September 24, 1937

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1 y eal and. help- to OS.



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In the Interests of the

a t 19S7 '-By Seven -Arts eature Syndicate:) NSURG, WEBB, BEBER, JJCK.and KELLEY. Attyi. Mion State Bank Bldg. . S OF INCORPORATION s hereby given.that the u n . nave formed a, corporation taw3.of the State or ;Nene name of tlie corporation* Aristocrat Restaurant Co. cipal place, of business nt rebraska. The • general > to be transacted o engage ln^the of coffee houses,, restaurants, ig houses, taverns or places irnent: to buy, sell. lease. Sire, dispose and or encumand • personal property Incie.purposes and uses uf'this to do "all things neceusary to -effect the purpose!!' for a-corporation is organized, insed capital stock shall be all of said stock shall be par' value ilOO per share paid' up and non-assessable, jmmence business upon filf Articles -with the County jDouslas County. Nebraska, continue for a period of 50 e highest amount of lndebtall not exceed two-thirds ol t stock, but this restriction Include Indebtedness secured bges-or liens. The affairs hSHjaged by. a : Board or Dlnot less-than, two members, al meeting shall be on the ay of January "of each year, . meeting the stockholders a. Board of; Directors.; and the Board shall elect a Vice-President, Secretary irer. Any ttvo of saifi ofbe held by one arid the jon. • These articles may ba fat any regular or special of the "stockholders by a ; vote of the - outstanding

The views expressed by Ludwig Iiewisohn In his column are his own and do not necessarily reflect the policies o r attitndo of onr publication. Reproduction in whole or in part ', ettictly forbidden...'

icmered aa Second Class Mall Matter on January 21. -1921. a t ' Postof flco ot Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March S. 1S79






\ 1

BAD KEWS f The news is bad. The new^s is t a d from all over the world. The err; t^rChicago (WXS) — That ConMexico City (W; 'Japanese are on the march. Eurgo red, a common dye,,, is valued by the "grow*'" 'ope is tense with hatred, rotten • ' , < , / - able in helping slow the growth quasi-Fascist \ ..-a organ!^rith lies, boiling with iU-suppresUWU i. of cancerous tissues in the mice izations in MexK, ine of them 'sed violence. "What is worst of Services in All Local Eozscs of and hence may possibly be used Bluffs Jewry Plans with Nazi affMasons, the Mexall in the news is the unoutspokfor the same purpose* sa humans ican parliament appointed a ": Worship to Close 'en fact that England and France Fuad-Raising was reported to the International three-man commission to investi- • I ere frightened. .They chaffer Holiday Week Congress of Radiology by Dr. Isgate the Fascist groups and to Drive jcver so-called piracy in the Medidore Arons and Boris Sokolo't report on legal means of dissolviiterranean instead of bidding the Services for the concluding days o" New York. The two Jewish > i pirate power cease from piracy or . It was announced on Monday Council Bluffs Jewry will begin ing them. Parliament .acted afStake the consequences. Thus — that' Ludwig Lewisohn, noted its annual, campaign, next month ter many members had called at- of Succoth wil be held at al} lo-physicians: read a paper outlining ; and this is the core and heart or Jewish writer, has been secured to raise funds for the Joint Dis-; tention to the revived Fascist and cal Synagogues Sunday evening, their successful experiments with RABBI HARRY JOLT the dye in causing cancerous the catastrophe —the;-.Fascist as the first speaker for the Cen-tribution Committee, the - Pales- anti-Semitic actviity since the Monday, and Tuesday. ter Forum. Mr. Lewisohn , will tine Appeal, the Hias, and other dissolution last year of the anti| powers have their own way. At the Vaad an evening service j growths to be absorbed by help- TO SPEAK AT I Theirs is at this hour ia history speak Tuesday evening, November foreign relief organizations. Def- Semitic Gold Shirts. will be held Sunday at 6:30. On | ing the natural disease-fighting BETH EL ' the predominance; they are de-2, on "The Present Zionist Situ- inite dates-for the campaign will Monday, morning service will be j mechanisms of the body to contermining fate. Moscow; protests. ation." be announced later. % at 8:30, the Memorial service atUrol them The Fifteenth Anniversary o' On Friday evening, October 1, But Moscow plays the common Following Mr. Lewisohn's preabout 10 a. sn., the afternoon serNathan L. Nogg and Sam Saltzthe Bikm- Cholim Society wiH l>«" 1 Rabbi David A. Goldstein of t h e ! , ,,,,^T- «•<: ' game of power and military ad sentation there will be a panel man are co-chairmen of the drive. vice at 5:30, and the evening serr - f *T"nr r r f f r Beth El Svnatosrue and Rabbi io b e s e r v e G f " ^ ' Septei»ber . vantage as the Soviets,.we once discussion in which representa- The goal is approximately $1,500. vice at 6:15. The morning serhoped, would never id. Occasion tives of i every group of thought iHarv J o l t ' o f Lincoln -rill H . ! a t S c c o c k B U h e e ^ h ,om. Last year Richard Gutstadt of vice on Tuesday will be at S:30. 'ally a clarifying word still comes will participate. i change rulpits. | m u n ^ C e ^ ? r ; ^ ^ ^ ^ il* the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation On Sunday evening after the I from. Otvlnolf. But no open Rabbi J o l f ^ e r m o n that even- jmembcr, ^ ^ ' Mr" Lewisohn has for many League was principal speaker at services at the Congregation, breach-la made into that sinister years been considered the out- the dinner that launched the caming will be "These Three — A ; , i\ u tto-1care "--1- End B'nai Israel the traditional Hakaid the jewsr-li 'conspiracy of lies in which, a standing man of letters interested paign. . Study in Character ,.-•'..' offoth will take place. pick vrho ET-e in local or naiioua! 'once before, war"and the death o in Judaism and its particular [hospitals s s veil as io p.vr aid to Lehman Wani3 That IntolerIn other Orthodox synagogues m e n a r eb r e w i n g . . •••_•• problems; He has for over a year ' Faler-tine health organization? the same is to take place on Siraance And Fanaticism a.regular contributor to the I The -o-o-.i-: oC ihf osTFnir.rUoT! What ot the Jewish people .-am been Until Marriage .Was Press Corch&t Torah night. Still Aliva' : enters mimy phases, r-uch nr visitits'fate in this evil world? Dark- columns of the Jewish Press. Rabbi Kopstein will speak on respondent in Council 1 ir.g the Pick ir. their homer-. eMness for it over half of the so- . Primarily a literary critic, he Shemini 'A2areth before the MeNew York (JTA) — DenouncBluffs ; ing them financially, called civilized earth; strain and has nevertheless made an venviing the German Government's in- morial Service a t the Congregamedicine for the needy, 'struggle and conflict in Palestine, able reputation as a writer. His tention to organize Nazi groups in tion Beth Haraedrosh Hagodel Mrs. Bernard Herskovitz, SI, the precise issue of which we d two autobiographical boolcs, "Upthis country as "a gratuitous in- j and on the last day at B'nai Is- the former Fannie Katelman of i i i l U l ^ O l k iJioC -women unable . to coiuiwH jnot yet know.' Is it, not' enough stream" and "Midchannel" were sult to our free institutions," Na- rael. Council Bluffs, a bride o£ five in thr-ir ', to make the stoutest heart sink? widely discussed and enhanced weeks, died Sunday morning: in a tional Commander Harry W. ColBeth El Sunday evening serUuir , Is it not enough to make the an already brilliant reputation. League Withholds Opinion On mery urged before the American T ; cAt Council Bluffs hospital after a Bees People es w i n b e h e i d a t EXlrset. Detcnrined t o ' K r i ? ; h e r fon(:1 t 0 t ; i 0 ? e "p, k \v. Among his outstanding novels ' most gallant mind despair 'of man Partition Plan Pending Legion nineteenth annual conven- fiay morning services will begin heart attack. Mrs. Kerekovitz, for K e e p Ijiea&ce Froxn... 'pitsis. and his ability to manage life? have been "The Island Within," Detailed Report tion this week an investigation at 9 with Yizkor at 10. Simchas ten years Council Bluffs corresU, S . Shores , Arrirnximstelr one. Uioussr.G in which the author tell3 of the Has history a meaning? Has hisinto Nazi camps in the fruited Torah services will be held Mon- j pendent 6£ the Jewish Press, OTOF.h? vompvi P.TP mr-rabeTf o i / tory a goal? Or ia it a series ol return to Judaism of one who has Geneva (JTA) —The League States. ,. ' ' day evening at 6:45. Services 1 caught a severe coid while honWashington (J7A1 — Presi- ; r n e Bikur Cholim. M recurrent cycles and is man .sluns drifted away, sfnd "The Last Days of Nations Council authorized Tuesday morning begin at 9 J eymooning in Chicago and return- dent Roosevelt, in his longest and : ji In his annual rSportrMr. Colniinteresfinsr pvocrf r-i 11O£ V 'hopelessly to these great wheel! of Shylock," a novel continuing GreafBritain last week to 'study* o'clock, ed to Council Bluffs. She was most outspoken, attack on dictat- \ j r. ?, ery declared that Americans cave ieP \ of fate that always return to the the tragic life of the Jew of a solution of the Palestine probServices at the Temple will be seemingly recuperating when she j o r i a ] g o v e T r i m e i i t since he assntn CP]ohr?.;inr PBfl t h e PllblK i^ H"? J starting point of. savagery Shakespeare's "Merchant of Ven- lem involving partition but with- a right "to declare that fhere will be no Nazism, or Nazi demonstrawas fatally stricken. held Sunday afternoon at 5:30 j ed the presidency, varned last vitPG. ; ice." '~ Kefveshments in keppinf iea"r and fraud? held an opinion on the proposed tions, and either to bar them from Prior to her marriage Sirs. i vreek that dictatorship "tfcrestens wish the Succoth li oh clay vr ill b?Mr. Lewisohn has lectured to division of the Holy Land pend- enrty into this country, or to send and Monday^orning at 11. -• "Who. prop, thou, I Herskovitz was extremely active ' civilization End declared "ihe served to FII thope fcitsndmg,. these bad days, my mind—" Thus large audiences in over one hun- ing receipt of a detailed plan. „'- out of it those who preach or in Jewish affairs, particularly the I people of America are rightly deKabbi Vilton A- Kop~tf-ir: v~-:U dred cities. ~Rg has three times - Matthew Arnold once wrote_ and; The Council empowered Brit- practice it." Junior Hadassah and the Jewish | termined to keep that growing gri_ve the principal pdrlress of th« 'answered that it was the great crossed the continent^on lecture ain to take such steps as the National Fund. She" had served (menace from our shores." The National Commander told _ 'Greeks to" whom he turned for tours and his lectures have been "study" may entail, which prein. various official capacities oi the representatives of 1,000,000 j'""in" an "address on the Constituieel ^ r his d a u s h t e r . Sliivl?:', •B"U1 met with wide acclaim. He is pareupport. Thus today we askoursumably means that-Britain may I the Omaha chapter Of Junior Kai tion to more t h a n 65.000 people sing pevprel ."ievi-isi-. FongF.. Tl>? *^ selves. I t may sustain others if ticularly gifted for discussing send a new commission to Pales- legionnaires: | dassah end was .a board member j gathered in t h e Sylvan Theatre '• Omahs Civic O~ri!<«Mrp. of thp 11' give the answer I make to my- Jewish topics, a subject close to tine to frame a concrete partition ' • "We have rightly declared that Shanghai (JTA) -— Brigadier- of the Southwest Region. ' n e a r t h e Washington Monument . W P A Fed<?TRl TOUPIC pvo.ip^t will we shall stand guard of the por, * s e l f . My mind in these bad days his heart. plan in conference with Jews and Besides her husband. Ehe is General Moshe Abraham Cohen, j — End to t h e people ol America .give a urucr.e program <n Jev.-f?li Negotiations are also —under Arabs, as asked by Foreign Sec- tals of. liberty against those sub: is still propped by the history and versive groups which are vain who . rose from London's East survived by her mother, Mrs. J. ( t h r o u g h Kll Tsdio networks •—: und Kn?.=iM tnuaic. (being — the ^mere being "or Da-way to secure the Paramount retary Anthony Eden. enough to seek the overthrow of End. to becoxae a powerful fig-are Kstelman; fire brothers, Louis. ' t h e President urged " t b ? t mr..1or-j A*, this tinip pl^c t h e <U-£«-in£ ; Bein of the Jewish people, that Theater for a showing of "This The resolution of tha Council, our form of government aad itsin the Chinese Republic, raust be j Samuel, Joseph, Maurice, and : ities End ininoritiPF f.'aborr'ipp.'p for a KnssiaTi SaraovFr vnXi. bt< I meta-historical people, as a learn- Is The Land":as."the opening at- drawn up by it subcommittee of free institutions by force or vio- playing an important role behind \ Abe; and three sister, V~'•s. : jstolerance pntl power rliVe t r - ' b e l d . • ed and,-acute thinker- has/recent-" traction Yin October. three, and-.adopted unanimous.!?, lence.—-We-- stand- - cc-sraited -ta-us • the. scenes in. the ..undeclared war] Bear. iJii-JMiss-Soby and Marian i the commc-r, pcSZ r." ~2T;;" ' . Ti-' f-vp'.-i.;;:v« romraH t<=p i \ to.^ weels sitVis-: p ^ y between Japan and Chins, but he j Katelra&n, all ol Council Bluffs. emphasizes that the mandate re•not so much, as that "word indi- the.., Forum committee, under the mains in force until such time as to oppose'not merely one alien- has not been heard from yet. Her brother oseph is a -citr coun- I Only t h r o u g h prrviclinp pcov.r- orEr.r.iv.aHor, v U l r<? Iio?iCi»?ea o . spst: V\\] TTiiC EUO SOC security' and raisJcates, beyond the historical pro- chairmanship' of Ephraim Marks, may otherwise be decided. The ism, but all .such forces. "We who General Cohen is believed to be cilman of Council Bluffs. - cess as always striking the will have completed its schedule Jewish Agency for Palestine, it have been privileged' with the sta- staying at the home cf Governor Funeral services were held Sun- i ing the standard cl living- of the , th? ?-T»f-('sme? j . o u u \>ve;«v*f. I masses "can we insure pgrdnst. in-' president, S. Fish. M. K e ' i m s n , j strange ^key-note and furnishing of seven outstanding attractions. was learned Is satisfied with the tus of leadership in the national ot Kwantung in Canton. day afternoon. Burial iras a t I ternal doubts ES to the v-orth-: J. -GoldberE:. J. J. rink!"Among those definitely secured Council resolution, particularly organization this year have not the inevitable symbol of that proGolden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi DavGeneral Cohen was recently re- id A G o l d s t e i n forgotten that mandate given us j whileness. oi our democracy am] : J. Bvirpp'ein, L. I\, y<cess and so giving a meaning to for an Omaha appearance is To-because of this provision. o'^ciated. at our last convention which ported to have succeeded the fam- \ ] dissipate the illnsioE thr,v. the : Bprnstein. J. Ein-ptfin. K. G. Codros Geller, the distinguished the apparently meaningless. Dr. Chaim "Weizmann, presious General "Oae.Arm" Scttonasj specifically stated that Ve should I necessary price of efficiency is ! hrn, I. KP.p]?n, C'IF.!']??-' T!.oss. ~\X. painter, who will be here on NoBear with me a moment while dent of the Jewish Agency, left I dictatorship with its attendant | Epstein. 1.. KnFenolst.t. VI. l,e-vU>.I go into the reasons. For many vember 30. He will bring with Geneva. -David B e n Gurion, oppose communism, fascists'- and European, adviser- to the Chinese j P & l e s f c l U S 1 spirit of agpi-ession,"' he asserted. \ f=on, and 3 ' . Zlo;k'.n. many years scholara picked to him a complete set of his workB. chairman of the Agency's Execu- Hitlerism alike, and that fact we war lords. A financial and mili- j have emphasized. Let us remem- tary power ia Nationalist circles,! pieces by the process known as j Cal'inc dictEtorship "s. clec.r! ' ^ ^ ~~ tive was expected here shortly ber that our opposition to these he is one of the mystery men o the higher criticism of the Bible, ; cliE'leTigre to the demoprRt.ic JCPP ! | CC ^ T " • " * • * / [' r * -t from the United States. forms stop at the boundaries of' this country. the Torah, the writings and the ,-« _ _ *• _t 1 _• , T , , The ^resolution was introduc- our own country; we deny them' General Cohen, bora in the? Jerusalem (WN3. Palcor Agen- i of representative porprnmepf.," ', T prophets. From "Wellhausen to ithe President cited material gains ; • ***"• >-^- v -^ ». ; »* f? ^ ed by Foreign Minister Victor An- only right to undermine our own Jewish district of London Harnack they sought to prove the ischievp* ' f ' -^ 1 * • - • ' - ' ' r r ' ' *-r -,' 1 ""i . - v ^ " r- , » . - " • •wentjey) — The flag on the Jewish j tonescu of Rumania, rapporteur form of government." lack of historicity of all that is to Canada and befriended many i Agency Building is at half-mast ' e x p e n s e r ' - • r1 of the Council. Foreign Minister Chinese migrants. He met there in. tribute to the late President . r i g h t s " % 1 recorded in the Pentateuch, and r 1 , r (, f r l Yvon Delbos expressed the French Spesfts The report of -the Beth El v to establish the ^multiple author~ r ' F r' ' ' , . , ( , -, % Government's approval, declaring the! Sun Yet-Sen, one ot the founders Masaryk o! Czechoslovakia. E'ie- jclicSinnE Building Fund Campaign made Governor Lehznsn warned ship of those books, above all, of the Chinese Republic, £Ed af-zer Kaplan and Bernard ' tnocrrc* ^ r ; would follow with the convention that "fanaticism and | ter their lateness — placing them af- ihe day following Tom Kippur, France the war went to Chins as Dr.on behalf of the isi^Agency, ) T h e c PI <; b-<=-' i<? r r „ , T ,„,-,_ deepest sympathy efforts to setintolerance are. not yet dead even jter the Baylonian captivity — showed that the Synagogue will tle the Palestine problem on the Sun's aide-de-camp. A cracfc pis- extended condolences to t h e t h e c o i n<» K~c\ " t " " - i ' r o i f — here" and declared they could be i and, even more, the comparative- raise a substantial sum this year. tol shot, he was Dr. Sun's bcKiy- Czechoslovakia!! Consul in erus- I men s r - v o r e r T T>-> re p -IT r r destroyed ouiy by mcreaised goodK , S, . . . . ,. ,. , m 4 Because of the holidays a mjm-i basis of equity, ly bad faith of those late redac ^ni ; ^ nunderstandisg. r,*,LtLAt™>< fguard, aii'd after the Nationalist alem on the. death of the Czech c o m m i t •> or » 1 i r 1 c t a will and After adoption of the resolutors who all had, according to thaber of committees could not comliberator. The Town Kail of Tel ' t h e p c n r - f r - i L ' f [German scholars, axes to grind, plete their work and therefore are tion, Capt. Eden thanked Mr. An- He counseled against 'divisions Aviv also lowered its flsg' in hon-1 p o r e r " ~ r' i ' *r > tonescu, Vilhelm Munters of Laof class, of racial origin or of recontinuing to Interview their ! and political ends to gain. It was or of Masaryk, who was sn hon- i t o r i a l fr-"- o* c " " " - n >-- y.~~~ ^ tvia and Richard Sandier of Swe- ligious dogma" and asserted that • [sought, in other words, to reduce prospects. orary citizen of the all-Jewish ilens ri 1 f I"*- p ' -^ 1 - »• "n r J. ST. F. C0U2IGIL den, the members of the Council "American ideals will triumph beJ. J. Greenberg, chairman; and city. \ snents r c' 1 - r • these writings and these records Mrs. J. Blank and Jack Marer, subcommittee which drew up thecause American ideals are foundfrom the'planeof highest human vice-chairmen Geneva. (WXS-Falcor Agency) . t r a d e S"1- " « f i r ~\ ~z resolution. ed on right and injustice." ' Special meeting of the Jewish ol the campaign, ; experience to the plane of plan- have asked the committees to see as presi-:o ? n r r T 10 "We still have a great principle National Fund -Council -will be —Dr. Chaira ' ned human politics and the play all prospects Immediately so that dent o* the Jewish. Agency, and i of democracy and liberty for held Tuesday evening to elect of motives of power. And that this year's campaign may be which we must fight," the Gover- delegates to. the Nationsf Confer- Dr. Nathum Goldmann, Geneva ; 'process of "reduction" went on quickly completed. nor said. He was dressed in. a ence on Palestine Land Redemp- j representative of the Agency, tel- I for half a century and is still .in The Reports to date have been bins overseas cap and spoke vig- tion to be held st the Hotel Stat-iegraphed condolences to Tress-1 .the foreground of most minds, extremely gratifying and gifts to orously and with, earnestness. ,Ier in Detroit, October S and 10. dent Benes of Ciecltoslovskia on Phyllis Polack, 10, daughter of the death cf Thomas' Masaryk. ^ven the minds of supposedly ed- the campaign have been generous. Mr. and Mrs. William Polak, died The message expressed sorrow at ucated people and^so of Jews, top, Sunday morning at. the Covenant "the illustrious j-who yield unnecessarily to the t the passing o£ hospital'of poliomyelitis. She had 11 i President «vn.d liberator, vho?e the r.rf " notion of the meaningn'ess of hisr L. «. - - » ^E, been ill since Tuesday Then she V. -SE'e Trill be forever venerated by | t h e Ur -• tory and by consequence *6f. their c first developed symptoms of the ' renascent Jewry." r own place and experience in his• -r Vl disease. iUon or' torySurviving beside her parents \ isl prr c Let it be definitely understood are a brother, Joseph, and her "Lithuania is the bright rpot j The Omaha Choir and Drama- grandfather, A. Cohn. that all that is changed. ArchaeJe-ws Ia tha religions' sense. • -itron. to •bv the ological researches,,, like the equ- tic Club will on Sunday at the Funeral services were held San- of. Eastern . Europe — - a s far as j Yiddish cultural group | ' Conjrre ally decisive ones of Sir Leonard Jewish Community Center, Octo- day afternoon at the Hulse-Rie- the Jews are concerned," accord- with its own. neTrspspers, art, aad M The IWoolley, linguistic researches, ber 3, present Jacob Gordon's pen Funeral home. B&bbi David ins to Herman Auerbaea, Trbo re- •drama. s- tsxe v-sry turned last Saturday after aa ela-j jj*tle,*'but more t like the equally decisive ones of Yiddish play, "Chaseh, the Or-A." Goldstein -.officiated! before and Ts's.rtnriE-ter, (,TTA> — Kepre- j libertr. w«k,-tonr irita Mrs. AuerProfessor A.' S.. Tahuda, have phan." The play is being given for peEtative TTiinara Citron ( D P - , . . bach, through. Eastern Europe and it h made it certain that.the substance the benefit of the Jewish Funeral Cons.) Ce'dRTiiei, last. -?<-eefe the : in a pr—Russia. "The Lilteaniaas have KArWAN'.PRESIDENT'OF-- . of the narratives of the Torah, Home. •Mr.' Aaerbach found, i t.arcra ?"to~ntic relsticns uj come to -occupy the position c£ •whatever later redaction of form The play will start at 8 o'clock. . SOUTH SIDE ie pov-i a scene of Germany i* the Federal Er»rthe aristocracy pf East European took place, are almost contempo- Tickets are fifty and seventy-five erty and, • persecution. | M. Xatzmas'-sras chosea presi' Jewry.". GS IirveEt'^atioa's survey c£ rary with the events they seek to cents. it f the'Congregation h ' of-Is-J "Tbs physical plants cf the "The one encouraging signt .s'f-e >,, commemorate and that the events Mr. Ben Martin Is directing the dent'or. rael at 25tb and J streets Ia i Jewish Institutions ol Kaunas, the good that ths Arflericsn £-£~CJ' J commemorated are true, are ac-production. South Omaha, at election cf capital, are exceptionally fine.- have Cons. '"VTithoat aid Z — ' f- r tual events, though interpreted by America.'th e esi: ' - " ; 01 officers for the nest shr'nioaths Tbe.'ORT tiuildiissr"there ia as mo- Je'svs men of poetic and mythopoetic ! can find in America the Polish Je-vrs rould he 3- V"held at the synagogue last "Tues- dera as and not, naturally, of scientific COmREGATlO® HOLDS sibie ,s are tj;s Central-bank. tHeixeT - •' ™* 3** ol Pols.- ' ^-*. temper. It is certain, in other SERVICES m J : day evening. Yeshlvah, aa4 "o-ther j ?.llttle hope-and no ^ •words,, that the history.:.of Israel Other officers chosen: C. Cor; M ! CBVRCH •; -••".' Br dress the people r*n-l£°- T h e older people ar- is substantially the history enman, vice president; N. Beber,] E corded in our classics, that Ahra- . Chelsea, Mass. (JTA) — Con- secretary; A. Jacobaoa, treasurer; ;BOt be distinguished £rcia Acieripeople ara Sellanf m hamic clans went westward in gregation Emanuel, which a little and G. Meyerson, Harry..Dtrorsky C3BS. • : search of freedom and of God,over two years lost its ?200,000 and S. JBronstein, trustees. . While the Auerbachs trere .Ia OQ toard the sMv v~V that descendants of these clans temple by foreclosure. Is holding Kaunas, the Maptabess oi Esih.. .Industrialist Hassd' •were brought to Egypt by Joseph services in its newly acquired edonia,-Latvia, Finland, snd Mtli- froia Pclss-3, there "Wfis wsed ». and. were there; enslaved "after ifice, a former Methodist EpiscoRome (WKS) — Gino OHretti, tsania, -srsre'lioiajss tfeeir athletic wealthy 'Polish t ' some centuries of sojourn, that pal Church here. Je-srish industrialist and one ' o* competition. The prestfiest of! been beatea bees ass shs — they, -were led thence and liberatDuring the two years that have thepioneer merabers of the Fas-the "Republic of ' Iiitbti&nias -wel- to occupy the ghetto beset nt t r ed by Moses and during the years passed the congregation held ser- cist Party, has been -appointed a comed the visitors aa.d a- large i ITnirersity. She . • COtl " " *-^ *• in the wilderness underwent an Tices and meetings In ihe Chelsea coraraittee of one by Preniier portion of the city, Eon-Je-w-ish as.Kew Tori; ' "vriti. experience — call that experience Y. SI. H. A. The new-quarters Mussolini .to studx tie ecoaoiaic well'as Je-wish. tamed cttt to -wit-! uncle on afi\i£!it-Kionttis T - - . •what you frill —-that'made them which sold by the church possibilities of Ethiopia, -whica is | ness the evtint. The Star, of DaThe people of Poland nr" exa people -with a special ethos and trustees to. the Emanuel group is novr an Italian colony. vld banner flew alespdeie the na-periencing physical per-^c * - ' ~ r t ' ° •""" •" " a special set of laws and that that nearly a century old and has been tional-llsps of 'the lour • participat- Caily pro.gTams -whici the pove~-- c-~r — r-r= - . rethos and those laws had" the def- the focal point of many church, Jc-ws haye lived in Tripoli since I ing Baltic nations. — i J-,J.!0.VOI t,f*.e« or I 4 » J inent speaks cf ss excesses. Re-jnanitj- ia tteir €::cr;i to sow the; community and society functions the period of Phoenician coloni-j In Russia, Mr. Auerbach found sistsnee meets -with-more violent{ seeds of religious intolerance,"' Solomon Levi btrOEme Bishop o l ' snos -p-pre forbidden to Tear* (Continued on page 8.) in this section. i Portugal witbont epecial license. no anti-Seaiitism; nor did he lied j force." i race hatred and arbitrary zation.


