October 29, 1937

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\ In the Interests of the

Hotel. Her talk i by the .Wornue as a henefil needy" ex-ser,is a former JVomen'B Overe. ON NOR. Attysi

ae.atep BtdQ.

• . •;

• The views expressed by wig Letrisohn' In bis column are bis own. an§ do not necea* sarily reflect, the policies or attitude of oar • pabllcatioa. -Be» • production to Tfbole' or hi' part ••••"Strictly-forbidden;—"-' " ' " . ' -'•;.'


" -


LTTi-EMENT OF [TRAT1ON ACprt''._ of ..Douglas v tho * Estate or ased.' .i . [ted1 in safd niafi£Ied that on Aba U 1337, .Oscar: C. |ou in" Eaid-touhaat i l 3 - final adbfired "hereinI tie and tbat he t>s I trust a s csecaftiig will be hifd re said Court on jitober, 1037. atjd M>ear berorc said Uthday of OetoE A. Hi. and conHie1 Court, may said petition. enT srship,. and mauo Ser orders, allow a s to this - Court i the end that all f> said estate may'1 determined- • [CRAWFORD, ; . I -Conn ty" 'Judge. .


Kntcred a s Second Ulasa Mail Matter on January s i . 13-1. a t fostoffica of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1S79





' A German Jewish wit, one of tho great wits of all" time, wrote a" book with the following title: The Junior Hadassah TTO' \ The Southwest Regional confer"Learn to/Langh "Without p e e p a special meeting Thurr ence of District Lodge, Xo. 6, J k. ing-"- Under that title one might ning, November 4, at 8 b | B'nai B'rith will -hold an all-day make a collection of the grotesque the Jewish Community Cen in i session in OniEha on Sunday, happenings and the grotesque memory of Fancie Kateinian Leading Intellecteals Pledge, November 21. •people,In"1 Jeteiah.life. These conHerskovitz, who before her death [ Xathan Gilinsky o* Council Selves to Fight Aatitemporary grotesques • are not had been very active oa behalf of j Bluffs is presided of the confprS like the fools and. amusing rogues the organization. | ence. Ben Kazlotrsky is chn.r~o£.old; they ate not at all like Rabbi David A. Goldstein Warsaw ;".VNS) — Ac a direct; niaa of the arrangements committhe 'people of < Cheln or like conduct the meeting. There outgrowtb. of Christian fiemocra- j tee. Hersch :OstropoIer. They are im- t be a short musical service. tic, and liberal cooperation Y-ith | The South-west Regiosal mensely, serious and self-import.'• Hopeful of repeating the sucThis meeting is open to _ the Polish Jewry's nation-wide gerser-' ference consists of B'nai B'r.tt ant "in their own conceit; the hupublic. al 'strike of protest last "vreek j lodges o£ Omata, Couccil Blu"?, mor ot their antics la unconscious. cess achieved during last year's against the institution of ghetto' Lincoln, Siox:x City End E i n r It "Is terrific humor, very near to season, the Center Players will benches in the Polish 'universities, i Falls, 5. D. tragedy, -rery -near to madness. present their, first play of. the new 300 of the country's leading Intel-j : Tet one laughs. • year, '.'Awake and Sing" by Cliflectuals and liberals have launch- !• One laughs a t a "gentleman ford Odets, on- Sunday and Moned a. new democratic party is-hich i | named .Feueriicht who sold an day,-October-31 and November 1 is pledged to combat anti-Sesnit- • tL\X . S I lu lafc> ' article to the Forum. Novdoubt ism in atl its manifestations. MOT- \ ha sold himself first in,.some at 830 at the Jewishf Community ing spirit in the new party is Pro- J . agreeableway to the Forum's edi- Center. . - ••">'• ' ; fes'sor Mieczyslaw Michalowicz, j tor, the accomplished and learned • - "Awake and Sing" realistically director of. the children's diseases Dr.- ^Henry Goddard-Xeach.-- Now portrays the life of a lower midWorkmen's Circle Dramatis j clinic at PiisudsM university, liberal, and well-disposed" .Gentfles dle class Jewish family of the Warsaw, who has defied the govClub to Present are open* not unnaturally, to any Bronx. The-members of the famernment and refused to segregate 1 'Caldunia" suggestion that takes from Chris- ily are never able to rise to the Attend Eitss for Jcv.-ish students in his lecture tendom' the shame and disease of aspirations' of the old grandfathGreat'Jewish Banker, rooms. The .most famous of all Yiddish anti-Semitism. In that circum- er, whose life'ii-symbolized by his •' Phiianthropist operettas, "Caldunia," by A. GoldOrganizers of the new partr Instance is the opening and loop- constant playing; on the phonofaden, will be presented for the clude writers, physicians, artists, hole of the recurrent phenomena graph-of the record, "Oh ParaNew York fJTA) — Silk rri? .first time in Omaha by the Work- and professional raen. The party's •••' of the Feuerlichts. For they arise diso." men's Circle Dramatic club oa first raan'ifesto, drafted by- Pro- > anci yarmeikes mingled'last week from time to time; they wantClifford Odets, the author of Sunday, October 31, at the Cen-fessor Michalowicz, was suppress-! 23 2 - 6 0 t > Persons from every - r r ' t that Is the psychological back- the play, is considered one of the tral club auditorium,. Tweaty- ed by the government, but its con- ! o f l i f e c ' o ^ e d Temple Emrruground—to differentiate them- bright young men. -of the Amerij first and Dodge streets. Because tents became known in wide cir- i E 1 t o attend fuseral serrices for selves fronr -the Jewish r people can stage. Although very young, of the length of. the operetta, it Cles. At the first meeting Cf the IF e 3 i s M - Warburg, Jewish leader. ,„, and- thus save" themselves-—their has been recognized as one of will start promptly at S:30. America's - outstanding party's founders a vigoroEs pro'• single,, wretchicl little selves-;- the country's leading playwrights =— t "Caldunia," which is ia five test against "the " ghetto benches philanthropist and & leading finfrom sharing the,fate-of the JeW-and-has often been compared to acts, "will be presented with a fall was .adopted and assurances of ancier. Hundreds more were turnr~ ishi people- In the middle ages the/great .master dramatist, the cast,- scenery, costumes and mu-support for the Jews in their fight ed airaj' at the door. they became first informers and Russian Chekoy. Meet to Hear Eeports sical selections. The musical (is- for equal rights were announced. - After a simple ceremony thri 4 then Catholic ecclesiastics; in Included in the cast of "Awake Co-chairmen and rectioa of the operetta. Is -under I At the same time Professor Sli'ch- lasted only 25 minutes, the cc:contemporary Russia, (as w.e Bhall and Sing" -are: Rebecca KirshenCommittees the able leadership of E. Sellz. alowicz served notice on tne min-j n a t i o n ' E b r o ' a f i s d CEst-et T.'ES cr-presently cee) they ciccuse others baum, Martha Himmelstein, Nate education .that he be will not; not • r i e d c u t - ° ' t b e temple, with >•< '= L. Witkin and Hymie Ruder-|. istry of education.that ot Trotzkylst tendencies, nation- Seckerman, Charle3 Rachman, Joe The campaign to enlarge the man are in charge of the fira- j lecture at the university if be Is i tonT E o n s £E;ci o t f c e r c l o s e relate e? alism, and social Fascism in. order Cohn, Sal. Mlchnick, Joe Hornm. J. Sarica' is pro-1 £ t u - |,a c t i E g e-s-pallbearers, and tsi fr „_. , forced to segregate membership of the Jewish Com- matic direction. w _ _ Jewish _._ to show -what,good 100 per cent stein, Joe Saks, and Sylvan Franf •, T.'Z- e ' r r ; . : Oi motorcycie po*. *„.. .,,.„„ V .~ »«-er the di\ dents. . j w-ith. an : sons of the Soviet fatherland they keL -Mr. Frankel was called upon munity Center will be brought to j h c e alo:ns route lined pare c: rection of Paul Nerenberg. 'Meanwhile the Endet " • — • at the last minute to portray the a close today at a meeting to be are: of peoplp tc c e n e r , ..L c ' i- v i> Max Sellcow is general chair-1 Dzienik Nardowa, called for t e " i Saiem Fieics Ce etery, Erookl; r, i t. "•>' t c Feueriicht's technique Is, -as'role of- Sam. .The play- is under held at the ^Jewish Community man of the affair. The box office institution of a numerous clans-; •- : Dr. Leach had no raeans of know- the direction of Mrs. Herman Center. will open at 6 p. ia. os Sunday, us for Jews in trade and industry; where s. private burial was he;ci f ' t! ? C. " I' in^,. old, shabby, •. funny. He. says JahT. .1 e - , . L .-. ! . r This drive, which began on Tickets are 75 and 50 cents, tax j "and even demanded teat, the Jew-;in the Schiff vault. Sets have been designed and in effect: HO-VJ- odd l o t Jcwa.'to j ish employers bo'forbidden to em-I Scores of persons prominent ir W = V i L l= \ October 12, has been under the included;' i every walk of life attended ..{- 0 I f • C C- 1 • t c speak' of, discrimination.-: I was executed by Nate Sekerman. Mrs. direction of eight. co-chairmen. Proceeds will go to the ftiad j ploy more tcan 25 per cent Jews. .nerer.subjected to any. .Why do David Brodkey is in charge of Efforts were made to increase the for the upkeep of the Labor Ly-! The All-Polish Medical Congress, • services. hey eluded Gc er- . - . C r : : • : v they pretend to be? If. in fact, props and Mrs. William Feiler, membership of the center so that ceiia building. j bowing to v r ; T \ "~ . . make-up. : they are,~j there must be somea $7,000 deficit, accumulating j against th-e esc thing wrong -with--them which is .Included in. .the ambitioua pro- since 1932, could be eliminated. . ! doctors, has agreed to admit Jew- j SB;:.. II SSOT? t j l ^ U l S ? liat fram'ef_the;cfeater* Flayers la the Final; reports..wilkie.given at >! ish,_ccixTerts .to CiLristiiBitya.ii-d-i -IV, „ . - , ilfowinff 4&to£ :playa: a- reylTal it is, ,jtoo>L(taey kttQW;lynat j Jews who serred ia the Polish; ••-•--• •;—these" FeuerllcMs) r t h e -Jews of-/"Ten Nights i n : a Bar-Room* t o d a y ' s m e e t i n g - . " army. Keverthless it -ordered the •Dewsr, Justice Irrinr I,e*rr5-r " -hare a persecution complex; to'.be'.-.pj-eaented -on- December 5 'Co-chairmen of the campaign ou expulsion of its Leaberg and Cra-.S. EonsiEj; Ae~tir-.ictrE.tor, Kg' are.not persecuted; they want to and 6 with the atmosphere of the are: Sam Beber, Dave Goliiman, Stracss, Percy S. Straus, P-" c o wb r a £ h : At a'meeting held October 21, c eE because they object- ident Nicholas JCurray Bi:ile- c"~ be \persecuted; if ever' they are 'gay ninties; a series of three William Holzman, J . _ H . Kulapersecuted it -'is because they" want one-act Yiddish classics to be giv- kofsky, Harry Malashock, Henry j at the Jewish Community Center, ed to the adoption Oi the Aryan Columbia University, anfi Julrs f to be . ;•••;- Such Is the theory-of en: in English, February 13 andMonsky, Dr. Philip Sher and Har- Dan Miller was elected president paragraph. r r . r 1 r . ~~Z *. Bache £Ed Dr. Cyrus Acler. the" Feuerlichts.. The Implication 14: "The Amazing-" Dr. Clitter- ry A. Wolf. o* the Round Table of Jewish Sy nine o'cioclc in tlie s o r r .*- ?r " is; "I have no complex;' I - am' a h'o'use," ' one "of- last season's According to last week's*" report Youth. Other officers include: s throng w£s gathered before ^«Jew without that in the Jew Broadway successes, April .3 and 172 members had been gotten. Joe Guss, vice president; Hannah yet-unopened bronze coor ol ','~ which leads to persecution. : So, 4; and on May 22 Maeterlink's Baum, secretary; and Bertha Temple avrs-iting sdmiEEior. A rethinks Feueriicht—and that is the masterpiece for^ children, "The Guss, treasurer. tail of fifty poMca -v.^<=. vc- p . ,^ cosmic Joke-^I am safe. Luckily Bluebird." All organizations for. Jewish lapters front of the stril ~z I?*""-- re he Isn't.: Mercifully • he* isn't. -Tickets for the season are a Young people are represented In Dr. Shepherd L. Witmas, as- edifice. This loathesome trick doe3. not dollar fifty, for members .of the the Round Table which has a soThe cereaiOEr oenrr r p-r - - '* sociate professor cf political work. Some years ago Ilya. Ehren- Center' and. two "dollars for noncial, cultural and communal proat ten o'clock, v. ,,h. J r brm t ECieace at the "CniTersity of Omaburjj wrote a passage on the atti- meinbers. : Single admaislons are ~ Morgan Jones, Labor member gram. Scheduled for the year by . tude of the Poles, which has since fifty, cents. , _ r.r., Trill Bpe-Ek Schulmar., rabbi e-ne - i..s- cZ z\.<* of t h s British parliament, will be the P^ound Table are a Forum, changed to open beastliness••.but irs'ore the Oma-temple, a liie-lon- i-^ci ^ r ; : : . tournas,-.-.^, heard addressing the twenty-third dances, and inter-club in the.twenties .was-not a t allnn-i ha chapters of A. Warburg, and r . t h i , „ . „ , I Goldenson ofriciatir.&, rr il t^x c LR e c o r d ' • > •- • - annual convention of Hadassah ments. like the trick of ^Feueriicht. "You v. A. Sunday; e r r a b f c j s £ s s i s t i r : . _ T r o v r Originally a small group, the *- ^ •- [ y—T over the Red Net Work, WOW, accuse " us," thus the Poles are October 31, Et i n o e u l o g I e s Round Table has grown to such Attendance at Saturday, October 30, from 8 p. supposed to speak," of letting, the .He newish ComT o t h e hv.SHed - i - c rf Tcri s m. to 8:30 p. m., Omaha time. importance that it has achieved Jews perish i n the Ghetto*.. It's -•".-•••Book'-Reviews His Eiiinity Center. ; „_„_• _ . national reknown. Last year it topic -will be "A Member of their- own fault. They are .slugr r . Witman'si b u r g ! s , e I o s e r e l £ ._.,c ^ gards, traitors," Bolsheviks. Take Judging from.reports of the Parliament Looks at the Palestine sponsored a series,of vocational fcei the front seats, h.? v i cf a r c guidance talks that won acclaim. u that fellow over there. He; gives ticket selling • committee, consist- Partition," In which he will an"T're Pacific Ad-! At the meeting'" Morris Arbitdaughter in heavy i.«.ci. •>£,'-. himself the appearance of faint- ing of, more than , 30 women, alyze arid Interpret the political Jr-rr.13.erit of In-1 After the Jlev. I ^ L e : l t „ _ s ing Irom starvation.-. .He. lies, .of headed.by: Mrs. JV H. Kulatofsky" problems that have arisen as a. man was named chairman of ths tcrsational Dis-i liad cfeantec 'ACCT^^ r e 0 ~~7" •course. No longer than day be-and; Mrs. E. A. Nogg, there, will result _of the Royal Commission educational committee which, inpntes." ' j cludes the following members: -• . (Lord, Trtat Is K-r" T'. £\1. ( fore yesterday I saw him Bell a again be a record attendance on recommendation. ^ . ^ CiC ' nisn, £is voice br=' J - - -• - ^--,^ herring to another Jew. They are November 8, ••when Rabbi GoldMrs.. Irvin C. Levin, president Kalah Franklin, Bob Posley, Ber- received kis Ph. D. degree from j re cited t tha Guss, and Beth Kulakcfsky. nothing hut speculators and stein; opens the series . of Book of the Omaha chapter, and Mrs. The Round Tame is at present Yaie last summer, writing a Rlta'S e h a s t i s, r usuerers! You . assert that the Evenings- sponsored by Beth El David A. Goldstein, board memdeveloping a program of wide thesis on the "Analysis of the "Komxa Suesser T man is really dying. of. hunger? Synagogue auxiliary. ber, are now attending the 23d President's Power." He vaca- Sweet Deatt). interest. Hm . . . possible . . , there mus! About '300 tickets have been jubilee convention of Hadassah in tioned and conducted political reDr. Goldenson rr have been other causes Y . . " sold with moro than a week re- Atlantic City, N. J. search in Mexico during the past Book of Job. lev. \. • There are over 2,000 delegates maining before the first review. summer. r e ••' • Feueriicht is harmless today in " . . . I was i r ° e; and visitors from 46 states repreAmerica. He is merely grotesque "The Citadel" by A.. J . Cronin Is senting a membership of 64,000 At the "University of Omaha Dr. blind,' feet to the ".r —<in a free country. In countries Rabbi Goldstein's choice for the attending this convention. A comWitman sponsors the Internation- the neefij*. . . " not free he becomes a terrifii opening number. al Relations club. He holds memConcealed from A -V prehensive survey of ths condiThe entire series is held at the menace. Because his'. technique bership is the American Political ivarius SEC Music: ,_tions under which Jews live in While in Fairbury, Neb., where is always the .same:, to^-attemp Jewish Community Center and Various.countries and an analysis Science association and the Amer- using I,*r. Tfar'r . • ; ; to save his skin by imputing to the reviews begin promptly at of present day problems involving he reviewed Kenneth Robert's ican - Society of International Stradivari played " - - , . his fellow-Jews vices which he 8:15 * nnd last about one honr. the upbuilding of a Jewish home- "Northwest Passage" for the Law. acza." doe3 not possess and thus to dif- Season tickets may. be secured land in Palestine are being pre- Round Table Study club of the j Dr. Goldensoa rrc ^ I First Presbyterian church last j ferentiate, himself from them.-Do from either . Mrs. Kulakofsky- or sented by historians and political ty-third Psalm c: r Tuesday,Rabbi Frederick Cohn Mrs. Kogfr the downtown book what you like-about the Jews commentators- • from -the-Orient, visited with Fairbnry's entire Lord is & Shephf" (such is his Implication) for Tea-shops, downtotra and Dundee Europe and this country. Jewish community which consists •want . . . " And 1 - s sons which, I grant you, are good circulating libraries, the . W. C. . . i\ew Otncers; over. The casket - r s Besides Morgan Jones, who will of seven persons, all members of A. or at the bos office at the reasons. I am not like them.' one family. the msrble platfo;. featured on -the • radio "broadcast, Let UB see Feueriicht in Mos-Jewish Community Center. New • officers were elected &i: ers following. ' • - Pairbury'a Jewish residents are there will be Dr. Salo W. Baron, ' There are sis reviews. in the cow. The Yiddish paper Shtern professor of history 'at' Columbia Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bervin, the smoter" of the Beth El Men's i is out for the skin of a Yiddish series. T.ie other dates are No- university, New-York;: -Dr. • Joa- Mr. and Mrs; Sara Bervis, Mr. club held Tuesday evening at the iicit jr.,, Gerslfi " r vember 22, December 13. writer, named- Hofshtein.. Let me chim Prinz of Berlin; Dr. Walter •Morris . Bervin. and Mr. and Mrs.General • Eakins company, rorty- ] translate the quotations (cabled ary ?_and 17 and February 7. r -• fifth and Farasm streets. Tfil-! Erich TTs.rbt:rg, Fisehe, .Orientalist of the Hebrew Max Suslavsky. on 'October 13):"ilofshtein has Isam Alberts was named rresi-' university, Jerusalem;- • Robert insinuated himself among Soviet GUEST-RABBITO dent; Sdilton Frolsin, riee pres. sf .!soa, Walter_X. E r Szold, former president of the writers as a masked and danger: dent, and Leon Grs-atz, secretary-] Zionist Organization" of America, SPEAK--AT. •-•.'.:: 1 ous nationalist. His workd s treasurer. • ; 1"' ST C and many others.- • • • ful of nationalist contraband. His y & A D • ' • • • • • ' • • - , O a eo f Nebraska uEiTerEltjfootball \ . . , , _ , , .. . the high marks of the poems are full of concealed calumpictures Trere ECOWQ by Ed Vfelr rue, after a feir nies of the Soviet fatherland and ; Rabbi Maurice Solomon of the •; convention was the three-act play At the last regular monthly of the ECiversity coachisg s i t " . &ni its greatest leaders."- The paper Congregation Tifereth Sforad of j "Eyea to the Hills," presented At the'Athletic Carairsl s.nc] goes on to eay'that in 1923 Horsh- Kansas City will be guest speaker j Thursday and dedicated to Hadas- meeting ot the Men's club of the *v s Vaad, Mr. Mas Froskin -was Awarci ni.jtlif to b-g- lis'ld s* t]~ ' b^"^ teln dedicated s lyrical poem to tonlght at services of the Vaad ;s a h b y i t s a u t h o r s > M r 3 _ F l o r e a c e e t ; Center ca TTednesdav, Novsrabcr : Trotsky and had t h e audacity to to be held at the Congregation Beck Hoffma'n and airs.- Anne Mnanimoasly elected president of B'nai Israel, Eighteenth and Chiae Center Varsity basket fc reprint that poem in 1931. FurthSenzer. The play presented in- the organization. Others ejected, at the er accusations against the poe cago streets. epic fashion with a cast of 100 He will speak on "The Original men and women loss. The Tarsltr, coaci are calumniating Lenin—no eviportrayed the were: Dr. O. S. Belser, vice presi-! tract Pii; dent; I. ^lorgenstera, secretary, ] ^ i Gsrslici, P i " dence is offered—^nd, worst o and the Imitation." ancient and new of the Jewish * promissnt cutstate all, having visited Palestine In homeland. The play was directed and I. Shafer, treasurer. will ?res»at an e^bi-! 1020 and having^ expressed adTentative plans are being ffl-TABOOED. by Benjamin.. •Zemach,; famous bitioa. miration for, "the Jewish Fascis for a Father acdi Son bane;', , e directed d en ta I 1 choreographer,'-who enB l a l i k . " . . , . _ „ . : . , ; . ; •;;,,. -, Also 02 the prcg-rs-ra. vrill be be held in the sear future.' .. Amsterdam (WNS)^— Racial-:! s e I a b l e 3 ^ . "The Eternal Road." —1 ^srnis-s: TTci=ea's roiz*y hzll t ; ' " :— • Of course that is subtler than Ism 13 rejected-by-tb^Nede?land-! nd Elijah Deliaeiiigo, at the age ofif- r Sahzny Jlawcll, Xebr& cnything that Feuerllcht is cap-sche Nationaiistische Beweging, a]" It ;is ..estimated that .500,000 i00i fea i - ' star, Arr&rjrsmsnfs able i>i and is of an -even more new n a t i o n s l i s t organisation | Jews perished in Poland during} o, v."as appointed professor of j founded here Tdth the aim of' t h e Cossack uprising under: philoropby r.t (Continued.on.page S.) ' Paiua. spreading Fascism ia Holland. ' ChmiolnlcUi.

