August 13, 1937

Page 1

r V? i « E WORLD'S A( 1 t e In our faith -in thofia itary institutions and which the dark Xorce3 of iorshipg have ..recently) discredit and to .under- fl



ii -

kt 1937 By p ature Syndicate! >-;; > C. HUPP, Attorney- , National:Bank Blag. 3F CHATTEL' MORTGAGE -•- -SAUE .;'..--V : a hereby -given" thai-Von the if August, 193". at.10'o'clock Jsed Furniture Market, 25H rth Street, Oroaha,"iJJebrasersigned will sell E& public the highest biaQgr. for 1-Pacteid- live t£»j8<ra(jer '.Sine . No. 322705,' Factory 3; one velvet Davenport: chairs, one iCoxswell occasional table, one mlrbla lamps, two bone white peases, one mahogany'desk, by radio, one 10il3 Oriental jelectrie clock, three Curnier -prints, oca walnut toffee •a floor lamp, two iv Sadler e 2}jx6 oriental .ras. one .sk, one oak chest, one tvoljoa gateleg table, six' walnut hairs. . one walnut* cabinet, " ,6 Axminster. rus, '.one 3ESpode'china,- onei*4S-pIeee S silver, one mahogany |d. spring, and mattress. - ono | bed, spring - and mattress, ge : children's beds; ^springs tresses, one walnut dresser, pgany bureau, one'; maple sreau, one 8.3x10.6-Asmlnster J Walnut cedar chest, fra> pholstered platform Jockers. for" chair, one studlij; couch, |ut;;-writinjr desk, two hand "Universal' stove, one Ironing board. one-General efrigrerator NO. 1492695. ono " ilns machine, ope Sinssewlnsr.machine. one Hoovcleaner, one Toastmaster [toaster, one Easy, lroner No. 10348. one Hamilton ctric miser, one :JBverhot laater. one. card




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V 1 Xha vievrs expressed by £.ud•vrJj 'JJCTvisolin' fa hia cqlnmn aro his own and do But aeces-

Darily reflect, the policies or attitude. . of eflr' publication;' Reproduction in srhole or in part etrlcUy jforbidden. . •M I D S I T M M E B , r -

Entered as Sscoad Class fiiaU Matter on January 21, 1921. at _: fostottica ot (imaha. Nebraska, onder the Act at March. 3, 1S79


I - N o . 32

c DEFY.NAr'j*^


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( ... v *'4%,S) — The first 5?..zed. defiance of the .. in Germany .by thourollowers of the milipastor Martin . . seller in front of his Berlin English and Yiddish Speakers] C"' cLU-ch forced the Nazi authorTo-Be FrescTitsd ities, to postpone the clergyman's .On Programs \ 46i tfial on charges of defying the . . if. overlooked and haye in- 1 JCazi The uripreceThe Omaha Ort Organization; TO COEDUCT not escape m creased every year. The child- I dented anti-Nazi demonstra tion committee met Tuesday evening i 1 pr,nrTTr.—^ tion. Homer, needless to say, did ren's- playground is rn constant in bold defiance ol the GesCenter Stti* ILL ; not know of the existence of his use. Friday is Children's day, betapo's order to disperse. The de1 '••.-•• " . " . S e a s o n - . , to discuss the progress ade &UT(comparatively Bpeating) ''neighginning with free golf lessons in monstration occurred after the I. the last week and to arrange ! Taoirs; o& Shakespeare's single The Pongregation ~ nc. ?"->With three thousand guests ex- the morning. The afternoons are police had canceled the evening Ifor the meeting to be held on contact with us through Shylock devoted to games and entertainlom has sgEin rTr r r e - ' service at Pastor Kiemoeller's j Tuesday evening, August IT, at I have -written a Whole book; at pected to participate in its "Pio- ment, — """; church. As soon as word of the S:30 in the lodge room cf t h e . E 2 e E t s for Cantor Her" rr Z~ "o- ' neers • Night" celebration, the one time or another I have read - > witz to conduct its s e n . r 1 ; • - hc =Country Club will DowiitOTm Quarters * police action became known thou- Jewish Community- Center. gill that has been Written by Highland sand, of anti-J{azi Prosiestsnts Last fall downtown quarters At that time Benjamin Tabach- held at the Elks Club ^ r,-c . ' - TIriend^arid foe on. Goethe and the mark the,fifteenth anniversary of_ converged on the church and held : ; i~ insky, Polish representative o" Hjgh KoIiaEys. Jews — and there is a good tieal its founding on Saturday evening, were opened at the Paxton Hotel ., ., , . . . i an impromptu outdoor meeting the Ort, will speak in Yiddish end : — ami have Trerified the d'o'cu- September 4, with a gala fete. I/ast year the c o c g r p ^ f T v f ? ^ of h An invitation to attend this to .provide a meeting-place for the i . , . p Ben Kazlowsky, will adress the so satisfied with. CEI ri mentation' of the various •vrriters " • .->- " ! singing. Unable to break up the of .Highland the year ' n o t only in Goethe's formal.-works outstanding affair has been is- members meeting ia English. witz's beautiful lyric ' r ; - M - ~ around. The winter activities in1 i hut in the remotest corners of the sued to everyone by Louis Hiller, clude buffet suppers every Thurs- gathering, the police arrested he was again asked *c r"<=r ; t ~ ' The committee also announces cr r : immense correspondence and in president of Highland. There day evening followed by Bingo hundreds, including Nieraoeiler t h a t i C" Isadora Shafer, Harry the services. win be no admission charge, and and cards. the voluminous conversations.Crounse, Sam Ruderman; Louis The ladies of the! i [In late years : my interest in the the program will include free en- Club have enjoyed this added fea•\Volk, Sam Stein, and S. Lipp and • entire subject has declined, al- tertainment, a style show, "danc- ture of downtown quarters as it the Mesdames Louis "VTitkin and 1 is conveniently located for afterthough I still consider Goethe, a% ing/ refreshments, and games. Jake Eahn have beea added to One hundred members of the noon parties. • I have always done, the greatest the solicitation committee. poet and the profoundest thinker Club, dresssd in the garb of early Stags for the men were held The Ort is a constructive agenand the noblest master of-life and western -pioneers will act as hosts this past winter every two or cy providing industrial and £grilife's -wisdom ,if not of the ages, to the gathering which will in- three weeks. cidtural training and experience , r-r* r r r then of Tecent centuries. But clude both Jewish and non-Jew- " The social sedson at Highland for Jewish men and -women, in even his "attitude and comment ish guests. has always been outstanding cliEastern scd Central Europe by Allen Kohan is serving as gen- maxed by a style show sponsored have lost to me the relevancy means o£ trade schools £.nd ia•Washington (JTA) — Describ"which "they ^seemed to. have to eral chairman of the affair, with by/the merchants of the city who dustnal and far sooperaing New Jersey as "the worst tires. .jnany good and wise men only a Louis Hiller and Sam Leon as co- are members. , chairman. Harry Trustin Is in 'very few'years ago. In connection Besides Mr. Hiller presidents hotbed of Nazism," Samuel DickThe Omaha cominitter includes 7 -wilh the_jvhoie matter It is. clear charge ol tne construction of an of Highland nave Been: Edward stein (Dem., N. Y.) last week ap- 'ax Crounse, clialrmaa; LIrs. J, ; Geneva (JTA) — 12 (a) that from his impressions of outdoor stage and booths for the Treller, Herbert Heavenrich, and secretary, zvA John 1 t i e Palestine Gorernrr^s the wholly medieval ghetto of carnival. Abe Herzberg: Mr. Herzberg serv- pealed to the Houae. to pass a resreport, the Perm&nen. . olution. investigating "isms" ill .^ II Feldman, treasurer. .rrankfurt-am-Main during his Louis Lipp is writing' a news- ed in office for eight years. childhood Goethe, despite person- cast that will present in. vivid the "United States. lions was "ciicerstO'Od Larger Jewlsli al K benevolence and •humanity fashion the outstanding events of It is impossible to pass legist-; .wO to have. delivered a F r topic over the atmosphere of "the Highland's fifteen -years of existion against Xazia -without an in- j "Foruni Is nice" to tlie Eumlnists; t 'mediaeval attitude; that (b) hetence.-Jerome-Gordon will be .in vestigation i a which testimony; supine attitude modified this attitude by personal charge of the Style Show; Dave could be taken under oath from j Arab officials." thought and ethical energy;-when- Feder -f the entertainment, Eragitators "trying t o substitute I . ' ——;— f "the C o r " ever the Teason seemed adequate nie Nogs of the concessions, and " cow nna their form of government for j Plans are now underway • r to him; that (c) Sis social rela- Richard Hiller and Eddie Rosen, The Deborah Society will fur- ours," Mr. Diekste'in the program fox tne was relirMy learreS, ' said. He de-jjcomplete l tions -with various Jewish famil- personnel. nish refreshments for the Talmud clared millions o! dollars were J coming season of the Jewish Con-,atnazeiB.ent Et G ~--, of EtifboTit?-- PS "'< ies-in -his later years -were proThis affair will bring to a close Torah picnic to be held Monday, i being spent here for propaganda j cert and'Lecture' Series. This foundly cordial'without a hint of tin summer season of the Club August 16, at Fontenelle Park, j which, he said, an investigation j Jewish Foram will be greatly en-; condescension and ' that during which has been one of the most The- Counselors of Camp AMba I would prove were supplies! by the \ larged as it will this year replace : otlicials to the El 0 IA. the Community Forum. this period he]made observations successful in the history of High- will be in charge of games. I Nazi Propaganda Minister oil" the Jewish people -and its land. For those who have no way of j Mr. Diclcstein was supported ; The best lecturers and the out- : The exp Is nation o"" < standing pepsonalities in the rjtish re]>rs;ser.t£i:ires character which t h e \ Nazis are: • ... ..Organised getting to the park, cars will be ! by John TT. McCormacfe (De passionately expurgating from his The late Edward Treller is giv- provided at the Jewish Commun-1 MassJ) who said publicity Tras ' field of .Jewish fine ayts will be ra6 of lie:\s.\ .s pref erre " t o .Oraata. . The f irs* en the credit for being "the indiv- Sty Center until 10:30. The Fon- necessary t o - k i l l the •subversive j' "brought =••>>" idual perhaps moat responsible tenelle Pavilion will serve as a i movement. [ Speaker, scieduled for "November 0 ' 'urft S c P h t V ^ Ft ~r P • ] - 1. return to the subject for th"efor"•'•the•"organising of HJghland. X'slng National Guard riHes, ! •vrill sjveak .on the Palestinian sit- f£ central meeting place. i Tcason that- ori-fa-reiaing the icl•...SlJltoa'Xivingstpn, he IT- : ratios. .A. tmBoi . GS Up Gtin the Assisted; siyEiaary -p]aas.-wb.ich..l Jiegulsr classes of the .Talmni iES.iformed Nazis are getr*-pr£cnc"e~" every nlglii' in '& \ i&aiil&iiTe'isii groups W»J eonstart shooting range in Passaic, K. J., j linue the discussion. This TTE} intuitive -act' concerning-the en-! culminated ia the .first meeting, .. • > Mr. Samuel Dickstein charged. j all points of view will be able to tire problem of. the Jewish, peo- held atbis'home; in 1922. ^r • •~^ n At that meeting the first officThe range, Mr. Dic&Etein said,; express themselves.' ple and a. prophetic vision of the 7 '" .bis, it T = conclude i torn t is at 527 or 529 Passaic Are. Tfle ! - Epiraim Mark's is chairman of idlstan/ and then undreamed-of ers elected' were Edward Treller, Stood., tliE t the •Pal.est.^o C r T e president; Herbert Heavenrich, name of its proprietor, Walter j the committee in charge. Tickets -character 61 tha conflict of the r *r c. a Luedtke, was placed in the re- j will go on sale the first part of Jew. in tbe modern Jworld. The vice-president;" Moses Herzberg, capacity t o prctect it rv 'i , cord by Mr. Dicksteiii as one in j September. . document In question is a book treasurer; and Sam Leon, secreials as well as its El: , - a new list of eleven alleged Nazi; review, written iby. the .young tary.- The details of the organizaprestige. tion vere handled by Isador Ziegpropagandists. The others were i Goethe in 1775, that is, at the Dissatis factio:c y.;.;v « listed as: j age of 23, for the Frankfurt pa- ler.- Mr. Heavenrich is now a esplariations Mas Koonig, treasurer of the j per to which he then occasional- resident of Milwaukee and Mr. Operetta, Carnival, and Dinner breaks 5n ITS6 was s «c r • Herzberg lives in California. Hudson. County (X. J.) local of; d ly^contributed... It.Tfal$;some defeature of Final ed. The Commissior r:rrr The property now occupied by the German-American Volksbund. i I cades before the - questions of as' t h e question of tne l r "i" r . . . Exercises the. Club was purchased at 125th Uar*in Spaeth, of Hudson Coun? siinilation or emancipation in the Boston (JTA) — The political e r s -:n ^ g createst det" ' ~ ty, "VvrPA foreman. imbdern sense were raised; it was and Pacific street immediately af,_ r" Camp Akiba, the Jewish Comstirg-ery ol Palestine by Britain. jy qxte?f.ionins John ter the birth of. the organization, Werner Jueterowsky, of the ' only two ye^ars. a.fter ^Moses'Meni=O t» r munity Center summer home drew the wrath and fire of Jew! Kail, who TES Chief <=»—n'f-rj delssohn with his- xeply to Lava- and by 1923 work on the club- camp, will bring its third success- same local, German conuaunist ish^aad non-Jewish leaders who the Palestine-Adraistrp-ici i r 1 ter had ".entered upon his strictly house was started. In 1924 the ful season to a close after lunch turned Nazi. addressed a protest meeiLcg cf . recentlv. Gustave^ FlacS, leader of the the ! Jewish activities. Yet Goethe, al- Clubhouse and Goif Course were today. ed ,ir. Kathoni-Hall d'•• inost a youth, proposes-the cen-formally opened. Trenton, N. J., local, represent^ ^ , / _ „ „ . , XJo11 „_„,,,„ r , , : Thursday was to have "been deDuring the past fifteen years toric Faneuil Hall "cradle of: administration, ceclar ing propaganda films. tral question of a distant future voted to a carnival in the gymWaldemar Othmer, director of American Liberty'' last week. Tp-: surrection. had cai-kgh and touches upon: ihe conflict of the Club has with rapid strides nasium, to be followed by a dinshot of the session was a resoluincreased membership and activithe Trenton Young Men's Christ- tion which "L". S. Senator Henry orities by surprise sin Eenerations yet unborn.; ner and operetta in the auditorno suspicion of immir-' T Cabot Lodge, the principal speafe-He . What was the book he review- ties to such an extent that it eas- ium. All articles-made by the ian Association. explained t the me t ily weathered the deprssion until John ^Fitting, pastor of'Tren©d? It; was called "Poems by a er, promised he would at once the campers during. the season were : • Polish Jew," and: though the "au- now in 1937 its membership and on exhibit, including: lamps, ton Presbyterian Church. place in the hands cf -Secretary fr-.r-n crces ol security c-v - „ "Willie Luedtke, Deutsche Kon- of State £ordeii Hull. thor seems not have given his activities have "surpassed any- placQues, trays, pictures, hairnature of ths terrair name, his portrait In modish cos- thing ever visualized by its foun- hands, bandannas, belts, stamp snm-Verband (pro-Xazi economic o Senator Loage declares l i e •of "U£-i""iua rct"'v-':iF' i organization) director in Xew tume adorned the boob. Goethe ders. s>ed Jewish Elate r a s inadecollections, and photography col- Torlc and New Jersey, leader of i All through the course of its lections. •begins his review: "We. hasten to ter o* subversive t a c v ~ -•" ~ the Passaic local. assure our readers that the title existence the plant of the Club without tee holy places was toThe Toy Band played the overMr. Kail was tv— ->r" has; undergone; change' anC imof this book has mads a Very favBruno Trex. New Jersey dis-, i a a d e q n a t e . 'This attitude of ture for the operetta which was great detail on the Arr' ' ; " miante ccnvertirable" impression on: us..; Here, provement. A new, dining room entitled' "The Adventures of a trict press agent, reporter for the , ^.^ abKity to c -' •vre though, a fiery Bpirit, a sen- and dance hall were added to the Doll Child." Costumes,were made Tv'est Beobachter, of Eanover, ' sion,' he said. "It was my grand-j sHuatioa, zssd e E1S~ sitive heart, having lived even to small original ^building. In ,.1930 by the campers themselves, and Germany. father who-offered ths Joint res-i the Br;n?nmaturity unSer a rude and alien the building was again enlarged all the-campers participated in ' Kurt Schumacner, secretary of olution adapted Sy Coajn'°ss c n gt lengfh and in 1935 ah outside dance hall sky suddenly enters our "world. the Passaxc local June 30, 3S22, and signed "by. with fhe Arab comait the final activities. TWhat emotions -will bestirred in was built. The following year a -Edward Mathias. employed ^ President Harding oa September TheCamp was under the diIt -was ciesr the cor new men's locker room, card him, -what observations will bfe rection of Miss Ruth Allen who the Du Pont works, treasurer of 21, 1922. " hardly ccs-sidered ^ rooii and lounge were added. made by him to whom all this is Protests against "lack cf fair. Ktateraents a satisfao assisted by the following staff of {the Psssaic local. e This Tear 1 jnew." This theme Goethe .exand breach of faith. ' implied in nation. This year the Board of Direc- counselors: Evelyn Dansky, Bet-1 pands. He'expected of the Jewish the proposal to par ilesty. Fellman, Florence Steinberg, [ i l l S ' Tus Commission's tors sanctioned the rebuilding of poet In contact with the German tir° % - e " Alta Hirsch, Ruth Fine, Haskell f E. E. ~ .the Ladles Parlor and the addicivilization of his day fresh persinan tor Cohen, Dave Allen, and Bill Gray. ceptions from his point of view, tion oE XDpre'rSpace to include a a new, a sharp, a vital Jewish new shower, locker space, and equipment. Plans EMIGRATION CAUSES' ".. criticism of life. "That is," Goe- modernistic - r - ,— , ' rV New York (WNS)— The nuc-the Bums up, "what we~hoped for, were also launched a.t the* same • - PSYCHIC DISTURBANCES time for the remodeling and reber_of Jews in the House o and our hand graBped/— the : resentatives was reduced to nin" wind," In other words, that Po- furnishing of the main lounge of Paris (WNS) — Emigration is with the sudden death tere of lish Jew of 1772 was one of the the -Club House. The Golf Course of Highland ia so often a cause of psychic dis- Representative Theodore A. Peyspiritual'ancestors of the long "line of mere servile assimilation- considered one of the finest in turbances because emigrants can ser, who had been a member cf ists, imitators, producers at sec- the city, and it and the greens are never give up their old home en- ths lower house of "Congress since ond hand. He learned German kept in* excellent condition. Golf tirely and rarely take permanent {1933. Congressman Peyser who' L- F, not to display to Germans In their enthusiasm has grown rapidly root in their new homes, so that '- was 64, never held public office 3i « — .. .-' tongue the spirit of "a Jew but to and the golfing program is now not even the most benevolent at-, i until his election to Congress in 'L r 1 be a rhine-stone or reconstructed under the direction of an effic- titude of private* individuals and | the Democratic landslide of 19SC, ' '"" "T*"" G°rtaan. And so the yonns Goe- ient professional, Bill Schuchart. organizations toward refugees,! when he defeated Mrs. Ruth Ba3 - "- ~ the roundly and jusly expresses A feature of the summer season nor the most beneficient treat-I er Pratt in the 17tn ment" accorded them some | al district.of Xe-w Yorl;. his disappointment and irritation. is the 'Hub tournamentTuesdays at Highland are set countries can entirely solve thei Ke was reelected in 1S34 a m "It is no doubt very: praiseworthy tor a* Polish Jew to: renounce aside for thei women members of problem. This is "the considered! 1936. A successful insurance cxeof Dr.. _Erich cutive when he entered Congres. _ _ . Stern,"Paris __._ ._ ' trade,' cultivate the Muses, learn the Club. The mornings are de- opinion G - German, turn out little poems; -voted to golf followed by lunch- psychologist, who has just com-; Mr. Peyser was the author but if withal one 'doesn't accom- eon with Bingo and bridge in the pleted a stady of the psychclogi-. bill to make Governor's Islsn cal Teaction to emigration ainons York's airport. He also .toe r plish more than any Christian afternoon. Btuderit of art and-lettersT then It : An innovation of this year's Jewish refugee? irom various sn active part,ia seeing to. sat1Saturday countries.. '" . ' i the late Helmnth Hirsct, natura seems to us not at all fitting to season has been "• ——— j.ized American J e w WEO wag br make such a bother about one's evening dinner dance 'with a fine • eleven-piece orchestra- furnishiBgj The three men credited . -with ^ headed ia Germany, aisd being a Later on the assim- the umsic. The Thursday night! Being the founders of .Judaeo- ; ed. the "Warner-Peyser "Cnersploj- * ilatiouists made, of course, no buffet suppsr3 which met with so Spanish culture are: fhe Talmud- j meat Act. A bachelor, he ha pother about their Jewishness. great a success at the downtown ist Mosen ben Chanoch; • the An- travelled widely and But with ouch frank and einpha- quartera has been continued at | dalusiaa sranimarian,- Henacheni votee of sports. Hs was born, i tie aping as Goethe here sets the Clubhouse so that Thursday ben Saruk; and Dunash Ibn-Lar- Charleston, West Virginia, an forth the-process.'had necessarily rat, creator of the artistic form settled in Xev.' Yort City when he f - r i r finda many famiiy gatherings. was 27. (Continued on page 8.) The activities for children have t of Jewish poetry.

