June 25, 1937

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$.'&• O'CONNOR, Attys. idels Theatre Bids. - ..

This colman ia copyrlgbt by the Seiren Arts Feature Syndicate. Reproduction in whole or i n part strictly forbidden. Any iaTringement on this copyright be




4 '


Low ¥ots cf Hadsssali Is Surprise of -ths Election

Tell of Maritime Activities.

RODiNSKY, MARER S. J£JM. Attorneys. • TO NON-RESIDENT :;: : [i>£FENDANT "•& Ilojralty Corporation, Ion. Defendant: •. ' . .-• lierebj-' notified that m.y.-ot April,' 1S37." JACOB 3 ^comnienced an action based oh " a Judgment mined against you-by the ty Company, a New York | in. the \MraiicipaJ Court 3l Kew l o r k , Sth District on June -2. 19S3. in the H39, -VThicli said .Judgment d to'rhlrh, ana seeks to .sum in.the action cotn"the Municipal Court of igltts.-County. Ifebraska, same time that" said a c mmencedi • a •writ of a t garnishment was i s mds belonsius to you in on of the Northern Fuel paiy of Omaha. Nehrasdered attached. 3 FURTHER NOTIFIED k 22nd day of 3Iay. 1937, irthern Fuel Supply ComIred that it was indebted e sum ofi'SlPO.SS and that 1937, said Northern Fuel ipaiiy of Omaha. Nebrasiered to psy said funds to the ilunicipal Court of slas - County, Nebraska: use was continued by said Fthe loth day of July, 'clock' JV.-Jl. .for the purjrlng1 sei-rttfe upon you by and -you ar& hereby notiear on or before the 15th . 1937. a t i» o'clock A. 1L will- be entered against :_• Omaha. Nebraska, this r ilay. .1337 ' . ' JACOB ROSENBERG, IT. GH.ODINSKT. 1IARER !IiEN, His .Utomc.vs.

the least realistic of peoples, that j s p r a n g up in Tel Aviv dramaticthere are still Jews, cultivated ally, almost overnight, as the and able people top, who think Arab general strike of last sum-




The pay-off for the President's and Vice-presidents match at tbe Highland Country Club -will be thexaade at a stag Tuesday evening, June 29,-at 7 o'clock at the clubhouse when the members of the j


losing teara.treaf the dinners to! f (JHBER OF QEAHAES The Labor party led tlie A t . . i« Omaha Zionist voting Sunday. , »«sent the standings are EO i * i •XT.

a. 4. i

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close that the outcome will prob-

^ ™ a >?• °Ji a b ] y n o t b e fiecided U E t i l Tuesday The Mizrachi came second a f t e n i oon when Louis Hiller, A nuraber of Ctoanans are, with 234. Hadassah followed j president of the Club, plays Sam attending the national A. 2. A.! with State 215; General viceseventy-five president. persons are convention which opened t t ' • About Party 3.Zionists 88;; Leon,

- - /-fc.

Camp Cejwin, Port Jervis, Kev , York, on June 2S. Chapter delegates are Joe Eomstein, Herbe-1 Forbes, Harold Celinsky, arc Morris Arbitman. sah Eold by far the most shekels. Sara Beber, Philip Klutznic':. The Omaha balloting was tin- j I Dr. X.eo FeUmas, Dr. A. Felling:der the direction of a conmittes j Dr. A. Greenberg, and I. F. GocCheaded by I. Morgenstern. • ! xnan, all o£ whom are active .r New York (WNS) — "With! Dr. J. 2,1. Eraaan was elected B'nai B'rith work, are also at the; nearly 75 per cent of the estim-j department commander of the j Camp Eisno, eseccuve Eecreated total of 100 000 TOt»s cast! Veterans of Foreign "Wars"at the | Jub Msj£ ar Baer, his assistai t, the seventeenth I "y. am I In the natioa-wide election for final session American delegates to the 2Ota encampment •Weanesaay morn-._ i are agax eEts at the convestioE. "World Zionist Congress already ing. Dr. Erman. has been active

Goldie aiyerson To Speak Here Tuesday

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counted and returns in from most j

cents) damages for the family of very close, returns from. 71 out of I eral &i~ tbe rataEraeat Stefan .Kedziora, the policeman.: 100 polls giving Ticket Kq,. | RTer last September.

held in. ! this jr

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Reich Cardinal

Author of China


|d construction, pcrit - beauty, reduces complete satisat low. original i Obtain authentic injtion and build fectl


"?_a5or) "S,5d3;" Ticket N o . l j Besides having served a s Cora-i TCtile the IESO ecu, in, defense counsel, announces! j (General Zionists) eechor'-5,003; a n 3 jj manner of the St. Kihiel post, V. i-only 1S8,COG Jetrs in sjzecnor that they were appealing the Ticket No. 3 (Mizracai), 4,£SS. j F . W., h e vras for two years Eiir- ; vaksa, Cr 1.3 per o=rt o death sentence. •—: ! : | geon of the department and TTSS -elation, t i e paper ssj-s, there ?-' Judge and prosecutor rebuked | p |« L ?,««»•/»«-«• last year elscted ssiiior vice-com- j actually 500,000, counting tfc-"— BerUn j en-nmerated as Je-^s in relig r(JTA) — Words of attempts by Attorneys niander. praise for the Jews, rarely heard ana Nlebudek to make the crime Dr. En:lan has likewise been j but not nationality, and those ct in public in Nazi Germany, were an Issue against the Jews as a unal Jewish, blood listed as agnostics. prominent in JeTTisli coniniu uttered by Cardinal Faulhaber in whole. The judge warned that I affairs. For many years he has j The ceasus counted Je^s r c been a member of "B"nai B'ritt such is the kernel and crux of a denunciation of the Hitler re- speeches were to be confined to It t iTgsi, to enable t v " i vze Paris (JTA)—Author of China's gime's <anti-Catholic policy. encampment tl the' matter. 'Futile and childisn At • the sa: Dvemment to claim a El 7f~ the guilt or Innocence of the debest selling novel o* the year is saw Dr. Erman elevated to cos- cent Czech to Eay: "W-hy are not-men differ- Addressing 5,000 pilgrims at fendant, Ejorlty in the co;_r: ent? "We, God knows, mean them Tutenhausen, Bavaria, Archbish- '" The prosecutor praised the de-a Chinese lady named "Ko-Ko-So, mander, Nate Grossman of Lin- trV." appointed chief cf staff..i no harm. True, we do not. Itop of Munich called on Catholics fense put up by Scserbowski's who was born Rosesthal, s Polish ! c o i n Jewess, it has been revealed here j Tnaies no difference'.: Futile a n d j t o defend themselves tions ir. €e~"— c a and "went on record by a returned globe-trotting Tid- | p.?; Scouting Hitler's lawyers, childish to say today, though it slavementli'e, the ?c?e? c O . s ! MUSB0UE1 PAPER BMS against Implicating all Jews in may not alwayB i a v e seemed to claim to having saved Germany the crime. Kowalski attempted dish poet who made the novelist's "by the ^:i^= t : - - - , \ AST1.ZIQNIST . • be BO: "We shall work for a bet- from the "atheism of Soviet Rns- without success to^ trap witnesses acquaintance in Peking. from C--rai.r, z.~~ The poet is Melech Karitsch, of ter world for all mankind. His- EaL" Cardinal Fauhaber said: have in 7 r L ; i : I:. i_ MMiFEMOS into statements tliat the* murder Warsaw. He relates that wnen. *fWe are told £o look at Eussla. tory seems to be cyclic and not Eant n - : : - , . : : . ' : . progressive. Institutions do not"We do look at Russia. And forhad been planned -by several \n e arrived in Peking, Ee was asbehaved In r--" - ' Jews months ago. Eonie <WKS) — So auaerons tounded to be greeted by i£adame lmproveVwhen manned by the oldthat very reason we must defend Young Szcerbowski himself tes- Ho-So-So in Polish. have been- the public denunoiabarbarous men \i^dL their oia bar-ourselves against enslavement, e' 1 :, tl e ^ '•~h"""r c~ \ The novelist, . author cf the j tions of Zionism by Italian Jews barous vices and reactions. Hence against the curtailment of our tified: 5s T ~ " t -.-"'- - . ' - - " ' "I can't imagine how It hap- Chines© best s'eller "Love and I under tha pressure'of the Fascist he who turns his face from the freedom and human rights. Let Duty," esplainea to the'poet that!press' anti-Sionistn crusade, our government look at France, pened. I just grabbed the knife Jewish people in order to build' IMuntacs. Muntacs ~ra better world for. all substitutes where Jews and Freemasons sit -without thinking and- stabbed 'she had studied in Paris twenty j II Popolo d'Italia, Mussolini's or-j^. r r has announced that it will j dreams of a probably unattain- In the French government, but jKedziora. I hid three days in the iyears ago and there married a i -•- — - - - T - <- — T- -'- «"



The biggest upset in the elec- participating In the competition. tion was the comparatively lov vote obtained by Hadassah, since —1_ „—n „_ __ throughout the the country Hada.s- ' I ' * I [ • , ,i <-; '

of Zionism as just another 'move- mer made fthe neighboring Arab of the big cities. Ticket _No. 2, ; ment,' probably worthy but notport of Jaffa impractical as a representing Labor, led -with 29,-! for them, and who worry primar- Jewish immigration and commer132 votes, an almost two to one ; ily (I don't say they are not to cial depot. plurality. over Ticket 'No 1, re?-; worry at all) about the Spanish A colorful figure in Palestine, resenting the General Zionists. ; •war or civil liberties in Puerto "Mrs. Myerson is an American The surprise of the balloting i Rico. Deep in their subconscious woman, who taught school in Mil•was the failure of --the General' » 'L these are, of course, defensive waukee before leaving this counZionists, -who bear tbe brunt of; measures; these are mechanisms try in 1921 to live and work In a Palestine fund-raising' activities ! g of Policeman Tonclied to do better than they did. Equal-: of fairly primitive tnagic. By be-collective settlement in Palestine. Off Pogrom Ware in ing what they think the world Now one of the leaders of the ly surprising -was tee compare-' Position "There Is TOD wants Ihem to be these good peo-; Histadruth, she has been active Poland tively small vote of Ticket No. 5. i pie are trying, like any primitive among the pioneer workers of representing Hadassab, •which | Brsesc, Poland (JTA)—"Wolf [polled 11,28 4. The MIsrachi, Ticmagician or medicine man, to Palestine and in the Histadruth's i Berlin (JTA)—The i Szcerbowski, 18-year-old Jewish 3, received 14.9S2 votes. master the menacing world and Immigration bureaus. '; eons position ot the Jevrs Ir Ticket No. 4, representing to avert evil from themselves. At present Bhe is engaged In butcher's son, —as under sentence I CEeccoslovaliia is pointed out tr , of death this week for the slay-! the j rj h state Party, -srs.3 far j j eiS S You may remember the extra- awakening interest in the port of ; a horrible example t-j tbe T c * ordinary words of Theodor Herzl: Tel Aviv as a means of creating ing of a Polish policeman that in the rear -with .only 630 votes. jkisciier Eeobachter, ctiel Ktr" if the present proportion of "If they were to leave us in peace new labor jobs for Immigrant set off anti-Jewish riots In this Party organ, in En article 1- t city on May 13 in which about j votes by partier, is maintained J for two or three generations! But Jews in Palestine in the seafar| series on the Jews in Cent-r" they will not leave us in peace." ing branches fishing, dock-work- 50 Jews were wounded, three of until all votes have been counted j Europe. the American delegation to the j And why not? Hersl probably ers, sailors, etc work which them fatally. CseccoBlovaiia 5s regtrceS "rr Zionist Congress will be raa&e | knew the answer too but I do not the Jews have not done for cen- The verdict, which came after the paper as the only obstacle tc i Temember his expressing this turies. a one-day trial In -which anti-! ^P as follows: Labor, 35 dele-j | "solution" of tho Danufce pr- ;>- ' ; General Zionists, 20; Mfe-1 Though a mother of two childknowledge.. They will not leave Semitic counsel for the civil pros- j .k^r. « • . -» j._.-^i...n I lem because cf the alleged p~e20; Eadassah 14; us in peace, the peoples of the ren living in Palestine, Mrs. My-ecution tried to implicate the enIn affairs of the Veterans o —or- |Tdominance of Je"srs there. Is r~eerson State Party 1. world.-they do not leave us in frequently u n d e r t a k e s tire Jewish people in the crime, In New York City the fight be- eign "Wars *c-r many years Endj ions articles it advisee Rtir.r-mis- also included one zloty (20 ft'eaee' for even one whole genera- strenuous strenuous labor labor and and Zionist Zionist mis tween Tickets No. • 1, 2, 3 was'was named national s-argeon-gsn- ia to all- Trith Germany and -r tion, hcause ^ e Tfatlnot lose our Identity. Or, at least, ¥ 8 cannot lose our identity fast, enough and completely^enoaga'Vto "Satisfy" the' •majorities among -whom we live and who respond to the stimulus of our mere presence among them with., a feeling- that Tanges from in ila moral discomfort to brutal excesses of rage.- . Such ' is the fundamental fact;


Knterea a s Second Clas3 Mall Matter on January 21. 1S21, a t Fostoffica ol t)maha, Nebraska, under the Act ot March 3, 1S73

'V SUMMING:-UP . "We are on the eve ol .the Convention of the Zionist Organization of America; Itt a lew weelcs the Congress of the "World Zionist Organization -will take place, Meanwhile not -without trepidarsoa tion thou Eh: with firm resolve are awaiting the report of the Koyal Commission on Palestine, while Arab nationalists, Bo-callea,,, are invading the American seen* . Mrs. Goldle ;Myerson, only wo-with the help of at least one dis-man to testify before the Royal tinguished, member of the faculty Commission, will speak in Omaof a great American university. ha this coming Tuesday, June 29, Meanwhile too the horror of the at 8:30 p. m. at the Jewish Com•war against three millions of our munity Center. ' .| people iri Poland is arousing even At the same' time a memorial the Hew York Times and its very will be held for Dr. Theodore objective correspondent by its Herzl. catastrophic -proportions. Th& Mrs. Myerson is a prominent darkness deepens in all Central leader of the Federation of Jewand Eastern Europe and the Nazi ish Labor in Palestine (Histanetwork is spreading dangerously druth) and is touring the United in America. (See The Nation of States in the interests of the new June 5th). Tel Avir port and other maritime - Yet such is the frivolousness of activities in Palestine. numan nature and Bach the pow- She will tell of the developer of self-deception among Jews, ment; of the new seaport which

C. L.EV1N, Attjv Mels. Theatre ; 3 l d £ . m AtJMlNISTRATJQN bnty. Court of -Ucmslas faskar/';- " -.- . ''-. [ter of tKa r estate of Sam p a a s e u . . . ; - • - • . • ••. ^Interested-in" said e s a>y. notified: that a petiptr filed iia-'said . Court alsaid." deceased died leavwillsantli-praylnp lav a d ppoii-'fais: estate, and that fl be had.on said petition purt:gn the... 28th;; d a y of p a -tlxat-.if "they fail to Ed Court 5 n 'the, salfl 26th [,lSET.,at 3 o'clock a. in". aidij>etltlon,: ; the Court |he\Kanje-and .grant- ad. of : saia estate . to _ e n a [ o t h e r .suitable.perti» -. a settlement 1TCE CRATVFOETX . County Judge.

longer publish them. i mother informed Chinaman named Ho, xrho today able end for the immediate suc- where there is, nevertheless, free- cellar. My Italia- jjia-l For several —eets the Its.Ha: is a well-known railroad engineer dom in the Catholic schools." the police of my'hiding place.* cour of his very flesh and blood, press has given a great deal c Disorders In which windows ot i in his native land. memory and aspiration, good and space to statements by Jews pro : Madame Ho-Ro-So, several Jewish shops were brokGod. . Rosenthal Cfcinafied, has written | claiming their loyalty to Fascism | it Ears, ".j en occurred over a false report Nor am I, for one, being human other popular novels .in. Chinese.! and uncompromising opposition j nance- - . had received that Szcerbowski and pretending- to be n o more Her latest has sold well over Lt0 Zionism. only a four-year sentence. The rthan that, interested in an inconpies 500,000 copies in the CMnesa efli- ! — Praha (JTA) - • Undernourish- police restored order. ceivably distant future from disease rates •tion and has also dona svrv^-\ARGENTINE ItWS SEED •which the Jewish people will have ment, increasing and ^misery among Jewish refudisappeared. And tbe Jewish peogees from permany-In Czechoslople will dissappear in the,, cataclyBuenos Aires (JTA)—The Re- j Ei0VJ t.£ ' vakia -were' reported by Vestnlk, of history unless as an entire peoAmsterdam.—Samuel Dresden,; lief . Comniittee for- the Polish I official organ of the Praha Jewple it gathers: its -will to live, to director, of the Amsterdam Con--Jews forwarded 100,POO alotys I J?£T ish community. persist, to fulfill its function like servatory and a noted composer j (about §20,050) to TTarsavr as i „ , « Funds of refugee relief organthe other peoples of mankind, "Washington, D. C. ("WNS) — and musician, "has teas, appoint- j the proceeds cf a campai,?r now, today, this month and this izations are depleted, the paper Senator Robert F. Wagner head- ed director o)f the Royal Dutch ! ing condncted in-Argentina. The \ ?~~T>-T!. year. I marvel at these excellent said, aij,d instead of the minimum ed a delegation | fund-raising crire is continuing.! 1 " i - J " " ' ' ' of prominent Conservatory at The Hague. and apparently disembodied souls weekly allowance of 300 kronen Christian Americans who laid be•who are "willing—-or-apparently so the community's relief committee fore President Koosevelt a mem•~-to have the plow of history was barely able to distribute 35 jorandum in behalf of tbe Pro-! plow under their soul'and the kronen -for--adults and 15 kronen • Palestine Federation asking to eternal ideas and ideals which for children. Recently the adult use his good -offices with Great that seed has from the beginning allowance was cut further to 20 Britain in behalf of Jewish rights • . in Palestine. • embodied, for the salie of a hol- tronen. The local Jewish commnnity • The same, ' memorandum was low perfectionism represented by blameless robots stabled in supports 378. refugees, of whom also" presented to Secretary of . .



