July 2, 1937

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ihers who share m; of being "obsessed' [ L e t u s hope thai p a n d gentlemen wil' e day in t h e whirlini j deluge wish that thej i obsessed. I t h a p fermany—just t h a t — - day . . . ' 1 9 3 7 , b y Seven Art! lure Syndicate.) '


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&4 1 vr*t W^


r - Thj3 column i3 copyright by the Seven. Arts Feature Syndicate. Beproductloa in whole or in part strictly forbidden. Any infringement on this copyright trill bo prosecuted.

.RODINSKY. MARER d •iEN, Attorneys. TO NON-RESIDENT 3EFENDANT S <Sc Royalty Corporation, ion. Defendant: Hereby notified thai Say or April, 1937. JAC9B 3 commenced an action based on a judgment [ained against you by the ty Company, a New Tori iir the Municipal Court >T New York. 9th District jon June 2. 1331. in the G9. which said judcrment tt to him. and seek3 to sutn in the action comthe Municipal Court of iKlas County. Nebraska. same time that said acpmenced a writ of a t pd garnishment was i s mds belonging to you in m of -the Northern Fuel pany of Omaha, JvebrasJered attached. J FURTHER -NOTIFIED 22nd day of. Slay, 1S37. rthera Fuel Supply Combed that it was. indebted a-sum of S130.SS ana that 1337, saia Northern Fuel many of Omaha. Nehrasared to pay said Tunas to f the Municipal Court of uslas County, .Nebraska: :se was continued by said the lotn day of July, 'eloclc _A._ SL for the purring- service upon you by and you axe hereby notifiar on,, or before the 15th L 1337. at 9 o'clock A. .M. (will be entered -against Omaha. Nebraska, this •May. 1337 . JACOB ROSENBERG. IS. GP.ODINSKT. aiAEER [HEN. His Attorneys. .

Entered a3 Second C13E3 Mail Matter, on January 21. 1521. a t .Pcstofflca of Omaha. Ncbrasao" under tha Act ot March S, 1573




M h | < R P ;W s-rftt

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• This expresses no one's opin10 •T cT? fr ion but the writer's. No one else J* S must be made responsible for •what is here said. The concluBy defe; sions here set down have been 1, Sr.m L, f Teached alone, -without discussion Port 'Jervis, N. Y.. (WNS) — j e a u f o r t & e " v presider.t's ton of future| or consultation T.'ith any one. It is In tribute to the late Harry H- } Je-wisli'G-rctenV ..curtailment of | President's JJd To Jewa y hope thai, they may shock Registrations Hay Still Be Lapidus of Omaha, one of its crime and the promotion of B e c i s i o n W i I 1B s match st tre II Hade at Community pome people into a little clear founders, the 14th annual con- homes for Vfaifs. ish Phiiantixropic Club. Up t Center thinking. vention of Aleph Zadek Aleph tition betw • One of the highlights of the voted to plant a grove of trees convention to date'is the presence so close tl ~The whole so-called Arab quesNew York (WNS) — Jewish tion is both historically and bio- Camp Akiba -will enter its third bearing-his name in Palestine. of Pashe Seiainsky and Tonchia philanthropic agencies whose [. standings -were 4S logically a piece o£ trickery and week on Monday with all its pro- Julius Bisno, A. Z. A. executive Rudinsky of Sofia Bulgaria, 3n TuescE 7 boolts are leaded with-unpaid and ;b d - o r e 7^' chicanery, Iligh-sounding words jects well under way. The Jew-director will leave for Palestine members of*"the""organlMUoa s ; presumably uncollectible pledges • f the are out of place. Hypocrisy is of ish Community Center home! on July 3rd first European chapter. I ] are expected to begin a series of ' course at a maximum in the mat-camp 'has seen its enrollment grove on Jewish National °lFund Radio Talk steadily mount. to collect what may amount Mr. Leon to a return soil. A check for $1,500 to comSam Beber of Omaha, founder j suits ter. It celebrate orgies among Last Friday the Camp Akiba plete the Lapidus Memorial Fund of A. Z. A. and president of the j ^Jo hundreds oi thousands of col- tween the two teams Arabs, pro-Arabs, even self-hatTattler made its Initial appear- project was presented to Mendel Supreme Advisory Council, was ' ars as .a -result of an Important tion will start next ¥f ins Jews. It I s hypocrisy none the ance of the season, recording the] Highland r.isa spons less. Scheduled to give * featured r a . j decision* by ^the Appellate- Dirishappenings of the "week and the ies day erprr TtiesSay. Onof t h e AH through history and all literary activities of the Campers. the J. N. *F. dio address last night over Eta— -j' ipreme * ^ . "iork state SnCourt holding that a 3'arjorie Hilier had a low net o through pre-history there have After hearing an " address, by tion WKYD. le e ot The younger boys and girls are Also to be broadcast was the I ? ^ f^J \ , c h a / ^ is nine holes. been. migrations of peoples. None mating key rings and are deco- Inspector L. C- Schilder of the The children's golf and enforceable law. , of the peoples that we know are rating bamboo for rings for their United States Department of Jus- winning oration in the annual A. j ibinding The decision-was madeatin the held every Pridav inor classes ET •ultimately indigenous to t h e fingers. The older boys are paint- tice on "Youth and Crime," A. Z.Z. A. oratory contest by Leonard case of Isidore Balnsburg, Xew Crab. • lands known by. their names. All ing placques and designing sail- A. voted to set up a GWHen Bur- Belove of Kansas City, York lawyer, who t a d reniged i conquered those lands. None of boats while the older girls are on a pledge of 55,000 to the Beth ! the lands -were empty. The orig- making belts. GQEBBELS BLOCKED H1TLB Israel Hospital. i inal populations were conquered Last Thursday afternoor. the In reversing lae decision of EFFORT TO WED j enslaved, subjected, often indis- little boys and girls had a mornSupreme' CouTt &Justice-.-McCook, FfAl l crlminately slaughtered. T h e ing outing at Elnrwood Park. T,he wlio had rnled. tbe pledge unenLENI i Achaeans and Argives, as Homer | older boys hiked at Mandan Park , forcable because it Tras made calls them, conquered Greece and j a n d t n e - o l d e r i r l s B p e n t t n e Paris (WKS) — Josepll Goeb- \ ^"hout receipt of any consifierabecame Greeks; Hebrew tribes' at- Hanscom. — bels is in dutch with Fuehrer Hit- j t i o n . t h e Appellate Division deconquered Cana'an and became The boys of the camp are startler because the latter is enraged | c ! a r e d t h a t the "the subscriber the ~people Israel; Angles and ing a camera .club. They are also a subscription blank : at his propaganda minister for !w h o f i I l s Saxons conquered Britain and collecting stamps and building Rome fWNS) Daring. Fascist having prevented Hitler from jE n d t h e chanty promise do not made England. "Where are the ab-model aeroplanes. wrath by venturing to oppose the I contempla e a "bargain in tbe ; origines of Greece? "Where are Swimming is still the' popular current opposition to Zionism in marrying Leni Riefenstahl, Nazi mercantile sense. "Nevertheless, j film dictator. the Cana'anites? "Where are thesport •with the dancing classes Jewish and Fascists circles here, the subscriber screes to | Xews reaching here .rona Berrunning a close second. u 1 ;'- -t coi for a certain purpose and tbe ; Tne eif Celto-Britains? "Israel," the weekly organ of lin indicates that Goebbels' reRegistrations for the Camp are g^_ j promisee thereafter spends tbe > ference o aen s <_ * c" r peculiar to Italian Zionists, answered the cent denunciation of the "Were these thing "" ; money for tne purpose both "in- ! mciudingthe early world? The settlerB of still open and can be made at thecharges that Jews cannot be loyal headed Leni as a non-Aryan slid tend a binding pledge and the Lincoln, 1 t j South America slaughtered the office of the JeTrtsh Community Fascists and Zionists at the same not please' Hitler , . . . time because Zionism is an in-wanted to marry her.because lie former should be compelled to City, will ,V Indians without mercy; the set-Center, lire up to Kis promise. The acts Monday, tlers, of "North America diminishstrument oi English imperialism Goebbels has since denied that ed the Indians literally with fire by pointing out that Zionism is Traulein Riefenstahl is anything of the hospital tere^ in reliance TVest Eots upon the pledge made by the deand sword and poison. On the older than the- British. Mandate but a good Aryan. r,— Teridant as alleged in the corn- iliary of great plains, less than a centnry over Palestine arid that it existplaint famished the censiflera- I t l l e ^-z^*^ Club, ago, it was no rarity to take a ed when Turkey ruled in the Holy tion for the promise to pay and i Lyceum Associatiopot-shot at any Indian — at InLand. the cor.tercreated the promisory estoppel/' Ia r e ^pectefi to arte dian "bucks", at pregnant squaws The Zionist The name of Morris Richlin, i ence. Such were from prehistoric I o n o f M r <a n d M r s > H a r r y K i c Q . : phasizes that it is in Italy s lnA "banquet lias times to the nineteenth century l i n W ; J S t h e flm t 0 D e inS cribed | terest that Italian Jews should • thp- methods of human conouest. ln t h e g e f c r Ha'Yeled, tbe Child- | remain Zionists because they may eB is needless to go into the Bel- T e n , g G o l d e n B o o t f in Omaha this be able to prevent Palestine_J gian Congo scandals or the treat- year. The inscription -was the gift | becoming a British Dominion, . L a b e l e d ELxaoris; T h efiistnctCOM ment of Africans by so enlighten- of of Mr. Mr and and Mrs. M Horris Parilman to I "Israel" also attacks the Italian * i City Branch, 6 6-1, i ed and humane a people- as the on the Bar Mltzrah of young' ism. Jews who haveattitude, repudiated. Zion- tion of pogroms appeared New York (TTXS) Commercial iVne -"rs^fpments : Its hold however, French. , Richlin. All or nearly all human migra-| JJ flas become customary to in- appears tion ana conquests were produced | gcrjbe names of children at the cause its by pressure. Fernaps . some were t n^e of Bar Mitzvah and confirm- j paired the^resnlt of :the":iaere-->tu-5t-:for--aijoa.".CIuiaren up to 'i£e~. age ot j now coming power and adventure. But pres- thirteen are eligible fey inscrip- j monthly. the same time, however, :'' Ji. i i W5 -Sb. 5 anU-Xazi boycott by_sliirping sure upon space, upon lood-sup- tion in the Sefer Ha'Yeled. A | per urged the disfrancMsenieiit^ ; German goocis into neighboring rrrr^T:.VTf rffcTI ply and in earlier ages disastrous coatribution of ten dollars enof Jews. „ . ^OM W " «• t 4U&J v y ; i : ^ ^ - i.i-UB?«^ changes of climate were the chief titles, parents, • relatives, friends | "Fogronis are only introducing i countries where they are stampto inscribe the name of the child motivations of migration and anarchy into Polish life," the \ ^ ^ i t h labels indicating they conquest. • - , • • • in the Sefer Ha'Teled and to ennewspaper stated. "They .demor-j^ere made in those countries. DTal O o m Now the development of his- -ter into .this permanent record alize the por-ulation and ought | After this fraud was called to the young person's picture. The tory has shifted from the merely not to be tolerated." j the attention of the .commercial •physical to the psycho-physical money collected goes to the JewTfce .Jewish problem is already: attaches here by the Joint Boyand sociological plane. But theish National Fund for land purbeing •solved gradually, the paper ? cott Council, they communicated . pressure upon populations on this chases In Palestine. declared, by the elimination of -^"ith their h o s e governments sna . Mrs. JOL Richlin and Mrs. Max plane can, as we know, be as Jews "from the nation's public; arranged for. tightening up reguIstanbul Daily Claims All Hicruel and as ravaging as desert- Goldstein are chairman of the life, despite the Government's, lations so that the trick may no Zurich on As ^g Dorities Being Asdrouth or moving glaciers. Such Omaha committee in charge of passive attitude, which it held i longer be'employed. • •dominated "hr similated the Children's Golden Book. chiefly responsible for anti-JewIs the pressure upon the Jewish The Boycott Coiiscil also i arising oi:t of ish excesses. circularized American milk ccra- ! sion report, it people today. A great part, probAnkara (JTA) — Turkey's It demanded the introduction' panies with a request not to ] . ably over half o£ the Jewish peoof actjv: Jewish population, together with of anti-Jewish measures, begin- j ticipate in the . 11th -annual In- j the tentative ple today, is under more intolerCor. eras other minorities, is being com- ning with laws-depriving them of ; ternational Dairy Congress whicl ! ti?s issued he able pressure than were any of pletely assimilated into the na-political -rightc and barring them j j s to be held in Germany Iron I agenda decide; those earlier or later tribes of \ ish Agency E: . • •• -for Emig-ratioia tion, the Istanbul daily, Tan, de- from parliamentary -and mtinici-; August 22nd to 27th. irien that migrated and toot the t the proceeding clares. pal elections. It pleaded the "ne- j lands without which they could j Commission rs Emigration "Warsaw (JTA) The newspaper comments fav- cessity" of giving the anti-Jewish j not live — under great pressure will be pushed as the only solui Ish Governing: orably on the speech in the Namovement - a legal character, i estine based v. L than the Argives when they took | tion of the Jewish question in tional Assembly here by the claiming there were no legal obPrerdsed Ft? i After the it Greece, than, the Angles when stacles to enactment of anti-JewGreek Orthodox Deputy '• i Chaiin TTeizm; they took England, than the ish laws in Poland and such laws Ne-w Tork (WNS) -Italy has no 1 to Xahum SOK were "a life and death matter" intention of persecriticg the Jews ! cf the Worlt •" j appear ^rom the le^al language for the Polish people. so long as they obey its laws. tion vrffl c-e'i1 Kor is this all. A ne-vr element tional Unity, Jiew • Government o £ T u r k e y . Deputy Stamati hall"It does not matter if the Jews vey to the de enters. Under this terrific pres- party .formed'by Col. Adam Koc. ed the Turkish Government's ac- claim that such measures are un- That tras the message sent to i Eure we are not. asking, as men Meanwhile, ABC, organ of the tion in taking the minorities' constitutional," the paper stated, America by II Dtice through Gen- [ , t! ^ E . debate i iatei have invariably .done, to conquer anti-Semitic J" National Radical schools under its control. since the constitution anyway eroso Pope, publisher d Italian} a "new land and subject another Party, published a questionnaire .Tan cays: has undergone "important changes ; newspapers in_ the rnitea states. us • i c i *«v iollc. "We are asking to return to on its front page^aimed at excludReturnins i r o n Rome, "Minorities are groups who recently without protest." that land which -we took afore- ing Jews from the Polish army. he spoke to Mussolini and other differ from the majority populatimes as the Greeks took Greece, . The paper asked its readers tion by religion, language, and high Italian officials. Mr. Pope pert on. thf as the Angles took England and whether the Jews should pay a nationality, as for instance the ie Castor Electai said Mussolini had assured him entire end from which we were expelled by special tax/or should be enrolled German In Czechoslovakia. But there would ha no persecution of force, by fraud, whiclr we have in special labor battalions. the Jews, Circassians and other the .Jews in Italy "as lens as they Esec-Jtire's New York — Eddie Cantor was ; Afternoon. Jewish, papers renever relinquished either moralsections of the Turkish populaobey the laws" and that "they ly or physically and which TO torted with editorials asking why tion cannot be considered as min- elected president of the Je i S n I will be treated just like ail other over to cc the" official censorship does not orities. One should, therefore, no Theatrical Guild at i t s . never can nor dare relinquish. annual,; Italians as long as the laws of Well, this is the twentieth cen- prohibit such "provocative ques- longer. Issue any permits for the meeting here. 'the country are obeyed." tionnaires." tury and we are the Jewish peoopening' of minority schools, beple —- a people from of old with cause :the younger generation in a bad conscience, i. e., with a Turkey is entirely assimilated. conscience, where the happy, others have none. Hence w e : can laron JOURNAL EXPOSES prove up to the, hilt that every Arab in Palestine is better off for Rome (WNS)— The memory of ..RACIAL'FALLACIES . our re-settlement. I am glad with the late Baron Raimundo Franchetti,Italian Jewish explorer all my heart that this Is so. But Paris (WNS) "Race et Ra. i t was quite unnecessary. Had we and aviator, whose trail-blazing An Omaha committee to admin- j Following the aameof accredited credited c i s m£ 4 . * ney y bl- ister the ,purchasing . _ „ _ , Ui been able to prove merely that joTrneyrto Ethiopia are of _ shares in • activities at no Arab was worse off for our with having facilitated ^he Italian monthly journal being Published ,N a c h s o n > L t d < > t h e P a l e s Utine l.acoming, we would have set a new standard of settlement and resettlement in the entire history of manldad. The men who came to Massachusetts %vere high-men/ in. the Messagero, influential j theories in certain countries. meeting Tuesday at the J. C. G. : | • The publication win .seek to esWere, the Indians-no "worse off Italian daily. Goldie slyer- • ' these theories and to show for their coming? It Is an amusfamed Widely known as the "Italian I cial aid. ing consideration. But we have Lawrence," Baron Pranchetti was! they govern the entire social life j t j ^ enthusiastic aud'ier V Bet other new standards. We killed in-a plane crash while re- j o£ countries in which" they are , spO nded to Ethiopia in 1335. j applied ana the consequence t o i for financial' assi.^-.^..^. have endured murder, arson, l o years making i^hich they lead. building- of the port at T He spent • •; banditry. "We .have struck no p e and for. the development: 4 blow. "We have relied on peace maps and studies . of /Ethiopia, j " itime activities la Palest' Franchetti'E mother was.' a . mem- { (J&SE2£ \ and on justice. ' ' most two hundred shares in From" the "ethical point, of Tiew jber. of the Rothschild family. 'company were subscribed : there might nevertheless.-be an j meeting and initial p: Arab problem if the circa 1,000,^" ••i - -1 - Salonild —•" "The Jewish com-j amounted "to four huadr * 000 Arabs "of . Palestine ; • and Asti-S&mUic Pspst munity of Salonikl WES ' saved j irrs. !Traasjordania were- a small peoy •pl0.-with only that land, :as the "Vienna — The : Nena Ecituag, from bankruptcy when the' Greek | sirs. Myrs"> r government- announced-• that • it |-fiish.--descn'>-'' th | ' Estlionian's have only;NsEsthonla, violently-atiti-Semitid and -prohad cancelled a debt of 2.500,000 j the countr; a j r a ; ^L, r or tho Albanians Albania. Such Xr.zi daily publUheJ In h'.z.z, ;TCL5 drachmar. (550,0.3'".) Cue it In' striie ibat >l to * :' {Continued on page 8.) ' rupprerjed. various communal tase:. \ the port o£ Ja£*a bj t^_ ^..t

