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" -T2il3'colunin Is copyright by the Gavj-ii -^rtD tfeaturo Syndicate. Heproduction in wholo.or la pan etTi'ctl? forbidden. Any infringement on thi'o'copyrisbi will fcs procscatcsi." -- -
in, the
- Entered as Koco-d O^:a Wall- Matter OTI January 21. 1SZL at P f l uf O m l a . Nebraska, pnder tf.a Act at !,'.-rrh s. 1E?S
0:iAHA 5 l
FSIDAT, MAY £1, 1S37
I f *
1937 By Seven Art3 jiture Syndicate)
%5; W - fi's *r, t...;' -i* ^
" POLAND AND THE WORLD . The- official proclamation of the ;f 'T'EZI new government party- in Poland, the Camp of National Unity, rept n - i ^ f-1I T * I! tikt.K resents the very nadr of 'barbariSismcS-I i d le acer, ism in that rapid deterioration of trUI be in 0 next. TTECfe Frihuman, civilisation which day, Satires 1 Sun- r ^ * i f<™9~ gqne on -sincS; the* "war; ."'The' Jews Dcok To IIol)ilis3 Jcv7i3h OpinI O-oven • T he local "•^Iii r re ,3dEE are; too numerous.: The; solution1 i3 , , , :'-ion in;Campaign . •%ic*-' |,,s^f |fe,JL <S«» \. S=h stirg Th&t Etdzsd SD,O0D plan s for & ve Ks lite E aturemigration.'" That ii3 vhrutal ' d a y evenlnS, May £9 a n d xnass ecscisiealiy enough..'?. What,-follows, however, •.';_••,•.•'• H e r s - . S d rsee ting and free ccscc rt EL I; fi£.T brealts both the' expressed 'and A t"*?™ * 1 All local Zionist groups are ralw (WNS) — TThilg the afte moon tit E p S, Tis CO ncert -tacit agreements of human, socie^»feo^ %aJ' Ai!.**, **.**. *fci&. W^.i(>-M>j&>. i of Brzesc, scene of nearly will be give a by the Il a r ore 2 T Si, ty and'plunges "it back into the lying afound the national Shekel 1 two days cf violent anti-Jewish t h e B'E&i IE rael Z '!.* £ ^ fif:;gr jungle. "We cannot, wait until t h e roll. call, •• forgetting _. Zionist party j disturbances, pleaded for a ret i.: I I iTl. I 'I •problem solves itBelf by-theVdis- differences in their intense desire LJ to' register- every -possible .indivstoration of peace and ] appearance pf the Jews, for : • ; .: | In a proclamation posted i .must without:'delay find «mploy- idual. This coming Sunday is •JW%*JU, ' ^.J .K | oat the city, the ministry of the i inent f o r tne Polish population, in i interior dispatched a, special com- ] trade,. industry and the handi- as .National Shekel Day, and a I mission of inquiry to Brzesc to crafts.'.'.In a "word, war is declar- house-to-house campaign" will" be The Je-sris the. v i n a k e an investigation of the otited by :&: state against - three mil- made in Omaha to put a s many I f cai high, EC the eoe'sU names a3 possible onthe shekel ! break and to fix responsibility lions- of its nationals, a "war of ex: roll call. The aim of the national j for it. The mayor's appeal extermination. ; • /, •: •'• "he Jew, j pressed regret that 'certain ccn• This desperate situatonv : illus- Zionist organization is to register : a minimum of' half "a million ja I soienceless circles took control cf Professor Bsros cf Col trates a good -many things. First i the town" and aided "1 lz.il to law is. useless, agreements' are this country.. . . . . Terras Baoliss as Ocx; • Betty Eosen IJorris Eirslienbaim '•understand why anybody should .•useless, treaties .are- useless un- Morris Minkin, chairman of the | are co-operating- in t £$??, No, -want to punish so many innocent less men consent to them from Omaha Shekel committee, urges • Chosen-to represent Jewisli Mgh school graduates at seri erent, vkieh SE xm.6; •within when.the Polish Republic.] Omaha Jewry" to -respond gener- vice and reception this evening'. people. The events o: : Kay 13 th I ship cf the Social SErri New Tort (JTA) — '•was-set. up;.in-1919 the treaty ously to- the committee's plea j brought shame upon the good j tee cf the J, C. C, z:. Jevrry is faced vritfe a crj S u n d a y . '•:'; . '•'< - makers "thought they had done j name of cur city." \ Fedsretion E.Ed ilie paralleled IE its history si: TEL-AVIV CROWD BUMS their duty by giving the^national The shekel costs fifty cents and j Although the funeral of M. First Esile if its decline i: minorities', in eluding: ths jews,: all entitles the holder to vote 'SWASTIKA HOISTED " . I Kedziora, the . Polish police offinecessary rights within the xiew delegates for ;the-world Zionist1 rhprh^nir, "hr-.-rp "hPF-r, cial whose fatal stabbing by a | ? " " *J:;V"«™... state. : But from the beginning congress. The buying of a sheWER BANK Je-wish butcher precipitated a po- + . the dominant Poles • trod under kel also attaches > the purchaser's g r o a , passed -without a renewal Tsis is cue of the COSCIUEIOEE • foot the minority rights embod- signature to a memorandum urg•, Tel Aviv (JTA)' — Raising of | of violence, the situation . in. of ProL Salo TT. E£,ron, Frofes- \ ied" in the .treaties a n d not, only ing Great Britain to keep its proa swastika flag over the German ' Brezesc is still tense and critical sor cf Jer-isti Histrrr £t Cclcic- i those-ol the Jews but those of- the mise to Israel., andl: not .infringe with almost all cf the city's SO,-1 bis University, in "A SOCIEI r»nd j Templar Bank last week precipiother large minorities as welL further on Jewish rights in the Ex-P r i;m e . Hinister • Coimsds "fated a disturbance that necefsi- 000 Jetrs not darias to venture; Religions Eistciy vi tfes i'fTE"! For it must ~not be forgotten that homeland.— ._ . .. .x^ -into "'the street. The barricaded! published ic. three voH'meE vv, j this new Polish Republic wa3 and - Zionist" leaders point out that House of Deputies to End tated police action to eafl. houses and rained stores s.nd | May 19 fcy the Ccluinbia TTniver-i v is "'a- state of many nationalities. it is especially imperative that t!j.E CVOT: - r' "'-''-. *-. Anti-Semitism A large crowd, stung to Tnry a t ; shops cavs silenced .all eommer- sity Press. ! Frederick Co^ IF IF "W( f Of Its roughly thirty millions of all Jewry back the shekel roll call the -unexpected sight of the Nazi | clal activity. Yirtcally all of tee raac, "«The Jewish people "hEis be-1 Tpcatioi?.. Rug inhabitants only — again rough- at this particular time, because (JTA> . — Gbvern- tanner unfurled-in ths Sean of | Jews were reined by the looting come increasiaely old in t i e bio- | ly.——.-sixteen to seventeen mil- the British commission is at pre- Budapest fiestraction of their shops, logics.1 sense,"., ha says. TCLiie ii Goldstein v i ' I Hona are-Poles. : Stories : were a u - sent studying .the-future course to ment - supporters weighed: this the all-Jewish city, rushed .hauled d o r a t i e . Hag, j The damage is dated at f 500- once led. the rcrM In r.utrsricr.1; lion. Cantor thentically told me as early as pursue'in, regard- to'" Jewish and •week a -B-arning 61 ex-Prime Min1 it. 1924 ^of-JRuthenian rvoters- being Arab, aspirations in Palestine. ister Stephen Bethlen that intro- trarnpled and burned it. Police .! 000. Preliminary estimates indi- increase, -it is ECT ir.creasfcg at ! "rushed and" dispersed the demon-[ cate • that at least 50 duction of: "Nazi methods" " of €TS were a slower rate than any other peomet, by machine-guns at the urns. "We must "mofeiiize" Jewish'- public injured, many of them seriously. ple. Pro?. Baron attributes this The J e w I s h parliamentarians opinion," they state,, "to show treating Jew3 might result in strators. A food shortage is adding to t h e i t ._.,. ,„ ^ . ^ r , -••were even then desperate . over Great' Britain that we are solid- Hungary's-economic collapse. "As a consequence of a policy difficulties of the Je-wish popula-j .«™>,o „-,„,• f o ; . r n r ;.; f the callous disregard of all "trea- ified in. our determination to re.The t tlon. One hundred Poles aocusty-rights. The Allied Powers tain our rights- under t!he man-of aping Hitler the nation would Regional Conclave e i of tating part in t i e outbreak j £ ^y._c6uld'hardly Seep garrisons in date . given to T rebuild a Jewish be exposed to a-world boycott ; ••;. of. B'nai 1 rate, "sccotmted I -.T-. fVis « « to which. might bring about the xolIrave been arresteS ES.3 EDIUS are „.;„,-. \lp Poland-to, protect the; rights of homeland.in the Holy Land." to^cding growth of J< tsi, u n the-minorities handed .over to the ,.... Special Impetus was given ..the lapse of the whole country in a JLocaii already convicted E E 3 oa i tvtfr ^™ -f-ViC. 1 5>cf J V . way to prison. A special police £e- j . *f"Poles. "Hr. Woodrow "Wilson and- Zionist drive by the announce- very short time by brining the seer T i e Southwest Eegioaal • Coa- tail. from "Warsaw has been as-i * ^ his, colleagues: In Paris ;had faith ment last i week by ,the British whole industrial life, to a standtxie feei | still", Count Bethlen declared. ferencs.of B'nai B'rith '-will be | signed to search for property 'stol-j ^ " ^ t ^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ "^ in'.-written law. That'is the r'lrou-- that 'only- -TVO labor-certificates 1 1 Dls-iyitli;lawyers andlaw-makers; l f ! t£ ; He addressed the'Houss of ^De- held in<Osiaha-nest fall, accord- ! en i r o n • Jewish, shops, ' sorce of i p " ^ ^ , ^ ^ .., . Palestine were issu- puties 'tin.'"what.he called".the..dis- ing. to an- announosment by S p t - j i t - h a s ta&ii recicred to its ows-| ^'p^-jjv^'^p^^l^.-^T-r-i-V^'fc. .-.-Tfie^J.'-d9.:'nip^-'--KSo^that-laws ar& :to "the,'jewis.lt "people :-fo'E the '""'• "uE^ess'''unleS3\tliey. are Vthe; :BSj.rain Harlis,. prcsicent of i.2.*i^ c r s . ' August pxoportiQSatQly,:larts .nutit-ef: of{l2fca •.,-.,'preasfon.'ranct''codification;" o f " ' s i of E'rsi B'riti. .i^-Huhgaijls tate5i.tlIaOiff.. : "V .prefeilstent morality. The Jaw. la p baafea.Ioa ' " : i wiU hold' its"la.stjthe ostsifisWfiila argIn^nSa~tJ^anseiSt^Si^''" pminoBsls: jsprtenda a-tsirera cur..work out a-prpgrata to correct meeting, of this •• term om Monday I E"aarfi every rcaS Icii.zc '= already: in.~ the '.consciousness or/It taiimeiit • of;.JowisS''. immigration this-disparity, he counseled it to evsning, Jane 1, "at which time j Brzesc. T i e streets are rtrcr-^' . ...id N o w h e r e . '•/ .-. ••'.- /'- ••" •"• '•: : r / ." ; "' All", this is true and universal- into Palestine,' "unless a . strong suppress anti-Semitic- agitation-j-officers for the next ter Trill he j with wrectage and litter, incIM- : ^ " ^ "Tr : Jewish protest is efficacious. j ing the torn and-burned records ^ " p ^ ^ , ^ «,.„»«.«, _« with a strong hand for t i e . Jew- elected. l y -true. Nevertheless the tragedy Ssr:4gain:. specifically. Jewish tragish problem will never be solved The'annual convention of Bis-j of debts owned to Jewicb. ^ edy! -Members of other minoritby disorders. trict Ko.' 6 of B*r.ai B'rith will Se ] nes3 men. 'Kaay of Ersss^'s JCTT _" j pre-K-t: iesi'ln-Poland^ (rdoubtlesa suffer . Praising- 'Jewish, -contributions held on board "the steasser "See-jure plannisg- to lea-re the city for j ^.^"-^ I ports f i lacfei,- rvvantsrinjuBtlce;-indignity. to. economic life of Hungary, h e ! sn&bee." The delegates E.CCO21-' good. Thoss who remain • fcave: '.ol.^extermination la desaid the predominance of Jews i a panied by their Sarai] es and! to start &XL over asais i ana esoi ctaredragalnst them and none can industry in. this country is-as cans-j friends will • board the liner at ] their stock TTES either looted cr j H be. : And that, for two" reasons. EiDr. Ignas ed'by the'fact that for centuries j Chicago on Monday, July 5, and ! destroyed,, .ana their "Warsaw (WNS) ther," like the Germansvln; Po'sen Oljenick, the Jewish T)rain specia- they, have' been isarred' in many]after .a cruis-s of the Great Lakes!books SEfriei eff and burned. j ^e*ws ^- O u\T arid West Prussia, they haye the list who saved the life oft Bettina countries • froEi cay occupation j vill return to .Chicago, on Friday, j The govemsient's efforts to al- { ^ o ,.^, o c ' *,_" moral protection of a powerful Hibbentrop, 14-year old 'daughter [July 9. All convention sessions | lay "Jewish fears are being- baited | Z^~ n^r.-rcwr -fr^-r1 commerce and industry; national - state across "the horder of JOachim von Hibbentrop, Nazi butHe cautioned against estra-le-[Vill be;held on the stes.mer. Ev-iby the circulation of a t>i a ^ V i •to hy me ;\aoiy-like the Ruthehians, they a r e envoy : to London, hy performing gal discrimination against 3ew% j eryoae regardless of wfcsiher or 1<r ,, paBe d f , e ? ! r o i • attached to the soil, their --'soil; a successful operation on her in and Eaid that all Hungarian.econ-Jnot:-lie-13 affiliated' with B'aai tional Radical Party which cs their-immemorial Boll from: which his Amsterdam clinic, I3 a refu- oinic and social evils were "some- B'rith," is'-inTited to attend the | upon the'country to take revenge | the ,maE3 of them cannot .be driv- gee from Germany, according to time erroneously ascribed to'- the convention. on the Ze-ws for the death of Ke3- j n ^ c ^ toppage in Bianj : ^-S pe-I en -without a clamor from;them a dispatch i n t h e ^Warsaw Haint J.ews." . • . . ' . . . ""• • : Information conceralag- the^ziora. In response to this Inflain-! £Y to pre- : ;'* ; Land-from their mllions of fellow- from its Amsterdam corresponniatory manifesto, new octbreaks ; Count . Bethlen recalled that cruise may be obtained from Dr. ' J national^ across the border in the dent,-who interviewed- the-emin- Jewish imigrant3 from . -Galicia Abe G r e e n - b e r g or Ephraiin oceared in many parts of -the] 1 A.. O"£ratnian Republic which, would ent Jewish surgeon. •; country, aati-Sersites attacking i had arrived here 60' orJJ70. years Marks. " • the Jelrs of Grabow-, near l<ods,! Dr. Oljenick- who. hails - from ago and 'ESS' established importexploding a bomb at the entrance'; ih'deed.V fill -the •world and' give Grodek, near Lemberg, was oneant industrial and commercial en- Final •Meeting' ©£ th?;t F:i"^-h r. to the" headquarters cf the T7ar-; pause-even to the Poles. ". • . of-~the" leading brain specialists terprises by perseverance, intellito gence and industry. •'"Only''ihfe'- J e W are defehseleas. in Germany until the! advent of Jev-r omen' j in Terespol, Kobryn, CsernovrOnly the Jews. Because only the the Nazi regime. .Together with . "There.is nothing strange about 'cyce. The riots were suppressed; *""."'i* *Z"lX' The "Women's Division Jews lack the two natural de- his teacher, the world-famous Dr. that," he said, "since the Jews little dificulty but in Gra- I ^ ^ 5 ^ f , hold its last .meeting cf the year fenses of human" groups: a state Zondek, he was forced-into exile.-J a r c a people with a culture "gothe Jews are T " " " 'EaaET t"Cu" of -tnlir ovni somewhere' in the Oljenick told the Haint corres- ing back 5,000 years who were on Tuesday, Hay 25, at 1 o'clock, .ave pointed out e c o - : r ^ ,-,; bosses, fearing a repatitios ; •world that -can speak flor them p o n d e n t that Ribbentrop knew he. not allowed in most countries to at the -Jewish. Community Center, j their .Following . the luncheon, . t h s ' ? f the. Brzesc - pogr and"; close settlement on soil that I was a JewlJut the doctor didn'f pursue other professions thai? ; must be grateful meeting-will-consist of a! resume bow outbreak began when a , « r - i langers of concentration." is,their own." So long aa Jews re- learn his. patient's identity until trade. Hungary g e Jewish eoocosiio crisis • is ' l s a ' maiirt7hat may-wel lbe ^called an after the operation when she told io-'-the Jews for creating • a-new j of the activiUes of the organisa- | shopkeeper stabbed a ' Polish ^i s less acute than the biological, j ' . -. : industrial life." : :jtion during; the past year and ] competitor. interstitial • population, a popula- hm.who^shewas.lie EssertE, and the national ties-1 Since then, Oljenick Bald, Fraution dwelling and working in the "But the fact remains," fie-j plans for t h s coming year.' Elecaccidental interstices of-any-giv- leln Ribbentrop haa • correspond- clared the former , Prime '-Minis-' tion of officers'will, be" held. Oth- HALF QF- BOOES SOLD Hi | two will be- j L t c r n q r c i t r en" social and economic order.- ed with ' him .regularly and has ter, "that Jews and Jewish youthj er features oa the program will pfi/>j| p f r^rsT'fC? i cpments In t i e In;I:"Etr..f 1 they- will continue "to be defense- asked ' permission to .visit him occupy most of the position in;include a.resume of the National c c 112"** ^ ^ c ** X •Hungarian industries. This| i3 Conference of 'Jewish less' ^whenever'•'through economic during her summer vacation. ! Fltnr ha-e CsHtornia Social j JJJTIIQZ3 provoking dissatisfaction among Work .and-its relationship to our 1Ri contraction orvnationalistic re-ini the b«--r-r.-;jt CE" crKs (77ICS) the Christian population, -which local''Jewish situation, particulartegration- the. interstices close. YOTEB PEOBE 'by Junior Esc considers its position insecure, ly as.i^a This Ms true : of Polandl -It may Ms DiPv^Vt-';?-^"^'.^. I become true of other countries. I Allen. . Ct. t t c T'-' r ~r si." Boston —-• A special commis- while to Christian youth particu- vision.- by FeTrisa authors ! do'hot say that bur people are not sion to investigate- the activities larly industrial life is practically , 1hi3 .meeting will-co=cluae.-a d i t (• Ko« S I four -yesra cf| to ^continue to fight to'the utter--j of and ^propaganda for Nazism, terra. incognita •• (an 'unexplored most-.active asa successful y e a r j ^ r r . . ^ " " " ''"tX, t^* l""**!..^ • .. most"for' their rights 'in Poland. /Fascism = and :Communism in : Mas-field.) ; , : . I flo-nofjay, God forbid," that! "Nazi-methods, however,.. .Trill President of lice are siattog system; authorized in a. en world_Jewry arid -especially; Amer- t m " b y " t t e sSte^ Senate r without' not bring. any. advantages'to' Hun- ths Women's Division. • Other of all 'boo!:Etops to uncover boots gary,-;which has- only 2,000;000 Officers for the past year were: JT' f r ican Jewry is not to support o u r ) d b t g n-Jcr..=. hare ro-f jpeqple,; seeing that : 3-nation of Tice-President, Sirs. Ben Sllfer; written-by Je^rs. brethren in Poland ' to the •'• very ' 1 r-cr J Boofeshop proprietors have been 70,000,000 is unable -to . afford Secretary, ' I I r s . Irvin,.. L-ovin; limit of all r we have and are,/ In Italy ; such a policy without, serious.con-' Treasurer, Mrs. William. Milder. warned to destroy scch -E-orks a t -thifer, spirit'_IV salutes my^deari arid sequences^ As a consequence'' of Chairiseti of the stansiing cosa- osce. honored iriend Shplem Asch on New '."STork.-^— A Central refu-. a -policy-' of; aping- Hitler the na- mittees' are: Telephone Casnsithis iciissidri'here in' the senride of our.: brethren • in Poland a:nd all gee committee'is., being' establish- tion would be'eiposed to a'••world' tee '— Mrs.