IntHe Interests of the* Jewish People
RIER, Attorney lal -Bank Bldg. NOTICE of Dousas County, m T. Anderson. Idence Is unknown icrsonal service oi o had. defendant: lotirleil that on the ril. 1937. David J . tiff, filed his petithe District Court Xebr. docket S2S t and prayer ot o obtain a divorce rounfls of extreme required to answer before the Oth day or said petition e taken as tr=* ANDERSON, Plaintiff.
?MAN, Attorney Theater Eiis.
I The views .expressed by vrig Lewisohn in bis column: are his own and do hot necessarily reflect the policies or at-_ titudo of onr publication. Reproduction in whole or in part j I etrictly forbidden. '
Entered ns Second Class Mall Matter on January 21. 1221. at fostofflea of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1879
>RPORAT!ON OF SHOP, INC. given that the nnnrcd a corporation ' svs ol the State of ne of the corporaShop, Inc.. -with Its lusiness • in Omaha, >jects for, -which i formed are: To provide, maintain, urchase, acquire, lispose of. by sale any town, city or United States, t e a uses, restaurants, =, or places of and execute aiiv ; for the rental of ness as are herein nstract, own, puriperate, sell, lease such property, and purchase and hold therwise, such real iecessary for caj-ryfs of said corporaJ purpose of coni' said corporation, is authorized to same to be secured the Board of XH•ize. The total au-, ck is $10,000.00. par lare. all stock comfully paid and noniiied. The corporatice -business upon articles with the ouglas County, X e contlnue until J a n highest amount of 1 not exceed t w o al stock. The busi: corporation shall Board of not less than five in numelected at the a n he stockholders, to L Monday in J a n The Board_shaH, elect a president, retary and , treasation shall have a * may be amended ff the -stockholders vote of two-thirds outstanding stock, the meeting and its ; been given to aU rovided in t h e . B y -
TOL. S V I - - X 0 . R&
>>AY, OCTOBER 1, 1937
11a u
Recrimination is childish at best, ffhe blood and darkness of this V hour in history forbid it. -wholly. Tee Workmen's Circle DramaDr. A. Greenberg, president of But to keep the record-straight tic Club wil present th£ famous district grand lodge, No. S, B'nai may be of some small moral value. Yiddish operetta, "Caldunia," by B'rith was the guest of the (B'nai Ou more than one occasion I have t Goldfaden on Sunday evening, OcB'rith lodges of St. Paul and been accused by non-Jews • but ADASS YESHUREN Minneapolis last Tuesday. He Peasant Leaders Denounce the tober 31, at S:30 at the Central even more bitterly by Jews glorAnti-Seaatac Campaign Club, 2lEt and Dodge street. poke in both cities on 'The Heart ifying the Jewish people, of tryELECTS NEW as Danger of Jewry.' Tickets are fifty and seventying to make out the Jewish peo: OFFICERS • i five cents, tax included. Proceeds ; Dr. Greenberg stopped in the ple as better than other-peoples. win cities en route to Canada on Bucharest (WNS) — The anti- jw i l l g 0 t 0 t b e £ u n d { o r t h e Ep_ \ TAU"1'J ] I" Be that as it may. Xiet us look' Final arangements have been New Commissioners for the a visit to B'nai B'rith iodge3 in Jewish tide sweeping over R o n - ! k e e p o f t h e Lav,or Lyceum Build-! ~XC lor a moment at the moral situa- made rr-r; mania was temporarily stemmed I for the showing of the film Adass Yeshuren Synagogue were he Dominion. tion of the world's peoples. when three prominent leaders of \ of Palestine life, "This Is The elected at a meeting held SeptemThey, the Aryan people ot the Land"'" on Tuseday, October 19 at The Git? TF e Radical Peasant Party public- j ber 21. Those who will serve for :l? Choir pr,r" DraTO" "West, have always prided them- 8:15 p. m. according to the andenounced the anti-Semitic I which has been closed on scselves on their, gallantry,-on their nouncement made this week by the coming, year are: J. Cohen, •le Pa-'I-'" campaign and warned that it repcount of the In Kirshenbaum, B. Lindenbaum, knightliness. You mustn't hit be- the Center Forum committee A. resented a danger to the country. ] sis epidemic, wil 1 i eoppn on Mittleman, A. Rochman, H. T'"5" low the belt; you musn't tick a which is in charge of the event. M. Former Minister of Justice Grig?. t'b.*r Jf-V,"Monday, October 4, M. Shrago, and J. Shukert. r P- _ [ man when he is down. Even enore Iunian and former Mayor Deish CommurJ-r C <". It will be shown, with a suportJ. Kirshenbaum_ was re-elected I - O C or' ir ; emies are to be ruled by certain ing program, at the Paramount *"$ ! metri Dobrescu of Bucharest told j All Pl'DIiP F-P *»&|a Party meeting at Kishinev that! principles of generosity' toward Theater which has been secured secretary for the coming year. report tc their -i p . - l - p . 1 •--.-' j the leaders of anti-Semitism were j each other." - There is always a through the courtesy of the Trises st the usv 1 -ir disloyal to Roumania. Iunian said; code; there are rules which no i States Theater Corporation. There time. Kecistrr -i 0 o E £ r e s i pupils will be r c '. r" Commissioner for. Slsis "the greatest mistake being made j ' knight, no gentleman will break. will be only one performance. All 1 Halt to Seeks in Roumania from the national j " I " ••*-"• * - , It is all written down in the-iolk- proceeds of the program will be After Getting Death ciay, October 4. v viewpoint is being made by those epics of the Aryan peoples; it is contributed to the City Talmud ! October 7. in A'.c Threats persons fomenting racial and retaught in the schools of the Wes- Totah and the Jewish National Talmud Torah. Xew York (JTA — The Amer- \ The Dundee b • F r •tern World;; it is practised in the Fund. Jerusalem (JTA)—Arab hnl- ligious hatreds.' ican Jewish Congress demanded :>- Vnr-r mimic tattles, of competitive A similar affair last year at the lets brought death this week to Progress of the country will not last week that the Polish Govern- \ open W*ecines!(l?y F " ••r.-.ri C'fbe assured ag Ions: as an anti| of Mr. ana y-f.. games. Paramount attracted 2500 people an important British official, ^ m i n o r U i e s c a m p a i ^ threatens the' ment declare martial law f.nrl j hen, 101 So. .-: ••( ' • How does the matter look in and grossed $1200. " • bodyguard and two influential Iwe ll-being of 5,000.000 citizens of! n s military forces to halt antireality? In Wilmersdorf, a large A city-wide choir of fifty voices Program and Election of OffiJewish disorders. End also o 5mcers Planned for Arabs in northern Palestine in a non-Roumanian origin who and well-known Berlin suburb, composed of members of the Temmand to be allowed to remain pose on organizations and i n T e Meeting . violent outburst of terrorism. they have just' set. aside in the ple Israel, Beth El and Hazomir , peaceful citizens. The only • ^ T l Jll ^ I i ! ! ^ " " Lewis , avenues and public parks benches choirs, will present a short pronational policy is • for Jews. The benches are paint- gram of "Jewish and Hebrew mu- ' The annual dinner of the Beth trallan-born. press. ed yellow in Imitation ot the col- sic. Cantors A. Schaczkin and El Synagogue will be held Wed- er for Galilee,- and his bodyguard,! m o t e understanding and brother- I to the a telegram to" Court. Potoeki.;: or of the Jews' baages inthe Mid- Aaron Edgar and Mr. Al Finkel nesday evening, * October 6,° at Peter Robert. McEwan, were f a t - "hood among a 1 1 citizens." Dob- P o In lish ^nister ; dle Ages. It is only a detail. It are in, charge of this feature. Es- 6:30 at the Jewish Community ally shot by three unidentified rescu told the same meeting h e !D r Roumanian i - Stephen S. Trise. president of -patrio is, compared to the wrongs in- ther Eeaf Duboff will accompany Center. Members of the Auxili- Arabs as they, left the Anglican' preferred •patriotic an citizens who belong to national the congress, protested fhe Gcv- i flicted on German Jewry, only an the choir on the Paramount or- ary will be hostesses to the new church at .Nazareth. | ernment's faiinre to curb rioticgj members of the Synagogue. almost comic bit of chicanery. gan. A burst of revolver, fire greet- = minorities to dishonest pure- of the'past four days in TCErsaTv ; Rabbi David A. Goldstein will ed the two men as they walked blooded Roumanians. But it:illustrates vividly a state "This Is The Iiand" is an authand asked action to "fulfill imme-i K e e t i B g o n Lr-Td j . c c of mind. It illustrates the rebel- entic chapter of an heroic epoch be chairman and toastmaster dur- out. the door of the church., AnConstantine Constandache, sn- diately its' oft-renewed guarantees i to Be 7LC.L ir. lion of slave-natures against the inthe Land of Israel, the history ing the meeting and program. drews was killed instantly and I other leader of the party, said at that it stands prepared to protect; Detroit slaviBhness of their souls. The no-of fifty years of progress in Pal- New members will be introduced McEwan died in a hospital a a venirs. Oo'oi'f '•••, ?' f! oVUv Polish Jewry against physical vio-i IP .-fvish Cnr-nuitiiiy Center . file'Aryans, in order to simulate estine. Players in the filas are by-Arthur Cohen.. A musical pro- hour after the attack, the Havas At a special meetingheld on I lence." \ to themselves a-self-esteem which members of Habimah, the fam- gram will be presented by Cantor News Agency reported. ing one third of the population : Dr. 'Wise also telegraphed Sec\ Tuesday, September CS, ihe local 93 they do not possess must, even in ous actors guild of Palestine. Mu- Aaron Edgar. Witnesses.said.the three Arabs \ ^^Jf^ ^}^}}^ Jl^l.^L aec se out of every retary of State CordeH Hull and :Jevish National Fund Council the public streets and parks, seek sic is by Levanon, well-known Herman Auerbach, who recent- who participated In tne attack k! \&T ^ openly to humiliate some one in Palestinian composer. bayonets would Fiinprai Komp. ly returned from Europe, will were lounging ging outside the cchurch lrarcal^ y tations now" to the Polish Gov- elected five delegates to Ettenr. order to feel superior to \ him. This" event is being also pre- speak on his experiences in Rus- for some time before the District | b e c a r n e d b y a ^ - R o u m a n i a n . ernment "to prevent even greater ~ That is their knightliness. That sented as the first attraction of sia and Poland. An outline of the Commissioner came out. Two .of j _ disaster." He added, "The word pc- - o I - n r V" <" • ^ r " 1 <• Cemetery development will be is the great tradition concerning the 1937-38 Center Forum which them were dresse*d in European; P r S S C H t I\.3.tSHI8,11 - r r "I ' ; of America can save Polish Jewry } f-j i ( h r Which especially the German hare has already arranged for the ap- given by Irvin C. Levin, chairman clothes and the third wore peas- i ; and the good name of Poland." « , e . >. f 1 D t pearance: of Ludwig Lewisohn; of the cemetery committee. Voluhie for centuries. ant garb. < In the telegram to Count PoJack Marer will report on th Poland "the state of affairs Todros Geller, the artist; Brachah The killings caused a sensation tocki. the" congress pointed cc* P"r M. Katzrnan, president of the results of the building fund cam ^ ' 7 " : - r •dramatic interpreter; as, seen by Jews," thus cables Zfirah, throughout the.Holy Land s a d ) 1 that failure by the Polish. Governnn of Israel in South ment to act immediately in befrom Warsaw a very sober mind- Rabbi Julius Gordon of St. Louis, paign. An outline of the work o one of the biggest man-hunts in] 25th End J streets, VES \ lja!£ o? PoJish'-Jewry ineaiit linc>t. ed-correspondent- of -the New and others to be"announced later. the Beth El Auxiliary for th recent times was immediately i ,Torfc -Times, "can be • described .' Tickets lorl the entire Series of coming year trill be given by Mrs launched. Scores o£ persons were. E r e s =?i e d . w i t h . . a - Eo1^11 onlX-R.a.JJishtmareandJPalestine jseven' ieaturea,:inciuding- the ad- J. Blank/ president ot the auxil- ro'unded up for Questicalng andi1"Uon '^'^* a Haslsonah Rat I Jewish community to isob Kooii3ooms "ft*- the/one-.and only hope." mission "to-"TMs IB The Land," iary. every, available police, officer in \<3ay a t , t I l e synagogue. last SHE- ganisni, but its own Biirreniier-to Harry Silverman,. president of will be §2.00 to members of the fcWho,' like myself.- in his childthe Nazareth region was ordered, ; mob rule and the automatic forAfter services, the congrega- feiture of Poland's place' in the *hood read "Thadeus of "Warsaw" Jewish. Community- Center and the Synagogue, will present a res- to participate in the search. A by Jahe Porter? Who felt in later % 3.0 0 to non-members. Admission ume of the past year's activities. strict curfew immediately was tion gathered in the snecah. Har- circle of civilized nations." New officers for the coining clamped down. ry Dworsky made the presentaflays again and again, in Chopin to "This Is The Land" alone will "The fact that these riots hare, An- i **on speech, and Goodman Myer- I been able to continue is a -clean Iption, the cry of the oppressed Polish be fifty and seventy-five cents year will be elected at this time. Authorities disclosed that Reservation for the dinner may jeonle •— the romantic and for adults arid thirty-five cents A transatlantic hrosn.rasf, vri\) had received nnmerons j s , o n _ ! ' b c e d J h e ™ . s ™ . ^ 1 E indication that the Government of be made by calling Mrs. Morris drews finger. The presentation was Poised has faileg to tsfce the bring the voice of Dr. Chaim iknightly Polish people? Well, the for children. zpd ;tR 1!'r-4 t^ p r e ^ - n t . \ death threats as a. result of his tfews felt that romance and that The committee in charge in^ Arkin, Glendale 14SS or Mrs. Is-stern action, against" terrorists made in recognition of the good necessary steps? to protect the life Weizmann to the conference. r l n y s a s a a i e s n ? oi' ruisin (melancholy too and stood by the^eludes the following: Mrs. Joeadore Abrahamson, Walnut 690S. during last year's reign of bloody work he. has done for the shule. and the property of its .Jewish The outstanding leaders oi ihe ?: ;p gspisi, vsrious" chp.i iiiiW •Poles and in the great Polish re- Goldware, Mrs. Julius Stein, and !\i:-'?.i inn;.. rioting. He had constantly been population." the Congress held. Zionist movement end pci'son?.!!jbellion against Russia in 1830 Mrs. Phillip Levey, co-chairmen accompanied b y , a. bodyguard M l T S . The telegram to Mr. Hull de- ties o£ nF.tione.l prorr,ir>.?tire v.?n Jnen with peyoth came from, the in charge of ticket sales; Jack v take part in the deliberations of lisp had r o n F i d s r ? > l f d r s m since receipt of the threats. .Villages to fight for the freedom Epstein, theater; Mrs. Ben ShapDies Suddenly! clarefi: Following the killings, the "T\'e respectfully call to your this meeting, the first nR.tioin?ii ©f Poland. The echo went through iro, publicity; and Miss Ruth Alo r m a n o e ? of iht Oi-paniiw; !<: Arab Supreme Committee pub-! attention the fact that -while E conclave of; R £iionipi. ^ro^r since 'Jewish life. From Eastern Ger- len, secretary. Ephraim Marks is listed a manifesto denouncing i Stricken as she rose to speak strict censorship hss been impos- the twentieth. Zionist conilevenre. many came floating on Jewish general chairman ojl the Forum Ivlrs. LeveiiSoii, v. ho is Y<Yimolu<.?(! in (hf- I:?B; r>C i \.'li?su New York (JTA) — The Am-the crime and expressing the re-1 at the Bikur Cholim meeting at ed upon the Jeirish press of ?olips the old, old slogan: "Polen Committee. dent of the local frrour. is one of grets of the Arab population. j the Jewish Community Center,! has been compeller l a n d f erican Legion's nineteenth annual Orv''\r.r-" prc; y._- . ^larti 1st noch nlcht verloren!" The Tickets will go on sale October convention voted last week to ask Andrews was named commis-: Mrs. M. G. Cohen died Tuesday, t 0 o m i t a n r r e f e r e n c e t 0 T i o l e T ! c e i but two yromPTi wiio hear! .Trwi-iT ^ r . y ? ; • : . i j i . ^ ' v : : . T r"vs; 5 and may be procured from >"F.tiOI1&l FuBr! CrV-Tlfllp. "Tir' Jiap ffimes correspondent cables: "The Congress to investigate organiza- sioner during the 1936 disorders-j night of a heart attack. Mrs. :t h e S g| t s tion ajrainsi the Jews on Jew seems to be an ideal scape- members of th© committee or at tions in the United States "mili- When the Royal Commission ar-: Cohen, a resident of Omaha for:t n e o t h e r >,al,d i s r e r t n i t t e d tc receivprl P. persoTi?;! ir:">'i;?.