September 17, 1937

Page 1



.ij. 1 .«'

rIf io_ Is sick, son-'dv^iift, unac [.animal. Something;':™ hin \i}l not die does not1 belong his world.of nature. Hi, tust-strive at least to "pierc. •that veil; hia hearf.musat least to belJeyej \ that 1 lI *" "Z w i s n . youari; a gooc

In the Interests ©f the Jewlsli People The vJevra expressed by Ludwig Lerelsohn In his column are bis own anfi do not neccscarily reflect the policies or at- • titudo of oar publication. Re». production in whole, or In part strictly forbidden.

fht 1937 By Sevim Art Feature Syndicate.)! : 3ENBURG, WEBB, B E B "

rZNICK a n d KELUEVrASi?: Union State Bank. f"lCE OF INCORPORATION F« l s hereby, given that; the on the laws of-the StaU' of K e . I - -The. name, of the coi-pm-atioi PiL *>r!ftocrat • Restaurant Co principal .place of business a k ^ebraska. The seneral na. ">e, business -tii be transactec ks -to:C engage in the business o r , .°£1OT ." houses, restaurants aUng houses. • taverns or piacefeshment;. to bujv sell, Mease Icquire...dispose and" or encumal and personal nrope>tty- ledi the purposes and,jisee of-tHI; as: ^ to- do aU thln~rf Kecessaxj Iper to effect the, purposes- foi | this, corporation is'iorganized uthorlzed capital' stock-'Bhnll 'b« and all. of "said stock ishall bt to.-. par ' vaiue :?X0O ; Rir-ibare lily; paid up.-andrnoniaiisessable [1 -commence, .business ui>«n fii•'Jts-Articles- with th« Countj lor Douslas. County. Nebraska [Si1 continue for a period of 5C |-The highest aqocni of indebt-


f of not less than two members,

Ben--meeting, the- stockholders

fclect a. Board of Directors, and Ipon the Board shall elect a snt, Vice-President, Secretary treasurer. Any two of .said ofpiay be held "by one and the person.. These articles .may J>e ed at any regular or, special \g of-.' the stockholders by a '-ds Tote ol the outstanding WITNESS TVHEREOF.! the- parave hereunto- subscribed their this 3rd day of Suptember, 1 ' i ;


| that said deceased died leaving ;t will .'and praying foradmfnisa Bpon"hls estate.' add that -a

:S will be had on said- petition

said court OIJ the Snd day ot 1937/ and that if they fail

iear- a t EaiU Court on- the' said y o l October, 133T, a t ' 9 o'clock .-to-contest said pettlon. "the

jmay'prant the same ttnd fxant : istration of to Jius- •—f I.- Jilumenthal o r - s o m e other * Ie I personp t f and proceed to a setj t tnereof. . . BRTCE CRAWFORD. 3t. .-• .County 3ENBUi3G, WEBB,. BEBER, KUUTZNICK & KEL.CEY 23: Union ^Statc-BanJrBiaff;; ; TICE OF ADMINISTRATION the -• Countj- Court.'-, ofi Doaglai y. Nebraska. . il .he' Matter of the -Estate of Guy nUers. Deceased. ; I persons interested In; said '.esire hereby notified thtit a petJhas been filed in said Court a l g that said deceased- died leaVfo last will and praying for adItration .upon ills estate,! and that jrinff will be had on on;Bald petibefore said court on the '"nd day Jtober, 1937. and that ir they rail spear a t said Court on: the said say of October, 1937, at; 9 o'clocfc ". t o contest said petition, t h e . mav grant the same- and -jfrantv ilstratlon of said estattj to Char._ Sanders or some otht-r suitable |n -and proceed to • a settlement 37-3t-



SLOTH OF THE HEART It was, I think, Jacob "Wassermann who first used the. expresNe wYork (WNS) - v Copenhagen (JTA) — Seven Back home after a three -weeks German and American standards sion: Tragheit de3 herzens, sloth of "Robert Edward E d \ ^ Xazi journalists were sentenced of the heart. And I fcnow not only visit in Jerusalem, Dr. M. I. Gor- to a country not ready for them anti-Semitic pamphleteer^ on an to imprisonment from twenty to ! don found the people of Palestine they have created a certain indictment of having libeled the ironi his writings but also from eighty days by a Copenhagen ] remembered, conversations now, with more enthusiasm than ever, amount of confusion." Jewish religion, Secretary of La- i 2 " e n n g on Wecaiesaay -o Dis- court last week for printing mal- \ •Willing to acept Partition, howalas, long ago, that he finally Dr. Gordon found the expan- bor Pertins and Dean Gildericious accusations against the ; Proposals of came to feel that this sin which, sion of Jerusalem steady and Bleeve of Barnard College, was, Jews. They vrere convicted under planned when compared with the again postponed, this time to Nolie called sloth of the heart was, for further deliberations. a law which prohibits the defam- j "The people wil never accept mushroom growth of Tel Aviv. vember 15th -when Judge Wallace though, apparently so veniol or Plans for a complete merger o£ j g of any religion recognized by forgivable, the sin of sins, worse, the present scheme which allows When he-visited in Tel Aviv eight in General Sessions Court grafted j all Orthodox synagogues in the ! the State. much worse than gross and posi- many of the Jewish colonies to years before, the city had less the request of- Edmondson's conn- ] city will be presented to general j tive" Infractions of some moral be allotted to the Arab state and than two hundred industries. To- sel. The trial, had been set formeetings to be held in each syn-1 T EEEBIE GUILD IS day there are over two thousand. September 13 th. "law. And as the years have gone to the British corridor." sgogue on "Wednesday, September i*, L ,'u Upon his arrival in Haifa, Dr. On board the S. S. Berengaria, . Edmondson, who was. indicted : on I have come to agree with The synagogues participatTQ EEET I f T r T him and have come towatch my- Gordon found that hejhad missed the ship on which he returned,. last year, pleaded illness and the i ing are all, with the exception of OCTQBEE self.'for this sin and to track it the train for Jerusalem and ra-were outstanding leaders of theabsense of vital witnesses. I the Adass Yeshuren, members of I:\CLLUJ <jowa "within me and within oth- ther than wait until the next day, Zionist movement and the Jewish 'tae Vaad H'ltif.' Agency, including Louis Lipsky, The Needle Guild of America ers and to.see more" and more went by private car, a drive of. ^Yv"hile no definite arrangements meet October £6, 27, and 28 ' clearly how it corrupts, how it; 173 miles. He was not molested Ben Gurion and Felix "Warburg. have as yet been made! should the at the First Central Congrega- L F I P permits corruption and corrosion, at all, although t h e following day, At the discussions conducted | synagogues aprove of the merger, tional Church. S6th and Harney i ( - i l ' F how — wide-eyed and seeing — the bus, which he would have t a - aboard ship, it was brought out j a committee representing the varg streets-. On the first dr.y direcg it lets the world slide into chaos. ken, was. stopped by brigands and by a. well-known Egyptian Jew |ious'groups will be appointed to League that the Zionists i.ave failed to * Stresses Kethods to tors will bring packages F-n<S COP.- (. . i ' , U "What "brought the matter home robbed. TV| I consider the proposals and to l "The Arabs a n d t h e Jews of take into their confidence the Solve Problem tribiUions. Tli.e dr.y vi\l ' to ine are th-V towering examples I evolve plans for a new Orthodox Jews of the Arabic countries, Palestine see possibilities for a be for the purpose of display. on this immediate day.of our fate synagogue. Geneva (JTA) — Internationparticularly of Egypt, who know On the third day all packages and of the fate of the world. series of- conferences," Dr. Goror l u e The present Vaad action as the only solution to if Brit"-in pf«ciii i«iLn>uf no.*, ui-" ji al TnnTr a j. action as tne omy so.uuoa LU will be distributed. Ttiere i s Mr. Secretary Hull. He don, stated, "but are unable to how to deal with the Arabs. » LpplE T;" 1 ganized five years ago to bring: |t f l e increasingly grave problem ol TJrs. B. A. Simon is section ! * ' if, t 1 c I ' ( 'f . isr I am sure, a humane and high- get together because of the hos- Before boarding ship at Haifa, Continues to Snow rLFavor the Orthodox. community into a ! G e n r L a n refugees is urged in a president. Ker assistants are • minded gentleman. Did he know, tility of the Effendim." On hisDr. Gordon heard the famous Palto Zionisxa closer organization. However pessimistic annual report sub-! Mrs. Vv\ A. Kacusin and J.Irs. K. . < 1 7 ' ' « I < Orchestra - as •I'Tfcnow, as- thousands know, way to Palestine he talfeed to estine Philharmonic t during this time ' the the ' different! different j fitted to t i e League of Nations : "Wright. i the utter, ..the immitigable horrors many Arabs who seemed favor- conducted by Bronislaw HuberDamscus, Syria (JTA) — The j synagogues have continued in use ; A*s°niblv by Sir Neill Malcolm,! ' .committed against Uie bodies, but able to Zionism- and showed re- man. I I , ( V <r I .Arabs will "look elswhere" if the ja n d e a c b synZgOsne for j b a s ^ j i t s jL -~ a g Ue " H i g h commissioner •""•- Btiil more "against the souls of sentment only to the British. British Government chooses the ;o w n s e t ofoffieers. i "There is a feeling of resent; men of which the Parteitag of the wrong turn at the crossroads be-j vnder the new set-up the syn-j T h e r e pcrt puts at 16,COO the j I or v1 r Kational Socialist Party in Nur-ment toward the British on the tween pro-Zionism and continued i a g o g l 2 e w i l l become one large \ j- u n l ber of ref-jgees who left Ger- | part of both Arabs and Jews, I t J I . • i . • emberg is the blood-sprent sym: profitable amity with the Arab; hody ^ u h o n eS € t o f o f f i c e r s a n d jm a - v Eince la=t September. At 1 bol, he would not let a represent- is felt that the government is reworld; Nagi Sweedy, es-Premier ii f p l a n s ^.e a p p r o v e d w i t h o a e ] t h e " s a m c U m eu n o : e s a n i a . j i i. ' C I stive of this government) attend I sponsible for. the continuation of of Iraq, declared last week at the synagogue at a central location. | c r e - s e in the number ci refugees I that dreadfnl barbarian manif es-; the trouble." * Members cf t h e ; Vaad have jr e s jding in Europe 2-nd not per-; j Pan-Arab Congress at nearby tation. There would have been! "Chaim Weizmann still Tetains . . their . . .total . . now \ Bludan, according to t i e Havas sought to keep abreast the times ' ally settled, no need for the incident of the!the great confidence of the PalNews Agency. without sacrilicing any of t l i e | reacting S5,000. . Those in a pre- ! belated or apparently belated pro- estinians who would have him as t h e The Arabs cannot permit " Outj traditional way of Judaisia. icarious position total 20,000, the Sis Jews Killed in test of Ambassador Dodd. I said: their first president should a Disorders Continue Through- I cancer of Zionism" although they At present the outlook for the! report states, E . O C O having been j j The i'oilcvrinf: Foiieclule oC burst cf Fsae If Mr. Hull fcnew . . . But I am Jewish state come into existence." out Poland; Many .wfll be perfectly tolerant of.*. a c o r f i i n g t 0 t n e officers | added to this category in the year ' rices is tc be observed; EUre he does Know. But lite all of j According to Dr. Gordon the Arrested . Jewish minority « J ° * ? S tnll * congregations, is hopeful under review. "US on certain occasions — we are type of person now found in Tel rights Speedy told 400 delegates , t » commltte memTo ease the situation. Sir Neill ! Jerusalem (JTA) — ConiliH!- \ all brothers in sin —• he "repres- Aviv and Jerusalem differs great"Warsaw (JTA) —A number of iag disorders last r e e k claimed I S e n ' i ^ F.i. t h f Tomp"!? win. Ees" that knowledge; he leans ly from those early settlers who Jews' were injured last -week in from Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Lib- |•bers representing the 'trustees '[recommends the iolxo-vrixig coursethe life of another ,Te\r. the E.;XI?I. : held riur.(l".y p r ;e"i'pop r-( f: Egypt and Transjordan after ihave shown the action: over backward to do so. He sends! came willing to sacrifice for a disorders in Warsaw, Kielce and ya, his election as president of the! of the arrangenieEt. in eleven days. ' An Arpb ?;; ; T n e URU^I Cbiifirpr/r pEErp^rt. y d representative to Nuremberg j great -ideal. "Among today's im.other -localities. 1 Conclusion of iEtern&tion- k i l l e d "Willy T'eiSS. "!•-•""??r-r>'r! i congress. with no necessity. By doing BO ! migration are. many who never s.1 arrangements affecting Ger- AlTEtrlP.n. fUirinET P i T l d - u ^ OF f h e: T^P Moniif.y worninE eerv Members of the youth section I Nabin Azme, president oT tea I he lielps to assure himself that! before Bhowed any interest In man refugees; • Syrian Commission for the m a i n r o s f i r.ear Na.lif.lal. T h e Blr.y- Tfjli he held at 11:00. the horrors of the Third Reich i Zionism — German exiles, Amer- of Col. Adams Koc's Camp for : fense of Palestine,- opened 2 Governments to unfier- ir,g brougV* * v " <--• _-r-•-<National Unity broke Windows of have been exaggerated and sinks j icana who invested in land durtate cot to apply immigration re- cle^tli t o l l " ' - - 1 - " - - > - - - I session with an assertion of the feack into his comfortable sloth of j ing boom times. By bringing Jewish book shops in the capi- i will to fight any blow at Arab Istrictions too strictly; G o v e r n 1^.51^* ^ ^^^^ - r . -^ jtal. The arrest of several "youths the heart. And Ambassador Dodd j " : ; = r | S — Convocatica by the Asrevealed that they are- student | sovereignty. ' The" Mufti cf Jer-j J 5, € 0 C- r e ^ ~ - *-•- <""" f 1 I i who knows and who must even | _ . u r ; _ l ; leaders of Col Koc's movement ' usalem. was elected honorary i slayer. i ccnferen'ce "on Etoption'of en inlet himself know? I have not yet « » e w i s a [president of the congress. for an. authoritarian regime in T\*ei.=p'p , . , _ „ , _ „_ , seen' %h. • -resignation. And if ho Poland;.;'. They were;*. i :Jsebil Hasina Bey is-the crgrss- .-.. : d.oekrJresign-ivilt ha thes, at unofjJzer'ofthe--congress-.VrsilcTS--*i-i\^~"-^' '-„ . x ter '.questioning. Many! • attacks ' i ' — CrEsTJcn cf B tystera jeludea Raufel Bacran, forcer; Beclare AiC7ai*y Jicial' liberty *oncs 'laore,"" titter on Jews were reported in Wari'wherefcy the gcversas.eEts, toge- from \.i c Ccnp^ctiila forth to the world a flaming and The largest single contribution saw parks in which several were I Iraqi-"Minister, and the following! S ther with the Kish Commissioner, both hafi bcrr i unanswerable manifesto in which to the fund for the 'Iron Lung' beaten. i Arab leaders froia Palestine: | i cooperate with welfare agencies ; he arouses Bll Americana by pro- was raised by the Jewish women Attacks on Jews occurred In i Jamal el Husseini, president of j ' for the purpose cf ensurir.g e s i - T-ere sei ~ec r claiming that, though the perse- of Omaha at a benefit luncheon the municipal park of Kielce. Po- i the Palestine Arab _ Party and Rome (JTA) — Spirited resisof refngees into countries the band TTI IC *~ v r cution of the "Jews i3 the misht- last Friday noon. The three hun- lish Socialists came to the Jews* I nephew of^ the Grand Mufti. I s a t ! tance to recently voiced demands receive them; holding1 up P c r 1 ' f : " ' ( iest symbol of what has happen- dred and fifty dollars raised by assistance and several persons JDarwat, Fakhri Bey Nashashibi, in high Fascist circles .that the prepareu Dtion t y the governArsb car s. ed in Germany since 1933 if is the women was turned over to were-injured in ensuing fights. iAuni Bey Abdul Hadi snd Issai : Jews of Italy divorce themselves & An A-'Eb CO - " c iL F v r " only a symbol and that the. suc- the fund by Mrs. Philip .Levey, Two Socialists were arrested. " - 1shot at icrr j r cessful attack of "chaos and- old chairman of the affair. ' a C ""^ Fire of unascertained origin In c" r ^ v night" against .cosmos and God . . . Bart of the dessert for theKielce destroyed ten houses and i the congress. The Arab military', in an unprecedented message, ical "• \ 1 and good in Germany should i group, the ironshirts, are acting ' signed by all the rabbis of Italy, | f .Preparation, prciesssonJ e- 1-arLc r -. «,p v r e "• luncheon was furnished by Louis left 300 Jews homeless. r 1 g make the stoutest tremble? Or Tripoli and the Aegean Islands. ; - ° ^ ; , e t c Sommer. The Paxton Hotel donDisorders were Teported in i as ushers at the sessions. DOi-' W«.-• = Tt a ' < will he retife quietly to GloucesThe message "frora the rabbis i >vt i i e t f c e ated the use of the ballroom and Brok, Bialystok province; Nowe- ' Egyptian Nationalists Support V " ter, Va-, and sink back into that ' v.. Congr furnished the coffee. hiasto, "Warsaw province, and c « ^ r «•'' • sloth of the heart blindAlexandria (JTA) The "Iron Lung" will be used Chelm, Lublin province. ers and quietera and sedative and in the fight against Infantile „ Eight Jewish houses were set of the Pan-Arab Congre 1 c- r opiate? Paralysis. r afire and a number of elderly dan, Syria, was de ... There is a more terrific exemJews were stoned -in Kielce. Po-en small Nationalis ple.. The world fcnows^— all the lice were investigating the disord- j Alexandria, held in connection is doubtless cue to the world that is still alive to any ers. Attacks against Jews also j with "Palestine Day." - JF.esolu-1 a unique whole," 6ense_ of justice and of good •— (tion3 were adopted opposing the ; condemned Jewish elements occurred in RadonK and several knows the exact situation in Pal| proposed small towns. W estine: No one is really fooled. As a result of the anti-Jewish itine And now cornea the.Permanent L a t e s t l u m i l l a r y i n Nebraska's boycott It is predicted that Jew- ido . , Mandates Commission of the. s e c t i o n o f t n e { I i m fi r m a ment is ish businesses will be unable to ! The League of Nations and proclaims j helplessly funny Benny Baker pay taxes which fall due in the• cussed by Premier Kustapba el- reformist synagogue jn Italy Si- 3. difrerest • pclicj- have nowNahas Pasha in a conversation vorced from the remained of thefelt compelled to adopt Ktrjr F~ that repressed arid distorted and j ^hose enlivened a next few months. a n U c g h"ave 1t measures of control. Ercigrat E with Acting British Ambassador' world's Judaisia. *hushed-up knowledge for all the j c o n s i,i e r abi e number of Paraserlo; prospects are there Kelly. j "If the Jews conserve t h e i r l world forever'more to know and jm o u n t ' s l a t e s t hits. Prince Omar Toussoun, cousin faith," tb.° xaessage said, "if we | affected." s--.^e note. "It should also be remem-j B o r n B e n n y Zifkin of St. Joreport states EI r of King Farouk, threatened Great do not offend other religious sen-! The / beredjthat the collective suffer-; s e p h > M o # B e n n y -^as brought by scaie E J s ' r . ^ u ' I Britain" with trouble unless~PaUjj timents; if we maintain "fidelity tojj refugees on a co-sia ings of Jews and Arabs are n o t | h l g f a m I l y t 0 O maha when he was ' '"d j estine was comparable,, since vast spaces in jt w o s oid- T h e f a m i l y r e s i d . I Arabs." In a the Near East, forming the abode e d h e r e e l e v e l l y e a r s before go.ference on Palestine, Andover, N. J. (JTA) — An of numerous populations and t h e i i n g o n t o L I n c o i a . . home of a brilliant civilization, j I n O m a h a F Benny attended the anti-Jewish^ boycott was announc- j for funds for are open to the former, wffereaa. Ke ilom school and received his ed last week by Donald Shea of ; and proposed fin r"s* » * V^i : serious the world ia increasingly being H e b r e w . training at the City Tal- , Baltimore, head of the National j Congress that a solemn covenant ourselves." -The report emphasises that as j Gentile League, Inc., addressing, bemade to "rescue" Palestine closed to settlement by the l d t - | m u d Torah. Referring to persecution o Jew3 in other countries, the rab- jI o n S t s international cooper ter." Well then? If the men who jj A s a s t u d e n t a t Lincoln High more than" 10,000 members and I from the Jews for the Arabs. this Ephere does not becone efbis declared that loyal citizenship ; ia friends of the pro-Nazi Germanliebanese Paper Hits Parley constitute the Mandates Comis- jjjg^ooj l n the fe c t i v e capital city, city, he hewas was l n thecapital Beirut (JTA).— The Lebanese and faitlfal service to t he State, j r e £ u e every attempt to improve „ 1^ sion know that and understand'' f o o t b a ll star and captain of theAmerican Bund here. ^pohit E e conditions runs the d&a- °"l,p, poi of '' "The issue todayis Jewish ver- | daily, II Aryan, denounced sup- j frequently carried to the that, why did they not insist to j school's basketball team, : ger of Eullification. ! porters of the Pan-Arab Congress ' self-annihilation, have not countsus Gentilism and it has been the utmost limit of their influ- j -^yhen Baker was seventeen the :o J ' i " r - \ — : o ence that England carry out : the j f a m n y moved eastward to Eo- ! forced upon us by the challenge | at Bludan. Opposing interference « ed in their favor. 'The cries of Down' with the Mandate and the spirit of theN e w YOTK where he wa3 in turn j from the Jews," Mr. Shea said. I in Palestine affairs, the paper r' . f lBalfonr declaration and make of a £ e m p i o y ,i n a -garment factory, a j "Our Gentile party demands the isaid the Jews were friends and .Jews,'" they said', "have resoundj ed too snany times and in too at least "Western Palestine in its Ic a n d y butcher,' actor, and stage j Immediate deportation of Euro- customers" of the Arabs. • pean Jews. •• Arabs Seek Unity, at Geneva i many places for us not to seelc an entirety a Jewish Homeland?} manager. •' • "We are gong to start a boy- Geneva (JTA) — Delegations adequate solution of the problem. Why? Because to do that they j Three* years ago he went to | cott against all Jewish merchants from Arab countries sought to ef- i This Eolation is coining." •would have had for at least a n . Hollywood to seek fame and in Minneapolis. (JTA) — Fighthour to. name and burn and be- a s n o r t t i m e b e c a m e one of thej and we are going to boycott all feet a united frost of Asiatic na- i It is cot the business of the ing Fascist ideas ty methods EESnewspapers, moving picture bou- j tions'against division of Palestine Jews, the rabbis added to esasru come defenders of truth and of t o those ussc fcy public outstanding comics. ses and radio program sponsors ; as the League of Nations Council • iue the merits or demerits of a health of the oppressed and of those who combating s. who employ Jews in preference to j met in a session scheduled to con- ! national home in Palestine under are sinned against by the whole epn demLie has be ea recoraGentiles. "We have a l r e a d y sider British proposals for a -'the League of Xati'ons or of thecisease world, Tjy their whole world. mended Dr. Goodwi launched our boycott against the three-way partition cf the Holy' proposal to partition the Koly of Teac:her s Coll-ege. Coluir They sank back) haying salved Land. . iLand, declaring their success to New York Jews' "World's Fair." their conscience^With a statement i I ,. Jewish and Arab delegations ; be exclusively-dependent on the into the normal sloth of the heart .,_ „ t r Fasci s a is SE Norwich England (JTA) — arrived here for the Council ses- | merits Israel gains by observance — that normal Sloth of the heart POLISH JEW DIES tson vrE-nea sion. The Iraq delegation is"-of the Torah.' of normal men through which a Charges that Nazi agents are inCSS as pret .ident cf the Soworld that might be saved is lost, headed by Foreign Minister Tow- 1 ; IN NAZI CELL through which a world that might ing In England-were made last fik Assuwaidi. Representatives j 3 JeVTS Killed in. CMsess W a r ^*fc'':^,it." n •* * IN DANZIG week by'Walter Citrine in an'ad-, "be redeemed is inevitably Qamnof the New Zionist Organisation j .. • 1 ^ * ' ed vriih the Acerictia Fsj1r t.l.. dres -before the Trades Union Warsaw (WNS) — The mys- Icame here. Dr. Chaim Tveizmann,! Shanghai' CJ7XS)—Thres JewEj £ ^ • ed. '-.•--•• _ ' . : • - . c ! Congress meeting here. terious death of Llordka Zylber\ president of the "World Zionist j are among those killed ia the j " And so with a certain bitterMr. Citrine, sec- berd, a Jewish merchant from | Organization, was "to arrive Mon- j aerial b o a t a r t e e s t cZ Shang- j : Bess I laugh to myself when book ,_.who is general , | day,,and Moshe ShertoS:, head of j hai's laternatioaal Settlement, j cat reviewers and friends and even retaary of the Congress, declared | Lodz, in a Nazi prison in the colleagues reproach me with what I t n a t - m a n j r r e f u see9 were living in Free City of Danzig, was reported the Jewish Agency's political de. Preliminary lists cf the dead jnJcia they - choose to call a messianic a state of intimidation. He added, here in advices received from his parttnent, was coming from Jer- elude the names cf H. Ginsberg 1Z3, OT I E - - delusion. And I use myself only, however, that he was unable to j family. According to his family usalem by plane. an American, Jehuda Ezra., a rsuof course, as a symbol. Better prove that t£is was the work of Zylberberd was arrested on his •_ The agenda'of the Council also j nicipal eniplcyo, and lioss Etasharrival in Danzig, where he hadincluded the question of emigram e n t h a n , ! and more useful men particular agents. Many of the refugees, Mr. Cit- been found hanged in his cell. tion, i , 'f is. vttt rthan I meet the same reproach. ni * l fit *>^ The. worldly and the slothful of rine asserted have relatives In Request for permission to perResearch -isto Aaericaa-J descent "srere forced by edic; hesrt munt address this reproach Germany and the Germany Gov- form an autopsy and to allow a The belle cf Philadelphia during history is hs-Edic£r»e-5 by ernment is "scientifically exploit- physician to. see the body were the Revolution, was a daughter of I adoption cf Hebrew Earsss fc ' (Continued on page S.) ing Chat position." i tt .refused. . . •. - . • tae Franks family. early Eaglisb. settlers.