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a'OF-THE'ESft. Kohrs, r>eceas|-of. said deceased icfacpf said estate. £Fudge of Douglas [at- the-. County 3 County,- on the" f ISST.raed on the rusry. 193S, -at, 9 ejajv fi>rtthe Ipurjcir claims lor <S±nt and allo-wanoe allowed • for the it", lheir claims. If-Kovember 1S37. fe CRAWFORD County Jud^e.

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- - ©f ftotiiid i s - or Je'wzsh


Speak to Omaha

Hadassah Silver . ^Jubilee'Conclave

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Rabbi Cohn Visits. Fairbury's Seven Jewish Residents


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AT 44C3






Officers Elected - at. Meeting of . • Vaad Men's Club

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Jewish Examiner now bewig j University, outlified-|the plans for ; <2evelopment ,^f tb^eaOiing yflar ships at Quarantine L, P. Emanuel as his confidential sec-' uel's daughter, who's beea living edited bv Abe Allen, formerly 1 * in i and pointed out that Martin Buli. told him he'd have to pose as a retary. . . . Her name was Har-' in Palestine these many yc&rs, ex- , -••K m." r=i«.r PnhMntinn M .rmvnefnfn (now Cnrm- wife -nrif« of of pressed a non-kosher Swire desire vrfe vrfecn , with- the B.ben ™ %™~ J* Jp r J f t d B r . M ora«a« Kaplan or reporter . . . P. M. W." said he net Lowenstein She file areturned. . . . "I'd litr," siis I Rochester, N. didn't mind being a reporter . .". Judge Jonah Goldstein) York were among those join•Anyway, "Pop" couldn't get the went to Europe for F. 3 pass . . . So F. M. W. steamed j fulfill an important his yacht, "Carol" (named for! nccte-d with his Jewish his granddaughter, by the way),:- • • When she returned down the bay and took Paul off 1 found that he had fitted up for,' in style . . . Once^told L. P.: "Al- i her a beautiful home in White



ne%v s t e e r s city ecuor, S-WUK «ie ; iiobiismi

uuuuiu«, ,-wi the third

research Note: The ifFtire his yonngster ought to be very J Hiborato'-y . for : cancer n L t r - lncky- . ; . He was. born on Siv&n ; f i n a die iiiaugr&tion of a chair ej. though cosmopolitan by back-1 Plains. . - . . And one who knew Post herd lines a rtcrr ground , I'm happiest when in j him for years, recalls that there, don on the demise of the ::cm-Eleven (get it?) • . . Art hopes i doved by the French Government. By Bertram Jonas • Americaa." . . . Although a man never was a time when he saw ins Post, thus: "Oides-t ca-.lv he doesn't take his birthday-too j seriously. of infinite He was newspaper in its patience and good him without a smile. The 20th anniversary of the for the literature on the subject sion published; Dr. Chaim Weiz(Copyright, 19GT, Jewish TeleBalfour declaration will be would ; fill a whole library. In- mann resigns president of Z5on- humor, there were times when he not a conformist, -. . . Ask ariy of ! swang song." . - . Can it be the graphic Agency, Inc.) the publicity directors with whom j Benny Goodman influence penegave rein to a talent for pillorycommemorated on 'Wesday, stead we present j . chronological ist organization as protest against Style SW i He was the-des-! trating to the Holy Land? November 2nd. In observanco review of the major highlights of Passfield White... Paper; • War- ing people with whom, for one he worked. HEBREW BK1YEESITY '• ______ of this niatoric occnslon we those 20 historic years aa they burg and-Meichett follow suit in reason or another, he was an-pair of all of them, never adhering to set speechs, always stray-Mish-Mash: Robert, Taplinger, noyed Louis Rlttenberg, forpresent this timely chronology aff ectod • Palestine.. *' A style; Jewish agency. mer editor, of the American He- Ing into humorous personalities jo n c e a student in Louis Popkis's of two ''decades: of PalesUne will be a? 1031 CHRONOLOGY brew, has a number of confiden- and fond reminiscences "along the j class on publicity at City college, STUDENTS history. February Card Part Prime Minister tial leters from him which, if way.' . . . He once told our own j iS n o w publicity director for WarTHE EDITOR. November 2—British govern- MacDonald issues letter, to Chaim made public, would create plenty boss that one of the things he ; n e r Brothers. . . . Bob, inciden• Junior Hi Jerusalem (WXS-Palcor Agenment issues Balfour declaration. Welzmann modifying Passfield of uncomfortable squirming . . . strove most earnestly to do -was : tally, is a first cousin of William cy) day; eveni; With the opening; of a new Twepty years ago next Tuesday December—Jewish Legion or- White Paper. In* an Interview Ititt had with to prevent his mind from being | (CSS) Paley. . . . Prof. Sigraund session, the Eebrevr- University "WajTior i (November 2nd), the British gov- ganized June—Wailing Wall commis- him not long ago, F. M- W. con-"poisoned about people" by the j Freud is now an honorary mem- has 77P students, it ?-as declarer to fight' in Palestine; ernment published a statement of General Allenby toward tli sion upholds Jews' right to wor-fided that when he got, tired of opinions of others. . . . captures Jeru: ber of the Palestine Jewish Medi- by Dr. Hugo Eergmann, rector, at policy regarding the Jews and salem. . . - • • . 'Hadassah,; . • ' ship at Wall but recognizes re- seeing people he liked to go | cal association. . . . Jascha Heif- the opening: ceremonies. Dr. Ju~ 'Palestine, a statement which, has strictions in principle. "trill bo a-fl 1918 ...'.. home arid relax by listening to Lit-ry Note: Maurice Samuel, ! etz will fiddle in Palestine on hisdab. L. Slagnes, president of the come to be known as the Balfour 1932 .: Models; April—Zionist political comclassical records on hia phonoback from Palestine to make j forthcoming world tour. . . . A Declaration. As history is measJanuary—First commencement graph . . . Also told Ritt there just mission arrives in Palestine. . fce Goldiej his home in America, has been j movement has been launched In exercises held at Hebrew univer,en. Berth* July—Cornerstone of Hebrew were "ever so many" Christians Fuserftt Parlor* Are Fui'nlsLeia hi Home-Like THB BALFOUR ' • - . • • • all over America who could tell busy as a one-armed paperhang- j New York for the naming of one 'sten, Hel4 university laid; American medi- sity."'," ' . . - - . ' er since his return. . . . He's al- j of the metropolis' many high DECLARATION April—First Maccabiad held in their own story of Jewish contri"COURTEOUS—E.EUAELE" ITOSB, Mai! cal unit reaches Palestine. ready signed with Viking Press j schools in honor'of Haym SaloTel Aviv, •.- ' Llbbie Dei 1010 butions to the upbuilding of to do the translation of Emil i mon. . . . Elks Tobenkin has His majesty's' government 1933 March-»-Chaim Welzmann, Naler. 1 America to innumerable indusview with favor the establish• • July—Nahum Sokolow elected tries . . . Said many were his Ludwig's boog on Roosevelt . . . j just turned over to Putnam's the hum Sokolow and Mananem UsIn char FUKEEAL PIEECTORS ment In Palestine of a nationHe'll also translate I. J. Singer's completed manuscript of hjs 'The j president of World Zionist orrangement e.t 53rcf al home for the Jewish people, Blshfcln appear before Versailles ganization and Jewish agency; personal friends . . . And wist- fcook of short stories being pub-1 Peoples Want Peace." . . . It's , , HA 1229 b k Mia and will use teir best, endeav- peace conference as Zionist rep- Haifa harbor opened to shipping. fully voice dthe hope that they lished by Alfred Knopf.' . . . Sam-! scheduled for spring publication. I \L resentatives. ' ' • ' . ' ' • ' . would "pay their debt to the ors to facilitate the achieve^ September —.Special agency Jewish people" by coming forThe fir? '-. i I&20 mpnt of this subject. It being tho season . March and April—Anti-Jewish created to direct settlement of ward and speaking up. .clearly understood that nothP. W. German Jewish re£jigees in-Palesjday evenit Wilson, internationally renowned ing shall be • done which may riots in 'Jerusalem. tine. , • ' , ' . ' April—San Remo conference "KriESteii j publicist, once described him as prejudice the civil and religi1034 spoie on j "a man unspoilt by prosperity." oua rights of .existing* non- of Allied Premiers Votej.to give March-—Huleh concession ac- . . . Among his personal habits: in Palestij Jewish communities ,in Pales- Palestine . mandate to G r e a t quired for Jewish colonization. was, presg Wore the same pearl stickpin in % tine, or the rights and politi- Britain. • 1035 August—Hebrew recognized as his tie for 20 years . . . Lapel cal status enjoyed by the Jews July—Mosul oil pipe line bore fresh carnation daily. . . . 'of the Ceri "Official language In Palestine. in any other country. Where Omaha Shops Tr ilk Conj la

mm*. **


-*!!>**.-*.'-». ten,

1*Mk Bw nrk



• . ' .. ..'. . - . 1 0 8 1

'Senioi % JLUSK " The fj meeting o' a one o'd afternoon^ Jewish C{ T)i H. R. t i^ddxcss ol ^Tra. W. 0 Mrs. Sa W. | Kaplaj jjaerni, "wit! 2/L E. Ska)

Plans 1 Joint One) dies Ausil November Goldstein \

•Word h, th& death.' daughter ? Goldstein] morning, ter; of Mr| ginla strq Chicago at .an...uncle j funeral T her* par en Paul Jean ' Funeral Graceman dar In hi diana, TTG noon in : .Tfceodore Su'rvWi Casper G Mrs.; S. M S?. D.; M* i £ C

ZHBS Marjj

3Nfew Yorls Max of RE ledo, Johri of Milwai]

J 1


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Morch—-Herbert Samuel appointed first high commissioner o£ Palestine. - -:-,. . llay—Anti-Jewish riots occur in Jaffa.

ured 20 years are'but a fleeting moment,- yet t h e . two decades since the BaHour Declaration -was promulgated have been an. epoch unrivalled in revolutionary politi• ' 1022' • : . cal, social and economic changes. 'June—Churchill White Paper Comparatively young In terms of issued defining British policy in historical perspective, ,the Bal- Palestine. . four Declaration is old enough to July—League " of Nations aphave ante»dated the- end of the proves Palestine mandate and world war, the collapse of the formally grants it to Great Hapsburg Empire, the Russian Britain. Keren Hayesod -estabrevolution, the establishment of lished as chief fund-rafting intho German. Republic and its de-strument of Zionist organization. struction by the emergence of September—Trans jbrdania deNazism, the birth of Fascism and tached-from Palestine; constructhe Tise of-Communism, the TO-tion begun on Ruttenberg electric mafcing of the map of Europe and plant; President'Harding signs tho birth of the League of Na-j o i a t congressional resolution tions -and • the greatest•; economic placing United. States on record collapse of modern times.. When as favoring Jewish National home the Balfour Declaration was is-in Palestine.. sued radio, television, talking pic1024 tures and transatlantic Pying January' — ' First" •' conference •were still in the future. :

held J n N e w T o r k to prepare for In Jewish historr these. 20 participation of non-ZIonlsts • in years have also been pregnant Jewish agency. ; •with change and: tragedy; Since "becenjb'er-—Tr'ejtty.- between the 1917 antl-Semltlsm has become United -States and Great Britain •world-wide. Half the world teems defining rights of their nationals with hate of the Jews. The in Palestine is signedJewry of one great country has 1925 been sentenced to an uncertain March — Palestine Economic fate in exile or degradation and corporation organized by nondestruction at, home. In another Zionists who agree to bring about land 3,000,000 Jews face econom- full participation " of American ic annihilation and physical per- Jewry in Jewish agency. secution as their, daily portion. April—Hebrew university is The Kbole Jewish world, which opened. ._ in 1917 hailed what it believed May—Lord » Plumer succeeds was the beginning of a glorious Herbert Samuel as high commisera of peace and contentment, sioner of Palestine. looks to the future with fear and 1028 doubtJune^—Joint Palestine survey For Palestine, burled under the commission makes report which accumulated neglect,' oppression, s,erves as basis for- further neandignorance of*centuries, 1917 gotiations on: extended Jewish marked the unfolding of a new agency. . era which was to see i t blossom 1020 Into one of the most amazing HuAugust—Extended Jewish man achievements of all time un- agency established at Zurich. der the stimulus and impetus of August and September—AntiJewish courage, sacrifice, initiaPalestine. tive and foresight. Neither pog- Jewish riots- sweep 1030 t

opened. September—Revisionists secede from World Zionist organization. December—High Commissioner Wauchope aannounces plans for Palestine legislative council. 1936 April and October—Anti-Jewish 'outbreaks throughout Palestine. ^May—Tel Aviv port is opened. 1937 July—-Royal commission ' recommends partition Qf Palestine into Jewish and Arab states; British parliament rejects partition scheme. August—-World Zionist congress votes to negotiate with England on details of Jewish state.' September—League of Nations falls to apprive ' partition plan, •withholding final action until definite program is ready; new Arab riots break out. - . ' October——Britain exiles Arab, leaders and deposes Grand Mufti.

Favored hombnrg hats, which he wore pulled down to his eyebrows- . . .Frequently used subways to avoid wasting time in traffic jams. . . . Belonged to best golf clubs, but played seldom, preferring horseback riding arouad his "White Plains estate. . . . His estate extended 740 acres. . . . His hobbies were catholic, ranging from thoroughbred cattle to thoroughbred fiddles and paintings. . . . His herd of 40 Guernseys were the envy of cattlemen throughout the land- . . . And art collectors' mouths watered when they viewed his gallery of paintings by Raphael, B o t ticeili, Bellini, Lorenzetti, Rembrandt. . . . Etching connoisseurs would have given fortunes plus their right eye for his collection of Albrecht Duerers, one of the finest extant. . . . Incidentally, he collected not only original etchings but whole series of prints. .*. '. And musicians



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Warburgiana — Things y o u

romB nor political setbacks halted March —- Sh&w commission causes?'1 . . . The answer: "Be•The J . ; the steady progress ol the Jewish which investigated 1929 Palestine cause of my damned good' natfined its \s; Homeland. The Idealism -that riots lays of blame for them ure." . V . "Pop" also recalls this pentation motivated the Jewish reconstruc- on Jewish bulk the firatj. tion policy.. one . . . "F. M.'.W.'s son, Paul, of the Holy Land survived JJudassah. October—Simpson report asks was coming in from Europe and surmounted all obstacles. day even] And today. 20 years after the suspension of Jewish immigration He wanted to meet Paul down !";PANCAKE. i>3 Leo Rich, Asked L. P. to get Balfour Declaration, the eyes of to Palestine and criticizes Jewish the bay sibell Sa colonization a n d immigration him a pass, so he could go down th© Jewish world are again Cecil Pill trained on Palestine as they were work; Passfield White Paper ac- with the reporters on the gov-J %ene Shei in 1917 when it returned to itscepting Simpson report's conclu- eminent cutter that meefs all ' j The cl historic role in Jewish life. • day evenl Some of those most intimately the leade associated with the birth of the j Sticks. Balfour1" Declaration^—Lord Balfour, Lord.\Rothschild, to whom It was addressed",' Nahum Sokolow —are gone. Others, like-B,aron 'Jewish Edrnond de Rothschild, L e o n i ciacy wai Motzkln, Schmarya Levin, David Wolfsohn, Max Nordau, Israel j Zangwil, Nathan Straus, Louis alia, a t t Marshall and Lord Melchett, who c^lebratio played major roles: : iri'the.Paleseh'apler, S tine drama after 1917. are^ also Jewish C< gone. Lords Peel and Passfield, ' Joseph Ramsay MacDo'nald, Sir Walter t i e chapt Shaw and Sir John Hope Simpp#ale, prj $69.95 I i son, whose official statements • JfilOL cfc LESS §2B TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE.-. . 2 5 . 0 0 and reports affecting Palestine j the progr had a decisive bearing on its fut- i bjsrs $ 4433 ure, are either dead or in poTHIS IS THE MEW £038 PHILCO . litical obscurity. Still alive and i Membg Featurisis fu!l foreign recaption and foreign tuning la the public eye are David Lloyd S Vie have a ""sweat ?- • only I? lsf£—_can not get enf msrs. George" sad General Smuts, memSunday » bers of the British' wartime cabinet that issued the declaration; DOWN PAYB3ENT Lord Satnuel, Palestine's first on i high, commissioner, and Felts 'j.A. Z. Frankfurter. Chaim Weizmann, glarted- ^ Stephen S. Wise,' Menahem UsE.eraben sisfakin and Louis D# Brandeis, who^ were among the principal <• Jewish actors in the drama that "had-Its climax on November 2» ijFridaf 1917. C~'n as s ' i . SJfb'elocJ I s tha limftea spaca of this article It is impossible to provide fe!'-3."l. e w s a superficial history of /PalTil? talks estine and Zionism since 1917 filfc 11

the ;:».NI

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dreamed, about his collection of j Stradivari instruments. -."•.-. His munificence to employes, as well as to charities, was legendary. , . An outstanding example involved the predecessor to Alice

didn't read in the obituaries of P,-'M.'W. . . - The name Wa(h)rburg means literally "Castle (or citadel) of Truth." . . Years ago, the modern Maecenas was asked a blunt, personal question by Louis Popkln, who was associated with him in most of the big J. D.. C. and Federation drives up to a few. years ago as a publicity director . .-.The question: "Why do you give so much of your time to, philanthropic




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s. .-.'.:•.-..T.l.<

-uTHE JETVISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1037 rersity, outlined ?the'--plans' f o> ilopment-.of- the™ coming ye-jj pointed o'ut tnat^-Maj*Un Buffind Dr; MorSecai Kaplan of. * York were among tljose Jointhe faculty thts~;se.a3an/ : . e also referred .to the compie... in, the HadassaQ-Univorsity ' ipUal' building,/.of tbe third >ratory fori.cancer ^research the inaugration of a \ chair en. ed by the French Government.