- David Coin; Social ' those meii and wonien in Airierica ed in Italy with the :help . of a boycott which' might bring about Cossrnittes — Mrs. J". J. Greenneat is dace thai •frhoi'are-cooperating for, t h e de- ?10,000 appropriation ; hy. the the collapse of the whole country berg; Junior Clubs Committee — fense a^ad "relief of Polish JpTrry. Joint Distribution Committee. •.• in a'very short time hy "bringing" Mrs;. Morris Katlaisan; Motor Don Brodkey' is sow associates ths whole internal industrial life Corps Cezassittee — Mrs. Kcbert With the law firm of MOEskjr, But, I want-at"the same tlrie a tslij, Elarer, and Coiea at hard-headed facing of fealitiea the world and a3 the •whole o£ the to a standstill." Kooper; Kitchen Coaiaiitee — siaha KttiossI Bank bi:IIafor'thp sate of the entire"fiture Jewish people — for-, the reconMrs. Louis. Keveleff;. 'Kesabership S?g feocJal • of our. -people. We need a state — —stitution of a majority of the 11ITIS1 S1IPF1KG lilli; Co.msiittes'.— Mrs. Inria StalmasT : 2:1s cfHce 572 In^rwiice , iaot: necessarily, an abstractly; sov- Jer. 3 in .the- world upon ancestral [ ter; Draaatic Committee — Sirs. wi'gn one ^ . a n d a soil; we need Boil within a policy of our own; ; .'SERVICE'TO' ?AISST! 'Eara'Theodore; Buildins-Cc21rr.it-j11" g. v ;a 'polity ; and. • a" land. - Not' otter- We must apply all possible palliates.—"Mrs. T. A. Tully; PKfrani I | wise" can; Jews, -not 'otherwisei i.ean tives to the Buffering of oar peo- - LondonCommittee —"Mrs. Sloe Veager; ] Exhibition Krs, f : '•"any." Jew ,ba; safe with even :|the ple; not for an instant. must we meat by the. Prince Lice that it Family Welfare ; Comiaittee—Mrs. j David PeS-r. poor arid precariouE safety of 'joth- forget its cure. TTe must. fulfill would " inaugurate regular steamer, j H, A. Wolf; Education Commit- j er men of other peoples. h e doublen-esa doublenesa of our historic histori freight service 'between England j tee — Mrs.. Sam "Wolf; C o i s i i a - 1 comiaittea arc: Mrs. ( tthe All roads lead to Sion. All! function. We must preserve our- atsd Palestine and that its vessels' •'ity'. Cooperation Coiaaittee- _T.T*~TI ! f'p";E7 in'Jewish.history haveipne selves .-as:.that ;people, par- escellss t h e ' Tel Aviv 'port I Blanche .E-iELiaaa; Keedle Gi ' mdfal. -We. must, fight upon ' ence,'.which guards.'iby. these for- marked t h e .first Biiceesg -of; the"!'—Mrs.-B. A. Simon; P r o s c t i; iiicrns lisrstsi™, CUE I.iri;. frpn'ts.' "We' -muBt-' fight for cur tunes themselves, the moral mean- Palestine, trade delegation which] Coisniittee — Mrs.-B-aa Si In?; TightB. upon the. narrower fro'njt of ing • of the historic process. has come : here to interest British j Hospitality Co cents Krs. 3. Avery. specific Had.- • "that" deaies commercial interests i s ' improv- J.,Friedman; Hother and Baas^-jper plate riE fir fnsj \ them. '"• Me must fight upon a (Copyright' 1937--By Seven Arts ing Aaslo-Palestins trade" '.rela- tef Bastj-a'et Committee — Mrs. (tfce ' front — a front as wide' as • •' . • Feature Syndicate.) •. ' " , . • tions. Heafy Bstecat; asd Brand
| g | u
fatfBLES for the
pen or the Ladies fs Tailor Made a t
[75 and Better
fis Schreiber, Mgr. 'a Clothes Makers for Men
• WiMiiiMi
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n jlAHGE 12 OZ. EOTT1E
f'Jl\ ' Bottled and §~l~ Sold by d / j NAME OF £s#-j BOTTLER
A j and Sold fcy
pTTiili .Gfl WE 3 0 4 3
Meyer F. SSemglaoo
On his arrival in this country lest weels I/on! Melcliett granted to the representative of the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate and The Jewish Press this e x c l u s i v e interview in which he analyzes the reasons why Jewry, if it wants to survive, must work for the future of Palestine. ' . . .
) I J
for the M»rihe Sao Paulo ' ^00?- v>y IJ6OB
t clinician. . . : V • ;;fcbeth Bergand her h u s -
. v.'ho are now. ', are report'iiiil here end r farm, where • v; months ev-
chandise, which, if removed from the ground ths.t the Hindenburs , rector cf World Peaceways ir.rde the country, might at least serve represented tte real Germany. , the nation peace conscious, is HOT* Jews. . . , The runarec 1 " in some small way to drain off . . . Taking no chances on not ! en honorary member cf the irf-rrse ir. C'rhrap'-"? ('• German economic resoures. , , , having a helium supply for her I Women World T u r Ve^erEns. • Crrrr-ccr l " t y e - r r- r i . " dirigibles, Russia has appoints d Ji:iu.s Ttrelcl-er'£ -•. ' GAS-BAG I. V. llendelson as director of a I sister of Franz Werfel, IF the c;;- EJCIEEI the i:re d rr'i-c-'i The real responsibility for the new helium plant. . . . I thor cf "Turr.nclot K e ^ g r s , " z. fer;;::i c'e^e'ei e j I r "'• crash of the Hindenburg rests i s e r play which is creating a , Korb arc! vcr Z( 1 ~f-.'" ' with the Nasi regime. . . .she ABOUT PEOPLE sensation in Switzerland. . . . ' ihess rrer: were r^c.c'.r was built to use helium, not hyNew York's East Side took a Anti-Jewish prejudice s t Prirredrogen, and tho Hindenburg's special inter-eft in King George's tcn is breaking down. . . . Samuel builder, Dr. Eckener, was assured coronation because one of its [ Ginsburg of Princeton has been that the United States' ban on ov/n, .Louis Stirling, president of named varsity debate manager zil's "r:p-pcPt rEdic- trr.rrrthe export of helium would not tho British Broadcasting Com- there. . . . Wonder whether Dizzy Interfere with the sale of the gas pany, was knited in the corona- Dean, the Cardinals' pitcher, for the German airship. . . . But tion honors list. . . . Stirling be- knows that Benjamin Disraeli's when tho Nazis began to cut came a British subject two years nicknarr.© v e s alto Elszy. . . . K. down on all exports and to re- ago. . , . "Washington political Pordca Barbedian cf the ICev strict foreign exchange deals, circles are wondering what and Yori: Times staff is Ccir.e t Mthey were unable- to pay for who intervened to prevent Robert ography cf Albert E'.nstein. . ' . . American helium and had to use L. Berger, radio director for the the highly inflammable hydrogen. Democratic National Committee, BRUITED ABROAD A KEW CAT, . . "Wonder what the Nasi sur- from being appointed secretary of UNTIL YOU HAVE Paul Eoheson, the famous Nevivors of the Hindenburg "thought the F e d e r a l Communications fro singer, is planning a visit to DRIVEN THE KEW about being treated by Drs. Segal, Commission. . . ' . T h e $7,500-a- Palestine in order to study HeGoldstein and Toiben, all non- year job was supposed to be in brew songs. . . . While in the « I. Aryans. . . . A couple of Jewish the bag for him. . . . The refusal Holy Land lie will take a course organizations that wanted mail to of the Department of Commerce In Hebrew. . , . Wedding bell? Pcpu« reach Europe in a hurry had to permit Dick Merrill to take are reported in order for Hitler. ls.r scheduled to send it by the Hin- any passengers on his transatlan- . . . Berlin rumors say h e l l fcake denburg on its return trip. . . . tic flight prevented v*|iKon S. P e l s Negri Frau Hitler. . . . AftIt- was the late Maximilian Har- Unteriayer, Samuel Unu^Myer's er n«arly 700 years witbo-nt a den, German-Jewish journalist nephew, from makin the trip. . . . Jewish house cf worship, students and publisher of Die Zukunft,; Young Untermyer was at the air- at Cambridge University Trill who was one of the few men who port whea Merrill took off, all hare their own synagogue. . . . always warned against pinning set' for the voyage. ,j. . The Louis Its cornerstone haa jest beer exaggerated hopes on the value Levys of Seattle are still esciied laid. . . . England's n e w Queer;, Dennett Celhien of lighter-than-air craft for pas- over Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt's Elizabeth, gave Nazi Ambassador for Demontr«.tio*n senger transportation. . . . Years visit to their city because the RIbbentrop the cold shoulder ago he predicted that the huge First Lady spent one night as the when he greeted her at a coronabulk of the dirigibles would make guest, of their niece, Marls tion court fete in Buckingham them extremely vulnerable under Chaney, a dancer. . . . The Zion- Palace by giving the Nazi salute. unfavorable atmospheric condi- ist district of Burlington, Ver- . . . One of the six announcer? tions. . . . There were a number mont, will need a new president who described the coronation Jor of German-Jewish r e f u g e e s in the Fall, when Ludwig Le-wl- the world-wide audience war, among the weeping throng at the sohn takes up i i s residence in Harold Abrahams, who won the funeral services for the Hinden- New York. . . . Incidentally, Lew- 10 0-iaeter dash for England at burg victims. . . .Amid the sing- isohn is slated to become drama- the 1924 Olympics. . . . "Christ Ing of the Horst Wessel song and tic editor of the Seven Arts Fea- and-Mohammed" is the name of the "hell Hitlejing," the refu- ture Syndicate. . . . Estelle M. a new anti-Jewish league foundgees justified their presence on Sternberger, who as executive dl- ed in Palestine with, the avowed
' To those -who are disturbed by the threat of a depletion of Jewish leadership in the present crisis the yist of Lord Melchett to the United States should bring a renewal of faith. The. grave problem of dealing with Jewish misery and persecution in the j)ast lour years has accentuated tne equally serious' problem 'of leadership. The situation has- been more than an acid test for the Handful of men who day after day ' form the phalanx of Jewish spokesmen; The cynics •will say that we survive because we have been "blessed" with leaderlessness. But those of us who know the true value of Jewish leadership will find in Lord Melchett fearless, idealistic leadership in the embodiment of a vigorous, the coming.decade. The crisis of misery in Europe has within the past year given rise to • a crisis of reconstruction In Palestine. The two must not be confused.. In Europe we struggle to maintain what "is left. In Palestine we struggle to go forward, to build. Lord Ilelchett ''• Lord Melchett's arrival in this country at the present time coincides with a decisive moment in should listen to him for a mom- than to turn themselves info the Palestine situation. As'Chair- ent: v . . 'ersatz goyim' (imitation Genroan of the Council of the Jewish "I have .been visiting South tiles). I believe in the original Agency for Palestine he comes to America and had some time away genius of the Jewish people." us to crystallize, and arouse pub- from the -hectic months through Lord Melchett is a two-fisted lic opinion in the United States which we have been passing as a Jew, fighting not for crumbs, but •in behalf of Jewish rights in the result of the disturbances In Pal- for the just due of the Jewish I rebuilding of Palestine. On the estine. I have had time-to reflect people—not with the weapons of eve of the issuance of the report rather carefully about the whole the shtadlonim of a generation of the Royal Commission the Jew- position and I have challenged my ago, "but . with the fearlessness ish world has been agitated by basic faith: in the whole, proposi- and,conviction ot a man who beanticipations of what that report tion, and I have said to myself:, lieves in justice as a cause and might be. In- Jerusalem the Zion- 'Have we been carrled-away by. a not as a.hand-out. . •.: : ist Actions Committee has un- great romance, by emotion, by re- (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts unequivocally put Itself on record sentment against 'oppression and - Feature Syndicate.) against the partition or cantonl- persecution to' defend a policy zation of Palestine, and that is which Is impractical and which reason enough to believe that cannot lead to the best results for some proposal may be part of the the Jewish people?' I haye answfindings of the~ Commission. "Vyhat ered that question to myself, once American" Jewry will do." in the BY PHINEAS J. BTJRON event that a show of'strength is more, and it always comes out In the sameway, that as a purely FASCIST FLASHES required} comparable to that of That letter from : William E. last Summer, when there was a practical and reasonable propothreat of stoppage,of• Jewish Im- sition Palestine Is neither a sen- Dodd, United States ambassador . migration, is a question of the timental luxury nor a wild" ideal, to Germany, to members of the utmost concern to-Lord Melchett. but basically just a simple and U. S. Senate, disclosing that an The writer discussed these practical proposition for the Jew- American billionaire is plotting question and others pertaining to ish-people of this generation and a Fascist dictatorship; is the tip; .'_.-. off on. Bodd's forthcoming resigthe general Jewish situation with those to follow." Lord Melchett as the Coast Guard As for the basis of the whirl- nation. .'. . H e never got on well cutter which had taken him and' wind of persecution .and anti- With the Nazis His successor Lady Melchett off his ship .at Semitism that has swept so many may be Myron C. Taylor, head of Quarantine steamed into, the bay, Jewish - communities before It, the United States Steel. Corporatoward' a skyline wreathed in a Lord Melchett anms the cause up tion. . . . Ths list of names signflense mist. .-.•;,-.' . in a phrase which he quotes from ed to that protest against the the Bible: • "Go: from us, for Those who . have - read Lord thou art mightier-than we." The Nazi bombing of Guernica conMelchett'B recent book, "Thy savagery with, which Jewish life tained many people who during Neighbour.^;" will grasp the. con- has been attacked in Germany, the last presidential campaign trast contained • in these words: where Jews hard' risen- to the were accused of having Fascist He talks like his book, but he highest ranks Jn art, science and sympathies. Is it true that does not look or behave like, itw business, gives poignant meaning Mary Pickford told reporters on her "return from Europe that "I Lord Melchett is tall, robust and. cheerful. His cherubic face, the to the' ancient biblical command. think Hitler has been marvelous Ted toothbrush mustache', the full Only a people that-was intensely for Germany?" . . . Giiess what open smile, and blue eyes give no envious of the Jewish -position American sports .writer Is to get clue to the inner, spiritual man and Jewish achievements could a medal from Germany for h!3 who has been so deeply affected turn upon- the Jews with such "good will efforts" in connection ' by .recent. Jewish events. He is ferocity, he believes. "with the Olympic Games. .--. . A well hidden under a vigorous perTo Lord Melchett .the problem swastika on a poster outside the sonality, the personality of the of. rescuing the oppressed Jews StLUman gymnasium In New York man pf. action, : the aggressive of-Central and" Eastern Europe was Tipped, off by Eric Seelig, leader.- . . , is- a wholesale project In slum German Jewish refugee!, boxer, Yet •" although his outward ap- clearance that stretches from who was stripped of his titles'by spearance belies it. Lord Mel- Warsa wto Berlin.' The lives of the Reich sports authorities. . . . is a rare example of man who is hundreds of thousands have been This .may be a bit confusing, but a Jew and a Zionist "before any- made impossible in Germany, we have been told that there are thing else. Writing and fox-hunt- Poland, Roumanla' and. Austria. actually conditions under whlci ing are. his hobbles.' But* when Their plight is so.desperate "that a good anti-Nazi can justifiably, he told the interviewer that he we are bound as" Jews all over buy German goods. . . . I f a Gerhad1 helped establish'a branch of the world to find some other man refugee, whose holdings are the Jewish Agency In Buenoa place for them to go." now in the hands of-the Nazis, 'Aires he displayed all the pride -And Palestine is the only land • refuses; their offer to release it and enthusiasm of a golfer,who to' which they can'go, -Lord Mel- In- the form of merchandise, he haa broken; 3.0 for, the first time. chett. believes. "It is no use our does them a double kindness in That jseemed to me highly signif- trying to solve this problem by that they would be; in possession icant. •'• For it was a genuine, rev- moving! oppressed Jewish com- of both his property and the mer? elation of the extent to whiqh. munities from one part of the Jewish problems, and particular- world to. the other. As a result - ly Palestine, occupy his thoughts. pf the Balfour Declaration we Visit Our Kitchenware . T h e key to Lord Melchett's in- have a country In which our ; ' ' : . Display . . :•• tense /Zionist outlook lies in the rights have been defined and acfact that he^is that r a r e . p h e n o - j c e p - b y a U t h e n a t I o n g o f t h e Wear Ever Utensils . . , ailex menon — a Jew without an infer- • , , g - ,y Coffee Makers . . . Pyrex Coskh nIng Ware . . .-Toastmaster* . '. iority complexr Many Jewa rush our effort, our whole work, Maid's Uniforms . . . Kitchen to the defense of the Jewish "pos- should lie and must He In the di"Gadgets." • ition with courageous deeds and words. But, practically all of them rection of making a success of Omaha Fixture and betray, a bravado and a superior- thlfl." Supply Co. ' There. Is something profoundly ity that Us all too self-reavealing. l l t h £: Douglas Kelchett's Jewish pride, on the touching about Lord Melchett's other hand, is that of the Pro- Jewishnesa. Brought up in the JA 2724 phsta oof Israel. Hi3 Zionism Church of England, ho was a stemo from the conviction that Christian until his late youth, tho JowiDh people have a destiny When tho German tragedy ocwhich no persecution can destroy curred he returned to Judaism, or taint with the poison of prop- and has since been a militant foo of all tho asslmtlationist pretexts aganda. A pramatic idealist about Pal- antl evaslono that Jewish flesh is E3Q3 "cstine, Lord Melchett is constant- heir to. 3y turning over in his mind the Frankly, forthrightly he strikes For Limited Time problems relating to it, and dur- out against those Jews who seek 0xS2 Otsco CScznod end ing his recent vioit to South cover under the cloak of assimiCisod, RosuterSy QC) rr\ America he once again examined lation. And he esprea3e3 his con53.20 at LszL>^j the events that have brought him tempt of this clas3 in clear, ringFree Estimates on so close to the project of rehab- ing words: •- " Cleaning of ilitating the J o w l s h people "I believe that there is a greatTacI:cd»Oov/n Curpotc through the rebuilding of their er and nobler destiny for • tho GS3 Go. C4E1 HA SCD3 • ancient homeland. Perhaps we Jewish people in this generation
