June 4, 1937

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In the Interests of the J i s h People " Tbla column la. copyright by the Sovoa Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction Is whole or tn part strictly forbidden. Any infrlDgesieat on t i l l s copyright will be prosecuted.

Entered as Second Class Mall Matter on January 21. 1921. at Fostorflco or Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act ot March 3, 1878

VOL. XVI- \ r o. !H

OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1937 'U mis <*,£•&£> A V


CO5EVIENCEMEXT ; The quaintly -named commencetnent season is beginning. From All those who bought shekels numerous institutions of what is As their final offering of the during the recent Shekel" KoU known as the higher learning will season, the Center Players "will Call drive held in Omaha ia conis3ue forth within the next few present the Pulitzer-prize drama, junction with the nationwide .•weeks a multitude of young, men Platfom Adopted in 1SS5 Is campaign are reminded that the and women adorned with scho- Change Necessitated W.h e n "Ice-Bound," on. Monday and Tuesday, June 7 and 8, at the Discarded at Annual I shekel entitles there to rote June lastic degrees and filled, at least Fire Destroys. Napanoch Jewish Community Center start[ 20 for delegates to the twentieth according to the proper belief of. Conferesca Camp ing at 8:30 o'clock. World Zionist Congress. parents and .teachers, with knowI. Xorgenstern, chairman of ledge, energy and hope. And Mrs. William Feiler, chairman Columbus, Ohio.—(I. N. S.) — Due to the virtual destruction Just at this moment that able or- by fire of the Napanoch Country of the dramatic committee of the i Breaking completely with the the local Shekel committee as ganizer and educator, Rabbi Lee Club, Napanoch, N. Y., where the Center, will make her initial ap-! precepts adopted more than 5 0 well as chairman of the electoral J . Eevlnger comes and telts us Bar Mitzyah convention of • the pearance on the Center stage in years ago, the Central Conference board, reports that an unusually Speeking of nrtnes, there's p. | number of Omahsns re- Leon Blum in San Francisco vrho • that-'in thirteen hundred college! Aleph Zadik Aleph, Junior Or- the leading feminine role of Jane of American Rabbis adopted a slarge nded in tlle spread abroad over the land there der B'nai B'rith, was scheduled Crosby. % new platform of principles at its j P ° Purchase of shek\ ' r c f lir-i 1 pC i are one hundred and five thou- to be held from June 25 to July Charles Eachman, who • has ; 48th Enniial meeting- which af- ' e ! s r ii o r F—i rr sand Jewish students, an extra- 2 the convention will now be been- seen in-the two previous I firmed the obligation of Jewry i C o ii 7 \ r ordinarily high, proportion out of held at Cejwin, the camp of the productions of the Center Playi to build Palestine as a homeland J f\ f CT}7 [ T " *•* the total Jewish population of lentral Jewish Institute, N. Y. C , ers, has the leading male part. and declared that Judaism teach- Lt \J f i £ L ILL' t f i~i.'. these :State,s which, though abso- located at Port Jervis, N. Y., from Others in the cast Include: Nate <?s that labor's rights take precelutely high, is relatively a bare June 23 to June 30., Seckerman, S a r a Seckerman, [ dence over those of property. The I' ( , \ \ | and paltry four per cent. r pe r i | new platform, which displaced While the fire caused a change Rosalie Alberts, Martha HimmelT" T » •So we might comfortably say, in date and place of the camp stein, Una Gross, Sol Tuchman, ! | the Pittsburgh platform adopted at first glance, the am ha-sefer convention, noV material change Reva Liipsman, Ernie Ncjgg, and \ ;n 18 85 and which lias since then is an am ha-sefer still and the has been made in the program, ten-year-old Donald Duncan. C ' ci if" F c r l been the basic code of Reform mothers of this people of the which promises to be one of the The sets have been designed by IV 'f rr ^ r if" Judaism in America, was adoptbook are probably still crooning finest yet presented by A: Z. A. Nate Sekerman and have been exed on motion of Rabbi David Enrich Set as Site Bespit: c f r 7 - 1 <• r ; f- » r ' <• 1 1 io their male infants: . Protest of U. S. " l Phillipson of Cincinnati, last sur-v T P - c A number of forums, to be con- ecutd by Mr. Seckerman, and Sol Leaders viving member of the meeting i «• - r 1 r r ij - ' Toireh wet er lernen, " •V\ 1 "> r p Ii ducted by. prominent persons in Tuchman. Mrs. Herman Jahr Is which adopted the new discarded J 'rr' 01 all walks of life and with-a def- directing the production. lj : Sfurlm wet er shraben. New York (YTNS)-—The pre "Icebound" tells the story of program. A minority program "Well, let us leave aside the sec-inite appeal to. youth, are schedsubmitted by Rabbi Samuel ent political situation of Siocir ond line of the lullaby. "Writing uled for the week. Probably one the Jordan family who anxiously Schulman, rabbi-emeritus of. Tem- is so .critical that the forthcomirp. books is in this age — in all but of the most Interesting and con-,await the death of their mother ple Emanu-el, New York, was World Zionist Congress must b°one in a million cases—a nuisance structive forums will be that con- so as to inherit her wealth. The fortune however is left to a stepvoted down after a six-hour de- held in the United States, a n an- impertinence an da superflu- ducted by L. B. Nichols, Adminr it the Actions Committee .-• o ity. .We are drowned in printer's istrative Assistant-to J. Edgar niece, Jane Crosby. A letter adbate,. but Rabbi.. Schulman was..ac- !invoted, ' , as .in „Zurich, • > , • ,the , ^ . . admcnstrrink; we are being pushed out of Hoover, chief 1 of the Federal dressed to Jane reveals that she corded an ovation. Among other il * .,7 ', ,. r.. . t „ ^ 1 pur houses by these far, far too Bureau of Criminal Investigation. is to reform, the young son, Ben, things the new platform asserts tive committee of the Zionist C~Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agenmany bundles of bound sheets, Mr. Nichols will conduct a forum and that the wealth is ultimately that Palestine is to be regarded ganization of America declared " the, vast and overwhelming ma- on "The Responsibility of Youth to be his. Agency to stimulate co-ordiaatioa In o t merely as a haven of refuge a resolution adopted at its l f t jority of them written out of no for Crime Prevention.'' How through Jane's influence* between various Zionist units was for Jews", but as a cultural and session. -• •unanswerable inner. necessity nor The committee also demands the young man is reformed and furthered -with the announcement spiritual center of Jewry and Air outstanding attraction of C rr r r i adding any demonstrably new the Crosby family awakened to that an agreement had been. that "Judaism Keeks to establish that the Zionist Congress be hf the convention, annually, Is the fragment to the sum of human before and not. after England t • = its faults makes for a poignant a just society by applying its knowledge. Down with writing holding of finals in the Interna- drama of American family life. signed between the Hechalutz, teachings to the economic order, decided on its future policy n tional Oratorical Contest. The the Hechalutz Hamizrachi and fcooks, then! But learning Toireh Admission to the play is free to industry and commerce, to na- Palestine on the basis of the r<= "T p he - p i— that' is another matter. Are subject this year is "The Up- to Center members. Non-mem- both wings of the General Zion- tional and international affairs. port o£ the Roral Conamissip'" ~rv 1<T ' 1 ( I" the one hundred and five thous- Buildlng of Palestine", and, as bers must pay a fifty cent charge. ist Hechalutz bodies. and voted to make the convent^" c r^i r~ p 1 t It aims at the elimination of manv usual, each district winner is " The agreement provides for a and Jewish, students doing that? of the Z. 3. A. in Buffalo at t ~ g r r r P ( r > " made misery and suffering." given a free trip to the convenunion by the various organlzaFor let us remember that in its end of Juae the occasion fo1 1r [ r 1 The new platform, which was launching a major movement o tions. ^broadcast sense Torah is '.more tion to compete. The district winners, those who The scope of their activities Is formulated during the last two mobilize Jewish and general pi bjtban Chumseh, though to the T to comprise joint representation | years by a commission, tinder the lic opinion in America to empha- -= «• of h e 'Jew it must always be that too, will compete in the finals at more than tradition both oral and Cejwin on June 29, are: District within the Zionist Organization | chairmanship of Professor Samuel size to Great Britain that it miv <. and its institutions, the handling S. Cohon of the Hebrew Union carry cut its obligations to t ~ . ^written, more than is in the con-1, Paul Goodwin, New Haven, Conn.; district 2, Leonard Belove, is direction for life of hachshara (agricultural train- College, affirms a Jewish will to Jewish people under the B cept .law. It and the Pal Palest:" Declaration ing) financial matters, medical establish a just society, speaks of D l a r a t i o n and and redemption; it is Weisung, in Kansas City, Mo.;, district 3, aid, hechaluta labor exchanges a Jewish abhorrence of violence Martin (Buber'3 happy and exact Robert Groban, Huntington, W. and regular meetings for study- and deals' with other subjects in- • These decisions were reach°r translation. It is the pursuit of Va.; district 4, David Fain, Portc jthe way, r,s we see from the or- land, Ore.; district 5, Lee Bak-London Dispatch Reports TMs ing • problems of the chalutz eluding God, Torah, Ethnics, etc. after Dr. Stephen S. Wise, pre dent, had outlined ' t h e presr as Latest Indication from iginal meaning of the Halacha, er, Columbia, S. C ; district 6, motemept.'; A committee repre-! ^ .'The conference also adopted \j Zionist sihiBticn RT-U had / Commission. •,-.,/:.. ^vay, ^""ction, walk and conver-s Abraham, Kaplan, St. Paul, sii-..: ^i-anowaeejneats o-n sjiarriage an- i closed that t.fc.e EiocistF rn, distrreir'TT Coleman" Bernsation -jii tiio PauSiue "senaeT" H I ction on msx ha attached to the'j social justice. ' Its a on important help i~ in* London (JTA}—Details, of "a izatious not unlike tho idea ot Tao of the stein, New Orleans, L.3. immigration department of the i riage came from a report of the •icount entis.1 American quarters. He y. remarkable plan to solve the Pal- c r Chineses sages. We are toM Jewish Agency and will be recogestine problems," involving the nized as the union's representa- committee oa marriage" nft& fam-sharply critical o£ the selecti ~ that .where; .Totah is being learnI c r ily presented 5 > v Dr. Sidney E. cf Zurich as the site for the. Cc end of the British mandate and a ed, there will dwell the 9hechinah in Palestine. Goldstein of New York End wasgress ant! insisted that the prr1"new dominion status for the Holy tive the divine Presenuce. From a - A national headquarters will nnanlmoTisly approved by the e n t - s i U - i - " c r r r " ! V-i J - L 1 no., fre Land stated to be favored fty fclever and learned translation of most of the Royal Commission also be established in all coun- conference, "The marriage laws CongreFs ' - v ' ' v - * r ~- ~" the Tao-te-king of Lao-Tse* I see If it i- - ? c-<- •- - r - -<: t members - - are reported in the tries on a basis of parity between of the United States are -utterly that, according to the Chinese the various organizations. outgrown and inadequate," the here, ce •=- J •'•c—• t r> r1- *-> v Sunday Dispatch. Cage who was probably a contemThe Round Table of the JewThe hechalutz bodies conduct reported declared. It urged every in L " " . o " ' - e r iic p i r <-, The plan, as outlined An the porary of Jeremiah, "The sub-ish'Youth will close its season of the selection and emigration of state to incorporate into its mar- ; o u t t h a t . t , . r < - f t t l f 1 <s t a n t i a l — that which has to do activity with the annual Kovod Dispatch, is. based on -municipal properly trained colonists plan- riage statutes three minimum re- ' Congress be Jwith substance or matter — con-Night banquet on Thursday eve- autonomy for towns and ..cities in ning to settle In Palestine. <• , r- c qulrements: one, that no one' month, p\e- .' ^1 c le le Palestine. The mandate would Hams usefulness; - the unsubstan- ning, June 10, at 6:30, at the shall be permitted to marry Tinj teclinicr ( c, • * «;be ended by agreement with the JUal creates reality of being." Jewish Community Center. I t Cr ' der IS years cf age without the : present 7 "- «•* F-"<—c-t-i^League of Nations. A dominion No, I'm not Just being pedanr o Each year two young persons constitution would be established. consent of the court of jusidic-; be deal*- " ^ v,r,_^ j tic or high-falutin. At least of the Round Table, who have tion; two. that both parties to i future r?ic c "' 1 r c T-~ ,"^ The central Government, un(there is a group of American ed- distinguished themselves in the the contract shall be examined by | nouncecl Sjcators, brilliantly led by presi- activities of the group and in der the constitution, would be rea competent physician and that | sponsible for customs, public sedent Hutcbins of the University their general services to the JewDistrict winners of the Interna- no one should be permitted t o j g o y c a l » c f "Pc''z of Chicago, who militantly and, ish Community at large, are each curity* financial relations, and immigration and land problems. tional A. Z. A. Essay Contests ra&xty who suffers from an active j * as It were, at the eleventh hour, awarded a Kovod. Key. Communities would be organ- were announced today. venereal disease; and three, that! are urging that the things conThe Kovod Society-Is a na- ized so that Jewish and Arab Aleph Zadik Aleph, Junior Or-; a n interval of at least five pected with substance and useful- tional honorary organization towns would be given complete der. B'nai B'rith?, sponsors each 16iapse between" the tine of the j bess have come .near to destroy- among the Jewish Centers of the municipal independence, Jews be- year two contests — one' ia Eng- j application for a marriage license j ing education in America; that Pitts1- — ••• country. Last year the Round ing controlled by Jews and Arabs j i[ the time the license to marry (we are, despite our thousand dein Hebrew. Winners s n o n e g i[ s n a a gree-granting institutions, an un- Table of the local Center was The report urged the Cf Poll " <-- r Ti | i s i s s u e d. by Arabs as that far as possible. —, which will he presentation £ t t e fiby aa laDr. would mean the larger This | ojudged Israel Goldstein, of courses preparing-'- feet Eg. -t v ' educated people; that forthwith asked to join this organization. An excellent program has been like Ramleh, Lydda and Jaffa, in President of the Jewish National f0T marriage in high schools, col- was thiec.-1'—e fundamental courses In the- basic (humanities must be established arranged. Reservations, at 50c which the Moslems predominate, Fund; Alfred Segal, Associate j leges, settlements, community and required of all. students in per plate, may be made by calling would have Arab self-government, Editor of the B'nai B'rith raaga- centers, s3rcss0gi-.es and churches. (order that both' wisdom and char- the Jewish Community Center, with full protection accorded to jz { n 6 a n d a p r o m i s e a t newspaperrabbis asked the establish- unless Pr z- 7 f t 1 - • r-r a c t e r — reality of being and of JA 1366. Eveyn Dansky is gen- minorities. The same principle , man of Cincinnati; aud Miss 1 m e n t Of consultation centers r dally e""-£ c eral chairman of this affair. Enner b e i n g — b e not wholly lost. would apply to the areas m which F a n n i e Goldstein, head librarian in the synagogues. On sucfi a The s tte—f. the Jewish element predominates. I Qf t h e W e g t Bn& Branch, Boston staff there should he a physician, fWe must all return to Torah. Tao nless tl ~ p'^ Smaller Jewish and Arab towns s o c i a l the Way. And: I am told in this Public Library will be a n I takes and villages would have the right nounced a t the-Bar-Mitzvah Con- a psychologist,'a lawyer, a connection that a group of such and a minister. ' j t^Me e1" to safeguard their own interests. vention, t o be held J u n e - . 2 3 to worker courses will be inaugurated at The Social Justice Commission- I j E T 1 " t h o f , e r Columbia College this fall. These J u n e 3 0 , ' a t Camp Cejwin, P o r t er's report, presented by Rabbi the courses will avoid* all contact The Alfred H. Lloyd Post- ICalak Franklin'to Jervis, N . Y. . • • . • B a r n e t t ' R . Brlckcer of Cleveland; With economics — that "dismal" Doctoral Fellowship has been The subject of t h e English chairman, recorded . t h e • Confer- tend to opseudo-science which threatens to awarded to Dr. Morris Lazerocontest was •• the statement of the | aai^io-as!y opposed to | - p ^ a j n s j overwhelm us .all; they will avoid witz, former Omahan, who is now • Head Jr.' Hadassah historian Lecky, "Hebraic Mortar : e n c e i aj ia gnn lief aporopri '" earmar n te all reference to the social pseudcJunior Hadasah held its an- Cemented the Foundations for anything other than relief. equal er cciences that are so loud and lur- teaching philosophy at the Uni-nual c-i election of officers last American Democrarcy.' I "This Conference . disapproves id in the world. They will pon- versity of Michigan', Ann Arbor. tllis Thursday evening, at the Jewish The award which has cash value The district winners ' " is I cutting worfe relief a'ppropriader the way and the inner reality of two thousand dollars will take Community Center. Miss ICalah division are: District 1, Elliot I •;„„. B n tii there is the assurance of man, of Western man. Franklin was re-elected presi- Pfarl, Roxhury, Mass.; District 2, { t n a t s t a | e S K a local communities . Now what I should like to Dr. Lazerowitz to England. Yudell Luke, Kansas City, Mo.; He plans to work in the field dent for. the coming term. adequate- provision for ; Jmow, what I should like Rabbi ^ Other officers chosen were District 3, Saul Dizenfeld, Aliqn- the needy," the report declared, j Le^lnger- to tell us is how many of Symbolic Logic with Professor of the 105,000 Jewish students G-. E. Moore of Cambridge Uni- Miss Mildred Whitman, member- ippa, Pa.; District 4, Samuel sre learning Toireh in that deep versity, Professor C. I. Lewis of ship vice president; Miss Rose Saul, Los Angeles, Calif.; DisI lAfi., end ultimate and universal sense Harvard, and Dr. A. Tarski and Soffer, cultural vice president; trict 5, Mas Kirstein, Charlesand how many of the children of Dr. J. Lukasiewicz of tho Univer- Miss, Sarah Taub, financial vice 1 ton, S. C , District 6, Norman ; I Jews „ president; Miss Moliye Welner, [Mautner,' Milwaukee,. Wis.; Disthe am *ha-sefer are swimming sity of Warsaw. Before sailing for Europe dur-. corresponding- secretary; Miss trict 7, Aaron Shankitian, Memwith the shallow and turbid Moscow (WXS>—Four Jevrfeb I estfns, i ling: $V ptream? I am afraid, from both ing the latter part of July, Dr. Ann Goodbinder, recording secre- phis, Tenn. . The -winner of the inter&tional scieatists and aviators are-among i vears e~ observation and inquiry, that his Lazerowitz plans to spend several tary; Miss X/ucille Batt. membercontest -vrill receive a sold medal the daring- Russian explorers who | F c r t h . answer : in. American universities days in Omaha with his parents, ship treasurer; Miss Mary and colleges are practising imitar Mr. and Mrs. M. Lazerowitz. finkle, financial treasurer; Miss and a $50 prize, offered by H. L. !have"thriii«d the world by setting I 31, I P ' tion, assimilation on a low piano. Fannie Katelman, reporter; and j Alexander, promineat attorney o l ] ^ ^ tfee1-first psrHiSii'Sijt w£a.t!*e!r 'Again: no, I am not riding a hob• 16 efe o" the Misses Anna Hahn, Gertrude Atlanta,' Ga. Promises to Push Lsaa . scieatl' e station st the by. I am providing a brilliant illLewis, and Anne Berman, as Contestants ln the Hebrew con-. and ustration which life'itself affords board members. • c r e r t^• test were permitted ".to choose ! ^ o r t f l me of a truth of the first order Tel Aviv-—Mayor Israel RofcThe installation ot the newly- their own subjects. Tlie 'niaser of j over tae Pols. o: importance. All that President ach disclosed at a Chamber of elected officers, will take place atjthis contest receives a .goM mc3&I | Pilotsand F. I. . Hutchins and those who: agree Commerce meeting that High the annual banquet to be held at i and a 525 prize, a-waraeii by Leon j gpiris I7ith him plead for has been from Commissioner Sir Arthur Gren- the Jewish Community Center, jj Rose, a : civic • leader of Caraden, | members of thacer'nl CTQVT ths Immemorial antiquity the herit- fell /Wauchope has promised to Thursday,'June h d J 17 .Mrs. M IIrvingiN. i i .17. j..winners in this dlTiisIoa are i age of the Jew. "All that is;de- accelerate the: granting of a 1,- Forbes and Miss Ann Kuznit are District 1, Aba Weinsieic, Ksrt- landed at the Pole, while Federov, youthful snagnetologist | vate ford, Conn.; District 2,-Chester and veteran cf irec •winters in .otrpylng education in America is 000,000 pound (about §5,000,- in charge of arrangements. 000) loan by the Prudential In•abhorrent to u s historically Kaplan,-Kansas City,. K&HR.; Bis- j the. Arctic Circle, Will be ore of j h psychologically. , By being, our- surance Co. for public works, ex- "Despite their exile the Por.tu-1 trict 3, Martin Zioa, . Jlssding, the four who will remsin at the j A total selves, by following our- Tvay we tension of the Ruttenborg Elec- gueseJevvs who settled in gaffes', j Pa.; District 4. Barton Staiaberg:, j Polar station to Esraul& be cooperating with .the tric Works beyond the Yarkon North" Africa, helped reconquer j Seattle, Wash.; District C, Allan for regular highest and noblest " forces In River and seashore improve- the city for the Portuguese! Fos. Cl.ieaso, 111.; BIslr;.'l 7, (Continued on page 8.) ments. (150S). iColenan BercstelH, New Orlezi.2, the Ncrth Pcic,