By.;Bernard Postal

place complete reliance upon the! way what others refer to Ter statements made by Lord Pass- > Downing Street when they mean field on behalf of his government; '. the British Government. For Feland through me the Jewish peo-: ix M. Warburg, 52 William Street pie were misled." None of the sue- was the place Vv-here every, social ceedi"'g political setbacks in Pal-'worker who amounted to anyestine. made him waver in his thing, every pleader of a goo;3. faith. He did not share the Zion-j cause, every leader of a Jewish ist outlook upon the future of the j organization sought him out for Jewish .people but he was at one; help. For years his business colwith the Zionists in their desire j leagues had learned to. grin and to rebuild Palestine. He, more' bear it when Warburg dashed out than any other non-Zionist, con- of important directors" meetingtributed to breaking down the in Wall Street in which affairs in-

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M> TTartinrg' ia dead. "Whet tho man' and his achievements as philanthropist, as Jewjmd aa nn American havet meant t& millions ' o? -people and to innumerable institutions and •Dsencie3 cad the' welfare of arc portrayed In this study of the roan who the aclmowledged and b&- Ing preyentative and curative sible the rehabilitation of Rus-i shown with dramatic force at j currence in the biography of FeJoved-' l"e a d e r of American treatment for children's diseases. sian Jewry, the provision of relief,! t h e l a s t meeting of the Jewish ; ij x J J . Warburg which could char1 Jewry. - •••"'>- <- • credits, ' medical care, schooling,! tAgency in Zurich when fundainen- iac terize his personality definitely, '• He .first appeared in, the role of ( al —The Editor. question threatened j H i s was a consistent life during a Jewish leader when he became' economic assistance and other ] t o D rPolitical eak U t a e ,0 \' but even; which he mainUined an even in-treasurer of the Joint Distribu- forms of constructive aid to the though heP heldAgency, fast to his own \ terest in the finer things of life V ' In'j>6ri6ds' of economic :flux' the tion - Committee on. its organiza- Jews of Poland, Roumania and death of-the head of a. great in- tion in :1914. Later he became other countries of Eastern and principles he refused to be a par- | He believed in the high-mindedternational banking- house might chalrman'of the Committee which Central Europe. When tragedy ty to any action that would inter- j n e s s of the Jewish race. He was •Well' have far-reaching "repercus- Under his leadership raised and befell the Jews of his native land fere with the future of Palestine.; a proud Jew and wanted to help sions • on ; the ' sensitive money spent- nearly $100,000,000 for he again led the way in mobiliz- - Warburg's contribution to con- jachieve a beautiful Jewish" hisJewish history was Itory. He did what he could in the marts of the world. But the pass- emergency relief and reconstruc- ing the resources of American mtemporary a d e P o s s l l i l e n o t because of his j renaissance of the Jewish people. Ing of Felix. M. Warburg, senior tive aid among the Jews of Eur- Jewry, through the J. D. C, for t! o partner' In Kuhn, Loeb & Co.,ope.,-He . took a leading part in the titanic task^of succoring those philanthropies but because ofj la Jewish history the name ot .:-M ,.i A. Z. A. T . ii • -\'.i- - e r u- 1 their method. He had a genius 1 Felix M. Warburg will loom big. . will stir scarcely a ripple-in those organizing the Jewish Welfare who remained in Germany and circles. Instead, it will' affect Board during the World War, anhelping the refugees to start all for drawing together representa- j for he was'a big man who loved ..re '-I! deeply and'intimately the host,of agency which has since become over again. Of the more than tives of factions who had totally j life and wanted to make it happj diversified-causes, institutions the central.o/ganization .'. of the $100,000,000 spent by the J. D. C. alien outlooks on the Jewish pro- i for others. 1 ' * * " • v {••* i 7 r p r o ^ f i n f ^ " ron anii movements far removed from •Jewish center' ••- movement, withWarburg personally contributed blem. His achievement was that he united diametrically opposed fac(Copyright 193 7 by Seven A r t banking,'"•which" for two "genera- which Warburg" was identified for well over fl,000,000. i tions and parties and harnessed Feature Syndicate.) ihe best ,2 I'1? e r ; r<> . \ ' . \ r Cr.~ r.'1: \c tions found: in himf: a. steadfast many.years. He was the father of ' onHis success in the sphere ' them in the service of the Jewish friend and -patron. And_ Itwiil European relief and reconstructhe. National Council of Y. M. H. p o - n . ^ j r : 11 T. •= i - ° - i c n . ! i « " T> ; i " cast •: a • pair of: sorrow oyef.T Jnll- A;'B and served as president of the tion was duplicated at home, people. A man with less charactpen c [ t i c t. I r '- • = •- . - ; " € " ^ * Uons-'-ot* people''on three'^conti- ? 2nd Street Y. M. :T. A. Through where he achieved the unbeliev- er would have failed in the at-j to be the leader of the J. I nents jtotaily niiconcerned with Schiff he became Interested in the able in unifying scores of dzversi- Dtempt _ c a n d Qf t h e J e w - s h A the fluctuations of the stock mar- Jewish Theological Seminr—. to fied Jewish charitable agencies in ; I< le ii.' ' t "•-• I"1 ' . * - • ' * :j - = ket but -who came to loye and which: he gave not-only vast sums New York into that momument to But Warburg saw himself as a servant of the-Jewish people. And! esteem Felir. M. Warburg aa.the but years of devoted service. As Jewishsocial welfare, the FederA 1 r n e a r *crc.e c m L ; c l t - | - r*> „ he w t thei great-hearted philanthropist .'who the ^Qtt-in-law of one of the great Jewishsocial welfare, the Feder-, at.cn for the Support of Jewfsh j those of anv one' n t e r e s t s aabove b o v e those of any one gave '•; to 'mankind' with abundant benefactors of Harvard, Warburg Philanthropic Societies. He served iinterests s c \ e r a : t r . a i< r < w .; J generosity . the treasures of. the was '. naturally' attracted to that as its president for many years party or group in Jewish life. Wireless Installation, New c o r : ?f - ' i . ; ; i .-* '" • earth-with wl^ich he'himself .was famous institution of learning. and remained its guilding spirit. His most distinguishing charac... . t i O " ; r e fi 1 ^ r " r i ^ Routes, Airports on A'V to abundantly endowed. . . . And he .was an lmporta.nt factor In his last year he had seen the! teristics both^in personal and orf o r t : f r ; " • ; , : "\" v v :" - Program ^f,,,^.^^^ £ ~ | - f- - r ' c - i " v ^ e n r r .'* ^ ' i - ( The full extent of the interests in the development of its art de-steady unification,'in the inter- j ganizational relationships were ,partment, > . » - « - . , „. -.„ „ „ ~ kindliness and a sense of humor. Jerusalem (JTA) — Palestine p p f r l - c - . : ; - i . 1 • ; — " - " n . ' " i •• •graduate school. of ed-,ests of efficiency and the elimin-! He of this unique personality. rarel ucatidn and .Semitics division, ation of overlapping and duplica-! >" appeared at mass.meet- Airways, the Holy Land's infant tne a.ipoit-pci-sor.r^: r.:t f.l?o ;:.:v. ;I,,.,.IE.^ I.-.S combined' j n •^ himself^the He was aatt his in small planned. ' bse.' -r-..'—.. . : -Museum . »at. J.! _« Jewish T !_>. _.-,, , - ings. insrs. H P . -was nis hbest s s t in small tion, of philanthropic otja.-social statesman,.lover . and while:the Fogg Art and informal gatherinss More ' fl - vin S service, is planning to es- The airport is now regularly' Next Friday e>patron bf/.the arts,-humanitarian, Harvrad owes its collection of agencies on a state, regional and a Q lnlorlna uu a staie, regional ana than ° ; gatnerm^s its routes "rd the " p r I vr" i2S°d by'Imperial Airways: the Golclstcn vil! r-:ri j • u 111i-.~ iona £li And shorUy before one major Jewish policy a ]•( tend banker, advocate of the highest earlyr.Italian painting and Roman "scuacs t h a n o n em a J o r n a lts And shortly before ! decided at a;Quiet Jewish policyinwas . routes, & cd the . e r Lydhis deathscale. he rtalizef thHrSam meeting his'jj ^-a a,rp«-t >, nearn,, ewis oDutch Line. K. L.' M.: the' Polish ^ h Kahbi Theof ideals of citizenship and 'acknowl- art,to. him- His deep interest ia national The blue-silver planes are now Line "LOT:" the Misr Airways bioux City. edged leader of American Jewry education, which In later years of seeing the New York and White. Plains home. One of, the; rare occasions on which he spoke! familiar sights on^ the Haifa-Tel and the Palestine Airways.' ; Cantor Aaron K •will"__ probably, never -be", known. led. him to make princely gifts to Brooklyn Federations embarked run. According to A- Idellieth El Clioir wi! Nor can one say jwith. any degree the.Hebrew University, the Jew-on their first joint campaign, a at a Jewish mass gathering was sAviv on a service. of exactitude .. just-. how. much ish .Theological Seminary "and the venture which will ultimately in 19 30, when he took part in the \i s - director of the company, it E c nvt h^.-,- c^t^ Madison Square Garden' Panned to introduce a Jeru\ moneypho gave ;away-r during a Training School for Jewish Social | lead to a merger of the two bod-great demonstration of protest against; salem-Haifa service and inauguV^llfetlnie devoted to good deeds", al- WoTkers, was responsible for theies. Tel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Age "\ the Passfield White Paper. Other j rate a flying service for tourists ' though •,- his '.-philanthropies.' • baye beginnings of Teachers' College at 5 During the post-war years, been conseryatlveiy. estimated at Columbia University. ' His. late when the J. D. C. was pouring speakers outshone the man with I between main . cities and such —The P. S. " e l Aviv, which ^ a laid up in Haifa harbor whei ii " as the Dead Sea and the ?10i000;i0bb: Equally at. home-in partner, Otto H. Kahn; was-better millions of dollars into Europe, the solid,' bald forehead and fcea- ] P^ces Sea of Palestine Shipping c o a p i . . •< Galilee. a- gathering of financial tycoons known, as a'Maecenas of the arts, the reconstruction of - Palestine vy, arch-shaped mustache. B u t ! or a meeting called to discuss.,- the but-Warburg .was a moving spirit was proceeding with little or no Iwhen he spoke — slowly, deliber-( Construction'of the Lydda Air- L'td., went i"nto liquidation, r- ' program of 'the JeTvlsh - Th^oiogir In' the Metropolitan Opera, the help from most of the wealthy! ately and with a sort of weariness I port, which is already in use, is now been sold for $137,500 ' '<• ca.V seminary, Warburg's range of Metropolitan Mueseiim of Art, the Jews of America. But beginning! as he always did — he command- ' rapidly Hearing completion. When Japanese firm End is to be i._i'. j ed-attention, -then, as ever. His a«tiviUes .as catholic as hisNew; York: Art .Commission, the in 1924, Warburg and Marshall j kindliness is best esemplfied by philanthropies/' He was; quite as Mu§«um of, Peaceful-.'Arts, the In-took the lead in mobilizing thef familiar with'; the- annual report stitute of,-Musical'Arts and theso-called non-Zionists in a move-j an incident that occurred during II \ I of'the American Geographical.so- A. decade ago -he-purcbased, for a ment which, began with the crea- i the only meeting of the Jewish ciety or "the latest exhibit at the Philharmonic-Symphony Society, tion of the Palestine Economic Agency Administrative Commit| t " R 61 I • • ' : ! -,' = \ • \ i $ * \ Metropolitan-i-Museum < of Art as quartet in which he-was interest- Corporation and which came toj tee to have been held in America. ILu: W ' - »5* m he ••was with- the-work: of-the Joint ed, - two -violins, a~viola and a vio- fruition in 1^29 with the estab-j The stenotypist recording the o c*r o r- T r Distribution Committee' ' or .the Hncello, . all by: Stradivarius, so lishment of the extended Jewish! speeches was taking down the address of a member speaking in j Jewish: agency, for Palestine. His that the instruments, instead of Agency for Palestine. Marshall \ tiine and money were .equally at lying-silent'in' a : museum, might died shortly after and Warburg! German. She knew no German became the spokesman of the non- j and there was danger that the rethe disposal of such different or- be heard-by the public cord might be incomplete. Sitting ganizations as the • Young Men's When Schiff died in 1920 the Although"not a Zionist,! neit to her was Warburg, who, Hebrew association, the-- Foreign mantle of "Jewish leadership in Zionists. I Policy association, the Neurologi- America.;1 was divided, half it be- he was vitally interested in the (.noting distress, leaned over future of Palestine. As early as! ^ h l sher p e r e - d s o f t l y a translation WKh TV.TC cal -hospital," the American Foun- ing draped-around, the shoulders 1925 he had given 5500,000 to I of every word of, a half-hour dation for; the Blind, the Ameri- of Warburg." and the other half r',"»ri''f><S can Oriental society and the New around'.the shoulders of ' Louis the Hebrew University. When the ' speech. Typical of his sense of ; extended Jewish Agency*was ere-1 ^ York. Philharmonic orchestra. ich on many an occas$farshair.,- ",Another nine years ated he gave an equal sum toward) , Warburg could engage in so were to go' by before Warburg be- a corporation which was to carry i ion cooled off heated adversaries many diversified activities be- came the; unchallenged leader of on the work of the Agency and ac-! in Jewish meetings, was his public cause: he was not the rich man American .Jewry. Between Mar- cepted the chairmanship of the appearance as a drummer on •who found pleasure merely in dls-shall and'Warburg there was a Agency's ^administrative commit-;,board an ocean -iiner when he, fillfid i n f o r a n a l l i n g m u s j c i a n f o r - penslhg,large3se and lending-the sort of tacit : understanding thatj tee. t I, three and played the drums ,/prestige, of his .name merely to the former^spoke for" American His deep inoral and spiritual at-j a n d t r nights aps fort n e dancers. '•^1 gratify his ego/He rarely contrt- Jewry in matters>affecting; every- tachment to Palestine was attestT"T" " , _ ,^. T / butedimoney unless he could .also thing, but philanthropy," while in ed to by repeated visit to the . A m o n ^ t h e banking fraternity contribute time, and service. War- this vitalfsphere Warburg was su- country, his investment of a m i i - they speak of 52 William Street, burg's • philanthropy :was always preme. 'Fortunate for American lion dollars in its industrial en- the New York address of Khun, CJ £ •«. >'-" * ^ L ' 4 $ constructive and doubly. valuable and world; Jewry -Warburg was terprises, his great pride in,his Leob and Company, in the same for it was motivated not by not an autocrat. Under his leader- own orange plantation near Tel quick emotional response . to peo- ship the : Joint Distribution, Com1 : and his" statement of protest i ple- or Institutions-In-distress but mittee ^expanded.from a war-time Aviv i 1 Stove, Furr.ccc the Passfield White Paper by a consistently thoughtout real- emergency agency into a perman- against i ><. o in 1930, which accompanied his* ization'; of his relation to people. ent institution.functioning on an resignation from office in the Kepsirs 1 [• He gave unstlntlngly, but, in ad-international scale. For more than Jewish Agency. It was Warburg, O7JIAMA STOVE dition to money, he always gaye two decades he remained the in-the Jew, identifying himself with { : •' f .' Repair Works of himself. Warburg never sought spiring force of what has come to his people who spoke, not the £203.3 Dcagics Street to dominate the movements'which be kriojwh as 'the -Jewish Red when he declared he-helpedrsupport o r . organize. Cross. A great- part of the task philanthropist, Phone AT 2S24 in that protest: "I had a right to His sole desire was to supplement ?. ' 1 (• his-money, by placing himself"at the disposal of the causes • to .which he gave it. . . Warburg's career, as a -Jewish c.Vleader and : phil^nthropiot was ES7 THEATRE RESTAURANT ct emarked out for him 42 years ago•when he married-the daughter, of Jacob H. Schiff, then one of. the dominating, figures.in.;the American banking-world and the recog-» sized , spokesman o f American erTJewry. Born in Hamburg in 1870. , rc of a cultured family .that has been 7* r""v» rooted In Germany for nearly three centuries, he came to Ameririeerj J' i5 •; de and ica, In' 1894 to study banking with er p Kuhn, Leob and Company. Two slss years later he was a'junior partner and the son-in-law-o' Schiff. In*,thia-'diial.role It was inevitable that-.ho-should play a decisive -role/in communal, civic and Jewish-'af fairs. •While "Jacob Schiff lived -Wai^ burg devoted himself forthemo3t part-to social welfare. He helpt ed Lillian Wald estabUsh the Hen) ry Street Settlement..He took'the Initiative, in forming special classes for backward children In, the f Th© fcvored cordovan Windproof and v e r y public schools. The i NPT/ York r- ,--•• ^ - J «.? ^-.i*r*. w a r m , Bolivia cloih Itaecu ^Association for the Blind, the Welfare/Council and numerous ? Iio3pital3 -and-agencies for child T V! 1^-4^ '•en * \~" ' - ' » care and- -welfare, were organized / and put on a sound and f ont basis with his ssBistance. L As a commissloner-.o* the "•>

IEPEN-- v . . ; : . v -



Palestine in volving millions were being disprejudices against many American i cussed in order to keep an apthe minds of York board of education, he wasof saving hundreds of thousands j-Jews. 'He was very proud of the j pointnient at the Jewish Theoloresponsible for the introduction of Jews in post-war Europe from fact that h& was invited to speak j gical Seminary or the Joint Disof'trained nurses into the sc'iool famine, disease and every form | at a convention of the Zionist Or- jtribution Con.mitj.ee or Federa-, system. He was a pioneer in theof economic and social dislocation ! ganization of America. He felt j tion. Ko business meeting ^vas imdevelopment of home school vis- that came in the wake of the war | keenly the responsibility of assist- portant when he had to meet his off Palesfellow directors in-any one of a l Pl itors. He was also credited with fell on him. It was Warburg who who ! g in the development being the founder of the. juvenile became the dominating personal-i t i n e and no differences as to the I hundred or more philantropic, edand probation courts. WarV.'rg ity in the expenditure of the tens i modus of this development could ucational or cultural, movements. lessen that That 'There is no one outstanding ocalso blazed new trails in sponsor- of million dollars that made pos-| w i as t h t responsibility. responsibility That

;d in Home-Like Fashion .1ABLE"


,U~. d.