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and the farm cooperatives -which: j for Cooperatives organized in tirely dis&ociate himself from : tire artist -who refuses to be dis- \ have.sprung up i the iaterren- 1933. them and that he actually dero- , couragred in his struggle to hu-; With the establishment of the! SS-tes from tis high calling by; matize and spiritualize the outer ; ing years. The reconstruction paying any attention to poetical; vorld by plans recoruiaended by Secretary Resettlement Administration That Is nonsense. • ests are a type _ _, developments. of Agriculture Houston in his | J ^ known V ^ ^ the ^ ^"Community i F o r HrsUy •as If any fmsEina- terialistic. loan as 1918 report included the promo- j s ^ T i c e . , ] o a n t Q ^ a ] . f . ! tire writer we ild interfere in pp!- isn tn:pbc p o ^ ; tion of rural health and sanita-j t h e p u r c h a s e I o r t h e c o m E l o n ^ g , itics today canton! or for his false into tion. Months before the rej °I*-| of .small groups, of equipment too pleasure. n o t false idea vras published, the Society a d expensive and not practicable f or i a matter of th e direst necessity, j is human! initiated k for the improve- the individual farmer. The Socie- i despairing pretest against the the inner aggressions carried out by • be much ty made its first Community Ser- j certain Jewish farm districts in | vice loan as far back as 1901 f o r j up o " tni c s ^pon his most sacred self,! more icer the So- | the purchase of thresbins Although Jewish farming in England states, New York and'was made in California in 1917New Torft State. U p o Pn° spiritual spiritual freedo freedom, upon religious t h e p u h e f g ^ h .mach-! upon :I religious America is but half a century New7 Jersey.. The federal system j and there were other minor ef- ciety begran this wort, planned I -meTy f o r a e c o l l e c U v e U S S 1 o f a | mantlnd itself. Further, :Esrstimentf is in work ia farm areas I old, it has ever been in the van- •made no provision-for short term forts, but these were sporadic, re- sanitation group of Jewish wheat farmers in Ia political forn. 'that terial. For I~ es The guard of agricultural thought. .credit. Immediately after the en-stricted and short lived. In 1930, j nesugiDe. J.ne Society's bociety s eenn -jj?-' N o r t h D a kota| While the cooper- i ol man's destiny presents itself f_ J F. Z\ mesns to r Dr. Davidson,-the general'man- trance of the United States into Governor Roosevelt's agricultural I trance into the sanitation field; a t i 3 : e s E p o i l s o r e d hy i h e S o c i P t v today. With a gravitr no earlier in the matf~ ager of the Jewish; Agricultural the World War, the Jewish Agri- •commission, upon the recommen-1 was commended by Dr. L. L.! nnaturally eneration ever ever knew knew it has a t u r a l l y ooriginated r i s t a a t e d with with Jewish Jewish generation aas bebe- solve to pe of the United States; f a r E l e r S i they are not exclusively come a matter cf life -FT-* fieath. man mind. * Society, reviews. the record of: lth Service, Service -who who vrrote wrotejj je-^-jgjj Jewish contributions-to farm-: the urgent demand for increased j Morgenthau Jr., then vice presi- P u b l l c Health If. ho-srever, I Eti°at a i n t h e i r membership. A co-i these is incuKbf : -ing progress in this country. _-' - - • --.. " . . . .- . . i . . _ .. _ . . . . . i n ld->*> " T l i e , i r n r l - Anno li-r v n n r i .. ^ , . . ' ' " hide our h political sanitation department is rot only; ooperative matter cuest of life and : taptyslcal r g a n i z e d sm e T e Central n r e a r s aXew g 0 b yJersey, B e T . , n acivic T i n g band e C 0 me "••••.-' — T H E EDITOR of short term became Society, established a the bureau of llocal o c a l iinn iimportance m p o r t a n c e bbut u t iit t i s cC if !en , a JJewish th" i l ffarmers hhas now ai :d death,-1' permanent partleans of the Society'sa jj farm information, but bureau mean bv'that that everyI!^ eTltd 1 They are-, moderate in has been practically quiescent. state wide and national
Elizabeth Bergactress, and her husCzinner, -who are now Palestine, are reportbought land here and istablsh a farm -where
-Jewish Illegral In. Norway
,end a few months evl'
Gabriel Davidson
of over 250, probab- | man,. anr . especially the Trriter,' social and Between the years IS SI ^.nd in most- cases unsecured, The plan of the Resettlement Ad- ance from a demonstration stand-: l y 6 0 p e r c e n t o f ^hiah i s ust realize that they involve.his Join hose 1S S1 numerous attempts at Jew- amount, p o i n t ministration in moving farm famand repayable at the end of the ' Jewish. In their scope, in ibeirj spiritual • welfare ' — let us not give ish farm' colonization -were' made] ilies from submarginal to producWithin latter years, especially size and in the area of their op-•• shirk .the religious word — 'the man in various parts of: the "United crop season. Aside from the sporv< . .. ~ 7 jadic country bank loan,, this type i live farms is in a broad sense since the depression we havt been eration, most of the Jewishly salvation of-his .soul. I cm eon-' States. ' 7 \ , ¥ a 5 a n e w adventure in jjakin to the Society's settlement hearing much about th'e benefits sponsored cooperatives were nee-i vinced that the writer .who re-i (Copyrgiht undertaken in naste. fj ^ ¥ a 5 a n e w adventure in j akin to the Society's settlement poorly plai-ned; inadequately sup- oof the field of farm credit. The Pa-1 work. The early Jewish farmer that would flow from the applica- essarily small. Some succumbed ! fuses to take a stand in"these vi- ' ported, most of them were unsuchad a hard road to hoe. Govern- tion of eooperative principles to early. But the seed which" was tal questions' of : political faith, i cessful. To provide guidance and triotic Farmers'. Fund was estab- mental extension service" was in farming,-and it must be said that; sown took fir mroot. It can in all; who refuses to. face the question j ' ^ £ 4 © %•*!**:*• lished, also a war measure, at direction' for." future agricultural about the same time but it served I its infancy and, since the immi- big strides in the realm of coop- truth be stated that the Jewish; of mankind in its political for effort, the Baron ds Hirsch Fund only the farmers in New York'granJ. was none too versed in theeration have recently been made., Agricultural Society was a pio-iand is a traitor to ma' s spirit, is . •was established in 1S91. Since the State. It was not until 1918 that language, he could not derive full Cooperation is no new philosophy; neer force in the preachment and'a lost man. He can: but come; Fund also had other functions, it the federal government began to benefit from such aids as were at •was soon found desirable to set make seed loans, not as a contin- hand. To meet the problem the Tip an exclusively agricultural uous but as an emergency policy Society founded a department of agency, with the result that the
Jewish Agricultural Society was founded in 1900. During the
when the need existed. The Jewish Agricultural Society was also a pioneer in the evolution of; the credit union, which
agricultural extension in 190S. The main feature was a system the early Jewish settlers was| the activties-here detailed.served | which-was not. conceived under of itinerant agricultural instruc- more pressing than that of their as patterns upon which, the ser-' the burden such jruilt,. -vrnich tion, under which expertly train- contemporary fellow farmers and vices of other agencies — govern-] was onee-'good, -vrili cease to be ed Jewish agriculturists travel they felt more keenly that need mental or private — were model-] so and fall to'dust tinder the eyes from farm to farm, carrying their for collective action which forms i led. The object of this thesis is; of men. : That, is rcy -belief. "
• p o " I l d s b u t more-than l . i ^ f r is being gotten back tine, it was staled in ie _-i.u.. of Commons by Colon tary Orrnsty-Gore cu
years that nave since elapsed many changes have taken place in the agricultural world and is a cooperative association of farmers-and-managed, by them to great advances have been made provide its members. with credit lesson directly to the farmers' _ the basis of most cooperative tin- j to bring to the notice of those! We can no longer contrast met- C^e "With these in' many directions. facilities. The Society's report doors. Except for a small section dertatings. The value of collecmay be interested the pert- • aphysics End socialism., regarding get. changes and these advances, the for 1909 contained the first def- in Texas, where a special piece of tive effort was early recognized i inent knowledge that the asen-'the -latter as irreligious 'u^holv • Ke reporte'si "that he' two Societies, though serving a inite recommendation for the emergency work was undertaken by the Baron de Hirsch Fund. In cies set up to. serve the Jewish , materialistic, a mere seeking f•• ' ' a b l e o say what the iv small group, have ever kept in adoption of"a.system of coopera- in 1904, and some sporadic at- 1S92, the Fund assisted a group farmer have always marched in : the felicity of. tie ant-heap. "Even ances "would. be. tfcis tie; step, and indeed have in some tive agricultural credit recom- tempts by chambers of commerce, of farmers in New London Coun-jthe varguard of agricultural | in a world' so cont'rarv toGofl on ae He; I Corcmissior procedures been ahead of the mendation for the adoption of a railroads and other private inter- ty, Connecticut, in setting up a •* curs is to- POT thought and progress. j bereft of- all reason as times. system of cooperative agricultur- ests concerned with the develop- creamery through which the comday we-no losg'er oppose the s e Early effort was made to pro- al credit as a remedy for the un-ment of their own enterprises, bined output of the members (Copyright 1S37 By Seven Arts [ taphysicai; "inward, "r e l i g i o u-s Patronize Our vide the Jewish immigrant, long satisfactory credit s i t u a t i o n the Society's work antedated sys- could be sold more profitably Feature Syndicate.) world to the desire for better! divorced from the soil, with the which confronted the American tematic county agent work by than if each farmer had to find things,'or'regard it as the -sup-' opportunity to obtain an agricul- farmer. In the same year the first seven or eight years. True a coun- his own market. Down through erior or eren sole worthy one.'. Housekeeper \"er.ts tnral education. Within one jear credit union law in the United ty agent, the first in the north, the years, the Baron de Hirsah Political and social man is part \ after its creation, the Baron de States was passed by Massachu- was appointed in Broome Coun- Fund's agricultural successor, | of raan. Humanity stands -astride ! Hirsch Tund established the Bar- setts, and four years later the ty, New York, in 1911, but it was the Jewish Agricultural Society, By TEOMAS MANN | two worlds, the inner acd the woman. on de Hirsch Agricultural School first agricultural credit union, un- not until the spur given by Con- was an ardent advocate of the i outer, and there are good reasons , olt peopleat Woodbine, New Jersey. -Thjs der it was. established through gressional-enactment in 1914, un- doctrine of cooperation. Tbe ear- These four years past —I sayi for it if it is above all the crea- i was the first school in America to the effort of the Society. The der which the federal government ly creamery was followed by oth- four years, though the process give secondary agricultural in-- New York Credit Union Law was matches s t a t e appropriations, er creameries and by buying co-! has been going on for twenty— . structions. The School function- passed in 1913. Before its enact- that county agent work can beoperatives and selling coopera-jl j have had to defend the work ed for 25 years. ment, the Society had already said to have had its actual begin- tives, by a cooperative fire insur- | that means most to me, the work In 19OS The Jewish Agricul- proceeded, in t i e absence of leg-ning. ance company. The insurance | that is most intimately mine, the tural Society set up a farm, em- islation, to form credit unions as One of the first farm papers in company was founded in 1512, work which contains my greatest ployment department" to train voluntary unincorporated associ- America to be published in a for- serves the dense Jewish rural dis- joy and happiness, against de\city-bred Jewish youth for farm ations. Three of these were form- eign language was "The Jewish ytrict of JCew Tork State, an-d has j mands upon me which I recognize 1 work, in the hope that-. some ed 1911. In 1930 the Society was Farmer," founded by the Jewish expanded into a chain of fJva co- i as duties, noble and urgent dctles -would advance to the status of instrumental in establishing the j Agricultural Society in 1908. Now operative companies wMcfc carry but which approach me more farm owner. This again was a fifteen from the outside, from the civic there are farm papers published an aggregate of almost new departure. No specialized first farmers* credit union to be in Italian, Bohemian, German j million dollars in fire risks. The and political vorld. It has beorganized under the amended farm employment agency had exCzechoslovakian. In 1910, the j cooperative ideology spread and come incumbent.upon me to take isted up to that time. It was not New Jersey' law, having first Jewish Agricultural Society es-|in 1914 the United State-Depart- a spiritual stand, to declare myhelped in bringing about the mountil 1915 that New Tork State tablished a purchasing service ment of Agriculture ereattfi the self for ideas" and to define n y established a farm employment dification--of the law to make it bureau- through the intermediary office of markets and rural or- attitude to what is happenirc ;r. serviceable to -farmers. Immediservice in the Department-of Baof the then Federation of Jew- i ganization "to determine the pos- the world about me. inevtlatly 1>or. In.1918 a restricted feSeral ately upon the •'enactment of the ish Farmers. This activity was sibilities and encourage the use such duties come into jealri:5 Federal Credit Union l a w in larm service division was in aulater assumed and is now being of organized cooperative effort in conflict with, others arising in my 1934, the Society assisted in the • grated, and only in 1D33 was the carried'on directly by the gocie- improving rural. conditions." The inmost self, the duties of my formation of four credits unions present farm placement service ty. I t helps its suctomers buy first federal provision to supply solitude. get up as a division ol the United in New York and New Jersey. In 1913, the Society establish- recommended materials and ap-cooperative credit came with" the Be that as it may, I know that .States Employment Service. The ed a farm settlement department proved equipment at reduced establishment of the Federal In- my anxiety is_ false ana idle. It Society's employment department cost. Such service is now general- termediate Credit "Banks (chiefly is easy -enough to say that the l a s to date made 18,089 place- to assist qualified farm buyers in ly in.vogue among farm bureaus, discount institutions) ia - 1923, imaginative writer has nothing to picking the right farms and in ments in thirty-two States. granges,. farmers' organizations This was followed "by the Banks do with politics, that he can enbuying them at the proper prices The- Society established what and upon proper terms. Strange -was in a.sense-the first "farmer's it is that, though there is-always •bank" in America. The early Iflow from city to farm (S25,'Jewish farmer was an unknown a000 people moved to -farms " in quantity. The credit so "necessary 1935), there is no agency to to farming as to industry, .was which the farm buyer can turn not available to him. Indeed, for- to-save himself from making a ty year's ago all far.'mcredit was hit .and miss selection, from beo oA ty years ago all farm credit was ing, exploited by dishonest land loan was practically, unknown ex- development schemes or defraudcept when taken back..as part, of ed ,by corrupt real estate agents. jthe purchase consideration." It Sook the deepest of depressions in. An.attempt at directed settlement ^American • history to -"bring forth X& system of federal second mor• tgage loans, known as' land bank '"';•'-••-'. B o a r d a n d R o o m commissioner loans'", as • ah emer- 'in Jewish, home for two girls, gency and yet temporary "mea- age 9 and 1 1 . Must be well sure. At its,very ..inception in located. B o : 1 5 . Jewish 11900,: thirty-three years'1 before .Press.. . . '• ' ' • ' land bank commissioner loans TWO WEEKS IS TIME ENOUGH came into existence, the Jewish 'Agricultural Society addressed it• . .-ALL SUMMER MOt TOO LONG /teelf to the task of supplyng creHjdit against junior Iien3, and dur/ Glonsus ©Hosier cSers you the'wildest coafusica of mtraaing the course of the: intervening tain grandeur oa the cmtiseat.- Its 6D living gladers, countless years: has granted almost 12,000 : Joans in forty 'states, -mostly against, subsidiary, security.. The -Brass. Bronze, Aluminum, Soft Grey Iron and SemiSociety's experience- In ^farm ereSteel Castings, Wood and idit was drawn upon when ^the J.letal Patterns and Sash federal Farm Loan Law was be- '::; Weights carried in stock. ing framed by Congress and Leo- ill - Bronze and Cast Iron In this space -we could fro on t o tell Coo! CcSoredo ia the hssst of a refreshing mountain wcrld -where Bard G. Robinson,' then the SocieGrilles a specialty. the Rockies reach' their serais climax. And now, the thrill of riding you all about t h e iaecii®.racejl conty's general manager, was ap27th and Martha St. en .the new 12-Car B2NVER 2EPHVR specdisg between Cfaaha pointed president of-the Tederal struction of tliis Beautiful lookmjr HA SS23 and Denver'in S short hours. .• X,and Bank- of SpTingfield, whose ?-ST— 'I jurisdiction embraces the; New. srator. We c M tell j-c:
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EWISH overs EViday c* tiniiihd. ticbrastia. By
l a PHE3S PUBLISHING COMPANY Prieo, cati year • - - - •• Sdte3 furitfsticd oo dppUcatidii. iditbriai Ofneo: 500 Btafldeia gious City OKlce-i-Jtb^iall Obinmuun? Center Psinl Shop Address: 4804 So. S4th Streat DAVlD BLACKER * - Bu3Jne£a enfl Managing Editor tfRiNIL IL ACKERM&N . V Efl tf&NMIE EATEL&AN Council Bluffa, lotra, P I L L - ' <• - • Cit' idfe
will reverse its preseht attitude toward the Jewish homeland In Palestine abd will take an active part in suppressing the growing tragic measures adopted against minority groups on the continent.