" For purposes haying nothing' to do "with this column I .hare been re-reading Homer, Shakespeare, Goethe. And "since ire are" all like the proverbial J e w o£ the story and ask concerning every matter: Is it good'for Jews? — so the often and passionately de-






W ' -HlS V-


Festivities For' Ending of

-chattel mortsafre -in favor Financial'.-Service.^ signed srledffcd. by Edward G. Margaret TTedell, husband J said mortgage being daied rlQOTi'-'aniJ hsivinir been filed aice of tho County; Clerk of 1 County. Nebraska^' on the If March. iDST.'Sata aals xtll! « purpose at forocioalns' »a Id I for-costs a! sale Mid alt u pis, ana .Tor tha purpn»a, of f Iho simounx n o v At3Q> there-

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Xalmud Torali ' ' Picnic Will Be -' •. •'.Heist on Monday

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; for Coming Year

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Page 2

as Jack Xubelsky, Ben.Serais' as tionalisms at war with'' one an- ! posal concern this corapar.r* very i Jewish shops here were painted Benjamin Anselvits, Irving Ber; with ..SRti-Seniitir: Inscriptions, other, a document that -would I closely. lin as Isidore BEliae, Al Jolson have commanded more confidence I "I wotila, however, remind yon ; whsis t-.t EeiUhen, pcesie of preas Asa Yoelson, Fannie Brlce as had it exposed equally to the I that' the- partition scheme cos-. • vious rioUr.g r.seiiwt Jews, And light of day the failure a!,so cf icoEie Into rsistence only as a re-' Hinccnburj- c.vcv.-f.p gathered beFanny Borach, Ricardo Cortez as mandatory imperialism to rise to | suit of •treaties which will have ; fore -Tcv;ij=h Fhop? Phouting antiJack Krantz, and so on down the its1 unparalleled opportunities." j to be Egreed upon by the three Jf^-inli fi'i^R". line of celbrities. JEWISH ACTORS FLAX FIGHT Dr. Magiies declares that- the I parties concerned, ispme'r, tbe i Loc»\I XREI o";i.€ip.3& asserted par* FOR JOBS "rights" conferred on the Jews ' Jewisn State, the Arab Sts-te ESCJ : ty members were not involved In (the Eritish Gcvernmeist. End ii-' the iucideiHF r.iu-i issued an *pUnemployed Jewish actors who Hebre™ 'University *?y ffce States which \roa the y?e.v are "a thousand times less im- | nally approves; by the League ol'; peal co tbe pisMie'to help trace have been cared for by the FedHead Denies Partition \ tnose responsible. portant than the consent, if It is ! Nations. e eral Theatre Project in Los AnIs Solution at all to be obtained, of the Arabs' I "During tbe neg-o'tistions many i I geles County have formed an or•who live in. the land and o* the i details will necessarily be ciscug•While an anxious world Manchurlan fur trade. They also Shanghai, will again put in an ganization to fight to hold their New York (JTA) — Terming ! - r -, e3 tbe developments of tbe founded synagogues,xa Zionist or- appearance. Equally certain is places on relief, it was • Teamed the 404-page report of the Pal-i Arab peoples -who -will conticue to I sed and adjusted. Tour directors , • Sino-3ap_neso conflict;. World ganization and" two periodicals in the fact that it the war lasts long yesterday. While orders have estine Royal Commission "a great I be oar neighbors even after" Brit- are in touch with, the British. Gov- ' , - Jewry Is also very much con- the Russian language. In com- the, Jewish community In Tient- been received from Washington State paper" and a "pitiless doc- j ish imperialism may have pass- erniaeEt with regard to these j i matters and will take all possible . cerned "about growing Jewish merce, banking arid the profes- sin will be seriously endangered. to cut down on all''groups of the umt/nt," Dr. Judah. L. Magnes, | ed." r . I J—, "With Arab consect," he states, steps to safe guard the interests community in China. With the sions they had little difficulty In Its existence depends upon the project. It is understod the Jew- president of tag Hebrew Univer"we could settle many hundreds of the company." exception ot Palestine, the Un« gaining, a .foothold. Most of•. the fur trade, which is In Jewish ish division will be. abolished en- sity In Jerusalem, -went on record ited States arid _ati_-America, Jewish residents of Tientsin are hands (tha't is why so many of tirely. Grip C Pas strongly disagreeing with Its of thousands ©J persecuted Jews China has -welcomed moreJew- concentrated In t h e> British, the ^ Americans trapped In Tient- PHIL BAKER ARRIVES XX proposal of partition as the solu- ia various Arab land*. Thst^is DISORDERS RENEWED IN worth a real price, TVithout Arab ; ish immigrants in the last half French, Japanese, American and. sin by the war are Jews) .-...It Is T.OWX" '.' " tion to Arab-Jewish difficulties. cocsent even our'four hundred " • decade than any other country other foreign concessions. Con- not likely that the Japanese will' Accompanied by. two of his Dr. Magnes' -views are niadei thousand in Palestine remain ia NAZI UPPER 1 • in t h e - w o r l d . . - •'••' .' :.".'•.--. / • ) •.•' sequently, they have thus *f ar been permit the JOWB to retain this three children and the accordian public in the form of a letter to I •• i . * Will the F a r Eastern gates spared most of the horrors of the lucrative business. .A protracted for which he is famous, the .noted the editor of the New York Times J jeopardy despite the momentary SILESIA " protecticn. of British bayonets." ..' close as a result of the Japan- bombardment.' which struck the war will also cut off Jewish lm-' stage arid radio celebrity, Phil written from Paris. Dr. Magnes admits that tbe R&tSbcr, German .Upper Silesia ' ; , <e_e imperialist aggression? migration' and seriously interfere Baker, has Joined the film col- Agreeing with the Commission's Chinese quarter. Commission has made out .a {JTA) — Renewed anti-Jewish •.- This article surveys Chinese ony i n Hollywood. He Is here for with the growth of the Jewish thesis that .the present system, ie C , ; » , In Shanghai the Russian Jews i i - * Jewry as i t ia today. • a part in Samual Goldwyn's "The which he described as "govern- j strong case for partition, but disorders occurred last week in j found a fairly well-established settlement in Shanghai. ~* counsels against it chiefly on the : several clues cf VrpeSilesia, un'M —THEEDITORT Sephardlc community in existThe Sino-Japanese war may be Goldwyn Follies.'" Baker joined meat by see-saw," must go, the j 1 ground that it -would create "pasence. It "was there that the late only -another of the periodic his wife and their four-month-old educator advances the theory that, sionate dissatisfaction" and that cer XE zi rule r'ree Jr. '- 3?, baby, Michael. Their other chilthe only practical alternative at j . " "Will the malevolent fate -which JJ. E." B.' Ezra founded' IsraeFs flare-ups that have 'characterised a sincere effort ought first to be ' through civil strife, rampant na- Messenger, the-first Jewish pub- events in the Far East since dren are Stuart,_ 2, and Muffet, the present time is one which will made to create conditions favor3". Baker, credited with being the permit Arabs and Jews to arrive 1929. But if it develops into a 1 tlonallsm and economic' disloca- lication in the «Far East; Under able to Arab-Jewish rapprocae•<• i •• I \ <-•. 1 S t, t i o n has closed one,avenue of ref- Ezra's ' leadership the Sephardlc major war Chinese Jewry may, actor who first made use of the at "freely and openly negotiated ment. uge after another to the millions community, ' -which enjoyed the and probably will, suffer the "stooge," said he may stay in agreements." Developing this thesis, the cf harassed Jews of Central and munificent 'patronage of the Har- Game fate as befell the. Jews, of Hollywood a long time as there Dr. Magnes contends that tbe educator argues tnat Arab-Jewish Is a strong possibility' that his Palestine administration has nev-Eastern Europe in the post-war doons, Sassoons and Kadoories, Spain since the beginning of the and. openly national radio program may beer made an effort to create con- agreements freely t years now bar the gates of China made rapid strides. .The Russian civil war In that country. reached could be "incorporated Tr broadcast from the film capital ditions leading to conclusion o* j too t o those -who eagerly, seek newcomers, together with, their (Copyright 1937 by .Seven Arts instead of from New York nest such agreements between the two j progressively into basic law o* Feature Syndicate) )ae-57 homeB? T h e undeclared English and American co-reli-' the land." fall. peoples. . j . .war between China . and Japan, gionlsts, joined "to. .establish a He says the - present mandate f .- f v i. r ; \ %- t OUR MAIL BAG i i i "Thus far," he writes, "there j ought to be changed to include t^rhich burst into flames while a B'naii B'rlth Lodge,; a Jewish 1Replying to Isadore Greenberg has • been government by see-saw j two. basic points, one setting forth j i t t e r y world kept an anxious eye | c j u b ( a Zionist organization and • * • « : of Indianapolis, Ind.: Neither First oSe people, then the other, that "both Jews and Arabs are ia i cocked on the political dynamite many other communal agencies. By LOUIS PEMHSEY "* jkeg in •Europe, makes thla more Until the advent of the Nazi l e Tony Martin, Bert Wheeler nor would be favored or punished. Palestine as of right and not oa <.4han an academic- question to g'im© in Germany in 1935, t h e "THE GOLDBERGS" ARE Martha Raye are. Jewish." We There has nexer been formulated, sufferance," an& the other that 1 i •"iworld Jewry.- China is today one J e w s , of Shanghai, Tientsin, COMING BACK "may have mentioned, ,in fact we much less worked out or put into j "the chief reason for the manda* «f the 'very few lands to which Hongkong and other Chinese citHere 13 great news for the; mil- did mention _the first two in con- effect, a conscious day-by-day tory's presence in Palestine is to 'i ' * JcwiBli Immigration has flowed in ies lived an uneventful life.- They lions" of -radio listeners,- Jewish nection with an item about cer- policy that would have one great endeavor to create conditions fa1 " «yecent years unhampered by po-were largely cut off from t h e and Gentile alike, who enjoyed tain known Jewish film stars, basic object in view: freely and vorable" to conclusion of the f i -lltical or economic restrictions. main stream of Jewish affairs, the thrills,.romance, suspense, ex- but did not say that Martin and openly negotiated' agreements be- afore-mentioned agreements. *_ fe 1 ' "'Precise figures are not available, but they were happy and pros- citing action, comedy and all theWheeler wera Jewish. We took tween Jews and Arabs." ; "1 i / b u t it is a fact that, excluding perous. : ; • • . . • • • High praise for the Commis• other elements of delightful en- it for granted, t h a t the three Palestine, the United States,, and celebrities named are well known sion's report is tempered with T V H.T"T ! I • .Xatin-America China has- absorbs When the first flood of Get-tertainment provided by one ' of to the average movie fan and criticism for its neglect in e£pos-i the most popular, serials ever man Jewish refugees began to -€d more- Jewish immigrants In presented-on the air", "The Gold- didn't have to indicate that they Ing what he describes ss the fail- j l i h e last half decade than any oth- pour over the world, only a hand- bergs." Molly, Jake, Rosle, Sam- are not of our. people. Paulette ure of 'mandatory imperailism to , e r country: In what hap- ful ventured to make ' the : long my and a l l : the rest of. the folks Godaard's real name is Levy. Tis© to Its unparalleled opportun•• opened to, the prospects of Jewish. journey to China,' This vanguard, on this fine program are" Teturn- Hobart Henley, star of silent pic- ities." • • . London. (JTA)—Concern over! ^Settlement in Spain as a, result of which 'consisted; of professional lng to the , airlands, beginning tures; is not very active now. He Describing the report as "In-the effect on the Palestine potash men for t h e most part, had little ' t h e civil war, the steady shrlnkcomparably tbe most— thorough i industry of the British Govern-.] Yom Kippur w e e k - - Sept. 13 th, lives in Southern. California. •*age of Jewish immigration oppor- difficulty in making; a go pi vutiC (Copyright, 1937., by Seven Arts g-olng and most peivetrating ana- j meat's proposal to partition the C 0 Ln t u n i t i e s in most of the / liatin- things. The first German arrivals to be .exact - - o n a COaBt-to-COast lysis ot the Palestine situation j Holy Land was expressed last Feature Syndicate.) < American republics as a result of settled in Shanghai, Hankow, hookup of the National BroadLVS that has ever been, made," Dr. weeic by Lord Lyttoa, cb.air____. " I t was casting System. * a rising tide ot nationalism and Peiplng, and. Nanking. iMagnes continues: of the Palestine Potash Company, Gertrude Berg will- again have "the closing of the gates of South not until two years later that the "It is a pitiless document. That j at the company's seventh annual -'iAfrlca to Jewish newcomers i t Is various Jewish refuge© organiza- the triple role of author, director Is one of its great merits. I t ex-1 general meeting. and star in', this radio show. Proc-obvious that the Sino-Japanese tions discovered that China was hibits in alt its nakedness onrj T_e firsn operates extensively ",-war may mean the end of further ready to admit a substantial num- tor and Gamble have signed her miserable failure -— the failure i in the great alkaline deposits of ber of the emigres. Thereafter to, a contract calling for weekly -[Jewish settlement in China.-. II', Uof each one of us, Jew, Arab and j the Dead Sea area. Lord Lytton performances over a five-year English. An extraordianary work | declared: * 'Chinese. Jewry today numbers J s w i s h immigration' increasedof buildieg up waste land has j ."If partition Sa carried out the ^ 5 , 0 0 0 . .Moat, of them are post- steadily. It IB now estimated that period. The original cast will* reat least 1,000 German Jews'aro turn to the show,' Miss Berg told been achieved. But we have fail- ! area of the company's concession .,-war settlers from Eastern Eur- living y o u T correspondent yesterday. In China. One. authority •ope and ". Russia. The largest Eejcct -• Idea That Agreement ed. We have not Mcwn h_>w to iwould lie wholly within tbe pro! make' peace, i t is the -vrell-dofiu-1 posed Ara,b State] Clearly '.the is" Jewish community is in Shanghai reports that, 50 German Jewish James R. Waters will again play '.'••"-• • frith. Palestine Jews : i.-which numbers 7,500 Jewish rea- physicians . a r e practicing in Jake Goldberg, the father, as he ; -•>••:•:•• .-.-.Impossible .••• - ••---; meiited >tory. of ,two fierce- r.a-1 sues ' raised^ by the. partition pro, « Jdents. Next in size is the Tient- S'hangh'al.^ieritsln, Hankow and has done so well in the past. R03lyn Silber and Everett Slbane N k i 'Som^ exlleaV Nanking. exlleaV German s i n Jewish community, whose 3.Geneva (JTA) — Agreement g *SO0 Jews are in:the midst of thescholars have found: ' places: 'In play the children's parts, Rc-3ie between Arabs and Jews to set, < raging war. There are also aub- Chinese hospitals and -laborator- and- Sammy. "Whitey" will be tle Palestine's troubles la possible ! .stantlal Jewish settlements In ies. Comparatively few Jewish back, too. w'lthout partitioning the country, When "The Goldbergs'* was an Arab delegation informed the <Canton andHongkong (which are iaettlera. however, have, / y e t acWkere Omaha Shops ^*"hh Confidence - - -Hankow, ---quired Chinese cjtizenshtp.-. discontinued there was a great Mandates Commission. from tho war zone), Before the outbreak: of the howl of. protest - from listeners The Arab Supreme Committee The Jews t Nanking, and peiplng. 'Of China are probably the most Sino-Japanese war in the- North from K Y. . to California. Miss representatives presented a mem' diversified element, among the of China there- was every pros- Berg has been in Hollywood for orandum rejecting the opinion ot .'foreign population. In Kal-feng- pect that the Jewish population the past six months and has just British Colonial^'Secretary Wil<iu are the remnants of the Per-there would double itself in. the completed work on the script ot liam G. A. Ormsby-Gore that Arab-Jewish understanding Is im'olan Jews who settled in China next fly© years. There was noBobby Breen's second film, possible, declaring on agreement 'in. the l l t h century A. D, J^ittle sign of anti-Jewish dtscrimlna' a: Wish.' ; i can be reached between the two <iemains of the once-flourishing: tion. The Industry and Initiative GtTABDIAX NAJBBD FOR peoples provided t i e interests and < Jewish colony there, except the io£ the 'Russian Jews ana the StBTti'gASOTf /foundations of the 'ancient'syna- scientific and 'professional traln- ""Sybil* Jason, nine-year-old ju- national aspirations of the Arabs gogue and a handful of slant-eyed j n g of the German Jews were venile movie star, this week be- are safeguarded. The foreign minister of Iraqi 3 pig-tailed Chinese who have a j -welcomed by t h a Chinese govern- came th© ward of her uncle and j.vague idea that some time In the jm e n t . who preferred them to the manager, Harry Jacobson, form- Nuri Pasha es-Said, sent a mem4«_lm_past they belonged to Israel, Japanese. -Culturally the Jews er London orchestra _planlst, as a orandum to the Commission .pro(fThe bulk of the Jewish popula- had become fairly homogeneous. result of proceedings In Los* An- testing against partition, and / o n 1B of Russian origin, -while There are thirteen Jewish papers geles Superior Court. Judge El- stating that t h e Balfour Declarai ' > '! t<i about ten percent hall fron) Wes- published In China, three in Eng- iot Craig approved of Jacobson'g tion has already ' been fulfilled !• ; 'tern Europe, Roumania, England, lish and ten in Russian. . One of appointment as guardian' of Sy- and the:Jews must accept the ©b-^ 'I I fjlndia, Iraq and the United States. China's leading novelists Is a pol- bil and her estate, which was sttion of a minority. Establishment of Palestine as a < The * modern Jewish settlement ish Jewess by ihe name of Rosen- said to exceed $5,000 in-value. single independent state, with the idate3 fromt he 1850's, when the thai, now known as Ho-Ro-Sp. On 1 1 1 The legal -proceedings revealed; 'minority group, • was demanded. Sassoon a n d Kadoorie families, all sides modern' Chinese Jewry .•wealthy Indian and Iraqi Jewish looked forward to a bright future that' her parents," Mr. and Mrsr Jews accepting the' •- position of a< Israel Jacobs of Capetown,, South The Iraq representatives, who .industrialists, built the first syn- until the,present war began.^ Africa, have, become estranged, told the League they would sub! i l l agogue in Shanghai for ' their How long it will last and how and they consented to the guara detailed plan for solution 1 •'•-'' I • Jewioh employes.' British Jews It will affect Jewish life in China dianship; with the proviso, how- mit t settled in Hongkong when is still a matter"lor speculation. ever, that little Sybil shall re- of the Palestine problem later, insisted that the proportion of •England acquired' control of that One thing Is certain, however: I t .'city I n the I 8 4 0 ' B laid the basi3 won't bo long before General Ma, turn to Capetown.if and when the Jewish and Arab populations •*Jtor tho Jewish community there. the famous Chinese war lord, bet- her film career ends.. In that be fixed on the existing basis. No further Jewish immigration jiUntil the World" 'War, however, ter known' aa Mde "Two-Gun" event her custody is to be divid- there " Jewish community Cohen, who in 1932 trained the ed eix months of each, year be- Is necessary for maintenance or •in China worthy, of the- -»riame. army of General Chiang-Kai-Shek tween the parents. The child now development of 'Jewish institu:iThe growtn of the present "Jew- that Touted the Japanese' in earns $250 a week in Hollywood tions in the country; the delegaatudios. tion assertedi ' They emphasized <ish settlement commenced with WOULD BAN ASSUMED .TAMES the peace-making rol© the League fthe Hussian Revolution," when The proposal of State Senator played among the Arabs and'the thousands of mfddle-class %RusCoyne of Massachusetts, to bar n-oral responsibility it had"-aseian Jews sought safety in nearthe use of fictitious names for sumed in promising theira aid. •Jjy Manchuria, then a part of picture players is creatChina. They settled in Harbin, ing but light reaction In Holly;whlch became, the largest Jewish wood. Imagine what a situation q .community in the i'ar East. ComC COILS ! • Jerusalem iJTA) Reduction of would develop if such a law. wero c [.217 GLOVES? LEAF munal and religious institutions 1 Jewish immigration to Palestine passed Coyne -wants a ban placed sprang up over -night. Zionism 119 Sa. 15f_ Siracfr gained a ^ t r o n g foothold.- All In accordance with the recom- on assumed names used by stage C TOASTS PANCE TO THg Signs pointed to stability and a mendations of- the British .Royal and'screen and radio performers hopeful future. Then came, the Commission is provided in an or- and wrestlers, boxers and other MUSIC OP ' Trf nd furs were created es.p©£*sHy lor us, In coliaberaJapanese invasion, the: establlsh- dinance being drafted-by the Gov- celebrities. He says the public - •-•• should know who is who and HAY D_ WITT'S bu anent of the puppet state of Man- ernment," it was learned. tion with' & groups of • America't ..•-ouhtending sfercs.The ordinance is drawn to pat cbulsuo and the- White Guard He wants every state In the They wsre a man f®med ia-the erf cl c?&EtU33ian terrorism. These.devel- into effect the "palliatives" country to pass such. a bill "so «fi^9 'fashions •that STAY'ia fsshien . . . fsshiens ihti opments, contributed to a., rapid posed by the Commission for con- that "audiences will know whetho Ete:iLL:iT FCOO 1st the irendLA TREND fur coat purchased this Aug«si decline in the Jewish community. trolling disorders here" while the er they, are being entertained by O TS-:_ CC.T V.i willfcsjust c% sr-srt nrsf vtcr! ?vy r.:v c r i svz\ Lcck partition plan Is pending., ' v Synagogues were , closed. Eco©cr- CtcreocJ CreHei \ fer ins Trenc5 \z\.z\ v-:*c r- ts t! Under it3' provision, capitalists aliens." nomic suffering Increased and If such a law Is passed, by Mas, the Jewish population began to •applying for admission to the sachusetts and other states . i t leave. Unwilling or unable-to re- country will be feferred directly would cost studios thousands of or to the Palestine Government... turn to Russia, the Harbin. dollars!extra for special prints of ca. wont South to Tientsin, Shanghai Special Immigration categories of pictures to be exhibited In states ji, r^ professional men and artioans p he& w ^.^^. and requiring the right names of actThe Harbin Jewish community ors and actresses on the titles. The total immigration ls held ptlll exists — there are some 10,- to a political maximum of 1.000 The law likewise would rausa A * m s 31 tVpstit ff 1 ? cost. 000 Jews there yet — but their Pis. THE DE3T CCF\'CF.CTE a month,' which may bo- reduced considerable amusement, makltss , DECAUCE • Iv, lot ia unenviable, harassed as , n a c c o r d a n c e w R h \ h p r i n c i p l e it necessary to .bill Jack Benny , \. All mnterlsis pass s t s t s &r\Q •v they arc by economic insecurity of "economic absorptive capacir» o n t fedsra! cpeiific^tlonr, ars:.1:*. Er>t™'.£. Frte ".'.<' Cooled Ini ttie h ! ; h j s t t;i:sli{y# ' and anti-Semitic, terrorism. ty." T ii i in g 2. Accursta &3i-troJ cf prep:!-, Ia China proper the Russian j Another ordinance provides for : YOUKG IVlAIi -wanted t o t i o r s . s<2ur!rs ?!;') qasRiiiy. Hardware Store. . work i 3. Cxelusive ''Csr<c!sti"5cy f ' s . Jews besan life aaaw with all j alternation of the Palestine OrdYeur t e r " asrsur!r>3 higher sircr.;th person.. Bcnssn Drespsct3 of -Iiccess. In TientMii j ers in Council to restrict'Jewish 1 rr.d ur.ifom 'hlVi \ Mi V r *' 4 ft thpy estnblinhed the fiourishlngr rights to purchase land, also, in Hardware, B O S S Military jTMf flwi^ #* & Fur Szlon—Third Floor Sur industry, saaUSns the clty.the accordance. -with the Royal Coni- I Avenue. focal point of the Chinese and mission program.


