mother of Exiles." The term might port of the Shekel campaign is burse the heirs, but without sucK please by making a contribution to the Jewish philanthropies just as appropriately be applied to England; she harbors the he way. Let every Jewish man cess. A movement is now on foot and woman over 18 years of age to build a memorial to this splena (mad,' in their name of their mothers. For Mothers . . . because they exiled and the persecuted of every land; a'socialist Karl Marx, uy a shekel and the truth is so did Jew and patriot. That it may jjabbei ,are Mothers . . . derive their greatest joy from helping others. who writes his "Capital" in her British Museum; and kings lear that the worst enemy of the meet with more marked success ew will be- forced to eat his than previous attempts is devoutslums' driven from theirthrones such as the unfortunate Haile Selas- words. to be wished for. j sie. England is a great, free, hospitable, tolerant, just and hu- Allow me to remind you that ly Mr. ;|teem.j the author of the [TKe Right Path • ••;' mane nation. Every one of the six different adjectives I have >ne delegate will be sent to the book, isHart, a journalist of ability Just when we had almost resigned ourselves to the "cow-used to'characterize her is literally true. congress for, every 3,000, shekels and writes with great ease and The fewer shekels that will quite dramatically. ardice" of Italian Jewry in meekly submitting to the, attacks The secret of England's greatness is acknowledged to be iold. e sold the less delegates will be upon .their patriotism by a section of the fascist press in Italy, her religious character. She has been nourished on the teach- ent to the congress. The fewer we'were enheartened by the action of the newspaper Israel of ings of the Bible. The Old Testament has been of particular delegates at the congress, the Dutch V/cIgls AEti-Seml&ra • lacker will look the future of Florence. Cape Town*1*(JTA) The Quesinfluence. ; .he Jews. We cannot afford to . The Israel defended Zionism - - which has of late been tion of anti-Semitism- is left to ^ It has been said one can gauge a nation's civilization and ndanger the hopes for a Jewish under particular fire -- - as a good humanitarian cause, and character by its treatment of the Jew. Applying this test Homeland: If you have a drop the members' conscience BS- to It is "justified in the | pointed out that it was not at all inconsistent with Italian England takes foremost rank. There is very little Anti-Semit- f Jewish blood ia your veins whether The Nebraska Presents public interest," in a resolution j nd if you have any pride in your patriotism; that an individual could be a good Zionist and ism in England. Jews have risen to highest positions and ewish ancestry this ia your adopted by a - meeting of the ; a good Italian at one and the same time. , power. How refreshing England's treatment of the Jew in con- !ight. You must do your share Dutch Church Council of Pretor- _ This is in keeping with the best Jewish traditions. "While trast, for instance, with the brutal inhumanity of Germany 1 No ,o let the whole world know that ia. ;he entire Jewish race, is back of the world is in turmoil and demagogues seek to take advantage wonder England outstrips Germany on every count. Patronize Our Advertisers his move to build a home in Palof circumstances.to capitalize on racial bias and prejudice, sstine for the Jews. • There is a wonderful fund of idealism in the English we must remain firm in our battle for right and justice, and people, plain, prosaic and practical as they are supposed to The time !s getting short. You Invest Safely. Wisely In ave only until May 23 to purnot be cowed by inflammatory words of hate-mongery. be. England has been the foremost champion of the League ihase a shekel. Regardless wheYou've an. ideal hat style In mind you purchase a shekel for f Nations and will yet; with regained prestige, lead that splen- .her Annuity, Endowment, Uife he Mizrachi, Pioneer Woman's and it's here . . .• If the hat world's 1 did cause to ultimate victory.. The far-flung British Common- :lub. National Workers Alliance, all star makers make It . . . that's Represents 81 • Strong Companoale Zionists, or from Zionists, wealth of Nations, upon which the sun never sets, will sucies—Every Type of insurance Nebraska service! German education and culture were high in the esteem of ou must buy a shekel. Rememsna Bonds written. 'Cell AT. cessfully promote the World Commonwealth upon which the er that this is T°ur fight. This or WA-61SC. the world before the Nazi regime placed them in a straitI Stetson Hats Knos KaSs s the fight of every Jew ia Omajacket. But undoubtedly the Hitlerites, befuddled by the fumes sun of the New'Day is surely rising! $5 to $10 every Jew in Nebraska, ever?' If England "muddles through" and notoriously "compromI • $5 to $10 of their own propaganda, little realized to what lo,wliness they ew in the United States and
'A. Z. A. Bar Mitzvah
of the
Fos Freedom
ises," it is always in the direction of Right (which is usually the Left!); invariably in the furtherance of the moral and spiritual,- as well as political and social progress of. the World. Hers is the coronation of character I England superbly illustrates her .own poet Tennyson's famous lines: "Howe'er it be, it seems to me, 'Tis only noble to be good; . Kind hearts are more than coronets, And simple faith than Norman blood." - - Frederick Colin.
Letters to the Editor
To 'Serve You Right .
1, Street
MftT.. AM!
Not Representative
The Coronation of Character
liad fallen in educational' esteem until they sent out invitations to the Goettingen University bicentenary. Five years ago, their invitations would have been universally accepted; today, the turn-downs represent a rebuke which cannot be ignored. This week Oxford University rescinded its tentative acceptance of the invitation and voted to boycott the German celebration. This action means that every college and univerin Great Britain, except Durham, has shunned the Goettingen fete, and there is now a possibility that Durham may received its action, too. And in the United States the big uni-
^J VOK .1
very The eyes of the entire world ire upon us now. We cannot fail. We must not fail. We must show .he' Hitlers and every enemy of he Jewish race that the fight .for be Jewis hHomeland is a united J ight.- We...must, let-the British j ; minorities know that-to a manje are back o fthe colonization 1 movement In Palestine. Let the hekel be your answer. Buy a ihekel and be a real Jew. —Morris Mlnkia
crf'-MitV' -:?"«-,-.-!>A,-wiv -^;»
ps Hats $ 5 Msllory Hats §>4 to $7, BoresSlis© 1Hals S I 0$2.95 ..Bail—Street HO
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£423 Ho.
> .£A»-i"A I "-™rViSi H*1 S J I * . - ' » " 1
* J-hii mutt
o l d TW*«>MI
ASIERICA T aiOKGENTHATT, SH :D AS I M J I I GRAN1 IDE GOOD . . . The 'citUs native town — Mannirmany — must be tie-
tt* Marcus Rosenstein is chair- ?£ce" % £ £ « % , ^
8 if*
L. JABOTINSKY ASKfiAXX TO DISSOLVE DNGRESS AS PRICE ONY . . . Reminds us promise to stop fightws once they are *x:. 1737 By Seven Arts ture Syndicate.)
hir Kitchen-ware Display •er Utensils . . . S'lex akers . . . Pyrex Cook»". . . Toastmasters . .
Jniforms . . . Kitchen
a Fixture and pupply Co. tii & Douglas
JA 2724
im Arrangement
JITURE" arnam at 22nd
J" I £ £ £ "%£ ^GeVtnct™ £1
meeting of the man of "the committee in chargei J ^ . ^ ^ e o n - i K * a n d i b e ^ e I d a t t h e J ' C" C " 5 I ° ^ and will act as hostess. Mrs. J. 1 than 250 guests are expected to] daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam SkolWeiner is chairman "of the ticket nick. attend. The committee is plan-' committee. . officers will be held. ning a beautiful affair. Mrs. Jacob Blank will give her There will be individual table prizes and-many door prizes. Tic- TISITING IN CHICAGO Mrs. Alexander Lamport ' of report on the Sisterhood meeting. and Mrs. Harold Abrahams kets are 25 ceuts. To secure tic- areMr.spending New York City, a member of the* Members are asked to bringthe week visiting kets call Mrs. Weiner, At. 5587. in Chicago, Illinois. national board of Hadassah wills their friends. -
« P-
1. !
Tuesday evening, May IS at S ers casvassed the city thoroughteaspoon baking stein, E. Hani, Kublin, M. Katz- j SEEOE p. m. at th B'nai Israel synago- ly in their efforts to establish ttis teaspoon salt, ->i cupman, Hyer Katzman, I. Kaplan, record. N. Levenson, Lippman, A. Levey, J in last week's Jewish Press It gue. M. Levey, I. Levin, J. Milder, BL j was inadvertently stated that Wash prunes and soak lor «•'
Peannt Bntter Brownies 1 cup sugar. cup peanut butter, 2 eggs, faspoon salt, % /cup flour -poon baking powder, 2 sqs. cr chocolate. . - ' .
There will be a regular meeting of the Bikur Cholim society Monim butter and peanut butter, day, May 10, at 2 p. m. at tire J. Combine* beaten C. C. All members".are urged to chocolate with flour which has been sifted the baking powder and salt, •cad in a shallow pan lined .h waxed paper (buttered.) jg iko in a moderate oven F.) 20 minutes. Cut into uares while still warm. ,
Removed by Multiple Electrolysis ' All Work Guaranteed CONSULTATION FREE and Confidential 523 World-Herald CIcis. At CS52
We have moved our tFizh so that now it is easily accessible. We handle a complete line of Fresh Fish and Herrings, also a complete lino of Kosher Smoked Meats.