Famous Writer To Open New Series

To Marie


NESS WHEREOF, the par. hereunto subscribed their U 3rd day of September.




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Jewish- General • Reported Active in Chinese War

Fly at Half-Mast • for Pres. Mas&rj-k

Substantial Sum for Building Fund Raised by Beth El

if Awards! sxds totaling irises of NGW '-equipped— ant iot Bettor 1H7 awards 1 reeks. EvoryinlThoNaw


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Phyllis .Polack, 10,... • Victinvof Folio


L\ S.

To Present Flay By Jacob Gordon - Sundayy. October 3






Page 2


tary Anthony Eden at Geneva; Jean-Baptiste d e Sllva, prln>found a haven of refuge in Czechshowed that Great Britain prefer-! c T p a l o f t h e oslovakia. Under his rule every faculty of red the friendship of the Jews to' t u e L, .niversit . attempt to introduce anti-Semie tniverBlt y that of the Arabs and that coop-; " -y ot raris and offjtism Into the politics, schools and eration in negotiating a basis f o r , c i a l attendant to Louis x v , was business of Czechoslovakia was llffllffllllllliffillMS partition was therefore impossi-' a. Marrano. nipped In tHe bud. To anti-Semible. • |— • — tic student rioting .at the German Beth El Ten Jews seeking to enter PalUniversity of Prague, he replied Friday evening Cantor Aaron estine without permits -were arFOR RENT Furnished by appointing German Jewish ref- Edgar and the Beth El Choir will for couple or single. ugee professors to the faculty. conduct services at Beth El. Rab- OppOSition tO Abdullah Grows j rested near Has el Xagura, not room 505 So. 31«t. Ha. 6 2 6 0 . Following Pan-Arab Masaryk is dead but he leaves bi David A. Goldstein will speak far from the Lebanon frontier. as his indestructible monument on "When Life is Worth While." Congress the great Republic of Czechoslo- After services the congregation vakia. Humanitarian, scholar, na- will go into the Succah for Kid- Jerusalem (JTA) — The xaukhtar (chief) of the Arab quarter tion-builder and towering* repre- dush. sentative of democracy in dicta-; Saturday morning services will of Haifa, Machmoud Nagar, was 1 That Thomas G. Masaryk, of his'own'people meant less to was also the-author of the. mani- torship-ridden Europe, Masaryk be held at 9 o'clock. shot dead in his home while founder and first president of Masaryk than his passionate de- festo that formally recognized was one of the handful of personasleep this week in a continuation Czechoslovakia", was one of! the sire-to teach and-tell the truth the Republic, of Czechoslovakia. Temple of sporadic disorders. An Arab alities that retained their great1 greatest friends "the ] Jews ever as. he saw it. / Masaryk was no stranger to ness after the World War. In the At this evening's service, Rabbi merchant in Jerusalem received a had is well known. In this package in Zionism. In his student days he very heart of'Europe he built a David H. Wjce will speak on suspicious-looking article MW Postal tells why the , I t was this same fearless inte- had known Theodor Herzl, and state that teaches by example the "Summing Up The Holy Days — which -police found three bombs. grity that Jed him to 'defend a George Washington of "CzechoPolice chiefs of Palestine, had commenced favorably on the advantages of liberty over despo- And Whither Now." Services beslovakia -ranks with BaUqur Jew accused of ritual murder. On "Judenstaat" -in "The Athen- tism. No narrow chauvinist, he gin at 8 p. m. Transjordan, Syria and Egypt and Smuts , in the annals of April 1, 1S99, a nineteen-year-old aeum," a journal he founded to championed the freedom of his Regular Saturday morning ser- were to meet in Beirut, Syria, to girl 5nam'ed Agnes Hruza was Jewish history. . —he Editor. discuss public security and mufound stain in a forest near the foster Czech nationalism. During own people, but always insisted vices will be held at 11. tual assistance in fighting arms Bohemian town of Polna, The po-a visit to the United States in( that minorities be given a square No Christian statesman .of lice arrested a Jewish vagabond 1907 he-became friends with Ste-' deal. Masaryk was not a phllo.smuggling and banditry. modern times was more beloved* by the name.of Leopold Hilsner phen S. "Wise and had the distlne- Semite, but a right-thinking and Meanwhile, opposition was re'of the-. Jews than Thomas Garri- and "charged '•• him with having parted increasing in Transjordan tionof being the •'. first < guest |liberty-loving statesmanwho 'gue Masaryk. Not even Balfour committed the crime as a part of speaker at the Free Synagogue's could not endure oppression or to Emir Abdullah as a result of By Mrs. David M. Newman | or Smuts stood higher in Jewish a^" Jewish ritual. Hilsner was open forum. Masaryk publicly persecution of any sort. Antithe recent Pan-Arab Congress at J ^jesteem. A philosopher, turned rul- quickly convicted and sentenced supported • the idea of- a Jewish Semitismi was hateful to him. His Bludan, Syria, and the activities Cattitm er, the-founder and first presi- to death- But Masaryk, who had restoration in Palestine on nis ar- life-long attitude of simple jus3 of the Palestine Grand Mufti. Sweet Pickled Pears Original dent of- the Republic of Czech- been following the case, was con-rival in America during the war.tice to the Jews, devoid of senti2 ,ibs. or 4 cups of sugar; I1,* Transjordan's a d m i n i s t rative 3 oslovakia was one of the great vinced there had been a grievous As president of Czechoslovakia mental and platitudinous expres- pints Vinegar; 1 dozen whole court sentenced Sheikh Kahalit '.minds of the century and a build-: miscarriage of justice. Unhesitat- he sanctioned the granting of thesions of friendship, stood the cloves; 1 dozen whole allspice; 2 el Akadi and other leaders of the § er of contemporary Europe. B.e- ingly he converted his "classroom, Palestine Mandate to England. In Jews in better stead for three sticks cinnamon; 1 teaspoon opposition to six months' banishe .talning his life-long faith in de-into an unofficial law court, call- 1925 he received Chaim Weiz- generations than the more demon- mace. ment and also prohibited the parI 'mocracy and freedom In a world ing witness after witness to prove mann and pledged^his active sup- strative but less ; practical bety known as "Transjordan's PeoMake a syrup by cooking toli gone mad with dictators, Mas- the absurdity of the charge. havior of other political leaders gether sugar, vinegar, and spice ple." port. . aryk achieved the miracle of suc-tying the ire of some of his proPosibility of an Arab boycott Two years later he-paid an of-who were Masaryk'a contempor- tied in a bag. Bring to boiling of the new Biitish commission to lcess|ully guiding the natron he fessorial colleagues, the clergy aries. -.'••-_• point and cool slowly for eight ,molded 'through the ' perilous and the anti-Semitic press, .all-ot ficial visit to Palestine, the' first' Select large firm pears. Palestine was suggested by FalasC shoals of the tragic post-war era. whom had demanded his resigna- head of a modern state to do so (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts minutes. BRUCEWOOD Wash and pare but do not re-tin, Jaffa Arab daily. The new "V 'An enclave of liberty completely since the Kaiser/went to the Holy Feature Syndicate.) tion, Masaryk published a seriesmove stems. Add to .boiling syrup. commission will come to Pales6 Land. He toured the Jewish coloencircled by Fascist and quasiDress-of-the-iceek Cook until pears are tender. Do tine to negotiate terms for parl Fascist states, Czechlovakia un- of articles championing Hilsneri n ies and discussed conditions with DADDIF TFAVFS -not cook too many pears at once. tioning the country into an Arab iy,A ovnntilnir the the hlnnH ritualtnlft m — t-i. 1 j i. tx~ „ t_j D/tAlilC LC/iTtlJ Scanty silhouette . . . b and exposing blood ritual tale der his wise rule, enjoyed thedisZionist leaders. He was greeted Drop pears as they are cooked in and a Jewish State. S trim looking, youthful Itinction of .being the. only,, real as a myth. The newspaper said that the by thousands o'f people on his $10,000 TO sterilized jars. Cook syrup 10 is phirretl b o d i c e . . . He was accused of having been visit to the Hebrew university, to democracy in eastern and central speech of British Foreign Secreminutes longer and fill jars to rhineslone s t u d d e d Europe. Because of Masaryk, the bribed by Jewish organizations. which his government has made ACTRESS overflowing. Seal at once. 400,000 Jews of Czechoslovakia Riots occurred in his lecture hall. many gifts. So friendly was he to 1> o v k n o t effect on London ( W N S ) — Sir James are the envy of one-fourth • theHis children were- insulted and! Zionism that his visit became a pockets . . . important Tomato Catsup Jews of the world, for the 4,500;- .maltreated in the' streets. He him- political issue in his native land, Barrie, noted British dramatist, fashion trends trans* bequeathed $10,000 to Elizabeth 4 quarts sliced tomatoes; ©00 Jews, of Poland, Gernrany, self .was socially ostracized, and where Catholics claimed that he lated into a frock of Bergner, German-Jewish actress quart vinegar; 4 tablespoons salt; to OftHAHA FOOD SHOW B! Hungary, Jtoumania.'and Austria, windows in his home were smash- visited only Jewish holy places smart distinction. who is now starring on the Lon- 1 tablespoon allspice; 2 table-! Qcto&er 11 to !€• B: the nations thnt, surround Czech- ed by fanatic niobs. But like Zola and neglected those sacred to don stage. Sir James' will ; con-spoons white pepper; 3 tableCatholics. It was then that his oslovakia, look, with longing eyes in the Dreyfus case, Masaryk was SI with every pound cf tained a""'special clause In which soons mustard. at the happy lot of their content- determined to see justice done. enemies revived an old canard he J< said, he was remembering Miss Cook toi^atoea with vinegar and brethren ,. across the Czech To Christians who assailed . him that he, the offspring of a serf Bergner for "the best perform•wj salt until tender. Rub through a frontier. ; ... . '••- : -'<-•.-,. • as a,"Jew-lover",fiereplied. "He and a chambermaid, was really ance ever given in one of my sieve passing through all pulp the illegitimate son of a Bohemwho looks up to Jesus as his MasWhile yet a mere stripling, the possible. V | George Washington" of Czechbslo- j ter cannot Tie anti-Semitic. You ian Jew. '. On his 85th birthday plays." He referred to 'The Boy David', | Add spices and seasonings and Vakia learned the meaning and must be either one thing or thethe Jews of' Czechoslovakia paid which he wrote as a starring ve- boil all slowly for three hours. in. danger of the racial "chauvinism Other and if you are a Christian tribute to him by contributing hicle for the Jewish actress. InBottle and seal when cold. Ki 50,000 kronen charity and y Y > u cannot be anti-Semitic." Ultito that has brought such havoc to hi3 will he referred to her "my Europe since 1916. As a student mately .Masaryk: won a new trial raising an equal sum for the es-dear Eliabeth."z Patronize Our Advertisers in the gymnasium of the bi-ling- for HilEiner but not: freedom, for tablishment of Kf ar Masaryk - in Palestine in . his honorAs a the unfortunate Jew was . again iial city of Brunn, 'Masaryk experienced for the firs| time the sentenced to death. This time, -further symbol of the esteem' in •Ml traditional racial envy and rival- however, JEmperor Franz Josef which Jewry held him, he was Mt ry between the Czech majority commuted the sentence' to life elected a freeman of vthe all-Jewmi and the'puling German minority. Imprisonment. Masaryk continued ish city of Tel Aviv, a distinction GO 1 Quarrels and street brawls be- his struggle until 1918, when in conferred upon only two other jtween the two races were ex- the" closing months of the -World Christians, General Allenby and .._--. was, - pardoned. Lord Balfour. .-'-, 'tremely common. .While Masaryk War, Hilsner Where Omaha Shops with Confidence ,. .. During the /post-fwar. years,, [naturally sided : with the Czechs Thereafter,. .JVIasaryk . . . .regarded ... I he" saw at first hand the stupid-1 him as-his-"ward and provided when -the -idealism* that had. given ity of racj&l'hatreds. It wa"s,nqt (himwith" funds until his. death, birth to Czechoslovakia was; beellis ritu p yreaction reio though ritual murder j-inggdisplaced by throughme I until Us • undergraduate days-atv\vheh 'the: Bellis^ the University of Vienna,' : how-^ trial opened in ."Kiev in 1913, j out Europe, Masaryk steadfastly tever.that he first came into inti-j Masaryk , again kept his country on the road to sea: mate>contact with ews.' As a child1nOu"ncea. the hlood accusation and democracy. Tears' before Hitler, organizing when life was already intolerable jg K ,li6.-haij been, imbued with the sup-' took - "a leading - " ' - • part ^ .in''-—-—«-'— erstitution- common. - among v the .protest meetings" against . Czarlst j for Jewish-students -in Eastern met | peasants of.: his native Moravia pogroms. •. I Europ.e, he let It be known that yrill that Jews.used Christian blood in • The Hiisner case raised Mas- they /wonld be welcome in Czech K itheir 'religious * rituals,. and he aryk to the heights as the cham:- nniverBities. - - - - - - - - - \Vhen •—'-- Jewish-refution 'carefullycrossed-to.the other side plon of the underdog and the gees began to pour out of1 Gerstud ''of the street.whenever he passed-j downtrodden. During the closing many in l»33"and 1934, Masaryk pra< a'Jewish home. This Btavistic be-1 days of the "World War, when he saw to it that thousands of them the llief was dissipated when he was was struggling for the emancipaB'ns emplpyed as; a tutor to the young tion of. the : Czechs and Slovaks; and fEOii" of & Jewish merchant' Once, I j e \vs as wsll as other ainorlty —<"- - - - — «— • «.'•-• charge peoples rallied to his side'. At the men ^vhlle accompanying his charge Versailles ': Peace . .Conference, 1 Into the country the Jewish here where his, dream, of an. IndepenCome in—try it yourself. m u n youngster suddenly disappeared.. 9:30 a. m, — 5j30 p. m. daily here (When Masaryk went to look for! dent Czechslovakla was Tealized, this week Ifon't miss &! M r s . ' i i m he found him behind a barn j he took the lead in fighting for j saying his prayers. This made j recognition of the rights of small Here's a radio that's entirely new, D ) thrillingly different! Imagine . . . dent a "profound Impression on- Mas-' nations and succeeded in prevailPush, a button—that's all! Your fathe \ aryk, and probably- accounts for ing upon "Wbodrow Wilson to in. vorite station, Instantly—perfectly! speal his great sympathy with the Jews, corporate -minority guarantees in lor as a Czech' hefalso knew what the peace pacts. Tune in Europe as easily as a local station—"with new. Overseas Dial. it means to belong to an oppressW01 ed people. Tons-full Sonic-Arc Magic Voice Arthur Balfour,. who issued gives "you radio's most lifelike In 1882,. hi wa3 ca! fled to declaration regarded as the MagHEL Prague tone* Come in now. See for,youras professor of philoso- an Charta of Jewish Palestine, self why these: marvelous radios phy at the newly-established Unlgive you more power—more disi .versity of Prague. His liberalism tance—greater selectivity than ha, ! attracted students from every anything ever offered before! met ; corner of Europe and his classes montj •became the focus ' of renascent Wort Czech nationalism. A firm believheld! er in the future of his people, he Cents nevertheless, would not compromed U ise with the truth for the sake of meet! demagogy. Despite his burning Sol A love for the Czech and Slovak Mr. people, he braved-contumely and tetarj denuncialion as a traitor to exSinge' .pose as forgeries the Kralo DvorPolicf pke documents which Czech pattwo n riots regarded as national, treasiaires because they supposedly proved the greatness and antiquity of Czech culture. That this .exposure brought him the enri^lty tha f amou» Tune your favorite nutions from your Mapric Voice,more speak; favorito chair! H th»n Sinai ^ ferenc