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Palestine Potash Company Worried by Partition Flan


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Palestine Entry Drastically Gut New


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THE JEWISH PRESS, "FRIDAY, AUGUST IS, 1SS7 shops here -were painted t-Semitic inscriptions, Beuthen, scene of preIng against Jews, and rg crowds gathered be;h shops shouting antigan. zl officials asserted parrs; were not involved in ihts and Issued an appublic 'to help trace ionsible.



ly Joseph F. Dinneen

lize Our Advertisers


The American Nazis have an armed ,force '. . . The American Nazis operate nine camps In this country . . V The American Nazis maintain a most • rigid control over "-German-American business . ..;.'•"• "Who. ia t h e undisputed Fuehrer of America's Nazis and' storm troopers? In this article and interview vrith Fritz Kuhn,' Joseph Dinneen, eminent American journalist, discloses ;and Interprets the Nazis menace in the United States. We present this as the first of a series of two articles by special courtesy of iTHE. AMERICAN MAGAZINE. — T H E EDITOR


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cctlse reeiai differences y intaiow he •Eras Je-wisi ^ntil last eluding Jewish faces in their year, when he was narsed on the All-America for small colleges. In the .three years that Kobrosky TV oven into the instruction, i starred, for Trinity-.the. Hartford Kerr Fink says, should be the. eleven won ninteen and lost but idea that the Jep-isii Goa is en-' : aucers smashec 1 ^,iC two games. Most of tbs victories ID'just and merciless. olive trees anc c P were "due to Slickey's kicking-, | Teachers sfccild dwell on tbls stones in the J°v •= running,. passing and .blocking. 'point whenever the name of Je-' where -c For three years in a row he rank- Jews Biased for Troubles ci | hovah (Jahweh) appears ia lit-;, Hebron, tims o£ the 1E-.1 ed among the East's-four leading Wcrld by Hew j erature, history or current events. w&s discovered i ' scorers. It's tough that toctball They should poict out Bible pas- a cleleration o' "t > ballyhoo-plays up stars on the sages In which the God cf the -. cemetery on tl s ' big-time college elevens and igBerlin (OTA) — Inj? •ction of j Jews urged his peopls to "oppress• the Arab slcugr <". nores the little fellows. Mickey deserves a break—and he's get-anti-Semitism into all children : and exterminate non-Jews," be • Police disccvc-c. : planted under e, l ting one now, when his college from the youngest grade pupils j says. Acre, on the cr>, up is inafie one of the prime obThey should draw r. sharp dis- to days are over. Palestine. jectives of German education in tinction between Christ and Je-RICHARD'S -SUCCESSORSevei~.ty-four i ' r : a teachers' handbook issued for hovah, Kerr Fink asserts, adding: ed for the holdt r <~Not since the days of the late ' the Fall term, "We know Christ said: 'Tou ' Tex Rickard has big-time boxing i The manual, entitled 'The Jewa been so tightly held in the paws: ish Question in Teaching," w r i t - !cannot ^ " ° ; ^serve God and Mammon.' j fa ut is always tpeaking | of one man as it now is by Mike! ten by B, Nuremberg- school COUR-! of, power, "Z FREE! As Expert tov,nte',.oi tu. domination, treasures' of ovre T b Wh f h ! d i ! ? Jacobs. When the former thea-; Frits Fink, achieved money. The God of the Jews ; ter-ticket impressario set himself' official status through incorpors- &Ed our God. The assertion that [ up as a rival to Madison Square j tSon in it of a-foreword by Julius is--EOt the Jews are the chosen people ' Garden a couple of years ago, the | Streicher, Germany's leading, an- from •whom the salvation of the ' dope was that he was due for a jj ti-Semite. world is a Jewish imputation and licking. But Jacobs not only j r e g l , ] a i . period fievoted to a thousand-vear-old insult to non- \ Use Our held,but delivered one kayo after j t h , " r a c s a i problem" ia German Jewish humanity." '

American Nazis are at 178 East ed Into the personal history of 85th Street, at Third Ave., in the Kuhn, himself. yorkville section of New York, "Are you an American citizen, where Wheeler -T. Hill appears Mr. Kuhn? VI asked. .: to be an executive secretary or of- He nodded. "Yes." fice manager, in charge of a half"Naturalized?" dozen clerks at desks and filing "Yes." cabinets. Hill was born in Ger- "Where?" . . . many of Englsh parents, came to "Detroit. Why?" he interruptA aerica quite young, and has ed. "What's this got to do with : been naturalized. He is known your piece?" " to tne New York Police Radical "A good deal. Americans would and Alien Squad; and has never like to know something about the been cpnside.ed dangerous. leader of your movement; to hear After • two • ays of negotiation something" about his past, to read in which there appeared t o be at , se accompanied by syst times considerable doubt and that they may better understand coup was breaking the Garden's: troduction of "the Jewish anglequestion, it was finally agreed him and his aims." ... . that I might interview Fritz ' "You want personal Informa- traditional monopoly on the into~almost every subject in the Kuhn,. the American fuehrer and tion?" the leader of the storm heavyweight situation • when he; curriculum. His book aims to prevailed on Jim Braddock to run :g u i g e teachers in doing this. I was to >e permitted, to make troops put in. out on the match with Schinel-j p U piis must be-brought gradnotes. It was raining that night .'.•"Exactly," I.tola him. ' The American Nazi ' storm ing, •which the Garden was to ; ually to feel the menace of Jewmyself to Troops,- first private.militia in Wheeler Hill at the headqur-: ters Once again the trio broke into have promoted. This move en- ish influence in politics, religion, our history, are' prepared, as. I an excited conference in German, abled Jacobs, to tie up the Brad- are, literature, - a n d morals, -write, to muster in New York for office, and after a short wait and this one appeared to be some- dock-Louis bout. When Louis through emphasis on "the Jewalong a eorri- thing In the nature of definite won Jacobs had a strangle-nold the annual convention of the Hill escorted ish angle" wherever possible, ce Nazis in America. A Self-styled dor to a back room. After a sig- crisis. The fuehrer pressed a buz- on the situation. says. ^ere a-Jmltte^and German-American fuehrer is . to j n j f e n o c ^ e aJmltte^and zer under his desk. Wheeler Hill One thing was neded to make He suggests, for instance, that review - them. In the ranks •'and Hill presented me to the fuehrer.: came in, accompanied by a gray- Jacobs Rickard's successor—the even in the most elementary hise d •h l n m j m o f a b o u t f i £ t y . among the members — estimated The room was of moderate size,) exclusive right to stage bouts atj t o r y instruction about ancient about 25 by 25 feet. It was at 250,000 — are the combined The thin man clicked his heels the Garden and at its outdoor j Egypt children can be told how remnant of the Ku KJux Klan'v hung,'with tapestries, a large one before Kuhn's desk, raised his arena in Long. Island. Now hethe Egyptians suffered ' through Gold Shirts, Silver Shirts, Black in the rear obviously covering a handli a Nazi salute, and about has those rights, together with the Jews, how the Jews conquered Legion, Silver Battalion, Pan-Ar- window facing an_air well AjnowVwaVpr7pa7ed"to bTthrown the privilege.of running, bouts in Palestine,'*1 "slaughtering natives" y^in Alliance and similar organi- glass-topped mahogany desk was out. (The place ia on the second the Yankee Stadium and the "transforming into a dessrt a zations'. In solemn conclave as- placed^ catercornered at the far floor.) Polo Grounds. All of which land which formerly flowed with . end of the room. The floor was sembled, they will guarantee to I was wrong. Hill and the thin means that / Michael Strauss Ja- milk and honey." this country "an America for thickly carpeted and the room man joined in the conference, and cobs Is now' the czar x>f big-time Even the smallest tots, Herr was otherwise furnished with a Americans" — a strange and boxing1. Fink advises, can be told of how ! the conversation was liberally long divan and deep, easy wing, _„_,_,_,-,, and startling parajios. EX-CHAMP ''•"in Persia the beautiful. Esther ar'Jawohls!" The fuehrer arrived Nazis in the United States are chairs. I thought I detected the| f.P™™,,,., Out in Seattle there's a young ranged a "blood bath" in which odor of incense:' • . "^ nothing new. They were investiat a conclusion about telling of fellow of 31 peddling insurance thousands of King Ahasuercs's Kuhn, seated,at the.desk, fac- himself with which, apparently, who tvas once hailed as a poten- loyal gated as early as 1934 by a Consubjects were tilled. Primary gressional committee. Their act- ing the door, w^s not alone. At his the others did not agree. tial lightweight champion of theand secondary school courses la -ivities have been widely publidz.-j right sat two men who were not "I will tell you," the fuehrer world. ' Maybe you • remember iR o m a n history, he suggests, .can ed. But a drilled and uniformed I introduced: by name, hut during began; but the l e a d e r of him.' His. name Is Robert Miller. trace the decline and faU of the private militia, the.'storm troopa,'i the course of the interview, one the s t o r m t r o o p s expos- At 16 he was amateur lightweight ancient Rorsan empire to the innot a part of this country's arm-j was identified as the leader of tulated, reached out and put histitleholder of the United States, fluence of the Jews who penetrated force, is a development -which j the uniformed American Nazi hand on the arm of the fuehrer. and for a time he -was also colle- ed throughout it after their disperpresents a serious problem and' storm' troops, the other es the The fuehrer slapped it down. Ap- giate wrestling champion. Later sion.i establishes a dangerous prece- ' comptroller of the American Nazi parently he was boss, but never- he won the -world's amateur lightMedieval and modern history treasury. weight, mat title, taking 12,000 teaching, he says, should- emphasdent. / . theless he changed his answer. Kuhn is large and tall, stands he falls iii a row. As an. amateur ••TO-ii-oWhy in The "storm troops," organized ize the "desperate "struggles"- of is fhis" this Tipppssarv?" lighter h e once beat Barney Ross the Spanish, Polish and -German •within Nazis on this side of the about six feet two or three and asked. •water, are committed to a form weighs about 240 pounds. He is , . j ti s n . t necessary," I told him, •when the. welterweight king was people against Jewish" dominatioa and that "wherever revolution up- ! -of government alien to this coun- square-faced and. heavy-jawed, j , , b u t f r o m y o u r p o i n t of view it a simon-pure. „.„. They have been ,permitted His. hair was. clipped: closely in Is e e m s t d m e t h a t l t i a a d T i s a b i e . A couple of years ago Miller g e t g t h e e s t a b ij E l l ed order, from try. legally to'arm and drill; to train the German military style, some- jI f j w e r e w r iting about the Elks, went blind as the result of an J t h e g r e a t F r e n c a Revolution on j in one Instance at least, with rif- thing like the American crew It h e Knights of Columbus or. the injury received in a wrestling |d o w n . t 0 , t h e • p r e s e E t -d&7," Jews les taken, from a New York arm-j haircut. He appeared to be i n t M a s o n 3 and talked with the head bout, two-delicate operations re- Ia r e t o ^e found late forties. The''comptroller | o f t h e organization, I'd tell all stored his sight, but his fighting Stress .should .be laid. Kerr ory. all history a dictator has(4il3 treasury was much shorter | a b o u t him. If you don't answer and- wrestling career was ended. Fink- adds, en the lives ci those ... _ •_ In t i l l U i a i W l J «* U.A^.*,t*vw* •"-—« ; of the ^.^ been able to seize control and stouter and lacked the mili- personal question's I'll feel oblig- (Copyright, 1937,.by Seven. Arts men •3Fho--Siadi,the. courage Feature Syndicate) of a government Without the sun- tary bearin|_or Kuhn and.; the ed to report your reluctance." "to tell the truth- about the p•^.T^T'SiTSr^T^'prt'fSrcfi: o r T S g Our Our Header of his storm troops.The "How do you mean — r e l u c t Jews." listing among them Jesus iorm dt government. Is su^cji that storm troop leader was in . hisance?" of Nazareth, the " historian TaciTEL'AYIV PORT WIES middle thirties, blond, with the "Skip it," I suggested, and it is next, to impossible to intertus,' Martin Luther, King Frefier-j est the!regular army largely in same close-cropped hair, athletic, from this point forward the Inter- EXTENDED CARGO . ick the Great, • Napoleon -Bonapolitics, as in European and military, and nattily dressed in view became dental, in that each RIGHTSparte, Bisisarck and Adolf Hitanswer was extricated as painfuller. South American countries. It is | business clothes. Kuhn Invited me to . sit- down ly as a tooth. Every question I Biology Instruction is not comdifficult to imagine a top. ser r geant In the United.-•-States,army}facing him, and there was a mo- asked had to be justified and Its Jerusalem (JTA) — T h e Gov- plete, unless it emphasizes the deernment ha3 decided to grant the • • • t-~iA-t»inspection of mfe by all purpose explained. Many. of my becoming seriously disturbed" over j new Tel ;Aviv port unlimited de- terioration of races through mix•who Is sitting in the White | to™*- This, in substance is thequestions led to conferences barkation rights for all types of ture with alien strains,' Kerr Fink among the five others now pre-cargo, it was reported in the He- declares.. Young< children, he House. There does exist, how- Interview: ever, the alternative of forming • "What did you say your sent, and all of the conferences brew newspaper Haaretz. says can be made to understand and this through study of the care anand drilling d r i l l g a secret army, a civ- name was; again, please?" Kuhn i were carried on in German. Thus The decision -was reached, it ditit imal breeders • exercise • to keep •was stated, following a day's conilian army, separate and distinct leaned forward upon the it wa3 revealed Kuhn " desk and [waa born not farthat from Frits Munich, in from the regular blood lines .pare, and elder stu: army; which at looked-at me. • "Dinneen," I.told him. "Joseph Germany, educated at what cor- ference between High Commis- dents can study'the'meaning-of an opportune time • conceivably sioner Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauresponds to American grade.and might bring about a "push" and F. Dinneen." chope and. Israel Rokach, Tel "racial turpitude" and - the Ger"How. do you spell that?" he high schools, and served as a ma- Aviv -which, by reason of our scattered man law for liiprsEoriEjeat of" & mayor. . - chine gunner in the German army national' army, might b e success- asked. Jew living-with a ;non-Jewish woConstructed during the 1936 I spelled it for him. • : during the -world war. • ' > . ful. " '. - • - • ; • ' • . . ' - ••. man. Arab-disorders to enable Jewish "Are you an. Aryan?" he asked. After the war he attended the The American Nazis have such In art classes, Herr Fink conI smiled. " I : presume so," I University of Munich and . was mechants to' avoid the Arab- tinues, children-can be trained to - an armed force in embryo. Whestruck -Jaffa ' port, the new harther It is to be permitted to grow-j told him. "Myparents were graduated with a degree compar- bor* has been making rapid proable to Master-of Science. is a question that must soon,be Irish." He married In Germany, and In gress but Tias been limited as to L "You look Jewish," he told me. decided. 1927. for reasons which he did iet dh e Acargoes that could be unload-, "I know it," I agreed. '.'I've operate nine camps Nazis Jetty and lighters are used, across the - country where. Ger- been, told so quite often, but, asnot make clear, came to America! for- unloading incoming ' ships.; with his wife, to become a chemman-American children a"re drill- I t happens, I'm Irish." Considerable American money is • ical engineer in a Detroit autoed In German : military tactics, inKuhn spoke to his associates in eluding the gooserstep, and in the .German, of which I understand mobile plant. On January 15th.of being invested in improving the j beliefs and philosophy of Adolf | orily a little, The conversation this year-he resigned Ho' become port. Hitler. They maintain the most j became animated; and when quiet the salaried leader of the Ger- Joao D'Acosta, a Hamburg formidably organized boycott in j returned I gathered that my an-man-American Bund, the -official was a jester at the court of the history of the country, issu- j cestry was not to be questioned title ~of the Nazi party in the Uni- Jew, Peter, the great. ted States. ing sectional business directories • further. ...."•' • oA d i r e c t i n g German-Americans "Who do you write for?" Kuhn .Baron Diego D'Aguilar was the Sollies: (Copyright 1937 by Crowell Pub•where to-buy. They levy a tax asked. • first Jew ennobled in modern lishing Company.) for this service upon German-1 "The American Magazine," I times. L American businessmen. . . They; tlod'him. . .-••,.- ... have instilled such fear into rep-1 "What ia this American Maga- ' Our Sport-World tltable German-American mer- zine?" he asked. • " chants and professional men that "It's on very- news and maga- BELATED RECOGNITION they are frankly afraid to crit- zine stand in The country, and on The 1936 footballx season beicize "or discuss these Nazi lead- most of them ' throughout the longs to history, while the 1937 ers. They contribute . • a - large; world. Eight to ten million people grid year is still .a month off but sum annually "ib the parent or- readmit every month. I'm surpris- pigskin talk is already in the air ganization In Germany. Last sum- ed "you haven't" heard of it." as a result of two big charity mer the American fuehrer. Fritz He shook his head. "We don't games, one in the Midwest beKuhn, was photographed present- read American magazines," h e ' tween college all-stars and the irii this tithe to Adolf Hitler af- said. "What do you want to professional champions, and anter Kuhn and a uniformed detail know?" ; other in the East between the of American Nazis had paraded "I want to know all you canEastern all-stars and the before him. . '• tell me about the Nazis in Amer- York Football Giants No Jewish An Indepedent investigation of ica, their aims and ends, and how players will appear in the lineup Nazi activities in the United you propose to achieve them . . . of the Midwest collegiate repreStates discloses.that for purposes As president of theorganiiation, sentatives, but in the EaSt Jewish of organization this country has I presume you are qualified to gridmen rrill be ably represented been divided into three districts: discuss it." by Mickey Kobrosky, Trinity ColEast, Central and '.*«.-*. As I "I am not" president," he said, lege star. For three years Mickey •write, there are 78 local units in "I am.leader." placed sensational football. He "Sorry," I told him. "I. stand was a triple tlfreat of the kind the larger cities, The most important of these- in number of corrected. Leadsr!" • coaches dream about. In 1935 members ;.nd contributions are in / "What position are you going and 1936 he captained his eleven Los Angeles and San Francisco, to take in your article?" he in-and turned in a stellar Job at left . Calif.; Seattle, Wash.; Portland, quired. halfback. Ore.; Detroit, Mich.; T. edo and "To tell the truth about, ac- .-" But because Trinity is onB of Cleveland, Ohio; Pittsburgh, Pa.;' curately, Impartially, and to thethe small colleges Mickey got litBoston, Mass.; -. Baltimore, Md.-; be3t of my ability.tle notice. As a matter of fact Washington, D. C.;' Trenton, There ,was another voluble and Newark and Passaic arid Bergen ezcited outburst of German, I even Jewish sports writers didn't counties, in New Jersey; Staten! gathered that the ^ader and his Island, '"the Bronx, i: Yorkville,| associate •would like to address i[ Manhattan and Jamaica in'New i millions of': readers and It was •woman York; and in the central district?agreed that certain information board and roo3n'xwr>t& the larger units are in Sheboy-j concerning organisations — some B o s 1 4 , Jovrislz gan, Schenectady, Buffalo, and;of it reported earlier in this.piece family. * ; Kenosha. , j — should be given me. After Press. Natio'nal headquarters of thejthese details were noted, I



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T H E J E W I S H P R E S S , FRIDAY*-AUGUST 13, 1937-


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disregarding it. Nietzsche for instance, the German philosopher of t h e 'superman,' taught that.all morality vr&s''slave-moralitv,' an invention o£ t h c w e p k as a defense against-the strong.. The FROM 'BOUND THE WORLD W E HEAR: real'morality is that of 'power,' to seek supremacy b y all means, That Janice. Poliaclc, auttior cf to ruthlessly crush all a n d everything that stands in t h e way. Hie novel "Stepmother" in which








