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318.'First,U*«-K u 7i,j LEGAL NOTICE / the District Court oi Dou-la / y, Nebraska. [ John 13. Shunter, i^hosa oia.ee Si p Personal service of sum3 £m J be had, <3efoni!«nt: . u are hereby notified that on th« aj- or July. 1S37. Ert.Kj. Sh-Lt.-r aintiff. filed her petition a^!,'-|m the District Court or r>puKl'ai tty. Nebraska. Doc. ZZO. No. IE," Jbject and prayer of which peti.' is to obtain a divorce from yax he• grounds or extreme cruelty usto'ly of the mlno; children, anc ;uch other relief.as to tho Coun seem just and equitable. • a are required to answer sale Ion on or fteroro the loth da\ .•ovember. i:>37. or saiJ pctltior list jou will be taken as true. SADIE SHU8TER. -37-lt ' FIsJntlK.
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Tho visTra espresred by Lnfiwig I/crrfsohn la his column are faia <rcm and do not ncces. sarily reDect tho policies .or attitude of oar publication. Reproduction In wholo or in pars ctrictly forbidden.
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•tvr Entered 03 Second Class Mall Matter on January 21. 1221. a t JPcstofHco of uroa:-.:!. Nebraska, under tho Act of March 3. 1S7S ^fRFa'SPS'l} '- ft "i-i'P H ^SFTOS -a^n
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r OCRPOSmON rtf:t $ "If and when," said myyery able, cultivated and devoted rab' P '• 1 -liculties -which Harry E. Terrell, secretary of binical friend," " i f and when a >•^cresses, the next Jewish State comes into existence, the National Council for the Pre. : ' . ,*-,o . by Rabbi David A. •we "shall have to rethink our envention of War, will speak at - ' -'" . , which was scheduled tire position, for then indeed' the services at Temple Israel this Former" Coach question of a double or divided | xonfiari, November" 22, has Prcrdrsnt Leaders: iz .LS arty g Cozventicn en Cnr.dr evening on "Scandinavia's Contriloyalty may arise." ,a postponed and will be held at Nebraska Will sant Party \7ins instead on Monday evening, Nobution to Peace.'' My only immediate reaction to Speak Bleotion vember "P. the observation which, in a dozen Mr. Terrell, for seven years Fred Dawson, former head The first lecture of the series Prominent Jewish ieaders W l i forms I had heard before, was a secretary of the Des Moines Peace Bucharest (JTA) Open ! Monday was high successful, with participate in the Soutl •feeling of impatience and irrita- football coach, of. the' University council, recently returned from a tion. The counter-arguments did of Nebraska, -"will be one of the trip to Germany and the Scandi- threats of civil war if the Xa-over five hundred people attend- Regional - conference of tional Peasants Party attains 'j ing. B'rith to be held in Omaha not at once present themselves to guests at the Jewish Community navian-countries. power in the forthcoming elec- j dsy, November 21. 'Dele ice and I attributed that to our Center Carnival and Award • night tions were voiced last week by j from chapters in Sioux host's excellent Scotch. But I was to be held at the Center on WedProf. Octavian Goga, cse-tise i 1 Council Bluffs, Lincoln &nd . wrong. Arnold' Zweig in one of nesday, November:: 17.. ftlll Interior Minister, and Prof. Alex- • Falls will be here for the £.11-aay his books mates the observation This program will be one of ander Cuza, father of Romanian j session. that he who is JSL. Zionist for the anti-Semitism, in the coarse of j §«|¥§*f i Irving Lcvitas, director of P D right and deep reasons can hardaddresses at a session of the Na- j ucstion • acd clubs at the Jewish ly explain why he. is one. It is as tional Christian Party's Grand j Community Center of Kansas : obvious and organic as walking Council. I City, will lead an open forum or eating. Arid so it la with this "There will be revolution if i I discussion on the Eiibiect of otter matter. To any one who the National Peasants Party, | j ^B,nai g , ^ Lodgfe _ "War, Democracy and the Jew.'" \ has truly and profoundly transwhich sold itself to the Jews, is •• Mr. Levitss studied at the Tnicended the common delusions of Hationalists Eiots whea Jews brought to power,' Prof. Gosa desoring Secosd Asrual j versity of Chicago and the Colthe mob the question of a soEefuse to occupy clared. "If necessary to -use viollege-of Jewish Studies of CMer.gc called ' divided^ loyalty becomes Ghetto Seats lence, I will be the leader of the I and has written for a number of, meaningless. It has no substance. Numerous applications have al- : Jewish periodic-sis. ; . movement It is better to shake He findg it difficult-to. lay hold Warsaw. JJTA)^— The ;VSar-j t h e c o u n t r y o u to f its B t a s M U o n S ready been, received by the chsir- The evening meeting; will he: •of it. Kor need he think of JewI men of the program committee saw and Lwow Polytechnic In- than to suffocate." addressed fcr Kobert Kess, well: ish. sages and examples for: clar| for the Amateur sight to be sponstitutes were closed for an indefSpeaking in the same vein, ity- in the matter. He_ remembers known Iilwaukee attorney and 1 inite period last week and sev-Prof. Cuza demanded the Nation- I sored by the local lodge of B'nai civic' leader. Milton's: "The State shall be my B>rit!l o n eral arrests were made at Lwowj^'"chrisUan"Wrty'^orwhiThTe ! Sunday, December 19, j " ' ^ —~V^ f { h s conferences' . governors, but not my critics"; he „ < rirt University as a result of agita-j fa ' c o _ l e a d e r w i t h Prof. Goga b e 'at " fthe *° TJewish " ^CoSLinur.ity " " " " ^ rCenter. " ' " - ' was originated five years Ego : thinks of: Emerson's essay on Thoss desiring to participate tion by Nationalist students for War; he thinks of Thoreau's returned to power. He asserted here in Omaha during the presi-, their applisegregation of Jews into "ghetto the time had come to ap the !a r e a3s k e ed a- rt10 t nLr En great observations, on Civil Dissf Ben Kazlcwsky. Julius i benches." ^ obedience. He finds It hard to principle of 'ethnical Rouraanian- i ^ ! Bisno was president of the first i Nationalists in Warsaw clash- ism," citing the Bar Association's of the large number- of ainateurs look at the matter "under the ased with Jews in attempting to recent elimination of Jews to who desired to enter, many ap- ; conference. pect—and that is what my rabvx The5 •-""> convention plications were turned down long , V" -"^" committee force, them to occupy the benches prove it was possible. binical friend actually did—of the c l u d e s : B e n chsir- : before the deadline. ' ^^wskr. on the left side of classrooms as D A . R . ' • ' . ••'.•' ' ' • ' -":•' ' • • , .- . „ ^ , J m a n ; Ephraim Mark?, vice-chair-; co Commenting on the threats, ordered recently by rectors at the the newspaper Dreptatea, organ! Cash prizes of ?la, $10 and ?o , _ . M a xB a r i s l i j D r . A . G r e e n - > n •""- What is the State?. Men set up authorization of the Education "a'..'.State for the sake of. order. PsTty,! Trtll be awarded to the three ama- | Sam Green, Milton Frohm, : m? Minister. Jewish students were declared: "The pre-revolutionary I teurs who win the largest volume i B. Cohen, Salewin MichThe State is the sum of certain standing during lectures rather atmosphere described by Goga •: of applause from the sudience. n 5 c k H agreements which men make with All amateurs, men, women and! ^ e n shrler' Kilftn ^ r a " i than occupy the "ghetto seats." Fred Dawsoa confirms the . desperate situation ; each other and to the officers 61 ^ | children, who are members of the hams, Leo Abramson, Sam Eeber, The Lwow Polytechnic Insti—^Yorld-Heraia Photo. Bisno, Dave Blacker, Si- • u '' the State they delegate the power connection! Jewish Coinniunity are eligible. '; * Kon Bcrdy, Arthur A. Cohr,, Rabthe outstanding athletic events tute was closed after four Jews! c o n g e n c e o f u B U T to see to it that those agreements] were injured,-two of them ser-l i t h R o s e n b e r g . s B u r e a u o E F c r . ' I Di. Frederick Coin, Dr. I. Dansky, carried' out;'. What are those ^er^staged at the Center; Durare lously enough to require hospit- j d ^ A f f a i r s i n Berlin. We advise ! JJ'XAI B'RFFH A3IATEUR ; A. A. Fiecler. Dr. Leon FellniER, ing the evening handball exhibiing the evening handball exhibifundamental agremeents? They tions, swimming and diving exhi- alizatmn in riots resulting from XIGHT \ Sabbi ' David Goldstein, I. F. , reTOlatioEarT ere expressed in certain laws of bitions, volleyball games by both Nationalists' attempts to obtain j 2 e a l „ t Q c a l m | Goodman, William Holzmsn, AbEntry Blank . •what, if we are. to have order, men - and ' women and a varsity segregation of Jews in classi ner Kaiman, Philip M. Klutznick. can be done and cannot be done. basketball game will be present- rooms. | Kabbi Milton Kopstein. Csri Le-g- -f (Fiil in and forward to Hy- 1 At Lwow University, National- Junior Hadassali The citizen.who observes these ed by leading Center athletes. mac, Sam Leon, Karry Mala- \\ men Sbrier, 740 First Kstional -laws and who works for their alThe Sokol Gymnasts; rated as ists barred the entrance and re- Plans for Regional • Bank Bldg., AT 7811, or Dr. ' shock, Henry Monsky, Joseph | teration by peaceful means when- leaders in the field, will be on fused' to admit Jews, demanding iTretiak, Harry Trnstin. K s b S i ' Leon Fellman, 722 Brandeis official introduction-of "ghetto Conference Here ever, e v e r , as a s is i s often U I L C U the m e case, t o o c i they m c j .t ••',-..•• - ;hilli - ,,,. ! IDavid TTice, Arthur Kobinson, y t Theater Bldg., HA 3737, chaira n 0 are found to be obsolete or to ]hnastic ^ t exhibition. P«»f nt a Over thrilling gym- benches." Two Jews were beaten. ; Karri- A. Wolf and X. S. Tsffe. • y 70 Junior men of Program committee, have The rector ordered removal of Plans are being made for South- i ave become inequitable—he is a a, ...... : A sp-F-cisl . pro^i'P.Bi i?. b^-lnj; ^ oa cr before.December 1.) •west'Regional'Convention of .Tun-. g ood and law-abiding citizen. For .Boys.: and Senior Men wil} receive posters demanding segregation. Despite. anti-Semitic disorders) ior Hadassah which will bs held -the he average man more than that II achievement .awards for their acii k of i intended • to exert pressure "'6nria'"0man'ai" December 4 and 5. Xame . Jrapererogation-—good but not re- swimming-and bowling. •• •-'-*• Lwow University authorities, the j Chapters from the states of • NeThe Irvin C. Levin: award will university Senate refused .by a j braska', Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Address quired. There is a higher type of citizen—-he who is concerned for be -presented to the outstanding unanimous vote to accept the pro-1 Oklahoma, and Colorado will be" LfcWi4 Age. the good life_ and the future of Jewish Community Center athlete ferred resignation of ' Professor j represented. Headquarters ior all men, whose first1 loyalty, as for the past year. The trophy Kulczynski, the rector, thus en-j the convention will be the FonPhone Xo. Mark Twain said, is to truth, will be awarded to the, individual dorsing his stand against segre- ' tenelle Hotel. H l neither to country nor, above all, who is considered the most^pro- gation of Jews. i Rehearsals care been started Highlight of the convention to party. 'For country and party ficient Center athlete for the*year Sly act i s ; ; by the Center .players fcr iheir Dr. Tadeusz Kotarbinski, aged will be the banquet to be held on j 1937 and who has; exemplified will be~ better off for being criti; second production, ""^J";8 Good Professor of Philosophy a t War- j Saturday evening at the Rome cised and, -If need be, set right, the highest degree of good sports- saw University, told a delegation 1 Hotel to be followed by sessions Hope" by Herman Kei.ieTmF.iip. under the critical guidance of manship and fair play. : "The Good Hope" WES producof Nationalists he would continue j of the convention. JThe -newly organized Center to stand while delivering -lectruth and humanity. I believe so; ed in New York by Eve LeGaiAfter the business session on berly and objectively that many Varsity basketball team will en- tures as a sign -of sympathy with Sunday, dinner will be served in | and was one of ti=e fsvorJews and very many Zionists are counter the Thallas Hatters, an the Jews so long asthe officially- the Lodgeroom of the Center. ; ite presentations of the Civic Eeorganization consisting of some American citizens of the second 1 pertoire. Members of the Dance commitsanctioned segregation continued and higher type; it is a matter of' of the - best basketball players in in effect. tee are seeking young Jewish men : of the applications already re; The following- cast ESS been . common knowledge that practical- the, city. • j Louis -', Blumkin, former midly all Jews are decent citizens according to the first set of average western high school champion, and sufficing demands. What con- will present a fine diving exhibiflict can then arise because such tion. "Official swimming strokes an-American citizen loves'his peo- will be displayecrby nine- of the ; street or phone evening, Webster ;. grams. • I schenbs-uin, George A. Sriize-r, .A waple and works for the reconsti- leading Center swimmers. : 5510, their " names, address,' Hymen shrier is in charge of [ SyJvaa Frantel. Margsret Friedter polo game promises to' be one Many New York (JTA) tution and rejoices in the accom! laader, Ssm White. Florence phone, age, and height. ; the affair. plished reconstitution of a Jewish of the high spots'of the evening. Jews were among those elected Committee chairmen for the '. Persons desiring to compete ; Wolf, Abe Salzman. Sam Kaplan. C i t t hi : Some of the Center's ace hand- to municipal office in elections convention are: Reception com- j are asked to fill in t i e blank and ; Mrs. Sara. Josephson, Joe Coner. State? '•' - ' ; What people forget, even Tab- ball players will be on hand for held in a large number of cities mittee, Bettye Tuchinan; Sunday j forward it to Mr. Shrier or to Dr.; and Minnie Wclf. a 4 5-minute exhibition. throughout the "United States. bis,, is this: Things called by the dinner, May Tucker: Dating, | Leon Fellman. The Good Hope" v u l be pre- ' William X. Holzman, president In New York, Stanley Isaacs Alice Joyce Susrnan, Esther La'z- | same names are not the same; sented the nights or Decetsber 5 • the only thing that counts in the Of .the Center, will present the was elected Borough President of erson, Niomi Kukliu, Anne Her-; r-nd 6 at the Jewish Comrr»cr;iti- ; Manhattan in the anti-Tamiaany man, Bettye •ssary •world is difference in moral qual- awards. Tuchnxan, Kalah; Center ancl Eesson tickets, which sweep. Irving Lehman, brother Franklin, Rose Kaplan,and Kuth j ity; A German-American who is s.re i"terch&^i£es.bie insxv be £&- ; of the Governor,/ was re-elected j a Nazi is necessarily disloyal to cured ther at the Jewish Com-! Justice of the Court of Appeals, I America.' For, according t o ' his Jack Swanson and his orches- i Center or through the ' while Aaron J. Levy and Algeron j ,v.ra will furnish the music for the ; convictions, he must beefe to de-. i of the 3rs.saai.lc Coin-; At a meeting of the Atiass TesI chairE Nova were, returned to the Su-1 stroy all that America means,- all convention dance. ] huren synagogue held oa Sunday I mittee Mrs. William Teiler. Sin- i ,j le that America stands for. Nor is The first general meeting of preme Court. . it was announced by Ben Linden- | f adraissios will be sold George Backer ran third with j this all.' He must and does be- the -Medical and Dental Advisory Committee of the Jewish .Welfare baum, chairman of the board or bos office. 9,200 votes in the Congressional lieve 1n force, in war,- in conFederation was held at the Jewcommissioners, that sir.ee the 7,It. race in the 17th District, but the quest, in retaliation by ultimate Seen As Agencies ish Community Center on Thursj Sinai ceiaetery-fess-been complet-j fact he had won this many votes force. In the liquidation of whole ed t h ei a d i e s on an American Labor Party ticf o r M a s ! A c t i ¥ i t i s s I ^-oxiiiary of Mt.' classes • and races, fn a' reversal day, November 4.' ; Dr. A. Greenberg, chairman of ket in the "silk-sticking^ district j Sinai wiU no longer function EE of t i e traditional moral order of the group, presided. Plans for the and the emergence of the Labor; Boston (JTA) - The activity anjjrganisation. Christendom. The deeper his conDonors to the cemetery fund i victions the more surely is he a ensuing year were, discussed and Party as a major political factor j of Nazi propaganda aEencie3 in gave -him prosing chances in iu- \ this country, paradoxically is be- weie thanked acd It was slso z.i- J destructive iorce within the mor- committees were appointed. Following the dinner and bus- ture elections. ing carried on through "patrio- i counced ttat no nore al and political order which we c iness meeting, Mr. Herman Auercall American. , _ . ' Isaa'csV'wio ran for public of| « _^."f/Pj.^H 0 ? 8 '" ' R ° y a i . . ^ l ^ 1 1 b e E e c e s s a ^ ' The American -Zionist who hach." who recently returned from fice for the first time, succeeds. ths Bivision veterans' j works for tho reconstruction of a a tour of Europe, gave a talk, •Samuel Levy, who had been B o r -; ;A s s o cTankee i a U o n t o l d t h eE p e c i 1 I e s i s Jewish State mid'loves and sup-1 "Observations in.Russia." ough President for many years, * ~ lat5 Isaacs, 55 years old, is a member ^e commission investigates! Blacker, ">u*>. ports the Jewish• State when It; rFBHANof the executive committee of the un-American activities in Massaf r e s s . Dr. A Mites for i edn man who ] ST. LOUIS GERMAN Kew Tork Federation for the chasetts. , entertains fundamental American Support of Jewish Philanthropic He was emphatic in stating and Christian sentiments, which MOUSE BANS NAZI ; (JTA) — Alleg-ed SOB-j Societies, member'ofthe Ameri- \-that the Nazis J a America, "atis not unnatural seeing that all CONCLAVE: " : ; •;: • a • of Zionist leaders ] te can Jewish Committee, vice-pres-1 P P t to bore from within AmerChristian ethics and all demowas scored by Prof. ! ieaa St. Louis- (JTA) — German Patriotic societiss." cratic theories hava their ultimate House, bowing to widespread crit- ident of the Baron de Hirsch! ! A. S. Yahnda, noted orientalist, j Eayes asserted, too, , that eourco'ln the Thora of Israel. He icism againstits action in-permit- Fund and vice-chairman of the | l ^ro-Nazi Ni organization ! speaking at "memorial ssrvices for !tie ru. the "only is one who strives to give a home ting use of its hall to Nazis, last Jewish "vacation "Association: " • Avinoans:-- Tsllin, Palestine Gov-! m Massachusetts is -that of Ed- erament Education .Inspector who] to the homeless and to free the week refused rental for"a region-
"tADENBURG, WEBB, QEQER, KL.UT2NICK & KEL.LEY 200 Union State Bank Bldg, PROBATE NOTICE THE MATTER OP THE ESFE OF Herman H. Rohni, DcceaaPT1CE JS HEREBY GIVEN: p iat the creditors ol said deceased (meet the exfeutrix of said estate, Jre me. County Judse of Douglas ity. Nebraska, at the County t Room, in said County, on the day of December 1037 and on tho day of ^February 1D3S,. at,D ck a. m.. each day, for the purof .presenting their claims for e s latlon, adjustment and iallotrance ;e months are allowecl for the [tors to .present their claims. the 13th day of November' 1837. -•••:• BliTCE CRAWFORD. :-3t :. County Judge.
ieth fcirU-sa.roi b e r If!. F.t
You would Hike to eave 50 per cent or more oa all or n»c<5 par to far . your automobile. you want to - know where you .can 'buy tires and tubes to .meet I your needs and your pocketbook. You would like to sell, buy or trade your present car for a good r e . conditioned used car. You need glass installed for one-half the regular price. :' ' You can do all this and more by stopping at the
Center Flayers-
i'.Ia?:p h; 1 p.
