In t h e
ascar Study Unfavorable
/ I
[WNS)-— "'the .>semi. sh commission of coltperts that, Trent to French Island col| coast, of .Africa, to possibility of settling rs of Polish Jews, has lieve its objective, acprord received here ascar. jthat the commission's prepare itself with a posal and the oppo*ical populace doompe. The commission two Jews and one
".-'CtS'^Eari'JscIin, fci fala caiupa , £TO" Ills'c*.7n and <Jo.riot"E.ecc> jrarily "reflect tho polidea o? cttltcdo.-.of car publication. Re-
G i r e £J3 Bscoaa Class Wall Matter, oa January 21. 1SS1, at i*ostolflco ct lUnaha. Nebraska, under tho Act cf March X JS73
. '
"""fyCCiilCtScrV il2 V7holo G2T i n E*32?6
" strictly
ptonal Bank t Bldg. M0RTGAG SAL jreby given that on the ijrust, 1937. at :o o'clcck Furniture Market, 2314 jstreet. Omaha. Nebrassnfd will sell at p s highest bidder
7 •
."3D2SICCHACX F O ^ PA1/ESTINE AH-goYernment raachineis tend to .•be perfldloun and cruel. Power corrupts.. Although in democracies p.OY/er io only temporarily delegated to.":the administrativo branches of the- sovorntnent tho men in 4hesa-branclie3' tend to be.hardeiicd by the possessiou of 'even !h<!30 powers that are "temporaril y delected to them and to fight on a very'low plane for the retention of office and influence. .Among-peoples- at all civilized end huiaane • parliaments do riot sink to'-so low a level. Tho veatigea of- freedom and humanity do find all-in that British House of- Commons, - which .has once snore vindicated tho tradition from which it ha3 not too ahame-
U • •W i
' Buenos Aires (JTA)—Inte—TtioEa! recognition.cf the price r > o* asylum for politics! refrsecs Cannral a n d Operetta bas teen proposed by the Air""- 1 Wiad-Up cf Ossip'stine Government to all n a t ^ r s Activities with which it i a s diplomatic relations. ; Carlos Saavefira Lamas, Arpe-- < Camp Akiba will bring its EC- j
* Geneva (WNS-Palcor Agency) League Covet « the Man— The League Mandates Com- date, but becau,. ..""is calculated Thousand Members Is Goal of mission has decided that Is pri- to east light on the. fundamental in " • • mary function is to examine the issue,.namely, modification of the administration of Palestine with Palestine regime as proposed by *':Oinali& '. a view to deciding whether the the Mandatory Power. -Benjamin Tabachinsky, repre- Mandate is workable. A 3-point 2; To ascertain whether the masentative of the. American Ort in definition of the Commission's terial presented Is sufficient to tivities to a close on Thursday ; tine Foreign MiEister, stbm lio^l <T> Poland; "was in Omaha two weeks task was unanimously adopted by enable _the League Council to evening, August 12, with a carni-! t s these countries a draft cZ z. i multilateral treaty on the sub.nct. ago1 to start;, a membership drive the members as follows: form an opinion on the problems val and operetta. Starting at 4:30 in the gymna- \ laying' down rules -under wr'cr for a chapter of the Ort here.. A 1. To examine the adminis- as a whole and on the various _ E.iuia of the Jewish Community; asylcia may be granted. He rt> committee •• composed . of Max tration of Palestine during the solutions suggested. T i e Man7he j C"enter, • the campers will display jounced also that he would" T"I~CC Crounse,' chairman, Dora Rlchlin, last two.years. This is necessary, j dates'commission secretary, and John Feldman the Commission heid, not only be- representative of the Mandatory ' t&eir crafts work and hobbies. ' the matter before nest ycr~ t c r appointed. The drive for mem- cause it is a duty imposed by the Power to supplement the infor- Also In the gym will be festivally- j pan-American Conference, decorated booths, built by the j bers which began .last •week has mation required.. Campers, where ia true earniva already secured one hundred per3» To give the Council an acstyle pop, lemonade,.and hot degs j , fully .departed' since the passage sons.,-The. group seeks a thour count of the advantages and diswill be sold. sand members as Omaha's goal. of tho Reform Bills in 1832, a^nd advantages of each of the possiA supper will be served at 6:SO The Ort la a constructive agentherefrom, coolly cat aside ble solutions of the Palestine fcoth the "Report of the Royal cy vwhich provides industrial and problem; namely, the mainten-1 for' the campers, their parents Commission on Palestine and the agricultural training, and experance of the existing Mandate, mo-j and visitors.in the auditorium. rather frantic .-pleadings ,*of the iri. Eastern and Central Europe dification of the Mandate, can- j Following tills, the closing feaI .' ' ' , J : . '' Colonial administration _.through lence for Jewish men.and women tonisation, partition and any oth- j tare of the program, sn operetta, j through trade Schools,, industrial the mouth ot. Mr. Ormsby-Qbre. er possibility that may arise out | "The Doll Child" will be present-; • By> an. almost unanimous vote and farming cooperatives. Council Bluffs Chapter K c '. ed by the music, dancing, and . Berlin (JTA) — Germany is of the discussion. the" House only-July 21st refused It is the" only, Jewish organiza- neutral on the issue of partitionj of the A. Z. A. will be hosts iX Examining the-whole dosumen- dramatic groups.to; .ratify, tlie partition of • Pales- tion ' of its. type in the world. Its ing Palestine, but may in the fu- tation,, the Mandate Coscaissioa | Tbe Toyy BiTid appropriately p p p y jI the third enctiai A. S. A. C O T tine. : The government, ..knowing theme is to Tielp Jews today so ture be compelled to intervene in will ascertain whether the Man- j dressed in-the colorful-uniforms ; Belt totmaEient and Eurr —:r the .temper "of liberals, Laborites that .tomorrow~ they can help the Arab-Jewish conflict, accord- date drafted in 1222 is uawork-jof seasoned bandsfiiea will play i convention to be held this and even a group of .Conservaties, themselves. ; ' ing to Alfred Rosenberg, Nazi able or whether intervening cir-1 the overture for this musical; e 2 ^j August 1, %, znt S\ did- not therefore carry : the parti: Mr.- Tabachinsky. will return to spiritual leader and esper. on cumstances .have made necessary j event of the camping:season ! headquarters at the Hotel Cr : tion scheme to-a vote, but com- Omaha, August. 17. At that time foreign policy, is ain. JZr. Merer . fundainental changes for carrjiss Every ose cf tie campers are .• •• in charge of all arexgea resolution. This he rwill speak to^the Jews of Omapronilsed" sal events. | cha.i' Although Germany is not inter- it out. The Commission will open \ participating _ cast of _ the __ cper- meats, resolntioix rpxoylded that, the pro- ha, and discuss the: Ort and the ested in the present Arab-Jewish an - examination of the Palestine i Costumes for the posats. of the Commission's?.Re- conditions of.. Polish Jews. Mr. conflict, f u t u r e developments government's annual report for jj etta are being' made by them and Eesistrati OSS ill 1?e heir rt port; be; first carried tb the Tabachinsky. is.: an alderman of may, as in the case of Spain, have 1936 and part of 1935, taking | the artistic ones are designing the Hotel Chief te- a en £ S.tVTC rr JLeague'.of- Nations- in order- that Lodz, Poland. .:.-'.:• evening fro ID Six o'cloc S urt " a great influence on German Into account the Information and j the sets. (provision 2) "after adequate inThe names of the .working com- trade, "particularly as Germany comment contained in t i e Royal j Tne camp officially closes after nins o*clock and cs Surds.y n—r(p t- 4. the gorernment may pre- mittees: and details of the pro- today I3 engaged' n peaceful Commission report. L^; quiry" qu lunch on Friday, -August IS, at 1 ing, from eig LAC until tve <€ gress of • the' membership drive trade with those 'Mediterranean 'i li o'clock. Ap pros In: ately 1 50 A. 2 sr gent • a definite'schemer to -Parlia\ o'cloek. . tcjen't.":' In pother vrorda/'tise Com- will be announced,at a later date. countries which are directly inGeneva (WNS) .— That ' the 1 visitors are - invited to attend A. fi€;esa.tes an a friends arc f\Cbaptet s rer~einbns -ielused to have their hands Nations Mandates •jt j e c a r nival, supper, and operetta peeted to at' end terested in Palestine affairs," de- League tied by the present Heport. They clares the Nazi leader in an ar- Commission will reject the Brit- j Reservations for the supper are sssted are Liseol n, Sioux C t:, 'consider, "the-Heport; they g ticle. ish. government's Palestine parti- jj thirty-five cents- per plats. E.nd Omaha Cen .ury Tri Ci' ies, CV 1.. give It: due -weight; ::they: tiemade by '"calling the Cen- • tumwa, Council Eluffs, O r - ' - ' The. partition proposal "is tion plan in. its present form and d, Eiand further 'adequate? Inquiry I No. 1, and Des Koines. without a doubt a great blow to request England to submit anota- \! t e r ©ffiee by Wednesday. Tee athletic program i- . a -great debate on- the Palestinthe Arab' people,7* he says, and er""partition proposal at a later j camp Akiba, t i e Csnter'some ciarge vi ?.£as Turner End Ka~c ian , question i??lll doubtless .take session of the. Commission is the ; "is due to the fact that England c a i a P j opened' J c r f 21 for an; The City Talmud Torah will place 'early * In" the coming' winIs-no longer afraid of a pan-Arab opinion, of those close to members | eSght-week session vunder the fii- j Fox. The Baseball prelim :»cr c r , ter. 'Thug,! as ••-far as the -Jewish hold its\ annual' picnic Monday, movement. England hopes to be of the Commission, who are sow | r e c t i O n Of Miss Ruth Allen and a • E^mes c &re scliedui | O Of M i s Ruth Allen and o'clock Suaasj- morning at B5-r- ",people is..concerned, nothing" ia August -16 at' Fonteiielle Park. able to carry out an anti-Arab considering the partition scheme, j c f a i I e COI1Ese iors. ' This is er School field; a track me-: rt -Ipa't;'i-aVgre«t' principle is gained The 'Deborah'- Society, the ladies' policy with the help of world It is understood that the Conimis-I s t s H third year of t!ie auxiliary of'" the Talmud Torah, two o'clock &t Kirn's field. ?-'b6th: the • World"Vciongress. in will serve refreshments to the Jewry. sion is in accord with England on | Monday, a tennis tournament v.li Zurich »and'" there-after 'the Jew- children. '-'•;" The .Voelkischer Beobachter, the principle of partition, but not j be held r.t nine o'clock &t r - -'• J_sh Aseacy' instructed by the- Con chief Nazi Party organ, declares on the details. In view of this sit-; gress:-.will fBaye eveyopportunity "This .picnic marks the end of in an-article that the success a£ nation it. is considered unlikely', f t l i h l l y ' a ; t i f t ,the'-.B_eliopl;•vacation. pad., the. "re-. the Je-s-ish..-State -arill ,"bs chiefly J that'any definite action .ctioa _cn 'en Pales-'i--i i s l a x ; " x J a 2 s 2 i 3 . - ca In "making:^ In "clear to other aa-.'tirie will _come from Geneera be-j ."--"people ^ r B t . IT., • ; , . " , - - . -. tions who do not yet recognise fore the end of the year. Bloorasr soiool field. ' that- "mo: The Advisor's "Breakfast v^ " 1 ~ Meanwhile details of a new tier- : 61' Pariianients'' ';rwhicb • has" ".Cat|»" Tf^ii .be' available at .the any .racial differences between held'Slonaay morning at the : i . «J£CQ .more, vindicated its; title 'and Jewish-, Commnnity. .Center/ .for themselves and the Jews, that Palestine scheme drafted by Earthose" children',who wish to meet Jews, owe a double allegiance to on. Strabolgi, the' former CoinI tel Chieftain vith Meyer " " ' .; there at-10:30 a. m. From there . corruption1. of power, and they, will: ba taken'.to*, the- Fonten- the countries where they live and mander Kenworthy, have created • Zurich (WNS-Palcor Agency) t ia charge. As important-bus " - considerable interest here. The —Drastic condemnation of those to the new Jewish State." tho' hyprocrisy &ni bbureaucratic t i ; elle Park Pavilion. Strabolgi plan proposes that all favoring- the political limitation '• n Hotel &<. ^: .entanglement of /administrative JAll Talmud Torah children and afternoon, E F i of Palestine be set aside as the \ officialdom is." luridly illustrated their, friends are invited to come. of Jewish imisration Into Pales- day Jewish National Home with the tine was voiced in a sp&cial state- Chase, regional publicity cl c.r- cr-—'once, more by the plea to Parlla- The ."Counsellors of Camp Akiba, promise that it will ultimately be- ment issued by the "World. Miz- rns.il, will be'guest sp merit -of Mr. Ormsby-Gore. That' under "the direction of. Ruth AlTlie Bocial affairs will-be -V come a sovereign State and ad- racM Conference here. Tas crit/'gentleinan, I am.. told on good len, will have charge of the var- : 1 ssed st a. "Eorn PI?®" r^'-^c mitted to the British Empire as icism protests against all -propoautbTority, is inu hi3, human capa- ious games. onday night,"Trith Freddy r ^ - r the seventh dominion. The Jews sals to limit Jewish rights in city, a sincere and- understanding :— r~ 1 according to this plan, would Ben Barkin, new assistant to friend of the Jewish people who according io tms piaa, wou^ Palestine, - including immigration i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t . ^ , • Julius Bisno, secretary of the A. guarantee the minority rights of a n d o f t e r a c t m t i e s . I t s u n d e r . I sicjor -this a-.Jaxr. explains hia ." hypQcri'Sies . a n d 2L A., arrived Monday morning Arabs who remain in Palestine stood that the Mizrachi resolution | treacheries to hia jewiijh friehda from Milwaukee, "Wisconsin, to and would aid financially those is aimed at such schemes as the | " r* ' by'the "plea that, after all, he has his duties. Mr. Barkin wllo emigrate to Transyordan. Ba- one propounded fay Viscount Ssm- I j - - ^ ^t to consider? the imperial Interests •••In N e w Book* assume takes the place of Mas Baer, who ron Strabolgi sets only one condi- uel in the House of "Lords re- j " of .Britain. .He runs quite true to Jqrm Jn-hia plea'to the Commons. f, London (JTA) -—• Joseph Stal- recently resigned his. position, tion on his plan, namely that the cently, -when he. asfeed that Jews | "In the Jewish world," he said, in was quoted -by Lion Feucht- but until the return of Mr. Jews prevail upon the Arabs,to content themselves vrith Vw " ! accept it. '"owing to-' the' prevalence. o,f ideas wanger as declaring,: "You Jews Bisno - from Europe in " October,' tion designed .to keep . the popu-l •wlilch most .of usjiad hoped were have created one eternally true will remain at the A. Z. A. oflatlon -vrithin forty, per cent of the j fice. Jinished .with, the day? of the legend — that of Judas." Arab population. The statement Mr. Barkin haa been active naSpanish. Inq^iisltloa; :the fires of •urges "the severance of connecThe remark was made, Feuchtil-SemjilB'•.'.-. persecution have wanger says In his new book, tionally in the A- Z. A. In 1935 he tions with all Jews favoring such Lonoon . (JTA)—A mover rr: it; re.afins -.their.' hideous" heads "Moscow, 1937,"- during .an in- won the Lapidus award for his limits upon Jewish rights. for an Arab-Jewish rapprcc "ln.": That:was very "handsome. terview: with Stalin i n ' Moscow communal work and In 1936 was' The religions situation'in P£lThat was ~even,~as the pronounce- when the Soviet dictator became chosen r to receive the Sam Beber estineis improving as-a result of cf the Kolr Land is isalrlcg — Jerusalem — The future of ment of a ."British. • statesman for excited in the course of discuss- award given to the ideal A. Z.. A. German colonies in Palestine the' efforts cf t i e Executive, it strifies in raiestii-c, t t e Jerrr- •— boy. all "the world'(11101114165 Berlin, ing the trials of Trotskyista. was declared at tSe conference. i corresp"22sEt cf t i e T;ro.r<- - " ' He has been in A. Z. A. work which would be included in the It •was added, however, that " t--"Warsaw, Bucharest) to, hear, very i e* ' iKjndOE' declares. "It was strange to hear a man 'h< proposed Jewish State under healing "and memorable. •.But now otherwise so sober and logical ut- for four4 years.