Hit- new tide of "Xever To .£

think for themselves; they pay with their genius, for he who-; 'followed the gleam*, to have sought ever to make the ideal real, Forgone;!." The jnuch tliscussi'd ' slorr t v HsrniEE ' ri'EKKie^-icj: stands out from the crowd is not wanted. • '' .and the real ideal! No people have more often been aeeused of'solidarity than ' 'This is the Land'' God give us the bl&%ed pririlege ef not : Lyr.~ Host snC. Al Rose-. wli!c2i the Jew$, Yet. from Biblical tiin.es their strength has been fnj merely 'beholding it with oar eyes' but of entering? it with .hear, orliec! into a B^ CVfcHY FRIDAY A T OMAHA, NEBRASKA, OY r;, con,nr-.v.^~ ' their diversity. The Bible itself reveals the two cauips—the \ heart and hand, the land 'flowing with the is ilk' of- divii " | script i.nd the S THE JKWISM I'UESS PUBLISHING COMPANY prophets and the priests. Today one finds Jews who are white, j isfaction and tbe 'honey' of sweet everlasting content. C3.C3 SUOSCfliPHON PhtCt. One Year . , . , . . black and yellow. One finds them speaking Yiddish, Ladino, _ . erIi. - . . „ . flAICS FUnNISHGD ON APPLICATION Judaea-Arabic or the vernacular of their nations, Even in EDITORIAL. OFFICE: 50Q QHANOEig- T H t A T E R i J3UIUPING S'OUA CITY O P F i g k - J g W l S H COMMUNITY -CENTER their religion there is no uaity-^the Orthodos, Conservative, PRifat SHOfr AOOR6SS—«SM SO. S4TH a t l l E E T and Reformed. In their social life they- group with their econW y t i ) iii-AOKKK - ' '••. Business and Managing Editor omic classes and have the viewpoint and philosophy of that FRANK It. ACKEHMAN » Editor LlJONAUU NATHAN - . Associate Editor ISABBI FKKDKUK'K roH.N -"..'.Coetrlbutips Editor itABBi THEouiJUB N . i.KWjS •--.'•» •- Book Editor A N N I'lLU. •'••: - — sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent

1 I

Style ' A sty •wlll, be i Card p i «juilor { day) ero "Warrior ~ toward | * 'Hadassa .-will be i Modej be Gold}; "en, B e r t ' ' sten, Hi • trosB, M t Llbblo D i ler. ( lia cb -yantjema "ofslcy, a1 ' "Miss R« The fi; the seasi < jday evei f Krigsterl spoke o ) ' in Pales • •was pre

Light In Poland There j . . . , . . . , Is . . . -an . - ott-rep«»at«»d „ , - - , - —. . .

; . . - . . .

c l a s s .

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T h e Baned

it is alwsvi bJ,-icJfcst bei'oiv I|H- <!awn. I-Vom this news emansit-/; dred and fifty-years.- Every civilization t h e Jews nave seen t r y

a creaUon




order, ce—•-




— >. 31S(

Itsij peiatatiori^ : i^k. first}'. ^Cadaas.ai|] d^y.. even! EieyKllIcHJ•.aaiheil';-^.: ' I$ne. She! r -;i|Tho''«li.-; .itijB-.-lcadjj. Siiets.'


Dectn of Arrrerfcr^

ri T c-i — r .=€•?: c - ^ . > .

Usiity in Germany

.••••', r ^ i V ' " 1 ' - ?

K F PTP taught in a Baraitha TTR sail about Benjamin, tht r; if::."'? -pho vras treasurer of chrritv 'pfleration, that at oncT-T if.nrir-e a famine year a wor-.r f.i penred before him askin,; rr- to :ep(.I her. And he told her: ; r r s : J he~e is not a cent in the ?s?i:-y (ii o u r f e d e r a t i o n . "Bin :.hb;." si:r r e j o i n e d , " I f vou will i: i e n r in" .rou w-i!l find a wn•<\r. v.-;-!;. I:-.-;seven chiiflrtn s d . " !•_;-:• ;.hc-n decided to feud r i:(y-r-. his ov.n pocket. At a Lt-: \Vi-.i': ~.:i Lecanie sick and was :Uu.-. i"; : :.g v.l;t-u the 'uiiuister£• i.:.::ib j'lf-aiied befort ilia •'ly O 7 / . s;':i!ig: "Sovereign of ? Vn~:v•:•-•?••, Tiinu has declarerl •; I:E v-j-o s.j»ves one soul of'ls-•; i- v.\-:<-- i-rto Mm w h o has sav;, v r r > - v.-prk'. And Benjamin e r;;-p,>->oti= v.'ho h a s saved a TM\r. vi:f n e r seven children p;-lr he t;ied in h i s prime of e ? " Tn"mp-:!ir.re!.v t h e adverse " cree v r ; r chp.nEred and twenty-? •<? ye?r= v-f^re added to Ins life. :

Pert bi cf

move all -who were privileged to * tatnly the overivheliaing' sucpf'F have beheld the sacred emblem, j ° i the radio, -which has a pubMc excepting Benjamin JJarqefesh, i at least as large as the movies, who was greatly honored by the j °* a rsnse of characters fron: the The recent visit of the Duke of Windsor to Xazi Germany community. At the advanced age; Goldbergs to the Schlepperiaens Israel has been the SeiTant of the ideal: and yet there has of eight-seven, he discovers that. • Prove the 'chosen people personal given tlie rumor-mongers a Roman holiday. Every Jewish h never andd nowhere been a more . . . -. , I — • " , 0» • " • ~.wt»*.^*»» uviu c» uwic iJiauutttt pcufut:: too ioo practical practical the Emperor has taking the Men-: plus grata to the g-eneral public. orah to Byzantium, which news ' So -what are they afraid of?" c o m m e n t a t o r i s bazznior. a u d s p e c u l a t i n g o n t h ec o n s e q u e n c e s „ • , • " . ? _ • • ' • . ' .• „ , , . , . r of.' that^ visit and, hi« forthcoming trip to this country., agitates him. His- community isiSPOST HEKOES OX THE KOAD trip .. ... , . ' , thcoming .. • 1 • to j. thi« ., • '•country.. * . |t ga invae.nt h eover . - v e r ytom commercial e a m a t i o n o pursuits, f t h e m a t e r ifinancial a l , o u r e n egeniuses, m i e s c a l lthe us, astounded when he announces his' Two Jewish youths trhosc Where ouco the former o f tJmfr. visit nnrl hm forthf>nminnt r memperor in +ln« nnnnti-v er k.ng and was the great de- (jw o•r l d., g - . . ^- •^ mm, ^ e x c e ] l e n c e > ^ t . I w a e r g M p r e m e * determination • to go to the Em-inaiaes arc linfeed with the greatfender of the Jews merelyy b e c a u s e h e s o u g h t r e i u g e m t h e R o t h - j . T , , , • „ „ „ ! , „ „ „ ' • * c *\ - i i ^ . \. , . peror and liberate it. With a lad ! est • achievements in the'world o* business' was pursuit of the ideal, the spirtual, moral,, and, in. seltUd Schloss, ho now becomes an object of suspicion because i b u s i n e s s w a s p u r s u i t o f t h e i d e a l t h e a p i r t u a l m o l d twenty, be sets out on the haz-j sports made their debut on fl o tellectual, Israel produced' the dreamersof the Ghetto' whether of ardous and difficult trip. | radio in Holiy^-ood laEt -R-eel*. he gave Hcsrr Hitler ti\e ill-famed Nazi salute. , . in Jerusalem, Constantinople, Amsterdam, Berlin, London or Upon reaching the city, and I Sammy Baiter, IT. C. L. A. Ere?, Adherents of the. former king believe that he is being per- New York. through the intervention of Im- i who went to Berlin, Germany, is. mitted to visit thp United States only because of a promise that portant Jewish personalities, Ben-! 1836 as a member of the United And Israel enunciated the fundamental truth regarding he would,also go to Germany. By hob-nobbing with the Nazi jamin obtains ^an interview with j States Olympic basket ball team, biggies it was hoped the reaction among the British laboring the ideal: "Where there is no vision the people perish," Vision tbe Emperor. An old man of eigh-; the scjusd that wen the Olymr.e he movingly pleads with ! championship, started a very in•-class.would be such as to cuuse a.decline in Edward's popular- is needed not only for the progress but for the Very life of a ty-seven, the heathen king for the return j teresting sports news broadcast i people and a civilization, even the most 'practical' and materof the Menorah. Justinian's order j under • Schick razor spansorshlp. ! ity. ial. Of course vision has to be backed up by action, given con- that it be sent from Carthage t o ! Irving Jnffee, the New" Tcrk cth-i Others see the Puke going ng to Hitler for pointers that would J 9 l . e t e a n d p r a c t i c a i e x p r e s s i o r i . Men have to venture for their Jerusalem overwhelms him with I leta whose eensstional pwfom- i stand him in good stead should v .puld he decide to become 'fuehrer I . ^ ^ ^ j ty danger, liardslilp, sacrifice, Joy and excitement.. Hut, alas, the | ajices ES an ice, sKster won t c •

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A T o r n t bf'o-, ' x r


£ CO Ciee.'n Reputation




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| Kiict JAkt a good k-lur p'jc ^ orrclaufi calf leathers ere farm" * c t% *- ^*cT^"J3s and lasting good, looks . . . V. - - ' m^grd two-fisted leathers Its Bks«.ar.«rn e>prs vill carry you through Kebrafeka 'sZ v c,-ihvi with ft smile.

br>nt. I1.' r .

a rants c Lnke, K. Y.,

ing "What I aspired to be, And was not, comforts me!" wrote ; Z c c h a H 8 > a goidsmitl) to ths.-trca-' A man is as asBen his highest hisgreat deepest yearnings,! grain's rescue.1 Thig Jewish*"ar-UVr'Vaorts ore -bpingBrowning ingreat "Uabbi Ezra." thoughts, A man is as as his ideals!! Us surer of n bR(i mlm A a c c e s s t D t h e mc s t W s rrdlr> rr!es

' ~l " * Perhaps tho dutHtiulding impression that travelers return- hi3 loftiest, aspirations; whether he suceeds in fully realizing I f ing from the Reich bring home is that Gernluny is now 'uni- them or not. Perhaps they are too.great to bo realized! M . t h e J j ^ ^ S i V ^ T S S not be 'ideals' at all!jj s 0 sidjifuiiy as to mate it intpos-TO JOfied,' that tho nation haH experienced a renaissance. Where were not so great, they would probably py there were hundreds of little principalities, states, and free Despite all, brave noble men will strive Wemittingly da.mtlcs, ^ <»£?t ^ e r ' 1 ^ 'cv« \ w . T J ^ T ^ ! cities, there is now ono Germany. Where formerly there were and undeterred: like llobert Uogers, of t h e famous "Roper's , ,i>nm. ?. ^'im to retain the «.-;.«;-: bn« brsr. o-znnlae4- to |;-.:|']i-'A.iZ.fe; v R " i s the th currentt hhistorical i i l romantio i jnasterpieee i Tn'-, he nor,to!| "Tiif 5!ad Dos n? Knr of Iven3 v sffarted-I-: Junkers, bourgoke, and proletariat, there are now Nazis. Where Rangers":in there arc today Catholics and Protestants, if Hitler has hisneth Roberts, "Northwest Passage," a symbol of man's desire Benjainit?, nnd the MoporiUi if at] last in Jewish hands. But'how-to ; way, there will be one coordinated djurch. t6 ,reach the El Dorado of human happiness; the' 'Promised prevent this m"o»t sacred embletu | anted es:pcr> The iniuBJuation is btiiTed by the faultless performances Land'; the 'Land of. Heart's Desire.' Vision! and. Venture I will trots ever aeaia becoming ts« I of hundredH of individuals acting in unison. Yet the price of bripg biin Victory at last I If only the victory of the gatisf ac- property oj pagans? Otily burial | s,i Davt'c Speptmjf. in a.place unjenown to the fie. c* ] .sucli uniformity is hardly considered. It is not recognized that tion of having nobly striven, and the consciousness of even in jmen will answer the . problem,! Co. 512 Nerth IBtk : JJS 3fo'cibcK a people pay witli their initiative, for they need no longer. the midst of. the: most disGouragmgly and crassly real, to have • with trembling bands :." •'l;- ; ^soia!I^:

:.l;e? i : I.is business to do char- v.-;il liv Llessed •with, sons hav:: v.-:,--i':oin and 'wealth and wlm .'.; prw.n!- morality to the peo

itself, -"-the ideal of righteousness, the ideal of man, the ideal of man, the ideal of society, the ideal of all ideals, the ideal of Gd" God."


\ trials of a cultured BE*

t o a t m p t d e s p i t e diff cuI ( of tlie British Fascists. Bullet-headed Streicher's absence at Nuremberg during the | success t o m e ! " exclaimed the, noble Browning in his spirit-1 Jerusalem — but not to the Jews.] of years, bepaa an er.Easreroent of-| JTevrish - Duke's visit has given rise to talk that either the Duke refused cracy wa ual masterpiece "Paracelsus." " I have subdued m y life to the j I n J e i ' u g a ! e r a ' «t is to be placed in ; Sunday night appearances on the: a Christian church, but remain'! radio for Sunset Oil. JaKee holds dress glv, to rceive him or that he refused to see the Duchess, who by one purpose whereto I ordained it." And tho immortal Isaac forever uniighted, . t o indicate | two %vorid Olympi« ice skating elia, at i strictly Nazi reasoniug, has been endowed with Jewish blood. eelebratic p titles and aside It will be very, comforting to learn in the neur future that Mayer Wise,- founder and prophet of American Judaism, at the thaton the reli'gion u represented I cha chapter, f frcra Sonja Henie, who lias the conclusion of his "History of the Hebrews Second Common, e"' cous, iaiRe. Benjamin horri-lfrc the Duke's visit to both'Germany and "the United^ States has Jewish C e a l t h " d e c l a r e d / " I h a v e w r i t t e n t h i s v o l u m e w i t h t h i s p r d i !l l?! 2 ^ f l ° 1 ^ a t t h ^' c r i i P i ! P M ;e nurnber, is the only at.blete ''Joseph; no political significance, that- lie has just, beojj bitten by thewwealth" declared: "I have written this volume with this proud ; j Q ; the chaps: travel-bug, and sad as it may bo for those who dote on such a consciousness that man is better than his history." Man is, in- j e<! — to a disappointed communpr loap diRtanoe racing rrgis deed, greater than anything ho has yet succeeded in accomplish-' ity ; ,, g cfc thing, there is probably no Jewish angle at all. ew years baclc Rt"

the progs •fe'-jra was t|on rltu; '• Memb*, as "sweat Sunday -; ot Otaalii mon Ley on

i'j£. to l i e , lor 1

i>, t m\ head w-rti. f.es a fountain I pnigbt weep <ia> r 11 t >-iain ot my peo

tr.:x-e per.erE.uo Born 2K Ens was. cailfid to Sljanisfc-Portu s: IS 77 -R-hen he educetfd et M'ht-i-e the ia^e one of his class r like to hr-f.r the : fies v."as one c these films ?pcalr. the Jewish The

The Dyke Goes Visiting

ifffWi. 'Hit1 d


of ing-the evil that anti-Semitism does their country encourages held over its nozzle — giving us the steam-engine and its stuWouldn't of pendous results, inaugurating a new era, the Era of Industry. the barbarians. Hyrcanus ben Hil\ iddreBs •! u once there was only u black picture of despair. "Beware when God lets loose a thinker in the world" said lei, one of the leaders, hid it in j • -'Mrs. 11 ; {EJmerson: having in mind no doubt such as Yoltaire and Rousp o r t r a y a l s on t h e screen Or His u r g e n t pleas t o Genser-; t h * f h ^ r s of one h a r d . I CEC't ;•seau, mere writers, who nevertheless launched a French Revolueven his offers for ransom,! remember any between Georp* •Jf. E. Sk ( Death came last 'week to two prominent- finures in Ainer- j tion on the world, transforming Europe and our entire modern i Plans j ' ican Jewish life - Felix Warburg and Dr. H. Pereira Mendes. |civilization with its new political and humanitarian ideas and j ™Z™^'££\£ e M g r e a t to« i S c e T ' c i " . ^ " S n d S Joint Ox^ Though their iimin interests seemed poles apart,:each representj ideals. Everjdeed, great or smallovas first an idea in the mind j bbi EHezer quiets them with • iroscovitch's equally fine job is Ra dies Aug. ed the best hi hw own phase of Jewish life. ;. . j of some man or woman. Everything that we consider most con-1 the assurance that the treasure i'- liake ^ I c r Tomorrow." Ar,d Kotemb? ultimately Goidsteli ^ regained^ Witt; Felix Warbnrg was a man of wealth, one of the last of the I crete and 'real' no doubt had its root in some powerful and great inter-national bankers. He WHS a devotod patron of the overpowering ideal. Forty-one years ago (if you will permit a son of Abtalion the Dyer, he will i h s r e another such rich arts, a philanthropist of the highest order, giving his own ef- personal reference), in my Valedictory upon being ordained a go to retake it. In. the coarse c l ; Performance in an equally long the long foot journey to the port, \ interval. _ Why does MGM remake forts m well as huge sums o£ money. |Rabbi by the Hebrew Union College, I expressed it thus: "Word the Rabbi speaks to the child, t F o u r n w ^ Kobson in In direct contrast was Dr. Mende.s, tlie diminutive, octegenar-i "Ideals are the inspiration of action. The unattained is the the deatl, words of courage and f a i t h , ' a r 0 ' e for a 1 lddish daughter | ian rabbi-emeritus of the Spanish and Portugueses Synagogue cause of all attainment. The still-unrealized is the spur to allpreaches to him movingly a b o u t ! m a m a ? ^ ^ d o e s Universal make Goldsteii of New York, Where Felix Warburg was -Gorman,- Reformed, effort. Plants that seek the Bun-light grow — so men striving. the destiny of Israel. These pas- ! 'CouEsellor-st-L. a w' completely morning, are among the most elo-': ignoring the protagenist't mother Dr, llendes was; Spanish, and Orthodox. He represented the [Hope in the heights as the place 'whence cometh help' alone sages ter of Mi quent and moving in the entire | a a d environment—the highlights gitia stf scholarliness that had superseded the financial proclivities of j takes our grovelling eyes from earth, and raises our hands and volume, and testify to the autn-! °* t h e P I a v ? Why does 20th CenChicago i m a t e 'Job' from a fcrilthe Spanish Jew, particularly that of Dr. Jleudes' family, one | our hearts to-heaven. Like flaming beacons, in the dim, dark or's unswerving fidelity to Israel I tury-Fos an an! .uncle people • ' i t story of a Jewish family's , , . " . .' . , , . i ' . I and to the tradition of v of the moneyed dynasties of centuries past. Of aristocratic linocean - bke gleamrngstars in the high watchfuneral j M l s f o r t u n e pursues p u r s ° e s the mission {struggle against pogroms and opMisfortune hey pan j he was part of the conservative influence the Sephardim tower of the skies, — our ideals beckon to us, and from afar f the eleven — nine of v,±ota j pression under Czarist Russia Paul Jeaj exercised for so long a time in theological matters. ' , flash the light by which we set our course/'", ia innocuous tale of Stnss were to return home. As they j i! ringers? Incidental!v, cone reach the port they behold the! While Dr. Mendea was concerned primarily with the religious . "The Bible is the Book of the Ideal. Hence its sublimity. Punerl] aspects of Judaism, Warburg's interest was centered on theHence, too, its uplifting power; its potency throughout the ages | sacred vessel being placed on the j j these pictures hat! SKJ* parGtaCemai {i <Jay in 1. One represents the last in the old school of personal to raise men to higher levels. The Hebrew Prophets were pre- ship and the latter starting fOr! c-alar EUCCCPIS. CerizirAy tho Carthage, Bevrildered and gTief''rlglit- actors vere avatlable tr diana, TJ! ntioiT'inJl philanthropy; the other the last of the great devotees of tradi- -eminently men of the ideal, and in an ideal region they lived stricken are they at the apparent- < V^Y these roles in their orSgirsl End; tional Judaism: Either's death would be a tremendous loss. and, moved and had their being; and what there they saw with ly permanent loss of the Jlenorah | t h a proper Versions. Can it fer Tbeodon; t the producers have decide Survivl Thoii" passiiig within a week has created a void that perhaps Vivid glance, with inspired pen they pictured, to serve for all—the only remainder of the glory !I that characters Khali of the ancient Temple. ' !b he JJewish i h h t h l act Casper (| In the course of tlnie death rei see,n on the movie screen? C r will never be filled. • time and for all men, as the very type and pattern of the ideal Mrs. S. ',' | New YoijMax of B ledo. Job' of Milwa*

