September 10, 1937

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LUDWlG'LSWlS&HM.f , The views expressed,, by LudTrig Levyisohn In hla column . are. tils-own and do not necessarily reflect the.policies or a.t' titude of our publication. Re- : . -production in .whole or in part "strictly, forbidden. -.. , ;.

, POST-HOIJDAY , It may> be true to tact; '.it may not .be- true '..Jo fact. • The item-'of news of •which I am thinking is true-, to the . temper . and attitude of many people in this: age. The

Entered aa Second Class Mall Matter on January SI. 1921. at fostofflca of omafta; Nebraska, under the Act ot March 3. 1879




Sunday Schools Opening Delayed


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The 'Women's Division of the Jewish , Community Center reports a "great need for clothes snd bedding for families in want. Clothing of all sizes — rnen's . w.omen's. and children's is. in..demand. v ... Those -iaving items they .would like to donate to the Center are as&ed to call Mrs. ! I L A. CANCELS T. A. Tully, Harney.7248. IFOR EEU. TWO-

. Announcement has h/"' made by Rabbi David V' and RablDi David A. & t h a t ' t h e religious scho, . . .. . their respective congregav_,-iis Tentative List of Plays Will item comes in the formVot a des-iDisorders Flare' as Near East! •will open the Sunday preced- .- •; Include W e l E Discusses 'Now British patch- from Moscow,-: The Ernes, ing the opening of the public ,.'" Productions the-Truth, .cr|ppled tor that from Policy MEETINGS schools. the nobler. Emeth, the-Yiddish; or. Parents are urged to watch The Center Players will opea gan of the Communist party, com- ""JERUSALEM ; ' ( J T A ) — T h e the daily papers for the an- their eleventh season at the Jewplains that „ lasLJBassoyer, many ' WEEKS h'I ll M ' ' b n t d themselves death;.toll reached twelve in four, nouncement of the school op- ish Community. Center on.October absented ch'I days' "Palestine' ; disorders when ening. . from .classes and participated in five Arabs - - i n c l u d i n g a. detec24' and 25. with' Mrs.' WiiU&Ei Cooperating with city health the Passover ceremonial. ..The e d - t l T e _ -were found'slain in three Feiler as chairman, of thV Dramaofficials in their efforts to miniitprs.ot, the paper .complain that separate-places on Wednesday, j mize the'poliomyelitis-peril, the tic Committee. ' " . ••'"*.,• •" ~S it is the rabbis who have'succeed- - . T n e - detective was- discovered two local chapters of A. Z. A. ed in prevailing ; c upon.. Jewish near'Beisan,; a rifle :and ammunl,' Assisting- Mrs. Feller ,,will. be Junior "B'nai B'rith have canceled chlldren to do ,.th,is thing and' U o n -fyjng b y .n j s s l g e , P o l i c B ^ the Mesdames I. Solzman, Philip meetings scheduled for the next urges, upon, the. teachers, in the | g a n ^s e a r c n . f o r - a v A r a b b r i g a n d Klutznick, Paul Goldstein, Louis Jews oi! O ma li a will join their cotwo weeks. EAELY DE4PLIKE B.chools the. necessity ^of. a new i n connection, with, the murder, Sommer, - William_,: Milder; S a s religionist? the world- o^er h> ol1A youth organization, members anti-religious, campaign. .• ,•;• .;..; T w 0 Arabs' bodies were found •Theodore, J: M. Newman, Dasid As the Jevsih Press Oriiee serving the moat, so.cred day on cf the A2 . A. fall definitely .^It.TOayi.e truer it mayjnot be n e a r ; t n e A r a b - ^ l a ^ , o fA z a 4 l n Brodkey, Ronald- Gladstone, M. Seeks $100,000 to Buy Site to will be closed on Yom Kirrwr> within the age range which is true. But,when I was,a very small r ^ - fuikarem district* and two in L. Colin, Miss Martha HiciEiel- . .-• Bear H a m e o f French Tv'edLesfiay, Sepi.ember 15, all the religious calendar o£ tlie most susceptible to the disease boy in BerlinvaUthe'>very height an : orange•grove Bear Karkur, stein, and Mr. Salewin MicJiaick-. .• •:'-•'• Socialist Leader social and news items must be household o£ Israel, Tom Kipimv, and although many fall activities and .apex .of Prussian .assjmilar where two' ewfsti; farm workers Drive Will Continue Until All Mrs.. Herman- Jahr. has bses sesent or phoneu in by 3 o'clock the Day oC Atonpment. ib.e- "ynhProspects Seen By when: all Jewish boys' Hf were found dead ;.On Monday. lected as director for the new New York (JTA) .A. T $100,000 had been planned, officers of the Tuesday afternoon. t the postponebath of Sf.bbp.ths." Workers middle-class.families "became law- ."W.itH '• ihree. /Jews and nine season and has, with- the . Bra- fund for purchase: of a tract f or; chapter te.t m e E t v s s necess£1 Ar> hour before KIUIPP':, TUPRyers" and physicians , • and even ! matic • Committee, the following i colonization-in Palestine to be • T &s.y, the piou? Je\T*e will To-date about fifty per cent o f i t e n t a t i T e . i l s t o r plays under con-I named after Vice-Premier Leon Borne university.^ appointments j Arabs .-.'killed,-- the; Palestine Govpartake of their %'essation nipat." w,ere*open, and even some • small ernment -\posted, ' a 500 pound the goal of this year's Beth El. s i d e r a t i o n : »stdge Door" - by i Blum- of France' will be sought by followinp which thpr will tourlt offices - of state • and" orders and ($2,1500) reward .tor information Building Fund Campaign. : has, G e p r g e - K a u f n i a n ^ a n d Edna Fer-!a-:CoBimittee representing Ainerino food until after the EIIPPP(. tb«-decorations and Ctitles^bViimper-ilading, to,the arrest of any ofheen reached. The response con-.jbfei!. .. A v a ke-and Sing" by Clif-'; can-Jewish organized labor, Rabfollowing evening-. The day vii" ialgrace —•Kommerzienrat, Gerl th ^' murderers., . fifteen Jewish tinues to equal or better that of f o r d , o d e t g . "Pashion"'by Ritcb-; bi Israel Goldstein, president • of be spent in fasting f.nd prayer, in The Hague, The ^Netherlands. heimrat,^anitatsrat, ^^t h s were, ceiled, from Jerusa- any of the previous campaigns t 0 ; i e . . a c u r r e n t mystery play; aixda; the Jewish; National. . Fund of heimrat,^anitatsrat, eveneven- wirkwirk y lem repentance and medun.tior.. to/Acrefor a a yearby yearby admlnadmln- raise "the necessary funds for the childrenr.s .- production - of . t he ! Ametica, announced on his re. (JTA) — Constantin Erunner, licher geheimer Sanitatsrat — l e m to/Acre-for The Df.y oi AtonemoiH is iliTwere .scattered' about in the Jew-.! istra.tlve order, reportedly in con- projected building of a new syn- •Bluebird.' .•-'; •: - _ I turn'• last week abroad the Cbain- .philosopher, critic and w-riter, J T died Tuesday. He -would have ferent from most olher holidf.yc " -._ •-.: ish •.community: .-:-'• and' • ' — - Inection muitlnn . with -rcrOh the tVio -Arab Arah iiontha agogue. first---. produc!plain: from f h e Tv orld . Zionist Tryouts for the . ' . * - • • ; ' "•'. -'• ' .,' - . • Final reports from all commit- tion' 'wni a be* he7d Sunday"aner-! Cbngress - and' Jewish Age*n'cy , been 7 S years old Wednesday. Ees Giirios and Warburg Dis- in that it corameinovnie?; no lri>--crosses quite literally. .ratUed in h " e " r e . . I High; Commissioner ;Slr Arthur torical event, bin. is devo'efi PTI~ An adherent of Spinoza's sps- • agree on Ft tees are expected to be made the cup-boards; when hot actual, council meeting; in Zurich. tirrly to the concept of msr-'F re and ardent opponent of the Monday evening. Those workers ly adorning- the':bfeastsl'[of one's Proposal While, in Paris, on his way to the for lation to man F.nd his re la lion, tn uncles —• it 'wa's: true of. mine .— •why,, in those -days- it was; bad | New Tork (T\"XS) — Sharply God. In the clayf of the Ton-.r-lp received - M.' Blum's;. acceptance of Jewish He opposed . divergent views on the partition animal sacrifice WP.R common •••"" 'ortn .amid• t]ie .middle-classes to the offer:to:give the site his name ity or t h ec a m p a l g n i J . philosophic grounds, '. of '-Palestine were txpressed by signify the persona! sp.crtfice (o • Zionism Berlin7Jewry.;to have.their child- Agency E^ecu,tive. the question of \ £* telephone him or his vicel and.the French s t a t e s m a n ' s ^ h i s ^works public security and • other quesa u jceh a i rsi n e -n , iJack M Marer and A Mrs. M T J. ren excused, 'as they ~had':a right Public(-security,and :'Felix I.I. Warburg, leader of the be endured. saraace-of his deep interest in ; 7> \ „__..." ^ *_ = teachings a n d \ American noa-2ioruFt delegation ; Beginning with the sltu-Jng of to .do by law, - from the -religious tiohs.' Blank. • the -development of the Jewish; _n_ , !.^ F condemned fenti-Semuism. AT^ihenite Jew and a YemenChristian;.instruction : in'; to the ' Jewisn Agency meeting, : the ancient "Kol Kidre" ilie PVCnational Palestine. Committee, members who do Ite. Jewish washerwoman; were ningof the holy day, twenty-four ernment schools. : You. pretended ; Eri-j David Ben Gurioc, Labor Great - Britain's proposal to i crnment schools. You. pretended . not see their prospects before ^eopold W e r t h - i leader and chairman oi: the World . hours o£ most sacred aspociaunr. partition - Palestine, with its at- i your parents pretended' and by sligHtly injured in a bomb exploeimer. Born in Altona, Germany, , Zionist Esecut ve. on Ihcir arrival- are observed. In tiniee past Uis tendant limitation of Jewish land courtesy: a n d ^ . t h o g e . days by s i o n o n t h e outskirts of- Ter Aviy. purchases, is p.ot expected .to place t h e g r a n d s o a of Chief R a b b i Akiba i in this countr- from Zurich. Mr.; very orthodox -walked to vise pyu . commbntacit consent- t h e , teach- j The woman said she saw Hauranl those they, are to see. "W'ertheimer, h e received a t r a d i Fifty era pretended th&.t ..there was no Arabs throw, the bomb. or the: tional Jewish education a n d then i Warburg expressed the belief a^opue in Ftockin^s or slipper?, u*- It is hoped that the final report Authenticate Keporte of difference between little • Jewish' tree3 •were uprooted at the Jew-1 Dr. Goldstein added, be- j a t t e n d e d t h e University of Berlin, : that partitio i can be Evoiaeti if z. niark oi hujiii'ity. well be made Yom Kippur" evenin Twenty-light toys/and the little German, -boys Ish Eettelement of - Gan Yavneh. cause -the' site will lie selected in, w h e r e h e soon aroused t h e in- j; England arranged an Arab-Jisw-j The Ten of Peniten.-f. • th.p.t he^pn •^•U.h Hie Ne-s*.' VefiiDistricts and everybody thought, (to- vary Arab3 shot at ; the watchman of ing. " • " . . that-portion of Palestine which-is j terested a t t e n t i o n of h i s i n s t r u c - ish rounfi tabls ccniTenre. whil-?: 1 This Is the third of the Synagothe Tyords Qf>Browning). that God the Akron • settlement, killing his "indisputably Jewish." • j tors for spirited a t t a c k o n JXr. Ben Gurion voicfd the opli .-; end with t h e Kol Xklre- 2 gues; scheduled five annual cam> ion that the League of Nations • The closing' cevemonie- of tb.p'. had retired from his heaven^ and horsei • •-. Paris (JTA) — The ways of . T h e , c o m m i t t e e for t h e p r o j e c t , K a n t ' s philosophy. : ..Delegations "of Je,ws and Arabs paigns. flr.T r^ v PP' t b ^ Tri^^snrf1 Uifir will -tE.pproTe partition or, the all was right ^ith^the' world.- ... • anti-Jewish excesses .in Poland.';is- headed by Max"Saritsky, pres-, „ r^»A n V i n ^ v r n» "— t --.« : —•terms Now anyone wBo' with- a* seeing approached^, District; Commissionr reaching ..unprecedented ident.of the United- Hatters,: Cap U. outlined by the F.cvr-.! Com-j: Gofl'F EorcivpnePF an?' bl=Rsii)r f^ZnJT^X^c-iih^°f^ih^l' "faculty -teaching"- b&sed OH three; Vision •:: backwards - has pissed er Edward ~ ICefth-Raoach in Haifa dimensions, is being., gaidea .by. Makers .-and. /Millinery. WcrSers said eve brsto^-ec] on nl* T-i>.o mpnifp?; missior., Mr.'Ben ctilties," or potentialities oi througfi" o4"y. such' experience - as askin^^trong taeasures. some central" agency,' it' wsa." ipdi- Union,;:with Dr.. Alfred Einstein pr<?He feught dogma . . He sai4«eyt that has nevor-been-.impre?sed> ex- e p V l S y P&rtition of Palestine. inU if if. fe Vitls the V>Tepy.snj,- oi' the- fssi cited by; s.-: survey ;; .TE-ceived by.-...and-- JEbranata• Cahan,- •• editor of Euperstition and sought to encept in a slightly melancholy fash. erything..possible would, •'be. done. to be I will agree, feeing convinc- pre^vone is IF. IUKI) spirits, cc-n • Je'wistf" brganiiaUcias.-h.ere..'--"'":'| th'erj^Wish-'. Daily .Forward, s s .._^..» _,„ fa, r and lyticai Jon by the' .:assimilation -.'•A;islgn :'pf';a possible tru'ee in a. . | . Anti-Semitic disorders were re-, honorary chairmen. • Later, • Dr. : t jj^ a vht. At one time he issued an ed that within e. few rears the fiflert t h a t P. happy year *>.-sn I T moral 0 and material 'pressure;, •b^ iongrstanding[.teud Vithin Zionist number newed ^ Poland on August. 15, Goldstein said, the project may be :E r ti s tsc and literary publication Jewish state ap*j. the Arab state prppt^cl to v-b.pni. libeHles, offices,, re-ward^ ;,ot. the ranks'appeared when the Jewish will unite as one. The followinp prhertulp for works"! w i t n ' nationwide demonstrations , made an international one, with e n t i t s e i i ."Der Easehaner." Jefts of Kussia to the' religion "of National Council, official govern- ^or f r o m German In a formal state issued OR be- "Voto. TCirP'^r Por->-i^^s Trill V>p i1-1|by Endeks. The survey-reveals committees organized abroad. : Brunner regarded Jewish teachr R "tKat state. I have the,clearest ning: body of Palestine Jewry, ! that excesses occurred; in 28 cities} Dr. -Goldstein . said • he wss ings, and'Christianity, which, he half of himself r.nfi Drs. TAp.nrice Eeryec h ' lorp' f,vrtn.;-"o£:np ; recollection of my grandmother's dominated ; by j the World Zionist 1 600 the SOCU5 tor the J. K&rpf E.nd Solomon Lowen'towns, and villages in_all parts of .greatly'.heartened at the Brod- Ich ess-'dea' Organization- invited two spokes- «on of Science'and° steir., Mr. Warburg fieclp.rRc-: ! the country. - The- -widespread stration of ..Jewish-unity, Tfiv Ssbbn'.-.h PM-v-a. Fpjiiav PVP ^ ich sing -—' whose "bread ,1 men of the dissident New Zionist i character of the disorders and ttra ieh, where, he pointed out, de1(1, ih? Ptvih V•'When we" sciled on Ai.:r!-st 11 ported this week'. The' average accomplishments of humanity. In eat; nis song I sing." Which is af- Organization, whose Reader, Vladsimilarity of the methods.easploy- spite the differences within the 19 24 tfa.e Constantin Erunner So- we E.tE,te£ thst our pr.rposp TOP period of service of the scholars ter all but a mpre popular form imir Jabotinsfcy, is! barred from ed. in different places lesd sub- Zionist organization and between ciety was founded to spread liis to try to pcrEunfle the Crvnc-5l t>" 22 years," of the old Latin adage: • Ubi bene, the Holy Land, to discuss the Is Of-this : the Jewish Agencr for P?.lest.iT!e group.the report said, | stantiation to the belief that they Zionists and non-Zionists, no irre-) i<5 e £ ' s ibi patrla — where I am well oft, present situation...;; to GO everything in its power tc were directed by sorae. central parable break occurred. 70percent are married and twoi Hia chief work is "Die Lehre there is my: fatherland." Yes, po- The New Zionists are advocates guiding hand. Kp.bbi Dryif! A. OoifViPir. v.-iH -"First in the, congress, a split' v o n den Geistigen and vom Voik" prevent implementation in PF.5~ thirds of them have children. A litical and economic' techniques of a militant policy for enforcing estine of a Jewish State (parti- s p e a t on "MfVinsr P. ConiPbp.r'-." Although; the; survey, autheati. . was expected between the total number of 3,500 persons are Others of his works are "Spinoza change and.the. catchwords and a program of maximum demands, XCol Nidre nishJ servii-er: v\\' cates reports of disorders f t o n ' sagers' \ and- t h e 'nein-sagers' gegen Kant," "Der JudenliEss und tion); that in its place every ef- ; (slogans of one age would be in- including a Jewish national home involved. fort should be made to bring bejj'in promvily r<t T o'tiooV., C>"" Conditions of scholars in Ger-;' 28 localities there is no question j, (those advocates .and opponents . .die Juden," 'Kerrs'cbaft des Frecomprehensible to. another. Butembracing all of ' Palestine and many are so desperate, the Coun-1 that; these about an understanding between tor Edgp.r p.nt'. the rhoiv win U'-»>. represent . only, a, of the majority resolution fav-' r e ! s , " "Unser Christus oder das ; ths Jews F.nd the Arabs in. Pales-one thing does not change— the Trans j or danthe services. TvF.hii? CitilrtPipi'd l said, that it was unable to fraction of the • total • num.: oring. negotiation on a. Jewish Wesen des Genies," "Liebe, Ebe, human heart.' , • ••-.'•Mufti Hires a Bodyguard incidents of violence State), but no split occurred." he; Mann und Weib" and ''JXaterial- ' tine, so that they would live in will deliver e, Rensiou o>> 'T'oi-'urge them to stay in Germany in-.ber of f.T.yfci t c Jewish Religion? j peaceful understanding with each r •Well, this evidently1 after all'-a The Grand Mufti, Haj Amin el j stead of going into exile. Dlsplac-' a g a i n s t Jews in ; the past said.' I isms und Idealistaus. , other as r-eightiors. j j_ better age than was the Prussian Husseini, leader of Arab opposi- : ed scholars are unable to publish fortnight. Delegations are arriv-| "Then in the agency council an | Von; Kippur morning: psrvjcr.r II "Since then we hare had con. i period of my childhood. For all tion to the Jewish national home scientific works in Germany, den-.; ing in Warsaw daily from-outly-. opejr breach between Zionists and, ^ % ^ fc C h o o s e . i ferences in. Paris, in Zurich mil iwil! hCb-'iri Ft F. :S0. Y.-tnr w51! h«" through the seven years and a partition, surrounded himself i led access-to laboratories and u-: ing provinces villages and-ham- non Zionists was feared, but d l d i « Q *^ " 1 . , ,« 10 o'rlno'w. 1 in London End we we hr-.reobscr^pri r-t p.bovf " L m « H h v ^ U braries. ™ ^ , nn > »allowed U™M M t , , r « :]lets i "Sweetheart at half 'of my life that I spent in arid P . " l . not to w lecture lets to to comdain complain about about anti-Jewanti-Jew- not not develop develop. . H&hT>i fiolflafpi^'p w n w r . topir ! the right to feet that the resolu- ! attend scientific con-' ish disturbances and implore pro.] "It was a very hopeful sign of Berlin I saw a rabbi Just once with a large bodyguard by theabroad nor r ] id h and that was at: my grandmoth- use of a simple subterfuge. t tions in their changed form, as will be "H.ov- the Scv- Ach.ievp>tection, evidence that -a ff ar- ( cohesiveness. Announcing-that the Mosque ot gresses and some are not given j reaching • ! passed unanimously by the Coun- Imniortal Ll'e." er's; funeral in. the chapel: of the El-Eksa pogrom movement is un- . ' Dr. Goldstein, who was one of needed repairs, the Mufti j passports to travel abroad. cemetery of Weissensee. And ,1hired many Arab workers. The the majority of the Zionist OrWith the Tea days of Penitence c-;i o f the Jewish Agency, will The position of German sch- | der way. Imagine that this was true of the damages in the mosquei however, Services for Kfibbain Riurva or abroad is satisfactory, the j According, to. information from' ganization of America delegation over, members of the younger set show the world generally and the vast majority' of the children of were imaginary, the real purpose rep^rt"says:"or800, 464 arV per- j several provincial towns the Jews,which voted .for the ^ o r H y ' r e l ! ^ 1 register their votes in the A.' Arabs in particular t h a t ^ are ! ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ f ' J ^ f J : Berlin Jewry a t that time.- But, for which the men were engaged manently and 311 temporarily es-; are deserting nearby villages in a solution against the pleas of Dr.; , z - A. Sweetheart Contest to be j n earnest in tryir.« according'to the Ernes, Jewish British gov- f.gofrne, ITth p,nd Cls!"^S^ ^ V P P ^ children in. Russia '.still, see rabsuch & con- At 4:^0 p, m. Kabh; >:in-ir: ''bis and. the rabbis, according to ceives a salary from the Palestine bring the • Kovta'MSi will deliver s V'-:.;-hh.i^ the.comrade" who; edit Ernes, pre- government, with a compact pri\ Phv.vr msssnire r-X t.he Conrrfrp The Society also assisted Jew. constant danger to life and limb.: to close the door, against negotia- the, Paxton Hotel/ The affair is groups together." vail upon many, many, of those ish scientists" unable to continue j Faced ^with the apparent Iner-'tlons with the mandatory govern- being sponsored by the Mother I tion Beth Ilamedrosh Itf.r.iiflo;, vate army. children to continue in the faith Arab"chri8tlans, -who in the j their work in Austria, as well as" tia of the Polish Government ment though its present propo- j Chapter of A. S. A. and customs of the fathers. And past have- collaborated with the scientists from Russia and Italy. against taking steps to protect' sals were unsatisfactory." The contestants-who have surof" course the comrades-are put Moslems in opposition to Zionism, life and property, Polish Jews are | H e declined to discuss the cir- ! Tived the preliminary'elimination put, for the .' stdte-reUglon, any are sending a-delegation, to EurK a b b ! KopsL^in. will sj-t-Ftk a t <!••reported to have reached a new cumstances attending the over- and will complete m the final sestate-religion, is a'jealous relig- ope to discuss Palestine problems v >••& Beth E&inndroKli, HRgcrtoi :.:•• low of "distress and . discourage- night swing of the American dele- lection •the night of the dance ion and the state-idol.4a always a with Greek Orthodox Church cir| ment, and to be living in anticipa- gates to the .majority resolution. are: Libby Grossman of Council "Onct in a Y w . " br The Jewish TV omen of cruel and ;a jealous idol and es- cles in the Balkan States. O » T | ' tion of even worse developments.! "You'd better ask -Louis Lipsky Bluffs, Lillian Perelman, FU11 will be hostesses at a pecially cruel, and jealous /when ! j about that," ' Dr. Goldstein reSaylan and Sylvia Epstein. On its <way. the''delegation will i t .conies to . Jews, 'for 'Jews 1 are visit Damascus, Syria, now a cenLast year's winner wss Ruth luncheon, Friday, 'Septen "He was chairman of the the Memon The Pleasant Hill Cemetery SoOF.1AHAN " j marked. | 'accepted'as pseudOr-equals ;of/non- ter of anti-Jewish, and anti-Britdelegation and the chief, swing-: Eloch. Miss'Bloch will,present an at 1 o'clock in the b&liroo; stein will c ciety and the B'nai Jacob .Syna! Jews in-a givenstate.only if daily A. Z. A.-sweetieart pin to the Hotel Pastor.. Congregatio "DIES ON'COAST. Proceeds, o? and hourly they offer incense to Ish agitation and reportedly the jg o g U e .announce the formal dediP d f this Ir,n< winner of this year's contest. scene-of preparations for a new cation of the new chapel at the the idol of the state.' r Dan Miller, past Aleph. Godol, be contributed to the f Word "has been received _of \the ; Arab revolt in Palestine. l-ABROAD ADVISED Pleasant Hill Cemetery, 42nd and is chairman of the dance, and israised to purchase an '. there is-one respect In Froinr Transjordan came re- Redick Avenue, Sunday morning, sudden death in Los-Angeles'on | being assisted by Leo- Sherman, to be used'in Omaha to IlflV!( Monday of Philip Stein, veteran j TO"SBUN JEWISH • "which the comrades , who edit ports of strained relations be- September 12, at 10:30. , i Tuesday evening, Jae Honistein, and Korris Arbit- . infantile paralysis. Ticket insurance man. . Mr. Stein, a pio• LAtftlEttLS Ernes are mistaken. And-this fool- tween that country and Saudi i "R'ice will ppefik > s o l d s t o f t e a r Services will be in charge, of man. Music- will be furnished t y f l ^ - Per neer Omahan, had resided in Lbs ish and. indeed quite childiBh"mis- Arabia, with King Ibn Saud said •• Aristocrat." take . that they are making .is a to be contemplating, an-increase (JTA) •—The foreign : Jack Swanson's twelve piece or- • Bridge End Keno will be At the'i •wide-spread mistake among "all in his armed forces. The Mufti | tation will be furnished from the ipast twenty-nine years. i section of the National Soeiallst c^estra. Tickets may be obtained • the program. vice, which star Mrs. Philip Levey, eEi^er of the chapter. kinds of people at present. My has declared that he counts1 heav- j B'nai Jacob Synagogue, 24th and. Rabbi TVlee wih He was a n . active worker" in \ League last week published -a list j ' r o " * i 3.6ST, is in charge of reser friend, Upton Sinclair i3 a victim ily on the united support of these \ eictne of ihe Je^ B'nai B'rith and. numerous'other | p l j " Aryan*'-attorneys in all parts j ^ Nicholas streets before 10 a. m. j Those wishing to contrib of this chidish mistake. And thetwo States with other Arab coun'. cent ii.p.ppeRir.f.-p i fraternal and philanthropic .'or-, of the "world - together with a ] 2 | can not attend mt.y rar.i mistake takes the form in thetries for Palestine Arab nationalganizations./ . He- was the found-j warning- that, "to confer the de1 contribution ol one dollar TRANSLATE WORKS OF Toronto (JTA)—"Rotary supposing ists' aspirations. er and sponsor of the annual Om-- fense of; German interests to JewRussian that the rabbis could prevail upon aha picnic held .in .Los Angeles; ish lawyers abroad is a -hostile act i definitely, not anti-Semitic," v~. J. I _ , _ -. ZWEIG INTO TWO Arabs, Jews Urged to.Use nus. tha children' ta "do as tney are do-• Mr. Stein Ms survvie'd by sis against-;the;German--people and | Cairns, former Canacian presiRestraint ing If there w-jire not'a deep a n ! -Ulftr cW.lDOZEN TONGUES daughter.-'Mrs^L. Morris of i d s | evidence cf .unpardonable . indif- ; cent of Rotary^ InternatiosiEl. told An appeal to the Jewish popinextinguishably ncod within the r will b<=> Angeles,- Mrs. Fannie-Garlandvof iferesce,""the-.Havas News Agency . the Jewlsi Teleg raph ic Agency. ulation not to answer provocation which- the rabbS; is' merely urged by Paris (WNS.) ;— Stefan Zweig,' San Diego, Mrs. Pearl Hankln of j reported.; barring cf m r a vivifying or energizing or canal- and not to attack Innocent per- Austrian-Jewish author, shares \ Burbank, Mrs.. Charles Sachs of! .The list and warning were afi- bsrs cf tfc i children TTiep Jo TIP-* Partr in C-ersons, but peacefully. to continue Buffalo, N. T. n izing. nnny Yotn K>5T> in t.hs in-I Jack London.. arid Edgar' I^os Banos, California, and thV dressed-to the .German•>• people as mdny from i \~ r* P i r-. i Veterans oi Forei&T. ~\ Wo, have "immortal longings'' daily .work, was, issued b y . t h e , W a U a c e t h e d l s t l n c f . j o n o f being'Misses Nettie and. Esther Stein'of ^ a •. whole £nd particularly to allga-fectioE. wili he Kippur the-three authors whose'Los-Angeles; two EOM, Sidney j Germans • having 'economic Isterin us. If.we were all citizens of Jewish" National . Council, -wn. | "Ocs of cur c-t-jectires is the \ United States became the Jews . . . . . . - i .and _ . . . -Leonard : _ , of . . Los . . . |iests. •• in-• . ctfter - a perfect state, if we had both rBmlnded reminded the Jews of oi their int. r he-j 'w o r k.s_h^a v e b,e e n translated'into' Anfceles; countries.. The creation cf a better underst&nfi- | major veterans orgaru; liberty and security, If economic role self-restraint, during i*- : t h e m o c t l a n g u a g e S ..Ifour sister, .Mrs. Joseph Batt and j League."s-ig^ested ' that sll lasr&l isg betv*een busstiess men, irre- | on record ss favoring: Justice had first been discovered. year's riots^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j A r e p O r t by the Institute of In-'Mrs.'-Herman ^Franklin of Oniafca, | work- for Germans abroad should spective of creed or religion," i investigation of Nazi i The- Arab High Committee isIf JuQtice* itself hnd first teen I propaganda i s this cov vlion '. ff'rrf.iioan s^Uiws sold ihe gold Of ternational Cooperation in Paris (Miss Emma" Stein of Chicago, an* j be handled tfes lawyers whose j Mr-' Cairns said. discovered and,thcn~blazed"equal-'sued a statement, the correspon- credits Zweig's books with having j a fourth -in'; Germany; two broth-j names appear-in the list. f-ulopt- j the synRgoprue ornaments to ran» jits SSth annual conven ly on all like'hj sun in the sky of'dent of The Times of London re- been translated into 25 langu- ers,: D.' S.-.Finkenstein; of Los AnPT« 1E- | sore, those Spanish Jews who h»<5 Hie st I'-oiiEh ghetto was , ec a resolution calling : noon, if there were no more phy- ported, deploring the.slayins ofa g e s ? l n c i u d i n g the Chinese, Jap- geles and.Jule^'Stein of Detroit; DelEiedigo j that of Cracow, opened• as such i. -„- . into Nazi, Fascist and Com- ;beeia pns);d by pirates durin? Joseph. J munist activities and propaganda, j their journies. (Continued on pane 8.) (Continued ~on page 8.) anese,-Ukrainian and Georgian. and -three grandchildren. studied -astronomy'under Galileo.' in- 149 4.

