\. \
'V yans* Legal
, and :&o''a«st.' ftece'o? .this'policies'or atj -.of.''oap.- publication. Re':prpdnctton- in whols or lia-. part -, strictly: l b l d a ' ;
.' .'The- 'Royal Commission,: has . snide-Its: report. : Thej report has . apparantly; been'acee"pte"d"( a foregone <pnciusibri) 'by; the; British i Government. Palestine* liie Gaul j: of old, is tb\:be •divided into three i sorts; v: "Thero. are- tor.bs, accordl i n g to. the;wording of the Palcor i JSTew. Agency, ;*'twb^ independent . ©tat? -for the; -.Tewa -and- the Arabs and ;,a part; ;of- the country that ; will .remain under- a- permanent •'•British mandate.' 1 vHefe a t once . jwfe ,-grope in: tne" dark.: We. csnSot- even fiinder protest aeceptan •.^'independent state" in-the-sense j.«jt-' sovereignty,; and , .military,- de'.lense; ••' We cannot • -defend- the ystrategically. insane iron tiers- 6lLjerea-tLS'against tho-enlarged 'em4rate;! oi Transjordanla : ,and J its rabRallies..' Nor-"probably .is .that t^e-meanlng-ol -independent.. On the other hand, even1 what.• is-of-
ia recognition of his prench architecture, ature, Albert Kahn, jtect, was made a is French Legion of lial-exercises presidene •Weilier, French L -
Our Advertisers
fbarrow money and to
inecessarr to accomplish Ifor -which this corporaIzed. The total authorItoek of the corporation, i f- value S100 per share, j |mon, and shall be fully j ^-assessable and -.sucii! I issued for ^ash, goods, ; s—cisauiJiFe, good-will or |ion of the same. The aaU commence business Jug oF^its articles -with tarfc of Douglas County. jji shall continue ' u n t i l §S7. The highest amount fks sball not exceed 2 / 3 §1. stock. The affairs of In shall be administered . ffv directors consisting- of
• 11
Omalians • Active • in
! Watchful Waiti
Sihg&ag: Voice of'
I 2 and not more than 5
• Because ef \ . .. aday.ca Suaday, July 18," tu~-'installation- ol officers of • the Omaha Hebrew (?*' | f: ;,•• g. p k ji' f p | F": f: fv:. *:• p. i.r ^ Club, has--been -postponed-, "jsitil Gessrrasity Center July 25. . EXPORTS . . Sunday, at H l ' \A:-'prograEi- of., • entertiiEisest Kark • HAVESEABB.PJSE has beea arranged-for't!ae nie-it* ,* T By unanimous vote cf all memATP • • T T London (JTA)—^A notable rise ihg and refresJimssts will be bers of Camp AKba, Joliaana h?.s(t IG in Palestine eipdrts to Great served. T been' named "best cook in all . • Dr.A.Greenberg ot Qmaha was Britain, in comparsion with im"elected president, of District ports, Omaha." Evidesce supporting j Local Zionists hare adopted En for the year ending March, Grand Lodge No. 6 at the annual 1937-, •was shown, in figureg givthis vote ibas'been the large isum-i attitude of •sra,tchiUl--trEitir>£ in \ convention cruise held aboard the en, to the House of CommoEs by ber .of children s t tlie Jewish j regard to.the Cl P s l - ; U: 1. |: I ?; '•' }. trii i'^cs- i, L1 i Great Lakes Steamer, Seearidbee, Oliver Stanley, presiflent. of the Goiainiiiiity Center "home cam? estine by the .mandatory pesrer. jnly 5-9. Dr. Greenberg last year Board of Trade. ' " j •who have put oa weisat. .' A.ccorclnj' to LiOuis Lipp, r-Tesi. i *i;':|-il served .as first vice-president- of | ' Luacli is ' serves at tne cap ' dent of the /Omaha Zipnisf tis- \ T h ? p r o p o s e d B V . t o n o m o i i s • ' c w - ' . , . , » , . i . u . u . i - , . i — . - . . , , i . ! • • . . , . , - , . . . i , . i - ~ , . » . . ^ — - m . , , » , . . "While the previous yearPal5 the district . " ; , ' ' I from; 12 to 12:S0 and Is fcllow- tract " l i e Iocs.1 groups sticulc: ish ptate la Palestine h a s hpec.-f ^ . _ : _., & _ ..^ : . . ,.,.^,., A ; i Philip Klutznick received the estine Imports from the United j e l Try s fifteen ininate period of |-wait Icr s.a expression from the received thrcusrhpul the world RE i; '"'~ *' ' * •"""--'---': •-"' •• - -*---' an ?reEt vi primnri" poliiic&l 'mf IjTvAnrr: AC""f j ighest number of votes in the Kingdom eiceetied exports, last eotamur-ity siag-iag. Plates are leaders formulate the po , T l . x : t ; ,___ [ balloting for the members'; of .the year the Holy Land exported £3,cleaned 'and yoiiagsters, iffco at i ies." • ' rorjence. T^hile Ars.t F.nri Zionist j T . o , . , ; n . , rJ . : General"Committee., Thirteen can- «17,00fl- {about 515,000,000) in. 25,000! Sevnsh. Eesidents home are apt to be-finicky about! Since tlie TfTorld Eicnist Con- ;iPErlerF r,re steffient in their r-?~ i . ,,,^ , , ' , * ' ! . 1'" ",-^.I'_ "''l^*_* ,. i mm Affected hj iltdateswere '.in the field. Dr. Is- goods to the United1 Kingdom in food, eat everythiEg with gusto. ; gress is soon to be held in Barle, i £1,750,000 nac Sternhlll of. Council Bluffs comparsion- w i t h • • "Edict The program for', personality j it is very'probabe the orficlf.l Et-; p a r t i t i o n s c h e m e <aZ t h e Britir-Ti > ' ^ . ' . ' 1 - , - ' V " 1.' „ Jj,,.'..'.'.1 ,'i^; * ^ ' " C , . ; (aboyt $8,900,000) in merchanp u b l i c | T . ^ - ^ . " ' . .^^''•.,". 1 »,' ' [I'^l'l.s-'., I was.elected a 'trustee of the "NaJered TIBis of.no gopd,of q development has been most sue- j titiide will not be known tintil zl-\ G o v e r n m e n t , ROTwr-sciFih -- oviniori" in E u r o n e . v i i h 1'i.e- e x - ; |; ' . ' ' " • '," ••••"•••-<•'••' ,..,•:,,••-• j • Berlin CWNS)— The long arm cessfal. Because the .children are j terSihs conclave. TihleS3 TTB are ., administriitively tional, Jewish Hospital of Denver, dise, imported. , _ , -. . • im-E n T:\fP~- for i n r r v o ; i ; r j i •! '"oiir Om.ahans were among the <uite atitonomonB, 1101635: there is foTjf M n f T T l p r f , -,K '.-nr'-.v-Pi'. t n • ) ' " " " • cf ISTazi; antirSemitisia -wrliich .had j handled !a' small units, eaca one j Other local groups vrho ' ~ I ' \ . : ." • ' f v:\iY, O ? - p p f . K v i t s i n utain-l O'i i heen unable to reach .-the 25,000 1 s o possibility of interference .^ith ;wenty-sis.chosea to represent the •• . " ' '•• ample opportunity lor indi- j| fieSicated to the itpb-tniniTig; of the ; r e r p ^ a t h e p a r i t u o n D'"O'-»OPFI EF S , , ,, .'-•," , . t- T'Sr-MU.nrj s-,;. Vr. I P R J I T I P ;>,e Yv-'- I out - administration: of the frag- istrlct at" the convention "of- the Jews or German Upper Silesia be- || ridcal -expression. Timid young- | JcwiEh homeland hare not been , ' .,, . ..; ment! of • our ^historic •homeland Supreme -Lodge, to'be. .held in .cause of the Polish-Gerasaa Con- \ sters' have in the short space of I informed of the official action of Sne* o d v Eoiution to t n e A ~ P P - >•• , ^r«>r;s in .the ITrtited pf"te trests!!! ithat- is offered .us.''To: form: a Washington, D.G.Jn'April, 1938. vention_ of .19.22 which .gtss.ra.ii- | four. -weeks already showed signs j their national leaders. t h e p a r t i t i o n -plan v . - i t h a g r e a t , • j i '.". - _ - . . . _;, \ 3ndgtriptit...on; rthese rma.ttsrs:.we They are Henry" Monslty, ^Ir. teed- the, minority 'rights of resi- ;-Of developing poise. j ; —cirti.< r - i rtep,-!€:!?!?., r ? ; j r F n : i P ? i i - | , , , . „ , . , - , ...,,..,,.',. ,, , , , „ . ; must, a-wait lur.ther. - news- : and, Klutznick, Dr. '. Greenberg, and dents of German and .Polish Up- • Hitherto -unknown talents have i . " . '.: . chore-all,: further definition. ;•-.- Sam.Bfiber.. . . . ' per Silesia •••was-finally estended •been discovered among a number i Nr; v l ! L l 1 1 r s r t o T G r t > £ t E r r i g . s u fef t f e e K B C - . } l " ' * ' , ? , ' ' ' ~ ' , f ' '"'* -'-- -" - ! to German Upper SiSiesia Trith of the' campers.' j '• .Clear : enough :from" the- press Other district officers besides : the publication of "anaonncenent An excellent spirit -of comradej Teports 'ia the" geographical- oat- I~r.' Gfeenberg are: Archie Cohen it Phoi'Hi t?'-P ir- rPV!T7. liSe::6fthe> Jewish State. ' "It is to •I,'"_ Chicago, ; first. vice-president; So -Cliarges Congressman SIc- in- the '^German'. Official.-Gazette -ship and democratic feeling preIjOTidDis f V T X P ) With I h e ' lf vvieh. \\[" i[IF : F crniivrniiiui o i i y : !•(-.!«•! or o...^ •'•'/_• .; that on July ,15th, .whea the trca- jT a ;j j a all-camp-activities. Conaack in Address Over compromise the "whole of'-Galilee Aaron .Dropck of Detroit, second ? British g-orerninert prepr.rjnc lor • I Z^-'t'-^.'^Vl''' -^ ..^."',' v,-,,^- • \\T ; ty expired, all of the• anti-Jewish . The second four-week period acco'rdingfto' its ipresent-bpandar- vice-president; ^Otto . Felton of •..••-" E a d i o : -' ' a p a n i s i n e E - t a r y rlebF-'p o n tlip.fi ] : ^ j * V ' ; , , r',.^~ltrf'•'. ' '^l,'.- "»!T ,<.,, ilaws in -effect in G.eraasy also I ^erfas oa. Monday. A-notable inlies: 'The" easteTH : boundary" fol- Jhicago, secretary; William. BenU o r & l C o m i n i s R J o r . r e p o r t a n d i i f ;[• ^ ' , * „ . , " ! ' . - s . ' . , ' , " ' ' * " , » , . i l r-'-\ l' p ..,'J... \ Charges *? e c o i n e applicable to German Up-; c ? e a s e j a £ t tendsnee this-'year atthe Jordan to'just."north ot inger of East St.. Xiouis, Illinois Washington (JTA^) : policr of pcrl.'.tionjcg; lent -is' P?r -Silesia. The announcement | tests to. the snccess It ! then- turns" sharply treasurer; Benjamin Samuels of that the'.'Naai-. Government - -is j r," t h e r.C}-R! CoE'n- ir.inon fift.. I ; witriis t e a Urest to'.MeEgldo"-and thence'in an Chicago, assistant treasurer; .and •flooding . the.' United States with was signed . by. Chancellor Hitler, j p r 0 ^ram ]: The F T i \ s t h. GpvFrr.«":'?'";'> '• ' almost but not" <iuite sttsight lfne SolJL'evitan of Midisoh, Wiscon- propaganda and that youths in.' Minister of Justice .Franz Gnertp o l k * " i'T" 5 lii"1*' T I i hthe. " south. t h sbn, ^sergeant-at-armB. Mr. Levi- "every city of consequence" are ner,- Minister of the'-Intcrior Wilto-'-Beer ' rnons, infiicated i h s t r p vonicl ; h -Frick and Rndolf Hess, de- J p r - T ' t m n r . f. i<\ i h r 'i&'i' <r i-i" 1%'"' I y'it should stop; there - is =tne .tan is state "treasurer of 'WiBCon- drilling ...under Nazi instructors helm London CVTXS} — The h i g h l r - . flRht spproval pr !.he r e p o r t enc!.;| ' ' p V j " ' l , ! , . ^ ^ ' . ! ' .were niade in.' a radio Broadcast p-uty -leader -cf the Nazi party.tfrstr question. - It ia; the first -obtoEted demonstration of Eir Oathe re^f povernrspiit polir*"-, Pfiy-• !• ~" ' '' The decree provides for the ins- j •vions' mark ~br Jnjustice'and,ar- Omaha delegates to the cbnven- by Representative John -W. Mcj.wald JJosley's Fascists turced. ot:t ing t h e r e s o r t "fou)ii r.oi, I1? i mediate dismissal of all Jewish •bitrariness. The Arabs can, do ibn'were Mr. Monsky,';'MrI Klutz- Cormack (Dem., Mass), to b? a fizzle when only .5,0CO public officials unless they- are nothing with the. Kegeb. The nick, Dr. Gree'nberg, Mr. Beber, In a dialogue with Representa- |<3erman war veterans, sons or Iris turned out lor thet h a t Jews • would not. p.rrree t c [ i h r r lose pveryihinr:. I. ; f|fS British, who reserve it for them- and Samuel N. Wolf. Reports tive.Emamiel Celler, (Dem., >. , f t r o t h e r s of-veterans or mothers, march f r o m Kentish-town in w h a t h ? cslied !1fi crvF.rflly p n l - ' Tii? I..F5''"~;ie Tin " ^will do- nothing with, it- were given by:all Omaha dele- Y.) broadcast- by the Columbia N o r t h London to Trafalgar icy.'' It is also rpported t h a t TTirt- pi.r.ffK "ii. is hn.ri-! tr. t-r: It wives' or sisters of veterans. gates. -. " : • • ^fe«ud 1 1 network, the Congressman who eould^But."we'are ; iiot;to r haTe i t •High-light of the convention was.chairman of the House com- also-calls for the ' discharge of . Sao.Paulo, Eraiil (JTA) — A Square. Eolfiing their first pub- i pton Churrbill s n t his b . o r rf <-pr polittin?:. rrulfi I ". lie demonstration since the p"5>- \ Jewish notaries, the cancellation democratic "united front," cr% lisht is. the inclu- was a protest against the' report mittee ; to f investigate un-AmeriP5 cf tfcs PuMic Order Act last [ eion of ;Haifa in the Jewioh- state, of the Royal Commission parti- can activities in 1934, named-19. of Jewish lawyers' licenses DS De- g a n | 2 e d t&rongaotst Brazil for the 3sry, the J€osl?vites cember 31, -1S37,revocation • of j presidential election, adopted ' tioning Palestine.; EO 4h2t§HierB:"V7ill: not^be ?a. Northpersons as- German propaganda -Jewish doctors' licenses oa Sep -iscluding opposition to j in ^ Trafalgar Square to ern -corridor like .that Southern agents in ;this country. \ The list .texaber 30, ,193",- diss of eI r j integralisni, the Brasilian form of corrJdpr • thats will have to, connect is headed by Ambassador. Hans EEC ; ; theVfAra^-.:Blate... with-'jiffa-.': It: 33 . . . Jewish, basfi-ital of f-icial3< aad for. -p, . ^ , _ J * rsc s! a-nd -rel'^ orpoar-e. Only Sftt*i|?'%'g1e~a-m-::ql'JIsSC" tV'is-M Dleckhoff^who-be-said-has been ib { d s J e ^ . s ! l . d c c t o r 5 . . M a . d e a t i E t s , ! F ^ s c ^ ' " a d * T<lCJi * E ? " i e " • - sell -srore s MscfcsMri, TSe JBritish - dentists married Ts-ere <-__. „ „ ?-i to"; iewKt";?r-|)rScl«Es*1:n'd:'rr ~Z:s-:C€pt SOT S, terf.ere "with .Hitlers.ptans; to'j -;y|--?jj.gi-j'aace s^' S tfens Csnclla' c i s' -out..morally - a n ! ; : materially, of Jewish Nasi-izs America."; A s son ttnd. i tt they;,linow:;they;can rely on cantors, Ala.n Gale, new master of - Others on the list \—'• .on. ottr-honoy, on onrJpyal'ceremonies»--a.t ..the Chez Pares, von JCfllinger, new "ty; on our nioderation. Haifa^is p E-nnoutsceci. in & persons.! tri.e5- ! ^ h f f-ip.rcVipp^r a t San Francisco; made i i s first hit as an Irish enlrom-tWs"point of ^iew.flf-SiitiBh s a g e t o . F o r e i g n £ ; e c r G v K 7 " v A c - !• . t h = TvliM'nij: f ^ ' o ? : - a r c . f a : - c • > ' - . ' - • • tertainer at" Pattie Shay's Sham- Hichter, teacher a f imperial interests the pivpta" inary, New York;. rock Tnn-at Coney Island where ers at a mass meeting "held here jiojnt. of. -tie Eastern Mediterranlecturer*' pro.priatSon of Jewish property, pciics r i he was hilled as the "Young Jiiii Simmer,- "scientific last night to protest against the j; aiso by ' b e € i ean.; They [leave it 3n; the Jew.ish i. & S X. *'tll£.L. Captain Henry Beamish; Hans I tlircr£h "C^unl. Dine C r ^ c ' i , ? > n 7 l : s ' ^ i ^ - hi.\^."}rcl^ '?-•;• McCormlct." • recent 'posrroms in polsad. Dr. Btater- so ;that the.Arabs haverno ISunz, .actor-lecturer; Ida M. Evt i e PIECS til tae Galewhois. scheduled to be at TJb'aldoGayrsby, Democrat, conaccess to' It. That'-ia both: astute thepopalar Omaha -night club for ersden, . St. Louis; Colin - Ross, demising pogroms, assured Jews threatened Fs .scist Eif;rch •tfcroug'h 'j: V ' E S i n r e p l y ir- l-"v, r a f r : > rr- i; r;5-il;t,-; t'ic-r; ?• ;v". f-i-oi-r:- V. s=.',••;>-.-^I TLV-&- yticls. Is F. several more weeks has- been in 1 lecturer-writsr; U r i c h Kheinthat Brazil -would r.ever be anti. - Another '.gleam .of ilight- and 6: shbw business-as fie says, -"on and j berg. Rev. Becker, Rudolph Mal.ted Ere';. Ti~i? rarSemitic, sad -Br. TeishaTa • Plato 5^nse.. The Palccir Agency cables off most of his life," having made ek, Otto Doelz, Kurt Kliiige; Jo- • Ben ,RacusIn,"4S, died ia a Phil- {•ar{tei to come' to "a -country F..5s WE.S bsnneS ty ftcr.f •••The -Arab' State: .will. receive a his debut as a kid entertainer on j seph Dahaer, Pittsburgh; Dr. Ot- adelphia .hospital, July 10. He j ^ i e r e atl. are free." t e r Sir S & E E S I Hop.re. T h e f&"i- I a - tfcf A r a b wrr'iif.. I :r-:Pi-~: V v^^Uc^iov i i " b=- * grant, of about $10,000,000 and the Etreet corners, and in - the to Tolbehr, Thea Rasche, avia- had'suffered-a-heart attack two . Sharp! protest against • the Po- K 8 oE t h e K o s l e r i i " t o -attract an" additional nnspecifie.d contri- parks of New York's East Side, trix; Ernest • Reichard, president days previous. TO fVati ",000 m&r'--^-—^ hers is ore lish Goremnieat's policy toward bution;, for "the transfer of Arab training school"for' so many top- of the German Advertising Fed. .* •'" „___•.,. ' erallv itsterrreted here EP E. cesth seat Surviving are his widow, Sadie •9r&s voic ppptjlations' from"-wltiiin. :the Jew notch figures of * the theatrical eration;" Emerson Balnbridge, and a ' • four-year-old-- '•-daughter;- j : blow to orcsr.iEefi adopted-"by .the meeting.' It {ioa T^'i t ,"n ?-. 1^"P(^r-Tr ish -' State' into ; Traks-JordanT* world. _ ...'- - ; :• ' ... • : and Dr. Charles C. Tansil . of j hig .mother, Mrs. A. Uaiie- of to ^..democratic pe y t i , we'll,: so Arabs can he trans A. ; p j E S c I y . e -rorld to 'After that followed years of Washington asnington University. Lniversity. •- . - • - . Siocs-City; one • brother,--Tv. A. to bring bring prespres- Is r r e p a r e c t o Withdraw fresi the ferred from ."thg -fragmentized singing / at entertainments given Tliese" agents, the Congressman RECuSiti of. Omaha; ar.S the' fol- j B U r e . o a Poland to fcrce her to. Jewish\State" as now prbpoBed by such varied" organizations as char, arged,-are being used to'instill: j-jo-55-jng- E i s ters: Mrs.'Philip Kae- j respect—international treaties insbocltl reiain corurol ^ y couia 'nbt a few .hundred the Knights of Pythias, Odd Fel- fear rtr. can be fou .."in . German-A m e r i n a v usin 'of' Phnadelphia, Mrs. Ben to safeguard fcer minori- e thousand • more •" harfei been: "trans lows, Knights of Columbus, Elk, threatening injury to relatives in Abrahamson'aad Mrs. - Saa Roties. ferred, and the "whole" of •Cis-Jor- Moosa^ and other- fraternities. Germany.-*' ' ; - '..'.. I sejithal of Council Bluffs',"'Mrs. I. da'nia- made'-a Jewish1 State lo :' Graduating into big time he has : Mr. McCormack said military j Rosinsky of 'Auburn, Kefcr., Mrs. j i b e report, is mouniir.g. E:i;>tous;;b i \\ "-.\\,\\\ ,the.Ba¥e"of,1 the peace and happi- Appeared with -such well-known camps -have ' been established in j A.. i«vin of Chicago, - - aad Mrs. LEAGUE- SOCIETIES URGE i m e r e is ness-' nipt only- of the'Jews-bat o stars as "Texas "Guihan; Mae "West, New -York,-• New-• Jersey, Peansyl- | David • Blacker- aid' Mrs^. .Leonard IKVESTIGATtQN Of I ji&rutioi: w:a Civilisation?--.-.^'What, in and George.Gls6n. '• '/.._ vania, Ohio, Illinois, Texas,-Wis- Cherniss of Omaha.. theltfame. of 5man^ axid-.Cr6d, is th • Tin .years, i g o Gale played at consin and California. Youths at7npral--dllferencg t'et-w«en"trans' the .Riviera theater here with a tending'these camps, he Baid, are wn SysEgs'g' '3 013.0 0 0. Arabs - and-,'.. .Bratislava, CzecBoslovakia (.TT j ^ r n f !sna.1 cc college snow called,* "Rah, .Rah, "trained to disbelieve in... Am civ L'nicn ; B« *;; SOO.OOO Arabs'?-. In,;,spite; of thi Rah.!'. Since then he has Beea the lean Govsrameat, ordered r to eir A) •—,-Esaminatio-a o*-tbe ? o r 4 - | Isit¥crk':Easl ; : J petvGraitj aria indeed" stupidity 6: main attraction at the better press fealty and loyalty to Nazi ; •"" • '" ' ",'"•' "•'-.• .- 1 tion "of m i n o r i t i e s - i n e l l con-ntr- j gsites front tRe? practical 'application of.'thi known: . night 'clubs, including rulers. . . ...-'.,. ""New York.-'(JTA) —'The Ro-i ies-whet&er or- not aembers -of j and otfcsr b 5'flbciple of • tfafisfcrring •:•' Arab; Ghicago'B Royal-Trolics and Colman Catholic Ctarch x a s "reveal-! t 'e Images of -Kations wss nrged \ Tbe psrls: InvoTved,'. I'regard iae-yse of tha bsimoa. He 'comes- t o Omaha ed"tq:'be-the'--bwaer:''pfa -synago-M11 a " .resolution .ad-opted by the j "C5c;prs s r e Jprihcfple' a«d prdjiosal as- - tin rro'm 'twelve weeks a t the Bath Sue on the iower'-'Sasf'Side. " • (conference cf the •-,.-International j Dr. Cianai ll'-e; most linrportant sad; liistoTicallj and Turf Club; of Atlantic City, /•Tie Eit«ation' cEjn«. oat in a I Federation ot League o£ Kations ! : •(far-Teachlhs jelement In the en- rated: one sof the swan&fest- cnterhrought "by- the caretaker j.Societies, in .sassioa here. -• i- f. i jtlra ? Commlssioa report-; and '•[ 1 tainment centers,;fnt the east. " "d - Dic i i sond d "Berlin; _TWKS),.—'..Jews and j oZ .the Eynagogn?, Max .Blotnick,'. "..ord i Kont£g-ue, iotjorary pecretary As Master of". -Ceremonies at] Je-wish' organisatsoris in. Germany I'sgaiait 'Cardinal Hayes, as titii- a League COnmiSElcn e i s s At.ierics.il oelepates were Tlabo. f
5ODINSKY, MARER, &. J? EN, Attorneys * ba National Bank reby given that the u n e formed a corporation -^^ ie laws of the State of ^ s -name of the corporaA Company, -with tt3 , of business In Omaha, : objects lor -which this formed are to buy. sell, at retail any and all :ra?es, and liquor; a n d lease, hire, and otherreal and personal pro' y kind and description spose of, lease, convey, - M i any- and all of said s^
, FRIDAY, .JULY 16, 1937
WmB illil
3. LEVIN, AKy. SBIE Theatre Eldg. IATE NOTICE r of the Estate of Sam ased. . . creby piven that the deceased -will meet ftrix of said estate, tieJudge of Douglas ika. a t the County sald County, on the -Jst. isr.7. and on the Mober. 1937. at 9 o'clock Bay, for the purpose of sir claims for examlnafnt and allowance. Three plowed for the creditors |ix claims, from the 23rd p37.. CRAWFORD. County Judge.