«V rvv

ii «.\ n o t thou •<>; i , u i e r lift mi e n c them, iiei'i'.»i s

Officers a • at 6 £04 K oil r wood * Men- Hollywood. ' "Sever T; tJie nyunts of men. Xow -the , gotten" is a great era: : story endorsed t y mar. nations as a timely phoi •' ject, vr'Aix scenes take; ni£.T!}', riridlr porirK



i f i t l l v a m e n d yo;i; r o ->i^g8, if ye tLor

« u s t i c e b9tw-,.-ii i • ' i ^ b b o r , t h e n I wiu ^ t v »11 i n t h i s phi"''j - I g a v e to yo'ir

I E coftlie Ko!r of a dumb sacred con- ; of that city.

j * . . l e n l s i n a Epot i £ r removet

n :The-:;'N ^aeetlnsj \ ..V one" q j iifternooi; Jewi3h


; Gach is= j n;a Jew

tured by the governmentv are uniting to form n democratic party that i« incorporating | from their stupor: What unifying bonds will there be into its platform u stund against all forms of Jew-baiting. AU through these last months of travail tho Jews of Po" This Is The Land" land hnvo not found themselves without true friends. The Poso vividly portrayed, touches us "There is a land of pure delight lish peasants and "the trade unions have on more than one qctoo. The reader irresistibly identifies himself •with those Je^s in easiou uomo to'.the rescue of Jewish villagers during excesses. Where Saints immortal dwell."" Roirse and in Palestine, and IlKe Socialist student* in the universities have joined ill tlie protests TSv T.-OT'IS Pihim views tlie ^lecorah with UIOT-; By which I.suppose the old hymuist meant-heaven. against the segregation rules and have stood alongside the Jewing affection and deep awe. When N*O JEWISH CHARACTERS t ish Htudents who refused to occupy their special benches. One When God showed Moses from the top of Mt. ?\ebo Pales-' the sacred emblem finds its u!ti- OX THE .SCREEN "Can it '-be tnst motion picture professor at the University of Warsaw, a member of the Polish tine, the Promised Land, 'this is t h e land' H e said (the title of niate and eternal resting place, secure from the hands of the pro- producers hgve decided that JCR-auate, refused to permit ghetto benches in his classes, replying < t ^ e interesting picture shown here on the screen last week. fane, the reader experiences a ifli cli&racters shall jiot be seen There is another 'land' beside heaven and Palestine (wliieli great to tlie edictof the tteetor oi the University that as a senator he eniotiona! release. on the screen?" Thk hiteresuns The story of the Menorah and question is asked by iTiiliam Gorwa« sworn to uphold the POIIMII constitution that gave equal to many devonftand zealous souls are synonymous, and that is 'the Land of Heart's Desire', the Land of the Ideal. \ its vranderings is brief ..and yet don, Fon cf Vera Gordon, ffsmp-s ; Trin. A al,' rights to all of Poland's minorities. ,, . . . . most intriguing. In the year 455, sfsjre actress, 'n & letter to the "ot the O* Poland was one of the last countries of Europe to succumb Many in our prosaic practical materialistic world are giv- -vandals invaded Rome end con-HOJIJTTOOII CJt'izf ii-Xevrs movie to the cruel uiedie\-al perseeutious. Thousands of exiled Jews j to flouting and scouting ideals and idealists as vague, vision- quered the eternal city. The Jews editor in which he comments OK the s^ranse trays of the sindlos, ; from England, France, Spain, and particularly Germany were ja r . v BXl^ vain. Forgetting that all our human progress, imperfect His letter says: "It seems thst .welcomed by the Polish kings who saw in them agents of pros- and unsatisfactory as it is, is nevertheless due to ideals and: their" non-Jewish neighbors, veto •Jewisfx acceuts. no niattPr how perity. idealists. The inventors to whom we owe our marvellous, evenJ always found in the Jew a seanr- slight, are oat. X\"hy, I iron


By Dr., PblUi* 8%mr


By DB. TKEODOSE X. LEWIS But transcending these - differences have been common Mount Sicci Teraple, Sioas: CSty ideals and aspirations. i Those who admire the unity of the Reich .should look at others who have achieved such faultless discipline or those 'THE BURIED CASIJELAEBrM' ' places (ha caEdelabru fin and departs for who have excluded new .ideas. In our own country are people BY STEP AX ZWEIG. 145) PAGES ' Land. Witt the help $3.3O. THE VIHKG 1 . _. „ . . _ . , . . . . ! assistant *ie buries the to the effect that who resent progress and who have not advanced in one hun-

. . . . . .

ns of thm Bible anil Talmud

roSnc^: f

So$tt»nian Be Luxe $9.5Kf OOTtt-

, Inc., rofUias nrdrr


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Pepr f

TDAT, OCT : r r •7 ^>^ "^".i-.- T- "* r » - w . J . ^ r - ~ . _

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-By Dr. F

ye thoroughly amend youi ' and. yow doi6gs, if.iye thorIy csscute justice [between and his neighbor, then I .win i yon to dwell in this place ke land that I gave 'to your ?.rs. forever. _jierefore, -pray ^ ^ ".i-on Xgr I penplf I neither ltE^r irp ^ry T>st5tion -for them; , .neither B intercession to i l e , lor J jiiot hear :.!;£:e. . j L -1 yrish that my :r ar.a mine eyes -5 5oiint?iin bars thai 1 might -vreep nislu for the slain of ,:nry


cua T . ' I be hDr 3"?j ET «E t o ;>» i t i d a t 1 t ' t ' o


j Green,.-Ear-Bis} . Pollock,. Henry onutge old Brndfcey. '. Greeijbers, .Ed, Bro'dkey, D. .EP- • 3KBB Both X.ee JiJach, sister of St. After a "WficUTnn; ' trip to fstein, "Cilliam X&zere, Sloe Eerthe "brifle, TST.B xafiia of and t h s Osnrfes the H. Salman, JLQEIE. Jliga -Esther T a s -R-BB bri make their TUawer girls Tvere Barbara Ma,y Cohn and Ithotia Lee Herzoff. "Mi«.uft, • . _ i'Martha ' BLmmelstein, Jeanfitte Xiymnn Coha ssrvesi RS best •'• _ . . . . tl . ~^" ^ * ' . •i-Graetz, and Bertha GUEB. jnan. Ushers -vrsre .Harold- Pere'l-' ^TTSXTTTEDS BOMS - _' t ' \ • The Dramatic Committee Is 4nirn, 'Wllljtim Ho3£»nhaiinv, .Shelf j Sir. and Mrs. Stanley . SliftjiirQ, j EponEoriBS, "Awtite aEfl SiE","* and Hai>Dld,inocIi. JvTDr-hvhD were :mai-ried Beptemusr ID, i t h e f i r 5 t play to' be given by t b ? was rjng-bsarer. .... * I iu'e :ncrw: m a t i n g their honie .at ; Center Players. H a r r i e t t Ssrnstein, Bceoni-jSiG South Thirtieth street.. Sire.' j>anifid \ry Ernest Prlesman, saiig. i Sh&piro was formerly JMIES Betty : - ^Following t h i •^veddiug, dinneT \ H,obinBnn of Des -was served for 2T.0 guests. i ^ = ^ Alpha Gsijusa Chi continued Its i •Out of to^Ti giiestg incUiSefti high scholastic .standing for the Mr. 8nfl Mrs. Archie Xrolaff and ti reception seeand semester of last, year by i «on, i a l e , or SIOQX .City. 3owa-, o f t l l e of Omaha board lending all Greek societies an the Mi-5. Joaeuh Bfcrman of TCaltham, j o f ^ e j r e l ! t B . affie&rE ; Municipal University of OciaLa lisa J c a i n e i - i ^ a a ' bs held campus. The .sorority will ba Ere-( HEsnic^; D£ L D S Aiigeles. '" ! Tiiuraday .evfinins, Xovenioer .. 4, ; Bentfed -\sritb the Alpha E.ig fiehoriflal couple left jat the BlactBtons-hotel. • - . ilarEMp cup at an all-StufleEt CCE-i fpr an extended j Dr..A,TJEJ-IB Wallace, assistRtit iTocatiaB, ^j president .Haynes.

je see taught in 2 Jiarait&a.: as said nbout Hcnjajntn. the teous -who -was treasurer ©C larky federation, th?,t at nne aring a famine Tear red before Mju uns to lei'd h&r. And he told her: jar. there is not a cgjiL in the :ury nf our federation. "But d," she rejoined, '"I! -you efcd me you vdil Had a vro vriib. her seven , children .." J-:-:- then decidw) t o fegd fraru his oivu pocbtit. 4t R time he became pici and. V sf. dying v.-hen the j ancels pleaded bijlore the One, suying:: "Sorsreig-n or "inverse, Tiiou has deelayeiL lie -vrlio saves one Ktml of'isis like ur.ro him Vni;, hasj saY-

i Alpha Ga:

vjB -ivorld. Antj .'

iproIeEsor of Englisli, .1s c M r n r ^ n ; riefiges of t h e group vvHi -prei of t n e " Iacvilty" coramlttes ixx \ Bent a c!a--pce, •"The-High Fiy-pr"

-p-uh aer Berea rhil&rpn he died in uis prime oi ^xnmediate]— t h e Ecjrsrae •s -ST2.S chanced E.ati Twentyyears irare aai!ed t o Ins lite.








Jveify T o n





; B E t i i r d E y n % h t , TNCT. -6,-pt

CbatB 11- Tlnwcra calf Isafbtvro-fistad "carry you th a

txe $9.30

Sweet Potato nnfl Cm Bwert potntoen that have been "fepJled and peflea m slices ,anfl place in a hnttered bafeir-& aitr-rnale slires of-pinePfnrr TOBple fyrnn over * Iheni *na "bate until brtr^rn. Cav•s* TFJth a layer of marfibmpllo'vrs and jenlgpe in ov"n to brcrwu.

canntd or frerfh pears (cores TenaQved and peeled) \ritb Pxeaieli dressias tnti chill thorouEhly. Pill certrra Tiitlx curTent jelly and Gene on crisp let-' tnce -n-ith a areBsins made at i -PSKB, jnice of (me lemon, 2 siioons sugar, 1 te«Fjfoon r ; ; tablespoon butter. Beat C^SB tin- *til Tirht, add lemon jaics, S (Sour 4is?alvei «j Trcic?)^ l>irttfi», filrris" c25.-t5.-2.tt1. - l in double iJafler until this1.;. TTrca ' ' . ! cold fold in ~f> cup -vrhip

se the purchase of ew mprc>ai:2ka. I t jr. 011erod for jenalo ct t h e Icrcvesi "prieEs vre cr»it p u t r p c a It-. Onr first ?.B3 constant purpo-.e is to mate It f 2?™ fcr our customerB "to IIRTB Otrr heeorul is t b s posal of i b e old. day in t h e jczv tijrre are lnrge r/f-rrtir.enifi ivotL I n fact TOU c:m furnish a ivhole stock -wliieli tlitiB_ VV>XF.C i o OIL* E x el) c a

rom toilar, to Kt mrat locltix, snd a ilHT 1-13TV TYPICAL EX1Z,I

Tatlis 0phol=tcrr-1 UTH-.T




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Atirn^ic Ci*-, ^T. r ;T-s • " D E n t i r e } , riei^r"^r.'.r c-a."™-^. ' 1

led by Urs. Aarca E J s a " . czz ed Ly the Ej^g.nc HadaEfsii ~ rernc1^. I Irs. Itzvrl A. r.:.L!e ac£ : , table


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Et the Tf>cS:rs All i^er ^ere ] - ereri^u ^TI T Tsns: tap laEirct p" I been i c L e i to f t : r " f " c i 1


been pianrei frr ; : e Tiext rfsr raeet;r;g -K-ninii -will be ielfi at

i e f_rs--

MTB. T. Klotz announces the •marriage of her daughter, Grace, to MT, Morton Plottin pn October « 17. The ceremony "was pBrformea by Babbi David A. Goldstein at MB home in the presence or. the immediats family. The ceremony -was folio-wed "by a family dinner held at t h e Jewish C D i m n t i i i i t ? Center. The cmrple ere residing in. Omaha.

i i ,


Tirs. Tlpi | i r . IVRllacB jire liTrp. ' Hall. Snroriry cfjlors al T«d end ' jiM&rj'PEflon Top.Tjg. flefrn alTrom-iTrh.ite -•will be-cE-rriea w.i i-n t h e ' Tie cf of Omaha, son ofJir, Mrs. ! en; P r , E ^ s a r .A.' Bolt, Besn of : Bsrorstion Bcperas •sp-d "bigs. Arby i i r s . K.i_r— limthess k rf KE Kirhlin, to Miss ISa KapCDlleEe" 14. Iff.. Br^afieia, !mns"eioepts BTG TB phErg^e cf of Sewnrir, -srag Bnnonncea rf men; Martin "W, SuEh, ; line Tatelisan, president; E^ 3 cr -re -n K C T S H J : Sunpay vt a f&rnilr dinner '4n;;^ e a f l o J the denartrnpnt of TnnBic, r v ose IvirEheubtnni:, -Bscretsrj-. tc Il-^nsr ef Cpurrll riu'fr r : s and Dr. Wilfred Payne, professor • .bifis have hezn issnei. .Putri The ropple have chosen DeeBmand patranesses include: Mi - . -._ _ nf S£lir.vfi Kct£l m IIr.r.,TB C.tj". - "ber 1 5 .as their vredtlins .fiats. E.£.bbi ilEurias- £ a! Din on ar.u gronu on t h e Jfrf.-i£2. • Ks.lic-2.i r.E Csxtcr Jacob Eothblatt eflir.iE.te-i.: 3.1,. TTitsx&n. EX=eer is: i l l 1 iBld en A lovely t e a "eras -gRose Miss Gm'pnd.olTn TVolf of The -ceredony totfS Pla^s befcrs Eients in PElestins. 'T t f, - J c'ciocl: :es5t : and Chwlatte Angeles has been' visiting ,UeriPannie The oTEsnizatiDE is Eino plan r-t announce plans for a pesefil -an -altar 'banted irith c.E.r?T:aE.th£sJfi-ciEb CX * ara: 'T Csrter. on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs,: J. . , _ .! tftelr ienn, t a be held in the near .Eiums, Easter lilies, pc-lsis, s:s,i Tiisg £ firsm-iEg Tor a Erar Qi:.n. i it their i>I EH: BET •She -rill remain u n t a after t h e ' 24, in tenor oI.Kiss I d a ilutnre. The Barnrity is sponsor"bn•CEE fc.r t h e £ .•p-i: first .0f t h e year. Miss TTnlf hag r brids-tD-beSeventy-five. ; ing a booth at the PeathErs* carthe .early part ct tiis irirter. Irrs t o r.tvr bo-i:TE. been Bctivs in little theater ^rnrfc ; cam? flnrlns t n e sftEmoon. .; nival t o be held en the. Eazrip'us -and "AH for You." Harry SlendelEShn TTES fclecte on t h e cnast. " . .- -A Sinner servica for .12 ! ..tDIBarrow evenirs irith Pauline The 'bride Trore a E-C-TB cf, rhairman cf t i e ticEet cpnuni —_ : , • j given to Hiss "Woffi. Q-Eilcis : r piitch ivnry satin, i>riih E fcigb tee. H.\X,TiO"U*EEX P A S T T •'] : Celia xipsman, Phi Sirma Chi : ^sak and long sleeves. Her veil fell The sstr.ing circle -will -Eset D ; M.r£. Sophie Katsfees srill lia members, in charse. " f r n s a coronet of seed pearls. TTecnesdax, -Norenbsr S., at th ihostess at a bs-Uavsea . cpetmna 'j i i r s . X.eon M. Ureas, tisier of is orae of Ikirs. Harry Sclnis liaxty tv b s given iisr £0 ISTJOE-3 the -bride, TTES matron cf i-oaor. "424 J street. All members'" .sir a t "her liome on Satarflsy eveninsr e 1. Bridesmaids -were Miss Terfi Tran- urged to att-es.fi. in t h e evening's enlerfor the Higadoo; 3>nt on in and Miss Sylvia MargoliH. The Civie and Xiegislative group El MESter Morris Krcas wts Tins larnment Trill he sames and annnally hy the iary during the -week of Chann- : DI the Connca of JE-sriEh l^ainen bssrsr and Delia Sue Kress end cards. i a h , Sure ncrw beins made. This ! Trill open its BESBDH on Pridsy at Cecila 32re isbrecht sr£.re flcvrer A jnsst:-!- cf the CiiSEeS carnival TSUI "be heipV nn StmSay, | a 1 o'clock dessert Tnaehean at the /girls. Kovember 28, at the Central Clnb, i.home of Mrs. McxniE? Handler, I Mr. Hyman Kramer Beted as Sines Trill fes t e l S nn ICsni becca. eiab ser 1 , a t t i s CSSES'S E jinblic -card, party "of the- season [ «ist. and Dodge. Festivities are 1 5114 Chicag-D street. 1 best man for his brother. M an -VFsijnesday evening, Isovem- j EChednlea to start s t four o'doclj j iirs, George Keuliaus s i t l s . Hymaa Wcr.ecli sad Hr. Zosev, "ber 3 , at B o'clnct, s t " I D ;Sonth j i n the .afternoon g.n.d last the en- -.a'tUUf education .flepsTtBEnt nf fbs iTTeneck street. HBfreohTnents j tire evening. . .-. • | Board of Ed'ncation •will'eunflijct i •' .FallBiriirs the CS-EEIDET a re- 'sirs. X. 'Cclra:, .Sr. SJarrr It lie BETTBd. There vrtll be J ProceeSs "will go to the.!>eth SI ! the effurse-crhieh .rens f or a psr- • .ccptics TTSS ieid. iable «na 'fljoor prizes, SJxs. GoaS- ] bnxldins I iod of six . Oilrs/.Jtilss l i r s . jixaasr left j Eii '&" of Otc 1. Oahon is chairnian of t h e | .; an is •chainaan and Sirs. HaaS- i a trip to Califarnia ane T"ilil he at E r . .aiiS I i r s . l-sna T r r n t c l , 1 ler, .eo-cbtlnnEB of ' i s Council BlnHx af:sr Ko- Saia s | d | The discussinn .for the ton H- Tc.flElson, i l r . t r . 1 ifrill be -on "IntentsticES t h e out cf to-srn Usakr. t.r.5 Br. and J.lre. THEXJCO j Mrs. A. S. Utibsitz, 15204 CBK3Jr. Edward a Jl. ^DSkDTltZ. £.11 Gf CCUE j {ornia Btreet, ^ i B be "hostess to Meetings- are to h*s held et the of the xr.rio-us 153.eiB.bers •Jlr. s.n.3 lijrs. TSss.'k Geifman j Hadassan Ttlrs. Sydney 'Epstein, Elnlfs; acfi TJr. TvullE.21 Kcse members Batnrday, una son, 'Willis.TO, ol Mexico i October SO, at 2 p . in. for the jire open to all Council taenibers, ?BCfc Epstein, lira. berk cf L,:?reln. Gity, -wbo spent.eisht days in | ines Shubboth of the ses-Omana as the gnests of 21r. Geif- i Jirs. J. HnsenbErg man's "brother und eister-in-la-w, . of arrangements. * Mr. ana Mrs. Sam Ceifinan, left j jnno, -cho 1.RS just tan JI«niflRy for their liome. "While , the HQly X>and, here "they nsrEre estensively enter- | speat on "The Sabbath .tainea. Mr. and ilTS. Sana" Geif" Palestine." man -were hosts at a Selor 56 ^nests on October 20 -resmne of the Yprra of their snests. t i o n a l - p i m d conference i c l d lz.ct','6 in p s t r a i t , ' ' - . . ' - . ,




A ci.icur ?-2z~zj3 -vl', :z rreco-te;1 f r - r . r j \Yo Urrci rcr.

