June 11, 1937

Page 1


k C. LEVIN, Atty.'-,, indels Theatre 'Bldg. JOF ADMINISTRATION >- Court of Iraska: " ; ftter or tho estate of San J pceased. ' ' \ bs interested - In said esk b y notified that a petl•n filed in said Court alsaid deceased died leavwill and praying for afl"upon his estate, and -that ill be had on said petition court on. the 2Sth day: of and that II they fail to .old Court on the said 26th h, 1337,' at 9 o'clock a..m. said petttion. the , Court the' same and grant -adv of said estate to Eena • some other suitable perirbceed* to a . settlement ^ BRTCE CRAWFORD. . County Judge.

Ira t!

cf the -% ' • * " • •

This column Is copyrigfet b? the Seven Arts Feature Syadicats. RoEroauction In whols o r ; in part strictly forbidden. Any iafrSngS" ment on t h i s copyright will t 3 •prosecuted.

lid' sum In the action -<s>m-

&• the Municipal Court of fougrlas' County, Nebraska, la' same' time • that said a c feiinmenced a writ.of a t I and garnishment was i s 1 funds belonging to you in iaion of the -Northern Fuel iropany of Omaha, Nebrasfordefed attached. |HE inJRTHER NOTIFIED fee 22nd day of H a y , 1937, Northern Fuel Supply Com|rerea-that it -svas indebted fthe sum of J19O.S& and that IS, 1337, said Northern Fuel Impany of Omaha, Nebrasirdered to pay. said funds to. I of tha Municipal Court of ipousla3 County, Nebraska: iausre was continued fay said ll.the.15tb. day of July, j o'clock "A, M. .tor the purIcurlng setrlce tipo'n y o u by a and -you are hereby-notiIpear on or before the. 15th |!y, 1937, a t 9 o'clock A. i l .

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IvTflUbe entered: -, a'siitnst lat 0 Omaha, Nebraska, Ihia I o f


H a y .

1 3 . 3 7.




iilDAY, JTNI] 11, 1937



address on Prance and the interDespite a relatively short per- Ing role of Jane saved her-nobilnational situation. He touched e iod: for rehearsals; the ity from being too prlsgisis by upon the problem of anti-Semit- Delegates Also* Elected for Players made "Ice Bound",Center their careful restraint. . Charles • Raeh- Meetings ism and said: "Though I feel Convention to Bo final offering, their best of theman, a familiar face to Center profoundly lor -the suffering- of season. This play, not as exact- audiences, v.s.9 convincing ia t i e Held in July the" Jews I am really afraid for ing, as* "The Boll's House", allow- role of the ne'er-do-well. /"* t~ them. They have survived similar At a meeting of- tho B'nai 1 .ed each member of. the cast ample Nathan Sekerman, Sars Rse j . j . FrieslEiaii was re-elected horrors before. ; I am afraid for the European mind -which * threat- Brith held last Monday, Julius; opportunity to display talents. Sekerman, Martha Hirnmelstein, preE i(ient of the Orsafca Hebrew ! ens to become diseased and cor-Bisno was chosen to succeed Ep- j "ice Bound" was presented at Rosalie Alberts, and Una Grass as Every FriSs,r Curing the rupted by anti-Semitism and dis-hraim "Marks as president of the the J. C. C. Monday and Tuesday. the other adult members of theClub for the fourth consecutive iser is to- be "The first act ^et an unusually term at the election of officers Jordan clan proved themselves integration." That seemed to me , t a e Higbla-fi Cciiutry C v high standard that was not apt in handling lines and portray- held Sunday--afternoon at t h e ! CJiilGi-eB of from 10 to If ; r—«• then and always \ a s seemed to reached the rest of the pering a nasty pack.of humans. Donme the ultimate of truth on this Saia | of j whose parents E.re r c r formance. The Jordan family, ald Duncan, the youngest of theJewish Community Center. matter. And in the great and Feldnian was elected' .vice-presi-j bers cf the Clsb will gait'-- r* gathered like buzzards to await family, portrayed his role ia a popular and futile game known a3 S:3 Frfda dent, Sol 'Rosenberg will serve! ° r morciegs to ^^ — the death of their mother, overnatural manner unusual among "combatting anti-Semitism" : too shadow their grief by their avar- youngsters, making stage appear- as secretary for the forty-sixth I E t r U c t e d i a S ° l f t y E i U S o U l " " ' c little attention has been paid to ice to get their hands on herances. Harold Tuchinan was con-conscutive t e a m • and - John Feld-! Following the golf lesser'" -~ pointing, out^to the people who youngsters Trill conflnct iz-— money. So well was this acted, vincing as the kindly Judge Bradkeep their heads what happens to man, treasurer for the -twenty- oym "weiner roast at the rc^" •*that the plot, was imbued with the mind and character of those ford. Heya Lipsman gave char- n i a a c o n s e c c t i v e t e r m _ built cverj. The day will l e connew spirit and plausibility. •who do not. acter to what might hare ceen .. . cluded with Ping Pong ar.^ CrrThe story of the play is simple the undistinguished role of Han- T , _ ^ , 1 S ^ ^ * ° : S a ™ . ? l o o ° I ^ Q-uet tournaments. i ~ . r But though this-aspect is both enough. None of the family in- nah, the servant. Ernie Ncgg in Daniel Schwartz were elected Don Es/ndler is chairrr^r cT JO-"trustees and Sara AltshuJer,' JoImportant and neglected I do "not herit a cent, the money going to the part of Jim Jay completed the seph Kirshenbaum, and Natfaan S^ the Children's Day commjt'F" f - r £ E offer it, as another panacea. Nor a distant relative who has been a •cast.— have I often discussed .anti-SemcompanionT to the mother. How- Mrs.'Herman Jahr. directed the Taffe will serve on the executive j Arthur Kulakofsky_ co-clir_,-rr-r Keservations may be itism, for such a discussion ha3 ever Jane has been left a sealed production. board. always seemed" to me vain and letter instructing - her to reform Rabbi David H. Wice,-eeliverefi calling Dos Eandler, TC; useless until. andj unless the" psythe youngest of the family, Ben, the principal address, his subject chological and.- sociological sourcwhose nefarious activities have being "Premier Leon Blum of es of anti-Semitism were underhim facing a prison term. By the France, and Disraeli cf England." icr" e stood. These sources have been end of the play Ben has learned The Club agreed to hold neetrevealed once and for all in' two the error of his ways and the enings during the summer inontEs ULC " 1 & works, both alas not the* easiest tire Jordan family has been acon the first Sunday of eaea month 1 Jclins r • rt reading and both inaccessible in quainted with its fallings and . to resume '' the regular j ' Heads B'cai B'rith English. . T h e s e are, of course Mrs. William Feiler in the leadschedule of-meetings i s October.) »T v. „ _—_ , ^ t v = . , ' r- ~ -r~~~r : Arnold Zweig's' "Caliban" and local chapter. Harry Cohen waa Fritz Bernstein's "Der Antisemit- elected vice president; Alfred Alumni of Camp Akibs , ., Sara Feder, general ECC~ ' : T Ssnvus als Gruppenerscheinung.' Fiedler, secretary; Arthur Robinhold a rally on Sunday, June 13,. L ij, cf the Plonser Women's oif." T T(May I suggest to iny friends in son, treasurer; Milton Frohm, in the gymnasium cf the Jewish j tios, will be in Omaha. Ti - -r ' the, anti-defamation department warden; and. Dr. lieon Fellnian, Community Center. Campers of j and STonfiay, -Ju-s IS and " - * Df the B'nai B'rith" that to cause guardian. . 'i the past two years, their parents, j the gTiest of the lacal ? i — » f these two books to be translated Members of the'Board-.of Trusr " and. prospective new campers and f" "VTomen End the Goidie K c errcr and published by publishers, o; tees are Dr. Samuel •-• Z. Stern, their parents are all invited to atclub. • Etanding would be worth tons ,o Charles;. Guss,; and Edward D. tend the get-together. Aa active two-day prc-sr^m hcz Esntimental pamphleteering.) TJn- Brodkey. , I •• An exhibition of crafts, arr^r.j:ed Ir. — sr Lrrc:. til the teachings of these two Cohn, song's, refreshments, and favors Soviet. Seeks to .Increase Jewvrorks are thoroughly understood Dr.Salewln.MiCanrk?Arthur 1 I.- Dansky, Carl Lagman, and Council of Polish Trade will bring back the memories o* • ish end assimilated by at least a few :Hyman Shrier will serve on the Strongly Protests camping days. The n?w counleading minds in America we Executive committee. : There selors will meet the parents cf & . '. Slots . Ehall contniue t o ' waste time in V Those -chosen as delegates to —e ct Z'sr. : : at t r e Lo— this year's campers. defense against accusation, ap- the convention of'District No. 6 So. r r ct-c-t. Camp' its . Moscow.— (J.. -±: A .)—. ~ fj T A5 The »J2inp Akiba AKioa will win open open for lor its ivioscow.— {.J. A*.)—A-EBTT - , , . , , , . , v , n - , . r r . r , n r . -.„..-, peals to sentiments which in theAre: Harry B. Cohen, Dr. I. Dantiird seasoa a t t h s j e w s of 22 towns "in the" BlalTstok I C o s m u n i t y five-year plan for development of, ^ _ 1 ^ r , - p - C * —-•• "c-.; ; ; - . very nature of the case cannot be iiicy,- Dr.-Leon Fcllman, -Meyer js-"^ ^ T , . «„ . n a s t a n t Center on Monday, J u n e 2 1 . and Biro-aidjan, autonomous Jewish . _ „ , „ „ . .- „ - . B M s t a t e ftf activated and constantly, mistake 'resman, Br."' _'" Boms ocu^.'sJon of hilip II. *aut=: for its causs. ^* -- Th"ere"has~n6w"' sppearcd. lio~tver, a little book called "How Henry IJonsky crc ez officio dele- Jewir,h picnics and singing will be featur- the land. XT' C iheir departure for Paris after a ed. to . Combat Anti-Ssmitism ia gates. The plan, as presented by I£r.' «,-~'^L.L three-week survey of conditions In America," which contalno come The convention i3 to be -held Each child attending the carap Trotsky at a press conference i* ; s . arguments and some perceptions on'"'the'; liner" ^Seeandbee during Poland. • Is under the supervision of a here, calls for settlement of ICO,-1 A rr.ars ir^rt r~ T"1 1>9 r c " i more pertinent arid, correct than a cruise-on the Great Lakes. The The officials are Dr. Bernhard trained ccamselor and records are T 1 are usually to be found among boat will leave Chicago on Mori- Kahn and * David. J. Schweitzer, kept to acquaint the parents with 000 Jews In the territory ficring j *'0?.£ e "?~;r? at S y. zz. r : i r e the specified period,.bringing the] j " c. C. '^.z: Tclzi •us. THe little volume is pnb- day,-- July 5, and return on "Fri- European director and -vice di- aptitudes and problems, total population to '125,000. 0ij«'7rs Tr-;-:,.: ]: Z lished by the "Opinion". Publish- day,- July ~9. Convention sessions rector respectively for the Joint A 'lunch will he served at coon this number, 30,000 inflividusls cr ! t.zt'lis : . £ " - r.;.'' ing.-company and consists of-the will-be/held- on* board. AH B'nai Distribution Committee, who visand later in the day each child six prize-winning : essays in • the frith, members, Vtheir families, ited- the leading1-- trouble - centers will be given milk. The afternoon 6,500 families, will bs placed c a ' 1 J-- e " c . contest conducted by that journal. and friends have been invited to in the country and conferred with will be broken by a rest period. collective farms. Other features cf the plan Inj b^ r e co""er. •:—•", ^J. i The most valuable; of; theattead'the Contention cruise. many Jewish leaders. The increasing demand -for the elude establishment of a univers- rrrr'Ctl r""- 1 be:n a--, essays, though-not the deepest,,is Delegates from the terror-rid- camp makes immediate . enroll- ity, a publishing center, music rcrTsc. the essay of H. C. Engelbrecht den towns came to Bialystolr to ment .. necessary. Registration -./Iviaver -cieads - emphasize to. Dr. Kahn and Dr.may be made at the office of theand art aoadesiies, a rauseusn and | called " A Job for Christians." a Jewish theater, to dake> of the ' The ChriBtian tradition to which' Schweitzer that life and property Jewish Community Center. territory a esnter of Jewish SOT- ' r i -. ^1. ^ * u ••_ Hiv: Engelbrecht . assigns almost were in constant danger and to i T let culture. ) the entire burden" of guilt is, The Ladles Free -Loan Society appeal for relief, from American Mr. Trotsky- eald the plan j however, important as an instruJewry. The delegates wept as aimed to create conditions to as-! ment for antecedent emotion, elected "Mrs..Sam Klaver, presi- they described the horrors perpesist the-derelopsaent cf tie. terrionly one of' the • Instruments. dent a t their regular' elction held trated by local pickets and antiy at the Commuriity Center, June 2. tory s s a national Jewish region, Semitic thugs imported from, surNevertheless i t ' is of the highest •. .This organisation has for i t s accelerate ^ economic developAt the election of officers held i- v importance that a*.representative purpose the "helping; of - various rounding districts.ments, iiaprove housing comditioixs 'f l£St Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. L., Christian sees clearly," .-as com- charitable institutions; and the They revealed the Jewish popu- Keveleff was named president of and set up csntrs.1 district govern- rrtary cZ --. Z, -._., rparatively few do, that anti-Sem- lending -of' money to Its needy lation of-the entire Bialystok dis- the Chesed- Shel Ernes for the ments. t itism is a disease arid delusion members without , interest - or trict had been officially warned coining year. not to appear, on the streets on and obsession of ?the non-Jewish charge" of any kind. ; / { Other officers elected were: world of which the Jewish people, mws Other-of|icers' elected were:, Sundays or Polish- holidays "be- Mrs. J. Milder, vice president; quite irrespective of its character, Mrs. S.Fish, vice ^president; Mrs. cause the police cannot guarantee Mrs. H. K. Milder, treasurer; Mrs. TO SETTLE IM Is the object .A man who throws A. ,'W6olf,_ treasurer;/ Mrs.' I. J. safety on such days." The American officials said Jacob Abrahamson, financial seca log upon a.fire is active.. The Soakin, loan "secretary;- Mrs. L. log Is object. The log is passive. Morgan^ dues secretary; Mrs. H. they were returning to Paris with retary; Mrs. N. G. Cohn, recordWarsaw. — (J. T. A.) — Tiei TLs Z. ~ :• - .." '3 The only connection between the Roitsteln, recording and • finan- plans for extension cf J.' D. C.ing secretary and Mrs. Julian Italian embassy rsvealsd that' Zc:£7£,cr._, •'.z' _r Chait, corresponding secretary. log and "the fire, the only nexus, cial secretary; and Mrs.- M. Tat- work ia Poland as.the only way niany Polish. Jews, following Po- ! Ir -i IT*~ . ' ; " ' : : • " ' , ' I3 the man's* opinion that the log's tle, Mrs." Xi. Baum, arid-\Mrs.' D. to maintain the shattered Jewish land's recognition cf Abyssinia,' r;s'.~ "" r : > r t . - e Crburning, will warm, him.- 'To getFlan'chek, trustees. More than economic position in Polaaa. Durapplied, for -perniits to set-lvccli c u r . r r v l , : ' . V: CzecLsslsnraMa have at the root of anti-Semitism, as two hundred members were pre-; ing their tour they conferred with tie in the recently aanesed Ital- ftudr er-^-. c r : .n • Zweig and Bernstein have done. sent. Members of the board of di-; Jewish leaders in "Warsaw, ian t e r r i t o r y . O z i t s "ZJITL. ~-*:Z' Lwow, T/ilno and Brzesc (BrestIs to Investigate"" the nature of rectors, are Mrs. Joe Ban, Mrs. Prague.—(X7. N. S.)—Only that nexus.••-', Wm. Kukliri', Mrs. rH- Guss,' Mrs. Li tovsk), scene of the May" 13 po-'two Jews embraced Christianity instructions t a r e teen reesrrc-3 v 11" : - " r~c™-s '•'--"•• ••'• , ; i in Czechoslovakia during the past from Rome to issue innnierEtic-^ .—^-" T ' — " Of far. less value Is the essay H. Friedel, Mrs. J . Miller,.MrsJ grom. ' of Rabbi Trachtenberg. ; d u t S. -Epstein, - j j r s . , H. ^Erubenstein ! Meanwhile, the Ministry, of thesis months, a record low for Jew- permits. As s resu was st&l- :::.rr". modem economic system or, rath- and Mrs. S. 'Mogilavsky. There, Interior issued a license to .theish conversion, It was reported bjr ed, no'suci persiits will lie issued :Cr. t~l I er, its dislocation, is one; of thewill; be no' executive meeting-this central relief committee^ for thethe government bureau for religi- at the pres.sat time, although r-re- C=r-I-i -JL ' powerful contemporary occasions month Jdua to the fact that the J.ews of Brzesc. *(Brest-LitovEk). ous statistics. ' •* ference will bs given, citlssas cf of anti-Semitism as other socio- auditor has. not completed the The committee is 'authorized by Daring the sasie period three countries recognising jUjj-Esixi&'E C» - „ . * . the license to open branches in Czechs embraced Judaism. logical dislocations and malad- audit of .the boons. : justments have been'the occasions -The next meeting wil be held all parts of Poland. of anti-Semitism in other 'ages on Wednesday, .July • 1,. at " 2 The Council of Polish Trades representing . 50,000 But thesa occasions '.are noto'clock; at-th-'e Jewish Community TJnions, workers,' adopted-. a# resolution causes. They are secondary phe- Center as usual. strongly protesting against the nomena in the orders of both time riots in .Brzese and - demanding and value. The nest essay by that the Polish- government inMr. Victor Epstein Is-'valuable In demnify the victims. :.."•-. hammering home -the" point tha , Because of the merciless aatiIs anti-Semitism is -internatona; : agitation seventy Jewish • -.-''Reiomi Jewry disease, so our resistance, to I aoaa- e& ."aa obligatioa of all Jewry tc New York (JTA) — " I am gomust be international arid affirm Ing to jump ever so high for families have been coapelled ^to doniag reform,"ss to aid la ths spbuiliiing cf Palesative and that the. Zionist move- America," declared Greta Berg- evacuate a- town near Hawa, Rabbi David H . Wice v?ho receat- \ tine RS a Jewish, fcoaeiaiia, i:: ment and the World Congress mann,. outstanding -.•woman:-1 ath-southwest of Warsaw. ^Thirteen ly returned frosn t h e Central Conmovement are the'right psycho lete . barred ;froirs.; the German Jewish- farailies were still left in ference of American Rabbis held | cge for the oppressed but also * logical answers.. They aro- also Olympic team Mast, -year because the town..'. They ware said, to bs recently in Colurabus, O i l s , " b u t CTti center of sn-c it may be addea, the spontane- she is -a '-'non-Aryan." Bliss' Berg-. stranded without food, the peas- is reaffirming'it." " 0U3 answeCa, f rom deep sources in mann has .arrived, here'with--the ants refusing to supply them.', '•• In clarifying t h e actlea o l the 1 r thp Jewish people.- • intention rof'_ becoming.'? a' citizen . Heports that anti-Seraltfes in •recent conference, which dre- <-p1 - - t '*? *~ the' town-.of -Zyrardow,:tVarsaw a new platforta to replace t h " c -To my mind the deepest of th and training for s place'' on ' the 1 papers lire those by Mr. Harry American-team in the'1940 Olyia-" province,'•'••were -, attacking! Jewish ginal platiorra of . 1SS5, Iia.bl/i | tradesmen,- • stoning their shops Wiee dispelled, the rtsmor that V~c , Es3rig aria ,.Mis3- Jessie Sampler p i c ' s ^ ; . • .'"'• -•.,'-. . -. .-• • •-, .' ' • "When Mr. Essrig asks; "Is it he- •Her high Jump" pays in Ger-and picketing'-them .to- keep- out;Reform l a o v e s e a t it to retur~ tn rJewish buyers, wera- received* use - of- t h e ancient -ritual a ->-cause we need-in momenta of deep many, over, .Hiss.' Bergma'na1 .Mas •unhapplness an enemy upon whom taken up.residence in New York. .here ."by Jewish .eebnobic' orgss- ported by the Jewish nevrs - s C1SS, to shift the blame?" When h A', champjoa in sports- since", she isations. ' •': demonstrations I T h e greatest chaaga ia tL~ nsks: " I s emotion primary in theTras 14, she has,1 at .the. age'ql 23, .-•.Aati.-'Jewish hatred of the Jew and the reathlrty-tHree' medals won in var-ver© organised by'Nationalists ia j platform was t i e eoas- alleged of- only, secondary ious events, -for "• besides high- Sllnsk-Mas'o Tries oa the -anniyers-j the "original staterceat ia r " Importance?" When he"asks these jumping1 she1:, swims, skis,. -- runs ary-of'-tha Blaying.oE'a Polish esr-j to'Palsstins. The Pittscurgh _geaat'by:a -Je-sr Trhicli led to ssri-i ference of 1SS5, ante-dstisg " questions W strikes .at the-root and throws javelin. o.tis riots-a year -ago 'ia '•which J did the Zionist xaoTfera»Bt. d " -lot of-the-'matter. • It is in brief-tho In 1745 Aaron' Jacobseh .be- niora than 40- Jews vere injured the place of Palestisa 'is double-mechanism' t>f human x paik and frustration. of desiring to came engraver to tha.Danish roy- asd great - property toll •sreught file. al family. by arson. (Continued on page 8.) Vi—


