October 15, 1937

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In the Interests of the

crowded t h a n ' t h Spanish, classic dancini -blessed thoushVheau nomlcs. if. 1937, by Seven -Art « u r e Syndicate.) ];


views espreoset2 by I/ndiirig' Ijewisolm in his column are his own imd do not neces- : sarily reflect the policies or at> titnflo of oar pobllcatioa. Rev production in v»taola or in part strictly forbidden. * r

size p n r Adveitiseii IN c.^cs;vtN. A«y. •:;' rtdels Theatre BIdg. :


Entered as Secona Class Mall Matter 00 January ZU 1S2X. at fostofilco of Omaha: Nebraska, under ths Act of ilareh S. 1S73




^SIATTBR OF THE' Eg, i*ani. AYnllman. Deceased ?s Interested In said estate . mittfied that a Vetltlor ••u>a jn said Court alleging deceased died leaving"? id- praying for admlnlltraus estate, and that a: liearU«J? " n ' ^ l d petition: be-

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the same ana srant adi-.if. sa idestate to ,3arah r some other suitable;perproceed to a settlement ,




!'" • Coanty Judge. SILVERMAN. Attorney randels Theater Bldgi 3F INCORPORATION^OF [Y TEA SHOP, INC^i! hereby given that tho; tral.ave formed a corporation rthe laws of the State of The name of the corjiorasy Tea Shop. Inc. with its ace of business In Omaha, ! The objects 'for which ration Is formed areH To erect, provide, maintain. ease, purchase, acquire. >y and dispose of. by;-sale SB. in any town. city, or I the United Statesr.f tea. flee houses, restaurants. 3 nouses, or places oi re|to make and execute! any reemer.ts for the rental- of i of business as are herein !: to construct, own.'purfntaln. operate, sell, lease of. any such property;; and swer to purchase andphold pie. or otherwise, suchtreal nay be necessary for -carry\ business of said corjioraI for the purpose of «omtroent of said corporation, company is a.uthorize-3 -. to bey. the same to be sec-tired anner as the Board of, Dty authorize. The total aupital stock Is S1O.OOO.OC. par 10 per share, all stock 90mshall be fully paid andjhon-when issued. The corjromcommence business lupon of the articles with ; the rk of Douglas County. ;Ne-> 3 shall continue until Jani2- The highest amount of ss shall not exceed: twohe capital stock. The busi•s of the corporation , shall id by a Board of not: less sor more than five in humKhali, be elected at the; anIns of the stockholders, to i the first Monday in Jnnch year." Tlje Board shall, number, elect a president, ent." secretary and treas•i^crfrporation shall have-a articles m a y be amended eetins of the stockholders rmative vote of two-thirds ;ed and outstanding ttocli. btice of the meeting ajid its sail have been given tjt> all "3. as "provided tn'tbs.Ey-

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THE IKOX HAJfD ' I s Britain awa&enlhg from that apparent lethargy ol impotence that has already done, such Immeasurable harm in the -whole •world? The joint note sent by London 'and- Paris to-the Italian government concerning the socalled volunteers in. Spain seems to indicate some' dim sense iat long last ol the fact that the freed d m o f the, world must be defended and that mere muddling through, -will plunge us all into a common abyss. Of that disastrous lethargy of Britain her feeble placating : o£ the Arabs of Palestine at the price of every consideration of honor, of justice, of humanity, has been the. most discouraging symptom The' members of the Peel Commission themselves admitted that not only between the lines of their report. For even to them, despite their silly and inequitable and probably pre-dictated conclu sions there seems to have come a glimmer of the portentous truth that the Jewish people is more than a small -weak people—that i is symbol, sign, portent, hand on the dial of the clock of man's moral.history, not to be betrayed or sold "without terrific cost to the betrayer and the chafferer.


Evenu Local to V: Benefit from Showing . . Having been acclaimed wherever presented, the motion picture* •This Is the Land," Trill•• be shown Tuesday evening, October 19, at 8:15 sharp at the Paramount theater. Proceeds from this presentation, •will go to the City Talmud Torah and the Jewish iNational Fund.

Miss Ruth Allen 13 acting as secretary for the affair.

Tickets for the picture are fifty and seventy-five cents for adults and thirty-five cents for children. Holders of Forum season tickets will be entitled to orchestra seats. Tickets for £he entire Forum series are two dollars for members of the Jewish Community Center and three dollars for non-members. A capacity; house is expected for This I s the Land."

On the program along with the picture and several selected shorts •will be the combined choirs of Temple Israel, Beth El Synagogue and the Hazomir Singing Society who will present a program of Jewish and Hebrew songs. This city-wide choir will.be under the direction of Cantors Aaron Edgar and A. Schwacz.kin and will be accompanied by Esther Leaf Duboff. ' "" :•'..' .' . ' ;

•jjL tff j


State' Bepartaieiit Esprcsse3 Sjmpatby but Oancot Intervene


The Sunday School, known £s ths History and Religion Department, sponsored by the City Talmud Torah, will again, take registrations for new pupils on Sanday morning at 10 o'clock in the

Talmud Torah office in the Jewish Community Center. New York (J.T.A.)—The State Parents are urged to register Department has expressed itself their children at this time. unable to make representations to the Polish Government regarili-^




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the condition of ths Jews tlcrc Tie TTomen's DlTision of the j but has expressed "a sympathetic Jewisli Comtnnni :? Certer is rigr.in \ understanding" of the America:: collectins- old. clotfeiEg End toys j Jews' concern with t t e P c l ' : i to distriimte to t t e Eeefij-, j Jews." Anyone having1 anything to con-! tribute is asked, to call the Center ; Replying to* an appeal by the or airs. T. A. Tullr, Earney 724S | Federation of Polish Jews in America, Pierrepont Moffat, Chief ,_ of the Division of European. Af- ifasis Iiay Coiapel Sews to fairs, wrote: r-v Wear "Yellow "The receipt is acknowledged Badge" of your letter of September 24, 1937, with which you transmit a Berlin (WNS)—The fate of t t e copy of a statement submitted to Jews in Grennany is now in t t e the Ambassador of tha Republic hands of the Xazi party. The of Poland a t Washington by your Nszi Gauleiters (district leaders) federation, protesting against cer- will have, according to reliable tain actions alleged to have bees authority, the sole right to deterHonor . Faasd Eegtssst * is] committed against the Jewish pop- mine the -status of ~the Jews. ulation of Poland. By legislation and ministerial "Although under the accepted decree the Tcirfi Reich fcas elimEt. Andrews I -

.Pi- *>



E e f u s e to Occupy Special Benches in Warsaw • Colleges



Principles governing international • tnated or greatly restricted JewAt last, at all events, Britain Warsaw (JTA)—Jewish stu- relations this Government csssat Jerusalem (TOTS-Palcer Agen- j In the .opinion of most critics ish activity, and by handing over is using the iron hand in Pales the picture, "This Is the'Land," dents called a conference last make representations to a foreign th.3 Jewish question, to leaders of cy) — Scotsmen and .Scotswomen | tine. It is a melancholy reflection far exceeds the movie "Land of week to consider a proposal for government with regard to n a t - the Nazi party for final liquida- living is Palestine watched Gen-1 from a merely, worldly and ex Promls.e," which was enthusias- a nation-wide eight-day strike be- ters which do not directly iuTclre tion, has fulfilled cue of its eral Sir Arthur TVaucaope, tbe i pedient point of view that t h High Commissioner and a. former !, tically received when presented ginning Monday to protest against American citizens or interests,* »I earliest promises. velvet glove -was not stripped off Colonel of "The Black TCatc1...": here last'year. Rather than just a segregation into "ghetto benches" wish to assure yon that it has a Under the sew dispensation •when Jewish children -were bomb in Warsaw colleges. unveil a -memorial tatlet of trie pictorial presentation of Palessympathetic understanding of the each Gauleiter will have tbe aued and Hadassah. nurses shoi Jews refused to occupy the spe- natural concern of American Jews most famous cf all Highland r- ztine, "This Is the Land" shows thority to issue measures affect•whole on their very errands o: the dramatic happenings in the cially-stamped seats on the. left in matters affecting ths Jewish. ing Jews of his district. Un- iraents who fell during the Tu?.r | skill and mercy nor when a q u i e side of classrooms, and a number in t t e Heir Land. i history of the country. ,. copulation of Poland." doubtedly anti-Jewish measures scholar -was assassinated at hi! ' It traces the development of of Polish Socialist students demGeneral Tv'auchope, speaking at j will vary widely, depending- on •work. To force Britain to' necesJews Palestine from the arrival of the onstratively joined the the feeling's cf t t e individual | t t e ceremony, revealed that he \ ;sary sterness it took the assassifirst Jewish colonists of fifty standing on the left side of the Gauleiter toward t t e Jews. j tad suggested some years ago to : nation of an" Englishman. . Ye) years ago to the present day. The rooms during lectures. The question of compelling i t t e officers of 'Tte Black Yfatch' \ looking deeper and also farthe: The rector of Warsaw Univerepic-making events of the renaisJews to wear distinctive insignia, j that ttere could be no more fittahead we need riot" be altogethe: sance of an ancient land, such as sity, refused to receive a. delegasuch as!yellow 'badges, t a s also) ing place for a memorial to those sorry. Not that we do not deepl the marshalling of the Jewish Le- tion of- Jewish students who in the regiment who_fell during! been discussed. In fact, It is re-1 deplore the murder of the Dis gton under General Allenby out- called to protest the segregation Funeral services for Mrs. Rosa I " £ £ y ^ " ^ i h a t a y'ellow badge j «J ec hcampaign in Palestine than _, trict Commissioner of Galilee, Mr. side the walls of Jerusalem, the order, giving as his reason that Hiller, Her. 74, were held Tuesday U 0 - u [ d b e w o r a fcy ^c* Jew on ! « * w c n c f s t - Andrew's bunt Lewis Y. Andrews and of Pete laying of the foundation stone and hi3 room was being redecorated morning at the Hoffman mor a * - bis left arm, E 0 that ttere might I1*" Scotsmen to commemorate the MacEwan, his bodyguard. O the dedication of the Hebrew uni- and he had no room in which to ary. Mrs. Hiller died • ^Deration of Jerusalem m il'i'i. this matter no one -will doubt oui "t be no confusion with the see the delegation. versity, are all pictured. New York City at the home of .__ j Ths idea was warmly welcomed sincerity. "We are no friends oi The Wilno newspaper, Slowo, her. daughter, Mrs. Lester Kirschblood or the shedding of blood Featured roles in the picture in an article on the Jewish edubraun. "We have proved that again, be- are enacted by the outstanding cation problem, proposed estabSince the death of her husband, 5-ond all doubt and for all tim members^ of the world-famous the- lishment of a complete separate Henry- Hiller, pioneer Oinafc&n, during'tho past most hotter year, atrical' guild of .Jerusalem, the Jewish school system, from-ele- airs. Hiller had -traveled—extenBut it is better and juster^tlia H a b i m a h p l a j r e r s i -•_•'' r •• '" mentary school to university.. The ial stcne. the Ultimate- sharpness or ci..:..-;tTicTpicture is also the first at- proposal, made on "pedagogical sively and for the- last several This years had maintained a residence' The Second Battalion he "between the Arabs- of Pales- traction of the season on the prothe Jews has already gone Into efgrounds," was warmly- supported in California. Black Watch" will join the pertine and the British Empire1 in ram of the Center Forum. fect as • instanced hy t t e placing by ABC, anti-Semitic daily. Surviving besides Sirs. Kirsch- of yellow benches along the Oil- manent Palestine garrison during Its. character, not only of the Ephraim Marks is genera A delegation from the Jewish braun are another daughter, Mrs. October or November, replacing '• guardian and guarantor of the Chairman of the Forum commitRegiment in Jewish National Home, but in its tee. The co-chairmen of the ticket- Deputies Club'interviewed Educa- S. S. Jacobs of Jacksonville, Flor- Jews only. It was on t t e order of the Roral Susses character of governor, colonizer, selling committee are Mrs. J tion Minister Swietoslawski and ida, and two sons, Louis and Mor- tbe Berlin Gauleiter, Propaganda Jerusalem. The" are one of the " g h e t t o ton of Omaha. leading "crack regiments o£ KilI not altogether conscienceless and Goldware, Mrs. Julius Stein' and protested that the Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels, Burial was in Pleasant Hill that.;the benches were set 'up. ties in the British Army. ,-ruthless lord over so large a por- Mrs. Phillip Levey. Jack Epstein benches" were unconstitutional and constituted an attempt of na; tion of mankind. is In charge of the* theater, and tional discrimination against the Cemetery. Other districts' have not followed ••»**• • So at last a few appropriate Mrs. Ben Shapiro of the publicity. this idea, since it-was discovered | V a a d M e : Jews. The' Minister said the : measures • have been taken. The that Aryans disregarded the signs measure was introduced solely to •Arab High Committee has been "For^" Jews-Only" on beaches and prevent disorders in schools. The • declared' unlawful and its chief used\~them freely. delegation replied that the measmembers arrested and deported Another example of the Gauleiture could not be regarded as a and the Mufti of Jerusalem has ers" : methods occurred in the rhe first Vaad lien's Club in- - \ ^ mere regulation and would not been deposed, deprived of the ag will take Beginning on Saturday, Octo- states of AlleEStein. and Schueid- r.o- r-nfl help in maintaining OTder. Presidency of the Moslem . Suhursday, October 21, ber 16th, the Vaad Trill sponsor muhl/ where Jewish men and A conference of Jewish organipreme Council and hence—and Mrs. M. F. Leyenson and Mr. H'ns.1 Israel declaration a Junior Synagogue for children women' of all £ges were regularly J p _ this, is the main point—deprived I. Morgenstern who represented zations adopted a either attending the Talmud summoiied-to police headquarters gogue, ISth and Chicago streets. of the management of the huge the Omaha Council of the Jewish charging that the segregation orTorah or whose parents are affil- and ordered to stand facing a j There will be aa election ol offunds and endowments of the National Fund at the national der was calculated to degrade iated with the Vaad or aay of t t e blank wail for hours at a stretch, j ficers and an interesting musical Jews.into second-class citizens. Moslem Heligious Estates and of convention held in Detroit las sometimes' until they collapsed, j program has heeri arranged. This Swietoslawski broadcast an ap- Orthodox Synagogues ia the Comthe Income of circa 7.0,000 pounds Sunday returned on Tuesday. Thee recent'attempts to harass meeting •will he open to members . peal to maintain order in the munity. •which he has used to foment terAccording to the delegates there schools and not "stain academic - The Junior Synagogue will and torment the Jews are merely £s veil as their friends. ror and rebellion. It "goes without were representatives from twentya further effort to liquidate the saying that he is no longer on the three states at the conference and honor." He declared disorders meet at Congregation B'nai Is- Jewish population. It is now estipayroll'of the Mandatory power; represented every shade of Zion such as have occurred in the past rael, 18th and Chicago, at 10 mated that in four years 100,000 j two years would-not be tolerated, a. m. Parents are requested to in a word, he is no longer paid by 1st opinion. Jews have left Germany, there re- j but made no mention of the seg- urge their children to participate Britain to murder and to hire mainiag now 400,000. . An ambitious program for land regation order. In this important religious funchighwaymen and'murderers. * • redemption-was presented to the The Yiddish daily, Das Wort, tion of the Orthodox Synagogues. Husseini is & very astute pergathering. Abu Kafsah Tazzid, a JETS- of j was confiscated for publishing an* son. He has taken refuge in the A. Bernstein (1812-1SS4) in- Arahia, "was physician to Mo-1 Mr. Ksrry Steinberg and chilarticle attacking the rectors' segarea of the Mosque of Oman and vented the automatic dosing successor, the Caliph ) g r e r , all Tj : ce th regation order. 13 claiming sanctuary In good Oiaar, I "will De Anti-Semitic newspapers contin- gates at grade crossings. • Mediaeval fashion. He hopes to ued to express jubilation over the lure Britain into a desecration of order as the first step in a camthe Dome of the Kock •which, as Mr. and Mrs. Julius Blsno, wh< paign to oust Jews from colleges, again he hopes not •without reason, would offend the sensibili- have just returned from a thre while Socialist and democratic ties of. Moslems, everywhere. and a half month tour of Europe newspapers attacked the measure Luckily that small plateau at the and Palestine, will be honored at and the Government press contop of Mount Moriah is.as/small a banquet in the Jewish Commu- spicuously refrained from comnity Center .Tuesday evening, Oc- ment. xFOE i tober 26th. The banquet—which as it is. A few dozen British The thrill of viewing two relics Georgs V and Ealfour forests diers could easily surround i t will be followed by an open meetid. Ol of antiquity that proclaimed the which cover ths hills of Galilee. •without treading on consecrated ing at which the Bisnos will talk death of Israel and of thea stepground and let the Mufti stay in -—is sponsored by the two Omaha Adjoining t t e forest is a small ping into the teeming life cf Pal- settlement c£ men • and & f ew the sanctuary but -with money, chapters, AZA No. 1 and No. 100. estine was experienced by Mr. women wbo have assumed "the food or'change of garment. It is Neither Mr. Bisno, who is Exe Jackson, Miss (WNS) — Only to. be hoped that Britain •will cutove Secretary of the AZA, noi Jews and Christians "manifest no and--Mrs. Julius Bisno who re- task of guarding the forest from thus counter 1 astuteness with Mrs. Bisno will have any other outward signs of fear when some- turned Tuesday from, a three and Arab marauders. They keep in astuteness. • • . • speaking engagements in Omaha, one died in' the house," Robert a half-months trip abroad. la touch with the colonies beyond . And now that at last some re- and those interested in hearing a Griffith, local historian, conclud- Cairo they were shown the most by means of semaphore signals. pressive measures hare been tak- personal relation of affairs in Pal- ed after a long study into funeral ancient refereace to the J-ews "Everyone is Palestine feels en, I fully expect a good many estine from those who have been practices of the world. "Tas known, that of a Pharoa.h who that Partition will become a fact. proclaimed. "Israel is destroyed. people, especially so-called liber- closely in touch with leading, fig- Christians and the Jews, free Their seed 'is no more," and in Ke-w are is favor of the plan but als, even Jews, - to deplore* the ures in Jewish life there durin from superstition in their regard Rome they 'saw the Arch cf Titus believe it is the only -ws.y to solve pi ight of the poor Arabs deproved the partition controversy shoul of death, do not have any fetishes which was erected to conmsrjo- the problem. Both Je-srs and Arabs o f their liberties by tbe brutal make reservations early. . or charms that will ward off evil rate the destruction of Jerusalem. have Just claims. The attitude of British. -Hence there is • no better The banquet is scheduled fo at the grave," he said. "Take any the people is to accept the Pa.rtime or occasion than this to re- 6:00 p. m. ^and the open meetin •As a living refutation c£ these titsoa • under ths' best possible other religion you might-name call to the Jewish people and the will be held at S:00 o'clock. The and I can point out hundreds of two ancient claims was the Pales- terms." world these facts. committee in charge of arrange- tiny exhibitions of genuine fear. tine they visited. "We had expectThe 3SESC-S spent Bosh E&sioThe Jewish people has never ments consists of Ben Barkin, asAnd with both Christian and ed to see great things," Mr. Bis* _ aah ta Cairo whose Jewish popsistant executive secretary oi no stated, "but what we saw was . . g i v e n , tip its claim to the land Jewish faiths, no artificial meai ulatioa while small is so ircporT ' V " V of;Israel from which it was es- AZA; Raymond Shapiro and Mor- sures, are taken to restore life, beyond our e^ "c" U rt *" "* "• ~ * 1 petted "by the innumerable; legions ris Arbitman, of AZA No.' 1; anc such'as covering the body -with, a is one of V - , - a =- <- cf $ of Rome, fighting desperately to Joe G.uss and Harold Zelinsky, o red pigment in- a pre-historic be- cities in the • AZA No. 100. Reservations maj lief that because blood is red, red day by day r-rosr * ' . " derend every inch of its soil. While in PaV- _c " r JL - - , There never was a period since be made by calling AZA head is bloody therefore red is life," who is exeeu'i c c L _ *• c i t h a t d a y when some Jews did not quarters, Atlantic 4632.. JL Z.-A., and „ ^ strive to return to the. land- of Opposes. Kosher Slaughter ths first tre our fathers; .there never; was a r John Jacob Astor, founder Qi Kaunas' {JTA)'—Tiie Society - t i m e : when some Jews—a spir- the famous American family, reHarry Lapi3x 7 7 " ~ ~:__ itual garrison—-did not dwellceived his .first-, experience in thefor Prevention of Cruelty to. Ani- b e i n g p l a n t e d ^ r ~'—•"— —* - taere." . •• . . ' " " y •• . lur trade while 3n the employ of mals adopted a'resolution oppos- Iiapidus of Q—~ - •*