- By Bernard Postal

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. ••'• -:

few others know wbo Kr. Anony- I beep, eliminated Instead of beinc lect and honor the official Jewmous is- They meticulously guard '. considered as futise material. ish All-American team this fall. the secret and, indeed, it would i Ross disposed of Jannazzo in the Goid footballs (honesi.-to-g-oodbe a shame to expose Mr. Anony- Garden last winter and now takes ! ness ones! anrt certiUoales will n o u s -who, under his veil, stands ' on Garcia. be awarded the r.3 Lviskics V- lu1 the rarest oi men. I The head of the House of Ross- make the firs!, three teams. celebrate Mr. Anonymous of < n ™ h «PP»J\ P2Sse<*> ?9<>>°00 (Copyright, 19S7, by Seven Arts j child- is training in his favorite Oi course v e will p.vprpc-infr spa, Grossingers' in iipper New your assistance it; pelpcting' these Feature Syndicate) Washington, D. C, who has just fS b e c o m e b l S raoner »» or out York. There Earner is kins, ana All-Americsuis. Drop < > - note to given $90,000 to the Jewish Com- f. , s t anJbo^''s P°<*et and parthe genial host and hostess of the Seven Arts. 4S2 Fourth Avenue. munity Center of Washington, D. ticularly m a city editor's mind. Ferndale, N. T., resort give him New York, p.mi we'll keep oi.u' C. Even though I guess who Mr. I F o r M f 0 ' 0 ° ° A a Philanthropist every consideration. one frooc eye on youv nominee. Anonymous is, I shall not seek C O u l d h a v e h a d s o m e o f t h s b e t " REVIVALIST MIKE Hellalujah, brethren ,nd sis- Uncle Jilike isn't - satisfied to (Copyright. 1P3T, by Seven Aris to tear off the veil and expose his I t e r deadlines in the newspapers Feature Syndicate> everywhere. tern! Arise and shine, 'or the limit hts revival to New York The character of the older that all buds snipped off were more willing to shoulder the fi- countenance. alone. He's moving Chicago • There would have been for him j greatest revival t h e lighting , sons of Meyer Guggenheim, the duly accounted for in vases on the nancial burden in the partnership Mr. Anonymous/stands in the has known since Cain put ja n d points west. In the Windy Rothschild Accept? Tost immigrant Jew who started the famify table. because he was worried about his veiled beauty of a secret giver— the bright morning when his pic- game tne slu ture (double column) would h a v e ' S on Abel is about to | City, he is takingover the StaGuggenheim Industrial empire that The spice business was running growing sons. In the spice bus- a rare figure in a world London {.7TA) — The TIPV.looked at him with complete sp- booia. Revivalist Michael Strauss i diurc, somewhat bigger, but much with a peddler's pack, is the along comfortably in 1871. A iness he could see little to stretch prizes kudos and breaks its heart p r o v a l f r o m h Lbi'd Kotlischild hP.p- accepted thr Jacobs says so, and Uncle Mike ; barker o£ late, than Uladison subject of the fourth and last page of the i ? carefully built routine had re- their abilities. Driving a wagon over such honors as being chairpresidency of the r.ri'isb. ORTnewspaper: "Local Philanthropist should know. He used to do bus- Square Garden. of this series of articles taken lieved Meyer of drudgery. His might be a useful apprenticeship, man of the Lemonade Committee. ~ this OZE, which purports Jevis-b. voProbable Gives §90,000" iness in a tent shew aot so long to pros i from Mr. O'Connor's book, 'The Oh, the credit-seekers in Israel curious soul felt uneasy. The un- but what could lie beyond that? health ago, but since has prospered, hai- j move will be Davey Dar, Illinois' cation?.' retrr-inhip Guggenheim's' which the seven "Ah, sir," the picture would . usual calm was a signal to him, Just a humdrum life, a modicum and out give me a pain. They (or welfare vork in . EnKTerr Kin-opeand is ready to spread' No.1 lightweight challenger. ; Arts Feature Syndicate and not of approaching danger, but of respectability, satisfaction at a their friends) come to me at my have said to him, "you certainly ' good words—"a bosing boom i Davey is ripe for a second crack Jewish Press presents by spec that he was not driving his fac- lower level than Meyer's curious- desk in the daily newspaper off- look like a philanthropist. There has arrived"—far a n d wide. at Lou Ambers' title. He almost lal arrangement with Coviciulties to their utmost. There was ity and ambition could tolerate. ice: "Here is my picture, sir. Of is that benign expression—that won it once, but lost a close rleArise, ye sinners! Frtede, publishers. something in. your eyes t h a t ' s n s more money to .be made, but not Isaac had left school at seventeen course, I want to see it printed TJncle Mike did all right with ; cision. Uncle Kike, between ciat—THE EDITOR gests how much you love the in spices. In this unexciting,field to work in his uncle's wholesale only for the sake of the cause. I. whole world. T*his ought to in- his 20th Century Club and his re- \ tering his chin china, announced he had about reached the limits grocery business and was about myself don't count. It's just the cent Braddock-Louis and Louis-1 he will match Ambers and Day ' crease your name in the city." Meyer's -word in Uj,e tight little of his market. Merchants as vig- to go on the road as a commer- good of the cause." Farr fight. But, brethren and sis- ; in the Chicago spot during this * Lino Ti •world of Guggenheim was law; ir- orous aa he, and with greater cap- cial traveler. The other boys, Or it is Mr. Kohnlevy who For $90,000 he could have had tern, you ain't seed nothin' yet! :winter. j revocable and unquestioned. In- ital, bounded him toward New with the possible exception of calls. (Or, perhaps, Mr. O'Shaug- j the applause of everybody who O n e Uncle Mike is just starting his ' ALL-AMERICAN" XCWrDTEES ! fraction was. a personal challenge York and Baltimore. The profits Dan, the second in line, seemed nessy.) rejoiees. to see another man giv-revival. He's closed up the- old \ Meanwhile, the college and and r met with physical punish, while substantial, ing $90,000 away. could never all too content t o fall into an acMr. Kohnlevy (or Mr. tent and moved into a huge, pre-j pro gridaers are moving in for a ment, the instrument being any place him on a high pinnacle of ceptable routine. Dan was a O'Shaughnessy) But Mr. Anonymous was conplaces in my I long stay. And once again we • Buitable object at hand, strap, business life and he could not be shrewd youth who already show- hand the photograph of a woman tent with the approval only of his tentious building. He not only has e e r y worth- ir,l:e time out to rtir.ind you thr.i Btick or rod. His boys must be satisfied with less. He was now ed an ability »to look down a row whose beauty has expanded in own conscience in the matter. Mr. while heavyweight tied -up like so Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, in prepared, for the hard discipline forty-four, in the prime of life, of possibilities and size up the circumference, like the sunflower Anonymous' right hand extended f.~he's got the cor.jv.ricupn v ' t h / . • Z. A., jvninr of life. the gift even while he kept his with boys approaching the thres- right one. But one and all they in irf'id-Angust. for B'rai B'rith order, is going to sesmaller fellas all working hated school, particularly PhilaThat the "boys did not grow up hold of manhood and. business. "This," he says, "is iay wife. left hand in pocket, lest it see him, tao. On Sept. £S, in Polo to 'be narrow misanthropes was It was about this time that an delphia high school, which con- ,g h e fleSgrves a l l [^ c r e d i t { o r t h e what his right hand was doing. Barbara's glory. She was the uncle of Barbara's in Switzerland demned them to classical studies of that bingo game. I iM r - Anonymous dre_w "the veil pions on or.e card. Nor.e oi that perfect foil to Meyer. "Where he started a factory for embroider- having nothing to do with busin- think you ought to print her pic- j0 T e r his countenance to shield it one champion stuff tor I'r.cle criticized unceasingly, command- ing'by machine. Until then the ess. from the eyes of the world. ure." I Mike. He's got that revivj-i in ed without end, applied dlscl- finer scalloped eflgings had to be "I give $90,000," said Mr. i full swing row, a r d he's When Pulaski sailed for SwitOr I open the newspaper and . pline's lash, she was the refuge done by hand and were very ex- zerland, to line up the new enterto the i do it r.p r'-ght. age 2 challenges my eyes with Anonymous as he fled So Icur cham1 in time of sorrow, the lamp of pensive. Uncle Myers wrote Meyer prise, Dan went with him, to fingroup picture of the Committee shadows. The next morning the pions, Marcel Tfcil,, Barney Ross, l o v e . i n a world that seemed a t that he had produced too much ish up his education, acquire a or t h e Picnic of the Anshe Gi- newspapers reported Mr. Anony- Lou Ambers ar.d Sixto Escobar, German lorim-Synagogue. Yet, 4 t may mous' secret gift. People asked, are defeniinc: thoir titles on that times dark and bitter. On her lap for sale In Europe that year and working knowledge of they wept for consulation. Her was sending, him a sonsignment and look into the lace and embroot be the Committee for the Pic-j "Who is he?." and, doubtless, Mr. momentous evening. Ar.d our ata car, take ride gentle natuYe, -while it'failed to of goods, billed at a small ad- idery business. The boy, only ic of the Anshe Giborim Syna- i Anonymous' right hand tingled tentions, naturally, are centered in ward, off disciplinary" blows, .sof- vance over the cost, in the hope seventeen, did all three jobs with ;ogue: it may be the Committee I pleasurefully at having put it on that dapper little gent from tened their sting To them Barba- that his, nephw could . find an relish. Murry and Sol, too young or the Picnic of Bethlehem Bap- over so successfully in the dark. Chicago, Barnum Ross. yet to be of much use to the firm, ra Interpreted Meyer's harshness American market for it. I celebrate him and set him, HOUSE OF ROSS-CKILD st Church. nevertheless to be sent as a sign ot his devotion to their The spice merchant was per- begged The Committee for the Picnic veiled, on my highest pedestal Omaha's Mor.t Popu Ross, for the t t : r d (and last!) future. . plexed. He knew nothing of em- abroad, to finish school at least. f the Anshe Giborim lar and Fastest fairly which I keep for the humble. time fights Cerafir.o Garcia, a , ' Meyer himself found no little broidery, beyond the fact that In- Meyer approved of their impati- earns with the consciousness of * • • nervy little guy from the west Batisfaction, not acknowledged to ordinate quantities were being ence; he liked his children to see laving done God's work at the] Mr. Anonymous' $90,000 will coast. Garcia once pave Ross them, however, in the progess his used on the undergarments of the world and knock off their denic which netted fully $S7.4S be used to build a sis-story.. addi- j g o m e t r o u b i e t n d hr-s been heckAUTCTR.TQEELC sons made: The boys grouped stylish ladies. He dropped in on prejudices. In due time Sol was .gainstthe 5165,000 mortgage. I tion to the building of W a s h i n g - ^ . ^ , 0 .g c a a t r F i o T , . t h e ^ themselves into older and young- his old friend,- Abraham Gold- placed in the Institute Cohcordia •ead the names from right to ton's Jewish Community Center j " ever'sir.ce. Ross almost er clansT Isaac, Dan, Murry,"" and mlth; for consultation. Gold- at Zurich, a strict and efficient eft: This, is. in ' a c t , the center of | t a t e d t h e F 1 , . = a0 i nc h i . school, and Murry went to St. Sol herded' together, and Ben, smith, c l o t h merchant, had Mr. Shapiro's benign countenJewish life m "Washington and j v e a r g winE;r.g r i n e o two years Simon, Bob, arid Will. Surround- his clerks look up the principal Gall, the embroidery center, to ance seems to say: "Of course, Bennett L. Cohn because of its place in the na- j of ° t h e ten rcuna light. But Gared- by sisters and the softer life outlets. Sample, accompanied by help his brother Dan hold fort without me they couldn't have tional capital, takes on something cia still haur.ted Iloss. He ' : c for Dcmortratiois ot North Sixteenth Street, the ;lowing letters on the merits of when Pulaski was in America. accomplished this success." of the significance of a national ured he earned a chance at the younger boys lost something of the new machine process, went Soon a New York office was opi'/.AX P,r,. * * Mr. Kaplan's face gives out a Jewish center. welterweight crown when he the rough fiber of the old days, out to the trade. Claflin the larg- ened. There were a number of To see this addition built was ook of friendly tolerance for the fought Izzy Jar.r.Ezzo to a draw •when life was stern and Meyer's est firm in New York, took the factories at St. Gall "which workither members of the committee: the aspiration of Maurice Bisgyer in an el irrigation contest. The ed on commission for Guggen' arm more sustained in chastise, entire consignment, at a handTo be sure, there's credit enough j who for 13 years was director of irient. some profit to Guggenheim, and heim and Pulaski, and later an- or all of us, but where would j this center. He had come to his onf» mistake there was that both and Garcia should have other one in J>fauen, Saxony. . Even -•with advancing prosper- asked for more. hey have gotten if it hadn't been Washington post when the JewOrders poured in and the boys ity, Meyer declined to foster, in an institution Meyer was all alertness. This often had to work a ten-hour day. or me managing the lemonade ish center was Ills-boys any delusion that money meager enough. In his time it ooth as efficiently as I did." business, though, would require On Sunday, however, Sol and latFOR RENT five room furcame easily. The only note of structure Mr. Ginsberg (who is not as grew to the splendid frequent crossing of the ocean, er nished home t c reliable Ben and other American luxury, that crept Into the- Gugthat stands at 16th and Que and the ninety days he had spent friends would come over from the all as the others) stands on tipoarty. 1 5 2 S N. I 5.ill r t r e e l . genheim way of life was the. fulon a small sailboat between Ham- nstitute and they would all hike oe to give his head a bit of ele- Streets. I*. 0 1 C 7 . fillment ot" Meyer's passionate In these latter years Benjamin burg and Philadelphia had given up some lovely mountain trail, vation above Mr. Kaplan's shoallore of horses, a love bred of the err«'Look a t roe, I £ i t hadn't, Ourisman, president of the center him all he wanted of that. The with an Inn at the top like all ,dkys when his" own aching mus* *for • • me ••• ~ ' -- "'"and Mr." Bisbyer have striven for boys, smart as' tney -were, could well-regulated Swiss Alps, where een cles cried,out-for a beast of burthe twelve an expansion o f these facilities— not take the responsibility In Dan and Murry Thus I read all "would treat den. By now his business requirtheir teens. There was Morris schoolboys to a delicious dinner. members of the committee from for this six-story addition that is ed, a stable of horses to draw his Pulaski, an ambitious young fel- They also enjoyed the Continen- left to right: and I read similar about to be built. Mr. Bisgyer spice wagons around the city and low: he proved that when he tal theater occasionally. claims of credit in the counten- was privileged to see the fruition Into the suburbs. When he needimmediately after he left.the cenrushed out of the spice business solitude and a breath of fresh The only tnystery in the new ances of the Committee for the because he feared the Guggenter to become national secretary air to solve a perplexing problem business was why the dainty em- 'icnic of the Bethlehem Baptist heim boys would be favored there. of the B'nai B'rith. at Cincinnati. he would • summarily take over broidery and cut work — rows Church. summoned back for a Still.'he was reasonable . ^ . he . He Yet these are but the minor the reins from a driver and himand rows of which had to adorn showed that when he came back. day to Washington by Mr. Oarisaspirations ot vanity in a world self set out about town on delivladies' pantalets, petticoats and Meyer had dannced at his wedman to receive Mr. Anonymous' eries. On Sundays he would hitch summer dresses.— were called that breaks its heart over honors ding- a year ago- at the big Drey$90,000 gift. Only they and & and glories. If Mr. Ginsberg tip a favorite mare to the family "Hamburg edgings." There is a fus house, where the handsome stands on tip-toe, Mr. Catnip carriage and trot out toward Roxrumor that when a big customer young man married Lena, daughborough with Barbara and the ter of another of Meyer's part- in America asked Ban where they hires a press agent to sing his j came from that wily youth answ- credit to the world. girls. \ ners. On that occasion the hook Some one may at this point inlove of t h e open country that held the bridegroom's shirt ered "Hamburg" to throw him off terrupt: "And you, Mr. ' Segal? scent and maintain the Guggen4. C found expression, in congested down came undone and Meyer, T t e Genuine Satea Grip Philadelphia, in flowers cultivat- ruddy and beaming, hurled sallies heim primacy. In any case, "Ham- How hurt would bs your vanity Bowling E&ll now sold ed about his house. These he that belled the dignity of his mut- burg edgings" they remained: in if one day the printer forgot to in Omaha hy the* was still put your name over this column! watched with eagle eye, not only ton chop whiskers. Seriously, 1887 Wanhamaker's tor their beauty, but to see to it now, he reflected that young Pu- boasting "dainty Hamburgs white No name to tell the people that and colored — new cases broken Mr. Segal deserves the credit for laski was eager to better his poin every day." this column!" • <§; sition and would work hard. Yes, Mr. Segal's vanity would This enterprise left seven chil. Meyer invited him to join In the TO SHARE — Eight room, JA2724 1 1 Si Doasla* furnished : bouse; modern new yenture and they formed the dren at home, Jeanette, Ben, Si- feel hurt. ~~ • * • Hie Bsies Grip Ball wiil eeoTeniencet; garage; heat; mon, Robert, William, Cora and partnership of Guggenheim and All of this underlines the surproduce higher scores and bills paid. Reasonable Rent. Pulaski, Meyer putting up most Rose. That divided' the Guggen eliminate tiie "sore* H ^ Adults. At. 69311 of the money. Meyer was all the helm brothers even more sharp passing humility of Mr. Anony$sn o*:er thnt the lacdep won't ly into two sets, the older and the mous of Washington, D. C, who younger. Then active young Robert fell off a horse and died soon Tou,r grocer is givsng the TP. f V.T after of what is believed to have Clear Your Children's Clothes end Keep Them Healthy while they last, been a ruptured appendix, •j tkc packages o£ Kell ojlg's Braa first real sadness in their healthy lives, the untimely death drew We ?av. to iiyjT]" to r.void La g !fir»pomi>> the younger brothers closer to T p ' y of fctfl >riip:|:R >« ment. The r^'-p) gether. Meyer paid passing attention to these three, boys; theirs evernl—«• a'i! V/ant ts i. s limited. And yen was not the rigorous training tha £or •j'ourseli and for tlic is: Is In the Dr...«:FUi. f had gone Into the first four. As i&trnh: lor the girls — well, they didn' count BO much in the GuggenMens Suits and Pressed You'll be just as enthusiasheim plans. Boys were Importi REGULAR PRICE tic about the aiaazing fidelCalled for lakes in &?•• yellow," packnge. Popular ant. S • I.Spring Cool (without fur) § and Delivered Tdiole fEinHj-, Ovr-n^'resh In A e ity of Zenith tone as conMeyer found the new buslnes 1 Plain Dress . . . . ,.-»..package. Reaily u> eiii witlj iHilk such a gold mine that he wondernoisseurs have been for : -A COMPLETE DRY. Cl.E&MIf4Q. SERVICE ed why there were not more firm ., Full oi. siourisbmewt ior energy years. And the startlingly •-. AT YOUR-..PISPO5AL .. . ' In it. In time others did enter .4.XATIV57,. •• \th. Ms low price will surprise you! this field, but Guggenheim and Pulaski was first and; held It G c i i ensai"i h; ree, lead. Profits rolled in. The GugAS LOW AS v buy o£ Kcliogg's s«an every £.; 9x12 thoroughly washed,, steamed and resized. . .S2.S0 i . . n« w , «\,_v- t y genheims moved across the line 8.3x10.6 thoroughly washed, steamed and- resized 52.00 IvSade b r lf»elso£|! HI Battle Greek, bj~ down the-middle of North Six' v Throw RUEO 50c teenth Street that divided the Our new method of Carpet Cleaning completely Steriwealthy from the well-to-do. The t ( { lizes your rujjo assuring you of germ-free rugs. Protect younger boys had to - restrain . >».; a. *•• *• the health of your family by sending us your rugs and Ihemselve9 from war whoops as carpeting. . •••... ' _ they carried the furniture triumphantly over to the west side, Meyer bought a new horse and E Introducing our new factory-finish method of Places If Is Year fine surrey. He was one of th Gsy Larsdkerc!iie£s—in the* fall cleaning and blocking mens' hats. / few Jews ot Philadelphia to pos,'';-—-~>r//? mssaner. Lovely Ilnen-Iike finisii. sess such a thing, and loved t •See and try the new, simple tuning methods that reIntroductory Price S@c ••• : .- drive his friends out for a treat. Hizh in. tabfast, sunfast colors. Sis move all complications from radio. And even though : novelty, SorsI v.v,.d geometric deyou know nothing about a radio,you can reach out for We Are q p p Copyright, 19 3 70 gave the $90,000 to WasMEgton's Jewish Cpmmunity Center. One considers what a less humble philanthropist t h a n ' Mr. Anonymous could hare had for 580,000. Since the dreadful Uses

