lit the . Interests of its© rlsli People
[he- home of Miss Rose
ize Our Advertisers J ' %fcBB4W^*->«^v .
The Tietrs expressed fay wig" JbcsrlsohD la Ilia aro his own anS do n e t nscec« sarlly reflect .the'policies'o? a t titodo of oar. .publication. Reproduction In whole or. ia part strictly forbidden.
'M !ORS LLjariel,. Cceata Rey harvester Cigaro AT 4 2 9 2
nt a s ^Second Clas3 Hail Uatter on January 21, 1321. a t Foetofflgo of Omaha. Kebrasba. cnacr tho Act cl March X 1
TO rs SHzm FQS
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• The geaeral press has had little or nothing, on : the matter.
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'••"Hence readers of this column who - ,.•„ il shoTisg cf "This is 'do not see the Yiddish papers t <• .it • ' * -J," the film depicting may • hardly be aware "of the fact -.a progress ia Palestine, will that by actual decree of the. Po- held for children oa SEE day lish- ministry;;,ofeducation ghetto Yonth Session 0 morning at 10: SO a. ra. -at the Cirbenches have, been assigned ; to Ba Led Ij cle Theatre. as Eeesad Attraction•Jewish, students in Uia .JnstitQChildren of the Taliaud Torah! tions of ^higher learning,-, primari02 Femrs Seriss and the various . Sunday schools J ly'in Warsaw, but" also ia other - WJth the campaign to increase The Athletic Department of the attead. Admission for child-! Polish. cities. ' These beaches, oa the membership of the Jewish Jewish Commuaity" Ceater will . As in previous years^Oin&fcs. del- r e a wi 11 b e t e a c e s t s the left sides of the lecture halls, Community Center only-a little egation will, p l a y a ' eosspicious j , American-Jewish writer, w i 11 j s sponsor aa "Athletic Carnival-and are marked and a penalty is setover a- week, old, one hundred, and important r o l e / a t tho vy*e_t speak on "The Present Crisis in j Award Night'* at the Ceater Wed• upon aay infringement of the seventy-two % new' members have Central Regional Conference Ci.; Palestine" on Tuesday, November j nesday, November 17. regulation they represent. Bit- been reported.' The drive' will Community Center; :zl 2, at the Je-srisla CoEEunity Cca-j C'-u Basketball,, handball, and vol- ternessand wrath a r i naturally continue until;_the , goal is reachand W e i f a j e Funds, to be held Cc'-ter. He appears as t i e second at- j i ~c - - , leyball games plus sweeping through Polish Jewry; ed. . " •' •; .'•.-• . ••••••. • ; ' .-' : gymnastic exhibitions will be fea- ber 23 and 24 la I traction of the ney^r Center Poruia i c P r"~ -~ the students are _re'f using to be The present membership cam- tured. Heary Monsky, second series. I n : : v\ -segreB&Tea~and are 'standing dur- paign to eliminate the seven thouFollowing Mr. Ijewisotn's t a l i | f r i r - o r 1936-1937 awards will be-pre- ident of the Conference, .T, ill ing lectures; Polish Socialist and sand dollar deficit began Tuesday, sented to the winners of the var- chairman of the.opening ner-ir there will be a panel discussion ; £. i - — Liberal students are Very properly October 12, with a dinner a t the ious athletic events during the Saturday night. by leafling members -cf the O i a s - j f i * <" a Students Aided|ta and honorably"'announcing, their Jewish, Community. Center. Th Sunday.noon, session is : past year. byLiberals and intention of- not belns separated der the direction of the Oc Kr. Lewisotn. r a eloQuent SES } Eight ; Co-^chairmen and eight . Refreshments will be served. from their Jewish.-comrade aiid vice-chairmen are conducting the delegation. Miss Ruth Allen Socialists orceful speaker, hs.s for mar.r reputation cl of sharing the\,-ghetto benches drive.' the Community Center hss years enj eyed t Warsaw (WNS)—In a drama- being the foreaos- man of letters , with them. The anti-SemiUc maranged the discussion." Chairmen a r e : Sam Beber, Dave Youth Loots to the Feederatioa."Jtic.iaass pretest against the ejiab- I devoting himself to Judaisia c,r.i jority i3 rejoicing;, the govern- Goldman, William Holzman, J. H. Phillip. Klutznlck will be chair-1 Ushaieaf of ghetto ' benches for j its problems. For ever s. yetr ] ment-is more than acquiescing Kulakofsky,. Harry... Malashock, man.and Haskeii Cohen trill Tea'd 1'Jewish students ia all the col- I now he" has contributed a column j •and- the -Yiddish Daily Dos Wort Henry Monsky, Dr.-Phillip Sher, V 4 *. has been confiscated for publish- and Harry A. Wolt the priacipal /paper. " i Jeges and universities of TTar-1 ca Je-risi affairs to the Je^rist j ing the declaration • of the So- "Assisting them as vice chair• Others participating. In the dis- j saw, 1,000 Jewish students barri- i PressI t cialist-studeats. - - - - ' - . • -. . .- men are: I. F . Goodman,. Dave Dcricg his career, he has peb- j this sessioa will-bee: ! caded themselves in the Jewish - -j Let us reflect on the whole Blacker, jaaX'.;Barish, William Gilbert Harris of St. Louis who | Stndeat hoaie ia a two-day strike. lishea a number cf important; • g and Tea to 2e will speak on ••Vocational Guid- j Filling the student house to ever- books tcclcdiag "Israel," "Tr.s , ' matter- a little closely. Bear with Racusin,' Harry." Trustin, Arthur me while we analyze a little . . . Cohn, Jack Marer,^Sal..Mlchnick, aace"; David: Waldinger cf Des; flowing, the'students announces Isle WHtlE," "The Last Days of j Held on. Tuesday and • Why—have- the -Polish "students and David Greenberg. -: Moines whose subject will be i their • inteatioa of going on aShyloct," a s s "Trumpet of Cnb- j •Wednesday -; agitated and rioted year in and ilee." j "Community. PErticipatios"; Irr-j hunger strike. As part o t the plan to eliminate Besides Kr. Lcwisoha's appear- i year--out- agaiast their Jewish the - deficit,: which has been acins Waldman of SL Paul who will j The front of the b-jildiEg- is * The annual in-gathering of the comrades and finally brought cumulating since. 1932, a new discuss. "The • Synagogue Ap-1 placarded with, signs proclaimins ! arcs, this rear's Forum series ia- ,^ Omaha Branch of the Needlework about-this thing that they con- donor membership of fifty dollars Geller, and Louis Gutmas protests against the ghetto sest- eludes:' 'ioaros Guild of America will be held oa preach., . Ber- : sider a triumph for themselves per year was established. e t - lag- arrangement. Octsifis pickets painter; Dr. Joae' Tuesday and "Wednesday, October whose paper will deal wita TPTTI- '. ' " and a-humiliation for the JewB? inarctied and, guarded the build in Us. rabbi; Brachab. The Jewish Community Center 26, and 27, at the First Central ish Education." Why? Evidently because In a was one of thefew. social centers Congregation church, 36th and Harry Trustin, who feesded last | from possible attacks br natios- • eaile singe contracting, economy aad a dearth that weathered the depression. A Harney streets. - Tea will be serv- year's O m a h a . Philanthropies] alist students. Afinission W E S don; en c-reaing c* Jrvi E £ rxusic: ] • of professional opportunities they number of Omaha institutions' ed on Tuesday afternoon froia .2 Drive, will be oae of ike disctis- graa'ted only to ttose with A cwere afraid of the Jews' intelli- were forced to close their doors. until. 5. Mrs. Reuben Kufakofsky' 'saats at the session on " H O T DO. 4eat registratioa cs-fis sisned ty leaders os Americaa Jewish life, i ! Epara'im Harks is geueral; geace, Industry aad determinaThe" Center has provided a home and lire. A. F . Smith are in We Allocate Our Welfare Funds." j the strifes • committee and to rej tion, This they will not admit for all Jewish organizations and charge of-the tea. c'SEirnian el the Forum commit-; William Holzaiaa is a member! ressatatires of liberal and Soeven to themseves. So,they go Is the focal point for all commun: Members of the Needlework of the Executive Committee cficlalist student groups who called tee. in for mystic nationalist rowyd- al activities. | to pledge their Export ot t i e guild and their friends are invit- the Coaference. • • \ ism. Actually, as a mass, inferior Headquarters for the Confer- j strike, Omaha synagogues have coop- ed to attend -the Tea at which to the Jews,, they assert Ib -them- erated with the officers of the .time the thousands of garments eace-will-be at the Raclszcs Eo-} - . A I I E a t i o n a ! J e w i s h orgaaiza- \ selves", by' physical pressure and Center to make the present drive gathered will be shown. All char- Minneapolis. •ions aad Jewisb me ibers o*\ now by the deyice of physical sep- a success.. ities are. aided by the Guild. InParliament also anac-uacea ttei aration a feeling of mass-strength : cluded la the-beneficiariesare the ; support of the Jewish st-cdents ia ; ; a n d so of .mass-superiority- and Jewish Welfare Federation and i s proclamation calling upon Po- i ::rr. n : r seek to induce in the Jewish stuthe Old People's Home. jlish Jewry to esg-age ia s a aati-;r » •.is A - _ : dents by; the-same devices a-Xeel; luxury week fceg-jnnisg October j . * . c: i". Mrs-. B. 'A. Simon is 'Section ihs of • Individual and of massi 17th-. • Bsirl~s this'-wselfc is'-wselfc all J e ^ s \ 1~, president; Mrs. TV. M :Racusln, inferiority. That, they, succeed i a At '"the repilar rjsstla- fceldi 'sskad -to eat or!y- esE€-tia! •urti-Mrs. K*_37rig:at, BESlstanf seetheir -first objective of \buddnir
: Severa
When Goal Is
> j buy a n e w
gRAL ELEQlis. Yet here pa in Union's w. ' - Features jfcmitor that ithful reproHas the new volinae_ con* ial four-point tor, 12-inch :aker, etc.
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Council Sponsors
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•T Had-assali
-Sam Morris, famed •. As Omaha's Saiif a
To Mold-Tea for
ssc2«*d • their I ^ay - ua~ecesssrjr g-oods. Sia-Ecy Morrl3»JJ3,TlorE5er 'policeman' and :•.:» TThfr Section directors" iacliifie: •tor •. HaSassaa. cam- i thus ESTS-4 is to be turned over Omaha's famous jiublkj;. Saata, the MeEflaises". I. ' Abrahfeon, L\ forthcotaing - J ' 1 to"-the strike committee. Altacuga Alberts, R. Browa, R. Bordjr, W. the muscles of aa oz and no chess Claus, were -held Wednesday, afA meabershlp tea for all palfi- the-ghetto seating system is.% not • to fenoclc me down, there is noth- ternoon a t the' Scottish Rite Ca- Boasberg, . H.- J. Cooper, Mas S. Epstein, up meabers will be'held October yet been cffleiallT instignrata In: cct in ic'wCL \ -JL i n g ! could do aboutit. But if he thedral. The body lay in. state Davis," I. Dansky, studests in : cities Jewish stu Charles-Fellman, I. Fiedler, H. 24 from 2 to'5 at the" Rome t o - j o t t e r therefore. felt himself to be myfrom. 10 a. m. Wednesday mornd Leni-. superior . that . would -be simply ing with police,- under the com- Ferer, H. P. Farber, J. J. Frieden, tel. -"Kevr members -will be guests | Tilna, Cracow,: Poses s r berg staged a 2 4-hour walkont ia fuaay.: I would be bruised but mand of Lieutenant Earl Sher- M. Frieden, J. Goodbinder, L. at this tiare. Hostesses will be:-Anne Balm, I syctpathy--with tneir colleagues not; humiliated.' I could be hu- wood, standing guard.; *.'•'. Gross, L. Gfaetz,"S. F . Goodman, M."Holzman," J. Haykia, A'. JaMollie Tsrieaer, Lucille Butt, Anne J Warsaw. .. ! miliated only Insofar as I agreed Morris was born in Sunderland, —r - - r e . with the-coal heaver Ia-his opin- England, where his father, a sold- cobs, M. 1Jacobs, S. Josephson, J . Berraan, Alice' Susmah, ' Bettye I The'strikers were ensouragea ; *" r - i — • . ion that brutality proves"'" any- ier in the Bussian army, had been Kaufman, M. Linsman, J. Mala- Tuchiaan, Gertrude Lewis, Aane • by the aasouscesient of Profes-' c - do;irc- f^r-tacr Choraey, [Eor :Radlai2ti, -professor cf aiedi- j n - = ; . r ; i z • thing but its own existence. taken prisoner after the Crimean shock, J. Marer; C. Nathan, J. Goodbinder, - 'Marlon , -vr - . C Zlqtkia and Esther Laz-j cine at "VTarsaw uairersity, th'at j 7 ^ : : : ;--zr-~:''l z~ --•' Please reflect. closely on this last War. He was educated in theNewman, W. A. Racusln, J. Rice, Dorothy ; ; I. Roseathal, J. Stein, DlSher- ersoa. ICalah FraaHIa and Mrs. j he would refuse to lecture E^ loag | c --'_ sentence. : • . ;-«. c . "f r Jewish,Free School In London. men, S. Steinberg, Ed Simon, D. i d I I; Ruth-Rosea will preside at the))a & the ghetto system remained a ; - . ^ "-r'-v-r,:-; el c Now i t Is right and proper that Since IS89 he had resided in Om-i- - - - Stein, Isadore Sherman, N. Turn- tea table-- : A unique progrsm has [effect.- Strong police detachraeats j i-~ the Jewish deputies in the-Polish aha where he was oa the police er, Moe • Yenger, R. "Wright, and been arranged by Uaa Gross.- - | are. standing guard In'tae neigh- j j - r c : = : " . parliament should protest against force for twenty-seven years. The D. Zollotjichen, and Blanche ZimThe program for the seasoa borhood of 'the JeTris"h. Stadeat j e :« c ~- r r this -flagrant breach' of the Polish last twenty years, because of his man. ; • -was also outlined at the meeting. I house. constitution and of the rights as physical resemblance .and amiable a: minority guaranteed in thedisposition, he had always been : Two new: garments or a "casa On'. November 4 members will ; 'jieanTrhne,- the police- cracked : Karas a aieiaorlal Eerrlce1 for Fan-|ga-5n> on the entitle one to be-peace'.treaties'to-the'Jews of Po- called upon to act the part .of contribution CNaticnal Radicals), arresting TO • ale' Katelman HerskovitE. ' come a member, of the Build. land;, it Is equally .right and Santa Claus. • proper' that the Jewish students Section directors have .been re- •The annual Thanksgiviag dancw cf their leaders in Pallbearers'were members of quested to turn in all garments by will take place on November 25 conaectioa - with recent bombiEg should - resent the barbarism and the- police.force and members of at-the-Paxtoa hotel. Ticket. chair- outrages . en J ewisi' institTitioas. Tuesday.- ' •- -•• ' stupidity of the measure and rethe masonic" order. ' man for the- dance is- Rosell© Among those arrested ^rere t t e veal-to the world. it3 hacltgrouad Surviving are his wife; two Handler.' Sarah'Ta'ub has s a f e r editors at the Kara paper. in greed, in envy, • In ..plain but daughters, Mrs. .Ruth Branch of F-r-rrrsold the 'most'advertising lor the exasperated .dullness. ; -By all Memphis aad Mrs.: Ruby Cottrell program booklet. . means! "'•• By all means! -of Los Angeles; a brother, Alfred •'.- But,.alas, I get the Impression - December"'-4 and 5 the Omaha of Omaha~aad Jack of Loadpa; 7 v e L'" .". that the Jewish "students "of. Warchapter will be hostesses to the iill ' tL .The Beth El Auxiliary will and two sisters, Sirs. Hetty Tronsaw feel humiliated and that fills Southwestern Regional conven- « jl.and Mrs. Sarah Cohen of Lon- hold-its anual Chanukah celebrame with ..pain, that fills me with' tion, the Rigadoo, oa Sunday, No- 'tion of Junior Hscassalt- Headdon. 28, at the Central Club, quarters .will be at- t i e Hotel The Junior- Hafiassali bas turngrief . . I-had hoped, that the Funeral services were conduct- vember 21st. and Bodge Streets. This Fontenelle. ed over laoaey to t i e Jerrish. Kasize of the Jewish masses in Po- ed by Rabbi Frederick Cohen. second annual carnival -will beMeetings • of the chapter are tioaal Fund for the planting of Mg land aad their loyalty to the be^ Burial was ia Forest Lawn Cemegin at four o'clock and last the held every other Thursday ia the six trees in memory cf ' Fannie Ing of the Jewish people had kept tery, month.-^Monthly' :affairs have Katelasaa Herslroritz. lire. Max them free of that worst, disease .Sir. Morris had been: ill a year entire evening. The Beth El Men's Club is co- also .been-planned. Froinkin and Sirs. Irvia Levis are re ' of the Galuth, the disease, name- before his" death on Monday. operating by building booths aad ly, o t our enemies' estimate of us tree in mesiory also .plaatiag taking care of decoratioas. of Mrs. Herskoviiz. subtly tainting our consciousness sirs. Irria Stalinaster will have • Miss Anne BermEa fs plantt^r . . •. As a libertarian and a demcharge of the needlework for the a tree i s meniorT of fcer mother, ocrat, and a meaiber of western Beth El Rigadoo. Anyone desirMrs. Rose Eersssa. civilization, I should also, xrereT 'Pi Lambda-PM Alasrai will ing to make or donate baud-made a student In Warsaw, protest articles is asked to-notify her by hold a smoker Monday evenlns S-t j _„_._ against the ghetto beaches. Bui ' ~ 8 o'clock in Parlors A. B. ,ad C. t i . , \ , as a Jew and as a human being I First prize in tho Reserve OS- calling Walaut 5103. ' . and tha. Pompadour roeia c£ the j ' would be glad and proud to sitficers Charger's ClaE3 a t the "AkHotel. Toateaelle.• j * on them as a member o£ the Jew- Sar-Ben Horse Show was iron by At the- meeting held last week j i ish people,' happy and proud to be First Lieutenant Harry A, Smith, 5 at their club rooms ia the Central j at one with i t physically aad who was awarded a silver trophy. Lieutenant Smith competed with , Club, the following -officers were j Jaloaifci (TCAS)—S a ^ o s i ki spiritually, never happier and The cast of the.Yiddish opera, | elected:. Eari D. Ross, president; I Je~s -are all agog crer Prince never prouder than when the four Iowans and four Nebraskaas. world seefes to probe the wounds Two United States array colonels CaMunia" to be given on Sun- j Dr.-Abe Faier, vice president; Da- ! Peter of Jugoslavia, iieir to t \ throes,, -x-ko, ixiThis day, October 21, a t the Central vid' B. tVeiaber g, sscreta of tao Galnth and to bring-dis- judged the riding. ! Ealcaiki. Ettsnced sstTioeg at tin Club, has been rehearsing over- David Riess, treasurer. comfort to me by making me 'Great S:raag-o?tie and discussec time. This operetta by Goldsadeaconspicuous as a Jew. For it is .being, presented lay the'Worlicannot. It fails utterly. It might men's Circle Dramatic Club. "iave spared its silly efforts. Tickets are fifty and'seTeatyNothing that makes n o connpicti'-Praia (JTA) Plans for tba;j i g priiice V aifi h i tribute to ius as -a Jew can bring me any- Omaha Lodge of B'nai" 36'fith E teats," fas included. Proceeds of his iiavirgEH d Gerrsaa refu-!.t .CO J e thing but joy, but pride, but awill hold a business meeting ?.roago to the fund ; for the up- „ ~T-3X :lz jess from border districts tli slz leepr sense of devotion and con-day evening, October 25, in the keep o£ the Labor Lyceum .build- s a l s cUlc-3, aad their transf er to j secration ... . I wish tbsi.I heard lodga room of the Community i n g I Boieiaiaa and MorsriEa locals-]' 'hat voice, that spirit, that xnean- Center. . ,ties srs ^reried out-by thai
over •which we haye.So.cdntrqL'If I/met a druakeu-coaMieaver'-Viti
i o
Auxiliary Plans
'Cantors. .eaf'Du-
smri to' Meet
vvf — '
?amatic Club, to'' -' seat. 'Caidunia
Meetiiau of B'aai
>ns from out of ths turnioO and . the tumult Ja Warsaw. What •vero t b . e hniaortai editorial ivords of the Judischs Hundscluiu of Berlin on boycott day, oa April 1, 1933? '"We arast affirm "our
Committee cfcairmen will re- Find FlZ/jiacnt f r o a TesiJtl® | ministry .-of interior. Police t a r s I port on the activity of their comfes-aa isstractd to request re"u~i. mittees. fS) — A 'tragssest gees o fs • All-member:; are urged to ctaacieat ^Meaorali feeliered 'nave expired to-settle in Ibis tcrtend, s s many matters vital to the | t o b~ part off the MencrsiTtfest'('ritoiy. lodge -will be aiscu23ea, accord-j stood in tae Teraple of JemsSlesi i ecu ci c— 'h = . . . v We,, tae Jewish Ing to Julius Bisno, president ci' c.z~the time Iz was destrojea by :A letter of 1T4S trcsi tee kiss;! arrixal i3S~? ! tha Honiaca usder Titus lias bf»a t. Swe-das to th® Jews cf Loa- I The rotisrer pc-opls, can defend our honor by the local ors-anizati^a. fa a. Je-wisi -raa-j doa cordially Invited t i e —salili; s "moral act. We remember all Edward Millaud was breach ; s:«jta cf Prc;t:e.. . 1 iiscoverj-jj settle in ;h'os0 who in the course of five {Continued on pass 8.)