*\ i r

the - County Court off Douglai y. NebraEka.. the ilarier - of the Estate s ."VV-.-Erost. JJeceased persons interested -in ' said e s ire hereby notified thit a petlpas been filed in: said ; Court al-


\Y, SEPTEMBER 17, 1937


bnual meetingr :shall be on the Sunday pf January of^each year




pital. stock.- but this restriction lot include Indebtedness secured frtgages- or-"lien's. The affairs ?emanaged byla.Boarjl of l>i-




slmll not'exceed two-thirds-oi


entered aa Secund Class Mall Matter on January Zl. is2l. » t foglofflce of Omaha. Nebraska, onder the Act of March 3. 1S79




' • ' • ' •

BRTCE CRAVn?ORI>. '" Countj' Judge.



Former Omahan Achieving Fame As Film Comic

- -

'Gentile League' -• Head Announces Boycott of Jews

Use of Health ods Urgred

JURE AND REST Hct opt .to-: !<irr;»woy

k i a i l i s tta&sinA 6io»oS JssaS oiperriMd' Foi. resra j end cs»o> ejicoiden W f AAanso ip« diatdi


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Nazi Agents Harass Refugees . ,' Living in Britain





Page 2

tive. Accessible, accommodating arid amiable as any human being can possibly be, he can be equally abrupt and inflexible. But he Has tob developed a sense 6t humor to allow his inflexibility to degenerate into stubborness, and in regard to Palestine he has too high a conception of Ijis responsibility to, Zionism to remain ob.-