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ANTI-SEMITISM OSTCB MORE Last winter in Denver I heard the Count de Sales, • .New Yorli correspondent of tlia-Paris Soir, deliver an extremely, sagacious

GRODINSKY, MAHER & 3HEN. Attorneys. .. . t TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT .'. nd & • Royalty Corporation, lion. Defendant: •'. (•."Hereby notified that day of April, 1937, JACOB ^commenced an action ia based on a judgment Obtained against you by the laity • Company, a 'New York "in the Municipal • C4urt of New York, 9th District on June. 2, .1931,> In: the _ _.G9, -whlcli said judgment jned'to him, and seeks to

Kntered ea Eiscond Class Mall-Matter o a Janussr? "1. 1321^"at I'Jfi of Dmahtt, NebrsEiia. c n d e r t h a - A c t of SlarcJi S,- 1S73






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Thus Judaism and Christianity die Cantor in Kansas City, Mo., confronted by Frederick March's who doesn't hcvs fire daughters usual coy antlc3"and Janet Gay. . . A Jack Dempsey, of Ontario, nor's demureness of manner, exwho isn't aa es-charap . . . A Has perience B» , major crisis. By Baer, of Omaha, vrho never i£_t tokens which' make this picture Joe Louis and a Joe E. Brown, of j 'pagan' so are many another "Erie, Pa., whose nouth Isn't cavmovie and book, cherished as ernous . . . harmless, menaces to society. Leonard Natibasa Arch-offender would be Horatio (Copyright, "1937, Jewish TeleYork (wTA)—A levAlger, whose secondary (if -not graphic Agency, Inc.) for children j-rcm. the £.£e? c£ "Weelcly the readers of the Jew- so resolve 's ? clurt h e other cultures, primary) claim to fame might be four to eight to intecrste secular; ish Press witness the never-end- around Judaism. . . e l E,E z crr.fji ? for a gret.i, iceai. that he waa the tutor and early" •"and • Jewish education—hailed as-' ing mental gymnas£cs of • th'e St. the institete of Politics at the ! The result: is that- in his view influence of Governor Lehman. DRAMA: The,most zed-faced an experiment which, ."will rev©-; Augustine of modern Jewish life it is no l o n g e r ' e n o u g h , t o bo a . This seeing of ghosts under the University rf Berlin HT,? told fcr anti-Semite in the world today is ltitienlze• the Jewish educational j — LiUdwlg Lewisohn. The tra- Jew, ' a minimum' J e w ' a s h e so bed when there are dangers so Profeesor Friedrich ' Schoene-. B j EA¥ iOHAS'IECI probably the Catholic authorsystem in the city"—is being vails be experienced on the re- aptly terms it. One mitst b e a Jew real and "threatening just outside, EEEC, who has just returned cleric in.Buenos Aires who pseuplanned ..by • Ivriah, •women's diviturn, road to Jerusalem, have be- to t h e exclusion of all else. I t is this tilting with windmills, - r e Irom a tour of the United States. ; donyms as Hugo Wast and in priconie knowt to everyone with not enough a n y longer j u s t t o be duce the worth of "Mr; Lewisohn's We.welcome the following new sion of the .Jewish Education. AsPi'olessor- Schoenemann, wh&J _. the slightest claim to literacy. a Zlftnist, a sympathizer and a contentions, making both him and vate life Is Martinez Suveria . . . members to the.Center Physcial" sociation recent!}- wt-ote a magazine article : His face got thai Yv-ay as the reHis sufferings when he .sought supporter of Jewish Department; they have signed up A'5-50,000 fucd .to: endow .the in which, lie said President Rooseaspirations his thesis appear', absurd. sult of one of the most egregious the past week: "Bert Thompson, haven on that other-world1 are in Palestine. One must . think kindergartej? was-announced st &,', The result has been, those peo- tactical blunders eveV committed Joe Cohea, Alfred Sokiyn, Harold Springtime breakfast . cf Irri&h ! velt v.-as .unfriendly to the Nazi held up as lessons to those who Zionist thoughts in t h e day-time regime s.nd whose cppearaiice in \ by a Judophobe . . . It was at a ple forwhom Mr. Lewisohn's would traffic with the Gentiles. and dream Zionist dreams . a t words should have meaning, -he dinner in honor of Lord- .and Fisher, Harold Orach, Erwln Wit- Monday at the Hotel Aster, at-j Boston four yesrs E,£X precipitat- [ Irin, Nate Fine, George Eisenberg, Mr. Lewisohn and his fulmina- n i g h t s by 1,500 •women at..SIS a ed a riot, blamed the r.tifi-Xar.i i "'..' ' . has gradually alienated.. He has Lady -Melchett, given by *the Aaron Vveitz, Pearl Gordon, Vera tended tions have become an •'integral plate. ,Hal£ of the proceees, or sentiment on "long' . continued,; French Ambassador to the Argen'To h i m Jewish life i n America dulled'.the effectiveness of his arEberhardt, Ben Eisenberg, Jake part of the Jewisr scene. ' B y his. should differ, little from t h e Jew- guments by over-emphasis. *. tine . . . Suveria-Wast was among Raznlck, Leonard Seiner,. Bill $13,500, were allocated to the ea- skilful and" thorough British own confession he alone of all • " sh life of t h e ghetto.- H e a p - There are too many who come the invited guests, why it is not Sherman, Virginia Larkin, Hazel dowraeat fund. the first-ranking literary men has Mrs. Bias Lasare, chairKan of J parently forgets, o r denies b e clear . •". . Among his claims to under his definition.of 'minimum given himself, to the sacred cause Chapman, Alden Lincoln, Richard the finfd, said today in speaking I cause of his personal experiences, Jews.' They are curious about the distinction are. two openly antiof Zion. •'":',•'-.'•' ' : j hat American Jewish life ; i a world and eager to participate In Semitic books, 'KahaP and 'Gold', Cohen, "Winiarn Joffe, Ruth Ho- of the kindergarten project: berman, Laurel - Mellara, Janet " T h e experiment will- revoluIt is not difficult to understand unique not only in post-exilic his. . . As luck would have it, he was It:' It has been ddne by Jews and Zimmeriaan, R h e a Schneider, tionize the Jewish educational ' Lndwig Lewisohn the man. ' I n tory b u t t o a certain extent even they ase no' less Jews for doing seated next to Lady Melchett . . . s V "V V his youth he underwent sbme- on t h e modern scene. • " :• so. * Those Vho v fit well into the And for no good reason, he be- Jean Bernstein, Irvin White, Jean system in the City of New York. thing-of a moral baptism/ Then Johnson, Virginia Vleck, Dorothy Five years ago the establishment J e w ? - m u s t b e conscious of t h e .true spirit of America will not be gan airing his views on Jews to Pitha, Rosemary Hayden, and like .the prodigal son re returned, cf such a .teaching center was' and within'a few .short years ant t h a t they, a r e Jews although the misfits in the Jewish com- the distinguished guest . . . Vor a Doris Conant. just a dream in the eyes of many' his self-consciousness., .in too munity. • : few aghast moments, Lady Melmade up for all lost time. His Business Girls held a par- mothers in Ivriah. * A realization ; The. greatest curse modern man chett permitted him to ramble on ty The talents, once given to literary many cases h a s . become psycholast Monday, June 7, to cele- came to thesi that their growing , p a t h i c There a r e .certain char. . Exasperated, she finally cut has inherited from- the ancient criticism and creative ~ ^writing, brate a successful Gym, year. children were receiving little if; are:devoted to Judaism. . , acteristics w e possess through t h e pagan has been' 'sophistry.' The him short . . .. "Do you know," There was entertainment?, exhiany religious education. After a j heritage of Jewish culture. There greatest. blessing from the pro-she said, "who I am?-" . . . PuzNow Mr. Lewisohn Is a very a r e , others '• t h a t come t o ' u s aa bitions, games and refreshments. census it was found that the tna- i phets has been 'tolerance.' The zled, Suveria replied, "Why yes, r puzzled''man. In fact, his choice members of t h e h u m a n race. A The committee in charge * was: jority of children &o cot receive j of words indicate that he is in confusion, of' t h e t w o makes for former Mr. Lewisohn knows only you're .Lady" Melchett," . . . "But Helen Castlensan, Grace Dross, any Jewish education until they, too" welU the latter, too little. do you know who I really am?" something of a temper because a an unhealthfui ; situation." • •she persisted . ., . And as Wast Eva Ruderman, and Vesta Scott. are 12 or 13 years of age, when! number of younger writers 'show Jr. Soft ball' games played last so busily engaged with secular j Jews have long been misled by stuttered in alarmed embarrassa marked tendency to rebel Sunday: 8-6 Cards over Giants; school studies, they give slight ] Jacobs, in Charge heir intellectual leaders. W h a t ment-she ^continued, "I'm a Jewagainst him.' . • '•••';" preparation to their spiritual ] has become t h e criteria of Jjpwess." . . . Overcome with confu- 13-4 Yanks over Tigers. No one has- any right to-.quesof Legion Affair sion, . j Schedule for. next Sunday, training. ishness' a r e things such as. faiththe anti-Semite began mumtion Mr. Lewiaohn's sincerity.; But June 13: ulness to t h e Zionist ideal,, con"The . Ivriah Kindergarten, to ! bling profuse apologies to Lady he has created the impression, •\ tribution to,"Jewish.charities, an ' In order that the American Le- Melchett, Lord Melchett, the host . Yanks vs. Giants be known as 'Beth Tlayeled,' the ; through his books, that -his reawareness oi t h e tragic condition gion band of Omaha can lead the and others who had "by this time -. Cards vs Tigers • House of the-Child'will Inculcate j turn to Judaism- was . motivated European Jewries, a decidedly Nebraska Delegation down Fifth become' aware of the untoward New uniforms were distributed the young one at his most ira- j not so much by,.an appreciation of Avenue, in New York City,.at the "selfeohsciousness, t o m e n proceedings . . . The Melchetts to each team which added lots of pressionable Ege with'a spiritual' of.positive forces but by the hu-Jewish tion only a few.'' To. d e n y t h e i m - National American Legion Con- graciously accepted the apologies, color-to the'teams' play. Games background and growing interest, miliation experienced at the portance, of these factors i n . J e w - vention, Omaha Post No. 1 will setting only one condition . . . are played each Sunday at Cen- }TX his religion, which will be the j bands of • the gentiles. In other sh, life canabt-be done. B u t they stage a massivd fireworks exposi- That Suveria accept and read a tral High School grounds start- foundation ' of a" better under-1 wordB his Judaism wag,merely a are n o t Jewish life. over- tion and clown circus at the copy of Lord Melchett's recent ing at 1:00 p.. in. Paul Steinberg, standing, of' the religions cf t h e ; clothespin put on his nose'to shut •niphasis h a s led t o Their CreighC^n Stadium on July 5th.e secular of the Athletic Commit- world and his own. spiritual her- f out the stench of the fleshpots of ife taking precedencet h over Arrangements for. the • exposi- book "Thy Neighbor,"-In the hope member the tee of the Jewish . Connaanity. itage." ' • • i that, he would then understand tion, and circus, are being made religious. T h e toward forms have Center, is la charge of the league the Jews' problems and would The kindergarten, she by' the finance committee of OmaMr. Lewisohn .being an. artist hidden t h e meaning. . . . '. . plained, will not-b* conducted ss ha Post No. 1, American Legion.. change his views . . ; The book Play. . Is a'sensitive- soul easily given to. a parochial school, but EE a pro- I "The fireworks demonstration was sent and some time later the suffering, and in.his earlier years *To Mr. Lewisohn t h e Jewa a r e Junior Girls and Junior Boys gressive school aiming primarily > Melchetts received a lengthy leta\p.eople apart, seperate. beings, will be the-most spectacular ever \ as. he struggled to make a literswim classes are getting larger. to build character. A group-of' ary reputation; he had • plenty of' whose eyes should look In, n o t held in Omaha," said Chairman ter . , . Substance and tenor of apparently Morris E. Jacobs of the Finance •which was . . . "If only all Jews Now is the time to enroll ' for Jewish and con-Jewish educators ; opportunity to .suffer. He: .had out. Mr. . Lewisohn •will go on were like Lord and Lady Mel- swimming so as to enjoy your have anuGtincGu their- readiness faith in his abilities, and he Boon- forgets that; this is a world of Cotamittee. ''Seats outdoor swims when summer to cooperate •_'in. establishing the sale at the American Legion of- chett." . . . ' - • : : . give a n d take." If good-will b e came to realize there • must, be weathers gets here. school, including Dr.' Tvillisia H.' fice on Tuesday. Half of the stadsome reason "why others were not tween J e w and Christian Is.to be • -Kfipatrlck c£ ' Columbia- <gg;iver- : recognizing them. Soon.he had realized, t h e J e w "has h i s obliga- ium will be reserved. General adNathan Katz, 32-year-old law- Racial Bias' sitr. Dr. Adelaide, T. Case of i thp answer. He-was a Jew. ~; . • tions. As /we desire Christians to missto.n will be 40 ee.n.ts for adults yer who has just been appointed Geneva, N. T.—(TT. N. SO— Teachers' • College, Dr. - Samuel ; Thus he'returned to the fold understand a n d appreciat© ~Juda- and 25 cents for children. -Heto the executive staff of the J. "Any discrimination of employ- -Diuin of the Jewish. . Theological Bf his forefathers, hurt : and : <Ms- ism, so; th'e^.Jew jss bounil^to do served seats will be 25 cents exD.'C's Paris office, is giving up a ers, against employees because of -SerraziaiT, and. Dr. Israel: CtipkSa tra. Because the reserved seats i b h O B'lBted. "With, the zeal ; of a co£•ar> limited, litjsrill bo ^first come, law career that had the most brll- race . or. creed should. b© < cojisid-,.4>f the Jewish EaueatiSs Jksic VP.rt, Mr. LewisQitin. began his litE g y p t .


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propaganda plus, 5n recent years, HStul Communist and .Jewish.?/ Ar'chv.r THnr Finero,- English dre.tnr.tist, vep p, member of a prominent, f.epharcik. fsmlly.


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us-Chris- .tioni .tr.ha- i s s beea instru in -fitarting the project..-

tiari," it. was declared in a..resolution adopted by . the annual. convention of the. Knights o* Coiiimbus of New York state.

Disraeli, mother of the author of .'"iome.-iot My Best Living on Cnarity Sweden as European counsel to EarlMaria Beaconsfield, Is believed Friends Are JewS.1 it was not althe Irving Trust Co. which was to beof. the prototype of .the mother owed that' a- case for • assimilation - Vienna CWJJs) — On^third of liquidating t h e International can be biiilp •'.%'.,-', • Vienna's Jewish poplation ia Tin- Match :Co. . . . H e was-chief coun- of Daniel DeroEda. Utilizing: that new and- potent employed and living on charity ac- sel in the Stockholm office until Patronise Our Advertisers weapon that- so " many writers cording, to. a report by the presi- last year . , . Speaking of brillihave snatched greedily, from the dent of the Vienna Kehlllah. ant youngsters', Melvin Fagen, hands 6t:tthe r master, . Sigmund Among those on the dole during formerly -with the American JewFreud, Mr. Lewisohn pried until the second halt of 1936 were ish Committee, is now ezecutl-^a he found what he- deslre'd-to prove 7G8 Jewish refugees from Ger- secretary for tho Conference on his contentions. By reasoning as many. The report also revealed Jewish Relations, but still repreinvolved as 'his. sentence- struc- that JewlsTi .youth is rapidly be- sents the former on important ture, he managed to ferret out a ing reorientated professionally, occasions . . . Fagen's -still under sub-cons c l o u s •anti-JewIshness. 1,000 Jews being apprenticed to thirty . . . Aleph Zadik Aleph, This blundering pBycho-analyz- various trades' while .studying at B'nal B'rith junior order, has ing was not worthy of Mr.1 Lewis- industrial training schools. some interesting names ' oti its ohn. • "*."'',' A sharp* drop in the. number of roster . . . A Leon Blum in San Ye't Mt\ 'Lewisohn ha3 preached Jewish law students is reported Francisco, who's not related to a sound thesis one that demands for the last decade, -the "decline the famous Parisian . - . . An Edattention. To him"1 Jewish-Chri3t- being fromJ>69 in the school year ion world is being threatened by 19 2 5-2 C to 251 in the school year a revitalized Paganism'! His read- 1936-37. ' era agree with him that MussoDuring the same period Jewish lini and Hitler are Pagans In thephilosophy students decreased worst sense of the word and some from 7.74 to 41G. will admit that even Stalin fits The general decline In fhe Jewinto this category. But never ish student population is shown willing to let well: enough alone, by the fact that all the profesMr. tewisohn , goes forth to find sional and technical colleges in more ravages of Paganism" to Vienna had only 835 Jewish stustartle hi a readers. dents in 1936-37 while in 1925- 1 DOUBLE C1SS - - 5 s Again through a maze of prem- 26 there were 934 Jewish stu- y •• ises, Mr. Lewisohn finds an.inof- dents la the college of commerce does not condemn him for being fensive, "slightly-better-than-^ue- alone. B Jewish-nationaliBt. He has be-average movie, "A Star Is Born" M £423 U<o: ICSi IVZ-SGSC fl come ethnocentric. His people subtly glorifying . pagan ideals. Patronize Our Advertisers are the center of the universe. r-*^ Like the plants around the sun,

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first ser.ved.lM.ji ? • > • ' - • . " :•• Lewiao he's already had a record of big benefit o|j'ttl;^a&t^.sS;riving at things i n Jav,' ,••,. He did standout their. coMu|itms"!:|)f>Cintellectual v work in' the liquidation of comenaeavor.'Np,--they-are the vic-•A! Third of Vienna " '\ panies affiliated with the Bank tims of psychic'disturbances. In of the United States and in 1932 the case of;.Robert. Gessner, the . • Jews Jobless: arid' ; (when only 27) he was sent to