minister of Public Worio, IS S31SS7.
t— work orkers assigned to j bat Tarioua exhibits. 'a^-
e<i the- po r ones to at '
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THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OOTUBBK 2Z, i»3T would do it. Today, Cantor is the turn out and predicted a fine Marchie „ president of the Eddie Cantor J. C. C. Varsity outfit. "We're sot liked oa every front. But the wolves and "alumni Camp committee, formed 16 years enough material right here," lie ago to help Surprise Lake camp. told t i e group, "to have a erack- have their pound of flesh For years the camp's board of di- erjack outfit." Several outstand- want victories above everything j rectors has sought to change its ing players have yet to put ia an else. And ' MareMe hasn't • been, getting them. *. r- . . n a m e . to Eddie Cantor's camp. appearance. •TV- Tork (WNSJ—Anti-Seni .At t e r r l c c - i t F ev*- ; r The-Nov. 17 tilt will be one of His teara has lost tvriee already, But always the famous funmaker i -r was soft-pedaled by all th' declined this tribute. Through the features of the annual J. C. C.jtha 9-0 setback ky Brake being ' ! rrs who addressed 2O,ooi ".*ev-E C-v Tc Co<f€re.' O"c the efforts of his committee the award niglrt, a t which time the the most recent. The Bltiejays.! •^-n-Amerlcan Nazi sympa n •> 1 camp has benefited -to the extent outstanding local Jewish, athlete will lose their, third game • S&tv:r-j rf erii-j f c ^ - v c «r?f " Ft New;-York' annual Ger EC—"->v day at the Hilltop to Kansas lere. of more than $250,000, and Can-of the year will be chosea. c.?y celebration In Madisoi State, wMclx is Just out of Creigli- cec* tor himself donates §10,000 an. v - . " » The usual anti-Jewish ti his own social service work. Can- nually to_ underwrite - half the ' Handball and basketball are ton's class. . . f v e r e conspicuous by theii • •.'.•• The .fiiollywpod' 'correspond-•' we' prefer to write on the occasion tor doesn't talk about it, but it's budgetj L' of his silver jnbllee. What is hurting the Kanfisome just a small portion of the athent.of the Seven Arts Feature Throughout the years, Cantor letic activity at the Center these Mr. Soiwsrts a great deal Ss teat Time erases the memory of a fact that he recently became a C- 1 ' a few boos at the men' (Syndicate and - Jewish Press £t 11. many 'things, but " one thing member' of, the Zionist Organiza- has grown In stature as a Jewish busy, cool autumn so much iras expected oJ him this tion: of the namea of Samuel L'ndays •_ brings-us this colorfnl, pictnre v should ' e v e r be borne in • mind tlon of America, and planned the personality, but he has" never ac- nights when everybody feels like year. Newspapers were eloquent terrsyer and' Congressman Sam' of a little-known -Bide of the» VAAB 1 cepted a position of leadership in for t h e about; Eddie Captor, that unlike huge outdoor benefit a d Dickstein broke the strange doing something. Physical Educa- l a s t spring as they fiescribeS the • career; of,: the. . show-world's At Iste Bcrrices tonight Kabbi \ Eilcuce with regard to Jews. The at the any Jewish organization. The tion Man Lee Grossman reports vast amount o* Biusjay talsst. many Jews ;who have ~ achieved Jewish National Fund : '. number one personality who fame and fortune he does not Yankee stadium not so long ago. closest he came to it was as presi- gym classes for both men. The bad part vrzs that ''Schwartz Kopsteia TTHI speet on "What is | chief speaker was Dr. Hans Dieckwill be uniquelyhonored from Theatrical women are swelling to capacity, began believing what he react. hesitate to admit that he Is a Nor does he brag about his tour dent ,OfN the Jewish i in & Name." Services are held; ho'li. German ambassador, and •"•-' October 24th to iJOth by the Jewvand proud Of-it, and that he of the country last year to raise Guild. But this-was'more of a with the girlsi classes on MonIt seems that CreigfctGE does pron^ptly at S p.m. at -he COR- itha Eev. Sigismund von Bosse of . v2elebratlon of Eddie Cantor and his family have been, threat- funds for the settlement of Ger- professional undertaking, for he days and Wednesdays being ' es- have nice material, but not the gregatiua B'riai Israel, l£th Endj Pfeiiadelphia Anniversary^ '\Veek.—The Edi- » ened with death" "several times man Jewish children-in" Palestine. was also president of the Screen Scb-j pecially heavy. From the way kind to beat Nebraska and Notre Chicago etrests. Car.tor ••• t o r . " ••. ' ..'.• !-• ' • The latter, who in 1933 de•wacEkJa and the choir officiate. | simply because he does not deny Few remember that in 1934 a fel- Actors Guild and vice president Grossman works '. the gals, they Darae, wbich is Xass clared "I cannot understand how of the National Variety A/tists Nest v.'eefc Kabb! MEiirioe Sol[ lowship ,in honor of his wife was his Jewishness and Is- ever ready won't be heavy long. The girls dreaming abcut. oiaoa. at Kansas City, ^Missouri, i a Christian can be an anti-Sem: During the -week of October to fight against anti-Semitism. I t established at t h e ' Hebrew uni- and president of the American are also having their share of fun, WJ»1 be guest rpeaker. 1 ite," addressed the audience as .24th to 3,0th; Jews and Christians was at a testimonial dinner ten- versity in Palestine ; by Cantor. Federation of Radio Artists. Be- participating in a number of The Tech-Centrsl gam® be cause of his unique position In The Junior Synagogue services j "fellow racials." Frite Kuhn, .throughout the : land WilL; Join dered him by the American Jew- This fellowship was founded after games. Volleyball still seems-, to held tomorrow Tech field and leader of the German-American hands in. paying a ;<JeaerYed trib- ishCongress in New York, that he Maurice Well of St. Louis do- the entertainment field, Cantor's be the favorite with the morning it's too bad this classic has to fee are held regularly every Saturday! Bund, received an ovation but did role in Jewish affairs has been as morning s.t 10 s, m. at the Con-! nated 'the Eddie Cantor fellowrevealed;these t|jreata-.against the : ."ute to a man whosfr gifts, as an group while the evening class spoiled by scch an early date. I t not speak. ^ p .entertainer have brought, joy and lives :of ; .hls {wife,- live;: daughters ship at the same university. Both a sort of Jewish good will ambas- still' prefers its roller skates. May- will be Tech's first contest and gxegBtios E'nai Israel. Parents i ere requested to t:rge their child-i provide places on the university sador to the world. When the be that's because the evening -.happiness.-to millions for' a ' quar- and :hlms;elfv-v ; - ; ; • ; ; . Central's second. The Purple opi t e r of a. century,>v.That map.-, is ; I t is well to remind- American staff for. young Instructors and Y. M.. C. A. conducted a nation- class is mostly made up of the ened last week by besting Scuth, ren to be on time. wide popularity contest the for- younger set and the girls wast to Eddie Cantory ,the-.number one Jevrs of. Caoto.r'S;-message W the scientists in research work. 8-0-. However, Central failed to suits, 1-pUe* plulm .personality; of • the. amusement Community'Counc.lif of the Jew- Not so long ago, Cantor's fight mer east side boy won it hands stay in practice in case the date impress and Tech is picked to -win «•!!•: or wool dr*«s. down. Among Christians throughAt services this evening K&bbi •world, whose; :25th.; anniversary of ish Charities • in Chicago las.t against anti-Semitism in • this gets fresh. Girls tell us that dates because the- Maroons feave more Tcpeoott or ladlat' David A. Golflstein will speak. r r .his theatrical.debut .Is., to be com* January in which, heisaid:-"Don't country led sonie Nazi groups to out-the land he stands as symbol still try to get fresh. picln eeoti. Hah, experienced men. "Lot's TCifc f.tid the Dangers r ' | e f c « t , iwtot«r«, .memorated ;by the national ob- be foolediby-the fact-that you are contact the sponsors of his radio of what is best and finest among That's the only high. school Looking Backvrarcs." servance of Eddie^Cantor week- living in' thevtree, be- show to demand that they dis- the Jewish people. He is one of great so! though Cantor Edgar and the choir vril ..This unusual honor,: which cli- cause it-is too free. What has pense with his services simply be- the few Jews adopted as an hon- There has been a great deal of game .of 3 os win conduct the ,'maxes the careerVof.the east side happened • I n ' Germany; may hap- cause he was. on record as op- orary member by the Catholic comcient on the phenomenal lack Creightca . Prep £.s& Sens ; the•• Benny oirchiri who once Bang and danced^ pen -here! > For r tbe'.f lrst time in posed to Nazism and Fascism. A Actors' Guild and the Episcopal of this column .picking the score- tangle In a hot one £.1 .oh. the sid*ewalks of-New "York my life -Jty have become ^frightened.. whispering campaign against him Actors* Guild. In his philan- less tie between Nebraska and field. Crelghtoa Prep should '•win. Isrs &nfi tickets &~e trcns "..and. who; by. the sheer magic of Because • 1^ am 'Intensely Jewish gained considerable strength, and thropies, he lias not been bound Oklahoma on Nebraska's soddea it. On Konfiay evening, October I " of postcards protesting by race or creed but only be need. soil last Saturday. Let us assure before the Round Table Stuc; : his genius, at drawing 'laughs rose and love everything, Jewish »and a flood But always he has remained Edyou, it was nothing more than ;r. C. C. Bomi: ,to previously, unattained theatri- becaqsel am ready to fight every against Cantor poured in on hla Club of F&irfcuri-, Nebraska. Ka1 cal heights, is being sponsored by enemy of my people, -and Nazis sponsors. But neither these ef- die Cantor, the proud, loyal and luck for a guy would have to be Per M Cohs will TBTievr "Nortfcvre.W L, nothing short of a "shamus" to Sooners a national committee headed by have been calling me on the tele- forts n o r threats against his life devoted Jew. g 0 1.000 Passage," .Joseph M. Scbenck, • chairman of phone and threatening my life, to deterred* him from helping the (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts foresee a scoreless tie. Tigers 7 2 •777 Feature Syndicate) .the board .of Twentieth Century- the point where I have;a body- American Jewish Congress. ', ReWhat we wanted to bring out Cornhuskers 5 4 .555 '.Fox films,.' Postmaster General guard with me here. We havo peatedly h e protested against the more than anything else is that Yv'ildcats S g .333 T"arley, Paul Muni, Governor, hjustiiicatlonto be frightened. In policy of repression against JewNebraska is not the super team Jarhawkers .222 t 2 Merrlam of California and Will Los Angeles, which houses the ish members of the. theatrical folks have been building the Cyclones 1 f i, .111 s largest industry in t h e profession.. Where, other distinH. Hays. - ' ,-',". • '• ;•.'• ' : : fourth Huskers up to. As a matter of Leo Weitz; is still the high .scorfact. Nebraska is - just another er in the J. C. C Big Sis- BcvrlIndicative of the esteem in United States, the motion picture guished Jewish stage and screen industry; $5,000,000 a year is actors feared to speak out, Cangood football team, perhaps a lit- ing League that -meets Tuesday •k Whest Qmzb& Shops With Confidence •. ••" « which the nation holds Cantor is : for Nazi propaganda, which tor sever hesitated and called tle below the average class of Ne- evening at Francisco's Alleys. His -• the : impressive array of top. flight spent; braska teams as far as material high single was 226 and high -leaders in government, :-.buslriess, i s anti-Semitism. Lesa than two upon all members of the profesis concerned, but brought up oa^three game series 557. .'>-• education, religion, philanthropy months ago: two blocks from my sion in this" country to make' even terms with outfits of recent T h e ' highest team single was and -; other spheres of< activity, -home, in a German hall, a man: known their attitude by supportBy KATE CUTLES years by being endowed with a the 859 of the Soosers and the serving on the Eddie Cantor week arose and said: " i n a little while ing the work of the American, f prepare yourselves—we are going -Jewish* Congress^ ,ln .Hollywood, It's called the "conditioner" truly wonderful coach. Yes, that 'high score for team three-gasae • .committee. Among them are . . ."Vice President John Nance Gar- to have a pogrom (which" 13 an he is pns of the sponsors and tournament but as far as Sol Yaf- Is our opinion of Biff Jones, with series vras their. S417. . ner, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt.: Ee- 'open season on Jews), .Are yonleading members -of the Anti-Nazi fe Is concerned the handball meet whom we've talked on many pleaFive huEdred series were made "EXCLUttVE now in progress at the J. C. C. sant occasions. .lix M. Warburg, Samuel .Uter- ready?" and 1,000 people stood, league.; . . • . by-Leo Weitz, 544; Ossar Maj-erWITH US" up and said they were ready. Tee Biffer has what It takes to owich, 511, Sam Yousem, 547: myer; i Governor' Herbert H. liehThe United Palestine Appeal might just as well be called the make a mediocre team win games Dr. S. Korgan, 507; and Jack ' m a n .~*ot New.; -York, Governor Think of it, the home* of the .mo- and. the-American Jewish Joint "finisher" tourney. Sol became involved in a torrid it shouldn't even be trying to win. Melcher, E l l . • Henry Horner of Illinois, Gover- tion pictures, a city being kept Distribution c o m m i t t e e are nor. P . F . LaFollette of Wiscon- alive by the motion picture indus- among the national organizations first-round match with Sam Zor-Gire Jones the same kind of maAs t e e League progresses all sin, Dr. Robert Milllkan of Pasa- t r y — the home of J o s e p h that . have 'benefited financially Insky this week, winning 21-19, terial Bible had, and the -Major bctrlers are stesdiiy improving. Schencks, the Louts B. Mayers, sena," Cardinal Patrick J . Hayes, and otherwise from the time and 21-13, but if looked like both will give Nebraska teams equal '.: Archbishop John' . J . . CantweU, t h e t Sam» • Brlsklns, the Harry effort Cantor gave to their an- were playing for a bucket of to the best in the country. Nebra.. Cofonel Theodore: Roosebelt, "Car^ Johnaf—that Is what Is, happening nual campaigns l o r overseas •'. re- blood instead of trying to get into ska is far from that now. dinal 'George ;*Mundel.eln of .Chi- in-Losi Angeles,; and if It is hap- lief, ">; Within "the, past year, the condition. " I played very good," . In present atmosphere of high*).-•• -i -. -::irt:ii cago, • Bishop' Francis ' J".' 'JtcCJfin-] pening pejiii ih'Los Angql^s, It can hap- famous joy-spreader, spoke a t a said Zorinsky, who couldn't un- pressure football, . one Class A in Chicago.;-; I don't party held In bis honor: by Louis derstand why he lost. coach is just-as good s s another ' .;• kell, Bishop ^William.; T. i^annlngyi| peii Oa Friday niorniag, October £2 are-=-it can happen E. Kirstein, Boston department Tha Yaffe-Zorinsky shindig wai Class A- coach -— escept in cue at 10:30 RafcbJ Frederick Coca ; Governor C. F . Hurley of."Massachusetts, ."W t i l l a. m Randolph here.' You can only" protect your- store, executive, and raised ? 7,0 00 the best in Class A,' which was phase, psychology and leadership,^ •will deliver his first lecture in the Hearst, Alfred Ei Smith, Charles self, by a—united - Jewry,- and that from" "30" guests •• for the Youth marked by slow action- on the- part Bible's teams -were as well coacn- course being g-irea in the extenM.. Schwab,, Connie Mack of Phil- is something "we haven't got," the Allyah project of Hadassan. ."The Of other participants. In prelimin- ed as Jones' is today at Nebraska. sion department of the University adelphia, Herbert: Hoover .of Palp million' dollar eye comedian ad- ambassador of.-Hadassah," as- he ary matches,;- lz- Bogdonoff, the That's easy to understand, for Bi- of Omaha. In cosjiection •wltli ttee Alto, Admiral Caiy T -Grayson. ; monished his Chicago audience. designated himself, raised thou- basketball demon,; overcame -Iz ble had the same assistants, the Book-a-"Week clab ia the Bairfi Cantor's-climb to' international "Just because you have made a sands of dollars for, German Levinson, the volleyball spiker, same fine equipment. "Where a building. 21-19 and 21-15, and George man like Jones will be able to fame on the stage, screen and ra--couple of-million -dollars doesn't Jewish children Tefugees. 'Tae first book rerieTred Trill be • dio, his'immehse popularity a s an make you. a "different kind of Jew Cantor's philanthropies a r e Schapiro won out over Sam Ban,outdistance Bible is in being able "The Flowering of New England" entertainer, ;his, fabulous Income, r—because your ancestors came amazing in their variety and ex- 21^13, 21-4. In "another first- to put over to his men the spark by,Van Wyck Brooks. his bold advocacy of unionism from" Germany or Poland you are tent, but he doesn't care to have rounder, Sam Teper spotted Heu- that brings great victories. Bible, T i e folio-wing are the aarses among, .show people and his in- a Jew—or you are no Jew a t all. them publicized.' It Is no secret, ry Riekes a game, then went on if he could accomplish this, nev- and dates of the other bocks to united Jewry," he however, that he Is a consistent to win,. 11-21, 21-3. 21-15. Jack er did, for his teams always lost defatigable efforts to help the You need a be reviewed on alternate Friday: 1 ' ' ' . •'.: -^ ' , needy and unfortunate among his said.',' and generous supporter - of( the Ban won with Ios3 of no perspira- to-such as Pittsburgh and Min-mornings . end . "VTedneEday evennesota. Yet what does Jones do ings; October 27, "Beyond 'Sing Wlien Hollywood' kept silent United Jewish Welfare; fund' of tion over Epb Marks, default. town profession, form an indelible part o t t h e history of Bhow busl- Cantor had.'