H1TLIR HAIL M i 'RACISM* At PARTY CONGRESS HeWspapjefs of DfefflOtratib

diirate. He is a realist who sees tions S.jbrefl by Reich things very clearly arid is aware Leaders of Xacts as they are. BUt at rock bottom he is a romantic and im- Nuremberg, Germany (JTA) — pressionable, so that the rgrim Chancellor Hitler last week hailrealities are itiostly transformed ed "racial hygiene" as National Mdst Jews are frimlllar witti in him. the constructive forces' es- posed, he feels himself most at into a cheerful almost light- Socialism's '.'greatest revolution" j hearted optimism. Outwardly pa- in a proclamation opening the the story of Chaini AVelzmnnn^- sehtial to a. leader of men. He h o i n e persuasive, he. he is inin ninth aniial congress bf the Nazi the leader of Israel ahd the hiirlself., attached as he was to DrV Weizmann is a much criti- tletii tietit and persuasiVe, ecieHUst. In tills study, Sir. research id: the labo'ratbry; with cised man. It would he astonish- wardly breath'iessiy Ihipdlieiit and Party, according to the Havas Hocless, d Lohdoh Joiirnnlist, id Reiningproclivity to bqhehiian I ing if it were otherwise, "it is no combative. The inner conflict News Agency. becoines acute, but in } Hitler's statement, read by tsRes tis nehiM the facnae of •! ease, to sip tea—preferably Ru's-| easy matter to be a leader of , sometimes .• l process of accommodating I Adolf Wagner, Nazi leader of Bathe Jewish statesman and gives < sian—talk .about men and mat- man; it is pafticularly difficult • yaria, denounced Communism Pla" intimate Insight into1 the ] ters, argue, hum Jewish folk to be a leader in Jewry, a Jewry himself, he loses his pungency. Dr. Weizmann's, more palpable and declared that the Bolsheviks coniplex pprsohnllty of the man !S 8 n gs, indulge- in Jewish iiiinter- by no means united for the chief v h o has been pi-esident of the jin gS ; must ilavbVbben unatfkre of j national purpose. As leader of qualities which make him so at- were substituting a race of."JewJewish AgeHfcy for Palestine j jiig qualities as a born leader of : the movement which could easily tractive to the public are his firm ish parasites'' after eliminating ami the WdrUl Zionist Organi- j men. . To have been turned into j boast of the most brilliant brains grasp of a given situation, his real "intellectual nationals." zation and who will be the cy- ! a whirlwind, roam, about the bf the people, and the most con- Straightforward manner, his verJulius Streicher, anti-Semitic nosure of \vbrid cilnlonihc.v hs j world, be in tJerpe'tdal inbtibii,' scious parl of Jewry, it was ill-. bal felicity, whatever language he leader, provoked a sensatlQti by he begins the negotintibhs with must have surprised. him da it j evitable thai ne Should be siib- Speaks, his vigor, and wit; the telling the congress that 1937 Great Britain on the establish- must have gratified his 'sense of ijected to tile hypercritical and M a ^ e . r . %. .gradually suppressed found Germany on the road to ment of a Jewish elate.—TIDE the dramatic ' ' ,\analytical niirids he represented. ! ««,rinE. ^ e 7 e a T 9 r _ n . is . Iead ership. perdition. A moment of stunned EDITOR. Was iit the-terrible, He would would pernaps i; Was t e , devastatingg i He p e r p be the last ! He is not an orator.yet he is one silence followed the statement him.. wrenched ', U war that shook him,, {o' i.'*U«l'heiniiii resent helpful ' MtMsm: criticism; the j! °£ the most agreeable speakers to and he hastily corrected himself, it is eri8ugta to look tit Him ttt him from" the study, transferred : bhlooker whb is vitally interested listen to. He.has a complete mas- declaring that it was in 1927 that fcnow that ho Is a cornplex per- him _„ into a man of. action? " br j j n .... . move is nearly al- tery of the material, a never-fal- bermany was headed toward active 1 1 " l BOnality. It is, therefore, not sur- |wpujd he have arrived and reach[ways Under the impression that terlrig method, and his freedbiri ruin. Speaking of the racial "revoluprising , to , find incongruities ed-the position he had reached tliis of that pblitlcal ^tep, ought frbiri digression—a. quality rare about hiin. For Dr. •Weiznianij is without that -horrible visitation to have "bsen different. It very with Russian Jews—equals his | tion," Hitler said: "The results an artist 'as welt as a man bf ac-- iipon mankind?""Was he.impelled easily might have been different freedom frbiri either rhetoric or of this racial policy win be rabre decisive for tiie future 61 our peotlon. Had he^ taken to letters ih- by a mysterious , power—and -—for better of for worse. Who dialectics. Such qualifies of mind,.coupled ple than any other measures we stead of to science', he most prdb- there is more of the mystic in | tan tell? Politics; as Jotiti Morably would Have ^excelled as a him than many think—which | j e y gjiid, "was a field where de- with his psychological insight, have taken," the Chancellor degreat literary artist. He possess- forced him into action as a re- j {ion is one johg second-best arid aibrie are enough to make him a clared. "In other domains any ersingularly appealing ror could have been corrected eg, in a fare degree, a fine dra-1 suit of events, orv as a man ofj where the choke constantly lies graceful, matlc sen§e; that he can keep destiny, .would he have.come for-j between twoT blunders." Chaini figure in Jew^y. feiit there is a but In race hygiene — purity of that' dramatic BGrise so firmly li& •Ward under any condition? .It i s ' W is not a politician iii deeper reason; there is about him jblood — if it had been neglected cheek Is often as surprising to: a subject for speculation and hot the accepted sense of the term., ah indefinable mysterious force COUld never have been repaired." He pointed to the millions of many of his intimates as it 1B a thankless one. but he is a maii of action; ana in which' grips and holds. He crecredltdbie to himself. It shows a •; Ah'ad M'khi, a critic very spar- his actions, whether they were ates atmosphere arid . conveys boys and girls being educated and strong disciplinary habit, acciulr- ing in his praise, seldoiri. iii a hub- aceqmpaniea by. success or ottier- even nibre than he says. You may rdade strong in the Hitler youth * ed W the laboratory and deyjU jeetlye mbbd, ipblbEliiiife tin a wise, tie was always actuated by like his policy or not. You may organizations and declared the tA 1 ii oped daring yeara^ of- untdld re- certaitL occasion for associating "'- ideal, " ' - i ithe -advancement " "" i i f f l i '" t noff kgfee of differ with him oh many Nazi racial program was "a trne sponsiolllly, liimseif: with the homage paid to Zionism. , in a man Of tremendous points. Me may p'rbyoke your resurrection or a nation by the But there are moments wHert Dr. tVeiznianji, remarked that he force arid influence, it is the irib- love or anger. But here he is, methodical creation of a new ' tfle artist in him transcends thfe did so because he felt that tive which is of kiipreme imtiort- an ynchaiiengible supre'nie per- man." sonality in modern Jewish life, "In the fifth year of the Naman of action. In the conflict of "Chaim" had a prophetic spark anqe. tnirid and riervo-, between emotidii and -that in all he had done he it is alleged thdt ,Dr. Wei«- combining intellect, energy and tional Socialist revolution," Hitand intellect, the enlotioiial qual- yfds prompted and nibved^ by tiie mann was riot always^ kind to •will power adequate to tremen- ler concluded, "we can recall ities gain a temporary succe'ss. fire of the prophet. The apology j ^drhe of his colleagues as Presi- dous responsibilities; a forceful nothing better than the fact that Such moments of impetuosity offered, though ugh Understandable in-,j dent, _«^..t, that * tie —- dropped — . . ,•tils . . ihends . •,.,.,- personality, a skilful statesman, it is again good to be a German may Bometimes be a source of one. so grudging in paying trib-jas quickly as he had tdkeh tnem and a great Jewish patriot in the and it is good to live in Germany. "Long live the German people, trouble to himself, and provoca- lites, Utes especially to a friend, was up. That is not qhite" trtie,^ but widest and finest sense of the .,.,,;,.....>,?.o..^ - But +.-..£ iWho, ii.^. save -=2.i pei;-" ULL-l f ^iie, jjg' w a § following the ad 7 term. He cannot escape criti- the National Socialist movement, tively" unpleasant to others; bat Superfluous." It is, too, part bf his charm, of haps fanatical opiionenU or dui- vice of no less a statesman and cism; there is rib reason why he the National Socialist Army and Wi dynamlfe force- It'Is certainly lairds would iibt subscribe, to moralist J.han , Gladstone, who should. But he 'cannot fail to our Germany!"' The Germany of Adolf Hitler not among his lessor , qualities Atiaii Ha'airi's jud§merit?| Oiily told one of ins Ministers, that "if evoke admiration arid, gratitude: •that he is so essentially tempei-T prophetic faitii 'can turn drie.into he- wished to be a leMer he had admiratibd for his striking pow- has asuined in international misgratitude for devbtitig the sion aimed, at smashing "Jewish amental. It Is half the • secret of such a-dyna.niic( force, a. .force to : steel his nerves and act like ers; immense powers to t&e cause so Bolshevism" in Spain, propaganhis magic influence over masses, tliai unibosens .Darred' and bolted a butcher," as over Individuals. But despite dbbrs to power aiid' influence; a -Welzmann often had to steel j dear to us, for giving them da Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels the impatience that generally ac- force - iliat; .knows jib . hindrance, his nerves, but he is rethote from I wholefieartediy with inspired zeal told the congress. He accused tne companies people of a highly that overcomes obstacles, that deliberate cruelty. In mariy ways j a, ieal emanating from,"holy un- world press of voicing "cries of evolved temperament tir. Weiz- moves hearts'.:- ..:'-; ; .-,-..- ,..^-: „ isenllinentaiist, ^ it Js . Ofaly „ On rest." for the sake of Zlon. Bhow infinite patlerice Dr. welzzinan stands out as a rare occasions tliat-fir. Weizm&nn (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts mann. can demands. He ,does not | .. CLEAN LINEN i it occasion Unique. figure, a pillar in Jewry. has the streneth to be cruel; Feature Syndicate) habitually suffer, fools gladly, but A! quick, tnd -sjiining .intellect, .a cross, even.peevish", as^ artists are §'Always Attracts Customers he frequently allows himself to man wiili a sense of . absolute inclined to be,, but never calciiI OMAHA TOWEL •become a martyr to the stupid.if mastery over the situation which lated cfu'eity. Indeed, he is es- The Santa Catarina was the first . __ SUPPLY _ . ha thinks the cause „ he believes it was' t i s privilege to control, a sentially a generous man, re- boat to bring Jewish Immigrants 1 in will be served through the man tv-hp has succeeded in gain- sponding readily to calls for all to New York. 1 Ydiira Since 1876 martyrdoni by bores. Ing the ear of the great and kinds of assistance. But like one I • KE 2828 Venetian Jews were Allowed' to Chaim, was known in his early mighty temporal Powers; lie corn- of the heroes Iii the "Vicar of ye'ars of Zionism to be formid- manded respect and attention ) Wakefield," ,his all tob ready re- weir the hat of a Venetian citESic<rs«gt" able in opposition. As a critic he from the ., Jewish ,!_i_,_.. ^ bureaucracy and :_^ sp'onses lead's to many disap- izen only when traveling. had few equals in the early days has a gift 'of producing emotions, pointments,, which is frequently of the movement., His intellect- and evoking enthusiasm from the mistaken for linkindness, and oal' eijuipinent, his witty arid masses from whom he springs evokes personal hostility. For all 2 \ bedrooms wiik. Icitcjien, dazzling squibs, iiot infrequently and with whom he Is indisolubly his simple tastes and easy man- completely turnliheci _with conveniences, tinttiired by acrimony, attracted bound up, and amongst whom, ner, Dr. Weizmann baffles one. all modern and held attention. Few in ttdse despite the temptations and snob- H i s incongruities become as for f e S t ^ W E 3 5 2 * . remote days -woiiid iave cfefliteo: bery to which he has been ex- striking as his personality effec-

By J. Hodess

indignation" when a single Jew i or across France is incalculable,"'] The first socialist movement Bt in Germany undergoes "well-mer- j he asserted. "The international modern times was started by a ited execution." but . ignoring j Jewish arms traffic is flourishing.; monastic order in. Rn atemtpt lo "that which lias occurred in I Democracy more and more takes , remove Jews from the economic v gpain." • iftn the stamp of world capitalism, life of Italy. Goebbels charged that the ; Bolshevism exploits it to trie m- ] _ Spanish Loyalist international termost limit.'' Deborah Asoarelll Snd Sarnh brigades were under Soviet com-| The Propaganda Minister charg- Co.tiia Srllatn wn'p mnsidpred th« ! e<1 that, international Jewry "was outstanding Italian-Jewish poets ma n<j. "They have been commanded establishing over the leaderlePP o f t h e F L \ . i i r c n i h c e n t i i r y . hitherto by the Jewish General i masses a dictatorship of terror kleb'er, wlibse real narne is Laz- ' arid of nibney," but adSed:. "DePatronize Our Advertisers arus Fekett. He was born in j fense against international JewHunagary arid took part with : ry is organizing everywhere." four btner Jews in the assaSsiria-; rjr. Otto Dietrich, Nazi Party Menorahs, Jewish !Mnsic, tlb'ii bf the Itiiperial Russian fain- j press chief, followed Goebbels Bibles • ily." - . . . ' ! with a flamboyant attack on the The "infantile naivete" of the ! press of liberal and democratic democracies was scored by Goeb- i countries as "the enemy of peace, bels, who declared the democratic ; the greatest and most dangerous states were being used by Bol- ] midwife of iminent war, the poisDOX'T shevism and "International Jew-1 oner of world "public opinion." The FO-caileci free press, he dery" for their own purposes.

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I a ease. "Take the rind of the citjron," suggests an old Jewish Gems of the jbook, "place it in your woolen J garments — and the moths will Talmud not destroy them." BT 5 r . Phil 8km* fUDItshetl over* Kridiiy m Omaha. Nebraska, bs joy, when 'justice shaJl flow like water, and righteous- iTHE MIGHTY ETROG S JEWISH fRESS fUBUSHDJG COMPANY The Constitution Celebrates a Birthday with Did you know thpt the oil <*< ness like a mighty stream'; 'when the earth, will be filled vrith ! t!'.» etrog- Tias ben used to cure This week the nationNunites in the celebration of the One t h e t r u e Subscription Price, onoyear^ • • • • ; • 32.00 Tea, they are preedy like dogs. inotse in the ears . . . that, the rind Hundred and Fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the'(Jonknowledge of God as. the waters cover the sea.' dtii ratea rnrma&etj on application. 'of the citron, placed on the mouth They know not when they have "Tlieiv' as our ritual declares, "shall the just see and exult. stitution of the United-States. Through the years the target is supposed to accomplish won. enough, pn<\ ever, their leaders Editorial Offlcet 60UOran<iola Tbeater the righteous be glad and the pious sing for joy; then shall | d c r s i n c ^ s e o M o s s oi: VcTiVOi understand (hem; they all of much criticism, the Constitution, .despite the most dire preSlons City orfIce—Jewish flommunUy Center v tn*T to their ov'n WPVS. each one dictions of some of its own signers, has lasted a century and ! iniquity be made dumb and all wickedness shall vanish like and that these Succoth fruits or 3 '"-• Print Shop address*: 4504 So. 24th Street smoke, for the reign of evil shall have passed away from the ours, according to an interesting to liif own £F,inB, one and all. U&V1D BliACKBR • • • Business* and Managing iSattOT a half, its message giving hope to people the world over. The vickec' 'nre 'ike the troublstory of the Rabbis, once ci;re<! tfKANK, B. ACKEKMAM - - • : « - * * * ^ ^ l As far as the Jews ^re* concerned the American Constitu- earth." the intestinal trouble of a king? i ed sea. for it cannot rent and lt» ANN PILL • SloaxClty. Iowa, Correspondent - - "Frederick Colin. Here is the tale: A remarkably I waters cast r.r- mire fctid dirt. ; tion is the great Magna Charts of jtheir political rights and good-hearted soul, who has given' There is nc peace lor the wicked. civil status. Recognizing-the equality of man, the American away all his wealth to the needy. ' Feast of Tabernacles Constitution demands no . religious conformity but- insures is given money by his wife anti | ! Although the defendant pays ^uccQtb, the holiday of Jewish thanksgiving which starts tolerance.! told to buy something for histhe . . . • . . \ ' . pecuniary damage the case !• children. Instead, he gives the tioi. settled until he begs forgivenext Monday, has a dual meaning in Jewish life - - the thankPrevious to the signing o£ this document no country of money to the chapity-collectors ness ot the plainth'S for the Infulness of Israel for God's bounty in the harvest season, and the western world could visualize political rights for the Jews. whom he happens to meet in the jury to bis feelings. By. DR. THEODOSE N.' LEWIS the undying, eternal hope of the Jew as he wandered through Even some of the colonial and later state constitutions. had j I market-place. Being: ashamed to PF.if? Kobp to Robba: Whence ' Rabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, Siosix City return home, he goes to the syn- do we rteduce the following p6othe wilderness of the ages disabilities that prevented Jews from holding office. agogue where he sees many dis- ipin> spying:; "With the thorn tbe The holiday of Succoth derives its names from the-'He-j carded etrogim lying: around. Ke cabbage is smitten (the good sufThe'action of the founding fathers raised the curtain on rate a hoax to attain their spuri t +u \ • I-"HIS STRUGGLK (AX ANSWER ious goals." The author empha- fills a .sack with these fruits and fer with the bad)." The reply braic word "succah," or booth, reminiscent of the days when (^ ^ e p i c w ' • J. 11 •• ii. sets sail for foreign parts. Finalrebelled against and began ownAmerican following the sizes and -wisely me famous, or ly he arives in a land where ihe was: I de«2EC<=r it from the follow. CHICAGO. the children of Israel camped in rude booths ortents during,colonies, _France, ^ ^ ^ tyranny ^ ^the _ example _ & _ its _of_ _ ^ x i |! TAND. ART () HITL K R ) B V l R ETHE NE H AR. col(mieSf ^ PRESS. 327 PAGES. infamous, but well known state- king is sufefrine from an intes. ; ing: "(Ex. I«.2g) How long retheir forty-year wandering before entering the.promised tana. ^ f u r t h e r t ] i e r i g h t 8 ;- p f a l l m e n . I u t l i e C0Urse of time a num- CRAFT ment of Hitler about the nature tinal disease. The ruler has been j fuse ye to keep My command* 92.50. Later, when the Jewish people were a nation m Palestine, the her of nations followed suit, but few equalled the justice of and use of propaganda, quoted old in a dream that the citrons I ments and law*" — includes Moses and Aaron. farmers used to build booths or succahs for themselves out in the American -law. . . Frau Irene Harand is a well above. Nothing proves quite as of the' Jewish festival of Suceotn • Roba questioned Robba again: thoroughly the immorality and the fields where they might sleep during the harvest season. is revealed the genius of the-Founding known and energetic Viennese utter lack of honor of this ciem- can cure him — and so he is very ! "Wh'at is the origin ot the folanxious to obtain etrogim. But ;lowing people's saying — "What They took the philosophic concepts of several gener- jCatholic, a brave crusader for _ -,i * • n Succoth fell at the time of. the late Tiarvest in Palestine and J none can be discovered in his ifault there be in thee, be the first . . , , . -,. ? . , , ' , . , , justice, a staunch defender of the agogue and of his vnld hosts than x A was a season of 'gra* rejoicing, with the farmers laying their this impudent declaration. realm. However you can guess, ' to tell it.' " He replied: "From • fhl = [jews, a vigorous and fearless op- ' The*"">"*•">+ volume should rwinr^tirm help might- the precious fruits are finally i offerings from field and tree upon the altar and give thanks ations and translated them into the fundamental law. (Gen. 24.34) And he said: "1 am ily those who are not acquainted found in the possession of our! The Constitution, whatever its future, has shaped Amerij ponent o£ Nazism, she is now for a successful-harvest. « servant" can'thinking for years to come. Its fair-mindedness has been . editor of "Justice." a magazine •with the more intricate policies hel-o. The king: becomes once j Abraham's of Nazism and. Fascism, to un-more a healthy man — and our j Roba «ald to Robba: "Wuere"With the exile, not'only Weie the children of Israel ban, . ,. , _ _, . . , . . ... . devoted to counteracting antiished from their land in Palestine but they were also forbidderstand the fundamental pur- poor Jew 1s well rewarded by jfrom the following saying "Do a lesson to the world. Its greatness rekindles a faith in men S"His e m i t i gStruggle," m a n d r a she c e manswers a n I a I in n diet, in the well from denWthe privilege; of tilling the soil in other countries where who rule. simple but strong, language, the poses of Hitler, and his aims. The having his entire Back filled with j you drank water.' " "From hook deserves a place of honor many vile accusations and filthy they lived as aliens. But they never forgot the harvest season money! . . . . I (t>eut. 23:8) Thou Bhalt not abin all public libraries and is a lies which Hitler has uttered in Palestine, and retained the customs of their holiday. As the hor an Egyptian because thou splendid addition to the increas(Copyright 1937 By Seven Arts! against the Jews in his, "My Joy in Judaism wast a stranger In his land." years turned into centuries, the frail succah was transformed Feature Syndicate.) Struggle,'' and which have be- ing anti-fascist literature. . Roba said again to Robba: • By Rabbi Frederick Conn ! come the principle stock-in-trade into a symbol of hope. The succah was built in every land, "Wherefrom the following people's Our Holy Days come to a'close with the Feast of Sueof X a z i s m Frau Harandhas and the roof was left open to.the sky that the persecuted Jew: Italian Fascists saying, "Birds of a feather flock coth, and Simchas Torah, "Rejoicing in the Law." Our holy I carefully studied the Nazi" men, together." "From (Gen. 38.9) ish people might look up to tl\e stars and raise their hearts | Attend Congress I festive season ends on a note of joy. the Feast of jtality, technique, and purpose, Every fowl associates with its and these she exposes with rug- , in hope. • • kind and the mpn with its equal." i of Anti-Semites the Harvest and we 'rejoice,' as we are bidden to do, not merely ged honesty. Very few books can \ TALES OF SUCCOTH Many of the Jewish people rare today returning to^the soil. over'the material harvest to be gathered shortly from the happy equal this in revealing the evils i Rome (JTA) — A delegationBy ! of Italian Fascists participated in ; So, once more Succoth assumes its agricultural significance, autumn fields; but particularly over the rich spiritual harvest of Nazism, in exposing its shadyStove, Furram* the recent anti-Semitic congress • lending depth to the courageous hope which sustains a people which.our celebration of the solemn Rosh JEashonah and the tricks, its -contemptible .false-, Rabbi Abraham H."Israelitan< !1 at v and Bolter Erfurt, Germany, it wa^ dishoods and barbaric aims. The-auJ On the ocasiosi of Succoth, the : closed here. Repairs who disdain the discouragements of the ages. '.. sublime Torn Kippur has brought us, the rich spiritual gains jt h o r call g a svaae a spade, and Feast of Tabernacles, which be- 1 The delegation included Ge*ner- | OMAHA STQVR we hav.e garnered from the services and devotion attendant j never hesitates to, speak of the gins on September 20th, we : al Xamarra. Albert Olupin of the j (Repair Works present these tales about the ; Fascist Institute ot Culture and j The Defiling Swastika upon these ancient festivals. They should have been £206>S £tei!g!£« StCMt Etrog. —EOITOB i Professor Botolli and Ebola, a)v' As perennial as "the flowers that bloom in the spring" are dant with the,most sacred joy, the joy that comes from thel w n i c h a l l understand. Phone A t SSS4 ! thors of anti-Semitic pamphlets. the threats of investigation into the activities of Nazis in Amer- worship of the One God, the Power behind our lives and all J The book includes eleven, chap- AX ETROG T.VLE j a few titles of which are: Did you ever hear the follow- i ica. Z^espite tons of. gathered evidence showing the tie-^ap be- history, the Divine Providence that has ever guided and guard- j the Main Weapon of theing story about the Gaon of Vilna !!; tween-the German" government ..and the American Nazis, the ed Israel; the joy of contemplation of the past, of the inspec- "Lies, Nazis." "Lies About Jewish — tEe greatest Talmudist East! camps continue, the Swastika still flysover these gatherings. tion of our own lives, of divinest, aspiration for the future. Usury-" "Lies About the TalEuropean Jewry produced? One However the .tone of the German government regarding Religion is pure joy, and this joy reaches its climax in the ob-i mud -" "The Ritual Murder Lies." year, the story goes, no kosher , . ! _ ' _ «• ! "Jewish Idealism- and Self Sacri- etrogim could be obtained. The Germans abroad .and the boldness of Kuhn and Ms. cohorts Jews of Vilna were very much servance of our Holy Season. ; n c e , , -protocols of Learned distressed — especially did it sadcannot remain unchallenged for long. Joy is characteristic of Judaism, not onjy the joy of re- i Elders of zion."Balance "Jews Look It is strange that the people and groups so usually riled "Trial of. at theden them that their great Gaon would not have this yei.r an etrog. ligious worship and contemplation of the divine as well as at the very mention of the word 'communist' sit ba6k com^jst 'Lies, the It was finally decided to send out highest*communion with ourselves and w^ith God; but Judafortably while iuniformed men salute a foreign flag and pledge Main Weapon of the Nazis," is a a mesen.cer *"ho should try with allegiance to a Hitler whose every idea is repugnant to ism's general attitude towards life is one of joy and its atti- splendid introduction to Nazi all his power to obtain at least tude towards joy is as that which is the legitimate object of mentality and ^procedure,. And toone kosher erog — so that their j Americans. . ',-.--• . give it "official" confirmation. Gaon might observe the j The Nazis here-claim they are supporters of the Consti- life, indeed the will of the Divine Creator. Judaism is an op- the.axthor quotes this illuminat- j beloved Succoth festival properly. ! Hitler's tution and-that they are organized to fight communism. - timistic faith. I t puts no premium upon woe and suffering. rnesenger was -successful. f r o m task of on On his traves travels he ddiscovered 'Meinparagraph Kampf":' "The Yet in no other country of the world are the people being It recognizes these indeed but it does not .regard them as a'ing o e d a, so ""quickly prepared for a communist regime-as they ajre in worthy or laudable expression or end of life. Asceticism has propaganda is nbt to weigh the: je-w who possessed a remarkably i of each side, but to em- j beautiful etrog. But, alas, alas, j Germany. The dictatorship of Herr Hitler is the same dic- never played a great part in Judaism, and pessimism is wholly rights phasize exclusively the one'thing j the man refused to sell. All the j tatorship as that of Stalin—except it does not claim to have foreign' to its nature. -In the very opening chapters of its great th^t is -take the place of the oth- j money that was offered to him | the support of_the Proletariat. ~ literature, the Bible, it proclaims life as 'good.' "And Goder through the medium of propa-[ could not induce him to part with j