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*o tT nr £

rjil be biesF.ed "with jions i srisdoin and -svealth umd preach moraiiry to <£&*, ;peo-


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by aevtn-uranched canijBlalira. acted &3 best man.. :| I . Levin, Ben -Silver, Snpfeis "Kers- ] Tlie bride's govni urns alwhite no other attendants. ! left, • P . "WintrpTib, B. A. Sun.cn, I hammered taffeta' featuring .'.a Oniahans -went to I Mas JJolzmaxi, Shrolly CroaciEiEn,' Queen Anne collar and a circular "kee for the- ^reddins were; S r , j train handed trith a double shirMrs. •3 JJ. Goldman, D. Blacker, red limning. Her fingertip refl j b7otherTn-Iaw 'sniTWter' of the m fastened to a', tigra °* ^ |ipfae.r Mr-."wari&s."itas Bartefe,-i*ob ^ o ° P " . M- Katelman. S. GalShe carried a Tvhfte satin Bible j ^ T ^ r o a t e y *M? S d iirs, Beti !l j Sosenbtett, A. Art a Ebcnvcr of gardenias ..and l-n™ftrrBV nnfi w r . nnf? "Mrs. H a r - ' J

ibbi J.nshim says: r es it his business t o ido eljar-



Xiiiier the chairmanship ol 2,3 rs. "William Feller, the dramatic committee of t h e TVomen's Division of the Jewish Canrmirnity Center,' At a Sunday evening" oeremouj i T h e marriase of Hiss Dorothy ha# launched a n intensive ticket- [ at Slactefitone Hotel, Miss Ger-1 ppitrstein <»nd 'air, "Etiwrrd B . pelling: campaign. Co-chairmen of the ticket sales a r e i i r s . P h i h p ' trnde J31oc-h, daughter of Mr, and ( Brodtey, son of Mr. and Mrs M Mrs. Joseph JSJoeh, -became t^e 1 p . Srodfeey of Omaha, tanfe i^htce KluUmict and Mrs. -pavifl Brad-,! key. " . ' ; bride of Irvin Gross. Coin., son of Sunday evenlas evenlns a a tt -6 -6 o'clock o'clock at of t h e •committee in-! Mr, and Mrs. Harry Cohn, :' tli« home at the -'bride's "uncle Jlabbi David A."Goldstein offic- aunt, -31r. said l&rs. JL. X.. Salts- elude: the Mesdames I. Salmtan, | iated. The marriage was perlann>Pa ul "Goldstein, LOTUS Soctmrr, i of- liil'wi.Utee, illiam ' MIIBET, .1. M, Kp-prmati,i ed under a canopy or autumn Habbi Samuel. llirseKb&i'g . of 'Glafistor.e, -Til. L. Cohen, j leaves decorated vnth of i icjated. H&ruld j Ufivid Greeriber.', J . .Til. M a ' s - ' and flanked an either sifie



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WATER—With big guns smashing at Shanghai -and aerial bombs raining on the city, one of the most difficult problems for of militarists and non-combatants alike is that of securing uncontaminated drinking water.-Here are1 Japanese soldiers receiving then- rations of water brought to them by a- Japanese ship from outside the city. Lack of good r •water has aided plagues.


EACEI5—Prince. Chula of Siam, who drove under the name.of B. Bira, grinning happily af^er.-receiving the trophy that designated him winner of the first international automobile race ever staged in London. The race, held on the Crystal Palace racing circuit, was attended by many notables. .








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' THEY'LL BE HIDEOUS — Technical demands of television will cause actors' to resemble green and yellow gargoyles, though they'll look sane enough in receiving sets. Above," Bernard Shore applies weird colors to Betty Grable. in Hollywood.

sfi' 'V;





TRIAL—Brigadier General Harold C. Reisinger, Marine Corps paymaster, slated to go before a court martial at the Quantico. Va., Marine barracks, according to a Navy press official. General Reisinger was charged specifically with making erroneous reports in connection with his individual travel accounts.


DAEIS TO MAKE A •TKOr.SSEB LAKB" — Fcr about the last 5,000 years ths Great Pyramid of Tsypt TTSS conslScrsu ttss snast massive structure e%-er erected by mas—until Presiiest Roosevelt, during his Western trip, changed that conception. Grand Coulss Dam, stretching across the Columbia river for 4,333 feet, he said was "the largest thing ever constructed by nsaa at a single spot," This and other darns in-the Pacific Northwest, the Presiient said, presaged a new "pre:niE?d land" for thousands of Americans and were truly national projects that vould bring good to the entire nation. They also are'espected to ferine national problems. Here are. views of the three gisantio projects that constitute the most far-reachins;construction plan ever undertaken fc? the

Federal Gcrcmmcnt. Tr?- icft, construrlion scrnr r{ To~ Dan, on the upper I.l^??ur, rf'xr i- Kor=J..:,--. T-::c-f n carth-illlsc; Earlier :c des-rnei tc help p-cnrU ii-c-i r."ji loss forj 155-E32e lake to tlie Canadian, fcoritsr vill n~cricr FT imsattonf srstera I"or an &rca tvioe the size cf Kbose ls.rr«. r»ic:hL,-r section.' of Grand Ccuiec. pf , hujre j ramparts p p r,"£ cc l b Dem, on the ColumbiF. ^3 r:::ss CCST r£ P r the most imrortr.nt iiyirocl2ct~ic prvcr rcTJpIrT is t"ic country.v Center, the Columbia surges •Uirourr'S F pc"cvr, - :r, ^o and, right, constraction scene ct Tori PGC

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3old prints of 'tropical inspiration are among Headers in bathing - suits, as j'Shown by Marjorie Weaver, feaiitured film player, at a desert -jrfyesort in California. This suit is +,. Wrignt blue, printed in white.


MAY BE W1NDSOES' HOME—Extensive alterations and repairs to this spacious home oS Wye Island, in Chesapeake Bay, give rise to rumors that it is being prepared as the home of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor during their American visit. This air view shows the house encased in scaffolding. Wye Island is about five miles off the eastern shore of Maryland.

f f




xx i


DOROTHY -CHANGED HER. 'HAT—Dorothy-Parker, American authoress vho wr.ies poems, and other ilhicss, vent abroad in Arsust with a huas hat, as ah risht. Recently she rcturnsi, her actor-YvTiter husbend, Alaa Ccnpasll, and the hi^o hat had bacn rcplacsd fc" a small out. left The Campbells * have "bsca trave^as in Spain for several i



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,'j OUAEDS BGTON'S WING—All Set to receive a pass i s E a r l e (Tes) Harris, 200-pfltiQd winsman for the Bruins of the University of California at Los Angeles. He is widely known as an expert tl; r '>\ interceptor of forward passes. 1 'j ; 'l« J


SOCKS EBWAED'S CISST — V/ynham J. Claris, t?hosa fatiar and exandfather chicked royal £-ures en anclsat licndcfT CctLsdral, Glamorgan, -Wales, finishes the bust there of former Edward. Note thafc.tiis figure does not v/ear a cro~si.



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rclip I'ovcU ££^s an. appli Y O " CDUZ^IU I Dcrcli :ia./ ^...:- cr.r—i :cr :. s : tT.oLe-u-, EiiOT:n at a Cliicco beaatr ccavcntlon: C'.ico it's C3, lep&rt scj's, you stoply coulfnt tea she

-t r

sent to Chl-\ej=c vxr relupcc-s. Cliinese lautjdriss* the clotiaag rree of charge.