IN POLAND r c n CA" IN YIDDISH rj-iag liierar; rSOVIETS "COLLECTIOV \ Ej DI.. THEODOUE N. MANUSCRIFT'=1 . Scratch the surface of most parents and they will admit a bonfire, ei^'--. that junior is a wizard of some kind or another. (Copyright. -<•"•r Featu— "TRUMPET OF JUBILEE". BY frill acd Christians Ciristisi i,UD\VIG L.EWISOHN* HARPER this earth become the parafiiss ..'•••; ;•_•. •;'•• " • • '
• V a c a t i o n ; '
& BROTHERS CO. 845 PAGES. $3.50. , By Sabbi Frederick dohn The reading public will derive With the passing of Shabuoth, the Jewish religious year much pleasure and profit froza novel, the first Ludwig comes practically to a close. Services in the various synagogues this isohn has written ia threi?> yeara. and'temples will'be reduced to the minimum needs of offering In It the author vbicea his most
that we anticipate and Scpe for— and which it potentially is. The essential unity of Judaism and Christianity, sad the possibility of genuine cooperation Between Jews and Christians, are Symbolized by Peter Lang, the
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Haifa, pElestine (JTA)—ElecAn example Berll trSfe, medicinal remedies Ufi. opportunities to say Kaddish to those who are in mourning, or precious idfcals and deepfest toa- Christian, and Jehuda Brenner, tric Jewish birth of the i ^our ere some, of the domestic about Israel and human- the Jew, who appear frequently rate in Germany i& urntehed by; wish to commemorate & "Jahrzeit." All regular, formal re- victtona ity, about justice and truth, about throughout the novel, and whoproSncis being put on. the market ,nd Kfefeld. t a t w UgiOuS activities will be suspended xmtil their resumption in human culture as t i e HoljLand's industry exconstantly and forcibly remind and civilization. ", tltet*e have In the former c\ pands. Jewish graduates from the local high schools wrtl be thethe fall, tt will be "vacation" also for religion. Ludwig Lewisoha is it. living the reader that fine and noble nd one birth b e S I e o t r l c T : bee:: 11 deaths. ar n t i t Endd h never extinct, that i ? ^ " e Co. of l>s!- smong the 1,COC 'ews since the guests of hokbr this evening, at the annual services and re- Some; cynically and satirically ask "whether God has gone and unanswerable refutation of spirits are &Utl C£ taliz *>' ed at $125,000, beginning cf this 'eat. In Kre» the false contention blindly and these with our Raid can save civ- * l' ception held nnder the auspices of ihe Social Service Comniit- on vacation." It is proper to say a "frord as to the cessation of obstinately advanced by assifni- llization. "'".n production, encourag-,! "eld tiie"e V.ere "Trumpet o£ Jubilee" is a mov-l *£_}}]_ e recent prohibition of | ••vs fhif- y p s r , tee oithe Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation, full religious activities during the summer. I t is not due tolated Jews that loyalty to the of wire from Ger-; Jewish tradition is incompatible ing story, written as only Lewis-! K*h pOpVlRiiOE any depreciation of the value of religion, nor is it an indictSince the inception bf this service for high school graduate^ ohn can write, and an imi _ . ,nany. It can produce SECO.COOJ with a wider loyalty to humanity, tab o ?2E0,000 worth of wire' anbecause of emirtfi ment of that foiwhich temple and synagogue, now with closed that the. Cultivation of Judaism J *e one. _ Let us hope that t h s ' the affair has proven so valuable as to become a permanent „ . operating on two shirts. the sale ci the nu\i:o!:ncB or doorS, stand. Only the enemy of religion who is glad to wel- mean3 a return to an intellectual trumpet of freedom will soon be j nually Kilel ilemefij- Factory here > fixture in our communal life. sounded throughout the world j " ghetto, that devotion to Jewish Siommeln and 2ii come an opportunity tb asperse religion would so hold. that it will usher in the dawn { has increased the number o pre-i High school graduation marks an epoch-making day in There is common sense in this matter as in all matters. values hinders a deeper attach- and parations it is marketing from ot universal values. LewiS- of universal liberty and justice, i 17 to 25. the lives of the young folks, signaling the end of at! era which The intense heat of summer is not conducive to large public ment Patronize Under an agreement! • dvertisere ohn is both a devout Jew ana a with the Eori Company, it willl will live long In memory but will never'return. The Commu- gatherings or to the assembling indoors for whatever purpose genuine humanitarian, a loyal cooperate in the production of a \ soa of Israel and & oniverEalist. nity service and reception by the Social Service Committee even for do laudable and noble a one aa the exercise of renew heart remedy to be market-j And he serves his people, and ed under the name "Digitovin". I lendB a Jewish atmosphere to the graduation exercises of these ligion. Mature itself calls a halt to the usual activity and country, and mankind with zeal, It is made from digitalis laneta.! Jewish students, solidifying their Jewish consciousness and re- occupation in all matters, demands a respite and relaxation. Courass and fidelity. which it is proposed to plant in 1 Dr. FMljs Shsv F.nrfev The author profoundly believes Palestine. j minding them - - at a time when they will seek to become It ia not that religion has suddenly ceased and its worth that the fundamental Ideals of A $Ee,O0C flour mill with si 'part of the adult community - > that they are part of thebrought into question. Religion has not ceased, only its or-Judaism and Christianity are BIBLE onspan. i 6.E ton daily grinding capacity is Ths cs laoweth his owner, anfi Jewish group and must retain the ideals which ate their Jew- ganized and public expression* temporarily. Beligion k anIdentical. H@ is also coatinceiS j nearing completion here £.r.d proondK w-s'.":teri. C a r . AT/6G7 that they are seriously threaten- the ass his master's crib, but Is- di W, A-E150. duction will begin shortly. Conish heritage. attitude of the heart This for a while finds expression other ed today by barbarism ana dicta- rael doth net know — my people | struction has been begun en anthait within the four walls of the Temple. Nature becomes torship. Jewish ethics of Christ- do .not . .consider. ., . [ether fSE.OOO mill which will be j ~ '-I. i i Ian ethics do not exist for him. The campaign to enroll half a million Shekel purchasers God's Temple in ia special £en§e. iWe wofship nMe£ the firmft- Right is right and wrong Is Acd when ye spread forth your j C o s p e { e d i n September and h a v e j ^ hands, I will hide mine eyes from j if" in the 1937 Shekel Roll Call of American Zionists will reach mint Of the boundless sky, perhaps surrounded by iofty moun- wrong, always and everywhere. you. Yea, and ye inake tasny a 12-ton daily capacity. a climax next Sunday - - National Shekel Day - - when ia tains dip •within sight 6r hearing of Borne thundering waterfall; Where tb.8 Jew Sa persecuted, the prayers I will not hear, because j Christian fethic is violated, and your hands are full of blood. house-to-house campaign wili be held to obtain as many sign- or by the mighty Ocean whoso 'Waves lift up theii1 voice,' above •where : g the Christian ethic Is vio- Wash yourself, make yourself ers as possible. Omaha Zionist groups are to be lauded be- whose roaring 'the mighty breakers of the sea, the Lord jpn lated, ths Jew la always oppress- clean, put away the evil of your j ed, Pasclsra and Communism, but doings; from before nine eyes] cause they have buried their political hatchets lot the time high is mighty.* York CWXS) — A warnj ing "not to flatter ourselves that especially the former, threaten cease to do evil. being and have joined forces in the greater problem of signIt is eminently desirable that vacation •were possible lor civilization, frad Judaism and Now is the faithful city become; the extreme forces of German If ing Shekel-holders, regardless of the political faith of the sign- all; and a distinct trend in the social and economic world is Christianity, which champion jus-|a harlot, she that was full of jus- racialism may net penetrate tc er . . . and it is a,healthy;sign for the Jewish homeland that a the providing of vacations with no diminution of material tice, treedoin, tolerance and-tice; righteousness lodged in her. ths L"r.:;cS f;atcr" VeCEUsc ".hr soil hers is r:re for ih^ni :r. ir.ore similar unity of forces is being accomplished throughout the compensation for an ever increasing number. The idea of peace. Dictatorship is a brazen but now murderers. TALMUD repudiation of morality, of truth, s than our" F tounocd by l'i'leisure itt general is taking hold of the world as never before— of Honor, and Of lave, &hd there- Rabbi Jochanan said: "On s.c-jwcy World. ' • ther izta Z^c i'arge in £.c article i! ;!!|iimS We are of the; opinion that the indivicfnal Jewish people due to changed economic and industrial conditions as well as fore incompatible with Judaism count of Karntsa asd Bsr Eamtza' Jerusalem was destroyed. There and Christianity. Thia fact,Lewshauia sign the roU caii, regardless of whether they are Zion* to new fiocial and humanitarian conceptions. It is being rea- isohn reiterates with clarity, con-1 was a leading man wSo had a
'Jewish''Heritage .
