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'x/ x.^ espressefl hj trig Lswisoba la his colunta aro his ovra and do not necessarily peflect tbo policies or attitsida o? c a r publication. Re« proflnction in whole or in pars strictly forbidden. I
ierrfsandise. It »a bffr i-wetan put upon i t f rniko It- easy for our casa is t&e '-quick dioa s s o r t m e n t s offItole house from t h i s . jbe" Exchange Depart-: r, to secure what yon •SAMPLES: . S.OO S.OO 5.00 l.OO liOO
ish people as. a whole, is equally true of any part of the Jewish people anywhere in.. the world. Nowhere have they the iaass which means force—the kind "of force which can influence political decisions.' The whole thing can be stripped • to its naked tragedy by a symbolical representatlon. . •'.••.'
. . . . . . . . . . . . xs.oo
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.;..'.. • • . . . . . .22.50 and Heaters
3E£M-CO. : Po-wer Bldjj. !••
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Regular season doubles handball champions. receiving awards were: Class A, George Schapiro and Jake Schriebman; Class B, Sam and Aafon Epstein. Regular season's singles champions a Class A, Jake Schriebman, and Class B, Sam Epstein. Midwestern A. A. U. handball championships went to Jake Schriebman, singles champion; Jake Adler, runner-up singles, and Jack Ban and Sol Yaffe, runners-up" doubles. Winners In the J. C. C. -swim meet are: Hymie Epstein, Bucky Greenberg and Norman Polonsky. Midwest A. A. U. champion^ is Bucky Greenberg. • Junior boys physical efficiency test winners are: Irving: Malasbqeft, ; 'ehanrpSGn, and... Eugene. Janoff/David Rice," Marvin' Richards,' Leo-Goldstein, Sam Fidnian, Harold Marer, Bill Stiefler, Larry Potash and Sol Marcus. Members of t h e champion bowling team, the Panthers, are: Leo "Weitz, captain; Sam Meyerson, Ab Kaiman, Jack Fleishman, Morris -Franklin and Hy Levin. Junior Softball league champions who were awarded certificates include: Cart Fredericks, manager; Mike Landman, Lon Slntsky, Mas Ostennan, Ed Gerber, Sam Slntsky, Sam Bachman, Abe Baum, Bobby Slutsky, Harold Sherman, Selwin Roffman, Jerry Cohen, Larry Potash and
Imagine an island, more or less self-contained and self-governing, with a population of 1,000 voters. And supose 35 per cent of the voters belonged to a human category which we shall call A, and 5 per cent of the voters to a; human category which may be called B. (This is more than fair since only in Poland does, the Jewish population esist in so Wgh a ratio.) .Now on that island thera is no direct way : in TfMcIi the B's can influenca decision. Or mate their temperament or view of life or law or custom definitely felt. And to say that, is not necessarily to accuse the A's of being illiberal or tyrannical. The A's by merely being themaelves and voting and acting out of their normal instincts will silence and obliterate the B'B. The B's will find themselves in a position of Buch supinenes3 for which no one can be blamed; they will also find tnemselv»s in a state of such fear lest their particular A's cease to be liberal and tolerant, tha$ they •will, in the Freudian terms, repress or deny their' desperate sit- D o n R i c e . • ' . - • • uation of utter powerlessness even to themselves and will pretend to themseve3 (1) that they li are A's; or (2) that by some psychical gymnastic they can'become A's; or (3) that there is a happy land somewhere on earth where B's have become A's and As their second offering of the that the island on which live the season the Center Players will 950 A's and the 50 Wa had'bet- present "The Good Hope," by ter copy the arrangements of the Herman Heijermans. The author country—however abhorrent in of the play i s i well-known Dutch every way—in which, in. theory, Jew whose efforts were responat least, the A's have absorbed sible" for a reform in the condithe B's. Note, please, that the tions of the Dutch fishing indusB's not only have no political try. • • " • - • power whatever and cannot.have "The Good Hope" is the story any even where the A's are of the women who wait long models of civilization and deweeks, for. the return of their huscency and want them to have bands and sons from the fishing some, but that they cannot, these trips. - . . ' - . wretched B's, have any genuine Appearing for the first time In political opinions of their own. a production of the Center PlayTheir views will always 1 be ers are: Mr. Harold Kendis, Florwarped at the very root by;the ence •'"Wolff'Minn.fe' Wolf, Mrs. concslousness of • powerlessriess, Sam. Josepbson and Mr. George by the utter Impossibility of their Spitzer.. original, instinctive^ and therefore The play will be presented the normal reactions, having a ' n y evenings of Dpcember 5 and 6 a t chance to prevail. They, ivill the Jewish Community Center. never be able to vote simply according to their views of\ the merits of a given, issue. They will speculate upon the effect which the decision of the issue will have not primarily on it' or on the total structure of society, since that total'structure cannot by tho nature of things be jnst So versatile he Interprets to them, but on what will be!the equal skill Jewish and Indian repercussion on the peculiar* pow- -types, Todros Geller, well-known er-relationship which dooms them artist who -will speak here on to both impotence and fear. Now Tuesday evening, November 50, is multiply this island by l,000,.;by nevertheless a...-vigorous exponent 10,000, and you nave a vivid and of a Yiddish art. exact picture of the political situConsidered one of the middle-, ation of the Jewish people in »the wests's outstanding, artists, Gelworld.. And notice .that in ?ithe ler has taken advantage of the symbol as well as. in the world of rich treasure of Hebrew lore and reality, the B's are just as help- legend, and by doing so has less _ and politically powerless;and made a unique contribution to the psychically warped wbere the A's world of art." ~ are;t-jnen and brethren, aii in. Geller was born in the tTkralne America, Finance, • Englandif as •where the A's are'sadists- 'arid and educated ..at the Greek Cath.-have lapsed back into Moloch olic Seminary .in his native village •worship, as in Germilny, Poland, because his father considered it superior to the local -Jewish and, Soumanis. ;• government schools. After the pogroms of 1&05 his family mo~Is there any remedy? There in ed to Montreal. Later they came (Continued on page 8.)."' to Chicago where Geller received
to -Be-Presented hy Center. Group
"V A '-,
• - . - ' •
Dr. Kulczynskt scheme "became known on the eve of a plebiscite at the University of Lemberg in which the students will rote oa Rector Kotarbinski's proposal to divide all class 'and ".lecture- rooara Into thrfee sections,"- oaetor"Jews';" one for anti-Semites -and.one Jor. liberals and Socialists. Jewish and liberal students oppose this, plan, feeling it merely confirms the ghetto system and will boycott the plebiscite.
A W-
Jlebbi David A. Goldstein's second book review oJ tbe season win be given 02 Monday, Ncvem-
Ey Shricr" ssd Ab Ssimss to b e r 2S '.i r :? t e a d •
o£ N o
« m »er' 22,
as onsinaily scheGu'ed. -T h e b o o k t o b e rerlevred ls Remareue's "Tfcree Comrades." This series of book reviews is Doubling up on the csua.1 ama- j being sponsored t r the Beth El teur nights, the B'nai B'rith a'- j auxiliary. Orer 5PC tickets have i fair will have two masters of ; been sold.
•• • Officiate; at^Looal JkTZaterr E i g h t
Jen* ' v . ,"FV S '
«k A *b.th»> T<*u,*z/ i .
«' L
ii {Fill la sad forward to Ky| raen'Sbrler, 743" First XstSonal t Esrak Bi&?., AT 7811, or Dr. 2- 'Braaileis Feltiaan, | Theater Sldg., HA S7S7, chairmen" o* ProgrEsa commiJtee, 'on or before Itecessbcr 1.) •
- Ittarnar, Ben Avi, • noted Palestinian publisher, will be • principal speaker at the 35th anniversary dinner of. the . Jewish Naticssi Pro-Fund to be given Janfisry 12. - Ben Avi spoke in Omaha last year. He is the son-of Eliezer Ben Tehuda, w.ho-is-resporfsible for ! the > renaissance of - spoken He"Warsaw (WNS) — Institution brew. of what would be tantamount to | a ghetto for anti-Semitic students ' •who have been demanding the classroom segregation of Jewish students is being proposed by Dr. .Kulczyniski, rector of Vilna university, who has suggested that instead of ghettoizing Jews alone all lectures be given twice, once lor , Nationalists. and once~ for Jews and liberal students who have no objections to sitting with ^7orst . OstB?sa^- c f •- Vicj.£2££& J e w s .
VOL. xvi—
peak at Cpnf
3IASS, FORCE AND POLITICS The terrific decision which, in one lorm or another, is to be made by the Jewish people concerning Palestine and • BO con'cerning its essential fortune for decades if not centuries to coine, illustrates once more, the charac-i Many Eeceiye Honors at Annual J. C. 0 . Award " ter of that sitnation of ours in tho world which first made -wise Bight men and men of first-rate insight The Irvin C Levin trophy given recognize, the moral untenableness of the dispersion in its pres- annually to the "outstanding Jewish Community Center athlete ent form. AH parties to the Palestinian was awarded to Iz Bogdanoff at the award night held Wednesday discussion are serenely sure that evening at the Center. nothing is.to be feared'from the Miniature basketballs -were Jews. The Jews ,\7lll consent. The Jevs -will sign on the dotted given to the Barish-Sanders team, line. Smaller state, larger state, champions of the Senior league. no. state—Ja-sager, Nein-sager-— Members, of the team receiving the Jews will plead, cry out, saTe awards were Sol Taffe, James face, agree. So the entire dis- Burroughs, Isadore Novak, Lou cussion Tvhich concerns the fate Weiner, Harry Altschuler, Charles of Che Jewish, people and neither Korney, Hubert Monsky and Dr. that of the British Empire nor of Harry Rich, coach. Robert Eess the Arab people goes on with ttitf ' Members of the Sharp ShootJews as object, not as co-de- ers, Junior league winners, given termining subject within the dis- medals.were: Max Delrough, Vercussion. Everyone "knows that non Wintroub, Carl Fredericks, the Jews can be sacrified even Sam Novak, Morris .Ruderman. though politely and at the last Bud-i "Wlntroub, Morris Kirshenmoment because the Jews, thougn baum, Harry Goodbiner, Nathiin they exist to the number of over Shukert and Ed Gerber. Midget league winners were ' 1 6 millions in the world, do not Members of represent the kind of compact given certificates. mass which is force—the "kind of the" team are: Robert Silverman, Hoted Poles Contiatis to force which alone is a decisive Marvin Richards, Seaman Peltz, Albert Lagman, Nathan .Meiches, test Against Ghetto. factor in politicsNow, what is trne of the Jew- Bobby Slutzky and Sol Marcus. Order
•omze Our Advertisera
; . V . . . .'". •.,-". . . . JL suite, only .;.. . " . . . . . V3.O0 t o ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Watered as. Second Class Mall Matter on January Zl. 1S21. a t frostofBea or Omaha, Nebraska, snder the-.Act of March S. 1K79
i , r
. < •
Create Tr-c-r:rcr:
Rio de Janeiro {WNS)—Estab- : lUbment of the New Tforifi's first; I avowed Fsscist state in Brazil bj ', ! President Gettilio Vargas throKch ; \ the promulgation of a new s,u-; : thoritariac constitution meting : ' him the virtual dictator has creEt- ,: ;ed great alarm amocg the 40.000 : I Jews of ttis largest cf the South j American republics who 'ear that jj the new political setup ' will fur- ' ' tner the already dangerous EEti- ing ity ;
Phone Ko. . . . 31y act -is: • . ,
I .Although the new constitution j guarantees religious liberty, Jewceremony, Abner K&iman and.Hy- ish leaders here believe that tbe , IKO" men. Skrier. K&iman effectively I militantly aEti-Semitic Fascist In- cier substituted for Major Bowe3 at ; tegrilista party, which hag close lest.year's affair. ! relations with Nazi propagandists, Tha B'sai B'rith amateur 'night i will be greatly strensrthEneu fcy I2 to" be held the evening of Sun- ; the Fascist regime. It is reported day, December 19, at the JewisJi i that President Verges is consider- , Coinrfl-unlty Center- Already a \lzs isekjt!^ t h e iTitejrrnis+ES., ' large number of applications tsve 'Whose- preen - sfcirted inf-ir.bers ' been, eceivefi • and - this year's pro-I hsve been responsible for many I - -Eesults in-Deaths-.c£gram gives >every indication of ; assatilts oa Je-^rs, the - otficial rivalling last year's performance ;• state -party. . ' •: 1-Jew-; 7"Arabs ' ! the which drew a record crowd to the Jerusalem (WNS-Pa!eor Asea- Center. " •
, 1'
' "' *
I - !