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Widow of. Pioneer Omahan Dies la New York City




spternber 17th, 1937. ' \ji • ' •IAR1E E. C0STEIX0-: ?LOEEXCE -R. MAT2SES

- US


Omaha Delegates Return from J. N. F. ' Detroit Conclave

Vita-Fresh in 3 sure way to y fresh and £ the roasting IRS fresh!

L. XVI—Xo. 48

, FKTOAT, OCTOBER^-15, 1937


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L. ; r .

to KoM First of Year's Meetings





COFFEE to its roastercon mean in has it in the boiled coffee, Sp coffee. For onomy in the


u Z. A. Chapters -,To Honor Bisnos




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Show Boat, over & ^ ^ ^ ^ 7 ^ >*.

Finds Jews Have Mo Fear of Death



' Th Arab conquest toot place (Continued on page 7.) -

Hayaian Levy, the great mer- ing- the Jewish ritual method of chant of Revolutionary times. slcur-'aterins anfaals.









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phia., He Is survived by two Boas, Saftt raid Maurice of Omaha; a.ft<! ttwefe

, ! Funeral services were ii«M «tt n-_ , the JewiBh Funeral Home. BiH-tel . was in Pleasaat Hill Cemetery.




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Pago 2

.Forward . . . Things we didn't] ! that certain basic rights to life Germany. They are ell tfw vie? jtnow till now—that tteere are at! and liberty belonged inherently to tims of political ndvontiirors, Ipast h&lf a dozen troupes of Yid-i every man by virtue of the simple The reaction in fiuropa iprtaj* <JisH actors touring the provinces | fact that lie was a human being. ,is not riecessarily thf pr^piir^o and doans vr«l! at it . . . That I Religion, they maintained, was of a nevr morlJnpvuUnuj, AiwifsC' of T.frr-n) is h^<idf?d by Vera i no.Justifiable basis for social dis- valisni baa-hpcn flying ftini't. Jhe Berlin < Havas via JTA)— The on, who once Urovned. tSsca-' crimination. With the rise of cap- sixteenth century. WltHt v « pfp Beobachter, Xnzi or "-, cf ihectSTf, :n tears; ?JS theVoplkiseher ' italism the hatea "usurer" be- now experloneing la Iho tsst ,s:T in Facnie Eursi's "Jin- ; frr.r., opclared that the Danzig came the respected "banker." z!e& gasp of ft iKedUun'fllUon Hta( ef^ue'" . . . AM E.pptJ>er Is CA- Government 'cannot tolerate' 'the At ^ ' the Jew was emanci- is dying- hnrtl snul 1» finnKlfiii- ivr .'.. fcr L C T Kattcri, Teterar interference o£ any state in its inpated and'given the rights of cit- very'pretext, by tVf»r,v Htttrsra or per, vrYic has trarrpei the ternal affairs, appropos of the izenship. This process of emanci- rate, prejisdlec, snitt charge that Polish postJn cozfT.s of coi'.r.triep Danzigmen pation, begun n the eighteenth to maintain it?s?U< ft|»itj? were delivering- Polish paE,nc US-hose i>f fi i n Professor of History at Hebrew Union College century, is not yet over, although is a t fever heat tOititj' !>» s, ,T. T. A. em- "-' Danzig territory contrary iS H i t0 F the majority of-Jews throughout is in a stale of tvuMfft! / ' e e City regulations. i i» 3 for tbe above the world today have been raised The'poSson of <rierfii1*>m'p ti t1nin£ i ( h e jfU-f: i !<&i !•'•• >"M •*" The paper suggested that the Pointing out 'that between Christian century the process of state and the mediaeval church. to a state .of equality with, other Its--work. The tlrrtUt of mmU ]Wtilife's I'JuuUIUliif! i . Polish Government was attemptthe Roman destruction of the dissolution was well advanced. In the Christian feudal state I \: I'iir-f il ! l.t:iiH't!, •jnKXCI3- This seems to i n g t 0 c r e ate resentment against Second Jewish Empire u 03 B. Recurring anarchy and growing there was no place, theoretically peoples. With civil and political valism Js apDroacUitti?- «n<l R freedom has come the open door j vrer f o r ' K ^ a ' Commis-; t b e ^^"S authorities in order to engaging in lie lasl C. ond t h e British offer t o despotism - drove, many Jews out at least, for the Infidel Jew. He ]if> i i F'T-FI V-T 'Walter. c o v e r t h e i r refusal to accept "the-. establish a Jewish State In of Palestine to happier lands. But could neither rule, pray, fight, nor to economic, political, and cul- struggle for tural advancement. When the J Hs?> , ' .p, But die it snast—to bt» J937 is esnctly 2,000 years, Dr. the 'final blow that crushed Jew- till the soil. His; role of business ;! T fin"oV'?hp 'jf-i) Com-: iegitimate demands of Danzig" in t h e \-.^:,}:\(.)tu ' recent Danzig-Polish ecoribMarcus reviews t h e highlights ish life iru old Palestine was notman and cultural mediator was ghetto walls first fell in the by tho-light of modernism wbi,"h, | I" tin* on to Lit: cterr.Ei of Jewish history during those altogether political. It came with rar.ely appreciated. The newly eighteenth century the uncouth moving steadily forward fro:u mic negotiations. L o r d ?eel. two mlllenla in a fascinating the rise to power of the Christian emerging Christian states, going Jew found himself hundreds of Western Europe, wilt ponntrate t ))U Uf'ok'M years behind the times; today. into every corner of Central ami Seven of t h e principle prelates account of Jewish joys • and r e l i g i o n . • • , ' • ; MAS'K: ABotp cistin'.".-• back to Christian-Roman imperial through.Einstein and other intelof Spain during the reign of Fertribulations. '• • ' Eastern Europe to complete the fiii'ifcrs Keen absorbing i: i>-h<' d traditions, took over bodily the lectuals, he is frequently, hun- emergence of the Modern Ape. It tored Historical Christianity, by- its new cl.tiw —-The Editor. fctinoKphore at tbe Cafe dinand a n d Isabella were of Jewinherent nature, was intolerant. anti-Jewish legislation of older dreds of years ahead of the times. is oar belief that the reaction to- (it once wilts known «.* UJ<5 ish extraction. of 'centuries. Stirred by a deepening Becoming a Western man -was not | day is only an episode; liberalism son Thontrr. a iw On a certain "Sabbath. in the. Claiming absolute possession of religious bigotry and a growing row Ji'erE.riiir.eg and bo~ easy for the mediaeval Talmudlc has been on the inarch for.hun- front Central Park) Patronize Our Advertisers month of June, 63-years before the only religious truth, it re- sense of social injustice, the ChrisT£i ntJE Jew; it required a tremendous fused to. tolerate any other religHow could the common era, Jewish fortunes dreds of years and cannot be held \ tion tian masses found an outlet and mental and cultural wrench. Yet •were apparently- 'at their lowest ious group. Logically,. Christianity an expression for their dissatisI squeeze a novel which told the j •jYcr.p'urv" w i h f-'ix t h e <he succeeded in becoming a mod- back permanently. ebb. Cornelius FaustUB, ,Purlu3. should have legislated Judaism faction in recurrent massacres of of | tale of twin brothers, as differ-] ,s {.\ w'ere'fAs'vnfc, v; ushtf • r rr The historical implication ern man in every sense of the and Fabius, intrepid Roman offi- out of existence when it, had the the helpies3 Jews. The growing word without relinquishing bis the British offer of. an independ- j ent from each other as night from l».v end grandson opportunity, but sentiment and stormed the walls' of the attitude of profound contempt for traditional faith. Even the most ent state in Palestine is hearten- j day, the saga of the rise and fall hear loud laug-htcr, the chr: Temple mount in Jerusalem and possibly political expediency re-, Jewry was encouraged by Church orthodox of contemporary Jewish ing.- It la most significant that j of a great industrial center, and j arp"good"th7t theleugYie-s lr-f annihilated the- Jewish, defenders. strained }t. The. great"ideal of the mediaeval Church was, "after all, legislation. Jews were forbiddene leaders sport graduate degrees in this offer has come at a moment ; told it with infinite artistry, into j H u ; t ' h e E r d a b o u t that'veli-lir.-v r The^Maccabean State, the Second of deepest- reaction in Germany ! its rather rigid confines? , . . It j j e visk woman pHlf nthropl.s' " not'to.burn'the, Jews,but to conto employ Christian maids, and philosophy, thrive without beards, and Poland- It is quite immaterial i seemed a stupendous task Jewish Empire.was;destroyed. Toshe had had ?.t 1 t e et te e she E _t t t i e •ee j ee.E day, exactly' two thousand years vert him. The acceptance of Christians were not allowed to en- and dine in our large. metropoli| later, in 1937; Great Britain is' Christianity' by the Jews was' a gage Jewish physicians. The cli- tan hostelries in the comfort of what immediate motives prompt | Yet, to this onlooker's pleased j p e r | . ~recel;t.;,- v,-jth Pref the British Foreign Office to of- surprise, the task was superbly j Roosevelt's "mother In v * offering to the Jewish people the jmatter of tremendous tactical im- max of anti-Jewish canon law was formal attire. fer the Jews a homeland. It is handled And the • play tbe J. W. P. congratulated hr: cr d make I i opportunity to; create in Palestine portance to the Church..The Jews the injunction that Jews must be It was for the Gentile world 1 even immaterial, we may as a first class bit c j her grandson's fine match \ a new Independent •": sovereign had .been witnesses at* the very distinguished • from • Christans that the problem of adjustment bold to say, how many hundreds emerges entertainment in its own right. . . BtiPoni heiress ] state—the Third Jewish Common- birth of Christianity. If they through their dress. This was the was most difficult. For forty-five of thousands of homeless and It-has startlmgly. captured tbe lthe lcJtou8ly a s k e d s f i h e b o vt wealth. What has history done were to acknowledge the legiti- beginning of the "Jewish badge," generations they had been taught suffering Jews from Germany spirit of the book itself . . . Easy- | , • -with Jewry in the intervening two macy and the efficaciousness of the "yellow badge," the mark of to despise the Jew and now they and Poland may find refuge in roing, lady-killer Jacob Buciia. E a n c i a l f u t u r e v*as nc-v* ssthe Christian faith, who then shame. It was a crushing blow to And when informed th; , thousand years?; - > . could doubt ts truth or Its su- Jewish morale. It was not through had been asked to throw over- he new Palestine state. What is (played by Samuel Goldenburg), h to stand on t i s own j When TTome's" Tuvudihg army periority? When the Jews re* its, own laws however, that the "board, within two or three gen- significant is that after two his ambitious twin Simcha Meyer Gushed that it -was a shanif Simeha's | t h a t B O m e o n e 0 l s g h t t 0 ' butchered the 12,000 ''defenders, fused to become Christians, the mediaeval Church perpetrated its erations, the prejudice of fifteen housand years, after centuries of (Maurice Schwartz); greatest injustices against the hundred years, and to accept the brutal disregard and callous con- wife, Dinah • (Gerta Rosen), be- j Mr _ r > u P o a t a o o l : it of the Temple, the effects of their A n d It "f.. the Western World, action reached deeply:-into the Ihurch". set about systematically, Jews, but rather through the hor-Jew as an equal. The surprising empt, life of the Jewish people. The Ro- deliberately, ruthlessly, to de- rible accusations which it toler- thing Is that the majority of Gen- through its greatest Empire, has man centurions'not only brought xade the Jew.y.'The. church suc- ated. Though the Church voiced tilea have done so. If they had seen fit to make some historical I about the destruction of the Jew-ceeded in its intent, for in the an . occasional protest, it actually not, the Jews would not be here re|"aration by giving to the Jews hind tne footlights . . . It is as * ish State, but they also acceler- space of tiine between 315 C. E. allowed hundreds, if not thou- today! A minority of non-Jews a sovereign home of their own. each jumped full-blown rigit I (Copyright, IS37, Jewish graphic Agency, Inc.) J ated the immigration of the Jew-and 534 C-.E.,. the status,of the sands,, of • innocent Jews to be have refused to accept the fact The British offer of a homeland from the book's pages, their' ij idh masses Into, the Roman Em- Jew was changed from that of a murdered on the mad charge that of Jewish equality. For them the for Jews—in spite of the chican- characters indelibly Imprinted j « recorded thax waer J plre. Palestine now. became an free Roman citizen to that of a they kidnaped Christian children, Jew may have been emancipated ery that surrounds it—is a great! on face, clothes and every gesture Khodes fell ir f: Colossus by law, but not by them. This in\ integral part of that Empire and, second-class citizen who could and Is I by Singer himself Schwartz gesture them to death, and used transigent minority—and it is humanitarian the debris WEE- purchased i" -I aa a result, hundreds of thou- hold no hdnorahle office In the I tortured growing j and his' energetic troupe of stars thelr symptomatic of the blood for the Passover rltJewish merch&E.t of Emess*. ' sanda of Jews Wandered through- state. But discrimination w e n t ' Tial. The church so moulded pub- still ~& minority, even in ' Ger- strength of the modern ace and j have loaded the play with all the \ out the Asiatic, African and Euro- much,further. Jews were' preventmany!—have created our modern the modern spirit, a spirit which j color, pulsing drama and paaorlic opinion in mediaeval Europe i pean basin of.the Mediterranean ed from jjractising the professions. \ i sweep that t h t suchh an epic i d de- j ha's become synonymous with that the masses, their minds in- anti-Semitic movement. % during the" following centuries* They could neither intermarry . Tnere are, of course, At this hour anti-Semitism as flamed with the madness of l nor convert others to Judaism. 5 knitting themselves Intimately initical liherty and cultural equal-[ the serves inevitable imperfections , . . prejudice, refused to tolerate the looms large. Vigilante's, Nazis ity for all peoples. H to the whole Graeco-Roman cul- The building. of new synagogues Jews on any terms.. It was for and nativists have tightened (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts Several superfluous sceiies, to: was forbidden. The ve^y moral 1 • tural pattern; example, and at least one (in Feature Syndicate) •worth, of the Jew was questioned this reason that the Jew3 were many, even In America. Ger! Jews were found everywhere/ for he was not even allowed to expelled from England, France, many, Poland and Rumania are 7' hc"£ CTic.hu bhrpr, :." •which the love of Dinah's daughT even in the more distant western testify; in: court against orthodox Spain and large parts of Italy in the grip of a vicious anti-Jewter for Jacob Bunira is depicted) ^ and central .European provinces Christian believers. The Christan and Germany. In the Scandinavian ish psychosis. Millions of Jews that would be immeasurably more •which were destined eome day to State, in intimate, association lands.the Jew could' not even se- are panic-stricken; ' many beeffective if cut in Sal* . , , But ' become the powerful states of with the- Christian Church, de- cure a foothold. Gradually Jew- lieve that civilization itself Is the defects, such ES they are, do mec | modem Europe. It is Interesting ;stroyed>the civil, political and so-ish leadership drifted eastward. crumbling and that Jews everynot suffice to dilute 'the Pleasure 1 to note that these Jews, Bcat- cial status of the Jews with such The Jewish .masses, in search of where are about to be dragged in ss brilliantly produced and sxtFrom Our CharrrJ.;:; 1 tered throughout the pagan Ro- utter thoroughness: that it was economic opportunity and political down again to a mediaeval stats Jerusalem (JTA) — The Gov-, ed a drama -as has taken the g man Empire,, were apparently felt by even the humblest Chris- security, found them, to some de- of semi-outlawry. eminent of Lebanon hasproj Broadway boards ia Eiany a eeaMiss — Mrs. Shop! After two ^ content with theler lot. But in tian' peasant that to be a Jew was gree, in Eastern Europe and the thousand years there Is only claicied Yoa Kippur, Jewish Day js o a . . . . To the anther (who aido old Palestine the Jews who hadloathsome. The mediaeval Jew Balkans, in, lands of little culblack despair. The situation is of Atonement, as an official noli-I e d Schwartz ia dramatizing i t ) , •\ been left behind were in a miser was born. ture. This is why huge masses of hardly that' critical. The prog- day in the country. T the - cast and to Mr. Schwartz •n able state. The Roman admlnlsthe Jewish people are still found nosis for tjie future is not that The Palestine Jewish National j particularly, & brsvos 4 trators were too frequently .not v. ' • • • ' • The intolerance which 1-esun.ed in these areas. • Council has telegraphed a mes- g ^ play outlast "Abie's the. blackSome of our European, and a n g unlike :tho "carpet baggers'' of a from" the Christlanlzation of the Jewry might have been com- Asiatic lands are smeared with sage of congratulations to the Le- Irish Rose" ana "Tobacco Road." ^ later time, for their sole pur- Roman Empire was the most debanese Government on the ocF pose,' it would seem, was the ex- cisive factor In drying the Jew out pletely crushed had It • not been the backwash of the political re- casion of the country's national - SIDELIGHTS: I. J. Singer, the s' ploitation of. the Jewish "na- of the Empire-into the non-Chris- for the breakdown of the media- action that' followed the World independence festival. novelist, in his youth studied to [ tlvea." The'arrogant Romans had tian country of Babylonia. Here val Catholic church. The great ri- War. .In Europe—in Germany, "In the name of the Jewish : neither understanding of • nor the Jew .wrote his Talmud and val powers of Protestantism and Austria, Hungary and the Bal- population of Palestine we have be a painter . . . And once wrote sympathy for. the religious sensi- developed his great academies. Catholicism, born of the schism kans—political uncertainty and the honor to aend greetings on snappy, huras-n interest stories as correspondent for the Yiddish bilities of the proud JBWB. -There Here; when, the Moslems^ con- within the Church, were so busy economic difficulties have made the occasion of the festival of instill burned within the hearts of quered the Near East in the sev-warring against one another that for political chicanery. Ruthless the Palestinian Jews a fervid na- enth century, he began his fine they had little time ' to bother dictators have terrorized the dependence," the" message said. masses; uncon- 'We wish the young republic and tionalism. They were . much too synthesis of Judiac and Graeco- with Jews. The new European .peace-seeking states,.struggling to destroy the scionable propagandists h a v e the noble people of Lebanon hapfond of freedom to tolerate; Ro- Arabic culture.-Unfortunately, the man brutality-without a struggle. incurslonB of the Turks made an: political power of the Church in roused them against their fellow piness and blessings." It is not strange, therefore, that extended Arabic-Jewish- life Im- their own lands, gradually evolved men. Most of the agitation Annuity, Endowment, Life A' Jew, Rodrigo de Triana, is the ontlre duration of Roman rule possible in Babylon,; and It was a' concept of citizenship . which against the Jew in Europe at credited by Columbus as being made any law-abiding person acin Palestine, a period of 700 not until the eleventh century In this hour is artificial, created Represents B1 Strong Companyears, wa3 marred by constant re Spain that a golden age of Jew- ceptable to the State. One no and paid for by Hitler gold. The the first of his crew to sec the ies—Every Tjfina cf msuranct and Bonds written. CESJ ATVolt and civil war. The revolu- ish culture began . t o dawn for • longer had to be a Christian to day that Hitler-and hia regime new world. 76S? or WA.61SS. tion which-resulted in the fall of Jewry. Now for the. first, time .in become 1a citizen. This was V tre- collapses, that day the social po• patronise Our Advertizers the Temple again In 70 C. E.,.and its long history, Jewry became mendous social .advance. Anyone sition of the Jew in every counthe revolt of Bar ICochba in "the Europeanized. In Spain, during wlio was loyal,, who fought for try of Europe will be profoundly second ChriBtian-century,, were the next two centuries, there ap- the State'," and who ^enriched it Improved. There.is no natural Inonly two among the more critical peared dozens, of Tiotable. Jewish with taxes was acceptable."to. itr stinctive dislike of the Jew in the ' wars of Independence which were scholars, poets, writers, Talmu- Philosophers, writers, and polit- hearts and souls of the great fought during these long cen- dists,- financiers, generals and turies. It is, perhaps,-not too far- diplomats. It was a. glorious age, leal scientists began to point out masses of Europe, not • even in fetched to assume that the re- when every field of artistic "and peated attiripts' of the Jews to literary achievement .could boast break away from the yoke of Ro of Jewish leaders. But the thirman rule -were symptomatic o teenth century saw the sharp dethe Incipient breakdown of th< cline of Islam and the sweeping Roman Empire. By the third rise of the - mediaeval .Christian