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" f

Round Table to Hold Kovod Night Banquet Thursday





District Winners pf A. Z. A. Essay Contests


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Former Gmahan/ Wins Fellowship

1r 11




Jewish. Scientists - • in Polar Exploit





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•tired,'is•'today very busy playing one picture part after another. World Zionist Congress The other day an agency was at Zurich on . broken Into, and the "bandits" August 3rd got away with 150 tickets to the [umor and Satire that Nazi Leaders Don't Jerusalem ( W N S - P a l c o r Eddie Cantor broadcast. Pamela Agency)—The twentieth bien- Ostrer of the English film family, ' Care to Laugh at ' nial World Zionist Congress acting in a picture for another Compiled by EDWIN C.LOEWENTHAL will be held in Zurich, Switz- London • company, . changed her erland, beginning August 3rd, name almost simultaneously with Hero are a lew of the rea» , stormtrooper as one whispered: it was announced by the Jew- the appearance of the Gaumontsons why suppressed taught* , "The leader be damned" to the ish Agency Executive, which British (Ostrer) lawsuit in the er still e*isits in Hitler's other, were arrested.for insulting arrived: at. the decision in con- courts. The freshly-signed mariGermany.. . . The bite in the Hitler. ; • sultation with the presidium tal contract may be shredded any - ' .'. the' General Council of the day now by the George E. Stones. whispered humor that circu"But we weren't talking of of Author Lewis Browne begins a lates everywhere would jiever Hitler,''; was their defense. "We World Zionist Organization. weekly series of local broadcasts get past a censor. Only' a" meant our leader Moses." If he' on, "Lewis Browne Looks at the good memory and a sense of hadn't taken our ancestors out of W o r l d . " • " - • • • . humor, on which there is no Egypt we'd have British; passexport' tax, preserved this ports today." partial collection of current Paul Muni says "he needs a German witticisms. . When rest from elaborately made-up there is a smile in Nazilarid Dangerous Agitators roles . . . would like to use his By HELEN ZIGMOND ^—and that is rarely enough own face for a change." Two Jews, sitting in ' a Berlin —you can be sure that one restaurant, were reading t h e aft- : of the following barbs is be- ernoon paper. , Hollywood—Ernst Lubitsch cel- ' Milton Berle and Joe Penner [• ing whispered about. J •. " H m - h m ! " murmured one, ebrates his silver anniversary in got their first breaks on the —The Editor. shaking his head from side t o the film business very soon. Bar- stage by winning Charlie Chapring contingencies, he'll celebrate lin impersonation contests. side. . ; • . by returning for a brief moment "Hm-hm-hm!" the other mumJHe Knew the Ropes to his first work in pictures— "Sophie Tucker was born on bled, shaking his head also. Filled with'divine pity at the : Both were promptly arrested acting. He plans to .impersonate an ocean liner 500 miles at sea," [plight of His chosen people', God for- voicing adverse criticism of Napoleon in C. B. DeMille's "The puffs a publicity blurb. "And (sent the Archangel Gabriel to the National-Socialist govern- Buccaneer.'.' The last time, he ap- she,*s still at sea," chirps a : •Germany, to lead the Jews, with ment. peared as an actor was in "Sum- meanie. , all their belongings, out of the urun" with Pola Negrl. fThird Reich. But Gabriel failed It's a whole year since Chap•to carry out his mission; lie was Now It Can Be Told Scribe '•;. Al Boasberg has alin has stepped Inside his studio. icaught by - • the Gestapo, and . When '. the foreign press ex- grudge against one of his rela- During his prolonged absences he [thrown into a concentration pressed some doubts on whether tives. During all his struggling maintains a standing staff of fifjcamp.v Hitler had really earned the Iron years, Al supported the kinsman. teen among which is his everGod thereupon gave. over the Cross in the world war, a re- Now that Al is in the higher present henchman, Henry Bergiassignment to Father Abraham; porter was sent to interview the brackets and needs all the income mann. . [but the Patriarch too fell into the Fuehrer on the subject. Hitler "tax deductions allowable,1 his Jhands of the police. told . him he had •' been awarded flesh-and-blood ups and gets a Director Archie Mayo, a gourFinally God sent Moses to lead the medal for -having taken job! met, was boasting of the crops [the second exodus. And after a twenty-two British prisoners. on his land. "I've got oranges, • .• '• ifew days had passed a telegram "All by yourself?" the reportprunes, apricots, avocados, peachThe larksy Marxes are rifting tfrom Berlin was received in heav- er asked. , . . . for radio reasons only . . . es. I'm all set." "So what have •en,' reading: "Everything • 6. K. "Of course," the Fuehrer av- the trio plans to split and appear you got?'' jeered his pal. "So 'Jews. leaving-, today ; under my erred. on different programs for the you've got a fruit salad!" command. Stofmtrbop Leader "But how did you manage it?" coming year. * • • • Ton Mosinsky." "By Burrounding them," was ' " • ' • • . • * ' . ' Lights out. the Fuehrer'3 explanation. . Lionet Stander and J. Edward • • • Faux Pas Bromberg went hunting for cot- (Copyright, 1937, Jewish Tele' General von Ludendorff, while Scarcity of Raw Material . tontails last week . . ..used up ,' graphic Agency, Inc.) teihg interviewed by a newspaper Juliua Streicher was organizing fifteen bo£es of cartridges . : . reporter, delivered a long tirade another anti-Jewish boycott drive. and didn't even muff a bunny's NORTHEASTB'NAlBRITH blaming the" Jews for Germany's The mails were flooded with in- fiurr. MOVES TO ELIMINATE





















spirational literature exhorting all good Germans to absfain from all dealings with Jews. From the mayor -of- a small town he received the following telegraphed plea: "Send us a couple of Jews at once. There Is [Ahead of Schedule •' Informed by an aide • that the no one here to boycott.*' .(Reichstag was on fire, on that (fateful February night in 1933, Talking Out of Turn IGeneral Goering consulted his "Herr Fuehrer, you forgot [watch, and exclaimed: "Al- your program,*^ an usher at the Iready?" . . ; Berlin opera called after Hitler as the latter was entering his box IP/hat Prey? for the evening's, performance. The usher was Immediately ar' A fe-w'" days after the blood








14 S k e p t i c



Growing weary while hiking in She Bavarian mountains. Hitler,' .'Goering and Goebbels asked a

cart driver to give them a lift; l o agreed. ' After a little while Goering, "who sat next to the driver, asked; 'the man whether he knew. his 3dentity. On receiving a negative •answer, the General proudly inflated his chest and announced: -•'I'm Goering."


,' T h e c a r t d r i v e r m e r e l y s h r u g ged. .;.••• . - • " .•'•..

"ir- Where Omaha Stores Furs With Confidence•

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This summer you'll play in cotton, laze in cotton, work in cotton. The nicest fashions are made in cotton —we're so sure that you'll like them that we have devoted considerable space on each floor to the new cotton fashions. With 'such a large variety of styles you will surely want to lay in a supply for your entire summer needs.


Weekly Digest: Mary Livingstone will bow into flickers with "This Way, Please." The next Winchell-Bernie "opus" is titled, "Love a n d Hisses." Charles Mintz, pater of Krazy Kat and Scrappy, creates a new animal for cartoon contortions, Petey Parrot. Frederick Hollander received word from his' publishers that sale of his song, "Moonlight and Shadows,!' have reached 250,000. Maurice Moscovltch, who two years ago considered himself re-










Berlin (WNS)—The swastika is a Heaven-sent revelation which is "the earthly form in which ths Eternal God ha3 revealed Himself" to the Nazi movement, it was declared by Baldur von Scbirach, leader of the Hitlsr Youth Organization. Major Alfred ' Mordecal of North Carolina was a member of the American military commission to the Crimea (1855-5G).

, Pointing to Hitler, Goering 'then told the driver that this was Id3 Fuehrer. .: : • This was too much for the The Ony Way Out ' driver. Indicating Goebbels, he Two Jews were discusing their 'shouted: "If -you try to tell me that that little Jew is Goebbels, fate in the Third Reich. "What can we' do?" one-cried I'll put all three of you off my h p o e l e s s l y . • • • - . . . - . cart"


"There's just one thing we can do," the ether replied. "Shoot They Choose to Be Jews ourselves while trying to escape." • J "Don't go in here," . a Nazi (Copyright. 1&37. by Seven Arts ; picketing a Jewish store said to Feature'Syndicate.)

City have demanded that all teachers in • • elementary and secondary schools provide documentary v.proof of "Aryan" descent back to_the year 1S80.


2-scvo on eisrino

Heard in Berlin • Hitler has been offered- two ; ("colonies, they say: One in Greeni'land, BO that he .can organize ]jyear-round winter relief; and the MotWr in the Sahara desert, BO < I that there will be no danger of 'V'B. shortage of sand for him to '[throw. Into the eyes of the Geri man people. U

; Slight Misoaderstanding Two


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'|a customer; trying to enter. ^ ' T h e r e are plenty of Aryon stores Free City of Danzig—The ed•where you can buy." ucatldnal authorities of the Free 1 jj "But: I'm a Jew myself, ' the 'Jinan replied, and attempted to Jipass the picket. i1 "Oh, no, you don't,'1 exclaimed ^the- Nazi, barring his way. ^'That's what they all say."





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[Intention of going to Poland to "I don't get i t What has the [do some hunting and shooting. temperature of your bedroom got to 'do with the President?" "Animals?*' asked the diplo- Who's Crazy Now? "In preparation for a visit the inat. "When it's 70 . . I RETIRE!" Fuehrer was to pay to their Institution, the' heads of a Berlin insane asylum ' spent weeks in drilling the Inmate3 in "the proper manner of giving the Nazi salute and shouting "Hell Hitler.1! ".'•••••'. When Hitler finally came, and all the inmates were gathered in the assembly hall, to greet him, everybody saluted him perfectly except the Janitor; that individual simply continued polishing the window he was cleaning. "How dare you insult your Fuehrer" by not saluting, me?" Hitler shouted at him, ' " "But.I don't have to—I'm 'nob crazy," was the janitor's retort.'

