u [•CONNOR,: A«y».
Theatre Bldg. . IBATS':X»P wn.L
In th© Interest® of thm
Court' of •• Douglas !&a estate of Sam3- ' . >5«3 In-said estate [that a petition ^has [Court.'-.prayinff for leertaln' instrument I Court, purpprting •-. and- testament 1 " of that a-Hearing will •tition before said f S9tb '3ny of "May. ey lall to appear at t-'sald I3tU day. of ftjtfca. m.. to con| paid -wilt, the Court febatt-Eaid will a n d on of.'EalB estate1 to or some otiwr.^ } 1 nd.'aecree of;heir;S .- to -a. setlcment
Jlevlslx People
' Thia column la copyright by tne Seven Arts Feature Syndicate. He! production in whols or in part strictly forbidden. Any Infringement on t h i o copyright will bo prosecuted. ')
YCE CRAWFORD . >• -County J a
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•> : I
Entered a s Second Class iiall Matter on January 31. 1S21. a t Post oflies of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act ot -March 3,
CONGRESS IS AMERICA I t -was a bare month ago. Sud• denly and dramatically at a very important meeting Dr. Stephen JWise announced that the Zionist EWorld Congress of, 1937 ought to and must meet in America. As is not uncommon -with Dr. Wise, ; there -were behind the suddenness and the drama the most careful
i \
r, -•<
• The pledges in the local Philanj T f i T ? C z r > Y T ^ T Philadelphia (WNS) — The , thropies campaign totaled *'$45,en-Christian treatment scc-rded, 137. So Tuesday, according to those of otter races ia the Unit- | Harry Trustin, general chairman. ed ' States prevents Americans S • Mrs. Bsvifi Greecberg tras reSpecial Appeal Slade Fells Morgenstern Elected Head This is over $1500 more than the from consistently championing! elected presige-t of the TTcaen's • ing Wave of Asti-Jrsrisli of Zionist Election total pledged last year, but Trusthe cause of oppressed minorities Division of the Jewish Commu• Excesses tin states that the campaign will Board nevertheless contiarre-until every f i elsewhere "until we first set car i > reflection, the most realistic facnity Center E.t E, luncliecii meetWarsaw (JTA) — A TTE.V3 D own Souse is crfier," the commit- ; The date of election of dele- prospect card has been closod. • ing of issues, the uniquely right ing held last T-cesSay to ronehifie "We are deeply pleased and | anti-Jewish terrorism resr-lted in j i tion of the >"ortht e e on r a c e r e a sense of the necessities -of a giv- sates to the twentieth World .I U-- -. v itified by the-splendid response j attacks on Jews m many parts oi | e r n B a p t i s t convention reported. the year's Ectivities. Sirs. Ben • -en crisis. I have not been able to Zionist Congress has been offi- gratified •Silver -was re-elected rice presiPoland in the wake of th cially set for Sunday, June 20. to the campaign," Trustin de: lieep in very close touch with the X.*o! "We in America have been quildent E.nd Mrs. William Milder Every Jewish individual, 18 j clared, "but we have by no means situation: I do not even know . j; -whether the Actions' Committee years of age, or over, who has finished the job. We have many, j Christian as to bring us under treasurer. Mrs. Joe Rice is the ni physical attacks. j severe condemnation," the report new secretary. has consented to reconsider its paid a Shekel fee, for the year more to see, including a large \*°** Agn fiai \ T h f e s t r e m e oi*ff decision of holding the Congress 5697 (1937) .before May 2S, number who .— have been . - out oiiT . J|saU: "Before we call attention to The meeting: was devoted to a " r: in Basel. . I desire before it is 1937, has the right to Tote at town. We discussion of the acccniplishre should be completed I«ael vas Prompted to send an t h e m w fio Q too hopelessly late, before the the congress election, provided by June 10, when we hope to a P p e a l t 0 J e w s i n A E « i c a , Enp- the beam.'1 Bierits of various committees. eleventh hour has elapsed to add the number of his Shekel re- push past the $48,000 mark." Projects -undertaken and conland and else- where to join in. £ 1"I C ."07 ~1 cluded by the Women's Division .r rrr my smaller voice to Dr.Wise's ceipt appears as paid on the offast-day in protest- against antiV p i T^' 1 icial register of paid Shekolim were: redecoration of the Center Semitism in various countries greater one. : rYrj~ r T T • -^ r r auditorium; the p-crchssing of Seven Jew3 were attacked in First of all, It is of command- receipts. Janow, near Pinsk EE3 ' one cf drop certains for the stage z.v,& e. The entire election area of the ing and immediate importance r~ p* T" T -r . , _ „ r7 them, Mordecai Desdetsky, serset of floodlights;, and the dona- - v..-7 i~ ' r rr r that American Jewry understand United States will be-considered ~" "', ~ " ' "iously injured. Police restored ortion • o" a new service of milk that the Zionist, World Congress as one constituency. Local elecj Dr. A. Greenberg was named der, making two arrests. 3s its Congress -whether the indi- tion committees are to be consti• . , , . Disorders broke out in Ka'niien-1 chairman of the Medical and cishes for the Center kitchen. r r j •« :l« - r T - - r The sixty-ninth, annual convenvidual American man or -woman tuted by the representatives of The Women's division also . i- . - . ' Kosryrski near Kovel, in the j Dental Advisory Committee of oZ :.r? OI F F T' calls himself or herself a Zionist the Zionist Organizations of tion of District Grand Lodge Ko. same district as Brzes'c. Two Jew- ; the Jewish. Community Center sponsored the Jewish Concert anfi or not or has any understanding America, Poale Zion, Ziere Zione, G, B'nai B'rith, will be held on ish traders were 'seriously injer- j d Welfare Federation at the Lecture Series; the ESccstirmsJ c : re — r;- ->r, c ? , a I ;"" ; rof Zionist phiosophy or not. Mizrachi and other Jewish state the liner Seeandbee. The steam- ed. ' Windows of Jewish homes aelection of officers held last Classes; the Center Players; end ' STO 1 r ,-p' i r~",~-p V Times have changed not superfic- party where branches of these or- er -will leave Chicago on Monday, were broken and several shops Thursday. r a Mother and Daughter's ban,-> r " •• v . '-• \ F T" June 5, for its voyage on the ially but radically. History is ganizations exist. quet. It assisted the FEinHy Wel- - demolished. Other officers: Dr. Philip Sher, x , Great Lakes, and will return to marching with a brutal tread. The rules of the election board The Jews of the town difl not vice-chairman; Dr. . A. Fellman, fare activities of the Center. p"-"—1 r Powerful and numerous nations provide that the local committee Ihicago Friday, July 9. .Fends were raised during the r dare.leave their homes afterward secretary-treasurer; e s e c u t ive r c",~ i l ' B'nai B'rith members, their have declared open war against are to consist of the proportion r year fcy a formal dance and a -] • the Jewish people — a war,' of of lour, four and two—four gen- wives, and friends are invited to although the authorities gave as- | committee — Dr. D. C. Platt, Dr. ' : suranees they would not permit Mas Fleishman, Dr. S. 2. Stern, Blander, hatred and extermina- eral Zionists, four Labor Zion- take the convention cruise. a new outbreak. and js-o'ficio members Dr. M. tion has a total of 416 members tion. Germany and Poland lead ists and two Mizrachi. At a meetLast year's convention held Shlo.mo Eisenberg, .chairman of Margolin, Dr. Herman Jahr, and and by the end cf the yesr exEbumania is not far. behind. Hun- ing of all constituents organiza- aboard this same liner was so pects to pass the five hundred Organization, Dr. A. Z. Rubnitz. gary, Austria, the Baltic succes- tions, the following were, elected successful that the convention the local Zionist mark. and a social worker named FesIn this isue appears the sion states are under the shadow. o head the local election board. cruise is being repeated. Deletig were arrested on charges of report given at the meeting by At the meeting: Kiss Kuth AlItalian Fascism seems not unwillL Morgenstern, chairman; Mrs. gates -were pleased with the con- spreading "alarming . r e p o r t s Dr. M. Margolin, outgoing chair- len discussed the National Coning to add this weapon of a war stant variety of the scenery: and about the security of the Jews'' ference of Jewish Social Wort against Jewry to its others. That M. F . Levinson, secretary; E. ihe pleasant sailing weather. following the disorders. Bloch, E. Wienberg, Morris Minrecently hs!3 in lEdis.ns.poHs and -war against the Jewish people The S. S. Seeandbee is the emphasized the relationship of has its echoes in Montreal, in kin, Mrs. I. Dansky, Louis Lipp, largest of the Great Lakes steam- ' Ten Jews were beaten by Nationalists in Baranowicz, near the Salewin Michnick, Mrs. J. EichcommnEEl activities to the -srom.Mexico City, in Rio de Janeiro ers and compares favorably with Russian frontier. One of them, en^R groups. And since there is—as must be lin, Herman Bondarin. It was^further decided that this the luxury liners in trans-oceanic Mendel Goldberg, was seriously Mrs. H. A. Wotf, chsirmsn of ",;•- - r ' - ' r ' 1 repeated as with hammer blows -* — """ r 7 service. Living and sleeping acthe Family Welfare Committee, r— but one Jewish people and but year there would be only one poll- commodations are ample and injured and removed to the hospital. Police restored order makin reading her report, called OE one Jewish problem — a war ing place, to be held at the Jew- comfortable. ing two arrests. 7" against Jewry is, directly or in- ish Community Center. , Polling Information concerning the A Nationalist entered a arcsdirectly, a war against all Jewry. place will be open from 9 a. m. case. convention cruise may be ^,6b- store in Pruszkow, to 8 p. m. p , near Warsaw, If all Jewry does'not resist we Bto l All local organizations will obtained from Dr. Abo Greenberg jm&de a small purchase, sad left shall he overwhelmed. If the a bomb which exploded . and fiestrong and free Jewries do no participate in a symposium on the or Ephraim Marks. oppressed molished. the shop. The owner, j j e w s e a "alternative to suicide", resist we shall be overwhelmed platforms of the constituent 1 Abraham Kosa, was -wounded. ! Lord Ulelcheit, chs.inns.n cf the destroyed, sold into slavery even groups. Windows" of -several; Jewish j council cl the Jewish Agency fo: as we; were at the end of the Ha- Further -details will fl"e anj houses -and • a sygagogne in Noyr-j ^aiestiae, told ..1,000 New Torfc . firianic fraxs. nounced later. 'bswiciany, in the Wilno district, j jeafiers .at a dinner t-ndc-:sa hi a How shall v,-e resist? TVe canwere "broken by -Nationalists. . j >sr the United Palestine 'Appeal. not -resist as individuals; we can-: Mean-srhile, j In his only public acdress fr New York {WNS) -r- Only 76,-! not resist in the void. Now the correspondent - o* the 'Warsa-sr| A l s e r j c a ) - t _ j l e s r itish industrialist 000 of the 300,000 Jewish child•whole world, both the world o Yiddish • daily Haint, who ' had jEaj.j~ tv-aj p a i e stine and neigtbc-T- ^ " " ren who should be attending Heour enemies and the world of our been held'under arrest for three] i a g TrsxEjordan have room for El -""^h ,\. brew schools in New York City fficially Ecnouncec. friends, has come to see in the redays in Brsesc for photo-graphing j j e a s t j ; T eo r s ix more peoare enrolled in such institutions i The EOSST, it -sras stated, is to settlement of Palestne and the revictims of the disorders, arrived ple, thus offering the "only soland of this number £3,C00 are building of Zion the symbol of in Warsaw in.-custody of police ution or hope of sol'ition" of the be used to create s, isofiel fens registered in the 350 schools afthe moral power and regenerative for trial on charges cf- "inciting problem ' of. Jewish hotrselsssness to demonstrate to Danish farmers filiated with the Jewish Educa-i resistance of the Jewish people. the Jews of Brzesc to rraike a po- in Europe." Ennaciatlag a policy the most Tcoderri methods of -v r" tion association, it was reported j Whether you lite it or not, whe- Paris (JTA) — The French grom on the Poles." .-transforiEing - i a l i c r land intc - - - :• of "peace End good will with the by Jonah J. Goldstein, vice-presther you approve of it or not, this Government will take up official.- —. J. B.-C. .Gives-$S9,030 Arab'community," liord Melchett thrivicg l a s t s . thing is so. Hence to the Jewish ly the situation of the Jews in Al- ident, at the 16 th annual meetNew York (JTA) — An emer- said ''so .setback, however grave Special services were held sr p ?- - ing. geria and the increasing antiAgency for Palestine exclusively gency appropriation of $-50,000 it may appear, can destroy our the Copenhagen Synagogue tc •> All told there are 4S0 Jewish and alone the nations have grant- Semitism there as the result of a has been-made by the Joint Dis- j moveraeat." He wafnes" against mark the jubilee, with the coun- 7 ed the right to speak officially fo report submitted to the Cabinet schools in New York, he said. An tribution Committee to meet sit- | consideriEg the plight of millions try's most proixiinect Jews at- ~, increase of .3,000 pupils in tne by a Government commission the Jewish people. By this means uations such as created by the re- | o j Eurcpean Jews "colely ES a by this means alone can Jew-which has returned from a tour schools allied with the aESocia-1 cent rioting in Brzese and other palestislan problem" or even ss In his jubilee sens on. Chief tion recorded during the past ry raise a voice that must b of investigation. towns in Poland, it wss snnounc- 5SCli!sivel3r a Jewish T.iestion." Kabbl Friefiiger emphs-sized the Tyear. i The report on the Jews was heard, because the natons, inreligious conscience - - • It is a matter for the whole I freedom cluding our own American na- announced as important, but no .Mr. Goldstein also reported that of the Committee on Poland world to face( he asserted, add- enjoyefi fcy the citizens of Dention have solemnly agreed to lis- details were disclosed and it is the association had set aside $23- the J. Z>. C. ing that with a oroa'ioilng of ;.Esark. He E.1SO recsliecl th? risit ten. The moral resistance of th not expected the report will be 000 for scholarships, advanced agriculttiral development Pales- IviEg Chrstian paid to the synaloans to 46 schools for new buildJewish people to the -war declar- made public. tine has a potential capacity ot g-ogue in IPS" OE the. occasion o' The French Government is es- ings or improvements to existing ed upon it has but one focus am 2,500,000 to 3,000,000 people Its centeBEry celebration. one instrumentality and one voic pecially interested in the posi- structures, and granted licenses and "if . Transjorfian be included — the Jewish Agency for Pales- tion of the Jews in Algeria in to 1,140 qualified. Hebrew teachthere is no reason to suppose that view of anti-Semitic propaganda ers. tine. To the bitter war declar- being spread there is sot room eventually for' It was announced that the asby Nazi agents ed against us in Germany, in Po- among the Moslems. A number sociation had cooperated -with the another 5,000,000 or 6,000,000 New Tork (WNS) — The Bucharest (Havas vis. JTA) — land, in other lands, the Jewish of French papers have published six public high schools where 1,inhabitants in thess ies, The son of G-cr,. Cantacii-.cse American delegation to the World people has only one practical an apart altogether the ivii articles reporting agitators urg- 771 pupils are' taking Hebrew Rally Agajnst Racism and Aati-1 * " " " • " ^ K « " ' « " Ircn G-card lesder, ar_d eight othone saving answer —the enlarge- ing the population "to throw the language arise f: tF courses.. Ivriah, the er members 0' t i e secret Fsfcl't^ opportumties ment and intensification of our Jews and the French into the women's division, reported hav- Semitism.Vhich is beisg conrened in Paris on September 10 *T \ \*°The possi tiss, therefrre, cT •work in Palestine. Hence ing raised $18,000. sea." • the International federation of World Zionist Congress is todaj transplanting S,000,00 Js~" trctn The agitation is assuming a Leagues Against Racism and AnLeagues Against Racism and An * -p the Congress and council of unPalestine is >y r.c serious character, it is said, not Non-Kosher Meat in Worst?® ti-Semitism, s being organized b v p "e ar no p e -°,^ iversal Jewry — the organ of oui 9 dream, but E. rr—c- crrcronly for the 100,000 Jews, but president of i ^ s an i^i Samuel TJctennyer, of _ voice, will, defense, salvation. •srhieh ccn 1 " Uca for the 1,000,000 Frenchmen in t h e Non-Sectarian n-Sectarian Anti-Nazi | } } P«>poBiUo "Warsaw — Seventy-five per And now comes the most tragii The Le'-ue which i s " Perfectly well carried out :f pr: the French territory in North Af- cent of the Jews of Warsaw are of all the circumstances of ou i n e i,e- a ue, w ^ n is, conditions'can he ere-ted. rica. ....•"• • - ' ican affiliate of of the the In- | * eating non-Kosher meat under the American immediate historic fate. That up . ? the false impression that it is ternational Federation, has sent! building of Palestine which is thi OMISSION kosher because of a new and invitations ot a large number of | M s i C J l resistance and defense of all Isi_r.' c r : tj l e v . , : ; . , r Through inadvertence the name widespread swindle that grew'out Jewsh and non-Jewish, orgsniza- I rael in face of a hostile world ii tions to join in the delegation. being gravely, is being cruelly, -1 of "Louise Miller, daughter of Mr. of the anti-shechita law, the WarThe purpose of the rally, as exannounced at a being vitally jeopardized by tUi and" Mrs. David Miller of 604 So. saw rabbinate plained in a letter from G. A. TeMandatory Power. I am not on 35th St., was ominitted from the press conference. of those who think it wise, or list of high school graduates in 1 The Jewish press was urged to descxi, of the Federation's Atlantic City (JTA) —
Dr. A. Greenberg Is'Elected by Advisory Group
Making Plans for Convention of B'nai B'rith
• . -
. . .