7»?o Jewish c-s t h e to represent G *•, r m e nt*


erary output on th'e> subject. -It he had experiencedf.thls__rebirth of- Jewish .sfiirlt i andv tactfully written of it (ag. he did so beautltully in:"The Island Within'') all would' have .been forgiven. ; • Instead; Mr. Lewi^bhn has turned, out to be like a woman who must tell everyone of her operation. To do so he has unfort' unately taken on the phenomenal task of writing a weekly article, and a weekly article is a formidable instrument; that. has led many a -writer to his,doom. Since Mr. Lewisohn has begun looking at thla world through such strongly-tinted -glasses, he has come to lose, patience with those individuals .who do not see E.s he does. Disagreement is apt to he called 'intellectual confuBion and dreamy unreality.* IJe has come to see himself a man clone, fighting a battle singlehandedly because his espousal of the cause of Judaism, has alienated him from his fellow writers. "What has happened' la that Mr. Ijewisohn has given reason for i i s intellectual honesty to be questioned. I^s analyses of preJ?ent-day conditions are apt to 'he "distorted because of • his " viewpoint. He has fallen into the errors of his arch-enemies, the Marxians. Through the years, Mr. LewisDhn has lost objectivity. One




ScEapiro to

da plus, Jn recent years. ., ommunist and Jewish s\

Head A. Z. A. Mo. I Ray Schcipiro v a s elected president of the Tlother Ch"."tcr ol

• Wing Pinero,- English

t, was a member of a Lt Sephardlc family. FED — Two [a betwcca the. ages i a.ad 40 to represent J3emonatrate" Cfaexis Nation G a T m e nta. I 3 1 0 World-Herald W . Saturday morn-

Mepiry Monifo

\ t

5ant- 32 os. Boltla ... . - I . Lt Whole Family § L tKo for 10c i

geant-at-anas; Jose S. Hornstein,! the first radical artist to hare junior sergaant-at-arnis; and Joel on of his worlds purchased by the ! B. Hornstein, ciaplaia. j tiltra-ccnserratiYe Metropolitan j of Art . . .. "One I.Ian j All officers except the -secre- jMuseum Against Europe" is to the title of j tary 'hold their terras for sis' second volurr.e of Conrad ! mouths. The secretary- resains;; tie Heidec's biography of Hitler, I in office for o-ae year. I-which has just been published in j The chapter held a wiener.; Switzerland - • - The distinctisn | roast last Saturday night at Jack-1: of being the first German worn-; son's farm. Irving Nc-gg was an painter to have 'one of ber!

aid. former Colonial secretf also retpitss his portfolio as T>r


B! ine Ye;


;iinu-?i. v:bo firs; p n cribine' P.? O.an f? ; celli:ir oC the Duchy vi lifincs;ste

iiFh tere.c the B;-i

CIJ L.Ic.»

succeeds Joe 3 . Hornstein. Other officers • elected were: Morris Arbitman, d e l e g a t e ' ennnent has come to Mrs. A dramati c critic who -singes Sara-Wolfe, vice president; Irving and Joe Hornstein, alternate j Muenzer-Xeuraann, a i re'u-i thB world Var, that he felt it Inabled Blum to take, hold a year a masterpiece of his owu r . Her painting, "M&teraNogg, secretary; Morris Adier, will represent the chapter at the ; gee pumbenf upon .him . to" interest ago with such, firmness and purHenry Montor calls l<eori Blum held in Tort; 5ty," s been acqiiirea fcr r ' treasurer; -Morton Margolin, re- | convention to be in this review of the French'; himself in the realities "of. politi- pose.- Obviously. Stokes has hadporter; Max^Prostat, senior ser-1 Jervis, New York, Jdne 2S-30. j Paris museum . . . Incidentally.. cal life.-'Starting ".at the .-'lowest to rely in great measure upon in: Premier's biography by Richard the first Gerine.n pairiter to h?.ve IJ. Stokes. The early begin- rung\>f the"ladder "of party' dis- terpretation of Blum through .his his works exhibited at that musee P F T crhir cipline, -despite the . "prestige he writings. That is certainly an nings . and the later years of um was the late Mas Liieberraacn (I* inp George "**I 1 achievement of one of Europe's had. gained, as' France's "foremost essential part of;his career and . . . For the purchase ot books .cr Nev ' e C'h most • brilliant statesmen, pro- dramatic critic, .• he consolidated character. But there, is insuffito keep boys cut ot mischief, his influence'" through, his paticient light on the policies Blum duced by the, Jewish race, nre Charles Edwin Fox, late district _ his has advocated in ' the s past, the portrayed in this article.—The ! ence, his understanding and attorney of Philadelphia, be; • By PHIKEAS J . ability. *".. '••' ', -"... ' ,.'.\.' . nature of the ^training h* had me i u i n .lew ii Editor. queathed $4,00 0. hare res cheS c« ;. His present". biographer make? from the day when he began to STtTFF Tman and Italian interests to sain •-R I much of. the TDreyfuB trial, -which feel that the literary field was A comite d'entente represent- j commercial control of Bermuda SAYS THE EIKDIE m * F> t*»» Prof. Morris Raphael Cohen ol to E ave ' helfl Just about a year ago Leon U e describes at great length. But Inadequate for a' man wishing to ing some of the principal Jew-! in order. to be able to keep tabs contribute to the progress of the ish .philanthropic agencies work- on the movements of British, nav- the City College department c£ MiniH;ter. d t k the th ttask kof f formf Blum undertook I f ^ y great change g g occurred in ,-i-V, cv world and to heal.its Ills. ing in the overseas sphere has al vessels in the "STest Indies . . . philosophy will resign at the end i- h | Ing a cabinet and inaugurated a|i,eon Blum's view, of the world it of this semester or in January Italian Fascist circles are said to tary been formed In Europe . . . Kepo: . It is only when Stokes is dePremiership that has made h i m j d i d n o t manifest itself until alreadying a flock of pamphlets to devote himself to the Confer- ernni ent. one of the outstanding political |m O E t a generation later. While scribing the processes -whereby resented ia this body are tee J-"be stressing that Jews ere "vrorkin-g ence of Jewish Relations . . . D. C, the I. C. A. and the -Joint Blum saved Socialism In France figures of modern times!. _ ..' j s t l u a b o y 5 1 ^ thought and The vagaries of French. P&rlia- \^.rote about the -wisdom x>t dem-jfrom a deadly split t h a t ' one Reconstruction Fcrandatioa . . . underground to destroy Fascism Vi'onder why the Fs.seist countries mentary rule - .may unseat him ] o c r a c y a n d -the spuriousness of comes nearer to an appreciation Avoidance of duplication . and. . . Kananek, leader of tee Czech of Italy, German -and Greece are -tv-ithin a lew hours, but it is dif-|c a g t e < o f T V h i c h ,. t h o Dreyfus Af- of the temperateness and evolu- overlapping .is said to be, its P'ar-Agarian Party and the real found- the only European ports - of call on itinerary mapped out for the cabinet. T «.E J i:cult to belle-Te that the trans-I faJre- y^- the-supreme symbol. tionary character of Blum's po- pose,--but some auarters fear it I of Konrad Henlein's Sudeten S2m"ua£ cruise of the midshipmen of F i r s t CoiurLj.ASt.»oL party tCrech Nazis), is a Sileston is a sten toward international con-' ..lormation he wrought in the pnb- | j ^ ^ B l u m . c a g written on-the litical creed. He hates force to whose mother WES a polish Jew- of ttse "Cnited States Naval Aca- •vrhich h a s ministeria lie life of his country Tvill be as jdrama, ou' the essentials' of gor-achieve any objective and thus re- trol of Jewish philanthropy : It is understood that the Zionist | ess . . . The Jewish question in demy . . . Despite the boycott, Tiot c£.bisec r£.nk. quickly forgotten. ernment reform,' o~n marital life jjects Russian Bolshevism. He beopposed i Poland was" one ©f the subjects A! ! bos office men insist that the Sir phll.p, T"hn is fund-raising bodies are Dramatic critic for many years, and 'on? political' theory. In each jlieves that violence, perhaps only chance for a million dollar Lieon Blum, is now staging a dra-of these fields he is distinguished ' necessary under the peculiar cqn- to entering the entent. . Sabbi t Smith was. - supposed to discuss I-Doxing bout is a match, between en ?"i. Or? oC ^",s r ma of his own composition which by'the independence of his mind j dltions obtaining in Russia, can- Lee J : "Levinger, •; the -fellow who j with the Pope when he was re•' Mas Sehmeling r.ns Bob Paste-, will lor generations affect the arid the suppleness of his prose. not win friends for democracy in made those swell, studies of Jew- j ceived, at the Vatican . . . German : the non-Aryan . . . Engineer ,Tol*e tf* 1—i'"rt r r f Ish college students, is reported provincial papers as well as the Frenchmen taking part In it. That As Mr. Stokes points out, Blum France. seph E. Strauss, builSer c* Srr trtJto be -preparing material, for -a i Nazi press la Czechoslovakia are ;j FrauciSco's !Leon Blum is a Jew is complete-. was always regarded as a Bohemmiracle GcldcTs Gate "Middletown" by his visits i blaming a "Jewish-Bolshevist conAmong ly irrelevant except .for the anti- i a n . a n d a dilettante unUl his ad-j umphs wasBlum's that overgreatest himself — to a rnuniber of key Jewish com-i spiracy" for the disaster to the j fcridge, is planning a bridge aero1? -Semites, in Ws own and other m i n i s t r a t i o n o t o f f i c e p r o y e d n o T r j ^ b e l n g a b l e t 0 T e j e c t t M Un. Eeppelln Hinderburg . . . Anti- ; the narrows of New York harbnt munities . . . . A comparison of the-1! Zeppelin countries,. who^ind it a conveni- f l r m - ^ ^ h e h a so nd e t a i l s a s j testic p l e a t h a t h es l l 0 u l d r e f r a i a list of New York .contributions j Semitic drawings from Julius ] to link Brootlrn una Stater ent label: for^ their hatreds, and wfeH a s p r I n c i p i e s o t government.i from accepting office on the the J. r>. C. and the TJ. P. A.Streicher'a "Stuermer" are being ; Island . . . Norman Kotiins, tht ^ c e p t for chauvinist Jews Who] I^n mm _aa nn. ^ M m o r t o , . „ _ B l a m ground that his Jewishness might to and the names of Jews rated as used as front page illustrations ! fellow who runs a lunch counter > > respects L ^ n Blnra g herald him as,; one oil worth $100,000 or more in New j illustrations j n "Arriba Espana," j In s gymnasium frequenteS Ihr ^ ^ • I imperU other Jews. I t might be l a c e d the s a m e p r o M e m a a s •' New Tort uosers, -used to t e s, thcii own but probably disown if Jews themselves as well Tork makes Interestingg readins | official orgaa o£ General Franco's i rabbinical stuaent . . . It i a t i most of the-social and economic Franklin • D. Ropsevelt. His ad- j helpful as non-Jews would remember ministration 13 called the French j l i i "We hear that the Zionists j legionnaires. phriosophy. he. espouses. | .burgers become "popular in Engonly that Leon Blum is Premier are" complaining that their friends WE'RB ew DeaL But there are conTOV i land you can credit it to A. C. AVith Fascism " and • Nazism trasts F of France and forget the inconOf the J. 3D.- C. monopolise time as well a3 comparisons, The Levys of Illinois ought to j Blumenthal, theatrical iraprcsl^ouuding relentlessly against the sequential fact that his parents on a national _ radio hoob-up sup- be mad at Governor Henry Horn- sario, who has just opened 20 lum ,has not had. to endure the borders of France as one of the .ackfiring of the Supreme Court, l^ere Jewish. What he may. beposed to be set aside for Jewish |e r < %< His father's name was ! hamburger Tke Store «/ Ets.nds in London. last :outposts ot democracy, the 1 J h a r a °r ^ ^ ^toJthe distinction ^ f ° ° which ^ C religious - program , . . Sholoin jL e v y ( b Q th e a d o p t e d t l l e n a m e - , o f 3jrt.cariousness of Blum's position ince'the power of the Chamber j tionship is Intensified by charges of alien- f.1 Deputies is final. , On the oth-he has conferred upon the office AECh can't speak unless h ? drinks j ; g o r n e r three -quarts -of .orange-juice be- n a m e > '•whe'n" W parents separat.hand, he has not enjoyed . seJiess which .continue to be brought CLEAN L15IEN of • Premier of France after one against him. That he. 'has been iurity'of tenure such as the Pres- year of e^wift-movlng events in tween intermissions-;. . . A cer-ed . . . "When you See the naiae ij A!wej-e Attracts Cra» able to survive tor a year despite dency • provides. He has had" to the direction of a finer, humaner tain well known anti-N&zi organ- of Beverly Wilshire on movie mar- i OMAHA TOWEL ization may shortly fold its.tents quees remember that she used to liis Socialism and his ancestral conciliate, compromise, yield. In France. | SUPPLY because of money troubles.: be Stella Adler of Yiddish stage. Sudaism is a tribute to the good ctuality I,eon Blum does not (Copyright, .19.37, by S.A.F.S.) HELP WANTED I ours Since 1S-.S . . . Her brother, Luther, will call S Bense of France as well as to the ,ead. a Socialist administration, Do you know, a first class himself • Bullocks Wilshire in the administrative vision- and -political iiit is operating" under what Democrat who could give Mayor j movies . . If you want to write ! light be called armed neutrality Go«Tir.il Fluffs to ~ craftsmanship .that he has disLa Gu&rdla a battle *f or the. -so- j to one in the Jewish colony ! piayed. : - . . . - ; :- -. " v •-. •.between the-bourgeoisie and the called Jewish.Tote: of .New York? at Highstown, New Jersey, re- i Hold Tournament •eft"/ His successes are all the Leon Blum's acceptance of: the greater when one keeps -these . . . He must be persona gr£ta member ita - official name Is row j Visit Oar Kitclien'w&re ^Premiership of France was anhandicaps in mind. ' .. Tentative committees and plans to F. D. B... not too closely.'identi-1 Homesteads The New York j liiuexpeeted event for political ob- - Th Reform of. the Bank of 'or the forthcoming summer con- f ied with Tammany a i d likely to ! telephone book Display ~ contains the i : Eoivers despite the iact; that -for 'ranee, ••• the devaluation of thevention-and tournament of the Wear Ever Uiensils . „ , Silex win. conservative Republican sup- j names of two Hittlers, twelve! years he. held in' his own"hands 'raise,-the nationalization of-mu- Jorn Belt Regional Alephs* as- port . . . He should have, a record streichers and four Goerings. CcTfea Mckere . » . P;-rex Cocka veto on all governments' in "his oclation" have been announced of anti-Nazi utterances like those! >ng Ware . . . Toastmaster* . -. Maid's Uniforms . . . Kitchen capacity as ieader of the -Socialist nitions,-th.e'.€Stavbll5hm|sat of col--his week by the host group, the credited to Jeremiah T.-'Mahosey] authorized tiiograr-iiT j capacty l b h taken ecttve -bar-gaining, -ths" sanitation, Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 ofor Supreme Court Justice William, 0, Bluin is sow being writ- i jtParty. " For" -Bl-unr-bo-havepresss are a few ot the he X Z. A: Pending lonn'al ap- V Collins If you "know of ten by two European joirnialists j G the mandate from President Lebaccomplishments-r: to:'. the proval, from' the^SupTeme Advis- T such a candidate send his name . . . The book will seek to set at I Srun .did" violence^to hia-own feory,Council, August 7. S, and 9,to - the Democratic party • of Newrest some. of the false rumors . tiring nature and to his essential credit of Blum. . : "[But hia skill: has onot been Te- have been chosen as the dates lor York City They're looking current about the French prembolitical outloot,' which required tricted' to, the domestic field. In his-affair. for him . - . . A l l . of i h e inspired ier . . . William Greppsr, the left that Socialism assume-responsi- foreign affairs "he' has been able Corn Belt Region consists talk about Senator ; Copeland as wing cartoonist and painter, is i pility only when it had sufficient keep France .from -becoming of. chapters in-the following cit-j the Democratic candidate means [Independent' support In the cham- embroiled • in • the entanglements les: Omaha, Lincoln, Des Molnes, nothing, despite the efforts to imminm per of deputies. tBxust toward' her. by hostile pow- Sionx" City, .Ottumwa,- Council build him up ~as pro-Jewish by his i So f "Although for many -years ers." < He'has, of' course, earned Bluffs. Davenport, Rock Island, pro-Jionist activities . . . T h e same goes; for Boroug-h President ifleputy, Blum was a • comparative he suspicion: S.nd the condemna- and Mpltae. i.tmknbwn in international-politics General chairman for this tion' of the: extreme left JOT hte "Whatever' slim Samuel Levy [texcept for casual references when tournament will he Meyer Maltz, chance he had to get .the mayoralicabmets were.about to.fail. "What failure .to aid • loyalist" Spain, •who Is, ttie-advisor of the Council ty, nomination,- was, ruined 'by. the deemed,- i o be; fighting • the cause as the background ;of.,this .GJ-ye Bluffs group. Other committee opposition of influential Jewish of.'ail democracy and not merely fcld statesman who., was able. for heads chosen are Abe Raben, gen- leaders, who fear, the effect of a Eo long, to resist'the demand, of of "free government' In .her own eral -co-chairman; Harold. Fox, fi- Jewish governor. . country. I t is-easy .io be a [France for aid to Spain; nance:. Hyman Diamond, athletic; OVERSEAS DISPATCH swivel-chair • .diplomat, hut i t . i s passed more . social ;*welfare and Leo Mayerson, publicity; Herbert The, British government Is reeconomic progressive legislation difficult to-ba sure/'that Blum's Rosenthal,: dating; . Abe Raben, ported to be greatly concerned More fullness In the adoptiop; fol •&. more . aggressive 3ri a few months than had been transportation; - Jo© . - Perlmutter, over the anti-Jewish ban .in cerbust . . . tact>rs. w i d t ,h in course. one -.that; would • liave Imi: , jsdopted In sixty years, before him housing; • Frank Pirseh, jrograEa; tain Bermuda hotel . . . The rumthe hir>s . . , 1m. ?Camtated M;ussq#;aU3 ,In_^aiiother. di"J j^rho exploded the theory^that the q 'Kutler, book; • Sam Karseh- or is .that the. exclusion of Jewish 7,i\at J\ "French peasant instinctively re- Tection,.*-. w o u l d ; h a v e : pre- bmsky, registration;/ Eugene Tel- guests is part of a. plan by Gersists monetary reforms? What'ia vented • the ravishment - of .Spain. pner, get-acqualnted party; Joe |3aid to be the first organized bio- The forces of FaBcism-seem' to 'be "Wolfsoni : swim party; Arnold "PS "graphy ot the man attempts to pressing1, for war,..or else.they Lincoln, picnic; Meyer Maltz, adKt (answer the question. It is "l<eon take it for ; ^ranted. that .'their re- visors' breakfast; Irving Cohen, plum," by Bichard -I*. Stokes peated : blutfs will neve? be' called. luncheon;-and Norman RosenWhen Is thai,, dance chairman. Wh y Coward-McCann). . -; . When t ih t ' h^ l af f tl i^i a. l il ei d.i t Is 1 [ LS.V.T1S or } Tho • immediate" origins • of . the better that;"both iFrince^and EngGirls from Council Bluffs who i A-Division of jElum family are located in Al-land beylnteriially pj-epare<L That •were chosen by-the-local chapter lonr si !\ to be official hostesses . are the |jf.ce. The tirst record of their seems :tW be-; ^ r "; foreign Misses Maxins Leiboyitz, -RhodatpTtsence in Paris appear^ to bexaatlng'^Sluliifs' fc* Radiator & ^ c "Tedio l i - ' • • - - ' Krasne, June- Meyerson, Shirley (1845. Today Blum Freres, deal- policy. CORPORATION eyt to ers in silk materials, is the mon- Since it,is'•'the*, only 'biography Maltz,'Florence Meyerson, Libbie • ths dtr-. ument to the business acumen avaflablel" Stokes* i^Leon' Blum'';, 13 Grossman, and Thelma Passer. to 20! Hcotsas-Ceittractcra COCiZ»C^S and industry of -Auguste Blum an indispensable ".introduction to The native of Afghanistan have Hcyder't 2512 tieaveawortii At. I I bnd his sons, three of whom, Lu^ one of the most - glamorous pericien. Marcel and Georges, con sonalities 'on the w.orld" horizon. a legend that they are descen2 i r n i f"h"t? ^-•~?'-m*>r jiinue its affairs. Rene, a fourtl It lacks much, however, in itsdants of the. ten tribes. •"""""""• Tn£y a zrw Iscss cs life ns jvu Ki:c, iiillF 1 brother, directs the opera house analysis of tho meatO processes Iballet at-Monte Carol. , golf and csrap la this glorious saouatsia paradise. and' political • training .which enii \ Tradition, required that Leon Should follow in the business; He ^imed instead at a professorship bf philosophy." But after years^ot f I .This susansr, a.21-day round trip ticksf fro=a Osiaha costs Successive prizes In 'every field enly $19.60. l a addition, Burliagtoa "effsrs spedsl csc-arsion 'lot classical learning Blum entertickets for csach or chair car travel ES low ss $15.75 roasd. t i p <Ed the law course, taking his decree in 1S94. For- almost twenfrbra • Oinita "caca Saturday ead Sunday, frcsa July 10. to ty-five years thereafter Blum wa: August S—vnza *1-QE5 return i»i^« x.«.c«^,a * ui «* u.uc .&,. vt-» ... . a referee in the Council d'Etat, day ssrved to coach cad cliair car passengers, ^.he highest appeals " court ' o' france. t . '}'.'•'.•_• * A!l-£rps=S2, conducted 7-day coadi to-urs as low ES SSS.92 ro'jnd V r ' F' At the same time, however, h trip frora Chnsha to Colorado. (entered upon a literary'career i n |which he earned his' major rep^ ntatlon before he became hif country's chief esecutive. • * From "Go Burlisgton" for ths best travd raluj:. TSzt ths famous sitjthe age of nineteen, when Wr cssdliitsed ARISTOCRAT e? CVSE1AF3 EXPRESS,' ChSirst poems appeared -until 191 lss" stgsl S^eon Blum- was- essentially, Xriter... viewing life'.objectivel; even though compassionately; H< dicri Incurs ATo cxfcs fere. £»ad come under the Influence: Q Jean Jaures, tb«- activist, an S-iUden- Herr, m e ' "theorist sr: French Socialism, It was no "". c:: i nr—, G however, until the outbreak o i l ' J. -1 LI '•

