May 14, 1937

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* • • • - .

In t h e

SAMUEL 2ACHAR1A and ILEWIN MICHNICK, Attys. [,729 insurance Building !E OF INCORPORATION $>F OMMERCIAL DISCOUNT / T CORPORATION > ee is hereby given that t i e uhlied formed a corporation undei |ws of the r State of Nebraska ime of this corporation shall b« BRC1AL DISCOUNT CORPORi. and its principal place ol ctins Business shall be in the if Omaha, Douglas County, Ne- . L The general nature of the Iss. shall be to buy,'sell, dis— | and otherwise deal in notes, age?!, conditional sales conI -accounts receivable, securities, i in action, stocks, bonds, 3»* •Investments; including the righft tl, .buy, sell, lease, mortgage, oy rise encumber, sell and dispose" U and personal property of all and descriptions; to sell, brokI act as agent for all characters ttranee, including life, fire, burI .theft, collision, liability, lidell<3 commercial bnnds; and to do • all things incidental or neces[) the operation of a general into t husinenc. The • authorized [ stock- of this corporation shall 1,000.00. divided into 100 shares kll fif which stock shall be comJC"k, and when issued -shall be paid for in cash, sen-ices or :ty and be ponassessable. The \>t commencement of the corsn shall be on the filing of a j\f its 'Articles of Incorporation tlie County Clerk of. Douglas b-tXebraska. and its terminahs'!: be fifty years thereafter, jshest amount of indebtedness pin the corporation shall a t any itibject itself shall riot exceed Irant- equal ^o 2 /:) of its capital I The business affairs of this ition- shall 'be conducted by a bf not less than two nor more \\-e directors, who shall elect a pt. Secretary and Treasurer. E- SAKEWIX M1CHXICK H ZACHARIA

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n U a p yonr child irjtb jpiano_,that may ijave.a jtlon "and a tone that's at--Any. teacher will tell li'sXaise economy, "espep3aji when yoa can buy new "FIAKETTB; b nprijr&t, -nith \ id depend- / c t i o n_ for

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o r c d aaSeeoafl Class Mall Matter on January 21, 1S21, a t _Fostof£ies oT Omaha.: Nebraska, nndep tea Act of ilarcJs S, 1STJ

PAIESTIKE AND THE FUTURE Rumors fly concerning the probable content of the report of the Royal. Commission. The most persistent is that concerning the "cantonization" of Palestine. Yet, speaking for the Jewish Agency, Ben.Gurion declared roundly that Amnial Award By Zeta "neither the Royal Commission Beta Tan Franor the government has adum.brated any concrete proposal." ternity Hean-while Dr. "Weizmann cables from London to Jerusalem: "UlNew York (WNS) —President timate, -victory must come to v the Roosevelt was declared- the winJewish people." . r .. The entire situation in its im- ner of the 1936 Richard J. H. ottheil Medal awarded annually mediate character is typical of Tvhat has long seemed to more by -the Zeta Beta Tau fratrenity than one observor the chief dif- ior distinguished service to Jewry ficulty between us and the Manin announcements made at bandatory po-wer, What stall one call that difficulty? Murkiness ol quets in.-40 cities attended - by Z. moral atmosphere. It seems im- B. T. alumni in . celebration of possible - to establish direct con- ther annual Founders Day. • tact with the governmental orAward of the medal•" to' the gans of Britain. One has the immedal to the President was based pression as though we spoke in the void and as though Britain on the votes of the editors of too spoke iri the void in>ffud of Anglo-Jewish publication... The each speaking to the other and presentation will be made in being heard , by the other. It Washington .on a date to be fix•would be easier to come to terms ed by the president. •with even brutal decision, if these In explaining the basis of the "were directly and definitely made. award., Harold Reigalman, past "Perfidious Albion",'the French president of the fraternity, told used in old da,ys to say; That is the guests at the key dinner n of course a shallow and superfic- New'York that "when the chief ial judgment. But we, the Jew- executive of one of the greatest ish people, are now coming into democracies, in such times . as contact.with those aspects ol these, repeatedly and UnmistakBritish policy and method which ably affirms the right of free caused the French'to invent that thought, free speech, free worphrase. "We shall not know tlie ship, and repeatedly and unmisprecise inwardness of all this un- takably denounces intolerance til some day Dr.. Weizmann com- and bigotry in all places and in pletes and publishes the mem- all forms, a great service is renoirs which he began to compose dered all humanity. Of this serseveral years ago. But that does vice Jewry is the first but not the not help us now; nor will it in last or only beneficiary." N fact help us then. For what as people we must do in order to survive in any tolerable form is precisely to substitute life for -literature and action ior memory and understanding.


"Beber Honored at A. Z. A. Bar Mitzvali Affair




of tr & &• ti e& $&.

Henry Monsky is chairman in the Creighton University 1937 Sam Beber," founder cf' Aieph oyalty Fund drive, conducted Zadik Aleph, Junior Order of this week. % B'nai - B'rith, returned from ChiMonsky is a 1912 law graduI, cago Monday after attending the ^t»f" t ate. He heads the alumni division To Sepresgi j±ta at Ifa-Bar Mitzvah celebration of the in the campaign. tiosal i l Co* ^reacs cf thirteen Chicago chapters, held The drive is for ?12,000 for Social Welfare in the Temple Sholein on May 9. f • f * emergency needs of t h e the uniMr. Beber was the • gaest of RECEPTION FOR EiGE T> f -f * H,,x. versity." Paul ' Gpldblatt, executive di- honor and' made a short talk on SCHOOL GRADUATES i,Ll LLl .all. w •D rector of the Jewish Community , the founding of the order. INEXT FRBAI Center and' Welfare Federation, principal address on and Ruth Allen, educational di- ^-as by Maurice Bisgyer, rector, will represent Omaha at j appointed secretary o~ Placs are being completed Tor the National Conference of Jew- B'rith. the annual reception for the Jewish Social Welfare, which will The afternoon program, which ish graduates of the local high hold its 38th annual meeting in !i n c l u a e d presentation" of a charV\ e rrrast continue Indianapolis from Wednesday, I ter to the thirteenth ter Bar schools, to be held Friday eveniaiion "until ?:cxeriMay 19, to Sunday, May 23. I-Mitzvah) chapter to be organized ing, Mar 21 at the B'nai Israe' Icr is raised, "was i This conference includes the that city, was folliwed by a synagogue. e cf the General C. Pentecost Marks Tlie Giving of National Conference of Jewish in large dance and entertainment in The affair is under the spontTv- Trustiii's cxhori The"Torah" on Center Workers and the National the evening. sorship of tee Social Service Comworkers in tlie eig Council of Jewish Education. , Mt. Sinai mittee of the Jewish Communit; a l Jcv-ish F];ikn The central"theme of the meetShabuoth, the Feast of Weeks ing will be the current tendencies Mrs. Lamport, fo Center and Welfare Federation. or Pentecost, will be observed by toward co-ordination of effort idas5a.ii Tie rabbis of the synagogues the Jewish people next week. The within Jewish communities. and Temple will participate. S.eholiday begins.Saturday evening, At the conference, Goldblatt •'T^e S.TP pirrfcS r?nf v-ni P." freshments will be served after May 15 and is celebrated for two will participate in two discus:fled. with the f?."t i^i v days by Orthodox Jews and for sions, speaking on the co-ordinaMrs. Alexander Lamport of | the services. ETC Klrfnc!y ^""-^a^^^f! !?• one day by Reform Jews. tion and co-ordinating problems, New York will be the principal j psr'F cnrai^d t o t a l , " h e cw Reflecting the two-fold origin bearing on the kind of program speaker a t the" sixth annual Halisted. " W e v i l l 3ei?-re n o 5?OT H r\of the holiday, synagogues will be followed in Omaha where all a c - j d a s s a h "Give or G e t " luncheon, ntiiraed . t o obtai.c. %he tarty decked with green branches and tivities are .consolidated under j which will be held next Thursday, | 1I35T5 J>.0S5SWP, for every <lo31r flowers and the Ten Command- one operating body. nri5i?ec. meanp rois!?'^r for BOT> May 20, at the J. C. C. ment wll be read in the synagoMiss Allen will discuss youth j Mrs. L a m p o r t is national m e m gue service. The greenery repre- activities and summer home bership chairman of H s a a s s a b , sents the spring-harvest festival camps a t t h e conference. P™" '—™~r———~—~~-——,—.——-« 'J'hnrsdsj the tdBl rev'tyvi' character of the Feast of Weeks Conference headquarters will f •• Minted io SR44.5TC. T'ne e while the other features of the be the Hotel Severin a t Indianap; SHTK raised last year v:-' holiday are in recognition of the olis. fact that Shabuoth is the tradicgrdsed By De tional season of the giving of the Grozp "Torah," or law, on Mount Sinai. Deppite s, ratfce-r Shabuoth which literally means ve trhich s.lresc'.r I D'ablia .{JTA) — The Jewish weeks," takes its name froin id iasfyecr's goal, • i religion is formally recognized i t the fact that it is celebrated a rkers declared their j the new Free State- constitution week of weeks, that is seven | drawn tip i<y President Eamori de 1 weeks after Passover. GreekTalera. The document recognizes speaking Jew's more than two i Ireland as s Gatliolic nation, but j thousand years ago gave the holguarantees1 religious freedom. Jerusalem (WKS-Palcor Ageniday the name "Pentecost" be' , Tlie section bearing- on veligiov cause of the fifty days counted cy) — Palestine's foreign trade contained In Article ±4, follows: Yet. we mijst not deceive ourduring 1936 showed a drop of i from the second evening of Pass! "The State acknowledges that ! Eelveg. The decisions of the Roy119,372,350 in respect of imports J over to the Shabnoth festival. t i e tomage of public Trorsinp it V- al Commission, whatever they The holiday is one of the "three and $2,9 51,265 in exports. Re- I \ ei:e to Almighty God. It stal^ 1 are, if both Parliament and the pilgrim festivals" of the Bible export trade rose to the estent ^ bold Kis name in rererenee f.r.c League of Nations approve or fai" Memorandum Prepared on and in olden day? was the occa- of $1,70S,000. Transit trade, en • siiaiil respect and honor religior-. - York to disapprove, will. be practically dwindled byj European Conditions B y sion for the bringing of the of- the other hand, "The State reeofrnlzes the F-pecmandatory. They will be carried 1806,000 to a , total fi.,603,000. j Georg. Bernhard ferings of first-fruits and of grain ; ia.1 position cf the Holy -Caiholi™ out. They will be' carried out to the Temple in Jerusalem. The Crude oil dispatched in transit I ' Apostolic and S.DEaan urch .over our protest, over the protest • Geneva (JTA) — A document- agricultural significance of the via Haifa "by the Iraq Petrol eun Sirs, ' tl:a g u t r i an cl tie ia '©£ certain sections of British and fid memorandum on the Jewish holiday is .signified by the Company -Bras.1,953,584 tons -ralIAroeficait:pubT?c opinion,^qver.the economic" situation in- "European ingot, the Book of Huth, with its ued at $7,814,000, compared Trith uted to be s excellent protest of whatever friends ' Si speaks v i t kze si countries, showing the extent of adyllic scenes of husbandry and 1,S53,2SS tons at $7,413,000 the} speaker, " I E ? SiCie a;so rec jgnlzss l i e Jiave elsewhere. : discrimination against Jews, will harvesting. The book also sounds previous year, showing- aa ia-jtaority oa Palest!ne, having % ) us bear strictly in mind the be, submitted to the League ol a ttniversalistic message in its crease of 100,299 tons valued at several trips to the Holy Land I nrili nf Irelard, t i e rres! rt€r-- j and studied thoroughly t h e health, j . Ch"Tth in Irels^a, the ICetfe- | moral analogy of Britain's policy Nations shortly by the World fetory wherein" Ruth, a non-Jew- ?401,000. st C'hKrcii in Irelanct, the Ke- i jin respect to the Spanish war^ "We Jewish Congress.. To students of the economic methods us well as the general j ess, became the ancestress of the •us Society of I^risncI? i"n ITF- ; iknow beyond all.doubt that milThe memorandum, prepared beloved figure of King David. situation in Palestine it was per- life and atmosphere, of Palestine.! land, as well as the Jevish cr.v- \ Her talk will center" si cut two j lions of Englishmen are writhin- by a Congress committee under haps most significant that tlie de^regalioas and the other reliErior.f- ' ' over the dishonorable neutrality the direction it Dr.. Georg Berncline in imports led to a more of the Hadsssah projects—tlie i 's.Tly ptJilaBtiirrnif!?: cenoninations existing- in Irelanfi i '•which pla/s directly Into the hard, 'contains data, on countries favorable "visible" balance of medical and public health work,} Rt, i t was EI>.nor,is? the sate of t i e coming" into op- i : lands-of the Fascist powers; we with national minorities obligacommodity trade. In 1935, the and the Youth Aliyah movement, ] 6"i A. S. TT. E n s n W itioa cf this Constitution. i which is concerned with the transj , fcnow that there, are other mil- tion and on member nations'of adverse balance had been |66,of the Boeie-t"*". At 'Freedom of conscience aad the ; • lions writhing over that same the League. For the first time 684,000—%he difference between athan Williams o r o f e s B i o a and practice of re'ig- [ ? ,perfidy in France. Yet with a dull since the war, the document gives imports at $89,267,000 and ex- lany to Palestine. Several mu- rion vriitet fi-Qsi Ts are, subject to p ordc: o pu and dumb tenacity under an ap- a complete picture of Jewish ecNew York (WNS) — The priv- ports at $21,080,0-00 and re-es- sieal numbers "will be included on and morality, guaranteed to everj tk;in was Esjrotir •flexibility Britain onomic life in Europe, particular- ilege of being the first non-Jew ports at $1,503,000. Last year. the program. jpearance of citizen. y .continues to sell out in Spain ly in the countries where the ec- to be permitted to buy a shekel) however, xrith the drop all round! * According to Mrs. Julius Steia, "Tie State pusrsntees U -those ideas and principles which onomic position has been greatly the 50 cents poll tax which en- the adverse balance fell to $48,- chairman of the .Medical_ Fund, a endow any religion and shell Eol titles the purchaser to vote for large attendance is expected. Anyj ^ are still (note the refusal of the aggravated. 557,000. This difference of 18,mpose gny disabilities or msir? British universities led hy Oxford Statistics on those countries, i t delegates to the Zionist Congress, 000,000 however, does.not niean one -who has net already made any discriniinatJon on the g -F cf iV"?-rh rp tlirt voi to send delegates to Goettingen) stated, will give League mem- was granted to Charles Edward that Palestine -was better off to reservationa may'db'so fcy donat- of religrions profession, belie or y o u r family •cov.Xiv.vf ',v es -which will entitle the the very life-blood of her people. bers a n idea : of the role Jews Russell, president of the Pro- that extent. Actually it cut t h e i m lik and spirits, T r c t"ncT status. The conclusion to be drawn played before the war and ars Palestine Federation of America, '"other way, fpr the simple reason donor to a seat at the lunchecs. "Legislation State country Ere Jform these and similar phenom- now playing in agriculture, in- in recognition of his long service that the drop occurred in articles The' "Give or G-et" 'Inncheonr is for schools shall nc disc C ena which cannot be detailed a' dustry, artisanship, retail and in the development of a Christian imported usually for" capital in- always the Outstanding Haflassaa. inE-te • between schools with sijcess. I-er. not nder organization, for the espousal of affair of the year. length here is this: History lb no wholesale trade, exporting and vestment — building materials,j ^-^m-.^i^.^,. of differect rslig-j Mrs. J. H. Kulakofs&ysrill act naanageiaeiit cf differ. static; the forms are not rigidlj finances. Jewish immigration Zionism. industrial and agricultural mai ions denoniinstioiis, nor t>e puch i fixed; no decision is. a final de- occupies an important part of the Mr. Russell sought to buy a chinery, motor cars and motor as toastmistress. ! as to.affect rre'Jufiicjally the risrtt j cision. Whatever the conclusions memorandum, featuring figures shekel in order that fle might be trucks. j of any child-to attend a Frhocl j of the. Royal Commission and that indicate whether or not em- able to/.sign the petition urging Far more" disconcerting, howj receiving public isoney without | nai •whatever our immediate and enr igration from certain countries is Great Britain, as the mandatory- ever, was the t fact that a number j attending religions -instruction e.t] forced obediance to them, history necessary. power for Palestine, to "resist of countries continued to take ad•'.--.2 on i that schoo:. : inarches on if it has a subject A special chapter in the docu- the infringement of Jewish rights vantage of Palestine's anomalous "Every religious denenxinEtloa j with a living will. If there is a ment gives data on the number of in Palestine, a declaration which position as a territory in shall have the right to manage its j to see the ei Jewish people —a living people Jews "in State and municipal/ser- all shekel payers will sign as part free trade is allowed under the Berlin (WNS) — Revealing own affairs; own, acquire aad a d - | twith a living will — that people vices in each country compared to of the 1937 shekel roll calL Mr. Mandates system. Only t w o for the first t i n e tire reasc-a for j minister prc?ertr, "Will ultimately make its own his the number, of non-Jews. The Russell's request was taken up by countries bought more frozn PalGersas tory, forge the historic process memorandum establishes tiie pol- the Central Shekel Board and ap- estine than they sold to it -— Xor- the suppression of the a IK the con- tlons ZQT relig"ioi:s or chnritc.ble despite temporary decisions o£ all icy ol discrimination by certain proval granted. -way and Sweden, while • tvro 'oth-j f l s c a t i o n o l *their"property" "and purposes. the principalities and powers o* Governments on credit facilities Piqua, Ohio (WNS) — This ere, Finland and.Holland,-almost"Tfce property of s.u"r relljri^nr fBndSf t h e - E i t l e r gcrBrntn'eat a n . earth: But It must be an activ< for Jewish cooperatives and fi- town of 16,000, with an adult balanced their trade _ with _ Pales-1 dencrsination or s:T.y cdvcs.iiojis.'l a o t i n c e d and untiring -will. Passive resis- nancial institutions c o m p a r e d Jewish population of 20 became tine. The United States sold Pal-' bai5 c nt h e J e w . institution slsall. :cct be ' CVCTZ^C tance can be a great weapon I; with the special privileges accord- the first Jewish community in estine goods Tvorth 55,04?,000 ish order tras dee to the alleged save for necessary -srerk of pubthe hands or dense peoples geo ed nbn-Jewish organizations. America to record a 100 per cent and bougat only ?110,000 TForth. discovery that it -sras lic utility aad os paj-me-at of com.graphically integrated. Scattereenrollment- for the' 1937 shekel Germany sold 510,200,000 "worth its funds and property against the interests of the state. Consequent- pensation.'" a s we are, oppressed as ws a r e roll call. L. Shuchet, local shekel and bought $6G5,O0Q -vrorth. ly they were confiscated by the iarried as we are, the will to achroll call chairman, has returned state. ieve our destiny must be an afto "Zionist headquarters In Meanwhile, it was learned that .PREMIER BACKS RIGBT firmative moral will of ceaseles; York 20 signed declarations atSirs. Jacob Blank was -unanithe government, is preparing new positive energy. We must not le mously re-elected president, of the tached to the shekel together TO CRITICIZE measures against the Je-frs. OE the world rest; we "must not le Beth El auxiliary, a t a meeting with .a letter stating lie could sell the expiration cf the CG-cay fcaa the world forget; we must hot fo: held Wednesday. no more shekels unless he was HITLERITES ' on Jewish, and gatheran hour leave peace what still repermitted to see them to nonOthers officers re-elected were: ings, tha police. are espected to mains of a corporate con?cienc Mrs. Harry Trustin, first vice- Jews. " Budapest (JTA) — Freia take action asainst otter J-E"?risi of Christendom. To thai resist- president; Mrs. Reuben Bordy, Koloinan. Daranyi upheld in P organizations. ..less process we must address our- second vice-president; Mrs, Sam liatnent last week the ' right SYNAGOGUE-IN DUTCH . selves. A. living people can forg< Theodore, newspapers and individuals t o j m < r.It . J ^ , is reported ttist all Jewi3t! recording secretary Its own history. A living Jewisl Mrs. Moe Linsman, corresponding •'•• GUIANA-HAS CENTENARY criticize the Nazi regime in Ger- j a ^ E v people can take possession of Pal secretary; Mrs. Al Wohlner, treasmany. I ^ estine on both sides of the Jordan urer; Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt, audiReplying to an iaterpsllatioa j ^^ * Paramaribo, D u t c h Guiana crSt and thus "heal both, the nation; tor, .-. • ' {WNS) — The centenary. of the by Count Festetic demanding that j and itself and thus redeem bot" •attacks on Germany be suppress-1 , r r _ Sis directors elected for one synagogue of Paramaribo in this .the nations and itself. " ' • IJ&Wi years terms are: The Slesdames Dutch colony on the northern ed, Mr. Daranyi declared: • 1 do not think that histoiy is Joe Block, Irving Levin, Dave coast of South America is'now be"It is not desirable to criticize J 'JQ F; made in councils or decided upon Stein, B. A. Simon, David Green- ing celebrated. Although the tfce political systeci of ot; X - » - ^» «.„« l>y commissions- any more than berg and Leon Graets. first Jewish settlers, who were states, but' crjticisxns do not T iruth is arrived at in committee .';. Mrs. Blank gave an inspiring Portuguese,-came here from Bra-Mate the.Hungarian laws an Sneetings. The imponderable for- report on the convention of the zil in 16S0, the Jewish common-j Government does not h&v vaes are by far the deepest and the Sisterhood which ..she attended ity. did not get a synagogue .until j right to take proceedings." . " strongest in the long "run. They about a month ago. 1719. . : . ' . .• ' [ are decisive. It is thus that man Speakers at the various funcThe present synagogTie, which I SIMA is made. A man has a mntor actions emphasized- the fact that ed- is called "Newe'Sehalon", and I cident. His coordination failed. ucation and attendance at serv- whose ritual is Sepliardie, was I Kr. J. A&ler, president "Why? Why at that moment? Beices are more important than built in 1S37 "with the help of Jacob synagc^ne talrea GThe annual, report Priace Frederick Sendrit/ third of in-riting- all saeia!: to live failed. Be- fund-raising. ca'UBs hig cause a sub-conscious death-wish given by the various chairmen of son ol. King"-William, 11. ;It was. friends to attend -Shabv" pr desire for 'self-punishment sud- the auxiliary showed that the or- dedicated on May 5th 109 years Ices and" inspect tlie denly mapped the nerve v.-ire3 of ganizatlon enjoyed-.a'-successful j ago. The present Jewish ments and reaovati^r:: 3 (Continued on page 8.)' year. . • ' t i o n is about 1,000, ; '