- 1 -
Enrolled'in-480' - Hebrew
• . r r
: '. A ! .- i
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America Is To
it- r n .
at World- Rally
Sports, Eab-ri
right to rave gainst Britain, last week's paper. though I can, God fcnows, understand those who are stung to raving by the incredible chicanery and brutality and perfidy with •which the British' government - —
Uo> el t&«,4& j? *£=» ciferen K3 Fwnd rdiJ
to the despair and shame of many English men and women —- is ti eating, us in this day and hour of our supreme need. But>it is apparent, it is of commanding importance, tuat the Jewish people through its Congress -speak out concerning these - things in terms and from a place that -will bring its voice irresistibly to the ears of both the J-Iandatory Power and the civilized world — from a place, moreover, where the strong voices o£ Christian citizens of the Jnost powerful and most peaceful country on earth will be added Doth gravely and passionately to Its own. N. '•" ;.- '
expose the fraud.
With William Holzman in the 1 t h Q f o u r t e a m s ? the Tigers, pitcher's bos and City Commis- jG i a n t s > Tanks and Cards. sioner Harry Trustin and Rabbi
" "
^ F
1 7
,» 1 r
tive committee, is "to light by ; n (jerffiEny !s being every means of. reason and logic j by a progTEia-riddpn Stct«>'* n t o
against the racial theories that ja branch'oi military trr -.:--r, threaten to contaminate those j Rabbi Abba . Hill el S.lve- s~T countries wheh have so far sot j Cleveland told the-Natio-rl " r fallen victims to authoritarian | creatloa Coagress last weci.. regimes." I Declaring the jhad Jonnd ' Bssisni |ble/he contended: CHALLENGE HUNGARIAN
swat, nament sponsored T>y th^a Jewish Venger. itc leaders,_ has beea challenged I short of- physical saiiinc, rocii Community Center got under ?' "i Leslie Burkenroad is chairman by 100 members of the Nazi AT-i ing i s third or fourth jr way last Sunday. , of the committee arranging the row EEd Cross Society to fight ss This year's tournament, - in | tournament. With Lee Grossman ! inany duels.-''' which over .sixty.youngsters b e - . | h e u m p i r e d the first game. 'liayor Palffyi has inaicatsd tiiA-t'p'cte physilaal asslrsilatirtween the ages of 9 and 14 are j the -whole business'is too si"y'for "fectire with th^'Jew a~d c Ll the first J. G.- 0. BUILDING CLOSS3 serious consideration, siidi that he ly isipcs~ifc»e for an e s . "<"• ~ athletic •will .probably refu^'•. to accept" tlia pie. For generations, r r-"'
ment has sponsored among the younger boys. Equipment is being A Congress is Basel this year? furnished by the Center and the
The Jewish Community Center
be open all day DecIt will hardly be noticed;'it building games., will be played every Sun- .o r a t i o a D a S u n a a 7 but vrill be I «* the Keren Hayes-: scarcely be heard. Europe has d a y a t one one o'clock at the Central „„-,....__ Fnad), ^ ,. mightier matters ringing' in its closed' Monday, Jlay 31 after 1 construction age-noy, / ears. The clash of arm», the feet high playground. p. m. Four older boys. Bob Bramson, ception xiiitil Marcl. of marching: nien will drown put Carl Fredericks,. Ben Kutler and The .oldest Jewish cemetery In 6,'033,000 poan \ (Continued on page 8.) Morris Huderman are managing America was consecrated in 1
group lile^ra.ust car
.' Page 2
is the matter? Was my playingiwho used to be a champion of the;a city , . it's not even a town . . cles have appeared in the Jewish j under-dog, is today in t h e thous- j Press concerning the activities of so bad?" he asked. j and-dollar-salary class, and sees j our group. Notably a copy of Elaine Barrie a n d John Barry- j a different light. During t h e r e - : Heigho . . . our annual report for 1936 was more a r e negotiating with a film j cent strike, his Rolls Royce was By HELEN ZIGMOND printed in this paper. In cooperafactory t o appear In s, pcture to- \ the target for tire deflation hr tin with the program committee, o r : - M * T937 Jewish Telegra several speakers of Importance Hollywood — Flash! 'Winchell g e t t e r — title of flicker is, " T h e ' striker sympathizers. Then oce 7 l..c Agency, Inc.) j night, r e t u r n i n g home, he found have addressed us at our meet- joined the Screen Actors' Guild! Koyal Lovers"! ————— ! a mysterious package on 'his ings. Some say he did it to be recogEastern branch of Ricardo Cor- ] doorstep. Apprehensive a n d s u s nized as a professional actor. 14. Medical Leaves Committee Others intimate that Wallah's at tez' family retains t h e name oj : picous, b e flung- it into t h e fish —Dr. Romonek, chairman. Dr. his olfl tricks. By this neat turn Krantz. Stanley, i t s carceraman I pond. Hours later, he thought it Brodkey, Dr. Gordon, Dr. A. Fell- he is on the inside for news dur- brother, harmonized -with, t h e j safe to drag it out . . . opened it man, Dr. Rubnitz. On Decem- ing the strike — two jumps Hollywood locale a n d became a j . . . found his white shoes thet fee Addre; ber 6, 1936, a plan initiated by ahead of press colleagues! "Cortez." • i had sent t o be cleaned! p meetii] Dr. Joseph Beck and associates frith ai of Chicago, was presented by Dr. Sophie Tucker was just elected ?Ioudayj A ^ell-kncvrn comedian claims - c • " ^ Bobby Breen halts production J Romonek to our group, fo rthe By DR. I.IORRIS IIAEGOLIN, Chairman president o_ftt_e American" Feder- h j s g r a n d p a vrent t 0 P a ; e s t m e to -J" * I aassen,' by having his hair cut! The cropraising of funds for the colonizaDOUBLE SIZE . of Actors, succeeding Rudy j said tha , but returned to California ~ locks were out of character ation The Medical and Dental Advis including April, 1937, 31 of ou: of the medical and dental advis- tion of Palestine. With Dr. Beck ped V&llee. hope of; the climate there didn't • §= as editor of a publication called, and shooting his picture has to be The other evening she was mis- :because ory Committee has functione members (91.2 per cent of ourory committee. •where tl e v,ith h i m , Bottled by Harding, I postponed until nature replenish"Medical Leaves," this book or smoothly and has done its wor tress of ceremonies for MGM's! becominj total, of 34) gave exact reports Advice concerning interneshlps magazine shall consist of articles es them. The delay is costing the 1423 No. 18th WE-5515 | •well during the past year. Durih of their services, this amounting and other individual problems convention banquet . . . she sang gaining J Describing Hollywood: the period, 1936 to 1937, severa: to $2,782.00. Two of the remain- was given on occasion by mem-by 32 outstanding medical con- studio much mazuma. too . . . about "being in a mess Paassenj tributors of U. S. and Palestine. of ourxomnilttees have been call- ing three members gave accurate bers of the committee. ardent Z i'trouble" . . . and she was. ErInsider's lowdown: A writer ry second line she lost her The volume will sell to Jewish ed upon .to; perform special work reports for most.of the 11-month ience tli 8. Chiid Care. Committee —^Dr. s was runnng about the lot trying doctors at 52.00 or above. An atget Paid •which they • have complete period. These, however, 'were i. r t j »,TV i\i chairman; Dr. Osheroff, tempt will be made'to reach all to get change for a fiver. Cantor, words . . . appealed helplessly to but emp! promptly and thoroughly. Statis classified as approximate reports Ja.hr, her accompanist . . . took up the L. fellman. The child care of the Jewish physicians .of thepassing by, inquired into the difYou can fca^e your two-piece summer gle for i tics were again kept by our Jew- of free work, and amounted to Dr. committee was not called on thisj U. S. In selling the publication, ficulty. "I think I can chage a jlyrics again, but never lost the rael'3 wi ish doctors and dentists. The fol- $913.00. EI; it I?., tailored to yet.-.-- measure, for. . , w£i4mm^i\M poise that , is her inimitable to aid directly.in the func- with an expectancy that 50 perfive," obliged Eddie. Whereupon j lowing is a summary of the ac- An 1-1-month period has been year charm. Recalled for an encore, The s) EXTRA PANTS DORBNG JUNE—$1.00 of the summer camp at thecent of them will purchase the he reached for paper bundle un- i tivities of the Medical and Den-taken for this report. so that it tion sbe enticed Louis B. op.to the loyalists' We adTriise you; -tc come In e&rly . . . be prepared f "tfc Jewish Community Center. It has j untied the string floor. Together they Stripped, tal Advisory Committee, as re- may be given "at the. present previously given advice on health book. An attempt will be made der his arm War in: | Kot cle.3re • • . l?uy two or three while this • * 1 cr . . . peeled off the limp wrapper! through national and local comported to me by the committei that the meeting, May 20, 1937. activities, dietary problems and mittees to procure ads for the. . . and lo! bills flopped to the jthe light fantastic"' . . . together chairmen; • ; other nj exercises. It has cooperated with publication. All profits from the left, to the. right . . . ones, fives, J shared the bows. The total workdone for the -,&. the conC ""••Id Report of the Treasurer •-— Jewish poor of Omaha by ourthe Family Welfare committee in sale of the volume and from the and tens thousands of dolTailored to the Glaegow standard of service and oualit» Mr. V Mama Gershwin viewed Assets ol the Medical and Advis- group, thus totals $3,695.00, for the care of sick children. ; ads, will be sent as an aid to thelars' worth! It wasn't stage moa- jj applauded "Shall We Dance?' i n | * . . . often imitstec, but nerer equaled • attended ory Committee now total $221.96 the last 11 months. At the exe- 9. Statistics Committee ey either, be explained; it was a jthe studio projection roots. 1 c w i l ! look more iyVi h nd Dr. Histadruth in Palestine. since' t b (5-1-57). From this is to be sub-cutive committee meeting it was Slutzky, chairman; Dr. Brodkey, debt to Scheack, which as a not? Her boys, George and Irajiei , some tin tracted the cost of the smoker, suggested that these statistics be Dr. Greene. The statistics comOur local committee reports "rib," he was paying off in ginning ! and the Philanthropy • pledge discontinued for. the next year. mittee • began activity In compil- the sale of 37 copies of the pub-"loose change." "Joe will count wrote the words and music. Mr. Ei leaving a balance of............ If this committee is to be nowing figures concerning an inter- lication, at $2.00 each, making a it, too," added Eddie, "every last Cinema Satire: Norman Kras- ig l S S £ K ^ E T - S I U S S C H R E I B E R ' M of the 3 suspended, I wish,, to take this opOMAHA total of $74.00. bill!" Assets have been derived from ca, that brght young scribbler, esting medical problem among , duced tU three installments (5375.00) of portunity to commend its mem-the Jewish population of Omaha. On the whole, in each and the 1936T7 allotment paid to us bers for a difficult piece of work Because of certain difficulties in every While we're on the subject . . . aspect of our work, the past done in an .excellent manner.,, Comi l>y the Jewish Philanthropies. A obtaining accurate figures, the year has been a -valuable task Eddie literally "cantored" up the 4. Jewish Hospital Committee project was dropped after a short, fourth and' final installment for conscientiously performed. To meaisle at his Natalie's wedding. 1936-7 -will be paid In the near —Dr. Rubnitz, chairman; Dr. time. . as chairman of this group this (Save your wind, old mac, there Jahr, Dr. Weinberg.—The feasifuture. ' The E has been a great satisfaction. I will be four more to go, Gersh The statistics committee gathFor Better Fur Storage — Phone 'AT 1702 ' pur. Committee- has paid in full bility of going into the idea of ered data for the medical depart- wish to take this opportunity to win and Rubinoff were schedules the. E£di an Omaha Jewish hospital has bur first- $500.00 pledge to the Service i ment on the conference on'Jew- express my thanks to all the com- to play the wedding march, bu •elect a"' American Jewish Physicians Com- not been thought advisable at theish relations, by listing each med- mittees and to the entire mem- something detained the p5an< .Wigodsli mittee. At a general meeting, De- resent time. The, procuring of a ical student at Creighton and Ne- bership for the fine cooreration player, So Rubinoff scraped it of: Commun cember 4, 1936, it was Voted that hospital has many advantages, braska universities, with his de-that has been extended. Especial- alone. After the ceremony, th sky has S200.00 be given to the American and should be kept in mind .for gree, pre-medical training, and ly do I want to acknowledge the fiddler found Ida in tears. "Wha home in.;" Jewish Physicians Committee' for the "future. opportunities for internship. \ hard and conscientious labor of o »W. .Wlgodst; the period, February 1, 1937, to 5. Social Service Committee — our secretary. Dr. Brodkey, to 10. Center Committee — Dr. Dr. Erman, chairman; Dr."Kully, Membt February 1, 1938: On April 27, Stern, chairman; Dr. Bomonek, whom has fallen the lions share Federatii 1937, the first ?100.00 of this Dr.;Faier. Meetings were attend- Dr. Goldner. There Is nothing of the menial and detail work of FOR ed at the Community Center, and Sen-Ice ; pledge was paid.. of significance to report for theour organization. My gratitude day even he cooperation of our group was 2. American Jewish Physicians also to the executive committee past-year. This me« Committee—Dr. Margolin,' chair- fiven when needed. " whose careful deliberations and 11. Old Peoples Home Comthe grou 6. Program-Speakers Bureau Inan; Dr. Belzer, Dr. Block.-^-In deep understanding of our prob• Sweet Butter mittee—Dr. Steinberg, chairman; resentati A. Fellman, • the past year -we have remitted Committee—Dr. lems has endowed our work with Dr.^M. Greenberg, Dr. Levy. In Service i • Dated Milk to the American 'Jewish Physi- chairman;. Dr. Gordon, Dr. Beber its advisory capacity our commit- a breadth of vision and an ascians Committee' $300.00, thus —Both the general meeting and tee has been called upon to ad-surance of permanency. In con• Sour Cream paying in full our pledge of 'the executive sessions of our vise upon the medical angles of clusion I wish to bespeak for my and many other product! PARTIC $500.00 for the ; University Hos-~ rroup were held at the\ Jewish the problems confronting the oc-successors in this office the same Ask Your Grocer or Call CONFEl pital Building Fund.. During this lommunlty. Center. The meetings cupants of the Jewish Old Peo-degree of cooperation from all of rere all held as dinner or lunch-' period the Committee has underCanto] ples home, our committee has co- you that has' been given to me. taken, to pay for the entire* con- on meetings. Programs were operated promptly and readily in May the import of our labors In the G HA 2226 struction1 of a Medical College 10th interesting and educational; every case. lations { never grow less. i • ,nd the attendance was highly City rec< building, a total of §150,000.00, 12. .Family "Welfare Commitditlonal:' $35,000.00 of which was donated atisfactory. Rabbis Wice and tee—Dr. Sher, chairman; Dr. .Gjdidsteingave talks at evenitjg third see ' by a cancer fund of England. l a FREE! An Expert Counsellor ca Rooss Miss Lib addition to this sum, the com-.meetings. The former spoke "on Hirschmann, Dr. Fleishman, Dr. Cantor E mittee has to maintain its annual "Medical Conditions in Palestine" Margolin, Dr. Rubnitz, Dr. Beber. > latter gave an excellent tali; The question of policy of the budget to the Hebrew university for the support of the depart- in the "Work and Ideals of "tije medical "and dental advisory comI • T6 ment of microbiology. and para- iistadruth." Dr. Louis Berg, a mittee have this year been r e "FMfOUS FOR FINE FURNITURE" Rabbi, sitology, • and for the medical li- isychiatrist from New York City, Mount 3 poka.at one of the dinners, b u r Use Our Easy Payment Plan—Farnam at 22nd and each of bur members now has brary,' a sum amounting to. over leave Sid $20,000. To thi3 end our local ihairman, Dr. Margolin, gave an a copy of them, This new stateJune foi group pledged itself to a .contri- ixcellent report on the "Problems meht of. policy • in cooperation Ijeen gr bution of $200.00 for the coming >t the Jewish Medical Student of with the Jewish welfare federapreviousl tion, makes easier the solution of year. Of this, $100.00 has already he United States." " explanati . "We-hope to.continue the same certain aspects of- medical relief been remitted. I personally feel Reversal WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS that our f,unds cannot possibly lollcies of educational meetings problems. Several new policies denying.f were adopted in the course'of the t' -> be put to better use, and that our he coming year. • Schrafft's Chocolates * Muriel, Cuesta Rey r through • Canada Dry Ginger Ale and Harvester Cigar* participation in the work ..6t: the .7 .Medical Students Coopera- year by our group. Senator t • Falstaff Beer 13. Publicity Committee—Dr. American Jewish physicians .com- ion .Committee-^Dr. .Grodinsky, Rabbi 315 So. 13th Street . . AT 4292 mittee would in itself justify our Nebraska Medical; :.Dr. Levine, Beber, chairman. Dr. A. Fellman, applicatii ' existence as an organization even 3reighton' Medical; Dr. Platt, Dr. Greene. On occasion," artiApril. I if we were to have no other func- Irelgtitcm Dental. The lists of the rabh ewish < Medical students at tion. . • ••' . , Russian, Ireighton and Nebraska unlversirequest. ' 3.. Professional Service Rec- es are now In the hands of our '<* solicited' MX WHATMAUT/FUL ords Committee—Dr. A. Greenette, and "berg, chairman; Dr. Brodkey, Dr. secretary. . A l l medical students MADAM, It! GIVING TWEMceived tli Morgan'.-^—This committee, form- and internes were invited to atThis -B \ erly known-as" the Case Records tend all of the general meetings HOW MUCH <f ^ • - ~ ond tripj committee received v almost full % •visit' in i cooperation from the members of .x •will incl) ARE THEY? our group. This is . the second ILitliuainJ syt*?* year in which a record of the de,£ ^j-»W mark,- SJ :A\ tails'of our free Jewish casea was. ."will be g kept. As in last years records, WARM-. both, federation referred cases, A Division of and- free Jewish cases which apnmorican (Standard peared in our ,offices other than m Radiator & « anitary through the Center were kept. t. CORPORATION The names on the latter type of case did not appear on the rec©LSOP3 DROS. ords. Hoatlns Contractors 3; Professional Service Records 2612 Leavenworth A t 2360 Committee-^-For the 11-month wsu, you period from June, 1936, to and VKETOGE7 GET ONE GIAS ' ' Ak ' '<^ l S ** ...OR WITH AWh'OLE WITH TWO SET OF ONE-PACKAGE PACKAGES OP THEM OF EACH