: fsa-iiavft t 3 tin -

poiisetfis.ewy Uuailes. ', <5f=ici dsaage). FLOS ,fto.

did ecslasi ei aflito,p o iwrfd Jial '_;!•!» bsdj'i heel .O3l, cad •Sr Ja. WhsJeror yecr typa—SsfiraY tiia Sea : 70a. eocld *yhx p i s ia a runout ol ttjls»

A.-S. A, at the bi-n:ontJily meeting "held last Tuesday. Sc-apiro has bees active in both social and athletic circles and has carved as vice-president of the chapter. H^

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T H E J E W I S H PRESS, FRIDAY. J U N E 1 1 . 1 9 3 7

The World Of Books B y Rabbi Frederick

Returning t o m y study after a brief absence, I a m reminded that besides N a t u r e a n dH u m a n N a t u r e there i s t h e W o r l d

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Editorial OKtco: 500 uranaela Theater Bunaing. '• Slous City Olflco—Jewish communtty Center Print Shop Address: 4504 So. 24th Sfcreat DAVID Bl^AOKBR - • Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKEKMAN - * • • • ' • • • EdltO? FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN piLt« . . . . sious city, towa; Correspondent

Fighting the Battle Together










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'So misguided have been t h e efforts o f over-zealous p u b licity chairmen o £ various Jewish organizations that a serious ,p r o b l e m h a s a r i s e n . S o f l a g r a n t h a s b e e n t h i s a b u s e o f n e w s •paper columns that t h e delegates t o t h e National Conference o f J e w i s h S o c i a l W o r k s a w f i t t o ' d e v o t e * , a s e s s i o n t o t h ed i s cussion o f judicious u s eo f publicity. I T h e standard o f good publicity f o r a n organization h a s t o o o f t e n b e e n •m e a s u r e d b y q u a n t i t y , t h e r e s u l t b e i n g t h a t the local papers have been used f o rn e w s o f J e w s a n d Jewish o r g a n i z a t i o n s . t h a t f o r t h e b e s t i n t e r e s t s o ft h e c o m m u n i t y should b e confined entirely t o t h eJewish press. In m o s t cases such" n e w s is o f interest t o a Jewish reading p u b l i c a n di n t h e d a i l y p r e s s m u s t b e a c c o m p a n i e d b y e x p l a n a tions that a r e sometimes misleading a n d sometimes misinterpreted. . The handling o f news b y t h e daily press demands t h e feensational and t h e dramatic b e given primary position. This 5s n o t i n line w i t h a d i g n i t y t h a t s h o u l d c h a r a c t e r i z e J e w i s h o r g a n i z a t i o n s . T h e u n w i s e u s e o f p u b l i c i t y d e f e a t s i t sp u r pose a n dt o ooften" does definite harm.




Good-will movements f o r a number, of years have Sought b y t h ep r o c e s s o f r e a s o n i n g a n d i n t e r c h a n g e - o f i d e a s a n d i d e a l s to foster a greater understanding between creeds. Leaders have long recognized that .the different religions could n o t waste n e e d e d s t r e n g t h a g a i n s t e a c h o t h e r w h e n i th a d b e c o m e s o vitally necessary t o h u s b a n d their resources t o battle a com*; m o n enemy . . . atheism, materialistic godlessness. . • However, world events have brought t h e great,religions of t h eworld together i n their c o m m o n fight f a r m o r e rapidly a n d f a r m o r e effectively t h a n gqcrtl-will m o v e m e n t s . P r i m a r i l y , the short-sighted policy o f t h e Nazi government i n Germany has served t o focus attention o n t h epresent crisis i n religion's battle. W h e n t h eHitlerites first attacked t h e'Jewish position, there s e e m e d little fear that this w o u l d s p r e a d t o t h e Christ i a n f a i t h .B u t r u m b l i n g s o f p a g a n i s m a p p e a r e d v e r y s h o r t l y . N o w , both Protestants a n d Catholics realize that t h e very e s sence o f their Christianity is threatened. A n d simultaneously It h e N a z i i d e o l o g y t h r e a t e n s t h e s t r u c t u r e o f c i v i l i z a t i o n a n d 'democracy. A n e w critical stage w a s reached i n G e r m a n y this w e e k w h e n Goebbels told t h e Catholics i n Germany t o choose b e t w e e n H i t l e r a n d t h e V a t i c a n . T h e o u t l o o k a tt h e m o m e n t seems to b e that t h echurches i n Germany . . . both/Protestant a n d Catholic . . . will fight t o t h elast drop f o rt h e principles o f t h e i r , r e l i g i o n . A n d i ti s e n t i r e l y p o s s i b l e t h a t t h i s m a y b e come t h e shoal upon which t h eHitler regime will eventually founder. Meanwhile, f r o m m a n y sources a r eevident t h ecloser b o n d s of unity between Jewry, Protestantism a n dCatholicism. Thus thig w e e k t h e non-sectarian anti-nazi league disclosed that i t h a d receives requests from nine churches - - unprecedented in. t h e l e a g u e ' s e x p e r i e n c e - - - f o r a n t i - N a z i l i t e r a t u r e , t o b ed i s t r i b u t e d i n t h e c h u r c h e s . A n d i n B u d a p e s t , a ,R o m a n C a t h o l i c deputy showed t h e solidarity o £ purpose between faiths i n a s h a r p a t t a c k i nP a r l i a m e n t o n t h e " d e t e s t a b l e p e r s e c u t i o n " a n d " d e m a g o g i c a t t a c k s " a g a i n s t t h eJ e w i s h p e o p l e i n h i s c o u n try. A n di n this country t h e Presbyterian General. Assembly a d o p t e d a r e s o l u t i o n u r g i n g s u p p o r t o ft h e r e l i g i o u s f o r c e s , in t h eReich i n t h ebattle against-the. Nazis. These a r e b u t straws i n t h e w i n d «. . indicating a deepseated spontaneous m o v e m e n t f o r a unified, intensified battle a g a i n s t t h eN a z i ideology. I t re-inforces t h et h o u g h t e x p r e s s e d b y t h e Presbyterian General AssemblyV "WeT'darei' n o t stand aside a n d l e t o u r brethren fight t h e battle alone/ I f w e d o , a n d t h e battle i s lost, t h e t i m e will c o m e w h e n w e , t o o , will fight t h ebattle alone." © ,

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S i d e fay S i d e , • .• . •-. -'•'••• ••'.-:•*'• Construction a n d destruction c a n live side b y side, b u t eventually o n e must outbalance t h e other. This i s evidenced in P a l e s t i n e t o d a y , w h e r e t h e J e w i s h p e o p l e a r e t r y i n g t oc o n tinue their constructive efforts which h a v e changed t h e H o l y L a n d f r o m desert d u n e s t o fertile, p r o d u c t i v e l a n d . . ; while A r a b l e a d e r s a r es e e k i n g t o d e s t r o y t h ev e r y m e a n s w h i c h m a d e Palestinian productivity a n dindustrial progress possible. A n excellent example is t o b e found this w e e k i n widely,d i f f e r e n t p r o n o u n c e m e n t s f r o m t h eJ e w i s h F e d e r a t i o n o f L a b o r in Palestine a n d t h e Arab Higher Committee. T h e General Jewish Federation o f Labor, which will build a half-million dollar hospital a t Bath Gallim, undertook t o employ Jews a n d A r a b s i n equal n u m b e r s o n t h e project . . : a d d i n g t o t h ea l ready proven fact that Jewish immigration h a s been a boon to A r a b workers. I n contrast, t h eA r a b Higher'Committee a n nounces that A r a b s selling land will incur n o t only condemn a t i o n b u tpublic trial." This despite t h eplea o f t h esmall M o s lem land-owners that they always g e t very high prices from the Jewish buyers a n dhave thus been enabled t o improve their standard o f cultivation. It is f a r easier t o tear d o w n than- t o build u p . B u tt h e constructive forces a r e inherently healthier, having right a n d idealism behind them. A n di n Palestine, though near-sighted A r a b politicians m a y temporarily impede a n d seriously h a m per t h e upbuilding o f t h eHoly Land, i n the, e n d Jewish d e . t e r m i n a t i o n a n dinitiative c a n n o t a n dwill n o tb e s w e r v e d f r o m their Qourse.,

There are not many people in the world who eat too little, through choice. \ , 'A pessimist is responsible for* the "lime" ia .compliment. »,••




Books constitute a world i n themselves, with a character all i t s o w n . I t i s sort o f T h i r d Reich, a R e a l m o f t h e Spirit. T h e r e t h e m o n a r c h s o ft h o u g h t a n d o f i n t e l l e c t h o l d s w a y . T h e r e imagination exercises i t sperpetual rule. There, enshrined in literature, a r et h etrue immortals. • " B o o k s " said E m e r s o n " a r ef o r t h e scholar's idle times." B e i n g n o tonly a writer.- o f b o o k s b u ta student a n d connoisseur of books, Emerson presumably should know. B u tw e venture to assert that books a r en o tonly f o r t h escholar a n dn o t only f o r h i s c a s u a l i n s p e c t i o n b u t f o r a l l m e n ,a t a l l t i m e s . B o o k s constitute t h e greatest democracy i n t h eworld. T h e greatest of the. earth i n t h e m will c o m e t o u s ,converse with u s , counsel, teach, guide, instruct, inspire. Even- m o r e t h a n t h eradio b o o k s m a y b e o u rconstant visitors, a t o u rb e c k a n dcall, r e a d y a t a m o m e n t ' s notice a t a t a k i n g f r o m t h eshelf, a t a p i c k i n g u p f r o m t h e t a b l e , t o c o m m u n e w i t h x t s ,t o ;o f £ e r u s i n s t r u c t i o n s , e n t e r tainment, edification, solace, inspiration. B o o k s a r e o u r best friends, companions, a n d associates. H a p p y h e whose library is full o f g o o d books, o f literature's choicest g e m s , a s w e " a s o f s t a n d a r d , s t i m u l a t i n g w o r k s o f s c i e n c e , o f p h i l o s o p h y , o fh i s tory, o f biography, o f poetry, a n dessays, y e t also o f gocd fiction books o f every sort including religion; true sources ;of genuine culture which Matthew Arnold defined a s " t h e brst t h a t h a sb e e n t h o u g h t o r w r i t t e n ! " i n c a r n a t i o n s i n e n d u r i n g l i t e r a t u r e o f " t h eg o o d , t h e t r u e , a n d t h e b e a u t i f u l . " B y u n i v e r s a l c o n s e n t t h e r e i s o n eb o o k t h a t i s p l a c e d a t t h e h e a d o f a l l l i t e r a t u r e , a n d t h a t i s " t h eB o o k o f B o o k s " , I s r a e l ' s Bible. I t i s really a literature i n itself, c o n t a i n i n g legend, h i s tory, biography, poetry, epie narrative, sententious epigrams, d r a m a . T h e character a n d t h e influence o f t h e Bible a r er e m a r k a b l e . E v e n t o o n e c o m p a r a t i v e l y w e l l v e r s e d i n i t , i tc o n t i n u a l l y d i s c l o s e s n e wb e a u t i e s , u n s u s p e c t e d g l o r i e s . ' T h e B i b l e is still t h e 'best seller', o v e r - t o p p i n g a l l others. A n e w welledited, selected, popular literary edition o f t h e m a i n portions of t h eBible has, just appeared a n di s having a great success. W e c a nnever outgrow t h ebeauties, t h e wisdom, a n d t h eins p i r a t i o n o f !t h e B i b l e . A s C a r l y l e s a i d o f t h e B o o k o f J o b , i t i s 'an all men's book', universal i n its content, outlook, applica tion, a n dappeal. Prothero h a ss h o w n t h epart t h eP s a l m s have p l a y e d i n h u m a n life^ o n t h em o s t d r a m a t i c , ^as w e l l a s t h e m o s l h i s t o r i c a l o c c a s i o n s b e s i d e s b e i n g t h ew h o l e w o r l d ' s p r a y e r b o o k , e x p r e s s i n g i t sd e e p e s t e m o t i o n s , a s p i r a t i o n s , l o n g i n g s , a n d h o p e s . A king1 a n dqueen a r ecrownedj a m o s t solemn service i s held, a n d w o r d s from Israel's ancient Psalms a r eintoned o r recited, as amost fitting royal accompaniement..A President is inaugurated, usually quoting words from t h eBible t o guide a n d direct hi3 course. T h einfluence o £ t h eBible o n individuals a n d o n history a n dt h e entire course o f civilization i s simply incalculable; a deep, divine, .spiritual a n d moral a s well a s cultural i n f l u e n c e . F i t t i n g l y i st h e B i b l e c a l l e d ' t h e B o o k o f B o o k s . ' T h e r e i s n o n e o t h e r t h a t c a ne q u a l i t ,n o tf r o m t h eS a c r e d w r i t ings o f t h eEast, t h e classics o f G r e e c e a n dR o m e , o r t h e litera t u r e o f a n y e p o c h a n dp e o p l e , n o t a b l e a n d e x c e l l e n t a s m a n y o f these are. Homer, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe a r e great a n d glorious, b u tn o n e o f t h e m c a ntake t h eplace o f t h Bible. The world's greatest literature deems it a n honor t o adorn a n d e m b e l l i s h i t sp a g e s w i t h q u o t a t i o n s a n da l l n s i o n s f r o m t h e B i b l e . The Bible is unique. I t c a nnever b e supplanted o r surpassed. M e n , like H . . G . W e l l s f o r instance, h a v e s p o k e n o f a n e w ,a modern Bible, b u t none such despite o u r m a n y compilatoins a n d collections h a sy e t a p p e a r e d . T h eB i b l e will n e v e r b e c o m e o b s o l e t e . I t h a s e t e r n a l w o r t h , f o r i td e a l s , w i t h t h e e t e r n a l values o f m a n ' s life a n d m a n ' s soul, h i s u n e v a d a b l e duty, h i s inexorable destiny. ' O ft h emaking o f m a n y books there is n o end.'/The p'rinting .presses o f t h eworld s p e w t h e m daily forth. There is none that compares i n beauty, i n significance, i n value, w i t h t h e Bible. I t s validity a n d a u t h o r i t y a r e i n itself. I t s truly God's w o r d forait speaks most truly, saost satisfyingly, most sublimely, o f G o d . ' ] .To paraphrase averse o f Emerson: " O u t o f t h eh e a r t o f t h eH e b r e w s o l d , • "" T h e b u r d e n o f t h e B i b l e r o l l e d . " If 'water cannot rise higher t h a n i t s source*, h o w spiritual m u s t I s r a e l h a v e b e e n , t h es o u r c e w h e n c e f l o w e d : t h e h e a l i n g a n d refreshing waters o f t h eworld's Spiritual Masterpiece, It.will ever redound t o t h eglory o f Israel that it produced t h e Bible. T h e Bible d i dn o tcreate Israel, b u t Israel created t h e Bible, i Israel's greatest distinction is that conferred u p o n it b y t h e M o h a m m e d a n . A r a b s i n d e n o m i n a t i n g I s r a e l , " T h eP e o p l e o f t h e Book." . It is Israel's eternal distinction o h a v e created t h e world's g r e a t e s t s p i r i t u a l a n dl i t e r a r y m a s t e r p i e c e , t h eB i b l e . T h e B i b l e is J e w i s h literature, w r i t t e n i n H e b r e w ( m a i n l y ) ; e v e r y W o r d , b y J e w s ; originally f o rJ e w s ; t h o u g h i t h a sb e c o m e t h e p r o u d , t h e m o s t p r e c i o u s , t h e m o s t h i g h l y p r i z e d p o s s e s s i o n o f t h ee n tire h u m a n race; t h eliterature alone called "Sacred Scripture" e v e n b y those nations a n draces that h a v e great a n d illustrious literatures o f their o w n . In Isaiah w e find t h esublime sentence: " M yspirit which i s u p o n t h e e , a n dm y w o r d w h i c h I h a v e p u ti n m y m o u t h , s h a l l n o t d e p a r t o u to f t h ym o u t h , n o ro u to f t h e - m o u t h o f t h y seed, nor o u t o f t h em o u t h o f t h yseed's seed, saith t h eLord, from henceforth a n d forever.' T h e Bible is God's spirit which w a su p o n Israel a n d God's w o r d w h i c h H e p u ti n Israel's m o u t h , u t t e r e d w i t h divinest a n d sublimest eloquence b y Israel's prophets, singers, a n d sages. Expert a n d authoritative knowledge o f t h eBible must never depart from IsraeL Israel m u s t b e a s a t h o m e i a t h sBible a s in t h epage3 o f t h emost m o d e r n poets a n dwriters. I t s words m u s t b e n o tonly o n i t s lips, b u ti n i t s heart, a n da b o v e a l l i n its life. E v e r y J e wm u s t b e a living e d i t i o n o f t h eBible, a n i n spiring illustration a n dexample o f its character a n d teaching. Through Israel t h e ideals o f t h e Bible, o f righteousness, a n d justice, o f love a n dbrotherhood, o f unity a n dpeace must b e e s t a b l i s h e d i n a l l t h e e a r t h . T h ee x p e r i e n c e o f t h e c e n t u r i e s h a s p r o v e n t h a t t h e B i b l e i s , i n d e e d j ' a T r e e o f L i f e t o a l l w h ol a y h o l d o f it.I t ss u p p o r t e r s a r eh a p p y . I t sW u j 3 a r ew a y s o f pleas a n t n e s s a n da l li t sp a t h s a r e peace.* M a y t h ei n f l u e n c e o f t h eBible, a n do f Israel, b e a s u n i v e r s a l a n db o s e n c t n t * s s t h e c t s r s o f t & eh e a v ^ a , s a d E St h e E a a d w h i c h i 3u p o a t h s csa-shorc* —Frederick Cohn.