^ In Milwaukee he Britain's partition plan, vras be- resolutions adopted at the last; considerable impetus has - - note i l r . Ormsby-Gore's deliber- ter these simple and emotional was president of the local A. Z. discussed Iz k m i s t Congress at Lucerne have'j g i v e a t t e ffi0.veEi€Et by lleved to"'have been ately, inalclng the -worse- appear words," declares the exiled- Ger- A. and was also the youngest ^ I not been completely carried .oat | liaraentary aebjLtes, tt member of the B'nai B'rith. Dur- when 'William D. BattersMll, sec-1 poperly in riew of the Executive's J p iider.t asserts, and by t t the; better reason in order ..to de^- man writer.. E pO retary of the British administraf e n d * his •."•.administrative -.: aebj. Feuehtwanger "was acclaimed ing the past year he was chair- tion, received the German Consul" jt s r g: r Henry Ma.clu2.hor preoccupation . T S T 11 h politics." man of the United Overseas Cam*f6onaeq.uently*".The went oh; "the on hia visit to Moscow last DecHigh &? British General. These sentiments • -srere contained [ lopei of .'the Jews to. build up-a ember as the guest of the Soviet paign in Milwaukee. in a resolution that was adopted, j for Egypt. that Pal"1- . Meanwhile High Cora mission er In his new position Mr. Barkin aaUonal: honie as orislnally. ,in- writers* organization. ,-Later -in Seventy-two of the 150 ' dele-j .!".._' >'i i 1S1& r o_; ten'ded 'haa heea ': overshadowed February, when the police in Pra- Intends to work: up th© member- Sir Arthur Grenfell TTauchope, gates attending., tha 'conference ' * 0 ^he ,.Arabs. • sccorapani-ed; by Harry X>. Tvolfbjr .'a.deslre.-tpclind. In PalestSiie ha, Czechoslovakia, prohibited a ship pf the organization. son, Palestine manager of -the represent the Hapoel Hamizrachl, | ' fiE a r£Enit cf tte ebate or •elia'srfiere more • and • more "oiestinE. at •which he was to have stinltn Jew- '-~ Palestine Jewish Colonization the workers' branch cf tie Orth- th& letter : room for every Jevr that; can get spoken, the author denied he was odox Zionist group. the CESS z.gslv Assn., and others visited settlelrpin Central Europe at this a Communist. been ptrsnstfcened, tfe ments in Samaria with, the local t i m e . " • -.'•'.".' •' . ' • . ' ' ; "I; am *no Communist, but a ports. British . district commissioners of l i Now Ormsby-Gore ha3 been, on fighter for peace and freedom," The effect en the the southern part of Palestine; Mrs. Elka Cohen, 95, passed. . , : friendliest terms .witlr leading he asserted. Bays, has fceea to Tec and tallied with tee ishsfcltants away Sunday morning, August 1, Zionists. -He lenows batter. He created by fear of pi at the Jewish Old People's Home. on their opinion regarding parMr. Barney Gilinsky, promineni to-turn their Blinds 1 Snows that the Zionist philosophy tition. . Mrs. Cohen had been a resident Council .Bluffs " business man,; ilGJ1 o f and .'bope.'as- "originally Intendof Omaha for 43 years having passed £.v-£.y Tuezicy a!te"cocr, '• _, _ t ^ ed" was never and ia not now a come to this city directly from August Z nt b-3 yoxze at 41T TC^ . . . mere answer, to persecution. ZionThe new officers of the Mlzra- Lithuania, A devout Jewess, Mrs. North E ;Lth Street. In Ccunr_; I " - ^ jsm" holds that the dispersion as Bluffs, frcm hsart C-.CC3.EO. s. form of human life la to be ne- chi Women's organisation were Cohen was loved by all her acquaintances who number pracwas 12 jeers o'J. gated because minorities are nec- announced this weak. Mrs. II. Brodkey is president; tically every Jew in "Omaha. Her He is Eur-lt-ci t r f«ve fiau; esssirily subject to preosure, reliZurich (WNS-Palcor Ageacr) cc1 gious, cultural, political, cconom- Mrs. E. Weinberg, first vice- death : was attributed to old age. — .The Hecialutz "movement, ters, llrz. L">o r'^" ! cf Ciitr v 1 Mrs. Cohen was survived by a i c a n d that a minority Iife.araons president; lira.. A, Y7blt, second. represents pioneer youth Mrs. J. E S '-n": c* C-=' ^-', = ." f "i powerful majorities, -whether a,t vice-prei3ldent; Mrs. L. Rosen- brother, Mr. Sol* Hodes; -a sister, preparing for settlement in Pal- j the T I S T S GO Mrs. -I. Keumen, -Worcester, Mass. fco—p; thr e any sJycp. moment friendly or un- blatt, third vics-president; Mrs. estiiie,' comprises 1SO,(SOO mem-1 Ada frlcdly^ has-.warped and distort- A. Kata, recording secretary; two daughter, Mrs. Bernard Gross hsT, Eliahu Dobldn stated at the J sons, S - T itl^- rrd r i i ! G.led -the character and very spirit- Miriam Yawits, financial secre- and Lfrs. SoLSiegel; a son Mr. J. Hecnalutz world-confercaoe here. {inslty of n^r^-i, c^d -J ual 'substance of tho. Jewish' peo- tary r-llrs.* A. G. T7ein5tein, treas- L. Qohen, Ch'icago, 13 grandchild-- Of that number 16,000 are act- GiUn^r aZ Sz~ Vrt,ziz.: f"C tl c r : ~ " ple as a living people." .Hencs urer; r.Irs^Bsn Handler, program dren and•'12 .great-grandchildren: ually engaged in hachstiara (sgri- Bisters, I'rr. r i e l'i *e- red ::r=. Zloniata desircb the rcintegratlon chairman;'lira. II. Arbitmtin and cultural traiaing),- he .said, add-j Ed Es.r-rn rt F ' " ' ^ City. of at least a majority' of the Jew- Mrs. B. Weinbsrs, National Fund ing that after a brief decline the i brothers, Fprmaa Ca". n • flew Hebrew Msstihly ish people within .its ancient chairmen; Ura. B. movement has agaia been stabil- A. li. Gal ""isl homeland quite — but quite — publicity. ; Jerusalem —A new He-1j iaed. Kr G-"1--E: irrespective of the friendliness or Sirs. N. LerinEon, tea -ciaSr- brew;. . monthly journal called .. Ke also emphasized that SO per I dent ol tic C.wsrs H i t . T.^-- — ! of ' tho ,vrs>rld oa tasn; Mrs. Joe Tuchman, rain- 'SiEai" has made its appearance rants j Socle^r an-. .- L—,»u_r _ cent-of the Hechaluts1 oay part of .the world at any gi'v- tnage" calo chainaan; Mrc S. iiere under the editorship of Eab- J to' PaJestiee haye c- i the the C" r~-z r —' V. —J ,«, f ^ _ 3ii • moment.'. Persecution han no Rothliop; card- party" ctairaan; t l Jodah* L. -.Fischman, Jilsrachl-'i ishd as workers, is ectiirast to ! S°S effect and can ha'vD'.ho* effect on lira. A. ScatraesSin, lira. Dare leader. The periodical, is devoted, (the 50 per ce.st ration of previous j the fr philosophy, that. is, on Crocrtss, and lira. J. Bernstein, to Ortliodgx ideals, scholarship. I years', and. nrse3 ths.1 igra. Zicalsia £3 a pliilosophy of b t e l e p h o n e ; Ur3. K» T7iES, Aad, literature.. . It .is being 'fi-ltion certilidtea!be Tl ~ "zl .s. dislrlbute-d-.lo tbry or c.3 a flcductlon from tee drawing chslraan, and Urs. G. E2.Bca'l T7ita- a fund raised ia | tfia various countries ia properj Eivca.-dcta.of croup or-mass-p: Fish ar*d lira." N. LoTtosoa, meaory.of, tlie late CMef'RsbM tion'to the hachsfeara vc-rt tJser ic. cfcsinaan. u.a Abraham KooS, , - v J carry oat, • 4 . (CoaUaae4 on pass.8.)
lor '
IHUPP. Attorney
ekard five passenser >io. • 322705, Factory >ne velvet Davenport: chairs, ono Coxswell Visional tabie, one mir[lamps, tivo bone white ?. one Riahosony desk, " dlo, one 30x13 Oriental •ic clock, three Cornier ts, one walnut' coffee 3r lamp, two Sadler :SS oriental rug, one ne oak chest, one waliteleg table, six walnut , one walnut cabinet, xminster rus, one 30de china, one 49-piece Uver, one mahogany rinff and mattress, one spring and mattress; Uidren's beds, springs 3, one walnut dresser, bureau, one "maple one S.3XJ0.G: Axminster 5Ut cedar chest, two ered platform rockers, lair, one studio couch, ritln? desk, two hand ie Universal stove, one " J toard, one Genera] rator No; 1492505. . one • ng machine, one Singing' machine, one Hooviner, one Toastmasler r. ^xjne Easy ironer 10348, one H.imllton miser, one Everhot one card table ttel mortsrape in favor incial Service, signed red by Edward G. ret WedPll. husbandartgage being dated" and having: been filed ' t h e County Clerk of T. Nebraska, on the ?h. 13H7; Said sale will ose of foreclosing said .sts of sale nnd all acid for the purpose of mount now due there3.0G: that no suit_or ss at law have boen :over said debt or any
:il of Illiberls (320) fitians under pain of Ltion to1 have friond|e with Jews,, to conkes with them,, or to to bless the produce ;
M 4 f V
_, ^ „
BarMn, New . A. Z. A. Assistant, Assumes, Duties
- — • •
'In' Palestine Are Beini* Discussed
2VIii8. EIka''Cohen.
2 larney Gilinsliy, 72 Died La st
Mrs.'.-Brodkey Head of' Women MisracM
100,000 Members
and Mon-
*» f% * *
"a.* * asUnpton, B. C osts oi American dragrs I' ' i f » 1
: ' " '
V pii
- ,
1 "
B$r Winston.'Churchill
ous community, with Jews scattered throughout the wprld owing [political-allegiance • each to the trigue to arouse and marshal the (properly Hitlerislng the Ameri- | suspensions imposed last jear o~ | country where he lives. This is l Arab-peoples and to use them as lean-bora youngsters There'll j Judith Deutscto, Ruth Langcr and | the true picture of the Jewish a ne\>means ot pressure upon the!be a hornet's nest.or two let loose; Lucy Goldner because ot. tae.r j people, and at the sarc.e time the B P r i m {"SVXFl ,'ryp v-iU iif ! wisest frc.irt the standpoint of • British on his difficult beat. I when Hilaire Belloc comes out In 1 refusal to participate ! statesmanship. Dr. S c h u i m a n t h e p r i n c i p a l pnr.rcp or 3 n.e?: j n _ to learn any reason September with his added chap- Olympic tryonts have yet All three Jewish gals were sure Iteld. .; c o m e t s x RnviPiincPcl by t h e Nazi which should lure us into such a ter to that volume, "The J^ws," bets for the Austrian • Olympic : regime on &H persons exempt bringing it up to date. . . . Boris trap. .'-.'• | "Xstionalism," he wrote, "is . from militr.ry P^rvice. I am certain that if the Jewish Thoraashevsky, old-time Yiddish ' about the worst conception with The tnx o<i(ls 51- p p r cent 10 the actor and now East Side nite club ! and Arab states, both members of ac for two years despite their present tax for ' h e l'ir>;i. lv:o years He's the League of Nations and over tlifit a German woiilcl servo in ihe neither of which we would have owner, is seriously ill 1 Army. 71. any control, are set up on either Since Jews F.V.: l..y I F V excludtances from 100 to 400 -metres side of the small British zone, our ' ample of tstrome national.s>m, he in addition to national champion- ] declared "if such nationalism is ed from n'ililavy service, every responsibilities would become imT ships. ITauleins Lar.ger and ! bad in Germany it is bad in Fal- ; male German . e\r vi)l hsve to possible to discharge. evolutionary! sovereign i>ower and regular 1 pay s n additional >>n per cent tax. By special arrangement with pect,- not ••"of an Goltoer &lso share Sa5? a dozen It would only be the logical TEEING OFF of.the two Arab states. the Sunday New York Evening growth of the Jewish population, troops swimming There'll be exactly half &,„ „ -titles. -Now that they i He took issue with the view 1 The impost oecomps p'Cective Can it be expected .that the conclusion of such a policy that September 1. Journal and American and all but'of actual flooding and swamp.,!,, would would stand stand by by impassive-i impassive- holy places should themselves be minyan Jewish putters when the> j are in good standing again loot | expressed in the Times editorial o.ther Hearst papers, the Seven ing which seemed to bring near Arabs placed under international conamateur golfers of the j for them to pick up where, they ; on the Rcyal Commission recom-j Arts Feature Syndlcgjp .-pre- to them the prospect of an actual ly and watch the building up with trol. I find it difficult, as at pre-ranking nation tee off in the national j left off a year ego as the leadix-g ; mendationi?, that the question of K P - o v i r e , U p p e r Silesis, Jewish world capital and resoursents this exclusive article by domination. sent informed, to resist the conI the wisdom of Zionism loses -sieamateur'g-olf tournament on Animensmids o£ Europe. f T A ) — A r n r . f e r e n r e of Hie U n ces of the Jewish army, equipped Winston Churchill.' Sir. Churc1G37, Seven Arts j-nificance in. the face of the fact n of i\ r i'.nif itifil M'ovkers r e ' " * — ' by*" Too "mucn current may have with the most deadly, weapons of clusions that . the commission's gust 23d at the"Alderwood A. C . '(Copyright, hill, is one of' the most color- been Feature. Syndicate.) "on the cables,, and: the war; until it Is' strong" enough to scheme will lead ' inevitably to in Portland, Ore. One need not j that 400,000 Jews f.re now living ispfl to introduce the "Aryan ful and influential figures in cables•'put fused. 'That may be "a be afraid of. them? And if ever complete evacuation of Palestine be the seventh son of a seventh | in Palestine. ira&Tr.ph" linrrinc J r w s as memEnglish' politics",' > A" former reason have, for mending the cables by Great Britain. ?rs. Op"/'f;'.;-ion to. t h e proposal .j "Alter ail," said Dr. Schulman, the Jewish army reached that son to predict that none of these Chancellor, of the Exchequer, and "reducing the current' .it's I-tne. aewiso. ,a«uj I K ™ ™ VU~V • b a r •Tpvs v--n? led by Governor j t ' j "from the point of view of Israel, Here again Is a set of grave Jewish golfers will get far, He also '.'held the post of Secre—... __. „„„,*;, >„„-,rfnrini-incri pofnt, who- can be ' sure that, ror.inski of Suepifi. 400,000 individuals are a comtary for the Colonies In theI surely, -no reason for •. declaring c/atnped within their narrow linr strategic problems coming Into j i e s 3 Bobby Jacobson, the New h i h appears to t || j e r s e y boy wonder, is ripe for annone of which paratively email number when British cabinet and was respon- i that electricity's fluid is too dan-its, they would-; not themselves view, . •-».___ . . . f f i A t n n t i i , envisaged unvleae'aif i . . . . ,,,__ *. t .. heen sufficiently Israel—far flung sll over the other upset1 like the one he p%tllsible, for the famous Churchill gerous for civilization -to handle. plunge out -into the new nnder- have While I hold myself free.,to developed lands' that lie about at the present time. j world—is made up oJ sixteen and ed in 1934 when he eliminated) White Paper which separated I study the whole • situati6a anew, them? In either case the dangers For all these reasons the House Johnny Goodman in the third' j one-half million." Transjordan from Palestine. "j I do with a strong impression them? In either case tne dangers j * O r au meac K « » ™ ..,*.. „„-..., ,J 0 n n n y l i o O Q m E n Dr. Schulman took issue with —THE EDITOR that the case for perseverance confronting the British garrison I of Commons was surely wise i& i r0U nd of the 1934 tourney^otby T i e Gerui " Ifilrr G»-ip ' Dr. Jutiah L. Magnes, president-ofU stration in Its neutral I declining to commit nseir nnai-_ ^ nts | • . a k e p pants a T in its neutral I declining t o _ c ^ t ^seUJinal-1 w " "i ,da i°n 3k tnaew Ecvlint: Ball now aold w aa B s j u ist st a I holds the field. I am quite sure | and ana administration aamim Have j Hebrew University in Jerusalem, in Omaha "or ths Commission of • ' '*-- genius of a man like I area would he vastly greater than I ly to the principle of partition, jw h e n h e s t a r t l e d t h ego if WO rld j.Eaibl Urges «ews t o I on his statement in 8- letter to the which we are now as-! The Government, treating the b y knocking over Goodman, a Greater irsSn Tinies that "all failed—Jew. sured we should aould recoil. One feels! House with becoming constdera- f o r m e r national open champ.cn. i a Britain. • -. -i timely fimelv fate had not not swept him him With no party Arab and the English." Jews:and tion, did not seek to force this Although Bobby himself didn't grind takes more than a year to from the human scene, would in that the counsel how offered .to premature decision upon them. It last out the tournament, h? has New York (JTA)—Palestine is. Arabs may have failed, he said, us is like drinkinr salt .water ^ study a problem with every adreserves to itself- the taek of mak- long been regarded as a comer, j receiving too much attention ES a j but not the English, voicing a bewhen cast away on a Taft. ing further This year his style of play has j means fo solving the so-called | He" t'r.st "taking it all in all, the The Government wan unable to ing further Inquiries, Inquiries, and ana then, men. Pise Bfles" GviP EMi will Dr. Samuel ! Jew can etill trust British states. w L S o f Common, what it the plan is found workable, to changed and he may be the dark j Jewish ih blem problem."