.the courage ' t o de- Los Angeles,' the Jewish Welfare Class B activity was marked by but beat tne Gophers in his first the Woods" by Gulbraassen; No: . . . ness. But great as these achieve-, nounce publicly Father- Coughlin board, innumerable' Jewish hos- six matches: Nate Horwich de- try. vember. 5, " T i e . Miracle of E E ; . ments a r e . they of themselves in: a speech at the 1935 conven- pitals and orphanges, as well as feated Sol Gerliskey. 21-6; 21-2; All of which-brings us down to glsnd" by Andre .Macrois; "No•would never have led to an Eddie tion of B'nal B'rith District the Red Cross, the Girl Scouts Harold Garber "defeated Les Giv-Nebraska's game with Missouri at vember 10, "Northwest Passage" Cantor week had it not been tor Grand Lodge No. 4 in Los An-and Boy Scouts, to say nothing of enter, 21-12, .20-21, .21-17;; Har- Columbia tomorrow. The H e s t - fey Kenneth Roberts; Norember IS address he men-contributions to various religious ry. Cohen, defeated -' Art Gerber, ers •Brill win this by three touch- "The Hundred Tears" by Fhlllfp t h e leas spectacular but essential- geles. In that : ly more human and more Im- tioned • .that Father Coughlin had groups that always, seek and get 21-8, 21-13; iz.Novak -defeated downs, for they're due to click Guedalla; &nfi otaers to b« , ; portant fact that Cantor la one of asserted i n Detroit that "Jews' help from him. New - .York's W a l t K u r z , '21-19, .. 21-20. , Al after last week's scoreless efforts. as the clsss progresses. - the nation's great humanitarians, have only three enemies'to fearj Jewish .federation, has found in Oruch defeated Hy Levin, 15-21, The Scarlet and. Green' will have Registrat2oa fee is three a great-hearted, soul w h o . has—Bernard Baruch, Eddie Cantor j him a particularly valued friend 21-19, 21-18; Phil Katzman'de- too much man power for the TigBoy Meets Girl la tMi cost with" notched 1 and the motion picture industry.'*; '...; never- permitted'his own -success and patron. • . . - • feated Ben Abrams,'21-2 Q, 21-6. ers, who aren't bad. • Persian collar End fly closing . Persian and good fortune to make him To this Cantor vigorously replied His best known,- because/ bestedged pockets, a colorful velvet scarf and invest Saf«?!»» wis«8y lf> forget his less happy days. For in these words before the 1,000 oved philanthropy, is the SurA crew of nine eager J. C.' C. Up' on the Hilltop here in Omaflower sre smart touches. In black convention ii delegates: "Father! .years he has been at the beck-and prise Lake camp, t h e ' vacation basketball > stars . w a n t through ha, the cry of wolves is starting and gray. SIECE 12 to I S . . . . . . . . 1 call of almost every worthwhile Coughlin la a great orator, but I and of hundreds of .underprivi- their first drills last week as to-ring in-> the-ears of •• Marchie doubt that he has a sincere atom cause in the land that appealed leged children, from New York's Coach Phil Gerelick" made -h'ls Schwartz, the -Creigbtoa • cosc|i. to him lor aid.. Not even Cantor in his entire system. We Jews slums. -It w a s ; a t this camp in first call for Varsity cage talent. Marchie is. definitely, on the- pan have; nothing to -fear from good 4 Evei*y Type ct himself knows how-much- .time H?csf «."/• pntr C-r* Christians. We are their broth-. Cold Sprlngs^N: Y., t h a t Cantor Work was light as the boys mere- and it seeras only -a -qcestioa ot AT* and money he has contributed for er3 and sisters- But 1 am afraid spent his first vacation away ly shot baskets" and" worked in titae-before he'll be; oa E:tob&ag-i| «v* WAtiHS Few, /Tc"—r Cct' fs'rr— Tl'rf hospitals, Banltoria, orphanges, of people who pretend to be gooa from the dirt and despair of his some conditioning exercises. gan slide. t Which Is too bad,- for *%am*m - old folks-homes, churches a n a Christians and those who are not ghetto surroundings. That was Those reporting were \Jimmy '-.'•: synagogues and. other-similar in- good Jews. i You Jews must -unite n 1902, when he .was sent to, that Burroughs, Sol Yaffe, Millard Sic to protect- yourselves."- -Delivered camp• through the'kindness of the gal, Lou Weinef, Iz' Bbgtfonoff, a t i t u t l o n s . .-,• ':,-•••.-„•'.•.-.••••.'•. • To Marshall Geller, Jack Adler, Art . . . But the one cauBe that attract- two/ yea>3;ago, his words still Educational ' • Alliance. father or Adler, and Johnny Rosenblatt, ; ,' ' , !.' youngster without ed t h e support, of the one-time .bear re-reading.mother .this taste of camp life First contest has been set for poverty-stricken Jewish orphsn. It would :be difficult to emphaparadise, and he and a group Nov. 17 4nd Coach Gerjelick will ': most" of all was :that of hla, own size any one Incident in Cantor^'B ^ campers made a pledge that hv.stlfi his lads along to have people. vTo t h e Jewry and^:its InJewish 'communal work, since stitutions ho has given' time/ each.has brought it3 own unique if it was ever, in their power to In shapa hy that time. Gerelick was well pleased •money, thought and selfless serv- satisfaction: in t h e form of. con-Bend other children to camp they ice for Cantor's record of particl-, atructive • accomplishment : f o r ;. patiori I n a h d • help to things others,, h e explained to. us, when ..'•• Jewish; is unsurpassefl by any we asked Mm wha,t the extent of other major figure In the -amuse* his work* was" and tried to get him J ment world. " For years now his to talk about his Jewish activi: liame has flashed in big lights on ties. He said that he- thought \ Broadway, In Hollywood and on ."Jewish- celebrities 'should make theater marauees the world over. JewiBh conimiinai life and activi.:; But he "was proudest and happiest ties the principal part of their eno v a r t h o fact that his name has deavors, even to the exclusion of TS \ . : shone; . In-•• ever ; bigger,- letters work in their own prbfessiOB,": across the Jewfes0 horizon-because but he declined to elaborate on . of the excBptlonally generous helping n&nd he has given, wlll.' Ingly aad conslstenUy, to Juda1 , Ism and the JewiBh people. : - I n .. tfcia sphere He has heen a pioneer 1-• .lamong. Jewish, /stage and screen ' celebrities, Ehowing the -way to PHILCO . ' . . : THIS IS THE H s them iQ constructive Bervlce to with T? * '• 0 their owa people. Ana i t is of luned S • this: phase Of Cantor's career, that
Louis Pekargky
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asked him _to contl-asa for asother five minutes '"to-give the ushers tijoe. to clear away.the chairs for dancing!" And Joe is still bewildered as to who got tha benefit . . .
York OWNS)—Anti-Sem i was soft-pedaled by all thi kera who addressed 2O,oo< ian-American -Nazi sympa at New> York' annual Ger day celebration in Madisoi ire. The usual anti-Jewish ti 5-Tvere conspicuous by theii ace. lly a few boos a t the menof the names of Samuel-TJnyer and- Congressman -SamDickstein broke the strange ce with regard to-Jews. The ! speaker was Dr. Hans-.Dieck, German ambassador, and Rev. Sigismund von Bosse of xdelphia., ;. • • .; : ., 16 latter, who in ;1933 fietd "I cannot, understand now iristian can be an ; anti-Semaddressed ; the audience as ow racials." Fritz - Kuhn, of. the -. German-American ., received an ovation but did leak.-.•» .
Men's or -ladies', sa3f3. l-pleco .p!e|a siik or. wool drens.^. K,:! TopsocrJs er'IadTbV .Y.P plain coofs. _' Herb,
Frro . Fxfrpt Wbltea Free a? Delivery TlcJoap Bdlvery brocsfclj closed-ana prcjscd, f"»T! Fan? S a» yea I&g f o r . . : . . . . €3It Bolts. Xcpccats, a s . nala D«!M3 Casli aad Carry
3 V/ith Confidence
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is cost: with" notched ' iy closing. Persian Ifiil velvet scarf and jhes. I n black • 18........
fj5.A6 $179,50; and Go" . 1 Bslbo—Third Floor ;j
Losaon (JTA) — The best vray to save tee land ia Palestine from erosion a r c vs-shing1 sway . by rains is to let'every Arab culBelieve it or not: v^jtivator have an exarcple ol JewJoim :Spivak. Creates Stir Joseph Melzger,-Eddie Castor's j ish ras.rLag:ernent side t r side witb son-in-law, was offered a motie Zfassachusetts I him, in the opinion c£ Sir Flindcontract . . . and refused! j ers Fetrie, distinguished archaeLewis HIppe is. the physical logist rioted for his work is the culture director of Warners StuBoston, Mass. (WXS)—Testi- Holy Land. dio..os'e' Cs; • Jac'obs mony by John L. Spirak, New "Segregation deans stagnation Mas Cohen, a New York thea- York magazine writer, that Ed. • The silver jubilee of Hcdas- pean politics; of Arab history achievements ia Palestine, Its tre manager, resigned his post . . ward H. Hunter, director of the to the Arab — Transjordau. cah Tsill be clkaased at its 2S and Arab national movements; phenomenal growth in member- showed as his final picture, "Mr. industrial Defense Association of sliows it," Sir Flinders --says ia si letter to The Tiines. "The fellaannual convention opening in the, functioning:of the League-of ihip, in influence and in prestige Cohen Takes a Walk." Boston, is directly allied •with. J . Atlantic City, October 27. In Nations;, the. mechanics of Brit- ould never have been accom-" Harry Hershfield drops bits of A. Coleseott, grand dragon of the heen (peasants) are {-ulte ready to cooperate; evidence to the con•this' article,.-' Mra.; Jacobs,- no- ish government; the political and plished. Its close contact -with white paper along the road so lie Ku Klux Elan, for trary from the effendi (lanccvmtional president of ' Hadassals, economic , conditions In Europe. 'alestine affairs through i t s can find his way back to his !ms-and Michigan, -and th two e m - i e r S ) -p-orld is fruitless,'as Is EO reviews the role of "the organ!-- One must above all be able to medical projects; its contact galow on the H. G.-M. lot. zation in America as. a force fo? transcendi tlso.; proyincial-minded •with the situation in Germany The-Grand Theatre was the ployes of Henry Ford are helping [ proved. X\~k&i is nefieed is to let Jewish education, among'Jew- concept of ths Jewish problem- as and eastern Europe through its first to.reopen in Shanghai after disseminate . Nazi propaganda in I the actual laborers find bew they "his couEtry n y created a stirr att tht tht j can help each other. They fio E3 ish women. " a .ohenomerica. unique and sep- Youth Aliyah activities; Its cease- the bombardment.. The picture hearings "of the special Massa- happily alrea en not incited shown was "Easy Living!" arate.: from .--problems of current ess endeavor to harmonize its chusetts legislative commission by agitators. A great Jewish leader and "ed- s o c i e t y . ; • • • ? - ; = : / , ; attitude towards uniquely Jewish "I see EO better settlement Silvers Slivers:' That atom of investigating Nazi, Fascist, Coiaucator has thus defined the difIt was in--order, to develop" this problems with the constantly energy, Sid Silvers, is. what one Eixmist and K K S activities in this than guarantee to the Arabs that ference between medieval and broader concept towards eJwish shifting scene of current world tate. they shall hoid the majority of dern thought: the • modern ap- life events, brought,,to Judaism and might call a small miracle. Speat Mr. Spivak said that "William J. the land of each Quality — hills, ' ^ * Hadassah launched most of Ijis childhood breaking proaches -life as though - self-ful- from -its-very-icesption' an'inten- to Zionism a new vitality. their . . . . the family never es- Cameron, Ford's private secretary j plain and Xegeb — go fillment were possible - in this sive program- of ^Jewish" educaThrough Hadassah, American bones pected him to survive . . . he and - former'-eaitor of the Dear-[fear of expulsion is removed; world, and the medieval'- thinker tion. '..-Even'.- when," during the-' Jewish women have been made bom- . Independent, a n d Frits and at the ssrne time we Ehoul3 conceives-of self-fulfillment as war. -Hadassah sent a medical aware of Judaism as a cultural once was thrown down a sewer Kuhn, a Ford chemist and heac | carry out rigorous repression of . . . .emerged with only a broken -possible only in the next world. unit" to Palestine, it was awa?e, heritage of beauty and dignity illegal violence. nose . . . . spent nearly a year with of the pro-Nazi-• German-Ameri- I all If• we accept this definition, its and of Zionism as a vital segment can Band, were working tog-ether.'j . : "Get the conctrrinen of implications are obvious •—-if self- in that moment of- emergency, in the world of current affairs. his face in,bandages after in- He. said that Caraeroa, ss orga-j fields together — Arab and fulfillmeht ia possible in"' this that -nothing enduring could be For many of them who had found vestigating a "dead" firecracker world, we must tackle our prob- accomplished - -without ' education, no fulfillment in the ideology of . . . became ambidextrous havisg nizer of .tfee . Anglo-Sason f edera- j look for reason on both sides, arangement, lems much more - completely-and and resolved 'that its. service organizations devoted exclusively constantly to use whichever hand tion, was the source of much 1 " united radically. We • can no longer con- should; be' more lasting than those to Jewish philanthropy, Hadassah was not in splints. He was oneanti-Semitic material used in Nazi ] and required by "the "exigencies of the of seven children . . . the rust of literature. -temporary tent ourselves" with Hunter, Spivak charged, is moment. No':"sooner'had'It initi- revealed n e w horizons f o r the l o t ' . ' , .couldn't get into p palliatives, leaving permanent ated the mechanics of hospitaliza- thought and for action. Being school at six because he looked New England agent for the disYiddish Writer eradication', of social. evils. to an- tion dnd-cur5i'tive^-medicine,' than Jewish i3 no longer a burden three . .* -. . manged to get two tribution of literature sent from other world; nor can we content Hadassah focused its attention on which must be borne; it is no years of formal education which rennany. Kcnter has denied the Moscow (JTA)— ourselves "with, accepting these preventive' •medicine.: M o d e r n longer a nostalgic memory of a he has supplemented witn omni- charge and of fere evils 33 inevitable -to human • so- medicine centers iits interest' jdst glorious past, nor a faint-hearted vorous reading ever since.. Played fore the committee. Epivafc preciety, since we may. never know as much on -maintaining;' health hope for.a better future. Being the piano by-ear at the s-ge of sented'; as-evidence eating .that • Hunter had soTigfct fi- writer, as " any_ other society." "We are there- among the well as on' curinR the Jewish has become positive, dyeleven anibitioa was to wave nancial aid fore forced to marshal.all our re- sick. Preventive medicine la a namic, absorbing. from the German con- Nationalist," Never made-ths grade, scl in Boston published in sources of human knowledge and much "mere; tedious and" less' dra- (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts abutbaton. always-conducts the." orchestraining and bring.them to bear matic "job'tfieh"-curative. It means Feature Syndicate) tra with a rolled up program upon the solution of our current edfacatlbni Tfn •JE'alestine It meant from wherever he is sitting. On Detroit (W\S)—^A vigorous "5>f-oblems, with a' self-iulK the -slow-percolation of western ~f"on9 occasion. the customer ia denial.- that the", objectives - of th& ment in this world.. standards" of hygiene. ' dietetics, front turned- and growled, "Wby tion are antif~ I t is with this outlook: that Ha- and sanitation through the '-eavy don't you leave- It. to Dararoscli— itic or that"Frits Kuhn is still (Chaim Xach I dassah approached those prob- racsh of.orientil superstitions aud he's, doing pretty, well!" His "srife an employe ol'the Ford company * Iem3 which, confronted -American i 'ZIGBZOITO now insists that he buy the seat as issued here t y THUIan J. Jewish life. Hadassah was found- beps.. in front and the ones to the side to charges Hadassah" has -over -144 -study ed in 1912, 'two'years"before the before Hollywood—It was Just a year of him. i i n t e n s i v e r programs outbreak of the World -- J " for the study of Jewish historyt ago . . . during the Holidays . . . His theatrical career began as Massachusetts legislative commiEThere were at that . time - other drama. Hol- that, the screen's youngest great "ad 'Jewish organizations that'were idays and festivals-are observed producer went to his eternal rest. Phil Baker's "stooge" He also .fienied t t " - attempting to Integrate Jew's^into' T>y .the 'singing of modern Pale- No one has yet filled the unique libbed" his patter to Baker for tbe federation. J then discovered seven years American life, but -which. were not stinian • songs," arid "something ol place Irving Thalberg held in the he was really a 'gag* man. Found concerned-with Zionist philosophy the'"genuine Palestinian atmos- film Industry. Through, he never a ready .market. - for Ms . stuff Hadassah attempted to : correlate phere. Is captured-in the Oneg allowed his name to appear on among Broadway and Hollywood these two phases of.' American Shahbat- celebrations, which i a v e any of hia productions, we are authors. Today he Is constantly (TTXS)—StunseS t y Jewish) educational laetiviti^s. b s ec=onie -increasingly popular glad to note that l o r recent re- on the jnmp, writing and acting Women's place was still.inlthe throughout v Hadassah chapters. leases a tribute t o his memory for radio and filras. slleged. tar-each, home. The Jewish woman's/duty TheJwealth; of literature produced has been inserted in the credits Has: attained the half-pint stawas discharged when she" lit the la-modern Palestine-is an added of -his last great picture, "The ture of five-feet-two . .".'buys his trust,-Ernst .