Gems of the Bible and Talmud 0TP.

BIBLE The people that "walked in darkness have seen a great light; they that dwelt ia the land of the shadow ot death, upon them bath the light shined. For they-that lead this people cause them to err, and they that are led by them are destroyed. "Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and . to the writers that -write iniquity. To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take atvay the right of the poor of tay people, •woe unto them. s TALMUD Onkelos, the ^son of Klonlcose, who was a son of the sister o£ Titus, desired to become a proselyte. He thereupon brought up the spirit of Titus. He asked him; "Who is considered respectful in the future world?" "Israel," replied Titus. ' "Is it advisable to join them?" Whereupon he answered: "Their obligations are too many and thou wilt not be- able to fulfill them. Go and attack them in this world, and thou wilt become a chief, for it is written (Lam. 1:5.): Her adversaries become- chiefs, her enemies' prosper, "whoever antagonizes Israel becomes a chief." "But what will be the punishment for such a man?" asked Onkelos. Whereupon, Titus replfed: "With that which he decreed upon himself. Every day his ashes are gathered together and recreated in the form of a body, when it is judged, condemned to be burned again, and the ashes are scattered over the ocean." Onkelos then went and caused Balaam's spirit to he brought up. He egain asked the latter: "Who is considered respectable in the future world?" "Israel," -was the reply of Balaam. "Is it advisable for one to Join them?" Whereupon, Balaam replied (Deut. 23:7.) "Thou shalt not seek their peace nor their prosperity all thy days forever." A widow by the name of Hannah had seven sons. According to their ages beginning with the oldest, they were brought before the tyrant conqueror. He commanded that' the oldest warship an iaol. Whereupon, he replied, "It is written in the Torah: I am the Lord, thy God." He was immediately led out to execution. The second son was brought in. "Worship this idol." The command cam? to him and he also refused and was executed immediately, and so was the third son, the fourth, the fifth and sixth. Then the seventh and the youngest son was brought before the tyrant to whom the same demand to serve the idol was put. But the child answered, ""Never will we exchange our God for any other." The tyrant offered to spare him, if he would for appearance's sate, stoop and pick a ring from the ground which had been dropped on purpose. "Alas, for thee, O King!" answered the boy. "If thoQ art so zealous for thine honor, how much more zealous ought we to be for the honor of God?" And he brought the lad to the place - of execution, . th© mother begged and obtained permission to give him -a farewell kiss: "Go, my child," said she, "and say to Abraham—Thou hast built an altar, and went to sacrifice one son but I have erected an altar and sacrificed seven sons." She turned away and threw herself down headlong from the roof and died.

Letters to the • •Editor

Zionist Vote Sun® S3 Sunday,' June 20, promises to be a red letter day for the Jews of America. Upo'n that flay every Jew in this land in whose heart burns the flame of Judaism will go to the polls to cast his-ballot in the election of delegates to the World Zionist Congress. For the past several weelts a caizpaiga has been waged to sell ehe&els. a drive to enlist every Jew in this work for the building of' a Jewish homeland. The Shekel sales campaign is ended, but the -srork is by no means ended. Upon the election, to be held June 20 depends the futare policy oS the world, Zionist movement for the nest two years. The results of this election caa either carry oa th© splendid •• record of .tie past two j'ears or it caa cause a, complete change ef policy that will

of private capital should be held tion of a battle-fleet that wilSUent on England. In fact, with most important ia the eyes of the give Hitler control cf the Baltic | the Fascist Internationale preJewish people. It seems strange Sea'end which therefore is -solely) dominant in Spain, France virtuthat in a land builded upon" the j directed _ainst the Soviet tic-! ally drops to the „ level of an En-" Hnh vncspj-Btate. It cannot niakp efforts- of Jewish Labor such sn IOE, that genuine bulwark in tnejg.uui \a^,..<.u-b,el«.e internationissue should be raised yet it has ami-Fascist front. I a.1s:nglemore in B field without help or England prevented Prance from been raised anfi must be decided. Kitler out ot: the Rhlne- consent thereafter. For the past tea years private Ouce FraBee is manoeurved inJewish' capital has moves iirtcf|lann, En.Ela.p.d, after rousing the Palestine. Foctories have arisen, | whole world against Italy &nc to such a i.osilioii of absolute deprivate groves established and leading off with sanctions, V,'EE ; pendence ou Eritain, the hour small industries have come into the first to turn ber bacte or, tiiej has come tor a change of government from. I.* ft to Right in being. The owners of this private principle of collective security capital soon discovered that the: allowing Mussolini to rap n Etn- France. Once France Is Fascist Arab Laborer could be hired J iopia. And EOV»- it is England cr KcrRl-FasciFt. the road is open much cheaper than 'could the > again which does her utmost to for the British Tories to take the Jewish worker. The Arab starjil-1 b r e a k the determination o?| lead in that crusade of all Eurard of living is so much lower j France to prevent'a Franco-Kus-1 ope against the Soviet Union for than that of the Jewish Laborer j solini-Hitler domination ID. Spain.: a red:ivision, of the world's marthat the Jew could not work as 1 One word from. London in sui>-|ket£ in a capitalistic sense, cheaply as could the Arab. The j port cf France's warnings ad-! Blura is tb-=> man of the hour, owners of this private capital j dressed to the bluffing hulls in j On h<s shoulders? rests the fate were not concerned with the we]- Rome not to send any further re- j and cer-Uny of Europe. If he fare of the Jewish worker. Their j enforcements to the rebels. P-.T>£wafers now End close not go It sacrifice and their labor for pal-1 the Duce would have to back alone against the Duce in Spain, become the tombestine meant nothing to them, I down. That word cot o-iv tfoes fbP Pyrenees r r " •-(* • independent and They were interested in only one not come, but Britain washes *"•- r. thing and that was and is the hanfis of t h e w h o l e a f f a i r by <•--- r"< r-r-'<c Y~rvre. greatest amount cf profit from ing t h a t s h e d e s i r e s BO (jur—"' t h e i r i n v e s t m e n t . . A n d so a c a m - ! w i t h M u s s o l i n i a t t h e p r e s e n t i~epaign was waged a g a i n s t t h e j merit. T h e e x c u s e is given -.'Ti


. ' l i : r r ? By Seven Art." r cr \ vr Syndicate)

Jewsih workers and their organi-; the Eritish fleet is not on a n1 r zation, the Histadruth. Newspa- j ition to enforce a blockade o£ i f pers were founded to carry on | Italian coast. this fight. Rabbis were hired to j This amount? virtually tc r r •,r carry on this work. And thus an j invitation to Mussolini to re issue was raised. What shall be | ahead and support Franco till O P the fate of the Jewish worker in j bittler end. At the same tiirr n Palestine? Shall he be forced to j lifts a veil,from the re-a impiica-j descend to the level of the Arab | tion of that, so-called gentleman's! laborer? Shall he be forced to j agreement between London and | lower his standard of living to j Rome, The English. Tories arc; L ort — (I. N. S.) —The the level o£ the Arab worker? i Fascists without calling thsmsel- \ distinction ot being the first Jew ves BUCII. Mosley's brand of Fas- 1 named president of an American d June 20. cism is not rc&king headvray in college fell to Dr. Paul Klapper. There are five parties upon the Eritain because ii is not lieces- Roumanian bora educator, pnd ballot June 2 0. In order to knovr sary; the capitalist .form, of gov- the pasl 26 years on the faculty tor -which party to cast your vote j ercraent is not ia the slighesi o£ Cuy College, when the board you must know hovr each party j danger ia England and has, oi rtpher education elected him Stands upon thus-issue. First let ; moreover, a perfect defense in president of the new municipal us consider the General Zionist i the present Tory cabinet. Queens college. Dr. Klapper Party. Those Jews who cast their: T h e r e &H a l o t 0« n a f r e s o l i l ? who is 5£. came -to America as a ballots for this party will find j I n t M g c 0 U n t I T w h o e e e E n p I a ! 1 ( J boy. tthat ttiey have wasted their votes j lir . 5 n g ^ i n BT, eventual genera! He was educated at City Colng up m an eventual gener entirely. The General Eionist lege, Columbia. N. Y. U. and the Party, while tbey recognize .the : Os7ovakia "and" the Soviets as Cn'-versity ot Wisconsin. issue have refused to take a fief-" against the Fascist bloc of GerIn IS0 7 he became professor , inite stand on this issue. Ttis many, Italy, Hungary, Poland, of education at City College. He party is divided into tiro camps. etc. That. Fascist Italy and. X«.z; was . g.rrointed director of the Half o° these delegates they seek Germany are England's proteges : summer session, in the same year, gress are in sympathy with pro- a n 4 a cctually ._ owe t their : serving a this post until 1922. t u a I l i - ovre h e i r _existence are in sympathy with the prob-1 t o E n £ l a n d i s conveniently overSince then he has been dean leia of the Jewish Laborer in Pal-1 l o o l ; of the City College Bchool of eduestine while the other group hold j «.' he founded. Dr. to see uener- cation. the interests of private capital \ a l p r a n c o ^in b e c a u s e a r r a n c o _ KliLPper has an international closest, to their hearts. With tins | M u s B o l l n l . K i t l e M - b E t r o i l e d g p a | n "epuiaiion as an educator and split in their own oreanisation j m a k e 8 F r E l l c e a b s o l c t e ; y fiepefi- teacher. you can easily see that no good ; " can be done for the Horaeland by FREE! Am Expert Coi-msselio!- o n . R o o n Arrangement tbe election of delegates frora this party. If the control of the Palestine movement is given to the General Zionist party for the next two years this problem cannot be solved, for the pzsrty.Itself j I PMTURE" i does not fcnow where ft Etanfis. j — F a r n a m A t 2 2 n d Use Oar s;T ^ r : r i _ • » Therefore to cast your ballot for i the General Sionist party Is taj waste your vote entirely. For the first time in the history cf the "World -Zionist Congress you will find that the Hadassah is seeking ycur votes. Here again I feel that I must asfe my fellow Jews in this community to consider well before they offer their support to this group. There is no reason under the sun why this worthy organization should enter the voting lists to Beek delegates to the World Zionist Congress. No one can deny that the Hadassah has done much good for Palestine. Everyone compliments them highly for the fine things they have done. But what have they for the cause of Palestine to gain by their selection of Delegates to the Congress. It is a well admitted fact that every pary within the Jewish ranks is in accord with the'work-of the* Hadassah. They have always been given sll the support and cooperation they have risked for. Have they some plan or work thatthey could carry out if they were in control of the work? Has their work been hampered by the Pavall Zionists in their management "of Palestine affairs?



*TAr*v: rc~ rr-r

Sunday, June 20th

There are three more parties on "the ballot. There is much to ! be said about eaca party. So much • to be said that I believe it best^ to postpone a discussion of these': parties until nest Friday. At | that time I will discuss my rea-1 sons for rn.y rote and ask your j consideration of these reasons, j . In closing this article I wish to! agaia urge every Jew who • has j psrehssed a shekel to consider j well before he cssts his rote. Tfee i cause cj Palestine is too dear to i all of as to endanger it. Don't! Tote fer asy part" becouss some 1 ose ssfcs you to. Consider every j party well and-then rote for the j party that offers snore for the j Upbuilding of our Home!. By Morris 1

an Bye 012 you

e Nebraska |H


h.<z wants ,4hers at 0


destroy at! the "wonderful TCTII

tfcat_2i&3 been done In Ptlsziine. The iss-co is a vital one. Cp^a i t s decides ef June £0 deperfls tfce future xrslfar© of our homesasd as well as the esfety of the work we have done in the pstit. As ess who has always S.elS tus caus? cl Ziealssi fie^r I feel that it ia ray <&aty to aiafco public r y reasos fcr tiu. &&Hct U D , O cist. In erficr ts aa decision ts to trMca party ta rots for t i - rUcr n t x t knovr v t a t t t c issues « . Ia this tlecttoa tfce naia ics'-ia to bo deciicfi apsn. tr aiscizt tfce labor policy In Pclestine. Thfe decision of Jt.na 20 •will decide <?r&e,.hc? tire interests

7 A S


In £j>:te of t^1© accirtrulatiBC evidence that tfce Tory cat "act of Greet Britain always fs.vars E.n5 eren works ir.c-I £a hz.Ei with _ thv plots E.nd ^crJsns of Vie Pss-i cist internat'snclo, our Lberal j •rritcrs e n l cos:tiierta'«crB con-j ticte ID rirrn!".!?,;? fhp mylb cl»

IT itEleJ -yif£ rzcnlstrc'ff cd Kit!'5? it;f<j th? ri5\*"f. tie Ksii Keica. to begin cm


Only 7 More Shopping Bays for "His" Gift


THE JEWISH P5ESS, FRIDAY. JUNE 11. 393 a England. In fact,! with. scist Internationale j prent in Spain, France Virtuops to the level of an En- •* assal-state. It cannot ;maka e move in the internhtion-without British help or t thereafter. . I. France is manoeurvpd ini a iwsition of absolute deice on Britain, t h e , hour me for a change of governErom Left to Right i n . Once France is Fascist li-Fascist the road is open ? British Tories to take the n that crusade of alt, Eur;ainst the Soviet Union for vision of the world's' mar1 a capitalistic sense, ;• m is th-3 man o£ the; hour, s shoulders rests the fate estiny of Europe. .If....... he s now and does notjgo i t against the Duce in Spain, Trenees become the -tdnibof a fres, independent and iratic France. ."]• :


right 193" By Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) j '•/•..

York.—(I. N. S.)j—The ction of being the fi^st Jew 1 president of an American e tell to Dr. Paul Klapper, anian horn educate*. find ast 2S years on the jfacuity ty College, when fh.0 board :her education elected him lent of the new municipal ns college. Dr. Klapper is 52, came to America as a was educated at City ColColumbia. N. Y. U.'juid the rsity of Wisconsin. ; 1907 lie-became professor [neatlon at City College. He ^appointed director jof the er session in the same year, tg in this post until 1922. ice then he has be4n dean e City College school'of edun, -which he founded. Dr. per - has an international ation as an. educator and : er. . ': i Ro