Noted -Philosopher Dies' in Holland i



1,600 Scholar

Annual Fall Dance

Luncheon Planned By Women, to Aid, "Iron" Fund

New Chapel to Be Dedicated at


jl I •&

XTI—No, ?P

l Bt3.fl'*

•haUita^W-O' I'ifl ja-^iftJSTJ"- * * —


Page 2

big leaguer, Goodwin Rosen, hails* weights, etc., to Seven' Arts Fea- fold nature. A national broadGERMAN CONSUL AIDS from. Toronto. As we predicted ture Syndicate, 432 Fourth Ave.. east, setting forth Jewish contritwo weeks ago, Rosen has made New York, and we'll put the butions to the making of the JEWISH REFUGEES the grade,-and has been signed check and double-check on him.Constitution and to the gaining IN by the Dodgers for delivery next He may be good enough to win of American Independence, is spring. Now starring in the out- one of those gold footballs! being arranged for September 17. field for Louisvilie in the Ameri- FOOTBALL IS HERE Shanghai (JTA)—The consul Constitution Day. The principal London (WNS) — Having accan Association, Rosen was BurThe football season is here to speaker on this program will be complished a major job ot com-ate of Nazi Germany Is aiding! leigh Grimes' pick as the 1937 stay, my. friends. It came sneak- U. S. Senator Burke, who has be- batting Fascism in England, es- Jewish refugees from the Heichl choice of the one Louisville .play- ing-in a few -weeks. »gd at Phila- come known as one of the Con- pecially in the East End of Lon-and paying their evacuation ex-1 er on whom the Dodgers have an delphia, -where the -Philadelphia stitution's most ardent support- don, the Ex-Servicemen's Nation, penses from war-stricken Shang-i annual option., TwentyTfour years Professional- league, whipped a ers- Leonard Belove, of Kansas al Movement, founded early in hai. it was disclosed. Rabbi Jacob M. Alkow, ot old; he weighs 160 .pounds, and team of Eastern college all-stars. City, Mo., winner of the Interna- 1936 to mobilize war veterana stands five feet ten. • He's slug- And ace of the Eagles was thetional A. Z. A. oratorical contest against Fascism, has disbanded Southern California, reoreaeivtaging the ball for .322 (last year same gent" who has been one- of this year, will speak on the con- in order to eliminate friction with tive of several Jewish organizahe h i t \ 3 1 4 ) . He's a southpaw, outstanding fullbacks in pro ball tribution of youth to American the British Legion and other old- tions on behalf of Jewish refugees and professionals in China, throwing and hitting left-handed.' for the past two years and, an All-independence. The program will er veterans' organizations. The recent death of Lord the furnishings from the RothsWonel Walter Rothschild made The movement had a member- alluded to German consul's "huchild mansion and enriched Vic- Brooklyn has long' pined for aAmerican at 'Temple before that be conducted by Mr. Beber. bis-young-nephew, Nathaniel The second phase of the pro- ship of over 5,000. In announc- manitarian activities" in an adtor Rothschild by half a million Jewish star. .Harry. Eisenstadt, —Dave Smukler. Last week, ber now Rosen's teammate, almost fore 70,000 persons, in Chicago's Mayer Victor Rothschild, the gram will consist of local celebra- ing tbe dissolution, M. Harris, dress to a Rotary Club meeting. dollars. A Rabbi Wildman and seven , new holder of the title beThe sale over, Victor lapsed made the grade this year. Maybe Soldier -Field, the champions of tions by the 202 chapters o£ A.president, said that the moveother refugees have been sent to Rosen, can stay up and gladden the National league, Green Bay, ment had attracted the most acstowed upon the Rothschilds Z. A. At this celebration, promback into the obscurity he so deManila and one Polish-born Jew by Queen Victoria. In this sires until the death of his uncle the hearts of Flatbush's Jewish fell before the.College All-Stars, inent speakers will address the tive supporters of democracy to Europe through the assistance .'"-.'. and again a Jewish boy, Lou Gor- chapters and guests of the chap- from the British Legion, thus word picture, »Ir. Postal intromade him Lord Rothschil 1 and faithful. ' don, one. of the foremost ters, on the subject" of the Con- leaving the field comparatively of the Reich consul, Rabbi Alkow duces us to the man behind the saddled him with all the burdens SPORTSCHMOOS said. title. that title carries with. it. Al- The new. national'' checker gents on the field. Lou would be stitution and in some of the free in the Legion to advocates of forembst on any field, for he cities, elaborate pageants are be- Fascism. It is understood that though the> holder of the RothsThere was a time not so many RIOT ENDS MEETING OF champion is Nathan Rubin of Dechild title has usually been the troit, who .dethroned William stands some' 6 feet 5 inches tall ing prepared. The third phase of most member of the Ex-Serviceyears ago -when the death of so MEXICAN ANTI-SEMITE andweighs more than Aunt Minrnen't National Movement will the celebration vrill consist of accepted lay leader of British Ryan of the. Bronx. . . . Johnny distinguished a member of the nie, but he's.In better shape. -,join the Legion. Mexico City (WNS)—The first the presentation to all Jewish Jewry, it is improbable that VicRothschild clan of bankers and Levinson of ' Kennebunk, Maine, public meeting of the newly orJust a few days ago, the New schools throughout the United tor will either want or get this set a precedent by''retaining his philanthropists as the titular ganized Mexican National VanStates of beautifully engraved responsibility. The toga of Jew-New England amateur golf cham- ,York Giants, also of the pro bead of the London branch ot the guard, an anti-Semitic and antileague, played a third group of photographs of the signers of the WELLS ATTACKS STRESS ish leadership will probably go to famous family would have rivaled pionship, the first'time- one man AH-Starsj and again there were Constitution of the United States. Communist organization founded ON PALESTINE IN his cousins, Lionel and Anthony, has won the title twice In a row. in importance the passing of any to replace the illegal Gold Shirts, who manage the Rothschild bank. . . . Benny Leonard; ex-light- some Jewish parrers. One was In speaking of the A. Z. A.'s crowned head of Europe. But towas broken up by gunfire and There is also some doubt as to welght champion, is' doing all Mickey- Kobrosky of Trinity. participation in this vastly im- SCHOOLS day'the Rothschilds are just anrioting in which five persons Mickey has been one of the outwhether he will relish the re- right as "meinhost" at a swell portant event, Mr. Beber said: other wealthy family, whose comLord Rothschild were seriously injured. Shooting sponsibility of filling a seat in the New York eatery. '. . . The Four standing Yiddish'e grldders for "The'A. Z- A-. is proud to take ings and goings are Interesting London (WNS)—Bitterly at- broke out just as a large crowd the past three years, and only bei part in the celebration o£ so imbut no longer world-shaking Nathaniel Victor Mayer de stodgy House of Lords. Victor is Aces areiStill aces high in bridge. tacking traditional methods ot of men and women had assemcause he played with a comparaportant an event in the history of news. Hence, the death of theRothschild, who succee !.-> to thethe sort of person who would be . . . They-won the knockout tively small college was he de-the American people. Our pro-education now in vogue, H. G. bled to hear violent antl-Jewlsh late Lord Lionel Walter Roths- title of his late uncle, Lord Wal- happier as. plain Mri Rothschild.' Wells, noted historian and auA tall, shy, and slightly Byronic team-of-four. championship of the nied: more general acknowledge- gram, designed to make better thor, told the educational section orations. Among those Injured child, second holder of the title ter Lionel de Rothschild. was Reuben M. Padres, president American Bridge League • by the ment But"-.the tip-oft on his abilfigure, Victor is more at home in citizens of Jewish Youth, has alIn Great Britain, and the succes}ity cam's-when he was selected to ways been planned along such of the annual conference of the of the Vaieuard. sion of his nephew, Nathaniel on his return to England he be- his laboratory or in the zoologBritish Association for Advancepoints. . . . Have you noticed how play ;3?Jth the Eastern All-Stars. Mayer Victor Rothschild, to the Patronize Our Advertisers came research fellow1 in biophys- ical museum of his uncle . at much better Hank Danning of There 'are just a few of the choice lines and this more intensive par- ment of Science that school curticipation in this program is but peerage, were received with com- ics at' Trinity college, Cambridge, Tring Park, where he spent so football players roaming the na- a continuation o* this activity." ricula ought to throw out relithe Giants was hitting when he itl i t t aanyy a post he still holds. many happy days In paratively little interest gion "typified by myths," espehis child- played regularly; for ten days tion. Soonf the colleges will be hood. jwhere. cially the "exaggerated importwhile Gus Mancuso was out with beating the drums again. The It was in the summer of 1934 Those wha know ance" attached "in the past to As hereditary titles go in Eng- that Victor first broke into the football wars soon -will begin, go an injury? . . . Advance dope inthe young their dicates that 1937 -win be a ban- keep your spectacles well polished that little region of Palestine land, the Rothschild peerage is world's headlines. Entering a Lord . Rothschild well—and which was not more than a highStill in its infancy. The first opular London road house, the number is few—predict that the ner year for. the Jewish football and you might sight a gold footway between Egypt and MesopoErasi, Eronie, Aluminum, jRothSCbild to be called Lord was management asked him whether title will make no change in the players. Such. 1936 stars as ball for some poor, unsuspecting Soft Grey Iron and Semitamia." the famous Nathaniel Mayer he was a Jew. When the heir to habits or mode of living of theGoldberg of Pittsburgh, Luckman- gridder •who can't earn more than Steel Castings, Wood »nd •Rothschild, who founded the he Rothschild barony said yes, curly-haired, rather good-looking ot Columbia, Monsky of Alabama, his room, board and tuition at Mr- Wells asked "Isn't it time Berlin (JTA)—On the basis of Metal Patterns and Sa.h fellow, whose prominent nose, London branch ot . the family, :he manager explains an alleged remark by a New York we recognized the insignificance Weights carried in stock. Spivak of Western Reserve, Joeflear old almy mammy. and grandson of the original was unable to serve him. Where- low-hanging jaw, bushy brows, Ober of Pennsylvania, A l e x o£ the events recorded in the Bronze end Cast Iron Barney Mlntz, Tulane Cap- Jew last year that the Zeppelin Mayer was. elevated to the peer, upon Victor left the place.- The deep-set eyes and heavy shock of Schoenbaum of Ohio State, Fish- tain In 1935, ran back a punt of Hindenburg "won't be iff the air King's Chronicles and ceas^ to | Grilles a. specialty. hair cause all who meet him to age by Queen Victoria in 1885,ncident was brought to public 27th and Martha St. man of Michigan and "loads of 90 yards to upset favored Col- much longer," Julius Streicher, throw the historical imagination •when he was at the peak of hisnotice when a speaker at a sum- doubt that he is really a Roths- ohers will be back in harness. gate . . . As one. of the country's chief Nazi anti-Semitic propagan- of young people out of perspecHA 5523 ^ great career aa hanker and lead- mer school conference mentioned child. Nothing about him befey undefeated and untied teams dist, charged the destruction of. tive by the over-magnification of speaks ot great" wealth. He is er" of British Jewry. "When he hat a prominent Jew had been newcomers w h o distinguished of 1930, Alabama had to be rec- the giant airship at Lakehurst, the history of Judea?" •died in 1910, the title passed to discriminated against at a road plain, simple and without airs. themselves as freshmen last year ognized with at least one player N- J., May 6 to a Jewish plot. his oldest son. the late Lionel house. Inquiry revealed the iden- Like all men of science he detests la particularly good at Southern on the All-America. The team did To support this accusation the limelight. That the RothsJWalter, celebrated in Jewish his- Ity of the Jew and Rothschild California, Carnegie Tech. New everything that had been" asked Streicher published in Der Stuertory as the man to whom the Bal- onfirmed it, with the comment child family is not happy with the man who wears the title goes York U., Syracuse, Cornell and of it — wianing ten straight mer, his newspaper, a copy of a * our Declaration was addressed. games and yielding only twelve letter said to have been received Tulane. . . . . The second Lord Rpthschild died Qermany, doesn't it?" Thus, h e without saying. But remembering points . . . Jewish Freddy Sington from a. German living in BukoSEVEN ARTS PLUS A. Z. A. * Where Omaha Shops with Confidence without heirs, and the title went became the first Rothschild in that his uncle, the second Lord, Come closer, ladeez and gen'- —now with the Washington Sen- vina, Rumania, reading: to his young nephew. Nathanial modern times to become a per- was a man ot similar ideas and ators — was the only Alabama "On the subject of the HindenMayer Victor, sovn of the late onal victim of anti-Semitism. habits, they are probably recon- men, but don't push! Gather njan honored . . . Jews are good Nathaniel Charles, younger Nevertheless, the present Lord ciled to the idea of the new breed 'round and listen to another sev- fighters . . . In the past 25 years, burg catastrophe, I -want to inen star scoop for Seven Arts Feaform you that last autumn a New brother ot the second Lord Rothschild has kept aloof from of Lord Rothschildture readers. All we want is your Jewish boys have held the most York Jew named Hellmann, en(Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts Rothschild. Jewish affairs. No Jewish organitime and not your money so tar- titles — 22 in all — ; Italy's sons gaged in the lumber business, reFeature Syndicate) Nathaniel Mayer Victor- be- zation or movement can boast ry a minute while we go into our have won 18; Irishmen have -won plied textually as follows to those came -the third Lord Rothschild hatdt enjoys the patronage or spiel about the latest remedy for ten; and 12 colored men. have who advised him to take the Hinthe comparatively tender age memoersulp of Victor Rothsyour football ills. And it doesn't worn crowns. denburg on his return trip to the «t 27, havalng been horn in the child. . come in brown bottles! Absolute- (Copyright, 1937,. by Seven Arts United States: "The Zeppelin, sam© year in which 'his grandThis is not to intimate that he I|y IKV KUPCINET. ly, positively guaranteed to cure Feature Syndicate) won't be in the air much, longer." father, the flrst'Lord^ died. The has strayed from the Rothschild Der Stuerraer was convinced Spotting Jewish lads and gals any and all gridiron groans, or latter entered the House of Lords tradition ot proud adherence to 1n the gportworld by their mon- your money back! Seven Arts this alleged statement constHuted ftt 45, while bis aon inherited theJudaism. On the contrary in De-ickers is getting to be tougher Features Syndicate today anproof of a Jewish plot to destroy December, 1933, when the future than it is for John Bull to win a nounces a tie-up with the Aleph title at the age of 41. the Hlndenburg. Streicher declarZadik Aleph, B'nai B'rith junior ed the Jews blew up the airship Perhaps the best indication Lord Rothschild married, he wed boat race from Uncle Sam. Our that the Rothschlds ar no longer Miss Barbara Hutchinson, only mailman recently dumped at usorder, and next to a tie-up with "because they wanted to weaken the attention-compelling dynasty daughter of St. John Hutchlnson, a stack of letters protesting be- a couple of Goldwyn's Glamorous the Reich which they hate so Sam Beber, president of A. Z. A. much." they were in the days of the first .' prominent barrister and public cause we haven't chronicled the Gals, there couldn't possibly exist Lord Rothschild is the fact that official. But in keening with the doings of Larry Rosenthal and a finer relation. The official Jew- Junior Order of B'nai B'rith, toBO little is known about the Rothschild family law that male Lou Berger ot the White Sox, ish All-American football team day announced that the A. Z. A. Patronize Our Advertisers young man who became the third members of the clan must not Ival Goodman of the Cincinnati will be selected, as usual with as- will sponsor a nation-wide proLord Rothschild. The first Lord marry outside of the Jewish faith Reds, Wally Berger ot the Giants sistance from coaches and read- gram in conection with the Sesquicentennial celebration of the Rothschild would be stunned if unless their brides embrace Ju- and Helnis Manush of the ers throughout the nation, and signing of the United States Condaism, Miss Hutchinson was conInvest gold footballs and certificates will he knew what sort of person his Dodgers. stitution. I be awarded by-A. Z. A. grandson is.; The grandfather was verted to the faith of the RothsWe plead not guilty, for not Plans for the program were a banking tycoon who ruled the childs. The wedding was solemn- one of these baseball gentry are So once again, we make plans Annuity, Endowment, ized at Tring Park, the famous made public after conference Rothschild empire with an iron estate of the second Lord Roths- Jewish, despite their non-Aryan- to honor America's outstanding with Congressman Sol Bloom MARK LEQM hand and herd sway over Jewish child, with Rabbi Ephraim Le- sounding names. The same thing Jewish football players, and with Represent! 21 Strong Compan. communal • affairs tor more than vlne officiating. Oddly enough it goes for "Specs Goldman and Pat- assistance from our readers and during which they were formuie»—Every Type ef ln»ur«ne« jrna eonds written. Cell ATa generation. But the third Lord was also Rabbi Levinewho offi- ty Berg, the golfer, Buck-Fried- the 210 chapters of A. Z. A., the lated and, according to Mr. Be-! ?667 or WA-6150. ber, the A. Z. A. participation In | has never had anything to do selection this year should be more ciated at the funeral ot the sec- man of Rice; Chick Kaufman of With banking. And unlike the sec-ond Lord Rothschild. Unlike oth- Princeton" and Clint Frank of popular than ever. At least we tha celebration will be of a three-' ond Lord, the present titleholder er Rothschild weddings, Victor's Tale, grid stars. On the other hope we don't -receive as many Is a. stranger to the Jewish scene, was & simple atfaif, attended only hand fellows like Allan Tolmich, letters as we did after last Born on October 31, 1910, aby & few friends and "kinsmen. Fred Sington, Pedro Montanez, year's selection asking if we ever lew months after the death of his He had no stomach for the lav- and lots ot othen^with anything had seen a football game; if so, - grandfather's intimate friend, ish and gaudy shows which had but Jewish names' are Jews. So when; what do we use for King Edward VII, Victor Roths- been staged at the weddings of what, can a guy do? brains; i t s o , when; and a few •" " child was destined to succeed tohis cousins. Barbara Hutchinson TORONTO TO BROOKLYN others that contained appella: •fais grandfather's title from thebecame the presumptive Baroness NEBRASKAS OWM TKAIN Although Canada has sent tions not fit V to be printed in a 'day of his father's death in 1923, Rothschild without benefit of the quite a tew ball players into the nice, home-going publication. So, when the future lord was just ob- presence of royalty and diplomats big leagues and Toronto and if you'll'pardon us for so rudely teerving his Bar Mitsvab. Victor who had graced' the weddings of Montreal have teams in the Inter- interrupting y o u r baseball was in his firet-year at Harrow, other Rothschilds. national League, baseball is farthoughts"; we'll invite you again one of England's most famous to keep a close tab on your fafrom being as popular in the preparatory schools, when -his Like - her husband, Baroness Dominion as it is in . the,: United vorite' Jewish football player. If lather, Nathaniel Charles, young- Rothschild is also a scientist. Un- States.; Hence, the surprise over you think, he's a topnotcher, send est son of the first Lord Roths- til Victor inherited the title the the fact that the newest Jewish his., name, . college, • position, child, committed suicide out of young^couple- lived; in Cambridge Hear of approaching Insanity. without ostentation,' w or king. to(Whether It was his father's tragic gether In their laboratory. They have two children,; a • daughter 'death or the influence of his Uncle, the second Lord Roths- born in 1934, and a son, who will For women \tfio are Ioo!;mg for stx«et child, V-ictoV, never evinced any some day become the fourth Lord or afternoon types. liking for finance. As the sole Rothschild,.born In 1936. heir of his father's brother, the Last April Victor again made Jate Lord Walter Lionel, Victor the headlines;when he announced found himself attracted to sci- _ __. Intention of selling: the worldence, ia -which his UACIB had al-famous Rothschild art collection, h d himself, rath- which had been housed in a coms-eady dlBtiaBuIahed Lv. OMAKA :.': 8:30pra Others from $17.95 to $39.95 er than to .banking, for which the bined museum and mansion, built Jsecond Lord had evinced a. by his great-grandiatber, Lionel Ar. CHICAGO. 8:30 am Nathan Rothschild, who started Jnarked distaste. These dresses prove that fashion is definitely stressing Observatioa-louage car, salon-bedroom . A t Harrow, Victor made quite the collection. Sple". owner of art elegance. Every frock in this collection definitely car, Pullmans, dining car, chair cars. treasures that included priceless speaks of quality, brilliant touches, braid, beads and : a reputation as a cricket player, Specimens of period furniture. 5 •'. ''ARISTOCRAT • : ' fringe details, gold and jeweled ornaments. In the new Starring In the Eton-Harrow Gobelin tapestries, paintings of Lv. Omsia 8:10 e s bracelet length, short and long sleeves. Sizes IS to 44. match, one of the most sacred fixAr.' Ckie«go 7:50 Jsa , the old Dutch and Flemish mastures of London-'a annual social ters, and pictures- by Reynolds Better Dress Section—Third Floor Gbservatioa-louiigo car, Pull• season. At Cambridge he distin- and Gainsborough, . Victor dism&at, dining car, ciair cars. ; . guished himself as a scholar, spe- posed of them in order to be tree MAXt cializing in biology. ; After his to enjoy. the academic peace of ' "graduation he served notice onCambridge. The public sale, 7:30 AT. Chicago.... ;tha family, . h e -was deter spread over seven days,, was one ;Palljaia*, dias? ; mined to follow in ais uncle's of the most important «vents in : footsteps *nd -make science : 9SHVER SEPBTS art history! Art: experts from evLv. Omaha -12:47 east .career. But. after much pleading ery corner of the world thronged Ax. Chicago.... 8:SS «ssa j by his mother, Victor agreed to the historic building on Piccadilly ObssrvaScs ear, PuUsaas, .give: banking a try. And in 1932^Street,.which stands next door to dicing car, chair csrs. ; b> came to the United States for the residence of the Duke of WelWith girdle-high waists—smooth hips snd slim skirts. s yral months a3 a clerk in the lington, to whom the house of Included are znateJasse, file crepes; also wool and al» t •XICZEXS ' ; o ' ^ c e of J.' P. Morgan•;& Com* Rothschild gave financial backing pacas. In new fall shades. Sizes 10-20 and 38-44, ' '• •' € I T ¥ T1C&E1! ©FFICE 7. This brief excursion into a in his campaign against NapoSTEAK ?f ~\v 16th and Faxaosi Phon® Atlantic 6ES1 . CMXKCN KHMER / /«*=<Jm that had made the name Economy Shop—-Second Floor J.' W. SHARPS, 6«neral &g*nt interest jstISoihschlldJljynonymou& with leon. So great was the - ^ ^, •wealth d^inTteTyTc^iaW^vmw: in the sale That the 'to stick to his' original determi- Broadcasting Corporation broadnation to become a biologist; Up-cast the proceedings that stripped

