August 20, 1937

Page 1


ft THE


ts that they are. suppres3 of the works "of their test -man-. Jermans shouia be disci re-settled all! over "the 2 the Jews in order to hat great goodness thata for the benefit of all

"The views espressed by Lud•wig I^ewlsohn in hte column are his own and do not necessarily reflect the policies or»attitude o f onr publication. Reproduction in whole or in part strictly forbidden.

.ns cannot be destroyed, B can the Jews, .because i all individuals."


jt; 1337 By-Seven Arts iture; -Syndicate*). [C. HUPP, Attorney National Bank Bldg.


hereby given that on the August, 193", a t 30 o'clock sed Furniture Market, 251* th Street. Omaha.' Nebrasisj-slsned will sell at public ! the highest bidder l o r




11 !

W Entered as Secoria Class Mall Matter on January 21. 1S21. at fostotfice cT t»maRa. NeSraBka. onaer tha Act OS March 3, 1S73



W o - - * * %=.-:•

"OL. XVI—No. S3

AUGUST 20, 1937 .. x


W O C I D W E DARE According to apparently au-*. t \ •* ^ *t^ s thentic reports the "American delegation to the Zionist World Congress a t Zurich -which left New Representatives of every Jewish, abers of the club p.ctSn? UP torts nd San Jose, Costa Rica (Ti"X?> — hostesses will see that every [York swearing that it •would nev- Eleven Americans Aro'ITamcd organization in Omaha are invitA 50,000-acre tract o* farm, land : >, _ - . , „ •>..>• ed by the Highland Country Club guest is assured a good ticre. er consent to the partition ol PalTo.Vital Actions _ to participate in its fifteenth-an- Allen Kohan-is general chair- costing $50,000 has been pur- : estine is both weakening and diCommittie niversary celebration on Saturday man-of the anniversary fete and | chased, here by the Refugee Ec-' ^Yiding. I have no doubt that is being assisted by Louis • Hilier jonomic Corporation of New'York, evening, September 4. : • • Stephen "Wise and Louis Lipsty • Zurich (WNS-Palcbr Agency) Among -the : mahy features of and' Sam Leon. Jerome GordGa is j as the site of an agricultural .col- i hold "out to the bitter end —The twentieth World Zionist the gay evening will -be a style chairman of the Style Show cbm-jony for.German Jewish refugees.; developing the colour even as_in Palestine the vener- Congress closed 4ta historic two- show put on by the merchants sisting Mr. Trustin in thecoa- i call for an ambitious .road-build- , week, session after voting to keep who are members of the clubs. able , "Ussishkin, is doing. But models will show the j^truction work. Ernie Kogg'will ing program, t h e cultivation of T_ , . , - . - M - ; r. there is a iracti6n of the Ameri- in offiee.the present Zionist Exe- Professional latest, styles. Stores taking part be in charge of the -refreshment- Soya beans, exploitation of minerwill be reinforced i i: T-Of-'s 5" - • F- I.! can delegation, led now i t seems cutive,. and amusement stands. The comal resourcesand large expendiare: Nebraska Clothing, . Natelby. Rabbi Barnett,- Brickner of by an advisory political commis- sons, Carmans, Brandeis, Gold- mittee responsible -for "• arranging ture's for machinery, buildings, : sion whose composition and size for. the hosts and hoste&es has tools and equipment. Cleveland which-, is beginning -to • i r F - r, be determined by the Actions stein-Chapman, Herzbergs, «and Eddie Rosen as its chairman. play, with the _Idea of consenting will The refugees who will be settl- ! ~ v ~z ' Sample Fur. . Committee. Rushingto end Its Membef of the Club will-enact e<Lon t h e tract, which is only SO to partition with the proviso of proceedings because the Municimore generous terms and enlarg- pal Theatre'in which the sessions . A specially constructed outdoor a radio play, written by Louis' per cent cleared despite the fact stage is being built under the dirLipp, showing the^ trials and trib-t that the original grant for it! ed territory. were held 'is to be town down, I shall make no prediction and the Congress quickly disposed of rection of Harry Trustin for theulations of the "Club from it's start; dates from the days of the Span- ; acts will to the present day. I hope that I am wrong-. But itnumerous resolutions'in two ses- style show. Vaudeville ish Conuqistadores, will be farm- j ; not surprise me if in the end sions that were separated by only intersperse the style revue. • About three thousand persons!ers or peasants. An' augmented orchestra will are expected to attend the gala a bargain Is struck and a slight- a half hour Interval at ; noon. The It is understood that the .first j ly larger State accepted by, [ a adoption of a budget for the Jew- furnish- music for t h e dancing on •celebration. Louis Hilier, pres- settlers will number several fam- | majority vote^—even though the ish Agency of £365,000', the pas- the outdoor dance floor. Oldtime ident of .Highland, has extended Hies. Additional details of the | „ r~,~, * i T- r r"*' c* margin be slight—of world Zion- sage of resolutions on coloniza- music will help create a musical an open invitation through the project are not yet known but the ism. Why?. For. the very reason tion, culture, labor, immigration, atmosphere for the 'Pioneer Days* columns of the Jewish Press to corporation sponsoring it is ear gaged in Investigating the possi-. •Which is at the bottom of the en-national funds,, religion and sim- motif of t h e celebration, Mem- the Jews of Omaha. bilities of similar colonies elsetire : Zionist movement and hcpe ilar topics, and the voting of a where in Latin-America, and bitter need. Because we have resolution scoring the persecuD1CI G0RBQ1I WiNS •Nothing is k a o m about any arnot Zion we have no" power, not tion of Zionists in Russia were ^^™,^_ - « _ ^ - « - V| rangement vrith the Costa Rican even unified integrated moral among the decision crowded into HIGHLAND. COLF ] government' for the admission, -of power; because we are not living the six-hour day. " i the Je-srlsh refugees, but it is es- ^- Mj ™ . ^ together as, a . people however CMOWH '".-•• ' | pected no diflicuities will be raissmall- on our own soil' we can- One of the resolutions which T ; jp^^ since the colonists will be setnot even practice the. resistance aroused the widest personal reTr:r=r Cr'-°i. Tc<*>sponse was t h e ' o n e . extending The Highland Country Club aa- jj tling oa their O^E land. When of non-cooperation "to any . who VF; cpr.CoIved rj" a •would wreak injustice on us; be-sympathy to the Zionists in. Rus• r r :•£ TJ" nual golf tournament ended Sun-! informed of the plan, the German recied bv a FroteFtE sia. I t was introduced with a cause we arcT a scattered people forceful speech by Berl Locker, Geneva (WNS) — Negotia- day afternoon with Dick Gordon consul, leader o* the local Nazi a Cathclis ai.i s. ; and because we are "atomised by Labor leader. "The 20th Zioninst tions looking to the implementa- taking the Club cisarnpiomsMp by party, said they would fio nothin & I by a Zc*.- zvC :i.e r ;"i all the Influence's "of•'•that" scat- Congress"/ the resolution read, tion of the plan for the creation a 3 and 2 victory over Sfarvia to hinder it. On the. other hand, they, pointed out that the large j Fr.-tts i.r.1 fc.Lie-.'.s,. tered condition we cannot pre- "registers i t s strong protest of a Jewish State in Palestine German colony here, - acting on jratci, tr,c:i £.:.- ~ to Britain or the world. the against-the continuation of thewill be started by the British Treller. • • , v l ' l 1; " ~ " I. ! • ' " ' * i" " " " f i " " On the morning 15, Gordon instructions from Berlin, would shiv r. frr ',\.t 1 ''. I compact front of our sixteen mil- persecution in. Soviet Russia of Government, after the Council of haveno dealings with the Jewish lions—for precisely the- reasons' the carriers of the Zionist Ideal in the League of Nations has metwent 2 up with a 76 to Treller's that make Zion necessary to our'that country;* The persecution in September. This was announc- 7S. ' Gordon continued to widen settlers. ' continued life as a people, for of Zionists, which has been en- ed by William G. A. Ormsby-Gore his lead in the afternoa round.' those very . identical reasons" we forced in Russia for the last sev- British Colonial Secretary, after Fifty odd golfers participated C" cannot defend Zion as we should, enteen years; has recently in- he had conferred -with Dr. Chaim in the finals of the tourney. Welzmann, president . o f t h e Among the scores turned in were as w e ought against all the pow- creased In It9 temerity. Many ers and principalities of earth.; InZionists have been Imprisoned World Zionist Organization. I. Schlaifer, SI; Les Simca; 8 6, 'other words, Jewish opinion 'is and set to concentration camps or The Palcor Agency under- and Dr. M. Greenberg-, S7. ; founded and Jewish decisions are exiled for the soLe reason of their stands that Dr. Stephen S. Wise Kio tic Janerio (TvNS) — Fas-| r; r- . i ' - % "\ ."" r founded upon the fear which the devotion to Zion and the Zionist was-one of those Who met with eV-rclI r:-t antl-Seinitlsisi' and Nazi prcpr . c. \ * j "weaTcne'ss of our intolerable dls- Ideal. The Congress ends the Pierre Orts, Chairman of the rr~n<3a received two important persedness, both physical and greetings of the 1 whole movement Mandate Commission, and . other I "-"tbEClss In Brazil when Governor j £-01-7"=. 1 psychical, naturally and inevit- to their fellow-Zionists in Russia members of that body and also I Nereo Ramos of the state or For- j La .i ^ who' have "been suffering Indes- interviewed Mr. Ormsby-Gore. Dr. •Bbly engenders. to Alegre -ordered :tfce. immediate : ; Chaim, "W«izmann, Moshs Shertok The cribable -pHvatlop for •their peo• cl'-ing o* all Nazi schools &T.S.\ ! We are sixteen millions. .Danes-are less than.four millions:the redensptipn and NahpEi Goldmann "sx-re tli3 & sor Mota, the C3!y • re-resents- j Yet not-the wliole world and. all of Ispael on tne land of Israel." other members of - the party.." The tive ot -the-- Fascist -integraUsta ! its powers, could, short of -the ex-> ,~:. "-•'sjattis Quo'ia-Ekecutiv© ' ' :• • Colonial, Secretary .came to GenParty ia the Brazilian'parliament,! termination of the Danes, men, ' announced Ms withdrawal from j r'- .r,irie~'d. PITI:' v? rf t."' The Congress acted upon the eva, to assist thd Mandates Cora- To p r i , women and children, • force the recommendation of the Perman- mission in the final stages of it3 the party. ' • J . Catholic. Interests-in T* * t"i " . Palestine Inquiry. Danish people permanently to enz Ausschuss (Steering CommitThe ban on. the Nazi schools j Holy Laud submit to some clearly and con-tee) in agreeing to retain the prewas described by Governor Ramos ;rcr John =.- - f .- • fessedly intolerable wrong. A sent Zionist Executive, with exLondon (Havas via JTA) — as "the first step in the battle j people's Zion can be saved only tended powers for. deputy memThe Vatican has interceded in the against Germsnization of Brazil-j Arc»,°:: If it exists; it can be adequately bers of the Executive, such as Palestine situation to insist that Ian youth." • Christian interests in the Holy defended only if the united Moshe Shapiro, leader of the Senor Mots ' explained Sis res- j __ Land be protected and warn of ignation from tfee Fascist Party; f^'cr; P. b " " "' — -'"•, pie is and Is there. Because we Poale Mizrachi, and at present have not Zion we are tempted to the deputy director ol the immi- Moscow (JTA) — Signs of re-serious ommissions in t h e parti-[ as-being due to^his firm belief i n j t r e r> T^-v'r r-< "• e ~ - "'i ~ democratic traditions of E r a - j .Tcv-'S; ' r : t ' r ' s " ~ e - ; " - ' betray it. That I9V the tragedy gration department of the Jewish vivial of religion among Jews in tion plan, it was learned i a Cath-jthe j ollc ll i l h J j Implicated in our decision in this Agency, and Eliahu Dobkin; of collective farms aroused the YidJzil and his conviction, that B r a z i l - j : , - ?ZT.'O T h e H o l y S e ew a ss a i d t o b a v e j i a n s w o u l d o p p o s e tfee Fascist ( a r t j momentous hour. It is for this the Labor party, also associated dish Communist daily. Ernes, to j reason that year in a n i year out with the immigration department. vigorous condemnation this week.. addressed a formal coraunication movement whose activities are to the British Governrd'ent ex- dictated "by-a"foreign'country. 1 1 have pleaded for the conversion The.Zionist!Executive consists of A former Communist named pressing the view that grave inj of Jews to Judaism, to Zionism, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president, Rablnovich, of the vil-convenience might result to Chrisj for the partial neglect, if abso- Prof. Selig Brodetsky, Isaac Gru- lage Soviet •secretary c- . >r of Ordjonikidze, or- tian , interests from the applicaenbaum, Eliezer Kaplan, Rabbi J. , lutely- necessary, even of Gegenganized the baking "of matzos tion of the plan unless arrange!-tt-artsarbeit, if only the Jews: o f L.- Fishinah, Dr. Fishel Hotten- (unleavened bread for Passover), the world, could be morally gath- streich, Moshe Shertok, Menahem the newspaper, charged, adding, ments - were made to safeguard Masters-Toiiriieyithe :: them beforehand. "ered, focused; integrated in or-Ussishkin, chairman of the Ac- David" Ben "it transpired later that RabinoIt was learned that the Vatican I der that* on a day of decision a, tions Committeerand 1 vich was'a double-faced Trotsky- note was handled , discreetly by Kemeri, Latvia Samuel Kes- i J J \ people, a numerous and united Gurlon,- chaiEman of the Execu- Ist renegade." . hevsky» foriser A. -S. chess j *• . for ^ e '.STi tive. Dr. Arthur Ruppin' la Ecothe Colonial Office and the matP-j people-might in all lands of earth Ke : = • '-rv.T A Communist shock-brigadier champion, and caa'mp'on chess' ! arise with a single voice and" a nomic Adviser, lipuis Lipsky rep- named Raduri of a collective farm ter was taken in hand by the For- player of the United States, tied I ^ 5 " .; jr: ' eingle try. Now we stand in theresentatlye of the . Executive In near Stalindorf and Faidman, a eign Office, which will deal with for first" place in the Internation-j - T'valley of decision and there is noAtnerlca, -and -Dry Nahum Gpld- shock-brigadier. of a farm at the diplomatic aspects of the pro- al Masters Tournament held here \ I r ? " multitude. . :' : ' mann, who-represents the Execu- Trudevik, were charged with us- blem. The Vatican was said to have recently. T i e -American c h a m - ; c - - _ - ; j ! So we are ruled by fear. Yes, tive a t Geneva: The Permanenz ing horses belonging to the farms ion a brilliant _pme I if we could be certain that Brit- Assuchuss had also decided that to bring a shochet (ritual meat declared it" was'difficult to con-! P - Played caused the eyes of all cn! sin would make ; a serious. at- an Advisory "Political Commission slaughterer) to circumcise their ceive that the status of the birth- which place of the Christians religion lookers to "be'fastened upon fcira tempt to carry out the-terms ,of should be: established in London sons. GcI'ler. I ' arid that on it-would be reprsentand the home of the saints could thro?ighoiit the tournament. I the Mandate nor ever again yield The young American, pressed j ed" the tiews of voters for the ma besettled without consultation r V t o assassins and robbers.nor ever for time and under the excite-; j \ beforehand with Rome. again send any administrator or jqrity'-.. and. minority resolutions of the. -important match! — Recalling the immense spiritofficial to Palestine who desired regarding- the" Royal Commisp sion's recommendations. T h e play, committed himself to a line.; ual interests for which the Pope subtly or grossly to sabotage the r r I was guardian in Palestine, the of play that, invited trouble in his j - " i ' " • terms of the Mandate and their membera of the Commission are to be appointed by the Actona final match with E . Book, of Fir.j H"?-V" -" ; "Warsaw (WNS) —' Catholics large number of convents, etc., fulfilment! If we could! But floes any one believe that* - Is Committee, which will also deter- and Protestants from all parts of the Koly See stressed it was un- land, and which tiltiinately cost! j v c Yi-"or*'v -7. cr~"t c l r—"^-' ]''-« "— *- — that not the forlornest of hopes? mine the. size of the new body. the world; joined with Jews in thinkable that these should lj e I him the-tdurnam-ent. • Reshevslcy was tied for ' first So, even on the supposition ,that Wise,.; Martr, irishman, Goldberg, honoring Dr. Ludwig L. Zamen- placed under Israelite or Arab is, .re t . s i"authorities. place with Salo TloSsri of CzechEnglish military power will here- Goldstein among Actions Com- hof, Jewish founder of Esperanto, 1 mittee MembersFrom -United oslovakia and V. Petrow, the international language , as the It was said to have asked that after-enforce peace in the mere physical sense, what do we fear . ' ••' .-'•. '•_•- . . . . . S t a t e s . ; . . • • _ . '. . " • ."• 29 th World Esperanto Congress negotiations be opened fors the tvia. Their scores were 15 won and .5 lost. as an alternative to the proposed .'• The announcement -• that • the celebrated the 50th anniversary protection of these interests. Permanenz Ausschuss had recomof the development of the interThe Catholic circles here which emailer or larger State? Cruel . curtailment of immigration, of mended the reelection of the pre- national tongue by the late War- were authority for this informasent entire Executive was made saw Je'wish oculist. tion-criticized the manner in land-sales—the insufferable crys- to the • Congress: by Rev. J. K. A highlight of the congress was which the Palestine affair was betallization of the Yishuv at itsGoldbloom amid considerable susing handled. They added that present point and so the gradual pense. As he began to enumerate the unveiling of a memoria' the; Greek'Orthodox." Patriarch in Zurich (JTA) _— Dr. jCha:" ! : plaque on the house of Zamensqueezing out of it of dynamism, the .name, starting with "Welz-J Jerusalem - also intended to raise I Weizmann is writing his memoir?, of life and, at the same time, the manri; a" great ovation was given hof Street where Zamenhof lived the question of: the status of con-j of' forty'years bf activity for i"r? mounting and now quite hopeless to the latter by the delegates. A TBe congress is under the pat-vents and religionists in the Holy I Jewish "homeland 5a • Palestin-, ronage- of Dr. Ignace- Mosciclsi and quite bleak,despair in | the world Sionist leader revealsimilar response greeted the name president of Poland. " Land. land, Germany, Roumania. ed at a Zionist gathering. Congress cannot face that. , Perhaps we! of Ussis'chkin. . A spec.ia.I-'chapter ' wj!l be ds: Bhould face it- . Perhaps a terrific arose as a matk of honor to both. Ian voted to "seiiaorrerei" (beggia? 1 uncompromisingness despite these Specially 'warm "applause also Dr.- Weizmann said,1 referrisg '"'dangers and horrors would be thegreeted . the of Dr. Arthur Ruppin who continues as head of his ' trips to America t o ofct:.:. highest and the most far-sighted theEconomic:Research Institute, funds for Palestine. • K» " Bucharest (WNS) Elain& Weinsteia, . 14. daughter action of this,hour! Indeed, I be- Sslab- j ; to sea wealthy Jc~ : - lieve it would. But if the decision with a vote on economic "prob- of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wein- Hshisent of a., ghetto in the city j hcped stein, died last Tuesday after -'a of Jersey moved a step searer • sending c'sscts by res'!. rested with m© alone—with you lems.: i Eliahu- Dobkin, Rev. M. . , T h e ZioaisS chieftain hopes 'c alone—would we dare, any of us,L. Perlzweig and Moshe Shapiro year's, Illness. despite our" conviction, make that were' announced <' to.• continue as Besides her parents she Is sar- j when, the city council approved, a j f J n l ? h t h e b o o k i o r pnblicst::: terrifying decision? Such is prob- deputy members o f the Executive, vived by three brothers, Herman,'! proposal t o . forbid t h e Jews t o ; next year. '-.. ably the state of mind o f those /.This .was''followed by the- an- Harold, and Allen Lee; and herlive in the central part of the city. ^j . Irisnds and. colleagues of ours at nouncements of the names of thegrandparents,-Mr." and Mrs. A: A special comsaSssion. b a s been -—•.»*. - i * . » — - - — Actions Committee: Dr.! Stephen Zurich. Brickner of- Cleveland. Stoler, and .Sirs. Sarah .Welnstein: named t o select areas in tits city, 3v;'..rrc_. ^CZ*.< — Z-' ' ~~ c EHhu Stone of Boston, who are S. TVise, Judge Julian -W. Mack, Funeral services were fcsld' Henrietta Szold, Isaac Naidltsch, • reported tc^Sr in favor of an at from the Jewish Funeral Home, jtirhere Jews msy live. Of t h e 40,- I" *.-»." *", i~~ " f t - - - -' least tentative bargaining with Heshel Farbstein, Mayer Ebner, Burial was in Golden Hill Cem- j 000 Jews in Jsssy, 10.0C0 live in - - ' ' - f , ^ '— - - • J - - -A. J. Freiman of Canada. The v;v-. -«" etery. Rabbi David Goldstein c o n - . t h a d i r e c jhicli is toiecoiae; r'">o:«i (Continued on page 8.) ducted the service. 'Juclenrein. •"'' :iir.*sir. (Continued oji page 4.)