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ppeal, relief am 1! is to be hoped that individual disFT P ^-> ol Polish Jew positions will at length mould i' announced in ; thernselve to the jnodel of the Warsaw" to tfi^j •lav.-." In this same letter he sug• •.-!• of t h e Federilfl| gested what we now call interA ccr.ceri by the O;nr.ha Fc:t | the Anitrlc:m Lcfaith good will as a cure for re- ibind ivul open ne first* allotmen "iref'ork'7 celebrririen oT Ir.ligious prejudice, caring: -"Xoth- • i. by t h e Federa ing I think would be so likely t 0 i dependence day at Crfightcs Ft£> . n r s in Argentina •;--,.<-. „ .- r- ~ , * at S ? effect this as to your sect partic- <J <rtc o' JE1 ' "x-J a cl yf 5< zlo-r'-s TK X" ' C"" r r " ~*, ularly than the more careful at-L " "' ^-^^^ th? ""er.t. r Ac Sola, Venzu tention to education, which — !V^3ou:<cca to ;ry. "With tii<= v • <• one of the lead < ci i . ' LJ.TI.IC (iiSpjG.y c n o . ~t &~ h o u ;,.-:. v c '. 1 recommend, and which, placing you '-f .iion of the South Its members on the equal and -i ' .lies against Spain commanding benches of ^ science, \ Commander-in-Chief of the Jewish War Veterans greatest i London (,TTA) — Reports that conclusions E-Lniults.r.eour.' v ' the Royal Commission on Pales- the report. will exhibit-them as equal objects h o U day," he said. .The Fourth Of July, marking" prescribing of any citizen ! as un- our land that religious intoler- of respect and favor." lade eleventh-hour tine had The report, which is v r - - •>. Fifteen clowns will entertain changes the anniversary of American worthy of public confidence by ance ' under which mankind so In its findings to appease uminoiiS. "vrili be publiphf? -" • ' ' Jefferson was also among the with pranks and antics during; j , ^ speculation this J e ; s a r o u s e d freedom, recalls the author of laying upon him an incapacity of long bled and suffered, we have first to protest agains tthe handi- the concert,-and will assist fire-; middle of .TrJy, t h e Ci" the famous document signed on being called to offices of trust yet gained little if we counten- caps Jewish students suffered be- •works engineers in. carrying out! Veek over the possibility that tbe said. before Parlicrcer-t :L'-^ "• United States Government had inthat date 161 years ago. Mr. and emolument'Unless he profess ance a political intolerance as de-cause of the inclusion of religious the most thrill) f g fireworks f&U- > the >Sumnier holidays. Tfec ".'". -" ' Schaffer here traces the''impor- or renounce this or that religious spotic, as wicked and as capable courses in school and college cur- | vals ever seen in Omaha. Ground | terceded with Great Britain. of Nations Mandates Con , Star discussed tant part played /by Thomas opinion, is depriving him injur- of bitter and bloody persecution." ricula. "Writing to Isaac Harby of pieces and aerial displays will f o l - ! - be. Daily will slso get t h e report f '••'• r* '' f f e c t s a p - e a ] g o f t h e American Jefferson, in the establishment iously of these privileges and adtbe Government's conclufin." ; f ' It was Jefferson who first Charleston, Jefferson said: " I low each other in rapid sxicces- ! , of religious freedom In . this vantages to which : in common have thought it a cruel addition sion, presentrag colorful spectac- ! ^e t Q ^ - £ S > , i n g t 0 - r e 5 a r d5ng terward, t h e paper said. proposed the appointment of a country. —The Editor. e tortUccmillg with his fellow citizens, he has a Jew to the cabinet. Shortly .after to the wrongs that injured sect les o* exploding comets, skyrock- : or the new British policy on the The KorrJng Post and t h e Dai- \ natural right." The statute pro- his election to-the Presidency in have suffered that ] their yonth ets, Roman candles, aerial bombs j Holy T Xjand had exercised in in-ly Telegraph, meanwhile, both • July Fourth, which- commem- vided that "no man shall be com- 1800 he sought to make a Phil- should be excluded from the In-and more than fifty show pieces. fluencing the Britjsa Govern- declared that the report recomorates the signing o t t n e Declara- pelled to frequent or support adelphia Jewish lawyer by thestructions in science afforded to mends partition of Palestine into "Fireworks celebrating Inde- ment.tion of Independence, always calls any religious worship, place or name of Levy his attorney gen- all others in our public seminar- pendence day are a part of the roughly eqi;&1 areas for t h e Arabs Washington has no l e g a l to mind the man who -wrote that ministry whatsoever, nor shall be eral, but was advised against it ies by Imposing upon them a American tradition, the heritage and t h e Jews. .great document, Thomas Jeffer- -enforced, restrained, molested, on political, not' religious,' ground. coxirse of theological reading of American children," George grounds for intervening officially," the Star said, "but President Bon. Although all of the founders hardened In his body or goods, But Jefferson did name Reuben which their conscience^ 4o not Gillan, Omaha Post adjutant said, E1LIEF o£ the American Republic were nor shall otherwise suffer on ac-Etting of Baltimore U. S. Marshal permit them to pursue; and indiscussing the program. "Los An- Roosevelt, in an unofficial capacity, might recall fhff assurances men of liberal views, it' tvas Jef- count of his religious opinions or for Maryland at a time when un- the university lately established geles has such a big crowd that Xew Tork (WN55) — Receipt ferson's particular claim to fame beliefs; but that all men shall be der the statutes of that state here (the university of Virginia the fireworks will be shown two given to tne American delegates cf SIC,COO from the Jews in Arto* the Peace Conference about th&l he steered the new-born na-j to profess, and by argument Jews were still disqualified from which he founded on the basis" of night.-this year. Milwaukee, M i n - | t opening up of the Palestine gentina for the relif cf Polish tion toward the road to religious to maintain, their opinion in mat- public office. . So firmly did Jef-complete religious equality) -we neapolis and Chicago Legion- h e Jewry through the' Polish distriliberty as he had helped", guide J t t e r s : o £ religion, that the same ferson oppose everything that vio- hare set the example of ceasing naires also present the fireworks i area to Jevrish imigTanmts." buting committee o* the Aroeri_ . , j The change in the findings, ECto political freedom. Even if an-= shall in no wise diminish, enlarge lated in even the slightest way to violate the rights of conscience p Independence day celebra- ;c o r d S n f f to the Star, are embodied . other had authored the; Declara- or effect their civil capacities."' the right to absolute religious of the different sects respecting for tions.' in the .partition plans. In the tion of Independence Jefferson ^ The- influence, of Jefferson's- equality that he protested repeat- their religion." General admission for children i north of Palestine a large area SUARAK'TEED FUR STORAGE | would still have a place among Virginia statute was far-reaching. edly against issuing sectarian proIt was not mere coincidence ' the immortal - champions of hu-In Europe it was received with clamations for Thanksgiving Day, therefore that prompted Commo- is 25 cents, for adults 40 .cents, i will be set aside for the coatexaseats are avallabfe for j plated independent Jewish State, man- freedom, f o r - he was t h eunbounded enthusiasm.. It washolding them unconstitutional dore Uriah. P . tevy to present to- Reserved if' t i l an additional 25 cents. More than j the report said, and Jerusalem. and violative of the ', American father of j-eligious liberty in inserted in th§,new French Encythe United States government a 75 boxes have been reserved, and' and the neighboring holy places : Where Omaha Shops With Confidence separation of church and state. JAmerica. . : : • clopedia and was cited by • the statue of Jefferson, which still both King Bert Murphy and will not be completely separated! i Despite the noble - sentiments Jews of France .in their petition In correspondence with emin- stands in the Statuary hall of the Queen Jean Dudley Gallagher of .^expressed in the Declaration of for emancipation to the National ent Jews of his time after he left capitol in "Washington, and topresent Ak-Sar-Ben royalty will Patronize Our Advertisers Independence,' oa the eve of theAssembly. Jefferson himself said the "White House, Jefferson con- purchase Monticello, Jefferson's give large box parties. Many othrevolution the. American colonies of it hat "after so many ages tinued to champion-religious: lib- home, and offer it to-the govern- er Oinahans are planning child- j .•were. far from Tecognizing abso- during which. the human mind erty and to oppose discrimination ment. Kor was It an accident ren's parties at the fireworks es-'\ Visit Our KitcKenware lute religious" freedom. Jews, has been held . i n vassalage by because of race or creed. Writing that the great Statue of religious position, July 5. I Display >,Catholics, Quakers, and atheists kings,; priest and nobles . . . it is to Joseph Marx of Richmond, who liberty, which was presented to )suffered a great .variety of dis-honorable* for us , to have ^pro- had sent him a copy jof the pro-the city of Philadelphia in 1876 Wear Ever Utensiis . . . Siiex Coffee Makers . . . Pyrex Cookcriminations, .while in. many duced the first legislature who ceedings of the famous Sanhed- by -the B'nai B'rith on the cen-New York's Talmud Torahs was •ng Ware . . . Toastmaster* . . 'States one denomination or an-had the courage to declare that rln convened by Napoleon, Jeffer- tenary of the Declaration of In-taken when the five existing teachers' organizations voted to Maid's Uniforms . . . Kitchen j'other was the established reli- the reason of man may be trust- son said he read them with great dependence, should have been the amalgamate under the name o£ "Gadgets." It was in Virginia, Jeffer- ed with the formation of his ownInterest "and with the regret I work of Sir Moses EJzekiel, whose : son's native state, that' the con-opinions.", In his autobiography have ever felt at seeing a sect, statue of Jefferson stands at thethe United Federation of Hehrew Omaha Fixture and stitutional establishment of. reli- he made it plain that his law the parent and basis of all those front of th^e University of Vir-Teachers Organizations. Supply Co. gious ' liberty was first' effected. meant "to comprehend within the of, Christendom, singled out by ginia. The merger •will enable'the j ~ 11th & "Douglas Jefferson was. a member of. the mantle of its protection, the Jewall of them for a persecution and teachers to use more effective; Jefferson's, own estimate of his means in improving their wage j .. JA 2 7 2 4 state convention which on 'July 5, and the Gentile, the Christian and oppression which prove they have place in history Indicated that he 177,6, incorporated a bill of rights Mohometan, the Hindoo ,and in-profited nothing from the bene- regarded his role in the achieve- and working conditions, spokes-; in the new Virginia constitution. fidel of every denomination." Al- volent doctrines, of Him whom ments of religious liberty as men of the federation said. JThe first draft of this manifests; though Jefferson was still abroad contained a clause providing that when the Constitutional Conven- they profess to make the model ! paramount. Over his fcrave in the all men should enjoy the. fullest tion me.t in Philadelphia in 1787,of their principles and practice." j family cemetery at Monticello is toleration in the exercise of reli- his Virginia - statue Inspired the To Dr. D. De; la.Motta of Charles-Ja granite monument, bearing the gion, but Jefferson and his com-delegates to incorporate in article ton,- -who in 1820 presented him! inscription, -written by himself, j Xade Jame3 Madison strongly op- VI of the Federal Constitution Trith a copy of a discourse made and found among his papers after \ death, "Here lies bnried i the dedication of a neiv; synaposed the use of the term tolera- the clause forbidding the estab- at gogue, Jefferson" expressed his tThomas. Jefferson, author of the lishment of anyreligious test as tion aa Implying that liberty of happiness "in the restoration of j Declaration [worship' was a favor. The two fu,-a' required qualification for hold- the Jews, particularly to their so-!the Statute of Independence, of i of Virginia for re- • j ture presidents /then collaborated or public trust un-1 cial rights," and declared that he {ligious freedom, and father of,the ing any .•on a new phrjsmg which read: der the United States: Jefferson's hoped: "they, will be jafien. taking I Tjniversity of Virginia." • • . All men .are; equally entitled to la-w also paved the-way for thetheir seats in the benches of^ (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts free exercise of. religion, ac- First Amendment to. the Constitu- science as preparatory to their , Jcording to the dictates of con-tion, s-which. forbids Congress to doing the same at the board of Feature Syndicate.) 'science." And in this form it was make any law'•.respecting the government." . jpassed, thus establishing- religious establishment of religion. -•-..That Jefferson understood that UNIONS OF HEBREW llbert>-for the first time. The.sentiments expressed in tjie- the legal security of religious TEACHERS AMALGAM AXE [ During the next ten years variVirginia statute were no accident, freedom was : no guarantee that ous efforts, were made to establish' ehristianity In "Virginia. An- for Jefferson adhered to them in bigotry would be .uprooted was inual assessments in favor of thedeed and word throughout hi3 disclosed in his letter to Mordecai ant step in the unification of the iJEpiscopal Church continued until life. On the same day that the J! M. Noah in 1818. "Your sect," ,1779, when they were abolished Declaration of independence was he wrote, "by its suffering, has Benjamin furnished a remarkable proof of, on Jefferson's insistence. In theadopted, * Jefferson, 'same year he introduced a meas- Franklin and John Adams were the universal spirit oi religious itire in the Virginia legislature eri- named a committee to design a intolerance inherent in every sect, Is essential to one's happiness Why Not 4-iave a Beautiful [titled "a bill for establishing re- seal for t h e United States. The disclaimed by all while , feeble, device that was proposed depict-* and practiced by all in power. ligious freedom." It languished in ed for one side Pharoah sitting in Our laws have applied the only jcommlttee without any action be- an open chariot, a crown on hisantidote to this vice,, protecting The Cost Is No Greater Than ing taken on it until'1784, when head and a sword in his hand, our religious, as they do our civil An Imitation and the [the lawa calling for an annual tax passing through the dividing wat- rights,'by putting all. men on an MUCH LESS Sor the support- of the Christian ers of the Red Sea in pursuit of equal footing. But more remains USE religion and" for teachers of that the Jews. The reverse side show- to be done, for although we are PfATU11AL STONE religion were introduced while ed rays from a. pillar of fire free by the law we are not so in. FOR 'Jefferson was" in Prance as Unit- beaming on Moses, represented as practice; public opinion erects ited States ambassador. It wasstanding on a shore extending his self into an inquisition, and ex- DIGNITY . . . BEAUTY [Madison who Tevived Jefferson's hand over the sea causing i t to ercises its -office with as much bill, rallied opinion against the overwhelm" Pharoah. Jefferson fanaticism as fans the fires of an flaws to establish Christianity and was no stranger' to the Jews of auto-da-fe. -.- The prejudice still Jinally succeeded* in having them Colonial days. David Franks apd scowling on your section ' of our li s v r defeated in October, 1785. The Isaac Franks frequently corre- religion,- although the. older one, legislature then took up Jeffer- sponded with him, while the for-cannot be unfelt by-yourselves. It Fiora! Print Muslin, Smalt Fiorai son's law and -on January 16, mer served" as his diplomatic Prinh on Whits Dimity, Flocfc Dot O Tfciai of it—$41.53 includes meals End 3 rights' lodging |':178G, enacted into law the first courier. He also -Tcnew Haym Veils and En-g!isli Prlnfs in smart in the fanicus hotels and c SVz day motor tour during measure ever passed by a p o p u - Salomon, who is known to hav© swing •sfyjgs. Sfees !2 fo 20. which you see all the venders of nature for which the {lar assembly providing complete helped out JefferBon. with occas{freedom of .conscience, Perk is world renowned. The glorious Yellowstone Canyon ional loans. i' The preamble to this greatest and its cicn-eloua u*aterfsll, Old Faithful and scores of In" his first inaugural address jof • all documents of religious 'other roaring geysers end •boiling pools, mud volcanoes jequality declared that "our civil Jefferson once more stressed the Fourth Floor —en endless variety cf nature's handiwork. The rail arights have no dependence on our idea of religious liberty, declarfare, too, is surprisingly low—only "$35.25 this summer J ing that, "having banished from ireligious opinions ; \