Address H Affair on Thursday



Russell First

• To Buy .Shekel j


aiast State

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»eih~£l' Re-elects

REST Springs Nfiisrul Perk. ;".sd:riuzcd to meet to»ay hospitality, icina! irsicn cl the 46 rpit-' Ft» yesg tutferen fcare found relief s fords tnr civ'uilanjgy -lddiig bea-.fy. HiSte

chaele. p «I Int fcsedof Beth aith reitofing < j | « i p i y for fret S'ins' »<tcn.



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•'• Non-Jew A b l e

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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAT 14, 1937 tell about his part in helping to plan the Reichstag fire which helped the Nazis, gain final power . . . The parents of Helmut HirBY PHIKEAS J . BffiOS sch, young Jew facing death in Germany, belonged to the monarBEAD WITH CARE Anti-Semitic organizations are chist, reactionary and nationalist German National People's Party only less disappointed than theatre owners a t the failure the of . . . They gave their son the midNew York's license comiaissioner dle name of Wilhelm' because he to renew the licenses of the bur- was born on January 27th, the lesque houses'.. .•'.• The fait that birthday of Kaiser Wilhelm II . . ADDRESS . •MAME. PARENTS; Jews held many of these licenses Incerasing German 'Jewish emiTREASURY DEBT: Nazis in '.•was heing widely exploited by the gration' has made Jewish match,.672 No. 57th Avenue Elinor ......Mr. and Mrs.' Bert ' this country are playicg tricks trc ~° making an International business t i J i h groups Th • anti-Jewish The ap"Jacobs, Alan Joseph................ ,.1102 So. S5th Avenue.... , Mr. and Mrs. Joe • -vith the coin of the realm . . . Frau Margarets Bornstein, Klein, Patricia c pointment of Dr. Heinrich Bruen.206 Ho. 37th Et., Apt. 508... ........ .....Mr. asd Mrs. Leo A buffalo nickel 3s the object of oti .ing, German ex-chancellor, to the Berlin's best known shadchen has Kulesh, Morton H .3332 Hickory ....Mr. and Mrs. H. N. h their pranks . . . One of the jitHarvard faculty, was; indirectly j open branches,in Paris and Haifa .5208 Faraam ,. Mr. aad Mrs. Harry . neys lias fallen into our hands . , . I ' ' * * ° ' made possible by Lucius N. Litr . . . • The"late ~Fritz " "Haber, Ger- Malashock, Irving .4514 So. 22nd St , Mr. and Mrs. Mayer The noble Indian head has been ! f.J:*"r' " ' ' " tauer . . Bruening has been nam- man Jewish scientist _who won the Mayerowich, Marian i i C 1 1 T .103 So. 51st St....... Mr. and Mrs. Sam deftly worked over with a s e n - i " " ~' ed lecturer on government in-the Nobel Prize in physics for his de- Robinson, Ruth Marjorie..... .108 So. 53rd St graver's tool . . . All that's left I'*'*"'" l ' ^ new .HarvaTd Graduate School of velopment of the artificial nitro- Rubenstein, Prances Arlene .Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Public Administration, which was gen fixation process which help- Wertheimer, Rosalie • May........... .122 So. 31st Ave., Apt. 14 of the Indian is his beak and high jP a i ' " l c ""'r c Mr. and Mrs. G. L. „ founded with Littauer's §2,000,- ed Germany stand out against "the Wolf, Frank cheekbones . . . The chin has Ig e t £ l " r f : ' r r " ' . I l l So. 49th Ave .....Mr. and Mrs. Joe( O V . Dr. B. E. Geer, pres- British war-time blockade, receivsprouted a grizzly beard . . . The j t l l E r h r " c " " - l .000 gift head-feathers have been replaced j ' : n tCV ^ " ^ ident ' of Furnam University, ed almost lyric praise in the Esby a derby tilted at the csual Greenville, s. C., of thesener Nationalzeitung, Goering's paper in an article written by Dr. fortyfive degree angle . . . A wing prominent Southerners who is collar completes the picture . . . Independence is bPinc translF.te^ lighting, efforts of industrialists Dietrich, chief of the Nazi press to defeat unionization of textile chamber . . . , Ousted from, his job An American Indian has been into" Hebrew fcy Prof. Koerbnc. .workers by rousing feeling again- after, the Nazis came to power, turned into.a "Streieher" Jew . . . Hebrew University historian . , . There's? a law, isn't there, making The London School or Tropical Speak- Haber died in exile, but the Nazi Bt Jewish organizers it a crime to tamper with United Medicine, in a recent exc.minr.tion ing of South Carolina reminds UB official called him "a genius", ADDRESS NAME PARENTS States money? . . . XCOTIZ for thegave the Question: "What Ccu--nthat the swanky Saint Cecilia So- without, of- course mentioning the ciety of Charleston has a set of fact that he was a Jew . . . try has done .he most in liphtinf: Barish', Howard Charles ................912 Mercer Park Rd Mr. and Mrs. M. M. G-raen by-laws which bars : divorcees, ! malaria?" . . . In case you don't Belmont, Paula Ruth.. 2885 California ...Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. actresses and Jews from its social COMMTTXAk NEWS BlumMn, Sophie ......2110 Grace Mr. and Mrs. Isadore STORK NOTE: A prominent | t l.T l e°'v t h e functions . . . Anti-Semitic. bus- This year's World Zionist Con Boasberg, , Ts'asbington dipiometio band leader has just been made a I Leonard ...715 No. 58th St...... Mr. and Mrs. William inessmen in New. York are said gress will positively, NOT be held father . . . But fee vent throujrh Ict hi re c l rees -e rs te cZ ^ "ai n g eyebrows over Bordy, Reva Ellen...... 302 So. 51st St .'—..Mr. and Mrs. Simon to be contributing to an anti-Nazi in the United States ;. And the tortures of the damned before! ^« German Embajsy Bubb, Edythe -, 1929 So. 12th St., Co. Bluffs Mr. and Mrs. Sam L tpycott organization in order not that's straight, everything else to getting a glimpse of the child . . . j attache ior transfer back to Berto lose their Jewish customers for the contrary notwithstanding Cohn, Julius 113 So. 55th St .....Mr. and Mrs. David The rumor JS 'chat a "nonTFest I '"* Seems they live in a German, goods . . .Due to the ef-The meeting-place of the Ameri- Dansky, Miriam..... ,. .......3322 Webster Dr. and Mrs. Isadore Aryan" oil co'.or lias someChester sutrarb forts of James N. Rosenberg and can'''Zionists this year will prob- Davis, Leslie And the Jliss- thing tomaid .>.. 5023 Bbndo Mr. and Sirs. Max do with it . . . A pavly ns wanted to have the baby s.t John W. Davis 18,000. copies of ably be Buffalo Rabbi Solo- Eisenstatt, Phillip .......2833 So. 32nd Ave .-.Mr. and Mrs. Harry claiming to represent the Happ- • a the Cornell Megics.1 Center, la "\Ve or They", a swell anti-Fas-j mon Goldman of Chicago is leaT- Fox, Esther 3005 ilyrtle ......Mr. and Sirs. Oscar raidtown New Tork . . . ~fcen the bures is in New York' soliciting ' £ eist tome by Hamilton Fish Arm-j ing for South Africa to tafee a Fos, Shirley .4821 Cuming .; Mr. and Mrs. Leo day came, the band leader was at funds from wealthy Jews . . . . ^ strong, have been bought and j big part in the Jewish National Friedman, Gloria talk is tlie Hap sin: res Till < 2440 Burt Mr. and Mrs. Sam his studio The Missus called bSales Bent to key people throughout the Fund campaign there . v . He'll s t i l l c i i0 l h e a taxi and started out for the hos\ Austrian Je^'F in Gershun, Shirley .....427 Forest Drive, Co. Bluffs......Blr. and rirs. Ben J. fly most of the way . . .Rabbi country . pital, having first p h o n e d t f c e e v e n t °° restoration vv-d. there 329 No. 35th Ave .Mr. and Mrs. M. James G. Heller of Cincinnati is Goldstein, Harry H. her hcsbaad ta meet her there willfeefiecoTP.taoriSfor the donors „. ................2643 Ave. D, Co. Bluffs Mr. and Mrs. Joe in the midst of a major symphon- Gotsdiner, Yale ABOUT A VISITOR . . . When the cab reached the . . . Anslcy's "Tlie Pybbr.k" is heic; work which is expected to get Gresnbsrg, Joy ..............508 So. 58th St....... Mr. and Mrs. David Some strange stories are being upper section o* the Bronx, lbs ir, p filmed in Warsaw, with Tin-1 the musical world agog . There Gresnbarg.-Leo Jane.......... .........717 If o. 57th Ave....; ; ....Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J, told about this Professor Leo lady had a premonition she would dish B~6. Enclisfe titles , , . .Tospph j Probenius, the German ^archeolo- Is talk of a merger between two Grossman, Bettie „ ...210 "W. Washing., 00. Blxiffg....Kr. and Mrs. Morris not make it and told tne caltsie Green is retiirajng: to Poleacl EOOD \ of New YoVk's leading Reform glst who is here on a lecture tour Kaplan, Rae , .......2420 Burt St .'. Mr. l i a s to race for the nearest hospital temples, bath of which aro hav. . As we told you last week, he Eats, Lillian ........3228 Myrtle Ave Mr. and Mrs. Frank . . . He did End t h T ? v-T-rre t>? ing trouble meeting their rabbis' We W is said to be a Nazi.agent Konecky, Milton .2448 Burt ..Mrs. Eva child got its firrt frlir-^cs c ' th?j are also informed, however, that salaries One of them was re- Krasne, Arlene .....504 Forest Drive, Co. Bluffs Mr. and Mrs. Leo world, with the cid of en intern e. : three exiled German ' scientists, cently very much In the news Lesser, Lorraine ....3553 Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Karl while the father end the hifrh- j -Franz Torbeke, Arnold Hollreigel priced physician welted w;ih 5639 Jones Mr. snd Mrs. J. M. and Dr. German, are accusing Here's the sequal to that four Malashock, Edward M...... growing alarm at the other hot.-I •ihim of allegedly having no right page Packard ad in .the April is- Marks,;Rita 2119 Burdette Mr. and Mrs. Harry pital . . . Who Ej-cs it's net ; to.the claim of having discovered sue of the B'nai B'rith magazine, Meyer, Constance Hope ". 3004 Davenport , Kr. and Mrs. Ernest A. becoming a father? . . . ; the African pre-historic cavea, which- spoke of "Mr.-Ryan" In Nogf, Alvin .....2116 Ave. A, Co. Bluffs Ilr. and Hrs. If. L. jwhich he claims to have explor- "the story of a B'nai B'rittt mem- Raduziner, Estelle ......3331 Hickory Mr. and lire. Louis ed . .-. Hollriegel insists that He ber who made a life long dream BANQUET KCTE?: At t r ° r.cRosenblatt, Betty Edis 702 Ho. 58th St....... Mr. and Mrs. I. W. is the discoverer and that FrobenGuardia medal . , . Cer1-', B'nai B'rith got Rosenstein, Ruth cometrue' .......1127 Park Ave..... ...Mr. and Mrs. Morris ius appropriated his material . -. . a "lot of f tin out of that piece of edy hit of the evening: wes Even- I .....1507. So. 25th Ave Mr. and Mrs. Einanusl Other Information concerning copy, -but it became even funnier Sellz, Shirley gelist Homer RodEhecrer, crce z. j Probenius is that he was appoint- when a search of its membership Sommer, Belle ..5007 Capitol Mr. and Mrs. Harry colleague of the feme:? ~l'.\y [ ed museum director in Frankfort- records turned up two Ry.ans, one Tatelman, Florence 2831 So. 32nd St Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sunday . . . Ki? ftc-y -f th? rew am-Maln in 1934 after a confer- McKlnley, one McGlnnis and one Wohlner, Helyne .......1015 Eo. 42nd St Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Sten whose leg was c—ri:tc.t?J in r. ; 1 ence with Hitler, that he once McStroul V . . Aiii believe it or Catholic hospital l?r a FrerVric-r-• (Guardians) tried vainly to get a job through not, they're .all non-Aryans . „ . ian surgeca aided by irfttoi'lFt | Wolk, Evelyn 347 'No. 35th St ..Mr. and Mrs. Louis the late Kurt, Eisner, Socialist We-hear^that Professor Israel internes and Unitaricn EursES t.-1 i 347 Ho. 35th St Mr. and Mrs. Louis premier of the short-lived Bavar- Davidson;of the Jewish Theolo'g- Wolk, Gloria Lee;..... f' J I •who was given E. voo-ei. l-.^ t y • ....101 So. 55th St Mr.'andllrs. Jay ian Republic, and that he. dis- ical Seminary is due to get anWright, Temette r a Christian ScIc-tLrt ~ t ' ''- ?.[ / charged his assistant, who is now honorary : degree from the HeZlotky, Bichard ..^.m .....331 No. 37th St.... Ilr. and Mrs. Sasa. etc., etc., >d inil: itv.~. l.z C. i'Lz.r. , in New York, because he is mar-brew Union College at this year's lied to a Jewess . . . - • commencement . . . And a num-..M...JJ •M^\l:J^.^iJj.^J..J^jM V ber of eminent laymen are reported scheduled for similar, honJTBANS-ATliANTIG PIiASHES Vienna is agog over a sensa- ors by., the; Seminary, . . . Dr. tional suit tiled against Barons Chaim Weizmann's autobiografor publication by Eugene and Louis Rothschild /by phy Is' listed ; a Frau Teresa Gold, who 'claims Knopf . . . Our colleague Anne £o be their mother . . She is seek- Ruth Selstal was nodding when ahe said in her article "The Lading 1,000,000 • Bchllings,;.. on. the baste ot certain documents which ies Rothschild" that Baroness Euaro supposed to prove-that she gene Rothschild of Vienna was a ?was secrety married to their fa- lady-in-waiting to the Austrian ther, Baron Nathaniel . . . Frau Empress in 1911 . .The EmGold, however seems to be slight- press was dead long before 1911 ly mistaken, for there is no rec-.-. . The Order Knights of Joseph, prd of a Baron. Nathaniel Roths- with headquarters in Cleveland, .thlld in Vienna . . .Thomas Mann has given up the ghost after 41 Ss editing a new -magazine to beyears . . . Professor Einstein has {written by and for important Ger- contracted for a new book . . . It will be called Fiddler Dave Rubinoft is preparSnan exiles ./•Measure and- Value' and the first ing to invade, fistiana with a JewT Jssue ia due in August . . . Char- ish heavyweight prospect . ... The What a grand combination for real enjoysicnt Vit&-Fresh MAXWELL HOUSE comes to you Sined by General Franco's fall- press table at a recent Jewish MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE makes with the packed in the super-vacuum can ". . . the or«e lure to win the Spanish civil war, dinner In the Hotel Commodore blintzcSf kreplach, cakes and other nsllehlgo itheNazi press, is discovering that felt right at home when its tensure vray to brinu you. coffee as deliciously fresh Jio may not be an Aryan" because ants discovered that the waUera dishes that you serve on Shevuoth, the holiday ?'ho looks like a Jew and his race assigned to them were from the and wholesome as the very Iso^r it left the rcctiof itiiSefalgsr But thia matchless blend of choice Is-mixed, to say the least" . Cafe Royal, headquarters of the iag oven. Not DAYS fresh, b a t HOURS frcrh! coffees, delicious, with milk or' cream, is also de^Tow that Putzl HanfstaengI is in l Yiddish intelligensia" on Second .exile maybe he'll be willing to I Avenue. And can ba fresher then th&t. lightful to drink black, and you'll enjoy it after, tho main floSscfslcO mealo during the two days ROW have a choice cf tv#o grinds - - ihz H : ^ of tho holiday. ir Grind for percolates! or fectlesi ccTrcci, £-~£. Let MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE add to the holithe new Orip Griaa for drip,coffee Get t5*e day enjoyment of all your family! For there is a grind you -prefer, b e t Be s«re th&t it'c I'IA?I« 'distinctive goodness, a rich, mellow flavor, a friendly ctimulation in every sparkling cup of WELL HOUSE COFFEE to be sure o£ hzl'Acy thin,fine? coffco. And remember that you get ceffe© enjoyment for .your family. Get a GCMAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE always roasterfresh! t o d a y . • • . - • • - •