jf'—t 1




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!- Packard fire ' passenger sine . No: 3:2705,-. -Factory : one velvet "Davenport: |r chairs, one • Coxstvell occasional table, onB mirMe lamps, two trans white |ase3. one mahogany desk, r radio, one 10x1 J, Oriental lectrie clock, three: Curnler prints, one walrrat coffee ! floor lamp, two Sadler si. one o i k chest. ; one wal> sateleg table, s i s walnut airs, one walnut - cabinet.

5 Axminster rug, one 36-


•• • -



EfpoSo china, one 43-piece 3 silver, one mahogany : spring.and mattress, one }ed. spring and-'mattress,




n I





>sse3. one walnut'.'. dresser, iny oureau. o n e maple a.u. one 8:3x10:6 Axrolnster !.walnut. cedar chest, two iolstered platform *• rockers, K rhfllr.'^ one"-studio, couch.


f writing desk, two hand


S. one Universal -stove, one Ironing board, onet General

frigerator No. 1432695, one tashinc machine, one Sinjrbewing machine, one Hoovcleaner, one; Toastmaster v KisteK' one Easy; Ironer So. 1D34S. one Hamilton prlc miser, one Everhot cr. one card tabfa chattel mortgage «in favor Financial Service,, signed ledsed by Edward G. rgafet'VVedell.'husband Id mortgage being- dated !37. and havips-been.filed.



Serbians" like the Jews pressed but never exterrhey. cannot be, discourIremain powerfully uni•were they to be destinday to "have no more a

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a "of the County; Clerk of

ounty. Nebraska,, on the March. 1027. Said .sale will "


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Irasll-Fascists, Nazi Propaganda Suffer Dual Blow

•mrpose of foreclosing said

>r costs of sale and"all a c - . j. and for the purpose of

le'amount now due there-

. S913.06; that no suit or sdings a t law • have been 1 recover said debf-'or any STNANCIAL SERVICE. •'"'". . Mortgagee.

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Soviet Paper Hits Religion .Revival /By Russian Jews'

Samuel Reshevsky Ties For First in •



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Esperantists Honor Founder- 'Zamenhof


Chain* Writes

Elaine Weinstein .at •





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E330 2



. •

By Joseph F.- Dinneen


ings, iJnch unit has-one lacmbcrsMp meeting- a month and throughout the month there are a nuinbur of lectures and social and political talks, ^bout cvery six weeks there ia n. festival. The biggest festival of !he >esr is Washington's Birthday, which all

units are compelled to ceM-ir.ito. The second big festival is Armistice Day." ' . . "Wliy do you pirk thos"1 two days?" Th'2 • question brough what sounds! iiiie a memorized .-speecHi I recorded it in shorthand a u i report it herewith: "Because,-although we are of erman descent, we are patriotic Arirericans. The most important thing to us is: "We are a group of Americans who only have the benefit of the United States in our -minds. We -do not like all of these false reports about Germany. We do not like to see these different groups create hatreds of other countries which will affect diplomatic relationships. There was never such a hing as our attacking the Constitution of the United States. We need it. We "are for a clt-an country, politically and socially. We So nOt like crookedness in politics. We are fighting Marxian doctrines in any form.

ers and ,amalagatlons -of -smaller from these dealers a n d - a n addiGerman-American, t UT n v ereins tional attraction for large purin rebate ; and arbeiter club? In cities and chases is offered underwrite J towns: throughout the country.. stamps. The locals j The organization bought proper- the cost of printing and the di-' ty and camp sites, and acquired rectories are published at. the ceni 'I J i others from existing, German or- i traf Bund printing plant in York,V I gahizations. Membership contin- ville." T h e ' B u n d V a n n u a l income ' ued to_swell, until early in 1936 is estimated In millions and there : there Were, about 125,000 mem- a no way of discovering, at; this point, what the cut to the parent ! bers. •"'.;,"-; • • ' : • " . - - • ' . '• A convention was held in- Buf- Nazi organization fn Germany : EDITOR falo on March 29, 1936, and "out must be.. . " • " ' " Last summer Fuehrer Fritz The Bund was originally brgan- of it came the; n^w; American fue- Kuhn visited Hitler • in Germany. i . Jzed as the Teutonia Society in hrer, Fritz "Kuhn. -Fr\>m amid He took with him a company of ' £923 by' Fritz Gissibl, a Chicago the the black trousers and white his. storm troops, paraded with ' printing-press-man, .newly arrived shirts of the rang and file-mem- them before Hitler, and was pho.-(from'Germany. Gissibl, then a bers, the olive-drab uniforms of tographed after the parade pre' '" Jboy of- twenty,-was-solicited for: the guard; : and the green. German 1 senting a book to. Hitler. The picuniforms of the: storm troops he .membership in'the Ku Kliix Klan ture* has been reproduced on a : • ijthought-the-idea ,of the. Klanwas arose, came forward, and raised calendar which now . hangs in " )' : a good one, and.adopted.;lt for, an his hand beneath the swastika practically all of the stores and We bring our German-Amer11, jall-Gefman'.society;witb-jtie, eame flag facing the,m. • In response, business, offices of members of can "boys and girls together and r they raised'-their hands'in Nazi , anti:Jewish and'. anti-Negro, comthe German-American Business: jsnitments. 'Objection to .Catholics salute as :ihey chorused", •- ^'fieil men's League;. The cut-line be- lake care of them. "We educate hem in history — American his: ''"••-.' ,"- : •*' [yias."not then: adopted, because Hitler!" neath it is translated:. : "Good ory. We try to make them all '*" 'Jhahy.df them were admitted-to, One of the first official acts of work, Fritz. Keep it up.1' To the : T piembership. . j_;»-; . V £ the convention was to change ths casual observer the "photograph learn the German language, because they ought to know and ;. <v Teutonia. w a s : a n ^obscure • orr name- Of 'the • Organization ~ from means little, but the rare Ger- speak the tongue of the FatherL' sanization .until. \?&Zil -w hen "the Friends of New Germany" mari-Americari anti-Nazi who will land. We bring them to the great f «Adplf Hitler was making .his first to the"German-American Bund." alk observes: "A book, yet, he outdoors in our camps. We are - -laid,•• for power in Qertuany.: -Tefe The dictum of National Leader give Hitler. Ja, a bank book." doing a job of Americanism." • « 'tonia promptly climbed upon.the Hess int Germany had been direct- . Printing is one of the large Mr. Kuhn made this pronounceed-~against ,the Friends of New • ?• <CHitl?r band wagon.jts'iS.oo m e ^ items of profit of the ' ^bers, "mostly German,;with Borne Germany. Changing the name of in this country. In addition to the ment striding up and down the " "siaturaHzed • Americans;';;:,': enrolled the organization got around that directories, the plant publishes all room beneath a six-foot silk Nazi ':"'•'-'.•'•' of the form and blanks-used by fltfg with its swastika boldly em. '• "with•: Nazi'' headquartersr,;. jn .Ger-r v e r y n i c e l y . There wasn't an It was a year and three days districts and locals and a weekly blazoned. S ^nany a§-members•;of;the^National American flag in the room. 2 ''Socialist.Labor Fartv of Ggrmahyi after that convention when I -sat newspaper, the- Deutscher WeckUpon this note I got up to %i because. 1 the. Hitler --program :-wtfs among the five men In tneir ruf und Beobachter" (the Weekly eave, and was importuned by the ' k J. tantWewishvand.antl-.Catholic'and headquarters office in Yorkville !all arid Observer). u Another large item is vinfforms." fuehrer to remain and hear what f ^ .embraced. Stp alL-o'f to discover, if- possible,' how;;far Z '"•• /Jhe'_discr'edited,'and;,exppJ55d-apos-? ,the organization had come and its There are three varieties:'" black he had to say about Fiorello La • *•* Jileff of hate in t h e United'States significance, if any, in the Anter- trousers, white shirt with swasti- Guardia, Mayor of' New York, ho was then waving a red flag ican scene. Obviously I created a ka arm 'band, and black cap,.for 't u tj?ere magnetically drawn to it. difficult problem for the nation- the ordinary member; olive-drab before the Nazi bulU ' The Nazi ) 1 {i Membership' i n T e u t o n i a .spurt- al Nazij board, of strategy. Appararmy style with Sam Browne vote will be cast in a. block » « (fed Immediately and- .amazingly, ently there £~were, certain things belt, for the guard; green regula- against LaGuardia, should be be j £ }jThe first associated local was or'.A,might' know and-- certain tion German uniforms, for" the a candidate for re-election this j - %anized in Detfolt-^rid-here. Kuhn thingsTthat I must not find out.storm troops. The last are im- fall; and I gathered by the vehi *~ Jcame" into the' American Is'azi picIt Was. all right for. me-to know ported from Germany and . the emence" with which the fuehrer \ \!ture ,as the associate of Walter most expensive. ounded. off that from a Nazi Y «2Ientchel, first president of the for- instance,, that the three dispoint of view, Franklin D. Roose,v (Petroit local, A New York local trict leaders, -East, - Central and "How could I become "a'mem!y, ^{was organized and. the tide of the West, are" automatically members ber of this organization?" I ask- velt is not such-a-much, either. The Nazis' were on the line iri the of the national leader^ -staff; ^* JJazi party rose steadily. ed the fuehrer. "" " last election for Alf M. Landon. S V When Hitler came into -power. that one. of sthese.: staff members "You'd have to file an applicaSince my throat was parched • In 1933, ;Americahy-'b'ecame-iBud- •i&:cha,Tged with- the responsibility tion blank,".he told me, from listening, o'r from the effect denly aware of the existence of of -organization, another with ''May I have one?" I asked.... of. stale incense (Hitler is reportla^ and a-.third with fir a n .organization and <&.-• problem. There was some doubt about ed to be an incense, sniffer), I ^JTeutpnia-changed its name to nancial matters. Each local lead.-"The Friends of New Germany," er is automatically on the staff that, but, after a conference in dropped in at one of the largest adopted t h e Hitler program in Its of the, district leaders and after German, Wheeler Hill left . t h e of/the*'German beer parlors a W6'c&" away. .(entirety, and. -. elected. H e i n z appointment each must then go room and returned shortly'" .sat down" at a table and-.a before his local unit for a vote a blank. Beneath the title," * man-American Bund," and a ame over. "What do' you f confidence. production of a swastika was the think of the Nazis?" I asked him. . like, success, l i t h i ^ problem- for' goTrernnienfc inyes.tlr" 1 there fore rit was_-all; .tell label, "Application for Member-' 'Are-you a member of the Bund?' g a t i o m ;''":" . - • • . - . . . s Ship," and the statement in bold^ His eyes narrowed. "Listen mis7 Nazi •. propaganda was -being mei^that J-tiiev, Germaji-American J 1 fact: "I hereby a-pply for admis- ter,!' r he said. "You want beer?" Bund is-',a .profitable, agoing consmuggled into thiscountry and t sion- to membership in the 'Gergenerally circulated. Ctfstoms :ern and extensive'property^own- man-American Bund','-- the", pur- .1;nodded and he turned upon q his heel to get" it. .When he came sr. Camp-Siegfried, at Yaphank,and immigration lawa were being C poses 'and'aims of" which aref .violated:' 'The .storm'"troops'.'wer^ jong-;Island» acquired three years known to me, "and I' obligate my- back 4 I Inquired -•. apologetically, in their infancy : and - -TnemSers igo>: accpi^odatedi, 15,000 Ger- self to support them to the best "What's* the. matter? 'Did I say something wrong?" . • : '"• •'-•-"--'-"• u.t"hs under 'outfitted ?ra;-Junff6Tm&-'pui^ T of my ability. I"Te'cognize the He glared at 'me. "We don't d at/an t' m t o r " in'-Chiin'Chi ,V5enty-one - last^ • summer.; They leadership principle, _ in accord, /chasedaxmy-Btore" idriiied'j there. >wlth.' sticks . a n d talk to the customers here," he ; ^ (<2ago.\ Among-' members- of " the wpbden." guns i under, the ' gnise - of ance to which the Bund is being **• 'Etornv troops ;'ntbeifs -".of. sport,-attended-numerous*, lectures directe'd, I am of ^Aryan origin, said.- , . " . German-Americans at other ^ ptate-national''-. -gukrdr'- brganlzar; ejery day, .learned -to. respect, ifree from • Jewish o r colored 1 tables>.were staring. . I felt dis% "tions. in-New-York.-.the president; mire and almost adors Adolf_"Hft- ;blood." Beneath this were blanks " ,«>l The Son jj of "76 • (anti-Jewish; Jer,/and. were Instructed j in Na2l for my name, occupation, address, tinctly^uncomfprtable., and finishanti-Negro, antUCatholi'c) was*'at ?.61itlcs%and pollcies.r ; i ~ ;year of- birth', whether single, ed my "beer while the ,waiter look; the same' time ra--.captain"-in'Ne-tf: ' The'same: course was provided •married, or", widowed," nationality, ed oh'.'I.left a" dime tip, and when [York's - 71st- H«giment'f 'and * ac- .t'the!: Efdende' Ca-mp, In' Detroit, refererices, and the question: "To !l got up the -waiter mopped the corSing to "testimony -'--t before ;.a i; 12i.year~pl.di organization acquir- what r organizations'do you be- table with-- his damp - cloth and iqongresslonal-contnilttee,; manag-_ id =-by-.the Bund; at - Northland', long?" The initiation fee Is 51, swept the dime upon.the floor. I a ^d to,'pro.vide'.froma New \York ibput/-S5,'nples"6ntside~.Patebon, monthly, dUes.-75 cents,-and there don'tVkriow whether this was a t{ armory rifles with which'the New S.- 3.;'' at the German 'Cenirale 'in is, a -^provision for. donations of : v tyork -Nazi outfit might drill. ' ' . Cleveland,;; at 'Deutschborst, 50 from.50 :cents up.' " C: I' Spanknobel was - indicted for lites.out.of Philadelphia- and at "If I filled this out and filed It, t Pa ^olatibn^of. federal :laWs and" fled amps,.*in Chicago,- Buffalo,' what would happen?"'I asked. '(Jto Germany' arid •' inevitably fall - of Lngeles, arid Portland," Ore. ._ "You would be Investigated by Sri jithe Naafs activities camejt© afo^ 1 How to present to me a picture a committee of six members or Ic cus. Relations between the United sij States and Germany were becom- if the German-American Business ths unit in your neighborhood. St ing more' and more Btralned. The League, brought into being by They would inquire into your Oi American ambassador In Berlin the American Nazi organization, character, reputation and your problem. past. 'It would take - about six pa, [conferred with Rudolph Hess, was a , more difficult jwho, as Hitler's' chigf deputy, Theoretically it Is a German- weeks." "And as a.member what would iholds somewhat the same position American rotary' club, a convivial tei in the Nazi Party in Germany group of German-American bus- my duties be?" "You'd attend all of the meet,ihi that James Fafley' does in the inessmen gathering about a fesGreat L'ake3—Atlantic Coast— M< IDemocratic- Party Jn; this country, tive board to.relax and sing Germost anywhere East at round Jtfr Sess issued an order^ which he man songs. Actually, it is the nub trip fares surprisingly low. of the Nazi boycott to meet the Mr sent to: the,United States, directStf CSood Kslmi Lrat 30 ir* jMr ing that no member of the Nazi numerous anti-Nazi boycotts, notl« essential to one's happiness Is! CAU Otsdxs Why Not Have a Beautiful lie Party in America could belong to ably the one led by an organiza$72-55 $53.03 Afla&Gj,H.J. iaj -the. Friend of New" Germany. This tion of which Samuel Untermeyer 253.70 Snasterplece of diplomacy appear- is preslde'nt. Uikewise the GerTho Cost 1J.NO Greater Than io: ed to mean virtual disbanding of man-American Business League i3 SI-05 53.65 C2,fas An Imitation and the fces 'the Nazis in America'as a mili- he best money-making enterprise 1995 17.S5 n EL he American Nazis have yet disUPESEEP C'aUCH.LGSS C t e t a ^ a L & s . H . Y . 48.25 33.75 Itant party. \ : >, tin covered,-because it permits the j," In the meantime, Congress had national organization to obtain 37X5 23.35 Ma D:trc"i, I,!::]}. 2335 USE .-ordered an investigation and on tribute from merchants, consumXS7.S3 5725 •'June.5, 6, and 7, 1934, hearings ers, and general membership. Kh5araFd!s,N.Y. . E0.55 S3.S5 ' • FOR J.Trere held in Washington, • with Each local must publish a busfcrfcfcYa. . . - C4.C9 52.15 iCongresaman John W. JlcCo'r. . . BEAUTY 74.45 54.35 S;jw¥erkCly,K.Y. jnack.ot Massachusetts as chair- ness directory, and each mer• 43.C5 31.S5 man and --Samuel; ;Dlckstein- - of chant must, pay, depending upon on iNew York,as vlc&rchairmnn. Gts- the amount of business" he does, a nrc 32.55 53.75 Pcrtknills. -SC32, Loavcnv/ortla St. sibl, second in command.after the sum.of, money for listing'in' the tL-3 E3.15 a.Z3 Tcrcn!5,C;I. abdication Of • Spanknobel,- • ww directory. All members • of the O ..AHA Jin Bund are ordered to buy only new. -leader of - an organization Sti S-U=3Cd.31S. rtrhoset status was undetermined. Mrs lir.s For tho nest year . and nine M:i Snontha the-Nazis in-America kept vri.l out of BeriouB- trouble,' ayatdlng •wl'. the spectacular. , Organization Dealer in Jewish Books and. All Other Religious Articles be" .•went .on • quietly,. The, storm 2429 Dccatur Street . WEbeter 3527 ,OrJ troops and uniformed units-con . Coavoalcnt cos . \r, . ' •' ' ANNOUiTCEIIEKT ' tinued,to drill.. Gissihl was stil \\ eastern points at En^Icwood !; dn the back-ground..--A good 6*rOn account o^ poor health 1 am forced to discontinue k Union Station in Chicago's =: i for tho time bcjnjj my business, and I am offering all my ho brought about' m'erg. f1 South SIds residential cbtricl eh stack at reduced pricoo so O7eryo!io,,who is contemplatf j or La Eali-3 Street Tcrnsinsl £:J gus ing buying BnySKinjj fron my sroat oolsctioa of Jo-..'ir!i an i Books with English translation esi«I many other relic5ouo BK» Qfticlco, can aave a substantial amount on each item atf during this closing out oalo that will laot tintil every, '.-i':srt fsr tkhxt cr. L Kcj thinj; is sold so I can pay up my creditors. All tho nci.' ! E. H. raLLiAr :s, G. A. p. D. cho, stock that I ordered for these Kifh Holidays aa Machzoritn, New Year cards, Taioiszn, silk or wool of tho beet U qualities, will bo offered together-with my other ciocu att: at greatly reduced prices. anc : How serious is the menace of .the uniformed and trained.milItla of tho American .Nazis.? In" ;" tliig article t h e ' author discloses and interprets the.true i s "strength" of "The Friends . of -I... .the New. Germany" In this • country. We present the sec"r • and concluding article, i of this' ; series by special courtesy .of j THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE.

