November 5, 1937

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In the Interests of the

. ZJ? • ;:• The vtetrs- espressed by Led. wig Lswisohn in hig column -ace-'blarown'-aud'do not neccs. sarilj? reflect the policies or attitude ot our publication. Re* production in whole of in part strictly forbidden.

Kntered as Seconcl Ulass Malt Matter on January SI. lSZl, at . of Omaha... Nebraska, undgr tha Acto. 1 March &Jt87S>


T'OL. XTI—No. S3


Hard times do not Invalidate great truths. Let us repeat 'that to ourselves. Fundamental conclusions are not to be shaken by . Try-outs held on Sununtoward circumstance. Let me day at 2:30 in the auditorium i oy.iiieu discussion followed I . . . .... repeat my favorite phrase from . . . I Ludwig Lewisohn's talk on "The L n e s t 't e » ° r .' m t ^ J™™ • °™ of .the .'ewisa Community Centhe liturgy: Emeth v'emunah Cash Prises t o Be- Awarded| Present Crisis in Palestine" - F c a u s e will-be won.' Erea under ter for the Center Players' secI Refuse to Accede to Bcsi&scsi khol soth v'__ayaih alenu," true Ak. t -*«-W-'W' V* Tuesday evening at the ;Jewish J drastic curtailment today at least ond offering of the season, Three Outstanding ; off JCs and>matter of faith is all this and twelve thousand'persons enter the "The Good Hope." Community Center. Mr.-Lewisohn Performers dents established for us: that the" soA large cast is seccesary for was first speaker on the current country." called emancipation was an imTO . "The entire political world is this play and all who are in- Warsaw (WKS) — The mill- j Encouraged by the tremendous Center Forum program. . perfect one and based upon ;im- success of last year's Amateur Mr. Lewisohn traced the Zion- in a bad way," he went on. "We terested are urged to attend tant Jewish protest sgainst the! ;possible principles; that a newnight, Omaha Lodge, 354, ofist movement from Its beginnings are not so downcast about sn the try-outs. emancipation is needed both for B'nai B'rith will again sponsor a during the period of the emanci- Arab uprising or . feeble British "The Good Hope'' will be ghetto benches in Polish i;niver- • wv>. slties continued to gain in inters- i us and for the peoples; that this pation. The emancipation, he resistance when the entire world presented en December 4 and sity as more Christian students • emancipation must take t wo 5. . contended was psychologically picture is considered." The Omaha Hebrew club will -i~r-r. r\p,-t; ! v t and* professors lined up with the iqrms: the pacifist state of cul- B'XAI B'RITH AMATEUR and' spiritually false "No one hold a special meeting Sundaj "The future of Palestine does ' NIGHT tural pluralism' for the world's Jews. Dr. Kulczynski resigned as iafternoon at S:SO to discuss il'p can emancipate another, no peo-not depend on England, or on the I peoples and the re-integratiou of president of the Lemberg Techni; ple can emancipate another peo- Arabs, but essentially oa tlie will j Entry Blank financip.l condition or the org?ri-, r ii Tur»--'i a";majorlty of the Jewish people cal College ia protest against a ization(Fill in and forward to Hy- ple." Xo^-on-bp- <, pi Mir ' of the entire Jewish, people. The upon the soil- of Eretz Yisrael; men Shrier, 740 First National student demonstration called to ; A door prize is to he-"given to original 7ionists, the Lov-future of Palestine depends on that, finally, liberty, which Is the Bank BIdg., AT 7611, or Dr. ers tf Zion, foresaw 1933 and fieaoiinee him for refusing to in-members in attendance. 'principle of life "for all men; is to Leon Fellman, 722 Brandeis Hitler and the revocation of the ' redemption of our selves." stitute the ghetto benches. j Plans arc EISO being: made "o* In the panel discussion ' be clung to. Is to be fought fore Theater-Bldg.i HA 3737, chair- Emancipation. -They recognised ! . Professor Kotarbilski of War; a socir.l meeting to be held in UT I followed Hi. Lewisohn's in^Bood days and evil and that V men of Program committee, tlie urwholesomcness of people :Mrs. Ben' Silvers took issue with saw University is beingboycotted j are-to be deceived by no totalitar-.j on or before December 1.) living as a perirarient minorltp." the speaker and presented the by anti-Semitic students because j Ian orthodoxy, by ,no slave-state, | TJie Lovers ot Zion did notviews of a non-Zionist. The other he insists on lecturing standing; T of j •-. _ .•«.„«,„. TSI,--,-. VET, no matter- what fair pretensions Xnme hope to see their dream of a re-three panel speakers, Mrs. M.-F.i L e w , F ° r k e r *kees * n oal up as a gesture of sympathy with i 8r© on its lips, no matter what awakened Palestine for a hun-Levensori. son, J. BadlnowBW and j iaoiMaaeatJto Dead in Jewish students who are also spacious watchwords are inscribdred years, yet it was only, a lit-•Julius Bisno, agreed In substance Eerlia Address .... standing up rather than occupy; ed on its banners. Emeth v'emutle over fifty year3 ago they be- with Mr. Lewisohn's- theme. nah . . . Nazi official-j the ghetto benches. His • colleague, j gaa their work. "Chaim WeizBerlin (JTA) ... ~, " : by T-'rhalowicz, continues; -That the times are liard is not A g e . . . . . . . . n-ar. ?n conference in 1922," Sir. " The'speaker was . was thrown into a dither last! Professor Ki f I t E.f'l hI to-be denied. The times are hard Phone No. . Lewisohn told, "made the state- M i l t o n Abrahams. week when.a wreath bearing the j to defy the joTercment by urg-j . f o r the 'nations, > The age is an, 'ment that if we can bring in five Marks, chairman of the name of the Bronx division of the'ing Jewish students to sit where j iron one - for . ns. - Respectable thousand persons a year for theCommittee, presided. . • . Jewish. War Veterans of. tlie Unit- they please in his classrooms, j My act is: American. Jews*like to shirk this' ed-States was placed': on the me-Professor- Kawel of the Warsaw recognition. . Hundreds of thousmorial to Germany's war dead on Technical High School rejected' BQSTPOflEMEMORIAL ands of them still like to shirk nationalist students' demands that! Unter .den'Linden. this recognition. If there is b e )ar Jewish students who insist > SERVICE FOR MRS. The wreath-laying was done b y | London (JTA) — rren-.i« among ua some rich and Wise- and on standing up while Professor' Isidore Gennett, a visiting Amer-' HERSKOVITZ • ' • Mussolini is F.bor.t to denounc devoted men I wish : he would of the Warsaw Stomatolo-: the Palestine mancEte enrl KI-r icaa -LegiosEaire, with a military • cause certain articles from the gical Academy is emulating Ko- port King Ibn SEUCI OI Sana? A'? guard of honor, but when* the The memorial service for F a n Yiddish press to "be translated tarbilski's example and conduct- bia who will proclaim himcfi nie Katelman Herskovits which-; name oa the wreath was discover- ing his lectures standing up. into English and sent out among similar performance on Sunday j king of all Arahs. arrorrtiRC tr ed he wss taken to the police sta-j evening, December 19, at the was t o have been held on Novemthe respectable Jews;of America As en aftermsth of the two-day sens£tion£.l repo.-t piiblislied !"r Mr, n«Ki; Mrs. Jr.H tion where it took hiia three; Jewish Community Center. ber 4, h a s been postpoaed tiEtil . and read from the, pulpits of their iuring,.? which Jew-; n-'irle i PW«! pc^r"' hours to explain his motives. | iViUr.itj" CPVIPT. T ' I P I temples. There was an • article .'. Cash prizes of 515, §10 and 55Local Group Eeors3 Kit in Thursday, November I S . .Getmet, a news dealer," merely j ish students in universities end T t e f p c p c i P ^ P i t l e i 1 i1- vjiprl to i.nis? open W" The service will be under t h e Presentation of'. two days ago in the Jewish Day will be given to the amateurs win.; secondary schools remained away C o l o r i f l O!V" h a s I f p p i l i ' n auspices of t h e Junior Hattassah. wanted to further the cause will p!pvt B! S o'c'ock by Sir. Z. H. Rubinstein who has ning the greatest volume of ap. "Caldimia" - j from classrooms efforts are being _r o a p s n . c s i v h r t i. e e r- '" - ih Rabbi David Goldstein will of- amity and international peace. ,ma e t 0 . The meeMnE' is b"?i been in Galiciaa—a very beauti- plause from the audience. Before-a crowd cf SOO, Gennet | f «troduce E*etto as ' i i r i n p p f ! pb*'- i r- nir >n <\t>." t h e RUspu'p?, of All amateurs, men, women and ful and very exact and immeasA capacity audience filled the ficiate a n d Cantor A. Schwaczkin approached' the monument with j J? v""» secondary schools. In Lub-o i t h c I f F ^ r r ( i f r - ' r "i ' urably tragic article. They were children, who are members of tlie auditorium of the Central club will chant, t h e ritual. tio =; TV" Ffrepe^ 5 ! pin- v ~ his sooee-steppiae guard of fora u " 3e™* t ' S h school stuc a r e Sunday night to hear the Worka proud people in better days,; our Jewish C o m m u n i t y pi b ' l ^ p f i » ^ VPPV'1 I ' I "' soldiers. Wearing «n Americanly 130 T f Et 0 RE t r f e ^ r e ba ' ; brethren in Galicia. Ah yes, I eligible. Instrumentalists, vocal- men's Circle Dramatic club pre.:• xclv P I f.ftp r 1 on f o i e i ^ f E tf " k i r v r FF " m h Legion uniform, lie placed the! -ists, dancers, impersonators, etc., '• knew that. Indeed I may add a from classes pending discipli' sent the iive-act Yiddish operetra, W-__lJAt H IL-Olk II JLs-T-i -i -_-Sa.L^3 fhsrjrp of s 1 1 measures. lion Ts e e k " s piu l " ' r n ? f wreath at the base of the monu.detail which Mr. Rnbenstein does are expected to participate in the"Caldunia." This was the first n rvpopve j-b^u jn ! * - o r " fe taken in other ci said: mention. The balabatim - in thecontest. time a local group attempted as rppi o i "pr h* L» ,"ot c ^e ' " I salute you, unknown Gercities had In the days of the Aus- Th2 Amateur Night "sponsored important a Yiddish opera. - : * t ? man soldiers. May ycur sou's r e s trian empire a cultural /German last year drew the largest audi-, . "Caldunia" was directed by. L. \ Y in Pea«!! for t i e sake of t h e peace orientation, not unjustifiable, in tnce ever-to attend a Center af- Witkin and Hyxnan .Ruder-nan." fairl'." "".'••. :>* " .. .' . _ . E.. Sells -was musical di.'eotx3r;*~J. : iti ••'but-"contrJbute«rio-TE-reutnrte ' Hymen Shfier is In charge - of Savich was prompter and PauJ TTIfe is E c p j Nerenberg was in charge of ke &sd Cir-c :Jc o-'AuBtriavf here -were Jewlsh the performance. New York ( J (TJ T AA ) ) — " I am LOR "on Persons desiring to compete make-up. M. Selicow was chairWNS-Palcor Agency) '•• professors in the then Austrian Because, of Wcllshocked, . surprised a n d happy," and Si- Arth man of the affair. •-•• • from Lemberg to are asked to fill In the blank a- C a s t . . universities saltf Mrs. Rose Gennet when told Eig.. Cocr r Greufell Wsuchope, •easy s, mess v,s tney ".re r.i-PBr!; issioser of Palestine '•in {be west, f.rm -tn^.Tner'iPte'y r.f But the Galiclans forward it to Mr. Shrier or to Dr. The cast included: L. .Bailen, how e r -lu-aantt husband n ha aad placed Czernowitsi. v liuw h u_rParw. a »j s i a c e N o - e E j er i , IPol, is retir-. ter that Ibn Ssnfi wiil hy rv-p.npe Leon Fellman. '.' Despite .'dire '.warnings.of what Miss.Hariett Riffkin, Mrs.J. Sushad, too, a noble tradition of Jewlaurel wreath'with, ribbon " J e w - ; i c g froIa jjjg is post and will not; ment with Home. proc'iRim him man, Mrs.. L: Stein, Mrs.: J. Riff- would happen t o amateurs a t - ish War Veterans, Maurice Kruni- j complete ish learning. Two names may Launch 'Campaign 1 second term of five self Icing of all tempting' t h e difficult interpretaholtz Post No. I S " at the.base o kin, A, Coltoff, Sam Riffkin, Sam symbolize the two tendencies. of :; it wss disclosed-in the! sartinc a fire of . Clifford , 'Odets' play Germany's war memorial. For Building Fund Susman, Mi,ss Shirley Sells, Miss tion Galicia's past, the names of Nach• I nuuse of • Commons by Colonial: "Awake and Sing," . t h e Center -Pollay, Mrs. Bessie Wit' "He's "He'sdone a great thing," Mrs. • Secreta'i man Krochmal and of Carl Emil Of Cleveland Home Lillian kin, Sam Stein, Mrs. L. Bailen, Players showed a skill hitherto Gennet' said, '" "but I'm. .terribly j The Franzos. That is the past. For ... Mrs. M. Susman. Mrs. A. Coltoff, unrevealed in past; presentations. cultural productivity requires-a Trustees and Directors of Belle-^ Miss Jeanette Coltoff, Mrs. Max No previous Center, play was a s-afraid, something'will happen ... have been minimum of bread and hope. To^ faire, the Jewish Orphan Home at him. I hope he gets out of Ger.cast and without ex- many right away." (Mr. Gennet Neither Cleveland, at their . quarterly Levine and Mrs. Goldie Forman. judiciously (Mr. ; day there is neither. The board of directors of- the ception each performance w a s was on his way to Paris while she j bread n o t hope. The Poles are meeting on Sunday, October 24, noteworthy. "Awake and Sing" i s j • utterly' merciless. They . are butlaunched a campaign to complete Labor Lyceum association has ex-a" sordid picture of t h e life of the spoke.) : to destroy utterly. While Mr- its 3uilding Fund in this tenth pressed deep appreciationtothequerulous Bergers, a noae-tooWorkman's C i r c l e Dramatic j Roosevelt is forced by the usages year of collection effort. prosperous Bronx Jewish family. . Terrell ! of diplomatic courtesy to talk - It was pointed out-that the In-group, especially to the directors A f e v . pithy comments a a d t h e and players. Appreciation was about the tradition of freedom tervening depression years had to Speak Next bitterness of their sarcasm gives which unites and has united revo- prevented a number of subscrib- also expressed to those who a superficial lightness to t h e play. • Friday at Temple lutionary Poland and revolution- ers from fulfilling the three and helped with the stage, advertising The basic thesae, t h a t t h e famsolicitors, program .advertisers ary America and while the Polish five year terms of their pledges, unhappiness is due t o the fi- Oa Friday eveniisg, November y g, e b e ambassador, namedv Potockl, , of with 'the result that $200,000 is and the audience. In its state- ily nancial circumstances which have all names Potocki ( and so of thestill outstanding on the $1,300,- ment the board said, "every mem- distorted i t s point of view, does 12, Harry E. Terrell, secretary cf ber of the Workmen's Circle Drathe Council th National N t i l C i l for the Preclan of the ger zedeckof Vilna 000 pledge. ' Wi'ii l->. matic club should feel proud to not ring true. , vention of War end for seven - - while this man tinsmllingly William Holzman, director for have achieved such a moral sueThe success of t h e play rested years secretary o. the Des Moines . mouths the words that Mr. Roose- Omaha, expressed the belief that on t h e excellent work of the cast. Peace Council, will speak s t Temvelt means,-while all this goes on "with Improved economic condi- cess. M a r t h a ' H i m e l s t e i n showed unus- ple Israel on "Scandinavia's . Conthe Polish barbarians are mur-tions, and the knowledge that the ual talent i n handling t h e role tribution to Peace. dering, slowly, systematically, our Home has real' need for all the of t h e out-spoken mother. J o e brethren in Galicia. The older money pledged, all obligations A.'Z. A.; Chooses •. . Hornstein was convincing .as t h e - people bend them down. Slowly will soon be fulflled." ' ' Louise Saylast meek, uninspired father given t o they perish. They have memories. The Bellefaire cottage3 were ;•'••. A s .'Sweetheart* disconnected observances a n d t h e But the. young men and women completed and occupied in 1929 worship of Teddy Roosevelt • have no memories of better, days. to replace the sixty-year old, con- The difficult part of t h e Still bearing the Scsra she reThey have not lived. Theyyhave gregate-type Home. D i r e c t o r s radical grandfather was done with contrast these syste ceived as an innocent by-stander The public is invited. no hope. They dare not nyurrnur, have pledged themselves to orproper restraintfeyJoe Saks. R e for even to murmur means de- ganize their respective communi- at an encounter between & bi-becca Kirshenbausa was a splritstruction — not only their own ties to make this the last year of cycle she was riding and a street ed, though unhappy,'.HennI Ber- GEORGE ¥EIIGTTQ, car, Miss Louise.Saylan was chodestruction; they could and would the campaign. sen A Z A. Sweetheart by mem- ger, and Charles Rachman foundd SON OF. ENVOY,' risk that, but the destruction of bera of the Mother chapter and; the part of Ralph well-suited to their fathers and mothers. It their friends at the Sweetheart his abilities. Salewia Michalck as would 'mean actual torture and Palestine Theater blood . . . A few who have inish- : Troupe Planning' , Swing held Sunday night at the Moe Alezrod'gave one of the out-- - White Plains', N. Paxton ' standing performances ia the play. pachah In America wait all year Miss'st-ylan, who succeeds Miss j The minor roles of Uncle Morty, George d's sduro 'Peixotto, not'".'. Tour of America Ruth tor the Yomin tovim, for Rosh ^ Block, will, act as hostess at -j Sam Feinschreiber, and Sohlosser ed American „ Hashonah arid Pesach when - - if all of the Mother Chapter's social i were^weirdone by Joe Cohen, Sylscion of a'aold gephardic _. Jerusalem (JTA)-—The Ohel al goes well and only if all goes Van ^Frankel,-and Nate Seeker- family long prominerst in'Aiaeri-r-___,.., well - - a few dollars trickle from Hebrew Workers' theater is ne-events during the coming year. r C£n Jewish' history, cied here at Next Wednesday evening the man. gotiating for a possible tour of America. Mrs.,Herman Jahr directed the the'age' e. T8-" A'kinsmaa of Sutwo Omaha A. Z. A. chapters will the United States. H. Leivick, not a Federation of Is there preme Court .Justice Benjamin N. Polish Jews in America? Is there the New York Yiddish writer now hold & banquet at the Jewish produetioa.' Cardoso, Pelxotto was the soa of Community Center Center to to welcome welcome not a women's section called visiting-" Palestine, may participate Community the late Benjamin Franklin PeisEzra? I know that individual In the negotiations on his return Mr. and ;Mrs. Julius Bisno, home E v i d e n c e ' J e W S o f otto,..'"Who •WEB" :appointed "Unite-ii | from their recent Palestinian trip men and women grieve and give. h o m e . • • . ' - ' their recent Palestinian trip. •- «_. ' ™. States consul-general to Rou-'.'_.etbs*l. h Immediately following the dinner; Europ But not enough. Not enough- Nor The Habimah Hebrew theater from : mania in IS TO by-President Grant! bowling-. do they cry out enough. Nor dotroupe left for a four-month the Bisno3 will tell about their rePalestine ;C and EHthorteed to help ameliorate i aw^rd wi they cry out' enough to England European tour, with its first cent .trip. the lot .of tha Rouiaanian Jews. | outstandii of and in England concerning the scheduled performance' at the The next regular meeting : TA) — IGeorge Maciiro . bad Cone 'the ; Center at murder of the innocents, concern- Trocadero theater of the Interna- the Mother Chapter will be held .any dis next Sunday when the »PPUca-| the diaspora ^ r e | ^ t r a i t s of many ing a servitude harder than that tional Exposition In Paris. d . s t i n g u ^ d j ffi e IOT 0 t of Egypt, concerning the blot of brought to'Beth-ShearU for bur- ^cKm ^ ' , l m£o a d/ .S. tthem ™ P^ceat; From Paris, the troupe will go tioris of several young i fd e r"e d l i o Polish ruthlessness upon t h e to Belgium, London and later to membership will be considered. - \ - ial is provided by the aiscovwy of f o r e t ^ f h% - % SE£ S£ r eMI a°t efd? - j F a 0 shield of Western civilization, Scandinavian countries. The repeextensive -catacoinbs at the abuUi- ^ ' - ^°f, ^ . -1 concerning the absurdity '.that toire for the tour includes "The ' ^ ern Galilleean town, now knovrn H« P°«rait of iaontetiore aaEgs j E cries to heaven arid echoes in hell Dybbuk," "The Eternal Jew," RABB! GOWSlElli • ' : as Sbelh Abreia. ,. •• : in the .Corcoran gahery ia V ash. | v i of any temporizing with a group "The Golem's Dream" and "Uriel TO SPEAK III ck The cataceaiH catacc_nbr, iallrg tack to! to! f ^, I . of. Arab notables and capitalists da Costa." 7fr r QER the second ard tl.Ird c-aturks A. i \ , ' '"~ ^ fwhen a people is to be saved 1 By the time the company reD., were eicav_.tcd ; from the hands of murderers. turns it Is expected that the new j 1 f0 £ *r jasnir, Hcisler Sa And what a people! I know my Habimah theater in Tel Aviv will Rabbi David A. Goldstein -will. uadcrtaLen for l.. Jews. I know their vices - - both bo reads*. speak in Pender, Nebraska, on plcr'at'ar Co icty ,,-,--' their inherent ones and thoss Tuesday, November IS. ander the fir R which tyranny and oppression In 1798 Isaac da Costias was auspices of tho Peadsr ITonea'j have etched, as in acid, upon the elected president of the National Club. substance of their souls. But I of the Batavian ReRabbi Gc.Cftc.n Tfll creel: or. 'irj b"r cJ .'•••'•.-• (Continued on page S.)j "Five Kt'precs-ntclive zsv tlie public.