*ion goat for all. the economic and the Jewish Community Center, tantly serving Germany, Italy, rived in P a l e s t i n e t o s t u d y m e a n s | twenty-four years, w a s 62 y e a r s : c o n t j n u e -srithout r e s t r a i n t . A t . t h e from Pr. Isreel GoUlsteir. Tor Hiemoral ailments, of the country." Goldstein-Chapman's and Herz- Russia, Spain or any other coun- of s o l v i n g A r a b - J e w i s h dif ficul- | of a g e . 'same time, the government, which con ferpnec. ffhe brutality of the romantic lib- bergs. i ~i' t ' F r "' i z. \ ties, h e w a s assigned t o aid them i S h e h a d b e e n p r e s i d e n t of t h e has at its disposal the full try." • i Ladies Free Loan Society, Secre- strength of its military machinery erated Poles to our people is inThe 1,341 delegates without de- in their work. tary of the Chesed Shel Ernes, h a s f £ i l e d t 0 u { m j s t h a t p D T e r t 0 describable. No cruelty , i s . too bate or dissent, approved the re'gross, no chicanery too vile. Suck and active in the affairs of the Ip r e T G nt bloodshed En to surpleport of the Americanism commitim'en »re the knightly Aryans. Not all, Bikur Cholim. • h t I tee calling for the investigation Individual by individual. God lorSurviving are her husband; \I y | ne ff ect 5Te policins: roethods. and also for legislation to deport t h r e e Eons> M i c h a e l a n d L bid. But the peoples. Mrs. Anna Gerellck, 72, a res- aliens and punish Americans who o ^ s of] " .< The s i t u a tion of Polish Jewry And the West? The West in ident o f Omaha for twenty-five advocate overthrow by force of and George of New ] i s m o s t d e s p e r a t e ; The Jewish ; Omaha, the noblest sense? And Britain? years died Saturday at a local constitutional American GovernI York; and three brothers, Jake ! community, two-thircs of which • ', / In the hands not only of every hospital. . Omaha Lodge of B'nai B'rith | Shapiro of Omaha; Max Kaplan j ttoday ment. d y lives beneath the eubsisf of K city; and l Morris n Kaplan ]] tance level, is threatened trUb r'eJew but. of everyone who in any Surviving are three daughters: The resolution condemed "Com- will open iits currentt season of: lays claim to the name of Mrs. Ida Bernstein, and Mrs. Net- munism, Fascism, Nazism and all activity with a Smoker at Hotel jof Madison, Wisconsin. EtructsoTi by I'TirpKirairPit Koolieither gentleman or Christian or tie Katzman of Omaha, and Mrs. other' forces seeking to destroy Hill on Monday evening, October j Funeral services were held panism, which meets little rpsis- O::.:.: loth should be that quiet, that Sophie Margolin of New York; the American form' of Govern, 11, according to an announce-! Thursday at the Jewish. Funeral j tance on the pert oi the govsnir 1 tragic, that unbelievably restrain- three sons, Isador arid Louis of ment." ment by Harry B. Cohen, vice-j Home. Rabbi David A. Goldstein :m e n t authorities. ed address.- which Dr. Chalm Omaha, and Jacob of New York; president. j officiated.. Burial was in Pleasant | . , .Weizmann delivered before the and a brother, Louis Pressman of Various entertainment features'; Hill Cemetery. hh-i Zionist Congress in Zurich on Au- New York. are being arranged for the affair j gust 4th. Dr. Weizmann has been Funeral Bervices were held by a committee headed by Hymen Jacob Rodrignes Pereira inaccused in Jewish and Zionist Sunday 'afternoon. Shrier. A short business meeting j vented the system for instructing Circles of being too much the will be held prior to the program, deaf-mutes. friends of Britain, of yieldnig too PLAN MEMORIAL At a recent meeting of the Eeth-El Svr.acoETUo A-nxiliar:I think, vindicated. He repeats members of the B'nai Israel SynBnpinely to Britain. He is now, FOREST FOR will open its fifth series, of boo'k ' agogue, the following members several times his perception of evenings on November Eth P.t the were elected-to serve as commitIhe most tragic of circumstances: GERSHWIN Jewislt Commurijty Center. As in teeman for the coming six New York (JTA) — A 10,000 months: Joseph Tretiak, Stanley "Things are not done in England, \ ether yesrs Piabbi PavM A. GoM9 they occur." It is not" so jiard to tree George Gershwin Memorial F. Levin, William Weiner, Paul j stein will present sis reviews clnrunderstand. If they were' consci-. Forest In Palestine la being plan- Rosen, Elihu Bloch, Joe Bernj ing the winter. The final edition of tbe Omaously done, according to the de- ned by friends of the late compo- stein and Meyer Ferer. ing a raere adjunct of a job-1 The first book to be reviewed ha Bee-News on Tuesday brought concern, and was devoted will be "The Citadel" by A. J. cision of the best kind of English ser, who have formed a commitThe newly elected committee- to a close the sixty-six year-olfi - -men, they would have to be done tee to sponsor a memorial con- men will meet this coming Sun- career of the enterprise founded entirely to* the ideal" of being Cronia. On November 22nd Kabhumanely and honorably and in in the Metropolitan Oprea d a y a f t e r n o o i l i a t h e T e s t r y r o o m s by the late Edward Rosewater, made'a potent publication. bi Goldstein will review "Three some knightly fashion. So they House on January 11, it was an- of the synagogue to elect the Omaha's outstanding Jewish, pioUnder .Rose-water the Bee j Comrades" are'— as in the whole matter of nounced this week. chairmen of the various standing neer. Besides Rosewater the list ! wielded tremendous political in-jerque. On >ece-n-.!)er lSlh. "Th? the Mandate for. Palestine — per- The chairman of the committee committees of the synagogue and of original ^stockholders in the and created politi Outward Koc-a" mitted to occur. The famous mud- is I. A. Hirschmann. The forest also to elect one of their number old Bee included suca. well-known storra after politics! storm. Rose-; am and "The MiTid Thst Tpv.r-g. " dling through is a. muddling will be located on a hillside not to serve as chairman of the com- Jewish citizens of old Omaha as water occupied eeversi important j se' W. Beer?. far from the Ossip Gabrilowitsch through on. the basis of greed, mittee of the whole. political position- and twice was! • "KatriBa" Sally Sslminer Andrew Rosewater, J. C. Rosenfalseness, cruelty -—of abandon- grove. . Icr Jr.r.«F.r; Plans wiil also be formulated feld. Max Mayer, and M. Hellman. candidate for "United State Sena-i has been se ing, as in this case, those whom . - . I id "To'ir.g- Kcnry cf Nnto stimulate activity in the syn- The Omaha Bee was establish- tor. ' r f 1 T. Britain had promised to protect NAZIS STOP MEfWHlM agogue and increase the member- ed in 1S71 to gain public sympaFollowing-the death « o £ Rose-! and of empty gestures and honeship, particularly among the thy for a bill introduced in the water .his son, Victor, for several i IXli Los Gatoa, Calf (WNS)— Yedeep disloyalty to sacred commit- hudi Xlenuhin, young Jewish gen- younger people in the community. legislature-by Rosevrater, then-a j years continued as editor. Later; wi, ments and' the cause not^only of ius of seleetea Et a !5t?r dste. violin, will not play Discussion will also bo held rela- representative from Omaha, tojthe.'Bes interests vere scld to!to the Jewish people but of Britain Robert the tive to the calling oi a general create a Board of Education for Nels Updiie, Omaha grain opera-1-'. Tickets ras; • be secured fr o~ Schumann's lost violin itself and of every.hope which In concerto for the first time in pub- meeting-of the entire membership H. Kulafcofsky a distracted pagan world decent lic because the German Govern- to consider the feasibility of con- Omaha. Originally a pamphlet- tor, .and were finally acquired- oy ' either Mrs. Eg, co-chsirniesized sheet it became immensely Irs. E. A. N. the Hearst clsain in 1S28. men still harbor. No wonder that ment wants it played in Germany solidating the several orthodox popular and what "was originally! Rosewater and Fiineas Hitch-1 the series. *SVeizmann, forced In,all .sobriety first. synagogues into one large congre- Intended as a temporary journal-j cock, father of the. late Senator) ) to rehearse the .sorry tale of- this gation. ' - . . . . . . Publishing rights are controllistic.enterprise became one of the j Gilbert Hitchcock who founded || Kendes, Di;ts oi Kit;-bitter and brutal betrayal, was so thatllene, a Spanish Jew of Turkey most . prominent -papers ia the-! the Omaha ' TCorld-Kerald deeply moved that he had to ask ed in Germany and Menuhin had r»rX n '1, I f * r r< to acquiesce. He had hoped to Guisseppe Lazzaro Morpurgo, the sixteentl I now absorbs the Bee-Ne-ws, vere westt was r-espoasi! for a five minutes' break; no ' o f> centcry alliance between Turfcej give it its world premier in St. an: Italian Jew, founded .the first ' It was the first Qrs&ha paper to I at one time bitter political eneia.(Continued on page 8.) ! S,on Kopsf.em, ' neater in Pv.'Jestine hear Tiberl»», Louis, November 12th. End England against SpainAustrian insurance company. free itself from the custom of be-]ies.
To Be Given at Paramount on October 19
17th. 1337.' :. COSTEU^O CE K.
-Like Fashion
with Gold Ring
American Legion Seeks Probe of Militant Aliens
HA 1 2 2 6
Mrs. A. Gerelick Died on Saturday
G. Coiien
B'nai B'rith to Open Season
Announce New Committeemen For Synagogue
to Give Series ' of Book Reviews
1 r.
Find Community Plans for Costa could succeed In these towns, they Not a Jewish merchant could would prove,, that they could suc- have a stand. Pale, haggard and Claiming Descent Rica Colonization ceed elsewhere in Poland: Jews In worried these Jews who formerly these small towns are merchants dealt there, saw their bread and from Ten Tribes Meet Opposition and traders and artisans. Some butter, slipping from their grasp. New York (JTA) — The As make shoes and clothing and I visited another community New York (JTA"i — An isolatVnad trade them with the products of where a pogrom had taken place. ed Jewish community exists in sociated Press reports from Sai Because of the High Holidays the Is'ear East whiqh'Btill uses Ar- Jose, Costa Rica, that the Publi the farmer. Others go to the vll-1 There, already the community lage markets, set up their stands •was being supported by relief late Friday night services at theamaic, the language of the Tal- Registrar has refused to recorc and sell their wares. They all live funds which came from the Joint Vaad will not be held until Oc- mud, with Hebrew script, it waf a deed for the Tenorio plantatiot by carrying on useful economic Distribution Committee, but it tober 15. However starting at reported by Dr. Walter J. Fischel. property in the name of the RefuBy Rabbi Ferdinand Ieaerman activities with Polish peasants, too was holding d g on n to Its its place. plac, JJ that date an interesting yearjs research Professor of Islam His- gee Economic Corporation for use activities they and their ancestors waiting until the fury will spend II program, tentatively decided up- tory at the Hebrew University, as a colonization project. The action was based, the A. p. said, have been carrying on . for cenwho is here for a lecture tour. and normal relationships on, will start. The Jews in Poland and from Slnala, where the King's chanukah lamp informed me that turies. In • these twenty-two towns itself, on the ground sovereignty of Cos~ . = - - -_ , • The community was discovered •with-their.neighbors will re-.j[October Every Wednesday, beginning Kounianla are making n valiant summer palace is, there came or- he cannot afford one. For thearound Blalysto'ck, wiil Blalystock, the antisumed. The blame for thebe. condiKopst ^ lurdistan area a geograp- ta "b eRica. "' The " l o question i«>=OUWu raised rumen win antlThe "blame I.October 6, Rabbi Milton Kopstein takpn t o t h e u r stand against the brutal forces ders' for butter from the Oungre chanukah lights he uses a large Semites were posting pickets In I tion of the Polish Jew rests upon will lead the Chebra Shas at ine j / H , - ^ ™ craved' bv Iran ' P eme Court, j of anti-Semitism that seek to colony In Bessarabia. Perhaps' the potato or a board. I next, accost- f t fJ i h t d I l d i l B t h Hamedrosh Hagodel SynaSyna-;! & c « a»«'on snaiea y * a ., ,the .. . hical v _Jdispatch s 1 added. of Jewish store* and stands I an immoral and a spineless govsaid j Bruno Schachner, asistant «ee«overwhelm thehu, says .Rabbi King, thriving on butter produced ed a pious old Jew. I knew that front Tractate Psochim will! preventing by force Individuals ernment. ' The masses o£ Polish j Ferdinand Isserman of St. by Jewish subjects, will be induc- Jie would have a chanukah lamp. from entering these stores and peasants retary of the corporation, said in are friendly to the Jews, j be continued. : souls believes itself descended New York his office had no inll/onls, who has just returned to take some just steps to en- He had. He did not care' to show patronizing these stands. These but the government withholds Its; •win b 1 from a visit to those countries. ed j from the Ten Lost Tribes of Isable them to better their lives. it to me. Ho said it was black- pickets are paid and financed by formation regarding the reported Temple rael. . • , In this article ho not only pre- When I asked • a Jewish, farmer ened. When the war came he had non-Jewish merchants in their police protection. Its officials in-1 action. crease Jewish taxes, when they j *ory V sents a clear and uriretaached | how he liked it, he said ho'worka to flee, and with hl3 other preTonight at Temple Israel RabProf. Fischel macle a scientific endeavors to replace the # jews. lEtratl 'picture of every day life In the know- that the Jews earn nothing. bi David H. Wice will give the tour through Persia, Kurdistan, Patronize Our Advertisers harder now than ,he did before cious belongings, he buried his I came to the town of Rutkl, At the same time, tliey waive .the |f i r g t o £ t w 0 s e r m_o n s o n the crisis Iraq and Afghanistan. He said Jewish communities'of Poland chanukah lamp in the ground t u r p s o f t h e i r e o m n p t i t o r s . J e w . . . . _ _ * . . . _ • -*•<•_.