V r —rr "T i f
violent clashes Jer""» sefen-this, year, ESV:~ At
:ilt with', tlie-audience.. other's s U s h t l y -^o'znC~f. r r i rr: AU'aciatears, rises, w> Jenv--killed,.lour zzilc-zly i r . ' - r r l a n d - a n n i a b e r of othc-: j'-ic'-tly children, who are members'of the .r.n; irr-i^T: ^ - 1r o rb-JI, - c - ~ ± hurt. T h e ; shootings and bomb- ' Jewish' comauaity-sre eligible.Persons ' desiring to compete C E - ' I *r b~^? ings .that, caused the casualties \ occurred with -such, rapidity and are asked to fill in the blank and Iro~ r.-o^l : jn^so"many different points at;tba forward "it to Mr. Shrier c r Dr. t n d c:. a Z —: Fines ranging from ?1G to S40. same" time that it-took-hours to Leon' F were imposed on 237 Jewish mer- establish the toll of dead. and inchants in the Radomsk district jnred; '.-.•;. ' ' " " ' . - - ' . • for having participated in the naThe curfew hours .tad .barely tion-wide Jewish general strike ended when the terrorism " wss c £ F called to protest against ghetto launched'upon the city. An-Arab benches in the colleges and uni- walking through Rehavia, Jewish versities of Warsaw. residential-quarter, was shot, and Effective December 1, District ~ , ' 4 Meanwhile ghetto benches were kille'd. Another ;"ArabB walking be- Grand Lodge No. 6 cf the B'cai I "J introduced outside of/Warsaw for side ;• him was . slightly wounde'd. B'rith will adopt a new program "•C T " the first time when the University At'tbe sametime a group of Arab and policy on all matters of pub- ~c ^_ of Poznan . adopted the plan of laborers in 'the Beit Israel Quar- lie relations and public informa- 5!.~,~" segregating Jews. ter j was; fired upon, ; resulting in tion.. Eptraim Marks will be \ ±^~ the.instant killing of one and the chairraEE cf the Nebraska dis- t ; F "•. - Paris ("VTNS)—Protests against wounding of another wto died •" r ghettoization of Jewish students shortly thereafter and tlie injury trict. Harry Fiterman of Minae- ' "t "• apolis, c3aairiaa.il of! the ccriniittee "^ * r * in Polish universities were voiced of a third. ca press and publicity EES public \; °_ e here by Mme. Irene Joliot Curie, ' ~ 11 r ic-. I f' Later1-Arabs stoned Jewish la- education, ol the district, -will be daughter of the discoverer of raborer's in the same section, causzr. _E v r: in charge. 7 cr.rc t dium, Professor Paul Langevin,. and other prominent figures, in 'ingiths.serious wounding' of c^ie The a-ew program Trill constistatements made • public by the and slight injuries to tiree oth- tute amass other thicss special ers. The ' one seriously injured Federatiijn of Jewish Societies. weekly releases ca matters of irasuccumbed late this afternoon in -> r - r portaisce to Jewry ia District 6, s. the. Hadassah hospital as a reWarsaw (WNS)—A great stir more unified program of speakers was created in Jewish and anti- sult of a -brain-'concussion. Ke witbia the district, £Ed the prepaSemitic circles here by the dis- was Ovadiah MizracM, SO years ration of special literature sieslclosure that Wanda Pilsudski, old, a.Kurdish Jew. ing with the several- phases of daughter of the late Marshal -1 The heaviest toll of deaths cen- B'nai B'rith activity. Josef Pilsudski, has let it be tered around -an Arab bus ia tbe known that she is opposed to the Romema quarter. _ As the bus ghetto benches for Jews. Hiss passed « through;' Blahaeh Jud&h Pilsudski, .who is a'student .in the .J9uaxter,' LshjD.ts..w.er.e _fire-i ,&t_tv:.Q .1 "Warsaw Agricultural institute, in- "Jewish girls, cne o£ tS'ea IS formed the rector-that she, would years old, -wounding both ol Fnceral services vere helS sit with the Jewish students if them. Subsequently a' fusillade afternoon for Mrs. Etta the ghetto'seating plan is inaugu- j of;shots yas directed at tbe bus. , 61, K D fiie-d early Satcrrated in the institute. At . the j Three Arabs, including two womsame» time the ghetto benches en, were- killed by the gunfire plan was vigorously condemned and foiir other Arabs w e r e 1 Mrs. Siegel, a resident of Ornaby 2,000 Polish lawyers -meeting wounded, one of. there seriously. jba for 43 years, had been active in conference in Lsmberg. Among those wounded was t i e i in tha Jewish "Welfare federation : Arab driver.. A Jewish youta was j and Hadassah. She had bees ill arrested :tonig;ht 'in-- coanection- for. five years. . Mrs. Siegel TO S with the shootings Then two daughter oJ Mrs. Eika Coin, cc-n- • Arabs pointed-liiia cut. A-little tensnas, —"he Sied ca Ausust 1, SttrvivEss £?e IJTC . caiis'sters, while 'later a'"bomb was iuriea. into an Arab 'cafe near.llomeiaa, Ivy, Belle,,'Leah, and Sirs. Jar 1 tbe esplosion iujuring sis Arabs Stoler, Ell cl Oinsha, and Mrs 1 Sam Poska of Crcstoa, la.; twe , slightly. ' 'sons, .Abe of .Lcs Angeles and ' his professional training at the Unrestrained'co"n5emnatioa of Earl' - of Omaha;. & sister. Mrs. Art Institute. Jews participating iri-^attacks c s Barnard ; Grcss c ' Cisaha; s Despite a European background Arabs -:was 'the''*&eynote:-.cj ediGeller has been considered a torials appeariag 'in tsV/Hebrew thoroughly American artist. He press. '-"The blood o'i innocent. cago, aod three gr£iii!ctllfir67i. Burial wss is "t'aa Eeth Ka-inehas never confined his subject Arab -and Jewish victims crjes •out matter. to phases of Jewish life to us from the 's6iJ,":.ssys -the drosa Hlsgodc* cemetery. although, his reputation has been Haarete.' in c"~i~ ^-i ^^ - 1 *""^ largely achieved through the violence. "Tne st*"""1! "_> - r - crichness of his Jewish studies. ful ' Arab3 is r e t cz ^ r ^ He has found the-technique of against them L~t a u. ' . ' c Zz~the., moderns well-adapted to . t h e ish" pesitioa ^ t. c portrayal: of American life, asd thegovernm- - v I ~~ one Is not- surprised- to* find that steps to .apro ' T ~ he- was1, .commissioned ""to " do' a incidents mr „- • series of studies of the. Osage Ia- provoc^tibii t^ * " ""H"1 d i a n s . • '..-•-' . ' . • - . ••..'• ins -Arab- tcr~ " " ••• .Although - S e : is. a- Eioslers, his J^Gors^r "lo-Dcr * i j , n >*. method••• is -pleasing .-and-.-can;- be the incidents rr^, ' appreciated by a lay audience." nevr menace " %o Hr. Gelk-r's" work ~ i ! l ' ba on rsicichicj:,-'It - exhibit- here at the tlrac cf his TisVin- ta . ' p t —— lecture. whose cenisel s ^ - - f' -—•
I'nai B'rith Will . | 7 ; / ;
Adopt New P^slblic [ j VJt -.i
tions P o l i c y — - ~
I'irs. Utta Stegei
Page 2
ingarlan Police
| cidersble success . . . They %", ere' f l o p p e d < «r t l • i i -i T* j written by a young Polish scien- ! J e w i s h ' : % Arrest .Zionists s j s e a s of J -.«<-.-> r, tist-actor, A. Cwojdinslci, and are n prst f .TTA) - — -Thirty-six titled, "The 'Einstein Theory," ' i s fflann'J i.-" _ ° ^ p » : '-piuh.s and girls were un-' and " T h e Freud Theory of ! i n g t h eT f i t J o <- j. i r t TV. vwvKn*, r .vrest this week following Dreams" . . . So well received U - - T h e o,r'-> ' Ci.~M f by police on lour centers v.-ere they that En'glish and Ger-I thing lik S l " 7 C i young Jews are trained for man translations have been pre- j Klus KI " KO <= £ u •• lion to I'a!estine»after they pared for production on stages in [spread i i t ^ " n "• r 1 T " ->T ••f-i- Denounced as allegedly other parts of Europe . . . Both i of Libert\ r 1 T -.£ on Bolshevistic and arc vritten la comedy vein, both ! ten by no^e "* ' ° i^c* i ipc-iil \ z-rd .;.;• iirrivities. have simple plots, and both Tril] I Evans, •jins" rrrpsted -are expected WE HEAR: A certain well- probably coine to Broadway, if at• K. K. K "^ !"> d c res ' \ • Harry Schneiderman,' editor reluctantly approved It. The first j at bis disposal abstracts of ma-known shipping line is perfecting all. with their titles radically al- i be Kurr" 'Cu ( c 1 T C I rr'caped after final examl| though !) trioi° ''c'' of the American Jewish .Year volume appeared in" 1899 ' under. j terial gathered : by a special, as- plans for an air service'linking tered . . . '.?<- the police, but it I? beT i regard for J<=>^ <; tl ' a\ Book, Is. rarely intcrvieivedl Dr. Adler's editorship. Since then jsisiant from many s o u r c e s the United States to Palestine cH'.rges "will be prefpvred tXest t h T t; x ' 1 -•* Ent on. this occasion of the pub- it has appeared annually around | fhrpughout the world. These ab- and other points In the Near East ; -I"!em. According tn antiCURFEW: Jerusalem/ stumblication of Volume 30 ot the Rosh Hashauah under- t the im; Strnicher T . ' c i " stracts, carefully classified and . . . How soon the plans are put i f TieTsnapers, qualities o[ famous Jewish reference work,. print of the- Jewish Publication filed throughout the year, are theinto operation may depend on theling from one curfew to another, ] shaking l - " ^ ^ v 1 * -. ~i pe iitfrraturB were foinui in f Is heartily sick of the whole he was prevailed upon, to tell Society, which Issues it as one Ofrdw material with which he starts fate of partition . . . i stein (no o f «• 2 e *• iiip. In a statement to the business . . . Newspaper office j congressman) something of th,e history of the the three volumes which members to work early in the Spring. Be^ A,, the executive of the switchboard operators, particularn volume and liow it is edited. receive With their membership. ginning with ev nts in the United • ! (Copyright l " " , J t C 1 rifiT> Zionist federation inBOOK: One of the most en- ly, who are plagued the day long This article is the story of the Its editors have included Henri- States, he revises, with the utmost l :;!y denied the allegationa making of what is the "Jewish etta . Szold, Herman Bernstein, patience and care, the classifica- joyable and enlightening; books with queries on. whether curfew \ be students were Comworld almanac.—The Editor. „• Herbert Friedenwald, H: G. Fried- tion of-the. items and incorpor- oft the Soviet is "Assignment In is still in effect .-. . . Also, cafe :••.. that t h e y received : man,'Joseph Jacobs-and Samson ates those which he deems of im- Utopia," (Harcourt, Brace) by operators, of whom i.bere are 60 Mrs. Lena Simon from Moscow or that they Eugene Lyons, who spent sis or 70, who are estimated to lose portance into a first draft. About D . O p p e n h e i m . . ' • . • ; • • ' • • . . ' . In every mail "the editor of a :vnliy of immoral practices. >£ed on Monday together about §1,500 nightly middle of-June he revises this years, covering Russia for the Jewish publication receives a Schneiderman' has been associ- the flock of- letters containing re- ated with the year book since draft in the light of subsequent United Press . . . A full, bulky while curfew is in effect . . . And • Mrs. Lena Riiaon, 6S, (lied quests for information on the1909 when In h,iscapacity aa as^-happenings, and sends the result- book, it's a good idea to read it the three big movie houses, which Monday at her borne after an illFlood Relief ing manuscript to the printer in immediately after having digest- take it on the chin to the tuue of ness "Of two -weeks. most bizarre'subjects. . , Some of sistant to the secretary- of the ..• ' ' . ' , ed Lion Feuchtwanger's recently §1.500 every_night of curfew • . . these queries are so technical and American Jewish Committee, hePhiladelphia. . .Terusalenr (JTA)—The Pale*. Mrs. Simon is survived by sir. complicated "that, extensive re-' helped assemble the material. In -His own contribution ready, published little volume, "Moscow, Bnt Jerusalem's loss is Tel Aviv's daughters, Tilts. J. A. Hej-k'in. —, T , s»i_« _ _ :'ne government allotted approil. search is required for answers. that year the Jewish Publication Schneiderman has two other im- 1937" . . . The one" is a product and Haifa's gain, because people Mrs. P. Ilirisle and Mrs. J. Lin.,.,.elJ. s2i500 for rcHe( in the Others are simple and the replies Society wanted to abandon the portant functions before he canof a. trained reporter, who tells who- ordinarily would hop down coln, all of.Omaha; Mrs. I/. Lea-'R o o & e v e i t _ C t w c s . g : o w are forthcomfng quickly. A fewyear/boot because of Its great write finis to another volume of what he saw, heard and sensed to the Holy City to spend an eve- den ot Council Bluffs., Mrs. A. 1 ifood-stricken Beersheba area in can. be answered by referring cost and the lack of support on the year book. The first is toduring his long period of resi- ning or two stay in their own Maize of Sioux City and Mrs. E. * southern Palestine. them to the local rabbi. But the the part of the Jewish public. TMfe read every line of copy in the ar-dence . . . The other, the product cities instead and spend. their 3.1. FinlcenEtcin of Los Ariel's: Berlin ,, - „ ^' ^ - I majority of them presuppose that American i Jewish Committee then ticles and in the appendices. Then of a novelist who spent but a few money at the local cafes, shops four sons. B. A., Xsthar, Eccie thro"ch tu A Treat for Omahans & the editor is a -praising encyclo- stepped in and arranged with the he goes'.to Philadelphia, in the hot days in the Soviet capital . . . The and cinemas . . . Bitt the Jeru- and Milton, ail of Orcsna, PHS. ?>"> r,FOrs'h:p. the IvTesriRchewitz Kosher pedia -whose head is ' crammed Society to, take'over the prepara- summer days of July or August, one realistic, disillusioned . . . salem curfews this year have been grandchildren. F b o d Prodacts with- the facts of contemporary tion of the volume. Schneiderman for a four-day stint at the print- The other impressionistic, hope- short and mild by comparison to .-Funeral services v.-ere hejr! f KOSMER BEANS IN TOJewish life in every corner of the has been the editor since 1919; ers, going, over the final proofs ful, charged with enthusiasm . . . those of 193 6, when the Holy Tuesday afternoon at. the Jewish let coritairin.sr extensive quotes MATO SAUCE •world. Perhaps there; are editors Both went to Russia predisposed City had ' the lid clamped on Funeral home.' Burial vas in the frcin President r.ooseveU's fs.for last minute corrections. • • VEGETABLE SOUP , Any; one familiar with the com< who can answer from memory in favor of the Soviet experiment night life for many weeks at aBeth Hamefirosh ITagoael cam-.1 1S3U5 Cts-csgo speech in v.-hich t. ; • TOMATO SOUP : plexities of editing an encyclopeSchneiderman sometimes has when their readers want to know1 .'.' ".' Lyons, as a matter of fact, stretch . ' . . etery. '" ' urged ifce Quarartinc of cations Ask f o r Manischewitz the Jewish, population of Brazil, dia—and. the American ' Jewish the feeling that, while more and went frankly to help the cause in disturbing vorltl peaco '.re bit- Food Products at Your the^ number of Jews admitted to Year Book is an annual encyclo- more people are using it, few give any "way he could \ . . But he Grocer or Call - pedia of Jewry —must credit any thought to the work which is MISH-MASH: The first day cf Irs. Ernestine Canada last year, when Passover foundT the xause somewhat tar^ M a i l e d in Stutteart. the |: AT 7 6 2 8 WE 3054 begins this year, the difference Schneiderman with doing a her-involved and almost everybody ac- nished and its proponents less Chanukah will see the opening in 1 pamphlets "(rere d e l i v e r e d I Holienberg Dies between the League for : Labor culean job. Editing the year book cepts the book as a matter of than giants . . .. Feuchtwanger Oporto, Portugal, of the Kadocrie throecl the mail to foreijm Eevs- f E Palestine nnd the National Labor is a year round business. No soon-- course. This would be enough to looked on the Soviet scene from synagogue ; . . For the use of paper correspondents totrether | er was volume 39 off the press make any editor feel a lack of inMrs. Ernestine Hohenher (Distributor) Marranos . . . The monthly EcoCommittee for .Palestine, when Olympian and Utopian heights o£.5X£ Cumings AT 7628 Ko the sun sets on North Dakota in then work began on volume' 40. terest In his own work were it . . . His report reflects the dis-nomic Bulletin put out by thedied Monday morning-. Z,1T s.;. K December 1st, whether there is a For so vast an undertaking he not for the fact that he knows tance frpni which, he .made his ob-Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi league henberg vas the v.icov of Solo - ' assailing Germany's farm policy. Jewish paper in Florida, how has a staff of but, three. The there are a few .people, whom he, servations . - . . L y o n s grubbed (whose kaleidoscopic shifts of ex- mon Hohenberg. Surviving are three sen many Jews served In "Copgress work begins with a series of. con- regards as experts, who show ap- among the lowly, worked with the ecutive secretaries has a certain prior to 1900i and how much the ferences between representatives preciation, of what he has been high, roamed the land, saw theAnglo-Jewish journalist of ourseph and Paul cf Omaha, Jewish Charities of Chicago spent of the Publication Society and thedoing. In the past he has been worst even though he strived to acquaintance dizzy) has dressed Mack of Kansas City, and daughters, Ella of Omaha. in 193 S. These--are typical fact Committee to decide what special encouraged by the commendation and report only the best . . . itself up in real magazine style, and JIrs S- B. Schwartz, hi questions that ; every Jewish edi- articles are to go into the volume. of people like Dr. Adler, Dr. find with two-color covers and. sll . . . Feuchtwanger found the revolu- tor has to deal with idaily.