9 A. M. TO 5 P. M.


Quips a well-known comic: "I 'SHYLOCK* hear they're goin' to change Martha Raye's monicker to Moutha Buffalo, N. Y. (WNS)—An orRaye. And did you know, she ganized campaign to- eliminate 'was born with a silver tray in Shakespear's "Merchant of Venher mouth!" . .' ice" from public school curricula was launched by the B'nai B'rith Bogey-man Censor got to cut- Northeastern Grand Lodge at Its ting up in Jack Pearl's script and annual convention here. the following gag was deleted: Harry J. Greenblatt of Boston, Jack goes on at a great rate chairman of the anti-defamation about the President, lauding him committee, reported that 50 cities to the" skies. "I guess you think had already removed the play a great deal about F. D. R.t" from the course of study. comments Sharlie. "You bet," The convention also voted to replies Jack, "I think of -: him establish a naturalization bureau ipurge of June, 1934, Goering, in rested and thrown into a concen- ever-r-ry night. At bed-time I in every lodge to facilitate the jthe -course of a conversation with tration camp for daring to criti- look at the thermometer and work . in. behalf. of German refus. foreign envoy, announced his cize the Fuehrer's policies. when It's 68 I start undressing." gees. "

Summer Store dours:


defeat in the world war. To .Which the reporter' replied, in 'great amazem'—t: "But Herr (General, I didn't know you were to, Jew." . :



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• i


Fajre 8

large stretch of land, from the I others The wife cf Congress-;'The ceremony was conducted nc' a P £fi oip ant! 17 oofl- f c C " ^ Figures Reveal sea, which has given adequatei m a n Henry Ellecbojren of Pitts-!! coding to 1 « T » * opportnnity not only for the I burgh is the daughter of a ehaE- ] der-tally, tae total lack cf nrep j en . . . She speaks p buildings necessary to the port, a fluent Ke-htsdice in the C. C. C. is reres.'ea : i ft r ' ri p Her'" Customs sheds, railway station j b brew, being the only Congress-|| by the fact hat six of the four- ; and -warehouses, but also for a ID ^a's wife -who does-. . Camp TTarentcn are; S. ! teen Jews wide, straight street a nils long j Stan-wood Menken, wif . The team cf . ip leaders a known as Kingsway, the most im- | prominent lawyer who is listed in iLewishohn and Lewishon is t h e posing in Palestine, —inch "Who's Who in American Jewry, j latest in Jewish circles flanked by the stone a big crucifix as part of her iLudwig does the speaking r.na his n c -> of shipping offices, bants, and j costume in her portrayal of "The wife, Thelma, does the singing. • Sprawling villages are springJerusalem, too, has been for-! cause no dismay. the like. The whole regional de-' \ Spirit of Spain" at a pageant . . . They Eade a terrific t i t sit '• ing into modern toTvns under tunate in several architects who velopment of Haifa Bay hss | given to raise money* f :T the 'a benefit "or Ezra, the women's Haifa's Lovely Site the impetus of Jewish capital have been constructing there. Of the three principal cities,, I been planned by Professor Aber- Spanish rebels . . Her maiden division cf the Federation of Tel-: and initiative. The efforts of The Government architect himHaifa offers the most excellent I crombie, and it has been possible name was Von Briessen, by the ish Jews. the civic-minded in Palestine self is a man of outstanding ar-.. for the town-planner. - No to provide adequate zones for a way. to prevent the growth of Blums tistic talent, and the residence fieldEEHII'IB THE 1'E vTS port of the Mediterranean has a Petrol area which will be built np ana to plan model towns are which he designed for the High site -so lovely as that which lies I a t the outlet of the great pipeline . The Jewish rress rp-portccl only described in this article pre- Commissioner and the Rockefel- under the Ridge of Carmel. I f r o m Mosul, for an industrial j I f you know any one stuck: one Jew on board the ill-fated k!_„,. sented by the Jewish Telegra- ler Museum of Archaeology, Stretching northwards from the*I area, for a series of workmen's ; defaulted German corpora- Zeppelin Hicdenburg . . . But grnphic Agency which original- which combines modern and Ori- harbor there is the spacious level j villages, for other villages which bonds tell him he can collect there was another, and he was ly appeared in the famous lib- entnl styles, are generally regard- plain, the Vale of Zebulun as it! "w-lli be partly agricultural and 1 interest and principle rnere- among those who died . . . His eral daily, t h e Manchester ed as masterpieces. They are is now called, along the Bay of i partly industrial, and for an by getting good and tough . . , name was JJcritz Feibusch, a. Pan srnc" German-born msnuGuardian. EDITOR both on commanding sites out- Acre which is made for industrial aerodrome. What has conduced "^" t^. * *• s- f T1 fr t 1 1, r side the Old City, and are restful'development, and s t r e t c h i n g to good planning is "* ~ r C r t 1 * r The: growth of the. towns of marts on the landscape. One of south there is another spacious where the chief r i c- • c ~ Palestine has been one of,-"the Germany's most distinguished belt of flat land forming the pro- I residential develop most remarkable developments of architects, Mendelsohn, montory, which is made for ware- : cur is owned by Jewish corporaErich recent years in the Middle East whose work is well known in this houses and markets. Immediate- j tions of public utility and is to ^ German-^erican Athetle | » - -s draped w:th the Stars Jerusalem has grown from a pro- country, is now making his home ly above the port .and business j be controlled in the interests of . rertmsch who Tincial city of 60,000 inhabitants in Jerusalem. He is designing area there is a plateau that is ad- \ the community. Here, as Profes- eague , refused to take- the field . grip at the time of the British occupa- new buildings for the Hebrew mirably fitted for public build- \ sor Abercromzie has put it, is a tion to a capital with over a 100- University on Mount Scopus, in- ings and the official quarters; j great opportunity, "for however *!1s 000; Tel Aviv, more sensationa!- cluding a large hospital and med- and then, rising from that are compelling t h e powers of town:t h c a i r trip it i celebration of hisS of Carmel which offer planning a r e , t h e y . a r e enchanced was removed, a pro-Nazis official ly. has. changed from a small I ical centre which is to lise by the t h e ay . . . Nowi'r.r'. put in another team and tpld t h e : sixtieth birthc / combined garden suburb with a few thou- j side of the War Cemetery, His an endless expanse for residential one-hundredfold it was the Hatikvah eleven it's getting hot we esvy the j - i " sand inhabitants to the largest severe functional• style . - .should - _ _be quarters and garden villages. with public ownership of t h e San Francisco can do without '. o f Judge Simon Hellenthal oZ i r city in Palestine with over l"0- appropriate to that splendid site In the construction of the har-jland. A new iown is Vj that Jewish landlord ' w h o con- ! Alaska District Court . . . He 3—s L- 1 i . • . . r :. 000; -while Haifa, already the on the ridge overlooking the bor it was possible to reclaim a upon planned lines." . jtinues to rent quarters to Nazi ori 3'ust started on a S,5C0-miie v r r commercial center of the pountjy city on the one side and the wila e h boEt }° brine justice to ganizations . . . Lawyers in Eer- = ~? and destined to be one of the j derness of Judea on the other, r *«• rr_r. isolated towns of Alaska . . . geu County, N. J., are up in arms r chief ports of the Mediterranean, j The Scottish Memorial taxi driver by the came of Si^ over the ne^l? organized Bergen has dJubled its population from! Mr. Holliday, the town-planCounty Lawyers' Club, which re- iriei Blum, who parks his h£ T F * r 40,000 tn 80.000. | ner, who is also an architect, has fuses to admit Jews . . . The club in front of a New York hospit Town-plann'ng was one of Ihe j been responsible for several strilv; has been chartered by the New has a sign informing customc -concerns of the Government of j ing buildings. The most successJersey Supreme Court . . . No Uhat he used to be J. P. Mor Morjrar' p 4 Palestine from the beginning. By ful among them, perhaps, is the Daric Sarbr". ish dominion . . . Mussolini fears \ official protest vv-as made by Hit| chauffeur tfco legislation, c.-acted ii 19S0 Scottish Memorial Hospice that ETHESEA1 PLASHES d tycoon, and Jacob r a Central Town-planning Com- ij rises from a rocky eminence near London insiders are speculat- that ia such an eventuality worldlier to the State Department!j rafiio TT ' Jewry would become in effect j agrainst Cardinal Muudelein's : managing editor of the ing over a report' that former mission'was established over the the railway station, and seems to supporters of the British Empire. • anti-Nazi blast because of Der : Edward may return to Engcountry and local commissions j grow out of the rock, while be- King land as the head of a powerful | . . . To block that n Duce is try- j Fuehrer's diplomats here tipped | newspapers on the sa e route for each of the- .principal towns, j iOw it is an. effective extension The hounding j ing to scare the Jews. ! him off that it would be futile. Morris Arnovich of the Philadr'Fascist party Ample powers were given • f or jof the Hospital of the Order of of Edward is said to have made j K5JLIGIOUS ifOTES - i. . . Even if the State Department phia Xatiouals baseball's Izicontrolling development a n d i g t . John. Another building which him so bitter that he is ready for j The National Church cf Posi-, wanted to apologize it couldn't est JeTriEh sensa.tion, is ca.1 eZ. °cr making regulations ahout Dund-i c o m m a nds general admiration is er how the ' tive Christianity in "Washington ] because the Cardinal is a private "Pota?h." by his team-ma-tes . . . ing, and the securing of ameni- i that of the Jewish Agency and} n o r t d s •Ue~s was assisted by the' provision t ^ VewishVaVlonal' FiTnd","TV-nicb i' ' ' number one anti-Semite, j has -a large Magen Dana with a j citizen and owes his position to And Phil "VCeintrauh of the C:=that one-quarter of the land in i » «,, ^^o^^i , t thn Kirto Julius Streicher, liked it when he cross in the center as part of its ; the Vatican, wiib. which the cinnati Seas also answers to the n D a Quadrangle at the side U called a "."C\--slave" by Gen- stained window design The j United States h a s no formal &•&. ', nains cf "Slew Foot." a developing area could be taken jOf the main artery, the ; (Copyright 1E37 ET Seven AX:F . Among the j church's liternature also bears a II rnatic relations. for public purposes without com- George Avenue, which is the cen-' eral Ludendoril ! Feature Syndicate) unpublicized gifts received by Magen David . . . Literature of j ^ ^ ifr^x.T, THE WOELD pensation to the landowner. Jer- tre of the new development. It is King George VI a s a coronation the Kingdom Gospel at Mardela ] Jewish Congress I _ Tile CaBafliaa T ,. usalem, has had a trio of town- absolutely unadorned but" impresPoinis planners; first, Dr. W. H. Mc- sive by its strength and simplic- present w a s a hand-written Sefer Springs, Maryland, and Bethel, { a n f l t h e B . E a i B,Tith i n t h e D o . j _ ihe^ta^an • was one ot the four Torah a n d an album of pictures Conn., demands the observance of j JUJUJQ-I feiidi' Xean, then municipal engineer of ity.- " a r e • -'• showing t h e development of P a l -the Jewish Sabbath . . . Dr. Mor- j d e f a l n a t i o n v o r k \ . , L a d T R e a d -'*'i \ brought from Jerusaleni t Kccc Alexandria, who gave the miliTel Aviv is less fortunate than I by Titus. tary administration a plan for Jerusalem in the material of. its estine . . . He received them from decai M. Kaplan is perhaps the i n g j s i s t e r c . L o r d Melchett, who Isaac Ben Zvi, Palestine's official only rival of Dr. Stephen S. Wise. i s on his way back to England, protecting the Old City from dis- building. It has risen from the figurement; then Mr. - Chart 33 sand and not from the quarries delegate to t h e coronation, as a n for multiplicity of jobs in Jewish j follow him to America before . When Kaplan leaves fte y e a T i s DT - t . . . C a p t ; .ain Julius 'Ashbee who was the civic adviser of stone, and most, of the con- offering from t h e Jewish Nation- affairs The problem ot for a two-year of the Pro-Jerusalem Society; struction is of concrete and brick. al Council year stay in Palestine ^eibert, the only full-time full-tir Jewish and finally, Mr. Charles. HoUiday, Nor had it the advantages of Jer- finding a "Sabbath goy" int h e as professor at the Hebrew Uni- j assigned to the C. C. C. \ x a pTapil of Professor Abercrombie, usalem, striking monuments of all-Jewish city-of Tel Aviv h a s versity a dozen men -will be re- jc a m p S i married a Catholic r 9 been solved by Orthodox J e w s quired to take over the functions :a n d a p r o t e s t a n t girl in the open who prepared a development plan antiquity and a "splendid natural through fixing alarm clocks t o as professor at the Jewish Theo- I for ,the whole area that was j The boy, who is assi ned to / 7 7 TT f -mff7 setting: ** «s first rapid exten- their electric switches t o t u r n j logical Seminary, head cf t h e SoCamp Warenton , insisted that was some adopted by government,7Jaffa-1 sion ttJiere Although ciety for Advancement of JcdaHoro ^ a iinevitably nevitab]T E ome lights on and off but the quarters snch eminent Jewish art experts ism, editor of the Reconstruction- ' Hobtl Lefber ti= the l:rot cum-Tel Aviv and Haifa have had j jerrj'-building; , tha ^advantage off the-adrice off which have sprung up during the t h d i the late Sir Patrick Geddes and last years exhibit more plan and as Mas ..Fried-lae-nder, " George ist, professor at Teachers' Col!ProfesEor .Abercrombie respec- dignity. Its vigorous muncipal- Gronau and A. J. Meyer are ta- lege, dean of the Jewish Teach- j :» i booed in Germany, their expert j6rs> institute and his work in 1 U» I tively. •".'•• . ity, under the Inspiration of the appraisals are cited in catalogues social welfare . . • Honorary de- ! j' Mnshrooni Growth : Chected first Mayor, Mr. Dizengoff, who ' As is" the way of-things in Pal- died last year, has secured an to boost the sale of 777 works grees will be handed out lavish- J of art from the Berlin state muse- ly at the Jewish Theological Semestine, where "the economic deveJ- area for a large civic centre. , opment has been breathlessly ra- That -will contain not only the ums which the Nazis are auction- inary's commencement . . . Kudos pid circumstances tend to get municipal buildings but also a ing off to obtain needed foreign will go to Judge Irving. Lehman, j The Rothschilds Lucius M. Littauer, Dr. Julian i ahead of plans, and" the building museum, a theatre, and a park. currency of the new quarters in the three Wide boulevards with a central may have been eclipsed as inter- Morgenstern, president of Hebrew Free Estimates cz principal towns, which has been belt of trees, that restore some- national bankers, but the British Union College, Prof. Duncan B. Cleanias of rendered necessary by the onrush thing of the character of a gar- government still banks on them. McDonald of Hartford TheologTaclec-Down Carpels of population, has not always den suburb with which the city . . . Itjwas the Rothschilds "who ical Seminary, and Chief Rabbis S I S So. 24th '*?.?•* «rC been adequately controlled. The started encircle the new quart- negotiated that big deal by which Israel Levi and Schorr cf France COME m m rf relations about heighi and ers; -and a plan is now. being England acquired control of the and Poland, respectively, among strategic Wilkowitzer Iron and LET US light, frontages and built-on area worked out which may completehave been honored in the ' "~ ly transform the neglected sea- Steel Works in Czechoslovakia, a The ,-esuitv e£s some of the shore and Sivett^city the amen- firm that produces a rare grade ^ cthat T^M 1 tJ e a ^ d . ^ of steel for guns and armor plate. suburbs g ,fsuburbs ? ve g ~ . . Tou can attribute the antiities of a seaside resort for which gledy -piss'iedy appearance, and in Semitic press campaign in Italy ^. each o£ tt.e towna there is a its situation has fitted it. The to rumors that England is condearth of public open spaces. Jer- plan is to reclaim an area along sidering making Palestine a Britusalem, it r as been noted, is iiu* the shore by constructing a -wall one gre:tJ city which is s a far and promenade along a stretch of without a public park. B u t i t is a mile., A depth of 150 metres *2 \ hoped t o remedy this by acquir- is to be reclaimed behind this ing through a t r u s t a n d preserv- wall, and that will provide a wide Ing the unbuilt area on the open: space, a wide marine drive, Mount of Olives and Mount Sco- and an arcaded esplanade along pus, an area crowded with relig- which there would be hotels, liious and historical associations braries, and places of entertainEver*y NlgKt (Except Monday) in the and also open spaces in the south ment The promenade would run Beautiful Venetian Ballroom aad western expansions of the along the -whole front of the city city. If, too, som-e of the recent and end at the mouth of the Riv- 1 BOUSLE SEE-istss buildings has not been worthy of er Yarkon, -where the new port is the site, many of the houses in being constructed. The plan in- § Eottlad;by -Hardlags the new suburbs are good exam- volves a final outlay of 3,000,Tested Three Times Daily fcy Perkiiss pies of the modern architectural 000; 'but-the enterprise of Tel ~ ' S423 Uo. ISth WE-5515 . Laboratories style, with their long, straight Aviv is such that that figure will fronts. The austerity of that Btyle is suitable to the austere Sssscn Ticket Mow at Eesfisicsd Prise Betting- of the Holy City, and the beautiful white and pink stone lng <iSllndar fea Stars" to ScfetHIstlsis which is so abundant in Jersua©a tit© Hammond lem furnishes an admirable material. ^-~ r















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estinian industry and manufacturing, in all fields of endeavor. It is that life, that activity which is the barometer of the Jewish future in Palestine. ..'••• . . .