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THE JETTCSH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAT U, 1037 iilm his second all-Jewisl - .there . . . It'll star 'Joe BiiStar ot New York's YiddisfcEnglish stage . . . "Tin Jiers Ashkenazi" is being ' fehcd in Sweden and Holland

ested to.know tSat, according to en, the dwelling' place cf God; Icas, Joe Weinberg, James Cohen, I Y o f i n - f M * » « t V V^^t the ancient Jewisii tradition, other versions tell us that God de-i Den Duncan, Los Katz, SEIE I ** David was born on Shabuoth, and scended through tbe seven hesv- i F e i a s a s , Lincoln Klover, P h i l ' -he Young: Mer/g Vaac •? 'died en this holiday also. ens to the peal: cf Mount Sinai. :Fcs, Norman Denenberg, Bill I spor,sc-T a spec;El Fntlay ni; ! service this evening ?„:, $ p, m, A good many of you msykaow where the revelation took place. ; g*?e*],,Shabuoth as the day when dairy It is, by the way, on bis second ["^Gi&iiis—Carl Fredericks, raan-! t i l e B ' E ; ; i - s r K p l Eynspogise. I dishes, especially bliatzes. are trip to the peak, after the first '• Rser. Mite LaBdcsan, Lou EHit- j J s a t 0 » KitiJsmER with s . ezle?.. j served at home, and when honey Tablets had been broken, that ].Bky, Mas OsteriasE, Ec Gerber, ! C C D " vrl-1 cfuciEte. and honey-cakes are the order of Moses is said to have got the two the day. This is t n old, old cus-beams of light said to have sbone •Baum, Morris Kichlin, Bobby | S&ieirai Slichnick iscd I,Tas K tom,' and symbolizes the joy cf out from his forehead. According ! SlctEfc;-. Hsrcia SfcernEE, Selrin j r j c k the Jewish, people in the Torah, to one story, the beams resulted iRoff^an, Jerry Cohen, i a r r j | T h e Eervlces Tri:; be fp'irv: which is said, in the ancient from his having used Sis hair to I Potash. D=n Kice. ' | l - ' s recptior, jriren 5:r v a phrase, to be "as-sweet as milk f Yanks—Bea Kutler. raaE£&er. | Auxiliary. wipe the stylus with whioh he bad long ago, when the'Jew's were a his people dancing about a golden 2. What religions ceremony people of farmers in their own calf? It was only after he had and honey." Every one loves engraved the words of the Lawr i Milton Cuss, Harold Epstein, 1 me T,t-xt mseuns oi tut icu ;te3. place "la many syna- land, havs acquired a special climbed the Mount again to bring ( blintzes and honey, of course: but another legend tells us that the * H.T-_-,•_ -ir^v -!-)-». r--, ,„..].,. «', l i e n ' s Taad viil be held Ivicj- : "uea oa Shabouth? spiritual meaning. All the ancient down another set of Tablets—for as you gratify your sweet tooth light began to come out of his !»,-_* C»T'P--!"O1-' W-—l*-3 I P P - r ^ . ' £ t E ' n s i Israel srtir.c-opiie, J. What is the origin of peoples celebrated harvest fes- the first had been broken when ' this Shabaoth you should remem- forehead when he stood in Heav- I die K-uilta, Erwia TVittin, Iz ° p - E * .buoth? tivals, rejoicing for the Spring his.people's wickedness made him ber that just,as your palate ea- en with the Tablets of the LawFriedman, Arnle Duncan, Billy! ^ I ^~^ TJI . What great event in the cfops early in the year, and for j so angry—that the Israelites re- '1 J03-5 these dainties the Jewish grasped iu one hand, and with his |jCohes, Gordon Potash, EC Kala- | ^ , r c r s e S . " £ D'iviE-IorS other hand touching the Throne [shock. Hale 3ions history of Israel took the Autumn crops in the Fall; j alized that God Himself had soul delights in the Torsh. GoIdblstL ! ^-fce -T^omec's Dirislon OL V je on Shabnoth? Mid most of these harvest fes- \ chosen them to bring His Law to j. As Shabuoth marks the giving of God. j Cards—Morris EudenEen, man- •' JevrieSi Gorarr.r.nitr' Center c, tn j of the Law to Moses on Mount . Why did Moses have to tivals were religious in nature i e world, and joyfully accepted So you see that Moses 5s the! 1 Sinai, it interesting to hero of the Shabuoib festival just ager. Seaman Petls, llelrin Le- Welfare ree.eration vrill hsve •rntl Mount Sinai twice? too. But the Israelites felt that I tlae responsibility.) ', vise, KaynErd KEtsmac, Lee ; a s t meetins of the rear on Tit ". What point in the educa- their faith in a God or Spirit, so j In the Middle Ages, when •^remember for a moment some of as he is the chief character in thei W h i t e , Al Legman, Nathan ' ear. Mey £5, et 12:GC p, re tha hundreds of legends that have -i 01 me devnsn etiud aid different from the gods wor-1 there was nc general confirma- 1 come down to TIS about Moses* Pesach story. But whereas., at i Meiches, Marvin Kichs.rds, Irviu the Center. TLif Til! bc'a iu - r « Passover time, we remember him - bnoth mark in the Middle shiped by many of their neigh- j tion of Jewish boys and girls' such 1 ascent of that mountain. There ; TThite, Eugene SimoE, KarcM; eoii meeuRs. bors, could not be satisfied with ' as we have today, but only the I is, for example, the story of ri- as the great liberator, on Sha- ; J,Iozer, EaroIS Slarer, Leonard = -j^e p r O gram Trill consist or s. buoth we think of him as the Potash, Jliltcn Koaecky, Stan : resume of the year's acfi'-ifier-;. ". What boot of the Bible simply observing harvest festivals i Bar Mitzvah for boys—as is the valry among several mountains, ."Jad in the synagogne on similar to those of other nations. case among Orthoodox Jews to each of which wanted to be the great teacher of Israel. i FeltEian. 'j election of o"ipe?E. for the corriiit rri That is -why they related'the first this very day—Shabuoth none j place for the revelation of the Ten (Copyright, 1537, by Seven Arts ! year, and e Feature Syndicate) $'-7i What Jewish king rras of the harvest feasts, which the less had a special significance Commandments. Particularly eag"Smitty" stonlS be Belling lots | interest to the group atom on Shabnoth? When did marked tho gathering of the bar-] in Jewish education. Only, instead er for this honor were Mounts Ta, of ice cream these cays zvt Eot j Keservaiione E.t .1 - * e i r ' 're r r c fas d i e ? ./ ";' " • • • ' . - • " ' I| so much because it's belting hot- ' cents per ley crop, to their deliverance from of marking the end cf vf period ter. Flay started in.the J. C. C. •Cs.llir and Carmel, both cf which ^ 8. What foods are tradition- Egypt, and made of Passover a | of study, it marked the begin- bor felt that they deserved it more '} "treat" hsndball tournEment last | CerA.t. ,,. i u . . u . *..„.». .^,.,v, ally eaten on Shiibnoth? Why? Festival of Freedom. And the con- I nlng: It was on Shabnoth that than | week and among- the early losers ! CJTS. Mount Sinai: Mount Tabcr By EAY 9. What Palestinian raonn-1 eluding feast of the seven weeks' small children were taken to He-because its peak had not been j were Sam Baa, who had to buy ; Fains are said to have resented harvest—for that is the time brew School for the first time. touched by the Great Flood, ; Sam Teper E. slab of frozen ce- ; • r'rrt/f?« 1S?i./n /'•^"V"'' T / «ae choice. o f Mount Sinai as which elapsed between the ripen- Though of course we can regard Mount Carmel because it had The season is a success ss far licionsness for losing, and Art: »^"**-'^ ! « A i f i . v i i * , ^ '•die place for. the giving of the ing of the barley and the ripen- the Confirmation ceremony as a j gone into the Red Sea~-at the time as the finicky J. C. C. raen vol- Cohen, who had to treat Herman i A__meeite£; of the Junior ' taw?' . .." ..'..-. ing of the wheat—became asso- beginning also, the confirmant's of the Exodus and thus furnished leyballers is concerned. j Corenmaa I -*^tixiiis,rj* was held last J';"o 10. Give one version of the ciated with I" e giving of the Tab-real entry into the religious com- the dry land on which the Israeli evening, at which time Kr. J The volley flippers of the munity. It is a commencement 1 ites crossed. God,- however, re- Center, with more spikes in 'era •p-__.i___ _„„ „!„»,_:_„ *>.«=••- <«-. L. TTolfsoE eaoke on ''Jewisb origin ot tne neains oi Mght lets of the Law to Moses. ceremony, just like the com-mained firm in His determination than a bottle of dynamited beer, i QUet Boon . . . there is some talk ! said t o nave emanated from So that the simple agricultural mencements celebrated at gradnwon the Class C championship in the -forehead of Moses. the keglers keeping going &II : TeStivala of a primitive people | in high school and col-to give the Law to Mount Sinai, a tournament at tne Y. T.I. C. A.!• of tion snininer . . . John Tatoin hzi ZO ; the more so since the boastfulness came to express the joy of Israel J ** of the otiier mountains inade Him recently. Eowever, the victory i at tennis class last week sind it; h e the c mmenee in its nationhood: PassoverJif %7 f ™t ' ° h ! angry. But, by way of consolation, proved costly, for in t t e strain ; appears Center Betsters are tr.k- < "Junday is Shabuoth, tho Feast ent als I ea s e struggle of the fiery combat, ; icg to the Omaha Tennis club arL-ed its physicalliberation ^ , ° ? ° ^ l ^ T * j He promised Mount Tabor an op- and p Weeks, so"" called because a TO the team's ace, Les Burkenroac ! ! othe £real in the lifeservof portunity to help Israel in the suffered a severe Charley horse. ; professional's instructions. .sk of "weeks—in other words, from Slavery, Shabnoth its spirit- 1 The Part.c.pation Shabnoth synagogue times of the Prophetess Deborah, 'en weeks—-elapses between the nal rise to a nation obeying the ice, which Mr. "World hopes all The rest cf the players all got a to Mount Carmel He promised $2 ticket on Les' hcrse but TTar of the 3t day of Passover and this hol- Law ofTen God,Commandments. the fundamental law of- yon will uttend this year, in- and Now you see -why it is Shabuoth cludes the reading of the Book of an important part in the career Admiral won the race. :ay. This is the day which comemorates the giving of thp Tenthat was chosen as Confirmation Huth; and probably all of yon of Elijah. ommandments to the people of Day in our modern synagogues. who remember the story of Ruth "When Moses ascended Mount About SO eager boys face tne i The last of a series of f'"e iraermany'centuries ago; in an- Because Shabuoth was celebrated can understand why. For-Ruth Sinai he is said to have ascended barrier in the J. C. C. junior soft- i fiances sponsored by the KoiinS 3nt times, too. Shabuoth was as the day when the people of Is- was a woman of Moab who had into Heaven itself, there to re- ball league, which starts play en ; Table of Jewish Youth, will be elebrated as the Feast of the rael were given the privilege of married a Jew. and become a Jew- ceive the Law from God, who re- May 23. League play winds up : aeld en Sunday evening-, M E J r r , ,'irst Fruits, so it is at this sea- accepting the Law, it is this hol- ess, and remained a Jewess even ' vealed all the Ten Commandments on •August S with a, Little World : at 9 a. m., E-t the Jewish Coiron that the wheat crop ripens in iday -which is chosen for the for-after his death, going to Palestine I at once, and in seven voices and Series, especially concocted by ] munity Center. Freddie Ebener's 'alestine. In many of our syna- mal acceptance of the Law, which with Naomi, her mother-in-law, seventy languages at once. This Lee Grossman, to be held en I orchestra will play. agues * today Shabuoth marks is Judaism, by our young people. and there becoming the wife of seems a dittie difficult to under- August 15. These monthly ces "hzvz ;i>nfirmation. Day, the day when And all of us are glad to see that Boaz. In other words, Rnth, stand, but we are assured, in this The teams are Tigers, Giants, proved iEcreasiEgly popular with i s though not born into the Jewish in these days the confirmants apjya and girls who have completlegend, that it did happen. Vari- Yanks and Cards, and they're £S ; the yotiEger group cf the city, EC- :• | | 3 a certain course of Jewish preciate the privilege more deeply faith, accepted the Law of Moses ous Iegend3 differ as to the ex-big league as they sound. Here's | cordicg to BEH Killer, chairman , £; udies are formally welcomed as than the ancient Israelites did at just as the people of Israel had act place where the Law was re-a complete list cf the players: | of the committee. A record at- ; '$ Tigers—Bob Bramson, man- I tendance is expected for this I gi all-fledged members of the con-the very beginning. (Or have you accepted it at Mount Sinai. You vealed. There are some very deforgotten that when Mosea de- may remember, too, that Ruth j tailed'accounts of Moses' ascent ager. Irvin Malashoek, Bernard ' dance. •.•eation of Israel. • gl was the greatgrandmother of I through sis heavens until he fi- Denenberg, Maurice KlaimaE, I f is very interesting to ob- scended from Mount Sinai with Tickets Biay be -obtained at the M! srvo how the harvest festivals of .the Tablets of the Law he found King David; so you will be inter- I nally reached the Seventh Heav- Dave Rice, Tale Trustin, Sol Mar-• door.