7v~r of
Many Jews Posts in Mew '' York Elections
ii more important p you Vita-Fresh> 31 can . . . t h e one fee as deliciously |e very Hour'it. left' er-fresh! No coffeoffee in the Regor boiled coffee, M for drip coffee,
extra, economy in
fOFFEE. You wiU Get a can today*
Medical Group ; . •: Meets 'at Center
Funds for Mount Sinai Cemetery
to AM
V TT"flT W>&
oppressed from the oppressor and
al convention of
to.4ncrease the sum of. human deutscher Volksbund, which had Montevido, Uruguay (WNS)— •who admitted previously < r o r ^ S i - s - . . ' , freedom and to decrease the sum. been widely:- advertised in Ger- Organization of a nev/ Fascist and! For years, Frol. Taliuaa of human suffering "upon the man papers thronghoUt the niid- anti-Semitic party called the Grevf before the coraiaittee editing, earth. He is in the cops that the dle-wesL Shirts was disclosed here when a p-abUshing and circulating anti- i 1'c . to consider tlie njtiestios c-l! | l , . .-'..:. ! Jewish pamphlets. success of his task -will: unseal ! adopting: a pesitrre Aral? policy, j The convention is scheduled for crowd of Fascists stage3 a dem- j once more in a. future, however Nov. 21 and 22. The board of onstration. in front of the hotel ?Hs cited a neglected epportnaity ( T l . distant, those sources of spiritual German -House-said in a resolu- where the Uruguayan Jews were MEYER £APLMi DibS I In. 1S21 —!:s3, lie sai5. Atzb E C - | 0 « ' Inspiration in the people Israel tion it had decided it would be tendering a testimonial dinner to Funeral services ' were • h :ld { tables opposed tfce sppcsntinest! - ^ which once before' gave all* West- "for the- best interests of all par- President Gabriel Tero. The Grey Wednesday afterEoon lor Meyer \ of Haj -li-si'm tern mankind "its fundamental ties" not to permit the Volksbund Shirts gathered in the street' out- Kaplan, 53, who filed.Wednesday ! fient of-the el Kcsjelai ~s scripture and fundamental faith. to use the building. tide and shouted "down with" the s at a local hospital where j Council- kiad
sse Shew Boat, over p
^rrrTrCi rrmTr*(X-7r* "ri..(1
How can an American citizen betAt another deraonstration, jfcs• was taken, after a feesrt at- | ter employ his spare time" or Gilbert Stuart's earlier paint- they warned the President that tack. | the 'Arabs, but ' joined vrith ad- i spend such, moneys as taxes, home ings were for the most part of hiE Essoeiation -with the Jews will Services is-ere to be cendacted j ministration elements is. support- ! x (Continued on page 8.)' New England J e m . not soon be forgotten. at the Jewish Funeral Home. ' ins the Knfti." '
j tec. foi ti e >,t_viuiv. Ej iia^^fo
Congress from that very same dis- I Vatican Policy how the story has come to us of Jews in neutral, allied and '.•• the grapevine route . . .. And trict . . . even enemy lands. • * • if- it's Yvrong, we'll be glad 'to reI en. Partition, to Conclusion write the old piece once more . . The foregoing- interplay of MISK-J.IASH: - Did you know , Be Framed Soon * ** propaganda on racial prejudice (we didn't uciit new) ih£.t . . . I " FILM SCOOP: A year ago, The stevedores who load end unand national aspirations proves | "Vatican CU/ ( J t A ) — Tollcy s March of Time smelling oncom- load the ships-using the Te! Aviv one thing: cultures are too deeping trouble in North Africa, hot- jetty speak mainly Yiddish, de- ! of the Catholic CViurch on the ly rooted to be extirpated by the footed a film crew into Algeria spite the pressure to gs.b 'ouly in ; Britifih proposal to «-*ente indeviolence of war. The pens of both . . . Now, just when the north Hebrew? . . . Lord Samuel is a • pencent ,"ev."ish P.nd Arab Btates our friends and our foes have coast of the dark . continent is str.cect o" metaphysics ERG is I through three-v.T.y partition of been able to woo us; to win us really getting hot, M. O. T. re-pubiishlr.j; a popular study ov : Palestine Trill be determined at (if I may borrow from Banqno in discussions io be iaunchec! at an Macbeth) with honest trifles in PARADE: Those 1,300 of New leases the results of that fore- metaphysical problems tc be call- eariy date, it v-as learned. order to betray us In deepest eon- York's finest -who were assigned sighted expedition . . . Revealing ed "Belief KII5 Action"? . . FlySubstance to the expectation is sequence. The swords of our en-by Mayor LaGuardia to guard the first-class -unprecedented closa- ing beets r,o~" ficcre the fishes emies have united' us; the swords line of -march chosen by the York-i ups of an honest-to-goodness anti- playing in the peaceful waters of given by the rreser.ee in Koine of j Semitism riot-. . . The film also Lake Tiberias, used p.s ati an- . the ChEucean Patriarch, of BaghThe .^Inside, never-before-told of the Jewish legion. British and be known that she was offering oi our self-styled friends bave ville Nazinoodnicak's on the SatDtory of bow the propaganda. American "Jewish leaders made her Russian Jews a chance to be-served us no better, In the end,urday before election day were i shows Abbe Lambert, the Alser- chorage oi? the. sir route to Ka- • dad, the Gyrifin Ps.triat'cli and machine of the Allied Powers the most of the Palestinian prom- come Turkish citizens, provided than their own swords have itching for the thousand-odd pa- i ian anti-Semitic leader; natives rachi, India, from Alexandria? . , prominent Leliripe&e- ecclesiastics, successfully tvon the support of ise to enlist aid for the allied that they-would .not revert to served them. If the World War raders to start something . . . A• cheering a moving picture of Hit- Salmsr.n Schooken, Febrew Uni- ' vtile Catholic ratviprcfe BarlassAmerican. Jewish opinion . in cause.—On March' lb, 1918, Jacob their former allegiance after the served the Jew in Russia, it wasgoodly number of the coppers ! ler, and walls smeared with the versity ijonor&ry treasitrer •vrh.o j ina of Jerusalem is expected soon. ihe years before the United; de.Haas was reported as announc- war. Short upon the announce- not by helping Russia win, butwere Jews •. . . And they were I slogan, "A Bas les Juifs!" . . . just turner* GG, was one of ten The Chaldean Pstriarch, It was States entered the World War, ing-that the Jewish State, would ment that 50,000 Jews were starv- rather by standing by while Ger- under a Jew's supervision . . . AAnd now, HI. O, T. is reported children and himself is She father learned, is scheduled to confer readying a release on Palestine fcj told in this fact-buttressed,be,!-in operation on the 27th of ing in Palestine, Turkey declared many, which England was deJ. T. A. snooper saw German war I . . . "TTonder tow Marshall SmSg- cf four sons ard a daughter, and j with Pope Pius and Cardinal Pacexpose by Mr. Shapiro. Mr.-'- the-month! that it would permit a relief ship nouncing an anti-Semitic, weak- medals pinned on the breasts of ^ • hss an art collection including elli on Near East repercussions of Shapiro • .Is the author of a to be sent for the Jews ol Jeru- ened the Czarlst regime to such SO per cent of the Ordnungdienst ! ly-Rydz would like tcf Have s original R e m b r s n d t etchings, the rpif-stine ;,iiX;aUon and the At the National Zionist Coni March of Time crew visit Poland starkly realistic book, "What salem. In May, 1915, Germany R'i extent that, Russian liberals positiou o' holy places. Every Young Man Should Know vention at Pittsburgh in June, issued an offer to help Russian effected the Russian Revolution. marchers . . . Put there for "ser- i for some shots of a Eialystck po- paintings by Van Gogh, Chagal, Renoir £.nd other msESfers? . . . vices rendered" against the Allied 1918, plans for a National Jewish j grom . . . About War," which Knight will Jewish refugees in Turkey, and Boston C£,ir.p&ig:n -Launched And that the long delayed trial * ** Looking backwards, aside from soldiers . . . The same snooper : publish this month.- It is a re- Army in Palestine were discussed, a story appeared that Turkish of Bob (Balmy) Efinionfison for British Major Brooman-Wh i t e went to the Hippodrome rally of Mazaryck's great achievement Boston (JTA)—A campaign vealing document that; should persecution had stopped "temporcriminally libeling the Jevisli re- for £565,000 vas launched here be in the hands of, every Jew.. told: of many American Jewrf on arily." By July, 1915, the story for Israel In Czechoslovakia, the the Nazinoodnicks. tbat night and j FAMOUS SAYINGS: The rabbinical "amen" swelling up from their way to join General Allenligion is DOT definitely schecU'.lecl .for the support of the 16 agencies saw the Yorkville. "Aryentes" In this second and last ar- by's forces in Palestine. The dele- as told in our papers, was that Jews can identify out of theboycott the score or more of Nej the rock-ribbed shores of Maine tc- open NoTemfeer 15 in Cor.rt vi ticle presented on the occasion gates aV the Convention pledged the Turkish Government was wreckage of the Treaty of Ver-gro ice cream and peanut vendors to the siinkist saacfis of Call for- j Genersl Sessions. K w Tort Citr" of the Apsociptpo. Jpvish Philanthropies as more than 700 camforcing the Jews to become sailles, on the victorious allied j of Armistice Day, Mr. Shapiro loyal support and aid for the is probably tn'eanat for that paign Vorkprs hefnn an Intensive Turkish subjects or leave the side, Britain's plighted • faith in that some brilliant non-Nazi mas- nia sounds a- warning against J e w . battle for democracy" by the statement by Dr. Julian Morgen- j *y permitting itself to be dnped Zionist societies of the world. country. In early October, 'while Palestine, anti-Semitic Rumania ter of ceremonies loosed among stern in a recent issue of The \ neys hs.ve; s:;,tpaer:r.PG. score? o? canrass of the Jewish community. Jewish leaders as T-itnePses (beend Jew-baiting Poland; and onthem .. . . The self-same snooper again by those who are playing However/ in December; 1918, only the German, Turkish and Austhe side of the vanquished, an almost got his face pushed in bySynagogue . . . The statement • !ieve-H.-or-not) lor the <"efcT-Ke? trian governments were telling us Paironize Our Advertisers on their desire to fake a crack a" mbiith after-the Allies had negotiations to improve the lot even more anti-Semitic Germany, Fritz Kuhn's bodyguard when he "The congreagatios need never i at Hitler.—The Editor. forced-the Armistice, something of fear' that its rabbi will become tried to shoulder his way through. but a Turkey which can be called happened so that Dr. Chaim, Weiz- of the Palestinian Jew, the story them and shouted at Fntzie, rich; he never does" . . . If you While American Jews In-, con- mann" in London told the Jewish appeared that Djermal Pasha righteous in this generation. "What university in Germany did were a rabbi, you'd say amen, too ; Mention assembled were asking- world that it would be unjust to had' declared he would extirpate, Neither militarism nor anti-SemiPresident Wilson to obtain equal ask the Peace Conference to es-Zionism. In November,'1915, tism in Germany were destroyed you attend?" ,. . -. Kuhn's German T-1AX BARISK Mghts for European JewB, Eng-tablish a Jewish State; and Rab- came an announcement that the py the World War. On the con-is so a-wlul, our Informant dePOLITICS: Although George Scv: » clares, that it defies description Turkish government was pleased trary, the Peace Treaty gave Hitland in September, 1915, was tell- bi Stephen S. Wise sent a mesBacker, our boss, ran third in ing the Jewish world of the large sage asking a British trusteeship with the.friendly attitude of theler his pretext for. reviving and New York's "silk-stocking" disJewish population; of advantages stimulating them. On the orter number of Jews serving In herfor Palestine. being offered by the government hand, the cause of Zionism and SAVED: You can now drag out trict congressional race, the armies, and tho"care shown by German and Austrian Propaganda for Jewish settlement, and that a of peace for Israel was not so aid- that old stage favoiite in yhicV whisper has gone out that the the War office for Jewlsn reliShortly after the outbreak of Moslem-Israelite Union had been ed by the victory of England and the hero rushes up just, before American Labor Party leadership gious observance. At t h e . same ; hostilities,'Austria appealed to the formed. her allies, that more, .perhaps, the curtain-fall, flashes a bank- is tickled pink (and not the potime, the Jewish.. Chronicle was could not have been gained had roll in the villainous mortgagor's litical shade of pink, either) by deriding the German,enemy's pro- Jews- in Poland to fight against G. B.'s showing . • . 9,700 rotes posals ,of Jewish freedom. British oppressive Russia. German AmIn May, 1918, Henry Morgen- allied propaeanda been so inef- face, and with a hoopla saves the for a virtually nnknow candidate » New on Dieplay its bassador to the • United States, General Sir 1. Hamilton wrote to thau in New York outlined a plan fective that the Jews—before old homestead for the folks and under a laborite label is 1 our cfeo-w rccin, im ''The Day" telling of the services Count yon Bernstorff, charged for purchasing Palestine from America entered—would have es- his sweetheart for himself . . . running rock-ribbed Republican sector >i tfee wn&r.t be»,K6v?c! 9>f an afn^y corps recruited from that Russian troops had practic- Turkey after the war. poused the cause of a victorious And when you're dusted it off,ais no mean feat . . . Alec Rose ed cruelty on the Jews in Galicia. Jewish Jerusalem refugee's. Germany and Turkey. Certainly, rewrite it . . . Because in the real and Dave Dubinsky, 'tis said, ere Germany let world Jewry know After Passover, 1917, came the when nations try to lure us into life ^version -which has just come In March,' 1946, a . National that she had commissioned many G. B. for aa important horrifying report that the whole war by trot*it.g out ideals or to our attention, the mortgagor grooming Union for Jewish . rights . was Jews candidacy in the next State-wide |s t c r e s , KTisi tije fsr in her army; had honored Jewish pqpulation of Jaffa had grudges, the Jewish people, on himself is the hero of the piece elections . . . Wouldn't ns surformed. In August, 191.6, Ambas- many other, and that an anti-SemI?; ei2B floating- pewe been'expelled- during thePassover he basis of the last war, should .". . All of which is .fancy for anprised sador Jusserand wrote .Oscar. S. itic if lie turned oat to be that |'i tfee new Docljje s i newspaper in Berlin had' been feast; of Jews being robbed dureleventh-hour lifting of t h e Straus that the French Govern- suppressed. By June,, 1915, our nstlnctively smell a rat up-and-arrired party's choice for |J eelSs for s. few c.c ment would/ permit; drug ship- own Jacob H. Schlff was describ- ing their flight, of homes destroy- Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts $300,000 mortgage that has been Lieut.-Governor . . . Incidentally. ^ lars E o r e t i a n tl ed and property sacked. A month ments to the Jewish hospital in ing the high position and standhanging heavily, lo! these many a sister-in-law of Arthur Kays |t lowest priced car. Feature Syndicate) later it was announced that this Palestine: In-Aprll, 1916. Col. years, over tiie head of YesMva Suizberger, whose Times si:pporting of the German Jew and dehad been confirmed. Yet, College, famous New York insti- ed Bruce Barton la the election, Patterson of the British Army claring that anti-Semitism in Ger- story after all was said and done, AmBill to Bar Jews tution, of higher Jewish learning played a big role ia G. B.'s first took pleasure in describing for many was a thing of the past. At bassador Elkus declared that the the benefit of American Jews the the end of March, 1916, the Gerpolitical campaign . . . She's Mrs. Istanbul (JTA)—A bill to bar .'. . For just when It seined" that Leo heroism of the Zionist refugees man Red Cross-wooed the Jewish Jaffa massacre stories were exagSulzberger, whose efforts the mortgage was to be foregerated. On July 9 th, I. N. Moradmission of all foreign Jews into ."who had enlisted with the British people by announcing that arwere largely "responsible for patclosed, along comes the anonyris said he had word that the urkey was introduced in parlia"Army at Gallipoli. The British rangements had been made to forr mous mortgagor himself - - and ting the late Theodore Peyser in tales of massacres in Palestine ment. announced in the fi£H of 1916* ward money to bur sorely strick- were untrue, and on the 18th Amwrites it off as a donation in a that a n Australian . Jew, John en brethren in the eastern war Patronize Our Advertisers good car.se . . . At least, that's Elkus denied to the Patronize Our Advertisers ;Monash, had been made, a-Major zone, the Balkans and Turkey, bassador Joint Distribution Committee the General, and that H. S., Seligman without charge. , reports that the Jews in Palestine .had heen gazetted ;-u:v.Brigadier-; In June, a- German ' writer had been ill-treated! At the end " General, the first Jew" o~t British' i'l'.liillllll ii Mn SS=I S.l.i illl'l u,il iiilMillllilllll.lrfl.lllllilllillliliiilllll'lilillllllilllllllill of August came Djemal Pasha's birth to attain that rank. .Thecharged Britain's ally, Rumania, declaration that tho Jews .