THE JEWISH PREPS. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2?, 3P37 yet to show an oKens;ve aad U<at is what it's going to take to" beat Indiana . . „ Huskers Save lint? f«t * •i most of their success throusti the pair and it's* significant that press maseltovs or*, t c"-patches from Indiana's trainson Tuviah to ing site have carried the dope that jHOW WARBCRG CELE- • J Windsor's sadden return to theof Brookl; r . the- Hoosiers are fortifying them- i BRATED A BIKTHDAV • : limelight is an ambition to be-of Nev TCT-L. selves with a staunch pass defense I The sadden death of Felix come the British fuehrer. the big : --pi' ... . It will be a great game and I Warburg reminds us of an in- • BEHIXD THE STEWS By HATE CUTLEE v/liose : was a ger.;i: with good weather, the stands will jstance of bis unfailing. generosity ; There's a good yarn behind the ' T o r ^ or tbp .men herThat man you saw a t 1 a. m. nodded, saying: "That's true." BIB. "WORLD'S QUESTIONS be packed.' land thooghtfulness that, probably ; election of Dr. Leslie Hailen i P e r r r ' The two didn't meet again for Thursday with the dazed look In See-liov.- massy-of these quea» many years, but Balfour never his eyes and talking inconerently - Harry Spiegel, Tech tackle, said i has. been .forgoten. lt_ as.pp.ened > Guest _ to the British house of"""""' tlon3 .you. can sns\-er after you I forgot the young Jew's loyalty to to himself was Lee Grossman, our he could have stopped one cf Cea-| during the "depths of the'depres- ; commons as a Labor ccnfiifipte in fidert t trc tral's touchdown plays had he ; sion." His birthday was approach-, a by-eleetion r.t North Islington lete r>- C have resd Mr. World's "Asis Palestine, and when, during the upstanding physical director. Sure, and soI ing and he wanted to celebrate it. j . . . Haden Guest vrr.s born e jivmberer, . . Mo Another" chat. Mr. Grossman had what must been more alert •. world war, Dr.iWelzmann proved i ; • ? • • ' -• ' - ' he;described as a•• severe-case of could 10 other Maroons , ^' ./TheHe reversed the usual .birthday ; Christian, but formally adopted vstnl, br.p-rr his loyalty to his adopted^ British '1J_ jLnwfcat'jecs.vras the-Pal. home by putting -some - important i"galitio" - which shouldn't cause surprised, .but deserved ! procedure by preparing a list cf '• Judaism when he married the int.eref.^ T estifLcf. TJssd'sis GJVC-P to'Great chemical discoveries at the dis-Mrs. '.Grossman- any- undue alartu. victory . . . But they're still J 200; of his friends and acquaint- ' daughter of the late. Colonel Picon : r Alb : Britain?.,- ; " : ".\ Lee "was swarmed ov^r by ex-riot .a"'great "football club, as great lances who he knew were in need ' Goldsrcid. noted posal of the British government^ 'a'-In what year d«a Balfour Balfour remembered him and hisactly•'•50 girls, • largest" crowd - in prep clubs go . .-High ecnool foot- I of "funds and .'sent. each one of ; communal leaner . Guest is re- One ant? ^Wclzroana n^cct" for tho i d e a l ; '. • • ; ;.. • • • •.."..-. • • : . .•. i history at regular. J. C. C. gymball in Omaiia is suffering tsrri- them a. substantial check. '. lated to Liord Carmel, the former biogrr -Imagine South going --up ^Before long the itime came classes last- weefei He- was -heard bly. ^STUFF • . • ' ' Sir Herbert Samuel . . . Every- story O. What v,-r,s tWUsnnfla of-' when: muttering, something aboutgetr- to Sioux City and taking- a 40-0 Great Britain was In a. posin 1 : You ta.ves't seen anything in thing is set for the third Kscfer,,~vtpA yrhy-.did thg Zionists tion to help the Zionist ideal. Be- ting more space-and -the - latest .licking',- . . Remember the days ! print about i t but it's a fact that i eabiad at TP.1 Aviv next April— But. y. refnsc it? . _. when such, as Howell, Nelson, fore'the world war, you Icnow, proposition .waa to work out' one except the little matter of rais4 . \?hnt pclitidal/chaaso in section, in" the lodge room- up- Holm, Blpch —.-used .to--cavort I the executive board of the NaPalestine belonged to Turkey, and i ing $15,000 . . . That Dr. H. F. Palestine tjifi tho-Tv&rlil war on. local high school lots. . ..'- jtional Federation of Women's I Ettlnger. Tho is organizing the it waa with the Turkish govern* stairs. ! Clubs .endorsed a congressional fo-r.ia brsnen ment that the Zionists had had to j investigation of Nazi- propaganda ; medical services cf the Chinese Teir.r«1-'f.n ce v.n 1OT -5. -T*7IiaS 'reward did Dr. j . c. The handball r courts. continued j in their efforts to settle Jews srmy is s.n Austrian Jew - . . uscn aak for his wartime deal Per. ! at a -. hehind-closed-fioors session Birobicjan must be a success—it rpuse Pp.lesstiue. ! ar there. During the war, however, ot 6i$?le; with- more fireworks in | after hearing Fritz Kuhn, Nazi 01ler s services.to England.? 12 1.000 C, C./'coaditioner." tqurna-.|^9 .. . Turkey fought with the Central j fuehrer, speak against it, and ; has a football team . . . The -ne-vr tlie best ii z, ni e *; h i 0. Oa ,\Vhat data was the Powers, and by 1917 it was be-inent,; play- advancing .into : theTigers' .9 ' .750 : British commission to Pf.leEi.ine fred L.er;- o i E : ; Johannes Steel for it . . . Y\e TO •BaUoor Declaration issued? 5 7 coming clear that tee Palestine quarterfinal stages in both-Clas- Cornhuskers which is to prepare the details ol j give Ton one guess as to the if Warne ? ASC:r e j 7» lisplila" In your ovvn campaign, of the Allies, of whom ses A and B. — - •• . Wildcats." ' 8 ; the partition plac, is expected to | name of the leaciag auto megLevy W E c't dU words' the-ibraniEs-o? the Bal- England' wag "one, .would- be suc- In Class A,'it was Iz Bogdon- Cyclones • S Inate who will be among the prin- ! be ready "with it? report by JTr.y •him, lie laimes c i 7 Jayhawkers 10 cessful, so that the Holy Land off,. the dapper • suit salesman; ' . . . A Nazi racial expert by the 9.x IIOTT-often web Balfour in "would no longer by Turkish ter- coming through with a'close fit ' The'feature of last Tuesday eve- cipal witnesses subpoenaed when ! name of Staffel has "discovered" colEcifieiii ;e in congress votes to probe Nazi doPalestine?. ".'*-" ''""~ _ . ritory,, but woud be conquered by over Earl Siegel. Boggy won; 21-ning's :'bowling - took- place ' when lings . . . He once sponsored "The 'j that Joseph Conre.d, the Polish-, 0 v .T/hoai ,'d!d E5EB 'Arabs the • Allies. >Y ;;.' : : - 15,' 15-21, 21-16. Another "match the Sooners, -.T three j Protocols of the Elders of Zion" •born novelist, TTES a • Jew . . . cpW-tTib;."Sins' o? the" Jews?" •: Around: this ' time, too, D in " Class . A found \Mlllard . "Big from' the Cornhuskers, won their j . . . And such a probe will be iWhen Conrad's German publishWhy?-, - v - • ' , ;"r ers ridiculed this claim and ' Weizmann, when asHed - by theApple" Sigal (not-on the -Orph- first two games by {wo pins eachK>I/\V'Jies "Oia. tlio last meet- | prime minister of England, David eum stage) -defeating the much The Tigers won two out of three j voted, too . . • Incidentally, a for- '•proved that Conrad's real name ; mer secretary of Nazi propaganda ing pt . r ~ , was Korzer.iotrski and thst his Xilo'yd George, what Teward he Improved George Schapiro,.20-21, from the Wildcats and the Cyi minister Goebbels is now doi take".p'!sce?ri clones-took three from the JayPolish, ElBfwished for tho chemical discov- 21-15, '21-13., . ...-/. ! anti-Naii work in this cou "° ; ancestry "Perhaps Conrad TT.S eries which were helping the Al- Of; the"_ half-dozen matches in hawkers. fel ep ied !. . . Which ustoteHvon! / 3 Leo Weitz broke hi3 own isdivbut scientificslly .1 t a There's trouble, >-Jn/- Palestine lies win the war, replied that he Class B, two went" the - limit of Uhat t h e Non-Sectarian Anti-Nasi; =e° \ f J e * ' e dual series record with a 61S. The three games in the wide open wanted nothing.for himself, but again,, "eg Ihe*,ncaailpe3#".:of your | league's new secretary is Quite EB ' • • . -. Tigers took over high' teara sinsJramble for honors. Bill Skolnik did, wish that something could be proved by the leaflet which the dallynetfapapipr hare- beon tolling | anti-Nazi fighter His name is publishers have "issued in connecof the StZ Joe Skolniks, won over gles game with an S6S. y i wlth-.thelr-reppiTts o£ renew- done for his people,, the Jews. j Ertlinger . . . A former well-toed Arab outbrsatb" against ' the \ That is: when It was decided by Hy -Temln.. 1.5-21, 21-9,. 21-12. ••'" Five hundred series were bowl- jdo German bankicg executive, be tion .with the publication oi. Con-: by Phil Katzman,-527; Sam rad's works , . . It • contains es^ a/home- the, British government, In which Harold Garber had a rough time Zed weibac Jewislrefforts'to with Morris Rosen, 19-21. 21-1S, J k ' ' ; 504; and Leo Weitz, j fled from Germany when the tracts iroxn reviews vritten- hy r..Balfour wa3 then foreign M l i Nazis came into power . . . Sevland /in'-tbe.rHoiyy Land - pr .those retary, that the support. of.'.Eng-.i 21-20. Other scores:'liarshGellerfilS. ":""'• room, is Richard -Beer-rHo-rrmass, Thcrcas of our people'who ;are- oppressed. land should be given to the ;Zion' eral times the Nazis tried to lure Nate Harwich.. 21-11,. 21- ]{ . _ ; r . . . r ,. 2 , . Mann.: Arnold ITMta sad Jstob Tho' Bri^iah.-Eoiaiers'in Palestine t ist cause.- And the announcement defeated j him back » ' . . Now they have TVasserci&nn . . . Tvrc of these 15J, Paul Bogdonoff defeated. Iz1j A l e x a n d e r ICaflX! are'dbiii^.thelr^bfeitj.t^^ep the j canceled his. Gerrasn citizenship < of this,decision was made in a.letNovak 2 1 9 2 1 1 9 ; ' A i O r u c h d e Novak, 21-9,.2.1 19;.'Ai.Oruch deare Jews and t?"o are Left-wing ; count^;aifiet^wiifl9>' U^:'^BriUBh- ter sent by Mr. Balfjour to the i. . .'New York's Police Commiswriters—and all of them are case goveromenVrconUnues * to ^sthdy president of the' English. Zionist feated Leonard , Hurwitz, 21-1.5, ; sioner Valentine has had the defeated Sain tver. enthusiastic, about Conrad . . . the ©Iaa;J|o.ripar^tionlb|:: the lartd federation"; (the second • Lord. 21-7; Phil Katzman ; i beat 'turned on him to cancel £ : : ; Wolk, 21-17, 21-9. • --.*•.Doesn't .this prove that Conrad into \ separate" Arab' Jevrish ! permit given for a Nazi .parade p Rothschild, who died only a was a Jew? •states-—'and ' .-probably*, -a goad couple of months ago). This let- : A big" night in J . C. c: athletic New. York (WNS)—The people | in Yo'rkvilie on October SO . . . of Poland are. being split into facjThe Nazi' Bund has reached into many oE you • bdyjr.-aud- cirl3 are ter, n o w known as the Balfour annals will be Nov. 17. • '.':... The king o f the onion b•i;s:iless wondering why . t h e . British gov- "declaration, was sent on,Novem- That is'the night of the annual tions .'as the result of • anti-Semit-j Florida', having .just held its first ernnrent should ""have 1b -innch say ber 2,-1917—just- 20 years ago Award classic and elaborate plans ism: asd unless, a. solution is found i meeting at Miami . . . The.pub-jjf & landscia: en of purs C£k llefi .• Key man5 E t h e in thK^iuealioH.- Of "courso you -jn'ext". Tuesday-^-and read : as foi- aTe now under way to m a k e ; i t civil war might result, according jlicity "mailing list used by the : n •nh t Ealish to Alexander -Kahn, vlce-charnaaa Olympic games committee , i n ^ S of -the -peace . • •" •"•: • bigger and better'than ever. .kno"rt\-tha"t thsv "League of',"Nationo l o w a : - • ' - • - . of the Joint Distribution -Commit- 1936 is now being utilized for the i t o set -President Roosevelt to gave'over the mandate for Pales- -."HI s majesty.'s' government tee and head of its committee on ! distribution "of a Nazi -propaganda !v o l c e t h e n e u t r a l u ^ " l s ^ *'«&l tine to --Great'.'JCEitiii/: which views with favour- the establish- of t an interesting P o l a n d . ••;.••'.• . • g program pg mean's -tliat "the,~Lcr-STio7<!ntrusted tnent inr, Palestine; of a - national ! sheet called " G f i r m a a y " . . . A n d ! CTjina ^ria-Japan is Dr. J. J, of-athletic events;un~d entertainto Great ^Brftafn ^ He returned recently after ;some of the .-people who; f""spon- •W e i s - ^^«c a «onal director .bqine for. the'Jewish-people, and iES: Palestine,' ia "will.use their- best endeavours : to ment la being"arranged * by thespending -three. months surveying : sored the move-the-19S6-OIym- Yv'orld- -PeaceTreys . . , Yehndi the' .country; 'would,; be! able^t'o fasiiitate-the achievement of this hard-working" athletic commutes conditions in- Poland and .Easterni. pics-Froni-G e r m a n y campaign, Manuhin. "srho gets J5,00 0 .per eveare\61 itself-:"--But -aff-you object,.(-it r being clearly "under- of-the Genter. Of course,1 the Europe.. In -an interview, Mr. have started a drive to shift the ; c o n c e r t - has turned down a litcrs•weren't » even - bo'rnict' -the^time stood that nothing shall be done night's big m'oment comes when Kaha said: "The -paasant'deiabn- j 1940 games from Tckio . . . Lat- '.t5re f i I : i o'fer because he feels •when the" mandate "was given to which may prejudice the civil the- Tpastniaster speaks through strations in the Krakow district jest of the anti-Jewish sheets in ! t - h a t a concert artist esEngland^, avray-baclt In 1922, Mr.and religious rights, of _the .exist- the hushed silence: "The name ! were a warning.-that the peasants ! this coustry is scmething. called ! dibits ..himself in a film play it "World; th.tranht--ie.-'would-eEplain £ng"^ non-Jewish communities;.- in see engraved, on.'..tils -all-around -will not be satisfied; with pogroms | "The Menace of Araerican BUsi- ' can be only for money" . . . Pen! on Jews. """•" • , to you-ttio rcason-Vhy Great Palestine or the rights and politi- athlete trophy is—-."•-":. |ness" . . . I t is published in Phil- Muni is going to Russia to act with the famc-us Moscow Art Britain has-become, so to speak, cal status enjoyed by Jews in any The program will list a basket- .They want reform and free elecball game between the• fast-travel- tions. Many of them were shot Players . . , Maurice Schwartz is the guardian ot the Zionist move- other "country." planning a Yiddish production of •ment. The more go since, as you Which .means, in other words, ling J. C. C. Varsity of.Phil Gere- down but, they say, you can't lick |VIA CABLE j At least 19 attempts have been, Arnold Zweig's -vrar novel, "The •will -see shor.tly, next Tuesday that t h e ' British government lick and an outstanding quint a peasant when he i3 hungry."The marks- an Important anniversary promised to help, establish a from Omaha or out of town. Sokol workingEien in. the cities are also imade on Hitler's life in the-last Case' of Sergeant Gri tha" 1 anti-emitism and consid- j three years V . . AH the when fnlin this connection. Believe it or not. but homeland for Jews in Palestine, gymnasts will be here with thrill- fighting j assassins-paid with their heads i er it an attack on them. Thus the ing exhibition. Handball experts! versal Pictures ti-eecled cbllstersi ! Tho" story is really 'very shn- and at the same time assured the' . . Since the'light-of-publicity 1 for a $,".00,000 bank loan it put] plo, GO simple that it could be told Arabs there that their rights will swat away. Women will dis— Polish people is being split Into || .was turned • en -the anti-Semitic ; up the 'contracts cf Messrs, Ke- j in three word3: Arthur James 'would be protected.. ' ..'•'•.,; .- :. play...their^TP.Ueyball technique. A two-camps. - If this is carried to 1 propaganda - in the Spanish Fas- \ber s n t Pasterr.ack, t t c of it swimming; meet is being arrang-i its .logical conclusion, there may Balfqur. Possibly-.thio-oame and Only- a few weeks after.the Bal- ed. • - Refreshments will be served. | be civil/war in Poland and' war! cSst press it bas died down . . . jace directors, who OEIT a yea all that it'means''are ;so=. familiar four declaration was issued the, Hitler's- "Mein Kamjsf,'1 which is iE.go arrived here RE ppnniieE to yDU that .'you >Tt'on"t' need to British won their, miliiary victory Ace; speakers-"will make addresses. In Europe." • banned Czechoslovakia,, is being; from. Germany . . . Ka read tho^r«ist'of "thi3 chat—in in .Palestine, and remained in Can you think of anything better, j smuggled into that country under ; - stepi .tT p n s T^SS-'E voice- has WWorld's l d ' command there until Ions'" after except a; date with Ginger Rogurs, LUBUNCOMMUNITY -which ^ ' have Mr. |tbe title ' ' L i ^ of Biological • K e d i - : ^ e ; ^ d o i j E t ; e e ; c o r n e r s i n pormlc'sion-to-.skfp it-(but not be- the Armistice—un.til, indeed, the for'25 cents?, -.-'' . • . . - - . cines' . . - . Mcho.as Franco, •_a 1 J e w i s h " s s c U o r j E c f X e v , York WARNED AFTER fore o ^ s r prove -to yourself that League of Nations gave the Pales' brother of-a Fascist boss, Fraccss,^itLC. , 0 _ V £ v o r L a , r , v , r . Spotlights; ; you catf'andvrcr all ol Mrl World's tine mandate to Great Britain,PROTEST ; co Franco,, recently risited Julius; ..' i J T^"^"^^^ rtv-,v qucstib.ntj'cprrectly}". JBut for thethus giving that country the op- We were plenty "wrong, last : streicher: for week Tech didn't beat Central cs through a r.evsreel pre~ beneiit'of tho3e-'of-you to whom portunity to carry out the promWarsaw.(JTA) — The District : moral guidance «. . .- German tho name o£'~Lord Balfour sounds ise made for it by its 'great states- '. . ."• Creightpn was not outclassed by Kansas S t a t e . . . . and Nebra- Governor, of Lublin warned the r Aryans don't like the Swedish only .vaguely-familiar-Mr. "World man; "Arthur James Balfour. wantir-ta'tcll his story--'-in • greater --. Balfour himself was in Pales- ska was-.not three touehdowns Jewish community there last week | Aryan industrial - lasgcate, Asel that, a resolution, it had adopted i Wenner-Greis, 'because - whea he tine only once; in 1925,"to attend better than .Missouri . . . . Let's a'gain'st segregation cf 'bought- the .' Stockholm coaservaWe'lt'ijo.-bacl£-31-years-to be- the. opening'..of - the now famous hope Ve're wrong again when V c in.protest OwLaKb - - • Jews 5n "colleges' was outside'its itive evesjs.g newspaper, Nya Dsggive the'edge in the Nebraskagin -3-J#r/-'tO'.the- time •when Mr. Hebrew - university a t Jerusalem. ly.-' i. i powers..". The Jewish community, Tfce Ge~.u5ae E s t e e | light AHehaada, his first, job -eras Indiana game tomorrow to ]Bo Balfosirv(-he,-bscamo a lord only Ha was an old man'then, 77 years Hcwllr^r* £>B:11 ROW the governor said,.administers rei to ellminats its anti-Jewish ti~ge muib.-JaWr, in' 1922, v h e n K i n g of age, but,he undertook the dif-McMillan's.educated Hoosiera ... . in Otsisha hy thv George^yjrawarded'.hlg services to ficult trip in order to see for him- Our basis for this, opinion is this: ligious affairs and has no right j and get rid -of pro-Nazi writers to interfere in political natters. j . . . . If you don't think the deke Nebraska, though coming through £T£i r**h fiTrff-E!! Englandl-by malting him aa earl self the fruits of the promise he VliH U U»s>t f* t s> It £**.*»«*: Members of Col. Adams Koc's i of "Windsor's_forthcosaing visit to and ra<v°rcouat), already"a famous Bad made. And how the Jews of with a. victory, was much outplayBrltisli^^tatjsman, met Dr. Chalm Palestine welcomed him you~ can ed by Minnesota ... .Indiana lost youth organization distributed a ' America has anything to do with ' Fascist or Nasi propaganda, taea Weizmann for' the first time. Dr. imagine* -Thousands/-lined . the to the Gophers, 0-6, but the Hobs- large number of leaflets in WarWelzmann's . namo "is of course streets of .Jerusalem and . TeL iers were on the Minnesota 10- saw streets calling for -a "nation.- • bow do y e a explain e fact that fight his taesL&r oa. Uncle Sera's sell familiar to you, for he is the Aviv to see him, thousands gath- yard line when the game ended al regeneration", a n d to see him, thousands gath- and statistics showed the Hoosiers against Jewry. ''will be Charles Bedaus, a kn-own i th .Hitler rooter?.. . . -London is Riwere almost equal to the mightv presldent ottoday. the World Zionist to hear him speak at the uni•rganization But back in j ered versity opening. So great was tho Bierman clan Nebraska ha.3 Patronize Our Advertisers 1 ready v.s:r?sr;7-? tr=t l-C, 1906''he was'only a young Rus- enthusiassm of tho Palestinian sian -Jewish chemistry professor Jews that come of the more "Iglately come, to'.England, though norant Arabs thought the British! r® of course he had already become Lord Balfour was the king of the! famous.-iri^. the Zionist • movement Jews. , beca.Ttt-0',-. of his work for- that : .When, five years la^er, Lord! yc ; Balfour passed away, h© was I It VS;i.''ih-,the course'of ,that mourned by Jews in every part of ticulss;' talk :tetveeri'rBalfour--ahd Weiz- the world. In. '/Orthodox syaamannL-;<tiiati the, former learned gogueu everj-where. the - ancient! what^ Zlop.iaia- really meant. A Askara,: or prayer • of rememfew;years .before- the" Brj'ijsh had brance; was chanted for ; him, al-jfe thought',the oppressed Jews of though he-was a Christian. And'j|< eastern^Stifope would be .'.delight- the only visitor, outside of his •im-i-ll ed totiptindia homeland- in a cer-mediate family who -^cas- permit- |; tain -African British colony, Uganr ted. to see Balfour -when he lay- on jj da, and "Jttad been'.amasca' when his deathbed was Dr. iChaim Welz- | ; -. organization • turned mann, -.the "Zionist Jeader. who (5 tho down>""th'6 offer" of: thi3 -territory. Jnaiiy years before.had brought .to1-! b It wah.-'Weizmann x?Xio explained the Englishman -that" understand-.j p Ja cd to Ba}foitr-."Why. only': "Palestine ing of- Zionist idfeals which led to ; | j :; wouIdVVdoV-"f q>-: the " Jewish? home-' ••land^t>:'.Th1e^•li^•p.tW•n't.-p.art;;of•.tHe. the establishment ot the Jewish!; conversatipn.'-rsnsomething like homeland in Palestine. " " this: ''"•:••'-'•' . : ' ;'• 1 Att-;r Ilr.- Balfour had again inml sisted, .that ho couldn't under-i standi-irli;,- Uganda wouldn't do aa] •well-as"X->alfr£tin'e,. Dr. Weizmann ca>i w I'M asked:' "air." Balfour, if you were! offered Pari3 • instead of. London, I •cor vould you take it?'! .-." .\ The question -•"atarr.lrd:*Halfonr. i "BufLocdon i3-our o^.v!.", i:e cxclaimfid. " . . . This •cac just what Weisrsann T?antca to' heir, fcr it savo b i n n .,to naSe-his. point: "JcruTrao our OTTII when London T?r,o s: 7H2T3h.'\ Whereupon tho 3ritj ii statc^ma'a* "thoushtfuliy