— . T.


1 T

Misery of Jewish* Refugees Is'Told

S-asvcre-»vorSh _



BATE- NOTICE '. ter of-the estate Samuel t s e a . - . - - - . • . • •. •. .. jusreby given: ' treditors of saia deceased executor- of said estate. tranty Judge of Xtouglas • pasta," - a t the . Coimtv in saia Comity, on the uly 1937 and on the 2Stti :mber' IDS".- at 9 o'clock day,' for the purpose of Seir'claims, for eSamlnapient a r i d - allo~ance s-'are'-'allotrea for the claims, ( ^present., their' .day-of, June 1937. . IRTCB •qSATTT'ORX>. !--. County.Judge.



- _








stables of marble with nose-bags 13 S are repatriated Czechoslova- State Hull by the delegation | WIta its program center which included "• Representatives j around the history of the ..« "T a of silk neighing in unison some- i i a n citizens: The relief committee distrib- Hamilton Fisa and John -. D.fCamp Akiba, home cam? cf thing about humanity with a "huge Coiniaunity Center, r'-rt- K — C capital letter.. It is not,for me. uted in tbiscity €00,000 kronen O'Connor, DY. Frederick B. Hoi- ieJetrisa tJ 3tllird season Monday Monday —era' ~ c r a - ' .-c -^^ - ^ - - - - • -^ ~ — Is it, is i t for you?. "Wouldn't it in; 1928 and 270,000 up to the inson, Prof. Franklin Hodges, Dr. j I' third season Registrations n a y sti'l be c"T-> ->"TI— T—" c~ ~ *Russell Clinchy, Dr. Balph Sock- in be more realistic and more "honor- end of April, 1937. made jit tbe Center office. able and more-loyal ana" mora,hu- Health conditions were de- man and Dr. William Palmer. :c ' u~ "— rcscm. Tbe delegation -was autaoriEed Each groap ia' the camp ir r» t man and. even '•infinitelyjollier scribed as appaling. Tuberculosis and happier to arise, -to put onease3 among 'adults-are increas- to present the memorandum, at sponsibla for s.' phase cf JeT.J the. Christian. pro-Palestlns'con-j history around -which its -cr^ all one's might and put forth all, ing, as ht as undemourishinent ference-held in New York several t l . ' 7 Ct,~n ~Z- ' be •.directed.. Clmiasin one's good will and save the Jew- and children's diseases. months ago; cainp season.sill be a Pasec-t r ish people? Most of the refugees were forJs^Isa HiEtorr.in yrhMi all t "• f "The Jewish question," wrote merly physicians, ". lawyers and groaps Trill particiBste, • r Theodor Herzl in words ones business men, accustomed -to liv- Eosengolta SMftsd • As ia the past there are r.> ~—^ c Jeered at and now proven a thou- ing in slz-Toom apartments. In - Mosco— {Havas vis JTA) sand titne3 over by history itself, view of the---lack•'of--, funds -the A.' P. -KosengoKz has bees i e a e v - In hand crafts ol rarioas. r~rl" v "the Jewish Question ia neither a community has been forced to is- ed from Ms post as Foreign a n d nsEsic. d'^C'* year cocial question nor a religious sue any relief to newly-arrived Trade Commissar by the Centra! -.7 ; „ - . , »_ question, whether It assumed this refugees. ; . . . ' ' Friday zftem" ~ Executive - Coiasaittee, is was of- tion.- Every tor other colorations or not It is fically aasosiiieed here. •. .. from 4:SO to. 5- o'eiock, there — ua national question and la order The Basratimi family -wers the : HosengoltE, t i e brief .- j be' a short religiocs servL c to SO1Y_& it wo niist flrtt of all first Jews-to enter- the. lists of 1 ens said, has been, aaaed to &n- j gi%-a the children s.i J icta'er position. (Continued on page S.) Russian nobility. ' Background iff



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/ Page 2

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here, minded that, as late as 1931, jmon life. The other seeks to face j is going along st a great C'.'.T- T'-Sbanquet , on June l'i. i_?r. .beon of Jewish when I T?'as in Germany, Adolf the materialism of our time by j Giants are Iccdirg the losrve t r Fellrnan directed the impressive: ' t'lf-nghai to considHitler and his body-guard were uniting ProteEtants, Catholics", | virtue cf the ; r 8-4 •win _>rer Eob installation service. '•• z f community was not taken with any degree of ser- and Jevs, on the basis of tbeir Brarcson's Tigers. Tts YstJ-s i s - 1 The first meeting ->£ the nev* T- Sifrh Holidays in iousness, even by the best in'Il be spiritual identity. I feated the Cards, for their first' terra v^ ^ / *•*" °* the Baghdad formed of men and -women. Too By spiritual identity I meaa | loss o* the season beating them when new committees wiil be ap.,--t icipated in that much is going on behind the their common faith in God and I by the score of 5-1. These games pointed. •- " active in Jewish scenes of our national life. The in the spiritual interpretation of are being played at the Central ( malignant malady is already here. human life. • • >\ High Playgrounds starting at 1 p. ! Some letters that have come to . Let me go back to Germany \ m. The schedule for June 27 will1 me would amaze even the more again. When I made ray study j find the Giants playing the Yanks I is the first pp £W\ rrrri?! than ordinarily informed of our three years ago, I j.sked these a " ^ ^ e . Cards clashing with the | iii r'aleplinian woman to be people. questions. Suppose Protestants Tigers. | red v.'Kh a monument. (JTA) And h o w shall it be met? By and Catholics had had such, re- j . / „ j force, by violent means, by dia- lations at to.make common cause I The JCC Athletic Cotincil tad A sensation was created when in our own nation, in Germany of the Christian cJiurcn. " t r i b e s and counter-propaganda? I against the deprivation of relig- j their regular meeting last Thurs-! CLEAN LINEN the Rev. Dr. MacFarland, gen- and In the world at.large. threatens the independence, K n o £ ^ r e r ,r means dlscourage ious liberty, would it have made : day at the Hill Hotel, discussing; in-Rj-f Attracts Customers! eral secretary emeritus of the 1 In fact, it often happens that which is bound to the word of' v« 1 u ,. . i expressions of moral indignation, a difference? Suppose both these j several things of interest in re- •Fa* , "'he Federal Council of ^CJjurclies OMAHA TOWEL faiths had been in brotherly re-' gsrd to the Athletic department. \ of Christ in ' .America, ^*»ho the people can never be adequate-; God and the. believing consciv^tiutr \.i.i>e l.^.i-'t i . ' ' - ? . *-'*. f" li^-vi fc,^ a- ;; QI TOOT V S B u t w e m u s t gQ deeper> w e m u s t 1 lations with synagogue and rabLes Burkenroad, Athletic chair-1 Tfrote .a book in 15)34 defend- .-ly aroused to realize a ^reat evil | ence." "Race and nationality do a n a l y z e t h e spiritual condition of agogue of the Ashkensr.ic Jewish : g SurrLI g bi? The answer of many thought-i man, presided. I Community, which now numbers ; H ing Hitler, recently sent an until it gets bad enough and not, determine the Church. o u ro w nl a M Jugt a t t h e m o m e n t VOUVB Since 1876 g open letter to the.Kelchsfnebr- many of us found it difficult toj And these are the men who j ^ ^ t h e y & r e m o g t n e e d e d > . o u r f Ul men was, it migh* have been ! FolloT^ing is a list of new mem- '4,000 persons. There tre at pre-: | KE 2828 9 any hearing outside of the , today are being driven to the c a t - j . r e l l g i o u g institutions have he- possible, at'the beginning to have i bers who have joined the Center! sent one Ashkenssic and two, %^^SK:ssMMSms^S^S^SSssasaM £r charging the \azls with • un- (accuse relatively small number of men ; acombs, like the Christians j come enfeebled.. Our people have prevented what is happening, if | Athletic Department during the, dermining Christianity a n d ! and women -wha- were informed. early Rome. • we had stood together. : past week and at this time v,s [ breaking a promise' to' do jus- I A. letter such as my own would forgotten God. There are two distinct ahd opYes, the time has come when ! wish to welcome this group and . tice to the Jews, •'; ; : I have received" very slight' atteh- posing Germanys today"; one is!i >The problem in our midst topersuasion aloae will do little for I hope they enjoy the facilities to a The venerable churchman j tion three years ago. I political, the other is the real i day is not the choice between the our beleaguered brethren in Ger- great extent. The new members Fur Storage anti-religious communism of Rusreceived scores of messages np*lt seemed as though "we should • Germany sia and the pagan fascism of Ger- many. But let us, in the mean-]. a r e : Darlien IMerrill, Helen Sho- j proving his, stand. He -broadmany. It is the conflict of our time r take measures to prevent j lund, Betty Bradley, Doris Smith. ' cast o\et r|ie radio an explandemocracy on both these fronts. further infection in our own I Q ar i ciine Georgialee Kansen, ation of his action. The Jewish ten.-Let us hope that the mom-; • the menace which That democracy was born as a midst, or our voice will he little ' Harvey Davis, David Davis. BudTelegraphic Agency- and The . . | dy Greenspan. Gordon Potash, spiritual ideal and when it loses but an echo. Where Om^ahu Shvps with Confidence Jewish Press present Dr. Blac' • | Shirley Louise Anderson, Beverthat it ceases to have power and Farland's account of-what mo- terialism and humanisn, has been j b will fall a victim to one or the i ly Anderson, Evelyn Byron, Shirtivated htoi to write the letter other of these destructive philto Hitler. sweeping, over the world and our ; n o m e j ly Greenspan, Ruth ' Fullerton, • _ ... _, osophies and I am not sure that " ; Betty Rowland. Rosalie Rubin, During the past 35 years Dr. own people have become insensi-1 By EA¥ SCHAPIBO it makes much difference which. [ Cecille Cohen, Lois Foley, Bruce MacFariand has been a fre- tive.to its infections and its dead—~~"-~~ • j Rosen, Grey B. Tv'asson, Bonnie quent visitor to Germany and' And if I had to take my choice is intimately acquainted with The JCC Swimming Pool has \ Hall, Stanely Rubin, David'; week to week I receive in the today I think" it would be with been a very busy place thus far) Kraus, Fannie Wolfson, Anna; influential German churchmen. see their moral -and Mr, Stalin, who says there is no \Vhen. the situation of the Ger- causes. It is no wonder that.what mail, literature just as bad as God, rather than with Mr. Hit- this summer, with many , men, j Lee, Maxine Ellis, Virginia Cote, j man churches under the Xazis is going on in. Germany should-, that-in Der Stuermer which I des- ler, who permits his misguided women, boys and girls taking the | Doris Schneider, Betty Brown, I began .to attract .attention, he have had but casual attention, cribed in .my letter, in its expres- followers to transform him into advantage of swimming in pure j Tv'ilda Kline. • i visited the Keich to study con- •when they did not even see the sions'of race hatred. And the the Almighty. drinking water i n the sanitary (»] worst is that it comes falesly labditions, talking with over CO spiritual devastation in their own up-to-date Center natatorium. 'Example of Brotherhood' eled as a Christian caii. I have A. I. A. 1 political and church leaders land. • ' - . " ' Over 60 junior girls are enrolled V • ; a piece of it before "We can at least set an example me which and having a conference with in their regular swim class while Germany today Is, but a glar- reads "Christians arise and ex- of a brotherhood that transcends Hitler. He gave Hitler the four 40 business girls and junior boys Morris Arbitrnan, chapter dele- j years, he had asked to show ing, symbol of a world-wide tide. terminate the' Jews."- There is race and nationality. If we do not <the taking advantage (of their ] gate, and Joe Hornstein, chapter | During, my study there three if the sinister forces of raciaj hanothing worse in Germany than what he would do and then Dr. swim period. Physical Director, i alternate, left for Port Jervis, • SlacFarland was moved to is- years ago, not many in Germany much of what is circulating in tred go much, farther among, us Lee Grossman, is being ably as-! Xew York, last Sunday where! than they already have," we too realized it, and those who did our own land. And it is not by sue his open letter. were mostly pastors. German lay- any means all from G e r m a n j shall disintegrate as Gerniany has sisted during this booming- swim : they will he the 'official repre, —EDITOR season by Morris Rossen and Nor- j sentatives of the Mother Chapter men had little: consciousness of today. sources. , man BoYdy. Besides the regular j at A. Z. A.'s International conit and none too many.of them see And, whether we are conscious A recent "book, had the title "It •-. I take it that many have been It even now. swim classes, the Jewish. Boy j vention. • j . .-•••." Can't Happen Here." But it is of it or not, the one thing that Scout troop take their weekly) The delegate and recently-elect-j Interested in my recent open letholds us together is our faith in As for our own people, it happening here' _ among large ter to Adolf Hitler and perhaps God and In an Inviolate re.ver- swim every Tuesday night in the ed officers were honored at two j the best that I.can do is to add a they could hear the story of some groups of evil minded ment Center tank. affairs. On June 15 a party was ence for human personality. me give some disturbing sort of postscript to that docu- of the refugees now being cared .held at Peony Park. Installation There are two special groups for among us, they might be movj contrasts. In my mail there came ment. The Health Club Volley Ball j o f n e w o f f i c e r s w a s h e ]d a t a of men and women among us who One or two of the many let- ed out of their indifference and a letter from a German refugee see the menace. One Is known as players a r e playing regular i : tiers that have come to me raise unconcern. I mean both those who, happily, occupies • a high National Conference of Jews league games on Monday, Wed- j "tihe question as to why! it did1 notbeing supported by the Jewish' place in our own scientific life the and Christians. The other* is call- nesday and Friday, with some in- ' agencies andthose by the AmerBeside it t h e p lies another from appear a year or- two earlier, to NEW MAXAGEMEVZ ed the National Committee for teresting sessions taking- placo. j which I ought to reply; First of ican Committee for German- a Christian clergyman who has Among the most regular players j NEW Religion and "Welfare Recovery. lost his pulpit, solely because he all, advancing ag^had led me to Christian Refugees. attending these work-outs are: ; One seeks to create understandTreatment of Jews "Black Page" was bold enough to preach brothd I h d^ Eeek retirement and ings and fellowship in our com- Les Burkenroad, Dr. Paul Ellis, ] The mass of letters I have re- erhood and liberty. thought that whatever • voice I ceived Dave Cohn, Sam Gilinsky, Ciin-' 11? SO. clear that I have exr Another letter in German tells may have had was stilled. Young- pressedmake ton SKoppe; Joe "Rice, " Morris ! 1STH ST. the feeling of the AmerFranklin, Reuben Brown, Phil i *sr men could do.it with more ef- ican people, but I must answer a sad. -story of .the persecution of WESTINGHOUSE CHOSEN a well known Jewish doctor in DAMCE Feldman, John Sterling, David: fectiveness. C:1 one of the writers who says that IN HOUSING PROJECT Katleinan, George Shapiro. Last"; Xo She Music also, t.h e I was concerned only ' about Berlin. Beside it another tells me But meanwhile, Wednesday after 3 hard fought i Christian agencies in our nation Christians and forgpt .the plight of a Jew whom,I know to be of Eay Be Wi«*« have been seeking, in cooperation of the Jews. The facts^ are-that the highest character. His famThe "Westinghouse Refrigera- games, the Health Clubers enjoy- > Syneo ?fSz>^ with the churchmen of Germany in a hook, a copy of which 1 sent ily came here in.1800, and two of tor has been chosen for the kit- ed themselves to some ice cold •• Hi-H offers who were resisting State control to Mr. Hitler .in 1934, I said that his grandfathers were in our Civil chens of the government housing canteloup sundaes. The mellons j T to induce the needed change on this treatment,;of the Jews was "War. He is married to a Christian projects. 16,697 "Westinghouse were furnished by Sam Gilinskj1 / the part of the Government, not a black-page in history and that woman. They attend a Christian Refrigerators were purchased by and the Ice cream was taken care Church within twenty-iive miles of Sy. Leslie -Burkenroad..The only in granting religious liberty it shocked the sensibilities of the Our Ois?eoa! Eroiled the government after bids had Sfeafes Are Supreme to Christians, but also to secure entire civilized World. I said more of New York where once the Hu- been submitted by eight leading JCC Matron Women are also at- i BEST IN CKfNKS tending regularly on . Monday, j justice for our Jewish brethren. to him in-our conversation, about guenots settled. After 25 years manufacturers of refrigerators. Only Bonded Liqnor ^'sed Wednesday and Friday, partici-' In Oar Mixes I>rtnks Indeed there were .Christian his Aryan theory than about any- of happiness there, they.now find While the initial price per unit leaders in Germany who-then felt thing else and in. later letters themselves socially ostracized be- of the Westinghouse was not the pating in some very'fine volley ] A l l CONDITIONED cause he was" born of the race of lowest,' nevertheless the differ- ball contests. .i that too much intervention from • FOR COOI. COMFOBT tuab H J v •-". M W » - *»» — — - . [ ~" o .,- — - - , . - - -Jesus and his Christian Church I America might do ; more " harm [said as much about this problem can do little to stem the infection ence, in price between it and the The youngsters Softball league as I did about that of the Christthan good, at that moment. cheapest was.slight. The contract of Hitlerism in his native town. was awarded to Westinghouse beIn the third place, a great-con-!Ian Church. Still further, while I advised I saw the other day a letter to cause their total figure of unit terence is to b9 held .at Oxford In July, of representatives • of patience and moderation regard- prospective investors from a cojl- price' plus 10 year guaranteed Christian and Greek Orthodox ing the latter problem, I. neither J cern whose head is a leading operating cost was lowest of all. DELIGHTFULLY COOL AND PRETTY Churches of the world. That recommended nor exercised such | Christian layman. He- expresses • Recent test of Westinghonse body is to spend two weeks con- an attitude regarding his Jewish, the judgment that the present Refrigerators indicate that the sidering this momentous problem persecution. I spoke, so, vigorous- German government, is improv-j low operating costs guaranteed to of Church and State. It was ex- ly two and three years ago on ing on the ,'historic - Christian | the government were conservapected that German churchmen that issue as I have now done. So faith, and he commends its purg-] tive in the extreme. ' ;would be present and It was hop- that is that. ing (as he calls it) of the church* Westinghouse Refrigerators are Wimmsi ed that Buch a body of world opAnother letter has the old es of Germany. Now, of course. manufactured for enduring econinion might:be' strong enough• to charge tmat, I am hired by the all this misrepresents our church-jomy. Quality standards make the iff' bring_the German Government to Jews. As a matter of fact never, es and our true Christians. Westinghouse a dependable and Banity and to .see that it could at any time, has any Jew ever • ' I t Has Happened Here" longer lived refrigerator. not do what Bismarck once fail- suggested'that t become either a But let Us not be misled, I t j • ed to accomplish —- that ifcould propagandist or' an agitator on has happened here already. Hot defy the Christian' sentiment their behalf. ' '. ,-"What I am trying to impress isjg of the civilized world..It waa not "We littl^ realize also the mor- this —- that the tide of secular-!§ \ Until 'three weeks; that -the Ger- al courage of those pastors in ism, humanism and nationalism j§§ • Add One Parf CcH-on ®rtd One Beverages .g man Government refused pass- Germany' who, ' I believe, will that has engulfed Germans,, has Giant 32 01. Bottle g One Part .Sty ports to the German churchmen. fight the battle for rellgiou9/lib- touched our own • shores. You Have Treat' the Whole Family If That settled the question,. The erty to the last ditch. It is not, j Thank &od that we have a.free itMmMM T h e s e • for lOc = German Government had cu^.the •I think, generally. known that church In a free state and that German Church off,' from .the their first contest was not.their there are no indications' of any tauiDiiiBiiiiiiiNiniimiiininiiniinnnniifliBiiiBnainnniniiiiniainiiiff Christian world. .The German own personal interests. It was political interference in our'reWith the June best wave /f churchmen wouldI themselves jre- when the pastors and theological ligious liberty. carrying on, Etcfck yp on %• alize that Christian bodies'here professors sijjed a statement proBut large groups in our midst several c£ these sn^art ^ Ehould now voice the • Christian testing of the so-called Aryan are spreading the virus of racial conscience of America. That is discrimination to the Church. and i class hostility and hate crisp Cotton Blossom •what explains both their.previous These were their words: "It is among greater numbers ihan Frocks. A great variety Datlence and their utterance at irreconcilable with the character most-people know. And I am recf colors, patterns and this moment. Christians Fight Anti-Semitism styles for every purpose. The •* newspapers," moreover, Sizes 14 to 44. . have not told of all these many efforts of Christians in 'bur land, Fourth Floor to stem the tide of anti-Semitism