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. Page 4

• When Knbbi Zpra dieri. the insol-


fellbws said. '•Hitherto there Thyssen, the financial angel of the Nazis, when last jisb. ethics It is declared to be 'the foundation of God's throne. Gems of the Bible i ent was the liulc Rabbi who prayed reported, had taken his family to tW more hospitable atmos- and the Talmud declares it one of the three pillars of the : to.- us. b u t now who will show us and TaJrnud phere of Rio de Janeiro. Von Papen, representative of theworld. "Justice, justice them shalt pursue/ is the command in any consideration?" Whereupon By Dr. Ffeilip Sher they repented and became rightSaar industrialists, narrowly escaped assassination at the time Deuteronomy,—equal and' exact-justice, favoring neither rich PUBLISHED EVERY FBIOAV AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA, BY eous. nor poor. From this springs the idoa of equality, explicitly of the 1934 purge and is now cooling his heels in Vienna, where THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Let not kindness snd truth forRabbi Maier «aid, "The same enunciated in that marvelous sentence in Exodus, Leviticus. sake thee. Bind them about thy measure $2.00 he was kicked from his position of vice-chancellor. with which one measures S U B S C R I P T I O N P R I C E , O n e Y e a r • . . . . _ . ADVERTISING RATES FURNI&HEO ON APPLICATION In their places, the so-called radical element, the ignor- a n ( j Numbers to which our most advanced modern legislation neck, write them upon the table others, it will be measured out to him." thy heart. "EDITORIAL OFFICE! MK> BRANOE19 THEATER BUILDING ant, are gradually regaining the upperhand they lost in 193-1. has not yet caught up, "There shall be one law and one statute of Wisdom crieth aloud in the Rabbi Zera said, "Be careful SIOUX CITY OFFICE—JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER ;I Germans are now speaking of "Bolshevism by the back door, to the native and to the foreign-born." The height of humanitv. streei; she uttereth her voice in with the children of a common PRINT SHOP ADDRESS—4504 80. 24TH STREET Business and Managing Editor an apt term for'the economic chaos now rampant in the Reich. the basis of democracy, is' reached in the idea that all men • the broad placesman as very often wisdom emanDAVID BLACKER . . 1 . '-• . Editor have the same Creator that, as the prophet Malachi expressed; So are the ways of every one ates from them." FRANK It. ACKERMAN that is greedy of pain. It taketh . . Associate Editor Rabbis were taught. Adam it, "We have all One Father. One God has created vis all'; and : avray the soul of the c^wners was Our created LEONARD NATHAN on the eve of Sabbath - ••'- Contributing Editor Italian Jewry Faces a Crisis UABBI FREDERICK COHN and why? In case he becomes - Book Editor ".. The tragic state of Italian Jewry is continually manifested in the injunction, the supreme commandment of live, to 'love thereof. RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS Take fast hold of instruction, overhearing i t may be said to Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent by the utterances of the leaders of the various-communities. So our neighbor as ourself.' with particular care for the poor. let her not RO; keep her for she him, ANN P I L L . - . . - • • • "The mosquito has been the widow, and the orphan; and even the stranger whom we created before thee." eager have some Jews been to show their devotion to the cause are specifically commanded to 'love' (what a rebuke to those, is thy life. were insolent fellows in R&hbi Joehanan said, "To him of Fascism they have not hesitated to expose their less-zealous who have only scorn and derision and discriminatory treatment theThere Justice Black Wears.a Hood neighborhood of Rabbi Ztra, iwhose first wife dies it is as if o to extreme discomfort. who nevertheless associated with the Temple had been destroyed in The disclosure of the affiliation of recently-appointed Su- brethren Raids upon Zionist off ices by non-Zionist Jews show that and even persecution for the'alien' and the 'foreigner.' the i them and showed them some con- 1 his days." preme Court Justice Black with the Ku Ivlus Klan comes as a,the raving words of Farinacci and other Italian anti-Semites i'non-Aryan,' etc!)' We are hidden 'not to vex or oppress the siderations so that they should : Rabbi Eliezer said, "He who distinct surnrise distinct surprise to those who know President Roosevelt's atti- On ihvniv evt>n t.hft hrftvpst. Fascists into Danic. 'stranger,' the appeal being made to sympathy ("Yon know repent. The Rabbis, however, j divorces his wife even the altar throw even the bravest Fascists into panic. tude on tolerance. Whatever one's opinion of the president's «can were not satisfied with this. sheds tears." However from the rabbis themselves has come a statement,. |the heart of a stranger, for ye u-<-r< strangers in the land of • policies may ben he has been an ardent exponent of religious though discreet, shows determination and courage far superior Egypt).' There is even the utmost consideration for the liberty. t lower animals whom we are enjoined to treat kindly and nier- : The" members of the Supreme Court must, like Caesar s to the vandals who think they can show their devotion to thecifully. Judaism even teaches kindness to one's enemies. Rabbi j ' wife, be above suspicion. A man who, if the daily papers are Italian state by depradations. Chief Rabbi Prato is, of course, in a comparatively secure Hillel, the older contemporary and teacher of Jesus, urged the^ to be believed, responded so heartily to the well wishes of his His devotion to Fascism has been a subject of con- Aaronitie love of all creatures and the bringing of all meni hooded friends, has no place on a bench which dispenses irre- position. cern to the more liberal-m/nded of the community. He did]to the humanitarian teachings of the Torah. A tender name! vocable justice. . not assume his position in Rome until many months after his j for God, used largely in the Rabbinical writings, is "Raeli-; ' Had Mr. Black tacitly accepted Klan support for his elec- election because the. government was pleased with his work in | mono," 'the All-Mercifnl One.' and it is said repeatedly that; - tion, as it was first believed, there could be little objection. Rhodes and wished it to continue a while longer. During the \'God desires the heart,' the heart-qualities, mercy, compassion,; : But the "fact he was a member of this obnoxious organization, Ethiopian campaign he- saw to it that a goodly number of j kindness, and love: revealing the great humanitarian heart of | throws anventirely different light on the subject. chaplains broiled in the-African sun;. \Isv&e};, „ . ,. T T . . Worn by -^ The Klan was never, as Governor Graves erroneously Jewish T h eJ e w Except for the notorious "Morteira Case" of Bologna, Ital-! «>t"-s into the observance of any American annifashion states, a Protestant organization in the sense that the Knights ian Jewish history in modern times has been extremely en- versary with special -usto and delight. The American Jew is rr;ode!s crd of Columbus wag Catholic and the B'nai B^rith Jewish. It was couraging' Even in the middle ages the position of the Italian a most ardent patriot. America is his country and lie knowsfilin stars , from its inception an organization of hooded marauders, ex- Jews, while precarious, was better than that of the Jews else- a n d d c s i r e s n° "tber. He is a Jew in religion but an American j who have : pounding the vicious principles of intolerance, an outlaw group , iin nationality. His is the double distinction of being an Ameri- j their p'.ck that thought itself above law and order. There is no doubt that the statement of the Rabbis would i c a n J e w -a J o w i s h American. The spirit of both the Consti.' of the t It seems likely that Black's temperament is such that his not have been allowed, particularly for foreign reading, unless \ tution and the Torah is in his blood ami lie seeks to make it " world's klan affiliation was one of political expediency. And it is such the-government agrees in substance. Nevertheless its publica-1 i n c a r n a t e m llIS h f e smartest B a charge that is most damaging. If he had been willing to com- tion betrays the ideologic confusion of those who must remain j May the principles, ideas, and ideals of both the American j clathes t promise with so insidious an organization to further his own Constitution and Israel's Torah be extended to the ends of the ! ends, he cannot be depended upon to act in-good faith while at peace with a totalitarian state. j earth, organized inio the government of every nation (includa justice of the Supreme Court. ' . | ing Germany), till the whole world becomes one grand Greater Constitution and Torah There were nmny southerners.who would riot accept klan j America, a Universal "United States" (of which we have alJB support, during the heyday of the hooded riders; many who . ' .B 7 J ^ * , J r e d e n c k ° ? m , , , • . !I rejidy the germ, however feebly and ineffectuallv in the League ,y Exclusive g America begins the celebration of the one hundred and t ^ . i : _ _ , _,_:__, ____,..-,„• . . - , \ . ., " , fought the vicious principles. Political oblivion might have J X a t i o M ) : m a n k i n d united> fiw< j u equal/happv. here in been the reward, but nevertheless they had the convictions fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Constitution. The j ^ ^ b r o t l i e r i i o o d a n d p e a c e Sesquicentennial commemorates one of the greatest events ot j that are necessary in a justice. - - Frederick Cohn. s '. Black's silence at such a i:ime is not a good defense. Most the world; for second only to the Declaration of Independence i likely he has no explanation. • "Under such circumstances, if and the successful termination of the Revolution was the pro-j jgestion of a reddish tinge.


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Ktt*. 51. 1*1


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he is the man the President claimed when he appointed him, duction of'the American Constitution which so eminent a ^ • • • J ^ V | T I N G S "*•

inj K.

his resignation is the only satisfactory answer.

Thomas Masaryk

statesman as Gladstone pronounced 'the greatest document that j By IX>ms PEKARSKY everjsprang from the brain of man.' Apart from its intrinsic; character, it made of the thirteen, scattered," diverse disorgan-; STEIXA ADI,ER-S FIRST

In him Plato's idea of a philosopher-king was realized, for Masaryk in his early days was a professor of philosophy. So strong was his idealism within him thjat'thercouatry-he fathered remained an island of democracy, a rock of'justice, on a continent torn by hate and madness.

After much talking and planpan n "Md D

| "Mad Dog of Europe" is ex; pected to go into production in a i few weeks. It will m e titled'. j "Never to Be Forgotten." The

i: K

?^Z°tIon t} R ? T E,ff°,?s

benefactor of millions, the hope*'the inspiration, and the ^-\ilrl^Jll\ZZ7J^ a

liis ' low-cocoannt





the Jews so whole-heartedly or fought the virus of anti-semi-



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WORKS composed b y I t SO happens that t h e J e w i s h . p e o p l e are concluding ,the?r i ^ s performed in t h e works of , t h 6 , a t e George Gershwin, five rlr • . • '*' _• _ . _ i Shaw. Ibsen. Strinrthere anri surli ' __• v ,. ., . _ ._ The last

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tioi! stuj; pra|i and! ter,\ mej;

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met] I mon! I "Wor," Cent cd t , meet Sol I Mi

retar Sing* Pollq.

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spealj' Sinai, f erenj j

produce. Goldwyn wishes to preUpon his assumption of the .presidency o£ the infant re- the great Leader and Lawgiver. There is a sense in which tribUtedjhrough Paramount Pic- • &ent t h e s e l a s t ' G e r s h w i n c o m p o . public of Czechoslovakia, among his first orders was one coun- the Torah may be said to be Israel's Constitution (as the x\mer-itures. Tlie cake-plastering se- s i t j o n s i n a manner that will scene m a k e t h e m a fitting film monuh very first i termanding an edict expelling the Jews from certain cities ican Constitution may be said t o be America's Torah) for it jjquenee. was the ure. Ana i ; m e n t to the famous composer's is the supreme religious and* moral guide, contains the essence; l e f t B r o a d w a y t 0 of Bohemia. , . •> a target for musical genius. The last four He himself always "claimed that the birth of his country of Israel's laws and expresses the true character of Judaism j marshmallow frosting,' exclaim- ; niantbs preceding his fatal illness ed Miss Adier, among other h a d been spent by Gershwin and was in a large measure due to the good-will he had engendered of which it may be said to be the foundation and basis ofi 1 things, as she wiped t h e cake • brother, Ira., in work on the its entire development. Together with the historical among'the Jews, particularly the journalists, who never for!. from — h. _e -r beautiful _ tcsiiurps* • s c o r e of tliis O o l ^ \ W T I film J~TP • got the role he played at Polna, the scene of the Hilsner trial. prophetic books of the Bible and its literary miscellany it con-;< There's nothing like a thorough ' h a ( 1 finished'fire of nine numbers: At another time a number of Jews had the opportunity stitutes the Old Testament of which it is the foundation as j training in the finer sort o t p l a n n c d O n e o t t h c s o n g s , i r o n . 7 ally en n K is ntit!ed of coming to his rescue, when at the outbreak of hostilities it is of the entire Jewish literature and spiritual development itlTV^Z^L™^ ,^'- she thun- ; !? ? tflicrht , .f "r W a s I cess in the movies!" T>o,-ntr All " d e r e d his eldest daughter, Alice, was imprisoned by the Austrians as our very day (all of which is called 'Torah', meaning STARDOM FOU LA Tl'CKKR The new movie player was se- , Sophie Tucker, whose efforts [ a hostage for her father. "When it w^s feared that she would Moral and Spiritual Teaching as well as Religious Law). by critics as one of the ten in MCJM's "Hi-oadway Melody" be sentenced to death, Jane Addams and Mary McDowell, There is the closest connection between America's Con- lected foremost sta^e actresses of the era now beinp; acclaimed by Chicago's two famous-social workers who had trained Alice stitution and Israel's Torah. They are spiritually akin.' The decade. Almost before she had screen fans everywhere, definite-' Masaryk, appealed to the world to effect her rescue.. Constitution may even be regarded as the product of the her schooling she w e n t l y looms as a coming start in the j T®rah. I t contains the American principles of freedom, jus-:into the theatre work for which Hollywood heavens. She has just Julius Rosenwald and Fannie Bloomfield .Zeisler, the she s tice, and equality humanity, and u n i t y a n d these are d i r e c t l y ; — destined, and within a .siuned a new term contract. The tice, and equality, humanity, and unity-and these are directly; famous pianist, through relatives in Vienna managed to bring 'year was means her • retirement ' y p playing y g leading roles Ui, contract derived.from Israel's Torah. They were planted on these shores j ' f h stage, as it i prevents t her; h the cause of the hapless woman before-'tlie Austrian govern'dramas written, l.y Ihson. Shaw from tho ment Her sentence was changed and after serving several by t h e Pilgrims a n d P u r i t a n s , ' w h o w e r e .Old Testament Chris-ji and other equally famous writers, 'from doing that kind of work in1 ; : a n d b y t h e English i n general, who w e r e t h o r o u g h l y ! she was born in New York and Itho future. She is hurrying hack months she was released from prison. > . '.' tians, * ' i t ' -It *v T>-I?I • 1-1- *a.'- TWT-I m . + v- i 'her parents, Mr. Jacob I', and to Hollywood from eastern enThough age had of late 'removed Masaryk from active saturated with t h e Bible, including t h e - O l d Testament, which) J Adler distinEuished Rapements to-take part in two participation in governmental .affairs, his death is a loss to they uniquely reverenced and whieli had the profoundest iu-Jdramatic artists. Slio was edu- plrtures. 1S"7, by Seven Arts " all those who had faith in the ultimate triumph of democratic fluence upon their literature, and their lives. -It moulded their icatede in New York public firhools,; (Copyripht. Feature Syndicate) +i.«..~'u* *«^i:_^_ j . __*i._• „ ^._, SWadleigh High School. nrwl N o w m feelings and actions. TIti received practical, expres- J 5 ^ ^ v e r s U y , whfirfl Bhn Trinj. governments . His successors are apt students of his, but it isthoughts, sad to lose one whose moral courage will ever be a lesson to sion when the colonists came to establish"their own government. o r ed in music and. literature,' POLITICAL PARADES Many had made the Ten Commandments en bloc the binding tearing the university. Miss Adthe world. ' "

law of their several communities, c1

Backdoor Bolshevism

• • , , - • • •

Judais Reg

Fourth Floor

Your Ever-Ready Wardrobe . . .