-.-'• Estsred a s Sacoaa <2as3 Mall Matter "on1'Januar? 21. 1S21. a t . :FostofHca ct X)maha. Nebraska, under tha Act cl lisrch 3, JS73 '
i,;:. • :" .-•.; /DWISIOH- .-_r /;•"•; '••;"
|l)y the by-laws. T h e actors shall elect a pres-. resident, secretary, and
• taw* i, ?%/
aled that It was up ant lo talie precaupoing business with A contrary ruling, 4 introduce special Jews, although Fuitler had placed the listing laws in eco-
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Anj;e".sK, Dcbia of : 'Such' are the. Vital, outlines of tell. Beach. .Franklin, ith"g scheme' «f .division.;""- Jsrusaileth; "Bsthleeem; Nazareth will rectriMax Kcs=3t.hs.l was i-.iiijv-i imain Tpefmaffftiitly;.lJritlEil • Maa- hotel'>oom is a large picture of .drafts in. the form ol'.haayarara-j iclpal" Court .Justice-William Mat- ial-''illustrator ci t i e Af'^r cf • ' x-~r'r. ?*~-C f ^ - ? o f ^' ^ ~ ~^ )'^< ?'-;""?,. v'p..~-v-^ r-?::r.\~-~'> S>p^;. : c „' iflated territory aa will the corri- his father in robes of a cantor. mart-etf-.a " p?.~\iv.Tr:^rlr-?"1,- or'T^pr^-n^; o;: ^ 5 r • ;^E:' c: >?. S dbr from JerUBalem' to Ja|fa as Le-srisohn men't He thinks tiOTl C-f v-:\V?i t h e C!is; t?e dealt •well -as, curiously, enough, the the ; great .living-Jewish writer. i ditori ,- - ^,7., -.i' X - ^ , i i V ; largely -Arab towns';.of •_Ltidd and Since-he has been in Nebraska hej-such/iarks ••• i* ^ i- f v,..., for- remittances ' to-.-j fecfive .con&itios of the roof. : i ciaing i.r.st. tn-; r..n>. " The rest of the^ cotiit- has become interested in-its Id-'''Gennany, . !.'* . ; "" • be-joined "-to the emirate cal problems, particularly the re- • A. H'ew.'Evstesi- .TTHI be .'•worked) Pen? to arrive ti r. f •Ot •'Trans-Jordania. .' •- "." cent plague of" grasshoppers.-. - - - out" t>y-".cleans of" - w h i c h ; '-'these sOtt* r - A hundred 'questions; "arise. 1 : msrlss 'VrHX- b ^ jTSitl t o ?sws-~ isj fi1*;. - ctvrterencr. ssic; .hP.t "—the •^rSicH. it- la.-tao.-.sWoh' to answer,-.Germany fronr- reiehnjark. depos. on.!? cause of r r c s s r . t slijriouE i s a-i * JL •almost, too soon .-to ask.. Since,ol, i t s of Je-ra-s p l a n n s a s t o leave .GST^ t; 'ff / ^ : ^ : ciiJerence. tr;c slaej ;the pMsent Yiahub .roughly 1.00,many,.• -crlth- t h e - balance -held ,ia
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reserve -for tbe emigrants:.1>v...official ..transfer ageaeles E"&roa3. • - ;A"copy'of the «Tacetissue, of the
- - isr:possibility of BiE.J\* •.,•.,•• , - - ^ •^•C.rvt.
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tatiOii jrf. J c v s 'and ."nsitl the •ciss-: literary -edition of the • Shofer, cf-! swltrfraii' p* t r s . E ' n a l ' B'rflli 5n ; fjcial-.- A... 2. 'A...publication,, sent \ GertaaT.y vrs's -presiceat of- t h e i T < rws. to-:D.r;--l.eo Ba.eck, •Ciiiel Rabbi of i
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'<bE CoiirBe, the British'will -not es-pel'the ,'.tews" frost Jerusalem- or sand Polish-horn Jewish Ssrlin Sss" bean rsternefl 'to i t e ; the few Jndean colonies like Kir-J from GBrmany now -resident is.•Wolf •Jonisch, 53, of 2222 '-Mi- i Offisfca. office 'wKh t.fte w<jrds i i;;;/:;?;jtif^-v. *^;i;'rs:^.^^ ysith Anavim or even Hebron, this-i Warsaw .wfere declared in c-fleet tbe E ' a a i £•"'• tii h s vrz when the ami "street,-'flied e a r l y 'Monday. " K i n a a Erloschen" • -loaves.''only about 325,000 Jsws men. 'without..a-country, wt i i i » i i , i i kJui I L'» L the'prpipoaai:state'.' Within' | Polisbrantheritieis refused to. re-t laorning-froni' Injuries suffered-In I tloa : tirever,".are• an, almost .iftflual | cosaise'-'tneni -as' Folisti" citizens."I an antousobile acciSsnt late"'Sua- the--wrapper.. zie on t n e t"43 r i | ifi'-.bsen o p s a - ' - s ' s a i liiiiniher of -Arab3-:Who are, -afr-' Residents ..of G enaa'ny.:. until -the! day 'evening. ;«ord ing jto ' these; - pat sor r reports, sdvent of tha "KazL regime .-these ' JoaJBch-' is survived ,by three j -ed .snS It is- possibls t h a t nilcxzs, 1 ! • = 0 ba paifi. in t h e " J e w s retxtrned t o Polaafi ; -daughters,-'Lillian, . Sylvia,; .and • was-taken.-to'a. posm ."Blood" by had caisp" sp-fi ito . he..transkerrea-.lo/lands .East 5 i G s r a i s p Fives ?' • ;0tv'-the" Jortlan. In brief; 5o";aoon some t i m e .ngo r . N o w ' t h e y .-liav-ej 2Jrs.. "Ana-Katzman, ascl one s c i , j s . a r a . K a r c h o s s k y • o* Councit aialyre • the: proposal fro'ia' been"'advised. "• t h a t - because.. of j B e r n a r r , all of Onaha,-.''•••'• "-. j Bltifis. • . . ; ; angle • -we-, find":_t3iat: ..land thsir.- long--absence they so I o n s - ! '• • F u n e r a l services-". •were r held I Dr.-. ±5aeek ;. .is .ths; contrdictory and In t h e a b - er-'.have .eitireiishlp r i g h t s . Since- j Monday 'afternoon- at fee Jewi'sli I'er i •person far the rsstai d.- <JmA. t h a t 4 s iloi they,'have,"no. staatenloss pass-1 Fassera! .aocia. Caala? ,Aaroa,:ES-! ii"orit3£3 to." forwsrsi: lusiosil.
;Sor.it;Ja. contradjcEory and' .:..-yr.'-:' (Contiaued* OB. page 8.) .-'
ports.•• they.:are usable lo ... move": gar offieiated. . Burisl ~waa Is i sifies .."betas f r o m • : P o l a n d . . ;• ..•': .'•.'• ' •'-. . JGoiasa'Hni CcmeteiTsKlsst ol
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of such tragedies on Tishab B'Ab son*© years ago was most-active ; Dr. Chaira "Weizmaijn' himself Isaac Wit- I may have had a hand ia "writing in the New World.: Five:of them in Zionist clrcleshad their locale in Palestine/Two .kin, .a former president and at. least the section on partition others occurred in Turkey and founder o£ the Cocoa Exchange, Egypt. Four took place in Italy is fathering a don'-t-pay-taxes . PREDICTION: , When all the arid one eacn in Austria and movement because he coraplaiss j hollering is over, both Arabs and Prague (TOTS) — •will accept partition Spain. Curiously enough, only Uncle Sam "is spending too much"! that lEter-rceial m a n . - " Here's shoplng ther4 won't be any two were enacted in Western Eu- on-relief. Rabbi Morton Berthe highest . biologi- . rope, one each In England' and man, ,©r.. Stephen *S. Wise's as- coatests to name the States . . . Klaus Mann, author-so" ' sistant at the Free Synagogue, And now will begin the fascinat- as Mann, worla-fc.ffi.oi. France, but none In. Germany. In the last century many ca- will b© doing his stuff in Chicago ing business of guessing presi- declared in & letter to «t " lamities. have been visited, upon in the fall.'.. He has bees'named dents (or prime ministers), am- Review of Hunks cz t> '<• the house of Israel—the Russian spiritual leader of Temple Isaiah, bassadors, cabinptPETi!, army and is fouacl more frequer. ** navy chiefs, consuls . . . . There's pogroms—the advent of Nazism succeeding Gerson B. Levi, who no truth to the rumor that Peter ilies of inter-rccial will become rabbi-emeritus . . . pute on the right of approach to in Germany—the horrors of conmay even put In a H'l to ect tr. than those ot pure rac~.1 temporary Polish Jewry—an days He hasn't asked us, but we think IT. S. Minister to one of the new Young Mann attribut" the Wall. Hant creative talents t t L These grim events are among wther than the Ninth. ot. Ab. But it would be a swell idea of Abel states . . . father and Ids uncle -- .r the-most memorable in Jewish |V*en one recalls the bloody hap- Klviat, one of the greatest Jewto the fact thai: his g--r history, running like a scarlet! penings Of the Ninth of Ab one ish track athletes of all time, cr SIGHTS WORTH whos^ t^.nijly bad c* ~ thread through the annals of the understands why the symbol of were given the job of reviving* the Maccabbl movement-'in this Peer into New York'* fj;.rr,r:-i; * j ovinj; to centuries cl Jewish people. Although some of 1 this day is that tear-stained rock, country . *•. Kivlat, in case you've Yesliiva College tom.ttmo. <!isrfnjH v . u h Lu beck patriciar.f & the most sanguinary chapters of j the Walling _ ^ f " L v ^ Jewish history were written in countless generations of Jews forgotten, was the Glenn Cub- the current' lanrasr ss.f.Rieis , , . : r j e t | s creels. Poland and Russia, not once did have bewailed their fate and that ninghaia of your pappy's era . . . And let yotir eyes pop right, out j ' Klsus MPHR also c o£ your head looking et youv.R ; highly Vnefickl' that' f* Abel could use a good Job any major calamity Detail the Iot those who preceded them. Jews'of those lands on the Ninth; (Copyright 1937 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) ot Ab. Nor i3 there any record
to in-
By BsrtLf a m Jonas
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." The Ninth of Ab, which falls ! s r c a t B a r Kochba revolt, which I : i JeSon Jaly 11th, has lops been a | n a d D e e n expected to liberate * i- J e w day of mourning in Israel. In Palestine from Its oppressors rr* de^' the last 2500 years o? Jewish was definitely crushed with the "p«, end history fifteen major calamities fall of the city of Betar. P n ,7e», 3 „ have occurred on thl3 date. 13G C. E.—FINAL DESTRUC<• *' acial 1 "!'And thia year, with the Pales, TION OF JERUSALEM? To conv PH as I' tlno situation growlnc more firm the conquest of the Holy ^p^k t o J Jtens© hourly, it seems not im« City by hi3 predecessor Titus, the orhpt of i ! possible that the historical Roman emperor Trajan had the »-i" also ! ! • 1 ' j dates adduced by Mr. Jonno site of Jerusalem ploughed on r oi has i .! may be tragically Increased to the ninth of Ab to symbolize the O H' • r 'f f o r final destruction of the Jewish [ Include 1037.—The Editor. VOVflCG b A State. Thereafter Jerusalem beJews of Matzo"ta":which"he''proked"""'upiEClloUrly l o o k i l ! e bosses . . . A u d . b a v e bGcolr 7 fi 'thin-bloc 6,', 2 came a Roman colony which no ^ So much of Jewish history is } ' F ir that from his friend Jack Menische- 1 t h e y . s e e c ? ; t 0 r e l i ^ t b e 'fe.a o £ « - e d creatureB.' Jew was permitted to enter. a record of tears and tragedy v 1 o- i "has witz, the niatroth mogul . . The | t a r i n g the yarnioikeE, which req semble college "frosh" caps 1290 C. E.—JEWS EXPELL1 that almost every,-day in the JewThe Captain has found that unleav- semble college "frosh • caps 3- i3h calendar ia the anniversary of :ED FROM ENGLAND; July 18th ened bread, ia th? only food that MISH-MASH: . War Minister bne or more sanguinary or disas- of this year,'.'falling on the Ninth * f LT *- n f, stands up under any climatic conHore-Belisha will visit Scotland i trous. episodes in the life of the of Ab, .was- marked by the issu<."•- r ' i l " ditions Among the fall blogance of King Edward I's decree THINGS TO WATCH cf the I weeks ago, was a Jew It is raphies will be one of the late ia September . . ' . His host has in-! U f L f it li Jewish people. No single day, ^xpellinp all Jews from England. however, has more trage'dy asso, r i l l i -cr r F"f f,0Wrr whispered that" his death had Jesse'Isidot Straus, diplomat sad vited him to wear kilts . . . And ; New York (WNS) — Keep your eyes peeled on those sing Scottish song's, which he is i can Jews have thus fai n ciated with it than the Ninth of (Not until Oliver Cromwell's time vigilantes and law and order something to do with the belated department store magnate f Up . p.i as be• i reputed to do well cl Dr. A. ed over $75,000 for 13.335 shares ; UP , Uons of 'Ab, the twelfth month of the He- were the. Jews permitted to ro- groups that are mushrooming up disclosure that this bosom pal of j u d g e Joseph Sloan of the Phila-.1 of the of Nachson, Ltd., the Palestine is one v.'ho brew Calendar, Jewish philo- turn there. A A l t l h Ijdelphia was no Aryan .-•„ Although In the strike-affected areas . . . Fleas Court is been ailing . . . It's his heart Labor Ivtsritime Company found13 OG C. E,—FRENCH JEWS Too many ot their big shots were most people have forgotten about i f !l o !UlarIz«sophers have always cited the exthe brother of Dr. Henry Slonim- jK " o n r a d Ber'coTici's son has ed by the Palestine Jewish Fedr o" 1 .?Tor d i s - ' series of disasters ARRESTED PRIOR TO EXPUL- formerly identified with the Ka him, some of his devoted friends sky, 1 5 • traordinary slrv. Deaa. _^ i ±. ;_ x^ _ -r^^ti Dean. of o£ the the Jewish Institiit.p Institute Nbook._ corning out in the Fall eration of Labor to participate in .1 j F r that befell the Jewish people on SION: It -was on July 22nd, fall- Klux Klan and the Black Legion in Paris a r e still trying to win of Religion . . . •J < He's asked his •publisher please building the Tel A^iv port, the ih© Ninth of Ab, or TlshaD B'ab, ing on the tenth of' Ab, that . . . The' real reason for Lady a pardon for David Frankfurter, ( J 1 (! ir f l^o OppOBJK 1937 by Seven Arts not to refer '-to him as KocrsS purchase of Jewish, ships, the = medieval w as we" call it, in support of the Philip the Fair had the Jews of Astor's warning to Jews not to the young Yugoslavian Jew who(Copyright Feature Syndicate) Bercovici's -son . . . If vre get a training of Jewish youth for vork c r, atement •belief that some divine power France imprisoned and told that spread anti-German propaganda is serving a long prison term in fa review copy of the'book," we ciay ; on the sea ES 'sailors, longshore- i "r r."ni oimii raE and not ' coincidence regulates they would havp to leave the was her discovery that official Switzerland for the killing of. a 'consider not referring: to the aii-! men end captains, to organise co~ • rortrary to Jewish destiny. But whether it country within a month. Washington circles are mllitant- Nazi chieftain . . . . . Nearly 50,000 thor as Konrsd BercovicFE son operatives for fishing- and chip' .1 F unity of 1432 C, E.