-Bocher,' Jewish law-j i'riday-night candles,"saw- to ;it incentive to.the study of Hebrew, Good Earth." haberdashery in the boys* departprisoner's dock cf the Berlin the co-operation of other that • each holiday was. celebrated ment. Present ambition is to ESS ^organisations, HadassSh •And even though George Gerwith its traditional- dish'and that penal court is.'the. presence. of Europe booked passaga 2.Lns : ' iiXfSativo- In organising shwin has left this eartSy sphere, times but work prevented. Is c a r poor Jewish families " ""'""" ' " ~" tnafrW^oinen's-'Institute ol Jewish he will have published twenty to ried to his .childhood sweetiart, borhood were supplied i coths- on Pesach. .Judaism;" iii Studies, underthe auspices of the fifty more songs. The tunes, in Buena.Solomon, whom he n e t at America was - a religion".and-a; Israel Frledlander classes "of the a state of near-completion, were thirteen. Boxes, plays tennis, golf philanthropy which took? the -fprra Seiriihary College' of' Jewish found by his brother Ira, who will . . . Is an -all-round-good- fellow of "we must; care - for- our • own." Studies. " These courses include do. a.-little polishing and h hand and well-liked In JJovieto.wn. There was not single " un- classes In HebTew, Jewish history, them to the publisher. ite the Jews as an" entity, in'Amer- Bible, Jewish literature, Zionist Slong. ican life —-• tbire were-."German current Palestinian prob- : Joe E. H^xks, comedian, was Jews and Polish Jews';'and. Rus- history! David Gans -of Prague transdoing his daily good deed, persian Jews. The. bearded eastern lems,; " Jewish music and child forming for benefit. He finished lated the Alfonsine tables from Europ.ean' Jew who had lived'on education. ' recent Royal Commission his- turn In five, minutes. The Mas- Hebrew to German for the the lower east-side of ;New" York i investigation of the disturbances ter- of ceremonies approached, astronomer, Tycho Brahe. was an alien to the. German.'Jew In ' Palestine and Its subsequent of banting circles as though .they 1 still lived on•'• other sides Jof -' the recommendation of partition have made It necessary for • Hadassah ocean. One doled out philanthropy, the other accepted it.; 'Onefnrtrer to expand Its edmationa' clung: desperately ; to i.he~reiigions j activities. Aware of the importcustoms and folkways- of eastern ance ,oC- having its membership Europe; the other tried : equally well-informed on the intricacies •desperately to •become •"American- of'the current scene In Palestine, ized and to throw off/such'habits Hads&pah ha3 prepared annotated of all important ofand customs as>were- distinctively Jewish. Neither was accepted*; as ficial discussions for circulation among It3 chapters. The raeiaAmerican" by Americans. ' There was only'-one design info bsrs of Hadassah .are thus p r e tahlch all these fragmenla siilgnt pared for an understanding ot tne bs harmoniously iaterwoven, ana implications of each proposal for that- was Zionism which ^preached tha • futnre of Palestine as it ia of a Jewish national horns to" bo formulated, and to - evaluate .it built by Jewish hands In - this critically. •world and not as a "creation-of -the "Without co colid a foundation, Messiah - In the, .w6rld-tp-<;"ome.' in education, Hadassah's specific I t wa3- not, however, until the "Balfour Declaration.of 1917 that fthe actual realization-of such a •to twsst project became sufficiently "practicable- to attract realists as well' cc rviii as vUlonaries. But • Hadassah had noti remained static " from .i,\,<-L,<W Cw*. *. V W J 4 1912 to 1917. Hadassah's leader, Miss: Henrietta ;SsOldf";hs:d tounded her- organisation on enduring ground. - Hadassah: Va^ never .the • woman's -cultural-, elub; whose?chief purpose :of"gossiping, Sdrinkihg tea> and giving' Its'mem-' t e r s a tew hours' of ^release ffoin their households was-thinlyrvelled 1>y -desultory Teadings f r o m •' So". DisM-11 WMps Browning, Oscar'- Wilde,-Spinoza; or ^whatever -wjws thai-.literary fashion;of the moment.-Hadassah -Oii evsry •• bottle of Vas- 'founded with -the',specific : Alnnsito.otendard'milk is goal-of providing necessary, "medicalx cervices -to the settlers: i n ".-over-thres Inches of thick, Pale^sBns. and of educating Amerrich cxe^aa-for wMpping. ican ;Jewish •women 'in; tlia history l*Qo1z* for "ths~-distinctive ^and-traditions" of Judaism,, wita is-bcivrcesr ii'o cs dlspedal' emphasig' on the' Bignifi'"Crcani.Tog" bottle. Mk .cancb.;ana .history of -tie Slo'aist for a frea cfeam-wMppinjj snoveiaent,'.,.-.... V •• . • 7 demonstration. ia ,yes? During the past' 25 years ,tlte tempo of change in. ths -trorlQ' hoars.* *' '-'•"• •"-'--' Beslnzcccsa styla . . . esrf'slicrt-- cadaboat Tia ha3 .been accelerated - to fiasred.-fha .BtsKsas c?® concsclsd. Train c2-. a-: degree. unprecedented • ia' his-' p i i r p s s s . e e - a t . . . csp-sssHj" good ovsz > tpry. ,- Mpro -people are xaore .IEJ. . doShca. tec. E V c s S s d . ' •"; tenselyi; aware of current'.polStiHi Ycjr eal, economic-- a n d .- scientific ©vents than ever before. Palestine itself has become a factor in a -•; seen© of international • impoxii ance. In. order to - undeTotand Palestinian ; affairs must not/csly !T> ^T!'-sm*j*r* l u » g!tt "1% *™> <" h history and current se,- on©^ muet/bave-- sqni
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ley. He explained that the decithey had encountered prospects sions reached In the negotiations ian. the poisons that are still deeply imbedded, in humanity and quite similar and had gone out of •would be Said before a special cause the fever of religious, racial, aud national,- social and potheir way to pursue golden moun•^Vorlc Tioript Congress and a f I" 1 y tains. Fpocirt Epp.,ng of the Jewish Ag. litical dissension and struggle, antagonism, and fierce, mad at-' 1 "And thus I did. I encircled eacj Ofuncjil. tempts at mutual destruction and annihilation. By Dr. Pfeitlp She* PUBLISHfcD EVERY FRIDAY AT.OMAHA, NEBRASKA, BY Ithe mountain. And vhen I had I A f c r >nf. fhat "no Jew can ! THE JEWISH PRESS i'.UBljISHlNQ COMPANY "We must look to education, particularly to moral educa- .• encircled the mountais I beheld j V Ce.ror partition," Mr. Ben Gurion a sparkling stream ia the dis- j BIBLE 52.00 tion. We must trust to gradually increasing true enlightment.! • gaid he vcutd naturally prefer a CUDSCRfPTION PRICE, On© Year - .-: ' '-. tance- Then I said to myself j The p r o I Jewish state- in all of Palestine. We must still have faith in religion, in true religion, despite the! Declare ye this in the house of ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION that I must also have this stream, i New ^ , TTort; (YCNS) — Palestine Admitting that that war impos. ; state In EDITORIAL OFFICE! 500 BRANDEI8 THEATER BUILDING many failures and disappointments in the past. And we must Jacob; hear'how this foolish peo- If I also possessed the stream 11 *5O'3.f.a " SIOUX-CITY OFFICE—JEWISH CQMMUNITV CENTER ° , ! le not be s state of the JETS j Bible, be said he would accept a , ..., . ,-, -, • m • " ' « . . ' • ' v ™ • _, • P 'without a heart , of. underwould not osly hare the riches of PRINT SHOP ADDRESS—«Q4 SO. 24TH STREET , but for the Jev-s the; Jewish state in part of Palestine eyesnot. and seethe field hut l i a i s e the riches | » t a n d i have n g . ( that "Business and Managing Editor have confidence in the power and influence of true Christian- snot, vri.6 wish to go to •under certain conditions. He deears hare and hear DAVID BLiACKEU . •' ~ Far from the least of them, of: t h e mountain and the riches of - •/••- - - ; T - % - " ••'"-.• E d i t o r ityj'not the Christianity of creed and dogma; not the Christtine" and "If a Zt w -wishes ; clined to indicate what name he FRANK E . ACKEKMAN . . . . . . . . th ,B tfrpsm this stream TTMP>I Tnirlit rnntji?-n leave his country to ;c to Pal- :favored for the Jewish State but -•_•-••-•-;.• Associate Editor ianity of religious strife and dissension; not the Christianity of even unto the greatest of them, many fish. LEONARD NATHAN every one is greedy for gain and estine the Jewish slate -prill make ; made It plain that' it would not Contributing Editor RABBI FREDERICK COHN bigotry and fanaticism and intolerance; this has wrought in- from the prophet, even unto the "I did, indeed, as most other je r e r y e *f or t to help him do so." j he eiz Visroel because "Eretz .•••-": » -. Book Editor RABBI THEODORE N . LEWIS rIest y finite harm in the past, and has even been a cause, instead of men would do upon seeing the j T h a { - S David Ben Gurion, Yisroel is the whole country." He a cure, of anti-Semitism and other an antagonisms. But ouriP e ery one dealeth falsely. Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent ANN PILL -'-; .. " i ; - / : • . , • - . saith the Lord: Stand ya mountain and the stream which Ij head of Palestine Jewish labor also denied reports that he had reliance intist still be on true Christianity, with its teachings in Thus the ways and see and ask for J they could have for the taking, j£ n d c a r m a n o the Jewish threatened to resign from the to the fields. Now (Agency Executive, sees the future ; Jewish Agency-Executive as a of brotherhood and love, its deprecation of force and violence, the old paths, where is the good in ' addition " its remonstrance against hate and cruelty, its forbidding of re- way, and walk therein and ye when I had taken in the stream, I Jewish commonwealth. Mr. Ben j protest ag&in the increased repreI looked up and saw that the sun Gurlon, who Is now in this coun- I sentr>tion accorded the Non-Zlonshall find rest for your souls. Terror again stalks the Holy Land. The Grand Mufti, venge and urgence of forgiven ess and pardon and the return I have made thee a tower and was already far to the west and try on a visit said to be connect-: iste. Mr. BPSE Gurion said "any. 1 \ whose temporary imprisonment iu : the Mosque of Omar gave of good for evil, such Christianity as is' beautifully exemplified a fortress among "my people that I must hurry in order that I ed with the forthcoming might happen" in referring \\ the country momentary respite, has eluded his guards and and advocfated in the two current novels by that new Norwegian thou mayest know and test their might return to the starting place tion with Great Britain snent the • to the renewed disorders in Palat the moment of sunset. I had Jewish state, discussed the ques- • estine. | ; gone to an unknown spot in. Syria to direct his latest campaign. writer, — a further credit to the glorious Scandanavian liter- waybeen so bent in the pursuit of tion of a Jewish state at some j TALMUD *I From the fury enveloping the country it now appears that ature.—Trygve Gulbranssen: "Beyond Sing the Woods" and the mountain and the river (go- length. j There was a pious man to P&troniz© Our Advertisers \" Palestine is in the throes of a not ordinary crisis. This is per-"The Wind From The Mountains"; such a Christianitv as is whom Elijah spoke frequently, ing far out of my way lor them) Ke said he fcelieTed "Palestine j that I "did not see "the day waxhaps the real turning point in the life of the country. It is a j e x p r e s s e d b y t h eI n t e r . P a i t h Meeting led in our city this week, but after he had huilt a-gate to will solve the Jewish problem" be- j ing toward sunset. cause the "JewSsb state is only ! situation in which anything can happen. his courtyard preventing the poor attended and addressed by Catholic, Protestant, and Jew, simwants to share "My heart beat high, for now the beginning-. Yv'itn the consent International complications have entered into the picture ilar to other meetings held increasingly all over our country in from entering, Elijah stopped I had with couple. All the mountain and the river cf the Arab£, when we become: due to opportunistic Mussolini /who challenges Britain again" by- the interest of mutual harmony and understanding on the part speaking to h i e . conveniecet. At. Rabbi Juda said: "If one says which I had encircled, as well as stronger, Palestine will again be declaring himself the friend and.protector of the Moslems- of religions and denominations; such Christianity as it being 'Cloth me,' he should be inves- the land, and I need bet return reunited. "SV'hea the Jews ere 4 5 3 0 , me,' to the starting point in time. I stronger and bare their own ec- : he -who bombs Ethiopian villages. exemplified today,, by Catholics and Protestants, heroically e x - ' g " ^ once need but hasten my footsteps, for j enemy they will reach an 1 Never before has Britain taken such harsh steps in regard pressed by a Cardinal Faulhaber and a Pastor Ni em oiler in bit- without any investigation.' the Eiin seemed setting quickly; j meet to reunite with the fco its Arab population. The burning of Arab villages doesterly hostile and brutally intolerant Nazi Germany — where j There was a poor man who was I must race with the sun to be for the benefit of Jews and / r? I = niv hack at the starting place Jn alilce. He declined, to c'lrrr"-r not seem any way of ending a condition that has been ins'ti- religion is the only force that dares to oppose, at the risk of its | £ . ^ o V a ™ ^ ™ " Utentloa * totime. means of achieving this HE" f c [very life and that of its leaders the pernicious and fiendish ef-!him. R. Samma said to him: "If "I ran and the running tools: all slso would not discuss aance may be willing but are nevertheless ess the unwitting, f o r t a of-the pagan 'Aryans' to wipe out Christianity of every i the master pays no attention to the strength of my heart, W h e n j p o ^ r ™ "»* erect the nor.r;,->— COAL tools of those of the High Committee who escaped imprison- 6 0 r t , because it is t o o Jewish', having sprung from Judaism, its i Mm. then no one will mind' him my hesrt seemed to fail, i said to, £t* rejected w ^ t e r e r -e™* Th COAL with a . -• i. « „ „ T—.,..--.;•• T_;_i J -li -J» ii. • •_ -i .• _ •. .. , and a n d h e may m a y starve t o death.' ,it, s e strong. v»e m u s t . » e ^ . n * . _ Went and exile. hero, Jesus, a Jew; and all of its principal personages, and fund- „-.„ „ - - , - . Did not the ! to the starting place in time that! tion with the British GorernmFr.t, r>n Reputation Said R. 1 Popa: . Britain's policy at this moment must be determined; yet amental teachings, notably of peace, righteousness, unity, and Baraltha say that if a poor man 11 may not lose the land and the.! Mr. Ben Gurion did say, howeveTen ©uarantccd that the negotiations would not she cannot in her anger permit wounds, that will be long in love, altogether Jewish. begs from house to house, the I mountain and the stream which be delayed .because of the proposhas. nothing 'to do j were so much your desire.' healing. Today's troubles may be the beginning of widespread "Who dares to say that he does not believe in moral progress; R. S. said: "Thisj "My feet were as swift as the ed Arab-Jewish round table v -'Arab terrorism or it may be the last stand of those vrho fear who dares to say that in the millenia yet before mankind (man-! means that he should not he j sun setting and myheart gave Partition. Whichever it may be, the results and consequences kind is still very young, in its infancy, frith all the'maladies and j e i v e a a b i s do n a t i o n . b u t a small jail its strength even to t the mo- i bedrooms •wstih k:' 3*-sa.rt.- , as far as the Zionists are concerned will be far reaching. eat that xr e t d t 0tfe diseases of infancy counting some barely six thousand years of lrtonatio11 T O a m u s t E i v e h i m t 0 mi ing ^ e at place. Yes, the moment of \ buy recorded history and of 'civilization'—still younger morally Kabbi EHizar ,said: "The col-1 sunset I was at the starting place' rent WE. 3 5 and spiritually2)—whb will be so pessimistic as to affirm that lector of charity is considered • and I possessed a domain o! land . I > It.has been estimated that approximately one thousand in the illimitable years ahead mankind will not progress also more virtuous than the donor." land the mountain and the Etreem. ; Rabbi Elazar s a i d again: But it was even then that my i Jewish students go abroad every year to attend European ethically and • morally, as he progressed materally with such "When the Temple was in ex- \ heart failed and I fell dead
Gems of the Bible and Talmud