gesture of contempt beca::E3 I look Jev.-ish and 3ie might not have v-ar.t5d to rerve mo, or z.r.ger bocauro I Qxiestioned rJ.rn upon a tSuchv subject. But at any rate. 111 bet he ricked u:, the dime> after I o-ct out. I EOOII found. however, that there f-as a distant reluctance among German-Amrelc'ans to talk about the Nazi or the-Bund. I went to dinner at one of the largest and most famous German restaurants .on the other .side of the city, where. the head-waiter and proprietor are friendly and'genial. "What da you think about the Bund in New York?" I asked the headwaiter. He smiled and shook a warning finger. "I have no opinion," lie said. "But why?" I protested. "Can't we talk about it off the record? I won't quote you. I'm trying to bet a perspective." He shook liis head. "It's a very inflammable and controversial subject." What of it? There's no penalty for expressing n opinion, is there?" "I won't discuss it," he repeated; "and let me give you a tip. We employ 40 or.45 waiters. None of them has ieen lath us for less than IS, •ears. They have all been intructed not to discuss it. I£ one f them does he'll lose his job." That sounds a bit silly," I told lira. "Do you %nean- to' tell me hat in the big, brave, metropolian city of New York an entire •ace of people caa be intimidated ike the victims of the Blacl-c Le;ion." "May I show you to a able," he suggested.

is not an;crifj tl:c clCcr, T- ,r;:j, moro cor.fcrvci:', r- C-crrr.L"--." ':*icins, v bo ziz tl-e :.. 1- o- i~.-t

-. i • li.-emeitt from • • ' v :--n«rr %III be • r ;l-«- month. In r •' s nrt district, •' fp"*r'T,l hundredf' ! c ' ' pj.pected that ••p T";!; Kttend the r-- innt from Sepr ro:.h inclusively. * e Institute will be city Auditorium, 1-000 costum-


bctvre^r. Eutc^r. cr.i iv>-rr t;--i" c c" <~~ r' who love to veer ur.iicrr's zvC rlay at be'.zz fc'-iicrr-. 11:]; i? vhere tho real '";; I'-:. Tlr c ? ,'ooys have beer, tcugi-.t izv three or four years to admire Hitler. L C "Many, of the elder- Germans who are members of 'the Isaei organizations were driven into it. When Hitler came into pov.-er acd began his persecution o£ the Jews h ~ •- i the reverberation on this side of the- water was altnost iastantarieous. Well-to-do Jewish families in tjie Bronx promptly fired ell . - , r v l n J k -WNS) - . . . f ^ „ ^ ^, „ ^ ,. r r , _ „ . . _ , . of their German help — maids, e p^ ih'.-liment of a. new *.„„^ ^c p i ^ 7 ,.„ ,. ( r , r p a , cooks, nurses, gardeners. They 'p ir v » -iork to be. named «f. 7 e r " > r '•s r. f ..c -.„..... L . . . : i fired them out of their New York u •er the late Rabbi Mofcr tf*rgulbusiness oHices, The Jews did not ism end Marxisni. ies, for thirty yeari president of There is nothing in. the printed the Imon of Orthodox Rabbi* stop to inquire -whether these Germans were Nazis. A good platform cl the American Nazis "P'ere announced here by i com' many of them were kindly, gen- concerning the storm troops. The! mittee of Orthodox rabbis and tle souls. Ther were driven to serious messce, the r.nifonttPfl! laymen. " t the .Nazis for protection. And. ret and trained prir&te iBiliti?., hss, At the same time; the Jewish rou couldn't blame the Jews. until now, been overlooked.

"There is a good, sound reason why German-Americans in this

j rssuona! Fund and (he Mizrachl Publish-J announced the launching of a S drive for 115,000 to plant a Marjnilips Forest in one ot the Milrachi colonies-Jn Palestine.



(Copyright by Crcwell

Co. in 1SST.) country -will not discuss the- Kaz-is or the Bunfl. Many of them have relatives or - members ot their NATIONAL CQKCLAfi families still living in. Germany. Abraham Jesofovlch wag f r e a . "The Jews are the first line of Nearly £,000 women from si! IE U r e " oi Lithuania under Siglsdefense at present against the corners of the nation will gathet-'j

Still in quest, of a sane estim,te of the seriousness of the Nazi hreat in the United States, I was lirected to a former German au;hor and philosopher, highly repected by both sides. But here .gain prohibition was placed .pon me. "I will discuss it •with ou," he said, "but do not quote me or mention, my name." "The only really serious aspect f the Nazi problem in America," rie said, "is the armed force. The jstablishment of a dictatorship in

ny country, in which is has ocurred has always been brought ibout by the army; by acquiring ontrol of it or control of an established militia. Under the' American governmental setup .his could never be done; but the )ther alternative exists of secrety building up .a trained armed orce. Here in America you have ilways been too lenient in makng arms available. Arms belong o the army —• that's what the vord itself connotes — or to the >olice forces. Military drill is lot an activity to be incorporated into a secret society, like a ritual. jovernmental permission and supervision of military drill should be required, and . any distinctly military organization should be a art of the country's armed orces. ' . • . "The strength" of the Nails in. i

Nazi conquest of America, with a Catfrolic army forming should the Jews become spent. The Jews have kept the 'American Nazis so busy up to,now that American Nazis haven't had time to pay attention to Catholics. In time this whole thing will pass. I wish I knew when." The announced purposes of the Nazis in America are conflicting-. The purposes oE the organization at its last convention were outlines in these words: "As an. organization o£ American citizens its purposes to taKe a positive attitude in the affairs of the country, while complying unqualifiedly with the duties to the United States. We shall educate the American people to become friends of the new Germany; but, for -us, there is no longer a new Germany — for us there is but the one and only Germany, the Germany of today —the National Socialist Germacy —the third Reich; to form a pro-

in Omaha late in September for j She National InPlUut.e oi the Su-| preme Fores!; T\*oodroen Circle,] which has its national hs&dQiiartcrs hrre, j Competition among field work-1 ers of the "Woodmen Circle for j free 'trips to Omaha for the I n - '

i For Rent: Two bedroom, and kitchen, furnished. Elactrfe, wt water, R » . .ndd in ed. WEbster 3527.

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THE \ concluded August 1st, acr to an announcement from !a_rters,,and wiiiaswiflirbe iced late inUb.e motuh. In a to state- ~and 'district y brs, and several hundred A IbrfcersC it is expected t h a i j v [aembers -will attend . the p,"-which last from Sep"' 30th inclusively. re of the Institute -will be at a t the city auditorium, t m o r p than 1,000 costum^ l participate.


incorporates more difficult words j f" I brevr Usivcrs than any other portion of the Bi| Fiskel, r - T ii ble. In taj^ hands o£ Cotton, it ] Frien.cs ot it was very easily and accurately translated. It is further interhe OT'ic.rl ?i:n:~F- of the esting, to note that in order to ret o" V~* T~ * ^^ c r 71TJTJJ ceive .a degree of Bachelor of Arts in the early days of Harvard, a reading knowledge cf Hebrew The Jewish Publication Society ing leaders n Jev.EJ: com. was necessary. ' -. life Tbo pE.sse«. EVEJof, •- Cotton devoted his life to es- America, announces tis&t* Vol- current year are also tablish a theocracy like that of ume 39 of the" American Je-vrish W Yudell Liaise ancient Israel, for in 1G41 heYear Boot will De ready for dis- l- Jufipe 'Simon TT. E published . in England the boob tribution early in September. Pive I of Albany, K. T., who . !Fbr the second successive year once said, "Philosophy looks Moses, His Judicials, wherein he articles of special importance fea- j at the organization rae m ; '/STc^eH Xrtilie of- ; Kansas City, I the Jewish Publication S through the lenses that Spinoza established a Mosaic Code that ture this issue; • €~f .-'Mo., r-w6n first place in the i i ground." could be practiced in New En- 1. Jewish Community Organisa- 1SSS, and -who was factor in Jewish 1: nals of -the 'international "A. Z. The major source of all blood- gland. After a thorough examin- tions in -the United States, by Dr. /I.&.--English Essay- Contest..' The oi Alshed in Europe during the Middle ation of the hook.'one"finds that ] Maurice J.'Karpf, Director of theyears, hy S. Herbert Esssiy .Contest, %hjch was con* School for Jewish SoAges was the attempt to identify it is but a rearrangement cf the j cGraduate "ducted" as pai-t o f t h s A; Z. A. Profesrcr . _ . the Church and the state. This Pentateuch; this whole system of j i a l Work. y Cele1jrHtIoa oj'tlie Constitution I heil, conflict prompted the Reforma- laws TUS written in exact accord-j 2. Jewish "Welfare Board SesqtdceiiteiHiiEl./was on the tion, which was not only relig- ance with the enactments of the Twenty Years Old, by Dr. Cyrus I'and leader, t y ' subject "Hebraic Mortar Ceious, but also a political, eman- Bible. Cotton's work was not the Adler. ' ' ' ' I. Newman. mented tfae 3?onndatl<>ns of This very important j cipation. In England, it was the real law, but a proposed code. 3, The Hebrew University jnj 'iAmerican:[: l>emocracy.'' . Mr. ] Puritan group who substituted Though it was not accepted it Jerusalem, by Prof. Joseph Elan- j will be the largest in rece; sXake' iv.on the cash . prise-of i the the concepts concepts of of Prostestants Prostestants for for! bore a distinct influence on the the jEner, of t i e - Hebrew University i containing: about S 0 0 $50.00 of fered' by Henry ; A. Among the very many ii Catholic dogma in religion, andjj Body of Liberties, a collection of Faculty. g • Alexander, prominent Atlanta sections printed fa .thi who stood for a complete division ]] codes containing many parallels 4. American Jews asd the Ee- Book are the calendars attorney/ Hi3 essay follows: between state and the authority to -Cotton's thesis -which was forthcoming years, the E iev~ j of the Pojpe in Rome. Seeking written by the Hebraist, Nathanand Hooter advocated t i e secul- the Te&r SEPT, fcy Harry guidance only by a thorough stu- iel Ward. , It/has been.the thesis of many arization of the authority of the denaan, the directories, 1 et: c r 1 dy of the Bible, they represented competent' sociologists that the In 1639, the people of the New state, a theory based on the Bible etatistios of Zevs v t ' e.% e althe reawakened spiritual attitude Haven Colony adopted in their history of civilization is. a history | of early European culture as it constitution the provision that the Book in which their adversar- ways dE,de th s boo't FI en s.r _of'-ideas.. The : idea of liberty, the i had been influenced by the Scrip- the Bible including the Mosaic j ies had also. derived a like au- portant iian£boofe tor those 'idea.of justice, and that ideology terested ia Jewish communa* •which/synthesizes-these two, that j tures. The group realized that if Code was the most excellent pre- jthority for opposition. ofv.'democracy, exhibits. in thej he church were to continue as a scribed guide for conduct of all Thus the Hebrew tongue, the ! The SOth Annual Report of the course -of. V its development the Yudell good moral influence, the church humanity in their duties" and ob- Bible (especially the Mosaic { American Jewish Committee, and litest- productive expression of a must be disciplined. But the ligations, both to the church and Code) left a marked impression the 4Bth -Annual Pveport of the early history of America.! Jewish Publication Society are civilized - group. • For in. a. socie-- victims.' This Jewish idea of re- jhurch had disregarded its demo- to other individuals as well. Five , on the the'activity cf the Britisi included in this volume. ty-^where' wisdom is the sole-goal ligious democracy had its coun- cratic foundations; hence this ter-part in the political structure years later the supreme court of | _ _ . _ _Jevdst , . _ _ G o T e r n o r G e n e r a l s f the political , The _American 6 r man, and r-any man can be wise ( could be accomplished n h0 8 tQ C ept t of the early Greek-city-state be- discipline ™ ~ ' ° L ! . , L , t . J ^ J J I freedom of the colonies was.grad-i Book was first printed in 1SSS, Jf land" where righteousness and ' only be a return to the original practice the civil and criminal equity are acknowledged1 by all, fore Plato. Let /us analyze this. source of religion democracy. It code of the Hebrews as an explic- ually limited; and though the j eleven yeaxs after the founding surely there, and there only,.can] A democratic form of govern- then follows that if God gave it statement of the basic and es- potency of the tradition fiegeaer- \ of the Society. The original edment, as. its Greet origin indi- laws to pilot the Jewish people the teachings cf t i e Bible ] itor was Dr. Cyrus, end a democracy exist. ', ' sential laws that govern human ated, always occupied a fised place ia !•others who have edited this hook '..'.-The 'democraUc'-impulse in1 Jew- cates, is that form of government throughput the ages, these same life. In .like manner the Conwhich is developed and controlled aws could be applied to democraish^ history as developed by the necticut Code of 1650 was pat- the minds of the colonists."Hence, ! are Sliss -Henrietta Szold, Kr. prophets- manifested, itself in-; the. by the people.. It negates the tize the Puritan Theocracy.. The terned after tne Mosaic Code. the same ideology that influenced Herman Bernstein, Mr. Herbert political,, "economic'and; religious concept of hereditary governmen- perception of the importance of The New Haven Colony so close- the Reformation in England- tow- Friefienwald., Mr. H. G. Friedlife of the people; In the books tal authority, and denies that any these historical facts impresses ly adhered to the Mosiac Code ards tee division of the church man, Dr. Joseph Jacobs, and Mr. of Ezra attd-'Nehemiah we read man can have'- dictatorial and in- one as to the status of Hebrew that trial by jury was excluded, and ths state also paved the way i Samson D. OrpeEhelin. The prethat' the people, regularly-attend- f l u e n t i a l privileges on theliterature, which possessed not or no reference to this method of toward the division of the church \ seat volume is editedfcyMr. Kared -meeting's* to discuss and to de-grounds.oi hereditary or mone- only a unique expression of polit- assing judgement could be dis-and the state also paved the way ry Sehn'eiSenn&n, the Assistant \ cide "matters .of political import- tary power. According to Laski, ical unity, leading to its treat- overed in the Pentateuch. Hence towards the foundation of repub- Secretary cf t t e American Jewisi. ; ance. This body elected an exe-democratic ideologies' are based ment both as a tradition and as loinmon Law was rejected and lican and democratic institutions Cossnnttee, which publishes this j cutive whose authority was dele- on the thesis that a representa- a system of customs, but also as he Mosaic Code was used ia- in America. As Lord Bryce, says book jointly with the Jewish Pub- ] in his masterpiece, The American | lication Society. This volume is gated and-not hereditary. The tive form of government must be & manifestation of the mental suCommonwealth; "So far from j the lBth volume which Mr. Sch' choice *Vaa based, not on "wealth in harmony with t i e similarities periority of a people which had tead. John Eliot, the "Apostle to thethinking their cosiiaonweath god-1 neidennan has edited. or- dignity,, hut on superior "skill and not the differences of man-developed this philosophy of life. and practical:Wisdom -acquired by kind; thus class struggles and Hence it was inevtiable that this Indians" thought that the Amer- less, the Americans conceive that j The American JewiSii- Tear tal-knowledge.. .Highly-: re^ differences are completely elim- ideology tromendously influenc- can Indian and • his civilization the religious character cf a gov- Boot, retails for £S.CC, s.nt is Epected by "the people, this execu- inated. Hence the keynote of the ed by Hebraic writings, was ac-had descended from the Lost Ten ernment consists in nothing but available as one of the three tive served in' the role of judge problem of democracy is depen- cepted by the Puritan's as a part Tribes of Israel. He adhered to the religious belief of the individ- books which members of the Jewand arbiter; the length/ of time of dent upon economic; political and of their civilization. Adopting the his views so closely that in Lon-ual citizens, and the conformity ish Publication Society receive his position dependent upon his •social equality,; quotation that "there is no goddon he wTotes the book Jews in of their conduct to that belief." i annually lor the technique of fulfilling the wishes ~ However, in mediaeval society, but God," the Puritans consider- America; or Probabilities that This is indicative cf the true tra-| fines, which are- Bvailable for of the ^roup." In'times of^war the -Roman Catholic Church de- ed the Bible a divine spiritual h o s e Indians are Judaical; dition of Hebraic democracy ancl jj low as SE.CO P e " year. Ttill this-•individual was 'replaced "by j.veloped a philosophic interpreta- and social system, and a guide to whence he was led to the 'problem its contributory phases in Araer- i tails of s mesabership the-ablest warrior; hence ' the tion of history which maintained conduct in everyday life. This was of translating the Bible into and other interer Indian language. Urging hat man had bsen, through evil head -person was not a leader, but exemplary of the Hebraic polit- a-faithful-and ohedient servant of endencies and original sin, con- ical and religious influence in adoption of the establishment of tribes as in the Court of Solomon, the people. .A compulsory mon- emned to eternal punishment, England.. archy' existed "only when it was laiming an authority over man's In 1603, the Stuart, King he.published The Christian Commonwealth, in which he explains sanctioned b y the spirits of' the oul, only the effectiveness of the people, for.: Samuel presented'•• the shurch could afford a way of sal- England, claiming that his au- the Biblical foTm of government. •interpretation that submission to ation which would .permit an in- thority was delegated by God. A Though the Bible was , evil, kings was an . insurgency ividual-Id stone' for his misde- greater schism then ^ensued be-used for llgal purposes, i t is litagainst" God; "hence "rebellion-to meanors. TEa"'"eiforts ot Inno- tween the Puritans and the tle known that the tyrants'was obedience to.God." In ent i n l a n d thfe.document of the Crown, and it w & this final act were also a valuable source boofc the strict sense of the word, the Donation- of Constantine are evi- of aggression that caused Pur- for the basic principles of religIsraelites never had kings; for dences of this, and due to these itans to escape to Holland, from gious »yen the kings, were judged in ctivities it was necessary for the which country they immigrated The founder of the theory of reitate to recognize the temporal to the New .World. y ligious liberty was the Hebraist respect to a; higher , authority, authority of the Church. Since and Biblical student, Roger WilThe Puritans founded the MasThe Ios3 of poputhe Roman Catholic Church was that of God. larity in the late yeara of David's an organized society founded on sachusetts Bay -Colony primarily •reign -was attributed to :his drift- definite ' dogmatic principles, the to establish-a theocratic common- torians, the beginnings .ing away from the procedures of aims of- democracy were threaten- wealth. Being good students of Confederacy of . popular-government, an act which ed and Btifled; for various gronps the Bible, they developed a theo- outlined by Thomas was <;onteiyedjjy the prophets to deprecated the honesty of the ry of government similar to that 16S4, became the embryo of the American republic. Both Williams Tje'in opposition'to God-like-con- political entity of the Church and of the ancient Israelites. duct,. 'Amos ,-stubbornly fought denied" the validity of the static Stuart England was Egypt; King James I, Pharaoh; against" class profiteering and ex- doctrines of Catholicism. , the Atlantic ocean, the Red Sea; ploitation,- and a continuous war Spinoza developed the philoso- and the New "World was called •was -waged against -ecclesiastical dictatorship.- The prophets of thephy of democracy by negating the the ""Promised Land." Indicative I»ostHBziiic-period first -developed hypothesis that it was both the of this- approach to Hebrew traThe Genuine Bates Grip Bowling Sail now sold the theory: .of <he individual duty and authority of the church ditions is the fact that the firs to dictate to the state as it saw book printed in the New World in Oxaaba by the Tnanfa rrelation to -God;, a" concepfit." He was the first person to was the Bay Psalm Book, tion which, -in its essence, is the religious •. interpretation.;.of de- make*a scientific study of the Bi- printed in 1640. Puritan leaders, . moeracy. -In-.-•'this'.-; respect, the ble and to affirm that the among whom was John Cotton church and the state must be di- "the "high priest of the theocratheoriessbf Jeremiah' and/the p'arailes;-of • .-Ezekiel, '• especially.; thatvided it the ideals of democracy cy," were the most learned HeSA 2 7 2 4 AS that ;bn-^the '.eating of -. sour' grapes were to-be materialized. In his braists of the day. In a very seThe Bates Grip Ball will T r a c t a t u s Theologico-Politicus, ^d.-the^penaltiesr to/Tie .suffered rere examination, Cotton was re- produce higher scores and he severed the church and the ara-.'-indicativel of-the democratic uired to translate the third eliminate tJse *soro spirit of personal responsibility state, and conceded to the latter chapter of Isaiah, a passage tBat the right to govern man on. the and'morality. basis of political equality, not reThus-because of the influence of ligious belief. He set forth the the'- prophets, the" Jews were-well idea that freedom of thought and prepared 1 -during; the _,post-exilii speech must always be maintainera" to .accept and to practice dem ed," and that any attempt to denyj ( ©cratie and''liberal techniques o this would seriously- affect the /S/'i government! However, .the strati- "public. peace." To him democrafication of mediaeval society-did tic-methods of government were • not permit; for. political -democra- the - "most natural." He pointed cy.: ' As a result'the Jew, who wai but that in a community'where ior'ced :to*;iive segregated in thi legislation is enacted with the ghetto,' .maintained! the BlblicaZ consent- of the majority, foreign precepts; of. r democracy through authoritative governments have the-interpretation/: of: equality 1 no functiom' Hence law under an authentic democracy must not be peculiar - and odd: traits .0 considered as an ideal designed \T epe i the h Mid the; Jewish group during Mid by-an offensive group to guide die.' Ages i^d- to their: persecution: and to direct the destiny of a and •afnicationsT.-- The depfiya weaker one, .but as an amicable tions- and-piUages- of* Jewish life procedure of; conducting peaceful by', Uje -Crusadera" "was", practiced relationships in the course of hutinder the" guise of religious senlife. And, as Heinrich Heine timest'3..' Engjand initiated these fanatic- movements' by banishing tHe;'-l290;"l^ance did like /wise in-1394; : the Spanish Inquisition occurred In 1492; and Porend b followed suit" in 149 6. The Llsfcsrlc! Cont^&ny j against tryrannical and THE BEST* CONCRETE autocratic systems of government , BECAUSE - - ; has always.been an incentive to, J. All materials pass state ana and a motivation for the Jew's fecSsral specifications, assuring ths highest quality. desire to livo under a democratic 2. Accurate control e» proporform of government. These antitions, assuring full quantity. X Exclusive "Consistency MeSemitic 'a'ctivlties in autocracies ter" assuring higher strength only intensified tho devotion 01 and untform fctiiii the Jewish people to democracy. C 3023 Dcis The Jews hated and-despised autocracy, for they were always its Attractive' greeting cards to ossisd to f?PflF^