Furred Suits >W



'Ardler for the movies, loured the

bamuers example in trying to dissuade Israel from in- ; rnited States with a woll-lcnown L o n d o n ( J T A ) _ The Governstituting a monarchy, the account o£ which as contained in •repertory ^company offering clas-1 t l l e n t j i a s extended _for three. sic ramas A e r mo the Book of Samuel-was read and urged to be followed in all I l? « ™ than • a ' ,, -, • ••••,-•. . . . . , , . * iyear on this tour she emerge" - - monLlis its ban on political par- \ , ades through the city's TSast End j tne rrotestant pulpits.,in America, was of the greatest mflu-1 full-flertged actress who W wE S thus scotching Fascist plans for j. - , . , . . ., • * , , - . * a in determining the. COloniStS t o d o a w a y With t h e mstl-j demand for Broadway plays. n o t , a raarch o n O c t s anniversary o r ' tution of monarchy u n d e r which thev h a d lived all their lives! 01111 ' b e c a u s e o £ t h e Vinous f a m - ; , a s t y e a r , g r i o l s p r e C i P i t a t P d ^ a\


throughout the land and to all the "inhabitants thereof!" T h e ! ^ " l L ^ J ^ l ^ ^ ^ fa V ^ i . .i-. ree — tarce c .; t ,firs.t" historical stand for freedom was made b y Moses and ;corr.edy, "Love

; c o=ey.

Aaron when they confronted Pharoah, the typical tyrant and l « " t

original dictator with the demand to-let Israel 'go' out of 1? f f Egyptian slavery. Justice is the foundation of the entire Jew-



Toast." tor her! R a b b i chVim

oKcrirs. 7 inches in Shp-,r.ear.iresf rested \rhenof 7 V T worshippers, was week. ..


-• c!*sr«>d'

all odds

. . tlie favorite for Fall! .,. . and iustly so . . because you can wear the suit now; plus topcoat later. You can wear the sksrt with sweaters . . she topcoat wMi

statement by the British UnIsrael as urged by Deborah (the female: Samuel Adams of her i seasons o£ performances followed • Fascists, organization t h a t s o m e o ft h Ameri ^ c a n business men, day) was a potent cause of effecting the union of the thirteen! 111 " N i s b t Over Taos," "House o f which Sir Osivald heads, termed ba'n , . ' .. . iPnnnnllir " "npTtUpwninaT).1' "Sue- 1 extension of the admiring Hitler becifuse of his treatment of Lost," Her draGovernment surreni'er to t h n colonies, that has become the glorious United States of America :'andm a t i c"Paradise a! im

- Hugenberg, whose Nationalist party was responsible for " ^sumption of the .chancellorship, has disappeared entirely from the news. It has been years, it seems, since his b mentioned id iin any dispatch. name h has been ffitler s


jler who has been renamed Stella;

figiou figi°ou ° the s" °P c n l y ? i v e n t o ' the communists, should discover this game of hide-and-seek Freedom, 'jnstiec, and equality, humanity and unity 'are I ' >' ^on'the most fiat-; f o r c r s oC Jewry.todav. being played by Schacht, the representative of the compara- of the cardinal principles of the Constitution- and of Americanism I ^ I ' ^ ^ n ^ ' " S i ^ i o r i T h e UnlCn 1 n f o r m that-tlspy >-ot!ld hohi tively conservative capitalists. in general. These derive directly from the Jewish Constirn-1 the gripping dramatic portrayals jauthorities ^ reetins; away from Ksst Eml she As Schacht, a powerful figure syS. g despite p his differences ferences with tion, from Israel's Torah. In Leviticus we fmd the rin£riii"'! presented, but ail the Um e ' OI , Oct. r, to comeramorate th»t h e XXa zi i l d g f finds i play in a fifih aiiiiivf-riary o£ llifir <>rp.i\n o-cloc/ leader, often foreign climes healthier, so the signed izaticn. Sir Or>vaU3 v, 51! ?peak ^ she 5fsiS.eS tor p j other capitalists and industrialists who once played an active words engraved on America's Liberty Bell, which no doubt | £Jg, ^ p a r t irfbrin hundreds will visit in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, as pil-iher first movie contest, she stip- a demonsiration that in ^ipg Hitler to power, have sought to*put miles begtims to_ a shrine, these anniversarj* days": ""Proclaim libertv juiated tha\ she was -ot to he cast Bermondsey, a Lmidor tween them and Berlin. . . — begin t:

Kragshires . . with their famous cham-o-line interlining . . that gives them the warmth of fur coats! .There is the new cabby coat that comes from London . . the belted coat with-the V-pockets, the freeswinging swagger and many more . . . all priced at twenty-two ninety-

After months of continual nimor, it now appears that Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, the financial juggler of Nazi Germany, is ready and willing to step out. One day found him enjoying the balmy climate of Italy to recuperate from the terrific task of guiding Germany through its economic morass; the next , . . , : ., . , , • mi . • * - ... rn -i m ••, „ ' i]y came she bore b u t because OL > „ f d l i Berlin-hound, his difficulties settled, temporarily, and establish a republic. The union of the Twelve Tribes of i l h e ability she displayed. Many: at least ab Ut

i u

tbt i


set Sam .Jaffe, one of the slars "Lost Horizon," for the role of a persecuted German profesThis sor. cake! At this writing:, Jaffe is read-rates as

own destiny; the beacon-light, like the Statue of Liberty o n | o n e o {t h e gTC^st d r a m a t i c a c t . i resses in this country and who . No statesman of modern times championed the cause of Bedloe's Island, of all humanity.


a r e beln

:_j«!°-, ample of the oppressed and down-trodden of the earth. Land! pi ctur es by being socked in^the "of marshmal-: of Liberty ;and Opportunity, where'each person is truly a sov- jlace with a luscious mai ;_.: ' ™V»\. „* \,Un^'Ut or./» drhitor frnirlpr finrH nf ereign; ruler of his own'life and arbiter (under God) r

MTU, Mi*.


ized English colonies, a new great powerful nation, the United j Out of the mess that was post-war Europe rose one commanding figure—that of Thomas Masaryk, whose death last States of America which, without chauvinistic boasting may be"i _ week at the age of 87 brought down the final curtain oV a" said truly to be the greatest nation in the world, A.he great Ke-,America's most famous theatrical |g i m e _lnd^L conceived public of the West, the foremost democracy of the world, the\ lamilies and the first of her -clan i '•Mankie'^icz"'ThTsold man k lj.e dedicated to the fundamental principles of justice.-

M m G( 1



Others to Sltfi.


Four;!; floor




Rabbi Sera died, the insollbvrs said. "Hitherto there tr- Httld Rabbi who prayed but now who will show us msideration?" Whereupon spented and became! right-


li Maier said, "The same e with which one measures It will be measured out to

secretary; Esther Steinberg. Irea distinction.) But . . . strange to j'Hopped than never to have Gold- in reverse p r o c e d u r e - - ll>r 1 surer; Celia Lipsman, historian: say .. . . they neglected to affix i winced et ali. most BromoF o '-lie producers o° and Goldie SUvertnan, Pan-Helthe two-letter, worfi in the cpe<3i?.» | the worst piciv With the pledging of eleven of the picture itself. j HollywoodEta: "Of Great Rich-! new men, Sigma Omicron of Sig lenic Council represenative! es." Rope Frp-nken's nore'. will ! There's oiw HoUyvofHlllte v- ho ma Alpha Mu is looking forward Bert I-iSfcr is finding piotiirehe Janet (raynor's r e s t film ve- j utt.okh'.ynF Goldv/yn . . . r H'F to its biggest year since its incep j JUNIOR. HADASSAH making- rather vertiginous. He. hiclj;. In order, to takp that lnntr- : Sigmtinrt Romlierp. one f litp. A year of bustling activity was tion on the University of Nebra outline'd at the first meeting of ska campus. This • large pledge j The opening meeting of the suffered through three rehearsals plenn«-d ve.c; tion. Paul Muni de- ferns i.« "'f- CROP, the farts with the Beth El Auxiliary Board' of class- is composed of, Floyd Co- Junior Hadassah scheduled lor asd four "takes" of a scene in ciined tvro roies which would t h e f a c e : ' " ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT ROSEX-HILLER . ' Directors, held last Friday, Sep- hen. Omaha; Sidney Kalln, Sioux Sunday, because of the death of an airplane thr.t goes into a spin. ! netted him C'.ono each. Mr. and Mrs. S.~ Shapiro of De tember Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hiller anCherriot Following; this, the script took ; Myron Selznirk. 17. City, -la.: Leonard Fine, Sidney, t * * nounce the engagement of their troit, Michigan, announce the en-. First of the year's fund-raising Nebr.; Dave Kavich, ." Fremont Fannie Katelman Herskovitz has him for a wrestling match with hap established s fund for t h p daughter. Marjorie, to Edward gagement of their daughter, Bea- campaigns will be the annual cof- Neb^.; Homer Labowitz, Harold been postponed until Thursday Louise Fazenda. He took the prevention e.nd cure of pneu- i. C o p y r i g h t , 1!>S7. J e w i s h T e l e Rosen, son of Mr. and Mrs. David trice,/to Isadpre C. Mirowitz, son fee sale which -will start October Turkel, and Arthu-, Hill of Lin- evening, September 30, at 8 count. crp.phie Aee.noy. Inc.'* monia. When l o e Penner> new of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mirowitz. 1. Mrs. Dave Sherman will be coln; and Robert Bernstein, Ed- o'clock at the Jewish Community Koseo. '' "shack" ifinished, he'll cive a No date for the wedding has as The couple - has chosen November chairman and Mrs. Al Wonlner, ward Chait, Norman Harris, and Center. I Our Passiiu Show: Sunday real premiere, inviting- all the Ghetto EcuchcE Attract 7 at their wedding date. Both Mr. co-chairman - of the sale. A meet-! Mike Novak all of Omaha. yet been set. . • i afternoon . . and Winchell siro23- '-workers - - painters. carpenters. Tourists Mlrowitz and his fiancee reside in ing of the sale's committee- has JUNIOR COUNCIL Once again, Sigma Alpha Mu is ! Ing out of the broadcasting build- electricians, etc.. find 1hrir fp.miLos Angeles. ' ' "' been called for Thursday,. Sep- the leading social .fraternity, on EXTERTA1X BRIDE-TO-BE B e r l i n •VN - ' [ing with his bodyguard close at nes. Ah n new Mae West . . . or tember 50, at 10:30a. m. at the Mls3 Esther Silverman', who i i n l i i Y IM.Imaybe it's the old figure with a benches $11 mf-1 r>" hand. AI Jolson in "specs" lookthe University campus in scholarThe first meeting of the Junhome of Mrs. Sherman to make ship. With an average of 2.907 ior Council of Jewish Women Ing like a professor as he reads new finish . . . she'll be Mile. Fifl lie park? 1 . ' ' 1'ei c-iin « n t • • will be married to Albert "Weiner ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Ab-j Baker of final plans. on October 10, was- honored a t ' a Sigma Alpha . Mu leads all other will be held on Sunday, Septem- his lines over the radio. Benny and '"parlera Francais" . . . ooh. tor touripi* on luncheon given by ; Miss Janet Walnut, Iowa, announce the birth The annual Beth' El Dinner will fraternities for the second semes ber 26, at the Paxton Hotel. The Baker, gaining weight, but still la la! provinces • - v •>", i ; of a son on September 21 at the Graetz at her home last Saturday. be held on Wednesday, October 6, ter of the 1936-37 school year. program for the coming year will i t o r s . H i i i i 1 ' f «1- •'•i wearing the little-.boy turn-down f * « * Miss Silverman. has been ex- Lutheran Hospital., to honor new members of the The 2.907 average is only one be discussed. collars. Parkyakarkus in a suit I When troubled by e story t h e p a r k s i oi .' iin-; tensively entertained, this . past Synagogue and Auxiliary. Mem- tenth of a point below^ the all- The Omaha chapter of the varying mustard shades top-j snag, the writers of "B" pictures marked ' o- .'< v summer. Among those who have ' Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Goodman bers of the Auxiliary will cater time school scholastic average of Council will be represented at I of ped with a brown derby for his ] at Fox call it a problem in 'Wurt- for recently honored "her are: Mrs. announce the birth of a . daugh- the dinner. 3.009 which was established by the convention to be held in turn before the "mike." j zology,' 'cause Wurtzel is King of the Sam Rosenbaum who gave a buf- ter, Shirley Ann, on September Today the "Ways and Means Sigma Alpha Mu last year. Thus Pittsburgh by Sylvia Jonisch. have even •' I rn * * * j the B (ee)s on thst lot. fet luncheon at her home; "Mrs. 14 at the Methodist hospital. Committee headed by Mrs. I. W,-S. A. M. has proven that its posthe bencN'fMilt Gross handed in a com-1 * * • A. Nitz, who also entertained with Rosenblatt, chairman, . and Mrs.session of the Hainer Scholarship pleted script on which he noted: A record - - Harry Silverman :.*t ii"S :i K n . l t : . : . % % ir. / a luncheon^at her home; and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gar her of John Faler and" Mrs. Joseph Gold- trophy is not without f undation. "Screen play by Milt Gross, from has been Ben Blue's secretary for Huron, South Dakota, announce vrare, co-chairmen," is meeting - S. Jacobow who honored ' Miss a remark by Gregory Ratoff." seventeen years. Silverman at a luncheon given at the birth of a son on September with, chairmen of all the various 14.' Mrs. Garter ALPHA GAMMA CHI is the former the Aquila Court Tea Room. fund-raiging projects. Harry Maizlish, head of WstrnBy HELEN ZIGMONS Half-pint Sid Skolsky quits the Rose Colick. Mrs. Morris Arkin and Mrs. I. er'e radio station, proposes a ten- Fourth Estate to spread Holly- . Members of the Alpha Gamma Abramson will entertain memCEIiEBRATE WEDDING admission to the broadcasts, wood cheer via the ether. Instead Yen rp Z. B. T. MOTHER'S £ J J U B Hollywood—Another member cent bers of the Telephone Committee Chi sorority of the Municipal Unimoney to be used for the Chilof giving star-rating to films, The first meeting of the season versity of Omaha honored Evelyn j Mr. and Mrs. Simon Burger, of the Z. B. T. Mother's Club will at a dessert-luncheon at the home Dansky at an informal get-to- for out Portrait Gallery . . . hold dren's Breakfast Club, a charity he'll award Bromo Seltzers. Per- ' your breath, everyone . . . it's organisation w h i c h of Mrs. Abrahamson on Tuesday, 2^.0 Park Avenue, will be at home be provides on. Thursday, September September 28. gether at the home ^ of Fran Tony Martin! Surprised? So warm -from 3 to 6 on Sunday, Septem- 30, held meals for poor children. at a 1 o'clock luncheon at the Blumkin last Thursday evening. were we. So here's a Merry Good • -ber 26, in honor of their twen'ty- Tiome of Mrs. IT. Malashock, 5208 The idea has en£Iess possibilities /..r««r FREE! An Expert Counsellor or? Miss Dansky is leaving to enroll Shabbath to you, sir! . fifth, wedding anniversary. No in-Farnam streeC. for good, will probably be taken at the University of Chicago this * * * WOMEN'S MIZRACH1 vitation's have been, issued. up fcy other stations, and the tenApropos of the recent holidays, cent tax won't keep anyone away. A board meeting of the Wdm-week. TO SAIL ON NORMANDIE Ten prospective members were a screamie-scribbler received a en's Mizrachl was held ^Tuesday • * » HONOR BREDE and Mrs. Morris Jacobs at the home of Mrs. M. Brodkey. entertained at a spaghetti-dinner wire from his father, "Don't forMrs. B. Fleishman entertained andMr.daughter, "FAffQC? rrr rrr r Will Lou Holtz Buccuiab to the Natalie Sue, will at Pauline's home, get Rosh Hashosah starts Thurstwenty-four guests at bridge Sat- leave on Saturday lor New York The first regular meeting of the Thursday evening. Miss Goldie beckoning thumb of Moviedom? Use Our Ee.?3 -urday afternoon to honor- her City where they will sail aboard organization for the season will Silverman, rush chairman, was in day." Hurriedly he dictated an *Tis better to have screened find answer: "Sorry I can't get down. be held, Wednesday, October 20. daughter-in-law, Mrs. Sam Fleish- the Normandie for- a European The installation of officers will be general charge assisted by Ade- And the bookies are out of busiman, a recent bride. * . .. tour. held at this time, as well as theline Specktor, Fran Blumkin, and ness here." A 5 o'clock dinner was servedCelia Lipsman. drawing for the electric mixer. • * « A no host. luncheon is being VISITING IN OMAHA .Actives, alumnae, and rushees Mrs. L. Rosenblatt will give a On all advertising and exploigiven Saturday, afternoon at the Archie Chesneau. formerly benefit bridge at her home Wed- wlil gather at the Fontenelle Ho- tation copy for "Life of Zola," Paxton Hotel- also in honor of the Orryjha, and now a resident ' this Saturday afternoon for Paul Muni's name is prefixed bride. Other numerous, affairs New York is visiting in Omaha nesday, October 13. Any member tel who wishes to make up tables to dessert luncheon with Hannah with*' a "Mr." (Arliss is the only have" been given for her.' . -~ for ten days. He la staying with eligible for the donors' lunch- Baum as general chairman. other actor ever accorded that The newlyweds will leave Sun- his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. be eon do so at this benefit. Officers of the sorority for day by motor for California and Mrs. Dave Chesneau, 5219 The can proceeds of the benefit will 1937 are: Florence Steinberg, where they will make their home. Pacific street. • SIXTEENTH AT HARNfY STREET • go to the Beth Zeirotb. girls' president; Pauline Rosenbaum, vice president; Adeline Specktor, school in Tel Aviv. RETTRNS HOME Mrs. O. Katelman and children, | Council of Jewish Beverley and Robert, who for the ' Women' »•••••••••» - past two weeks have been visiting Mrs. Katelman's parents, Mr.- and The-Rummage Sale, through which the Omaha section of the • Mrs. William "Weinstein of Sioux Council of Jewish Women annualCity, returned home last Sunday. ly obtains several hundred dollars for its charitable work, is LEAVE FOR SCHOOL v scheduled for October 18, 19, 20, Helen Jane Chapman, accom21. • • panied by her, mother, J&rsl M. E.andClothing household goods { • . chapman, left on September 15, which are inand good shape but have ; for Lake Forest, Illinois, where been cast aside by- housewives ' she will enter Ferry Hall. be appreciated.. Those wish- • Giving You the Ultimate in Bernard Chapman has return- will ing to contribute, to this sale are ed to the University of Illinois at asked, to call Mrs. Sam JosephQuality, Value • and Style Champaign where he Is-in his son, At. 9332 and the contribu\senior year. tions will be called for. KANSASCITYAN LEAVES That's Lovely to Look at • .Miss Irene Mayerovich has re-1 and Comfortable to Wear turned to her home in Kansas; , City. While here she visited with Dcsfens of styles that triump^rc ' friends."



>i Zera said, "Be careful tie children o£ -a common very often wisdom eman>m them." Kabbis were taughL Adam sated on the eve of Sabbath y? In case he becomes aring it may be .said to The mosquito has been before thee." >i Joelianan said. "To him first %yife dies it is as if mple had been destroyed in J.rS."



. .


bl Eliezer said, "He who >s his wife even the altar tears." i .



Our Film Folk


jL ,•„«,*-..

here in







j One

The New Fall


their famous ing . . that gives of fur coats! cabby coat that n . . the belted ockets, the freeand many more /enty-two ninety-

BACK FROM MINNEAPOLIS Miss Elaine Lagman has returned home after a three months vacation in Minneapolis where she "visited with Mr. and Mrs. L.^ S. Herman. Miss Frances Gandell of Minneapolis returned with her for a week's visit here.


ir- Ready >be . . .




ON EASIBRN TRIP Mr. and' Mrsr S. Lagman left on-Thursday fqr a months tour of the east. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Greenbaum accompanied - them as far as Chicago where the - tvro .couples spent a week. . CONVALESCING Miss* Lillian Freedman, daughtev of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Freedman is convalescing, at the Methodist .Hospital following an appendectomy.