- had w.ith violent. anti-Semitism. In ': Jewish Chronicle: took pain*-.to: been sent temporarily inland from declare the ;Germani:G6Terhment AUgust, the Union of German Jaffa and were, being paid by the jewsissued a circular giving stathe chief oppressor of the, jewisfi^ Turk's. In the same month, how:: race. Sir'Herbert: Sainuel, coding tistics of their patriotism. On No- ever, British propaganda took one vember 8, 1916, the German Gov.With the: problem of 1 alien I lews last fling at .Turkey for the bene' tronx Russia, and'-PoliUjd,,^Kp had. ernor, General von Beseler, had fit of world Jewish opinion; the announced^ complete Jewish' relifevaded. military vservfce-in:\those British papers announcing that "Countries, offered^ a ^voluntary" gious . organization, and recogni- the Turks opposed the separation Enlistment plan and ^remission o£ tion. In March,' 1917, Gerrfany of Palestirie from Turkey. On De-. the naturalization fee. '(It is in-was reported to be counting on cember 10th, 1917, the British teresting to not© that;'In-the\ case the aid of the Jews in Odessa, captured Jerusalem, and there'Tot Turkey,"Russian J«ws-who pre-; who numbered 50 per cent of theafter the British did not neglfict, .^Jterred the alternative .of • becom- population, to make the city a until the Peace Conference, to . Jng Turkish citizens to being, de-. free republic and a free port. follow up its victory with coulTurkish Propaganda , toorted, were reported, by the.NewlBtirring propaganda for the ears The Turkish Government let It .frork papers aa being ^forced" t6: become Turkish citizens, hhi the ,,6amo nempapers;ealled it a,"vol.tontary" plan when Jewish 'alieni ]}n England had to1 choose* betweenIsnlistment on the one-hand'and a:' (concentration camp or deportation Va the other!) • •:-'-.- • ; On Aprir 1st, five days befoVi •-P&.merica declared war "Ton-: Gerfiaany, prominent, Jewish' citizens ;* $>l the. United States'signe&Vdoc-i • «ment supporting Oscar S. Straus' ^Better to the British.and French CSL i4mbassadors on support of the Billed cause. But .the British , idrlvo > for- extraordinary: JewisU support did not end with the decr rf laration of war." Eight days after America entered the "War, Gener, ' s l Sir A. Murray": outlined^ thex plans of the-British regarding a liberated Palestine, saying that a \iaew Jewish state would be foundt «d. At a convention of. the Jewish -Kehillah on April 28th, .1917, K v 7;I«ouls Marshall'saw hope in the advancement of the Allies' cause and predicted equal rights in RuYou etui Jhrv- ?~~"— T~ •*>-*• rtonw« t o • mania. A- resolution was adopted asserting the Kehlllah's faith fa «"' JJC Confes{» i n Use i-^-Z COC I« the restoration of a Jewish na» Enter oil ','*•"•- "i r - r : wwks! Your "tlon. On May-19, Arthur James -Balfour o£ -England.:-conferred f-with Supreme Court Justice Louis $12,032 lior^d - J v ;JD. Brandeis: on the Zionist Re;• public. On Decetnber l l t h i Jerufee t e a •tr<*~~~'''" •r"* s a l e m ' was ''[captured, with the aid Bat gsi tier \ ' f ' of a lile'iTi™1 r rA -r- r"<
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Hint tile .ssiae "blncd .that 'ra-a in the "verns :o.f t e e :proph:Ets sn,d G.Z 'ofj-l.. DsTifl and x l .Tnul -cad -e-^ ; Jesus' "^himself TTIIS' !a •—y -r Bins. !-too - . . . . "Wist a xiarralDUB h £Tit- ! lathe- ne ;.ase .that Troiild DS. i.nomcLmr; j '*Tve Gentiles take a fo rjlish 13e rs calls 'liride in tire fact'.that T^e nr'S Of ' CaTalisr or :2Izyflo~Er des :ent. ; ne SET^ XV j-y-et JETTS .can 'take pride in cl nim- ~i* en j'irrg..centuries--DI-.culture,-Triili | -v<er« T-'et 3i5atlreH3! •
jicrm Cft/ (;mi.)-p f. Catholic Church mi l i e ja .proposal to creatii inulea r ..Jewish- and -Arnb;,:atates bh :zhree-way ;par.titiun of pus—will lie determlaed at pious JJD lie launched a t ;EU date,'it "was learned.: [Stance to the expectation -isby the presence -in Ilnme of haldrgnu ^Patriarch of 3 a g b tiie -Syrian lEstriaxch :and nent ZiBbaness .eccleiiiasites. Catholic Patriarch Slaxlass^eruaalem.ia expected .soon. ; Chaldean Patriarch, it was pd, iis scheduled -to ^-earilerr Pope 3Uus.-ana :Caruital 3>aoi -KeaT 3 a s t rrsperciisiiinns ~al Palestine -HMiiiiim .-and .-fh« an oi ixoly ;piacEsI ..;
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j ; Te?, jurt as ne r - o . _t- L.s *,:?- kr--c~->~t ; : coulcl never faoiLst nl -things ~ j ; j'tTT twiwite -wnria 3s' .the nimblest 2 e ^ miciit nf rthe : niiiitary routine hs- iam-tion has -conspired "to '.niimlli- ! s b o n t 3siQor Gannett, Trars. . ' / I ate, -standing, ije'iore that :nation ; -beast. against the -"a .us ol bc^u:: j- Z°r- •~~c ~" _aniBticaii Senish TZSST :nirr arrogant, Tritn j Besides,'he a uniform. To jj:neltirer "Trae, the .3e-w i a s bssn -perse- ! . " 1 . c the came i-c_, Tvho isisX .a "wreath .ni riliE base T. ^ "i be ,sure i t T?as ,tixe-uniform -xif the j a ^memorial Trreath i n Jiis -hands, j euted—^to the lasting shame oZ i .isn't i f " -of Genuany's monument to lits Jimerican i e s i o n , .the nrii£orm oi !Ehere was nothing., there is j| C h r i s t i a n faith. 2;it evsa so, •srar Qeaa "with ^permission ^ ^ thfi dsmobilized, :the liahiiiments jinthin orthat a pDweilul Xi.eich j j^ ;Dui -Qie ^rice he -pays lor OJ. t i _ e ^ew*-^!! ^ L-Ct+t-iCti, s ._x_ a s m _ ^^^ <~ Juisi -unikffldiiEs. 3 a rfliis -x£ the Boldier -who. '.has ^returned can do to Izzie. The TDlice ijues- ! ^- c l c •to tne :.s found iH ta= SaM ^th sence' r - ^t'^l " ^ ^ -heritage. To baiar l .'hy speto ^ltrrmalcy-. .IBnt a uniform ;is in tinned Jhim,: but there was nothing j race rcimsen of Gci, "though y it '• 3tincLr—^ TI"-iic^r ^ ^ C""r-s re<?-— ^ viith ttlie -SEW uniform, .apparently, ID the .mili-' to 3inn out. U are was mottling ] bring ;persecution is rsomstliing to except T.-hnt was. "The gesture was j be -desired...... .1 was taught that ! rtaicy "fr<^"d. ZEhe ^Permission .rje-witji1 « * m i r o t s3 t " v ur~t i i l i = ^"LI-"— Thampscm, celebKitatl cnlnnm* _STanted. integral, nnigue,-complete. ~s z r ^:i ' as a feople :ar,d as an ! vczc to cr:.cte i.*s c:ii.i~"cr> ^r i s t smfl "loreisn correspoiislent, L. 3 ' .•now rthe "Permission 'Itself j simply that, and nothing rmore. I t , -was to be estesirred lor '• T Jews Ti " o*.znt .." o.o ^ z.i> rBiscusses the JinpUcafiniLB ol started automatic forces. :it mured was perfect. rpxrr&. Therefore rim- j t h s T^gg^ tuzt Christ was a 3ew i 1 Geinieti>s Branratlc j _ ,~. AH these who .sail under the! -.the rrobot Tnaehine. The guards mortal, indestructible. .a gOQLi E t a ^ t tOT Z.T^ TT..., 1h >T' " Z, —^ * tt _ „ „ ^^I—er ^ pro Z'rr > "VThat counter-gesture could'.be | Christian tins ure not -Ciirrrtians,: goose-stepper! out. The Jiapp-v e: a^r- cf J c - s . —- Z^ZS '^** made? Could one snatch Irani | but .pfcse believe there are in-' -ceremonial Tras staged. -And -you look n t i t , 3mm guard of lionor that lizzie |. the -tomb, so naive a .tribute to rthe Enumerable Christians -who 'have a- •"les, Segal, I've been thinking ;' for .my children.:" .j\o, T?.^- ME.- Cliristi"." iacr, 1 -tchatBVHT.-angle, :the gesture -of his gesture, THith which "he j -heroic dead? One could mot. | sreat love -and admiration 2nr rthe ; a lot about al} this, and this is .Usaflore Bennett iis ihrsvless. It ifaas ea aloud ix> "the German people j ."Bombs fall tm Shanghai and j Jews. .And-we wonder wny, even > ""vVhen ana it anti-Semitisia is ter tuues- I CiEii it tc iim. I shall •the 'inevitability, t h e complete i an*a~to -the Let's call oil-f j burst ;>> Spain. Xloyd George ; though it mean suffering, you I '.between'idea -and ex- j;this monkey-business! iet's-really ithun:' . in the Souse of Com-j d .not be .proud ol the .stock brought up here .he vciil have no I mail it to i i m .for ihe -aix c: his regrets, because he Trill know-that • sclf-res-^sct. ttnde~lirii;r ^-DUT n,'-Dl;a-jierfect-workiii:or.t. i;kDntrr -the Head! -Let's .nil make mnns; ...iussolmi speaks, .heralded j. lie did .his best lor iiis .children. | woTas: '"j think I vro^ld glory hi IX relates, -it delights, -it charm3. i p e a c e . . by two thousand bugles; Hussia i They will hnve -no Jevisii con-! being s Jew. I csx'i iiiir.~tne 2t 3UIB ±hE linnocence .of -childhood, i _f;D EanC eivahle -ursaniralion or i shudders under an unending I 3Iy -dear Christian lad": Tianirs :thE genius at t h e innocent adiilt. ' CCnigp5—icy, runt ra Trorld-wide j l a t , i^nrge; men 3naTch and counter- ! tacts and it Trill .probably be 3t;.is totally 3 i i « ^ . rand r c o a n u c ^ y i ^ p ^ a t ^ ^ ^ ^ across the continents, uc-j very -m-ach far his bit al Jewish known that i s , their lather, had ; the -rcalizairori that the same •education -you :have given. I snail a :purpnse (a dalisite policy cf his ; blood that .ran ii: tiie t-eins c. the aigriifiennt. ..' i.could have .accomplished rwtat IZ-'TDSS the newspaper rpages. .j put i t 'in my column, liir. 31 -nay IlEaaoTe GemiEtt, Tare ^errislT, j-sie Gonnstt -Of rthe 3 r o n s did, I rAnd rin .the midst of the -tumult life, .in fact) to .get away Irczz ! pmphcrs and cf Savid and of .read i t and yet TJr. ~X rmny not Ihaliitat ttfae 3Tons, "is -a rmember j'-ijuite'by iimselE, rjuite alone. ^Not i-and -the terror liss 2=ie*B -vTreath. reaa :it, IOT a -wiile ago, 3Irs. S everything- -Jewish. He is trying :Paui and. e-rer. of Christ .himself :n'I t h e A-niprifmi iegion. Tv"hen i nil the rspesches rand rmanifestos jurying -until its brave ribbon; to sal! -his old ifamily pew in the ' was ir. Try -rerss. too . . . Tl'hat .a forbade all -the rhoys "-rwieirt -railroad this isum- ;.ana -protests -which rhave been ut- Irfades, t h a t this -world is -not be- j temple, but -nabody is ' buying" marvelous'.hsriuise that, would be come to -her . rmer xmra junket, he went ralong. jtcred rfor lour :years nov,-, on be-jcoming to those born i n tD the j .lira. 3 says that Jewish -pub- i psws nowaasys. 3 u t he guesass . . . Ko matter "how rfar saci: 1 2 e Jielisves ;in 3ieace '..between aoa- j i a l l ml rthe rperseciiied German | Great JKace, -.the Only JRace: "the ' jiications coming to her house: that .-perhaps he should .keep the''trace rry ancestry I could never rtionB :snud ;-betwEEn xlasses. S e d e - | Jews, contain -a rrebiike -so courto identify her tamiiy with I wiua_, i.uc^ t ^ ».iii &iu jgui^Uiu iii^Ui^irj£t t ^v7 mitjii;. Donst. ' rciiied "to lay ra. "vixeath upon the 'teous, so unansv«-erable, ras Tzzte's, Xeave 'Izsie -alone. X.et !..Jewish things. The letter carrier I or a spinning wheel. '. ATtS i'^fict''-^ ccTr^^r^^r' G^sr*come "back in quiet to his nstTS ihiel cap- ! implicit rTemark: iBome" nf our iuonument in ^tand :in TVall -Street. Sold fec • finds a publication with a Jewish ; Tv'hat he is dDirig is really the 1 ladyi tasr=! -are cuite s. few Sir. ras -a^-memorial :tx> j'Jroys Bied.rtoo. ;ital i ini^nie In rhis -hand as lie -approach- i sarms as buying insurance. ireiiTs v»-hr orght tc get rm-Tkec i h e -deaa, jm& a silent rrEbiita to : tin a a uver-orgnnizea Tvxrrld, -the -ballyhoo, i e a v e .mamma "Wax, -which "fellled -them. Sventn- |-w.here -Tflsas :3iave rvaliBity -accord- j tlie children, and :fczie"s past and :; es -her cnar, rand what doss "HE {,;tells me. "VTiy does ise 'buy-insur- . copies. thinks? .And alter nil the pains snc£? To .spare i i s chiidrea irom •' (Cop-j-rirfit, IS"', fcr Ss^sn .Arts rally .Tie xame "to Berlin, rand -tttere ing "to rthe rmumber of heads rtiiat |lrzie's future quite alone. -zslzs ; she and. JSs. H. '.hzve a t e to be \all -the -ricissiirudGS cf lire -sfrer •; aid, TSvitli xbnrplGte rmsoutiance, i can "be counted nmrrcbing behind j "The -perfect v.urfe xtf ^ Gesture ~Brr.t;iCEt=:. . jmoihing Jewish! -what ":h.s ^wmiia ihavB done amy-| tlnnn, 3zzie ml i h e IBrons ^asserted ; only .Teverence. he hss gone. On .his insurance ! J call him Sir. S because he alcme they will be very well-to-dc Tiie Teiii2.ixis of ti v o s s i : evideiTt- • -else. •!the ^primacy of t h e . individual. (Copryright, 3.Bu7 by Seven .Arts ; •and .his -wile have been trying ; .people. Sin the snnne wr.y "iie 'is Hr brought from !Ita!v v-ers fniin'd. • -Feature Syndicate) -siith -that .simple gesture, |''SJD. "JlbboBy rtold me rto .do 'it. X hard to cross .themselves cut of ; :tr;. ing t o trrotect lie rthxew, itor xme rmoment, into ;a ! don't rrepresent rxmy rbody"-" iis children ' X a n s were inscribed in Hebrew. I Jewish life. They think -that thsy ; clear; rsriiitB 'light,, i h s iisaues .rol j an Germany they .-say,. over -and against the dangers ol 'being ' Aramaic, Greek-afd L-atin. need only -to make ra Z2L .across the 3ieace sin'd "wiir, rrnationaiiam and over mi&- over ngain .that the ITews -page of-.-their Jewish'.life and that ^ internationalism, tne'civilian-yer-iare "aifferent" zA Tvliole prnparssttles the matter. 3U3 :rthe rmilitary machine, the in- ganda, doled out in -word and pic33ut even when they have HTd 5 i .:.ftividual-?-.eT:sru'S -totalitarianism. ;ttnrs, calls attention :to revery rpnsj one page , there is always an- i BT ..£L SEGAL -^nt-thjitlifilme-ro-dhnt'he-wasao-jrsible xautracteristic rol rpbysiogother J t is realrry nuite a •JBSr 3tnyfiiing Jif IHIB S M . -The jnomy cand :bearing -that - can be Chiistian lady in Clinton, nuisance, liven .after the" had gesture-was -toorinspirsa Jar; any- j spotted as :"jEwi3h." 2zzie ris n tthingiso xonscions. ' ' .L' i3lus3fcnHborn Jew -TxrDrm frhe i South Carolina, mrcentiy picked ; stricken all Jewish -publicaticas -Consider ^ i m l h s p p e n e a . TViiat ISrons. Xet 32=iels appearance ; up a sis-months nld column rof rfrom their-mail, a schnorrcr -with •.a long heard came to their donr. "faappeneil iiB rtlie ''impoiasible. ^ • avraireirea aio rsuspicion. ~V7zs ;lt!-mine-vriich Tras-about Jetra 3Jow did .he 'mow? 3dr. ~3L told xomplBtely 'obscure ."Jew :1mm ths ithe uniform? Are all men equal look Ixir TTtrys t o escape. •"Had I :.knorm that I -572s go- him -very -coldly, vre're nr)t interJfew 3Jork*3roms;, «nliEBly ailone, • or STB .nil mien tntm-men rin niii-tiith .mo ^organization -behind i i m , 'riorms.? JA11 .unconsciously Izziv ring to -give ;such ra TTrench to "my ested. .came t o Ssrlin,- JauibiliZEa t h e 'challenged a -wiole Tacial -theory, i neart 2 -would mever '-have TEad ' .-German rsrrmy:-an3'"bhtaiiifiaitS3UJ-;Tire imrry -accepted h t a . Or -wtts , iti" she -writes. "It i a s left ie. j tElling rme about rhi Segal, are too .2-ewisi •tiTB rcoopHration rin 3 liublh; :ges- it the -wTcath? The unimagined -'nrot only sad but -puzzled .. „•-. 3 ^ •j "Xou, ^*,**,.u^^,^.i.^u.*.^, n~m.^v~^. "tnre u I ^reconciliation "Jjetween \ spectacle nf -a nmm"whom a. -wbole t h i n k ' I Tvnuid glory in being a ' i££e-snd .your T.vork ETE in ^ ie-tJBTTS an3 -their jjersecntors .rand -between rrrall rjnen £rerj-rchere. I t ria 3TDB flntt •ihB -canny -baa i h e ;remate3t riilea nl tisrliat i t floing. 3 i i t i t aid it, iina i t e symi o l DI i t s fionlusion 3i23 -in Tlnter den liiniien, upon tliEinHiiioruil tD j 'dcaa, xheafclTy-iJowl -with ra fiuili TTJuEsaliril, I t s rand-jrold ilbbon implicitly Tiiaiming rto call "friro TJa •ihs ~\ 3Iorris Srnmnxiitz J'nst IB
Banrpsigii ^L item (JXA>-—rA .campaign ( > p S£5,000 vms laimehi»d i is -support of "the 3.6 itgencies e -A-ssnciatsd. jErrcisniEliiiansfes :as -more '.limn 7(10 exmrorkers : began -an ;intensive as. of "the Jewish community. atronize -Our .Afiverrtisars
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3E3t rin ^icacg, Jnr "tthe rsalre rof Ithe rpcace -we ran rseekl'' BoldieTB i n graves ffrom SUEHEX do the Dardanelles mrnat "ixrvre movaa i n :thsir rrsleep, <zn& -grinned. Tes, lie ^nobilized the -German •army. Only -a lew men, tD be Hure, "irut in them -was "Hie .synibal xff "the "wlrole. 3^ir "to "inDve f* * '* -tiniest rcog -in tthe 3aachine J3 H> •ed .by infidel jmnflR, and thus to challenge the wiinle .organization nnri jsystem. ^HOT? iiid hp dD it? 35y E-CtiiiA-in m cmnplfitslymorniiil, civilian Tray. 3 e TTHnted to "Iry ~n witutth .in tribute-tD the unhappy •German dead. ^He ssked ^ermisaion. The ^Permission was granted. "Wxeath-layins on rthe Aead is JSitmnize Our
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THE JEWISH PKESS PUBLISHING COMPANY 52.00 S U B S C R I P T I O N PRICfe. On© Y e a r . . . . . . ADVERTISING BATES FURNISHED O N APPLICATION " EDITORIAL. OFFICE: 100 BRANDEIS THEATER BUILDING. SIOUX CITY OFFICE—JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER PRINT SHOP.ADDRESS—4S04 SO. 24TH STREET DAVID BLACKER • • • Business a n d Managing Editor F R A N K R . ACKERMAN . . « « Editor L E O N A R D NATHAN - . • Associate E d i t o r R A B B I F R E D E R I C K COHN . . . Contributing Editor RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS • Book E d i t o r ANN P I L L Sioux City, I o w a , C o r r e s p o n d e n t
Omaha Community Chest
[ates, usually non-Jews, although Jews have been given the indorsement of such organizations. . .s .Evidently one of the inherent evils of our country has been this appeal on the part of candidates to national loyalties. By DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS Under such circumstances a public official who has been helped Babbit Mosnt Sisal Temple, Sscsx CSty to his position by such groups should, whether innocent or guilty, explain his stand if accusations should be leveled at him as they have been levelled at our county commissioners these "THE LOST HERITAGE" BRU- ' secretly returns to his former i haunts in disguise. Through ast few weeks. Candidates who have appealed to group loyalO. I help of an old and faithful serties are tinder solemn obligation not only to fulfill tfyeir obliBruno Frank, the well known j vant, he learns the Concentration novelist whose "The Days of. The j Camp where Dr. Steiger is fiegations, but .must be above any suspicion.