—SPANISH JEWS fo is coincidence or not, it is fact The Virginia names have been obtained for a ly anti-Nazi | When the books comes cut, xaar- ^; ping and to'carry, on £-.11 mariTi. that the Ninth of Ab has been Is- EXPELLED: The expulsion debelle's American visit was part of petition asking mercy for Frankj-be Konrad's objections will bs ; time sctivitj- in Tel Aviv p.nd Kei-(1 * <' cr o r Toulouse, in yael's, unlucklest day,. a veritable jc r e e Of Ferdinand and Isabella, a' scheme to win American ap- furter . . , Incidentally, rumors vistronger than his son's at stress-; fa. «•- f, -r- -or1 t o t h e pubcb !date of catastrophe. So' numer- signed some months before, be- proval for an Anglo-French-Ger- that he has embraced Catholicing the kinship . . . Another &n- j Announcement of this vrs.% made . r f" ;!,= !. "Catholicous have been the ;toajor trage-j c a m e effective on July "31st, the man bloc . . But Washington ism are poppycock . . . L o o k s like tfcor who hag "son trouble" is < by Isaac Hamlin, secretary of the -"-! •-'• , l r e f a e n t l a l WJ dies that overtook Jewry on that j seventh of Ab. But, perhaps for I Nathan Asch, son ct Sholosn . . -! American Committee for NachThe focal point the Rexists, the Belgian Fascists, wouldn't bite c" r' -F"fr Rnd IndividSo iateful' day that rabbinic legend historical reasons, ntost of . tho for "Nazi propaganda among the;are kaput . . The entire supreme The shekoltm campaign fiisburs-; son, Ltd. in payicg tribute to the , ' - " T C i r Oifference of 'even fixed the Ninth of Ab as the I Spanish Jew3 appear to have left American • \ipper crust is "the 1 political council of the party has ed" $7,500 in " administrative ex-t work of Nachson's Ppiestiniac ' -F i 11 iwale. o t h u 'day on -which God decreed that' the ' country two days later, on Thomson, Conn., estate of Ana- reslgned en masse collecting a total cf ?10S-j delegate, ?v"rs. Golfiie Myerson, Leslie i r "> ' f o n d e m n the tot all the Israelites who had , t n c ninth. The famous Don "Isaac stase ;A. Vonslat8ky, leader ot a Hore-Belisha, Britain's . minister 500, Samuel Schmidt, campaign vcho hes visited 5 6 cities in, this ^ r' i r '-re t h a t misgone out'of Egypt into the wild- |Abarbanel was one ot those- who Russian Fascist party, and bos- of war, has been promoted from 1 r ' r • P'FIIRP h e belongs RESOLVE: The editorial crew] secretary, told tts as be returned j country. erness, none but Joshua should fieftldh "that "dfayr.^" ,\ • , . k _ ^ . som pal of most of America's a major to a colonel . . . It It :innati . . . sae the Promised Land. j 1 5 5 5 c E-—ROMAN GHETTO anti-Semites . . . Agents of "Von- weren't so' tragic it would be of the J. T. A. here- and abroad, J • Jewish G-ensr&l i s Gseci. ? Tishab B'ab in the Jewish c a l - ; f i s T A B L 1 S H E D . I n n c c o r d a n c e Biatsky's party are taking' an Im- poetic justice that the Rev. Mar- has before it a resolution to es- j (Copyright, 1S37 Jewish Telegratablish s. commission to end all j ,nay Bsss endar Is the Nsaddest day of the : ^ j ^ a p a p a l b n l l s s u e d by Paul portant part In. the organization tin Niemoeller, militant "anti-Nazi commissions, phic Agency, royal or otherwise Prague (TCNS) — General .Toyear, for it commemorates the J V t ^ e J e w a o £ ^ o m e ^ere, on of a united Fascist front in Amer- ] Protestant deader of Germany, is . . . Partition may be a pain in _ . , _ tt "Weinberger, highest-ranking destruction of the First Temple J u l 2 G t h of this, year, forced to tea . . . Among the parties to this j now nnder arrest . . . He was ivrish officer 1- the Czech army, in 586 B.\C. by the Babylonian go - to an undesirable riverfront union are the remnants of the ' once an ardent Nazi . , . . Com- the neck to the Arabs and zioa-1 To ^ a s t e r d a a S s p r e a e j died at his kotne in. Farfiubice. ists, but ths pain Is more gener- Cotirt king, Nebuchadnezzar, and the district- and to dwell - there\< per- KICK, t h e G e r m a n-Amerlcan memorating the centenary of the i Thousands of Czechs attended destruction of the Second Temple m a n e n t l y thereafter. ILis bellev- Bund and the Silver Shirts . . . Danube Steamship Company, the ally distribuied on the persons of Amsterdam — Dr. S. G. Genes 't i g i U E e r a i vhict -ras under govnewspaper men who had to in -70 A.' D. by Romans under | e d t h a t u w a 3 . p u r e m a I l e Herbert S. Houston, who was anAustrian press conveniently for- the vice president o; ernment sponsorship. fTItun. These calamities'were the j — ^ ' a T / t h o ; authorities ; e*|officer.of the Good • Neighbor got to mention that it was Mar- read the report of the Royal j and a former student at! anajor tragedies that occurred on date chosen for' this forcible iso- League in 193S, is now advocat- tin linger, a Hungarian Jew, who Commission, the British Cabinet's ' Court the Ninth of Ab, but by no means lation ot the Jews'of Rome was ing German participation in the first operated steam boats on the statement summary the last. Sir and a half centuries the Ninth 'of Ab. Danube and • laid the foundation had to wri New York World Fair . . . elapsed between that Ninth of for the Danube Steamship Com- wires etc. ad lnfinltum. 1571 C.*~E. — FLORENTIAN RED HERRING f been named governor of Ab in 586 B. C. and-the Ninth of pany . . . To prove that -shejiasGHETTO ESTABLISHED: To Some one ought .to throw a the.-IeUnd cf Xorfolk, an Austral!Ah In 70 A. D. But less than 50 n't been given the gate by Hitler, Grand-' Duke Cosimo de • Medici hefty -brick at tho author ot that CABBALISTICS: Our Hebrew Paper ian possession. • . .. .; years separated the latter afflicthe JewB of Florence owed the in-Jewish Daily Forward editorial Lfenl Riefenstahl is parading flee cabballst,' Aleph Kati, finds't tion from the next TIshah-,R'ab. — A new He'br^v > stitution "of "the "ghetto, frTvtiicii warning. Jews to have.nothing to around Paris- handing out auto- deep-significance in the-fact "that { . Buenos misfortune. Then came two more monthly called HaMma Ka-Iv-itl i t h e y w e r * forced to live from do with - the World Congress graphed pictures of herself and the Commission's report tragedies3 on the Ninth Ab on tne ismm A D -raunin - , w , tv. »»«'.». #--»v. Against Racism and Anti-Semi- the Fuehrer The Irish Fas- exactly 40 4 pages — no morns, no has etsrted publication feere i - - | A**«- +».»» 1 . . 1 . ™n Mnth of Ab years . After that -a -whole mil- July' 31, 1571—the , n i.n -t e e n t .h tism which is to be held in Paris cists, took an awful licking in last less . . , He points out that each der the editorship, of Een-Efraf—. ' lenium passed .before the irf-1 « * * ~ ™»« ? The periodical is They didn't page of the 404 stands for 1,0-00 on September . . . The Forward's week's elections omened day- again worked Its century emancipation^ JewR-in Palestine, there being, by elect a.single member to, parliawriter .alleges that the congress spell in Jewish history. But 1573 C. E:—JOSEPH NASI the latest official count, 404,000 brew literature. from then on the Ninth of Ab'iDIES:' This famous statesman, "will not only not help weaken ment . . . . of us in the Holy Land . . . anti-Semitiam, but, on the con-
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H ? - G E E ! ••" ""••• " • brought at least one major catas- jwho had'-risen high in the trary, will strengthen-it because tropho for Jewry In every century jcal life of Turkey, b u t whe Visitors returning from Berrthe real aim of this ccngre33 Is chtesgaden, -wheTe Hitler has his until tho year 1684, after which!forget to champion;_tliB CI there'was a break until 192D.. jjhisvoppre'sse'd- people and who not to combat anti-Semitism, but private residence,-• ,are e y about his carious predilection, for The following, chronology lists I was perhaps the first to propose to make propaganda the fifteen momentous and cala- i a. modern Jewfsh settlement in Stalin'government in Russia and mltous events in Jewish history j Palestine, died on the Ninth Of for Communism in all countries" -with the letters G and H during the past 2,500-years that I Ab in thlB year. Wonder v.rhether 'th'e For- most Intimate friends hare names ihave occurred on the Ninth off 1G30 C. E.—JEWS EXPELL- ward knows that Samuel UnterH - --Jtudolph (!A.b: JED FRQJTC ..MANTUA: Having myer and the Chief of I Hess, his deputy leader; Helnrich u -586 B. C. E. — THE FIRST j supported the.-legitimate heir-to Great Britain are Htinmler, head of I T E M P L E DESTROYED: Al- jthe djical'tnie, JCgainst the'claims backing the'Congress {though'the tragedy, of the 'de- | ol tn'e'Hbly-Roman Emperor-Fer- er heard • them called Communists Czech Nazis;- and Heinrich Hoffstruction of the'first Temple byjdinand II, the Jews, -on the cap- And -when the Forward claims photographer t h e Babylonians occurred, ac-[turo ot Mantua by Ferdinand's that the non-Communist organiAmong Hitler's G-men, are cording to the biblical account, I armies, Were expeHed forthwith Goering, Goebbels, the late
PROVERB: The report. Is Tin-; Is essential to ens's hsppfness literary masterpiece Why Not Have a BeautlfuJ . . . It is by far the most readable ever t o s document of come out of England in conaec-|g The Cost S» No Greater Thar: tion with Palestine . . . But * An Ir-Iisllon Ere! tit aiithor (or autfeors) resorted to'}* a bit ot exaggeration v&z loaf," the report state at is better than no bread." Half -vrouldn't be so bad But it's only a third, a voice from the gallery moans . . . There's & mad scramble to find out if & hand in the preparaffbm the city—^on July 18th, the on the tenth day of Ab, the traare Stalin's stooges it is simply helm-.Gnstloff tlon or -writing of the masterly i .< ditional day of mourning over Ninth of Ab. The Non-Sectai-ian good with > the number-one Nazi document . . . Some of the scram1670-Cf. E.—VIENNESE JEWS Anti-Nazi: League is among those are Hjalmar Schacht and Sir Nethis, catastrophe lias always been j biers are coming up with the ninth day of that month, ex- EXPELLED: Ofl.'July 28th, after n o n<-Communist organizations ville Henderson, the aew British lant whisper hardly credible, that'Ss^j cept" among the Karaite Jews. observing the Ninth of Ab on the and on its board ol directors are ambassador-. •Probably, though the Temple-was j previous-day, the Jews of Vienna ABOUT PEOPLE finally destroyed on the tenth, j I e l t t t h e cI*y. in'accordance with Mrs. Thomas Mann,'wife ot the the Babylonian,attack on Jemsa-ian expulsion decree Issued - by Gordon Battle and celebrated novelist, is the daugh3ezn "began on the ninth, -which Is (Leopold I five months betore. ter of Alfred Prinzheim, a Jew and one-time professor of maththe day that has been remem-11684 C. E.—POGROM itf PA- FLASHED THROUGH THE DUA: Because the Jews of this ematics at the University of Jbered through the centuries. •0 C. E.—THE SECOND TEM- city conducted the mournful TIsNot that .we're proud of It, but Robert Moses, New PLE'DESTROYED: On this day hab B'Ab services on August 4th the late General the "Jewlsh-natlon ceased to exist of this year' Instead of joining commander of the Spanish rebel sioner, who Is noted for his abas a nation, for with the_destruc- the rest of the populace in re- armlea, who was killed in a mys- stinence fjom Jewish tion of the second Temple, the joicing, over a Christian victory tpious plane crash a couple of a brother of Paul conquest of Jerusalem by the Ro- over the Turks, the Paduans atsnan emperor Titua became com- | tacked the Jowf3h community, 3>lete. Thia time also the culmin- | thus beginning a series of violent ation of- tho tragedy came on the ptfgroms'that lasted two weeks. 192D C. E.—WAILING WALL tenth, day "of the month; but it was on 'the ninth that the Ro- RIOTS: At the Walling Wall in inana sot the fire which consumed ' Jerusalem, traditional site of the Temple on the next'day.' ilamentation over the destruction 117 C. E.—ALEXANDRIAN1'0' the Temple, the bloody ArabA NEW CAR JEWS MASSACRED: Until this Jewish riot3 of .1329 began oa UNTIL YOU HAVE date the Jewish community . ot the Ninth of Ab when Arab" faDRIVEN THE H E W 'Alexandria had been the center natlcs attacked Jews after a dlsvca CHO'CSE A of the Judoo-Hellenlc culture. At i shout thia time, however, the Jews of Egypt took part In a reOmaha's Meat Popuvolt against the Romans, In lar and Fastest which the Greeks also had a Chare. But when a defeated Greek army "was forced to retire Into 1 'Alexandria the furious soldiers o Hz® G c took vengeance on the Jews of tho clt7. massacring them and thus destroying not only the* Jewish community but the great per- j ibd of Greek-Jewish culutre as v/ell. 135 C. E.—BAR KOCHBA- REVOLT CRUSHED: It wca on the 'ninth, of Ab in this year thai, the Our Funeral Pci-Ioro Avo Furaialiotl in Hocic-Liko "
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( N 3 ) — Condemna,itl-Semitism as uns expressed by a group . c .intellectual leaders >arls of Europe in a published in the Cathnthly. Die Erfuellung nt) in -which they brand the doctrine that Jesadversary ol the Jew|e. The statement der it "Jesus was a Jew, and - and, only genuine' Jew, |merely in the racial 'hus Aryans as well as •strong if they seek to |ze aim as the prophet of nple." The-manifesto also ihe theory that God has I the Jewish people for Mused to acknowledge Imphasizing that the Jews it been forsaken and that i condemns Israel "has I derotion to religion." The ;s to justify political anti; n by pointing to the polle medieval church are read the attitude ' of the in the Middle Ages towJews is explained as, beto the legal conditions of Ines, whereas any one who jppj-oves of the Becularizaibfr state cannot favor dis-' •:ory laws against the Jews ! the church is also opposi return of its medieval j-i3h laws, the statement '. It also condemns, ral-Semitism as "contrary to stian idea of the unity of anity." iTChbishop of Toulouse, in. I lent addressed to the pnb! declares that "CatholicI 0gnize3 the e s s e n t i a l !•• of all xaces and indiyid•d knows no difference of }r face in the scale, of JJUS lues. . "We condemn , the Se of injustice that misj.ny one because he belongs er race."