, „. ^ ' . ' V . ^ '
Gems of tho Talmud
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Catholic Leader. if Warns of Nazis t
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ists or not. The Shekel is an enrollment of the Jewish citizenry lized that life should not be all labor for some, and no leisure; vlction a n d force, and i s t h e : friend b y t h e Came of K a r s t z a , of the world that stands for the development of Palestine as or all leisure for others and no labor: that there should be at h e m e of t h e novel. and a n e n e m y b y t h e n a m e of a Jewish. Homeland. The purchase entitles the holder to Vote proper relation and proportion between labor and leisure for " T r u m p e t of J u b i l e e " 1B dlvid- E a r K a i a t z a . This n : a n gave i n t o t w o b o o k s w i t h a prolo- ] b a n q u e t Jind told h i s s e c r e t a r y for delegates to the "World Zionist Congress,, but—more im- all. We should not have grinding labor and slavish toil for ed gue a n d epilogue. "Burning invite his friend, KarstEs.. portant--attache3 the signer's name to the petition urging large masses of men and women (and even children) and 'the World," the first gives iis a real- Ths secretary made a mistake Great Britain to resist any infringemeht of Jewish rights, idle rich* on the other hand leading lives of endless pleasure istic picture o£ tea Gernian^Jew- and Invited his en'emy. Bar Ks.nitragedy imaediately after ths tta, wfesa the "host nzv Bar Kamwhether" by violence bn the part of the Arabs or "by a waver- and of degrading extravagance and luxury on the other. There ish rise of Hitler. The tragedy tras | tsa coining to t&e banquet, bs ing attitude and political concessi6n on the part o£ the Man- should be a due amount of labor and of leisure in every life. two"-fold, Bpiritusl and physical, j said t& himself: "Ephold, tfect This is the fundamental idea of the Sabbath which Israel gave The Jewa ia Germany, who per-man is my" enemy, and how doss: datory Government. ) denied the possibility of he come here?". It is vitally important that today, when Palestine is fac- to, the world as a social Institution as expressed in the fourth sistently the debacle, were confronted wita The host approached Bar Katn-1 ing 4 crisis, Great Britain be told in .no- uncertain terms that commandment In which labor and leisure are both equally the collapse of thfcir very world. tea and ordered him to leave the • world Jewry is. Solidly behind the Jewish hopes and aspira- (though hot in eiju&l measure) enjoined: "Six days Shalt'thoti They found themselves spiritual- banquet hail. Whereupon the ca- I ly bere&ved and thysieally out- welcome gcest said: "Since I vrs.s\ tions in Palestine where a Jewish homeland is being rebuilt. labor and do all thy work, but the seventh day is the Sab- lawed. Though they were, a c r e invited and I csae here, let me j Strange as it "may seem, th§ Jewish'trouble this time did not bath." (Thoreau, with his dry humor, would have had it the German than ths Germans they stay and I will pay yes the entire i arise out of our weakness but but of bur strength. So rapid other way around: ^Six^dayS Shalt thou rest and one dayfound themselves repudiated and cost of the b£EQHEt," but the host j disfranchised. By uaalterable refuged. The result was that the j lias been the Palestinian growth and so phenomenal has been labor!") The Bible knows the soul-Satisfaction of faithful flat they ceased to ba German, seised him by tea £r sail! the flourishing progress of Jewish initiative that our enemies labor: "Oh thou that eatest the labor of thy hands, happy art but they were not and could not tost put him out of the banquet Jews. Such & tragedy is are seeking by devious means to halt Jewish reconstruction thou and it shall be well with thee!" There is no happiness TH& guest thea EaiS: "Sines EO| parallel and it is Etartl- many Rabbis were "present ££d \ work in an area dedicated to a Jewish hoineland by the League. like that which ebmes from useful labor successfully performed, without ingly reflected in the heroes, my disgrace and Sid not j The latest manfe3tation; of British vacillation is to be found in the foundation of all well being, individual and social. And the Kurt Weiss and his wife, Glna. observed protest against it, I understand j the immigration schedule just announced - - 770 labor immi- delicious feeling that comes from well-earned, rest after hard The two were profoundly German that they agreed to have me In their political allegiance and treated so disgracefully. I gration certificates for the four months ending July. This is and perhaps exacting toil is inimitably expressed by the well Spiritual, loyalty and refused to go and betray them to obviously a new violation of Jewish rights and unwarrantedly known sentence in Ecclesiastest "The sleep o£ a laboring man believe the possibility of the bru-therefore the Eontan Empire. j negates the principle of absorptive capacity which is supposed is Sweet": to which is added at least one reason for insomnia: tality and the destruction that Ke went to the emperor and | overwhelmed then. When the Sold: "The Judeans rebelled! 'but thte fullness of the rich will not suffer hisa to sleep!' to govern immigration into Palestine. finally arrived, it stun 3 you." "Kow fio you know | Vacation is good for all. And vacation is not vacuity. Life ned them and their fellow Jews. against In our forthcoming struggle lies the fate of the Jewish this?" he was questioned. He | future in Palestine. "Whether we go forward or backward may be full even in vacation; not merely with pleasant pastime Kurt was brutally killed oa areplied: "Sfend s sacrifice and j "depends on the rank and file of Jewry. The first step toward but also with some usely, not too strenubu3, occupation. In trumped up charge, and his wid-you will seer whether they will of- j . ; ow with her son Gabriel seek ref- fer it for 3 ou or not." a proper frame of mind for the battle ahead is a mobilization the Buimner we may prepare calmly and thoughtfully for theuge in America. The account of The emperor sent thrc-us'Ii that of Jewish strength « . as exemplified by the Shekel Roll Call. work of the fall and winter. Rest, relaxation, change are theNazi sadism is restrained yet full maa a calf. While en his way, he best preparation. Days of vacation, properly and intelligently and complete. The author skill- made & blemish on Its tongue, [ exposes the essential ruth- which according to our Jewish' employed, are by no means days merely wasted. The body too fully Iessnes3 and immorality of the: laws Is unfit for thefeli&r,but £f Service .: gains new strength (despite the heat's enervation): new ener- entire regime, yet does so in mea-1 not to the Romas ritFranklin jp. Roosevelt) president of the United States, gies are stored tip that will express themselves in new zeal, sured words &nd without exs.gge.r- i u&l. according Whea lie brought, the Sl&bwas-presented Monday with the Gottheil medal, given annually increased zest, enthusiasm and devotion for the regular work ation. It is a convincing record bis considered making the sacriby the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity to the American who con-and duties of the year. "Absence makes the heart grow of on<5 of-ths most barbaric out- flea tor the sake of peace, but Rabbi Jocharia said "that people tributed the most "distinguished service to Jewry." The selec- fonder," also of one's customary work and occupation, irksome breaks In history. "Afiocaiysss," the Eecond part, will Bay that blemished animals tion ia determined by the votes of the editors of the Anglorelates the experience ts£ Gabriel were sacrificed upon the altar." Jewish press in thi3 country, and thi3 paper participated in and burdensome as our tasks and dutiea often appear while and his mother in the United Teen they considered the afiviswe are in the midst of them. States. Mr. Lewisoan permits his Bbllity of esec the balloting. the betrayer Imagination to rove <*&ita freely to that he should not go back Though hampered by an official capacity which imposed From our beloved Judaisfii we need neve? take a v&ca- and visualizes in the United std inform the government,- but restraints, President Roosevelt has never let slip by an oppor- tion. I t should function at all times, a silent, eternal force. State-, a millenium where Jewsj Rs,bM J&eh&ria persuaded the tunity to emphasize and re-iterate the principles\of. fairness Our heart should pay continual homage to the one only God a.nd Christians live together in i not to do that. The emperor havperfect peace, where &11 febjoy ec- {ing been informed cf the results, and justice. He has opposed with all' his strength and elo-of the Universe. Every moment of our waking life should be onomic sna where the! ordered the destruction of Jeruquence the poisonous venom of racial or religious prejudice one of entire allegiance to God*s holy laws and moral com* Jew h&asecurity, achieved freedom from j salem. Rabbi joeh&aan- remark-: and has denounced bigotry in every form. This has becomb mandments. At work, or oh 'vacation' we should be eloquent spiritual fructtaticn and ar.~uish.! ed: "It is the fcrbe=.rar.oe cf Hab. recognized as part o£ his creed, an integral share of hi3 con- witnesses and representatives of that Ethical Monotheism it is a beautiful, a distant dream,; bi Jccl-arli vhicli crurci th? Cozbut not an tmrc:ciblo cne. It be-| tructicn cf cur 7cr?r'.o E I : our cept' of life. which is synonymous with our Judaism. From the idscz of hoove3 each end every cne of us In the broader sense, the selection of President Roosevelt 'God', 'Right', 'Torah', 'Israel', 'Mission', 'Messiah', the true Jew to strive for its rfalliatlcn. It aa the recipient of the Gottheil medal recognizes the funda- should never be on vacation. They should be with hin con- constitutes the theris cf the volwhich is ore ci the ciUhor's mental principle that the solution to the Jewish problems of stantly and he should seek to express then \7hercvet be b,ume, favorite convicticn:, namely that bigotry and misunderstanding lies in the more enhancing scope be an incarnate example of their truth, beauty and power. only \7h«u Jevr becomo Jews, of democracy. In other words, the more firmly7 entrenched Judaism is eternal as the God it proclaims -end. worships :s become the principles of democratic and enlightened,govern- •the Eternal.* ,7 " : . 3VI.--T r r x v o r ment, the more secure becomes the status of the Jewish minorSo, though tiie doon of tlie Temple msy be closed, our i . . » l i U i i • • • C ^.i. a. i. . ity. Our efforts must' therefore be bent toward democracy hearts are not closed, but open to every Luluencc tlmt iv.aL.e.3 'nr ""i^ and against fascism. for the upliftment and ennoblement of man, the L?^T c r (WX3) — Act:r"r en the of all human life: the true adoration of God end loyalty to ation cf thr rr.:.ch :iin:^Are They Me?a Woydo? religion, even "in vacation." v:: r.r -2 CV.I).--:. -, ' 7 •,!•:_ .".cattt, to . - Fr.derhl: Col:;:. "Words come easily; their lulfillment is the crucial test. King George VI, •newly-annointed head of the British empire, spoke in tho best tradition of liberty when he declared: thre--T_n ^-'\" cc: .. \c,~ left. '•crn DOX'V rv.X: A N Y "Today the world is harassed by perplexity and fear. In this llczh .:- „ -OTC*. family of nations, liakjd hy tifcj alike flexible and £irm, \7o .-Tuno 10 licz. to i"'":" rca !_jaor.: f -t. inherited from our fathers a c * tradition of liberty and of service. 1 a n coafide.it tli-ii whatever life may bring us weRor'; ticc. ,*»^i..,-•,«„ The cemr-.Ic shall continue to \7ork to'jotlie? to pres-ii-ve this noble heritage Fez: ^ - -b !7uly 17 so that we may lisnd It on ummprured to those 'who com,3 after." i d a ^ \--jc~ L i ' " D cv. If tie no™ hinjj is more than a puppet and truly injects r. " tin.1, philosophy into government, then the British government \ Uurrl c^r
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The smerf Sport Ja ore K o!syan c; on*y wood predyeviens . Nebraska fesfurss i .1.,,.,. fa Cm Vorsi Now's to good tlrrss "Hi tcmbtete sfe'scHons, •
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THE JETTCSH PRESS. FEK>AT, 3IAY 21, 1937 • L a m p o r t tO
c weekly, America, lat "racialism and jth fall tinder the ration," Father t^ ; that "there is ncv rence between the s"a human life out tor a so-called inVazi.who proclaims [treaties cannot be Lmp his racial style [unist "who preaches he "£ame of class
^) — An example ' of the Jewish birth any is furnished by. Itettin and Krefsld. T city, there have , ths and one birth. 900 Jews since the this year. In Kreive been no births 500 Jews this year. Jewsih population ligration has caused he synagogues of Zundorf.
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afcly. Wisely In
Endowment, Life Compan-
Type oJ insurance written. S1SO.
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Women's ME.
Junior Hadassah will hold an A n i n t e r e s t i n g E K C -~Z important meeting next Thursday __ e n ,S .,,.. v i Mrs. Alexander Lamport, HaSeldom does an actor write as j evening, May 27 at S p. in at th<=> °? -lilzrEClJ " .. . . . « i . . . — — ) nesQ£r afteraoon i dassah leader, will be • in Sioux j Srell as set In "nis own film. "Cafe ! J. c. C. si Lb iiilton Kept e City Friday evening and all day I Metropole" is Ratoff's brain-child j The annual election of officers plaining L Saturday. .On her stay in Sioux | and a credit to him on both! will take place. This will be the speaker, campaig nd urging L City she is to be en'/jrtained by j scores, \tina\ business meeting o f th« = E a BLOCH-RITS Ratoff and Ids wife, Eugenie ; son and all members are urged to to role. , Mr. and Mrs. Samuel N. Rips Mr. and Mrs. Jake Lagman en- Mrs. W. C.. Slotsky, president of Mrs. Sophie Kotik"-> I Leontovich, are celebrating one | attend. announce the engagement of tertained 50 guests for dinner the Sioux City Hadassah. nancial report on !"<= Mrs. Lamport spent the year i of their rare reunions during the | their, daughter, Lottie, to Harold last Sunday in honor of Miss successful card pai-f. Eloch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo-Shirley i Fiedler, -who' is to wed 1933 and the summer of 1935 in local run of '"Tovarich." Thej-'ve Junior Hadassah lieid an m- Weinberg reported o Palestine. During that time she! been married fifteen years. Hatoff Mr. Joseph Lagman this coming seph Bloch. id sew members. T studied .closely all phases of life! claims the secret of their marital terestlsg meeting Thursday even-; ana No definite date has been set Sunday, May 23'. ing, Slay 13, at~the Jewish Com-' inson anc ter corcn in the Country. She. studied not j .happiness is'that he thinks she 5s for the wedding. .', '. " • taunity Center. Final arrange- tea and refreshrcent? only the Hadassah health tneththe greatest actress In tiie vorld I BAR MITZVAH taeiits were made for the Benefit' ""'•lie members of the Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ja- ods, but also the life and atmosTO RECEIVE SUNDAY cob Blank celebrated his becom- phere of Palestine. Severs ttfr. and Mrs. JOB Hertzberg ing Bar-Mitzvah on Saturday ago she was a delegate are receiving Sunday; May 23 at morning. May 29, at 9:30 a. m. World Zionists Congress. their home 2919 Myrtle, from 3 at the Beth El synagogue. Hadassah she held many import- Jiier,"'i.*e "follows" "her all over the by Miss Mary Garfinkle, c p. in. to 6 p. m. in honor of their , Mr. and Mrs. Blank extend cor- ant positions and is a chairman of ! g l o l ) e hy telephone. Once he callman of this .affair. the National. Membership Comj nia daughter. Julia, who was recently dial invitations .-.to their friends *<Irs. K. Weinberf. chairman ol : e d h e rl n a t J a y t o w n l n R u E a a Approximately y • twenty y •wed to MrJ Meyer Raben of and relatives to attend services mittee. Mrs. Lamport is a speak-1 . , c a l l s e a a great commotion . .•. :e Jewish Kational Tree Fund bers EO far hare raised their quo-: Council Bluffs. No invitations and participate in Kiddish ih hon- er of vitality and^charm and gives I [t t h e f i r s t call ever transa most vivid and interesting pic- mitted from America. Her pet ta for the "Give or Get" fund, it i have been Issued. •;' . oi moth-[ or of their 'son. was reported by Miss J.Iiidred i ture of present day Palestine. ers on Slotlier's Day. Sunday, May 20, Mr. and Mrs. name for "him is "Grischa." Whitman, chairman of this affair, ; ; On her return to Omaha from HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE Blank •will receive at the Birchwhich will take place. JMav 22. I Mrs. ?,!ey£r Ecber- in hotior o! Sioux City she Trill be entertainHr%£-Eddy Kaplan and the wood Club from three to six.' No Following. the meeting, a larap j her mother-in-lnw, Jjrs, I, Befcor; ed by the-Hadassah "srho are giv- Shavings: Milton Berle is a Mrs. Fara Eebpr in honor of her Misses Lillian and Pearl Freed- invitations have been Issued. necktie addict. An alert obserj drawing was held by Miss Esther ing a tea at 2:30 o'clock In her 5. Ki^tes E~ci h e r m man entertained for 28 guests, ver reports" that he has worn a j Lazerson, and was won by Miss honor at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. I, Beber; Sunday, May 8, in honor of Miss ENTEBTAEvS FOK SIXTEEN Goldle Zusrnan. Mrs. Goldstein 325 So. 37th St. different one every day since .Mrs. FhiZ::> 3? utsnick in honor of , Miss Ann Goodbinder enterZelda Charney whose marriage to arrival in movietown. severai She •will leave Omaha Sunday Sirs. S. Riekes. and Hershel Freedman will be solem- tained sixteen guests at a benefit night for Des Moines where she is ] """ eeks a »o. Laemmle, Jr. beher mother-in-law, Sirs. ; aiso PLEASMT Bill bridge party at her home at 520 nized May 30. to speak at their "Give or Get" 1 comes an associate producer atj Klutznick; Mrs. I. Goldstein in : North 51st street, last Tuesday luncheon. From Des Moines she EmGeeEm. Since Louis B. Mayer; n Eir, evening, May 11. Proceeds will go continues on to St. Louis where i *uilt a projection room at h « | A regular meeting of the Pica- memory of h e r Mrs. AN'NOtJNCE BIRTH .Mr. and Mrs. Hyman. Noddle to the Junior Hadassah "Give or she will represent the National j house he won't come out of thejsant HiU Cen.er.ery Socicy wm GrpssmED. V. Coliotuchen announce' the birth of a son on Get" lund. Board at the Southwestern Reg- dark. Willie Howard is bemgjbe held xuesday, Itiay z0 at 2:GO pare in honor c-i heir son's vedTuesday, May 18, at the Immanional Convention of the Ha-aas- Hollywooed. Gordon asd Revel |P. m. at iue B aai Jacob Ej-iiap. diE.? and also in honor ol' their uel hospital. 