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Oue of the most fascisatiag personalities in world Jetrrr. Has been the ' center of more controversies than probably any other living Jewish leader. Though seemingly retired today to the stagy of a University president, his rierrs on Jewish destiny exert a profound., influence throcghoat the world. His name is still as close to the hearts of-yosiaa people as it was in the days of the world war. Then he was virtually alone among- .Tevrfsh leaders fn daring to oppose American entry in the world conflict. A native of Oakland, California. Has experienced almost as inany careers as Xjeoii Trotzky. A person of seeming contradictions, he hm always been true to an inner compulsion. Always spoke the truth as he saw it. Entered the Hebrew Union College ES a brilliant student and as'stsr pitcher on his high school baseball team. That concern with all phases of human activity has always been characteristic of him. A key to his life was furnished when he was named editor of tlae school magazine in his senior year st the University of Cincinnati. The Dean wanted to iia^ose a censorship. Blagues rebelled and threw rap his job. In days when Zionism was a caase for reproach he became its x^aloas proponent. Ea^er to identify himself with the mass of the Jewish people, he unslertoolj to master Tltldish. And he did. Shifted from pulpit to pulpit in search of the best medium for self-ej-pressSonWhile preaching Zioaism to a wealthy Reform congregation in Brooklyn, he lived Orthodoxly. "When r he was rabbi at Temple Emann-El he terrified many of his congregants by emphasizing s o c i a l justice. Then he assumed the leadership of an Orthodox congress" tion. Found.no spiritual satisfaction there either. Sen-ed as secretary of the- Federation of American Zionists. Helped lay foundations for N e w Xorit's Jewish educational system. Took leading role in organization" of the KehjHah. Raised large fends in 1G35 for Jewish self-defesse ia Ressia. But tb.at.did not .prerent him from preaching pacifism in. 1017, when Department ol Justice ageate trsflwl him constantly. Withflresr to PaTs-stise after the • "-war. Has raised three" sons tlier«v the, olflest of whom is rast a sfedesit ia1 the University to which Msgnes has dssroted the last tbirteea years of his life. The other •sons .have settled -oil the land. Being first Chancellor of the Hebrew University End novr its President has removed Magnes from the stress of Jewish leadership.




lift Confidence



On Monday, Jnly 5th, Dr. eously in "building up the first maintained by this great Jewish Judab Iieil> Magnes, President •university that the Jewish peofigure. "My hope for you," Dr. of the: Hebrew University in -ple have given to the world in Albright wrote, "is that you con: JfrrisalMn, celebrates his six- modern times. For : this alone j tinue fighting in the van for your tieth birthday. • The Seven Arts l yonr name willl always be remem-1j ideals." And Dr. Harry WoodFeature Syndicate and the bered for a blessing." burn Chase, Chancellor of New Jevrish Press present, in this York University, paid his tribute The chief executives of two ! exclnsive article, a. cross-secn o tonlT States sent their greetings, to Dr. | to the intellectual height tion of congratulatory mesf sages by outstanding American Magnes. From the Executive of Dr. Magnes bbut to his personalities, Jewish and non- Mansion at Albany, N. Y., the j administrative ability in a trying Jcwish, on- the occasion of Dr. letter from the Hon. Herbert H. • position; "There are only a few Lehman, Governor of New York, j instances in modern educational Magnes' anniversary.—THE contained this message: "I have! history in which an educational EDITOR. been advised that on July 5th you j institution has been built up as will celebrate your sixtieth birth-1 rapidly and. as soundly as the It comes ; as a surprise to a day.- May I join some of your;[Hebrew University. I can myself •world that: still responds^ with countless friends in sending you I t l l m t o £ o n I y o n e ° r T I enthusiasm to' the vitality Of his jm y heartiest congratulations and i s t a I ) C e s l n t n e v h o l e i i s t o r y o t Tigorous liberal thinlnng.' It Is a jbest wishes? I recall with, the ''• h i sber education in the United little bit oi a-shocfc- to'his host I greatest satisfaction, my long as-i s t a t e s - T h i s ff l e f d l d and impresof friends and admirers in every. s o c i a tion with you, which dates i s i v e ™ r k ™« . a ^ T " b e a &<** land. land " back to the early to Dr. Magnes. and I join y years of of tthhee! tribute ! o s t o of f academic friends friends Dr. Judah' Leib Magnes.-Pres- century, when you first became a ; --i «n«htlshWia s hhost t academy ident of the Hebrew University great Influence in the life of the j ; country in sending him in Jerusalem, will be sixty years Jewish community of the city greetings and good wishes.'* Dr. old. through the creation of 'ETehil- Karl T. Compton, president of Or rather, as Dr. Cyrus Adler lah.' Since then your .leadership the Massachusetts Institute of phrased it, "sixty years young." in spiritual, educational and civic Technology, sent personal con"They tell me," Dr. Adler wrote fields has been greatly inspiring gratulations "as a fellow educain a letter'of birthday greetings, j to the peoples both here and tor." Federal Judge Julian "W. Macic "that you will shortly be sixty ' abroad, sent "the wish and hope that years old . . . 1 can hardly beThe Hon. Henry Horner, GovwichPQ rt,t i your activities as lieve it." Supreme Court Justice j ernor Benjamin K. Card 020, in b i s jDr. Magnes' sixtiethwashes that, t h e U n i birthday i t y m a y CoEtinne. for greeting, confesses that he beginning of "a more or less incredulous ear" j another. Jong period of even ticipate in the erection of a realto the report that the sixtieth an- j greater service 7to RocT-md'To! God and t o . . superstructure on gloriotls niversary of Dr. Magnes' birth jy o u r fellow-men, and that you firm foundations which •was soon to be celebrated, and j ^m b e rewarded with life's blessmore than any other, have insisted that it he "authenticated j ^ s i n abundance." "Your splenDr. Abraham Flexner. by witnesses of snch high Tepute'| d i d accomplishments in the re- laid." that I may no lonprer put it by i l i g f o u s M d , educational fields." head of the Institute for Adas baseless." And Felix M. War-1G o v e r n o r Horner wrote, "have vanced Study, offered his hopes national boundar-it^t to Dr. Magnes would come burg, -who recently- risited Dr. t r a n s c e n a e a Magnes. was astounded that the As the guiding spirit of the i many years to witness the fruitles.. great Jewish edncatqr"and~lead- Hebrew University in that an- ful outcome ot 'your devoted er, .whose, appearance and ideal- cient and hallowed, little country labor." ism Mr. Warburg describes•••_• as which was the cradle of Judasim, The voices of two friends, both "that, of a man in his twenties," you arer helping • magnificently to great leaders of public opinion ! could really be sixty years old. bring about a Tealisation of - a in this country, expressed admirStill it is true. On July 5th, dream which has long engrossed ation for Dr. Magnes. Arthur • his birthday, Dr. TMagnesVwill r fi- many Jewish hearts and minds, Hays ^ulzberger. publisher of the ceive at his home in J e r u s a l e m ! . ^ t o ^ p ^ g ^ a n d teach those ] New York Times, in sending his an album of 64 pages, each one 1 s p i r 3 t u a l ^ a cultural ideals for | greetings, wrote: "Particularly a-dedication from an American which you so long and effective-j does this give me pleasure in friend and admirer. From -many ly have labored." view of the refreshed sense of •calks of life — governors -of From the presidential cham-! J ^ r ^alne to the community States, colleagues in university hers : of leading universities of presidential chairs, financiers. America contact with you in Palestine. letters filled with glow- ful communal "leaders, i admiration came pouring in. i n . | Ts eoni sl re balance, yonr po!se, your men—birthday l=n • „,v Herbert M.Hutchins, brilliant; to o f i n s t 5 c e *** characteriasident of the XTniver-1 ^nicb. lor the past thirty spontaneously forthcoming. They "' have learned to regard -trere' collected by. the .American exnressed the• Never before,. however. had I realized their full meaning city, . _ to Dr. Slagnes: "Your distin•bound, and forwarded t o - D r . guished service as President of I until I saw yon in that land Magnes. so that a pirmE which suffers so much because tlihonial to the love and esteem the Hebrew University in Pales- these particular qualities are so tine is . gratefully recognized not In -which "he is held here might only by people of your own faith. rare.' Oswald Garrison Tillard, but "by intelligent men and wo--[editor, -wrote movingly of their of surprise, -when a men of every belief throughout j common * - ^ " M J. I vrorld was plunging blindly into the Dr. Magnes TTni- i^ar twenty years ago. "You have -welfare of Jewisn "life elo-1 fought—and fight—every day thought were eagerly sent to him. quently declared: "Our world is And the hope that many years lie better and brighter for the sixty ahead, of him, when; he can conyears of your stay." Dr. "W. F. tinue to' inspire and~~direct the Albright, president of Johns Hop; thoughts and actions ot world kins University, recalled an in-' Jewry. stance when Dr. Magnes was in"I congratulate you with all strumental in the saving of lives my heart on the great things; on a Mesopotamian expedition, that you have done and the great' and cited the unstinted admirathings that you have been," Jus- tion that had been won and tice Cardozo continues in his letter. "They are the harbingers of like achievements in the years that lie ahead." The only word that Mr. "Warburg can find to describe the achievements of Dr. Magnes is "amazing," and the Blsfrihufor of fhi Brass. Bronze, Aluminum, financier pays tribute to the edSoft Grey Iron and Semiucator, writing:. "He certainly /**% ft V% /Rs rff*i, Steel Castings, Wood and used his magnetic powers to atMetal Patterns and Sash I * v*. tract people to that country (PalWeights carried in stock. estine) and to Inspire them to Bronze and Cast Iron help in the building up of a cul. Grilles a specialty. tural center there." Dr. Adler 27th and Martha St. Wev/ Revolutionary Principles ©f adds: "In these/past ten years of HA 5523 difficulties and vicissitudes you fhh Wev/ Aaforsafic Burner have labored wisely and courag-

•I the good fight. I pray that your fin Icr the Union Theological serenity and your vrisdom Trill be ;Seminary; Dr. Jcliar. IWcrpes-' vouchsafed to your university, j stern for the Hehrew I'nion Col. 1t your people and ycrar country for! lege. Xiocis L-ipsky sent his best at least two decades more." 1 wishes to Dr. Jlagnes, "the sym- • IX1& a c o A high dignitary of the Pro- \bol of'Jewish youth." Mrs. Re-i testant' Charch led the clergy, : bekah Kohut's greeting was fil:ed \ AGEIxi Jewish and son-Jewish, In seed-. with emotion- and the memory of ; ing respects to Dr. Masrnes. Dr. ;the glorious career which she fol-! Harry Emerson Fosdiek,- of the: loured with inspiration from C&H- : Jerus Riverside Church, wrote: "If I ; fornia, vrhere Dr. Masrnes was could only talk Hebrew, I would horn, to its present high seat on , e " c - " ' ! : salute you in one of your own Mount Scepus, in the Hebrew ; T>Elestii benedictions, but as it is, English; University. For Hndassah, Mrs. : had co will have to suffice, and von may; Edward ,7arobs fert h^r ^vv^- >the e x ; be sure that it conies from a : ciation,. "a ce"bt of ' gratitude f o r j t r - r s e loyal and friendly heart." Rabbi: having known you ana for hav-, Jewish Stephen S. Wise-said: "It seems j ing been ir.rpireS by those 'fins '•• The incredible that the incurably j rpirittia! Qualities vrlrJcfc Ere f0 , hitberti youthful Magnes should be ap-1 rare, especially in our world oT ; Actual proaching his sixtieth birthday. I; today." Ar.d scores of others, too • i S t s v had thought that only vre elder; many to enumerate, hsve preet-. two -we men could be in the sixties, and ; ings in this birthday plbrm wnica ' r..r_i now we are to be joined by ihis American friends have sent tc secOIK youthful you." And though ad-.,: Dr. I.Iagnes. mitting that at times he and Dr. \ The Magnes have differed on comtnon j Ijondo-c arrived in !(;!••. Soviet R Jewish problems, Dr. Wise add- ! i i s n "Plr ed: "2so difference in vievrpoiEt Biro iJIdjan riari; XcYi "'i tncl" 3ev, v a c has ever prevented me from holdtO >,£.pL)"ifeOI. I" v. 1 £J1CS Moscow (JTA) — The Council | " " ing you ia honor and from evalulating tha measure and mood of' of People's Commissars arr.o-jnc-1 your service to world Israel. May' ed the.ratification cf the first in-j the youthful dreamer dream on Etailment of a new five-ye^r plan and live to see in"iis own day to develop Biro-Bidjan industrialthe fulfillment of vision and the ly-arid agriculturally aad increase the population of the Jewish auattainment of all high nopes." Rabbi Samuel Schulman cf tonomous region by 100,000. An order signed by ViacLeslav Temple Emanu-El, ICew Tori, sent a benediction, and Rabbi : Kclotoff, president el the council Samuel H. Goldenson, also of j provides that the Comzet, GovEmanu-El, found the advocacy by !ernment commission lor Jewish ; Dr. Magnes cf a B'rith Shalom j land settlement, colonize 2,160 "in keeping with our finest tra- families and 1,020 individuals in ! ditions. I naay add that it is good Biro-Eidjan in IS37. ' The council assigned 9,000,000 ' statesmanship as well." I Dr. Louis I. Newman, wrote: "I j know that you vriil receive a mulj titude cf greetings from all parts l^of the world, but permit me to j say that none will be more I friendly and wholehearted than I these few words on behalf of *•"' 1 Bjid store y c c ! Congregation Rodeph Sholom and f i rneuts. Pay fc m » br~ I myself.'' The Rev. Dr. David ce j j Sola Pool wrote that of Dr.'| Magnes it cannot be true that | I "ben shishim lezitca" (Age is at j i three score). "As a valiant fight-j I er for difficult and unpopular | ? lit on*—^^K^orsv e Voi '1 er Overceets . . . . . \cu h I causes," Dr. Pool aaded, "you \ have fought a good fight, and net I srd rrii c Cs-ts . . . . . . . . in lost causes." Speaking for the younger men. Rabbi Miltoa Stein-' berg, of the Park Avenue Syna-j gogue, declared: "Your career j f UTr 3's.ou-t en A has been a source of joy and in- j I Cailed For Epiration to hundreds of younger | men engaged in Jewish activity ! throughout the world." j


Dr. A. S. "W. Rosenbach, presi- j dent of the American'Friends c£i the Hebrew "Oliversity, sent his! regards and the greetings of the j Board, of Governors. A. X<. Sachar spoke for the B'nai B'rith Hillel Founfiations; Dr. .Henry S. Cof-