Group of AntiFascists British Vets Disbanded \ IN SHANGHAI

By Bernard Postal

The fittwfh-ftiinjt Meysr <^oorivnhd grant •^.*l*s

empli* "*** is t o t t *i» *>»l t i d e s W»Vwft nor's *wv»t... •Tho which *J>-* > *



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WNSUL 4fDS[ ; B-REFUGEESANGHAI . ' . .: ghai (JTA)—The >>azi Germany


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j sulation. and naturally fitted for [other history of ihe JevE r-- I reciprocal repulsion. T t e r e i s , ; ever nine thousand volumes, n .:-first.'the litersttire of knowl-) is read viaely? TCliy is H. • • ; \ edge; and, secondly, the litera- : one Tolume on t h e Je'"s oi T-r ture of power- The fucctior. of ' mEny, again written by a sc" ~.r~ -•ii* ihe first is—to teach; t h e Xunc- : of "authority, falls into cuick r"iption of the second is—to move; card. while . another fires < L»ihe'first is a rudder; the second, : imEgination and becomes a r; Tan oar or a sail." \ i B e : Quincey c o m p a r e s ' t h e c c l - ! literary style is very impor;:.-. t . . tural-life o f ' a - p e o p l e to a ship.] Dullness is poison gas even t r .hr -;E<W"« **' "--. " I n h i s time, before the cay of-the i gods. But. grantee! a meara-i '<-': By Harvey O'Connor "Dirty- British coaster with, a ! equal charm of style, would v-smokestack, butting | the decisive element he t h r : n* i salt-caked The fascinating story of how ' o n e of the emergency hospitals. | well-to-do families to lose a child through t h e Channel in the inad | relevancy to current, life an-" :.? Meyer Guggenheim, a n immi- j Myer's business throve a n d one or two in infancy, b u t Barbara's '3r| IXarca" flays." a-ship needed t w o ; problems? The books -that- l£ " *~ g r a n t J e w , started t h e world, I of his steadiest customers -was ; eleven all grew strong, although j ' t h i n g s . It had to" have a r u d d e r ' famous Guggenheim industrial i Charles Graham, a Quaker from ! Barbara got prematurely reach a wide public f r e iis ""'•• gray] with which it. was steered: and it : those that deal with the p a s . r oempire with a peddler's pack iGermantown, -who was also rid- ! looking after them. I n h e r kitch: . h a d to have power b y . which it itself, they have no concern ^ - 1 is told in this second of four a r - ing the war boom. 1 : en or nursery she was happiest; moved-^-an oar cr a sail. In a : ticles taken from Mr. O Con1 Discreetly in t h e background, i surrounded by h e r growing fampeople's literature, for De Quin- <stand. 'like Lot's wile, trans '.:-ci' n o r ' s b o o t , "The Guggenheims," , cey, t h e rudder symbolized knowl- • in backward glance. Their rv•which t h e Seven Arts F e a t u r e Barbara presented to h e r rejoic-: ily, she felt no need for outside i ing husband four more children, \ interests. edge, t h e sail power. The "liter- ; thors make no effort to lr ic'.-r Syndicate and. Jewish Press and t h e ; X.ife was by no means somber. ature of knowledge" provides the past and the present to r-: 1 «• present by special arrangement ; Jeanette, Benjamin, , guidance; it is the rudder by •relevant what they tell us to r v w i t h Covivi-Friede Publishers. • twins, Simon and Robert. Each ! "There -were so many of u s , we ! confinement w a s in a different | made our fun," t h e boys remem;r.-r. .1,. U. C . '•which a people steers itself own day. In a word, they 1 - ve —THK EDITOR : house and with a different doctor, j bered. Many a charade, apt or through he narrows and shoals of : given "-us "literature oi ki ov "5 j! • • '.Meyer's restlessness? Perhaps.'• far-fetched, was concocted for t h e life. T h e "literature of power," edge."'not "literature oT pov p- " v I T v r r"~;^rs • Young Meyer Guggenheim con- More probably it was t h e out- mirth of the family and great w a s on t h e other • hand, .furnishes a They have given us a ruucler. 1-r" tinued t o peddle while his father .ward sign of his rapid rise in the • t h e reward when Meyer, whose people with t h e spiritual energy i not a sail. They have provider" v c mixed t h e stuff a t h o m e and sup- j world. Certain it is that t h e ;mind even a t home hummed -with that fills out t h e sail, ECE! pro- ; with light to see the road. 1 r i plied friends who'* came to t h e house a t 619 Benjamin Street' business problems as automaticalpels -the ;sirj5 .to .'its desired goal, i not the power to. traverse it. L ALL 1 house with packs. The big differ- where Jeanette was born w a s n o t ly a s a musician's hums with Elsewhere, writing of literary • If I might offer my thought ence in t h e peddling was in the So commodious as 1423 Franklin, tunes, was moved to join in with . style,"De Quincey varied the met-- on so important a matter as good , percentage. Before h e had made where Benjamin gave his his full-throated roar. : aphor, "Light to see the road, book? for the Society. I woulc „ , / . r ' •: si M . .1 a penn;, or two on a dime s a l e : J y e U in 1S65. As for 443 Green b Tel power to advance along it." Both ; s a / that, important as i%, ill- .'^ ' v ' now he cleared seven to eight j Lane, Roxborough, where in 1S67 light and power, rucder andsail ! "literature of knowledge" for i h r !.'()v ^.' ^ ' '<\p{\ for cents. After a time t h e y o u n g , Simon and Robert greeted the Suggests Germans are necessary to.journey through select few of scholarly inelina- 7, i t ^ ' -.!•, TIIP P H . merchant abandoned • his pack, i world, it had a broad pie.zza with ! r rr t T 1, Preferring Nazism the spiritual kingdoms of - the :tion, more important and more ,.( ( _ But not for a horse as h e had ! square pillars and fancy white world. . . ' . . . ' in consonance with t h e i&rge: Be Sent Home dreamed. Now he traveled far Uvoodwork, and a large yard both The Jewish. Publication Society ; purpose o£ the Society, "to un- ^ ™«-™ afield by train and horsecar, care j in front and in. back for the chilhas endeavored to fulfill this. derstand ourselves" todf.y. sr< f rying a little satchel with s a m - j d r e n to play in. I t must, h a v e ; New York ( J T A ) — Samuel two-fold purpose of literature. It those books that, rooted in tlu , pies of t h e polish and other lines seemed in every way worth t h e ! ^ n t e r m y e r , president of t h e Non: rr has dissemisated literature of finest scholarship, are PC writter | Si h e was adding. effort of moving with six children j Sectarian Anti-Nazi League in ,a : knowledge, that is, books dealing as to utilize that scholarship to It was time now for Meyer and a few months before the twins ; statement that all German aliens with t h e facts of Jewish life. ' interpret the present, and t r ' Jewish girls from Gemaay, de- gardening are being taught to hun- : thought and history: and "liier- n-ake knowledge of the pas I Barbara to he married. H e was ; came. In any case, not L. word of i in the United States who prefer I Nazi institutions to our own prived of an opportunity to- earn a dreds of. young: women to make them ' ature of power," that is. books . twanty-four, hopeful, and" on the complaint passed Barbara's lips. s h o u l d b e d e living in their native land.-KT!! find occupationally'.fi't for the new land I that • eomraunicEie t h e spiritual' meaningful it) the searchings. j But despite t h e pleasant yard i P o r t e d to Germany. road to success. She w a s nineperplexities and struggles of ou a new means of livelihood as a result tou-hich tireJ.D.C.will help them Mr. Untermyer said: , V Jf«^- vmnf IT", f* ^v t e e n : and they say h e r auburn with fruit trees (fine climbing for of 'their training at the "Niewe emigrate. The Joint Distribution , pGwer of Jewish ideals. It mr.v own times. hair glowed in t h e sun, h e r skin j the boys) Meyer must have found! "For years traitors have per- Sluis" Colony, near Wieringen, Hol-to Committee is now engaged in a na- .: not have realised that "litera•was unusuallv fair, and her eyes!! the nine-mile t r i p downtown toojj s l s t e d a n d continue to persist in land which the Joint 'Distribution tional campaign for $3,500,000 to , ture of knowledge" should be : Committee helps maintain: Domestic l a d a special wav of l o o k i n g ' l o n g for his rushing business in I congregating m camps, drilling in help carry .on.this; £nd other projects i limited to that sins.ll group of ; Draft Sanitary Measures sometimes brown "and sometmies ! those busies*, subwayless days, i G e . r m a n uniforms, insulting Our Edence, sewing, dairying' knci ftght during 1935." . men and women' whose interests ' C l t l z e n s a n d l n o t h e r wa f en d a soft warm gray. * - | And so William, t h e eighth a n d ! J"f.° 5 _ .; equip them "to appreciate know!- : Paris (TTNS> — "Warned that l n s a ainst o u r institutions. Downtown in gloomv little K e n - ' last son. found them back in t h e ' 5 | edge for itself. P e r t a p s it has not |a new European war would per- \ • eseth Israel synagogue, the wed- \ city on Franklin Street (a little !O u r l e *«?« h a s a * k e d Congress to the status o. E - j sufficiently understood that the :iously jeopardize prevent t h e " was solemnized. Meyer in a ! m o r e uptown than before) when I continuance of our millions of Jews to an even great J j mass of t h e xesding public, r.on: black frock coat, Barbara in he came along, a seven months laws. var. j ! Jewish as well as Jewish, prefer er degree than the last "Those for whom our institu"after ? o w n adorned with lace which baby, just eleven months i-rather "literature cf power." But. ;speakers at t h e 2Sth anr.iversp.r: ; tions a r e not good enough should H o t h e r Meyers h a d brought over t h e twins. ;:so "ia,r-: as lay in. its power, the .congress of the OSE. interne.*IOR r be deported to the country t h a t from Switzerland. Many friends' Short as was-the Guggenheim's is good enough for them to wori Society lias sought to fulfill these al society for the preprrvrnor, o i i i i the Jews in Tip.pteT i "tvere there, a lew Swiss from stay in Rosborough, it made its ship at a distance but not good i "two separate offices"' of litera- the health of 1 fl Hl'rop?', Ici? - y>?fpf? ' ^ P j o f'.ele- ^ LengnaU and Endingen, more impression. "They were quite an enough to live in. The German ttrre. Mortimer J. Cohen,' Ph.' ones, peddlars and small excitable family," said t h e land' I'tilizing De Quincey's ptrases rates P. corr.prerer.sive prosrratr for rrcvirling medical E.nft sar.imerchants with whom the GuS- lord's wife> And how could there , S l ^ S t e ' q S t l o i ' ^ l ^ S S T t a A stimulating address, deliv- ia n d m u E t " s e c a r e a patient h e a r . • for ray own purposes, I would . tary relief for t h e .Tews in th*- i genheims had been associated. • fail to be excitement with seven !a ^ congress cannot jn •apply t h e phrase "literature . o t e occasi n ot {he ^ ° ° *i! 4 ° . , i ing and fair judgment." its first i knowledge'.' to those books that event of a European war. ; Barbara was a fine-looking girl. ; boys in the house and European ; l o n ^ e r a f f o r ( 1 to i-more " a not beautiful perhaps, but ener- , background of self-expression in- j e S ' J i ^ i 1 1 ™ meeting of ;a n d m o s t i m p o r t a n t m i s s i o l l i s ' deal -with the past for its own \£etic, cheerful,, home-loving, the stead of Anglo-Saxon stiffness? j .. ^ - . ^ ^ f, >f. j t h e Jewish PubUcation Society. . . t Q u n d e r s t a a ( 1 ourselves." Prom • sake. The student, the scholar. : 3S7on-Jew Famed Oommiss&r /synosure of admiring eyes as she Bright, friendly, young Dan won | 1UUU %_-GrtlllSCl I am privileged to address you ; the point of view of the Jewish • the antiquarian finds such books ; r r Home (TCXS1 A non-Jew, SiEstood beside her husband. Bless- • the landlady's heart. And their; I-Iu n a--svj a n * A •*••»/*»««* on the'subject of good books. Publication Society -what ought t o : delectable food. He has t h e aljili & rtr aus nor Manturi. has been trpomte.' ; ings were invoked on them and j teacher. Miss Thomas, many! ~^ TZ ' What is a good book? I t is-; be., the kind of book -it should " ity E.TK1 the training to make the their progeny. j years later, in writing the history j Go to Nuremberg difficult, perhaps even impossi- -.publish that when we read it we ; transition frcra knowledge of the emergencv director of the H o w And who but the Widow Wien-j of the Roxborough elementary ble to answer . t h i s ' question. ' c a n say.-"We saw t h e book, and \ past to the vital problems of the of the Jewish canimur.ily ty Tv? icier -Mussolini. II Puce <^?rt?r er, that masterly cook and incred-'school, the. oldest in the township, Tastes differ; backgrounds cf! the book was very good?"' • • present, and. apply t i s kr;owiedg:e a non.Jev; in order to settle fj Jbly honest, caterer, welcomed t h e did not fail to -mention that " t h e ! thousand Hungarian Nazi sym- readers vary; and changing t i m e s ; " I " ;-creatively t o themBut, for the internal fight in the fcrnmsn hegay party to h e r commodious : copper kings once studied there." j pathirers, all certified as pure are "apt to make a difference i n ! "' •••.•--•• average r u n of readrrs, this abil- tween Zionists F.ncl sntusiorasis. tilis let s place for t h e feasting and daiic- i Meyer, constantly seeking new, "Aryans," will attend t h e Ger- t h e estimate one puts ; upon a i T o zns^eT' ^ " y ^ •• ity to transfer knowleage frora ing that followed. Next day t h e ; lines of profit and new outlets for j man National Socialist Party con- book. Christopher Morley, refer-' t a k e -• a s . the basis, of o u r discus- ', on© age to another is rare. The s i o n good lady sect over to B a r b a r a ' s ' his energy", became a merchant of j yention at Nuremberg, September ring -' t o one of Shakespeare's Thomas .De Qnincey's divi- ; dictum, "Knowledge is power""is mother two chickens and some spices. Besides his redoubtable j 10, with their expenses in t h e dramas, recently wrote. " I t ' s a . sion • ol .literature in general.: De '• onlr partially t r u e ; t h e fuller cookies " t h a t were figured in t h e coffee essence he dealt in pep-; Reich paid by t h e German Nazis, better play now since I-'m a bet- ; Quincev,; in . his essay "Lan- •'truth is t h a t "Knowledge-is pobill and n o t eaten up last night." ] pers, condiments, and strange i Austrian newspapers reported "ter reader. Please consider care-! S^age," divides,the wnole field of | tential power." Thus, for the genA little duty t h e guests had neg-1 products brought over t o Phila- i last week. full: eral reading public, only those lected to finish, absorbed as theyidelphia on swift clipper ships j The papers estimated the n u m -tivity books a r e good that actually :wer e :in t h e wine. . I from Amsterdam, whither they j h e r of Hungarians • who will at- experience and" capacimake t h e transition from t h e past tur On this happy occasion Meyer's:had come from the East Indies, tend the convention a t 1,000 to is t r u e - o f ' a i r readers a n d of t h e | 6 - of power."-What they stand to the present, that transform s n d keen wit fairly crackled in t h e ; In" those days most families 1,200. All will-wear t h e Nazi best b o o k s / P e r h a p s it-would he\ioT Only S Dayr Lc"i <r' C--~ : - ' t b e - relations between knewedge of facts into power to bluff, hearty give-and-take of the ; carefully saved pieces of fat and ' uniform. They must produce safest : to" say that", there^ is n o i t b e m - De Quincey states thtis:' act.--jesting, "That'll be a jolly house- -when a mess was ' accumulated ' p r O o f of their "Aryan" origin and absolute rule by-.•which." t o ; judge i " I n "that great' social' organ, Concretely.- here a r e two- illusA. T l ¥1 T T hold," said more than one. Even i boiled" their own soap, for whicn | o f membership in one of t h e H u n - whether, or .not a book is good."!which,•-cdnectiveiv. we cair iiterold friends were surprised at t h e | lye * was ah essential ingredi'Mt. i g a r j a n rightist political parties, The decision mu"it await' the gen-jature, there, iriay be distinguished trations. Ti'ny is it that one hisnew assurance and gayety of t h e : The Pennsylvania Salt Company; f e n to fifteen Hungarian mem- eral. taste of cultured readers two "separate offices that, may tory of the Jewish people, writThe ONE S ' > oj i.hc Year business-like young fellow. j had a monopoly in lye. • Meyer's j j j e r s o j {^e Reichstag, it w a s r e - who,-over a period of-time, set blend . and often d o . so, b u t a r e ten by able scholars, fails t o catch t h e public mind, while ancapable, severally, of a. severe inAs profits from his stove polish roving eye picked up an option •p o r t e ( j ) -^-ni participate in a pa- upon" a book t h e reputatin it piled up, Meyer Guggenheim,tried • from England on a caustic alkali, r a ( j e t o be reviewed by Chancel- shall, bear- in t h e democracy of * JBooklahd. - ' ' '- " ''.' • -' j his hand a t other business. Once much cheaper than t h e lye being j j o r Hitler. ; My interest, however, is not so j he Started a tailor shop, and once sold, and needing- only melting to I j t ^- a g f n r t h e r reported that he had a,grocery "store. But such equal it. He imported it a n d ; t n e expected union ot four H u n - much i n the- general question how j .hops required a great deal of his packed i t in small convenient! g a r i a n Fascist groups -would take to judge "the value o f a boolc as time and had small turnover. I t j packages. Unable t o stop t h e I p j a c ^ after t h e Nuremberg con- in the good book from 'the point of view of t h e - Jewish 'Publicagas when he joined hands with; sale of the Guggenheim product; i g r e s s . tion Society. The Society w a s o r - j friends in downtown Philadelphia '. the Pennsylvania Salt Company j " ] ganiz'ed 1ji 18SS "for" the - purpose j £• rff; in a partnership wholesaling bought out his lye business e v e n - i j ^ u j ^ f O F MILAN I "o£ publishing and disseminating household products that he began tually a t a fine profit. Meyer! I n 2 1 3 b y t h e Edict of Milan • t h e best available literature of to make real money. The family : chuckled as his bank balance! the rlght ot f eedom ot f eedom c moved into a bigger house. I t was isrrew. The family's surplus w a s i t h e r l g h t f ° n | Jewish - interest i n English." As , #« : specified in . its aims, " I t ' s p r i - ' needed. Every two years Barbara first recorded publicly in 1S67, pcience for all citizens of the Uo| mary object is t o publish books I gave birth to a son," first Isaac in when Meyer became a regular j'man empire was granted by Con1854 then Daniel, Murray, and -five dollar member of the Jewish 'stantine. Two years later the E m -\ so that t h e Jewish -people of Solomon. Foster Home Society. I • constantlne,^goaded by fa- ! America s h o u l d ' n o t stnnd soiitary and alone, among ail the secMeyer's peculiar gift was nis "Ach, son, son," F a t h e r Simon; n a t l c a l a d v l s o r s , excepted t h e ' tions inhabiting the land without combination Of caution and b bold-1 o used l yto say, , " i t ' s hard to believe j a literature " to " unite • t h e m . " ness. The panic of 1S57 failed you came here without a penny." Jewsto shake him, and his business; The' old man's rugged face looked j Theodosius I,, however, main- ! "While the Society realized t h a t ; inarched up toward, a war-time ; beautiful and tranquil when they \ t a i n e d t h e Jewish right under t h e ' as a minority people," t h e Jews | must avoid being misttnclcrstood. c l i m a i in 18G2. Barbara and the;laid him away in Frankfort ceme-'edict. boys i| y saw little of h i m as he dart-! tery in-IS69. ed about Philadelphia's commis- ] Two years later Meyer moved i sion district, buying and selling his family still further uptown to \ for his partnership and specula-, 1430 North Seventeen Street/ Ing himself in foodstuffs needed! where Rose, first called Rosetta,; ! y , was born. A true measure of: lor the Army of the Potomac. Particularly in demand was his : Meyer's progres was that t h e COffed essence, a flavor apparent- doctor, a new one as usual spelllj- to be found only on the C u g . ' e d his- name right on the birth A NEW CAR genhelm shelves. It was ideal for j certificate this time, whereas preUNTIL YOU HAVE t h e Army; a little essence, somejvious doctors had been content to DRIVEN THE NEW hot water, and the elixir of life; approximate with 'Guggenheimer' was" ready. Meyer used chicory j and 'CouglicnheinT.' Next year the and t h e poorer grades of coffee j family moved a block nearer beans, superintending the roast-;Broad Street. Even here, however Omaha's Most PopuIng, grinding, boiling, and bottl-|on spacious tree-lined Sixteenth, lar and Fastest ing. What the.stuff lacked in finejtbs division between affluence aroma it more *han made up in j and modest circumstances was a p SELLING strength. Many an officer and pri- parent. There were palms in the AUTOfliGBILE4 r a t e rejoiced in t h e stimulation of j parlor windows on both sides of Guggenheim's essence, and t h e ; t h e ^treet.^but those on t h e west money rolled in. i side were larger and fancier, and ' i i Phons Barbara sighed w h e n she t h e curtains more elegant, than thought of h e r youngest and-fav-; the east. The west sider stoops orite brother Benjamin Myers," somehow to look down on their Bennett L. Colin 4 ant. T.~i »«•>* •who rushed off t o fight for t h e , humbler brothers t o t h e east. And I- 1 : for Demontration Vtlnion when scarcely turned twen. j east was t h e Guggenheims' side. I.1AX M.. BAR1SH I ty Philadelphia was so far from Here, at 1 4 U , Cora was born in / the lines. By that time the G u g - | l S 7 3 , t h e last of buxom Barbara's genheims had -ervants for their I contributions to t h e House of growing family, so she was not! Guggenheim. .. completely house-bound. But on! Never had there been the slight- [j those rare occasions when she j est suggestion of purple -passion ] Stockst>.|:E fafekionec t o fit y o u r f o o t w» .* CJ !«.««» I did go o u t it was no pleasure t o j i n the single romahce that united; f PlymoaCi ar.d Qczzzzzzcld Tr-clzs Thev never v.-rinkic, t w i s t , hp.g o r '• riC, "t "»"" m p B ? y ' i see the well-formed young men, ; Barbara and Meyer. F o r h e r , w o r t h cf w e a r p.t vef-v.W prioef . . . » c < « i « < « l Kiiye *.*. » hollow-faced from suffering, who j marriage '.vas life.'s supreme bus.