Justice to the JewBy Rabbi Frederick Cohn
King" was a Book-of-the-Month i tained, and that his release could Club selection, is a German refu- j be affected through a very gengee. Born in Stuttgart, educated • erous bribe to one of the chief in German universities, a thor-! officers In charge of the Camp. oughly staunch liberal of the old j Ludwig endangers his life and school, Nazi Germany was repug- \ heroically affects the escape of nant to himrLike all the distin- j his beloved friend. The two go guished German men of letters, j to London where they begin life i Frank lives in exile. The great i anew under difficult and trying
The film, "The Life of Emile Zola," now being shown throughout the country, is a most eloquent plea for justice. If here is any Nobel Prize for Justice, as there is for Peace, the I political and intellectual catastro-1 circumstances — poverty, Isolation, etc. In the British Museum, uthbrs and producers of this movie masterpiece deserve it, on loved land, has contribut- where Ludwig spends a great oth counts—as Monsieur Zola would, were he alive; though ed so singularly to the culture deal of time, and which incidentand civilization of the world, has ally if affectionately described-by his services to humanity were. recognized" in his life-time by deeply affected him. And in "Lost the author who undoubtedly eing elected one of France's Forty Immortals, and after his Heritage" he vividly and truth- spent many hours in the' reading fully portrays the grim tragedy, room of that great institution, he eath by magnificent burial in France's "Westminster Abbey, and more especially the hopeless- meets a young lady, Ruth 'Wetz1 ness of the Intellectuals who un- ler, the daughter of a German he Pantheonr Jew who was robbed of his pos-
In times as these, when the government through necessity has assumed the care for a large number of the less fortunate, we are apt to forget there are still many of the needy who are the responsibility of private agencies and many worthy institutions whose existence depends oh the generosity of individuals. But.once a year, through the -medium of the Community Chest, are we approached to dos our .bit for the twenty-nine •_, _ , „., . . - . . ! » . , • i i •, . i able to submit to the tyranny sessions by the Nazis and killed. affiliated agencies of the Chest. The money necessary to carry The Zola film is a magnificent plea for justice; but it is-J w e n t j n t o painful and dreary ex- Since her father's death, Ruth lie — or were ordered to go. iustice for one man who^in this case happens to be a Jew, Capon these manifold activities is but a small part of the income The hero of the novel is a had never been able to return to of those who can afford to give and in no way approximates ain Alfred Dreyfus. "What is eminently desirable is for some young artistocrat, Ludwig Prince her home. Ludwig's love for this me, with the skill and inspiration of a Zola, to champion the of Saxe-CamBurg. At the univer- girl is of a sacrificial nature. To the tithe that was once demanded of the people of Israel. her life, when she is danger\ cause of the Jew, directly and not merely indirectly. Some will sity, this young Ludwig comes in save The Jews have always taken pride in their reputation for contact with and under the gui- ously sick, he pawns his last but readily and generously- hearing the plea of the needy. "We are hink, and perhaps it is true, that the cause'of the Jew was dance of a great teacher, Johan- fortunately very valuabe possesadmonished time and time again, not only by the Bible and more effectively served by not being made the main issue, ex- nes Rotteck. The influence of sion. The novel is a restrained and the Talmud, but by the sages of all times and places that it is cept as Dreyfus was a Jew. But the Jew is the Dreyfus of the this pedagogue remain with the Prince throughout life. Among yet most careful account of the Peoples, inhumanly treated, the victim of hate, unjust sus- the, first casualities of the Hitler tragedy that has overwhelmed one of our primary duties to remember the less fortunate. During the Community Chest Drive, those who have la par- picion^ the world's malevolence, the object of the most heinous m a d n e s S ) ia this inspiring teach- the. courageous, the free, the deticular interest in the poor have an opportunity, in many cases lies and calumnies—and it is time in the history of humanity, j er to whom Ludwig remains cent, the noble, the kind and parand supposed civilization and progress, for someone to publiclv j staunchly loyal, after his exile ticularly, the intellectual in Gerthe sole opportunity, to give expression to their sympathies. Not only | many. In a note at the end of the *^ • •• * • * ' 1 to Prague, as before. ^' ««- «"'"* "We are asked to give up so little so that others may en- and powerfully champion his cause. The plight of the Jew calls does he remain loyal to Rotteck, book, t,he .author assures the 'or the open and courageous espousal of his cause. Think of but also to the ideals of intell- -reader that though the charactjoy so much. • . are fictitious, the background the monstrous injustice done the Jew in Nazi Germany, each ectual integrity which he had in- ers culcated In him — to freedom of Is definitely not, and that every day adding, to the indignities and humiliations heaped upon the mind and spirit. single fact is authentic. "Lost Mexico Has Ita Fling Even the triumph of the Hitler Heritage" will always remain an him. Should this outrageous wrong be suffered in silence, withMexico, our neighbor to the south which has been ex- ut one voice being raised in protest, or any practical measures regime does not subdue the spirit' emphatic reminder of the way . , ., . , , , ,». T. . . ,. . . . . i of this true aristocrat. He or-1 "men and wemen were treated in periencing its share of social revolutions, has now turned its , . attention to the Jewish population. "While the government has being taken on the J e w s behalf* I t IS an indictment of our j g a n l z e s a conspiracy in secrecy Lne 30s of the twentieth century the brutal tyranny, which in the heart of Europe." and been anti-Catholic, it has not, like Russia, been anti-religious. whole present society, b u t another and a long-standing symp- I against course comes to a tragic end. should be a challenge to all forces om of what Walter Lippman has called, in a remarkable ar- of The secret police discover the of enlightment and truth to bst-^ However-within the last few months agitation against the ticle on his recent return from Europe, of the world's 'barbari- plan and catch all the accompli- tie against darkness and falseJews, particularly the small business man, has increased. It is zatipn,' and 'miserable paralysis,' a general condition of supine- ces, every one of whom goes to'a hood and tyranny. difficult to put one's finger on the source of the disturbance ness, indifference, moral laziness and contemptible cowardice. Concentration Camp and suffers because Mexican life has become increasingly complicated. "We.haye learned," he says, "to accept, to treat as more or . The Jews have been in Mexico since the days of the Con-less normal and not to be too indignant about, cruelty on ajber of the royal family, after a Gems of the Bible quistadors and because of their presence the institution of the massive scale and with its deception, inhumanity and dishonor, night of detention, Is ordered to and Talmud Inquisition was established to take care of the back-sliding leave the country and never to Cy Dr. We have made, great progress in learning to be insensitive; we return. He is escorted to the sons of Abraham who preferred their ancestral religion to that are unlearning with amazing rapidity those civilized notions of Ciechoslavakin border by the imposed on them by force. decent dealing which not so long ago we thought were instinc- Gestapo and warned that should BIBLE "When Mexico declared its independence of Spain, the he dare return, not only would Can tie Ethiopian change his tive. Not only have we ceased to defend the ideals we profess; he be instantly imprisoned, but powet of the Holy Office was broken. Through" the yeara a or the leopard his spots? we have begun to find it moire convenient not to believe in all those with whom he conspir- skin Then may ye also do good that .. considerable number of Sephardic Jews of .Oriental origin, beed would be dealt with in the are accustomed to do evil. O them too much; • cause of the similarity ot their language, have sought haven in well known Nazi fashion. In "Unless decisive and heroic measures are taken, this coun- Prague, the Prince finds his old Thou hope of Israel, the Saviour Mexico. Likewise Jews from eastern Europe have also come thereof In time of trouble. Let terfeit peace must • degrade cumulatively the general standard , j,teacher same mice eyes run Sown with tears , . , . , . -who exercises ,th© ,,. of late. t a n d a n d Jet tJjem a o t It is most likely that the small Mexican business men, used, of life, and in the end set men at each other's throats in a irresistible power One impelling desire animates Ludwig, to free cease ; . _ for ,„_ my people ,_ is ,_ ,broken ,„„ Dr. Steiger who was implicated in „with to dealing in their leisurely way, find the commercially-minded desperate-struggle for mere personal survival." a great breach, with a very Justice must be done the Jew if only to preserve the the conspiracy and is still detainJews heavy competition. It is also trne that because of the gTievous blow. ed. To achiere this noble but exWoe is me my mother, that enormity of the social reforms being undertaken, a taxation world's own self-respect not to speak of warding off its own se-1 thou.hast borne me a man of tremely dangerous task, burden has been placed upon the business men, and the Mexi- moral degradation, disintegration and ultimate destruction. For strife and a man of contention to can seeking a scapegoat, since he cannot accuse the govern- no enduring society can be; built upon moral rottenness. Napothe whole world. I have not lent, neither hare men'Jem to me, yet ment, finds the Jews, despite the fact they share the tax load, leon acknowledged that his Empire went to pieces because it every one of them doth curse me. was not based on justice. A world that endures the outrageous convenient. I will deliver thee out of the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany in this so-called hand of the wicked, and I will The census to be, taken of Jews and their commercial "Christian" century; a world that stands by indifferently at redeem thee out of the hand of interests will probably satisfy the complaining business men the terrible. the inhuman persecution of the Jews in Poland; a world that that they,are the -victims of their own delusions or that they ia callous to outrages in Roumanian, in Hungary and now, acare the dupes of certain fascist organizations. Rabbi Dimi said, "If there arp cording to reports, in Mexico; a world that permits, other monI two teachers,- one who is well l . strous injustice and evil of every-kind such as Japan's aggres- Immigration Schedule for lSSSi T e r s e < i j n the Bible but is not act, while the other one is esact, [The Eternal Jew To Be Determined By sion in China, the stealthy encroachment of Fascism throughbut is not well versed in the BiMunieh this week has seen another effort on the part of out the world, with Germany, Japan, and Italy joining their Scheme's Status ble, the one who is esact shall the Nazis to impress the Germans with the'.degradation of the forces with seeming impunity—without lifting a finger in real, London (JTA) British pol- be appointed, because an error Jew, the Eternal, the "Wandering Jew of' legend. An 'Anti- effective •remonstrance, is rotten to the core. It condemns it- icy on immigration to Palestine impressed upon the mind of a Semitic Exhibit' has opened under the patronage of Julius self in not condemning high-handed and powerful wickedness; after March 31, 1938, depends en- child remains forever." It is written in the book of Bf n on the status at that tirae Streicher to present in systematic and detailed fashion the the most flagrant example of which is still, alas! the world's tirely of the proposed partition scheme, failings, the evils, and the misdeeds of the Jews throughout colossal mistreatment of the Jew^ the House of Commons was told MRS. MAX SHRIER wants tc by Colonial Secretary William the ages. But Dreyfus was vindicated.- So will be the Jews! Only Ormsby-Gore. share nice furnished house, Evidently the need of such an exhibit arises from a reluc- we await impatiently the Zola to arise and defend him. Imall modern coiiTeiueraces— The Government lias definitetance on the part of certain individuals to believe fanciful tales patiently—but not without-faith. W<e believe profoundly with ly scrapped the economic absorp- double g-arage. Or -will rent single room*. '2811 Hamili i concocted by men of doubtful reputation. . . principle for the time beton. ATUntie 6 9 3 1 . that earlier Dreyfus, the innocent Job: "I know that my Re- tivity ing, ha said in reply to a Query by Since Hitler has been chancellor, Germany has witnessed deemer -livefh!" The Jew's Eedeemer lives! He is the living Goeffrey Mander, Liberal. The j \ the cold pogrom, systematic elimination of Jewish professional God. But the God-fearing, riglit-and-justice: loving men and Colonial Secretary stated, bow- j ] men and tradespeople irom the economic life,-the Nuremberg ever, that the new Immigration j women must take up the Jew's cause, not primarily for the ordinance FOR- RENT S rcomi, up(which, sets up the polaws, the constant arrest of Jewish leaders and the dissolution sake of the Jew, but for the sake of that which the Jew rep- litical principle as an Immigra- et&irs or down separate of societies. , . • . tion yardsick) was merely tem- entrance. ,$2O. ' HA 3SS7. resents and which has been ignominously outraged in his perHerr Streicher, the degenrate high priest of the movement porary. 271O Hurt Street. from his capitol at Nuremberg, has sent forth his foul sheet son—justice! Human justice! Justice to the Jew as a human "What happens after March 31, being. Justice to every human being, as equally with every (when the 8-month-schedule of with its unceasing. attacks on the Jews. Yet'some Germans, S,OGO certificates espires) he other child of God. / evidently 'Aryans,' still need to be convinced. "Let Justice be done through the heavens fall!" The world added,, must "necessarily depend' EKsi Boiler At Munich the Jew is pictured in the vilest form. • Every j, .. ., , ., , . • , • . „• • . . i o n the progress made in the par- • 1,4-? unsubstantiated rumor is presented as the unsullied, truth. „ . - . - - , must find some way, despite the hesitations and cowardice of u i o n scheme." if the plaa has' •*?,-'' JC tS^AHA STOVE Every fanciful tale concocted by perverted minds is, substan mere diplomacy, to interfere (if you want to call it that) in itreached the stats of "provisional j K«-psir. Work* tiated. with 'proof,' Nazi proof to be sure. The Jew's anthro- Nazi Germany, to call a halt to the insolent defamation and acceptance," the whole question j Be 5C-S >r£las Street new pology, his religion, his habits, his beliefs are'presented to show limitless humiliation of the Jew, to make a faithless and un- ooofaa aimmigration Pho a n e w b a s i s ? M r . ormsby-Gore &T 2S24 will be considered grateful Poland to toe the line of national and Human decency; | declared. . how degraded .a mortal he is. to remind a Roumania and a Hungary and other offending ' T h e B r l t S s h Government's new The very fact that such an exhibit is-necessary revives ..".,.,, . ., , ... . , i policy of firmness in. dealing "with t. . • CLEAN LINEN hope in the German people who are not being totally misled countries that they are living m the twentieth century and no j £ r a b terrorism was stressed to- | by the .Colonial Secretary. f: Always Attracts . by lies, who because of their own good sense are not entirely longer in the time of medieval barbarism and pagan savagery, jTday he OMAHA TOWEL "Justice must be done, though' the heavens fall." But if conclusion, Government hasIacome thea 1' at the mercy of beasts who pose as men. ' he said replytoto SUPPLY • justice is done, the heavens will.not fall; earth will rise to question by Communist William | / f| Vours Sine© 1876 higher standards of life and of happiness. Let injustice fall, Gallaeher, that its forbearance f KE 2S2S waa One Commissioner Explains and the world will rise to a condition nearer heaven—'the king- i mistaken for weakness, and One cannot help but commend the action of one of th dom of Heaven' of which good and noble men have dreamed is is essential to restore order the lives of Jews and Arab modSwedish organizations here, who having: given its support in all ages: 'the Kingdom of Heaven' for which good and noble erates are to be saved. !H to one of the County Commissioners, now demands he .explain men must act today, and be no longer supinely indifferent, He declared emphaticallr that the Government would not reto them the present muddle the" county government finds itself. crassly and cowardly criminally negligent. consider its attitude toward the ' During the election this group as an organization backed Fullest political, social, moral, human justice must be ac- Arab Higher this candidate, presumably one of their own people. Now when corded the Jew in every country of the worid, by every people has be*n with all it appears he has been lax in his performance of duty, he of the world. The world will know no rest until it has dis- eratseot v given the opportunity tp explain. charged the obligations of justice to every Jew, to every non- said, that • It is a ticklish business for a national group to endorse Jew, to every race, nation and religion, to every individual as agsinst 'thft maintenance of public security and order, and oust be i candidate, particularly if he is a member "of that group. In the beloved and loving child of God. regarded as morally responsifals j past elections certain Jewish organizations, or committees for the recent campaign oJ! murFrederick Cohn. der and terrorism. i prominent Jews, have been prevailed upon to support candi
Sira. I have weighed every thtng not be able to enter the habit** on the scale and. did not find a tion of the Holy One." thing to be lighter than bran, however, a grooia who resides in > NEW IN OMAHA the house of his father-in-lavr is j Manischewitz Kosher lighter than bran, and still light-i er than he, is a guest who brings Food Products witfc him an uninvited compan* KOSHER SCANS IN T O ion, and still lighter is the one • KAY© SAUCE who answers before he has heard * VEGETABLE SOUP thoroughly the question as it is • TOMATO SOUP saift (Prov. IS, 13). When one Ask for l^a giveth an answer before he hearFood Products at Your eth the <;uestioi5, is folly and Grocer or Call •• shame unto him. fit "€2S WE 30S4 Eabbi Mari said: "The one who 5s proud is not tolerated even among his household." i Dir-fcrJfeutor) Rabbi Juaa said: "An ordinary 1E3.SL Cumings AT. 7 6 2 8 commoner who disguises himself. in the garment-of a scholar will i
I. ™
In 1475 the first book to be printed in Hebrew was issued at Reggie di Calabria in Italy. • It was not until 1TT3 that the New Christians of Portugal were ' given eq-KEl civil, status with the" old Christians. '
,*)ft Si.