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the foremost celebrities of the! "House o£ Glass," Major Bowel j , tlon to equal rights was waning. degradiag battle. And the stor;» of movie colony. He has been get- j Amateurs, Firestone Hour, ania&J Soon thereafter, news appeared this battle Dr. Cohen tells •with tiisg only four or five hours sleep others. He is the lather of Jrt3 '* p that Minister Protopopoff propos- skill »n(J in a scholarly non-partij Ey TJOXJIS PEE4KSKY nightly and the nerve-wracking! Kendall, mono player, ed to enact into law a measure san manner, utilizing valuable ('Copyright, in?7, hy Seven Arti' pace began to tell on him to such i for the relief of Jewish disabili- and original sources. Feature Syndicate) an extent that his doctor ordered '; ties without parliamentary sancThe battle had another import-, 1 HABBIAH PLAYER GOES him to give r.p 6.11 work except I HOLLYWOOD tion; and ordered the governors tant, though obscure aspect, ecto stop disturbing Jews who were onomic. -Eibeschuetz had' always! Attracted by offers to appear! movie-nicking . . David Diamond.! Rvff without domicile. March, 1917, championed the masses "by whom I ™ motion pictures, Miriam Elyas, Grand National producer, is the; brought a~revolutlon in Russia, he was strongly beloved. In ra ' late of , the Habima' Theatre in .first to_re£isier a story vrove-nj ; thereby eliminating that country a sermon he had condemned the Moscow, Russia, is a new arrival | around the present mysterious! isfin Opui 1 warfare in the mpcii-j as a moral liability on the hands wealthy who naturally resented! ™ Hollywood. She has just come -submarine -— of the Allies. .''.•"•-.." his strictures. Emden provided j from New York, where she hasterranean end he has submitted j JS Aiifpicf nYNS)—-DespairRoumanian Propaganda. these with a.pretext for attempt-i b e e n appearing in recitals after j it to Grand National as a possible ' ir. oi pet.Ung permission, frpin In June, 1917—two months af- ing to- get rid of a fearless lead- j performing for £2 weeks n thei EUbjeCt £DT OV-B O£ t h e 1 OV.V f 8<l- ; the Gfrrcan gcvpvnment to plaj \ ter America entered the war— er whom they could not dominate. I famous Biblical spectacle, "The | iures he will make et that studio! Kobt-rf Pchrmfirir's "lost" viollr ' The Inside, never-biafore-told purposo of bipod transfusion: 'sion to be enrolled as an Assist- Premier Bratiano cabled the Jew- The wealthy and socially power- j Eternal Road," produced by the j. . , Irving Pichel will direct "Tfce ! roncerto. the rip:b.tE to which »r« story of how the propaganda Group I, 5 per cent; Group II, 35ant Advocated in Moscow, which ish Morning Journal that the gov- f ul rallied around Emden and i ° n e a n doal - v Max Reinhardt. This j Duke Comes Back" for Republic i owned ry Germany. YehuiJI Menmachino of the AJlied Towers per cent; Group III, 10 per cent: had been refused by the Ministry ernment had decided to' grant carried the controversy to fcorri- j *s i^-e time the Russian ae-j Studios . ., . Capitalized to the ex-!uhir iinnnnnreii that: he migh* successfully won the support of and Group IV, 50 per cent. There of Justice, w a s • nevertheless Jews , equal civil and political ble lengths. It is gratifying to re-j tress has visited Hollywood. In; tent of $100,000, Harry Sherman] defy the wishes of the Nazi American Jewish opinion \IDL were men and women of ' each granted by the| On October rights. Jewish suffering in Ru-cord, however, that in every test 1 9 2 S , she toured the eastern part; Visual Education Pictures, Inc.. Ire grime and play the concerto - the years before the United, blood group in every race. 1st, came news, that the Russian mania both before and after this of .popular strength, Eibeschuetz I °* t h e United States, playing the has been organized in Hollywood. I •without permission h? a, Los AnState? entered the World \Y>r . Thus, the chief problem of thegovernment had enlarged Jewish declaration'is; however, a matter was vindicated, in 1753 and again jr o ! e o f 'Chanan' in Amsky's "The ; Production of If. mm. finis for | geles frnT!ce"t or, October 18th. Is told in tills fact-buttressed various nations in wartime is how, educational opportunities. Refu- of history. in 1756, which victories- made:1 Dybbuk," which she created in j educations! purr-osos Tin stsi-f. I\l5>ruSiiu had sf-vpva.1 timeE expose by Mr. Shapiro. Mr. to get men of each race and creed gees from Poland told of hard(Reproduction in whole or In Emden and his cohorts'more ruth- Moscow. At the end of her tour • soon. Organizers of the new 1:i,~ vPiu'.Uion of the Shapiro is the mithpp of a so aroused that they will enlist ships and cruelties under German part without written permission less and unprincipled. ;Not o n l y ' s l l e returned to Europe and onlyjpany. are Harry Sherman, Sam postponed concerto r.r.ii' r.ifcer it had been stark realistic book, "Whut Ev- and .fight for the sake of Ideals. rule. By January, 1917, the Amer- from Seven Arts feature Syndimonths ago came back to : Berkowitz and I-. D. Trop were the people behind Eibesch- a_ "he publicly pi ay PC iu Germany but ery Young Man Should Know In the case of the Jew, whose life ican Jewish Committee itself pub- cate is strictly forbidden.) country. t outdoor Hell of has not yet received the permis; cation's About War," which Knight will has been, lived for centuries in lished two Russian press items (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts uetz. All the important rabbinical! PERSONALLY SPEARING 'Farce WES opened with elaborate sion io be '.Tie. first to play it in authorities like the Gaon of Vilna j publish this month. It is a re- the midst of . cross-currents pf purporting to show that opposiFeature Syndicate) ceremonies TTeflneBdF.j*. on the es- America, T h e young, Jewish and Ezekiel Landau, resented this j Kent.Taylor has acted in vealing document that tflionld racial prejudices and national an•planade outside the Cathay Cir- virtuoso said lie feels the German persecution, of an honored leader! motion pictures in the past be in the hands of every Jew. tagonisms, the. problem in the years without a vacation, so ! cle Theatre in LOB Angeles end Eovf-rmruTt is showing animus in Israel and defended him in no | In this first of two'articles past has been to make him feel a n d Mrs uncertain terms. - Taylor hare decided to j the first statue placed in It •V.'DS fcvcri* ];im. presented on the occasion : of grateful to the nation which calls The controversy destroyed t h e : t a k e . a t r i P t o Europe this month j a sculpture of Far.l •rrri Armistice, pay, Mr.' Shapiro upon him for aid. Granted this, of Rome, a thirtnie5 last shred of authority the rabbis j m m Ita is said that Alice Fare's j in the role of Emile Zola, sounds a warning against Jew» his patriotism has usually' soared enjoyed, by rendering the "Cher- j ° frowned j m her marriage j nry poet, has often ry permitting itself to be duped to the limit, ;and he has been a em" the ban, ridiculous in theto Tony Martin. The fact that the i i r Jewish Dante, By DR. {THEODORE N. LEWIS again by those who are: play generous giver, in both his poseyes of the masses. Its infjiscrini- latter is of the Jewish faith seem- : 7 1 IS C ing on their desire to take 9 sessions and his life. How, then, Eabbi, Mount Sinai Temple, SIQXIX, City v ^ 1 rbe a secret until the newsinate use by thetwo opposing ed to crack at mtler.—-Tho Editor. ers L in the World, War, could natioijs ' l r r r* 0 ' v OMAHA groups,, who invoked it against tPoa P revealed it when he went ;j_' ^ v t h ealtar L e a c that had wronged their Jews win i in r, „ ••: irv-itz Kosher each other, made the rabbis ob-1 ' . . • Norma Shearer , " J " ^ " ' o r J Jews throughout the world, them back? How could those who "JACOB E5IDEN" (A MAX OPj bi in Prague where he bad estab- jeets of scorn and laughter. The l s t 5 i e o n l y actress who was actu- .^f1^ , / L ^~> Products COXTROVEnSY) BY MORTIMlished for himgelf an enviable rep•who wish subconsciously, that had served Israel well, ;enlist the ally considered for the role cf people wholooked to them for ' T r &EANS IN TOthey could "take a crack at Hit- entire support of their Jewish ER J.. COHEN, 330 PAGES, THE j utation as a preacher and leader, leadership and guidance during Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone Yvith where he -was truly beloved by populations, and beyond that gain DROPSIE COMJBGE. P H U J A ! ler," should take .heed lest^-a.B in the Wind,"'an executive of SelzSOUP the common people, the warfare these .trying years of political nick International Pictures ie tl "rtre '1 p"e ' ! « £• -—they again be- the support of the powerful Jewthe World T M A T O §OUP emancipation and cultural assim" come the dupes of other people's ry in America? This is a scholarly and fascin- commenced when Eibeschuetz ar- l l a t l o n w e quoted as saying. Miss Shearer . ™ dwappolnted. Spirit- however, signed a new contract i i i e F for- c ambitions. Long before countries On February 12, 1917—two ating account of one of the most rived at Altona in 1750 to take j ual, and ' \ r'F » t Your cultural leadership passed are actually at war, neutral conn- months before America declared famous, bitter, and shameful con- up his duties as Chief Rabbi of out of their hands and into hands w i t h M G M and will soon start Lf! - tries and racial groups are sub-war on Germany—Rabbi Stephen troversies in Jewish history, the the triple community — Altona, of men better educated, more lib-I w o r k i n a Picture, so the deal fell the c-'-l e .T. WE S0B4 . jected to a systematic propaganda S. Wise informed the congrega- battle between Jacob Emden and Hamburg and "Wandsbeck — foreral and more sincere, e. g. Moses j ^ r ^ S 1 1 • • • vo o i f • on "The Hunchback of reccrt • 5 •which office Emden was an unby armies,, ot experts: psycholog- tion of the Free . Synagogue of Jonathan Eibeschuetz. The exNotre DaS8 c f ' •will be filmed with v !rc " f ' ^ T t ists, sociologists, newspapermen, our duty to influence the Ger-cellent psycho-analytical delinea- successful candidate. He instant- Mendelsohn. The spiritual leader- i P e t e r ship of the. rabbis was bankrupt, i Lorre in the leading role . . C-l F* v'i- I i PC V C*«? artists, cartoonists,' linguists and man- people to overthrow Hohen- tion of Emden's character "helps ly showed his excessive bitterness L o r r e h s s feeen AT tested for a role '<•' 1 ? C c ?5 " T l " others, who are playing on every zollern Prussianism. Although he us understand the fury with when he failed to come to theTheir self seeking, their struggles j n N o r n i a coming proemotion and weakness," including was moved by,, the loftiest ideals which it was waged. ,The author Synagogue to hear Eibeschuetz for position, for power and wealth i d' u c t i o n a n Shearer's dm a F S^i it . . . The racial prejudices and national as- of humanitarianism-—and reflect- does not Ignore the social and preach his inaugurual sermon destroyed popular reverence and Iiltz Brotber piration. "To be forewarned is to ed the views of our outstanding political status of the Jews of the Ready and eager to pounce upon reduced their influence to nsnght. r i T a l s o f t h e s , already strong The masses must have also been | Mars. Bros., are be forearmed!" Jewish leaders—his plea against eighteenth century, and how that his innocent enemy, the occassion perplexed by the rabbinic battle b r e a k i n S records in their first presented itself quite soon, in an Germany evidenced the success of , Brigadier General. Edward L-. influenced the controversy. One over so trifling a matter as amu-starring picture, "Life Begins at Munson, ' General Staff, U. S. years of Allied efforts to lure must grieve at the decadence.of amulet Eibeschuetz issued years lets, certainly a most unimport- College" . . . Joseph Schiidkrsut opinion into the Judaism ^nd the degradation of ago, &nd which Em^ea claimed Army, has pointed out that the American Jewish is enjoying unusual success this , : morale division of our World War Allied fold by playing on the. del-the rabbinate of that day, thecontained references to the Sab-ant item in Jewish tradition. They season and his effective -work in must have wondered why the rabicate emotions of a Jewry whose army operated'on the'principle members of •which, with a few no- batarian heresy. bis who were so exercised over "The Life of Emile Sola," "Souls that soldiers'-pf a democratic brethren in eastern Europe had table exceptions, were more InThe Issuance of amulets was a these superstitious prescriptions at Sea" and now "Lancer Spy" • suffered far more than the nor. country "fight well only for terested in furthering their own universal practice among the rabthe more difficult and has been rewarded with a new | • ideals. Money or material reward mal horrors of war since 1014. advancement and welfare than in bis of that day and sanctioned by neglected pressing problems of ejwish ed- five-year contract with 20th Cen-, : was noT inducement to the Amer- How the Allies won us over, and the cause of Judaism. Hopeless, the Cabbalah of which Eibeschuucation, of eJwish adjustment to tury-Fos. It is reported the stnwhy their'enemies failed, can now selfishness and self seeking, bit-Ncan eoldier to face the bullets of was a deep student. Amulets environment, the harmonization dio plans to give him a big pub-' be told. the Argonne, but he fought ter rivalry and petty jealousy, were dispensed indiscriminately Jewish thought and life with licity build-up and groom him for. .death, with a smile on nib lips, robbed them of authority and lea- for the whole gamut of human of Russian Propaganda the new learning and temper of roles in biographical pictures like ' as the champion of ideals." - : When England in August 1014, dership, rendered them submis- needs, to Induce pregnancy, and the scientific era. those in which Par.' Muni has ' In no case has this been truer entered the war on the "side of sive to the rich and powerful, and to deliver pregnant women "from made such tremendous hits. Be-' • Is the rabbinate on a much than of the Jew. As "the inextin- Russia, she realized that she drove a,way many from the syna- death; to cure and heal all ailfore going to 2 0th Century, ' higher plane today? Does it posguishable idealist he is considered would hav^', to dress the Russian gogue and Judaism., .' . ments of the flesh; to avert gangSchildkraut will make one picture to he an excellent prospect for re- bear in sheep's "clothing in order The two opening chapter 'Child- er on the road, etc. The people sess" genuine authority and pow- for Republic Studios . . Harry Joe ; er? Are the rabbis true spiritual cruiting-in z war• against^faseism, to attract Jewish support for the hood and ,Yqntn''and "Marriage," had a naive but firm faith in the Brown, newest addition to 20th ' and an even better fighter. .-No allied cause. And so, within'two p.rovide us with a thorough study efficacy of there mysterious docu- leaders, and do they mould the Century-Fox associate producers, thoughts of American Jews and country In the World War. under- weeks, it was announced that of the character of the chief ac- ments. For a, rabbi to have refusis a former publicity man and stood this better than England, England was fostering a spirit of tor, Jacob Emden who was born ed to issue them would have been direct the intellectual and culnr- screen writer . . . Samuel G-. En-' equivalent to courting the com-al life of their people? Even in gel, England preparing a •which began: its. campaign to liberalism in Russia! It was ire- in 1698 and died in 1776. The make the American Jew pro-Ally ported thai; the Czar "was" about early environment of Emden con- .munityjs inexcusable anger. Eibe- the limited sphere of . Judaism for the same studio, came • long before the United States de- to grant the jews equal civil and ditioned him most, rigidly, and In- schuetz was awaited- by the Altona where by training and profession fscript r o m tile r a n k s c f ficti °a a E d 'clared war, on Germany. In;, do- political rightp. Soon thereafter escapably shaped his conduct and people with exceptional eagerness they are presumably experts and s c r e e n to his present poing' so,- England had' to explain it. was announced that Jewish; stu- destiny. This unrelenting warrior because his amuletT were believed masters, do they speak authorita- f s U l o n waters tively? As then, so todav our b e r b e r ° r eminence . . . Mendel Sll'^"away, or, claim to have, converted, dents and doctors would be ad-of the Lord was simply a-frus- to possess extraordinary power. leadership is woefully inefficient ^ Prominent political fig•two of its; allies—anti-Semitic mitted to the courses of the Rus- trated, "sick sou], disappointed in One of the most disastrous and a spirit of consecration to ure and attorney and a leader in Russia and Jew-baiting Rumania sian Red Cross Society. To show love, sexually maladjusted, and movements in Jewish life was that Judaism 'on the part of those who Los Angeles Jewry, has been ap-' burden eased, in a negative that the Russian bear and Jewish •a hopeless failure In everything. by Sabbattai Zevi, the pseudo are dedicated to its service is notpointed executive .- assistance to sense, by. publicizing, and build- lamb would dwell together in Despite great, learning and end-led of 1666, •who to save always in evidence. Instead of di- i H a r r y C o l m - i e & d o f Columbia ing up, stories of .German and unity, the Jews were reminded less ambitioji, he was unable to Messiah, from death accepted Is- recting our efforts to the recon-!' P i c t u r e s • • • Turkish anti-Jewish persecutions. that the Czar had appealed to his hold a' rabbinical post even in, so himself lam. Even this did not destroy his sanction of Jewish life, faction-! HOLLYWOOD REPORTS Realizing the inadequacy of this Jews in the Yiddish tongue! An- small a community as Emden. A influence. Some persisted in al disputes and petty squabbles 1 W a l t e r Winchells enforced laynegative approach; Great Britain, nouncement; was made that Jews contentious individual, amazingly evjl in him, in his moveo f f £roal £ r o a l h5s h 5 swork w o r k as a saa radi0 r a d i 0gos gos on behalf of itself and its Allies, were to be made officers in thedisagreeable, always . quarreling believing consume our r energies and str<=n^str<n-11 off *' ment,- and In his fantastic doc- th s i p e r a n da A d h th. And the neglect of Judaism ! newspaper columnist with family and friends, he provtrines, not a few of which were in had to adopt a plan whereby the Russian army and navy. The Jews ! a E t s e T § n w e e k s 1 ! a E ts e T § n w e e k s - s i n c e b e the Jewish f th J i h tradi-! d i ! c^a U Jewish people, particularly in of the world were expected to re- ed a burden to all, and most es- open violation of rabbinic law. and ignorance of me to pecially to himself. Inheriting a tion -are assuming threatening! Hollywood six months The rabbis were pathetically eager America, would regard the Allies joice because a non-commissioned ago, "Winchell has become one of proportions. skirt, for tlse soas the saviors of Israel and' be Jewish officer in Russia bad been strong tendency to melancholy to uproot every trace of this deWhen one earnestly regards the ! fcl . . . sp'srkeager to lay down their lives to recommended for the Orde'r of St. from his father, -aggravated by structive and nefarious movement Jewish contemporary scene hef ^ fircv-orfcs tequins George. They, were asked to be-sexual inhibitions and cruel dis- and visited the most extreme pun" achieve an Allied victory. and yet endowed ishment — excommunication — must bemoan the painful fact that • / ~ rro-1 ' 1 •r c For, every General Staff knows lieve that German charges of Rus- appointments, with conspcious gifts- and first upon those who were discovered the status of Judaism and of the' \ L lull well that-once an ideal has sian persecution -were untrue. rate thai talents such a man -was preis on the whole not i •- •— been fixed in the minds and The full text of a Russian mani- ordained to suffering and tragedy. harboring and preaching this in- rabbinate much, hiEher than in the days sane delusion. hearts of its racial legions, its festo against persecution of theOf the abundant proofs pf his Emden and Eibeschuetz. only fear need be that ;thev troops Jews was published by the. Amer- emotional instability which Dr. Of this dread heresy Emden ican press. . ,--. '/',-. , shall not die from excess emoCohen advances, none is so irre- now accused Eibeschuetz and The Beni Israel, Jewish tribe! tion or recklessness. Aside from In May, 1915,ran item appear- futable and damaging as his open claimed that one of the amulets of India, have always been famed this, the matter of races does ed, blaming Russian •persecution advocacy of concubinage and: the he issued contained -tfaa name of as soldiers. have,an important bearing on the of the Jews on, German influence, denunciation of Rabbi Gershom, Sabbattai Zevi, Eibeschuetz denjfood and equipment to be provid- and. declaring "Russia's enemy, for his ban on pologamy. Certain- ials were of no avail; for into am* '•" Iving S.7 Gf a Chcrpc Account ed for the troops. Thus, regi- Germany, to.have been the cradle ly any one publicly and earnestly ulets made up principally of nonking of Hungary, was escomsiu; ments containing a large propor- of anti-Semitism. . defending polygamy in the eight- sensical Juggling of the alphabet nicated b j - Pope Gregory IX be-',' tion of short, Polish Jews from Jn the middle of, July, 1915, eenth century was heyond doubt a in Cabbalistic fashion, one was New York City would have to beGrand Duke Nicholas -was said to fit subject for a psychopathic'In- free to read anything one desired. cause he would not exclude Jews ; Once Emden accused his antagon- and Moslems from public office.' provided a lesser amount of food be offering the Jews in the' Rus-stitution. ist of this heresy no amount of' per man than those , composed sian Army an opportunity to mostly of long-legged Scandinav- found a united and independent It was the misfortune of a personal avowal of innocence, and ians. A knowledge of racial char Jewry, by retaking Palestine. splendid gentleman and efficient no amount acteristlcs is necessary for tin On October 1, 1915, came the and kindly leader, Rabhi Jona-i would divert him from proper cutting of uniforms and news that jr Jew, .M. "Weinstein, than Eibeschuetz to be compelled ! appointed task. He venomously, the manufacture of gas masks. I had been elected to the Czar's to wage with such a paranoiac a I indecently, and persistently xraa important, ot the British council. Professor B. S, Basch in shameful and exhausting •Army in the formation of, mili- a speech in the Bronx, New York for six years, with weapons which j soon had the entire community ' tary organizations like the Jewish City, opposed an attack on thehi3 soul must ' . . . and. a great. portion of —European ' legion. On the other hand, Jn one Czar by. the Jews in the United Though tho two had met v^'hile Jewry, including the rabbinate, States. As showing its humanlservice of tho army, racial characembroiled in a bitter, futile and \ teristics aro unimportant except tarianism, the Russian govern- Elbeachuetz vas -an assistant rab| In determining, the size of stretch- ment announced .that it had giv\ ors, army cots and coffins. In theen traveling permission to the j all-Important function of .blood •wive3 and children ot men who j transfusion, a dark-eyed Hebrew had emigrated to the United j •who ha3 been taken prisoner can States before the' war. It was rel effectively donate his blood to a ported that Deputy Zamyslovsky was howled down, when ho attacki dying blue-eyed Nordic, and the ! other way 'round, provided only etl tho Jews in tho Russian Duma. ] that' the donpr is free from com- (In June, 1Q1G, however, tho BCJJOV ] munjcable diseases,, such as syph- American Jewish Chronicle offered photographic proof from offi'< ilia and malaria, anel-'f urther,' that cial documents that the Russian \ ; tho blood of both is compatible. government was instigating po*! To dispose - of ' the ridiculous groms. ] charge that all peoples in warj time are not blood-brothers, it fa In September, 101C, the Rus-i j \ interesting to point out that sold- sian government was pleased to ' iera during the World War fell tell the Jewa of tho world that '• into one of four groups for the l l r . B.roldcf's request for permia-