• m*,;* „,-,=_ Cointn I and Roumania but gives a real when he-was a peddler, but he Is of their competitors- Jew- £ 7 ^ ^ , , ™ ! a f f a irs. This eve-j ^^s^d^coveveT7s\&mic Uarsatisfied. He has rest. He has se-and BO it was blackened. That approximately 30 miles from j5taxes sh "Omtftml MM* I*|«tor MOTS I insight into the mentality of curity. Schemes do not plague his lamp now stands in my study as Bialystock. In Rutkl, no Jewish j a n merchants receive no credits. n j n g - s s e r m o r i i "The Little World ranos in Iran. They were forced merchant had publicly sold any-| d their incompetent rivals are iW a r 8 o f 1937/' j s an analysis of to become converted to Islam « a reminder of the piety of the mind at night. Daily he goes to car the field, performs his labor and noble Jew whom in untoward cir- thing for weeks. While sitting imj even paid hy the government to ; t h e s 5 t u a t } o n , xext week Rabbi century ago but secretly main" I The Editor. will speak on «A _ Battle t a i n e d " t h e t r a l l e g i a n c e t'o J u d a . knows that food and shelter and cumstances did not forget his the home of a Jew, a peasant Instead of much needed agrarian j woman stealthily came In to buy A g a i n s t T l m e _ W hat Are Our tJod. It also will keep freah'.in my ease will be his lot and that of One haB a right to expect the to • 6 :t some cloth. She came in through reform, instead <jf the develop-; C n a n c e g p o r p ea ce," a solution.nrday Uews of Roumanla to be In a hap- his family. The homes of those memory the Roumanian city built the rear entrance. A few minutes ment of Poland's natural re-1 o f t n e c r i s i S by American-Jewish generosity. Jewish peasants are ample and pier plight. Roumaula's populaSn tb Patronize Our Advertisers later, in that very home, a clean sources, the government, is offerend i 'ion 'grew from seven million to spacious. They own one of the The lot of the'Jews of .Rou-cut lad of 22, "a butcher, with a ing the Polish people the jobs and ] Friday evening services start at Saturday In the wenty-two million since the three tractors in ' Bessarabia. mania could be immediately ame- torn and bleeding hand and tears the economic places of the Jews. 8 o'clock. Regular [world war. It Is a rich agricul- Their scientific farming has won liorated If' the* public opinion of in his eyes, came to report what For the Jews, it is making no morning services will be held at tural country. It haa no unem- for them the respect of their the world would demand that the had happened to him. He hadplace. It • is unconcerned. The ; 11. ployment, but the Jews ot Rou-neighbors and the commendation new-'Roumanian' nation obey in gone about the countryside in Jews of Poland cannot leave as The religious school of Temple Xnanla are miserable. They arei of the government. letter and In spirit the clauses of his usual- mariner, purchasing Jews have left Germany. Three Israel will open Sunday morning. ^miserable because of political clr-' The misery that I saw in Klsh- the Treaty of Versailles, guaran- talves from farmers. Because of and a half million people have Beth El cumstances, and because of the Inev was also evident In Czer- | teeing full privileges of cltizen- the -agitation, hfe waited until the never migrated en masse. The At services tonight Rabbi Har[perverted nationalism which is ship -to Jews, to all minorities. farmers called him, knowing that Jews of Poland do not want to ry Jolt of Lincoln will occupy the :HaJ [wrecking their country. The Jews nowitz, a large JewlBh center. These minorities then could help some would not care to deal with leave. They will stay. They must pulpit. He will speak or< "These Poverty refined and unrefined Is tol Roumania gained cltiKcnshlp develop the wealth of Roumania. him. One farmer called him and stay and we must help them stay. Three — A Study in Character to be seen everywhere. Jews, a car. take a ride hrough the Treaty of Versailles. They, could help modernize Rou- invited him to come to his stall Their courage and their heroism Development." though a goodly portion of the JTbat. Clause, Roumanla has vioFor next week's services Rabbi manla; They could help raise its to examine a calf. As he entered and their determination is inspirated in spirit If not in letter. city's community, are on the de-level' ing. They are as if beneath the Goldstein has chosen as his serof living. It was the Treaty the stall, the farmer let Ioosg his fensive, and wonder what opporJThe aim of the government is to tunities for livelihood there will !"of Versailles which gave Rou- dog upon him, and the torn hand fire of the enemy's planes. All mon topic, "By What Standards jiualjt llmlnate all members of mlnorl- remain for them. No institutions t mania a chance for greatness. Un- was the result. He ask'ed whether thev want is that we help them Should We Measure Greatness." . Omaha's Moat Popujtlea, of whom the JewB are only lar and Fastest build temporary bomb-proof he should complain to the police. are adequate or can possibly meet less she clings to that treaty, she i 30 per cent," not only from all To lodge a complaint was exthe need. The Jews of Czernola doomed to destruction. ThTlevel o f ^ Hvin, to j REPRESENTATIVE SIR0V1CH j SELLING igovernment posts, hut from all and Roumania is so low j AUTOMOBILE (Other strategic points within the ,wits'and Roumanla feel that they • Germany is a battlefield on pensive. Witnesses, he had none. tPoland n a a must hold on to their positions, dollar, a week can rescue f3&mdi kingdom. Germans, Ukranlans, and that they must insist on their which I. saw . the corpses of my He was advised to treat his. hand ! * bj-ethren who were picking up the and forget about the incident, a-family and may be the differ- MAGAZINE Hungarians, Russians, Poles, like jjews, are feeling the cruelty of right to live and to make a living dead and who have, been forced .What was the effect upon him? ence between life and death, bePhon* this Roumanlanizlng passion. All in Roumauia. They do not fear to retreat. Poland also is for the He will hesitate to. go out andtween \ealth and disease, be- . New York (WNS) William the fate of Germany's Jews, They Bennett L. Cohn I. Sirovich.^Democratic Congressbesots tot these have been eliminated arc' fivfe per cent of -the popula- Jew_s a battlefield, but from that buy calves, and thus by terror tween hope and despair. I believe that the Jewish pic- man o£ New York, will be the" edtn from government positions- All of tion, but they must find trades battlefield there can and must be may be forced to abandon his for Demontration tnre is at Its somberest now. for | itor of a new monthly magazine,' 3BS Sl ithese are being slowly pushed out and occupations for their chil- no retreat. Three and a half mil- trade and lose his livelihood. lion Jews live in Poland. They MAX M. EAKISH pt trade'and commerce. Through In' the same community, I saw the forces .of darkness are being ! "The New Democracy." Its pub• • the withholding of credits, dren. They must challenge the constitute one-tenth of its popu- a man with a bandaged nose. He checked. Democracy in Europe is j lisher, Paul J.- Swift, announces through the denial of public con- government until }t recognizes lation. They cannot be uprooted. was an expressman. He - would stronger today than it was four' that the magazine "will wage a tracts, the government is slowly their rights as ,human beings. To uproot them would Involve haul timber from the. woods to years ago. Holland, Belgium, Nor- [holy war against the unholy forfbut purely squeezing the Jews of With the help of Joint funds In Poland in catastrophe. The Polish | town with his team wagon and i way. Sweden, Denmark England, i ces which seek to undermine the Koumanla out of the positions Bucharest, a lace factory has been government • • • -is• today ' - ' sanctioning - - a team of horses. He was strong! Switzerland are more firmly root- j foundation of American life." *hey hold, and is trying to make' Initiated. There, little children policy of economic dispossession and healthy/and hearty. He had I ed in liberty today than ever, j Fascism is specialically mentioaare being taught to make Brusthem a nation of drawers of Plymouth and Commercial Trucks of the Jew, which. If it succeeds. gotten a load of • timber, and With the iriumnh of democratic ed as one of the isms atand hewers of wood. The while driving home through the Ideals come freedom, enlighten- tacked. The first -issn'e of ' the rosperlty that is Uoumanla's not admit Jewish chldr'en to pub-Jews, upon Poland's soil. To ac-woods' boys threw stones at him ment and fair play' and freedom! magazine will apear on December ZS63 Farifami St. WE 0900 brings despair and hunger lic industrial achools. I saw ancomplish this end. the Pollsli gov- and broke Tils .nose. He will be tor Israel- The Jews of Germany j 1st. 11-year-old girl learning the art. ernment \ is withholding police afraid.,.to .carry .on his business, are lost. The Jews or Rouinama jfcnd hopelessness to its Jews. \\ In the city of Kishinev, I vis- I asked why that child was notprotection from Jews in Innumer- and the Jewish timber merchant are being crucified by a perniPatronize Onr Advertisers the areas of historic pog- t school. I protested against its able communities. It:is. encourag- for whom he hauled will also cious philosophy. The political Scenes greeted me there premature labor. She had com-ing, it' Is*'financing, It^ is abetting lose his medium for a livelihood, pressure of world opinion can {which' seem even more appalling ileted four years of schooling. crimes against tfremf-•Tne" 'police fettt the inhabitants of Rutkl take them off the cross. In the jthan pogroms. I saw Jews living That Is all the government re- protect the ,criminal. Even Chris- .were not crushed. They s*!d they meantime, we must pour healing j .* dn shacks that no lover ot anl- quires. More advanced schooling tians who dare to purchase from must remain where they are. balm in their woupds. The Jews 1 {mals in America would use foris expensive. That girl's parents a Jew, either because of good They owned their homes and • of Poland are caught In the grip j w dog kennels. In these shacks, have no means. Is It not better, values or -because of friendship, their stores-. They know that the | of a cruel vise, but they are | Where Omaha Shop* wish Confidence there w e r e no w i n d o w s they safd, to have her though 11 are apt to be arrested by thePolish1 peasants love them and j strong. They courageously resist j •ears old to earn some money so if*""* !ffhe only aperture was through ' deal ' "'with "' them. '" -- -Pol- t ij e g r o w i n ? r pressure though they! government police for creating want' to The L. I jths doorway. There were no hat her family and she will have disturbances. A Christian woman ish peasants know that they suffer/ They need our help and] food and they will not succumb to A W tetoves. Six, eight and ten lived who sold milk to a Jewess found serve them well. They, state they with our help and God's blessing. "" l«n one filthy hole In the wall. I tuberculosis? For the government that her cow -was poisoned. It must not leave for the big cities, j they can hold their positions and 1 lentered one of these hovels. does n6t care, and the king con- sounds like Germany. It is like They must hold their places and j look forward to happier days. ! '-,. IfThere, I saw a pregnant mother, tinues in his extravagances and Germany. Jewish children are the Jews of the world must send (CopyriKht. 1!)37, b"y Seven Arts '-,»t j^r'^ith f ^ i t h a two year oid baby in her builds his mock happiness upon feeling uncomfortable In Polish them the ammunition so that they Feature Syndicate) ffr.5brms. The baby's face was filled the blasted childhood of this and schools, and next year Jewish can live and remain liquid, and other youngsterscynag sickening sores. Files "were communities will have to spend so that their livelihood will not i Dedicate Gustloff Bridge aftem° Ceutlng upon them, I actually I visited the city of Viehnltt. millions of slotys for the build-i be destroyed. They feel that no | lunchj ^became faint and could not re-It is on the Polish-Roumanian Julius Nuremberg (JTA) synag Snaln in that atmosphere for an- border. Prior to the world war, ing and the financing of Jewish help that we give them is too schools so that Jewish children of much. They are convinced that Streicher. high, priest of German other moment. I left-a" small coin it was on the border of Russia and I with the woman. She kissed' my In Austria-Hungary. This was one Poland will not be compelled to the new merchants are incom- anti-Semitism, p e r f o r m e d the tne pi hands as If I had been a messiah. of the first towns to be invaded face the Insults of brutal teach- petent, are clumsy, and in the ab- ceremony of re-naming the Halers as had the Jewish children of sence of competition, will render I i e r o Bruecke Into the Bride of This is exceptional, home. by the' Russian armies. It had ---MT There are streets upon streets been one hundred per cent Jew- Germany. In some communities, terrible.service. Already, the peas-! 'Wilhelm Gustloff in honor of the f Je tilled with such hovels, where the ish, and had sheltered a great the schools are expressly located ants^are dissatisfied. If Jews can Swiss Nazi leader slain by a Jewin rural areas by officials so that hold out for a year, or a year ish medical student. "Stench is foul, where only dis- rabbinical academy. All of its \ j e w t s n children could not possi- and a half at the most and stay)j large obllisk; was erected at -lease flourishes, where human be- people had to flee. Every house bly attend'them, and so that Jews at their posts, they are certain j one of the pillars of the bridge next% and was demolished by the invading compelled to build their that they will prove victorious, surmounted by' a (bust of Gust< t- ™ v. prosperous, rich government is armies. Yet, today, the town i s own schools and finance their and the conspiracy against them loff and bearing the inscription, P .tnconcerned. Right there In Kish- rebuilt entirely b y funds contrib- own teachers. I visited the area will. crumble. "Wilhelm Gustloff, Jan. 30, 1S95 inev too. I visited the Joint bank uted by American Jews through I visited another town on mar-—Feb. 4, 1936; killed by a Jew." Blotsi the Joint Distribu- the Joint Distribution Committee, of Bialystocjc- Around that city, there are twenty-two small towns, ket day. It was a Jewish town. tion Committee. There -I learned As I looked about its streets, Its the population of which is large- Not a Jewish merchant could sell. Patronize Our Advertisers jj that the American word "Joint" homes and Its stores, I saw not Itliarg because of the generous philan- merely bricks snd. mortar and ly Jewish. In these small towns; the anti-Semitic forces of Poland thropies of American Jewry had lumber, but I saw the character, were concentrating to break the ' • become something holy and sa-the ideals of American Jews. I Jews* Economic status. If they tlcred in the minds ot Christian remembered the, tears that I .knd Jew alike. That I came rec- shed,-and my congregants' in Chijommended by the Joint Distribu- Knoxville, Tenn., shed with tne, jjt Iilitlon. Committee made me a prlv- when while a student at the HeBd person and enabled me tobrew Union college, I made my -unusual courtesies from the first appeal for overseas Jewry, You can now install Amer- . to OMAHA FOOD SHOW ce. The Joint bank Is otfi- There I saw the fruit of their ica's Most Beautiful OIL jBpeak£ered W intelligent men. They d( generosity. I was /thrilled. So • October 11 to 16 BURNER at the lowest 1 " Sinw n a t they can to help lift their •would all.American; Jews who cowith every pound of prices in its history. Actbelda brethren out ot the mires ot des- operated In this great venture by ual blasts conducted fay i*air. But the poverty confronting service or by money or by both. the American Radiator overwhelmluR. Their re- The town is no longer 100 per j__^ iMJ]jtiiem is overwiioiui Company show this burncent Jewish. The Jewish officials ;Jlh.e -sources are slender, er to hate 1O to 12 per Pf ,tty One bright spot in Bessarabia have lieen demoted, _ and ' noncent increased efficiency iW. ttftras the farm colony financed by Jewish Roumanians have taken with a corresponding fuel their placesIn that town, I was aid ?, tne Jewish Colonisation Associaeconomy. t t i o n . , Sixty Jewish-families have anxious to buy a chanukah lamp. ibeen'living on th» land for seven f ( r g t J e w r a g k e d u h eh ah d years. They have become-good farmers and are making ft living are paying back the ICA tor outlay. Sheep and cattle" and and poultry are products ot tnese Jewish, agriculturists- Good Let us Show yon this outstanding Oil Burner y haa come out of their Vah» for 1937. You'llfcesurprised at the low • S w e s s t B . Their butter and inllk
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I for Costa a Colonization leet Opposition Tort (JTA) — The As Press reports from Saj tata Rica, that the Publi ir has refused to recon •or the Tenorio plantatlot • in the name of the 3lefuaomic Corporation for use mization project. The aca based, the A. p . said, rroond sovereignty ot CosThe question raised will m to the upreme Court, atch added. rSchachner, asistant secf'the corporation, said in r t his office had Bo in>n regarding the reported onize Our Advertisers
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Literature and the Jews
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Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent
i, i ' . v ,. t , \ i ' i n s i n ad e s -,"• i .^i < ! i » m h a s a bo£tl«
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sufficient fo:
By Rabbi Frederick (John i • . he may react • < i- and, if botl "With the conclusion of our Holy Days we begin the rei, , ! would not b< v reading of the Torah in all synagogues throughout the world By DEI. TEEODOSE N. LITKTS , -i , • . • •• voi-.if] die o As already explained the Torah is the basis of the Old Rabbi, Mount Siaai Tesaple, Sices G t r ; t flee l a r e d t l i a iii M I D : {,. i...... ,.:• h- brf.ter tha Testament as well as of the entire Jewish development. The j boih should <>;iik '<<nt'- d i e . thai New York (JTA) — The powOld Testament is the basis of what we call 'the Bible.' Chris- "THE SPIRIT AND STRUCTURE eluding fonr chapters, considers of the State Board of Resents ; ont- iihouiu wi:n(-.'f"-- U>r death o; tians acsept the Old Testament as part of their Bible, on a par OF GERMAN FASCISM"' KOB- the rigid stratification of social 1 er to bar 50 Jewish refugee r-hrsic- hi?' con*vi''clFt i:p.i;iI K. /Vk[ba cpnic with and as of equal validity with the New. The Old Testa- ERT A. BRADY. THE VIKING classes imposed by Nazi doctrines. ia.ES from practice for failir.g to i and Unicht i L<ev. ' 5 . 7 ! that thj j In the realm of _ agriculture, to j n i ' r livo v."i:.U Ihee thv ment is really the core of the Bible, the Bible proper. It is the PRESS. 420 PAGES. .fiS.OO. i which a "unique"'role is assigned | take a State examination will be ' brother < ? w T 5 ii'i'p is jivoievrod io f.'ie life tested in an action started in the Few, know the aim of Fascism, in the Nazi scheme of things, the j only Bible that the Founder of Christianity knew. When he State Supreme Court. of lliy brother. Its purposes and its methods, and peasant has been reduced to stasaid "Search the Scriptures," he meant the" Hebrew Scriptures. FahS'5 Simon s.-iit-: Tl?e u s u e n fewer still can explain how this tus of & slave, eternally subservi- The suit, asking En order inThey were holy to him. He knew no other. Some one has said devilish fraud -was pat over on ent to the master, The Junkers | structing the board to grr.nt li- lose more i™i" •.Vir-y prone, for they tvro large nations, by wnoia, and are even given the services of! censes to the German refugees ! they deny GOG; fwi.hevmore. 'what is true in the New Testament is not new, and what is new And unless one realizes vho youths on. their estates —- gratis, j hss been instituted by Samuel • n;el;e j'osps ur.vlpe fo.r? his law is not true,' meaning, it is o£ a different character from the j Untermyer and Samuel Leibowit? ' untrue, FF.yin.s-~ " " he knew that
come :*t hvui
Owing their power exclusively to ] big industrialists^ the Nazi \on behalf of a prominent German usury brinpF- T crest? profit, he basic teachings of the Old; what accords with the Old Testa-1 0RQ k n o w 3 w h a t F a s c i s m d o e g a n d the awe reverence for the busi-! Jewish gynecologist and obstetric- v.'ou'.n no* hs 'P wriiten that it i s Mr. Samuel Untermyer has uttered a sad but undeniable inent derives its authority from that as the real authentic Bible, j how it does it, one can not ap-Ress- and prohibited." leaders quite comprehen- i ian. AVehear a te great deal nowadays of'the Bible as literature'; predate the present Fascist tea sible. He isis Our K:\bbis were rr.r.irht: The. "truth about Secretary of State Hull's policy in regard to Nazi Papers in the case point out held to be of "the \ ••• , , , . , . , . ., . r, , dencies in the world, tendencies t0Ty v thr«<? are pleading for bocn elite"' and because of super- jthat before Sept. 23, 18 36, 3cl> i'oiiowinjr - ] Germany. Perhaps Mr. Untermyer spoke a little too harshly, ever since Richard G. Moulton, during his lifetime Professor completely triumphant in Gerof Literature at the University of Chicago published his epoch- many and Italy and constituting ior -wisdom, integrity and educa- i physicians were admitted to prac- reSiei i:voni i l e i r -.i'otibles and ^ I as Mr. Untermyer has been known to do. But there is no denyvery few eon {;plr thorn. 1. he making "Literary Study of the Bible," and issued his "Modern a' serious menace to democratic tion, appointed to rule over era- !tice without being obliged to take who ioatiE money without witnespeoples.' The importance of rec-ployees and aids. The rule is \the medical examination, fciit that Commi i u g that the vacillating policy of the State Department has Readers' Bible," based on the Revised Version, but. emphasiz- o g n i z i n g t h ee s s e n t i a l character backed' up by the coercive power '• after that date the board requir- ses or note; £, he who assigns ali e th : * 1' encouraged Germany's flagrant violation of international ing in every way the literary character of the Bible. There {of Fascism can not be exaggerat- of the state, the police, the armj j ed an examination. his possesiotis to Ivi? children it assign! morality. has also recently appeared "The Bible, Designed to Be Read d To T denounce dn t tisi nott enough. h and by a skillful and mendacious ; All 50 doctors have obtained while he is s/uil slive; :.".. he whose The United States more than'any "other-of the democratic Only when its aims are clearly propaganda machinery. A more their first citizenship papers and v;iEe rVLies cvgr him. tiie jj as Living Literature," which has had such appeal that it hasrevealed will civilization rise up perfect system could not be creat- have passe-d examinations in T.n- Kobba bad some <"•*. rrier? who •nations is in the position to put the Nazis in their place - - if become a 'best-seller'; although the Bible, in all its translations in arms against it and only then' ed for the old fashioned indus-. glish. They include sever?.! out- curing f'heir work broke s barrel to' 6 that be possible. Yet it has not only evaded a responsibility and editions, still out-tops all other books as the leading 'best will all those whom it seeks to trial tyrant Yrho. nnfier Nazism | standing specialists. The „ gyn-of wine helnnsrins: to him. H e 2a thj o f upholding the principles of democracy in the face of the degrade and debauch — which enjoys large .profits, pays subsis-j ecologist is credited with import- look their gs"merits tor t.he d a m Includes ninety percent of snsn- tence wage, and enjoys complete i ant discoveries in his field. He f:irf Cc.used liim and they came to reappearance of international anarchy, but may even be ac-seller' of the world.. 'The Bible as Literature!' The Bible 13 literature, the lit- ; kind — stand as flint against j f r e e d c n l tr'om labor u n i o n s , formerly was an instructor in complain before Kob. who comcused of going out of its way to .be friendly to a group who erature of -the Jewish people, produced by them from the this savage barbarism which is strikes, protests manded Robba to return their asd all public or mecljcal education at Ereslau. insult America at every opportunity.1. garments. The carriers complain-r earliest times, down to the canonization of their writings a s without a parallel in human hta-' , slb ,«e eexpresisons The papers were served on Dr. ot discontent. xpresiso At the time of the La Guardia Incident the State DepartThe story of the shameful "co- Ernest E. Cole, deputy commis- ed again: "We hungry, and the Sacred Scriptures of mankind. The Bible was written by "The Spirit and Structure ot ordination" of science is one clsioner and counselor of the State we have noth-ir.E io eaL" And Kob ment, while recognizing the New York mayor's words as a little Department o£ Education. The toid Uo'iba tSi;-,;. hp nuist pay Jews, mainly for Jews, called forth by Jewish events and cirthe most uncalled .for, should nevertheless have stood firm. The Nazi case will be head in October by them for theiv labor. Kobbp nsk' the er.tin cumstances though its universal character was present in it ed: "Is so the l a w ? " And he a n Justice William T. Collins. leaders have never pulled their punches in speaking of Amerif.vpred: " Y e s . < i'rov, 2.2") 'And from the beginning. That the literature of one particular peocan ical ; have used its practical rejSlouxj P°lit leaders,".particularly Governor Lehman and La observe the path ot the richtple should .have been elevated to the rank of the leading liter- method afld the Ideals of Fascism, j suits with sstonisning skill. Pure i Fascist JSareb. ; eons/ '' plrs. !i Guardia, l)oth of whom hold positions almost as responsible reveals the base character of the /science, however, -has cessed to ature of the world and adopted by the major civilized portion movement, stud exposes its jji as the presidency itself. ' \ London (.TTA) — The Trade of mankind as no less than divine and Tioly, deemed the \vork plons, defenders and exclusive jI exist. Scientific theory, scientific Our Af]'"prtisers German propaganda of a most insidious nature has J>een of the Deity Himself, is the greatest compliment that has ever beneficiaries. This is a scientific experSaentatioa scientific j Unios Coiinei] instructed its secretary, A. M. Yv'all. to take ali j conclusions must uphold and rer-! Usual freely passed out by the diplomatic representatives under the been paid or could be paid to'any people. The literature of u e j ify those premises which the- Kasi' possible steps to secure ihe l>anaction very nose of the State Department. Yet there have been n© the Jews is regarded as the inspired work of God, in every a n ( i non-partisan, utterly devoid i authorities prociaira to- be ttie !niag oj the scheduled Fascist FOR KENT — Av«»i3ftl>le No-X-W' i truth. At they do not, they are Iras.rcfe through the East End. of V 1 protests, no action. thought, sentence^ syllable, and letter literally the 'word of of passioa, anger and emotion. ! deaouaced as false and heretical, iLo:idon. . f5iilj?.»;f»<* c*?.7)pSfF;T>*,, Automatic st The crowning indignation, one that may be laid a t theGod.' And yet it is a part of Jewish literature which extends, Dr. Brady quotes freely
Mr. Untermyer and Mr. Hull
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gjamd v c r J . , j o o r o ft ]j O g t ate Department and to Secretary Hull was moreover, down to our very day. Jewish literature did notand treatises and permits "'; H o allowing the American Charge d'affairs, in the face of Am-come to an end with the destruction of the Jews as a nation. indisputable authoritSes to estab- | thsir unhappy but i honest authors. Soiae of the fore- I pree 1 I'r.ssador Dodd's objections, to' attend the Nuremberg fes- Even in the Diaspora the Jewish soul was expressive. J e w i s h , ^ g I n l g t w o r J g i n o f ^ ^ ^ 1 aast of pitesoU ou tivities. .:.'•' literature includes Hebrew literature, the part, like the Bible, | a n d l t s ignoble criminal ch&rae-; ?cotild j not Ifr. Hull is an idealist, perBaps the only one left on the'written (mainly) in Hebrew: it includes all other writings writ#jter.. Dr. Brady's residence a n d ; 0 'be sci« re been expelled Irosi j t u d y i... a N». azi . G a aa n y Gee rr ~. ' •' iTiiational scene. If he thinks conciliation with_ Germany ten by Jews in whatever language .(and the Jew expressed s—.,._ ^ enables j the iinlverE-stles, exiled or dig-1
1 »«J
heathenism, could hardly make any impression on thinking l ...
A Merchant Prince . ::' * •••••'' • When one of the occasional Jewish statesmen, depart this, Saent earth,' his death is the^ signal for a barrage-of eulogies which admonish the Jews of the -world to emulate his distinguished ! FJ j career. Yet few Jews succeed to the dignity of political imCbl portance so that such example has little bearing on the, life flected in the immortal pages^of a Shakespeare, a Goethe, a | The first part, "The Co-ordiaa- i ,, . . . .. i tion of Spirit" and consisting of | ..M] of ordinary mortals. Montaigne, a Tolstoy, an Emerson. How superbly great are | S is chapters, deals with the theor-i
of Edward Pilene, who' died last week in the literatures of England, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Rus- j etical foundations, the ideaology! | ol. Nazism. . It analyzes the N&EI — Eiabt) Paris, there is a lesson for every' Jew. Like- most Jews ITileno sia, Scandinavia; even young America! - . , . . . . , . i attitude towards art, towards sclT .^ 'i iDPeaD -was a merchant. Like the more fortunate lie was a wealthy Literature, is life j for it reflects all life. Particularly v i t a l ! e n c e and objective truth, towards merc ian ii Qeldi l t ' Unlike a great many merchants;'large or small, he and significant is Jewish literature. It touches life at its deep- i edncatioa and culture, all c£ ;i j|]jg dj was a merchant prince in the highest meaning of the term. ic h e a d e
Menor&hs, Jewish .Bibles
. . . . . . .' . . . . .literature that breathes such a moral spirit. There other | p ! a c e and duty of woman is reI - 'Si,; versed the process and emphasized the great importance of the literatW-.that is, as Novalis said of Spinoza, so-'God-mtosi- jactionary and shocking. No other '-un? " » l i v i d u a l - L o n ^ before any 'New Deals' sought to ameliorate Icated.' Messianism is a conception-of the Hebrew spirit alone. |f « n c t i o a b u t t h a t o f breeding s=i-
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V/hen T H E important occasions crise . . . be prepared in boauly vith
•-I*Special Price oa Talaisem , for Holidays . , Gifts for Bar Mitzracs PEAYEE BOOES • Res. 60a''s. 50—GL. ES72 P. O. Bos 71.0, QmmhrH
s t o c k i n g ior v o u r beautiful costume . . . tha stocking of rare sheemess a n d 1 becraiv. • p
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Rosier*—P'Wi J !oo<
1 t h ec o u d i t i o n s o f floii the working man,-high he was an ardent advocate .-rvi of the doctrine of short hours and wages. Arid unlike the
. Jews should be proud of being descended from the most i S ^ o r a p S S ^ t r a T n i ^ ^ ^ b S :
tamous authors, oi the world. Jews should do all they can to j introduced so as to persnade Ler ' X | mere theoreticians, h e practiced, what Tie: preached. ..,-.. stimulate and re-arouse. the creative spirit within • them M s y ! t ! i a t s h a i s n G W Appier without Tc lie showed that it was not enough to have the ovcrwhclm- it TX ' •-. ,,., , . , .- . ' • •- . ianr of tier hard won rights a r c G • . .. I privileges
literary-spirit so 'llower' in Israel as to produce again j i T n e S t o o t equality, culture t=5 js. ing desire for justice. He tried to mete out justice to his em the works worthy to be ranked as on a par -with even the world's 1p cr location. Tiie second j>art entitled, b! ployees and where he as an individual fell short, he gave from supreme literary and spirituar^Iasterpieee - - the Bible! _:io:: cf ~!j his own goods that society may learn newer techniques for ex> - - Frederick Cohn.' j tending the rights of man. His million dollar gift to the eo'.: operative movement proved that he was not merely a benevoJewish. Calendar ;- i lent person, but a far-sighted individual who sought a perWHOLESALE ! 5603 ' | 9 SC&MLFf t'k Cltocalstes . 2:: manent cure for what he considered evils. e Kerls!, Cecsta Ec=y 81 Casada ' 0iry Ginger Ale Cig«f * g '. p' Jewish merchants, from our own merchant princes to theHanukkah* 3Ion., NOT. 2f | • F l • Falstaff Beer -3&£ smallest in the city, may well study the career of Edward Fast of Esfher ;.' Wed., Mar. 10 | | 3iS So. IZth Street AT 42S2 'r£?c Pilene and draw inspiration thereof. His was a1 life well-lived. Thurs., liar, 17 t*_ 3a t.
(Style No. C?CX*
est and highest, is probably ..the profoandest interpretation of ! ^ t ^ o t " 6 dit^te^ o f '^^llK life. As Moulton has pointed o u f there is" no other literature, Naders, and to the needs of"pronot excepting any that has such a phenomenon as Hebrew paganda. The Nazi, philosophy j towards labor which has resulted prophecy. I t is" absolutely unique in form and content. The in the practical enslavement ot ', great themes of Jewish literature are God and Right and Hn-the German working classes un- , i man Destiny and the Ultimate Perfection, intellectually, moral- der a slightly concealed mUitan",In a so-ly, spiritually, and socially of all Humanity. There is no other discipline Js ..discussed at length. • . I , ,, i• , • " • . • - . . ••-iThe Nazi interpretation of the i.;. i! weretoo accorded utmost confidence and trust. !' owned, ciety that often puts profits above human welfare, he_ re- . . . - ,
i ii
Hommlnc Z':d
"Whether or not Edward Filene was a devout member of j the synagogue we do not know; yet he was a practicing Jew, t t;| for from his philosophy it is evident that he found much injjand ;| spiration in the words of tjie prophets. -.•••.' . .'• ' In a city of strong social caste, he and the company he ;
v a t e r . J& 44oii ov J& 0 1 0 7 .