'Annual Report, 1936-1937, of Affiliate of Jewish Community Center and Welfare Federation
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hand and In a few years fent it \ Simpson. As the publisher of the ITIEE IIEE served se president of nom '$ school system to he elected f! o f Ki1<" tore bat* to 1,500,000. Eleven years ; newspaper with the largest daily the Interfrateraity Council f.nf circulation in the TForia, lie won on. lO'It o'ixie I/herci poIHJef,! fecisoiu ago. he took over'. The People, a the gratitude of t i e royal isinily Sunday paper, which, tras down and the pjTeraaest by his firm and out, and in less than two support ol Stanley Bald-win in the leg- the veefe that a ~r t"oj. i years stepped its circulation up crisis brought about by- Edward's : lease 1 has bees sieved V,T- jirr m\ ; c e n t l v to 3,00-0,000. In 1S2 0 the Daily love affair. Here-—•" ~ ^ £>£ Herald, organ at the British LaWhether Elias -will fin dtiiae to ' store vri aecuire the adrc - r e bor Party, appeared to be on itsoccupy his seat in the EoEse : builclrg on Sixteenth En last legs. Again Elias stepped in Lords is a view of • las streets, and toot over the moribund his well-tsc business habits. ts.; The sumnvolves eerlram sheet. •Working-'day and night That Samuel fill his sect with is .in excess f a half and exploiting his uncanny know- ' honor and distinction is to be es- i lars. Over $10 0,00 vUl In t h e coronation. honors I Zionist overtures unless Samuel complete aiiera u r King George VI bestowed the | was present. , During and immed- florid-faced and possessed of the j ledge of the wants of the masses, ' pected in the light of his career. ; essary HerzDerrr \ title of Viscount on Sir Her-i iately after the "War he acted in virtue of ease and pose, Yiscount j he built the Daily Herald up to i'That this strange pair — one a .'the new "building. H T bert. Samuel anO that _ of Baron many important capacities, notab- Samuel is a genuine democrat de- I a point where its daily net circu- | Jewish statesman and communal take possession -of t i e pr--"~~ sometime in 1ES8. 1 llation reached 2,000,000. Endow- • leader, the ether a newspaper on Julius Salter Elias! This ar- ly as Home Minister.and British spite his title of nobility. Baron- Elias is" of an entirely ie d v i t h v a s t energy, he'not only j baron — should enter t i e House : ^ When ccraplsted this en -"pr ticle gires us an intimate pic- i Special Commissioner to Belgium, dire oj Herzberg store .will be one c_ I these newspapers proper- ! Lords simultaneously is an."~ . ture of the men behind these jbut by 1920 he seemed to have different type. His path to sue- j t i e s cted but supervised Odham's vasti earnest of the type of Jew that most up-to-date fcusiusss l--\ — titles. . —The Editor I shot his holt. "When he -was of-cess was smoothed by no family lj r i n connections. Son of a Polish P ting interests, the Boro Bill- j flourishes in the England cf His west of Chicago. By sec - c fered and accepted the post of immigrant who settled in Binn-! Posting Company, one of Eng- ! Majesty George XI. this property Herrberg's gr *• r~ The late Lord- Swaythling High Commissioner for Palestne ingham in IS52, Elias climbed to | I a n < i ' s biggest outdoor advertis- (Copyright 1SST by Seven Arts additional frontage of (Samuel Montague), that stern everyone thought his political ca- fame the hard way. His father j ^ fi ithree feet on Douglas street r Feature Syndicate.) firms, a group of trade pa•one hundred feet oa Sixteer 1 £ ers i n t h e and" unbending disciple of Ortho- reer was ended^' For a Jew th"e shop, i P radio electric and owned a small jewelry Tiie.. lease lor th adfiitlo- -^ dox Judaism in high places, "who post was full of pitfalls. The five , . . , . 1 ""«-". u u louuu mo louuiy mov- i film industries, and such general Goidle Meyerson !; negotiated by Mrs. R. H. N£ «•*- r c refused t o attend. Parliament on years during which h e adminis-, e d t o L o n d o a j w h e r e t h e e J d e r {periodicals as Woman, The Pass;&nd George and Company i>- T - < . Club Saturday and said his prayers in tered Palestine did nothing to en-, E U a s o p e n e d a D O o k s h o p T n 3 s ! ing. Show, Weekly Illustrated, j Brown Estate, present o-vm—r - " r ; Parliament when that body re- hance his popularity with Jews,; t o o f a U e d t o p r o s p e r , and young I Ideal Home, Everywoman's, 2 0Mrs. Herman Cohen WEE re- ' the property. . r_ Magazine and Woman's xnalned after sundown, would 'or the Zionists held him respon- E l i a s u s c h o o l a t t h ea of 1 3;s t o r y elected presideat of the Goldie j Plans far the alterations are aii -~. lbl The man who never wrote have been extremely pleased, Bbacks e for most of the political set- t 0 - h a w k n e w s p a p e r s . H e w a ss t m i Fair. Meyerson club at the closing '. ready being ma.-de. | that perod^ Today, how•were he' alive today, for thanks ever u of in his teens when he became a i a newspaper story in his life now to. King George VI the House of > i s recognized that Samuel five-shilling a week errand boy j rules 8,000 employes, prints 25 meeting of the season held at i d i f l tt hh e utmost with a very deliLords nbw has exactlyy a minyan t t ith d l i with a sack of cheap jewelry on! Odhams publications as well as the Paston Hotel last Tuesday Zeta Beta Tau y ' -i—:•<•- r' F of Jewish peers. Before His M a - j c a t e a n d thankless job. his back, working for H. H. Mey-i newspapers for 50 otfc^r publish- afternoon. Mrs. Cohen is one of j j j Upon his return to England in er of Houndsditch. He upped his {ers and is the lor dof a printing the organizers of this chapter of i The recent selection o£ Haw- i jesty made Sir Herbert Samuel a viscount and Julius , Salter Elias 1925 he was gain considered out earnings by a shilling when he i empire that covers England. No tbe Pioneer Women and is active ! ard Kaplan, who is tbe son of i : Mr. S. Kaplan of Omaha, and & I IT a baron in the coronation honors, j °* running for high political hon- was engaged as office boy at the j wonder they call him the little on many committees. Other officers elected for the; the House of Lords was just shy ors. But he threw himself into Carlyle Press. Then he saw an [Napoleon of Fleet Street! Recentst the University of I of a minyan of Jews. When Vis- party politics -with a vengeance advertisement offering 12 shil-1 ly he acquired control of Illus- coining year are: Vice president, j f?V a new member oZ ] "u in 1927 became chairman of lings. He wrote for the job, gotjtrated Newspapers, Ltd., publish- Mrs. Joe Richlin; secretary, Mrs Kosmet Klcb brings to Seta Beta j count Samuel and Lord Elias tand take their places in that august h e Liberal Party at a time when it and delivered circulars for a ' e r s of society magazines such as Harry Counse: ' treasurer. Sirs. Tau the distinction of having the j assemblage they will be greeted i it* prospects were not of the man selling pianos on the install- j the swanky Tatler, Spere,' By- Marian Tawitz; and members of first Jewish mercber of that ! by Lord Walter Rothschild, Lord brightest and when its parliamen- ment plan. At the end of the | stander. Illustrated London News, the board of directors, tbe Mes-highly exclusive crganisatiou. In j Philip order to attain this honor Hap- j "Melchett (Henry Mond), Lord tary representation had hit a new week he was paid three shillings,; Sketch, Illustrated Sporting and dames Sam Tarn off. Greenberg, . Arthur Meyerson, Ian had to act as a pledge work- ) Mancroft (Arthur Michael Sam- low. Into the rejuvenation of his his employer, explaining he had I Brittania and Eve. uel). Lord Duveen,. Lord Bearst- party Samuel put fanatic energy, meant 12 shillings a month. For- j A little man — he is only 5 Harry Mendelson and H.-A. Res- er for one year.and then receive) T . ed {Marcus Samuel), Lord Hirst, hoping to restore it to its former tunately the job at the Carlyle; feet 4" 3-4 inches — he is a ver- nick. tbe unanimous approval of the!— •-,, _ Lord Swaythling (Stuart Albert glory. But the rise of the Labor Press was still open and he went | itable human workhorse. The Committee chairmen were also Ivlub which is necessary for £<*-' ci ic-rc Samuel Montague) and the Mar--Party thwarted him. By 1931 he remaining five years until I n g a t in his office can be seen named. mission. Howard is also nevrs ed-J ~^"— A victory luncheon -will be qness of Reading, son of the late appeared to be finished once the. firm went bankrupt. burning at all hours of the night. given at the Fasten Hotel some itor of the Daily Kebraskan, i r-..more but again he bounced back -~^ ., Viceroy of India. campus newspaper, and is slated a friend he obtained Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. when he was appointed oThrough r k w itl1 time in June. Sarah Feder. naThe elevation of Samuel and to power to become managing ecit.cr of „••„,», „ v. „ • • *J " ' ' Odhams Press, then a I Flanked by a battery of teletional secretary of the organiza- that publication when be becomes power, when he ^was^appointed s m a U f i r m o r p r i n t e r S ( 0 W I l e d b y |p h 0 I i e S t h e p u l l 3 t h e s t r i E g s t n E t Elias " t o the House of Lords | -. tion, is expected to speak at this a junior next fall. In Eddition to r creates an equal balance among William Odhams and employing j controls the destinies of scores of the Jewish peers as regards Coalition cabinet of Ramsay Mac- but eight men. When Odhams! newspapers and magazines read meeting. Reservations may be these outstanding achievements, | 7 O : . : c : r t." T er •whose who reached this pinnacle Donald as one-of the "two repre- retired, his sons formed Odhams! by millions. In British journal- made by calling Mrs. Cohen. Kaplan is also a member of Sig-i-;.; . The sewing circle will meet ma Delta Chi, honc.rE.ry journal- ; E r by their own achievements and sentatives of the Liberal Party. Bros. and began printing some j ism he is one with the newspaliberals weeklies. The two establishments j per typoons, Lords Beaverbrook Wednesday afternoon, June S. is,tis fraternity; Corn Cobs, men*?, - . „ . . those who ; inherited the title. Antagonizing the Lords Rothschild, M e l c h e t t , by this, move, he later lost the were later merged as Odhams, land Rothermere, but unlike them Mrs. Louis Greenberg, 4119 S.pep group: and Pershing Ri'ies, i ~ ~ ' ' Reading, Swaythling and Bearst- support of the conservative wing Ltd., which began printing The j he is almost unknown outside o* 25th street, will be hostess. honorary basic military orgaciza- ' r<.". ed are peers "because their fath- of his party by leaving the gov-Academy and John Bull. In 1919 Fleet Street despite the fact that tion. . ' Ilrr.. : ernment to join the opposition. ers were before them, while Odhams and John Bull Ltd., were he is the principal mass producer Icor This Eccomplishnient climaxed i When he succeeded Lloyd George "Lords Mancroft, Duveen, Hirst as titular leader of the remnant amalgamated and Elias became of poular reading matter. A heaIcor of Omaha celebrated the a year of prodigious effort by AlSamuel and Elais won their titles of the Liberal Party in : 1935 h edirector. At this point Elias start- vy smoker, he devotes what little third anniversary of the organiza- pha Tfcets. chapter which brought •without benefit ol inheritance. was on the road.to another come- ed the phenomenal climb which j leisure he allows himself to golf tion of the Jewish autonomous them to the top o ' the heap ic ! ! Entering the House of Lords at back. But in the parliamentary made him one of three of English | and collecting ivoryies. But es-state of Biro-Bijan en Sunday, cainpus activities. Llcyfl FrieSWhen Odhams took sentially he is the busy executive May 23, at the Jewish Coramut . the' same time, the two new Jew- election of that year he failed to journalism. ish "peers are strikingly different win election for t h e , first time over John Bull that celebrated who has no time for social or nity Center. :=. personalities. Although of . t h esince 1902. This time, even he weekly, a sort of English count- personal, life. His inordinate abAbout 150 guests, including ;jj same generation — they are both b e l l e T e d , t i s political career was erpart of the Saturday Evening sorption in his work has prevent- many friends from surrounding i g Post, had reached a circulation of ed him from taking any interest towns, attended. Several Omaha '• P in their sixties— one has long, e n d e d f o r . g Oo d. ' : been a dominating, /figure in the At the age of 65 he began earv- 1,900,000 under the editorship of in Jewish affairs or in civic life. organizations •were represented; i eyes of the Jewish "world, -while j ig a new niche-for himself as a Horatio Bottem'ley. When he He -would probably never have by delegates. Toasttnaster ol t i ~ '= Tc IZc the other is a newcomer. Samuel leader of Jewry. He accepted the left, John Bull's circulation fell been singled out for royal honors I TTES Mr. O. GiSEbe-g ~comes o f ' a -wealthy family that chairmanship<-~cf-•-the Council for off . to.i3 0.0,0 0 0 . Elias then took had it not been- for L'Affaire ' president cf .the Icor. comes o f a y f l ; German J e m y . '".He travelled to has lived 4nEngland j ^i^j^li^^iii^i^i^ii^^iSdi^ generations Elias was for theseveral son of America to plead: the cause of J Polish immigrants. One reached Palestine rand • the -German refu- j the House of Lords via politics, gees. He became an ^important the. other through journalism. figure in the work of the Hebrew Samuel is a man of modest means University. From time to time -while Elias -is- said to there were rumors ;of his return mensely wealthy. But d e s p l t e to public life, but nothing cam© their'. different origin, "Viscount o f n B n t n o wb e l s r e a d y f o r Samuel and Baron Elias are both another come-back. In the House Belf-made men. of Lords he will be the unquesSamuel's family afforded him tioned leader and spokesman of ready-made social and financial the Liberal minority. Suave, connections in his quest for power. In his early twenties he enOl! tered the political arena. He was FOR RENT—FarnioKe^. room hardly 35."When he became parliamentary undersecretary to the suitable for couple. 2 7 7 6 Home Office. Not quite 40 found Webster S t . AT 4 9 4 6 . him a member of the _ powerful Privy Council and Chancellor of tbe. one sisre -way to brlni^ yea-coffee as deliNo - other family drink creates such friendly the Duchy of Lancaster. And at 40 he became Postmaster-General FOR RENT—Two o r threes isly freslx arts! "wrholesoiae s s the ven* Jicur stimulation or promotes such a'spirit of good and a full-fledged member of the room furnished apartment it left the roaetfag oveis. liAXTi'&I feMoTsrsliip at a social function as a cup of reBritish cabinet, the first unbap- with kitchen. Light, beat, therefore the favorite coffee hz freshing, and delicious . MAXWELL "HOUSE tized Jew to be so "honored. At and s&a included. Webster that stage of his career it was - 3 5 2 7 . , . •' ' .. ; '.. . ' • • ; COFFEE. • This'matchless blend of fine coffees, freely predicted that he was desilier 'kept' roaster-fresh, brings you a richness of ineCiS, .and tined to "become Prime Minister. flavor,-a smooth, full-bodied goodness that inA convincing speaker and skilful party politician, he had few colvites unhesitating1 enjoyment of another, crup. You, too, will enjojr the esquis this leagues in the Liberal Party who Good Jewisn' housewives werfe among the first finer coffee £.nd its friendly slLsinIalica la everj could matcn his organizing talto appreciate the .rids and d£stinctive-"£iavor oi cupj *wlsetlier* • yo*i sxse tlss Rcg'slar Grlsci fc-r ents- or who had his grasp o2 ec'MAXWELL 'HOUSE - COFFEE <vrhxdb la so popuonomic problems. , percolated cr "fcoiled coffee,; or- ths raeW Urlp Strange to saw, however, Samlar "svitis .all the family and guests. Tney ksowt Grind for'sirip -coffee. Your ..grocer I^sas Ibotli. uel, the successful politician and 'too, that'Vita-Fresh MAXWELL HOUSE COFGet a can of MAXWEH. HOUSE CQiFFEE brilliant party leader, . was not FEE comes packed in.the super*vacuum can . . OFLASTEItESS1 S0PPLIE3 popular in Jewish circles despite today. O MASONS' SUPPLIES the fact that he never.Telased his O S21CK AND THE Jewishness. A; good deal of the credit for the issuance of the Bal4520 BOBGS ST. fbur Declaration was .his, for GIi S5S3 - s Lloyd George, who regarded him as his successor, refused to approve or even to listen .to any
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Saturday, May 2Sth
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SLATZ RANDALL and. Mis. Music Plus a n SsceSesit STAGE Presentation For Reservations Pioso T/A 62-33 StTKiimins Fool O-SCTI Day and
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states (there were five Jewish Governors recently at one time), four million souls, furnisliirsg, it is acknowledged (by 20s-
oves-jr FsiSa? oi Omaha, NebrnsSa, b? THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY - SabserSptioa Pries, one year - •' • • • • - 32.00 AfivcjliaiDS ratc3 iurals&ed da application.