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c r - O'ppcnent



/ " * •

•- > — Franc* r F hoad of govi io the pro-'estine snd ' < he British . ;Uude, ac" * r.igpatch to " c by Augur, comnien-


'•" Ter'asalPTJi isfeehear In spite of all this morality remains the basic factor a n d those oft-rsa5igaed second wires are championed, Is' one herself. -'Ct,:. n unto -her ihid hei obligation of life. The very idea of 'obligation,' obligations, and is going to form the vror!d's S c r : rC r ' •- ce is Kccomplirhsd cr of any sort, to do this or that, be this or that, is moral. One first "Stepmother Club" . . . . n~ r" t is paid off. r G thou that teiist pood.f cannot escape the moral, n o r can one explain it aw ay b y a n yThat Else Jeanette Dublon, born in Mannheim, -who as a dance pu| to "Aon, get thee v.p into ihp > f pseudo-philosophy or pseudo-science however seemingly subtle pil of Mary "Wigraan specialized Is • j London (JTA) — The pro- ; rnonuta'n, O thou or profound. In the homely words of Lowell's "Biglow P a p e r s ' ' : In Eastern Jewish themes for her Zionist Manchester Guardian ad- joocl tidings to Jerr.sf.lei ii songs and dances which she inter- vised the Zionists to accept part- up thy voice with strenpti "In vain we call old notions fudge II I -t England preted ehoregraphically, portray- ition of Palestine if the- proposed op, bs not cfrFifi. And bend our conscience t o our dealing; r <T France's ing such types as the chassidic Jewish State is enlarged, warning All the ns-lions ere as m ' r He asThe ten commandments will not budge rabbi, the shadchan, the typical that the alternative "the • before Him; tbey nccc r i that final tailor, the cobbler —and who un-ruin of their hopes." And stealing will continue stealing." ty Kim r.B Eai-gtit, end • r - •? with the der the Trudt Shop toured HolThe ten commandments '.sill not ' b u d g e / i n d e e d . The moral land, England, France and Amer- _ Commenting on the address of i Lift up your eyes on fcisr in which Father John LaFargc, S. J., associate editor of a CathDr. Chaim Weiaraann, president • see,-who hath erected these'. -nrt hence,, remains the impregnable rock of all existence, t h e foundation ica — is very happy in her re-of the World Zionist Organization • "*'b° bringeth or.t their .hoolic weekly," and a distinguished clnnx-liman, has enumerated i> r r t should of society, t h e core of t h e universe and of life. 'Stealing will cently adopted role of land-work- urging the Zionist Congress in; number. He calieth them f I par of parseven theses 'which" he considers the creed of the- majority ,Q£ er in a Palestine Kvutzah . . . Zurich, Switzerland, to authorize; name, by the greatness of continue stealing' - - a n d killing, killing, a n d adultery, adul- and hopes soon to establish there ' = ?.nd Bng: Jews. Despite a n undertone of criticism, h e seems sincere in negotiations with Great Britain might, and for that He is t f r cfusing to f tery, and falsehood, falsehood - - a n d so down the whole moral a school of choregraphy . . . . tor establishment of s Jewish \ in power not on fsileth. his thinking, h u t shows an abyssimal- ignorance of Judaism i \ f v r Eastern Tliat shy Dr. Hanna Kosterlitz, line. The ethical is of the very texture of life. The God of the State, the liberal daily said In an ' r T'rench opwhen he declares he can find no creed already formulated. •who -was for 7 years assistant to editorial: Rabbi .Ir.flia said that P,. r ° universe is a moral God, who cares for righteousness a n d mor- the -world-famed Professor Emil And i n . t h e creed he has manufactured-for"us,'lie-specializes, "TTeiztnsnn speaks as -one whozer wag esked: " T P whst F <• c because ality, whose will is Holiness. 'Sanctifieation,' as Moritz Lazarus Kruechmann in the Berlin Uniin misconception, '• •'•'••••' \ .•• is both a seer and a statesman. ia-one boupcl to honor his i^ ' f ; wiftly on e x p r e s s e d ^ in his classic, "Ethics of Judaism," is the object of versity Hospital for Eye Diseases, Certainly the partition plan must :£ n d mother?" To which hp TP ^ 1 Space does not permit a mimite'examinatton of each point, ) e!y to be -who is also the daughter of Come and see what a 1 life. Arid Zangwill inchided 'sanctity,' along- with 'sanity' a n d and be improved, the Jewish. State r petition of an eye specialist, will continue but. his.first demands inspection. Father LaFarge claims t h a t : tile of Askelon, Darnoh her \ c - ^ r ••" 'unity';as the culminating; characteristics of t h e 'trinity of her fine work here iny Seattle, given a greater degree of soverr r> P, AUglir because t h e Jews think Hitler b a d tliey see t h e Spanish a n d l P ,., 1 and the control of the! thina by name, once "oifind will Wash., where she is now licenced eignty Judaism. northern towns more strictly 'de- i eages once desired to pv.n r Eussian situations only in the light o£ Hitler's attitude on them. f f "•» the proror!1 1 a to practice. Interesting to note is fined ' j ' ^'n jewel for Epho i i The ' t r u e ' is of equal importance with t h e moral. I n fact, her younger sister, now residing l Here Father LaFarge repeats a fallacy, cherished evidently "The new state must include a the sum of SO myriaodt, bi; t it is one aspect of the moral. Truth is a moral quality. There- in Brazil is a medical librarian at key of the safe in which the csa- The Georjim promoted science, by a great many Catholics that the Jews are friendly t o Stalin. the University of Sao Paulo. Both portion of Jerusalem big enough He forgets that Judaism is a religion and recognizes a n atheist fore the supreme necessity that Religion, whatever i t may orleft Germany at the same, t i m e - to receive for many year»- a large jmond WEE kept happened to be considering it BE and supple! under the pillow of his father State when confronted by one'. The Jews see Russia as a place may n o t be,'must be true. There must be n o 'lies,' however one going to North America, the influx of immigrants — 50,000 : who was asleep &nd Dantoh ment to religion. Because this view clashed will; the prevailing annually as suggested — and other to South America — each where Zionism is forbidden; where Hebrew is not t a u g h t ; where 'holy' or hoary, in Religion's 'right hand.' The t r u t h of religion would not disturb him end thus attitude of the early Church, it should provide for an overflow i lost the sale. In the follcwinE was the cause o£ much iii-feeliag. must be that, n o t of 'revelation' alone, b u t of fact, of science 6,000 miles away from their par- to the deserts. the rabbis receive the same treatment as the priests. ents . . . Still another fugitive year, however, God rcwf.rfl.Rr' him "What the Zionist opponents with a birth of a red heifer; There a r e many Catholics who in the last ;few years have and philosophy. The t r u t h or truths oE religion must n o t befrom the terrors of Naziland to Ov.v Advertisers do not realize is that the alternaj become Communists, outnumbering the Jews. There a r e several x in conflict with reason or fact; on t h e contrary they must enrich this land with her talents, tive is not a national home in i among his herds, and the is Mrs. Hanna Mendei-Lohnberg, cause to purchase it. Ke sai£: "I \r million French Communists, there are several million Spanish < be the highest expression a n d sublimation of tiiese. Truth is attractive young mother of two their own sense but limitation — know rery -well that shoiild I tisk ,'the-seal of G o d ' as the Talmud expresses i t ; God's character children, who has been maybe in an Arab confederation living Communists, there were hundreds of! thousands of Bavarian you any amount of money for it, stamped upon creation. 'The heavens declare the glory of God, happily in San Francisco, expres- or a cantonized Palestine or in y o u Elve Communists - - all of whom a t one time professed loyalty t o ?4 vJ ou m * ' ! I: i ly and the universe showeth His handiwork.' God's law is reg-sing on canvas her appreciation the present undivided Palestine, eTer limitation and the- Catholic "church. Yet are we t o assume t h a t the Cathojic the! ! ;^ °f '? in of Free America and the Golden b u t a l w a V f l , good the loss I sustained nant throughout the universe, in the physical realm a n d in t h e r u i n of their hopes." church is a step toward Commimism because a large number of sphere of t h e human, a n d this law 'cannot be transgressed.' I t its members have become Communists? . cannot be ignored or evaded; neither can it be perverted. Truth :ll r r «f r And as f a r as Spain is concerned, the Jews do see it in t h e | is nothing arbitrary. Here is one of t h e Nazis' (many) mis, c . : ~ , «... spiration: To Hanna Mendelj p i tine before the ! pei-orm'nE: n 1 * th,; ret i t 5 o n o f a e s a n d R light of Hitler. B u t they also have the assurance of General takes, who would makeiTruth w h a t they wish it to be, twist Lohnberg was awarded first prize ' r „ „ „ « o f V . H M , v « d a t M r ™ I P e r ' o r m - n ^ >J- lK f^f T P Franco t h a t the Jews will not be tolerated under his rule a n d and contort it-to agree with a n d set forth t h e erroneous a n d in a portrait competition fey the •m i s s lon, several London newspa-i r e w a P d b e t o one who is in 8 tructl.!! ! they have h a d t h e benefit of his presence in Spanish Morocco pernicious Aryan racial ideology (truly an idiotology). Truth San Francico Society of ^ o m e n ; P e r s continued to call for (juick! e d t o d o s o E E d T e a U v d o P B i t , ; | Artists . . . Brown-eyed, vivac-; Br:option of the For R. Chanlna "Th* re-i where t h e Jews have ;been tortured a n d the communities, im- is correspondence /wifh reality. Things are what they are a n dious Mildred C. daughter; j v The Morning Post> command-' extreme k a r d of fulfilling poverished. "". . _ • - • " . ; Truth is that which so declares them, without bias, without No, Father LaFarge, you haven't formulated a creed for passion, and without prejudice. Truth is objective a n d not subJudaism either. Nor do we think you ought t o t r y again. The jective. W h a t we m a y hold to be Truth m a y n o t necessarily and s c h e m e through Parliament. rence University, is ready ana: ! fioes it cf his own free will." J e ^ has his creed. H e sees the t h e light of universal be soV Truth has t o be ascertained through most careful in- eager to go or — but Just too j "if the Arabs and Jews could Abimithe. son of R Abuhfi. ! belief in justice.' "--•-' .,.••" . nslit' It r r - - ' • r r r - t^rt o— quiry, investigation a n d research. That is the supreme value young in years and will have to jd e T i s e a n a r r B n g e i a e n t agreeable until next October, when she 1 10 b o l h i t w o u l s i b e w e l l w o r t h , i e fe c Be».Chis ! E I i rfrirr; r F - r r rrr s i - r ,., fP,, r, rrd I t w a s a J e w who said, " B y their deeds,- y e shall know of Science, t h a t , it so seeks t o attain it. Science is the pursuit wait ee is 21,- to take the bar esamina- j considering bat they are not i vet desen cc Ihp r •<•"..*\ retr^ cf F them." I t has been by his deeds that-we have judged Hitler. of Truth, of all t r u t h , of t h e very character a n d constitution tions which she is sure she will \ showing aa approach to accoino-i d i s r e s p e c t ; FOB, TI- .? t r o v And i t is by the deeds of Stalin and Franco t h a t we judge•th^ni.. of the universe. Even the brilliant psychologist a n d philosopher pass without difficulty . . . And ] dation," the Post declared. "Par-i may send h,r fft ?- .c w e Y i I ' ^ • if your njlnd's been conjuring up titlon, however much it is a stern ; a baadai.;. r r / of "Pragmatism," "William James was surely profoundly wrong the picture of a dull, thick-specnecessity, holds the field as the] action wLl lc :i\e-^.sC -,:. , 1 <• / i •, V when he declared t h a t t r u t h is 'that which works,' that utility tacled book-worm, it's been only practical policy. It is regret-| ture •wcr'J. Tl c r 1 "" ' • grinding in. vain, for this busy table tbat the GoTernissent haT-'v-fil expi"" **"" — «•"• - - r r The Jewish scene too oft'en seems one of clouds, black a n d w a s - t h e criterion of truth. Truth is t r u t h whether it is imyonng lady swims, plays tennis, i }ng- convinced themselves of Its' worSs: ..* i—'- forbidding. Y e t often enough, usually without benefit of pub- mediately useful or n o t - - though in the end it will be found basketball, is interested In hock-j-worth, should have faltered ia-ifisintv foor 'While the ^-<vo- -r-r- „*' -<- • licity, manifestations of sincere friendliness are" made and .re- to be of t h e highest utility. Truth is n o t relative, to one's de- ey, indoor baseball, Russ5an bal- j pressing- it on Parliament." sires, demands, or points of view. Truth is absolute - - as God let"— and hopes eventually to j T h e D a i l j r Telegraph comment-1 said: My t=c-, r > - < - ' - * vive hope for a troubled world. become a corporation lawyer . . . ; ib—ctc.^r^t h a t t h e onlj a l t e r n a t i v e to! thou obi*,F o r the past sixteen years t h e Rodef Shalom Temple of is absolute. Therefore Judaism's insistence upon truth "Speak And actual fulfiilaent of a sim-!eP adr t ition is the rule cf force, i ard the ec:. re si . - - : : r ; ^ . Pittsburgh has held its Rosh Hashonah services a t a local ye, everyone, t h e t r u t h with his neighbor.' 'Ye shall n o t lie t o i l a r d r e a m w e f i n d i n t h e p r o u d } w h i c } l t h e BritiBh n a t i o n i s n o t i " E a t , o l d r . ^ r c~_-\ c " '; n . zrone another." (Judaism countenances no lies, white o r black . r e c o r d of a c h i e v e m e n t of Miss i p r e p a r e d t o m a i n t a i n . M o d i f i c a - k E e s t i o n . " C: \\ - r 1 " "r r • ' r auditorium. . . .-_•..'• 1 or any other color, or in t h e pursuit of any however proclaim- R u t h W a r t e r s , a - g r a d u a t e of N . ! t i o a cf t b e r o u g h plan-©£ t h e R o y - j n m « r had 1 =. f . - ' l e - , * • - v \ This year i t was found because of the early occurrence of Y. U. L a w S c h o o l , n o w p r e s i d e n t ! & 1 c o m m i s s i o a i s p o s s i b l e , t h e j h i m . a n d h - r rr.'.hcr r r r ' c . edly noble ends — n o lying means to justify ends. Truth is of t h e B r o o k l y n W o m e n ' s B a r j t e l e g r a p h s a i d , if r e a s o n r e p l a c e s ' wcrlc f o r t h e g-cvemmerst rncl t h e i If your prefecsec-c-l; h«e c Eosh Hashonah the use of t h e hall h a d been assigned to t h e paramount). "Thou shall n o t bear false witness." "Execute A s s o c i a t i o n — w h o d u r i n g t h e j t h e ' p r e s e n t h o s t i l i t y l a t h e H o l y j s e n EE >i" : " I ^ ^ ££• f-nd tic the] tendency 4ew«r*Js fi«tnese concluding summer service of t h e city's twenty Protestant wcrfc for tfee frcvcrr.mert 1ti the judgment of t r u t h in the gate." The Talmud declares Truth last 6 \z years, in her -capacity as —•Dni veii'c lik# t e see churches. .-...assistant attorney-general •ei the lyotr place, f-nfl you tfke chF.rpe : 'one of t h e three pillars (along with Justice a n d Peace) that State of New York, has prosecutsi m o r t pHsfW?—you'lli>* ! of the mill."*" Therefore, • snch p,\ Under t h e circumstances ythe Temple started t o look for | it? vrhB uphold t h e universe. ed some 4,500 cases a month, \ son deserves to be "rewarded. another auditorium,; but the churches "hearing of t h e situation ws«s- ftoie! u s . brought thousands of dollars per Hence the all-importance of Truth as one of the three-fold month into the State Treasury unanimously voted to move their own services a n d give t h e aims of life. and recovered thousands more for auditorium to the Jewish Temple for its most holy of days. 1 individuals injured in industry. I t is acts as this that brings t o us t h e true meaning of And Beauty, too, is a proper aim of life, t h a t Beauty which Most of the trial work in the la-| Bucharest (JTA) — .An «Eti- j religion. As the tiny moon passing in front of the sun hides is Perfection, Harmony, Symmetry, Concord, a n d in the moral bor bureau of Attorcey-Ge-neral Jewish boycott campaign under I it from view, so one act as this sends into eclipse all thought realm 1'eace a n d Holiness. Emerson sang, so beautifully, John J. Bennett's office is hand- the slogan. "Not a pin frocj t h e ' led by Miss vWarters . . . Yet ihis j Jews," -was announced in t i e I of the existence of bigotry anywhere in t h e world. ' ' "Go tell them live, if eyes were made for seeing, 1 , energetie, brilliant woman still -j widely-circulated n e w s p a p ers, j By Robert Stone Then, beauty is i t s own excuse for b e i n g j ' finds time to, keep physically fit» Porupca Vremi and Bunevestire.! ;: I I, B u t Beauty is n o t something merely external, superficial, with sueh sports as hiking, swim- j The first step in the drive, i t : NOSTK ming, golf and tennis as hobbies j -was stated, -w»l be establishment: FIRST NEGRO JEWISH CEX- '. The Nazis have perfected t h e technique of adding insult adventitious. I t is as deep as t h e tiniverse.. The very word —while for relaxation, the sooth- j by the anti-Semitic Fascist Iron • TER TO BE BUI.L.T OX L.OXG ; to injury. Not long ago those persons who did n o t serve their for universe, in the Greek is 'cosmoR,' which, gives \is our word Jng comfort of a. quiet hour spent; Guard of cooperative stores in ev- | ISLAND . . . New WiD.ean teny j | ery section of the capital with' ir Jews tire thoroughly Amcr- j i military duty would be heavily taxed. Since-the-Jews could for the universe - - cosmos - - which means 'beauty.' The uni-a t the piano . . . Christian staffs, jibe shops will : icanized — even to, the point of THE HOMELAND" not serve, they were obligated t o pay. "Unlike our own Asser verse is" deeply, inherently beautiful, for law a n d order per! drawing a rigid co^or line; ^ d center ^rve -s propa^nda Word from Palestine that 22. • Levy, who under exactly similar conditions, fought for the right vade i t wjiich a r e expressive of t h e nature a n d character of i v c: fv- -i.wC t.* find Til6 CEly m £ t n d Cf .nts.Iia-re just been adrnit-[ to stand guard in New Amsterdam, the Jews of Germany are God, AVIIO is highest Unity a n d Perfection. The beautiful Eighth ted to the Henrietta Szold School j rid of the Jews Is° starving them! CEL RESERVATIOXS ON GEH-; death," declared Porunca Tre- \ MAX L.INER . . . Thf-fs yhr.t we, Psalm, sets forth t h e "excellence" of ""God's name" in t h eof Nursing, Jerusalem, brings to ito acquiescing and paying their tax. ., >'• nxi in appsaling lor support of: call VEking up to the facts of; mind the recent announcement of i : But the prize achievement of this sort arises from t h e "heavens," "the moon a n d the stars," t h e "glory a n d honor of ;'-r: j r . - ; - f : '. ? 144 »:fe. , | Miss Marion Eisenberg, of Jerssy the boycott. Meanwhile, following last! NB«' YORK NEGRESS REG-; :""r".'" r - r ,-" ^\-.- cusliquidation of the German District of B'nai B'rith. The gov-nrtfn" " - - in nature a n d in human nature.' Psalm Nineteen t h a t City chairman of Junior Hadassah TOR WFA \ I D D I S . H : u>r' a ~c v . " / , . of»!y ernment was extremely disappointed a t t h e loot realized by points out the 'perfection' of t h e Moral Law, that "restores the chairman of the Junior Hadassai •9reek-g anti-Jewish disorders m!ISTEKS „ • ,. . . , the town of Panciu, ''Premier : COURSE . . . Maybe she just et o 5 cent?, *.. xr,l,.t h'-.if is % the raid on this fraternal organization's.offices. soul," that "maketh wise t h e simple," t h a t "rejoices t h e heart," c nurses committee, that plans " e jQ Tatarescii ordered local ^ ^ to ^ *™ «ncerr,t?,r,d of $4.52 oz ct the I n consequence the Nazis have decided t o dim all mem- that is "pure, enlightening, t h e eyes," whose "ordinances a r e already 'under vvay for the cele- ja u t h o r i t i e H . t o enforce law and or-! the members of Hftrlem's colored. bration of the 29th .anniversary j ^ j . Q have been tak-; .J_ew|r.h_colony. rstc of | : 12.96 K month." bers whose dues were in arrears. v "While ivfe are in no position true a n d righteous altogether" - -_Js the psalm t h a t declared of • the nurses* training school I g r it; • ea against the rioters. ; ErKOPK " t o judge, it seems possible that should the United, States, gov- that the whole cosmos proclaimed the glory of God. Nature, next year. And, lest you under- j REPORT 45 DELEGATES OF i Sarateanu, general seere•a Pur-sn ! rni FIRST EIONIRT C O N G R E S S ! ernment ever take\it into i t s head to liquidate Jewish organi- man, and morality have one eommon^root - - God! Kant pene- estimate the task, it may be o* j tary" ot~the"union urc in hsvinc; the conTho first j zations, it could pay the national debt by merely^ copying t h e trated to this profound truth" when* he m a 3 e - t h e memorable ftitefest to know that .of the total IJ e V B j 'returneV from the *" tovn i STILL SURVIVE annual budget of $75,000 'raised 'I find reported the victims of the forty years are the hardest — : s j venience, the protection 1 r Nazis and dunning for. dues owed t h e treasurer. ,-*"" statement that "two things evoked his deepest r e v e r e n c e ' - - the by that organization c for all its ; gigturbancea -R-ere mostly -war let's hope. I t- r.nd the soci'J F.CvunZ?,ge$ .TEWISK DOC 'OR PLANS The starry heavens aBove, _the Moral Law within." The supreme, Palestinian enterprises, $17,000 jT e teracs and war .5 U 2t G I C A LHe who closes his lfeart to the sorrows of the multitude, superb, supernal beauty is t h e 'beautj- of holiness.' This recon- each year go towards malnten- j situation of the .Tevs of the town < TEKXATIOXAI^ •ff.'hcn VOK krsoT.-' that havbration si take part in their joys; i ciles the poet's dilemma: , ance o an aluirini 331 rrmke renr roefcetbook "I slept a n d dreamed that life was b e a u t y : cause of j,heir own professional j j^trjsh sewspaper Curierul It : " As steel sharpens steel, so does a trained mind sharpen .J woke and~found that lifQ is d u t y : : I BECAUSE E E IS T-HFTAKFA" ; | repute as wen s s the high scho- ] raelit appealed for &ld for : % £: another. • FOK JEW . . . Some people don't; ; ., Life is both beauty a n d duty - - the beauty of duty, t h e lastic standards of the nursing ! victitis of the disorders. school, are cocstanly in demantt, j . duty of beauty. "The good is always beautiful, t h e beautiful not only is! Palestine, but other] | JEWISH COLONISTS AID is good" as Shelley also expressed i t : countries Thus ; countris to the Xear Esst. Thu lARAB VILLAGERS ATTACKED "Beauty is truth, and t r u t h beauty; By Rabbi Frederick (John > in Henrietta Szold school of Nurs- ! PICKETS j BY BAXDIT GANG . . . Thin is ing. immigraEt girls from <3erj • That is all y e know on-earth, a n d all ye need to know." The real object of life, that which gives it zest and purr what WP.S to be e^cpeeie'd. A test csse j Goodness! T r u t h ! Beauty!. The three-fold aim of life! many, Poland End other stricken j Warsaw (WXS) pose, is the attainment of the Good, t h e Triie,_and the Beautiful. j 0*-, The pursuit of the good is the noblest activity in life, that To which we may apply King Solomon's words:."Two are bet.%• i ^ which gives it moral character and purpose, which recognizes ter than one, and a three-fold cord is not as easily brokenV *the true seriousness and sacredness of existence. There a r e - - Frederick Gohn. those who deny that existence has any significance, who mainsalt filed here by g. Warsaw .Is •' Before the expulsion 'of the ish business men against a group; tain that all is chance, 'the fortuitous concourse of atoms,' that r ' ' f : " r ' • I1 4 1 Jews from England 'tliere..existed j of EnsSeks who bare beesi picket-1 *•' ' H e b r e w C a l e n d a r ••-. • the universe is a-moral, if not immoral; un-moral,.having no .in London a congrpgation con-! IRS his store. |_ *;»;'' »- r ;;t"i t concern for t h e moral. As illustrating t h e la\v of evolution, sfstiisu entirely o* converts to-f A 1 t Ii o u g b the cca^piaii/act > ^, Bosh Uaslionah ....Mon., "Sept. .6 Jttdaisia. paerely cs&s callages oJ -"oC0 J according to these, the universe is 'red in tooth a n d claw,' as Fast of Getlaliali » ."Wed., Sept. 8 -—• ' . . • .'Izioty?, i t is expected t h s t t h ea c - 1 I Husley expressed i t ; bloody t cruel, ruthless, a't least not conYom Kippur .1 „ , Wed., Sept. 25 Kinjr Sisisuiwisd of B u r g u a d x ! tioa vrill decide o n c e ' a n d for all ; | j cerned with any law of 'morality/ so-called'. There are others (c. 5 1 6 ) i s [ t h e f i r s t , E u r o p e a n [ w h e t h e r t h e ' anti-Jewish b o y c o t t - | , 1st Dc;7 of Suecoth „ Moo., S e p t 20 who openly flout the moral, who^deny its'validity, who advomonarch vebo'attempted t o raise j is leg%l. ; |t WEbstw 3 5 2 Siraohath Torah ,.... Tnes., S?pt. 2S a barrier between J e w a n d Chris-; ; || cate unscrupulousness, trampling on the moral, suppressing it, *Fa9t obsefved on following Sunday.