- To When a. decision.is reached, Sch- j Friedenwald, under whom Schnei- tion working to near-perfection Tel Aviv urchins tise bread pad- Green Ear, Wisconsin. Rabbi Frederick Coin co answer them - and hundreds :ct neiderman enters: into correspon- | derman served his apprenticeship, ding • as ba!t when fishicg the otherb like them forhis readers dence with the persons assigned and by some editors, of English- . . . Lyons found the revolution Mediterranean s h o r e . . . An ed the funerat services, to write the articles and follows had gone definitely screwy . . . Jewish publications. But above would necessitate the services 'of elderly woman who had just fin- was in Pleasant Hill Ce~et * permanent research, expert. For- through until their copy is ready all, what buoys him up most is You pays your money, as the boys ished viewing Jacob Epstein's lattunately, however, the editor can for the printer. These articles, the encouragement of Justice-Car- on the street say, and yon takes e s t sensation, "Consummatr.ra furnish the answers without re- which usually comprise about dozo, who once said that "the your choice . . . Not merely be- Est," was heard to remark, "Dear sorting to research simply by one-third of the year book," are writing of contemporary history cause Eugene Lyons once wrote a me, what a remarkable piece oi turning to the. pages oi a fat,vitally- important. Just how im-Is one of the most difficult things column (Black on White) for thesculpture! - I wonder why tbere green-covered book on bis desk, portant may be judged from some to do and. you do it very well."- lamented Jewish Daily Bulletin' has "been nothing about it in the a book; which he fondly calls, his of the subjects covered in the- ^Looking back over, the 19 vol-—and whose pleasant task Pet- papers." . . , Which reminas r.s, last two decades: twenty-five umes of the year book that he ers' was to edit—but on the basis Jewish world'almanac. • years, of.-Jewish education in thehas • edited Schneiderman still of its content and inescapable sin- that another one of Epstein's That handbook i3 volume 39 of United States, minority and' refu- j hopes for improvement. The skel- cerity, this reader of both books controvery-provoking products, a the' American•;Jewish" Year* Book^ gee questions .before the .League : eton of the original features in points his bony finger to "Assign- curtain he painted for the ballet, r "David," two years ago, 'will be the mbst widely cbnsulted single ofi'NaUons, the Yiddish press- ^as the first volume remains almost; ment in Utopia." . . . an .Americanizing "agency,, a,, his-intact, but with each year new coming to New. York soon for exJewish reference work "in; the English'language! whfch'.lias just •tory of the Hebrew University and ones; were added and old ones i VISITOR: Wonder what Theo- B'lbitlon s t Rockefeller. Center's been" published by•••'" t h e ' ^Jewish biographies of many .great Jews either modified or altered. He dore Dreiser , whose love of jews Dance International . . . . The New Publication Society- of America." such as. Israel Zangwill,* Nathan has found that perhaps the most '•has teen seriously questioned, York art critics are already dustAlthough it has been appearing Straus, Louis Marshall, Julius Ro- widely consulted feature In thewas doing the other night in the ing off their choicest' expletives . . . The steamer Tel Aviv, which annually • for' 39 • years! there' are wenwald,' Adolph S. Ochs, Achad year book, today as In the past, still-many Jews, to sayinothing ot Ha-am and Maimonides. The in-are the Jewish calendars. Among Cafe Royal, Second, avenue hangnon-Jetfs, "who are unaware of itsdex to the articles, published in the .many important articles that out of New York Yiddish literariexistence. 'In recent years, how- tho year book during the last 39 .have appeared in the 39-volumes lites? . . . The celebrated author "WE WANT THE JEl¥ISH ever, because of the growing" de- years Indicates the broad scope of the most original and most use- had a gal with him . . . PUBLIC OF OamKA TO the volume as a Jewish source ful, he believes is the.data con-; mand for factual data about Jews COOPERATE WITH OS SO b o o k : •'.;•; . ••. ;••.'•' cerning Jewish participation in ' TALMUDIST: 'jphn M. Schiff, arid Jewish? problems, the <•. year THAT WE. CAM CLOSE the armed forces of the various young banker son of the late EARLY. _ . book .has come tosbe recognized as Another third of the year" book nations during the World War. . Mortimer Schiff, may not exacOy Orders sKouldl be called In the principal."source of authorita- Is devoted to directories, lists and For nearly a quarter "of a f cen- merit" the title Talznudist, but he as early as possible disrtive, comprehensive and'up to thestatistics, which are to be found in^ the day till 6 P. M. deserve the title of minute information about Jewish together in no other one' book. tury Schneiderman has been re- might well 1 affairs/ '•. So much' so in -fact that Material for these appendices to sponsible for preparing American Honorary Talmudist—if we may This will jire us a chance to close at 9 P. M. for the past'three, years' the 5,000 the review ot the year, which.in- Jewry's only complete annual ref- be permitted to create such a . SIGNED, copies, of each- edition; published clude _ the lists of anniversaries, erence work. The growing shelf designation . .- . Because, if our have been exhausted a; few'days appointments and' bequests and aof American Jewish Year Books informant knows what he is •' OMAHA'KOSHER For those "important after ^ they; appeared,' There is necrology, are gleaned from thou- and their invaluable and inimit- talking- about, John is the lad BUTCHER'S ASS'N. • nothing; else like it in this coun- sands of publications and news- able contents are the most elo- who is helping underwrite ' the h e a r s " . . . perfect 1st I i try," and except • for/.the Jewish papers clipping's by-one of Schnei- quent testimony'to his services to printing costs of the monumental Ii~e arid detail . . . . . 1 Year 'Book In' London, which is derman's assistants. who spends American Jewry. The duty of his- English translation of the TaltrihnKied -tritli a pitorians is to record history, not two yearsJ.o^der' •but'.'inu.ch less months checking, compiling and mud which is being published In rate's loot of multivaluable becauseit^iacks many of assembling data. The same assist- make it. But some historical London .. . . J . M.1 S. may yet in> colored jewels, writers have become figures In the features..of ',Us American con- ant maintains contact with naherit the philanthropic mantle of temporary,,"the '.Am'.erican Jewish. tional organizations to secure re- history, such a3 Josephus, Plut- his uncle, Felix-... . A significant Year Bqok.'is the only work of itsvised* and accurate information arch andGibbons. We venture to trend in that direction was manipredict that the same fame is in csxclueive vitb. MS kind in the'English'language. from them for the directory of store for;. Harry Schnelderman, fested recently with his election •m® Few,ofrthose .who • use the national Jewish organizations, and our' ablest contemporary-histori- to the presidency of the-Henry Street Settlement, one of F . M. American Jewish Year'JBoo.k as an also revises the list of Jewish per- cal scribe. ' W.'s earliest philanthropic loves. indispensable"- Jewish reference iodicals, Jewish •members of Conbook-r^those who, iise i t include gress, etc. A second assistant conii group of persons retcraeditors, ".librarians; writers, 'stu- centrates on the statistical mater- (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts DRAMA NOTES: Don't be sur-| dents, 'newspapermen,' social work- ial which % is compiled wherever — . Feature Syndicate) prised if plays centering around j £=g hosie after rzddaigiit ers; ; biographers," research schol- possible on the basis o t official both Einstein and Freud are pro•were p'ozzied by seeing a ars hate any' idea [as.to the huge sources. Data for .the immigration duced on Broadway on\ o£ these n a a near the top o£ a teleDemand Consul's Removal and;pomplex t.sfsfc. inyolyed in ed-of Jews to -various rcountries are days ..". . The plays have already phone pole. Ke seemed to iting; it;. Only, one^ man really obtained directly from the embasLos Angeles (JTA)—Removal been staged .in Poland with conbe busily*at-work. One of knows wliat the' task'entails and sies, legations or consulates, while of Manfred" von Killinger, German r the crovip Inrestlrated. that's the' editor. himself. After those for the United. States, come consul-general in San Francisco, •we had examined the new volume, from the Department of Labor, was demanded last week by the I The espiasatica "R"as sirathumbed through its 000 ;odd Most of the population figures American Legion's Americanism ple. .In. the telephone ofice pages and marvelled at the vari- emanate from official .censuses, committee which termed him "dia short tisse before, several ety of information to be found, in but where such official statistics rector-of Nazi propaganda on the telephone lines ia the busithem; we paid i " call on Harry are not- available "recourse is ; had Pacific coast." Schneiderman, the indefatigable to reliable authorities in the varness district had saddcaly \* human encyclopedia on things ious countries;; AH of this mass gone out cf sen-ice. SomeJewish,'•^yho has been ^editing the of data is laid before Schneiderthing had happened to a year book' for 19 years, ; to getman for,final revision. His is the CHEST is coin- f<i" ~cr± telephone cable. Ysrds end Showrobnt . . . tCiti znd K!cftc!s5 from" him at first hand the story job—arid ' it takes weeks—s>f- deof,how this unique volume is pre- ciding what plate rial •should finalTelephone cables s.re not pared. . .. •"• ,",-. • • • ly find a place ih trie year book. often damaged b-ct rv-hea In his office "at the American Perhaps the .most- Iftiportant one is, it calls for imraediate selected Jewish Committee, of which he issingle feature of the year .book is ""' . J3ANCES action. It didn't take locg assistant secretary, we prevailed .the review; of ihe. year,.and that for repairmen to locate-the upon him,to let us'in. on the sec-is.. Schneidermah's, own . unique Cared for 2S? childres in institutions. ' BRIDGE PRIZES troublc.By getting to v/ork ret of editing.the nearest thing to contribution. In this year's vol1 on ii at ence. it tvas repaired a Jewish world, almanac. That ume his review. of "jvorld Jewish WHEELS* AND ' was no mean task either,"for al- Tiistory for 569G covers 300 pages, b.efore da}iight end rrxorcGAMES FOR RENT care in institi'tions. though Schneiderman holds a keya volume'iri itself. TJiis-mastering telephone calls. position in Jewish life (the late ful .piece -of contemp.orary historGave 1S1 indlrlaud children 7,865 days of Louis Marshall regarded him asical wrfting is acknowledged to be We bring labor and maill i^^^j^f^^^^SSS bis minister of foreign affairs) the"most complete ,and authorit e r i a l together, ar> It is our poliCT' to .ir.dabecause ,of his inexhaustible fund tative annual compendium of hap"' r"T»ity i-iage all detasls, -vt-HIi a • tain your telephone scrvics of Information and knowledge,'his penings; in the-Jewish .world. In1. c: -e to fiasace plan that .as free ES possible frotn Insober judgment arid lucid inter- writing;'; 'this yearly . review—he' ^ E3SG Faresm St. . no money dawn. pretation of contemporary' Jewish' has been doing it for many years, temiptioos, errors^ cind 5.n5.* life, he rarely; speaks for 'publi- having started' it as a feature for PHONG HA 5 0 5 3 perfections...to rrovide the cation. .' From : him we lerned the English-Jewish press—he has EJnatttify. and something of. the' history of the - ce you" Iieise vrith Art-Brie. year book. It was Dr. Cyrus Ady ler !who -four 'decades ago first insulate the tdase at the recognized the! urgency of .an anB.icie operation^ eo tlsat nual compilation of Jewish facts tit a i®is will pay for1 isesf. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS and information -arid persuaded Ful»1 Information in " trise ° SihrafJt't. Chocolateo ° Muriel, Cuosta Rcy the Jewish Publication Society,to ec'o* ® if yoss "write, plione 61 or corse to • otxr «how Canada Dry Gjnoor A5o and Harvester Csgcrs issue it.. Strange to say, the Jewm i r:c-•* roost, ish leaders of that day received o Falstaff Beer the idea with skepticism and only 315 So. 13tb Stroot. • • . • • • AT 4292 J A seccn as
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Police n-yicst (>TTA'r —; ^Thirty-six rl-sn ~onth= and ?irlsi!WBre uuarrest this -week fallowing' is by :]ioli«e on iDUr centers 3re young Jews are trained for I era t ion to "PalsstineaSlter they I been denounced .as .jallegedly ryins o u Holsheviijtie ana sisiic activities. i| " Ui Hi o=r arrested -are •expected tre released" after imal examin "pv'thc police, but:* it-is be-°c5 -charges Trill: -be" 'preferred snhem. -According ±n antiuitic newspapers, qualities -of itious-literaurre werojlound in raids. In -a statameptito the T. A., the executive or the nrsrian Zionist iedenition innantly denied the allegations iiie students -svsrre" •sCoinnists, uiat t-JivE^-.1. -received - irasi Jiloscow or : thai they •£ puilty of immoral ;practicsB.
Pinance Plood• erusalem J I A ) — T i e Pales3 grovernnient allotted, npproxiLeiy 52,500 for relitif in the ifl-stricken P.sershebr. aTea in them Palestine; \ • A Trest for 43maitans
KOSHEH'SEEKS IN TOMATO SfcUCE •-: • .- . . o VEEHT^Sl-iE SDU? •-T07::ATO SOU? T O T Tvlanischewits ?ro3ucis at Yntir -jrocer or-Call - -
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'tctunaie iznfc s i s S AGENCESS: a in carefully _sdsctsfl d .homes. dran in institutions, sn-wilfa. 13,110 Bzyf off , • 1 doiSren 7,965 SH^ES of . Jk L7 girls in .the I H a t e t y of 2,4D3 days of caxe to bii
Brcs. -staBiss. HB Trill cczne to' •Eollywoos .late in NoTeraber. BeJJ fore this "famous -newspaperman leaves Ife~ Tori, lie will be tcndereS s testimonial dinner a: , .juuiiuj -Ereen :ia ..back :in Holly- which .Jimmy Walker will -preside "wood after iiavics .had'the time p ^ ilaycr FicreUa lia GcErdi?. of his life while -making;a -picture ja n d "other r.otabes -will speak. in Honolulu .. ... . Sally Basra j Bellinger's "career in the ns-vrs•spsnt a lew days -in-ths Calif orcis i I 52 ! 3 ^ profession Sites -back 14 state -prison "for women in crdsr j rcsrs ago. 5 e SETT Esrvice tm the to .get ihe-proper.atmosphere Tiad I Kew York Daily SetrE and Chimood lor -fhe dramatic .story "of cago Trihane for seven years he•One of the most important stand l o r : the :helifil in God and tic of those countries in cme Tray prison life which shs Trill be utterances ol the past (Jewish the Jewish .individual live by that nr nnother. if the T/orlfl Dnian starred dn by JLED - . _ Hiiiie icre "-affiliatiEs Trith the KBW Hciiy mirror .and Ein£ Feacalcnflar -year by a Oewish -rs> helM in Goil. That lunction. liv- had not achieved acyihing . else Cantor'has ^olflJ2Oth •Css.tury-P.as ITork tures S5rnaica.ts. He aniiiDreii Jigitms lenflcr w s the :epeeclj ing and -important ana Tltal. is but that, It wnuld HETB acnievea a -story''for .a motisn 'nicture. |"tares "fesalis, " I .Meet E l,ot of m e which 3»rosressiVB Judaism a lot. "But the success ol Progres- "Sing "W-hile T.ou "Sleep"," -and !People," "The Ten T.Iillion" r.nc Udent nf ."the Central Gon?crence undertoofe because traditional Ju- sive Judaism has been shown in hopes to have it preparsd Sn~ his dwEy;" "two v—^ f Over inf .american Ushliis, tuld :that daism failed to perform it for a each country to.a growing extent. 1SSB offering. S e only ld Pollies of mates-i stage shows, "Z *'.yQ ' • • r~* -r • p — T. •, ~ *^~]~" " liofly that "CHIT /reformation large number .of individuals. 1 had cause ..ID 1OQ£ up some fig- one picture a ~year .new .. . IS SI" snfi "Hot Oha," and days are over." An this arlicle, ures and I found' that in .America moving pictures, "Night Sluni's -attractive .young' isene, nne EtatemEnt in the »Br. aiattncli, chairman ol the pi J)r. Xfivyls -comment DT the -Union of American Bebretf ireS "Weisenfrfinna, made her I Court" ana 'SrnadwEy Bill." %0Elil Union for progressive address calls ior Eomewhat Congregations has almost trehled stage debut -this, wees by appear-1 Judaism nnfl -rabbi or "the X»II>- detailed inv.estisation. H e f jo.T-m its membership in the test "twenty 'ing at the Little -tnaatsr of '2\cr£b | ernl Synajjuyue in ^Xionflqn, -sub- Uudaism, he :is reported ID liave years, I carnrot speafe for every ,' Cal., "in "A'UaciiE'nT^ jects Br. 3^ery'a assertimi to saifl, has lailEfl 'to Inlluence ..the country; 1 can only speafc ttrr the yn.1" "Delorcs recsr.tly Bcarchin^ dialysis nnd answers cast in i e r 2irst ~m®ri<e -witi butt or Jevrrj'. i r we translate country Jrara -wiiicii 3 came, -wiere the question "Has Uelorm 3n"bulk" :into "msjoTity" that, I of course the development has her feinous tmcle 'in E ssrs.Il part daisin Called?"