Mr*, A.
Invent *ifi?eN-, wisely In
Annuity ftepreaemn El Strong Cemparw ie«—Every Type of Insurance f>n<s Bonds written. Cats AT« ?6F,7 or WA.6150,
H>h» TJlKR Wl
Given with in All Departments hi.v.
In Any Department of Our Store During 1,937—. Be Sure and
HARE Note the following and grasp ' the opportunity the Nebraska offers with your purchases:
\ Uwm IM
Read It Again
\ ^
THE JEWISH PBESS—FB2DAT, NOTEMBSH 12, IX OMAHA .HOSPITAL-" Mr. Joseph. Levine,. a resident of Omaha for fifty years,* and now of Lincoln, is at the Lutheraa Hospital. He Is anxious to .meet~old acquaintances.
b able to enter the habitaf the Holy One."
h?VJN OMAHA ksiischewitz Kosher j Food Products
Mame Committee for Ansiia! Beth El
rixf f
! WOSE2S Lfe
The Omaha chapter of Hacas- ! j-tsan through its meis'bsr&lnp j i chairman, Mrs. M. X>. Breaker, I
to Mest
i i - f Ivul,
cf Lbe Jevish CoaiELunitj- Ce :er and of .Mrs.. I. W. Rosenblatt, ...final ; Barish, announce the following "Welfare Fund will held i iunch:re made for the ; sew members introduced at the eon meet sg ct 1 o'clock ov. MosMARGOLIX-FREUCH RECEIVE FOR BAR MITZVAH 15, at the Center. Kesig&doo to be held \ last 'meeting: The Mesdames H. | second On Sunday afternoon at five Shumow, -Edward Frederick,; ervatjons^are 55 cents ana m&r Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin will iAff on November 28 at the Central • While ! Karris, Kate Brows, Ba i Club, under the auspic.es of the o'clock at the Coronado Hotel .in j receive on Sunday afternoon. No- | jj • ^ . . ^ e e n _ mb o m b e r 1 4 f r o m 3 t 06 m M l S S GT b -Flanchek, Charles' Kopal Beth El Auxiliary. k, C Kopald,, siis&E, AT . Z €t It*rs. Dave St.. Louis. Missouri, Miss/Maxine N ' > ' " « ' * brother, "" ^ ™* " Mr., Bob Green. the Paxton Hotel in honor of I "The entire main floor cf the i Harry Saltzman, Dave Katelinan i Cohen. GL^SSTE, or the Center d- • Central Club will be turned ever Frelich, daughter of Mr. and t h e i r son, Robert, whose Bar! ver •J « a s Magid, Hefner, Sam Swartz,"; £!e6> J A IS66. ' | BIRTH ' : \ to the carnival. The large dining j SCalman Trilling, Sam Rosenberg, \ A Mrs. A. E. Frelich, will become j Mitzvah takes place '• Saturday j ^ l Tlli Anovell program has been srMrs. L Plotkin an- room has been secured and a!\ sK « n Shaftoa, Sam Blum, Sarah' ragged for ih« the bride-'of Mr. Harold Margolin | mbrnijjg, at the Beth Hamedrosh I nounce the birth of a Boa on group of Beth El women will ; Cohen, JosephTretiak, Mose SI1- j At this time the project for the o£-Kansas City, son of Mr. and' Hagodol Synagogue, 19th and October 27 at the Methodist hos- servfe a homecooked tosher S.in-J "verman, H. R. Gould, T. S. Kole. \ receccratioa ot I t s lodge rooia pital. '.-.'.'. Mrs. Louis Margolin of Omaha. Burt streets at .9: a. m. ner. starting at 5 p. m. '" j Louis Hiller, J. P. Creese, Leo | will b» fiisc-jsr-ea. No invitations'have been issued. Fox Following the ceremony dinner T h e wo:ESn'E axision is not Out-of-town guests who will.at> S. M. Graetz, Sam Jacobs,; Workers under the direction ' will be served. Among the two jtend the reception are: «Mrs. Jo-1 osly ts>.s a" esiliary c* t h e CeE.ter of Robert Kooper • are bUiiai£S building ' Harold Barish, Sam Tarsoff. hundred quests expected at the Also ' the Mesdames X.' Bordy,, but :is a c J seph Rubin of San Antonio, Tex- j the booths which will be gaily wedding will bo thirty Omahans, ! as; Mr. and: Mrs. Simon Fisher of | Mr. and Mra. Harry M. Ferer decorated in true carnival style; Dave --Bialac, Meyer Rabea, Hen- j organisations, ans every Jt friends anO relatives of Mr. Marar-, g L L m i i g / M l a 5 0 U r I ; M r . a n d M r s . left for LosAngeles and 9 MPaler T f a r i b y a c° m m i tte9 headed by Mrs.;1?" Grabois, I. H. Wetaer, Louis; woman interested is invited to they y St. Morris Fromkin of Milwaukee,! Meyer Beber.' A large booth of, Morgan, J. Shukert. Joe Morgan, tend the meeting. Louis. Miss Sue Margolin, of Om- Wisconsin; Mrs. Anna Weiss; of>= weeks.f groceries, obtained by Sam Stein-'•Leo Milder, Edward Brodkey, : Officers of the women's £ aha will be one of the bride's at- Milwaukee; ' Misses .Rhea and berg and his' committee will bs I M a s Cohen, Steve' Feldman, Ar-; sion are: Presides!, Mre. Trtendants. • one of the "outstanding features. l Q "ar Coha, Morotoa Beges,: Greesberg; vice-president, : : Rose Fromkin of Milwaukee; -.PIONEER WOMEN The couple will go ot Californ- Mrs. Josephine Solomon of ChiA fine.'orchestra will furnish i H - Harrison, E. E. Brodkey,! Ben SilverE; secretarj Sirs. ia and then to Honolulu on their•, c a g & . M i s g L n l l a n s t e l l l o fC M . dancing. Valuable i.William Brackhoff, Bessie Ripps. \ Rice.,, and trre&surer, The Pioneer Women's organi- music for •wedding trip. ing an an Afghan Afghaa 'made! A- H - . Lazere, Williaia Lazere, I Ham llilfier. an Oneg Shabboth on 1 prises Including, . . cago, and'Mr. A. A. Strelsin of j 2 a t j O n New York. ^ ^ '/'i Saturday," October ' 3 0 , at the by Mrs. M. Trieden, a hand-fin- : HPhillip Levey, B. R. Greenblatt. f Committee chairnsea are: .,'-.-. AXXOUXCE BAR MITZVAH mattress, an electric roas- - Delrough, Dave Hoberiaan, Si- i EeEry Belnsost, hospitality; l'-~z. 'home of Mrs.' I. Resnick. The ished : Mr.- and Mrs. S.am- Weinberg ! meeting opened with community I t e r - A "bicycle, and electric clock, mon Gerelick, Al. Mayer, I. SchCALLED TO CALIFORNIA of Fremont, Nebraska, announce Dave Cohen and Miss E-U neiderman, , T . Shytea, Harry J. be offered. Mrs. Mose Yousem who recent-: Binging led by Mrs. J. Resnick. the Bar Mitzvah of- their son, telephone; Urs. TTi 1 The ticket committee is head- i Haykin, Louis Blotcky, Besjiet Harold Robert, on Saturday [ Li - moved back, to Omaha from. Mrs. Resnfck also gave -a reading. ed by Mrs. Morris Katelrnaa. A! Cohea, L. G. Gross, Harry Copel-' Fe;]^, ^ramauc morning October 30~at the*Fr&-i ncoln has been called to Calif-j.Current events were discussed by full afternoon and evening is be-' man. Morris Jacobs, Jack E. Co-; Greenberf, social; mont Sviiagogue j ornia by the Illness of her sister. ] Mrs. Sam Epstein. r, motor Krs planned" for the entire fan-: i e n f Sen Taxman, Louis SoiaRefresKmeats were served. - i A family, dinner was given in Tickets are. twenty-five' cents. :a e r , Leonard Segal, Nathan Hor- liam I^asere, The drawing for the Mangier Harold's.honor on Sunday by his i DEPARTS F O B COAST Aaron Sfeafer, Cy Silver, Children under twelve will be ad- : parents; A reception was " held Mrs. S o p h l e Rothkop, who re-^ will be held on December 1. mitted free. ft.- hitchec: ;John Rosenblatt,"Aaron Ginsburg, Sunday afternoon from 3 to S. 'i turned Monday morning from a {Ticket..may be-gotten, from any i Bertha Ellis, Irving Brook stela, B. A Siraon, Xeeiiework (Morris Brick, Jacob Cohen, Don- Mrs. . Stalmaster and Mrs. J .. . -. , j six- weeks stay with relatives in j member of the organization. ial Fisher, Joe Lagman, A. Roram. I Stein, metriberslii?.: Krs. SISTERHOOD CIRCLE SUPPER ! Chicago, left unexpectedly ThursOthers are the Mesdames Sid-! Trustin, b-cildiEg-; Mrs. Mrs.-Julius Newman's Circle of d a y evening for Berkeley, CahfJUH10R HADASSAM n e r e Tullr, clothing; 5 the Temple Sisterhood will hold a ! ™ ^ ^ she^will .visit her K. A. j ney Epstein, Bea " ouseum, D family welfsire, Krs. Sunday evening supper, Novem-j brother-in-law and 'sister, Mr. and On November 18, members of The Council Bluffs chapter of i Micklin, Milton ber 21,'at 6:30 a t the home of jM r s - A - -Goodson, -former. Oma- tas Junior'Hadassan will hold the Hadassah will hold its November ; "W«liam Kuklin, J. Prostet, .Take; "Wolf, education. ans Mrs. v "-silver 1* - we'ddine'an'riiversarv ^o,.are.celebrating at the Hotel Chieftain '• Kaplan, Frank Marks, K. R. Mil-j rs. Ben .fcsen Silver. tjuver. '.^ memorial meeting for Fannie Kader, .Leo Taub, Ben Lewis, M. • Co-hostesses will;be Mrs. Abe silver anmveisary Laterwedding Mrs: Rothkop will visit t p 1 m j l T 1 TTprsfenvifr which hart or- on "Wednesday, November IT, at Laizerowitz, Saia Ferber, Paul- \ 2:30. Mrs. Leo Meyerson is Drotner, KeuDen iir.oss, oi • ' -. Cohen, and Mrs. Mrs. chairman in charge o* the pro- ine Grosliner, Marrsy Lewis. Sam j Nest Sands D e r44 Seattle and then go with relatives IID Hahn., Mas Goldstein, Abramson. T h e a n n u a l Thanksgiving gram. Herman ;b . u t e £ r a c f t h s Mother rh&pte" I for a trip to the Canadian Rock-! Rock! A skit will be presented by the Jahr, A. A.Steinberg, Michael jo f A_ s _A_ ^ i n l f i t h e J r ies." She will return in April. ' ii Dance of the organisation will be firgt! ANNOUNCE BAR 3HTZYAH ; . I held on.Kovember 25 at the Pax- following: The Mesdames L. . Natfcaa Brodsfey, Albert! ^ m e c f t h e s e M o a w h e n t h e y J Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lansky of ton. Webb Feierman and his or- Kohl, Ben Gershun, Harry Cohen, i Breit. H&rry -Gcldstrosa. J-aw-San Diego, California, formerly" JOSLYJf 3rE>IORIAIi chestra will. furnish the music Lou Cohen, Sam Roffmaa, Leoa ' rence Jacobs, Abe Krante -••"-'- tcsm st tins t'CTisi: CoiEEtimtj" J A reception for Mrs. of Omaha, announce the Bar Mjt-i . - „ ,Nelbert _ • - . Many out of town guests are ex- Frankel, Julius Moscoviti, Isaac: Lipsey, Sarc Sosesbsism, L. Co-Center. * j han, I. Chapman, Saia Brick, Nazvah of their son, Bernard, on Chouinard, director of the Choui- pected for this affair, most im- Sternill and. Milton Tudelsoa. The toys l;s.Te beer, precticitg ! nard School of Art, will be given November 20. Mrs. Morris Grossman.".and Sirs. than Girnple, sad Mortoa Plot- hard for the past rsoEth tryirr to | at the Joslyn Memorial, in the re- Portant of the years social activSol Suvalsky, delegates to. the na- kin. ities. hsild cp the chssapion team ther • ception room, this Sunday afterBAR 3nTZVAH tional Hadassah convention ia Athad last noon at 2:30 "o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gilinsky anlantic City, will report en the A. A. DEBORAH SOCIETY At 3:30 Sunday Dr. C. W. M. CHESED SHEL EMES nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their convention. Mrs. Joe Goldware, president N e & ? i ? &ii .,.,« eon, Marvin, on Saturday, Novem- Poynter of the University of Neof the Deborah society, has s.p- > ' H £ c J f a r £ r e ber 20, at the Beth El Synagogue. braska school of medicine will Members of the Chesed Shel WQMEii'S MlIRACBi pointed Mrs. J. Fsnkel sew ch&ir- { Leo -"-«"ni£.j;, lecture > on "The Antiquity of All friends "and relatives are corEmea will be hostesses at a benman .of t i e gift committee. At I P a " i e l 0 r i ? f dially invited. . No invitations efit card party to be held on Mony SESlt: E The "Women's MSzrachi "will j the meetiag on Toe&aay, NovesA community sing will be con- day, December 6, at 1 o'clock at . . have been issued. ' 5 ducted in connection witli the the Jewish community Center. meet on "Wednesday, Noveraber i ber 9, Sirs. Finkel snnoiacei the ^ Kr'i£.r i S Sunday afternoon organ recital at Admission ' will be thirty-live 17, at the .Jewish Cosununlty ' following . gifts to the ""VVcrth- m t f e s 2 e s : '" £ e * ***** S. A. M. MOTHER'S CLTB Center at 2 o'clock. T«a and re-j while Oceasion Fund:" Mr. and . . . • ' " A 1 O'clock luncheon and in-the 'Joslyn Memorial a t 4 p. m.cents. l J stallation of officers Trill feature on Sunday. Mr. Martin W. Bush ,. Mrs. J. Goldberg, Mrs. J. Fish, freshments will be served by Mrs. i Mrs. JosegJi Bloch ca the occa- j ^ U i will be the organist, and the audi- and Mrs. H. Delrogh ate chair- N. Levinson. sion of th® marriage cf their! Aa interesting program has:daughter: Mr. and Mrs. Jl. Kit-' Mother's Club to be held.on Tues- ence "will be asked to join In" the men of the affair. Prizes iWill be .{ tlesaan; SES Mrs. IT. Arbitraa.il in been planned. day, November 16/ at^the home singing ' of several well-known offered. ... . bl memory cf her -father. of Mrs. L. Epstein, iJiai Chicago "songs, -led t>y a mfsetid double At Tnes&zy's saeetiEg Mr. Hrstreet. Mr.-Harry B. COuiL.^ili be! ^ ° a " e * _ „ the direction. o£ Sir. YAAD AUXILIARY GIRL SCOUTS mas Finielsteia aad Jdiss ABBS guest speaker . "'v , Fred G. Ellis. Tbs first ttoeg.Shabboth cf the Tretiak spoke ca "The IraportOfficers to be installed are: Mrs At 4:30 Sunday afternoon in Glrl Scouts, Troop 4, will meet Taad auxiliary will be held s,t! ance of the Boycott Today." H. Eisenstatt, president; Mrs. J.the lecfure hall at the Memorial the home of Mrs. N. Levinson,' on Sunday, November 14, at the CHait, vice-president; Mrs. * K.Mrs. Mary K. Ames Denney will Jewish Community Center at 3 3014 -Webster street, at 2 p. a . j give. a lecture on "The Isle ot I. Bordy, treasurer; and Mrs. COUNCIL OF JEWISH o'clock. Several new members Kabbi Milton Kopstein will give j M a n . " •'• .• ' " / .-. ••. -" Fiedler, flower chairman. the first of a series of lectures en : have been added to the troop. WOMEN Other girls interested are outstanding movements in Jew- •! The next meeting cf the chid GOES TO CALIFORNIA ENTERTAIN FOR DACGHTER ish. history. . . . '] Mrs. Hyman Glicken left f o r asked to join now. development class of the Council Llr. and Mrs. Max Goldstein The troop is working on the For. .his topic this time he has iof Jewish Women will be held en. entertained -24 guests at a_ 1 Los Angeles and San Francisco. chosen, "The Shadow and the I While in Los Angeles she will at-j Hostess badge and will also pracTuesday, November IS, st t r e o'clock luncheon Saturday, NoLights • of the Enlightenment I home of Mrs, Sara H. Grees, Co-, tend the weddnig of her daugh- tice handcraft at the meeting. » -vemter 6, at the Paston hotel in Movement." . "| ter, Dorothy, on January 2. be Mrs. Leonard i tonor of their daughter, .Rose, Mrs. A. Katz is chair: LADIES FREEMAN •wruo celebrated her 16th birtharal gro group. I Segal and Mrs. I. B. Slegs&s. Oneg Shabboth Cultural Fe of the Spanish Inquisition. dayl Patronize Our Advertisers. An executive meeting of the JUMBR COUNCIL Ladies Free Loan Society will be held on Monday, November 15, at : i -. "3 * 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. H. A benefit bridge party will be W given by the Junior Council of; Guss, 2217 No. 19th street. *^* "** "^"t " ' On November 3 at tea was given Jewish Women Tuesday evening, • Ernlo *&2! Presents by members of the board of the November 23, at the Jewish. Cora- | munlty . Center. Valuable doar j Ladies Free Loan to honor Mrs. ... i L. Baum who left for California -prises will be given. •Bingo tables will be available; to make her home. Mrs. Kate Tatle revle-wed Mrs. Baum's ef- for those • not playing bridge. • ', . , A. special election was held for j fort on behalf of the ^or the purpose -of. filling, vacancies j tlon, and Mrs. S. Klayer, presi- created.by girls leaving the city.! dent presented the honored guest Sara Rifkln was Earned cew pres-; O^; |f* f-g; jf^i 'fas,^"^ with a. gold pin given by the ident; Rae Spar, vice-presideat, S i Via members. C3 2* C 2£ ©. S£ ^2* 21 and Sylvia Weiner, treasurer. I There will -be a meeting on I ...; .. • RO-flOB • . ; Sunday, Naveniber 21, at 2:30 at, the. Center. .-' j New officers were - elected by ... Mrs. George"Neuhaus will give ] the ' Ro-Noh .club a t a meeting weekly .lectures to the group. j held October" 24 at the Hotel Wbea' ztsklgTS Of Israel Robert Posley* was re-elected president. Irving Bietel is new A- tegular '. meeting o! the ! vice-president; v c e p r e s d e n ; Robert Ferer,, sec^U^ i t o l ^ S k i i t C« 'AS1 retary; Sheldon Bernstein, corre- j Daughters of Israel Aid Society; sponding secretaryf Stuart Mus-|will be held on Tuesday, Noven- £r,3 QZ2T T. tin, treasurer, and Sheldon Kauf- ber 16, at the Jewish Comisua-1 ity Center at 2 ?. ra. ! man, publicity chairman. Under its new policy the HoIn 1625 Ko-aaa. Jews were for:j! u Noh club is primarily an athletic organization; secondly, cultural, bidden tombstonc-3. j s_ and thirdly, social. Pledges are: Leonard Boasberg, Art Cohen, Meyer Diamond, Phillip Eisenstatt, Bob White and Harvey Wine. Today for only a ~"ery. Havs elssa Leal—DO few dollars down ; sasoke, so dirt, no sootl ..Congregation of Israel and payments st Have csonsmical beat— save the rate -of only money oa fueL. Combsis/ Ladies* Auxiliary a £ew cents a day, you can tioceer burns l o - w e r - i d s have comfort, convenience sizes o£ coal The Ladies auxiliary, and* contentment with the c£cisncy.See a demonstragation of Israel; will hold a regtion of the Breathing Fsiel Combustioneer Automatic ular meeting Monday, November Coal Burner. Have -tsnijsrm Bed, Automatic Respirator d other features. fe k for f 15, a t ' 2 p. m. In the cnsemfcly Beat every hour in the day, ^and Ask •witfaoct haad-firing drndg- bsaatifidlyillnstrstcd bco room of the synagogue, Twenty-J 1 fifth and J streets. j IS CO. The date of meeting has bees | LicEPSSD changed, from every, first ::c2.iiay; to every third Monday. AH memVJctsr, Hofs-ccrpSacn cr.d OccDo Ssrvico ^ ^ ^ bers are urged to attend.