Subscription Price, one year §2.00 Advertising ratc3 furnl3ned on application. JSdltorlal Offico: 500 Brandolo Theater Sious City Office—Jewish Community Center Print Shop Address: «504 So. 24th Street DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managina Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - • - / Editor FANNIE KATELMAN Council Bluffo, Iowa, Correspondent ANN Pllib - - - i Sionx City,- Iowa, Correspondent •

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Sincere Friendliness




Renew Intensive Econonilc Boycott i

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Heighth of Dunning





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The Thre^-FoM; Aim of Life'' . '• \



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ranee as ling- Opponent [-Partition Plan

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Singing and Dramatic Organisation

j Muni finds it indispensable. It ; Eosssblooi ^ ^:,-v* j is lined with' mirrors and equip- ; "Oh," be' -'U. i:V-t-r - ,~T-~ ^ r „ jped with a recording mad ne. Cerer ge t a.not "Well represented in every activsee this." A s Is.ter j Oaee inside, Muni shuts out ity of the Third Annual Corji The Singing and Dramatic Or- , world, talks Ms lines, m t b e ;:iEg his lines. h e bs&ste Belt Regional Alephs association ganization met Monday night at r i faces for hours at a time. " l e n : grot a Ipt to s zy i n this 7 summer convention and touraa- 1806 No. 19th street. Three new i when he has perfected the €.1- pointing to lfc e scriBt, "J ment. Sam Beber chapter No. 100 ! members; Mr. and Mrs. Morris >n or dialogue he calls i n .. . . pag-es ami pa jres of t " upset preconvention dope and Bolgoff and daughter, Shirley, * % * Bella, far an oka-y. predictions by capturing the soft- were initiated. The Dramatic Di- j * * * ten nice ball championship' of "the region rector Mr. Louis Wolk gave two ! They had to call for volunteers j (Copyright. 1!537," Jewis for the first time in three years. sketches to the members for in-; . no one -scanted to punch Msxie ' graphic Agency, I E : T e a m s f r o m B o c k I s l a n d Xo _ 39 tare plays. The nest meeting i

fork .(.WNS)- — Franc* pie the spearhead of gov- • [I opposition to the prj> jrtition of Palestine and idy notified the, British eat-of its attitude, ac0 a wireless dispatch to j York Times by Augur, >ndon political commehj point _ out that England ily worried over Prance's p to partition. He ast Paris holds that final 1 Palestine rests with the j>I 'Nations, in •which represented, and Tience, „ ch Government should " consulted. Fear of parffect on Syria and Engpg record of refusing to( jTrance on Near Eastern re behind the French opI Augur claims, go "states that becausa railed to act swittly on , delay is likely to be lding up the execution of a year or more. Augur claims that Poland will i partition, unless the prorsrish.State is enlarged. Jeonim promoted science, • ing it an aid and supplereligion. Because this ;shed with the prevailing of the early Church, it cause of much ill-feeling. onize Our Advertisers orahs, Jewish Music, Bibles

''Mi Price on Talaisem. Ipr Holidays Its for Bar Mitzvans

SAYEE BOOKS 300 X. 50—GL. 2972 Box 710,.Omaha, Neb.

PEZZNER-LETWEJ Mrs. Julius Katelman of CounMr. atfd Mrs. Herman Theodore cil Bluffs, Iowa announces the ap-of Wichita Fall, Texas./announce proaching mar/riage of her daugh- the approaching marriage of Des Moines No. 4, Sioux City- No. j will be at the home of Mr. and! ter, MisB Fannie Katelman, to Mr.their niece, Leona Letwin, to 12, Council Bluffs No. 7 and!Mrs. Kenyon. j Bernard Herskovitz, son: of Mr. Samuel Pezzner -of Lewis, Iowa, squad from Omaha No. 100 and) Chairman of this organization! Max Herskovitz of Kansas City, son of Mr. -«Eid Mrs, "William Pez- No. 1 were entered. I is Mr. Sam Kenyon; the singing! .Missouri. , : ' aner of Omaha. The century chapter establish- director who is preparing the j The ceremony will tage place The ceremony will take place ed,,itself as a definite threat by music for the organization is Mr. Sunday afternoon, August 15, at Sunday, August 15, at 1 p. m. at overwhelming first and second Sam Yaffee; secretary, Mrs. Sam two o'clock at the bride's home the home of -the groom's parents. round victories over Rock Island Yaffee, and treasurer, Mr. at 417 Oakland Avenue In Coun- A reception will be held from 3 and Council Bluffs to enter -the Feldman. cil Bluffs,- in the presence o! to 7. No invitations havebeen is- finals. Mother Chapter No. .1, the members ol the two families. sued. other finalist went down to deFollowing the ceremony, a wedfeat before the Sam Beber men ding Teception -mil be held at i FLEISH3IAX-ROSTTZKY who were determined to win their home between the hours..ol three Mrs. Rose Rositzky of Los An-first Softball championship. The | TRIAL: These who thought tbe could possiilj" liave and six o'clock for all relatives geles, formerly of St. Joseph, final score was 6 to 5. Heavy hittI indictment against anti-Semitic ! Arabs. By HELEN ZIG5I©NI> and friends ot the couple. Missouri, announces the marriage ing and tight pitching characterI pamphleteer Robert S. Edmorsd- j of l e r daughter, Hermine. to Sam jl e d t h e p ] a y by t n e n e w chaispQuietly drappsd \ i son -was OKTHAIT: According ~c Hollvwood If you reafl about , Fleishman, S on of Mr. and Mrs. jJ o n s throughout all rounds of lEI>CHOOH-KArLA?f ior and - Tork Pest tintj-pe. £*• Stella Ardler these days d o n ' t ! ^ g o t t e n are shortly due lor B. Fleishman, of Omaha." T h e | i . i p ay Miss Ruth Kaplan, daughter 9! blame the linotyper . . .it's sin- ' « u i t e a surprise. . . . Within the like Lenin; is o! middle Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, Oma- j wedding took place August 1 in 1 L ha, will become the bride-oI.'Mr. <» Angeles Paul Lelchook, son of Mr. and relatives and After Mrs. E. Lelchook, Sioux City, la., on Sunday, August- 13, at. the west coast the in Omaha. ! pie," and it was brought fcv the Jewish Community Center. •yard .-run, second in the 440 and a r . . j e s C £ n £ &I1 ^ •Things I Never Knew Till Now ;K e w T o r l _ d i s t r k t attorney at the | The -wedding ceremony, at 5:30 The bride is a graduate of Lin- third in the IOC yard dash. denwood College ot St. Charles, p. m., in the presence of the imMembers of. the chapionship j . . Nor Missed: Jack L. Warner ;E p e c i a l instigation cf none other 'APOED: Ksfc-hi .TOE chin1 mediate families, "will be perform-^ Missouri. The groom is a grad- softball team are Norman Kuklln, i v a s than Mayor LaGuardia, he Prinz, "who recently arrived to setBlue hammered Hitler. . . . A pile of ! ed by Rabbi David Goldstein and uate of tBe University j>f Nebra- manager, Harry Fox, Jack Ep-j < B o b * y Breen and tle in the United States, has ar e als b o r n n ska. Cantor Aaron Edgar." preparation has gone into the ; excellent speaJc:r..c s.eccaintsT\rp stein, Manuel Himelstein, P a u l k ™ .° . l Canada.^ The " B " in "Louis B. Mayer" case to make it airtight end i£; with a. number of Gestapo effiSacks, Sonny Richards, Leo Al-1 ,A reception honoring the briWEDDING DATE Bobby isn't convicted, there'll"-be ! cers in person, Ben Wintroub, Albert • stands for Burt. dal pair will be held a t the.JewHe | Chico is the oldest of the Four many s'urprised people. . . H a r o ] d Z e H n s k ish Community, Center from 8 to At a luncheon given at the Pa*v to have. . . ton Hotel by the • mother of the LMarxes -. . . He has seen, forty10 o'clock. Relatives and friends bride-to-be, October 3 was an-! George Shafer was elected! FO jnar.y times fcy the 'Gestapo v^^^uu^i « . . . ^ ^ „ . _ _ ;s ; x summers, not mentioning the are invited to the reception to ; BOOK REVIEW: A meaty lost track o* their number. . the wedding date of | Aleph S gan of the region a t . t h e ; ^ . " nounced as haj d w i n t e r g -which-no cards have been issued. Miss Lottie Rips, daughter of Mr."| semi-ainual business held^in Ho-1 T ^ o u g h t h e y h a T e l i u l e e l B e i n ! hour's reading is Lion Feucat-iEis last such csperieiice vr.s just Mls3 Kaplan has beein honored and Mrs. Samuel Rips, and Har-|tel Chieftain, Monday. He was; wanger's new book, "Moscow i before le^viT;?: for AnErics,1 v^her G r o u c h o a n d VKVX M u n l at many affairs recently at "which old Bloeh; son of Mr. and Mrs.- jm of four new. off icers chosen af-j c o m m ^ : 19S7—My Visit -Described For he -was seized R? a Czech FT ?". . . g a m 6 eTen tQ her hostesses "were Mrs^ Nathan Joseph Bloch. . ; My Friends" . . . It's cue of the He was fiiscussing a Pal"Ft.ln^ I ter -delegate*- trom • » e chapters j . Gimple, Mrs. Libby Kaplan, Mrs. MiS9 Rips has recently been \ had decided to r e o r g a n i s e jex- j ^ , n most disturbing little volumes of niOTing picture cs ths trlfrhD^e m t z b r o t n e r s reql,ire Dave Epstein, Mrs. M. V. Priesone flay F"F"??tef; to tfc? r?.r- • ^ ^ ^ t h ^ T ; WUrt l h e ^ «* ^ ^ ^lentr «» man, Mrs. E. Lelchook, Mrs. Lou- h o n ^ d ^ a f f a i r s - g i v e n oy: Miss j| ecutive of the cornbeli He- ^ ,r u m ; u s e s , nterary, liberal, ty at the ctfeer end ot the -ri-p ' is Froom, Mrs. Mai Phillips, Miss Ruth Bloch, Mrs. J.Falk,. Mrs.! that it be Ehovn to Sioii:i?rr =! j thai or Minnie Kaplan and .Mrs. Sam Joseph. Bloch Miss Dorothy Cam- AH convention winners and P aT coEservative and Jewish circles.' CzscioElovatia. . . . Tfeg ^""?nn" j thai "order ' And nobody ~,^ T,i»w, V , - - * Frohm. ..".'. el,l Mrs. Miss Ida Kotler, M 0. 0 Fox, F Kotler ticipants t i i p t will ill be b honored at tt ee| w| I l j C n ii g ^ anyhow." It rips the lid off one's selfMrs J. J Tfeggef, Tfeggef Mrs. Mrs H. H FreshFresh- jj chapters chapters next next regular regular business business jj After a brief honeymoon, the Mrs. meeting to be held Monday, An- • f Katskee. . couple will make their home in man, and Mrs. Sheff gust 18, S:00 at the Je-wish ComSioux City, Iowa. munity Center. Ben Barkin, forBRUNCH Plans have been completed for ^ merly of Milwaukee and now CHOOSES REDDING DATE the "Brunch" to be given by the newly appointed assistant esecu0 be RSSOC.-'.TC server of character and history • probably c.o: Miss Gertrude Bernice Bloch, O m a h a c h a p t e r of Junior Hadas- tive secretary. Vill be guest * * * .as Lion Feucht-wanger can not be j ineradicable daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph j c n T , t W g S u n a - a y morning, August I speaker' at the meeting. Short Phil Baker, latest of the Bloch, .has chosen October 24 at 15, at 11 o'clock at lightly 'regarded. One o Ike I by speeches be gi the date of her marriage to Mr. most illuminating — . * -_ - , into . of the teamo and a report of ! AH members, prospective membelieves his stay will Irvin Gross Cohn, son of Mr. and bers, and friends are invited to convention activities will be giv- j miniature YoJums fiesls vfitb the! Consrress -^ES thmittng1 ci rOIlta itE a long one. Has domiciled his.j Mrs. Harry Cohn. Trotskvist trials. . . . T i e Radefe-i 5 Eessioa. . . . Ther* attend. Miss Ann Goodbinder is en "for those who -were unable to -plenty oot- p<?c~le m c c i r g srrLr,; Mrs. Joseph Bloch recently en- chairman in charge of this affair. attend. A program has been plan- wife and three kiddies, Mullet, | Pratakor-SokolnifcoT trial -trssiT-ientT 3, Stuart. 2, and- Michael, 4 ]. witnessed fry the author.tertained at a luncheon at the Reservations may be made by ned and refreshments His ; loose . that Peters -wouid 1U;=- : r> ; will be His F.ontenelle Hotel for fifty-five calling her at. Glendaie 3115. months, in a Bel-Air home. His | i j j the complex factorE • partition. And hew about r " i i aria rs s o served. tiorJr.r this colutiiB? . . . Th" ?rr-