Polish Ckims in Danzig Affaira

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By Dr. Jacob R. Marcus •

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Lebanese Yom Kippur An : Official Holiday

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Smart dresses that are flattering to the larger women, every clip, every bit of .embroidery, every- low-placed pleat and . tucks.®re designed to make you 3fok • slimmer. New autumn colors, mac": l from No rsscrss'Ijack-lireakiag efforts la tune-your stations.,Thi* •«.« tirely .new. l©3S.Philco essls .that -Forcvier.- One: glance''ct'nd yew see the-call letters .of -your fayerite'slalJena « -;.» fey the B«S-WSIS« d "Conttel-Panel CTsftbieS you t o ' t u n e -with- «««« «nd~ grace, ' iy ^ Z til &i ' !

$3995 Miss cr-d Mrs.

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that these men shOTtM "fas ;s the most" isA. r of Boston, the

' Itirtner - jucty of tlie rjEru-iinn

! blem. " j "-*1" j "Tiie Xiittle Entente," lie Cs- \

zll ilr. iila a core- jurt things of distributiori of ths life among all the people, "her. to T,-c_lth and

l'.in fBuvap via" TTA.)—The foliar Beobachter, Ka-i prjisclared that the IDsnzig traent 'cannot tolerate' 'the prence of any state n . its inaffairs, cpnropos iof t h e '=: charge that Polish postIwere delivering Polish paXianzig territory contrary pe City regulations, f paper suggested that the ': Govcniment was r.ttenxpt'j create renmtment .against 'anzig authorities in nrder. to rtheir refusal to accept "the |TiKte demands of Dsjizig"4in eeeat XiEnzig-PoIish;j ecoiioiegotiations. • • . . ";.


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there is Lord Psel, TTO.D T*HS the

chairman of t h s British HoyrJ are many Polish pcazznts. cntl Conrmirsion that iEveztigatcd the "workers "vrho Ese thTough the Palestine riots z3i year and this anti-Jevrish projaganda and eresummer tho report

CferistiatiE .is to definitely all manner of •EEtJ-Semitism. Tfc: opposition must ant or^r ne eu

possibilities far .Jews to Palestrae ; "Thtare most intpnrtaat, iopss a sal- >ISi D ntiori will 'be found fcr continca- ' ™ote;



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• The .^Iranian dslegs.te objected • See maEy of thsse nnesGSNSTA (JTA)—Poland and to the suggestion that t i e Pales-': tions you can ansvrer d t e r you suggested that :Pale3tine be fiivid-1 ^ defending the Sijeaki nnd demandirwcy nrgsd last weal: 'before tins problem be stndi-sii sis part ; licve read Sir. "World's ".Asi ins that the government do some- ed into separate Arab and the Sixth (Political) CoEmissics : of the whole Jewish cusstian cr.'. 2Ie Another" chat. thins tD-n-ard improving the gen-Stcte. ILard Peel ves act a Je—, 3f tiie X.eague of -Isstions that z. '• ice- ground that the Jewish prob- ' 1. JCame at least lour counof course, but because Df the wori eral conditions ^n the country. :arge territory "be granted "for tire tries in which there is mo.rorob-' he did in his endeavor to solve "Palestine is ;goins throush a Jewish State -which Great 3rit- sent eiffisuities in Palestirie. ^ e , c-^Cii-i-cii. . lem of anti-Semitism. " • - ^ 1 ^ " t ' vtroubled -period.right-jiovr- A the Palestine problem ".he is"'Cjain proposes to establish through urged a solution t i s t wDuld gns.r-• .2. "Why do some jpeppl© ening :mourned by Jews the -i couple nf. Treeks aso a 3ritish Discourass anti-Seinitisnx? _Iiree-wEy partition of Palss- nstee to respect .Arab ri~hts is \ trict •Commander TTas Trilled by over. "He :is the -second .great -non-1 rr;v?N z. L.svrx, f~-tt:,. tasir own country aaa z.t the; * 2. "What i s the Gsrmaii ^jtine. leaTing a. church Jewish friend we have lost in a as he 3-Erti£=s ThEEt-r Eidj, ; same-time would conriiiate what, Ernment's new -policy The Polish Gnt supfew weeks, the other 'being the at JJazarth, the ibirthplace of • he celled the legltima..te intsrest: | "NOTICE C~ A'2X<\X',Z~TT>W7\2K rts the lllandates •the The result -WEB that the late Thomas S. iilasaryk, -who xscoinirieiidatiDn that the Jewish . of ° the Jews. 4, What does the Polish Jesus. i in t h s Zirsv.'.r Cocrt or Uoc=:laF British has begun founded the Czechoslovsiiisn Re- State be given an area suflicient government -want to do with 11 o t a ladministration Tiie Irani repressE.tf-t:vs ssisc :c™Pt'i;_'i5brvs'ii:;J.. . __ „ ^, ^ ^ • public and was its iirst president. : e stringent .measures to absorb a large anfi compact its Jews? - - .the -Arab leaders -xespon- Interesting Jewish figures that Jewish innaigratian, said Titas why European'States T-iici. desir- ' rlT~*oF\s^"" r>^i-!-n'r De^aiot!'" o. TVhy .have the British i against ed an outlet lor their -surclUE pr?- ; Ai: persons irterestec lr. said «?tEte sible ior the 1 3 ior the trouble tiu u I = nohave passed away during the "last adopted strinsest measures in j"" ' ,""''"T " ^ ^T i? >.,V couple of . weeks include also •Komamicti, of .Poland, in a state- illations insisted that the Jews « b S ^ i I f t r "^/ifo'uri fl§JS -c^L*^-, T^,r.* ^ ^ _ jxriio have been tryxnsfuo buildup TO = r of his TVhat these a ^homeland in Palestine. Jiiany! 12mil Bacharach, the first AmerEini^rrate and T i y iiiey ciicse "ss : ths.t ^ . ^ dessassd c;ed ISILVSTIE: ^IC measures? Axab Jeaders have been arrested! ican Jew to become a permanent iude on the Palestine oalera. • -61 ~7Tho i s3Inrris Trill consider s r y ueii Erratian. irsistlnc: t h a t it be farne£ ' ir.z xri' be had £r ss.:d T=et:t:on .be. or expelled Irom the cnuntrv, 'i resident '"" of 2Ianila, " in ' the " Philip-, "" ' - ^ines; and Captain B a n ? Isaacs,' m t s ^ ^ ^ ** ^ritam frora the to receive tfc«=. " " i r do -ct tie ; g ^ ^ - ^ S ^ ^ ! ? ^ , ^ ^ . g European countries Trnicn are EO r--T.-Esr E.t ss.:£ Cc?rr-t on the snic cSrc d a.Civil ^ a r veteran, who has just ^ewpomt tnat PalestisG is the ; ___aic*j-j ^.j. »rno joy—; J a r tii e ;r C'i"'- ^ - ^r ' f O-to.be- :.c-"T. E : i c"ciccfe .A. only outlet for the Jewish mas: •re died at the age nf B2. whose econonsic hopes are basei ; has been r e - | (Copyright, 1S37, by Sevn Arts S. TThat has been none with for sistetin on emigration, and iieiice inust : Feature Syndicate) moved from ;dffice. Svery one t h e synagogue tap lieadville, become the fcask; of thsir rxa- itheir own islici?'' , srsr, E n i prceeed xo E Eeriiement that this will help settle Colorado? titmal eccnomic esisterics, ilr. ; to ?4Krae Connaissitm ; a. T^Tho was Edward A. P i | which the Jews DT SO -many coun•n :'JTA>—Tae new com- \~J~J'~"''"" Dr. Christian L. X.ange of ITor- : lene? i tries lobk fur a Tefuge. lission T.-hicii tiie Sritish Govern- ; rKAEE\EL'RS. WEES, BEBE1 also demanded that t i e pro10. 3Came two -famous non3 u t 3Ir. "World promised t o ^ent -will send to Palestine to ; posed Jewish State's frontiers be : Jewish iriends of the -Jewish make his story oi Jewish troubles enlargHd, to include the Xsreb I people who have died Tecently. F?: £A | brief. So hell skip the troubles • ? j!i:rrlr£ , - , . _; Salonica fJTA}—Two Jewish I region" and the Jewish saber i s of: to fonmiiEte a definite -Ertitior. '• - „. ! that Jews are havinir An Various leaders arrived here last weeli J Jerusalem. plan will n o t he appointed before c. Sanders, deceased, ; Another fortnight having rolled \.othsr European countries, ;fiy Notice i> herec:; p:.ver, iiist the trorn Palestine t o study results "The Lithuanian Poreign Xin-. t h e end of Crcicbsr. it was learnaround, JIBTB is Mr. "WorldTancfe-j^ v n ^ r t h o Af1nT,Hn ocean : ed, t a e OlliSiai view being t h a t the administrator c: said estate, being at-yonr door again Tvith : n i s . ! a ; - t n i r a , i j I . a : c n n t i n e a t l 0 . t h B ' - m n r B at the nost-war transfer Df Greco- j.tster erpressed the hope that ths there is no reascn to rush m a t - J ' ! r t ^ , c—irry Juure o: ^.mu-sas Turkish populations and coloniza- j solution of the Palestine problem ; report of what, lias been going' region DeAore tiIG prs^l^_inary EpSC5- Con~t JvOcir;. in saiC Cr>t::ntr- ETTI the in Thrace and 1 -should be in accordance with the ZBTS ; Dn. H e wishes he could tell y ' r i h CET" cf ^ecerriber. 2SC7. riric or t i e Jewish desire to establish their w o r t is-CDTiplsted. that things have improve : Hepnrts that several members ^ ^ 1 ? ^ . Sf.. l^Z^-. u^^^nJ. the projected transfer of j o - ^ st3 .te- 3Ir. 3Iane of "Crr those countries -where our of the Peel • Ecyal Ccrcmissior: pose cr pressr-rirjz tlisir claims -for Jews are s will be .included -in tiie :new cos- l^ Zg^ S S f ^ Sn^;?0^ tion—but Zhs must, mission were semi-tifficiaily ecu- mi creditor? xs- p-e«=er,: th*-ir Cinims. to the h dr.".' c f ^Co'^TT.^^r. 1»>C7 Jiere is : •fjcssiljlfi;..antt-.as-_3rnuj:eattit.xiim-t;.tea.as a stuflent at t h e .tea as a siuaeat at -me v^ixiuits" . _ . __ strictioEs in Palestine were only to wEste.ihe first-hand knowledge Ifcecame discouraged, but remem-' a acguired by the memiers of tiie 1 " " ^ ' S S N ^ I ^ I / M H K S 3 ^ ' Hebrew Theologlfcal College; Dean | German Jewish-eapert, Dr. Surt temporary, Foreign ber that there are guile a number Silber of: t h e college declares Slendelsohn. former body. | AttDrn-:-r

p n of the principle ; prelates [am during the reignjof F.erd .and Isabella wercijof Jswistraction. ; !> •arronize Our Advertisers