Refugee -German, Jewish Girls. Who Will Face iHe. World as' Dairymaids


13 aid?- -

refugees from the R e p

tying their eradiation. C ; ' from •war-stricken S h a n j was disclosed. " ii Jacob M. Alkow, 0 ; r n California. reDrasexvts'. several Jewish orjjaniza>n behalf of Jewish refund professionals in China, I to German consul's " h u rsan activities" in a n ado a Rotary Club meeting, ibbi Wildman and seven refugees, have been sent t o a n d one Polish-born J e w ope t h r o u g h t h e assistance Reich consul, Rabbi Alkow


ENDS MEETING OF 3SICAN ANTI-SEMITE Ico City ("vTXS)—The l i r s t meeting of t h e newly ord Mexican National Vanan anti-Semitic and antiunist organization founded lace t h e illegal Gold Shirts, roken u p by gunfire a n d in which five persons seriously injured. Shootingr out just as a large crowd n and women had assemo hear violent anti-Jewish ns. Among those injured :euben M. Padres, president Vanguard.




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loading of a dozen stretchers at [ties. It was not unusual even ml

EiocLsnr; Section-—-Main FIOOK

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peasant. International organizations to a certain .extent ameliMessage to Reich orate the economic duress of the Jews. Jewry Urges "to The Polish aristocracy has always been self-centered. C o u r a g e fore the partition foreign kings sat on the throne of Poland tBhed every BVWay at < > » " ^ £ » L L Berlin CTTA1*-—A i-aii to the.'1 because of the friction between the families who elected the JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Jews of Germany to show courruler. Today Poland is one of the poorest countries in the p agee i'in the face of their present 33.00 By Al Segal world though it has much land, a seaport acquired at the exSubscription Frtco,rates one furnished year ver: was contained in the Advertising on application. fcj White Eiissiass of adversity Rosh Hashonah message issued pense of a certain amount of international good-will, and a I call him Mr. O because he is jo n r o c k s _ , _ .- s t o p . fidgeting," , I Excesses Tientsin Prevented by Editorial OMlco: 600 Brandels Theater Building. by the Reichsvertrefung, central ike a cypher in his house. This is jc o l r l m anded his wife . . • Mr. GTsr j small amount of industry. Arsaed Guard 1 SlooxCIty OMice—Jewish Community Center organization of German Jewry ©•disparagement of him. H o w j gifted this way and that b c m e s - The Polish peasants are given the hopeless bait that should many men are robust integers in Print Shop Address: 4804 So. 24tb Street Urging its people to take a in aching protest as the slow I By -Jacob M. Alfeow the Jews be exiled they will take their place, becoming small their own houses? There are mil- hours DAVID BLACKER • • Business and Managing Editor long view and not despair, the stretched toward noon . . . j (J. T. A. Staff Correspondent) 1 FRANK R. ACKBRMAN - - • • - • - • BdltOJ merchants and forming a lower middle class. Bankrupt by lions upon millions ol Mr. O's"Ralston, you get me nervous." j Shanghai (.TTA) — Shanghai Jewish organization declared: . ANN FILL - • • . Sioux Pity, Io^a, Correspondent the world and I count myself "We live in times of rush and misrule the Polish government has three million citizens con- ;n But there is an end of endur- i rabbis appealed this week for reme of them*. change. Every year appears to ug ance even for Mr. O. Nooa came lief for the 5,000 Jews affected to be a separate chapter in our veniently handy for the angered citizens to take their spite It is, indeed, quote a conveniand he spoke plainly, even rebel- by the undeclared war. They j history. What will befall us in out oii. This vicarious sort of revolution is a safety-valve that nce to be nothing but a Mr. O in Atonement , V. ' liously; .Mr. O felt the valor o£ said the situation of the Jews i me's own house. Mr. O is rethe hands of the Almighty, but a Maccabee .rebelling for his God. was desperate. Five hundred were i The most holy of days is upon us, the Day of Atonement, protects the clique in Warsaw. leved of the painful necessity of our behavior, whatever is in "Genevra," he —said firmly. completely destitute here and an-' store for us, depends upon ourduring which we will seek our peace with God and ask for- As the Jews of Germany have been the victim of Hitler's hinking for himself in the mat-"I'm going out." other 200 in Hong Kong. i selves. Man must show his worth hatred of France, Russia, and the other nations he hates, but ers of his household. In the busigiveness for the sins we have committed. "You'll sit right here, RalMany Jewish.owned shops and ;in hig every trial and must strive less world Mr. O is an obstinate That such a holiday, providing so lofty a sentiment, is in cannot harm, so the Jews of Poland are the convenient scape- hinker who generally says No, ston." homes have been burned in re- •to make God's will a reality. Our "I'm going to the old syna- cent fighting. The Kadoorie cen-: the religious calendar, is a tribute to the genius of our ances- goats when the internal situation becomes tense. tut at home he says Yes. wish to all and sundry is summed gogue." ter here has expressed itself as! up in the verse of the Psalm with So when, long ago, his wife tors who sought peace among men. "Ralston!". unable to cope with the burden of •which the Jews usher in their "Ralston, don't you think The very idea that man should for twenty-four hours let He who is kind to the pbbr, does more than he who gives said, Mr. O was as brave as his administering relief to the Jews. New Year; ** e ought to become members of Jewish quarters of this Btrick- j his mind dwell upon the wrongs he has done cannot help but them milk and drink. h» temple?" Mr. O made no ar- words. His footsteps were Quick "Wait on the Lord and be of to the synagogue. He was aware en city were patrolled by a Jew- j gument. Mr. O nodded his head instill within us a respect for the founding fathers. And it ingood courage ' a n d he shall with acquiescence, though she •of the ghosts of his parents as he ish regiment of Shanghai Volun- i jects an aspect of true religion into our daily lives. entered the familiar door . . teer Corps protecting property of j strengthen thine heart. Wait, I The Return to Religion was tearing his heart out. 8ay> o n t h e "Our Raphael has come home to the inhabitants. extinguishing! Lord"." How more beautiful is the ideal relation of man expressed To leave the orthodox syna- us" . . . Mr. O felt embraced by By Rabbi Frederick Gohn fires and evacuating Jews from! . than in the custom of asking forgiveness of anyone who has gogue and take up the temple the comfort of the wooden pew. 1 dangerous zones to the French : CZECH JEWS TO SETTLE instead was like high-hatting his been wronged, for there is no atonement for wrongs done a breathed deeply as if to inhale and British settlements. With the observance of Rosh Hashonah, regular religious 1 and mother (olav hashol- He an exquisite essence, though the neighbor until'the neighbor has forgiven; and there is no atone- services are generally resumed in our Temples and Synagogues. father Deeds of extraordinary heroism IN ECUADOR m). Not that Mr. O was faithful air in the synagogue was already were % attributed to the regiment, i ment before God until atonement before man is accomplished? In the Christian churches also, with the coming of Sep- In the synagogue every Saturday quite thick. He felt enveloped in comprising 25 0 volunteers group- i r even on the lessef holidays.' He ! Prague (WNS) — Jewish orHere the relation of man is raised to heights almost di- tember, regular services and activities are resumed. ed around the Zionist Organizathe Shechinah. ganizations here are seeking to used to promise himself that vine. Here the spirit is not too proud to seek forgiveness for tion and other Jewish organizaThere is a 'return to religion' (The little book, by Henry when he retired from business, ! prevail upon the Czechoslovaks tions. The regiment is maintainEver since Mr. O has given wrongs committed; for the head to bow contritely. C. Link, M. D., bearing this title is a magnificent tribute to the he would he in the synagogue ev- half Yom Kippur to his wife in ed by the municipal administra- : authorities to, include several hundred Jewish families from And when the gate of tears and supplication is closed; value of religion by a psychologist who was for a while weaned ery Saturday. the temple and half to God in tion of the International Settle- Slovakia a n d Carpatho-Russla and the gate of God's mercy opened, another' year will be away from religion but who, hy his practical work wjth the Mr. O. felt particularly that he the orthodox synagogue. This ment. j among the 2.000 Czech families was treading holy ground on the Yom Kippur (as on all others) The Jewish community of •who are to be settled In Ecuador upon us. people of all degrees of mental and spiritual unrest and dis- ays of Jahrzeit when he went to promptly at the hour of 12, Mr. Shanghai, reported by its leaders accordance with a pact just turbance, came to a revaluation and new enhanced apprecia- .he synagogue's basement for the O will arise from his opera seat to be living through terrifying ! insigned between Ecuador and services. He was conscious of the in the temple . . . "I'm Going, times, is the largest in the Far Mr. Dodd Regrets tion, of religion as a most valuable asset in our complex mod- hands of his father and mother | Czechoslovakia. East. The community vras planAmbassador Dodd's father once had something to sayem life in effecting mental stability, spiritual balance, tran- leading him back to the house of Genevra." ning- to celebrate the fiftieth -e.nShe no longer disputes with J. N. F. Conference in Detroit about the worthy minister plenipotentiary's steadfastness of quility and harmony). tsrael. 'Oh, he used to say, the ^ of its founding this him about it. Though she never niversary feet of a Jew stray far from the purpose. It was to the effect that when Dodd set out on a deF a l L will give in to Mr. O she feels But there is a sense in which we do not 'return to religion.' holy things but once a year his ! Detroit (JTA)—The National termined course, it would, take the powers of the universe to In Heine's sense, who when asked if he had returned to Juda- parents she ought to compromise with Avert Disorders In Tientsin ; C o n t e r e n c e o £ t h e Jewish Nationbring him back.. God. She lets Him have Mr- O Tientsin, China (JTA) — Anti- ia l F u n d w i n b e h e l d a t t n e H o t , change him. ism (he outwardly converted to Christianity) replied, 'No,' for On Yom Kipper Mr. O's fond for half of Yom Kippur. Jew1Sh excesses by White Russian Is t a t , h e r e Oct_ 8 t o 1 0 . M e n d e l heart had its best time in the synSince he "has been snatched from the comparative comfort the simple reason that he 'had never left it.' Thus (as I hear) many another j mercenaries were prevented here Fisher, executive director of agogue. Even when .oward eveof a professional chair and shipped into the charged atmosa Jewish volunteer corps whieh i J. N. F.. who addressed the ; Though Temples and Churches were closed in the summer, ning the old place grew stuffy, Jew, come to a clash between tra- by phere of Nazi Germany, his attitude toward the rulers of theand religious activities suspended, never for one moment did Mr. O's nostrils felt they were dition and the new ways, divides undertook to patrol the Jewish j tional Fund Council here out- ; districts of this city. j country have been uncompromising. ^ ineffable aroma. The thick Yom Kippur between God and his The White Russians demolish- | lined plans to have the conferwe 'leave religion.' Formal, organized, public worship was tem-taking ence serve as the signal for the A gentleman, a historian, a profound admirer of the demo- porarily intermitted, but religion was always with us, we didair smelled, sentimentally, _ esact- vrife. ed the Soviet Consulate and I celebration of the J. N. F.'s 35th __ did the old synagogue of his ly as launched a campaign of anti-Seinj (Copyright, 192",' by Seven Arts cratic ideal, he has.been a welcome antidote for the propagan- not have to 'return to religion,' religion in the sense of awe of boyhood in Slobotka toward eveitic agitation.' The Jewish corps \ anniversary. Delegates from 300 Feature Syndicate) dists that Germany has sent to us as her representatives. ning. Mr. O was always regretful was formed Immedlatel}*-after the \ cities are expected at the conferGod, reverence for the High Power that pervades the universe, But it now appears that Dodd's stay'in Berlin is to be when dusk fell on Yom Kippur. Chinese had withdrawn. j ence. that was more realistically manifest to us as we abide by mounAt no time( even when he was Later the municipal adminiBshortened. Rather there is some indication that he will not his tuxedo dinner coat) Gems of the tration of the British and French j return to his ^>ost at all after his stay in this country. i tain or seashore - - looked up to the hills, gazed upon the wide wearing CLEAN LINEN did Mr .O fe«l so well dressed settlement allowed the volunteers | Always Attracts* Customersl Over his protests the state department authorized the expanse of ocean, were thrilled by lakes and water-falls and as when he was wrapped in his and Talmud to disband expressing aipprecia-1 OMAHA TOWEL American Charge d'affairs to represent the government at thebeheld everywhere in Nature the sublime works of God. Andtalith on Yom Kippur in the syntion of their bravery and disciBy Dr. PKIlp Sher as a sense of duty to our fellow-man was never absent from SUPPLY pline. agogue Nuremberg conference. us, and our hearts over-flowed with kindliness for our fellowAnd now he must leave -the. Yours Since 1876 BIBLE Until now the diplomatic corps, except for a few totaliKE 2828 synagogue and go to the temple Eiots is E'Emanian To^ra When thpu pass through the tarian states, has absented itself from this annual "brawl of man - - sinning, sorrowing and suffering even as we ourselves, instead. She might as well have waters, Bucharest (JTA)—A number I will be with thee, s.nd state." This year, for some obscure reason, the invitations Were religion was never far from us. For religion in its essence is asked him, to disown ihe ,sraves ; through the rivers, they shall not of Jews were seriously beaten in his parents, to walk past their overflow upon thee; when then ^"-Semitic rioting in Buhuei, a accepted. Yet had the American ambassador had his way'fear of God' (meaning reverence arid love) and respect, and Of Menorabs, Jewish Music, graves and give obeisance rather walkest through fire, thou shalt town in the Moldavia province, regard for our fellow-man. » ( America would have shown herself a truly democratic nation Bibles to Mr. Oppenstraus who abided in not be burned. last week. But now we 'return' to a more formal recognition of re- he marble mausoleum closeby. and refrained from attending. Anti-Semites armed with clubs Drop down, ye heavens, from At Nuremberg the diplomatic corps will be treated to theligion and cultivation of the religious spirit, which includes the Yes, he thought, the old syna- above, and let the skies pour broke shopwindows and attacked isn't fashionable enough down righteousness; let the earth Jewish passers-by. The police power and the glory of the Nazis. The fulminating Fuehrer Spiritual and moral, by regular formal worship through prayer gogue for for any more. She must move bring forth salvation., and let her finally restored order, but Jewish and ceremony, and immersion in religious activities to strengthwill again, threaten and cajole the rest of the world. to the temple, just as she insist- cause righteousness to spring up I inhabitants fearefl to - venture DOX'T FORGET ed on moving to the ?25,ooo together - - I the Lord have ere- j from their homes tonight. A foretaste of-this year's meet was given at Stuttgart when en the religious life in ourselves and in others. John Feldman For religion remains life's supreme interest, its most valu- house in the more fashionable j ated. j Goering threatened the Jews of Germany with reprisals should Special Price on Talaisem neighborhood; just as she deable concern. Religion answers life's deepest need of the soul's I form the light, and create j the boycott by the Jews continue in other lands; and at the for Holidays manded the Cadillac in place of I make peace and ere- i Will tbare eigbt rooms in Gifts for Bar Mitzvahs/ same place Baron Von Neurath defied the United States to longing and aspiration. It assuages the hunger of the heart the Buick. It was indeed, mused darkness. ate evil- I am the Lord, that; nicely furnicfeed home. AH conveniences for housePRATER BOOKS regulate the actions of German citizens within its boundaries. and the thirst of the spirit. 'As the heart panteth after the Mr. O, of the same vanity which doeth all these things. j keeping or iracilvi^ual room*. prompted her to say time and Res. 609 N. 50—GL. 2972 Dodd is well acquainted with the chicanery, the deceit, the rivulets of water, so pants the human soul for God,' for theagain, Ackilts. ATTALMUD J Reasonable. "Ralston, don't you think P. O. Box 710, Omaha, Keb. yindictiveness of the Nazis. He has heard them threaten to Infinite, the Divine,.the solution of the mystery that enshrouds we ought to try to get into the Rabbi Giddel was negotiating ; lantic 6931. conquer anything that was once German and now he hears the universe, some glimpse of the 'Unknowable' that does not Minehaha Country Club?" about a certain piece cf land, < none of these thoughts Mr. when R. Abba went and bought i them threatening the world with a extra-territoriality rights remain wholly unknown, for the soul leaps to a knowledge O To gave voice: his had almost it. R. Giddel brought a complaint j of it through intuition, through inspiration, through immedi burst for Germany. with their rankling insist- about it before R. Zera, who for- j M. YENGER &SONS Ambassador Dodd remains home from Nuremberg. But ate contact and communion of our own soul with the Soul that ence to be heard . . . "Speak to warded it to R. Isaac Kapcha. I WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS Be a Menach!" . . . But Mr. The latter said: "Wait until h e ; while the State department allows itself to grovel, he has thepervades and gives life, ^meaning, and beauty to the universe. her! c Schrafft'* Chocolates * Muriel, Cfleeta Rey O nodded his head in acquieup during the festival and i and Harvester Cigars • Canada Drv Ginger Ale supreme satisfaction of knowing that he at least has the cour- Religion is man's supreme adventure. In religion man, by anscence and by non-resistance be- comes we will discuss it with R. Abbs,." j • Falstaff Beer age of his convictions. That he has the one attribute so de-act of faith, leaps from the finite to the Infinite. Religion came a member of Temple K. K. When R. Abba came during the j 3 IS So. 13th Street AT 42§2 bridges the chasm between the known and the unknown. Th Anshe Giborimfestival, R. Napbcha said to him: ; sirous but so rare among diplomats - - that of consistency. Mr. O felt the reproachful "When a poor man is negotiating ! essence of religion is faith (Therefore Religions are called presence of the ghosts of his para piece of property ar.d anFaiths), Faith is, in Santayana's exquisitely beautiful Ian ents at the door of the synagogue about other comes and takes it away The Roumanian Patriarch guage 'the soul's invincible surmise.' In Judaism this faith as 'he passed by on the morning from him, what is the law?" The Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church of Rou- not blindj superstitions, based merely on authority, but ra of Yom Kippur . . . "Oh, our Whereupon R. Abba answered: mania> Miron Christea, has made a name for himself in his- tional, intellectual, highly credible, profoundly spiritual; th Raphael* doesn't know us any "Such a man should be called ^Raphael was name j wicked. "If so. then why did the tory alongside those other gentlemen who have, at varijans his wife made him Ralston, j master do such a thing" -with R. times in the course of time, turned religions from their tfrue faith of a Columbus that led him to discover a New World; the until Mr. O was on the way to the (IGiddel?" "I did not know about purpose as agents of sublime experiences, to sadistic orgies'. faith of an Abraham; that spiritual Columbus, who discovered temple. «I his negotiating." But now since the New World of the spirit. "With such personages as Nicholas Donin, Fra Pablo, Mr. O sat desolated in the tem-' you know it, let the master reIn 'returning' to religion we return to new faith in our- ple. It seemed no place for the turn it to him." Whereupon R. d M nando Martinez, and Torquemada, to mention the most noselves, in our fellow-man (despite so many discouraging.and old God, and If God were here it Abba replied: "I could not agree torious, -the Patriarch can now feel that he has done his duty was a shame to sit before Him to^sell it to him, for this is the disheartening experiences), and above all to new faith in God,on by the gentle Jew of Nazareth, by traducing the Jews of RouYom Kippur naked without & first purchase in and mania, by calling on his followers to revile them and chase the ground of all faiths, and the basis and guarantee of an talith and with no hat on. Mr. O it would be a bad sign should I ordered universe, of a rational purpose in existence, and ulti- felt abashed, like some new nud- dispose of it in such a manner. them from the land. ist suddenly thrust for the first However, if he desires to take it mate victory, happiness,. and security. Our Holy Days shoul time "Were a rabbi to be given to such violent sentiments, deinto the sunlight. as a present, he can have it." The nouncing aahe did another religion, he would be hurried into deepen and strengthen this faith, and our religious occupation Mr. O considered'hls shortcom- consequence was that R. Giddell ings- In the old synagogue on did not take the land as a presan insane asylum, for whoever conceives religion in such a fevoke it and intensify into an instrument, a dynamo, of tre1 Tom Kippur his shortcomings ent because it is written (Pr. mendous practical power, literally 'a fountain of living waters. beastly role, as the Patriarch does, blasphemes and forfeits the seemed to fall away from him, as 15:27) "He that hateth gifts will Niagara Falls of limitless spiritual energy and productive force he recited the familiar ritual; In live." And R. Abba did not take respect of civilized humans. synagogue Mr. O spoke to possession of iU because R. GidIn his position the Patriarch, even if every vicious accusa- And our Faith we must back up with'Faithfulness. Faith an<3 the God with his own mouth. del. had negotiated before for i t ; ! The Featherweight tion against the Jews of Roumania were true, has not the right faithfulness constitute an invincible combination. The ma But the cultured accents of the so neither took possession of it, Hal You'll Enjoy ' of faith will be faithful in his every word, thought, and act Reform Rabbi in the temple (who and it .was therefore called "The to express such sentiments, to condemn a whole people so merfield of the Rabbis." The result will be a world in which men and nations can trusi spoke to God for the whole con^ • cilessly without allowing either for human failures or virtues. gregation) seemed without avail. one another again, and a happy human society be built on Rabbi Elazar said: "Ezra ^id Such are 4he men who are the cause for the modern disMr. O's small sins remained en- not leave Babylon until he estabfoundation of confidence and justice, a structure of moral sub crusted on his soul; there seemed lished the purity of the Jewish . trust of religions. Even among his own followers are those families by careful investigation, who see the inconsistency of the words he should teach and stance and spiritual integrity, not a gossamer fabric of decep no cleansing In the temple. 1 Mr. O should have liked to and then he went to Palestine." tion, lies, perfidy, cruelty, and inhumanity. the words he utters. It is a sad commentary on modern life Let us 'return to religion' with ell our heart and sou;stand up In the congregation and Rob said: "Whoever marries If you don't know the jcy of wearing a when such men can rise so high in positions of authority. plainly to the rabbi: "Sir, j not for love, but only for the "Return, O Israel, to the Lord for thou hast stumbled by th speak Knox Featherweight you've missed a it Isn't like Tom Kippur here, j money the woman po'ssesses - It is for us to turn the other cheek. • world of hat. comfort that you're eniniquity." This is the traditional-"Sabbath of Return." Let Except that I haven't had break-J the money will not last very long, g, fast I wouldn't know itjw&s Tom """~~~ andd th hild titled to enjoy. The new fall 1937 Knox^ us 'return' to religion, to Judaism, to God,, to upright, mora Kippur." the children of such a marEliminations Vagabonds . ". . only at The Nebraska. lives of nobility, usefulness} and honor. "Return unto Me'1 And how much more comforta- riage will be degenerates." Rabbi Samuel saia "that in ' Fulminating Polish senators may .demand a place of exile Baith the Lord, "and I will return to you t" ble were the pews in the old syna person disqualifies for Poland's Jewish population, but a greater problem than agogue! Tho-dgh they were of the whatever others it comes from the very • Frederick Cohn. • T r a d e Marls • hardest wood they comforted Mr. same thing o£ that will confront the gentlemen. "What will the Polish ruling Rat*—Street no<* his own disqualifiO'fl bones frora 'saoralng unto cations." eiasses do without her Jews? dusk os n a s y a Yom Kippur.j Hebrew Calendar The Jewish question in Poland has been a convenient red They were like Ineffable seats beThe Romans originated the acside the Throne of God Himself, cusation* of the blood ritual, but j herring. Without'the three million Jews to badger and abuse Yom Ejppur .....M.......<........u...........n...»...Wed.> Sept. 15 blessed by His holy name; leveled it at the early Christians the Polish ruling class will he lost. 1st Day of Succoth.......—......................,...Mon., Sept 20 Yet ia the soft, cushioned op- who they declared used the tloofi Economically the situation of the Jews, bad as it is, is in Simchath Torah Tues., Sept. -28 era chairs of the temple, Mr. O'soX Pagang at. the celebration of ' i great many respects better than that of the average Polish •Fast observed on following Sunday. bones felt tortured as it sitting Holy Communion.