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[he same time ] .the. Jewish t l Fund and the Mizrachi d the launching of a pSloiOOO to plant a. Mari Forest in one of the Miz:olonies-in Palestine." ihain Jesofovich •was trea[o£ Lithuania' under • Isigis-

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London on the Srd o£ me league oii Nations with reID24, and c£ which the gard to 1*6.1 es line. Katznelson, Rubashov, Bavidow-j ratifications were exchanged is From the language used ja Am*. By Rabbi Frederick Coin itz and Sehoeken. j London 02 tfce Srd cf December, b83-B.ior B;r.£:hf,ir.'s not it would" , ZVVPZT UuH the'United states also. The resolution on national | 1025. The Report of the British Royal Commission, the recent Bj Dr. Philip Slier funds -was introduced by Moslie | "The rights oi the United \ irrls ;hrt it ss to be consulted* Zionistic Convention in Zurich, and the general wide-spread Reich, Mizrachi leader of Poland. I Stales Government ctfi tbeir na- ! on chp.ncpp \v UIP Palestine Mandiscussion attendant upon these have but confirmed me in rayi f calls-on world Jevar to in-1 ticnals as regards Palestine are ^ ~ t e o n ! - r i r ihPV r f f p « th«* rights BIBLE crease the recipts of the Keren j those recited .in Articles 2 to 6 ol j6 n c l ^••e'-er.u of Americans, opposition to the idea of the creation of a 'Jewish State.' How beautiful upon the moun* "What a sorry, what a petty, what an unsatisfactory, in- tains are the feet of the messen- answer to the urgent need o the Convention, end in Article 7 ! ger of good tidings that an- Jews tor emigration and as a"•jot the Convention these right.?' K I£HR1

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Auithcrizres effectual and futile climax to four thousand years of Jewish must remain intact vrhp.tever j means of solidifying political ve for Colonycha.r,£re? may he rnafie in the man- j history, suffering, sacrifice, and martyrdom'.' "Were the Jews gains in Palestine. The Congress j date for Palestine, unless the I a 'Chosen;People' for this, to create a: little statelet in the cor- vatioh. then, adopted resolutions offered [ In righteousness shalt thou be by Mizrachi reaffairmins the res- j United States assent to such a; Pr.ris (Y>.'NS-Paleor Agency) — ner of, Syria, to compete politically and materially with the ' Leon Blum, leader ol the French established; be thou far from op- olutions adopted at the last Con-?, change. iii the vieiF other nations of the world, to engagei in all the secular strife pression, for.thou shalt not fear; gress in Lucerne regarding the | His r.iE.jes- Socialist Vi\riy snd former premhowever, these ier or France, hs.<= given his conand struggle, with armies, navies, diplomatic chicanery, and and far from ruin, for it shall observance of Sabbath. "The ob-j rights, are'limited to those specl- sent tc a campaign in the United j servance of Sabfaata by ail moral [ intrigue, and all the other disagreeable, disheartening, and dis- n o t c o m e n e a r t h e e fied in the articles of the Conven- ^ u \ P f i t c . r a i s e '"'ids through the


Editorial Offtea: 600 Brandsia Theater Building. * Slons C!ty Ot£lce-i-Jo'iVl3b Community Center Print Shop Addres3! «B04 So. 24tb Street DA VXD BLACKER - .•-..- ' Business and Managing Editor FRANK K. AOKERMAN - - • - » • • • EdltO? P&NNIB KATKL.M&N Council Bluffs. Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL • - • » Slous City, Iowa, Correapondent

The Partition Resolution ...".,:

Gems of th© Bible

' .• v , '.

j and legal means, according to the! FV Fui.d for the es! Zionist Constitution and Congress j tiosi referred to above, End the i"t a b U, K h.l T -'--*''oral consent of the United Elates GCV-| ' e n t ° ' p colony in Palescouraging features of so-called nationhood 1 j and Actions Committee resoluUl n for him. tions' 'is enjoined in the resolu- erntnent v-iil, therefore, not be I ^ hp*™?« I do not so read the- object ancf purpose of Jewish history. required, to any eh? in the! ™ r r p n c ! l •1Pv-~i-qh statesman's tion. The Jewish destiny is certainly not political. Twice, with dire j shalt condemnPalestine mandate unless - h e I permission was contained in an Limit Congress Delegates. Hereaf- specific rights in question R r e j acknowledgement of a cablegram TAIiMCD results, Jewish history assumed a political form; b u t t h e two ter to SOO thereby affected, 'addressee tc him by Max ZaritRabhi.Maier says: "A periods of Jewish nationality were b u t stages in t h e higher The Congress took its most rad"Indeed, the United Stp.trp hpv- E k - ' ' President oj the United HatI b i er S S: a 1 when it adopted a pro- ing- assented, by Article 1 of the !l e r s ' " L " n i O E °^ New York, who was evolution a n d development of Judaism, which sloughed off t h e s h a 5 ? \ 1 w ^ t e a c ? h i ; ' 4 i 5 : I. , 1 posaj limiting the number of del- Convention, to the mandate as a ; a m e i T ! b e r o£ the American Jewpolitical form. The Jew's true destiny is moral, spiritual, and I easy occupation, a n d ) . c l e a n a n d religious. The sixteen and a half million Jews in the world j he .should at the same time pray egates to Juture Congresses at 1 whole, it follows that the United j ^ i a b o r wnion delegation which ercy t0 all the rich- 300. constitute a religious communion, not inconsiderable and highly ness j f o r mand The "vote m-ss 1S1 to 58. ! State? Government hsre accepted-; v ' s u ' e < ^ r&lesiine oarly- this year. wealthiness belongs, for impressive; not to be classed -with Roumanians, Poles, Serbians, there is not a single trade in the provision in Article £7 of the! J ' r - Z?,<:ii$\;.y had informed Mr. mandate which lays down that! E ! l l m t n s t 8 ^"ev.-ish Labor Comand other nationalities large or small, but; with Catholics, which both the rich and the poor the mandate may be altered with !m i J l i e e l l a d been organized to coare not to he found, hence neither Protestants, Mohammedans, Buddhists, and members of other ths consent cf the Council 0" t h e ; o p e r s ' e v"*:-^ ; ' 1 e .lewifh Xational richness nor poverty are the rereligions and religious denominations. There is no more needj Bsults depends npLeague of Nations. j F «rm in the United States to n l t s oof f ttrade, r a d e > bbut u t i tit depend "His Majesty's Government In i i a u n c h a ?100.0n0-fund raising for Jews constituting a separate nationality, a "Jewish State," on the merits of the man." the United Kingdom propose to I e f f o r t f o r t h e ru*'P°se of redeemthan for-Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, etc., to create a Rabbi Simon says: "Since my seek the consent of the Council oH i R E a t r a c t p C i a n d i n Palestine early days I have not seen that Baptist, Methodist, or Presbyterian nation. the League at its September ses-! o n v h i o h a VAv.m Colony would a deer should dry figs in a field, By Robert Stou© sicn for any changes "in the man-i b e established. Giving his consent It was religion that created the first J e w . It was religion ! a ji o n should carry bundles, or date of Palestine which may be ! t o t h e Pl ' c i e <'t. the French politthat formed'and moulded the Jewish People. It was religion; a • fox should be a store-keeper; hf AMERICA as the result of the kov- ! i c a l l e R t l « r "aid: "With the greatthat gave the group,' even after it had expanded and was or-j nevertheless 'they support themthem' but. Ie s t P I e R p r i r e I accept sponsorship ] selves without any ganized into a nation, its true character and purpose. A n d j t h o u g h t h e y w e r e on i } - created to « y changes .tfect any of of this project and express ap„

The historic twentieth world Zionist congress has closed its ledgers, but its sessions have seemingly written an indelible page in modern Jewish history, a page which might etch a new destiny for Israel. The major highlight of the congress was the approval by more than a two-thirds majority of the resolution authorizing negotiations, with Great Britain on establishment of a Jewish State in Palestine. Does this mean that partition has been accepted in principle by Zionism? An important question, it is also a controverted question. Some interpret the resolution as rejecting partition, since it flatly terms the Royal Commission's partition scheme as unacceptable and directs the Zionist Executive to resist' infringement on the Jewish rights under the Balfour Declaration and the Palestinian Mandate. But, in our opinion, this is only a surface view, honeyed by sweetened but meaningless, words. The fact is undeniable that.the Zionist Executive is empowered i o negotiate for a Jewish State. Now, not even the most ardent opponent thinks for a moment that the whole of Palestine could or would be.given to Jewry as an independent state -.- this means, that when we negotiate for a Jewish State, we negotiate as to how much of Palestine shall be partitioned to us. Once the door is opened to partition, then '"we fear little by-little that door will be opened, wider.




., , ,




No "weapon




against thee shall ' prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou

even after nationality was lost, as it was finally in the year j serve me. I-who was created t o Ith^v^don't'Tetl^ale's out'of 0^rT i - b e 70 of this era, arid the Jews were scattered among all the n a - j s e r v e tKe G r e a t C r e . a t° r - h o w ' GERMAN RABBI REVEALS;






precir.tion of your initiative.

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t0 manifes t in this manin Articles m2 to 6 of t h e ! a m ner the interest which I have in referrred to lPe F5 eFt :._ . . ,, -,, ., ,. . " ,•• ; •• i ,, , '. ' 1 1 m u c h m o r e s h o u l d I b e a b l e to ASSIMILATION'ISTS, ONCE BIT-i-m x1 His Majesty's Goverment wii! im-i the " significance of Palestions of the earth, it was religion that was the bond that muted j s u p p o r t m y s e l f w U h o u t any trou- TER FOES OF ZIONISM, FAT-!mediateiy inform the United j t i n e v-phnilding." them and that differentiated them from all others. Jews havejble? But I have caused all this OR JEWISH STATE. . . . Well, j States Government and seek their i a distinct role in the world, to be the representatives and pro- and trouble through evil deeds mymy sustenance has similation—i. doesn't a Jewish State like implyother as-f consent thereto. I e., being ponents 6£ Ethical Monotheism, the bearers-and guardians of been therefore affected." 3. While the foregoing: reprenations? Editorially, we have upon different occasions repeated our the Torah. They most certainly have a 'mission,' their highest sents the views of Kis Majesty's I Rabbi Nehorai says: "I -will BOOK WITH AXTI- Government as to their lecs.5 obopposition to the partitioning of Palestine, .setting up a toy raison d'etre,' as was expressed to Abraham, the first Jew, put aside all the wordly occupa- S EDREAM M I T I C REFERENCES RE- ligations towards the United (WNS) — Existence Jewish state which could not possibly care for the immigration 0 'be a blessing' and as will be read before the assembled J e w s i t i o n s a n d for all other ROM STORE COUN- States Government in the matter, j of a new Nazi camp near the Meroccupa- | There goes another of they fully appreciate, and indeed 1 ?.mee River in. St. J-ouis was disand colonization needs of persecuted Jewry. The action of the of the whole world on the forth-coming holy;Eosh Hashonah tions are good for a man | T HEeRr rS .Hitler's dreams. welcome, the interest taken fcr c l o s e d b y t h e X o n . S c c t a r l a n A n t i . Zionist Congress deals a smashing blow to our views on the morning, "In thee, and in thy seed, shall all the families of during his younger davs, o bn luy t ! •