D Defy id Play

By Harold Roland Shapiro


Vtlk ? MI "n



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FUNERAL DIRECTORS Farnaia at 33rd >-,


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THE JEWISH PESSS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1937 is poultry farming NoV that! New York Board of Education the Grand Mufti has been, deposed has approved a plan hv which and is a .zaight like students o£ foreign languages will; to be reminded that he -sras a', spend part cf their time learning; fugitive in 1S20, too . . . At that! about the customs, ideals End astime he was sentenced to tea i piratsons of the peoples whose

se of Glass," Major Bowes ears," Firestone *H<^ur,. and 3. He is the fathei" at Jo} all, movie player, A yright, 1937, "by Seven Arti Feature Syndicate) • """

to Deify Nazis and Play Schumann Opui >s Angeles (WNS) —^-Despairof getting permission fron: German government to plaj srt Schumann's "lost" violir erto, the rights to •which ar« ed hy Germany. Yehudi Menannounced that he might the -wishes of the Naz: rr.e and piny the ; concerts out permission in ai; Los An3 concert on October -10th. enuhin had several times poned his rendition, of the erto until after Jt had been jcly played in Germany but not yet received the permisto be the first to play it in rica. T h e young; "Jewish toso said he feels th§! German rnment is showing;; animus ird him. '}'. .

imanuel of Rome,-; a, th tentury poet, lias often called the Jewish Dante.

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Indicate ~ Arabs Started Fire in. 1 *




(TVNS-PsUcor Aicetf.-

. Which years in prison for his part in the tongues they study "s — Fire Evrept throccfe. beau1920 riots He fled Palestine, t means that the "1,500 students urui Salfonr Forest and destrcvand returned only after Sir Her- j taking modern Hebrew In tee city! ed If.000- trees belore the conbert Samuel, then Higit Comrnis- ] high" schools -rill soon be study-! could be brouchi sioner, amnestied him . . What's ing Zionisia, Jewish, culture and I cor.'.-•»,». more, it was Samuel who made Jewish history . . . The best wise- i -'t-n.rtc him Grand Mufti The office! crack we've heard in a long t i m e r was vacant, and en Samuel's ad- was pulled by Mrs. Louis Lipsky : New To-k(JTA)—"nder the I them, in preference to any others, | mean, I don't .know; but I d o j T i c e H a j A m i l l b e c a a i e a c a a d i . a s she watched the feverish whis-l W-^f--' PVP atchful if I,SCO policemen. ! fightim € "- .; they reflect the .sentiment and ]know that every name means date In. a secret ballot he got pering goisg on in a Zionist group ' s o m e j.sco uniformed Nf- ; s r-- settler? v 1 - poetry and admiration for the something. Consider how the Yorkvii?*e last from 11" c ^' beautiful that characterizes them. Russian Jewish names originated. only on e third of the votes, but jj "Among Zionists," she declared, [ raded 'through T saw to it that he got the j'"entre noes quickly becomes justi-^eejj t 0 t j , e " L n - V , ! f f l 1 ' r l 0 " ' ' ' Jezreal, v i o~~ 'I knew a girl once'named Mor- As in Germany, the Jews were re- •Samuel job anyway . . Among the groups ( b A h plain news" . .- . Joe Gould, man-j^sed chorn^cf Tpos'tni he"- * the toxe- c-i genthau and she told me how the quired to take family names. But jopposing partition is British Is- j ager of Jim Braddock, is brag-! T J , O ddk i b ! ' ' " i the air.'•o- o" family got its name. It seems that in Russia they had no choice as rael, an organization which claims j ging that Julius Streicher's ritable arirr c f policy paper' the Jews were one of the last to what the names should be. that the English are the descend- j has denounced him as "the Jewassigned to the district after i atiozu peoples to adopt family names. A Names were assigned to them. ""ayor LaGuarfiia had charged A s f - c <• ants of the Ten Lost Tribes . . . j who robbed Ka= Schmeling of the j Tammany" Kali" WE= fellow-would be named Isaac, and And the ribald Russian clerks using the vs,-were r.Ci The society inserted a full-page ! heavyweight title" . . A home ' '•O'liz&e to embarrass him befo/? to distinguish him -from all the who assigned the names enjoyed advertisement in the ro; Loadoa ; refugee priests a.nd nuns a ' election day, prevented any CIKother Isaacs, he would be known themselves thoroughly . as they Times declaring that "Great | Mexico has been built in Corp orcers. Only a few minor scuf- given : as Isaac, the son of Jacob.: His combined hatred with what they cerelcpt Britain is Israel and the sover- j Christi, Tesas, with Jewish money r e s occurred relatives and friends knew who thought was a sense of humor. eignty of the land of Israel should j ed by v • A n d It'll b e c e d i c a t e d b y a{ -One'of t h e t h r e e o r 4,POO ET5eche was, but it was rather conlus^"-'BC All! Jewish judge from N e w York "What is your name?" they be one and undivided" ing to outsiders. This state of tators on the sidewalk w.s i settlers of which reminds us that one of would demand of a bearded patriThe palm for business enterprise> punched in the nose, causing it to things, primitive as it was, perthe basic tenents of the Mormon sisted well into the nineteenth arch who stood before them. religion is that the Indians, are goes to David Goldberg and Macyj bleed, when .he raised his rrm "Abraham." "Your full name is (get the .Litvak ascent?) Cohen - and shouted, "Fell'"" l"g -5 century. Abraham Bellyache." And- down descendants of Jews who came to of Washington, D. C-. . For years • salient -was r'ot "In Germany they decided to it would go in the records. America long before the birlh of they ran a store called the Jap-j ner ' fights" arose when VV^' ot do something about it. A law was anese Gift Shop on Pennsylvania ] Nazis resetted the Xasi sslr.fe.' •'And "what are you called?** Christ . . . passed requiring everybody lo apDUPE OF WINDSOR Avenue •- . . But Washington no j The parade -eras organized h pear at a place of registry and they would ask another, 'tlsaac." That's- what they're calling tne like© the Japanese nowadays, so • -he Eastern district o? n^ ^T. m "You are Isaac God-be-damned." register his family name. The former king of England in Eur- overnight the shop And down, that would go with a became ^the j American Bend EE a * . . ™ . ^,wo grandfatherr—or maybe it was the ope as a result of sensations! dis- Chinese Bazaar . . 1 roar of laughter. • There s a; march to demonstrate the cnitv

By Milton Wright

V Two weeks ago a Brooklyn Jew by the name of Alfred Levy obtained legal permission to change his name to-Warner .Alfred Douglas because he .maintained Levy Tfas not dignnlfied enough. In this article, Mr. Wright, nutho? o£ "The Art of Conversation," presents the viewpoint of the cultured non-Jew concerning the names commonly regarded as "Jewish" and the tendency to Aryanlze them.—The Editor. Frequently there is resentment and ribald comment, among Jews as well as Gentiles, -when a'Jew changes his name. As, a Gentile, r d like to make a. few remarks on the subject. j Let's take first names first. "We Gentiles have no cause for complaint when Jews, take name3 likeWilliam or Charles or Robert, for •we-have been appropriated Jewish names for a long, long time. 1 am not thinking of Jewish names which have significance in Christian history, like Peter and James and John and Luke. I have in mind names right out of the Old Testament. ' Think, of some of the great men who have had Jewish' first names,. Abraham Lincoln. Isaac Newton, Noah Webster, Samuel Johnson, Nathan Hale, Benjamin Harrison, Levi P. Morton, Elisha Gray. The liBt Is endless.

great-grandfather—of this girl I knew started" out from his home for the registry place without having the faintest idea what lie wasgoingito call himself. He had to start early for it was a long walk. "It looked like the beginning of a perfect day. The sun was shining and the dew was sparkling-on the grass like myriads of diamonds. He had never seen anything more beautiful. A sight like this was something to be remembered. • Ah, -'" an idea! He would take the name morning dew, and the picture he had seen would be -recorded for generations. And so when he reached the registry place he called himself Morgenthau." There is another, kind of name borne by Jews." These are not Jewish names; and they are ugly, deliberately ugly, pressed on their bearers in malicious derision in times of persecution' In Russia. There probably a're few ears upon which Slivka, Slutsky, Slotnik a n d Lipshitz, considered merely as sounds, • would not grate. And yet,'If I were a Jew, I would glory in the thought that the name Slutsky stands for something far finer and more truly noble than the name Romanoff. - "• What th'ese particular • names

And think how underpopulated the world would be today if • it had lacked through the centuries, all the Gentile girls who have carried the good old Jewish names of Ruth or Sarah or Martha or Elizabeth or Mary. The one woman I like to dedicate my books to Is not. Jewish, but she is named Leah. '. . Somes names seem more popular with Jewish parents than others. Take my . own." •first name Milton. It is'common in "Jewish families. "Why? ' JC offer .two \explanations—-one historical, and the other esthetic. For centuries Jews were excluded from England. When the Stuarts were overthrown- and Oliver Cromwell became' Protector, one of his greatest ^.reforms "wa3 to welcome the race back" into the country. Today there is ^probably no country in the. Old World •where they have - risen - higher than in ,England^ . :•-_ _ • Now, the Political Secretary under Cromwell was 'John: Milton, who not,only was a sublime-poet, but also an ardent champion of WAKBUBGIAXA human rights. It is not fantastic- .Most popular pastime in Jewish lo thins that he had much tb'-db circles these days is guessing in achieving Jewish repatriation. who'll succeed Felix M. Warburg He deserves to have Jewish, boys , . ..Our answer is: No one . . . . named after him. •. Only one of his four sons, Paul The other "explanation- is that Felix, is active Jewishly . . HerMilton Is a sweet sounding name. bert H. Lehman has the prestige In the English language there are to fill Warburg's shoes if he's so four sounds known as liquids; -1; inclined when he leaves the govvi, n and r. If. you have a-word ernor's mansion Therell be with some of the liquids in it, a flood of schemes for Warburg you have a word . of beautiful memorials, but the family will no sound. Think of words like mar- doubt veto most of them . . The iner, clarinet, Martin, lilt, lulla- Joint Distribution Committee staby, Naomi,'reverent, and you get tionery now bears a black border the idea. The name Milton has . , - . It'll be that way for thirty three of the liquids. days, to mark the period o f The Jews have an ear for mu- mourning for Warburg . . . We sic. They know a beautiful sound don't recall offhand how many acwhen they hear one. A name like tual nephews Warburg had, but Milton satisfies a Jewish t mother's many of the younger men who worker with him for years ; and innate sense of tone value. And that brings us to the ques- loved him always referred to.him

closures unearthed by the British

Some of the clerks were more and French, secret service con- Protestant church on North Dear-i O f the Band" and to repudiEte decent, of course, and the names cerning the real reasons for his bom Street, Chicago, where K a - | r e p o - t s Of internal dissension, they assigned were descriptive tikvah is included ainons the ; The auraber of persSers VES re= and matter-of-fact, so that a man visit to Germany and Ms forth- j D y E l n s regularly heard . " . i f t h e duced by the last moment decicoming tour of the United States Philadelphia Zionists need a dywould be called Cantor, or somesion cf KSTT Jersey and Pennsyl. . As pictured in London and i namie organizer for their district. thing else suitable. However, .Paris, vania " Bund grocps to cancel the Duke's highly publi- let them get in touch with us there were plenty of the names marching plans. cized visit to Nazlland WES the We have a real idea for them that were contemptuous ephithets „The march „ , . was - , . , followed t y and' they are still borne by thefirst step in a sensational scheme p e r r y and Wise, Inc., stands for y Sl t e R flrome descendants of the men to whom for the development of a Fascist! the new public relations bus-ess!; t y 8 c r o"w f i c ^ £Pb°o c t ? C P attenced international . . . Charles Bedaus, j"organized bv Janes w « n ' - °' ° E e they were given. . lh n l ! f i r e d multi-millianaire efficiency expert { Wise . . . We predict a lot of bmi-

Po"c«aen vrere on duty.