nnofficial members is rscom- j the cultivators ' ai the State | ily tecorae liei f :tr it mended, enlargement ot the A3-; alike will profit. . . I seem almo visory Council by addition of nn- "The afivai X £.-•. * 2s of p^rtitIoa to • ofiicial meiabers is rscora12.e3.d- the Jews ELS.? *bs suisarized E,S ] ed. ' follows: . . • ' I ••7. Adoption of a raora rigorous " 1 . Partition secures t i e estab- jsrlction cf ,preS3- ordisaace. llsament of -tae Jewish National j oes justice S. More careful selection • of Horse and'relieves it from the j plratioss tioss cf civil service as well as adminis-! possibility .of its being- subjected th irnticcs urdertckar tevrre trative and fiscal reforras, includ- in the future to Arab rule. Ing sympathetic• cocsiaeratioa forj "2. partition enable the Jews ventr rears £?o to t i e 1 a substantial loan to Palestine, in the "fullest sense to call their strengthening of local councils national home their ovrn; for ( and adoption of a new municipal- j converts it into a Jewish State, i The news editor of the Seven PARTITION • ; , n s citizens' will be able to admit j Arab area; tha Advisory Council itiea ordinance. Arts Feature Syndicate pre- RECOMMENDATIONS It is of course subject to Inter- _as many Jews into it as they! should be enlarged by the nominsents a comprehensive interFeature £rs^-cts.) Stripped of its diplomatic lan- ation of Arab and Jewish repre- pretation whether these pallia- j themselves believe can be absorb- • pretative resume- of the Royal tives are set forth as an alternaj ed. They •will attain the primary sentatives, but if either party reCommission's report on Pales- guage, the commission report fuses to serve the Council should tlve to the partition plan or whe- | objective of Sionisia — a Jewish 1. TJ.-V nc"-'n:rr.t tine, and lists important points very clearly enumerates sixteen continue ais at present. ther they are merely presented as nation, planted ia Palestine, g*vfundamental points jnnder which r.rc i;rbe~t Lo-f of the partition plan. a matter of record in accordance ing its nationals the saise sta;,,„ the proposed partition p l a n 13. Steps are to be taken for I H E EDITOR would be carried out. > These an exchange of land and popula- with the CoEiisiisslosZs study of j in the world as other nations give j the workings xtf the Macdste. The theirs.. They will cea.se sX last to IX3BGTET PAKK points are: ' tion, for transferring Arab own- British government's statement live a 'minority life.' Dnm r Tcrlrer, the poetess, A Jewish State in Palestine! 1. Termination ol the present ers of land in the Jewish State endorsing the partition - plaa, "To both Arabs asd Jews partI &ni Campbell, ; cbr and vice versa. This is what Great Britain pro- Mandate andits replacement by a ition offers a prospect — andare now in.the East an however, very definitely points-to writ •writing seen- ; es Xjrrry J Cl°~. ts ions fc; poses to the Zionists ol the 'world treaty system in accordance "with 14. Agreements are to be drawn the determination of Great Brit- there is none in any other policy arios for Samuel Gcla^rn. nc? r'rye" rrf p in lieu of the Balfour Declaration the precedent set in Iraq and up between the Arab and Jewish j — of obtaining the inestimable I makes very few wisecracks States regarding tariffs, ports,' ^and the present Palestine Man- Syria. : _, ' . ' ' ; ; . " " ' • boon of peace. It is sure •srorth | parties nowadays, evidently of Nations, regardless ofJewish nationality, civil service and "imd a t e . ' '' 2. Negotiation of treaties of al- portant industrial concessions or Arab opposition, tee partition some sacrifice' ca both sides if 1ing them for .the EC-Tie sc: the quarrel Trhici >t>e Mandate Sirs. Campbell Vas born Dei 5 Full-fledged national"™"'status liance by Great Britain with centers are to be transferr- proposal and a new mandate. started could - be ended with its v "with an autonomous government Transjordan and representatives -whose PARTITION CONCLUSION schlld. Her father was ed from one State to another. r n ie. *•- I England end a Jewish navy and army is of the Arabs on the one hand and I termination. It is not a natural |, T The conclusions of the Royal 15. The boundaries of the Jewere'rec s cct'e f-om the solution- to the present Arab- with the Zionist Organization on or old-standing feud. The Arabs: Commission's report on partition Par&er in Jewish impasse, states .Great the other, these •treaties . to pro-ish State will comprise the whole _ _ _ her first rst husbrrS, v-hc n s K Britain in proposing the partition vide for the establishment as of Galilee, upper and lswer, the are presented in the form, cf an ! throughout only, been free anti-Jewish their from history have net i •srard Pond Parfrer. Tte Cs.rrwhole of Emek Jezreegl, the of Palestine into Arab and Jewr soon as conveniently possible of shown I bells earn about r:,5€C a veek appeal to toaccept reasonpartition to Jewsas and onlybee bet Jre have from also antiJewiEh thesentiment 1 a"-'greater part of the Beisan area Arabs ' ish States. sovereign and independent .Arab and iise is } c• E.i Souihhs.mrt07> i the entire coastal plain from only possibility for a lasting! that the spirt cf. comproProvided the Royal Commis- and-Jewish States, strict guarandeeply rooted in their life. Con- j ; clelight.fuily noticed • sion report, whieh has already tees for the protection of minor- Has el Nakura In the North to peace in Palestine. The test of sidericg what the possibility of] ress (vrltb. the TrorV.'eSouth. The this conclusion follows: Beertuvia in the Teceived the approval of Ihe Brit- ities-in each State and military, finding a refuge la Palestine riatinn or s.ree.eor "Considering the a t t i t u d e means to many thousands of suf- Congratulations to Henry Ginsish government, •will also -win the conventions dealing with the Northern frontier of the Jewish f-"n-nf-Tir r-. i-psrefi E f little Eto: endorsement -of the League of maintenance of naval, military State will follow the existing which both the Arab and the fering Jews, is the loss occasioned j berg, newly elected vice president frontier of Palestine along the Jewish representatives adopted In of Selznicfc lEterr.aticnal PicNations and other parties to. the and air forces, the. upkeep and by partition, great as it would be, ] Palestine Mandate, the partition use of ports, roads and railways Southern boundary of Lebanon giving evidence the commission more than Arab generosity can tures. Ginsberg: lias been g-en'by- Larry idler.' J manager for the past year. plan recommended by the Com-and the security of the Mosul oil from the Mediterranean to Sy- think it Improbable that either bear? In this, as .n so much else ers.1"h^c paid roe fPCO for *>ac?i -T! fhr> f-H-n 7n- ':-<7.t••••^ria. The frontier continues along party will be satisfied at first mission "will constitute the newpipeline. ' ""collected with Palestine, it is not | •"• m^lr-'-nf m e r. fr Tithe present boundary . of Syria sight with proposals suraltted for h,.--r-'r'rir<- ir ! count. policy of Great Britain in Palesonly the peoples of that country tvrent 3. Great Britain I s to -undertine. ; ..-_.. take to support any request for along the Jordan River and thethe adjustment of their rival who have to be considered. The 1516 as sfiverti^'tis cr . The partition plan, as is alrea- admission to the' League of Na-Sea of Kinnereth down to a point claims. For partition means that Jewish problem is sot the least of tatioa rerresentailre of dy known, proposes to divide Pal- tions by the Jewish and Arab Norths of the town of Beisan. The neither will get all it. wants. It the many problems -which are dis- er s an 1 boundary of the Jewish State means that the Arabs must ac- turbing international relations at estine into Jewish, and . Arab S t a t e s . trg vrten i e ' .••;'•;• turns West- along the Southern quiesce in the- exclusion from States and a" special area to be 4. A Dew " mandate is to beedge of Emek. Jezreel to Megiddo, their sovereignty of a piece of this critical tine and obstructing. ' T'trrer ". olse administered under a permanent framed to safeguard the holy the path to peace as-d prasperi|y. British mandate. The published places of Christians, Jews and then runs South along the edge territory, long occupied sad once If tbe Arabs at sorse sacrifice report of 404 pages is the result Arabs, giving England responsib- of the coastal plain in the foot- ruled by them. It means -that could help to solve that proble: of the -work o'f the six-man com- ility for their protection and con- hills, with an arc excluding the the Jews must be content -with they would eara t i e gratitude E0 * Torker, vas instrumei fie la K-'oits VEJ mission that -went to Palestine trol over Jerusalem, Nazareth Arab city of Tulkaren. All Jew- less than,the Land of Israel they of the Jews alone but of all thefounding cf Educations j Later he procuced ace last November to investigate the and Bethlehem through the" es- ish settlements in Transjordan, once ruled., and have hoped to Western world. namely the two Deganias, Gesher, rule again. But it seem possible causes of the 1936 riots as us c "There was a time when Arab tablishment of an enclave in Naharaim and others, will be in-that on reflection both parties as the modus operand! of the "which all peoples would have cluded In the Arab State. The im- •will come to realize - that the statesmen were willing to con-Sterlicg I turss After f>e ^zz. l HEI noac Palestine Mandate, Lord Peel equal rights.-- ", - r • ' portant harbor city of Haifa, will drawbacks of partition are out-cede little Palestine to the Jews, i as.'-genera •was the chairman, Sir Horace 5. The division of Palestine will belong.to the Jewish State. The weighed by its advantages. For, provided s that the rest of Arab I Studios i free. That condition Humbold was vice 'chairman, and follow , the- natural principles for towns of Safed, Acre and Tiber- If It offers neither party all it! A s i a fulfilled then, but it is the other members were Sir the establishment of a frontier ias will also be included in thewants, it offers each what ! ^ 2 * «• r c f l - t ' T i ^~^ J-\iL!iJ«l! V Laurie - Hammond, Sir Morris separating the area wherein Jews Jewish State ? enclosed by these wants most, namely, freedom and on the eve of tullf. "£i£!i Sorrs.li J^IitiSvItcli £11i Carter, Sir Harold Morris and have acquired land and settled boundaries. \ security. In less than three years* time all Prof. Reginald Coupland. The from the. areas .wholly, or mainly The" advantages to the Arabs !! t h e " sride A r a l ) a r e a outside Pales-; £0l:"C2J-_ e0^ L - 3 " ' u \^clL~;L IS. The new British mandated' report Is a diplomatic master- occupied by Arabs. titi th lines lin we h e ] «ne *etweKi the the M e c i t e r r ^ - ^ ^ ~ - - - « - ^ — e P-rc-r . Meciterrane of partition on the bave piece, skilfully praising the re- 6. A rough, line of demarcation area will include a corridor from proposed may be summsTiEed as ] «ne and the Infiis,s Ocean trill be la- | Jerusalem to Jaffa, covering the construction activities of the is specified between the Jewish dependent, and, if partion is,; follows: Zionists and finding extenuating -and Arab States, brit the appoint- area between the Jaffa Road adopted, tae greater part cf Pal- j > " 1 . They obtain their national circumstances for the Arab fight ment of a, frontier commission is from Jerusalem and the Jerusa- independence and can cooperate estine will be independent too. ' I railway. Jerusalem, - r-c" *«)';-" T" against the Zionists. It places proposed for settling the precise lem-Jaffa "As to the British-people, they To talie care cf csi Bethlehem and Nazareth aa well on an equal footing with the are bound to honor to the utmost part of the blame for the riots- of1 frontier.; ^ ' Arabs of the neighboring counas the Arab towns of Ludd. and larger qu ters rcc«"c£ 1936 on the shoulders, of the 7. The mixed towns of Tiberias, tries in the cause of Arab unity of their ptrtrer the obligations'Grand Mufti and severely critic- Safed, Haifa and Acre will be Ramleh will be included under and progress. they undertook in the exigeEcieE ] * ~, „„* mwn,^f ^ ^ «« ~J^ izes the.Palestine administration temporarily,under a British, man- this mandate. Part of the Negev "2. They are finally delivered of -war toward t i e Arabs anfi th; '] for its .failure to safeguard the date for the protection of the region bordering on the Gulf of from Jews. - "When those - obligatic^s the fear of being 'swacipeS" Akaba will also be under British Jewisfi community.' minority population; Jaffa will administration. The rest of the by the Jews and from 'the possi- were incorporated ia the mandate j After giving a comprehensive fonn'plrt'of the"Arab "state, but country, together with Transjor- bility of ultimate subjection to they did'iiot fully realise the &!*-' ficultiesof the task it laid c= j review, of the history of Pales- a COrridor from Jaffa to Jerusa- dan -will form the Arab State. Jewish rule. them". • They have tried to ovc^- j tine during the past 4,000 .years lem is to be administered under a -"3. In particular, the final limIn contrast to th 3 partition recome thera, not always with EZC- j 1 and tracing Jewish-and Arab con- British mandate. -- : • . •; itation of the Jewish National commendations, the Commission's nection-with the land since 2,000 8.-'Access to Jaffa for commerHome within a fired frontier and cess. The difficulties have EtesdB. C. E., the report analyzes Zion- cial purposes and a Jewish trea- report submits palliative mea- the enactment of a new mandate ism, Arab, nationalism and their ty providing for free transit of sures to remedy the present state for the protection cf the holy political relationship without in- goods in bond between the Arab of affairs under the~existing Man- places, solemnly guaranteed by jecting any British point of view State and Haifa will be negotiat- date. Among the most import- the League of Nations, removes into these problems. The only- ed* with the Jews, whiie the Arabs ant of these are: Proclamation of martial law all anxiety lest the holy places I i case the report, tries to-build up have simitar treaties provid- andl : disarming of Jews and Arabs should, ever come under Jewish j foV Great Britain is one"bf polit- ing for free transit of goods over I In the event of new disturbances. control. . ical helplessness to deal fairly the railway between the Jewish "4. As a set-off to the loss of! 2 Prohibition of land transfers with Jews and Arabs under the State and the Egyptian/frontier, f. < to Jews in any stated area and territory the Arabs regard as ] |j structure of the present Mandate. 9. An enclave in the Northwest the preservation of rights of Arab their, .the Arab State will receive \ |-: The Royal Commission - frankly jr e g j o n o f the Gulf of Akaba •will a subvention from the Jewish t. S* -tfte concludes that the Balfour Dec- be Tetained under the adminis- tenants and cultivators in the State. It will also, In view of tne |*^aj (, ® £ laration was a mistate because of tration of England, but the Arabs event of further land sales by backwardness of Trans-Jordan, t. Arabs to Je^ws. . Great Britain's commitments to will have a treaty" allowing for obtain a grant' 0* £2,000,000 |; the Arabs. The conclusions that the transport of goods between 3. Restriction of volume of Jew- from the British Treasury; and, jE ish imlgration in the first Inthe members of the Koyal Com- the Jewish State and this region. stance to the economic absorptive if an agreement caa be reached |.,'| •£:, mission draw in-their unanimous 10. The Jewish State should capacity of Palestine; but It as to the exchange .of land and |7;| \£$ :; report are, in effect, that pallia- pay a subvention to the Arab should be subject to a "political population, a further grant will f'.: | tive measures will not pertnan- j gtate partition is effected be mads for the conversion, as | -3| ently pacify Jews or Arabs and because the Arabs would not oth- high level" covering Jewish im- far as may prove possible, of "un- | migrants of all categories, the that the partition plan. is. the only erwise be able to maintain their cultivable land in the lArab State f solution for a situation created public: services on the high level high level to be fixed for the nejrf: into productive land from which i by the promises of England to to which, they are used as thefive years a t 12,000 par year. 4. Restricting capitalist immiJews and" Arabs during the world result of Jewish revenue, while grants possessing 55,000, "who • Patronize Our .Advertisers •war.. • ". '" • • ' . ' • ' Parliament Bhould""niak"e a grant must prove that there is room in A great portion of the report of |10,000,00"0*-to the Arab State. Jthe country for members of prois taken up by-a justification o£ 11. In the period of transition fessions, trade and business. • its final recommendations. The partition becomes effective ... "5, Establishment of an, Arab survey of the growth of Zionism the~existirig Mandate should /conand Arab nationalism is submitt- tinue to be the governing instru- Agency to counterbalance the Jewish Agency. ed as a background to the series ment.' 5. No attempt should be made of riots which rocked Palestine IS** During this transition perIn the last sixteen years. There iod the purchase of land by Jews to revive proposed legislative **Th$ Szcr ef Service-aid Sdisjaesic is little doubtrthat the report was within the profectea Arab state council, but enlargement of the Advisory Council by addition of •written wjth a view to answering or by Arabs In the'projected Jewin advance objections by Jewish ish State should be., prohibited. arid Arab nationalists who see inThere should be a territorial re' . CLEAN 1JNEN partition a deathblow to their striction on Jewish immigration, maximalist aspirations. I t is char- within the projected Arab State Always'' Attracts Cusiezaera'i; l^/f^ 1 O&IAHA-TOV/EL • acteristic of British diplomacy with no Jewish immigration into t; j.£& '. ; SUPPLY • that the, report praises the cham- the Arab area, and.the volume of f! pions of Zionism for their view Jewish immigration to be reguYoiirs Sinea 1S7Q KE 2323 "that a Jew released from an lated by-the economic absorptive . . . . that returns BIG anti-Jewish environment a i d re-capacity of Palestine minu?:the i| |i nfort and restful pridrrid-easls la cool co; stored to Palestine would, not only feel free as he has never felt Mads ~of dtsraljlss attractive before but would also ^acquire a "paiated stripe" awning'fabric is gresa new self-confidence, a net? seat and ©rar-se. AS 7-foot drop,-"rol! up" crrr rr in "living, from his that. he . was engaged in a great constructive task." The Arab nationalists are told that Arab nationalism "is inextricably Inter-s set. Id© . Voven with .antagonism • to* the Jews and that is why it ia diffi'G 'Fe cult to be. an Arab patriot and not;to hate the VS • t
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filed ' by *Hardlngs"g
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p^ffs THE JEWISH PRESS. FRIDAY,. 'JULY. 16. 19,37
Page 3
resisted and fcad the most elsmea-1 create B "new area of good will
among both came to his feet. He too knew a Jew that should be spared tary duty- of any government | and conienltnent Arsbs and Jews." Coffee houses bees .carried out irithout t'esr .or > from the knife. And another Jew was stricken off the list of favor," tbe Executive states, that! vert, crowded with people eager prospective victims. "it is because ot that eoR-viction j to he&v his; tp.lfc. Strotig pfecau-| And as each, participant in that gathering searched his By Dr. fhiQp that our movement' is united ir.: tioiif? were t*.ken by the author-i sties to prevent any disturbances. urging tbst the Mandate be Icy-) heart and conscience, each seemed to know a Jew who wasn't Sir Arthur urged the population ally End consistently rpp'ied." | like other Jews and should be spared. Finally in despair of to form opinions of the report Characterizing the PE !lfc tires ji only sfter e. period ot careful rei.erson s h a l l n o ' m o r e ] as finding any Jews that should be killed, the whole project was a* ' flection and consultation and askb e r a l , n o r t h e ciaurl j P r o - t e s t s Eecoraaaeadations '• abandoned. -. _ , • •' a : " ed Jews, and Arabs to consider said torbe-noble..-••••-. • -...Made by British Royal '.fi with the KfcnciEte, whether partition, would not solve Thus the Jews of France were saved, not by concerted , T b e liberal aeyiseta • liberal the statement declares that ''be- iii a "jupt Pnd. praetfoil manner action", not necessarily by world opinion—although these too"jthings,.and'"by liberal; things shall fore they could be -Implemented Jerusalem (WXS-Palcdr Agen- the Mandate "would have to be the d'fficulUea by which Paleshave helped; But the Jews of France were saved by thosejheN be "known. And the. •wort 'of righteousness cy) — Expressing emazetaent at cbsnged by the League of Nations tine has recently been diatracted. humble souls Avho knew that one day they would_be judgedj-shall be peace, and'.the effect of j t h e recommendations of the Roy- and the problem.of P&A-estine be by their acts toward their fellow-men. righteousness quietness and con-1 a j Commission's report, the ese-
Gems of'the Bibl©
Published every Friday at Ocanha, Nebras&a. by T H E J E W I S H P R E S S PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Pries, one year . . . . . . 52,00 Advertising.rates furnished on ajDlleatloa. - E d i t o r i a l OHica: 600 Brandeia Theater Building. Sioiiz City Office—Jewish Community Centor Print Shop A.ddres3: 4604 So. 24th Street DAVID, BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK K. AOKERMAN - . . « . ; . . . Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL . . < « Sionx City, lot?a, Correapondent
reconsidered Internationally. VTe fidence 'forever.. I cutive of the Jewish Agency for j therefore riev with amasBeraent And my people shall abide ia a j Palestine- has issued a-, statement] the "rsy the government policy
The Shy Genius of Hawthorne
Tisha B'Av, 1937 ^ ' -
I : a ?f !fedwellings *~!n^!lt!^ - °*. JnJ°: I ^^l^lll^J^tl^l^l cure andt in quiet rest--unite all their forces "for the fie-[>Z^Wv absorptive
By Rabbi Frederick Cohn
the' prindpl'; cV the
l Mr. -Ifttt-Kftn a nil .Its*. \ .XL : h i t h %Mi-?»Kl 1
to Prove. Hitler I® True Aryan