—-The JJOitor. suppose, -is a lact we hsre to xec- been. TtiRTlred. Ilndsr the auspices in "The Xi£e nl'Ssiile Sola."-..™'.. e. Barryiaore iiave Df the sixtseii .million of the !World Ilnion, orsanirations John and H-he Wnrlfl l]nion' l o r -Progres- Jews" in the world, ^Rfiform Juda- stanning for 3*rogressive Judaism purchased .-a'.new-English tjpe ;sive Judaism^ was founded slevsn ism has entered ihe life ol only have been established in .Holland. hnme in the ritzy :BeI-Air district ago at"xi :mestins in iDn- a pro-portion and not the major- in AuBtralia, in South Africa and of Beverly Bills as , 'with two special aims. Oneity. But winch iorm DI Juuaism now, with the help of the TVofId that "they expect their -presEnt, state of domestic "bliss to estisre. '"to ;hrhrg tbgBthET xepxesenta- has," :ni recent TESTS, inriuencefl •TJnion, -'organizations are of: CErogreisaiTB .Judaism the bulb of Jewry? l^hich torm maintained lor ^Progressive ."Juda- T i e iamouB actor -will saxm. take" •svilich includes Ihose ol Judaism influences the Jewry •ism in ^Palestias. J*OT' eleven Slains m a belated tour of lEnrnpe and -also -present tiDns -which are called :In ^Russia or in •Poland? These .years .that Is no little and vthtJHe that STS called "E.e- countries did -not know 3teiarm but 1 -am speaking nf what-It i a s her with an'-especially-made,. airjiorni" ior .an exchange of they infiw only one done in order to show what it can conditioned limousine itaich lor a fliscuEEion Of policies, Inr Mnd of Judaism. Can i t be Eaid do. "Even more important than e anything In file "way til motor cars seen :in Hdllywccd . .,. .ennaidsring -Trays by which !Pro~ that ithat kind nf Judaton .has in- the growth. oT the sreEaive JndaiHm might increase Lnuenced the bulk nf Jewry in Jewish organization is .the :growth (Both "Hr. " and. jSIrs. 'Sarrymore Progressive Jewish influences.™ anfl^strengthen iitB work .in the those countries? been awarded '•contracts IS anyone doubts the strength with 3f CDnntries and in the ursanizatiuus The position of Judaism as a wherB dt existed. The second vpuT- areligion iin Eastern Europe today of 3tef arm Judaism he can meas- Grand Motional .Films has en-pns& -was :to combine all ;.the--EX-. is mot one of which any ^section ure it by the opposition which it gaged Abe .Sleyer to write the listing 3?rbgr£Hsive Jewish can he proud, and if there i s tolias :to ^neet. ."NobDdy tries to op-'.musical score •tot its nsst Isatnre lor joint irark in be any judgment as *to lailures or pose :anything that is weak; it . . ."Yes, it's•true.-gicny-"Martin's irig ZPxDgressiYe JudaiBm to coun- success, 'there is a lamentable .fail- ialls through its own -weakness. real -and" -professional XSSJE are tries u n a tp Tlacs3 TThere it did ure -wHich aoes not lie ait the flnnr S u t -vrnerever ILefarm Juxiaism ranr"sneCT3therssine, Tony .2Iar-. :has established itself and -Eeeks ~to tin. "His real nsmfi TTSS Alvin not tfasneriHt. . of 'Beforni Judaism. Seform' J itssH,. every TnarsTis is ilorris sna tiie lact - that this •- 7The lirst of these ^pnrposes Inmay not iiave influenced ^establish aicated "that "TTB Lbelieve'd-'in jrrog- the hnlk -DI Jewry in those coun- used to oppose i t and t o destroy talenteil sinsins actnr of tie xess In ^Progressive ^Judaism, ihat tries, "hnt neither has m y otter it. IThB.nisasure nf the opposition movies .and radio w:e did mot 3my nf TIS claim—no Judaism, :and i t may he said Jn is the :measure nf the strength youth was unknown for a leas v .r matter what conntry -we came extenuation ..for Iteform Judaism and ihe influence "which Heform time . Procedure in -a .ics A"HJudaism possesses. gelss court "made the c xrom, TIO ."matter what particular that it did -not get the chancs. .. T i e l'ish-0 line "we took i n pjosreasive .Jn- Other forms of Judaism did get It is important that Hef arm J u - martin's daism—that ^rosresssive Judaism the chance. "They nad these -peo- daism .has srown.in .influence and •marriage of J . "Walter Hsibea, . ' power at a time -when -religious director, .and blond and i a d come to the "end of its de-jile as -their aiiherents they influence i n general i n s -grown "Virginia Urncs is set , -and that dt must ^tay lost item. Thnt :is some of leas. During the "thrse-nuartsrs of - , - -r for December "o . .. . 3Iiss Brace ' it is. iPor -it i3 :i undamsnthat there is nn salvatally true that in Srosressive Ju- tion in .-^oing bact, that salvation a century or more of the existence •was t h s iDurth wile • cr tne latp i of Eefarm Judaism, the influence John Gilbert and "with 'hsr young , daism, change, .aflyelopment, .is a lies in going forward. sign .not ol iallure but ol success. .Bomfithing like twenty jears of Teligion in the world .has daughter inherited the bulk -D! j grown w,t=uker anu wtialrer. "5Tet TVnereas ;in: those lormB ot Teii;in Xnndon I was asked to at- Seform Judaism has l>e&n grow-Gilbert's 525T3.000 estats . - - It : i gion which accept :an .authority ngo -will be Ruben's .secnnfl trip to tlic | tend a -meeUng nf a Liheral Jewin strength. "W-hat an evidence, altar........ SGM ,kaa .sisn-23 a xssw 1 V " Irom the ^ast, :«TBry change, ev- :i3h congregation of -working men ing tc~ :" to the "inherent contract -with Korman Srasua,!. ery ilsvehrpment Js a csign that and womsn TKhich was heing BS- what anftestimony to Sist r" the ideas of the 3noTe- who rose ..from ths xanSs cf "SLign- < ihe authority ihas iailEd, srowth itafalishsd uit that time, in order ment for which : we stan2! But A T ly paifl .Ecresn "writers E yssr :Sgi> j Jt <y Wius. i:> belongs to the very life nf thethat 3. might answer guestums "have, to coniess, "not in a spirit to bscome "one ol H<"" TxogressiYE JEwiah Idea.- ThHTB- ahnnt Xiiheral Judaism. An old-we ot upposition, -not even i n a spirit lore, there is merer any •cause for man got up at thiB meeting. S e of -criticism, .iurt'in a "Epirit -of y i e -cp- i Tork (JTA>—A ccnLieryuimgest g p HUTPTiae, but .a cause ifor grati- had -a little hoy "by the iand. ~"3lEy •portunitr to oecorse a producer r-en.ee cf S50 re3-s2€s.ts.tiveE of that 3lfiJona-.Judatude, -when a call "lor with h i s i i J ; Jewish .Sinners in -tie east I speak "Xiddish?" he asked. I j u r e re anent, ior change, comes ±mm ad- saiii: "Tea, .do! I cannot speak it ism :has grown in strength bea candiSats iar last; elded this .TTSSE; to for herents t o and ;from leaders ol enough to risk it, but J can un-cause ths "older kind of Judaism year's Academy awsxd . . , , jtvr&a- j -tioiral frat-er al c-raer '.ol Jewisfc v iir^* c iprogressive Judaism. deTBtsnd."."Well, then," :ie said, lias weakened. .Orthodox Judaism ns'.is author End iirodncsr cJ the •farmers. .A cniaGiittee was &p- f-r c. "^ ""When, therefore, the Tetiring "1 want to tell yon in Tiddish cannot .hold those who adopt the Laise Rainer "2ilm, " S i s City" . . . pointed to • formulate pUsas for .r:r;.j ^president ol the Central Confer- what Iiiberal Judaism means to modern -views of life and thought Hian James' TIEW "EOVEI, **Kot TVfnriB in Heaven," will be -made Agricultural saciety was aske£ ic T^'z. Z\. ence of .American Jiabbis, Dr. 3?B- j ^mg. w e and of the universe. I t i s .only "into 75::y y E a r s old. My My -whole a -movie by '3IG2I . "lix Levy, in lih? .presidential ad-jjife long j ,ts^e looked ior .this Ueform Judaism that can C-XiS • .as the -plans are Teacy. -tis cast at -the name • -ne in-tis dfflss to the meeting i nf the Con- kind nl Judaism and 3iow I "have men -and -women of that temper Tayor, • "Dniversal's lead and -that attitude. "We do not op- from "the west, .is to taks a "Eui •ccnfersice, wiir! lerenee, called ior .same xhangesr Xound it. IChe Judaism J in the "HIAS buildins, dis- corfi, K. T..' -president of ths 1'. ior BDm8 devehipmentB, In Amer- hronght up in I cannot noaalbly P ° ! e °Ttii0^oz ^^daism; we do -pean vacation soon . . . Fsncko pro due sr, ncnT wx ; russsd problems of JeTrish xs.na- : p p o s e any s n y oppose ican Liberal Judaism or Iteform ielieve in, but the Judahsm^I now i U i b t th J d i ^ Z ?° ^"^ ^ pers. .Bpeaksr ou: that;; tisn. ;at -we oppose i3 the lack of Paramount, P a r a i n , is one of .the lew p Judaism, "that call -was t o 3»ro- have, this little grandson of mine iiscusEion of gressive Jews in itsell not a con- can believe." That-was a "Yiddish- Judaism, rand it is to -meet and to -cade good in the "c-lfl.. 'iicme i Jewish fs.TinerE, numbering some! .During She -was bars sad .be- 1100,000 is this country, sr© leacovercome that lack that -we have town" ir ani mark^; iession oi failure. ££f the presi- speaking, working-class Jew. dent of -an nrthodos Jewish orlet us be completely rfrank banded together for our .-work. came famous in-X.cs Angelss snfi ,=r OTB to introi'iiss :ES"S" EHH. ganization or :rabbinical nrganiza- •—and here I go back to i)r. Xievy. But "we .have to recognize our xe- sold "newspaper tie : I xion had-said: "Gentlemen, -we If Ueform Judaism has failed to sponsibility as yrogressive -Jews. •psy for .her early firanatic train- | tlfic agrinsltural metiioas. hat starts;! - branager of the ' countr must make changes;" 'that would influence the masses of Jews in Our responsibility is .not'only to i n g at .Kigi-tstcwa o c i e t y , Jewish confession of jfailnre. 3 u t the countries where Ueform Ju- ourselves "but OUT TespDnsibiiity is .be sevan --1-eE.rE "o. viiicri ' when the ^president nf a^group of daism is established, the -faUlt is j"to world "Jewry, i t "is unly by the CDBS ..E.iSC cepressioa of Progressive Judaism that j Keform 3ttabbis says: " W e ought ^not with ^Ueform Judaism hut EXld OWES. io change," .far 3rom being s. con- with its leaders. :For Eef orm J u - we can win the Jews of the i u - -trritsr, as
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2es3ion uf iailure, that i s a. sign daism i a s the power to influence tnre Ior the -.religious iisrita^e nf i a s bsen cunoiracsd t y ITiLrsc? nf living power." . Jews of air kinds and all classes, our people»-_l£ Judaism has a fu3 u t hi the -report -which 1ms and if it lias not none so, let us ture i t is based on the growth reached ns, -great. stress i s ana "increased strength . of 3>ro- I of t h e XailUTB of by the critics anil opponents "of i-j Judaism, but let us speak gressive Judaism. That growth is Ueform Judaism nn the statement I ol nur failure. nur responsibility. -which Ur. i e v y i s reported -to On ihe other lhand, Reform Ju- (Copyright, :1937, l y Seven have made: "Dur reformation daism las," :.ln--what feature Syndicate.) days arB uver," and iliat i s intercomparatively irreted to mean that 32!aform Ju- achieved great results. The "World daism is over. I h e Reformation TJnion ha3 been i n existence elevCLEAN • days in. the Christian Church ^were "Aliracts en years. Hixring :that time it has over: -several ^hundreds of given evidence "that Uleform, U b OMAHA TOWEL ago, 'but jReform. Christianity .is eral or Progressive Judahmi is a g ' : SUPPLYnot over—'far ifrmn "it! \3leforma:Since 1.B7B .tion1 days Jn thB churiih lasted 3or E.-ZSZB- ' '. some- decades, but Protestant movement belonging ID Christianity which was "the -result three countries and characterisol -the "ESormatiDn has gone ten, - and .goes on xmd "will .go nil. .33.e- j -\ • fS-i., ,&'fZ formation days mrry be TIVBT for Ueform Judaism, but Ueform Judaism i3 "far ^rom being over; i t i s -nhly just beginning. I t Js only a perverted desire to find arguments 'against Jieform .Judaism TV-hare HD arguments "B^ist, to interpret such a.statement to mean anything contrary to the _hDpc3,1 the "-aspirations .and the belief til j nil ajf ais that Ueform Judaism isj _a power. .Surely there is -no nne, least -of all the president -of the Central Conference of American 3 s i b i s , "whejwnuld maintain that ^tOPCTn Judaism is dead. 3 u t lie made a Tpiea Jar a tendency, a return 'perhaps, "to more concerva-tivB -practices in 3tef orm Judaism in Amsrica.' -As "Herr Ueahtsan•walt Stern of the German Ref orni Jewish group Eaid recently, no, matter how far hack to consarva- j larics isuitt of nest Tr.atsrials tive -practices jleforni Judaism in j and wsrkmanAmerica may go, It would probshir. ably-still aot be as conservative as liberal Judaism is in Germany, Borne o* us doubt whether such -a xeturn is the best -next -
—™ •"•—•«• 13*
step, in "the development of 31sloftn Judaism. I t "la tha aim ol T'rDgrezjivE JuEabm to bring God into theji1, Ills of the Jewish community and ' ,< „ nf -ths Jewish, individual, end to j the Jewish community
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H. Gottlieil t^ho was Professor of Maritime League French Jew. was cue of the otitWill a young lion give forth his voice out of his den Seraitlcs at Columbia for forty stantlinp o£ American p Gems of the Bi To Establish Iwo If he have taken nothing? years, and under whose strong chn-ins the \^"ar of 1812. Jewish influence came many Will a bird fall in a snare upon the earth, Naval Academies Christians and Jews who neyr fill ,} By Dr. PhR& Where there is no lure for it? PUOUSHED EVERY FRIDAY AT OMAHA. NEBRASKA. BY position of importance in the I Haifa (WNS-Palcor Agency) — ' iWill a snare spring up from the ground, THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY land. In addition to teaching at i Two schools for seamanship are this great University, ,he played BIBLE C2.C0 And have taken nothing at all? to be established by the Jev ish SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. Ona Year a conspicious role in Jewish life And their seed shall be known ; Shall the trumpet be blown in a city, ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION here and abroad, both, ss scholar among the nations, and their off-; Maritime league,...which now has And the people not tremble? EDITORIAL OFFICE: 500 BRANDEIS THEATER BUILDING DEALE and communal worker. I t is re-spring among the peoples; all \over 10,000 members although it SIOUX CITY OFFICE—JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER gretable that the editor gives first that see them shall acknowledge i started activity or.lv a year sgo. Shall evil befall a city, PRINT SHOP ADDRESS—4504 SO. 24TH STREET place to Mr. Rosendale and notthem, that are the seed which the j ° n e ? < 'J. 68 ^ ° . ° l 8 v ^b f 1 " ^ DAVID BLACKER • Business and Managing Editor And the Lord hath not done it f ;ed *ith the I-lebrew Technical mto Richard Gottheil who was ,LTo .r d. J V j , a.t,h k M « ^ W7 . A course of J FRANK H. ACKERMAN * Editor For the Lord God will do nothing, prominently identified with JewIn all their affliction He w a s!;stitute . . at . .Haifa. . LEONARD NATHAN . . . Associate Editor But He revealeth His counsel unto His servants the prophets. ish life, and who in many ways afflicted, and the „ * • ! of His j * « « « ^ *™ / _ « « , ™ ! be | to boys apod from iS to If, ! * HABBX FREDERICK COHN . . . . Contributing- Editor The lion hath roared. was an international Jewish fig- presence saved them; in His love on; ali the Clmnukah ure, known and respected The second school will he atRABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS - _ i - Book Editor pr^n My roducf^rl prices. and His pity he redenimed them. Who will not fear.' 'iiu selection of Chnnutaehed to the Max Fein Trade world Jewry. The scholar is made j jj become as one A n d w e a r e a ANN PILL Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent rrvu!'? from hrne>, silThe Lord God hath spoken, to .play second fiddle to the fin- J t h a t i s u n c iean, and all our right- school In Tel Aviv,-where a oneiinc cliromlum plated vi'iv ono a t nlrnost oost ancier and political leader. The je o u s n e s s s r ea s a polluted gar- year course "will be given for lads Wno can but prophecy? r:!;h rvt-ry purchase I will of rabbi and teach-! ment and we all do fade as a leaf; wishing to take up vrrioup types <>i Chaniikfth Carniles The Great Powers-Prepare This remarkable passage is from the prophet Amos who subordination er to the wealthy Parnas,~so com-:and our Iniquities like the wind of port and longshore activity.; i-t;nk1f't rtmtdtninp the hisCnanukah ABSOLUTELY -o--y o What appears to be the lining up of the great powers lived twenty-five hundred years ago. In a series of most mon in-"current Jewish life, is an tate us away. , Bar-Cocnhe. JTeerovrHs, heart of FRtL unhealthy phenomenon. Jewish I the marine department of t h e prior to a general war finds our pacifists in confusion. Wheret graphic images, centuries before the birth of what we. call i IIP.VF! on!y a limited number of TAUETD leadership has definitely passed .Jewish Apency Exectuire, visited fncli Vritut—Miorpfnrfl 1 ndvlsc evonce it was a foregone conclusion that America'had fought its modern science, he sets forth and illustrates what is known from When R. Chanina and R. ChJva ; Italy and Holland in order to ; «.;-y one ccn'empla tinpr to buy one. the iatellectual^and rabblnto ir.kc (i(lvi\utnsre of my offer last battle abroad, we find those most vociferous in their plea technically as the" law of cause and effect (those 'chancellors of ical leaders into the hands of ] were quarreling with each other, i studj* Erangements on the spot ; WMILE THEY UAST. ; R. Chinina would say: "Are you ! and equipment of similar schools. to stop the "Fascist menace," the same who had said, 'never God' as Emerson poetically styled them) and applies it most those who control the purseCards 15c Dozen quarreling with me? I am.able to a g a i n . ' .. . . - • " -, '' ' .