What-is literature? I define it as the written record and I t e n seriousiy the power and thehuman liberty and civilization. expression of the soul of man. As such it contains history, the privileges of the dominating
to today. Antiquity lives in such world literature as those of Egypt, of Assyria, and Babylon, of Persia, of Arabia, of China demagogues. Hitler, and to the ] and India. -The Roman Empire may have 'declined and fallen' cruelest of all tyrannies. Once j the reader grasps this cardinal! and the whole classic world perishedj but it still lives in the fact concerning the origin of Fas- j pages of the literature of Greece and Rome. The whole medie- cism, the Fascist technique be-1 val world is .alive in Dante. The entire modern world is re- comes simple, logical, inevitable. J
. ^ ^ f»
S ^^S
And according to the Grand Kleagle, Dr..Evans, the Klan great epics of the world; biography, the story of individual class. Capitalism champions de-J Patronize Our Advertisers only just at long as it i was not interested in intelligent people. His own •words give lives; poetry, the outpourings of the human spirit; fiction, par mocracy poses. As soon as a s e r T e s i t s pur official confirmation to a hitherto known fact that the Klan excellence the mirrors of humanity, the real Hall of Mirrors, i serious threat, arises, from labor, | o Ladh •was an organization of the ignorant—'klansmen should not hein which we" see ourselves as the novelist pictures u s ; d r a m a , ! r elsewhere, the capitalist ruth-| Have a fine proposition for neat appe&riag y o o n j TORIB cynaj.1 . . . . - . , .-_ , ~j> -, • ••• j - - ..j.j \ lessly casts democracy aside and! . ; after) 1 too educated.' represent life luncli Like all these modern movements of ^uasi-fascist nature, instinct with tragedy and comedy;-and even scientific and j d e l ! v e r s h « s country'and people,! tioa to coiap&Ry in Osatlaa.philosophical productions when written not teehnically"and ] "sells out" to any tyrant who will \ intelligence is relegated to oblivion because the principles of C&H JA 1 9 6 4 . such organizations cannot face the glare of truth. The premium pedantically but with a certain amount of human interest, ar- j assure capital, continued power! tistic skill and literary charm. Anatole France defined liter-! industrialists la Italy 'finding is on ignorance. ~ P ary criticism exquisitely, as 'the adventure of the soul among j themselves unable to soiv© the \ pfie Only a few years ago with the modern 'scientific method' Esg-lsJ; roost problems, hand- .TO SHARE -Mi in the ascendancy, it was thought only principles, that would masterpieces.'. In literature we have the masterpieces them-•!| serious ed overeconomic the country, body and house; selves. soul, to Mussolini* a foul and •withstand the scientific approach -would live on. Instead Ve Literature is life. Nations dead and gone, live in their j murderous adventurer. TheGer-j bills paid. Reasojiable reEt. Adults. AT 6 9 3 1 . 2S1I _ find a man who prefixes the academic title 'Doctor.'., to his name, literatures. Civilizations survive in their written words even m an industrialists confronted tH!l.! insisting that his movement has no room for 'education* or jmore than in their deeds; whether these are an old parchment p!pst« 'intelligence.' This alone irom the >£ its"leader, should j scrolls, delicate papyrus, tables of burnt clay, inscriptions on eges challenged by impoverished j be enough to damn the Klan for all time. j bronze and stone, or the myriad forms of books end papers of and- desperate masses, delivered '
and Talmud
And justice is turned backward ! vMh B.V. reode rn c« nvcm* .-.mple, we fear he Is in for a sad disappointment. .• > 3527. dealt wit and righteousness standeth afar j fWM, for Vfrt! r:\Ati I t is time that someone realized that idealism-does n o t ters and . problems ^ of ^particular . ^ ^ r ^ interest i^,.,t •« fW .T.w . T ^ i . h ' " d to whose adrtntage. how it ; off; for truth hath stumbled in to fhe Jew. Jewish ••co-ordiaates" a euphemtem fer o£ true scEec.ce Sn the broad place End i-pri[;fetrifiBs ; Has i\imply 'spinelessness.'r ; cannot enter. literature includes the Bible and Talmud, the Rabbinical writ- degrading degrading sad sad debauching debauching science science Germany. ii. co . The final chapter, "The Looraj i pointi ings, the medieval philosophical and ethical treatises and poeti- [and the arts, labor and the pea-ing Shadow ot Pascisnl Over The I Whereas thou Tiast. beer, forreKg t tlslou Eafeeii and hsted, I -vrill meke thee santry and even smalt business. cal compositions; and such modern writings as those of •World" is • a warniEg to jen eternal excellency, a .ioy of e 5 U 1 J l t e a e a The program and purposes aud I One of the sorriest by-products o£ the whole Justice Black delssohn, Zunz, Geiger, Luzatto, Rapaport, -and Jewish scholar- technique of Fascism are present-1 g ^iea w awoaaen to be!many generations. r Tiim etlie jris-Gji niess is the publicity given the Kn Klux Klan. A few years ship generally; the immense homileticai literature; the works ed in simple language is-ita sciiolsciiol-j°? f u f r f^Ef E S t t h l Violence shall no more be ! n Lino THe heard in thy land, desolation nor S^ )l ago such publicity would have been gladly welcomed, for theof Buch writers as Israel Zangwill, Samuel Gordon, n a r t n a ar«y thoroughness ane _= _ „_„„,, „.„„ destruction vithin thy borders; Every K.ooim Bblnd1 pictures of its leaders showridiculous men, who visualize them- "Wolfenstein, Sholom Aseh, Achad Ha-am, Ludwig Lewisohn,} T h e introduction by j . H. Las- tioiJ^.of capitalistic society. thou shalt call thy vails salva1 f: Hmife This scientific acd scholarly an-1 :: • Pla selves leaders of society. .•'•' " the poet Bialik. The Nazis regard all the works of Heine, Was- ki and the opening chapter ef the tion and thy gates praise. alysis of -German Fascism is an j Today the world, less -ideal;; more blase, does not laugh, s e r m a D ) Feuchtwanger; etc., as being Jewish literature. In avolume define t h e origin a n d indispensable book to all students ! Thy people also shs.ll be ail , . • I . , T - I ' cause of Fascism. I t may be- ca-I of. the contemporary social and jrighteous; they shall inherit the but shudders, at what might have been. f1 f'. *~* sense everything written by Jews, as expressive of the Jewish It e g o r } c a j l y s t a t e d t h a t pasCisni is economic scene, and will be of ex-!land forever. The emotional appeal of the Klan was strong. The night16! TA1.MVD Km. S.»»S device of a disinte-i traordinary interest to sll con- \ ] 'the J! shirts, the flaming crosses, the mystic rites, all smacking of a spirit, the Jewish character and the Jewish psychology is a'the desperate capitalism to crush those I £eld I' . _ j ^ u r c e : o f o p p o s i t i o n w h i c h thre a- cerned with the preservation- of} We are taught in g Bara-i'.ha: part of Jewish literature. people.
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Fi?r«pla.ce. Garare. Speeial ceciar closet. Aiitoir-ia-tic Kot
him to give and doc- .jpatched to Concentration Camps.' the bngu.^ of ft. wild). P e a r l y . t a t umented tccouatcomplete of German h Jewish subjects a n d were concerned with mat- jchm. He. tell., how it function i No mere tragic chapter in the tie- '
The Kleagle Speaks a Truth..;
.Ur Win
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Page g
THE JEWISH PRESS. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1PS7 fere traveling in a jdes ;one of them nas a hpttli i. which" "is sufficientj fo • I only until he may react bited place and.' it boil rink then it would not be md both would dii; o en Pettira declared ilia' a case it is better jihii juld drink and die, thai uld witness the death o: rade; until R. Akiba cam* ght (Lev. 25.7) that thj may live with thee: th> 6 is preferred to the life rother. Simon said: The usuen ire than they profit, foi y God; furthermore, they oses unwise and his- law saying "If he knew that Drings great profit,, he lot have written that it is ted." : Rabbis were taught: .[ The lg three are pleading for from their troubles ;. and JW can help them. 1, he ans money without witnesnote; 2, he who assigns all ssesions to his children is still alive; 3, he whose lies ovgr him. ja had some carriers who ifheir work broke a barrel e belonging to him. He ieir garments for the. damased him and they came to in before Rob, who coini Robba to return their Lts. The carriers complain-; .in: "We are hungry, and e nothing to eat." And Rob tobba that he mus- paytor their labor. Robiia asks so the law?" And he an"¥ea. (Prov. 2.20) 'And e the path of the-i; righttronize Our Advertisers RENT — Available Nojer 1 New 6-room in:ed duplex. Automatic eat and air conditioning. >Iace. Garage. Special r closet. Automatic hot :r. Ja 4466 or Ja 0107.
3 bedrooms -with kitcompletely furnished all modern cohveni, for rent WE 3527.
mstrong Linoleums 1
Linoleum ' o Rubber Tile 0 Accotilc " Lino Tile One for Every Room in the House
Linoleum Co.
3 So. 24th
Ha. £995
Junior Vaad . Auxiliary*'., -
The Omaha Chapter of Hadas-', i_t s Adding seven new pledges to Members of Sigma. Alpha Mi; sah will hold its first meeting of chapter rolls. Alpha Theta of already in the "swine" of a r e The opening meeting ot the the year at the Jewish Commu-' Z e t a Be*-a Tap entered the 1S37 j things on the University of l e Junior Vaad Auxiliary will be nity Center 2:00 p. m., Wednes- school year with high hopes for; braska campus. From upperc'lassheld.on Monday evening, October day, October 6, 1937. Preceding • another successful year. Newly raen t 0 freshmen, the S. A. T.I.'F 4, at 8. p. m. at the B'nai Israel the official business the board 1• Pledged men are: Morton Eiser,. £ r e taking part, in. a variety of liUNCHEON FOR BKIDE-ELECT OMAHA CLUB Of NEW* YORK Synago'gue, ISth and Chicago members will meet at 1:00 p. m. West New Vorlc. New Jersey: activities.. David Bernstein, OjUEhs. linp: The Omaha Club-of New York streets. "An election of officers Forthcoming events for the year ! George Frischer, Kansas C'ty, Mrs. E. V. Lorig entertained at will be discussed. Reports will i Missouri: Samnel Davidson, St. been reappointed as Yeli Kinc, i a luncheon on Wednesday, Sep- will hold a Big Package Party at be given by Chairmen of all the Joseph. Missouri: Paul Krssne, and in that capacity will lecd thp : tember 22, at 1 o'clock in honor its regular, meeting Sunday after- will be held. An Interesting program is be-~\ standing committees. Council Bluffs; Edwin Witten- cheer leaders cs they cavort <>eof Miss Ida Wolk who is to be- noon. October 3. in the Gold Mrs. David Goldstein will talk , kerg. Lincoln: Stuart Ganz. and fore tho iootbail 1'jins. come the bride of. Mr. Max Sacks Room of the Hotel Capitol In ing arranged and refreshmentsi will be served. ' j on t h e ' " P r o b l e m s of Partition." ; Leonard MuaUin of Omaha. In Norman Bordy, Orriaha. ties New York City. on October 31. •-': This will be followed with a < addition, Sam Speir, Jr.. of Kioux: been appointed one of t h e rh^er Philip Mandel of Brooklyn,5 j The hostess presented the brideplay entitled "Hadassah o a - W I s . S- D,, and ex-member of loaders v h o \rii! take part in Ell.' to-be with a set of cut-glass secretary of the Club, who is leav -1 HOMER WOMEH Trial," directed by Mrs. Phiseas i ° « r Michigan .chapter, has affili- f o o t br,ll games. esic,es this. Boring for Omaha, -will take personal "Sherbets and Goblets." The cast will consist' sted with Alpha Theta. dy is considered to frr the !??ri-' Among the guests were the message from Omahans In New The Pioneer Women's Organi- Wintroub. .Continuing its active participa- inp candidctc for the aivins 5iouMesdames Sarah Nathan. Joe York for their friends and rela- zation held a successful tea on of the following characters: tion along extra-curricular lines o r s o a t J i e fniversity's ET-SITUR : Sherman, 3. Goldware, J. Levin- tlvea'liere. September 22 at the Jewish Com- Defense Attorney both members and pledges of Z. tecara. sky, A. Perimeter,- A. Katskee, Mrs. Morris M. Franklin iB.'T. are unpaged in numerous munity Center. Mr. I. MorgenDave Bernstein find Morris and Vera Solson. ATTEND VETERANS Prosecuting Attorney stern, principal speaker, reviewed activities. Irvin Sherman, of Liipp, North Pintle, are on a comCONCLAVE ; .....'...Mrs. David Brodkey Omaha, was recently elected to mittee cf seven to plan and ar-1 the Palestine situation. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Erman and S. A. M. MOTHER'S CLUB On Sunday, October 3, the anPlaintiff Mrs. Haykin membership in Cora Cobs, men s ranee all football rallies io be ! Mrs.J. L. Alberts - The first' Autumn luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Sam" Cohen will nual pioneers flower day will he Witness football leave Saturday morning for Kanmeeting of the Sigma Alpha Mu held. -- . . , Mother's Club will be held TueB- sas City where Dr. Erman la to At the last meeting new offiand Kid_day, October 5 at 1 o'clock at the attehd a meeting of the National cers elected were: Mrs. Sam are botb Council of the Veterans of ForHotel Conant. Hostesses "will be M e 1 c h e s, recording secretary; . of the .Awgwan, campus humor w o r t i n g en the Daily Mrs. Sam Epstein and Mrs. Har-eign Wars. I. Morgenstern., treasurer; Mrs. J. Rosenberg announces . publication, while Kfiwin VCiitpn- i n t n e &(j department, Dr. Erman -was recently re- Mrs. ry Eiaenstatt. •-•--.Mrs. J. Feldman, financial secre- the names of those who have con- ; ^erg and Samuel Davidson £ / e while Edward Chait and Normal-. elected National Surgeon General tary; N e : Mrs. A. Brookstein, publiat the convention of the organ- city; Mra. J. Resnick, Culture; tributed for the Gift Fund 'Trees' news writers for the Daily * " Harris are both working in the PLEDGES SORORITY since the last meeting of the braskan. • writing department. Chait worfeMiss Evalyn Nathanson ot Es- ization held in Bullalo. Mrs. H. Okun, financial; Sam Ep-year: Among: the older men in the Ing mostly on sports, and Karris thervllle, Iowa, who is a sophostein, hospital; Mrs. H. Richlin. Mr. and Mrs. J- Blank in honor chapter, Howard Kaplan is chair- ca straight news etories. more at the University of "Minne- ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT telephone; Mrs. H. Rothkovitz, ot the Bar Mitzvah of eon Allan; man of the committee planning Leonard Fine, Sidney, is tckins sota, has pledged the S. D. T. andare Mrs. William the Swartz Me of Mr. Omaha announcing en- W a y s a nd TMeans; ans; Mrs. J. Kaplan D r a n d Mr3 _ u . Margolin, in hon- \ the annual Corn Colt all nniver- an active part in the writing: e.vA Sorority. . „„„„ * of _. their . , . _ , • _ daughter, • - j . . . - ^ — Miss »*,-_ and Mrs. H. Okun, Bazaar; and or of the Bar Mitsvah of son Gor-isity dance. As a member of Kos- nrfvprtisinir ficpartmenls of thp gagement Dorothy Swartz, to Edwin K. Mrs. I. Miller and Mrs. H. Rich- d o n . fr iends o n Mr. Reuben Lac- • met Klub, he is aiding in prep- Awgwan, the t*nlverBity'F offic-ia-I HONORS BRIDE-TO-BE | kow on recovering from a serious aration for that group's annual humor Baum, son of Mrs. Lena Baum of lin, Membership. Louise Wintroub was hostess at 'illness;-Mrs. Wm. Rosenthal of fall Show. Ernest Wintroub, one Bakersfield, California. No defina luncheon at the Union Depot Norfolk, Nebr., in memory of son of the veteran cheer-leaders, will VAAD-AUXILIARY ite date has been set for the wedYOUEGKEWS YAABgiven in honor of Miss Rae AbraSidney; Mrs. John Robinson of ; represent Z. B. T. ag-ain this year, ding: . . : . ' . . • ham* who will be'married on OcThe opening meeting of the Norfolk, Nebr., in memory of Sid,' by leading the Cornhuskers in Mls3 Swartz has been the house The first regular meeting ot tober 24 to "Mr. Ben Wintroub. Vaad Trill be held their yells. Alpha Theta will be Young Men's Out-of-town guests were Mrs. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eg- the Vaad Auxiliary will be held ney Rosenthal. well represented in football for on Tuesday, October S. at the ger of Bakerfield. Mrs. Egger js on Tuesday, October S, at the J. Abraham, Mrs. M. E. Friedthe next four years, by Leonard B'nai Israel Synagogue. ISth and man, and Miss Sylvia Friedman. the former Ida Hoffman ot Oma-j B'nai Israel Synagogue, 18th and A. Z. A. 1 Muskin, who was one of the Chicago strets, at S p. m. An ha. Chicago streets, at 2:30 p. m. standouts in the frosh forces election of officers will be held at Miss Swarts is a graduate of All members are urged to come JOSLYN MEMORIAL After a several week suspen- g Q i n g t t b e v a rsity in their an- this meeting. el2 2 1 .The Joalyn Memorial is pre- Omaha Tech. Prior "to her visit as the activities for the coming Bion of all activities due to the anual is a former o v e All - >" e a r s olti or j 1 Leonard 1 r are senting the following activities on to Bakersfield she had resided in year will be discussed. Rabbi fan on public meetings, the Mo-^ a j j . s t a fray. tac " te e from Omaha Ceninvited to attend. Milton A. Kopstein will speak. Chicago for, several years. Sunday, October 3, 1937. ther Chapter of A. Z. A. wilT tral. Also participating in footMr. Baum is a graduate of the 3:30 p. m. — Lecture Hall •" • \ , , , _ , , . . . ., again begin its Fall program. * ball, is Jerome Milder, the varLecture by Mr. Frank P. Fo- i School of Engineering of Leland JUNIOR COUNCIL . Next Sunday's meeting will sity's junior manager. -. garty on 'Community Building.' \ Stanford University and Is a Cap. ::zx: ii:~-u ixJ" CUT start a renewed drive by the t a i n The fraternity's social activity •i p. m. — Concert Hall ^\ tain in the Reserve Officers Members ot the Junior Council members for the purpose of rnak- this fa'.l will include house parOrgan Recital by. Esther ; Corps.., jwili be hostesses on/Tuesday eve- ing a success ot the annual Achar : j g the Oklahoma and Leaf, assisted, by Minnl Voigt,-I MMr social affairs are being I nlng, October 5, at a "Suppressed Hatanus Dance which was post- U e s f o l o v i n Iowa games. pianist '••''" . • Planned In their honor. Desire Costume" Party for new poned until October 31. t < The chapter was also honored • members. Tryout for the A. Z. A. 1 Jun-. t h I g"^ e g k b 'y" a visit from its forBETCRXS FROM MICH1GAV ! VISITOR FROM CALIFORNIA affair will take place In j lor and Senior basketball teams president, Herman RosenIsadore Mittleman has return-1 w o^o rds - F r a n k Krasne of Holly- theThe lodge room ot the Jewish- j will be _held shortly, it was an. mid-western reed Irom Pontlac, Michigan, to re-j - California, arrived yester- Community Center at 8:15. All<jnounced by Herb Meches, athletic; b l a t' t w hi 0 l st no1Kof Zets Beta Tau, gion &1 d r e c G r Bumi. his hia studies sume studies' at at the the Crelch-i Creigh day for a visit with relatives in girls interested in Joining the \ chairman. and a member of the fraternity's j Omaha and Council Bluffs. She Council are cordially invited. ton Dental School. j Morton Margolin, publications supreme council. Herman is prso' I «" i will be at the home of her broth•; chairman, announced a nember- ticing law in the New York oft't jer-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. VISITORS DEPART ! ship edition ot the Chapter paper, fices of his brother, Sol RosenS.D. T.J0WA Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Kay depart- i M - Bernstein ot Council Bluffs. j "The Kibitizer," which will be is- blatt. ed Ia8t week for their home ic I M r - Krasne is also expected to sued in the near future. San Jose, Califprna. They had | arrive shortly, PI chapter of Sigma Delta Tau _..,,. _. , T . . . iat Iowa City, Iowa, announces the been visiting relatives "here. 'j Her oB Eco ra Artanf meEt FREE! An Expert The Misses Sylvia Jomsch and p l e d g l n g « / 8 i x t e e a gins. Omaha • Cliesed Shel Ernes | Sylvia'Weiner will leave on Octo— r-> HOME FROM COAST girls who were pledged are Berii The regular meeting of t h e : i -v - i ~ i - "*l Mr.; and Mrs. .Louis Margolin ber 8 for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvan- nlce Bordy, Prances Bordy, and ia, where they will attend the Chesed Shel Ernes will be held on | on 1 and Bon. Millard. returned home. Pearl Llpsey. Others include Vel-Biennial National Conven- ma Beechen. Elizabeth Arenson, Monday, October 4, at the Cfcesed sed j on Tuesday from Los Angeles'J Tenth "FZITUS FC1 ' tion ot the National Council of Estelle Kadis, Golda Sanders, Shel Ernes building. t •where they spent the summer. Jewish Juniors as delegates from Betty Osnowlts, Jean shindler, ' Use Our Easy Pa DEPARTS FOR SCHOOL i the Omaha Section. !. Patronize -Our Advertisers Reizner, Mazine Ten-Hiss Shirley Barish left Wed-S The Convention is to be held Florence nenbaum, Harriet Rae Kossove, nesday evening for Chicago where j from October 10 to 13 with headshe. VlH enter her senior year at! quarters at the William Penn Ho- Goldyne Shrago, Peggy G.fnsber?, Arlene Dubinsky and Esther Flnthe University of Chicago. • tel. kel. With the return of sixteen actives and one graduate student, the House now holds 31 girls. The sorority is proud to. have one of the strongest, footholds on campus, its members being' represented on" all activities on cam\3 pus and claiming a high place in SIXTEENTH AT HAPxNEY scholarship. • - . A social committee is at work planning the annual house parWednesday! Your Opportunity to Own ties, and the sorority Is looking forward to a year of work and a Carman Quality play combining into a full, and I successful year. j Other Omaha girls who a r e ; SEAONI members of Sigma Delta Tau at Iowa City are Phyllis Green and Sara Ann Margolin, both sophomores.