jpyright, 1937, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)

:asses Zionist Problems ome fWNS-Palcor Agency)-^iaa Foreipi Minister Galeai}ia&o, son-in-law of Mussolini a lengthy audience to Dr. uin Goldmann, rppresentative the Jewish Agency for Palesto the League .of Nations. list and Palestine problems understood to have been dlssed thoroughly.

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simple life -wlUch lie once dislifcfurtherance of its mission and the realization of its ideals in ed anci frora which lie tried to esguests. Entrtaiamnr, r n the Jewish, and the non-Jewish world. For Judaism is not for cape. In the city, and thanks to vided by Irvin Kufclin, star cf t..e Jews alone. Through Judaism the world is to be redeemed the financial crash, as has learn- recent Kosniet Kluh ed some important lessons about dance from its manifold evils, imperfections, and shortcomings; is life and happiness. show. to be elevated in its entire life, is to be perfected in all mat- Interesting Is the analysis' of At a meeting of the exe EHZ3 JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COUPANY ters pertaining to the individual and the social life, in its truly the blind forces that drive tiie committee, the follower appointed committee ch 52.00 Messianic function to the era of peace through right- owner of Kargue's to escape all were Snbsertptioa Fried, oao year man for the corning yecr: Ii responsibility towards eousness of happiness through justice. dfel rates furnisBcfloa appllcatloa. ployees, to evade all and any gov-ard Kaplan, Social; "Warren Ac'ot t i i erman and Lloyd Shabuoth is primarily and preeminently the festival of the ernment attempts a tt" increasing Editorial Ottlcei.600 Brandels Tbeato? Bulldlag. salaries. The profit motive is Rushing; Del van Becker, young. Youth is dedicated. Through youth are handed down Slons City Offica—^Jewish Community Cents? . wild and refuses to be tamed or tic; Robert Cohen, Hour the ideals of Judaism, the precious heritage of Judaism, trans- curbed. It enslaves its • Print'Shop" Addres3J 4504 So. 24th Street Sehclsr-, by lan Milder, Alumni; r DA71D BtiACKBR - • Bosiaesa and ' fSooaglag Editor mitted. In our youth Judaism renews itself. No romantic or just as it does its victims. sfaip, Phil Laser. Appointed f:cv-VT.E E f'.TCC"JS. ? * " F . .* FRAHE,. B . ACKBBEJAN - • ' • •••.•• • - : • E&ltG? fantastic notions should be held regarding youth. We should is no escape from it. r r d :,:rs-.1 Efrr.-£.n Ct'rc must be busines^, if it is to suc-tion representative, Robert J'AWWIBHATBLBIAN Council Bluffa, ltn?a, Corrospondeat not go to exaggerated extremes so prevalent that youth of such ceed. ler, and Assistant iiistcr-r.n, j_/?o- cz irlrfl.' the »ci!" rir ANN PILL - - • - Sioux City, iowa, Correspondent trs tier, unique character as to assert that youth must be left alone, it Mr. Lewi has written nard Friedel. i'cvfki f?cke o_ the cvc story, with a significant message Again Lloyd Friedman end must be interfered with as little as possible, should even be for many groping and disillusion- Kuklin scored in tends frr Nei c a n c e . ; . . . : .. • • • • • • . . entrusted with independence and self rule, as of character that youths vrho are braska, this time against Kar.rr.sThe Shabuoth holiday carries with it a double signifi- is almost mystic in nature. Our day is beginning to see theed that life must be mor.2 than plea- State. Friednian won his rlnjrle cance for the Jewish people - - the celebration of the wheat egregious folly, the ridiculous and criminal error of such an sure seeking and profit mating, match, 6-4, 6-2, while the dc-j- ! harvest in Palestine and the giving of the Ten Commandments attitude toward youth. It is beginning to be realized (perhaps more than indulgence and greed. bles match saw Kuklin defeat the f opppsition 6-4, €-0. Both men . on Mount Sinai. .. the tragic consequences of such a view as this, the increase of have rapidly become two of Xe-,i braska's most valuable cetsters. "While we are interested in the harvest aspect of Palestine crime among the young, have had something to do with it) that since it exemplifies the return of the agricultural balance to youth is after all only youth not far removed from infancy and A XE Jewish life a return to the soil which makes for a healthier childishness; that youth at best has its natural and inevitCVTII, YC By Dr. PEi!!p SJser foundation, But, even more important, we are interested in able limitations; that youth is raw, callous, ignorant (where ITKIVEV T Josephine Rubnitz and Ftlrr.a the moral code which emanated from Mount Sinai on Shabouth. should it have derived its supposed supernatural and superior Hill of the University cf XrbraBIBLE The Ten Commandments have withstood the severest test of wisdom?); that youth is inexperienced, it has a lifetime beska chapter of Sigma Delta TEU were invited into membership :s: time j have been incorporated into the law of the gre^at nations fore it in which to learn and gain knowledge (mostly in the Hearken unto Me, hs's I/'or-t FOTVhearted, that are far from right- Vestals of '.he Lamp, arts and FCIof the world; have been the cornerstone of jurisprudence and School of Experience, that best of all schools for Individual eousness. I will bring ence honorary. Initiation will morals through the ages. and Advanced Instruction!) The Bible with its eminent sanity righteousness; it shall not be far held Sunday, May 16. Harriot r.y: The deathlessness of the decalogue is symbolic of thevoices this view when i t says, "Woe to the land whose ruler off. Who a r t thou, that Kosalyn Lashinsky were deathlessness of the Jewish people . . . it ia an inspiration to is a child!" Woe to us when we would let our children in afraid of man that dies us, renewing our determination to keep faith with the rich their immaturity rule over us, instead of ourselves firmly, the son of man, that wjthereth as At the Jnitiaffon of Airhs Lr.iuheritage which has been the treasure of Israel. • strictly; with severity if necessary, with absolute discipline grass, and hast forgotten Lord thy Maker. bda Delta, freshman f=cholE?tic ruling over them, regulating and superintending their lives, honorary eorority, Pauline l TALMUD reedom .• . • •: . .\ instructing them, guiding them in all matters pertaining to We are taught that it happenSarah Miller were formally The new Irish constitution announced by President13amon their growth and development, to their welfare, physical in- ed with King Jannai, en into that organization. gone to Kuchlith in ade e J has already been subjected to a withering attack in " ^ . ™ » - ^ " ™ ": T ••"•.;:.« ~ , tellectual, religious and moral, to their own subsequent hap- nesa and conquered The Theta chapter f many quarters, but despite the barrage of criticism.- we feel teuecua *J ' J- in ' moral * , On his return there was great re- Ruth Sobel, Scottsbluff, ar.d far-1 piness and avoidance of unnecessary later hpaTfhrp heartbreak, in that the document is historic from the viewpoint of stach minoriMiller, TVTH11 Lake, la.. tragedy and irremediable ruin. How true is that ancient ob- joicing,, and and the the King King invited invited the the ties as the Jewish people. < sages of Israel to a feast. At the active Sigma Delta Tau m servation "As you bend the twig, so the tree will grow," and snip. entertainment he said: Ireland is predominantly and overwhelmingly Catholic, it is essentially true "Spare the rod and spoil the child." Mrs. cestors ate herbs of Muriel Krasne served £f and in many, Catholic countries of the day - • as Austria, Poland, at the Ivy Day ceremonirr. Carl Gray of Omaha, chosen "American Mother for 1937" has (because of their poverty) Hungary and Greece - - fascism has taken strong root to the Parents Day was obcervrd all her life held to this philosophy which she has again voiced they built the Temple. We shall the chapter house May P. H: also eat them In memory of our detriment of the Jewish population. But the Irish, manifestand emphasized in her recent eloquent pleas. No wonder she ancestors." Thereupon, Harry Jolt was principal i ing those liberty-loving qualities fori which they are noted, herself has been such a conspicuous success in Motherhood. the desert were served in golden Pearl Myerson gave a reading: chose to-protect the minorities within her borders and to offer There was among those The function of youth is to carry on the work of thedishes. present a base and frivolous perbulwarks against the encroachment of.fascist ideas. The new race with ever renewed energy and enthusiasm, devotion, and soa with a contemptible constitution specifically guarantees cultural and religious consecration. And hence the supreme value of the Confirma- His name was Elazar ben Pue-a. rights to the Jewish population. The constitution forbids the tion Ceremony, impressing youth when it is most impression- He said to the king: 1 endowing of any religion or the imposition of any liabilities the Pharisees are secretly against able, imbuing it with the loftiest jdeals of right and justice, thee; try them by clothing thyor the making of any discrimination on the ground of religions of respect for God, of service to man. And herein lies the final self with the priestly profession, belief or status. Provision is also made for the "strengthening of religion and morality in general, the supreme plate." equality of Jewish schools, a clause stating that "legislation The king followed his advice, value of life; the impregnable and indispensible foundation of when an old man by the name of providing state aid for schools shall not discriminate between a world of order and not of anarchy and chaos, of a happy Juda ben Grieda arose and said: schools under the management of different religious denomina"O King, bs satisfied with human society. . tions, nor'be such-as to "effect prejudicially the right of any kingly crown and leave the crown All hearts feel, strengthened to echo the words of theof priesthood to other child to attend a school receiving public money without attenddants of Aaron," for It was a ing religious instruction at that school.". This .paragraph ex- noble Emerson :— rumor that his mother was a pri"So nigh is grandeur to our dust empts Jewish children from Catholic religious instruction in soner of war in Modin. ImmediSo near is God to man, schools where such training is given. The same paragraph also ately an Investigation was order"When duty whispers low 'thou must!' ed and when the rumor could not provides that "every religious denomination shall have the be verified the King dismissed The youth replies " I can't." right to manage its own affairs," thus legalizing Kehillahs, the sages in anger. Elazar t e a Not only the youth, but all of us who feel perennially Puera then said: "O King, if such to "own, .'.acquire and administer property, movable and immovable, and maintain institutions for religious or charitable young (does not 'life begin at forty?'): who are perpetually would have happened agalnsf •an young in spirit (only a little older in years. Does anyone ever ordinary person, what would purposes." The equal standing of all citizens is recognized. the result of the great We do not know whether this new constitution will be really feel old in his heart?), who are just youngsters grown How much more so when a thing honored more in the breach than in the keeping. But, an ex- up; most fervently claim "We can! "We will do and hearken!" happened to you who art a King and High-priest?" "What shall I cellent start has been made in the direction of freedom and . •• • - Frederick Cohn. do," rejoined the ting. "If thou democracy by adopting constitutional measures which breathe wouldst take my advice, have them crushed." "But", the king the spirit of equality and justice. As more and more peoples remarked, "what will become of - - seeking freedom for themselves - -Recognize that the first the Torah' if all the scholars Btep is to accord freedom to their own minorities, we will swing be crushed?" "Why, let the Torah be rolled up and lie in the away from "the oppressive iron gloves of a Nazi Germany or right place. Whoever wishes to Endek Poland. ^ V. . : By DB. SHEODOBE N. LEWIS study it may come, and do so,1 "Eabb!, Sfooat Steal Eesisple, ( was the response. Immediately Sadduceeisin came over the king, for he should have ever, destroys his illusions and THE G O D S ARRIVE" BY : "By Sabbi Frederick Oohn GRANT LEWI. J . B. LIPPIN- his prospects. He is financially argued: "This might apply to the "We are on the eve of our beautiful Festival of Shabuoth. COTT CO. PHII/ADELPHIA. 472 ruined. This sudden reversal of Scripture, but how about the TalShabuoth commemorates the giving of the Ten Commandments PAGES. PRICE $2.50. fortune, the . sudden financial mud (which is studied orally)." tragedy, compels Karl to rethink Insantly the king followed the This Is definitely a novel with on; Mount Sinai. It is therefore the Festival of the Celebration his past life, to .grajsp the enor- advice of Elazar and killed the a purpose; The author is most of,the Moral. The moral is worthy of celebration and special anxious to convey a message mous mistakes he had commited, gages of Israel. The world appearemphasis, because of its fundamental value.' I t is the founda- whfch he deems pressing and sig-the grievous injustices to his wife ed devasted until Hen Thetach cams and restored the law again tion of civilized society; Society is not yet wholly civilized, as nificant. He does not write for and children. He also realizes as of yore. the mere fun or pleasure of writ- his failure. He has forgotten comlong as it is not wholly moral. The imperfection that inheres Ing. He la deeply moved by ec-pletely his painting, neglected his in modern society, is more than anything else/a mpral imper- onomic injustice, by human pov- art and his cultural growth lagfection. Material and mechanical progress in the last analysis erty, and suffering, and degrada- ;ed. He is deeply frustrated and ation. He is moved by a passion secretly yearns for reunion with More than 50 Omaha alumni does not avail if it does not contribute to moral progress. I t for: human betterment and social his family. "Sinai, The Giving of and active Nebraska University may exist side by side with,the worst evils, as, for instance, justice and it is this passion that the Law," the'third and last part members of Seta Beta Tau, oldest when the latest inventions such as airplanes, gas, all manner gives the volume a spirit and en-is the most interesting and pro-and largest Jewish college fraterthusiasm lacking in most current found. It Is the stbry of hig busof guns are used in the destruction of human lives, as in thefiction. I t Is fiction with a pur-iness experiences, and his rebel- nity in the United States, attenda Founders Day stag at the lion against an economic system ed recent: uncalled for monstrously cruel bombing of innocent pose. ' Blackstone. Saturday night, enriches a few at the top"May 8. TheHotel men and women and children at Guernica, Spain, by the FasOmaha was cuo The author divides his story in that while Impoverishing and degrad- of 40 held throughoutstag It's the most versatile suit 'ever designed the nation. cist insurgents in the inhuman slaughter, that is called Civil three parts. The first "Egypt, ing millions a t the bottom. it hsrmoniEes with everything.-! (I) Wear Sunday, May 9, the chapter he'd the Bondage" introduces . Us to ! ;; ; . Jacket with contrasting"- Slacks. (2) Wesr the Karl, Horton and his wife, Jerry, Karl, w h o has made a fortun- its annual Parents Day with greet Trousers with s contrasting Sport Jacket, (5) One of the most beautiful features in connection with the young parents with two children ate business connection with HarWear the Suit as It Is » , , there you hare three financial security,- Karl finds gue's a leading department store, annual observance of Shabuoth is the Confirmation of boys and himself severly limited in his en-advances rapidly and reaches in a ic . ways to wesr it 1 The suit cf suits for gradua and girls who stand upon the altar and vow allegiance, to vironment, can not discover suf- very short time the top'of a bustioa. , . Judaism. "Confirmation" means "strengthening" and it is in- ficient scope for his desire to iness career. Despite his large paint in the, High School, where salary, his authority and position. deed a strengthening in many directions. „_ . , . —Gabardines he teaches. He regards his home In Hargue's Karl is fearfully unBronxe, Aluminum, In the first place it strengthens the budding and incipient and its obligations impediments.happy. He does not like the con- Brass. —Gabsrdlnes n Fcvrder Bl Soft Grey Iron and Senaifaith of these youngsters whose knowledge of and devotion to Like,so many moderns, he takes s t a n t deceptions perpetrated Stoel Castings, Wood a.nsl —Gabardines in Brig Gre lightly the bonds of matri- aginst the consumer. He hates, Metal PatterRiS &nd Sa.*h. Judaism is strengthened, not merely by the confirmation cere- very V/elghts carried in stock. mony and the duties of parent- with all his heart and soul, the mony itself, which leaves alasting impression, but by the pre-hood. He forsakes his wife and cruelty and heartlessaess of the Bronsa . end Cast Iron Grilles a stpccsalt;-. " owner towards the employees. He vious months of special preparation and intensified instruction. children and leaves for New Tke Bays' Ozvn Si&rc E& York in the hope of achieving resents the huge profits made by Secondly, Confirmation is a strengthening of the love and lame as a painter. the faw "stockholders" and the loyalty and increased appreciation of the older people who "Wilderness The Golden meager'salaries earned by tho are present in the Temple or Synagogue^ and of all assembled Calf" the second part, describes hundred of clerks, without whose aid tho store could hot function. there, in whom true knowledge of Judaism is awakened, faith Karl's .efforts"at 'self expression', his life In New York, hia ; deep The atmosphere of the place; rerenewed, and new inspiration gained for upright and noble chronic inability to master him- pels- him, outrages his moral senThe Ccnfl living and for the ideals of Judaism. . : self. With artistic ambitions, he sibilities. He concentrates, not! suit *'." c on making money, but on the hu-1 ~ naturally mingles with the inThirdly, Judaism as a whole is.strengthened not merely , has C'~ of Greenwich Village man•' tragedies that he sees daily I. t by the gaining of new recruits for the historic cause, by thehabitants quality and acquires the tastes and mor-and. which give him neither pence I infusion of new blood into its body, physical and spiritual, by als, of the community, takes to nor rest. "Hargue's" does notsr-t-1 ^ New- S•pori , %t the increase of "Jews" who are tr\ie Jews in the highest sense1 drink and immorality. Greta pro- isfy his spirit. €hc Colors a temporary solace and In th& course of time the hat-1 C and understanding and interpretation of the word; Conscious videahim Sizes 1 refuge. Through her he meets a chet falls upon Karl's head, as i t ' Jews, riot merely Jews by the accident of birth or through any stock broker who by fortunate in- did on that of-many of his pro- 1 merely racial connotation, but by deliberate choice, by actual vestment: helps Karl Increase -his decessork The boss takes -a die-! limited resources and enables id him and discharges h l r i 'conviction of understanding hearts, and dedication of spirit; him and Greta to live In sumptu- like Karl and his v,-Ifo, with vrhon he I by the inspiration that comes to Judaism as a wJiole for the ous utyle. The 1329 eras!*, how- has reunited, return to tho :'.c\