3 isaw a sign, "Danger, Mea at eue located at 24th ana ^ic.ho^as silver •n-o.-.-'^ tLniiiversar^*. sah. weddingStreets. ,'Work." Instantly a tune was born EVfcEBTAESED j called, "Danger, Love at Work." About twenty members of the Miss Pearl. Hamburg entertain! Binnie Barnes owns three apart- GOLDIE EEYERSQM CLUB Hazomir Singing Society particed at a benefit bridge party Tues| ment houses, but just bought a ipated in bringing about the sucday evening. May 18. at the home ' cottage to live in. Regular meeting of the Goidir of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Friedel at cess of the wienie roast which Meyersbn Club will be he'd Tues4655 Mayberry Street. Proceeds was held Saturday night at "Bead Michael Breen, 22-year-old day, May 25, at the Paxtor: will go to the Junior tladassah Man's Gulch." al That night also marked the Hollywood — When reel names brother of Bobby, will have ^ Hotel at 2 o'clock. ''Give or Get" fund. birthday of one of the members, were real names—a few addition-•+ singing part m "Make a A\ isn. Election of officers will be helu Harriet Rifkin, who is pianist for al "Who Was Made" for your | That's a family with a telleni. . and plp.ns will be made for a vie- j TO ATTEND COS \'KS 1'ION FEEEBfl, the group. tory luncheon to be given some- i 523 World-Herald Bldg. At C952 reference: Arthur Tracy was Mr. Hyniie Zorinsky will leave Everyone met at the J. C. C. advertising stanf is in-[ time • during the first week of | Xew Harry Rosenberg; Milton Berle, for Chicago this coming Saturday where there stood in readiness a 16 attend the National ConfecBerliner; Al Dubin was labelled augurated by Mas Factor, beauti- June. A nationally Known ,?peak- ! large truck to take them to and tionarTes Assn. convention, to b<3from the wienie roast. Eliahn Uubinsky; Abe Lyman cian. He is making trailers for er is planned for this affair. All j English, i h members are ureed to attend. i held at the Palmer House in ChiSimon; Bert Lahr, Isadore Lar- world distribution in Swedish French, Spanish and There is still ti cago. His wife is to accompany heim, antf Francine Larrimore ._ _ ___ __. him on this trip. school-girled as Ruby Adler. (Note the omission of German) who have not raised their quota j •'GIVE OR GET" PARTY {j Shortly after the Elaine Barris- Subjects -will be autograph inn- j to do so. By About twenty couples will atand screen tests. John Barrymore legal cleavage ters I r a AVIV TO NA%E STEEE71 Did you ever hear Patsy Kelly tend a "wiener roast given by the last- week, they were seen dining j Hat er gedoTenfi"? She J FUR bt Omaha Chapter of the Junior Ha- The new J . C. C. junior Softball j jj heard Jolson repeat it so many j dassah Sunday evening, May 23,league will V launched Sunday] ^ . ^ ^ I t ^ i ^ ^ Return engagement or just a re- j times in "Wunderbar" that she j Tel Aviv — One of the street? at eight o'clock at the Play More with four mighty teams swinging take." could do a perfect double for him. j of this all-Jewish c'.:y v-.ii ;>t into action. The first day's schedPark. Guests will be members of — | named after the la:" Jrcr H c'r the club who have raised their;nle calls for Giants to go! i Haas,- veteran Zicsi?t r-;lZ.c:.-t quota for the "Give or Get" fund, j against the Tanks and the last! Signs of Spring: That brokenAu'voir. and their escorts. V j world series will probably bej down, tin-pan piano, Irving Ber-j (Copyright, 1937,-Jewish Tele- j and leader, according to z coci-1 sion by the city council. The members Tvho have raised * shamed by the way the kids hus-;lin's favoriate instrument (he graphic Agency, Inc.) ships it wherever he goes and their quota are the Misses Mild- tie the ball around the lot. Cards play, the Tigers in the uses none other for composing) Ted Whitman, Ealah Kranklin, I. Tannie Katelman, Una Gross, Other contest and the sight of is suffering an overhaul for the the At the last meeting Bettye Tuchman, Sarah Tanb, j Dizzy Dean pitching- to Hank first time in twenty odd years. It A. o. Greenberg couldn't bring a big-i was an emergency operation . . .(Mother Chapter of the A. Gertrude Lewis, Dorothy Zlotkin, ' it-got so bad that when he play-I Macy Sauin and Lou Hanritz, re.,•-,.-',-..•...-••• •—~=!Ann — KUznit,-—<Joldie' . Gorelick, ^ e r t h r U l , . . . . . . . i cent alumni of the chapter, were Big ceremonies will get the ed, nothing happened! .Mary Gaff inkle, Ann Goodbindert unanimously elected as junior Eva *Taub, Esther Lazerson, Pearl season started. advisors of this chapter. Both Lord and. Lady Marley were ' Hamburg, Goldie Zusmanj Ann have been active alephs. Center netsters are taking en- received here with worshipful acEahn.and Mrs. Irving Forbes, Plans for a wienie roast to be Everyone trill meet at eight thusiastically to Johnny Tatoni's claim, especially by the Jewish o'clock Sunday evening at the tennis classes. The net sessions portion of the film colony. Lord held in the near future -were tome of. Miss Mildred.Whitman, will be held next Monday. Al- Marley spoke to a packed audi- started. Irving Nogg vras apchairman at the Rt>land Apart- ready several players have sign- ence, at B'nai B'rith temple. He pointed chairman of a Epecial ments, No. 7, at 2107 North 18th ed up to take instruction from was honored at a dinner given at committee consisting of Bud WinStreet. Miss Whitman is being the popular Omaha Tennis club Hillcrest Country Club . . . troub, Maurice Adler, Dave WeinGeorge Jessel m. o.'d. Louis B. er and Sam Wolk. The smoker assisted on. her committee by the professional. i Misses Bettye Tuchman, Una about -th the will honor a group at new memMayer conducted him be-initiated soon Gross, Fannie Katelman, Dorothy The bowling banquet will be M. G. M. lot. Among the stars or the Election of officers ZZlotkin, and Ann Goodbinder. held Tuesday, May 25, at Paston he visited was Luise Rainer, Hotel. whom he found "remarkably well terni from June to December will be held at the first meeting durinformed on world affairs." ing the month of June. There will j Senior Softball League scheduled to get under way this Sunday, Insiders say the reason Sidney be a regular meeting oa Tuesday. r May 23, at io:3Oa. m. Fo didn't get the Tilly Losch role May 25, at the J. C. C. fn "G&od Earth" • vras that her NEW YORK (JTA)—A §10,eyes are too round to be made DISCOHTpT W1TBM21$\ O00,()00 League of Nations loan oriental. However, she has a very at five per cent interest to fi' IS 'STEADILY WCREASlttC good Young Men's Vaad will be held nance settlement 'of 50,000 Gerback with her success in a Tuesday, June 1, at the B'nai Isinan refugee . families in the Washington (JTA) —=•• Discon- rent Broadway offering'•. rael synagogue at iSth and Chi''comparatively empty territories1' tent with the Nazi regime is cago Streets, at 8 p. ta. is proposed by Countess Wald- growing in Germany, particularA hitch in the Zola title. First ieck, author and former correspon- ly among the working classes, is being: planned. All young sues dent of German newspapers, in an "where it has occasionally pro- labelled, "The Story who are interested are asked to then called, "The article in the recent issue of For- voked spontaneous but scattered Emile Zola," then, "The Life of attend this meetin eign Affaire ehtitied "The Great outbreaks, of passive resistance,' l^ew Migration." South America the Foreign Policy Association reIs particularly cited as a prospec- ports. • • • • • • ' tive place of settlement. "That the Nazi regime has to The League, she Says, obvious- some extent, lost it hold on the lyly fears to take any action with masses is Indicated by the fre?regard to the German refugees quency Tvhich might hinder Germany's re- exhortations," says John C. De716 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. turn to Geneva. However, "the Wilde, of the etream of the great migration is likely to swell rather than to dry •up," she declares, and accordingly suggests the financed colonisation.
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By Sirs. David, Hi*KcwEcaa I Tar
Tiventy-four lionr Salad Take 2 eggs beaten, 4 tablespoons vinegar, 4 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 cups •white cherries cut in halves, 2 cups diced pineapple, 2 oranges cut in pieces, 2 cup3 marfehmallows and .1 cup whipped cream. Put eggsi in pan, add vinegar and sugar, beating constantly cook .until thick and smooth. Remove from fire,. add butter and cool. When cold fold in the whipped cream and fruit mixture. Turn out on a bed of lettuce and lill center with sweetened whipped cream. • ^ •«
\ English Toftce Use U. cup butter, 2 cups white Engat, H teaspoon salt, **> cup milk, 1 cup syrup, l , teaspoon vanilla. Boll all together slowly until sugar dissolves. Then boil hard to hard crack stage. Add vanilla. Pour into buttered pan. "When U cold break into pieces. 1310 No.
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ESTUNION—This long-focus picture was taken in frcnt of the Chateau de C a n d e,. llcnts, France, £s the D-jke el Windsor, center, and his fiancee, Wallis Tv'arfield, left, waved to the crowd from the balcony. At rish is Mrs. Eernsaa Rogers. This was shortly after the Duke's arrival from St.
1 g&i IN ROYAL ROBES—These companion pictures or Queen Elizabeth and King George VI were painted especially for the London J "Times of India," to show the sovereign and his consort in their ' royal robes. King George wears the Imperial Crown of State and • the purple velvet iRobe of State, edged and lined with ermine. The Queen's robe is of purple velvet with gold embroidery.
TEOPHY — Even though rehearsals for the coronation, most important spectacle in a generation of Britain's history, made 1 vast demands on their time, I \ King George VI, left, and Queen Elizabeth took.time oS to be present at a recent football game at Wembley, England. Here Queen Elizabeth presents the famous association cup to Captain Carter of the Sunderland team, which defeated the Preston North Enders 3-1.
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PRESIDENT'STOKE—Tii£.tleft-hand cesture by President Roosevelt dossn't indicate the true size of the flsli he caught, during his Gulf of ICexico cruise. Tlie s&tlsSed smile on. his f?ce recalls the 77-pounfi tarpon be landed oST'ort, Aransss, Tc;jas, He plared the fsh 62 ninutcs. ' "
onel E. R. Bradley,- famed turfman, as he appeared recently &t the Kentucky-Darby. His entries did not do so sctTl.
FLUJB GOES FOS A RIDE—Like a busman on his day off, Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, famed World War flying see," took his family for an air ride, during a recent vacation. They are shown boarding a clipper ship at the Pan American airport, Miami, Fla., for a trip to Havana, Cuba. William is at right with Sirs. Rickenbacker. while David is at left.
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SUKPEISE FOR SIK NEVILLE—Sir Neville Henderson, left,'new British Ambassador to Germany, is greeted in Berlin by Herr von Bulow-Schwante, Nazi Chief of Rrotocol. Sir Neville was iaildly surprised when the Nazi official appeared in military uniform, instead of the customary diplomatic cut-away coat.
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I GARDENER — When William Robert, Poage, Democratic congressman from Waco, Texas, has a little spare time in Washington, he goes out to the botanical gardens and does some gardening. Here he is on the way.
1| SAILWAY FINANCIERS—More light into their acquisition of the Van Sweringen transportation network was requiredfcySenator Burton K. Wheeler, left, and his Senate Railway Finance Committee to Washington, of these three young financiers who bought the roads. Left to right, Robert R. Young, 'Frank P. Koiba and Allan P. Kirby, shown shaking hands with Senator Wheeler.
ITLM STEIIiLins AS^ EOTCOXT—Striking nio'ion picture ciT,:t unions }™ I-^oZ enlict 2,CC0,O33 workers in a nctIoz--Fido borcott cf mrno th?rtors. crier p-ofuerthsy must return to work before their dsnands for a closed sh?r v-culi be cor;:.;:!-*•?." lins in front of a theater 'in Hollyvrood. The craftsmen rsrerrc: their bcrr? r vorlf first in industrial areas ia ths larre cities.
CHURCH IN STEEL—Battleships and Jails are mc&e of steel, but here is a church made of that metal. It is Bethany chapsl tranch of the Missionary Church Association, at Peoria, 111,, where services are held weekly. Believed the first of its kind ever built, it is constructed of steel parts Joined together entirely by electric welding. Curved steel plates 3/16th inch thick and four feet wide were used, at a cost of $2,000.
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ZJKE FATHES, USE SON—This -introduces Edward Trowbridge Collins, Jr., whose dad, now vice president and general manager of the Boston Red Sox, 'was a member of Connie Mack's famous S100 000 Infield, years ago. Young Eddie is a sophomore outfielder on the Yale varsity nine at New Haven, Conn., and is doing all right He is 20 years old, five feet 10 and weighs 170.
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hefora Pnilip and tells him -what one of the greatest apostrophes to Ida Tobias, and (I mention it just! good Italian patriot!! Jf i n case anybody hasn't he thinks of his 'country. This freedom in their literature. heard ; were disputed hT tilI believe that there is a real is -what ho says: ''I iJ n •: i .*•> v e I f ' c "i1 e fpud e-f. J,-**, "Your Majesty, I lately passed struggle In the world tcfiay — a' real struggle not only between through Flanders and Brabant. So many rich and blooming prov- ideas- of freedom, but the idea cf inces filled with a valiant, great morality, the Christian idea, if (As Told to Florence Werne) and honest people. To be father you wish to call it that. That on The famous comedian • oi of a race like this I thought must the one hand there- are abstract stage, screen EJIC racljo, irhoss i an linage cf a mamma's ds~ - '-it* be divine indeed, and . then—I principles of morality, justice and Iongp. nagrstified asibit-ios. to | dressed in L,it:ie I^ord Faunt c .OTZipSOQ it. rstumbled on: a heap of burnt freedom that we feel .should be have a son is nsrfr partially ful- j Style. But the word "iiaper=->--imen's bones. . . . True you areaccessible to all mea of all races, filled fey the' acquisition of.-a- tcr" Eturned ihesi into re; c -The distinguished" • author with its first night audience. forced to act so, t u t that you irrespective of creed .or convic- son-in-law, -relates /tfae story of e Eiculd have evoked. Ii and foreign correspondent, who Suddenly there came a moment could dare, fulfil .your..task—this tiori, wMls on other hand there •his ckSMhood'sircggles in this ') " svr yrcTc., ,£Ed they VE1.U „ is in the forefront of the activi-: in this - long-, turgid classic and fills my soul with shuddering hor- is'this new.doctrine (sad it Is not article "especially -.•written for T \ ties of the American. Commit- noble melodrama when the en-ror. O 'Us pity that the victim so 'new—it ha3 occurred before) the .Seven Arts Feature SVESI- see vrhzt it meant. i i _' -They did. E r act of miri tee for Christian German Ref- tire audience arose and burst into slaughtered in his blood "must t h a t ' opposes those Ideals, this j CBte and the Jewish' Press. • icg- leadirg- stars y-ent over •ngees, dedicates this cbntriha- cyclonic applause." Perhaps you choose- to chant the praises of-his j Nazism, built on race acd na < ( —THE EDITOR Not only.-did I survive -wi^H tion to a most interesting phe- read about it in the newspaper. sacrificer! . / : Soon, a milder age nationalism. In my view thess two ideas cannot long survive tonomenon in Nazi Germany. In It is. some years since I read vrlll follow that of Philip, a n age Even as. a child'-1 felt that it i -peer' private life Miss Thompson is "Don Carlos" (1 read i t . in col- of truer w i s d o m ; hand in hand gether;-one or the oihar will win was my -destiny in" life to' enter-| Will the five dollar prize fo, ( V J —either the" light will illuminate the subjects, welfare and the EQVlege).; and it occurred to me to BIrs. Sinclair LCTVIS. rtain others. • My idea'of real *ua ! find out what the passage' was elgn's greatness will -sralk in un-the .darkness, or the darkness trill was to move other, people to! best —The .'Editor.' *? wealth t a a to that had evoked such a spon- ion." Then the careful state "Will blot out the light. And since I laughter or tears. I enjoyed this \ I : I am talcing my text from'the taneous outburst of applause by spare her children and necessity believe that this nation E3 a so much that as a-youngster of \&ang Sown to Cfeinatn•works of Friedrich Schiller, for people in a theatre in a land un- no longer glory to be thus in- -whole 'is standing in the light, I fourteen. I took to soap-bos ora- treated • them • all tr? rh~-rr . . . believe it is the duty of this E S - tory ' during political campaigns i ,5a very Interesting and dramatic der the domination.' of a Hitler. human." . . . and no other reason than that things, is,happening in Germany It was with difficulty that I was The King interrupts him to say.: .tion, not only for huma&e reasons, Z -V c~£ right now.in connection with, the able to .obtain a copy, here-in "Behold my Spain. See here the but from pure self-preservation ^ a n t e d t h e t t r i l l o f s p e a M 2 g S of the £.--,. - v _ Schiller's play in burgher's.good blooms in eternal to stretch . out a hand to all the f o r e a a E 1 2 d i e r i C e > ^ production of one of Schiller's New York, of ph : a a E12dieriCe> Uch s t sn . '-.. ; unclouded peace. A peace like people in Germany who a r e *p- f plays. For years, for genera- .English. • ' . " '•' , . " ^ u is sl t t a this -will I bestow on Flanders." tions, for over a_ hundred years, .'