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w h e n h e bec °l3 e s a n o l dm a n matter, and as we seek to recover from this stunning setback, the blessed." Abraham, and all written about him i n ! Question of the solution of tfce IN s E 1 L e E &' u e ™ identical teleCH I R O G R A P H E R FINDS the Quest ., T>-t.i J AI J i • • j! xi T • i -n , Us unable to secure a position and we analyze the probable trend of events. It, sums up, in brief, the Bible, and the recorded origin of the Jewish People, may |I lstarves;. while the /Torah is not CHARACTER AND TEMPERA- Palestine problem, end it is their grams to members of Congress, R t a r T M w h i l e t h 6 o r a h Js n o t intention to keep the United the Department of Justice, the to this: a minimized Jewish State is in sight, but before its be naught but legend, not ethnologically scientific, but as a so—she stands with the man MENT R E S P O N S I B L E FOR States Government fully inforn S E M I T I C RIGHT-TO-LEFT IC Bureau when he is young, and gives him fruition lie many obstacles. vital part of their literature and tradition it is uncontrover- a good and lasting hope in his WRITTING- . . . So what has hap- of any proposals •v.'hich they nrr; | e - i \ rf The first obstacle is the determination of the anti-parti- tibly authentic as expressing the true character and soul of old age." pened to the character and tem-put forwerd tc the Council of L!-P t f ; 1 <• that the League for the modification c2 5 ~ P I ic r- tionists to continue their fight. Ordinarily, this would mean the Jew. ftermanAbba Buryon says: "A man perament of the Jews who usethe mandate." ! 'vn Pl opened shall not train his son in the fol-European languages exclusively? a wide-Open split in the Zionist, ranks, such as occurred at the Ambassador Binghare, in p " i ' ] Judaism 'flowered''in the Hebrew Prophets, the world's V lih 8 ZIONIST CONGRESS RAIL- newledgicg- this note en A tig-, s* 1 --. 1 ' i t r occupations: A driver, a sixth congress when the Zionists brqEe into two opposing camps •supreme moral'and religious geniusesj and though all of them lowing ^ r ) u t le at shepherd or a storekeeper, be-1 WAY TICKETS CARRY HE- 4th, emphasized that the Uni e> ' rf < » T over the British proposal to establish a Jewish Uganda in were staunch Jews - - Jews and naught'but Jews - - their con- cause it is hard for them to make J BREW STAMP. ,r>uiS. . Sounds like States •will not abandon its r i t r . 1 7 Louis Africa. However, this danger seems remote today, because with ception of Judaism was that as expressed by one of their num- a living in an honest way. . The a very logical departure. to be consulted in any change? r ' j ' 1 ; -<• !<? A l i the exception of.the very small Jewish State Party, the anti- ber in Avords too- little quoted and to'o little known: "It were best doctors are going ; to ROUMANIAN ZIONISTS PLAN- the Mandate Effecting Americrr • -,T ! r came Gehenam (hell) (because there is CHAIN OF HEBREW BOOK rights and interests, but acU p, ' l f , • partitionists have declared that their .fight will be carried on too light a thing for Me to gather the dispersed of Israel." a great demand for good doctors STORES. - 'id reThey must be pre- that "it is hardly necessary, fcci - ca < r ppj'ers paring for •wholesale emigration j ever, to repeet within the Zionist ranks. . . : there). The best butcher is a the assuriin-v - ; Israel's prophets looked beyond nationalism, even Jewish nato the Jewish State- , heretofore communicated to Another big barrier is the attitude of the non-Zionists. tionalism. Their outlook was universal. Their God was thepartner to Amalak. * ANTI-SEMITE TIPS OFF PO- Majesty's Government that, Ire f The Jewish Agency is composed of Zionists and non-Zionists, One God of all the nations, a truly International God: 'the LISH' J E W S TO IMMINENT position of my government as ^^ \ and is* supposedly the group Avith. which the League discusses God oi the whole earth, He shall be called,' as Isaiah said. Executive Same, POGROM. . . . Well, we nerer forth in the Quoted correspr: - » claimed that all anti-Semites Ere dent is based esclusively OB as Twentieth the Palestine Mandate. The Jewish Agency is now in session Their conception of justice and righteousness was as incumobligation and purpose to ' at Zurich, and Felix M: "Warburg of New York, generally bent and obligatory upon all nations and individuals. There Congress Ends murderers. DEGENERATE JEWISH" ART vide for- the protection cf AIDE-- J V recognized as the spokesman of the non-Zionist Jewry, em- was one Moral Law as there was One God and One Humanity. SHOW OUTDRAWS ARYAN EX- icEE Interests in Palestine oc (Continued from Page One) HIBIT 50 TO 1. . . . Proving that bssis cf equality v i t h those of!,? phatically stated that he is opposed to partition and hopes to There was but one destiny for the entire human race, and that the Germans are still an art-lovname of Henrietta Szold elicited "avert the partition of Palestine, a land to small to be so di- was peace and happiness through. unity and righteousness. ing nation. another burst of applause. . tionalB." Ambassador Bingham ' vided." A fight looms" over who will have the say-so in Pales- "Blessing" is the ^one word that best expresses this, and this The Labor party members of PALESTINE also asked that the United States tine, witK the Zionists taking it for granted that they will summum bonum.was mainly to be accomplished and consum- the Action Committee are Serl HOLDS HOMO S A P I E N S be kept fully informed of any pro- ) <• unopposedly control the Jewish State arid the non-Zionists, de- mated through the faithful and heroic ministrations of Israel, Katznelson, Goldie Meyerson, Is- FIRST APPEARED IN PALES- posals Britain intends to make to ' \ aac Tabenkin, S. Zuchowitsky, , . . That explains the uni- I termined to stop such an- interpretation. I t -is possible, too, the Priest People, the People of religion and of morality, dwell- Israel Mereminsky, Chaiin Green- TINE, versal nostalgia for the Holy 1 Patronize Our Adveriis--'• that the anti-partitionists among the Zionists might join forces ing not only in one land,, not even Palestine, but in all lands— berg, Zalinan Rubashov, Dr. Land. j. (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts] with the non-Zionists for a common, goal. a Holy People of the One Holy God—God's .'witnesses'—the Feature Syndicate.) ! . Also, the Zionist Congress "resolution reads that when the ideal -missionaries (who to perform their function efficiently sky, Levi Shkolnik, Melech NeuExecutive negotiates successfully with Britain, then the pro-and efficaciously must-dweft"not in one place but'in all places) stadt, Jacoh Uri, A. Dayan, Josef j WORN 'ROUND Baratz, Dov Hos, A. Zisling, Isposal must be submitted to another specially-called Zionist Con- —ideal missionaries and Missionaries of the Ideal! rael Idelson, Mordecai Yarblum, gress. But we put little faith in this proviso, since we do not "What conld four hundred thousand or even two million Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Abra' think another Zionist Congress will block a proposal prac- Jews accomplish in Palestine, in a maimed and dismembered ham Bialopolski, David Remez, tically "signed, sealed and delivered." Other obstacles may Palestine, even organized (for the third time) into a "Jewish Dr. Jacob Hellmann, David Wertheim. Meier Yaari, Jacob Chazappear, such as Arab opposition, refusal of the League of Na- State," a Zion without Zion,'a Jerusalem-less land and people an, Eliezer Peryi and Ada FishOLLU tions Council to concur, q r disapproval by Parliament T - but of Jerusalem? The soul of Israel would be gone! man. The members from the '\ Confederation of General Zion- America to Be Consulted,Only these do not loom large on the horizon. A" political Palestine (even including Trans-Jordania, ists, Group A, comprise D. Bernif U. S. Interests "Whatever, the trend of events, Jewish history is in the which is more than ever an unlikely possibility) would not hardt, Lazar Brande of South AfAffected L. N. Ettingen, Jacob Fishmaking, with a people's destiny in the balance. solve the 'Jewish problem.' In my opinion it would aggravate it. rica, man, editor of the Jewish Morn•Washington, D. C. (WN'S) — The day must come \vhen Jews will be permitted to live ing Journal, David Florentin, Ab- Foes of the partition of Palestine all over the earth ('God's footstool'), wherever they shall elect, raham Goldberg, Rev. J. K. Gold- •who had banked heavily on the Asa Old Arab Story * bloom, Rabbi Israel Goldstein, M. treaty of IS24 In-a dispatch to the New York Times, Joseph M. Levy, with full rights as citizens, even including eligibility to the Kleinbaum, Moshe Kolodny, Dr. Anglo-American that the United •which provides 'able Jerusalem correspondent, tells that the Arab opposition highest offices (as in America), differing from their/fellow- Ben Zion Mcssinsohn, Dr. Uri Ro-States must be consulted before •to the partition-plan has'now crystallized around the view- citizens only, in religion (though religious evolution is bring- senblatt, Dr. Josef Rufej&en, Sal- any change is made in the Manman Schocken, Mrs. David De So-date were stunned when. Secrepoint that "a purely Arab state without Jewish initiative or ing all the peoples as Zachariah predicted, nearer to the Ethi- la Pool. The deputies in this divi- tary of State Hull ra&de public an cal Monotheism of the Jew), discharging their function as rep- sion are Sirs. Gershon Agronsky exchange of correspondence becapital can neither progress nor prosper." " .;. This is the old story of wanting to eat the cake and-have resentatives and ambassadors of the One Only, Holy God; for Mrs. Pool and Mrs. Rose Hal- tween the State Department and prin for Mrs. Herman Shulman. the British Foreign Office in bringing all the nations into closer unity, harmony and peace; The it, too. ' • Mizrachi members, of the which the latter stated unequivo/ In the past the Arabs have always been loathe to admit most inspired and impassioned advocates and protagonists of Committee are Rabbi Meier Ber- cally that the British government lin, Rabbi Wolf Gold, Rabbi Samsocial justice and human brotherhood; till God's will be fulholds that the United States must any advantages from "Jewish initiative or capital/'^Such conuel Brod, Rabbi Jacob Hoffman, cepts were dismissed as wholly materialistic and were out- filled on earth; till 'God be One, and His Name one,' and 'theLeon'Gellman, Shlomo Shragai, be consulted only on changes in the Mandate vrhich may Effect weighed by the decay of Arab customs and spiritual happiness. earth be filled with the true knowledge of God, as the waters Abraham Kestenbaum, J a c o b the rights and interests of AmerGrinberg, M. Wahrhaftig, Elime- icans in. Palestine. Evidently Jewish immigration into Palestine assumes new over the sea.' lech Neufeld, Isidore Epstein. In a note addressed to U. S. Let the Jew not be diverted or perverted from his true Representatives' from- the Union significance when there is danger that .as far as the Arabs "> t Ambassador Robert Bingham on task', function or obligation. Let the coming Holy Days remind of General Zionists, Group B, areJuly 7th,-Foreign. Secretary Anarc concerned it will be cut off. U .n. .-- , ' * -_• d ,_, This .change of Sttitude on the part of the Arabs proves the Jew of his true character and purpose, viz. <is God's People, Dr. Ignacz SchwartzbarC Josef thony Eden made this very plain Suprasky, Dr. Emil Schmorab, Dr. the old adage that history repeats itself. Even the Jew-hating omnipreserft and eternal as his God is omnipresent and eter- Chaim Bogratschow, Naftali Lan- when he ansv/ered & memorandum, from Mr. Bin.cliaiu, •vv.fro had Men beyc"1'"'' 'J r $ < ^ ? c , c 1 and pliaraoh of Moses' day wanted them as laborers; and king Joao nal, as the Great International People to bring 'blessinr in dau, Oscar Gruenba'um. The Jew-asked for a detailed explanation ish State Party members are Me-of the official British attitude on of Portugal eager to rid his country of Judaism forcibly con- fullest measure to the entire race! its ier Grossman and M. M. Mach- Palestine • in connection -frith the verted the Jews and forbade them to leave his realm. over. Michael Traub 'represents Anglo-American convention of - - Frederick Colin. • '>* and the delegation from Germany. _ 19 24. In his reply 'to this memillSES; 4.2.!. 'The Arab3 are learning. They might even learn before • Elect Congress Court Officials j orandum Mr." Eden -wrote as folit is toov late. On the motion of Rev. J. K. j

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Hebrew Calendar



Goldbloom, acting on beha'if o f the Permanenz Ausschuss, the Rosh Hashonah lion.,- Sdpt. 6 Congress unanimously reelected Past of Gedaliah .'. "Wed., Sept. 8 The farcical absurdities of the racial dogmas of the Nazis Dr. SamS Groneman as chairman Yom Kippur AYed., Sept. 15 of the Congress Court and Dr. * - who would use any weapon to vault into a position of power Aaron Earth, as Congress Attor1st Day of Succoth 3Ion., Sept. 20 * - are once again illustrated hi Europe during the past week. ney. Daniel Sisoira "was elected Simchath Torah Tues., Sept. 28 In Vienna, Hitlerites and Jews alike are blushing at the chairman of the Court, of Honor' T a s t observed on following Sunday. to succeed Felix Rcsenblueth. The disclosure that Herr Dubski, one of the ringleaders of the Congress then elected a commitillegal, underground Nazi movement in Austria, is a Jew who tee to arrange for the publication People who bray the loudest lack two things: an educa•was converted to Christianity only seven months ago. And of Nahum Sokolow's •writings consisting of Dr. Weizmaan,, Ussfrom Prague come3 the accusation that Conrad Henlein, fuehrer tion and something to brag about. ishkin, Brodetsky, Gruenbaum, of the German Nazis in Czechoslovakia, is a non-Aryan. Rabbi Berlin, Stephen Wise, Dr.

Thus, the merry-go-round breaks down.

"You must cooperate"' often means "let me have my way."

lows: . "With reference to Your Excellency's memorasauia No. 26 62 of the 6th of .Inly, I have the honor to inform you that, in the view of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, the rights of the United States Gcvennsent and - their nationals in regard ts Palestine depend on. the ter—s of the 'Convention between the United Kingdom and the United

States of America respecting the rights o* the Governments of ths two.countries and their respective nationals in Palestine, -which wss


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Igrue of Xations with rePalestine. le language used in AmBinghanv's not it would idt the United States also tt it is to be consulted ;es in the Palestine they affect the rights •ests of Americans.

BTINE-HELPHAM) A"SKOrXCE BAR MJZVAH | •! Mr', and Mrs. Abe SLlne o£ l i n - FOR" SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kips ancoln, Ncbr. announce the engagement and approaching marriage, nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their j of their daughter^ Bessie, to Ben son, Leonard Rips, Saturday i Holphand, son of Mr. and Mrs. Imorning, August 21, at the B'nai Dave Helphand of Fremont, Neb. | Israel synagogue, 18 th and Chicago streets. Mr. Helphand attended the Uni-; ^.11 friends are cordially Invitversity of Nebr.V and received his : master of from the ed to attend. University'of Iowa -where he is an .associate member of Sigma XI. ^.. _. MITZVAH . \ The -wedding will take place in Mr. and Mrs. E. Selz announce } Los Angeles, Calif., on Sept. 2Z the Bar Mitzvah of their sons, | •where Mr. Helphand is connected Norman and Edward, at the B'nai \ with the actuarial department of Jacob synagogue, 24th and Kich-| the Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co.olas street on Saturday morning i After the ceremony the couple at 9:30. All friends, and relatives are in-will take a honey moon trip to ; vited. Catallana Island. ~ . Mrs. Irvins Hoberman entertained for Hiss Stine at theatre AXXOU3VCE BIRTH party on Tuesday. On •WednesdayMr. and Mrs." Joseph SolomonMrs. Samuel D. Nerenberg, cousin ow announce the birth of a con of the bride-to-be complimented born August, 6, at the Clarkson her with, a miscellaneous shower hospital. and bridge at her home. Out of town guests were Mrs. A. Stine Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro anand Mrs. Samuel Garson of Xdh- nounce the birth of a daughter,' coln. Nebr. and Mra. Irving Mit- Harriet Rose, on August 4 at tho thell of Los Angeles, California. Clarfcson Hospital. •. •'-

Authorizes rive for Colony (WNS-ralcor Agency) — im, leader of the French. Party and former Frera•ance, has given his concampaign in the United raiss funds through the rational "Fund, for the est of a colony in Fales1 for Mm. •ench Jewish statesman's m was contained in an sementot a cablegram to-him by Max Zaritiident of the TTniteil Hatioa of Xew York, -who -was pr of the American Jewfr union delegation -which Palestine early this year. Jaritsky had informed Mr. iat a J.ewish Labor Comlad been organized to co.with the Jewish National L the United States to a_ 5100,000-fnnd raising | r the purpose of redeempact of land in Palestine in a Blum Colony -would Jlished. Giving his consent Project, the French polit|er said: "With the greatsure I accept sponsorship project and express apm of your initiative. I to manifest in this maninterest -which I have in at significance of Palearailding."

Kansas City served the STOCIS as j best. man. ' Folio-wins the ceremony a -wed- j ding reception -was held for three ] hundred guests, calling between j the hours of three to sis o'clock- i A pink and -whit© color scheme •was carried out, -with the table decorated -with -white pom-poms and pink baby roses. Assisting in jthe dining room were the Hisses Sarah Whitman, Ethel Epstein, , Una Gross and Leoaa Katelman. | Among the out-of-town guests | were Mr. and Mrs. Mai Hers- jj

Mrs. Sam DuMnsiry, Mr. J

"*> / f™ ™ •

At a neetms cf an frtterEitj held last, ^eeV &v ' the Jewish. Ceainiuiiity Center the i Icllowing ineinbers were elected ; la office. Charles Gendler, presi! Cent; Albert Oruch. vice-rresi'csjit; Charles Gcifiberg-, cecrcts.ry; FLillip S. littEJiiaa. trca_ surer; Asron Epste:.r_, reporter; j ar.d PE.U1 Ecgondoff, Scrges.nt-E.tI Arms.

1 1

The OTitgcins c-r'icers were ; TTlllard. Smitt, presiSent; Ernj fit Kcg£, Tlce-prwlaeEt; BCD j L^'tiz,- secretary; 'Charles Grprl| ler. treEEi'.rer; Albert Orurfe, re| porter; End Esra. Colick, Serpe-ct| Et-ArrsE.