What i s a man to do when he and the Duke's patron, is the j ness for the Perry-Wise combina- : Three hnnfirec finds himself weighted down with father of a plan called "social ap-j tion . . . Both of tbem know their Ordnurgrsdienst (storm . stroop- ruliu? £\T,r'-.r-. a -name that is ugly or tmsuited peasement" which has been deers) vrere also stationed about stuff to him? Two courses are open to scribed as economic Fascism sans the hall. \i-e him. He can say: "We are far,racialism . . '.The Duke has been (Copyright, 1S37, t v Seves Arts .James TTheeler-Hill, head or Feature Syndicate) far older than this name which cast in the role of chief of the the New York section cf the ir.e was given to us four generations new- movement, which is designed | Bund, declared in - his address ago. I t is a wrong name, and it to popularize Fascism by giving it i BERLIN POLICE HEAD that the Hippodrome had been is time to change it. I will take the prestige of his backing and j GETS LEAVE OF leased from the Twentieth Cena name that does not clash with thus removing the curse of Hitler; tury Sporting clcfe with a proviso my character, my temperament and Mussolini that "there Trill be no talks, Further reveland my ideals." ations ' indicate that Bedaus got i speeches, pictures signs in or } ,: r~ Berlin (Havas via JTA)—,' about • the premises antagonistic Or he can say, " I will keep his idea from Joachim von Ribthis name that has been handed bentrop, Nazi envoy to England j Count Wolf von Helldorf, prefect j to asy race, color, creed or redown to me, and I will make it . . . And Ribbentrop is a great Of the Berlin police, has been j ligion" and that similar restric-re*1- r" ,

applied pal of the Duchess of Windsor . . granted "leave of absence" and is ; tions 3 speeches anc -y r^ : ~ r So great a pal that shortly before not expected to return to his post, j signs is"against £.g£.mst jmy iniiiiicipjii, Edward abdicated she had agreed A new prefect .will shortly be state or federal public official." to cooperate in a Nazi propagan- named, it was believed. American Hags Bad Evrsstjka? The departure of von Kelldorf j banners were displayed Erocnd da show to be put on by Putzi Hanfstaengl and Ribbentrop la was "believed tine to the interven- [ the sail !n about e^nal Etimcer. "nor• the home of Lady Cunard . . . tion of Heiarich Hiramler, chief j Speakers •besides Mr. Kill f f ? - Trr.rtc c V T -~ C-*~ £ Those who feel that Windsor has of all Gerisaa police orgaraza-1 H. H. Beamisli, described as '.rp been duped are also wondering | tions. Von Helldorf was original-! founder ci the racial inc-""pr:.-;.l (Copyright, .1937, by Seven Arts what is the meaning of the sud-ly appointed at the recommence- j Great Britain: Adrian Arer.rc.. ( pC ; - j ; - •• Feature Syndicate) den trip to Berlin by the Agha tion of Paul Joseph Goebbels, j • der-of the Christian NaUo. C r - u ,.^ E( Khan, spiritual leader cf millions 1 minister cf propaganda. In order jSocialist part of Canada, tr.c of Moslems, who had a powwow to intensify the struggle against j tiosal tnelir tne with the Duke, Hitler, Goebbels' Jews. His predecessor was ] and Alfred Rosenberg . . If Wind- Admiral Magnus von Levetzow, i ««*« sor thinks his visit to Naziland who ,was forced to resign in July, I "u.r. A^vir.hasn't affected his popularity here 1S35, when, he criticized the anti- \ his honor cere. he ought to hear the hisses that Jewish riots oa the Kurfcerstea- and George E. IJoesel ol y^ the pror~-~ Helldorf car le Into cf- !*York recovered screen stars, may have a b i | scrap greet him •when he appears in the' dammfour years cf financial rnewsreels . . . 'Tis said, ho-wever, I fice known as a v; newsreels , on its hands before long . . . As a legal fiisp-ates. result of screenland's boycott of that Nathan Straus, new United baiter. S t a t e s Housing Administrator, Vittorio Mussolini, II Duce's son, Patronize Our Advertisers-srcli Hosors Jew the film magnates are consider- will give Windsor the glad handin America Straus is an old ing putting a special clause into friend of the Duke's, and the two New York (W2CS>—A Chris- \s, contracts to forbid £he actors CLEATS LIKES hold similar views on housing j tian church that regained its from saying or doing anything § Always' Attracts CraetOTSsc rsproblems . . . property through the efforts of a i S that could be interpreted as pof } OMAHA TOWEL Jewish, la-fryer, paid tribute to ! 5; Ele- YOU SHOTrLD KKOW litical The reason? A Jewish wedding in one of ! him when the Community Church '• g; , The mentary, my dear Watson producers fear the ire of Hitler New York's best-known West Side of New York presented and Mussolini"may interfere with synagogues was picketed recently to Salmon. O. Levinson, Kluxers and because the Jewish firm catering lawyer, at a. luncheon foreign salesNazis in the Northwest have a for the wedding was alleged to new secret emblem by which their have refused to hire Jewish waitmembers recognize each other . . ers and to have asked the emi l l . Vi: It's the symbol of a certain watch ployment agency for "Gerraaa V»"KCLE£ALS E company pasted on an automobile waiters only" . . . At last we've found a country that's totally • Muriel, Coesta l i e r t'»i CKoccilates windshield . . - . ". Hsurrestep Cigars Judenrein . . . It's Iceland, with WE TELL THE WORLD Dry Gis^er Ala a Jewish, population of zero—and Beer Arab* terrorists would be a lot 3 1 3 So. IStlii d more worried over the coming p i we hope all the Nazis go there Sir Charles Augustus Tegart as and freeze forever after . . . The head" of the Palestine police force if they knew his amazing record of running down political conspiracies in India . . ". The foreign propagandists backing the Arabs will have a Tartar on their hands in Tegart,' who is a crack sleuth . . . The ;Remat Hashavim colony is nicknamed "Cockle-doodle-do village" because its chief

for something honest and strong." And interesting though, this subject of names is, does jt really matter which course he takes? As. Robert Burns might have said: "The name is but the guinea stamp; A man's a man for a' that."

tion of last names,..which I believe are a true index of a people's character. By that I mean that racial traits are reflected in racial names. • Take some of us who have Anglo-Saxon names. We Anglo-Saxons are supposed to be cold^ stolid and prosaic. We dislike 4o show emotion; if we should have a-sentimental streat in us, we try to hide it. We like to think of ourselves as matter-of-fact, plain and

as Uncle Felix On the day of • his funeral the New York Times carried nearly three : full columns, under the heading of advertisements, resolutions of regret by the various Jewish organizations with which Warburg was associated . . . _ A WILLING BOYCOTT . Did you notice how- some of the ten-cent stores that have always resisted attempts to get them to chuck German goods

practical. The names we bear are] one Tesult of this trait: Taylor, a man who makes clothes; Wright, a worker In wood; Smith, a worker In metal; Underbill, a man who lives at the bottom of a hill; Rivers, a man who lives at the waterside; Lee, a man who dwells on

h a T e nurrie(i


to announce cancel-

lations of orders for Japanese j merchandise? . . . The Hollywood j Anti-Nazi League, whose members | number many of the leading

.the sheltered side of. the hill. All of these names are taken from occupations for places-of residence. , Very matter-of-fact and unemotional. \ " Now turn to Jewish names. On this point let-me quote from "The Art of Conversation": "Think of a name like BlumenBteln—;a rock covered with flowers. What could, be more beauti- j ful? Or Perlmutter—mother-of-' pearl. Did you ever see the rich, I . gorgeous tints that^a piece of j [ momer-ot-pearl throws hack a t ' f the sunlight? Think o£ Pwosen- J -srasser, which is, of course, noth- j ing other than attar of rosea. | "They're not Hebrew Tiames; that is, you can't find that they are made up of any words exist- j ing in the Hebrew language, but they certainly are. Jowi3h in tho CHICKCM senso that they are the names the Jewish people chose for them-' L sclve3., And because they clioto

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s tand



a Charge Account

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FOR RENT 1 rooia with" s.U conveniences in modern home located in nice district. Walking distance from car. Near downtown. JA 0077.




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*THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBEK 5, 1937 . $200,000 to Harvard butchery, a national and inter-national violation of the sixth PRINCE RABIiWILL commandment, "Thou Shalt not kill!" AH war in the last i WEBS POLISH Cambridge, Mass. (WNS) analysis is civil war. Whether "declared" or not, in war Cain I order to double the size of JEWESS goes forth with sullen mien and envious heart to slay Abel, his .By D P . PtaHsp SJser rl brother. His blcod cries out from the ground. The "glory" of Warsaw (WXS> A Major sen- o| Ptsbllc AI' v'ard, vrhicli sation was. created in both Jewwar is a gory glory. The earth becames a human shambles. BIBLE ish and Christian circles through- v.-iih a gift c" Men become beasts, and whatever "civilization" may have been Titeir tongue is a sharpened ar- out Poland by the disclosure that t"vrr> years j c gained through infinite agony and untold centuries of labor row, it speaketh deceit. ? n e l P r I n c e R a d 2 j w n i , scion of one of ...... has .given I'r peaceably to his neigh> jt h e m o s t a r i s t o c r a t i c a n d oldest: OtfO. he r c v 1,::. and striving reverts in a night to savagery and barbarism. •peaketh : bor -with his month, but in his families of" Poland, has been sec-j named the I.u Death from ;the air annihiliates vast numbers of men, women heart he layeth in wait for him. retly married to a Jewish sales-.'Center of F i l ' c -V and children* however innocent. Moral ideals, too, are shat- Shall I not punish them for this girl from Galieia. '___ The new 'Princess Radziwill is I B ^ , . ^ ^ , , ^ - , . — tered, the most fundamental principles of justice and humanity. thing? Right wouldst Thou be 0 Lord, ; - jeanette Sachostor. When will men realize the full enormity of war, and expend the where I to contend with Thee, t h e f o r a e r FOE RENT—r The marriage tras consummated ' celcw. FIT'S 1 " - - ' . r o c effort now utilized in the prosecution of war to its prevention yet -will I reason with Thee, at a civil cereraony ar.d the bride j the way of the did not become Catholic- but re- f and extinction? When shall we have an "Armistice Day" that j shall be universal and perpetual? . j Then hast forsaken my bouse.'I tained her Jewish faith. She is \ lSUs St. JA 0107.

Gems of the Bible



Museolins, Protector of Islam



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The word "armistice" comes from the Latin words that have cast off my heritage. I have




r, celebrated beauty.