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BETH EL AUXILIARY The first meeting of the Beth El Auxiliary will take place on Wednesday, October 13, at 1 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. This Is to be a luncheon meeting to which members may bring their friends. Mrs. Harry Trustin, program chairman, and Mrs. Jack Bramn^ co-chairmen are preparaing a surprise program for the occasion.
GRANDSTAND . . . fletf eriag b r i m .
Patronize Our Advertisers You'll be B u r • priced to see how much Q u a l i t y and Value we've put into this unusual group . . . Swagger, Fitted end P r i n c e s s models that boast all the Fashion data f r o m the exposition . . . a truly remarkable "buy'? '. . '. end we urge you to s e l e c t Wednesday. Sisea for wonicn. aud misses.
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BARRICADE--Japanese -fighttoff men; barricaded by sandbags, maintain an artillery and antiaircraf.t position on the edge of war-torn Shanghai. This position was near the famous Bund, •which they held" under heavy fire from Chinese batteries.
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FASCIST VETERANS TO SHANGHAI—About 1.000 Italian p-enadiers who saw semce in EthicpiD, together with 1.200 marines have arrived in Shanghai to protect Italian lives end property there About 400 Italian citizens were reported in Shan5hai. Above 13 a company of steel-helmeted Fascists marching through Rome, before embarking for duty in the Orient. 5
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FRIENDLY VISITORS—Jack-tars of the King's navee polish the deck of the British cruiser York, before they, go ashore to see New York. The ship stopped by to pick up Vice-Admiral Sidney J.Merrick from a Brooklyn hospital. ' v
J ^ ^ ^ - J 1 " 0 1 1 * ?,ov?- l e f t t 0 r i e h t : Governors Hoffman of Now Jersey, Hoey of North Ccrol^a. S u S l ^ ' ? ^ u a ^ . Townsend of Indiana, Peary of Virpna, Allred of Texas, Johnston of South Carolina and Cochrci of Nebraska. Back row, left to right: Former Governor Hardee of Florida, former Governor Wilson of Vermont, Governors Kc.Mullen of Delaware,-Murphy of New Hampshire, Winship of Puerto Rico, Stark of Missouri, Miller of Wyoming:, Barrows of Maine Cross of Connecticut ana Aiken of Venuont. t
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CLIPPER—Old and new are side bv side as two cupper ships meet. Clipper of the air is Pan America's Bermuda plane", circling over the-full-rigged Seven Seas, as the sea,clipper started its race with the Joseph Conrad, from Bermuda to Newport, R. I.
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HONORED IN THE HOMELAND—After much acclaim in other countries, the Soviet fucr? vho cr the North Pole by air from Moscow to Vancouver, Wash., were given hero medals v.hcr. flier ref, to Moscow, as above. Left to right are Pilot Mikhail Grornoff, Co-Pilot Andrey Ya:r,r-sli6ll sr.e: : gator Sergei Danilin. Members, of their families are also shown.
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JOE'S BOYS—Don Brown, left, guard on the California Universitv football team, with his brother. Joe, a Frosh team member, shewn at westwood. Cal. They are sons of Joe E. Brown, widely known film comedian.
PILOT—Bobby Wallace, veteran of nearly,half a century in baseball, named acting pilot of the Cincinnati Reds baseball team, after General Manager Warren C. Giles gave Manager Charley • REFUGEES Dressen and Coaches Tom SheeInsurgents t? han and George Kelly their unheaded for Prance. - .. and here.they wonder -what to do next. c£ccid» ;COJ. cxic.rge 0* conditional releases.
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Two Sephardic brothers, by In- headed an American Credit Fonteresting coincidence, may in a der, it was modeled after the aense be considered the spiritual Credit llobiller developed by the founders of Omaha. Through the Pe'reires. . tinancial system" they invented, As Its like organization In the construction of tlie Union Pacific was facilitated and the sub- France the American Credit MoOmaha bilier was destined to pay huge sequent development of ) dividends to those who Invested ; mirflh?^!,?' T S ; " T l H t h tTo o P a t i e n t m e n J t &™s some-I wisdom, «hief of which is that 1 was hastened. I in It Considered the alter ego of SaSfm ! , i H O M Th I * of assurance: -Well, sir. \ known what a fool I used to be. These brothers, Emlle and Isaac i t j ^ o nion Pacific, it became the klansmen slithered in. Oh! There ; , ^ , s ^ . f , T o t . c , ^ H , TTI iha f n U ; J u d E e , m e t n e n . D l e a s e . b y v h a t I let's wait! Let's wait! In the ful- j Judge- me then, please, by what ' j target of numerous financial man- was my^own dentist! Only the ness of time hate and arogance j I am today. France, were grandsons of a disipulators, including the notorious week before I had let him put me perish of their own venom, and [ But there is more grerious tinguished Spanish-born Marrano, James Fisfc. Plot and counter-plot to sleep with gas! in good, time "they lie dishonored j count against Justice Black; it Jacob R'odrigues Pereire, who was disturbed a short-lived outward I. contemplated horrible T>ossi- in the dust, kicked and trampled i has to do with his current charthe first man to attempt to teach ; a e r e n , t y a n a c u l m i n a t e d , a con- bilitles: Suppose he had given me] a s y o u s e e . Wait! The time will | acter. In the hour of his nominathe French deaf and whose sys- j j e s s i o n a l investigation, cubic foot of gas? He i cOmt> to laugh." j tion by the President there was tem :ot education for deaf-mutes ° •• The American Credit Fonder would have been, a faithful klansThis, indeed, .seems to me to be much, talk of his having been is still in use. under the presidency of Train at man to rid the world of one Jew a most heartening manifestation supported by the Klan in"ID25. In 1822 the two young men left one time engaged in land specu- at least. They might have made of. the "essential soundness of the j in that hour a stern uncomrrotheir native city for Paris where, lation in Omaha and a section of him grand kleague for that. American nation. In a world gone | mising'integrity would have gone they- became L clerks ;in a . bank.-1] Where was anybody" (who was mad with hates America looks ' to the President; "Sir, I think t h e clty n a m e d ^ Trailli . T h e Through, another famous kinsCredit Foncier.' not a 100 percent Protestant, safe,1 with disfavor at" a-judge who ten j you should know that I used to man, Olinde Rodrlgues, the' foreThe -French Credit Mobilier too from the klan? My heart leaped years ago may no. more than have j t>e a member of the Ku Klux most student of Saint-Simon, the struck difficulties although in not when I saw my favorite barber touched elbows with purveyors of ! Klan. Does that fact disqualify brothers became interested in the as spectacular a fashion as its enter the meeting hall. It lost hateful prejudices. j me? You should, know this now teachings of Salnt-Stmon and soon American, counterpart. l a an at- several beats at the sight of the | lest it come, up to embarrass yon became ardent advocates of hi3 tempt to finance French agricul- Waiter who served me soup for type", of socialism. Yet, I am not one of those who later. ture, then lagging way behind in- lunch. would disqualify Justice Black But Hugo „ . —=,- Black kept — r - silence. Saiht-Siinon,' -^- or to use his dustry, the resources of the Crel e t my own precarious • fate j f h i s w h p o s i t i o n f o r h a T i n g I This suggests something of moral full name. Count Claude Henri de dit Mobilier and particularly the looked unimportant beside the been a klansman. As one who ! weakness not compatible with, the Rourray Saint-Simon, —• a mem- Credit Foncier were heavily taxknows much of politics. I am i function of a judge of the Suber of a French ducal house, bad ed and the latter organization this mean to American destiny? aware is an old "American : preme Court, or cf Iceprr courts. come in contact with advanced soon liquidated. This seemed to be a mass move- custom for men in politics to Join • for that matter. But I (whose ideas while fighting with the A. disastrous Mexican loan" to ment . . . the dentist, the waiter, French army during the Ameri- finance Napolean's ill-fated ven- the barber, the storekeeper . . . organizations in which th^y have j feet at timrs' pive outcrorr-".~s of A j their original clay) rr.s.y 'r>ok at can Revolution. This first assoc- ture in the unhappy southern re- The Klan- was electing constables. only a vot-RPtting intercFt. iation with the new currents of public and an Ill-advised loan to Mayors,-governors and senators. cautious candidate joins the Don- • Justice Black -with no righteous keyj, the Geese, The Ganders and reproaches, liberal thought profoundly- affect- Austria resulted in a weakening others of the zoological lodges. ; ed, him, and he became a keen of the Credit Mobilier. In 1867 I recall all this on acount of student of social problems, partic- it too was forced to liquidate, the matter of I prefer to believe that Justice Supreme Court Feature Syndicate.) ularly during his incarceration in bringing condemnation upon the Justice Black. I am brought to Biack's interest in the Klan was the period of the French Revolu- heads of the Perelres. melancholy and then to laughteraj no more than his desire to cction. -» .• L . ' * • ' . Patronirc Ov.r Advertisers Nevertheless they remained to think that *ven to have been|™tes_in a state in which _the Klan In. time he founded a school of prominent financiers, the rivals of touched by the Kr, KJux Klan ten was then a dominant mfUici-cc. socialism that advocated an in- the French Rothschilds, who with years ago now ha? become a disI believe, too, that in Ha jearslV CLEAN LINEN '; dustrial state, directed by the the collapse of the two credit sys- qualifying defect an intelligent man's n>in<! prows & foremost men of science. In his tems, saw their-own star once ten ~ Always Attract* Customers.;A nation (that ten years ago up. Particulai!y ir. tl-.o s OMAHA TOWEL ^ U teachings he did not emphasize more rise. . either feared or applauded the years the minds of SUPPLY -f. " the class struggle ot the later soand t a v ? j j ; Emile Pereire was a member of Klan) today rises In moral indig- men have expanded Yours Siiice 1S7S cialists, particularly the followers the General Council of the Gir- nation against a high public offi- been rid of old prej'j'-idiccs a n d ' S KE ZS2S'" of Matx, nor did he conceive any pnde from 1853 to 1875 and a cer who was a kltinsman in 1926. have taken new attitudes. I , S. great hatred of established reli- member'of the Corps Leglslatif There are those who (like my- should myself dislike to be tried; gion." :On the contrary, In his from 1857 to 1870, the year of Bcheme,:'theology had a definite the collapse of the Second Emplace — a premise that led to a pire. break: :-with the famous sociologist He along with his financial duIEr.. and founder of Positivism, Aug- ties pursued a literary career ot V, uete Comte. _.. .. . . . - . . ' . - . . •-.. some brilliance and authored a y~* A;distinguished body ot young pamphlet, often attributed to Na' Frenchmen were attracted by the poleon III, that attempted to solve teachings of Saint Simon. Many the. then vexacioua Austro-Italian of these young men? for the most problem. part -.members of the petty nobilIsaac too was of a decidedly litity, in later life became the out- erary turn ot mind, and besides standing of.-French engineers, in- writing a number of books and dustrialists, and statesmen. pamphlets, owned the Paris Daily, •\ After..tfieudeath- of Saint-Simon,' "La Liberte" in -which he continhis followers'-advocated a scheme ued to expound bis political and to have. the govemmnet develop industrial theories. : credit to set on foot great public Although both remained faithworks: and to'- stimulate the then ful Jews, while members of the moribund French industry. Chamber they sided with the parThe young Pereire brothers, the ty of the Roman Catholics and intellectual -luminaries of the. voted for the maintenance of the group", collaborated as the editors temporal power of the Pope. They of J the organ of Saint-Simoniam, continued the work among the deaf started by their grandfather Vlfe "Globe." ' In 1835 amid - great financial and liberally contributed" to vardifficulties, thin group under the ious educational institutions for leadership rot the Perelres, built the hard- of hearing. the ' f i r s t railroad of France, With the collapse of their Credeeming- its construction a public dit Systems and the fall of the '.. duty. emperor, their influence began to f " With the establishment of the wane. Eclipsed by more vigorous dynasties, condemned 1 Second Empire, the Pereires, be- financial ', cause of their great friendship because of the ultimate failure of Idealistic concepts, the with Louis Napolean's J e w i s h their : i minister of finance, Achilles name of the Pereires Is hardly 1 Among all this year's new radio developments G-E Touch Fould, became favorites- of the known. Yet to their financial genTuning stands supre'rns — because emperor. In 1852 they succeeded ius stand most ot the world.'s rail•^f No dials to twist, twirl or swish -^r No fumbling with koobs in toundingtwo great credit insti- roads. In America, from the .Mis• ^ More stations at your finger tips—16 buttons in sll ~fc Exclusive tutions, the Credit Foncier and souri t&-the Pacific, half a con'G-E Scan Button •^'Positive in operation •& Simplified short-wive the • Credit Mobilier, on Salnt-Si- tinent Ions, are-'shiny rails, the tuning •£ Tunes Itself pcrfealy—sad silently - ^ Just press s bnftbn monlstlc principles. ; By means of only tribute the Pereires would —that's all! " . . . . -two financial systems great have wanted. h Touch Tur-ir;; t—Ith ptVcr s-.