Addre • n ineetit ! k'rith ai \ Slondayi .{ 1'aassenj \ Baid th< !hope o£ i •where tl i becorninj ! gaining , | JPaassen, ' ardent $ j ience tt , get PaU '• but emp' i gle for j i rael's vri
- The s; { loyalists i War in:' ; that the < •other njt the conS '' Mr.' V attended since* tU some tin ginning , , Mr. Ei of the 3 duced tlj
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PARTIC CONFEi Cantoj.. In the (i Nations t City-rect \ ditional third" ses ' Miss Lit* , •Cantor 1?
i • To. " Rabbi., , Mount g j Jeave Sio ( June fo'i i been gr, i previous! j «>xplanati J Reversal denying, ; through ' . Senator (; • Rabbi;' applicant1' April. I.' tlfe rabb: Sussian -, request, solicited and ' celved th" •This -w. ©rid trip •
visit in •will inch' lltliuaini' mark,- S};
. Editorial Offica: GOO Brandela Theater Bnlldlas. Dions City Office—Jewish Community Center : Print Shop Address: 45Q4 So. 24th Street D&.YH3 BLACKER- - • Business and Managing Editor FRANK H. ACKBRMAN - . . . . . . . . BdJtO? FAN2JH3 KATELMAN Council Blnffa, iowa. Correspondent - • - Slous City, Iowa, Correspondent
and Congressmen and Senators and Jews in highest position Jews), one of -the most valuable elements of our heterogeneous 4 power. But America is particularly congenial to the Jew,population. Jews have delighted to serve America. At the for here he finds his ideals embodied in practical form, organ- time of the Revolution, almost without exception, they were; ized into government, made a part of the structure of the every- Loyalists. Rabbi Seixas, Trustee of Columbia University, weikday, life that he lives. America, (more than Palestine today ed in the Liberty parade, carrying the sacred scrolls of the I ; and perhaps more than Palestine will ever become (though it Torah. Haym Solomon, -Polish Jew, to whom a monuraent has may become, as it is daily, rapidly becoming, a great Jewish recently been erected, furnished without compensation or even community, whether absolutely free, and independent, we can-repayment, the financial sinews of the Revolution. He has heel: t h e : not tell, though we are forced to doubt it because' of Arab jsuch successors in-philanthropy ss the late Jacob Selilff. .Julius ambitions and claims and British imperial necessities) is the | Rosenwald, Mas Adler (who donated'the Planetarium hr Chi- ( t i - t o ".Lpmse^'CF. ! Say j-e oi I t ' modern Israel. cago)._Jews have beea foremost in commerce and in the pro• siiEil be vc v .
., Israel's ancient political and social ideals,''of freedom, jus- J fessions. Oscar Straus, author of the book that ; PliEl] e s t t!~- *"i tice and equality, sympathetic humanity, unity, democracy and {America's political indebtedness to Israel, and of an excellentI TToe U E c tT-" | b e ill -vritl 1 peace are realized here in America. The nation Israel's history j 5ife o f Roger Williams because he was 'The Pioneer of Eebegan with the demand and •ultimatum of Moses to the first Hgious Liberty' (he has named his own son 'Roger TTilliaiss' £ Begun'to Fight'..'- , ;• - ; " When men in the guise of human beings stoop to the bes-tyrant and dictator Pharoah, 'Let My People go that they may ^*ho is playing a leading part in the affairs of American. Juda-:! What mean ye i ism my people and grin ^ v i n g also been President of the National Federation of:•I of tial lowness of pogromizing, then they step outside the pale serve Me': and Israel's wonderful spirit of liberty is expressed ] the poor, of civilization. Such seems to be the case in several sections in the words engraven'on America's Liberty Bell, that helped Temple Brotherhoods) was American ambassador to Turkey, jj TAJ.MZ: of Poland, confirming our worst fears of Endek reaction to to achieve liberty for'America, "Proclaim liberty throughput succeeded by Henry'• Morgenthau, Sr. (father of the present jj: Abba SOcra, the the land, and to all the inhabitants thereof." Israel's example !;Secretary of the Treasury) who virtually was Ambassador for :rebels in Jerusalem, government encouragement.
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or Free Loan ( i t - Tree Loan .Society . ^ pnnual election of • AVpfinesday. Junp 2, . ' r at 2 p. m. I'ortpnt that all mpni1-e present. Our
;o£ the sister of Ka?
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ever worn Town Talks 00 *^ ^ r a e t o join the army own-Talk -castomcrs . .*. rf tbci" extra %'aluc!
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to engage in. The Jew is, and has been, the most ardent of patriots. Thin is true;of the Jew ii^ all countries, even those that treat him. shamefully, that inhumanly persecute and op- Visit Our Kitchcnv/aro Dfoplay press him. The Jew has a passionate love of America; not only Wear Ever Utenslis '. , , Silex because here he has found a home and a "refuge, not only beCoffee Makers . . . Pyfsx Cookcauso here he-has the fullest political rights and enjoys'the tng Ware , - . . Toastfnastaps . . "highest opportunities for service in the most exalted positions Maid's Unifairys . . . Kitchen "Gadgets." which will some day, we are absolutely confident, -include the Fintoro end Presidency itself (already the nest highest position of true Supply Co. power} that of the Secretaryship cf the Treasury, is held by l l t h Cz. Douglas a Jev?, and two of the (as yet) nine Justices of the Supreme JA 2 7 2 4 Court are Jews, not to speak of the Governorships of two great
.'KiChir. TO
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for further discoveries which will lead to cures for such forms o* Jews have fought in all the wars that it has been the sad insanity as hysteria, neuroses and but imperious duty and necessity ifor even peace-loving America manic-depression. , * ":;'"
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• >ifi Kabbi Jochari. ' ..' iiiK. a s k me for <" " ' i'l t r y t o gram it r • ' !<! J o c h a n a n said; r . ry J o b n i a with its '•<•••> t h e e n t i r e nnhle '-pbban Gemah>i, ;•<> f r f a t favor which "<-'- .'"wish nation from '•>" m o r e t h a n eighteen
The pogrom in Brzesc (Brest-Litovsk) was a spark which of being opposed to a king as voiced by the Prophet Samuel's all the nations during the troubled period of the World \\ £r.! That latter sent V"CJ Pfixton-Mitchell touched off another wave of violence in many of the small warning words were of direct influence in causing the victor- Adolph S. Ochs (son-in-law- of Isaac M. Wise, founder of When he car ,* OP) Co. Foundries Polish towns. While we cannot lay the blame directly on theious colonists to eschew a monarchy such as they had lived American Judaism) became the owner of the greatest newssaid t" him: lose " • " ' , Bronate, Aluminum, government because of acts of commission, vrfc can neverthe- under under' George the Third, or of making George "Wash- paper in the world, the "New York Times." It is impossible going to. con ;ow !}">< ^•o t Vjrey Iron and Semiless place responsibility there because of acts of ommission. ington a George, the First, for example, of America. Not only j to name all those Jews who have rendered brilliant and which causes ' *>r« Castings, Wood and *-5R1 Patterns and Sash Theirs is a passive acquiescence in the murderous attacks which the representative form of democracy was adopted by America voted service to.America. So many of our leading muisicians, tc- a great r : cf Uon?" • f i f r l « carried in stock. are heaping ignominy upon the name of Poland. The profrom ancient Israel where delegates from each of the twelve artists, composers, actors, etc., are Jews: Jascha Heifetz, Jiischa -« j-re and Cast Iron Eis nephew »j .%*•« a specialty. nouncement that the government party would exclude Jews tribes always represented all the people; but the idea of Union Elman, Menuhin, George Gershwin, Irving' Berlin. Eddie Can- ""Whet can I <3o. ZTth and Martha St. and would agree.to a negative attitude on the Jewish question itself was taken from Israel: the Twelve Tribes of Israel were tor, Al Jolson, George Jessei'— to name but a few of s host v.-ord against t h e cute me.'' "Ficc HA 5523 was all that the Endek agitators needed "to follow up on. their the first United States in the world, already in the time of of celebrities, a veritable galaxy of the most varied artistic Rabbi Joctar.s.n, previous physical violence.. What good are the government's the Judges giving practical expression to that,idea of unity genius, 'children of the ghetto' who delight to repay America should be E'CI-3 tt cries that it wishes law and order-when it so flagrantly winks which is the fundamental and cardinal and all-pervasive idea for what she has done for them and their fathers in fvirr.ish- town and try to there wi at the most vile abuse of Jaw and order? The government in of Judaism as expressed in the most important single sentence I ing the milieu where so much God-given talent could develop perhaps heir." effect is saying: "We don't want you to hit anyone, but if you of our faith, virtually our creed in a nut-shell (in the Mezuzas jand flourish to the enrichment of the recreational and spir- His nephew ft: t r feeL playful, vent °your bullyism on the Jews since we have on the door-posts of our houses) the most sacred pronounce- 1 i{ua^ ^ f e °^ America. Israel has furnished ranch literary talentsaying: "Feign ni the people conae in and visit : ostracized them from our party anyway." ment of Judaism: 'Bear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord]also as Ludwig LewLsohn, Eobert Nathan, Louis Fntermeyer, as a sick person. Procure soi Nor do -we have to surmise as'to official attitude. We is One!"• Justice is the fundamental ethical principle of JudaismJ the poet; famous novelists as Edna Ferber and Fannie Hurst, thing that causes a -bad odor 1 it v;Hb ifcee cvrvRizM. ? have just carefjtfly read the first-hand account written by as it is of.America: "Justice, justice, shalt thou pursue" (ex(ex-Israel's contribution to the life of America has been zing lef.velet tfce Kabbis er.EouEce tfcet : Boris Smolar from pogrom-stricken Brzesc. In it, he tells how pressed by Theodore Roosevelt in the homely, picturesque and out of all proportion to the Jews' comparative paucity of have died. Tour disciples st the police, acting oh instructions from the Governor of Brzesc, phrase, 'a square deal; no more, no less'). And where has the {numbers. Apart from all distinguished names, the rank end then enter tc carry ret-'., but ni encouraged and supervised the 1,600 anti-Semites who wreaked^ ideal of political equality found clearer and more explicit ex- file of the four million Jews of America have rejoiced in theelse shall enter, so ihst t] so much havoc. The rioting and physical beatings took place, pression than in the words of Israel's Torah: "There shall be opportunity of serving America, as a slight repayment and :should not thereby fee] that 7 are light in weight and unc; literally, under the very eyes of the police, who did not lift one law and one'statute for the stranger as well as for the expression of gratitude for the blessings which Am eric stand thai yen are alive." a hand to stay-the marauders. native-born!" And that humanitarianism that is the soul of heaped upon the Jews. Ke did EC- pLpbhs Eles-sr < tered on one sine and Rabin ." What can be done about the situation! The Jewish pop- America first found expression in that injunction to Israel, In olden days it was sn honor to be able to say, "Civis c n n" V a-n a r c ulation from that section has sent an appeal for financial help, probably the noblest and most ethically exalted in all theRomanus Sum," "I am a Boaian Citizen.-' la these'days it is a. E>re»8 «p your hom« in since they find that they cannot possibly' rehabilitate them- world: "Ye shall not vex nor oppress the stranger, but love greater honor to be able to affirm, "I ara an American citizen.'"; to the grates and waited to take »umm«r color*. * New selves from the wreckage without "foreign'.aid. The Joint Dis- him: for ye know the heart of the stranger, seeing ye were But the Jevr deems it a double honor, s most exalted privilege ; the body out for burial, the vfntiUted «wninj watted to stick spears «tyle« are available is tribution Committee, which is one of the beneficiary, agencies strangers in the land of Egypt." This surpasses in ethical ex- indeed, to be both a Jew and sa American - - £a American : watchmen into the body. TChereupon Abba many beautiful design! \\ of the" Omaha Philanthropies, has already appropriated an cellence even the famous "Thou Shalt love thy neighbor as Jevr, a Jewisli American! i Sikra sale to him: "The Konisns - - and we tailor them to emergency ^und. and we feel that other groups will do their theyself," for the -writer remembers the late distinguishd 'Wilyour order, at an i(JreeAnd a double incentive to serve America in the present will say that their own Tlabfc; sb'y low price. May share to the b- , of their ability. But, such-help is nothing liam Jennings Bryan,-in a personal conversation, claiming (er- and future as in the past with 'all one's heart End vriili all :they pierced with Fpears." They wanted to throv him ever vc show you (amplest. more than a palliative. We mnift look further for more sub- roneoxisly, of course) that this applied only to the Jewish one's soul, and Trith all one's might'; with bodr and brain: ; then the gate. TTherenpon fce ngEin Come in or jurt pho«« stantial and more permanent .relief. We have just about lost 'neighbor.' with all one's means, material, intellectual, moral, snd spir- said to them whet the Eoitinr.? would say. Consequently they opfaith in the League of Nations, as the tribunal of world, jusIt was not necessary for Jews to have come to America itual: in life and in death. ened the g-ate for the body snd tice, being able to do any good. Poland has violated her treaty with Columbus (as history proves they did; the first person they left. The Jew sings most fervently; clauses which" guaranteed equality to nuuorities, and has been,' to sight land, to actually land on the soil of America having "When Esbbi Jochanan srpeai"ed before TCespssian, he SR;C": , "called on the carpety" but to no effect/: Nevertheless, so long!been a Jew - - Louis de Torres, who settled in Cuba and intro"Our father's God., to Thee ..*'"• "Peace unto the kins." The Ist-'J as there is even the faintest glimmer of hope, we must con- duced use of tobacco. It was not necessary for Columbus to Author of Liberty one AT-S.492 ter Said to him: "Ten rleser1 tinue to pound away at the international agency of the League To Thee we sing; m&n ViU Call with i Sti5ec twice esecutioE: first, I E E I and to such liberal countries as England and France and thehave been a Jew (for which we have very respectable recent Long may our land be bright king: secoacily, had it 'jpen tri /*£> f%t\ ss^w » ^ e j ^ that I am king, why bare yon n United States to, make friendly intervention with the Polish scholarly authority). It was not necessary for Columbus to "With freedom's holy light; \ l1 iff come untc me until now?" K&b: V" 1 Wt i: -i- %, *? * government. Further, we do not think it would be amiss for have steered his course by the astronomical tables of Abraham Protect us by Thy might; tk m%i. Howsrd IE Jochanan said: "To aie your pov Zacuto, the Jew (which he did) or for the very money which the Polish Jewry to organize self-defense units. The Jews Great God our King!" er is as pre'X EF S. k'np'F T>CWT tTflFM PLif«©S and the reason I <t.id not comprise over ten nor cent of the total Polish population, and equipped his vessels to have been derived from Jewisb. sources, - - Frederick Cohn. all of the Christian Poles are not anti-Semitic. This is shown from Luis de SantangeL the Jewish treasurer of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, and from the sale pf.the confisin the myriad stories of Christian heroism during the recent pogroms, when they risked everything to protect the rights cated estates of the Jews who in the very year, 1492, that Arab Womanjbood So long as the Arabs are blaming the Jews of their Jewish iellow-citizens. With their large-Jewish num- America -was discovered, were expelld from Spain (it is hisbers, organized, the Jewish populations could in most instances torically true that "Jews not jewels" or any mythical gifts of for a hundred and one other problems, we were not rerilv- exgive as well as they had to take during an outbreak. And Queen Isabella furnished the-money that equipped the vessels traordinarily surprised to learn that the Moslems £r since, the Endeks, like all bullies, are cowards at heart, enough of Columbus). Jews have had a primordial and instinctive blaming their Jewish neighbors for' an increasing shortage retaliation to their attacks and they would soon decide that love of America. They came over here in a body from Brazil women in the Holy Land. The Arab reasoning follows somewha their agitation could more safely be directed against a more as early as 1654, the Jewish 'Pilgrim Fathers' of America settling in New Amsterdam, the nucleus of the future powerful Arabs who sold land to Jews had enough moner to harmless group. One thing is certain - - the Jewish people must not be discouraged . . .recalling the lessons of their and influential one and a .quarter million Jews of New York sexen. and in some cases a dozen iro This left Ihr chrzska's ageless} past, they must gird themselves and say: "We have (did not some wag say that 'five out of every four people less Arabs with only about one wo man per. two ne;i. you meet on the streets of New York are Jews'? In successive plain the Moslems: "Of all the 'necessities o£ life,' it :s just begun to fight!" • •/. . " \ ,. waves of Portuguese ("Sephardic"), German (1848); and value of women which has risen the ost. The. price cf a \TCHIEB Russo-Polish (from 1881 on)—AAshkenazic"—migrations they has laounted from about $150 to $500. Some even brintr America and. Israel; ;. -- • have poured into ,Am erica, till they now number more than]'fabulous' figure of $1,250." By Eabbi Frederick Gohn f • Sunday will be "Decoration Day." We shall .decorate the Jewish Scientist graves of our patriot dead, "of those who gave their lives that ..; 'Believed To-Have. their country might live and fulfil its destiny of glory and Cure-for Insanity power. They lived and died for Americanism. "What is "Americanism" 7 It is that for which Our beloved Pittsburgh (.WNS) — The fer-1 ff i"--1 / '•' P / olutionary discovery that shocks America stands; its principles, its ideals. America is the land brought on by large doses ol inililiillfilllll of the free and the home of the brave.' Freedonvis the corner- sulin can 'bure hopelessly insane stone of America; that liberty that is realized here more thah .persbnswas explained to the annual meeting or the American *in. any other place on earth; the fullest political, civil, social, Psychiatric Association by Profesintellectual, religious, economic, personal and physical liberty. sor ^Manfred Sakel, famous- VienIt 13 that that makes America the ^greatest democracy: on earth, na psychiatrist, who developed new insulin treatment in the where the people really rule and have their will expressed and the: same University of Vienna clinic their dreams as far as possible realized. Here the dignity of •where Sigmund Freud perfected humanity receives its highest expression, the recognition that hla theory of psychoanalysis. "all are" created free and equal/ that all have 'equal and in- Hailed as one of the most •Imalienable right.to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.1 portant developments in modern' Dr. Sakel's report "We do not always realize how glorious are the ideals, for which medicine, showed that "his 'system, had our beloved country stands and how finely she has; realized brought about cures in 70 per. of 1,000. cases of dementia-| them in the comparatively brief period of only a century and cent praecox. '"•'"•' | a half of independent history. America has become the beacon- -Medical authorities believe that] light of liberty and opportunity and political, nobility for allthe Sakel discovery opens the way j the world.