HOL1DA5T VISITORS LEAVE I Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Stoller of Marion, Indiana, formerly of Om-1 aha, visited during tho holidays with Mr.-and.Mrs. A. Stoller. While in" Omaha the . couple were entertained by many relatives and friends. On their way home they stopped at Lincoln and WalthlU to visit with relatives. Mrs. I. Stoller was the former • Lena. Orluff. . •

By all odds . . the fa- ! vorite for Fall! ... . and justly ; so . . be- ; cause you ; can wear : the suit i now; plus , topcoat \,

• skirt with ';>

and away goes she in Davencrepes

* t the openings . . . adapted horn Paris • ~ envelope you in unique spknder . . . gloria < livable, loveble fashions loaded with precise fur «nd tailored with super-skilled detail'ns, They're quality to the core . . . yet priced conservatively i t —


Gabardines Calfskins Buckc*



Blacks, Browns,

Greens and Burgundys

Others to ;' "• $no.. ;: Fourth Float)

MALASHOCIC'S When liuying



® PRINCESS COATS O, CASUAL Look for ti?it« find tfeess cli






If It's a Smart Sho« We Have It

Style Nc. 5D0X is a beautiful 3-thread crepe stocking at— 3 Psin, 32.S5

With Furs

Elegance and refinement aehievee orjiy tn iKei© indispens«bie coets «nd suita of rich Wack Velour Do Hori . . . Jiamdsomely furred with black tkunk . . . Many varciem m Carman'*







* >


The klgh-tv/hl


d r e s s e s ! •]•




sweaters '.: . . t h e top- ;| coat w i t h :'





RETURNS FBOM AVEST COAST Sc H I - DE - H O Mrs. David Greenber^ has re- Somelikei* MA-CHA-CHA turned from Seattle whpre she atD2HTMIS3 'EM tended the. funeral of :her broth- er, Dave Miller

later. You'; ; can -tvear the !

Two Three

Creations of America's Leading • Stylists'- -

OMAHA CLUB OF NEW VOKK , The Omaha Club of New York held a meeting on Sunday, September 19, in the Gold room of the Hotel Capitol. Harry Kononoyltch, honorary president; who • recently ' returned from a highly . successful European tour with his •-Tviolln protege, Nicholas Mayrikes, -was present. Mayrikes was solo-1 ist of the afternoon.






3 1

k ktl>


"""""fjSjfil ?^^_________l


( 1

* >


^__l •**" ^^___-___H_i__! * Jtjlf


. . X , <\> V^

\ .



PIVOKCE — MarceUe Edwards Martviile, Joijrth and hardest to lo^& of the -wives of Tommy Manville, asbestos heir, as she left Ncv-E-k &:*no~t for Reno, fo- the tn rd time since they vx~t ir^TiPfi She said in Reno £>P rpaliT- tn°si:t it this time..

ARRIVALS—More troops to attack the Chinese—more fodder for the beasts of war—is this unidentified Japanese unit disembarking from a troop transport near Shanghai. Japanese sources have been reticent about the number of casualties suffered in the China campaign, but freight trains .rolling into Japanese bases from the front are filled with wounded.

cy v v ^

;,• ?•>* - "-*" SAND "DOWN dCBEE"—AustraLa has its fiust-borl troubks. too. The pedestrian is staring at wliat remains of & sign post on the main road near Mallee, nearly covered by drifting sand blovn by 'ie ^ind. Mallee is 247 raiies from Melbo'jme, provisional capital of the island continent.

TOPS AMONG AMERICANS — Hardly had the baseball season reached mid point before it became apparent that only a catastrophe cqpld dethrone the New York Yankees from their position as leaders of the American League. Now the championship team of 1936 hopes to annex the championship flag for the 1937 season. Here are some of the Yankees' notable players. Top row, left to right: Charles (Red) Ruffing^ sensational pitcher; Manager


> •.

— Overwhelming deieat of Tarrnjfuir in thetNjpw To'L p- m n ^ has rsised-'staak ol replacing Grand Sachem Chns'onHc- r Sullivan-*imh forme*- R'F^or James -J. -Walker, above. Walker's appointments to the Trans? Commission* isialrsadr unaer flrr. . ^,

-TPW *

Joe McCarthy, looking out of the dugout at the Yankee Stadium, New York, and Vernon (Lefty) Gomez, another ace hurler. Bottom: Lou Gehrig, first baseman whose mighty.clouting has earned him the title of home-run king: Robert (Red) Rolfe, one of the leading third basemen in the League, and Joe DiMaggio, right fielder, whose heavy hitting has placed him beside Gehrig on the home-run dais.



;.V". Si ..*


• i v v . ' i "


. ^ . . .

•• '

• . : , *

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, . •


* • ¥ • . ' • •

• : • . • * •


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** •*•



ACXILIABY OFFICEES—Two of the early arrivals for meetings of the Women's Auxiliary, at the American Legion convention In New York, were Mrs. Oscar W. Hahn, left, of Wayne Neb national president, and Mrs. G. W. MacDowell of Indianapolis Ind., national secretary. They are shown conferring at the convention headquarters.


\'i*. \ 'J.X'^" '• '•.'••''•^•-'^rl^.i^^'M

^ '^T<'-.'%-

CHINESE—This Chinese soldier is typical of the thousands fighting against the Japanese in North China areas. If he still. lives, cold weather will make his shorts, uncomfortable soon. Note the potato-masher hand grenades slung over his shoulders

THIS IS AL CAPONE'S HOME—This, is the palatial estate, near Miami, Fla., o Al • (Scarface) Capone, public enemyy No.. 1,, BOW seivmgg s sentence in Alcafr-ai p , one-time p a D"iso s or income-tax h Th estate t t was recent^ t saved fron the h auctioi Uoct fci pe^nienr oC e flT-irar tex lien.. charges The A sjnular sale was forestalled us November viien Al's brother BaluJ: paid a $5£ 08C IIPH.


BORAH DEFENDS COURT—Senator William E. Borah, of Idaho, right, as he renewed his defense of the Constitution and the Supreme Court in its present form. His address was sponsored by the Masonic lodges of Washington and he Is shown with'Paul B. Cromelin, Grand Master of Masons in the District of Columbia.



FFOTCV — TU*- S, not © new knd o" pu?-Ic to sol' e iv> loag rntp- e\ernngs. It i*, die roodel of a piotexL. fliokcdic, Ibd times V

DEATH HD^DEN CNDEB CAMOUFLAGE—Grim-visaged Chinese machine gunners on the outskirts of Shanghai ready to pour steelJacketed death at Japanese foemen. Raking fire of such units'as this has beaten off Japanese attacks many times. The gunners have adjusted grass and reeds over their helmets to conceal them as much as possible from the searching ga?s of Nippon's aviators winging above them. Unnumbered deaths have occurred" in the undeclared war. »>**,


CALLOUSES ON THE RO¥AL PALMS—With this native wr-eelbarrcv, King Petei, 14-yeai-oM sovereign of Yugoslavia, develops a crop of callouses on his royal palms. If ere he is helping at chores at a Boy Scout camp near Bled. The suggestion is made that inasmuch as the pusha-pusna is empty. His Majesty is in the act of going l>ac_ fox another load.

! of Nothas made i p ^ n t "tsrf.icuei, si, protein chemistrv. Proteins, eescrlbed »s the common denominators ••-of Me, have long baffled scieriUsts. ^ Copyright Umlted Newspietsn*


.' *

V i



a Lop Cabiii democracy on critical occasions. democracy. When Japan annexed iv;,h vast interstate trade, ignor• Woodrcw-. Wilson, •whom so twenty-eight million Chinese in ed 1he will of the people, and the many public men hate as similar 1931, our State Department did Democratic boss joined opposileaders hated Jefferson, found in | Us utmost to stop such injustice; tion groups. Cleveland failed and Log Cabin Syrup this Fall vili 1915 that all the greater national but England and the the terrific depression continued; sponsor Jack Haley, sensational : interest were in grave danger. He League really did nothing. And new comedy and singing star ol j said to me in August, 1915, ' 1 ¥6 have the' Chinese-Japanese for five years the people Suffered, yet fonae public leaders seemed Hollywood, in one ol the most hil- j fear we. shall have to enter the today threatening the inter- j arious half-hours on the air, it : world war to save democracy."J ests of our people by the loss of ] never to realize that easier inter-! onal trade would, help the j Investics Works on Principle was announced today Try Chf.rle? : Two years later he and Congress J G. J'ortimer, Jr., vice rvesiriem more prosper-! United States'Ambassador to'Germany o j i masses-; and. that agreed to go to war; and before | 3"ear. Then In the Hitherto Not Utilised j o' ou s coinmo General Foods Sales Compnn;-, Nations and | . n People would help J that terrible struggle was over! 1935 _ "\Vith the- world on the: brink yet newspapers and public men By Science j Inc. 1 1 legitimate industry and stabilize i •ol a" new world war and .the* never, so much as discus3 the I ~ {-employment. So in 1930 the most • performance in democratic ideals ennnciate'd remedy. When big business men twenty-five billions, eleven bil-> United States Toronto (JTA) — The "Leibel j Kaley, whose costly .protective policy in our his- ; the new movie hit, " l."r e.nC lions of it due from European | were-ready to apply economic by" the fathers of the American occasionally talk of _ scattering is about to join the array tory. "was enacted and the panic : -Constitution 150 years ago their business about the country, allies. Every other country bore 1 sanctions to Italy if she went to whichhad begun in 1929 became of .medical mechanical appliances ; Live," made him a featured plf.yer ever rsicht. will becin his pew against the poor Ethiopians. ' challenged at home and under they^thfnk "of their interests, not a t a r debt. But to Amer- i series on October g srvl will be> icans the debt was nothing like | Public opinion all over Europe I fit©-abroad, Dr. Dodd, Ayho has j the saving of democracy. Will our all peoples everywhere suffering in the epidemic of poliomyelitis heard every Friday right -.h€~e-' opposed . American representa- 'clty leaders permit redistribution so heavy-as-the obligation, .state : favored the President's attitude: oronto and Octar- after. He will fcrve P. briTliFnt tion at the Xazi Party;. (Congress^ •of our population?. he lung, which is a supporting cast consia-:ir.p of Yi r -' ' ; and-national, of 1783. Would the! but strangely great American and ments were increasing their huge ] pn the ground that that gathworking on an entirely ginia Verrili, Kothing illustrates : the oppo- I solution of this financial-social! English corporations continued to lovely sint'er opublic. m e n principle to anything stage E.nfi screen; Patricia "Wiifter ering is the anti-thesis of de- sition of certain classes in our (problem be found? Wilson'urged send war materials to Italy al- ^ if 1 and influential educational leadsed by science, is the in- and Jack Smart, vhe mocracy, examines- in tlits chal- co^rjT beU^Vian ^ b e h a v X ; | :»£**« txa^or^wWch our , though^£Mn»ounced «i«r r.rp veil approval of the sanctions. All the cf Bernard Leibel, a .lenging and timely article.''the of slave-holders, between 1801 country fought in 1776; he urged known to radio liFtrners: "Three. ern Federal Courts must respect and dangers fnclng , democracy. and.-1*861. The constitution' con-, international; application of de- world 'knows how two "demo- serve the .masses of people,-apply worker in the department of med- Little Sugars,"' snappy • harmony m i s tains a clause which decreed that mocracy; and laid down the prin- cratic" governments by- .secret the teachings of . John Locke, ical, research of the University of trio; ERfi Ted. Fie Rita and his ; the Federal government must ciple that war must no longer be agreement made a year before Adam Smith, and Thomas Jeffer- Toronto in the Banting Institute. orchestra. defeated the League's policy. This Mr. Leibel, 1 aa 22-year-o!d 1 u Tor-; ±U1 abolish the harmful slave trade ! resorted to, or in case unruly gdv"V." IC'1 son, w h o^did^so*m^^ u c h to » " •Jew, z " " who " ' took " t T ' fhis ? X' - Any-close-student of world af"We are confident that ihe n<?w ^^ give t h,.e jI onto B. A., e '.\ t' t t plunged, like Japan, is enough; ' but I must add t h a t ^^J 'lairs' during the period of. 1900 before 1808. It also contains a j iernments western world the democracy officials of the greatest, as well n t o w a r a11 o t h e r Toronto in Jack Kaley program will be sn nations ..must to a937. can not' fail; tb see in- clause which was designed to pro- | *! which onr people still hope to see the University of 1935, has just completed his' outstanding success," Mr. Morcreasing evidence that democracy tect property against state in- put a stop to it. Any one who as of the-smaller, powers if successful? ope, have said many times: fourth year in: metiicine, is him- timer declares, "a success which has studied public opinion in .is-in-grave danger. The" struggle fringement of rights.. "When JefBut after-1931, and especially self a "cure"- from infantile par- will be reflected in every procer's the United' States were a member or since, will have in Spain and the , unprecedented and one of ^ ^ l^th^iJague.^rs would be j 1933-35 about all the. govern-| a j y s i - n e contracted in ^ SO 'and Log Cabin Syrup sales. Our r-x- Klan have role: of- England in" international wisest cabinet members p res ?dent, I stopped." A sad picture of the re- jj ments winch had been connected j i t k e p t h i m i n t h e p r i v a t e p a T i l . , erience has taught us that radio ^ dent, stopp p • affairs since 1931 are solemn evi- ever had, prepared a law-in 1S06 d jj ^ t h the the League League of Nations Nations began began j ij o n off the Toronto General hos- gives the best results for syrur ! h T suits of our war ffor peace and -o i r dences of the dangers-ahead. In for gradual abolition- of slavery evek the defeated German Ifpeople, advertising. Ktley is a first rate this! democracy but another" series of [to set .up trade barriers which [ p l t a l f o r t h r e e months, with sucfe i h f dy; u the''United States, the first home along "with^hYp'rohibition'of t h e>> e r e of the same mind. It tins i democrat, , to ..rum . international i . paralysis that he is re-; comedian anrt movie favorite v-ho t g n d r e a e x t e n s i v e : 'of jwodern,democracy," events in slave trade, Congress was over- I Program, for which . our . people j facts can hardly be omitted. popular tions. Debts were ail but ignor. garded as one of the most ser-j is grcwing increasingly billions, • Wilson's whelmingly Jeffersonian - - far h a d spent twenty-five *.»»— - - reasonable • • . — - - — hope that, ^ed and governments resorted to j ; the realm of corporate business every dey. HE'S a new personalcases that has ever o u s little more Christianity and!.. and the rulings of Federal courts j more- than two-thirds being Dem- were to be successful. all the ity for radio." re-armament at a cost - now of I coveryi i' h ti Jff id" many greater governments must join j e a s ier trade relations would save some ten billions a year. Al- ] sinca 1900."point to the same!! ocratic. Jefferson said" As a. stape comedian as well SF f Ten other Leibel respirators though t h e masses of ppeople dangers ahead. What are the | g p of i are being rushed t ° a movie comedian, Kaley scored l ^ ^T^VTonerlsl^ ^T^VTonerlsl^ Tonerlsl^ aban a°ban-| a b a n | be'hg to completion in nored abolished we shall have "»• civil basic troubles? ; ^ " " w fariK Taw a U C O U D t r i e s oppose re-armament t n e B u p e B r i n t e n d a n t s department big; hits with the critics. "The e; the author of tht ! doned the 1914 ' " " land mw nn;a me u i i low »«» '»'""• '""• the uronoss process goesterribly on; ami! and - .pictures have discovered a new --.Tie American devolution w a s h " ' , a n d h e Reared civil war. g2Savior ". 1919a a larui — *•-| | a 'n a wwar ' a r the n, two a0v i ot rh eoof fS edndemocracy'. em a n d r a raised l s e Q mrn™ barriers 6against P e0 "a| sa s v ve e h' ah va Te e see two terribly ol the university end will be star, Jack Kaley," a toec rtarceya t e d I n seen the critics

Jack Haley to Head Radio Show

By Dr. William E. Dodd

i'— Marcelle Edwards fourth and hardest*to he wives of Tommy asbestos heir, as -/sSe irK airport. for, Reno, iiird time, since • Qi?y ried. She said: in-Reno meant it this-time;'.

fought at a tremendous cost t™ \ZfL^

the principles on whlclrnearly all ° f

.- I

fl: f mm

k Y ? —^ Overwhelming ,Tammany <irut3ae iK naries-lias • raised^ cing • Grand''"Sa ier D; - Sullivan'-*xi?Bh gypr.•"James^-J. i-WaKr," alker's appointmentB to sit • Commissibnv is i alfire.

Hiiiliittiilir iSpijj fiHHiji S 'tmmmm mmsmmtmm


ill IB iflBsijj

i \

mimmmmms. 1 Ha., of' Al" (Scarface) 2 prison on: income-tax fol a $17330.80 tax lien.. -p2,C00 lien. • •'




a n d t h e



?t; " °

Democracy was. thus, as many-' -seven years. When states.viplat;Cieji*sb"_inany-pf the principles for times-later, defeated on a most .'JvrHich. they had lost so many important and popular undertak.•••^Hyfes^jand so :much of .their sav- ing. Minorities ruled the South.' jings,:; Washington,. Franklin, and ern states and the Supreme Court : i-GBOrge_Mason~ urged_ closer co- nearly always decWed cases in C'operation and Federal control of favor of minority domination of of the ';;commerce: 80 "strongly that a real our country, by means ,.'^QOflsfitotion • was'.dxafted just, a slavery system. Of similar influ; ago. The ence w-as the behavior of Chief \-hjiadired and fifty ^ -was a" F Federal-Union for iTustice Marshall on the famous r-^^^maiiltenance: of the principles Yazop land speculation of 1796. #t>,f|4:f76 .and for international co- Speculators of the East, North, ;i'6p.eration'.->The influence of the and South bribed all legislators TeTolutipn and the successful for- o£ Georgia but one to vote them -•toaftionof a national union great- the vast Tazoo' cotton zone of Jjr affected the policies of France,* Mississippi. -The-people of Georid Germany-, for the gia .were so exasperated .that .they iSeyehty -yeai^.", .Democracy defeated every legislator who had applied, in so mvch-cf Europe voted for the measure in the next The new legislature •that modern peoples "became more election. prosperous.than they.had been In passed the law, but the speculaa." thousand "years, and inventions tors carried their case to the SuriitidYdiScoverles: gave men steain;-. preme Court which delayed the ' ^ • p s , r ..railways, ; telegraph,; tele- matter, till-after '.Jefferson's re;ij>i^ner; and connections, tirement. Then JoTin Marshall rpepples -'of western -civiliza- j^nd a majority of his court ruled drawn closer'together t&at' legislatures of states could "Had-- ever•', im'agihe'dr not repeal laws, eveii when pass»fifeil^«fracy;^was a- basic/canaa o t ed ."by means of bribery, if they ** amazing/development between involved property flgMs; but ^ "7rVand. ,1 aXLZI.'.-.-.and , near-free ".Georgia-refused to obey this rni> ' ^T6«ieiwas- everywhere - thought- to ing, -which Alexander Hamilton j^e.|Ciiq--suaiantee ol.-^. p_rosperity had. urged before his death in a |:«(iSfl7iB0O^: fellowship. Would man- letter to the Chief Justice; and ^becbnie •really' Christian? Congress paid the claimants in do,unto others as 1809 $6,000,000., .'R'as this judi. 1^B'y':"wauld ij)ive others do unto cial ruling democratic? . The' civil .'^tftcinT vTher« -Tvas a real tendency war would have been prevented if between . 1 S3 5 j Congress •and the Supreme Court

the Presi-! p l e s w ho owed us so much money• ,m u r d e r W a

strliggies a r e n o w g0.