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ssage to Reich ewry .Urges -!"io Retain Coura --:e' rliij (JTA)—A call to 'ih_. of Germany to show t ,<t> in the face of their prc -'.U •s'ity -vras contained in Hashonan messago iss- ; !ie Reichsvertretung, cent. : lization of German Jewry. ging its people to take view and not despair, tlK sh-organization declared:. 7e live in times of rush and ge. Every year appears to us a a separate chapter in our fry- What ."Kill hefall us in iands of t h e Almighty, but behavior, -whatever is in for us, depends upon our3. Man mast show his -worth s every trial and must strive ake God's will a reality. Our .to all and sundry ia summed 1 the verse of the Psalm with h the Jews usher in their Tear;


CH JEWS TO SETTLE ECUADOR ragoe (WNS) — Jewish .orzations here are seeking to ail upon the Czechoslovakia!! orities to, include several ired Jewish families from akia a n d Carpatho-Russia ng the 2.000 Czech, families are to be settled in Ecuador .ccordance with a pact just ed between Ecuador and :hoslovakia.

ST. F. Conference in Detroit letroit ( J f A l — T h e National ference oi the Jewish Nationnd will be held a t the Hotel ler here Oct. 8 to 10. Mendel ler, executive director of <!. F., who addressed the Naal Fund Council hero outd plans to have tbe confers serve as the signal for the bration of the J. N. F.'B 35th Iversary. Delegates from 300 ss are expected at the confer-


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Cs.nad£aa Cv r f Nazi Prc^r

Death Takes Otto Raphael, Friend

Vait on the Lord and be of courage - a n d i e shall lgthen thine heart. Wait, I on t h e "Lord." *;.


ish.history . . . and Mr. Warburg "Otto K~Mr Tseng E E £ giftefi German Trill poso slapping Dave on the Jewlsa leader who' a few weelis East-Si fler. r back and saying, something like n 1 Ego established himself in this 'straight N n "Shalom tapuach adamah sakan" country, is telling fcis children all vernacular r . . . which is Hebrew for "Hello, Ebc'wt EStlcr Ec-r . . . . In >7E,Z1- shew <n:r r — you old potato" . . . 2sad, of course, it would hsve our grasp c l (Peters winds up -with tfeesa YOU SHOULD KNOTT , . Colonel de la Eocene and M.been fatal to breatiie a word rosy mer.t!"" bright, juicy little items he* calls Dr. Robert A. Ashworth, editor Doriot. two - Fascist leaders ia £gaic£t the Fuehrer . . . There the only r v< Slish-Mash. Here you are, folks.) of t h e news service of t i e Na- Fran.ce, . a r e Trashing, their dJrtj- the ch'ldreE, Jewish as well es partrcect v MORKIS-OSTROVSKY SURPRISE PARTY Ere fed on fairy tales mons as a \ tional Conference of Jews and linen "in" public . . . ' . T h s debate Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Sommer Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Ostrovsky MISHMASH: The hero of Rlon Christians, returned f r e a Ecrcpe disclosed that t i e -Colonel "srss ea about the divine greatness of Kit- Otto's pan. were suprlsed by fifty from RUES r .. Edmonton, Alberta, Bercovlcre first novel, just out, on a boat flying the Bwastiia . . . ths payroll cf the French gcTsraannounce t h e marriage of their j younger set, Tuesday evening on dealing with t h e space-grabbing Dr. Boris Nelson, executive sec- ment which.* preceded the first Pries children are cow suffering cial stand; <daughter, Esther Ostrovsky, to I t h e .occasion of their first wed- racket, is Ben Sonnenberg. one of retary of the Non-Secretariaa Blum cabinet . . . tTho is the Jew- the disillusionment which eo IEEE'S pos Mr. "Sidney Morris, formerly of ding anniversary. the fellows isrho will make you Anti-Nazi League, has submitted ish phildlb'siEfTilreS" by 'Kcssolici niaEy other children " Kust go to him. 11 r Omaha, son. of Mrs. Anna Goodfamous if you pay him enough Recently a to direct sew Keferevr progratos tbroush when thev learc that cate his 15 HOJfB FROM EASTERN TOUR . - . Hershel Bernard!.. 13. in'ay his resignation man of Los Angeles. nationally known radio esmsses- over the: Itali&c' rc-£!o station a t there isn't any Santa Claus . . . ters v;ho . -The wedding took place in Miss Evelyn Splega}- has return- turn out to be the Yiddish Freddie tator arranged to visit Eurcps BsriT Tisrs's* a Cathcllc (Copyright, 1ES7, by Seven Arts country &r Russia t v r oPortland, Oregon on Tuesday, turned - from an extensive ten Bartholomew Feature He's featured with the intent of interviewing church in Reine" trtih. a'Hebrew j week tour throughout the east. In j in "Green Fields" <Gruene Feldhao perfc-n i August. 3 1 . Leon Blum and Benito I^nssoHsi, description ca its facade . . . It Mrs. Morris attended the Ual-1 Philadelphia, she was t h e house Collectlve Film Producers, Inc. trying, however, to avoid a con- dates from the &%.?$ -when c s e cf BiKUR CE0UM [guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. . . . Hershel already h a s a big versation with Herr Hitler . . . versity of Alberta. the Popes thought .he could conand Mrs. Jack Sussman, former reputation along Second avenue, A friead of his, a close relative vert t h e Jews by forcing them to . Doe to the Holydays there will • Council Bluffs residents. WIXTRQTTB-ABRAHAM where he is a veteran lesit per- of the famous beauty expert Elis- go to that church ^ . . be na raeEting of the Eikur Cho- i •ir Mr. and Mrs. John Abraham of former . . . The man bit the dogabeth Arden, asked why Hitler NOTES OK A BIBB PUfCEEE lira Socletj during the month or j Maple ton, Iowa, announce the en-RETURN'S FROM CHICAGO r. Announcement of the ; again . . . We mean, since that was not Included in the list, and Ths l&te .Lord -Walter Lisa el Dr. B. Gold-ware has returned Long Island truck-driver named received the answer that It had gagement of their daughter, Rae, October saeeting will be mafie i n - .jxortrer."! ( T r x r 1 .HOT Rothschild, fs,Ecus tor his bird Chicago where he spent t h e Murphy changed his name to proved too difficult to arrange to Ben AVIritroub, son of Mr. andfrom 1 *^ 1 " « e j t i c = of t&e Mrs. Nathan "Wintrouo of Omaha. I N e w Year holidays with relatives Levy, a Pittsburgh citizen named Btica an interview . . . The next collection aj&d t h e receipt cf the i'^ c of a PS-pasre ar.tia n d Ealfoar Declaration, v&s & $s.j press. friends. No date has been set for the Herbert Smith agreed to alter his day our radio celebrity received bachelor la his younger C&je.., i:re entitled "A I ' wedding. H e a cable setting the ticse for a s Walter once paid $1,760 for & monicker to Abraham stery" -was sloppy ing camps on a fight story, tell signed an agreement to that ef- exclusive talk with, the Foehrer great suk's eg£ customs ofi'ic'als fc Bet tie paid ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT t h e m . t o get out a little earlier fect -with his fiance, Rachel Hak- . . . . Ho was on the sjfot. until much more for ilacfciaail to cross the Car. frcra Mrs. Milton R. Abrahams an- in the morning . . . Besides bene- heizer . . . »nd further agreed to finally he worked out a traveling b d blosde ladies * . . . He -vts disof Roosevelt I • f f if0 rh€; - ' nounces the engagment of i e r fiting their health, this practice enter the Jewish faith . . . schedule which made it humanly missed, t t oae time, from the sister, Miss Dorothy Saltzstein, to might fetch them a' good yarn about cu miles (What, no more space? And I Impossible for him to keep the Rothschild b * a t sfter the venerNew York (WNS)— Otto KapMr. Edward D. Brodkeyi son of now and then . Like the one had so xaany things to talk about) date In Naziland which the Arden able house had to pay a. fert-CE© bael, EuEsiaE-born Jewisb. police The consignment £or Col. E. N. Sa .Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Brodkey. No everybody missed at "Long Branch relative, who Is an ar&ent ad- for millinery fcffis -rhich the gay cen anti-Semite/ r ROMAN SLOBODIN. definite date has been set for the New Jersey, where Tommy F a r r mirer of Hitler, had so efficient- youag blade had had charged to officer Ecd athlete, who served as Avenue, New Tori >_ bciteg Instructor to the late Thewedding. trained for the Louis fight . . . ly arranged . . . •» the bank . . . While fcs was a odore Roosevelt •wfcea he was Pov A.Z. A; 100 You remember the feud between JEWISH PROBLEMS member of t h e House cf Ccra- lice Commissioner of New York ^ e v i s t Congress < VISITING PARENTS , Farr and Max Addled-a-bit Baer that the Canaclisii %, We wonder what " a socially moas the Speater asked Walter's City t a d President of the "United ing to mate Montr1"The Misse3 Florence and Helen that gave the. correspondents* Ben Barkln. newly-appointed asfather to forbid h5s e s s to isvite States, is dead here at the age of Whitebook of Hollywood have typewriters something to chow on ! sistant executive secretary of the Qualified family" Is supposed to house for the rli?t" i A.. Z. A. was elected to the ad- b e A holder of two 6©ats In Ms mistresses to t h e Kccse vis- 66. Rtpaael had been -a member been t h e guests of their parents, for a week before the fight itors' gallery . .". Ke rcsss-Sned a cf the New Tcrk Police DepartMr. and Mrs. S. Whitebook. Baer climbed into the training visory board of Sam Beber Chap- Temple Emanu-El, New York, ad- bachelor 'to t h e esd . . . Ke "ras ment .from 1EES to IS 21, retiring activities they hai e i . Florence Whitebook is the^mov- camp ring to take a bow andter, No. 100 at the chapter's reg- vertised his pew for sale, bat Innever an active E5oa!st, EltfeeEgh ia the Utter year EE E lieutenant. Frencii-C a n c d 5 F I is reviewer on t h e Hollywood Farr rushed a t him with a cave- ular meeting oa Monday, August sisted that t h e purchaser be "soFor ciasy years, fce was in com-League to comba ^ he was vice chtlrasaa cf t&e Citizen-News and Helen is staff man's scowl and both fists swing- 30, at the Jewish Community cially qualified" . . . New York's vrhicli is funciioni " Central Synagogue, oldest syrsa- | Eme_rgeccy Sioaist Coafereace_o: mand of the Ciinatowa district. Egret!cr for >raEi p ~~ pianist a t radio station K F I anding . . . had to be forcibly r e - Center. " i920 Raphael met Roosevelt at the E e had t h e gogue building in t h e city. Is b e ** studio pianist at the M. G. M. strained, he did . ..-. It was all Manny Schintz and AT Kaplan Heacing the I'- E' ing restored t o its original bean- cool temper cf a scientist, bet he Eowcry T. M. C. A. where the Arcand. a. sister r ' StUdiOB. , due to some deep, dark secret received their first degree a t t h e ty . . . Its cornerstone irss laid ia could s e t hot and excited . . . formsr bad himself and, Montreal .I^v .1Well, that was what beginning or the meeting. grudge Tha noa-Sicsisi grottp ca t h s je s £a ~ athlete £.ad also SE the r e s . Mrs. J, ",. Lamber v 1871 by Rabbi Isaac M. Wise. Four chapter members are GUEST FROM CALIFORNIA the newspaper boys saw in the afRabblKaresh of San Jose, Cal- ternoon . . . b u t It they, had drag- leaving Omaha to resume'- their father of the present rabbi of the Board of Deputies cf British Jews Ic c t , r cf eevers.1 people from a J. L>£mbert, who i1- <ifornia has been the gnest of Mr. ged themselves Into t h e open studies a t out of town schools. congregation, Jonah B. WIsa . . • ere Etlll talklss &1>OBt th* verbal fire. Roosevelt described t i s re- real. Nazi fuehrer - ,. E^vs taens alter TFith Raphael 5c "Auto- lions of copies of ' and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky. Rabbi around 7 in the; morning as doea Art Castleman.ia now In Chicago Did you know that It is exactly .1 1 tiogrtphy." Karesh Is t h e past Grand Aleph one of the JTA staff who com-where he •will attend a radio two thousand years from the U s ethey published In the priEted in Frencl f to ,** he wrote, "I •are enderstooa tc 1 ' Godot of the. A.-Z. A. ; the Jews lost their iadependcaca Ttaea & mutes from Elberen . . . they school. the Bftl' wosltj Cfgejf picfe out a man and ;to him for cistritu <' in t h e Second Jewish CcassoaHaskell Morris vas unaataousmight have encountered the ediABOCT P2OPI.E RETURN HOME fying spectacle of F a r r jogging ly elected Aleph Sopherto replaca wealth to the time they v e r e of- - The sovel " ^ c r Immediate Re- .tell feJsK to tabe the esaminatlon ; •(for the police department) Thus i Mr. and Mrs. .Harold Tuchman along Norwood avenue on his Castlciaan. Myron Cohen is r e - fered Independence in the Third turning to Chicago to continue hia Jewish Commonwealth through lease," by Rioa BereavSct, csa c£ ©as evening I went COWE to spe&t have returned, to Omaha and are training grind and who jognow at home a t 3007 Jackson ing with him but Bad Boy Baer- violin studies. :Nathan Crouase partition plan of Great Britaia? the droopiES-mcsSaehed Eoarsfi,; 5a t h « Bewery at the Young Men's vrtll leave for Ames, Iowa, -where Posapey captured Jerusalem tells t h e stery cf a K«w T o r i j Christian Association et the r e - : 1 street. neither of the two great he attends Iowa State University, in 63 B. C. E., destroying the Jewish press ajest, •rhoge last; c«jest of Kr. Cleveland K. Dodge. brutes raising so much as a little and Walter-Slaton'Trill coatlau© Oat ia j there he told me he irished ; Maccabean Stats as & sovereign came starts with S HOME FROM "WEST* pinkle-winkie to the other . . . to Eeet a y young Je-vr v h o had; ; "Miss Helen Llpsinan will return restored the JTA man's faith in his studies Bt t h e University of uait Lewis Browne has ac-Gilman, Vt., they ca.2! their efcSl- jj -.this week from California where the peaceable instincts of human- Nebraska. drea Issae GUSSSJJ, and yea can recently by EH exhibition of mark- - Declaring- suppre- -•Moved t h e impossible Ia cff Isaac GJImsa EEc - efi AH activities of tho chaper have latest boot, "Oh, Say, Can Toumeet plesty l I GJI prowess saved some lavr T'ere not sv.ff she h a s been spending her vaca- ly, that did . . . been temporarily postponed be- Se«," there Is not a single Jewish Carthys, Isaac Gilmaa R&scttis wesson and chilgrea from a burn- Rosenberg. New tion visiting in Los Angeles and canes o{ t h e infantile paralysis character, nor is there any men-and Svea Isaac G S a a s Scbm i s c buildiEff. The young Jew. urged thst demoi Hollywood. (Gosh, I'm practically home epidemic. Flans are being It'« doae la EOBCT cf the whose Etsse was Otto Raphael, listeE." to niee: tion of the Jewish Problem . . . for dinner) , . for. the chapter to swing back Pierre van Paassen, now in Paris, owner of .the Gilmaa plasts. after \-m.t brocght up to see me; a povr- | group defamatior TO TAKE GRADUATE WORK INCOME TAX BUREAU: That into its regular progr&sn as eooa h*s 50,000 words on ' t i s first whosa t h s towa has feesa named «rfu! £ellew with & good-tumor-'; the Institute ol /Dr. Arthur M. Greene la leavLic-acl S. Rciss, talented Ufl, iateliisgeat face. I asked him | sponsored here b: ing the middle of September for ormerly wealthy New York phy- as the Board of Health permits book all written and neatly typed. *, _ ' VIA ETHEB WAVES• ' - - paicter, aanouncss the birth e£ a • s,boct his education and told him ;Conference Philadelphia, where he will take sician who spent many thousands gatherings, He did. ti&ne. to try the •Trp--*peclaltrafnlng~at~ the Gradu- -furthering' his daughter's stage London insiders are l up son, David, ia a c a l c e s tppcinted £E& The asnecisieeEaest Is la ta« f o r a sad passed, wsis ate School of Medicine of t h e Un- ambitions v . a Juicy morsel about < —if© of of e. e U x a e e t fe-ateriEg t t » £ ftdibl offices, and he vrherefcy de' iversity of Pennsylvania, -with the that the gal is now one of the member of the Briti< 1 view of specializing in Internal most famous flicker stars in t h e who, unwittingly or -.vise, alarmisgg a®w« frora &1I ever t&e and El! fcis Israllr. wherever ther; tslors, rnS b r P" "" The season's opening board then auietly medicine. On completion of this whole gajaxy been close forma- world, "with & csEtE? EEWS etorj firell, meeting of the officers of Junior handed out confident!; C-STB O O O T H . work he -will resume practice' in went broke and not long ago was Hadassah was held a t t h e Jew-tion to the three Nasi journalists proclaiming: ' "Netrbcra . Bsfoe friends o* miEe erer since. Omaha. ' "'.discovered living In abject pov- ish Comunlty Center, Thursday, who were given the gate by tho Scores "World Unrest" . . . Oscar erty . . . is now rolling irf luxury Caally At Ams- Berman cJ ClaciES&ti British government on $50 a week supplied by daughr September 2. terdam, at "the International Scout agreed to bscora® & caadliats JOT The date for tho first meeting ter out of her weekly pay check pebllc post ia th® city 4 ! ! of t h e Junior Hadassah was set Jamboree, the 20,000 Bey Scouts of several thousands . • . for the afternoon of September from 43 lands, sans tha Pales- tration . . . He has bssa drafted Don't Delav—See a~d tine chalutx melody as oae of t h e to n i n for messfesrsiiSji of the City 19. This is to be an open SHIP NEWS PHOTOGS: When with a well-balanced program five official marching tcnes . . . Council . - . Oscar Bernsan Is ene the Berengarla comes u p . NewUna Gross and her committee are The Chlnesa/csa a red swastika of Cincinnati's ostEtandSng JetrYork Bay this week be sure t o in charge of arranging for t h e as their Ked Cross emblem, but ish communal Jeader* and try and g«t a Bhot of Felix M. program. Rabbi .as thropists tho Japanese don't stop Warburg, t h e banker, and David _ The Thanksgiving dance which Ben-Gurion,- Palestine Zionist Is the Junior Hadassah's large a n . labor leader, shaking bands . . . nual affair is cst for t h e evening Mr. Warburg, you know, led t h e of November 25. Anna Goodbladnon-Zionists at the meeting of t h e er is chairman of the evening &ad TO WHOM IT HLW CONCERN Jewish Agency for Palestine . . Rosella Handler, ticket chairman. GREENS COMMITTEE: Be on and when.he won two additional the lookout for a tall, dark man memberships on the* Agency Ex. Peters has gone away on va- ecutive for his side,'Ben-Gurion LADIES FREE LOAU cation When laBt seen was threatened to quit . . . Maybe the The Executive meeting of Now . . . end -Wcrra &s Teas* headed north—This man Is dan-championship of a sea voyage has Ladies Freb Loan Society will be gerous . . H e is armed with a brought them closer together . . . held on Thursday, September IS, golf bag . . Believed to be trav- in a truces that would make Jew- at 2217 N. 19th street. eling toward Maine . . I s more likely to shoot a Republican than par . : . So how do you write a FREE! An Expert Counsellor on Fteora 'column? . . . H e said you just "bat it out" . . . Well let's s e e . . . Good "Birrs"' for 1 our Hmmm... at TOURISTS: Nazi statisticians "FAMOUS FOR FIEE FURMlWREn are blr.ming the latest upward Hers «ra tha esa-h tHet com* leap of the death rate in Germany Use Our Easy Payment Plan—Faraam at 22nd bins ths presrico! cs we!! es on bad weather and a flu epitha ' swanky slda of tha Fe8 d e m i c . . . The mortality curve in t h e Reich for t h e first six feshisa piefvra . . . Wade Irem months this year pointed even fina soft ticoea &ttd teilersd in "more sharply . heavenward: than tha sraerfs^ FaS, 1938, manner during the first half of 1936 . that's true and in that period ,702 people . . . Obte?nsbla fa raesy e t W Monev well spent. died in the big cities out of every IKS NEW * economy econoirx . - r msdsls besides tha ©as pic* I no.000 population . . ' . a s against 1-.T1'" "Selly tesd. Ttsoy'8 .tfand plsrsfy ef when *o ^ ' 638 in the 'non-Aryan*- year 1932 CLAL1EI i c\ pearDons do > . > T- H. (before Hitler) . . . N o w the bony fellow with the big ance . . ~ * • '• budgst for wft'vs prlcsd scythe is ^cutting down Hitler's T of perfect ' * ~• only... Happy Hellers a t a r a t e of 730 «e it! style? sr~ a year per 100,000-In the cities . . . Tl:e -weather has been about And ir o l , " s t h.o«n the s a n e as usual in-other Euroands r ( Ti ^ r size - , pean countries and the flu hasn't for C C J ' •>'" * ""' lr 44! caused any such notable increase sisgaslle- beauty In mortality, rates . . . the" Geri iHs mans alone among "nations, under HSustratec ; + ... sd ;cad.. ia fca the benefits of Nazi rule, are dyNOW ONLY" most ^grosaSEl' ef nsoden . Ing off so'much faster than a-few fCthDonebar . . . s. grand new vliite Ese!u»y«!y et Carraan** fsnas, is ct-cssa-ebTTjoss years ago. . -. . If • Schoene Adolf flecked crepe thstV wrinkleJjj fha faHswisg eders. • doesn't want to run short of canta tfcd ©Y®. . It tes s a s s resistant and looks like wool non.fodder in that glorious next iag d©p& cad ds&ssss e! but isn't. The piqtie details LUSSA©S TAN ' Liberal Atlowonca for Tcsr war which he and his ^ohorts* tsao—full • Sl-ssta. issla. are snapped on. Pre5sn* Plena. seem to -he promoting diligently, Scoujtifsil bell wsfe •RUST' they'd better do somelhlng about clssi es:2. Terras this quick. . . . 'Adolf could call Sold Only omOur Fifth Floor in Omaha!, hack into circulation all;the.Jew© H A Y T " ••" i'-h physicians now" barred from ® GREEN ministering to Aryans' , . . Perf haps the taboo against them had • OXFORD something to do with the rising death rate In the first place. . • •WINE