In summer'yon'cch't he lovely unless you're comfortable. But revealing Summer dresses must have corseting. "COOL-AIRE," with its Improved Twin Control, leaves you free as the wind . and cool as a fereere, yet molds you into lines of curved beauty, appealing youth . . . of Lace Lastique, porous as your own skin, I with triple net uplift bra,' and FLEXEES patented, 1 pinen-proof, busipless lies* zip* fastener. A coabina-1 tion you csn wssb today, and wear tomorrow. Sl 32 to 4Z
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Young Men's Vaad
lours for softening. Drain well | R.' Milder, "Wm. Milder, H. Milder, | Shirley Fox was the daughter of nd cut-in fine pieces. Beat yolks L. Morgan, M. Mittleman, B. Nep- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fox. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo d mix with sugar. Fold in beatM. i Fox and will be confirmed from stein, J. Roffman, S. Stir in ' Smith, P. Chandel. S. -Rieckes, L. | the Beth-El synagogue.* ted dry ingredients.
Parents Day will be observed i their mr - "" ~ _ at the sorority house Sunday,' teresting programs has been May S. All pan ranged. Every mother present i rill be Tited will recieve a flower. Refresh- j - Kabbi Earry^Kuric5 Joit^ Frank or Mother's r>" guest speaker. meats will be served. Tickets are; . is general cchairma .irm.an cl this LU-' the late M~F ." to cents. Mrs. Jos Goldware nual affair. in msaory ~" chairman of the affair.
Pearl Kyerscn and Pauline E. VTeinberr be the guest speaker at the an-: ONEG SHABBOS Schwartz are assisting with pre- ilorris Mini r nual "Give or Get" luncheon, it; JUNIOR HADASSAE CARD PARTY • . • The Oneg Shabbos of the Vaad parations for the Ennr,al May has been announced. Mrs. David! Anyone v l y A card party will be held b'y auxiliary will take place SaturKerning breakfast given t Goldstein, -who heard Mrs. Lam-: t t e Junior Hadassah held an in-| ; mother club next port at the nation convention, has, day, May 15, at 2 p. nu at the the Goldie Myerson teresting meeting last Thursday' Mrs. Jacob Wolf, 56, wife of a T. W. C. A. estine' is BE! - \ home of Mrs. N. Levlnson, 3014 Tuesday, May 11, at 1 o'clock at . Those who partook is the Iry j this to say of her, "she is a viva-1 e v e n i n g F A pPr I 1 2 9 > a t t h e J e v i s a FrEinont clothier, died at her Hayden's. All proceeds will go to j Webster St. Rabbi Kopstein will Webster St. Rabbi iiopstein will «»><««»• •«"* piuueeua wm go 10. dvnamic nersonalitv *' * „ - » w ^ horae Saturday, April 24. Day cercEioaies were Herrnine'' Frances Kalin, x.ose ; Although sae had been in failpreset the fourth of a series of the Chalutzos in Palestine. Those j ^ ^ ^ S S T S S g T S ^ " ^ uJdanKg nest sneeticg lectures on "Outstanding Jewish j "wishing to make reservations are never foriret h e r " ill, Harriet Byroa by little Robby Levey, small s o n i ^ S health for several years, her j Mary 5 Personalities." Mrs. I. Kedler is! asked to call Mrs. Harry Crounse, of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Levey. He t condition was not critical until • Jk&r..eUe , . . . , . be held Wednesday, chairman of the Oneg Shabbos ! Webster 1101. C. was accompanied at the piano by « days before her death. i Mary Arbitnan, Se.maju-Tcuci,: t h e MANN SEES NO CHANCE cultural group. Julian" Nathan, who later pre-f Clara Cecil Indich was born in: Edytfee Krasne and Sel,.a K . ; | IX SIGMA I OF NAZISM sented a piano solo. ] Lomsa, Poland. In 1909 «ie cams] were elected to serve as eoeu j ii A ^ i i aHt I JOSLXN jj Ben Hetphand ,son of Mr. and Plans were discussed for the to Fremont, Nebr. 'to join her reveille™ for the enre-Jig rear, j \HERE Forbes Watson, art advisor for Mrs. D. Helphand of Fremont^ j .S Ai AX;.t u:: » . Benefit Bridge party and Style j nusband and had resided there < ThiB orgaaaation assist in iresh-, the Federal Government and for- was elected to an associate memPerimeter, ft, fii" mas registration. eTer Show to be presented at the JewNew York (JTA) — "I think mer editor- of "Creative Art" will bership in the Sigma Xi, national 1&&T 4, in Washir: lsh Community Center on Tuesthe American people are too lecture on "The Development of hionorary scientific society. Initiation ceremonies were held watchful and too alert to permit day evening, May 25. Ticke Mural Painting" a t . S: 00 p. m. be obtained from any memb this Saturday evening at the Jos- April 21, at the State University such a philosophy .as ^Nazism to i in the United the Junior Hadassah. lyn Memorial. The lecture is to of Iowa, where Ben has been a gain foothold Plans were discussed also States," declared Thomas Mann, be illustrated -with lantern sUdes. student for the past two years. ian to bead Council Bluffs rushKe is Purrivec. by tve Two sisters, Mrs. Joel Jellen, the self-exiled German author, as the 'Give or Get' quota party and No admission fee will be charged, ! Jng. Pere'roeter of Omaha, fca-Kpf it was announced that fifteen i Frankfort, Germany, andMrs. I. he sailed for his home in Switand the public is invited to at- TO ADDRESS IiADIES' CL1B | Annabelle Emlein, Rose Mary ol Wastingrton; 4 granGchilcire girls had already raised their j Glishinski. Palestine; one broth! Hill and Louise Davidson will be Dr. Victor E. Levine will ad- zerland. Asked if he expected ever to'j quota for this affair which is sch-jer, Samuel Indich, New.York City i rush chairmen in Sioux City, L.r_Saturday evening will also dress the Independent Ladies eduled for May 23. Miss Mildred land two grandchildren also sarmark the opening of the very club at the J. C. C. Tuesday,. May return to hia homeland, he said: Whitman, ! coin and Des Koines, respectivechairman of this af-ivive. , "I hope to go back to Germany, valuable exhibition of paintings 11, at 8 p. m. His subject will be of old masters which Mr. Robert "Women in the Modern World." some day but it will probably be fair, stated that other members! Services were held Sunday af- ^' Jewish Funeral rrrT^jna %?l£n ITfYHflPT years before Nazism is over- can still turn in their quota by'ternoon at the C. Vose of Boston has brought Everyone is invited to attend. thrown. There will not be a real the next meeting which will be $ Home in Omaha, with Rabbi Kop- •*'*'«**«». I'AAJ A w A . U M . . for display at the Memorial. The revolution but things will change held next Thursday evening, May stein of Omaha and Rabbi Reis'; i o r A regular meeting of the J;.-galleries will be open from 7:30 officiating. Burial j ^"^ad auxiliary will be t° . CHESED SHEL EMES gradually and we need patience." 13, at eight o'clock at the Jewish of Fremont until 8 p. m., and Mr- JVose is took' place at the FiEfier Farm ! Monday evening May 10, at thCommunity' Center. planning to be in Omaha to give cemetery. • ' i B'nai Israel synagogue; IStn u. a gallery talk about his collection The list of hostesses for the GOLDEN HILL [Chicago street, at S p. m. '.**. ot that time. , *. : Chesed Shel Ernes dinner held \ Judah Wolfson will speak cr April 25 includes the following: NATIONAL FUKB j "Jewisli Nationalism." The Golden Hill cemetery soMesdames H, Azorin, Adelstein, At the last regular meeting of ciety held election of officers last M. Arbitman, J. Bernstein, ii. Xew records were week and chose the following: the Young Men's Vaad definite Bltiraenthal, S. Babior, G. Cohn, -Mrs. D. B. Epstein, president; plans were made for the organ-; with the completion of the NE- | | Caneriwitz, H. Delrough, Dolgoff, Mrs. S. Olander, rice president; ization to sponsor special Friday j tional Fand Drive, it was E . E - | | | L. Epstein, S. Epstein, A. EpBy Sirs. David Bf. Newman Mrs. William Milder, secretary; night services to be held May 14. i noanced. The total EUCI collect-ig stein, I. Fish, F . Feldman, S. and Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, treasur- Rabbi Kopsteia gave a talk oa ed from the "Blue Boxes" this! H S. Fish, J. Finkel, E. j "Jewish Customs, their Origia year was over $525.00, an SLZSount;§ Prune Squares < Fiedler, R. Greenberg, Garrop, J. j er. sever before -egaalled. Mrs. Jack 1 and Significance." Takte. 1 cup whole prunes, Goldberg, A. Glickman, K. Horn-! The next meeting will be held Kaufman and her crew c£ worS.-eggs, separated,
Rosenblatt, M. Turner, S. Weinzprunes and nuts. Aaron Mendea Chnmaceiro, Weiner, H. Weiner, sed shallow pan and bake in Wolf, A. Wolf, M. Zalk, J. Chait, Hakam.of Curacao, was in 1848 oderate oven for M. Rosenstein, S. Siporin cool dust with awarded the Royal medal for theMrs. Harry ~R. Milder was chairbest sermon in Dutch. man"of the affair.