-trrrr.::c Stop in soon. Compsre G-E To' undertakings ccynld be carried out tuning devices. Prove for jxiuryclf how n:uch more G-E rc-.l!j p£ers. by a1 unlon'of small capitalists. • G-E 'REMOTE . T h e Credit Foncier advanced money-on mortgages of real .seTOUCH TUNING curities while the Credit MobilCONTROLier advanced loans on personal or moveable estate'; Tune from yorcf ensy ciiaif. Press any one cf 7 rrsrThe systems were launched unSIC TRANSIT selected - station buttcas . . . der the contemptuous eye .of that's all! Optional equipI look. with, melancholy reflecment, slightly higher price. James Kothschild, .an enemy of tAODZl P-1O7 Fould and accordingly in disfav- tions at trio Ku. Klux Klan. For or with the emperor. The head j ^ ^ always sweetly sad toi'sec " i o TUBES • . - 3 1AHBS 2 5 MODELS TO SELECT , . . FROM $ 0 0 , 0 0 UP •of the French Rothschilds would p 0 W e r and glory recumbent at Touch Tuning (16 buttons). Silent Tun' A l l WSTH EXCUSSVE TONE KOKJTS have: no p i r t In the venture, de- length in the gutter. Doubly sad ing. AFC Master Louver Dial. Visual claring th£ Credit Foncier and the it is to,see power and glory dead Tone Monitor. Cathode Ea? Volume Control. Visual 4-point Tone Tanine Indicator, lonvtr Credit Mobilier, deapite high- under a dirty sheet. ^ Control.' Automatic Band Indicator. 12riial. Vjyasl Vcilnme Control. inch Stabilized Dynamic Speaker. Autosounding:/-principles, nothing but day I hope even to look S o m e Visual 4-p^int TWIE Control. la matic Tone Compensation. ForeignAotonatic Band Indicator. 8agencies of dangerous spec« -f w i t n . m e i a ncholy at Hitler. I shall i".ch Stabiiijed Cynsmic Domestic Reception. AVC 2 Stages of tion^ • .-•:.••'•••• I look at the humbled dictator, but Sreaker. Bass- Cmcpersnion. I.F. R.F. Pre-selector. 10 Watts * rnre;sn - Dcmestie E.ers?tion. "Under the Second Empire theso ; ^ m • .philosophical- melancholy I Output. Console Cabinet of . iroriiontal TsMe • typ two fcyotems were widely utilize* s h a l l r e T e r t to my ruder nature Outstanding Beauty Railroads were built in France, and giv« out ribald laughter. Switzerland, Russia and Spain. Oh, I snail exclaim, he used to GaS, iOmnlbus companies were or- frighten us! "We trembled at his "CAK52 ganiied all through Europe. Bar- frown! on Haussraan, in his - rebuilding,.. g o t melancholy I go to and remodeling of the French i . , a u g h t € r ^ x I o o k a t t h e K u K lus ** r 7* i. ^ B f I ft I *- 'Si YC1T; LIQSI1AL AS.LOWAKC2 capital to make it the most |beau-| k I a n l n - , c u r r e n t p h a s e . I mytlful city in the world, resorted to ; g e l I u s e d t Q w J t b e r a ( . t J j e s i g h t these, credit institutions to finance, Q f J u s h e e t g j n L his huge,undertaking. Yes, I said between chatterlns; *,TJntH 1S55 the'Credit Mobilier teeth, these sre like'ghosts froni and the Credit Fonder paid exthe dark age3. Soon, it seems, civcessive divldonde. It was during this highly sucressful, period there arrived in Paris a gentleman by the name o[ George-Francis Train, the eccentric genius o" Aaorican railroad construction. Ho became Interested ln the two financial schemes and .on his return to this country soon found opportunity to copy them. When the Pennsylvania 7incal Agency, an investment concern, was reorganized- by Thomas C. Durant and Train-for the fInane- i fng of the first transcontinental railroad, the Union Pacific, at the* Suggestion 'of Train, whu already
, > *——^*" •
ilization will be*enveloped by an- self) would deal charitably with | tor some of m? thinking of ten other lpng night. And what will I Justice Black, but nowhere is any I years ago. .__• • _ -. voice heard saying, "Well, after) I am to be'ieve that become of. .ua. _Jews? I wrote bfave pieces against the all, his Klan connection was a Black, who, in> Senate m.s stood among fhe bros.'.est of the the KuKlux Klan; I felt like one small-incident." The hands o£ a nation reach up hterals, has re'^viatd (if he ever whistling in the graveyard d£ civto pull down from tlie high bench was) intellectually tainted by ilization. . libers! A cold ague took me when from the justice who was a klansman. Kluxery. Certainly, tis This is al Itnost satisfying ,to! spirit has given no evidence of a time to time I heard of Jews beeveryone who likes to see an ar- j klansman's. state of mind, ing driven out of business by.the tistic finish-of such arrogant pow- j Yes, I can forgive Justice Black Kjlan in Indiana. Jewish lawyers er, hate, prejudice and bigotry as j for having been a klansman, just iii Indianapolis dared not go to were in the Klan. It should pro- •j- as I should expect forgiveness for the smaller Indiana, county seavs j (vide comfort for all who •' tremble [ some of the derelictions o£ jay to try cases before juries. j at the current arrogance and big- I past (were anyone to discover In my owni city r eve- j o t r y i n t h e w o r i d . I t seems to! them), o h . I should say, I am a ning in an automobile in front of!| say, "Well, it really can't happen • different fellow now; ' I have a certain building where the local j j j e r e . j grown up: I have gathered some
( .
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s the new "lung" developed I, right, 22-year-old institute osing the entire body, this ess the lungs. The patient's iody is available for medical •
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latest .unusual decree for fall -. food reports, deniandis flecks Cf n Dvorak, film actress, holding hairdresser of a major studio, \ iliss Dvorak is credited witli fashion. . • '•[ - ••-
_ i _
Copyright United Newspietcrc3
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EH3VCY7IS5 PEESS, FHIDAT, OCTOBER I, IPS? now cclIoJ " cC Titrs. :-? of «•= irt!-i" . . . Acd 3.:r " t ^ Rabbi" is :.OT ' c^rtic-ed 'T-rtrait of r a O l i ' M n 1 ' , . . . V^-'.t will ha?-;e:i to pocr cli Ti1"",brandt rvhea Iho Naz!sr.&3l-r ' (I!..cover that the carte 's Jewish? . . . (Th :.r<'!: or.r, 3 umest
1 'I -
"Hospitality .nijht'will b3 obtr served at Shaare Zion synagogue Ihis evening when late Friday evening cervici.3 will bo resumed. E31S3 AliHA PILL, ec?i „__ • J Tho "sefvico will bssirf at S o'clock •- v ^ndjthc guest speaker will be Rabbi Monroe Levens of Des Orrranizs Ncv/ Molaes, Iowa. Cantor FlisIUn aad JlttiiOTJsaMfl W TEL Dramatic Club the choir will chant" tho "ritual. A declaring zz TT^I'Z • , reception intth'o synagogue social The Sioux City Dramatic Club, hall will^ follow the service. T recently organised,' has ' begun Tomor'ro'w afternoon, the Onag on your"fc:'crf~T frr fiMvn* work on a four act play to be pro-Shabbot of_the Ladica Auxiliary or .not, playel a V IIP?", IP?" f I' I" n tho sentcd oome timo in." October. Th'a will be> held at the homo of Hr. founding of the Czecjioslovakian States Ci An-rirr, T-IU ^^"r - ' " « iI • play selected 13* Llirele Effroso by and' Mrs. L. J. Kaplan. Rabbi Republic . . . The late Dr. Thoms th« il\z v.-: Jocob Gordon, and will be direct- Levens -will speak.. vercrry c f l ' r d'—cv as G. Masaryjc was in Wa-hington »\v C) r Mr. Bonjamia Smith, resident ed by David Sperling. -Jiinior Congregation services in 19is and had prepared histop'iT Cc:"', r-bus \i< Bf Tol Aviv, Palestine, and formThe cast will include Jlas-Derbe resumed tomorrow mornpr'Sious Cityan, who is visiting in vln, Harry Nadler, A. Ratuer, Dr. ing In tha synagogue and Berton proclamation of the new State . has been ciair-.d tJ He was about to release it to theJew) Ard ia tha :aiss I -^ , tho'home of his brother, Morton Gel don, Goldlo Levin,=Gelia Sperl- Xiipshuts will act as Cantor. press, -when he -was advised to the Jewish State c£ Palenth e v il! , . , , „ . , , v .,. _ „ . Smith and ivith Sir. aad Mrs. Ja- ing, Ruth Leaff, Ida Sperling, and hold off publication for two days be observing tha fiftieth " " fcob"Knos, disclosed many inters David Sperling. > sary G The man who-gave him that' ' Hasting facts, about Palestine in an interview rrith the Jewish Press ,The.v/eddlng of Mic3 Eva OrlikCorrespondent. off,.daughter, of Mr. and'Jlro. Ben. Questioned on tho Partition of O r l i k o f f . ' i m Villa Avenue, and Palestine, Mr. Smith otato that Ben Dobrof'aky, son of Mr. - and opinion is divided among tho layMrs. Nathan Dobrofsky, 1304 Sabii thore. "Fifty per cent of tho SVest.Fourth Stre'et, .will ,bo colayorago Palestinian Jews are opActlvtiea at • tho ' Jewish Com- crnnized by;Rabbi .H. R. Rabino- day when a good story Is usually Nazi resin:r -ir. Gsrr^nj- . . . Jt! ,..„, „,„ posed t o Partition, despite the 'C-.'-r '.threats of the pro-partitionists, munity Center'were .begun, this wits and-Cantor A. Piiskin, this "wolfed" b y . the editors and gives Hltlc; at least another year ff*r-<J/~\.*. „ 1.I-, „„,. _ . _ r y?ho insist that condition will be week with many,, children partic- Sunday,* afternoon a t , 5 o'clock in splashed all over the page while | E3 bors ires . . . Or are -we J--) ~^^^1.VV "" ' worsB unlec3 they agree to ipating in 'the work.*,The Cub the,social hall <of Shaare' Zion on other days the sane story , ferrias too much frcm the slrrr-e ' Relatives of the might have received only half the {fact that ti.^ League has tlre^dr ' (Ccrj-rlsht, •division of tho Arabs and scouts held their first ; meeting Synagogue! into states. Tho main ob- Sunday afternoon at .3,'- and thebride an,d groom-.will be present. space and display) . . . Here's a ! served Ectico ol-its intention ta crsrhi: jection, to partition is not the idea Boy couts met Sunday at & . . Tho bride, who. will be unat- fact about Masaryk that noas of boycett the Krx Echmelins-Joc tended, will wear a ..brown wool 'o'clock witnjMr.' Bernard>Efren; the .obituaries 'remembered to next .June ,. <•' .•• Peters liut tha limitations it entails,; cps'tuine"suit -with" a natural, lynx mention . . 1 He was the. only Is told the boycott' .notice JaaKIng very vague the prospects berg who Is inchargefof both. C •tlor' relief of distressed Jews in .The'. elecuUpn velars held its fur tfimwi\'Her accessories will be head of a Kuropean state who quietly EeTv'ed • on' Promoter - Kike ! r — jsther, parts of Europe by provid- firBt.meetitig.Wednesdayievening bn»ra.;:,-Missi .Anna Pill -will play had thexourage-tb assert publicly Jacobs - the' fiay before the fight 3nU'aihome for!thein." Mr. Smith under the dlrection'!;of > Miss -Lill- "I-'Love^Tou Truly", as a prelude (In','a. J . ,T. A., interview widely articles '•'were , sigised •.-.. . Predlc2acsl3that ah eventual .expanding ian Rivin. - 'Ttier • Tap7 -dancing to?the • ceremony,'; and '^the Lohen- published 1 by the .general- press) tion: the.-Br'o^ra-Borabsr -rill cat froia his soul iseraorable phrases j >' "• ' e n-n fef-tho Jewish state into'the south- class met ThuralayVafternoon'at irin: bridal chorus" as processional, that;, the .Nasi. treatment of Jews the •..Teatosic'.Terror to ribbons' which will be written down in the i 'A weddiag dinner '.will be Berv4, -while' the. first-session of ;th'e r in .Germany, was jnot an internal fern' areas of Palestine will be; efand romp.yoff--/with the . declsioa story' of both the Jewish people • ^ -•'•>nr ~]c r f iZdctGd -with the proper Industrial- ballroom daricing."claES;' will be ed.; in the syhlgogue social hall problem as, claimed by Germany . . . Asother-'pre'diction: Der Moxand the British empire: "I hare j l°\~^ fdlfowlng the •. ceremony. The but'S problem'for the League of •won't dare .return to Nazllsnd • .no'w fiEisiied with criticisms. If I | ^ ' ^ isation of the Jewish' state.' "The held October Gsat .7:30?o'clbck. .„ bride's colors.of piach and green Nations to settle'. . . Speaking o? open'to all gnain thing Palestine needB is : in- The Center•.Th.edter, have expressed them more sharp- j ^ c ~J~ r taw will.'.be carried ' o u t ' i n -the table Dr.'Masaryk, -Rabbi Stephen S.dustry —-..-factories ,—,-and the children under >l 6 - held: its : first : POP -TEM-PLE:;NOTE: • Prof.' Albert Iy, than is ray wont, it is because ! ' " <. j-Tews.'of America can do more meeting TJiursday.evening- with ajjiolntmenta ; , r ' - Wise recalls • fondly the day in.Eiasteia;'i accompanied by Judge j.f af oag ~ s speaks he pain cC -[<* C i 1r toward helping us by starting Miss -Rosetta 'Sacks-, in/charge.;'-; , . Mr.'Dbbrof sky. and 'his bride ^ will 1907-- when his'friend .delivered Irving ' Lehis'sn;-'-' attended • Kol has. held h peace for The Gam6. room \was • opened motoi'toNew Orleans.from'.where the opening, address ,at .his- new Nidre- -Eervioss.' a t * New York's twenty years." And ' he held his i ^ , " ttticSe enterprises than, by'sending Wednesday and -wlllv be javaiiable they willjsail.Octofier?9 for ; a Frea Synagogue..... And Dr. Wal" "" continued Mr: Smith. peace — it is,easy enough now to{'*". I One of the chief draw'backs to tb ; the children every, day from 4 Carrib'beak cruise on the SS • San- ter; Fischel, noted • orientalist! at- fasons;Templs' Einanu-El- . » . ' . infer — because his ! 1 sc'iil •! c e e ^ Slipped Quietly'in" through: a Elds ; §3ie promotion; or Palestinian in- to' 6 in the afternoon.and -7?to \- ^ c tached to the Hebrew University, ; and "mind could-"no I'S-V.i ir - -- r r door It's.secodd.'consecutive dustry in the-past, Mr. Smith 8:30 in the j evening. 