J will s a y that the >n before ; rebels who L.--f a m o n g u s preveiu: ed ate iron ! < 'OJ. 8 0 . "
Pera.0sal-Prefer®RS© Selects
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TKS JETTISS PRESS. FRIDAY, MAY 28. 193? I before — I will say that the els who are among :-Us preventine from doing so.":|.. .'.'-/ . Vespasian told Raljbi Jochan"Before leaving, ask me for ivor and I will -try.jto grant it you." Rabbi Jochanan said; re me the city Jobcaa -with its ;s an/i also" the entire noble ^ly of Rabban \) Gemaliel" j s was the great favor which ;erred ihe Jewish nation from nction for more thain eighteen
AJTXOT7XCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Lester Simon announce the birth of a son, May 15, at the Clarkson Hospital.
i .adies Free Loan ; he Ladies Free Loan. Society
hold its annual" flection -of ;ers on Wednesday?, -June 2, he J. C. C. at 2 p. in. ; ; is important that Mall Tnenii shall be present. : ! - ' Patronize Our Advertisers-. j-ur.JTw'^J^'wSy-'S 1 .^ w'^rTU
Paxton-Mil9hell Co. Foundi-ies
Srass. Bronze, Altiminum, ^oft Grey Iron anji Sejni- i steel Castings, Wood and i jletal Patterns aiid Sash ^/eignts carried lii stock. 1 jroaie and Car.t Iron grilles a specialty.
27th and Martta St. HA 5523
jMay £3 at the Play More Park, "\ •about f'frecn rc!"!CF ar>r;h r.f
The Omaha Chapter of Hr;".r.-sah -will hold its last meetlr? r-: the season on Wednesday, r ;..••RECEPTION 9, at the Je-erisi Community Cc:.- ;-:-s r r Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saltzman ter. Officers for the coming year of Council Bluffs -will ^entertain I Having completed its first sea- !G r e e : J i J n ] f a n M i l f l e r > M £ , s t tiir.e, at a reception for all their relaeIectP, £ t of -winter activities, the High- \fco-witz,sad their "-costs THIIXIPS-APPIJEMAN I VTilliaia Alberts Trill repori rr -,,„—« tives and friends nest Friday j' son Miss Shirley Fiedler, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Apple- evening, June -4, at their home at i l a n a Country Club -will once more !__L_ouis Hiller Is president - • the South-west Conference. of Mr. and Mrs. I. Fiedler, was man have announced the engage-! Fourth Avenue, following• resume its summer program with ;'Highland. Chairman of the Hous 1029 use : married to Joseph D. Lagman, ment of their daughter, Miss Jane of their daughter, a gala opening this Saturday iC . o m m i t t e e i s Sam Leon, and I Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg c£i..r- "...r. 5 i - r :. " ••son o£ Mr. and -Mrs. J. Lagman, Appleman, to John Henry,, Phil- the graduation M i s s Dorothy Saltzman, from the ; chairman of the bouse committee : a a a of e £i£.aassa Gift on Sunday, May 23, at the home lips of New York City, son of Dr. | Abraham Lincoln High School, night. jfor cornea is Mrs. Ssm •Werthel- announces the lollc of the bride's parents, 'r . " The entire clubhouse ess Tseen' mer, sr. and Mrs. Henry-H.- Phillips of !.K0 cards are -being issued tions to the Jewish > rebuilt and refurnished. Every jI Other officers are: Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein and New York. e Sara Leon, Tree Fund: Saturday evening, during the com- j vice president; W. CantorA. Schuraczkin officiated,! The redding is scheduled for VISITS HERE . - ' Raciisin, | Mr. and Krs, HEI r Perm- •:The bride -wore a-white taffeta early fall; Mr. Ralph Gross* of Nev York ing summer season dinner dances j secretary; Al Mayer,* executive i honor of the birth of a son: r'~. buffant style gown with tailored] -will be held: . A different i-; secretary;, Harry Malasaoek, trea- ' and J.Irs. Mas KCity, formerly 'of Omaha, spent neckline and hoop skirt. She car- A1BERTS-BEREN i t h e i r silver wedding a n n i v e r s a r y . Z.'ciy two days "here visiting his par-tra -will be featured for each ' surer. ried a Bible and lilies of the valdance. The board cf directors besides i Krs. E. Meyer in he cf :": r marriage of Miss Pearl ents and relatives. For the opening, Mr. .RHI Sirs. above officers 'includes: Mor-I birth oZ a grandson; ?J Beren to" Dr. Edward Alberfs, Mrs. Louis .Rifkln, sister of the Samuel Appeiman Trill be hosts Milder, L. L. Bcrkenroad. J.I.! M. F. Levenscn in memory c." son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Al- j RETURNS HOME. bridge, was matron of honor. Mrs. B. M. Achtenberg of Kan- & honor of their daughter. Jane, : A. Chapman, H. A. Wolf, J. berts of Omaha; -will take, place Miss Merrian Fielder -was maid of at the home of the bride's" par- isas3 City, formerly of. Omaha, h has! theipnowing: following: Air. Mr. ana-.Mrs. and-Mrs. A. j Kulakofsky, Milt ; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Green berjr in a s !to " tne ^"laKoissy, Dave Feder, Milton honor. .' .'" -. ents, Mr. and -Mrs. Louis Beren returned to her home after . a! Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Loais | Livingston, Morris Ferer, A.; honor of "Chaniikas Eabais" rf David Reiss -was best man. Abe week's visit with her brother and \ Sombers, Mr. and Mrs.-Max Chap j Herzberg, M.- E. Handler, and \ Mr. and Mrs. Kenry Raben, ..Louis Riklin, and Alfred of Cincinnati, on Tuesda/, June 1. sister-in-law,. Mr. "and Mrs. Art man, Mr. and Mrs. Iz Chapman, '• Paul Blotcky. i and in honor of mother, Ch.r.r The ceremony -will be solemnizFiedler served as ushers. Dr. and Mrs. M. ..I. Gordon, Mrs. ! Greenberg; Mrs. Fanny ColiDr r; ed in the presence of relatives | Robinson, of 116 No.-27 Ave. Music for the ceremony Lena Mandelson, Mr. and Mrs.} j the Jalirzeit for iuEbaiid, Stic'^— friends. The young JUNIOR VAAD Sain Robinson, Mr. and Mrs.- Sam | Cohen and da-aghter, Pearl; i!-&. I couple will make their h o i e iu IN CIXCIX^ATI | Hesry Belmost in memory c~ Mrs. Fiedler, mother of Itte j. Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Alberts Leon, Mr. and Mrs. Jay CheraidM M IS0 ller Dride, was gowned in a black net} .and Mr. A. J. Goldenberg and ack, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jacobs, At a meeting of the Junior |: M r s' - ' Jennie liic&al Hass:-r_; and lace dinner dress. Mrs. L a g - j ^ son, Norman are in Cincinnati, Miss Florence Appeiman, and Mr. JTaad auxiliary last Monday € v e Greenstone in me man, the groom's mother, wore j ning, Eabbi Milton. A. Kopstein [ °" sister, Sirs. Sara Fihin. Ohio to attend the Alberts-Beren Herman Goldstein. a black lace dress. Other reservations have been led an interesting discussion on j Mrs. Frank Clarke in sa Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weneck of nuptials. A reception. lasting irom 3 to made by: Zionism a.ad the comicg Zionist j o i husbard; Mr. acd Mrs. e- * n _J ., Kansas City, Missouri, announce Mr. and Mra. Moe A. Yenger, e mo Congress. • i Brodkey in msir.cn' of ON TRIP - — „ „ T. n e engagement of.their a v £ . f ° ^ n ^ ™ Mr a r»*i-Senrr )tthe of, their daugh daughs 1In Mrs The group also made plans for ;Brodkey; Mr. and Mr. *",f ^ ^ ? f " « ° '. - ! t e r , Miss Fannie Weneck", to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William AIber t9 |Mr and toll. lawman Alfred Fiedler, Mrs. D: Bernstein,! M a 3 . Kramer, : of Council Bluffs, left Tuesday for Cincinnati to at- and Mrs. Wxllliam P^cusm summer activities. i insos at Jahrzeit of" FOE Ma™ The next meeting, the last for iM r s . J. J. Freiden s.t Jshrseit r.' ; Elaine Lagman, and. Pearl Bern-; s o n o f M j Kramer of CouncU tend: the wedding of their brothfT- a n J M r s " J - H - ^ J a er. Dr. Edward Alberts, and Miss | and daughters, Mr. and MrS. Lou- this season, -vrill be held Jlcsfisv '" fitein. mother, REChsl Goldye T]~~( B l u f f s . " • • • • • ' • • ' • . © ' is. Kulakofsky and son, Mr. and ' evening, Juce 7. kin and and her sister, Shirley F'rrOut of town guests included No wedding date-has been set Pearl Beren. kin; The Monday Sewing- Grovr Mrs. Philip Ellis and son, and I y e t . , - . ' " " Enroute they will stop in St. Mrs. Dave Levy, Mrs. A. David-) . . • • . - . .•-•;.• in memoir of Mrs. Edward Pea"IMr. Max Ellis of Fort. - "Worth, Louis wiere Mrs. Alberts will at- son and 'daughter of Minneapolis. BRIDGE TEA Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Vi'olf, Mr. Texas; Miss Frances Berkowftz, tend the Southwest Regional ConMembers cf t i e E. T. C. so-ove, sister of Mrs. J. J. Fr>frr of "Wichita, Kansas; Mrs. I. SterAnnouncement of the marriage |mention'of the Hadassah as dele- and Mrs. Dave Feder. rority were hostesses at a bridge i E i a n ; TvIrs " ^ : ' < I e r e r £ n d K " / • ; - ' Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Hiller,, Mrs. Lester Meyer in honor of ror, and daughter, Martha, of o f C a r l G_ Katlemanof Los^An-jsate from the Omaha chapter. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Livingston, !MJ on Jd aLj ™ ° ! ° Shreda Osoff birth of Julius Kcbert 1 _ . , _ r-_ Chicago; and Mr. Mas Rosentaal geles, formerly of Omaha, to Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Leavitt of Des j ° ; ^ * \ Goldware i t memor Of Sioux-City, Iowa. ! Martha "White of Los Angeles, j ATTEST>IXG COXFERKVCE Guests Minnie Tnch._ i C4T1PCTO icclnded: f T' e>1rrr*c>^ • father, Nathan .Perl-mac; Mr The. couple motored to New Or-j w a s m a f l e a t a d i n n e r g i v e n last! Rabbi David H. "Wice is attend- j Homes and Mr. and Mrs. Ben' j man, Ann Reiss, Evelyn Spiegal, Mrs. Sam. Cohen in or of ti.e i leans ins from there they will sail • Friday evening by his brother, I ing the Central Conference of Stern, also of Des Moines. Ia ra K n EES Mr.' and Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mr. j £ , , ^ Sylvia Lefitz. birth of a gra.ndson,, Kobert Tcrlor Jamaica on a two weeks hon- Maurice, of Brentwood, Calif or or-]j American Ra~bbis in Columbus, Etand -Mrs. Nathan Simon, Mr. and ^ « ™ oemter" * i5on Goldstein; " r s . Phineas V» .reymoon. V . •;:. nia.. The wedding ceremony, had I Ohio. He is expected. back on Mrs. Lester Simon, and Mr. Moss j were Helen . Ehryer i troub in meicc-Ty of t^r s~-*~~~ Tuesday. I been performed earlier in, the day I Miriam Lieb. Back of Lufkin, Texas. aunt, Sirs. Ethel Hoffman: I.'rs. Rabbi and Mrs. BeBgis | at Santa Anna, California. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Hiller, { Prizes were won by Sylvia Le-«Z F. Goodman in tnnor cf. r?r Rabbi and Mrs. Abraham Ben-! Mr.Katleman was formerly as- HOME "FROM SHNNEAPOIilS and Eva Koaecky, sponsor cf mother, Lizzie Adler. en Motfcr-'f Miss Merrian Lieb accompan-! Mr. and Mrs. Ben Silver, and Mr.i fitz _„_„.„_ gis of 1404 Monmouth Avenue,; sociated.-with the law firm ot Dsy; Mrs. S. Fellmaa at Jatrr1-";. ied by her mother arrived home and "Mm. L. L. Burkenroad. L r t h a ^ ' n ^ k r i- ^ ^ - r - * Xakewood, New Jersey, are leav-jMonsky and Grodinsky. for motker, Tobye Bosen; T:r. from MinneapoUs. Miss Lieb was! Mr: and Mrs. Dave Bialac. Mr. B.rtha Slu.sky U y.es^e^ ing Lakewood on June 1 to spend j ————— and Mrs. M. F . Levenson. in t r - r r recently graduated from the Com-1 and Mrs. Sam Wertheimer, jr., the. summer with Rabbi Bengis's j ARRIVING FROM POLAND of Lee Jane ana Eartor, GrrcrDr. and Mrs. M. M. Greenberg, | ITTITS FROM CHICAGO mother at Moodus, Connecticut, i Mr, Max Goldstein is in Newmercial Art Academy of Minnea- Mr. berg; SEfi Kr. and Mrs. Art1- r.r and Mrs. Al Mayer, Mr. and j Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kasin of Mrs. Bengis will be remember- {York City to meet his sister, Miss' polis. Mrs. Leo TJnger, Mr. end M^s. j Chicago are visiting for the week 3.os:nsky Is honor cf bs.by darr^ed as the author of "I Am A Rab- Ethel Goldstein, who is arriving Ernest Nogg, Mr, and Mrs. M. E. j at the home of Mrs. Kasin's ?ar- te:r Marilyn bi's Wife." from Poland. to make her home HONORED AT HARVARD ! ents, Mr. and Mrs."A. Ginsberg. a t Handler. Their address • till the-."-end ofjin Omaha with her brother and Louis Hartz, a freshman Mr. and Mrs. Abe Herzberg,! WKBR SABASSAH 'August will be Moodus, Connecti-i sister-in-law. Mr. Goldstein has Harvard University, has been adMr. and Mrs. David Goldman, Mr. j ANNOUNCE EAR- MTTZVAH r-rosiEately twenty not seen his sister for seventeen mitted to the Dean's list, Harvard cut. „ . .ccur"~F group. Last June __ Hartz I and Mrs. ,Sam TTertheiiner, sr., j j { r . -nd Mrs. Dave Dene=berg, t Mrs. Bengis -will welcome; any; years. They -will arrive in Oma- honorary w"as"awarde"d"the World-Herald I and Mr. and Mrs. Howard TTerth- i announce the Bar Mitzv&h cf | ^ ^ * ' J - n - l * ^ " I f " - - inquiries and—orders for copies ha on June 1. scholarship upon his graduation eimeft . ? \ their son, Bernard, en s«*<"-« I J L 1 U O 1 - ^ a — s s ° - b " — E - ""-• of her book which was -written _ __ Mr. and Mrs. Morris Milder,! = | J n n e s} B t t j j e B'nai Israel Syria- j * BLANK BAR-3HTZVAH from Technical High school. He M r •with the purpose of aiding her was later awarded"a scholarship j - and Mrs. "William Fitz, Mr. jgO gue. All friends and relatives! Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jahusband who lost his health in an i a n d M r s - ¥ 0 1 T i s ^erer, Mr. and ; a r e invited. No invitations have] WANTED—Home "for £ J-evcob Blank -will celebrate his Bar- by Harvard. active sen-ice in thfi ministry. Mrs. Hymie Ferer, Dr. and Mrs. jb e e n i s s l i e d. ! jsk garls, age S RBCI 1 1 . E c Rabbi and Mrs. Bengis expert Mitzvah on Saturday morning. A, Greenberg. POSTPONE MEETING I S , Jcwisli May .29 at~9:30 a. m. at the Beth to" return 'to Lakewood on SepThe "Cousins Club" will.meet} Dr. and Mrs. Philip Levey, Mr. E l synagogue.••.-;••• Fatrocize Our -Advertisers tember- 1. Mr. and Mrs. Blank extend corr at the home of Mrs. Louis Lon-! and Mrs. George Levey cf De- • _ • don, 201 North First Street, in j troHr Mr. and Mrs. Morrie Levey, U,,, dial ! Council Bluffs, for. a luncheon j Mrs. Mickey Kajielman of Los An-ig | on Thursday, June 10, instead j Seles, Dr. and Mrs. Si Levey of ! of next week, as -originally plan- \ St. . Louis, Mrs. Sophie Nevelef f, or of their «on ' Mrs. Ida Levin, Miss Biursa Neveu i u t tueil sun. i leff, and Mr. Robert Fox. Sunday, May 30, Mr. and Mrs. n e d W I Dr. and Mrs. N. H. Greenberg, „ Blank Club will from receive at 6. the Birchwood 3 to No invi- AT JOSLYN s am The following activities will be | . Saltzman, and Irene Mor. g tations have been issued. presented in the Joslyn Memorial At another no-host*"table * will j = BAR 3IITZVAH SATURDAY on Sunday, May 30. be Harold Cherniak, Ed Som- j g 2:30 — Lecture Hall . Joseph Robert, son of Mr, and 7E-2E FINEST Dramatic Recital by Amy mers, Ed. Rosen, Dr, Arthur Mrs. A. Bolter, will become BarRohacek. t o MaJio Mitzvah Saturday morning, May 29 at 9:30 a. m. at the Bnai Is- 3:3 0 —Lecture Hall Lecture by Paul H. Gruni-j rael Synagogue at 18th and Chiman on Verdi's "Il-Trovatore" I cago Street. • Mr. and Mrs. Bolker extend - followed by excerpts from the ' opera directed by Mme. Thea Perfect Pestsira Shoes -. cordial Invitations to t h e i r PLANS A GU3AW© Moeller-Herms. friends and relatives to. attend F©r r*3cn sisd Wcsrson services and participate -in the 4:00 — Concert Hall Concert by the Municipal Kiddush. •Bring your chopping Hat University Orchestra under the to a Hinky-DinUy Store direction of Mr. Henry G. Cox. servo yourself -writh the At Cfeez Pares choicest foods and add Jack Corliss and Miss Murice J. N. P. Coimcil to your enjoyment of the Palmer, until recently featured stars of the Colony Club in Chi- ' The Jewish National Fund holiday vreelc-cnd! ^ cago are' appearing at the Chez Council will hold a special meetIN ordiaary shoes witli Paree. Miss Palmer's sophiscated ing on Tuesday, June 8. standardized mcEsurcae2.£s, ths songs and .Mr. Corliss's piano©or Strictly Kosher shoe that fits thefcronlcaprove: playing have mado them favorites Delicatessen—In throughout the country. too large at thc"hecl,p while the - - Removed by As an added attraction at the Sfor shoe that fits the heel proves Multiple Electrolysis Chez Paree the Lewis Sisters, a" All Work Guaranteed too small across the baaioa and ESoisslas— singing " and dancing duo who CONSULTATION FREE r and Confidential or com. f offers yea tJacso sssghave just completed a successful lsn.r engagement at the Chez Paree in gcstlosiG, for 523 World-Herald Bids- At C3S2 7 Chicago, will make their first aprow *; soiling. Wear FLEXEESVrTfor ipearance -tonight. You'll ircmt th<s form' that r r