— T-p— - - r p


Study Popislaiion £3iaiige in 'Greece

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to be :in connecUon-with jB o j r c f o s Gna xi Pasha of countries—our own, and Can-t h a t Horris knows mnre about\®~ the plan to colonize the 2nleh j jj-gga a solution of the Palestine i and Ixance anfl the 1 -ir., -early eightegrtlx ! : _ W receive the 3SJetherbxnds and Scnn3inE.vian S e r S ^ o r r S ^ ^ " ^ | P ^ i , ^ale,tine, w ^ h ^ a s re-1ppr o b l e m ^ •century Jewess, wliDse 3sriin .^.tS-„:'"'% acauired by ths Jewish Kacountries, among others—-whose China, but has lived a t j ennsent oi both sides. Tund and on trhich drain- "The session wag featured T?y a'.salon WES the rsndsrvaia of in- ; ^ To*"jof.T governments have managed to 81 lor a number oij operaUons Ihave been started. solemn "warning against tne dar~; tellectual Ger— ary, .is cc-sidsred ^VJU --solve their problems :in mther I y e a r s : nrDbably that Is -rchere he!

gers cf partitioning Palestine tit- | one of tiie chief f crerurnzsrs cf '. C~^TC~ W ways Than by iniiiting the people j ioa-nEd'-tD T iay baseball, at -which J : Toi: are tered "by I S E O H de "Talera, pres- '• ths Peminist rar-VErnent. against the Jews i n their lands.'j hB J s ^ e-part too. T h a t ought] ident of ths Irish Tree State and v This :is an important point to \ to i o l d s o m e o f - ^ n ^ ^ l e e l that its ..jUinister for "Bsternal Affsirs. Jremember: That anti-Semitism, j Hebrew studies* interfere too ; KOSS .£. E1.UKENTHAL, Atiyj "VThile recomniendiag the .Ass-ern- ! or Imtred of Jews because o l j m u o n - ^ i t i l . a e m o r e important 47S 3rands;s ~iicat-s ly adopt an espectant attitude: their race or religion, is.a senti-'l activities nf an American iDy. "Competition in the -electric inment -which the ruling classes! S a m e highly encouraging hits dustry was once justified but is without prejudging the .nliir^ste i In the Zlstter c ' t a e XStite cl solution. 3Jr. ne Talera declared:; Gecrsre TV. jfrost. XJeceaE^d. Df many countries have lound of news come irmn Illinois and ncw:false and wasteful." I .Notice is hereby siveii ihet the •very useful. 3Ien -who are ricn California, -where groups of Ger- "T-hi s astonishing comment "Partition is not the salutioa, ' creditsars c l Slid decsased Tri:: n:eet is the jcruelest -crmng that co and powerful, you Snow, often man-Americans have gone on Tec- comes from James D. Hoss, reI fare me, Coinrrv 3^5~s cf DOBEICS be done any people." -yield in the temptation of becom- ord as opposing all efforts to CEntly appointed administrator of Ths Irish leader volts-: i Coirrt Room, In said Cn^rtT, on the ing xicher ;and gaining -more pow- spread Uazism j n this country. Of the Sonneville J'ower^roje&t-cnd Xt'tc fiar cf Kcof * finding er by oppressing t h e rest of theionrse all of us have i n o w i that formerly superintendent of light- mism lsm on on the UXM prospects iiiwjre--"" "» ^ — o j . t h e ^ j ^ ^ ^ _» nc^ssrj-. i;S3.""iii "i i^™ ~->_~. T3-oper solution of the gnertian, 'c'clodi A. .11.. .each d=r- -ior tie pur- : Wif«^ 4,,. 5s** ^people and forcing them into :pov^ t h e ^Jazis in -America represent ing of "the city of Seattle, lit. ^ 1 ^ , ^ ^ , ^ , Ktstompnt directed Pc-ss cr prescr.tms tHe-ir dais? far.*?* erty. Jlnd then, when the people only a very small jroportion of HDSS i3 also deeply :intsrested in asserting in E statement directed esarnjr.alioz:, a i j n s t i n e n t ar.5 £.Ecwanee 1\hree TnontxiB zrre sj^o^red .for • Bhow signs' of rebelling against |orls. iellow-Aniericans of German the nublic power projects in Se-partic-alarly at tae ^esic he le creditors t o pre^eirt t h e i r c]ai^7is; the oppression, these jnen of j aescent; but the 3iazis have been braska, and is -recognized as a j gate who had expressed hope that , j _j


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-- . . . iS -.Jbe *.„ . ^.ro^. stiid -wealth and power tell them that making so .much noiss that some- champion of Pedsral nower proj-' a satisfactory saint "fo-onS, that "he Believed it could it is the Jews -who are responsible times ~we Jorget that there are ects -wherever they might esist. for the "misery of the country-— millions of Germsn-Americans And if the shoe -fits in Seattle, n o t because irreconcilablss caa- FRADENS'JRS. WEES, KJ-iJTZNISK u. KS1J_= it be reconciled. and the -people, "too hungry then it must fit, also, in are loyal citizens of our Toicing the official attitude of Ira. Carapetition -which i s tired and worn out to do -anyj comitry and -would havE nothing and -wasteful" in "'Washington the British Government, Tisco'-nit TrTiON " O R S- < ,.i.£ straight thinking for them&elves, j to do with hitler nr any of liis must he egually as • "false and Cranbome, "Under-SecretEry iO.N T*-i believe this, and turn'that against can the jj ideas. SD it is just as well Ibat -wasteful" in INebraslra- So, T7hy Toreign A! :airs, declared Ti!?: \ COUNT. thsse German-Americans let themJew, with the result see in Germany and ndland and!j saives Ibe ;heard iram xmce in a doesn't 2lr. Hoas tell these things Governme only assed end received the Council's parrots; and even Palestine to- \ to INebraskans? day. The fact is, of course, that j :_^ interesting if Tather Ead One good reason might be that, to study t h e problem, concent: AH perrcrs interested i~ tcr ere hsrcl^y noUr.c^ t't Enti-Semitism ,. . . has never bettered ! item comes to .us .from at the present time, the .Federal leg on partition as'a solution.


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Paul Soncour of Prance Esssrt- oth siajconditions in any country:; buij Colorado, a town t h a t Tras .-Ja-I Government is embarking upon a this is one Df the details that i m D n s during the big mining boom j vast program of hydro-electric ted that theoreticxSly Palestine *"""" Court. ' 'j r ^ r i anti-Semitic leaders nevex m e n - j oj^ the middle of the nineteenth po-wer senerationand distribution was part'of the -whole Jewish j century-.At that time—GO-Jewish i n direct 'Competition Trith exist- problem, -rhich witii its internation. The most important'thing that j lamilies "lived there, and they ing newer companies -with power tional corapiications saotild "be dealt Trith by tne Xrsag-ae, but an the CCtii y :iately[! built a synagogue -which stood nn- lines and plants, .already ereetsd. practically -/(has^^ happened in Germany .it would enr^piicate " W J - . * ! J. J.T '. -~* - i -t : = '-* I-^ = » - i * t - ^ «^V-->—' ^ n - r r ~T5-n+ -rrrrrrr To show ^ifcat such conxpetition i s is that the government has' decid-! til just Lthe other day. 3 u t now CoiiTt cr; -til. -ed to let the^-rarious 5<azi flis- j there are only two Jewish fam- ^wasteful, that duplication of lines matters by dealing no— -with, "the ber, IE™. Z-i whole Jewish probleir:. .U. Son; trict leaders . do T?rhatevsr. they j ilies in Xeatirille, but -they • and generating .stations must be cotrr said .'be therefore entirely please with the Jews in their j couldn't Ireep up the synagogue. • paid lor, Eooner or later, by districts. Apparently the German J So the cuilding has now been taspsyers and users oi "power-as sgreea -with tae S r i t i s h -vie-v?- ; s-acjgovernment thinJxS that in this j turn down, and"-.the rather small-j nix. 310SS so plainly does in .-Seat- point. Speaking in -wsy it can fool the rest of us into j mrm of -money whicii the mate- tie-wanld obviotislj'-eliminate any intents, ths CzseiiosIOTr-tabsdlvinsr it oi 41II responsibility jxiais brmjgnt Jias been given to reason for the "iinse Nebraska exior -K-hat iiEEpens to German Jews j the ^National "Hnme l o r Jewish •penditnres on tha part of t i e ian delegate prcisci 1 ^ from now on. Just what -K-IU nap-1 Children at -JJsnvfir. Government. Par, i n JS.efirr pen. remains to be-Seen; we can j • Samahow or othier 3Ir. "World :priTS.tely-owned comBS-iiiS

only nope that some, at least, nf • is iaving a lard time Itnding extensive porrex line corerase, efthe local Xazi leaders will iprnve j-cueexful .nsws lor 70a "toasy. 3ut ficient and actually-operatiEg services will :nDt tafee the place ID be more limdly-disposea to- he does "wsant *tn msntion

the .Jews than the central | of the important peoplB who have •ing . adequate and isirly-rpricea tmlyirropsrVservice.f the t h "RBich " R i h has h jj flia ' t l i a d t l •governmentt of "been. "Ton caTl'&now how things j : Bvt Hat -Sr have been .for Jews in Germany. And if you -want to realize Just liow bad conditions a r e thsre, \ j u s t consider -the iact that i t is estimated that today there a r e only 4DD,f)00 Jews left .in Ger-1 many, whereas belnre BiOer j there were 600,000. .•; ] In Poland too tne Jews -continue to suffer. IVith t h e Dpening •ol the EchODls ana uniTeraitiEE this fall student riots broke" out 5or l Hist still yzv C2n TSST. " " z * again, -many Polish students S.e-. many prnpls ensid testify ananding that separate classes he to this cloisi . . . y«KSf *oa, r s a iteld for Jewish, hoys anS .gir!s. sslf by a -msit ±0 -car £isplay T..lie Polish, government is doing nothing t o stoij these riots or the attaclis on Jews by hnoligans in various towns, b"t instead is asl£ing the X>sague at Nations to -fi-: .ojance theTnovingDliOO,000 Jews A drr.wiii.3 i a colsrs 01 from Poland to South ; America; -your rooms saowirs -Sis and this is jneant .only as a hepJacsiasnt a l i ginning—the "Polish government 'has frankly cpniessefi 'that it TSSE. wants to get rid oi -prantically all of its three million Jews. "But still there is a ray ot hope in this SUBSET TERZIS :polisK-:Jewish .situntinn, l o r there




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their common problems, which are many, and solve their dif- he.is) tbe firmest supporter of every effort towards social justice and economic right. The Jew should strive unceasingly ; ferences which are few.




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B u s i n e s s a n d M a n a g i n g Editor . „ .Editor - : . - ' : Associate Editor - . r Contributing Editor Book Editor S i o u x City, Iowa, Correspondent

W o r d o o n" F i a l a o l d D a y "



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"SVhe-i the American colonies rebelled against England, it i was only natural that their cause should attract the freedom. I '• lovers of other nations whose hopes were being frustrated by ! "• ' - oppressing tyrants. Among those wh6 came were -two Polish I heroes - - Pulaski and Kossiuszko, who gave not only their !• . sympathies but their valor. I' Speaking in memory of Pulaski last Monday, President j.; Roosevelt recalled the role of these heroic Poles in the birth \[i of America and; in.the course of his talk he made several ']"• pointed statements. Couched in language so diplomatic as to |" ' remove the barb of insult, praise was heaped upon those.Polish ', citizens who have been conspicuous in the cause of American ,; freedom, and the, President drew the comparison^between the ! : principles of the American government and those that motivated the several Polish uprisings. . j': To a Poland whose government advocates 'ghetto benches' : in the seats of higher learning, condones daily* pogroms, and participates in the exploitation of its masses, the President of j'; the United States said: "We," as a nation, seek spiritual union j ' : - with all who love freedom. Of many bloods and of diverse i: origins we stand before the world today as one people united jM in common determination. That determination is to uphold i the ideal of human society which makes conscience superior to brute strength." ' This to a Poland also made, up of different nationalities - - Ruthenians, Germans, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, and Jews - - all of whom are the victims of tho most ruthless oppression ! and discrimination. "The upholding of the ideal of human soi ciety which makes conscience superior to brute strength" is exemplified in Poland by the systematic mistreatment of these minorities, the unprincipled robbing of the peasantry and worker's. This is the Poland for whose freedom Pulaski and Kosciuszko yearned. AVere they to gaze on it today and see the "present excesses, they Iwould, like their successor in Polish patriotism, Paderewski, turn their heads and cry shame. But their words would not be, heard, for they would be suppressed by their government. : : - '


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Germany's Religiouo Conflict -

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Something in the makeup of mere mortals seems to demand that they occasionally do honor to those persons who have acquired the halo of fame. This yeaffhere has appeared a list of "great living" Jews. "While some of the names on this list are the names of those that have achieved some prominence in their particular field; and perhaps some even immortality, to declare arbitrarily, this list of over a hundred 'great Jews' is presumptious. : •;• The great Jews of the world are those little human beings whose every, day of living is a struggle. These Jews of Roumania and Poland, who with the odds stacked cruelly against them, struggle courageously to retain some vestige of selfrespect—that is greatness. The German Jewsfc all • unnamed, who in the face of bitterest treatment, still retain the respect of their fellow-Germans, have attained a stature unequaled by any on that list. ' Throughout the world dwell great Jews—on the oases of Arabia; in the valleys of the Holy Land, everywhere where the life of a Jew demands moral fiber and pride. It is a simple matter to attain fame through notoriety. Every editor seeks to incorporate personalities into his stories. A list of truly immortals can never be compiled on this earth. To attempt to do so is to usurp a power that is not ours.

The'Call to'the Jew. . : ' • •. JBy Babbi Frederick Coin read tomorrow in all Synagogues of the-'call' of


for peace, through realistic and not morbidly mawkish, nmshy. .f i seatisentalistie means to peace, the inviolable condition of which is righteousness. Let every Jew feel himself 'called' as ^ a modern Abraham to go forth, to the ends of the earth if need { T h e •<• " be, "better still just In'the place or vocation or station in w sot, an t he finds himself in pursuance of the Jew's isarae^iorial 'raiss goings, " —not only in Palestine, but in c-veTry country and corner of crookec ; ' the globe—to 'be a blessing' that 'in him, and his sc< ?d. all the therein c ~ ThPrc o families of tbe earth may be blessed!' 1 US.