Gems of the Bible, and Talmud



The' Voice of Sinai

W i or Shekolim I-

. • -". -v- :-nir this af<>f the or* : •. ' • , i f benefit of o ''. • »•* sue.

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. he home of


this :. oxpent, ' , ( r^ i.e^s man** 1

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Delta Ten


Zeta Beta Tan

Students Find There's

. Co.-Foundries

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THE JEWISH PHES8, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1937 ance of the sale for Shekolim :1IB Zionist Congress. : [1 the proceeds from this afand from previous, affairs I a by the members of the or- J& zation are for the benefit of * Chalutzos of Palestine. .

HADASSAH he Monday Sewing group last Monday at the home of Philip Rosenblatt. arry Hershiield finds thiaa ness of beini; funny, expenHe wired his business mani "Don't write. Telegraph. Tear Greetings." The manawired back dxty -words ot i Wishes . . . Collect!


BAR SUTZVAH . • Justin Eoss, son of Sir. and x Mrs. Charles Koss, will be Bar; Mitzvah on Shabuoth morning,'' Monday, May 17, at the.Beth El: synagogue. Justin attended the j city Talmud Torah for the past' four years. Cantor A. Edgar has! assisted him in preparing for this service. VENGBE-PIZBS BETEOTHAL Mr. and Mrs. Uoss Invites Mr.. and. Mrs. Simon Pizer announce the engagement of friends and relatives to attend their daughter, Eoseline Ruth, to Abe V. Venger, son', of and also partake in Kiddish after the services. and Mrs. Mas Venger.

atives and friends oa Snruilar,' home in honor of their j May 16, between the hours of. Belle's confirmstiosi. | The Ladies Free Loan society The Omaha Chapter cf t i e Jim- j Trill told a card party Tuesday ior Hadassah 'will held a special j evening. May IS, at the J. C. C meeting nest Thursday evening, j Mrs. Marcus Rosenstein Is chairMay 20, at the Jewish Commun- man of the committee in charge ity Center, to complete arrange- acd vrill act as hostess. Mrs. Z. ments for the Benefit Bridge Weiaer is chairms.ii cf the ticket Party to be held on Tuesday evening, May 25, at the Jewish CoraThere will be individual table niunity Center. j prises and many door prizes. In charge of the Bridge Party Tickets are "5 cents. To secure t are Miss Mary Garfinkle, chair-1 tickets call Mrs. VfeiEer, AT E5ST. j man, and the Misses Fannie KaThe regular executive xnee - r ~ ' ~telman, Dorothy Slottin, Ida be hela , AMiss Pizer attended the University of Wisconsin and was FAMILX REHNIOX hor I T7olk, Anne Kuinit, M a d e Temrsoi graduated from the University of Nebraska, where she was a Mr, Harry Dworsky and Mrs. in, and Sarah Taub. Tuesday tfteraooi tfterao Axelrod, accompanied by member of Sigma Delta Tau and was elected to Phi Beta Alfred his home .-'Tickets now on sale for thirtyMrs. Axelrod's son, are leaving! [from three T r.:. .'. r.rr^" r' five cents per person and may be Ivappa. Mr. Venger attended the University of Nebraska. next Thursday for Sharon Springs • j coEfirdEtir1obtained from any member of the .New York, where they will at-1 The wedding will be an early summer event. above committee. Prizes •will be tend the annual reunion of thei awarded for the high score at • issu Dworsky family, on May 30.1 each table, and in addition, eev-. Kr. and Mrs. S. Borfiy &r,c Kr. \ GOODRICH-FERER Close to three hundred members eral door prizes will be given. Re- anfi Mrs. Karl Leeser will be at! Miss: Sara Ferer, daughter of of the- Dworsky family from all is' freshments will be served. home in honor of the confirms.-; Aaron Ferer, became the bride of parts of America attend this year- ( This affair is open to both men tion of their daughters, Revs anfi ireceive i t Murray D. Goodrich of New York ly affair. Henrietta Sessel . , | and women, sjid tsbles are being | XiOrraine, Sunda y, It ay 16, Jrom !d_J! ,._,. .r ,_,_. . city, Monday afternoon at the a t S 0 2 S o . " * : * ' * ' ' •"•"""" " " — • • " - ' 2.1r. and Mrs. Karl Sessel an- arranged for bridge and • other 2:50 to Blackstohe, the ceremony was ASXOXJSCE BIRTHS their jiotnr. T ' " • nounce the engagement of their card games. Street. performed by Rabbi Milton KopMr. and Mrs. Irvin Rubinow daughter, Henrietta Sessel, to Reports of the nominating com- 2s o invitations t a r e bees issued stein of New York city. announce the birth of a daughter The bride, given in marriage by Thursday, May'13, at the St. Jo- Jerome Xatenberg, son of Sir. mittee for the 2.2vr officers who and Mrs. Sieg Natenberg of Chi- will be elected on Kay 27. Mr. and I,Ir.b. Ben GerEicn will; 1 C S Nr< h 1 " " t"' her father, wore an imported seph hospital. cago. Miss Sessel graduated from be at home to all thsir relatives ' Mrs. Arthur Eosiasky has do-. ivory satin gown fashioned on Central High School and attend- nated, through the Junior HafiaE- j EEti friends 02 Sunday, Kay IE, Sunday, IT:.- . 1 princess lines with a high draped Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marer. antwo o'clock until sis o'clock ; neckline and wide shoulder effect nounce the birth of a son born ed Creighton University. Mr. Na- j sah, the money to the Jewish 2\"a- E Forest of their d: 1 :-' : at and long tapering sleeves. The "Wednesday, May 12, at the Clark- tenberg attended the Illinois Uni- tional Fund to have a tree plant- j '- their ed in Palestine in hosor cf her! X>^ive, in Council Bluffs, in ton- ; Mr. fns ~ - ' , " versity. skirt fell Into a low fullness and eon hospital. 1 or of their caughter, Shirley, vrhi rc-iU recievr ' n — An early fall wedding is antic- month-old daughter. finished with a three-yard square jwiil be com7 ipated. StlECE train. The veil of ivory tulle, srn-i L6 froin ? — r -Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Nichols ani ing, at the Beth El Syntgogrue at worn hack from the forehead nounce the birth of a son. April | the Jewish Commur-ity Center. TO KETTRX HOME •with a halo was caught with real iKo cards are being issued. Miss Edith I/ondon of I/os Ani been issuer. gardenias. The length reached to 23. " Mrs. Nichols •was formerly meeting of t i e to Omaha, aiter j An interesting the end of the train. She carried Miss Ida Cohen. g-eles returned to . 21T. ana Mrs. pavjcl ( having spent six weeks with Tela-;"ome *ns ^ " ^ ^ h ^ e ^^'l a white prayer book, with a showMr. and Mrs. Harry DnBoff an- tivea and friends in Chicago. She | °R a l^3 J?*.weaneEi.ay, ^ a y 18. | will receive Et their ho~e. Cfi ; wflj. rep er of gardenias. b l J l l l t o n nounce the birth of a son, Euremain here for several i ^opstein will De the ' So. 5Sth Street, SUEd£y, Kej- 16, May 6, Ramelle Joy Ferer, daughter of gene Allen, May 9. at St. Joguest speaker, speukiug -on the; in honor of the confirmation of weeks. Mx. and Mrs. Hyman Ferer, was seph's hospital. forthcoming Zionist congress. j er, jcy. the bride's only, attendant, and A tea -will be, given in honor j DESSERT-I/TXCHEON Miss Koseline Ruth Pizer •wore an old-fashioned frock of RETURNS HO5IE The TVomen's Pioneer organi- of all new members who have j Mr. EEd Sirs. J. J, Greerbsrg white taffeta and carried an oldMrs. J. J. Friedman returned zation of Omaha -sv-ill have a d e s - P o l n e d the organization the are receiving in honor ot-ihe Bar fashioned bouquet of varicolored Sunday from "Washington, D. C , H. lOSKOVrrZ-ROSBXBLATT Mrs. N X. Lerinsaa Levinsoa iis m JJitzvah of their eon, Berton K. ~ sert-lunchoon Monday, May 17, at jI^• a r Mrs sweet peas. J. L. Goodrich of New where she attended the funeral 2 o'clock- at the home of Mrs. 3. ^ charge of arras genients for tne Greenberg, and the conKnuatjon Miss Lilyan Rosenblatt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Rosenblatt York served as Ms brother's best of her sister, Mrs. Ed Pearlove. Ofeun. Mr. I. Morgenstera Trill j tea and refresliEests. of their daughter, Lee Jane re En route home she spent several speak on the significance of ! Members v" the group are reand Dr. Julius Moskovitz of man. " I Greenberg, at horns, Sunday, May Following the ceremony a dindays with her daughter, Miss Shabouth, and a musical program j minded that all paid-cp members ic, from £• p. m, 10 6 p. EX. Council Bluffs, son of Max Mosprac ^OT Oj are entitled to a shekel to vote I Sovitz, -were married "Wednesday ner was held, covers being placed Ruth Friedman, a student at has been arranged. ; for 3 5 guests. Lindenwood College in St. CharI for delegates to the world Eion-j j _ j afternoon. >::r E=( J.'rs. 'Xcrris Gro^srar.n [ After a trip to Detroit and Yel- les, Mo. •1st congress. Members are urged j s_n^ TSI-^^ Rabbi David A. Goldstein officTO" ENTERTAIN . • Mrs. San. Bcfcb T-JII lowstone park, Mr. Goodrich and Mrs. Benjamin Sherman of to pay up their fines so as to be' entertain at s. joint reception. £t! iated at the ceremony, which "was The Junior Hadassah trill en= r" performed before the members of his bride will go to Los Angele3, Washington, a sister, returned tertain about twenty couples at a eligible. the GrossraEn home at £10 T?est where they "will reside. For travwith Mrs. Friedman and will The rummage sale is being- "fTashington A v e n u e the immediate family at the home •weiner roast at Playlv'or Park on Council I eling the bride wore a navy blue spend several weeks in Omaha. of the bride's parents. • Sunday evening. May 23, as the planned, asd members and their Bluffs on Sssday, May 16, frora triple sheer ensemble with red Following a wedding luncheon, earth . accessories and a corsage "Give or Get" affair for the mem- friends are asked to prepare any 2:ZQ to five o'clock End from HOUSE GUESTS the bridal couple departed on a of orchids. bers and their escorts is-ho raised donations of articles they n a y seven -antil tes o'clock is honor Mr. and Mr. Sam Abramson of their quota for the club. Miss have, and call Mrs. A. Greenberg, o'f their fiacghters, Sliss Betty redding trip. Des Moines, la., and Mr. and Mrs. Mildred Whitman is chairman in chairman. Grossman and Miss Edith Bubb, JACOBSEN-BRANSON W n . Abramson of St. Joseph, Mo., charge of this affair and is being who "trill be confirmed Sunday 3RO3I CALIFORNIA ENGAGEMENT will be the house guests of Mr. assisted by the Misses Bettye momiEg at tlie Beth El eyna?:ost hire t Mrs. J. Himelstein and daughMr. and Mrs. A. Branson of and Mrs. Sam L. Robinson over Tuchman, Fannie Katelman, tJna The Vaad Auxiliary Oaeg Sha- g-ue Et the Je^isii Communitr ter, Lorraine, arrived here Sun* Kansas City, Missouri, announce the week-end. Coffer Gross, Ann Goodbiner as.d Dor- both will be held May 15, at the Center. No invitations being Jay after spending five weeks In the engagement of their daughter othy ZlotKin. issued. horns of Mrs. K. Levinson, SO 14 California. Miss Rose Branson, to Mr. Ben BENEFIT liUNCHEON Webster street. This will be the b<e m. "4 Jacobsen of Kansas City, formerJdrs. H. Leibovici of 4110 So. TO ATTEND RED CKOSS concluding Oneg Shaboth for the isS Mrs. Leo Byron Klein ly of Omaha, and son of Mr. and Twenty-fifth street, entertained Cofreir ITJOSIJTN CONVENTION season, nabfci Milton Kopstein r e :ive at their tome, £06 .No. at a benefit luncheon at her home The Joslyn Memorial will pre- Mrs. A. J. Jacobsen of Omaha. Martin Kolnlck, son of Sir. and will give the fourth cf his series. St., jn-honor of The wedding will take place in on Thursday, May 6. Ten guests sent the following activities on of lectures on "Outstanding Jew-J-ter, Patricia's c Kansas City next month. An- were present. Bridge followed the Mrs. Harry Kolnlck, has been choSunday May 16, 1937. . nouncement of the engagement luncheon. Prizes -were .Ton by sen, as the delegate from South ish Personalities." He -will dis- Temple Isr , 3:30 p. m. — Lecture Hall High school to go to "Wishington, | 'Lecture by Rena""W. 'Mur- '•was made Sunday "evening, May Mrs. C. Nathan and Mrs. H. A. D. C, to attend the Red Cross cuss the life and .vrork of Eablsi A. I. Koofc, the late Gaon and f tagh on "Modern Art: An Ah-,9, at a family dinner party held Reznick. convention. He is also the vice Chief Rabbi of the Holy Land. at t i e home of the groom's bro• alysis". • president of the Junior Red Mrs. I. Fiedler Is chairman cf the '4:00 p. m. — Concert Hall" — ther-In-latr and sister, Mr. and TISTTOR HERE Cross at his school. Oneg Shaboth Cultural group. Concert by the Matinees Mu- Mrs. Ben Seldin in. Council Miss Anne Ruback Is here visitBluffs. ' nical Club. ing after spending last year in S. A. M. MOTHER'S CIXB Los Angele3. She expects to reThe S. A. M_ Mother's Club turn sometime in June. meeting, -which was to be held L fc a *] Ikii ami. to Monday, May 17, has been postWaves ANNOUNCE CONFIRMATION 'poned due to Shabuoth. They Mr. and Mra. H. Sol Novitsky •will meet nest Monday, May 24, of Sioui City, Iowa, formerly of at the home of Mrs. I. Berkowitz. Omaha, announce t i e confirma716 Erandeis Theatre tion of their daughter Lois MurDAUGHTERS OF ISRAEL iel on Sunday, May 16, at Mount Sinai Temple. Mr. and Mrs. NoThe Daughters of Israel Aid vitsky will receive in honor of Society of the Old Peoples Home their daughter, at a joint recep- vrill meet Tuesday at 2:30, May tion, on Sunday the 16th, from i s , at the J. c. C. Important seven to ten o'clock in the even- business •wiill be discussed. A ing at the Mount Sinai Temple fine program has been arranged. Annex. Refreshments Trill be served. No cards have been issued. Everyone is urged to cotae.