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Joiss CoxjservatSSjy F c
Miss Betty Fellman, pt musician, has joined the of 'the Vincent Ccnservatcry "Music as p. teacher of JI-IEO. I i Miss Feilman is a gra&i:a!e of j I the music Cepartment ct the TJcl•i ' versity oJ Onaha.
3r^ur ligiirc wf haw
Triple Control semi ' stepin combination for the tnedium full hipped figure Twin La?tique back with matching dolh boned front Lace uplij-'t. Sues J l to
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nLEADING—Mayor Cornelius D. Scully, Democrat, held a comfortable lead for reflection in Pittsburgh, Pa., as early returns carm in.
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»JL AW, SHUCKS!—Overwhelming Tammany and winning re-election by a margin of more than 450,000 votes. Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia grins in embarrassment as a New York City election official congratulates him in front of the camera.
CAIRO STUDENTS BATTLE POLICE—More than 400 • steel-hetoeted C^iro, Egypt, police £ r a s 3 with cudgels swarmed in to break up riots vhen Giza University students demonstrated against Premier Nahas Pasha. Sixty students were injured. The riots followed a disagreement fcettresa j King Farouk and the Premier. Above is a leader addressing students before oae of the riots.
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TTTNDS<5«S* 1TSII3CE5-;-I^T.r.niic. Ncpolcor.ic Chcrtcc S. Ecdaus, Ara£ric»".3. enj-inscr &nd irt'C^tor cf c 1ioriory crfjCirtr'' system, and his vile, th5 fo-mcr Tern L-nmSr^c of Cfnr" T ' T S S Mich., as ther arrived in K c r Xo:± cirspi ol f i r Duke nac. DtJchcss o'f "VTinSsar. T"hons ther entcrcrirec" in f i ? - OFirrn- oc C&ndc, Frascc. Thcj" arc a-feins 1^2 TTinclcor i r i " riTraTis'TriritJi,
„ . . , .5 ' ' • ? ~'^ _... ' ;';. ,i_ *
ELECTED — Jasper- McLevy. roofer by .trade, first Socialist ever named mayor of a Connecticut city, Te-elected in Bridgeport by about 19,000 votes.
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TO ABM AS PEACE MOVE—Once more Britain's famed gold ccftch rolled through Louden streets, as above, to carry King George and Queen Elizabeth to open Parliament. Addressing his FsrliaasEt for the first time from the throne. Kins Gecrge pledged to work for peace but advocated r e - o 3 as a move to that end. Crowds alons the procession routs repeatedly cheered their sovereigns.
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GOVEBNOB—A. Harry Moore, Democrat, elected Governor of New Jersey, defeating Rev. Lester H. Clee, Republican.
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SQUIBE SOOSEVELT VOTES—Most distinguished voter in the town election a t Hyde Park, N; Y., was Squire Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States. He is shown surrounded by youngsters just after he cast his ballot.
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." A," '! ,-/ : i y i '\ CONGSSSS—Bruce Barton, Republican and Fusion.candidate, elected to Congress from New York City.
DEMOLISHED IN SHANGHAI DUEL—Rival airplanes and guns that fought a duel of death in and above Shanghai, on Oct. 14, brought further death and destruction to inhabitants and property in tne war-torn city. This trackless trolley was demolished in the sector along Soochow Creek, facias cnapei, where Japanese made a furious drive that brought them a victory.
hibition a coiniastoAsjsricacaNov.il.
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BIAYOB—Richard W. Reading, Conservative, elected mayor of Detroit,, bsatinc out the CIO labor candidate, P a t r i c k H. O'Brien; 1
SWEATEn-FOS JOB"— San Francisco sports writers gave J03 DiMagglo, Yankee outfielder, a sweater and a dinner, as above. Left to right: Mayor Angeio Rossi, Harry B. Smith, writing dean, Tony Lazerri and Joe, ooldins svr'eater. .
V ^ t J 1 Z..:j.z fighting in SpaiQ vrere hailed t,z narGL3 and 1-reij.itr Kuscoiini disrs who v;era killed there. Kers sre scae d tha vcunded v a city, invalided hesis *ros scrvics wito Gcncrtl SY^ca's Iniarge t icrcec
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THU JSvTISH PHZS3—FHIDAT, XOTHISIS 1£, Galiusiy EX£ Dsrctty Gelsrn v.s- ' Q-,1,, itefi lar
Sovel Heshelo'v? -was appointed, temporary chairman of the JewMiss Ruta Orlikoff, H I T Villa Meyer Shubb was elected presTwenty-one niliion Christmas 1 ish Art theater which -vras orIJISS AEItlA PILL, ganlsed Monday evening in the ident of the Ivre club at a meet- avenue, is visiting this week with Seals will be distributed through- ' .out Nebraska ca Thanksgiving >-• Jewish Community Center. John Ing Monday Eight ia the Martin frieads in'Chicago. ^ ; Day to opea the annual carapaig"1 r Morris, assistant "WPA recrea- hotel. tional, advisor, presided at the Other officers are Joha C. Le- Mrs. Sol Self of Oak Park, 111., ' to help the fight against Tube:- > initial meeting which was attend- vin, vice-president; Leon E. Bob-visited here this wees with her | culosis waged by ths Xebrask. -' rofsky, .secretary, sad Eli Robi- parents, Mr. asd Mrs. A. Greea-1 Tuberculosis Association ;n ever: ? T O BE HELD TUESDAY: ed by 35. now, treasurer, liorey IjipgfiHtz berg. county in the state. At a"jtaeeting "Wednesday with --' * \ The Christinas sesis provide th" ' ' More than 60 women have Mrs. L. Lavalliere, WPA recrea- was named chairman of the comopportunity for each to ca hi" " j'made reservations for. the "Ways tional Bupervisor, .plans for the mittee on -arrangements for the 71 "-, b i t Each penny 'returned for r and Means Donor luncheon of the season were outlined and the annual New Year's eve party. J L?i Phil Goldblatt la retiring presj seal means jjist that rni-eh more Ladies' auxiliary of Shaare Zion, staff organised. ident. I help in the eradication of man'? which will_be held Tuesday aft' 3" ' \ • most fiea£2y enemy. Progrcia Ptnmed' e r n .oon, - November T 1 is, a t . . 1 -A Forum group will hold its for Inter-Club j o'clock. Each . member who: at-first meetfng next "Wednesday TIPHERETH ISRAEL tends the luncheon must have evening under the leadership of Festivities contributed the sum .of $5, to Mr. McDonald at the Jewish CoiaServices a t Tiphereth" Israel * Tn"e annual carnival, sponsored make her eligible to attend. taunity Center. It is planned that s y n a g o g u e w i l l b e g i n t h i s e v e n i n g I Theofiore V . 7"cCu'.'-'Uih, ir.-;-">by the Inter-Club Council ot Jew- Mrs. David Goldstein of Omaha topics- of current interest ia a t 5 : 1 5 . o ' c l o c k . a n d ' t o m o r r o w ! p r c a i n e x t E a s i n e s s E e n S 5 d : i i e r ° ' t l - i ° p'^'' c." i t e r c - \ : - » , ' ish orsanizaliona, frill be held will be. the.'guest speaker, Sh8 is local, national and • international morning at 9 o'clock.. ~" Arrested As j Herald, v-.\\ rpcak Sure1,-: C.'LC:'Leaders Habbl S. Bolotnitov TTIII conthis Monday__ evening, November a graduate of the, University of scope will be discussed at the : HODB, X^c'-CTrbcr !<-, ft D r'r'.DCi! Hasis Eels 15, at the Roof Garden in the Minnesota, received her masters -meetings -with- authorities on thetinue his talks oa Cbtinsish at 4 •i at the K.eetir.£r r>r .hr Cr.riCommerce bulldinc, "with a pro-: degree from Columbia arid at- various subjects leading t h e o'clock and he will coatiaue his Danzig (WNS) Employing j Philosophic-:-. Sac-.r.;- P: :1 <r ; : , - ^ " ^ " ^ gram planned to entertain a ca- I tended thei Hebrew Teachers col- forum. Such subjects as the so-talks on the Talmud duVing the "other raetcods of eliminating '• tel Paster.. ::c v , : : F— ,-A rr •" : days at 5 o'clock. lege of the Jewish, Theological cial security act, the need of a " parity attendance. i-'Our Katicrrl 5-r.r;*." T;-- r v i - : Jewish influence"* • promised by h local airport and the bridge -will ---E : This annual event is made pos- seminary .in NewJ York.. :'.':.'• the Free City's government after !is invitee. Af~i F -:rn I? f-cc. be among, the forum topics. sible by the co-operative work of A skit,- - '"The ^ Shaare • Zion it had repudiated responsibility the local Jewish orgaaizationo.in Auxiliary Broadcast," Written by for the rcent anti-Jewish excesan" effort to raise fund3 in one Mrs. Meyer Shubb and Mrs. S. H. Miss Dorothy Merlin, superin- • Football discussions held fhe ses her, the Nazi police arrest- i ; i a oof r Jew.major project. Shulkin, Trill, be" givSn -with the tendent of the Federation J V*~ j limelight at the meeting Wednes- : ed a number of prominent Jei Jewish ji Buenor A rrr . ~->:c- •, — j - : - --I'•-''?",TT. speafe De- ^d a y eYt^tg men and coafisc ated : Qi ^ e A_ z _A ; c t - p . , business The Roof Garden -will" be deco- following -women" taking part: eVE Dr - SE-.ticrr c : rr.s ..^r v . . \ \y T rated -with booths of varied in- ilesdames Rueben Miller, Robert fore the Social "Workers club at ter. Buss Brown, former Cestral • their bank deposits Emoucting to j " ! a. dinner meeting nest Monday ; governor cf Crric^f.. h t s p - . c - ; ••• - • - , - - • and Pittsburgh ..' football, star, nearly '2,000,000 guldens. terest, including games, food. Sacks, PhU Sherman, William ! merchandise and dolls. -A largo i Ertnberg, Mike Sherman, Mike evening; at the /Wall Street Mis- spoke .to the members. Harold; Those arrested included I>r.!| ed the pr/ire z\ ;r— •„,-? ir ",.?t "_.' - ."_ ;.. '_..' sion. Her subject will be based Lefkovich spoke on outstanding i Leo cl t 0 t z Mushkin, Barney 3aron, Meyer ' Goldhaber, director ot the j * ^ * \ •-Trr.cc.r.ie f:rr-= '^ ) " " ' • f-;\" "^ ^ space v.-ill be: devoted to dancing. en the work of the. federation. football players. Humorous aiiee-j Jewish Public Bank, which was i p n ^ a E *;" c .o r.r. : - « : . . ; - - ; ^ ; . . . - ; ; , ' - \ - / . ' , ' ; A door prize of ?100 -will be Shubb" and Milton ^Mushkin. p a 3 S R O i r Mrs. S. H. Shulkin is chairman dotes were related by Lloyd j forbidden to deal in foreign e i - l ">'-•• c v ''•" : : " ' - " • " ; : T rgiven avay, as v«ell as numerous Vy t r c > ' r ; > ; r ; """rf- """ "" ^ ' l ! ' [ sponsored (smaller raffle prizes. of the luncheon -arrangements; Kronick and Saturday's predic- j change. The confiscatioss includi cist " u s e r . [,,". ' . tions were given by Phil Seligsoa j ed deposits by three Jewish bro- i Mr. BenSekt-is general chair- ^ - ^ J * arid S PMrs. ^ ^ Frank L ? *Mar*^ invocation, A business ^jaeetlng of the j and Herman Rubin. Sportsma.Dj there, Moses, Nathan sad Leo man of the. carnival and more than. 20? m e n a n d ti'omen have golin will preside during the pro-B'nal B'rith lodge" will be held j ship in football was 'discussed by ;1 Gurwitsch, and funds belonging R o m e I ' V X S I — Ar.i ! - S c ~ ; i - '"-o-" • . the . . Malt — . _Brewerv to co-operated with him,, in making gram. Mrs. Mike' Mushkin is Thursday evening, November 19, | Charles Shindler. B a s k e t b a l l p r a c t i c e w a s h e l d : c o n t r o l l e d b v A l e s a n d e r G a s i o r - •' i s m i n : i F ' : * T ' ' E ~ " ' ' - r F l I " ' ' ' r r " ' Plans for the affair. Mr. Milton' ch^rman o r the menu, and Mrs.at S:30 in the Jewish Community , t \ arrested 1 fillip with *!•«• p i b . ' c r r — i r ' r Center. The meeting will be fol-Tuesday Bight with 20 members j owici.- Most of those B^e* ^chairman ot tiT. £ j £ ^J^^l^I^L t0 re3S P >; lowed by a stag. Dr. Louis J. turning out, and the pledge class; -R-ere Polish uationals. Although „_ vertlsing committee with Mr. Sam ! th© discr?i'~?c" 'T"rt~'pr^*.s c* -1-t Cohen and Mr. Louis Agranoff,! . e following women^have ^given j uimsdale, president of the lodge, j meets every week uafier thefii-| no charge have feeea preferred E l d e r s cf 2i?T.."' c '"" '*"'""" -"••"•••- will preside. rection of Bernard Rosenthal. | against the Jews, it is believed the The class is composed cf Harry \ the confiscations are inteadsd to to attend: Mesdamcs B- Baron, three . on advertising afe Kadler, Williaia Diiasdale, Law- j halt the flow cf capital abroad Baron, Max Mason, Sloe Lazere, I B. Fish, B. Gelfand, Max Herzoff, MOUNT'SIMATrence Slotsky, Mai Cohen, Irvin resulting from the panicfey lijuid' Joe; Himowitz, Joe Krigsten, Joe' B. Baron, Abe Pill, -John Friedman and Louis Ehrclfcin. ation of tiseir affairs by Jews. ; Kutcher, ~R. Kutcher. William berg, E. N. Grueskin, A. RaDi,f Theodore N. Lewis will y p Meanwhile Arthur Greiser, Nazi i chEritiss, A~rr!c"r .rr 1 ';".'"' T . i Kutcher, J. Lansberg, Morey LipGrueskin, Sol Novltsky, 1 Mush- deliver the first of two lectures president of the Senate assured '• cosnr-.nni;tr c v cr:r f : c . r-:^ r , I " ishutz,i Sain London,) . Robert Sacks, Henry Sher- on Poland at the Temple aervcie a representative cf a large Jewish . lC£T£ him. TIrw ircr.y c ':?'-"= Baron, 7 ° ° ^Morey 7 J i ^ . ' " ^ . ^ : a ^ l man, Leon Shulkin, Sam Welner,] thl. evening. His subject will be grain export firm, that the Nazi '. are there vr^ rrc~r t1-'— »••• T—"i = Max Friedman, .M, __Seff, _Max Bkr^.: a n d Scenes.' WIgodaltyf S a m BaiHn, | "PoUnd—Sishta y W g y , Mr. and Mrs. Ben Oobrofskr ] party wss not responsible for the , on 6o§r-rrtr:«- F'- V "" C . . . ; 'rr; Jack •Robinson, Henry a T e rreturned e t c r n e d t to o sSions i o n s City after > anti-Jewish riots. The ! better stcr, man. Joe Kutcher, William Kut- •William Erinberg, A. B. Fried- His sermon next Friday evening hhave crnLe. cruise, Iiporter porter had had threatened tlireatens-d to to m ^ e cher, L. J. Kutcher, Al Schwartz; man, L. Fish, Ben Sekt, A. Green- will deal with the Jews in Poland. a j S T e . ^ . e e k C a r r i b e £ I l 1 The honor roll of the Temple Dsnzig if his. firm's. business from Iroca DEI D obrof S ky i s the former Eva jj hta.flm -Lester Heeser, JJ -Kalin, • -Jack berg, Lester Heeger, Archie Kro- .Sunday v school ,'"' " ' as announced * In '" ' Orllkoff. ' 'j they, were not halted. Greiser also • i Goldsmith,-Joe Levin; L^on Dorb' loff, J. N. KruegBr, L. J. K a p l a n the j l u r k s t h ec;i_eF.;cc o : V-E.-, : ' L E ,, r , r ^ r - U , . , bulletin includes Joan Agran—• j told & J«ri£i. delegation that the ! t j u e s t i o a r l r . : i . r . " t ' . I - s o '•.*..»- - - ". i » . . TOfBky, Mlltoti Mushkln; X.; Shind- Jack Lasaman, Mai Lasensky, M. off, Harold Rosenthal, Jerry ToSeff, S. Lunln, I. Menin, H. MilHr. and Mrs". Bea Kslia an3 •; Nazis were preparing to istroiler{ M.- Lazriowlch," Joe XJorchow, bias, Stanton. Cohen, Hubert duce all German laws in Dan-ig;; v . - e r e a t v c r • • ' "r r : ~ r y v l -• T - " , ' - - • ' • •' , A. 'is.'