Dress np your home in summer colors. 4 New ventilated;-awning styles are available in many beautiful design* -•and-we tailor them to your order, at an agree ably low price. .Utoy, -we show you samples f Come in or rust phone
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.in coaBin^tion raises and rounds, JOZI bosom.. ats striped ^ S-per-Lasti^ue yoar'dcrricre End curve r o a r ••waist end rJps.TTT. • T<,~ki{crtT~-~Q.iiT "typs— T
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Reverently the Archbishop of Canterbury places St. Edward's crown on the head of George VI, at the coronation in Westminster Abbey. Queen Mary and the princesses watch from the box at upper left. Queen Elizabeth is seated iat left center.
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^Fairyland coach of the British coronation, drawn by white horses and ""carrying the King and Queen, winds its way throush Trafalgar Square. London, en route to Buckingham Palace, after the coronation in Westminster Abbey. Base of the Nelson monument is at left. Cheering crowds did not mind the showers but thronsed the entire route.
is Princess El^zcboth, trri^^s cl the corcneia.T-i c Westainster Abhor, pres.sd br the DrLc cr Nc:vo -'vo-'ies at .l., Jie Earl LCarsIial. I»ord Lssceilcs, tier cousin, is ct ri£ht.
Associate Justice Willis Van Devanter shown " i n his office in Washington, after sending'his resignation from the Supreme Court to President Eoosevelt. The 78-year-old jurist will retire to his farm in Maryland.
^Presumably recalling her own coronation and the silver jubilee of two years ago, here ia center is Queen Mother Mary of Great Britain visibly moved by the tribute of the coronation crowd in front of Buckingham Palace. This is one of the original pictures brought to the United States frora London, George is at right and Queen Elizabeth at leftt with her attendants. The Princesses are in foreground.
Pf r r -f J*? IT T*!^ I« ^ P pn>rrn T*>i-"r-it pf the Jof'J'FQ'Tflr X l i J I U i t l iiiAl/li"™"~eor c "ist'on Tlhc-n trip A-chbishop Canterbury P^ceS. Vie "crovr. ol s x e pole " or ibe head of
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One year old, "and the EZasper quadruplets of Clifton, N. J., are quite happy about it. Here they are with their nurses at a birthday party given them by Clifton and' P a s s a i c residents. The quads are Frances, Frank, Felix and Ferdinand. They are shown on a special reviewing stand at the rear Of their home.
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,Right panel shows Mrs. Eelen Tiernan, 25, Kew York vsldow. with !a . District Attorney L. Barron Hill of Suffolk County. L. I., cftcr she was charged with'murder of her daughter Helen. 7, and injury of her son Jimmy, 5. Left is her suitor. George JChristodulu, whom she cleared of aiding her in hacking, cuttins &sd burains the children.
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Carl, nephew of King Gustaf of Sweden, "with Countess Elsa von Rosan, for whom He renounced his succession to the throne. They are shown in iSlpc&holia after permission to wed was given by tae King.
^That's how baseballs sound w h e n they invariably land in the glove of FranSi P y t l a k , diminutive catcher for the Cleveland Indians, shown above. Pytlafc is receiving most of the speed-ball offerings this season for 'the American Esague team.
ierence'of tjaited States mayors. Talunff an i^?a from the caaycr's fires narae, VTJUM r j 5 ^ ^ Flower, Rosita Grenado, California esposition sxxl, prccca-s .i^a c ^-=*e: M-—U.«..E V» i- o ——,
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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY. MAY 28, 1937 cher some time, just to see what| (Revisionists) hare started their will happen. own news bulletin . . . It's culled .An interesting point brought | Zionews and sends out ziv.il fort- | DAT out in this booklet is the fact that i nightly in Hebrew, English, j in "Very ancient times, the Jews i French, Russian asd German . . . ! used to start -their counting with Jews in the audience were re-1 rhe the number "two" instead of NEWS IN THE MAKING | Murray, counsel for Fritz Kuhn.j Quested to leave the Berlin Opera i got off to r 1 • : ? E.FM 1with "one", as we might expect. Sholom Asch is slated to get | fuehrer of the Nazis in America, House just before the curtain j day Eftermcr t 1 r. i The reason for this is that the an honorary degree from the Jew are non-Arj-ans • 1. Wllat important 150th. An. . Francesco went up when the management i Central K.jv • r • r r , ; number " o n e " was reserved for niversary is America celebrat- the document—while above them informed that Hitler was J big league ', Ish institute of Religion. He von Mendelssohn, greatgraadson | hovers the Spirit of America, her God, Who is One, and consequent- will be the first Yiddish writer j of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, coming ing this year? , Now that Maxim Lit- The Giant* ; 3.. Wb.p is one of the leading hand outstretched • in . blessing. ly was considered too sacred for to be so honored . . . There's a j the composer whose works are vinoff is making a diplomatic by the cec"" :r everyday use. Tell that to your spirits in.this celebration? The back cover carries a picture mother the next time she tries to wild scramble on for the job of < verboten in Naziland returned for tour of Europe for his govern-i Cards tool. 13 e l«.i national. commander-in-chief 3. .In what other great'histor- ' of the Great Seal of the United j a short visit to Germany on. them e n t ' w e note an epidemic of refi hby the satre ti faces among those who recently j Giact-Tigr- rr re It leal celebration, did he. play an States, also in colors; the last persuade you that one piece of the Jewish War Veterans : Europa . . . The Psssaie post of pie is enough'for you. Among the candidates are Max- I the Jewish War Veterans has ex-averred ke was on t h e verge. of important part some years "ITT Tff ' We seem to have spent too well' Cohen of Boston, Dave Coyne K page of the book, by the way,* a g o ? \-:.': '• • . ••• . ... '• . ';;outs for t r e "" ??<-• v-j- r i pelled J o e w e m berger, city cor.n- being canned . . . " much : space on books this week 1 of Hoboken and Morris Mendel- sel, • because he took a cruise on GETTING PEKSOXAL 4. How many men. have serv- gives, the history of this Great termac, Lo. f ,. r - r that there is no room left for any-| S O I l a n d j . David Delman of New ' . • . . / • . ed as Chief Justice of the U. S. S e a l . a German boat If you like thecroo ing cf j [thing else. So, as a final blow, IY o r k".".. .Stephen S. Wise is a ah's last blast . . Senator Bor- Barry Wood, remember that his j Giant victo— Supreme Court since 1780? ~r-( lr j against Fascism 5. Why should Jews particu- of Jews are being attacked in so much tli8i r rv r vf name was Louis Rtppspoi't when. was not just oratory. He's really l a r l y be grateful for the Con- many countries we Jews of Amer- achievement of Abraham I. Katsh j president of the Zionist Organiza- serious about it and is quietly I he was captain o'. Yale's Evrim- j game with r_.'-i?.-<_ l^s coteaches Hebrew at New York f t [ o n o f Atoerica Lord Mel- making a preliminary' investiga-j ming team and t e star of its j ing the h i - n i f stitution? "i? ica shoujd be particularly proud Who If University. Mr. Katsh has • done i t e audience with c a e t t h a ( i a p r v a • ,tJ. - To whoni' was an, important of our Constitution, which guartion . . ". If the files of a certain championship water polo team in | will be plf: c.1 etc"- f i nothing less than write a Hebrew Of all President Roosevelt . letter by Benjamn Franklin r e - antees freedom of religion to all government department in Wash- 192S and 1S29 . . . • Fefier&l | p. m. anc c r ; r-"f * cently presented? Americans, and provides that no book on the Einstein theory of Jewish visitors from abroad, Mel- ington were .made public they Judge Clarenee G. Ga'ston cf ! attend as Th?-e ' O i T " , 7 . . How many "ways can you man's religion shall be a bar to relativity — a feat which those chett is perhaps the first known would reveal some sensational New Tork (don't let the name ] £.11 the hii" •? r-^r I f Only of you who take Hebrew lessons to have given the bum's rush to data on Nazi and Fascist activi- fool you, lie's one of HE £.11.' time bascl"'1' : think of to designate numbers hs holding public office. recently^ by the way, a letter by will be able to appreciate.. No Mr. all reporters and photographers ties hereabouts'. . . None of the right) saw feis son, Clarence E., j •.\vithout thei use of written figis not suggesting that you seeking interviews and pictures ures? •' • -. • ••• ..-• '--. • ' • '• -;. .. : Benjamin Fraaklin was present- World try to read this book. Even in . . . But we have to credit him Jews mentioned • as prospective wed to Constance E. Mattiessen i The scl P i 8. With what number did the ed to the American Jewish His- English such a book would be with, bringing to our shores two candidates for Judge Van Bevan- in tfee Presbyterian ch-urch &t game in ll « ' c i ' f r r t ancient Hebrews start' their torical Society for preservation as too complicated not alone for you expressions which we recommend t e r s on the Supreme Court Harrison, N. Y. . . . Malaga, the ; Both New York &;;.-?; a document showing that this but for most grown-ups too. But counting? --'..:'-• ' -..Spanish city controlled by the ; be pitted sgainst will get the job unless Br; for adoption , . . One is the rep i) 9.' Why, did they start with great American opposed all per-as Mr. Katsh. Is the first to have signation of what we are wont to or Cardoza resigns Tamiaany Fascists, got its name from the ' Gisnts versus thf 11 r r ! ' v ! ' secution. In this letter, written the Cards will I n T-n-r v •. v that number? ; '•'• written such a book in Hebrew call the shah-shah type of Jews Hall is still breaking its neck Hebrew word for salt, mfclach" . 1 0 . Who is the author-of the during the-. Revolutoriary War, Mr. World thought you might as the O. T. I., or, to spell it out,. looking • for a mayoralty candiMrs. Marion Tewfik is fining \ the Tigers. . iirst Hebrew book on; the Eih-' Franklin expressed the hope that like to know about it. te h a a for EEEulniect of her • mErriage i he would live to see "our counthe Order'of Trembling Israelites iJdia ||?_ of_ysome °J _ of^ T ^^l?"!.^" "• s t e i n t h e o r y ? " •.'.'"'--' -.'.'• :f r Ms Jewish sup- because she learned that her i n s - j In climasing on^ c try established in Freedom, when . . . The other is a phrase emi(Copyright 1937 By Seven Art3 nently suitable for the purposes port . . . Some of the''Tammany band -was & Moharcmedan and successful busines" f it will soon become great and Memorial Day, which comes evthink Sain Levy is the not a Jew alter the wedding . . . classes in gym, t i e r' Feature Syndicate.) by being the asylum of of fund-raisers approaching pros- bigwigs ery year to remind us of the glorious Inan ] Don't let the long-drawn-out de- ir.g to Btarre E! l:it"r r all the oppressed in Europe." Ten pective donor: "Are you schnor-J brave men who gave their lives years ir bate over the Supreme Court re- : night Tune later. Franklin was one of rable?" . .'. Rabbi Joachim Prinz, I VTA SHORT WAVE . for our country, seems an approslum. Arrangemer E form faze roc . . . The Senate the signers of the Constitution, formerly Berlin's leading rabbi, Fannie Hurst has been Quietly priate time to tell you about1 a which guaranteed, the freedom of will settle - permanently in the spending soni© time in. Palestine battled -for more than four taken care of by r new book that has just been pub- America. • United States Chicago is go- looking over the situation . . . months over the confirmation of mlttee: entertainr ?ri lished ' about what we. may well ing to inaugurate a new Jewish The only reason Premier Leon Brandeis to the Court in IE 16 . . . frestments will b~ i , call the greatest historical docuWhile we're on the subject of center in the Fall as an annex Blum won't resign, as- he wants Jske Goldberg cf Texas City, i ment of these United States. The books Mr. World wants to tell £5 bcvrlc"! r*-p~< Vaad to Congregation Anshe Emet, Sol- to, is Mrs. Blum She has Texas, will never forget Press- i Over book has the title "The Story of you about another one, which will Regular services will be held omon Goldman's synagogue . . . postponed an urgently needed dent Roosevelt's recent visit to j '>rSmg bsneuet v *'-'- v f Tthe Constitution," and. It was appeal to those of you who,en- Friday evening at 7:30 and Sat-Incidentally, Dr. Goldman, who the Lone Star State . . . Jake, i lilfl Tuesfiey ev written by Congressman Sol joy the Buck. Rogers, tales of urday morning at 8:30. The Fa- is on his way to South Africa, will operation so that she can keep who was commander of the Iocs! ; Highland Coi:ntry Bloom of New York as' the be-amazing inventions. This book ther and Son traditional services | D e t^e fifth American and the an eye on her premier-husband unit of the Texas marines, was ,the Paston hotel. gnning of a long program to cele- is called "Every Man a Million- are held every Sunday morning I fi r s t clergyman to-fly from South- . . . A German- "volunteer" serv- entrusted with the job of beir.g, of the leading ing in Franco's Spanish array brate the sesqulcentennlal — aire," and Is written by some one at 9 o'clock. J 0 ? E 1 ">• . personal body- | city, was gue A l wrote to. the Nazi paper, Tages- the president's hampton to- .Capetown •which "means the hundred and who has chosen the name David At the Saturday morning ser- Strelsin, who recently flew from post,. : blaming. - the Jews for gusrd while he "was in Galvestors. ! Kaintsn V;ES fiftieth anniversary of that .Con- Dunham, which is not his real vice of the Congregation B'nal Is- Palestine to Rome, is due back in .. .