aslcan Hats $2.93
Mrs. Jccsh WeU,56
MENT BILL WOULD BRITISH MOXARbH JERUSALEM . . . Can astrued as official recf the theory that the present the Ten Lost HE
The arusil mother end et luncheon i 1- r
DENT ROOSEVELT'S IDS JEWISH OLD HOME . . . Setting an for some of onr Jewish to follow. JERSEY SYNAGOGUE RPRET JUDAISM IN F MODERN PROBLEMS interpretation of modems in the light of Juuld be nest on the pro-
IDA3I- JEWISH DOCES DAUGHTER OP OY IN LONDON . . . re than a Nazi doctor for a Jewish daughter. HRISTIAN SECT IN OBSERVES MOSAIC "We await protests rish bacon interests — stion the Westphalian
MOTHER ASD'DAUGHTER [ S t y l e S k e w , P a r t y I MOTHER, DAUGHTER BANQUET OF AUXILIARY \ By J u n i o r K a d a s s a h : LUNCHEON AT TEMPl
"Pennies Do' Count Up," was the title of a playlet especially The anua! Mother-Daughter j Plans ere being- made ior a written for National Fund Week, j banquet by the Ladies Vaad Aus-; benefit bridge party and given by a group of young peoary be held Tuesday ei eple at the Hadassah meeting last A puppet show, "Aladdin and message by Mrs. Julius Sherman. I l l l1ZLS M7 Wednesday. Hi3 Magic Lamp," trill be the Geraldine Coin, daughter of Mr. j ?? 1ZLS\ f 11 at 6: SO at the E ; r SETS WEDDING DATE Mrs. M. F. Levenson, chairman outstanding feature of a program and Mrs. David Coin, trill give ji ?Israel *E~Z synagogue. ANNOUNCE BAR MTTZVAH j.X _.,. at the Mother and Daughter banThe program will be Miss Bluma Neveleff has cho- Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Cohn an- of the nominating committee prethe daughter's response;" Ruth : I^ocation, Phyllis Kilr Een Thursday, June 3, as the datejnounce the Bar. Mitzvah of their sented a slate of candidates. Her quet sponsored by the Woden's Kulakoftky will presrat a dance |?"™ t ooaassttE E1 1 11SSii rr b - esEesE,- J J^rs. rs M M. E Eursteursteand Shirley Alberts , , ^ jd -a t of -her marriage to Dr. Robert son, Richard Leslie Cohn, on Sat-assistants on the committee were Division of the Jewish Commun- j number; address, Sylvia K E : Fox of New York City. urday morning, May 15, at the Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz, Mrs. Joe Lip-ity Center and Welfare Federa- j give a humorous recitation. Mrs.i mShter'E an: M o t b e r s Mrs. - F _ B'nai Israel synagogue, isth andi sey, Mrs. Mark Leon and Mrs. tion on Sunday evening, May 9,David Greenberg will be Chair-<'0Bea P n o' fiuresponse, at 6:00 o'clock. This puppet man of the evening. Reservations j f : if f' K a r i a n F ' " Sam Stern. Chicago street. ^ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Officers chosen by the commit- show, complete in every detail, is at E5 cents per per plate may be I ? e r * n d . , S l l i n e r Eps.em; Eacr— -k '/"*• Mr. and Mrs. Louis Witkin anFriends and relatives ar% cordthe first present of the V r ' c being presented by one of the tee are Mrs. Irvin Levin, presill made by calliag the Jewish Jnounce the engagement of their, Ially invited; no invitations have L. Neveleff; readings, C ^ the professional groups of < the dent; Mrs. Phineas Wintroub, munity Center, Jackson IS66, or daughter, Anne, to Nathan.Lash- been issued. v first vice president; Mrs. Reuben, city and is considered among the lire. David Coha, Glsndale SS75. rine and Ftyllis tWotlner; r,_e r , son of Mr. and Mrs Morris Bordy, second vice. president; finest of local puppet shows. The committee la charge is: dress. Rabbi Milton Kopste *• Lasher of Elizabeth, New Jersey. AT HOME FOR GERSOXS Among the other, features of)'Mrs. Henry Belmost, chsirmaa, community singing Eccompar»"" .The •wedding" -will take place in Dr. and Mrs. George Neuhaus Mrs. Harry Kulakofsky, treasurBern'ce Croanse. the near future in the east. will be at home Saturday after- er; Mrs. Dave Stein and Mrs. the program will be: The invoca- Mrs. Julius AbrahaniEoa, Krs. Reservations are 6 0 cents ^•-* Jules Newman, financial secretion by Mrs. M. Horn; ccinsHinReuben Eordy, Mrs. Isadore DEB.-! noon from 4 until 7 ofelock in plate and may be made t y call nf ANNOUNCE, 31ARRIAGE honor of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel taries; Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, ity singing led by Mrs. Aaron Ed- sky, Mrs. J. J. Frietaan, Lire.) Ja. CSST or At 5ES4. All rer--recording secretary; Mrs. Elmer Mr. Mrs. Abe Fishman gar and accompanied by Mrs. J. David Greenberg, Mrs. Leoa. lies--) an- Gerson, who will stop over In vatjons must be phoned in t*" nounce the marriage of their Omaha on their way to Indianap- Greenberg, corresponding secre-JM. Malashock; a mother's n e s - delson, Mrg. Milder, Mrs. j Sunday noon. Mrs. A. St daughter, Sarah, to Max Green- olis, where they will attend the tary; Mrs. M. F. Levenson, parl-l sage by M53. Sam Wolf; a. grand- Louis Neveleff, Mrs. A. Scin field, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan national conference of social iamentarian; Mrs. J. - M. Erman, mother's message by Mrs. Louis fcln, Mrs. Ben Silver, Mrs. H. .A. •iis chairman of arrange auditor; Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, Neveleff; a great-grandmother's i Wolf, and Miss Blanche Siaraas. j Greenfield. The wedding was workers. \ < e r r C7. solemnized in Lincoln by Rabbi Sigma, Delta Tau All friends of Mr. and Mrs.Mrs. Julius Stein, Mrs. Joe Gold-! Harry Jolt, Thursday, April 29. Gerson are invited to gree them ware, Mrs. David Goldstein, and E. " MOTHER, DAUGHTER Miss Josephine Knbritz YTS.S theMrs.C N. Mrs. David Wice, executive board.; Beth-El Auxiliary ". No invitations have been issued. JJADVES FREE LOAN CARD Election of officers will be lieldj SOCIAL O f TUESDAY\ recently elected publicity chair- Women's I. PARTY The Beth-El auxiliary -will hold! at the next meeting. , man of Tsssels, girls honorary announces The Ladies Free Loan society TO SPEND SUMMER IN a regular meeting Wednesday, 3 The Ladies Ausilisry of Cca- p e p organization. In tha tions for p CALIFORNIA "will hold a card party Tuesday Thursday, May 20, has been I May 11. A board meeting will be j TFM in the receiving line tine: Mr. &r Mrs. Hannah Solig of 2774 evening, May IS, at the J. C. C. held at 12 o'clock and a luncheon in hosier o1" "week
: YEARS A. CONVERT 3WISE LAWYER REJUDAISM . . . It took r time to recognize the i i s efforts. , STARTED IT. BUT JDOPT SHADCHONIM That Jewish influence everywhere, doesn't it? BLUM BLUSHES AS BOOK ON LOVE IN ENGLISH EDIBut the French have humor, so no harm's
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Founder and Father of A. Z. A. and president of the Supreme Advisory Council.
* 1 J! ) - " \ l> The mother.chapter of A. Z. A. installed at Omaha, Nebr., May 3. 1924. First row, seated, left to right: Stanley LeYin, Harry Sidraan, Hyman Shrier, Marion Graetz,. Harry Weiss, Jerome Diamond, Harry Fried, Leonard Herman. Second row, left to right, Fred Brodkey, Louia Fellman, Sam Glazer; Simon Cohen, Ben Falk, Ben Kazlowsky, Mike Freeman, Abe Babior. Third row, left to right, Max Glvot, David Beber, Leo Milder, Jack Milder, Morris Alperin, Harry Eubenstein, Bernard Theodore and Edward Ruback.
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A. Z. A. reached across the seas to install Its first foreign chapter in January, 1937, Karmel Chapter No. 265, in Sofia, Bulgaria.
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2_ Alephs of Seattle Chapter No. 73 can't make up their minds whether to thumb" a ride or take the train to the West Coast tournament finals In Southern California.
Minneapolis Alephs present books to the library of the local Talmud Torah which Is one of the country's finest.
" • Pictured, left to right, are Harry Shapiro, National field director of thft B'nai B'rith Wider Scope, R. Alvin Busch, Mayor of Haselton, Pa., and Morris Arnovich, former Aleph of Sheboygan and Hazelton, who in 1926 made the Philadel_ phla national league ball team.
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Scene from Judas Maccabeus degree, formerly the official second degree, now used on special occasions." Tliis picture was taken la Omaha.
Debating on a subject of Jewish interest fees resulted in A. Z. A. regional and district tournaments serving as a cultural medium for .^outsiders as well as tho Alsphs i Pictured: h6re are players from the Atlantic zn& Charleston Chapters, meeting In the Southern District finals.