, „ _., , . . . », :_ given uie aeany ueiuveu vi. IUJ r . ' I t is becoming increasingly evident that Palestine, the land called lioly-j is being cast in its age-old role, the pawn in Medi- mean the stacking of arms. That was the title of Baroness Von J soul t n t 0 t h o h a n d s o t h e r ene~. TAMICD. terranean politics.V Today it is the keystone in Mussolini's pro- Suttner's great novel, one# of the first of the war books, that ies. Rabbi Jochanan said, "Tv'hat gram to damage Britain's prestige among the Arabic peoples. won the Nobel Prize for peace, "Stack Armsl" The very name does the pasage (Ruth 1.1.) And is a challenge to the nations, to stack their arms, to put away to pass in th< the days when Rome,i, since the advent of Mohammed, has been the the instruments of death'and destruction; instead of forging jtith ecaxne cd ttemy of • Islam. Now. from its seven hHls comes-the. n e w weapons of devastation, to "liquidate" those that they J Ees judged mmean? It. is a j avowed "enemy that tnat Judged its judges, j t_ _ new. friend, r~r~—3 and «i«^ -«« ir\f TMilHnna of nf Moslems, AThslpnis. v.n^.A n«^r m n i . . ^ A £•.-.—*.i*~— .*«~,3 ~£ AT-J?~ generation juuge n4.A/i4.m« o voice of the protector t millions have, and make the further need of them forever unnecessary If the judge said to a person 'ReMussolini. '•-;.'--- .' ' '. '' and superfluous. • Does the average person in the world today move the mote from thy eye,' he The incongruity of the situation only adds to the gravity. go armed? How many carry guns in their pockets? Is it not answered, 'Take the beam out of thine oira eyes.'." As Mussolini and Germany have nothing in common but their even a civil offence to "carry concealed weapons!" Are not To Rabbi Simon, a daughter lawlessness, so he-and the Arabs have only a mutual hatred of duels in most countries Hopelessly out of fashion, a matter of was born, and he became depressBritain and France. Utilizing methods originally employed by melodrama and opera bouffe? Are not ordeals by fire and ed. His father said to him. "Thy England, Mussolini isI cautiously ingratiating.himself with the j water and sword done away with—except the ordeal of war? \ ^ ^ ^ ^ o v ^ ^ i d T o Tim. Tim. leaders of Islam'. In Lybia the Arabs hear their praises sung j Th e time must come, and ought to be here now, when we look j ••'your father offered you a vain i by 11 Duce. In Ethiopia the Coptic Christians are being hor-, upon war as an anachronism in our highly developed civiliza-! consolation for we are taught in ribly mistreat«d-while the Moslem population with great osten- ;tion,- as a relic ,of barbarism. War should have been obsolete a B a r a i ^ h a - The -world cannot ex. . . I, . .,., •., ,. ,., ... . ist without male and female. T tation is being given increasing power. . long ago—like cannibalism, like traffic in slaves. It is a traf- i However, happy is he whose chilFighting alongside Mussolini's volunteers in Spain are[fi c in blood, a disguised cannibalism. We feed the flower of j dren are males and not females." willa mbe u d a Gamela said> e oref J oRs ahbuba ! JBea Franco's AndII now emphasize friendliness with j!otou rthe youth—today all sexes and arms!" ages without discrimination—' "rhe nfor the desertMoors. brethren Duceto has offered his refuge to the 'arch Monster of War. "Stack should echo in our souls ' membered for blessing, were) it not for him, Israel would have i trouble-maker of the Arab world, the Grand Mufti of Jeru- and in our conscience. forgotten the Torah, because in [ salem. The first "Stack Arms!" was uttered by Israel's prophets former times the child who had a , Already France is experiencing trouble in North Africa. more than twenty-five centuries ago when they gave expres- fa,ther was instructed by him, but j 'Two failures of crops have made the Arabs of Morocco restless. sion to the glorious sentence, "Let them beat their swords into the one that had no father who j could teach did not' study the j Promises made by Premier Blum were not kept after he stepped ploughshares, and their spears into pruninghooks!' Let nation Torah at all. Then- came Joshua , f froin office. Flames of discontent threaten Egypt and Britain, n 0 i o n g e r l i f t u p SWOrd against nation, nor learn war any more! Ben Gaiaela, who enacted a law , \ forced to withdraw, is rapidly losing her influence. JEvery-; L e t t h e m sit each one under his own vine and his own fig-tree that schools with primary teach- j j where an accusing finger points to Italy as taking advantage of with none to jnake them afraid!" War, and the fear of war, ers would be established la all provinces, and small' towns, and the circumstances. should perish from the earth. the children to be sent to school The Jews who went to Palestine, the Jews who have given But Israel not only conceived the ideal of peace, dreamed I at the age of six years Reb said to the school master, huge financial assistance did so because they were motivated the most glorious of human dreams, it made known the sure 'Don't accept pupils under the by an ideal. Yet today as they toil to rebuild the ancient land, and infallible way to peace, the absolute and indispensable con- age of 6 years, but when -the they see England viewing it as her Eastern Gibraltar, and Mus- dition on which peace, if it is ever to be attained on this earth, child reaches the age of 6, enroll solini eyeing it in the' possibility of turning it into another must be secured. Israel discovered the most precious of secrets, him and feed him with knowldge as much as he can assimilate." the secret of peace, and proclaimed it to the world. "The work Spain. of righteousness shall be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever!" There can be no peace without righteousness. "There is no peace to the wicked. The Eoumania has become the victim of her own chauvinism. i wicked are like a troubled sea, that cannot rest, that casteth IX APPRECIATION OF CA1OAping Germany's "Aryan" clauses by applying a 'similar pliilos- jj u p .p^g -and-.;fUthI^ r-T'h'e: wicked are the trouble-makers! All To the Editor of the Jewish ophy of "Eoumania for the Eoumanians" has brought out the j th e misery and sorrow in the world are due to the fomentors Press: amazing fact that there aren't so many Eoumanians to worry of trouble, whether individuals or nations, or even institutions, ' Thanks to the efforts of the about after alL They "cast up mire and filth,1" the "mire and filth" of bloody Workmen Circle Dramatic Club J four to five hundred Jewish men, and As in Poland, where TJkrainians, White Eussians war which is-caused- by their injustice, aggression, and oppres- women and children were treated Euthenians,. share the misery of the" Jews, in Eoumania are' sion. They "cannot rest" till they have spread their restlessness, to Abraham Goldfaden*s operetta Hungarians, Bulgarians and Ukrainians and a host of other na- their greedi and avarice, over the whole world, and embroiled Caldunia (The "Witch). In the last few years we have i | tionalities who find themselves citizens. of the country and the world in strife, in altercation and in .woe. Only righteous- seen the decided increase . andii therefore-subject to its oppression., t h e constant shifting of ness affords the stability that is peace. Only righteousness growth of amateur Yiddish dra- j Balkan borders has taken these national groups, divorced them guarantees the "quietness and assurance" without which life j m a t i c s oups in this city. However j | , is,, 4. believe, .the first time ox! from the country in which they belong, and handed them to a- is valueless, the security and tranquillity "that constitute the' att most one of the few times that-* government that finds them convenient scapegoats when con- charm and serenity of a truly happy life. All peace efforts are the Jewish community has been; treated to an operetta in Yiddish I ditions warrant. noble; peace parleys and peace panels; peace'conferences and by a local amateur dramatic! In a country where there is acute unemployment, jobs a r e | p e a c e congress; peace palaces and peace prize;s peace treaties group. ; going begging because of the ridiculous nationalistic clause, ja n ^ p e a c e pacts; a "Nine Power Pact," a "Kellog-Briand Pact," It was indeed inspiring tc see' and hear middle-aged men • and' ii d exploita-! li The Eoumanians, victims of "a century off intrigue and a Covenant of a League of Nations; these are glorious. "So far women, and particularly the three ' tion of this politics-ridden country, have not been trained as j s 0 g o o d. • But they are all ineffectual and vain, as alas! has young women born oa the Amer-! Bkilled laborers or for the professions and consequently," only j b e e n pro'ven, unless not; only, infused with the spirit of right- lean soil, express themselves drathose who had'the advantages of other governments have the J eousness but backed up by righteousness, by the righteousness matically and musically ia the ; language of our fathers and mo-, necessary qualifications. j of the individuals, statesmen and peoples that have sponsored thers with so much joy of artistic! Nothing so.emphasizes* the decadence of Europe than such them, that in every, thought, work and action must give them creation and self expression. With i remedies to detract attention from the seat of trouble. Such expression and make them not merely shining ideals but sin- considerable success the actors and singers recaptured, for. many | j , a policy can lead only to national suicide instead of salvation. cere realities.; The world's hope for peace lies in honesty and in. the audience folk ways and ! j i patterns once a vital, every day| |t in integrity.: , \ part of their being across the sea.' \l '- There is being shown in our city this week on the screen a Which proves convincingly that; [ Omarvelpus picture, "Emil Zola." Ev«ry lover of truth and Yiddish is still the living, vibrant, medium of expression for large i ! Danzig, proud.old free city of^ the Hanseatic League, has I justice must see it without fail. It is even a duty that he owes sectioas of Jewry in this country; j | joined the ranks of small territories to come under the sway.of | himself and humanity'to do so; for it is one of the most,thrill- and that there is poignant hunger; j[ j the Nazis. For several months now the city has been able to ; ing expositions of truth and righteousness that has ever been among Jews for the artistic creation of previous'generations. And! resist the attempts to wkr it over to the Eeich's adherents, but: presented; it contains the most moving and eloquent plea for nullifies the dark predictions ot \ by dissolving the Catholic Centrist Party the German majority i that has ev^r been uttered by tongue or pen. It is only pessimists of generations ago that j was able to achieve its end. 1 incidental that the' plea js made on behalf of the Jew, though within a decade or two the Yid-1 dish tongue would, vanish -from .Already the Jews have had a foretaste of what awaits the Jew, also, is the typical and classic symbol of injustice. In the mouths of Jews in this coun/ them. Though police have checked the terrorism of hoodlums championing the cause of the outrageously and inhumanly try. ' - • ' • . \ who ran riot through the Jewish section, this protection was treated Alfred Dreyfus, Emile Zola has nf>t only covered himAll these, who participated in; granted to save the Jews for the cold-pogrom that is rapidly be- se if with'a glory/and an immortality that none of his realistic Goldfaders's Caldunia are to be1 •ir**» T\Tit" iri-frt a-F'pAo'f* ' ! • * * . _ ... '•"• • _ "_ • ... . • .... _ and thanked warm-' ing put into effect. J novels or ^purely literary work, however excellent, will confer congratulated ly for tlis 'geistlger fer'geneegent'.i Ghetto stalls, 'non-Aryan" clauses, have already 'made ;Upon him, but he ha_s given a stimulus to right and justice that they provided to the audience last 1 their appearance and- within ^a f/w weeks Danzig will have wiU inspire others to contend as nobly and heroically for these Sunday night, particularly Mr. L. j Witkin and Ruderman, directors gone the way of the Saar and German upper Silesia. • a 8 did he, and be of inestimable benefit to all humanity in securof the operetta,- Mr. E. Sellz, the' ing their ultimate triumph over the forces of bigotry, hate, mus'cal director, Mr. P- Nerea- j prejudice, persecution; wickedness and evil of every sort. In berg, the raalte-up 'man. Also- Mrs. • -Witkin, . Miss Shirley Sellz, Miss t Nest Thursday will be Armistice Day. It will be twenty ! t h i s c e l e ° r ated "case" when, in the words of Markham's-noble Harriet . Klrkin, Mr. P.utierniaa, years since the, conclusion of the Great War. We hesitate to} Poem> "France was one Alp of bate," "the work of rigliteous- Mrs. J. ..Rixkin, and Mrs. 3. Zasapply the epithet "great" to any war. The war was great in ! n e s s " w a s "Peace," and "the effect of righteousness, quietness taan for their excellent playlag- of their roles. _ 'j the magnitude of its scale, in the number of the nations i n j ! a n d assurance forever." Anti-Semitism has largely disappeared ' . I believe I am expressing the' volved, in its terrific cost, particularly of blood, and tears and ''in Franfi'c- O n l J' the other day the highly honored and nobly Sentiments of hundreds o£ Yiddish' human suffering. It was great, it must be confessed, in the infl «ential Prime Minister was Leon Blum, the Jew. Dreyfus epeakiEg men and •women in the estimation o£ many who participated in it, who believed, or who jw a s magnificently vindicated find rehabilitated, ia his own community when I express the were lead to believe, that they were fighting for. a noble cause, j P erson > a n d i n t n e high honor paid to one of his own people on "to make the world safe for democracy/' "to end war" in the \ V ( ' h o 3 e behalf, by sad prosy, he realty suffered. So one day the dish dramatic group trill soon farfuture, or to protect their homes and fire-sides "and most ch'er-1 D r e y f u s o f t h e Pe0 P les > t h c J c ^» ™U be gloriously vindicated. or us with more operettas in Yiddish, for there are caany beautiful isued ideals. But the real "greatness" of war is in its horrtfr,! A U a»ti-Semistism, and all evil, will everywhere disappear..We • operettas' ia'Yiddish that have belieV e w i t h E m e r s o n : its terror, its tragic error. For war 'accomplished • no lasting j . "There is victory yet for all justice." •never been heard of or have bsea results—of good. One war-is hardly over when the world i s A n d 1:in the profound truth expressed in his Essay on "Self-' heard by very few, years peo. ' "roars trui^-, preparing for another—as is the case today. We have not yet Reliance," "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Noth. . . . . . Harry. Mendel; on recovered from the last war, its aftermath of destruction, of ing can bring you peace but the triumph of principle." "This way I work. This way I love. This way I fight waste, of maimed and ruined lives and careers, of seeds of naFOSl SENT Sleeping- r r e a for peace. This way I grope for God." tional hatred, of feelings of rancor and determination to ress DuacEe Jiosae. SOS ICori'a • The justice of peace will at last assure the peace of justice, venge. O the folly and the futility of war, as well as its colos45t!a Are. VVA 25SS. sal wickedness! "War is murder on a large scale, wholesale —Frederic!: Cohc.

"Roumania for the Roumaniano",

The Falasha of Ethiopia repudiate commerce as an occupation as lieiBg contrary to the Mosaic In lew.

-, f



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.W.-»r* r


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THE JEWISH PRESS,-FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 11*37 Falasha of Ethiopia repucommerce as an occupation * ng -contrary to the >jMosajta '


H a d a s s a h Greets ! RABBI CORN TO , New Members I GIVE THIRD

Council Bluffs


r? n pi '



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Two hundred and sixty-three { Council Bluffs A. Z. A. No. 7 present Its annual A. 2. A. Last Saturday morning the Hadassah members welcomed the j N e s t We <j n esdav evening, Noprogram or, Sundav, X o v e m - ! " v - c Junior Congregation sponsored one. hundred and fifteen new jv e n s b e r 10> a t g o - c i o c k Rabbi i day ; jointly by the Vaad and Talmud members at an elaborate luach- j-Frederick Coha will review Ken- b P r 7 at S o'clock Et the Chevra : book>, Torah met at -the Congregation eon and program held on W«Snes-j,n_e.t h KohGTVs BLTJMESTHAL-3HTCHELI3 MONSKY-ROTHSCHIliD B'nai Israel synagogue. This Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Mitchell . At a ceremony attended' by B'nai Israel, Eighteenth and Chi- j &*•*> November 3, at tbe Jewish j p aESage> ». a s t b e tbirA , S s t t e program will be a joint Community Center. ' js e r i e s o f ! e c t n r € S ^e j S giving be- yea of Winnepeg, Canada, announce only members of the Immediate cago streets. celebration ct A. 2. A. day and The Hadassah_Singing Waitres-: "Boek-a-Week" club, About 40 children participated fore tbe - the * engagement and approaching family, Henry Mansky was mar„', marriage of their daughter, Alice, ried to Mrs. Daisy H.. Rothschild in an impressive and dignified sea under the direction of Mrs. Isponsored by the extension de- the anniversary of the ratificaAaron Edgar furnished the musi- j a rtment of the University of tion of the American Constitu- c r e was ,conducted by co to Harold 'Blumenthal, son of Mr. of Chicago, late Wednesday after- service i r ' children , 7which7, "Parents • cal program. Those participating j pOmaha, tion. , the themselves. Abe Blumenthal. The wedding —„„ I f~ noon. e r s e d were: the Mesdames, David R. j • Joseph Solorcoco-w of Omaha, will tafce place on Sunday, NoThe couple left on a short trip f " to send their children Finkel, Seymore Cohn, Louis Asy- j past president of the chapter, will vember 14, to be followed byi a .to Chicago and will later take a to this service which takes place ' " iior J. It F. . r [ bil, Hyman Belmont, Dave Bern-| be principal-speaker. Abe Raben, r or r reception at the home of the more extensive wedding trip. They promptly at 10 o'clock. stein, P. "W. Bernstein, Phil Blumpresident cf tbe chapter, •rill groom's uncle and aunt, Mr., and will reside at the Blackstone Hoberg, Alfred Fielder, M o r t o n The Jewish National Fund serve as chairman of the pro- *r-i Mrs. Harry Blumenthal, 368 No. tel. ' .BETH'AM Richards, Max Rosen, Cy Silver, i Council will meet on Tuesday, j gram. Bea Kutler is chairmen .Ogden Drive, Los Angeles. . Irvin Stein, Louis "Wintroub, Mor-j November-9, to raake final plans f arrangements. Assisting him Ere After a short wedding trip the The regular meeting of the ris Wohlner, O. S. Belzer, Saia j for the thirty-fifth anniversary Arnold Lincoln and Irricg Cohen. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT young couple will their . j dinner. Mr." and Mrs. Joseph Conn an- Beth-a-mi club was held October Rochman, and Sam Davis. The public is cordially invited - home in Los Angeles. Highlaght of the meeting wasj This meeting will be open to to attend. nounce the engagement of their 28 at the home of Miss Charlotte Dr-e •r« daughter. Marva, to Arthur Sher- Nogg. An Interesting article on the report of Mrs. I. Levin, who [ all J. N. F. decors and anyone in1 u. ri.,-.' ' . SAKS-GLASSMAN man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Palestine was read and discussed. atterded the Hadassah Jubilee j terested in the organization's pro• ' i r ' c-<VAAD AUXILIARY Plans were made to hold a convention in Atlantic City. In a 1 gress Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glasaman of Sherman. . .,'• 71 € r i p ' i ~ short report she tried to convey "Iowa City, announce the marriage -T"*- Co or e Miss .Cohn is a graduate of drawing in the future. . The Bible class sponsored bT Miss Louise Saylan, treasurer, the- spirit of the enthusiastic gaof their daughter, Florence, to Omaha Central High School and JUNIOR C&UMCIl the Vaad1 auxiliary" wii! meet on Harold Saks of Chicago, son of attended: the University of Omaha. was chosen- A. Z: A. Sweetheart. thering. the second aad fourth Yi'ecnes, . • Fntnre Sfeetinjjs Mr. and Mrs. Philip Saks of Coun- Mr. Sherman is a, graduate of . IR. Ct I i The Junior Council of Jewish i cays of each month Et cil Bluffs. The couple wer^p mar- South High School and Is at preThe class on "The English GovI"" ! « rr !r WOMEN'S aiZRACHL ernment and Palestine •' Today," I W o m e a w i l 1 *°™ i t s regular | «»e ConRregation E'nai Israel. I ried on Sunday, October ,31, at sent in business in Shenandoah, I,:- t streets. | directed by Mr8> David A. Goldmeeting on Sunday, .November 7,; Eighteenth and Ctnca?:" « Temple Isaiah Israel in Chicago. Iowa. The Women's Mlirachl an- stein, will meet at the Jewish at 2:30 at the Jewish Community I Rsbbl Kopsteic will conduct \ . They will reside iif Chicago. nounces, the following contribu- Community Center on Tuesday, Center. Reports will be given on j the class. i Mr. Saks is a former Omahan. ANNOUNCE BAR1 SnTZVAH r T i t r, the national convention of the or-1 Tbe Oneg Shabboth of the | tions for trees to be planted in November 9 at 1 p. m. r v'e-r r ganization recently held in Pittsj Vaad scsiiiary will resume its | Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin ex- Palestine by the Jewish National The next monthly meeting will b u r h KRANTZ-SNYDER, monthly gatherings on the sec- j tend a cordial invitation to all Fund: Mr. and Mrs. Paul WohlS it ~\ I "c ,• Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Snyder of their relatives and friends to at- ner in honor of the Bar MItzvah be held Wednesday, December 1.! Plans ond Saturday of each month. The were also discussed fcr will be a luncheon and Chan- t h e ! ic "C f r - > " Sidney, Nebraska, announce ' the tend the Bar Mitzvah service of of their son, Norman; Mrs. M. This first Oneg Sh&bbotb of the season ukah party and will feature t h e i bridge party to be held In. the marriage of their daughter,' Hazel their son; Bob, on Saturday morn- Brodkey in honor of the birth of •w'ill be held on Nove iber IS at 2 I ] " fr,,,; I future. ^to Bernard Krantz, son of Mr. ing, November 13, at the Beth a granddaughter; Mr. find Mrs. Infant Welfare work. I p, m. at the ictne of Krs. N. ! ' ' r r If«Isaac Krantz of Omaha. The cere- Hamedrosh Hagodpl Synagogue,, M. J. Robinson -in honor of the Tvebster COUMCIL OF JEWISH WOMEEM^^^^ ^ ^street.h t o | mony took place In Lincoln; on 19th- and Burt Streets. WOMEN'S DIV1S10H birth of a grandchild; Mr. and ' " r" Sunday, Oetober 17. '• . Mr. and Mrs. Fromkin will re- Mrs. Dave Sllverman in honor of Eeries of le-etnres or» "Outstand- | F6rty-three new members were ing Movements in Jewish Kis-. The 'couple will make •" their ceive for their son on the marriage of their daughter, The Fall meeting of the Womborne In Lincoln. * ' ternoon, November 14,:from'.3 to Esther; Friends of Mrs. A. \7olf en's Division of the Jewish Com- I introduced at the Council of Jew- tory." Mrs. A. Kati is Luncheon last week of the Ofiee Shafcbcth Cultural 6 at the Hotel Paxton. No invl-! on the occasion of her recovery! munity Center will be held on ish MWomen's —% ** r s - Milton Mayper, nieEber- group. tation have been issued. from illness; and Board Members Monday, November 15, at the Cea- I Bhi P chairman, and her co-cb.airENGAGEMENT of the Mlzrachl on the occasion of ter. This "will be a luncheon meet-1 man, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Janger an- JOSLYN MEMORIAL "" Julius the recovery, of Mrs. A. Wolf from Ing. The playlet, "The President's j AUSTRIA, PGIMB, il nounce the engagement of their An Interesting program has An Illustrated lecture on. "Mo- illness. '...-• Dream" WES enjoyed by the "un- EdMGABI BICE granddaughter, Miss Sylvia Sil- dern Art" will be given at 3:30 been arranged. New members Mrs. E. Weinberg is chairman usually large audience. verman, to Mr. Alvln Pomerantz. this Sunday afternoon at the Jos- of the committee in' charge. of be presented at this time. Plans were made at this meet- PiSFIFIOi? son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Pom- lyn Memorial by Mrs. Rena W. Tree-Donations. ing for a project to recondition eranti of RIdgefleld, New.Jersey. Murtagh, Librarian at the MeBIBLE CLASS used or broken toys to be fiistriVienna (JTA1—Quslifiea supMiss Silverman is . an / honor morial. r rbuted bv the Jewish Community j port of the British proposal CHESED SEEL EMES graduate of Omaha' Central High At 4 p. m. Sunday at the MeThe Bible study group of the Center to needy children three-way part an of Palestine School and attended Omaha Mu- morial Professor Paul Stoye, connicipal University. Mr. Pomerantz cert pianist from Des Molnes, will The Chesed Shel Eme3 will hold Temple Israel Sisterhood asd the 1Chanukaa gifts. Anyone havingj was decided r.pou recently in congraduated from'the School of Ar- be presented in the concert hall. a benefittard party at the Jew- Council of Jewish " Women will Itoys they wish to donate are ask- I versations between Austria, Kenchitecture of Cooper TJnion Insti- Professor Stoye is one of the most ish Community Center on Decem- meet on Tuesday, November 9, at • ed to call Mrs. Arthur Goldstein,! gary and Poland, it vrs.s reliably. 10:30 a. m. at the Blackstone Ho- Glendale S67S and the toys will i learned this week. - '> tute and attended the National widely recognized concert pianists ber 6. A dessert luncheon will be tel. Anyone interested is invited be called for. j The suppo-t hinges on Great Academy of Design of New. York of the MIddlewest. He was born served and table prizes will be to come. i Britain meeting demands 0' the in Leipzig and has made many given. Tickets are thirty-five City. Rabbi David H. Wice leads tbe The Civic and Legislative Group ! three nations, for g-cE—ntee of £bcents. No date has been set i o r the European concert tours. Since was so large at the first meeting ' solute protection for feoly places 1921 he has been head of the DeReservations for those wanting class. wedding. that it has feeen decided to form j in the Holy I^aud. This attitude, partment of Piano at Drake Uni- to make up tables may be made two groups. Mrs. George Neuhaus ! it is coderstooii. was adopted Et versity. Professor Stoye plans to by calling Mrs. H. Delrogh, Ha. JUNIOR HADASSAH ANNOUNCE BAR MTTZVAH will lead both groups and they I the suggestion of the Vatican. Mr. and Mrs. A; M. Greenbaum play what he calls an inspiration- 171?, Mrs. J. Goldberg, We. 3228, will meet twice monthly en Frl- i The a n n u a l Thanksgiving al'program at the Memorial, playor Mrs. S. Fish, We. 5257, chairannounce the Bar MItzvah of Dance given by Junior Haiiassah j day. their son,- Sidney, on Saturday, ing according to his mood from men of the affair. ; will be held on Thursday evening, [ Mrs. Jules Newiaaa is chairman November 6^ at the B'nai Jacob the composition of ' Beethoven, Synagogue, 24th and^Nicholas "St. Schubert, -Schumann, "Chopin, Lis- CULTURAL STUDY GROUPNovember 25, at the Paxtoa Ho- ! and Mrs. Manny Handler, is eo-| tel. Web Feierman and his orch-. chairman. -A'reception will be; held at zt, Debussy and Godowsky. The estra will furnish the music. Anne their Tiome on November 7 from public Is invited to attend the 1 Mrs. Max L. Holzman and Mrs. Goodbinder is advertising chairJ^ to 5 Tn the afternoon and from concert. BIKUR CMQUM ack Cohen will be hostesses to man, and Roselle Handler, chair1 to 9 in the -evening. The first lecture of this seaTbe regular Eeetirg of the ;he Cultural Study sroup of the man of ticket sales. No Invitations have been issued. son's Town Hall Forum series Bikur Cholim Society will be held will be presented at the Joslyn Council of Jewish Women at a. 1 o^ Monday, November 8, at the Gets 10-Year Tens Memorial this Sunday evening at o'clock dessert luncheon to be ATTENDS WEDDING \ Jewish Cosnaunity Center. held at Mrs. Holzman's home on Hamburg, Germany (Kavas via - Mrs/ David M. Newman is in 8 p. m. The speaker is to the Hon. JTA)A 56-year-old Jew, Dr. Tlew Orleans, where she attended Agnes McPhalL .first Canadian Tuesday, November 9. Mrs. Mary Frederick- of the Theodor Wohlfahrf, has been ^the wedding of her cousin, Mr. Woman Member of Parliament, "Arthur Bergman of Chicago, to and her subject will be "Us — adult education department of condemned to 10 years' Imprisonboard of education will lead a ment by the Hamburg tribunal Miss. Frances Wolf - of- New Or- The Good Neighbors." The Town the leans. The wedding took place Hall Forum is sponsored by the discussion on child development. for having had relations with "women of German blood." The . on November 2 at Temple Sinai. Nebraska Society of Colonial sentence ,was the most severe Dames and is open to the public BETHEL-EL AUXILIARY ever inflicted for "scilins the without charge. ' \: • -T1SIT IN GEORGIA race." • Mrs. H. GolderibergyaccompanThe Beth El Auxiliary, will hold 1 ied by her".. daughter," Mrs) . Eda luncheon meeting on Wednes"ward Lincoln, left for Galnsville, BETHEL ONEG SHABBOTH day, November 10. Georgia^ where she will visit her Mrs. Herman Auej&ach, who On Saturday the Beth El Auxdaughter and tier son-in-law, Mr. recently returned from an eleveniliary will hold Its first Oneg and Mrs. Ellis Weitzman. They week trip through eastern EurShabboth in the auditorium of the ope, will speak on "Synagogues will "remain for several weeks. Jewish Community Center. Rabbi In Many Lands." Theodore N. Lewis will be prinRETURNS FROM CHICAGO Mrs. Phil Smith has returned cipal speaker. JUNIOR VAAD Hosteses for the occasion are: from Chicago' where she attended the wedding of Miss Gertrude the Mesdames I. Abramson, JoThe Study Group of the Junior Marantz to Louis Levy of Shreve- seph Cohen, David B. Cohn, Harry Frankel, I. Levin, J. Lintzman, Vaad, .which is at present learnport, Louisiana. Meyer Stern and Jack Melcher. ing of Jewish ceremonials, will meet at the home of Mrs. Carl A. Z. A. 100 Solomon Franco, who came, to Lagman, 1815 Mapl© street on On Sunday, October 31, at the Massachusetts In 1647, is believed Tuesday, November 9, at 8 p, m. Jewish Community Center, Dr. to have been Rabbi Milton A. Kopsteln conShepher L. Whitman, associate B o s t o n . / • " • ' - . . the first Jew In ducts this class. professor of political science at the University of Omaha, lectured before the- chapter on "The Pacific Adjustment of International Disputes." An- open forum, followed the talk. In order'to raise enoughlmoney 'to seqd a team to represent the chapter at the Rock Island convention in December, the chapter is talicn into will conduct a drawing for a 17jewell lady's wrist watch. Tickets for the drawing will be 25 cents. The chapter will hold this ninth, anniversary laecting at the Jewish Community.- Center • on to oncouraco iho purchaoo of pew merc&ia.&iiiss. It is off* Sunday, November 13. ' ored for re'aale at tbo lowest-prices we caa put tspon i%> Oar first arid constant purpose ia to mains it easy for oar ; customers' to "havo tho now. OUT second is. tbe -quick disposal of tho old. *• Every day in tlie year there ara larjje assortnsenta off'J f. Pvfe'lc Work* Adm!nl*fp«fJ©n buyt ered. In fact you can & v/liole house frc:ti this stock v/hich cliangeo constantly. j-vsr Rcfrifserotorf to ms!®f rigid economy for It'o -worth yossr vrliile to com© to. t&a Exeisange Depart;raont today, "&nd a week frota tftday, to secure vsb&t you. T