• . Spinoza is the favorite EU- i master of ceremo* stitution of ours which is no often hame, but will serve as well as rael, Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs.America soon with an economic France's recent defeats . . . The thor of Signins TCiiht-lra Ts.v.1 volunteer "discovered". that a any other. The book Is published in -the newspapers these days T— BurkenTprr". A. Bolker, will become Bar Mitz- scheme for Palestine which will Knudsen, new presidsEt of Gen- j Leslie eve,ry time the Supreme. Court by Scripfa Mathematica, New vah. Relatives and friends are make official Zionist circles sit number of German Jews posing- eral Motors . . . Hollywood is be- | chairman, and F n ". as Aryans joined . t h e German York City, but- don't let that invited. meets, in fact. i The past rear was- * r ; up . . . "volunteers" in- Spain and then ginning to inject Jews sis lovable, Many- of you no doubt remem- frighten you. Just to give you an i ctiaracters in some of its new pic! from the howling r supplied the Loyalist forces with ber that Congressman Bloom was idea of ••what the book is like, Beth El tures . . . Bet it won't screen a j pcuzu with 4 lean-- ; c WE'RE ASKING Franco's •. military secrets the leading spirit in the great here is a little sample of what's This Friday evening marks the certain-Broadway hit because it's | week at the Ak-t--"-T ex What 'was that. mysterious Among ^ the recent tourists arrivWashington bicentennial celebra- in it. concluding late Sabbath eve Ser- meeting o£ Jewish big shots in '{n%~i^ Palestrce .. „ Bernhard too Jewish Irving Strauss, | Nest year the tion five years ago. If you were -"David Dunham knew that most vices of the Beth El Synagogue. Buffalo optometrist, claims', that \ tee will t too young to pay much attention dentrlflces are nothing but per-Rabbi Goldstein will' speak on New ^ York's swanky _Harmonie j R u g t j N a z i m i n i s t e r o f c u l t u r e . . . a clonae at the wheel of ETS ETJ- J league with mv r ^ • club last week? Is it true Viscount Samuel (Sir Herbert to such things at the time, you fumed paste. They sell because "Personal Influence". A l l a n that a Jewish Congressman is tomobile after dark is more can- i peting £.n£ also tl^r- v probably have mementos of the of their taste and the skill of ad- Blank who becomes Bar-Mitzvah considering a libel suit against a Samuel, in case you've forgotten) gerous thsn a brunette. arrange E T-orrrr'f has completed a book called "Reoccasion none the less, in ttie vertisers; ^What makes teeth de- at Saturday morning services will certain Anglo-Jewish weekly? lief and Action" which he wrote (Copyright, .ISST, by Seven Arts league. chant the Kiddush. Services toEhape of the Washington Blceri- cay is that nature's film, wtiich hy Ol m A hr a e Feature Syndicate) j • tennial series of postage stamps; protects them from the acids ^ in morrow: morning begin a t nine Y. y™ ^ ° . f^ : l l i .!Uuring his two years of enforced .... I -I-lGar.r ye, hr.E.r r; to walk out of a Jewish mass absence from public life . . . The chant a special stamp will probably also sallya,- is removed several time3 o'clock. - Allan ' Blank will INSTITTTK | boys, girls, men r - f : meeting at Worcester, Mass., ^ 7 ; ; ; ^ man Tn L o n d ^ durbe Issue dfor the Constitution Se- a day by the tooth brush, slightly the , Marphtlr and will lead the when he learned that be was to A Summer Institute for Worn- j r r e rep,ny serious1 '*• Musaf service. ing the coronation was . Stefan quicentennial,.,' which officially aided by the paste." Now doesn't en, sponsored by the Department | frame o" tscrJs fshare speaking honors with & disbegins in September, so that the that strike a responsive chord In Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Blank co'r- tinguished Christian who Uas <lone Littauer, correspondent of the of Education of. ...the Nebraska! np have £n cr.po<r ( telegraphic :Agency, who',-- " stamij - collectors jimong you will ail-yburrlieartB?^Tbough.ot course cf "Wcaien's Clubs, is 'by registering v:., •tiy-.-B.t- imich.'':t"or ' Palestine . h nave' "additional reason to be you musn't: take Mr. Dunham too tend-the' serviced and tc- partici-' Meyer Levin'know that a Chicago-! >? ^ a p a c U y _as_ President o. b e f e g o f £ e r e d i n cotiTia ;n T-ith rector Lee G? • keenly "interested in the celebra- seriously.._ Especially when,. you pate in Kiddush, after the Sab-Jewish lady is thinking of suing j the" Association of " the Foreign the Un-versitr cf Press", was In", charge of distribread about his system for com-bath" morning services, in" honor him" for" libel because shs believes tion. "-..,.. Session this year, We American Jews should -be municating with the planet Mars of their son. .. - •" : she recognizes herself in the trib- -uting. press- tickets lor the -coro-, will fee held cs Jirsse Anti-Fas- June 11th. very proud', that" H is a member of or about his invention for bringulations of cne of the characters nation ceremony oUTi faith who plays .such a prom- ing mail from New York to San The Institute, designed to help in his book, "The Old Bunch?" cists in Denmark are worried beTemple ipeht part in these great histori- Francisco in three.hours. But you Rabbi Frederick Cohn-will con- . . '. What was talked about at cause the closest personal friend women keep abreast of the times, cal, celebrations of our country. musn't laugh too hard at him ei- duct the services this Friday eve- that secret powwow between Lord of Crown Prince Frederik is stimulate new lines of thought, Accordingly Mr. World hopes that ther. Just' remember that when ning at 7:30 in the vestry rooms Melchett and the highest, hier- Count Knuth, Danish Nazi leader eEpourage- sclf-educstion. pcrBonBill'of "you T/ill make "it a. point your grandparents were your age of the Temple. The summer archy of American Zionist lead- . . . The New Zionist Organization al growth and social progress. L to ask" your parents to, get you they used to laugh at the wild schedule of services is now in efWhat happened to ership? Representative Bloom's book on notions of Jules Verne, who wrote fect.' ' '. '. ' • • • ' . ' Mas Schmeling's tour? the Constitution, which not only about submarines and airplanes There will be no *- Saturday I T S A FACT gives" the full*" text of this funda- and other things which • hadn't morning service. •"'"'" """•" The two partners of James mental document but also tells been" invented at the t i m e — but the story of its writing and sign- which all of us take as a matter THREEJEV/SNAMED ing, and of its effect on our na-of course, today. . ' tional development. Particularly TO PARUAMEWr •. A very [interesting little book— iriteresting^are the thumbnail biographical sketches of the signers which Mr. World "would not rec-IN CHILE Santiago," Chile <JTA) — For of the Constitution, and repro- ommend for those of you who duction of their portraits; there have not yet reached the eighth the first time in Chile's history are also similar biographies and grade in school — is one called three Jews have been elected. to pictures' of all the Chief Justices "Numbers and : Numerals", and Parliament. , All were returned of the United States since 17.89, published by Columbia University on the'Popular Front ticket. They when John Jay" was sworn in as TeacherB College. It is written are Angel Faivovitch 'of "this city, the first to hold that office; No by Professors David E. Smith and formerly president of the Clrcudoubt .many.-of you. will be amaz- Jekuthiel Ginsburg, and.'.tells, the la Israelitar Dr. Natalie Berman edtolearn- that-in all those years story of the numerals we use Inof Conception, formerly president there have been only'eleven Chief our arithmetic;-and. • how they of the Chilean Zionist Federation, Justices; confess now —wouldn't grew out of the numerals'the an- and Marcos Chamudoz, Valparayou have guessed a much larger cient peoples used many centur- iso journalists ies ago. It also tells of various number? ways of calculating without the Mr.-World :hopes that all of yod use of written figure's1—-for ex"will have an opportunity to'..read ample, with the fingers or with this book; and he wants to call counting boards your baby: broa special attention to the beautiful, ther or sister plays with, and how pictures, .in-vivid colors, that the various numbers can be repadorn the. covers of the volume.' resented with different kinds of On the front cover is the official knots tied into a piece Of string. poster of the United States Con- Try that on your. arithmetic teastitution Sequlcentennial ' Commission,- painted' by the famous artist' Howard Chandler Christy, and showing a number of the signers'of the Constitution — Washington, Madison and Franklin among them, and Alexander Hamilton • in the act. of * signlns 0
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-> i homes. The" Jewish" Publication Whfi.t v-lH become of • Israel it l i r a , Mas Kossnstoclr, 509 gua at SIS Mynster Street. All Twenty-ninth street, " with her members are urged to attend. Society is to be congratulated on American Jewry does not today iniake iivelt voice, rampart, home, daughter Better, will leave Sious t .before the p'i:bl5c. i defense or our embattled -people Mrs. G. Garber of Minneapolis City next Monday, for a three i and its just j*-esssiE.nce to its foes? months trip to Europe. They will and her daughter, Mrs. Roy Rosail- Juno 4 on-the liner Staaten- ssnthal of Plpestone, Minnesota - :' f- ,datam for' a visit, in Franco1 and arrived hero Sunday for a visit Sevan Arts Holland.1 -Mrs/'Hosenstock's par- a t ' the home • of Mr. and -Mrs. '"•'"FenU-.re'V; erito and sister reside in Gronln- Louis Bernstein. gen, Holland. mai SAZZO, Atty*. \ ^ , :LCW£KY ^ - : Mr. and Mrs. Ralph CastJe and While Abroad,,Mrg. Rosenstock •> .Twenty now members were for-and Sertel will spend a month at daughter, Phyllis, of Brooklyn, CAT! ON ON EV r i mally initiated-into th-.. • B'n^i the North sea resort, Zandvort. New York, left Friday for their N ? " ric" .... ADMIN- F B'rlth Lodge at their ' meeting They: will return to Sioux City home following a three weeks' I Wednesday evening in tho Jewvisit here at the home of Mrs. late in August. th<*. Coun'iy Cour •t ot Douglas ,; In the secret ye&rn- Ei sXh ish Community Center. Mr. EdCastle's mother, Mrs. F . Gilinsky. tablished. Alfred Dreyfus a bril- ways expressing ct Con?"ihe'hh-i'^'rt t h * the noble aspiratiocs and i '^ r °^ government, the 1 win W. Baro'a'. presided a t - t h e In They were extensively entertain- liant Alsatian Jew, a member of : of the most pow- ! Co!:' MiS3 Rosena Sacks has arrivin, r>e«\".so<': the majestic hopes of the Jewish i meeting. 1 ed during their visit here. in said materful press in the world, the ev' MiS3 Dorothy Merlin xra.a namthe French General Military Staff ed in Sioux city after an extendsoul. I a two recent cf that on the issues " 'jie-'"cb '"" - >i t^r ' More than two .hundred Moth- was arrested on October 15, 1894 Tho nominating.committee an- ed stay with relatives and friends ; ery moral advantage and ever*" n t h ^r p fl?.;fed Superintendent of the Fedcraof " Me.r -,"7, Ro«e G. Reconstructionist, the Reconstructionist, mo u». , . 1 the ers and Daughtersattended the nounced the slate for the election n, faff! County ,\ tion of Jewish Social Service and ;r, Tiled s. ps"f:<? on the charge of treason. He was weekly magazine published by the «°E«<*eration of political sagacity; in Denver, Colorado. : tce hti: • final adminCOU; annual Mothers and Daughters accused specifically of having \ij _.- i : Jewish Community Center, a t which will be held in June. J : H s.co Tea given by • the Sisterhood of written the now famous Border" vLfi ! a m e e t i n g of the Executive Board tletl and. «-=Jiov-sd. p.r-d thst. Khe be Mrs. Earl Rosenthal and child- the Talmud Torah and the Sen••%•*£ jllasfc Friday npon. £he succeeds rgred from h e r f-'ust c s p.dmlneau, in which secrets of the BATE SET FOR TALOUD fstralri-; ei;d Uint ••• henrinf v'Vd be ren of . Los Angeles, California, ior Hadassah Sunday afternoon, French army were supposed to / / -j i;BIrs. Dave Wigodsky who -will had on - PP.if*, rctition before paid are i n Sioux City, visiting with May 23 at the Chevra B'nai Yis; ',',ji{\'' leave next month to mako her Court on ti'f- S;h <ir.;' of 1.June, 1937, • TQRAH PiaUC friends and relatives. have been conveyed to Germany. and. th-H iC ."on <»i! to ?.'» n"Hr before roel synagogue at 61S Mynster Dreyfus, who was not only utteryjfi home in Norfolk, Nebraska where ! s a i d Cov.rt on >.he fnud bO:~> <*a^r of she has found in Palestine. As a ism &nd trivial-KsSncedness. Street. Mrs. Morris Yudelson ly innocent but excessively loyal l^-i. ] : Mr. Wigodok^ Is engaged i a buo- Plans havo been' started for The objections I have heard ere | June, 1C""7, e.i '-': o'<.-!nck A, K,, a nf d resident of the Holy Land. Miss ' ~"s) J.lness. contPst «m?d r^dtjon. vne Cowi rr>RJ Miss • Charlotte \Borshevsky of was chairman in charge of this to France, was certain of his vin- Sarapter has identified the- Annual Talmud' Torah' picnic herself frivolous in view -of what stands Errant h e pre.vey of peAA r s u t ' o n . e n to" be gained. Let the TJ. P. A. ter g, t<]pcr€6 'i j Miss Merlin,'who has been which Is , scheduled t o ' b e held Chicago, will arrive in Sioux City affair. • Mrs. Richard Gordon dication. ' To his shocking sur- with the .Yishuv and from Pal-1 ^ of ]i!-~!rr>hir. BT'-.ti fnR*-© • ! president of tho local Junior Ha- June 27. Mr." Mp'rrisXazrlowich to. spend the' week end with her presided as chairman in charge of prise however, on December 22, estine she- continues to send forth ! ^ the J. D. C. appropriate the such other and further orti^rn* ^UoW" aiioer P.nd decreesa^ ^o tivis Court Mrs. Richard Gor- 1894, the Military Court found messages of. beauty and of hope j :'ew thousand dollars '~r-~~i dassah chapter for the past two was named .general chairman of parents, M. and Mrs. I. Bqrshev- this affair. may seem proper, i-c t h e end t h a t 1 don presided as chairmanof the . i \) [years, aa a graduate of Central the picnic arrangements. The picp.l! m a t t e r s ppviainfnp- fc pntel f?B?ate him guilty by a unanimous vote. and. of challenge to Jew and -non- j be final I;- rclUeC f.nfl deterprogram and gave the welcoming On January 5, 1SS5 he was pub-Jew. J-. ;High School and received hor de-nic'ia an a n n u a l : event to raise ' delegates here. Or let a special me.!mined. fUnd e raised Mr. .and, Mrs. Ben Snyder and address. She read a "Toast to licly degraded, and on April 13, I .creefroin Morningside College in funds for the'upkeep of .'the- TalE K r C E CKAV.TORO, The contents of the voltirae she ! l C \ - A whole Araer- 6 Conn-v Jticljre. ] pocial sciences. mttdxTorah,."and -is: sponsored by Miss Ray Snyder of Philadelphia, the Grandmothers," which was shipped to Devil's Island where divides in five groups, "Land Of I f **rp.c£n be chartered h e r e . } ;-14-"7-3t V-j !; She,.wjll .asume her duties at the Board of'Directors'of the He-who have been visiting for thewritten by Mrs. M. Yudelson es^ he remained for about four years, Israel,"- "Little Songs of Big aud! _ A , C 0 U F l \ o f . hotels '.rat* 't ;4he Jewish Community Center, brew School in conjunction with past three: weeks with the Schind- pecially for this occasion. . The suffering Indescribable tortures, Little efi. Americr n Things",' "Coming of i l ! ! Lcf_n_ b ^ _ : lerfamilies,.departed yesterday program included a vocal solo by both mental and physical. Anti- Peace", "Psalms In Straggle j - ' fehe first of the month. Mrs. Wlgy is tods;, the most M E - " . 