"Gag Lawr"' Enoug'lh. i < Group Dc '

et Builders



enceight U Enjoy

GX JOND* le joy of wearing a j t you've missed a Ssrt that you're enriew fall 1937 Knox |y at The Nebraska.

(Well, well, way down already. T still have something;. SPORTS EDITORS: Next time m send the boys to cover train-

1514-16-13 Sodja %U Oncia








In, *


"5." T ^


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HEM* FOR CHINA?—Persistent reports in Nanking, China; were to thft effect that Soviet.Russia would soon consider Outer>Mox*^golia an, integral part of the Chinese Republic In that: event. Russia, ptesumably would he bound to aid.China, in. the,war ag^ingt Japan, -Vb>ca,use of the Chinese-Russian non-aggression pact* The v Russian'anti-aircraft gunners shown above, a Sitwrian unit on; the Amur river, might be called into real action. i



• ^ ^

V ,<


.STARS FROM ABROAD—Hollywood calls ana foreign film stars '.listen to the enticing clink of American coin. So alarming has

known a% Italy's Marlene Dietrich, under contract with Holly•wood to make a. picture. Upper right, Georges Rig&'ud. star of the

.inccept contracts for only one foreign'film a year and must agree,, at the same time, to star or cooperate in one French film annually. : - Here are some of the foreign group whose names are expected to blaze in electric lights over American theaters in 1938. Upper left, Oscar Homolka of Vienna, Austria, now before the cameras in - his first Hollywood featured role.. Upper center, Xsa Miranda,

Lower left, Anna'Maria MatsheK, Czeclrostovafeia's-most 'famous beauty, as she arrived in New York recently, en rpiite to" Hollywood. Still in her "teens, she is the idol of Prague. -{Lower center, Franciska Gaal, Austrian star, at:work now.-in a£lisa4ing Hollywood part. Lower right. Rose Stradner,' popular -Viennese star and protegee of Max Reinhardt, as'ishe arrived'in-New Vork, also en route to Hollywood. "• • - ? '-~-..

-'the exodus, from Europe become that Prerich producers have "attempted to slow it down; They insist that their stars must-




c -



«« to


* «v

Kn i

FLTESTG TWINS—United Air Lines, celebrating its 10th anniversary of coast-to-coast firing, invited its former stewardesses and X'eteran pilots to a reunion in San Francisco. Among thefirstto appear was Mrs. Dexter Howe of Alameda,-Cal., the former Stewardess-Alice'Johnson, with her twins, Dexter, Jr., left, and Ijauretta. Hostess. Ruby Reykelin, top left, took the twins for ttaeir £rst ride in a giant airliner. • • • • •

V x






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Argentine, scheduled to begin his first Asierican'sssignmsnt soors.




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BRITISH.' TAR§ IN BOSTON—Spic and span and ready "to go a)shore. here ,aye British tars aboard the British warship York, eager to "'see' 'tfat sights of Boston.' The warship, on a summer cruise,;moved-slbwly up. the. harbor and tied up at Charlestown navy' yard,~^in/the. Massachusetts capital city. Anciently.-Boston •"' *'•' British visit so amicably. • ' " ' - A - ' • ! £ > '




- -

• ' ' - - . '



.- '


REGAINS HER SON—A dramatic trip to regain custody of the boy above, ended in New York with the'arrival of Drew Pearson, famed Washington columnist, Mrs. Pearson and her son by a former marriage, Tyler;. Abell,: 5. Learning that -the boy's father, George Abell, had taken him abroad, they followed by ship and plane to the Channel island of Sark, regaining the youngster. •

SEEKS , BLONDE-:. Tommy Manville, asbestos, heir, of: New Rochelle," N. Y., •who used fullpage •,ady0rtiseineiits to .hire & lawyer:• Jbr ;:his ''iangled .matrimppJal 0 affairs. .^He said . any lawyer - would 'do, if she; were blonde..--,/



. .

. ONC^f A BATTLESHIP—Back in l&lg German crews permitted to remain aboard interned German .battleships at Scapa' JPlow," Orkney Islands, opened the valves one night and'scuttled the ships. Several of the ships, since 1824, have been salvaged for junk. Here is the latest one, that used to be the battleship. Friederich der Grosse, being towed keel up to a Rosyth dry dock, . .•'.•'•' •"



^i 1


i£« *rtf


, JWOWWW'-BV Tiffi IRISH-r-John Cudahy, newly appointed^Unlted States Minister to the Irish Free ' State, stbpped' publitt Castle'to. present his credentials to President Eamon de Valera. When he "o^majdnfc, th>it; was'>an Irish Guard of; Honor; at, the, vdbor. So Mr. Cudahy, knowing what to do ^ffispecied-ihe/'guard, as above. He is seen at", , 1• • ,


STBEET SCENE—This interesting picture of Premier Mussolini of Italy was taken in Palermo. Meeting some nuns on the road', he ordered his chauffeur to stop, while he chatted with them for several minutes.




v i .



-AXB BACE.FA'CftUXT—JDeatSi rode this plans when Lee Miles, 37. famed aviator of Fort Werth, '•was killed*s hi'essayed a test speed flight at Cleveland. Preparing for the races tn«e. he, tekwra. .'arouad a;pyfei^;afa-200-mile-an-hour clip. Wings snapped off under the strain and the l«*rific«oeedl carriedrtae.piaBe&©Q. yards, to.crash into trees. . ,» . /•"•;. >"•-, "-•"• ••-' Cftnvrieht Lasted Newsnictui*