By Charles S. MacFarland

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; /synasrogues .hsre. rat -meeting nf US •-nT Shanghai to ccmsidBhing a xnninuniity -was ing t h e High Holidays in ,( Jew of t h e ^agbnad —* i > j -participated "in that { ire -still active in -2 LI alfairs. .LAanrasphn is /the iirst Palestinian" "wpman -to bs with a .monument. UNEN .Attracts

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cf j viiere /regardlccs ol I J Llt/~4.~r*l or '/political Qtile/rsTicc"; IZT ~"nl£?thre is testinOiiy to the c j : ;~trctibie will nf tk-e J S ~ . Zi i JT.e t& survive and their c-cair 2 t»i:Iiities under the most try ins cc"sl~



!Hre Z. 0, A. lac;? Jlv? t^..." cf bringing into its ranks t:ir runes of .American -Jewry in z. nrtprrrL o* constructive -effort far 1*a" - tinE -rebuilding, sines "todcy, znrare T.orlr CJTA Zionists of .ifcmerica than a t /any other' time, .Jewry .canrpaign tn Hiilsris treaties iisve coin- -in xtminiitnities "rriiET« minurity -semble in 3!cw Tori; Jar t h e /pletely disappeared. If t h e Jew.j chests --conduct campaigns i n throughout the wai'ld •/naetit- tlie bogged tlovrn badly is one x.i its 3(tth annual canventian of t h e •retains any zshrsd of these /rights 'tv/hich t h e Palestine lunds are i n - -inspiration of Palestine .ID .fi?ht territorie-,, Ecrrc.»'Zionist prgimi22itinii oT iVmer-. it is only out of the transitory | winded mmnng t h e beneiiciaries. off the /savage attacks .against the i/navia. J lea. "WTiat issnes tvill confront kindness of tliB regime in /powder. ! T h e /impbrtantre of Zionist/prop- Jewish people. 'Whatever 'the Danish i ! -the delegates? I n this exclusive Under these circumstances,- iasanda .in t h e asiisins nf innas.fDT gravity of the sitnatios :in P i •rcpDrted in an articis in tiic C«'~ Jirtide Morris/llargulies, •tine, the Zionist .convention Trill i35tie of Porelgn ASairs. theref ors, jlnierican Jemty ttnust j-Haleatine is nnt to lie rtary of the ZL. O. .'&., Oiscusses. r e V e r t to the /role which it flayed ;|in the/present critical /situation. /nevertheless take .occasion The iro-ny of the failure tthe ;proulem of the .Zionisfe during the "tt'orld War, TrhE_i !it ! -to. tlSiTT. TJhen Serzl"conTen£d celebrate 'the 40 .anniversary Xazi movements t o take -cr" :r anoTcmcnt ;on tlie cvp of the TsorwEy. -pweden and T>2~nii;"-:. became -the spokesman for "TTorld |-.tbe.-T!irst "TOorld Zionist Consress t h e founding of t h e Z. O. A. mnlilication of Xhv Hoyai Com- "JevvTy through Huch distinguished ! in lESasle and ^ ; hen shortly rthEre- to review t h e role "which .Zionisn Mr. JoesrteTi noteS. lies i n - i e fa"u .niissian's rreiiortj—-The iEditor.' ..leader a Xauis U. "Brandeis, Utilish j after I^rot. SUchard Dottheil. :to- has rpluyetl in .American Jswisl IL= - J » - r..r. -- |TV. :^Iaclj imd Stephfin .S. ^Wise. i-gether-svithtDr. Stephen S. :^Vise. life and its contribution t o 'Pales pointed to Bcandi/nrvia "m:cJhUize alljjSounaeB t h e ^Federation Df .Amer- "tine rslmiltlui S .during lie -past cradle or the "over-die ract. v * r1"^ eth :'an :an / "Dn tiie eve ol the lortieth IZionist i t s strijngth lav a dramafic J I J - jjican Zionists, t h e ,3evriali con.-- four decades. '.This review will /ptrp-iilations represent the rti-'-zt tial -conventioh of serve tto .accentuate the DL the strain. it ii h ^ U i t d -States Stt tt h prtrloimc f OrganizaUon of America all is- :peal :to xlie states gor-ern- immunity iin tthe ^United than disjointed impress -which Zionist ideals, anc sues have bean :made subordinate -nient to .influence ;iiTto-act i n he- .'-hardly Uut, 3Ir. Joesten said tr» t o t h e Teport of t h e P^oj-aV-Com^ : inilf of t h e -preservation of t h ejj-pnrtion of wnrld -Jewry seeking t o .aspirations have made t:pon JGT--- Scandinavians are "pacii.s^ t" t i -united ,cue , core E/nCi T>ss.ce. ./mission on t h e administration at l i g h t s "which t h e Jews obtained i n i establish itself in a -new and ish life throughout irsvr"! t h e /Mandate and the future .Brit- ^nlestine. The .Zionist eonven- J -strange, -environment. Anti-Semi- States. •progress and democrat*" a " j ..is-~ ish policy i n /Palestine. J&X rtiiia : t i a n niust /make i t clear t o Great j'tism was centered chiefly in PaisThe n-2::t .fevr montlrs n-il! pro:.*- ~v-atchwords. -writing the. report '-has not yst Britain and "the League :of /Ka-.'sia. -where t h e /pogrom was t h t ably be-one nf the most decisive A/s.a result, he ssid. S"ai*.C:r.—<"been Jssued. but its major re.com- ' t i n n s t h n t tlie "UnitedStates i s hot | only TEcognized ^weapon of. attack, .periods in the history of I lestine anendations -have //received sucn I merely .a sympathie observer butt !Prance, it ^is true, "was being torn j development since the T r. In quickly cr "lead a' S.'.JJ: C:;;S'.insh5tent ana repeated -publicity ^ an nrnpoxtant/party t o t h e agree--asundsr "by the bitter antkSemi- ; the dnys to come, when American ence, almost -entire!*" dsrer.Je" ; t h a t t h e threats-of partition, can-•! niente "concerning Palestine, -tarn j'-tism arousEd by t h e Ifreyfus Case. I Zionist leaders will be eivgsjred in on Heich :sv.bsiaiss. Tap; r.~^E .tonization -or crystallization can^ ] ^^ '-American JBritish Convention |35ut t h e anti-Semitism generated vital/political action in connection torn ,by fends ant: di=c~ Citcil r~ :n.ot be ronsidered .as idle TumD-s. u n :Palestme and t h e Xodse-T'ish I by that trial was .only nf a trans- "vrith Hie lloj'al Commission re- financiai Ecanuals. J s o r : can t h e y :be /regarded /nieraly ^resolution! . . . . . 'iitnry /nature. .Although Jews suf- port. v,-e v.-ili once again find, as "Jew-caitisg," 'he SE^J. ' v a.5: -/as" t r i a l Iballoons t h a t can be con-! If-any definite action i s tD,be leered ^rnm cruel persecution un- we did in the summer o i l doomed t o failure in co-;r.tri_s •venientlv exploded :by t h e -mere 'taken on t h e -question . of t h s ) der t h e CzaT, this /farm nf anti- Dr. Stephen B. "Wise, presides where th* Israelite r c i r a t i C T Tricking of convenUonal protest. "H^-ai Commission -./report, t h e i^eniitism vcas /regarded by Dther the Z. O. A., summoning all averaged one per thousand, ana T h e Zionist Conventio ^hich : : z i o n i s t -convention 3nust .be rpre- Rations -as an unforttmate by- energy and Tesources to cope .pared to's/peakin t h e mame xtl all i/nroduct of t h e backwardness and ; the probems arisin- nut D: opens i n "JMev>- Tork Cit>- on t h e {Russian j.people. ;; report. I t is no more than t2Rth/will "have t o take cognizance r.Jewry, and_ tnarticularly /in -the j ^barbarism nf annved by IJreyf us ting "that Dr. stood at of those -Jewries who -have fnT t h e intricate international sit- --been silenced .not -by war.-but by -Case tD /return to the Jewish /fold the cradle of Zionism ;v»'bich the iPalestine .a campaign of .oppression and ss- \ l m a "nrganize t h e 'EWorld Zionist •uatiaii and was its first iior.orcry secrrs- | sitnation ;is./inseparably tied rtrp. Organization, what program of tary. should be the -president, ol j termuiation /far -worse than J t woiild be a sad .mistake t o a p - The 'internal. ^Zionist -situation acthin /would /that intense /person- the "Z. O. A. on the celebration of | zprDacb t h e "fnidings of /the /Royal ality Jiave devised to cops -vr.ith its 4t)th birthday. "His prssencs i in America has greatly -;i Comniission with ".high -ojitimism. t h e /far /more tragic situation at the .helm of the movement t o - [ ennsolidation created 'by the fise of tHitler" In day is nothing .short ol providen- ! :ird a consideral over in nnembership.. 33ow.everr-it :is t o ;the/four £ passed tial. The careers nf "both -have I "her Jewish /population and has' • be rtaken in t o accniint t h a t ;ihe i s m c e -the hment nf 2HOE- been 'linked -in great and tinlar- : left the-i-'ccms.clence of the -world," .Ziaiilst./position Organisation oi America, anti- 2/ettable events. n?; ^IPTI /hr*?=. -prft "the brotherb/ood of mankintl" .been /strengihanediythfi developbEconie a Telined — _. •and " t h e ./sacred "pledges of t r e a - ments nf. t h e past timrr /years /in J r r and /pseudtHBcience elevated ^ tie3" to t h e ThTa-?e|tna.-ker5 a n d spite <of t l r e f a c t that' during /that ^ D the- so-called cultural "level t h e '.helpless onlookers. . \i /period minny ^so-called "panic" Irtnn /its crude /form i n Czarist } "Wliatever the -British s:-"nipafb- -./Zionists -were brought into t h e . r ies /for the Jewish people, -roe , .-sphere -of Zionist /inflnfince. It I -Daring the period Zionism has •must :nev'ertheless be realistic .aiid •is this -element on t h e -perinheTy, ;b B e n tTanslatd /from a-vagus hope constantly ;mmdful of t h e " :tsxt -which may be considered -Drily .as !' t o t h e m D 3 t 'o^ce^ul 'reality t n

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a temporary, nib', "tliat lire .'Zion'ist i^^wish 'life today. Palestine to-"

f5^ i *s- t

can -we Tirevail agaii|3t Organization nl America /must 1:^7 ^as risen to contonnd -.he tle±lie ilorces that Jiave -risen t o :nuli- permanfintly intEgntte. • /For SD tractors of the .Jewish people iana ^tate-asainat Jewish "rig-hts in PaV long -asvit .remains a T«ak "link It i^ 0 S1™a r o :iir !P E "t'° oppressed eatine and elsewherB... '. '•,'• • 'only sen-es t o Teduce the/strength i3e^3 It. iis ^asiiinst ^i threateninj; iin- of t h e entire organization, ,_ . -irGmational ibaiiksrouml .tnat. ~ili& ; Jloyal Comniisskjn /report ^* ill x bebGlief "that .it Jias ^gainetl /perman—' • /make its :appearance. and i : i s tlis eat xeinfiireeinent. '•", •.. j /international situation that v.-ill • ' Jinatiier .problem t h a t -must -re- | t o :a greater or./lesser degree rdfi- ! ceive j n o r e -tiian enrsary vatten- I termine tlie /nature of its TGctmi-: iroin . t h e -delesatss^at tlrs i ..mGiiilatious far future ^British ^;ion fortieth .annual convenfltm i s .tiis j "jolicy in Palestine. . ' American Jewry holds the 'key jrolilem of iimd-^nrising dnr JPal- j •^Dsiine. "The .Zionist -convention I -to the entire situation. Ilsot only must .give ..serious eonsiileratiun ' is it the' only ireinainin. to

tree and indepoident .Jewish coni^


the-problem of increasing ths

/for Palestine hi order tn annnity, but i t nccupies iiie .strjite- :funds Sic position of being part ana -par- | s t i m u l a t e / t h e ^"^th_ and develop- , cal of-American democratic ideals ment of t h e -Jewish ^National t h e same democratic ideals which Brane. J:n this connection lit /must inspired President-"YVoDdrow '^Wil- take into -account t h e iact t h a i be adjusted io son t o take a deep -personal i n - this -effort .must r "terest. in -the .xormnlafion -ol t i e the- situation w'hich fiiists in tBalionT JJeclaratiDn in /1SX7, ;anfl many communities where lncal


welfare councils have .baen established. .It /must also consider /the problem of Palestine -propaganda

t h e sanie deniocratic ideals v.tiiicb iinflnenced CongTess- in -Ltl-22 t o ;adopt "the- i^odge-Tish iresoHttion

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endorsing;- t h e -Balfour J3eclaration and .tlie Xeague League.-of Nations-I 'jnandate. -Onlyy-.American JiJtrry 'lj can in this'nioment of dictattirial D chaos in Europe rise to the 1 de- ^ cCense of the treaties ami pleases •§ /involving Jewish tights in Pales- < thie. "The Jews of Europe can- u. 3iot stand up to: defend treaties m /pledges that havc ..been jnany ' ^

'Jl —'•TV—T*l


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times •violated xmfl scrapped by £cnit. Dttnin -tuithsniic intheir own governments. 'The .Jev/s build £reiof Europe ;iire, ^iu tact, tin no-bett=T tor position to voice their aenttments than the>- were during the m "? i-" "World War. Tiiroushout Europe fc except ba. 'isolated cases, the -n rights the Jews obtained as a Te- ; suit of the Tersailles "Treaty-and.it;•