capacity for the regu- • "Comfort, comfort ye, my people." i latSon of Jewish immigration and ', New England 'flowered' in a host of writers—poets, essav-| S places. fixes K political maximum in vio- ; Be"lin (VCNP) — That rumors TAI^IUDThe Lamentations of yore, solacing the Hebraic people ists, novelists, historians, preachers - - "who constitute the glory lation'of o«r rights find past pro- iare R-Host thai. Adolf Hitler, hightwenty decades ago, weU"fortlifron\ the Je\vish hearts ajrain on . . .. , »••••• raises rssce by the most auttaori- < prir-Pt «C Arysr.ipm, is himself not j Tisha B'Av, 5697. Almost two thousand years ago, our fore-j of American literature. Among them was tative interpretations repeatedly, a fuU.-bloodert Aryan was tacitly fathers sat on the riyer^banks of -'Babylon, saddened by the ] t&orne, second only.-to Emerson. He Vas a pale flower that.{ m 7 n t " l s Riven by the government and par- admitted by Hie Nazi authorities compares appalling truth that Titus and his Roman hordes had destroyed bloomed in the shade. There was something dark and eerie ! ticularly by the "White Paper of when they announced the publication r>* a new book which seeks the to prove Killer's Aryanism back they io the 16th century. The work' of Court Councillor. Hans Keplong pr.ns; rimer, the book traces Hltthat onl for a certaln the Mandate is inher- | On Tisha B'Av, 5697, we are confronted with-a paradox!- - - ^ - » ^ ^ ^ » e r i o d ' a n d > nst I w e r e "The Scarlet Letter" TOd' ^ P>»c-"on oi ler'p fp.mily free through 2S0 snvvtuorn cal situation.-After years of dreaming and hoping, we have v ^ f * masterpieccs were l n e ^ c a r i e t fetter a n d j a g J i g h t e n d u r e g t o e t c r n l t v > s o i e n t l T % unworkable. The state-;1 O the Royal Commission enpfors. mostly farmers and their * a time when for minions ; wivns from 1 he northwest section received from Great Britain a partition plan for Palestine T h e H o u s e o f S e v e n Gables. They both reveal his exquisite a l s 0 do^ protection of the Torah Im e n t charge that" the Ta««re~cf uted Jews Palestine rep-•; of IJOV-'PF AuPtria.' which would once again re-establish the Jewish State. And l l t e r a r v st 3 rl e as well as Ins unique,'romantic fancy. His was endure to eternity. I the Palestine government to proHillel and Shebna were broth- t the only hope for salva- ; At the BF.TTIP time Karl Jaspers, try during the disturbances had | l d Shebna rot d ls e t o vide Jewry is almost unanimously. opposed. In last week's editorial |a broodjng spirit w- w ^ «,ISH«*« . „ * • l,i= «,,„•„« t i ^ W ! Hillel for the security of the couneminent phslofinpher, and August after leaving Bowdoin Col-If™' t H l " eand " \were ^ broth-! Ireduced it to a state of anarchy; tion f t? v C Griepbsrh. p.rt historian, were Address 'the studydevoted of the his Torah, his and led the Commission' to decitle j columns of this paper we excoriated the British partition plan j m seclusion. Foi brother timewhile to busiJerusalem (WXS-Peleor Apen- c".isrrasf>ed from the faculty of the radical proposals conj le e nesss. At one time they said to as a betrayal of our trust in England.''Since then, Jewish & ' he virtually isolated himself from human society, ) — Appealing to Arabs end : Heidelberg rnivernity because each other: "Come, let us be | t a i n e d in "its report. Jews slike to weigh carefislly the they hsrp ,"pwir-h wives. Dr. Bernleadersin all walks of life have branded the partition as strik- t"'"tings were virtually all about characters who exC: eactl olBer: e u s Be The statement emphasizes that of Tewish hones an lnioieraDie intolerable wnmiing whittling aown down s bt oerm vs eol vf e ts from relations with their fellows. There was the, iKpartners, " ^ m both - ' e tworld." or dewisn nopes, an and shara proposals for psrtitior-. High hsrrl Rust, minister of education "a thorough, stisdy of. the long ^ akefield who withdrew from his own home and! King Janal said unto his pf the rights of the people in Palestine. ., Jewish . - , _,._,'_-*_ •o- 1 ._..-__ istory j a n a i said nnto his wife- and complex document is requir- Commisfrioner Sir Arthur G. &lfio announced that Jews are h v e d of t hWakefield' c n e x t s t r c e twho W l t withdrew from his own home a n d ! KiM ™ «out any communication with his I "Do not be afraid of the Phari"barred from all examinations • "We have been offere*d a Jewish state, but under terms, o w n fami] . <;tr>rip«! 'sees nor of those that are known ed for a considered opinion, VCEiichope, in a, country-wide ra- now nntil stones for doctors" deprees and those dio broadcast after the official which it is not possible to give and conditions; which make the; Jewish sta^e a mockery. We i y he was fitted only for Pharisees, but take hnlcline such deprees may not ate still to be under the thumb of Great Britain, we are merely | w e r e a symbol of Hawthorne s genius winch was pre-occupied| heed o f t h o s e t h a t a r e h y p o c r i t e S t within a few hours," end notes publication of the Royal Corarais- harp them renewed. The renewreport, expressed the hope that "never before have "Sre had to serve England's imperialistic designs, we are given a small I W l t h l l f e m a m y s t l c w a ^ ' a s w e l 1a s a earning that his own ' •who make others - -believe - - - - - that - i a .more sincere and fair-minded Bion that the creation ot indepeclerit i si prohibition, however, does not they are Pharisees, but in reality effort to ascertain 'the facts in Arsb and Jewish States would Eppl-y tc foreign Jews. u l parcel of land which cannot possibly house the refugees' who}>BOUl «"."*«••. «ttiu-««u commit acts like those of Zim*** *** . " . . u u c x s o u l a n f l o f a11t l i a t i s the situation," but points cut that h i s felIow mir, and demand rewards like the Commission "found in Paleslook to Palestine for refuger The partition sows.the seeds of | f only at^the peril of his that of Phinehas." FREE! An Expert Corarcselior cm Room tine a breakdown of the sdmir.iseven greater conflicts, dealing with the Jewish people as i m o s t P> e c i o u s ~ "Mosses'From aji Old Manse'' (the Ripley house in. Con- Rabbi Joshua said: The Scrip- - tration resulting from a state of i fhough they were merely another band of Moslem* brigands. cord in which Emerson also lived at one time, and in which tures say: "When a dead body of I complete insecurity of life and As our ancestors sat on the banks of Babylon, so today ', a stranger Is found on the road, and liis young gifted wife found extreme happi- and the cause of death is not ! property." Asserting that "more do our brethren sit on the banks of central and eastern Europe, Hawthorne • could have been achieved for the j 'FJJTURE" tie swamps of persecution, hatred and intoler- ^ e s si n t h e honeymoon years of-their marriage) contain a col-[known. the elders of the nearest ; benefit of both sections of the! and say, ; population hsd the policy of the! sshall come forth —Farn&m at 22nd Use Owr ance. They look to Palestine for hope, and for their safie on lection of short stories in Hawthorne's characteristic style. The lf^ \__ _ ^ _ _ _ _ T hands have not shed.this 'Our ! Mandate been faithfully in?pie-S
I fense of our inalienable right to I our historic homeland and our ! national future in-Eretz Israel." '< Declaring that within a month
•*rr. fcM Ct»Uii:-i; S n gaP«> nt»n
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.T to ' w *»>;* ^
this .Tisha B'Av we must temper our weeping with determink- best collection of these are the two volumes of "Twice Told
blood> a n d o u r e y e s h a v e n o t Eeen
tion and fortitude, fighting to the last drop of blood the am-j Tales." Hawthorne was above all a Teller of Tales, a born I it.' Is it possible that anybody j think to accuse the elders ; romance*-, with a mystic vein. The best of his short stories putation of our promised homeland. of commitlng the murder? We | was n o doubt t h e famous "The Great Stone Face.' It con- ,mnst therefore say that they! tains what may be called Hawthorne's message. I t may be ex--mean by it that he did not come j . , , • , pressed 4n the poet Sliellej-'s words: "The soul creates, that! to « s f o r helP a R d w e turned him j asio genius, has been lost at the prime of his ; v . V ., '. , ,- „ ,», , , .• , . ^,T down nor did we see him andleave c o w n him u m"without e fee<:: food life, with the untimely passing of George•_.r.___-u_i'J Gershwin at _T:_^'_'*-r. . i the ^ . ^com_ j wgradually h i c h it contemplates." A\e become what we admire. We are ' n o r go " I' m to die i :_^,° assimilated" to our ideals. Our souls, become, trans- of starvation. 7 paratively youthful age of 38. ^ . I formed into the likeness of what we live. It is necessary. thereThere is a difference of opinion as to the permanency of !-fore ^ ^ concern ourselves with the noble and grand, that Gershwin's work, with most leaning toward the view that he we, too, become>grand and noble. Our spirit undergoes a metahas made an indelible'impression upon American musical his- j -.-__. . . . . , morphosis. "We are influenced by what we come in contact tory. However, his mastery of jazz compositions has brought ^ • ^ o u r e n v i r o n m e n t < ^ e become copies of what we patrhythmic joy to thousands upon thousands, and since he was jtern after. Thoreau, for instance, without knowing,,without catapulted to world fame by his "Rhapsody in he has intending it,'being in the close vicinity and most intimate pros-j coihposed many of t h e song hits which are so popularly heard imity of Emerson whom, his soul worshipped, became a second By ROBERT STOXE on t h e lips of singine America. .••"" . — . ' Emerson, an Emerson in petto, in a sense an echo of Emerson, NORTH AMERICA : ' {yet- not without a distinct character of his own.' _ j JLADY ASTOR WARNS "t7. S. ••'•.•.'-•<.-'. Hawthorne also had his practical side. He was a most;JEWS AGAINST FOSTERING Our highest praise for the week goes to Jeremiah T. Ma- l o v i n g husband and father, and faithful and true friend, as ANTI-GERMAN PROPAGANDA Does she espect us to HeU honey, head of the Amateur Athletic_ .Union of the United" his friends were most faithful and loyal to him. They helped] States.. Mahoney, if you recall, was the man who sacrificed him to obtain positions^ as for instance the Surveyorship of CANADIAN RABBI U R G E S ] his leadershiE of the A. A. TJ.in battling against -this country's Cnst6m» at Salem; as well as offering pecuniary 'aid, which MODERNIZATION OP JEWISH j That's our idea •participationin the Olympics because they were/beingheld in j ^p r O u d spirit refused. They mailed his early compositions to! CALENDAR Germany.- At that time, Mahoney took his stand because of b e published, thus rendering, unknowingly, a great service, service, not not j[ SURVEY SURVEY REVEALS REVEALS MOST! the maltreatment of the Jewish people in NazUand. .: only tpUawthbrne's genius but to American literature. Haw- \jJEWISH COLLEGE STUDENTS / Since then,,MahoneyJias been returned : > A. A. I I .lead-1t h o r n e : w a s f - a nTmi ber of years American consul at L i v e r - 1 ^ E p n A n ^ ? ^ ? R X ° F / ^ ? S ? ' ership. When Germany extended an.invitation--to the A. A. U;!—^ " 4r. « l i * ,..-•_ •>.,™ ' - • PARENTS pool. He lived later in Florence and Rome ~ He •became famous ' .OF. ..FOREI^-BORK Naturally, since the hulk of j to send a track-and field team, to the Reich this sumpier, the ;
pu« K ••-i-.rr
Rebuking Nazidom
and prosperous. His success was largely due to his good and Jewish immigration came ahout | A. A. U. under/Mahoney accepted invitations from Holland, faithful 'wife "who?in his darkest hours as when for instance I a * en ?I*" on .^2: T?ARRT HATT • Sweden and Hungary but rejected the^ bid_ from Germany. h e jost (through politics) his position atMhe Salem custom !scbuTING. IDEALS AS BUL-1 T h i s 'VTAS This was ft a fdirect l i r i p p t . ' slap, slnn and anA iis a tthe l i o first firct-^tmA time .in in + the V . « AA A. A U.'s TT»„
_ • • _ • -
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house, i.wuov., so t.if lovingly m T i u g i j sympathized j j i u ^ t t i u i i c u with n i i u and a u u encouraged e u w u r a g e a him m m and a l i a WARK AGAINST BIGOTRY', . .1 fifty years of existence that it rebuffed- a foreign^ cbuntry. practically^ helped him (she surprised him with a little hoard Proving that khaki shirts are | comment is enlightening. He stated: "This is of'golu4hat she had secretly: saved for j u s t such a rainy day WRrelated to BrownshJrts. j consistent Trith the stand that I have always taken. I do notas they experienced) as well-as sharing with him his joy and BIBLE TO BK TAUGHT IN i ! TEXAS PUBLIC SCHOOLS AS ! believe that our American athletes should go to a country ...-;. . — v,^ *^x«^«« .uurv™ ="«uiu go LO a coumry ;sorrow, his privation and affluence, his failure-(which her firm HISTORY -we can sit r. where feeedom.of speech, religion and action have been abol-1b e l k f ' fa h e r ^beautiful and gifted husband refused to admit)<l*c* %* 6 i p e c t o b j e c t i o n s f r o m ished. Since I first started the fight to keep'-our fine young' - - - - - • - ' " I•both the religious and the irre- j ^ illgious casnps. " ! boys out of a land that persecuted the Jews^ the Nazis have land his final success. '.,. Hawthorne's soul remained solitary to the last. His last| EX-BROOKLYN CABBIE begun to attack and stifle Catholicism and Protestantism as .... ,, -. „ . . , , ., . . • days were spent in Concord where he built a tower on to h i s i S A T S { F . W I ^ T ™ R ? 5 ° R i ^ : A- •• ^elL Naz, ideology cannot confom,w,th Amem^ fellow-alumnus ^of Bowdoin College, g , Maine)/called ) l e d"Aladdin's A l a d d i n'They s h y have to be to drive past •. . . . . . . - . . • " .
Action " Tower," most appropriatey. For Hawthorne was indeed a magi- jnests-or snipers. In the struggle against Anti-Semitism,. the individual the pen whose superb literary genius calfed forth theKV]^® CONVERTS' c ian of sn . . . Jew|,.>,-—.. JEWISH CONVERTS' CONv*. n.v, ^ t n nuviot .mijciu, uici_aij' 5jL*ui.us vaueu l o r i n m e t f has too-.often been prone to consider himself powerless and most imaginary characters. He rubbed the lamp of his exotic GRBSS ADMITS APOSTASY NO X it
has delegated his part to. anti-defamation leagues and good- fatfey and immediately the air was filled with the genii of his i GUARANTEE AGAINST ANTI-1 •mil congresses and! hoped for a, miracle. Despite^ the excellent 'matchless, unforgettable creations, "Oberon" Jiis •admiring 1 ^ " ™ ^ 'thJr^eZ* render j performance of these organizations, not all: the anti-defama- classmates called him because of his .physical beauty and bril- j KLAUS MANN CREDITS GEN-1 tion societies in the world plus all ihe money available can [liant liant spiritual spiritual genius. genius.: Tl The son ot simple, humble ship-faring | Ills' OF MANN FAMILY TO IN-1 ' - " — - • - (his - - •father -• a sea-captain '• - - was • • ' - — 'WITH J E W ] kill anti-Semitism unless every Jew periodically Searches" his ["folk of- Salem was and drowned He'll neve? be ! heart and lives up to the principle tenets of Judaism. 1 at Surinam : when Hawthorne was only four years old) \ has AND CREOLE , Santa Klaus in Nasiland. No greater example of theability of,the. lone Jew can be W o n a niche in the worlds pantheon of supremist genius. The NAZIS PUBLISH BOOK TO found than in the oft-repeated story dating from the time of pale flower that-Woomed and blossomed in the shade' has PROVE HITLER IS PURE ART-| Doesn't the laddie prothe Dreyfus case.. Passions ran so high durihg that/trouble, brought by its delicate, subtle arma most exquisite.-exotic de- AN test too much? i period that the anti-Semites of France decided upon a:lasting light to the hearts and souls-of millions throughout the world. PALESTINE •" . ' • ' solution of the Jewish problemCdf. France by the liquidation ^ , •, . AGRICULTURAL T E.SHIVA ^ o f . the-;J e w s ; , : / >•..;/,:>
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"".•'.•..:;-.;-. Jj^. a crowded, dimly-lightedrroom, heavy 'with the stench o£ crowded :bodiesj. the leaders, hit upon the idea of> a whole• -sale massacre of the Jews of Paris.-. Once; Jewish blood Kad /been' rinsed from the gutters, Judaism 'in Franee would be '
f o r g o t t e n . '
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; :: /iHardly one protest against such butchery came^fronvthat ; breathless audience.; However one Frencnman did rise to tell •/. that he taetr; H(tt^ despicable a race the ^Jewa yere and as" a' people he despised tbemsb that he.Vould gladly emulate his
: :
/ :
' -/Frederick
He&rew Calendar
TO B33 ."ESTABLISHED TO TRAIN ORTHODOX FARMERS . . . Will they be tauglit to raiik the cow while they lay te'ilHn? 1S3 7 by Seven. Arts - Feature Syndicate) : '
*Tisha B'Ab , Sat., July 37 Iiosh Hashonah ?.. .". Mon., Sopt. 6 Fast of Gedaliah „ AVed., Sept. S Yom Kippiir ......./Wed., Sept. 15 1st Day of Suceoth ". Mon., Sept. 20 Simchath Torah : TUPS., Kept. 28 •Fast observed on following1 Sunday.
pp.-K 5- ." OK.'
LORRAINE-HASPEL LIKE A COOL .-SEA BREEZE .You'll agree. on that when you climb out of a .stuffy woo! suit and slip into a Lorraine-Haspel. .These famous cool weaves, tailored, as-only Has-. x'pel can tailor, them, will g^vc you.a real thrill. S&il down The Net T&rkc ground ir th& rest oi the szmzffer czp£cislly since the cost is sa smsll.
{ l i t . t i t O . . >•
put i .->.
. ., tit1..'
Tear D owa 140-Year-Old Budapest Budapest (WNS)—A few. : liours ' after worshippers completed' tfce. last se.rvicc to be ft.efd. T?itliln its j Trails, ''.the - 140-rear-olti .! syna- \
• ^courageoas aiieestors wlio liad -participated in the St. Bartholoiriew'sfjDay Slasisaei'e. But; he didloiow one Jew?very well, a Some:. .conservatives would oppose creation, if /they h a d a i 5 ^ " 0 on^ ortschngass© wa. ed over to wreckers. -- poor insignificant tailor of the" Montinarte who in reality was chance; it altered existing ciiaos. j The concluding services trcre :; ;..?toa.gqod tb/be'-'a:iTe.w:^?..v';:. v;-r.K-'- -.;',"' &•• •-.•;•; •'':.(/- -y' ::'.-'_: [ '• marked hy addresses ia K '.-•',Aftep'•"-sua..-. impassioned recital of : the virtues of this lone Most people forget governniental theories when they de-ltbcra^i ar.d Jc3fl«>ra ct*Y.r cc:r.y ii * • Imunitv rfratl-- tlic hisirry of mtiaity; recalkrl .5 Jew4-;hd-convinced- :his fellow conspirators / t h a t this one man cade that some of the taxpayers money ought to be spent 'ithe century and should escape t h e f a t e o f l i i s kins-people. "Whereupon a n o t h e r ' t h e i r benefit*
the- iti' ?":
Mm ? ,~..-r.,-".;r.c «.
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THE JEWISH P I S ? ? . FRIDAY. JTXT IF. 'new,area of good ^ntment among both jt Je^-s." Coffee houses trded •with people eager Lis -talk. Strong pfecaute. taken by the authorrevent any disturbances. |r urged the population opinions of t h e ' report \ a period of careful rend consultation and askj and Arabs to consider [lartition -would not solve bt and practical manner^ eulties by -which Palest recently been distracted.
PtCfilC JULT 25
By Nazis Prove Hitler Is True Aryan (WNS) :— That rumors , t that Adolf Hitler, high- '•/ Aryanism, is himself not • ooded Aryan was tacitly by the Kazi authorities ev announced the publia new book which seeks Hitler's Aryanism back 6th centurj-. The work-' ;; Councillor. Hans Keper, the book traces Hitlily tree through 260 anmostly farmers and their om the northwest section ' r Austria.' .'.'•" : ; same time Karl Jaspers, philosopher, and August bach, art historian, were^ d from the faculty o f •rg University because •e Jewish wives. Dr. Eernist, minister of education louneed that Jews are;, red from all examinations LOTS' degrees and
such degrees may not am renewed. The renewbition, however, does not foreign Jews. p o m Arrangement /7
mumRE" -Farnam at 22nd
HolljTs-pod —- Preview consensus of "Life of Emile Zola", proclaims it of even greater artistry 'than "Pasteur." Muni's work Is superb.. Outside the theatre the crowd of gazers "waited houfs-to cheer him -when he emerged.
i X
U1TS out of a ;-Haspel. nly Has;al thriU.
Leon Schlesinger is Our Own Ratoff approached his boss for TValt Disney. The ~Scblesinger a raise. 'But you nave a contract,* Symphonies are becoming /so pointed out the exec. Ho agreed, popular that his studio has to in- "I,knovr . . I dot's right . . ."but crease its output. He introduced now I'm only happy. With a Coua new idea in cartoons . . . us- ple hundred lnore a week, I'-d be ing a comentator to describe the satisfied!" " :,, action. "Coo-Coo Nut Grove" and ?'She was an Acrobat's Daughter" Story Editor Sam Marx receivare among his best. -'.' ed a leter from "WTIkesbarre, Pe"I'm writing from t h e city Typical of the late Al Boa9- &T: gave you Samuel HoHenstein berg was the. way he got his first that Herman Manklewicz, and Louis movie job. From his liome in Weitzenkorn. I've got u\ swell Buffalo he drove down to the story idea . . . why not make a Paramount offices- in New York picture on the life oTlrvin Ber-walked into the exploitation lin!" Marz replied, "Can't rend department .-.*,'.. . a s k e d the head chtclt, Jjnt will return Hoffenwhat his next assignment be. "What ': assignment? 'You're stein, Mankiewicz, End Weitsennot-working lor us," he was korn." told. Gently he led the0 chief to That's News: Stella Adler is the window, pointed j ^'3car across the street. On it, large let- strenuously resisting having her ters ballyhooed * Paramount pic- name cinematized. tures. "I've heen working for you all the -way from Buffalo. Now where do.I go?" He got the •, . . was sent to'Albany. At the height of his career Indulged in two hobbles — new cars and freak houses. At the slightest sign that anything was wrong with his car, he would pack it off to a dealer and order put a new one. One year he . bought six. His other penchant TH^BEST was. biiilding houses . . . would live in them a short while, then PEOPLE Bell them.^ His latest "home" was to be occupied July 1st. He OF OMAHA. ".. planned a Hollywood premiere i o r i t with Sophie Tucker as m. c. j MEET AT At-tils funeral Jack Benny said j Boagberg was the best natural i THE AQUILA' gagster in the business. 'And so,* j punned^Benhy, "he left us, doing an^ 'off-to-Buffaio' ". ;^ SUPKIB FOOD s.
Lunchsons, from . . . 50s Dmnors, from . . . • . 7se
.. '
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Our Acrerti-crs
"T I
I&+W st Harncy EWW
Fkcks! Buy them
: the
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Visit our Strictly Kosher Delicatessen in our downtown otoFe, Sixteenth and. . Douglas. V/o carry a lapga . aolcctioa of kosher cmolssi. meats, snso^od ,fiak, and otLc-r il©ma—-Tta —-very ©onosnieally priced .... We «sa .separate! hniTcs, .sliccrs end ccaiaa •for kosher., feeds. Ta&e a d r a n t a s o -of tfaa Talaea Hated bolow, festered for tomorrow's selling.
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Out Thsy So . . . Regardlsss ©f TheJr P-©rmsr Seslfnq Prices . . . Pick From -Threes Drsmatic groups
or Franbfnrts, l b . .
liooacr, Vs. « . . . Fcinb erg's ICoiicr, 1b. . . . . .