. Davis,' Jack - liassman, N. yler, Ruben Miller, J. H. Mosow, Friedman, 3am Heeger, Doris flaiaghter, Barbara Ann, o* Kit-: : Gorchow,, . Si . Krueger. .Morris B. S. Robinow, M. Robinow,' Vic- Pill, Robert Pill. Robert Slotsky, Ctiell,' B. D., returned Boss "vTed- out TOUM cooperate in tfce e~iv r ncsday' after visiting' here with gration -of Jews Ircm Danzig. AlSkalpvsky. Eli Hoblnow, W . . C . tor "Mazle, Philip Sherman, Mike Leonard S t e i n * ,-" . and Bernard Mrs. 'Kalln's' parents, Mr. and : bert-Foerster, NEI! district lead- i — w h & t t " " ° " - - ' " ' • ; —1- - ! • - - - • . - , Slotsky, H. Fishgall,Itueben Mil- S h e r m a n , ••; B. Shindler, Al IWeiner.. .. • j E T S : is v t t e > ••. — ^ ' ^ : T'r — ' « : ~" - "• •"• ;' i . f " . ; Schwartz,S. H. Shulkin, Sam Mrs. R. H. Einlein. | «r, bitterly attacked foreign Jews ler. Phil Sherman, Abe* Agranoff, Rabbi Lewis will addrtres mem. • • '. for their protests against the i w o u l d h£VF £&:"fr! t r ~ •-£ 'l'\ . ^ T ' / . ;Dave 'Giq3berg, John Levin, L Slotsky,.. S. L. Snovsky, Meyer hers of the Rotary clu$ in CounMiss Dorothy Loafioa spent', Danzig riots, saying the Nazi purSinger, J. Shapiro, Max Manaker, Shubb, "William Mazle, John Lecil ^Bluffs at their. meeUng thJa l a s t w e e k - e n d ' I n I o w a City v i s i t - ; t y "fcnows h o w t o fieal v - : : t J _ .:.Max Dervln, M.-Shiloff, B. B.it-- vin. Max Talk and Ma"x Ginsberg, noon. "Wednesday he spoke beIng "with friend?. 'i~kln, "Mra. Sol Is'ovitsky,-Mrs. Earl those" who make theif pledges j then." ', Kline. •,M-rfc-S.:;-H.:JShulkln*- Mrsr later this week will be; an-1 fore'the League of •Wome^TotT^erTi !^p: • o-ize Ov.r Advertisers '.! fee. KTlgsten,3Irs.. "W".;C. Slotsky. nbunced In a forthcoming ;issue era in the afternoon, and gaJe the MiE2C3 Frances Kalin, B of "The Jewish Press. •"•" 7 ":•••-.' invocation at 7the_ Hunt P.-T. .A. n ^ !£/ dinner ia^he f and" M'rL^JbaTCutcher.-.. \ . : : The north, side Thantsslvlag I r&» ;•'- :iira. ; -M. JMushklji.'•will ^-be-ln day union service will bs held charge'of the 'food, booth. ..The this yea-r at Mount Siaal temple rr] cs. r*. ' Mount Sinai Sisterhood;"will have Thanksgiving morning. the^ doll booth; -the. Snaare "Zion The board of directors ot Mrs. William ;Erlnberg "?ras V ^ auxilfary wliV have the named president of the-Hebrew Mount Sinai temple met Tuesday booth; 'Senior- Hadassah Mothers association at their- elec- for a luncheon aeetiag in the t li have .-the "".pots '.and - pans tion meeting Tuesday afternoon. rWest hotel. ' Jake Kalin, presiibopth; the Hebrew Mothers asso- Mrs. Mike Sherman was elected dent of the congregation, pre' ctStion t?ill have the cake booth, vice-president; Mrs. Nathan Mat- sided. 'and. Mr. Jack Goldsmith will be in lin, financial secretary;- Mra. M. .•charge!of the merchandise booth. A... Lazere, corresponding secreSEMRE Z10U I n chafge' of the floor. :arrange- tary, and Mrs.-A. Felnberg, treasm§ntsvw1H be- Si Krueger, Meyer "Does It Pay to Be IiellciousT" j y j ;Shubb, Lou Agranoff, E. N. The. following -women were g l, be.the .t subject j oinabbl H. R.! g "" ^Gruestln, Ell RoblnoV and Samelected to the board of directors: •will, Rabinowlts sermoa at Shaare; ^ ; ; ;;Epstein. •;.-. ••"'•:'".• . ^ Mesdames Milton Mushkin, Mike : Ticket-'sales have been in theMushkin, I. Menin, J. Himowitz, Zion Eynagogue this evening. ^ — ' <x Cantor A. Pli3kin and the syna- p=| \^> hands of the following chairmen Sam Baron, M. E. Friedman, B. gogne cl|oJr wlll«haat the ritual.(,jpf with the .assistance .of members Gelfand, James Gang, J. Jacob- ", iuadore Shindler, son of f Mr. M jp§ i of-all the organizations: Mrs. Joeson,'Joe Rosenthal, A. Masie. H. and Mrs. Joo SMndler, will cele- f-3 Kutcher, Mrs. Mark Sabel, Mrs.Sherman, M. Satin, Sam "Welner, brate'hls Bar Mitivah tomorrow K j J. Gorehow, Mrs. J.' Zeligson, Mrs. Ben Shindler and Phil Sherman.. Mr. and Mrs. 'Shindler L.-4 J. Robinson', A. M. Davis, E. N. Mrs. M: Matlln, retiring presirefreahinent3 to the ^ t:ji -J Grueskln, Ell Robinow and Miss dent, presided a t the meeting. children of the Junior Co2£rc^a- | £ j j Saretta Krlgsten. Misa Rose Goldaman and Babbi tlon in -hia hoaor. Edwin EhCT-!| j ;In charge of the drawing project Jacob M. Brown, instructors at man will be reader of the law at j | = ! S." i 1 have been Mr. Jack Robinson, the'Hebrew school spoke on "the tha service of the Junior Conors-1|^ Mra. C. Barrlcks, Mr. Mprri3 Ska- Value of' a Jewish Education." gation, and Isadore Nadler will lovsky, Mr. Max Manaker, Mrs. A. Miss Shirley Guttleman presented act as cantor. Kaplan, Mrs. N-.'.Matlln,"'"Mrs.-'"W. -a dance number... C. Slotsky, Mr. M. Mason, Mr. Al dirk- Oltib Schwartz, Mra. J. Kutcher, Mrs. S1STEREOOD t « «- L. S. Goldberg, Mrs.-M.Mushkin, club, organized i|--4 The B. Jack Lassman, Mr. I. Levin, of Zionism, Jewish J f-1 for the Erinberg, Mrs. S. B. The Sisterhood Book Review, history aiia music, t5ld its first Jgg which, was postponed .because of meeting ,-tbis . irefte, and raadejpg Mrs. Lawrence Silverberg, Sirs.'! held nest Friday afternoon in the plans to meet every other M o a - ^ j Phil Sherman, Mrs. M._A. L a « r ^ ^ome of Mrs; Louis S. Goldberg. day evening .in Shaare Zion cyns-!r"| Mr 3 ,E. E. Baron and Mr. Milton ^ ^ Ruth f- ^ I U ^ gogue. . ,ILJ Bolsteln. Betty Mars was named presl-'pjg "You Can't Take I t "With You." Proceeds of the carnival will be j Mrs.'Meyer Marks, membership dent of the club which 13 cora-i=j allocated among the various par- chairman of the Sisterhood, in- posed ot girls of high school age. , | y ticipating organisations. troduced three • new members at Betty Mosow was elected cccre- . p j a recent meeting. .They are Mrs.tary. High school girls vfho are H§ Dave Albert, Mra. Leo Cnaikin interested in joining may call the = -= ! and Mrs. .Lester Coldman. secretary. . r?
>leonic Charles "E. Eedaas, sciory efficiency system, '•• of Grand Rapids. -Mich.,he Duke and Duchess of :eir Chateau fie Cantie, ur arrangements.
Society News
1 •i
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Mothers:;;. • Hold-. Election
V T V-.; • ;• /
ailitary pomp. and much pf Crown Prince Michael 1 Castle, Bucharest, and jsrxoass a n s n n y lieuteriSns Carol.' Above are the .aderich of Hohenzollern. I
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Jr. Hadassah;
. "Plans for the paid up dinner " O u r F u n e r a l Perlors-'Aro-Fur&isIted'la H a m e * I £ : a party to be given by the Junior '•••' '"'..• "COURTEOUS—EEL1ABLE" ' Hadaseah were made a t their meeting Wednesday evening. The its dinner, a t which only paid up members will be eligible to a t HA 1220 Farnam a i 33rd tend, will ba'givenjnest "Wednesday evening, November 17. In the Martin hotel. Miss Rose Sperling a n d Miss Rose Shiloff are in ^ w f *\ ***" " ^ *» charge o£ t h e arrangements. Plans were also made for t h e •annual flog day collections to be m a d e November 2 1 . Junior H a dassah members will visit t h e c:.i vca. Jewish homes i n the city for t h e V/o liavo -parts for oS5 ssfitiss cf cars. 'flag day solicitation. MiB3 Sophie p sr esra as«£ truc!j3 rri'.Io \ / aioo i in i l l J i Franklin ia in charge of this. watt a t 7ory s-easQisa!2»o pricaa. The cultural group of Junior Hadassah will meet»iu the home T/e have just w!sat you ia the way cf heaters for you -need i: of Misa Ruth Marx Kovember 22. nearly every csa&o csafco cf car. car. The regional Hadassah convenLaa-^o t u tcJzo CEJO Dl-yo-cs- ceto •wsrriso. tion, to be held in Omaha in December, was also discussed. '
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imste stage hit, "A Slight Case o* Miirder." Eolsinson, tor whom lie Despite the sad consequence, studio claims top-ranking scie'^n the Nebraska-Kansas game was EX IJOCIS character slayer honors," •will j . i i j ( one of 'the most thrill-filled we the leading role, and his suppcr,.ever saw ,'T. "Opinion is still genCONTRACT, FOK. SKITBERT sral that the Huskers were forcast. "B'ill inclufie tfce Warner.'Eros. Studios has giv-. "Vrednssday afternoon, Novemtunate to get'a' draw, though Neea jsour.KoIlywobd "correspoafiest •liked George E. Stone,. Sc'cicscn ber IT, at 2 p. re. Rabbi Fredbraska was easily, the better team . Mr. Harry - Terrell cf Dcs a batch d interesting and impurt- ls~a radio star also,- as you fiis.1- erick Cofcs -rill review J.Isnroi".' . . . W h i l e critics a r e lacing Biff Moines.-will.be the guest of Tem- aat news concerning the" activities twisters must know by noy. His "Jurecia of En-rlsnc" before Jones for taking out hia first ple'Israel at services this evening^ of Jewish.' personalities-'aligned radio efforts T are. being . confined CIrcie Xo, 6 o' i t s First TTesbySTATE CUTLIS team at" the end'of the first quar- He'will speak on"'.'Scandinavia's | with this, huge morie-istaktag to a series of newspaper plays-. tensn church. ter when it appeared the Husk- Contribution to Peace." • Wednesday is the day. . - plant sad • we pass the items oa Many will recall that'st'was" his ers were driving for a touchdown, ^'•Regular Saturday morning ser- to you.. * First, vre learn that a enactment -of a hard-boiled man- '. Fridar morcing, Norercber IS. • '-An elaborate program, honor1P:£C in the Vr.-versUr <'f we have, only more admiration for vices will' bs.-held.-at - .11. "•'•The contract t.&s been signed" with aging editor's role that; fcroiigfei st Ing J: C (V athletic award winOissha law school roams. Baird him fame in the movies. .Hers for the year 193G, will be the Biffer -...It showed how High School -Group .will .'meet* on Milton - Shubert, theatrical probtiMing, Kabbi Col-n will give staged a t the Center starting at firm-minded he was, that he was Sunday at 5:'3O. ducer, ©f New York, and -nephew MISS GAAi; KOT JEWISH the fifth review in the scries con7:30 p.'va. Annually this event going "through with ; pre-game "Next ? week • • Rabbi • ' pavid H. of Lee and 3. J. Shubert, Bro.adducted by the extension departA Hollywood filrnjtolk newsha3, always been" the highlight of plans no matter what the,: situa- Wice will speak on "An Evalua- way Jmpressarios,. for his services , writer for another Jewish news ment c£ tlie Municipal ur.iverrdt;'. the J. C. C. athletic year. tion . . • . It showed his second tion of Ludwig Lewisohn". as_ fee assistant producer. He will j agency stated that Miss-Francis- He will discuss Phjiip Guedc.li£;'E ~ With Fred Dawson, famous exstringers that he had utmost conreport here_ January 1st.-Producer J k a Gaal, DeMille's newest movie "One Hundred Years. £oach dt'the University of Nebrasfidence in them and that will ' • . . BETH Eli . Shube.rt has,produced .and direct- queen importation from-Hungary, ka.^headHning the program as "The Boo!:-A-'R'eek C" V \ — make better players out. of the At services this evening Rabbi principal speaker, fans attending reserves .... . . Then it Biff would David-A. Goldstein will speak oa ed several.Broadway sho-w hits la is one of the "chosen people," but been formed by the i'.r ' r •• • ,r years, including this information is incorrect. Both the, past ayard night will be treated to a help mecabers of the r*"< r " rf have let the first stringers start "Is It Possible to be a Pacificist "Blossom Time," " L a b u r n u m Paramount Studio and ?,liss Gaal series of demonstrations and exgeaersily well-inform* c :~ the. second quarter,* the rules in the World. Today." Grove,".. "My Maryland," "No informed your Hollywood correhibitions « that are certain to help them-to pursue i- ' " >: r •" wouldn't have permitted him to Next week he will review the More Ladies" &nd "Swing Your Continuing 'interviews' on .putTC 3>rove '.- interesting. T h e n , of reinsert, them had they befen. "The Oldest and Newest Best Lady." Warner Bros, recently spondent that she is not of the I their CFH tr.stes in re-' *rr ~ : standing'Jewish athletes,', weJgive Jewish faith. .course, there is. the presentation taken out after scoring the touchter. boughtj.the"latter play and is now "of'awards,'and the highlight of you'this iWe^k Les Burkenroad., down they seemed certain,of col- Seller — the Bible." NO XAE1 BOrCOTT KEKE transformingit into a photoplay. • Burkenroad is not only one qf Ctntor Aaron Edgar and the the' evening, the naming of the lecting . .•. The Huskers will give • pstronisie Qv.t Adrertisers ertlsere Paper ' hats' plainly , labeled Irvin C' Levin trophy winner as Omaha's Jewish -^athletic im- a'splendid acocunt of themselves Beth El Choir- will lead the ser- Theatregoers" will recall that in 1930, Shuber't took over the Mu"Made 'in Germany," were used mortals, • but. also . one:'of...-"the vices. ; the outstanding Jewish all-around Saturday at Pittsburgh, but it.Is nicipal Outdoor Opera House In by a Hollywood film studio in a athlete of tho past year. Refresh- greatest ,of all-time "performers: ddubtfulJf they can win .....'But St. Louis ssd revived business so scene depicting a cafe : en New His career reads like pdges from VAAD n ments will be served following his adventures you who believe In miracles, take I t At the late services this eve- well' that "his 'organization became Year's Eve. The discovery was tho award presentation. , Admis- a fiction book, ; hope, for remember that Nebras- ning Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein one of the best-.-known, outdoor made by a cinema city daily newstaking him from stardomon sion to the entire program is 25 Omaha teams to a year's play at ka didn't have a chance against will speak on "The BooTi or the theatrical . enterprises?, in this paper columnist, but we haven't cents. the University of Nebraska and the G o p h e i S ; . . . M a r c h i e Sword." Cantor A. Schwaczkin country snd led the Shubert com- learned the name of the studio r The program>opens at 7:30. p. Wto the war-torn battlefields . of Schwartz tells : us his^ Bluejays and the choir will officiate at the pany to uadertake similar 'yen- yet, nor wbat the Hollywood Ar.tipl&yed 60 minutes, of ,-heads .tip , m. with a '.volleyball demonstra- Francej . ' '. services. tures in Detroit and Jones Beach, j Nazi League 3s -going to do about foootball at Cincinnati in losing '" The Junior Congregation meets N. Y. tion' by the -women's morning .1 • it when it gets the news. Les" began athletic/ participalast week in Xayler .-. . Penalties clasBin'the gymj'while handball tion in the first decade of the and poor blocking resulted in the regularly at 10 a. m. at the. Con- PAUL 3UUXI AS VICTOR HUGO? (Copyright, 1937, by -Seyen Arts ' jekperts •• are giving^a demonstra- century when he-attended Central i 'f..~!