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A>H3 KO3EDD — Mrs. Elir-bri'T Tr or Ouccenheim. noted Long Islani horsewoman, end Jolvr J"rr, J r.. v ho rides her show horses, as they left r. police str.aor. rficr reno-nnp ar> earlymorning berting End ro'obcrr. Tlier trie! il or ::.-cc in Queens Village, a Mew York suburb. XTrs. GugscrhC ir VPP reeentlr divorced in Keno from colonel K. Kobort Gus fenhcjn, mining hsir. Police ssid thsir irjuncs ccmt only frora r t ? 1 part;-.

"WED IN ETHIOPIA-— Wanda, daughter of; General-Rodolfo Grazianl. Italian Viceroy of Ethiopia, signs the marriage registry after her marriage to Count Sergio Gualandi, who. stands beside lier. The wedding took place recently in the Viceroy's palace at Addis Ababa, ancient city .where the former Emperor Haile Selassie held sway. • I

f <!

FIVE-POINT PKOGKAM—When the special session of Congress? called by President Roosevelt, convenes on Nov. 15, Administration leaders,may propose limiting legislation to a five-point program, postponing other legislation to the regular session in January. In that"event, the program will include consideration of crop control, wage' and hour regulation, government reorganization, regional planning and revision of the anti-trust laws. So wide is the scope of this proposed program that many persons will be affected.,such as the group of miners, upper left, who staged a'stay-down strike in a WilsonvilTe, HL, coal pit, or the field workers harvesting a crop of wheat on a Creve Coeur.

Mo., farm, lower left. Industrial plants will feel the legislation, such as the Repablic Steel Corporation's new 515,000,003 strip steel mill, upper right, largest in the world, about to open on the Cuyahoga river flats near Cleveland. Here, for the first tine in history a sheet of steel 94 inches wide will roll cut of a continuous hot mill at 24 miles an hour. In lower center are Louis Erownlow of Chicago, left, and r?r. Luther Gulick, two of the committee of five appointed fcv p-ss-dent Roosevelt, lower right, to confer with the Senate corrruttes on government reorganization. Upper center slicvs VTcsii^jrtcn fireman givins the Capitol a bath- m preparation for ths opening.




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FOB WEDEB VISION. — Closer co-operation between youth and their elders, for a broader vision of problems of, each, was urged by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, wife of the President, when she addressed a luncheon meeting of the Young Men's Board of Trade, New York City. She is shown above as she answered questions put to her by Harmon Martin, Board president, a t right.

IS 15 -- D ^ T T ?v*n C *. nctionrl Soitlrnriert : OJ;:CC! V . . .


VICTE1S IN CANTON -RUINS—Driving southward into Kwangtung province in China, Japanese airmen bombed the ancient capital of Canton, bringing death and destruction there. Above stretcher bearers, after the raid, carrying away one of ths victims. Other rescue workers are searching the ruins. This picture was taken on FuhsJng street, a principal thoroughfare.




opened UP ^ c r r.ness VE " ' i ps r tro cover £n advance fcr turned cu'. a dud. It CEU CU .sio

EUAXEX — Earry Bowcn, CO, member cf a CIO union and employe at the Ford plant in Kansas Citr, as he looked after a beating he received in Dallas, Texas. When the Ford plant was closed in Kansas Citr. Bowen jppliea for work at the Ford plant in Dallas. Ke said sis men seized h:rn, took him to a lonely spot and set i:pon him. Ea suffered inanj bodily injuries.

Interne lion^l SctUcn: Cn i.

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?WOO EOBIAI^CE?—Both were born in Los Angeles. They played together and studied together in school. Now it is rumored that Anna May Wong, noted screen actress, and Philip Ann, screen player, are about to be married. But following Hollywood tradition the couple, shown • above, discounted the report. "Of course, I'm ?ery fond of PWiip." Anna said.

SHOCKES — Isador Gennett. Bronx, N. y., newsdealer, obtained permission to place a wreath on Germany's war memorial in Berlin and was given a- guard of honor. When Nazi officials read on the ribbon "Jewish War Veterans, Maurice Krumholtz Post No. 18," they questioned him for three hours Et a police station before tlisy . released him. He said he did it x for jieaee and understanding-.

E2A3Y TO D2 STATlCnED—First entrants is. Dicso, Cal., v;ero these culaluslcL pups, ct.xd'd gave them a gcofi ccrtrtiiins, in prepsrT.r;rn uc~ tID £Lo T;-.;, cr.c rr,caonth-old Bostons. Ths Silver Say show attracts h;Ttfr eds Of



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, FRIDAY, N0TB7IEEB 5, ir37

ing,' Cohen said: he paid & few S£Sj j himself mere firmly in'tho ^ - r i cents a year for Ms children- They p | of Center athletic patrons. " t u - ^ attend school from 8 in the morn• *| siabitioijs, he has a splen_ w. •"-'•ing until 4 iji the afternoon, T* sonality with a sralling jr e«.L : o $ for everyone. spendins their hours outside tha. « classroom playing oa tha esten-! II sive grounds. They receive hot Plans for the Bis J. C. C r=lunch and mornlBg &nd sfternooa * ' nual award sight continue *o 'zhe milk. They are clothed from head * i-shape. -One of the principal F?~Z\to foot. They get medical care. fers has been anaounced as J c r r OUTJSS k Bwi. A. PETERS Their books "and other school supny Howell, the Oniaha boy - : o , s plies are free. The handball touraament con- proving the sparkplug of NcL aCohen's wife was in the Jewish tinues to monopolize the sports ska's great football sguas." T1 e (Sir. Peters gives his readers a JJ we jientioned. this casually, rehospital, awiting the birth of ft spotlight at th3 Center. In each event is set for NOT. IT ard z. 4o k by b l d Treek marljed: rrst auda fifth child. (The Coheas, by thedivision, semifinals have been tal of 70 Center athletes v J t e "Oh, the German have been presenting ip his space a colreached and ftot battles are prom- n t m o r e d a t t l l e l a occasiiT, -crith the key to the way, were married when' he was umn from the indpfatigable and presented lsed as "Big Fours'' square offi eighteen and she fifteen, and Co^ interesting Eomaa Slobodin, country. They can have" anything 27). Mrs. Cohen would reniain for the championships. Spotlights: written on" tha high Ri?ns en they want here." The Class A meet is setting ithen himself looked nearer 35 than route to Falestlne where he has The J. C C. varsity ba=k°tr::,l ei ht da As to the condition of the Jews~\ % >s Sn the hospital after self up for a return engagement team continues to work d a e - t already taken up his duties «s between Jake Schrlebnian and Solly every week under the & -<-"-i c i correspandent; fOr. tho Jewish' in Italy, Nick assured as that they | confinement, he. told «5. The cost to him, including the delivery, | Yaffe. Jake will be favored of , Telegraphic Agency.); • were prosperous and contented, turn back Iz Bogdonoff, the most but his could hardly be considered would he $2.50. have its corning out part; i" an Improved handball player at the j All this is made possible, we e the last word. He had never hould take! ^ t i a o n E a E e on the A By heard, he said, of the anti-Semiticj learned, l y the faet that at the J. C. C.