mermaids, the Austrian Athletic it would be an opening for Nazi thirty from Germany &nd stack Union ha?- lifted the two-year and Fascist propaganda and in-into Nasi camps here to help in
Our Sport World
» «
ews By Edwin
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not to.'treat their recommenda-1 bear, and would have'led both tell the House of horse of the 1934 tournament. j Schulman, Rabbi emeritus of tion with respect. .'j . . The other Jewish entrants are 1 Temple Emanu-El, Geclared ia a in the evergrowing prosper- would give to the Jewish state or • The Government which has apJ a c k r>re fus o t Ke ffi r S> w2hnnA we nope lit tr* I >" ' ' York, Howj letter published ia the New York to the Arab state or to the minc u l t u r e ot thei native pointed this commission is under val the Jews'and Arabs will t r y j •""=»> "»«=.'i« «•• «»« -^^ « „ „ - , ^ . . » . F orities In either, that they should special obligation to pay the on the report of : *f1 tiki Li. to come together to make further i a r d Berpnaa ot Isew York, Ray j Times. greatest attention to all they say. .Our troubles-are Intensified, by I not become victims of aggression. effort to restore peace' and revive Isaacs of Portland and Alan Hey- the Royal Commission reeosaman of San Francisco, \ FOR DUES if?et the; nature of these guaranNevertheless, with the best will in a shortage of great men and unmending-partition of the Holy I Berlin - (JTA)—Nazi" autl is vital to both races, and still the prOEperlty\of their Joint en- HAI/F-WAY HOME the world,- none can disguise due exaltation of mediocrity — tees {tees IB v n a i iu uu*-u , The half-way mark having Land, Dr. Schulm&n, long an op- I ties, liquidating holflings of from himself that the plan .of -characteristic of this, modern age. more to British power. Obviously [ terprise. ponent of political Zionism, atbeen passed in the big league • Order B'n&i E'rith geised cutting Palestine into three parta But when we tilth our eyes from pennant races, i t ' s , time for t. tacked the entire Zionist idea of • March, expect to realize sev is a counsel of despair. It is thethe ills"that be to those we know checkup on the batting averages the Jews us an independent ca- i millions of marks for the Gerafr expression of a feeling of wearite of the Jewish ' players. There tion. I treasury, it was learned. ness and ot a desire to lay down "not of, it may be. that a stimulus will be found for* renewed exer"Every are still seven Jewish lads In big- ( —-.--. Jew should realize that i Storm troops are 'occupying t 1 ? a responsibility too baffling to be tion. • -.'•'.•• time ball, but Sid Cohen, the lone j altogether too much thought has ! Berlin buildings o£ the Arneri tk, further rther endured. The Commission has done no Jewish twlrler," has no batting been centered upon Palestine t.s • organized Jewish fraternal 01•der. One wonder whether in reality average. The records of*the oths'r ; a so-called solution o£ the Jewish ! In 'Etutt£art, the liquidators fire the difficulties of""carrying out more than outline a policy. Apart i out eli ] six are &s follows: Hank Green- j problem," Dr. * Schulman wrote. i dnnning'" members cJ the the Zionist scheme are so great as | from great principles, none canan berg, Detroit, .350; Morris Arno-1 "The problem of the 2,000,000 pressed orfttnisstion they are portrayed and whether'! judge such a policy without the •wa details upon which its execution vich, Philadelphia Nationals .30S I Jews in Poland and of others per- that they pay up arrears in c thi in fact there has not been a very depends. At this stage nothing in other lands; the probMo a Berg, Boston Americans, ! secutsd thi considerable measure of success.' appears to have been thought Buddy Myer, Washington, i l e m ° r the Jews in Germany, can.279! Mi • In the sixteen years that have out. Certainly one must Considunderstandable modesty would .271; Fred Sington, Washington, [not be salved by whatever -will .IT'i passed since the mandate, many er that the partition plan as now ANECDOTE: This story comes .254, &nd Harry Banning, Giants, i e d o a e ia Palestine. •.".- troubles have been overcome and set forth marks^ the end of' thefrom London, but it concerns two rather not have his name men .216. Not so good, the general .""We must face realities and we Paris i Americans who dined together in tioned,, was "sitting in a P great developments have taken Zionist dream, • average for all the-Jewish play- must'insist upon the fact that the When a They cafe not Ijbng ragp. . . . When a era being S97 Chicago not long ago. place in Palestine. . ' !I £ * a of Western civilisation which - Thriving and prosperous -towns . The tract of land assigned to are Cardinal Mundelein, who gotfriend at his table spotted an old it carries on its conscience is the , JE and communities have risen from the Jews, no bigger than an En-the Hitlerites down on hlnT for Echool chum at another table FUTCBE B I G - I J E A G I T E K S n glish county^already bears a popAlthough Jewish baseball fans i»iu.tl» to the Jew Rushed over and, ancient squalor. Groups of palm j nearby. . . . isJl The in Jethe' HE on minor league i problem must be eolved after a a few and. orange trees cast their mer- ulation 'of-140 to a square mile. 1 [paperhanger ana tne lniernanon-1 tmer iow 'minutes ^ ^ ^ ^ c , of „. animated , W 4 1 U ^ ^ L a ( ^ o ^ ^ „..„„. _ „ „ „ „ . It is as densely populated as Ger-' ciful shade where before was only jal Brotherhood of Paperhangers] conversation, brought, the school p] a y erg . have "been watching the hands in desert aand. Agriculture aftd in- many or. England, andt twice as lot Philadelphia sore for the same jchnm;, over to the Jewish'.leader Louisrille Colonels o ' the Arreri-• l?€ *' s ^ re > ti i dustry have- advanced • to'gether.- heavily as. France. How', then can ' ' • • • • ' " • • • . ^ J . : ; . ^ ^ -• ' . , " M . t i . . . . . : . . • . . . . ,..,.„.»,. _ , . | solved b: dur Many millions of dollars sather- thjere be. any future for. the. idea j reason •wee of a National Home of. refuge and |Wise. ed by Jewry throughout the •world have brought- new life into of inspiration-for the hunted and i don^r i r :• "Palestine. Trade and revenues hounded .Sews of so many Iands7 dont ysu.ctiirhim the last! nation, Dr. Schulman epponsd hi ."who Even in this" limited area there told, this is what happened at the teller",while, have expanded together. \ ' _ .you're at it? ( f I l el reliji-.] reliji A /"When' X paid my last visit to are! almost as man^ Arabs as dinner, given by the Cardinal to | WAS Cornelius Vanderbilt, J r . . . . place Colonels. I n his fifth year '-view of • n there are J-ews. It it be true that fam r of organized baseball, Rosen is Palestine, only three years ago,. the heads of American religious ' a Jew. and -an A<rab, .cannot^ dwell at t I was idellghted- at the aspect' of bo'dies. . . . Ham was on the MISH-MASH: •• i On • account of leading his team in batting, with the countryside. Fine roads, new side by side in the whole land of menu. . . . When Rabbi Wise re- having K -LEftF eLijis I jugt been -made ; a -City a.. .522 average, tops his team-, DUlldlhgs and plantations; evi- their birth,-how can It be bellev- fused it, the Cardinal politely in- Magistrate, mates in, bingles, with 117, and S®. 15th Street | Morris '. Rothenberg .- they will, dwell together dences of prosperity both among the narrow com- sisfed, "Try it, my the'World-Zionist Con- in total-bases with 165. He hss 6^ the jews and.Arabs were presentalso manufactured six four-base 1 the first time in 18 try It You will like It. gress\'toT pass' of a-fraction of that land? ed on' every side. All gave a sense Ian o L r ^ h o ^ n ^ l m - s a n d is cavortin, in the o.tLater, the rabbi, after congratuof" real encouragement, which was Will not- the same troubles re- lating his host on the sumptuous His se,tern< ly stayed behind this year were field.like a big leaguer. league produce themselves in intensified made air the: more, impressive by Suni: lection on the all-star ; • f&f -RAY DE WITT1! fare'. prdvlded, courteously fri?" Judge Julian Mack and "Judge a tiny military and police force form.inside a .tiny Jewish sover,,"who team is the tipoff on: his future I . about hia life's health. William M-' tewis of Phlladelwhich preserved order at so little eign state as have' thrown all Palm %\ Sf?^© Ks-Ksffsrs estine Into strife?. . ' • . . . . The Cardinal was outraged , The latter, it is report- possibilities. We won't be at all cost to the population., -r *;• -ness;-surprised-if-fee, gets a big-league at _thjs. imputation against his' © EXCSSLLENT FOOB" The- military aspect does not run for the Appellate This fair prospect had ' been. •» ,to th ' tryout next year.--. •• : . ; © I K E BEST IN CF..NKS' j celibacy. '..:V. . "Try- it, my seem, tojiave been faced with any . . .•Robert Siold almost overclouded and even to-some exfc !in ;i! Qer Chareeal, Breiitd $$scks OLYMPIC KCHO- ; • the one hand J cardinal,-try. It. a. '. . . He caught the Art! Svsfta* 1 tent blasted by the events ot the^^^eai^y""cr^dedand^p-:iu; I'm-sure- Rabbi Wise is r e - 1 ^ —^^-^^f-^^ ^ | 81910. Findi« -'*«« J « d « » ^ £ "Rabbi Wise was as NOOMJ&l" U'NCEES j last two .years. This- great exper• I IKapli : |sailing practically p y as the^ g a n g - . r ^ ^ " ^ S tir2 ^ p - ^ ^ ^ l - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V r : - : !sailing ^ ! I Sw;_.. lment was proceeding hopefully ^ j plank was- being raised. ?.- -2iie;.'-4 -•when, owing to "outside ; events, plains and on the seacoasts;.'atKi' ; " C b y " Silverberg, Silverberg operator operat of Father Divine* j "Cowboy" all aro'und It In the hilla and iij>' « Q_QBYMAN:I jthur-i' .•undue strain was thrown upon B " " n o t b e i a flude ranch on Lcmg Island, ia land stretching far and wide; ';? --a.il- of •its organization. warllko. .!flattered-.t6" learn that;;he'8 being I v«ry; -friendly with the Nazis desert .' — f' Mrs.|. This certainly is not our fault. illimitable lmuumure «-•- t iiattereu-io learn \iia,i • UB a U < J I " 6 I I S I J . . "•<•"»•; MenI: Connl The: cruel persecutions'Of Jews in Arabs of- Syria, Transjora^nia \,used .&B & ;b o g e y m a n 7-:by both ;j capping at Yaphank i ; a r 5 L . a . Germany, the exploitation of an-and Arabia, backed by the ™ e a j ^ a z i s a n d je?wB-, . . , Recently, the | tion his name and the Nazis, will | OAH^ . ti-Semltlsmas a means by which forces of Iraq, offer a 'c^as.el*?'9'i|-vapef-g.^^ -caTried •- stories -about a I j u s t ; about give; you their'camp ir ' -• ;; Violent reactionary forces seize or menace of war. And In between^ ^ nr,-oiri on Bong - Island/}—that is, if you're crazy .enough :'1 -•[•'!..' attempt to seize despotic power, holding sacred places and Bonip;; : . T h e y 'told of -efforts: by {to. Want it. . . . . Isaac Gilman. pa;.f ghb'orlng" natives, to oust, "the j per magnate, is honeymooning in have presented the-- civilized strategic points of British,-Impefrr h nRi 7 : Jl^y %P^X &LsJL $y4&<t. ,(,'Atp •world with a -refugee problem ial-slgnlflcarice. are to stan" --•~' -! 'Nazis/ V .-.'Whereupon thi ,har-j Europe -with the former Mrs. forces as Great Britain can Hitlerite* threatened to:sell 1 David GoldberE.'prominent leader ''dinnejt •similar to that of the Huguenots _ ' . •»^.(_.t* I of. Jewish -m . »_•_ ^women's . . . ^ . . n i a n**n>O nifro f l n « O organizations. hOaais^: Jr. the Seventeenth century. The : To maintain Itself the •their- acreage to "Father Divine. duty of .receiving and aiding these state m^ust.be armed to the teeth.fi ; ..'•',-• Recently,- a' long-establlahed ... . . H e has a town named after install Ijvviat' *iija?^feip'' %L<s^ * ;ior- Hi ; •unhappy outcasts should have must bring, in every able-bodiedi ; Jewish.'cimp in New Y^rlc has •him in. Vermont,', site'"of. t h e Gil$se®m.r<2& en cs j s a g s man to strengthen;Its army,B u t ' And he's one been man Paper Co. • icomirii bee'h- anndyed by obviously.;. been broadly broadly shared snareu by u, the w » .free, . . v , | l u a i l l u O11VU1, JBoroti .clothed in legal of* ft group of financial backers Semitic actions, .c •wealthy and parliamentary -na-i how long would, this process be Seniltlc •!:G.bldb€ make "life of the New York Post. . . . Actor tions. Great Britain ha9 borne her j allowed "to continue, by. the great fpl-'de'-rol, ;• designed tothe .camp i Producer Maurice Schwartz is •'it^-prj' full part. The United States .has* [Arab populations,, all Coined to-decamp. .• . . Exasperated, back from Palestine and Europe. [invocai d e s p i t e, economic, difficulties, jgether" -wl' * ---*• -— " S/aBS!; IS. Le^i _irector Trotted'.but thei F a - 1 . . . H i s newest star arrived n m> done much. However the brunt of j expressing '%. * .!" MisS ifEftjsi "orwTichither Divine hint and now''.peace j.shortly after. . . . . She's Gerta shortly a f t . ^ &Ji Xiai'' £-^ ^ this work has fallen u p o n stalled once more reigns on the • camp Rosen, of Berlin, formerly a Mas this very small'country and theare iu uc no much members of the 1 Miss H- administration of. "Palestine. ,. Reinhardt player. . . . A n d as rar? League of Nations as'Abyssinia? front: .';.-'. - '. blonde as an "Aryan."....... There ; "Jowiah immigration into Pales- Up to the present British peacei-lbiiiij Cli xetary, i %i i i 'S- lS# tine, suddenly raised to thirty or keeping authority has had to deal ' CYNIC... One 0/ -p"ur well- are rumors that Nazi youths are surer. khown Jewish leaders, who in being brought over in lots'of forty thousand, a a >ear, y , may y notonly with '.riot - a n d forty thousand conspiracy.
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LEONARD KLEIN esteEdb 'this.-oppartunlty "tohis many friends to-r'ido-'iand-drive a'new-Chrys- 1 .ler or.; Ply mots th. AIso«t© come in and":-'isi2s: or phone. AT..-4411 for'a reconditioned used car cr ,G M.C-fruck.'."-" •' "' . : -. '•;'•' ' • "• : .
Out.-fur- $«!««/f« Time Ah Cetfei jW Your €
<nm Where Omaha Z32X&2SS!!Zmz28£sSsm!£2m &
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federal RPecifica'oions.- assuf* ing t h e h'phns'l qualitv, £. Accurate control nv p:*oooj^»
"Ij i; ;;-ufc, 5
(V-VS) — Jews will be ilpal source of a new in: announced by the Nazi >a all persons exempt litary service. x adds 50 per cent to the ax for the first two years Bfman •would "serve In the Jews arj by law excludi military service, every ixman .Tew -will have to Bditional 50 per cent tax. ipost Decomes effective er. 1. . •.. rice, Upper Silesia, Poland i-A' conference of the Un5Iunieipal "Workers re\ introduce, the "Aryan tih" barring Jews as mem^pp/lsition to the' proposal Lews washed by Governor id of Silesia.