" ' '»•
THE JEWISH PBESS, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1937 never wholly severed.. Henry n r l George III (1760-1S20) fathered (2400-1413), first • king of the I the royal marriage act • of 1772, *-, tT*T~~S ft house of Lancaster, invited Elias j requiring all " members of the Sabot, a Jewish physician from j royal •'•family to .obtain ••'the king's Bologna, to settle in England in j consent before marrying, after his "Hit U U 1410, if he would .become the j brother, the Duke of Gloucester, royal doctor. Henry VIII (1509-! had scandalized London by inarL -r At late services tonight Rabbi 1547), founder of the house ofjrying Sir Edward VTalpole's Tudor, called Rabbi Mark of Ten- j daughter, who was a | .£3. j Milton Kopstein Trill speak an ice to London in 1513 to advise j daughter of Isaac Norsa, a Jev- .; "The Shekel as an Endorsement; (By F . R. K.—Staff Reporter) AU t!io world lias taraefi Its I oE Zionist Aims and Aspirations."; The Des Koines I-odje of the der Henry I (1700-113S) Jewisa him on the legality of his contem- ish innkeeper. to Ijoadoo,. where a1 new Tn 9 Hanoverian line ended I Mr. I. Morgenstern will discuss i B'nai B'rith • rrere .hosts to a privileges were- increased and the plated divorce from his first wife, n L L" t " fx 1 t British king is.feeing crowned. Jews were permitted to settle Catherine of Aragon, a divorce; w i t t l Queen Victoria (1S37-1901), the platform and significance o£ large crowd of visiting delegates the Zionist Congress. Cantor A. , M P . ocrsas takes this oecasloa their own law cases and were which .paved the way for- Eng-j at the first annual "Iowa Ds.y" oil reign was the longest i Schwaczkin -will chant the serXto t e a ns•• BOiae . little-katrau placed under t h e special protec- land's secession from the Catholic | _ B'nai B'rith held Sunday, Slay Z, history. Married to vices. |detoi!3 concerning t h e . fate, ©I tion of the King's officers^ church. Queen Elizabeth .(155S-J p r ^ c « Albert, said to be of Jew- j at the Play View Club Hcuse cf At Saturday morning services 3ev?n aoder t h e ' various kings . Henry's nephew and successor, 1603), last of the Tudor line and u ^ n n e age, Victoria was intimate' the Tifereth .Isral Community; r u e ve-e r - r i~ ,-> and q-ceens of England—a fasci- [Stephen (1135-1159), confirmed Eomething of a Hebraist, granted j ^ i t h more Jews than any of her j of the Congregation B'nai Israel Synagogue. , \ Habbi- Kopstein will speak 02 nating historical • - strawy. that. by charte'r all tho rights granted the monopoly of importing seed j predecessors, .and-, during the' Representatives attended from ! every reader of t h e ' Jewish' the Jews by Henry and spared to England t o , Rodrigo Lopez, j years she was on the throne Eng- "The Portion cf the Week.' The father an -will eajoy.--.33i0 Editor. them the brutalities' 'Suffered by who later became her personal lish Jewry was completely emanservices take p their co-religionist3 on the Conti- physician. Lopes, who was also cipated, politically and socially. morning at the "When His Majesty King George nent during the first Crusade. It the ^doctor of the Earl of Esses, js h e c r e a t e d the first Jewish har- ", agagne at 9 a. m. Parents and / I tatcD the oath of office;, in was in. his reign, however, that was ianged, drawn and quartered 1 o n e t > s i r Isaac Lyoa GoldEr2id ; loosa," Dubusue, Davenport, Cen-. children are invited to attend. '.Ve-stnkinier Abbey on May .12th' the tragic blood ritual libel first in the Tower of London on E s j terviile, Ottumtra and Des Koines. [ signed-the Jewish oath i s "by tbe Grace of God of Great appeared in connection with-\ the sex's charge that he had plotted bill permitting Jews to sit-in the i The Waterloo X.oiga of 3'r.ai: 3ritaln and Ireland "and of ! the death of William of Norwich in to. poison the queen. ; ! B'rith sent the largest visiting' House of Commons,' mad© Na-J At services tonight Rabbi Da- delegation -sriien m 3ritiah Dominions Beyond the 1 1 4 4 . . • • ' / " • ' • ' ' ' • ' e th n forty-: The kings of the.'house of ! thaniel Mayer de Rothschild the I Tla case Qis s e r - .live ri jcas, ICing, Defender of the Faith, their chapter • persons .iroi Henry n (115S-1189); first Stuart were . all friendly to the ! first Jewish peer (1S85); was the men on Ludwig Lewisohn's re-; attended thi« affsir 13jnporor of India," 1,000,000 Jews. Charles I (1625-1640) re-! first to have a Jewish minister, king of the'houss or Plantagnet, T p - 1 ; •— •Jews living under th© British flag: ceived large sums of money from [Benjamin 'Disraeli, and' the first cent book, -Trumpet of Jubilee." \ tended fronTcouncii Bluffs. Next Week In every corner of the earth will revised the laws of Edward the Jewish bankers in Amsterdam.' to have, an unconverted Jewish An open forum EEC! discussk Kevt Friday evening- . Rabbi jj of B'nai _ acknowledge : loyalty to a new Confessor and made- the Jews his "When the corporation of the City minister. Sir George Jesse!, who B'rith work was held c Goldstein will speak 02 "Honest j Sunday afternoon with J.'r E"'i<=; r ., monarch. George VI ^ l l l become wards. His son, Richard the.L*ibn- of London petitioned Charles :II was solicitor-general in IS 72. hearted (1189-1199), was the People and Sentimentalists." j Leavitt cf Des Koines in charge ; the relsntng ootereign of the (1660-16S5) to expel the Jews, he Victoria and her son/Edward T i l British Empire at a moment when first English' king to" visit Pal- assured them of his continued fa- (1901-1910), were both members j..of the forum. Nathan Gilinsky,! Zor the first time i a nearly ;tvro estine, where he\ fought during vor. An effort to forbid Jewish of the Anglo-Israel Union, whose - Tesple ! president of Council Bluffs Lodge ! : the Crusade3. There is a legend Rabbi David Yfice's subject ] xo. ESS, gave a report cf the io- ! •anturies the majority of a>. Britreligious worship was blocked by adherents believe the British are that while in Palestine he tried this evening will be "Prospects ; CE1- organization. " . • ; ' c - • ish kings Jewish subjects ara conCharles' intervention. Charles II, descended from the Ten 0 I for American Judaism.' •jerned about the future. In-Pair to persuade Maimonldfe^ to re- whose wife, Catherine of BraganMore than three hundred EEG ; Tribes-of Israel. Edward VII, who E Co r - „ c- L 33tlne 400,000 Jews living under turn to -England with him as royal za,_bronght Uuarte and Francisco Services'will be held Saturday | twenty-five persons attended the; as Prince of Wales -was the first morning physician." It was during Richard's at 11 o'clock. 3. British Mandate await- with Eauquet at sis o'clock Sunday i da Sylva, Jewish' bankers, to member of the British royal famThe annual meeting cf the': evening at the Play View Clufc i ansiety t h e impending report- of coronation, on September 3, 1189, London to administer her dotrry, ily to attend. a Jewish wedding congregation- members will be; House, when Mr. Fred '.he Hoyal Commission. In Great that England witnessed itB first had not forgotten that Jews had of Leopold de Rothj (the weddin h e l d a f t e r serTices Iritain itself 300,000 other Jews pogrom. A delegation of Jews financed the Restoration. t h ^"-~,_ ; r n < • ;ok •with alarm at t h e rising tide that came to Westminister to preAlthough it was not a royal sent the king with "a gift was atgregation members are urged to ! stein is president dJ the District i : anti-Jewish agitation, while in personage, but a commoner, Oliv- fered the Jewish people U e a n - ; a t ^ e n d t h i s m e c , t ing. ' j x 0 . 6 of the Grand Lodge of t h e ! ^3 Union of South Africa Sfl.000 tacked by the noblemen, and for er Cromwell, who permitted the da as a homeland. In this reign JWS face a similar problem .The twenty-four hours Jewish 'blood B'nai B'rith, ana is & Judge of; Jews to Teturn to England, the Herbert Samuel became the first 80,000 Jews of Canada see the Tan In the . streets' of London. Cook County at Chicago. Mrs.: Greek-Palestine Pact unbaptized Jewish member of the first legal recognition of Jewish •amo question confronting them After the London riot, which soreAthen (JTA) ' — A Palestine- Fred Bernstein was also a guest resettlement was accorded by c a b i n e t . . . . , , Greece transfer " agreement hss.;I of • honor at the Banquet. In less aggravated: form. Thus' we ly displeased Richard, he grantJames IJ-(1685-1699) on NovemIn Jewish history the reign o f | b e e n c o n c i U fl e a n was'officiallv [lind that 940,000. of t h e i;000,000 ed the .Jews a charter confirming fol-S "*'- - > • — - • - • o . rIncluded i n the ber 13, 1685, who allowed the George V (1910-1936) loons big.' * j Icwing- the banquet was the in- j Jews in the British Empire await their right to live freely in his Jews free exercise of their relig- It was. he who first appointed a itiatjon of more than twenty-five | the coronation of their new king domains, to he judged "by their ion. James' son-in-law, William Jew (Lord Reading) viceroy of new members into the Des Koines | •rcitb. a joy that is clouded only peers and to be free of all tolls II (1699-1702) and Ws ' wife, India, and another Jew (Sir Isaac anti-Semitic bUckshirts of Sir Os- Lodge of the B'nai B'ri th. Rabbi r _ r T T • . roi?'the rising shadow of anti- and customs. It was also Richard Queen Mary, continued the Stuart Isaacs)-governor-general of Aua-jv r a f ^ ; . M o s J e y - . . Eugene Mannieiirer of Des gemitlBEi. What the reign of ICing who established the "Exchequer tradition toward : the Jews. 