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Editorial Office: EO0 Brandeto Theater Building. Sioux City Offlco—Jewish Community Center Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Street DAVID BliACK.BR - -_ Business and Managing Editor FRANK JR. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - • Editor FANNIB KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN' PILL. - - - - Slous City, Iowa, Correspondent ;

A Brighter Horizon

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Nature and Human Nature


de- IB


By BE. 2HE0D0EE N. LEWIS B&bbi, Bfouat Sinai *EeH3pIes Sioas City


When Cardinal Mundelein of Chicago created international Y\~oe i • to T- ii repercussions by calling Adolph Hitler "a paperhanger, and a ficus f! p This is the last book to be for. Salvation (chapter two); the ' t'00 hcus". "- fi " t I " ' - t L t^ "ir poor one a t that," his statement boomeranged even in this . reviewed for the current seaPower that makes for Social R e - ' t m t f c f c l e b e ! -° rouu,, cud j e be country. son by Rabbi Theodore X. generation- (chapter three); the ! E a i l e t 0 d ' A ' e i l E l o n e i n t b e midst; Power that makes for the Regen- io f t h e 3 a a l i Ijewis, who is leaving for a Locals. 306 and 587 of the International Brotherhood of Ff.rir- ("VO.TO—"I hare my trip to Europe. Upon his reeration of Human Nature (chap'• Therefore my people are gone in the people greatest p?.~li?Rns Painters, Paperhangers and Decorators in Philadelphia proint0 ter four); the Power that makes i captivity for lack of knew- end am. loved1 more than German l txvm in September, he will ; tested the title paperhanger is too good for Hitler. Says the .resume his weekly reviews in for Co-operation (chapter six); ledge. monarcha verc," I-litier modestly resolution: the "egotistical, anti-labor dictator might have hung the Power that makes for Free-' "Woe unto them that csll evil' declRred in an interview with this column.—-The Editor. ood a n d dom (chapter eight; the Power = ' good evil; that change Abel Bonnnrd, member of the paper at one time, but that does not qualify him for the honthat makes for Righteousness, ' darkness into light and light into French AcpflRiny prcorfVing to a "THE 5IEAXIXG OF GOD IX orable title 'paperhanger.' The only thing Hitler has hung in 'not Ourselves (chapter nine). : darkness; that chang-e bitter into ; r e p c t ;P thr r-^ MOPEKX I'TTTTn the past ten years is the liberty of the German people." into bitter. I The traditional characteristics : £ The npv."PpRprv c'iOiPfl HitUvr

I t is repeating a trite truism to state that when the night is darkest, the dawn is near at hand. But trite truisms have a Grown-ups imagine'that childhood is a care-free era,i but habit of being startingly accurate, and we earnestly hope that this .merely shows that adults forget. at a time when the deepest'night of inhumanity envelops Europe - - a new day of bright sunshine is coming over the horizon.-

| r 1 r



Woe unto them that are wise as Fp.ying' "if. is fhoutrh.f. abroad LAX. BEHRMAXS PUBLISH-'' a n d P ° w e r s o f * ¥ divine thus : their own eyes, and prudent that Gorman,'"' lh"es under a. dicS1Ve W a 7t 0 a rad oall IXG CO. 368 PAGES i ' 5 " different \ ,; their own sight. tatorship. Eat P. recrime like ours The universal apathy to r e _ j a a d essentially human scale of; ' TALMUD cannot, be maintained by religion, the widespread neglect of I 7 a l u f s a n d standaras. The Deity j During the great famine which Ptraint. People B.ve for me besynagogues and church, t h o h ^conies pre-emmentlr, esclusive-; is prevailing in Jerusalem, CE.UE5P theyy know I really busy ly> s o c i a 1 e t h l C a l a n d m o r a l H e due to many causes, are chiefly' ' •' due to lack of belief in God.is a constant Challenge to strive • "Martha, the daughter of Eeithus. ! myself ••eparc'inc' their needs p.nd Atheism of the ruder and blatant after the good, the beautiful arsfi ; was one of the richest families or problems p.r\d becp.usc their souls the true, is the Power that com- j Jerusalem. She sent one of her : interest inc.'' type is rare. Our generation pels man against his own indbl- j servants to buy fine flour. Be-i does not openly deny God. It ent Binclinations to achieve peri fore he reached he market place, | P

Fpr a while it seemed tliat anti-Semitic fascism under the By Rabbi Frederick Cohn * sly tutelage of Nazism would crush civilization in Europe. The June is 'the month of roses.' And of nature at her beautiinfection of racial bias with its bait of greater privileges for ^ 2 ! ^ has ! » - ™* ^te|-a; SrorU%a"auTn. ^:!th. f ^ ^ w a " ^ ^ 5 Sscfc E^tior, Orfkt, fulest. There is,a profusion of bloom everywhere. See the lovely !agonsticism led to disastrous Deity the majority peoples over the downtrodden minorities spread ceases to be a dispenser of jcame back and informed her the.t! consequences. No generation of;I favors, of precious and necessary i ^ e r e v r a s o n ' r ordinary TTf.rsew-—In nn official comflour. rapidly, as most poisonous infections do. The democratic coun- flowers of variegated hue, and delicious perfume.* There are Jews tli it h e has ever been so utterly bemunication entitled "Palestine Instead, lie makes demand j ' ^ could purchase. So she the lilacs, how beginning to fade, it is true, and strewing the gifts. tries seemed incapable of halting the disease. But now, when in moral b e - ! s a ' c ' : " ^ ° a n ( * "3U"(" ordinary and Madagascar," the Polish ground with lavendar dust. There are the white snowballs, the situation looked most desperate, the glimmers of a. deterGovernment states that further upon ethical living uninspiring, and our preaching steps will he tsken to discover Wh. to the market mined .opposition appears. First Belgium and now Holland re- the bridal wreath, pure enough to bedeck any altar. There are secular, n-ustice honestv because there is no God inlr J' f'^ace' *^-e found that this also was new emigration possibilities for jects the Nazi philosophy in strong and certain terms. At thethe tulips multi-colored and of stately dignity, some with hearts in Israel. F r o m G o do n e rec;iveSi told , "superfluous Jews." ihs oel rd 't h sa to ho neJ j c arm e e f bi oa uc rk v a s i e f t polls in" both countries, the Nazi candidates were dealt. crush- of fire, others chalices of gold. The violets are gone, but the Yet the modern Jew is not inindirectly, courage, tranquilitr and strength. But even these are i ' >' lilies of the valley scent the air and soon the gorgeous peonies rebellion against God. He has e a s k e d h i mt 0 e tthat lnlt ing defeats which for their wide margin were unexpected. '. K . C. A. EEADE Y not to be had for the mere aski ^ S > ! simply outgrown and discarded Chillicnlhr. 0.—Pen M. Secal The decisive set-backs in these two countries may be thewill enchant the eye, even as the tiny pansies in their velvet the traditional concepts of Deity. ing. They must be won through jt0b e ' o r e h e r e e1cdh e dS ot hh ee PClRa fmi ee at ln: i sd' i is porving his ?ecoml consecutive . « . „ , . „ „ | discipline and struggle and sacri- ' °< *** ! ° turning, point in the war against fascism. Given enough time, robs look out from unsuspected corners arid crevices; while the The anceat doctrines about God, jf . T h e t i r e e m p h a s l s i s n o t ; informed her that there was no year PF p'-psid^nt o" the Young ^ a tG & c a n d a s , t j i n ; rj-e flour any more, out th ? t h 9 Slen's Chriftian Agsociation ot the fascist ideology has proven to be a cruel tyrant, enslaving purple and white and pink and yellow.iris is a rainbow of de-he f,ad8 meanmgless, irrelevant C O U d bl>jr b light. • . . . . ' and. alas, .often • qu.te immoral. ; /"f" f l 0 ; : r - B u t ? - a m ChiHicotlie. the people and robbing them of their fundamental rights and tradiUonaI tllinkmg, b u t what .' He refuses to have commerce wnh , , ; U happened this, too, was • ITf- is PP.P o'" file few Jpv.'isli How beautiful is Nature! Would that human nature were a God who performs mzracles, ,m a n m u s t d Q { 0 a c h e v e f r p e d o m , s o l c °^ b e ^ c «that their prized liberties. So long as fascism rides the roost in any he arrived. ; presia^nrp ot ? \ . ^., C, A, a n d s a l y a t i o n n o t ln t l l e f l l t l i r e as beautiful! There is no reason why it should not be. The flowmajor country, Hie. civilization and peace of democracy and who shows favoritism, who pun-1 a n d Jinn t h e j , e r e a f t e r hut n e r e | When she was told that, she j ._j ; dressed herself and said she: democratic .countries are menaced. Those, fighting the battle ers attain their perfection all unconsciously; but man has con- ishes ritual infractions with b r u t - ! and Phillips ra.« assisfsnt now. al severity. Such a Deity is in- j science and free will; he could deliberately attain that perfecof' democracy should follow up this victory in Belgium and Dr. Kapla.n is gravely consci- i would go out and try to find surgeon of the United StPtes navy tellectually impossible, spiritual- jjo i . g of l h e 7 a r r e a c r i n - smViica- • something to eat. While walking, f r o m to IS£4. Holland and rout Nazi tendencies in every country and every tion which his mind and heart conceive, and which his whole ly unsatisfactory. . t , o n s h i a G o d 5 d e a l n T o l v e s a n d liii the street frying to find some-I Since the old Gods are gone, ! community'where the Hitlerite ideology rears its ugly head. being tells him is not only desirable but possible and potential. ' to eat, her foot became ini struggles to counteract the more j r fected and blood poison set in, • A disease caught in its incipient stages is far more easily cured •Why should the world be a jungle, given over to ferocious never to return, we must make us new God that will satisfy, cfcal- | causing her death. Before she beasts who prey on and exterminate one another? when it alenge decries reducing God to than one ignored until fully developed. 12 :d i e d and. inspire—that •will give v branding such ' s h e t o o k E l 1l l e r = o ! d £ n d : I ; S force and energy could just as well be a Garden, a Paradise^ which man because peace and faith and hope. And ;B t I V e r a B dt t l T e W l n the s t r e e t nimism and "ir" - i ' definitions as animi difficult and hazof his sins has lost. Earth may be Eden again, of loveliness and this extremely iman salvation" j f J ^ : " W h a t d o X n e e c i t h i 9 ; | . , _ „ , . relevant to hum Flaying Both Sides ardous task Dr. Kaplan Tinder- id o e s t his . < P o w e r , . s t r o n g l v r e . The vacillating course of Italian feeling on Jewish ques- of delight,.of blissful happiness and of innocent joy. The Gold- takes. On account of the shaft of a He presents in tins, his ;s e m W e a n i m l s m ? U l t i m a t e l v God en Age is not on the past. It is before men if he will but seek litter the greet city of Byther vras tions parallels the indecision of Mussolini's foreign policy; One latest book, a revaluation, a r e •-ceases ' to be personal and becomes Interpretation, of the God idea, a i a vague, elusive Power or a word destroyed. For it was a custom ' •day II Duce denies that there is any anti-Semitism in Italy and it and seek to achieve it. Millions of devout souls believe that re-statement in Byther that when a child was of this basic and 3npoints to the Jewish personages in high Italian places; the next the Messiah is yet to come. The millenium is in the lap of the dispensable religious concept. He "expressive of the highest ideals born the parents would plant a : } Visit O n r K i t c h e n v / a r c { for which men ' strive, and young cedar tree for a bey end a day his underlings issue warnings which sound strangely tint- ages and Utopia is not to .be 'Nowhere' but 'Everywhere' here offers a daring, a profound and | points to the objective fact that on earth, a veritable kingdom of God established by true and challenging re-interpretation of i|the world is so constituted as topine tree for a girl. At the time <£ ed with a Nazi touch. ''•:'•. \ of their wedding they would cut £ wear Ever Utensils , „ , Sitex the God idea, linking it with the ! make for the realizations of those the tree clown to make a canopy I Coffee Makfii'p „ , , Pyr^x Cook^ This past week, Oreste Gregorio wrote in the Milan Popolo righteous men. best religious, philosophic ideals." What Dr. Kaplan dreads Why are our lawns and our gardens so beautiful? Because scientific.thought of our day. H e ! out of that wood, i ;% D'ltalia, Mussolini's.'own'newspaper, that Italian Jewry should most( namely that belief in God "While the daughter of the em- Malci'g Uniforms , , , Kitchen we bestow infinite care xvpon them, we cultivate them, assidousseeks to rediscover God, ti either publicly declare themselves enemieiof "international He^ ^ m bbecome e c o m e "purely e , s subjective, u b jective, a a peror was riding one day through ' < "Gadgets," God idea moving and coble jf , t o £ h i m a g t a a t i o l l . . i s a l . l i e C L7% brewism" or renounce their Italian citizenship'and residence. ly — above all, despite effort and weariness, we dig out the the reality. What he does, authori-l --• • -• * * " - e Etl"">Ora&hs Fixture snd Anyone'conversant with a "'dictatorship* like Italy's knows that weeds and remove the noxious growths; patiently, persistently, tative teachers of the synagogues I most an inescapable conclusion of i broke down and her attendants ; 5-v.pply Co,, his entire argument. "When God nothing-would appear in Mussolini's own newspaper on such ruthlessly. We should apply the same drastic action to human have done regularly. Only by b e c o m e s n o t h i _ cut down a young cedar tree to ' more than use in repairing it. The man who a subject without Ii Duce knowing, about it and therefore giv- life. "Remove evil from thy midst" says the Bible. No premium the re-interpretation of the old,, .,, d „ € V e a t l i 0 1 . g l l a n - e s a l t 6 d had JA 2724 planted the tree attacked be only by giving fresh and often ja n f l c h a U e n g i n g , 0 3 e . faith and ing at least tacit approval. States the article: "We do notshould be put upon evil by acquiescence, indulgence, still less radical servants End best them severely. meaning to the old, has jb e I J e f b e c o m e e s t r e m e i y tenuous. admit that our Hebrews can have the mentality of their co-re- by, non-resistance and positive encouragement. Evil should be Judaism been able to survive. ,T h e CtOsrnic defined as Power I ligionists who were and are the inspiration of the Spanish hor- frowned on and discouraged. Wrong however powerful should And Dr. Kaplan, in the hope of jD e U v > i g fQJ . t h ei n t e l i e c t-aal elite ,. K o o i n A r r B n r f ( , FK An Expert c.»n, n saving the God idea for the mass-I " be over-thrown and Eight enthroned. Wickedness of every specnd for t h earistocratlc off t h e rors, of the French disorientation, of the soviet inferno. The ( es of Jews, discards the old and | _ i d Hebrews of Italy face a dilemma which up to now they have ies and variety should be weakened and virtue strengthened. traditional and dead concepts and j mJ ei nwdg vT hmphUu mn bdIper aav ne r d Ba nn eda rpne et i . ignored — perhaps transported by a religious impulse or by a The might of right should rule and the right of might be over- finds new and relevant and chal- jt i o 9 > t o o > a n d c o m m u n l o n u-ith, lenging values. |a « . P r o c e s s " Q u u e unsatisfying. "FAKO:'S rcr. Ir -n- r r vision which did not cling to reality— a precise and inevitable ruled and destroyed. The cardinal characteristic otjxhe learned may find it unnecesMan seems not conscious of his power to transform the Use Easy Payraem t F&rn&m a t 22nd dilemma. I t is inconceivable that in synagogues and communthe God idea elaborated in this i y a n ^ futile. ities, meetings begin with expression of fidelity to Italy, the world; therefore hemeekly acquiesces, as though, helpless, in volume is its humanistic basis a s jg"a r The 1 author has disserted the king and II Duce r and, at the same time demonstrate sympath- all manner of evil and wrong; from, the little peccadillos of distinguished from the superna- ; -nature of the problem of God for ies, even though theoretical, with problems and actions hostile minor transgressions to the major vices, the great crimes of ttiral. In a very real sense, and !t h e m O dern Jew who, though reverently, Dr. Kaplan ere- ; spiritually starved, cannot follow murder, of injustice, of war. Let them bravely resist, hopeless most to Italy, to the king and to II Duce." . » ates a new Deity, a God who em- i t j i e traditional Jewish theology The Jewish'people. in Italy can b& 'good Jews and good as it may seem! He thus vindicates his moral nature. Let himbodies tbe noblest aspirations, the ; veftjch proved so consoling and Italians, without'any conflict. Italy is obviously leaning tow- help justice to be done, 'tho the heavens fall.' Though, if jus-best ethical and moral striving, ! strengthening to bis forefathers. the choicest spiritual visions of j j fear) however, that what Dr. ard her latest ally, Germany, since prior to the sudden brother- tice be done or furthered, the heavens will not fall but earth our day. This Deity is denomin- j Kaplan offers will neither sustain hood between Mussolini* and Hitler, Mussolini always took of- will rise to heaven, will become a very heaven! The brave words ated to seek and achieve nobler \t J i e body nor nourish the spirit. fense at Nazism being linked to his fascism and pointed,out of a La Guardia of a Cardinal Mundelein, of a Thomas Mann, of and more divine levels of con- j -\yhat man desperately needs to God becomes a functional | r e s * o r s jjj S "] o s t nerve" is a. faith that whereas Nazism assumed racial bias, his Italian fascism a Dorothy Thompson, of those who have raised their voices in duct. concept, as elaborated in certain, j jj, a Deity who is not irfliffereiit \ was free of any religious or racial prejudice: Behind this about protest against one of the most gigantic evils of our time, ofschools of contemporary philoso- j to and above the moral struggles face is the world drama being enacted with Europe as the stage. all time, will not have been in vain. Zola was but a seemingly phic thought, chiefly that of ! o f m e n a n ( j women, a Deity who | As Italy cooled toward Britain, she warmed toward Germany! weak individual, a novelist not regarded with particular favor, John Dewey. It is far removed j champions justice and be.ttles for from traditional Judaism and i j j o f truth and right. A When Italy expanded the sphere of her operations, she cast when 'France was one Alp of hate', in the celebrated Dreyfus from Christian theology. It is jtp r eo c 'ceassu s e no matter how becevollonging eyes toward the direction of Palestine. In Palestine the case; when a monstrous wrong was done a solitary individual veritably a new God, the product ie n t jts tendencies cannot answer Jews are placed in a position where they must co-operate with by a powerful military clique because he seemed an easy and of modern philosophic searching :t h i s immemorial and primal and speculation and designed to ' nesi*. Great Britain. The Italian Zionists, then, are not only co-opera- certain victim, being a Jew; but again the pen proved itself the spiritual needs of mod- | ^he crux of faith for the modting with a power which Italy distrusts and envies, but are co-'.mightier than the sword,' than all the swords of the entire meet erns, for whom the old theolo- je r n j e w i s God. This splendid operating in Palestine, a strategic country for which Italy French Army, and Dreyfus was.-vindicated, released; rehabili- gies, with the world outlooks iTOhinie clarifies the issue and ofseemingly plans to vie. This is another reason why agitation tated, restored to position and honor (and to wife and family upon which they are based are fers a host cf supremely worthdeveloped in Italy against Zionism as unpatriotic. . Then, with and loved ones). This incident of recent history is tremendous- obsolete and beyond resurrec- •rliile and illnminating suggestions. It is a nrig-ty and. stirnnexpert Nazi assistance, it was only a step toward extending that ly encouraging to. those who believe that right must triumph tion. The traditional Divine attri- lating contriSntion, Init only a at last; that wrong and evil however seemingly strongly en- btttes which intrigued and fascia- j beginning. anti-Zionist agitation to include all Jewish phases. ——7~. 7 ' , j Nevertheless,. II Duce is a consummate artist. He has in-trenched can not continue forever but must be finally thwarted ated medieval philosophers, Jew-I ish and noa-Jewisli, are absent.! 1 5 0 hliT'ElSSSSS AlTiESISa and destroyed. . directly threatened, yet has at'no time come out with any stateDivine Omnipotence, Omniscience | L,wow—The leading . fkraiRia-a There is no "ersatz" for justice. 'The mills of God grind and similar theological subtleties ] newspaper, Bilo, reports that 150 ment which can be. chai'ged against him-as anti-Semitic. In are ignored... God is approached | .Ukrainian youths were arrested other words, he still holds out" the idea that whatever anti-Jew- slowly, but they grind exceedingly small.' from a radically different and j for setting fire to a. number of The only solution for the ills of the world is the realization novel' category of values. God I Jevi=3i ar<3 Polish hovs^s in Rn.dish agitation has been forthcoming were rumblings which he could, halt. Thus, foreign correspondents in Paris are informed of its ideals. Even such an ideal as the League of Nations met becoines the Power that mal:es t zlrow. Hat headquarters h a s it . . . your in Italian diplomatic circles that the Italian Press Ministry with such blind bitter foolish opposition to-day, although it is individual style in S t r a w Hats . . . might take measures to curb anti-Jewish agitation. But,, such more than a mere 'ideal' even now, a practically-working new and a price range to make it every masquerading is flimsy — we know and the world knows that political instrument, that is already functioning, despite its igman's Straw Hat Store. Mussolini is behind the uncertainity,' playing both ends against norant critics, in numerous most valuable international ways, the middle and waiting till later to determine which course-he — it is being recognized by the most advanced economic and scientific thought (you have only to listen in to almost any one might use most advantageously. Yacht Straws Soft Straws "rtat fpr fri "."•cfe Ft-"of the'weekly University of Chicago Round Table discussions For Business or For Sport or COLA D r y I c e " . . '••'•'•.'••'..,7' ;'' - ;'- ' - : ' , . \ ' ' : . over the radio to be convinced) — must be taken more seriously Dress Wear Utility Wear Ice-cream lovers can now visit Palestine this summer with- than it,is today and invested with that full power that will Jest Me Kelt? out foregoing their favorite dish. All because Palestine's rap- make it, indeed, the force and influence in the world for peace ' res tleti idlyigrowing industrial development now. includes a .factory for and every kind of secvirity?=±&stiils'founders and promoters deFeaturing Knox OvaliMc! • to - Fit „ i manufacturing "dry ice" near Tel Aviv. ' , signed it to be. Stetson, BlaJJorr I 1/Ice cream is one of*the. most important products in that Some day. human nature will match physical, nature in its i •' oshsir fine section during the summer, but how to keep ice cream cold in beauty, intelligent working, and universal beneficence. Some the warm climate of the Holy Land has always been a vexing day life will be as beautiful as the world in June, when every problem. In addition to the danger of melting under previous breath is a blessing, when the whole earth will be radiant and methods of refrigeration, the salt used in freezing sometimes fragrant with the flowers of human perfection, with the roses became inadvertently mixed with the cream - - and that in no of righteousness, the lilies of love. - tO •way helped the taste. The "dry ice" now being manufactured —Frederick Colm TIs rsrttet {.f'xer COTIKT is solid carbonic acid gas, with a temperature of 79 degrees centigrade, Don't become so intelligent that yon feel like solving all ;<2 1610 KO. 2CTH ST. But, the important thing to notice is the expansion of Pal- the problems of the ,world. ;