Koshor, Ih, . , , , , Extra feaey itcEher, 1b. . . . . osher, 3 for
~*"^.'-^-'«/" —^- ft-f
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Brown, sice.
rcrr.CT vnl r-rrp
Help Wanted «!»'••%
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Feinb erg's,
JOHNSON T,i Orgjsn
Experienced girl ijoo!i!:ecp.Gj* aad typist. Benson t**tiri3.5t a r e and Radio Company. BOQO Military. Wa. SS11
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This is Convention Season. The sales force of every studio h'as'i descended en massa on Movie-] town, and as .one guest put it, j "Hollywood is offering her best j souprto-nuts a n d champagneflows like
Warner's wanted "Room Service" '. . . and so did RKO. After the latter made the- purchase for 1255,000, it is said Mervyn LeRoy Tepfoached- Sam Brisbin: ."Sam, you're ruining the business,-spending that kind of moaey on a play." "And what did
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LTTNCHEON GTJEST" ' • Mr. John Feldman was a luncheon guest, last Friday nooa, at Camp Akiba. Mr. feldman went away greatly impressed by the Warner'a offer?" asked BriEkln. fine manner in which Miss Ruth Allen and her assistants handle "$250,000," admitted LeRoy. Twenty-siven years ago Eddie the young people at meal tiiae." Cantor and Irving-Berlin were singing -waiters a t Coney Island. Cantor Bang 'Alexanders Ragtime Band* with a tray poised on each palm.
When Milt Gross hit Screenville everyone save him advice as to how to get in right with the bosses. "Take up golf," they said. •'Take, up tennis." *Take up polo,' echoed others. "First let them take Ti my option,;.' quaBhed Milt.'.'
The thirteenth seinl-a-rt;-; The ITnai Abraham •vrill give a netting cT the InSepefient. V>-k- 1 picnic for members and their ! s e n ' s Losn Association VS.S- '•• friends on Sunday, July / 25, at I TuesSsy eTen.i"sr st the F T Plamore Park. Admission -will bs j Israel auditorium, rsth Eufi J. free for members. ~ TTISTROUB-MARXIN TSJS secrctarr reported ths* liiel? "VVoIfson, ne-wly elected OPEH HOUSE AT during' tae first: sis raocths zi president, promises an enjoyable Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Martin an1SS7 the B.ssoci£ticn't bu1* ~"r; program of activities, including nounce the engagment of their amounted to —ore th£s -flE.crC. daughter, Miss Doris Martin, to Saturday evening, July 24, xarious games and prizes. The board-'cf directors • rcted Mr. Herbert Wlntrouh, son of Mr. Highland Country Club will hold the purchase o£ aa E.?i?ropriale and Mrs. I. M. Wintroub. open' house for members of the^TO 3IAKE HOME OS WIJST rift for the organization's presMiss Martin attended South club and their guests. Music for; COAST ident, Lleb TTcIisoiii is reco^ni"high school and Mr. 'Wintroub, the dinner-dance -will be furnish- ' Miss Dorothy Glicken, daughtion of iiis serTices to the associed by Austin Bevans and his or- ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. GHcken, Technical high. ation. | No definite -wedding date has chestra. . ^< / . . ' is now in Los Angeles where she Kefreshments -vrerc perrcr; st j been set. - ' .'• >' • r . will make her home. the coE&iUsiPi: cJ tks busicesB | AXWOTJTCE BIR.TH ','•' Before leaving, Miss Glicken, a DOLGOFF-FRIEB Mr. and Mrs. Phil Baker of j bride-to-bs, was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. M. Pried of Milwaukee announce the birth of the following: Mrs. Hyman GlickCouncil Bluffs .announce the e n - i a a a u g h t e r o n "Wednesday, July en, Mrs. Morris Malkin, l,5iss lian Tuitler, Mrs. Sam dayman, gagement of their daughter, LilMrs. Morris Turitz, and Mrs. lian to Sol' Dolgoft, SOB of Mr. (WNS) T W O - W E E K - STAY "•"-.' ' •.' Harry Abramson. Germs." and Mr& M. B. Dolgoff.-Jvo datej Mr. and Mra. J. M. Baker and has been set for the -wedding. their ebssnee et this •'•ear's Ss.lr» daughter, Libby. left for a two- TO LOS ANGELES •" . fctirg* lestiTE.1 because Arturo TOFweeks stay in Milwaukee. They Miss Jeannette Coltoff, daughBAR MITZVAH canini has ssraia relusefi to p-?rwill he the guests of their son ter of Mr. and Mrg. Abe Coltoff, 7 Mr. and Mrs. J. Savich s n - and daughter-in-law, Mr. afid ra.it BET perfermsisces sriren TIPnounce the Bar Jllitzvan-of their Mrs. Phil Baker. Mr. and Mrs.left last Sunday morning for Los ZZi~"> P e a r l dcr his baton to be broadcast ir Angeles, California, where . she Baker will accompany them. trill spend seveTal weeks visiting The 'engagement of Miss Pearl j- Miss "West has heen ssking- her j her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. "West, daughter of Mr. anS Mrs> j hone in pmalsa for tiis past year ! In retEiiEtion for ToBCS2.1n:'f , agogue. All relatives and friends sunk to Gercssr.yr the NEE! sui.*--' TO VISIT ON WEST COAST : and Mrs. Ben Gureisritz, and nepSam West of Denver, Colo., to Alj'ttnd one-half. : are invited. Miss Ann Zalfc left Thursday hew, Marvin. Elewitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam ; An ahnnnus of Creighton trni- orities hare declined to Tcrir. Gercian artists to jro to Salzbtrr. for Jjos Angeles and Beverly Hills Tsrsity, Mr. Elewiti EErred oa Elewiti, of Omaha, was amiouscNEW. YORK VISITOR j California, for a five weeks' -visit VISITING IK OMAHA ed last Sunday. • • - the editorial staffs .of' the BlueAngela Iisvi-Eianchini VEE I. Miss Jerry T*rank of New York I -with relatives. Miss Zalk will be Mrs. Irving "Mitchell and sons The young couple were 'hosor- jay, tsnireraity annual, E.sd the City is visiting with her cousins,*! the guest of her cousins, the Ka- of Los Angeles are in Omaha vis- ed on that evening at a reception Creightonian', weekly- publication. Commodore of the Italian H^TTMr. and-Mrs. Ki Hornstein. She j telmtms, while in Los Angeles. iting Mrss Mitchell's sister "and in their honor at the -West fiorne Mr. n.ni Mrs. Elewits end «on Ks WES murdered in Tr£ES-Jorwill remain here for twa weeks. She will visit in Colorado brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Har-in Beaver. No date has been set i are spending two treeks i n Dea- dss -^"hilS' r?px"€£€i"lir:.fc tb.?- Its."Springs and Estes Park also be- ry Abramson. l.ver as guests of the West family. ian government ca t i e Eicrlrt for the wedding. Commission. TO VISIT IX CHICAGO fore returning home. 'Mrs. .Joe M. Rice and daughVISITING HERE York City and Boston. He is ex-! • KETtTBS HO3i53 ter, Adrienne, left July 13 for a j TO LOS"ANGELES Miss Marion Robinson of Nor- Miss Sophie Halperin -will re- pected to return AtLSUst 1. sir-weeks stay in Chicago. Mr. . Mr.<Yictor Zucker and daugh- folk. Nebraska, is visiting Gladys turn this week from New Tori II W ELL T rou Rice and son, Donald, left by iiit>- ter, Mrs. "W. A. : Racusin, and Kraft.eity where she has been spending tor Thursday morning to join. ! granddaughter. Nan, left last Fri\ {her vacation with her cousin, POLISH PROFESSORS them there. • , day "for an indefinite stay in Los MOTOR EAST j Miss Sylvia Lipssaan, PROTEST MII4EMITISM: Angeles, Calif. ' Mr. and Mrs. Saul Fellman left Warsaw (Wr?S) -— A Etrcnc: ox yisrr T O by motor today for a two week IK EXCELSIOR SPH13fGS protest against anti-Semitic ESMrs. H a r r y Roitsteln l e f t RETlTiX trip east. On their way Mr. FellMiss Edith Ostravich is spend-J cesses in the Polish universities TTZT: • Thursday, July 8, for a "trip to Mrs. T. Siegal and children, man will visit the Shick Shaver - Philadelphia, Pa., where she is Eleanor Ruth and Stanley, have Company, at Stanford, Connecti- ing two weeks in Excelsior! wag made public i s r e by SS ler.d' j ing ChriBtiaa professors in the to be the guest of her brother-in- returned after a three, weeks cutt. They will return by way of Springs, Mo. ' j Polish colleges. law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H.visit -with Mrs. H. •' Hahn and Canada and Niagara Falls. The professors sppeal tc thr VACATIOKIKG IK HAST • Rose'nblitt. • . family of St. ,ii6uis. Mrs. Siegal Herbert Forbes, who attended Polish people to combat barbar"While there she will.attend the was extensively entertained dur- NAMES O3HTTE0 wedding: of her niece. Miss-Viola ing her stay in. the Missouri city. .. The names of Mr. and Mrs. the'. A, Z. A. convention Et Port ism in the universities' and i~ Rosenblitt, to Mr. Frank-Adler oh Abe Bolker and family and Mr. Jervis. is vacationing in . New '.other fields. MOTOR TO YEMiOWSTOKE ' and Sirs. Hyman Conn and famJuly 25. - ;-' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Malashock ily were omitted from the list of Later Mrs. Roitstein : will spend a few Jiays at Atlantic City. j and sons, Edward, Buddy, and the children of Mr. and Mrs. Bobby, are at present at Yellow- Leon Cohn who attended the dinTO LAKE OKOBOJI : stone National Park, having mo- ner given in honor of Mr. and Mrs! L. Taub and family left tored- there from' Omaha. - En [Mrs. Conn's Golden Wedding Anroute.they visited the.Black Hills. niversary. '..-•on July 2 for Lake Okoboji/
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eat—bear meet? Ti"e", look cl tli^ss lips cx-cr 1,ho vhitc rr&n's fro-pn KSTEJO rounsstcrs
vha vrTe r.t the held at Flasstar. A-is., receatir.
Ind.r*i5 r r r jiippaped to ^cs r c '('ac sirack their r. ire c-eriti. They are ves." Al'-T.r'c'.ian powwow,
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BEAUTY APPRAISED — I t took the critical gaze of Jacques
testsfduring the judging.
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Technically the animals are gibbons,-**"*•••--• in experimental studies of-parasites, nutrition and
building of the School of Tropical 1Ke3icins in San ^uaa, =f t ^-
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top center is a nieiabar of the *ssnly that « i a r ^ i U i ^ L^ Santiago. jThree. pairs are to^te t i i ^ e a ^ f ^ , ^j|*^ji jjnpcrt ed tm& Sfh° <r?hcol ^ill" go in for""breeding en a large scale. Data It3 »'
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at $1 600: Pur-il many rf him make those lovely coats ^hoseWst.
throws Friend Husband into a swoon. Mr, ,Urian, ^pent seven S i n s in Chile, acquiring five of the rare rodents. He hopes to raise them in St. Louis commercially. i : . -;
the £ - i = t i r a Cor-c,--? o ^ 3 C u fEnslcd sire* chcr^roui, t"131^ " *
TT23ES Prince Ciiiilss, nephew of l i i n s Gustaf of Swcclcn, tnarrisd in Sto:kho:=i t o Ccnrr.tcss Sl^n VOT Rosen, fiaus^tsr cf tnc Kins's ""erand master of cerssionies. By n a r r y i n s a ecram=n;r. Chdrlcs l:c,s lest his title and prerogatives r.s a^ncrr^cr^c
"• CHIEF BUSINESS SN SI out to"resti-as they^guarc soldiers. Thep trenches we Cisco Franco's Insurgent
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V A - r S f l l Sefton. Southern California University, national pole vault champion^ trfco said, as'he arrived in New York : to take part to the World l^teor Athletic'.Carnival* that he hoped he could do 15 feet. Tha accepted world record is-14 feot CVi inches. GAS tJASSS, KOV G3BA—T/hat V- l a ^ AT"OSFOSD—Garbed in the robes of a Doctor ye; cUnstog a s tightly to her u i n » , here.Is Queen gas niaslx dispsnsory in 11"^; c-s-^the' 180-pound giant from fe she « Present at the cornerstone laying of the but Ci-vr,"-tlict ths nation's Air D-I?^ the Coast bettered that by 'Ws s fcuv Bngmnd. With Osford DniveUty> inches at a recent meet. ^ chancellor of Oio Un|veraity. - , ..
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THE JEWISH PSESS. FRIDAY, JULY 15, K37 proposes ea a n Interim measure fairs in its' own way.. The Arabs j ite with their brethren is. tr&res- i to prohibit any land transactions made three demands; first, that j ty or danger and take their place that a r e likely to prejudice t h e Jewish Immigration should cease j in the free conpanloshlp of Arab partition. Furthermore, following altogether; secondly,, no more ! states. a the expiration o£ t h e current la- land should; be acquired by the They can EO loder be treated bor schedule • in- July -the Govern- Jews; and thirdly, that represent-'.as second-class Arabs to •srhom ment proposes t o issue for t h eative inEtltations should be at | representative" institutions are once set up. denied, lest they impinge on. tiie period from ^August 1937. to . obligations of tha Jewish horns. March, 1938 immigration certifiPALCOR—SEVEN'ARTS CABLE As the inquiry went en, the J - They will be able to give full j caies lor.8,000 eouls as the ,total real tragedy of the situation was ; scope . to tost gro-wing... national London (WNS-Palcor Agency) the Royal Commission, the Gov- Jewish immigration during that revealed. This little country, no i spirit which has disclaimed its al~1— In a seven-paragraph- state- ernment ia driven to tho conclu- period for all categories In acbigger than Wales, with a popu- j legiance to the mandate and recordance with the absorptive cament ot n o more than sis hun-sion that there ia an irreconcillation of about a million Arabs i fuses to merge its distinct indivpacity of the country. dred -words t h e British Govern- able conflict between t h e aspiraand 400,000-Jews, at strife with | duality'in the culture and tradiaccepted t h e unanimous r e - tion of the Arabs and Jews and 7. In supporting partition t h e each other, their ways ot thought j tion of the Jews. Both sides must port o t the Royal ^Commission re- that they connot ba satisfied^ un- Government ia impressed with and conduct, their social life as mate sacrifices but to both great Jommendtng- the division- of Pal-der the present terms of the Man- the advantages of such a plan for incompatible as their national as- rewards are 'open. In these few ?3tine'-.into,': Jewish and Arab in- date; and that the scHeme for [both Arabs and Jews. The Arabs pirations —-- it was hoped that in minutes I cannot even describe dependent "states and- made pub- partition along the. general lines would attain their national indetime the greater material pros- Precise lines of division we &dvo~"ts Its intention of proceeding t o recommended by the RoyaV Com-1 prudence and be enabled t,o_ coperity brought to-the country by cate much less the detailed ar'ree itself from existing . treaty mission. represent t h e best and operate on an equal footing, frith for finance and trade ,bligations: under the League, of most helpful solution of the dead- neighboring "Arab countries and the Jews might induce the Arabs ' rangements to accept the position, i and mutual relations -which are All Nations -Mandate in order to putlock. •: -•-•: they.-will finally ba delivered of ; found in our scheme. F,l' But unforunately; the diver-i he partition scheme into- effect 4.. The Government therefore the fear of Jewish' domination •s "the best and most helpful sol- proposes to • take such steps as and, their anxiety concerning gence between the two races, has • Hion -:of t h e deadlock".' between will be necessary and. appropriate their Holy Places.. The Arabs widened and deepened. The Jews,! •$ e a r e deeply convinced that Arab : and; Jewish aspirations In under - the existing treaty obliga- state ; "would receive substantial inspired by their historic past, j the present, system must .end/ia In a trincirfcrtEss, hestlass, lichtless j as «*cil as chiidrcn must be nospstaihave been anxious to snow what j disaster, e are-grateful to-the Palestine. • : . cellsr d¥;sll:ng, s joist Distribution | ized and pven an opportunity ts contions' under the covenant of.. the financial assistance from the Gov- the. Jewish nation-_ can achieve | government for their swift decir r - m . All The Government'a : statement League of Nations and other in- [ ernment.and from t h e Jews. On when settled in the land of their | i Corairittee representative came upon j vsiesce cropsviy in sanEtoriE end E oa has avoided' all the . this' srs. of the •leclares tbTat I f la ^supporting t h e ternational instruments t o obtain i the other hand .Jews would seJewish family. Fatherless, thcir I hospitals T'liscb. the Joint Distribution ! JR" \hp '•Ian for partition 'because - it the freedom to give effect t o thecure .the establishment of.-; theorigin and freed, from the servi- \ dangers of -"oncertainity and de- raoLher stricken by tuberculosis, the j.D.C. represents live found the chilsorial pror Trould result. I n advantages for scheme for partition, hoping that Jewish National Home and be re-tudes of alien coluntries. The ' lay. -vfe ijrnily believe that the el I.TIP sum Yearly 35,000 tubt;rciila , undcrArabs, again, look back to their J obligation this'country has incurdren and their mother subsisting en ooth Arabs and Jews. The Arabs it will h e possible to secure ef- lieved of the possibility of Arab nouris.Hed, and ampmic children are dry, stale crusts of bread. own historic past and.hope to. re-J.red through Arabs and Je^s -will 5i:fe'WoTildattain their" national fective measures with the consent rule in the future. It would con- store the splendors of tneir gold-' be discharged in another form. Such a situation is the common lot senl to these j.D.C. summer colonies ;;;f pendence and be; enabled to co^of the communities-concerned. vert t h e Jewish National Home en age. of thousands of jews in Poland and ID recuperate. Tens of thcir-md? or . ! "VVe appeal to the two conustsnijS?' operate: -with ^neighboring Arab Eastern Europe. To apc\iEte suffer5. Pending theestabiislxment of into a Jewish state with full con^jSycountrles on . ah: equal •:• footing. the scheme for partition the Gov- trol over Immigration. I t s n a - Ttere is no allegiance to a coin-I ties in Palestine to glre use a ing, to rchabslilEte ihe lives of millions ir, Bpeds' schools, both rsiipious and secular. Kea'llh campaigns bv .the of Jews in Poland and Eastern ~ V|f|j;They would- also be finally Te- ernment does Tiot intend to sur- i tionals would acquire the same | mon Palestinian citizenship. Peo- i measure of good will i s thefr ' ' • igglieved of any fear of Ce'wlsh dom- render its responsibility for the j status as that of t i e nationals of pie are Arabs or Jews, and owestudy of our approach end to rec- the " ~ the | | jination and anxiety over their peace ^and good government of i any other countries and cease to oyalty to their own people and ognize that we have tsriven faithChi i; |;K Holy Places. Moreover,-the Arab Palestine. I t generally agrees! live "a minority life," attaining heir own traditions. The idea cf fully, without fear or favor, to | b ;i;K;;>tate "would receive substantial fl- with the recommendations of the j the primary objective of Zionism. a common devotion to a Palestin- bring healing to those deep-seat-j ;;!>? nancial assistance from the Gov-Commission regarding security j The Government will guarantee an citizenship grows more hope- ed discontents, to those rivalries and ambitions which should be SSf ernment and from the JewB. The measures. In the event of serious j the rights of the minority In both ess every day. so alien to tbe spirit cf tbe Holy helps sustain. Disease stricken adults »: 5 i Jews, on .th&, other hand,- -would disturbances the High Commis-j Arab and Jewish states. Above'all Article 16 of the Mandate i n - i L a n d M 3 - secure the establishment o t thesioner will delegate power over the Government hopes that fear ; t ]|ti Jewish National Home and be the entire country to. General and suspicion will be replaced by sists on the right of each com! JCC boys end girls have passed, j munity to maintain its own gt?v spared the possibility; of Arab John G. Dill. confidence and security. * .',.'. , their American Red Cross Begin-' schools for education of its own ! ? 3 s rule In: the future. '.;. : ners' swimming, tests, which they j 6. In the immediate future, £0¥' The- new : plan would convert (Copyright 1937 By Seven Arts members in Its own language.! : were re-rarded for tbeir accemp- ; while the partition scheme is beSAY &GSAFESO SJ*:b the' Jewish National Home into a This sentence was conceived, no I . Feature Syndicate.) I lishnsent & swimming button. 