s—Farnara at 22nd j

TO MINNEAPOLIS Women's Dr. and Mrs. Morris Margolin, accompanied by their sons, MorThe annual luncheon meeting ; E itv • ton, Gordon, and Harold, left Monday for Mineapoiis, Minneso- of the Eikur Chciim Society will i be held Monday, Jcn& 14, at 1 r:r: " ta. o'clock at the Jewish •Community Center. Rahii ililtoa A. Kop-, TO WEST COAST stein will speak. Miss Tillie Rice is leaving for Mrs. S. Fish is chEgrz-aa of the ' JFOX-NEVEIJEFF' NUPTIALS ' SETS 'WEDDING DATE San Jose, California, where she ~ill be the guest of Mr. ana Sirs. luncheon. Mrs. J. Goldberg will , Misa Ann Weiner, daughter of The marriage of. Miss Bluma L. Richards who are celebrating i be chairman of the ilenu and . Neveleff, daughter of Mrs. Sophia Mr., and Mrs. L. Weiner, has set their fortieth wedding anniver- | Mrs. L. Rosenblatt chairman cf Neveleff, and Dr. Robert Fox of Sunday. June 20, at the date of I i sary. Miss Rice will be scse for ! the Bake committee, New York was solemnized at a her marriage to Mr. Eugene Snitz j Reservations may be made by ', about a month. of Kansas four o'clock ceremony at the Faxj calling Mrs. J. Golaware, VTe.; r ton Hotel on June 3. Rabbi MilTWO-WEEK VACATION \ * ; a S ; M r s -N - L e T l « 5 o n - A t 4252;.. ton A. Kopstein officiated. rs b lsh W e 5 5 b ; I a r s J RECEIVES AT TEA Mrs. Agnes Wolsty and daugh-j M - - "' c h a i t- - *" Mrs. Herbert Neveleff was ma- Mrs. Dpvid Silyerman received for j > We. 017v. A drawing w u l . r rvr r ' ter, Harriet, left Wednesday tron of honor and Paul Fox of150 guests at a tea at the OinaDe fceld 8 tt M s New York for a two-week vaca- j Hew Yorfe was best man.. . aha Women's Club last Sunday tion. On their way they will stop j A dinner for the family follow- af ternon from 3 to 6 p. m. in hon- j j . in Chicago to visit Mrs. Wolsky's ; VAAD AUXILIARY FiCMC \ ed the ceremony.. Later in the or of her daughter, Esther, whose i • i son, Milton. The Vaad Auxiliary will spc-a-] evening a reception was held. engagement to Mr. Albert Wein-11 ———— . iS or a picnic at Krug Park on Sun- j After a two' week trip on theer was announced this spring.* OS EASTERN TRIP j day, Jirae 20. Gases and rides ' •west, coast the '"couple will reside j A musical background was proMiss Charlotte Sklar, daughter! a r e ors the program. Admission to . In l,oa Angeles where Dr. Fox S. vided by the Misses Florence and I of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Sklar. left j j_he Park -will be free. ! to serve a two year interneship. Esther Steinberg, pianist and vioI Friday evening for a tour of the | ; Out-of-town guests at the cere- linist, and the Misses Ida Gitlin eastern states. In New York she mony Included: Mr. and Mrs. and Lorraine Fregger, vocalists. will be the house guest of Mr.Miss Rose Levy, of Toronto, Can- • Carl Fos and son, Donald, of New ada; the pledge formal:; a novelty Assisting at the tea tables were and Mrs. Reaben Gartlandt. York; Mrs. Michael Katelman the ilesdames Dave Kaplan, Sam Valentine's party; the initiation! of Beverly HiUa. California: Mr3. Lebowitz, Joe- Kitz, Leon Nogg, banquet and reception; the spring ' HERE-FOB TWO WEEKS formal dance, and t i e .Mother's Harriet Libhy. and daughter Mar- and Lester Pezzner, and the.Mis-' j Mr. and Mrs. A. Shalton have cay which climaxed thei Ccv^-'r r"=':"?.. tc :.->rr tha of Providence, Rhoade Is- ses Goldie Silverman, Janet Gra- j | as their guests their daughters, so.cialweek-end for the Sigma Delta ; z^zz, s m cZ Z'.~. r.rC Z land; Mrs. Leo Logan of Prbvi- etz, .Bessie Goldware, Bertha! i Mrs. Abe Dernaroff of Brooklyn, Taus. season The Mother's Day week- ~rcci—r.~. rz £u:;Crr. - dence; Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Levey Slutsky, Rose Kirshenbaum, Bet- '• New York, the former Sara Sbaf- end, annually sponsored by the of St. Louis Missouri; Mr. andty Fellman, Eveyln Dansky and [f r>cv:I .-.. Oc'-C:'-1''" cl-.c : ton, and Mrs. Ben Goffstein of Al- University of Iowa, tras the oc-, Mrs. George Levey of Detroit, Sylvia Weiner. bany, N. Y.. the former Eertba casioa for reorganizing the Sigma Michigan;. - Dave Neveleff and to licr-Fcs Cl; Shafton. They will remain for Delta Tau Mother's Club. . \; daughter, Bernice, of Chicago, two weeks. Ketrly elected officers for the j anfl Miss Shirley Goldware of Los ENTERTAIN AT DINNER che comics: year are Deana Kraut- ; jar. and Mrs. Samuel Reiss enAngeles. . ^ MONTH'S VISIT T,. TJ-. man, president; Isabel Greeaberg, . tertained friends and relatives at The ..Misses Margaret Katinan | vice president; Eernice Jacobson,' KAIMAN-MOSKOVTTZ a dinner Sunday evening in honand Mollie Laser are spending a | treasurer; Marine Leibovitz, re-. ' Miss Jeanette, Ruth Mostovltz, or of their son and daughter-inmonth visiting in Chicago, Nia-' cording secretary; Rbsanna Dike!,' , •: re z daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Louis law,- Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Reiss gara Falls, New YorS, as a Cleve- i corresponding secretary: Jase ] Mosl:ovitz, became the bride of of Kansas City, Missouri. :: LI land. They will return to Omaha Meyersoa, rrsb. chairman, and : " Bernard Kaiman. son of Mr. and Other out of town guests were j f via Washington, D. C j Delia Izen, scholarship chairman. • | Mrs. B.. Kaiman, of Corning, la., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaplan of i | I Stimulated by a successful year, ' at a ceremony performed at 2 Dennison, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. VISITING IN NEW TORE 1 Sisrma Delta Tan's ambition ' o'clock last Sunday afternoon at L. Cohen of Lucerne, Minnesota. Mr. Sidney Goldberg is visiting s^-otrs, and she plans to stay on ' the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel friends and relatives in New York top on Iowa's campus. Among . Sirs, Herman Goltlstfiin. Synagogue. ANNOUNCE BIRTH i City. He will be gone for three members of Pi chapter cf Sigraa . Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein officMr. and Mrs. Samuel Steinberg At a 1 o'clock ceremony last j weeks. Delta TEU at the University of iated. • announce the; birth of a jdaugh- Tuesday, Miss Flqrence ;. AppleIo"5ra this year, Trere I?hylli5. The bride wore a gown of white' ter on June 4 at - the Clarkson man, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs.! Green and Sarah Ann Sisrg-oliii TS LOS ANGELES Marquisette trimmed with -white hospitaL Samuel Appleman, became t h e ! Mrs. Mai Gross and daughter. j ef Omaha, and Iilaxiae Laibovitz ' lace "made on the Princess mode. bride of Herman Goldstein, Eon IRose Elaine, are visitisg: in Losand June ileyersoa pf Couiisii . The bodice was fashioned with a Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blacker standing collar, The bridal -veil announce the Dirth b£ a son onof Mr. and Mrs. Abe Goldstein. Ang-eles -with Mrs. Gross's sister Bluffs. -.' of tulle was caught at coronet Tuesday, June 8, at the,Clark- Rahhi David H. WIce officiated. Mrs. Morris Rosenberg, a former Only members of the two families Oinahan. cap. son hospital. were present. int Miss Edna Mostovitz, sister of' A wedding breakfast at t h e ; the bride, was maid of honor. She A joint outit Mr. and Mrs. William Raduzinlau •wore a gown of blue chiffon and er announce the birth of a son, home followed the ceremony. Men's VaaS and the Junior ' at Iowa W C i t y 1 Auxiliary will be held Sridsj.. lace and carried white carnations. Jerome Allan, on May 29 at the After a wedding trip to Califix*. -w>%* <~ i - f ! June 13, at Playmore Park. There ornia, the young couple will make Bridesmaids "were Miss Edith Os- Clarkson Hospital. _, i Trill fop *-£TT"!^*<S •pTi'7^ r ^ ^ t P their home in. Omaha. re-' travich and Mrs. Joe Kaiman of Sioux City, Iowa. RETURN HOME Joe Kaiman of gioux City, broMrs. William Greenstein and ALPHA GAMMA CHI ther of the groom, was best man. son, Harvey, , have returned to the midst of and Cbicago Streets. Sam and Hess Moskovitz," broth- their home in Collinsville, III., afity." Tboss vrishing to cttcmi i r e Florence Steinberg was electers of the bride, served as fishers. ter spending two weeks visiting f."i.'tr:e E.'i;c".-o>"S',B The large grey stone house is asked to call Buy of tlie fellow: A ' *"' u"L Z r ' r r OP-" A reception at the- home of the at the home of Mrs. 3. Mendelson ed president of the Alpha Gamma ideally located on the' university 1 f _ . Chi Borority of Municipal Univer- campus at 223 So. Dodge, and! " ^ ^ n n ^ a w , tancie L E 5 bride- followed the service. After of Council Bluffs. , sity. Other officers: Pauline Ro- during the year the house has j ^ B ; Ann Hahn. -,rn Green, ^ a r a Bhort wedding trip the couple senbaum, vice president; Adeline been the happy home cf 23 girls. - « s i o » Ko r ^ n u . : , ^ n , S ^ •will reside. 4n Corning. GRADUATED FKOSI BIHJTARX Speckter, secretary; Esther SteinS. D. T. is proud of their sciol- ^hwar,s, . _ & Levy, vA ^< SCHOOL :. -berg, treasurer; Celia Lipsraan, astic record this semester, -which Tine. Bennet SombeTg, eon of Mr. and historian; Goldie Silverman, PanBRIDGE-MJXCHEON places them third on campus, asd Mrs. L. Weiner and Mrs. H.Mrs. Benjamin Somberg, graduat- Hellenic representative; and Han-all pledges made the .grade rezesX*fkowitz were hostesses at a i ed. last week end from the Mis-nah Baum, Round Table represary for Initiation. hrldge-luncheon honoring Miss spuri Military Academy afc-Mf sentative. Ruth Belsky, ex-president c* _ Weiner, a bride-to-be. ico, Missouri. "Cadet Somberg, a A,tablet was presented to PaulcomrV7~"'ned officer, was award- ine Rosenbaum and Hannah Dubuque", tra^ in Jlortar BOSTS j ed a emission to.West Point Baum, debate duo who won thefor the year 1S35-1S37 and reENTERTAINS cently elected to Phi Beta I Mrs. Harry Whiteman enter- Milif .. Academy. However', in- Intra-Slural Debate tournament. 'nations! honorary scholastic frala tms LeGant; Oorssic tainefl Monday at a luncheon and;" s tead of going to the Academy The corority won first place in the ternity. Betty - hrldge for thirty guests In honor will pursue a commercial course All-Star Kite, donating the money Iowa City,. is newly bt 'HUBB Ann Weiner, a bride-to- at an eastern university. to the Jewish Philanthropies. Mortar Board coming be, and Mrs. Ben Geurwitz pi Los Goldie Silverman, A S e l i n e year. Moreover, Sis Belts Angeles, the former Mary'Coltoff VISTTrSG HERE Speckter,- and Frances Blumkin have been'represented of Omaha. '. ' ' , Rabbi and Mrs. Maurieo were rushed to Feathers, girls' every activity on Iowa's campus. e as Prizes were won by Mra, H.Kleinberg of Atlantic City, pep organization on the campus. Social . j Leffcowitz, Mrs. Harry Ferer, Jersey, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.Florence and Esther Steinberg Illustrated Mrs. F. Friedel, and Mrs.''S. Pol-.William Tenenhaum. Mrs. Klein- will serve as vice president and given by the sorority, include the j pledge banquet followed by open j berg was the former Ida Tenen.- secretary, respectively, of. Kappa house; baum. They will remain for about Mu Lambda, honorary music so- honor of the new house mother, N BIEMORIAIi three weeks. ciety. There will be an organ recital Rosa . Kirshenbaum was preat the Joslyn Memorial this Sun- Z. B. T. 3IOTHEKS CliTB with a,two-year certificate clay, June 13, a t 4 p. m. in the The Z. B. T. Mother's Club wil sented Men, Here's Nezzs. degree, in recognition of her concert'. hall. Mr. Martin W. hold its annual "Closing Day' and completion of the secretarial Bush will play numbers compos- luncheon at thfe Paston Hotel a course. This was the first certifed by Tschaiirowsky, Massenet, 1 o'cloct on Monday, June 14. icate of this sort to be presented Dickinson, and Lemare. Miss All past and present members are by the school. Virginia Elf rink will assist Mr. #relcome. DR. LOCKE SHOES Bush on the piano. Mrs. Harry Malashocfc, president of. the gToup, will be in G0LB1E HEYERSQN-CUJB PERFECT POSTURE charge. She' will be assisted by SHOES, • Invest Safely. WiselyMrs. 1L A. Venger and Mrs. B. The first anniversary For Men Etsil Woaen Milder. Mrs. Sam Sommer and Goldie Meyerson Club was celeMrs. Sam Friedman are on the brated Tuesday afternoon with a Annuity, Endowment. Life committee arranging for the victory luncheon at the Paxton GilARCl L S O N bridge-playing. Hotel. Mrs. Herman Cohen, presRepressnts S3 Ctrona CompanReservations may be made by ident of the organisation, ies—Evrry Typs et insurance calling Mrs. H. Malashoct, Mrs. chairman of the luncheon and Bonds written. Call AT* Sam Friedman, or Mrs. Ben Stief- mittee. New officers 7667 or WA-5150. ler. stalled and new members were in- i*E troduced. A. review of the year's activities was given by Mrs. Cohen. Joe Richlin, vice president spoke on the purpose of the "Women's organizations. Mr. I. Morgenstern addressed the .society- on the election of delegates to the Zionist -Congress. Bernice Croucse played several piano selection, .includin ficiarsong of the Goldie Heyer%















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SOH* Club.


e Shopping

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s. ProOn Sunday evening, Jane 13, a i ^ shoes, pT tea will be given'at the home of jK Corse Mrs. Cohen to honor Sara Fe3er, i 5 and ECScoasforl. cisr TZ.TIO'S.XS stylos. national secretary. AH members | and th to neosurs 5£t, l~i r r a j y to attend. sires. Seo for The Goldi? Circle -vrill meet aest "VTeanecccy, | -2 Low corrzclly 75a ess June 15. ZXrs. Harry Headelssha • -" e7x!ici5, th-3 2-1 will bo hoctesa.

,OtSC Fresh-WHte Fioh,'per Ib. . 4 Fresli SirIpe,d*3aGC, p'si 1b. Fresla Lake Trout, p^r 1b. . Fresia CMaook par 1b. Cf>, Fresla it MQTHHS ia V/izvz cssj Ih


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Mizrachx i*"• Get Degree*



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2N, SJP 3O MIS KNEES—No sooner had Neville Chamberlain taken over the job of Prime Minister for Great Britain, recently, than life, was up to his knees. But it was on a week-end fishing trip - at Salisbury, in the River Avon, as above. '! "


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defense director. £,bout io tc£.ri c, fcc Del LoEoya. ncz.r Iiairid, vhich t^.r cr esiergsncr water supp!r.

r5-'" Loyalist i\\r swamps > using as an



V ^*X-

GEAND CIKCUIT TO OPEN—Lovers ot good horse flesh are Interested in the Grand Circi^t rsccs, cp;r.te~ si Tolefio,- Ch53, June 2S to July 3, and moving to Cleveland, Goshen, N. Y., Old Orchard, Me., Agawaia, Mass., bE-cKto GcsSc-n, to'Sprir-rf Indianapolis and Syracuse, Reading, Pa., and ending at Lexington Sept. 24-Oct. 2. Thess pictures cr3 isiicativcl "tTppsr "lsf t: "5'reyhound, owned by E. J. Baker of St. Charles, 111., world's fastest trotter today, vrhoss mark is l:57y4 for the rails. V-rper right; Society at the reins. Mrs. Elbridge T. Gerry of Old Westbury. L. I., driving Berengaria and J.Kss Betty Harrinsan. c" KcT7 York drivir;s Dido. Miss Harriman is the daughter of E. Soland Harriman, Grand Circuit president," shovrr at lcwer right. L Song, crack 3-year-old trotter quoted at odds of 2 to I 1 to win the Hambletoiiiaa at Goshcn en Aug. 11. ""cr T: White trainer ii driving. The horse is owned by W.H. Strang, Jr., tf Br ocklyn.N. Y.


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SCOTTY—Her^e is a new picture of Death Valley Scotty, famed desert character who built a $2,000,000 estate in Grapevine Canyon, Death Valley, Cal., whence he emerges occasionally for visits to Los Angeles. He recently created a furore by asserting he was "broke," and then offering $10,000 biils to bartenders for drinks. His real name is Walter K. Scott.

NO klXS, NO 1MJNS—Speaking of a no hit, no run game such as Bill Dietrich of the White Sox turned in recently, his teammate, Vernorf Kennedy, shown above, has a similar record. Kennedy did it in 1935. Meanwhile the Sox pitcher is producing other good work this season. _

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DAD-BLASTED BRIBGS—This is one way to got rid of a fcriige you don't happen to nocd. This was the Wabash railroad bridse, spanning the Missouri Rivsr at Si. Charles, l!o. Aitcr rears cf ccrvic? it, was condemned and in almost no time at ail it was removed by djTiarrdts.'iis shovm. Sere it rises, ct both ends. The new bridge replacing it is ssen in background.'


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BUSKS -A- VIS5JJ €3S?JSUS¥—To combat a mine Ore which- has basi* rasing underground at 2£ew StraitaviHe, Ohio, since 1084,,T7itli dangerous gases escaping-from erects in the earth, a WPA grant of §335,000 bas been obtained. Second from left, shown 'in the Lost Hun tunnal, isJCgS&rict. SJift Engineer W. H. Fanner, directing operations. Ten months'-work is required. ~~~ ^

ETIC31 THE ^En^EB!—You can't, for OsiUcphcn, oa tho rail, and Coromcswcalth finichsd a dead heat, in a recent raca at Bslraont Part, K. X, TM3.» .ths .oScial. picturs stoT.-ir3 the gnish of the racs. *" ~ .

c-r Alfrd E r?:rs S r .lh. sitir their cudirncc trith P?re Fit's. Thp us*a&riy"vowt»:V Xi' l\h r? 2i he met the PostiS, No;e Uie Papci gisrifc,