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Your New Straw








the latter came and bed the emperor, sayrag tho Ins had rebelled against him. immediately dispatched a army, and the army de- I d the city. "^


OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY Mr. and. Mrs*. Samuel Berfcowitz will hold an open house Sunday, June 6, from 4 to 7 o'clock in honor of their silver wedding] f anniversary. No invitations have j s been issued. i


TUCHMAX-KAPLAN' Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kaplan announce the engagement of their daughter, Clara, to Mr. v Harold ! Tuchman, son of Mr. and Mrs.! Michael Tuchman. No definite j date for the "wedding has >been announced.

As' (WNS)—"I have my [est partisans in the people am loved' more than German ^rchs were," Hitler modestly [red in an interview with Bonnard, member of tho Sh Academy, according to a ,'t in the newspaper Journol. Le newspaper quoted Hitler [ying "it is thought abroad [Germany lives under a dieship. But a regime like ours ot be maintained by reInt. People are for me be!? they know I . really busy |lf regarding their netfds and iems and because their souls est me.''


jseks Emigration Outlets l

rsaw-—In an official comation entitled "Palestine Madagascar," the '| Polish rnment states that further .will be taken to discover emigration possibilities for erfluous Jews."




muel Phillips was assistant ;on of the United Sta~.es navy 1S09 to 1824. :


isit Our Kitchenware Display


ear Ever Utensils . , . Silex ffee Makers . . . Pyrex Cook3 Ware , .. . Toastmastqrs . . aid's Uniforms . . . Kitchen gadgets." ' -

Dinah a F i x t u r e a n d Supply C o . [[•

FROM POLAND Miss Ethel Goldstein, formerlyjI r of Sokolow, Poland, is now xnak- j ing her home with- her brother! and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. j f i Max Goldstein, of 329 N. 35th j-s 1 avenue. Friends are invited to visit Miss Goldstein.

VISITING IN EAST Mrs. George Bernstein and children are visiting relatives in j Springfield, Massachusetts, and Hartford, Connecticut!.

TO BE GUEST SPEAKER i Dr. J. M. Erman will leave , Sunday for Salina, Kansas, where | he will be the guest speaker at jthe Kansas State Encampment of i the Veterans of Foreign Wars • Banquet on Monday.

j Sigma Alpha Mu

I Sigma Omicron chapter of SigKAIMAN-MOSKOVITZ | ma Alpha Mu will honor its Mr. and Mrs. Louis Moskovitz Mr. and Mrs., Ike Klein anannounce the approaching marri- nounce the engagement of their graduating seniors at a smoker j age of their daughter, Jeanette daughter, Regina Klein, to Mr. at the chapter house tonight. The i smoker will wind up a year of | Kuth, to Mr. Bernard Kaiman of James Lemson, formerly of Corning, Iowa, on Sunday aftei-- Council Bluffs, la., now of Mil- outstanding activity for Sigma At o -;ir Alpha Mu. The graduating seninoon, June 5 at 2 o'clock. The waukee, Wis., son of Mr. an d ors are: ' June 1, the r.ev- i Tflcc-p ci ceremony -will take place at the Des Mrs. David Lemson of Levin, Rosalie, from 'Ladies' Aui.".^:-;.- cf i):e V Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel Syna- Moines, la. The wedding will be theArnold Arts and Science college. Lej v:ere instt'.'cd ^ ^ gogue, 19th and Burt streets. | a a e v e n t . o £ early autunm. vin numbered among his many '. A. KopFtrir.. Z1'.:^. Ks er A recepUon will be held at the j .. . . •activities, secretary of Innocents , berg, r.cc.-nT-"~:ci ry Moskovitz home, from 3 to 6, a t ' society, editor of Daily NebrasTWENTY-FIFTH AVEDDING ! euce Sicintrr^. p" kan, president of Student Coun3230 Myrtle Avenue. AXNIVERSAR1TjfOiO. cil, Junior-Senior Prom commitr.rr. , r .VP^ l . Mr. and Mrs. 51. Segal cele- tee, Rally committee, Awgrran | Members r : t! - i GOIiDBKRG-FISH -resentci E "r^-'r The marriage of Miss Goldye brated their .twenty-fifth wedding advisory board, Sigma Delta Chi, j Fish, daughter of Mr. Sam Fish, j anniversary Sunday, May 30, at Pi "Epsilon Pi, Phi Beta Kappa, i t-go:r.^ prer:--.c-t. to Harry Goldberg of Omaha, son a dinner given for seventy friends and candidate for Rhodes schol- ^r of Mr. Namen Goldberg of Brook- and relatives. The dinner was arship. Xew rfilcers ir-e'v.-^c: .,, V fLl lyn, N. Y., was solemnized at a held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. • Ervine Green, Norfolk, and Pictured atove is Mrs. Joseph D. La^isan, v!io before i . Eprt?»", " ? "^^ - " c r; ceremony at the home of the Sam Epstein, brother and sister- Harry Weinstein, New York, from her marriage on May 2 3 , was Miss Shirley Fiedler, daughter j Lippet. T , : ; 7 r c >."l,t groom's uncle and aunt, Mr. and in-law of Mrs. Segal. of Mr. and Mrs. I. Fiedler. Mr. and Mrs. Lag-man are at pres-iry Fir.se", recorJlr.p the Arts and Science college. at Jamaica. iMrs. K. Cro;:r-Er. Henry H. Swartz and David ent honeymooning Mrs. A. Richards, on Sunday, m Croiir.??. rr.d Mrs. May 30 Godware, both of Omaha, from Among those who entertained | .Jlens Vaad, which will | xirer. The ceremony was performed SURPRISE PARTT the College of Busines Adminis- for Mrs. Lagman were: Mrs. A. the be held June ICth will be cisby Rabbi3 M. Grodinsky and Mil- - Mr. and Mrs. I. Berkowitz tration. Swartz served as prior Riklin, Mrs. P. Silverrnan, Mrs. ton A. Kopstein in the presence were honored on their thirtieth of Sigma Omicorn in 1936, and j s. Zager, Mrs. Carl Laginac, Mrs. cussed. wedding anniversary by a sur- Goldware was a member of the Election of officers for the century ecc—rrL\-;. WSS secrp.F-yof members of the family. L. Riklin, Mrs. I. Fiedler, Mrs. M. comingyears will be held at this ' <r ertera i s ; -• The bride was gowned in pinkj prise party. The twenty-five varsity baseball team. Raben,' Miss Pauline Margolin, chiffon with matching turban and | guests who attended presented Paul Marx, Lincoln, from the i airs. D. Bernstein, Miss G r a c e ! meeting, and all rneisbers are :. Agricviture, sandals. A shoulder length veil j the couple with a silver relish Nebraska Medical School. Mars j Resnick, Mrs. E. Ross, jjj^g ! urged to attend. Members of the group were ; fell from the turban .She carried a dish. will interne at the Jewish hopital ! pearl Bernstein, Miss Lottie Rips, guests of the Young liens Vaad j Colonial bouquet of white roses j Out-of-town - guests included in St. Louis, Mo. Miss Mildred " Saferstein, Mrs. at a social meeting held last Tues- I Morris Lipp, North Platte, was Fieldler, and.Mrs. K. Bordy. and sweet peas. witz and son of Grand Island. day evening. j reappoint'ed news editor of the A supper followed the N cereDaily Nebraskan for the first Immediately afterwards mony. Patronize Our JR. VAAD AUXILIARY semester of the next school year the couple left for a short honey- RETURN FROM FLORIDA Mrs. Peter Greenberg and son, because of his exceptional work moon trip to Chicago. . • I ' Mr. Namen Goldberg, father of Stephen, have returned -with Mrs.! this past semester and was electThe final meeting of the seaj Greenberg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ed; secretary of Sigma Delta Chi, the groom, arrived from BrookRcr^ovecf try son of the Junior Vaad Auxiliary Sam Platt, from a. three months honorary journalism fraternity. lyn to attend the ceremony. Multiple Electro stay at Miami Beach, Fla. The following awards will be will be held Monday evening, A!! Work Guaranteed CONSULTATION FREE June 7, at S p. m. at the B'nai X.EAVB FOR HOME made at the smoker:: and Confident E ! Mrs.. Harris Slrinsky oE Chi- VISITING IN KANSAS CITT Scholarship Cup, Maurice Ta- Israel synagogue, ISth and ChiFSIEDA Efl&DI cago streets. cago, formerly Shirley Ruback of Mrs. Sam ^Susman and daugh- telman, Omaha; Freshman Schol52B Wor!d-Keratd BIS :. At o";: Final plans for a joint outing Omaha, and -her son, LawTence ter, Alice, are visiting in Kansas arship Cup, William Q. Zidell, Allen .are leaving Sunday for City, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Beatrice; TJpperclassman Activi- of the Junior Vaad Auxiliary and v '...:'" i their home after a month's visit J. P. Batt. ties Cup, Morris Lipp, North at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Platte; Freshman Activities Cup, Saylan, brother-in-law and sister TO VISIT PARENTS Irvin Yaffe, Omaha; House Sforc KoKrs Of Mrs. Sirinsky. During her Mrs. Melvin vKatleman of Los Horseshoe Cup, Lloyd Kronick, 9 A. M. f o stay Mrs. Sirinsky was extensive- Angeles, California, arrived here Sioux City, la.; House Ping-Pong ' 5 P. M. ly entertained. Brvine Green, Norfolk; last week for a visit at the home Cup, of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. House Handball Cup, Dave GoldMOTOR TO CTLIFORNLi ware, Omaha. Janoff. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Grey are taking a three weeks motor trip to California whera they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brooketein. Mrs. Brookstein Is the former Dorothy Kaplan of Omaha and is a sister of Mrs. Grey. •

lltH, & JA 2724

a Room Arrangement



i—Farnam at 22nd

POSTPONE BENEFIT LUNCHEON The 1 o'clock desert-luncheon to be given by Mrs. L. Morgan and Mrs. William Kuklin for the benefit of the "Women's Mizrachi has. been postponed ana will be held June 15.

• •

•Prom CaHfornia's i k e Pacific to f he Banks of the Missouri Censes a

AT JOSLYN The following activities will be presented at the Joslyn Memorial on Sunday, June 6. 4:00 — Concert Hall Cretonian Men's Glee "Club Concert. 4:30 — Lecture Hall Musical program sponsored by the Omaha Music Teachers Association. '

3 it . . . your paw Hats . . . pake it every



JA 2703

Soft Straws For Sport or Utility Wear

c£y Don «nd veih hi iho spHf.'cf this. sswBR»ntd season w'ih tha for dainlinoss cf heo for irim. T«fe» ca gkraear this Sus th ycu ksep cooJ la fhls weil-fJHing fob Pea, 14 fo 42.

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Miss Kcgina Klein

illicotbe, O.—rBen M. Segal rving his second coimecutive as president of the Yonng s Christian Association of icothe. i \ : ; is one of the few Jewish, dents of_a Y. M. C. A.


Mrs. J. E. Cohen was elected , new president cf the Oraafca sec- : I ~ iioa cf the National Ccr.ncil or; Jewish TTomen at a special meet- ' ing held Tuesday at the Jewish 1 Community Center. Mrs. Cohen '. succeeds Mrs. Manuel Grocinslcr, who has held the office for the past two years. She has been one ; of the most active members of i the Council, having served as s j representative en the Inter-Club | ' ' ~Council and on various commit-1 A 1 o'cloi' the last n-e - - r tecs. the Omaha ^ r r r < Other officers elected inch?tie: on Y\'ecLnes r ' , ." ~ ' ! the three vice presidents, Mrs.' Jewish Co — i - * I Sam TTolf, Mrs. Morris Katle- interesting - c ~? ! man,'End Mrs, Ben Shapiro; re-; report on ti c M \ V j corfiing secretary, Sirs. Sain Gil- • Sor.Ierence v i- • i-sky; corresponding secretary, An elcctior L ' c T '-.ITS. Philip Klutsnick; treasurer, i-ti JVC T11 ; l C c . , Mrs. Louis Lipp. and auditor, • , I.Irs. W. A. Rosenberg. m e e t in c a t " T r r ^( • Directors for on© rear are: <cede t h e l u r - v "%^" i Mrs. A. D. Frank and Mrs. Dav, id R. Cohen. Those for two years ' r.re Mrs. A. 11. Eroclkcy cr.cl r:-s. Jules N. Nrw—rr.. j The Cru-cll c^'Ki a rrccr.--fnl sesrm of rct''""ti"? Ft F r-~r;T : ir.% last verk. ? r - : : c TT"P «•"-*•-Trv.-E-c.r r rn " " J u r e Zi ri I I rcer months Xrs. Ccher. t.r.t hrr | committees w:".! r . r r or.t ? rro! pram fcr the Cc".~"'.\ ;-err. •o-1-,r"r • begins cf:er \.;:e r.uti:— r. ll.zr.