,"" "1

Louis Dukinsky, Mr. Sol Kaplan, 1 Misses Rebecca and Sarah Tellen j all of Kansas City, Missouri; j Mrs, Bess Katleman and' Mrs. , Belle Hillman of Lincoln, Ne'bras- j Sa; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pelts of ; The officers' instEllatisn T;S.EManning, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Abe i I qret took place at the Kill KoLei Marcus of Auburn, Nebraska; j 1 on Sunday right. TSiis bacQuet Miss Phyllis Studna of St. Jo- j I marked tferes and one talf years seph, Missouri; Mrs. F r e d the iEc?rtir?B." ol the club, Schwartz of Chicago, Illinois;, snd ; , ftrrrac -which time it ihss grnwr, Mrs. Jlelvin E. Katelmsa of Los ' Mr. and Mrs, A. TCc'.fc -.iin-r.TiT | from a few to several' e'e^e-. Ths Angeles, Calif. past sccoiaplisli.~1e3.*s E-d future the enrEgement of their dfUj'iA buffet supper for eighty relpirns were reTi°-!«-ed. durir^ the ter, Ida, to Mas Sacks. atives was served at eight o'clock, I\o definite date has been SP courses. President TCilJE-d Smith, after which Mr. and Mrs. Kersin an address, Esserted that the for the v.-eddinc kovitz departed i>y motor on a Alpha Pi 7s.u is being reeocnized three weeks' honeymoon. The as oce c* t i e ieE.ciEg- Jewish I T :si> F o !OM C bride's travel outfit consisted of yc"th or^anizEtsons in Oir.a'ba, In I." GE Ko?efc:t c ": a "Wallis-blue two-piece swagger a Eele~E,- CEHule-lit ceremony f ^ - ^ -: puesi ol lier 0'. :c Lt.. wtich followed, Paul Sor.ionr.ri Ciig'C "• IB suit, with a bine lace blouse XL.r. Dav id r-v.-in£.n.. -nras Jorn3.a!ly indectea to a trimmed in black patent leather bei-ship jn the club. clips, and -a. black belour tip- j —Cficpcr.S PSitrto. turned olf-the-face hat, black an"UK 2 Mrs. Hsrcld £. Tushman telope hag and ' slippers. A. I1 1"!l\ V X.TS. Miss Clara 'Kaplan, daughter of •;? -, I, I FRANK-FORMAL a nd Me-vir Mr. and Mrs. -Jacob Kaplan, was BACK iFROM EAST J.Irs. Joe Miller was tppointed ironGi E tvri iS trip 'ic L'e . , r . married to Harold S. Tiiehsian, Mrs. Eva Forman announces Mrs. Harry Roitstein has re'•StOTSE >. Ir. t"ne v- - - = r Tei son of Mr. and. Mrs. • Michael chairman, find Mrs. William Kuk- 8 the engagement of her daughter, \ turned from a seven week visit in The Mother Chapter of A. S. A. Tuchman, last Sunday at the Om-lin, vice-chairman cf the board ol 0 L 1.heir t r avels' the;-- risi Miss Annette Forman, to Max Philadelphia and Atlantic City. rii j directors cf t h e Laiiss Tree , Ci is now making preparations for aha Woman's Clubhosse. Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mey- She was the guest of Tier brotherT. ^ . ^ , ~ . , [Loan Society in tfc,e acnual yeart its biggest social affair of the fall er Frank. "No date has been set in-law and sister, Mr. arid Mrs. • Rabbi B a n d A. Goidste;n effi-1 I j r £Tive t p T~^ Jnnf.F T-P tfcft i^^ season, its annual Achar Hatanus ciated at the ceremony. H. Rosenblitt. for the wedding. j excellent wcrfe this wcraRn'F "~Dance, to be held the evening of In Philadelphia Mrs. Roitstein: The bride were a white ehilfon ' ,-_..= ..•„ Mrs. Bernard Herslrovitz as cone for s i s t e r September 16. As usual it is attended the wedding of her! gown, fashioned with a cowl , years, can continue. STTRFKISE SCPPEB At a pretty home -wedding, Miss planned to hold a A. Z. A.. Sweet- neckline and long sleeves. niece, Miss Viola Rosenblitt,l to e ^ I -Three members ot the orgrjir;Mr. and Mrs. L Fiedler were Mr. Frank Adler on July 25. Fannie Katelman, daughter of heart contest in conjunction -with finger-length ve'l of hosts at a surprise supper hon;ation hsTs donEted a beautiTi.1 the dance. Mrs. Julius Katelman of CounDuring her stay in the east rolled coronet ciabr I silver set to be giresi in a drsvoring Mr. and Mrs. J. Lagman oh Mrs. RoitStein was extensively cil Bluffs, became the bride ot Morris Arbitman, the Chapter's pearls. She earned bnie's roses | ing_ T b e donors c r the Pr.r-r the occasion of their, silver wed- entertained. Mr. Bernard Herskovitz, son of delegate to the International Con- and lilies of the valley. " » • Wrs.S. Riekes, Mrs. S. Fi-r. ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Max Herskovitz of Kansas City, vention at Port Jervis, New York, .Miss Betty Tuchman, sister cf i and rs. San Kls.ver. Lagman were presented with a the last official act In Missouri, Sunday afternoon, Au- performed that capacity last Tuesday when the groom, was maid of honor. Other medbErE of the £rawi" beautiful gift. gust 15, at,two o'clock at the he presented a report' of the Bar j Bridesmaids were Miss Ida Lsrncommittee the Hesfismes ?I. home of the bride's mother. Rab- Mitzvah convention. er and Miss Louise Miller. Tails, L. Eaum, J. Finkel, Z. BIKTHDAT PAKTT The Chapter was visited by Ben Charles Myron Cohen, violinist, "-will bl David A. Goldstein, assisted Berre'a Fish, S. Elctkin, A. TCciner, Ed:,c Beverly Jean Pessen, daughter appear as assisting artist with y Rev. Abraham Schwaczkin of Barkin, the new Assistant Execu- best man. Jack Fc-s End Harold \ v c r t i i n i E n , ^ G© * i^E,n, iv*. ivi i of Mr. and Mrs.- M. H, Pessen, Esther Leaf, at her organ recital maha, and Rev. Z. Barbakow ot tive secretary, who spoke to the Stern were ushers. and H. Kothkorltz. Sirs. S. r-<celebrated her tenth birthday on at the Joslyn Memorial Sunday, i.ouncil Bluffs, performed the boys on building a better chapter. Following the ceremony & re-stein is secretary cf the come eremony under a blue velvet August 19, at a. theater party. ception, attended by 20 0 guests, tee. August 22, at 4 p. m. was held. . He will play the Concerto in G anopy beautifully decorated by lalms and gladiola. The bride VACATION IN" HAITI minor by Max Bruch. A short business meeting was Miss Gertrude Dorothy Hill, Mr. Cohen is spending the sum- ras given In marriage by <her come and pledged himself to aid j daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E- Hill mer -with his parents, Mr. and irother and sister-in-law, Mr. held at the Jewish Community the chapter ia&every way possible, j Center, by Sam Beber No. 100 of of Lincon, Nebraska, will spend Mrs. Goodman Cohen, after hav- ,nd Mrs. Louis H. Katelman. Following the meeting', refresh-; Preceding the ceremony Mis3 A. Z. A., Monday evening, August ments were served ia celebration j her vacation in Haiti. She will ing just completed a year's study 16. Aleph Herbert Forbes, chairleave New York, August 20, at De Paul University where he Harriet Bernstein sang "Beof the victory of our EOftball j aboard the S. S. Martinique. Ac- is a scholarship pupil of Richard ;ause" accompanied at the piano man of the membership commit- team - which captured first place { companying Miss Hill will be Czerwonky, famous violinist and y Miss Pearl Marcus, both of tee, gave a final report of his at the summer Regional Toiirn- j f" r. Miss Winifred Meyer, daughter of conductor. Mr. Czerwonky was a Omaha. To the strains of the committee's six month plan to in- ament which was held is rc;- r- v the late Dr. John "W. Meyer, of composition student of M a ± <ohengrin wedding march played crease the membership of tSie Bluffs last week. Bruch, composer of the concerto y Miss Esther Steinberg, violin- chapter. Denver. . ist, and Miss Florence Steinberg, ; Chapter 100 extended a welWhile in Haiti Miss Hill will to be played Sunday. ianist, the procession descended come on behalf of the entire Before studying in Chicago, • visit'Mile. Madeline Sylvain, the FREE! Aa Z.z?~~l£"cT srr, " r r down the carpeted stairway arid membership, to Ben Barkin, forMyron was a .pupil in Omaha of only woman lawyer on the merly of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, led before the open fireplace Island. Miss -Hill attended Sryn Mr. Frank Mach. He was solo/ -who has been newly appointed to . \ ^L % -, ' ' Mawr College and is now a sta- ist at the Bar Mitzvah program where the ritual was performed. the position of Assistant ExecaA lovely creation of pink silk of the A. Z. A. held in Chicago tistician in Philadelphia. net, tho bride'3 . gown swept the tice Secretary of A. Z. A. He has recently. also been elected an advisor of At Sunday's concert lie will be floor, falling from the hips in six Sam Beber Chapter. In response IX FROM MTKXESOTA Use OUT Easy Payraent Flan——Fs.rcsa.rx tiers of ruffles, girdled by a pink accompanied by Betty Fellman. TRIP . satin sash. Her veil of pink net, Barkin acknowledged the welMr. and Mrs.'A. Zelinsky and circular shoulder length, dropped son, Paul, returned to ; Oinaha Peach Jam f rom a head band of pink pearls. last Wednesday after vacationing 3^2 cups ( 1 % lbs.) prepared Matching moire slippers, and V 'for four weeks in Minnesota. fruit. gloves formed with a.dozen tiny 4% cups (2 lbs) sugar Their trip included stays at Gull ijuffles of Filet lace, reaching 1 box Sure-Jell Lake, the Detroit Lakes, Minneabove elbow length, completed To prepare fruits, peel about the effect. A gorgeous bouquet apolis, and at Fargo, North Da5Va pounds foully ripe soft peach- of. white bridal . roses '- entwined kota. • SIXTEENTH AT HARNEX es; pit and grind or crush thor- with, -white gladiola, was -wrapFORMAIi BANQUET AND oughly. ped with flowing white satin DANCE Measure sugar into dry dish streamers caught with orange The Xi Lamba Fraternity held and set aside until needed. Mea blossoms. . its ninth annual summer formal sure prepared fruit into -a-5 to 6 banquet and dance on Sunday, "quart kettle, filling up last cup Mk ^U-^W*o Si^- C i«. **:' ^^ © The maid of honor and sole August 15, at the Hotel Fonten- or fraction of cup with water i attendant was Miss Marian. Katelle. Morris- J. Franklin, presi- necessary; place over hottest fire. elman, sister of the bride, whose dent, was toastmaster. Add Sure-Jell, mix well, and con-gown of bright yellow satin of tinue stirring until mixture come ankje length, was " trimmed with to a hard boil. At once pour in soft green satin sash. Matching sugar, stirring constantly. (T yellow kid slippers, and a daisy reduce foaming, % teaspoon but .ilower head band, was "climaxed ter may be added.) Continue stir- with a shower bouquet of yellow By-Airs. DaviS BL ring, bring to a fulljrolling boi! roses. Mr. Louis Dubinsky of and boil hard 1 minute. Remov Maryland Ginger Bread from fire, skim, pour quieklj 2 eggB; m cup brown sugar; Paraffin hot jam at once. Makei YOUNG MAN wantei to ?i cups syrup; ?i cups melted- about 8 glasses < 6 fluid ounce work in Hardware Store. butter; 2*4 cups flour; 2% tea- each.) " '"•••• ; Apply in person. Senson spoons baking powder; % teaCossack in - feeling spoon soda; 2 teaspoons ginger; • Hardware, S 0 5 S Military Abraham Mordecai was one ol 1% teaspoon cinnamon; %-. teaAvenue, and flattering in line the founders of Montgomery, spoon tea cloves; % teaspoon Alabama. • '. .• . . . the dress undernutmeg; 1 cup boiling water. - Add beaten eggs to sugar, neath t h i s severely syrup, and melted butter. Add flour, sifted with other dry insmart jacket is defigredients. Add hot water last. nitely feminine and Bake in a long pan at 350 degrees for forty minutes. Serve suitable for any afterwarm 'with apple sauce.


s Open Camp Near St. Louis







A. Z. A.


Large"* As ©ood" Bottled by Gratam'n

,v k


Seas know and :ight Felt. In Its informal smartt adaptable and rive wear. In all fl colors.^3

Philadelphia Cream Cheese Cooldes 'A cup butter; 3 packages of Philadelphia cream cheese; % cup sugar; \Vz cups flour; . 3,i teaspoon salt. 2 teaspoons baking powder; 1 teaspoon on vanilla. Mix butter "with cheese, sugar, and salt. Add vanilla. Work in dry ingredients. Form in a roll, place in refrigerator over night and slice thin and bake. .

n o o n occasion. It comes In many srnsri" fall.shades of sort s'!k~ crepe .. .the buttons and buckle are of knotted gold bands. A mosj^ important fa! costume priced st

SMAI1 DC»>" TAYMENT . . TV\- :''i-r rnt the lining

Menorahs, Jetrisli Music, Bibles


#7.50 to $10 10 to 20 Special Prlco oa Taiaissm for Holidays Gifts for Bar Mitzvahs


Ees. 609 K. 50—GL. £072 P. O: Bos 71O, Omaha, 5Teb.-


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Myron Cohen to at

York (WNS) — Existence ft Nazi camp near the Meriver in St. Louis was disyy the Non-Sectarian Anti- eague in identical teleto members of Congress, rpartment of Justice, the lepartment and the Bureau sral Investigation. League reported that the lis group of the Germanan Bund has just opened rw camp, together with a icquired meeting house at )regon Avenue, St. Louis, leader of the St. Louis the League charges is Anjssler, 'an alien who came i country In 1910, and rehis first citizenship papers ober, 1936.

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HE WAS FLOGGED—Oscar Kay, 47, WPA wqrkerof New Orleans, shows bruises he suffered when, he said, he was bound to a chinaberry tree and flogged-by Eloise vfciliis, 17, shown i n -inset,, using a , "steel cable." Miss Willis said i t was & "knotted rope,!'and that h e had. been spreading "false "tales" about her. The flogging was hi t h e Willis front yard - arid jlOO-.witnesses did noWnterfere. •-. "- <-- -

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FOXJ3 DIED—This is Ihs of the Eastern Air Lines pl^rss t h a t - r t n into a pc?;or lins nscr the airport. £t Daytoaa Scach. K a , and crcshsd, tilling four persons .and injuring five others. Airline 'oScials said t h e povsr lias was hastily erected during the ni~ht, •when E.TS unticrsro'jnd. cable, failed, s n d t h e airport men% had no knovleds-e of it. The plane crashed i a a scrub palaetto thictet.

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HONO3 F O S ' SENATE LHATCJU—Ssnator Alben W. Bsrkley cf Kentucky, left, new majority leader of the Senate, greeted by

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" — With .tenseness growing between China a n d Japan, both nations were seen preparing for what seemed i n evitable war, formally declared. In keeping with this prospect, here are' Japanese soldiers fun- loading heavy guns from a ship, •somewhere i n the North China i war zone; Washed-out railways , and,other damage to communi. cation lines caused delay '.to Japanese placement of war m a terials and supplies in strategic positions.

;-« >•*•„; .

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Vice President John N. Garner, at the harmony dinner given in his honor by Democrats in Washington. President Roosevelt. did not attend, though he sent a letter hailing Bariaey as statesman and friend.


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sa-hsirca PliylliwT EczScin, 21, cf EoIlTR-ooS, •wiaricr in a field of 42 contestants for the title of "iCiss C£.li.fornis,." She has fee liosor cf rc?re:2ntir.g t h e state in tlio



. AHB TOM—To see-how the Welshman shaped lip;-'Jack; Dempsey, left, former heavyweight world champion . boxer,.>visited Tommy ,JParr, challenger for Joe Louis' title,, a t FarrVtrainins-camp-at Long Branch, N.-J. After watchifig Farr•for;five rounds.-J&ck said: "He seems'strons and rusged."


bathlns beauty contest U Atlantic City, N. J., soon.


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"KO '.STOT^ After;-arcohferenceN in^the ofQce of District Attorney' AMEEICAN WAXS—Desirous that her daughter-learn 3 u r 6 n ; F i t t s Hi Los Angele$,-.anto speak English and become acquainted with American w"ays, nouncenlent-was m a d s t h a t Dor- * Senora Adelaida de Paez, wife of President-Federico<-Paez of" ot&y Rogers,..typist,-would.-not : l Ecuador,-recently arrived in New York t o t a ' k e t h e - g i r l ' t o . a n institute •' &'- suit • against'-, Joan American school. Mother and daughter, 11-year-old- Rita,-are' 'Crawfotd,* screen'', star, - above,shown above. They will be guests of Colon Eloy Alf aro, Ecuador's who.' had befriended '•h,er: "The -Minister t o the United States, in Washington.- Paez, former . - girl,"charged the star-caused, her military dictator, was recently made president.' * ' ••-, -»_~ to.lbse.her job.-' -. • "" .


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S W A S H l t a IN ST. liODlS—With plenty of "heQing" and Kan! Ealuting,*" ni2mb3ri;.qi'.th3 Asaerfcr, Eeutsclies VolKsbund assembled in Forest Par!:, St. Louis, Mo., f o r ' a general meeting -and siiasmer picnic. Here is a section of the uniformed division, parading in the park w.ith the swtsti-a bcnacr of the Nazis. Anton Kessler, leader of the group,-is shov/n in fore3routid,ImatcMag bc-ids' ins'flag bearers a t the clese of tije ceremonies. •, > .. ..---.---

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..visit-to Ccoli Cotmt- Jail, r t Ch:c-c?- r a his spiiss csugat in tao piste, J S a