. The main idea. of_"D.6n Carols'; plauding these ideals.those Allideals - over j E t r e e t ^ o r a e r -• " the world, wherever Posa says: "The churchyard's :r gang- m t>"=- , - i r i th ld h th ideals j ' the plays of Friedricn rcailler is this: The scene.is laid in the that once • animated Friedrich peace! Do you hope -to end what bilitv ' d a t e 'back to a n u a have been an important part of time of the Renaissance; Eliza- you have now begun? So do youSchiller still have validity, there -— when, as a the literature - of the German beth is on the throne tn England, hope to check this ripening change ia. sympathy, understanding u'ff cro-K-cs of pecrple '— theatre, . and r an earlier play of and all Europe is peglnning to this great help of Christendom, the universalJ_-wilUngness to his. "Don Carlos." has always flame -with - t h e - Renaissance; spring that shall renew the earth's I feel that there are heen a favorite of German stu- Shakespeare is -writing great new fair form? Would you alone i cause. n . around the world, and hands nationalistic dramas, breathing dents. I t is a very -well-known Europe, placing yourself - before j spirit around the •srerfi play written " in clank verse, not a spirit of mysticism and nar- the rapid -wheel of destiny vnile those ppeople In """ mustt stand t d with ith thos •which seems a.little turgid,-some- row nationalism, but bringing rolls its ceaseless course, and Germany who do not believe—as new concepts of freedom and libtimes. ., .;',••',.• " . ..i.p seize its spokes frith the human I do not believe-^that. this is .tbe you looked-you-ceuld-'sse the s t y . Well, something has happened erty. All over Europe the Renais- arm? Vain thought! Thousands final phase of Germany. But-the two weeks allotted-to us in Germany: An amazing demon- sance is spreading. Only Philip's have our'kingdom fled in joyful (Copyright, 19937, by Sevea Arts by -the: Education Alliance (the stration at a performance of "Don Spain remains the Rock .of the poverty; honest burgher, thankFeature Syndicate;) Carlos" that seems to bear an Middle Ages, and there Its King, ful exile, was your noblest subunmistakable significance. A few surrounded by intriguers • arid ject! .See!..' With a Mother's •weeks ago in-Berlin a new pro-self-seekers, yet wields -an abso- arms Kllaabeth •-•welcomea the fuduction of "Don-Carlos" was putlute monarchy, fancying himself gitives, and..Britain bfoom3' in on, and t h e "Minister.of Enlight- the sole representative of God onrich luxuriance from our'counenment/' Mr. Gpebbels,-- sat In earth. . Posa, a Grandee.of Spain', try's arts." Bereft of .the new school who was father and mother in the loge of the theatre crowded who has travelled all over Europe Christian' 'industry, Granada lies her who have become S one .to ia"e; I wss a -typical hey. cf becomes imbued with the.ideas of the-JCew'-Torfe-streets whose &V-, of today, but there socgrs the Renaissance." At that time forsaken,' and all Europe'.exulting Tesple petite for-life'was'Increased.'byj composed, r r T = sees his foe oppressed "with Spain had undertaken the conTemple Israel .will participate the fact '.that*! -could- -have- so lit-I sre become r'ri quest of Flanders, and Philip •wound s b y ' i t s own hands in- in the communitywide r e c e p o n community-wide reception of the folk ruthlessly wages war there to flicted." and servcie for Jewish high t l e 1 ^•Eong- then __ __ „ _ _ ^ Then he steps nearerthe King Unwilling to'mrreiifier my-ne-w EATING bring that country under the and says: . "Xo-o. -wold plan for school graduates to be held at only^ two, "Goodbye, Little^cVrf, domination of the only represen- all eternity, and yet the se^ds yon- B'nai Israel .synagogue this evea-. •chli enatsle'rae to'rtay Goodbj-e" asg ."Sciool DEV" I A Division of tative of God on earth. Posa sow are the seeds of death! This ing. Habbi'David Wice will de- on at thS'-cs-nrpa; little , „ „ „ , remember them?' hopes to imbue Don Carlos with hopeless task with nature's laws liver the. sermon. . "The . Jewish My ld'ea~was to: contribute'an.'imAmerican ©tnndard s I Ket George Jesse!, r r f 1 modern ideas of freedom. And at strife will ne'er survive the Answers to Chaos." Eabbi Fred- porta'nt*-part;.to-'the;.entertainsient Ii'ried'to ti Radiator d ^ anitary play big brother-to hlrT. ' T Jde erick " Cohn will giva the isvocsin the "third act of the play .the CORPORATION spirit of' its founder. "X°u labor provided: at the seit-'campfire ga--l " vrz.3 a dashing dsndv c4* :cv Vrc King summons Posa to him, and for gratitude; in vain with "nature t i o n . . ' • • . . " ' or twelve at the time, "svlnzi. * thering. ' • ' @E.S©KI BROS". asks: "Where is this; Grandee you engage in desperate .struggle; in high hat, -vrhite vest, spats tv.C Well, it dlda't turn out just'exHosting Contractors . of Spain who has served me/well, in vain you waste your high royal • •• .-. V a a d ".actly as I had;.eipectea. My very a cane but at heart he was a ch*ld 2612 Xicavenworth' At; 2350 but asks no favors.of me?" Posa life" in projects of destruction; The closing late Priday - even- serious v'fecitktion "..of-'•'& bit oi longing for a chance to play. Is brought-to the King; he stands Man is greater than-you esteem ing services, of.the season will be Echool ; oratory;. •" which I accomIn 1510, playing at the L,r;;;sy him. He will hrust the chains of held tonight and will ha dedicat- panied by grimaces-1 in'a-gallant viller•• Keith's, I v:e.s sent out to a long slumber and reclaim once ed to the^ Jewish graduates of all effort to achieve dramatic effect, do s five-minute bit in' betv-prr changes cf scenery. How scr-r.l more his just and hallowed rights. the local i i g h schools. This will provbked'loTld: guffaws "With Nero's name and fell Busi- be a "combined service ia which older follc-.among lay-' listeners. I was I can't begin to desr-^e. ria will he couple yours. . r." And the Rabbis and the memberships r~ ' he turns- to. the Kind and adds, of all 'synagogues will participate. hoped for: t was invited to stay public, at least. TTh£ RabbJU'David H.. Wice will de- on at the'estsp as an: entortai2- was that I ha5 piokea earnestly: "By the 'Almighty t\ t rp s, power! Restore us all you have liver :the baccalaureats: . sermqa, a e s t f e a t i i r s ; - ' ' -"- "•--•'.:/.-• -• •;•••• of a jzsrr socg t i tfcya-E deprived u s of and; generous as H.abbi ~Milton '.X""" Kopsteia """•yrlU " K'cre'Important-still:"-i'-saS disU.i Cfci i V strong, let happiness flow from conduct the services. Cantor Ju covered that I could ma&e people The spirit "and rhythn your: horn of plenty-—let man's Schwaczkin and his choir will of- laugh. A verv- raluable disccv-j song cemanded a peppy lightEingmind ripen in~ your vast empire. ficiate., erv. M l learned, when-I started U nick delivery; and here.mr irMembers of the Vaad Ladies ery, as I le Give U3 back-all you have taken to en-] tense nervousness helper: thousand kings, a. king-indeed!" Auxiliary will be hostesses at the carve out my career in'the ; : tertainmeafwo'rld. ] waited-up and. down tin from us. and become, \ amidst a reception following services. : But I must "go eves ' further | clappisgr my hsaas and per Eegular Father and Son traPosa gazes a t the King and conback for what was really my de-j about like he very incarnation tinues, with enthusiasm: "O that ditional services will the eloquence of all these myraids Sunday a t . 9 a. m. at co whose fate depends on this mo- tion B'nai Israel at ISth mentous hour could-hover.on. my ^ Saturday ^ lips and fan the spark, that lights ^ thine eyes into a glorious flame! vices of.congregation Beth Hame- the.-.night." And. o=e. .right somejand the. frightpned rolling cf r Renounce the mimicry of- godlike drosh Hagodol,- Rabbi Kopst'ein unappreciative listener o the' e; es went over tig..-. powers which level us to nothing. will speak'on the Portion of the third floor•"^—'.;-who ight Some yearE later, ia IE IT, I Of Be, in thruth,' an image of the Week.' made my csttit i s the E'egfelfi I Deity-himself! /Never did mortal & Yiddish folk-r-oiig'instead of the Follies. • That was. -my -first big man possess so much for purpose . '•-;': ! 'Beth-El' i ' Broadway hit :' of. the day — chance, and lack was-with me. It BO divine. The kings of Europe This Friday evening the Beth dumped a bucket ci water Tight j was during this time pay homage to the name of Spain. El Synagogue wil join with the on this infant'-solol'st; who thus j Will i t Of :rs, who also vrss w: Be you the leader of these kings. Vaad and the Temple at services literally received his baptists ss g and "vrho uEtil his fieatt One pen stroke now, one motion in' the B'nai Israel synsgogue at was s close friend of mire. Ear, of your hand can- new create the ISth and Chicago Streets in _hon- ginger. churatafss up with. Far TTesl, rr earth! . G r a n t ^us liberty of or, of this year's high, school grad- . Latercassa-the amateur, r i 218 New Dresses Jn tried-Etepping-stoaes to'- a fame, to j;peal;. f '."forget my. first thought!4!..' . ' ': . ' uates. story encs ES a Chiffon, lace, sheer, Kever -will st ' Miner's Bowery Next Weefe I n . Hitler's Germany tod ajy in : I insrriofi 1 crepe. Sizes 12 to 46. Next' Friday evcaing • Habbi tear "nigat that land where there is no freeTheatre.-and the inenaclng. hock] Ewe'st.hesrt o Goldstein will speak on'"Personal : dom of thought, no freedom of ; ; t i e 'nn ciislsccr. J - U m-ihfeateaed o f t n 6 audisccs-g. conscience, no freedom of expres- Infnerices." On' nest Saturday j ythat morning. May 29, ASisa, the son i,-lean, .half-starved sion, a land given over at present to a mystic. conception of blood of Mr. and Mrs.-Jake Blast, will youngste pop-eyed with fright, and race elevated into the place become Bar-Mitzvah and. trill con- facing'a'mass'of Jerriitg; of God,, elevated into the place of duct .services. - - - ' Ths .ansouscer 'raisea:'.Ms all morality, it is indeed signifiand in,his gruK-voice" roared: i 169 Dresses in laces, cant to note the demonstration "Mr. Edward' Cantor, 'imperson-! chiffons, oheers. .Wide evoked by such sentiments as are 'Glasgow — Georg Szell, Ger- £tor!" . j ranjje of sizes and expressed in this play. After all, man-Jewish refugee, has been I hardly recogslseS the' name | colors., it is a great and classic'German named conductor of the Scotch as my own. The .dignity of. be-. drama, Jan old ^German ' drama Symphony Orchestra ' to succeed Edward" seldom . was j written for another day.- But inJohn Barbirolli; who recently beoa S3.e. To Berlin, "Hamburg and Frankfort came conductor of the Kew York my audience too, I'm sure —wherever "the play- was presented—audiences rose to- their Philharmonic Orchestra. feet and applauded in unmistakable fervor - the utterance of these iSC New P msa with e « ? i a s frcra declamations for freedom and 'lib127 New Creases, erty.'; .•'.'. ' : . . - • .„ originally .7.95 and The ' Frankfurter Seitung, deDundee Eails Tc^rel—C?SL<0 Sara 2 3 Cocpocs 10.93. Sizes 12 to 20. precating these outbursts of en(Last eotspess rcfiisesaaisia this effcr) to thusiastic approval, in a recent issue suggests that "it. is very cowardly for "audiences to demonstrate in. this fashion in the darkness of the theatre!" As if they coald- demonstrate their feelings. Our FsissEral Parlors Ara anywhere e|sa!"/The. same, publila Korae-I-ske Fasltioa cation lalso suggested ithat Schil••eourrrzeus—^ ler, "became-older and wiser", and eventually- 'Jbecame a Kazir-.ia his old age.": -" Of course it vra.3 not FUNERAL DIRECTORS the. Schiller .-who' "becaEie'a Nazi HA 122S in his..'o_Id_,age"-Ihat those-audiences applauded-—they, applauded Women's Genuine, Full- *
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Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krasne! Knight," a musical film . . . JoDr. and Mrs. Frank Epstein pars youn mz School la Sweciea have returned from Omaha where have returned home following a ! seph Roos, former associate edisettlement. Dr. Epstein attended the Nebra- two weeks', vacation ' a t Excelsior j tor of the B'nai B'rith Messenger, Era on Stockholm, Svredea Springs, Missouri. Whiie there, j is back in the movie studios'servska State.Dental. Convention. ASE new Jewish. agricultural and Jewish corr~ they stayed at the Elms Hotel. ins his one-time boss, Jesse Lasky, again as assistant story' « aicraft training school called and Gotten', "rr. Miss Dorothy Gelson.who will ' "Kristenehov" has been opened MISS'ANNA PILL, correspondent - V ' • ' | leave next month to make her Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sacks enter- editor Roos edited guest3 at a of German 'language newspapers at \a.Ktraby, near Malmo, to pre home in California was the guest tained twenty-five of honor at two farewell patties Bridge Party at their home at in Chicago before corning to SAMUEL ZACHARIA End 620 Roosevelt Avenue : Sunday Hollywood Four programs inlast week.EAL.EW1N MiCKKICK, AttyE NOTICE B~- ; . Saturday evening, Miss Jean evening, May 16. Following the dicating approval of the B'nai 729 insurance Eunding PETITION C~ Bridge, a buffet supper was servB'rith order of tbe public served ISTR* "" T Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabino- Shindler entertained' t w e l v e v being rendered by the motion picwitz and daughter Segulah de- friends iii her honor, at a p^rty ed. ture industry are being broadcast parted Wedensday for. New- York i n h e r home. Word has been received here of on the weekly goodwill hour of City, where Rabbi Rabinowitz Sunday evening, members of CORPORATION Cohpn, Addressing a large audience at jw j]j attend-the National Conven- the Debra club gave a dinner and the birth of. a daughter to Mr.Los Angeles Lodge of B'nai B'rith Notice |g hcre.hy clvcn thnt the un- AH person : B meeting'sponsored by the B'nai tion of • Conservative Rabbis and theater party as a farewell court- and Mrs. .BenBaron of Sioux . . .Scenes from important films jb'rith and the Inter-Club council the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebra- esy to her. City, Iowa on Sunday, May 16.soon to be released will be dis^Monday evening, , Pierre Van tion of the Jewish Theological Mrs. Baron is the daughter of cussed by a leading participant yaassen, journalist and lecturer Seminary. They will return to Mrs. S. M. Rosenthal of Council in those films, according to IsiMorris Wisot of Watertown said that Palestine1 is the only Sioux City, on June 14. dore Llndenbaum, radio chairman South Dakota, visited in Sioux Bluffs. of Los Angeles Lodge. hope of .the Jew in. this world | Services at Shaare Zion will City Sunday with relatives and Duslness sSiall be to buy, so!!, rtis. | Pou-t Louis Passer of St. Louis, Mis- Radio Stars Get' Kapped •where the persecution of Jews is jb e held daily, at 7 o'clock in the friends. •• count* anil oihcrwtao <)<:?! in notps, j ^nd thst if becoming a popular method of morning and 7:30 in the evening, souri arrived, here this week for A • bunch of dandelions and mortgages, conditional cal<?s ««>- | paid Court tracts, accounts recoJvahTft, fificurJt!«R, ' «j unc:. gaining political poweK Mr. Van with Friday evening service at Miss Sara Lipsman spoke -to a visit at the home of his par-sour grapes plus a few raps are choses \ 1D37 f f J in fiction, stocks, bonds, or — '] r ^n\ ' Paassen, who is not Jewish, is an s u n ( } o w n , the Alpha Sigma club, of the. Com- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Passer. thrown to Block and Sully, radio other investments!, including the right COWP Ut hFE f re \a t V' prar.t ardent Zionist. He' told his audentertainers, for what is described to hoid, buy, ECH, lease, mortgage, or ter a rleeret « ' I f ' 7 t-ilC i € 1 t munity House Monday evening, on T V) r otherwise encomber, sell end dispose C "*i *i, ' ' ~ <>" ^ r i ^ ^ience that the. Jews would not as a distasteful performance at Mrs. Ike Krasne was hostess to f "Summer Styles." ' c 1 of real and • personal property of all enccg other I and t t \ * " ( I ', set Palestine without a struggle the members of her Afternoon the Los Angeles Radio Editors' kinfis and descriptions; to EPH, brok- m r. ^ » ^ I FPPTT r i r t ay but emphasized that in the strug.Mr., and Mrs. Benjamin Baron, Club at a luncheon at her home Show. Reporting the show for er end act as agent for e!i characters ail m eticr« p«"tfn T*1 J TO * C m a y b e fir .