-' : ' . - ' - • - . . . .solemnly and thrillingly to the events of his own day, to the strings. And this is most unfor- renew the Torah by means of my PatroKize Otir Advertisers tunate. The appeal against Fascism is strong as far as the -Jews particular situation that confronted Jerusalem about the eighth Two splendid articles discuss discussion if it should be for- j . are concerned. They see what has happened in Germany, where century before the present era. He foresaw the destruction of the work and function of the He- ;gotten." Whereupon R. Chiya ' answer: "Are you quarrel<— in the name of Fascism, the Jews hav_e been the victims of the Israel in the year 720 B. C, His prophetic ear heard the trum- brew University in Jerusalem, i ing with me, who have caused The author of the first article; pets blow, the lions of war were already roaring. most inhumane sort of treatment. •; is Dr. Joseph Klausner, one of its Ithat the Torah should not be forOur time is ominously like that of Amps. I t is a momen- great teachers, a universally re- jgotten in Israel? I did thus. I But in trying to save the world from 'fascism' as the sown flax, prepared nets United States once tried to make it safe for democracy,, the tous hour not merely any more just a time of crisis. The crisis vered Hebraic scholar, one who j have from, it, caught deers, the meat enriched Jewish learning j cause of fascism would only be advanced. War and its after- is about to come to a head. The world awaits a dreaded but a has with many original contributions | I fed to orphans end of their math, as we have only too recently observed, solves no prob- seemingly inevitable explosion. Earnest minds already appre- of permanent value. Mr. Samuel j skins I made parchment. I wTote on the parchment the five bocks lem without creating a thousand more difficulties to plague hend with fear and trembling the blowing of trumpets, the toc- B. Finked the American repre- ot the sentative o f the University, writes I Pentateuch, each on a sin and-alarms of war, the bugles of battle. They sense in their and disrupt the peace. ... • . »«,..«^i •!,„ „„!„.<„„„>,!., **.„*! arate roll and used to go toa city concerning the relationship that The net result of a crusade, no matter how idealistic, will souls the cataclysm: that is about to break upon humanity. A American Jews should maintain taking five boys, and instructed be the preparation of the soil for fascism. We have seen how Sinclair Lewis exclaims "It has already happened here." A towards this unique and indis- each in a different section of the saying to the boys: 'Unduring a depression, when man's economic security is affected, Bishop Oxnam proclaims 'w£ are on the brink of war.'^'"Will pensable house of learning, one Mishnah, which is destined to enrich Ju- til I return each of you shall he becomes-the victim of his own panic and the consequent two walk together, except they have agreed?' Will a Japan daism and to glorify the Torah, teach the others the book which ls to each distortion of his mental outlook. . and a Germany and an Italy maintain the closest co-operation, anew, A higMy illuminating ana-iis known to ea of you and not ' ° '"f ° t t e ' ; And so I have In time of war his very life is threatened. He and hisostensibly against 'communism.' unless ther have the most lysis of "Jewish Community Or- caused .the Torah not „ *to , . .be , forfamily cannot aVoid perversion of thought. One can only look definite and binding military pact! 'Will a lion roar in theganizatibn in the United States is made by Dr. Maurice J. Karpf | ° « ™ « Israel » and this is why at the wreckage "of Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Rus- orest, when he hath no prey?' Is not all this blatant trucu0 who deals authoritatively with a | are ^ ^ the . " ^acts ^ Vof' R. ^ Chiya!" ^ . . 8 " " I sia, where attempts were made to impose democracy. One lence and open, brazen defiance the roar of those who are Rabbi Elazar said: "The right-I host of complex and pressing need only glance at our own south still nursing the wounds about to spring upon their prey, whether in the seizure of Dr. problems American Jews. Cyrus facing Adler gives a vivid ac,_ eous promise little and do much, i of a war that was to free its slaves. . colonies, the raping of Czeeho-Slovakia (as yesterday of Ethi- count of the founding and growth but the wicked promise much and j . . Welfare . _ _ _ Board,_and , nft MttlA ' Though the United States is sympathetic with the demo- opia), the violation of Austria, the Nazifying of Danzig, the of the Jewish of its functioning during Its cratic ideal, it has had ample reason even to mistrust the demo- threatening of the world? "Will a bird fall in a snare upon twenty years. Edwin-Wolf Prise cratic states of Europe. Those countries had their opportunity the earth, when there is no lure for i t ! Is not the march of Mr. Harry Schneiderman, the to make the democratic ideal live, but sacrificed it to their Fascism throughout the world most terrifying with its insidi- editor, writes a detailed review Novel Award Won own self-interests., .-•../ ous^ propaganda among the nations, including incontrovertibly of Jewish life in 5697, covering By Social Worker land where Jews reside. Of Today the Viscount Halifax is authorized to offer Hitler our own Ameriea ? Has not Brazil already fallen into the snare, every particular importance are the Philadelphia (TTNS)—Beatrice I Britain's support in the regaining of the lost colonies, to repu- with the lure held out to all other countries, notably such as pages devoted to events in Ger-Bisno, New York social worker! diate the war-guilt clause of jthe Versailles Treaty, to attempt have large numbers of Germans in their population, as is the I »any, Poland and Rouaania. and former secretary to Sidney j to rehabilitate Germany economically. Republican Germany was case with other countries of South America. Is not the entire! This mirror of Jewish life re- Hillman, president of the Ataal-1 flects little that is hopeful. At ev- gamated Clothing Workers' of j refused these concessions by smug England and smug France. Monroe Doctrine threatened, the democracy and freedom of ery turn, sorrow, insecurity and America, has won the Edwin< Given with. Purchase Fascist Italy has received financial aid from British, and the whole Western world ? "Shall the trumpet be blown in a tragedy confront our people. No Wolf prize novel contest sward) one who seeks to understand the of |2,50O offered by the Jewish j American bankers. Only time will reveal what secret agree- city, and the people not tremble V Shall war with all its unin All Departments real difficulty of Jewish existence society for the best j ments between Italy, France, and England, sanctioned the in-mitigated horrors, augmented a thousand fold by the inven- can afford to ignore this compre- Publication novel of Jewish, interest in Engvasion of Ethiopia. And in Spain the British '.tone's .are willing tion of the airplane, poison-gas and other devilish perversions hensive survey. That the Jew still lish, with her first novel, "Toon hopefully and courag- morrow's Bread," a story of a to sacrifice principles to get economic concessions from Franco. of science.to death and destruction instead of life and increased carries eously, testifies to his eternal Jewish labor leader in the Chica- j Fascism is a menace, but it is no more a menace than war. happiness, be actually in process even though 'undeclared,' in character. Despite universal anti- go needle trades. i /Today the Fascist states are in the ascendancy, as:reaction had China, and now well (or ill) into the second year in Spain— Semitism, and even criminal dis- , Miss Bisno's p r i z e-winning i and persecution in its day following the defeat of Napoleon. The democratic na- and the nations not tremble at what may befall their own be- crimination many lands, the Jew continues to work, selected by a board of tions have what it takes to continue. Their day can come again loved people,_ men, women, and children, proud cities and labor- battle for those inalienable rights judges, comprised of Mrs. Dorothy Canlield Fisher, Fsnnie without the necessity of shedding blood. iously builded civilizations? "Shall evil befall a city, and theto which he, together with, all Hurst and Edwin Wolf, from 150 In Any Department of Our men, is entitled. novels submitted from practically | Lord hath not done, it?" Shall such wholesale evil of every Store Our nag: Il'J&i— Its the Appendices which cover every country in the world, deals Thanksgiving'Day . ,..; • kind envelop the whole earth without it being a warning from such subjects as "Anniversaries with, the Jewish cloak and suiter Be Sure and On- Thursday the nation /will gratefully recall the memory God?' A sign that the cup of-God's wrath is about full and and other Celebration," 'Appoint- as a social problem rather than j as a subject of humor. Born In ments, Honors and Elections," of the early pioneers who sought America's shores so they ready to overflow? -"The lion hath roared, who will not fear?" "Special Bequests and Gifts," , Chicago, Miss Eisno was educated j ) 4 .could worship as their hearts dictated. They were not theWe hear the incessant roaring of the loud-mouthed dictators; 'Necrology," the most important, aj. C o l u m b i a a J l d New York ttnig first settlers in the. New World. Spaniards had come to South shall we pay no heed? "The Lord God hath spoken, w'ho canitem is the text of the. official j T e r s i t i e s _ s h e fcas traveled ide wideAmerica and Mexico seeking gold. The French had come to but prophesy?" I t is the hour of decision I Brave men must summary of the Palestine British jl y &nd contributed to magazines speak! The moral must be vindicated! No longer dare we Royal Coramissi6n's Report, a I "and newspapers. Canada to build an empire on the resources of that nation. document of tremendous histori-j Formerly personnel director of Today the intolerance the Spaniards and Portuguese 'halt between two opinions,' indifferently and cynically be- cal importance to the world and the Men's Clothing Code authorto Israel. It contains the coatro| tween freedom and tyranny, between Democracy and Fascism, brought with them is reawakened in a world seething with NRA, she is now perversial recommendation that Pal- jity of the the Konie Redirector • hate. "In Brazil a new dictator spreads seeds'of discord and between Eight and colossal Wrong. The sheep must be parted estine be divided into two states, | ; York city. from the goats, in the firm belief that 'God is in the shadow, Jewish and Arab. The report is his lieutenants awaken the hogey of "Jewish conspiracies" to notable for the generous tribute keeping watch above His Own. The American prophet 'spoke' Note the following and grasp plague /Brazil's 40,000 Jews. And our sister-republie to the it pays to Jewish enterprise, achFOR R.ENT 1 room with fill South, Mexico, once content with an-inhumane baiting of Cath- i n a similar'crisis': ievement, and leadership in the j the opportunity the Nebraska conveniences in n e i t r t "Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide: Holy Land. In Palestine, Jews home olics, now turns attention to its Jews. »* locate-^ i m Bice disoffers with your purchases: done magnificent things as trict. Walking c5«stainee> from Even in Canada the arrogant spirit of conquest has notSome great cause, God's new Messiah offering each the bloom have Jews, and against colossal odds, ' car. Near eewnSowa, JA disappeared. The province of Quebec gives new impetus to or blight, both natural and artificial. OO77. intolerance by a campaign directed by the practiced hand of Parts the goats upon the left hand, and the sheep upon the Under "Directories and Lists," is included the following data: r i g h t ; . , ." ; . - . ;• • ••••. • . • . , •• some of its clergy. -Here it is not only Jews who feel the unJewish National Organisations of And the choice goes on forever 'twist that darkness and thethe comfortable tendency, but even more so the Protestants. • United States; Directory of FOR RENT—Sleeptns room light. Only in the United States does one find public opinion the Jewish Federation and "Wel3261 F«.rns.%i Street— fare Funds — -1937; Jewish Per- ATlantie 71 BO. resisting the onslaughts of those who believe in ill-will. I t is in 'If the Lord be God, follow^Him; but if Baal, follow him!" iodicals, Appearing in the United England, France, the United States, and we believe, Rus- States; Jews in the Congress of line,with the tradition of the Pilgrims. I t is something for ; ; sia (despite the dark, mysterious inner doings) will yet have the United State; Jews in the which to be truly thankfuL ^ o gird themselves to contend mightily, and not merely timidly Diplomatic Service of the United FOR RENT Two States, and Jews as Governors _ot : ; j E m m a Lazarus '-' • . . . ; ' . • / / ••.•..^•.: ---: >'> ••-.' and half-heartedly against Japan, Germany, and Italy. "The States. Under "Statistics of Jews" rosrai a ss (3 kliclses C&li find authoritative infor- WE 3 5 2 7 . November 19 marked the fiftieth anniversary of the death lion hath roared." The roar of the British lion is to be heard one will 1 mation concerning "Jews of the ; of one of America's great Jewesses—jfmma Lazarus. She was also, on the side of freedom, of immemorial liberty. The screams States;" "Jewish. Popula- j _ [ more than just a poetess, though she had enough of a reputa- of the American eagle are not those of the hawk, but of 'the U tion of the world:" "Irasialgration i C j tion to win the acclaim of the Brownings. Emina Lazarus rep- bird of freedom.' The prophetic voice of justice and of right- .of the Jews to the United States;' I ; "resented the best in American Jewish life. ' *• eousness will sound. The conscience of humanity, so long dulled- "Jewish Immigration to other ! will nAvnVn *,A •waken Countries;" and lastly a.-»v~Dn +%« She came of a Sephardic family prominent in American and and seemincrlv seemingly AcnA. dead, will awake aand the «»«*>!„ people +~ toI American C 0 M e r n i n s ,. J e w i 8 h taniigrat!oa heroic struggle for divine ends m the Armageddon of God. The Gsuissac ES£E* .Grip life since colonial days. Though raised in the, tradition of the to Palestine." Eovplsng B&I! B8W ecSd This Tolucie compares most . synagogue,' her interests -were wide-spread.. At an early age Frederick Cohn. ia Grsafca by thtt favorably with • its predecessors ^ her talents had brought her the recognition of Kalph \Valdo and will provide, us tlse others s •j Emerson, her idoL . -- , " JIBVCT done, every earnest seels er after truth, with important swiS j As a patriot she had no equal. So intense was it within accurate information concerning ; her that it permeated every line she wrote, and they were her Jews and their manifold activities I words that were chosen to. be inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. in the countries pf the world. . By US. S H E 0 3 0 2 C !•?. LET7IS ; Yet from the time she "had read George Eliot's "Daniel Uzhtl, Jlonat Slasl Tczgtd, CIs-32 Asti-Ssaitie Ctcs:p j Deronda," she applied herself to the task of integrating her | • Jewish tradition and the American life and culture she 60 Berlin OVNS) — Tho first £2j overwhelmingly loved. She was a Zionist 'before HerzL She "THE AJIErSICAN J* E IT I S H jand an Inexhaustible sourco of ti-Semltlc stamp in history will be issued by tho Gernibn poetal i challenged the spirit of modern anti-Semitism a7t the time of YEAR BOOK" VOLUME; 30. ]indispensable information. Among the special articles, tho authorities as part of a new ttr~ (5GQS, 1037-1O3S) J E W I S H its birth.. - -s PUBLICATION SOCIETY. S71 reader will find tributes to twoics o£ postcardR to be published Like her poem Emma Lazarus was a colossus on the Ameridistinguished Jews who have in coanectioa with the cpcrlng o* PAGES. passed away during the year. G. "The Eeterc can, scene. " a r.cv? ar.t!»
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on of God By Sabbi Frederick Cohn "Will two walks together, Except they have agreed? \Will a lion roar in the forest, When he hath no prey? _j.