MENTION WLERS;--le Genuine Bates Grip swlinjj Ball now sold I Omaha by the
in the feature game, yrith the * §50,000. Miss Sidney plays screen . test, attractive ' Sarah j dent-ssifi: • "'The story is s.coia-l R-.11C. the tfireetor. fumed. winner, automatically soing into he leading Xeraiains role in the Osaath . Halevy, TTCO played the ] plete falsehood *roa stsrt to tm- j had second place, and the Giants Goldwyn paid 1155,000 part of'Rachel'in "Tna Eternal | Izh. Nothing fc-ut malice coulfiI •matching strides with the Tigers. Ilm. or the screen rights to this play [Road" in New York,'has come to j'have created Kent ai-ed ine. cic-sic Kol'rerer lias beer; tisBarish-Sanders Soft-ballers last y Sidney Kingsley, and Lillian | Hollywood. A Yemisdte Jewess ] Tie - fill ; voocl Monday night lost a heart-breaker Hellraan authored the scenario from Tel Aviv,; Palestine, Kiss j cussed with ,EET German cl£icial,: on le TTestPrn Front/' to v-fcioh s lsr. to Maypers by the score of 1-0. or the "film which was recently Halevy is well-taows throughoutihe contended. During the film111 P. V: ^ Norman Korney was on the slab ompleted. After completing her Europe for her song E S 3 inter-j ing cf- t i e picture, Dr. Gcorg •%T been COuithe picture v,iiifli for the blue and white players ole in "You and Me," • Xer ivMch pretative fiance recitals. • She has j Gyssling, NEE! consul in Los Asevi?ve£, and pltclied one-hit ball •while i i s Paramount Studios losses • i e r j appeared' in East; .s End. jl ^£lss, Eotnisd players m tlic CE.G1 teammates mustered twice that from "Walter "Wanger Studios, to j recitals, rth.at •' they fecsfi ' s," NEEI boycott! many hits, but as the good booS which'She is under contract, Miss j xrxivEIiSAL -DENIES FEAB because ihs story v s s rtz&~CsS •. says "The winner is not deter- Sidney will go' to New Tort injoir j ES ."EHfair" to t i e new Germany.' mined by the hit3 they get but leptember to begin rehearsals for Answering a wiSely-circulateS \ Protests cf this action "rere EECrather by the runs." The auto Jen Hecht's Theatre Guild p7 y»; rumor to the effect that 'UxnvET- | cessfclly isafie ty HoIlj-rooS men play high class ball every 'To Quito and Back.'' sal. Pictures "had changed the end-| League Agaiast Kasism end the; JJime they__ta&e to the field and "ETERNAL KOAD" PLATER ing of Erich Maria RemarQne's"} Screen Actors' Guild to the IT. S. . are battling all th£ way to be on novel, "The Road Bade," to glor-| State "Department in TTEstingtr.n. ; ' "What do Jews find t^ laugh top, as their record shows by m In the hope of attracting the ify Hitler and-to appease. JCazi | SaidMr. Coctrsne: "The sim- ; THE JOKE'S OH'US'. at in a world fnU of Tzores?. leading.the League. attention of some movie producer iadigaation over the film version, j pie truth Is, that after EhovriEg Use Cx.r fet Compiled by' G. .~Bnmsky Messrs. Lowenthal and Brons&y o her ability and getting a R. H. Cochrane, Universal Presi-'the .picture to the pnblic v e fie-. present a group of joltes that MAKING A HIT Between 60 and 70 junior boys answer this question. Chaim: The British Royal and girls are enrolled in the JunJommission ought to devote its : —THE EDITOR talents to the box office manage- ior Swimming Classes. The girls meet on Monday and Wednesday ment of Broadway attractions. THE JOKE'S OH HITLEE Yankel: What gives you that mornings; beginners learning the V. . Compiled by fundamentals of swimming at r .'""" idea? Edwin-C. Lowenthal Chaim: Well, haven't they al- 9:30 a. m. while the advanced ready proved their ability in this take to the water "at 10:15 a. m. liTTTIiE -RED RIDING HOOD field by producing a whole state The boys take their regular triBROUGHT Up TO DATE weekly dip on Tuesday and "Heil Hitler! "What are you do- with standing room only? v Thursday mornings at 11:00 a. GEOGRAPHY ing here, my pretty maid?^...inTeacher: What do we get when m. and Sundays mornings at 10. quired the wolf.~ SIXTEENTH'AT HARKET "Hell Hitler! I'm looking 'for we divide Pale-stine into two The Junior Girls, also swira at 3 Little Moishele: Why, another p. m. on Sunday afternoons. The my grandmother," replied little Matron morning women's swimJewish, Pale! Bed Riding Hod. ming classes are increasing rap"Ot course!" said the wolf. HISTORY REWRITTEN Professor: How would the idly with 25 or more women ••Everybody's doing it now." British Royal Commission have swimming every Monday, WedTHE SINS OF THE GRANDsummarized the situation in 1176 nesday and Friday mornings at FATHERS ' Little blonde, blue-eyed Gret- when, after the defeat of the 11 o'clock. chen was sitting on the bench re- British by George Washinton's The following Junior Girls and served for Jewish children in the army, the British Crown lost half class-room. Surprised, the teach- of .the North American continent? women passed their -American er asked: "Why are you sitting •Bright Student: They would Red Cross Swimmers' test last have consoled King George III by. week: Phyllis Studna, Rita Ploton the Jew-bench, Gretchen?" .^'On account of--dear old grand- pointing out that half a Ida J is kin, Gladys Braunstein, Mildred Neumann, Thelma Gillan, Susan better than none. ma," Gretchen explained. ACCORDING TO PRECEDENT _ Hawkins, and Dorothy WorthingTHE SECRET Soreh: ^What would the British'• ton. Among the boys who passed A reporter was trying to trace the source of Hitler's spell over Royal Commision > do if all the their swimmers' test are: Bob ths German people, and for this Palestinian Jews and Arabs em- Weinberg, of Fremont who comes in regularly, Sheldon Bernstein purpose obtained an interview igrated to Ireland? ' . Rivkeh: • It would suggest the Milton Soskin, Arnie Duncan; and yr,ith him. "Is it true, Herr Fuehrer," he. partition.of the Emerald Isle,"the Stanley Wasson. queried, "that any German will 'land' going to the Arabs, and the The following is a list of new sacrifice his life if you so de- 'Ire' to the-Jews.: Soreh:. But suppose ,that; one members who recently joined the mand?" "For answer Hitler called his rainy day, the Jews and Arabs Center Physical Department and bodyguard and told him to jump should; all pack .Up and leave Pal- at thi3 time we wish to welcome out of the window. The storm estine to; settle in a city like Liv- them and hope they will enjoy the Tarious activities of the Jew. trooper obeyed instantly — and erpool? -'••.•;• .- : , • QUALITY EnH years of Fur experience Rivbeh:--That's simple too. The ish Community Center; Meyer Halprin, Bob Weinberg, "Any one, even a perfect stran- Royal Commission would hand are built info- every Carman node! . . . arid quality is ger, will do Jhe same for me,"over the 'Liver'.'to the Arabs, and Buddy Mokofsky, Gerald Cohen. the only;'basls~of real Fur value . , . yet you pay no more Hitler boasted. And to prove it let the Jews drown in the 'pool.' Walter Sitzler Dorothy Conlee, •for a Carman cost wh'cn you can always wear with disSoreh: ~ And -what would hapEvelyn Hand Olive Sitzler, Aaron he ordered some casual passerby to be brought up from the street. pen if they let the Royal Com- Raznick, Marilyn Carpenter Eliztinctive pride. I "Jump~*but . of the window!" mission get its hands on the abeth Monrad, Erna 'Sitzler, Donadean Briggs, Mrs.. Max Ellis, , the Fuehrer demanded when the Jewish colonies in-the Crimea? J.J -stranger arrived. The man im-.. Rivkeh: There the workings,of Jacqueline Watt, Betty Watt, W. STYLES.ere ell definitely 1938 versions mediately went over- t o ' the win-the Soviet regime would confuse Wardyn, Leon Gaskell, Louis them so. that'they'd have to func- Bernstein, Mrs. B. J. Hopkins, made on'y cf rne "finest' selectea pelts from th© early dow and began -to climb out. This was too much for the re-tion backwards, so that the re- Gladys Moore, Mrs. H. E. Bencstc'n end {ashrc"isd -with ths'hiahest standard of QuaiT'ty nett, Charlotte Lewis, Harold Neporter. Rushing over to the stran- suit would be 'a crime.' workmanship E"--°n^ you of eut'nsr.flctty of Fssbion eno pomnick, Marjorie Lippold, Davis ger, he seized him and asked: Bernstein, Dorothy Worthington, cor-n'c-.'e vca'l-.o satisfaction . r i. "Are you crazy, man? Are you < Copyright 19 37:." by Seven Arts Orah Zlao Omstead, Margarei Feature willing to, die just-.because-thisQuinlan, Betty Pospichal, Bernice little man with the funny miisPospichal, Marjorie Ellsworth, _ tache tells you to jump put the VALUES ottered *n the 'August Sale Blaine Carp, Jean Curtis, Mary .Window?" -•• rsp-s::-.t c:-1-Tt3 savings end you can plan to Buy Now Helen Curtis and Betty Jean RanThe stranger.wrenched-iiimself nle. iree. "Why not? This is no coun- "j By DfiX )- f=r \OUT cost.over er. extended period of time , try for a human to live in, any'i not put much strain on the most modest budget. •vray," he shouted over his should- ' A hard-fighting group .of Yan' er as hei jumped. kees pulled -the. surprise- of -the I JUAN BITES-DOG JCC youngsters .Softball -League - .By IXyCTS TEKARSKZ • A Jew had been bitten by a dog.- Sunday 'morning.when they handHOLIiTWOOD, CAIIF. | ARROGANT JEW ATTACKS ed the Leagjie-leading Giants and ; GERMAN- SHEPHERD DOG is heretofore undefeated Aggrega- BIB.THDAT GREETINGS •Jiow the headline in ; the nest tion a 7-2 beating-. -Milton -Guss TO SYLVIA SIDNEY day's Angriff read.. was responsible for the victory as • Movie fans the world over will, he pitched effectively for the Tic- send greetings to MiS3 Sylvia SidAn ex-professor, discharged for tors, fsnnlrig 112 boys by -the ney, noted star of the Broadway having refused -to coordinate his strike-out route. The. fighting stage and Hollywood -motion picteachings: to the Nazi ideolosy. band of Tanks nad plenty of fire,- tures, -when she celebrates her turned to peddling pictures of the pep; and ginger, throughout the birthday on August 8. Miss Sidney, fire feet, two inches tall, is ,leaders of the, new Germanyj A contest and when the . last i
£1 '&, Douglas
j Bates" Grip Ball will uco higher scores, and inttte the 'sore' thumb
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liriend inquired whether he found was out, the . youngsters t h e one of the really tiny Hollywood customers. winning^ team that pulledTthe up-; stars, but in stature only. In j "Thousands," replied the sav- set was; a Tery , nappy group • of talent and ability as an actress, |[ant. "Everybody wants to hang lada. Mas-Osterman, star first this black-haired star ranks, with I '. the effigies of our leaders.":sacker for the League leaders, the greatest of them. ' " JUST A MIStNDERSTANDING ' played his usual.brandT>f ball ;on Miss Sidney is a native-of New Everybody was afraid to tell the initial hassock and collected York City. She was born there '' the- highly eicitable butcher that two fine hits at the play, one a in 1910, and much of her childJiis dog had been killed. At last double and the other a circuit hood was spent in a flat overone of the bystanders gathered wallop.' Tn the '-other tilt, the looking a "dead end" street in the courage-to go into the shop luckless Tigers took the short end the Bronx. Samuel Goldwyn, the to break the news. The crowd of "the 16-15 count with the Car-famous producer, therefore felt waited outside to see the reckless dinals. !The game was a free hit- she was right at.home in the Kew i one booted out. .;_ • - " ting contest with many interest- York East Side setting for the. \ Instead, the bearer 7)1.ill.trd' ing plays taking place. -• film, "Dead End," which he coni Jngs came-, out smiling, with a structed on the United Artists The schedule for August 8. will • huge ham under his arm. • ~ • •• find the Cards playing, the Yanks Studio lot in Hollywood at a cost "How come?" some.one asked. i "I .'don't understand' it -myself," ' the man. replied.' VI just went in ;Gnd said' 'HeU Hitler, _ the dog is dead' •'— and he seemea ticklefl to death, -and "gave me.this ham to • take home." ' -, RECOGNITION AT LAST The'works of Friedricn "von Schiller were consigned to tho bonfire on the' grounds'that the famous author could:. Hot have
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cities in Spain which their ancestors fled. Accordinrj to some roports the government has ordered Spanish names dropped, the use of Ladino 'discontinued. Yet the Turks themselves have been the subjects of more stringent regulations. Aside from these orders, the Government hcs aided them, giving those Jews dispossessed by the building of the Dardanelles fortifications new lands toward the interior. The Turkish Jews are poor in wealth, rich in tradition. But when one compares their lot with the Jews of Poland and Roumanis, he wonders at the designation, "Terrible Turk,"
EW1 gabltol2:a otrosy CVldaj? e t Oraalis, Kebras&Qt £13
THS3 <H3WIQB PRESS PUBLISHING' C O M P A Q po Ps1C3» oao soar • « » • • • 32.00 Advorttelac rotca furnished oa apj)Uc3t!on. s a u s n a t OMica; 100 Branseis: Theater Sloaa CSty Otflce—Jewish Oomraunit? Centex Priat Shop"Aaflresa: -3804 So. a « i r Street -9AVID 8k&CSU2R - " - Business end Managing Editor
] ;
sot ~ " x . I asked R. Ki not married Whereupon face away, E Shalt r.ot sii sba't marry adheres to tis cwn op: is twenty y{;Ers old an m&rry, he v
•,An Exclusive Interview w ith • Harry H. Liebovits
i li V
he1 I, ! Ke
.or er Esfcti ZvCs r£ o children ic TTho : air floes cot .each, fcif? ctilri c,r, oo-! but F K & N E a , & C S S R M & K ' • • • • • . • • • . ' . . - • » •'—'•' E d i t © ? ebrftted for cnpEtion lODilrmants. ITANNID KATBJ4MAN Cooncil Blqfte.to^a, Correspondent his o£ fcs.3 mediate aims o£ : By/.ttabbilEfre'deric!: Oohn : ' . .• y n personal p o r t E i E a s E i f \rheE he grows Tree 1 €t. ANN PIL?J » -«.'>'• • Slous City, Iowa, Correspondent educational policy, a enlightened; g 5 1•E is just as if he -were inpiruct»a<3 o j loud Mr. Liebovitz; It was Andrew Carnegie who said, there are some people believes. "It is through the tea-jj g fclm in burglarr." Cf.i, Holds chers," he said, "that we attempt j who have a great deal to retire wi$h, but nothing to retire to. Rabbi Huna was ce.reful net to j thfpl ideas. to mold the child, to give t h e ' vralk 4 yards bareheaded. "For This'was probably truer in his day before the financial Erven Arts The attacks in this country upon, the naai camps forming child a way cf life. It is the tea- said he, "the Sfee-china' is .above crash, than it is today though it "still holds. "We see men of lie.) chers who give our children those a network throughout the "United States have been brought my hes.fi. and hew c&n I •r&lk heart thrills as they teach then bareheaficfi?". to a head by the open and flaunting displays at Camp Nord- great financial resources, economically independent, 'retired*; the story of our people through CFTKAL • Iand in New Jersey; As a result of ,the flagrantly un-Ameri- and yet, of such mental poverty, living lives of luxury, of ease, the centuries. -But, frora -whatof idleness, and also of monotony, of emptiness and of utter ever angle vre xiev? it, the teach'FJEKDSHIP can, and subversive tactics employed at this camp, agitation Rabbi PMIIp&ora ers hare never receives! the comboredom. They have nothing 'to retire t o ' ; no glorious memhas come from every sector of the country demanding; that pensation, moral or material, to Celebrates K k 7E1& Birthday ories, no intriguing interests, no fascinating; and entrancing JeruHslerc! (.7TA.)—Skepticism • •which., they are justly entitled. an investigation be made and such poisonous cesspools- be aims. To possess these latter, one must have lived ja rich, full as tc Italy's? sincerity in her This is a question of justice, not Dean of the American Reform ! eliminated. . . of charity. Our great American rabbinate. Only survivor of the '• lately assumed role ns the Eurolife, on every plane, siot merely- that of one's business or pro;',-7'However,, the most astonishing factor in the situation is fessional occupation, riot merely one of the pursuit of gain or Jewish community should not j first graduating class of Kebre-w pean friend cf the Moslems wai the support given the bund camp idea by certain liberals who personal ambition, but one of broadest interest, of general culstand accused before the bar" of Union College. Native Hoosicr. expressed, in the Christian Arab public opinion that it is derelic Occupied pulpit of Baltimore's are anti-nazi but who nevertheless think that4t would be unp p ture; calling fflrth the exercise of all one's powers in the most Commenting on the recent American on this country's part to put any stop to un-Ameri- varied directions. One must have lived somewhat in accordIn its duty to the religious schools I H&r Sinai Congregation in 1SE4,broadeaot from the Bar* radio and their teachers." ia T e a r after his ordination. Since station, in vtiich Italy promises can propaganda and activities. "We, too, want up crimp on ance with Goethe's ideal, 'im ganzem, gutem, schoenem resolut be8E refcbi The Aessential features believes, of t h e i m s fces ot in U.w.ous \svzel Concregatios. Gin- !i Lt 0e ab&r lu"e Arf.fc clsimR before th# freedom of speech or freedom of thought in the United States. •zu leben'; 'to live resolutely in the "Whole, the Good, the Beautiproblem Mr. Liebovitz Harry H. Liebovitz o! Nations Mandates cincatl. Although rounper eoi' are the same for the Jewish com\We certainly agree that every individual is.; entitled to hisful'} or as one may also express it, one must have might and subject of this munities all over tha -country. leagues have retired to --the com- Commission, Faiastin eaiti: opinion, in politics and in 'government. But, there is a vast main, the Good, the True, and the Beautiful. criterion, ol Il&ly'e friendrecently elected President "There is first the need of bring- fort of rabbis-emeriti, he con-s W"The lild bfi lip- pnrf.1 tirmes in active service, Hes i o E g | p difference between letting someone tell you to your face what of the Jewish Education Associng more children into the clessThis is nothing else than the striving after self-realization; iation of New York. In this in- rooms," he pointed out. ".That 'been one of the elcer Etctsciaeii in. svetiop. m t h e Menclflf.p.F, Corohe thinks of you and letting someone stick a knife in your back. which, indeed, "remains the whole object and purpose of life, terview he reflects on the prob- means the • education of the par- of Reform Judaism. Served as rn.ias.son in bons.11; of t h e Moslem The fascist and communist countries stifle every expression its deepest instinct, its conscious or unconscious aim. I t islem