i I !

actions of those wlio seek to enshrine ignorance, who stoop would flee from the hardships and the desfiny that our charto' dishonesty, we_know they have no cause, but bear within acter and mission, involve, .who would commit spiritual suicide. •_';.•'.• ' i The lot of the Jew is the price he must pay for the rare privithem the deeds of dishonor — . . ' lege of being a Jew. One day_the whole world will be fil!H ;

is ^ i *

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ti hfe.

Mighty Etrog

Not even in Kussia is there such a complete .regimenta- saw all that He had made, and behold it was very good. .This ,g an(ia . Propaganda does not have j his beautiful fruit. Finally the j to state the truth objectively, in- j messenger informed him that the j tion of the people as evidenced by the numerous bands parad- note of laudation runs through the whole of Sacred Scriptures, sofar as it is favorable to the; etrog was going to be used by the j and reaches supreme expression in the Psalms^ the world's ing the German countryside. Their uniforms are symbolic of , . » , . . - ,, • T. . .., •!•» • ' ii others, nor to place the truth be- ; great Gaon himself? The news ac. i greatest religious poetry. doctriaaryJcompiished what an the money! individual repression. The government control of business is Browning ore t h em a s s e s ln says with i t ) : I t says with Browning (or rather !fcandor, but must serve its own j cou^d not accomplish: The man j gradually Fringing an. end to private enterprise. The present "How good is our life, the mere living, how fit to employ. interests uninterruptedly. It was I agreed to give etrog to the j economic policy of the Nazisj so ,erratic that Herr Schacht All the heart and soul and the senses forever in joy!" basically wrong to discuss the ' Gaon — in "fact, he said he would ; again seems on the verge oi. retiring, can end only in fhe colwar guilt from... the point of view ! not accept any money for the \ Judaism is a glorious optimism. I t says God is good, andjthat Germany-alone could not be! fruit. "But", he remarked, "only j lapse of the small business man and bring about a state ,life is good, and life's purpose is good. Good will yet be rea- made responsible for the out-; on one condition will I let the j monopoly. ' lized m all the earth. The goal of history is the eventual \*** The | Gaon use it: x The heavenly reward i V?\ZlT right way would have to :the that use theof fjaon receive It, is high time then that America bring an end to this triumph of- the-good." "Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord!" All jp i a c e the entire blame' onbeen the en-! thewill etrog shallthrough belong ! ' menace on its shores. The American government has nothing this is the basis and occasion-and justification for the highest iemy, even if this-did not really | not to the Gaon but to me!" o obin common with Hitlerism, never has, and may we express the joy The note of joy is particularly sounded: in connection j ™ ^ ° X Tt £^\J?L™£r\£?Z 2 so i pious hope that it never will have. Hitler speaks of the de-With the.Feast of Succoth. It IS then that by special selection | xha atrocious lies which the;year the great rabbi of Vilna that was : | ] cadence of democracies/scores them for their free press, for er the respect of individual beliefs - - illusions he:\ calls them, the Book of Koheleth or» Ecclesiastes is read in the Synagogue'^ Nazis employ against the Jews, | exceedingly happy. As a matt whi«h, though ^t probes to its depths the 'vanity? the frivo- ;«e™J ^ r S f e ^ a "£)&aft'e^^ T - s e S IHe borrowing his term from the Russians. ^lity, the frustration, the mystery and .perplexity, the vexation,' peclally effective ' is chapter ten, j was very-much ssed because ' America "has a sacred heritage. It must be. protected from suffering, and sotrow of-life, its many evils, its overwhelming entitled, "Jews Look at You," a-of the promise he had made to title borrowed from a grossly j'the owner of 'the etrog. And so, on the venom.of a Hitlec-inspired doctrine. problems, its manifold injustices, its tantalizing paradoxes, its anti-Semitic volume published in! the day before Succoth he apirritating, ironies, nevertheless advises and urges man to reGertnany by Streicher portraying I peared before the Gaon and told •C h a r l a t a n i s m - .>-- • :. ••->y:'::'"V:-, y •.•..,-' joice.' "There'is nothing better for a man than that he should Jews in disgusting and revolting-him the entire story about the ob- • The author uses the iden-! taining of the fruit. There are living today men.who,'are forse; than the mean- eat and drink and make his soul enjoy good in his labor." "Go roles. tical title to describe Jewish ben-j B«t to the great amazemei t of est of thieves. They, pretend to honor; garb themselves in. the thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a. efactors. She lists a ,great array i the messenger the Gaon was u.ivestments of. respectability; cry-out their patriotism; receive merry heart . . . Live joyfully with ^the^wife whom thou lovest of outstanding Jews who have |e<i with joy! "All my life," the made lasting contributions to the j famous sage cried out, "I have the respect'ttnd commendation of the unwary; yet ate nothing all the "days of the life of. thy vanity." "Yea if a man live world of letters, science, art, etc.; hoped for the opportunity of ;>< rmany years, let him rejoice in them all." "Rejoice, 0 young but the vilest sort of rogues..... ;. ' " • She "names the German-Jewish i forming at least one COEECH,;They beset the world as the seas were once perilous with man, in thy youth, and let thy heart sheer thee in the days of Nobel prize recipients,, and fit-1 m ent of God without though! ri tingly inquires if the race from | reward — and at last it has hep. -piracy. Their weapons the printed, page—pamphlet, mimo- ^h youth." "Remove sorrow from thy heart for youth which these have sprung,• is• in-jPened! Praised be the Lord!" . . 11 graphed letter, newspapeis-once utilized for truth and free and the prime of life are vanity." terior. A long list of distinguish- AA HINT FOR THE HOUSEYarr dom are now perverted into minions of dishonesty. O surely Judaism sounds the note of joy, loudly, jubilant- ed Jews with their rich gifts'to It h er e you troubled by moths? A;t follows. ' i ^ consuming your clothe*? They pretend a cause, yet in reality are nothing but petty i Iy? and triumphantly! And this is n,ot a mere CE carnal joy, hase, mankind In the last chapter, the author'Well, we wish you to know ths t minds inds seeking to achieve toe rewards of greatness without the [materialistic, sensual. On the contrary, one is.constantly re- relates EOine Of the unspeakable j some have used the etrog in tuch effort. Not endowed with vision .to blaze-new trails, they malie minded and'warned that the only hasis for true, enduring and and incredible brutalities of the|use of prejudices and fortify them with lies. ;: ' happiness is righteousness. It is righteousness that is the foun- Nazi regime. She tells of the mistreatment of a well known GerLinoleums The hand of Jthe^law is heavy upon him. who commits lar- dation and condition of all true joy. In Judaism righteousness man Rabbi in a Concentration ceny though he may be driven to his misdeeds by want.'But and happiness are inextricably interlocked. "Do well-and you. Camp' at the hands of ^brutal sa• Linoleum • Rw&ber Til® for* he who is intejleotually dishonest, a moral cheat, there is will fare .well" says the Bible, in substance, .everywhere. "Do distic guards. She quotes, freely, • Accotsle v from the pamphlet by Rabbi Ab• Lsns TI3e no law oi xnan, < . y •'-'. - ,* : ill, and Ayo.u will experience -ill." "This connection between, raham, describing his experimaijs^are being swamped by the-propaganda of these righteousness and happiness is infallible, inexorable. This same ences. No lover of -justice and —One for Every Room in the House For -their, .material1.they, depend not upon recog- book of Ecclesiastes for all its sad disillusion regarding many freedom can restrain his anger at > nixed authorities, whom they denounce and revile because they things, its .seeming subtly pervading skepticism, is adamant such brutality and. barbarism. tfiiciwesf 'Csrpet conclusion of this gifted kn«w, .their greatest enemy is truth; but upon kindred souls, in moral matters and in^its convictions of the absolute dom- andThe human soul is that "National, inance of this law. ."Though a sinner do evil avhuiidred times, socialism is a gross swindle, a equally mean and petty and as unseeing. " ©13 So. 24th Ha. 29S3 and prolong his days, yet surely I know that it shall be well fraud and invention of diseased From their ways ip is to be iakm that the causes they w i and criminal minds that perpetchampion are. devoid of purpose, merely of nefarious intent soj * them that fear God, which fear before Him., But it shall " be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, that they mnst put their reliance in lies, rumor, and conjecture. not Our Funeral Parlors Are Famished in Korae-Like Fasfclon The Jews have been among the victims of these'poison pen- which*are as a shadow; because he feareth not~God." men, but there-are other groups and other individuals whose Let us rejoice in our Judaism that teaches righteous joy. ' - • ' . "COURTEOUS—RELIABLE" fineness of spirit is outraged. And let us rejoice that we are Jews, despite the many privaHULSE--& RIEPEN Yet the infinite .nature of time is an enemy. Within the tions and sufferings that are ours in the midst of a hostile FUNERAL DIRECTORS lives of "men lies have triumphed but truth has a way of last- world thafmaligns, because it misunderstands and persecutes HA I22C Fsraam l ing, of being like material matter, indestrucible. And by the the Jew. Above all let us not be ignominous cowards who

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>ms of the Bible and Talmud By Dr. Philip Shor