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r^-TEE JETTCSH O r > S , FRIDAY, 'Af.TCST 2?, ;„ — „ . When Louis was kayoed by i t a z j many as 100 guests at his Xew . . . Somebody must have blun- stamp c; •U hie to b? Schmeling, Jacobs' £ r i e n d s.'Jersey estate, where he lives with dered there, for the volur^o was c i t.'.l rtui:c> correrpc nrlercc ccrthought he was flicked. But he ! his wife. He has no children, but published as of t i e s coming himself. F eh? bounced back and manoeuvred likes cats. Hig servants think he's wide celebration in Xaziland ol uh, huh. like the ttiflaic or. the Garden, out of-the Schmeling- God almighty. For years he car- the jubilee of the cae and ealy nickels. i tri-f^v Braddock title scrap and put on frier Ms office, in his fcnt, but now major light in modern German: . -— iwr.tch.ei1 the Louis-Braddock fight, which he'll: move inio the boss' suite at literature who has not repudiated j Hollywood-. l"ps EH a Dowr.s: : r-d in tr-; gave Louis t h e ' title and paved Madison Square Garden. As a the Nazis. San! Israel of Kan- ; Eight years aco K s r r r Green, the ; h e proa; r, the. way for Jacobs' undisputed host . he's without equal, His sas City has discovered that the \ comedian, -was managed Try Fret JOITAG ; Tney p~ *claim to being the czar of bos- bouse is crammed with spare synagogue, and the whole Jewish j Bnick. Todsy Buick, now s. rsjCfc-oh-ol , " .-shirts and pajamas o£ all sizes district of .Mexico. City sre situ-i dio anr.our.cer, is b-eing: Bens - Mike Jacobs, self-made Jetr- the fruit, peanut and other con- i n g . / - " • • • - ' • . " other r'~~ip-h promoter, • is now the accessions' on that boat.. But Mike by Harry Green, currently RE ; him, be-"' "What kind ot a person is Mike 1 for his. guests. And his bar stocks ated on "Jesns Maria" street. ! laiorvledged czar of the boxtnj was the kind 'lO4 brands o£ liquor. When h e } B u t a n e w synagogue is to be l o - agent. of fellow who Jacobs? led, "II - -• fjatne. In this article Jacobs* •wouldn't stay licked. He started travels he uses planes exclusive- jc a t e a o n a street'nearby-to avoid j .. • i *• " ^ ^'^ *- In a business notorious l o r . i t s career and struggle to succeed all over again, ajidiii a/few. years I the jibing which Mexican Jews :. Jr. Winchell,' standing sround the ! m u c h b< » f chiselers, grafters and' toughs The secret of Jacobs' ividly told. " 13DITOR he ov(-ned half;a'.''dozen excursion 'f- j have .endured. The KTI K l u x ! fcroaacaStii:£ statictj, w s s called I boats, two amusement, parks,; a Jacobs stands out unique, for he enal success can be summed up i n j K i a a 3 s £ u i n g the, makers of t h e ' I Au"vc " ! is a square-shooter who • never his ability to sense a bargain a j n i m "The Black Legion" because!'• to t h e phone. " When Ho you j;o ' T^When Joo Eouis of Detroit and laundry, New York's best known !o n Queried Boss e air?" makes a promise he can't keep. miJLe.-off...He's a-shrewd business-1 t h e K K K ' S i n s l g n i a V a s ' used'• Tommy F s r r of England step into ticket*brokerage agency, and sun. ' "Why, I just finished. His.-.word-is- his. bond, Even -bis man who has brought his moneyr w i t n o a t - permission. . . , Believe ! the "squared ring on the night of dry other undertaking^. _," . " ' " . . / , missed ; enemies -.respect, him. Fifty-eight making talents into sports. GeaNow that Jacobs is king-of fisAusuat: 2 6th they will not only be not the. Patent Bureau .ac-; w a i t e r , anx-'nus': years old, he's a-human dynamo erous. to a fault, he doesn't waste ; titu Mor. 1 . y tiania it can ba told that he once deciding" .the heavyweight chama 14-year patent hut Twentieth Cc-who- gets 'by :with T o u r ' hours' ing much pionship* of the -world, now held was the king of t h e , claquers, sleepia night. Nervous, pink-fac- money. He knows, h-ow to build on' the insignia, which doesa't exjuVt took over P R - - - Lup his fights by psychology and bj* the Negro who dethroned Jim those paid applauders .who, wear ed,'he's-always smoking cigaretpire until' 1S39. . ..» mount:" As'everyt'hir.s: WPS £"- »-r ballyhoo. He'd . have made a out their palms clapping for. stars BradSock, but they will be makTHAT'S XBW YORK ' " " tes. His false teeth click-click' ing- black, WincfceTl fictTtefl -• \ ing obeslsnce to the new king of at so. much. Some of the -best when he" smiles, which is almost swell press agent. Every one in In' the heart of Gotham's gar- • chuckle from -the other end. It -• • ' boxing is certain that as the subig-time -hosing-, Mike Jacobs, known figures, in- the ^American ment center; vrhere you can hear • VT-BS Sanuck a t his trick • of r i b - ' ("• always;.'- "By his own admission preme ruler of pugilistic afrairs •vrho" 'has succeeded to the throne theatre used to iire. Jacobs to ormore -Yiddish than English, an ,he was never rmuch of'an athlete, j he can't fail. He Has succeeded vacant "'Eince tlie death of Tex ganize their claques. .There, .was Irish peddler with a brogue a ; He's "a mediocre fisherman and a before where others didn't.. Kins . Hicliard. "This title bout will in also a time when Mike,had.plen: yard long hawks the Ten Com- j dub at golfing.-'He plays around Mike I, the underprivileged kid mandments• inscribed in Hebrew! Elinor Harriot (Harriet Hersheffect be the public eornation of to do with opera!-/ "W^Ken Galliwith an airplane and potters with who, ^got his start peddling pea- • tiny n i ^ r e ' vm. /•=« I field, to the ToIlxS b?.rfc in 7.\w~ a Czar Mike I as the Grand Mogul Curcl invaded New York with the . von can flowers. As a cook .he Is better, nuts and newspapers, -is a worthy ' on of, boxing. The fight fans who Chicago Opera, public reaction more one rainyan of than .fair/.More than once he'sjsuccessor to his late meator.'Tex ! Amos 'n, 'Andy prop-Ems, will attend .that championship match was almost zero. .Opening-night sotten-up.sea-food t t f d di f i k d jj Jewish actors any day at St. be married this month to dinners for a s '' R Rickardfiguratively placo on Jacobs' was only a- fortnight away and jMalachy's' Catholic church; where the Rialto's actors pause for j Nathan," s local icr. bald-dome the crown that has the^ advance -sale was' still slim. been'gathering dust since* Rick- Then Jacobs stepped in' and ofj meditation. • . . The Salvation ! a'rd-dropped it .eight years ago. fered • to take liaif 'thV seats for j Army .distributes kosher food to "Dead End" is a fine ripti:re The, boxing empire over which the run of the opera for-?25,O0O. I the Jewish -poor for Rosh Hash- . . . Goldwys- is a. great producer Mike Jacobs-now rules covers the His bid was accepted. Jacobs 'did anah and Passover.". . . Subway .. . ' . but after being almost blindnation. It includes virtually every, not know a basso fr"ota a'bass, riders using the station st 3 4th ed by four terrific or even colosimportant fighter and all of the but his gamble succeeded and'he Street and Seventh Avenue won- sal flashes, of "SAMCEL, GOLDmajor 'Stadiums • and arenas in netted ?2o,000..Forthe;next five IT'S A TACT ' It's called "Purim" because the der at the sign used by the Jew-'YV'YX" uluniir.Eting the credits. New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, years he took all the seats at iace The-late Adolph S. Ochs,-who j owner received it as a Puriia i ish halvah. peddler who makes i one bejrins to wish that he would Detroit, St. Loui3 and Miami. value. made the -New York Times what j present. . . . And the 37-ton yacht} his headquarters there. It.,-withdraw a little from the fcolKing 'Alike won his crown the Jacobs might never have.gone it is today, must be turning in is registered a t . Lloyds and has 1 reads "HCAE cl-". . . A couple light ar.d less conspicuously puli hard way. There was a time in for promoting fights If a news- his graved because of the'insistent been granted warrants by the I of months ago h e offered his the strings from behind the cur•when the undisputed monarch of paperman had not given him a rumors that the Times 13 for sale. British Admiralty. Irving Thslberg never a l - , to I t ' s the j wares at ose cent EACH through j tain.' ! Fhosing-was whoever happened to ticket to a big show, Promptly he The rumor is growing in only yacht in t h e world with a j a Yiddish sign. . . . The sign in-! lowed his name to appear on a 1 least ic be the boss, of Madison Square sold it at a profit. .That gave volume that Arthur. Hays Sulz-| Jewish name Dr. Cecil Roth, I dicates _ he has learned English | single production. carding Garden. Over this empire Rick- him an idea,"and..-he started Ja- berger, Ochs* son-in-law and sue-i the; historian and lecturer, is j but doesa't yet know that English. - r-.r 1 . - •• urd once reigned supreme. After cob's Ticket Office. He was a wiz- ce-ssor as president and publisher, 1 seriously ill in London. Y'ou j is written from le't to right. . , Sophie Tucker has "frori? Kolly- of s. poi bjU passing several princelings ard at spotting sure-fire shows Odd as | may; be enough of a heathen to ! Among the honored guests among ; wood" with a vim. The p'uir.p- erence ,tried-to "wear the crown, but with- and operas. Five weeks in ad- would like tor retire.. ish'. "Red -Hot,a" bought treaty out success. Their royal bicker- vance he bought up the first five that sounds there is also the i be skeptical about the existence •• the first-nighters at New York's whisper that Henry Luce, who I of Mother Eve, but in Hejaz premiere of "The Life of Zola" thirty pairs of s'scks and two which : inss permitted Jacobs, the prin- rows of potential hits and then owns Fortune, Life and Time!there is a tomb which the Arabs was-Herman, the hat room at- dozens berets . . . and everywhere a ps.rtj cipal retainer of King Tex, to put peddled them a t fancy prices. believe to. be t h e last resting tendant at the Cafe Royal, which; that Sophie goes, the slacks, top- ! estine in a' claim for the throne. For Once he sold a pair of Ziegfeld magazines, is the prospective purplace of the mother of men. . . . is the Second Avenue hangout of •p e d.with a beret, 'Tis said he has offerAfter three years he fought the Garden opening nights tickets for $200. chaser. Germans are supposed to be_ pois- 1 the Yiddish intelligensia". . . . He : you ed $50,000,000. . ' • • Governor tooth and nail. He organized the In the hectic 1920's ever see .& .dream welkins Henry Horner of Illinois, elected on to Frenchmen, but there are j was there because Paul Mam, . . rival Twentieth Century Sporting flowed freely, Jacobs - was episone -" ' the r rserious i1 - c Club and before long had the kingpin of ticket scalpers. It was as a New Dealer, was just as hot lots of the latter who would wel-', Joseph Schildkraut and Morris: come a Nazi invasion o" La Belle Carnovskr, all aluiiini of;the Yid- i . F o u r lor.g hours . . . up and Americr- T Garden suing for peace. The chlel hi3 ticket agency that, brought against FDR's Supreme Court re.form as'Governor Lehman. . . . France as a means of destroying dish Theatre, saw that he got down . - . . UP aad. down E I S . A 1 - : .-weapon Jacobs used was Joe him into pugilism.. .-• . .• .• But" Horner\ didn't^ write ;a. letter the Popular Front. . . - • • ' . jrerisix street. .. .. . rode Eddie desire ' ^ ' i Louis. Mike had beaten the "GarUntil Tex Rickard' took-over (Copyright, 19S7, by. Seven. Arts ; Cantor . . on a camel. It was zo to v F* V , t - "• We don't like to YOU OUGHT TO KXOW THAT den" "to" the Detroit Negro. "With about, it. Feature Syndicate.) -fans trespass on : the -• province of our R.set ..of "AH Baba Goes to Town." ir.o1.ter ; "> r If we are to believe Edward J. him. asTiis ace he won battle after the "Ridir^s a camel"? 11 r ? "' c\battle in the struggle for control were' largely tough;" But .Rickard, friend' Eou.'Pekarsky; 'our Holly- Smythe, chairman of the National plair.s Ec-iie.. " i s ' V of^ the promotion end of boxing-- with the ' help of ..Jacob's ;tlcket w.ood" colleague, but";w.e ican't re- Committee Against Coismunism, ^ - ^ r - . - r -v the Empire State I t - . - : •When he "piloted Louis to the agency, - made - fighting.^ respect-; sist "t^lltng you. that; screenland o n e o u t of every 120 Americans elevator t h a t stop? Ft e-^p world championship Mike had able. Jacobs disposed ;of.-.millions iSjconsidering a film based on the Us j n receipt of some sort of antiscored" a kayo over the Garden. of dollars' worth'.of:-tickets for life of George "Gershwin . . . . The i Semitic literature regularly. . . . — i t makes you a \t.''C r Rickard's big-.bouts. *,Itwas in idea is to use Gershwin's music I Smythe boasts that Fascism is on The' crown' was- his for the tak= By HELEX ZSGMGND 1916 - that Jacobs became, associ- and-to haVe t h e ' composer's pals, j , t h e march in this country. . . , v/alter Ts'nr.ger 1'";" ; ated with -Rickard in/promot'lng. George Kaufman a n d Moss H a r t , fF u l v I o suvich, II Duce's envoy in Hollywood: Did vou know ' preview, t h a t is, r r i r - r Jacobs staked Rickard • to ^15,' Who is Mike Jacobs and how do t h e ' script..-.-.'.-..'.: ' T i s alsov bruit- i Washington", must be in a tight i t h i t I one,, of h i s "Vojri c t : o ' 1 ' •"-"• r . did he get -where he is today? CT)O in binding t.b'ev.-WiHard'-.ahd ; spot • because of a n t i Semitic i S i d n e y F r a n k l i n , erstwhile ; a little out-o'-tow- -.Ymv Jacobs, first saw the light of flay Moran fight- in -the; r ol4.Garden. picture {dealing >"With"Haym Salo- agitation in the Italian press. . . . J bull-fighter from Brooklyn, now ! the r t : From then oa'-be was' Rickard's ular ln3vew-York-'3_Tirst ward on.the Suvich is said'to be a non-Aryan, j l i v e s o a a r a c c h in Acspulco,' mon.- »Side; _whence .hav.e -come backer. Rickard.;-knew, -all about . . One of the least publicized Calif.?was a surprise ' r " r * • £ v : ' - - •• iightinj:,, b?AiJfe'c<rtis,i U 'L I£ HlHer^ji"::Eteeerev about. his | but --most "valuable pieces o , y . r r . Aaroa Kosenberg-, former • foot- tfeev migbt FEE if I T •*• Money. a n l ; / j £ ' ^ a 3 : j ahti-Jewisli>":ptioVia' he ought to | Christian-Jewish good will is.beni6.ri.',vVt.-was~ ar' prpdominaatly Wanper, clo?cly ctu; ball star, is an assistant'director remain. raised tha ; i a 6 e e y / t h a t 5 E n ttic^; and wash bis | ing done by Harry Schaffer. com- for Gregory Ratoff? lrteb.; jtei^bborbood "-^ahd young 5sg the unreeliiip, fiisecssed it Rickard' to buy; an .fjptibff;_6n:;the leaks'had .to .be able'to handle present "site; of ;MadisorirSg.uAre hands with'lysoi/;^.'. For he re-|mander-in-chief of the Jewish American films, -even wh?E irJ with, his art director. A patron, hls'jTiSta if he-wanted to" survive. Garden. Rickard;s : > : ;anibiilpus cently "greeted' a New York Jew War Veterans- . . . Harry special- English dialogue undubbed, sre i| annoyed by the continuous wfcisH'e.'-jiever.-cared much .for school- promoting was doneronv.the ;mon- in his sanctum and shook hands izes in making pep talks on Jew- displacing told [ German movie? in! periag, t-arce-S B-nvr-. f> int.'" When Ire should have been ey Jacobs took ^iii~.: from-'1 the-ad- with him, unwittingly, of "course, j ish. topics to veterans groups. Switzerland? Reason: The Swiss • him to be cuiet. "You're seeing-j learning- aTitfimetic and spelling, vance sail oftickets." Rickard got The non-Aryan was^Geprgej. . ..One of the most unique books I n j e c t to the political' propaganda i this for nothiEp." quipped the] he was hawking newspapers. On Jewry, "The with- which Nazi films are stuff- I producer, "I p&iC s. nulHon-andall the credit'but Jacobs'4"id^.the Lax, official photographer of the aTjout American Sundays and holidays, he peddled work' unbeknown "to • the public. Chinese, .government's .foreign fi- American Jew-—A Study in Back- ed, and are limiting their imports ! a-hslf lor the same privilege'" peanuts on the Coney Island exAccompany- grpun.ds,." by Rabbi Abraham J. from' that country to light coin- j "When Rickard died Jacobs ^con- nancial mission. cursion boats..Before -'long , he And imagine the consternation Minister Kung on Feldman, editor of the Hartford edie-s and musicals. tinued to run His tick'e'tlage'ncy. ing Finance : : owned -the 'concessions. The of the customer when calling a Three years ago he decided- to a visit to -Berlin,''Lax" was re-j Jewish Ledger, will appear next knack, ol making money .was-in Rubinoff is causing a rubber theatre to find ' out the feature, turn promoter •'on his 0W11. -': His celved by Hitleir who let. the Jew- month. . . . What makes the book his'blood.LHis father had bSen a first bout "was the Ross-Petrblle ish cameraman snap his picture. different is that it shows the hustler," too, making a living by match at -the v Bronx:- -; Coliseum . . . . •" So did Goering and Goeb- American' to be a composite finding jobs for. Jewish.. immi- Then- came the Ross-JIcLarnjn j bels." . . . /Whoever becomes the the historic background of Jews •Rranis coming oft Ellis Island. fight, the Louis-Levirisky-bout [first-president of the1 Jewish State of .-Spanish-Portuguese", RussianBoon ho was known as "Steamf, and the Louis-Baer- match. His fought to put i n - a -bid- for the Polish and German origin- . . . .., f ? iE boat Milke." His first big coup I ET* i greatest promotional coup was 1 private -yacht of ^Raphael D. de FAXCT THAT endedin disaster when the steamK the deal which gave him exclusive | Sola- or London and make it the We don't know for sure, of er General Slocbm burned twen- _ _ . . . . . . .„ . course, but to judge from his Whs Biers cf Friendly Service m& ty days after he paid $12,000 for rights to the services of ,Louis, official presidential yacht. naine, Philip Diamond of the TTni- g •ersity.ot Michigan, who together Jg Enliven Your Wcnzrobe Wiik These with' Prof. Walter A. Reichart of j g| that -institution co-authored an essay included in a Jubilee volT*tj.w"5 ~<CR-'^-'i ume issued in honor of the 75th birthday of Gerhardt Hauptmann, most probably is a nou-Aryan.

•I 11

O -

I i




'--' V

able as ever, Shirleysed the chubby-faced/ his picture .was^tafeen* she was •madeiqueenv Mrljinel Mrs.1'Georgia J-; hrrags of'admirers.*-v







,tching FLnsler>_comet,i' miles from ttie^-earthjS. o£ the Big Dipper, and3 This picture'-was-taken} Streaks are star--trails'.

"L.Q f


TO SHARE -with, couple or adult—-eiglit rooms, nicely . ATlanSic 6 9 3 1 .

Q\ -vitr: tn ™r"J.i.

• • : • - ,

First Quality! Fell ?eslifene<n

L -w One of the interesting events States. Tbo total income of the at the 20th Zionist Congress at Jewish National Fund headquarZurich,' Switzerland, was the pre-' ters in Jerusalem amounted, in centati'on last week by Dr. Israeli the first seven months of the curGoldstein, president o t the Jew- rent year to L.. 206,601 (approxiish National Fund of -America, mately 51,033,005) of which L. and Dr. Stephen S- JWise, of two 86,646 (approximately ?433,230) checlts for 5150,000" to Menahem w'a's the sum of American Jewry'3 Usaishkin, veteran Zionist leader contributions, or approximately and World President of the 40 per cent of the' world total. Keren Kayemeth. Aboye is a In Cologne until photostat reproduction of~- the bank draft which will enable the Ages a non-Jewish* plaintiff, even

I \

Jewish National Fund to extend ! a priest, was obliged to- bring Jewish-land possessions'in Pales-'suit against a Jew before the tine by at least 6,000 dunams Jewish judge. more. Fisures show that tbe current fiscal period, which Tal::o marks the- 35th "Anniversary year .of the Jewish National Fund, was a record year Jor Geulath Ha'aretz achievements in .the U n i t e d


CLEAN U Attr&cto


VTais is a plaster model of" lart of the Belgians, .to ba | t h e late beloved sovereign, "pun ent'took refuge-duriiis .snal, is shown at '

Yours Sines IS7G KE 2S2S

-United NeroEi



BLUSH torse ixi CARIB—A siailart. AYZSITE—Medium trcl beige. RIO—Beige


ANDES—Rich "Sene.