'Wil- tralia. His-reign marked the is-1 T b v l s - \he*' Moises gave the invocation. JohnGeorge VI will mean to his Jewr of the Jews," a special branch of 'of the British ^m- ny Hale, Trcll-knoTrn radio artist, liam, whose descest cm England suance of the Balfour Declaration ish subjects only history can tell. the treasury to control Jewish had been underwritten by Jewish and England's acquisition of the pire under English kings. In spots and master of ceremonies st the :«,- Pr-c". - _- c - - - . i History being a record of the loans and benefit the royal purse. hankers in Holland, was the first Mandate over Palestine. He was it is a record of suffering and dis- Belvedere Club, presented past for the guidance of the pres- One' of the earliest acts of John king 'to knight a professing Jew, also the first king in whose honor ... crimination, but for the most part group. cf son gs. Phii Stein g ent,- let us turn back and see how (1199-1216), who succeeded his Sir Solomon Medina. &ueen Anne Jewry established a forest in Pal- « r e v e a l s ^ a t throughout history a-number of humorous imita-1 .Taws have fared under British brother Richard, was to confirm (1702-1714), last of the Stuarts, estine. Th t h e k t a S s ^ h o ^re sat sat on on the the tions. Miss Eelen Goldstein sang I i d d VII jthe The reign off E Edward i i n g s . George VI will be the G8th the "Exchequer of the Jews" and i t ' , presented to the Bevis Marks Syn- was too short-lived for it to have i throne of Great Britain have been a group of popular songs. j '.3riUoh monarch in the last 1,100 to issue" another charter of libagogue, built in 1702, one of its any major significance iu Jewish | Isvorably disposed towardd their erties to the Jews. Anti-Jewish Mr. Robert Lap-Pen of De?! •vaara. Some of his predecessors J e l s h main beams as a,special mark of history but it may be subjects. Beginning with Moines, who is a past president •cf I ^ e c t s . Beginnm Ji^ro been notable friends of the riots: in London in 1204 were history, recalled j ^ f a v o r . '" " • • ' . - . .Tuwlsh people. Others have, been halted by John's order. that the first recruit to enlist in j the ISth century the record shows the District Grand Xiodpe No. G ! English * kins "•and of the B'nai B'rith, ^ z ^ ^, - „ , . - •; introduced.! equally notorious enemies. :His Majesty's army under Ed- j A new chapter in Jewish hisDuring- the reign of Henry III queen was not • only friendly to Sir. Bernstein £.s the speaker of i ward was a Jew, that a Jewish tory began with the coming of Since the y«ar 52 7. ten families (1216-1272), John's son, special j (Heinrich .Neumann) the Jews but has played E.n im- the evening-. the Hanoverian kings.,. George II physician . j y e provided England with, all bnrgessas were appointed- in all portant part in their gradual Mr. Bernstein gave s. very in- i cured the king of an ear malady, • -— v - •» " (1727-1760) encouraged legisla:ar Idngo and Queens: the Saxons towns to '.protect. Jews from the emancipation. It is • knowledge cf teresting address, relating tl.; tion to remove the political dis- and that when Edward abdicated violence ot crusaders: But It\~WR3 .nd Danes, t h e house of Normanthese facts that -will make the importance cf the work c-i B'.B'.: abilities under which Jews lived. he bestowed upon Baron snd dy, the House of Elanta'ganet. the the same king who ordered -the Jews of-'the British Empire cry B'riia threughout the enii:; Baroness Eng-ene de Rothschild It"-Twe.a in . his reign that Parlia:ouse of Lancaster,.the ho/assjoj^ Jews 3n 121S "to wear two tablets out with heartfelt sincerity "Long country, E.nd pointi: ip cut !L: the distinction of being the first •nrest;---passed the act naturalizing r *ork, the h o u s e 0 o i T u d o r , " t f i ¥ en May l£th. achievements since Jews in the American colonies. He Jews to "be. hosts to an English live the king' DUG a of Stuart, Vtho;" hoasa of as-a" distinctive ^sign and later when George VI is cro-srasd E.S tic n. king in exile. The first public also ordered the British envoy in . [onover &M the hoii£a 'ol T7irifl- forbade them' ,tb"'lea_ve t h e ghetPrague to.interrene -with Empress statement by (George VI was a Ills 6 Sill ruler cf the Eritish E n ,3r. Reliable records of Jqwisfi tos'-'"without' a special -license. Elttffs 'vrSo Ette-Eu? Maria Theresia. of Austria-Hun- message to the Chanukah services lira In England Tinder-the, Sas- Henry also -wrung money iroin •Ten Arts j were Mr. ETSS TZTS. Lotus H . K P - i of the Jews in the British armbgary In 1744, when she had orrma and Danes are. non-existent, the'Jew&to rebuild Westminister telman, Mr. an-fi XLTS, J-IorriF i Feature Syndicate') dered the expulsion of the, Jews and the first Parliamentary act .jut there is a tradition that King Abbey, and in 1241 convened a from .Bohemia. Incidentally, -it he signed the law outlawing Uhelatan (925-940), grandson, of parliament of Jews to devise was Aaron Pranks, a Hanoverian the ^rearing of unifornis "by the Alfred the Great, had the Bible means of taxing them more effijeweller and grandfather of. the ;ranslated from the origitial He- ciently. Towards the dose .-of Ms Patronize Our Advertisers founders of the Franks family in jrew into Anglo-Saxon, with the reign he had all the Jews "arrestAmerica, who accompanied George Iselp of converted Jews. Even tra- ed, closed many synagogues and from Hanover to England in 1723 dition i3 silent for nearly another. sold the Jews to hla brother. Pref *1 and lent him the most valuable century, when we learn that King viously he had built the'Domus Jewels for the crown used at his Convorsuni, a home for Jewish Canute (1016), t h s same••..•mpncoronation. In George's reign, too, Giant 32 oz. Bottle arch who tried to stop tha tide, converts. "With Henry's son, Edthere -was passed the Jewish naTreat the Whole Fajrs =xpelled the Jews from his Mug-' ward I (1272-1307), ends the forfor lOc mal record of Jewish history in turalization act (1754), which iom. England until t h e middle of the -was repealed after it led to riots. T/illiam I , the Konnan con17th, century, for it was he who queror, irs the first British Sing expelled . them from Britain in whoae association Tritfc. Jews is a 1291. mslter of record. ."W.hen he InvadsdJEngland .in. 10S6_he.ironElit Despite the expulsion, Jewish ^i'|th him a number ' of - Jewish, connections with England Trere traders and artisans from Francs; ind thus becaiao the toun'fier of 3ritlsh Jewry. The cpngtterer'a son, "William II (1087-1100) v aurCoat SOVGK3 aamed Hufus, t o o t the Jews un-LiofiD toder his regal wing and protectYen? ©as* ed them. It is said that H3 Largo Selection of friendship for "the Jews even went Patteras .o£ far as to- make him a sort-of iiysBionary of Judaism, ancient records telling of hla-efforts to force Jewish- converts to- ChrisTZ7Q. CO. t i a n i t y to re-embrace their own 7C3 Co. SZ faith. This, however, was probaAT bly duo snore to his desire to annoy his Christian noblemen. Un-
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/ T nis! Harvestsr presents a rjcei i\ ft«vr line of tracks—a n*icr news story tj fir the trsnsportitisn wsr'd—4 ptrsar.il !| r.iv.i iteni fsr cray u:sr cf trucks I j.
Don't l a y A KEV/ CAR UNTIL YOU HAVE DRIVEN THE 'c Moat Fopad F t '
sting in the
. O Here is the first; of die new Intercatlonal Ttucks in the gleaming metal dress and lines of today and toznorrovr.Evea Esore important titan the eys-valuss in these new trucks ere tbe trew •rabies underneath the surface. Advanced engineering throughout ths entire znechsaica! product , . . new standards of .utility sad performance . . . th ess ars offered in every xnodel of this nev/ line, in sizes ranging from the Half-Ton unit (shor.'n here) up to pOTverfc! Sis-Wheelers. Thi n;z? Ir.tirr.ziissietls a?s en display. Conie ia iind ces 'them i n OUT SIJOT.TOOCI,.