guests. The bride-to-be bas also national broadcast may b© radio- j tfcat"made the trials eeera so in-; honored at affairs given by A3TNOrN.CE BERTH ed from this coast. His first j comprehensible and amazing to: CTtd hall poire to the Ars.hf. Misa Ruth Bloch. Mrs. S. Rips, screen bow will the "Gold- j Americans \s 50 plausible and en-j Mr. and Mrs. L Roslnsky of AuMrs. J. Fregger, Mrs. J. Falk, burn, Nebraska,, announce thewyn Follies." i tirely reasonable as proffered by, Mrs. O. Fox,, and Mrs. Sheff Kat- birth of a son on August 10. at * * * _ j Feuchtwang-er that one' is moved j Sunday was a iield day for the s k e e . " :'•'-.•' • ..•.•.'.'•.' Mother Chapter of the A; Z. A., j - Best news of the week: Musi- j t o -ponder what all the wonder 1 the Clarkson Hospital. Tor It was then that they ran. cal director Boris Morros has ;v a s a bout. . . . I t was oi Kadek i from those deafening j t c a t s u l i a made that rersrlr :. away, vrith the track meet spon- i turned B4R : COXVAIiESCIJf G' Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen of Miss Lottie Zlotkin, -who spent sored by the Cornbelt Aleph's As- swing" shirts to don plain T?rhJte ^Mch. is gucted differently -in tte] Gretna, Nebraska, announce the a vreek in the hospital as the re- sociation at the Summer Regional ones. There's harmony in silence. . English and American editions e* j This week -nxz,rlz$ the CCTT'P• •• the book. Bar Mitzvah of their s,on, James sult of injuries received - in an Tournament held on August 7, S cording version/Stalin said, "You j tion or the J. C. C. Jr. SO.'-^E/: Morris, on ..Saturday morahig, automobile accident, is now con- and 9 in Council Bluffs, la. A studio cameraman at. a Vreview tbe other ni£ht spotted ; Jews have created -one eternally j L-esETtte, with the Giants is-, ;i.= August 14, at the Adass Yeshu- valescing at her borne. Omaha No. 1 with a score of . I the pensaat cinched. The L p r;i'? 44 points. Her closest contender,! Warner and a couple other execs, i t rne leerend, that of Judas." ren S>-nagogue, 25 th and Seward yj has been very successful f.rc.". t" •• Cojincil Bluffs Ko. 7 had a .total I He. rushed up to snap the group •; viking Press, the American streets'. Friends and relatives are VISITS PARENTS at Stalin's', ery Etanapc-int and soni* invited to attend. .. <?' Mrs. Meyer Levey of Onawa. Of'34 points. T h e Softball and i when VTarner waved htet back. | lishers, convinced S.V6 f « V " «•:•• " « V.*v« ! mere *boys Iowa, is visiting Tier parents, Mr. tennis team both made an excel- \ advised, Save the bulb . . . it's words had been t h e .victim oJ £ j-^>--~ I-double tra.nslatioa—froro. K.ussis.11 : youngsters SCftb"!! 1' VISITING HERE and. Mrs. Joseph Meyer for two lent showing; but were unable to j only us." 1 rrrp' • * I to German ai-.d thes. to Eaglisb.: the past summer. K Dr. Lewis H. Turek, formerly weeks while Lieutenant Levey at- win the championship. All of the 1 due Paul Steir.berg:, men A sequence in Eddie Cantor's ,—and fearing a misinterpretation, of Omaha, who now maintains an tends army maneuvers at Camp members on the track team who ^ t ° Athletic CoEimittee, v, office in the South Shore district Riley, .Minnesota. ,'___'_ had participated in a winning or Ali Baha Goes to Town" calls j chose to substitute ths words | in complete charge c* "There is" for "YflU' Jews have drinfeing: IOUTI| in Chicago, is spending two weeks second place event were awarded j for a set with a here visiting with 'hi3 brothers AKRIVE FROM IfEW TORK Over it hangs j created." . . . In another chapter, LSBg'UG. for camels.. Last week's results in -which the Jews .are discussed, and their families. Mr. and MT3. Alex Fallack of medals by the Supreme Advisory tain a slprn: TTPA Filling Station Conncil. A Federal Pro- Feuchtwanger erroneously refers New Torlt City arrived Thursday At the business meeting on Oasis No. € 7-r, to the Jewish Republic of Eiro- i 'the. Tijrsr?. by a ^rrrs HO3FE FROM VISIT evening to be the guest of TVIrs. Monday afternoon two members ject." He eight to be -told i while the Cards Eipped Bidjan. Miss Minnie Froom is return- H. Goldstein and Mrs. I. Tretiak. of the Mother Chapter "were hon- ] tne ing to Omaha Friday evening af- Mrs. Goldstein and her. two sons, jo r ded by being elected as officers ; Carl Laemrnle Sr- re.eaters the that it's still siraply *n sutono- • ter an extended visit in Holly- Leo and Irving, will leave on Au- of the region which had just : film arena. Has formed the Ka- i nous Jewish territory, quite ; 15. The final es schedule wood, California. . gust 20 with the Fallacies to mo- been reorganized.. Morris Arbit- •l tioaal Talent Picture Corporation j different from a repuboc Miss FroOm was the hous' tor to" California. man was elected secretary and to produce pictures with child • guest of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dan Miller was elected chaplain. players chosen from dramatic j T»LAYLET: Scene, offices of. the', 11 F ?r Adelson while in Hollywood and HOSTESSES AT PICNIC schools all over the country, the j Hamburg-American line Fifth; was extensively entertained by The Misses Gertrude and Bercorporation to operate in con- Avenue, Isew York City, A I her many friends on the west tha Guss entertained at a picnic i junction* with the schools. young. lady, Jewish but ct \ at Elmwood Park Sunday Morn- v coast. > - •" : "Aryan" appearance, thickisg s i s : A-benefit bridge'to raise funds : Two golf playing writers Ing, August 8 ior twenty-five was Tralkins* into the French • for the new Beth Zeiroth-Girl's; RETURNS HOME guests in honor of Mrs.' Samuel the Hillcrest Country Clnh reach- ! Line, steps -J? to the clerk end Mrs. Melvin Katleman of Los Kaye of New York, the former School in Tel Aviv, will be held | ed the green. -One chap lo'und ; asks for information shout trirAngeles, California, who has been Sunya Cohen of Omaha, and Miss at the home of Mrs. A. Shafton, that the other's ball was in trout j to Jerusalem. . The- clcr:; r""3113 Lincoln Blvd. on Tv'ednes-, spending the summer here visit- Goldie Devine of Sioux City, la. of him. "I'm stymied," he saiS." litely ssppli? it,- then r-aV-r day, August IS. This bridge un-; ing her parents, Mi. and Mrs. H. "I'm Rabinowitz," replied." the | conversation, . "So you'-r ~r>der the auspices of the Mizracbi ' Janoff, is leaving next week for PICNIC SjCTNBAY' other, holding out his hand. aj; to Jerusalem," he renar':". her home. Many affairs were givThe Pioneer Women's Organ- "Women's organisation will be in You know, c* cotirss, who 7-01:en in her honor. ization-will hold a picnic on Sun- the form of a dessert-luncheon. Jack Osterman is so grateful neipbbors ••will be." . . . n:Any member who has not'yet day, August ,15, at Elmwood since making a comeback. He j young -lady, Park. Articles of value will be raised her quota for the Donor's GtTEST IS OMAHA "Eycrybofly « nace to = r ; do so a t this time [ ^" _ , . : Luncheon,, may 1 Mra. E. Gillnsiy of Council given away. y Bluffs is spending several weeks -•*. All members arid friends are by making up a table of bridge. ir.c with red to : Mrs. Sophie Rotbkop is chair- xnp ar.d o: in Omaha^at the home of • her urged to attend. to ?ivc m a t e r i a l . H e w a n t e d man of the card party committee daughter, Mrs. Max Pirsch, and " ?. C^v tO t h r e e of rr.y old g a c s of the Mizrachi "Women— VISIT IN CHICAGO Mr. Firsch v m e ! " Mrs. John Cohn and daughter, « * « OPEXS OFFICE • Shirley are, in Chicago visiting r,r Paul Muni has a portable r Dr. Abraham D. Faier has re-j with Mrs. Sally ^Zare, sister of i h e a r r a l bungalow. Ke b o u g h t turned to Omaha after serving in j Mrs. Cohn. They plan to stay Mrs.; S a m K l a v e r , p r e s i d e n t of f r c a Doug F a i r h a a k ? , J r . . Trhcthe Oral Surgical Department of i there two weeks. t h e L a d i e s F r e e Loan Society, a n - ^ t y,n l a t t e r w a n t e d to £ i - " c r o cT City "and County Hospital of Sfc-j -~— DHIVLK TKZ i:Z'-" n o u n c e s t h a t - a n executive meet- j j * czl y - ; d e p a r t u r e for T^z'.c-Z. P a u l , Minn. MONTH'S TACATIOX . i n g . of t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n will b e ; .—— —— Dr. F a l e r . g r a d u a t e of C r e l g h - i Miss" Marion Clayman h a s been held on Monday, A u g u s t 1 5 , a t 2 .'fL£J-~— —*—"-—'—•— —-*""-"% ton "University D e n t a l College of visiting w i t h f r i e n d s , a n d I p . m . a t t h e h o m e of Mrs. I I . GUE: 1537 will open hi3 office_ in ibe tives past month in 2217 N o r t h . 19tb." s t r e e t . RsrnoveiS by Medical Arts Bldg. City, Missouri. Multiple E!ectrc'yi:» T h e B o a r d m e m b e r s ' of t h e or- ! i All Wcr'« G^sr^nfc'r: ganization" will m e e t for a n esc- ' CONSUi-TATIO.\ TT.Z.Z. KETCRN HOME LEAVES GIRL SCOUT CAMP and Ccnfid:r.l.s; c u t i v e meeting; a t t h e s a m e place ; : Misa Janet Graetz has just j Dr. and Mrs. Irvfn Stein and a t 1 p . rn., o n e h o u r before t h e | ( completed seven weeks as music (family have returned from a regular meeting.^"• :Z3 Wc-Ii-Hersit! = ! : ; . ,r-i counselor at Camp Ma Ha, the 'three week vacation in the SouthOmaha Girl Scout-Camp. She and j west and Mexico. In El Paso, her mother, Mrs. Leon Graetz, J Texas, they -visited "Mrs. Stein's will spend the remainder of the |-brotherrin-law and sister, Mr. and summer in Chicago visiting rel-j Mrs, Ben Bendalin and -were ex- . The publicity cornmiltlci: of the atives and friends. ..""•. | tensively entertained. local Council of .Jewish Women In the fall Miss -Graets will re-I" In th^.course of their trip they is -st present -working out a s e v mime her position as music and ' stopped at the Carlabati Caverns idea for the organizations "Year Book." , Spanish teacher at. the Under- i in New Mexico. wood High School. In addition to tbe names of the The Emperor Frederick II, last regular members, there -svIU be =. ' • of tbe Hobenstaufen rulers, car- section devoted t o . the r s a e n - j "WEINER ROAST i The Thorpeian Athletio Club -Tied on a great correspondence brance of those dopartcri. will hold their annual funfest! with a Jewish scientist, Jehuda Anyone wishing to have the j weiner roast on Saturday even-' ben Solomon Cohen^ Ibn-Matka of namefbf a departed Irirnd cr ing, Ausus'- 14, for members and | Toledo <c. 1247). relative inscribed in gold letters friends. Harry Chudacoff is in the Year" Book is afkrd to call chairman of tbe committee in Joseph Strauss was admiral of Mi . Sam Josephson, Ja. 5C39 becharge. tbe United States . Asiatic fleet. fore September 1.


Our Afivprtise^e

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A.Z.A. No. 1

•jr pochcibook has a incy towards flatness d you'd Itko t o SQQ bro plump—you'll be 'rested in what this user told ua.



Women's MizracM

as surprised to find in ten days the teleae saved its 20 trips amounted to 144 a," one o£ our cus« ers told us. "At only :nts a mile this is a ag of $4.32 or at the of $12.96 a month." here's an added pleasin having the'conience, the protection the social advantages telephone service sayouRnow thathava telephone tends to ke your pocketbook mper.

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•ary iimo you call a tolotono nsmber you u»o mar part of iho. -nslion— do Bo!! Telspheno 5y»« • m. thai co»i' more ibsn ur billion dollars and om>ya aboui 3 O0,000 par. Tha foeiliiica of this I'ciro oysiolTJ Era years to

T s s t t i s s of 'hist •• •» eir* i * <s t ut®& is, Selel



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POST — Mrs. Irene de Bruyn Robbins, widow of Warren Delano Robbins, former Minister to .Canada' and a cousin of President Roosevelt,' who has been placed in charge of decorating American consulates abroad. She will receive $6,500 a year.


th* >MW K


IT'S CAIXED A VERTAPLANE—Perhaps it lo«&s like a gigantic praying nantis, sruatling 02 £. Philadelphia field, but it's called a vertaplane. Its inventor, Gerdanzs Post Eerrick, asserts it corabines the best- features of an airplane' and an autogyro, so it can fiy throush the &ir and then settle down vertically. The top wins acts as the vertical gyro.


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mbei' Lhe iate Oliauncey

H1OONET OPEEATION BARBED — Physicians at San Quentin Prison, Cal., refused'to operate on Tom Mooney, above, ill from a gall bladder infection, "because there would be such a hue and cry if he died under the knife." The famous lifer who has long protested his innocence of participation in the 1916 Preparedness Day bombings in San Francisco, was reported improving*

torc" rr,; e'J^n s



SprinfTF. K. V.. to vvilli&Tn Oererd Cavpri».e'r. o" ROS'TTI. L,. I. X-ler rnother, lirs. Chsuncer Oisoit. has s. home. lni:»s:avis., in Saratoga " .o: n Kev- To;L. TLi u . w volt

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NO CliENCHEl? FIST —- Russian Communists salute with a clenched fist, but these Soviet leaders rarely use that style, preferring something'betwesn a military salute and a ware. Left to right: Dictator J.-V. Stalin, Council Chairman V. M. Molotov and Central Committee Chairman H. X. Kalinin^ "They are shown during a recent parade in Moscow.




.'r. .^'." T>

ingly at war equipment, on a recent visit to the ncvzl nussuza in Toiyo. Left to right are Princcscas Ten:. Tata and Tori. A HCTE.1 ofacer behind them attempts to explain the nieci^iic&l intrieaciss or one of the guas.



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CITY OF DESOLATION—Madrid, once beautiful capital of Spain, now presents a scene of desolation, as the result of the Spanish war well on its way-into, the second year. Here is a residential street that shows the effect of eight months of battering. Homes are deserted, shade-trees blasted and even the war barricades are > broken.-This street leads to the front lines.

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BO1HBE2S EECEE&flON —Punching a sandbag-for hours is monotonous to any fighter, so Joe Louis, Detroit Brown Bomber, takes time off for a bit of recreation, at his training caina at Pompton Lakes, N..J. He is In training for his coming title bout —iiv\ Tommy Parr, Weisii heavyweight challenger.

SY7EHE STOO2 TDKNS SOBO-Since 1934 Uncla S e a has had a quota system restricting importations of refined sugar from Puerto Rico, Hawaii and the Virgin Islands. That system expires Dec. 31. Charging discrimination agaiart a part of the Union, contrary to VS. S. traditions, some government officials would like to sea the quota system abandoned. Katurally, ths susar crcrarsrs to the United States and the horse cane-sugar refining indiistry are fishting this idea. Ths refiners assert tho herns industry, which iir.s long been-protected by preferential tariffs and quotes, would be put out of businecs. A deadlock over new sugar legislation resulted in Congress. President • Koossvelt urged that syitabls regulations-be passed

pron^::?-*' JrU! fsrorrd br t'ifi refiners. fect-ed, t j ths measure rc^clzcS cpxlzvs.

__ __

fed 53to*"tl-o trzKito?, Ic-cr Ici^. into cu'eer, rcrs cf t,'.zl€h. rrc £3cn en t i e crl-sd-.r. Lcrxr r' a Lorts Island, K. yM factory, clothes her legs is ssc&s to cut the good triica a fees splits—as they sosctizags to

meat fcj- i a s i stid e;r v% ∾cnt citj-. Bodies rers <




1 ;

THE J3TTJ5E PRESS. FRIDAY. AUGUST IS. IF57 knowledge of the' Scriptures and all the commentaries, both anctent>arid Jews also play an -active part in the political life'of ths counT"\ESPITE a tour year esodus there sire 409,003 Jevcs remaining In Germany todsr. Excluded from the try. Sir Daniel Levy, Speaker of *-» liberal professions, their- businesses boycotted and victims of discrimination and discharged from the,New South Wales Legislative Arysn" concerns, 50 per cent 0* the Jewish population of that country c.?e without empicytnent ant: 20 Assembly, is a Jew, as are three per cent destitute. of the leading parliamentarians In Berlin where 150,000 Jews live, about 60,000 are OE special Jevish relief, in e. group f' of Victoria. On"e of these is the cities Of t i e province of Hesse, 1t is estimated that 44.S of ths , , —_ mm , : — : —„—. unofficial leader of the OpposiJ e w i s h p o p u l a t i o n a r e d e s t i t u t e , la P o s e r s V v e s i P r u s s i a , i t i s e s t i . . . .... .,.:•""'"?% [ tion in the Legislative Council, mstea that SS.S5 per cent of the Jevrs are dependent upon others ] v-,:::;,:..:;..' '•'.'. .£/•-.;-••;'•!;.' •••;.' ' ] : : : and another is spoken of as the for food,-clothing sod cftber necessities. . . ' ^-~x«^.x.w^- A/., ;::.. . .-.:••-•'••• ^ \ :: : next Premier when his' party reI n t c e J r p r e s e n t p l i g h t t h e J e w s o j G e r x a a r y l o o k h o p e f u J J y t o t h e f : : - / ' [ / } '••^^•C:J~X~-^:>.-.,.i.,,,••:••,'••':'" .'' : I Jews or AnserSca where the Joint Distribution CorcEi-ttee is seeking ^i;^)'^.^\:y':.'^/;h,-:::^i^;'^';^f.::-^ j gaina control of the government. i; i ; : : t o raise $4,650,000 this year for overseas aid. . &;;-:v/''v ;-v; .-.-•',$'•|:.i: :-,. v!J:^L'':- K v.:- i In. ths professional world Jews Coatingent upon raising tbis sum. I t e J.D.C. h?s Ensonnced tfcnt tt '":: /'''iV.^^NO;'..,,.";;:;;'.'"'- 'i j are prominent. There are virtualwill allot $1,508,000. for work In Gensany, principal'? for loans EEB •• • . • r^'''f.'?:v^;Ss'-c""'.•'.-'. --[':'.'• : ly no restrictions upon Jews In credit aid, emt™Et5on, vocational tratciag, prcvidicp school facilities any field of economic and pro- to 60,000 Jewish children, and general -welfare aid. This work will be By Rabbi Martin M. Ferley. carried out tiy the Reichsvertretuug der J u d e c . t h e union Of Jewlsfe fessional endeavor. organizations in Germany, through its operating agency, the Zentrs.3 JEWS AND CHRISTIAN Ausscbuss fuer Hitfe \mA Aaffeau. _3?here is a healthy Jetvish com- ed to practically nothing1, and the * It conducts weekly lecThe J.D.C, upon the same basis, will allot - f S50.O00, to can-y out munity far away that leads an Synagogues which" were . built -jects. Jews and non-Jews . .mingle regular program of Jewish general.sid, vocations} training, emigration and economic aid for the existence in which Anti-Semit- there are -unused most ot the tures, music'and occasional plays in fresly in. Australia, not ealy in thousands o! fcasseless Jewish refugees \rfao have fled tc France, Belism' is a little-used word. The time, some being opened only for Yiddish. glum. Holland, Czecfco-Slov&kia, and elsewo'ere, c s e ot vrhom is shewn Melech Ravitch, the Yid- business but aTso socially. Of author of this nrticle spent High Holydays. In Photo 1. dish poet, has been living In Mel- course this unrestricted social inquite some time as a religious . About 90 percent of the, Jew- bourne, for several years and has tercourse has its drawback*, for Other typical sctivities carried on in beisalf of the Je-srs in Gergrains out, o many a r e : (Photo 2) a classroom under the supervision of t h e s^*. leader in that .land. An-Infdrm- ish population i3 either hatiye- been directing" most of the cul- one of the greatest problems of vas mace b: Ecbool department of. the ReichYertretmsg; (Pfeoto J) B group f-•;:•"•;• Bti\e study of an nnknovrn born or of English .descent. Re- tural activities of this-group. the Jewish community 13 chfe unof Jews ia Germany receivicg trade enable them } :'XS- ? chapter of' contemporary Jeiv- cent immigrants from Eastern usually high percentage o£ mixSince the advent: "of Hitler . later to emigrate' overseas as pictured in Photo 3; and Photo \ . •;•«'• Jsh history. THEEDI1OR Europe—the so-called 'foreign ele- there I 4, a welfare investigator is shows an empty cupboard in /"7?i^V; has been a German Jewish ed marriages. There is hardly a Jewish family in Australia that • the home of one of the 66,000 destitute Jevrs ia Berlin. y~'{ V -.iV^i ment" constitute"only a min- Relief Committee, which has con- These are troubled times. Daily ute ; part of the" Australian • Jew- ducted annual fund-raising, cam- has not. &t least one member the outlook-.becomes^ gloomier as ish community. As a result, most paigns to help German' refugees. "married out." This is, in a way, the war clouds hanging over Eur- Australian Jews are quite Anagll- Efforts, have been made to get the natural result of the absence ope darken and descend lower. clzed and assimilated, and, as can the government "to relax its se- of racial and' religious prejudice. Everywhere oni the Continent we well be imagined, their Judaism vere\lmigration restrictions to But it has bean, worrying the leafind unrest and apprehension. is very attenuated." permit. the -entry of a limited ders of the Jewish community, • For Jews the situation Is even INSTITUTIONS AXD number of German refugees, but particularly the rabbis. Ucti! • a i! i •worse. Even ,<n the best of times ORGANIZATIONS these attempts have met with few years ago Chriltians who wished to marry Jews were free-Jews in, many countries have not very little success. .Despite the absence of an inly converted to' Judaism, but in had a happy lot, but today the prospects are'even less cheering. tensive Jewish life, there do ex- .Each year the Australian Jew- an effort to discourage intermarAt* a time when Jews are suffer- ist, In a likewarm version, most ish communities are Invaded by riage the rabbis decided to cease ing so intensely-In Germany, in of the institutions and organiza- at least one emissary collecting making converts when the reason Poland and in -other European tions that one finds in the aver- funds for overseas causes. Until was obviously intermarriage. Uncountries; when in Palestine they age American Jewish: community. a few years ago the response, to fortunately this did not" keep are faced with serious problems^ In Melbourne, for example, there those appeals was as a rule very Jews from marrying oat of the end since they could not when even in England,. Canada', are five Synagogues, various phil- gratifying to the sponsors. In 1 C5-—