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medical schools because of restrictions in'American institu- marvelous inventions-and achievements as the auto, airship ' istence one gave his shekel, and' at the starting place I lay there and there ' (hey tions. They are not stupid young men. Many of them have en- radio, teletypmg, and now on the verge of the practical use of he was atoned. Now, when the Temple' is destroyed. if people buried me. You will recall that r triable scholastic records. * television—not to speak any more of railroad, steamships (now are worthy they will distribute Tolstoy says (with something of Fortunately here in the -west the situation is not as acute on and electric propelled), cable, telephone—who will dare say' their bread to fhfe deserving laughter at me), *Ac3 so at the ead sll he had for his pains •was as along the Atlantic seaboard. Neverthetfesa the fact that that mankind will not match these tremendous advances in culKabbi -Isaac said again: "He but six feet of earth.* young Jews, among whose people medicine is a profession al- ture and civilization-, with equal advance in morality and re-'•who gives a coin to a poor n a n "This is the bitter truth, my most as traditional as the rabbinate itself, must go abroad for ligion, in politics, in government, in Irving together in human'is rewarded with six blessings; friends. I had - only o y grave {he, however, who encourages the though I had desired a domain their education,' is fi challenge to ^he medical profession. society? I poor man with comforting words c f land and the mountain and the Its standards are being lowered when it prefers a mediocre Let us be patient; and above all faithful to man's highest blesT- ! river- • I had wanted mtzch and non-Jewish' student to a brilliant Jew. It; one of the most moral and humanitarian ideals. Anti-Semitism will disappear, ings.' | empty-handed cause to any grave, ethical of professions, is pandering to popular prejudices, like all other evils,* like the mist and fog and poisonous miasma j Neither my life nor • my 6eath ] made sense; I died ia the setting j father than its own. good judgment. : before the all-powerful rays of the bright, illuminating, heartof that which r=? - life fiidnt * It is not that there are too many doctors; that the Ameri- wanning, life-enrichingsun! need." can people are BO \yell taken-care of that they need no more The others c£ the dead spo&e —-Frederick Cohn to similar : purpose. They esid medical practitioners. In reality there was never a greater By AL SEGAL they had lived only for the puraeed for doctors, good doctors. Medical treatment in this counsuit of distant mountains of gold, .People said: " P o o r child! and wore their lives away to entry is notoriously inadequate. Among the poorer groups of Poor child! He should not have circle golden mountains, s,n& the some metropolitan areas, dental treatment is almost impossible gone. Spain is none of our busi- sun Bet for tnem at th,e moment and clinics are over-crowded and doctors over-burdened. ness." they thought they had their They meant Samuel Levinger, mountains. Never before has the public been educated toward recogBy DE. SHEOBOES N. LEJvTIS age 20, son of Rabbi Lee J. Lev- "For what did we live?" they Bobli, Eloaut Siari nizing the need of competent medical attention, and with time inger of Columbus, Ohio. He had'asked. "For -what did -we live? the demand upon, physicians will be increased. It seems unbeen killed fighting on the Tve died -without having lived, worthy of medicine that it should close its doors to those who "TRACTATE SOFEBIM" EDIT-' •was later duplicated by the Rab-Loyalist side in Spain. except to pursue golden moun"To have died that way," they tains -srfcich -we lost." are so willing to serve, they disregard time and cost and tneEB BY »R. BJICHAEIi HEEGEB. binic authorities ot the MendelNEW YORK. SS2 PAGES. y sohn era who objected to his Ger- said. So, to the memory of Samuel odds against them. ' ' ,
"Well, once upon a time the re- Levinger, age 20: Ke lived and This is a critical edition of the man translation. The objection whom there died for that -which to fcis rapt text of. the minor but interesting was based on the valid ground gretful dead (of talmudic tractate Soferim that the translation would en- •were very many) assemHled in j eyes -was truth and justice and couraga the neglect of the He- paradise to give lamentations. j right. He-lived his last days comThe courage necessary :for- the Jewish students in the (Scribes) done by the well known brev tongue, and fail to acaleva They had died so comically; j passionately for afflicted Etrangtalmudic scholar. Dr. Michael Polish universities to fight the order to occupy 'ghetto benches' Heeger. Hia excellent Introduc- that wider Knowledge of, and their deaths seemed to make no | ers -whom h& left Ms kinsmen to .. t serve; In compassion he laid can hardly be realized.; Outnumbered, 'their segregation part tion is compreheaslTe and consid- greater lore for, the Bible which sense. said one, "am the man do\rn his life. * Its champions predicted. Jews do ero the date, authorship, origin, •of a systematic attempt >of the Polish government to reduce etc. The book consists of twenty- not read th© Bible la translation. Tolstoy wrote about. You may His brief life contained more the Jews and other minorities to secondary citizenship, they one chapters 'dealing Tfrith BUcn If they do BO at all, they use the hare heard of me, .gentlemen. meaning than the long lives defy with the only weapon at their command—the strike. It direrae matters aa the Trrlting of Hebrew original. Despite the ele-Yes, I am the one "who went to •which pursue golden mountains, Bcrolls and.. tephllln; the biblical gant English Bible in our homes that part of Russia, where land and. in the end do not know for is only a gesture, impotent, but it is a gesture. " selections to be read In the Syn-readers and students are pitifully was given free. A man was al-what, they lived. His death, like1 lowed as much land as lie could his life, was dedicated. A better It would be easier for the Jewish students' to occupy seats agogue, the liturgical ritual for around fronreunrise to life and a better death. set aside for them. They ivould be free 'of; undesirable con- festivals aiid holy days etc. Of . Amasing and quits ineonspreset. "He went en Ms errandfcyno tacts. It would be easier to acquiesce to the desire of the the twenty-one chapters all are hensibio to ths modern raind. Is 1 "One started at sunrise asd compulsion save his conscience, halachik in character.. excepting tba conviction of the sages connationalists and not attend the universities /at all, but once the fifteenth and sisteenth/Vhich cerning a fixed and immovable went in a circle and if ha was went with no fanfare ! of glory the 'ghetto benches' are recognized by the Jewish students, are haggadic. The editor is of ritual. The sequence of the stat- back at the starting point at the that Is for solfiiers, bu£ humbly. moment of sunset, all the land .Polish Jewry will feel the full weight of; the nationalistic de- the opinion that this tractate or- ed prayers was regarded as al- which he had encircled was1 his.. For the things Ms mind believed, most . divinely sanctioned. The for the compassion of fcis heart iginated in Palestine and dates mands. The ghetto walk will rise again^'. ^ There I journeyed to get a y sometime alter ths completion of liturgy had to follow the prescrib- portion of land. . I remember the lie died. To Americans, where higher edueatioif is open to almost the Babylonian talmud; -In one ed order. Omissions and modifica"He left a treasure of glowing loveliness of th© morning I went all, it seems "strange that the seats of leafe|ng would become form or anather, most of its con-tions of a radical nature -were re- forth to encircle rsiy portion of Starlight for tne hearts of men." garded as reprehensible. Only I n this Is my reply to those fountain-heads of ill-will and terrorism. But it must be re- tents is found in the Palestinian slight and Inconsequential addi- land, and you yourself may re-who say: "Poor child! Poor talmua. And only a little can be call how lovely that morning was tions were mads infrequently In membered that in countries like Poland, education is the priv traced to Babyloniarr sources.child! H& Eaould not have gone. response to local need. Bat the if you hare read about me in Spain is no business of ours _-.«.* •glege of only the upper classes, and in this particular case the The sun- rose anfi I Interestlnir are some, of the principle elements -were always Tolstoy. To have died that way!" most reactionary upper class on the continent. provisions touching th© writing retained. Our attitude . towards started, and there- -was & sre^t assemblage of the people to bid a e of s'crolls. Only Hebrew may be prayer has changed radically. We At the University of "Warsaw, the rulers of tomorrow's Sir Julian Salomon, served as • used, excepting for elx " words allow a greater elasticity In the godspeed. chief justice of New South "R"B1SE. Poland are being educated. The future of the Jews and th.ewhich may appear in Aramaic. It matter of liturgical arrangement. " 'You must be back at this Polish masses, under such circumstances,'is black indeed.. must not be written in gold. AsThere are quite a number of starting place at the moment of M. Cremieus, famed for his syrian script is compulsory. Only splendid passages Jn praise of the sunset, or you loss everything,' part in the Damascus affair, certain categories of qualfied per- Tdrah. and the intellectual life. they said. served as minister of Justice in. 1 j ,;.' :; ; .';The. P r o b l e m • o f ; P a l e s t m e . -'•: ;\sons may do the actual writing. One teacher declares that he 'Oh,' I answered, 'I shall be French Republic.•' | The problem of Palestine is deeper than Palestine.- It i, The public recitation of of the would teach his eons Torah rath- back, I shall be back at the mo-t b e Torah must be In chant and not er than any specific trade. In ment of sunset.' ' -' ,' deeper than the disorders and murder taking pfaee there at ordinary reading1. . This Is a wise case of incapacity caused "by ac- • "So 1 west my way, sad my j j CASS STREET j present. It is deeper even than the question of the partition reauirement since much of the cident or illness, financial renum- eyes were full of the beauty of, [ plcs. Bre*k« S jrocsa Bri I ('perdition' someone has said) of Palestine and the creation' o devotional rauie of the public eratloa ceases bat; study of the the country, and it was my yearn- j j fast neok, g«trs,gr«, aistonsaTorah offers continuous spSrtual Ins to encircle even, all the land] j iic oil heat. Newly eecorateadln o l - an autonomous Jewish State. I t i s deeper" than Zionism. It is rliturgy s is Scripture, ofmelthe rewards. Our sages held intell- as far as I couMS see. due to ths and moving e«L H. A. WOLF- CO., INC.— esteem, sad it as deep as Anti-Semitism. ' ; , : ; _ .^ •; , ; ody and not to the content of tne ectual life :ip. .nigb. "I had gone a long distance on •AT. 3 1 6 0 . : ' ; would do us a. tremendous the circle I had chosen and It was The Palestine Problem is part of the whole Jelwish Problem lesson and .prayer.' t ataeunt, of good If t?s •would em- already toward noon when I beThe well known. Rabbinic tra* snd not tillthat is solved wilijt be solved. And there is only one ulate their reverence for spiritual held a mountain which stood bedition which, deemed the transla- and Intellectual values. - solution, and that is — the disappearance of anti-Semitism. yond the fertile plain. tion of the Biblo Into Greek to "'.- IS " 'I must have this mountain,' * Will that be never? So thinks the pessimist, and the shal- have been dlaastrouc to Israel — n f 1 Ui s >* I said. 'This mountain may cosSir Solomoa Medina financed tain gold and if I have it I shall low-minded who seek easy and quick solutions, who are not as disastrous as ths making of the golden calf — is repeated i familiar with the processes oJE history; whd think that Rome here. Also found is that ancient the commissariat ia the cam- have tlie riches of ths sioutita'r. of the Duke of Marl- as well as the riches of the fields J M , Iras built in a day? that problems can be solved over night, that legend concerning the seventy t J borough. •which I s a encircling;. Tolstor desired conditions canbe bought about in the twinkling of an eldera whom the Egyptian kins, seeraa (quite by indirection) critiPtolemy, placed Ia seventy sepThe first Jewish barrister in eye. arate compartments and ordered Englaafi, Sir F. Qoldsmid, was cal ol me for desiring the rcHcn h%%?0E mountain as well cs the rich Ian 3, The problem of anti-Semitism is itself a part of the general to set down, in writing, the Moscalled to the bar in 183S. bat you understand me, jrcntle; problem of the existence of evil; particularly of moral and-eo- aic revelation."With divlao help, they produced Identical xrorkz, ! Baroo Elmoa voa "Wtetercteia . cial evil; and not till this evil is eradicated will the evil of anti- escept for thirteen eMsht deviaYes, they answered, tfer? Qcttf? Ia IS6? {secerae tho jnlcister of \ Semitism be destroyed; be ijprooted from the human heart, tions. The objection of the coraroerc*. tno first Jew Sn aa nnderetocd him, snd oa« an.-? snto the Greet: translation other said that In tfte'r Iffetise ee!>!net. j olong with hatred, malice, envy, ignorance, prejudice, suspic-
ways ina after
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Beth El
d Only Hie Nebrasb Features Ffiraeui <?,; ?•
eHer yoar cofs&s/ft.fckeeps yow ssaug OR CO©I cfcys and ner©" fesresns ymi en vrams day*. Whsn you *!osp down fir «£? down or whss you dfw€ behind th* whe«' of year ear, Jh« Knit-I«s Coat gives wl'h every msvB of yew • hodf y®f fclis back fnstantiv irt® shep«. Hier® h afwtsy* o fecJmg ef re?osati©fi ond cemlmf Rich CK yog heve nsvar knewn feefor* in «tep* "ceef , We'd be ewfvlty pleased te ^cve y«« look ever t h * many new and smart treatments bt 'which Yt* am new shtewfac ft* Knibtex Coat
V i i l >.'- S.^..^
21 >.
Angors Knif-Tex Topcoats a{ $35
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tt V
Pacre 6
THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1937 [e explained that the* declsached In tlie negotiations be {aid- lief ore a special Zionist. Congress-and a meeting of tne Jewish Ag. iuncil. ' . ' king that "no Jew . can iartition," Mr. Ben Gurion I would naturally prefer, a state in all of Palestine. ing that that war impos<e said he "would accept a state in part of Palestine; pertain conditions. He de|to indicate what name he [for the Jewish state, but |t plain that it would not Itz Yisroel because "EretZ; Is the whole country*" He :nied reports that hfc- had ned to resign from the Agency -Executive as a again the Increased repre-. pn accorded the Non-Zionflr. Ben Gurion said "any. pight happen" in referring [renewed disorders in.. Pal-
Qmalians in New York to Sponsor, Hallowe'en Dance
roniza Our Advertisers
DOW wanto t o s h a r e rooms with couple. All l o r n conveniocea.' At.
The Omaha club of New York , will sponsor a hallowe'en dance | at the Myhan hall of the Hot^l ] ANNOUNCE BIRTH ' ! Capitol, Fifty-first street aha U2VEXTHAL-BATT of . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krasne an-: Eighth avenue in New York on Batt M r / a d Mr/and Mrs. Harry Saturday evening, October 30, at Chicago, formerly of Omaha, an- nounce the birth ot a daughter on 8 O'clock. nounce the marriage of their October 15 at St. Joseph's Hospiare between four and daughter, Estelle, to Mr. William tal. Mrs. Krasne is the former fiveThere hundred former Omahan& Betty Zelinsky. Leventhal of Chicago on October now living in and near New York 1 7 : • " '• ' " •"•••• • The wedding was held at 'the SIOUX CITYAN VISITING HERE City and these are- expected to come out in full force for the home of the bride's parents "and Mrs. Sid Raskin, the former was followed by a: banquet and Rose Zelinsky, of Sioux City is dance. Club membership at the reception a£-Batt's Kosher Res- visiting at the Henry Krasne present numbers 65, and a membership drive is now in progress taurant in Chicago. home. -•'• to. boost the 'membership • to at Among the -out-of-town guests least one hundred. were Isaac Batt and Mr. and Mrs. Anyone wishing to contact the Joseph Batt of Omaha; Mr. Max STAG PARTY About fifty guests attended a club for further information is» Frank of Malvern, > Iowa; Miss Dorothy Weiner of DanvilleTIll- surprise stag party which was asked, to communicate with the Inoia; Mr. Murray Wintroub of given for Max Sacks pn October .j s e c r e t a r v p n l l } p s > Manfiel. SOU South Bend, Indiana, and Miss 10 by his family. Those present' Brighton" Twelfth street, Brook. Goldie Bachman/of Washington, included a number of visitors ynfrom Omaha, Des Mjsines, Burl.D.'c. ington, Waterloo, St. Joseph, Fort Worth, Dallas, Lincoln and KanVISITS PARENTS' sas City who were in Omaha as Miss Goldie Bachman is visiting guests of the annual Ak-Sar-Ben Box collections for the Jewish at-the home of her parents, Mr. pigeon show. National Fund are now progressand Mrs. ,H. Bachman. Mis3 Baching. Anyone whose box has not man on her way to Omaha stopbeen collected is asked to call FORMER OMAHAN RETURNS ped in Pittsburgh as a delegate Mrs. M. F. Levenson or Mrs. Jack Mrs. Alex Walters, formerly of of the "Washington section of the Kaufman. * Omaha and now of Davenport, la. National Council of Jewish • JunAdditional workers for the J ia visiting in Omaha for two iorfl.; •; She also" visited in Chicago F. drive include: theMessfames where she attended the wedding weeks. She is staying at the Hill David B. Cohen, H. Bondarin Hotel. Many affairs have been . of; her cousin. Miss Estelle Batt William Lazere, I. W. Rosenblatt to Mr. William Leventhal. •:.•• planned in her honor. and Bertha Ellis.
MT, SINAI AUXILIARY TO ATTEND CONVENTION Mrs. Irvin Levin, Mrs. JI. GrossThe first rgeular meeting of the man of Council Bluffs, and Mrs, David Goldstein will attend the •It. Sinai Cemetery Ladies Auxilr will be held on Tuesday, OcHadassah. convention to. be held tober 26, at the Adass Yeshuren in. Atlantic City, New Jersey, Synagogue, 25th and Seward Sts. starting October 27. ;, ... Members are urged to,attend.
VOICELESS COAL The COAL with a Clean Reputation
'cry Ton Guaranteed
HIGH SCHOOL GROUP Miss Edith.Friedman of Atlanta. Ga., who has been visiting her The High school group of Temcousins. Rose G. Cohen and-Mrs. John Faier, has departed for her ple Israel will meet, on. Sunday •home after spending two months evening from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Temple. ' ia composed here. ..••'" of confirmants of the Temple still in high school. NEW YORKERS HERE Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cohen are Miss Beatrice Schreiber of New' York arrived here to .join her In charge. mother, Mrs. E. Schreiber, who lor the past eight weeks has been PIONEER WOMEN visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. Goldberg. Mrs.-Schreiber and her daughter Pioneer Women will hold a n will return to New York in two Oneg Shabbos on F r i . night, Octo-
>W iL>tiI3BBB
' .