Tho thirty-ninth volume of the Herbert Cone writes of Sision W. SeraiUe esporitioa in Muaich. Tl.e American Jewish Year Book, is- Kosendale, an Albany t attorney, exhibit fftH fcoturt natertil sued *by tho Jewish Publication active in the Union of Ameriraa wade notorious )>y Julius StretSociety, is- an excellent compend- Hebrew Congregations, an i n t i o cher and Kill rndravar to prove ium of authentic and vital data ate of presidents and important • thai1, tho'Jews bavo bora i a evil concerning modern world Jewry political figures, and who served force throughout history, end the crucial, complex prob- his own state of Hsvr York as Atlems facing it. It is an author- torney General. Rabbi L. I. Narr- • Sir Franc« ccisitative and compact survey of man •writes a comprehensive and pllcr o£ tb« Jewish life for the year 5698, reverent memorial to Richard J, born a "Cohea.
Read It Again
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Wives • of B'nai . : . • B'ritli Members Aid at Meeting
iptain. John Odroneaux. a ch Jew, was one of Jthe outling of American piHvaleers us tlio War of 1812ii
M. SOJ11ST ;:• ..',• . IN JEWJSH BOOKS AND OTHER REUGIOUS ARTICLES 1 29 Decatur St. W7 3 ? 2 7
C^ j STUDY GROUP ! Mrs. David A. Goldstein's study An appropriate clixaa.s io t'iie j group'-on the "English Govern- Thanksgiving holklcy will be pro- ' • ment and Palestine Today" will m r i •> j hold its third, meeting of the seawhose a r n c d ThcEksgiving day eon v. i j son at 1 p. is. Tuesday, Novem' ance will take place on Thurs- • j ber 23, at the Jewish .Community day, November Ho, at the Hotel! Center. Registration for this Paxton. j class 5s still open to the KadasWomen's Division Music for the tSls.iv will be fur- j sah membership. rushed by Webb Feiermar. end hi» : r ' s 1OXEG-SH.SBBOTH orchestra. Miss Anne Goodbiader. general \ gathering- of HadassaTi will be be 'held at 2 p. n . , Noveinber 27, at chairman, zni Resells Hacciier.' Over 150••women'attended t h e the home of I.Irs. Xiewls Lasero- ticket chairmsE, will be in charge •: meeting of the women's division I ,, „ . , „ „ ^ „, v u , Tickets m a r be i " -, « . _ : witz. 2516 Countrv. Club boule- of the sfffur.
close out all the Ciianukah ides nt ercntly -reduced prices. avt a gxivd selection of Chant]Limps made from bnlss, silplated and chromium plated. pill sell evpry nne at almost cost •with every •• purchase1 1 -will a box of Clianukah Candles r X a booklet containing rhe hjsof Chanukah ABSOLUTELY
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Stephen Wise s>.n£ Cyrm Acller Also Bper.k ft Ai;r,i-
Plans'at Meeting!
- ' 1 1 1 .
All society items and club news to appear in nest week's edition of the Jewish Press must be' in the Press office by 3 o'clock Tuesday.
f, T Wives of B'nai B'rith members will assist the conference committee. Sunday when the regional convention of the B'nai B'rith is FRIEDLAKDER-rAPERNY ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT . O n Sunday, Decembter 5, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stein an- held here. Those assisting are >he MesSylvia Paperny, daughter of Mr.nounce the engagement of. their and Mrs. Louis Paperny, will be daughter, Esther, to vMr.. Mas flames Leon Fellman, Sam Green, married to Morton Friedlander, Canar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam William. Wolf, Elizabeth Neveleff, Leonard Segal, Morris Shapson of Mr. and Mrs.'V Herman Canar. iro, Paul Blotcky, Abe Greenberg, Friedlauder, at the Blacfcstqne Miss Stein is' a graduate of Central High school and attended Aaron Edg^r, .Meyer Beber MorHotel. \ • rt co Richards, " a •*» *"»>. * " ™ y Goodman, ^ Miss Rose raperny, sister of the University of Nebraska, where I lton •rto nffHht^ ^n-h • * = c;,,™, ;Davc Blacker, Max Bansh, Sa i t T a affiliated with the Sigma the bride, will be maid of honor. she m was oi the Jewish Community Center i . ,,TT ^" *• ~ Beber, -M. I varc*. xiauasSa-ii * Convention Per* Brodkey and: Ed.Bridesmaids will be the groom's Delta Tau sororityto be c %er ward Brodkey. L. _ .. _ . .. . isonalities" will be the subject for, cicter, Lillian Friedlander, and; be c e r e 1 ^ Mr. Canar graduated from Irs Davld Mrs. Julius Bisno and Mrs. Ben _ . '.discussion and will be led by Mrs.', couples will att.er.fi P Greenberg -presided. Selma Scholnict, Zell Abraham- South High school and also atchai-r" r• o ' *r* - < Committee reports were given i • - . , . / . . « . , . . . _*,-, _ f+ _ J . J • Kazlowsky, are co-chairmen of j . ., ,__, ,.__ ., -r *?_.-„ i David A. Goldstein, who attended son, and Louise Gerlisky. Klael «~ tended the University of Nebrasby the chairman. Mrs. J. J. Fried- ; the Hcdasssh Silver Jubilee ConJUNIOR YAAB ;The groom tias-chosen Joseph ka, where he was a member of the committee. sales man and members of the hospi- clave recently in Atlantic City, N. Soshnick as best man. Ushers the Sigma Alpha- Mu fraternity. tality committee served t h e J. Mrs. J. Rosenberg, JA 1042, A meeting o£ the informal! COUNCIL OF JEWISH -will be Harry ^Volfson, Ben ..Ro- ~No wedding date has, been set. luncheon. is in charge of arrangements. study group pponsored by t h e , ginsky, and Harold Stern. Plans were -drafted to start the WOMEN SENIOR-JUNIOR Junior Vaaa WE*, he'd H the! Fern Rae Katelman, cousin of I work of redecorating the lodgeSISTER A very elaborate joint Oneg home cf Mrs. Carl Lag-men on < the bride, will be flower girl, and Mrs. William Urbach of The-Civic and Legislative group room .before the New Year. The Shabboth meeting is be i n g Tuesday, November 16. ' j David Belzer is to be rins-bearcr. cago is visiting her sister, Mrs. of the Council of JewishN Women Community Chest pledge was" in- ,[planned for 2 p. in. Saturday, DeThe following officers were : Cot: for three hundred > A dinner for hundred| M - B urkenroad. ; cember 4, at t i e Je~isa Comcaan- : . I . ^ . J will meet today at 1 o'clock at creased. pper will be served immediately after \ _ The program arranged by Mrs. i t y C e n t e r hy t h eS e a i o r ^ a d a s s a h . ^ ^ the home 'of Mrs. Jack Melcher, the ceremony. Following the IX HOSPITAL William Lazere, chairman of the 1309 South Thirty-fifth avenue, in honor, of the visiting Junior , , . secretary, and Eess Kirf dinner there will ho a reception i Mr, David Lazarus is still in with Mrs. Philip Ginsburg as co- program . committee, included a ;Hadassah delegates from the M r k S i sher.baum, treasurer. at. tl e • r i a n 0 and dance. I the Methodist hospital, where he hostess. A dessert-luncheon will! P selection by Mrs. \ eight; SOuthwest region who will attend A. Kopslein gave eael" i. has been for the past two-•weeks. J be served. Mrs. George Keuhaus a n da t a I k b y M r s : B - Truesdale, ,t h e j n n i 0 ; r Hadassah conference Jewish . > - i_ his introductory talk on "Jewish 0 c ioc will continue her discussion Of past president of the Needlework j December 4 and 5. A very unique Customs and Ceremonies." i A l i, AxxorxcE B.\R s : * err pg p t which h all "Internationalism." _,. - , , nn "Internationalism." ] Guild. j program is planned to All members, of the Junior j e j c £ Mr. and Mrs. I. Klein announce Mrs. B. A. Simon reported that jO maha Jewish women are inviteS. n The Cultural Study group will Hadassah who are interested i | a t t £ i the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Delmeet on Tuesday at 1 o'clock at the Jewish women contributed ] the subject have also been I n - ' ; rimer. on Saturday morning. No- j the 'hom.e ofTMfs. Sam Greenberg.i 1.5 00 garments to the Needle-, In their first cultural hour of ifle seeting of . vitefi to attend future meetins*. :& , -n t-1 vember 20, at Temple Israel. j the school year members of Sig-4223 Walnut street. Co-hostesses j TneGtSSmen's division annual j Hadassah will, be held at 2 p. m. The next meeting is to be held ; jjgi^ ' ma Alpha Mu were honored to will be Mrs. Al Fieldler and Mrs. j AVXOtJNCE BAR MITZVAH at the home of Miss Tna Gross, ! Mr. and Mrs. Joe GilinsKy an- . hear .a talk given by Mr. Dan Hill Leonard Posley. The class .iU-card party will b 9 held on Feb3 52 4 Xorth Twenty-fourth street, ; - ruary - I ntrance the Bar Mitzvah of their ', of Lincoln on "Europe and Pales- be in "Child Psychoogy." on Monday evening, November! b i
?atron.ze Our Advertisers.
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have onlr a limited number of :h Kind—therefore I advise evone contemplating to buy one, I take a(3\nnt2Re> of my offer HILE THEY LAST.
tanukah Cards 15c Dozen
Sigma Alpha iVlu
son, Marvin; on Saturday, Novem-! tine." Mr. Hill recently returned ber 20, at the Beth El synagogue ', from an extensive tour of Europe
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>e preceded by a 1 29 board meeting. The program will feature Mr. GOLBIE MYERSQi; CLUB Julius Bisno, who will talk on onr *- 1 p The Beth El auxiliary will treat j "My Trip to Palestine From a cT) OT F n r I. is at the Jewish Community Cen- the children of the Sabbath school ] Hadassah Viewpoint." Musical! The Goldie Mycrson club W A l'C T I M ' r.' Cl c-l X ] w ™"t l r «"if ' £ c ter. P "f^r to a Chanukah party on Decem- selections will be presented by the meet on Tuesday, November tZ, j f -° TT-P n lie r -f >r i r a v r e ~cr f r t f h p ^ ' t 50 at the Hotel Paston. As | -pfi ? ' ber 4. Luncheon will be served Council Bluffs Hadassah Choral at 1: 0 at the conclusion of the services group, led by Canter Aaron Ed-1 this is an important meeting all'; * r~n-fi F T "pr ire •V - " i l l1 IT I ar
The council is busy this week renovating and repairing toys to All friends and relatives are . and Palestine, visiting many be distributed during Chanukah cordially invited. No invitations points _of interest on his itinerary. week. Headquarters for this work
to ReJcrs be Scr
'. Beth El Auxiliary
Mr. Hill also showed moving pici tures" of some of the high spots in ~~~ his tour. BBTTRS FROSI ETROPE j -Three members of Sigma Alpha Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jacobs and i \ju -svere appointed to the UniverI members Ere urged to corns. and a musical program will fol- £ iauehter, Natalie Sue, returned jE ; t y of Nebraska- debate squad • ' MEDICAL FTXD Last Sunday at a meeting of low. to Omaha ' Monday from an H-.| through competitive tryouts held j rflarS P tre-"- T - 1 e i P~<- n~ The committee which is ar-week trip abroad. They landed , iast-week.- They_*vere Leo Eisen- the Mother Chapter of A. Z. A.' The Youth.Aliyah quota for the j in New York Thursday on board | statt, Omaha: Leo Turkel aud it was. announced that- Hascall j ranging, the supper for the Beth Hadassah' units, in the United I i from t.h.p coL.rAT"» t o !» ^r Arthur Hill, both of Lincoln. Lazere and Morton Margolin will j El Rigadoo will be entertained by- States, was recently increased to j The regular meeting o£ the Rex. Harry Ginsburg, Dakota City, represent the chapter in thede- ! the -.chairmen of the committee, j 1 0 0 thousand dollars. This is to | piea-=a-t Sill Cpms-te-y societ'r .was chosen as a. member of the bate contest at the Cornbelt Win fin- j Mrs. Julius Stein and Mrs. Joe h& , i l s e d e s c i u s i r e - I 7 £Or the imnii-) v m be held on Tuesday, Nov. Err&r-t 1 rs'l s * - p VP n BRIDGE CLASSES HIE. e ' q £.E i it Cornhusker battery, of the artil-j ter regional tournament to b8 I Goldware, at the home of; Mrs. gration project concerned with I Miss Hermine Hirschmann. an"^1' 7e-KV-h c p <* •lery. This group is similar to the held in Rock Island, 111., Decem- Stein. This committee is E s t -the-settlement of Jewish children \ There will be a nounces that she wijjl resume Crack Squad of the infantry. They F8T1 r c | - - «• r i_ ing elaborate plans to serve all from • Germany and Poland in 1 at 1. teaching contract bridge in pri-specialize in various drill ma- her 25, 26 and 27. iGCE.' " t c r'The question for debate this kinds of. Jewish dishes fr^ra 5 to Palestine. This quota is besides j vate or! class lessons, Those de- neuvers, and take a trip to Fort year is "Resolved: That the Rec- S o'clock the evening of the car- the'budget of 1270,190 for the f •<r the r -r"! = ri tr&T"- «-T1 Z 'siring appointments may call Crook to exhibit their skill be- ommendations of the Royal Com- nival. coming year on medical and Harney 4068. fore United States army officers. mission for Palestine Are For the Mrs. Henry Belraont has been health work. he'e ' sftePians have been completed foT Best' Interests of the Jewish Peo- nominated recording secretary of 1 Through the Hadassah Youth A large aitsnaancs vas present BIBTfiDAT PARTY . 1 S. A. M.'s house party following ple." • Plans are under way to the meeting d the TTcTnen's Miss Harriet Saylan enter- the Iowa-Nebraska football tussle. hold a few practice debates with the r."~. r — to take who the plsce I Aliyah these children Mrs. auxiliary Sam Theodore, has of rethat are"program t-rought into Palestine go i AH visiting lowans will be hon- other, chapters prior To the con- signed because of illness. through a regular training school! iHQ Eabbi Kiltoa A. Kepstein Saturday afternoon i a honor of ored at this party which promises A special Chanukah party for until they are capable of becora-; '.T. I. Morgen?terii spoke. vention. her 16th birthday. . . " . . . . ' . . to i e unique and different. women of the Beth El will be ing full fiedgeS workers. The j Tea. and refreshrnentR i The Grand Aleph Godol of A, the Prizes were won by Ruth LinJvea Z. A., Stanley Rabinowitz, visited ! S by the directors cf t h e latest Youth Aliyah settlers t a r e ' da, Shirley Greenspan and Ann been ia-.Kishiaar Ha-Emek, Kfar i the chapter's last meeting. While auxiliary on' December S. jixbltman. •'"-.. Jehoshua, Kfar Near Bats. Kfar he "was here lie spoke on the" subChassidiin and B e n Shesaea. ject of "Chapter. Improvement.". I JOSI.YN These settlements are organized Stanley Rabinowitz of. Des j He stressed active participation la A program of the "Young ATt- Moines, grand aleph godol of the J communal as well as A. Z. A. afE clsss £ S E 0 0 1 1a st h e sups are large I The Bible Mrs. M. F . Levenson, president j e n Ists" series, .sponsored by the A. 2. A., was. the main speaker a t ' fairs. will, eet on of the local Jewish National Fend ! ° ^ and the preliminary train- j Omaha Music Teachers ' associa- j the ninlH anniversary celebration > day, Korenber ', at 1:1? The chapter basketball team co.-ncil, has appointed Rabbi Mil- j l n ^ h a s b « e = competed. tion, -will be presented in the lec- o j S a m Beber chapter, 100, on wiirhold a practice session next 1 Mrs. Julius Stein, GL 194S, is ; at the Congreratinc B^si Israel Kopstein asd Mr. I. MOP- I ture nail at the Joslyn Memorial November 4. at the Jewish Com- Sunday. TryouU will be held for | 1 A / s a c o m m ! t t e e t 0 c o a . . •I accepting contributions for t i e j Eighteenth and ChiCEpn_Ftrpets. t e r a L E! tids Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p- munity Center.' Hadassah Youth Aliyah program. I Rabbi Kepstein conaucts tht positions on-the basketball team j ^ ]ocal o r ? a n i z a t i o n s Sn r€gard jn. Young Artists on the program Motion pictures of the 1936and for oratory in t h e n e a r j to participation in J. X. P. ac- Mrs. Stein, who is also medical • class, will be Ruth Correa Lnclje, pian- and 1937 international, conven- future. fund chairman, announces at this '• tivities. . . . ist; Claire Farrell Henderson, so- tions were shown. Miss Goldie Gerelick was elect-S t l m e t h e Allowing women who ! BAS-A-fH prano,'and a violin quartet conHarold Zelinsky was chairman have fulfilled their "Give and • ed new secretary of the local slHting of Bobert Koterba, Donald j0 { the evening. Guests included Tie first meetixE of the r-r.tt She takes the place of Get" Korisko, Frank: Bukacek and (.gain Beber, founder of the order; the Bas-s-rai dub VBB trldd on The Arts and Crafts circle un- | Miss Sarah German, who has left '.MIlO Bukacek. j City Commissioner Harry TrusTrus . . . . . . , , ,. j Oscar C. Belzer, Mrs. Jake Blank, her 4 £t the tome cf Xisz d e r I Mrs. J. -Bernstein, Mrs. Harry • Lillian Perclmar.. - The lecture at 3:30 Sunday aft- tin; Dr. A. Greenberg, president j the direction of Mrs. Herman j town Jahr will • present an eight-act | j Braviroff, Mrs? M. Brodkey, Sirs, j of District 6 ofB'nai ernoon in the Joslyn Memorial The club is planning a firav-ir.g '•—I Julius'Bisno, Executive secretary show, at1 8:15 Wednes-| secretay jjdvaudeville P10MER WOMEN i Herman Cohn. Mrs. Sam Cohn,! on NoYember 4 st the • Jewish a Jecture hall will be given by Dr.JuliusBisno,/ d a J r evening Decembr S i th December S, in the ! Mrs. Seymour Cohn and Mrs, Hsr- ;Community Center. The ir.oney B. H:-Bruening, who will speak of the order/and Ben Barkin, as- J ves rt evening t - t r~r-. . ^,J?_ 0 ? ls ,, 0 _ f . Temple-Israel. The Pioneer Women's crgani-| ry Crounse. I will be donated to some worthy on "Social Trends Toward Health sistant.executive secretary. Many } Assisting Mrs. Jahr will be past aleph godols of the chapter zation. vvill hold an One iab-l "Also Mrs. Sam Davis, Mrs. Ben jCHuSS. Improvement." Mrs. Julius Solomon, Mrs. Sam both at the home of Mrs. J. Rez- j FiBher, Mrs. Morris Fox, Mrs. A. i At 8 p. m. Sunday the second were present. Teper and Mrs. Herman FriedRefreshments were served after nick, 3S34 Hamilton. ID. Franks. Mrs. Jacob Goodbind- ' -lecture in the Town Hall Porum lander. Patronize - Our Advertisers . Community singing, led by [ er,' Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky, Mrs. series is to be. presented under the program. . Costumes are being designed the. sponsorship of the Nebraska by Mrs.,Mas Holzman, Mrs. Rob- Mrs. Reznick, will open the pro-j I. Groasinan and Mrs. Morris Jacobovr. ' Society of Colonial Dames. Proert Rosenthal is in charge of gram. BIBLE CLASS Current events will he dis-," Others are Mrs. Sam Joscrhfessor Herbert Martin of the Uniticket sales. -., " H ."" cussed bv Mrs. H.. Rothkovitz. A son, Mrs. Jack Kaufman, Mrs. ?. versity of Iowa will be the speakThe Bible class of the Temple tr- v' t. 4.V V t report of the regional conference I Lleb, Mrs. -Hymie Milder, Mrs. er, and his subject -will be Israel Sisterhood-and the Counwill be given by Mr. M. Minkin. ] Jules H. Newman, Mrs. 1,'eyer "Friendship—Its Nature, NuTture cil of Jewish Women will meet The high school group of Tem- ,ji r s . j . soref will present a re'a-d-j Raben. Mrs. Harry Reuben, Mrs. fc I and Need." Tuesday morning, November 23, pie Israel will meet on Sunday at j ing. o_ Harry Rochmsn and Mrs. T. A. at" 10:30 at the Blacksto'ne hotel, j 6 o'cock. The series devoted to j ^Refreshments will be served. Tully. ANNOUNCE BIRXH - Mr., and Mrs. Arthur. Lustgar- Persons interested are still being j "The Choice?"of Life's Work"Vill Patronize Our Advertisers C." _ ten of Detroit? Mich., formerly of accepted! into the class. Rabbi .be continued. Miss Mary Sawtell j . Patronize Our Advertisers Omaha, announce the birth of a David H. Wice leads the discus- of the Nebraska State Employ-] ment service will speak on "Nine-i son on •November 10. Mrs- Lust- sion.. Thousand Ways to Make an Hon-j garten is the former Elizabeth est Iiiving." Patronize Our Advertisers. Grossman. , tave been issued.