mer chemist for thp Ford Hnsyiti£('% Yor!r (JTAV Fritz Kulin, al in Detroit-and tbe Ford Mot'T fiu h'-er o[ the German-Amtnirnn Co. His ofnoei-s, tlity s.u<3, are it, .Jluud. airiv'ina from Chicago, p;>i<l Educational I . . . •• ; Xew York. i ioi"o m commeiiling; on the Chi, • In two recent' films Misclia : Mrs. Mathias F. Levenson will Leader of the Chicago D.^ui?- ca«n U"iiv Times Biory tlmt "»•<• By HELEN ZIGUIGND j Auer portrayed a pianist. In,j give a Dessert Luncheon at her cher Bund, Muellsr wrote i? Fnti. a"' v e r s u i r s to fisrlit thp <.'om["100 Men and a Girl" he is a ' home, 4819 Farnam, Wednesday, Hfberling. He quoted llfuerling ' iiivni-t1-, not to • rie-iit the i_-ni;e<l . . . -in, "Merry-Go-Rqund i September 22. at i : 01 p. m. for Hollywood—Scoop . . . Scoop oflutist S ' P ' - s- " f 1 9 3 S as savins:: "he is cast as a violinist. members of the Hadassah Educa- . . . Whoop! This week, ladies ' Bu ca >;i Knhn spid iiis organization "We are tinder oire man onl> k Slay? tional Committee. Mrs. Irvin C. and gentlemen, we give you Fran- ! V P HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE Chicago fJTAI — At Irast 20,- — h i t l e r . We deal with tii" •n,.s "not .particularly interested LAV1NE-BEARR \ * cista Gaal . and a "sholem i Levin, president of the chapter, Joaa •Qt/interest to many Omahms At a party given at the home alechem" to all! She is the new !; Blopdell once worked in 000 U"zis are - prepsrinc; to seize Consul General of Germany hVlv tn.iii.iii.:ug ilie Jaws'' and iirim<ira is the farewell tea held « Q Sun- of Mr. and -Mrs. A. Shafton tne will assist. cinemadorable imported from Vi- ; circulating library on Broad- i control of the United States, ac- in this'country. We lake ordosv ti> coiKvmed with fighling ComAs a result of the school held , day In Lincoln to honor Mies Bes- engagement of Misa Margaret else . . . ni-uniRii but, he J added: , "Jlost enna. She'll be starred in "Buc !1"svaJr and-89th Street, Xew York. cording' to ar. -undercover investi- ! from' Hitler -— no gation made "by three reporters i we've, nothing to woi y about. sie" Stine •who left the following Boarr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. In New York recently for Edu-caneery' C. B. DeMille's next I arc Cbr.iuiuTiists. The.Jews * * * cational Advisors an " elaborate whose findings ere printed in a | We do no harm* We do not have day-tor Los Anegele3. Harry Bearrrto. Mr. Mar Lavine, -ying to srftb everything epicolossal. _^ . | . Sights -worth seeing: Arthur copyrighted article la the Chj-"; guns and we do not/shoot." program in co-operation with the ~!i Conmiunism." Her mother, Mrs. Abe Stine son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lavine National Office will be outlined in • Caesar, mayor of Laguaa Beach, ca I The Times said: v'li L. L^wis will make a and slater, Mrs. Samuel Garson, of Lincoln, Nebraska, was an-which Hadassah plans to' lead in S° Jimmy Ritz of the "Terrible in a blue denim yachting, outfit, "There are thousands of Gernounced. . holding conferences with the city i "A relatively small b t t 'rapidly ! •were aostcsaea to over a hundred olurion liere betoi'^. the peoi»l*s Three" Is a lazy chap. One day adult education. Many study xlrOut of town "guest included and twenty-flYe guests. rowin is preparing for j man-Americans who will slMch ' k n o w n w h a t happening and we his stand-iu was missing froa the fathers: Mrs. Morris Spector of Bronx, N: cles will be formulated to follow set. the American counterpart or 'Der :U f i r «™« » ^ ftitlw saJute but viiill linvo to TIOI:I in to protect the Gregory Ratoff,' the chief When asked about it, Jtamy •".•. Appointments vrere in pink and Y., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lavine the extensive program outlined United States," he said. ..-white with cut flowers forming o of Falls City, Nebr., Mr. and Mrs. for the year;"Members interested explain'ed, "Oh, he's out sleeping carrier for his boss, on a tiger : Teg.'"' the f["imes said. It declar-j hunt into Indo-Chiha next March, ed: "Chief tenet'of ^ . i _ . „.. the' -^_ German «^.—„ .; reasons,_are not members of Nliz-« Will .Sate V. S., Kuhn Say** for me." _ • centerpiece. Tall white tapers in joining these groups can do so Bu S o m e w h o o r k Morris Lavine of Red Oak, Iowa : • * . American Bund is an intense h a t - - » ? * Washington <JTA> — ijenatof set in silver candelabra were used Mr. and Mra Joe Lavine of York?; hy calling Mrs. Mathias F. Leven• .* • Eddie Cantor has a new story red of the Jews and all things isb'emplojers are afraid to join Borali last week proposed a Con. to Jlght the table. Publicity Plus: After the preNebr., sand Mr. and Mrs. Jacob son, Walnut 085J). •Other wealthier. "«»«•«-.« »«,«_; o r - cans contribute monpy secreUj > grescionul -investiiration into view of "Big City," Korraan about Ida. Seems Ida never visits ". • Greeting the guests -was Mrs. Lavine of Lincoln, Nebr. Membership < her*spous© at the stud4o during j ganizatibns are lining up with the) Krasna's first opus as a producer, i but have no outward connection activities in the United States. Lashlnsky. , Pouring were The -wedding date was get for The Membership Committee of doesn't want j Bund in what leaders say will be! working hours He said he had information ilin't with the organization." Mrs. Max Kuahner and Mrs. Dave October 10th. Hadassah headed by Mrs. M. of the preview criticism cards the picture spoiled for her later. ; a general Fascist merger." Nazi organization were being supread: "A great story, -well-writ"German day celebrations in Davidson of Lincoln and Mrs. Brodkey will hold the first meet"Leaders'of the movement' gay i most parts of the coujjtry are giv : n*rte<i from Gormaiiy. ten, perfect direction, cast splen- But last weet she walked onto j Samuel D. Nerenberg of Omaha. ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH ing of the year In the form of a the"set just as Eddie was rehears- j ^ sei"e control of the "Dni- jpn over completely to praise 'H>tdid, everyone great,' especially Wiiat done on more Serving were thd Mesdamea Har- ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosenthal an- Dessert Luncheon, Monday, Sep. ing a rather hot love scene with j ted States, but not before t h e . local Initiative ould bi> u i " — Swastikas appear aat t ler. appear con coln, and ; the Misses Nina and nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their tember 20th, 1:30 p. m. a t t h e tho PRODUCER!" The publicity Louise Kovick (form-erly Gypsy were all aglow until they Communist revolution starts,' the ^certSr dances and literary meet- [ thing, but \o h \n tin <-o lot nl »i Friedman,. Harry Jolt, Abe Coson, Edward, at the Beth El Syn- home of the Co-Chalrman MrB. M. boys Kose Lee). The director, in some read the signature "Mr. Benarticle added. , ings, ' j : n d professional Bund ! gaiiizaiions. FIUMIO.I'i' H.-MHII U hen, Charles Keller, M. Kushen, agogue on Monday, September M. Barlsh, 912 Mercer Park yelled, "Cut!" jamin Krasna." That's Norman's embarrassment, An article under tlie signature speakers•»preach t h e doctrines of ' more so-.ious."' •!>» t, n;.U'i I. Polsky, and M. Novlcoft of Lin- 20, at 9 a. jn. No invitations have Road. s. But Ida waved them on, unperfather. of William Mueller, one of the re- I National"Bojcialism." 1 '— - coln, and ^Ife Misses Nine and been Issued. turbed. "Xever niind me . . . go porters said: The outstanding event of the ' I The Times said the Amerifca~ Seima Goldstein, Ruth and 8ylrjght on. In fact, I think Eddie : Committee will culminate in a "The Times investigator's found ' dentscher Volksbund has sixty- 5 invest "Having Wonderful Time" via -Wolff, and Rosaiyn Lashin- TOURING THROUGH EAST 1 Membership Tea to be held dur- be rewritten to fit a Geatile fam- NEEDS some more rehearsals!' the German brand of Fascism I odd posts across the nation, eaoh PKUE? .-.;• sky of Lincoln, Rae Spar of OmaMr. and Mrs. Harry Greene and ing the lajter part of October. spreading. . . . The organization is , vlth a select-organization of uni- ' *•••';t ha, »nd Sally Helphand of , Fre- Dr, Arthur M. Greene are touring Anyone Interested in co-operating ily for its screen version. Movies Chapter End. an integral part of the JUtler , formed men -who. it is said, are are like that . . / • -•'•: m o n t . '-— - ; V • . .' •. •. : ' .through the east and are; visiting * with the committee can do so by 1 •movement in Germany. Leaders "&n eX act replica of thf> Hitlpf * * * * Among the out-of-town guests in Boston, New York, Washing- calling Mrs.-SI. D. Brodkey, Har(Copyright. 193' Jewish Tele. are in frequent communication j 5torm Troops" and "ready at all The other noon George Burns vwere: Mrs. Abe Rosenberg and ton, D. C.. and Philadelphia. Dr. ey 3771. Agency, Inc.) ? with, Berlin . . . '. times for any type of teironst acarrived in no uncertain manner and ~<:AIleen -Rosenberg of "Council Green will remain in Philadelphia Mrs. Reuben Bordy. Financial at the Brown Derby.. As his new "Jews and Communists are al- t tivity."• .Bluffs; Mrs. I. Kruplnsky,, Mrs. for one year for special training hairman, v is culminating a s u e most synonymous in the Bund ' Xassis Will Sa\c U. S.., Knh> Kajs j : Helphand, Mrs. M. Monovitz, in internal medicine at the Grad- essJul Dues Collecting Campaign car slid to the curb, the heater mind. The day of bloodshed will ;; an<l Myra Monovitz of Fremont; uate School of Medicine „ of thelaving worked- on this the entire was heating, the lights, glaring, come, leaders say, whin "Jewishthe -windshield wipers, wiping, •• Mrs< X* Shafer, Mrs. M. .Morris, University of Pennsylvania. ummer. At this time she urges mongrel-Communists attempt to and the radio, raving.H It's Ji short Mrs. Lena Kohn, and Mrs. I Ho. til .members delinquent for 1937 seize the government just as they circuit, someone said. "Short cirGeneva (WNS-Palcor Agency) '..••;. berman of'Omaha. * LEFT FOR FLORIDA o become active. cuit!" sputtered Georgie. "why I'—Consideration of the report on V-•'-:•••; M'ias Stine was married to Ben Miss Charlotte' Sacks who reMeeting "In onfe breath," Mueller wrote, haven't been In vaudeville for! Palestine of the Mandates Comcently returned from a tour of Helphand, . formerly of Fremont, Due to a constitutional change "they predict there never will be years." j mission will be undertaken by a the west, left 'early Tuesday on Thursday at the homo of Mr. .he first meeting of the year will democratic election in the \ • • • . small committee of the League another and Mrs. William Krupinsky In morning for a three weeks trip r ited " held t h e first Wednesday of Council, it was decided, w i t h V ! ^ States; in the' next they Quips Mitzi Green, "The greatto Palm Beach, Florida. En route he month, October 6 th, at the Los Angeles.•. ; • ' . - . . talk of uniting with other 'Arest obstacle a former child star _ _ _ _ the party will visit scenic points proval being given to Foreign After their •wedlng trip to Catewish Community C e n t e r has is being a former child star." j secretarV Anthony~Eden's demand !y a E S ' groups in a political party alina Island, Mr. and Mrs. Help- of interest. 2:30 p. m. that only non-interested, neutral to 'uphold the Constitution.' " This trip as the one Misa Sacks hand will make their home In'Los Jewish National Fund The. story is told of a powers be represented on the c i - John Metcalfe wrote that Herpreviously took was given for her Angeles. The semi-annual drive of the newspaperman in London, vr h0 man Schwarzmann, whom he ' amining connnittee.' activities in the South. High De- ewish National Fund will comnamed "fuehrer"' of Astoria. L. I. was rolling with laughter at League Council opened bate. Club. mence October 17th under the ;p o s t Day at the Races" until his Eng-jj lt= seSE i O n, M"T. ' told h S m that Jews 5n t h e . Eden Eden announce! announced : y upervision of Mrs. Jack KaufMr. "fcnd Mrs. Louis Paperny reservfe his state-i U n I , t e d . States are "grabbing confriend informed him that the {{ th%at h e tro O e er h n announce the engagement and ap- VISITORS FROM CALIFORNIA man, assisted by Mrs. T. A. Tully, Ush e Marxes were Jewish. He became j Palestine unil the meet- trol of ^ > m e n t o n Mr. and Mrs; Seaman Kay of o-Chairman, anrf the following proaching marriage of their Ke quoted Schwarzmann as very quiet for a long interval | f the Council—which is i n g o San Jose, California, have been District Chairmen: Mrs. Judah daughter, Sylvia, to Morton L. saying: then suddenly roared. When his j scheduled for nest Tuesday, t t h e n s u d y Frledlander, son of Mr. and Mrs. the guests of Mr. Kay's parents, Wolfson, Mrs, O . S . Belzer, Mrs. "This is exactly what toot exThe representative of Rumania Mr. and Mrs. Reuben' KulakofFeldman, and Mrs. M. F . Lev- friend looked puzzled, he Herman Frledlander. place in Germans'. Finally the t h e who is the Council's rapporteur plained, "I can laugh now nson. in resentment. pe0 3e r o s se e u up p An early winter wedding Is be-sky. ^ on mandates, proposed the ap- I horse is Aryan!" j This will happen here—it is. inA free trip to Palestine is be-' ing planned. 1 pointment of a subcommittee , „.. , , iVhen that day comes, ng. offered bV the National Coun. Round-a-bout Town: "Uncle" jw n ich would submit a report to i'^" & ., J[ and it probably is not far off, we I1 of the Jewish National Fund. ANNOTOCE ENGAGEMENT Ctrl Is doing very well In. the j t h e councfl after a detailed dis- ' " " Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saltzman Determining to cooperate with Iveryone donating $5.00 onsnore fishing business. His Hollywood. c u s ' s } o a Of the Mandates Cominis- must be prepared to figb.t for the of Council Bluffs announce tho the city health department in during the- year 1937-1938 will Seal Company brings back boat-1 E { o n ' S report on Palestine. Col. "There will likely be bloodengagement of their daughter, their fight on polio, the members e eligible to take part in the loads of those animals from Mex- i j o s e f Beet, Polish Minister for | shed and fighting." Helen Mae, to Mr. David ; Cetron of the Mother Chapter of A. Z. A. rawing. Anyone wishing to obAffairs,, supported the g Schwarzjuarn told him, ?..'?''"of Divenport, Iowa, son of Mr.decided in an emergency meeting tain additional information or ican waters. Archie Jlayo, direct-, and Mrs. George "Cetroa" of Dea 4ast Sunday to postpone the an- lue boxes can get in touch with ing "Marco Polo" discovered that ;prO posal as did Mr. Eden. But calfe wrote, tea: 'in all like ispaghetti first came from China, ] t n e latter asked that the sub-com- hood the cay of trouble will cc c Molnes. .; . , nual Achar HatanuB dance until Mrs. J a c k Kaufman, Harney not be very small and comItaly. Max Factor has inwith a financial crisis in We- 962.' the evening of October 31vented "sanitary mud" for mud j p 0 S e d only of non-interested, neuCONVALESCENT ington. Then will be the time u All of the arrangements for the puddle sequences . . . it is sup- ] ^T&\ powers. The proposal was Leonard Edward DePorta Is now Achar Hatanus dance will carry wipe Out" the Jews. posed to be proof against lnfec- j adopted in that form- The Presi• t home recuperating from an Over. into the • later dance; all Times reporters said the "Air • tion. "V^hen Goldwyn gets in or ^ent of the Council, Alvarez del ican Hitler — the national i '•appendectomy'.performed Septem- tickets sold for the original dance The Pioneer Women's Organ!, out of his car, his chauffeur saVayo, who is he representative o i ber the Lutheran Hospital. will tfe honored at the later brer of. the Amerikr.rlputsc-' latioa will open its year's activi- lutes and Sammy loves i t Spain, will appoint the subcom- Volksbund — is Fritz Kuhn, i dance, a sweetheart contest will ies with a tea to be held at theBenny Baker rides horseback ev- mittee after consultation with tne RETURN FROM BAST bo held just as originally plan, Mr. and Mrs.'Dan Gordman have ned, and Jack Swanson's twelve ewlsh Community Center at ery morning to take off pound- Council's rapporteur and Foreign returned from en eastern trip piece orchestra will provide the :50 on September 22. The pro-age. "When last heard from the Secretary Eden.



BIBLE a, they are greedy lifce dogs. know not when they ha,ve gh, and even their leaders ot understand them; they "all to their own ways, each one is own gains, one and all. he wicked "are like the troubles, for it cannot rest and its rs cast up mire and dirt, e is no peace for the wicked.


ltho_ugh the defendant pays pecuniary damage the case U .: settled until he begs'forgiveof the plaintiff for, the in- i to his feelings. " " • id Roba to Robba: 'Whence e deduce the following p6osaying; "With the thorn the ige is smitten (the good sufwith the bad)." The reply I deduce it from the follow"(Ex. 16.28) How long r e ye to keep My commandis and ; laws" — Includes ;9 and Aaron. )ba questioned Robba again: "at is the origin of the tolas people's saying — "What :there be in thee, be the first ell it.' " He replied: "From '1. 24.34) And he saia: "I am iham's servant." ; oba said to Robba': < "Whereth'e following saying; "Bo throw dirt in the well - from • :h you drank water.';" "From ut. 23:8) Thou shalt not aban Egyptian because 'thou a stranger in his land." .oba said again to' Robba: srefrom the following people's ng, "Birds of a feather flocfc ether." "From (Gun. 3S.9) xy fowl associates- with its 1 and the mpn with its e,qual."


Our Film- Folk


I and moves east to establish a per- ;: I manent residence in New York.




•* •

Small Committee to Consider Plan for Eretz Yisroel


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PLAID-BACK - WOOLE^45 uith Clwm-o-Line Interlinings . . . u-'.irm as JUT!

.95 -\

' T A C o m m i t " - ••-.

JOSLYN MEJIORIAX, When The Joslyn Memorial presents the following. activities for SunWEDD1N0 OIKG3 day, September 10. 1937. 3:80 — LecturoHall Lecture by Paul H. Grummann and GIFS on the Bubpect—"What 19 Art?' 4:00 — Concert Hall Organ Recital by Martin W. Bush, asisted' b y D o r o t h y Haugh, Soprano.


Gala, Fall Opening


Neckwear :e with your lattan Shirty.


during which they visited friends music. Tickets may be obtained gram for the coming year •will horse was the only one losing. "outlined at this meeting. The Harry "Warners celebrated I Ghazzati, follower of Sabbathal i and relatives. from any member of the chapter. be Mr. I. Morgenstern -will' be their thirtieth wedding anniver-1 Ze-fi, was forced to renodace his , The chapter also decided to disband - meetings. and social af- principal speaker.. All members sary. Sylvia Sidney is dismant- j teachings before being permitted BACK-TO SCHOOI, Jerry Gordon, son of Dr. andfairs until the healthvdepartSaent and friends are urged to attend. ling her Hollywood apartment! tp enter Venice. Mrs. M. I. Gordon, naa returned once again permits public gatherto Cambridge where he will re- ings. However, the *arork of the sume MB studioD at Harrcrd. His chapter will go on as usual in" brother, Richard, is attending the spite .of the fact that there will Tomes Preparatory School at be np meetings. Port. Deposit. Maryland. This fall, for the first time in the history of J. C. C. inter-club TO VISIT ABROAD athletic competition one club will William Pearlman learea this enter teams In both the senior •vening with the American Le- and - junior basketball ' leagues gion ConTention Special- for New when the Mother Chapter No, 1 Sixteenth at Harney St. York City. Following ,tb,e con-of A. Z. A. provides two .teams tention, he TBill embark on a tour composed by its younger and oldoi Europe stopping in London, er members. The two teams will $russels and-Amsterdam, and lat- begin practice sessions as soon as From a Most Sumptuous er going to Paris where the Le-the ban on public gatherings is gionnaires will be the guests of lifted. Collection of Smart th&'French government. . One trial for Judalrlng before OMAHA VISITOR ' the Inquisition of Mexico City InMrs. Sarah - Krasne was the volved nearly al tho Important guest of her son-in-law and Spaniards' of the capital. \ daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gross. She left on Sunday night v for New York City where she will WILL PAY ¥ 0 0 Ball for Europo aboard the Nor-

art leati«V etched T • m S'-cck

comes th?s beautiful creation of fine simple lines with unexpected1 details . . . Fashioned from imported woolens in rich Cinnamon brown end luxuriously trimmed with Dyed Kolinsky fur , . .'the dress with pleated front and new motel clips and buckle can be worn separately. This and many other fashion masterpieces in the new costume suits will instantly win your favor for Carman's Ingenuity in pickingtho dinners • « . ' • . Prieed^t . . . . . . . . . .