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berti-.Stuart,'.,the portrait painter, not merely in the historians o K i t ' ' i husband . . . f of >lit is extremely Ticlsnorand Prescgitt and Bancroft; the orators Buekmmster, le i ^sario son and Edward Everett, and "Webster; the great preachers Charming ancf Talnmst i f *• P time "telling and Theodore Parker; but especially in those who constitute Br Dr. Philip She* " ->->ct nationalist _ attetil o ^ S E 5 B V J d a y a t © m a f i a , K e b p p s l s a , b y ••• the glory of American literature Emerson, Hawthorne, LongTHE JEWISH PRESS: E?UIH4$3tNG iCQWAfl* fellpw,'Low'ell,-Holmes,-Whittier, Thoreau, and a hast of lesser ntsvv. rsy Seven Arts .Price, PTIQ year . . . . « , 33,Q0 lights,--a'Veritable galaxy, of stars of the first magnitude in the The way of the just Js strftir.V i dicate.) rotea Eurnlslied on application. firmament of literature and the most varied artistic genius. Thou mast be upright; ninkH' plain of the just. Office: 500 Brandeis Theater Buildinc. Of Emerson, 'the prophet of America,' the young repub- Withthemypa.tji J .1 soul have I doKln 1 iqt—lew»alJ 'jQRiianaity Center lic's' supreme spiritual achievement, we spoke last week. Haw-!Thee in the night, yes with J;=v flc!r<?ss; #BQ4 Bo. S«tt» Streat •. /- ..'• thorne, dwelling in his 'Aladdin's tower,5 our mystic novelist, spirit within me have I v-OMf.\ I - % , BusMaesa and ilanaglna -Editor earnestly. author of the immortal, "The Scarlet Letter," and "The House Thee AH - . . - - > •' - - - - Edtto? Let favor be shown to Council Staffs, lows, Correspondent of the Seven Gables," was a close second", to Emerson. Long- • p i c k e d , y e t Tfill h e n o t , -loiu< * * ^ S!ous City, C d t fellow remains the world's as well'as America's, household and j right answers; in the land of v,p)— China's righteousness will he deal wrongaiion nvjinbers .befireside poet, . .". . fully. gp.rl 15,000, 90 to "Whose songs gushed from the, heart Lord, In trouble have they of who inconsist of sought Thee; silently they poured victo ry for th 0 'ormer Russian naIn Biblical days, tlie Hebraic people were allowed to enter As rain from the,-clouds in summer re \ rucnc;a l i f n Opera h CUB a prayer prayer when when Thy chast.cn•cling to a survey .out a •SVOuId h o i gh ibf- lyvicfe a .'OVfcl m ion i. a 13 Et) tho promise^ land of Palestine after forty years of. wandering. ing vrss upon them. e hy Or.'Rudolf LoQr tears from the eye-lids start. t h r non-.Aryan Ki K3t-aii t ic trit- r.ph of Co r:rau.t;iE:n Today, after forty yeara of experimentation and building, the . . , . \. r • 3ian emigre teacher Lowell was one of our first critics, as well as an enchant| n Rj•>r. i + f-illci 'ay thct pev- • • * ii Institute of EcoZionists saelc to retain their homeland in the promised land ofX i si. n ^ poet. ^"ho can ever f6rget the lovely lines from "The Vision Eahbi xlinran, the pious, when- day; of cricf According to Dr. . . . Hfi.3"f ^r JE V.' P{ile§tine, solemnly pledged to them by the. countries of the neve are 7,000 Jews ever the servants of the exilarch i ;\lsa c! liins ti sat Jevs are arde g Inland's F F J f Sir Launfal," so appropriate to this season? L>00 in Shanghai, 2,troubled him -wcrald on the next not bei «S Per sscu tec o r e vrhsre Jev,'F i-.i ' Franco, m and 1,500 in the "And what is so rare as:a day • inJune'?Both.the "World Zionist Organisation, and. the Zionist Orday get" sick with chills. They •in sis .in s that this is a . ie sprenri ra Sbis ct Hitler's x b y e nei laies o: ' Xai Ahout 1,000 of the •svould then say to .him, -what does the ac O S ionr. Hsts" becaiu;ePro". ganization of America have been in existence for forty years; Then, if ever, come perfect days r •-. come from Europe the master Tvant to be brought to • • » T here's SO 311e t l i n c stc ir. has icased a i since the American branch of the movement WAS founded, only or Tnflia. him? He thought to himself; abou t Mussol ni's 11Irta 'Eon vith t," re '<Tis as easy now for the heart to be true t MunUngton . ft f w short months after Herzl was inspired to make a dream ; Russian Jews who whatever I vv-ill,order of them the anti- Se- riitism in \ ie V "0 f th? fact I ' r i Vf" •sity is a Cath As for grass to be green and skies to be blue." r ie Soviet citizens or order vnll he reversed. He there- that or ,e of '.he pri rici ill finann 1 •ut the higbe into a reality. "When the Zionist Organization of America holds Holmes was an inimitable wit as well as brilliant versi- fore said to them. Bring me lean cicrs n f T f o l ? i n1' PIt-i sc sm r nationality through Ei er of the .srac" its fortieth anniversary convention starting th|s Saturday post-var rncp changes have bemeat and -•wine diluted vith \rat- ician Jew by the of Guies- of t h e ier. Whittier, our gentle Quaker poet, served humanity by his xonR School of Laxr es na rae night, it faces, the most critical moment in the history of the ,er;^-yThe consequence was that ! eppe Toplitz, who is the Fritz ' r . Shapiro whr? rorpeci loi:r of c o m p "^•'^ 1 -. Latvian, Esthonian ; h i off Italy Jewish national homeland since the Balfonr ^Declaration was imple lines. Thoreau, a second Emerson, was more than a they brought him fat meat and ' Thyssen Tfc l . . . Paul Weil i s '' the five senior class prizes-h OR! < mere echo of the master he adored, but struck a noble note pure strong vrine. When Yolsa, (the attorney for Hails Selassie in 'Leslie ~ "- 'P- f "p ¥ " h s r e a cacquired ChinKore-Eelisha. ' Ensianrl's ' • issued." In Palestine: itself, nationalistic Arabs seek to oust ps the wife of Rabbi Nachman and | the latter's suit in the French \ Minister nf V-ZT, has t&'-cn to : ° °^-i-pnship. Dr. ILoewenthal's r. )f his own, free as the life he lived at "Valden." the Jewish pioneers from their rebuilt land. In central and permit | v-earir.j:' 8 monocle . . If press , survey p.]so ritseloses that there the daughter of the' exilarch, | courts to force Italy to With these writers America proclaimed and demonstrated was informed that Kabbi Amran ! him to to sell Fell his his stock Bf.nJa- on on EthinF r t i i .iL - ^ t Henry T.T«-,^,- Levy T v i ^ L _ ~ _ out „.-.:&;•€' J r v i s h papers nsnpr published eastern Europe, oppressed Jewries plead with the last drop asrent blossoms' ! r ' r e : "S " Jewish became ' sicl: throagh the annoyher literary and intellectual independence. No longer was she ; pia's railway . . . Carlo Cogni, cli- \ as an authority on .Tt-wish re-lig:-: h \ c i ; ? n s - - in English and the . of their ebbing blood to be allowed entrance into Palestine as ing o£ her father's servants she rector of t h e Italian Culture Gf-j-ious lore Ms me it on the fact Hint . o ; f c p r s i n K-us-sian. a haven of refuge from unbearable persecution. In Great Brit* o be tied to the apron-strings of Europe. She attained her ordered the servants to take him iI fice in Hamhurcr. is actively see!;- he learned plenty T'bile tioins P > '— j;j ain> the usually liheral England is seeking to maintain its politi- •piritual majority; and took her place in the world as one ofinto a bath house, put him into ;ing to prove the superiority of ; swell job p:ubl.ic;zin.c semi-cei;-' THZYOVIT.P Our Advertisers j j| cal middle-oMhe-road course by betraying its hallowed promV he great literary forces for a nobler and wider freedom, for a bath tub of hot water in order ! the Italian rather than the Xor-Uennial of the Jewish. Taeologict.l , •» -w^*^w»iv--^w-%«i! die race . . . l a stressing: the; Seminr.ry , . . Kenk Greenberg's < n exquisite originality, for a profound mysticism, a culture to produce perspiration. i' ise to help establish Palestine as the Jewish homeland: ! point, he argues that though "the ; -kid brother, Joe, is makine: a bic ) \isit Q-av K i tchenware *i It is imperative that the American Zionist convention take dripping with beauty; the old Puritan traditions adapted to Rabbi Joseph when he would | Jewish race is inferior • in -many i for the home run championshiri ; V have a cold would work with a npSay J'' thq initiative in the forthcoming events. As during the world new times, metamorphised as ,by a magician's wand for thehand mill in order to warm him- : r e s p e c t s , t h e I t a l i a n J e w s a r e c f - o f t h e T e x a s Lee. c u e . . . H e - p i e r s A ' . - • ' . , ' self and produce perspiration. ij war, American Jewry must be in the forefront. During the new age. The writer may be pardoned for his special interest in-New • Rabbi Shesheth when he would jh war, we were the only large portion of world Jewry which reget a cold would occupy himself mained free and able to act in behalf of the "Jewries of Europe England and the following personal references; for he wascarrying logs and remarked: -who had been silenced by the chaos and misery of war. Today, New England born, his was 'a New England boyhood.'- His Great is work that it warms its ' shoot tip Count de Cfcambriic, the ; Bernard Postal, is repeyin? s.: ^ O z i E h ' i IristHrc: '«; and produces perspirathe widespread suffering of European Jewries is even worse early years, from his birth in Attleboro, MSssaelrusetts, near performer • French ambassador to Rome, be-, book on journalism . . . Ida Fla- j \ S » p p h r Co, tion and the cold subsides. | cause he busted up her liasor.; tow, who has been secretary to '. •>. Boston, in 1873, until his departure for the West to take up _than during the war, and hence the burden of responsibility v i with II Buce :s the daughter of a ; Ecre Dig shot American Zionists Jior defending Jewish rights in Palestine and other parts of hig collegiate and professional studies in 1890, were spent in : c. ! French Jewish merchant . . for more years than she'll crlmit. the world reats almost squarely upon our shoulders. ; i d New England; with frequent subsequent visits. He was reared :w:Il celebrate the iCtt nntver| That anti-Xari oufit which w* J 'Accordingly, the convention in New York must be,more in Providence, Rhode, Island,' educated in its public schools, j reported as being ready to fcl< •v and was proud, to win the Senator Anthony Medal for*oratory than the usual routine demonstration of faith in the principle j got a v.evr lease on life, thinks ti FREE! An Expert Counsellor on Room A ' 0 of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. It must take vigorous action upon his graduation from the High School in 1S94 with an orai some unexpected money obtaine; | from one cf its bis shots . . . to obtain the mass, vocal, •onmincing support of the rank and -ion on "Lord Beaconsfield" (thus early evincing his life-long •Marvin Lowecthal, author am Interest'in great Jewish personalities). The New England spirit file, in Jewry. This should not be difficult, for there has been ; globe trotter, now has a cubbv a general reawakening of interest in' Palestinian and Zionist ivas strongly impressed upon him. He has ever been proud of 'hole in -the Americar. Jewirl By ROBERT STOXE i ComniitffG's office . , , There's ; work. For example, here in Omaha, one had only to be at the being both a Yankee and a Jew (a combination, as has been Use ri 22nd | movement afoot to firr.ft Harr; Jewish Community Center, last Sunday and witness, the eager- said, which perhaps only a Scotchman could eclipse). Keasre^d XORTJI A1IER1CA | Sehaffer of Pittsburgh for a sec ness with which Omaha Jewry balloted for delegates to the n. the atmosphere of Roger "Williams the spirit of liberty, re- XEW YORK WPA EACHERS ; 03d term as commander-in-chie: J TRANSFERRED FOR DIRECT- I of the Jevrish TTa world Zionist congress to realize that today r- r more than ever igious and civil, has ever been strong within him. And what ING CHILDREN'S ANTI-FASC!1 He's done a swell job . before in our history - - w e are; deeply conscious of the work delightful New England memories! Trips 'down tiie River' to IST PAGEANT .-. . But. not to '• dentally, Detroit vdil provide them with fresh fields iri being done in Palestine and the necessity of re-inforcing our ihe shore resorts on Narragansett Bay; to Newport, with its which to sow the seeds cf liberal- •bet the 19SS convention I J. W. V. . . . All the ra position there. Then, fortified, by moral support, our Zionist historic associations (The Old Stone Mill in Touro Park, the ism. serve as directors of- t R • organization must show through concrete action that they will ild Jewish Cemetery which Longfellow made famous, with ad- " MEDICOS' PARLEY T O L D ii B'rith Hillel Foundation: U i support to the last diteh the Palestine pioneers in the approach- jacent Synagogue which Washington visited) with' its famous JEWISH YOUTH HAS HIGH. INi married . . . Which f> IOF HEART DISEASE tough on the coeds . . . ti r , ing straggle for the principles of a national homeland, along !liff "Walk along the Ocean's rocky edge jYv-here are located CIDENCE . Being Jewish does put ccltf; • who got caught tells us S1 the gorgeous mansions of America's millionaire rich; to Block a. .strain the lines outlined under the. League Mandate. on the heart. latest technique fieveli D. • Island where he was privileged to spend' one whole summer, SINCLAIR LKAVIS AND SIDj fund-raissrs for New Yo where every breeze over its. cobble-stone fenced ••farms is an NEY HOWARD THINK THEIR ! ish Federation is to I owioli Psremiesr France's NAMES MAY BELEVY AND I doors at prospect meeti ocean breeze and whence one looks (very longingly at that HOROWITZ . . . Ve bet Hitler j in hotels and to bar : Leon Blum is no longer premier of France. But the very time) over the dancing"waves and mighty breakers to Europe. will believe that one. in The Nebraska's fact that he could step from office in the manner traditional Sad memories, too! of my classmate Osgood Baker, at whose . CQKEXS RETAIN LEAD OVER • with the Third Hepublio proves that hia tenure of office is a n (State in Drowneville I spent a bitter-cold winter week-end SMITHS AND BROWNS IN N. Y. PHONE DIRECTORY . . . . The epoeh in French polities.~ o (though the skating was delightful) who was later drowned horsor of the Cohen upheld once *'l !' Not only alarmists, but authoritative political •cominenta- at Barrington; and of another class-mate, George W. Hogg, raore. Pacific Coast C tora, prophesied that the fall of the Blum government would son of the floi-ist, so gentle, so. kindly, called from this earth EUROPE 1 like to inow that - AN T I-S E M 1 . T E S WOULD be followed by another bath of blood, that the Rightists would all too early, for whose Memorial Volume I was asked to con- FORCE HUNGARIAN JEWS TO instigate a reign of terror- rivaling the revolution of '93 andtribute an intimate article, one of my first compositions to USE ONLY HEBREW . •,. . By Sift M ;:• ! •". the Commune.'. , - •' ' •: ' appear in print. There was swimming almost daily in the sum- way of preparing tliera fcr life j ger, the C ? it aiM r Instead LeoH Blum still remains a powerful figure in mer at "Smith's Palace," clamming,' fishing, (as particularly in CZECHIsrael snance du i POLICE CLAIMKELi German r all of one most memorable Decoration Day, when the""big prize! French politics. He has signified his intention of co-operating MUTH HIRSCH. WAS BETRAYi i with the new premier, a membep of the Radical Socialists, the at the end of my line proved to be only a star-fish!), skating, JED BY BEAUTIFUL GIRL . . . ing Kill- < odd thins is that-Hitler avenwhen the signal'was-.up at Roger Williams Park; long hikes The moye conservative/ element of the Popular;Front. ' ,. ged his sex by betraying a bear.QT ^ ^In a eenSQ this ig a turnabout f M. Blum, who before the into the country, apple-picking by the; way, ohestn-ut-gatiier- tiful girl shortly after the Hirsch H i er I "advent of the, Popular Front! steadily refused to cooperate ing, huckleberrying in the North Attleboro woods in the long incident. to 1 HERBERT SAMUEL TAKES with any'government-other than a Socialist one, for fear he vacations'; visits to Pawtucket, to Wainsochet,'to Worcester— PLACE ai ! IN HOUSE OF LORDS 'would by qomprom^e betray the principles of his party. To- those early New England days are a Garden of Memories. There AS LORD SAMUEL OF CARMEL I of C ™~Z '. "day, at least, we believe it ia to hil credit th'at he is, sacrificing was,Brown University-(in whose orchestra while yet a High . . . Thus being the first to bring j| Friends' Germany n J Palestine into the Eritisii upper School student I played), arousing the College spirit, of which house. •: partisanship to preserve 'democracy"in France., ,- -.< P« : c|.l }•.. ';'A'si French governments go, the Blumi cabinet hag been in a Baptist minister became President (E. Benjamin Andrews— FIRST JEWISH SEA-GOING office for a long time, and itg year's duration is perhaps an little did I dream that he would,hand me my Ph. D. diploma ! Nazi prc «<-i many-years afterwards as Chancellor of the University of Ne- MARITIME C O N F E R E N C E | h a e t in V -c 1 omen th^t a» era of stability is now approaching. ENDS . • . Another milestone KB- ii -~t Hard-pregsed aa he was by internal strife and international braska!) One of the first books I ever possessed (besides the passed — or shall we say, the j for the I - - =• i chairman oE t "ehaos, M. Blum hsa done a job that commands respect even 'Swiss Family Robinson") was a volume of the "Essays of first knot? j tional. Cc ASIA from hia enemies, From strange, quarters he has received plaud- Ralph Waldo Emerson," given to me as a Sunday School prjze! ! studying- t T REPORT CHINA HAS Ii i and Fas ic its-*-^ German, cardinal, high : officials o$ the .Socialist-hating, (So early did Judaism as well as general culture and Emerson JEWS AND 13 JEWISH PAPERS iniode! h beeome.connected for me in)my thought and experience.) " anti-Se'mitie Na?is. . ; ^ > - j . : • ; : , • • : ••••; •'.;.. . . . The circulation figures of the rj T o r t s Qi : Smart, ventilated oxfords in- an array 13 papers should be interesting. • Th new preiiiier, JI;tChautemp?i haailet it be known that i a seriou^ But I have trespassed unduly with these personal reminI isra as V He expects Leon Blum to be hia successor. "Whether or not he cf patterns to make selection, easy. (Copyright 1937 By Seven Arts \ the com: M-- mIII tl| I -returns to officeyM." Blum hUs been a credit'.to nig party, hi; iscences. I but wished to show how strong and distinctive I / Feature Syndicate.) I Eiit a ra country, and-to the Jews, "Would that,we had a few more considered the New England spirit, a spirit of^liberty, of liberaditorr j lives in Bieiiof his type—men of courage,principle, and understand- ality (for all its old Puritanism), of beauty, of culture, of elojng; men a"ble to-sacrifice personal glory f-or the "well-being quence, of nobility, whose 'flowering', in our literature Van The Hoffman Mortuary, & pio- j a s s a i ; l t l 'Pi I Wyck Brooks has-set forth in such masterly fashion. neer * n t - 8 u s e of- air-caruiitionWould_there might beTaTneV 'flowering' of American liter- ins, is replacing its "Air-wash" system installed .in 1324, with ature in our day! Where arc the names to match the pioneers /modern Tlsa Flowering ©£ Nev/ E 'Carrier' system. The neTVwho-'conferred."everlasting distinction on the literature of flfteen ton plant is difternnt irora £y pabbi Frederick Oohn America? 'There were giants in. those days.' Let there be more the older air--a-ash in that i jfies, cools, and dehtir: idifleK { ' America 'flowered' with the 'flowering' of New England than mere pygmies in burs! air in circulation. In the meantime American literature has again 'flowered' The chapel of the Thq young republic came to beautiful literary fruition. White • • * Brown «. . Blgck in thisi.splendid, volume fo.'Tlie Flowering of New England." will sow have the ad America and the world are grateful to Van Wyck Brooks of more comfort. TWO-TOBC T a n May there above all be a 'flowering' of'the hitman spirit, tags for the splendid book he has written on "The Flowering'of • The Hoffman ?,'or New England." It is eminently deserving of the double prize a glorious outburst of moral feeling, a new, purified passion years has been noted : A\ cy extra sumaicr comfort in The it has won, having received the'Pulitzer. Prize Award for 1937 fqr justice, ar re-awakened.spirit .of friendliness, 6£ world-wide rtifiafi service. 's Ventilstcd Oxfords. amity, of e\ er-increasing . unity, of broadening brotherhood;. as well as having been already 'selected by the Booksellers of Thus will there indeed be happiness and peace. Culture will America as the most distinguished general non-fiction book of •-he have ^received its crown in character. Mankind, in a.new and j Barred to 19<$G.' It is 'dhtinsujshed' indeed, being written in a most •'• e l l (2 Wehai'lB'rau, graceful literary manner, with all the fascination nobler .knighthood, will "have come to full 'flower, blooming, i Berlin m --a j the Oly like the century-plant, this evcr_ after r, hundr:;! •'••pij of xietion, vrit'a tho glow of romance. >pij years! Van Wyek Brooks, in this highly entertaining volume, por itri? o v t A...• k travs'ior us how New England 'flowered' in the time o£ Gil - Frederick CoLn.