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Abraham was bidden to leave home and country, to tra- Aescoly is of permanent historical ties who are always denouncing \!ns * a vr0TiiS \> than cheating m verse-the neighboring lands and consider it henceforth to be value. The author gives a com- the "Reds." They should direct ; plete account of this pseudo-nies- their efforts to the Blacks aad the •money can be returne his special purpose in life t o ' b e a blessing.' siah who inflamed the imaginanoyance of v-'ords cannr As Columbus discovered a New "World, Abraham became tion, not only of the Jewish •world, Erowns. The danger lies here. ) Rabbi Chelbs- BE. \ should always be c a r e f i ' the Pioneer in a new realm of the spirit, the protagonist and but of the Christian as well, who succeeded in persuading outstandWiss .Eesearch Prise ! his wife, for the bless • propagandist of Ethical Monotheism; and thereby became the ing Jews and non-Jews that he house usually comes l o ' Founder of Judaism and the Father and primal ancestor of •was the Messiah appointed to rePadora, Italy (JTA)—Profes- : of the wife; and if tl.' deein Israel. sor Bruno Rossi, Jewish social j little, bow thyself ESC the Jewish people. A contribution taat will appeal worker and scientist, ha.s won the The Jew is not just one of a certain race or nation whose to a wider circle of readers is 10,000-lira prize for research RaT>bi Nat lan says: religion happen to be Judaism. The Judaism of Abraham ere-] that" on "Tailor's Guild of Kur-| physics and chemistry offered ty 1 reproach *'thy' nefctbeF ated this Jewish'race'or'nation.' It was Keligion that stood ntk," by Dr. Michael M. Zarchia. the Societa Italians per SI Pro-! fg^lt wltich is f.lso tV ' This Guild, exclusively of Jewish gresso della SeienEe of Rome. Ke! And this is what peopl- f-rat the cradle of the Jewish People. Religion created them a tailors, made some interesting is a member of the Samuel David j t j m who has hafi a l i . r u People (as Mormons and Monndnism founded the state of provisions regarding apprestice- Luzattc Jewish Cultural Society U n yjs family, do r,ot r - e Utah), a People that was twice a nation; a People that has ship, concerning the relationship of Padova. tlon 'hang: r.p a fist, of the individual to the group, . for two thousand years without any special and concerning the administration Patronize Our AdTr-',=.r": Patronize Our Advertisers (except that of the nations in whose midst they sojourned); a of Jewish affairs. It imposed taxes j People whose distinctive mark was the religion they professed, upon its members, engaged a rab-j which united them (as the "Shema Yisroel" is the pass-word bi and compelled all to attend his j weekly discourses. This interest-! of the Jew),# which gave them their distinctive individuality ing article casts much light on j character, as the worshippers of Jehovah, the God i Jewish economic aud social life j of Israel, with customs, rites, and ceremonies expressive of, and of eighteenth century Poland. The j reviews of important publications j based on, religion. * c l recent date touching Jewish i j . The J e w , a n d t h e world, always recognized Israel's origin themes are well done. The October number cf "For-1 in Abraham. Jews are spoken of as ' t h e people of Abraham'; eign Affairs" is of extraordinary j h e conception of -i j and Isaiah b u t expressed ••• — what" was t— "*" ~~ all — the — Eimificance. Tne two articles o n !




in Oerm«iny ion of its raby Sven and "Gerniany

11 PP.1P that hig grandf ; -f pdfather was a GerVv"e gTOp^ for t.u» "v.fcu i • ; i ",Jev named Brode, i l*T.a; yea, as they that have n o nrisnnged his name to Berlin and x \ P;<-S do we grope. We stnrcblc f_t baptized In Sweden in 1771, roonday us in the twilight, f ( values this sixteenth part of By D 3 . 1 c-c in dark pieces lite the deaf.. iiit blood In him. Hedin Es.hU, Mocst S; And nations shall v.-alk' t-x tl:y '..lev y-Jles. snd Bhould not like to be light, and kings at the brightness ! v i i h o u t St. • ' THE MAGAZINE 'WORLD \ the "TcUed States is the aifi and of thy risiEK. ; ' -—-"'rjr to Swedish newsA .magazine of limited circula-j encouragement it gives to erabry7j" , ufrnian translation of Habln Jochansn sa.i • ,*P :>-- 1 i ready but the Ministion but o* great Importance to onic American Fascist groups t i e TTorld of Jewish learning is which are definitely anti-Semitic, whom his father b e c u " ' , " ( " "ppapanda demands de"The Jewish Quarterly Kevie-sv" anti-liberal and antS-Democratc. much money and desr •> o- « * f objectionable paspublished ia Philadelphia and ed- Foreign Fascism stimulates and rid of it quiefcly, he £ ' ' ='f" , i-i.-nu with which Ueited by- Dr. Cyrus Adler. Its pages finances American Fascism, and himself in expensive H i " , - -, -r "i '•r? ip comply. are devoted, exclusively, to mat- tries to -undermine democracy by use cut glass tslensils, < ters of Jewish scholarship, and "boring froia within." And the hire laborers and I f * <• "~ ."t Polish Terror they offer generous opportunities foreign propsg-asdists are tin- v l t h o u t superintending ' - , ,-er (JTA)—A meetto Jewisli research ..students to scrupulous and dangerous. Sabbi Isaac said: "A T ' ' . , • paP[ tatives of thirty bring before the public the results ; dSrid-e bis m o c f The conclusion of t i e author 1 - ; f i iZfUonn cabled Rabbi of their scholarly labors. that Comnnmism is comparatively i J rts. One-third he e" r ' " u . i s p l r Jewish deputy The July issue of "The Jewish insignificant but that Fascism, in ; *• real estate: one-thtrj c - r- •' T1,! r; lament, expressQuarterly Review" contains soxae its Italian and German forms, cess, £.nd the balance 1 ' r r ; i or r\ rontinued antisplendid material. The leading ar- constitutes a genuine - danger, hare on hat*! ready ,c " -—n-, n- in Poland. " ticle oa "David Reubeni in the should be brought to the atte nl• yrofitable transactions." Light of History," by Dr. A. Z. tion of those super-patriotic socie- ! a Rabbi JochEUEr, pair


Germany s internal struggle between church and state con-; p r o p l i e t g j a a d o f Israel throughout the ages, when he bade Is- Palestine give a truthful picture j turaes. It is an .epic battle in a land that for centuries h a s j r a e l ^ 0 0 ^ t o the rock whence ye were hewn, and the hole!0* t h e srave problems confroatbeen- the scene of religious .conflict. On,.German soil, were [ O f t h e p i t , w h e n c e ; y e w e r e digged; look to Abraham, your ^ ^ T m z t ^ ^ l i o ^ t t fought the bitterest battles between the Protestant and the father; and to Sarah who bore you." Abraham and Sarah are Paiecdne, writes -a- splendid and Catholic church - - the Thirty Years War, the Kulturkampf. ; | n o t only the,physical but the spiritual ancestors of the Jew. 1 thoroughly scholarly article on Today's struggle cannot be blamed entirely on the Nazis. AUern!lUTes t0 c k ,> sis. i FP rr no mm vhB+ /«r orn< Partition." isitbit-| is t ' ma w e r e 'hewn,' from that 'pit' we were " Never for one minute did they pretend.to be protectors moral granite of Abraham and the deep founts terly opposed to the Partition j Christendom. The Reverend Isiemoller, who today.milxtantly | 0 £ his spirituality a r e t h e origin a n d constitute the character Plaa, because it will hurt both j peoples, hinder the development j fights the Nazi attempts to de-Judaize the Bible, was a mem-! o f j u < j a isni a n d t h e J e w . of ths country and not achieve [ ber of t h e Nazi party in its early years. 5He gave his support expresses this in yet another way. "When he was anyone of its main objectives, inj to the menace t h a t was soon to-conquer t h e coimtry. but one I called him, and made him many." The multitude of the ' Parliament debate oa thej I n t h e ranks of the Catholic prelates have been t h e most the Jews, now comprising sixteen million Jews scattered in all £ ^ a ? j £ f £ t ™ £ whS courageous opponents of the Nazis. Yet when Hitler first a s lands (too many for some people) with diverse national and unfortunately was not correctly j sumed power the Vatican signed a Concordant with him. A t racial customs, costumes, languages, and character, all stem! reported. The impression injjewthat time there was a strong Pagan elementjin t h e p a r t y ; a t time, was that. t h a t time the 'racism' that the church now fights as un-Cnris- from one single individual, the creation and incarnation of one he had suggested that the Jews! tian h a d been incorporated as one of t h e fundamental prin- master-idea, the injunction given to Abraham, "Be a'blessing!" accept a permanent status of a j limiting themselves to j - To what extent has this idea been incarnated in the Jew? minority, ciples of t h e Nazi movement. •-• • • j ; •.. v forty per cent of the population. \ As Jews we are only passive witnesses oli the conflict, y e t To what extent has he realized it? Has the Jew really been In this article lie advances the premise but emphasizes that not only t h e Jews of Germany, but the Jews of all Christen- a 'blessing' to the world seeing that his enemies look upon him same it is only a temporary expedient and attempt to brand him as its greatest curse? dom will b e affected by its outcome. to allay the nationalistic fears of One may not like the Jew for whatever reason, believed the .Arabs, and that In the course This struggle, springing as it does from t h e Nazi attempt or pretended, but certain things have to be admitted, even by of time when a happier relationP rill j!j:!?x bis bitterest enemies, who misrepresent and distort their s!g-[ Nazis have recently interpreted or rather mis- j ^ ^ 1 ? members and of the short-sightedness the Catholics aridthe short-sightedhistory to the entire disadvantage and besmirch- And' this temporary inferiority oil ness of the" Protestants. ing of the Jew: the Jew gave the Bible to the. world; the Jew numerical status is much prefer•They are learning a lesson that Jews have preached for able to partition. | gave the world its Christian,'Savior.' Mohammedanism and Mr. Philny, a sympathizer of a long time, that the logical conclusion of anti-Semitism Is a the Arab doctrine of anti-Christianity. The two religions are too .closely the Arabic peoples, now so cruelly'hostile to the Jew, claim the Arab cause, presents their origin from the very Abraham, whom they call 'El Kalil,' point of view. He is very much; related for one to allow the-persecution of the other. . rights of! 'the friend sof God,' whom we have been considering as tho concerned with the Arabs and completely-oblivious'to primal source of Judaism. 'Salvation is of the Jews' says the Jews rights and necessities. New Testament itself. And historians are aware and acknowl-j A. contribution vrhkh hss reNothing has so revealed the weakness of Britain's policy edge how muck that is isest in our civilization and its greatest ceived •wide publicity throughout 1&9 country ia that on "Foreign in Palestine theae past few years than the sudden turn to stern- promise for the future derive directly and predominantly from Political Movements In tlie United States" by Frank C.-HaaJgaen. er action. , With one well-aimed thrust, the! most .destructive the The author considers relative elements of Palestinian life'were dealt an effective biow. In the Middle Ages the Jews were the 'brokers of ideas,' strength of-Italian Fascism, Ger-. Aa a matter of formality Eagheb Bey Nashishibi issued a the 'middlemen' through whom that which was best and most man JCaiism and Kussian Comma-] mnaifeato protesting the arrest of the members of,the Arab valuable in ancient scienco and philosophy waa transmitted nlsrji ia ths Halted States. He con-1 dudes that tbe menace c! Ccm-'j. His?h atima Hmo «/,«. finds K . J . J.I__/. * High Committee. Committee, Vmt. but nfc-thn at ; tho same time Vn he nbw that \_«_ JQ the modern vrorid. rauassxa is exaggerated, that it is j mo3t powerful enemies, the Husseini family, have been shorn Even today, such leaders of thought-as Einstein, • Freud, weak ia numbers and influence j of their power. .' , r t- ; ; Bergson. (though it is reported he has gone over to Catholic- and that, at 'the present time, it ] The usual appeal to the Arab Icings will probably evoke ism), and before his death the world's greatest literary critic, does not constitute a danger to|American. Institutions. The author j nothing more serious erious than a series of diplomatic whisperings^ Georg Brandes (whose real name was Morris Cohen. Read his is raact - more COECernefi and I for the Arab rulers, too, have been bitter enemies of the Grand | Autobiography), who made Ibsen Tand Nietzsche (for weal of about Nazi isfiuesce Mufti and his cohorts and have lived-.in-this fear that should! woe)Jinown to the world; countless others, a "Walter-Lippman Ts-Jilcij i s aggressively t jrthered by he be successful in Palestine he would as a matter of course in America, a Leon Blum in Prance—are and': have been-Jews. Germany . using -BE frilling or ua- j willing c li&nii&lB, the sercra! ta'lassume the Caliphate. <i<—xr~r\T', A.mct ie~r.r, ParThe Jew is the world's foremost liberal, and even radical, if •wtzZ the Where for the last eighteen months British policy has fos- you please; and there can be no progress without the brave tiiv.ii.rly irven client tered rebellion and disrespeet, the present time finds British liberalism and radicalism of the advanced sirpits of tbe a^c, so fTO'FTtll cf t i e Xczt —13;, /.™>?**clncc it :irr^wls to Gor prestige increasing. According to the dispatches in the New many of whom, in all ages, have been Jews carrying on, if not clmirvlr. cs t hn Ecc.-e cf itlcrj. The c*-u 1 *" ^ ^ , t Cl York Times Palestine has never been more peaceful though always consciously, the unique 'mission' of the Jew^ to 'be a Nailer. 1^ We Unit- 1 r " c! c ~ is the mandatory government had feared that deposal of the blessing.' th» ctlrt •:l'.t»"S of r- *5,--~'ii;rr. Mufti would mean rebellion. -» 1-rcired' The Jew's 'mission' is not ended. His work cni achieveAs the Jewo havo contended, the Arab population, when ment do "not lie only in the pest. On tha eeutrciy hb ^^cctcct ia K Tras; Kari sg-tt. t or -.si tbe iscrcasc i.rrirlt c£ Gcraiaa aanot harassed by agitators and the Effendim, are a pea/eful, task is still before him—to Taless' the v/orld, thruur,L ito ttnifihardworking people. Most realize the benefits brought to them cation, its moralization ('sanctification' his laoral' by the colonists. > Morita Lazarus called it), its pacificction; in a word, its buF C C C ' T * . th0 vr^ ret CF Had British policy been just, yet at the same time, deter- msnization. Ths Jew should be the most £?dcat advocate cf mined, the Partition proposal would have been unnecessary. tho ^League of Nations, however it 2x17 bo decried ena vilifku is^-crcrtlsif"; s 4 v.t* iaa.r was pro--tia is. the Without the inciting policy of the Arab High Committee, it in certain quarters (the Jen* is tised to viltfie&tfaa and

Botaaia Tries Ito

Gemr cf

now appears that Jews and Arabs may find a way to work out «repj;esentatioa}. The Jew should be (as we arc clad to thinr




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[/Reject© 'Racism'

Combined Choirs • to Participate in Program


ioekholm (JTA)—Aijmlratiott/ the Nazi regime In [Germany jpered by rejection of its ra| theories is voiced iby "Sven |in, noted geographer-~ and reler, in his book, **;Gerinany ! World Peace," published a this week. ; ; . :. 'Interbreeding between Irace3s'not result in degeneration.**, -writes. "Jewish blood is, ex»._ ardinarily valuable." Htedin reveals that bis grand-. ber's grandfather was a Ger» a Jew named Brode, who. [aged his name to Berlin and s baptised In Sweden in 1771. [values this sixteenth part of tish blood in him, " Hedln tes, and should not like to bo hout i t '. -."••' . According to Swedish newa^ers, a German translation ot book Is ready b u t the Mlnlsof Propaganda demands deon of the objectionable pases, a demand, with which Hehas refused to consjily.