P i d t hi plan. l Ad j tered the President andd his And dollars worthh off watered you?" the Supreme Court declared an stocks to hopeful the democracy for which our act-of Congress regulating the fore 1930. Although the Consti- ancestors fought from. 17T6 to ov

available as soon as they are com-

wnic generation applied for sixty years before the even warned against by a tew | c o n t e n d e < i E o a b l y i n A _ X I ^ M U 1917 and t I i e Civil War. The United States competent people. Following j 1 9 1 s _ T h e whole Vorld'looks anwould have nothing to do with Civil War. and against the urxiously upon the struggle of Jathe League of Nations, with fifty- gent advice of Abraham Lincoln, pan to doTaiaate 400.000,000 Chitwo, members from all parts of the same, tariff principle was apnese and then challenge democthe world, even Spain, Japan, and plied for more.than thirty.years. racy everywhere'. Cooperation of China,. Slowly the American peo- and'the price-of cotton fell-from ] *rj the n U e ! j states with other deiiu ple were made to believe this j rs-enty-five.centsia pound t.o^ive j onlv'mes-n's-of o c r E t i c e 0H ntries is is only Tnlrioflty control was. wise. cents, the price of .wheat from j self-govefnmeat. Kay t to twenty-five) eally expect such cooperation? The Communist revolution go- $2.00 ;a bushel ing to extremes in defeating de- cents. At the same time shoes, mocracy and murdering oppon- clothes, and implements for farmWas ents could not - be influenced. ing rose to higher prices. When; Turkey assumed the right that democracy? Grover jCleveto annex other peoples' territory, iand made a.-national issue *of the the west European powers did policy i n l S 9 2 ard he won on an nothing, .although their popula-'overwhelming majority. The Sutlons opposed this violation of gar Trust and other corporations,

M. VENGER €z SONS . WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS Schrafft'i, Chocolateo ° Muriel, Cueota Rey. 0 Canada Dry Alo and Harvester Citjaro 0 Falotaff Beer A T 315 So. I3th Street 4292 0


agreed. The comedif^n is booked for two crack pictures this Pali, so he will be a bigger tvs.w than evsr. Free prizes will be given to retailers for Log Cabin displays. A 17 7-piece pricing set will be {riven free to every jrroeer and ! fiisplaying for at l»sst OTI<= week



3 Seized in Kold *0p Tel




spending of m o n e y for elections | ^ ' t i o n declares t h e F e d e r a l E " | 3^753( t h e n fought a g a i n in 1917-1 y o u t h s were a r r e s t e d in a d a r i n g unconstitutional, t h u s s e a t i n g a j ' e r n m e n t m u s t c o n t r o l i n t e r s t a t e j l g i s ^ fee s a T e d i 1 " o u r political ] a t t e m p t e d daylight hold-up of a n man w h o helped t o organize t h e | a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l t r a d e , n o t h i n g jl e a d e r s m n s t apply the" principles ; official of t h e W o r k e r s ' B a n k body for p a r t i s a n purposes- E v e r y ji m p o r t a n t ^ a s done for t h e com-1 a t , h ^ e f o r ^ { ^ "Washington i carrying $25,000 on o n e of Tel possible device w a s applied, a n d j m ( m m a n d u r i n g t h e years I - a n -" I fought without salary;' and then I Aviv's busiest streets. Police ana m i n o r i t y of t h e Senate r e p e a t e d jr e V e w i n g . A n d a terrible irriu^ cecon " " " : I apply --the principles aboard for [ swered the victim's calls for help t h e p e r f o r m a n c e which h a d been | o m | C depresion w a s coming ^ n d j h Wilson and his generation'. and arrested the youths.

iin'Sttiat directioii had applied, Jefferson's principles 5;aj(d i S 9 7 ^ * men of the j—rand Jefferson, one of the tiie:%iser greatest of all our leaders, was :.-,-.._-,__, "States, like. Washington recently Tetused' a" monument- in r«j?d-/Jefferson/ feared Je.ven dur- Washington. •-' . . |lSe. r the -seventeen niaeties that These a r e historical facts Jpejax'ocracy -might be defeated by ^ti^?"develo]jment-pt: big business, "which bur democratic people do f the: Building >of great cities and not learn in school, and the mass• T'e^oyt'-t'o-:wars/ ' T-hey. Insisted es of pur people can not, go to - v:£hat;concentrated trade, industry college "where many professors ' :and-;tiiiance in large.cities would teach the truth of history. But ., give .their country a pr.oletariat, we must Teview contemporary and a .proletariat would defeat conditions and see whether privdemocracy in America as' it had ileged minorities dominate our ..done in; ancient Rome.. When rji.etferson's distinguished * French Under N*TT M a o s n •-"^rjend, Du^Pont, proposed^to set 3'Tip "anT industrial concern in ' the HEW CLOVER LEflF CLUB ryblted:States, ; ;the retired- Presi119 So. 15*h Streat • ;:dent opposed iiia doing so unless TOTHE ,-: he "located; in a Phil. _Bdelpaia and New York were alMUSIC OF ;iready, -considered- Jarge enough. RAY DE WITT'S ','"lndustr}ai 'and'financral^concerns •.<xaiist'-*be. scattered •over "the whole r'edua'try- *itii free larmer popula©EXCELLENT FOOD . '"•tibna'sutrpundihg them. Was. ihis O THE BEST \U DRItJKS " :^yjse£advice; of our greatest ieadOur. Choreoal Draliad Steaks • 1.'•¥53-Jj.eeded'? The history.of great Aro Soprcraa '' V Z.t7CI : jc^i^pratidns;: the abusive f InaneI 'ingibfi our *gteat railway systems rrfUTOrjtfie.concentratior of millions . • ^otj'people* in- large cities is the I^a^wfer.- While Europe ""has .crowd-. i|W|tnree-f ourths of its 'populatio'n | Q •'"slitdtcltiesi we-have persuaded1 at j»g /•{l^ast-Hwo-thirds of ours to. settlelgj •in;similar business centers, which -"•' Brass; Bronze,- 'Aluminum, mean's' that we have, the greatest Soft Grey, Iron and SemiSteel Castings, Wood and t| proletariat in the western; world |S| Metal Patterns' and Sash "^ While politicians and even judges ' Weights''carried in.otock. of "Federal courts insist that they Bronze and Cast Iron Ewear by Washington and JefferGrilleo a "specialty. son,- this warning of theirs has 27th and Martha St. always been ignored. - Not: even HA 5523 historians quote these statements. Wo have then a grave danger,

•:FaxtQxirMitchelI v.'Co,' Fptsndries

flESN — This is not-a new of puzzle to solve; fa long =r evenings. It is the" model protein molecule, 150;times | r than actual size, shown'by >rothy M. Wrinch of NotEngland, who has made •tant researches in -protein tustry. Proteins; described as ° common denominators.,"' of have long bafQed scientists.



" Indent's plan for saving democracy j t h e opposite planes killing plete. bombinfe poit of what Europe did b u t t w o settlers crossed the dangerous At- ° 7 ' w l t h e T e r y s t a t e H» thP wnn«o nfof Representaflpnrp«T,f».l t m n * to " J ' ^omen ^nd ' The first rhild-size lunp. which just as the House j s t «, w _-vi—•«« . ~ « ( Washington was trying Ian tic: family homesteads, reli- overwhelmingly . for the Presi- tives treated Jefferson's plan for I is still in the laboratory, is on Revolutionary debt the guns operating, j gious freedom, self-government, dent, would have prevented the great ra o the Hospital for Sick Chilto and free trade. When that war civil war. But John Randolph of lem. A majority of the senators, j for its' nest case of paralysis eleven billions, the banters of ranean, and hundreds of thous- in poliomyelitis. •-^ras. jover ;the •.debts, of the Con- Virginia and Nathaniel Macon of much as some of them hated WilIt has already the United States loaned at least ands of men killing one another Viederacy and, all the. states were North Carolina,, "ardent Demo- son, favored the League of Nafive billions more to enable debt- 5n spite of the fact that men all been tested on two Kormsl childcrats," joined congressmen from >' •BQ'- great; that not even Washing.tions, thirty-one of the most e m - | t r i e s to buy Amewcan e s " j g a r O p e are millions less ren —r- a girl of seven and a boy .;tbn ^expected: to- see them paid. the North and East, many. of lnent RepiibHcais falling upon j o r c o.u n These loans took the form ,-o v e r of 12 — one whom spent nearly p o r t s n u m e r 0 numerous than -women. Can ivot two hours in the appsratus last There; .was, therefore, a.reaction whose constituents were engaged m s s s e s o t ; l n the country'to join the League. | sold ~to the j modern of b o n d s man see the value of JesW c l T to. all -informed• people j African slave trade, and thus week without discomfort. "threatened the loss of the objec- [defeated what the majority of the But three senators made speeches j t h e American people, not unlike ns'- urgent advice, "Do unto othin the greater cities denouncing j S a m msull's sales-of more than lls ers as you would ' have others'do -'itfv.e& for ^Wch men had .fought \ People in all sections favored. f


Belle-Sh.aTi11.eer 'Sets e New Fcsliien

Steve, Fisrssace EKSS Boiler

i|i|ip| ;


QfJ-^HA £TOYE Kepsir Weeks 9Ugl%-s Street '

Phona AT 2 3 2 4


Fer Yeer Sherfer Skirt % Icllt Shnrmccr Ltf< S

W 0*" the newest ']«•? in rns«f»r








THE JEWISH PEESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1937 was; eerved - and. • the * guests presented • Mr.. and Mrs. Mjishkin with a gift. .



Announce Omaha U. Appointments

ROSS t ^ B L U M E N T H A L 476 Brandels Theatre Bldg.

HYMEN S, SHRIER, Attorney 740 First National Bank Bldg.

im. \


NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION LEGAL. NOTICE In the County Court of Douglas In District Court of Pougas County, Countr, Nebraska. Nebraska, to Jean T. Anderson, In the Matter of the Estate of whose place of residence is unknown President Rowland Haynes, of W. Frost, Deceased and upon whom personal service ol the . University of Omaha, today George AH persons interested In eaid es- !summons cannot be had. defendant: announced the addition of five tate are hereby notified that a peti- | You are hereby notified that on the ticn has been said Court el- :27th clay of April, inn". David J. new. members to the faculty of ieging that said deceased died leaving ! Anderson, as riainti ? f. filed hla petithe University. The new appoint- no Jast win and praying for adminis- j tion against you in the District Court tration upon his estate, and that a j of Doiitrlas County. Xebr, docket 32? ments are as follows: hearing will be had on said petition : pnpo 242. the obiect pnd prayer o( Dana T. Warren, A.-B. and Ph. before said court on the 2nd day of : whiuh petition is to obtain a divorce , 1037, and that M they fail • from you on the grounfls of extreme D. from Yale, has been appointed October, to appear at said Court on the sp.ici crv-"lty. You fire required to answer assistant professor of Physics. A 2nd day of October, 1S."7, at 9 o'clock said petition on or before the 9th day A. SL to contest said petition, the \of 'November, 19,"7, or said petition scholarship student at Yale and Court may grant the same and grant : against you wi!! be tftkr>n as trc*. a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Dr. administration or said estate to Fais- i sell J. Blumenthal or some other i S-S--37-U. DAVID J. ANDERSON. Warren has had an interesting suitable person FlaintiM. career -which includes two years tlement thereof.and proceed to a set- j HARRY SiLVERMAN. Attorney of teaching at Doshisha UniverBRTCE C 768 Brandeis Theater EiSS. County sity, Kyoto, Japan, where he serv- 9-10-S7-St