that confronts Jewish ed- ents by a constant appeal to their | president of the Ger.trs.1 Coffer- vrori-il." pi opposition within their own borders, while at the same-time ucation throughout the coiia- intelligence and their conscience. | £oee of American Ks.bbis. Only true that life is Mystery, utter and unfathomable, which even .tscy. • • The school building must be! survivor of th© group that draftthey are successful in their protests'to democratic countries the wisest have failed to penetrate. But life after all has to be clean, attractive, safe and can-1 e3 the famous Pittsburgh rlniTHE EDITOR when in the latter anything is said against their dictatorships itary In this respect progress has I form of 1ESE in vtich the oblived, we. can't put off living.till we fully understand it. We - - Tinder such, a handicap the democratic countries would not Jewish education in America, been, made all over the country, j' jectives cf Reform « must seek the fullest, expression of all our powers. Self-rean rere CGC be able to stand the external and internal pressure. In other as seen by Harry H. Liebovitz, •Instruction, textbooks, afiniiEis- j enunciated. Lives lization remains the goal of life; self-fulfillment its immediate newly j abandoned an£ particielected president of thetration, and supervision must beprogram words, it ia all right to believe that we should not harm a man rational, sensible, practical aim. Fruition, not frustration, is Jewish Education Association, j up to the highest standard. pated in meeting that vitiates it. because he rants at us but on the other-hand if that same what all desire. As in nature the seed becomes the root, the must elevate its standards andd as I have indicated, means rais- Long kc'oTra &s one of-the most man should attempt murder,, it is morally and legally right and its great value Tyill ing the status of the teacher, EggresBive r&bbls in tbe. Keforra stalk, the stem, the leaf, the bud, the blossom and fruit, so practices, pulpit. TV'ES for istcy years p r o be manifest to all the Jews of morally and materially," for us to protect ourselves, even if the murderer dies as a rethe soul, 'mounts upwards' through all the stages of life to America. Tha problem is one of "Finally,- there is_the problem j fesor oi hcnsiletics at sult. If the Nazi bunds in the TJmtedr States were merely orimproving the quality; the quan- cf poverty. There are still ERST i fluent speaker but never etr reach, final perfection and complete development. ganized, for cultural and social purposes - - as they w^ere.pret l f parents -who are unable to payfor oratoric*;! cSJ!?ct. Gr-c&tlr will then take care of itself. Individualism is deeply rooted in nature. This explains tity Jewish parents • will be glad to the required tuition fee, vith'the ! terected in Aiaeriean Je-wlcli viously - - then no one would have a complaint. They are entitled to cultivate and enhance their pwri German culture, even the strong, seemingly obstinate stand men take, even in politics send their children to the reiig- j result that many of our children \ tory. Has been e, viee-prenii are spiritually disinherited. Ti'hat though they are in the United States. But, when-these nazi and economics, for the vindication of individualism, for self- ious schools. Sir. Liebovitz is a leading mer- can be raore regrettable- than a assertion, -unrestricted freedom. Everything' strives t o become bunds change complexion and become political organizations chant and manufacturer of thesituation like this? Here vre are with the avowed purpose of propagandizing a foreign dictator- and be itself: That is why the instinct of self-preservation i metropolis, but his horizon is not clearly confronted -with a comby so-called "practical munity responsibility, Iso c o s ship and inculcating into American life the principles of that so strong,:'the first law of nature.' This explains men's love bounded affairs." A Jewish tradition, of munity can evade the duty of. of dominance, their resistance to every kind of,rule and con foreign dictatorship, • and pledge allegiance to, and use the generations finds expression in paying for the Jewish educsLticn I salutes and symbols of, that foreign dictatorship, then both trol; their impatience' at subordination, their fear of inferiority, his "wide range of interests, the of the children cf impoverished, j of combining Torah and parents, and there are still other morally and legally the United States, has the right - - nay,their amour propre so easily wounded and defended at all tradition culture with worldly affairs. His comraunity responsibilities, racfc. costs. An organism will adjust itself to every environment. father, Simon Liebovitz, embod- as supervision, the prepars.tios of the duty - - to wipe out such un-American tendencies. Arid Survival is the universal aim, 'Survival of, the fittest' is the ied thjf same tradition, as did also j adequate textbooks, educational! wiping them out is not an infringement upon the freedom of formula used to,describe the character of the universe as it his uncle, Israel Unterberg, -who j propaganda among Jewish ps.r-| speech and thought in the United States - - I as an American exists at present. "Evolution" is the name given to describe the first President of the I ents, •trhich are also the recpor- i citizen can say what I please for or against Hitler - - that is the still regnant philosophy which is b u t another aaiae for Education Association. sibility cf the comniusitF es a j ' whole." ' . "The problem which faces us," freedom of speech and thought b u t I as a citizen cannot . ?> , organize a clique which shall pledge allegiance to Hitler and growth, development, transformation of the individual5 in itssaid Mr. Liebovitz, in reply to a "This question of cota.Eiiir.ity ! persistence to be, in however changed form. 'Egoism is the question, "13 qualitative as well responsibility," Mr. Liebovitz coneeek through a spy system to build up a Hitler reserve force all-inclusive word that expresses the will and determination, as Quantitative. . From the stand- tinned, "leads us to icsuxrs tc in America for use in case of w e r - - t h a t is no longer within often ruthless, desperate, and even cruel of everything to bepoint .-of quantity we know that j what extent funds raised £ or gssby far not enough Jewish child-1 eral community purposes shoulS i the realm of freedom of speech and thought as propounded itself, egoism that becomes tHat estremely disagreeable thing ren aro receiving instruction in be applied for Je-wish educational j needs and to what extent they s,re ; by the founders of the country, ' in man we call 'egotism* (an egotist has been faeetiously de- their faith and traditions, in thebeing so applied. Students cf * • Regardless, the United States government sanely takes scribed as a person who is always talking about himself - -Bible and''the history of their, - ; the" view that a group spread throughout the country pledged why you want to talk about yourself!). people. In Ne-w York City, for es- i Jewish educational problems in are Welfare Funds must recognize) ample, -where there are some 300-1 *' "•""""=• <•»•» ~n-n-v<*»a<< thB* fhesp | ' to further the aims of a foreign.power is dangerous enoughte individualism needs to be specially guarded and safethe needs of Jewish education. to investigate. Hence, last weekvthe department of justice be- guarded in our day when the social is assuming such para- 000 Jewish, children of elemea-' No sn rule can. be laid down ss to t a r y school age, only about 75,,-wh gan an investigation into the activities of the nazi bunds. 000, or 5 per. cent, are receiving mount importance. This may be said to be the Social Century; inei ould oi bethe made by such But, say the nazis, this is preposterous". Says Herman von ours is par excellence the .Social Age; when Socialism is to such instruction. For the country j the proportion contribution Funds—Some conun-unities are doJ of Jewish at large, the same proportion pre-j *hich -^—' ••----•"-•»jto Busch of Newark, state secretary of the German-American the fore, even in its extreme form of Communism; when social ing their lull, duty in ttis^~ respect estimated at vails: the number " " "*--•'bund, if American citizens, in Germany were to open a camp doctrines are rife and, social efforts put forth, expressed also while others are cot, and in E-onie instances the tendency fcas like Nordland to support the American government, "the. Ger- in legislation and government. The pendulum seems to be school children is 800,000, and those- receiving Jew- been for general Welfare Funds man government would welcome them." Just another example swinging to the opposite extreme, from the pronounced indi- sh instruction a t 200,000. These assistance to Jewish i of the perverseness of nazi thought. To think that even a nazi vidualism of 'laissez faire' to all sorts of social and even so- igures bring out the magnitude roach it from the standpoint of j education. This tendency should | • Jithip,- would believe American" could swallow that - - sure, the Geruallty or standards,-we are fac-;be checked. The sick acS needy j. f the problem. .But when we apj to curtail cialistic proposals and measures. Herbert Spencer foresaw this with a new challenge. Vv'e are &°n o t represent our sole social j !Mra r man government -would welcome them into concentration arid issued a warning in his "The Coming Slavery."' Thi3 is the •d orceti to ask ourselves if an im- responsibility." icon/!" ' camps.- When in the third Reich even men of the'cloth spread- deepest meaning, of Nietzsche's philosophy and the doctrine of »,roveiaeat in ,these standards! "With all due regard for the ing the holy word are unceremoniously cast into concentration the Superman and the Superhumanity. Mankind is in danger would not automatically, bring | needs of philanthropy, no com-_ munity can ignore the problem of j camps secretly and in untold numbers, w e shudder to think of being corrupted, weakened. I t must be kept virile and .bout an increase in the number I safeguarding cur future," Mr. •t Jewish • parents willing eager what happens to the tortured and. bruised body of a political strong.- Spengler has' learnedly called attention to the same ,o give their children a Jewish Liebovits concluded. opponent of nazi misanthropy. phenomenon in his -"Deicline. of the West" and particularly in ducation." (Copyright 1SS7 Ey Seven Arts his later, <fHour of Decision." ' The individual must not be Asked to indicate the general ( ainp^. Feature Syndicate.) direction of • the improvement j.Oasij j; Do all - things moderately. Your life will probably be swamped, individual initiative and genius be destroyed as the which he advocatesj Mr. Liebop i.instsj jMen usetl ht ~«»k for • said: p ;ion ! J. l o n g e r . . ' . - . " • " - . ^ \ , . ••;.- ' . ' . • • / , ,•';•'. v • • ' • - . - . - _ ; - . • •• . : entire future progress of the race depends upon them. "Aris- vita."We must fashion the rainds Palm S«*eh Suit , . . T©» tocratic radicalism," the philosopher-critic Georg Brandes is-i^omi ij' of our young to'enable thera to I Life's Mystery"; How our neighbors manage to do it. . called this teaching, which also" found expression in the dran iDor^radjust themselves to an environmatist Ibsen. : . .' • ' ment which is -non-Jewish, react^i;coid|S: Isssl*. ng Intelligently, a t the same What is the true relation between individual and social, ;ime, ^Turkish., Convalescence'-' • • ."• , .,' > •'; • I- linvoc'i; to those aspects of their Outside of_ Palestine, in .proportion to its population, Tur- since both-seem necessary! EaBbi Hillel, living two thousand ivea which are Jewish. To proe weak fcsnfis i4J-'.Miii tfcs . tcttErtriE key has done more for the;'eiiled German scholars..than any years ago, has finely expressed it in his famous saying, "If I ride such training is definitely as f-stalled Say to them that &re of a t\: i-Miss 11 • other country, this' a country often designated as outside the am not f&r myself who will be.? -But if I am only for myself great a, coma-unity responsibility! fenees. 1 as it is to make provision for thefearful heart: "Be strong; fear ii^ ;p--esid f| •" pale of civilized endeavor. * what am If^ Both egoism and altruism are necessary. Indi- .ndigest In our midst. I do notact." | i • retarj |-Turkey's pre-jfrar record in regard to its treatment of min- viduality should be developed to the uttermost, limited only know cf a better, way for us-as " And everlasting joy shall fe.: BiireHl nh. j ft. ; :' Boil' orities is not the cleanest. I t was once the:'sick man of Europe.' by the equal rights of others to be themselves. The richer the Jews to contribute to the welfare! upon their heads; they SPIi of our country and to improve t tain gladness and 5oy^cs.u P _r- i social soil, the finer the flower of individuality will be; and the quality of citizenship in our j row and signing shall flee aw&y. Today it is in a state of Convalescence while a.dozen countries —sh«p« re'ffi) Huthjj Behold for n y peace I had are rivals fqrnts former title. . '; V in the last analysis, society, any and every society^ is after all Saitlij their "tit «ne t. to them, emphasizing 1 great bitterness, ircl Tbou bast Mia Under the circumstances Turkish Jewry is in an enviable composed of ^individuals. Water cannot rise, higher than its meaningful ¥f««fllIs the ali-oeses its harmony with the ideals of! delivered my soul from Ue pi. o£ charpj • source. The more -highly developed the individuals, the higher position^ Kemal Ataturk is a dietator like any dictator, coni corruption. American institutions. er. 9 Ors© Seo ments cerned with of 'national revival// What is worse, as and finer the resultant society will be. i the ideas i "Judaism, which stands for! T i e living- Ehall rrai»s Thee, the fatherhood of God and thej as I fio'tbis day; the fataSTS shall . Ani fh* far as the Jews are concerned^ is the fact that he is a descendA person striving, for said highest, fullest development, in brotherhood oi man, sets forth a make known Thy truta ..o ^ e ant of a Donmeh famiiy, a -fanatical Moslem, sect of Jewish the midst of a complex and marvellously advanced, society, will systea. cf -true .democracy: one children, origin that hates its parent group as only a schmismatic acquire a natures s6.fich and full that his resources spiritual law for all. Its world ideal is in-1 Mr. ; peace," as proclaimed-1 Our Hat Twelff, ' ' ! ' ' and intellectual and emotional will be so great that even when ternational sectt can. by the prophet who1 saw a tiine 15:18); i •; pagem 1. The policy of nationalism of Kemal Ataturk has not run withdrawn from the active scene he will find himself with an when, 'nation shall not lilt /ap.ys.nt) vriil - Anne > . •i ; of Sic • emuck. Rather than gloating over "dead corpses of .democ- abundance and even safer abundance of moral. treasure, sur- s-word ' against- nation'. We are j This meat fortunate to live in the greatest j eat white ! cago. racy" he preaches the democratic ideal .and claims his dietator- plus and reserve. He will have infinite riches 'to retire to.' democracy cf all time. We must, i .rant cats Our own Oliver Wendell Holmes would seem to have best therefore, give our chirares the liep;n^j>2 ship> isnofc the geiiith of political achievement but.afperiod of transition during which a down-trodden people will learn, to expressed this ideal, daily, strenuous, victorious living in th opportunity to- eeqtdre a knov-J thy Gue: ledge of Jewish ideals,, the Jew-j that rule themselves.• • :. . ; . " : ' \ -. '••".-. •- ...:, .': .-.-.' ;:. :[.\ . familiar yet dver-inspirins words: \ and M 3sh faith and the Jewish way of j cusl "Build thee more stately mansions, O n y soul! WhileJ/the Jewa have not always" fared 'tvell under-.tljis • i'ourtf ; life, and impress upon them that, 1 on , v/ere I; As the swift seasons roll! as in esflier stages, our peopl-s | our policy, many evils of, Turko-Jewish communal life have been ; ilishkr may contribute-much tbst is ral-j-srhc ' Leave-thy low-vaulted pant 1 .corrected. The Turkish Jews for the most^part are descendi of Chic , tiable-for the. recosstiuctioa oi 'Is. z Let each new teinplc, fairer tbes the last, ants of those Spanish exiles who were whole-heartedly welRab' the "world. Thus Jewish sducatioi; ove; ,-Jonal t, Shut thee from heaven with't, dome n o r ; T;:t; cosacs is to lull .fearniony Tith the B comed by the Sultans Bayazid, SulehnaB, Selim, and even life and spirit e° America," Ices: Till thou at length are free! M u r a d : . , ; ; - ' ' . ; , . y ' . . - . - ' • • . ••:-'.;. --^.•;•', - -'i---' '' '••.••..-'• " - ' • ' To Isaprove tbe .status, of the j HUJ 3 : Leaving thine out-worn shell by life's unrctin™- ::ai' Their names and their language, Ladino, reflect their Span-. t teacher ia the' Je.-wish religious i da: • - - Frederick Conn. school shouldfc-sona of the im-' Ha; • i«h i"' dVigifi-"* •Ttei r synagogues •: are organized:' acgording to the
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THE JEWISH PRESS. FRIDAY, AUGUST P. 1C37 chiffon and lace gown and a C5T»JBAR J&TTSVAH j sase of gardenias. I Mrs. Sarah Katfcas aasocsces | The couple will sail Aug. 14 for'the Bar Mitzvah of her son, Les-! the West Indies and South Araer- j ter Jonathan Nathan, oa Satur- ! A regulz.*- _!_ So- -tr ica, where they will spead ess j flay raoTzins,. August 7, at t h eCholir-. ! I t * » C > 1month. After Sept.- 15, they will j B'nai Israel Synago; th sac C n^e-. A " r " " t ci be at tome in the Lake Lane j J streets, South 0= 1 apartments in Chicago,. 111. T iAT EXCELSIOR •iag tbc T f- — _ to ctm- < j Mies Goldy Ss:d_aa spend; ; VISITS IN DALLAS I ing _three weeks ia :celsior ! Aliuvah M. Gershater left last _o. "Wtile tier? ehe in- ! week for Dallas, Texas, trliere tends to xaa.ke"treQuent -visits to \ she will visit friends ESC! rela- Kansas _ „_ City Triers she t.s.% many / tlves. She'will he away'for sev-i frjT^g^ eral weeks, .returning shortly be-1 *
a Jewish Historical Litad .the -letters of its.' Also -author of a >e£crca:;xaoY3ment and tsnt Jewish -works. Is ati-Zionlst but serves , 3 of governors of the varsity, -His; patriarrance—-he ' -wears a pointed beard—ana 1 poisa mate it diffii of a' young Philipi&s long led the -way I between ZionistB and u Has no children outh. Celebrated . lop I handling confirmants. ; gives them ' personal jfivlce instead ot load )-w speeches. Holds to his youthful ideas. I 1937, by Seven Arts bra Syndicate.)