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the junior Softball league last Kit! Cfill G ' v =e>:. The ball took a terrific [ besting as home runs were the I f AMERICA TO '1 c~t"sr of the <iE.y. There vrill be no games on REGISTER July 4th, the lads saving some of Ey 0r. PJutss? Slter £*ab!t3bed overy IHYfflny nt Omaha, Nebraska, j New York ( V N S ) — Germans ; tfae'r "fire"' for firecrackers, RI THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY I born in Iff 17 v, ho are residents of BIBLE ! the Truieri States have been injnembers eontir,ns to en- ; fltmcteci i.e rej.iRtPt v/ith the nearOnbscrlDttoB Prtca. one year • * •.."• • - $2.00 O your perversity! shall the Advertising rates furnished oa application. roll in the J. C. C. athletic de- ! est German consul before July potter be esteemed as clay, that Jerusalem (WNS-Paleor the thing made slioald say of Mm j ency) — Rigid control of t h e partment. Those welcomed last £Oth for service in the German Editorial Oftlco: 600 uranaets Theater Bonding. : army. that made it, "he hath made me jj northern frontier which separates •week included: Sloox City Office—-Jewish fJonjnninltjr Center • : •Teznes Konn, Marvin Stein, j The Deutsche Weckruf not" or the thing framed say pt Syria from Palestine -will be iauml P r i n t Shop Address: 4604 So. 24tb Street \ him that framed/ it, "he hath no augurated almost immediately, it Barney Kuhn, Djrotliy Marie ! Eeob&cbier. 'S&zi organ in the By Babbi Frederick Co*hn DAVID BLACKER • • Business and Managing Editor Kent, Snirler Shertnan, Rutn ; United Stales, carries a notice -of understanding." •was learned here following the Linda, Doris I/inda, Arlene CocpJTRANK R. ACKERMAN - . . . . • • rEdlto? We are on the eve of .'The Fourth' (which this year is the reorganization of the front! N er, Arnold Duncan, Justin Simon, the mobilization, in its current IsThe humble also shall increase FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent sue. their Joy in the Lord, and the j patrol. fifth), America's glorious Festival of Independence. By win- neediest AWN P I L L • - • • . ; . . . ' « s i o u i City. lowa. Correspondent among men .shall exult - The ne-w force comprises 200 Ira JacksoE, Mrs. H. C. KcKinThe order f.pp'ies to all perler, Nate Crounse, Bruce Kosen. ning our political independence of Great Britain we made pos- in the Holy One or Israel. Britons and Arabs and SO Jews. Grey .E. Wassoc, Bonnie Hall. : sons of Grrn-.pn parentage or sible the realization of what may he said to constitute our They alsra that err in spirit The .commander of the new unit Stanley Rubin, David Kraus, Fan- , birth, ever, ff rb.rr r-rp now natAmerican: ideals, the essence of Americanism, most tersely ex- shall come to understanding, and i be placed in tire lianas of a nie Wolfson, Anna Tee, YVIlda uralized, citizens nf the United A new militancy, a new aggressiveness rippled, underneath pressed in the familiar phrase, 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of they that miirmur shall learn in-1 British officer wlio will have ! Kline, Maxine Ellis, Virginia States. J J struction. the surface of the fortieth annual convention of the Zionist happiness.' These may be summed up in the one word 'happiHeprl- Gate, Doris Schneider, Betty , , • \, >ewish ewish and and Arab A a deputies, p Brown and. Ruth Fullerton. ! Organization this week. It suggests that finally the American ness'; for the real object of 'life' is happiness, of which it is sayPeople prophesy delusions who j m \, located in Safed. q u a r t e r s w e unto the prophets:: "Proph- iS e r e r a i stations hare alreafiy . Zionists are refusing to be merely the chief money-raising the vehicle and possibility; 'liberty' is the indispensable means esy not unto us right things; • feeen € r e c t e d a T l d a neWroafl is _ Gds A. F. L Charter The Center athletic department for under constniction source for Palestine and intend 4o become a powerful voice'in of happiness, without which it is altogether impossible; and speak unto cs smooth things." I York n v x s i f^rnapnRue close CE July 4th and 5th at TAIJUUD cf 63 kilometers, pppkinp the pprvthe affairs of the world Zionist organization. the 'pursuit of happiness' is not what is so much desired as Eabbi Juda said: "Forty days .[length jt h e L e 1 b a n e s e a n d S y r i a n frontiers 1 p. in, each fiar. The junior girlfi' ices of atinn? Orthofiox csntors will evim CI-ISK will be held Monday The Zionist convention invoked the treaty signed by the attainment;-what boots its mere 'pursuit' if that is before the creation ct a child, & \&nd s t r e t c h i n g f r o m Lake Huleh at 9:30 E. m. as'usual. henceforth have to deal with Heavenly Toice comes forth and j ft], t f a e w a y w e s t t o t h e M e d U e r United States with Great Britain i n l 9 2 ^ ^ f ^ ^ t r thwarted and frustrated in the end! them as members of orpmized says: 'The daughter of so and so j a party to the terms-of the League of Tsation^ Mandate for J. C. C. swimmers have been labor for the Jewish Ministers shall marry the son of so and!i ranean. The project vriU mTolre a total raising quite a splash Palestine, and called upon the government of the United States 'Happiness', despite the contrary view in some quarters, is so.1 " in the Cantors' Association nf America been piven a oVmrfor by the to intercede with Great Britain to prevent any violation of a legitimate; ideal for life. God wishes all His creatures to be Rabbi Popa said: "Anger in a cost of 5500,000 and is part of ; SWjmm57ijr pool passing tesrs! has American PerierFtior of I^abpr, the Palestine government's pro' .Those v;ho received American \ home is like a worm in a beauthe Mandate arising from the expected recommendations of the happy, and therefore has created a universe with the means tiful plant." gram to halt illegal immigration Red Cross bpginnprs' hff.gPK tire! The charier was prpsented at Royal Commission as a violation of the American-British pact. of happiness strewn everywhere prodigally about. It is for Rabbi Chesda said: "in the from these two countries and to Harold Marer, Charles Eaton,' mass meeting of cantors. very beginning before Israel had I strengthen the defense of Pales- ivilbur Eaton, Robert P : rtzk'-, , It spoke the voiee of American Jewry that while "physically man to seek these out and utilize and apply them, Myron Milder, Clayton ?>'r-rr. The view of life which regards happiness as a proper and committed sins, -the Shechina i tine, we Jews would not and could not resist the force of an emJustin Simon, Larry Potrsh. Cibdwell with each and every pire, morally and spiritually we American Zionist declare we desirable ideal is called /Hedonism.' This word is derived from would erg Trho have been imprpp^ivp .P. one; but as soon as Israel comwill never, never, never give assent to the partition of Pales- a Oreek word which means 'pleasure.' There are all kinds of mitted sin, the Shechina departtheir s-srim work are Alden Ltn-' coin, Bill Stie'ier, Gordon iSIargo- j tine." This is far more encouraging than the compromising, pleasures, physical, intellectual, spiritual, and moral. There ed from them." By EAT SOUAPIEQ lia afid Bruce Greenberg r h o Rabbi Joseph said: "Always are the higher and the lower pleasures. There are the pleasures vacillating attitude so often manifest before. It dovetails into Passed their "Red Cross Swimmers shall a man take'lessons from the the determination of the convention that henceforth American of the senses including the so-called sensual which as a Have- ethics of his creator, for God dis- Sol Yaffe must have a great test. ; Zionism must be consulted more prominently in deciding world lock-Ellis has shown lie, like two lovers, close to the spiritual. regarded all high mountains and \ weakness for ice cream these hot counseled his Shechina to rest! days. As many as 50-6C youngsters Zionist problems. Significant was the petition to the British There are-the aesthetic pleasures, having to do with beauty, and on So great is his lore for the fro- climb into the pool in morning . •.-,•• , „ , .. „ •, ., .•• „ , a n a gave gave the m e Torah x o r a n to 10 Israel IS i Royal Commission on; Palestine reminding the British Govern- harmony, symmetry, pleasures of art and of. architecture, of j zen dessert, that he defeated the sessions, reports Lee Grossman o u n t s i n a i • ( w h I e h ls not so J. C. C. and ' Midwest A. A. U. who is making much headway 1c. jment that the American government had played a consider- painting,, sculpture, and music. There are the pleasures of the Mtell.) Rabbi Joshua said': "One who i handball champion, Jake Schrieb- teaching the bays and girls the >able part in arranging Britain's League of Nations mandate mind, which Hamerton.has so classically described, intellectual welghs his ways in this world so ' man, in the finals of the "treat" •essentials'of swimming. • for Palestine, the.American Presidents, Congress and the people delights of literature, culture, scientific investigation, philo- as to find out the right cause will !I handball tournament last "week at rewarded to see the salvation the Center. • had shown great interest in it, and that American Jews had sophic speculation, and an reflection. There are above all the be FREE! An Expert Counsel • o r oir^ R o o m Arr^irii of the Holy One, praised be He." Though Schreihnian -was hear- i put $81,000,000 into -.the- country, since 1918 in contributions i spiritual pleasures which find their supreme expression in re- Rabbi Chama said: "Whoever ily favored by the rail birds, they i Iigion. starts a thing and does not com-'hadn't figured on Yaffe's weak-1 ^,1"' ' and investments. : . , ...*.'; plete It and another comes and ness for ice cream. The opposite of 'Hedonism' is 'Asceticism,' the refraining " The Jewish community in America is the most forceful inr "^ • 1. r r~ ,*~ from all pleasure, the looking upon life itself as sinful, a thing finishes It, the Scriptures consid- Giants defeated Cards, IS to the world. Our. active participation in Avorid Zionist ^affairs to be repressed, and" even suppressed, involving the practice ers the one who finishes it as having performed the entire 10, and Tanks won over Tigers, Use Oer 'E&.ty F&ynTrr't will put a healthy glow in place of- the paleness which has of self-denial, even in the extremist form of positive self-inflic- task." IS to S, in "pitchers' battles" in disturbed us of late. , • Rabbi Juda said: Why did Jo-1 tion, castigation, and even torture. seph die before his older broth- j George Eliot has aptly termed the two points of view as ers? Because he assumed airs of', superiority. respectively,. 'this-Avorldliness' and 'other-worldliness.' The moral sense of the world is today in. a tragic position, Rabbi Joshua said: "A worastl Judaism stands emphatically for 't^his-worldliness.' Though prefers to live together with her ' •with world conscience dulled thrcfugh the ascendency of inter- not disbelieving in a future world (as the Sadducees of .old) husband even with less luxury,," national gangsterism and racketeering. " though, in fact believing in it as a matter of faith and hope, it rather than have a brok-n hone. 1 '

by members of the Catholic religion. However, he has not been officially censored, and at a time when every effort is being made to bring about concerted effort on the part of all religion - - Jewish, Catholic and Protestant - - we believe that action should be taken, to stop the continued mouthings of Father Conghlin as a priest, since discord and ill-feeling can be the only results.


Genss of tho BI and Talmud

- / • .-The.Philosophy of Happiness**


New Zioniot Well-Spring





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Fight Un-Americanism


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Not so many'years back, the people of the United- States nevertheless puts chief emphasis upon this world ('One world would have been horrified to learn'of the insidious propaganda at a time I' as Thoreau said when he was being comforted upon being imported into our land of liberty by alien Nazis. Today, his death-bed) in the here and now, and life here and now. propaganda seeps in openly and/the exhortations to stem the It is characteristic of Judaism to take an optimistic view. It seepage are -looked Upon with inaction. When; Representative regards the universe as good, as having been created hj a Dickstein as chairman of the Immigration .Gbnimittee pfi the good and loving God, where 'tender mercies are over all His House of Representatives asked Congress for'an appropriation works.*- Its injunction to man is 'to rejoice' and it has estabto Investigate alien propaganda in this country by "Nazis, Com- lished express Festivals of Joy (like the Feast of Succoth, for mnnists and Fascists, his request was voted down . . .despite example). By implication it regards asceticism as wrong, as facts and figures proving the un-American tendencies- of this an insult to God, a spurning of his gifts, a slap in the face, propaganda on a wide scale. as it were, to the Almighty, the Divine Bestower of all blessNow, he reports to Congress tliat he has available motion pictures of Nazi military groups in action at Northfield IlL/I'ngs. Its Its highest highest spiritual spiritual word word is is 'blessing' 'blessing' which which is is naught naught to support his charge that Nazi spies are drilling ik.tnis coun- but sublimated happiness, happiness raised to the 'n-th' deree trv HA try. He rininta points out that the German consul in New York passes S - And Israel's ro}e in the world, its so-called 'mission' (howon application for.membership.in Nazi groups in this country, ever much the Zionists may dislike the word) is to make hapand they are then forwarded to the War Office in Berlin for piness universal as expressed to Abraham: 'In thee and in thy final approval. Add to this the fact that Camp Siegfried, the seed, shall all the families of'the earth be blessed!' Nazi camp at Yaphank, Long Island, has disgeaced the Ameri- . And Judaism has revealed the secret of happiness," the can name, with its uniformed storm troopers and its maltreat- indispensible condition to its attainment: through righteousment of any Catholics or Jews who may wander near. Con- ness. There can be no true lasting happiness without rightsider that Dr. Hans Diecklioff, recently named German am- eousness. 'The work of righteousness shall be peace, and the bassador to this country, is one of the leading Nazi propagan- effect of righteousness, quietness arid 'assurance forever' - dists, while Baron Manfred von Killinger, once indicted for and peace is the foundation of happiness. All the misery and the murder of Matthias Erzberger, finance minister of Ger- wretchedness in the world: war, hate, strife, evil of every sort, many in 1921> is the new German consul-general for San are/due to unrighteousness of one kind or another, in one place or another. Vice, crime, sin plunge the world into unFrancisco. • •: , AH this means ah even more concentrated, drive-by the happiness, disaster, and ruin. 'There is no peace to the wicked' Nazis to infliiet their poisonous propaganda upon the Ameri- says Judaism. The world becomes a turbulent ocean, whose can people. The approach of Independence Day is an excel- wild waves of mad confusion casjt up mire and filth. There lent time to remind.us that 'ere it is too late Ave must fight is anarchy and chaos, restlessness and uncertainty, fear and suspicion,-impending panic. the un-American forces which threaten our liberty. On the contrary Judaism says "Do well and you will fare well." Well-being, another word for happiness, lias its roots Should Be Curbed i Now that the, honeyed voice from Royal Oak has been and foundation in well-doing. Everyone has a 'right to be happy' (as Mrs. Bertrand temporarily chased from the airlines by the broadcasting of R u s s e 1 1 s o the cavortings of the sandlot, the pompous radio priest is ardently contended, - - though she and Lord Russell seeking new ways to restore himself to public sight and! s e e m t o h a ^ e m a d e a m e s s o f t h i s happiness.- - like the chief characters in Eugene O'Neill's "Strange - - their hearing. I a n t a l h f e alas With the apparent success of John Lewis before him,' ? ' > h a v i n 8 b e e n wrecked on the rocks of div o r c e ! ) Y e s evP1 Father Coughlin-now realizes ' Tone has a 'right' to be 'happy'; but Impg g he missed a golden opportunity p p y : mm ee ss ss bby not capitalizing ilii h t l b t d i ki j P "^u™?? happiness on the current labor unrest and is making joPr w i p 'e "^u™?? happiness, the the kind kind that that does does not not wear wear off off off l l k e r o u e f r o m a a belated entry into a field that many persons consider overS woman's face is possible only crowded. I through the right! Father Colighlin's personal unions are to differ from other I ^ A n t l happiness has to be universal to be possible at all, labor organizations. They will allow no Jews to share in the f o r a sm^le P oerso ^'s unliappiness threatens and jeopardizes a11 tt hh ff a11 e rest. As H Herbert said his ut| t h e "f1?? p t 1A b t SSpencer id iin hi .benefits to be derived from their collective activities. But| early Avork 011 S o c i a i Father Coughlin is disclaiming an anti-Semitic bias magnaiii-1 " Statics ' (influenced by .Ralph Waldo i 1 E m e r s o n ) "X° one mously reassures us that he will protect "the Jews and their can be perfectly happy till all are happy. n o t on 'y f° r our own happiness, but for "s tncn minoritv rights." the lia iess of The Catholic church has looked with strange tolerance on: PP" »«. V™ assuring oiir own happiness and fillthis would-be American Don Sturao. The "church, that oneej 1 " 6 l l f e ' s haPP™css-ciip to the brim, so that we may say with threatened Galileo with death because he voiced a now ac-j t h e P s a l m i s t > "My cup runneth over" and surely "goodness cepted innocuous astronomical theory,-permits this member | and mercy will follow us all the days of our life" aud "we of its priesthood to affront and insult. By the clotli-he wears ! slia11 d w e 1 1 i n t l i e H o u s e o f t h e L o r d Profoundly true are those simple lines: * he is, in the eyes of non-Catholics, a spokesman for the church. "Be good, fair maid, and let who will be clevor; Alien-born^ a member of an'unworldly brotherhood,-Father Do noble things, not dream them all day long; Coughlin has taken it upon himself to re-interpret the AmeriAnd thus make life, death and that Vast Forever can tradition. Other aliens, who would insult the.President One' Grand Sweet Song! as he has, would be made to pay for such indiscretions. The Jews seek BO entry into Father Coughlin's unions. It - - Frederick >Cohn. is too obvious that.the priest is seeking new salve for his ego. Nor in the event that his sincerity was imquestioned,' would If talking has ever settled a human problem, vre have yet to learn of the incident . . . -which gives yon a fair idea of our the Jews have the desire to protest their exclusion. opinion of most speeches. Father Couglilin's diatribes have been severely criticized

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By ROBKBT STOXE j NORTH AMERICA | JUDGE OF GERMAN AN'CES-' TRY FLAYB SAZl CAMP AT YAPHAXK Which goes to prove that the Nazi poison does. not flow in all German veica. ! PLEDGE TO CHARITY BIND-' ING AND ENFORCEABLE, N. Y. ! SUPREME COURT RULES . . .J A long-needed ruling that should I do a lot of good. | FLORIDA SENATOR COM-' PARES NEW DEAL FOES TO' CRITICS OF MOSES DURING ' WILDERNESS TREK . . that The] tax evasion ;evelations show we have our golden calf worshippers too. JEWISH BOYS IN CALIFORNIA C. C. C CAMP COXTRI-j BUTE TO JEWISH WELFARE FUND . . . Their Elite is more significant thaa a millionaire's thojisand-dollar contribution. YESKIVA COLLEGE SETS] UP SCHOLARSHIPS FOI> FOREIGN JEWISH STUDENTS . . . A beautiful gesture of solidarity. EUROPE POLISH RABBI GETS PALESTINE VISA FROM KING OF, ENGLAND Unfortunately' there's no such luck for the other i 3,000,000 Polish Jews who'd likei to ffo to Palestine. NAZI HOLD JEWESS FOR SON'S "RASSENSCHANDE" . . . | Just like the Nazis to interpret I the biblical phrase about the sins j of fathers in reverse English. i MUSSOLINI'S PAPER • CLAIIIS ! ITALIANS ARE ARYANS . . . .' Falling in step with Adolf, eh?. I GERMAN PAVILION AT PAK-! IS FAIR IN UPROAR AS AR-| YAN SWITCHBOARD OPERA-' TOR WEDS SWISS JEW . . . . | That'll teach Hitler to let his | sheep out into rtrange pastures. >

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On H$ eastern exposure ... . th« New Palm BeacK is impeccably business-like. On the west, a half be!t, four discreet pleafs and a eomlorfakie vent give it an unmirfuUble outdoor air. Theft the way discrininstin^ rssn like their fashions these days . . . with e town-rif Kf, tolly-he, two-time point cf view. The new checks, ^di$,

whites end solid colors

we're showings-sing right h turn with the ^©od old' •ummertim®. The pries justifies every man owning

(Copyright 1937 By Seven Arts • Feature Syndicate.) |

severe! Palm Beach ©1utfits.