! Protest Polish Terror Buenos Aires (JTA) - - A meetf'ot representatives jof thirty ';. sish organizations cabled Rabbi [ac Knbenstein, Jewibb deputy the Polish Parliament, expressf indignation at continued antl» snitic terrorism in Poland...; ;


The COAL -wit2» a Clean Reputation Every Ton Qasrassfceed

r -V -r


Women's Division To Redecorate

Beta Tau

The cultural season of HaciaTiT I T f /"« a sah will be inaugurated by a juobby o*" Center Junchean en Tuesday. October 18, The program to be jrivea at the • 1 P- EQ. in the Hotel Home bailRedecoratioa and refurnishing ! fi: -' ; ° ' ^ f Paramount Theater on Tuesday ! room ir hen the study group on thei of the Jewish ComK.ur.ity Center >£a severe] by the combined choirs of the: "English' Government ana Pales- i lobbv End iodgeroona are in pros-' '•"'" R-Pt^ Temple. .Beth El, and Hazoniir j tine Today" will be ledfcyMrs.jpect. F1S.BE for this crxcrtakinp: -VCFT ^ ™ WINTROL'B-MARTIN XAVINE-BEAHR has been announced by the two di-', David A. Goldstein. Reservation;? I were ESfis r.t a m?etir.Er cf ~te ; peT o ? i3l( Miss Margaret Bearr, daughter v'The marriage of Miss Doris rectors, Cantor Aaron'Edgar and may be made by phoning [rs. i Executive committee ol the- Ti'ora-, t ! ° r '- T.-ES Of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bearr, be- Martin, daughter of &r. and Mrs. Cantor A. Schwaczkin. Openine Morris M. Franklin, chairman GI. ! an's Division cf the Center ];?!<* ; t h s t h f ^ v came the bride of Max Lavine, eon Nathan Martin, to Mr..'Herbert the program wiil be "America," 2S57. | at the fccme of X.ve. DETIG Greef- : rf.csty, E of Mr. and Mrs. Jaeob Lavineof Wintroub, son of Mr. and Mrs. L S i followed by "The Loru Is My The "Oneg Shabboth Group" di- j hers. i tlirorgh a Lincoln, on Sunday afternoon at Wintroub, took place Sunday at | Light:" "Vies Lied;" "L'Koved | rected by Mrs.J. Koseaberg will I Last year the Women's Division ! " —^-'f i Communii • 1i o'clock 4 o'clock at the Jewish ' l k att the h Jewish" Commu'den Heiligen Shabfaos;" "Sea j hold its first meeting October i were in charge of the redecoration ( T1''0'-0?^-! >• ty Center. nity Center. Rabbi David A. Goldgroup on "CurSheorin'1 and "Onu Boim Art, 30th. The study. _, of stein officiated. Rabbi Milton A. Kopsteln Rb Zah." The evening's concert will j rent Problems," uifter supervision l Co--" Marlene "SVintroub, flower girl, Omaha and Rabbi Harry Jolt of conclude with "HatiKvah." | of Mrs. Julius Abramson, will en- : Tile Women's Division have . a c i pledged t h e i r whole-hearted , !j f', Lincoln officiated at ~ the mar- was the only attendant. Esther Members of this city-wide choir' nounce their meeting dates short- 1 riage ceremony. Miss Ivy Segal Clare 'Wintroub,- accompanied by will be: KaomI Kufclln, Rose No- ly. The class on "Jewish Etfeics support to the Center Forum r.rc of Ellnore Cohen, sang " I Love You sang "All For You." •vafc, Jeanette Coltoff, Esther and Religion" will be under chairs- i Center Flayers. They are E!SO en:- o n e The bride /was gowned in pea- Truly." '..,-• Steinberg, Bertha Guss, Ivy Siegel, manship of Mrs. Dave B rod key. I barking en an intensive member- : The bride wore a gown of blue cock blue with a matching halo Robert Rimmerman, Jack Saylin, assisted by Mrs. Seymour Coiu. •i j The Women's Division is not a ' l r - e n E trimmed with a semi-tulle veiL . velvet and a short blue veil. She Jacob Kahz, Max Baumer. Charles | MEMBERSHIP E MIBS Evelyn Shafton of Omaha had a cordage ot gardenias. Mogil, Leonard Bernstein, Mas Under the able leadership cf ' rund-raiEing group . but through ;: ^ Jf A dlnner'attended by sixty-five I fiienthersMp is able to keep up "*"• 'v -was maid of honor and Bill RoNovak, Herschel Magzarnin. Xor-jMrs. 31. D. Brodfcey. assisted by ! guests followed the ceremony. A ithe Center builSir.g' er.d to proPrepet senberg of Lincoln was best man. man Rips, Louis.. Kelberg. Joe j Mrs. M. M. Bsrish, Hadassah is i isote the program of tfce Center t a " ' * x Immediately following the cere-; reception was held a t the home Sacks, David Bodin, M. Teplitsky, j able to report a total of SO new mony a- wedding dinner of . the bride's. parents from 7 'ihB P l Jack Dolgoff, Edna Moscowitz, i members at this time. The drive i and the Federation. served for. one hundred guests. A to 10. Aprros:niate]y five hundred ; ^ tlt€ Dorothy Zollotuchen. Una Gross, | will be culminated by beautifully reception and dance were held Miss Vivian Glick of Milwaukee tmosp Marian Chorney, Molly-Keiberg, I appointed luncheon la honor of from 8 to 12. Seventy out-of-town' was the only out-of-town guest. jctere g is I Evelyn Green, Florence Steinberg. I the new workers to fee given on ' ^ "guests attended the •wedding. Previous to her marriage Mrs. , Harriet Bernstein, Irene Fish-j Wednesday, November sd, at the ; ^ ; Mr. and Mrs. Lavine; will make Wintroub had been guest of honberg, Rae Wolfson, Ann Herman.' J- C. C. Mrs. Brodfcey plans to ; "' IT"p"" their home in Lincoln. -•.• or at a number of affairs given Julius Siein, • Ida Gitlia, Harry Dnboff, and ! top the 10 0 mark before the final ; by the following hostesses: Mrs. J windap and is asking for the co'• Josephine Nathan. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Dave "Wine, Mrs. Mas Fox. Mrs. Esther Leaf Duboff will accom-j operation of all members in secur-; • Mrs. Bessie Chudacoff - an Sol Martin," Mrs. Melvin Martin. PWKEER WGEEK pany the choir at the Paramount i i n 5 at least cue new member. ! nounces '1 the engagement of her Miss Bernice Raduainer, - Mrs. organ. j ACTIVITIES " I .daughter.' Miss Lylyan Chudacoff, William Singer, Mrs. J. Raduziner The concert Is to be given at! A card party will. be given on Ij At their meetir.g Tuesday after- f;l to Dr. Samuel Wick, son of Mr.and Mrs. L. Raduzlner, Mrs. J. the same time as the showing of j October 27th at the Partoa Hotel • noon the Pioneer Woman ciecidec s| "and'Mn. Esau Wick, of Milwau- Rosen, Mrs. Sam Gaifman and Mrs. Albert Weinesr the Palestinian filin, This Is" the j under the chairmanship of Mrs. ! to set asice tfce moath ci Octo-Ji kee. The date lor the wedding Mrs. Sam Rosenbaum. • j ber for a ~erabers5np drive. Mrs. . j \ D. Stein. MIES Esther Silverman, daugh- Land." • has not been set. After a wedding trip of one ; Harry Richlin was appointee , I \ I A rummage sale was held Octoter of Mr. and Mrs. David Sil, Miss Chudacoff is on the staff week the couple will be a t home 1 ber 15th anfl 16th iiccier the su- membership chairmas and will he \ jj, j verman, became the bride of Mr. ; of the music department of Cen-at the Joyce Apartments. ALPHA GAMMA CHI J assisted by a committee coin- |; pervision, of Mrs. I. Grossman. Albert Weiner, 3on of Mr. Mortral High school. Dr. \ Wick was Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, president j posed of the Mesdames S. Isitz. I; | r i s Weiner, on Sunday, October -graduated from the University of ENGAGEMENT With the formal pledging of Omaha Chapter, will attend | H. Okun. H. KofhtcvitK, I. JSilier ; j . Wisconsin and from the Rush -:. At a formal dinner attended byj j10, at the Omaha Woman's five rushees at the home cf Sylvia j of the gathering In Atlantic 1 and S. Epstein. ' >'. Medical School of Chicago. He issixty guests on Sunday afternoon, Club. Rabbi David Goldstein per- Weiner, Monday evening, Octo- ] t } i e ffve-d'ay j ^ioT t w e 'twenty-third I AppreciEtioc cf the co-opera-; j ; at present Senior; physician of theOctober 3 , Mr. a n d Mrs. Abraham formed t h e ceremony i n t h e pres- ber I I , Alpha Gamma Chi Sorcri-1 c i t V f N >convention at the Hotel ! tioa given to "Eire s. Success cf •: I'. nEUal Milwaukee County' Hospital tor Magzamin announced t h e engage- ence of t h e immediate family. ty of the Municipal University of j aChelsea October 27 to 31. The vows were taken before a the Fisher Day was espressei f.t Mental Diseases. • ment of their daughter, Sylvia, t o the meeting. Special thanks vexe • 1 i backed on either side Omaha began, official activities .JEWISH XATIOXAJL Miss Chudacoff recently re- Nathan Seglin, son of Mr. a n dfireplace for the year. * Fledges include: with ferns a n d palms. - The Jewish National Fund given to Shirley and E'rivis E r - ' • turned from a five weeks visit in Mrs. A. 3. Seglin. Rose - Kirshenbaum, Babe Leibo- Drive will commence October 17 th ) stela, Rosalie Tucnnaan, Shirley j j . Preceding th& ceremony Miss Milwaukee. No date h a s been s e t for t h e Ida jGitlin sang "Because" and witz, Libby Ruback, Adeline Tat- with the following active work- ! Goldberg, and Irene Mirc-witi. • (: wedding. "At " Dawning. 1 ' The • wedding elman and Eileen Zevitz. ers: Mrs. J.'Kaufman, General :| who worked Tor the Ficwer Day. j i BATt MITZVAH SATURDAY Plans are being formulated for march and bridal chorus were Chairman; Mrs. T. A. Tully, Co-S Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lustgarten, LADIES FREE LOAX played by Miss Florence Stein- the pledge dance to be held No- Chairman, co-operating will be: \ IABIES AUXILIARY 102 So. 38Ui street,, announce An executive • meeting of the vember 6 at Jacob Hall. Pledge pianist, a n d Miss Esther the Bar MItzvah of their son, Ladies Free Loan Society will be berg, president Adeline Tatelmaa and jj Mrs. JJ J. Elank, Mrs. J. Brand SGZCLEi Steinberg, violinist. 1 1 J. J. Frieden, held on Monday, October'IS, at Chester, next .Saturday morning, secretary Rose Kirshenbacm are *: ) Friedman, Mrs. H. The bride wore a gown of white i l i' October 16,' at .the B'hai Israel 2 p. in. at the home of Mrs. H. in charge of arrangements. Mrs. M. Shapiro. Mrs. ! The ^.adies Auxiliary c j tht chiffon velvet, t h e b o synagogue, ISth and Chicago Guss, 2217 N. 19th street. Goldier Silverman Pauline Roj : Trcrkrsen's Circle, Erancii 17G, Mrs. Sam Steinberg, dice having lo'ng sleeves extendstreets. M. Stern, -Mrs. H. Trustin } -nill "hold a benefit cs^ra party in ing «/ver, t h e wrists t o points, a All friends and relatives are ENTERTAINS SORORITY initiated into Feathers, local i tlis IiomeictlisrE Jlooni sit Hs.yand Mrs. P. TCintrcub. Queen Anne collar a n d a row of Eva- L. Konecky. sponsor, enInvited to attend. ' den Brothers this Saturday at 1 pearls from t h e neckline t o t h e chapter of Phi Sigma Chi, EatlonDirected by O. S. Beizer. Distertained the E. T. C; Sorority \ o'clock. waist.' The sheath-like skirt end- al pep sorority. trict. Chairman, will be the followat her home Wednesday evening. Fannie Witkin Peziner was i n g 'workers: Mrs. 3.1. Broakey, j There will be Coor End table AJfNOrXCE BAR MITZVAH ed i n a slight train. T h e veil of t Mr. and £Irs. Paul Wholner antulle was three-quarters length, elected secretary to fill the va- Mrs. S. Coin, Mrs. H. Crotinse, ; prizes. Admissloa is tvrentr-five '. | nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their VISITING HERE FROM and t h e coronet was fashioned of cancy left by Adeline Speckter, Mrs. Sam Davis, Mrs. D. Epstein, i cents. Mrs. K. II. Stein is. i s , j ! «on, Korman M., on Saturday NEW TORK braided tulle. She carried a bou- who is not returning to the camp- Mrs. L.- Epstein. Mrs. A. Fiedler, ; ensrge of the tffair. 'f morning at S o'clock at the Beth • Mr, and Mrs. Philip S. Mandel quet of white chrysanthemums. us this year. Mrs. I* Fiedler, Mrs. SI. Greeenof New.York City are spending Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue, Eileen Zevitz, freshman, is re] Miss Goldie Silverraan, sister cipient of a citizenship scholar- baun, Mrs. J. Goldware, Mrs. H. > T ; M . rranklin. Xrs. J. Freeman. their vacation In Omaha.They ex19th and Burt Streets. Mendelson, Mrs. Wra. Milder, Mrs. j * iIrg JJ i^sx^ixat.r. Xrs. S. Krhz, : of t h e bride, was maid of honor. All friends and . relatives are pect to remain until October 24. She wore a floor length gown of ship, as is Florence Steinberg, I. Slorgenstern, Mrs. H. Xofidle. ; i ^" "V v v •sjrs"*X~'c" Levin' T ; Le o Mr. Mandel is secretary of the senior. - cordially invited. No invitationo Mrs. A, Roffman. Mrs. J. RosenGainsborough blue crepe trimmed Omaha Club of New York. Hannah Baum was selected as berg, J.Irs. A, Schwaczktn,- J.Irs. J. J ZT&\ ^V j'aVpoWKrs! o'. V.f^er-have been isaued. with gold k i d bows a n d carried Jowitz_ Krs _ ^ Kewman. Xri. S. Round Table Representative. Stein. an arm^ bouquet of bronze a n d f I Pizer, Mrs. J. Rice. Mrs. A. S. : BRTDGE-LTINCHEON. • • HERE FOB TPEDDIXG Mrs. Z. Felfiman, District Chair- j •>. • The date of the Bridge-Lunch- golden pom poms. Among the 'out-of-town guests man, Trill be assisted by Sirs. H. J H. Solig, Ivlrs. R. TSEE, Mrs. J. Mr. A r t h u r Weiner served his ETC SORORITY "who arrived to attend the 'Weiner- eon and meeting of Mrs. Julius brother a s best m a n . The E. T. C. Sorority installed: Bernstein, Mrs. M. Goldstein, Mrs. I TTolfsoa. Newman's Circle of the Templfe Sllrerman wedding • last week A buffet supper for t h e family new officers for the coming year jj H. Richlln, Mrs. S. Rich an. were Mrs. Charles Goldbaum and Israel Sisterhood has beene followed "the ceremony. at a meeting held Thursday, Oc-! Under the leadership of Mrs. Mr. and Mra.-Albert Goldbaum, changed "from October 20 to Fri. j , October 22, __, at 1 o'clock at Out-of-town guests . i n c l u d e d : tober 7. at the home of Miss Her-) M. F. Levenson tss District Chairall of Detroit. They hare been Tia- day, will be the follo-princ: Mrs. I. iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the home of Mrs. H a r r y Ruben-] Mr. a n d M r s . J . Silverman a n d riain Lleb. The following officers 1j|' man in, 10S S. 53rd street | Mrs. David Melman. uncle and were installed: Miss Merriain - Abramson, Mrs. L. Alberts,. s:rs. Leon Xogg. stein, street. Lleb, president: Miss• Shrefia Os-j W. Alberts, Mrs. M. Arkin, Mrs. Co-hostesse3 will be Mrs. Hor1-1 bury, aunts Connecticut; of the bride,Mrs. fromI.TTaterSpieler off, treasurer, and Miss Rose Kap-! D. Blacter, Mrs. R. Ero-R-n, Mrs. ris Rubenatein and Mrs. Ed-AbraHRKE FROM liOS^ ANGELES : R. Bordy, Mrs. M. Burstein, llrs. of Brooklyn; Miss Rose Winer of Ian, secretary. > Mr. and Mra. Sylvan Frankel hams. During the meeting tbe pro-1 David R.. Cohen. Mrs. A. Cchn, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Sain Lebo«. * * » of Los Angeles are in Omaha for Mrs. C. K. Ross will speak. .witz and Mr. Arthur Winer of grain for the coraiig year was; Sirs. H. Cohn, Sirs. II. Daris,; this winter^ . drawn.up. \ Urs._.A. Edgar," Mrs. B, Ellis, Mrs.; Sioux City. ' BRIDGE LrNCHEON The young couple left immediJulius Newman's Circle of GIVES FAREWELL LUKCjHEON theMrs. Sisterhood will hold a des-ately for the east coast. On OctoMrs. at David M. Newman entertalned a farewell luncheon on!s e r t bridge luncheon and bingo ber 21..' they will sail from New ]


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Tuesday, October 12, prior to ft o dl ea y to t h e vestry rooms of Tem- York for Puerto Rico, where, they [ leavlng for a six months trip. Mr. | » Israel. Hostesses are the Mes- •will make their home. Mr. Wein-j er has accepted a position with and Mrs. Newman are departing 1 dames John Solomon. Ed. Shonthe Puerto Rico Reconstruction after the fifteenth of the month berger, B. Sharlro, D. R. Cohen, . Jacobs, J. Meyer, Ben Stiefler, Administration. tor New Orleans, - San Antonio. J. I.Solzman, B. T. Friedman, BiU Corpus' Christi, and El Paso, Yousem, "Ted, Newman, Horace ENTERTAIN A T BUFFET Texas and will spend time In-MonJ. J, Preedman, May- SUPPER ..,".' •- •• terey, Mexico, before returning RoGerTblum, . A party In honor of the forthand Harry Malashock. home during the month of April. erowitx, coming wedding of Mr. I. s- MiroReservations may be- made by calling Mrs. Julius Newman or wits of Los Angeles, formerly of Omaha, and Miss B. Shapiro, was Mrs. Julius Abrahamson. lield Tuesday night at the home Miss Lucille Cohn of Chicago of Mr. H. Mirowits. is the" guest of her brother and GOES TO NEW TORK Miss Sylvia Silberman who has A buffet supper was served for sister-in-la-w, Mr. and Mrs.