WEBBING AKNIVEESABMr. and Mrs. Harry Braviroft Miss Ruth Kaplan, daughter "of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, • will were Entertained tat a no-host dinbe married to Mr. Paul Lelchook, ner party at 'Oakwood in honor son of Mr.'and Mrs. E. Lelchaok, ot their fifteenth wedding anniSious City, Iowa, on Sunday, Au- versary. Forty-two . guest3 were - • • gust 15, at the Jewish Community p r e s e n t . , fore -the reopening of Bciiool. SIX VI | cess'cl ?""tr Ft Center. • .. Miss Asae Listsrs.E,s, dtssfcts? ! Heck c r C f i s cv. A reception honorins the bridal BBIDE-TO-BB FETED , t TO KANSAS CITE ' of Mr. &n5 Mrs. Js.co'b Liiite~£n, | forty ..cr*"^ T C N Miss Esther Silverman, a fall pair will fee held from 8 to 10 j SIIE3 Dorothy Sicrinaa acd will arrive Ssr4sy, Aup^t s, lor !6 T e r , ?z_- zi"-' Z o'clock at the Jewish Community bride-to-be, has been honored at 'Miss'Frances Rosenblatt left last a Eis weeks' visit vita fee" P&?-j piece c'ch-r —3~\ Center. Relatives and .friends a number of affairs the past few j Sunday for Kansas City to visit eats. Kiss Ltatztsss t s s bsca |a B ,j £jrLj,:rt .cr. i. weeks. Mrs. Nathan Giraple en! friends. tt i maztis r-tt ag- r : resifiiag ia. Los Acgsles for tfc« ( are invited to attend tho recep~r t ~. past two years. . A smtebsr o . £.*- ;rock beictcs. tion for which no cards have been tertained at .her home in honor of Miss Silverman on the evening r fairs have besa pls.rs.sd ia j VISITED IS LINCOLN " issued. her At a _ e c t _ s t . of July 14. Mrs. Lean Nogs hon; Hiss ^ Marjorie Wisaaow has honor. the Jewish Cctrored her at a luncheon in the DVORKIK-GIJAZIER i! been visiting her parents, Mr. acd last week, Paul " 1 -rrrC: v : Casino Room of the Hill Hotel on PICNIC PLANKED Mrs. J. Wishnpw cf Lisccls, Mrs. Rosa Glazer announces voted Scto the r! I Nebr., At a regular _eet!_s -of • t h e Leonard Kcrvitr for the past two weeks. the.engagement at her daughter, July 16. returned horns last Seaisy. Choir and _tasatic C'ub, it OR July IS Mrs. J. Fresser Jeanne, to Davo Dvorkln of Sioux Sor»E.y Garber is c". dtei&ed to have z pionis fcr City, son of Mr. and Mra. L. Dvorr entertained at a luncheon at her A E _ E party T-J t '.C E! ii members asd their friends sX I „TO PARTICIPATE IN kin. ,No definite date has been hom^i and on'the following Sun3IASECVERS ' . day, Mrs. J. Falk honored Miss set for tho wedding. or cf tvo recent1'Dr. S. S. Stern will lear® Sua- 2 p. _ . Silverman at a luncheon. bers, emeries Gr^ Mr, Ben Martin, is. Greeting a Scaneldcr, I day for Camp" Ripley, Hiss,, Last Thursday Mrs. Victor tw ^ leavingtx.C s '• where he will participate in thsnew Jewish play. "The Tree J»ow- j are "Weiner and Mrs. Sam Schneider for Cr' er" by I. Gordon. This is the first i army • maneuvers. ' He plans to Mr. and Mrs. "William Platt of entertained at a luncheon at the time this play will b : - ^ ; * 7 ; j N o E S a i : 3 Arthur .•.;--. I stay there for two weeks. Chicago, formerly of Omaha, Union Depot. Omaha. The autior alvrays have announced th? engagement ,, 'BRUNCH PART3T .. • Eidered this fcis best play. and- approaching wedding on Au-FROM FORT WORTH Mr. Jake Sellnsky was elected j l u t ~ J | Plans are being mads by the gust S of their daughter, Beth, Mrs. Leon Hoffman and son, ^ The election c. ! Omaha Chapter* of ths Junior temporary director of the choir. ; teld to Paul Ettlngton, son of Dr. and Sam Elliot, of Fort Worth. Texas, nest week : The • president, _ r . K. Martin, i Hadassah for a "Brunch" eating Mrs. Charles H. Bttington of Chi- arrived In Omaha on July 26. for tion b«_c.uet vTili : ; . . ; v . Ti would like to see all the members • to be held on Sunday, August 15, cago. • . .-•'.for_al Initiatics an indefinite stay. While here j at Krug P a r k . Miss Anna and their frieads'at the piesic. Mr. Ettington'ia a graduate of Mra. Hoffman will visit friends pledges 'will aUr I Goodbinder is chairman in charge the School of Architecture of the and relatives, including her aunts the banquet. A. I. of this affair and is being assistUniversity of Illinois. Miss Platt and uncles, Mr, and Mrs. S. j Plans for ^r. ed by the Misses Mary Garfinkle, is a. former student ot the Uni-Katelman, Mr. and Mrs. N. Levin- ; corn roast to bs Una Gross, and Sarah Taub. 1 Last night th© Mother eiapter versity "of Omana. • son, and Mrs. P, Levinson. j Members may briisg friends, and of A. Z. A. held a pre-conrention. CHARNEY-BROroER. She is staying a t tho homo of j stay after the "Brunch" for-' smoker in hoacr cf the alephs who Mr. and Mra. L Broider of her cousins, Mr; and Mrs. Hyman swimming if they BO desire. Hes-i'wHl represent the chapter at t i e •Washington, D. C, announce the Greenberg. . ervations may bs made by call-! Summer Cornbelt Regional ton marriage of their daughter, So^ ing Miss Goodbin&er, phcao aa_ect which will ex pliie, to Archie J. Charney,. for- GUESTS FROM NEW ORLEANS ji cil _lu£!s tcmorrow. j j Glenflale 3115. merly of Omaha, on August 8, in Mrsi David Lincoln and Mrs. | The chapter ^ IU compete is t i e \ viesi-s. ( ¥ S : I Miss Kalah Franklin is pres"Washington. Smith have aa their guesto | track, softball, and .tessis cexs.- i g^ieg^tes vrtc i ldeat of the- organization. Mr. I>. Charney left for Wash- Phil Mrs. M. Goldberg and daughter, petitions. Tbe ise-ap of the soft- \ Theoccr KersVf ington for tho wedding and will Fannyej ot >Jew Orleans, La. ball tea_ _as \ [ I i_ v I . * - — c " _ teaatively a a - ' t j , e j * r s t ^rcrld i MAKES HOME IN ATLANTA afterwards continue on to Boston, Catcher, K It was incorrectly -stated ia Bounced. at: h Ke r b ''a* New York, and Pittsburgh. t Soref;^,, 4.T^I- I r\i Kcrt RETURN FROM CHICAGO last week's Jewish Press that Kr. Meshes; first bass, K second bases, Sa_ Tvolk; short-! Eionissi, it was i i r Mrs. Sam "WieSEvee aad son, ! Bea Rich, who 13 visiting; his faANNOUNCE BIRTH ...";: Martin, have just returned from Mrs.. Jcrojne Natenborg ther aad mother, Mr. asd Mrs.stop, Leo SbenatE; thlrs base, ivey sade by Dr. Mr. and Mrs.. Paul M, Forbes a vacation in Chicago, vvhere Mrs. Miss Henrietta Sessel, daughter |M. Rich, is of New. York. Mr. Kay Schapirc; right field KSEIIEII writer. announce the birth-ot a son, Rob-"Wienzveg visited her daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sessel, be-jf-icb. makes his ho_e inAt- iLasere; left field, Dsve "Winer; ert Jerome, on Tuesday, July 27, and friends. She -was extensively j sncrtfield, Stanley Turks!; pitciat the Methodist Hospital. : came the bride of Jerome Naten- lanta, Ga. j ers, Morris Aaler, Max Prostak, wiic'fl w i l l b e C."~.i'l\:'c~.f entertained. ibt. berg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sieg LEAVES FOR NEW TOK_ | a a d S a a ^*o1^-' H c r b ^ * e ^ ^ Natenberg of Chicago, at a famMr. and Mra. Paul Nerenberg AT OKOBOJI Miss Rae Borsky, ^ i o just Te-j»« Ha 5 keHI«ere iroa the n 5 - . ily wedding at the Fontenelle.-hoannounco the birth of a son on Mrs. Harry Cooper and family tel turned home after a three weets I at 6 o'clock Sunday evening.] Saturday, July 31, at St. Cath- ara spending two vreelcs at Lake The ceremony took place beneath ^JP_*° ,_°f ,. beating all other erine's Hospital. 01tbT)0ji. left i canopy of white gladioli and chapter York City on eras. The.Rabbi David Goldstein| perpetuating the custea w i buying and pleasure trip. officiated.. '..' *i j lias beco_s part of every ComI belt Regional tournament, the White satin, rcdin'gote 'style, with long - tight sleeves that puffed between tho elbow and the ihoulder, and ended in points at! £, She will visit Mr. —rabefore,,hia.^agsjjjplorable.condit,5on. is pussling . . . . the back of tp& hand, fashioned j | Mrs. Harry Miller in Oakland and ing,- George Gershwin _ad to-say tho least. the bride'a gown. Her collar was' will then go to Los Angeles to pleted five numbers for the 'Golda soft roll and the gown was finIn these timo It's good to read ished from neck to hem with self- visit friends and relatives. •^rn Follies,' almost enough for the -entire picture, the last that Jack Moffitt'B comment: "I have covered buttons. The veil of ivory MONTH'S STAY will' scintillate---with Gershwin seen 'Zola'. I am proud to be a tulle was gathered into a Juliet Mrs. Morris Seidiaaa cf Linmelodies. One of the eongs was part of Hollywood that produced cap, edged in - orange blossoms titled, "I Was Doing All Right." it. As a Gentile I get supreme sat- and fell the length of her gown's coln, Nebr., left for a month's People of all raceD and various isfaction from the story of thetrain. She carried a shower bou- stay ia Excelsior Springs. Oa her religions came to pay homage at Gentile who fought to give a Jew quet ot white orchids" and lilies return home she will stop for a week in Kansas City. his funeral services in New York. justice, 3md thereby behaved like of the valley. The colored folks from his "Por-a Christian. To Mr. Muni and Mr. Immediately following the wed- j AT JOSLXK gy and Bess" company wept. Dieterle I am'grateful for the the SS guests,-all members J The following program will be Many celebrities from different inspiration ot their artistry . . .'* ding, of/ the family, were entertained presented at the Joslya Memorial walks of life attended. Mayor LaGuardla, stirred by the ceremony, Another ray of sunshine: The at a bridal dinner at the Fonte- -on Suaday, August 8, 1937: Organ recital by Esther Leaf, annual baseball game of Comics nelle hotel. Out-of-town guests ' wiped the tears from his eyes. vs. Leading Men. a heterogenoua were Mr. and. Mrs. Sieg Natenberg assisted by Jack Gatrost, piaaist. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harris of .' Nice gesture by Luise Ralner! group of various religions, gros- hicago; Mrs. Boris Pr.uss, Mrs. It will be held in the Coaeert Hall at 4:00-p. a . sed twenty-three thousand dollars She perouaded her bosses that her Ben Brown and Mrs... Celeste stand-in, D o r o t h y Hoffman, for the benefit of the Mount Stamiesea of St. Louis, EIo.; Mrs. should be awarded a part in her Siaai Home. . Ben Winters of Alton, ill., and current picture. The girl has been Mr. and Mrs. Harry Riseinan ol s iy given- a contract, and by thia opIn a recent Interview Sammy Ottumwa, Ia. Multiple Elaetrciys!* aidt "I only wish I haa portunity has made that almost A!! WorH C«8ra»it»ei The bride'a mother .wore a lilac CONGUl-TATIQN FREE insuperable jump from stand-in said the amusing 'boners' attrib- chiffon dinner gown -with a velret end uted to me. But then," scratching to actress. his hairless pate, "maybe I did.' belt la the chartreuse Ehado. Her corsage was of gardenias. The Joan Blondell's two-and-a-half Who said moon-pitcher actin' is groom's mother wore dusty rota year-old son attends tho experi- a soft job? Kent Taylor received mental nursery school at Univer- a severe hump on the cranium sity of California. So the proud when he fell from a speeding moMama dressed him up in a col- tor boat while working on localege (you knov, turtle-neck) tion. Returning to the studio he sweater with large letterB, "U. C.found his first ceene was a ripL. A. '57." If's a long time till snortin' fight with a 200-pounder. graduation. Taylor got the short end ot the deal . . , cams out with two brokOne of the funniest and most en ribs. Undaunted he continued refreshing comedians we've seen work, having tho rlba taped ia In a long time Is Billy Gilberts. place. For yeara he' has knocked aDout in two-reelers, but at last as" al- After Gregory-Ratoft met the lowed to "go to town" in a rol- Russian fliers, someone asked licking part in "Toast of Newwhat he thought of his countryYork." He also has a part in "Themen. '-'.Mine countrymen? They Firefly." didn't seem like it. I. couldn't understand a vord they said!" Belle Mitchell, a newcomer to the screen, does a minor • role '3 all today. splendidly as the Spanish maid of Jeanette MacDonald in "The Firefly." We hope she'll appear again and often.