'The A. >: ing worked out, the Government' •fiff:;"Jewish, state with full; control meet doubt, In a generous and liberal ] : „,. , ' .. _ . i following have passed the test: the w mtz,- . over immigration. Its nationals spirit, but as a device of placing G i a t s a n d t h e C a r f i s co , 4 k , „ , \ , . f - l Doris Conant, Doris Scbnelcer, fW (V 5!|§: ;would acquire the same statUB as TJr? v the youths of the country Jn op- tinued on their winning.streak i E i r>orothv Sin*o- - Y rw T3vCv.n bersl §§:-p that-of nationals °of other counL u Don u Norman Rubs ok, Jerrj Cohn, posite camps with separate loy- the youngsters' softball -league * ' • *"' '"'"' **' " ^ '°"'man, ||pe tries and.cease to live a "minorallies it has worked with deadly last Sunday morning by winning Duncan, Buddy . Gasti31, Albert jff! ity life," thereby achieving the effect. ."We tried hard to discov- two very close games from t i e Nepomnick, Richard Weir, Bonny | i | | primary objective of Zionism. | er a remedy within the scope of i opponents.. The Giants met their ";'^^r During the period of transition, Seis: the mandate, but we were forced | Kew York rivals, the Yants, by Bush, Dorothy Sush, Jake ,^|Pland transactions that may preson, to the conviction, that our sug-j the .score of 12-11, while the Ruth Fernald, Doris Welch, Phy- Wai fsf judlce the success of the partition C*e' IT llis Sinton, Frances TVeisharting:estlon did not touch the root of j.Cardinals defeated the helpless III, scheme will be prohibited. Fol~ r By LORD PEEL er, Alan Blast, Issdore Friefithe evil and that the mandate it-j Tigers, 12-10. The fielding of |f§|- lowing the expiration of the curself must be revised or abandon- j Lou . Slutzky and tne hitting of cian, Joe Tessler, Oscar Carp. f|f? rent labor immigration schedule Here is the first personal ac- Velop self-governing institutions? ed and a new scheme of govern- j salewyn Hoffman featured the HH .this month.the Government pro' Giant win. Next Sunday, July IS, 5^§: poses to issue certificates for the count, written simply, lucidly, What had been done for educa- ment set up. Paul Grossman, former JCC t^rberc, rr We . proposed> that Palestine i finds the Yanks playing the Cards handball ace, was seen around Bon T> ffffl period^ from August, 1937 to.of the reasoTis impelling; tho tion? Had the- draft of money | l | | J.Iareh.'"l938 to admit 8*000. per- Royal Commission to issue its been fairly proportioned between should, be divided and that two [ while the-Tigers clash with the the JCC Physical Department visp|tj eons, representing the total .Tew- faihous 404-page report recom- Arabs and-Jews? On what prin- separate states, one Arab and one j. Giants. .The public is cordiallyt l t l B He stated' that tbe Center lifc ish immigration in.'-all. categories mending the tripartitlon of ciple were contracts advanced? Jewish,, shall be in accordance i invited to -sratch the future Jew- j e il!»- 1 ill courts Eti'l are hard to | . j | | . l n accordance with the country's Palestine. I t is by the one man And were Jewish and; Arab labor with • the precendent already " es-' ish star baseballers swing icto ! ' ' '" there &re rcrr fw > in the best possible position t o fairly and evenly treated? tablished. Holy places, Jerusalem j action every Sunday morning a tljffabsorptive "capacity.- .- • . tfcst sre in r,ry b « Playgrounds; "We had to examine the tall and Bethlehem, will be handed'; the Central High. ||f|§ .-Pending, the establishment -Of give t h e collective viewpoint of shape. Paul is residing: in over to neither state but •will be! starting Et 10 a. rn. IpSIf'' the"" Arab- and.'Jewish'States the the Commission — the Earl or question as to ho-w Jewish Immi- governed with the adjacent land Angeles, California. Eabler, cheirmsn, IHI6 .Government asserts that i t , does Peel, Its chairman. His state, grants -were brought Into the as a 'sacred enclose by the manLee Grossd&n, Physical Direc-j ^ ^ . , \ ^ \ * ment -was broadcast to the Cn. f ? ; country. What was the precise not intend to surrender its reCM. datory as a trust, on behalf, not r, was force! to divide his t i»ica»et!ore Ajraas tseats sponsibility for. peace and good Ited States on July S, t h e same meaning' of economic absorptive only of the people of Palestine . . » iiai government classes last weefc Tor; in'.. Palestine. The day that the full report was | capacity? The principle according but of thosa multitudes -woo can Government'" generally:1- -agrees made pnhlic. Erclnsjyely.....prjPr;.. to -which the number of Jewish claim free access to the cradle cf the Junior- Girls as the enroll--IT ment has been increasing by j "With the recommendations of the sent ed by the • Jewish Telegra* Immigrants every' six months was their faith. London (JTA) — Leonard G.jj leaps end bounds. The Begin-!| Commission regarding the secur- phic Agency and the Jewish decided. How was a Jewish The two states will be free to Montefiore was nnaniHiously re- | ners get their swimming instruc- Ielected ity of the population.-In the event Press by-special' arrangement agency organized and from what president of the Anglo|jf§-;of serious disturbances the High •with the Columbia Broadcast- countries and in what proportion manage their own affairs in their tion at 9:30 a. m. on Monday aiifl ] Jeirish Association at a meeting own way. The Jews -will no longer Wednesday mornings. The Ading Company.' •-. —EDITOR were Jewish immigrants brought §JH?/.Commissioner will delegate powof the associEtion's council. Ivlr. In from the different countries. bs controlled by an external pow- vanced girls' swimmers take to S|^ er over the entire country to»Gem ers as to the numbers and cate- the Natatoriuin at 10:15 R.' m.Montefiore, Sir Philip Magnus U t ' John G. Dill, miiyary commander Leonard Sie-ki vere elected .The Palestine Commission was jl|& of the British" forces in Palestine. appointed as long ago as the 7th All these and a hundred other gories of their Immigrants. They Also the 'Swimming classes for!r e'" p i !ssntatives"cf ailLa the EESocsatior. will no longer be a.mere national the Matron Wciaen, JKEior Soys,-; , ^ !^t Up The'present Government and of August, 1936, but owing to the subjects were pressed upon our 0 E thB J o i r *e;£rn Committee. home in a country where two difand BusSness Girls have been ia- j _ ijflpr. Its predecessors since the accept- disturbances, we were unable to attention. The case of the Jews ferent standards of civilisation creased by'over B O pe? cent. B s ance'of. - the ' obligations, of the commence our work-in that coun- and the Arabs -was" very differentTvtea. the General Assembly of are struggling; for the mastery. ^ | | Mandate believed, as the Mandate try before tho beginning of No-ly presented to us. The Jews had They were formed in the fullThe Center Physical Depart- the State'cf-Rhode Island conW§ implies, that the respective obli-yember. Very briefly our duties taken immense trouble to organvened after the Revolution* it ffi|. gatiqhs- to Arabs . and Jews ;werey * their case and put before "us est, sense of the term a "Jewish ment is still continuing to set rset in the synagogue cf. Neww e r e t o find out the /underlying State," -with Ell t h e ' digmity of new memberg for tbe Center. The 111 not incompatible, and Respite its were-to find out the /underlying port. ; ' ". |j|t discouraging experience the Gov-causes of thef disturbances of last their claims.- Our desire for ln-Eelf-respect which that word im- pas 10 days over 5 4. boys, girls, plies. They-will be free-frost the and women have taken" out nieia- i JSJ q year and to inquire Into - the by formation was copiously supplied ffffi ernment based Its-policy: on they highly skilled experts. The fSJ assumption that Arabs and Jews workings of the mandate in PPall general *-'-"-"-«-•"-* ' - " "all • - menace of neighboring Arab bership, and at this time .we wel- j g- —~ position of the Jews |||i' -would cooperate and form & sln-estine, to examine tho grievances over the world, their Bufferings states who have been so acutely corse the following: i»|J gle common-wealth. However, in of the Jews or Arabs and to sug-hopes and aspiration were d o s t conscious of the rivalry of Jew Danny Goodman, Milton Sos| | f the light of its experience and thegest remedies if . ire' found that forcibly presented' by Dr. Welz- and Arab in Palestine. They will kin, Irvin Gendler, Arlene Solo!*v| arguments presented by t i n Jtoy,- these grievances or any qf them mann, while the shortcomings of have to give up their ambition of mon, Isasiore Frieamgn, Gertrufie | making all Palestine their na- Sberraan, Pearl Shapiro, Elaine j *'"'jio.l Commission, the Government well founded. the government -were probed with : Soft Grey Ires tutS. Seir | | has been driven to t h e conclu-. Our report has now been is- a refreshing candor and acute- tional home. But within a smal- Thompson,. Grace Keater, Harry j Steel CsEilr^ffi, Wcoc « ler area they -will 'be free from sued. It Is unanimous. .There Is 33. Dee Hazel M. "R"eir, Xonnaa I Ifsion that an irreconcilable 'conness. . . I ' e t t l Pattcrjae end Sp all the limitations which the preRtiback, Maurice Tatelman, Anne \ IVeightE CE.pr5es1 era sloe y | ilict exists between the aspira- no minority- report. Not one of For some time no Arab, -vrit V- Lefler, Nova. TJehllng. Paul • f'tions of Arabs and Jews that can- the six commissioners have added ness appeared before us, but sent Mandate implies. of resTeplitsky, L Roffrnan. Margaret ; t' not be resolved under the present even a line or a paragraph when the Arab Higher Committee J ervations. In order .o -carry Shadden,., Yvonne. Duncan, Leo j ; terms of the Mandate. \ The'Arabs will . be excluded at last to give evidence Eisenstatt; Henry ' H. Swaxtz, were bound decided % Declaring that the scheme for our •Instructions, from the. control of the section of it became clear that they objectHASS5 I- partition along the general lines to Inquire into every form of goy- ed, not so much to the working tbe country "which they now Mary LaRcse Buchta, Jeanette | "recommended: by the Royal Com- vqrnment activity during the last of the details of the mandate bn claim ELS their own, but th?y will Martin," Donald Duncan, Allan j | mission represents the best and seventeen year. We-had, for in-they challenged justice and auth be free from the jrr.awing fear Blank, Richard Weir, Mrs. "L,eej il most helpful solution of the' dead- stance to examine the land sys- orlty of the mandate itself. that the Jews flooding is. from TV. Newman, Margaret Martin, j Itlock, the Government proposes to tem and all of the complicated all the countries in dispersion Mrs. Geo. P. Gillan, Mrs. L. R. J The contest was that naive. The Syfert, .Msrily Cone, Haskel Cob-! S take' the necessary and appropri-tenures by which land was held. Jews examined most minutely ev- with their tenacity and ccniflatl en. Byron Melcher Albert Kepom- j i - a t e steps under" existing treaty. in what proportion the land of monetary and material resourei nick. j | -obligations under the covenant of occupled by Jews or by Arabs, 1 7 sentence of the articles of the ces will 5n no Ions time t o mas1! the League and other instruments what was the extent of the cultiv- { mandate and argued that t*-~ ters of the country. % to obtalnthe freedom, to give ef- able land, how far you could In- government, either supine or They will ba at liberty tc rr.- The past fisys r:£sy ot the i crease the fertility of the land by different, had not given ^ull fect irrigation, what extent of land to Jewish rights and claims. fect to the partition plan. 'The was necessary to support a fam-! O n the other side, the Arabs dishope Government expresses the Goe ily,- how: much population could jGainfully discarded the mandate that it will be possible, to .take the land support with a more E C I - ! a n d took their stand on t i e inherent right of the majority these, measures with the consent entitle system of agriculture. room In f oa? home eooi Eeep of the comfiiunities concerned. manage' its own Then we had to ask what had country The following is the text of thebeen done under the mandate to with aod«ns, £l«etcte 'crad British" Government's ..statement assist 'the settlement of Jews of policy: ; ~" upon- the land. What -was Z, The Government hag consider- trade and financial states? What, ed the unanimous report of thefor instance, were the prospects j Hoyal Commission and generally ot the citrus crop, agrees with the arguments, and .boxes of oranges could be packconclusions of the Commission. . ed and exported 2. As the,Commission's histor-How, far could the foreign marical survey recognizes, the pre-kets be counted upon, to absorb sent Government and -ts prede- tbe ever-increasing CORPORATION products of cessors since the acceptance of plantations. Then again obligation ^of the Mandate believBur yewr S»cteic Ferns; KOWi had been done to develop ed, and as the Mandate implies, that the,respective obligations to] municipal institutions?"What had 2512 Leavcawortti or failure of the the Arabs and Jews were not incompatible and' despite its dis- different efforts to set up or couraging esierienco the Government-Has bassd Its policy on the assumption that Arabs and Jews "vlU,cooperat» and form a single commonweal ih. l 3. In the light of it3 experience ' '.' • . " O R . • • ; - • • and the arguments adduced by
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THE JE"\\T3H PRESS, FRIDAY. JULY 16, 19o" Mrs. Leo Ungar returned home Sunday following a week's visit in St. Joseph, Missouri where she visited her parents.
^"3ii..:i.i.i.ii!>Ji!':K:..;nn!;zii~3rDr:!E;:!n;sr!ni'nrn,:;;:.L u J;ii;.;;.rn:
have returned hoaie from Chicago, "wrhere they boarded ths "See andbee" Ship for the District No. 6 of the B'nai B'rith Convention which wts held aboard this boat.
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Dy lire. David 11. Nctv~.«u j
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Mr. E. Cooper left Tuesday evening for his home in Norwich, Connecticut after residing in Council Bluff3 for §everal months. United States Naval academy stu- Mr, Cooper was the principal of dents, landed Monday at th"e Ma- the Talmud Torah during his stay deira Islands after -stopping -at in'.Council Bluffs.'./-'. Lisbon, Portugal; He is abroad the flagship New York and "will Dr./and Mrs. Julius Moskovitz, stop at Southampton, and Tor Bay, England before .returning to Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Sternhill, and Hampton Roads.'Va. The fleet Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gilinsky •will land there August, 14.. Midshipman Gohert is a son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Cofcen, 2721 Jones St.
t P T f TiCI
t •• F-om anEt CocUcs ij l, i !•„ i . ' r tleifMr. and Mrs. Morris Grossman 1 cup butter; J,= cup sugar; 1 '!!£ it left Sunday for Denver and Colo- jegg; 1 tablcsr^ca Icrncn juice; 1 pnrrado Springs, Colorado, to be teaspoon lcso:i rinti; xys cup York (JTA) — A rr;>gone about two weeks. flour; 1 tr.bl.-f; oca baking powder;---^ •• teaspoon salt; \k cup grcni el i—ricllcfx action on be-, Kerry T. ~"i»: promilli; 1 ' i : cap canned moist co- half of the persecuted Jews ot ;. Theological. S All news items. for this column Poland was adopted by 2,4 62 repamong the Epc"' with should be phoned in to F. R. K., coanat. > renstaives of Jewish organiza- j clared the c f, h*» Cream butter; add sugar; add phone G.5'0 or 4491, before five tions' at a conference called by i Jews to .be tr o'clock each Tuesday afternoon. unbeaten- egg; add lemon juice the American Jewish Congress. I freedom, of el', More than 500 people attended ^ , who and rind. Sift flour,-baking powthe annual Talmud Torah picnic The delegates, representing SS ;'civilization. Br ' der and salt together. Add alter-j national <r thefr Sunday afternoon and evening at Jewish organizations ! support txt thf nately with milk." Mix ia cocoaRivervlew Park, and approxiand .833 societies, lodges and ' Against "War Fnut 'thoroughly.'- Drop by "small! on -or mately $325 was cleared. congregation-sin New York City ; which he 5s c1 spoonsful .on 'greased -bakingj eomm : Mr. Morris Lazriowlch -svas and vicinity, planned • the 'followMrs. H. Sol Novltsky and sheet Do not smooth over. Allow j de»general chairman and was assist- daughters, Loia and Gloria, left ing steps:— • ' ~ ~ T r room for spreading. Bake at 375 > ed by Mrs. A. S. Feinberg and Friday for Chicago and Cleve| Jewish' C c c ~ ' i r degrees for" 20 minutes. | ~Tr~A"iTappeal to. "civilized opMrs. M. Matlin, co-chairman of land where they will visit Mrs. inion everywhere responsible for j " Will K G L l j c r .fee the : ticket committee. Novitsky's cousins; Mr.^and'Mrs. the r.e-establishment of Polish in• Marmalade • Cake i , (Continued from Page One) r Raffle booths and refreshments Morris Traeger; and family. They little or no hope of eliminating j &. *. 1 ^ ' iU«. * JC t ^ V «» 1«4 cups flour; 2 ^ teaspoons' dependence" to unite .in protestort: If booths entertained those -who at- will return via Niagara .Falls and but declares partition should not or even lessening the effects in tended, and full program of races Detroit. They will be gone for be rejected. The Revisionists are Palestine of those forces, internal baking'-.powder;' % teaspoon salt; I ing to .the Polish . government -1 liVr s-i up in arms over the report. Gov- and external, which ^according to y2 cup" butter; % cup sugar; 21 against its 'role of oppressor' and cy)Jerusalem "and contests attracted the childA drar * i C two weeks. ernment circles and the anti-Sem- the Commission, have made Zion- egg yolks; - \4 cup orange marma-j its breach of treaties guarantee-" nu!• r e n . . / / ' •..' ' - • • • .. • ng lade; 1 tablespoon grated orange ing, minority, rights. itic press are bitter because they Proceeds of the picnic •will be | tion among J*-'1 ^v ' , z < Mrs. Eli Robinow and children seo ih the circumscribed bbundar- ist-Arab peace impossible." Hold- rind; % cup chopped walnuts; % 2. A plea to the United States ttsed for the upkeep of' the TalIng that partitio'n is advantagI not to give ui ' r r 1 r departed last week for a vacacup milk; 2 egg whites. " • ies..of the proposed Jewish state a government, as one of the -chie£ j posed Arab sts ^ n— • mud Torah. eous only for the British,- the . .tr , tion at the Minnesota lake's. Sift flour, baking powder, and sponsors of Polish independence, i colony oil Bateloin. . death blow to hopes forTalestine Times-said it will create new !-"«> likens the Jcr-isb. position as a future outlet for Polish- problems and intensify existing salt together.-Cream butter. Add j and in view of its "Good Neigh- I." Settled on .July fth by G-ernsan in Ameriran dc-niocrBf:j' to $,LEVY NAMED Mr. Sam Cohen entertained fifAdd beaten egg yolks. Add j bor" policy, to inform the Polish. | Immsgrants on Jewish Xaiional I C-CC-,000 Germsnf "held together • MANAGER OF ORPHEUM ty employees at a dinner Tuesday Jewish immigration. It is report- ones. The Herald-Tribune called sugar. ed that Poland will oppose the partition 'the fruits of ambiguity' orange.marmalade, grated orange' government of its condemnation i Fund land• on the "Eastern shore | in racial s.nd cultural unity by evening in the Oasis. Mr. .Cohen Herman, Levy has been named returned recently from- a fishing partition plan, In the League of and "a confession of failure." rind, nuts. Mix well. Add dry in-cf the anti-Jewish campaign. A j of Lake Kinnereth — winch is i the Hitler doctrine cf t h e folk'ic Nations unless the. Jewish state is The World-Telegram sees parti- gredients, alternately with milk further request that the Ameri- ! part of the territory proposed ! EorJ, r.nd trr.r.sporfed to America, Snanager of tha. local Orpheum trip at the Minnesota lakes. 'given more room. Theater to succeed Mr.-'. Mickey tion as satisfying neither Arabs to first mixture, beating weir be- can Ambassador to Poland make for the n?;7i- Arab state Vy the \ eptEblishef! in our neraoeratic tween each addition. Beat whites j a survey of violation o£ treaty i land pp the Jevg new pse. a n d Rome (WNS) — The sudden Gross, who has accepted a simnor Jews despite the creation of Rcral Commission — the colony cessation of anti-Zionist agitation a Jewish state, while The Sun de-stiff. Cut and fold lightly into] guarantees of minority rights.'