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anthropic societies, a Zionist; Or- recent years, however, Australian ganization, a Y. M. H. A., a Coun- Jews have been rather reluctant get religious sanction they were cil of Jewish Women,-the "Kad- i n contributing to overseas causes married either -civilly or in the imah", and several other club however worthy. The average church. Thus they^ become irreand social societies."Australian Jews is so far away vocably lost to the^ Jewish faith. Of t h e five Synagogues, two from the center of Jewish life It. is a serious problem, and one are Orthodox, two others call and suffering; that ,he Is not deep- that ia far from solved. On the whole the picture of ruT/A themselves Orthodox,. but are re- ly touched by the; plight of his x ally .conservative in the American German or Polish, coreligionists. Jewish life in Australia is very For the same reason the _ef- bright, and it would appear to be sense, and there Is one Liberal or Reform Synagogue. Most of these fort's to work up sentiment for a an Ideal haven of refuge tor Jews congregations are housed in very boycott, of German goods "were who are suffering in less-favored Australia comfortable and attractive build- not very successful. Last year, lands. Unfortunately ings. The Liberal Synagogue is when a bitter controversy was is pursuing a- "dog ia tlie manthe newest addition to this group. raging among the Jews of Amer- ger policy and her gates are virAustralia Is, "generally speak- It was organized in 1930, and In ica and Europe over the question tualy shut to Immigration, even ing, ayhappy land, far removed the seven years of its existence of a World Jewish Congress, from ,the British Isles. That befrom the cares and worries, of a has succeeded in becoming an in- hardly any of the Australian Jews ing the case, it Is obvious that •troubled world, and -the 23,OOP tegral part, of the" community. knew anything about~it, and car-there is even less likelihood of Jews who live there are able t o ' Thus far, it 13 the only Reform ed still Jess. Such vital ques- Jews from Eastern Europe being ' share in the: peace and content-' Temple in Austrailia, hut' there is tions ' of Jewish import do not •admitted. Last years efforts were made to get the government to ment on a basis of absolute free-, no doubt that .within thenext few seem to touch them. SSY dom and equality. Perhaps the years similar congregations will There'are"several" Jewish per- jI ™lf*Jt» *™^_1™m_1f^tl^ IT (•reason for their happy condition be established in Sydney and in iodlcals published regularly .in strictiocs so as to permit the adis that they constitute only i one some, of the" other Jewish com- Australia, but none of them have mission of a few hundred "care•third of one per cent of- the total munities. . -' • .\i ' . - . • • ' . : ••'••"•• reached a particularly high Jiter- fully selected" German refugees. '.4) population of over six million, There Is a .Jewish Advisory ary or journalistic standard. Mel- Slight concession were made, but possibly It is. because the great Board, composed of two repre- bourne, publishes two weekly pa-:1 even so only a few hundred Germajority of them have lived in sentatives" of each' 'Synagogue; pers — The* Australian Jewish; man Jews have managed to eater Australia for^several generations which i3 intended to serve as the Herald, and The Jewish- Weekly the country sine© Hitler regime J and have become quite assimilatNews. The latter has an eight- came into power. Ceriaialy from 1 fjf <ed;~but ^whatever" "the •'.''reason/' ish community; b^t actually- it page Yiddish 'supplement,' the the-social and humanitarian view-|il . kutii kueLL^k&jd 1 . S t o r e - P i c k ~ * " there it is:— the Jew is able- to does very littie, and has small: in-: only»on6 of its_kind on the con- point such -a policy is. ..morallylive happily Iii this forsaken cor- flnence.", "v — tinent. Sydney also publishes -& wrong; but the trade unions, wbo New York (WNS) — Investiner' of the universe without being The philanthropic societies care weekly, while Perth has The Wes- wield a of power, have gation of SI&ES picketing oC Jewtroubled by the fevils of racial for less'fortunate members of the tralean Judean, a monthly.. The t'ho ^iallacioua •' Idea- that, as long •ish-owned stores 'that remain and.religious prejudices. community, but "the calls'' made Liberal. Synagogue in Melbourne .as there is a single unemployed open, on Sundays, which they are Australian the doors mast sot be j Asis the case in-practically ev- upon them are not very pressing. publishes a small monthly magaentitled to do if they observe Satery other part of the world, most Years ago a large group of hous- zine. The Progressive Outlook, opened to new immigration. •wsrssw ( W N S •1 .—Polish .Trv •-; New York -(JTA) — Aa E.r-1 urday- as tiie Sabbath, vas promAustralian Jews live in the,large es was built to serve as an old which endeavors• to' acquaint its Generally speaking Jews are ised by Police Connaissioner Lew- ry bresthed a n rilmost autlib rangement for facilitating tfee j —urban centres.: Two-thirds 'of the people's home — but today one readers with .significant happen- happy in Auatrialia. Physically It is J. Valentine," folovred a. sharp sigh of reli : r.s entire population'of Australia Is of the chief concerns of thePhil- ings In the - Jewish wor'.d. is one bright spot in tho Jewish sending of money by Jews to-rel-i protest by the Jewish Sabbath Al- i*icE.tion ol t h e renjf.ins ol If crowded Into two large cities. In anthropic Board is to find suffi- PROMINENT JEWISH world. They are able to live as attveg in Germany and the export i liance o* America.would-be P SS8SS1 in ol Go ions other words, there are about 9,- cinet indigent old folks to put in- PERSONAIilTIES free human beings on a basis of of funds by German Jews wishing"j The Alliance voiced strong ob- Adam Koc, ireacl 0" the pvo-ge' 000 Jews in Sydney and the same to the home. This is-a rather / Although they, constitute a tiny absolute equality "with their number in Melbourne. Perth has good indication .of the general proportion of the population Jews neighbors. But "man does not to emigrate., was anonaced by Dr jections Egainst the action of the j eminent Fascist pcrty, the Gro- i of National Unity, indicate the next largest Jewish commun- economic condition of the com- haye reached positions of-, great live by bread alone," and there is Werner Feilchenmeld, general! United Independent Reta Associa-; he TSS Wcjciecz Bietanek,. ; manager of Haavara, Ltd., of Tel I cers and Food'Dealers ity, numbering some 2.000; while munity.' One must not, however, prominence in. both public ] and something lacking in the Jewish -ce* full; member of the iilers;. snti-Ser *_,_ « x.•__!•,;__ , 'T, ' t i e s in seeking to er.for the remaining three or four thqu- jump to the eonclu'sion that there j private, life. Several decadea ago life there. Spiritually and cultur- Aviv prior to' sailing for Europe j Sunday closing upon those who j Itic National- REtUer-1 rsrty. Band are located' in Adelaide, is no poverty among the Jews of a Jew was Premier of South Aus- ally Australian Jewry suffer from abroad the Rex. ! "already observe a £ 4-hour per- ! AUhosigh Bietanek V.-SF torn ti Brisbane, and in the rural dis- Australia; but the standard of tralia, and there have been" sev- the fact that it Is so far removed •While here, Dr. Feilchenfeld tricts. -'•'.•. '•• living among the less fortunate eral Jewish Lord Mayors. Indeed from the neirve-centers of Jewish said, he reached an agreement i iod of cessation from business." \ pieces by the bomb whiot he in Several years ago two agricul- groups is far above that of simi- there have been cases woera Jews life. Perhaps a wave of Jewish with the American Express Com- I The Alliance wrote to. Mr. YEA-J tended for Colonel Koc. iaetstKi j eatine because it charged the po-j cation wss-mace fry the remain tural colonies were established at lar groups elswhere. ' \ were elected mayor of small immigration . from Eastern Eur- pany, under which Jews in the i lice were being -used in the cam-I oi R railway ticket iormti nes.r ilv Shepparton and Berwick, in the When, there was a small, wave towns where they were the only "op» would help to keep alive the | United States and elsewhere out- paign. The Police Commissioner ] scene of the, Rttempiccl EPSRssina hope that they would absorb most j of Jewish Immigration from Eas- Jewish residents. ' . flame of Judaism which flickers j side Germany, can purchase Haa-!' agreed to look into the matter, j tion. The National V.'P of the post-War Jewish. immigra- tern Europe soon after the world Two Jews stand out_a3 great 00 feebly in this remote corner of; varah sari: (Jewish' emigrant J pointing out- that viols tors of the I bitterly opposed to Koc's tion from Eastern Europe. A •war special - welcoming commit- national and even -Internationa! Eiarks), establishing ». ^ , Sunds _• , , i=u.,.o to credits it v,"fi.s peeking to orgsnc l, s i.r large number of these settlers ul- tees looked after the immigrants figures: the late Sir John MOD- the. Southern Hemisphere. against^ by'Jews in Ger-I ^? f }f\ * ,._ _ , , , _ ! from the statute if theyy keep holy ! ize R&tionslist youth, hitherto ifce timately.' drifted into the cities, — found them suitable lodgings, asn and Sire Isaac Isaac. Former (Copyright- 1937 by Seven Arts | many. Haavarah marks will vbe j bsckbone oZ the Kadicn.lf;. but there are still a few dozen jobs, and even gave them loans was Commander-in-chief' of the sold at the same discount as reg- janother day c£ tfee week. Feature Syndicate.) EstabMshmeiit OL Uie Tact U;p.t families IEL, Shepparton success- to enable them io make a start. Australian forces in the , world istered reichmarks, now used for j . ~. Z fully, engaged In. fruit-growing Today many of these immigrants war, and' he has been named by Bjpritenek v s s thf v-'ov.ic'-br FSthe same purpose. ' !l\s.Z:iS P I a . I l J? and canning. There are also are successful manufacturers and some historians as the greatest of •ARAB.-BLAC&HAND SLAYS sassin eased tension In Jewish The Haavarah marks, however,! « f-.,.-—-^ /^-r a number of Jewish graziers scat- shopkeepers. ; the war-time generals. But Mon- TWO FOR 't will- be earmarked to' be credited! - &t J e r S e > ' ^ a circles, vhich had 'eared F,t-j tered throughout the country. This so-called 'foreign' group' Is ash was nof~a professional soldin exchange'operations for trass-' ' , _ ' tempts by the t.r.iiScralui: press j "••Jewish migration to Australia the nucleus of the Zionist societ- ier. He made a name for him- SALESfer of-German Jews' funds out of!i n Andover, N. J. (V>.S> —Seekt0 Ti to the J e v s . \ commenced during the middle of ies and of Kadimah, a very live self as a civil engineer, and It that country to any other point in ! S ™ °" ^restenea mvesJerusalem — Members of the the world, in the same' way a s | tlgations by governme andi the last centruy with the gold organization devoted to Yiddish was he who developed the great j r.p Kord- • rush. Thriving Jewish, commun- and .Yiddish culture.' electric power system of his na- dreaded Arab Black-Hand,-organ- they 'have' been" nsed" in" the "past j Private agencies, Camp isation of terrorists; shot to death»r, ~f German c ^ s n f,,^, t^rJsnd, the Nazi week-ena gather- • ities grew up In the mining cenZionism Is still comparatively tive State of Victoria. When cfOr. of for transfer funds, to tres — Ballarat, : Bendlgo, Kal- weak in Austrialla. . Very few of died, a few years ago, his. funeral two Arabs allegedly because they Palestine. I ing place here, afip.ocnced plans | New Togoqrlie,: etc. — but in th r'. past the really influential native Jews was. the. occasion of sreat nation- had acted as agents In the sale j " ~^~e system' wilK be operated j for a hvge rallj few decades their number dwindl- have been drawn into the move- al mourning. Each year, on the of land to Jews. One of the kill- jointly by the American Express Aug ment,, which is also weakened by anniversary of hia death, a pil- ings took place In Haifa, the oth- Company and Intria,'Ltd., Euro- America er in Jaffa. petty "internal squabbles. Worse grimage Is made to his grave. pean agent for Haavarah, Ltd.,; camp fuehrer,- said EH. invitation Police detained three Arabs which has a New York' office at had beeri issued to "all fair-mindv. CLEAN LINEN ' - X stll,'. there is no real cohesion and . Sir Isaac Isaacs rose to fame morning on suspicion of 12©' Broadway. The Haavarah' ed Americans to pretest sgr.inEt ICPRt Always Attracts Customers harmony between^ the Zionist through his extraordinary legal thia throwing a bomb at th« Lydda mark* are obtainable at any batik the lying campaign of Sate beargroups in the several States. Almind. He too Is a native of Melj ''-'"'OMAHAT' railway crossing. though! there is an Australian bourne, and he took^the leading handling, registered reichmarks, ing Jipon the camp." | v- •'' SUPPLY Kenosha, T\'is. (TTXS) — EarA. Talise containing weapons at foreign exchange dealers or Zionist Federation It 13 very fee- part in: the framing of the AusYoura Since 1876 Si red by the city conceit from holdble ; and {he 'Zionist group in "each and many rounds of Italian-made J American Ezpress°offices. tralian constitution when the six ; KE 2828 , ing a rally at '"Washington Park. State tends to act ; as a distinct independent States were linked ammunition was discovered in j Haavarah (the is Hebrew ths NEJHS of TVisconKlR STH! Ilil^unit. - Thus, 'instead of pooling into a federal Commonwealth. Sir Haifa port area. Police-are huntois fcsid a small s^lhering- in Ger- , their resources, each city sends Isaac became Chief Justice of the ing Its owner. I ganization established to "facili- !I rnan-Araericaa C!rb. vhUt 75 its own contributions to the Ker-Supreme Court,, and his legal | tate traasler of funds by .Jews. and the United State there are strong, articulate anti-Semitic 'groupsyit Is.comforting to find at least on bright spot in this depressing picture, one company in which Jews are able to live in absolute freedom without being menaced by hostile groups. True, this country is far away from the centre bit the world, that it-harbours comparatively few Jews, nevertheless Jt exists as one small ray of lightin a world cloaked in darkness. . " ".•

aber the late Chauncey j Rose" and other songs? married in Saratoga agh of Roslyn, L. I. Her \, Innisfarra, in Saratoga ide wore a white chiffon





jier.iine •— tv

I Police t o P r o b e




I is

I went wrong with Marion allywood hospital said the Ire' to be separated forever far. she has time to tune in JKansas farm.


en Haye3od or Jewish National Fund. One 01 the units of the Zionist Federation of Victoria is the Ivriah, a small Hebrew-spaakBrass, Bronze; Aluminum, gj Ing group which" meets fortnightSoft Grey Iron-and Semi- g. ly and endeavors to encourage Steel Castings, Wood and jgj the speaking of Hebrew. Metal Patterns and Sash | I W.eigbts c0rrie«J in stock. | A much more succesful organBronze <and Cast Iron ization is the 'Kadimah, -which

Mitchell • Co. Foundries;' ''















1 «-



Canadia s Persecution j-Jf ;^


is—-Shells sent aurtling by luring the recent fighting at aer Tsutsui of the Japanese fled in the return bomtoardSjpanese eventually tools the Ithe-river.-"




genius Is comparable to that of', $1£O,CGO Housing ProjesS

Justices Brandeis and Cardozo in \ TOT sSa Jewry ,n P r e m i e r j e& cm America. In 1931 Sir Isaac was 3 appointed by King George V to Salonica (JTA) •— Sis million the exalted poaition of Governor '. A r a c h m a s (about $120,060) General Of Australia — the first 1 would be spent on & housing pro-j Ottawa, Canada (WNS) * — 1 time that thi3 post was given to [ ject to relieve a housing shortage' Blasting-the hopes of those "who 1 i EU£*C a native Australian, as the usual [in tb'e Jewirh quarter hare under believed-that his recect auaisnee ; £ F J ?• practice was to send out an E n - ' a pian submitted to. the Gorern- with Hitler would. make him^; p Grilles a specialty. was founded about 25 years, ago j glich nobleman. Sir Isaac, despite', at Athens by ths Governor more sympathetic toward NaEism |t«i!4?I 27th and' Martha St. and FSSCIEIE, Prime J'infstsrj Bu-I an denjoys a memberahlp of over j his age — he was then 75 — wss of Macedonia. 300. This society has a flourish- well-qualified for the office, -•"•, H A S S 2 3 - . .1: The project provides for con- Mackenzie King told the Csuad-.ed by ing center of its own and spon- which he served with dignity- iin- struction of 250 dwellings to be ian people- la a radio report of cry "y sors a variety of Yiddish pro- til hia retirement In March, 1S36. ! financed by a grant of three rail- his European visit that racial ha- Jofcr. * , Wh h !1 h hinsfi from the Goyern- tred and ;• religious persecutjea,; ment, When he completed his term of! 15on office he journey to Eagiand to I ment-.-'one million from'the Jew- which are the basis of extreme . violeiit report |o the King on his' stew-j ish Community, of SaSoaiea', and nationalisms,- -are isolating us-j courses ardship, and it is reported that the resaaiuder to be raised by I tions advacs-tisg: them and lead- • ed the WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS when he snd Lady Isaacs dined mortgage. i ing ths "-wcrlcl toward -war. .phases 0 Schrofft'fc Chocolates " o Muriel, Cueata Roy with Edward VIII at Buckingham . __. 0 He declared tfcat peac sna: tr??c Canada Dry Gineor Ale nnd HarTeslor CJ^ars Palace a" special kosher meal was Sir Albert Abdallah David Sas-j normal conditions are ... 0 Falataff 3cor served. . . _ • ' soon was the first Anglo-Indian j if dictator-ruled cations cic.lB.-i 315 So. 13tl» Street AT 4 2 0 2 • Sir Isaac's great hobby is toe to be given the freedom cf the [tain tfeeir policies of per 7*} study of the Bible, He fcas r.u chy cZ I racial and reii£ioi:s minorities '"

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a .THE


Paso &


• Miss Gertrude Gillrisky left last Friday, for Brooklyn, New York, for a two weeks' visit at the horns off her brother-lri-law and sister, Mr. arid Mrs- Ralph Castle.