PER SKEPTICAL ' fALTS FRIENDSHIP m <JTA)%—Skepticism. ily'a sincerity in her [med role as the Buro3 of the Moslems was |in the Christian Arab i Falastin. iting on the recent •Irom, the Bari radio t which Italy promised Arab claims before the it NationB Mandates ia; Falastin said: iterion of Italy's friendid oe her participation ] in tne Mandates Comi behalf ot tho Moslem
vilca As _atr_e" isritea A s ©ooeP Stled by Grabora'o
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wed I© ask lor a m Beach Suit , . . T o - fnay want a Palm scK wardrobe. Why no* 'Ken you consider iho sail c o s t . . . Why not— .you can got a grey. !? Basinsss—a white for
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Director Archie Mayo began show business as a spieler in a medicine show. \
im Pdm'Eeach Slacks, $5
Dictatorship- in Massachusetts ^_ Assemblyman Coyno intro\ duces legislation to fores all pub\ l i c entertainers to use their real / \ames. Would like to make it a Mderal law. Ho says out of a Jist j oi\5oo Hollywood actorsf he fouVd 65 per cent were of SuroPean\birth! We'll wager there are more than 500 foreign-born filta actorer most of whom are naturalized American citizens ; . » and masking undor their real names! Ooh . . . what to do about 'that? The legislator further states that "thera are many artificial; stars in Hollywood who in reality bolong in ths ranka of seconfi-clara amateurs." How revealing their real names will cure such a de-
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DON'T FOKGST Special Pries on Talaissm for Holidays Gifts for Bnr Mitcvcis ties. GOD H. CO—_IA £372 P. O. Bos 710, Omaha, Xeb.
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UNITED — This dramatic reunion of husband and wife occurred after the Chesapeake Bay Steamer, City of Baltimore, burned, 14, miles south of Baltimore. Rescued in separate boats, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. White were_ frantic for each other's safety, until they met as above. She still wears her life preserver.
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CHINESE—Striding for strateBic positions in the PeipingTientsin area in North China, Chinese and Japanese artillery fought duels; while infantry forces clashe'd'in. close fighting. Above are Chinese troops as they, arrived at the front, shortly after the fighting in early July •which led to the' present crisis, presumably they, are part-of the army that has .fought near Pelping. This picture was taken at Lukouchiao.
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DIRECTOR—Commodore Ernest Lee Jahncks of New Orleans, assistant Navy Secretary in the
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S%ATE CONFUCT-Ttis Greek OtU.wiox bishop Is M w helped
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WHEAT CROP LARGEST SINCE 1S27 — For the first tisie :n many seasons a golden harvest of grain-is putting iiard cash into pockets of western farmers. The-Federal Government estimates 882 0C0C00 bushels of wheat, most since 1927, and 2,572,000.000 bushels of com this year's.crop. With a wheat shortage jn^the world's supply, and an excellent market at home, together vrAh a good demand for com, the national farm income this year should exceed $9,500,000,000, according to estimates by the United States Department of Agriculture. Kence, scenes like these, taken this year on faros near Creve Cosur, Mo., <xre making the fenr.ers
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elad. Last year tlie. nation v,-as I^L 1: O.o A o..5l >. Oi.<,1n ii its historv and principal food-producing- rreas irlt the devastating effect Of frost out of season, violent; storms snc; witnermg dry •Us Reminiscent of these are the pictures above showing the . spell; lorado fanner contemplating a blamed whoa I 'ield and the f^nneT~arnoii?"his~~biiEhted'"cornstE.lks-. But fh;s yer:r there has beeri pient<- of rain in most sreas arid the threshers aireaay are at work. Riling up huge mountains ol str&v; from which has been taken the harvest of valuable grain. Grain for export v.-ili probafclv provide e boo~ta? business, too, Tor ;,"'.r;ic .<=-r'cor.ra ports.
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stately shaft is the Tower of Memory, erected at.Liege, Belgium,-to the soldiers and sailors of the Allied Forces who lost their liv.es in the World" War." It was-recently dedicated at ceremonies- presided over by King Leopold of the Belgians.
WAR—Units of France's mechanized army
ged a demonstration recently at
asserted there was absolutely nothing wrong with the French
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IL DCCB IS 54—Premier Benito Mussclini recent:;- spc-t his 54th birthday with his family at th» seaside r sort i=. Biccionc, Ita.y, Here is how II Duee looked en & previous in the s™in.
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H SEEKS ismrM. SCSAP^-Britain's "vast armament program has caused so great a demand I ? 5 r a and s t o l that industry finds difficulty-in obtaining i those th metals t l ff or.peaceful opeaceful pugmte. pugmte Hence Hence m anneal has ieen made by the government for houseHUders to bring in their scraps. Here are men stacking thescrap metal at Stepney, London, for shipment.
^ —Jos Medwick, St. Louis Cardinals outfielder, past whom many pitchers have found difficulty in hurling baseballs. All this season iiedwicfc has batted .4C0 or Tatter. In 53 "games and 350 times a t ' b i t he scored 141 hits and IS runs. He has batted in 98 runs. His home i3 in Carteret, N. J>
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Page 0
vllle, Kentucky; and Providence, afternoon, in order to acsiire pub- structioa's to all JeT/ish reserve | which" is in DolanV district. in our faith -in thoie gas mask, is buried soiaelication In the current issue of army officers throughout . the | Nerts to H. W. Preniiss, Jr.,! Rhode Island. instU-utioWe and parliament*! . snti. . Leans the Serwish Press. Ffcone- F. il. wonu tu xc^cbicr ior Bervic© in jueMueui. ei m e . Armstrong corK r sscist autaor, is ie,u£-E2ng ou Mi,is Marian Katelman return- K., phone 650 or 4491.- . the 'army of the proposed Jewish Co. of Lancaster Pa., who told j loud. . . . Action, the leafiin, the cicts-torBuIpp have ed home Monday following a two the American Chamber of'Com-) Fascist and :nr.ti-5exnitic sin.eet o Fotrfet to <Usc-reclU e.nd to unrterState. . . . weeko' visit in Winnipeg Beach, CASTOR.AT SYNAGOGUE OISS M A PILL, merce in London that the United England, has called her tore!, "A VIA HEAT WAVE ' in Canada, where she Vas the FRIDAY States will hare a Fascist regime Tims *o" Reiaeaiber," & remarkSome one in the Nazi regime Cantor I. Eaucner of Cleveland, guest of Miss Esther Steiman. On in a few years. . . . Wall Street able story. . . . The joke is that Arts has a sense of humor. . . . J u l i u s MiE3es Rose, Beatrice, • Anna her, return trip, Miss Katelman Ohio, will be the guest artist at Fe&iure Erndicate. > is \whispering that the real rea- the norel • -has En . enti-Fr.scist Strelcher, whose paper, Der the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synaand Gisela Pill are- spending this spent a few days visiting friends son why Governor Lehman blsst- theme. . . . Edward Lasteer, Gc?In Minneapolis, Minnesota. She gogue at 618 Mynster Street, over Stuermer, Is notorious for its ed FDR's Supreme Court bill is. raaa-born chess wizard, v a e freed week at Gull Lake, Minnesota. filthy contents, has-been appointwas extensively entertained dur- the week-end. This Friday eveMrs. Lehman. . . . A from a . British prison, where lie ning,- August G, Cantor Hausner ed special commissar to watch' German residents or - Flori • '. ' Miss Charlotte Gelfand of New ing her stay. •WSE held as ac enemy alien clur- MOT-IS E over the -utilization o£ garbage. MORTGAGE will conduct the.Sabbath Services York city arrived here Sunday •.' to The Phi Epailoii PI fraternity visit with her..parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Gross entertained and he will officiate.-at.the syna- . . . He's the perfect ni^n for the cabled a message of congratula- ling the World. War,, only fcec&use Notice ii- herebv p " f r . thai : O n th« the British chess, cham- 20th closed its annual. Phi Ep day last Mrs. P. H. Gelfand, 1615'Isabella thirty guests at a Dinner Party at gogue \ at: the -regular/ services , on job. . . . William RIppel, the War- tions to U. S. Ambassador Eisg-| fce dav of AuriiRt. .to." 7. p.t .30 o'clock ham in London for his bold cepionship. . . . " • Charming Jecxette saw lawyer who tried to lead a A. M. e.i Ufect Furniture Market. 2514 Sunday evening, •with a formal s t r e e t . Saturday morning,August • 7, • '•'":••.•'•'• . , • • • • • • • • her apartment at the Hotel ChiefL.er.vercv.-orUi fiav.tK. Omaha, ''Nebrasnounciation of dictatorships. . . . Weinstein, the girl Friday o£ couple of hundred;young Polish. dinner dance In the Martin Hotel. ka, the un<3<??i:ii|;ne<l v-ill .sell s8 -public tain on Monday evening.. Miss commencing at 8,: 3.0 o'clock. CanREFOKT Adam end Emsraiel Eoeen, the auction tc £h* hiphtst Wdfcr for Eighty guests attended the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marsh,; 1005 Sally Coh^n of San Francisco, tor Hausner 4s well^recommended Jews on a inarch t to Palestine, WE What Relbrni ,rabbi recently Palestine shipping; ' experts, mid- cash: The meeting opened. Saturday Sixteenth street, • 'announce ' t h e California was an out-of-town as-<k& very » able;cantor.. Every- has been arrested on a charge of O n e 3 M l Vs.vM°.~CBerlin is buzzing refused to officiate at- the •wed-- dle-aisled -.'it. the other evening one ; is ^cordially invited, to attend swindling . evening •with an informal gather- birth of a daughter, July; 30. ::r. guest present. n""705,•--Factory / with talk that Hjalmar Schaeht, ding of the son of one cf his -most •with Benjamin.Feldmtn. . . . The No. 4BT3.SS; one v elvet Davenport; these services., ...•-. . . . ..--. . ing at the Martin for the memt v c mohair chairs, distinguished congregants beo<e>v iOoxswell importance o£ this item is that Naziland's . economic magiclari, is bers. Preceding this, the Phi Ep Miss Dena" Baron, Mls3" Kathfable, on© mircause the bride insisted. on a • Mr." and .Mrs. "Max Cohn, and we had a' -weak spot for pretty slated to get the gate. . . . For ror. tV7f:table lamps. iwc bone white members •wer.e guests at an open ryn Gralnikand Edwin W. Baron ',- Th> "Brith" for- the Infant son b house at the home of Dr. and Mrs. visited recently in- F6rt r Dodge Mrs. Seymour Cohni are spend- of Mr: and-Mr,s/Louis Kohll was once Jews and Nazis agree on cfcupah? . . . T o please his bride, ] jeanette. . one- Crosier radio, one 10x13 Oriental ing the week visiting In Chicago, one thing. They don't like the groom, whose family has long' J. M. Krigatein, 3312.Jackson rue. ore eieof.-ic clock, tivee Cornier Illinois. They made, tho trip by held Tuesday noon, August 3, at Signiund Freud's assertion, that been prominently identified -with and Ires p~ints, ons walnut coffee street. < . • Mri and Mrs. George Erinberg motor. . .•.,-. the Mercy Hospital.: Rev. Z. Bar-Moses was an Aryan. . . . The Reform Judaism, got another rabtable, one floor lami), twe >; Sadler prints, one r-V,s? iirien'R- rujj. one Mr..and Mrs. Joe Kutcher and with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gralnik.. bakow of Council-Bluff s officiated Nazis object because it puts, a bi, also of the Reform persca- j walnut dep-k, ov,e or,k ^he^t, one ^ a i JJorey Bernstein, were hosts at a will leave this, week for Detroit, as'"MoheV'• ; ' • _ . . : ;. : ms?, atiticue pateiefr 1table.- sb: -.walnut crimp in their argument that the sion. . . . The Revisionists are j Rntiqup chajrs. "n^ walnut! cabinet, cocktail party preceding the where -Mr. Erihherg /.has been . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kohll,anchoiogy. All that persecution does not making any friends, for themnounce the birth of ason, born Ten. Commandments should be or.e S.3x10,6 AMBiinfiier rus, one 36dance Sunday evening transferred . i: n the Miller Wohl Tuesday.-.July 27 at the Mercy •Mrs."'• Saul Siivklsky .returned tabooed as the' work of a non- selves, by calling leaders o* the is to accelerate the tempo of that Piece set rpo,1<.» china, one *4f>-piece set Sterling- sP.ver, one mahogany " A business meeting Sunday af- concern. • .' • ".'"—L'-'• ' ".'•".' Hospital. . . . -.;..- . . - , home . Wednesday following a Aryan. . . . . While the Jews are Zionist Organization of America practical work, that Gegenwart- poster bed, snrfnft and mattress. -on« ternoon "Bras preceded by a noon week's -visit in -Chicago, •; 111.,horrified at the thought of Moses feuch names ES "14th. "Street EErfceit which is the- result of 1 luncheon, in the Martin. Address Ephraim : Baron will leave towhere ^she. visited/her mother, maple children's beds, be'ing anything but a good He- chiselers." . . . That was one of Zionist ideology, not its source. two c\nd mattresses, one walnut dresser, ces were made BV Dr. Lionel H. morrow evening-for-a weeks stay ;,.Mrs. Sol" Bordnlck and daugh- Mrs. I. Goldberg. . . • ; .; , It was to intensify this necessary one mnhopany l-ufprvi], one- map)? the least offensive epithets embrew. . . . . There must be lots of ters, Marcia and Shirley, of KanLondon, Dr. Lewis J. Disdale, Ep- i n C h i c a g o . • "-: • . . ' , - ' ' . - : ehllOB bureau, one S.S-lO.e AxinilnBter Orthodox Jews in Bombay. . . . ployed by Johsn SmerteEko, pres- activity that the Jewish Agency rue. sas City, Mo. are.spending a couore v/nlmit cocia" chest, twn hriam Baron, Dave " Albert and Mr.lHarry'.L.•Chernlss; underident, of th© American Revision- was enlarged by the inclusion cf leather upholstered r.isuforrh fockers. the officers. Robert Rosenfeld of Cecil Pill' returned hdme'this ple, of weeks here visiting at the went an _ operation ;for-.cyst in his The enterprising Bombay." street one bourlior eiip.ir. ons studir,; couoh, non-Eis'nists in IS£9. But the unDon't be surprisedCouncil Bluffs is the superior of week after a threes week", stay in, home of Mrs. Bordnlck's brother- upper, jaw Tuesday at the Jennie car company has issued speciaJ ists. one T'RIIHU v-Tiiirr," dosk, two hRnd tickets w'aich Jews can utilize en Meyer W. Weisgal 5s drafted to derlying and fundamental recog- . hooked ru^rs. one i."n:ver§al s.tove, on** the" fraternity; Loyal Kieri of the '.Fred Foreman home, Madi- in-law -and sister, Mr. and Mrs.Edinundson' Hospitaf. one Sroninc fcoprt'j, onp O»neral Saturday- and Jewish holidays put on the much-talked-of Jew- nitions cf Zionism hai tfe T ) !n- ,o. .t I]E!tfiblc, Sioux. City is- the vice-superior; son, South Dakota. Jack Steinberg. «ctric refricrerator Xr,_ 1492KS3,, one " '••"•'• j j-minute waslilnfr machine, o«e fi when they won't handle money. ish Day at the New York World's changed since the - cays , Sidney- Sands, Des Mbines, treaMr. Abe "Rosenberg Is expected t e r anfi Achad ' Ka-ara and " Gor- er elpctric sevinft1 machine, one Hoovcurer,' Perry Osnowitz and ' Isavacuum cleaner, one Tonstmaster Miss Sylvia- Grodinsky depart- • More than 200 persons attend- home" today from Chicago, 111., ... . Franz Werfel has been in- Fair. . . . Summer visitors to EB.& ' HersZ, s-nd canno er vited by the secretary, of the New, York are being victimized electric tonster, one Eas'-' ironer dora Shlndler, both of Sioux City, ed this .week for"her" home In ed th-j annual Picnic given by the where'he spent the past week. modes 30 N'o. io:us. one Hamilton League of Nations to represent by a couple of racketeers "who i s recording and corresponding sec- Kansas City, after "a" ten day.visit Council Bluffs Agudas Achim Soelectric miser, one Everhot New tfcere is little or no doubt Beach retaries. • " . •"-..