-'d >I gregation B'nai Israel, EightThe second'item is that Paul Feature Syndicate) tion" of their prowess at. the same grade school, still, located • on eenth and Chicago streets. Mrs. Muni may yet portray a third time in the handball courts. Tho Dodge; street. There, a tiny fel- showing when.creighton plays St. M o r r i s B u r s t e i n will, be hostess honored son" of France, for WarSc eucccrRge the purchace of new itt' tliBe. It is offjrwatters" ' will "be Sam Teper, low, <• he. confined his * efforts to Louis Saturday at the. Hilltop to the children this Saturday. ner Bros, hop"©'to persuade him ered! for re»i?ise a t tb.e Ivwerl pricep y.n put wpon it. Jafce\Schriebtaan,.Sol Yaffe, Jack track, running on the school's re- stadium. to take the leading role in' the i for our Sadbfsfcy. Morris Bloom and Jack lay team. • . ' . ' . - . ' cisstojEere- to ha« e tfe- n e * . Our tecceti in S.5-ie cisick disscreen version of the life of Vic• • •::. Ban, outstanding four-wallers in • In ; 1908 he -graduated "• and pose." ©f tfce ol£. 3. C. C. BOTSTIiDfG tor'Hugo slated for production the middle west. Every cay In. tfee r c a !" there «re larpe Retortmeistf offnest year. Musis portrayals of •••''"W. L . P e t . moved across the' street' to' Cen- . " * ' • • ; • • ' • • • ' . : . Once more showing Its heels to At 8 p. m. the men volleyball- tral high,' but it wasn't until his Sooners . . . . . . . . . . 16 ereS. En fact yosa can furnish e. v.-hole hcusse from this 2 .8S9 the rest of. the Nebraska campus, two other great Frenchmen," Louis Rome (JTA) — Education is . stock lerfelcfe cL»Kj:es conr.5;e.r.t1j>-» ers will- replace the women in the sophomore' year - "when I finally TJgers ,. «.-.'. 13 5 .72.2 Zeta, Beta .Tau was presented Pasteur and Emile Zola, already tbe most vital need of the Falasgym, .while at 8:15 p. m. the began' to grow and climbed out of Cyclones:•.*.».'.'.*:.•• 8 10. ...444 It's v o r t k your .while to ccmc l c ihe EKchant-e Depa.rS:are the talk of the cinema world. bas, Ethiopian Jews, it was stat"downstairs . activity shifts into knee breeches" that Les" was able Cornhuskers. _....*... . 7 11 .389 with a cup;for the winning act Heinz Herald, a co-author of "The ed, by Advocate Carlo ; Alberto 1 r i v ?ou in the fall Kosmet Klub Review. WE" LIST' A F E W TYrscAL EkA& xLEs* '*' the. swimming pool, ; where the to start his great- athletic career. Wildcats . . : . . . . . . 6 . 12 .333 The-ZBT's, who. entered Jointly Life of Emile Zola" and a distin- ,VHerbo,~ who spent eight months following-, will • illustrate tank S-pc. 4 1 4 , .222•with the Pi Kappa Alpha fratern- guished Jewish writer, is collab- studying conditions among theirs. Burkenroad, enjoyed t h r e e Jayhawkers.._'..-» maneuvers:-. BaTton Greenberg, 3-pe. ^gr r o o m Pini*1!. • - Tuesday, .evening t h e Tigers ity, presented a novel night club orating with Wolfgang Reinhardt, Reporting on his survey in tfte years of stardom of Central,: parElmer Cohn," Hymie Epstein, S S.OO t e S.OG son of Max Reinhardt, on the took .three games from t h e J a y "Convegno Ebraico," Milan JewEr&ee b e t a , §v,l size, cacfe ' Bernard'Epstein, Isadora Freed- ticipating in basketball, track and hawkers; the'Cyclones two ; but of skit entitled Acropolis Number 7. Hugo screen play. . Muni is now ish publication, Signer - Viterbo I.OO •' Featured members of the' cast Fl«t. type cpr3r.|-g, e^cb. . . . . . . . . 1.00 rnan, Sam'NovaK, Marvin: Zernov- baseball. Indeed, Les was .the t h r e e , from t the • Cornhuskers, a n d on the first lap of a trip around said a plan was under considera3 - p c . ivory c n c m e l bcdrepES cuitc . . . . . . 1E.00 s£y, Mitchell Landman, Louis person wno started local preps the • Sooners ^two o u t . of ithree- were Bob Steifler who acted as the world and lie will stop in tion for establishment of.a school master of ceremonies, using «a Osk d r e s s e r , . . . . , . , , . , , , . . . . . . , . . 3.00 Blumfein", Harold Epstein, Nor- playing the game of baseball. Moscow loag enough to appear in at GoncJar, where Falasita childfrom t h e Wildcats, r : . . . . . _. George Givot impersonation; Irvotic -wsrdrobe , , , . . , , „ , , , P.50 But it was'In basketball that he man. Folorjijjy and Morris Richa series of Jewish plays with the ren would be taught Jewish subobtained his greatest success and •• T h e - Gycldnes took o v e r ' - t h e ing Kuklin, who- made a g r e a t hit Moscow Art Theatre group simiin his 'senior' year was hailed as leadership of t h e high single with his tap dancing;. and Bob lar to those which won faira pop- jects and trained in artisanship. j '• At" 8:3.6 " p. m. fans will get one of the J outstanding play firs in score witli a 9 5 1 . -Hight t h r e e , Edelstein, a recent pledge from ularity in days gone by. in New He called on."Italian Jews for fitheir first" view of basketball playt Eancisl assistance to enable Fs.1YoVk City,' who enchanced . 7 . . • ., the entire "country. 'He w"aS cap-g a m e i t / a s '2,5 5 6 % York. Warner Bros, likewise •with the 'crack J- C.-C. Varsity, tain of thoT Purple "lif his last year •>•• Sam" •Meyerson was high in- the -show with his piano' playing. hopes to get Musi for the title &sh&3r.sc_hoo.ls in Adci Ababa jind coached by Phil Gerelick. meetas he led his quintet to state and dividual "scorer for a' single • game This/is the' first^ time In the his- role In a Ksvrri Salomon1 film the the projected school la Gondar ing" the fast Thallas Hatters' to function normally. tory- of Hhe school, that a Jewish Missouri Valley championships. A with a 284. *: : . . * ; • Itudio has slated for 193S proteam, llemfcers of "the Varsity are guard, Burkenroad was' named on : : Five • - hundred ' series : were group has walked away with the duction, bat there won't be snyJim" 'Burroughs, Iz Bogdonoff, Sol numerous ' alPconference teams' bowled b y - J o e Givot,- 5^13; -Abe honors i n • this i^nnuar road show. thiag definite about It until nest Prof. F&Soa Dead Yaffe, Lou Weiner, Marshall Gelbuj the honors, that come to his r, 507VSito Katzmanj-516; Jerome Milder, junior manager spring. ler, "Millafd 'Sigal, Max. Turner, = mind most':viyidly~ar'e for"getting -Meyer-son , 6 2 1 ; • Phil • K a t i - of the.. Cornhusker footBall. team '.Rome .. (JTA)—F.rc-f.-.,Alssssa-. Harry "Altsuler and Jake Adler. his name placed on the all-around cran,- 581^ a n a lieo Weitz, 535. will accompany the. team on its KOBIXSOX .STARTS NEW dro Padoa,"; soled rcatheinatician 'At 9 p. "m. Sokol gymnasts will plaque in 3013 and ; for being •Two- hundred ringle~ gimes PICTOSE on l a s faciiltv of Genoa umxeTpresent -a ' thrilling exhibition: named oh the.'alf-w'e'stern; team. were-""bowled by "Sam' Katzman, trek to Pittsburgh. This Is Jerome's second year .as . student . A third item advises that E<1- sity, "filed at'tise £ge'cf.6£. He Then at 9:45 will start presenta- Central' students canTstlH' see 219; P h i l - K a t s m a n , 226; J o e tion of awards as well as brief Burkenroad's name <Jn the 'Ath- Givot, 208, and Sam Meyerson, manager*, and he will be in line ward G. RoblssGn has just start-1 taught isatfeeni'Etical logic £t tfes fox senipr managerial duties nest ed work oa. the picturiiation^of | university, e-nti TSS presideEt cf remarks " by •'outstanding men. letic Award plaque. 206 a n d 284. v the Tery popc'ar New York legit-'the Zionist gmcp in Genoa. y e a r . _.""* ; . - . . ; < • _ • .-•• ' • " ;Fans who have heard Fred Daw.'. Headlinging social sctivities He stayed out;.of school for. a 'con;.':In'.his exciting radio talks for the month of November -will over Station WOW will be anx- year following high school, l"hen be av Barn .Party on November ious' to hear -tt-hat this esteemed entered Nebraska. In between 20th, the night following the time'he played EL gredt deal of Y. r coach has to say. Alumnae of the Theta Chapter Iowa game. The affair frill bs M. C. A. ball and some "of his c of Sigma Delta Tau arriving-In held at the chapter house. A large mos.t stirring' recollection's come i -• "'At present the Center is main- from participation' ttitK great Lincoln Idst t o r t i l e fioae- delegation of Ocaahans is expectly besieged' with handball ".excite- commercial teams. Fondest mem- cotalng - foufad^ a throe foot neon ed to be present at the dance. anent as .the" "conditioner"' tour- ories are of his activity with the fiic3imllo of the'corority pin-susaament swings' - into its final great Brandeis crew, which was pended above the'••entrance- In stages. •' one • of the'best.-quintets In' the honor'of the "guests. This was a Finals In Class B put Marshall c 9 n n fr y. • Burkenroad' never gift of the 1936 andlDS7 pledge Geller.-'the St.-Joseph, Mo., flash, played football. -While a .grade classes. . ' • Eisenstatt, Omaha, was and Phil Katzma'n, the crack school student, he Camev home Among the guests -in- Lincoln again elected to Beta Gamma Sisbowler T»ho is. blossoming out as one day with' 'ah injury to the for" the festivities were Maty Ya- ma's honor "roll. Last year l a craclr.handball player as well. back of his neck. WeU,"hlr moth- Broff Locke,' -charter member of statt was' in the -upper ten per MSelJer came ihrbUgh in a vicious er-saw it arid you knovy how Jew- independence,' Kansas;" Frances cent of the~freshman class in th8 ish mothers are. She" "never per- Kalin of Sioux City, last year's Business Administration college, mitted'him to play football again. president; and Dorothy Gelson-, arid was elected to Beta Gamma. The war came and Les dropped alumnus of. P I . chapter, Bernice Sigma. This year, because he was his studies'at Nebraska and went Galln8ky, alumnU3 of Alpha jE.p_-1 In t h e upper ten per cent- of the across the big . waters to dodge slldn Phi, Annabelle Emleln, and sophomore clasp, Elsenstatt -was bullets instead of basketballs and Wr6.,Ed Cantor, all of Sioux City. again elected to" Beta Gamma Slgbaseballs. He was' gassed, spent Esther Stein, Omaha alumnus, al- ma's honor roll. I „ '; DANCES much time in hospitals, got his so .was in for. the. Homecoming. Entered in the curtain act share of medals'and came back • Selma Hill was a member of competition, 'Grunts and Groans' the committee, for the annual bal- featuring Norman Bordy, Dave after 'the Armistice. £ "[BRIDGE PRIZES 'Today, at 44j. Burkenroad' is loon ealo of Tassels; Josephine Bernstein, and Irvln Yaffe,< all of amazingly active. His body is Rubnltz was one of twenty-five of Omaha, vds s close secdhd in "\"o WHEELS AND still hard and "trim. His spiking upperclas3men selected to carry the Kosmet Klub's annual fall 7- "'GAMES FOR RENT in J. C. C. volleyball play is tho Has at the memorial service revue. The skit was well received the Kansas-Nebraska by a large audience. harder and more accurate than by before . •• . ' • any other player. "I think I could game. Bob .Bernstein, Onaha, is a hold my own in any sport against Miss Rubnltz recently complet- member of the Cracked Squad of a man. of 30," he said. He is a. ed one of the most successful Y. the Pershing Rifles, men's honorsuccessful business man, operat- W. C. A. drives ever conducted. ary drill unit. The Crack Squad ing'the Sample Fur store. He Member of.Sigma Delta Tau a3- performs difficult ~^% S3S0 Farncm Gt. manual of thinks he can go on for another fejatfne her were Mary Arbitraan, arms, and drill fomationc. 10 years inathletics. Selma Hill,' Edith Krasine, Selma Leo Eisenstatt, and Arthur Zveltel, and Rose Hill. ' Hill, Lincoln, are Sigma Alpha Patronize Our Advertisers • .With the initiation of . Pearl Mu's representatives in the varMcyerBon, Betty Beeson,. Jane sity debate, tryouts, while NorGoets, artd Lucille Moskovitz, the man Harris,.Omaha, Harold Turactive membership was increased, kel, Lincoln,. and Sidney Kalin, to nineteen. Sioux City are all trying out for WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS . Plans are rapidly progressing the Long debate trophy which is cf a Bale for those wfco aeore «*• treaeure for. the annual party to be given awarded to freshman debaters. o Schirafft'o Chocolatca • ° Liuric!, Cueato.Roy quisite Ijsseirje. B«y fop yourself- . . . select for by the pledee class 'on Sautrday O Caaado Dry Gin&er Alo -and Uarvcater Cigars Following the Cornhuslier's last Clsrlsfcra&ss. Fojar gr'ore OF tptse bi*» sllpm . . . «o sleek night,-November 13. Committees « Falataff Beer home game, Iowa, the Sijnr. Otn- I in fit that they ifersa perfect. Fouadatioras for your •/ '4 in charge are headed by Sylvia icron chapter of Sigms. Alpha Mu j 31S So. ! 3 t ! i Straot " AT 4 2 0 2 Nelson of St.* Jo3eph. aslseath-iike frocks. Tlie course h&v® the J will honor their friends from . ' Thela'E library ia being aug- Iowa City with a house party at j fit cf: torraal evm-aing gc*'sa . » bl eimple mented by both novels of note the chapter house. i and books of Jewish history by a new policy thereby each girl Gives a book' to.'the library on ITarasd Vic3-?rc5id:at cf Coist Paris CVVNG)—Jules LCLHS, dsher birthday. e, whit* Sises -The Pan-Hellenic organisation seendant of an old Alsatian Jow- j ?» trcrcf», bin* :ish family and an-active leader in in sponsoring a scholarship tea on November 12 at which time The- Zionist atfalm. has been appoint. I < ta T,-I11 receive one of the five ed vice-president of the civil I}} Thia New cups. Thfcta vas second in schol- court o£ Str.i;bourg Beste? Tvrin-Tub will chip of the seventeen co,roritie.~ go yoar1 "i7ash day" to and lacked firet placo by nine-one l Iioar. *1 . Yea wanh, thousandth of a point. Elsie Po:.-?, vrsas all ct HJO sarao tliao. -No Trastcd moticn— I:a and X.Ira. D. 3sr£cn arc assistiso wasted clegs. A Destsr ing vrlth the arrsngements for T i J b will siro you— this affair.
battle with Iz Novak, 21-20, 21-18,'' while'- Katzman* had^an easier time getting past Bill Skolnik, 21-11,- 21-11. ' '•,' ,: In Class A it is beginning to look like Sol Yaffe i3 the'class ;of the field, • especially;:fbliowing Sam . Teper's'startling,, upset of Jake Schriebman. Yaffe defeated Jack Ban in a stirring contest, to enter the finals. Scores were 21-20, 21-16. Whether or not Teper can .go on in his giant-klilig--demonstrations remains to be en'-.wheni he faces thet'iena^clo'us play • of Iz Bogdonoff 'in; a; semifinal-struggle.- The '.winner,' will match .pinners -with Yaffe for the crown.- Much" (interest; is being shown in-the meet as every match '^breathing :V played before a space only" audience in the c r a m p e d balcony observation points, ...'-. , '.';
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Call on Italian Jews to Edocate Aid FaJash&s
'Zeta Beta Tau
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The annual bake sale of the Vasd auxiliary vill _ bo held on V/ddnestisy, November 17, s-t theUrindcls fitorc. Tor special crCcvz picr.so or.li Mrs. S,irc T H o uun, AT 430*. patronize Our Advertisers
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