. Pleasant Hill Cemetery Societj
JR. VAAD AUXILIARY The senior-Taad. Auxiliary •will, hold Us regular meeting on Monday, October 25, at 8 p.^m; at the Jewish Community Center. Definite arrangements for the formation of the Study Group.will he made at this meeting. All -who are interested In thi3 Study Group are welcome to attend the meeting. , •
3 o'ways looking ycj snug on coo! ca warm days. s!J down or when ji of your car, Iho pry move of your ) Into shape. Thero Wion end eomfc?? Ivn before in a top-
1 to havo you Ioe!: '•racrt ireefments b h tha Knil-tes C o d
•The eriior VaVad Auxiliary will hojd its Annual Bake Sale on November 17 at the Brandeia 8t6re. Those who wish to place special orders are asked to do so before that date by calling Mrs. L, Weit" zman, At. 4364, chairman, or Mrs, M.. Burstein, Wa. 8431, co-chairman. ' •- . The regular meeting of the Vaad Auxiliary v/ill be held on November .2. Mrs. L. Neveleff, chairman of the program committee. ha3 arranged an interesting program. ' V *
mittee; Anyone wishing to attend Is asked to call her.
To Pradiee;Law • David D. Weinberg, attorney, ia now associated with the firm of Cafnazzo and Kaslowsky, 532 Insurance building. Mr. Weinberg attended the Law school of Crelghton "University.
YOUNG MEN'S VAAB A special meeting of the Young Men's Vaad -will be held on Tuesday, October 26, at 8 p. m. a$ tha B'nai Israel Synagogue, ISth and WOUSII
ot the
and Bingo Wednesday, October 27th at the Paxton Hotel. Mrs. Davo Stein Is the "chairman in harge assisted by tha following: Mrs. Jack Kaufman, Mrs. T. A.
surprise or »r n r r.ryo T h e Tslk of c".I[ i\cv." V c r ! c , , c n now in
will see i
.1. Ji, Cu
! its gierriou'-, su'pnsp end cliure . . . «nd in« ferpre+s if ti\- for you vitr; -His: i^^hior individuailify £{• sane end sfm'.iiiie prices, Fe-thians presented on adaptations cf fh© oriciiriei' "Pf"illon de !' Eieganct"
Sculptured £>crf.v.ty f.n Origins! S"BTV
— -
A new sonseflona! siiiwuef+e lding you ir;te ihe, riiost shapely lin» imaginable . . . one ct -\h.e w e s t exciternen+* p'f Cfl"rnar'? pp'Sins^ , , , sheer c « p e s in individual models be» sidei this one iliusfrcted. Featured « •
'"•TV •
clu5ivefy at Carmen's for
"Partitioning Problems of Palestine and the English Government
Tully, Mrs. Seymore Coin. Sirs. Sain Cohn, Mrs. Harry Bravirotf, Mrs. Sam Davis, Mrs. Hj-niie Milder, Mrs. Meyer Rubin, Mrs. J. Bernstein, Mrs. J. M. Ensaa, Mrs. B. Fisher, Mrs. J. Blast and Mrs. Harry Itochiaan.
The Cultural activities of the year were Inaugurated Tuesday, October 19th at a luncheon beld in the Rome Hotel Ballroon. Under the Instruction of Mrs. David A. Goldstein this group which •will meet twice monthly on the second and last Tuesdays the
Document" -will be studied and discussed. The nest meeting -c-ill be held at 1 P. ia. Tuesday. November 9 th at the J. C. C.'AII members are urged to joJa this class. On Wednesday NoTeraber "rfl, B luncheon -will be fcelSet-tfee J.- C. "C. HoEoria'g So ESW
berg -whicli ^ e r s secured m the chairmaEsliip of Mrs. M. D. Brodtey, assisted toy Mrs. J,i. M. Barish. Construction of the Assouan dam in Egypt •was financed by
Ernest Cassel.
r-.!"-V c
c, - ": -
slice of sponge cake. Sprea witb. ice cream. Cover with ar other piece of cake. Pour choco"" A "Stag Card Party" will he late sauce over this and garnish The,first Oneg Shabboa of Haheld by the Men's Club of Beth with chopped pecans. El Synagogue Tuesday evening, dassah will take place on'Saturday afternoon, October 30," at October 26, at the General Bak2:30 at the home of Mrs. A. S ing Company, 46th and Farnam Rubnitz. atreets. -...'•' --• v Dr. M.'I. Gordon will speak on Ao a special attraction, Nebrashis recent trip to.Palestine. ka University Football pictures At this time Mrs. M. F. Levenwill be shown by Ed Weir, of-the son will report on'the Jewish NaNebraska Athletic department. tional Fund conference held reThe annual election of officers cently iniDetroIt. -will'be held at. 8:15 o'clock, ] just Mrs, Joseph Rosenberg is chairprior to the'social program. . man 'of the Oneg Shabbos com-
Student Union building. Besides being a member of this all-lmappointed publicity chairman for portant board, Lipp has also been the board, and is a member of the corner stone laying committee.' Sigma Alpha. Mu has "been an important cog in the. Progressive political faction on the University of Nebraska campus. S# A, M.'B factloa representatives, . Morris Lipp and Arthur Hill, Lincoln have dono more than their share in helping the Progressives sweep the recent election, held on the caiapus. , Sigma Alpha Mu has also entered a skit in the-Kosmet Klub's annual iall revue. The skit, a takeoff on the modem wrestling act with Norman Bordy and Irvin Yaffe both from Omaha participa-
Paxton Hotel. • 'All."members are urged to attend. - * German rrauo Soup Mrs. M. F. LevenEon who re% 1b. prunes. Enough water to cently returned from the Jewish cover for soup; fiugarto taste; 1 National Fund Convention held in. tablespoon butter; 1% teaspoon Detroit will report ott that meet- cinnamon. ' , ^ Ing. Cook until prunes are done and water partly boiled down. Add BETH EL AUXILIARY dumplings. . Cook 15 minutes without lifting cover. The Beth El Auxiliary is holdDumplings: 2 cups flour; ing its annual coffee sale during teaspoon salt; S teaspoons baking the month of October. A percen- powder; 1 tablespoon melted b u t tage on M. J . B . coffee or tea sold ter; % cup3 milk or water. will be turned over to the Beth Can also be used as a dessert El Auxiliary, providing the purchaser requests so and signs a Chocolate Ico Cream Cake slip which will be furnished by 1 pt. vanilla ice cream; 12 any grocer. pieces of sponge cake, sliced thin Mrs. D. Sherman and. Mrs. Al ?i cup chopped pecans. "" Wohlner are chairmen of the sale. On each serving plate place a.
Beth El'Men's":Club;
. T h e Goldie- Myerson Club will hold its next meeting on Tuesday. October 26, at 2 o'clock at the
The first meeting of the Pleasant Hill Cemetery Society will be held on Tuesday October 26 at 1 o'clock at. the B'nal Jacob Synagogue, 24 and Nicholas streets. All members are invited to attend. Luncheon will be served.
Council Bluffs Chapter of K&dassah attended the membership luncheon held last Tuesday at the Hotel Chieftain to fcosor Ell new members. Mrs. Harry L. Cherniss was chairman ia charge of arrangements.
Saturday morning the Junior Congregation of the Beth El Synagogue-had its first service. One hour 'was devoted to study and one hour to the" service which was •onducted by the children. About tweaty-five mothers were also, present and were impressed by the dignified manner ia which the services were conducted.
At the election, the following members were chosen to serve in official capacity: Mrs. R. Gordon, president; Mrs. H. Krauss,. first vice-president; Mrs. N. Gilicsky, ting, has received favorabla com- second vice president; Sirs. N. ment from onlookers. Nogg, corresponding secretary; Dave Bernstein, Korean" Bor- Mrs. B. Kubby, fisaacis! secredy, and Irvin Yaffefe, Omaha; tary; and Mrs. I. Feblowits,-treaMorris Lipp, and Ray Brown, surer. Kansas City will represent Members of the Board are: the Omlcron chapter when Nebraska engages the Missouri Tigers at Mesdames H. K&rowitz, M. YudelColumbia1' next week end. T5se son, B. Gershun, and L. BernSigma* Rho chapter at MiEsouri stein. Activity ch&innen include: Edwill hold a formal dance after the game honoring the Nebraska vis- ucation, Mrs. L. H. Cohen; Program, Mrs. M. Grossman; . Gift itors. Music, Besides being actively engaged Fund, Mrs. H. Kubby; in all student activities on the Mrs. A; KTBsne; Publicity, Mrs. campus, Sigma Alpha Mu is rap- S. Boffraan; Membership, Mrs. N. idly shooting to the front ia intra- Glliasky; HMO, Mrs. S. Suvalsky; mural athletics. At present, S. Infant Welfare, Mrs. I. Krssae A. M.'s touch football is tied for and Mrs. M. Coin; School Lunchthe lead in Its league.with three eon, Mrs. I Stershill; J. N. F., •wfns and one loss. Sigma Alpha Mrs. S. Keyerson;' Sewing, Mrs. Mu's handball team is now work- H. Cnemiss,; and Telephone, Mrs. ing out in preparatloa for the Phil Saks. New members are: the Mescoming campaign. S. A. I.I. has daines, VL. Yudeleoa, I Moekovitz, monopolized the handball situation on the campus, having won Leon Fraakel, Lewis Kohl, L. Lathe championship the past seven sere, M. Katelaaaa, P. Carp, Jack j years in their ten years of exis- Steinberg, B. Telpner, B. Abra-I amson, A. Maltz, L. PssBcr, andi tence on the U. of N. campus. WOMEN'S MIZRACHI Max Harris, all of Council Bluffs, j Norman Bordy, Omaha has L. Goldberg and J. Baron of A large number of women at-i e e n working out with the Uni- Shenadoali; and L. J. K=.;iaffiE, tended the meeting of the Wom- •ersity swimming team. Eordy is M. Kalisan and P. Kaiiaaa of en's Mizrachi on Wednesday at trying for a diving position, and Glenwood. Mrs. Nathan GiliEEky has shown much promise. the Jewish Community Center. Is membership chairins.n. Irvin Yaffe, OSaaha., has receivMrs. Ben Handler installed the cisltaral Group ed a call from Coach Karcld new officers. The Cultural Group will hare The drawing for the electric Browne inviting him oat for the its first meeting at the home ot Mixmaster was held at this meet- varsity basketball practks which Mrs. L. K. Cohen, 44? Forest will, begin shortly. Yaffe was a Drive, on October S5, *t S:SO p. ing. member of the freshman team a . Mrs. M. P. Levensos of Omaha. last year, and received a fresh- will be guest speaker. SIGMA ALPHA MU man numeral sweater. Mrs. Saul Suvalsty and S£rs. t Morris Grossman -K-ere elected to j Morris Lipp, North Platte, was HADASSAM. represent the chapter at the Silappointed to the Student Union ver Jubilee convention to be held Board of Control. This board of Hadassah will give a 1:00 De- in Atlantic City, New Jersey, Oceeven students and two faculty sert Luncheon followed by Bridge tober 26 to 31. members will supervise the new
b e r 22, a t 8 p . tn- a t t h e homejo:" Mrs. H. Okun, 1434 No. 1 8 t h St. Mr. L Morgenstern , will be principal speaker. Besides a well chosen p r o g r a m t h e r e , will b community singing a n d refreshments. . -' •. • . •' : % r s . Sam N i t s w a s appoint© c h a i r m a n of t h e " F i v e Dollar Luncheon." T h e • plan f o r . each member to r a i s e a quota of five dollars h a s m e t with enthusiastic
, -The Council of Jewlslx Woinen •will- -hold its first fall iaeetine-oa Monday, October 2&, at the Jewish Community Center. A 1 o'clock luncheon will be'served. Following the business meeting1 the chairmen, of the new commit- response. tees 'Wilt take up amateur psychiatry and make an analysis of GOLDIE thelf new President's dream.
Council Bluffs * Hadasi
Chicago etreets. An interesting program has been planned. All young jnen arej Invited.
;•;••.• I T WILL P A 7 . - - . ' • " -To' Consalt
When baying .D1AB3O.NDS •...••'
Is Taken Into On Wi
'to encourage the p«rclis - new merchandise
It is offered for resale at-the lowest prices we can put upon it Our first and constant psarpose sa to ipake it easy for cur customers to Isarai tlae new. Our ceeead is As ^jtssck disposal of t!jo old. • Every day in tise year t&ere er©lar£'e atsortiaeists offered. In fact yoa cam £c,risa«s& '& •wkcass b e s i * frcsa this stocls •wliiejj cl»«»
It'rn worth your •wlusle to caste t o the Eie!sasf« Department today and a •week (rotsi tci&y to c-tcc-urss -K-b£.t,j'ca •wont.
For Dress or Sport 41 Richly Furred 2 and S-Pe,
We Hot a few typical esamples: Flat Top WalBQi Stody Desk arad Cfesuir. .-, . . . ' . . .27.5© O-Fc. Walnut Btr.tais Caste vrith ebloog table SS'^i© lO-Pc. Walnut Diaiajr Setts ef fina quality, •with clsiaa cstbtaet . '.£©.©0 Ftao riJaJicsarsjr Sa^roosss Saits, 3 pieces. • • • • • • . S 7 . S 0 3-?c. Ivory Essazael Sedrooia S u i t e . . . . > « . . * • • • £S>€<0 Largro RZahograny ov WalaBt" Dresser. . . . . . . . . . . . %,2».©0 . 2-Pc. Groea Fries* LiTsng ROCEJ Ss-ite. . . . . . . . . .23.5© Gat© LCJJ Tslsla and Fees-. Cfcssrs in s s a p l o . . » « « . . S2L5J0 S-Pe. Dorbcjr S ' G a y Distiag Suite in i*'&!a^t. . . . . .S-S.S© Kitchen Koofr Ksglr? O r e s Gasoliae RS.BS® . . . . . . . . 2.T.EO Dotyoit Jswal Gas Ran^e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..££.53 2-Pc. Mclaalr Lirissg S o o n Suite. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£©,50 Lars© Bod- BaYesjsort in raofeesr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S8.S® Studio DJTSSJ in Shi-e Tapectry, 8 s v bat s2ajnis.g-ed hy r i l
Sculptured Bezzir :"=
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Lars® Assortment of .USED .RUGS, priced frcra 4. 50 t o 2T.GQ for.tha ©s!2 sise. ..
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EENCriED — Ncsills Charr.bcrlain, Britain's Prisis Minister, didn't have to slsep on a park bench, as might be indies ted here. Seated modestly beside tiss young wcmari, he tries out one of the new scats in St. James's Park, London, as be end Sir Philip Sassoon. left, Commissioner cf the OSoe of VTorks, inspected 325 of the new publicly gh-en beaches. Kins George, Quesn Elizabeth and Gu=ea Mother Mary each contributed one.
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Christine o^ Spain, vhose ripht Jec V:J fcr her fpthe". foT-*?- T~""n"-
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3O1XXTS CONDEMNED—^This initiation of Si^ma Delta "rats" at Atlanta, Ga., high" school was condemned as disgraceful. Smeared with axle grease, Nancy Emery, left, grins "at Ann Baggett, Elenore Winecoff and Eugenia Nell.
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t',1 FOB CHEONIC DISEASES — Chronic diseases, according to Dr." S. S. Goldwater, Commissioner of New York City's Department of Hospitalsrare growing a t a rate which suggests America may some day become a nation of invalids. To. cope •with that situation, here is what a metropolis is doing. An outmoded, ill smelling, insanitary,city prison, shown in lower panel, occupied part of New York City's Welfare Island in -the East River. The prison was torn down and in its place is rising a 1,500-bed hospital for chronic diseases,
largest of its kind in the world, where w i t h the cooperation of Columbia, Cornell and New York University medical colleges, extensive study will be made of such maladies as rheumatoid arthritis, cirrhosis of the liver, arteriosclerosis'and other ills. A view of this unique hospital under construction, with buildings arranged in chevron pattern, so that at no time of day does oile building cast a shadow on another, is shown in top panel. Modern design of buildings is indicated by the nurses' home, center panel. '
LIGHT—"Have a Ught. Mr. Commissioacr." says .President X-lanuel Quezon, left, of the Philippines, as he pays an official visit t o United States Commissioner Paul V. KcNutt, in Manila. Rumor has it Mr. McNutt may quit his job.
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ESPLOSEn—School children cf Cambria County, Pa., subscribed the money for this life - sire statue cf the late Hear Asmi-al Robert E. Pearr- creiitec snth d^coi-arine 'J12 KortH Pals. 1'Zie statue vas unveiled a t Crosson, near the house ::i which hs vcr bom SI years asro.
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BIS/irJ I*Sr,"vAS"%U—Tony Lazseri, veteran star second fcr.eeof the c'zxzKi&on Yankees baseball team, given his uneondi'.i Tlca*;^ it'or.i t^c, club .on his own rcguect. Belief r,\w lis iiiijlu 'J-^a :..- coach or manager.
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EO5IANC3? — Plight of Anns Kressc, live - and - dime hairecz, with Marshall Duffield, former University of Goutnsrn California footbrll r.Lw, frcjn S«rlT-ri;* Cal., to Vctroli, czsjs ii~3 JO --•Zdbility o : c r;.'_::.:.-.i.. ivlx,.* J;ad it thij* ™cii jr.;;r," tc ».,;!; tal ppz'.rcvr! o* t'zrr t a -
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GOT HT? ~tsnrr.7"r.n. 7s, herea the zoo ir ""' p i? rr.r 'c "*"~.i ' M c l y ' s FEVS." It vork;i. lir. co firofCc?. Xicty is ft lc:t zs l^c ^"r.-ccl V.x others st the first sT'tfinp c
.T CAZCr.! ^Cirxi—V/carin- hlj Lr^nJ-n-,- bocis, hc:r Is n ircnt of liis scacl? r t Arcad-a, Cal.. c.~- .-.c ctcrts tra:tiu:r T.::, A, /.. rrrcr;:, in rhirtslecvcc ar.:3 ",,-Ut ::ct, vall:^ t.t otiur B nrcni bcrces v,xie cr-icns f.ret to arrive &t tlie trac!:.