0 a^ffj\



never ioncrably £.nd tt.c opinion—Jor the conversion been a member of the Hebrew the lobby. . . . Judge Jeremiah months by an almost equally impartially—we ssk School faculty, will depart for his Mahoney, who's been working fabulous sum. . . . s more— cf the Jewish people, for the ever so hard to get that mythical H i t B y S u b s t i t u t e | attempted to work'it home in New York City. in the mo-El re-lTUegmioE of the J.ewJewish vote in New" York" City to _; • lEctus.I economic s.n& poiiticf.1 lite irit Twptp, frr :.lir fathering ot MISH-MASH: Elias M- GrossMs. Max Rosenstock and daugh- boost him into Mayor LaGuardia's • of Palestine. Thereupon fce, too. the Jewish v?^v'<? about .the banter, Bertil .are expected to arrive job, smiling happily at everybody. man, the etciier, has traveled a . Washington, D. C. (WNS) -— i however, tool: the position, thst ner of Eton in order that, we may hundred thousand miles Sn Modern commercial competition i the ofier of a Slate cannot be be prepared iov either fate-Wo MISS ANNA PILL, xorrespoadect P home'tomorrow from Holland, . . F a n n i e Hurst, the writing round where they, have spent the sum-lady, looking a bit thinner and the last seven years in his rest- has finally caught up with man- flatly rejected and dwelt, as a:l s t r u s d e mEKfuUy and unintermer months visiting with "Mrs. somewhat peaked, as usual clad less search for "tjrpes." . . . He's na, the food sent from heaven to have, as all must, upon the ruptediy lor the fulfilment of the Jordan Fish will be Ting bearer Rosenstock's parents. the Israelites during their wanin a flowing white gown. . . . Do- got a book coming out shortly, derings in the desert. Most of strange realization. Vr'ithin fort;* J.iiiiiCiftte Jt; an undivided Palesand Dorene Lelchook, flower girl. called "An Etcher's Intimate Aling the running story of the openJoe Barricka will play the wedthe present supply of manna years of that dream oC Tb-eodor , tine or else to sustain, to' enlarge, Mr. Sam Cohen, Sioux—Apart- ing for Radio Station WMCA, an bum;" containing 92 etchings, in- comes from Italy and Sicily, Herd occe considered ss rasa, so support wuh fill »-e have and ding march and' recessional. cluding one original in each q£ ments, departed this week for old ' classmate, Martin Starr, t v e baseless, BO ttterlj" &cd forever te in EretE Visrael. where it is made from the sap of A dinner for 150 guests will Chicago, from where he will take whom-we hadn't seen in ten the 750 copies. . . . Privately pub- the ash. incapable of fruition. • follow the ceremony and a dance 1 (Copyright 1P3T I;y Seven A-rts a Great Lakes Cruise. years. . . . And none other than lished, edition has alThe immerse pity cf it. s?,U. is; Feature f::-ndicRte) An active fall season has been in the synagogue social hjall will The development of a commerHerman, famous- the ready been oversubscribed. . . . follow the dinner.thst the declsfon ennnci: rf>"f The handsome volume is dediplanned for. the Jewish Communcial substitute, called "false manCafe Royal, on Second Ave., New Guests from away will Include upon a pIcb€Sc!lE o* tl>e ..Teviff; ' ity Center, ' and announcement York, there by special invitation cated to L. Manuel Hendler of na" has so jeojardized the export people—the entire .Tevish peo-.' Mr. and Mrs. J . N . Raskin, StanBaltimore. . . . Saul Raskin, is KLUTZNICK &. KELLEY, has been made by Miss Dorothy trade of Italian inanna that the o! Mr-, Muni himself. . . . c a n 5?e : Attornevp painting and Sketching in Pales- goverEisest has forbidden any- p'le. That •pity Merlin, superintendent that clubs ley, Robert'and Evelyn Raskin, ZOC Union State 'Bank Bidg. tine/ . . • Boxing note:. Charlie thing but the real inanna to be illustrated best by the example of. and classes for the young people Mr. and Mrs. Ben, Raskin', MenQUESTION: What's all this Barnett of Coney Island writes in called "mannite", its trade name, New York, the ' greatest Hevrssh •N X- T ' C E ?F ARTISAIVS L I E N SALE •will include boy scouts, girl dell Raskin, Fern Raskin,'Mr. shouting about England's not to say that "If we believe ad- according to a report to lbs IT. S. settlement in sit history and by scouts, dramatics, craft work, and Mrs. Harry Raskin, Mr, Art carrying out the Palestine man- vance reports, Joe Louis' meeting Department of Commerce. our otfeer numerous Jewish commusic, recreational, social and ed-Raskin, Mr. and Mrs. H. ,B. Raskin, George Raskin' and Paul date? . . . She's carrying it out, Tommy Farr will only leave the muisitles - - Chicago, Cleveland, i Omaha Ne ucational groups. - • •• Katt of Chicago; Mr., and Mrs. A. all right. . . . Feet first. . . . Phjlsdeipfcia. What proportion ; Bomber 'Farr-hargert'"! . . . If Competent leaders have been Domnltchj . ' Eva and Porothy of the Jews in those • cities are : you don't get it the first time, secured to direct the activities of Domnitch and; Samuel Dpmnitch Zionists, are members of the Jew- > the groups. • ; ^ of Detroit. Michigan; . Mr. and skip it. . . . Isidore (Photo-EnPROMOTION: Did you hear (Continued fros page 1) P . ish peop«e, upon •whose salvation '• Plans also include a rich pro- Mrs. J . Miller. Betty Lou Miller that Ab Goldberg, fire-eating graving Magnate) Taakel and a i t i in in f a v n r their own depends—whether they ; ^ l ; a r l s ' 1 ;^n<i< i rs Motor lCompany PAUL MUNI:- Thanks, Mr. Zionist . author-journalist, has good-looking, good-natured guy; gram for inter-club activities, and Martin Miller; of TTenton,, for How many? work Rn<1 mnti-nal ftivnished in reand monthly dances, forums, and Michigan; and Mr. and Mrs. J. Muni,. for . the most-' stimulating been elevated 'to the rabbinate? is bouncing a new-born boy babe Britain on the offer of a State know it or not? Psirin^p.forp-=E.i(! mMor vehicle on or What, proportion? What crowds: about June 5. 3MT. at the specint inevening spent in the movies since . . By a New York newspaper re- on his lap these days. . . . . Canasocial events will be -prominent Raskin of Dallas, Tex. within limited territory. of them live foolish, trivial, ,' starii-c ,-in.l remif«t of Ar.-nw Motor that little foreign gem, "Theporting the Zurich Congress. . . . dian Masonry's first Jewish depon the calendar. . < Such is, probably too, the state i m p ? . Spin ,=al» win he for Following a wedding trip, Mr. Eternal Mask," -was flashed Registration for the various uty grand master is Alderman of mind Dr. Chaim Weizmana, •worldly Lives upon the brink of. Freicht ptn-pope «.f foreclosing,- said artisan's Lelchook and his bride will make what abyss they know not! ; |.en for costs r>f FP.\r nm] nl! aorruacross New York's little-theatre activities will be held at the ComNathan Phillips, K. C , of Toronwho in his opening .presidential JOB: ' As per this colyum's exmt: costs nnri pnrnoses of satisfying screens months ago. . . . Y o u ' v e munity Center, September 12 their home in Sioux City. nninunt rtiIf fii(1r,.o.i. from the Arrow address declared roundly that the clusive prediction, Herb ("Gentle- to. . . . And so, whatever the historic ; .Jiotor probably been told before, but we •with" regular work beginning SepI.IPP, to-vjt: $1SOH' report of the Royal Commission decision oi this hour me.y be I i that nnFreijrn' Several Sioux Cityans will mo- can't help telling you again, that man Overboard") Lewis has been (Copyright, 1S3 7, Jewish su;? or othFir prr>eeertines Ht tember 19. Announcement of the l;nv have bec-n insjiturod tn recover wss fundamentally in\'E.lidated by gobbled up by Hollywood. . . He plead Egsin—like that Caio JC ; Telegraphic Agency, I n c ) leaders and classes will be made tor to Marshalltown, Iowa, this you are one" grand "little actor. '!»rit o^ s n v pa;-; Hipreof its notion that the Mandate is tin-t the Roman Senate with his ever j saM starts next month at a fabulous Sunday to attend the reception SARisn-s.\xpra;s Moron «co in a forthcoming issue of The . In "The Life of Emile Zola," weekly stipend. . . . Which will Bv Frpdon'nm-E. AVebb, Beber workable, the' fact being, of ; recurrent: "Ceterum censeo . . •" I given by Mr." K. Gralnik, in honor Jewish Press. " Klutzriick & Kelley screened by the courageous Warcourse, that the government has 'whatever comes or goes, I am of' be jacked up at the end of six of his daughter, Kathryni Gralnik, Patronize Our Advertisers Aftornevs. whose engagement tb Edwin W. ner Brothers, you have surpassed SHAARE Z/0I7 Baron", son of Mrs. Leah Baron oi your best film-award efforts. . . . Sioux City is announced. No date You may now go ahead and re•Rabbi and. Mrs. H. R. Rabino- has been set-for the wedding. Mr. tire, as you announced sometime and daughter, Segulah re- Baron is an attorney here and back, to loaf and invite your 'iiniii iiiiiiiiiianiiiiiiiiniii turned home Tuesday, after Miss Gralnik is on the staff of s o u l ( a s the poet said). -... . Your masterpiece has been turned in workers at the Family Welfare spending a month at Gull Lake, and you are entitled to Test on Bureau. ' Minnesota. ' your richly-deserved laurels. . . . Cantor A. Pllskin has organizAmong those who will attend ed a male choir t o . chant the ser-the reception are Mrs.' Leah But, even as the Zola you so unvices a t , the Schlichos and High Baron, Mr. and Mrs.. A. H. Baron derstandingly and eloquently porHoliday services. Member-of the and daughter Beyerely; Mr. andtray for the talking shadows, you = choir - include- Joe Maron, Jack Mrs. Irving Goldstein of Chicago may some day be jerked out of Merlin, Joe Merlin, David Tile- "who -are guests in> t h e ; Baron your' retirement by a cause worthy of your talents. . . ' . There Vltz, Charles Shindler, Ben Lebo- home; and Miss Dean Baron. are still^a few great historic per;witz and Harry Nadler. Mrs. Sybil Merlin and Miss sonalities that require your skilMary Rozofsky will leave tomor- ful, consummate touch tb make row, for a two week visit in Cal-them live again and to remind i peoRle forcefully of their great ifornia. • . gifts to mankind. . . . J£o men! f|5 .>••• • — ' tion only one, there is Paul Ehr•'Miss B u t h . Singer has been Mrs. Joe Gralnik will leave to- lich, the famous German-Jewish awarded the first prize of ?25.00 day for her home in Fort Dodge bacteriologist. .- • . There was in t h e Youth Essay contest, spon- atter spending several weeks here drama and conflict aplenty in his sored by t h e Inter-Club Council, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. life. . . . And today, when this according to an announcement Shulkin, Accompanying her will made this week by the .committee be her sister, Mrs. William Fus- great nation has suddenly awakin; charge. Joe Maron received ske. After a short visit in Fort ened to the perils of that dread second prize of ??10.00 and Mor- Dodge, Mrs. Fusske will depart social disease which one time was only mentioned in whispers and ris Aizenberg received the third for Her home in Chicago. , never in the family newspaper, award of a gold medal. syphilis,. screenalizing his life Miss Singer's essay was entitlm \ Miss.Rose Pill left Tuesday would be appreciated and might ed "Why tBe Loyal to my Peo-evening:'tof Chicago, where she ple," and the other two essays will spend a two week vacation even prove a boxoffice sflccess. j .-were based on the subject "Has with triends. . . But to return to Zola. . . . -"? Jewish life in America a FuWarner Brothers and their three ture?" Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Davis and writers, Norman Reilly Raine, Judges were Rabbi H . R. Rab- children are spending tneir vaca- Heinz Herald and Geza Herczeg, j inowitz, Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis tion in California. as well as the director, William •"• ' i and Mr. Max Brodkey. Dieterle, did a magnificent job Mr. and Mrs. Preston Heller in the production, writing and diT1PHERETH ISRAEL and children of Chicago are rection of as difficult and touchy guests this week in.ttyg home of a subject as. you could go out of Plans have-been completed by Mrs. Heller's parents, Mr. andyour way to obtain . . . AntiSemitism (take it from one who th6 Tiphereth Isreal synagogue Mrs. Ben Schuhen. may presume to be an expert on for Schlichos and Rosh Hashonah services and Cantor Israel ZacMrs. Leonard Frank and "Vir-the phobia) is a mighty tough liam of Kiev has.been engaged to gina Frank/of Los Angelea, Cal- topic to tackle in any medium, let •officiate at the services with Rab- ifornia, a r e expected to '\ arrive alone the screen, at whose trough bi Sol Bolotnikov.- The Cantor here next/Monday to visit with feed millions who are of sharply divergent mentality, characterislias appeared at leading capitols friends and relatives. tics and backgrounds. ..-. • There in Europe and ranks high in his field. Seats for the holiday serMiss Anne>@ohen, 922 Twelfth will be some, maybe many, who vices may be reserved with Mr. street, left last week f<Jr Colorado will .accuse them of having diploM. LazriowicS at the West Side Springs, where she is spending matically pulled their punches in Harness Shop, 518 West Seventh her vacation. the telling of a story whose very . street. " •" • warp and woof was anti-Semitism Miss Neoma Sacks of Creston, on t h e loose. . . . Some will even Iowa, arrived in Sioux City this go so far as to charge the picture week to spend a ten day vacation has been emascualted in order with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.not to offend religious susceptibilities. . . . But Peters is not Sam Sacks. .• Traditional memprial services among these. . . . He thinks the during the month'of EUul will be Miss Ruth Jacobson departed method chosen, that of a <feft, recited this Sunday morning, by Sunday for Omaha where she hasswift, subtle stab, relying on the Cantor Pliskin at the Jewish been transferred. in the offices of enormous suggestive power. it Cemetery at Floyd Cemetery, be- the HOLC. contained, was just about perfect. tween the hours -of 10 and* one . . . The word Jew is never o'clock. Cantor Pliskin will be. at Miss Tillie Shindler returned spoken. . . . The -unpleasant the Cemetery every Sunday morn- home recently after an extended sounding, overworked word antiing until Rosh Hashonah to con-stay with friends and relatives in Semitism never once crosses an duct this service, and may be t h e e a s t . • • • ' . < actors' lips. . • • Yet, even the reached by phoning 8-7960 durleast alert moviegoer could harding .the week for special appointMisses Ruth and Eva: Orlikoff ly miss the-impact * and signifiments. last week end at the Inn at Lake cance of that stabbing moment Okoboji. when the-French Army Chief of Mr. and Mrs.——with Staff scans the list of names of MOUNT SINAIMiss Saretta Krigsten and Miss the general" staff, stops at the their friend* both far and near A Happy and Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis is ex- Fan RozofBky left this morning label Jew beside" the naine Dreypected to return to Sioux City, for California, where they will fus, and triumphantly proclaims Prdsperoiss-,New Year/'' August 25, from a two month trip visit with friends and relatives. him the traitor* who has been Mr. and Mrs. and selling army secrets to Germany. in Europe. During his trip he atfamily extend to their Mrs. Be/n Pill, 2002 Summit . . . From then. on, t to have emtended the Zionist, congress in friends ciacere %?i&ljes Switzerland, and also visited, street, left this week for Duluth, phasized the point in t h e usual *. + T [••*.! manner of the for a Happy New Year, England, Russia, Norway and Minnesota, where she will spend bludgeon-like several weeks. movies would have been to gild France. Mr. and Mrs, • and the lily—if''we may be- permitted 'saved. family wish their friends Mrs. Meyer Shubb departed re- a badly scrambled metaphor. < . . . health. Kapplness and cently for a month's stay in LosWe learn t h a t the bludgeon methprosperity in the CODAngeles, California. od had been seriously considered, The Shaare Zion synagogue JOB year. but that it was abandoned for be the scene of the wedding Miss Minnie Silverman" will ar- subtlety. . . ...The decision can of Miss Frances TRaskin, daughter rive in Sioux. City next week to Mr. and Mrt. take of Meyer Raskin, to Ben Lel-visit^in the L. S. Goldberg home, only be applauded. . . . "The Life this ras&sss of cxtess^Sn^ of Emile Zola," ^depicting a great chook, son of Mr. and Mrs. I, Lel- enroute from California, to her ^•, 1. l i e ciiwrrro ^'":.*.! ;;c ». *-.w^ ror author's greatest battle in behalf greetings and hearty ehook, this Sunday afternoon at n(ftne in New York City. •-'. of the truth • he always chamgood wishes for A Hap£ o'clock. Rabbi H. R. Rabinopioned should be made an absopy a n d Prosperous T,-itz, Rabbi Sol Bolotnikov and 1 Mrs. Leon Mark; Miss Tamarra Canton A. Pliskin will perform Franklin, Miss Bernice Galinsky lute ''must. ' .-.-..And it ought to Year .to their- friends be shown in every classroom from the ceremony. far and near. and Raymond Fisher were among The bride, gown_ed in ivory sat- the members of the cast of "Pay coast to coast, from grade school in, will wear a long veil, and car-As You Enter", a three to college. . . . ry talisman roses: Her gown will edy presented Monday evening by be floor length and fall in a long "the . Experimntal Theater. Group SIDELIGHTS: Saw a few train. Miss Jan Lcbowich will be at the Community House. people of note at the swank openmaid of honor, and bridesmaids ing night (never mind how; we •mil be Ann Raskin, Rebecca ;i Miss Ann and Katherine Ras- crashed the gate) of the Zola Ivatz. Edith Goldsmith and" Lilkin entertained at a bridge party picture. . . . A m o n g them were lian Stein. They will wear moire and linen shower for" Miss Fran- Major Albert W arner, of the rjowns of poach, yellow, . green brothers who produced the film, ces Raskin, recently. , and rose, all fashioned in the looking big and warm even in a same-style. Miss Bessie Resser will leave linen jacket. . . . Harpo Marx, inDave Katz will act as grooms^ tliis week end for Chicago. Miss dustriously chewing gum all the man and U3liers will be Paul Resser has been a teacher in the way through the picture and reKatz, Meyer Arkowitz, M a x Hebrew School for the past year. fusing to do anything but whistle Xrlekmau and Leon Goldsmith. Mr. J. Eisner who has also into the celebrities' mike out in

liblical Manna Is

Winners Are Announced

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