* * *-r It. v- L - ^ gle for Palestine, it • ;forges Is-i Rabbi S. Bolotnikov will speak Castle Apartments, announce the Thursday afternoon. the B'nai B'rith Messenger, Dick j ^ " S t f ? " S f o n . l i S i n t ^ f ^ : mined. i at Tiphereth Israel Synagogue to- birth of a daughter at the Methrael'a will to live. •' Chase writes: J-ity ana commercial bonds; and to do KTCT r i \ ^ " n 3 r o r a !t h i R S S i n c i d e n The speaker'predicted-that the! morrow afternoon at G o'clock, odist Hospital on May 16. • "If ' i f even 'happens here,' ij asary ? t aai genera! «• n « ^in- i s-n-27-Et The Jewish National Fund to thesiperatinu of loyalists would win in the Civil j giving the first in a series of IecCouncil.are making arrangements non-Aryans like Block and Sully \ v vestment business. The authorised stock of this corporation shall War in: Spain and also predicted! tures on the Talmud. "•apital Miss Miriam Blank, daughter to hold their annual JNF Flower will probably never realize just' be $10,000,00, divided into 100 shares He has started "daily talks on of Mr. and Mrs. M. Blank depart- Day on Sunday, June 6, as the how much they had to do with it. each, that- the'war would end without all of which stock shall be comother nations being^ dsawn into the Psalms, which. are given at ed this week for Chicago where same day - will be observed To us their brand of filth was mon stock, and when issued shall be the synagogue every evening at 7 she will visit her sister, Mrs. Lou-throughout the country. Anyone nothing less than a disgrace to fullj' paid for in cash, services or the conflict. "'; ' . ' •• property and be nonassessable. The ' . Mr. Van Paassen said he had o'clock. is Patz and her - brother, Leo interested in assisting in this what is sometimfcs referred to as time of commencement of the corporation shall be on the filing of a attended • every - major- uprising Blank, before going to Indianap- drive is asked to get tn touch the ^Jewish" name.' Whether they eor<v of its Articles of Incorporation since* the- world •••war, -and spent olis, where she. has accepted a with Mr. Sam Sacks, Miss Fannie were funny or not is anybody's with the County ClerU of Douglas Nebraska., and its terminasome time in Spain-sin^e the beposition in the toffice of "Warner Katelman or Mrs. Sam Meyerson, opinion; as Jews with obviously County. X^ tion shall be fifty years thereafter. ginning of the civil war there. Brothers, First National- Pictures, "who are in charge of this drive. Yiddish facial characterizations The highest amount of indebtedness to which the corporation shall a t ar.y Mr. Edwin W. Baron, president Books of ticketg^for ' the Jewish who t o l d painfully off-color tlrae subject itself shall not exceed Inc. Of the B'hai B'rith lodge introNational Fund drawing of twen- stories to a crowd at the show- an amount e<3ua.l to 2/3 of its capital duced the speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Novitsky en- ty-five dollar cash prize, are still that included children;' t h e y ! •t;tock- The business affairs of this corporation shall he conducted by a should be made aware of the fact i board Mr., Joseph L. Levitt was nam-tertained a number of out ofavailable also. of not less than two nor more 1 than five directors, who shall elect a that there are other Jewish comeed chairman of the local; drive town guests Sunday, who came President, Secretary and Treastirer. Air news items for this column dians who are trying to build for the United Jewish Appeal, at here to attend the confirmation S A I J K W I N MICHNICK '^iS" SAMUEL ZACHARIA a meeting held this week by theof their daughter, Lois. Among should be phoned in to F . R. K. good will, not to break it down." 4-30-27-41 executive committee of the" drive. the guests were Mrs. S. Novitsky, each Tuesday before five o'clock By the way, have you noticed ' The Executive committee, of Committees and workers will be Mrs. M. Gross, of Onraha, andin order to assure publication in j the return, of so-called Jewish I 'FRADENBURS. WEBB, EEEER, C KLUTZNICK & KELLEY the- Federation of Jewish Social appointed by Mr. Levitt in the Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Corenman the current issue of the Jewish humorous characters in radio 2B0 Union State Bank BidsService will meet this noon, to course of the next week, and of Danville, Illinois. Press. Phone either 650 or 4491. acts? Even Joe Penner's show OF INCORPORATION OF •elect a successor to Mrs. Dave plans for the opening of the drive and Uncle Ezra's program have NOTICE Mrs. S. Novitsky. will 'remain CUT RATE LIQUOR STORE .Wigodsky,'. superintendent of the will be completed. SR> HADASSAH ELECTION obviously Jewish characters whose in. the city for a two /week visit Notice is hereby Riven that the unCommunity Center. Mrs.; WigodThe Council Bluffs Senior Ha- command of the dialect is abso- dersigned have formed a corporation A national speaker will open j in the home of her daughter, i,i*«.i . ~^~ Ts-uv, oil n » #»i^«t ! under laws of the State of Nebrasky - has resigned, to make her the drive which will begin the j Mrs. C. E. Stein, dassah held its final business lutely zero.n With all the talent | s f c a . Tthe corporation, h e ,,anle o f t h i s home in Norfolk, Neb., where Mr. first part of June. meeting of the season Wednesday lying around the country, it is j shall be "Cut Rate Ijqaor store,") . . . . . ' • ' Wigodsky has entered business. . Guests in the home of Mr. andafternoon, May 19 at the home pitiful that, producers of radio j Sj&ha? ^ S r S i ^ T h f £ n S ? ^ ! Members: of the , board . o£ the Mrs. Jack Robinson- Sunday, who of-airs. Louis London, 201 North acts have to resort to that time- ture of Xhe business to be transacted ! Federation attended the Social were in the city to attend the con-First Street. The annual election worn trick of Service workers dinner Wednesfirmation . of. Seymour Robinson, of officers took place. The fol-comedians to day evening in the Martin Hotel. Mrs. Alexander Lamport of-; l i d e d M r _a n d M r s _ M o s e R o b _ tail, wir.es, -whiskies, vinous liquors, I lowing officers were chosen for espense of the Jewish people. and any and all other kinds of bev- j This meeting closed the season, of New York will speak from t h e j i n s o n son, Goodman Robin- the corning term: Mrs. Richard "ETERNAI/ ROAD" EXPECTED erases; fb) to- distil", manufacture, ] tbe.group, which consists of .repGordon, president; Mrs. Herman Hollywood hears that "The make and /or rectify liquors and bev- i resentatives of all the Social evening.at 8 o'clock. Graduation con, Mrs. S. Robinson, Mr. and (c) to acquire, hold, dispose, I Mrs. A. E. Sherman, Mr. and Mrs.Krause,- first vice president; Mrs. Eternal Road," described as the erag-es; lease, pledge and /or encumber real Service agencies in the city. exercises for the high school de- Ross Daniels and son, all of Des and personal t>rct>ert3', SLrid (d) to do Nathan Gilinsky, second vice most expensive theatrical.producpartment of. the Sunday: School Moines, and Mr. end Mrs. Joepresident'; Mrs. Nathan Nogg, reany and all thlnss necessary or con- I tion ever seen on a New York ver.Ient to the accomplishment of the will take place at this service and Robinson and two daughter of cording secretary; Mrs. Ben Kubstage, will go on a tour of the purposes herein set forth. The nuth- j PARTICIPATES IN three children will receive diplo- Mason City, Iowa. orized capital stock of the corporation ; by, financial secretary; and Mrs.larger cities of this country nest sha." be $10.000.00-and \ all said stock j mas. They ar^ Sibley Newman, CONFERENCE r • \ ; Ike Feblowitz, treasurer. season, and Los Angeles and shall be common and of the par value ! Lawrence Slotsky " and George Delegates chosen for the South- Hollywood will be siaong the cit- of $100.00 per share and shall he fni- ] Cantor A. Pliskin participated I ly co.!dTOand non-assessafrle. The j in the Conference of Human Re- j western Regional Convention of i e s f or tunate enough to see this corporation shall commence doing | Rabbi Lewis spoke Wednesday Nations that took place in Sioux j the Senior Hadassah t o . be. held great Biblical dramatic play. The business nrcrt filing- its articles T:ta i at the Graduation, exerthe .County Clerk of Doi:g-lss County. City recently. He sang two tra-"i nest Tuesday and Wednesday at play's huge physical production Nebraska, and shall • continue for a Great Meadows, Iowa, ditional Hebrew melodies at • the i St. Louis, Missouri were Mes- will be reduced' in size and the period of fifty years from said date, i The Hsrhest smonr.t of Indebtedness • third session o'f the* conference. and' Thursday evening addressed dames' Richard" Gordon, Morris third act revised, but the cast will shall not exceed two-thirds of Its capa Masonic Memorial, meeting a t Miss Libbie Olensky accompanied BY P. n. E. ital stock, but tfc!s restriction shall Grossman, and Saul Suvalsky and most likely remain as it is now.not include «t • e **- - = Cherokee, Iowa. Next Wednesday indebtedness secured by Cantor Pliskin at 'the"piano.' the alternates are Mesdames HarOn May 15 this tremendous at- mortgages or liens. The affairs of the evening he will give the principal ry Chernlss, Louis H. Katelman, traction is expected to end its en- c o r p o r a t i o n E1IS.:I S?*? T?i£TiEi!~ptI l;x 3address at the Graduation exer- "MOTHEK-lJACGHTER" TEA of Directors cT not less ttiasi ! and Herman Marowitz. gagement in New York. After Board cises at Galva, Iowa. SUXDAY ;: tsro nor ncre than five members. The j Following the business meeting „ annual-meeting of the corporation j three years of preparation and the ;" The . annual ' 'Mothers and Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis of a social hour was held. The pro- expenditure of 5500,000 Mas j Daughters" Tea, sponsored by Mount Sinai Temple who . will"I Mover's Clab the Sisterhood of the Talmud gram included a piano solo by Reinhardt's Biblical offering be- meeting the stockholders Ehsli elect leave Sioux City, the first week in Miss Florence Steinberg, and dra-gan its run at the Manhattan a Board of Directors arid thereupon June for, a.- European trip, 'has! The Hebrew Mother's Club will Torah and the Senior Hadassah, matic readings of parts the Board ehaJJ elect a President, from Opera House on January 7th. Re- Vice-President, will be given-Sunday afternoon. Secretary and Treaboen granted the Russian visa I meeting and card party "Winterset" and "Disraeli" givsurer. Any two of said offices may 01 previously denied him without\ ports indicate a gross income of May 23, at 2:30 o'clock at the « - „ „!•_,,.-.».• previously denied .•: him without i" next " . . be held by one end the same person. explanation/and will sail'June -8. 111 t" h Tuesday ji"ernoon, May 25,Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue en by Abe Saltzman. All paid-up about §355,000 up to early in j These articles may be amended at e members Inscribed their names in Reversal of the previous1 ruling.! social hall of Shaare Zion at 6i8 Mynster Street. The comany regular or.special meeting- of the April. . • . riPT,v,-n,r the th« visa via* w iV' ™ , , ™ ^ synagogue. Mrs. J. Himowitz is mittee in charge of arrangements the "Hadassah Scroll." The com- Reports from the east also stockholders by two-thirds vote of tbe denying was secured outstanding stock. through the soviet' embassy by chairman of the-arrangements. are.Mrs. Morris Yudelson, presi- mittee in,charge of the.program state that London too ma*y view j IN WITXESS TTKEF.EOF. the parElectric RocsSerl It's Refreshments will be serve were "Mrs. Ben Kubby and Mrs. have hereunto subscribed the Senator Gillette. dent; and the Mesdames Abe Gilthis tremendous spectacle pro- ties hanas this 16th clay of March, 1S37 Harry Cherniss, as co-chairman, Rabbi Lewis made his original and attractive prizes awarded. 1 MARGIE COHEN in'sky, Richard Gordon, Louis H. duced by Meyer W. Weisgal and clean! ROBERT FLOWERS application for a visa early- in Cohen, Sam Bubb, Harry.Kubby, assisted by the Mesdames ' Ben Crosby Gaige. in another produc-i •In the presence of: Gershun, Max Cohn, George RoffApril. For some reason -which Sam Meyerson, Phil Saks,- Saul tion and with another company of j SAM BEBETL 5-7-ST-* .the rabbi never discovered, the Suvalsky, Morris Grossman, and man,.Abe Bear, and Issac Stern- players. This will depend on i Russian government denied his Mrs. A. Lamport -will spsak at Herman Krause. The program hill. • Refreshments. were served. conferences with Lord Melchett, request. •- Several weeks ago, heOne'g Shabbos of the Senior Ha- •will include Mrs. A. Maltz, who CLEAN LIKEK who arrives in New York nest Isolicited the aid of Senator Gill- dassah chapter, tomorrow after- will speak for the "Daughters." p Always Attracts week. ette, and through his office, re- noon in the.home of its president, A duet will be given By Miss OMAHA TOWEL MATRIMONIAL NEWS || ceived the visa.* - : : . Mrs- W. C. Slotsky. She -will also Leona Fried and Miss Edith I - • S U P F L Y •' • By LOUIS PEKARSKY Wedding bells are ringing quite j This -will be Rabbi Lewis' sec- speak at the -regular service at Bubb. Miss Esther Steinberg often in the motion picture col-' £' Ycur* Since IGTo ond trip to Europe, but his first Mount; Sinai Temple: this evening. will'give aviolin solo, accompanHollywood, Calif. ony in Hollywood tliese days. By | /visit" in Russia. His itinerary Mrs. Lamport is national mem- ied at the piano. by her sister, Bostonian Gets Stndia Post the time this column gets into j de ^Poland, _ Rumania, bership chairman - of Hadassah Miss Florence Steinberg. Miss Julian C. .Blaustein of Boston print, Edythe L. Wurtzel, daugh-! Xiithuainia, Switzerland,, D e n - and is,recognized as an authority Mildred Balabaa will give a hummark, Sweden-and Finland, He on Palestine, where she has made orous reading. Mrs. Richard is.the newly appointed Story Edi- ter of Harry Wurtzel and niece I yj of Sol Wurtzel, noted film pro-;W be gone ten weeks. several visits, and studied ; the Gordon will preside as chairman tor of Universal Pictures. A grad- ducer, and Lester Zif ren will be j §§ uate of Harvard in 1933, Blauhealth methods, life and atmos- of the program. Following the saying, "I do" in answer to the : phere. '•:..'.' program, tea will be served at a stein has the distinction of being For the past The annual .election: meeting of beautifully-appointed table. Mrs. the youngest man on the West rabbi's questions L. Chern- coast filling an important position eight years Zifren. has been Buthe Hadassah chapter, will take J. Katelman and Mrs. 1 place, Monday afternoon',-May 24, iacfc will pour the Tea. All Mo-of this type. His rise to this post reau Manager for the United He ; In the. Jewish' Community Center. thers and Daughter arei cordially- has occurred in the- brief space Press in Madrid, Spain of two years, during which time Scur Crcca is on a leave of absence from his •y invited to attend thi3 Sunday afAt this meeting, the board of di: tie has successively been a script news service while collaborating j i rectors for the coming years will ternoon. s=n'- eilt^r rreisctc reader and assistant story editor on a war picture at ths Holly-; |= be elected. at Universal. Before coming to wood studio . . . A romance that j 'A Asl: Yoj:r Grcccr cr Ct" B'NAI BRITH ME3IORIAL Hollywood, Blaustein was in the began last summer in Honolulu ,|1 SERVICES Army and a member of the seTL? 8 «^ ^ •* ri The Council Bluffs Lodge No. lected Flying Cadets Corps at will be culminated soon by the ; jj marriage of Ernest Laerarnle,; y G 8 8 of the B'nai B'rith will hold Randolph Air Field in Texas. He Dr. and Mrs. B. Courshon, nephew of Carl Laemmle, pioneer j -i,;I 3315 Jackson street, will observe an Opening Meeting Monday eve- is also,, a student of economics,- a film producer, and Odetta Brry, j __ ning. May 24, at 8:30 o'clock at writer of great ability and an art a native Hawaiian dancer . . ..Ben 'the 50th anniversary of their . wedding at open house Sunday the Eagles Hall. The anual Me- enthusiast. Pivar, • associate producer for , for deceased in'their home. The hours will be morial . Services It Happened in Hollywood Grand National Films, surprises! • , members will take place. Mr. O. from 3 to 6 and from 7 to 10 Paul Muni,. Warner Bro. star, his friends with tbe announceHo.chman is cha'rman in charge o'clock. , of this affair and he is being as- is very particular about the au-ment of Ms recent marriage to ' j With Dr. and Mrs. Courshon for sisted by Dr. .Isaac Sternhill and thenticity of- his make-ups. It is Judith Schonzeit, a costume dc-; : the week of their anniversary are Mr. Louis H. Katelman. This reported he spent two months signer of New York City. Honej-- | Wherever, you I all of their children. Mr. and meeting is open to all members, time and consulted more than 200 moon plans are being deferred ' ! Mrs. Joseph Greenstone' of Dayare, you are their families, and their friends, pictures of Emile Zola, before until after completion of a pic- ' ton, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Abbott and everyone is urged to attend. making testa for the film on Zola ture on v/hich Pivar is workis?. near home by Wolf and children of Mason City, now in production . . . Jerome (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts _ and Mr.: and Mrs. Jacob CourCowan, the ex-Broadway stage Feature syndicate.) Council Bluffs Jewry have enshon of Chicago are here for the favorite, was vacationing at Palm occasion. Mrsl Gre?nstonl and gaged the services of Mr. Z. Bai-Springs, Calif., when he was In'. .or «'. ^ • Mrs. Wolf are daughters, and bakou of Chicago to be the newvited to ride in the annual circus r - f -s-v a '. Mr. Courshon, a son of the cou-"Shochet" of the community, at parade at the desert resort. ple. Other daughters •> are Mrs. a meeting held Monday evening, Cowan had only a vague idea of Enchul Barish and Mrs. Sam May 17, at the Chevra B'nai Yis- how to sit on s horse. All vent g in otV.cr r a Greenstone, both of Sioux City. roel synagogue. Mr. Barbakou well in the parade until he waved O Dr. Courshort'9 sister, Mrs. Sonia and hla family —aspect to move to a friend among the spectators. here .from Chicago in th'e very Brail of Chicago, also is here.: The horse shied, .and as you Dr. Courshon is city physician, near future. guessed, Cowan was thrown to RATES ARE LOWER arc nr j and he and Mrs.: Courshon have the . street. . He was severely every nirjht after 7 I lived in Sioux City for more than The Council Bluffs Chapter No. bruised . . . David Kubinoff, tbe years. They were married 7 of the A. Z. A. held an inter- orchestra leader who fiddled i fee in«pcner.esa and "all day on Sun- j| 30 May 20, 18S7 in Savannah, Geor- esting meeting Monday evening, while a New York h«.t cheek girl '3t to t-s.ie,;cft.tc are May 17, at the home of Arnold burned, has been signed by £0tli days. COST Lincoln. The second of a. series Century-Fox fo.' a principal role tr.sa Mr. Raymond Fisher, director of cultural programs was con- in "Last Year's Kisses . . . Jack tlon. ducted by Ben Kutler. A symposYellen is a co-author of this film of the N. Y. A.project in Sioux •~EZ2:} D5WL' City spent this week in Indianap- ium of the ceremonials of Jew-suggested by Irving Berlin's E3"r; olis, Indiana, attending the Na-ish Life was held. A. party, is be-of the same title . . . Eddie C T . tional Conference of Social Ser- inug- planned for all members tor, a king of the radio lane?, 1 will ba starred in "His who are paid-up. vice Workers.
Shaare Zion
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TipheretSi Israel
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Community Center ; Executive Meeting
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Mount Sinai
t ' To Visit Russia. -
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-Society News
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