Jor.as Phillips Levy was niaf.a captain cE the port -r-f Vera Cruz after its purrendor to the» Unitr.i i1 States during the war •wlth-31crico.

16 COT,TS,C"



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THE J1JWISH PHESS, FKIDAT, .JTLT 2, Ifo?" TRIP'EAST ' • .Mr. Sidney Adler left last week on an extended trip to New York and other eastern cities.

: .(WNS). — Germans «17"3ft-ho are residents of p States have been inp register with the nearan consul before July service in the German

A. I. A. 110.1

" ' C'The semi-E1 •• . E l , £ C V At a.special meeting nest Tuesfieers of the I . JL * r- r P " I ~ ^ .. held s.t t i e L ~ day evening- Stanley Turkey Paul By Mrs. David M. thy Katzraan Schapiro, Nathan Korneraann and OX EASTERN TBIP New office— Mrs. H. Silverman and Eon, Bernard Epstein will be formally Peanut Bwtter B~cp Cookies T * ] Clare TCintrr ' Donald/ are on an extended trip initiated into Mother Chapter No. Vz cup peanut butter, % cup 1 * Locise TiTintieast. After stopping in Chicago, 1. A. 2. A. butter; % cup sugar; 2 eggs. 1 - ^ • - - , cMiss Bernice Z New committee- chairmen lor cap raisins, 1 cup • sifted Boston; and New York, they will FRESHMAN-KOXXTER HONORED AT DINNER, cake 1 Miss Dorctt" " Miss Betty Kotler, daughter of 'Morris Ricblin, son of Mr, and go to Lynn, Massachusetts to visit the nest six months were an- flour; 11£ teaspoons baking pow- er; Kiss RuJV — ~t* - n — - „ Mrs. Silverman's sister, Mrs. D. nounced at the last meeting: der, *4 cup milk, pinch of salt. Mrs. Jennie Ivotler, became the Mrs. Harry Richlin,' who was bride of Harry Freshman, son of Bar MItzvah on Saturday at the H. Terlil. They will return early Membership, Harry Goodbinder; Cream peanut butter and butsie Katz, — ^ i n < h o pal1 Cultural nommlttep Committee, MnrrisArMorris Ar- ter. Add the sugar and cream the •Pall. Mrs. ~B. Freshman, on Sunday, B'nai Jacob Synagogue, was hon- in Cultural Abrahams-"tybitman; Athletics, Herb Meches; ' June 20, at the home, of the ored at a dinner Sunday evening. well. Add eggs one at a tisie. Afid j j,fiss "Vera Social, Leo Sherman; Social ser-; fruit. Sift • flour, baking powder I j,jiss L,OaiPe bride. Rabbi David A. Goldstein Harry Mendelson was toastmast- TRIP TO CAUFOBXL\ vice, Morton JJargolin; Religion, i together and afid alternately Mr. and Mrs. B. officiated at the ceremony. er at the gathering -which includr Miss Eernlce Z;- t £ - rt E —• and son, Sam, are leaving the milk. Drop by teaspoonsful on d 150 guests. j The bride -wore a princess-styl- ed on ris Adler; Property, Morris Kir-; J uly 5t o r a a cooky sheet. Bake for 10 rain-| W £n bs held ed satin gown with a train and Mr. Sam Epstein spoke on "How! , «**•*«*. trip to CalT ecI l f r a i.a ?.Ior-! ute's. TTi issi it t ff rr ii ee ndd s shenbaum; and Pnblicity, a lace veil which was gathered to be a a Better e w , and J to be Better JJew", and MrMr J l f ° r arieal;a t l ,vThe * ™'» s.rgie Katz. ton Margolin. : es at the head with seed pearls. Morris Minkin on "Judaism Here j ™* to several California '- Jake Adler, the chapter's new- j Bate sisd X«t bars Out-of-town guests "at the wed- and in Palestine." J. Zelinsky cities. 3 : ly elected advisor was chosen as ,-i cup raelted butter; 1 ding included > Estelle Mold of sahg a group of folksongs and coach of the baseball team. The sugar, 2 eggs well beaten, Glendale, California; June Kot- Mr. Harold Kaplan played ssver„ -t — , p-V v ' * "• ' '• firEt practice of the seasoa will cups flour, teaspoon baking j ler of Long Beach, California; al violin solos. be held nest Sunday. "ET EEL Out-of-town guests ^included Harold Kotler of San Francisco; powder, few graiss of ss.lt. I cup A formal invitation to the i dates cut fiae, 1 cup chepped peBenny Freshman of- Berkeley; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kosten and Hollywood — The correct cc~! summer tournament to be held in ; cans or walnuts. Mrs. N. Goldberg of South Haven, children of Washington, D. C, '< coctioa of the Kerry Karrcs ir Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. M. and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ru- Council Bluffs was extended to j Combine ingredients ia o r d e r ^ Enot o t a fiasi cf'tfce ECEE-EI >rt Five-year-old Stewart Tully al- the chapter by Max Turner, ad- • named and spread ia a shallow-; the s. Krasne of Fremont; Mrs. S. Sch- back and children of Dennison, result of a yes.r aco ready shows signs of carrying on. visor of Council Bluffs,-Chapter,! pan lined with wax paper. Bake • of painstaking toil snd •usterman and children of Wich- Iowa. trcv^"'.. :15 minutes to 20 minutes in a ;i 2B December. 1SS5 it vr&e JUF!. E. In honor of Morris twenty dol- a business dynasty with glory. As! No 7. ita, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Rosen the young Abraham in the story j Herbert Wintroub, former men-; moderate oven. Cut in lars -was contributed'.to theiJew.of. "Wichita; Mr. Bennet of Wichi gleam ia Grcucho's eye. I'.^i v ,.L . ; . i 1 pieces &ni -oil ia powder- s.bcve the sotsd Etages. £ '.£:;: f . . r ; j ita; Mr. and Mrs. C. Allen ;of ish National Fund by his parents of Abraham and the Idols, which. j"ber, "was reinstated, " ' . • ; - his bunk at Camp was dramatizi ed sugar while warm. Lincoln; and Mr. and Mrs. Cur-and friends. garret roota. is bare except ACT ' >i ing, he added a modern and retis of Fairbury. f-cocple deslcs, chairs, props. T~:. A. L A. 100 •• , 1 alistic note not called for in the \ the Brothsrs. It is isolates, r<r:^The couple are on a weddinE AXXOtTKCE BAR 5HTZVAH script by putting price tags . on j 2 egsrs separated; Vi cup pow-• e-3 t y dart passages and ' " - r r trip- through Colorado ^Springs Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Tatelman the little girls who took the part I The Sam Beber Chapter No. ; dered sugar, 54 enp sifted flour, ; stairs. It Is the, Msrses' s t o r r ' r r and Estes Park. announce the -Bar Mitzvah of of the idols and dusting them be100 of the A. Z. A. held its reg- ; 14 teaspoon salt, Vs teaspoon cin- • ground . . . literally so fror- ; v r . Prior to her marriage Mrs. their son, Melvin, on Saturday fore the customers began arrivular meeting at the Jewish. Cora- amen. teaspoon cloves, 1 ta- ' noise , . . and few feiirw cC :"f Freshman was extensively enter- morning, July 3, at the B'nai Ja- ing. munity Center on Monday evea- j blespoon grated orange rind, 1 i whereabouts. 'FTCTTL jEritiary •.'". tained by: Ida Kotler, ,.Mrs. D. cob Synagogue, 24th and NichHe claimed his knowledge of ing, June 28. This was the first teaspoon grated ierson rind, % '• June, 1SSS three scribes. {VSCIPCI Parker, May Tucker, Mrs. Li olas streets. • >•• r ' - -'• prices comes from the fact his meeting presided over by the new cup chopped almonds (bls.nch.ed ; by the approval ©f cisaensinn r l Lewis, Lottie Rips, Betty Had- . No invitation have been issued. 'daddy sells hats." and brovrneS In the oven). Aleph Gotfol, Joe Gcss. the Trio, wrote, pulled upart. re- ' Mr;-and Mrs. S. Cahan, a n i All friends and relatives are inBeat eg? whites stiff. Fold in ; wrote and gagged "A Day rt J-e Three new members. Lester R, -Kramer. vited. , r j • - 1 1 . : - • ; . - '. Donald Rice is another young- Abrahamson, Gilbert Greenberg, sugar gradually, continuiEg t i e i Races." Then foilcwefi a rr.rr*!- ' T-rr • T F l r i - r T •" 1 =" : ster whose abilities as an adver- and Edward Dolgoff were initiat- beating. Add. besten yolks and I cf rehearsals . . . nest the Ttuce . r? . T - r - T - r - r ' - - T KATELM AX- WHITMAN PROMOTION tising agent for home products flour sifted with the salt and tour with, a patient publir for The marriage of Miss Mildred The Omaha and Lincoln friends should not be* overlooked. Inter- ed. A program for the next two : spices. Fold ia grated rind and al- their guinea pigs. They gEve !rr.r Whitman, daughter of Mr. Abra- of Dr. Saul B. ArenBon have re- rupting the singing of the popumonths has been formulated ar.d monds. Crop by teaspoon on a shows a day. seres days E. r p ' h ham "Whitman of Omaha, to Mr. cently learned of his promotion Maurice B. Katelman, son of from associate professor of Chem- lar camp ditty 'Polly Doodle' at j i n c l u d e s a Reiner roast to be ! greased cooky sheet End bake 10 no two performances alike, t<"••••' 1— ; minutes in a moderate oven tmtil ing 140 versions. As thorerp-Ky Mrs. J. Katelman of Council istry to Professor of Inorganic the line. "I thought I heard a h e l d O n J u ] y 1 2 . ', warm and crisp. as En esperimeater, Grrrt^r' Bluffs, took place Friday, June Chemistry at the University of heard a chicken sneeze," he serr'lrr.f r c watched the reaction, often rr-,':25, with Rabbi Milton A. Kop- Cincinnati where he has been lo- iously suggested that the chicken CULTURAL CLUB hereafter be fed "Gland-O-Lac." ting his comic xnE-rseriEsns t r tprl stein officiating. -. cated the past thirteen years. the rSsibleness of the lines tr-r — ^•r i , V"' The couple left immediately on The Cultural Club met on Doris Levenson Is proving herthe I selves. Through this r-rocerr t h a honeymoon trip by motor to ANNOUNCE BIRTH self Camp Akiba's poetess laure-j June 28. Eighteen members were j The regular meeting o Denver and Colorado Springs. Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Satleman ate and story-teller supreme. An i present and decided to present! Chesed Shel Ernes will be held on' tip-selling eesjuenee •became' pr r"- r - r>- , r •' Upon their return, they will of Omaha announce the birth of original story and poem appear another play sometime in the i Tuesday,. July S. at the Jewish perfected it -'.oook bet eight make their home in Council I a daughter, born Tuesday morn- in the "Camp Akiba Tattler."' att 1 1 o'clock, j •utes to shoot before the csrrr-r.. near future. Mr. Louis Wolk, dra- ; Community C i t Center C t Bluffs. ing, June 29, at the Clarkson matic" director, was authorized to ii There will be BO Monday meeting; After the torr. lEDre story m Hospital. - for' those ctfoose the new play whose date j because of- Independence Bar. j ferenccs through October &T~. NoDistance is no bar FREEDMAN-SOFFER •ticipate in of presentation will be announc- j _ Newly-elected officers will be ivember. Actus.1 writing tir.-.f — who are eager to participate Miss Rose Soffer, daughter ol FROM SAX FRANCISCO installed at this time and tea will | tea months. Shocting time '"o—» the Camp's program. James "Cohn ed later. /•"—• "Mr. Morris Soffer, • was married Mrs. J. Raznick, Mrs. Marko, ; be served. Members are requested December through May, : r r T . Mrs. Hugo Kren v and daughter, arrives every single ^ _ day from to David A, Freedman, son of June; of San Francisco, Calif., are j G tna Nebraska" and daily an Mr. Herman Mirowitz, and Dr. I. j to bring their tickets for t h e Mrs. Itaca Preedman, on Friday, visiting Mrs. Kren's parents, Mr. i re • ndngent arrives from Dansky entertained during the, drawing for the bedspread. !f """ '1 owa CO June 25, at the home of Rabbi and MrB. Leon Cohn. Mrs. Kren lCouncil The Board of Directors to V>s • J^'JJ'z r > ; l^l. V r ' Bluffs. The campers from evening. David A. Goldstein. „ ^^^.^ t J t , „ l 4 , ^ ; S. Kenyon is chairman of the installed include: the M e B d a c r | came to participate in the cele- across the river are: Marvin and •\ After July 1 they will reside at bration of her parents' Fiftieth, •Selwin Suvalsky, Jack and Mil- organisation. M, Katzman, I. Ksplan, F . J a robs, H. Glickman, S. Fish, J . Y 2748 Vane Street. wedding anniversary. ton Brown, and Esther Sacks. Goldberg, D. Hahn, S. CsTjteroJoins Union Central -witz, M. Turner, B. Xrfadenbatna, Rapreaenta M Etreng Csmpsn. FORTIETH GUEST FROM KBW TORKK • New campers this veet are: ies«-£very- Typ« of ?r.__ and H. Alberts. ANNIVERSART Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fladerman Paul Salzman, Justin Horvich, a«e! BDTISS written. Csu Joseph. Solomonow has joined Mr. and Mrs. M. Freiden cele- have as their guest, their cousin, Milton Brown, Josephine Cohen, the staff of the Union Central brated their fortieth wedding- an- Mr, Ben Zafrin of New York City. Audrey and Marlene Wolf, Rob- Life Insurance company. Patronize Our Advertisers niversary last Sunday at a dinert Morgan, Madeline Konecky, ner "helfl at the Blacksone hotek MOTOR EAST * T Janice- -Gilinsky, and Madonis Torty-five guests were present; * Mr. 'and Mrs. Leon Greenberg Lean. : Out-of-town guests included and children left- by motor for Mr. and Mrs. Freiden's two New JY/ork and the east. LADIES FREE LOAI! daughters and their families:. Mr. and Mrs. M.. Gilinsky and daugh- PICNIC LUNCHEON ter, Jean, of Milwaukee. Also Mr. .Alpha Gamma Chi Sorority en- .' The Ladles Free Loan Louis Simon of Los Angeles, a tertained sixteen high school will meet on Wednesday, July 7, brother of Mrs. Freiden; and Mr. graduates at a rush picnic lunch- at 2 p. m. at the Jewish Comand Mrs. A. Zlotky of Fremont, eon Sunday. morning at Miller munity Center. An installation of Nebraska, brother-in-law and sia- Park. Goldie Silverman, Rush new officers will take place. Re'•-v of Mr. Freiden. ,. !. chairman, was in charge of the freshments are to be served. affair. Assisting were Pauline Rosenbaum, Evelyn Dansky, Flor-ERT TiTTNCHEON Patronise Our Advertisers s. Hyman Fried of Council ence Steinberg, and Sylvia 'Wein. ' s w i l l be hostess to the er. . j bers of the Cousins Club next Thursday afternoon, July 15, LEA7E FOR LOS ANGELES at a dessert luncheon at i e r Mrs. Louis Margolin and son, home at-1229 6th Avenue. Millard, left last Friday morning for Los Angeles to-joln Mr. MarRETURN FROM VISIT golin who has been there for sevMiss Doris Weiss and Mr. Sam-eral weeks. They will remain on uel "Weiss have returned from the coast until Fall. Minneapolis, Minnesota, where they, visited their brother and CRESTON "\aSIXORS DOUBLE CI22 - - Se sister-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Irving Mrs. Boris Levine and daugh- | J. Weiss. ter, Norma, of Creston, Iowa, spent the week end with Mrp. A. AT JOSLYN Lipsman and Mrs. M. Klotz, sisThe Joslyn Memorial will be ters of Mrs. Levine. open-on Sunday, July 4, from 2 to 5:30 p. m. and will remain f s r e Inch closed on Monday, July 5, in observance of the Independence Day. The program on Sunday afternoon at 4 p. m. will be a program of recorded organ music in the concert hall. 1


Butsche 7JVeckruf und IT, Nazi organ in the ates, carries a notice-of ization in its current is•der applies to all perGerman parentage or ?n if they are now natdtizens of the United


Federation -Gets A. F. L. Charter prk(WNS) Synagogue ;ions seeking the servOrthodox .cantors -will h hare to deal -with members of organized r the Jewish Ministers Association of America given a charter by the . 'Federation of Labor, larter -was presented at iting of cantors.