Sternteld. . CELEBRATE WEDDIKG AXXIVKRSARY Forty relatlvea:" attended the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Of Mr. and-Mrs. H. Bordy on Sunday, October 3.

been visiting iaer family here after | forty people. Among the out of a four months tour of the east,' town guests were the young couhas returned to New York City ] pie and Mrs. S. Shapiro, mother where she will make her home. ' of the bride-to-be.

ANNOrXCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zweibacb of 2735 Vane street announce " birth of a son Saturday, October s, at the Covenant hospital. ENTERTAINS FOR VISITORS Mrs. Louis Margolin entertained at a luncheon at the Paston hotel for Urs. A. E. Frollcb and her daughter, Miss Maxlno 'Frellch. of St. Louis, who have been visiting here. M1E3 Frelich is . to be married on November 14 to Mr. Harold Margolin of Kansas City. ' During1 their Dtay here Tira. Frelieh and Miss FrelJch wore extensively entertained.

U \iViJLJ We carry a complete'- line of Fresls, Salt and Smoked Fisls day of t h e weels.

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;i X.UCK FOR A VETERAN—Graphite, 5,000,000,000 tons of it as estimated by geologists, has been discovered by Charles Hewins, disabled war veteran.prospector, in a rich deposit in the pinegirded mountains net r Big.Bear, Cal. Graphite ore sells at $100 to $1,300 a ton. The deposit found by Hewins assays 40 per cent graphite, used in pencils, paints and other commercial products, to the ton of ore. Hewins is shown above taking samples of his newly discovered wealth.

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HAPSBURG EXILE AWAITS CALL—Throughout Austria a persistent build-up is taking place to bring back as king the exiled Archduke Otto, heir to the defunct Hapsburs thrones of Austria and Hungary. At least 1,512 Austrian townships and more than 400 clubs and associations have conferred honorary citizenship on him and streets and schools are widely named for him. Meanwhile, a course favorable to return of the monarchy is pursued by Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg, virtual dictator, and at a recent meeting of Austrian monarchists in Vienna, Baron Priedrick von Wiesner asserted that the.restoration battle was two-thirds won. But Germany and Italy have much to say about that—how much was said in the recent conversations in Berlin between



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Mussolini and Hitler is, of course, knov.TL best to tionally Mussolini has favored the restoration, apparent:? pla to make Austria a puppet state, with Otto a nczr.ins,! mo-a:rch, Recently, however, courting an alliance vith Germany, II Dues hes announced a rejection of the plan. Yet Otto, shown in center, 24, strikingly handsome, '—lie:y informed, master of seven languages, awaits in the grim rr.od:cv£: Chateau ds Crois at Stcenockerzeel, Belgium, upper left, the cai: to Vienna, as ruler ever peaceful peasant homes and ccm~ar;acr of the defense forces. Kis mother, lo~er center, former En:rrc.~s Zita, banished vrith her husband, Emperor Ccrl, in 191G. hss nice? the restoration of her sen her lifelong ambition.

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TENNESSEE'S GIANT END — University of Tennessee offers Gerald Hendricks, giant end, as a mainstay in its bid for the football championship of Dixie this season. Hendricks, whose weight is 171, is shown above picking a forward pass out of the air. As the season began, "Major Bob Neyland's Legions," as the Tennesseans were called, were favored to win the Southeastern conference title.

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WORLD SERIES ACTION—Myril Hoag, Yankee left fielder, slides home but is tagged out by Karry Danning, Giants' catcher, in the second- inning of the third World Series baseball game, In Kew York. American League Umpire Basil is at right. Hoag was forced home when the bases vrere faled and Crosetti singled with a hopper near, the foul line. Yankees won 5-1.

principal and vice chancellor of McGill University at Kcntrerl. Que. Dr. Do-u-las said he vould not give up American citizenship.



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TSIBOTE TO RIEMORX OF A HEUO—Thousands of American Legionnaires and their families are visitine Prance, 20"years after the World War. Some are recalling memories of those fearful days as thev visit war shrines. Here a group of them pay honor to the memory of Lieutenant Quentin Roose••elt son of the late President Roosevelt, at his grave in Chamery.

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gave no reason for his sudden trip.

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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1PS7 'hey shouldn't buoy themselves ii lisno Thrilled ,ted for Commission ort Austria p too much, because they're due or an awful letdown. to oar-Jews ilesti: The first meeting of the season The Mother chapter of A. Z. A. Now take a look at the Gopher of the Women's Mizrachi will he held a get-together smoker at the from Medicine game (nothing pleases us better). (Continued from-Page r.) Neoraska won on two breaks. To held Wednesday afternoon, Octo- home of Leo Sherman. Several induced in e sure, not every team cancap- ber 2v, at the J. C. C. The newprospective members were guests poor Jews and "beyond that is a Yier.na (JTA)—Reports" of Imof the chapter. . j officers ' will be installed. The talize on the breaks. Nor can mountain from whose scarred side ! pending anti-Jewish restrictions" it V'l The chapter's basketball, fie- j the Israelite slaves are supposed ! in the medical profession sppesxvery team hold Minnesota as Ne- drawing on the electric miser will COR' be held. All members who have and oratory teams are begin-1 to have liewa the rocks for the ; ed to be confirmed by z.n f.rticie the E . ' ByNATB OUTLEE ", !; raska did when the Gophers stubs are asked to bring them to bate ning to' prepare for the anneal Pyramids. . were on the very goal line with ! by the Social Welfare ivnr,;ster, . winter tournament which is to be Here's a scoop . . . P h i l Gere- our to go. Yet if Lady Luck had the meeting. Dr. Joseph Reset, !E the Neue Egyptian synagogues are great; All members and their friends held in Rock Island, Illinois, on ; lick has been:named coach of the ot smiled on Nebraska that-brilFreie Presse. leading financial : to ret eivc the rant social centers, one of which lias • December 25, ' 6 and 27. j J. C. C. Varsity basketball team ant sunlit Saturday, the Huskers are invited to be present. Ke : in the Tui-kish x\nvy. a hospital where there is a clinic ; and economic newspaper. A benefit bridge was held at The subject for debate is to be j - . . .It's double-good news. for it's rould not now be the talk of the states that doctorate degrees, be• for the sick and which is used to j the home of Mrs. L. Rosenblatt "The Partition of Palestine" and j to be the .flrst varsity team in ation. . pinning October 1, 1S3S, will be' shelter poor Jews who come to; two years.. -You all know Phil That Nebraska is not too great yesterday. The proceeds will go the subject for oratory is "Jew- j the city. • j issued only to tbose having a. . . . H e was "a star at the Univer- was born out last Saturday, when toward the building of the girls' ish Contributions to American De-1 mocracy." • i In Egypt the Eisnos met Jos-year's hospital training. Since sity of Nebraska, gaining much :he Huskers had to strike despar- school, Beth Zelroth In '''el Aviv. Jewish doctors are not s dm:', ted ' The nest regular meeting will j eph Piecioto Bey, an Egyptiarrnoxeknown throughout the Big Sis tely and dramatically" to /beat t-> the public hospitals, tbe effect • bleman and'one of the country's ! be held on Sunday, October 17. lor his basketball prowess... owzt State, a team which the week SIGMA DELTA TAU leading Jews, who acts as a liasoa j of the measure will be to t a r A fter -his Husker career, Gerelick revious had been submerged by Jews from the profession. ; to the Arabs. Vaad hecatne actively engaged in J.;C. Northwestern, 33 to 0. \ agent Additional difficulties lor Jews [ Sixty persons attended buffet • • BETH EL AUXILIARY' :ht will murk tlTraveling from Italy to PalesC league play,. constantly being a You can look "for a very torrid supper given at the chapter house Mrs. Julius Bisno spoke at a itine with them were a number of |are anticipated tinder a provision1 late Friuay nig! leader. i .The Varsity setup ';.' is truggle on Memorial stadium sod for Theta chapter members and luncheon'meeting of the Beth El j that doctors must receive their ' the Vaad. As German Jews who gave a touch-! completed with the announcement omorrow afternoon when Jones' their escorts. Mrs. Madeline Baer Synagogue on Wednesday after- j ing picture of Jewisli life in Ger- . permits to practice from the ens- ' &nnoun by Lee Grossman, <foriner coach, Dough Boys engage the Sooners presided at the table. noon. She told of her recent trip \ j many. They claimed there rts no ;trict authorities, that he 1 vrill serve as business rom Oklahoma. A scoreless tie j hope for the renewal of life in j At the same time, the appoint- ! incs wi' Josephine Rubnits, chairman of to Europe and Palestine. of note vho will manager of the team, arranging wouldn't surpris' us. At the meeting Rabbi Goldstein i the Reich and urged that the \ merit of two Jewish scientists as \ the Y. W. ,C. i . finance drive, ire ifae ru games and other incidentals.'... outlined, plans for the sabbath! spoke at the annual Y, "W. C. A. Jews of the world salvage what' university processors by Chancel- j Grossman, a capable coach himAfter playing tackle with the dinner Monday night when 125 service for children.-The sabbath j they can of German Jewry. j lor Kurt Sclmsctnig-g was an- j aculiiion ihe Var:d bss •srUr-feeia. that by staying on the polio hugs for.a full month, local persons connected with the drive services will not take the place nounced. They are Dr. Alfred . The Italian boats on which they \ "outside" he will; have- greater high school teams get to play were guests of the organization. of the" Sunday school. traveled made a great bid for; Sail, lecturer on orthopedic sur- i kia and bis choir to o; l"~rmony, due to his position; as tackle -with each other starting Mary Arbitman and Selma Hill Mrs. I. W. Hrosenblatt enterJewish travel to Palestine. The i gery, and Dr. Robert Vv'illheim, ; late Friday nigrnt cRtbP: r hletic"- director, .-l.ee reports oday and continuing- through to- are team captains. Other workers tained• twenty members of the! liners are provided with syna-; lecturer on medical chemistry, ; Toiusrlu Mr. Kerm; t ' t he^ will arrange an impresmorrow. . ' . ' * from the chapter include Rose Ways and Means Committee ati gogues and kosher kitchens and j wlio, incidentally, has been a bach, v." h c recently . sive. hoine-and-home schedule her home Monday evening. Final j Many fans will1 be watching the Hill, Selma .Zveitel, and Muriel plans were made for the Rigadoo j posters" tell that. the Italian gov- _ raember e£ the Austrian Zionist ; from a. visit to Europe, with outstanding teams in .the Frank. Edythe Krasne appeared j has made s Uiorouca r. eminent has contributed to the • Organization for a long time. 'ate of Central this afternoon i ""ddle west, so fans and prospecon the musical program a t the which is to take place on Novem-i Golden Book of the Jewish Na-'. Jewish condiiioEs T.hi ber 28 at the Central Club. 1 t re players can look forward to •when the Purple engage South at dinner. i "' '. tional Fund.. , GERMAN TEMPLARS Tech field. Central trill miss . a- ?;reat.season. ...Coach Gerelicls Following Saturday's football Coach Chick Justice more than it In'Palestine Mr. Bisno laid the j vill.issue his call for Varsity cage realizes right now and to this game the girls will hold open YOUNG MEN'S VAA!> foundations for an A. 2. A. move- TO EVACUATE r^aterial soon...All players will writer, it looks like Central is In house. PALESTINE ' be welcome. .... '"••;'• As part of her work on the for one of its lesser seasons. The Young Men's Vaad will Tech opens tomorrow against Y. ~W. C. A., cabinet, Rose "Hill has hold a smoker at its next reguPraha (JTA) — German TemWith the winter season coming Benson and the championship Ma- been chosen to attend a regional lar, meeting on.JTuesday, October] dreamed under Calif or Sultan, on, sports activity at- the Center roon outfit will have its hands fiill convention In Topeka, October 19, at 8 o'clock at the B'na.1 Is- under Imam or Emir and which plars intend to evacuate their I colonies in Palestine if a Jewish is buzzing like a women's seeing against1 the Bunnies of new coach 15, 16 and 17. 5W 1 S J & rael Synagogue. the Arabs, in the so-called free .1 p.—only nobody gets stungj Rabbi Harry Jolt was guest Kenny Kennedy. The Tech bunch, A short business meeting, at Arab 'states of today do .not know choslovakian News Agency relr-?s it's Grossman who says'he'-s with plenty of power, haa been speaker at the S...J5, T. cultural which time officers will be elect- of. And all that was asked of ports, and are negotiating for hosier than a gans pf kids * In a sluggish -and slow in practice hour Thursday evening. Cultural ed, will precede the smoker. them was decent cooperation in free ice cream parlor. hours are monthly events at Theta : There will be refreshments and the building of a. bi-national purchase 'of land in I/ebancn on drills. , ; which to settle. Opening event is a big oiae-— North will be underdog at Chapter. Rabbi Jolt is also de- entertainment. state. They answered with rapine The German Templars own voting his Friday, evening service the preseason handball' tourna- Thomas . Jefferson tonight but and murder.^ three large colonies In northern rtent and'a gang of 48 four-wall Paul Davis has a good team which tonight to a • special student reThey? Not the Arab people be- Palestine composed of children oi swatters stood face to face start- may surprise the Tellowjackets. ception to which all Jewish stuWORLD'S WMB0W tween whom and us there has j Swabians who left Germany in ' ing Thursday in the battle for su- Creighton Prep, very strong this dents on the campus are invited. been, there can "be again, there • the last century lor religious rea{Continued from pass 1) premacy .in the "two classes. Orchesis, dance sorority, electyear, will beat-Fremont easily.. will be again., cooperation and • sons. Many hare grown rich br ed Selma Zveitel as this year's six centuries after our expulsion j peace. Not the Arab people, but I In the A division, it looks; like pro* selling- land to Jewish JIEEH.Jack Schriebman, the underhand It grieved us very, much, but president. Selma Hill, Judith Lev- and decimation and the conquer- j an' astute oligarchy dreaming of smoothie, against the field. Jake Ireighton will take a licking to- enson, and Sarah Smeerin have ing Arabs were in their turn con- | the brutal predominance they en- i r CUE .oaling- rev e •rron the crown last year and night from Drake's ferocious been chosen to sell "N" stamps at quered by the Turks who kept' joyed., in the days of the Turk' the homecoming, November 6. found that winning titles Is a Bulldogs; At that, it'll _be fairly tt e them for ages and until their lib- and summoning to the defense of healthy diversion. He's been prac- close. Creighton is that kind of a Rosalyn Lashinsky, senior in eration by England in servitude that reactionary dream the crude «• m o - f i i t r ticing hard for this event. : j ill-understood nationalist senti-: team—lousy when they're sup- the arts and science college, is and subjection. ; •VT F R ^ • Sol Yaffe has the second: seed posed to win and good when acting as assistant in the Political Arab and Turk neglected and j rnent of "the" young, the fanati-j in Clas3 A and Sol is but to; turn they're underdogs. ... ' Science department at the Univer- rulnd the land. It was a garden! cism of the illiterate peasants T i e Ger-clr.e t^E the tables on his last year'B consity. •'•'. '. • within historic time; it became j whom they desire to oppress and ir>o^*-I:rr- "ZtV, r queror. The list is studded: with Shirley Polsky has joined the literally a desert. Xor did it jtbe gold of at least one '"Fascist : in CntVa IT '-b stars and upsets are likely to fall Sunday schdol teaching staff at share in the great productive age [ power •; . . No. Democracy anC in any round. Pairings: . the .Temple. of Arab culture. It remained rcin-j self-determination are representStandings ous in its physical and psychical i ed exclusively cy the Jew in PalPreliminary Konnd -W. L. Pet. character. . ! estine. : B. Rosen vs. M. Franklin. Esclusively. Liberals— 6 0 1.000 Sooners . : I. Levinson vs. S. Epstein.' Hence—not only, as the Report j take notice! .8 SO Tigers . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 P. Feldman vs. M. Turner.; .666 Cornhuskers . . . . . . . 4 Thirty-three men. attended the of the Royal Commission empha- (Copyright, IS37, by Sevea Arts I Tie Bates Crip Bail v! H. Schapiro vs. S. Ban. .333 first fall smoker of Sam Beber sises—not only have tbe Arabs Jay hawkers . . . . . . . . 2 Feature Syndicate"* First Ronnd .16(5 Chapter. 100 held at the home of of Palestine never in their long Wildcats . 1 J. Schriebman vs. Rosen- Cyclones . . . . . . . . . . 0 .000 Jack Epstein on Thursday, Octo- history been as prosperous and Patronize Our Advertisers Franklin winner. as healthy and therefore as powAs the season .progresses the ber 7. S. Teper vs. H. Riekes. erful as they have become during \ bowlers of the Big Six Bowling The program included . a saxo- the twenty, years of Jewish Colo-! J. Adler vs. .Levlnson-Epstein League find, their game steadily OSJ? Foaera! P a r ! a « Are FEmltiaesI IE Kesse-Lils® phone solo by Melvln Hodman, a •winner. '.''.'_._' improving. At Tuesday evening's group of vocal numbers by Har-nization. They have never in all j "COURTEOUS——RELEAELE'* their history been as free. T&e j E." Siegel. vs. - M. Goldberg'session Leo Weitz again bowled old Habler, and a dance by NorBritish and the Jewish peoples j J. Ban vs. E. Marks. '. ; high singles with 210 and the man Kuklin. cave brought them a measure of] P. iautznickva.Teldman-Turtt high for three game series, .551. The next regular meeting •will "political freedom, of education, of j Other 500 series include: Jack be held on Sunday, October 17, FUKESAL DIRECTORS er winner. . ' • -Famaa a t M. Sigal vs. Schapiro-Ban win- Melcher, 511; Sam Yousem, 513; at the Jewish. Community Center the equable administration of Justice of which, they never Sam Zweiback," 516, and:, Sam at 2:30 p. m. ner." • • - • • • • Katzman, 530. S. Zorinsky vs. S- Yaffe. All_ bowlers are invited. The In Class B v it's wide open as JR. VAAD AUXILIARY •Reno, Nev., on a Saturday night Big Six League meets at the The Junior Vaad Auxiliary will The winner's name is Mr. Any-Francisco" Alleys every " Tuesday hold a meeting oa Monday evebody, and don't say we didn't pre evening at 9"".o'clock. ning, October 18, at the B'nal Isdiet it for you. Pairings: M. Geller drew bye. F. J. Stahl wa3 the leader of rael Synagogue a t 8 o'clock. i v. N. Horwich vs. S. G.erliskey, the Prussian conservatives dur- Plans are being made to form •j L some- interesting study groups. H. Garber vs. L. Giventer. ing the time of, Bismarck. He 1 All young gtrla are welcome. M. Rossen vs, R. Schapiro. was baptised as a child. P. Bogdonoff drew .bye. . I3r. B. Goldware vs. L. Seiner, H. B. Cohen vs. A. Gerber. W. Kurz vs. I. Novak; .<£ JO A. Oruch vs. H. Levin. S. Krizelman vs.. L. Hurwitz. \ W. Skolnick drew bye. M. Simon vs. H. Temin. M. Shukert drew hye. N. Rosenthal vs. A. Friedman. S. Wo.Ik drew. bye. B. Abfams vs. P. Katzman. Yards and Showroom ... . 13th and Nicholas