'The Bche; qut'of.towniguests atvthe- wed- recently. • arrived • here for a lec_| this, policy of fair and ! atatedj was the importation of dule for the w6ek follows: ^MonVillr include Mri- and ' Mrs. ture tour'wltha'number'of inter- year • th©:.;good • grey/.: Eclentist lias knightly principle speech KViVlEN S. SKRIC1, ^ ; . , , . n « - ! End t r u e jaierchandlsa from other countries day, games; \Tuesday,;,harmohlca JackfOrlikoff'of Kansas City; Mr: esting, comments-to make-.on an •worshipped"there;oa Yom Kippur friendship- and ' liberality and huJiitlow duty'and exportation at class and mar.iie' band; /Wednes- and Mrs. Si SilVep.'jar. and Mrs.audience„• he .Vad with' the great ••. >>Others noted, in- the. congre- manity ' daring'' the . breaking of gation • •wera'v tils • Felix Warbargs > D ^SiiSh • duty, thus causing ' unfair day,\ folk dancing . and • .singing Rosens and" Mrs. S. Sliver; of liberator" not long before ' his v " C^vx ' bread-and thea ia action and ia jio'mp'etition and making it diffi- games;- Thursday, story •:hQur;' Omaha;2PhilipJJobrofsky. of Chi- death . . . . About ' which more and two BOSS; Paal-and • Freder• ret: ick, " and : the : Governor - Lehmsss 'teult for home industries to thrive. Friday,-surprise gamesjind.funV cago and -Ben Dobrofsky of Dav-next week. V . . - <-f; |Tb.i3 ifl being ..corrected- at the •..The Craft room schedule ^ has enport,: Iowa., .-."". . . KLOTZNJCK «?!!? KELLEY, A^ j 27 r present time, however and such also'. b6en announced: as ^follows. £S8 Union. Ststs Btnk Eitfj, ;NAZlilANIA:" Der ' A n s r I f f, . Jewish or-'• } il^dubCrles as breweries which for- September 291b'October i , Braid- : Mrs. T . - B : Kahn of Kansas City Gabby ' Goebbels' mouthpiece, re4 -'i—. NOTICE OF fNCC... r 'smerly operated under-.' handicap ing and leather work;, October Missouri,. announces 4the engage- cently,reported "that a''British ho- chsstra , leader. at • a _ sight .club Xuiics is hereb?? given that the tin. fiiirlHg T D S cetEi-nea have fonristi a corpoTtion > T' n cb •fore" now beginning to thrive. •4th to' October,; 8th",'. Weaylng: ment :of ..her 'daughter,', 2Ilsa'- Jul- tel instructs "bellboys to call fic- blithely, E: the latrs of the Stat« of - Ne-I "- Mr.' Smith's went; to'Palestine mat's, seat "covers,; etc-j/'betobfe'r letiKihn,- to. Harold' Hurwitz. eon titious "Aryan" names after' sev- Kippur wcek':tfcst In, feonor of ths •underbraska. The ji&ms cX ths corporaline i ' 0 ~ 0" C aurlng the World War, ,with th,e 11 to. 25,_ piaster; moulding;,' Oc- of ;Mrl ahd:Mfs. Ben Hurwitz, 604 eral Jewish .names . have been Jews &Ssjbsa4' would, .-plsj", Kol shall li« Aristocrat Itestnorant Co. ic!~"!e ' •^stfe prindpsl place of basJness" «t 1 -~ " ' Nidre—ia" swing -style .... .; woa- Ctaaha, Nebraska. ' The- ssncntl na- !r ' N ' jJ6yish legion, having .enlisted in tober 25 to "NovmbiSr: 5; .Tin; and Iowa Street; .' ' ' •: paged in; consecutive order . . . der-K during.- Christmas.. tprs of ths business ts b«" transacted jJ-ca.-" 5 to 19, ]J&17, through, a Minneapolis Te- metal'iapping:; November* That . wasn't", a: British. hotel, 'Gab: t shall h®toe.'-s^asa in the business of j , they-'H • -uadert&ke to ; SsruitinE station. •: From there he Celluloid*rwork; ; 22, Mr." aid.'I'Mrs;- • Louia S. Goldby • . . I t was'the director;of an inas.. eating- houses, tarems or pisces i .jwent to Canada where tfiere; was woodcraftyfufiiiturermdderhoEio ,spent -this .-wsek;: ini Kansas American;hotel rchaik" that 'gars Holy Night . . ' . ' - • of reCrcs&rnsisl: i s bur. ££•!, lease, i 1 City, ;whereJthey^attended-the Na- those 'instrnctions..'. .'-The; dir'eca pafiod of training prior to em-etc. o^rn, acquire, <Jis;K?s® acd or- erjctsrn- I ; • -.PRECOCIT?' NOTE:tional-, Bar 'Association > Conven- tor'-ia'-Ralpir-'Hits . .'-."'Anfi'one •barklus for England: From .Eng: Sent to the purposes arid'iissV'cf'tbSs i • t i o i i . i • - ' •* • ' • • • . • r - - « - " i ; . - i ' - ' . . ., ; an~r cte'j'aed • £roa s E2.'M the group Bailed to Palestin? of"in'thatrc!isla-!a - tne to .clo s.11 thirty? r^ecissssr^- | trip-down.-. t a S b3T ,"^itll tbiS CSS j'6r>K,CSB; the purposat &„• ! - • '-, ^^ - .iltJ* fight for England. Mr. Smith's s:» t a meet New" Tbrker,"-in- the -heart"of the . . « B e a t .It,', i f ' y s n ' c a n . . . K s {.'which-c-. 5 this corporstioTi is offraiiiw'i?.* ICc> ~"1 V l ! ' " " ' i ' (legion spent a period of pecupafMlBS.-.Etiiel.iaron'departed.last garment- ••'district, - and •: heavily ' "" Tiie.^suthorlsed capits.1 stock shell be ] ^ •-^_Z.-\. . i ; : ; . \ ttibsi1 in Transjprdanla before it t for.^ellesiby, Maa.,>where patronised - by. Jews .•. .' Moreover, , fS.Cl'O E.R-3 sH of! sss-3 etock sh&V be |^"--i-'"' f~'r" '--r-- —•?' —• -, i " - . Was - finally divided from. 'Pales-, - - • '.of--.Cleveland,.-back -will -'coii&jius : 'her Echobl (Sab'by.'if * your, paper eaployesi Hillel Silrer, •iiho-and given to. the, Arabs. Re- Bah'chapteKh'aVe" completed ^thiir gopd' newspaper ; men, 'instead "of jieacsd from the; army'in 1921 hodrive for t h e - .'Infant-. 'Welfare just -Nazi113ward-heelers,, y o u prent to Tel Ayir, married, enter- Fund, under ; the • •"leadership* "of :MiB3Dprolay.Davis,:i524 Sum- •would.r.have* known that' the rreed'; the gricery .business', and Mrs. ,M. Lazitio'trich and 'Jlrs.iRuer mit'i-Ayenue,. leltt; this tweek for Yelation • was • made - in a • -recent not exceed two-thirds ly grieete.d " t h e * r e p o r t e r •when' M s edness shallstock, •watched Tel AvivpTogresa gTad1- ben Millerj "cb-chalrnitan. >AiJ3lstihs Chicago ; wheire _'she ; will' -gov to but this resln'etion j ^ " '"'"" " issue : of ..-.Fortune : ." • According son--piped : u p , " P o p p a , d o n ' t tn&ke its--capital shall' net include indebtedness se'eu'red irrrnr- -" Tially' into the modern metropolis the .chairmen, on'.'"the^committee school.' . ' " ' ' ' . , ' ' . " r*v tp For'tuns,-.Hits,'page..boys are 5 ty.. Tt!ortS'£S'esor liens. The trtairsi""' '~" :l "' s t a t e n s e s t E . " ' :,' '•-'••' Itnat it is. Regarding life there, w.ere Mrs. William ^Eirenberg, •shall be cis^ts^ed bj' a Board of Diinstructed .to Eandwich a ; fictirectors of T>ot less thai! two members. Sia ••remarked, " I t is sometimes Mrs.. S. - Gelfand,- Mrs.; Joe • Levin, Bobby Sab'el/son of Mr.' and Mrs. tious^ ; -name between. ,' tares or 'MISH*MASH:VThe .Nazis", are The .annual meeting: shal be eb on the | idangeroua. although, we do notMrs. Sam Baron, -.M*ri.;\Louia 'Ag- Mark'-. Sabel," 3414 /Nebraska St., more Semitic first Ho fi H f fiaj' i fJ esch year, names . '. The Coof January o 31ve in constant fear. "Mr. Smith ranoff, Mrs. v'Spi-'Noyitsl^y^ Mrs. ;H. ea'tertalnedViixtle'ea/.' childrea' at ,'a logne'Art Gallery, which is.avidSETT ETH- fet . - . "i They're j^a'l.eieet a Board ol Directors. £Bfi I *"> •"••-. ^old'of a recent Arab bombing M. Levin, .Mrs. B. iB.erman, Mra. birthday p^rty Sunday" afternooQ ly de-Semitlzing. its walls, has ra-. probably" a^are/-that'•which took place in Tel'Aviv, John Levin, "Mrs. Robert'-Sacks, dn'theoccasion of'his sisth birtht'-if VSS", Z. j p^essee'nt. Yice^Presicer.'C*" Secretary! k r -:-r---, f i t erolrcd l r d i and a n d Treasurer. T r e a s u r r Any Any two two o£ said aid of. of "Jewish J i h cheasist-.-who h i t " l f first Trillins a. number of Arabs, occur- Mrs. Sam Slotsky, and .Mrs.. Jack day.^ ,_'•:• '.'• '..•' '.•;•-.,;•"••' • . . , ' . lkbelled- some' of 'its . Rembrandt Painting''of : a the processmasterpieces Ro'olnspn. V;'-"',..'.•. i•--'.'' '-,_., ^_ • fices ' may b* hsld Try ore ind t"-r fad not two hundred yards'from At a recent meeting ( of'v the i t , ; too - - if j tmenfisd • at Ens* regular or epeci.-.! Sis homo which is located.close to •Among t h e Sioux*-Cityans w h o public' •wiilBoard ;of Dire;ct6rs,| plans, were will, go?to;Lincfoln; to?attend t h e pia Arab caction of Tel Aviv. soai.e'th'aE i shoaM ho »iodb » ' " • j two-thirds rote cJ the outstandlrr Back Jack Benny: '. Ho related vivid tales of themade for the, opening'meeting .in. football game tbniorrbvr a r e Mr. the - cxperSiaents ':. ^ r\The Great I stocic. Air (Hot vyears, when' the workers in October and_ the 1'.- Card, pai-ty. In and-:Mrs.,HernjVn Lieht," and Mr. Synagogus • In '..Aldgate,. • Losdon, • IN'WITNESS 'R'HEREOF, ths pr"November. ?Mrs. Philip. Sherman herecnto subscribed .ih^.r : a n d ' M r . i a n d Mro.;H., Sol Novitih'o field and on the . highways boasts' tfce oldest; chorister in theties.".have 1 names this "rfi ds.r oj Septesib—, Jioiled industriously with guns and Mrs. Jaclk -';Robiispn< 'wero British Isles". . ,.»He's Bavid ALFKEO A. n Strapped to their backs, prepared named chairmen) of the • card -parA"LTA POE.TEK. • Prepared to take up where he is, 78.-"who jollied'its ciolr zsJJg la'the Prerenep : ty, : and Mrs/ Herman ;Licht and of; Jean Shindler and Betty Osnc-^. • 2or emergencies. a t the ".age'of 10Mrs. A. H. JBaron were . named witz-who' are studying • at the Unl-leftofflast^Spring in his business soprano a;clear, rich baritone ao-wJ5iif;» : ^ t FKAi "" :E:s "' 3 ' wR ^' Mr.-Smith arrived in this coun- chairman of: the Oneg^ Shabbot. of purveying'-laughs,. Jack Beany, versitKof'Iowa,have pledged Sig- radio's top -comedian,, returns* to try' early in September and visit= ma Delta Tau" sorority. ed in New York : and . i n Des the NBC-Red! Network " Sunday, Farlers Ara Fssrs is Hc-sse •LJ5I© F a s i i s s ]Uoineo with his 'brother and fam- : Addresses :$eiild;Convention \ at;7.p. m., : BST, with • Our-.F«» * .'..Joe •• Tessl^r of ? Omaha, > Nebra- October.3, ily, Mr.' and Mrs. Morris Smith. a repeat,show, for. the West Coast ' "COUETEOUSska, i is '•; visiting;' thi3 • week! in • the 'Miss'/Dorothy.-Epstein,, .dental N.-Cohen-home."' •... . • . at S:SO p. m., PST. '"';•;. tXAk SPEM . , With . Jack. will he his ' chief hygienfst; pre^eotedva' paper . a t stooge .andheckler, Mary.. Llvingthe Northwestern : District D?ntal .FUNERAL DI V, I I 3 Misa;. Rose' Pill -was • selected, to ston; •accompanied'.by Saia ."SchMonday. convention, held a t ' t h e ^Martin membershipFariiija *f Z .'-HA-1S2G in the >Honor Drama : Hotel Monday, and Tuesday.., The Group, to'represent: the Ezperiem- lepperman" Hearn, dialectician; '' .Habbi H. R. Rabinowltz will topic at her.'paper was ','bental t'al iThVater ;of < Siouz: City.' The, Andy Devine, the ; "gravel-voiced". rjressht the-first in .a series/of Hygienlst and the; Child." gro'u'i* -is-composed of representa- man;-.Kenny. Baker, tenor; Phil pooh reviews Monday n y evening, ening, OcOc tives of'fifteen'drama-organisa- Hafrfs tnd hi3 orchestra and Don (cis delicious flavors) Wilsoa. r'' tho social hall of the To Appear \\'/ithtions in the city. . pynagogue. The book to bo reBenny, entcra his c!sth radio c:'i is "Northwest Passage" by Ecasoa. with s, notable record to PHILOSOPHICAL €FiOUP r" Roberta. riaintcln.. Ho turned to.rcclio tfter years of to? billing in Ercid: 'Mrs. B. Gelfand and Mrs. Mor- Mrs. Leon Marx will appear in TO UEfcl UOTED way ehovs • and vaudeville, to Lipshuts arc In charge of the a leading role,in ; tho.Brewer & Fleming Stock, Company • producforge rapidly to tb.3 top in microf i t tion next week-when the company phone popularity. . opens its season' in - surrounding Tho- Omaha Philosophical So- . For th-3 pest tour years a s h-s Iowa towns. : -. • ' ' \PLAI! ciety,.will present Mr. L. D. Bcck- been named , tho'3 forcmctt Mrs. M a n . is •_ on.' the > ctaf f - of with,'editor of tho Stockton, Ccl., comic ia nation-Tride polls of rat casual • meeting of Mount the Sious City" department of Rec- Forum, at s,meeting,to bo held dio editors; For tfcrca of thtzz V -3lB-ai Templ6 consregation will bS reation and • has ' appeared' in . a Sunday, October 10, at 3 o'clock hi3 ^ prosraia - wan • river, driller according to an number of Little Theater produc- at-tho Partoa .Hotel.. ranking, • made by Mr.' Hy-tions here. Mr.- Becliwith will speak en , Jack plans no • radical departa a , Fishsall, president ol tho "Challenge t o t h o Acadsny." ure frod tho,typo at comedy th&t 'Tho foliov/ing ' wcsl: Rabbi has distinguished bis chowln i'no A..-Z. A'. • -'. '• i:o, meeting will follow a dinFrederick Cohn -will spesk on past. Eit\:ctioa • co^-.cCy, frnu.-lit Cior-at the Warrior Hotel. A.-Z. A. members met Wednoa '.'Tho Palestine Problea." phy, v i l co^tia-ae tho b~"8c strucday evening toiwdrk on plans for ture of ciiit of h b t l . E!IOT,'3. tho annual A. Z> A.,day, to bo. held Glnso last hcr.rd en the cir, October 17. ^Members -are dllL. u EffCTM;;c£CQ. both llz-j zCCd Sinai Sisterhood will tickets for tlio-'Orphoum (theater niatcriily to feeir rcusiulallcn o£ Dbld ito first meotiaa of the Eoa-for tho showinE of 'Hake a T/i3h -Stcnloy;F.-Lovi3, for the pest Isurclr. J=c3:'r r.'^iiro' "/.ri: tComoittoa soporto • J were alco 7.02'• tiiis ' cfternoon, followins a fifteen year3 employed at tlie sndTT":!?!.-.," I? p"" T -"~ " tr:r:rso"i© o'clock luncheon. 2,1T3. B. hcird at tho meet'.n;;. .' !' First National Bank, is ROW r.s-dour; bos-oTfico draw, v; h i 11 JA.rca«oa will civo tho invocation oociiitod' with- the New. England IZzry's vror'i in"her lirct ctarr^ir; end Mrs. Sol Novitaliy will introMutucl . Life Insurance Company pliiure, "This V»ra;-, Flca:r," r luce "Rabbi Lav/is v/ho " i l l giva a as a;lifD insuraneo-Ufi;2sn,-ritcr. --Hhsat the fccrcilt •;: "cr Rabbi' Th=odo"ro N.'Lewis v?i) • I'r.. Levin' his , been actively ! p , ' Zl"z. I. riSller aad Mrs. Jlas S!VG tfca.first in a coriin of .tall; identified-.with, m a y local civh t!:o there?;'- arrrc'cat cl ciClut'JIiSn aro in clsargo of the on Russia-at the"-Friday'cresin. ^ r ir-cladir..: Punchsoo arrimscEisjato and Mrs.service in Mount. Sinai Tempio tho Junior Chanbcr of Coninicrcc, ti^. -The E-rin;'j.rciura SirMClia ia chares of the decoThe-cervlco will bcjjln tho.B'aai-C'rith, tha Ncbrccka Tr<ivc.: ; r c ' r c V i by z. tc ii-atio'aa, which' will carry out thaa t a - ^ Young-Republicans, the A. Z. A.o?e, r.r,-i. rc.:Cy •.- r " £iies3 oc c welcoino luncheon. rionday evening Rabbi Lewis aad tUc.B'nai I creel :yr.=a=oUtr. bt:,t c:>.?iz .io'—Z:'. Zz "Ira, u. C. GoM'csrr; will preside sps::o at tho CCC ' eour.t— 5:; chi:c:::cs . Z 3tllba bujine:n raoctins. trip to Rursia. Pdtroal=3 - Our Afivcrticcra ii
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