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THE JZ\TISH PSES'?. FRIDAY, JTHCC ~2Z. 1037 t!re Z. O. A. by taking ito herself a husband . . . lose'3 father is' extremely b£ his impressariQ son a.nd most of his time * telling what b. good nationalist ay is . . . •' .:

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sin. China (WNS)—Chipa's population numbers ,be12,000 and 15,000, 90 "to cent of who mcqnsist of, n or former -T^ussian ita* , according to a survey ed here by Dr.Budplf lit>il. German emigre teacher Nantai Institute of Scohere. According to Dr. nthal there are 7,000 Jewsbin, 4,000 in Shanghai• 2,i Tientsin and 1,500 in the ; China. About 1.000 of the n China come from Europe ca, Iraq or India. t of the Russian Jews -who >t become Soviet citizens or ost their nationality thrptigh rar map changes have bePolish, Latvian, Esthoiiiaii iiuanian subjects. -y a few have acquired Chinti2enship. Dr. Loe-wential'B also discloses that there 3 Jewish papers published ina. 3 in English and the :

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fUni-UTURE" n.

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More than fcrty persons atUrs. S.-Barson, president of i'ne j tended the banquet given by th Ladies Free Loan Society, was j honored by the organization at a j j At the annual summer meeting j Junior Hada-ssah last Thursaav farewell party.-lira. Barson is i of the officers and the conLin.it- evenins, Jnce 17. s,t the -je-aris- c c leaving for New York. j tee chairmen of the"" Omaha Sec- Community Center. Mrs. Ben Handler, honorary ^C i Hostesses •were the Mesdames j tiop of the Council cf Jewish L. Adler, Reies*- Rosenstein, j . Women, held on Tuesday, June! sponsor ef the organisation, ir- • _ •••_ • the fcilo~isg new officer- r •Weiner;'.-?J. Weiner, M. Forbesrl 15J at the hpme of Mrs. 7>. E. Cfc stalled ] who will serve for the ensninc: ^nt Miss Bose and S.Zeniovsky. t e a , new president of the organ- : o'clock ceremony last Miss Kalah Franklin, pres- - - Mr. and Sunday, 'Miss Betty Buretein,^ Bramsohn, daughterization, the new officers of "tEe year: ident; Miss Mildred Tfhitmar ^ daughter of Mr. and' M?s. Ben Mrs. S. B.ramsohn of Kansas City, HOUSE Council were named. membership vice president; Mis'! ~ - ,. Missouri, t o Mr, Ben Jacobgen of Burste,in, 'wag married, t o Mr, The following will esrre for i The MisseH: Geraldine and Soffer. cultural vice pres> c~ " -• Louis Babendure, son of Mr. and Kansas City, son of Mr. and Mrs. riet " S h a f e r have as • their | |.hc. coming year: Honorary P res ~ i Rose r dent; Miss Saraii Taub, financia' IMrs. Abe Babendure -of Fremont. A, Jacobsen of Oinaha, took place house ! guest Miss Anette Kanaf- ident, Mrs. Frederick Coin;!vice president: Miss Mollie Tv'eicFT Sunday afternoon,; June 2Q, a t Rabbi Milton A. Knnstein official sky of SIDUS City, Iowa. Miss president, Mrs. J. E, Cohen; er, corresponding secretary: Mis c ted. The -wedding toot place at the synagogue in Kansas City, 2v.anafaky vrfll remain here- l o r president -and chairman of Ann Goodbindsr, -recording sec- ~i •.»•Following the ceremony, a rethe bride'p home. _ T ; one-week. I service committee, ' Sirs. Jlorris retarj ; Miss Lucille Batt. raeraThe bride1 Fas gowned in tra^ception was held a t the home of ^—^-— jjvatelman; vice-presiaeat a n d bership treasurer: JJiss Man ^ dtional "white satin and a redin-: the, bride's parents. JAKES • ! chairman of the administration, Garf inkle, financial treasurer v~ TRIP TO Among the out-of-town guests gote of •white laca with a coronaMiss Fannie Katetaan. reporter - •" > • Mrs. Morris" EL- Dolgoff Mrs. Sam Wolf;tion collar. She "wpre a 'wh/ite; at the-wedding were Mr. and Mrs. left this -w-eeic for a-trip to Chi- and chairman ia charge of edu- and the Mieses Anna HahE, AETI" ^ c turban cut "with tulle th$t fell t o A.. Jacobsen of Omaha, parents cago and through the Great cation, Mrs. Ben Shapiro; treas- Berman, and Gertrude Lrevris, s." ? z c a waist length veil. She carried of the groom; .Mr,' and Mrs. Joe Lakes,IVhfle in-Chicago they will.urer, Mrs. Louia Lipp; recor board members.

ight 1937 By Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)


'Local CovncSL of


Farajiin a t 22nd



m The


a bouquet of white ropes: '..-.. Himmelstein, svnd fami?y; Mrs, J, yjsit friends find relatives. * [secretary, Mrs. Sara Gilir.sky; j The program induSeS a hum- t~»™»-nAfter the ceremony a' dinner Bernstein, the Misses Leah Seisecretary, M r s. ]orous readiEg by Sliss Parilin" ' <—be correEponding Their trip to the Lakes was held for the immediate famr-gel, Sophie Jacobsen, Belle Seigel' in celebratioa of their twenty- Philip Klntznick; auditor, "Sirs.' Rifkin, and a whistling solo .b; * v» ily. In.the evening there was a and. Ivy Seigel, all of Qciaha; fifth vredding anniversarj-, vrhich W. A. Rosenberg; directors fori Gardner Smith, accompanied a' I reception fo^ all frienda, Assist- and Mr. and Mrs, Ben I, Se]din they -sill celebrate this .year. one 3'ear. Sirs. J. M. Kewman and | the piano by Miss Ruth Easimar \ T1 Ing at th.e reception were Mra- and family of Council Bluffs. Mrs." A. B. Frank; directors for j Mrs. Irvin Levia, president oi the ™ " — Harry Goldberg.and Kate Schneir | The Couple will make their I two years, Mrs. A. D. Brodkey • Senior Hadassah, read an origi- • 1 T , CAI4FQB3.IA der, and the J4issea IJelen Burr I homo in'Kansas City, following Mr. TO and Mrs. I. Rasnick: are i and Mrs. Bavia R. Cobea; honor- I nal poem entitled "Junior Hastein, Sylvia Mag?amin, a n a Syl-their, honeymoon trip, i leaving today for- a four week ary board member, Mrs. II. Gro-1 dassah" written by Hiss Goldic "* r dinsky; regional supervisor. Mrs. jGerelicli, one of the members E ' . „v , Tia rarilma.n. '- • ' . trip t o California. ' " Ben Ravits. j the club. A news Bulletin -iva5 On t h e i r r e t u r n from a w e d dingg tripp t o Colorado,, t h e couple] Mr, and Mrs, M. S. Shure of Committee chairmen include: | written and distributed by ?,Iis" TO VISIT IX SIOUX CITX 1 Hospitality, Mrs. Leon Fellman, jFanuie Katelraaa, -who is tb _ :wiH reside a t 1505 .K, H Street, j Minneapolis announce the ' marf Miss Muriel Frank and Miss iriage of their daughter, Hannah, Fremont, Kehraska. I chairman, and Mrs. Nathan Turn- i publicity chairinaE of the South- ^ Dorothy Sherman left today for I to .-Mr. Sidney Feldman, son of i er, co-chairman; Membership and j western Pvegion d the Junior EaMra, Sam Feldman,- on Sunday, -Sicms City where they intend to i dues, Mrs. Milton Mayper, "chair- j dassah. Re-port of ibe past rear'-. ^ visit for several days. SCHXEJDJ3B-SC|Pii5tiPJ5R. .• • June ?0, at the. borne of Rabbi I man, and Mrs. Julius Abraham-. activities were saveri fcy the varMiss G e r a Ld i n e Scblaifer, David A. Goldstein. ; son, co-chairman; "Ways, and {ious chairmen. daughter of Mr. and Mra. Sara. Following the ceremony, a din-1 VISITOR | Meana, Mrs. _ Sam Josephson,! Mrs. Mai Fromtin was chose-" - Schlaifer, became t h e bride of per waB served- for. members of I Mrs. ^Ed-ward Cantor of Sioux j chairman, and MrB. Henry New-: as the sponsor for the Junior HaRobert Schneider, aon of J,Ir. andt h e families. I City is visiting friends and rela- i TQ a n, co-chairman; Publicity,!dassah. Mrs. Frornkin presenter. •-Mra. Julius Schneider, on Sunday, Out of town guests at the wed- j lives here, i Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, chairman, | Honor Piss and Pearls to the folJune 2 0, at S o'clock a t the horn? dins' were Mr, and Mrs. M. . S, \i ; and Mrs.- Al-Fiedler, co^hair-I lowing members who cid out1 of the brifle ^ parents, Sbure. Miss Ethel .vh'ure, and j VACATIUMXG I S EAST 'man; Telephone, Mrs. Hd Brnd-j standing work for the.club durV Rabhi MiHon A. Kopstein per- Miss Gertrude German, all of I The Misses Rose Gentis a n d i key, chairman, and Mas; Hoiz-; ing- the past year: Mrs. Irvine i formed the ceremony in the pres-; Minneapolis; and Mrs. A. Bolnick • Evslyn Spiegal cave been., co-chairman; Civic and Leg-i Forbes, and the Misses Kala1 ^ ence of fifty members of the two of Chicagq. jtioning in the east for the I*aBt! igiatiTe ' Mrs, Franklin, Sarah Tasti. Fannij[three weeks. They visited j e l a - ! ^ Culture Stu- Katelmrn. N e m a l l i c h a l r n w i ; .families. Mildred TS'hitmar tives in Chicago and Pittsburgh • ; d y G r m p | M r g L o u l s SofroloTr> ^TANGER The bride 'wore, an afternoon Anna Hahn, and Goldie Zusnsan. Mr. an4 Mrs. J. Janger an- and are now in1 PMadelpha and j e h a i r m a n > dress of beige and brpwp. 1 Mrs.' Harp:d PolIn clrarg-e of ' the banquet ar- rwhere they are the Miss Frances Oliind served as nounce the marriage of their Atlantic. ilack, co-chairman: Program, Mrs. ranerements were Mrs. Irvine guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sussdaughter, Helen, to Mr. B, Sydthe bride's only attendant, Sol I. I. Salzraan, chairman; Relig--| Forbes, Miss Anne Kumit. ana I I j ney Becker, son of Mr. August man, former Omahans. "Werner best man, ions and Reirgious Education, j Miss Sylvia Parilman. ' After the ceremony a wedding j Becker of Baltimore, Maryland, Mrs. Sam Teper, chairiaan; Schol- \ Out-of-town guests st t h ' f jT supper was served for members The wedding took place on May IN CAIilFORSIA arship, Mrs. M. Krupp, chairman; Banquet were M r s. E e n a a i e' Mr. Aaron Shafer is vacation- Adult Education and Citizenship, of the family. A reception fallow^ 3Q in Baltimore where the couple FriedmEn of Atchicson, -Kansas ing in Los. Angeles, California, Mrs, David R. Cohen, cbE-irin!in, ed from 7 to 10, The young cou- will make their home. Mrs. M. Grossman of St. Louis He intends to spend two .months and 33rs. SI. Freeman and Mrs. ple left immediately for a ten day isE Ethel Goldstein of Pa- - ~ Mo.; wedding trip in t i e Qzarks. there. BAB SDT2VAH Ben Kazlowslry, co-chaiman; Mo- land; Miss Jeanet'te Pettercian c ' .Mr. and Mrs. H. Richlin antor corps, Mrs. "M. Venger. chair-: Milwaukea, TTisconsin. ' nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their IN CHICAGO " ' man, and Mrs. J. .Helclier, coson, Morris, on Saturday, June lira. Charles H. Riseman, who | Miss Esther Silverman, will wed Mr., Albert "Weiiier ip. SB,-at the 5'nai Jacob Synagofue, has been ill for the past ition, Mrs. Ben Silver, chairman; | the fall, ia now hging entertain- 2 4 ^ and Nicholas streets. All weefcB, is in Chicago where si 1"' Courtesy, Mrs. Morris Levey, i. The JiiEior Council of Je-wis i special medical i Women met at a breakfast at tr "> friends and relatives STB invited. ed at "many prenupti&l affairs. Paxton Hotel on SUDSEV .Tune IT ;"-. On Wednesday, June 9, herNo invitations Save been issued." tentian. In. Chicago she has been I chairman. j Bertha G-olick, chairmEn, wrs t s staying with her parents, Mr. and] aunt, Mra, Sam' Lebowits; enter.»„. A. „ . Rohr. *.-_-. tained for her a t a luncheon a t TO-GIVE RECTTAIi AT JOSLYN Mrs. j s , ^•ers whose members include!; 'sisted by the Hisses Sara Rifkin Tier home. On Monday, Jupe I i . Evelyn Smith and Abraham During hjs wife's absence, M r . ! t h r e a T 3 c e Presidents, president ia n a G e r t r u f i e G l I s s . Mra. David Kaplan of Missouri will give a two-piapo re- Biseman haa been staying at the j treasurer, regional advisor, and; M r s _ r , TEI1I , eI Groiiinskv Valley, Iowa, and Mrs, Joe "Nits, cital this Sunday afternoon in the home of his sister, Mrs. Karl Ses- 1 honorary board member, met for Mrs. J. S. Colin were g-uests of aunts of the bride-to-be honored Lecture Hall of the Joslyn Me- sel- 406 S. 49th street. He will|luncheon at the Hill hotel to out- honor. her at a'luncheon at the Aauila morial. The. recital will begin at leaVe for Chicago in two weeks to j toe the budget for the coming Mrs. iloe Katleman and Z.Irs. Sara Teper are Eponsors cf t i e ; year. 3:30 p."in.' instead of the custom- 3pin Mrs. Ris^iaan, Court Tea Roam-' Junior Cc."J-:":. "'A grpup ql sis hostesses In- ary 4f30, The 'program will include: Sonata in D Major by Mo- BETUIi3fS PROM CAIJFPKVIA cluding the Mesdames H. BonMT. SHIM AUXILIARY Miss Sally Morgan ha3 Teturnr darin,; F. Hahn, -William Hahn, zart; Variations On a Theme By r ^ "~ [ H. Gerber, H. Turkel, and M.Beethoven by Saint-Saens; Two ed from Loa Angeles, California,! where she has been visiting for 1 A regular meeting of the Mount' entertained at a Waltzes by Chabrier; Gavotte L a»a h i n s k y, I Sinai Cemetery Ladies Ausiliarr luncheon at the Paxton Hotel on and Musette by Raff; Croon by the past two months. i.will be held an Tuesday, June -C, Harris; and The Jester by B,eech^ Tuesday, June I S . Julian of Toledo was the first at the Adas Teshuren Synagogue, . • " • ' . . . • • "A dessert luncheon was given e r . fm-Mias Silverman qn Thursday, At four o'clock'Mr. Martin Bush Christian primate of Spain of 25th and • Seward streets. The Golden Book will be exhibited. 7\me 17, by Mes.dacaeB Frank will present an Ofgan recital in Jewish blood. Flghherg and Edward Tepperwan the Coucert Hall, Mr, Bush will at the hfime qf the f prmer, be assisted by Harold Graham, ••-.."•• .'Tho Alpha Gatnjna Chi soror- tenor. Cc: .Ity of -which Miss Silverman was president this year honored her YISITIKG IK EAST «* - - offered In car strictly a t a luncheon a t the BlacTjBtone Mr. and Mrs. Dave Blumenthal Kosher Dsiicetessen - - Hotel last. Sunday. Mrs. Libby aye spending a couple of -weeks iu o u r cloiflrntciT^n store, Kaplan aiifl daughter, Mra. Joe Visiting in the east.-They attendSolatnonow, entertained at their ed the National Grocers' Conven16TH esd 'DOUGL.AS home last Monday. On Tuesday tion in Boston, this week, and (For Torn,orro%ir's Mies Silverman was Euest-of-hon- they will visit in "Washington, D. or at a luncheon given by Mra, C. and New York City, before reSam Kaiman and Mrs. E. Sidman turning home. at the" home of the .lattg. Mrp. Max Kirshenbaum enter, p r T f tained atftbuffet luncheon at her 13 xraz, !> renet home, yesterday. Brc.--.* >i * Parties planned in honor of Misa Silverman for next weafe.inElude a dessert luncheon on Sunflay to be Riven by Mrs. Mas Lon* F c : r . b i r r ; ' r ZCo don, and Mrs. J. Shyken at the Q PIHG3 home of the latter. On Tuesday L - - r r e , 1b Mrs. Morris Jacobow will entertain at a luncheon at the Union TJeppt, and on Wednesday Mrs. •William Gimple ana daughter, Miss Jerry Gimple, will be hostesses to. Miss Silverman at a luncheon a t Dtxon's cafe.