L/L. J1'-

Ajiivanam's position became un- these yosing people who have I They hare net been content to | eS IOVR, Illinc m e Kr tenable. The Inquisition was been carrying on under greardif- | serve iserely asfcirefi.laborers? in gaining v&iu&bir r brought to the MslaBar Coast in ficulties and primitive conditions! the field nsd the groves of the 1560. Fire years later a.combined all these years, waiting their i Hadera lacdo-rBers, although a jRATM VW1 army.of the Portuguese and theturn for. a piece of land o* their j large_jpart of their incoffie has i JiUBII Zatadrin a t t a c k ed Grsagasere own to chlrish and cultivate, j eorae from ""this '" source. "Vrfccc I Warner Eror, °ti ' and the entire area, slaying all Now the Keren Kayeraeth is ea-jtneir ticy vegetable patch proved j on the idea of recorciin [ the Inhabitants and razing c~ery trusting to them part of a recent-] too Email, they rented" 15 more j iiynsg the patriotism rPuydiBg. 'Thug the Jewish state ly acquired tract in "the 'hills otjducairi!! .gome distance ' s.-vr s, 7', xzenis of a lew who fc nrlf ot Joseph-Babban ceased to exist. Ephralra, not far Xrosa Minhnar j which will increase their eupp!y j American' history, Har1 ir n r | of vegetables -and provide frech : At least one other Kollywooi "Whatever happened there and Ha'Emek. how'it happened, we do. sot No sudden desire for -sSven-i f o d f i e r f o r t h e l r c a t t l c 'fiio has rejected 8. Esym Sal ByC-Z.Kloetzel know.. But it is certain that the ture has brought these 'young"! How' proud they ere ti their; Picture .suggentloE 'within '\ final conquest and destruction or men and women'to th® shoes o! I ten head of cattle" And rightly I P»st yecr. K c r comes wore O l II "With th© -whole Jewish -world Ages it was the most important co da Gama, who circumnavigated ; the Jewish Gtate was so catasiroPalestine. They are all members '• so. They have erected a fine con-; one of the super-£e&tureis c eagerly debating the pros and port of f Southern S t h India. I d i The T an>|the j h globe, l fund a trading post at of the Hashomer move-; crete cow-shed, vrfcici. I -re* t l - IP'-S progrem vill be F.E t-U. cons of t h e proposed. Jewish dents called it Musiris. Until Cochin, in. 150.1 when he.reached phic an event that the Jews of In-meat, have been trained.for vary-I lowed to enter only, after I hasl; Picture starring An-ericp.'f 2 Btote In Palestine, Mf. Klpetsel' the year 226 tha Itoraano main- India. He^brought vbaok iwith^hib dia-.compared it to the destruction Ing-periods of five 'to'ten. years in ' disinfected my ~Fhoes,with lyscl. • est character sctor, tarns back the yages of history tained A garrison there to protect to Europe ; a J.ewiah .;pHot;—r"'iat4r of f.the Temple in Jerusalem To t h e i r " present- Kibbutz-traiped Shesauel • anc Kanna .--were busy ; the role or Ssiomor and gives us a gllmpss into t h e their•- perfume and spice trade. known BJ£ Gaspardt da; •<&?&;*-Ujje the place Is. shunned by ideologically, eocially, econotsical- s Bg to'--finfi'this lyinfi i-ie KunS's last pic*i -e r 1 Je^s.rlt a Jew finds himself sny. j , strange, land, of Ajuvanani, a Some writers I slievo that the j explorer's'-ward. l ' I n 15O6; the In-wb^re'near the Bite of Ajavassially — and-they all know"Hebrew. |Cf work easy and , V «rner district in Ifidia where inr the Jews came to Malabar aa early idian Jpwa-V were able to buy He. Although' agriculture'*' has-_.Jjeen ' casually dairy work snfi;the reet ; a ion Middle Ages there, existed for as Biblical times, because the peo-! brew boobs printed ia Europe for at meal time, he will s o t eat. especially c stressed during tk:eirjof it is performed, tnfi; yet 'mot; car not BOO years the "first independent plea ot the Arabian, peninsula en. I the first,time, for Francis Pinhei- .The', destruction of Ajuvanam stay al their training farm, inisy j so many rears Ego rrirtg: ot IX" t, ] n Jewish state since t h e Disper- joyed an extensive trade with J ro, a court official, brought an andithe flight of its populace ta ot theia become'" esper!'; also! in'great many people wKo.ertrrtsi.inCochin, marked the beginning of sion of Israel from Palestine. other brancn'ts, RuS has"1?$en I ed doubts ana fears• «* 'to' the s. trip ground the VOT Malabar. There is a theory that! entire ease to In.dia.and loot from ., ' - :'-'""•". - — T H E i'flJITOR the famous land of Ophir; to;the Portuguese^Bfiia^ogueB jfhich th&mstory of on® of the most In- Of great import&oc'e'to -theia'diur- : pf&cticabilJty -of - -city- Salomon film is tei teresting segments of Bi&spcra which Solomon and "Hiram sent I had been ."destroyed "during " the lor : born Jeirlsh boys and girls being : "My Countrv fJewry, tho black and white Jews! ing these years ct;waiting" st." This Iair '. x I t -was not eft long "ago that j their fleets, is Identical with i&e-jInqulBlHdiir;AVd'ln 1513 the gov- of Cochin. Both Jewries still j i»nd of their own. -farm workers. • • •; tc 'SOEE c£ LiberL; v Bttod in ,the." synagogue ol Malabar Coast. But the Jews ofternor bf**Aibuquerque Informed preserve the memory of the Jew. During the psst -year, for- ia- j Etoy%w511 be built arountl 1! "white" VJews •' (called white to Cochin, as the.bearers of the'tra-fthe Portuguese government thatjish-state of Ajuvanam, and ia thejstance, they have acquired .three fiays! Dt the K f o l u t i o n r r distinguish' tbeax* from-the -color- •ditipns of an '—:--»--• important •-«.'.i.---» portu-jAron Kodesh of their beautiful'trucks and supplemented their.2n-J "" " ' -old ' • ' Ajuvanam", »<•—-• " have »•-— a -•*--if n when George WESfcingtrn ed B'nai Israel of India).of Coch-. legend according to .which thou- gueses and ; "Spanish'Jews -was n o . Vr r turned to Salomon, fvr ne in, in Southern: India,'and-held i a sands of Jews are supposed to ticeable in India,*; "May I exter- '"synagogue they guard as their j come by conducting. a transpor- j By acvice, I! is r p » r with my hand one of the: oldest; and have come to Cochin after the d«-"| tainate them all wh'en I "Tun greatest -treasure the copper j tation - service connecting Eisfeop vri piates that tell of the creation of Haifa and Tel Aviv." One ; of r~or strangest historical documents be-' jstruction of the second. Temple in KENT TA1TLOB KAKES GOO3. signed to l be thp x t.htF f-nr longing, to Diaspora Jewry. They .70- A-- D. That there m u s t , have across them?,''4;the philanthropic! the first Jewish state since the their contracts has beea the ing of stones for new roside.'EEd | Hollywood, California: Oood- Georpt" ,7 rnrr.t ;were two little : plae3~ of soft cop-'i been a considerable Jewish pop- grandee inquired of his govern- f(dlspersion. ; ment.;"^y".' . ' ;."^ '...'.• j. ' another, the siipping cJ orange! iooking Kent Taylor, whose real, !ete, Vessel will sops begic. work n "or per engraved .• with Indian letters" ulation on.the Malabar Coast-long name is Louis'"VTeiss, CB* become CE the script When the PdrtiTgAiese Invaders j ("Copyright 1937 By Seven Arts cases' from packing . house Rf.y'thii;, and re-drawn;in white. The writ- before the creation of the' Jewj one o* Holly.-srood'E laoet popular . ner, who is doing the resets Feature Syndicate.) ate i- -i ing on these' places; which ta inish state of Ajuvanam is obvious, joinedrforces -wiVh^'th'e/Zstnorin, • They have set up a number of i movie actors. ' E e came to the ' work, and r.a ace writer. TCs.rti ancientl Tamilian; a dialect still else how explain the grant to Joworkshops or small. factories-, and • cinema city with s strocg desire : originally 'ictende'd • to make. widely used•.In; Korthern. Ceylon, seph Rabban. ' . . have beea energetic in getting or- to get .into raoticn picture work, | film e. thort, but here ncv-'ce< has been k n o w and deciphered There can be no doubt aa-to <3ers for-.thelr prosnets. -In their : an ability :»* &n sctor t e d little • ed DP. a ' full-length Techr.icc for many "centuries. Nevertheless, the authenticity at the ' "copper carpentry shop.-"they ,-are v.-busy! else in the way of sssets. Kent; feature. If should be a. "ns.J, it was a strange sensation for aplates and their text. No o r i e i a s for Jewish, n c making boxes which".-Tsuva, .the 'didn't know t single i>«rson in Jew to touch these: plate for they yet been able to decipher every central" marketing- "organization; the film-business E.n& started his • • ^ represented the charter of .the detail of the text, but through "an for 150 Jewish • agrieultnral set-' movie career asfiaextra-'player. ; first Jewish-state to be-created accident I happened upon an illustleaents.will use to ship its fruits! A'few months '-later the firEt •"big | after.the dispersion-of-the'!Jews tration which thrown considerable f and vegetables," adorned with ap--; break" came'for Tfylor wlicn the!| Eerlln TTTNf> ff from Palestine::- " " ' . _• ' • ' • Jtght on the text. In the National ; By Dr:;M> Eichenholtz proprSate labels. | casting director _'of-. R_'ef.«dio ssk.! mr.ns'in r Library in Jerusalem I found the The' quaint language on the In the ttle and shingle.factory led him,-as "a fsver .to" -sit in" on • carious" popitior b JDaring- the^ i w e S whe n world • watch.) They were eager, how- work goes on e t a rapid pace.jsoxse tests being- mad* o" a ECT i nos?d partition of ™.°_de,™! facsimile edition of a travel j6urcm r " ' public optnfOi^ WM startled by . ever, to begin their own infiepsn- During: the year they ccnspleted I type process-. Bhot." Tsylor "sat" ; r.liots the Gernsr fam. dicates'what-it waa meant to" be.! ous -Italan explorer, Amerigo Ves- the conclnsfoEs and d dent existence, and eo, with the [an -order-for 60,000 shingles for j and when';.the' .shjtT.e. erecutive i the Jewish state, the'Conpr. *o It reads as follows:" p'uccl (from whom America de- VdatioBs 'of t h e . Brltisli^Koyal arrival of another small group o? the new-'heases constructed on | came into the projection room to '• GermsiEB Abrorr *5 51>C^F. "Hail and blessing! The•: follow- rives'its name), on h i s t r l p to Sbbmrim from America, they de- Keren-Kayemeth -land ia Emek | see the film.^they.. were so im-|Herr Sctwarn HR vassalage is graciously grant- India from 1605 to 1506." Among cided to leave Mishmar Ha'Emek Hefer. Thsir - shoe-shop makes j pressed with . the \ atmospheric ! for Palestine. ed by H. M. the King Sri Parkar- the illustrative drawings In this tier line'.of ;Arfh'i and set up on their own in theall the new shoes required by the: young actor'.that-^hey sought him T am Iravl Vanmar, whose, ances- work is one representing the king and Jewish . wig village of Hadera. workers as well aa'the'repairs on ( out and gave him a contract. Sue-; J= tors have held " the scepter for of Cochin BB he is being carried Ilshed at In the fall of 1932, the. Amer- the old ones. j cess came~rapi&1y thereafter and Is many hundred thousands of years. by his chiefs. On this picture are by the [.AWeflcaa • ^^iZk&p& ican Kibbutz began i t i indepenBeing a shoemaker, entails uo j Weiss, reasimet Taylor, played 5E 11 1 I In the tfiirty-slxth year after the to be found all those insignia and seUHemeitige&ip -ia^jely -'c dent existence at Hadera. It num- loss of prestige or sscial stand- j g, number-'.-of. itoportant pictures.! i •L T -1 second year where he dwelt in trappings of regal power and au- posed of ypafig^Soailt pSS Dealer in fen; bered then 17 persons and — one ing. The chief designer, and cut- He contract to XTr.5-' |p 1 Mujirikote he chose to grant the thority which are-named in the Irom 'tte '&sV. (The.;c6wi was a gift from ter is David BerksosT, .'"iornjerly j. .XEj'lor was born';|i 242S Dcutu •following decree of grace: Stishmar Ha'Emek.)" These were one of the leaderi^oJ Jhe HE_Bho-;|a x a s h u a , loVa'/in 1807. Ke is l l copper plates -— the palanquin, article "We have ceded to JOSEPH the drum, the trumpet and the criptlon' Putting^ up thej mer in America.. '• Occasionally^he | E&rri€d"to AttgustI Frsnces^Ku- jp HABBANi {Rabbi Joseph) . thoumbrella. Thus the picture might neers first'tents-on the'plot of ground becomes a carpenter and ;• makes territory bt AJUVANAM, with t h e well. be that - of Joseph Rabban; offered by the ""Jewish National orange boxes. Sara Kahn h&s been j ' b r c W D ; 'H• jej Ril rs s n d brown e-es. He !! seventyrtwo property rights, trfc prince; of the Jewish state .of Aju- tioa of Fund, work" waa ' begun to turn e. shoemaker continuously since L^,,. ai-E£t5s5ent ; t t the D*rrahi... butes of; boats and carriages, in- p this heretofore idle land into s she came to Palestine thres years I j , Eoeiis Ivanam, being carried by hla liege y Last year o o l ,. of industrial Engineerins ill R Rational come and claim" of'Ajuvanam, a j lords. home. A "loan from the Keren ago, and she likes it. Sara was' Sinc Chicago for two years beJore ! | | --*"•— :: Fund acquired'474tJ0jduriams in Hayesod > enable the building of q <*x\& lamp a day, .a''carpet spread beUnfortunately, we. know nothto", his boyish ambi-jjjs . fore blnuto -walk ojver, a palan- ng of :this curious Jewish "sjate Jlara. Ther^aad-is-tttBttted-in the the first 'cottages. - These loaas born in New York City and, after (Samaria), wero of short-terni duration, and finishing t h e Hebrew K i g h j tion~to _ _ i,n 'actor. Kis fa- •' rii ': quln, a yaduga-drum, : a trumpet, xcept that : it existed and "was de-: hills of Ephraim K n r Ve«» attended the Teachers _In-I about three miles . southwest of had to be repaid over a period of School, fiifi" E o t s ? I ! r 0 T e " c j ±{e - a triumphal-afch^a garland and stitute of the Jewish Theological t h e r to set and-his-mother wsnt-!fs BO forth; ; ' We.Aav'e-transferred to a Tew years, principal and inter- Seminary of. America. i::.ti K .,:t o be E.'n sttorner; sc *E him thve;iand.^ax'att<i:tbe- weighti , -altosefher with curThere .are • Rli sorts and varie- e ^ 4.fcii7'mttiii**ifi' tax. fj^pi3^iBfc5sei=BavQ'!:iofifii:mTJ :ocatedf JwSich must apply_"-tt»> the gins JustTabouf Inheres,^thaVElmek rent-.'expenses,. had to be met by ties of y o u n r people at the Ainer-', c c - u r M - , j e c i d c a U p 0 I ,, H c w ed with--tiveseii«6pper>plated:'that ewish - ierrir toy - too. And in-: all -ends off,• and unlike the E m e t / i t the income derived from wage- ican Kibbutr. Dne of the recent i ^ , •Is hill territory-. teaching an-eleva- labor in the PardessSn and thearrivals is Abraham '• Hoffnung. he needv^pt .pay" /-thoBe-.:: taxes, liese descriptioris'lJews ere fre-, £ t i which the inhabitants of the -'otn- quently .mentioned, but. not7 their ttlon of 250-meters (close to 800 various building works. The KK ee » " *>=<=»• * accountant in jjb t t l l d i n g C O I S t r eh cet if8 B t tBEdl tl as ob to t t ; feet). Strategically, Jiara fepreer gradustingl tate. Marco Polo described .Ku,-; sents the first Jewish settlement reputation that the Americans N e w T ork City after rr Eirkell Stock al palai?B^'ai»aith?t-!i|e Bhallperer. am, a neighbor'of 7 i i S on the"~"if6"ao7'~"ffbm"lhe Emek earned in Hadera for being good from City College. Now he isj Tor the next two 3 esrs he tour. workers was a proverbial one. picking oranges. Another young ' thelessVenjfly; the 'iiame. ' advan- tho; home- of .many ; Jewish- alid, leading.thu,-the hills i to. Ziehren tages that they enjoy. Christian merchants.", "Ibn"Batti-; Taakoy,'1 to "Samaria: - (Hadera., Within two years they had estab- man who corses from New T o r t lished over 10 cottages, the large Is thrilled a t the thought that he \ . Rabban, ta.-the Arab- traveller,;confirmed;! '*• Given, prince of Ajuvanam,. and hia. de- a, the A r a t o - t r a v e l l e r , ; c o n n r m e a , j E m e i H e:f e i . j - d j i ^ - f o t h e entire dining hall, the -.shingle-and tile is cutting trees to prepare luni-j ATTENTION •he opinion of Rabbi-Benjamin -of j Sharon:' ?• • - - \ ;v scendants, :-sons and ..daughters; -Tudela, work-shop and .. the shoe-Tepair ber for the Port of Tel Aviv.! who : praised- the honesty e Is,' of course, ;i _^ ^ ..__ r j ^ his nephewsj'and: his sohsrln-iaws, of _the people of jalalabar. • "They ^ w ^and plans'were ready for_a Florence Silver, now known a s ! BOWLERS. - . - , -but ;there_•** ^Jpieautiful.lyrhexagonal library and Sbosbsna, is the proud mother of j Tfee CcBffilsse BaSes Grip • whom hia-daughters.'h'ave'marries punish a thief with -death," Bat- slgn)« x% 1 that Beviis's Ball' M W; eeH *~ "' " """" readissg room, (the only one of Ha : 'proving; In natural 'succession. As long as uta wrote, "even'.if''-ne'" has stolen torical'-'"d'ata one of the eleven'youngsters/tbat-; ; in Osmata 'fey' ikm the world and -the '•; moon exist, nothing but.a single-nutmeg or a was : the;v direction' taken In •- the- kind ;ia. Palestine), and for the are the pride-cf the Kibbutz. Her' : 'Ajuvanam shall remain theJr her. ew grains of corn.: That it why days of'the Judges'and the Kfogfs carpentry-shop that was to spring duties .have bsea. connected with r edltary-. p r o p e r t y . " •'.-..-;• ':'•••'.. hieves -.-are- -unknown - there." when travelling from ' Emek to lip shortly.' the kitchen, the . mending room, One great. difficulty presented and the library. A number of t h e ' Thus- far" it has been impossible Doubtless, a similar custom pre- Sharon.' \ Today* the c to establish the exact date when vailed in Ajuvanani, which was a completely-? a.*roiisid-"abo-ut- oney Itself — the. Kibbutz had too few members of the group sre gradtiIA STM t i tC r - ^ these;plates wefe written. Histor- vassal state of the king of Coch- either; through HaifarZichron _ or people, to make H an advantag- atea of the National Fsxm Scaooi : : througli Wadi Ara, which is com- eous unit, economically, s.nd a ians, however, agree .that i t was in." . .' '-.: at Doylesio-vn, Pa., anil they are; a t e s G ^ p Z®1" i ". . ~-pletely • populated by -Arabs -and self-sufficient one, . Eoclally-cul- looting forward eagerly'-to".havee fcjfKr no earlier than 700 A. D. and no f ; u AH travellers who visited Inwhich- was iiot" nsed during 'the turally. The movement In Amer- ing. broad. «eres of land on. . later than 1,000 A. D. Since Aju. dia up to the time of the Eurot a n a m was not' finally destroyed pean conquests praised the excel- disturbances ot ' the "past'year. ica was^ Btill young, and could not to "demonstrate their knowledge, j \^ZZ -by the PoYtUguese until 15G5, ent organization of tra'd^ on the] There'is*'reason to believe ^that if, ctand' more than a sxs&ll group of this Jewish state in Southern In-i -Malabar'CniiaL As the Malabar at any time in the future;a road 12-15 Chalutzim each year. After nia" enjoyed an existence of more coast probably ' enjoyed several ] is built conhecUhgJthe Jewish' se£ great deliberation, the American Our. Fsmerai P«tri«ra Aro F c x.icLe£ r 33 Kcizi tlementsfof the Emei?: with Saia- KIbbuts decided to unite with than half.a millenlum. ;. centuries of peace and unhamper- aria - and Sharon, : it*-'may *• pasa "Bonir", a Polish Kibbutz, also • -• ' ."COURTEOU here was Ajuvanam located ed progress until the appearance: and how,:did.the Jews come, to the of • the Mohammedans, it is safe' through this territory -which"has of the^Hashomer H&tiair. BringIs ing together two groups like that Malabar. Coast? ' Ajuvanam lay to assume that the Jewish state been newly acjulred, for there T FUKERAL CIKECTOES -".>•• ciose to the city, of Cranganore, of Ajuvanam, under the reign of no doubt of the fact .ltiat it will from .dlfiE.erent ends, of .the wcrld, KA 1 £ 2 s.t about twenty miles north of theJoseph, Rabbam • and a long line provide very much .of a" sbort-cut. of dfffere'it•"•-. Jfewisb.- • asii SloBist present city of Cochin. ^Colonial of his successors, also enjoyed Naturally, .this- would-. ench%nce upbringfE-gr, -"coming* froia" counwars reduced Cranganore to agreat prosperity and uneventful tremendously the strategic impor- tries with such utterly different ' . - . - . - • ecoaomic conditions and cultural mere village but in the Middles development. We know nothing, tance of Jiara. Jiara i s ' n o t .expected - to In-o p p or t unities (especially for however, of how the Jews ot Aju- crease the area of land now cul- Jews), may have caused some vanam liver, nor what .sort of i n .tivated for citrus growth. The trepidation in 1934, but it is contellectual life they led. After Kibbutz there.will devo'tejits'slt .to sidered one of the most successthe all to brief glimmer-of lfght extensive1 • farming -—^--cereals, ful unions in our movement in thrown on the hlstory~of the'Jews hays, etc. I t will provide as' well ;1937. of AJnvanam by the copper plates for all" the*"rToreSr^~"africultural Today, the Kibutz stands beup «ss£ "Ic o m p l e t e , darkness enshrouds branches,—- : dairy, poultry^ vegefore its most difficult task — them. Perhaps a Jewish exploring tabtea,* 'free-&urs.eriesyJ: sheep,' bees Uq&t expedition will soine day Investi- and —fruit.—FrRits-are-mention- Hityashvut. Wage-labor ia H&d'era was "from the first regarded gate the _site of Ajuvanam and ed- last,' for there-jis;every merely^as the prelude to eettlebring "to .light evidence of Jewish to believerthat lasd.—- somewhere in life in this forgotten Jewish of -the t", If- ilot-"tfee th •Emek.:'".The J. N. T. of Araers t a t e . " • ;.:: ", •'.'•' . ; -.'•• meat; impariant - culture of. Jiiial ,iea stepped in, this last year and ; Ajuvanam's days became :numby accepting, the loan ef the G-ugwe bereJ in. the timo of the Great M ? s l p ^ i f hill eoasty i^ w ganheia/?und : made possibjs the hill "eoastryr Hoguls,. when the wave of 'Ho- thcr -hfghiaevatioii of I acquisition; of 4,400 d u s a a s for i i .snditHtf'fef dH • Lino TOo.- hDmmedan penetrated colder*?Bmate b ^ l "h that the settlement of the Kibbutz. a? f a r a s Southern India, The therel Ono for Every' Roota slate of Callicut, where a The-story of the American Kib' for •• the in tho Houso iumedan prince, the \Zamoria; r u l its.'/©ttiei;MaEi'scitrag,7. ifleat.sis. .iuta'i"is an _ amaziag "oae. •• Here fruits.v ed since,the 1 4 t h century, was a relatly"e ;::£Bose,.'ofJicfiti?S;S,Wfs^|sro l§5' : 'you3g pecplei s o t fleeiag >; neighbor of Cochin.' According t o €52. i?f!pfecr estJne^--~Th6r-vItasoBtBnc©'5'--6f--Vfroa of.-i-froa^.soverty-gtric'keii' -.saverty'-gtric'kea' 'Pel Poland, or tradition, a fratericidal; , quarrel from" 'Us* persecution of Germany, broke o u t among Joseph. Habban's but leaving.hoinea a n d families i a successor^ and o n e of .them e n - g^MBes;;ffHiit ; 'cuU^ti^fin;^J'al*eE- the tfnited States in order" t o listed the. help of ..the Zainorih. :'*hare-'-'fn' t&e -pioneer work of r e Tbe.- downfall - of-,Ajuvanam a n d '.biiildin^falestinc-Bfit c a second •the -migration'" of "ths^ Jews "jio tisougM,; why. 'sot? Here is s o a e Cochin, which had- i n t h e meajiithing ,'ne<5?-'"saii-*-"CCSEtractive en •W;l GLUD tims become a n important - port, ;iwhich: ihij "'can l a t i s t thsir CEda ten, - from then. Cochin's V show tiasir ability. synagogue; was built i n -' Baeit'of^the five years since, the another" two "/centuries, first'.'group.'was-given. .a'• small pass- before -AJuyanam';' 'p.IeceVof ;land, on "tie" outskirts cf 1 pletely destroyed and.', the':- las Hadera has : been steady progress. DAY 02-xinrs prince of t h e line of Jcseph/3 " Each: .year sSSitlcaal ' xaeafesrs ban •'.— according t o tradition t h e and there it. learned-to trsinias-csaters ia Assrisa Synso !< seventy-second successor of-. t h e establishing a- j-feave be'sa'absorbed,'and now "tie EXCELLEHT FOOD gf first Jewish ruler h a d top flea.'- : J : O7533 DEST'lil DIIS3KS v r6putattpn-a's good.worlfers, 'W^fefgroup'-is being enlarged by babies In 1500 a European' fleet apgiven" the chance to. work at E :as well as adiiltg. Off' CSereocJ CroJ.'od Sfasis peared o n - t h e coast of India for erything—-''in the'fields, a t buildThe American Kibbutz is goon B the firat tima when t h e Portu- ing, a t planting trees in the to. have a permanent settlement guese under Cabral arrived. V a s . woods, and at - Shalrali knight'.of its own! That is great asws to ")•(


jg its 10th anniver|r stewardesses and I Among the first to l-Cal., the former; pxter, Jr^ left, and i the twins for their



X |aan crews permitted.:; pips at. \"Scapa"-Plow; fsTscuttled the sh{ps^ ivaged for junlc.-'Here1 jeship Friederich dcr jdock. ' -- -


|sr of Fort Worth, Te:?:,1' ices there,- he. b3nked n and the terrific ^neei' ' ' iht United Newsoictujfo

















wer Company

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evermore healed, Edjusted, made m&S, he iB 8ick sorrowtBr] perfect, yet the "noble suffering" | justed animal Somethin-s- 'fr woulfl remain . . . There-would;that will not die do e s not still be E!1 the immortal i.nguish Irto this world of na^u Hi of mortality: the discrepancy be- eyes roust, strive at lea^f , ! ' , , ; ! tween our. aspirations- ana their , behind that veil- his heart heart fulfillment; deatb, the Inexplic inexp -strive at least h™! least, to believe tthat™! (Continued from Page One) able to which without some as.- ,1» a veil . . . I w l 8 h y o ua , T a J m a gooc Arabs as apparently reprisals for surance of the permanence and year


outrages whose authors were un- j meaning of our values

we can ( C o p j . r j g . h t 1P37 By seven Art, never be resigned; love that faiknown. Feature Syndicate.) ters o r f a i l s The statement appealed to the I : weaknesses within ; Arabs for self-restraint and reli- ourselves that make us " guilty,!, ance on fche efforts of foreign ! f a i i u r e s t b a t "£rke& the ^eart and ! KLUT2N1 d KELV.EY At Attv> Arab rulers in their behalf, a d d - S t h e I i g h t ' t r U s t betra J-'ed. spirit- j 200 Union State Bank-Bids. ing that the Arabs had great Iu a ! h ° 2 e s that, go-down to (lisas. ( hopes for intervention by n e i g h - j t e r • • • T h e s e a B dr thousand oth- ! boring Arab states and T u r k e y | e r kindred woes would remain..! with the League of Nations. ! k c o w t l ) e a n s *"er of th- common Therefore.-the Arabs should n o t i m a n o f t h j s E s e : F e e d me,.-house' with pi-lne. Omaha, Nei be led by extremists into violence i m e - C l O t f ! e m e - s e t m e f r e e and y na1 1 up with 'statement concluded/express- "n suffering" cheerfully ob e irig the hope the disorders wouW • And he thinks that quickly subside. is quite comfortable -that the whole of him will be. E P is , (.1'fa!,,and ! > e r 8 o " a l - property • inciArabs Buying Arms in Syria New York ( J T A ) — W h i l e the j wrong, of course. He is wrong dent io the pui-posps and uses of -tHI«

Cilyan Mrs. Emma-.Setiihdler. 48 yeara. old, 900 -Sixteenth.'* .street, died Sunday alter, a long illness. She •wa3 the vrlfe' of Max SchlndFer, livestock conimlssion merchant f .Tom KIppur Serylc«"3 "will be- here. gin with the.Impressive Kol NidSurviving," besides the widower e^ service nest Tuesday evening £«• » daughter Rose;, tour sons. in-the Sioux City synagogues. At Mount Sinai Temple the Kol Gilbert. Rudolph. Tpbjr and Solmon , .aU O f S ioux City;-her:mothUidre service will begin at 8 -_.--. T


o'clock Tuesday evening. R a b b i l f ' M , r s - D o ^ a ha™nrft. . .Theodore N. Lewis will epeak on America, and two brothers, Tobevolved ito rei a sa n d "The Great Return." Wednesday Abraham, both, of Cum- 1 construct the ".lives of Jews in berland, Md.,/ morning at Mount Sinai, services to <!o a i ! tlttngs neceasan Germany, Poland,- Rumania and Arab Supreme Committee in Jer- ! acutely and f orevermore. He is as business: 01- proper to effect the purposes- fo"> •will begin, at 10 o'clock. The afither parts of Central and Eastern v; hich ,his coT-jwrff;ion Is U usalem has appealed to Palestine j wrong as the simpleton vrho ternoon service will begin at 2:30 Europe, vocational training and re- Arabs to. refrain from violence. • thinks the rich are happy. He is and service will foltraining" are important projects. in Damascus;a simpleton. And such simpletons ' ^ " ' . " T P a r , v a l u e * 1 0 " .'P*rr.^h«r< ( lts-representatives l o w immediately after the afterThe Young Judean-chapter-will Due'•:to\the.s••Btringerit- economic have been buying arms to be; are in-this aspect the'editors of anu lUily paid up-aml/non-assessable noon, service.. Rabbi Lewis' ser- hold an injBtallation meeting in decrees' of'theipneserit^G.erman govu shall commence business upon filof smuggled into Palestine and or- Ernes and the exclusively social I"i5,, J.:iV,Arti^es * ' ' t h the Countssnpn subject Wednesday will be the social'hall .of . Shaare'. Zion eminent,./- a^« tremendous .-.task of i > °'n D o u p I n s -County. NebiaRka. gsnizing mercenaries to cross the service minister of all religions. arm slml! continue for a r>e>-j<x) t)f fti; ••'The Gods We Make." synagogue.- Monday.:evening,• Sep- changing : thefr > entire vocational border when'rebellion breaks out. Simpletons. For the Emeth of -'.??""*• T h e h 'Khest amount of tiidebt| . . Service at ShaareZion will be- tember 13; at!8'o'clock. „ Guest structure;.."-was:-' imposed', upon 'the aceording to a dispatch from Jo- ! the rcatter is that, as sane gin at 6:15 .Tuesday evening for speakers will be'Rabbi H.: R. Ra- Jews' of that .country. LAided by seph M. Levy to the New York • have always known and the Freu- • shaKjiot in_oluiie indebtedness seoul-ld the Kol Nldre, Rabbi H . R . Rab-blnowltz and ;a member of Jun- he* Amertcaji''JewishTJoiritiDistflb y •v i ,™f' T h e affaiig Times from Jerusalem. j dian . psychologists have n u0 w " "r t P a P« ~ s o r Hens" ~ button' Committee,-"26" training cenft inaw.itz •will Bpeafe on "You andior Hadassah. "allies, shaH be managed by H. Board of UiPremier Jamil Bey Mardam of ', proved, religion and its ters have' been; opened for. German veotois of not lesu than two members No Proxy." Cantor A. Pliskin and ] T h The new: officers who will} be nnnup.l moptiiiR shall be oil the Syria admitted. The Times said, j philosophy and high poetry, have the synagogue choir will chant installed are. Annabell Satin, pres- Jews: In-'Germany and;ia 9 other nrst Monday of January of each year that he was aware of the arms [been produced from the very p.t y.'hich meeting the atookholdei-K the service. Wednesday morning ident; Dorothy,, Dikel, yic^-pf esl- countries which havebeen training smuggling, but declared it was',depths of mankind's soul:as E snail -elect c ot Pi r o t o r s , and the, service .will^begin at $ o'clock, dent; ,and Dorothy Goldstein, sec- thousandStsf Jewish'young-men'arid the Uoartl shall elei-t a almost impossible to stop It. I method bywhich such a creature •thereupon President, Vice-President, Secretary •with the memorial service begin-. retary; Outgoing.officers' are ,Sa- wotnen-'-'iri'agriculture and "crafts, a s m a n c a ne 8 t a i n chiefly to; enable them to ernigrate Treasurer. Any two of said of• The dispatch also reported ^ himself at all ami aing about,10 o'clock. Rabbi R a - j d l e S o v i d f thelma .Shiridler. and tot Palestine and, other lands. (iceB -may be held by one. uml the that "an important M e d i t e m m - | a m i d t h e a PP a r e E t cruelities and S'inie p^r?on. Thope articles may X** bjnowita trill speak on "Danger |H a c n a e i Ginsberg. '• However,;.during .1936, .'Jewish R p p a r e B i l y emended p.t any regrular or special ean power" which has been seekk the Hardening of the. Heart. meeting: ol the -stockholders by a youths:of PollBh,:n3tlpnality, seekuniverse. All things may , t™-thirds vo»e of A recess will he held in the af- New members of the. chapter are ing; to' prepare-themselve3-for emi- schools . are. - studying- vagrlculfisre. j the training center at - Neuendorf, ing Arab ^friendship, has trans-! the outHtanding ; Sally Levin, Shirley A Guttleman, : change; this need of man and-its stock. ternoon and the service will be gration,: ' made ,«p 20'. per cent. of .The rest-study, manual trades and 'Germany; Vfccre a group of young ; ferred its activities-with regard . , , . , , ' 3X iVHEREOF, the r a v Irene Gordqn,^Edtth;_,Grelfand, Maconcluded at 6:45 o'clock. . Ho" Palestine from Jerusalem t 0 | ^ W l m e n t somehow-and by some ties ito subscribed theli* men and wo jen are shown the student^bpdy. of schools .domestic.vwork, respectively.' lta Heeger aodj liens. Shubb. B S c a n n o t _ names tlliS urcl <iay of September, ! Damascus and is spending large j ^ •*•****•** lopg. "as Kol Nidre services at Tipher. In .Poland. Rumania, Lithuania; 1937 practical experience, in. dairy tana• The program -will aso include a oeated outside, of Germany. is man. If man is s.a anl«th Israel synagogue will begin j A W R E D A, KIBiJLER fa 1935. a total of 2.133 students Latvia, and: Other, sections of Europe; fng; (2) ah "entire Jewish family ! amounts in the Syrian city. play given' by. Ann'Kanofsky, RaALT A POUTER at 6:15 Tuesday evening and will Syria and Saudi Support Paleshad completed -their, courses or were •in:ttrade ^schools and agricultural in Poland, father,' son and grand;In the I chael Ginsberg, Lorraine-Raskin, FRADENEURG, WEBB, EEBER, ! JOS. E. laiADEN" BURG. : be fpHowed by an address by Rabtine Arabs KLUTZNtCK & KELLEY, Toby Nadler,; Ilene Shubb and;Es- enabled' td.'-emigrate...' On,December training. centers sustained, by the' father, • learning how-to operate a, 9-10-'S7-!t ibi\ S. . Bolotnlkov. Wednesday . . Cairo (JTA)—T h e Govern31, 3935,'. there ^were"*-4,768, under AUornevs Joint .Distribution Coataittee,. Jew- .knitting machine as a'first step tell-Raskin.,. Refreshments will SOB Union State Bank Bltig. ;morning the service will, begin at i ^ ^ . " i ' l n " * , Germany.. and ish youths and adults .are learning .toward vtteir economic rehabilita- ment of Syria has Seeided to send ROSS & BLUMENTHAL conclude the meeting. . . 476 Branrteia Theatre Bldg. |7:3O ..o'clock. "with the memorial 1.131. in schools outside of Germany. .every type of ^occupation—fanning, -tion,;Bnd (3) Rumanian Jewish a delegation to Genera to join a NOTICE OF.ARTISAN'S LIEN SALE service about 10 o'clock. Cantor It- is Estimated' that. 84 per Jeent machinist's trades, carpentry, shoe- youths . learning • the • machinist! • committee in support cf the Pal- Notice is hereby given-that on the NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION" In the County Court of Uouplai "'v, ot vthe";male, students and 55" per miking and electrical work. Israel ZacaLwilL chant the ritual. trade in a - trade - school,1 J Arabs* Opposition to par- j lftil Oa-y of September. l»37,'a County, Nebi-aska. T - Similar Bsrvice3 will be held -at Rabbi Sol Bolotnikov will ccn.tof'the femalefstudents;In thes» Pictured here are scenes ^(1) from by tho J.D.C. In Bucharest. , the ne-wspaper El Mokfca- | isi^ujr" txim^a'nj&t 25HS KfiiTm^^S'' In ine .MafiPi- of the FstBte of J •g-e \ V . Froisi.. the Beth Abraham and Adas speak at Tiphereth.Israel,synatam reported. K3ng Ifcn or Omaha, Nebraska, the und.ereig;n<?d All persons imyre.sred in paid esyeshuren synagogues.