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PRESS,-FRIDAY, MAY 7,-1937 Thursday • morning, in the home: Mr. and bratio-n sponsored by . the of the bride's parents. . daughter, Aryan the four is JT L i ^ c Rabbi Hi R. Rabinowita Rabbi Sol Bolotnikov officiated. for at-the home ing _ew biographical T twenty-five -t Out of. town guests were Mr. K.J Castle's mother, Mrs. E. th quet at the Play v Gralnife, Louis, Esther, Lena, and If your youngsters tell you Tillie Gralnife, all of MarshallFourteen friends of Miss Leona at Des Moines Sunday evem^r • i. • t H re ^o a^ f Fried honored her at a surprise Among those who attended bte i thing,called ' l l e d Etrihorcometry Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. party at'the home of her yareais, affair were Mr. and Mrs • £orrlf i'? U Oa Prof - d w s r f i . Kastner of Shulkih received their, friends in Mr. and Mrs. H. Fried, on Sunday Grosssan, Mr. and Mrs H P i - ^ i i i th: honor of the bride and groom. evening, April 25, the occasion of geometry as a means j 1(E '•••' Following «a southern trip, Mr. being her birthday. The even- Katetaan, Mr.'and Mrs. George! - In' commemoration of the thir- arid Mrs. Gralnik will-make their ing's diversion was dancing, fol- Boffman, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear j Improving the measurement • of | Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gershun, Miss' ! .liorn angle . . . Kastner was j " lowed by a buffet supper. teenth yedr' of its founding, fche homei in Fort Dodge, Iowa, Fannie Katelman, and Messrs.! the first to measure this sngle > y' -Uoro-than one hundred-women National order of the A. Zl A. is Mrs Isathan Gilinsky, . Meyer Maitz, . . . Prof. Solomon Seitlin has i ^ Trill attend the innu&l'SenioV'lJa- sponsoring 'ito~-BarcE£it2vah cele- ' Mrs. D. Silverman of New York - Isaac Sternhill, 304 Grace {^u. B dassah ,D6nor's luncheon- nezt bration with a joint Mother's day City will arrive here this-week to Street, was chosen as Secretary [ Ben Frankel, Sam Meyerson, taken a Sabbatical leave frois j e *t ot "'-"and Albert Fos. Dropsie College to undertake r e | program. The Sious City chapter .Tuesday 'noon, May. 11, in Itne visit with'her • son-in-law•" and the Medical Auxiliary for the search in France in preparation < s c Jewish -Community Cantor. Thesa will do Its - chare toward making daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. coming year, at a meeting held The Council Bluffs Chapter No. •, ofb i caJ l book on t i e life of RES] SOUK T/omen have contributed toward •this celebration a Euccoaa by hav- ^._,JW—_•• •• - last. Friday. Mrs. Sternhill has Goldberg. published in 1S4C •n C L ing -itsannual 'ParentsDayprothe- Give or Get projeat :ot' the been very active In the organiza- 7 of the A Z. A. held" an inter-! ^ be a_nire"rs_V"of"his Hadassah and are therefore el- gram' Sunday afternoon. May 9, " Mrs. Sam Greenberg with her j ' the wife of Dr. Isaac esting meeting Monday evening,;.. to attend. the- i'lunbheoa: at tho Jewish Community Center. son,.Stanley and Jack' Zeligson, May 3, at the tew homemembers of Joe who Perl-1 (Copyright, I " mutter. Four 1937, by Seren ~Vrtc •The program,aa announced by • T u e s d a y . ,. ; \ t.'••-. •':•- ; j . J : , ^ ' " have arrived here from Lo.s Anwere admitted into the.organizaFeature Syndicate) I '••• .• VJlr3;,\HBrryfRosenthai;>bf:^.St.Calodn...... . . , . . , -chairman . r—•-•.— JLWfcfc* -of the [gele3, to visit with their . Among those who visited in tion were Harold Bernstein, Yale parents, Iowa _ j . . t Hi— - < < — - - • •'-'-•-•'-••••• Mr. and Mrs. J.. Zeligson,V Paul, Minnes6ta;'will be the prin- tbcultural - committee will include City last week end to attend •' cipal speaker' at the itinch'eori. -e. invocation by /Rabbi H, -R; : SBe is -a "nation chairman of Ha- Rablnpt/Uz, _a, play, given ..by. ihe Rabbi Lewl3 will speak at thespnosoredby the students at the t 1 PT-I-, here to disseminate Hebrew lit-1 dassah arid.a member of the,' ifer Cub scouts and a group'of songs : Roundtablo meeting of the Jun-University of Iowa were Mrs. CO — trpr erature in. Western Europe. • tioriat board. , She has been.-aji by/tha Boy. .Scout Quartette. Among the students from AbSam Meyerson, who visited her ior 'Hadassah, next' Wednesday 'he society will ahso further , .1 e t a ardent worker for itadaBsah since • Edwin W^ Baron, president" of ', evening,. raham Lincoln High School who daughter, June; Mrs. Abe LeiboMay. 12 in. the Jewish" Jewish and Zionist its organisation. lodge'will literature in {Ccrrr gewill speak Community Center. vitr, who visited her daughter, will represent this district in the other languages. State Contest Tor the Band and Mrs. ,'Tkeodoro N. Lewis will oa "The B'nai B'rith i L Laoks at A: Maxine; Mrs. A. Hoffman, who eature at Iowa City this week _e the tocstmiotreca, and Mra. W.Z. A." Toby Shindler will give a visited her son, Arnold; and Mrs orchestra fe C. Slots&yj president of tho chap- brief hiatory^of A. Z.,A., and Sid- Miss.Rose Reznickand Miss Lu- Henry Maduff, who > . j V' i s "Milton Katelman, Jane HoffBrown. a n dG .ter will welcome tho guests. ney Kalin 'w'il'l. speak on the sub- cille Rubinstein have returned to son, Sidney. An visited her, f entertaining A' Tableau '"Women' in Israel", ject "To olir Parents." Joe .Gold- Sioux'City, after a six weeks visit program was- presented {Ccatsased from pag I) following 1 • will be-given with tho following [ stein " will "speak ' on' "Rooted" ia in New.York. . , ' the Banquet Saturday evening at NOTJCE OF The Paid-up membership party, vails, PE OF W!Li women taking part: lira. Jlorri3 Tradition." t h e the/Union Club at Iowa City. planned by the Council Bluffs^ [Weloberg as'Spirit; -Mrs. M. A. ' Community .Singing and reRabbi and Mrs. Sol Bolotnikov Teal th, JWeiner,' the mother; Robert TVei- . ... -. -.- :~--°:rf :•-• "^^ 1CT have moved this week to ~Z07Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krasne Senior Hadassah for Tuesday evening, May 4, was postponed due S I a o a ner and Jean Ray iigranoff, th,e freshmenta;vill; conclude, the pro- F o U rteenth street. ' left Monday for Excelsoir Springs to the death of Mrs. Ben Harding j S their ashes? And °the children; Mrs. Frank Margolin gram.. The public .is.; invited, to :, . . . . Missouri to be gone for about and Mrs. E. Hoffman, . Members f in his heart andtbl Z : and Mrs. M. Grueskin, Ruth and attend: the/program. . \ ' ^ , T h e p . _'. M. club met Wednes- two weeks. off th the -organization. be in his moutB. And he Naomi;', Mrs. R. Miller, Queen -EsThisA morning;at. 9 o'clock an ^ V,evening at the Jewish. Coma I learn, again the virtue o ' -e" ther; Mrs. Joe Levin, - and Mrs. 4.-?.- -:P r< ?sram.-will.be broad, o ra Mrs. Ben Seldin left Sunday for riearhic v All news items for this column j c iea taI °= and the truty of the" H. S.-J^ovltsky, .Infant _T7el?are; ««*.:**°*Xf!&i ^ n ^ f e Manm s u mn ml t ey r C; ef on rt le_r >a l w dh £e nr ec e p lwa en rg efdisChicago, Illinois for a visit with should be phoned irTto F. R. K. ' t o f vi=tory. - \% will be ' 2>lr3. Philip Sherman, Mro. Morcy willppeak on the founding of.A. c u s s e ( j -, relatives.' .'. • . • phone 4491 or 650, before five Xtvriil b e t o Q late. ' Iiipshutz and Ura Louia Kaplan, Z - ' : A - A > ^ :fen> o u t ^ o m ^ e . ; R u t h R l w s n dE v e l y n J a c o b s o'clock each Tuesday in order' to 1 Chalutsoth. Miss I^elen GUttlepagan mob that sees S wI Council Bluffs was well repre- assure publication ^a the current! f i 2 a " A S t a r is Eorn" is set ite ^^V^? * » be hostesses at a. Give (or Get man will • play the piano accomvic- iL°-~r '••>'.'