THE JEWISH PR3S3. FRIDAY, JUNE II, I? 37 ployes -who explained t s Tras &e- ] Aasterdaia, -who hs.ve .not eessed I be S3- room, either for J* py layed by a funeral. "It Eecrss E.11 J plotting against, a y fatb.erla.nd ish, culture, a Jewish homeland' the great.men in the marie busi- since their ascestcrs were es- or for Judaism as a whole. T&sness are. dying," lie continued. pelledin 14S2," "There were Dannenberg, MastIt is the' Jews, therefore, e j Jew. An individual Jew may cs- i 'V s baura, Isce and now Valestino. Jews of Holland, who .Eve | cape here and there, but the mass ! Too .bad. . All^the important peo-| brought over the Moors snd the! ol the Jews are gfiing to bevie- I pi©'are:-dying."- Sara ..looked np j professional killers cl ths Fcr-1 timized. They will hare no t c with a worried frown, "Tell Be, je tgn Legion from Africa to~ snur-| man. rights. Their states will be i how do you think I'm. looking?" j der and rape, massacre and -de-j that of"tne tmtocchables in India | "..:"• *- * * . j stray—not General Franco him-!—at the best. But pogroms sre • By Carl Alpert • .Another.' one .relayed by S53 |s e l f > w l l 0 - 5 s simpiy defending the i more lifcelv. " i 1 Skolslry tells about Sam -.playing-1 legally constituted government cf I •povsve'' C l l «.-• —rri lJl Tvi i U ! r o t ca i ' ^°^^ • ^ ' - ^o<- c<- . Forsvrcar Eionisca nad ""Inter- appeared of various rulers, local through when they vent to thegolf with Harpo. They -srere both jg p a i n > fascistic._TIis Spanish pe •o^e Ere national Hebrewism," embraco and national, actually competing Most Holy, One, by the' burning In the "rough." Gold-wyn stooped, j General Frasco EE53 islio-vriss us that :if the b. 1 Fascism wholeheartedly, r.top with each other in benevolent bush which was not consumed, by cleared a path for his ball,, aad to show' that whatever | critizins Jfazisni, or lenvo Italy treatment of the Jevo -— with an the leprosy of NeamaU, so that drove it home. Harpo took a attitude the Jews adopt, F&scism ] clsssss learn to istand together Tgsntea—that irsa tlio ultimatum re- ulterior aim in view, of course. the earth may not swallow thee stance for. his shot, beat "to brash will -ntilize t&eir esisteu.ee as a with the -rotting • to te of cently delivered, by c writer in Covetously eyeing Jewish wealth, as it did Dathan and Abiram, that aside some ,rocks, when his part- stepping-stone to power ac3 as a \tions ths road is astroTis slavery I fcr H Popolo de'ltalla, Mlldi paper several kings in the thirteenth thou wilt spea,3x' the truth in inyner, shouted,-"You can't do that!" means to divert the xassses from j barred to t i e rao; which fascisni brin.gs in i tS TfEfee. ; 'Ke vrli; •'Why you did," came back Harpo. founded by\ Premier Mossollni. century issued stern commands sense and: not Via- thine." ' ' ' I . kno-W*... ^ --J inow, -but didn't the real isses at stake in society. ]The esE.npIe of tr. ;e Spar. i o f V-t>ri Similar erpressioM have. "been to Bishops, Mayors, and other you .hear my caddie say it. was The Jews are the victims corsias j pie served the BeTgians to wipe ' t h e r i s recently-volcetl by other Italian petty rulers, forbidding them, and going, whatever they &o cr :out Res Deg-relle.In Gs:rmair a ^ Iatt< wrong?" . . - . . / - . . nevrtpapers.; Here, by Tray of under pain, of heavy penalties whether they don't. • j Party cf Liberty t;*s been Xoriaed. :- pier contrast," Mr.' Alpcrt presents from over-taxing and oppressing There are Jews, saiddle-class j some 'intimate - -details -of the the Jews. The Kings feared lest 5 worried &boat the de-; in the nnt cf-OTIC tnsrcrir-.* [. Recipe- 'for success: TUcardo Jews, in this country, in England, j tolerance cad goodwill .which the treasures be exhausted and _ .'. By ;HELEN ZIQMONB -. _j Cortez says an actor must .have at feat of'his legionsfcythe anti-fas- : another." e rifcht D! VOID? surrounded Jewish Ufa in med- no tax money be left for them. least 17 overcoats^ 86 suits, 26 in France anfl in Switzerland, who jcist international-brisrade at Gnad- : divorce ci ieval Italy. —EDITOR Jews -were indeed considered so hats, S3 ties, and countless shirts feel that perhaps dire cor.se-; alajara. ;In .Fra-nce" the Popular • Hollywood;—B^ck in the. old cuences might. be. . avoided ulti- \ Front is about to more further tzi.2 T valuable that they "were forbidden days, when flickers really- flick- In; his wardrobe. Claims he has] to leave and I n ' 1455 a party spent-Borne ?S,000 on cYopxes dml , a t . e l y , , by . . , ^ssiiEiEg . , . - - a, ,not . un- to the Left. It is tha lascist dielleeent. outspoken • criticism. ol ered, the fine a r t , of captioning the Jews. by., the preB3 In Italy •which shipped for the Levant the action-was in its, infancy . . . ing his film career. fnendly attitude towards fascism. | t a t c r s beteg'iorcea ID the "Which brings to mind thatlSuppnse the world does go FES- j ^ once again tnr'ns world attention without first" obtaining permis- factories .-used.to .order titles "by b y & e cuy_ e f I r e e d ^ - ^ to .this -country -where tho Jew3 sion, -"was arrested and punished. the •'•.gross--^twelve dozen, fancy Cortez is one-of- the few" active 1 cistic, they reason, wcmM It not bread wliich goes rp frcm ertry veterans'-of the screen, who ls'1 be better- that some Jews even | land. In their * despar&tion, no constitute the • Insignificant total mixed," the box 'might' read." now seeli to get on the good side of 70,000 -soulo -oat "of a general Piecing; sequences- together, the still a box office attraction. This of the coming dictators and''thus I doubt, they will not .hesitate • to month marks the fourteenth annipopulation of -some forty millionl -Medicine >was a calling follow- producer" edited his picture IE 'rnleen T.-P.S ref ed by many medieval .Italian Jews versary of his film debut-in 1923. be in a position to act the role cf ' they knew from • While, the'7*w3 in .Italy have and there can be little doubt that came to a cut Eut even i called to the j .on figured; largely. In-, the .T±ews \7jt the'barber, Girba, .waa likewise title boy,"Hand me.'Two years And this coming September her- stadlonim, of advocates and n e -now that ae .banners of the diators for their people, on the people to co victorious tbrc-ngt in recent years,, and ^here. have i>op.ular^a&;.a practitioner of thelater,* or T h e following morning* alds his SSth'-birthday. . i day -when fascism triutapts a n i the storm. been frequent, enumerations _ of Hiitocfatie iVts.... 'Came 'the dawn' 1 "': The"Jboy .;;-:;••.". " '• • • ' _' \ • ./. i 3Jilton -Berle atfa a pal were I usual barbarian way?' I hear it 3ews-hish in Italian .civic and P S -In a period Of little more.thkn would stick hishand into the'fileV litical activity,, comparatively • lit- one hundred,- years .{13 6 3-14 9 2) pull out "the desired' phrase, and* discussing one of the former's j punishes Its."'opponents, in the Feature SynfiicE1 tle Is~ known" oE Jewish life in the oner hundred and fifty .Jewish the Laskys, Laemmles,; and Sel-radio shows. "The show was ter-1 said time and again, by. rabbis ;orer^ of tbe c:~rt boot-shaped peninsula in raedie- physicians; are - mentioned by znicks' of •- those days clipped it rihle,. but you were marvelous!" and Jewish leaders, and. Jews with" ?ral times. ' •"• name jn various records.; One was into the film. In 1910 the. chief .V'S funny','.' mused Berle serious- j money, that we' must "di'fferentiate between the Kazisia of Hitler , k^li** W' ^ Him** ia* Today'the Barnes of.I*uigi Luz- yirdimur,a, ' woman physician, title j erker at B idgtapn -was "Jack ly, "I thought so- myself.' and -the. Eascisia cf Mussolini. ' I ! satti, recent Minister-for .Foreign who' devoted her skill to the poor. Cohn, now Columbia fitmagnato. Finis. ! heard it argued by a leading fig- ! Accorc Affair?,. TSrnest Nathan, late May/Historical , documents, tell us (Co'pyri-ht,-1937, Jewish TelD- I ure. in' one of .the organisations i or of'Sone, General Guise.ppe-Ot- that many Jews were associated" In Columbus,. Ohio, the"- Comin v nicri tie cescr '* graphic Agency, inc.) i,, Minister of War,' Guido | for the • defense'.ol-Jewish rights! Christian Partners in: com- m j s s l o n o I j e T r i S h Education f r i.ii<= in America that the .Jewish peo-;| lines, and at a-time when the Central Conference .of Amervhich cc pie have no reproach -to "niate.to j ^the stake, ican Rabbis appoints a committee^. cne v A i o r d Chief Juistloe, are known to i a other, countries, the." children. , MnssoIInl -and " that certain ' sec- j demand more" religious, pictures 1 1%-rk.— (VC. K. S.1 all who have, followed- news from of Israel owned land and .plowed to tions ol-the Jewisii press Eiiotii-a'i froin the producers; 'Whose .rfer Il ' - ; " the soil.under sunny Italian' Bkiea. liglon? Another "King of Kings" Stop Birming- Bnce- -and . Fcetrer ', skilled, laser's rl&Ll. to fclriL ; , Equally Interesting, * "however, The expulsions of. 1492 ^brought ' in one breat-lu as-t-^o birds pi .the ; l : y .'Ifr asTJiany. have come to re" "• ••."-". "• .''•.''^' are stories of Jewish achievement in influx of refugee Jews to: Italy p ' r a p s ? . IIz'e'i:' the1 fate of Europe is being same pJuTSatre, lest - Mussolini - get; in that' land; hundreds of years where they -found hospitality and were EE.sctionca cr Things the camera never E:ce3: -• decided on" the battlefields c! sagry and-also introduce an Ary- ;Dr.' liouis -Grns^eT? ago, "for" despite, persecution and homes.: \Newly elected Popes in Sylvia Sidney-trying-to-'park! Spain," it is no less obvious that I aa paragraph. Inquisition, Badge and '-Ghetto, those "centuries, - entering Rome, "WeH," that -very thing is - in :lessor cf the Jewi? there were few countries in Eur- were greeted by Jews as well aa her roadster in. a' hpndxed.-ysjdsIthel'.desttny of the.Jewist preparation i n Italy sow. Anti-i Seminary, of Amerlc of space' at. the .Etudio.-.. 'FittaHyi will be determined by'the outcome'' ; : a paper en • "Pa! ope,-in which Jews,found a safer Catholics', and ^delegation from Semitism • might no have beer a i Babylonian Life -an iaven than' in Italy.. The; autpr the Synagogues "would present a gave^it up. - , . » - : :'i : -;'.',::;.-«•',• ^.;|of"Ihat'blo'bay struggle. We have Groucho ;Man,. . bpred : at &j-tne. foolish remarks of Ceneral useful instrument fcr .fascisi ^1 Reflected 'is. da-fes, the •book-burnings,-, jthe Tqrah to.the Pope, and the latter tikes'a-|^T^jiCO-. a s an" indication of rise In Italy, there were, hardly j " C " ^ ! ^ ^t "banishments are all to be found, would make due reverence-to it, party, quietly^ retires:aKd ., . ; : . -\ii in store 'for-the Jews and Mar-j enough Jews to go -arctcd—but code r l u t nowheres near the proportion ["promising to protect the life' and bath. ^whith meant horror. in j Ionian." Jews developed " i s are property of the-Jews'." :-..Late for a luncheon" appoint" France,. Germany, and I snee with the demands of the ! i • .. The •-reign of ."--Pope : - Leo X. ment L.illian Hellman.,. borrowed countries. • • 11512-15 31) was>ar'perlpd: of such Story Editor Sam Mars' new blue French . journalist, who inter-j friends and cronies i s • Hungary, : time" from the third, to t h e ! i centuries cf the Christian era prosperity, hoth '. Material • and Packard.; A' few hours-later, she { Malta, now a British iEland.'Tmt spiritual for; Italian; Jewry,- that! r e t u r n e d i t . S a m regarded it with viewed .Elm at Salamanca, "that j Eouinania and Austria to neglect. i Ginsberg emphasized that the the- red-chaos which is ravagiag I He is making'it TLEE-nimotis, so toI or laws, of the Talxnufi, prct ;o rahWa in Jems- astO nIshment . . ..: it was green iay beloved-Spain at present is • speak, | the first labor rode, -develcpefi :. .the Eisns did notShe had tho right cat ail right, biit .tire.-revenge of the Jews of' Ko, in a. fascist world there will ' cause cf the rise of •commerce' but was .a little color blind. Investigation disclosed that it belonged to a wel known director. Marx spent the remainder of the day trying to locate • its owner, leading -jew • to 'eserclserhis sity. which the king promiBed [hoping against hope that ti;s latas a barber for ,tiie/be*ne£It^of the would be.fref from the influence ."whole. .cbmmTinityi Z •'.';\'f-\..;-o•";'-".-•: 'of the clergy. This golden oppor- ter had confiscated his blue one. ;.-•'• In.-I486 the' Jews"-oJhsxsUa'&aE&j :tunity -was not- taken ' advantage Goldwyn .will be the about;for one of their;' .naimber Jto of and .thg. l)lan.-never developed. Great Goldwyn" indeed! As be elected: Parnass, :hfea§;,'of the ' To be sure, i-this tolerance Incommunity.: /Their ,. choice ~feil duced -a "spirit, .cf.:. assimilation filinahatma of United Artists (he •upon :the barber,-,'.'• Xetgar ^Glrba, •which despite, later persecutions and Alexander Korda have just and Immediately _a. protest^; was .is: evident in Italian -Tewry today. taken options to purchase the forthcoming ftorn;the-'nott-Jewaj. Long; before.the Ghetto wa3 in-PIckford, Chaplin, Fairbanks in- The whole ' stofy:ia j* fold-JIT: a-: troduced at Venice synagogu® terests), he'll-command a~ major in-the-industry. letter; written-by:::Vlcext>y. "Casper; and". churcheV were built in close strategic position 1 * • e • • ' : Spes .to the JJew's; in -'which he proximity-to each other. Kabbis The ' Saturday Evening - Post said: ;. -'' . ; -; : : ' -; '•V; -v'^V r " ^: were often spoken, of as Priests or "We have been •informed'-•ibat Bishops, and the. Jewish religions story is just a precursor of -"rewhen" ancedotes the- said. Jew, Girba, -is ; ;a ^'very worship was . sometimes called membering about Sam that are now making clever barber,' whose services are JIass. in very..great reijuest by the no- A plea for tolerance for. the the rounds of the town. One deblemen -a,nd citizens of-Malta. If Jews, "Sons of the same Creator" cribes Goldwyn at a story 'conhe' were to occupy the post of was the startling test of an edict ference just after the passing of President he would.probably neg- of Pope . Gregorius XI in" 1233. Valentino. The meeting was held lect, his; trade;and? the''noblemen Nowhere else in medieval history up dut to the tardiness of an emand ^citizens would go ninshaven. is similar warm phraseology used KoW'-xqnBiderins;that the "art of with regard to the Jew3.

\ \


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. shaving serres:-:as>'a great convenience to' the pTibiic^. that' Girba is Long before civil-rights - were ' p . skilled and liked;"by-hi3 custom, granted Jews in any other cbun—11 : era, .-we~- haVe Teaolved-* and 'do try in Europe Italy, recognized the hereby, command that * yoa- sha.ll Jew aa a citizen, • • : " • . ^ not elect him tp be your'president In some section of 4ha'country j hut rather shall choose Someone he waa admitted to testify in else, so that Girba can follow his court upon' taking the following I trade unmolested for the benefit quaint. Biblical- oath: ;. "Thous j of the nobility and the citizens o£ shalt swear by the God, Adonai, f Malta.; Ye shall hot neglect this, by'the faith in which thou belie-1 our mandate, on penalty, of a fine vest, by" the five Books of Moses, j • of one hundred ounces." "» by the: staff of Aaron which, di-j No record1 has. been found, of vlded theReU Sea,-so. that' thej the action taken b y t h e Jews, hut children of Israel., could,''pass it is safe to assume that the honor of Parnass iwas'slveh io some one' else, while; Girba continued •jto lather the faces of Slalta'a Seji-