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PHYSICIST—Dr. Robert A. Millikan, one of the world's leading physicists, who returned recently from a trip abroad. He is a cosmic ray researcher.


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FAMILY-—One of the traditional symbols of the British Empire is the lion. But this happens to be a Scotch family, for Josephine and her two .cubs are housed at the zoo in Edinburgh.. The cubs seem to care less about the visitors who come to see them, than •does the lioness herself, whose back-drawn ears show her on tne alert. Would you like them for house pets?

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SLATED—William O. Douglas, fiery commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission. who may be chosen commission chairman soon.

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.-0153 iOYAMSTS EETEEAT—These Loyalist soldiers took part in the unsuccessful attempt to defend Bilbao, Basque capital in Spain. Here they have retreated'before the victorious Insurgents, but are waiting to fire from behind a stone wall. RL\IIKET-PL.'J.CZ FOR PEETTBCESS—New York Studio of John Robert Powerg is a center for hundreds of America's loveliest girls: They're the ones who look at you from many magazine covers &ni ads. Whenever an illustrator or an advertiser needs an unusually pretty model/he calls up Powers, shown at lower left with one of the girls. Anita Louise, Constance Cummings and Barbara Stanwyck arc seme he started on the road to fame. The girls, regard-


less cf Perk Avcnus or hu~.l?Ic En-;si;.-vcr-r. o—.^lv.. F.-T i.n; ;>.;<girls, for-they work hard and must conserve their talents. Noie, i t l i cameraman, even while awaitingg F?. Fr.sslcnrr.'Snt-. F.sslnrr.Snt. LPVCV risrhf; shows the girls in a relaxed mood. The best of them obtara excellent fees for posinjr. Some o; the Povt"s rr'ls viu c,T)".">rr- t r r, fortliooniin? technicolor fZrrt, "Vcg^cs nC \f"t-."

BACER—Bernd Rosemeyer, king of speed, who will compete for the Vanderbilt cup at the Roosevelt Raceway, Westbury, L. I., July 3.



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BANCHER — Meet Miguel Casares of Buenos Aires, often referred to as the "Rockefeller of the Argentine." He is shown about to board a flying clipper ship a t the Pan American airport. Miami,' Fla., for a flight home. He controls the ranch and dairy industry in the Argentine.


OTHER LABOR CHIEF—Here is a recent picture of that other labor leader, William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor. He is shown in deep thought during a hearing in Washington onthe Wages and Hours bill.

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STEEL PROTECTS STEEL r.IJLL—Centers of the Ohio Kct onai Guarrl. ?" ''TO". at Warren, get in some practice with drawn bayonets in front Gi t-lo E.op ub: Az o These Pennsylvania railroad tracks, over which th?r ere croEsi z ~2 r c r ; sympathizers to prevent the movement cf supplies and mrtcri J-*

rtrrl mills I-LII tJlr.r.t.

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BROTHSK—A. D. Lewis, brother of John L. Lewis, CIO chairman. and one of the labor leader's chief aides.



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IT'S A CATALO—This strange-looking animal is a catalo, only living male offspring from a bison owl and a domestic cow. He is shown at Pueblo, Colo., with his owner, Leland C. Wilson, being driven across the country to interest cattlemen everywhere. Mr. Leland says the catalo produces better cuts of beef, bears valuable fur and the cows give estra rich milk.

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Jack De-psey, former EIKTHDAT FOIi JACK SKIPFEB—Captain Attilio Frut boxing champion, now a New York restaurateur, cuts tne. cake gone, new commander of th» Italian liner Res, one of of tthe - markfns his recent 42nd birthday. Mrs. Desapssy, Oie .orrasr >!5cors. Hannah Wiiliasis, actrccs, approves. . most decorated Italian office


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FRIDAY, . j t i i i L,

ancient history with such majesty that the 'tlzae'3 which be depicts ed from ms-mbsrship . seem far raore eventful than our -.,«-'• • • « * ally made up cf the Z"DC, the IC-4 own. But he. has the even greatEEQ the Joint Keccr,strwct;oer gift of. so pictorializing that Foundation; the entente has ~<~v-ancient history that it seem as J immediate, as authentic as tlie | j ta.ken in t i e Palestine Electric EUSIXESS T i e Xe events of O\T own- days. Company a~5 the Palestine PoThe Italian snipping lines cp-.Knipps, the Geriran By HEH3Y H0II20B There could b s no more fas- crating out of American ports no ! firm, was until recently a aon- tash. Co., both purely co-ssmercia' o lii on cinating contrast to t h e theme likee ilussolini's ' . . . ! Aryan German by the name of Feucht-ivanger. o a t - ous soul who was prepared to sacstanding German Jewish noveland style of Feucntwanger ttian-1 The day after II mice's paper"] L^dwig Bamberg-er . . The Biit?re corrifice Ms security, hi3 fortune, ist, "and 24 year, old Jerome " I Can Get I t for You Whole-• published a blast against Sion-Hsb Labor Party II giving a lot trolled by con-Zionists . . . "vTbi "vTbiefc bis, daughter and even his life to . . , sale," by t h e S i ^ y e a r old New I Ism, t h e Italian lines received! of attention to a plan for Its re-is causing talk that the non-ZiontVcidman, latest ^sensation of carr;"Lr^.VTi 1 b u m ^ n i s t i . c Policies J Y i , | scores of cancellations from tour- j habilitatioc drafted hy EmE.nr.eI ists bloc is seeking to center conliterary Xew York, have xrritr k e r Jerome Weidman. for which Nero, his friend and VThat-Is .a filthy, •" disgusting, I ists- -who had booked passage for '. Shiawell, fanner minister of trol even in Palestine in the ten tivo pnisating novels of The • mines . . . Take it from Dr. Yaz- hands oE non-Zionists . . . The tnore than local interest. In protector, had. stood. His plan! nntrue picture of one phase .of j Europe and Palestine T this stimulating article; the failed because t h e man .whom tie Jewish life, in ^ ew Tork." That 1 French Line, • incidentally, got I souy, Jewish member of the H'cn- ^Moslems of Kablus recently got used for his purposes was in workmen is a typical comment that may be j most of this business Speak- i garian parliaissnt but the Hun-excited in vain when Seven Arts ; literary editor rereality a pompous clown who dis-heard among the thousands who j ing of tourists, it might pay to j garian Jews are not relat- dug lip the skeleton of wlist T S ? views t h e significance of tliese j l n t e g r a t e d in his fears when danare rapidly reading, and buying (look "'into the whispers that: ed to any Jews nor.' have believed to be tfce remains "of the ftwo i r n 1 i'boolcs. n — T™ h e° ™ Editor "'''' — ' * " ~ jger for his own person loomed. tliis novel of a young man who, j Coot's Tours discourage Jews j they, an racialties with tnem, Vas-; 'Palestinian Og, Gog or JViajrog: . . . ' sony claims that the Hungarian But an- inspector of the Departj To be continuously on the look-| by every manner"of treacheryi and l^ora taking its planned to-ars . -•; People read-either for enlightv| out for parallelisms witb. Berlin j deceit, earns fortune ana leisure 1 The Polish student and_ A . s a m ,.Jews are tae fiescendaats of the ;ment of Antiquities put the bones enment, or entertainment. Sometogetter in a ciiterent way e.nd times a skillful author manages and Munich is t o retard the sweep in the highly competitive gar- of America must have forgotten ' Chabares, a Central Asiatic tribe- the crestfcilen Xablusiies saw it President Roose-relt's rersark in ; of horsemen, who csrae to E m i of Feuchtwanger's novel. I t is to achieve both purposes. But are sensitive to jb i s second inaugural address ; gary"together with t h e Magyars was only the skeleton of a camel critical, standards have become so sheer romantic history based u n about Poland's plan to force t h e | thousands of years ago, and . . ..There are now IT motor-vesformalized in recent years that doubtedly on basic elements of emigration of Jews, for it gave • adopted Judaism shortly before sels playing regularly across the fact, dexterously woven a n d telehe who provides entertainment Dead sea . . . Ben-Zicn Ivatz, r.c.iFDR i t s first annual award for \ settling in Hungary . . . Hence. scoped. These a r e t h e elements j man has contributed a study of alone is Tegarded as. a betrayer outstanding service Now he ' says Tazsony,, there are no Hun-;eri Kebrew snthor, is plE.r.nix:j: «i of civilization. It would seem as from which t h e German Jewish ! a J e w which Hitler would be glad has awards from Jews and Poles j garian Jews, bat only-."Chabares new semi-weekly paper, to be to distribute. B u t for individuals What a combination* Residents of called " C h a r a s c h c f . . . I of Mosaic faith." "The is i t s stimulus to t h e advance p f ^ , and ^ } m _ of such sensitivity any Teferenee TVonder rwho^s responsible for the j Honolulu are still talking abc-ut r progress. T h e result is t h a t . m o s t , to Jew is offensive and: super- 1,000 cadets of the United States | the former American soldier who rOUTICAL, POT-POCRKI books must b e , approached, i n ! ^ _ _ _ b a 6 k g r o u n d . B u t l t h a s writing, " I Can Get I t Naval Academy making En "ea- | ripped down a swastika' from the ; Just before Leon Blum replrnWholesale" (Simon a n d ucational" tour tl Germany . . . j flagpole of a German store while j ed as premier of France he wro*e ' of grandeur in its strucHas Nazi propaganda wormed its j the German consul was shopping to to Warner Brothers, film mE cr| ture which raise. It far above t h e .Schuster) i3 second rate. It has way into our Navy? . . . If you inhere . . . • time. eates, pleading -vrith them s e t to ""• . ... , 4V ,. ;» +•»,;,. level of contemporary novel writ- that grim simplicity which, is sup- want to meet Fritz Kuhn, Nazi j __ distribute tbeir picture "Zola" la posed to be the mark of a highly fuehrer in America, you can see j THIS AXD THAT is quite hkelywith thatscholarly if tnis | ___ . testIt were applied I France because it "digit t&C to Feuchtwanger possesses two modernist novelist. But most ofdetachment to Lion Feuchtwanghim at Nazi headquarters in New 'Twould be interesting to know ; his political difficulties by F ir-j er's "The -Pretender" .(Viking traits rare in-most modern novel- ten he mistakes ordinariness for Tork any Thursday nsght be-j how much Lawrence Mars, r;ain- ring the ember?, of rsce hatred , . matter of factness. Robert NathPress) one miglit...have -to-, con- ists: scholarship , and imaginasat's [ ed by t h e Treasury Department J. George Fredman, forEJer c m - , tween 5 and 8 p. m . clude that mankind's, forward tion. His imagery is not Testrict- an has. a capacity for simple, de- when h e gets reports.. . . The new j as -one of the gentleme.n who \niander-in-ctief of the JevisI" march would not have been in- ed to scene and plot but includes clarative sentences which are Nazi consul in San Francisco (we j avoided income tax payment by ;Tv'a Veterans, is the new nstioic.] terrupted if it had not been pub- character and situation. , For] free of all flourishes. But Weid- told you last week he was'-the | buying fictitious insurance polic- , legal adviser to the Gold Sirr lished. But .it a publisher had Feuehtwanger the struggle be- j.man's Writing ."is -painfully nnor- murdered of Matbias Erzberger) Mes, gave to the New York Feder- : Mothers of America . . . For tl e been ' so boringly- solemn as .to tween man- and his own nature, | nate.v redolent with his striving also had a hand In t h e Reichstag j ation, of which he's president, i toughest "break of the month the fire trial . . . Most of the other jo u t of the dough b e saved . . . ] palm goes to Esther Lencher Siforbid its publication prospective between good and" evil, between i for effect. Harry Bogen is .the central high Nazis who put the torch to j Albert Levy, editor of La Tara. j gal of Pittsburgh . . . Esther, who readers -n-ouid have missed a vol- man and his environment is alume of great imaginative power ways on-an epic basis that tran- character of this "portrait of a the Reichstag were snot in t h e | the organ of Sephardic Jews in is a school teacher, did more zrz~ scends the timid, limited scope of heel." He organizes a strike 1934 purge, But Consul Killinger ; America, is touring t h e country. anyone else in Pittsburgh to help and narrative skill. among shipping clerks so that he was spared because of his friend-; to gather material for a fcstory ' change the teachers' tenure law Intimations have: been heard everyday men. o* t h e American Sephardim . . . EO ' t h a t married teachers cculd' that Feuchtwanger was in fact [_.'- Thus he can'give; us Incidents can start a new brand of deliv- ship with Goering . . . The Temple on the HeicK* in completely incredible for our own ery service.. He unloads the dediatribe .^gainst Nazi Eirt •writing a .WAVES ' ' | Cleveland has joined t h e Zionist retain their ."chs . day and yet invest _ them with livery business when others begin The. -(evidencethat cate of poor Esther's marriage: Germany. Carlo a n d . Nello Rosselli, the j Organization of America collectmight be cited for this assump- magical power •" and conviction. to "imitate him. He starts .In a •: was such that the change is of . tion includes three • men" who no benefit to her . . . Incidental- ; might ..-be mistaken for Hitler, ly, Eise's a lister of Judge Lench- . Goering and Gobbels'.... Terence underground' labyrinth!! After i t is all over, his cany . . . Their father w a s a co-! e r " . . . Don't pay auy attention er . . . Secretary of the Treasury } the potter, who became the false and talking and'playing with his £ M unruffled as ever, worker of Mazzini, the Italian pa- ; to those, rumors about the Zionist Slorganthsu boasts t h s t he a n d ! Feuchtwanger surNero, was a megalomaniac who blind bats. " T i ' e ^ m o s t s y m p a t h i c character Striot . , . . The Rosselli brothers | Congress betas postponed or catl"became convinced: of hi3,/own gen- rounds the eerie episode with an , The most, symya-i . m o t h ^ r ? j - ^ e r e nephews-in-law of Mrs.;e d off . . . They're 3 ust plain aura of terrible earnestness and T T* f1 r in t h e book i s ius. Trebonius, the sturdy Roman A Frederick Nathan, New Tork civ-) ey One of the hottest tlasts understanding i general, was a genial fellow who reality "that" is no less believable j^uted" with great ie leader, and nephews of a for- j against Nazi Germany to emanate : ... ...... . ^ admired his own prowess. Knops, senses that mer Jewish mayor of Rome, Sig- j f rO m Christian sources is due to : wrong with her son out the slave, was a shrewd but cba- than, the'antics.of a dictator m j our .own day. ll. •«.«.«.!. la. t W t « •• . J Nathan . .. ., .The crime for i be unloosed by the "World Con-: i vague t e r ^ j r™.™^ the brief, crueirelgn of j identify it «cept in temptnous appraiser of the' pubTHE ESST C r ^ C . r ^ E Hirsca was be- j ference oa- Church, State and So- '. EECtL'SE - - Nero. ^ o s e . e m p i « w ^ J F o r _ B ^ e n J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ! i e a d e d i n Germany was not, a s : ciety, which meets in Oxford, lic mind who became enmeshed 1. AM m a t e r i a l s pas« s t a t e and in his own Intrigues. ' •: .•' restricted to the near and "middle of refuge where h e can find 'bliat- j reported, a plot to assassinate i •federal snecificEilons. aseu'"July 12 zes' when t h e world becomes t o o ' "The Pretender" is ;the' story east, thousands ot .people/were] hot for him. Eventually his self- Xazi leaders, b a t an alleged a t - i Z. Accurate controi e? prcso"of a man who, because he so mercilessly killed to distract .the confidence becomes uo-great that tempt to smuggle munition to the j • ZIOX'S GHEETIXGS Loyalists i n Spain . . . I t was \ closely resembled the mysterious- attention of the-populace from the haven Is n o longer needed. Hirseh's alleged relations with j i e de'entente of which' we ly slain Kero, fitted ;. into the their economic disorders, a whole Novelist Is a comprehensive the Loyalists" that enraged Hitler j t rae columns ago is iaj Ecjieme-ui. ociio.w^ Varro .—r-— - - /city was maliciously flooded so of Senator to -defy SO word if it can embrace both the provincial policies, of Rome i that the people could, in tufn, be ••! Palestine altho-grh. •under/Emperor Titus. Tarro en- 1 grateful for the'reconstruction by "" ; .acts and'speech and ^isa^d-^jiai^-^onimuiiicniiflf.^j^the.sovxg; iass the word t" between' -West -and. 'east •wb.icb. j even thought ,-were ordained and Dse two. •would produce a greater-culture, guarded-by fiat from above. But Can Get It For You Wholesale . (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts Perhaps he TVas moved to irritate j then people begdn to sing a song will-be as outmoded as the flap. Feature Syndicate.) • Tloine by personal iinjury the country despite j tthat h t had.! nadj which h i h swept the /been done to him. Butj in larger I all suspension of free speech, i t per of a decade ago. One feels the -«tx»inoj' pot-bellied, fl«i flabby- that' Weidman writes out of a measure, "Varro was an adventur-' warned ' -••'*.*-. skinned ex-potter that.his destiny limited experience of men and iAlways Attracts' Customers||j would be as miserable as that of motives while Feuchtwanger is OMAHA TOWEL Urges "Bay Nebraska" which be himself had imposed up- distinguished by insight and maSUPPLY turity. Sut both,write for enteron great masses. : . tainment and not for enlightenYours'-Since 1S7S Kebraska can add thousands of ""•The final scenes depicting the .. ICE 2S2S dollars to i t s wealth every week awesome end of Terence, Knops ment. And until a-law is passed by buying Kebraska-made goods, and Trebonius, the trio who ruled i forbidding books that teach, noth- .Sj^- „„ -.... ~:ii. ..-.. .-... -.la^i^ I declares Arthur Storz,- executive a ; temporary empire,: arexamong of an Omaha brewery. "• Every f **• -^i"*'^ - . —---.-dollar spent for eastern g o o d s j the most vivid and memorable in goes'back east, where- it cannot Feuchtwrfnger's writings. Their • ••. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS return into circulaUon in Kebra- Uumiliation and their crucifixion • Muriel, Ctsessta Rey ScKraFft's Chocolates 'Eka. Why then; he asks,' should j a r e d ™ e i n a manner to eshaust a n d H a r v e s t e r Cs|rar« © Canada Dry Ginger^'Ale Nebraskans export money when i que the novelist's sense of the grotesand the appropriate •'••Falataff B e e r it is needed to stimulate our prosFrom all this it may b& inA 315 So. 13tli Street perity here at hornet. ; •';. ferred that Feuchtwanger is preA Nebraska dollar spent for dicting a sad end for the trio who Nebraska goods is used by the rule Germany today. But again manufacturer to "pay wages to it must be emphasized that Kebraskans and to buy:materials S2XB Feuchtwanger has written a hisIn Nebraska. Local merchants, grocers, and every other Nebra- torical novel and not a homily. ska business eventually benefits There is no one •writing today by the transaction. But when the who is the equal of Feuchtwangthat genre. He recreates dollar is sent east it is gone. It pays no Nebraska wages. It cannot be spent again with other- Ne"6t braska business. . . . -. " ' " •HARSET STKKEX TJsinB his own business as. an example he points out that Storz . • '.'•'". "••;•.'• J C L T 1 , 1B3T ,. . • Beer is as good beer as is made As.s&o-svn "by b o o k s a t o p e n i n g o f b u s i n e s s J n a e £ 3 , 1SS7 anywhere in the United States. There* is no reason why eastern V At. 0134 WHALEN J a . 27C4 ."•"," " ' .. . ' • • RESOTTKCES : beer should be bought here. Quick A s s e t s — " . ' • ' • Cash ....!'. . . . ..?2,6SS,4SO'.7O iTis fcrm'that women cen!in!;i!!!;!'P!'!Ti!Tti''i •. • United State3 Government Treasury Bills "and Notes 3,165,260.00 5,853,740.70 " .sirfsnd men admire ?r>