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Page 8

if they are good poems? Asd to j are not like that. There are nice call Bialik a Jewish Fascist j s ; Jews. Look at us! Look at me! grotesque, almost beyond tfeej , , , Let us laugh without weepOil • "Whati . BO left-handed .. tea- j reach of'.words. But tiicc! n 3i 5! caps!" he exclaimed with frown-! reift"f 'rr5rif r'c° V i s i t have been • called a tsol of c~.v-\ CCor.vr&Li, ISS", 1-y Seven ArU ing irritation. By AI* SEGAL iteiism fcy gont Feature Syndicate) "Your excellency, TO have Just ; Berlin (WNS) — Did Julius- kicaey. £1ISS ANNA PILL, correspcadeal As I go about here and there sold the last left-handed teacup. Stretcher, high priest' . cf Nazi Feuerlic with my ears open for this and It is our great misfortune that anti-Semitism and governor of a ure.. Ke is here; he is in E,HSF>~Blag. that, I hear from time to time a Will Not Go to Palestine this must happen • -even at this Fraiiconia, and fcis deputy, Kari MOUNT SWAI Doubtless in s. r,till CIEFI'P** p-nci NOT.CE. persisting report concerning a moment." SALE Until Order Is Kolz, as equally violent Jetr-fcat- more terrible guise lie trf.tiHir.s:er= serious mater that has recently In the ,er, snub the Duke cf Windsor beRestored The salesman summoned the Hebrew and Tificiish papers for "? Douglai During the service thi3 evening Countv, Nebraska. come up in Berlin. ' department manager and the de-cause of Stxeicher's assertion that ifce Gestapo 'in Berlin. Here -re at Mount Sinai temple, Rabbi London ( JTA ) —The. British I fall Into a Jewish circle, or ] partment manager called the the DTicsess of Windsor Saa Jew- can laugh at him.* IE Ens?;?., 5n mn of the Disfrir." Court of Douglas Theodora. N. Lewis will give the isl1 county. Nebmska. end In pursuance blood? Or were the two enti- Germany, as once in the r~.*6Ai.c fourth in hia series of "talks on government last week backed the It may be that I am lying on a head merchandiser and tte r>ead I A B'nai B'rita program ot stringent measures taken by its cot after the rigorous routine in merchandiser. sent posthaste for Semites advised to be diplomatic- isres, blood is en tAs"i\£vXs --' Russia. He Twill .speak on "Rusftppearance value and interest has, been an- sia—a Warning arid' a Challenge." Palestine "administration to sup- the, gymnasium when some one the. proprietor, : anc! an together ally absent -vrhen the Windsors press Arab terrorism and outlined asks me when I have heard nounced '^7 Dr. Louis J. Dimsdale, they bowed . . . "Gnadiger Herr" visited Nuremberg, capital of anfuture plans for effecting a .tripar- about the left-handed teacups. president, for the coming months. . * . but the fuehrer stamped in ti-Seraitisd and Streicher and tite division of the Holy Land. RABBI ADDRESSES Indeed, only day before yesterHolz were out of the city when a great huff out of the storeThe lodge will hold one meeting The new commission which will day J lay on the cot, giving my the Duke and Duchess arrived. It HADASSAH MEETING And tlius it wg.s in every dea month during, the year, bringbe sent .to Palestine to formulate mind to nothing in particular, had previously beers reported thai ing sneakers of note to Sious a concrete partition schema will when some one ( I think it was partment store in Berlin; no- the Duke had objected to StreichCounty. -Nebraska, " ueU «t brethren; like that frrov.p in L.ein- Doup-lasJiUCtion where was a left-handed teacup to the hichest bidder er and hence the latter took a bergr vrhieh, the other flsy, pro- public City, and throwing the meetings v Rabbi H: R. Rabinowitz was not bo appointed until order is Mr. Schwab) intruded upon the to be found. for f»f,»i. t h e rmov-iTiF described prothe principal speaker at the Sencompletely restored, William G. vacuum: "Have you heard about convenient vacation. pert:-. 1<_'-T*it: open to the public. "As ***• I told your excellency," A spokesman for the Duke has claimed its desire to join one of ior Hadassah luncheon and meet- A. Ormsby-Gore, colonial secre- the left-handed teacups?" J Lot IT, Dioek 4 in Amen Place ' en ths Nationalist parties in Poland. ,nu. j Addition to thp City or Omaha, UougT h e November meeting is ing Tuesday afternoon in the Jew- tary, Informed commons, which Yea, I had heard about them said Herr Hanswurst, "the mer- since denied this. Nevertheless The implications ere EIVBJ'R t b e ! l a s «--funcy. Xphra-skn. as purveyed scheduled for the seventh, when ish Community Center, speaking convened after a three-month re- and, in fact, had been contemplat- chandising is -not what is used to „ ! platted end recordeC; to muisfy'thC it was pointed ctti that Streicher saine of all these Feuerlicits. »-"• i itenp a n d incumbrn.ncep therein net Richard Gutstadt of Chicago will on . the "Proposed Division of cess. ing spreading, the report in this be in ' department stores. Will had never before been away when coarse the Jews are no good; of I.iOrth; to Fatis'y the sum of $16.70 speak. . "v Palestine." The invocation was Replying to a question by column for the consideration of your excellency accompany me distinguished guests arrived. The course yon are right. But Eli Jews j costp a n a the inoi-pased and accruing COP'S,^ at! as provided l,v s a k l order December 8, Rabbi Isserman of given by Mrs. Louis Agranoff. A Geoffrey Mander, Liberal, Mr. serious students of German af- now to a emal Jewish shop that simultaneous absence of Holz, an i still stands?" St. Louis will address the meeting musical selection was presented Ormsby-Gore stated: fairs. I>r.terl Kt Omaha. Nebraska, this associate editor of the Stuerraer, j 17th., (lay of October. 1K7. and Dr. Prinz of Berlin will speak by Bob Slotsky. Mrs. Max Ros&nFRADENEURG, " W E E B , EEEER, ''In view of the" resolutions of In a small.street off the Kur- f u r t h e r emphasised what foreign It seems thing3 have not been KLUTZNiCK <£ KELLEV JOKN H O r KINS, Pherlff. before the January meeting, stock introduced the speakers. the council and the assembly of going -well in the Berlan depart- furstendamm stood Oppenheim-! o b E e r T e rs believe to be a pointed £00 Union State Bar.k BiCgI>ouglaE County, Nebraska scheduled for the 6th of January. 10-2!>-37-5t Plans were completed for the the League of Nations, hia maj- ment stores since the best mer- er's. Herr Oppenheimer dealt in | Eau>3. FROEATC NOTICE The first B'nai B'rith meeting annual card party to be held No- esty's government regard them- chandisers went into exile. Nazi hardware and crockery. In th^ matter of the estate of Gey FKAOENBURG, WEBB, BEBER, of the season had as speaker Max vember 22. Mrs. Philip Sherman selves free to undertake the in- storm troopers who had taken C. Sanders, eleceas K' t .UTZN!CK & KELUEY "We desire," said Herr HansZOC Unior, State Bank Bldfl. Xotice i.>5 hereby given fii?.t the Kroloff, a former Sioux Cityan. and Mrs. Jack Robinson .are co- vestigations required for the pur- their places were capable ' men •wurst, "some left-handed teaDutch Zionists Split creditors of said deceased -vrill Tneet Miss Hilary Newitt addressed the chairmen for this event. • pose, of-working out a scr-eine of enough in the physical labor of cups. Do yon fceep left-handed PROBATE NOTICE the aciimniftrator of said estate, be3X T H E XATTETt OF T H E ISSAmsterdam (WNS)—A sharp fore me. County inage of Douglas October meeting. Both were well tripartite partition of Palestine on bashing heads with' truneheons teacups?" Nebraska, at the County T A T S O F Herman H. P.ohrs, Deceascleavage among Dutch Zionists County. attended and were' an indication the lines -recommended by the but they were sadly lacking in Court Room, in r,zii County, on the "Of course, of course, meine f » * £M» A» • over the attitude of the World NOTICE TS I ' K R E E T GIVEN: 6th Say of December, 39CT, F.nC. on the •of the community's interest and royal commission. the psychology of selling-talk by. Herren, I've always had them. Zionist Congress toward the pro- Tth day cf Thp.t t h e creditors of paid deceased February, 1938. at £• . appreciation. ; ' "Accordingly, it is proposed to Should you like to see some of v-'i\l nieel til*? execmtri3: of paid estate. o'clock am.. each day. for the purwhich to overcome the obstinate A. Z.' "A. members have begun posed partition of Palestine has pose of presenting- their claim?- for i before m?, Count.v Jur1ge of Dougias appoint in due course a further my left-handed teacups?" head of the German hausfrau. debat work, in anticipation of the ied to the resignation of ail offi- examination, t'd.inFtmei^t e.nd rllow- ; Cour.tr. Nebrasks, at the County Herr Oppenbelincr took from Three months e.re allowed for OOHVI* Hoorci, in fvfiid County, on the TEMPLE ELECTS debating tournament to be held special body to submit proposals "-This was observed particularly | cers of the Dutch Zionist federa- ance. the creditors to present their clnJTrs, it'ih d r y of ppoo'nbr:- ifl'T find on the after a local enquiry for' a deits shelf a cup, encircled the In the matter of a certain new this winter. Earl Hiinowitz is J4th d s y of February 3!>.".s, a t ,» ! tios. The resignations were pre: , \ .; NEW PRESIDENT acting as debate coach for the tailed ' scheme of tripartite parti- soap which was molded in • the Index -finger of his left hand | cipitated by their uncocapromisERVCE CRAWFORD. ] o'ciofk a. ro.. each cUiv, tor the purtion. The council and assembly shape of a swastika. Nothing that around Its ear . . . "Here it Is roFP of prep^nrinn Hint': oiPini^. for ex2O-I5-S7-"T Coumy Judee I =?minRtion. RrI.ui.si:meT»t: and allowane* -At a recent meeting of the chapter, and the speech class un- will be invited to approve such a i n s °PP°s»tion to the 1 the Nazi merchandisers eaid for . . ; One of our best left-handed ! Tkiree nio^jlii£ a,re tdso'p-ed for the der the supervision of Irvin REED, RAKACC1OTTI &. ROEIN board of directors of Mount Sinai scheme." creditors ?". rrep^^Tr^ tlK-ir claims, i r e s o * u t i o n empowering a political Swastika soap, could persuade teacups " SON & E. L. WARKEtemple, J. Kalin was elected pres- Lunin is assisting. f^oin -he "-oU" Vv.*'- o* November 1937. Referring to the recrudescence housewives that round or square The fuehrer asked how it hap-1 commission to negotiate on the 905-S1S First Xationai Bank . Bidg-. " " \ i ; ~ T C E CRAWFORD ident of .the congregation, to sucof terrorism in September In" Pal-soap was not more convenient to pened that he had left-handed j d e t a i l s o f Partition and to report -iC<~22-Zt Cotinty Judpe. ceed H. G.; Fishgall. Mr. Fishestine,.,the colonial secretary said the convolutions of the human teacups when in all the depart- j t 0 a s Pe«al congress. Sole supLEGAL NOTICE : :— gall presided at the election meetIn t h e r e s t r i c t Court of Uongflas ; " that prompt and firm action have body. • ment stores of Berlin there was p o r t tor t h e congress' position County, Nebraska. ; «i ing and'luncheon which precedbeen taken to deal with political • Mr, and Mrs, Ben Wintroub comes frora the Poale Zionists of residence is unknown and upon : •{; ed i t _._ : "Bathe with Swastika!" said a n d have departed for a wedding trip organizations, •which he held "Oh, Sir. I have the Berlin Professors Bernstein and whom pei'soiiai service of summons ':"! Jack Robinson was elected vice to Kansas City. They were mar- mainly responsible for these the - merchandisers. "Bathe paDavid Cohen. cannot be lisfl. fleTenclF.r.t: _ ; •";,. monopoly of left-handed teatriotically 1 Even to the bathtub Von a;*e hereby notified that op. i'ne > Ci president 6t the congregation;. J. ried Sunday in Shaare Zion syna- crimes and outrages. I."th Cay of July. IPS:. Pauie SbuKter. ; i"; cups." H. Bolstein, treasurer, and Her- gogue, the bride being the former "I am sure the house will agree let's keep our : fuehrer in our a? plaintiff, f.n<"(5 h e r pesition npnmst ;ih Returning .to the street, Herr you in the District Court o.C Douglas ; g man Miller was re-elected secre- Rae Abraham, daughter of Mr. that the immediate and primary hearts. Bathe with Swastika, the Coutty, Xebrsska. Doc. C3", N o . I"!,;™ Hanswurst felt he had the fuehr(Ccnlisced frca page 1) • . ' tary. \: • " ' . . . • ' . . . . • x end i the object p.nd prayer of v.-hich peti- : « and Mrs. .J. Abraham of Maple- duty of the government and of Aryan soap." er convinced of the superiority of tion is to obtain a divorce from you s £; But no! The German houseton, and a niece of Mr. and Mrs. the Palestine administration is io Jewish merchandisers . • . "You j cosraic grotesqueness. For what on the proundp cf extreme cruelty. :•' etock. for custody of t h e minor children, and , ;:! SISTERHOOD Will M. E. Friedman, 3201 Nebraska. take the most strenuous measures wives would not take up totali- see, your excellency?" j Feuerlicht and the writer in the for such other relief fiF to the Court :: tarian bathing.; This debacle to conquer terrorism, protect the : *MEET ON FRIDAY The wedding service followed a lives of British officers and re- came on top of a number of But the fuehrer was by no j shtern hare in common is the jmay seem j u s t f.nd equitable. dinner in the borne of Mr. and Tou are rcQinred to^BDEW FTJC j g h a f I j frantic desire to sare their means pleased store the effective authority of of November, !Dr;7, or1 said pp£itiori;|5 The November meeting of the Mrs. Friedman. A dance and re- the civil British administration KA &E23 ception following the ceremony. is how this Jew obtained the j others. Note that the Yiddish ap£ir,Et you v i l ; b? fsU^r pr «-ue. ! K Temple Sisterhood will be held throughout Palestine," Mr. Orms- were good storm-troopers. SADIE EHtJSTER. I f_ monopoly of left-handed teacups. 1 poet is accused of being both na- •l n - l o - " T - 4 t Mr. and Mrs. Wintroub will be by-Gore said. nest Friday afternoon, November pfesn.tKf, -Aj This jras, indeed, a matter for It shall be investigated." ' j tionalist and Trotzkyist, which is \ It s 5, in the Temple Ann*ex, following' at home November 1 atCherokee. He 'refused to give a definite the Berlin Handelskarnmer which (Copyright, IS37. by Seven Arts nonsense, since Trotzky is the i a-1 o'clock luncheon. A Peace day Features Syndicate) proponent of universal revoltitioa A number of Sioux Cityans answer to a question from the met in extraordinary session to theme will be carried out in.'the and Stalin the builder cf the sin-; spent last ; week-end in. Iowa City floor as to whether the recom- consider what to do to increase puncheon decorations and 'appointjrie Socialist Fatherland. At all! to visit with students and attend mendations of the new commis- the business of the department ST. LOUIS FIGHTS ments. * , events in 1RS3 it was, frora the ; the football; game. Mr. and Mrs. sion would be submitted to a joint stores. Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis will T'/a<riie:;, Cuieeta Kei parliamentary committee. He lim- ""it"" was Herr Hanswurst who fiAll strictest Soviet point of Tis-sr,; A. J. Galinaky and Bernice GaPARADE preside at the program. The inited himself to declaring that the praiseworthy to dedicate a. poe~ i vocation will' be given by Mrs. A. linaky visited there with Milton commission would not be appoint- (after the discussion had gone to Trotzky. "Weil, poess reaisin.l « S I S Ec. iStffi Sts-eeS: ' ' five hours) managed to say what PLAtm • I.' Sacks. Rabbi David Goldstein Gaiinsky. • ed until order was restored. Vv'hy shoald they not, especially' was in everybody's mind. Mrs. A..I:.Sacks* .-spent the of.Omaha will be the guest speakSt. Louis (WNS) — Forty-two Replying to a question by An"Meine Herren," he. .said in er at the luncheon and review the week-end in Iowa City with her eurin Bevan, Laborite, Mr. Orms- concision, "we must bring back American Legion posts, the C. Ison, Newton, who is enrolled at book, "Katrlria."' A musical seby-Gore said the military authori- the - Jewish merchandisers." He O. Industrial Council and the lection will be presented by Bob the university. • ties in Palestine have the fullest came to.this after he had spoken Council for Industrial Democracy Dr. and- Mrs. S; 'H. Shulkin and Cohen. Members of the Ladies have taken the lead in a city-wide support of the British govern- an hour. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Levin also vis. auxiliary of Shaare Zion have movement to prevent a parade off ment i n its reprisals against been invited to attend the meet- ited in Iowa City, as did Bernard "Jahwohl!" roared the Handel- thousands of Nazis through the Arabs. He declared himself sating. •• ;' ; - • Skalovsky. . skammer with thunderous ap- streets of St. Loui3 on November isfied that Haj Amin el Husseini, Xr Mrs. B. N. Grueskin, Mrs. J. •Mrs.- Lipman Welnberg and the mufti of Jerusalem, had been proval; -but only Herr Hanswurst 20th and 21st when the GermanKalin, Mrs. Joe Levin and Mrs. H. Marjorie Weinberg spent the operating, against Britain during himself was willing to go to the American Bund holds its nation- \%\ fuehrer to present to him the al convention here. G.' Fishgall are in charge of the week-end with Louis Weinberg, his whole period in office. |n! Handelskammer's respectful resoluncheon arrangements, with Mrs. who'is a freshman at the univerThe protests are being considerj ... - • = lutions on the subject .• . . And ed by the department of streets Earl Kline chairman of the deco- sity. thus it came to the matter, of and sewers, which acts on applirations. " "_ Mrs. A. M. Davis has returned the left-handed teacups.The book review group of the cations for parade permits. City Sisterhood will meet this after- home after . visiting in Chicago The fuehrer was in amiable officials have been warned that a with relatives., •• • ~ noon, in the home of Mrs..L. S. mood the day'Herr Hanswurst Nazi parade "might provoke a Goldberg,.when Miss Ruth Miller was admitted into his presence, disturbance of the public peace." Mrs. Ben Schulein departed •will review the Pulitzer Prize Andy Devine and his barn, both and only the shadow of a frown this week for New York, where Play, "You Can't Take it With scrubbed for the occasion, will be veiled his countenance as he read You." Mrs. Lorence Silverberg she will visit with her son-in-law host to the Jack Benny Gang and and Handelakammer's resolutions JEF/ISH VETERANS and.Mrs. Fred Herzoff are chair- and daughter,'Mr. and Mrs. Ellis setting for their Hallowe'en, par- ... » "We respectfully request that TO BROADCAST Bott. men of this group. .. . ty broadcast over the NBC-Red the Jewish merchandisers be rePROGRAM network Sunday, October 31, at turned from exile." 7 p. m., EST. (Repeat broadcast TO SPEAK IN -TWIN CITIES "But, Herr Hanswurst,'' fie ' New York (WNS)—Col.. Alva at 7:30 p. m., PST.) said,. "before I can act ou this I J. Brasted, chief of chaplains of The gravel-voiced comic has or" Rabbi H . R . Rabinowitz will be must have evidence." the United States war department, dered ••tick-tacks", buggies for the" guest speaker at a joint meetHe took from a shelf his own and Robert D. Workman, head of placement on tops of neighboring ing of the three women's auxil«."*• /£-_^ book, "Mein Kampf," and from chaplains of the United States X •"•*"" Danzig (JTA) — Jewish and stables, and gates to be hung on It read numerous passages which iaries of the Conservative synanavy department, will be tire'princhurch steeples, in gross consigngogues of Minneapolis next Tues- Catholic circles.. expressed fears definitely stated the • superiority cipal speakers on the annual radio day afternoon. The meeting will this week of restrictive measures ments, so that Mary Livingstone of Aryans in all human endeav- Armistice day. program of the -be held at the Beth-el synagogue. after the Free City had come com- Kenny Baker, Phil Harris, Schlep- ors . . . "Doe3'the Handelskam- Jewish War Veterans of United In the evening Rabbi Rabino- pletely under Nazi domination perman and Don Wilson will have mer mean to say that I can be States to b'te heard over the coast- 8 witz -will speak before the Men's with the dissolution of the Cath- something to do in the event that even once mistaken?" to-coast blue network of the Nathey are not drowned while bobolic Center Party. club of Beth-el synagogue. "Ah; your excellency, perhaps tional Broadcasting company on bing for apples. "Ghetto stalls" were introducmerchandising is not a- human Sunday morning, November 7, at ed in the market place and Jews endeavor. It is, as we know, a 11:30 o'clock. •T1PHEBETH ISRAEL were ordered to-occupystalls on.a Benson ''Legion; -.- • Jewish endeavor." .Other .speakers will be Dr. side street. A fight ensued when "Yes ,that may be true. I like Abram Simon of the Washington Services at Tiphereth Israel Jewish traders- refused to comply .••-..''Post Sponsors your Aryan way of looking at a Hebrew Congregation, and Harry synagogue will begin this evening with the order, several German disagreeable fact, Herr Hans- H. Schaffer, commander-in-chief at 5:15 o'clock, and tomorrow traders siding with the Jews. .-•.. . The Birchwood Club Ballroom wurst." morning at 9 o'clock. Rabbi S. of the Jewish War Veterans. The Jewish Community of Dan- will be the scene of the Halloween Bolotnikov- will speak tomorrow Yet the fuehrer was not to he during the morning service. at zig appealed to the Jewish popu- dance to. be held Saturday even- so easily , persuaded that even Patronize Our Advertisers lation, in a statement, to act with ing, October 30, under the joint merchandising was beyond the ,10-30 o'clock. dignity and calm. The statement sponsorship of the Benson Legion superior capacities of Aryans . . . Rabbi Bolotnikov will also con- said the' community administra\ tinue his series of talks on the tion fully realized the seriousness Post and-the Benson Legion Aux- "Come with me, Herr Hanswurst, iliary. I shall make a personal investigaTalmud' every day at 5 o'clock. of the situation for the Jews. TCe public is invited. Tickets tion." The Center Party was declared are fifty cents and will bo used "Yes," said Herr Hanswurst, SBAAREZION illegal and membership.In it was by the Benson Tost and Auxiliary made punishable by imprison- in community service. Tickets as ho v.-ith the fuehrer too.i up tour of Berlin delartmeat ctorcd, Rabbi. H.. R. ' Rabinowitz will ment. Catholic members: of the may be secured at the door on in "I have thought of a thins for speak this evening at Shaare Zion Landtag were requested to tender advance from members of the which ta shop. Wo shall ac': for synagogue on "Felix Warburg—a their resignations. Several Cen- Post and Auxiliary. I left-handed teacups." trist deputies escaped abroad. ,, ~g Servant of Hia People." Cantor lira. Harry Kahler and !Ira. ThG faehror felt thai tills as a Pliskin and the synagogue choir W. F, Anderson head the com- test of Aryan mcrchcnd'rlnn trju. Trill chant the ritual. Arrest ISizrachi' Leader mittee for the Auxiliary,, serving ail too ciraple. Certainly, bo saw, Berten Lipahutz will act as Berlin <WNS)—A new epidem- •with J. Louis Campell, activitiea every Aryaa ner^h^^d^^r vould Cantor during the Junior Congre- ic of arrests of Jewish leaders is director of the Benson Post. Irnor,- ° n c u ^ f> Lr.ro a HoJ.i cr gation seryice tomorrow morning, feared in Jewish circles here as a iliio I-; 1 - roorr- rt-esr-Lae-s with I*>ft-fc£iErIc*. trr>carc, Th re -"crc Albert Goldstein aa reader of result of the sudden arrest of M. :».-.~ct<%-'~, ";\\ • - ~ c i .;-„ Treo p a 3 Cf so i^istsj' I^*t»^itnd^ ! Ap-'nr; ft?'* !1 end s'.^. I—"c-— I - r - " ••r'Z.lc, rlv ara The ir.T*. Befreshments will- be Nussbaum, head of the German E!»r;Iv, cvs-j tbe HUM orJiarrr tcrved to the children by Mr. and Mizrachi, and his son-in-trw, Herr to 3e ShQ ".Ira. Jojin Abraham, in honor ot Sulzberger, a -wealthy business "The Hesrt r f f or" crnUn't rzr t i a t an- i - ; s . r the rcaem -marriage of their man. They were taken into custlsa picttiro .iccorr tody by the secret police after Sjain-bontsd atab*ilti Tfc1 third la tiia caries of book Juliu3 Stroiehsr's paper, Der lyvrood, will bo shor trt:- 1 r<-v:-j-,,-j Is/ Eabbi lUbinowitz will Stuercaer, had preferred fraud Saturday er;niaf, O I. ,,i.-ca H'isL Jlcrday evening at charges against nteia. tho Central club, C:"1) o'cloe!:. He will review he* -& < ' » "•:•.:•: Citr.d.'l" by A. J. Croain,. I'-azc Artoia m i - ttto' private The r-2ibu*r*ir.cJ ^ T* _• ts „ : : , ; "•*•." >i Ti'"•j "ift""It • npoka before sscr-iiar/ ot tlio Iialian atatccn:r7i..-f ot t i e Vou:r.jr Judean laan, Ca.vou.rsi-s di th;h mer-tlr.'-; Saturday. tliat-it carried no left-handed teacups. • •.-•••

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Society News



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Jack Benny and Friends -Prepare For Halloween


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Nazis of Danzig Dissolve Catholic Centrist Party

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By CMfford Qcz:.s

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