* ! sent a message to Dr. ClisJm | rlpterm'.p.pf!. tc Tnpin.ts.ip. their r a c ilar position In Denver, Colorado? | is.! dor^-ririp f,T>a their racial' »epIn the Fascist press is generally clares partition may be a remedy batter. Bake in a loaf pan at 350 3. Election' of a national dele- • Weizinann ' and David Ben GurMr. Levy«has been advertising degrees for 4 5 .minutes. Cover interpreted here as a move on Snanager of ths Orpheum for tb"e but predicts that its application with a . chocolate icing flavored gation of 200 to prepare and prej ion in London, dec'sricjr that its the part of Mussolini to regain will be difficult. past few years and an artist in sent to the United States" govern- | settlers would not "tzav.e" frora with coffee. Jewish good will ifl-the hope that 3iis own right. :•• , . ment a memorandum on Polish i the lr^'-. Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor AgenBY P. B. E. he can enter into an alliance with cy) — Unanimous opposition to oppression o fthe Je-ws. r- rag* 1) ' Floating Island :e the Jewish state to b? created in the recommendations of the RoycH HiRiiiii!iiii 4. A call to the World Jewish 2 cups scalded rnilk; 3 egg Palestine. A. Z. A. al Commission for partition and Congress to petition the League yolks; ',i cup sugar; % teaspoon I In Its very r.Ftr,re fud essence. I t ' An interesting meeting of the Berlin (WNS) — «.The entire ip f-p Newly elected. members. Into Council Bluffs Chapter No. 1 of Nazi pres3 characterizes the Roy- insistence on the full discharge of salt; 3 tablespoons powdered sug- of Nations, as guarantor of PoFr 1 It pr.ppopRd tr. he e. rompromiBe. Z. A. chapter provided the the A. Z. A. was held last "Wed- al Commission's - report recom- the Mandate without restrictions ar; 1 teaspoon vanilla; Z egg lish minority -rights, to act at J If. IF not ?l->?t. For F, compromise are the keynotes of comments in once for the protection of the hd i tarogram at a Steak Fry held in nesday evening at the home of mending the partition of Paleswhites;. 1 tablespoon flour. | betweeii two ppfp pf interests one the Palestine Hebrew press. The [stone Park "Wednesday evening. Eugene Telpner. Advisors pre- tine as "a' new English bluff." Beat yolks; add sugar, flour, Jews. j rrniPt tTpFi t b o ^ frf^^^^t^ P5 -theT" The Astor conference elected [Plans were made at the Bteak sent were lieyer' Maltz and MaxThe papers predict that the Arabs Labor daily Davar said "partition and salt. Gradually add scalded | a r e lit their TPfl ri"M-re p.hd not means a Jewish state without 75 members to the nations! dele;lry for the formal initiation of Harris of Council Bluffs and Max will interpose proper obstacles in milk. Cook in double boiler until j begin hy iE;olerf.b!y falsifying 1 Jews and Zionism without Zlon," gation, and issued a call {or sim- i j i,J the ne\7 members. Maurice Gins- Turner of Omaha. Details of the the way of^ the creation of the UJ:LI«:_VILLmixture coats a spoon. Cool and | one or both. and added that a Jewish state is berg was l a charge or the ar-forthcoming summer Tournament Jewish state. - • ilar meetings throughout the *-i "h r P < — i-«r ^ o r e r e r , is impossible w i t h o u t Jerusalem add vanilla. When, cold and ready country to acquaint the American srahgements. • •.'.--.'• was outlined by. Meyer ' Maltz, to serve, beat egg whites stiff. Prague (WNS) — Partition of andr the Negev, the sole land rer < o Y IB scheme P A <• > hchairman of .the! touHimeht. The Palestine "means, killing the esAdd powdered sugar during the public with the Jewish plight in <"' .c 1 • ~ i> Kat t h e r e ' serve which no nation except the Poland and to elect members of first piece of special /publicity -was sences of .Zionism," Valdimlr Jalast part of beating. Arrange this i ' •> <- i i f Jewish Jews can revive. The General mailed to Alephs of each chapter botirisky, Revisionist leader, said meringue in "Islands" on the the delegation which will meet in j Ciristiars'. 0 s s t u t j Articl I " ' ~ ' t'e r r-pople. At of the Corn Belt Region. Anoth- in a statement here. "The scheme Zionist daily Haaretz declared custard. Bits of red jelly may be the near future in Washington. r v i f- F ' it even : I Talks cf Eesistasce to that if the aim of Zionism had 1 meeting Is being held this week The program was adopted in a f Sir. and Mrs. & Rifkin enter- at the home of Irving Cohen; The must be killed at birth and Jews been merely to obtain the sanc- placed in center of each island. i. 1 «• r >^ . -i i « r>ne hand \ • Dsraocratic Prooesr • resolution which gave a detailed aajned at a dinner last Sunday convention', tournament will be must unanimously refuse to co- tion and rights for the existence Serve very cold. ' f " i- • . i-e other. history of recent persecutions in ijavenlng honoring Mr. and Mrs. held operate," he declared. f T c " c rs-tion liee «ork (Tt'NSI — " D e n -i •• ~^ " of a commonwealth, then the at the Hotel Chieftain on In 1724 the governor of Louis- ! Poland and of the attempt to re-| racy cannot puarsntee our Jev -! i ' r t JS. B. Epstein, who returned re- August 7, 8, and 9, with the local New York (WNS) „— The Royal Commission report might - kl i » rile — t h e cently from" their •weddihg trip. bhapter as Hosts."' "gravest betrayal of a most sa- have been an approach "to such- a iana decreed that sll Jews should duce Jews there to the status of ^brethren againKt the emergf T r --(•--• r s B home• ' ' r 'MrY'-aiid'Mrs. Epstein are at home cred trust" is how Dr. Stephen S. goal. But it points out that the leave the colony. However there ' "third class citize"hs," to deprive : of a crisis in which the prejr. ! " " ' *•* •" ' * j l 0 have s 1 tit30%-,Ida Apartments. | them' of livelihood and to firive - and anger £cr.srated by Ihi-ir 3 Wise, president of the Zionist aspiration of Zionism means the Is no record of anv expulsion. ~ " v "" """ ' r r d gn a c t them ont cf the country. DEU GKEEXBEBG IXSTAIilir organization of America, charact- redemption of a people and a °" ' • " " " > ° " r "he h a n d s \ resistance to the democrslic i :r r ' r i r n. r r n ( J c j r c a . < -.; ' " .' - " erized the British Guisseppe Ottolenphi,'-a mern- [ Ths assemblage r e c e i v e d ; cess will flarp tip to their e - - ! ^ dertruae'" Mitfcin " spent ' O F F F I C E R S ••• government's land. Asserting that the Mandate Dr. A. A. Greenberg of Oma-decision" to partition Palestine is a holy trust given to England, ber of a prominent Jewish fain- j pledges of support from eminent ; hurt £.nd to the hunnliation i last week visiting; witfr friends in ha, who was .recently? elected as and to terminate the Palestine Haaretz warns the British Gov- ily, was a ranking general in the j non-Jewish Americans, including- ; rlisgrsce of our Christian fsi Chicago. f " r " ~ *•<=' rights Of l IS United States ' Senators, 2C i Dr. CtEtles Korrison writes -' '--"hr; ' ( h e y he President of the District No. Mandate, Partition, he s a i d ernment that the Jewish people Italian army and Italian minis-j IS ' • M i s s Rose BlUle Tolle of Oma- S of the.B'nai B'rith, was the in-"strikes at the very heart of Jew- will not be alpne In its struggle ter of War (1S02-3). Representatives sad two "" State the current, ispv.e of The Chr ' " "~ "~~ ' F nmranteed „ rw_^_ !nr 0 . thejr r, p i a visited last week - end with ,stalling officer at the installa- ish hopes and is an affront to to maintain this trust. Pauline and Esther Friedman. tion of officers at the Council the League of Nations." It is also '•" f f p o m i e Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of the "the timorous escape of a govern- • The Haboker charges that the ' > ' = 'r>nsi. State r Mr. Morton Phillips of Minne- B'nai B'rith. The following of- ment- which, never failed because British administration in Pales' ~" " ' " r i f tO Swlti;F I apolis visited recently in Sioux ficers were Installed by Dr. it. never tried to enfoce the Man- tine never enabled the fulfillment " * ^r her thev o f City with Henry Ginsberg. Greehberg: : Nathan Gilinsky, date." Louis Lipsky, American j the Mandate, and'argues that - r - - r , > T-ifr. The r g-esident; Millard H. Krasne, member, of the World Zionist Ex- it is therefore Impossible to say ""THREE mjllion Jews in Poland, by tradition merchants and artisans, face a dismal future is-, tl " * r r-p.n minMiss jRuth-Marx and Mrs?* Har- ice president; Al Fox, financial ecutive, declared partition "will the Mandate'cannot be fulfilled. -f011!?117' A ^ s ^ e s s boycott, entirely unofficial, but s-jpported fcv the powerful Natio IRI Demt1C~£ ry Raskin of'kfarikton. South Da- secretary; Leon Frankel, record- not make peace. It will plant the The paper expresses the hope party has caused estE.blishmer.ts. has rained ." py c u s e d the bankruptcy of thousands of Jewish mercantile" mercantile estE.blishme o iv ^ . . —p ^JOTPIUB in r petty trader by b barring b i t h b violence il iin many instances—from the markett.places, isd has i petty traders them—by kota, are spending their vacation ing' 'secretary; Louis. ;H. Katel- seed of greater conflicts." He that the Zionist Executive will «*e unemployment .of nearly two-thirds of the Jewish workers and artisans. in the Black Hills. * p^^ ^ T IT F"I" he prinman, treasurer;: Sam Safeks, guar- called it fantastic and asserted wage a most intensive struggle ( , Further, the new- restrictions on "schechita," the kosher slaughter of cattle, cattle, have have b~oke^ b~oke^ v.p~ e. Tie against the report. The Palestine that it "serves to place England ing Jewish meat industry which, cot only gave emplcvinect to thousands of Jews, but pr !Vided a : dian; Dr. Julius M. Moskovitz, f * E •• n (hat the c income to Je-snsh communities through a special "Gemeinden" sales tax. Mrs. A. L. Galinslsyis expected monitor;"" Dr; Isaac Sternhill, as- firmly in a position to continue Daily Post also disputes the con> oi id have clusion of the Commission that iome next week from Chicago sistant monitor; a n d Morris to play the role of self-interested >' ifif strictly I — — nearly one-third of the Jewish population in Poland fac starva tion. Saolem Asoh. the *EJHMandate is unworkable, •where she has spent the past two Grossman, S. Shyken, and Dr. Os-guardian of the destiny of Pales- t h e i writer who recently virited Yv'arfaw. sr.id, in a ccnr-.v.r.icir'icri t° the A" < t r OPP beCoiaiaittee, that he observed rickeiy ^.ildrer. F^i-lr.fr sc—T-S of brercahrging that it w a s nevr .-weeks visiting with friends and car Greenberg, as board mem- tine." . ' • ' ' " ' i-? ppopl« s from free luncheons they g-et in schools with the ,-id cf Joir given a fair trial because relatives. Morris Rothenljerg, chairman er - ' - • • - " ^ " * ^ e Arab bers. A report.of the recent conDistribution Ccrr.~ittce funds, to take hcir.2 to t t - : r rcrc-'.s c lts (r.,. v-,_ r ni " i pnn t h a t r - , niprht. ention of the District was given of the Z. O. A. administrative f t3 saboteurs were rewarded and Mr.; and Mrs. Abe Meyers of by Nathan GUinsky. The supporters were discouraged. '-i - , - r, » , i r R iechni' .'•• . committee, stated* that if parti- {* for oven:::: Des Moines, were recent guests in tlon Is all that Britain-has to of- IT h * Post asserts that the propos— S r > j . antler c, ^ r r , , _ , Rumania, the home of Mrs. Meyers parents, Mr." arid Mrs.' Julius iRb'senfeld fer aa. a solution, of "a problem j ed Jewish state would be decapi- r — ~ - r - ^ i «m BRl hi8trades s s a occupations lor Jews; suppo -- J Mr. and Mrs. B. Rosen thai. ages, reli^isiis, child care and msdical ~.~ ^.^^....^.^.^..^ and Mr- Leo Ungar have returned largely-created by Great Britain tated without Jerusalem, the setfurther the work of free and corprrstivc loan sccirtics _ , . . . home following'a week's st&iy in Itself through its vacillating; pol- tlements near the Jordan severed whose activities hundreds of thousands cf Jews are ensbied to '" • Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Levitt have hicago, Illinois^ While'in-Chi- icy in Palestine, it is a sad com- and the Rutenberg and Dead Sea t pud the remain rneagerly sclf-Eupporting. returned home from Colorado cago, Mr. RoEenfeldand Mr. Un-mentary on. present-day British concessions placed under dual V" simple N the accompanying- photos, r>!:n:ber 1 shows pickets, the f.rsl. line where they spent a two week va- gar attended the American Furn- statesmanship. The present Man- management. h ' t \i corof the boycott r^ovenjcr.t, stationed in front of a Jewish es'.F.blishcation. ture Convention. date has not failed. . It has never Al Liwa, organ of the Grand ment in JlinFk llazowiccki; Photo 2 rhows a Joint Distr^utior. been genuinely tried." Rabbi Is- Mufti, declared partition robs the It - Miss Minnie Silverman of New -Plans are being made by the rael Goldstein, : president of the Arab state of its harbors and .apital is a ps.il of1 pioki_. 3Torb City Is a guest here in the Council Bluffs Agudas Achim So- Jewish'National Fund, said that adds, that the Arabs will not be H Arts she must se-;i to provide food and shelter for her fr.m: :- rr.d ^c-rp:f; iome of her brother-inrlaw • and ciety for its annual Picnic to be the Royal Commission report is pushed into the iills, constituting and a. bearded carter whose stap~crin5 burden? brin^' him sccrcr-Iv j jr F P1 Bister, -Mr, and Mrs. Louis Gold- heia next month.: ~Tiir.~ Harry tantamount to "an explicit admis- only a minority. Falastin, Christa livelihood: Photo 5 shovr3 the children's \rard of a J.D.C. r^cir'tained Jevrish hospital, most cf its inmate? suffering from irx'.rvtriberg. -: ••-. • • . Kubby, president, has appointed sion that the. Mandate given to ian-Arab daily, urges . restraint C . L ' ' *». , A •;'>., tion. Photo ICusi'ber 6 shows a proup of childror!. typical cf the r r ' " r ""J" Mr. Sam Meyersoh as 'general Great Britain by the League of and patience until after the con- many to be found in every Jewish community in Poland: K.OGS cf " Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Baron with chairman in charge of the" picnic Nations ;has not been a ia.it. and vening of the Zionist Congress, them are fed each day with ths aid cf Joint D^tributirr. Cctr.rr.lttcr '£heir son, Sandy and : daughter, arrangements. ;; • .-J effective trial in the 16 years of whose decision will havs an im- funds. Ftf 1 ?* 1 O f S a m ' : . r - •"' " Ethel, are expected to return next Britain's rule over Eretz Israel." portant, influence on the parti•week from-Chicago where they Leon Gelman," president of the tion scheme. It is reported that meft Miss Pearl Bernstein Jeft SatSiav.e been visiting.•; They also at- urday evening- for Chicago^ Illin- Mizrachi, called on religious Zion- the reaction of the average Arab --- X ','.•?'".,"_;•..".. T . X ' " , , : tended the'B'nai B'rith Conven- ois for a visit with relatives. She, ists for" unanimous resistance to is that agreement with the Jew is umtv tion "which took place on a Great expects to be gone about two" partition and • announced that preferable to partition. Aunl Bey > the Lakes cruise. . • • . ". • ' • special ..protest demonstrations., •Abdul Hadi, general secretary of weeks. .. " ''"' '- '.'.•''; •would- be. held in all Orthodox the Arab Higher .Committee char*'•• i->?'"iT«s» . o f " "hits. Sam Diamond and daughMr. aa€ Mrs. Herman Handler synagogues on Tishah B'Ab (July acterized the" report as "appallter Geraldine of Omaha, visited left hist Friday for Denver and 17th).. The New Zionist Organ- ing," declaring that the Arabs Jn SiousCity last week end. Colorado Springs, Colorado. They ization (Revisionists) denounced will not give up one inch of land expect to, be gone about two the partition plan as a "deliber- in the division of the country. ate violation of Great Britain's Raghe'b Bey Nashashibi, leader of Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Foreman • f f e e k s . . • ' . • ; • • ' . . - i . .•"..-' •' . u-'ge. pledge" which condemns millions the Arab opposition, said the r& Returned to their home in MadiBon, South Dakota, Monday,, after Mr. and Mra. Maurice B.-Katel- of Jews in -Eastern and; Central j'port does not fulfill Arab aspiraa two day visit in Sioux City. man have returned" home from Cecil Pill and Helen Marsh re- their honeymoon • trip" from Colo- Europe to "slow and tortured ex- tiohs, A manifesto to the Arab popturned', to Madison'with them for rado Springs, -Estes Park, Denver termination." The Arab National . :-.i^if of League announced that the Arabs ulation not to heed the empty 0. weeks visit. ; v and Cheyenrie. ';!-•. •'..'." cannot accept partition willingly, promises contained in the Royal • ••wi • v i t h while the Jewish War Veterans Commission report and to adhere Rabbi and Mrs. H . R . Rabino- Miss Edith'London"'left Saturand daughter, Segulah de- day night for Chicago; Illinois for telegraphed opposition to, the par- to an Arab nationalist pro&ram i ii ri parted Tuesday for Gull LaSe, a two weeks' visit with relatives. tition scheme to Secretary ' °f .was'issued by the Arab H i k e r State Hull and urged the United t committee, which met for two Minnesota,- where they will spend She will return .to Council Bluffs States; to withhold Its approval. hours Jn an attempt to adopt a O month. .> for another visit with her par- Two leading Yiddish dailies, the definite policy toward the"repo-t' ents,''Mr. and Mrs. Louis London, Jewish Morning Journal and The Miss Rose Shwidelson of Oma- before' returning to Los Augelea Day, both urged < acceptance of The Committee decided to consult immediately with Arab kings ha is visiting with friends In and 'Hollywood; • where she -" repartition. The Day editorially a n d princes regarding future Sious. City this week. " \ sides. Miss London: •', has been criticised various phases of the A r a b policy. In its manifesto the spending the past four njoriths plan but advised approval of the committee pointed out that tho Mr." and Mrs. Abe Bass of Ce-here visiting ier. parents. -',' principal of -partition because it | m o s t fertile part of the country dar Rapids, Iowa, visited in Sioux means ^ the establishment of a p h a d b e e n s e t aside by the CbmCity this week with - Mr. Bass Mr., and Mrs/ Simon Steinberg Jewish. state. Jacob.Fishman,.ed T m i s s ! o n f o r t h e j e W { S b s t a t e ' _ parents. "•;'."-•.' ' ' and daughter. Miss Helen Stein- itor of. the Morning Journal, j c l u d i n g t h e t o T r n o t H a { f ^ c ' berg, have returned home follow- sounded a similar note, asserting I a f e d a n d Ti berias. The Miss Masine Lebowitz of Coun- ing a month's trip /through the that partition ia an operation nee- Spopulation was urged'to eil Bluffs is visiting here in the east, making the trip by motor. essary to separate the twins — tranquillity. Iiome of Mr. and 'Mrs. Sam Le-They attended the National .Gro- Arabs and Jews,, and expressing fcowitz. .'-'•' .."• \''-..;; ' cers' Convention in Boston, Mass. the hope that the operation would They visited in New York City, Ie^tve the Jewish patient stronger New Hebrew Daily Miss Florence Loh,rmann wil Atlantic City, .Washington, Phila- although 'smaller. leave this week for Omaha where delphia and in West Virginia, The Now York Times declared Jerusalem — Ben-Zion Kat3, cho hao accepted a position and during their trip. « P.ti that "partition Is a weak man's | the Hebrew writer, has receh-ed' Ohero she will make her home. solution based on defeatism," j a permit from the Palestine Gor:.- t. -.' Mrs. George Steinberg left Sat- predicted that neither Jews nor i eminent to publish a newspaper, •CJMidshipman Abe Cohen, who isurday night for Excelsior Springs, Arabs will be satisfied and em- , Chadashoth, to appear twice datVNNV a- European tour with other Mo. for a month's visit. pb'asized that "partition offers Sly.
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