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TJRES tm. ^Wi-

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PREPARING FOR OFFENSIVE—Preparing for the long-heralded attack by Japanese troops to gain control of the Chinese city of Shanghai, here are Japanese residents of the International Settlement aiding their soldiers to erect sandbag barricades. Shells and bombs of contending forces have hit often inside the foreign sector. - •


Won*} h; «*ttr For

GUNKEFS—Intermittent fighting is earned OP continuously in the outsk-'ts o* Shanghai, bet-ween. Japanese and Chinese troois especially m the vicinity of the No- ^h Station. These Japanese machine-gunners were snapped br a dr ung cameraman wlrle they ve-e intent on holding back e Chinese attack.

- 1,1 -

nrea PARIS VISITOR.— Mrs. James Roosevelt, aged mother ol the President, did not let her years interfere with sight-seeing while she was in Paris. Among other points of interest she visited in the French capital was the American embassy. Here she is assisted as she leaves the building, by Ambassador William C-Bullitt right, and S. Pinkney Tuck, First Secretary ~< •



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Ing. v^At it tiri

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ti^Ht iiMt, fit for tofflv w rt

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WAR'S. REFUGEES. HOMELESS^-Homeless and unhappy, these Chinese refugees have been herded by officials into a safety zone in Shanghai, as guns from land, sea and air blast the city. Cholera, breaking out: sporadically, then attacking the Japanese troops, was feared civilians. Japanese charged Chinese with fighting a germ warfare.

BY AIR TO CHINA—R. G. Howe, hurriedly appointed Deputy to assist the, wounded Ambassador" to ChinaT Sir Hughe KnatdibullHugessen,- leave's Southampton, England, for a fijing boat to, China. Lady Galway, left, was en route to New Zealand.

— Miss Jane Holt, sister of Senator Rush Holt of West Virginia, who was married in Greenwich, Conn., to. Ralph K. Chase, Washington attorney. Senator Holt was best man.


J* fct^






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i.LAW CLUTCHES SENATOR—Belgian Senator Van Dieren took part in Brussels in the demonstration by Rexists, after that political party charged Premier Paul van Zeeland with acceptmr bank, bonuses while holding his government position. Premier van Zeeland was cleared of the charges, but Senator Van Dieren fell into the hands of the law, as above, on disturbance charges..




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VICTORS ENTER SANTANDER—Following bitter machine-gun and rifle fire from the hills, Santander, last important seaport held by the Loyalists in northern Spam, capitulated to the victorious Insurgents Here are some of General Franco's Insurgents-marching joyfully into the city, on their way to mopping up defending stragglers who remained.

FLAGSHIP — Britain's flagship London entering the harbor at Venice. Italy, - as tension grew over the mysterious submarine attacks on international shipping, Uributed by Russia to Italy, i Britain proposed, at the "piracy" conference in Nyon, Switzerland, that an international patrol be set "up, for a counter - attack against submarine molestation.


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EXECUTIVE SHOVELER — Mayor La Guardia of New York sturdily digs the flist shovelful of earth, starting a $12,762,000 development to make North Beach airfield one of the world's outstanding land and sea air terminals. Behind him is Colonel Brehon B. Somervell, WPA Works Administrator of NewTJork City The hill the Mayor is attacking will be leveled.

MOUND SHARER—Harry Danning has made such a good hit showing, on the New York Giants baseball team, that Manager Bill Terry wanted to get him Into the line-up, but couldn't figure how. Then Terry solved it. For the rest of the season Danning will catch right-handed pitchers, with Mancuso for southpaws.

NEWLYWEBS EETUKK Miriam Hopkins, blonde screen star, attends a? Hollywood party with her new husband, Anatol Litvafe, whom she brought back to her Beverly Hills home. This was a continuation of their honeymoon begun when they were married, after elopment to Yuma, Ariz. Already the grooia is helpful.

FASTEST ON-WATHS—T,his was how. the crowd applauded Sir, Malcolm Campbell, after he broke the world's taotorboat speed record on Lake-Maggiore," Italy. He"^did." 126.S2 miles m hour.'

THE JEWISH PEESS. FRIbAT. SEtrrSllBER 17, 3P37 that ^ e aiJpf^sJSte the ripening! nibthfers tS,_m'ake {he ifriHs'h" fie'hsh'a'l'campaign io fciale fesg-! value—ahd they yielded, riilrabile : dictu" . . . Thknks, Rabbi tiia8f the fruii Besides, a special! Thanksgiving dinner sS inessof- i i n d ' s r o a d s Safe . . . tr.ond, for solving for tis the mysplace -oi honor on the Succoth able a feast as the one which is Baton von Crainiii, German tery of hois- a non-Arysn crashed tSiile is reserved fbr a jar b'f; associated with turkey and crantennis feije, is hajip'y that his visit, the Xszi censorship . . . Tour coHbney—which ought to make • berry saiice. Not thai ihuch pefsiiasion will td this cbiintry has not been operation is greatly appreciated anybody's'mbtltti water. "Staiiy re1 ligious Jews alsb make it the eus- •be heeded. For mothers are al- marked b'y any anti-Xazi dettion strations in the stadium of New ways ready to provide, special tbin to ieit 4 Succoth meal mart, (Copyright, 1937,.by Seven Arts tile fiVst time sonie iiarticutax , dainties • for family feasts, aren't tbrk's ^ e s t giSe Teiinis' Cliib . . '' Feature Syndicate') He Is tihSef orders td quit the fruit is eaten in that season; so: they? toiirilftm'ent and cbiue horrie di* Arts ybiifc own, or if you live in an yb'h see' that you have every ex-| (Copyright, i9J7, b'y Seven rectly at the first expression of hoW iuniiy of tH.eSe apartment hbtlfce iirhfere some one cuse to try to persuade your j eFatiiri Syndicate)1 anti-Xasi 'ieelisg . . . In case j-ou i <}UesHb'tts jrda ciiiijitigweij. lifter can MiJ yB\i iiUliil a Succah 'oii don't know it, JJoiiroe Boston ; you liHVe read Mr... Warid'S tiie roof, why nbt try to get a Strange ii tfae'pie fciiig^di Ame'rir i "Ask i t e AjibtHerV fcfihf. Soecah jifsitrtcjf ydnr bwii family ca . .". Me lias invested thg chif-! i . What lioHday is tn'fr this year? • You bbys who" like tB fon pie, and is the most respect-I •n ishifcritlvai .bfrihUtiksgivii tike yb'iir tddl ChSsts, bbiild fee Very ; e'd advice SisgeiiSef fcitibiig tfie | iL-triiiit particuiftr.i helpful in building onfebt thfesfe | pie makers ot America .,'. . The \ Hid the itnciftil' lielirevJs featlU HutB,_and the glHg tan ,takS bvfcfr' j RlCb '&t it^ recent sales converi- : Sf al tlilS, tiiiie? ; tlie Job of <Uepl-ailrtg tiiisto with (JTA) — Tlie WtrhXEffS^ . . | LoniseRainer is scheduled to play : tioh iii Kolly-^ood showed k shbrt . . . . . . ^.. w^_ ! Autumn ieaves: ,Of fcotirSe "^ hm , W David.- Ben Gurion, Pailestinfe :'the role of the Divine Sarah . . ; in -ivnich fetitler fecoriiriiends Sani : weys of the Holy "band, -which ld be getting a. lata 'start—: I ieadei-now in this fcbuntry; Ben Hecht tore rup his contract i Briskiii'S ..flicker! . . . They .alsid> pot FO iong sgo knew only the has. twb diplomatic missions . ; : with Samuel Goidwyn for a Quar- ! showed another scebl'. *itn ^iiis- tres<i of esses and oxen, now hare become a serious problem because of the family, is supposed to start'; iphe la to convince Justice Bran- i ter of a miiljon ddliarg a year to oh : oi the increase in automobile acwork. ~M the Sirccafr right after !i cidents, and the police are taking .tupper that-follows ; T rk p i D g t 0 dirCCt t I S films thiS season , . .' Tbices of measi:res for safety on the road. the Socraii Tie ' h e lplay and even ••'so' ihere j, t 0 persuade Mrs. Edward Jacobs, Theatre° Guild . . . If FanrJe March o"f Time actors were dubUie Ti-e Officer Sn Charge of the days in "which tb bed iii in actual cewsreel Shbts fiiitjt doesn't the position on the Jewish Agen-' "j'ariiiie firice" you fcan throw it - . • Bist Kaiis still stake Traffic Office in Jerusalem has l rite thb lUiUb arid !n6ed tb- be lai-ge: just 4js lbhg as.1 cy Executive, in. Palestine . . . W e in the ash can . . . The bank heads ,at)b'nt Cbuht. BeriistorfE'^ issued s communique fleclaring 111-.tin a'cefonmbdate ihe ; iitniiy dre; afraid that he wlil fail bn cashes only checks sighed. '"Fan- niece becoming .the briSe of Ter- tfat £0 pet cent of the fecciderits , s. fehaj; a» tiie iuisb aM i supper table it 18 big•'.-• enough. both;eounts-. . . . The new Berlih : ny Brice" . . . Albert Ambrose, non Duke (Dukeisky), the coin- o c c r m r g in Jerusalem fere due the effirdg symbolise? .;, !JIM the ibbf i s i i i t y n i p i ^ t ; i M t - t weekly., of the Jewish State Party \ best-paid arid inbst popular daace poser . . . The tbiingest liieiiiber to the carefree manner in which 0. Wti&t qnrlStlid cejrfctnoli^ i ter. in; the wdrld—riiefely u lat- ! is so violently opposed to Pales- band leader in Great Sritain, is 6t Yale's FreEhmiii class is Her-. pedestrian walk about the street* coiiipnrre :ti> the carrying- of tlce^-frbrk bf fjresh.itfjtncttet. with tine partition that • it seriously i a landsinahh of burs . . . Maurice bert fiaker, the son of songbird and the children play in the roafis. the JttWB tb* tiib sytoflgbgue? the i leaves" BtilL o^n them. A Suc- suggests the lynching of Dr. Sieg- Schwartz's recent visit to Pales- Belle Baker .".".'. 1 if. - 'tt'hrit "type ot focfil ^Is Ks£ | cali; ybli see; isn't aiip'ivbsed to be; fried :Sl0se3, head of the German : tine was primarily intended as a Sti'STkRY SOLVED . He Offers the following hints - -" 'Who advocates condi- visit to his father, who life's . Rabbi Xorman. H. Dismond of to pedestrians: Bhj.rn'"i| <vitH- tlie SdccriUi eei- j ^foperiy roofed bVer, for tHe'iam- Zionists, 1 : • ebrnHb'n? , ' V,\ . ! :.; • "V". fily gathered" In""It shduid-bfe aBle tional acceptance of the division there ana davens at the "H'aillng New CsEtie, Pa., has given us the "Where pavements" sre provici,-..•'., are.-you boys and girls ! td ibbk tip at the, stafi,'which re^- plan • . . You can send your let- jWail every day ; . . frbr those »n the inclusion of en eg; tise them. The roads Ere oc*h sgr-fcir thfe .: beleb'ratibn of | mind all of us that God- watches ter bl congratulations .- now to ( who criticize US for calling Fredcupied bi- fE.Bt-moriag vehicles. Thanksgiving Week? «bfr donjt 1 over His people "By day and by Harry Schalter, whose reelection! erick jiuir Opp'et-, cartobnist and IE you see a friend ict'oss the as commander of the Jewish War ' laugh too soon, or accuse Mr: creator bi "Happy Itooligkn," k street, Eon't rush into the rokd — davu i'evii tiled to Veterans next week is Assured i . ;: Jew, we have this coinebstS . • . mond, in the jubilee rolume the j you may never reach the other World of getting his dates mixed. Nazis have issued in honor of the Palestine For Thanksgiving father w6a the brother of Gerhardt. Hauptraann . : "When siSe. Look to yo'ur right fetid left Association jtis Adbiph dpper, an the article was submitted our i before eteppicg off the pavement. THuj-^y %Ntit6ttilie> is a t e « ; ^ g ^ E v e r w h e h ^ i S n f e r i l i e ^ (PICA) have been changed to Austrian jew whb, undei1 the long way off. At .that, as iiibst j r e m a l n e d there^ letting the rain- inake.James de tlpthschild presi- riani'e? of tiehry de Miowitz. be- Xaii friends suspected the nsme • Where safety islands are at of Diamond," writes the Rabbi jhand, cross the road at that point dent for life . . .Under the new of you may know, even ' ' " " ciine ihterriatibhalij" ' known &6 . . . "They requested trithdrawal ! and never cross at a corner. by laws he has. the right to apr eral THaiiksglvihg Day i the Paris corfesbbndent of the of Phiiip's name before, the ar- | "Parents, keep your children :: don!t point his successor- in case of tdtidon Times in the eighties . . ticle wouid be printed: Professor ! from playing in the roads ini be- • „ « - . - ^.— r to be Which t of ' fore they leave for school instruct ^n- which, fol-i . . ^-^i\~j.^- vXiM'^VA'. r he ' them to walk fan pavements." t h e c u s t o m o r s e t t i n g t h e : ' . i i o _ ; v » t , acr;-ua* w* tK«»-«iii»j>aiT'•< •—• ~ — l8ws th'<j clistbm of ..setting the 11 7 811 organiza1 ; Anii for motorists: Thti^sdiy<>,i,j., blt Sbv^niS-er :»..Y..iL. •..,;» ior i . l^ftfi^JSfKSfT^M when the weather i3'bad. "ffi?! r Q r , a i - f* . , l l '^^ ,,,|V|, T H K SCE> ' "Are the brakes of your car both names ^g.vlnjij.ahihvtanadi, for ^ m £iie climate ilere is differ j - " S £ ^ ™ S i It appears that there in first class fcondition* Coiilii you i *' V ^ ^ - n e i ; ^ i i i 3 fenVirbm that of -jiaie^ine,:^here! t l1i O St^f^ S : pull up In time to prevent ah kcare still a few Nftsis who !y. celebrated much .fearliefj l l 4 ; . M.^-L^IA^ AriMn^A and I .u - U L " ,i t i t 2-. • Cidefat? A few centimeters mfeRe * iH November thah i n the rlTitited all the difference between . life States. -'.'-, • - . •:• : -. ! iaiid deftth. • Toil 8re advised to But it's the iewlsH" ltig festival that Mr. World, means rigtit iiow.- bf-mayije it isn't fafr for him to change the j^ames of holidays aiid then expect ySii t8 know what he is talking about; So he ivill confess right here aii'd ;kfauu:,the Dreyfus (of the Zola im I n d 6t BOW that it is Silccdth. wtijbfa is tfiidltlrindi fliiH. ttaa, just returned from J D e a , c airi P aiin fodr years ago . . _. Jewish. ThdnaSgivlng. if . The lttiab';'tLs'-etery'' Jewlslr"boy jEiirope.aiid is on the way, to Hoi- j Xfatiiiknl Kaplan, feeneralissimo •will only-remefiber tflat-it is o dfld girl. shbUldfenb'%,:>ia«a'long, lywobd, having^signed a five-year | Mahoney's mayorSuccoth' that 3iir Sundky^schdbls; graceful -ijaiin hrihcnA - sn&.-T for Jjpntraqt with twentieth Century-! o t N e w D e a I e r alty fembltions> p u n e a t h e strings celebrate -thlif tiarfest; t'estival iigtt^ft :fct?tn^lil|a . vMii. a iFox . . «. He brought aldng .Victor if o r anti .R O o S evelt Mayor Johil you will uiiderstan'd ? 'y^hf / this tilt isJ^Siit-StW^iiia^ nyyfiTe •»ii_-"-lI-=i-;- •"—tin^t; « n i , U t ( K n n i l ^:_ 1 . ...» i ... - ..i-_ B holiday is=. k :fSist



termittent fightn continuously, in )f Shanghai, bese and Chinese ly in the vicinity Station, These ine-gunners were arjng cameramaa e intent on holdinese attack.


have the brakes of your car freijtientiy adjusted. _ \% "Db liflt takt> i chance fey ; speeding through the town, c « t - ' tihg in between cars or putting on a spurt to pfess 8, slow-tiievini. vehicle. A child rtiRy sundenlv rlasfc into t h e rose! in front of you. TVheh sprb&chingr p. corner or road junction Blow tlowu c-nW keep to the e'Streme rij.'lit. Von ctihnbt t t ' l what may be Ph ifip bttser side of the come? oC i.vprofeching" the j u n c t i o n . " The Eaifs Traffic Office, r h t c h is condiictltlg fi. Safely First atid Aiiti-XoiBe CfmijiRij:;n, has pi;b!iKhed h. tist of "do't Rrid doii'is" which warns against jay.walkir,g, driviiig.- in hfeuthil gtiii", blowing

TiornS wEbtDnly around corners.