T" I " l( I•
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Purchase artrnents
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Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ricks of -Missouri Valley, la., announce the blrtb of a daughter on November 13 at the Clarkson hospital.
' AXXOtlXCE BIRTH Mr. and. Mrs. Bernard Sherman of Milwaukee announce the birth of a danghter, Joan Gall, on November 5- Mrs. Sherman was-formerly Sadye Kohlberg of .Omaha.
Johnson's Gallon Glo-Coat , and '' Applic? $
EB FUSKFTUFJi EXCHMC is taken irto ccr
FEATURING - - 8 Weeks Direct from Chez Paree, Chicago.
-to encourage t a s purclsajEo of ssew Esffirclsandlise. It cred for resale s t the lo-west prices Ve- can pat sijson it. Our first and const&at purpose^ is to uaoks it easy fcr our customers to haTC lbs cow. Onr sscsod is tiie qcsck disposal of the old. • • ' Every day in the year l*bere are large assortments offered. In fact yoa can furaieh s -whole iscas® frcna ,t?tJr stock" which cfaaages constantly. • . ' . It's worth your wfeils to c o s e to' tiis Esciitsgs Depari• rrsent today, and ai -week fresi toiaT,' to secures '.cast j-cts
. MaiiOgany Spinet cesk T T Hig-li back tan tspestry scfa la gooi eoa£jtjca. . , . 1.1-7? Cog-swell chair" aad ottoman irs ijreaa tajss-strjr. . . . t "*1.*" T Linci I «Ja-bed J b d iE l J L d r.d 4 ca&irs 6 O incK dinette aste-nsiesii tafc-i bose white I'sbrscorsi E-estst liike s e w . „» Walnut ^ate leg estensiosi'tabla an Solid "walnut' poster bed, f«K else, . ?*iahog-any tea cE;rt -witls g-Iass trc 12——S-pc. walaut cisicg1 saites J p . tables . . . , . . . . . . . .
Carpat and i Co.
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Good Selection of Coal Ranges and Heaters V4
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EANEE—British-born Ranee of Sarawak, authoress, who with her - British husband r u l e s 50ff,000 North Borneo subjects, en'route to see Hollywood.
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-GOUJjFLOWS TO-FBANCE—An-example, of the'financial juggling that goes on between nations was the purchase by.France, of $10,250,€00 of America's gold store, recently. Here are kegfuls of the yellow metal about to be shipped out on. the Normaridie a t New York. This is the first i t of.gold to a foreign countrysince March 2," 193S, when $350,000 went to Holland.
FASCIST HONORS—As-'-a climax >to the big parade by; Spanish Insurgents, celebrating their recent capture of Gijon, General Franco, left, Insurgent leader, placesa medal on one of the Italian soldiers who took part in the victorious push. " .
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KacDOKALP TICS AT srA—T. "XiitiE— :Crx^)onrld, three times Prime K r i s t e r of Grejt Eritf.ir. % -ic d..-£ peacefully i n . IiCid-Atlsntic v h j p en route on e, lts."x?-rao";h lio'iday "to home in outh /^meric South erica. Th;E ppictur vTir> was Iiossicraouli:, Scotland, vit -raTs old. Tith. hirr. r h e n he fl*?£. ICr. I<rcDoti->? v^s
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ACTOR—George Arliss, arriving in New York from abroad, denied, he planned to mate a movie version of the life of the late John D. Rockefeller.
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EEEE, BEEE!.WHAT'S GOING ON?—From Ssaewhere in -Nova Scotia-comes this uncensore-d picture taken during a safari by Babe Ruth, Caliph of Clout, and : a party of hunters. An o s bungled into-Billy Lovitt's camp and Babs, fearful for the safety x>f others, cast aside discretion and valiantlr attacked, as above. Or Is he merely trying to ring the bell on the beast's neck?
HIGHEST AWARD—Director Roy Chapman Andrews, left, of the American Museum of Natural History, receives the Loczy Medal, Hungarian Geographical,Society's highest"award, from Consul General George de Ghika, for explorations In Asia.*
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ARTIST—Lucille Cramer, who for four years has done animated cartoons for the Soviets, arrives in New York.
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"WEB — Rosezell Rowland, fornier .• burlesque "Golden. Girl," married, in Budapest, Hungary, to Baron Jean Empain, wealthy Belgian.
Jhroi,ed et Ss'l I-FLe C:t^, Ivr Turkey Growers' chF.r:picnsh: stE-tss caes tc the vrh-te Eons
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CAS3PAIGN IN,THE NOKTH—^While.part of the,Japanese forces In China concentrated on capturing Shanghai, which American military observers said was not. worth the cost, from a" strategic standpoint,'other Japanese troops continued-the campaign in the north. These Japantsa soldiars,' wading across a .stream in a northern advance, save shoes'and; trousers from getting wet. -
ATE IT—X-ray picture shows safety pin g iped dOT= fcy , Philip • Finer (inset) that has fcafflsd Sen Franc sco surgcctis. Tearing to give Philip en anssthEtio, t bsr ere rct lirns to s?? if tha pin will leave by itself.
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B2ST—Joe Medwicls, St. Louis Cardinals outfielder, named most valuable player of the National " Baseball League for 1937.
SAFETY SHADES—As Geneva, Swit^orland.-prepared for. a-.vast air-raid di'ill, vendors appsared on the streets to sell-thsss-spsciaL lamp-shacps, which concentrate light beams wtiilc the entire city • is darkened.
- K G C T N G TO TEZ I«1ST—Atrsin aad-c-aJn tlia Cfcirccc here ', to the lest man." Here is ona.el the l;,r.t rtr^sds t y Chir.c-so ede: by the Japanese;. Converting a ch:Illiolo ne^r tiio iTorth Stcticr; Chinsaa fiousaboys cro.TrcUids™ a J?pn,zss2 f.irplaao circlint
: ;-lorc h - f n - ~ ^ ":I"-".ns-i~ ---."•'•>v i s captured ;to a : 3chi3s-srja nesi, t i e 5
CC Jrcod fi-cir. £ linlc-i;": chrrcc at X., J-l? a round o' golf at riut>UI:ig, K. ss a wir-r.vd of the links.
J.. THE JEWISH' PEESS—FKEDAY, KO¥E1IBES 19, 1S37 it because i s • -wasn't offered trouble getting isto certain hotels ! Ecvlecleeii without reservations i \\ t a t is more, llberij' cT t the Cfcurch ; aic! conduct, if ii is ix insr enough. The Cook Paints, by t i e . . . " •' ; &E authority, that it ings, i thing £.t all, Eiur-t be renp way, is an amateur team. Louis B. Mayer was "proud to | &nd of Its sacred pay tribute . . . . proud ttat Can- \ It is scarcely nsce-s rj" to poir.t irresGom,. too, sr-ovlrl cver Now at 31, Phil has hung ist fvo::p. Th? li his basketball shoes. W&ji TFell, | tor belongs to isotiaa pictures . . lort how eifferent In tone PMl has a 6-montfc-old boy of Ms and loots 'forward to" twesfy-fire •& s sttinsfl-e is frets th^t hoash's Yiddish. Bible in a special own now, Gary, &vA Phil said I more years cf fcis fus-xnsa"k5Eg." .prevails in the mines of aost era- ;e~ercise the nbe-tr, TH; ho tit tbe sources. \'. are dvivtr., oCip THE PARADE 1 t should be borne in edition carrying the Hebrew test that when Ms son was bora is'dj. Sosie o* cur nctsWes attend- tempo—ry .Te-ws.. One need or,'?'•' i thought, The most ^vociferous protester mine, last OI p.ii. Lilat. the l«'ec- ;;ev.isU "af\-i, . observe t i e individual Jew of our opposite the famous poet's transgive up active competition. But; ins Rabbi Ksgsin, Fraud; agi-irist MayorXa Guardia fo? B y H A T S CSX7TLS3'- v which we thinlc GereHck could still more derer, Tony Kartis, Parkyakar- ; day to recognize DOVT free be feels ious thi nc\f er.jc;. We e"e i'-'" permitting that famous" Nazi pa- lation reads like a real -united • p~n v.-i-.r);'.. ^ ?•(- \r< o r - ' - t i < - f o r <~.i~ are the products ol the oiioris ; to pass ijudgiaefit on the whole oi kes, Kits Brothers, Chico .Marx, than hold his own with better Jewish front . . . For example, rade in JSTew. York on Saturday. ; Hard-driving, aggressive, colormen * o I:red In nays EOHCt the Jewish tradition or any or Its October 30th, •was a Jewish gen- Prof. H. Chernowltz, the famous ful . . . yet sportsmanship that is teams of today. Even as be moves Martha Raye, Solly. Ward, S221 about at his business st-McFay-t (ScMeppenssn.-) : HeE.rn, Miltoa : parts. Kor is it had to unfier- i They itborec tleman-; of. the press, -who at- an TalTnudio authority of the Jewish never questionable. rtsncE t i l s Eti't in view- i -we as t^p:^ CMI.C-TR-P IT den-Stewart, you can detect that I Esrle, Elaine Barry (-Eriih J o i n ) , ; executive session of the. Americas Institute of Religion, and H. That's the athletic mechanism gliding • effortless motion that j and many more. j point " ras SsriTeg. Tbe older j ssrss the sp'ritus1. icfc, the Jewish Communist playJewish Congress had agreed that that is Is Bogdonoff. That's: the i.. r-xzy ho. i;- ri;l>^; j Jewish theology has, for mar.y I-\rhicb are now at cur fies;l; Jiou the Mayor of New York had no wrights are both on it-... . And mecbanis.o. that Wednesday was made his;play on tha varnished — i h t ' l i b 'i t ; - i i i u n Things that Ere Weeily •" Digest: . Elaine ' and ; thousands and tens of tbousancls frooc. and true maples reseinbls the moveaents alternative - but ; to- permit " the s o o h ' . . . -..-_•. - : . . • • ' . loudly and justly acclaimed by a of a huge jungle cat. of Jews and beautiful In John are slated to co-star in •<»!- '• • ' broken down. There is life beve bp»>r. : march . . .Even "Pntermyer, than FROM FOREIGN SHORES packed audience as ihe.outstand luioid. Marie Roseablooia - wants JXLO longer is- tfceir raiutis E. super- created for us siowSy End by in- OI ;i\r-.i. r w i 3. C. C BOWIiKG We hear that Leon Blum may ing, all-around Jewish- athlete of whom, there is no more "violent V7. 1A, Pet; j to .be 'known as Mr, Mas 'Hamii- i natural sanctiojs ior the system tense EacriCice. II is a kind Oi French ambassador to the past year. anti-Nazi in.tjie country, accepted be the .762 ton, if you'puhleeze! " Tony Msr- | of existence necessarily shakes his sp'riiUnl vests, a vs.rior,r.osF. of Sooners . . „ „ . 16 La Guardia's position as one that Washington .Uncle Sam has For it -was Is who received the r.c .619 tin is Tony Martin ior keeps . . . i Jewish routines. VThE.t is more, | t h e spirit, tc CivS — 13 been sounded out as to whether Irvin. C. Levin trophy in the gala Tigers didn't j mulated h e r ! him, any. legal c" the pap; Xh- PTK? f O " i ' H 10 .524 the judge says he can cold-stor- ! the Jew is no longer part of an Cyclones .._.__ 11 Blum would be persona .grata . . . hole for stopping the. parade oi* award night festivities. It was a I age iis"original label. Sam-Hearn I integrated, unified Jewish group. [ out first ev?, lUEt inr il cra-.t iou 11 .for Tef using tto issue a permit . \ London is .asking why King big night for everyone as numer- Cornhuskers — - 10 is now a Jew-isb. Jew-isb atom flung j and careful]; .4S9jbousbt a'Souse in the tills anfl | ^ is 12 It was within La Guardia's pow- George's address at the opening ous other awards rwere handed Wildcats • ™.~». 9 1 7 .ISOclaims to be the first --yodeler off into space. E e feels EE a re- rr'he oblica l i o n resiin g upou Jayhawkers 4 of Parliament tailed to mention er to restrict themarch route and out. j j g s j suit that he c u r t settle in his rF-'t^i rp- i Two upsets ' featured Tuesday j -with - a dialect.' P i n Baker The ' own isind what be wul believe the- amount, of jarada parapher- the Palestine situation There was always something insurance as -night's bowling when" tbe Cyliovant Fair^In Tel ATIT, due to or cisi>eli€Ter Trts.t fee ~wil\ accept nalia—which he did > about Bogdonoff that made him If not toolcthree games fron the himself as. on his -accordion . or reject. Among the Xorces for George Fr.edman; active Jew- open next April, has been post- stand out When he was playing clones or maybe it's Ties versa. George j Sooners, and the Cornha%-e modified the view1s i ish "Veteran Leader,- there poned for a year because of un- junior basketball a t the Center, leading Gershwin received a meds.1 from 1 " ; of Jews so .sharply in BO would have been a clash between certain political conditions . . . when he was just a tiny, skinny huskers took three frosi tbe sec- the American.' Operia- Society for j P wit ar. -sense of realism or jV.nrt a time, one springs from . the Nazi paraders.and this Jewish British Jewry la mourning the fellow, his drive and spirit put ond place Tigers. The Wildcats bis "Porgy and Bess".. . but t o o | s£ort try iee took three from the Jayhawters. death of "B. Z. Feraht, one of its what .has happened to society soldiers', group" Our ex-solhim above his class,, When he late: His -mother treasures it j tfee rast generally. 'The recent history vl most influential communal leadTwo hundred gaaes w e r e dier's had been steamed , up by got into senior pfay, he still mainnow. Sophie Tackcr is writing her | bowled by Julian Milder, 220; former vaufie psls into i e r lile i •western, civilization lias been future c^r. some antKLa -Guardia politicians ers . . ' . He "was a brother-of Cap- tained that" edge.' ' icy. to create some real trouble and tain Maurice - Firth, • American What* we mean is that you al- Oscar Mayerowich, 205; H. Cor-story, hoping t h e y trill get parts |t narked by the strusgle to emanI; is jDs j cipate the individual from EuthZionist worker . . . Nazi propaen, 222, and Leo Welts, 222. thus 'put'La G'uardia on the spot ways knew. Bogdonof f "was in the playing thslr roles in. person. JEV n.E2 e I ority. As part of ttat world, tbe F i v e hundred series were » . .