VACATIONING Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zager are vacationing for ten days in the' Ozark Mountains.

AMiEBTS-BEREN The marriage of Miss Pearl j Beren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j Louis Beren b t Cincinnati, Ohio, j to Dr. Eidward Alberts, son of', Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Alberts of > Omaha, took place at the home of | the bride's parents on Tuesday j morning, June 1, at 11:30 -a. m. The ceremony, -which was witnessed by'relatives and a few intimate friends, was followed by a wedding breakfast. Immediately afterwards the roung couple left for their honeymoon in Chicago. TTpon returning to Cincinnati Dr. Alberts and ] his bride will make their home at the Fenway, Hall apartments.



Council of Jewish Women



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EAGLSS O1XK icnr—This is O T n' fhr ^npr- hui, prpthat Sank the Court cf the Presiac^T^ Ft t>r C-ppt i^iirp p tioa at Cleveland. Tlia great s":&tuss loo^ otu cez l^ke Trie and Teorntcncttcs 23sttr Ccnpioa tntl ra:J-, L.i:U:o.->c E,- C crjeing- ihe view from their precarious perch atop &c supporting pillar. The exposition, already attsneiedfcvthousands, vrili continue through Sept. £. XJiil^ue £,rcliii.oclurc is rr. c:.~.;<~"Al\~)~-_ irf'.urc.



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EOYAL FA3VHLY IN HEGAL B03ES—Because, the "occasion is rare when state cro'sms and rcyal r'cljss are trom, here is a picture cf Great Britain's royarfamily that,"ordinarily., could he taken only once, in a generation. That ceskcica in this instance -eras alter the crowning of King" George'and Queen "Elisabeth. The members of the House of Windsor-shown hcre'are, izlt to richt: Ih* Frincss Ro:-c.:, Mary, wife of-the'Earrof Harewood; the Duchess of-Gloucester: the Duke of Gloucester; Qusen Ilother Hary: Sirs Gsorge IT:,- Queen Elizabeth; the D\ike of KentV;the.Duchess-of-.Kent,and-the Queen of Norway, thelonr.sr Prirlcccs l£aud, third da'-shtsr of the late King Edward VH.,In front are the' Princesses Margaret Rose, left. t.nd Elizabeth. The Duke- of TiTindsor wes cbaert.


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NEW YORK-MOUNT1E—New-York City's mounted policemen are fast gaining a reputation as riders of note, and the blue-coated department planned to put some of the riders in the police pageant scheduled for June 2-4, at Madison Square Garden. This mountie is Patrolman Walter MacKenzie of Squadron-1, getting some practice on the Central Park bridle path.


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BONNIE IJASSIE—Sir Harry Lauder, famed Scotch comedian, said he had always wanted to meet Shirley Temple, screen starlet. Visiting Hollywood recently, he did meet her: Here they are together. "She's a braw, bonnie lassie," said Sir Han-yl "When I listened to Shirley MacTemple—I mean Temple—sing 'Auld Lang syne,' I'd 'a' been willin' to make a picture wi' her for naethingi That's how much I think o* her!" '"""'










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GLACIEIIS—^Rev. Bernard Hubbard, famed "glacier priest," who spends his summers making scientific investigations of the higher ice regions "of Alaska. Ee expects to -take off soon- from Seattle, Wash., -for Ws" usual trip to "the Taku River area. Among other interesting incidents last summer, he discovered fossilized tracks of a huge bear.

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HIGH STEPTE3S—This interesting plctura E^OTS a r:clion of t Kind's" Guard in a E!OV? csremoniar inarch cr. tia Ilorrs Guir , parade grounds In London. Note how they raid tlicir Imcss, cL ' to ,a mcclianicEl'nction. This ceremony is a survival ol an ascic ton3 when the'guard t a s mounted on t t : pariia ~rcur,i fci 'instead of at the Foot "Guard barracks.

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ELEPHANT TRAINEE—Elephants have been the household pets of Teddy Metcalfe, 12, ever sincehe was born, for his father and mother both are animal trainers in/Los Angeles. Here, standins on the • recumbent Anna, he puts the elephant through her paces, while--his classmates of the Norfolk school look on in amazement and, apparently, with some fear.


: SOS'S OF CAGLT&i-LirXE_\7hsn' Alice 2£i»rb!c, American iesrdl chzznplvminaama match r.ith Miss Maynard, at tfc.3 pvm reiutned a ball a in y h i h i iin Surbiton, -England, l d a carnoraiaaa ht , Surrey xhaapionship tils nonchalant pose 'of her. *"'

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Stcdiura, Jons P. Front rcV: Csstelli, KardeccWa. XV rfanelii, Bonstl., Facchlr.i, Corio^e-a t.nci Chmzzh Ivsar: "Slsz, 2cr2cuonc3 Psolctti, Bonaiio sad K,:'r<&IdJu



THE .JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 4. 1G37 i were itz most 5r e-p- -~ <—" r tho expenditure of Rockefeller ' cf younf iron I h f c f « i c < r - ' <" funds. As assistant decretary from ^ < V j v r e r e . j^v.C my r "> f- r r 1911.to 1913, secretary from 1913 1 t'£ their fv.E.rcia f ) to' 1925 and director from 1925 By BAY CCHAPZIO or irrT"*" occasion*1 f > - PI to 1928, Abraham Flexner was 1 te-cPde f c them r • * "" 'r -r responsible for the distribution of J • By Kerry would gire them "fi"* 1 fT<" more than $50,000,000 of RockeThe J.' C. C. Junior Softball feller money to educational Insti- league has its big moment on every other way e i c i " rr t As Told to lleyer F. Steiaglass tutions throughout the world. His Sunday, .when two undefeated j members of the fr— ' * c- ' ri unparalleled knowledge and im- teams, Giants and Cards, lock | turn came to loci i -"**• * e- c i f The denth' of John Davidson ed as High Commissioner for Pal- agination was credited, with the horns In a-battle for leadership. • Harry Richman Is the highest* I would always make it Quite clear their godmother, r r Kbckcfeller has thrown the estine he paid public tribute to Wise expenditure of .this, vast sum. paid .cafe ,,entertainer jn the | that I would not consider -marry- her memory is r r ' r e 1Two other teams, Yanks and spotlight on,the Rockefeller art the Rockefellers for'this aid, and As director of studies and mediworld,. For two decades, he fa'as : ing any but a Jewish girl. j of the outstandif • f of dispensing philanthropy. Mr. John B. Rockefeller, Jr., express- cal education, and, since his resig- Tigers, will be battling • to stay been an ojitstansilag celebrity i Well, this little girl who filled i this country. Tt ^ * out of the cellar. The program Jonas here presents an inter- ed the hope that ultimately.: the nation; as a trustee of the board, of stage, screes sad radio, and : my eyes with visions of a happy j Professor Jacob T " A G V esting article on how much of work of completely freeing • Pal- he has had a vital part in the is at Central high school and only reeeiitly created a sensa- ! future knew very well where I a handsome fellcv r-n t - 1 starts at 1 p. m. 1 the six hnndred million' donat- estine of malaria would be com- activities of this 'world-famous tion during the comonatlon fesO " Last week's games found the tivities in • Loadoa. .We present ! stood on this subject, but before ant student. Toe" i« ed by Rockefellers to various pleted. It; is also an-open secret, institution. I1 could stop to figure things out I eor of History at Giants edging the Yanks, 1 to 4, charitable, cultural and scienti- that the first medical unit sent here 'Mr." Rlchman's _ own 'story i we were all set to plunge into j College. When I 3 His brother Simon, an internafic causes went to causes of to Palestine by Hadasaah during tionally known scientist, t o o k with Mike Landman coming to of his early youth .and Jewish [matrimony. I was only eighteen.! of my mother's "c Jewish Import. Although Mr. the world war had received a sub- charge of the laboratories of the the rescue of Ed Gerber in the background'— a ' picturesque then. Yv'itbout writing- my moth-j just, cme of the b e Jonas' calculations are' com- stantial contribution " from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical third Inning to save the trftirapn and touching story of the be- er or letting y~ sister Clara or the beys would ho plete, they do not Include the Rockefellers .through a Jewish Research from the day it was es- for "the Giants. A'rnie Duncan and ginning of a great theatrical. brother Louis know scything fashioned college p^ many millions that were ladi-. philanthropist acting as their in- tablished, in 1903, as the first of Don Zernovsky • looked like big career. ' - —The Editor • about, it we go . married. There I would be invitei 1 o •? the rectly of great., benefit • to the termediary. % ec was no Question in ray mind that ! of the gang. VCe c r n • " •"' - - - the gr e a t Rockefeller endow- leaguers • performing for Jewish population in " various When I was flying across the she was Jewish.. Five months lat- j the place. You know how college j The .largest gift of the. Rock- ments. I t was Flexner w h o Yanks. OL success on t lands. EDITOR fellers to . a specially JewiBh- un- brought to the Institute some of :.•• W i t h - Melvine Levin pasting Atlantic with Dick Merrill- a few er I found cut that she was not 1 j bo3'S Ere. Then we would all nud j out five home run3 in five trips months 'ago all "sorts of things Jewish. We separated, and the j the ice box and mete a thorough i cruse I made e. round •trip rn the best men in medical research. C'URf itdertaKing was the $500,000' to Europe- -••• It is difficult to believe but which John D. Jr., contributed to- Under his leadership It developed to the • platter. Cards : had little flashed across my mind. Hun- marrtage TES Rnnull Vst' I have j jot o" clcf.nir.g- up eTH'tMnj' ic the tilings I lir I li.rvr none-, the Ies3 true that — apart ward the ten . million dollars from a handful of workers in a difficulty punishing Tigers, 23 to dreds of miles in the air, sur- never married &gain. I sight. But they were Mrs, 'Rich-j forsrottpf. rr.y < Tpwisb f 7. After the game Card players ; rounded by sky and ocean a great • It was this incident, as it un- | man's boys, so it WB.E ell rijrht. i from such princely-givers as the raised for the American Society converted dwelling house into Kothchilda, the Strauses, the de for Jewish Farm Settlements in laboratories whence come discov- were patting Melvine on the back many events came back to me. l a furled before me in that plans I There was one boy who caused i Hirsches, the Kadoories, the Russia. It was toward tWs fund eries of" far-reaching importance and asking: "Who's this, guy a way I' seemed to unfold on the over the .Atlantic, that mede me j my mother'prove concern. He was ' pntl HU curtain of clouds into which we understand how deeply I hag j RE exceptional fellow, p.v.6 lie had ' Schif fs the Warburgs and. the Ro- that' the late Julius Rosenwald to all ' mankind. When he re- Hank Greenberg, anyway?.". . ' " V 3"iOr were riding. It was a very been immersed in Jewish things J s, greet reputation RR a football. eenwalds — perhaps the largest gave ?5,000,000, the high-water signed-,in 1935, he had completcontributor' to Jewish philanthro- mark of .... Jewish philanthropy. ed; more than thirty years of serWithout the use of rolling pins strange experience -— as if some- in my youth. i player. Some time after he came body were running my' life story pies in this country and abroad o the house fee contracted eieep-• Apart from this half million dol- vice,- during which he had been wives battered their. husbands off on a screen. From the very first time that and', to Palestine • are those emiin charge of a vast scientific pro- something. fierce in a "friendly" sickness. Mr mother c.ici | espressed wonderment at my molars the. Rockefellers also connent Baptists, the Rockefellers. gram that Involved the expendi- game of volleyball at the Center . There-was-no plan, no secuence | t c e r throwing a kerchief ever her \ erything -possible for him. She • The sum total of'more than ?600- tributed $15.0,000 to the Joint ture of $60,000,000. last Wednesday. . . . and often the same experience and covering her face with ! nursed him as she would hei I'aironixe Ouv 000/000 dwarfs-what, has been Distribution Committee in two You. may have your own ideas would keep-bobbing up in my jh e r h a n d s £ g s b e blessed the Sab- i children. She spent mf.r.y hours? separate donations for the relief It was such huge benefactions given by any other philanthropist as to who is the boss of the house mind, like the repetition caused {bath candles, He snv-i da y'j and flays Et his bedside. in the last two generations. How of needy Jews in Poland and oth- for science, education and human but we found out last Wednesday preyed coTisifierE,b!y but never • by a scratch in a phonograph rec-j^jj j ' K cesii! er parts of Eastern Europe. welfare the world over, without e 2 1 E t o o d a t t b e A r e n O much of this vast sum went to f ord. Suddenly I'd find myself I n ;a n d d e ij T e r ed by Ear Mitzvah | (juste- recovered. T>ly siPtpr CIFTF ' At h o m e the Rockefelers regard to race or creed, t h a t which is the weaker sex. Jewish causes, and. Palestine is a synagogue on the lap of my fa-'l TOW made it possible for the world to was esposefi to a thor- i saw him a few resrg ago, but I ; : difficult to determine with any contributed smaller but equally em sorry to ssy he's ptui Buffer-' Business, girls' gym class will ther and I would the c'aa- 0 U gj, Orthodox training, degree of exactitude, for many of significant sums to Jewish causes. forget, and to some extent to forphor on the talis of the man man next idbl IIt t went t considerably beyor.fi j ing from the effects of itmfc i\\- \ the Rockefellers' ;'• contributions, •When the 9 2nd Street