1 g the 'Hebrew- Mothers Club; r-' ! Miss Leona- Fried, accompanied Semitism motivated the entire for their home. odsky will leave for - Norfolk! and "Diaspora." The poetry 5s ous End power. i:l. in the TO-'C. at the piano by Misa Charlotta obout June 20. case. The high army officialssimple, and moving- and always Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kaplan and Dye; a reading by Esther Sacks; hated Dreyfus because he was a motivated by a high purpose. S&e daughter Martha, will leave this a violin solo by Miss Esther Jew and seeking to eliminate him voices forcefully, yet tenderly, Steinberg, accompanied at the pi-from the General Staff, conspirChildren of, this Mount Siriai week for.a trip to California. i..rcr ,-7v Sounds -like c her deep love for Eretz Israel and BKETHREX ano by Miss Florence Steinberg. ed against him, accused him Sunday School, who have distin, Jsrge per capita conation.for the Jew; her hatrd • cf war guished • themselves during. 'the Misa Lillian ' Romirowsky of Mrs. A. Malts gave a very inspir- falsely of treason, and knowing and misery and Injustice, and her ! ing talk for the "Mothers", and past • year, -either . by doing: excellChicago,, a former instructor in ; Funeral services for Morris Bahis innocence, condemned him to nnshakeable faith In the Messi- \ ... WEEE. EEEE r .. KLUT2NICK & KELLEY a t - the Sioux City Hebrew School, is Miss Lorraine Meyerson gave an a.livin ghell. ;ron, were held last. Friday after- ent . work ..or-, having perfect 5 r an!c era of ur'versal peace and j 200 Union State Sank: EltSp. : noon in the Shaare ZIon synago- tendance records,., will receive expected to arrive in Sioux City appropriate response for the Their success was temporary. happiness. - Kspecially to-'jching I "Daughters." Following the proNOTSCE O F ' .NCORPORATiON C"" awards; at theservice tonight a t today to spend the week end with gue, with Rabbi Theodore N. did I find, "Mother ia Rags." In i CUT RATE LiCUOR ETOSE gram, a social hour was held. Tea Thanks to the unceasing efforts of . . Lewis and Cantor A. FlislUn o"- Mount Sinai .Temple. -Rabbi The- friends.. • "On The Beach of Tel • Ariv," I J N'otice is hereby pivsn that the i r Alfred Dreyfus' brother, Mathieu and refreshments -were served at odore N.'. Lewis-will speak Jewish • - hare'formed a corporsti^r i'iclatlng. Mr. Baron, who was and to the absolute loyalty of hisMiss Sarapter describes t_ie- true 1 ^ • — the laws c Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will a beautifully appointed Tea Ta04 years old, died suddenly Education. .Rabbi.; Lewis -will wife and family, the truth finally "he spirit of the PalestJnian Jews,! "^EESEStSSJ" Thursday morning in a hospital. speak today at; East High, School. leave on June 4 for New York ble, decorated in a pink and white became known to a stunned np in the words "We are j \ Mr. Baron was bom in the Uk-Wednesday; he .spoke, at the grad- City, and expects to sail June 7 color scheme, with a lovely bas- France. Mathieu, who devoted Free." "IehEaael My Brother" i s ! t t > ket of pink and white carnations zaine" 'district in Russia and came uation exercises at Galva, Iowa. for- a ten week European trip. as the centerpiece. Mrs. J . Ka- his entire time and fortune to a powerful plea to the Arabs to ^0 ' the United States- aild Sioux k f « vindicating. Alfred, . discovered refra.n from both opposing/and . ; Among the students of Central telman and Mrs. L, Cfcerniack that the real criminal and author murdericg t h e Jew in the Holy j ICity in 1S94. He was engaged in CLUB High School wtio Were admitted poured the -Tea. 'mercantile business here and v i .4 of the document was none other Land and emphasizes the broth- j to the Castle Chapter of the Honthe owner of the Iowa Cloththan the very disreputable Major erhood of the two peoples. j The -Hebrew- Mother's Club held or • Society, were Clara Dvorkin, ang Company and the Baron DeLeo Meyerson, who underwent Esterhazy. The army ri officials, Foolish Jews, often-brand Icy-| its meeting and' card party Tues- Joseph Dlshllp, Milton- Galinsky, partment" store. t an appendectomy last week is however, were very reluctant to alty to Palestine as a contradicday afternoon-in ' the social hall Sidney Kalin, Blossom Kalin, Hel- now convalescing at'his home. "Surviving Mr. Baron i r e the confess their error, or sin, afad tion of and a conflict with of-the synagogue. en Guttleman and Joe Maron. ow; a daughter Mrs. E. R. Daafter trying Esterhazy, ecquitted sallsm, though tfeey eagerly ac••- Announcement - was -made of two 'sisters, Mrs. Max BrOdMonetary gifts from Mrs.'H. Mar- Miss Llbbie Olehsky presented Drl and Mrs. Julius Moskovitz, him in 1898. Public agitation cept other political loyalties. This [' and Mrs. A. Goodsite, and inr golin, and Mrs. S. Krigsten. a group of piano pupils In a r e -who were wed in Omaha on Mayforced a rehearing and re-trial. confusion, cf thought is invariab- f' ithree brothers, Benny Baron/-Ed 1 On June 3, 1898, the original ver- ly due to a fear com pies. In Miss I 12, have returned from their honPrizes whichawarded at the cital Tuesday evening. Among Baron and Simon Baron, all of bridge were donated,by Mrs.- J a - them were Ted Siniken, Jerry eymoon trip and are no<v at home dict was set aside, and Dreyfus Sampler, like in all honorable j .' *, Sioux City. frota men1 and cobson, Mra. D ; ' L . Dodin, Mrs. Tobias, Lorfaine Shindler, Elaine at the Hotel Chieftain. Mrs. was returned to France loyalty to one's j r -, Devil's Island. His second trial, Max- Ginsberg- and Mrs. A. Mazle. Finke'nstelh, • Barbara - Robinson, Moskovitz is the former Miss Lylown people Cces sot exclude Icy- I *^^ lasting-from August 7 to Septem- ally to the human rfeee. -In "Tbe j > v . Z. A . SWEETHEART • .; The. membership committee an- Ann Gordon and Edith Gelfand. yan Rosenblatt of Omaha. ber 9, 1899, ended In a unheard New Flag" the author Tcic.s the i ^ , nounced that Mrs. j.-Nadler. has DANCE ON SUNDAY Joined the Hebrew Mothere Club. of decision of "guilty, under ex- subliiae universalis-a of th« J e w - l c ' ' / Among those who left Monday Mr. and Mrs. Lou Chesen and F tenuating circumstances" by a Mis3. Rose Bashefkin will spend for St. Louis, Missouri to attend vote of five to two. On Septem- ish prophets, and is one of the j ( jThe first A. Z. A. Sweetheart ] 7 „'_ this'-week end with friends ia th© Southwestern Regional Con- ber IS,-Dreyfus -was fully pardon- choicest in t i e collection. Sauce, sponsored by the local f: HEADS BEBRA-CLUB I Beieid a white flag with a c'r-1 f-,vention of the Senior j Ha dassah chapter, will be held this Sunday ;' Mis3 Sylvia Borshevsky ' was Omaha. ed by the President of tSse French cle of red stsrs upon it, . I. ' were the Mesdasaes Saul Suval.evening, May 30, in the Egyptian elected president; of the Debra • end- And I. &cfes; What is this fla. sky, Richard Gordon, Harry C&er- Republic, His torture Jfrqom of the Oasis. Th<? official club, a t their'" election meeting niss, and Morris Grossman. They ed, but his efforts at rehabilita- with the circle cf red stars upon! ]IL. 'Z. A. sweetheart will be chosen Monday -night, held in the home It? tion were just beginning. •• are making the trip by motor. a t this dance and the winner will of MiB3 Sylvia Hefzoffi' Chief credit for- the. iberstion Then he said: This is the flag of to Minneapolis to attend the ^ Other officers ' • elected wero -< - • « all the nation, The Jewish National Fund an- of Dreyfus belong to Erail Sola regional A. Z. A. sweetheart Miss Rose A'lb'.ert, vice- president; . With a star for-every nation; ual "Flower Day" will be observ- who published ia 1S9S, the now dance. Miss Rooabelle Wigodsky, secre•D2 P . D. ed here on Sunday, June G, with famous " I Accuse," which, creat- Great or small, strong or •sreak, j ~v Nominees for the tifle of A. Z.tary; Miss Fern Wolfson, treasur, t . -— the local Jewish National Fund ed a furr throughout the coun- Every nation has a star like every ! c-- • r. Sweetheart include the Misses er;, and Miss Gisela" Pill, reporter. other, h;:;_. try and the world. Without ex'8-year-oia jiu Council in charge. "Buy a flower, i , Libby Der7 n TEN JEWISH STUDENTS TO may it be said, that And nose can-tell which nation} IN to buy land, to redeem the Land aggeration, Ruth Friedman, Elaine Sehlaifer, : GRADUATE JUNE 4 has which star. I _•'""'of Israel" will be the message it was Zola's letter of denunciaMargaret K03berg, Frances' Marr \ There-are ten Jewish students for Flower Day. The" committee tion of the army its system of jusThis splendid little boob will! "' on land Blossom'Kalin. who will graduate from the Abra- In charge here are Mrs. Sam Mey- tice and some of the leading of- prove delightful E S . s-tinsulsting. j > i Leonard LeubowItS and Milton • "Dr. and Mrs.; B. Courshon r e - ham Lincoln'High i Ir. t.i. ;r":r-< or. School of SAM.- BEBI-K-Griiesliln are chairman of the ceived more than f 300 • friends Council Bluffs next Friday even- erson, Miss Fannie Katelman, ficials of the Republic that led to It Reserves & place i a a l l Jewish and Mr. Sam Sacks. Anyone -who the reopening of the cssa and to dance, with ' Joe Goldstein in Sunday afternoon and evening, when they held open house1 on the ing, June 4,. at eight o'clock a t will volunteer his services for a the final liberation of Dreyfus. eharge of the tickets. the City Auditorium. Among What Is both Eaaztag and inV Members of the chapters from occasslon pf ; their fiftieth wed- those graduating are Miss Sylvia short time that Sunday morning ditag annivereary. • is asked to get in touch with a credible la the lack cf patriotism Deri "Moln'es, Omaha, * Council Endelman, daughter of Mr. and fluffs, and Lincoln have been in- ••: Receiving y l t h ithem were their Mrs. Charlea Endelman; Miss member of the JNF committee. and the lack of any sense of jusGreentice, on the part of the hlga eitejd1 "to attend the dance, and a daughter, Mrs! .Joseph stone,' of Dayton," Ohio; Mrs. Ab- Lorraine Meyerson, daughter . of The Council Bluffs Chapter No. officials of France. Their bigoSarjje number of out of town Mr.,and. Mrs.'Sam Meyerson; Misa Bot Wolf of Mason. City,-Mrs. En7 or tho A. Z. A. will-meet next try, and their erroneous concept jjue6t3 are expected to attend. chei Barish and \ -Mrs.. Sam Green- Ida Lerher, niece-of Mr. and Mrs. Monday evening s t the home of of "th© honor of the army'' led Isaac Krasne; Misa Dorothy Saltzstone, both of'Slpux City and JaHarold Fox, 106 North Sth St. them to conspire against a a inman,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. cob Courshon. of Chicago. nocent man and to permit the \ \ ' 'Mrs. SonlaBrail of Chicago, a Charles Saltzman; Miss Marian The "Cousins Club" will meet guilty to go free. Their patrioS&bbi s . Bolotnlkov-will ispeak sister of Dr. Courshon, W^B ' hera Perlmutter, daughter of Mr. andfor a luncheon *on Thursday af- tism, .their devotion to France Saturday afternoon, May 29 at for- the occasion, aa were Mr. Mrs. Walter Perlmutter; Harold ternoon, June 10, when Mrs. should have compelled them to *•'£he'Beth Abraham Synagogue, Greenstone of Dayton, Mr. Wolf Fox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Loula London -will be hostesses a t arrest the real traitor, Esterhazy. i ^ixth and Cook street. Fox; Paul Krasne, son of Mr. and her home at 201 North First St. and Mrs. Courshon^ 1 But to do so woald have tcca a Mrs. George ;Krasne, Robert RoffSia address will be given a t 6 confession of error and of crime. f p'clock. man, eon of Mr. and Mrs. George ; Dr. Leon Ga^insTcy. who has The Council Bluffs "Afternoon Rather than do this, the General : Roffman; Frank Pirech, son vt been visiting here • with his parBridge Clubs" met at a luncheon Military Staff aided the traitor to patronize Our Advertisera ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gal- Max Pirsch; and' Sani Karchom- party at the Hotel Chieftain on escape just punishment for treainsky, 2301 Jackson .street; left sky,' nephew of Mr. and Mrs. H.Tuesday afternoon, May 25, when son. That's array patriotism! thia week for" Staten Island. New Kutler. Mrs. Mas Simon, a member of What saved the army from total York, where he is a staff physic- . The Commencement Exercises the club was guest ot honor. Mrs. disgrace was one 'great spirit who Ian at the" Seayiew hospital. are open to the public and every- Simon is moving to Omaha.. put justice and truth above milione is invited to attend. Out-of-towa guests at the tary "honor" and personal jrain, -Dorothy--Gelson visited luncheon were Mrs. G, Garber of Colonel Piquart. He" caan-picawith friends and relatives in St. I A large crowd attended the an- Minneapolis, and Mrs. Roy Ro-ed Dreyfus in the face reprimand Paul Minnesota,, last-.week end. nual Memorial Services sponsor- senthal of Pipestone, Minnesota. and disgrace. Nest to Zola he ed by t h e Council-" Bluffs Lodge deserves most credit for exposing No. 688 of the B'nai B'rith Moncossplr-LCiec Mr. and Mrs. Charle3 Saltzraan one of the foulest day evening. May 24, a t the Eagle will entertain a t a Reception at ever hatched. Hall. Mr. . 0 . Hochman was chairtheir homo at 1029 Fourth AveThe volume gives a detailed scman of the program and gave the nue-next-Friday evening, June 4, count of the whole case. P.erre principal address of the evening. following the graduation of their Dreyfus, the son cf the hero, Assisting among those taking daughter, Miss - Dorothy Saltzman, writes the history of t h s &__&lr part in the Memorial Ritual were from the A. L. H. S. All-friends and also a'chapter discussing Ills Dr. Julius M. MdBkovItz, Dr. Isaand relatives are cordially invit- fathers' closing years. Valuable ac Sternhill, and the Messrs. O. ed to attend, and no cards have and Informing are the mer_rire Hochman, Loula H. Katelman, been Issued. of Alfred Oreyfns written beNathan Gilinsky, Sam Sacks, Max tween 1SS9 and 1506. The clr.l:Harris, Millard H. Krasne, Albsrt Th© Chevra B'nai yisroel- So- orate appendices and the r_~sv For, Sam Rosenthal, S. Shykea, Herman Meyerson, and Mike Da- ciety will . meat nest "Wednesday illustrations thro-sr i m p o r t a n t vidson. - . » evening, June 2, a t eight o'clock light on the tragedy. Though at tho Chevra..B'oai. .Yisroel syn- this volume contains nothing nstr ,; :.. ;-«•» agogue at 618 Mynster St. • KBQC3T it does give a full and comrlete The Sisterhood, of the Talmud summary of oae of the most Torah Society will hold its monthr.sv Z.. The Agudas Achini Society will ly meeting next Wednesday after- hold a meeting nest Thursday shameful miscarriage cf iustice known to history. I t , !s f tly noon, June 2, a t 2:3b o'clock a t Drift Into deop dumb:? . ! ! evening;. June 3, at S:30 o'clock translated by D. C. McKay, who the chevra B'nai Yisroel synago- at the Eagle Hall. restful, undisturbed. You're is a ' member of the Depart~c_Lt J encr Diotorice" ."out c! lF.3 nobs zoaa", vet or'History-of Harvard tTn!?er_.tj-. wlth£n'wcJMag distance o! All items for thia column should for tha ?ato to any PJ_£rCKI3I> FEOM T7__3 everything. At tho Prosldras be pnoned to F . R. K., phone 6S0 FIB BY »«-*" you find wBstom hospitality or 4491. before five o'clock each)210 P A G E S , J E W I S S : p r : amid'eastern tepfiistisaTucEday oftcraooa, Ia order toJTlOK SOClET-r. P H E L A D E L : acsuro puMlcstfon in ttte current j IA, • PENKSYLVAKL4 tion. '450recffl3 issue of t h s Jc-rrish Press.' ' The aathor of this • took of With both-bdea
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