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in Germany or Italy was this picture taken, but at Governors Island, New York harbor," during the tercentenary celebration t h e r.e. It shows armored cars of the First Cavalry from Fort Knox, Ky., taking part in the display.


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BY WAY OF BELIEF—Just by way of relief, here is a strike scene that is peaceful—so peaceful, in facti.that'-one cop has to brace up against a trolley pole,;while another, at right center, seems about to collapse from boredom. This scene is near a drydock in : Brooklyn. N. Y. CIO marine workers tied up 20 shipyards in the New York-New Jersey area.


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^!E2sJ FSOLU1C FlOXn^X—Inset sho^s tlrs. Tionipsbn, Cozin., with heir sJsln srt c. i the ethev 13 Pi£dd children. I'lrrr-^trc.

THAT GLASS ABM — Remember the brilliant Detroit Tigers pitcher, Ly*nnwood (Schoolboy) Rowe? Here he is in Miami, Fla.. with Dr. Cecil Ferguson, right, and Ma.x Carey, trying to get that glass arm back into form.

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BUSY SECSETABS—With labor problems a tremendous issue before the nation, the duties of Labor Secretary Frances Perkins axe legion. Here the Secretary is shown at a press conference.

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BACK THESE—Whatever Vice President Gsrner has in mind, it's evidently back there, and you'll probably find it. The picture shows him as he arrived at ' Amarillo, Texas, to visit his son Tully, during his five-weeks vacation from Washington,

t SOON SOYf-SB—FrankUn D. Roossv&lt, 3t~ and fcls Ean«3, IHzz Ethel du Pont, rest during a round of golf at Miss du Font's hosie, Owls Kest, Greenville, Del. They are to be married on June 30.

Vcfz ".'•"r'—T, ZTZZ'3 el T. c Con- r ^ ^ zz f """ ^'z w;r* ~ c "' & clrcctor o. £ sccrc c* ccrpcr^tions, iadudiiig Ctxyslcz.



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Il6WB¥» SROTHEB^-Upward of 50,000,000 fraternalists are intersotcd in hundreds of conventions this su—mcr, ta Icrgc c ' r : U:V.'O-.:-:?DU oScer-3 directing Uiess smnual super-meetinss oil ;he steam roller w'a in z6.vzr:ce an5 chcl:e cS rr.y rebel before ^^ recedes r-r c ' l - c - ^ day conventions genprally are harmonious. Thus John Q. Citizen, humble pcrsoi at home, tr,t Hij:a ^rr^-mrTi-r ir s r t i i - 0 - r - '1- T rds'lod'ge hat and he and his family have a "swell time." Here are characteristic pictures Left, tcp, I-rVoei n:o?"$r, hrr-c;->pc& r>". ^irr he - IIn Los Angeles. Bottom: How a Cleveland store decorated for the American Legioa, Center, t?p, Hjrcrls it-.tem-^rr"] roivr-tio- :~i Trr^-'1 -'c n~; r — of the Shrine, marclvmg in Seattle, en route to a Chicago conventknf bottom, Daughters o* the American Revolution, ir v^r.<i:-rto->. prir Mark Norris of the knights Templar, expected to become Grand Master at tas convention in Kicrni, July 17-2C; beiion, Frrr.c:- Lcc-o-jn-/ the Cleveland American Legion convention. Fraternalists and thsir fazillies meet nbxc scercs csd nctr per?:? p-i rortc.



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MOTHER DOESN'T LIKE IT—Looking quite stern, here is Queen wyhelmina; of The Netherlands in the royal box at a concert in Amsterdam. Report Has it that she doesn't like the modern carrying-on of her royal daughter, Juliana, and Prince-Bernhard.


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STEEL CHIEF—Tom M. Girdler, chairman of the Republic Steel Company- of Cleveland,'Ohio, •whose _~i<3-was' asted by President R o o s e v e l t ' s mediatiop board.v to settle the steel strike. ^

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~«""-"tT r:*>. —T'rs. \~::::n T, TTelrr.oie, Kc-c York social* - c :"-"-"": r : - \=- - rt^r.-l ch'.c, cits nest Ic her hos;., Bright P. D.-rv, ,-y.. c~i V.-.z St.nl ;ht Roof of me Waldorf -totortaShe KCCVZ S!I:*TC3 blj ck taJTets. Copyright United Ncwspicture*


THE JEWISH PRESS. FRIDAY, JTXE 23, 1D37 T. The I the traditions of our faith. Which J and social systeias .more alike in i er like - prisoners of o£ course, T is only to be ex-} essentials, both of practice asd "workers a c s i leave behind their V i families, who are given cos rears pected. j ideology." *• r , s Now that you have been EO| Holding that capitalism as a (2S cents) a day. ./ \ thoroughly, reminded that there j democracy go hand in hand, the are such things as schools, Mr. j writer traced the steps by -winch ! ; Tel Aviv, Palestine (JTA)—' c-cr i World-will change the subject at i he said, the Nazis wrested away i 1 last. And, to get as far away as 'individual control in trade, iadasAmerican plumbing, series EBd c"-l possible from the little red school .try and agriculture, parallel -with • F- i f - ' r By FLOEEHCS EOTHSCHILD house down the road, we'll take their overthrow of person&l libstitutions ia Palestine, but a running start and Jump right je r ty and .democratic, institutions. 1. "What Is the Talmnflical : i a s invaded the '.„'., „ lOt dog" Seth Arsenian, of Columbia uniover to China. This because re-' In the near future, he predicted, j ) _ r _ e r a l Erich. '" Berlin ( TA €E Academy of Xeiv York? T versity Teachers College, who set loly liana. cently a new Jewish colony was j « ea the remaining outward ; jeafier -of C-er T C n L n d s n f i o r H 2. With what college Is-this of private ownerships wiU ; many's neo-pagan movement out to learn, whether English founded in the ancient Celestial The new link of sausage b e - , ' Academy affiliated? ' gave be abolished in Germany. • r tween the ~ e s t ana tne East | his interpretation of the e 3. 'Whnt subjects are taught school work is harder for chil- city of Kai-Feng-Fu. dren in whose homes Yiddish or f c The really interesting part of The Nazis started, he was fashioned fcy str&nded Ger- • tion of the British In this .'Academy? •some other foreign language ia this- news is that while- no Jews • with government control o* im- ; wealth of Nstioss ss a "decay" man actors anfi singers who tocfe •• 4. %Vhnt change is being spoken. After watching the work have lived' in this city for about'ports and exports, enforced by &• brought about" by "Jewish free- \ to selling frankfurters to tide made in the course given there of 3,000 children for two years, j eighty years, there had been quite | rigid license system giving pre- j mason" influence. them ever hard times while they and why? 5. Is English school work; Dr. Arenian found that those who i a Jewish community there for i cedence to imports of armament! In a newspaper article entitled . learned Hebrew and waited for more difficult for children in speak two languages don't find j.gome centuries before that, and i material. As a logical outcome, \ "The Pomp of England's Decay," , immigrants from Nazi Germany P ' ." tvhose: homes Yiddish is school any more difficult than do 'therestill stands, in Kai-Feng-Fn, i he said, the government had ; General von Ludenfiorff held .that to become sufficiently imbued ! • r ' - c ' • children who speak English all part of a;synagogue, built in 1163, i regulate the kind, Quality, <juaa- i o ^ "organisation ~cT~Yhe~~Bri"i~h with Hebraic culture to provide epolten? . almost eight hundred years .ago. Itity and price of goods manure- jE m p i r e ^ t 0 „ f _ e ea s s o c 5 a t ion of them with. Euiisaces. ; 6. AVhat special attention the time. All of which would seem to What's more.-just as in America ; tured for esport, and the use of .s t a t c g V M t f e e n r ? t s t e p The German hot dorr vendors. •f ^ the Jewish Boy Scouts get j -.prove that a little extra • .knowl- our synagogues have inscriptions j imported materials. nt the Washington Jamboree? | disintegration of British in flu- in fancy white "brass-biittcned . p _ in _ the world. uniforms, designed br one- of ^ ^ e I ence 7. Why will this special at- edge does no harm, and that in English as rwell as'in Hebrew,; This in turn, brought some extra school work may dothe cupola .of •• the tCai-Feng-Ku | price regulation, V. wrote, ssd | After- referring to the dissor- their gror.p, bearing on the cap. _ „ , tention be. given them? : i . has h i a Chinese Chi f a system which t i h ;e r y of America by "the Jew Co- the .Biblical Quotation, " T a k e ' , , ^ 8. Are the Jewish traditions the students quite a lot of'good. synagogiie on it jjestablishmentt of observed in a?l American Jew-' But of course you needn't tell inscription rtogether'with the He- j mates "every price a political is- ]j iambus," the German war hero and eat," are seen everywhere in O- f 1 us. your parents or teachers about brew words "Shema Israel." And, Tsue." Then, having abolished the j declared: ish homes? Tsi Aviv. They carry a hot do: planned to seise apparatus, mEfic in Palestine, tc U. In what Chinese city has . this—it might put ideas into to complicate matters ;still furth-: free market, the government nee- j Jew r . n Jewish colony been founded their heads. .er, . those 'Chinese JBWS of long ! essarily regulated- capital invest-: pp o w e r ! - the B British.. th. the r s h . . In the e ; which h h BCEEO Prackel. of the the recently? Is this the first Jewt write it. . -their; b. s i ..Smeat, S t V_contmued, V t d licensing l i i lac-; l ; m i d d l e o t t h e J as t -century Eng-, Mr. World imagines that a ago usedd to .t .h. .i. .business „ ,estine Opera Cc-panr -» c the -iish community there? ,, good many- of you are interested letters ; tory construction^ so steeped Irri, director c a n d became letters in^-the in the Persian, Periian language, language'tory construction and^ and expansion expansion iili& b a t pd in i Jewish J i h;j Theatron T h t I i d i t -•_r - u r-r *~ P ' 1O. What three languages, in Hhe Boy Scout Jamboree to be as they had originally come to 'according to a "descending scale jthoiight that the Jew Disraeli "die- ! frankfurter prcjert, points with 'p h ' -• Chi ffrom- Persia. P i Sounds S d -like lik aI.Ioff .urgency" " : -armaments, food, tated England's policy. ' . •were used by the Jews who held at Washington, D . C , from China ! pride as a marvel or lightness .r- r- ".•• "* r- T> material, export lot of difficult languages for the;; domestic raw V lived In. China 800 yeaTs .ago? June 29th on, for ten days. So "Jews and freemasons steered j and compactness. e old r~ \ • 1— children of' ;th°? . Chinese promotion," and, if any -naterial j England into the World "'War afI includes It a miniature stove, : Now that the school season is you may like to know that the \ " v„ „ Jews'to learn", doesn'.t it? r T and labor are. left over, housing. ; iced 'he' saw a t e r Jewish scouts will get special atJew over and you're settling down tor compartments for coke, roll?. — .1 Which brings .us back again to i :Similar restrictions, he added, a longr, restful vacation, you're tention in the form of kosher chance to : establish a -woria re- ! frankfurters, sandwiches, iri what boys and .girls must learn.-j were applied to establishment probably doipg your best to for- meals, religious services and spepublic.' He began to emasculate ( a r d anS paper napkins, ai: n r Mr. World can't keep' j and expansion/of retil business. ' ^he British Empire thro-agh paci- tto get all about teachers, and school cial entertainment of. particular Somehow be carried by one man. from the sjibietjt of lessons The sroverninent control is adj r i s m > a n O fj sh oot of the . Jewish books and lessons. It shouldn't interest to, Jewish boys. A numThs populace, which lar - ~er' teaching o£ ChTistis.nity. Thus vrzs infatneted with "glifi-" - be hard, -what -with summer ber of prominent , Washington , i o r ' a - change. What j of " official organizations, often !t h e B r i t l s a wpire turned into camps or trips-to the country or Jews have organized.a committee tion ice cres.m - - is Brw maViT " iwith conflicting programs, V , a n .a s s o c i a _ t l o n ' o f free states." beach. But, as long as schools to take care of this; their pur- do you say? ., \ , lad of hot fio?:5. The co-rvrrrsaid. After dwelling on the loss of:t i p a J g 1 5 p 0a e a y _p t o n = ^ i r _ . continue to exist even though pose is not only to make the Jew- (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts , " H e r e , as always," he said, Egypt, ang Ireland and what he j . giiece and Feature Syndicate.) most of them dp close-down for ish boys feel at home, but also to "general planning leads to a gen- called the failure of British pol- i -*' the summer, Mr. "World "wants to impress upon them the import? isre divided equally amonc t-? eral jumble." icy- in Palestine, G-eneral von troupers, giving them EH ; : ' r r ° remind you of their existence by ance of. keeping up the Jewish He traced extension of govern- Ludendorff said: • • telling you something about one traditions even when they are of |50 to- S60 a month erch. : ment control, to the larniers who "The Commonwealth of Na- isn't much, but it's better tl-.-r.t of them which you may or may away.' from home. And if these j are told what crops t o plant and jtions.is a Jewish' ireem&son sborJewish traditions and "observances not—find hard to believe. thow much of them, to consum- t i o n _ T i t e decay of England as a their previous eariuEps as t - \ k It's about the Talmudical Acad- are new for some of the boys', let plasterers and day-'.EbeI ers, who find prices and often th» world power is the work of the •layers, B_" emy of New York, which is the } us hope that when they get back quantities they may buy are Jew, the freemason and the Eng- ers, and, working cooperct'vrly, only high school in the country jto their own 'families they Tvill fired, to the banks, and to labor. lish clergy in league with the vgi- they arrange to have tirrc fry , that is entirely under Jewish aus-! persuade their parents to observe . What leeway for private profit , j, 0 ]y Tnachi-atior.s d pices. As you can gather from them regularly. still exists, he said, is further j church." the. name, i t is• a school where Those of you who are being Declares .Institution of Private I limited, by decrees fixing profits ; various Jewish subjects are brought np'in itradition-obSBrving -.:•'. Property All but, ! at 6 or S per cent and requiring ; taught;-.'but.it gives a full Wgh Jewish homes may find it almost Estinct I any excess to be invested ia gov- ; j r r B s a ; e : i ."Two school course, . too, and is-the incredible, but it Is true none the ernment bonds which are held in i ploded occside" the walls oi the preparatory school ior Yeshiva less that, the formB of the Jewish New York (JTA)—Th'e capita- j escrow, college, which itself is the only religion are neglected in many list system, in Germany was.pro-j jxot-.only, are labor and labor : Old City, without caupinf; ar.y TIG I^rs.r.eL<s;s y j jcot. \ ? c ii r e-surpect they were Jewish college in -the country American Jewish home's. , In fact, nDunced dead, and' the' institu-j relations rigidly,, regulated he •where students" can t a t e a reg- Dr. Abram Sachar, national directhrown by Arabs. tion of private- property all. "but j 'saidi but by the' dsvice cf the ular college course. ;;The Talmu- tor of the Hillel Foundations extinct, by " anonymous writer, ] '•workbook" the worker is forced .dical Academy-^rwhich next fan which the Bnai Brith haa estab- identified . as a ' German economi d i i d G to take, any . position •will change its name to Yeshiva i lished lor "Jewish- students In ist, -writing in the July issue of and travel anywhere In the coca College High School—has "been in many American colleges, tells us Foreign Affairs. ' ; try when ordered. ; Gxistenco Tor twenty -years, and that only one in twenty Jewish The Nasis have almost com"Withdrawal of the work book j In all this time has been giving college ireshinen come3 from a pletely socialised and collectiv- amounts to the death sentence, a regular four-year high school home in(which the Jewish tradi- ized every branch of German j -y wrote. "By this threat, course. And this four-year course tions are followed and made part economic life, arriving at prac- o f have for has included not only all the sub- ot the dally family.life... As a TB- tically the."same" resalt -acSiieT=ed •moritbs*" been transported jects taiisht In ordinary" high, BUH many Jewish boys and girls by the ^Joronmnists in Russia acschools, but Hebrew, Talmud and of college age know little or noth- cording-to the writer, who signed one part of the country to aaotliJewish history in addition. It ing of the history of the Jewish himself "V." The editors of the does seem like a lot of work lor people and religion; it is to teach magazine explained that his inInvest Ss?«!y. wisely the students, doesn't it? them these important.things that timate connection with German Well, that's -where the boys of by the time they finish college affairs made it necessary for him this school have put one over on the- Jewish students nsually learn to conceal his. identity. Annuity, Endowment, LSft us. Because they're particularly not only to know but to love all . Though . Fascism and Commubright—and probably also be- | pssnta 21 Strenj Comssn. nism present themselves as diamTyps cf insurance cause they find their courses very j etrically opposed, write V.- "ths !ea—Every and Eonda wrlttsn. Csa AT» interesting—a good many of tnem RIepen Becomes Sole fact Is, the "world hag never seen 7€57 er WA.515O.'1':''" ' " have in Tecent years completed two supposedly hostile economic the four-year course in only three In an arrangement completed years. And this has become so,1 o n J u n e - ^ mT I 1. C. H. T. Riepen of the common an occurrence m the T a l - | l i r m o f H u l s e a n d R I e p e n , l u n e r . mudical Academy that from n o w j a l 4 ^ , . ^ a t 3 3 r d a a d F a r n a m on—beginning next fall—the reg-: s t r e e t s . "became the s o i e o w n e r Ol ular course given there will be so the business . having purchased arranged that everybody will fin- the interests of his partner, O. S. ish it in three years. And all the Hulse, his associate in the busindications are. that the boys will iness for the past 28 years. take this intensive three-year The funeral parlors will be opcourse right in their stride. erated by Mr. Riepen under the And if you feel sorry for these name of Hulse and'Riepen, aa in students who must complete a the past, -with its: present highly -regular high school course-and a trained staff of four assistants. full course of Jewish studies in Think cf s a clsctric refhswstor that wsss no carrer.i &f e.11 The Hulse and Riepen Mortuonly three' years, just Temember ary is ideally situated and promore than 00% of the tisis! Th£t builds r p enough, cold in just that one of the reasons why they vides modern facilities and sera. few Esisutes to k s t r.irr.OBt £a ho nre ablo to do their work BO vice day and night quickly is that their minds got Tefrigereiiozz plenty of exercise solving the varcherj-proved isidsr actual ious complicated problems they basas conditions th Study in the Talmud. Then there JB the report of Dr. froa S3 iiOis;^. Frc=™r;g Tha calsadar is giving us 2 break this year—a tlsrse.«!ET 1§37 si«3w that ruunisg time cf tli2 neciszias. tverageS vacstion ovsr the 4th—loag esougK for a real trip, sad •"North •^estern" offers you not oaly the speed, 13^2 — much less thsn two bours out of twelve. Current and safety of fast dependable trains—bat also eir-cotsjiiiesed consumption also v s s rcsriErtEbly 3-^w — rvcrEgins only 2/3 contfort end i'eryJowjareS.