•"~-:-V•• *'' '\ party Sunday evening, w h e n sented at the "Iowa Day" cele- issue ario^sljof the-Jewish Press. "' ' " "upon t h e g a m 2>animents. fc , ^ . flrst anual A z . ^ S^eet- ^meB and d a _c l n g will form the idol is the world d thco£D Mrs. Abe Pill and Mrs. Samheart-Dance.will.be held, at the Hiversion* qnest of the mere world. The Greenstone' are '^o-chairmen . of .Rigaiidoni Sunday evening,!.May . cestors of that mob in t " the .Give.or-Get project,and in ;3O:\Cfiapters' from ..Surrounding charge of tho luncheon arrange- icltiea.haye_ been invited ".to. attend •the, dance. Joe Goldstein^ Herxaents. . :N KAZLOWSKY, m i n: . Rubin, .Nathan .Levlch and Ed. Sperling- visited r,Omaha last Suite 532 fnsursnc 'week* end-to invite ."the Omaha KLOTIN'CK &. Mother, NOTfCE OF bhaptefs :to^ a'ttenti. Anyone wishIT LO\T Victoria, married Edwina Cynthia ing' tbsubmit a^naime for the A. Recently, one of the best Ashley, granddaughter at; 2. ;Al ..Sweetheart '.Is asibed.. to get! RATE LIQLC known national v Jewish organiza- Ernest Cassel, famous ; Jf"'•; The; annual iibther and Daugh jn touch %itHs; joet'Goldstein, tions engaged la defending Jew- banker w ter Banqiiet- given by -the Sister- i , , - . l t • . . . - - ' - - : - — • — • " . • ««r DEATHS ish, rights abroad——it-was not thecoronation guests will be the clil;Jibodr of- Mount Siiiai Temple wjll fore, the, date ;of;the; dance. . Mrs. Kolly D.Harding, 50 years Jewish Congress—had a meeting dren of Hannah B.othschild, -wfeo ; ,!>6 field tomorrow noon,.. Miay; '8., old, .passed away Sunday evening, with representatives of the Polish married Henry Fitzroy, a direc In the Temple annex;; following a May s, at her home aj 129 Fourth government in this country . . . ^twelve o'clock' senriceJih the Tern Street, of heart disease following The latter insisted on addressing iple. Rabbi Thepdote.N. Lewis Mother's'Day ser- a n ^ l l n e s s of two days. Mrs. Hard- the Jewish spokesmen as Jews ,;will conduct the service,, and -the vice will be held this evening a t Ins was born In Russia. She for- . . Whereupon .the spokesman following talks will be given from •Shaare- iZion--syoaa®ogiio a t Z meTl? "ved in Omaha before movthe pulpft; "An;Aim; In LIf&" ~py otelDek; . i^s.;.Meyer Shubb wiir _*S to Council Bluffs where she for the Jewish organization inWr&r Eoy Schwarzm.an;.."The Real spedk-ln behaUVor-the mottiers; ^ ^ b e e a a r ^»dent for the yasi dignantly reparteed—"We are notbrother of King George Significance' of • Mother's ;JDay' byilrs.: iqstber Bri_berg:;in behalf, or -^eteen-years. She is survived by Jews. Please understand that we are Americans with Jewish syra- on which King George VI X.6is Novitsky, and-'.'What I - i s a|the daughter^ andiLiwrence g Ba-; -«»•• Harry Koberteon and Mrs. ill be the famous Stone /daughter' Hope; to^ '•Meanc-in' a 'ori,in;beh_lEbf,lhe'r 6ns.,Cantor; ^ T 1 * Robertson, all of Omaha. pathies" That rumor about will S f "'Jewish Community/''by-: jisfrjorte .-. eUslsiri and i h > • isynagqgue' a n * M r s • M f r Wezelman^f Chi- a new Bcheme for co-ordinating)P Fail, which according to!«t?nt the ' • •• ^Weinherg. •••:;'. •';-:.^-.-.:.^:":\7^"\r Cfibir-wiir chant -the: ritual. Floral f p p ; and five brothers, Joe CasIj'EhV banauet and-program-will f w ^ i b y ^ n i ^ e ^ o r t h ^ ^ o n ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 F r a n f e Castleman of antifallow immediatelyafter the ser-^gregation will- decora te I the'pul- Omaha; Morris and Nat Castle^ not vice. '•'-ifcrs'L'A: .•'_£ Baron wljil .'pre>i Los Angeles, and William ers Side and"Mrs.;Louis 3 . Goldberg! :.-• Hosts, to, the -Junior Congrega-: man-of are Castleman of Chicago. • • •Efill ;welcoin§ the guests. Planof tibn; -tqmprro^wJ iab/niflg.will .be Xel-irn.T!.-^ groundwork . We are reliably i tt nn ee English are h ; ' Funeral service were held Tuesm en?e b i i s r i e s s liT> T1 informefi that the Tribes of Israel, i' X!*.-^™* " ° Mr. and Mrs'; Mike 'Rifkin' injhoh^ informed t h a t t h e winner of t h eh; e Ten ; s Lost t ^, f = of o f ss?| t s Arti^^s' v, -h offered by MIBD,' .selections day .afternoon, May 4. at two of o'clock at the Cutler's Funeral Jewish Publication Society's c o n - i a n < i °* which Queen Victoria andjbrasi^a a5fdksu.f,,Doue;I?s'"coi.rtV. KeLibbie. Gleosky, and d a '^fpup;of f f br'ojtthe'approa'ching',m'arriage : Jewish I King Edward VII were members. i o d of 'so j-eara?' Th^'hi-w? 1 " a r c : "" t h e best American Jewish! impersonations; will- he' jgW-en. ,by? their .daiigb.te,r. '.,,-• v^r- ',. v: ' - iHome, with - burial held at thetest for the j of ««iut:ui.ear.ess to novel will be a woman . . . she;Am>t'T PEOPLE Dorothy,Lqhfman., \'\'.'."..'.".;. '• .v/^bb'i^Rd&'&o.nritz^'Will - preside' Pleasant Hill Cemetery la Oma^ the I ation shall at s.ny ^ corpor.L,-,.[l5 : mortg-agres : at: the ^afternoon ^session of conha. ' J"Bride3 o£ Yesterday 'and/Jo-! may be the wife, of a mid-west j You can look for an announee- [ shall not .exceed two-ibSrds of the Board o; capital stock; but this restriction tv o nDr ' tiky" will bergiyeh.with.the fol- iererice, of Protestanta, Jews and rabbi . .". The United Jewish Fund jment any day that Dr. Mordecai shall not include indebtedness secured lowing ;Weddingij;owna- modeied; Cathoilcs ' ~thia M6nday' at;- 3 > Mra. Ethel Hoffman, 74 years campaign of Pittsburgh has in- M - Kaplan has been appointed by mortgages or liens The business ; be hej {Wedding gowii worn'in 190,2 by6,'cIock.- -The'/Bubject. for the af-old, passed away Monday even*. formed its prospective givers; professor of the philosophy of e3- of the corporation shsll be concluctec by a Board of Directors, to consift i ilrs; 1 Bfen Schullen; " inbdVeled by ternoons . session '""jrflll' Abe • "Why, ing, May!3, at her home at 1014that nov publicity will be sought} ucation at the Hebrew University of not less than tv^-o persons, end b r ' A l i c e Schuileri -Bottighelmer; Do rW?i Have.'.Prejudices."' The Avenue A, in Council, Bluffs, fol- in the daily press . . . of the corporation, vrho The Professor is leaving for j shaiiOibe beCerS !: Pr Flower girls, Jiollle.Sekt and'ttlvr aaend President, Vice-President. in;eetirig-will be 'held lii the;Mar-; a two-year stay in Palestine lowing a lingering' illness. ; She Secretary THE ANTI-NAZI FRONT ; T Treasurer, snj- two of: oil; 'Agranpff; .gbwh';.w6rii - ;;iii tini Hdtej;: •• QKiMy ^61ix' -Levy- of wa3 born in Russia and has been trhich offices" msy In his absence his assistant and same be heJd by the : I308; by Mrs. A.-,'L.VLeyy;; model- Chicago, :;j>r; -Yafd' of -; Chicago a resident of Council- Bluffs for • Contributors to the University son-in-law, a Menorafa alumnus, enax:t person. The Directors may j in Exile, which was. created, to .suitable by-!at?-s for the con-! : ed., by MM.""Hermaa7Levyj;;'gowii kiiiXifi .>W^i^h*' Sf ppesf Moines iwlll more than ,f * L - -orporation'5 bus-'ness, ^vt»?n-in 1916-by. Mrs.' Adolplt Itoi- be speakers ;at.lthe'"cBnference'for Hoffman is thirty years, Mrs, y be amendedd s t &r.y of Judaism survived by The ;' regnlar one or their jobs, in Germany for racial i Benfeld; :gb^n worn in.. 19JE7 'by:,better, [uhdfirstan'ding:;:*. meeting c IX V, daughter, Mrs. Minnie Wolpa; '2 originator of the sit-down strike j f£° ouf/tSslg raajit Mra. Robert Sacks, modeled'by, • vPIafis hav?'*Keen1-inad^ byr-the BOn3, Morris and Albert Hoffman', or political reasons, will be in_Irs. M. ."Wielabefg;, gbtra wdrn 4n1 Bpardiof^Directors :of>the. Ladies all of Council Bluffs; six grand- terested to know that Dr, Carl was Prof. Frank Tannenbaum, 1 the zaeetin'^" HARRY- JIARCT-S, ;i9i8' by-MTB. Sam jCphen,,nlodel-. Auxtflary^bf' theVeyBiagogue for a children, Harriett Bernstein and Brandt, professor of agronomics one-time I. W. W. leader, but now j ed'fby^uthWeiner;-gown worn;' lurichsbfl, on-'May IS. , ;The- Board Bill£. Bernstein of Omaha, and at U.-I. E., is contributing to a respectable economist . . . The i4-1c.37.ij real name of those rowdy come- j Ineorporators. In ' 1920 , by Mrs.- Jack Robinson, la.embers/wili be/iibstesses at theIda Hoffman,- Jane Hoffman, Nazi ^papers in Germany modeled by- ilrs. -Ed Pill; .Go^n' Iurich^on^-;fe', ^'••i- '';.: V '•-••• '' \ -:Paul Hoffman, and Arnold Hoff- When" reproached about this, hei diarjs, the RHs • brothers, is Jo-]K F L R U A T D zl^^V^??