Young give, • the. methods ; employed by have a gala celebration on June to him, or I'd be running iny fin7i celebrating the • close of thethe Rockefellers in acquiring contwo-sets-of-fiisb.es kind, of' ness. to things Jewish were made on Men's Hebrew Association was gers over the gold embroidery' on j jewishness. Of course, my father | My mother would always gey: •• condition that, the source remain building its new hoine In New trol of .the vast fortune that made regular season. . The gals will the talis sack. And the next min- j stage a big kid's party, coming J i a d n o g r e E t jn U B { O n s about me. j "Somebody must take cp.re oC • undisclosed, -A rough •estimate, York in 1929, the Rockefellers posible such largesse. ute ' I'd be raiding the ice-box j j j e d j d n o t p i a l to prepare me for j these boys when they're avrey , garbed in various sorts of younghowever, reveala that .about $4,- contributed f50,000. To the New v ster attire. (We always thought years later together with Abba jt h e - ra bbinate. But he did make I from hotne." And when she voulcl 000,000 of Rockefeller money has. York and Brooklyn." Federations this was the case, anyway). Hillel" Silver Or Jacob-Rader M a r - j 6 T e r T effort to give all oi ue, .my I come COVE in the morning- f,nd ;/:;ii found its way into various Jewish of'Jewish Charities they have givAt; any rate, clothes worn by cus or any of the other rabbinical jE j s ter Clara £Ed ray brother Louis | find the place looking- as if f.E : g en close to $100,000 on various movements and to Palestine. Leading the field in the annual youngsters less than 1 year old students who-used to stay'at my ja -well-rounded background- in i earthquake had hit it she would;!] occasions. The family of the oil BOCKEFEUiER GIFTS OF king was, and is, a supporter' of University of Nebraska military will be barred and just use your mother's' house in • Cincinnati. ! Jewish life End Jewish tradition. | say: "What c&n you 6c? "h€y "?! ji JEWISH SIGNIFICANCE But whatever -the scene, my j j e Sid -insist that we sit down to j such Eice boys. We were young ; f the National Conference of Jews competition held last Thursday, imagination to find out what we Palestine Museum of •'," Jewish past seemed to appear and t h e dinner tsble with our heads' too. once." Gutter and Christians, having given Zeta Beta Tau found many of its j Antiquities . . . . . ." ?2,000,000 something like. $10,000 toward members' garnering- high.' honors.' mean. reappear again and again. I My mother's death twelve years . H < The girls' gym class Just closed KUlk : corerefi, and 1 can still Ti-ricIIy- re- | a?; Harlan'Milder, a first sergeant, s American Society for . • this movement. One of the most couldn't help recalling my feel- member the striking figure of my j ago was not only a. severe blow to ; I ( hasbeen; one of the largest and Jewish Farm Settlesignificant philanthropic gifts of won first place in the- individual finest in the history of- the Cen- ings when I found out that I had ; f a ther -^th his. rich brown, beard; ray family, but it was E. great loss ip ments in Soviet Rusthe Rockefellers benefiting Jews competition after outlasting some unknowingly -married- a- -Gentile, j£ n ( j s j ] k sfeulj CEP s.t the head of] to the rabbis who had lived. Rtjp etst! i sia . . , . . : . . . . . . . . . 500,000 was the work of the Rockefeller one hundred and' fifty-others who ter.- : • . . . - • Perhaps I ought to tell you about jt i e f a m n y board. As for my mo- our house. Two' of the boys I p /.sfc Combating Malaria Foundation In succoring m a n y of had been selected" as the outthis incident. It should give you j t h e r i ^©"was £ fievout Trotn&n cf j came to the fuiserol to OZZMPXS11Ft i f in Palestine J . . . . : ' . . 250,000 the exiled and penniless German- standing drillers in their Tespec- Summer time is swimming time some idea on where I stand on rare understanding and. devotion. | • services, -They were RPW ^ | and the J. C. C. pool is preparing : German-Jewish refu-V " rtirner Bloom and Ferdinand j Jewlsb. scholars. The F«undation*s- tlve companies. This -list also In- to handle large throngs of splash- Jewish things. She was not only sincerely religgee scholars '.".' .. 532,1811 193 6 report shows that since 195 3 cluded Ernest "Wintroub, who I went on the stage when I was ions, but she was greatly interesters Peeking to escape the torrid Relief of Jews in it..granted $532^181 in behalf of won eighth place, and Jerome no more than sixteen years old. I ed in rs.s.ny charits-fcle undertEkPatrorilze Ci ' ••' >"' ^" "L ' Eastern • Europe .-.."..', 150,00 151. German-Jewish refugee' scien- Milder, ' Stanley Slosburg and rays of- the sun. The pool has would never have dared to take ings. There is one thing I been renovated and is ready for New Yort .and Brook- -. tists, educators, economists and Harold Perelman. the season. In compliance with up this profession during the l i f e - | T e r y tappy about today — that I lyn Jewish' Feder-;. professors. This money ;was used Winning second • place in the National Swim for Health Week, time of my father. He ^ always | a m f i n a n c i a i i y £ bls to support the | : rations .'. . ; v . . . ; . \ - - . ;IQO.OOO to pay salaries for these savants, company drill Lawrence Green, wanted me to be an elec ectrical en- institutions and organisations in i 9 2nd Street,Y- M.-,H. •:•-."--•'..• to' furnish them with • research Captain of Company " H , " was June 21-2S, the J. C. C. will gineer, and my mother cad hopes CincinEEti for wfeich my mother 1 atage several interesting events. .r 'New York . . . . . . . 50,000 work;arid to re-establish them in awarded a decoration - for his of ray becoming a Heifetz or at worked so diligently for many-1 .« Schraff/t C U u ' ' National Conference laboratories arid universities in achievement. least a Rachmaninoff. But when years. In addition to j Junior swimmers will have of Jews and • ' many parts of t h e world. Captain Green, other Zeta Beta their fill of competitive splash- my father died I decided to leave • In fact, it may not. be far wrong- j Christians . . . . . *'.';v 10,000 Taus, acting as noncommissioned ing through the summer, Dan home and join' the army' of young to ssy that she actcally had an in- j SIS So. I C r. £ • ** But this was .not: the .only int Anonymous gifts to" dication that • the Rockefellers, officers" o f - t h e , company;; con- Greenfield having., arranged a troupers, who were tb.es begia- stitutioa. of ;her owa.- She trae re- j -Jewish causes . .. .were.; out- to . sympath}v.with • H$t- ributed-vio\-^its: success.' - Amoag Junior Topnotch Swim Times aisg tlrEir-'effresrS" OE -the EtEgs. spoasible for tasking: car house j lerlsm. . 'When the Rockefellers' hese were Harlan ^Milder, first chart, which provides for various My mother was 'considerably cis- the dormitory .fratercity 'house j *^«Wv;sw«"™ raayed at this step. ' To her, as to and study hail for many of the J public relations counsel, the late iergeant, arid platoon sergeants, races for the youngsters. . "'.;-.. - $4,092,181 •any good. Jewish mother, it was students cf the Hebrew Union erome Milder and Howard 'KapTo < the Rockefellers' Palestine lyy Lee, was exposed as a paid shameful thing for a sea of re- College.- It was n the tJays whes is indebted for its splendid Mu-i publicity, agent for Nazi .business, spectable •parents to enter into the rabbinical college hac no dorAlong 'schola;strc" lines, Alfred it was the Rockefeller who.forced JmSaica. p eeum 'ot Antiquities,.which was the doubtful atmosphere of theaThe Boston public library has trical life." Although I reproach- mitory. To meet the problem of] presented to the : Palestine ' gov-; him to dlBSpciate himself from Shamberg, freshman."in. the Neeminent in 1928. . T h i s 12,000- the Hitler'" regime..'.-. About the braska .Medical School! 'was . ex- issued a Supplement to the biblio- ed myself-for causing her this un- housing- the students, most of | 000 structure, a eauat edifice same time the Rockefellers broke mpted from all final" examlna- graphy of "Judaica," cociElled by necessary pain the urge of the whom - were cut-of-tovrcsrE, the with a tower which stands on an off negotiations with a German lons as recognition for his out- Fanny Goldstein, librarian of the footlights was too grest to resist heads of the college called upon the most reputable families to I eminence in the Northeast corner syndicate for the leasing of a'new tanding "wdfk~during"""the' year. "West End Library of Boston. and I left, but not without taking take • in as rasr,y of the students foreign building unit^ in' Shamberg ranks-fifth In his class of Jerusalem, opposite the old "Judaica*"' filled a long-felt my prayer shawl .with me. That walls and not':•' far from Herod's feller Center because of the pol- and was recently cited at the Uni- need by systematically listing I considered- a sacred tie with ray as they could ectiomodate. W.j icies of the Hitler' regime. And versity Honors Convocation. Gate, -was completed- in -1935.:; I t books of' Jewish Interest and people,. aad to • this fiay I have mother had a very big house. End six or- seven students quartered novr belongs'to. the Palestine De- only last November the Rockefelbooks by Jewish authors. Copies kept-, and. cberisled it ES a at cur ho=e til tbp t:n?c. They! ler Foundation, in announcing a partment of-Antiquities -and Is are avilable on request to the bol of my -Jewishness. , Know Omaha Week one of the finest buildings in the grant of $655,000 to the Kaiser Boston Public Library. . Tramping the byways of the "Kear East. .Apart fromthls mun.- Wilhelin Institute of Berlin, emtheatre- in those early days was ificent gift, the Rockefellers also phasized that had present condi- . Know Omaha Week, featuring no triumphal 'march of glory. A played an Important part' In rid- tions In tJermany been'foreseen he products of Omaha manufacyoung neophyte must face all sitwhen the commitment was "made urers which will be'displayed In ding- Palestine of malaria. It uations and all manner of hardthe Rockefeller-financed' interna- no such grant would have been dowiitown' show windows," opens ships with a stiff upper.lip. Finforthcoming. ' Monday evening, June 7 and conLondon (WNH) — Foreign tional Board of Health that pourally, after, two .years ot trouping, Inues through the week until Secretary Eden, in an address to ed a quarter o f million dollara Entirely apart from these gifts I began to think, of marriage, or Friday evening, June 11. the Foreign Press " Association, love —.what.young man doesn't? ' Jnto the fight to curb the dread to Palestine and to : various More than thirty manufacturhinted tp Germany that she would disease through the ish philanthropies, the RockefelThere was one girl 'who seemed ment of malaria research units. lers' giving was. intimately : identi- ers have signed up to display get further if she treated all her to measure, up to my. expectations. Sir Herbert Samuel-resign:- fleld with Iwb - Jews, Abraham heir wares during this week, and citizens equally. Of course, wherever,I.went. I nevUrging the world 'not to con- er made any secret cf my religand Simon Flexner, both of whom prizes will be offered to the manufacturer with the best display, fuse heroism and heroics," Mr. ion. "When young fellows would for many years headed two of the At. lagest Rockefeller institutions. and to the retail store'having the Eden said, ' l e t us seek that engage me in a conversation best decorated window. quieter heroism which is nonetheAbraham Flexner, now director Looking through ros& colored about marriage or other things I Prizes totalling $100.00 will less real because it can see the glasses is a fitting description of j Of the Institute .'; for Advanced the outlook...of management of Learning at Princeton, was for also be offered to persons visit- qualities of heroism and self-sacrr f Omaha's Kriing Park for the 15 years identified with the Gen- ng the down town windows Mon- rificein people of every race and creed and which regards coopera1937' season; which just opened eral Education b o a r d, one of day, Tuesday, and Wednesday tion with all races and creeds as '..-•• ""'•with the biggest attendance since three major instrumentalities for evenings. essential to the general welfare i t h e Slusky borthers assumed conof the world." ' Patronize Our' Advertisers f trol.,. .•'• • , ' : •';••• : : •;. manage our ballroom and Lee "With a break in the weather, Konecky, well known radio- and •We are' confident that Krug; Park publicity man, who will handle Th© very Bs%\ fiat- 1 saw a Modem / will reach a new high in attend- promotions." ;;;--. : •''; ' Electric H ance'and income during 1937," Among the new attractions.at Mr. Louis Slusky, : president of the park is a fine outdoor roller Krug Park said." We have, every skating rink, the only one of its r^' <• I reason- to feel high optimistic, kind in thfs part of the country. COO," • particularly in view of the new A new athletic field is under confeatures and attractions at the struction and will be the center f •^ \-?S"~ ... •, . Jur; park and generally improved ec- of soft ball activities, - thrilling onomic conditions. midget auto races and athletic ALL-STA3 * / . * .1 "We'' have made important ad- contests. The swimming pool has 1 STAGE PRESENTATION r • u 'ditlons to our staff and have been completely renovated. The Stacias beenr fortunate in Securing Mr. new Venetian ballroom is fast Bennett, Stidham of .-Kansas City, becoming the "summer dancing A eompJeto show themseKes . . . "" -it s stasera-. . ..Dancers an-J Smart prominent ball room' operator, to spot" of Omaha. Crackers direct from f&e