Junior H a d a s s a h








Women*s Mizrachi

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R. J . HAAS CO., Successors fo



709 So. 15fh St.




Ira S .and TtooFrock Creations ipring Tans Sch Browns 1A1T

And this yecr It's far more exciting ever . . . special features never fcefcra shown, add tremendously to ths interest. For esarapla, you'll cce a fins collection cf old English Antique Silver including Ten Urns, Punch Bo-v?ls, Tea Sets, Tureens znd a Russian Suinovnr for hot and cold liquids. All visitors will hs ij/vea the new "Hints to Jlcsizss" booklet... jo zccszszr? to its Br

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.... TWO CAKEAINS—With bandaged arm is Gano Ferguson,electrical employe, of Linden, N. J., who said he saved both Captain Ernst Lehmann and Captain Max Pruss irom the burning Bfiidenburg, after it crashed at Lakehurst, N. J. He asserted he . dragged them from the flaming wreckage. Sailor Francis Remus is giving him first-aid. Captain Lehmann died later. . .•

*! ' _




VICTIM — John Pannes, German shipline passenger traffic manager, who was one of the missing . passengers of the illfated Hindenhurg. A resident of Plandome, Long Island, he was returning from Germany with his wife, who was also missing. Many of the bodies taken from the'. wreckage of the air liner were so badly burned that identification was impossible.

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END OF unGHTT MESHIP—A twisted niass of heat-broiien metal is all that reinsins cf t i s giant air liner, Hindenburg, after its fatal crasli at Lakehurst, N. J. This soldier wss on cu»rd to fcer? souvenir hunters and others away, until an oScial iavestigation could be made Various theories -were advanced concerning the cause of the disaster, but it was hoped an official examination of the wreck •would determine the real cause. •





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TTCDOTT .tEXA ffiiaer slain in Ksrlcts County. TZr. S'"ie £ not to gi^-e tsstirnsrr beTrre ths P-rr.? fcgton, vhicli irvestigsted t'leped 'irrrnn: ties in Kcrir-n Coinitr. fritl: ctiic- vitr, return to bcr liosc trier the ticr,-\r,c.




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"WELCOME TO MANILA—At left is Paul V. McNutt, former governor of Indiana, as he arrived in Manila to occupy his new post as High Commissioner of the Philippines. He is showngreeted by Vice President Sergio Osmena of the Philippine Commonwealth. Elaborate •welcoming ceremonies were cancelled at Mr. McNutt's •request. He succeeded Governor Frank Murphy of Michigan.

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FOREIGN' GUEST—-Vincent Aster recsntlr arrived is Kev To:k after an exploration cruire t? Centre! tni Scuta Arrcncc, r.n5 this is one cf fee strange creat'^rss hs fcroutrht bacS en his ytcht NoursiahaL It's a rare Galapagos lizard, xrhicli Earold J. O'Connell, vice president of the Staica Island Zoo, is holdlns. Cs.pts.iz Gustaf Klanj of the yacht at left. PvIEST TKC KING'S KO3JSHS—Thcsa are ths Vincsrr Crerr. assigned to draw the golden ccrcnaticn casci: converir:; Urnr George and Queen Elizabeth la tha Londca. csrsraoriss" Here they are out for practice, but ca eorsnntica d^r their nurses and tails are fcraified and ElistEnine cco.ts are aiacst tiaScn tjpageantry trappings, as the golcier* ccjich rj~il?s irto ricy. Note the riigb-hatted positions "with each pair.




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.SESVICE OF BIANKINBr-At right is Andrew W. MeUon, financier, former Secretary of the'Treasury and founder of >the new" $10,000,000 Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, as he appeared at the dedication of the-huge granite and limestone building in Pittsburgh. At left is Dr. Edward P. Weidlein, director of the institute dedicated to the service of mankind*






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SODGETE5E — Neville Chamberlain, British Chancellor of the Exchequer, who recommendjd a huge tax increase to pro/ide for Britain's rearmament irogram. He is slated to be Britain's next Prime Minister, ifter the coronation.

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SECBETASY ON: VACATION — This charming picture shows Secietary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr.. v/ith Mrs. Morgenthau and their pet at their farm in Dutchess:County, N. Y. While President Eoosevelt quit Washington for a fishing cruise. Secretary Morgenthau preferred a short vacation amid the apple blossoms on his broad -acres."

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- THB JEWISH PBESS, FRIDAY, -MAY 14. IS 37 better understanding, it is the One. of the prettiest compliments \ £2s| | reunion o: the Confirmation class Buri streets. H is topi subject of discussion. It is almost that anyone could have, I hsxe en-1 sH |of 18222. Kiss Rita Mantel will "The Freedom of the Si unbelievable. Imagine v.-hat New joyed this evening in seeing" so! * i I hrin greetings-.. from class cf the s eccnc dcy IBI V.'iil York City would be if we permit- many of ray former colleagues KortOS KuiEEtl. Will E.C-Cor.gri 1922. t Are TV<? f.o Rein ted intolerance or racial or relig- here. • laxtel s.n-3 in turn speak Tor lh> ious prejudices to take hold. TTe • » * ' ear's Confimatlon class, LorJust couldn't live! But the con- I hope the time will cose wSen I trary 13 also true. If it is possible you will run out cf candidates for "Honest People an£ S::1 timer ,raine ^.^,Rosenberg, represectinsr the o 'will be in nes.1. for people of various racial an- the medal. I hope the time Trill talists" will be the sermon topic.' C j ^ 1 ' 6 1 tio class, w i " cestry and people following the come when it will seem strange of Rabbi David A. Goldstein at i speak for her group. dictates of: their conscience and to- award a medal to someone Beth El services this evening. Regular S a t u r d a y morning; Saturday morning services -will peope worshipping their God aswho has brought better underservices will begin at eleven he, •was revealed to them—Jew, standing between Jews and Chris-! start at 9 a. m. Tie Bar Mitzval o'clock. (New York's -fighting Mayor and this 23 absolutely true-r-an, ! of. Barton Greenberg, son of Sir. Catholic—living tians. Protestant Confirnaiios will be held Sun-; -»vas given a medal (the Amer- accident that happened overseas happily together as good neighMrs. J . J. Greenberg, Now, the great thing about xm-l day morning, Kay 16, Et !?:4E^ ican Hebrew's 1930 award! for vrhen some of ,us were there- to bors, as we do in New York City, derstandicg between individuals | take-place a t this time, and public is invitea to attend the: o'clock -at Temple Israel. promoting better Cbxistian- make the world safe for democ- then I. say that it is possible any is that it. is much easier to bring place in the world. acy.-That is'wheh I should have about •understanding' between na- services. Jevrish understanding) the.oth.Some, of us have had .the op- tions. That is something we are . Shabuoth services will be held ! often the Medal! We "were trainer night. His speech of acceptevening, starting at 7 p. "Yoiir.g Ken's MrlU" v"d be > ng in the heavier planes for portunity of observing how these vitally concerned with. The policy •! Saturday m ombing, and of course "we didn't hatreds are stimulated and kept of our government, aa I under-! ance, Trhich will not make gooa observed at the Taad late serv-. Sunday morning services beg-in j ! c e s tonight. Participants and reading for dictators, is here-' know so much about flight and alive. The distinguished chair- stand it, is in'maintaining world eronautics as w do now. This man, Mr,: Morgentbau, (Henry leadership for world peace. A at '9 a. rn. The confirmation ser- ; their subjects will "be: Leo Friefi, ; •svlth reproduced.—-Editor.) was twenty years ago. One young Morgenthau sr., former U. S: Am- great step in that direction was vice* will start at 9:SO p. a . A ] "A--Challenge to Jewish Toutt;" • :andidate was np for his endur- bassador to Turkey) served in recently "accomplished fcy Presi- class of sg will be confirmed. Mas Eesnicfc, "Interpretations of : On M o n d a y ' morning the [ Values for Jewish Youth;" Sale-: "When wo -were preparing to ance test, just before completing the diplomatic service of hisdent Koosevelt on his mission to - second day of. Snabuoth, tee i win Michnick, "The Trends of como here" this evening-^-and the his course, and he had a large, country in a part of --Europe Sonth "America. -will begin at 9 a. m. Tie Life." , : If we are able to establish thst ! Eservices Committee took pains to tell me tri-motor Caproni. He was alone where he could observe. I served ar —of course -in a much humbler ,n the plane, mating this final feeling between the nations of Mitzvah. of Justin Ross son am Schwartz "will conduct the not to come' in" -my working clothes—my little, boy asked me, est. Of course, he was being ob- capacity-—thirty-four years ago "Are you going out tonight, dad- served from the ground. All of a in the Consular service, in a secdy?" and I said, "yes." : He said, sudden, the plane dipped right tion of a country where the very_j down, and came up "againi in a strength of a dynasty was kept tions of Europe, but a condition j will be hosiesses Et a tea and "You don't usually so out on | cial after "the services. Sunday .nights," and I said, 'Wo, perfect leap. We were-most indig- alive owing to racial antagonism that they will have to take into ia b o u t 1 0 a - m 1 At the Saturday morning servbut they're givingme a Medal to- nant. A heavy plane had never and constant bickerings and opconsideration if there are any position. Imagine permitting any .plans for a "warbetween then'Tenpls I ices of Congregation B'ns.; Israt?!, Jjeen looped before. night." He said—"Why?": such policy to take hold in ourselves,- with the ultimate idea of The subject of David H. Jvics's • Eabbi Kiltcn Kopstein will speak As I sat here and listened to As'soon as he landed, the opgetting us into it. There is noth-! E e r n l 0 ' 1 t 5 l i s evening at Temple iOn the portion o> the week. the beautiful statements that, -were erations officer was waiting .for country! ing to be gained by a world war, P s r a e l vrm he . "The Growing! Schedule for Ssabuoth Servicer: firmly believe that the opmade, I couldn't help recalling— him. He didn't whether to of Coalirmstion." !*»._,.,_ c ..,. ^ ^ f miand that idea should be sent j *' or to repri-! presslon and persecution of give ,amedal fnday evening, there will be a ! S a y l 5 ^ ^ i ^ . m. give him mm ,a meaai or w «i,n-,i- , abroad. In the meantime, let us I leg services, Sunday and 1.1 mand him. He chme in, and they J norities in this age, anywhere in j ontinue to "at least endeavor to Wanted—Housekeeper .; & when he was Inducted into : Kay 16 and IT, £:S0 a. m. ICe-said, "What did you do? .What I the world, is absolutely unneces-' et a good example to the whole Good home for elderly lady to happenedT" "He said," "The plane Uary. It does not take a strong world, not onyconsidering our the order last year. Levin num-1 snorial service, llonday morninc,! dipped down and I pulled her government or care- for invalid man. Write g thelhered among his numerous sic-| May 17, lP:fO a. m. On the first! persecute a weat minority. Box G-l. ' - - . , . . up." "How dare you loop a plane of that size?" The candidate I am really indebted for the asked, "Did I loop?'1 generosity of the American; Hebrew, and the committee for this ment they have and want. "When I Chi, Phi Beta Kappa and many ' i -If I have accomplished *anyaward. I know • that. It is .really say that, i t should be an honest, others. ' invest safely. Wisely in , With the tapping of David; thing, it is just, to try to pull' out given to. the City of New Tork free expression of the people, from when • I saw things going down. because of the policy that I have their own judgment, and not at j Bernsteia, Sigaa Alpha Mu has Annuity. Endowment. Life I can assure you it was all in a attempted to describe, and the the end of a bayonet or a ma-j started a tradition which will conjtinue la the future, and which! v fine spirit of tolerance and neigh- chine gun. day's work. ' borliness that exists in our city. . I think yon will all believe this. Represents 21 Strong Compan. Thirty years ago, Immigrants thanfes If, I had deliberated, • perhaps I ies—Every Typo ot insuranca ana Bonds written. Call' AT- ' would not have said some of the•were coming In at the rats of say-—and I am -not very good a t 7657 or WA-S150. things that' I do say, and shall o.OOO a day. Many of the immi- making, a speech of this kind—is pus. continue to say, and what I have grants coming In a t that period that if yon show in© anywhere, iE£ Besides being t h e leading said I stand by. So any time I hold Important places in tho in- anytime, at any place, •whe-e any I kolaStic fraternity on the cam^ ' I pus, Sigma Alpha Mu has taken may say something, you know dustrial, commercial, artistic and weak individual or any minority an- active part in ail intramural political life of our country. That that it is mine, and that no one is -not getting a sQuare deal, I will fhe handball studied about it and considered s the complete answer to the Ta-promise you more action than you athletics. chanrpiocsfaip this year, £ive3 S. lal antagonisms we feel that essee tonight. The- only thing that A. M. their seventh "tro.phv in the •it.--- - - . : • '•• - • - . st ia Europe. ' ' • ' • ' I • fight. for—and the' only thing ten years 'of their existence on It is almost unbelievable, now, Twenty years ago, this country worth fighting for—is peace, and the Nebraska campus. In the A Division of .. • isn't it,. that we should have an iincerely believed that we were New York City, which is sup-j;~~ *"•"*•"=•"•" * ~ . ^ ^ . *« l i i c ©tandard occasion of this kind in the Tear, .Ighting a war against wars." Weposed to be a cold, indifferent jb o r B « * ° e tournament, Sigma A l t» Radiator Ci ^ anitary of Our- Lord 1937, that a. man ?ue chaiap!ia M u v o a t f c e i r aent two million American boys city, but which-.Is toe"most senti-*pionship and went to CORPORATION should be given a medal for doth© BemiESPECIALLY n?r» I overseas. -We went across to de-mental little village in the word. ing something that it -should not OLSON DHOQ. stroy despotic autocracy. Look at In one day, as one of-ta& speak- finals In the school tournament. be necessary to mention. Just I'lozilns Ccntraffiorc the-condition • In Europe today. ers mentioned this afternoon, .a In all the other intrcmurals Sisthink of it. Conditions are BO ma Alpha Mu has consistently 2512 l.eavenworUi A t . J23GO There is no reason why any .mi- monument is dedicated to "a Cathplaced high. Not stopping at inbad that if one resents, and pronority; should be subjected to in-olic "priest. (/Father Duffy), .bene- tramural athletics, S. A. M. asj tests, and seeks to bring about a dignities- or denied equal privil- diction offered .at. the. end of. the men actively engasred in varsity egea. of the countries of their ceremonies by a-Jewish rabbi, and b a s k e t b a l l , s w i m n i i E g ' , a n d b a s e birth. There is no reasoa why any people of all .racial ancestry and b a l l . . -• • - •• • ..•--.-•-. ; FREE New Premium Vfith. coupons from •h^rwjrr^iiTpifTrar-' hmairirtli5!Trss -shtniia--'Eot---be---cer- i i b More than 10 0 mothers, fa-j "partake k of f the~cefeinosthe~feinos A- grateful city erecting a tiers, relatives, and friends were j tain of justice in any country of. ies. A g J>undce Bath Towel 2Osi4O.Sis;e 2 0 Coupon* the "world in this enlightened age. monument. in the very ht heart of entertained by the Sigma Omicron 1 CLast coupons redeemable thia offer) ' My friends, there is no Ersatz for the active section of the city chapter of Si&iaa Alpha Mu atj Justice. Imagine what would hap- within his parish, within a fewits annual Mother's day program j which was held at the chapter i pen, in our country if the bigger years after his death. states sought to dominate the We resent any injustice, wheth- house last Sunday. A reading) rest of the country. "We went er home or across the seas, or was given by Sareva Bravermaa, 1 through a tragic and terrible pe- anywhere in .the world. TTe will and piano selections were offered j riod in our short history. Sat we continue to resent it. People of b y Bob Edeison. SJicrt talks Our Funeral Parlors Are Furnished in Home-Liko Faahion have learned our lesson. I have New York are naturally sympa- were given by Arnold Levin, Dave always felt that the Civil War inthetic. They naturally love jus- Bernstein, Arky Finklestfin, and "COURTEOUS—RELIABLE" ' this • country might have been tice. As long as I have anything Irving-'Eveitel who presided over avoided. We went through it for to Eay, whether at City Hall or the day's festivities. After the t four long years. That is some- whether In Congress, or whether p r o g r a m , refreshments were FUNERAL DIRECTORS thing which will never be repeat- on a soap-box, I shall continue to served, and the mothers and Farnam a t 33rd HA 1226 ed in -the United States. fight for the rights of the indi- guests - were Eioira ttrougb the noxise. I don't believe there Is any vidual and of minorities. iipp, Nortb Platte, body of men anywhere in»the selected by the Progressive fac-j woria with a better understanding FREE! An Expert Counoellor on Room Arrangement tion ES one of their candidates "cr; of ths rights of countries and of Staaent Couscil iseniber from j the necessity of giving way than David Bernstein, son of Sir. you will find in the American and Sirs. Jacob Bernstein cf Oma- the arts &scl science college. LSpp j Congress. I t was my privilege' to ha,, became the third member of has been taking active ps.rt in j politics, and is serving as serve In the House of "Represen- Sigma Alpha Mu-to be tapped in"FAMOUS FOR FI1W FURUITURE" danacer for the protatives for fourteen yeara, and the to ths Innocent society when spirit of understanding—though j v u *•"" *"">"-^-»-~w^^ »,„.„ c e gresslve faction. Lipp is also ac- I Use Our Easy Payment Plan—Farnam a t 22nd vss 1 the membership represents d i v e r - iin tapped as of the thirteea seventh man the group" last tive in ether campus affairs being j sified Interests "and sections of our week. Being tapped Innocent, is news editor cf the Daily Nebras-j country, and are. concerned and the highest honor that can be ac- kan, member of Cora Cob, chairinterested-in entirely different as- corded a Junior on.the Nebraska nai2.n of -the Corn Cob. spring fiance pects of our economic life, and campus for participation in activi- fraternity. we find there men divided on phil- ties. Bernstein nuxabers asaong i Arky Finkelsteis, Lincoln, was j : WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS osophies of -life, and economic his many university activities, ss- asked to join Delta Si&raa Kho, s ° SchroFft'o Chocolates Muriel, Cuesto. Key problems and' theories of govern- sistant business manager of the honorary forensic fraternity. Fia° Canada Dry Ginger Ale and Harvester Cijrara ment-T-that spirit of understand- Cornhusker, student council mem- kelstein is a former varsity de° Falotaff Boer ing prevailo so that.they are able ber, co-chairman of the junior- bater, and. is well-known for his! • 315 So. 13th Street AT 4292 to legislate intelligently; and con- senior prom committee, captain of forensic ability. sidering the nation as a "whole. Pershing rifles, head cheerleader, Scabbard, and Blade and Com Cob. AT GLASGOW TAILOES Irving Hill, -Lincoln, became the first. S. A. M. and also t i e Julius Schreiber is manager of first Jewish, boy in'the history of the Glasgow Tailors, which has Nebraska campus to be tapped Inbeen at the present location of nocent when he was tapped in 1522_Harhey-stre"et'f6r five years. 1925. '-'.'Besides ' "being a s "In'no-J Th? company has been in the- tail- cent, Hill 'was the first Jewish oring business for. 2S years. student council president, in the Mr. Schreiber was a merchant history of tae school. .Hill also In Minenapolis, Minn., before tak- was a .member'of Phi Beta Kaping, over •'the management ot the pa, honorary scholastic society. Glasgow...Tailors.: Hs states, that , Following Hill, • came Arnold he will continue the same prices Levin, Hccalie, Ihe second fflemin current Buittngs, tailored to ber of Sigma Alpha Hu to be tspmeasure, subject to ^withdrawal after June 1. He announces a complete lir.e of spring patterns; the alteration department is completely equipped. Mr. Schreibpr invitea his friends and old patrons to visit the ctorc. '