news items tor this column. - la ysizi . '. . . The Kazis J s, consequence of! ctv'z cett'lEg ia* nervous tiiE.t the:' siippresthe future, 'news", for'-'this column accepted t i e isvitatioa , . l e u ia different districts cf Pales- e;n,c pjr.ris oj the v;orks oi' their may- be .phoned in directly to.the | t ier Tacatfonists .o. bur tine'. We in list ROW provide, the. very jcxef.tepi man, Jewish Press- office,'. Atlantic '1460 postcards to esr..& ".. home means, so th&t Arabs rr<s.y be | "'The Gcrnicof. Ghonlfi be disor written to 500 Braadeis Thea- ought to, watch out 'or cards transferred .E.nS. settled -under j persed and re-pett5ed p.'i:-orer the j •v;orld lite the Jerf in order to ter Bldg., in Omaha. " bearing the swastika oa • their |:'-he: OWE. governx-eci. ,.ESISS'-.ANNA PIIX,; correspondiat TSEtiiTTR tO ! develop -that great goodness thatV Thi3 is the. last: column to be faj:e . . . The cards are-printed written by F . R . K. for the CounMiss Lillian Kushaer- is spend- by- a New York outfit and bear I the whole world the historic con- j is tiserc. for the benefit of all isnnnnissinnnnisannufiBsniiiiaaB! cil Bluffs News, and the writer ing-a couple of weeks visiting is the Biouograia cf a Chicago firm j| Bectic-ti c£ Ills Jewish people with : and Mrs. E. Lelchpok, Mr. and' ; lor the of, this column, Miss Fannie R. the east Trith. relatives, and stating- t: at they are "Amsrlean j Palestine. JCTTS Trill "The Gerra&ns like the .Tews Mrs. H. Lelchook, Ben Lelchook, Bat the Esglisfe ful rcc.liES.tion cf tfce promise c<.n b e e pressed but never exterMis? Frances Raskin and : Mr. Council "Bluffs' Chapter-No.' 7 Katelman, wishes to take this friends. She ' i s expected home cc-isred" .. j contained in the Balfour Declara- minated. Ther pF is typically -Geraaaa Meyer Arkowitz.: • : • of the A. Z.'AV was host to' a most opportunity to thank all of the- next "week following a visit- ia be discourNew York City, Baltimore arid Tie' Nazis oa the Paeific , Coast tion. We should also declare that readers 'of The Jewish Press for successful summer •; tournament sfred end remsir, powerfully unidon't like brown shirts,. . . They Tire it-ill not ce&ss icsisiing- uporav ted, even vere v.her t.o be riestinMr; and Mrs. Harry Braviroff -and convention held last week their co-operation in relating' Chicago. rights in the Trholg o£ FfJesocr have . ordered , braed. Ecw--greea end, August 7, 8, aiid 9,:for all ea gome <3E; ic no more a tine, witliout Hijitrj- to the Arabs. nalforms . . . Herman Cherpakov,_; 61, . died and children of Omaha, visited in chapters .ftu'the Corn Belt-region fatherland." (Sioux City last week in the home lbs nsvr 'Es:sci:t3Te izust Ecertaic Saturday afternoon in his'home ABOUT PEOPLE. of the A. Z. A. Chapters reprebe destroyed, "Gernifinj; cai at 20JD5 Geneva street'.following |of Mr. arid Mrs. Mike Mushkin. We'd like to snake a little bet frora the Government -vhether ve sented included both Omaha l i e Jews, because i ~~ ' : ?e s? can • ••« a long sickness. Mr. - Cherpakov ?cii?.g offered s rea,' Jevish" that Hugh Herbert, the " Scotch j are they are til individuals." and Chapter No. 1: and Chapter No. had engaged in the grocery, bus- ,- Mrs. Morris Weisberg 1 comE-uIaa vfeo used . to pcrtray State, sufficier.tJj" l$.rge, so thft 106, Lincoln, Sioux City, Ottumdaughter, Sharon'have returned iness here nearly 30-years. •i By FHIMEAS J . BIEO'II Jswisi characters in vaudeville,- masses of Jeys vaay settle there. \ra, ••' Tri" Cities, Des; Moines, and Seven Arts He. was bom in Russia . arid from Detroit where they spent a Council Bluffs. A : full week end learned to imitate Jews' so well It must also include Jerusalem. ip.iure F,vnc-iCfite.--) month .visiting with relatives. sor. . . . The so-called accidental WE'RE TELLIXG YOU came to the United States about The proposed Jewish State v-ili of activities -included ' ^ a - "Get The feverish hunt of the B'nai death of Count -Max Arco-Zlp- because he's one himself". . •. Acs! not be the end fcut only, the bs-ED C. HUPP. Attorney 35 years ago. He spei^t several Acquainted" dancing, party at the B'rith high command for a suc- pinberg, wealthy ..Aryan army pi- to. your list of Aiaericsn.Miss Connie Meyers of Omaha •'•" NaSiona! Bank •week3 in New York and then gianing. I believe that .the Jew- , . Bld'o. Eagle Hall on Saturday night; a came to Sioux City, residing here is a guest this week in> the home Picnic supper- at Kiwanis Point cessor to Alfred M. Cohen as in- lot, who was "killed in a plane ish people -prill '.sky' to the jiest : W S T I C E Or CHATT_EU MORTGAGE Vermont of' Miss Marcella Levich. - • • ternational president has ended, since. • ' . in 'Fairmount Park- on : Sunday 'tis said, with the choice being crash in "Bavaria, was really sui- name to Isaac Gilmae, whose pa- i Eioaist CoEgress: 'More power Notic p;- f'vrr that on the Survivors include the widow. night; an Advisor's breakfast at Louis Borinsteiri, . Indiariaopils cide. . '. '. The count was grieving per makiug plant is- the biggest; you!' This is the beginning of the > 20th"dRv of vHt, 7^.17, s t ifl o'clock Miss Rozena Kosberg entertainbecause his official post pre•Dlna;. four sons, Isaac, Louis, A. Ivl. e£ Usec; E-'uriiiiiire Market. 2S14 industry in Gilman . . . Jascha ! redeccption. for ••which v e have' thi> Hotel Chieftain' on Monday He's due to be vented him from rflarrying Char- Keifetz vill startle . t-be ..nsusical j waited two thousand years." Iyesv«»iTv>-prh p-'reet. Dniiilm, NebrngMax and David, and three daugh- ed a group Of intimate friends at morning;, a luncheon at the' Chey- business man. ka. the e^nifrnpc^ wUl jsoU »* public Ruction to the highest ters, Anna, Mary and Rose, all a. party in her home Wednesday ra B'nai Yisrpel synagogue Mon- elected at the next convention, in lotte Newman, a. Jewess. . . . The iRrorld with his own..eymphonic orbidder for !.•' < •-•! rash: 1938.. Anent the B. B. we chutzpah of the Revisionists seera^ of Sioux City; four brothers, Max afternoon. chestra next 'wenter'...-'. .The ue-r'l day noqa and the convention was j One Jiini P a c k s T l f'v«. |>p«-<?Tiper also-hear that Maurice Bisgyer, to- have, no bounds. . . . At, their head of the Vi*FA- Jewish'; theatreof Sioux City, Jack and Willie of ' coupe. Enfiiije - J»'o. S^nv'OS, Factory Miss Ida Batte of Omaha, was concluded with a summer formal new executive secretary, will be Czechoslovaklan convention tliey No. 4fiTi2.i; <wf r>?!''rf "Davenport; New York City and Joseph of project is Nahusa. Eernaph,. formdance at the Hotel Chieftain Montv.'O mohair cbalrr., one OOXFWPH - {-CoEtitued from peg« I) Russia; and two sisters, Mrs. Gus- the guest of honor1 a t a party day night. Approximately, two re-elected. . . . B u t it looks bad demanded that all "Jewish' youth er .-H&bimah star . _... Kanie ch£Eg» cbflir, orie ooc;isionj;l {able, one m i r sie Sirken of Sioux City and. Mrs. Thursday given '.by: -. Miss Helen hundred .couples attended this af- for another B'nai B'rith esecu- be given-, military .'training -and ing is in style agaiE among Jett'*"- "— table liimps, >v-"c bonp- white Share. -•' .-".'. : tivej who is slated to get the._aze. one Tn»hocrT?.ny fiesK. Hose Cohen of New York. Ish screen actors . - . ' . Stella Ad--1 to beg'iE. Goethe describes not at open bookcases, fair. Ffeddy Ebener's Orchestra rar io. . . Who is the Midwestern (Re- called on tiis government to pro ler will henceforth fee csllofi- Stel- i all maliciously the picture or the one uroKiey Oriental 1 Funeral services were- held furnished the music for dancing. form) rabbi who helped himself vide the Revisionist youth groups Mj.t^, ons fT!*»r ' ; Ci : anther in the book: ' 'VTe have end jvee o-in one 'Sunday afternoon from -the famMiss. Elaine Mushkin returned la Ardler, to keep psce TritlTfeer j with tfrms.». . . tr.lilA, one floor Ifimn. Mr. Meyer Maltz, advisor, was generously to quotations from the here a Quite good-lookicg young t«"«j Sadler ily home. ' '.'•:"•'"•.'. *, home this week after spending prints, o r e V.V..*<< . . . " • chaeg-e • is?' cose . ., .. Aud .Kaxie \ n-iepf?! riJST, one general .chairman in charge of all sermon3, of the late Rabbi Emil A NAZI CRACK . ' with powdered hair &nd walnut <lesk. on j oak Rosenbloom, ex-! two weeks in. Omaha with Miss events. Mr. Herbert Rosenthal is cr»er.i. one -walcl Hirscb of Chicago and articles by The perverted. ^ense. o£ .hmnoY i smooth-shaven chin and coat of nut antique (r?.i k g itAilc. sis: wnliuit Ruth Kendis. . . . •will so hy the raofeick' ' one v.-Riniit CRninct, president of the local chapter of Ludwig Lewisohn and some out- of N a z i . propzga,ndisls -i& r e s p o n green edged with gold who stud- . one «:,">:lO:fi As A. Z . A. • > ' •' :•->• " • standing American magazine sible for an anti-Semitic "railway of Mai Karailton - . ' . . . - Benny led for s, while the polite branchchina, one 4n-piece Mr. and .Mrs.; Milton Mushkin the A. Z . A . writers in his radio talks with- ticket" one maitogany being distributed in Friedman, City College -football es- of .knowledge End. fiiscc^ered s e t r bed. .cpr er, Twenty-five' members-of the celebrated a wedding anniversary f , nnd nuittress, one coach, is going on the air in the out bothering to credit his sourcCzech police Czechoslovakia. hew Egreeable snd. eapr It was tc 'Sioux City A. Z. A. chapter re- Wednesday evening, when they E3IESEI/ DANCE fail. • , • - • • • m a p l e c h i l d rle n ' s V>ed*. trill eotae 1'tUe 1mU-f,ive melo- t T / l > Ti'lP-.ttro?.'RPS, The- Emesel Club will hold its es? . . , We -wouldn't have known are hunting the printers and cirturned Tuesday from Council were, hosts at a- family dinner. o i?e v-iiliiul about this except that another culators of the ticket which con dies." K C T had tb.Pt Folisb. .T*?y r^TiofTppi" ^n''ppi5. o n annual summer formal dancing Bluff3 where they attended the Reform Rabbi circularized a b u r e a u , o n e S.-"?;"trt:6 ^ written in Gerrocn as R. J e r ; hsc. third annual convention of the Joe Goldstein, George Shindler, party next Monday evening, Au- number of rabbis with mime- tains the following, .text: "083*4 one v.-f-Ir:'-' r*rtnr '' two free railway ticket for Jews and he had one e-parfc of rihophetic Corn Belt.Region of A.'Z. A. . ..' Ed Sperling 'and Nate Levictt are gust"16, in- the' ballroom at "the ographed sheets showing up the : ! their comrades in all countries via fire: had -he tittered oce' cry for * ££«- ^°. The local chapter participated" spending ^his" week at Lake Ok- Hotel Chieftain. About two hun- first rabbi aa~ the number-one ••: C'SPK'K, two h a n d North and South Pole and Gobi j his people against the cruelty of j hooked drejS couples are expected to at3n the Teanis and baseball meets o b o j i . ' . . - • • \ rup-s, one riiiversfi! elove. one plagiarist of the American rabbiDesert or Sahara to. . Palestine j Christendom; had, he_ described tend this affair. The ;new officers and Marvin Kline of Sioux City (Continued frora Psge One) nate. . . . . The Freiberg family of j the nobler part of Jewish life in Elleotrio r?-ir\F;erF<.tov K<". 14f>2fi95. one yron the finals in the tennis meet, -.. Mrs. Arnold Bramson .and son of the club will be announced Cincinnati, long pillars of Re- •without return fourth class to 1-Hihiiite YrdjAhinp-: mp.'hhie, one SinpBerlin. Transportation rulduring the intermission at the acquisition of Isnd ^erid '.promote-l Poland'; ha he done e,r.y of the er clertric sc^'-frifC nK-iehinc1. on^ Hoov. ;New . members fo the chapter of Detroit," are visiting here in form Judaism, is trying to forget ings see other side." The text Dance. • the chances o f industry. Ttere | tiilcgs for alone hs . vas electric .trill.'be initiated next Wednesday, the home of, Mrs. Bramson's parelectr er. on* the wedding of. Julius R. Frei- on the back reads: "Free ride for isvening at aa open meeting.. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sain Moscow.' -i justified in learning German find ; mortal electric 10.1 IS. one berg, who married & Miss Mil- every . Jew or Jew-friend if he •will also be a ixer, nn? 'Everhot prorement ia the security situaj writsaig German Goethe Mr. Nathan Gilinsky, president dred Goldcamp, also of Cincy, at pays. No interruption of trip tioa because we • will t a r e our' would hsTe he&rd him; hew Eut- COVP'-pfT hy chnjfo! TTK>;' Miss Connie Saitlin departed 'it! faVOT r- PASSES-EXAMINATION;. this week- for Chicago where she ot the Council Bluffs Lodge-No. aceremony performed by Monsig- or change of itinerary allowed. own army. |op©"— or s, few Imninons spirit? of United T^inaTi^mT ^ 688 of the B'nai B'rith, nor Marcelles "Wagner. . . . . . . Polar regions are to be crossfind n ok now Wipe*? by wsrd G. "We shall, show the world that I ia Europe • inisrlit in those days ; ''•-• I: hushnnrt i nounced the following committees Speaking of "Cincinnati- reminds ed in bathing .suit., ". . . Whoever. Miss Dorothy Epstein, has re- will visit with friends. ~" can treat other people fast- I k&ve heari him! Goethe fieslrefi to- serve'- for the ensuing term: us, that Mrs. Gbtthard Deutsch, March ". W"7. ahri fceived word from the State Board bi>on filer! Mrs. Eva .Woskoff visited this Membership,' Millard K i a s h e, widow of,the late professor of freezes may • wind- twine- aroua<l •?r.-"We want a Jewish State not jj to listen, tc-ti-e .Tev,\. The Jew was i Count y Clerk of •of. Health at Des'Moines, Iowa, his neck. . . . Baggage aad money for 400,000 bet for the Jews cf j worse then, silent. I week in Omaha, with her son-inrot chairman, Ben Seldin, : Meyer history rat the Hebrew Union col- must be left Bocse. that ..she has passed the Iowa ! 4th ti-y « ' J l s r c h . mnv. Said ."ale will Upon arb f th piTrpo""e"o Stata Board for Dental Hygiene. law and daughter, Mr.: arid Mrs. Maltz, Dr. Isaac - Sternhill, - Louis lege, got a bunch of flowers from rival Arabs will shoot with ma- the whole world. We shall depends draw the isorsl p.t this late, late I: be"for"'the for. a long time upon. Great.Brit-j date'. . . . ' • I for e«str_o Al Plotkin.v . antl-nl! «c: President Roosevelt when he H. Katelman, Dr. Julius MoskoMiss Epstein graduated from chine guns, this making imposTnvri-^o^p ot Thirt3'-fire years later Goeifee vitz, Max Harris/ and Sam Sacks; learned that sfie "was in a Wash- sible the overcrowding of Pales- Sin, but the relations tetweea cs " <H)e therethe University of Minnesota, in r» mount Miss Sally Saitlin, Alexandria, those betweea two States. ij a gained cuite other insights me, tAxi*. or ington hospital after "suffering a a Publicity. Sam Meyersoh, chair'June. - ';ris.oc: tine." . . . South' Dakota, is visiting in the man, Harry Cherniss, MoseBernOar representatioa at the League; E t;il. It may be ZTH'UTAES to c.v.oia instituted tc recover Raid debt-'or nny home of her parents, " Mr. and stein, Sam; Bubb; Entertainment, broken hip bone. of Nations will be isade'the roice ja few of the pelages-that mE.kt In • Cin- ABOUT • rJT-AMERICAIfS ' £ 9 3 6 C a r n i v a l . - ' - ; : • .' Mrs. Abe Saitlin, 723 "West Simon1 s-t-e i n b e r g, chairman', cinnati, too, they are saying-it No announcement has been cf the__Jewish'people. It will hf; the present masters of Germ&ny Eighth Street." ' •'' - \ ; Charles Saltzman, Joe Gotsdiner, won't surprise anyone if Rabbi made, but it's a fact that the •heard. For • me - the decisire fact! •— . , Morris Yudelson, ' Louis Cohen; Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland United - States Secret Service fend is that in the -Best, fifteen years' Department's the'Jewish State will receire EH-! • Mr9. Philip -Sherman, , 1708 Resolutions, O. Hochman, chairr is invited to become presy of He- the Post Office ©cr In making preparations for the Douglas '_ Street, departed last brew Union college, when and if gumshoes are investigating the, other nSSlioa and a ".fcjilf' Jews, j man, Mike Dayidson, TRichard 1037-Inter-Club cojincil carnival, week for Excelsior Spring, Mo. -_| Gordon; Anti-defamation, . Leo the present incumbent, Dr. Julian origin'of a flood, .of. anonymous There will-also be-a better possi-; the committees in charge .are in Krasne, chairman, Julius Rosen- Morgenstern, decides to- retire. anti-Semitic letters received at bility of prensotSns a Jewish-Arab • need of copies of the 1936 pro. T h e comrades at the Jew- the White House . . The.';.an'ti- tsaderitasdi~g-. ^Eicisisia does not i Mr. t and. Mrs.^Sam J. Hanin .of feld,. Dave Fjor,_Jay Cherniack; gram and" booklet. Those-having Cleveland are" visiting "in the ish Conimunfst summer camp, organizations are protesting InfriEge upon the rights of.tSs! Initiations, Dr. Isaac Sternhlll, booklets from the carnival, are re- home of Mr." Hanin's parents, Mr. Nitgedoaiget (don't worry) at against. Germany's -being invited iysbs of Pa Jesting. • The, sMftiEg; chairman,' Saul. Suvalsky, Sam quested'to get in touch with the and M/Si-.M. N. Haniri, :'.•''1"S'2.3 Lincoln, Ben Gershun, : Dr. O^ Beacon, N. Y., are having some to, the Netr York" World Fair -in ".of-Arabs' h&s occurred'rapidly ss Jewish Community Center, office. Cook Street.. Greenberg; Memorial, O. . Hoch- fun with their Christian neighThe Jewish Community Center . ..... Since many of the latman, chairman, '" Sain- Rosenthal, is also in need of furniture for Harry Kanofsky • of Los An- Harry Kutler; Sain Gross, Simon ter- believe the camp's. name is,- of seyeral of their meeting- rooms. geles, California, js visiting here Stiyken; Denver Hospital, Dr. Isa- Indian origin, the campers get »^S^W^W^!«*^Wg»<^t»^^^>w^te<5&w^l»«^V"^>»^«g^i«^^ Anyone having pieces of furni- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. :J. ac; Sternhill, S a m Saitzman; out leather . souvenirs with the ture to give to the Center is re- Kanqfsky. . . . -•..-.-'-..•• Gebrge-Krasne.Phil Saks; Cleve- word "nitgedaiget" superimposed quested to call the officer of the - ': land Orphan Home, Herman1 Mey- on an Indian head.' . . . Center. ' " .' . . Miss Geraldine Shalfer of Om- er-son, chairman; Nathan Rich- IK BE PABTITION aha arrived here, to visit with her ards, Ben Passer, Ben •• K'ubby; The real author of the particousin, Miss .Anna Kanofsky. She Leo N.• Levi, Abe Rosenberg, TIPHERETH ISRAEL scheme was Professor Regiwas the guest of honor . at a chairman,' Sam • Ro'ffman, . J. J. nald Coupland, member of- the Brown, Joe Scharf. Services at • Tiphereth Israel Marshmallow roast. Royal Commission. . . . If the synagogue tomorrow m o r n i n g United States Senate o . k . ' s t n e A large crowd attended the Mr. and;Mrs. I. Kriedman, 916 •will begin at 9 o'clock. Rabbi Sol "Get Together" Stag for all mem- bill passed by the house providBolotnikov- will speak at 10 Iowa street, were hosts to a group bers of the B'nai Brittt Monday ing for the • registration of forof friends Saturday noon cele- evening at the Eagle Hall; Mr. eign propagandists with, the state O'clock. '".'.. ; brating the marriage of their son, Simon .Steinberg was in charge of department, will, propagandists Sam Friedman to • Miss Frances t h i s a f f a i r . ; ' . - ' - ' -• : ' / • • ••-•' ' for Palestine also have to regis; Horwitz in Los Angeles, Rabbles. ter? . . . . That Is, If the Jewish Bolotnikov and Cantor A. Plis* State-in Palestine becomes a fact. Tsin recited the KIddush.. " Jack Stelriberg", is spending a The British Colonial office ;Mrs. -H. Sol' Novitsky • and cSupIe of. weeks at Camp Ribley, has turned the heat on High "daughters, Lois and Gloria re- • Mrs. B. Kaiman^of Corning, la., at; Fort Ribley, Minnesota. Commissioner -Wauchope ' to gat. turned recently from "a 'three is visiting here in the home of him to deport the Gravid Mufti. •weak trip •which included stops in Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kalman. MisB Edith-London^ who spent . /...But Wauchope refusesto take Chicago, .Cleveland) N i a g a r a Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaiman and the' hint. One of the best Faljs.i Detroit and Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. B.\Kaiman-will rrio- the past; month -visiting ' relatives "-•' Miss Doris Gross of .Chicago, tor to Omaha Sunday to visit with ant} 'friends^in ; Chicago, • returned- cracki about partition came from here Sunday for a short visit with a'London wit who said he had ^Tas a guest this week in the Mr. arid Mrs. HTRifkin: • " her parents, ;Mr. and Mrs. Louis never' before heard of a surgical 3iome of her brother-in-law and London, • prior; to her departure; operation ' .which consisted - i n sister,'.Mr. and Mrs.- Novitsky. Mr. .Paul Le.lchbok', son of Mr. for her home in Hollywood,' Calif. sawing, a .body into three parts She will visit with.- relatives in i and Mrs. E. Lelchook, will take and. .the "surgeon running ' away Omaha before, returning to Cbi- j as his bride-Miss Ruth; Kaplan, with one of them. . . , You can Mrs.. Max Harris and'.daughter, jcago.- . . , . .'-. •_.•'.. daughter of Mr. and MrsV Meyer, : now get medicinal salts made Kaplan, Omaha, on Sunday, Au- Bettye , Lee, returned•- home fol- from the salts of the Dead Sea in Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Shulkiri en^ gust 15, at the Omaha Jewish lowing; aiweek's -visit in' Fremont, .lestlne. . . , It's called Sanawhere: they -were^the- guests 0f iertained at a midnight supper at Community Center." : i;. . . The Zionists will need it. MrsHarris'., parents, .Mr., -and •the Stoup & Schaeffer restaurant Rabbi David Goldstein and •••"•' Slonday evening, as a courtesy to Cantor Aaron. Edgar will perr< Mrs.'TJ. Verbin FLASH THROUGH THE Jlrs. Gary Becker of Chicago. form the " ceremony at 5:30 . '•'•.- •' . . . .. ' •'. Mrs. Becker, who is a sister of o'clock in the presence of the im- • The;" Council Bluffs.- Agiidas E T H E R ' • If. you hear of British Fascists Mrs. Shulkin, is visiting here with mediate families. . Achim society* will hold a regl e r children, Ronald and BarRelatives and friends, are invit- ulgar meeting, next r Thursday assailing Lord. Southwood as a bara. ' ' ":' ..'..'. .'.'.'.. •. - ted to attend, a reception, honor- evening, August: 19, a t .8:30 jew._don't get excited. .;. . They'll be" right, for he's the former JulOther guests in the .Shulkin ing the bridal couple. The recep- o'clock at the Eagle Hall. • ' " ius Salter ; Elias, newspaper, magl o m e .during-the past week .have tion .will be'"'held' ^between the nate, who was recently elevated "been Mrs. I. Pearlman of Musca- hours of 8 and' 10 o'clock at the : Nathan London is. -spending; a,tine, Dr. J. L. Pearlman, Mrs. O m a h a J e w i s h - C o m m u n i t y . C e n - couple of weeks at Camp" Ribley, to the House of Lords. Mexico is quietly checking up on reMas Hirsh of Chicago, and Miss t e r . ..'.. . ..;•-•' ••• . - '•'.! :': •.•'•.'••.'••• / Minnesota.-.: . , . .. Your' greeting problem is solved by thi« ports^ that German and Italian Slildred Morris of Rock Island, Miss Kaplan has been honored' agents , in Guatemala and San jjllinois. at many affairs recently at which convenient iseilscd of wishrag yosar rela. Mrs. Max:Harris will entertain her hostesses.'• were Mrs. E. Lel- twelve , guests at Fairmont Park Diego are plotting a Fascist uptives arod friends E. Kcppv Kew Year . * rising in Mexico some time in the Miss Sophie Oland of Omaha, j chook, Mta. Nathan Gimple, Mrs. No danger of tbe c^feerraf f*ncr>t of forSpent the past week visiting her I Libby Kaplan.TMrs. Dave Epstein, Sunday afternoon in honor of her fall.*". •.- . It is said that :arms. are Mr., and Mrs.-——— brother-in-law and sister, Mr. Mrs: M. V. Priesinan, Mrs. Louis daughter. Miss Betty Lee Harris, being accunmulated on the Patheir friends both far gettiR£ ;tr-:c32i . . . r.c trrvlb'c . «. tlae nnd Mrs. D. H. Shulkind. During Froom, Mrs. Max Phillips, Miss who • celebrates her fourteenth cific coast, which may -explain cear A Earrr sad Prosper^ birthday. Among the out-ofand Kio™cj" raved. the feverish nazi activity there. the week -her hostesses were Minnie Kaplan, and Mrs. Sam ous -New Tear. • ' -t town guests will be Miss Beverly . Ma':: Reinhardt, who used to Mrs. M. Shulkin, Miss Connie Frohm. Krasne of .Fremont, and T.Iiss be Austria's summer publ{c at:. Mr. .-.. snfl Saitlin, Jlisa Sandra Woskoff, 'After a brief honeymoon, the . • fantily to t h e i r Mrs. Leon Shulkin, Miss Fan Bai- coupTe will make th'elr home, in Louise PIckus -of Walthill, wlio traction number one, has been are spending the week at the completely overshadowed this year Jin, Miss Rose Maglievsky and Sious City. Ulen&z viscera viscer wi:ies for A • . •ya | Tfee ch,£.rg;e v*IZI bs £2.00 for each GreetHarris home. b th k and dD h Lira. Sol Novitsky. MIES Oland by the D Duke Duchecs of Wind ! ing . . B2&i! asty of tisese fersas, or phone will motor to Fort Dodge to visit — and fr. n& Mrs.> • Tdth Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gralriek JEWISH JUDGES FORCED Greeting's. f Wish ' their 'friends • before returning to her home In OUT OF DA1JZIG SENATE i, .happiness s a d pros* Omaha. .Is ihs ecmSag' yesr. Free City of Danzig (JTA) — Mr. r.nd Mrs. I. Domnltch and Under pressure from the Nazis5 ::rs. Mrg.'• ' ""• t£k* Mr. £L.: children of Detroit, v/ho are controlled Senate of the Free City th!; nri^3 cf csttcaJn* sr;c{5=r3 t = i hczrtT gooi gucsta in the Lclchook home, are Judge Behrend and Judge Ab01 * -. • •wirhsr fcr A Haprr scn<4 among those who will go from ! ramsohn, both Jevt-s, resigned Proircrecs Tear to their Sious City to Omaha Sunday to ! from the bench on pensio'ns. , Atliisiiie 1450 JEWISH frita£s far as^ near. attend the wedding of Miss Ruth - Both jurists, are World War Kaplan of Omaha to Paul Lel- veterans anc} therefore could", not have been dismissed. Pressure chook. Other Sioux Cityans who will was also applied for the resignaattend the wedding Jnclude^Mr. tion of the solitary Jewish municand Mrs. Louis. Lclchook, Mr. ipal employe.

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Partition" Plan

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