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r.iEii'iorsnciuni on th? ::smIT' f.ioci. ' night program The Center • urday. in some Fascist news- iother end of the economic scale the measure of Jack Ban, though j a etic :ie vas Pi;bmittp;i to r Carthis latter match is expected to | ™ «°n»alttee, under the j TO HAIFA, Palestine, _ . he knew nothing about i there is a large segment of Egyp* denas. ».» ~,ti,t~ 4 ^ , , ^ „„ . v . C i i . chairmanship of Les Burkenroad,! Oct. 4. the the manifesto signed by the rap- t i a a J Jewry which is enormously be Alleging thnt tbousmd o; JPVF At services this evening, Rabin It wasn't as simple «s we anof Italy, headed by David wealthy. They live in " palaces have entered the eounir iUc gal!:' E t t h eP a s t o n h o t e l l n t h e H i David H. Wice will speak on, "A matches Played last week. Marsh S " ! ' ticipated, finding a" Jew in '. a Prato. along the bay In the outskirts of f «^* cf the Conscience of rind hare esiab'.ishfd i -] t'tzis foreign city. The people of Mar- Toward evening, Nick gave us Alesandria, and in the beautiful Geller, the St. Joe boy heading!! Smith, the tall J. C. C. basketball' Moment Man." This sermon i* based on illeprilly in Email indu r v f.tu". t o ; brscket.went three seille3 and Naples were as friend' j instructions for reaching the es-Heliopolis section of Cairo; they commercp to the dririrn I 0 f a ly about it as they could possibly tahlishment of onr prominent Jew are banker . and important mer- | edge out Harold -Sonny" Garner, | K ^ ° » « \ ".*• n ' £ " S ' t e ^ i S i S » " " ^ " ^ °' tive merchants, the bill P F.ll!s T o r be, bu we had to wait until we 21-11, 11-21. 21-20. lz Novak! t l v e l t h l 5 T i a t e ; =; n '• ri ! e went about his -business. The chants, highly influential Bubjects romped through - three tough ij ?™58 " • • • F « ^COn | ! Ftegular Saturday morning- EC~- strict reSii'ictioE <••'>". tliP i 7 reached ' Alexandria, where .we add King Farouk. man to whom he directed us, a ' o f vices start at 11. Th<? high sclio:-: games to put ™ Pap Bo^on-! f ^ f f f * ' * • ^ " " stopped over far two days, before whole sale sta,tioner, was at one C T' ' The most striking thing about off. 21-11, 7-21. J H ! . BUI Skol-! ^ «t the overflowing stare . . . igroup meets cm Sundsy evenir.r= we could meet some of the mem- of his factories in Milan. Lacking were very riled Et Sec, Tsy-' at 5: SO. bers of the local Jewish commun- Italian, we had to make our in- the general run. of poor Jews in nik, another St. Joe alumni, f ore- I "'° -,or,r.> v : v : r CT . ; -r "s column in the Des Moines I ity. ' _•:. .-.• ':•; . . . . . . •; . • quiries in a jumble of French and Egypt is that they are, to a gtran- ed his way past Al Oruch, 21-14, i ee lster lster U a t BETH EL i ^ er f; // to be aistingulshed in ap- U-1P and PhU Katman revealed jf; In Marseilles we were handi- German. Though some of the em- i S the Huskers were '. Rabbi Theodore X. Lewis cf aidcapped by the fact that f)ur search ployes spoke these languages, peamnce from Arabs. They are some fine handball form t y a r d l l U Ui outdowned by In- Mt. Sinai CorsrreEalloc, Sic . x den behind hi? black moustache ; " " 7 " -"L ! ^ ^ dark; their features are similar f was conducted at night, with only they were strangely ignorant of diana b u t t h a t m t s City, will speak Et Beth El t:-.:-no ICE when he defeated A. Freedman. j ' to those of the Arabs; a large a few hours to spare before sail- the words 'Juif and 'jude,' lea plainly made no attempt evening-. He will base his Rerrt —• ing time. Agents de police, storei- we used them they look utterly | Proportion wear the UrbouBb tha 21-11, 51-14. OemiH&als parings; Tst downs and yards, on observations durir.g his rerrr.t truncated-cone red hat pit Geller against Novak people in the cafes blant. We tried everything^ p.nd little keepers " | after having scored . . . Yv'e'll bet •trip PtUssiE.. The sermon tcr."c which we generally associate .with Skolnik against Katiraan. A "par\ advised us solicitously, but vague- finally gave up. Since we had to they could iave made plenty . . . ; is, "Russia, Biro-Bidjan, anc i i r t h e i i Moslems — and Arabic is ley" on the two winners ought to But why take chances? . . . No, •Jews. ly. One helpful citizen gave the get back to the ship by sailing thelr language. On the other hand, be worth 100 to 1. address of a society apparently time .thabwas the* sum of our a c - ! Nebraska is a smart, ieady ball j Kest Week Rabbi Dr.via Go".'the I man >" ot t h e A r a b s w e a r c t e a P equivalentr to a Jewish Travelers' complishment in studying club, equal to the best in the 1 stein trill ppeak on "Is il Possa: le European clothes. Aid and WP trudged up and down Jewish community of Naples. Each week, "Sport Spots" will countrv The. Huskers will: To Be a Pacifist in the World ToThere are 40,000 Jews in Alexhills for miles through the .dimlymake an attempt at tracisg the turn back Kansas, though the jday" — an Armistice Day S:-andria. Cohen regarded this as an lit waterfront district — an eerie In Alexandria, however, which athletic career of an outstanding j margin will not be bis . ' . . And! men. .place to a stranger «, at night „_. in _ the ship's officers and crew call- j enormous community, and when local Jewish athlete. Right now j watch Creigiton's Bluejays go to: Carter Aaron Ed.cp.r and -.I.? l what is reputedly one of the ed."Ales", not with affection, -we i Informed him how many there the head taan Is Lee Grossman, i town Saturday at Cincinnati -when • E"th El Choir -rV.l i-rcl the ?^rwere in New York City-and the '.}-c r-rrl i';ri-::' toughest seaports in the world. began making headway almost at the Center's.popular physical ed-ithey play Xavier Marc-Vie T 3tate3, he esclaimed: CR*I T ' o c r r e%"e ~ bir' ."We encountered nothing more at once. Exploring the Hue Cher- United ucation director. So here's the ] Schwartz: tells us his team is fi-' l ~*-~ •-h ir.p.ry T'f1**- r^ if Pascha, the-city's Wall Street, "Bfavo!" In fact, a few statistics sinister than a cup. of the tnpat dope on Lee; ' " j ually playing the kind a football ' abominable coffee ever perpetrat- we saw signs on large jewelry and facts regarding the fortunate Lee is one of those fellows who! it is capable of. e t- F c , r-.- *"r'; ' ved on an uninitiated gullet, in a shops with familiar names: Hor- Position of the Jews in America; has been in athletics as long as~j * v e r . r v-'-r i.' F F worked wonders with all the cafe where we stopped to ask di- owitz, Rosenthal arid others. We can. remember. Don't take this | I . C. C. EOWLIXG Cl'f {-or ! . ! r ^ ?*<r-v e J r 7 rection, but when we found the picked one at random and walk- "**™ ?l'"t*£ Cj-'e T-ev- ^ ' p i E ' r. «* *™Z\l°r ^ct, but the report is that he address it proved to be a closed, ed in. This time we hadn't gone j stalls. It cut ptifies by half or. u g e d t 0 g l l o o t baskets with his i Soonerg 14 dark warehouse in a n ' alley as astray.. The proprietor was not I more for us. -"Bravos" greeted ev- . . ... *,,___. Tigers 10 baby rattler. .6C7 black as the Hole in the Sky. We only Jewish, he was glad to oblige ery item -about'the Jewisa Goverparticipation' Ccrnhuskers 6 .4 on Grossman's first did get, a taxi driver who knew a visiting American Jew, He pro- nor Lehman, the Jewish Justices in sports came in McKinley grade ; Cj-clones 6 the address of a synagogue, but vided U3 with the'services of a Branded and Cardoso, and the I Wildcats S 10 -,n L l n c o i n . T h e r e h f i .. I*. - >. t. J by that time it was so late we de- young chap . named Cohen who like. 4 ' , \ ,-u.! captain of the basketball team. "I j Jayhawkers 11 .:cc cided that if- the concierge were showed us the town. Our tour unIt was I-also soccer," Lee. "m "In j At At Tuesday Quite a sensation to walk , played ^isvpA EO r P er." sasaid id !,<=*. T C P ^ evening on the premises he would give us der his direction was interesting down a icrowded alley feet j ffact, Ely nickname. II was | session Joe Joe Givot was was high r; c Et -, n *=» m &ct, that WBS my V ^ the Franco-Judaic equivalent of enough, but still more-interesting wide, with cluttered booths and,g 0 B m a U f t h e y c a l l e d ^ . . M c c e r » [ with a 62 4. Other five huedred • the bounce. •;'..: .r-: side displaying a n dU E e d t tQT t J . e fc „ „ ,E e r l e s w e r e : . J a c k . F l e i E h m i l n to me, were the things he told us tiny shops on each chea P merchandise. as we squeezed through the nar- e v e r y S At Lincoln high, fasspus for its I Sam Meyerson, 51S; Jack Ke'.chas Oriental as a Hollywood athletic teams, Grossman,' still! er, 516; Lso Weitz, 52S; and 2 . ; ll a • "• Of Tblarseillea, then, I can only row alleys of Arab and Jewish mall o v i e Bet a n d . observe the ripple a mite (not to be confused to i Raznick, 503. ' .report that the Yiddish newspa- bazaars, rode Alexandria's pheno- o f 3°?OU3 smiles and "Bravos what ha is now^—might) had toj The Soscers lost their firrt per pariser paint is displayed on menally cheap street cars (dlvidon and i game when they dropped • one cf the newBstnnds along-the Hue ed into first, second and third mother idaiabiere,- the principal- street, -class,- with - still another section the information that even in this sport he was not able j three game to the Tigers. JETand that the many elderly gentle- marked" "Harem" for "froom" of the *Mayor of Kew Yorfe City j I * earn a letter award until "" his hawkers took two out of t i w 1 \3t Ri^i'yaatwwBWw Moslem, women) along the wide was a Jewess, and each povertyj . Kemember that, you from the Cornhnskers, and the men, with long beards and hard, t w n o r year# •" ilat-crowned black hats are NOT boulevard around the bay that otricken'little merchant passed it young fellows, who despair of Cyclones two cat of three frcra would be lovely if it weren't for along to his neighbor. necessarily Jews. . athletic success, for the rest of the Wildcats. i Our nest stop was Naples w"here the overwhelming aroma of deThe good cheer that this incur-j this story.shows Lee suddenly deWITH TKC 5 IQXZS ZiQYZ \ for a while, we thought our friend cayed., fish, and looked over the sion of American Jews brought sloping iato a star. #*P*ifc* S»»psif Viii1*! V Eii.") W' '&,';•* -r'-a fe ! Nick would put up- on the right spacious waterfront palace of the their brethren of Alexandria'a When he graduated in 1S2S he ^ \ King, one of his four in Alexann track. Nick is a Neapolitan who bazaars and slums was not due to; "^es ft strapping yoath of 170 has lived for many years in.New dria alone. " the fact that they are oppressed { Pounds. Lee spent a year at the f T T * York, and calls the chief thorCohen was born in Suez. He is b y t h e Government or hated by University of Nebraska, playing p Lzccsce i - football *««<*•-" tor *— the **• -•»«—* * J — — J -« oughfare of, his native city "the 27 years old. His wife is 24, and' first time, and of of neighbprg> A g a main drag." Employed as "out- they have four children. The fam- Jact, they told me there is no! course/ basketball, with the fresh -4 Bide man," which .apparently ily lives in two small rooms on anti-Semitism in Egypt, either in teanas. At the.Iste services tonight I® WQQUES Then in 1929, Lee was lured j Rabbi Kopstein will speak on means interpreter, runner and i the top floor ol a tenement which the Government or among the to Pittsburgh, Kansas Tea-1 "The Fallacy of Pretending." general fixer, by the Export Line, would make a back-yard shack people. (It was gueer, incidentalhe is gifted with the fastest-mov- in Manhattan's "lung block" look ly, to see the Nazi swastika hang college by Blue Howell, for-! Cantor A. Schwaczkin .and choir ing pair of feet r ever saw off a like a mansion — I saw it. The jn'g outside the German consulate j » e r Nebraska, great. The strange fwill officiate. racetrack. -. After assuring us he rent is the equivalent of about in Mohammed All Square, the ^ a r t *«>t M s story is that Lee, a t | The Junior S?-nsso?ue meets -k JERRY would lead the way to the most f2.50 a month. Cohen did not tell principal business center, next Pittsburgh, played four full years I regnlsirly at 10 a. in. st the Cono f prominent. Jewish citizen of the me his salary, but I judged from door to a eJwish lingerie shop football, something he didn't j gregation B'nEi Israel. Eightcity later in the day, he towed US' several things he said that it can- and two dooTS from a kosher res-1 d o i n ^ ^ school, and did not j eenth and Chfcaro. streets. around -Naples all afternoon, not be more than about five dol- taurant.) . " '' * ' " j participate s t - a H i n . hasketball,! After services "the children sightseeing, at.about fifteen miles lars a week.. Still he was clean The 'reason we captured the jS 0 E J e t ! 3 h l S -he BpocialiEed in at j Partake of Kiddusi anfi re£re&hand .twenty bunions an hour. ' , and. neatly dressed. .fancy of these people was that' p r e ? school. Grossman rose to a j meats. Mrs. D.-B.. Epstein, presiThe /quarter In which he lives the'y are hopelessely poor. I-JT, | high place at Pittsbnrg, playing dent of the auxiliary, -will be What astounded me was that e a diov t o u ? y e a 'E asd ia his sea-',eome of the people we met in. the is ; Inhabited by both Jews and afraid that -I rather overdid -thei i o r .Patrontz9 Oi:r Advertisers •,j*H*i~8l£* Arabs. There are other slums far business• about'tbe happy Ameri-] ^ear winning numerous! course of our perarobuldtions venworse, he told us. can Jews but i t pleased them awards on. all-conf erenee teams. : tured, in casual conversation With The poverty of part of AlexanLee Came to J. C. C. on Oct. 1, ia transient foreigner, to express 1B33 mi was assistast physical' views liardly consonant with the dria's Jewry is alleviated by one society director ncder Morria Soglow. adoration of Mussolini which ...Ne- ^institution . — • a Jewish Suit Disoissed apolitans . are advised to feel in called 1'Humanite, operating also Fortune took a smile Et Lee here,' New York (JTA) — Federal In Cairo and other large Jewish Judge John W. Clancy lest week j fo.r two weeks later, Sogolow reletters foot high, on each each blank -itiLeis a' a IOOL nign on blank' * • v ' t t " " »MU umm " " t " • wall. (The lovely country-side we I centers; This organization, sup- dismissed the'motion by Major jslgBcd 61s. post. A'saonth later, by the wealthy , main- Julius Hochfelder, Brooklyn at- j GrosBman.was elevated to the potraversed/driving to Pompeii dur: ing the morning was marred hy tains enormous schools attended torney, to revoke tho Acssrlcan Eition of head man'in Center phy- ^i ^ w signs daubed on every building by children of the rich and poor citlzenship of Frits Kuhn, leader i sical edaeation. He's still there ' apd every day lie's «E o-vt-r00222. . . . l £ l a within eyeshot of the Autostra- alike. The poor, pay little or noth- of the German-American Bund. dd: "Viva II Ducet" "Credere, Obedire, Combattere!""' (Believe, Frco Obey, Fight) and the like. It is Ccrvcy leas garish than American roadside advertising, but hardly more | appetizing. . ' G Despite this, people talked to 1 us. One of them explained he i knew we would vanish from his ! C, life, and he needn'tibe too guard- ; ed. (I'm sure I'm not suggesting ! any trick to H Duce's spies). The ', Neapolitans had nothing very sen- i sational to say — just wisecracks. The nearest we 'came to hearing ; „ i• real dirt was the remark of • one »v man that a Spanish Lojaljst transport carrying grain had just been brought into the port of i - 1 1 ,



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pbeth Eaton Guggenheim, p n Fry, Jr., whoridesher i after reporting an earlyiid it occurred in Cjueens Guggenheim was recently bert Guggenheim, mining 'nly from a gay party.



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ConYouWiile 100 Words on

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Naples by an.Italian warship and that the official announcetnont was that the freighter had been captured —- of all places! —within the Italian three-mile limit; Another, man asked -whether I



had heard the broadcast of .Mussolini's ..speech in .Germany the aiEut before: •' ',[•

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"No," I said "Was it a sood speechV • "A long speecn,'.' ?he replied, dryly.

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A German cruise ship wns in the liarbour, and Pompeii '.was -Cull of solemn-facqa German 'tourists making copious notes " and checldngr up earnestly to inake snre that the disinterred city'was H arranged in accordance with .their ] 5uicie boo3:s. A native to whom