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Harold Saks of Chicago, Illin- I shall repair you the outstand- 1l=*fc Mr. and Mrs. Sam LIpton and their daughters, the I.Iisses Ann ois spent the past week end here ing sura, of 98.50 marks oat of and Ida LIpton, and Mrs. J. Jac-visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.this fund. Hell Clearing! • Emil obson left yesterday for Chicago, Phil Saks. Ludwig!" where Mis3 Ida Lipton and William M. Wolfe of Omaha,.son of BOOK NOTE—Lion FeuchiMrs. M. L. Marks has returned "— r — Mrs. Rosa Wolfe of Chicago, 'will home following a month's visit '•R-anger'S' new novel,' "Ths Probe married at the Del Prado hotel in Chicago, where she visited her tender," ought to raa3;e intereston June 6. daughters, Mrs. Irving- Rosen- ing reading -in • Berlin . . . Citizens of that great cSty might deTho wedding is to be at noon, berg and Miss Flora Marks. Cor tect some resemblance between with a dinner for 35 guests to follov.\ The Council Bluffs Senior Ha- the - cooked-up -Reichstag £5re dassah will hold its. final' Lunch- •which vras biassed on the CoaMIs3 Esther Mirken spent last eon of the season and installation munlsts and the great flood in Jerusalem (JTA)—In the Pf.l-w week-end in Marshalltown, la.,of new officers on Wednesday af- Feuchtwanger's work, loosed t y estine of-the Great AwsteniEg : ~; the false Nero's advisers upon a ternoon, June 16, at one o'clock visiting with friends. one of the busiest cc-'IecMon ff*;ft Uabbi Meyerberg to Address at the.Hotel Chieftain. Mrs. Her-Syrian city in order to have 'the officials in the country, Is for.r-gj Mount Sinai populace turn on the Christians in the Public Works Department, • st Luncheon and Mass Bleating; Mr. and Mrs. H. Fishgall and man Marowitz and Mrs. Sam A brief prayer service will'be Gross are co-chairman in charge and thus increase the Pretender's They have just gotten out the;e« J. L. Levitt Heads Drive daughter, * Marion, are visiting held at Mount Sinai Temple this popularity . . . "From Moses to report on expenditure o£ ecmejet of this affair and are being a evening at 8. o'clock, with Rabbi thl3 week in Chicago. slsted by Mrs. Samuel H. Katel- Eilnsteia—They AH Are Jews," 55,000,000 between April 1, j L* A campaign . for the • United Theodore N. Lewis officiating. j se Mr. and Mrs. Abe Greenbaum man and Mrs. L. Cherniack. Mrs. published by the Hebrew Pub- 1935, and March 21, 1836. Jewish Appeals to raise 510,000 Rabbi' Lewis will leave Saturwill begin next Tuesday, v/lth a day night for New York City, and and family of Omaha were guests Albert Krasne is the program lishing Co., is an excellent volume .The 1,124,138 pounds-eporit is \ se luncheon and mass meeting on will sail on the S. S. Batory from last week-end in the home of Mr. chairman. An interesting and that belongs on your five-foot that period to maintain, roads and | (< entertaining program is being ar- shelf . . . Handsomely illustrated, bridges, build new cosusunlcsH j ' Monday to officially open the Hobbken on June 7. He will and Mrs. Max Manaker. it contains biographical sketches tloa links, asd finance a program ranged. concentrated drive. " spend, some time in Russia before standouts of public works represents the Among the college students of .sixty J e w i s h Mrs. Leah Baron, 606 Virginia Opening the campaign. Rabbi returning home in August. throughout history . . V "Rogue largest expenditure by the de-i *x Street, departed last week for a who are expected home this S. Meyerberg of Kansas City will or prophet, satan or savior, I partment on record. I t was made | ^ * h n visit in Chicago with her son-in- week to spend their summer vaspealrat a mass meeting Monday have placed no halo about their necessary in a fast-developing j p *;.-. law and .daughter, ^Mr. and Mrs.cation with their parents are Miss evening, June 7, at 8 -o'clock in COMMITTEES NAMED^FOR heads," Mac Davis writes in a pre- country that needs better trans- j a Irving Goldsteins , - Pearl • Meyerson. student at • the the ballroom of the Martin hotel. TALMUD TORAH PICNIC face . . . The, titles are intrigu- portation. University of Nebraska who ar| B-Sre -ComTvan.y win peH A luncheon, to which representabidder for rauli the in ing . . . Here are some samples: rived home today from Lincoln. tives of' the various local organMrs. M. Leaff and Miss DoroThe budget was allocated as ] formerly elon.rinfr to Moses—"Let My People Go." . . . Committees for the Annual izations' have been invited, will thy Gelson visited last week in Among the students . from the Luis de Torres—He Sailed with follows: 289,475 pouafls ' 1 o r M ( ^ T v £ a. C'nloratio, expected honor Habbi - Meyerberg Monday Talmud Torah ; picnic have been Omaha, with Mrs. M. Raznik. University • of Iowa v Columbus . . . Asser Levy—The maintenance and upkeep of fa- j ice Box."2 RaskPfs" named and the date set for June home are Miss.Maxine Leibowitz, soon at 12 o'clock in the Martin 1 Mr3. Raznik ia the former Inez Fighting ' Butcher . .' " • . Daniel cilitles, 451,036 pounds for « j f^. ' " K H c h e n ^ O s W n ^ * "^ 27, at a recent meeting of the and MJss June Meyerson, and the . libtel. Mr. 3. I* Levitt has'been Leaff. ; traordi&ary public - works and [ ijsmp, r>ressinp Tai>;<? OPS J~> Messrs. Robert Rosenfeld, Jack Mendoza—-King / of the Roped 276,556 pounds in loans for pub- | Stand. ^ named chairman of the drive and Talmud Torah Board and the HeC ^ h ^ v ™ , Arena . . . Abraham Schreiner— , .. will preside at the noon luncheon brew Mothers* club. : Miss Bertha Dimsdale of Chi-Gordon, Collman Yudelson, Rob- Discoverer of-Petroleum . . ' . Ju- lie works. I Dresser, Black Board, stand, 3 R • > . Morris Lazi^owich, chairman, ert Endelman, Donald Rosenfeld, and meeting. • On March SI, 1926, the Gcv- Tubs._ _ dah Philip Benjamin—The Eraia will be assisted by J. Gorchow cago, visited last week end In ' The evening meeting; will be- and Max Palk, .co-chairmen. Sioux City, with^frienda and rel-and Arnold Hoffman.. of the Confederacy . . ^ Joseph eminent T S S maintaining 875 | { r op. 4 ra'-gin at 8 o'clock, and Mr. E. E. Mrs.: H.. . Felnberg. has .. been atives. of all-weather roads (out- °ns &• Contents. Grip, £ Boies Con,* Israels—Painter of the Soul . . . . . . , , , , tents. Ka'r I>rj-er, Floor I,emT>, CZrpxe Mrs. Ida Goldberg of Chicago Albert Michelson—He Measured side of municipal Baron will preside arid introduce named chairman of the ticket arteries) at an Oonien Rabbi Meyerberg. No solicita- committee, with Mrs. M. Matlln, ' Miss Yetta Felnberg of Daven- is -visiting at the home of her the Speed of Light . . . Otto Lili- average annual cost of about Chairs, Gag tions 'will be made at .either the president of the Mothers' d u b , port, Iowa, visited last week in son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and enthal—The Bird Man . . . Theo- $280 and 4S5 miles of dry-weath- | Tlbfe^PackaEe luncheon or the evening meet- co-chairman. Sioux City and Jefferson, South Mrs. Saul Suvalsky. dor Herzl—"If I Forget Thee, O GP tracks at an average expense I chine, smoker. ' • ' .. Chariest Sheppard. Tn ing. The purpose of •• both meetDakota. • • • Jerusalem" . . . Louis Brandeis Of ^$3 a mile. j . K . Wortman. J2 Sv A program of games and ings will be to "acquaint Sioux Mrs. G. Garber of Minneapolis —Friend of Justice and of Man New capital investments were City Jewry with the purpose and sports, with prizes and refreshMr. Joe Cohen spent last week and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rosenthal . . . Leon Trotsky—Forsaken Na- made largely in 'communications. function of the United Jewish ments, is being outlined by the end in Madison, South Dakota, of Pipestone, Minnesota left poleon -> . . George Gershwin— Over fl,000,000 "was spent for t n d 'Appeals, and the actual solicita- committees in charge. The picnic visiting in the home of Mr. andTuesday for their homes follow- From Tin Pan Alley to Carnegie roafis and bridges. Something tion' of funda will not begin until will be held at Riverview park. ing a visit at the home of Mr. Hall . . . Albert Einstein—Map- less than half a million went for Mrs. Fred Foreman. JTuesday morning. - * and Mrs. Louis Bernstein. Maker of a Universe. building. In mapping ont-the plans for . A "miscellaneous." category of -TipheretK-Israel-. ' Mr. and Mrsi Max Merlin an- The Talmud Torah Society will NCTiCE TC the drive, Mr. "Levitt and his The-Sabbath service, at Tipher- nounce the birth of; a son On some $700,0.00 included espendi- J DEFENDANT hold its monthly meeting next committee" announced that they eth Israel' synagogue will, begin BANQUET NOTE—It n?as ths tures for developing the Haifa j THE NAT£0> Monday evening, June 7, at eight first dinner the Women's Division reclaimed area, for v.ev plant EEi j would concentrate the drive In a at 8 O'clock this evening, and r co.. a •week's work, and expect to reach Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Mr. and - Mrs. Sam Guttleman o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yis- of the American Jewish Congress equipment and an Hem cf f "00,- j the goal of $10,000 by the end of Rabbi S. Bolotnikov will speak and Julian of Flandreau, South roel synagogue. ever gave and nsayfce that ac- 000 on airports at Lvdfia and I the week. Mr.Adolph M. Davis at the synagogue Saturday morn- Dakota, * visited last week in the counts for its being one of the I COSIFAN has been named chairman of theing at 10:30 o'clock. At 6 o'clock M.'Weinberg home; Mrs. Clara Agrant and daugh- most mixed-up affairs o£ its kind The loan-fiaanced public irorks | corporation, menced an action S we counts. Big Gifts committee. ter, Miss Jeannette Agrant of . . First, tee publicity director iacluded a new "water supply eys- I J he will continue his lesson on the on a. contract Miss Mildred Berg of Omaha Sioux Falls, South Dakota, spent walked out in a huff because the teni for Jerusalem, village water i t«r Talmud and following this-, will 1 arrangements committee had givsupplies and a trade school tt \ - •••• \ . £ Z . A . . • Interpret a chapter of the Psalms. visited here with friends and rel- the past week end, in Council Bluffs visiting at the home of en the press table away and seat- Haifa, •• j the BV atives last week end. '•'•• At the first A..Z. A. Sweetheart ed ths newspaper men, unbe- . The increase in motor vehicles i °l Mrs. Agrant's sister, Mrs. M. JUNIOR HADASSAH <fiane,e: given by the. local chapter knownst to her, in the balcony is, the Holy. Land is also not in i transfer Marcus and Mr. Marcus. in th&" Egyptian . room of the A Junior Hadassah Follies en. . . Then Mrs. Stephen S. Wise, the report. There -were 400 xe-1 y » ^ in: Oa&ls, MJss Sylvia. Friedman, titled "A Bit of Thlsa and Thata" I"" PfplPlPll Ri RiPI H All news items for this column who acted s,s tosstmaster* embar- hlcies ia 1822, providing osly j ^ ; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maxwill be .presented at the meeting assed almost to death the erudite about $85,000 for t h e Gorera-j ^ T o e A R E F'C must be phoned (o F. R. K., Prledman, ;was chosen as the A.of Junior' Hadassah, to be held phone'4491 or 650 before five Dr. John Finley, editor-in-chief meat ia licen-s© fees and customs ' '$* Mi-tfirS' 2 . A. Sweetheart. next Wednesday evening, June 9, o'clock each Tuesday in order to of the New Torfe Times, by asfe- dnes. .Ia 1ES5 there were II,£56 ': Omaha.' ' • A number of representatives at the Jewish'"Center*. The acts cars from, -which the Government • assure • publication in. the current Ing him at 3 miautes to ten BX P . B. E. from the Omaha, bes Moinea and which haVe been written and arwhether he could speak and fin- maSe siore than $8,200,000. i caVniRhment" v.-as issue. Lincoln chapters attended the ranged especially for the occasion ish before the dinner went on the Labor ^ a s allocated so that j ^ g * ^ / dance, and were guests at an A. have' beei^ "directed by Belle Shul- KOSHER MEAT MARKET ' air . . . Dr. Ficley, taken aback Jewish vorkers did S per cent of | tiors.-were or 'SSi A. picnic Sunday afternoon at kln and Connie'Saitlin. The «ast OPENED. by the request, arose, .began-tell- th© total work £E5 received -22.3 j ^ r J e r " o t i r ; ; Bivervje/vr park. • " will include rMrs; Shulkin, Mifls ing a story, looked s t i i s watch pfer cent c£ "the "wages, indicating j sons.' ir>c, s The new Kosher Meat Market Saitlln, G.oldle Lehman, Lillian opens today at 739 West Broadsad sat down •without. finisMsg that "the Jewish labor "was cl a j Rivin," Rose Cohen, Beatrice Pill, . . . Mayor La Guardia, who hadhigher paid technical cr special- j way, to" serve all patrons' In Ida Heshelow, Mary Kantor, just returned from the coast, ised nature. Council Bluffs.. Rev. Z. BarbaFlorence ' Lohrman and \Tlllle was called on before he had time k w , who came here this week Franklinl, ; . ." . to appease Dr.- Finley by. praisThe sperm-oil industry -eras infrom Chicago, Illinois, will be the ing . him....,_. "Nest to listening troduced in Araerica by The annual election of officers new "Shocket". An experienced At a meeting of the Senior to the music I,enjoy hearings—• Rodrigues Rivera, a Jew o£ N Hadassah Board of, Directors, will be held at the meeting and Butcher • has been engaged also, Dr. Wise . .._.." Dr. Wise nud&ed port Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. "VV. ' C. plans will be discussed for "the and a full line of meats and delthe mayor. "Dr. Finley, I mean," Slotsky was re-elected : president summer dance.to be held June 22 icatessen foods will be•- at 'the said the mayor nervously . . . . at Shoreacre, and the Give and of the chapter. Mrs. Jack Robinstore. Everyone is cordially inTWINS—Pictures of the heavi- From then on he was so ill at WOELD'S WIKD01 son was named vice president; Get party, ^whlch will be given vited to inspect the new Meat ly beared Prof. Otto Schmidt, ease that when he cane to praise Mrs. H. M. lievin, corresponding at the Oasis. Market. : S.oviet flying explorer who at this Mrs. Bernard S. Deutsch, guest.of secretary; Mr& Joe Levin, recordmoment is literally sitting on top honor, he spoke of "this dinner American' life. By low-plane £s: WINS AWAED ing secretary and Mrs. Dave The Jewish National Fund of the world, gave Zionists and Mrs. Deutscn is giving in your sinilatioa we are, as always acd Henry Ginsberg, Central high Flower Day, this Sunday, June 6, others who knew or had seen Hbdin, treasurer. honor" . . . What a night! everywhere, playing into the photographs of Dr. Theodor (Copyright, 1937, Jewish Tele- hands o£ the mob, t i e vulgar, the The following committees were school graduate, and son of Mr.has been postponed. and Mrs. Ginsberg, recently won Herzl quite a start . . . Schmidt, also named at the meeting: Inpotential enemies of all we ere grapnic Agency, Inc.) who is not a Jew as far as this refant "Welfare, Mrs. Rueben Miller first prize for t h e outstanding RECEPTIONS and do. By being anything but arid Mrs. M. Lazrlowich: Mem- thesis by a student in the.politiMr. and Mrs. Charles Saltzman porter has been able to ascertain, what we were eternally meant to •bershlp, Mrs. Sol Novltsky and cal science- department: :at,.the will entertain at a Reception for looks so much like Dr. Herzl that CZECHOSLOVAKIA BAMS - be we betray our true friends, the •Mrs. Mike Grueskin; Oneg Shab- University of- Minnesota, acord- all their relatives and friends some were convinced the picture friends of the human spirit, E.nd must have lios, Mrs. H. Licht and Mrs! A. H. ing to word received here.. y,The this evening, June' 4, in honor of of Zionism's father WORKS OF GOEBBEIS make common cause with their i Baron; Program, Mrs. H. R. Rab- thesis was titled "The System of their daughter, Miss Dorothy been fished out of the.photo files foes and our own. 1 Inowitz and Mrs. Theodore N. Centralized Municipal Purchas- Saltzman, following^ her gradua- by mistake . . . In another pose, Prague (WNS) — The sale, "And how about parsosseh? Lewis; Dining Room, Mrs. Morris ing." The thesis will be sent to tion from the Abraham Lincoln with his fur cap on, the noted ex- circulation or other distribution Haven't we got to earn our liv- i ». m- «ach <3sr> iov l •'i New York, where It will be Slialovsky and Mrs'. Ike Levn; High School. No cards, are being plorer who .has become the North of tbe "works o* Joseph Goebbels ing? do you know how hard the | ? , ™ e ^ J ^ f t n a judged in national competition. issued. Pole's number one permanent and Alfred Rosenberg, two of the Struggle is?" I (io. I kEOW. There! Three months Ere aliofp. Jewsh National Fund, Mrs. -J.K. t resident, also strongly resembles more violent German anti-Sem- Is "very little about the matter Krueger, Mrs. Sam Baron • and 3 lira. Ben Gelfand; Menu, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Perlmut- the late Munkaczer "wonder" ites, have no"w been forbidden la first and last that I don't know. 'c Sam Shulkln; Publicity, Mrs. Czechoslovakia by order o£ the , Society News And yet the question ia beside the ter will entertain at a Reception rebbe, Eleazar Shapiro. .Louis Agranoff,. and Sunshine, government. mart. For those who know the jS-4-ST-" Miss Sarah Kuntz,; daughter of at their home at 2602 South SevMrs. Sam Slotsky. way, those who hare gained realenth Street on Sunday evening, . THATS TELLING 'EM—A Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kuntz, 714 • N e w members elected to "the Twenty-fifth street, departed ..re- June 6, from seven until ten publishing house in Berlin recentity cf inner being will be better Patronize Our Advertisers * Board at the last general meeting cently for -Chicago, where she o'clock In honor of their daugh- ly dunned Emil Ludwig, eminent are Mrs. L. Agranoff, Mrs. A. H. will be married on June 20 , to ter,. Miss Marian Perlmutter, who biographer, for the sum of 98.5 Baron,'Mrs! B.. Baron, Mrs. SamMarvin Schuster of Chicago. . graduates this evening from the marks due 'on a geographical Baron, Mrs. Mike Grueskin, Mrs. Before .her departure Miss Abraham Lincoln High School, handbook he had purchased . . • B. Gelfand,"vMrs. Joe Levin, Mrs. Kuntz was entertained by a and also to honor Mr. S. Maltz- The dunning letter explained past ; •Mike Mushkin, Mrs. Dave Rodin, group of. friends,/ including Mr.' man and his daughter, Miss Ger- "indulgence" on the ground that Mrs. Sam Slotsky, Mrs. • H. M. •':2' and Mrs. J. . Kanofsky, Mr. andtrude Maltzman of Boston, Mass. the firm wished to give Herr Levin, Mrs.' M. Lazriowich, Mrs. - - DRIVE IN LOT Mrs; M. Lasenaky, Mr. and Mrs.No cards are being issued and Ludwig time "to obtain a job." Herman Licht" and Mrs. M. E. ail relatives and friends are cord- .-..'. To this note, the biographer H. Felnberg, Mr. and Mrs^ M. eer s.md Cig&rette " ' Skalovsky. •. sent a reply that should go down Satin, Mr. and Mrs: H. Miller, Mr. dlally Invited to attend. as one of the most caustic sideand Mrs. M.. Levich, Mrs. William IJS; Kantor, Mr. A. Slutsky, Mr. and Council Bluffs was chosen as lights of the Nazi era . . . "I postfllREE TO RECEIVE Mrs., .Jake, Shindler, and Mr. and the meeting place for the 1928 poned the payment," he writes D E G R E E S : •• •••• •:..Senior Hadassah Convention for from his home in Ascona, SwitMrs. M. Beechen. '.•'•.'" ' Three Sioux Citiaris TCIII r e The Misses. Jessie Slutsky and the Southwestern Region at the zerland, "neither through disilceive' their" degrees from differ- Lottie Feinberg also entertained convention held last week at St. lusionment or through lack of •$'• ent universities during -the com-for: Miss Kuntz. Louis, Missouri. Mrs. Saul Su-money, but to follow the example o ing weeks. • ^ • •- - . ... t; 'Shortly after the announcement valsky of Council Bluffs, former of the mora'-po'itica! principles Mi33 Frances Kalin, daughter of her engagement, Miss Kunts local Hadassah president, was of the Third Rtich, which also a," <of Mr. and Mrs. J . Kalin, ,3620 was entertained by Miss Miriam elected as a Vice President of the does not p*.v its debts to Swiss 4 Our Fsmeral Farlore.Aro F^rssasEed i s K©nse-I*ike. F Jackson street, will graduate Blank, Misses Ida and Mary Adel- Region. Convention headquarters citizens, but prefers to use bor"COURTEOUS—RELIAJELE" i' was the Hotel Jefferson. Those rowed money in order to raise a from the University of Nebraska man, Miss Dorothy Gelson and from the Council Bluffs Chapter, scaffol.i.'ng against its creditors. at Lincoln nest Monday morning. Mrs. Maurice Lasensky. '••'. who attended the convention, So also cave I utilised this sum Mr. and Mrs. Kalin and Sidney Kalin will be present a t t h e Mr. and Mrs. S. Krueger, 382"S were Mesdames Saul Suvalsky, of ?S.r-O- marks to obtain a maFUKEHAI. graduation .exercises.. ;. arKass at 33f Jackson" street, announce the en- Richard... Gordon, Morris Gross- chine gun, which I had to install at the gate of ray garden after . Miss Dena Baron, daughter of gagement of their niece, Miss man and Harry ChernlEs. German' spies forced their entry Mr. and Mrs. Barney Baron, 1810 Serene Barrent, to. Pat M., Bobys, Grandview.boulevard, will receive son of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenfeld there. • It understands German 1 her degree from the University of C. Bobya of Washington, D. C. r entertained at a family dinner and .goes off- automatically as , Iowa nest Monday morning. Mrs. Miss Barrent arrived in Sioux party at their home Sunday, May soon as the-Berlin.dialect-comes j Baron r will go- to, Iowa City Sun- City this week to visit with rela- 30, in honor of Mrs. Rosenfeld's near. You will understand that day to attend-the graduation ex- tives before her'marriage in July. mother, Mrs. Bertha Thorman, In even I, surrounded. by foes, first ercises. •••_ • : • • •• She Is a Central high school celebration of her seventy-fifth of all to -demonstrate, my desire Miss Bernice • Galinsky, daugh- graduate and belonged to Hesper- birthday anniversary. Robert Ro- for peace, must postpone all my ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J . Kal-ian society. ' She is a grand- senf eld, student at the University obligations until.I am'.completely rearmed. 'To-.achieve this 1 noT,Snsky, will graduate from the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Seff, of Iowa, came home fo rthe l need only a-watchdog and pad.University of Illinois a t Cham- 312 24th street. end to attend his s d locks. Ac soon &3 tte:2 are s-jppaign, 111., June 14. Mr. and birthday celebration. piied, I sbali tie gladly prepared, Mrs. Gallrisky v.-ill leave for Sara Halpern' or Fort if you will grant tas a loan of Champaign Juno 10, and will at- Dodge, la.,,visited in Sioux City Mrs. Ann Brin is spending tlse 200 marks, to enter into discustend the graduation exercises. last week-end with friends and week visiting relatives in "Web-sion of te?mr, r.cccrclI-Eg to which relatives. ster City, Iowa.




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