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. Women's Mizrachi


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•li Morxill, charming [to Teign over the eason in St. IiOuis, paries H. Morrill. i hidden, although



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PJ53 j;que eeremony a t pord Tweedsmuir, id Master of t5e !as established by ong the French ie presented" symtbeen admitted t o

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Center athletes are again getting the basketball bug and t h bug seems to be biting. Players by scores are coining up to th gym to throw the ball around an shoot baskets, getting ready fo pre-season play. Grossman reports plans are now underway to organ ize the annual preseason loop.


t'« 0 m H f* m i'-^fm


We finance your job; arrange all. details, material and labor. We sponsor reliable


. Much has been the difjeussio of Nebraska university footba' ! conts-actoro. • adventures this year. Afler the husky HusUers had defeated the Golden Gophers, fans here had* been ready to give Coach- Biff Jones the national championship, the- Rose Bowl, ' and Marlene Diotriech right along with, it. But fans should reconsider a moment. FOR RENT: Lady offers nice furnished a p a r t m e n t in home. A l l - conveniences; double fjarafje. Bills paid. Or -will rent sleeping ATantic 6S31-



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- Let us; &h6w,,yav n henzB in .your own neighr' borhood ; where we ."have aptplled Si?«i Brie. - "•oveir thoV:o!d; wooden siding,, '-making " it- tike . b a s t looking h o u s e J n ' t h s bioelc. ."•• -,.


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Page 8

ner was served to 50 relatives and 3163 Morrison , street, announce | her guests. _ -— friends at the home of the bride's the birth of a daughter, October. -"•"i r c ' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Pred will 11, in the Methodist hospital. Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will make their home in Walthill. speak at Mount. Sinai-Temple this The Sioux City chapter 12 ofevening on "Russia, the Jew, and Mrs. Fred Foreman of Madison, i Miss Florence Lohrman of South. Dakota, arrived in Sious A. Z. A. will present their an- Bira-Bidjan." -MSS'ilJNNA'PILL»" correspondent : . nual A. Z. A. program Sunday •••The Cultural'group of the Sis-Omaha, Nebraska, visited in Siosxz City Tuesday, to visit with frier ds f~afternoon, October 17, in connec- terhood met yesterday • morning, City Sunday with friends. siiissliiiiiaaiuffliEJiiiia and relatives. tion with the 150th anniversary with Rabbi Lewis as leader. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goldberg, of the signing of the Constitution. Earl Kline and Mrs. E. N.- Gruer f c ' - r ; ; c ----Miss Boots Levin will entertain The program will be held at theskirt' are chairmen of the group Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Shubb and Miss Marge Krasae cf Los AnJewish Community. Center , at which meets every other Thurs- Miss Ruth. Orlikoff spent last geles and Miss Dorothy Chait of .- < c „ *• • ' . week end in Des Moines, where 2:45 o'clock. this week end. Miss Lsvir. day. Word has been received here they attended the State Account- Omaha Ben Barkin, of Omaha, will be has planned a luncheon honoring that Samuel Levinger, 20 year old the principal speaker.- Mr. Barant's convention. son of a former Sioux Cityan, was kin, . who has visited Sioux City killed while fighting for the Span- before, is the newly appointed Miss Ruth Keadis of Omaha ish loyalists in the international national assistant executive secrewill arrive in Sioux City this Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov will conMiss Hilary Newill of London, brigade. His father, Lee Levinger, tary of the A. Z. A. his series of talks on Chura- week , end to visit with Miss England, will speak at the B'nai Is a rabbi in Columbus, Ohio, and Dr. Louis J. Dimsdale, presi- tinue ish "this Saturday at 4 o'clock. Elaine Mushkin. B'rith meeting, MorT-.y evening, lived in Sioux City during his dent of the B'nai B'rith lodge, Sunday and Monday he will talk October "18, in the Jewish Com- youth. .: will speak, and Joe Goldstein; on the Psalms, and Tuesday and Miss Ruth Jacobson of Omaha, munity Center. The ^meeting, . A grandfather, the late Joseph president of the A. Z. A. chapter Wednesday at 5 o'clock on theNebraska, spent last week-end in •which will begin at 8:30 o'clock, Levinger, worked in a Sioux City will deliver Aleph Godol's Talmud. ' Sioux City, visiting with her '•will, be open to the.public. Miss department store, and a grand- message. Leon the Dobrofsky, advisor mother, Mrs. S. Jacobson, Newitt is the author of the boob, mother is living in Yankton, of the chapter, will present a new- Set Carnival Date "Women Mus't'Choose," in which S. D. ly elected class of members. : v Mr. and Mrs. Bill "Wolf Ehe has summarized the position At a recent meeting of the Car- Omaha Both Rabbi,and Mrs.'Levinger visited with relatives Sunday evening members will of women under the three forms are well ktjown in Sioux City and nival Committee, November 15 Sioux City last Sunday. of government, Fascism, Commu- visited here several times with gather at the Community Center was named as the date for the for an informal dance. Invitations nism and Democracy. Samuel. They are both well known have been extended to the Omar affair.'The place lias not been deMrs. A. M. Davis, 1524 Sumcided upon.'The Carnival constiShe has traveled and lived in a authors. . . ha chapters and Sioux.City alum- tutes a unified fund raising effort mit avenue, is spending .this week Jiumber of • Eurdpean countries, ni to attend. in Chicago, visiting with Mr. and for fourteen local organizations. and spent four years in Germany • Calmon Levich' and "Morris GinsMr. Ben Sekt is general chair- Mrs. Harold Levy. prior to: the arrival of the Nazi burg are in charge of the ar-man of the Carnival. Vice chairregime. Her<-interest in political Mrs. Eva Woskoff departed rangements. . men include Sam. Cohen, Si and economic matters dates back Wednesday for Los Angeles, Krueger, and A, M. Davis. Mil,to 1926,-when she was a student Funeral -services for Mrs. where she will spend a month viston Bolstein i3 in charge of the Jn Geneva, Switzerland. MILTON BOLSTER] TO Esther Feldman, 48, 1214 Villa advertising with Mr. Cohen and iting with friends and relatives. In 1929 she went to Germany, avenue, were held Thursday HEAD BROTHERHOOD Louis Agranoff assisting. where she studied at the Univer- afternoon, with Rabbi H. R.RabMr. and Mrs. Jack Levitsky, SIS sity of Frankfort-Am-Main,-under inowitz and Cantor Pliskin offiIowa street, announce the birth Milton Bolsteien was elected Miss Lucyle C. Barrent, a niece many famous professors, return- ciating. Mrs. Feldman died Tuesof a son, October S, at the Mething in 1932 to England to take day morning, following a brief president of Mt. Sinai Brother- of Mr. and Mrs. S. Krueger, 3S23 odist hopsital. hood at the annual meeting^ In Jackson street, became the bride Tip work with the Union of Demo- illness. cratic Control. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Horwitz, Mrs. Feldman was born in Rus- the Warrior hotel Monday eve- of Dave J. Albert* son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Albert, 1104 South TwenDr, Louise J. Dimsdale, presi- sia and came to the. United. States ning. He succeeds Ben Sekt. Dr. J. N. Lande was elected tyrthird street, Sunday morning in ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attys. dent of the B'nai B'rith, will pre- in 1921, moving to Ireton, Iowa, 400 Brandeis Theater Eldg. side at the meeting and introduce where Mr. Feldman was engaged vice president; L. D. Sacks, secre- their home. Immediate relatives NOTICE BY PUBUCATSON OWPEtary, and Morris Skalovsky, treaswere present, at the ceremony the. speaker. in business, until they moved to FOR SETTLEMENT OF urer. Directors elected for the when Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz of- TITION FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACSioux Cky in 1936. COUNT. coming year include J. L. Levitt, ficiated. Survivors a r e the widower; Victor Mazie, ; Joe Rosenthal, L. 'JOINT MEETING In the County Court of Douglas The bride wore her traveling County, Nebraska. two daughters, Mrs. Berncie Good- S. Goldberg and E. N. Grueskln. In the Matter of the Estate of NEXT V/EDNESDAY man of Eureka, Cal., and Miss The congregation held their ensemble of brown tweed, a cos-Samuel Belzer, Deceased. tume suit with • natural marten Eva Feldman of Sioux City. All persons interested in said ma?The Ladies Auxiliary of. Shaare annual meeting before the Broth- trimming and brown accessories. ter are hereby notified that on the 2ion synagogue and the congrega5th day of October, 1937. Oscar C. erhood meeting and election. H. tion will hold a joint meeting Many Attend Tea <-~~ Fishgall presided and six menA wedding breakfast was served Goldner filed a petition Jn said County Court, praying- that his final adnext "Wednesday evening, October More than 150 young women were elected to the board of di-in the home of the bride's grand- ministration account filed herein b« 20 in the social hall of the syna- attended the annual Junior Ha- rectors; They are William Gilin- parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Seff, settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as execugogue. dassah Tea in the.Oasis, Sunday sky, Mr. Fishgall, J. Kalin, A. M.after which Mr. Albert and histor and that a hearing -will be had bride left for an eastern motor on said petition before said Court on Rabbi T. N. Lewis of Mount afternoon, when prospective mem- Davis,. Herman Miller and Jack tf.e 30th day of October, 1937, and trip. Binai Temple will speak on hisbers.were feted. Miss Bertha Gor- Robinson. that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 30th day of Octorecent trip to Russia. Mrs. Joetenberg of Kansas City, spoke on ber, 1937. at 9 o'clock A. JI., and conKutcher will preside and Mrs. the work of. Hadassah . in Palestest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enS h a a r e Zion • '-'• Prank Margolin will introduce ,the tine. Miss Gprtenberg during her ter a decree of helrship, and rnak» speaker. • • • • • - . , ' stay here was,a guest in the A. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will such other and further orders, allow- ' ances and decrees, as to this Court ! Mrs. Morey Lip'shritz and Mrs.I. Sacks home. speak tfiis evening on "Palestine seem proper, to the end that all S. H. Shulkin aretocharge of the Miss Sophie Franklin intro- on the Operating Table." Cantor Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kroch- may matters pertaining to said estate may i be finally settled and determined. refreshments. '• duced the speaker. Mrs. "W. CA. Pliskin and the synagogue over, who were married Sunday afternoon in Shaare* Zion syna- 10-S-37-3t BRTCE CRATiTFORD, Slotsky, president of the Senior choir will chant the service. Counts- Judge. Hadassah, spoke and Miss Saretta Tomorrow morning at the Jun-; gogue, have departed on a westCLEAN LINEN Krigsten, president, of Junior Ha- iof Congregation service, Herbert ern motor trip, and will return 3AIv/ayo Attracts Customers dassah, welcomed the guests. A Holland will act as Cantor and in a month to make their home. musical number was offered by Bob Pliskin reader of the law. Re- Mrs. Krockover was Miss Rose OMAHA TOWEL Jean Montrose and Mary Kaplan. freshments will be distributed by Holdowsky, daughter of Mr. and SUPPLY , .The tea table was attractive Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fish, in honor Mrs. Harry Holdowsky. Rabbi H. „. Yours Sine© 1 8 7 6 with blue and white appoint- of the birth of a grandson', Jerry R. Rabinowitz, "Rabbi S. Bolot! \. | KE 2 8 2 8 nikov and Canter A. Pliskin ofments. Goldis. ficiated at the ceremony. A wedding dinner for 250 guests followed the ceremony, after which the guests enjoyed an evening of dancing.


L/ity H e w

A. Z. A.. Day to . . . , Be Observed

-. Mount Sinai


' •Advertisers

'Former Resident's .Son; Dies-in Spain




Tiphereth- Israel



week in the home of Miss Rose



Death Claims Sioux Cityan


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r f-r br.y & new ELECTel. here

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- Presents

The wedding of Miss Mollie Hanin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Hanin, 1623 Cook street, and Ben Pred ot Walthill, son of Mrs. R. Pred, was solemnized Sunday afternoon la the home of Rabbi S. Bolotnikov. Following th© ceremony, a din-


HARRY SILVERMAN, Attorney 7C3 Ersntiela Theater Bids.


GYPSY TEA SHOP, INC. Notics Is hereby Riven that the undersigned have formed a corporation pursuant to the laws of the State ot Nebraska. The nair.o of the corporation is Gypsy Tea Shop, Inc., with its principal place oi business In Omaha. Nebraska. The objects for which this corporation is formed are: To Introduce, erect, provide, maintain operate, lease. purcbcLSj, acquire hold, enjoy and dispose of, by salt or otherwise, la any totrn, city 01 county, in tho United States, tea shops, coffea houses, restaurants. inns, eating houses, or places cl refreshment; to isake s.ni esecuta r.ny and aJl agreements for tlus rental ci such places of busiceos a3 are herein enumerated:-to construct, own, purchass, maintain, operate, toll, lease or disposa of. cny such property, and to have power to_ p-jrebeso and hold In fee staple, or otherwise, Euch real estate as may be neco-cary tor carryins on tho business of raid, corporation. And for tha purpose of complete enjoyment of said corporation, th© said company is authorized to borrow money, tho tamo tofcosecured in scch manner as tho Eoarc of Directors may authorize. Tho totr.1 authorized capital stock Is 510.000.CO. par value $100.00 per share, all stock ccnimon, and ehall bi fiilly pa.!d and nonassessable -when issued. The corporation shall co'rr.tr.cnca tmsir.ers urcTt the filinjT of the articles -with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Kebrasiia, ana chall continue until January 1, 1B82. The hichest amount oj Ind?btedr:e?-3 rhall not exceed t—otiiirds ot tho capital stock. The business affairs of tho corpou-tion thai) bo managed by a Board of riot less thai two nor ir:ero than five in number, who r-lial!fcaelected, at tha annual meeting of tho stockholder?, to be held on tho iirst Monday in January of each year. TI:o Board shall, from this number, elect a pras-.dsnt, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Tho corporation Ehall have n seal. The articles may bo amended at any meetir.-: of tha BtcekhoHcrr by t!i9 affirmative vote of ttvo-thirfi^ of all Issued and outstanding ctcci:.


;ol Temple Icrcclj, DctHcI £j"z.r.c:ogue and Hazomir. Soci e rt£ A.^.i c:t Ecfgraf c o n f l i

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Proceeds Cc:;lr:o:fwei Co Ornatic Tcffntf

"Dated Ecptcmbor 17th. 1037. MAIHT^ E.J2OSTELLO., 0-24-37-it.'

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