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at 9 o'clock. Rabbi S. Bolotnikov a- poll taken at the Paladiuia policy and immigration fcased on \fcrthe peace treaties :,:cc"& witfc it Begins' theater, will continue his -talks on: the the lull economic absorptive cs.p-.ithe Polish republic. Their srb.estLender;. Chumish at 4 o'clock. He will —. ' ' "I'scity of the conn try, resisting in- j ly helpless deputies sti'.i Bit In i also continue his' talks on the -Scene from "Merry-Go-Rossd rlegnients of t h e rights of the i Parliament. What does it mean" i Talmud during the week days at It, the t t people internationally Minorities a r e r,t t h e Biercy ol All members of Benson Legion of 1938:" Bert Lahr • signs e ! 5 'o'clock. guaranteed by the Balfonr Dec- majors ties. Nc Izw can restrain Co.n-ty, Noh,-a.«k,. ' " ' l( movie contract. ; Us eonI His p Post ^ were instructed by R. H. HISS ANNA'PJLI* conespoadcat • John Ji. shitKtfir « the Is'.tter. Ke huroc-Kity. Kc of Toresi.lenoe Cook, major general of the mem- g'ratulate him, "See, you've got laration and the caudate." I., imk'4'wn It also rejects the Royal Cora- is t h e consicerciion Sl m! bership drive to sign up every j. L a 5 i r f a a s even before TO?: ttart." ' cannot he had! cie%n.£,,{? mSsE'oii's assertion that the msnthat makes t h e Galut.fc fin Inioipossible ex-service man for t h e ! replies, "That's something. Sally! date Is unworkable, rejects fts ereble E.RC! t;uworthy v t r o" life post of his choice, whether it be Look -what tiro fans did Cor • Members of the Debra club I-conclusion that Arab-Jewish espi- . . . When, Jev-g of America, vVA Rand!" Benson or one of the other posts. ,-' Near.Completion gave a costume party Sunday j rations arc. irreconcilable and ce-you r»ee and v h e n will you f-ict? evening in the home-'of Miss Mar- In the latter case the meraber.Prayer O f W ] i ( c , h clares the readiness of the Jewish t i o n !?• TO inain 4 Plans for • the Annual Inter- garet Kosberg, honoring , new sbips signed will be turned over '..Harry Ruby.'.filmdom's Jiaia- | people P divorce from %,H to reach a peaceful settleon the r v r linos: of extreme orue'lty pion (talking) ball-player, was to the proper posts. Club Council-Carnival are near members in the club. Halloween ABRAHAMS -<S. OvONNOR, Atfs, ! for ciisfodv' ment with the Arabs. o: :.!ie minor children, mit for such c>; icr rehef s s t o t l l e C o l l r . completion, and- -'announcement decorations were ; carried* out In According to the leaders of the crating ea the series: "Tbe vnny F^em u^'c <inc> equitable. ' The re.-.olutioa drew the praise has, been .mads "by "Mr. Ben Sekt, the table appointments.,' Games Post, rivalry exists only in the de- trouble with the Giants is they NOTICE OF 'si T O T : <ivf' ••"((HitT-r t.o finSTi-er Snic SALE of Henrietta Rzold, founder of H&petition on o r general: chairman, that the affair followed a buffet supper. gree of efficiency with which Le- have no' pitchers." Wh'crcupor d&ssah, sad here on a visit from In the District Court . '.'"i ore t h e 1 5 t l 1 ria> Douglas of 'nioer, l!.,i, or said petition gion Posts of Omaha succeed in Herman Manklewicz stepped vp, Director of Anti-Defamation will be held Monday evening; NoCounty, Nebraska. you v,-il! be !r,k»n » , t n i e , vember 15, at the Roof Garden in objective'of enrolling every to bat: "The trouble with thtf j Palestine Li the interest of the £'y vi'-ti5€: *>f P.P. order of ale fssiiP,? League to Address SADIE SHUKTBR, , Mrs. : Leon Marx with her the out of the District Court" of Dourlne Youth Aliyah tnoveraent. ' !!; Plaintiff. the Commerce;building..: : / ex-service man in the city, 'for Giants is they have no Yankees I" Count'.'. Nebraska, and in wirsuanctB'nai B'rith daughter, Leonore, and Mrs. • Games, drawings, refreshment civic service for Legion memberof a decree of said Court in an a c Barney Aronsohn s p e;n t - last' tion (herein indexed at Appearance and out! Three strikes WOELD'S W l i i i i f Richard E. Gutstadt of Chi-booths and dancing will.entertain week-end In Omaha . with .Mrs. ships. - . . . " ' . •>>.7cke.. .!\i.imr>er ',',"', at Pnpe Xumbr'those who attend,. £CC Union Stats Bank Bidg, • 5. Expedition Docket Nnmher :•>"' 'at i Benson .Post was off to a flying cago, director of the Anti-Defa(Copyright, 1QS7, Jewish • Tclo(Continued from page I) Marx's parents, Mr. . and Mrs. Pape Number SM. wherein Harold \Y The carnival raises . funds for start with 62 new members. mation League of the B'nal graphic Agpncy. Inc.) PROBATE NOTICE Graham, is Plaintiff. and Frank B ' Cart Furth. also lenow that emong those Graff, ft si., ere Defendants. J will nt T.VIN" T ; - E J:ATTKR OF T H E E S B'rith, will address a B'nai B'rith 14 local organizations in one coit) o clock A. 21.. on Tuesday I he 7th ^.>. Benann K. Rohrs, DeeeesJ'ounjt men in Galida who are meeting Sunday evening, Novem- operative eyent, with the proflay of December 19"T, at the Enst efi. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherman Name Head. of. - •! fainting -with hunger and naked- front noor of the Doujrla* County NOTICE !S KEP.E?T GIVEN: • ber .7, at " o'clock in the Jewish ceeds' allocated among the . par- spent last week-end in Lincoln, Thnt the creditors of !=airt cieceased House in the Citr of Omah?" . ," ness and hopelessness are poten- Court Community Center. • ticipating groups. Miisic' School DouR-las County. Nebraska, sell at will meet the exeouiriy of said estate, where they visited with friends tial scientists and poets, are ,-?:ood be tore me. Conn:y Judge of Cousins public auction to the highest bidder Conforming., with its program and attended the football game. for, the folowing described pro- County. Nebraskn. at the County rnen and nages, are men ^-wfcose Ernie Priesman has b e e n for the year," the meeting will be i nurt Room, in County, on the To-wit: Ipugpne Sherman, visited in Oma-named director of the Vincent gifts and the spirit of whose gifts l.>erty, Lot 17. Block 4 in Amcf Place, -r. 33th day of December in;:' p'n,f o r i t i l B open to the public. Dr. Lewis J. ha with relatives over the weekJith day nf J-'ebrunry IMS, a.t, fl Addition to the City of Omaha, Doujrif liberated would benefit msc., Conservatory of Modern Music, Dimsdale, president of the lodge, The regular A.'Z. A. meeting end. o'clock a. m.. ea.-h i.ia>. "fo~ .he pur..'-.. U e<!, pose of pvesentinc their clr<im<: for <?x3224 Dodge street. Classs for kind more than a. wilderness o f j |M £S& ^ S . r ^ S will introduce the speaker. Mr. was held Wednesday evening in nflinKinTenv anil aliowrincf? Poles, All mankind and not oniv ; lieriF? f - m l incumbrances thprein s e t -TmiTirrtion. beginner.3, advanced students and Gutstadt -will speak on "Civiliza- the Jewish. Community- Center, Three months «,re elloved the Mrs- Harry Bailin of Atkinson, coaching for professional work t--b e i r e le ' * forth; to satisfy the sum of "~ ; pilit rs tn UTS. Moses Epstein Hew Head; " , , , P'-esent their claims, tion'Fights Back.". . with oJe Goldstein, chairman of Neb., spent last week-end in u ° ™ P °P - Aad they & r e r costs and theincressed and accruine i J ' permitted to p e r i s h slowly, slowly costs, p.l] BEprovided by said o r d e r ! ' ™ - * e . K r , ^ n . are under'the direction of teachMr. Gutstadt, in addition to his the. program.' .A. group- of songs Sioux " City visiting with her ers who are ail actively connected of Woaen's Organ-' awarely, crashed bit by bit under ; was offered by Jack Merlin; huOmaha. Pb . B'nai B'rith work, has been infather, J. H. Bolstein. ization an iron heel . . . j 27th., day of October. N 3":;;.r a s k a with radio, dance and concert terested, in eyery phase of Jewish morous readings by Earl Novich, JOHN HOPKINS. Pberiff, Yet, I want to trriug yonr i orchestras, Douglas County, Nebraska and civic life of his community, and a talk on schools by Bernard : ;'•• Atlantic ' City, J t a ) — H a hearts. I want to rob you of! Rosenthal.' Rudy. Shiridler and 1 r T. "I nr r yr ; ' Mr. Priesman has been assc-; having served for several years adopted a resolution urging an| i ep. I want to stab your cons e elated with Franklyn Vincent's as secretary of the. Pacific Coast Herman Ruben, resumed " their FRADENBURG, WEES. B E E E K. orchestra for the past two years undivided Palestine under a man-sciences, Jews of America - - EE KLUTZN1CK. branch of the Hebrew Immigrant duties as junior advisors of the &, KELLEY, and A. date and electing Mrs.-Moses P. my heart has been wrung and my chapter. An executive meeting FSEDLER, Atty's. as-pianist and'is manager'of .the Aid society; as a member of the By HELEN ZIGMOND Epstein their president, more sleep broken and my conscience '.-.a Vincent s u m m e r productions board of governors of the Feder- was held Monday evening. UiNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Basketball practice for the Hollywood—Jack Oakle, whoworking out of the Barnes, Car- than 2,500 delegates from all over i wounded. I can only speak. Ton ation of Jewish Charities; a th t t d to their: * Dong-las trustee of his temple; member of members is , being, held every hasn't a trace of Judaism in hisruthers, International Booking the conntry returned to their | can act. When will r o s act - - In the County Court homes this week after the most i all, all; when will you, respect-|j ^x^Twf^vATTER p e r c e n t o r FPO**<P o n IX THE MATTER OF HE KPthe regional council of -the Zion- Tuesday and . Thursday evening, genealogy, speaks Yiddish, fluent- office. " " " till or v.Becl parts, for bourgeois Instruction for all instruments successful and best-attended con- i able American g " "Jews,, | TATE OF Zola, Bsinbridere ist organization, and for severa^ with classes' in debate and ora-ly and with a nicety for shading yois? p.i-tomcbiic. vention in Hadassah 's 25-year; blush when your sons and dacghtory'on Thursday.. • :'• and inflection. And he learned will .be given. y cghII ^^Zhy^M^ti^ I years in active direction of the' history. h i t . , -_ __ -. . . . „----£ thfit W8K». ters mention sharecroppers in onr i been riled in said Court'" to Jewish National Welfare fund of it. from a * Italian youngster when R de San Francisco. He is a close stuBaba.'l Substitutes of British for - 'The resolution, adopted after a j South or millhands in our middle * -\f £eas<?ci flied^ leo.vinp no last he was a messenger boy down In "hi!. I S t S ^ n S " t r ^ T ' S r i n p v dent of the political problems of American slang have to be-made heated debate lasting five hours, j west, men and women who are .'upon Wall street!'.;, w i r h e h a d o r i Ra t 1 your calls upon t h e World Zionist Ex• oppressed I crant TOU but who • ' ' ' pe*if-'-on before Jewish, life in their various for English consumption. Aht ecutive with - - in negotiations . . . . - . . . - _Great .j can appeal to a s of right , said court on the 27th dav of Xoaspects. . to t t i s ; vember 10S7. and that if. they fni- to Ten years ago an infant was a mother's work is' never - done. Britain " t o bring about a con- j great, strong, A reception Wednesday evening born..-. . it's-a lusty lad, raigfctv !i appes'" s t said Court on the said CTth v.'onicl l i k e f.c r>e« Mr. Gutstadt comes originally structive policy for complete inij Christian America with I t s b u" n day - : of November in"?, s,t fJ o'clock from San Francisco, where he in the Shaare Zion synagogue colorful, full of song and dance Paul Muni is a top-notch actor plementation of t h e m a n d a t e over j dreds of t h o u s a n d s of good a n d A, !M. to contest ?aid petition, the ce.r f o r Court may grant the same jcrrp.nt was president of the District honored , the, new staff of" the and laughter. Talking Pictures has an extensive knowledge of undivided P a l e s t i n e . " j j u s t m e n a n d woraen ,• from o n r fidminiptration of estate to J o Grand lodge - which " embraces Sioux City Talmud Torah, Mr. .his name. His paternity . . .' history and literature . . . but in an- The You ECCC j rejects a l l pal- j President down . . . When will seph F. Ault or some, other suitable western states. He was later In- Brown, formerly.of:Atlanta,• Ga.y perhaps only a subconscious gardening he is sadly lacking. On liativea resolution person and proceed to a E-ettiemept e<5 f c r on«?s h o r t ' o f t h e m a n d a t e . Al-j T 0 U i Jews, say t o ' y o u r sons a n d thereof. and Miss-Rose Goldsman, formervited to take charge of the memlilay pric.*:. gleam in the Warner brethren's his San Fernando ranch he though opinions from t h e floor j d a u g h t e r s : You have only o n e SRTCE CRAYTF-v- - , , bership bureau and special activi- ly of Chicago. t County . i f f eye . . . traces way back to theplanted geraniums , . . expected , •„-.»,•„..•.. 1 „Yov. c a n c-.c all t})is Rabbi S. Bolotnikov, Rabbi T, winter of 1903 when CHarry's a bountiful crop. When the wa- indicated a strong anti-partition i <j u ty a n d t h a t is t o s h a r e all rcm [ ..^^...: ties of the National B'nai B'rith ai a sentiment, t h e . resolution as j tave d are with-your brethren i f " ' " ' ^ ""*" " ' a n N. Lewis and Rabbi.H. R. Rabioffices In Cincinnati. Later, Mr. ter was turned on, he discovered adopted was considered a com- \ beyond the seas and at tbe same !p! bike shop: was closed and the Gutstadt was transferred from nowitz spoke, with "responses by four brothers—Harry, Sam, Al-the containers, were really irribecause of ' the final jtj^je to work for Eretz Tisrael, Cincinnati to take charge of theMr. Browi\,and.Miss Goldsman.. bert and Jack—took over a store gation standpipes. The geran- promise clause, which takes note of the j for a greater End a roore popnRefreshments and a social r league direction in Chicago. He Co. Fc^tiscirlec in Newcastle, Pa., put in 91iums were flung to the winds, fact that s special Zionist Con- ] ious Eretz Tisrael. You sre bespokein Siour City several years hour concluded the, progrUm. chairs rented from an andertak- scattered and splattered. Mnnl gress wit! be called, "decisiocs of fore the'Judgment-fear of history, ago during a B'nai B'rith convener, and went into the motion pic- took a house at the.beach. which will be binding on the en-Jews of America — today!! tion and w6ii the plaudits ^nd. adWoet ts C Eiee* MOUNT SfflAl ture business- Sam turned the tire Zionist world." Note, then, hour hard times, in- : Metsl miration of, his audience. Bits and Blurbs: Scheduled to projection machine. . . . . Harry The resolution declares: stead of invalidating great truths g fif- tetl the girls and boys at Colum- .- "The convention urges the Es- | grive them home. The Galician ! | Rabbi• David- Goldstein of Tem- and Albert took'tickets. KISS C a s t t*"<~~ bia: university "what makes ple Beth-el in Omaha will be theteen-year-old Jack sang songs to Rabbi Goldstein ecutlve ^a negotiations to bring! j e T F S partook of the emaacipa-'l; guest speaker at Mount Sinai Illustrated slides. In 1904 they movies tick are Fritz Lang, about a constructive policy for iin-i tioa in the old Austrian • empire, j S' 27th acd Martha IF tTo Speak, Before temple this evening. His subject were renting and distributing Groucho Mars, Nonna Shearer piementation of the mandate over j Where is that emancipation to- | l KA 5S23 and Luise Rainer. . They'll lec- aa undivided Palestine; for de-i day? AH the Jews of Poland { | •> Joint Meeting will be "Representative Amer- film; in 1912 they_ became ture ica." Milton 'Bolstein, president "quickie" producers; in 1923 to a class In "Film Study" velopment of a constructive., land j were promised full minority right iSa^.-^^.ri^a^/s^^.H.K.K,: —* - " . r - - — n ' ; . there, there, don't crowd the ' Eabbl David Goldstein of Beth- of the Brotherhood,-will read "the they were major producers; in registrar, please. Herman Bernie, : •••--• •---. • 1926 they synchronized music to el synagogue in Omaha will be r i t u a l ; askThis evening Rabbi Lewis .will "Don Juan." They, alone, first brother of Ben, goes about the guest speaker at an Oneg til ing producers, "Did it pay1' to get (Shabbos meeting tomorrow after- occupy the pulpit at Beth-el syna- saw the possibilities of sound on up today?" Joseph Schenck and noon in the home of Mrs. Barney gogue in Omaha, .speaking on film. October, 1927,. brought forth the "Jazz Singer" and his former wife, Norma TalBaron, 1810 Grandview. The "The Jew in Russia." raadge, are still partners . . . in This afternoon Rabbi Goldstein talkies saw the light. ineeting_will be a joint gathering business. Together they purof" the Ladies auxiliary of Shaare will be the speaker- at the Sisterr m m Zlon synagogue and the Senior hood peace luncheon In the Tem- Sam, the barber on the Gold- chased the Villa Riviera, largest in nLong Hadassah. : . ple Annex. He will, review "Ka- wyn lot, says his boss speaks, apartment building ne an< e a trina." Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis with £ "dialog." Ooh, it's catch- Beach . . . price, X " ^"° *^ " millions. Chico Marx's 19-yearpreside a t ' the" program. ing! . .Jewish Community will old daughter, Maxine, debuts at Luncheon hostesses, will be Mrs. Pasadena Playhouse in "The E, N. Grueskin, Mrs. J. Kalin, Irony: A talent scout for Uni• Center. Continues Mrs. Joe Levin and Mrs.-H. Fish- versal waxed warm.over the per- the Old "Maid." Sonje Schulberg's Season's Projects formance of one Michael Loring first book, "They Cried a Little," The Brotherhood, of; Mount In the stage show, "New Faces." is on the stalls. Ben Bae and 11 Jewish Art Theater group Sinai temple.will meet next Mon- Keen on his discovery, he rushed Charlie Chaplin headed the list i'will be organized at the Jewish day evening in the temple. Mr. up. to the actor-singer,, offered of the most popular comedians in .'-Community Center next Monday Milton Bolstein will,preside. . him a screen test. • Wa3 met with evening under the leadership of Rabbi Lewis spoke Monday be- the cool information that he, LorMrs. Lucile Lavalliere and Mr.fore the Ministerial associatioa ing, had -just come from Hollyinvest Safety. Wiisiy to It-; is -so' good- to know that MAXWELL goocscES. Eves snore ar^poriant :i Morris of the Federal Theater Thursday evening addressed wood - . . . had been under conHOUSE, the deticlows coffee -which is served is the fact tise.t it cos.cs to j'ow V ste-!:- resfe, project. Plays by Jewish authors and a dinner meeting of the Klwanls tract to that very same studio . . . and of Jewish interest will occupy club. with, milk or cream for breakfast in the ffoi« acked Is the ei^per-VEiC^.Vin?. c e s » - . tb . , . ' . ^- had spent two years of his life p the attention of the group. The there just waiting . . . waiting \rB.y to bring you coffee £.E est Jewish hotaes, offers wonderful ei5Joj"« first meeting is scheduled for 8 Represents 21 Strong Compare . . .waiting. ry h ou fresis &nd wfsolesorae £.& tlie left o'clock Monday evening, when SHAARE 110® meat also -when served Mack after the lee—Every Type e» Insurance and Bonds wrlttir.. CsU ATdefinite plans and a definite pro5Sc* tine ro&rting; eves • - "flelsslilu ciinnsr or sapper. Every sparkling /657 or WA.S1E0. Eddie Cantor is busy . . must Gram will be mapped out. This Julius Bisno of Omaha, execucup of this excellent coffee brlrags you refee CEH be fresher thr.n tlirl record new dialogue for "All will be an adult group.


Society News







A.Z. A.



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tive secretary of the A. Z. A.; will

" Next Wednesday evening in the be the. guest speaker at Shaare Community Center Mr. McDonald Zion synagogue this evening. He ot Des Molnes will' speak on will speak on his travel experiAmericanization work and citi- ences in Palestine and Europe zenship. Mr. McDonald is giving this summer. Rabbi H. R. Raa Beries of lectures on this -work binowitz will introduce the speakand everyone interested in Amer- er. Cantor A. Pllskin and the icanization work is invited to at-synagogue choir will chant t h e ritual. tend. Rabbi Rabinowitz addressed- a An active project of the Jewish Federation is supplying clothing joint meeting of the auxiliaries to thosa who are in need, and of three conservative synagogues MIsa Doroth Merlin, superintend- in Minneapolis Tuesday, afterent, haa issued B, call for clothing noon, and spoke" before the men's to take'care of those' who apply club, of t h e Beth-el synagogue to the Center for clothes. Men's there Tuesday evening. clothing is greatly in demand. Mrs. • S. Weiner was the chairAnyone having old clothes in man of a rummage sale sponwearable condition, that they sored by the Ladies auxiliary of •wish to give to the Center, is the synagogue this week. Asacked to get in touch with Miss sisting her were 'Mrs. M. Mush"Merlin at the Center. kin, Mrs. S-. H. ShuHsln, Mrs. Henry Sherman, Mrs. Meyer Shubb, Mrs. I. Levin, Mrs. HerDeath. Claims man Licht, Mrs. J. N. Kreuger, Frank Gorchqw, Mrs. J. Mrs. Slotsky Mrs. Schwid, Mrs. Mas Lasensky and • - -« I-Irs, Sophie Slotsky, 65, died Mrs.-F.. Berger." .~ last Thursday morning in;' the home of ^a daughter, Mrs. W. C. JUNIOR HADASSAH Slotsky, -712 Thirty-fourth street; of a cerebral hemorrhage. . She The November- meeting of tfie had been sick only a day. Junior Hadassah iwill vbe held at Funeral services were held Fri- the Jewish Community Center day afternoon at ; Mount Sinai next Wednesday'evening, Novemtemple with Rabbi Theodore N. ber- 10. Miss Saretta Krissten, Lav/is officiating. president, -will preside, and a proMrs. Slotsky came, to the Unit- gram-, will-follow-the business ed States 44 years ago from Rus- meeting. . • "„ sia. She was a member of the Senior Hadassah, the Hebrew Ladies Friendship society and TIPHERETH ISRAEL Mount Sinai temple. .Surviving are one daughter, Services at Tiphereth Israel ZITS. OT. C. Slotsky; - four sons; 1 Herman,- Louis, Samuel and Jo-will begin thi3 evening -at 5:15 seph, all'of Sioux City. ' j o'clock, and tomorrow morning

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