be i Tef u, On:appc at •• and

n ' o f r.U'-

By Fiorello H. LaGnardia •


sax against union sctivi- . iesses she -yas afraid to -





contrast in dress as ob[oreground not only wears against injection of the jtground are wearing the


'Bottled hy 'Graham's

(Red) Ruffing, last of 4he faUy signed with the New' r tt* season. Here the star^McCarthy, as Ruffingr wr e fae game with Detroit — pchigan city. •









Sigma Alpha Mu •

"Twice as Large" "Tx^ice as Good"" .





pridew of Lloyd Clouse. a asserted she was "warned : subcommittee irt'Wash-







Pago 8

Numerous affairs are being given in her honor during h e r visit.

A. I. A.

BOARD'TO EOTERTAIU AUXILIARY "TUESDAY The board members, will be hostesses to Ladles Auxiliary''.of Sleeting to Be Sponsored bj Shaare ZIon synagogue, a t ' a luncheon next Tuesday at one B'nai B'rith and Inter o'clock In the social hall of the Club Council synagogue; A brief business meeting, at which Mrs. Joe KutPierre Van iPaassen,' journalis cher will preside, will follow the and lecturer, will speak in Sioux luncheon. City, Monday evening, May 17, in Mra. J. -M. JCrigsten will preside the Jewish Community Center, at the program. The invocation The meeting, -which will begin a will be given by Mrs. L. J. Kap8:30 o'clock, is sponsored by th< lan, and Mrs. M. B. Hersoff will J ' B'nai B'rith chapter and th bs heard in a group of songs, ac!lub Council.. companied at the piano by Pierce .\.a .Paassen went to Europe Wall. Mrs. Ruth Kress, an inas a feature writer and column- structor at Mornlngslde College, ist for the Evening World, and wilt present several readings, and is a well-known, figure in the a play, "Mr. Kiley," will be given ghettos of Europe. He won theby the Young judean club, under hearts of the Jewish people of the the direction of Miss Sophie world with his courageous stand Franklin. Gloria. Novitsky, Anagainst governmental' indiffer- nabell Satin, Ruth Kutcher and ence and intrigue in Palestine Thelma Shindler will take part in during the riots of 1929. Ev- the play. • jery Zionist in America read his -This meeting and luncheon will stirring account of the heroism close- the season for the Auxiliary. of the Yishuv at that time in the Election for the board members New Palestine., In February and will be a feature of the business March of 1933, Pierre Van Paas- session, /• -

The largest number of people ever to attend an. A. Z. A. affair in SIous City, witnessed the conibined Bar Mitsvah and Parent's Day celebration In tho Jewish Community Center last Sunday afternoon. Edwin W. Baron, local attorney, spoke on the growth and. work .of A. 2. A. • The First Annual Sweetheart Dance to be sponsored by the A. Z. A. on May 30, will be held in the. Egyptian Room of the Oasis. Chapters from"Des Moines, Council Bluffa, Omaha,, Lincoln, and Minneapolis, have been invited to attend. . -The , chapter . entertained at a weiner: roast Wednesday evening, and Jack Merlin was named delegate to the National A. Z. A. convention at Napanock, N. Y., In July. Joe Maron was named alternate. • '.•'. •


ay- 17 at 7:E0 vail as a PeoT>Ie must be strong!

be Imvr;

a, the home of

Arnold ! and constant "and r^ilaE? of it- i It may be, m yon smoke conceal91 If Xt m u s t b e " erfe^bled' or fcro-1 ed. cbx are tirged to attend. now ken at n o moment r-r K-lf-d-prec-1 Terr

Amon™ students frcm the Abraham Lincs'-n High School who j a tion o r seif-hatrefi, by outer! 1 spent tha past vrcek end la Iovra possess the City where they participated in "•'• the Iowa State Music Festival nest _Thursday evening, ,j esce by the druEkccness of new were Libbie Grossman, Lorraine May 20 at 8:30 o'clock at RECEPTIONS . ' • . the : Essimil&torj- experiments, like • For v lie ibi? tired waves, vain= Meyerson, Leona Fried, Mildred Eagle HalL ly breaking. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grossman i that In Russia, or zy the proper ; jBalaban, F l i r e n c e Meyersoa, Seem h""c no p-fnful inch to gain and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bubb will Jane Hoffman, Irving Cohen, MilL d g e No entertain at a joint Reception at I fof S T ^ ° " i «°en°e^en"a o°t£*\ljZ ' Far fare.!-:, Uirmigh crpeks and in688 of the Baaz B'rith will held ' situation in the free End 7s«n the Grossman home at 210 West j ton Katelmaar'and George Brown 68 Washington Avenue on Sunday, The A. L. H. S. Orchestra and its annual MmoH.l Service, COIT.P? piler. JiooiJirig in, the Band won a "Superior" rating in

May 16, from 2:30 o'clock until five o'clock in the afternoon, and from seven until ten * o'clocli in the evening, in honor of Miss Betty : Grossman and Miss Edith Bubb, who will' be confirmed Sunday inorning from the Beth El Synagogue in Omaha. No invitations are being issued. '

the state music contest. Mrs. B. Saltziaan returned home Sunday following, a week's vsiit In Manning, Iowa where she was the house guest of her sonin-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Keith Peltz. ,


ir Miss Edith London of HollyMr. and Mrs. Leo R. Krasne oiir favor. \Te are Incurring" nc > uk will entertain at a Reception at wood, California arrived here last f ' because we are using using- no no their new home at 504 Forest Thursday from Chicago where Tv'arsaw (WNS) — Official | force, "bark come; she spent the past month visiting Drive, from three until seven ; > o'clock on Sunday afternoon, May relatives. Miss London will spend a decline ia JeirisJi emigration ! frill of a living people will, like ^ g]L 16, in honor of thler daughter, several weeks here visiting at the during the last 5 years, the fig- '< the tide in the memorable verses ti*'; Miss Arlene Krasne, who will be home of her parents, Mr. and ures being 8 0,0 00 "from 19 31 to ! of the British poet, sweep confirmed Sunday morning from Mrs. . Louis London, before re- 1936 as compared -with. 92,000 j ^ hopes vere dupes, ' rson:rusr i *-• the Beth El Synagogue at the turning to Hollywood. Numerous Irora 1926 to 1931 and ISO, /! 000 . iff: Jewish Community Center. No in- affairs are being given in honor from 1S21 to 1S26. FRADENBURG, WEBB, EEEER, iS of Misa London. vitation are being issued. KLUTZNiCK & KELLEY i &<