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«ii origin, are not play|erve their talents. Note, *".d. unconscious of the Jgnment. Lower right |be5t of them obtain exgirls will appear in a 1938." -.




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33—Roxie Lawson, newtliis seasor-to the Amer- . iBagne, who has turned in ^pitching for the Detroit fer In 10 games pitched he I and lost one. His one depas suffered in a six-hitter the Philadelphia A's.-

Loans secured b y first mortgage on improved real estate 6,989,095.67 Delinquent interest .,.. 1,634.12 Loans on pass-book security „ 12,00 4.33 Loans In foreclosure . „"_. x.S. -——. -271,Ss3.S0 Heal estate sold on. contract -_ .. _. 30,822.SO esiate acquired through'foreclosure 4SS,7S7.2S Office building and future office building at ISth and.Farnam streets . 273,500.00 "Furniture and fixtures . . . „ . .' . 1.00.


Omaha's Most.Popular and Fastest



513,310,9 99.40

Credits to members*.'saying, and -paid-up ac-


counts i... ....—._.. Balance held for borrowers .__ -._.. Undivided profits. ___ Borrowed money Dernontration


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.'512,515,639.5S 78,443.23 1,298,3 51.53 14.4SS.50 NONE 1 -SIS,910,306.43


^uper-Control serai-slep•ia coaLination raises and rounds your bosom... its striped. Super-Lssliqus I

sides 2nd baclc flatten your derriere and curve your ivalst and hips. ;~TT *~T nt

:er ur FLEXEES zres

5'--s 33 to 44.

MAS M. EAPJSH Edgar 4 . Baird, Pr-esMent. ' J . Herbert McMillan, Treasurer James A. l.yQ2LS,"Tice-Presifient; "Clark -W. Caraaby, Secretary TTayca C. .Sslby, Ass't-Ssc. ' . . . . : ' • •: • DIKECTOES \ Edsar A. Baird •'••...' ... , ' - CliarJes TV. TTilneiEi. Arthur "W. Bcnnaaii , ; • -• J . Herbert i:c:,n:iaa Eandall K. Erown ': ' Glairs J. Baird r r a n t T. B. : Martin .. .Byrca 51. Knstiass


J gates of .ths Alton dam ct pet iong, -will provide S-foot: far as.St. Paul and Minne-pam nears comijletioru. . Newspictere3


the .form of youth. This


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City this week with their son-inlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherman.

Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Levitt departed Sunday for* California, where they will visit. Miss Doris Kaplan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. °-J. Kaplan, 3260 Stone Park' boulevard,- left Tuesday for Mukwonago, Wisconsin, where she is enrolled at Burr OOPS: Wonder Ladles of the Tiphereth Israel Oak camp for the remainder of Adolf the Hitler



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ANECDOTE; TTe are indebted to "Delectus" cf the South Afriapply tfc<? F^vcrcst r*~t",principles in soc.^1 lire can Zionist Record for this one, ? Publishers Slnicn nr.d about the famous Louis J.Iarshall there . . . It happened when Marshall £"tustcr ee:


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Synagogue gave a surprise party the summer. .. ° and Gab would have C" 7 for Mrs. S. Bolotnikov, wifo of era given in his h^ ; w ~ . - -• • •• Mr. and Mrs. Mort Smith, 1112 Rabbi Bolotnikov, Thursday af. . r r f -r ' - • < . i.is Is construction f^rrn in tbe cov-.tr ternoon in the social hall of the Fourteenth street, announce the la troupe of Milan if they knew j w b e r e one n~.£u's v.iev., tax- wlilch n o ' In planning its work for thesynagogue. Mrs. Bolotnikov came birth of a. son on June "28, at the other mz.i\ or t,-'ov..i;a in io be held that among its most prominent 'dressed men and women satMarat aof New .York, Memoirs of a Mas"coming months, the = Federation to Sioux Cit^ "this spring to join St.. Joseph Hospital. Taking It has been s.n axiom r.roon£ members are Rosa Raisa and Jac- table drinking ter Builder," to be published nest troupers that professional musi- responsible. •of Jewish Social' Service has ask- her husband who is the Rabbi of shall, who wore leather boots omo Rimini, Juden both . . _ ed the co-operation of the Jewish the Orthodox Synagogues. A group of Sioux Cityans who into which his trousers were stufcians, ere, by and large, the •community, in the treatment of • Brief talks were given by Mrs.will go to Lake7 Okoboji tomorfed, for.- a. hayseed, one of the toughest • audience in the world. (Coryripht ICoT Hy Seven A r t s i Portland Let or 'transients and the establishing of Bolotnikov and Mrs. Charles.Bar- row to spend the .eek vacation-' JUBILEE: The Nazis .are cele- party shouted "Come in, stranger] It takes a rare comedian to make "O clearing house for employment. ricks, and Miss Esther Weiner ing there are Mr. and Mrs. Fred brating ninetieth birthday of a n a join us." . . . Tbe young law-' them creek s collective smile. Hamburg-American Line . v . Pa- . y j r accepted and the men started 1RVJN C, LEVIN. Atty. - Miss Dorothy- Merlin, Superin- was heard in a group of Yiddish Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Bud, And singers and instrumentalists 7GE ErsfHieis Theatre Birig, Uniocic. i\c Kline, Mr. and Mrs. Lorence Silips: pers devote columns to the comJ ribbing him .•"tendent of the Federation has and English songs.. Refreshments "Haow's crops leave them equally cold. But Alec submitted the following letter to were servea and a gifts was pre- verberg, Dr. and Mrs. Lionel Lon- pany's growth and success \. P R O E i T E NOTICE daown your way?" one of them Templeton, currently featured on T p tiie Jinu'" 1 <•? iJiri V.j-ih.te of Sam don, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Her- But none mentions anywhere the asked in what was intended to be Portland. Ore., (WNS)—Antithe Jewish Press in this regard: sented to Mrs. Bolotnikov. the Ford "Universal Rhythm" zoff. OPEN'LETTER'TO THE JEWJew the aproved rubian dialect name of Albert Ballin >,"o*ir« is h»?cbf ti'-^n that the circles on the Pacific Coast program over the Columbia netOn : the committee arranging ISH PEOPLE OP SIOUX CITY for the party, were Mrs. Charles who more than any other man iaSensing the situation, Marshall ja r e awaiting with interest the ar- work every Sunday night at fl r r e d i t i v , ' ? - i n nv-\r. t}!:>-";-v>'. v:i\\ m e e t tin? nf FHid »sla<e, heGermany was responsible for'the deeided not to_disappoint and r e - j r | v a i o f t h e n e s ; t <jer~an sh!p: - a. si. (E-DST), easily captures the ff>-v Bdministrstrix me. i'oun;;- Jmice oi iJrmglas Transients ; Barrlcks, --Mrs. Rueben Herzoff, company's rise to international v. "Fair to middlin',.. ..-While | p o r U a a d t 0 s e ev c 3 i e t h e r the Cen- attention of every man in K.exCounty. »f<r.'i?:!;n. si tlip Cnunty ^ Along with the other, ailments Mrs. H. Friedman, Mrs. H. Lazu prominence . . - . Jew who took plied CouVi r i o o m , in paivl O i u n ' y , €>n t h e the women giggled, -another "*' ri Chandler's orchestra, both &t reattributed to spring, we find that riowich, Mrs. M. Lazriowich and Council here the line's helm when it was onthe, party asked jwlemnly, ''An' t r a n s I aLabor ;.!?t"r! dp,1" ( ^ O r r n o e r . ~>'.y"~. ^? P n'rlo<'(< te iato acUo: its recent hearsal EK3 during the broad- A. M . . e a c h dsiy. J'o" 111" p u r p o s e o i "Wanderlust playa a very promin- Mrs. Morris Albert. the 'verge of foundering because haow's the f To which casts, every time he sits down tX ent part. This applies to both of British competition and made which Marshall replied with the resolution placing all German tinn, Rr!ji3PtTT"=^t pnf; fii'n^.nrf. Thrpe those who have the means to it one of the greatest in the; same nasal twang, "They're milk- ships on the unfair list and cail- the piano. m o n t h s Ri-e ali-nv-M" i'o^ iltr c r e d i t o r s B¥ P. B. IL trave'. and those who do not. to prpppnt t,hr-ir clf:.ini5;r from t h e 23rd ^ ing union to refuse to \inAnd who refused all! i n ' fair," young world , . . . Finally' y the y g ]j "*". clay of July, 1!>"7. - Unfortunately there are many ssels or transport honors and who now, 19 years' 'rube1 was invited to take a glass i Jewish men "on the road" necesGerman cargoes. Among .those from Council after his d th iis unsung andiof di WO* death, wine Saying "Don't mind sarily. They are worthy men who Bluffs who are leaving Saturday even unwhispered during the | if i do," he rose in answer to a i I* the unions here actually ,reare unfortunate enough to find to unload German vessels, evening for Chicago, Illinois are ninetieth jubilee of a line which | call for a toast, stood thoughtful- j it necessary to change locations Dr. and Mrs. Julius Moskovitz, he single-handedly rescued from j for a moment and then said:!j ships flying the swastika will is n o t t h e ce.se. Palestine is a j and do not have the means to Mr. and Mra. Isaac Sternhill, Mr.Davy Jones' locker, simply be- '"Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish jhave to abandon Portland as a spur of t h e vast empire of the • travel. To these men the Jewish call. and Mrs. Nathan Gilinsky, Mr. cause the Nazis don't like Juden you-health, happiness and m o r e ; p o r t Arab people. Iraq clone 5? 12 ! Federation... gives every considerLouis H. Katelman, and Mr. Ben times 'the size, of .Belgium End I wisdom as your years advance, [ ation and they are helped in Banquet to Be Highlight of I. Seldln. Mr. Katelman will rehas only. S.OPO.OOO inhsblSp.nts. : bearing- in mini that outward ap- j jwhatyer manner, we feel necesMeet ••' V turn home'after the Fourth while The vast Arabian, peninsula has '• pearances may be deceiving. You i sary. Each case is treated indivthe others will go aboard the ROSES AND STONES: Mayor t o o k m e f o r a b o o b b e c a a s e •GEkncwn possibilities. The in?,- • Sioux City will be the scene of idually and in all cases adequate LaGuardia, while he may never i T h e Internation Harvester inense colonial empire of French | the Eighth Annual Conference of Great Lakes Liner, the S. S. See- gain the reputation for wit that Im y c l o t h e s : f o r t h e s a r a e reason Selp is given." andbee, to attend the District No. company has purchased three- Arab North Africa is, as French- ' the Workmen's Circle this SunI took you-to be ladies and gen! have Jimmy Walker achieved, still i r However, Sioux Cityans day and Monday, July 4 and 5,G B'nai Brith convention from manages to do all right by him- j «emen. We were both mistaken, j fourths ox a block, 6a thousand s e n have told use again End Jjeen especially burdened this sea-r when delegates and guests from Monday to Friday. Mr. Gilinsky self in the matter of spontaneous j • • •N e s t d a y -t h e s a m e m e n f a c e d i square fee,, at Sixteenth, and Egain, tragically . -underpopnlated. ! Bon with an influx of transients ierce streets, and expects to con- The. Arabs of Eretz Israel h a r e i Des Moines, Lincoln, Omaha and s president of the Council Bluffs „„;<•,= r^iiPrt ,,r,«n t n n r » « n t i Mr. M a r s h a l l i n t h e C o u r t of A p - ; Pie: vrhp have no destination, but simCouncil Bluffs convene here. Lodge No. 6S8 of the B'nai q u i p s . . . Called u p o n t o p r e s e n t . .They were attorneys! struct a 15.thousand collar build- contributed, lii^.e cr n r i li.p. ply live as parasites on the Jewa b o u q u e t t o M r s . C h a r l e s S. G u g -f o r t h e c Headquarters for the conference Brith. genheimer a t the opening of the! opposition in the case the j mg to house its truck saiGS andthroughout t h e r.e:-o - ir A-cl .c ish, population of the various: cit* will he the'West Hotel. culture. T h e gcni^E cf tl.li \?.i.C. Lewisohn stadium concert sea-1 young "rube" of yesterday was! Benrice bnsinesa. which is BOV_1OJes. These men are a discredit- to did s o t ccspt tl.r:_\ '~~z j,? i'.ic.e The Council Bluffs Talmud Delegates will register in the son, he flushed embarrassed*! appealing . . . "Delectus.",in tell-.cated at Fifteenth snd jones Sts. ±he Jewish people and a regret" - new structure will be c-ne-—a. . hand!ul — tvz 11.c (.<";>;•;; table element In, our midst. They morning and sessions will be held Torah Society will hol3 its month- and murmured, "I'm better at 1 i ^ the above story, failed to re-j The stcry, all brick, with, a 275-foot blooms a n d tlie «*" s p r . , 1 . s.rt.-. tnnoo ih*~ <r I veal whether Marshall won the, are lazy and have no desire for Sunday afternoon, Monday morn- meeting :Monday evening, July 5, •^^-crnir.^ throwning estones than «• at _),,!,, giving at eight o'clock at the Chevra ing and afternoon. The highlight appeal thereby further rubbing! front on Sixteenth street, and 132 The genius of tic- 1-rd ;r vy<-. : "work. Because we, Jewish-people flowers." his ribbers' noses in the dirt . . . I feet deep, according to Xfr H. If E f n v e r s ~ v'- - "" 1 Ir'l""*have always made it a policy to of the convention will be the B'nai Yisroel synagogue at 618 • '' ' j Bedford, assistant branch managtake care of our own, the Feder- banquet Sunday evening at 6:30Mynster Street. NEW ADJECTIVE: Have you ,,T«rr • . . , ^ , , w s ,. ^ ' er. er. I Ifc f*r will hare have SO thousand ation supplies, ^these transients in the West Hotel, at which more noticed that since the Columbus MSH-MASH: Wonder if Dav-, . ^ great internalicr ]£.rl. '.r V" r c l floor Vith food and lodging for twen- than 125 guests and delegates are Mrs. Leo Blank and son, Lane convention of the Central Confer- ar Hebrew Laborite •the .1,CeO,DCO :-<U ::- r - c ; I ' Uy of Tel j . . f i c i e a t t 0 h o u s e a 1 5 0 t h o T s g r > d ty-four hours. We believe that expected. Mr. M. Shiloff of Sioux Burton, of Chicago, Illinois are ence of American Rabbis, it's no ra el e n d to res'.v" c i ; , f r '.- Irr:,. m t y P I S h 0 lk S *i ° ' Y. . ..l .! Uollap supply of parts d -they have no right to be a charge City will be toastmaster at the spending a couple" of weeks here longer being referred to officially [ his little pun in Arabia, in *""!'•• A r - ; .-^ rrC in recent' is-j r e i c 2 5 t r u c k s £ EE t t h e SEnle p bn us for longer than" this period banquet, and. chairmen! for the visiting at the home of ^Mra.as "Reform Judaism." . . The adsues of that paper, y ^ u , there t a « e have! «*.«= 1 t i m e _ T h e r e v . nb r o o m f o r t h e b-y the . same fr'""r. t " ~ > "-"" of time and.do everything we can various sessions will be selected Blank's' father, Mr. Barney Gil- jective ngw being "Liberal" . Jewish people EO i"^""f. C-"T '• "• been neat little typograpMcal e r - ; l a at the meetings..' s e m i .trailer S . to encourage their leaving. insky. ought t o finanr^ T-ir -.-^.--i---,-: rors in the English lines adver- j ^ „„,„„ ^ . , , ^ a After getting help from the HOBO NOTE: We have been tising' showing of' American* films ; The space will be about three ing. Anti-Ssm:rr= rtnW ; - - e -. federation, these men have found Mrs. Harry Kubby entertained notified by J. Leon Lazarowitz, . . . Thus, "A Message to Garcia" j times as great as at present. It till it hurts. F c r j '•••-??r- -"~ r - TIPHERETH ISRAEL required, Bedford explained, not blackguard? l' r "v,.'5 U ' r ' 1 ~r that it is especially- lucrative 'to fourteen children at her home at who signs himself "Esq." 6. H.-became a "massage" to the gen- ; ia ^Z. truck business. anti-Semites. Tb";* <-."« b ' 1colict privately.among the homes 901 Sixth Avenue in honor of her P ; A. C , President of the Ramb- eral . . . And the Gary Cooper pie- j _J_ Services at Tiphereth Israel toand" the synagogues (usually a daughter, Harriet, who celebrat- ling Hoboes of America, Inc.", ture was advertised as "The Gen- j guards because il-.-y 1 rr - "*. rr morrow morning/ will begin at 9 ^profitable cource). The 'generosed her eleventh birthday. Games and who recently gained national eral diet at • ""'" In. con-! 6 ^- Samples of the milk selected Hheir own grour-'. i o'clock.Rabbi S. Bolotnikov ill ity of our citizens is: giving Sioux were the afternoons diversion fol- publicity by announcing he vasnection with the last-namd film, j ' o r Ere taken to the labspeak during the service. City a reputation ..among the tranlowed by refreshments. organizing a hobo affilate of the it is rcalled that Clifford Odets, ; oratory. There tests sre made to We want to go. " " ' " : " - 'sients on. the road and is doing us C. I/O., that a»call has been is- author of the scenario, was' the j assure ourselves that we are sel-they not see t". ": — e . r " : l : a great deal more harm than 'Mrs. Ida Goldberg of Chicago, sued for a convention of all "He-, subject of one of the year's best i ecting only the finest milk for in Polf.nd, Gerir.r-:'. r r r ~ r •"•'.-— gOOd. ":/. . Illinois has returned to her home*brew bona-fide hitch-hikers" in puns . . Frank Nugent, reviewing"; bottling. thst. we fro? . T h e Federation is equipped following a three weeks* visit Paterson, N. J. . . • The conven- the film for the New York Times j "* Finally, to b e sure of safety, •with records of these men a s in- Miss Mateel Stein, daughter of here at the home of her son-inJ" milk must be pasteurized. Cows that would be, ' r il"-: V T T ' . T:'•••r terchanged among t h e various Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stein. 2720 law . and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. of course should be tested, b u t is little, doubt I ". i v l.rt ' r..i-C-f :»iiAgencies in other cities a n d is in Stone I^ark Boulevard, became Saul Suvalsky. Is'the Safeguarding of actual experience shows that i t:s::i co~ts {be v-cr:^ gvezz iva- • a . f a r better-position t o deal with the bride 'of Preston Allen Polsky soraetifties cows will develop E By GORDON ROBERTS t h e m systematically a n d practic- son of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Polsky scalding water, and third, by i diseased condition between tests, Misses Sally and Gerry RosenIs the safeguarding of milk steam. ally than are.- individual citizen's. of Lincoln, :Nebraska, last Sun- berg of Beverly Hills, California, j At some time snch a cow has been "We a r e therefore asking t h e Jew- day afternoon in the home of who spent two weeks here.visit- really important? Do expensive But even then the task of.safe- j in position to infect human beish people t o refer transients, ask- Rabbi David-Wice in Omaha. The ing at the home of their uncle precautionary measures really guarding the milk to be deliver- j ings — unless t h e mik is pasting for help t o t h e Federation ceremony, witnessed b y , the im- and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Ro7pay dividends in human lives sav- ed in the can is not finished. j eurised a s a final safety measure. and n o t t o donate privately, and mediate families 'of the,bride and senberg, departed for Chicago ed? Conclusive evidence shows Tests show that just a few drops The. importance of pasteurisai n this way help u s free Sioux groom, was_ followed by .a. wed-and New York for a visit before the answer to be: Yes! of water life in the can to accu- tion is well illustrated by the exCity from this heavy flow of u n - ding dinner "in the Paxton HoteL sailing for Panama where they Take, for example, just one mulate dust from the air can perience a t Chicago.' Following is desfrable .transients. ' After a wedding trip to Chica- will visit enroute to their home. city, Schenectady, New York. Ac- greatly injure the-flavor of the Ia n e x c e r p t fTom a telegram sent : :.. Employment go, Mr. and Mrs. Polsky will They were, extensively entertain- cording to Dr^J. H. Collins, de- milk. So every drop of -water is by John Dill Roberston, M. D., The other day a young Jewish make their home in Lincoln. ed during their stay' in Council puty health commissioner there, j completely evaporated from the •vrho as the Commissioner of girl came t o t h e Center in quest Bluffs. if the babies had died last year inside of the can by hot, dry air.Health of Chicago at the time of a job. She is t h e oldest i n a Daniel M. Kurtz, 810 Tenth The next task ia connection signed the order requiring pasat the rate they did }n 1910, family of six. She has no father. street, announces the engagement Miss Jean Siegel and Miss there would have been just 1,000 with assuring perfectly sterilized | teurizatic-nH e r mother is very ill a n d they of his daughter,- Miss Dorothy Gladys Braunste,in of Pittsburgh, babies less at the end of the year-equipment is that of providing " " " do n o t have enough food in t h e Kurtz, to Abe Hurowitz, son ofPa., arrived .here Sunday for a than there actually were. The absolute, fool-proof sanitation icaeo-miik has bsen pasieam i o u s e to. feed Jhe children. They Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hurowit^ month's visit at the home of Mr. proper safeguarding of milk had within the plant, itself. Roberts ther has ! been a reduction ,n do n o t want t o accept charityJ of Vermilllon, South Dakota. The and Mrs. Joe Scharf. Numerous practically eliminated the intes-1 Dairy accomplishes this by a sysdeaths front twelve t u t "won't we please help h e r wedding date has not been set. affairs, are being planned in their tinal diseases that formerly took j tern of laboratory tests. After!ii tubercalosis . . •„-, t, :?!••-- : , a find a job?", ThiB case is not only Misa Kurtz is a graduate ' of •honor. .... . •• such a ghastly, toll of tiny lives, equipment has been cleansed and i * f » f * «m • ™ «*:^ °%**ZZ n t p e r c Sit s c a e t feTer one. I t ' s ia typical of many. Central High School and Mr. When you consider the fact that sterilized, water is run through j * ^ . . f. ,. " i ' „ „ « „ . „ * ,u~ ^ 4 1 ^ T T _ , *-! it. »f c ^ r ^ , , nf * » , ! , ^ - , * « . „ , „ •„!>_ d e a t h s ; r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e s a v m g : The Jewish Community Center Hurowitz attended the UniverMrs. Louis Bernstein entertain- •»,; the population of the entire this are tak-j per i Sas been swamped with appli- sity of. South.Dakota at Vermil- ed the members of her Afternoon ed S t a t e s . i s m o r e t h a n 1 3 0 0 t i m e s ! e n t o t h e l a b o r a t o r y f o r t e s t i n g , j * *o v.e r' . t h, r.e e h u n,d r eod- - ^lives v*^-^-vcants- (Jewish boys, girls, a n d llon. This method removes all uncerClub at her home at 222 Frank°tthe sizeof Schenectady, you can a n d s h a l f p e r c e n t in t y p h o i d : jnen) for jobs including clerical Street Wednesday afternoon at a easily realize the vast army of tainty about sanitation. fever;' elimination of practically j tvork,.salesman', office work, etc. Benjamin L. Gelfand, son of luncheon. toddlers who are either being Milk bottles are cleansed and I all streptoccocic sore throats and | • yve would very much "appreciate Mr,' and Mrs. Barney Gelfand, saved or could be saved by safe sterilized for eleven minutes, bone tuberculosis. .1 would r.ot| the aid of local Jewish business 1404 West Third street, has de- Mrs. George Roffman and hermilk. {Imagine^ washing t a dish that know how to conduct a Health m e n in helping place these a p - parted'for New York Cit'y to as-daughter, Miss Ruth Roffman, What does it take to safeguard long.) But .milk bottles, like.1 Department without milk pasplicants. I t you have a vacancy in sume an engineering position af- are expected home today follow- milk? Safe milk depends princip- coins, circulate everywhere — teurisation. It is the greatest Hf'eyour business, or know of a pos- ter a visit at:home ; ing a ten day visit with relatives ally on three things: properly homes where every condition of saving _ measure . ever instituted." I sible vacancy, your communicatMr. Gelfand received his mas-in Chicago. • :sterilized .equipment, the selec- health exists. And o£ course milk As far as our own -belief in ! i n g with the Center will help u s ters degree in "engineering June tion of high quality, milk from bottles, unlike coins, contain the pasteurization is concerned—even j materially a n d will be much ap- 1 at Columbia university. He la Yale Gotsdiner, son of Mr. and healthy cows, and'the scientifical- most eaEily contaminated of all our Certified Milk it pasteurized, j preciated. . .-..-•••-: a Morningside- College graduate Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner; a n d ' AWnly-accurate heating of milk to foods. iTHDERATION OF J E W I S H -SO- and a member of Sigma Pi Sig- Nogg, son of Mr.- and Mrs. Na-avoid hazards beyond hunisan conSafe milk is. selected milk, clean CIAL SERVICE ma honorary physics fraternity. than Nogg, left Sunday evening trol; milk from healthy cows. In the | for Washington, D. C. where they How are these three means j selection of milk the laboratory! 'j ^^ *t*^ f^ j^* ^ P ^- ^ * S The Misses Rose, Dora, - andwill attend the National Boy actually put.to-practical use? Tv'e jj plays a vital part, because it does ; | wieners ' fb" JVRE CONFERENCE TO Anna Magilevsky departed WedEelcgna End Sr\~—••. illustrate with the methods j away with guess-work and very j BE HELD IN LINCOLN nesday for a western trip which Scouts Convention and Jamboree. will used at Roberts Dairy. falliable personsl opinion. Period- I _ FOR S U N D A Y C ', - A number of Sioux Cityans, will include; stops at places of in- The Chevra B'nai Yisroel So- • In the first place, milk, in or- ically'samples of each producer's; \ Also Fui! Line cf D< anembers of the local -Ivre Club, terest in California. ciety will hold its monthly meet- der to keep its purity, must of 1 milk are checked thoroughly in j | • v/ill drive to Lincoln, Nebraska, ing next Wednesday evening, course be delivered to the dairy | the laboratory. Laboratory tests; | 739 w«st sroai' rv. Cc«.-c" w Saturday or Sunday, to attend Mr. and Mra. Lou Slutsky of July 7, at eight o'clock at the in a clean container. But the job j give an amazingly complete story ! the two-day conclave of the Ivre DeSmet, South Dakota, visited Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue of'giving each dairy farmer a; of how the milk has been caror? " " " 'Chapters. • this week wit>. relatives in Sioux at 618 Mynster Street. . properly sterilized container is j for, and the condition of the cov: The Lincoln chapter has made ! C i t y . " '•.• . . • not nearly a3-easy as it might j from which it came. Reports c : / elaborate plans for the entertainAll items for this column should seem. In the first place,, there.is \ tests are given, to farm servic?'; ment of the juests, and members Miss Elaine Mushkin daughter be phoned in to F. R. K., phone only a very short time in which to j men who use them as an aceurpto ' . irom Omaha,-Des Moines, and of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mushkin, 650 or 4491, before five o'clock clean, sterilize, and dry the can.,] guide in helping the dairy farcer Council Bluffs will be present as has returned to Sioux City from each Tuesday afternoon in order The can must'of course be given ; produce millr oi fiser quality. S?ell as tfia members from Sioux Los Angeles,- where she was en- to assure its publication in the.back almost at once to the man i Roberts also makes a daily Frl•i -- 4? City and Lincoln. , rolled in the Los Angeles Junior current issue of the .Jewish delivering the milk to the plant.} ection of milk' for bottling. V>"c , " Amonj those from the Sioux College. In the second place, a milk can j.are able to this because .-we rcPress, t • City chapter r/ho plan to attend is a large'receptacle. And, in the • ceive • approximately twice-• r are 3Ir. and r.Ira. Louis Agranoff, Miss' Marcella AHman ojoma Mrs. Hyman Fried'will be hos- third place, a milk can is metal 1 much milk aa we need for bottl:,Ir. and Mrs. Louis J. Kaplan, ha, Nebraska, a guest in the home tess to^ the members of.the Cou-jAU metal is somewhat porous, ! ing. Milk not bottled is used > Ilr. and* Mrs. Morey Lipohutz, Dr. of Mr.' and Mrs. M. A. Levich, ;sins Club, next Thursday after-j making it much harder-to clean | making several manufacture end lirs.. Sam H. Shulidn, "Mr. was guest at a picnic, Wednesday noon, July S, at a dessert lunch- than glass, for example. . j products, including 'animal feed';. r.n"d Mro. Lester Hceger, Mr. andevening given in her honor., eon at her home 1229 6th Ave.' 'To overcome these difficulties j The milk is carefully selected fcr "Irs. A.'H. Baron, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dairy manufacturers a j flavor 'and quality as it is recel"-J Philip Slaerman, Uisz Ruth Orlik- ••' Miss Rcdgie -Kbsbe'rg, 1515 "Mrs. Rae -3.0&3 is leaving Sun-can washer, of its own -'design. I ••—-—— ——-—— off, Miss Eve Orlikoff, Mr. andJones street, left last wesk for day for Los Angeles, California, This, machine has nozzles which jf J,Irs.- Meyer Shubb, Mx. and Mrs.Los Angeles, California, where where she will visit her daughters reach: completely , inside the can if Our Fwnera! Parlors Are t ^'""irl'^i '•" • -~ ' !">.. I. Schvrarts, Jack Goldsmith, she will visit with friends,' Miss Lydia and Miss Sylvia Ross. and give'a-, high pressure spray to | | 2Iorey Miller, Bill Goodslte^ Leon She expects to be gone for about every ..part of tae can, including'! i)obrofnl:y, Ben Dobrofsky, Bar-- '. - the"- shoulder. ' Because - the can ! Miss Pearl Myersoh of Omaha, a-month, . ::ey Dobrofsky, Abo Kosberg, and visited in Sioux City with friends. Is -metal -we feel that this direct:' Aba ' }2zekiel Hart was the first spray contact is vitally important. ' at 33r« Mr. and M r s . C Reisman of to • be elected to the Canadian ESach can is sterilised, first, by' Council Bluffs, visited in Sioux Parliament. j" Patronize Our Advertisers chemical solution, sesond, bj- s



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