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sneak or.



jiiiritverpp.ry oi' siif CoriKiitiuio;:.



*•$fat** & P^nli'f- !^"t->". r? London (JTA1 — The Jewish People Connri] p.painst FnsriBm p.r.fl Anti-Semitism isiipr* a flpcinr-


Btion Ptrohgly rroteptini:!?t. the proposed march OL the British Union of Fascists i.hronf,h


'» ( B

London's East End, Oct. S. The (JeciHrF.tinn urjred the Police Commissioner not to Permit the parpfle. which it heid fcpiMns! the interest of Ksfet End






I j (% f'M' I *f" ief1 X*f! 6tl- I: is


1 J

b e & k r in .Tcvrisb. Books &n& MJQ C-tbsr I-e 24-26 DecitHr Street

| s s

On iiccoiimil .o? t>por heBlits I kn-i ff?vt:ct; fbr thit tsitife bfcihg tr.y fcuBiiieMfii Et»,tl I em fcteick B etrticles, can f £ r e *: smbfci^sTiiUi.! ttiviesvu'i^ or). *Hxi.;W <3urin£ this .clopinf c u t Bale llipl V-'«15 I».B?; tn-ti' CFV thinfr is eolti so .1 csr. .pny tip nj?" i;vefli5:*"*ij. All the: s t o c k ttitit 1 orctcs-Ktl for theise Kirh H*»litii*-.T-(n n* fi/i Koritn, N«w Ye*r t u r t j , TRleiftm, ii'ifc o r »-(>oi o*: tls*: tjiaeilitieB; 'will bfe tefferee tojtetlikr with my olh«r fi a t g r e a t l y r e 4 « c e ^ prices.

Buttet^Nut \^^io. : Ircpare fin© Lot Si««f * - . • * * . % » * ' *



OaavSHiai OLoHering

, O PfSieii cad Specie) Classes ?er C en SefnrdoyS - Day dtitt W§G| Pbono fe p ^ 433a

applauded Sir' 's motorboat speed li miles an hour. i lit United NcT?spictarc3


Nsn? Foil Colors!


U AKDES . . . A subdued light brown.

^Slieer . . . Ipvjl^.X,... l i a t t e r i c i L BMt there 1 ? . ' - ^ % § ^ % "iron- >reS»statjce''/...;jo--- ^%,«^f4:4^.^4S .'.iiafSaa!. • " " ^«M*i" " 0One is a:4-th^ead, 4S* .gauge, s.'-'ip...^with .3thread ilieernfess. The .other ^a 5-thread^ crepe i ""."' tiUSS" tHatld9fes..iiM a ;.' r4=tHrc$di r^we^ri like :' •".' ^7-thres«i!-^Vthera! v:. ' Tint

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O A.VESVSrr .'A medium i & h ©PLAZA ... A roty beige. QSMOKET6SE • v . . A fccdisss Uiujii . tf%t. lliii OfiiB. Mli'd

- i

i coL*e* ei.?iirii. TtLu k, is'St iMt fi% hid Skids; b S li Fiir la rev»i«tiSai£* &i krt fcf

R hail €M»fi'j 5CM*!1' »o3wthintr

All tiie B$It c6l?ees aft blended to give & proper balance of S&Tor qaslities. \Vh&t would hstppeft if .tKeee blended eitfeeS ^ r e - ilkweil b will

»le fey


now. alotn^> & brand. t*f tlflB it

|f *•*

! corae Isto tae £.&vov. tlie to^ee was riclser. TMi . ¥ i i usisesj

Fall Classes Bogir.nlng Sop*.; 6

ihaiVu l branches of coianiajclal art for boti cleirsentary• a a C3

i «,!" c e cf

W©ts!d_ tl»>«e fiii'feri issieriteiagle frosa berry to terrt T£ey 212! Bsiit Sore Isripsrtantt'il wi* nodcefi ih&l &

Saturday We tnttb&nie Two New Numbers in Beautiful

h WAek wteil en frSfe &e few pf©c«fl II aiH:i»!l.r*'cl:, W« telflia.iBSSi t l a l i t &M l i s Iffiste 6t imzaSty

*.: K&ta: E TUTSfetet dnp-eis^wr *>T silcx. »*fe for ^ ^ G-Ir-" ^sa'ie^al. & Irenes. an^odrA

l a e B ^ i . F u s & I l y , &y e a f a g o , S a U e r - K i s t a n a o a a c s c i _

"-** %i>i

its new Spiaallj' Mells?w«l Coffee to the

p i t r . i n g o f *lte

f a s cis I: Ri&rcfe ITX




r services t»-i!l tie heiK Rt t h e Pei.h Ei S"'i>apo£:Ue til t h e .Jewish Com ni unity Ceiiter R; t. o «. lock. i.'riULO-'? A^-.tVi.i I.^iL^r will r o n t l u K llif EfV ir::if' a«\tl

' • " • -

Fait wlie&t,' dnd theh-j iiUiti and It is and was inspired by Leslie Horethanked God fbr blessing ' their' , . . , . , just a>in dy that picks up the life of land w i t h a n aoUiidance bf trtiit we use dur^own harvest iesuva,s W « u ^ , ^ . . M e r c h a n - t o f V e n l c f e . , c h a r a c . Bnd grains . : . •-.•'• . Patronize b u r Advertisers eara ottorri and tat round pump-.^rte after the Shvlock "ven today the : in^n^ ,thbMthe any •--.^lf^? ^ f *" ™ trial . . . The reason/why Louis ands of Jews who ,h'a>e becdmo ^\&i&i fereht sbrts^qf fruus and veg- b^H^ i e n b er g ,_ the gifted A American j X~-mers in modern Paiestlile belf gtab'igs; that the' "earth yields in j - e we ins bh e composer, did not attend ebrate Succoth as a • holiday J i t • t ^ j i i i t u t t n " if.'SJ I f ' a a yBtl fcarrjr fcarry-the fei his prize-winning prizewinning off his ;the | ^ & premiere t' anftigiving for -the Autumn -_.-...- irog to ..the synaat the Lake Placid Club 1 harvelt. And it is to remind us .during . .Succothj some' of this B1UIARES iSA3» of the time, long ago, when most ' juld'ask adniit Jews LABiSS Jews tilled-the soil-that.;so',; strange j t J 1 ^ n b e - & g u e s t s H a i a r.n htte ltr*am!1ned bilof the Jewish1 this; to liard. «ncok» i PEOPLE this cSuntry have made it : a • cus- .can also er «nd poctTemind them Believe It or not, but a Ger<t bililard tom tb hold a Harvest ^Festival them; ypi'-,< rii T ^ W l l UKIat. deeded a theb a n - baroness has tlrcci. Wire during Succoth,.;.each.;y.eaf.\ .No that tifarifches tbchnrch on.,the Sun-j ^ g t c h " o f ' land in Italy to a, chadoubt most, bt. joil'^ h4ve • taken. iiavfcrecediht Easter, and ;tnat | j n ^ , m t r a l n l l l e camp . . . Loiiis part in such a Harvest; Festival, dty p ^i s o t ^tfSJi^hTuiirgrandson-in-law oi Sarthis custom,: which also dates in which the'tetnple "or.v " ah Bernhardt, has sold to an School audltbfiiiih .'" is "iie'cofateci blcfc tb.the:JrewiSS;tra&ition& l a American film company the story Palestine long ago, has- glvei tb •Vvilh Autumn leaves' and frtiits that particular .Sunaay a special of the famonB actress' life . » . and flowers and- .tire : beautiful' hattfe; PaiM i&ittdiy. - :./. S""coth service is. read by the P>er-aap"8 S6me b'f y'dn children o^t the cbngregatibnv • •• uTering/whether." there _is any ipeFREE1 An Eipert Counsellor bn R o o a But how mlny'bi! yBu; flK cial-kihd of feod that belongs to l ••' f ^ f f i l P " is**: ^*>#«' World, wonders; hdve. h8il -aSuc-'! ^uccotiif as, .for,' feiainple;- piimp-' cah of your pwtt? in these..hur- kin-pie is pirt Stifle American ried niodern tlnies .parents!5 "often Tttatikifigivltf g "Dajr; - fJ|e answer Is don't have ttie timer' to" Diilld that It has long been the cuBtom these little booths that are a traluSC 0US Use Our Easy Paymehfc ditional part of the. Succoth cel- lr? lt c a k e 8 6b F^ Sticcoth, to show ebratiBn,- and, jh&eed,'have given the feltival its nbne. Siahy coffin munities build ' public . Succoth (ih'8 jtorld is the plural^of Sue-' .cah) for this reason, .aid prob^-. ably Mil bf " you liivf • heett' 1&. one of them. . But somehow Mr. World cannot help feeling .that, a public Succah,. like a public Sifler, gives people" only part of the. The Stork of Friendly Service and Satisfaction spirit of our. great J_ewlsh -6011days; the litimate happiness -.thai people get froni t.he.J.trAdjUbnai. - family cefehration Is", missing. • . t So if yo^ nSve a'back ykril of;


b e helrl (it 1 1 :f>o.

ancient people, estine, Miss Jane Holt. vOrRush Holt of Wo.,was married Conn:,; to. Ralph ;tdn attorney. 73s best man.


C"tisi iuu ion " in consmeiiiora t ion of the O!;P huiu'vec'! snd fiftieth




! for. |">e:vo»ator Of cofee* p o i .

I- U:


Page 8

pear as guest comedians of Jane our arbitrament. When will we j save Isreal and help- to redeem friends Monday evening, celebrat- acquainted with two lad'es from people, arise I the "nations. Froman during her broadcast as people, as a whole Jng their first wedding anniver- St. Louis and in,the course of ; conversation one of them informwith master-of-ceremonies Don from our ..sloth ' of the. heart?; I f (Copyright 1937 By Seven Arts sary. " • / " • :'•' • ed him that she didn't like the Ross, The Tune Twisters and shall always believe,, as-1 do now, V Mr. and Mrs-. Ben Skalovsky of French, the Negroes or the Jews. D'Artega's orchestra over the that if vre did that one thing- — i '-'• - Feature Syndicate.) Norfolk, 'Nebraska, spent the "They are also dirty, you XEC-Red Network on Sunday, unuar necessarium —- we could FRADENBURG, WEBB, BEBER KLL'TZNICK and KELLEY, Attys MISS ANNA PILL, correspeadeat '1! .week-end -with friends and rela- know," the lady informed Mr. September IS, at 7:00 p. m., •SOO-Union Siate Bank Bldg. tives In Sioux City. Landau. EDST. (Rebroadcast to the West HYMEN S. EHRIEFS, Attorney ^ NOTiCE OF INCORPORATION "WelV said Mr. Landau, in at 7:30 p. m., PST.) This will be ?4O FlrsS Nations! Eank Bidg.' school will begin this Sunday at Notice iB heretw pivpn tliRt the unhis softest tones, "I'm a Jew." Prelates in Bitter Language the first occasion that the two dersienod have formeii B, oot-poration 10 o'clock. Mrs. H. -Licht is suLEGAL NOTICE the of the Siate of Ne"Oh, I don't mean your kind," clowns, who have ably supported • In District Court o£ IXmgas CourvLr. flmler Demand Measures to perintendent with the following braska, The nwme of the corporation" XebrasKa, to Jeen "T. Anderson, Khali she assured him. leading network jesters, will be Aristocrat Kestaurant Co. Solve Problem faculty: Mrs. J. Miller, Misses whose place of resilience is unknown with pnn<*i;)Ri place nf buninpos nt • Quite a boost for JTA! come into their own right as a and upon whom persona} service o£ Omaha. Nebraska. Shirley Fein, Rose Cohen, Norma general nasummons cannot be had, defendam; ture of the. buRinpsF The comedy team. Assuming the role to he transacted Bucharest (JTA) — Three Cohori,. Fannie Kutcher and MirYou are hereby notified that on the shall be to enirr.sre In the bUHlnei>« of NO WORK FOR NAZIS: T h e ! c h u r c a dignitaries last week fol- o£ a Rube salesman, John Brown 27th Hey of April, ii'PT. David ,!. operatlufr iam BarlBh. houses.. restaurants. Anderson, as Plaintiff, J'iled his peti- inn?, easingcofiee The Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare houses, tiiVernfl or places Jewish community or the island [l o w e d t h el e a d o f patriarch Miron makes a futile effort to interest tion against you in. the District Court of refrpshment; to sell, lenre, Zion synagogue will hofd its first of Jamaica in the West Indies: christea in denouncing the Jews a stubborn housewife, Mary Kel- of Douglas Count;/, Nebr, docket 328 own. Hequirt-. disposehuy, ol" encumpage 242. the object end pi^yer of ber rpRi porRonnl und meeting of the season, Wedneshas a membership of one, Lillian as "a plague" and demanding ley, in buying useless trinkets. property .petition is to. obtain a divorce dent to thta purposes and uses ofincithis day afternoon, September 22, folSchultz, publicity director of the measures to rid Rumania of them. "• A leading dialectician of the Which from you cm the grounds of extreme business; to do al! things necessary lowing a one o'clock luncheon in American Jewish Congress, dis- Archdeacon Jon Mota of Orastie air by virtue of his famous j cruelty. You are required to answer or proper to effect the purpose*' for petition on or be/ore the "fh day which this corporation is urbanised. the social hall. Mrs. Lawrence covered during her" ' vacation suggested that the Jews be "is-French, German and Hebrew said of October, IS*."", or said petition The authorized capital mock shall be Sllverberg and Mrs. Henry SherThis lone representative olated and burned out" like characters, John Brown perform- against you win be taken HE true. $5.0)ii) and all of raid stock shall be GOLFING' NOTE: Latest bul- 0there. BAY11} J . ANDERSON, 1 o u r common, par value $100 per share man are in charge o l the arrange• 1 i 'a <• i leUns from the northern firing! People is an 82-year.old weeds while Bishop Tit of Hotin ed-for Fred Allen as a Mighty 9 * " 7 anc! fully palrt up !\nij non-nssessable. All Jewish children between . ments. Mrs. Joe Kutcher will pre. Allen Art Player last season, and It sha!l commence business upon filI i n e Indicate that followers of woman, a. relative of *he late urged an anti-Jewish boycott un- was. held over to support Walter inp' of sis Articles with the County Bide at the business meeting find the ages of 6and 18 are' invited that matchless ROSS & BLUMEN7HAL Lord Reading. However, Miss der the slogan "Not a pin from golfer, Peters, may Cierk or Dousrlas County, Nebraska, 478 Brandeis Theatre SSdg, to the Fun be given Mrs. Frank Margolin the pro-. and sliP.l] continue for R. period of 50 take • heart — he'B on his waySchultz discovered another Ja- a Jew." Bishop Vartolomei Ram- O'Keefe on the summer version years. The highest amount of indebtgTanii A skit "The Auxiliary Hall at the Jewisii Community Center, of "Town Hall Tonight." OrigNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION maican of Jewish descent. An eldnic urged expulsion of Jews and shali not evcoed two-thirds ol In the County Court of Doug-las edness of Fame" will be featured on the this Sunday afternoon. September b a c k t o ^cojumning. J n a message erty gentleman gave her a lift confiscation of their property. - inally introduced to the micro- County. its capital Rtnck. but this restriction Nebraska, datelined Nineteenth Hole our '19, at 3 o'clock. Following the shall n^t include indebtedness secured program. phone by George. Burns and ln the .Matter of the Estate of by morteH^es _ or liens. The affairs program which has been arranged Meanwhile, the Ministries of o n e da a n d l n t n eC 0 J r s e o £ George \V. Frost, Deceased Gracie Allen, Mary 'Kelley was an shall be msuiaijed a Board of DiThe following calendar has by Miss Dorothy Merlin and thechamp"annqunc'es "he 7s"~about i * , eonAH persons interested in said es- rectors of not lew by Justice and Interior instructed t l o n T S r than two members. outstanding vaudeville performer grandson of a!lormer tate ere hereby notified thet a peti- The annual meeting' l e e n announced for the Auxil- leaders of the various activities, ready to rest on his laurels after j ™ ^ ™ * i ! * *chief ! * rabbi ! ^ provincial courts to take immediHhal! be on the has been filed in Raid Court al- first Monday of January before her debut on the air. Ker tion • of each year, iary's activities: ; cracking' on a par-3 hole. "I of Great Britain. need ten a month in Miami cov1 leging that said deceased died leaving Et children will register > for the will ate steps for the revision of all which meeting the stockholders high-pitched, staccato voice is as no last will and praying for adminisFamily Night, Chanukah, N o -classes and clubs which will meet ering ." the races to recuperate," shali elect «. Hoard of nirectors. upon his estate, and that a thereupon the Board shall electand TEMPERATURE CONTROL: naturalizations since the war. re- famous as Brown's foreign ban- tration a vember 29. What the links Peters pleads, hearing will be had on said petition Pressitfent. Vice-Presufent. Secretary at the Center-during thecoming a couple of weeks the boats esaminatlon of the national regis- ter. before Eaid court on the 2nd day of and Annual Card Party, December over which he has wielded his rFor Treasurer. Any two of said ofmonths. ter and notification of the Jusrom October. 1937, and that if they fail ficeE may he held by one and the 1. Mrs. S. H. Shulkin and Mrs. have looked like a tice Ministry about all naturalizato appear at eaid Court on the said same pcrnon. These articles may b« Miss Lois Novitsky and Miss clubs will need, he fails to men- paradeEurope of the Jewish Navy up 2nd day of October, 1337, at S o'clock amended Henry Sherman, co-chairmen. Lucille Mushkin who will instruct «on. But he has an alibi: "The New York Bay. with delegates re. tions whose validity were doubtat any regular or special A. M. to contest said petition, the WORLD'S WIHD0W of the stockholders by a Dance, March 12. Mrs. Rueben the dance classes at the Center Arabs are ruining my game with Court may grant the same 'anfi'sn-ant meeting ful; two-thirds vote ol the • outstanding turning from the congress and administration of said estate to Rus- stock. Miller and Mrs. S. Novitsky, co-will present several novelty dance their damned shooting." (Continued front page 1} ECII J. BSumenthal or some other Archdeacon Mota's statement the Jewish Agency Council. Misschairmen. person and proceed to a setnumbers. A reading will be given IX WITNESS WHEREOF, the paring from this grand review of was in. reply to a newspaper's t 0 us_ T h e y m u s t Ette nipt to suitable tlement thereof. Student "Welcome Service, De- by Miss Liflian Rivin, who will NO HELP WANTED: And who Jewish notables, howeAer, was questionnaire on methods of get- m ties have hereunto subscribed their t seem exorbitant and e s . a e u s BRYCE ' CRAWFORD, cember 2 4 ; Mrs. Lorence Silver- direct? the elocution classes. Miss turns.up with the best Zurich annames this Srd day of September, County Judge. J937. ' berg and Mrs. M.. Grueskin, chair- Esther Erinberg, who will teach ecodote to come off but Dr. Stephen S. "Wise. Events at ting rid of the Jews. He com- {treme and - - this they relish es- S-10-27-3t. ALFRED A. FIEDLER __ men. • . " ; ' ' ball room dancing, will present a our own JTA president George Zurich made Dr. Wise pretty hot. pared the Jews to an attack otjpecially unartistic and even FRADENEURS, WEBB, EE8ER, ALTA rORTEK KLUTZNICK & KELLEY In the Presence of: He came home abroad a Cana. scabbies, for which he suggested j _ i " d" For" that is"the m bred a n d o u Lecture; "Mrs. John C. Levin, dance number with-her partner. Backer? Stopping off at the Swiss ZSS Union St£te Bank JOS. B. FRA DEN BURG. dian-Pacific ship and when it a disinfecting treatment. Chairman. only way in which they can bring Jack Merlin, leader 0f the Cen- resort to look in at the doings of OF ADMINISTRATION "The same treament should be! E u r c e a s e to that gnawing of the •NOTICE Rummage sale during month of ter Glee Club, will sing a group the Zionist Congress, he ran into docked rt Quebec he heard about In the County Court of Douglas the plan of the American charge applied to our dear Jews, he said. October; chairmen, Mrs. Sam deep, deep j County, Nebraska.. _ Dr. Nahun Goldmann. Zionist worm of conscience of s o n g s . ' • ' • - • • • • . .-.•••"• d'affaires in. Berlin to attend the "I advise Rumanians to do with; w i t i 5 n - t n e m the Matter of the Estate of Guy "Weiner, Mrs. H. Licht and Mrs. they have C. InSanders, Other leaders of .the clubs and Deceased. Nazi party congisss at Nuremberg the Jews what the peasant does overlaid with layer upon layer— 6. Novitsky. • - classes will be introduced to the All persons interested in said esNations, who greeted him cord-! and got still hotter. Cn his way when his plants are threatened by so f t er than snow, heavier than tate Ere hereby notified that a petiThe following committees have children during the afternoon. tion been filed' in said Court alweeds or when he suffers from l e a d _ o f t h a t s l o t h o f t h e n e a r t j leginghasthat l>een announced by Mrs. Joe Children are register him to town. Co. sa!<3 dei'e«Ked died leav, |ped off at his Lake Placid camp scabies. Weeds should be isolated w n i c a i s t h e i r protection against! ing no last will end praying for ad- EreBB, Erorsze, AlunsinuM, Kutcher, president of the Auxil- for the classes and clubs, and par- . "Oh, I-just dropped in to see upon his estate, and that and burned out and -scabies des-: t h e r e m e d i a b i e sufferings of the i amintetrEtion iary: • • •. • Soft Grejr iron »niJ Seraihearing will tie had on on said petiticipate in: the groups during the about getting a government job I to cool off. troyed by drastic rubbing." !w o r i I j . . . j tion before paid court on the 2nd day Steel Caetings, Wood «»d Membership: Mrs. Robert Sacks winter months,. • in the.. new Jewish State," the of October, 1537, and that if they fail P/5etel Patterns nnd Sa»h STET: " . . . regarding the reHe added that the next best; T . . ,and Mrs. J. C. Levin; Oneg Sab. of you no i to appear Kt EE',& Court-on the said rq?A president jjoshedi Weiglite carried in f tock. 2nd clay of Ocsober, .1SST. at 9 o'clock cent statement made by the Ruthing was to follow the plan of t a t h , Mrs. A.--H. Baron; EducaJews, of you too, • old Kora-! A. I.I. to contest said petition, the : EroTsy,e end Cast iron r»."Tch, tech, I'm so sorry," was I manian Orthodox Patriarch Miron I 'the great master, Hitler' in deal: i tional, Mrs. H. Licht and Mrs. H.B'NAI B'RITH DANCE Grilles R Bpecialty. story be jCourt may grant the same Hnd prant administration of paid estate to Char^ L ^ ^ l ^ ^ ^ I f i C h r i s t e a attacking Jews and urg- mg.with the Jews. R. •Rabinpwitz; Finance, Mrs. B. told. Of course we Jews are 'at; les J. Sanders or some other suitable 27lh and Martha St. WEDNESDAY EVENING Baron, Mrs. Phil Sherman; Pro- ^m ^ n S ^n 'S 01 ™ » ^ that tney be made to leave Bishop Tit in an article in Cur- best troubled andx harassed andperson end proceed to a settlement _ KA-5523 thereof. gram: Mrs. Frank Margolin, Mrs. ^ ^!S!"° ^ ^ : ! t h e country because they are 'corrantul entitled "The Jewish sore beset. Life is not easy for j ; More than 200: couples attendBKTCE CRAWFORD, Joe Krigsten, Mrs. H. R. Rabinofrupting the nation's morals,' M. j Plague," expressed opposition to us anywhere or at any time, eith-; 9-10-S7-3tchecks. But don't, worry, we'lli. County Judge, •witz; House: Mrs. Sam .Weiner; ed the Yom Kippuf Dance, given Potrescu asked, the government to ' the establishment of a Jewish er on its psychical or its economic find something for you." by the B'nai B'rith lodge, Wed[Ways and Means; Mrs. S. H. ascertain whether the statement' aState and held that the Jews were side. And so thousands, nay nail''And seriously! Shulkin and Mrs. Lest§r Heeger; nesday evening in the Martin Ho- -."•it looks as though, . . ." (Assciat.i . menace to Rumania. lions of us, also sink into sloth : ^egoUaUons for Functions: Mrs. tel. Dr. Louis J. Dimsdale and from Bucharest I —' of the heart even in regard to the was very, very tardy with IB. Baron and Mrs. Sam Weiner; David Albert were chairmen of of nominations for the Govern- i as prlntel in the New York BROWN AND KELLEY matters that concern us, also our the arrangements. -. • purchasing, Mrs. S. Snovsky; DinTimes). future and the future of oar chllmerit of the Judenstaat a couple CAPER AS GUESTS Jack 1Reams and his orchestra ling Hall: Mrs. A. B. Friedman, dren.- We share the besetting ssn of ago — or.yrere one or I _ _ - . , . „ _ ri \ _. Kitchen, Mrs. Mike iluskin and supplied the music for - dancing t*o gentlemen' of the world. We share it with •.OFJ'ANE FtiOMANemen-kJddltfg each-othPROMISE: Next week — Peters.. and the guests included" many out (Mrs. Ben Fish; Publicity, Mrs. H. (Copyright 1937 Jewish Telegra- ' • • • • • — | less excuse than the self.fieterer? K. Rabinowitz; Shaare Zion- of-town' people.. phic Agency, Inc.) . It's generally a long step from j mining pagan world. It has the '• grams, Mrs. I. H. Levin; Book, stoogedotn to stardom, but John privilege of going to the devil, if COMPLIMENTS: Jacob Review: Mrs. Morey Lipshutz and, - • • • : • • • A . - Z . . A . . : - . . ; *•• ADD Landau, director of the JTA also 0 In the middle ages the Christ- Brown and Mary Kelley, regular I it chooses, after its own fashion. 'Mrs. B. Gelfand; Services, Mrs. The" AI Z. A. Chapter No. 12 _a:stojry-Jlo"tell.:;- Returning i Ian jof-Venice "visited the ghetto members . of Walter '.^.'O'Keefe's ! But-nothing that we-So cr suffer Jlorey Lipshutz; Sunshine Com- held a(.8peciai meeting SundayVat- tias the Aquitania, lie had one'to participate in the carnival at summer stock .company, - bridge j is self-determined. We are object mittee: Mrs. I. H. Levin and Mrs. ternoon to distribute ... tickets' *.tb aboard of. those Experiences. He became Sueeath time. the gap in a day when they ap- and plaything 61 forces bi Goldie Baron. the members for a Theater Far^y at the Orpheum theater for Sepr : • «.i tember 30, .October 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6. Proceeds will go toward the work of the chapter. Tickets may be<se°cured from any member Max Kroloff of Chicago, a for- of the chapter.\ mer Sioux Cityan will address the Bernard-Rosenthal, was elected first B'nai B'rith meeting-of the Aleph- Shofar • to' take the place • season, scheduled for Wednesday of Sidney Kalin who left for Linevening, September 22, at the' coln, Nebraska, to enroll at the Jewish Community Center. The University. ,'"'•-./ -/ .FISSI GKJUC3 7ZZZ meeting will begin at 8:30 and .will be open to the public. V' k feiTv <« lei k\ ibr\ i £* i i t i ZlCfj: KQHE! Mr. Kroloff, who - won'distinction in the forensic field while a student in Sioux City, is now Universities.' and colleges are practicing law in Chicago.~^Ho is claiming many of Sioux City's v%. r « . * w isiw^i" / + i<J ^ t the President of the Inter-Club younger people and the young B'nai B'rith Council of Chicago men and-women are leaving.this F PIr *Z C / i i f* /";•*• T v " and an active B'nai B'rith mem- month to continue with their It er. He was one of the charter s t u d i e s . - •]: .:• " • • • ' ' ; • : members of the A. Z. A. chapter A great number of them will Serve delicious MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE to A sparkling cup of MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE here, and took part in many com- go to Iowa City where,,they will your holiday guests and they will appreciate \ munal activities while residing enroll at the. University,-of Iow>i. offers a grand wind-up to the rich holiday meals, here. He is a son of Mr. and Among them are ^lenry . Greenr your hospitality and praise your good taste. The Jtoc-acca LsTSf r—clrct whether you drink it black after the FLEISCHIG Mrs. Sam Kroloff. . berg, Louis. Weinberg, Ted: Skamore discriminating of thena issost likely use this 2t—">z.l"' +?- Ee'ter Dr. Lewis J. Dimsdale, presi. lovsky, Milton • Galinsky, Perry dinner, or with cream or milk for breakfast. And finercoffee in their own homes,. and you'll be' dent of the lodge, will preside at Osnowitz, Isadora Shindler, Ernwhat a friendly stimulation it gives! the meeting and introduce the est EpsteLa, Milton Barrent, Dave spared unfavorable comparison when you serve speaker. Lasensky, Morris; Bernstein, Jean os® cess ertfer. LZT&?T them with their favorite coffee. * ic Shindler, Mina Slotsky, ' Velma For MAXWELL HOUSE is a matchless blend of be Beechen, Sylvia- Herzoff, Betty WORKMEN CONFERENCE Zi . better coffees! It brings you a richness and melTwo-grinds: the Regrular;Grind for percolated or Osnowitz and Ruth Singer.. . :fessg? t? live **tin HELD HERE lowness of flavor; a smooth, full-bodied goodboiled coffee, and the new .Drip'-Grind for- drip tor'ELECISIckLLY! Sidney Kalin.will go to Lincoln, Nebraska, where he will enness that buoys you up. It comes to you Vitacoffee. For large families there' is extra ecoDelegates from Lincoln, Oma. roll as- a freshman aV the UniFresh in . the super-vacuum can——the one sure nomy in the 2-Ib. can. Get'.a can today to add ha, Des Moines and Sioux City versity of Nebraska..': • .-.,.-• met here Sunday for their biway to bring: you coffee as deliciously fresh and to your enjoyment of the holiday and you'll Miss Lois Levitt will leave soon monthly district meeting of theto enroll for ;her first year- at wholesome a s the very hour it left the roasting thereafter always use MAXWELL HOUSE COFWorkmen's Circle. Meetings,were Smith College, and Miss • Ethel oven! FEE for daily enjoyment. held in the Jewish Community Baron will return to Wellesly to Center. Mr. S., Lerner represent- continue her studies. Mis3 .Caro•Simply eempleS® ic ICC, ec l#»s, gfeipJe «tae»r» ed the Omaha chapter at the lyn Fishgall will go to Northwestmeeting; E. Hill, Lincoln, and ern University. : •Sol Azarcb, Des Moines. YOUR CHOICE OF TWO GRINDS Mr. M. Shiloff is financial secMr. and Mrs. Irving .Goldstein : lo buy—nothln? I© !»«•—e»<! « b«euHlu! 1. DRIP GRIND for making the richest, most deliretary of tne district and Mr. I.and children, Jean, Paul and Ber• } ."to p i s , <5e8' ulssfecl Singer, chairman of the district, nadlne, departed last week for cious drip coffee you've ever tasted. policies and plans for the coming their home in Chicago rafter two months were discussed. • • • • spending a vacation here with ' Ofof Yo«ar'--CoaJ«355 & i f e y 2. REGULAR GRIND for making perfect coffee in a * 11 Mrs. Goldstein's mother, > Mrs. Th« slmpte ^e!o?!g'«? nn!«s? « R f blank percolator or by boiling* ' Leah Baron. "While here,' Mr. • will fc© iBcrn^sI lv YCIS fe f7 $fifr ^ctxSo Of Goldstein addressed the Sioux • • wilt* or cell lib* B'Bbiaste Bar Association. Mr. GoldRabbi/Theodore N. Lewis will City stein is an attorney and author speak this evening at Mount of a book'Used a t ' a number of Sinai.Temple on the Zionist Con- the leading law schools.;. ' ference at Zurich. . ' Sunday evening, Succoth SerMrs. .Sarah Kosberg - departed vices will begin at the Temple at last week for Los" Angeles, CaliS" o'clock. Children of the Religious School will participate in fornia, to join her daughter,. Miss C7Z7 Rogie Kosberg, who is making the service. her home there.









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Kroloff to Talk at B'nai B'rith

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Society News





Here's AU You'Have to-Do!'-

Mount Sinai

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Shaare Zion


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Libbie and David Olensky departed Monday for Los Angeles, Succoth, services at Shaare Zion where they will join their pareynagogne will begin at 6:30 ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Olensky. o'clock this Sunday evening. CantoV Pliskin and the synagogue -. Jordan Ginsberg, son • of Mr. choir will, chant the ritual. and Mrs. FrankKGinsberg, will en-, „ Monday morning - services will tertaln thirty friends at a dinner begin at .8:30. Rabbi Rabinowitz and theater party-Saturday afterxvill speak on **The Beginning of noon, on the occasion of his birthNeglect." Tuesday morning, the day. rabbi will speak on "Permanent Judaism-—Not Seasonal.." Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herzoff enRegular sessions of the Sunday tertained a group.' of intimate

A Blend ol Better Coffees . . . Kept Truly Roaster-Fresh . .' •'. " . •> Good t ot h eLast Drop'.-V

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