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!l_ States. Nationsu ^ | Hence, modern- . lis red pants and ths 22HES* conclsLv;^

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Rapid City, S. D 13.C8 Boone, la. i S.B3 Marshalltewn, la. 7.37 Cedsr FJapiis,' la. . . . ; . . . 8.E3 Clinton, la. M.S2 Chicags, HI. 17.S3 Milwaukee, Wis.' . . . - . . - . 1E.63 • 30-day return limit. ^Esrth or seat extra —but thess eharsc*-ar« also vsry low.


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of Sc^t Far htfarir.£tiB!3< tie&tls, rtxn'tti.

E». Ot» Ticket CScs, 301 Sa-Ifeh St. E^r==a Aissti 5 ISICEJCI Zzxizs, Case-su J

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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1937 •< h e s h a r e m : New York City. While in Boston, ciety, got after him—and Inci- Naticnai Films. Before his proc • c ' obsessed' he attended the National Grocers' dentally, after his trunk. The motion, Shumer 'was Easiers i c hope thai Convention. letter finally caught up with him Story Editor of the-same studio. r r r i«men wil" in a small town in the deep south His headquarters will; be- in'New The Aguda3 Achim Society will and' Barny looked out of his hotel York . . . Paul Muni, who 'tis ru"\ ' that thej \ hold a regular meeting- next window to see a lynching party mored, is going ot retire from the movie screen and the th.es.tre "'•"V. It hap Thursday • evening, July first, at waiting out front. Fortunately, ccrrespoa&sl 1 when he celebrates • his -40tb r — int that — 8:30 o'clock at the Eagle Hall. few "of the niob knew him by cL..U.UbLit •\ < f A1P members are urged to attend. sight, so he slipped out, joined. ..birthday in September has just at a reception recently given In ' i pven Arts them, and, by shouting j 'Lynch bought a new.California home ca i <v P.) the Lelchook home, 1107. Tenth All news items for this colum» the dam' Yankee* louder than one of the most beautiful sites on street. ' : should be phoned in to F . R. K.,anyone else, was able to lead the Southern Pacific Coast. Forf phone 650 or 4491, before five them astray while the hotel keep- several years he'has' lived on a | ; IV'ONSKY. C^ODINSKV. MARER « COHEivi, Attorneys. B2 P. E. E. o'clock each Tuesday afternoon er, a secret northern sympathizer, San Fernando Valley, ranch. In j Cer.ivsA Ecrcpe must fee liqui- ; Rabbi A;bram. Maron of Los September Muni is gcing away — j in order to assure publication in got his trunk aboard a train. dated. It must be liquidated first ! Angeles, California, is expected NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT how far or for how long he.does-; DEFENDANT to arrive ifi Sioux City this week the -current issue of the Jewish Then Barney lit out across coun- not in order to save the lives of £y ! know yet. He has just com- j : Tc » T-?nd & KoyaJiy Corporation Herbert Rosenthal was re-electfor an extended visit ' with his Press. try on horseback, hiding out by pleted "The Loft of Zola" andj COO,000 Jews. It must fee iicn'i- I a m eorporeiion. Defendant: parents, Rabbi and Mrs. J. D. d Aleph Godol, or President, of day and riding at night, to safety. has only one more picture to j d&ted, seccnalr, in orfler ITie.t its i ,.n\i pre pn,- ,i,y notified thai s the Council Bluffs Chapter No. C Maron, 613 Center street. diseased example a:ay not cprsafi rV.-\l"°JVh c ! ° yo f A ^ r i i - 1937. JACOB With the Allied Jewish Cam7 of the A. Z. A. at the election Many more are the .legends make under his contract with I and v;& be faced in twerviy-five ;'<UO01L.JS, DLIIU commenced a n action Rabbi Maron attended the Hepaignnearing its goalof $10,000, you based on a judgment about Baraey. How he saved the Warner Bros. Muni, vrhose real years by tfce alternative betreen ; afrrin.st: seminary and of officers held last Wednesday ,/iKt v-as obtained nirair^r you by the Mrs. J. L. Levitt, general chair-. brew Theological evening at the home of Norman household effects of the: Flaherty name is Weisenfreund, has work- extinction £.nd tnt licii.-cl?.tio!5 of . Uiiarnn Ueulty Company, a New York the Lewis Institute of Technology man of the drive, expressed satis<-n:-pornn.">ri, in the Alunlpipal Court and Herbert Rosenthal; Other-offamily in the great Chicago fire ed in the theatre or the movies Ithe- entire clIasp-CTF,, Bet that fiis- •: ',':. t . e C l t " ° r X"T"" Vo'-k, nth Distrtct faction and gratitude at the ex-in Chicago, He was ^awarded, a ficers chosen for the lensuing in; 1871 b y . improvising four since he was nine years old. Ke j spora of Eastern . ^amifiUan.^on June 2. lf)31. in t h e four, year scholarship to study,in ana CertrrJ cellent work of the committees of i p.irr r>5 .;•:-,, -d!!. vhioli fai<] jiulfrment erm are Sam Karchomsky, vice wheelbarrows from the wheels of is a talented violinist besides be- | ! Arts essic-net. to mm. pnd seeKs t o workers,as well as the generous Palestine and" upon his return 'to •resident; Abe Raben, secretary; ing a distinguished actor . . . Ap- j a baby carriage, how he became -. recover stilt! sum in the action comthe United States accepted a pulresponse of Sioux City Jewry.. pearances on the movie screen | cf the v o n d be IICTP.j.cinted orly ; menrpfl in the ?,runiclpal Court of Harold Fox, treasurer; Norman blood brother to the Oglala Inpit. In Los Angeles; — ••;.-.•. ;-.: Nebraska. and school boxing classes never j in s.nd through' Palestine. There ; Omaha, pousrias County. "While we have yet reached Rosenthal, .senior sargeant at dians in South Dakota and help; K.P.<i p,t the same time that said acdid go hand in glove. Young Bob- j is is no other hope. There is r;o • tion v a ? coninipncpf! R writ of ntthe goal of $10,000" Mr. Levitt arms; Irving Cohen, junior sered them beat a land-grabbing Mrs. S. M. Spatz' of Iowa City by Breen learned that recently | ether answer. said in an interview "we are very There is ircothlng i tp.phment me', pn.rTiishmont was I F garent-at-arms; Leo Meyerson, scheme, how he drove a swindwhen he reported at the studio j else to Jigbt Jor, to etrugrls for", i sued and funds beionfe'insr to you in close to "that mark, and we fully and .Miss Ann Spatz of Newark. scribe, and. Joe Wolfson, chap• tlie rosResplon of the Northern Fuel ling wholesale merchant out cf for screen tests. The noted sing- i expect to complete the .drive and New Jersey, who are guests here lain. : Supply Compp.n-'- of Omaha, NebrasInstallation will take (Editor's • N<^e: Our guest to fcc-pe for. raise that sum by July 1." TheIn the home of the.former's par- place at- a meeting. to be held blumnlst this week is Roman business by buying some spools ing youngster had a black ej~e | Is ZiorJa-ro. {mother "Tt>.~feTOU" .'n'E"rriff l !'lEK U NOTlFIED executive committee is contacting ents, Mr. and Mrs. ... Ben Fish, next Monday'evening, June 28 at Slobodin, of the JTA staff. In- of - cotton from him and measur- and cut lip, received during a jmeist?" Hadn't you better rtof I *hat on t h e ?.?.nC, flsv of May, 1937, ing the thread. were complimented at a lunchboxing class encounter at a mlli- j fretting over Spain &Ed Chins, pn'd : the said N'uriher-n Fuel Supply ComJewish families in the Sioux City :30 o'clock at the home of Leospired by last week's story of the eon and bridge party, Monday afpanv pnsv-p'-ed -tha» it was indebted trade territory and the response Somehow, in his travels, he tary academy which he attends. Puerto Rico and fret sbov.t tti» ; to you in the sum of Sisn.ss Rnd that Meyerson, 105 North.25th Street. "Grand Rabbi of Rumania," Mr. ternoon at Scribbias Maplelawn. We didn't-hear how his youthful} 13 expected this week. on j i a y - i . :;•::.. said Xorthern Fuel Slobodin has a yarn to tell about found time to marry, but that Jewish people me! the rrrorf o? Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Louis Comiinry or Omsha. Nebras• Mr. "Levitt is being assisted In didn't anchor him. He wandered opponent looked. You can iv.zi j1 the Koysi ComrnissioT* ".ncl nr.K Pnpply ka, was oni»r?a to nay satrt riinds to another kind Tie'Council Bluffs Lodge No. of Jewish advenbet that Bobby has been, taken I the campaign by a large execu- Fish entertained for the visitors tlie Oierk 01 the ^i'unicipal Court of la and out of Ks family's life, : yourself \;hat you have done fine? Omp.iin, .DoupiRs Covinty. Nebraska; tive committee and a large group at a luncheon and theater party. 88 of the B'nai Brith will hold urer.) voyaging to far corners of the out of the boxing class. Its installation of new officers what yon e.re crolngr to do concern- p-nif. this f?u?« v-?« continued by said of workers. Mr. L. J. Kutcher isCourt u r i tin?- lf>;.h day of July, ing these matters which ulnrnsite- !!>?.T, fit Pi 'o".Mo':k is a story "without an end-world, and. on visits home begetA. ?,I. for the purtreasiirer of the drive and the ex- Mrs. Barney Baron and daugh- next Monday evening, June 28, ng.ThisThe closing events took ting half a dozen children. As at 8:30 o'clock at the Eagle Hall. ly "will mean life or death to you pose of peci-.-ins" servire upon you b}SEWS BRIEFS ecutive committee includes A. ,R.ter. Miss Dena Baron, ..,,1810 l!ul?licai.ion av.d you are hereby notiDiminutive Alfred Newman, and your children? Friedman, Ben Schuleiri, SI Krue- }raridview> have returned from .11 members are urged to attend. lace In Palestine, and- if the he grew older, he confined his fie'i to r^pnear on or before the I5th writer ever gets there, he is gotravels to the United States, but oae of America's leading orchesFurnr reviewers, including: day of ,7uly. in:;?, at P oVlock A. M. ger, A. M. Davis, E. N. Grueskin, Ohicago, where .they visited with against voting for delegates for ng to find out more about the even when his beard had turned tra conductors as well as out- so—e Jews, hare recently accused or default v i i ! be entered A. L. Galinsky, Jake Kalin, Jack friends and relatives following heThe World Zionist Congress to be hero's last days. Though he died snow white (his hair never did), standing motion picture musical Miss Baron's graduation from the T>atPf! pi. OmB.hri. "N'shraskn, this Robinson, L. J. Kaplan, Barney 1 2Sib dav of Ma.v. 1007 Baron, Morey Lipshutz, Philip University of Iowa, in Iowa City eld at Switzerland In August welve years ago, there must be mention in the newspapers of the director, is "writing: the score lor At ,iia v cs mini stcr J.-'-ron ROSKNBERG. / . • took place at the Chevra B'nai many • people who still remember name of some place where he had "The .Prisoner of Zenda" . . . . By MOXFICT. OROniNSKT. MARER Fein, Louis Agranoff, Lawrence on June 7. ol Are; ro III Sally Eiiers doesn't know how ! of finance! tO Yisroel synagogue Sunday, June i~.m\ COKIiiX, His Attorneys. not been would start him on his him. He wasn't someone Davidson, Edward E. Baron, Hyyou to cook, but one of her principal Jack Merlin and Ben Leubo- 20, with the Hadassah, Ticket ould forget easily. way. man .Fishgall,. Sam Cohen, Ben He seemed as Irish as Paddy's In 1921, when the papers wer» hobbies is collecting recipes for (ViONSKV, GRODSNSKV, (V *. =;£:«? r Fish, John Lansberg, Max Gins- witz left last week for New York lo. 5; winning an overwhelming COHEN. Attor: c. f •ietory locally. The committee in where they will attend the Napig. H e w a s a big, brawny fel- full of the story pf the Zionist favorite dishes . . . Parkyakarkus berg, Arthur Sanford, Herman ' f ~ Galinsky, Herman Miller, Max tional A. Z. A. convention. Jack charge of the polls were Mrs. ow. Like Kelly in the old song, development of. Palestine, the old (Henry Einstein) and his wife, NOTICE TO NON-RES. 3 C \ " : DEFENDAN" Fal&, A. J. Galinsky, Max Lasen- •pras elected as a delegate to rep- Herman Marowitz, chairman, as- hi3 hair was red and his eyes gloain appeared .once more in beautiful Thelrna Leeds, like brisket of beef and sweet and. sour Bky, Dave Rodin, Abe Silverberg, resent the local chapter of A. Z. sisted by Sam Sacks, 0- Hoch- were blue.- His snub nose turned Barney's faded- blue eyes. The TO THE XAT1OXAL, Y>Z~TZ~ ' man, Louis H. Katelman, Mrs. up at the end, and as 'much of idea of Palestine obsessed him. tongue among their favorite dishCKJXERY CO., a c : . Marcus Silverberg, Joe Gorchow, A . • • •': - . . ' ' . ' r es. And their meat comes from a Morris Grossman, and Mrs. Abehis-face as.was not covered by a For the- first time- in his life he H. Lazriowlch, Robert Sacks, YOU" 'ARE' EEHEEI -NO-- Jewish market, too . , . Peter that r Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabino- Bear. Meyer Marks, Abe Davidson, S. on the 3rd clay o* " " -• lery full -beard was thickly became a regular and devout at- Loire has a, new colored chaufwitz and daughter, Segulah reB. Gelfand, "William Erenberg, J. R E S S & TRANSFER C-. ". ' . v ^ r Abe Raben, secretary of the sprinkled- with freckles. His tendant at synagogue. The pleas feur who some say beers s mark- j] Pcorporation, H. Greenberg, A. H. Baron, H. turned last week from New York commenced c r - r gngue had a twist of the -brogue of his children and grandchildren ed resemblance to the actor . , . acainst you 'in two c o t i r ' -'^e ^ - c Miller, Herman Licht, Ben Sekt, where they-visited with frienda Joundl Bluffs' Chapter No.. 7 of on it, and his name "was Barney were to no avail. He packed up If present plans materialize, Ben- jj of which is based on a. cor . i. 11 Hike Skalovaky, Philip' Sherman, and relatives and where Rabbi ;he A. Z. A., left Sunday for Port lorn. and took ship once more. ny Rubia, Bert Wheeler and Bob | o* April, ID"7, a n a in Kh'c^ «--1< * -<-* V I , . . « V *. .Victor, Mazie, Henry Sherman, Rabinowltz attended a Confer- Ferris, New York, where he will But the last I saw. of Barney, It was the last time. For five Woolsey intend to go on a barn- j action t h e piamiiXf see!