Page f i
now esamine some, instances of • Spain. Here Fascisni presents to ere of rnaiera iizirs. It Xev Tcrfc. Ecrrcc h:r , memo-;- E(!v?rc C. ^Ui itthis kind. career r s s v r . : c : c* r~r;-rr.r.e *To?e ; y I the world its masterpiece. It has cist 1 •"i • ' « r-. ' On February 19, last an assualt j hung upon the wall of civilizaI have ao c'zzizs bstvecs ccr:- " i -? r rprr r ~ e r r or pc ."- O'.\~ T" r-,v A.S zur was made on Marshal Graziani, in tion a painting that will never munisia and Fascicm. Tts letter charge of affairs at Addis Ababa [.come down — sever fade out of j is supposed to bs ncrc rccrcctin Ethiopia. Under a government! the memories of men. So long j able than the femer and Mzds z vicr; of law an effort would have beenjas men and womea may be in-jmore ready eztree into respectr*z i£ made to find the- offender and terested in searching out from]able society. Eut tier ere t o i i Xcv.-s, if I : i r . C , vLcr. punish him under the law. But the pages of history outstanding \eneinie3 of every vita! liberty zzi "crcc-i r"1 '--ore z ^: v - c - : C -.-FT. . v . under a system where there is acts of cruelty and instances of j every right asd TTU cf the o'raliVT"-" " '[•" ' no law save the master's will, needless destruction of human average man CT Eoth such is not the procedure. Under l j j ksiorm a s one of t h e all lies of universal democratic a system whose sole right to exist life they will linger longest aud succeed, la breed!"s: s.z.z foster- t revxrosl Greatest- champions'• of Ameri.; suffrage." At the same time, by is fright and force, the proced- with the greatest horror over the ing discontent in z.11 the different In. l [ r n Ccicr. vac erlir'.ei t ; savage story, of -the Fascist war cations in the world. Eoth have can-ideals'"of freedom a n d j u s - the same authority, it was said: ure is different. : ' in Spain. We have always been their active : lists ir. cur su:rec ctarj e cl fcrtice-for'all,'Senator Borah hero- "It is the .fundamental Tduty of V £" ' C , , 3E T : r :-'; mrrt. Crl^lr ct .'-r- zrr I read from'a dispatch in the \ familiar with those stories of nn-own country. gives- proof -once'.more of hisl Fascism to perfect•-' its armed London-"Times which was under'speakable barbarity which come The world is torn end tortured stctcsmaaliio'vision a n d tinder-; forces." i "7 r" n • •'•: . p•v date -of March 24, but the inci- down to us from the d i n pages cf J with religious and rrcs rcrrecu- "-J re r x sinnHm's' • a s ,'faV _ calls o n alii "We may quote another saying dent recorded was under date of oriental history. But those things | tions, with a spec':: cl Trutcl'ty j ce Americans; t o prevent t h e i m - : indicative of the process by which f r i, irch 3. The dispatch is as fol- happened, long before • men had j almost without rreciic-t. The ci: ; v c p o t t i u s of ' F a s c i s t doctrines! Fascism hold its power: "All- the March ws.: "The Italian reprisals in | felt the humanizing, effect of een-j people are being t-=cd := c^erj lows Into this country. ? opposition papers have been supirUn Ababa ih'5fia after aftortho ottemtit on5 nn j tur-ies of Christian civilisation. land almost beyend £SCU~ECC fcr the attempt • > •' • —-THE EDITOR pressed, all anti-Fascists' organ- Addis - The -- butcheries of helpless j greater and costlier weapons cl.'cf nlr.e mlll^oii 1] -cvious ; c<ir Marshall Graziani, the Viceroy, izations have been dissolved-, . • women and children in Spain oc- i destruction. Thess things are in I Cohen's rc-ln? r"rcirce v v r' _ ' ' T •Not the least; among the sacrl. opposition-i3 necessary, many, say, were carried out with a savagery curred in the very morning .of a marked degree t h e fruit? cf I s t i r s cr ZZzz V e r t . fice3 of t h e World "War-has been because it looks well in picture. almost beyond description. For the twentieth century. During the systems which are built upca j T r c i its baneful effect upon the long- We .reject this argument most 3 days after the attempted as- the French Revolution the city of force a n d a t enmity with • ac d s •\ -r ; ,' : .< .revaccepted a n1i i ' -well-established emphatically and" indignantly. Op- sassination of the marshall every was marked for destrne- liberty.. With ccrditien in c t l c : . « i = 5 . " ' ? : : : h TELC: a principles of - free government! position is not necessary for ;th*e-able-bodied Italian . in the place i ' The distinguished' South African proper working of. a healthy, po- appears to have been encouraged tion, and Barre cried from the lands we can have little to EE.T. "Kcggles cr rie£ Car" *•-£ rl~i-' sh hits. Ze is a ma-om i~ But their systems should rot t s to slaughter natives. With rifles. I rostrum. "Let the plow pass over soldier- and'sfatesman,'; General litical regime. Opposition is stupistols, bombs, knives, and clubs -her.": This has many times been permitted to introduce themselves ' the United S-atcs. A : E ti.e CcTT-r Smuts, .speaking- to the student pid:". . "•.-.'••••..•.• / ' :o-£te£ v-.ti rn served out for the occasion, gangs cited as the most revolting in- Into this countrj witbeut full 1 c V; t ; body • of Edinburg, Scotland, Crilrs stance of mass murder ia all hisknowledge of all tha factr. Frcn ' ~« A further statement sums'.up - 0T. r . .p . _ of Black Shirts and workmen sometime ago," declared there was c '", v r ' i -'• less o£1personal liberty-among ths the whole philosophy, BO i a r as went through the native quarters tory. But it must now give place time to time the fscts will be gir- i ~- d". £" r>c people 'of the'-Tvprld" at this time we are concerned in this country, killing every man, woman and to Guernica, the ancient Basque en. now izrder centre;i vo h.* r^f.;cr'J ~ f ' l : —~ than., there-.was 2,000 years ^ a summation which the advocates child they came, across. „ Others, capital. Pictures Ccrpors-tion :s Eie'.Ia .*•&- ' How:true this is^ I do not know: .of Fascism in ought with flame throwers and' tins of Modern- warfare, with its iraBut; it is certain that the cardi- to recognize. No one can be a petrol, fired the flimsy, huts and [proved instruments of destrucnote. Ccben'E r"?>"-~er r"? rp'e-r- 1 nal -truths >uponr't7hich all claim loyal American citizen who advo- houses and shot down those who i tion of both property and life, is B y ed thrc-^^h Para—cur.t Picixrer;, !' for free;.institutions .-rests are cates or-believes in Fascism. "De- tried to escape. Immediately af- J revolting at best. But it remainmore universally -challenged and mocracy Is worse than a failure. ter the bomb was thrown' at Mar-] ed-for the Fascist warfare to se-RESEARCH ON HAXTI in greater petij a t this'.time than Fascism is not afraid to, declare shall Graiazni Italian troops sur- lect the deadliest weapons which SAIXJ3ION The Gs=r<re Gcrrhvis " e a r r they^Vere 0Trhe.n. Thomas Jeffer- itself ifliberal or antiliberal. It rounded the. area and every Aby- the ingenuity of man has con- Hollywood: —After efficistin;; son •wrote "intot the. Declaration of has always passed, and it. neces- ssinian "within the circle was kill- trived and to show the worid how at the radio brosdess-t ol the i o s id Concert Eronscrei by the Ind3pendeiiee:^"Tliat all,men are sary will agrain pass, without the ed. Other troops were sent to thorough and effective these wea- Angeles preiaiere cl "Thi L,Ife c : created "equal; that they "are, en-i slightest hesitation over.the body search for arras and round up any pons are when used for the de-1 Emil Zola," America's foremost lirovr dowed i y .their '.Creator vrithcer-i more or less decomposed Of thesuspects. As has already been re- struction of women and children, j master of ceremozies, George i.; v-r.E- e -c ' yri ta'ia '.'irialienabfe rights; that Goddess of Liberty." ported some 2,000 natives were How effective are airplanes when js e i , took a plane to among- these are/life, .liberty, and Again — "All to the state, arrested- The majority were shot. throwing bombs and hand ger- to visit-the-Congressional Library I CCC _ n ,Ercctrtrrr. the' pursu'it.'qf .-happiness." nothing against the state, nothing Then the Italian militiamen and nades into homes; how airplanes, and the While Kcuse to La retc-ce. It Is esrieri.p£ tVp rrr>outside the state." workmen were called up, served swooping: low like winged raonst. search work for the film en And\it,' is ^equally certain that j ^ 4 - ceeds will reach J ^ f . r r c ere" v H l I. quote these statements of the with weapons, and told to do ers can massacre.thousands of in- Salomon to this* challenge'Has been angument- principles • ofa Fascism,' not be-what they liked with the natives. ^ - v . - ? " - " ° " — 5 , C ^ l E°f o r t t e benefit cf the Los Aned. and the^.peril increased more cause I am' Interested in the The number of victims in this nocent children without endanger- spring. In WcEh-inst in the slightest the lives of j being assisted by S since the;"World War than during theory and practices of govern- massed slaughter'is stated to be j ing the brave assailants; and how at Menfceu, famous attorrey r,r5;,.,_,. -sr~--,-v ifrany "period "of -like duration in ments in other countries but beI the same time they can set a non- great-grandson of the revclutioa- j the.history of governments. Ar- cause I am interested in the doc-about 6,000," s. trs.f:ic LZ if-elcpcd ci C c rctr;ct;?r Under the date of March 24, combatant city on fire and leave ary war hero whese „ bitrary power has spread and de-trine which would-be inculcated . concert. Eve= rlt> rolies CECC-'L? mocracy has receded: .individual by some into this country. I the Manchester Cuardian publish- the streets covered with charred and love of country w: I be ? 0 "-'E : C B c » ^ c -.-•--- -^c-f^-n:t:"r e a. s liberties have been curtailed and quote them that we may see'how ed a dispatch declaring: "Every bodies of the slain, while the in- trayed in a picture alter years el j ^^Z~ , t - i Y ^ - ^ ^ t * - - - ^ ^%%*Y' ^-i-it ---c often abolished'in the remorseless they fit into pur theory of life Abyssinian was shot on sight. trepid Fascist soldiers escape efforts to have such a picture frrrr r ^^* sweep of absolute government un- and government I quote them to Thousands of native houses were without a wound! Fascism boasts made. Jessel •will alre visit Contil in bur own land men serious- illustrate the theories which re- set on fire, and, as the inhabi- of courage of the bravery of its gressman. Sol Eloom and other gort*. rrrrt f ^ —F"»- f C-F-<-Vly debate the question of -whether spectable Americans must have in tants tried to flee, they wers shot soldiers; boasts how it mates j notables in the capital. On or clubbed to death. No discrim- men of its adherents, and tells j return trip, the famcus actcr democracy is worth'saving. mind -when they say that Fascism ination was made between men other vie peoples that Fascism mates stop ia Caicaso, s.t ths invitation Aaor.; Some things are transpiring, might be a' good, thing in the and -women." t h e iirpresEive T r c c r c n : r e r e : Al heroes of the young. And, E.S evof Mayor Kelly.toIcy t i c ccrshowever, which ought to convince United States.' I quote them furidence of the fulfillment of its erstone for the L"£.do Trft IZzz.- Joiso^, George Jersel. ir-cp^er cf ua:that- democracy' is worth sav- ther to'Illustrate-where we are In another dispatch in the creed,, points to the subjuga- ument of George TTF.iilrstc-, n > cere^io^.:es, who c e l n e r e c . a beauing; that lt:is worth fighting for,- drifting when we waver; in our Times it was said: "Sis thousand tion ofit the wholly weafe and dis-bert Slorris and Kayra fr.lo=c=.: tlful vrcr^ trlLi-.e io Cr€r£.iv.r.*£ Abyssinians were Silled with as men. fought for it of- old •—fight. for democratic principles. armed Ethiopia; and now doubt* On Sept." 26, Gecrge Jeii-sl i not necessarily on the tield of Tiere .is no tenet of democracy fl?ine throwers, grenades, ma- less -will take pride in the suc-his wife, Nor=a Talmadge. w;:i : chine guns, and the flashing ro~ battles; 'but fighting the forces which Fascism* does not chalcessful slaughter of women and begin their new weekly hour ramantic knife. They spared neith•which" ceaselessly seek to under- lenge. .There-is not a-vital princhildren, throughout Spain. dio program on the I^utuE.1 mine .and1 destroy it in - the very ciple -of free-government with er man nor woman." Feed Prcd»ctr No language can describe the Broadeastiag Srstsm. Citadel of its greatest triumph-in "widen this ruthless creed is, not This is the logic of Fascism. This, is the" logic of ^he. system, scene at •'Guernica, and Guernica. the "United States. ' in conflict. It is built,'and proI doubt "v.ery-much if we arefesses to be built, npan the iuins which ia founded upon force. This was not a single Instanca; it -wzs is no_t .courage, but cowardice not simply a culmination of a long FKOF1X fully »BT«ne. of -the insidious,' subtle effort. being • constantly put -force. It could not survive- a fort- government, but bruite savagery; line of unspeakable atrocities. It ' -" Z T * "" At V f ci foctli in this country hy the ad-night in the. atmosphere x>f free not war, but butchery. We have was not a military maneuver. The M'a j o r Pictures Corporation. Grocer or vocates" of that theory of govern- discussion. It meets criticism to go-back to the days of Attila city was a long distance from whose penchant for ment called Fascism. It. has far by :sending its critics to] island to find anything to compare with the battle line. The attack had new starring this rruthles. destruction of help- no legitimate military objective. made him. as interesting as ths, more supporters in this country prisons compared •with than has communism and t&ey Dante's^hell has its advantages. less-men, women and children. It An unarmed noncombatant city stars themselves. B;rn in. Ktrt-1 iijicir:^ are much more active and much Under its reign Individual judg- is a repudiation of civilization. It was singled out for the most re- ford. GOES., end educated £t thei, more adroit in the manner .in ment,-individual liberty are look- rejects all the principles and pre- volting Instances of mass, inassa- Townsead Harris Elsh ScLcrl'Ji * £ • * Ca=I^rs 7C and the College cf •which they are , accomplishing ed upon as heresies calling for cepts, of justice and humanity, ~! Patronize Our Advertisers their end.-- They wholly chains or the prison cell. The born of centuries of sacrifice and struggle for the light. It ia a'redifferent ways and by widely dif- citizen, with his rights and his '• V ferent methods from Communists. privileges, his individual outlook, version to the savagery of the Both, ate-the-avowed enemies of and: his aspirations-Is under this cave man. It is an attempt to democracy;- both- wouldi"- -destroy system transformed into a'cog, a found government-upon the prim, lndividoar liberty;! both would es- soulless cog, in a vast machine itive passions of the horde. From Ethiopia let tis go to tablish in its .place, abject econom- called the State. Brass, Bronze, , ic and political serfdom. .There system which, we 'are now Soft Garey Iroa and Sosai- i I can be -no- compromise .between Stee! Caatsaga, Wooi a.sS discussing and of which many democracy and either ol these speak'.BO-highly in this country Metal Pattsraa and Szth V/eijaia carried ia etoe!c systems." cannot be fully appreciated, howBronze and Cessi troa We need not be in doubt as to ever, nor the effect of its teachGrilles a specialty. the teachings and objectives of ings fully measured until It comes Fascism. The highest authority In contact with peoples who do 27fcls and Martha Si, on the subject on, a comparative- not accept its teachings. We shall HA SS23 ly recent - occasion publicly declared: "Today" we bury solemnly Patronize Our Advertisers