Services at Tiphereth' .Israel synagogue will begin this evening at-.7:30.' o'clock with Rabbi S. Bolotnikov officiating. Tomorrow morning, services will begin at 9 o'clock. £00 Union State Eank Bids. \'± Shabuoth services will begin at (Continued from psge Miss Lorraine Meyerson, senMr. and Mrs. Ben Gershiin will NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF I T Tiphereth Israel Saturday eve- entertain at a Reception at their ior at the Abraham Lincoln High CUT KATE LIQUOR STORE I. • ning at 8 o'clock. Services Sun- home at 427 Fdreat Drive for all School, has the leading feminine coordination. „ . y given jpvpn that the im- | ••••: . , _ , _ ; Notice is hereby ... . Tvas He d r u n k ? ; dersigned have formed a corporstior day morning will begin at 9 their relatives and friends on role In the Senior Class Play Then his moral unhappiness made j under the laws or the State of NrbraThe name" of this corpora turn o'clock and Sunday evening at 8. Sunday afternoon. May 16, from "The Torch Bearers" which will him seek t h e release of drunken- ... -.*.... *-.<^iior Store" The memorial .service on Monday o'clock until be presented at the Broadway ness and it vr&s still his moral . ; -with itso »..u^.,,,n Drincipal y.^i-e place oi of Dusmess businesp at a.t six o'clock in honor ] Olnalia morning will be held at 10:30 Theatre nest Thursday, May 20 COUdftion that caused t h e 6O-call' Nebraska. The peneral nasen visited Germany and was aroftheir daughter, Mis3 Shirley o'clock. .•'••.'.' lure the Miss Meyerson is the daughter of rested by the Nazis on the' sus&A '^o f ' °^ business to be transacted Gershun, who will be confirmed . Sunday afternoon'. at 4 o'clock, that morning from the Beth El Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson. picion of having aided several JUMIOR COMGEEGATIOM eu acciaeut. ; a n , j t i , eO bjert and purpose for ivhicli Rabbi Bolotnikov -will speak on Synagogue in Omaha. No cards Jews to have escaped from the The thing for t h e Jewish peo- 1 t h is corporation is org-anized is to buy. ELECTS OFFICERS "Shabuoth as a Holiday of Torah are Hitlerite' house of bondage' and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seldin enterPie to guard against like fire or j £» %££^?s&jX?£e °'' ^ being issued. : and Harvest." for spreading so-called "Greuel" tained twenty-five guests at a poison in tJiese crucial rears and ! and and all other kindsann makeany and /or rectify liquors s t 0 tliFtil: niaiu: David Kuntz "was elected presiRabbi and Mrs. Bolotnikov SHEVOTTTH SERVICES propaganda' in : France and the family dinner party at their home decades is accidents and drunk-i l™ff! L_™ ' hold, erages; (c) to acquire, di United States. , Every newspaper dent of the Junior Congregation have moved to 207 Fourteenth Shevouth Holidays will begin at at 611 Oakland Drive Sunday enness. The will to live and pre- lease, pledtre and /or encumber and personal property, and (&) SAMUEl. ZACHARIA and do .using Mr. Van Paassen's articles of Shaare Zlon at their annual street,, phone 82987. any and all thinss necessarj- or onsundown Saturday evening. May evening in honor of Miss Rose SALEWIN MICHNiCK, Attys in America has been barred from election this week. He succeeds Branson and Ben Jacobsen, both venient to the accomplishment < the 7Z3 insurance Building ' 15, with appropriate services to purposes herein set forth. The authentry into Germany on the ground Harry Nadler. of Kansas City, Missouri whose N Tl orized capita! stock of the corporation be held at 7:30 o'clock at the NCCRPOfiA R e s i g n s P o s t :'• ° rn^BZJ ^IOH OF Annabell Satin was named vicethat "Van Paassen is a Dutch engagement was formally anshall he $10,000.00 end all said stock Chevra B'nai.-Yisroel synagogue COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT shall be common and of the par value Jew, who uses a false name." president;- H a r o I d Lebowitz, CORPORATION Mrs. Dave Wigodsky, superin- at 618 Mynster • Street. On Sun-nounced Sunday. of SiPO.OO per share and shall be fuiNotice 5s hereby given that the tin- -ly caid «and In addition to crossing and re-treasurer, and Isadore Shindler, tendent of the Federation of Jew- day. May 16, the morning, sert h e S f a ^ ^ T H 3 I c o r P o r a * ^ n i-'nder corporation ~s'hall' _ . Mrs. M. Bernstein entertained The crossing Germany since-the Hit- secretary. Other retiring officers ish Social Service, has. tendered vices will commence at S:30 l ^ e - iSf S t a t e o f Nebraska, business unon filing r icles -\VJ* ler regime came into power, are Rachael Ginsberg, Seymour her resignation to the Board of o'clock and the evening services the members of her Afternoon 5 S ^ ? r a ™ °{ «i£,corporation shall be the County Clerk of 1 oupl s Couiv ERCI L Robinson • and Edwin Sherman. T°rX>^ DISCOUNT CORPOE- Nebraska, and shpll Pierre Van Paassen visited the Directors of the Federation. She at seven o'clock. On Monday Club at a luncheon at her home ATIOX. "and .s principal place of period of fifty years Soviet Union several times for a will join her husband in Norfolk, morning, May 17, services will at 210 Park Avenue Wednesday transscting- business shall be in the The highest pmount cf Citj" of Omaha, Doug-las County, Ne- shall not exceed two-thircl study of Jewish conditions. He Conference of Human Nebr., where he has entered "busi- begin ;at 8:30 o'clock. The Mem-afternoon. its capbraska. The general nature of the Stal stock, but this rest.was with the Ethiopian forces in ness.' orial services, "Yiscor" will be business shall be to bur, sell, dis- not include indebtedness secured by Relations . , the resistance against Italy -and The Council Bluffs A. Z. A. count, snd otherwise deal in notes, mortsaps or liens. The affairs of the Mrs. Wigodsky has filled the held at- 9:30 o'clock Monday sha.II be jnanacf p has just arrived " from Spain Chapter No. 7 will meet nest mortgages. conditional sales con- corporation position of superintendent for the morning at the synagogue. Director!? tracts, accounts receivable, securities. Board Tho two-day- institute- of hu- past three years. Her successor where he went at the' outbreak ; KAZLOWSKY & C CARNAZZO, AUys. choses In action, stocks, bonds, or man relations held this week In has not yet been named. of the Civil War. Insurance The Council Bluffs Senior HaInsurance Bids he Martin hotel, and sponsored The meeting Monday - evening dassah will hold an important NOTICE BY PUSLICATrON ON y Jews, Catholics-, and'Proteswill be open to the public. meeting next Wednesday afterPETITION' OF FINAL ADMINants of Sioux City, Interested a kindsand descriptions; to sell, ¥rokISTRATiON ACCOUNT noon, May 19, promptly at two arge number^ of" "people and In the County Court of Dong-las o'clock at the home of Mrs. Louis County, Nebraska. O r i o n F u n e r a l .... Tougiit three ^outstanding leadLondon, 201 North First Street. In the iratter of the Kstafe Of Abe ra and speakers to Sioux City. Mrs. Emil Rosenstock of Kan- Election of officers for the coin- Cohen, l>eceased: :: . Rabbi' Felix''Levy of;' Temple sas. City,.Mo., is visiting this week All persons interested in said mat- »E*a>I.,, ^l O " " tijiii^.s inuufutii ur ueees- • a r .y recrular or special ^meeting- of the ing term will take place, and also ter are. hereby notified that on the T } % c P ? r a J o a 2,f a general in- stockholders liv two-thirds voce of die Emanuel in Chicago,. Reverend in the home .of Mr. and Mrs. Max election of delegates to the South11th day" of Hay, 1937, Rose G. Testrnent business. The authorized o-tptandin" sto-k Funeral services for" Emannel Robert A. Walsh of 'the Catholic Rosenstock. : . , : _ _ . . . - -... . .• western : . Regional, Convention Cohen filed a petition in. saJd County Kie"api«?n r ? ° S °i^ ^ c o rinto p o r a 100 t i o n shares Eha.Il " J X vriTXESS iHlEEEOF. the parOrkin, a former Sioux Cltyan, Dowling college In' De3 Moines; $10,000.00, divided Court, praying that her final admin- each, ties have hereunto P an of which stock shall be com- tands this 16th day of which will be held in St. .Louis were held here'last Monday afteristration account filed herein be setand Dr.. James M. Yard; of Chistock, snd when issued phal! be end that she be mon - MARGIE C soon with-Rabbi H.k R. Kabino- cago, led. the discussions at the . .-.Mra,..; Ellia Bottigheimer and on May; 26. AH paid-up members tled and, allowed, nx fully Paid for in cash, services or from her trust as admin- property ROBERT r i . and be nonassessable. The witz officiating. Pallbearers were meetings. " ' . . ' • • . " ' ' ' . " •-" chlldrea. of New.- .York - City, ^ are will have the honor of signing discharged istratrix and that a hearingwill, bs In the presence of: guests;in the;iDme.,of.her p parents, their names to the 'Scroll', which had on sai<J petition before said lime of contTnencement of th® corSA3.I BEEES. Hyman-Fishgall. Joseph L. Leporation shall be oa the ttiing of a Rabbi H. B . Rablnowltz pre- M a h d M B l Court on the 5th <3ay of June, 1S37, copy will later he sent to Palestine. and vitt, R. H. Emlein, C. M, White, ided a t ' ttie"'" meeting Monday Mr».ahd Ben:Schulein. f its Articles of Incorporation that if you fail to appear before with O Co-.:nty Cierk cf Douglas Pictures o£, the last convention said Court on the said 5th <3ay of Cou"tj%theNebraska, Lipman Weinberg and H. Levlne. fternoon, and both'he and:JKabbI its termina1937. at 9 o'clock A. 31., and tion shall be fifty a.ncl Mr. Orkin, for 20 years oper- iewls spoke at the meeting Tues- ,. Miss,Jean Montrose is visiting held at Wichita wll}: be shown. A June, rears thereafter. contest said petition, the Court may With.. friends and relatives in s reading will be given by Abe grant the prayer of said petition, en- The highest amount of indebtedness ator of women's specialty shops ay.evening, which concluded tfie to which the corporation shall at anyMinneapolis. . . . Saltzman, and a piano solo will ter a decree of helrship, and make time in Sioux City, died Friday night conference.''" "u ]:' " . subject it?e!f shall not exceed such Other and further orders, allow- a-Ti sjrjount bo given by Miss Florence Steinto 2/3 of its capital In Lincoln, Nebr..while visiting ances and decrees, as to this Court stock. Theeq'«al business- affairs of this Mr. H. Levin, 2201 Jackson The Institute'was sponsored by berg. Mrs. Ben Ktibby and Mrs.may seem proper, to the end that corporation shall in the home of his sister, Mrs. be conducted by a h© various" organizations -'-of street,- departed = this week for a Harry-.Cherniss-.are co-chairman all matters pertaining- to said estate board of not less than two nor tnore F a n n i e Wasserman. • • may be finally settled and <Jeter- than five directors, -*vho shall eiect a stay at Excelsior Springs. loux 'City. with thd; Jewish, Incharge-of this meeting, , and t I!r. 6rkfn. had been suffering tnlnei President, Secretary and Treasurer. they are being assisted ;. by the BRTCE CRAWFORD, wit"' a Heart" ailment for several >rotestant and Catholic'clergy; SALEWIX MICHXICK County Judge. 5-H-37-2t Dr. Lewis J. Dimsdale returned Mesdames Isaac Sternhill, Abe S^UIUEb ZACHARIA yc •. c-d was on his way to to Sioux City Sunday night from Bear, Ben Gershun, Max Cohn, A B ^ H A M S & O'CONNOR, Attys Cr r ia for a rest when he suf400 Erandeis Theatre — • Chicago, where he has been tak- and • George Roffman. Following fe: .1 the fatal attack.. He was SUSSS^^ Confirmation s e r v i c e s at ing post graduate work in- the the meeting a social hour will NOTICE OF PROBATE OF V,'rt.'i_: 56 : cars old. , f •' Shaare Zion synagogue will *be Cook County hospital and Northtake, place and refreshments will In the County Court of Eouglas Mr. Orkin was born in LithuCounty, Nebraska. •StdL ania ?nd came to • the United eld this evening, at 8 o'clock, western University. Ho has been be served. All members are urg- In the matter of. the estate of Samuel Belzer, deceased. States at the age of 14. In addi- when eleven'. children who are studying hay fever and" allergic ed to attend. • AH persons interested in said estate ' tion to his sister, Mrs. Wasser- members of the class will par- conditions. hereby notified that a petition has The . annual "Mothers and are icipate in the service and receive filed in said Court, praying- for man, he is survived by two Daughters" Tea will be held on been heir confirmation. certificates, the probate of a certain instrument brothers, Joseph of Grand Island, Sunday afternoon, May 23, at now on file In said Court, purportinghe class includes Anita DaskovKebr.i and Julius of New York, be the last will and testament of 2:30 o'clock at the Chevra B'nai to said deceased, and that a hearing -will and two half brothers, Max of iky, Rachael Ginsberg, Anna GorYisroel synagogue at 618 Myn-be had on said petition before Kaid on,. Harry Nadler, Annabell Fulterton, Calif., and Philip of Court on the said 29th day of May, ster Street,. sponsored by tho Sis-1937, latin, Loreen Bailin, Sylene Skaand that if they fail to apnear at Los Angeles. By ROBERT STONE ' terhood of the Talmud Torah and ovsky, Sherman Sperling, Thel- NORTH AMERICA said Court on the said 23th day of May, 1937 at 9 o'clock a. rn,. to conShindler, Rosalie Kaplan, Ed- AMERICAN NEGRO FINDS A the Senior Hadassah. All moth- test the of said will, the Court ers and daughters are cordially may allowprobate AT ONE win Sherman. Annabel! Satin is LOT and probate said will and OF G E R M A N JEWS invited to attend. A very appro- grant administration of said estate to resident of the class,, and Mis3 DONOR'S LUNCHEON Dorothy Gelson, teacher of the WORSE THAN THAT OF NE- priate and- entertaining program Oscar C. Goldner or some other suitfj FKJVATE Fl"K?S tVSX able person, enter a decree of heirGROES IN SOUTH . . . which Is ia being arranged by the members ship, -and proceed to One hundred -women attended :lass. a setlement . Just what Hitler wants. the Senior Hadassah Donor's of the committee in charge of this. thereof. • Cantor A. Pliskin^and the syni TTe have eZenU who Bre resfi. BRTCE CRAWFORD NAZI BUILDING GERMAN- affair. luncheon, Tuesday afternoon in .gogue choir will chant the serv; t o Brake loans on Oiwaha pnsp- m County Judge Ifrty la Efflocnt! ranginz fronsH the Jewish Community Center, ce and sing several'special con- AMERICAN ARYAN REAL ES5-7-37-3t igi.oss t » >ie,oo«. . _•_ || Mrs. Herman. Krasne was hosand heard Mrs. Harry Rosenthal irmation numbers. The Invoca- TATE DEVELOPMENT NEAR tess to the members of her AfterI^ow interest u a term of St. Paul, Minn;! speak on the ion will be given by Anita Das- CAMP YAPHANK . . . "No Jews noon Bridge Club at a luncheon ! •work . of Hadassah in Palestine. ovsky and the class pledge by Wanted" is an old story in rural at the Hotel Chieftain last Wed- I . CLEAN LINEN ij Always Attracts Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis was lachael Ginsberg. Addresses on real estate developments. nesday afternoon. May 5. Additoastmlstress and Mrs. A. H. eroes In Jewish history will be UNIVERSITY OF NEWARK tional guests were Mrs. Philip \ OMAHA TOWEL Baron gave the invocation. . SUPPLY ;iven by various members of the TO TEACH INTER-RELIGIOUS Krasne .of Los Angeles, and Mrs. i Ciasha ; A tableau, "Women in Israel" ilass. Rabbi Rablnowits will GOOD WILL . This sort -of Harry Ferer of Omaha. ! ' Youra Since 1S7S §1 was presented by Mrs. M. "Weis- ive the benediction and the dip-teaching shoald start in the kinICE 2S2S ' Mrs. Nathan Venhoff of Chi- ; fcerg, Mrs. M. A. Welner, Robert omas will be presented to the dergartens. cago, Illinois ia visiting at the JWelnerv Jean Rae Agranoff, Mrs. lass by Mrs. J. Kutcher. A reAbe Agranoff, Mrs. Frank Mar- eption for the confirmants will -VIENNA COURT GIVES AR- home of her brother-in-law and golin, Mrs. M. Grueskin, Mrs. R. e held in the social hall follow- YAN DIVORCE FROM JEWESS sister, Ilr.^and Ifrs. Ben Seldin. Miller, Mrs. Philip Sherman, Mrs. ing the service. The pulpit-will ON RACIAL GROUNDS . . . We Morey Lipshutz, Mrs. Louise Kap- ©decorated with floral offerings. imagine the lady's better off Pay for cleaning next faSi lan, Mrs.- Joe Levin, Mrs. H. S. The final:Junior Congregation without that kind of spouse. when garments are dEiivFOR Novitsky and Miss Helen Guttle- ervice of the year will be held ered. NAZI COUPLE WOULD DROP Tfcs fall deiiclcrcomorrow morning. Mr. and Mr3.ADOPTED SON BECAUSE HE . , Mrs. "W. C. Slotsky, president Jscar Gordon will be hosts to the HAS JEWISH CHARACTERISFurs and all winter eppsret aess of the cioiccei safe in our Cold Storage At the chapter welcomed the ihlldren In honor^of the Bar Mltz- TICS . . . . . Maybe they're afraid '•°-Sweet-.Butter Vaults. guests. Mrs. Abe Pill. and Mrs. vah of their son, Harold, at the he'll be another Moses. Safe from Fire, T h s f i a n a '"• .".' ® . D a t e d Mills •" • Sam Greenstone were co-chair- ;ervic6 that morning, . e SEPHARDIC JEWS OF BALMoths. Sour Crcasa men of the luncheon, with Mrs. KANS , INVITED TO MARK Shabuoth services will begin Sam Shulkin, Mrs. E. Rubinstein, and many ' other products SOOTH BIRTHDAY OF ABARand Mrs. J. Lehman in charge .of omorrow night j at 7:45 o'clock, BANEL . «.. A reminder of the -•Ask-Your'Grocer OP Call ,nd will cpntinpe with a service the dining "room and menu. .t 8:30 o'clock Sunday morning, glory that was theirs In the Iber:45 Sunday evening and 8:30 onian Peninsula long ago. ilonday morning1. Rabbi Rabinb- ARREST O F HUNGARIAN HA zzze Rabbi Theodore N, Lewis will Witz will speak on "Our Moral NAZI LEADER REVEALS HE'S apeak thia evening on "Palestine "uppoft" and "Appealing to JEW . . .Items like this make us r-A Sane Attitude." The serv- Honor." The memorial service wonder how Jews can be lilta will be held Monday morning at ice will i>eg}n at ,8 o'clock.., ./: PALESTINE •' • . . .. • . : Confirmation services will- be he synagogue. BRITISH M. P . BARRED held at the Temple, Stinday mornFROM RADIO WHEN HE TRIES ing, May 16, a t . l 6 o'clbck. The 'Jonior' Hadassah" PRAISING JEWS . ' . . . B u t they ot c3 following-children will be conRabbi Theodore N. Lewis spoke wouldn't mind his praising the firmed:. Morton Harrison, Har- .t the meeting of the Junior Ha- Arabs. . : ..' '..-.... Covrtvactis old Grueskin, Marjorie' Weinberg. la'ssati.Wednesday evening in tho REPORT HEBREW TO BE Lois Novitsky, 3eymonr Robinson, fewish-.* Community Center. His TAUGHT IN ARAB SCHOOLS . ., Sidney Goldberg, Milton Mazie, ubject dealt with aspects" of This would destroy an ImporMilton Rosenblum, Lynn Arkin, Zionism. tant- pillar of anti-Jewish feeling William Prusiner, Herman BarPlans were made at the meet- among the Arabs. ish and Arthur Miller. ing for the Give or Get party, and ' A reception for the confirmants 'or a summer dance, to bo held (Coypright 1937 By- Seven Arts will bo held in the Temple Annex une 22. Feature Syndicate.) Sunday evening from 7 until 10 o'clock. Patronize Our Advertisers : • Patronize Our Advertisers :

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