• K










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homo of her brother-in-law and June 1, io\ the purpose of meetsister. Me. and Mrs. Ell Robinow. ing Rev. Z". Barbakow, the new Is Shochet for the community, and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Gelsoa, yfdth Mr. Win. Pezzner, v.-ho will contheir daughter, Dorothy, and sons duct the Kosher Meat Llarkot E S Eugene land Bernard, . departed here. Both pave short talks and UISS ABHA PILL, corespondent Sunday for Los Angeles, Califor- told the audience that they were nia where they p l a n / t o make invited to come and Inspect ^lie • New York (JTA) •— Abraham has been gooc new Kosher Meat Elarket and Morris InEerfeld, richer than -he do sotting- to their home. Delicatessen at 737 West Broad ever was before in his. life time the Goventmei Two Receive Degrees .-. BedF Comin Poland and America, intends • Innerfeld'carae to irus c.o. ,, r?oxes & CouMiss I Charlotte Borsheysky of way. Their new phone number i: to use part of the $150,000 he Next Chicago1 spent a recent'week end 1059, and they will carry a comwon in the. sweepstakes on thefrom Mishnitz, Poland, in 1Ti2l, in Sioux City, with her parents, plete line of kosher meats. Mr. Among tbe others to w t s s the running of the Epsom Downs Radio. Couch, Miss Dorothy Epstein, daughter Mr. and Mrs. I. Borshevsky. Q. Hochman was chairman of tlie sweepstakes brcugiH tand, 3 Hups, of Mr. and Mrs. T. Epstein will evening^ and served as Toastmas- Derby to open his owa tinsmith wealth are Mrs. Jean 'WeinElC'iB shop. receive her degree. from"; the Missouri. Newton Sacks a-student at the ter.. Refreshments were served and Jack ApplebaiiEi, both Top. i carschool of Dsntal Hygiene at the University of Iowa,: has returned by Mr. Pezzner. 'The 31-year-old Brooklyn tinXiosea ConBrooklyn, vrho iroa 0,000 each.' ~ Unlvrsity. of Minnesota next Mon- to Sioux City to spend the sum- J smith, married and the father of e.rnp. Crate - "The United-Jewish appeal drive day morning. Mr, and Mrs.' Ep- mer with his; parents, Mr. and a three-year-old boy, said after The Council Bluffs Lodge No. for funds to carry on work in var- stein' accompanied by Mrs. B. H.Mrs. A: L Sacks. • MlS3 Rosena er. Electric he heard of his good fortune; ious American Jewish philanth-- Epstein will leave Sunday morn- Sacks returned .recently from 688 of the B'nai B'rith, will hold "I will be happy to pay the ini'-s, small Seeing MaTopic institutions as well as theing for Minneapolis to attend-the Denver where she spent the past a regular meeting nexf'Monday come tax. Uncle Sara deserves his evening, June 14, at 8:30 o'clock . Dresser Bane. Palestinian and European -relief, graduation exercises. share, whatever it is., America nmk, six months visiting relatives.:. at the Eagle Hall. AH members >was launched Monday night at a storage and David Kaplan, son of Mrs. Paul are urged to attend. articles meeting in the Martin hotel, with Kaplan, will graduate from the j four!.}', Pauline and Esther Friedman Rabbi .. Samuel S. .Meyerberg of college of medicine at'the TJniver1 Court The Council Bluffs Chapter No. '••-."theTSB'nai Yehudah congregation, clty of .Iowa Monday. He will will spend this week end in Minneapolis where they willattend 7 of the' A. Z. A. held an imporof . Kansas City, . delivering'-. the leave in July for Grand Rapids, the Sigma. Alpha Mu dance at the tant meeting Monday evening, k'eynpte speech. • Michigan where he will interne at University of Minnesota. June 7, at the home of Harold Tel Aviv (JTA)—This Rabbi Mayerberg told from ex- the St. Mary's .hospital. Fox, 106 North Eighth Street. week celebrated the first anniver- j ^ i ^ 0 1 " c " t 5 1 "perience and observation how the Mr. and Mrs.-Louis Kublin and ' Mrs. r Morris Lasensky is visit- Hostesses for the A. Z. A. regionsjiry of its harbcr, bora of the -Jews and Catholics In Germany Miss Sarah Kaplan wfll motor to ing this week in Des Molnes, la., al tournament were, guests at this f&SS Arab disorders which made! POWER MA''are being exterminated by theIowa City to attend the gradua- with her mother, Mrs. J.lOppen- meeting and plans, were outlined corporation. the neighboring port of Jaffa in- | 6-4-S"-3t most barbarous and primitive tion.. for the convention program. Dan By Eobert Btcno heim. . : accessible to Jewish savagery." He said he did .not beMiller of Omaha, regional aleph i'', • ;...' "AIa.v. 2927, IRViN C. LEVIN, Atty, Thousands of Tel: Avireacs ..Ueve anything written about the Eeform Rabbis Back Spanish godol, was guest speaker. Plans X.K'.hCHANTK K X , Mrs. S. M.' Rushalj and daughWins Award 7£2 Brantfefs Theatre '""" ' , situation <in Germany was exagthronged a jubilee 'meeting adLoyalists . . . The spirit of social *-. Tr..-ixsrr;;c co.A'rAyv. a ter, Estelle,. of Los Angeles, Cal- were made for a Smoker to be j j NQT1CE gerated. He gave an, account of j dressed to Palestine notables who ion. c.)n-:nien'''ffrl an R held nest Monday evening, June u s t C e . •In trie County Court o» 'Douglas h a ! e d t b en e o r t E Sa S K C vou in tv.-c counts, the first Miss Ruth singer; daughter of ifornia, is in Sious City, visiting 14, at the home of Abe Raben, low the Joint Distribution comSeminary Scholars TeldTaltatia i i T P s s tereu into on '•^~c on 9 con'rfi't e n m the matter o- t h e mittee.feeds thousands of strick- Mr. and Mrs. I" Singer who is a with friends and relatives. •e of s ? • • a 2115 Avenue D. An executive or a,hout the 15th tiny of April. !S."7. Jewisil en Jews .ftt; Poland. He. also dis- member of the June graduating PCtioT thp p'r nru1 iu wiiicli said first steamship'line would sooa .meeting was held Wednesday tiabor to. Str&e . . ..How the re- ! • Mrs. Stienhauer and Son Hugh, !he Bum of t-S.C.fiu. The second cause cussed the possibilities^ o£ Pales- class of ' Central High, was prep.i-e hereby notified! that a p evening, June-9, at the home of actionary Jew-baiters will love be established to ply between • irtf of nc'ion i? !.•i?Hd or. the furnishing tion .has. bees filed in ££.id Cuurs sented the M. G. Clark-scholar- and Miss Frances Shulkin, are ex- Meyer Maltz. tine as* a_refuge for Jews. Trieste and Tel Aviv. 'he speak-'g-les-ins this! of labor anrl tnicks for hauling- and that EoSd tlece^ diefi ler.v; Sioux City's amount of the $9.- ship award, which is presented to pected to arrive in "Sioux City Purposes by the nlaintifX a t Knights of " Columbus Rap ers appealed to world Jewry to j }£j*,*] Wii! a n d ' praying" • for f?.6next week to visit in the home of HiPtanre P.m' rsiiuesi. and for .000,000 goal of the drive is $10- the pupil with the highest schosupport the Hebrew Sea League, | a' russra-aon upon his estate. £r,d that yoviT Haclal and Religions Bias In Eajvvhich the n!^;rtiff pp«--K=: to recover Mrs. Steinhauer'3 parents, Mr. rinsr v:i]l be had rn f-T.ifT petition Mrs. M. Bernstein left last Wed000. Following the talk, E. E. lastic averages. The award is which aims to promote develop-! befone said court on the £Sth day of TO nesday for Los Angeles, Califor- ploymcnt . . . We welcome these Ari'VenrhEF. NOTIFIED OBaron, who was toastmaster, ask- 5100 to be applied on the tuition and Mrs. Mas Holland, meat of sea industries in Pales- I appear Et sr.id Court crt the'snid that Fs d a.-.tion T.-RF ronimenced in nia for an extended visit with rel- allies in 'the fight against pr< (ed for volunteer workers for. the for any school she attends. Miss ihe iVlu judice. i day cf June, 1&oT. .nt P o'clock a, m. T.^cipa; Cou-t of tb^ f'ity of . ; iSious City drive. Mr. J. L,"Le- Sylvia Herzoff, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Dave Levltsky, 815 Iowa atives. contest E&id peiition, the Court Cwaira, l')ourla? County. Nebraska. Dental Colleges, Xot Law snd Speakers included- Moslie Sher"" * " end h^; tir^e- tn.^.t ?^rr>p was c t m jvitt Is general chairman of_ the and Mrs. A.M. Herzoff, a gradu- Street, departed this week for St. adtok head of t b e v~i atiachment and political deyarf- ministrs-tion of said .es;s.te t o j&rive, with E. E. Baron heading ate of the midyear class was nam- Louis,"where sSe will visit with Collman Yudelson, son of Mr.Jledical Schools, Have Largest j Fe'ldmar. Fsuevi End fnnds beor some other her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. and Mrs. Morris Yudelson, was Proportion of Jewish Students . . . j ent of the Jewish -Agency for Eon- end proceed to a -jthe. small, gifts committee and A. ed alternate for the.award.' es!=ion of eetiienjeni ^F-ron J-Vrc-r & ^ Inc.. a corporaSchwartz. . _ . •' graduated from'the University "of Another superstition" felled by | Palestine; Siegfried'Eoofiea, dl- thereof. 31. Davis heading the big gifts tin died. You a r e E R T C E CRATTFORD, : statistics. . ! rector 'of the Anglo-Palestine f"ar-.ber noirne^ > Iowa at Iowa City on Monday g committee. . - , : on the "Sth day Count;- ciiflre. o:t ^iC^\ I^oT, the Paperkangers' Unioa. • Resents ,u Aaron Ferer *t Berligne 6-4-ST-S Bant;, Rabbi Eliahu Miss Lillian Magazlner will morning,'June 7, when he receivj An organization meeting was t^orjs. Inc... an^^*€ t!mt 1t was lnHitler's Being Called Paperhang- member of the Jewish National ed his Jurist Doctor Degree for spend this week, end visiting with fiebteC. to you in Ki-.tn of $357.24. held Tuesday evening in the Jew| sncJ a.r the sp.mr time t'ne <=aif- Aaron At a ceremony witnessed by 35 friends in Minneapolis. ' Couscil; David Recaez, lafcor MONSKY, GROOJNSKY. MARER Law. Among those who attended r . ' . . Can you blame theni? ish Community Center when furCOHEN.-Attorncr*i Ferer & r,c- v e r e ortsereU to Orthodox and Reform Reform ^etcsJ leader aad Dr. M. Soloweitcl Othodox relatives and friends Sunday noon Soloweitclit, the "Commencement E x e r c i s e s t h e r plans for the drive were j hold PRJ(~ funiis v.nU". thfe further o r NOTiCE in Chicago, Mls3 Ida iLipton, NON-RESJDENT ' der o'" Court, RT>C thi Mrs. Joeffrey Straus3 of Phoe- were,Mr. and Mrs. Morris'Yudel- Battle 6ver Kosher Meat for Aged; Consul General for Lithuania. con:made, teams appointed, and disDEFENDANT ! ir.ueci b;-' she s-:-M O t i r t until t h e daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam nix, Arizona, has arrived in Sioux. son and sons, Robert and Floyd Berlin Jews . . . "Who in the mean- ,' Contests to find a suitable e a tricts outlined. To t h e ZJE.TI& & Ko;-alty CorportlOTi, 15*h rir" o ' <Tit" . ">.rC.T, a t nine o'clock 5 h ri Lipton, 1717 Jones street became City to visit with-her parents, Mr. Yudelson, and Mr. and Mrs. Mil- while have perforce become vege- Slera and song for the port fcave a corporation. I^efenci&rst: • A. -M., for thepurpose of procuring | The .United Jewish appeal is ' Toil' a r e -hfereby ' r.otifieo thr.t serrioe upon 'yow y ruiilicatioti, and the bride of William M. Wolfe and! Mrs. A. M.Herzofi, 1035 17 ton Yudelson. tarians. been, announced. •conducted -annually throughout yo\i E-e hevefcr n ified to p.pnear on on the 14th day of April, HIST. JACOB of Omaha, son of Mrs. Rose Wolf s t r e e t . • "•'• ' .,': . ' . / : " , . ' . . Only Trro Jews Converted in E O S E N B E S S cc-mroenced e n action or before i'ne- ISr •*.»? of Jiilr, 1R37, i.tne United States to take the u t nine c'cKiok A vT.. or defanJi-, will of Chicago. The wedding took Czechoslovakia ia Xisst Sis Months against, you based OP. & juds-mei-jt The Jewish National Fund j.place of individual drives for the you, that TCS obtained Efrainss j.-oa ty the be entered aj.-»iii place in the Del Prado hotel, with - Mrs. Abe Wilensky.of Minnea- Flower Day was held in Council Let's hope that religious conj."!&t"d p.t d n - p. Nebraska, this Cha.n>n Real-tJ" Comp&ny, a. New York j.varions organization • here and Rabbi Keller officiating. viction and not expediency was corporstion. in t h e Kunicirai Court TT y polis, is visiting in -Sioux CltyJ Bluffs Sunday, June 6, under the abroad." Those participating in' r o a psga 1) of the City of New JTori:, f t t District - Mr., and Mrs. Lipton and their with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.sponsorship of the local Jewish their motive., . 'HANTS KXO.MAK.\ K jthe appeal are the Joint DJstribn-j }.Ia.ri!s£ttKn, on Jvvie T.* 1?^1, in the Sri3E COATFANT, daughter, • Ann Lipton, and Mrs.Sam Robinow, 110?"-.Tenth. St. National Fund Council. The comUnion of Blind Si in project itself upcQ an. object that scm of SSn£,6S, v.-hich sp.id juap-TnenS ;tjton Committee, United "Palestine J. Jacobson . accompanied the essipned • to him. aisc . EeeKs t c rV. GR0D1NSKT, The mast be conspicuous, defenseless %ras mittee ,in charge" were Mrs. Sam Austria. Exclndles Jews lAppeal, Hias, Bellefaire, , Jewish | recover eaid ^nm- in t h e p.ctJOTj roTnS1AKIBK COHPX. bride to Chicago. A wedding dinblind let themselves be led by the Meyerson, Miss Fannie Kafelman menf-ed in . the- Kunlcipa.2 Court <?i i 6-4-S IConsump'tive Relief society of Mr. and Mrs. A. i . Sacks were 3-s: • Attorneys, and "legendary; it is the unwillner followed the ceremony.' Mr. Osisha, Ooufflss Cour.tr. Nebras3:s. ! halt. t and Mr. Sam Sacks. More than [Denver,:- Hebrew University and | ingness of men to take • and £ t the" same time that said e,c i eo™»=^ and Mrs..-Wolfe motored to Estes hosts' at a dinner recently,-enter- fifty'dollars was made in this Xazfs Say Swastika Is Heavea- "themselves the burden of sin •hospital in Palestine, W i d e r cirertJsers Park for a wedding trip and will taining Mrs. Max Dorenson of drive, and the committee wishes Sent Emblem taohTnent_ i&.nS • .garnishment i t > s Anyway, Scope, the Ort, Iowa School of iUTJijg fce'ioncinfr tc be at home in Omaha after June Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer to. thank everyone who helped ia primitive man's expression of thej folly that has caused 'pain £sd Religion and the Polish School Cohen of Iowa City. -. . ' frnstratioa—It is this double psy22. ••-. . " .. • "._ ' making this campaign a success. 'act that the sun goes 'round and chical phenomenon that is the Sn-v lor^.Jewish children in Poland. ••' Mrs. James,"(Jang and,, sonThe Jewish National Fund Coun- round. ' cause of anti-Semitism. • The spe; Mr. and Mrs. George Goldberg * ^ OT' 't'^'S ^T"",-'"; i"|-^.•'." . f^? COUNCIL OF JEWISH Stuart, Castle aparm'ents - are en- cil has a number of books of ticcific things—war, epidemic,- econi fisjfi KorthFTT! Fvel. 'Fv, of Denver announce the engageC o m - f -T BATE IS CHANGED FOR kets to distribute-yet for the EN SETS UP PEACE SCHOLAR- omic chaos—that cause the pain joying a two months', sojourn .in™y £.r;E-^'er!irl t h a t it TVSK ?.~y??}•••>?£ ment of, their daughter, Miss Ee1 drawing to be held on June 28. A SHIPS AT HEBREW UNIVERS and the frustration in n e s are New York City. . ; . . -....' i TALMUD TORAH PICNIC telle Goldberg to Abe Braverman on May £S, lit",', said Northern .Fuel cash prize of $25 will be awarded ITY Appropriate for the City only, occasions. And so Hiss Jes- Supply Company oi Omaha, Kebr&sof Denver, a former Sioux Cityah, ortter^fi. to pay paifi funds trs a' student to the winner, and everyone is of Peace. sie Sampter •srrites profoundly ka, wasf The date fop* the annual Tal- son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bra- at Leonard.Berkoisitz, CisrS o* the SfuTvieipE.) .-Court o'.! . urged to buy at least one ticket. PROSTESTANT M I N I S T E R and eloquently at cace -words to the Yale, visited in'Sioux City tnis Omaha, DOUEIES Cour.tr- Xebrssks.:' 1 :; verman,; 620 Virginia street.. T mud Torah picnic has been Anyone who wishes a book of ticPRAYS FOR JEWISH JUDGE IN s.nd this cause vras .coEtiJiued fejsaid j 1 week, enroute to his home in" Los •which > ara happy to give this Court - until -the 15*h '<H£T oi • Svxly. l •, changed from June 27 to Miss Goldberg was graduated kets to Sell should call Miss Fan- BROOKLYN COURT ROOM . . . .y^ , Angeles,'California.' additional currency: "Tbe first 1$*~, Et. S c'cioPir J^ J.I. for the n : r - \% from East Central school In Dennie Katelman, phone 4491, or according to Mr,. M. Lazriowjch," In the tradition of the City of step that tre have to tafee to degeneral chairman of the arrange- ver, and,Mr. Braverman Is a gradMr. Sam Sacks-, phone 5829. Churches. Mr. and Mrs. I Cohen, 2721 stroy anti-Semitism is not to eoiato appear or. or before \he • ments. uate of Central High School in v MIAMI .JUDGE CONVICTS bat it but to live with all our'ied cay of .Tuiy. 153". Et S o'clock A and. was captain-of Jones street, have received word I Other committees; named • for Sioux City, and or -default win lie errtersfi ejrS LANDLORD WHO POSTED "NO that Midshipman Abe Cohen, a Mr. and,-Mrs. Ben Subby and might, to ourselves, to east off the picnic are M. Falkland J, Gor- the Central football, team in JEWS WANTED" SIGN . . . In- the shrouds v^hich s3siE3.i!s,tSoa student at the United States Nason, Robert,, left Sunday for ChiDated a t Omtuhp.i T'ebrsska, ^how, co-chairmen; M.- Satin and 1933. He is associated with teresting precedent. has tried to triad about a living 2Slh d a y of T,Ia?-; -SSS7 :, jl.' Lebowltz, groceries and meats; Neisner. Bros, store in Denver, val academyy Annapolis,. .>Md., cago, Illinois to spend the week . JACOB KOSI3NBE 6,000 POLISH JEWS ASK body. We have yielded to the sailed Friday on the United States visiting relatives. They made the i E y IvIOXFICT. GHODXNSKT". K A 31. Mason, H. Feinberg, J. Robin- where they will reside. ENGLISH KING FOR PALESflagship, New York, for-hi3 senand COKEN, Kiz Attomej's. shann, to the lure of death . . . I trip by motor. 'i3on, M. LlpBhutz, E. N. Grueskin, 6-4-.S7-4t. . . • • • TINE VISAS AS CORONATION ior cruise of three months in M. Shubb, and R. H. ' Emlein, GESTURE . , . It would be a Mr: and Mrs-. A. L. Stein, 2720 European waters. Returning to Mrs. Marvin Bookey o£ Des jsround3; Mrs. H. Feinberg and Stone Park Boulevard, have made Hampton Roads late In, August, Moines, Iowa is returning to hersplendid gift. Sirs. M. Matlln, tickets. Assisting known the marriage- date of their- he will come to Sioux City to visit home today following a week's ARGENTINE RADIO GIVES on the ticket committee will be daughter, Miss Mateel Ruth. Stein his parents. In September. . visit here at the home of her par- DAILY JEWISH PROGRAM . . . jMesdames B. Shindler, I. Luband Preston Allen Polsky, son of ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Scharf. Making European refugees feel at 'aan, F, Gorchow, S. Ginsberg, N. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Polsky of LinNumerous affairs were given in home. Mrs. •William" Fusske. and childiMatlin, H. Kozberg, J. Kutcher, coln, Nebraska. It will be June ren, Shirley and Jerome Howard, her honor during her stay. tP. Sherman, H. Sherman, H. Os•27 at Omaha. of Chicago, are spending the sumlaowltz, A. Mazle, J. Jacobson, B. Miss Stein is a graduate of Cen- mer visiting1 Mrs. Fusske's parMoses Mr. and Mrs. Walter Perlmut- Laws Gelfand. tral high school and a member of i; Mr. Sam Ijlpman is in charge the Hesperian society. She at-ents, Mr. -and- Mrs. A^ Shulkin, ter entertained one hundred fifAre "eing S ty guests at a reception at their ©f publicity and Rudy Shindler, tended the University of Nebra- 724 West Fifth street By home Sunday evening, June 6, in lish games and sporting events. Mr. ska, where she was a member of Mis3 Marion Robinson of Oma-honor of their daughter, Miss H. H. Emlein is acting chairman Sigma. Delta Tau sorority. Mr. Jerusalem.—(W. N. S.-Palcor of the Talmud. Torah board dur- Polsky also attended the Univer- ha, visited :With Miss Margaret Marian Perlmutter, who was Kbsberglast week end.' graduated last Friday from the Agency)—Twoxrepreseatatives of ing the Illness of Mr. Jack Lon- sity of Nebraska. :. Abraham Lincoln high School, the True Law Party a body which don. .-•.-• ".' Miss Dorothy Sherman of Oma- and also honoring Mr. Samuel (.claims sorae hundred o* followers Miss Ruth Rifkin, who • hasha, is expected *to arrive here this Maitzman and his daughter. Miss in England and Wales, are nowchosen June, 20 as the date for week end for a visit with Mrs. Ed Gertrude Maitzman. of Boston, advertising in the Vernacular . her marriage to Sam Epstein, was Cantor. Mass. A- pink and white " color press of Palestine for evidence of the guest of honor at a breakfast, scheme was cerried out. Pink mention of the S13 Je-wg of Mosses Sunday morning at the-Council Mr. and Mrs. William Kutcher, tapers in crystal candelholders elsewhere, than i n the Bible. They Oak Camp, when Miss Dorothy 2111 Jackson, street announce the flanked the low floral center- believe that such evidence,, if Gelson, and the Misses Mary and birth of a son, June. 8, in the piece. ,3Mr. Ilaltzman is the fa-found, may lead to the discovery f"The Young Judean club will Ida Edelman entertained. ther ot Mrs. Perlmutter, and MiE3 of the lost Ark of the Covenant. Methodist hospital. • Sold a carnival. In the social hall Maitzman and Mrs.a Perlmutter The- tvfo men are David HatnThe'Misses Sophie• and Temariof. Shaare. Zion synagogue, Tues- rah Franklin will honor Mr. Epare sisters, and they had not seen shere and J. Collins Crawford, day night, 'June 15,-with a full stein and Miss Rifkin at a steak each other for twenty years. of London. The'headquarters'of, program of booths, games,-andi fry next week at South Ravine. their party is in Eywater Road,! lentertaiment throughout the eves .wUliivllls Mr. and Mrs. Abe Rocenberg West London. At tbe end -of ning. Game and refreshment Dr.^and Mrsr Samuel H. Shuland daughter, Ilene, motored to April they offered a Paschal sac-S tiobths will be ejected and attrac- kin have returned to their home, Lincoln Sunday-*where they* at- rifice, to coincide with the'Passtive door prizes will be awarded. 2914 Nebraska Btreet, from Ventended a Tea at the Hotel Lincoln over of the Samaritan sect, on ,The public is invited to attend ice, California, where Mrs. Shul- p| . ; '•-.' BS .EV.B. S . on Sunday afternoon given by Mount Abal near Nablus. srid/. the admission fee will be ten kin with Charles and Roger spent Rabbi and'Mrs. H. Jolt in honor All memhers'of the True Law tpeats.. ' - . ' . . ' '••.": ' the winter.; Dr. Shulkin joined of I-IIE3 Zena Rosenberg of Hast- Party believe in the 614 Mosaic SB.. H A D A S S A H ' liUHCHEON ' -•-• The Young Judean .club is them a month ago, returning with JUKE.10 .' ' - - . • • . . '. -. -..- ings, whose marriage to Mr. Louis laws,' which they consider to be sponsored, by .the junior Hadas-. them. The Council Bluffs Senior i\-.- Finglestein of Lincoln will talic political as well as'religious. Mr. Bah with the purpose of acquaintMiss Esther Pearlman of Chi- dassah will hold its annuallunch- place Slunday, June 13, at the Harashere has-told, people that a ing the younger girla with the cago returned to Sioux City with eon to; do3e its 'season. On nest Hotel Blackctone in Omaha. settlement of racfSi strife and the ". jworlc"of Zionism. Miss Sophie. Dr. and Mrs. Shulkin, for a visit. \S»f*t. land questios between Arabs and Wednesday afternoon, June IS, !PrankIin and Mrs. Herman LIcht She is Mrs. Shulkin's sister. / , at one O'clock at the Hotel Chieflire. Abo Gilinsky entertained Jews may be ajciiievecl bjs invoic-direct the group. • tain. Mrs. Herman Marowits and tho members of her Afternoon ing one of the rodst important of AnnabelPEatin is chairman of Mr. and Mrs. AV. C. r Slotsky, Mrs. Sam. Gross are. co-ehairmea Club at a luncheon ct her home the 613 laws. These laws (known the carnival with Rachael Ginsas Taryag to rabbinical scholars) berg and Dorothy Goldstein as- with their daughter, Mina, and in charge of this affair and ihey »Wednesday afternosn, June S. ^ Ires ees <!" sons desons Lawrence T.awrpnpo and onA Bobby, Uf»W"f Aa- are -- being » • - assisted -are the basis'of Palestine's funda-.. hy Mrs., Samuel gisting as co-chairman. parted Wednesday morning- for a H. Katelman and Mrs, IT. Chern*t Irt r.sw mental life, he said, and the one ?JiE3 Helen May Saltzman left ] Other; committees include, Dor- western trip, -which will include' relative to tbe "Seventh Year'Re-.j iack. Mrs. Albert-Krasne is proSunday for Chicago, Illinois for a othy Dikel,'bffotha; Jean;Shubb, stops in California and Spokane, lease," when the sail is allowed : ffoby. Nadler and Sadie' Shvid, re- Washington.; They will be. gone gram chairman. The' newly-elect- visit with friends. to remain fallow for one year in ed officers-Will be installed folfreshments; Doris Kaplan and three weeks; . the cycle of seven, would, if praclowing the'luncheon. Reports of Gloria" Nbvitsky, lotto; Rachael Mrs. Louis London was ho£t£-'3 ticably applied, end the terrible. Ginsberg, wheel of chance; Dor- . Mrs. Nate Shubb and daughter the . Southwestern Regional Cen- to the members of her "Cousins' al poverty irs 'present-Say Palvention will be -given; Council othy Goldstein and Elaine Fin- Debra, Mrs. S. Shubb, and Miss Club" at a dcsssrt-lunebeon at estine aad bring about ' peace Bluffs chapter will t o hostess to "Itenstein,. Annie Kanofsky and Kate Shubb, all of Los Angeles, her home at 201 North ITirst St. "with the authority .of the "Lord Euth Kuteher,: games; and' Doris haye arrived to visit here, Mrs. the nest Resional Convcntioa to Thursday afternoon, Juno 10. rV God." be held in 193S. An entertaining Grlieskin, tickets. Proceeds will Nate Shubb and daushter are program is beius arransod. Rer,go toward the Jewish National guests of her parents, ' Mr. and orvation should bo mads promptMrs. B. Ginsberg, 107* West 17th Fund. ly for tho luncheon. Our funeral Parlors Ares Furnlth.cd in K s s c - l l i c Z'z.:Uos. Winners of Jhe merit system street. Mrs. S. Shubb and Miss Shubb are visiting in the home of were Rachael Ginsberg, first; Sa"COURTEOUS—KEUA2LE" KOSHSH MEAT j tiie Shvid, second; and" Thetaa inr. and Mrs. Meyer Shubb, 2500 OP3SED Jones street. 'Siiindler. third. snsHUEfflffinfflj












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