••'. Austria at the next meeting of exchange for a nickel will take electric ronr-ter, one cflrfl table with her sister,,Mrs. William. Ti- ciety Sunday afternoon, August but what Mr. -Ormsby-Gore kncvrE the League's Committee for Ina penny and hammer out on it covered by chattel w first, at Kiwanla Point in Fairg e r m a n . ' ' ' \; • - . . .. ..;..;.••'.'• in favor tellectual Co-operation. . . . the imprint of the Ten Com-this very well indeed. A joke on 'of -Unitec. Finanoim mount Park. Numerous games A.ZI-A.. fciaa is the fact that the RC;T.1 POLITICAL DKPAltTMEXT mandments in Hebrew. . . . But Milton Grueskin and Leonard for both young and old featured If the: anti-Naii' issue plays a the stickers haven't yet gotten Connnission'Sn its report tookt tno the afternoon's program. All l s i-T.larck-2.- IK'i-'nnii 1 At a recent outdoor meeting of Lebowitz' spirit last .'week end at prizes b«?n (lied Ipart i n the forthcoming- New •wise" that the He"brew_^-ords are unintelligent- cognizaffl-ee -o were donated by local. Jewv ^ j m ' the o;?if"e o? thff y Clerk ot <h© A. Z. A. chapter, nine new Lake OkobojI. " " fundsments,! matter' and' ; t)otif:laR Cmtntv, > all -wrong. . . . •;s," on fti* York mayoralty election, Samuel ish merchants. Mr. and Mrs. H. members were elected into 'the I so -doing ""reduced own recora- I 4th fi.ij — : Judge-Wm.'M:"Lewis of Phila•s-111 ABOUT PEOPLiS for the piirr-osst, of *flld Mrs. A. Rapoport. of Cedar Ra- Saltzman were' awarded a prize delphia, T a ; vice-president :• of the TJnterinyer may find himself in group. • They include Sol Rlfkln, menflations to the abcurts. For for romp. (\f. for being the: oldest couple, and. UnterNegro organizations sre plan-1 Cecil Pill. Norman Wasserman, pids, and. Mrs. ,Ed Ross of.De- Mr. and - Mrs. Maurice " B; Kateldaist- Organization of America, an embarrassing spot. V i said that the Jewish:State it-of- cruins oostR," unc for Sh« pn?po->#. o f Stanley Shulkin, Nathan Fish- troit were.- guests in the A. Slut- man . were :also awarded • a prize was.'named-; acting "- president .of myer has endorsed the candidacy ning to make the birthday o: ! fered -vrould -satisfy hp • r^riirs- satisTyini^ the pmoiin? '. ' ,.*• ! on, to-wit: S^is.Ofi: of Grorer Whalen, -who in 193S j Samuel Leibowitz a national "holi-.gold,. George. Galinsky and" Eu-sky Jidme lastweekend. for being the -youngest married the • organization •in" the absence indignantly demanded that Unter- day aniong the colored people | tion of the Eiocists EO longer "to gene Sherman. The new mem:ouple" present at the picnic. Plenmyer's Anti-Xazl League repudi- honor of his achievement in igestleiaea cf the Commission bers were Initiated into the chapRuth Grueskin^and Ida Cohen of "pop and ice cream were disate a press release claiming that breaking the Scottsboro case. . . . 'were far too intelligent'not to im- 7-S0-S"-3t. FJXANCIAI, f.F/f-;<-TC~. ter Wednesday evening. Marvin visited last week with friends in ,y tributed • free to "all guests. Each : Whalen had joined' its board ol Adolph Kline was the pledge master. the" SJonisfs hope',.; O m a h a . , '••'_.• . . . p S. Oko, *oriner librarian family, brought -its, -own picnic directors. . . . And he got the re-of ' the • Hebrew Union College, Plans . were also • ""completed or the liberation'of ;'his people iupper basket, Mr.' Herman 'Meytraction. . . Mayor La Guardia, and his second vrife,'are accept- • f r n i r .Wednesday evening for the Sioux rc.2Eor.ity life means Hrin gir«n©® Mrs. Joe Cohen entertained srson was general " chairman' of on the other hand, who'll " be ing mazel tors on the- birth of a City chapter's participation in the eight guests at a .luncheon this this affair., and he was assisted fe-w hunfi'refi hope for cot s opponent,is , a vice-| . , \ . The proud paps, v/ho Nf;t Hfs.v* K "Whalen's EOa summer convention to be held week in the Martin-hotel. .Zionists, bit : by O. ,-Hochman, Charles Saltzpresident of t h e Anti - Nazi | fc£<j two children by a pre this week end in.Council Bluffs. le ;! p for the Jewirb people, the whole man, Harry r Kubby, Sam Meyer'Athletic contests will hold the at- Abe Baron of "Rock Island, 111- son,-and Sam Rosenthal. League. . . . We jveren't fooling j marriage, is nearly sixty. Jewish people, even it net, in-' Cost tention of tho visitors during the Inoi9 visited -.with, friends in Sioux •when we warned you that those | Boris Drasin, boss of the deed, Ebore all tor those mire- j meet. Siouz City will- Send a ten- C i t y l a s t w e e k . •- •" -: - - • • • - - . r vigilante committees -springing; up resettlement project at deemed. isiillioEs -^rhora. th. philos- i nis, team and a baseball team to Mlss - Rhoda. Krasne, daughter everywhere had an anti-Semitic town, N J., is nose other t l a c t i e • of Eionisrs fcss rtoi yet en-!i:< compete with other chapters. f Mr.; and Mrs George Krasne, Taisara, One of the leaders of pappy cf enee and set.free. tinge. Minne; Twenty members of the chapter • Miss Sophie^Parker'of returned; home Saturday evening the" Citiz-ns' National Committee, jSO ngbird. . . . Julius Blocti ; ! The action cl Parliamsi broad-i apolio, visited'this -w'eek with expect to. attend. . . ollowing a six weeks' "visit in an outgrowth of the • Johnstoirn, j feasted into<T the White Househ atTi i S i ess cur presp.sct Miss Sarah" Sadoff. 1(03 Angeles, California wHe Pa., vigilantes, is 'Don Kirfcley, j painting, Yoiirg Worker," " I reconcilssr-ug ..p«c-i he -visited at the home of her former editor of a K.K.K. sheet, j j a g been selected fey Mrs. F3.S to | p j e ; n cousin, Miss Marjqrie Krasne. . . . State Senator William A. | decorate the m i l s o fine Press-1 t ^ a t Sctdely She was extensively • entertained Dolan, an ally "of "Mayor yranfc J aectlal msnEloa. . . . We-ir5pe t i e | p^p, during her stay in California. Lee Prer.ru *S-; c py C of . Jersey • City, • TTSS • the! discovery o" Mr. Paul lielchook, son of Mr. r retained hy'-fhe Nazis to j year-old lews State College chein-j cause ocee" mere to BritrJE and'Mrs. E. Lelchopk, will be Mr. and Mrs. Abe H,-Marcus search for the title of the 100-jlstry wisard, of a new poisoa grssjtfes wcrM. It does more than. ths-,4, | married to Misa Ruth Kaplan, of Auburn^- Nebraska, left Sunday _ _ a f f p, c a acrs Caza?-NorSIacd at. Andove'r.iTrfclcli. destroys erery tno-sra type It fortifies• us. end-all daughter of Mr. .and, Mrs. Meyer cf Dr." Stephen S. -TTics, v u o 'a for St. Louis, Missouri for a two Kaplan, of- Omaha, on Sunday, weeds' vacation. While they aro noyr in Zurich'as the head of th-3 August 15, a t ' t h e Omaha Jewish gone, their daughters, Misses American Delegatipn' to the" 20th A. Z. A. CONVENTION Community Center. Beverly and Darlene "Marcus,- trill Biennial T?orld Zionist Congress. Everything j a in readiness for A reception honoring- the bridal iait in Council Bluffs at the ; Prior to sailing for • Europe Cr. a full week-end activitiea when •paXi will be held from..8 to 1-0 Wise, who re-elected" presip o'clock at the Omaha Jewish the Council-Bluffs Chapter No. 7 home' of 4.b.eir maternal. grand- dent ,'at the 40th"Zionist' Convenof the A. Z. A. will play Hosts to parents, Mr. and Mrs.' H.. SaltzCommunity Center. Relatives tion, in .New York,; asked Judga and'friends are InvitedT to attend the Corn Belt Region b£ the. A. man. Lewis to 'act ia : hig behalf, .until the recepUon for which no cards the . latter. part of .Mr. and Mrs.-Ben I. Seldlnand -his return in : : Have been Issued-. ... sons, Millard and Teddy, are ex-August.-" V. ""-':'.-"•.__"- - • J. "" M e y e r M a U s l s g e n e r a l c h a i r m a n Judge ' "Lewis', -fias been * promicharge of all arrangements. ected home today from a motor Important on the social calen- in nently identified with the.Zionist Registrations will take place at trip to Michigan City, Indiana, dar, this week, was the luncheon the Hotel Chieftain: on Saturday where Mrs. Seldln spent the past leadership In;'America for. many last Sunday afternoon given by evening, August 7, from six 'until month - visiting relatives. Mr. y e a r s . - . ' / " " • • ' : . . , • - ' • • * •"•' - ] ~'~"."•". the Misses Ruth, Lillian, and Idanine During Dr. •'Wise's afcssnte Sunday, morn- leldln and children motored to Orlikoft in honor of. their sister, ing? o'clock.andon Judge Lewis will'conduct the. affrom, eight until twelve Michigan City last week. -Miss Eva Orllkoff,' whose marri- o'clock. fairs . of the ; Zionist- Organisation ;: .-.••'• age will be an event of this-fall. of-America.: and,mobilise ; AmeriMiS3 Mildred Fox of St. Louis The programs will include an The date of. the wedding, October can .Jewish-sentiment and public held .by. minature cuplds, doves, "Ice Breaker" Party for all A. Z.Missouri arrived here Sunday for opinion in general with regard to a visit at the home of .'her cousin, S; was revealed In tiny scrols A. guests and. their "date3" to be the present situation in Palestine and In golden alippers placed on held Saturday-night at the Eagles Miss Rose Fox. Numerous affairs and the proposed partition of the will be given in her honor'during Hall, with-Eugene, Telpner In the dessert, at the luncheon. country,; «recoinmen<teer ia the her visit herel (o'clock Eighty guests attended the af- charge; a Picnic at Royal Commission Eeport. Sunday eveningat KIwanig Point fair which was held in the EgypAll news items for this column tian room of the Oasis. The bride- In Fairmount' Park -with Arnold should be'phoned in .to F . R. K. elects colors of Peach and gre"e*a Lincoln as" chairman. Frank •were carried out in the table ap- Plrsch will be in charge of the before fiva o'clock-each Tuesday pointments - and flowers. Minia- Amateur Contest to be held folture ships gave a clue to th© hon-lowing the picnic. On Monday, a f/EJ7 B0Y/LH1G BALL ' ... • By. PHINEA'S' 3. BIRON-' eymoon plans for a Carribean one o'clock luncheon-will be held PARTITION-PARTICUX.ARS at the Chevra B'na! Yisroel Byncruise. AT OIMHA FIXTURE < Some • British politicians " ^are agogue for all A. Z. A. delegates, J Bridge occupied the hours fol- with Irving Cohen in charge of seriously pushing, a scheme to The Omaha Fixture and Supply settle "the British war debt to the lowing the luncheon. Gue"sts from arrangements.. - The luncheon; is out of town included Mis3 Leila being arranged by the members Company has taken over the ex-United. States by giving Uncle Glatsteln ot Muscatlne, Mrs. S.of' .the Sisterhood of the Talmud clusive selling agency of the Gen-Sam Palestine in"! payment of half Sllverman of New York City and Torah. The Social part of theicon- uine Bates-Grip Bowling Ball, the debt. . . . That Comite d'Enwhich is the Ebonite ball in a Mrs. P . Block of Omaha, Nebra- ventlori will be concluded Jewiah ska. P W ^ t h r o p y took day night with a- summer formal Thursday evening, Mrs. J. Or- Dance to be called the "Horn grip to give bowlers a natural definite-form at a meeting in the hold, a natural release, £\nd a natlikoff entertained thirty guests at Pipe" dance with Norman Rosen- ural delivery. JBC's Paris'.of flee, on July 21. . an evening of bridge at Stbup and thai as chairman. Freddy Ebenaddition to this famous line It is said that Nathan'Katz; new Shaffers honoring her daughter. er's Orchestra will iurnish' the of In representative, bowling balls, the Omaha Fix- JDC -European musi • for this affair. During the ture Company sells bowling ball hag been charged with/ chief reMr. Meyer Raskin, 1119 Villa intermission, awards will be made bags, bowlers' < shoes for both la-sponsibility for effectuating the avenue, ha3 announced the en- of the Athletic Contests, to be dies and men, special uniforms, scheme. V ., , Back. ~ of Viscount gagement of hi3 daughter, Miss held both Sunday and-Monday. score books, as well as all tho Samuel's- scheme =. to - limit the Trances Raskin, to Ben Lelchook, other supplies required ia the Jewish, population of Palestine to Your greetlag problesa is solTe'd fey thi» eon of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lelchook, B'NAI B'RITH 40<y0 o f the Arab population is playing of the game. convenient gmctfeod of m-Ishiag your rela1107 Tenth street. The wedding theskilful diplomacy' of: the NonCouncil Bluffs Lodge No. 688 The Omaha Fixture and Sup•will be a September event. .'..! .Responsible spokestives &tsd friends' a Happy. New Y#&F.. • of the Knai B'rith is holding a ply Company also carries in stock Zionists.; ; Miss Raskin i9 a graduate of "Get Together" meeting Monday Mr. and Mrs. complete line of supplies* re- men for the : Jewish .Agency EzNo dancer cf tine ©m.hs.rra8S!3se«t of- for* Central High school and has Ve-evening, August 9, at the" Eagle quired for the upkeep of billiard, ecutiva regard the:-Samuel plan both £ar l» their tfielr friends £raeaas botn gettlstg- rsznsc-sc . . . s?.o trouble-. • • tisa« sided in Detroit vfor the past five Hall to stimulate additional in snooker and pool tables. Such as worse than partition. . . .'A near A Eappy and Prosper 1 -years. and terest in attendance and actlvi; Items as cues, balls, triangle, new * Zionist - party .-has' been -form©an Nsw Tear.=. • ties of the lodge. A program o chalk, cue repairs, brushes, and ed- in "• CseeHoslovakia -' with ' the Mr. r.. I Mrs. — CL'S Mrs, A. Cooper, and Mr. andspecial Interest has been formu. the various other Items required sole purpose of cornbatting -partiThese e,r-_-_J: i~ family' extend to t h e i r Sirs. J. Herman and sons, Nor- lated and about thirty-five guests when tables are in play, can' be tion. . . . TTTO factors held "rer Rosh Mends E: Et'erc Visiaes for A man and Harvey, of Minneapolis, have been Invited to be.guesta o secured here locally at the Oma-sponsible far Ensland's postponr- -t-c c' GreetHappy New Year, • .,.'-• The liinnesota, were guests thio week tho lodge. Every member and for- ha Fixture Company.' ing- of final action " on purtitSon iu the koine of I<Ir. and Mrs. Joemer mGinbera .vko* now wish t Only the finest qualities and are the-opposition ot 2^3 pi, to a SSr. and Mrs..—— z.z.2. Jiarsh. re-join the .organization, are urged nationally advertised lines ' a r e Je-T,-i3h State and fear that partifassHy wish. theSr frsents your to attend. Brother Simon Stein represented !n their stock and antion raisht interfere with negotsaltc, happiness tnd-prcsMiss Lelia Giatstoin of Musca- berg, chairman of. the refresh expert repair and service man istiations for r.r.- Ar~lo-Ancr!o: parity. in t i e eoxaisg year.* tine, IoTfa, visited this week in ments committee has- "prombe constantly on hand to take care reciprocal "tr".da tvsity. .- . Polish tho home of ,her aunt, Mrs. J. M. something Gpeclal in the form oi of the actual labor required on anti-Semites are IiovIIns tfcet iho Ur. sa ICrigsten, 3312 Jackoon Street. a lunch to finish the evening the tables. tils :."of • exien€'.~z K£vi;iGni:t3 here cent ssoret i While here, ahe attended the PhiBrother Millard Kracne is chair2 t.nS. hearty 1 £?zi Spiiiloa Pi convention. irSs'aes ' tor A. Happy' r.sd man of this meeting. Frospsions 5'ear to thsi? Funeral Parloro Arc rurnicIicJ!'ia. l-r«~c-I^!io Sriesds tar aafi sear. -• Among the gusst3 from out of Mr. Morri3 Passer has returntovrn who were here for tho Phied home following a two months! "CCURTECUS—SS^IA-LE" Ep danco wera Mies -Ruth Bel- trip through th& east. He attends'tey of Dubuque; Mi23 Maxinc ed tho National-'Gro'cero' ConvenLcbowitz and June Meycrson of tion in Boston, and then viallc Council Bluffs, and Miss Bernice relatives In "Philadelphia, New am a t 3Crc3 York City, Niagara Falls, Loulcorg of Omaha.
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