--B^ E R , . ^orh in ;1922 .by \ ^ r s . Iferiinaa '.Tiie:/Cp_fl^natidn.;.'::at; Shaare man of this city. FuneraL ser- said he refused to discuss his ed-achim, and their older brother, j j George, is a- cloak-and-suiter . . . J at Shaare Miller,- modeled.by Mrs. Ed. liariitorial attitude Leo ' Lt. ' Comraandler Isaac- Sehloss- I r i •ZionAs scheduled for next Friday vices were held Tuesday morning Frobenlus, who is hereProf. tor; gown wdrn'for her. 25th w ed from Gerat eleven o'clock at the family bach, who commanded Admiral FINAL jdlng anniversary:In.J;923;by: SJra. evening when-the follor/ing chil- residence, r many on ait alleged lecture tour,.Byrd's with burial at the Oak ACCOUNT ship OB its 1933-34 Ant-s in dren will be'confirmed:>AnnabeIl J.. Millei:;- goifn worn by -Mre. the CoimtjCourt Hill cemetery. F is a secret Nazi agent and propa- a r c t i C expedition, will pilot a Sllltpn Mushkin in I9?7r- =mD(IeI- Satin, Rachael Ginsberg, Thclma Xebraska. gandist . . . Officers of the R. O. jp j a I i e o n a n e w North Pole trip fn County, tjss STatter of t!:e Ksiate o • Catfc- ! ed-;by; Mrs. .Earl.,JCline;:':. gpwn Shindler, Rosalie •'.. Keplan, Ann erine KcFarland. Decessec: . -begin in June •L Lorraine Ballln, Harry Gord The Sisterhood of the Talmud T. C. at City College and New 1set. to ^orn by Mrs. Meyer;. Levitt-^Ja Gordon, Dr. Louis All persons interested in sai-11 r r York University have been invitNadler, Edwin".Sherman, Sher- Torah Society will hold its anI *S? 19S£>-; arid -gownalwor__.in :1936 ter are hereby notified that eti'matt he I Flnkelstein of the Jewish Theo— man. Sperlffrs, Syllne Skalovsky nual Rummage Sale next Monday ed to' join the Rev. Gerald K. by : Mrs.)'.Frank;. Margolin,- ,-.:.Mrs^| and -Anita Daakav'sky. Smith's Fascist "Committee for logical Seminary, is doing a book Hay 10, and Tuesday, May 11, at C -•• n ™ Fred' ^Herzbff', and 'Mrs. * Lor'ence on the Phalisees . . Speaking of If you want to, 739 West Broadway. Anyone who One Million" Silverberg^ '•': ",.-..-. ":-: '-c-'-;; .•^•-•i' books reminds us that the Jewish j learn how to be a.dictator go to has a bundle of old clothing or be A Play'. "W^y, Daughter. G«ta ereth Israel second-hand articles to donate for Colgate University, where Dr. Publication Society is plaaning a! Gniy" - wiii; he•; presented ;by Mrs. series of works on American j 'A. M. Davis, (Dorothy Davis, Mro. ,. Se'rvicea at TIphereth ' Israel this cause is asked to call Mrs. Rodney L. M,ott, director of theJewish communities . . . If a pro- 1or. the Morris Yudelson,; p r e s i d e n t , university's school of social sciripper bill goes through t&e j E; N. Grue3kln, Dorio 'Grueskin, synagogue will be teld' this eve- phone 5645, and a committee will ences, is offering a course on dicSirs. Abo .PHI, Doris Ray Pill, ning'as usual,'with Saturday o'er- call for all bundles Sunday morn- tators and dictatorships . . . . . Pennsylvania legislature Judge :s ?Ia t oi Phil: 2«ira. Sol J^ovitsky arid Gloria No- vicea .beginning tomorrow morn- ing. Many German seamen arriving in ing at 9 o'clock." ' •. . . '. But Theo- £< yitsky. • • . ' > ' . New York on Nazi vessels are j'-At--'5:30 .o'clock tomorrow Mrs. E. N;- Grueokln io genera TBere's an dore Rosea, who was crippled in 2! KS to th: Plans are being made for themilitant anti-Nazis afternoon, Rabbi-Sol• Bolotnikov the World War, -will be, promoted j ee etairman of the affair; Jldrd. H to the end annual Mother and Daughter Tea organisation called Supporters of to presiding justice cf the family J'ishgall and Hrs.. J. Kalin, nienu will speak at .the synagdgue. to be given by the Council Bluffs Anti-Nazi Seamen which provides court . . - Jack Earl, the Jewish f r BJrs. Fred Sherman, Mrs. Free Senior Hadassah and Sisterhood them .with literature for distribu- circus giant, is a painter o£ real] HerzOff and Mrs. Lorenca Silver- '-SPEAKER -'HERE- SUNDAY of the Talmud Torah on Sunday tion in Germany MUQUE is hits, program s afternoon, May 23,. at the Chevra the name of a new anti-Jewish telent, some of kis works having been exhibited 'at various galler..The "Jewish- National Workers B'nai Yisroel synagogue. A and anti^Catholic .outfit doing ies very . . . And circus clown FelisJI alliance will haxs a guest speakinteresting and entertaining^ vmbusiness in Florida . .». John Mc- Afiler ! YOUTB ESSATCOUTEST. er here' Sunday evening, May 9,gram prohas asthored a book oa jjj la beingarranged by the Laglen, brother of screen actor The Youth Essay Contest, spon in .the Jewish Community Center clowning . . , When not clowning j I committee In charge. All mothVictor McLaglen, is one of the sored by the Inter-Club Counci- at 3:30 43'clock, when Mr.'White he rais«3 and trains pigs . . . if will • close- n a y ' 10, and all" e3 of Toronto'-Canda-will-speak on era and their daughters are cord- leading anti-Semitic propagan- SCIEXCE DEFT. I ially invited to dists in Los Angeles . , . ^ cays must be in,the hands of tho"Tie .Importance; of Shekolim for attend. . t Sunday evening1 Scripta Katbe- i THE'.NOX-ABYAX ANGLE > ' ' sponsors by that date. thc-Twentleth Zionist World ConTho Council .Bluffs Lodge No. Tbere.'H be plenty of non-Ary- matica, -the popular 'nlatheiaatical 11 -^Subjects for the essays include gress- in August. GS8 of the B'nai Brith will hold ang among the royalty attending quarterly published by Yeshiva i ^ew Economic Opportunity - Sveryone' is- Invited to attend a regular meeting Monday evenKing George VI's coronation . . . Collets, is throwing, a whale of a j for the Jew", "Why. bo Loyal' to the -meeting. There will be no 2Jy People," end "Ilag Jewish ?.dmic3ion ;chargo and no solici- ing. May 10, at 8:30 o'clock at The King himself is said to beparty-in honor of four mea who j the Eagle Hall. the great-great-grandson of s have done a, great deal tWard the Life in Anlerlc_;a Futura." tation of fuada. ' ' Jew, because -his great-great- popularization of saflismatics The essays must' contAla' froin Trie meeting In belnc-QPonsorRobert Jacobsen of \ Dallas, grandfather, Prince A l b e r t , T&ree of the guests cf licscr are ] | one thousand' to fifteen hundred T/6r"da Tab first prise 'will . beCQ5 by. fhe National .T/orI:efa, tao Texas spent several days here last Queen Victoria's consort is sup-undiluted Arysus—Frofessora Da- I 5S5 in cash, cccbnd priso is- §10, Poalc ZIon, . and.. the Pioneer week visiting at the home of hisposed to have been of partly Jew- vici Ensexse Smith and Cassias | bfother-ln-law and sister, • Mr. ish ancestry . ... Any relatives of aiid tha tbjrd prize a gold nedal. Women. and Mrs. Ben Seldin. es-Kalser Wilhelm: at the coror nation will also be son-Aryans, fornia tech- . . . Tfes. !oa» rsoa- i^g^nSaSE^^'''™"''"' 32331 • Word haa "been received here for Wilhelm was Victoria's'grandKV3 -Roverecd Sdward Ctimaon 'of by Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Krssno of son . . , And the'same goes for the First Pre&byterJan Church ' In <Ktho ,presoaca of relatives the birth of a - son to Mr. former Queen Eugenie of Spaia, Foscre] f Isrlora Are Furnished la Hcase-L Ike Fas hlon T.'H opealc thi3 e'.-cains ct i^oust nd a.few Intimate fria'ds, tliss 36d Mrs. :Joe. Krasne of-San- Fran- a granddaughter' of Vietoria . . . an -JhulSIn,. daughter of Mr. "COURTEOUS—RELIABLE" Sinai Tomple oa~"Jer,' and Chriscisco,. California on Saturday, On© of the sis blue-blooded traintian" Kabbi Tbcodoro N. LQWSS nd Mrs. A. Shulkin, 722 West April 24, The baby has beea ESEJ- bearers : o t Queen Elizabeth Will tn street .became, the' bride -of Trill read tho carvice and introed Franklin. Barry. Krasae. Mrs. be 17-year-old Lady Irish Moun-toa Gralni;:,'Gon of Hr. JC.1 Gral- Kfasae"• f duce tbe .cpjaier. is the former: Miss Her-j'batton, whose father, .Lord FUNERAL DIliECTCas «K of Marshall town,' lows, last Eiine^Greea:of >Omaha. Farr . " : . . • ' Mountbattsn, great-grand? HA I 2 2 6 t
: ' • • " . .
/Fro_r_ am
. . .