-- t o •< *. Joe Gorchow, Max Brodkey, J. H. ence of the Theological Seminary. represent the local chapter at the he "was starting out, at eighty m m of ?45C.OO. Th§^ norr-i o - r ;:C::TT { years Barney lived happily in storming, tour of the country and \[ the :nternatlonal A.. Z. A. Convention of action is feasec? on ti-"* '\ —^'^t tr<- C Bolstein, Mike Rifkin and Joe revive Benny's old vaudeville act years of age, for Palestine, to end j Jerusalem. His letters homealMrs. Max Rubin, 204 Castle this week. He will visit in New Kutcher. • ri 1 *~ apartments, presided at a one York and Canada also before re- his days there. He was a Jew, J ways referred to the United which gave hiin top billing in the i trs.riS^p.r purpor-CE hy t h " ^ i "" PC IT" born somewhere in Central Eur- States, "God's country," but he cation's leading theatres for which t h e plaintiff seeks to * e o c \ c o'clock luncheon Saturday a t the turning home next month. • many years with Jack Haley. the mm. of SSP.75. ope: Just where, : it would be had found a place at least that • REPORTS MADE ON Jhateau Normandy, complimentT O J A E E FUETI-HSH >" ^T "^"C"" ing her sister, Mrs. A. L. GartMr. and Mrs. Sam Lincoln are hard to say, because whenever he didn't want to leave. Benny was dialogue director on t h a t said action -was c o - r n ' - " -pf r TALMUD TORAH PICNIC ner of Topeka,: Kansas. the Municipal Court of tl ' i ' o He had only one'complaint. To the new Wheeler-Woolsey come- Omaha, spending a couple of weeks visit- he subject of nationality came Douclas Count-", >'Pb-ri i>a ree- Tr ip r; r*up, Barney used to assert, in non- the end of his days he was em-dy, "On Again—Off Again," pro- anfl ing in the East. They attended Mrs. Gartner with her daughat t h e t — t i. •• - t \ « c ~i At a meeting in the.Jewish Comthe National Grocers' Convention committal phrase positive barrassed by the fact that he duced at RKO . . . Here's one of munity Center recently, commit- ters, Gladys Rae Phyllis Jean and In \ -1 ^ I o . Boston and will visit in Newmanner: "I belong to the good spoke Hebrew with a brogue. Benny Rubin's most popular storg ] f tees working on the Talmud Tor- Eleanor Ilene are visiting her York City before returning home. old U. S. A." ies, Sirs, Bloom answered the Aaron Ferer parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Bonus. ah picnic, scheduled i o r July 11, doorbell at her horse to find -a Not that he had ever clung to reported on their progress. gentleman standing on the porch. of May, IBS" '^" «•- \ - " - * p-p- # Mr. and Mrs. Loui3 Passer and ;he soil of this country. From a'ra Mrs. Leon Marx arid daughter, Mrs. H. Feinberg, chairman of u vi " I aia a minister of the gospel— Sons. Inc., ^-i p v Leonora, are visiting In Omaha family, formerly of St. Loui3, he time he was 12 years old, he the Ticket "committee announced collecting funds," said he. Mrs. i f.n-d e.t t h e ^ —'« * —•«* ^*> <•By IX>CIS PEEAESKY • Missouri, have moved to Council had been a "wanderer. "I was born with Mrs. Marx parents, Mr. and a - -<->*that the ticket sale was progress^ • e o c<Bloom turned to her husband and • F e r e r S ^ S o ' and are now at home at with a silver spoon in ray mouth, FACTS ON THE GOSSIP KING Ing, with an'enthusaistic commit- Mrs. Carl Furth. - V '. .".••. . Bluffs yelled: "Sara! Sam! Ainchoo paid j d e r o f C o u r r - *t =• r - i =e v ^ rr> 13 North Eighth Street. but I soon exchanged it for a tee of women canvassing the city ReplySag to numerous inquirtinned b y « «• <_'"> i '» Mr. Max Rosenstock visited In. pewter one," he said. He knock- ies we submit the following facts der gaahz bill yet?" . . . for the ticket sale. -c .. i (Copyright IS37 By Seven Arts l o t h flay of Austin, Minnesota, last week end Miss Ruth Scharf left SaturT ed about Europe, learning many Mr. M. Lazriowlch Is general about Vv alter Winchell: Vv'inchell ! A. ?,I., for " r —- c ,. t Feature Syndicate.) ' chairman of the picnic. Mr. Jack with Mr. and Mrs.'William Wolfe. day night for Minneapolis, Min- rades, many tricks and the is Jewish. He earns more than i sers-ice x:no— ^ i -\ - *- rnesota to spend two weeks visitongues of many lands. In Bel-$200,000 annually wtlh hi3 newsi you are hers nL. r J1 v ^ >o London, chairman of tha Talmud ! or b^for? t r ^' f ' ~~ Torah Board of directors is coa- Mrs. Herman Licht, Mis3 So- ng "her parents. fast he settled down for a while, | paper column, radio and. filmi a t nine c'cl c \ ^ o- c v phie Franklinand Miss Temarj be entered t r- t lined to h i s home because of illopened a tailor shop, and picked || work. He was^ born on April 7, (Costinued frosi page 1) rah Franklin left Tuesday by moMiss Yetta Wolinsky of S t Jo-•up his brogue and a reputation j 1897 itf Nc 2Sth Cay of " , i ness. . . . - . ' . York as Walter ! T H E OM * \ ~ ' <^ — T T tor for New York City where they jeph, Missouri Is visiting at the as a mighty street ^fighter. Once, Winchei?,. PRESS ti"—• N •-_ - c "'"' " ^ "" second " 1 " was make dt a Question cf will attend the Young Judean home of her brother-in-law and using a yardstick as -a shelalah, s corrnra. •* added 'wnen the manager of a j tics -which is to be determined, in convention. sister, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meyer- he chased a dozen hooligans who! theatre in" which he was playing DANCE WELL ATTENDED ^^ irr. .. .- ^ the councils of the clTiiized peoson. raided-his place,- caught up wita vaudeville spelled it wrong In the Earl Rosenthal of Los Angeles, I More than 200 couples attendthem, and administered a -whole- mafa'uee lights. Walter liked it Mrs. S. Shyken underwent an sale beating that became a legend so ed the summer dance of the Jun-arrived In Sioux City this "week well( he kept it that way. His . lor Hadassah Tuesday evening at to visit with his parents, Mr. and operation at the Jennie Edmund- n Belfast, and "won great respect radio broacasts net him ?3,000 '. Shore Acre Gardens. Tommy Hart Mrs. Dave Rosenthal. Mrs. Earl son Hospital Monday and is get for the . designation "Jew." weekly and the syndication of his Rosenthal has been ^in Sioux City ting" along satisfactorily. ' and his orchestra supplied the" Barney liked ^he Irish and they column in 125 papers *brings him for the past month. music for dancing. " $450 weekly. Acting on the movMrs. Allan Dejitz and small liked him. His Gaelic appear- ie screen enriched him to the esMiss Florence Lohrman, newly ance, •wit and turn of speecs Mrs.Alec Black of Portland, daughter, Rebecca, of Iowa City, elected president of the chapter him "well on occasion. He tent of ?75,000 and his picture j; -was chairman of the dance and Oregon, with her sons, is visiting left "Tuesday for their home fol- served never lied outright about his did so-well-that he and Ben Ber"was assisted by Miss Saretta in Sioux City, with her parents, lowing a two weeks visit here at . I i | '« s. y / * "Ss e 1, , • \ nie, his, friend and pal, will make the home of Mrs. Dejitz's. brotHer race or anything else, but heanother-ou-e next Fall. The New Krigsten who was recently elect- Rabbi and Mrs. Louis Levin. , ,: •: •:> i. U" i->iTj^J & I"' I,t •would say: "I-• can't• stop people -in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. ed first" vice president. York Daily Mirror pays him . | 1 , from drawing their-own conclusMiss Elaine Stern left last week Morris Goodman. They were ac167, every week for seven colfor-' Minneapolis, where she will companied back by little Babette ions." His Irish friends in Amer- umns a week. Ho does not have a Goodman who will spend the sum- ica always believed he "was onebig army of spies gatherine items sp:snd the summer visiting with of themselves, and when he told mer-in Iowa City. friends and relatives. : them he was going to the syna- for him. Read "Portrait of Walgogue (which for most of his life ter "Winchell" in The American '• Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. L. Stein Miss Ethel Baron returned last The Jewish National Fund Mercury for more detailed infor•with their daughter Miss Mateel week from Wellsely, where she is drawing, which was scheduled to he did only during the high holi- mation. Stein, 2720. Stone Park boule- a student, to spend the summer take place next Monday evening, days), they thought it "was anvard, will go Sunday to Omaha with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. June. 28, has been postponed-un- other of his witticisms. ! for the wedding there .of Miss E. Baron, 2222 Nebraska street. ill next month, as all of the tickIt was shortly before the Civil HEARD IN HOLLYWOOD ' Stein to Preston Allen Polsky, ets have.not yet been turned in War that Barney stepped out of The author cf the following son of Mr. and Mrs. Burt.Polsky Mr. and Mrs; A. X , Galinsky to the committee. Tickets are Castle Garden, with a- good suit about Ben Bernle is as yet unof Lincoln, Nebraska. The wed-and Milton ; Galinsky. : returned still available and the person on his back and two dollars in known: "Ben try jumpee over Ben fallee on candle( ding will take place at 3 o'clock home from Champaign, Illinois holding the lucky ticket will ywin his pocket. walked up Broad- candlestick; , Sunday In the home of Rabbi Da- where they attended the gradua- a cash- prize of twenty-five dol- way, strolled He stick; Ben Bernie." Congratulainto the first whole- tions to Seymour Peiser, ,vid Wice. Leonard Stein will ac- tion of Miss Bernlce Galinsky, lars. Anyone wishing any tickets new-ly sale dry goods house he came to, company his parents and sister Miss Galinsky will visit In Chi-or a book of tickets should get in named Publicity Director of Rapicked, out a couple of hundred to Omaha. cago before returning to Sioux touch with Mr. Sam Sacks, Mrs. dollars* worth of goods, ordered dio Station KHJ and the Don Lee A wedding dinner in the Pax-City for the summer. Morris Yudelson, or Miss Fannie them set aside to be called ana Broadcasting Chain, Los Angeles, affiliated with the Mutual netton hotel will follow the cereKatelman. paid for later, and casually pici- work. For the past year Peiser mony and Mr. Polsky and his Harry A. Horwitz will leave bride will make their home in for Chicago Sunday where he wil Mr. and -Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner lefted up some samples, ^ for which h a a been • Hollywood corresponLincoln, after- a wedding trip to make, his home.' Mrs. Horwltz last Thursday for Boston, Mass. he spent one of his dollars. Two dent for The Billboard, internaChicago. will Join him in, Chicago in six to attend the National Grocers' hours later he had sold the goods tional theatrical weekly. Prior to a jobber by offering a lot* Miss Stein has been the inspl- w e e k s . - . . . ' . . '•• " • Convention this week. They will price for cash. By some fast to that hs "was with the New York Tation for a number of parties visit other eastern cities before talking, he got over the- ticklish American and later assistant raduring the past few weeks. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Max Holland enreturning home in a couple of moments'in this transaction, and dio editor of the I^os Angeles Examiner . . . Sam Shucacr has been Carolyn Fishgall entertained at a tertained at j a. buffet supper las weeks. his first* d a y In America netted appointed Story Editor at Grand luncheon, complimenting- Miss Sunday-honoring their-son,- Heri awry f-prr t'. '-"-T-,-1 >•,-"-,---•,•'.• •''• '-'r *-r>''i' " ••'' "~ : '" i '"" Stein, and Mrs. Jack Robinson bert; who .. celebrated-, -his L .Bar Mr. and Mrs. Ben I. Seldiri and Barney a twenty-dollar working •was hostess to sixteen friends of Mitzvab Saturday morning.family spent the week-end In capital. .'.' the bride-elect at a luncheon Sat- Fifty guests were invited to theKansas City, Missouri where they He was down south, traveling urday. Miss Frances Kalin and dinner. Among them were Mrs. attended the wedding of Mrs. for a wholesale .jeweler •witli a ! Miss Annabell Emlein entertain- Sam Steinhauer and Mrs.- Mor) Seldin's brother, Ben Jacobsen trunkioaflof valuable iserchan- j ed a group" of Intimate friends of Rosenberg of St. Louis, Missouri to Miss Rosa Bramsohn, Sunday. dise when Beauregard fired on «t tr.T r r Miss Stein at a luncheon, and Mrs. P. Goodman, of Kansas City Fort Surater. Barney wouldn't Miss Harriet Rosehblum was hos-Mr. and Mrs. Earl , Rosenthal, wear a Palmetto button, symbol !L Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Marks have tess to sixteen friends at.a show- Mrs. S. M. Rushall, Mr. and Mrs their house guests, Mrs. John of loyalty to the Rebel cause, but Jt 1 »L t ^ . ~ H»b~I.A er and party, Wednesday evening. Al Lehman and Mrs." C. Goldfuss, as. B. Quigley and daughters, Joan he bought them when he had to, j J Mrs. M. Blank entertained at a all of Los Angeles. . ... . . •-,'-.-• and Ruth, of Hutchinson, Kansas and he didn't exactly parade his j I party for her Tuesday evening. who arrived here last Saturday; anti-slavery sentiments. A letter I? C" : Among her other .hostesses and also Mr. and Mrs. Irving Ro- postmarked "New York," which ! *'' •were Mrs. W. C.Slotsky, Miss "Asks. Visa- to- Any. senberg and children, Alice and followed him. from town to town, [ i, Jvlina Slotsky, Mrs.. Ed Kantor : '• •. British Dominion Mark* of Chicago, Illinois who ar-betrayed him, and the Golden it and MIsa Margaret Kosberg. Circle, a secret-secessionist so-1 rived here Monday. • Warsaw (JTA) — : He wantei L .» Mr. and Mrs/ S. Kaplan of Om- to leave: Poland- so" badly-that h Meyer Malts; -returned " home aha have announced the engage- appealed to King. George .VI oi Monday from Des Moines, Iowa .Oar Funeral Parlors Are Furraisljcd in Hoase-Like F.-aEIos ment of their daughter Miss Ruth England for aid, and this week where he attended the A. Z. A Kaplan, to Paul Lelchook, son of Josef Fireman, young rabbi ol Dance Sunday, sponsored by the "COURTEOUS—RELIABLE" Mr. and Mrs. E/ Lelchook of Miedzyrzec, in the Sedlitz districi Des Moines Chapter of the A. 2 Sious City. The wedding date got his wish fulfilled' with d ven A. ' ' , hs.3 not been set. geance. Tiisa Kaplan and her Bister, Rabbi Fireman petitioned King M. Passer-Is spending a cotipl a t SSrsS 2Iis3 Minnie Kaplan were guests- George on the occasion of his cor- of v/eelio visiting in Boston, use


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nation to allow him to emigrate to Palestine or to any British dominion. He waa informed that awaiting him at the English consulate in Warsaw was a visa — to Australia.



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