[Center Promises Active Season r

gogue this Saturday; afternoon at 5 o'clock.

Society News

By Eire. David El.' Newrasa;'

is. Oft %




i* tli

I f i I 2 | I a |

t h a t <^T-«>i?l JB-•$«.{.Wifc. -i 1 j , f t h^ii i 1 -. ,, iH ,- .»

will sel! a t public auotion to the h i t h - tate R:-« hereby rsotifted that H petition lias been iiied in &aid i.'ourt albidder for cssh: ieglng; t!iP.r ?aUI (leofHSff! died leaving One lSo6 KociBe Truck, dual no Jp.j=;t vili and praying for adminiswheeied, ti-fci'linder, Slotor J\umber T-Z-T'103T. tration upon his estate, ami that -a v i i ; lie had on paid petition ITS (Brit- covered by -«ii''£riisan's lien in favor heRi-ing: before said court or! t h e 2nd day ot .-When cold/corer; with a but-:] could'raise a large^.enough sum ish)' Jfews Agency reports from pairing aforesaid -motor vehitile on or •• tOctober, 1S."T, and that if they fail ter - Icing ;, r l* tablespoon butter; -2 ito pay the ransom .demanded.' J u n e 5, 1S5T. s t t h e special in- \ n(o appear at. .said Court on the said Jcmsalem that martial law •will EboKt stature and request - of A STOW Alotur jA * * <iR-~ ° ' October, VJ?,~, at 9 o'clock cups powdered teasppoa b e ia put L.ines. Said sale will, be for ; . M- to contest said petition, the n ; i 7 S 3 the J Jews-of '»•*>**?**• P ^ s t l n e it ser- ire. aliaond" ^etfract, an:d""..enough - I In;i7S3 e w s o f -England England ot foreclosing said nrtisan'E : Court may prant the same Rnd prant fiisor£l€rs o c c u r a c d t h em&T cf earn; tqjmaJkeT the' rt^ht consist- were: giren permission-, permission- to to l^r!iprlS ' ^ |u-n ? tor costs of., sate and all nccru- i sadministration of snid estate to Kus- „—' l^r!.iprl,S roclaEiat5oi:ls i a v e tial ing costs a n d purposes of satisfying • e l i •*• l'-luuientliai or some other * P ency to-spread on cake." ' "" i "for -naturalization . after a threeamount due, thereon, from the Arrow • svtitabie vcrsoti and proceed to a setready been printed. years: residency-. . • . ; •Motor Krei£ht L.ine." to-wit; S1S0.13: t i ^ m p n t thfi™fvof that no suit or <ith<?r proceedings at BRYCE have been instituted Ui'recover P-10-C.7-nt. County s&l<i *iebt tir' atuy ]>ar^ -thtreiif. T Arabic numbers • ^were .brought ; FRADENBURG. WEBB, BEBER, BARJSH-SANM13KS MOTOR CO., from-India by ; a Jewish traveler, (CostiaceS trots page 1) KLUTJNICK & KE1.LEY By Fradenb«rg, VVpbb, Beber, £00 Union Slste Bank Bldff. •FAITHFCli AS BAMUElt'- • ;- Abrahaa,iba-Szra.- . .-•'-...•_ . Kluisnick & Keiiej*. Arab -'saying, * "as .'faithful s!cal want and no more piysical j 8-S9-S7»St. • . Attorneys. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION luei,';. refers-to an "Arabian : Mejr Ashkenasi . of. Kaffa vr&s Insecurity and neither the oppres- I In the County Court of Douglai HYMEN S. SKR1ER, Attorney County, Nebraska. Jewish "^•warrior, Samuel- lbn Adi- -the enToy of the .Tatar-khan- to sor nor the oppressed ' — if, in a i 740 First National. BanK ~ " In the Matter of the Estate of Guy yah,.whose fidelity to ; an. Arab the King of .Pplan.. C. -Sanders. iJeoea.'eil. I LEGAL. :NST1CE world,' s.11 those aspects of human All persons interested in Raid '«»In District Court oT Dougas Countr, friend has ; become^ one . of ^h life which Max Broil summed tip • Xebraska, to Jean- T. Anderson, t&ifc a r e hereby notified that a petinioet famous of Arab, legends. as /'Ignoble Buffering" were £or- whose place of residence is unknown tion has been filed in paid Court alSn3 upon whom'• personal service of Jep-mp- thpt pn Ul tieceased died l«avsummons cannot l>e had, defendant: iiicr r.o last will and praying for adYou are hereby notified that on the inhiistvatiop. upon hip estate, and that ''Alexandria..was the. only:great Oil Cospasses Uiute Seniess 27th (Jay o ' April," !!>".- -David J . a hearing- will be had on on said petiJewish :center of. trade ;of antlo.-; . . . •. O n e ' o f the : best ' Anderson, a s Pleintirf, filed his peti- tion before salil court on the 2nd (lay tion against you in t h e District Court ol October, 18,17, arfl that if they fall nity. JElsewhere the-Jews-were! Jewish : women ' i n the' peace to appear a t -said Court on the Bald movement and communal affairs ' Omaha, Sept. 1. It •was announc- of DOufrlas County, Nebr, docket agriculturists. . ; ; . " • 2nd day of October, 19-17, at 9 o'clock ; l -bel eyed as; 6arelfire radio ed here today that The' Mild A. JM. tc oomest said peiition, th« Er a tThe' transformation -from;agri- S same and grrant culture . to commerce and- moneyChar-

Add.ialterriately'with'. stiffly heat- f Rothenburg .was'. In' the .'posses--: fsndI,Arabi* m a y to » ^ . . , 'wtotea . . v ^ . . «. ~i^i...« Tsion_of .„_; •_».t(-,,j„!„•».:-» T T - - - C . _ _ , . _ ; passaoor la l/oneon en. . . -egg to -••«—* - first mixture. -Rudolph of Hapsburg: for pcrpose, Bake '•ta'~'a?.greased-• loaf<:pan at fourteen" years after tli-e famous the same I added. 350;degtees. *• ? • -• scholar's i death: before '-the Jewsi

Genera for the paper

H V * K-I.U


An enlarged program of activMr. and ,Mrs. S.: A.iKosberg, ity' has been carefully'planned lor 2126 Jones street,. announce the Stuff Tomstoea with. Anchovies ; the tall season of ' the Jewish engagement;. of -their daughter, 6 medium tsiied - tomatoes;.- 1 Community Center, and capable Miss Ruth/koabergi•'•''to "David bottle anchovies inr.o)l;.- 4-, hardleaders "secured for a character Kaplan, 2415 Pierce street, son^of boiled, eggs; •% _cup mayonnaise; •building program, which, includes Mrs. N. Lerman of Omaha. Tho arsley.'l. scouting, dramatics,. crafts, and wedding date- has not been set. Chop •>anchovies" into -small study groups'.- ";; ' Both the bride-elect arid her 11-pieces. Add . chopped'. eggs .and The Boy Scout" troop and *he ance are Central High graduates. mayonnaise,-.mixing' well• togetherl Scald {and peel tomatoes. Scoop .Cubs will be under the leadership of Bernard Efrenbefg. Miss Marut /centers and ;f ill, with -anchovy Mr. arid Mrs.'Jphn Abraham bit mixtufe." .Gover • with the pieces, of ] ian Shiloff -will again be the MaDleton, IoVfa?"announce the enTomato cut froin: the'top and, garscout leader for the Girl Scout gagement of their daughter. Miss nish with quarter, of lemon- and troop. * "• Abraham; :'to 'Ben- Wintroub, mail • sprig ot parsley. * - Chill. -' The dramatic department will 8Rae" be divided into four groups. The o n ° rM r - and-Mrs. s. wintronb iefye on'crisp lettuce. -,"-.,'; -. "children's Theater will be super- of Omaha. - .:The /'wedding • date not been .set. ." . • ' - . " Marbled Cookies "vlsed by Miss-Bernice Galinsky; has 1 Miss Abraham' is-as nleee-of History and'-'PWduction of the 'S-eggs,,% cup.sugar, 1 cup Drama will be led by Miss Rozena j E. Friedman, 32 01 Nebraska S t . Hter •chocblatoVgratedi .1 % " cups in whose home she'spent-a year. Sacks. Mrs. Betty Marx will con. flour,/;%-,>>..- 2 -.tea' duct the Senior Dramatic group poons-, baking ponder, - 1 tea.and Miss Lillian Rivin Trill teach •Mrs. Louis London ,2608 Vir- poon poon yanillaM^-p V - ginia street, announces "tho en. elocution. \ Beat the eggs. Add.- the. sugar The dancing classes will be di-gagement and- approaching mar- and'Bratfid'^chocolate.'Dp'not melt lending'was -regarded with i Mar- the -.rided into ballroom, tap, acroba-, riage ot her daughter.; Miss he ctio^olatfi., ctio^olatfi' ctio^olatfi.' l^ii ' tthe' thhee:' s: isifted f t e d favor; the Rabbis.; !'tic, and ballet, w i t h ' Miss Lois cella Levich, to Lawrence Mosow, flour, salt and baking powder, Novltsky and Miss Lucille Mush-! son cf Mr. and/Mrs. Sam Mosow, lombine- '•with'- the- first mixture. During the war their were forces with one of the country's ] ,,&in instructing. A Glee Club will 918-^-3 Oth street. • Add vanilla.' . /^. . , . . ;/•.. • fourteen -Jewish generals on theBel Geddes a n d . Relnhardt are strongest producers and markesweating in New York.'.and' SalzBoth are 'Central High School jfee led by Jeck Merlin; Miss Sadie i>rop~rby teaspoons on' greased active'list of the French army. bur,'" respectively. .'working on ters. jfTaxer will lead the creative writ- graduates, arid ,Miss -Levich at- bakingi;«heet'- two inches: apart. The Milder Oil Company start- j ers group, and Joe Maron will be tended the Iowa State Teachers Place.a half' walnut in the center Jewish '.architecture showed no plans for vthat attraction . . . T h e ! in business here in IS SI. with] Stadium'Concerts program called i ln charge of public speaking and college at Cedar Falte. of eatrh "cooky. Bake" in a hot oven great independent national char- StadiumConcerts tw0 trucks and many friends. To''(debating. '••Miss Elaine'Mushkln entertain. 10> minutes.'" - V . '•'. acter *" "but "• was influenced by it" "Dance ot ' Russian Sailors," i i\d t b operate a fleet cf ten Ifl the adult work, Miss Doro-ied at a miscellaneous shower Egyptian, Asyrian, Greek and but when we heard that'Gliere t n l c k s a t l d E e r v et 3 5 f l t f t number the first part sounded Omaha dealthy Merlin superintendent,- an-[cently honoring Miss Levich who Chinese Almond Cooldea Roman styles.' Just, like Hatikrah. and the Ha- : e r s a n d s^1518 o f o u r largest coninounced" that (English classes will is her cousin. , . • ' l'cup sugar>% cup butter; 1 ' ' mercial accounts. Their, fuel oil "be made available if the registraegg, 34. cup honey, V± teaspoon "\7and.erers" , of . t h e middle) tikvah' theme is repeated several burner department serves some Miss Lottie Zlotkin of Omaha soda; 3 cups" cake flour.' times throughput-. / . . W h o said tion warrants it, as well classes In ages, .considered % Judaizing 'sect shorthand, Jewish history and bl-was a recent guest in the: home of Combine the dry "ingredients. by' the' clergy, preached a spir- American Jewry Isn't religious .•. ;1.200 burner owners with labora: Mr. and Mrs. L. Kuklihi Mr. and oils. 'l)le study. Work in egg, honey, and soft- itual return-of the Christian There are still 150;000 talithim • tory-tested Increased business necessitated A full time craft instructor will ';Mrs. Kuklin have departed for ened butter. The doiigtii-will be world to the - Old Testament. sold each year in this country j %e employed at the Community! Chicago, • where they will visit stiff but ita manageable. • Pinch The jaSleial robes beink wprn by .their move to 26th and Dorcas, i ; .Center this winter, teaching clay.}Mrs. Philip Holzman,. going lat- off a piece the size of a "walnut. In Rome, Jirevtoua to-the. com- ,_ .. ,-o-- -"-*'' p jy5-' .-^ o jj l e n j, e r s ; where they have storage space lor dli leather craft,. metal {er. to Grand' Rapida, Michigan Flatter-it'out arid' press an al- ing ofiChristianity,, there were a - * ' -'•• ' 500;000 gallons of petroleum pro; ducts. 1 craft, weaving, carpenter work. where they will-be guests of Mrs mond in";.Brush I the number- of Isects-following Jewish from ^ the'; staff estine •Appeal\!A special craft room with all nec- Kuklin's brother. Dr. David Kap- beaten" egg and bake in a... hot rites; and ceremonials and., upit's a boy at Hymie Milder, the President. Is in civic affairs. Ke is & essary materials', is now being lan. the Nathan Belfhs,. •.-•* Pop, is the active holding the tenets of Judaism. oven until done. .equipped. . associate-director of publicity of member ™ e m l ? r of « " "many » - " * civic * » 1 C clubs, " ^the^ Inter-club activity will hold an Mrs. Ben Kalln and daughter .Chamber o t Commerce and the Butterscotch Creoles By a decree of. Theodosius 'II, the J - D C •' • ' . Important place-in the years work ;pf Mitchell, South Dakota, are In 1 cup butter; 1937; by Seven Arts! At-Sar-Ben. Ben Milder and A. ,„•_.!_._;.: ";««./. i-_''c' „«•."-«.*_ cups brown Bysantine •• emperor, -all." syna- (Copyright charge of W. Anderson are in eFature Syndicate).!. and a leaders.council will hold Sioux City this week visiting with sugar; 2' well-beaten eggs;. 3 cups gogues destroyed'-, or converted sales. regular monthly meetings. Mrs. Kalin'e •: parents, Mr. arid sifted,cake flour; \1 teaspoon-bak- into churches were to • be - restored r Mrs. R. H. Emleln. Mr. Kalin ing powder; *& teaspoon soda;. 1 to the-Jews." "", " "''-*',, ••'•' EABBIS DRAFTING spent the holidays here. return- teaspoon salt; 2 cups .chopped Ing Tuesday to Mitchell. . CALEKDAX E1FOSI€| dates; 1 cup chopped jpeanuts.; The' early Mohammedan CaCream butter; • add sugar;^ add liphs, whose ;:;the; y ; ; BabyLondon (WNS) — An internaMr. and Mrs. .Fred Foreman of eggs.. Mix and sift dry ingredi•••..[ \; .; lonian 'Exilafchs became, aided 1n SPITWN tional committee of rabbis Madison, South' Dakota, visited in ents and combine with dates and : Detailed plans for the 1937 Sioux City during Rosh Hashonah nuts. Blend into first mixture. increasing the -prestige of : the ' New ..York (WNS)—The anti- :| leaders of' Christian sects ol>servExilarch. , / Nazi .boycott 'was 'extended, to 'ex- Ing Saturday as the-Sabbath are "Jewish Carnival were discussed at with relatives arid friends. Form in '-rolls..and' wrap - in .wax pectoration, (spitting • t o - y o u ) ' drafting a new calendar reform a dinner meeting of the"advertispaper.- Chill.' several : hours In re-" Samuel ha Nagid (982-1055) when'Borough."President iSasicel! plan, to submit to the League of ing committee of the Inter-Club ' Mr. arid" Mrs; Jack Lipman frigerator. Slice - through and indignantly-rejected a con-j Nations as a substitute for the Council at the West. Hotel re- Stevens Point, . Wisconsin, a n bake in a hot oven, 400 degrees is regarded as thB first Jewish poet of,Europe to treat • of'Worldof .German-made. cuspJ- : plan ^hich vrould make Saturday cently. Ben Sekt, general chair- visiting here with friends arid relfor eight ;minute3. < . . ly matter in his', poems. !dors' (spittoons received •: occur on a different day of tfcp man presided at-the meeting. - • atives.- Mrs. Lipman is* the form, I'at his. office from -the Municipal; week. The new plan calls for a The carnival, an annual event, er 'Elizabeth Raskin. 1 Corn* Griddle Calces Bet-rreen May and July of 1096 b u r e a u of purchases., , ' ; " . * . ; ' | year of S64 days with Saturday \ •will be held early-in November, Vt cup.-' fIOUT ;' 1* teaspoon bak- 12,000 Jews of 'the Rhine "*•'"* -prov- " • Unwrapping one of t h e cusps-" remaining fixed.. i and will represent the efforts of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gutterman ing powder;' M teaspoon salt; 1 dors, . Mr. <• Levy -.was stunned to i '.thirty local Jewish organizations. and son Julian, of Flandreau, S. cup corn"-well drained; 1 . table- inces were'massacred. find that its bottom was decoratSpeakers at the dinner meeting D. were guests this week in thespoon melter' butter; k %J cup The-Jews of Alexandria vero e d w U l l a swastika • and : a label were E. E. Baron, E. N. Grueskin, M. Weinberg home.-, milk;. l*;Bgs. hated because of their partisan- r e a g m g "n\sde in Germany." He fflAbl CfC 3. L.' Levitt, B.-Barb'ri, I' Singer, Sift flour, baking, powder, and _ M p ot R e f e 8 J a t h e <5raf-co-Ro- lmiaediately.- ordered kth« - bureau ' Si Krueger, H. Fishgall, Morey Mr.' and Mrs. Maurice Lasensk salt. . Add .milk and beaten egg. E l a . s trugsle. !o f purchases to take the cuspiLlpshutz "and Milton rBolsteln. announce the birth of a daugh- Fold in .corn and'melted butter. Prague (WNS) — Railroad 'd s Officers fPr the. ID37 carnival ter in the Methodist hospital. ! pasengers. bound for the tc«rn cf Drop on a hot well-oiled griddle. - Isaac Hispanus -was - physician t are chairman, . Beil.Sekt; ViceiSpdJna,' Carpatho-Russia, will \ When cakes'are-well-filled with John Al 0 the (Polish kln'ja, chairmen; A.: M.' Davis, Sam Co- ' Mr. and' Mrs. Jack Kosberg, an. bubbles, turn and brotrn on other tbrecht : : have to re-srrsnse their schedules and Aicsr-ntlsr.'v • hen and Si' KTueger; Advertising nounce tho birth of a daughter, side. • The following ; names were I so as not to. arrive on Saturday committee" chairmen, Milton, Bol- September 7 - in the Methodisi (1674-1696) omitted from . the list"of dealers ; for hereafter no trains will stcvJqhnin Btein and' Louis Agranoff. hospital. was t h e ' l a s t PoMrh king to de- .appearing in the Storz'advertise-j there on Saturday. AH trains Whipped 'Cream Cake 1-cup thick cream; 2 eggs; 1 fend the "Jews against the clergy. neEt. that ran in the. New; Year's ; passing: Sodiaa will omit that stop MOUNT SINAI TEMPLE ; M r. and Mrs. Lou Skalovsck cup sugar;'1 teaspoon almond exEdition of ' t h e " : Jewish.. .Press: j because the ^rainistry «-f railwaj s Regular Friday evening sef-, announce the birth of a daughter tract; 1%'cups cake flour; 2% • Elijah" Levita, fanous gram-' Louis ."As'dyll, "r Edwin. -Sommers, j has appointed Meyer Lefkowitz, & •*3 vices will begin tonight at Mount September 7. teaspoon- baking.powder;..%"tea- marian • refused- the ,position of'Art Rosiasky, Helen'-Bolfcer,'Co-j pious,' stresffiei-wearing Chsssi?, Professor-,of. -Hebrew., . *j Sinai Temple at 8 o'clock. Rabbi spoon'salt. , p '• P r f . at. the j Uni- ifelts. Colony . "Club, . J o e Kpstein. »*' KtxHnn-ms.nte.r In order -not to -torce Lcftov- i Joe -Lehr, How!j Theodore N. Lewis will speak on Harry Kanofsky and George Whip cream --until thick; 'add versity. of: of: Paris under Francis 1,1 , Farnam Far ' itr to violate the Jewish Sabbatc, _ Shaffer ot Omaha, 'were guests egg yolks and continue to beat becanwJo'ther ;':Jews were forbid"i "A Year of Jewish History." bid ard. Milder," d Abe Segal, &nd Nath- ti.8 railway olflcials E.creed te j J ' First sessions oJ the religious thi3 week ln the home of Mr. i until foamy.' Add.sugar gradual- den to live in the city. an Wilfson. keep the station closed on Satur. school will be held next Sunday Kanofsky's parents,-Mr. and-Mrs. ly; add'almond; sift together! day.



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Strictly--''. Confidential

our for all Baking Uses /

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rO!1.7tL. S.1 C f.*



morning at 9;30*


[3. Kanofoky, 1821.Nebraska. . •, ' flour, bakins po,wder,. and salt.

'"The-body-o£-Rabbi- Meir-. ot ' patronise Our Advertisers



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