, iMidshipman. Abe. Cohen of-AnBy PHINEAS J. BIRCH napolis, visited' this week in the MSS ANNA PILL, correspoadent home of his parents, Mr. and THE SEASICK FUEHRER Next year they'll change the Mrs.;I Cohen, ,2721 Jones street. aamittimffniffl^j«!MmmmmwW^^^ A major scandal is about to name- of the Goldman Band to rock Nazi official circles as a re- The Band of the Goldmans, begram and place will be announcMr. arfd Mrs. Alfred Levich sult of the •discovery that Die cause Edwin Franko Goldman's ; ed at a. later date. visited recently • In Sioux Falls Grille, Hitler's private yacht, is son Richard has become his assowith Mr. and Mrs. I. Kroloff. not a hundred per cent Aryan ... ciate conductor . . . Which for no Speaks at The luxurious vessel is equipped reason at all makes us tell you ' • Mr/ and Mrs. Max Kroloff and with all sorts of electrical gad- that the tallest man in the BritConvention son of Chicago visited in Sioux gets to prevent Der Fuehrer from ish House of Commons is Louis City this week with the former's . More than 125 children regisLawrence Baron, vice president parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam'Kro- getting seasick When the ex- Halle' Gluckstein, six-foot-seven fered for the fall season of clubs chequer official examined the representative from Nottingham of Barney Baron & Sons, was one loff. ••"••:.. anil classes at' the Jewish Com. , . Dr. A. J. Rongy, famed obbills he was startled by the name of the speakers at the States GroJaunity Center, Sunday afternoon. stetrician and noted Jewish lead5 of a famous Jewish firm responcers Convention, held in Sioux OF INCORPORATION OF Regular sessions of the groups - Mr. Max Goldman departed for sible for these electrical installa- er, is laid up at Mount Sinai Hos- ed as a missionary. Dr. Warren FRADENBURG, WEBB, "EEEER, NOTICE GYPSY TEA SHOP, INC. City this week.: He spoke ou the •will -begin September 29. EngliBh was born in Japan. He will live his home in Kansas City, Tuesday Notice is hereby civen that the unKLUTZMCK & KELLEY pital, having undergone a major clersifrned iifive formed a corporation classes and classes In Jewish his-? value of organization to the re- evening, after spending several tions . . . The Fuehrer now is operation .- . Joel Lipsky, young- at 2431 Bauman street vita his .. 200 Union State Eank Bidstail merchant. pursuant to the laws of the State of seasick and has ordered an inltory will be available if the regwife and daughter, Betty. days here' visiting with relatives. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Nebraska. The name ot the corporavestigation into the -whys and est son of Louis, will soon flour'- Many Jewish grocers from the In the County Court of Douglas tion is Gypsy Tea Shop. Inc., with Its istration warrants them. Wilbur T. Meek, A. B. Princeprincipal place o£ business in Omaha, St. John Hutchison, ish as a full-fledged London cor- ton and M. A. Columbia Univer- County, Xebraska. -An innovation at the Jewish state attended, the convention Mr. and Mra. Herman Shiloff, hows Nebraska. The objects for, which In the Matter'of the Estate of Gur respondent, of an American magthis corporation is formed are: To Community Center this year will here and visited with friends .• In 2415 Fierce street, announce thte ather-in-law of Victor Mayer Nasity, has been appointed to the C. Sanders, Deceased. introduce, erect, provide, maintain, Sioux City. : • • T "•'.', Maurice Samuel is rehaniel Rothschild, the new holdazine All persons Interested in said esbe the supervised craft and game birth of a son, September 20, at teaching staff of the Economics tate are hereby notified that a peti- operate, lease. purchase. acquire, turning from Palestine next week r of the British title Lord Rothshold, enjoy and dispose of, by sale £•001118. Two workers have been the Lutheran Hospital. department to replace Dr. Harry tion has been fiied in said Court alihild, was formerly the personal and is bringing along his family Severson who is on leave of ab- leging that said deceased diefi leav- or otherwise, in any town, city or assigned for these projects and Sisterhood Plans county, in the United States, tea ing no last will and praying for adegal adviser of Sir Oswald Mos- for. a permanent stay in this sence for a year in connection ministration the rooms are being. equipped. upon his estate, and that shops, coffee houses, restaurants, the ey A. . T h e Venezuelan govern- country Eve magazine, To Open Season Trill be had on on said peti- inns, eating houses, or places of re{The rooms will be open'from- 4 with a U. S. Government agency. a hearing before said court on the 2nd dav freshmeni; to make and execute any ment has contracted with Emil Jewish women's publication, has Mr. Meek is a graduate of Central tion to S every afternoon except Satof October, 1937. and that if they fail and all agreements for the rental of Ludwig for an unceniored ' bio- folded up after plenty of finan- High School and is a member of to appear a t said Court on the said such places of business as are herein Mount Sinai Temple Sister- i ^Continuod from page: 1), ,ur4ay and from 7- until 9 o'clock 2nd day of October, I S " , at P o'clock timimeratert; to construct, own. purcial headaches which proved ingraphy of Simon Bolivar,. South '(Continued from.Page 1.) 3n the evenings. Folk' dancing hood will hold its first .meeting the New York Chapter, American A. JL to contest said petition, the chase, maintain, operate, sell, lease urable even after three or four Institute of Banking. Court may grant the same and Errant or .dispose of. any such property, and end a story hour will be featured of the season-next Friday after- inite and conscious purpose of American emancipator . . . administration of said estate to Char- to have power to purchase and hold of our wealthiest Jews had connoon, October \ 1 , in the Temple separating». this people from the MfTI-DEFAMATIOA* liEAGUE In the game room. les J. Sanders or some other suitable in fpe simple, or otherwise, such ijsal William K. Noyce, whose aptributed sizable sums . . . Annex. Mrs. Louis Goldberg, pres- surrounding pagan peoples by the ATTENTION person and proceed to a settlement estate as may be necessary for carrypointment was announced last intr on the business of said corporathereof. 1937, by Seven Arts ident, will preside at the business instrumentality not only of antion. And for the purpose of comThe Anti-Defamation League (Copyright, spring, was appointed to the ERTCE CRATTFORD, Feature Syndicate) meeting and Mrs. Sol ; Novitsky plete enjoyment of said corporation. other conception of' God but of "prmer Resident might be interested in a movie 9-10-37-St. County Judge. teaching staff of the Chemistry the said company Is authorized to will preside, at the program. Rabbi another and hitherto: unheard of borrnw money, the same to be secured called "Affaires de Pierre," department.. He has his A. B. ^Represents RCA Lewis will >give a , travelogue, conception ~ of human lift. I am hort in such manner as the Board of DiFRADENBURG, WEBB, EEBER, from Doane College and his M-: KLUTZNICK and K E L L E Y , Attys. rectors roduced by Educational Films . . . may authorize. The total au-. speaking on* his> European trip stating the"' matter; in minimum 'he thorized capital stock is $10,000.00, par J At Conference taken Sc. from the University of Nebrahero of the story ia an interZ O O Union State Bank Bldg. this summer. terms so<as not told, as I ' ational cook who talks Yiddish value $100.1)0 per share, all stock comska. ' . . . mon, and shall be fully paid and nonNOTICE'OF INCORPORATION At a Board meeting of the Sis- have been told, flippantly, or rewhen issued. The corporaHarold M. Emlein, a. former • The late Dr. Thomas G. MasHarry A. Rositzke, A. B. UnNotice is hereby given that the un- assessable proachfully, that I am a mere my"inn shall commence business upon terhood, held in the home of Mrs. have formed a. corporation the Sioux Cityan, land son of Mr. and ryk, founder of Czechoslovakia, ion College, M. A. Harvard and dersigned fillnir of the articles with the stic only because, like: a great the laws of the State of Ne- County Clerk of Douglas County, Nej!4rB. R. H. Emlein of this city, Goldberg, plans' were' begun for number of other and', wiser, men, as the first guest speaker at the Ph. D. from Harvard, new assis- under braska. The name of the corporation braska, and continue until Janthe Thanksgiving dance' sponsorshall be Aristocrat Restaurant Co. uary 1. 1062.shall S^as selected as one of two men Free Synagogue ;when it opened tant professor of English, has highest amount of I know 'that 'the pseudo-scientific ' ' I whh principal place of business at indebtedness The shall exceed twojfcq represent-the RCA - Manufact- ed hy the Sisterhood. , held many fellowships at Hars forum in 1907 . . . IncidentalOmaha, Nebraska. The general na- thirds of the capital not myths, of the nineteenth - century stock. The busiMrs. Fred * Herzof f and Mrs". ture of the business to be transacted vard including the University uring Company at the 20th anr,~ did you .know that Masaryk's ness affairs of the corporation and after are not only foolish but, shall be to enpage in the business of be managed by a Board of notshall less Strual conference of industrial re- Lorene Silverberg ^were'. named when, you Jook- into some of their nemtes acused him of being the Sensation Caused by Expose Fellowship; the Harris Fellow- operating coffee houses, restaurants, two nor more than five in numchairmen of" the "Book Review ship and the Dexter Traveling inns, eating1 houses, taverns or places than lations, held at Silber Bay on legitimate son of a Jewish merThat New Justice Once * bor. who shall be elected at the anmotivations, funny.^ .-refreshment; to buy, sell, lease, Fellowship. He is a Phi Beta Kap- of meeting- of the stockholders, to Stake George, New York. Mr. Em- group of the Sisterhood; and Mrs.•-,- Well,-you may ask,, what of it? hant by the name of Redlich? own, acquire, dispose and or encum- nualheir, Was Hooded Knight on the first Monday in .Tanpa and instructed in English at ber real and persosal property inci- be 3eln is a divisional superinten- E. N." Grueskin with Mrs. Earl This, just- • this, that ah • insight ".'When Mussolini made, his of each year. The Board shall, Kline are' chairmen .'of' the' Religdent to the purposes and uses of this uary Union College, tutored in Engfrom this number, elect a president, dent a t - t h e RCA Company in ious riumphant tour of Italian Libya Washington (JTA) Printed business; to do all things necessary Cultural group. iMrs. The- |nto the meaning of history is fur- everal'months ago the.-fcorre-1 secretary and treaslish at Harvard. Dr. Rositzke or proper to effect the purposes for vice-presitient, {Camden, New. Jersey. nished, by the fortunes at any givcharges rjhat Hugo L. Slack of urer. The corporation shall have a N. Lewis was named chairwhich this corporation is organized. F»ai. The articles plans to do much research be amended . / H o graduated from Central odore pondent of a Jewish news seryen time of that ' Jewish way;of Alabama, newly-appointed SuThe authorized capital stock shali be at pny mcetinc: of'may the stockholders and all of said stock shall be. by the affirmative vote School and received his de- man of the Memorial Fund.'. life, whether lived and expressed ce. found himself sitting next to preme Court Justice, is a member through tests and recordings of $3,000 of two-thirds common, par value $100 per share all issued and outstanding1 stork, pjree from the University of Minjby Jew or Christian or mere pac- he Nazi press representative in of the Ku Klux Klan and has ac- midwestern speech and dialect. and fully paid up and non-assessable, of provided .not!^** of the meeting and its shall commence business upon filnesota,, .going directly from there Robert Huffman, assistant in- it ifist libertarian: friend of man and he press car . . . We just learned cepteti its support in elections shal1 have been given to all ing' of Its Articles with the County purpose stock holders, a.s provided in the B)'fee; tho RCA Company where he .he reason for this strange seatstructor in Painting and Sculpabove all> by the •fortune- of. the have created a nation-wide sensaClerk of Doufrlas County. Nebraska, lias since been employedN ture, has his B. F, A^ from Ohio End shall continue for a period of 50 Lews. Miss Kathryn. Gralnik, whose most conspicuous symbol of that ng arrangement . . . The "Naii tion. years. The highest amount of Indebtmarriage to Edwin "W. Baronwlll way of -life, namely, . the living orrespondent. was Herr von Lan- ' The third in the series of ar- State University and has resided edness shall not exceed two-thirds oi Patee- September 17th. 153". Its capital stock, but this restriction in Omaha since September, 19 3 6. Jewish'people. All the evils of the en, one of the three Nazi jour; take place in Marshalltown, Iowa ticles containing the charges, pubALA. J U K E E. COSTEL.LO shall not include indebtedness secured on October 3, has been the inspir- pagan world from which the peo- alists recently expelled from lished in the Pittsburgh Post- An outstanding athlete at college, by mortgages or< liens. The Effeirs FLOKEXCE K. MATXES he participated in the Golden shall be manaced by a Board of Diple ".Israel • sought . aforetime to p-24-"7-4t. ation for a number of parties duringland He was'thoroughly Gazette, contains what purports Gloves Boxing Tournament here rectors of not less tha.n two members. i r" At. an executive meeting Mon- ing the past .few weeks;-separate itself., are now. • dominant disliked by all the members of to be a stenographic transcript of The annual meeting- shall be on the jiiiy evening, the following A. Z. once more. Moloch is .in Rome he press corps, -who - decided to proceedings at the fourth annual last winter. first Monday of January of each year, Sunday noon, Miss Dena Baron , &1 committee chairmen were apat -which meeting: the stockholder^ and ;Berlin. The • people Israel each him a lesson by seating him Klolero of the Alabama Klan in shall elect a Board of Directors, and i gpplnted f6r- the coming year. Re- entertained twenty-five' guests at suffers. . And all men, Christians, thereupon the Board shall elect a Patronize Our Advertisers Birmingham on Sept. 2, 1926, at i ligloUB committee, David Tile- a in' the -.West f Hotel, libertarians, who share' ways of next to' a non-Aryan . . . President, Vice-President, Secrets^ honoring the , bride-elect. Bridge which Mr. Black accepted a gold and. Treasurer. Any two cf said ofCultural, Calmon . Levich; THE IMPARTIAL DtiKE J may be held by one and the occupied the,, afternoon hours. life s> derivative from Its - way of grand passport" indicating life FRADENBURG. WEBB, EEBER, fices . The Duke of .Windsor has a • Social, Paul Schwartz and Mor- Guests same person. These articles may be from.away.were.Miss Gral- life suffer with it. l^or i8 that ery wide range of friendships . . membership in the Klan and KLUTZNICK & KELLEY amended, at any regular or special , £is- Ginsberg; Athletic, Gene Sher- niks sisters, 200 Union State Bank Bidsall. • "So.terrible is that re-arising meeting- of the stockholders by a the Misses Esther, ' P&an and Lloyd Kronick; Social Tillie, and/Mary He spent his honeymoon in the made a speech declaring himself two-thirds vote of the oiitstendmfr ofMar- dominance of Pagan- evil in the : NOTICE OF PROBATE OF YVSLT. In accord with the aims and ideals stock. ; Service, Cecil Pill and Charles shalltown. j -.: . ' .Gralnik nnesbruck home of the Austrian woria-t}iat-,the Jewish" people is In the County Court of Douglas , . V. . . . . : 1 ' phlndler, Jr. County. Nebraska. Rothschilds, and now leased the of the organization. impelled to leave that' world enWITNESS WHEREOF, the parThe_ fourth • article states that In the Matter of the Estate cf tiesIN have 1 Flans were made at the meet- Monday ; noon, Mrs. A. H.,JBar- tirely *and retire to its ancestral castle, of the .Pronays in Hungary hereunto subscribes their Herman H. Rohrs, Deceased. on was hostess a t a luncheon in ing .Wednesday evening for the . The Pronays are the leaders at the same meeting at which im- AH persons interested in said es- -names this 3rd day of September. soil. In. • a -word, think deeply are hereby notified that a peti, nile of Orphenm tickets for the the OasiB,t honoring MIsa Gralnik. enough and. you •will see the ul- >f . the of fleers' clique which had perial Wizard Hiram W.-Evans tate ALFRED A. FIEDLER has been filed in said Court, ALTA PORTER [creek of September 30 to October Thirty guests w e.r & present, timate Inner, oneness of the re- an outstanding anti-Semitic rec- attacked Catholics, Negroes and tion praying for the probatf of a certain fn the Presence of: among whom. were the brideforeign born, Mr. Black declared instrument now on file In said Court, JOS. B. FRADENBUKG, jS. Plans were also discussed for elect's sisters,.; Mrs. A. Sudbw, and paganlzatlon of tbs world-and'the ord during the WJiite Terror of himself " in sympathy -with Klan purporting to be the last will and 9-10-S7-4f the Annual A. 2. A. day to be Miss Joy Sudow, of-.: .Aberdeen, neeeasity- of our re-integration - as 919-20 The talk of Broad- principles and acknowledged his testament of said deceased, ana that ; a hearing will be had on said petition 1 fceld October 17. South Dakota were also guests. a -. people on our . ancestral '• soil. way is.Arthnr-Mayer, who rebuilt political debt to the organization. before said Court on the 16th day of Something *ol the meaning of the ,he Rialto movie palace and inOctober. 1337, and that if they fail Honoring Mr. Baron and his fi- historic process shines- from- these While Mr. Black, in London, to appear at said Court on the said Our Puoeral PerSors Are Funaleijed. ia Home-Like Faahioa ; [Auxiliary Holds ancee, Mrs. Philip Pill gave a happenings and these • .thoughts; tltuted a policy of showing ex- continued in his refusal to make 16th day of October, 1937. at 9 o'clock 1 lusiveiy. horror and he-man picA. M.. to contest the probate of said "COURTEOUS—-RELIABLE" family dinner, Tuesday evening. of. hope - in darkest ;ures of the Wild West and gang- a definite statement, President will, the Court may allow and proOpening Meeting Miss Gralnik departed Wednes- something said will and grant administranominated the bate Roosevelt, who hours springs from them too. He iterdom tion of said estate to Margaret A. But few know that who. contemplates - thus the -his. ;he same Mr. Mayer is one of the former Senator to the. Supreme Rohrs or some other suitable person, :Th© first fall meeting of the day for Marshalltown, Iowa. ; enter s. decree of heirship. and proFUNERAL DIRECTORS tqry of his people and of his peo- lpneers in 'importing foreign pic- Court, said in a statement in ceed to Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zlon a settlement thereof. Fam&m et 33rd 1 . Mrs. Philip Sherman entertain"Washington that he knew only HA 1226 ple's relations, to the world will synagogue was held Wednesday BRTCE CRAWFORD, ures of high artistry , . . This County Judge. *! e.£ternoon,-following a one o'clock ed at an evening party, Tuesday have a core of peace at the center s his'escape from the tabloid what hev had "read in the news- 9-24-37-3t luncheon in the social hall of the honoring Miss Eva Orlikoff • whose of all the cruelties and agita- ype of movies . , . Sidney Frank- papers," that "publication is not synagogue. Mrs. Joe Kutcher marriage to - Ben Dobrolsky will tions of life;,he will.have the ac- In, only Jewish bull-fighter in complete" and that until such .' tive and •' urgent - motivation tow. aptlvity, could make a swell liv- time as Mr. Black Returns "there presided at the business meeting be an event of October 3. end .Mrs. Frank Margolin over . Mrs. Louis S.' Goldberg was her. ard' an ..-exemplary •:. Jewish and hg as' a cartoonist .-.. . It might is no further comment to make." The President's statement did | i e program. The invocation was hostess • Wednesday. evening, and Zionist life which no jJtBCourage- be of major interest to. you that Mrs. Mark Sabel entertained ' a ments;.can: cripple, and no apparriot still the chorus of comments . jittered by Mrs. A. H. Baron, Albert Einstein Is one, of the best j ^MTS. Otto Groff sang a group group of friends Thursday even- ent gloom rob "wholly--of its inter. yodel,ers in the bathroom brigade in Congressional circles. Senators expressed the view that Mr. ] pf-Jewish folk songs, and a skit ing, honoring the bride-elect. Black's membership should have Mrs. N. Dobrofsky and Mra. f'The Auxiliary HaU of Fame" ior.ligh<: BtTBINOFF PLATS KOIi NIDBE been made known betore the Senbras given by Mrs. Robert Sacks, Abe Bejrkowitz entertained r&; Who's behind the organization ate, confirmed the appointment, Jllrs. Milton Mushkin, Mrs. Frank cently honoring Miss Orlikoff, at Epstein, Mrs. S. Epstein, Mrs. a bride party in the Sioux Tea (Copyright 1937 By. Seven .Arts calling itself 'Planetaryan' which several declaring they would have • .{ 'Feature Syndicate) s circularizing Jewish and Arab voted "no" had they had the in[Herman Licht, Mrs. Lester Hee- Shop. eaders throughout the world formation. Representative KnutAmong her hostesses - during Jger, Malta Heeger, Mrs. . Sam with a view to forming a Jewish- son of Minnesota said he would the past few weeks'were Miss Disabled Vets Islotsky and-Mrs*'J. C. Levin. Arab^Semitic union? . ' . T h e Gug- ask a Congressional investigation. ^Mrs. Lawrence Silverberg and Birdie Ginsberg, Miss' Lottiehas ^ given Doubt was expressed that there to /Hold Tag Day fenheim.';Foundation Jiirs. Heary Sherman were -in Feinberg, Miss Gertrude Reznlk, ;he Jewish Theological : Seminary was any Constitutional method to Mrs. Abe Bain, Mra. Louis Fish Charge of the luncheon arrangekeep Mr. Black from occupying >«• Saturday," September 25, will be L $10,000 .grant'ifor its library and Mrs. Abe Lefkovich. fcaents. 'Forget-Me-Not",': Omaha William B. Leeds, the tin-plate his seat'on the bench, except res: as _ Los Amigas club members will when; blue 'Forget-Me-Not' Flow- king, who lives on his yacht ignation, particularly since M0UM SINAI meet this evening-with Miss Han- ers will- be sold • on : downtown Moana, sent his ship's mate to it waa \ revealed — he took his nah HoldowBky, who will enter- streets to raise funds for the re- friends , with Rosh Hashbnah oath of office secretly, Aug. 19.. of the Om- greetings, Leonard Lyons tells us Children of the religions school tain at the- Sunset Cafe.: Of fleers habilitation activitiea, The controversy was brought r .. Ea Swasey, advertising mo- into jjf Mount.Sinai Temple will par- are Miss Sara Polaykoff, presi- aha • Cnapter of : the Disabled the New York mayoralty ; ticipate in the Simchas Torah ser- dent; May Matz,. vlce-presidJant; American Veterans of the: Worid gul, and Anton .Carter, Fort campaign by Senator Copeland, M&t&s /^^^fK^%^ Worth,' Tex.; newspaper magnate i pica-this evening at 8 o'clock. Grace Silver, secretary and • Miss candidiate for the Democratic noI Disabled veterans jof the World both "of them one hundred per mination, who charged his op•. ; B b b i Theodore N. Lewis will Holdowsky, treasurer. War now number 1;78*2-in.Omaha ent -Aryans, sent Jewish New ponent, Jeremiah T. Mahoney, !epeak on "The Joy of the Torah." ..ISlmchaa Torah services will be Mrs. Fan . Rablriowitz r of New and '• total -3,181 .' in Nebraska Year greetings to sixty of their was implicated since he supportThe once ed President Roosevelt, but the •feeld at the Temple S u n ^ y e v e n - York City was a guest this week Street sale, of' the floyrers will be Christian friends 8 o'clock. JJ l k in the home of Rabbi and Mrs. in tli« -handsof a group of more swanky Cantield gambling casino issue rebounded against Senator than 100 Omaha mothers'with de- in Saratoga housed a synagogue Copeland when a Klan leader in Mrs. SI Krueger, chairman of H. R. Rabinowltz. : pendent children. A. percentage of for Rosh, Hashonah . . . King-fid- Birmingham said,he had supportftfce Religious" School committee pt the Sisterhood was in charge Dave Singer: departed this week the >,recipts. from the sale will be dler Dave Rubinoff played Kol ed Copeland in his campaign for I t o continue trie trediiion* of tr»« famous Kingswej', «Ke ncwfy paid'these mothers. ' Nidre at the Yom Kippur Eve ser- Senator and the New York Post the committee which erected for Harvard where'he. : I E A S T M A N presents rtew ieieaSt of service, comfort «i*J vices at Temple Beth-El, Detroit declared that Kiansmen in upper decorated the Succah in the tinue his studies in. the : Law ..-'.. . I n Yiddish theatrical circles New York State supported , the petnple. ' • .. . ' luxury to rie*J{n-vee*Sienists from ell eve? trie world.. .The E A S T M A N h perfect School. Consumer's Group you don't call an actor a ham . . Senator. for refessSion, tmrmndzi by it» c*m private fwrJs, i?« 505 tnowsrn, ©n$»i<k roem$ He's known as a-salami . . . The Sponsor© Movies word Raymond^ Fisher departed' last .,. The Post, which had withheld •way from *!! girset iseTses-yeS, «S site hui of the world ?«mc»us Bath Kmnc' SHAARE HOW .Shlemiehl has been tabooed Frldayfor Cleveland, Ohio, where comment pending completion of . Row, convenient to every jGSivify. $> , by the Hays office in Hollywood will study at the Western Re- ' Henry -Negley, state educaits own investigation, declared in Simchas Torah f Services at he : .;'Hcr« / .tHOT SPRINGS, At HEALTHFUL WATERS of 5ferenownedSpt serve School of-Applied Sciences. tional dir«fctor of the' Nebraska . .•'.' The idea for'a motion picture a front-page editorial, that "the Siiaare Zion synagogue will begin Mr. Fisher was" a director of' the, Farmer's Union, ..will show., mo- on Haym Salomon's life originat1 wiB reteorc you. Here every »por8 eni jeereaSion «re immediatefv* «v«i!«b!e. H«rf President made a grevious misSunday evening "at 6:30 o'clock. NYA project at t h e : Community tion pictures dealing with ^ the ed with David Ros,en,. publicity take in nominating Senator Black ' you t i n enjoy « peaceful vacation, eni regain Iseakli.. .Come it Arkjnias.. ,St»y S[6hday morning the memorial House in Sioux City. George Jessel is said_to ' * •' •' European Cooperative Movemen man for , the Supreme Court." It de^ Hi ihe new EASTMANS Drink health-giving minera! welers, baiht m invigorat'*| j^yico •will be held and Rabbi H. in the ballroom of the Castle Ho- have agreed to produce it » manded that unless M. Black rejfe jRablnowitz will Bpeak on Hot Sprinss! Sleep in restful luxury «S btia'cyet balancing r«i«s horn !£.EG linglt. Dr. and Mra. S. H. Shulkln tel on Thursday, September,30 Georgie hopes to get •. a , special sfgns^Mr. Roosevelt insist that he j^Veafc Jews."- Monday evening presided at a family dinner Sun- at 8'o'clock. . C BMmETT RARSTOrl, MgKy foreword for. the • film "• written bystep down. JI.6RACY MANNING, Acs Sf 6:30 o'clock the Children's day evening on the occasion of 1 The meeting has'been arranged President Roosevelt Maurice The affair served to focus atS and Torah procession will their wedding anniversary. < " b y t h e Committee on- Cooperative! A. Bergman, most imaginative tention anew on the moribund e held in the synagogue. of the Omaha Consumer's Coun- advertising • executive in . the en- anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, antP : Tomorrow morning. Sol Shindtertainment field, Is -now. on" his Negro Klan. J. L. Baskin, RichMr. Dave Levich'. of ,' Minot, cil." - ; . , ••••'•• -. ••. • -.'-,- -., sofi'of yMr/Max Shindler will r,r. own, sponsoring an America! col- mand (Va.) lawyer, who describNorth Dakota, visited in Sioux 1 —~*-»UE«,J* , [celebrate his Bar Mitzvah at the City with relatives this week. 1 ored b a l l e t . .: • ed himself as the Grand Dragon . Painter Back Boycott [synagogue. • KOBKOSKY'8-"M. I). of-the Realm of the Invisible Em~ Bill Lansberg and Henry Gins- i Buffalo, N. Y. (WNSJ — The " MiCkey Kobrosky, hero of > thepire covering Virginia, "West VirMNtORHADASSAH berg-left this week for Minneapo- anti-Nazi boycott was endorsed game between the Collegiate All- ginia, Maryland and the District lis, where they will continue their by ,.the: Brotherhood of . Painters Stars ' and the "• pro Giants, is be- [or Columbia arriving in New .York Plans for •' the jAhnual Junior studies at the University of - Min- Decorators and Paperhangers; a: ing .submerged by ; offers from j told reporters that the Klan will ' American Federation of Labor* af professional football team mana- keep anreyeon "this un-American |dassah membership tea -were nesota; filate.'at its-annual, conventlpn gers . . . But Mickey, who starred] city" to learn how to combat the made at a recent Boards meeting Eighteen (iouples ,f gave a sur- Th& brotherhood adopted a.reso for • three- years at Trinity /with- "foreign elements" who are using lajthe home ol the" president. Miss prise house ; warming party , for lutlqn oppoaing * "any u economi out, even a • single All-Amerlcan it as a proving ground for tactics Saretta Krigsten. -V . . i^The tea will be held Sunday Mr. and Mrs.,Mike Mushklh Wed- aid to the Hitler'government b; mention, prefers, to finish his in the national campaign of 1938 course at Yale Medical School . . and 1940. 'fLtternoon, October^ 10. The,,pro- nesday evening..A buffet. supper thevUnited States."


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