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THE-JITKTSH PBESS, FRIDAY^ OCTOBEB 22, 1937 •when Polish .and Roumanian, .deie-j Indies. Gsrisesf .Workers Union that we are at ihezs, i~r *-'• zz gate threatened to' secede; from;. *•'. .Tie numerons Catholic eig- Jcsrs. And ""-^6 £nE*-rr"* "f *" the Congress. - • . • ; ... - . ; nitaries .-B-ho so frequently visit is our pride and glorr il-ct '"*• Boying to-their protest, -"-rhlea | the home ot Dave Epstein, • Hol-1 are." emphasized that the • resolution i Iy-read film magnate, corae to •was an insult' to Roumanian andj see EIrs. Epstein, who, is a niece J H Poland,- the -congress amended; of a Lcs Angeles archbishop . . . [instter, here it is: The ." ' v I Vthe resolution so as to. voice op-] Big- Apple, the latest dance craze, Iinser cohesiveness rt r - ~~r tl3 "• Budapest/ (WNS) ' — 'A' resolu- position _to the; transfer-Baton of! got its Ji3.zn.e- iron, a Negro nightgroaps { is' a vital and ; ; --•—tion protesting* acgainrt antJ-Sea- universities Into centers,of: racial! club in Colombia, S- C , vrhich i phescrnenc-i cf gT€*it •"-c*'*'' Hlc discrimination" ia'the" tmiver- propaganda "Which , "on cne. b&hd i-eras oace a synagogue . . . Leo! ness EEd inipcrtsnce. 1" tr J Habbi'H. R. Rabinowltz will sitie3 of Poland" and • Roumanla 13 contrary to the' principles ofi&Ieltzer of Boston" has organized;due the preservation cf - * — speak this evenings at Shaare Zion failed, of - passage. n' its i original the League of Nations and on theja political party called the Social j it" 'sustains the dfvr-— **ld .is i form at the 14th International other hand-opposed, to the spirit.', Democratic Federation c£ the U.! Synagogue on. "The World richness "of human life ""•r\.- -* Cantor Pliskin congress of the ^Universities' Fed- of university education." In this S. A. . . . One of the-big WPA j ot conrse, be left .t" f' •""'" '"' Turning Yellow. g Sfiyls S h o v r t o B o Feature of and tho synagogue choir will eration of the League'of 'Nations form the resolution was adopted. Federal • Theater successes o n ' freely. " It should ' net . •- fBroad-srsy right uo*s is "A Hero j forced.--The Jewish g-ct*", ' ' . Evening'- •••'•- > chant the service.' Is'Born,", by the Theater Guild's j the Eaglisfe ghetto te T ' ! :T - Tomorrow morning at the JunTheresa Helburn, -xritb. music" by jdis or "the German c r ' " .^ ' A style show, by ten members ior Congregation service, Sammy A. Leha-aa Eagsl, gifted young j Yorkrnis'or t i e Frenci r "~ bo a feature of the Annual Heeger will act as Cantor, and composer "j-rho • originally hailed! North • Africa or th" C""" " " Card Party, to be "given by the David" Knntz, reader of the Law. from Jackson, Miss. j ghetto in- Protestant co—".- <=" r Mr. J. Braun, instructor in the 'Junior Hadassan- chapter, Mon(Copyright, 1S37, by Sevea Arts the Protestsnf ghetto *- C t v - T » Hebrew School will tell the story day evening,- October 25 in the to the children. countries, should be th« '-«••- er--That nice ne^r- Aryan nose that Feature Syndicate) . . WE'RE TELLING YOXT stailiz2.tio-"L ct the E E - ; ' -•- cf tl r "Warrior Hotel. Proceeds will go The Noher Prize Committee fs Luther :Adler, of the "theatrical n M ^ f . p , W r n T n Book Eeview • culture gro"ip tno-yn z- t - J*--toward tho Palestinian Fund of bALI&Eli J U preparing- to take ' another' dig. at Adlers, acquired in. the hope" of Utmiut ish people about t i e .p- - - t c" getting a movie job Is no g o . . . SEEK SEAT IE 'Hsdassah. Card and • door prizes The first meeting of the Geason the, Nazis . . . . "Having 'awarded He's got thenose.but. not the Job | >,_.,_„_„„ its kmer form".- Bat if * - I c , Vill bs awarded. for the Book Review group of the the 1335 peace prise to Karl .'• . . Don't believe the rumors j CONGRESS brutal and.therefore isf-r - i- i , "' Models for the style show will Mount Sinai Sisterhood will tafce von bssietzfey,. German pacifist Icias advantage ' o f tb _• r._: pe Goldlo Lehmann, Esther SHrfe- place ijiezt Friday, afternoon', in then - languishing Jn a Nazi con- that Walter Winchell . h a s ... suf-t -New York (WS) — The possiity of • mere nuiiA. rr t~ 1 'en, Bertha Berger, Saretta Krig- the ; home of Mrs. Louis s. Gold- centration, the :Committee fered a complete brea.kdo*B-n • and ! bility- that one of the best known, force,' make the JeT.'.":^ f i ..^ is through as a .columnist. . . . i of the younger leaders of Amerj 1 * > now consideringgiving the 'cten* Helen Katner, Jean Mon-' berg at 2:30 o'clock. Miss Ruth compulsory, that shou'l : : c- * trose, Mary Kaplan, Kosena Sacks, Miller of filornirigside College will 1936* peace prize to Count;Rich, He'll be hack at *w;ork in the' mid- i lean .Jewry may have a seat in{ must sot mate any J*-*- r—~ die of 'November, on a new conj Congress was raised here when 1 ord pou^eHho-ire-Kalergi,.the AusDbbio Dervin and Elaine Schlalf- give a dramatic interpretation of that tlie inner cohesir--1-'- - ; r r -trian 'publicist, 'who has contin- tract . . . The Helen. Golden "who ' t h e American Labor Party an-J group remains a nEtu-c *er. • .. . : ; : ' "Ton Can't Take It With Tou." "—"-- * Is now'playing i h e feminine lead nounced that George Backer, 35-1 In charge of the' bridge arThe cultnraiTgroup of the. Sis- ued his father's fight against.ansble,. fruitful thfEg'ar-I > — • - in "Having /Wonderful "Time," year old sjon-ln-lavr of the latej v tl-Seniltism Count Richard, rangements are Miss Mary Kos- terhood will meet - Thursday evil and a isenace only r '— ' 1 - < 'ofeky, Uisa Esther Erinberg and morning at 10 o'clock in Rabbi incidentally. Is . half Japanese, Broadtray's .take-off oa .vacation- ^lortinier M. Schlff jind nephew': the f-rrc-up-cohesireses-- rf r - t : ing Jews,;is t h e daughter of E d - by marriage of Felix M. Warburfr, j Hiss Ruth. Orlikof f. .'. Lewis 'study for their first meet- the otiier. half "of him being 3n Seraites, Gerisas, Pcl.-->r v" at- * intricate mixture' of German, Tvin Goldstein, Cleveland depart- had agreed to be its candidate in Icot, it has no active pc- t i* 7- z'Tho first Hadassah meeting of ing. , ment store biggie . . . How come the silk stocking 17th Congres-j Russian, Belgian, Norwegian, t t o season was held last Wednes"cipie of life, but exist*: I*- •-- - t - " j Polish and . Greek blood '-.-.. . the name of Franz Boas, world- sional District. day evening with Miss Saretta of hatred, brutality a s ^ f-"- ;= f famous Columbia University a n The district was formerly rep-i Which may explain why .he-, is fn' "Krigsten presiding. Sylvia Miller brief: 'Groups held £""-*• I r r I1* hropologist,-was included In t h e the late Theodorj the. forefront of the -movement t J sjiolse on the work of Hadassab. the lore of common iccJ--, r-<*~- * Rabbi Lewi3 will give his fourth establish international, peace . • . 1st of -150 'Protestants -who p r o -Peyser. . Mr. Backer, who is mar- ories, 'aspirations, U---"" '-' Jn Palestine and a dance "number tested the-recent • pastoral letter! ried t o the .'former Edith Schiff.i lecture on Russia, at Mount Sinai 'he Jewish . blood .brought into was presented by Lucille Moshttides are the jrround'W'---. r ; "^ - • European royalty by Queen Vic- of t h o - S p a n i s h Catholic M e r - i i ^ A m e m b e r of the executive com-j man 'culture. Group? -" i t-- • 'li'ji. A uliit was given by members Temple services this evening. -' Monday morning he addressed toria when she 'married Prince archy on-the< Spaniali•'• civil war? mltt'e.e of t h e Joint Distribution! 'gether'"by fear sad hct» a-- »*"- " 'ot the Center Dramatic Club. '. | the student body at Morningside Ubert, said to have been the II- • . S h e hasn't admitted it, but | Committee and president of t h edisease. "We must ngv«T r^-r p"* College, and Tue3day evening he egltimate son of a Jew, will we've been t o l d t h a t Martha Raye |Je*sisbr.. telegraphic Agency. this distinction. They cannot im- " , *.v~ ——— spoke. before the Men's club of o6n be > flowing .through-; tho Is one of unser-leite . .'-. Benny! prison h i d in a ghetto who carthe First Christian Church. Fri- eins of the Greek royal family oodman, • the -swing1 expert, first ries the eten-s.1 ghetto cf his freeday morning he will speak before Crown Prince Paul of Greece tooted his clarinet in • a Chicago in his heart . . . The' Hr3t . Senior Hadassah the'social workers of the Family. s now engaged to" Princess Fred- synagogue . . .".The-Mins&y broth; Welfare Bureau. During the week ers of burlesque fame a r e plansrika Lujse, gran"d-daughter of (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts meeting of the season/srill follow (Continued, from; Page 1.) Feature 'Syndicate) d o n e o'clock, luncheon Tuesday he has made several addresses for he . es-KaKlser: and hence a do- nlng-toAryanlze their name . - . . E O v e r n c i e n t will adept "requisite cctdant of Victoria . , . "Gene- Governor Henry Horner of - II- measures." It "also calls upon the ni!ternoon, October 26, in the the Community Fund. linols, • who' Is.-run ra** Is the name ;of the play on linols,.who"Is-running a highway jg o v e r n m c n t to take Iction to ter- REED, fiAMACClOTTI & ROEFN'Community Center. RabEON &. E. L. MARKS campaign, • was recently 1jminate the incitement "now being he Jewish question which vGeorge safety Bj»fotv . pamnaiim. TJ)' H. H. Rablnowitz will give the Ueibard Shaw is "tsritlng '.'..'The 905-S1S First National Bask Eldff. r violating - aj stirred in neighborin countries. r.ddresa of the afternoon, and fews of India hay© suddenly traffic ordinance . * . . The \(Jew-1 Jfrs. W. C. Slotsky will preside. arrests • were jr.ade! " LEGAL. NOTICE Nuineroits The Shaare Zion synagogue la the-District Court of Douglas ' 'Mrs. Sam Shulkin and Sirs. A. will be the scene of a lovely wed- "inked up to the-fact that theirs Jsh) author of ^the best-selling I n t h e T i c i n n o f K a l M l i e h ^ h e r e County,JCebraska. a the. only-country with a large "Education.or Hyman . Kaplan," , t h e H a I f a . L y < 3 d a t r a I a - W M b l o T O W. Kaplan, are in charge of the ding Sunday evening, October 24, To John n.' Sh-iFter. "W"IG?^ place fewisb.-community . that -doesn't who tides under the pseudonym) j ^ of is -inknoisrr: and <:pon b a a n d m i a e p u , -with Mrs. I Levin and ..Mrs. when MiB3 Rae Abraham, daughn d "*--"-iOm rcn-onn.1 Fetrire of £-i""nTT-ons have a single rabbi •..»".. Chief •Zf. E. Sfcalovafcy,-the dining room. ter /Of Mr. and- Mrs'. J. Abraham spread a dra-smet CSTITIC>»: be ^l^d. def^Tiasnt: Rabbi. Joseph. • Hertz of • the. Brithis doctor's degree at Toa are hereby nJtified that on the , • • .. _ , , . * a l l A r a b villages 5a t h e vicinity, Plana have been made for. a of Mapleton, becomes the bride of 13th day 0* July, I S " . Safiie.Sr.uster. ish Empire i s - . acknowledging Joint Ones Shabboa -frith the La-Ben Wlntroub, eon of Mr. and great university . . . He's at work s e a r c h l n g nVLmerQ~s as plaintiff, filed her petition ftesinst £ect.;ons I n mazeltovs on the birth of a on a new book wHIch, far from t h ee £ f o r t t 0 { i n d t h e rf A you in the District Court of Dousrlas dles Auxiliary of Shaare Zion on Mrs. N. Wlntroub of Omaha NeCo-actr. Nebraska.' Doc. SO*"'. Xo. 151, ; S granddaughter •'••.-.'-.. The proud h S November G, -when Rabbi David braska.- The ceremony at 8 ^ .^™l?™,.*L*J ^fl !^-? troop train on its way to Lydda the object and prayer c* which peti- • arents are. Mr. and Mrs. Leon ous sociological study of a sigtion is to obtsin 2. divorce from you \ Goldstein "STill be the speaker. o'clock will bewitnessed by many Herts.of Haifa . . . All negbtla- nificant phase of American life. from Jerusalem was fired at but .on the pTOuna.i cf extreme cruelty. ; there were no casualties. The for custody of the minor children, arid • friends and relatives of the cou-ions between t h e Duke of Wind- POT-POtrEHI such other re*iej as to the Court j train was carrying the Royal for ple.Rabbi -H. R. Rabinowitr, Rab- sor and the • British government seem j " 5 t and equitable. j Hendrik "Willem van Loon, au- Susex troops, being relieved of may *Totx are required to - ansi^er sa.M '. bfs. I. Bolotnikov, and Cantor A. egarding t h e ' ex-king'a future thor and historian, has Informed duty in accordance with the reg-petition . crr«M>r before the 15th nay ! : ilans' were, han'dled '"by Leslie the successors of his former Ber• "Word has been received here of Pliskin will officiate. of November. IS"!?, or said petition i ular schedule, and cot? on their against yo-a -frill be taken a<- true. I the death of Bernadine Goldstein; ' A musical prelude will ^include Hore-Bellsha; Britain's. "War min- lin ' publishers that he will no SA1DIS EHXTSTER, •' Tray to -Egypt. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving the songs "I Love You Truly" and ister* and t h e Only member "of t h e onger allow any of his works to 15-l.'-:r-4t Plaintiff. « i GoISstein, in Chicago^ Monday "At Dawning." Mrs. R'. Anderson British cabinet stiir o n ' friendly be published or-sold In Germany tnorning. She was a granddaugh- of Danbury will play the wedding erms- with the. DukeThe . . . The first English-Yiddish \ ter of Mrs. Leah Baron, 606.Vir- march and recessional. Revisionists- are: sending a1 dele- anti-war and anti-Fascist jour'(Continued frczi paga 1) /^S The bride's gown.^will be" faahginia street.- Mrs. Baron was In ation of • their youth : organiza- nal, "Auf der Wach,". has just Chicago at^that time. A. H. Baron, ioned of Ivory moire taffeta, cut ion to Italy to study flying. made Us appearance . . . It's pub-thousand . years have been called an uncle went to Chicago for the on princess lines, with a long veil BY PSIVATJE WIRE lished by Yiddish trade unionists Jews and have been, stigmatized of ivory lace. She will carry a Zuneral Tuesdar. Surviving are Berlin is whispering that the as Jews. The world reminds us £er" parents, and oho. brother, shower bouquet' of bride's - roses man whom the Nazis often cheer affiliated with the International Paul Jean. and gardenias. n the. belief that 'hs is; Hitler is The maid of honor will be Miss eally one of the Fuehrer's three ," Funeral services for Maurice Lorraine Abraham, sister Nof the doubles,. . . I t seems that Adolf Grac'eman, 44, who died Satur- bride. She will wear a blue taf- a so scared, of big. crowds—and day in hi3 home at Muncie, In- feta gown and carry-flowers In a can you" blame himT^-thatne has diana, were held Tuesday. after- miniature bouquet of the brides. retained" the .services pf three noon in Slous City, with Rabbi Irving Kalman of Omaha will "act tooges - who - are •; his twins In tfheodore N. Xewis officiating. as groomsman. Bridesmaids-will countenance, " bearing, -gesture Surviving are four sisters,.Mrs." be Louise Wlntroub, sister of the and voice . . . They are Frederick Sylvia • Friedman, Leisenbuch, " a n actor,. A n t o n Casper Gilinsky of Minneapolis bridegroom, Mrs. S. Margulle3 of Rapid City, Edythe Abraham and Annette El- Schmalze, a. mechanic, and-.Wolf $. D.; Mrs. Samuel Raphael and man. Their gowns will be of moire Gerber, a machinist . • . ' But to ii • - .- : . . ^ 3Iic3 Margaret Graceman, bol^h of taffeta 'in dubonnet,,' turquoise, prevent a a y attempt a t usurpas Mow York City, and four brothers burgandy and green. " Ushers will ion of t h e Fuehrers-position all Max of Minneapolis, Harry of To- be Joo Guss, Robert Dorenson, three "havo on their chests tattoo ii; : Isdo, John of St. Joseph, and Sam 1 Harry Fox and Vernon" Wintroub, marks indicating' that -they a r e of Milwaukee, all of Omaha. only • sham -Hitlers . . . Lenl Rtith and Elaine Mendelsohn Rlefenstahl, Adolf's non-Aryan daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon irl friend, is making a film of Ocater Dramatic Olnb Mendelsohn of Omaha will be Hitler'B life which Is t o ' be eshibT h e J . C. C. Dramatic Club. op-. flower girls, and ring' bearers will ted on all state occasions jcned it3 winter season with a pre- be Sidney Abraham and "Wilbur It's disgraceful b u t true t h a t V a sentation of "The Fatal Queqt" a t Friedman. ;reat many,- If not all, of t h e tort h e first meeting of the Junior A pre-nuptlal dinner /will be jerles and misquotations "of t h e JJadassah meeting, last Wednes- served In the home of the brides Talmud used by anti-Semites C! day evening. The cast Included uncle and aunt,, Mr. and Mrs. M.throughout the world a r e t h e Lao Rich, Dorothy Goldstine, An- E. Friedman, at 2 o'clock. Fifty handiwork of oneWieder, a Rousisbell Satin, Sherman Shindler, relatives will attend. manian' Jew •who • became • a Cecil Pill, Isadoro Rich and Eu- A reception and dance -will fol. Did you notice meshumed pene Sherman. low the wedding ceremony, in the that some of t h e biggest Jewish Tho club meets every Thurs- ballroom of the Martin hotel, at names in'England are all hot for day evening a t t h e Center, under which 300''guests will bopresent the boycott on Japan, though tho leadership of Sliss Rosena The bride's' going away t they stil oppose t h e : anti-Nazi will be a grey costume" suit with boycott? Those sis Jewish a. fur jacket and Black accessor girls in _Manchester, England, ies.. who were fired, by their Christian i 1 After a short wedding trip, Mr, employers for refusing to work Wintrouband his bride will inak on Yom KIppur have all : been > Jov/i3b contributions to bem'o- their home in Omaha. i: given new jobs—by other Chriscracy was t h e theme ' of' the adtians. . dress given by. Ben Barin of OmMiB3 Jessie Singer, of Dallas aha, a t t h e annual A. Z. A. dayTexas, whose engagement to Dave ABOUT PEOPLE -: . • ,. . ' . ' ' • celebration of - t h e Sioux City Montrose of Minneapolis, was re- Our deepest sympathy to.Rabbi chapter, Sunday afternoon In '.the cently" announced, is visiting in Lee J. Levinger of the B'nsi B'rfth and his wife, t h e noted Jewish Community Center. '..Sioux City, with Mr.. Montrose Goldstein, president o£ parents, enroute to - Minneapolis v/rlter "Elma Ehrlich L e v l n g e r . . . twenty-year-old .son Ssmuel the chapter and Dr. Louis J . Dim- from her home. Miss Singer Is a president of tho - B'nai daughter of Mr. and Mro. L. Sing- was -killed lact month in Spain, where he had been fighting, -with , ; «c-.«7=™. chapter also spoke during er-of Dallas. No date has'been ee\ T 37 C 3 " V*% *' 1 ? ? " ^ the Loyalists, as a member of tfc.3 no t h e program. £ clas3 of new mem- for the wedding. Abraham Lincoln Battalion, fcr bers v/ao presented for tho initaeight-months . , . Yehudi J.!e** tlon Tituai. Miss Je3sie Slutsky ha3 return- hln is in love at- lost . . . H e r ;: Sleinbcra and friends attended ed home after a months visit v/iti name is still a secret, b u t ahe * M - a ^ . - - - - . V ^ J ^ ^ C 4 **"*!: $s-a' - ' ' . i ? * ' / l ' A ' - ? • ii "aiveater dance" 1 a t t h e Center friends in L03 Angeles, California lives hi Amsterdam. Hollaafl . Jtanday evonins, when a number ^jT ,""" ^Jl "7"' V* *,"V r~* "-^ •- J-—« ^ ^ - £ ' \ ^l^»f, iii Orrriha delegates attended. CalMr. Jake Shindlcr and'Mr. Be: c: ;... inon Laviek s a d Lloiria Gln3burg Shindler will spend Saturday i r.-oro on tho committee in charge! Iowa City, attending the Dad' •!". A. Z. A. -bastetboll practice Day exercises at the University o i , v ,,,-• clarted Tucsuay ovenlngi vath 25 Iowa,
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