-But George talked them out gandists In Austria are trying to game. He was always where the Jew has been Effected fcr the rise still rr.ecl of this stupid plan . . Of course, wreck the royalist movement by ball was, either handling it or bowled by Jack Fleishman, 512; c:r Fee-He-to-tnm, I smell tbe p l o t the dectrics of tbe ireec.Dis of denouncing it as a Jewish organyou all know that .the parade was V for it. And he most gen- IL Cor en, 52 8; Pbil KstiEiRn, of a Sam Goldwyajn that "Baby; o r f: l t t 535; H- Horwicb, 515; H. Marks, ._e individual conscience itnfi tbe a big flop from the Nazi point: of isation . . . The official French erally starred. we Strike" e l East Side mothers. ; r i ? _ h t o J t f c a { . C 0 I l s . C j e n c e t 0 6 eterview, a few hundred American tourist office has just published In the past, year . Bogdonoff 507, and Leo "Weitz, 574. an illustrated guide boot to Jewj Their motto tras, no n c r e babies • ^-ir,e l o rU s e l f ^ . v - t i g t r u t h E n f i German stormtroopers. marching blossomed out as a splendid hand•while •-are. have slums. • What a T j . a t i s e r r o r . . AS EL result, the through the German district./'of ish, monuments in France ball player, ranking with the top1 coincidence! "Dead End" has .j J e 7 r s - f e e l to[jEjr that as a ciizea Among the "Nazis" convicted of beetle of the metropolis with no more spirnotchers in Class Ajust 'opened in New York, end ! « twentieth century he b&s illegal activities in Austria was 0 t t e it than a' demonstration of mail ~'\~,:~{\ milk ift By the way, could a fellow rre rrp— garnered reams of publicity. |t f c e r j g t l to determine for himcarriers after a long, ardous day a feeble-minded • Jew by the name have been any prouder than Bog• • • ! self Ids own attitude tovard iuc. . . and 25 per cent of the 1,300 of Egon Dubsky . »". After he "had donoff when he received the By HELEN ZIGSfO3TD TC i e George Jessel insists that 'Jew- ! aisa. policewho guarded' the 800i:Nazi inherited his mother's fortune, trophy from the man who is his TITc' isb papers should rate pictures marchers were Jews . . -Among the Nazis persuaded him to beboss—William Holzman. Boggy, ! Hollywood - - "We Want Thns It has rorne o pass tb£t • matio balls: A four-ctar picture' Tre> a s r e w S i * e e l free .o reject the them were a Jewish Inspector, baptized and contribute funds to you know, is that dapper suit tor" should have been tbe c " roijir. Ask five Jewish captains 'and seven- the underground Nazi movement salesman at Nebraska Clothing. song of the country this vreek. j - - four knEe'dlach, -etc. totality of tbe Jewish tradition ' * • • vTrrr-vliipping . . . Accused of high; treason, he teen Jewish.lieutenants . . .;:;,••. or any single part or it. T<~e may Mr. Holzman served as master Ten organizations and one bun- j was sentenced to six years in . -. * l \ r n in your if we so desire EbsEdon its in- ; dred national personages epon-' - 'S all today, folks. . of ceremonies in his usual sparkTHE NA2a FROST " | prison instead of being sent to an sored "Eddie Cantor Week to (Copyright. 1937, Jctrisb Tele- . herited' system oC morality. We ; ling manner. Main talk was given There'll.be an imposing parade asylum graphic Aeency.-.Ins.) The Armistice Bay j may If we are EO minfied with-; mut celebrate his. "twenty-five years . . of Jewish figures called as wit- parade of the Jewish Ex-Service- by \Fred Dawson, former football of pulbic service," as the ; draw from participation in Jewish \ th-,1 it. wss four or nesses, when Robert Edward Ed- men of Great Britain was unique coach at Nebraska university. •'3; life, individual &cd collective. | engraved program at tbe testi-jff s ago. For t-.l: moridson,. •anti-Semitic pamphlet-j this year because the British Sec| | ! These are privileges which 'have j monial dinner described .it. of our time 13?.!. The handball champion In eer tl goes oh'trial for criminal li- retary of. War, Leslie Hore-BeII! com® to us EE persscs born in c c r , Class B is Marshall Geller, thejter took place at the-Ambassador ig bel in.New York . . .Among the p ! age; 'minister Pre-tournament favorite. j Hotel, trith fan3 Unlng t i e pas- [j§ Jews, subpoenaed are Stephen S. time a cabinet H j But what most moficrn Jews: Wise, Samuel TJntermyer; and marched in a Jewish demonstra-! Geller, a former St.- Joseph, J sageway^ ES for a premiere. Theifl f^ § ! fail to perceive is that the right; : Ho., athletic star, smashed aside Governor, the Mayor, newcomers, |§§ Samuel Margoshes . . If" you hear tion The house of Dr. Ley. Phil Katzman, who marched old-timers, everybody aad Ms ]|§ H ' t o reject Jnfisism i s whole or i n . Oswald; Garrison Villard, noted Nazi labor minister. In which he j s ; part carries with, it & prior oblianti-Na'zi- introducing Frits ;Kuhn, entertained the Duke and Duch- | through the tourney unexpecteS- relatives turned out. Georgie Jes- j "" sel was toastmaster . .. how .else?.-] By'E&bM SSiltca Steit¥erg • gation — the obligation' first-tc; largs dark ICazi .fuehrer, on.a- radio program, je s s o f Windsor, was once the res- | i'understand. ' A Jew i&s the rlj;ht Geller, however. . „ as someone Quipped, "It's get-j proportions. p don't think "Villard4has gone Nazi idence of a Jewish banker ting so that i showed no fear of horses as he .,.-..;.- The - station,- WQXRi gave PiEOPIiE 'We've got Jessel "broke" Katsnsan, Kuhn time :only- on condition that -Washington hears that Sidney> I4,completely we 5 21-1. Geller simply had too give a dinner to Villard speak before and'alter, to Hillman, president.of the Amalthat "of Ills . medieval ancestors i a | ralidity • and psychological values. oc: Highlights: Several many shots for Katzman, seldom . • It is whisanswer the particularly "boys from Delancey Street" who bis political right?, economic cp- jK e k a E t t e right; if he sees fit, I enter the cabinet as Secretary of! h :made . good;- Gus Edwards, in portunlties, social, acceptance and it 0 8Vg.-j.gra -traditiosel obBerrttrce into the t^tCh^e; n Kiddie Kab&ret" Cas.tos Eociation-ofiVB.astpn,, whose direc-
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say MacDonald,.three. svho -died peacefully:: i n . ree-month"holiday ' t o . hiia atv'tus liomeihh.tex. Sheila, who •was 'sli -was_71 years old.
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j f . H u n t e r , I-.admlttesl -tog-1'fhe. Whiter House ^.cas.been .'^asketbalt.-continues" to given torjiax-Sh.riber, former-Atji^tL-^V lantaa -^-.--Palm- Beach- is'-sprnc- further into the spotlight.. First American-Eevolution . • . Did you" ing up to entertain" Baron Maur- organization, meeting ot the anMtieejthatvthe^. Associated,Press ice Rothschild, -son of the; late nual J. C. C.»league will be held 1 .long- and•-com'pre- Baron »Edm6nd,. ; .~,Bavid A. Monday at 7:30 p. m. at I^ee Club man- "kiddies." George White, once a Among .tbe 'points of fiifferxnt- ; first to evaluate the 'posrb i LstorieV'. dealing -with the Broi^n,. the -man "who once raised Grossman's office. ctibn ;iit Germany, Po- $25,<M)0,000 Jor East European agers are requested to report k Ceritrat Buroplet > . . Jerwlsh reUef, still;has what it promptly as the loop may be formed In a single session. •I State .JJepartment He went into a Detroit „---_. .. /madevno bones abont takes eestors tended to tate their Jud- | We have Epoken court the other day to answer a s or of E Continuing our series on Inter- ery. bis Joinnlonr,that;-the i)uke of judgment obtained by the "receivRseech b r Xterryl San-I aisa, Us theology, its.Es.OT8l.ity, Us }.tion to unaersisBfi. Whence coezWindsor'si .visit to America is def- ers' of his, insolvent General Ne- views of outstanding Jewish athboss^ Vis s^ortasd' system, of .ritual, en Btuacrity. It; this • obligation spring? It is-deletes, this week let's have a look initely,-. a-V piece of Nazi propagan- cessities Corporation . . .Brown -on coaETttal P'JSEPS i never, afraoBt'rarely, occurred to j rived is the first -place from E:ELrather da'*..; .-;We hear that the foreign could have gone into bankruptcy,^ at Phil Gerelick: .-... Phil, himself says his athletic PoJ|i;V>Association will make an but-he sought and obtained a important1* announcement bn> the year, in which to pay off-a 540,- career started when he was G months old, but we just can't Goes to Town,
~> tvr
'''situation In Poland"l>efore 000 judgment And he once , v Jewish business men.in was a -millionaire Those stark are. being approached pictures of the Japanese bomto.-%0p'the Kn lOnx Klan in its bardment of. Chinese cities yon figb't a^ainsr labior; . . -. There : is have been seeing in the newsreels a,move on foot.to have the taken by Arthur
V —Miss Artella-Turley -, subside over' the Northrmistern • leer among turkeys from -14 nanksgivirig.
Tdcmtagne) / h , N. "ST., prepares lo I. He was known in E l l ' CopyrJgliV Caiifea-'
possessed -the right to Question I the fact remains that lissimliri Imagine what he "lettered" in. little' Eddia completely subthe -past told them to beis for most -le-rs s.n impo""1Whenfcereally started was while merged'and lost in the sea of six -It is therefore obviously- thp "honor ! true and desirable. "hustling", papers at Seventeenth j hundred guests rising ta wisdom to rsake certa-ir r* i Across the "span of tbe cent-srj-o. and Harney. He'd jump into the him. Jessel said: "Cantor is tbe lies it is,not hard for us to under- possible value of JtiSciEni before T. M. C. A. gym, watch the stars, and J . 6 times a day, he reports, most important and jaost respect- stand why that should have bses -oji consigrss himself to a dubious he'd jump out on the floor with ed buffoon of this generation . . so. In tbe first-"place, the ine&ie-! esistesce. midway between - two his street shoes on to play a lit- a credit to hiaself s.ad country, val Jew regarssd the whole of lis.i groups. tle himself. "And 15'times a. day having reached such helsbts from traditioa as of divine origin. Nat- i Again, each bumsn being- 6curally enough .he IBH it a pre-j.sires .to iir« s full and rich.. lifs. I was kicked off the "floor," said such bumble beginning" sumption, to lmpusa~or to reject] Thousands and tens of thousr,.r.cs 'Gorernor Merriaia: "He Phil. that wbich- God bad ordained splendid and upright But fellows that get their education the hard way, even in ath- this state letics, get the most benefits. And ially to tbs
TfT,, »-ir^- t-s "1".
of job •••' will • g o t o - the La Follette York . . . Another "bachelor who Civil Liberties Committee . . . will be a benedict by the time AYQRDS AXB MtTSIC you read this is Walter Jacobs, •Among the_ 3,208 contestants of the famous Jacobs Hotel Famfrom every country-in the -world ily of Miami and New Hampshire who submitted papers in the New .. . . One of New Tork's biggest this we find was true to Gerelick History Society's contest oh 'How blowouts Is being planned for Is- in bis activities on the Lincoln canV/the'.peoples- of the w,orld-l adprGennett, the Jewish war vet- grade school quint and later with achieve disarmament" was an ex- eran whose -wreath, placed on the Central High" and Nebraska uniGerffian army coloiiel, who Tec- Berlin war .-memorial, caused Nasl versity. A smoother basketfca.il er of tha air omme'nded .that;, every ..country hair to stand on end a couple of player, we don't think wo have ceedingly charitable tor to practically every treat-the. Je-svs as Germany has To Eddie Cantor ever seen. while orEaninatics, a •cJst a fa-Xorraity. l a sedition, the esaspls •' dDhe(i and that the'United States weeks ago Gerelick entered Central in h>nd- over to the "Reich some of jubilee dinner in Hollywood was 1920, and In his sophomore year] natic on tea subject. il fact, if of the Geatile world corroborated;' the Jirst in "which the diners had - ifW surplus-land.". . Eight papers s she has was understudy to Leo Koneckyjlda wants a'neaccepta;:.eesr o ri t were, submitted by Palestinians, to eat according to radio^" sched- at a guard position. The coach to call him "up aad saj "s tbe ule . ."•. In order not to waste Red Cross . . . " at that time, by the way, was But none of the fiye.by'Jews radio time, :each course was alJews wrote In Hebrew . . . Three lotted a definite number of r-.in- none other than the fellow who is Cantor explained-. . " wasn't Izzie Is^owits. Kis wi-ole in German, and two In utea . . . And when-the time was the present assistant principal, Curiously enough, up a bell rang, and whatever tbe Fred R. Hill-' Only they called 'simply gaTe Mia that naias iio; English ing he'd salife the Forahasa foot-!# "most of the Jewish entrants sub- Rufests were eating was yanked him "Zip" then. mitted papers in German . . . The from In .front of them whether In his junior and sen ior years, "ball teaia. Later the father ad- | so-called Gaelic orchestra fiat is they were finished or not . Gerelick played regularly en tbe Tised h i a t o .take t i e aarae - ei $ beard on an Irish program over Those "who were there are still Central quint and in iota years Cantbr because h s laSsht iavs' '1 Station WNEW is composed of wondering why all the speakers the teams made splendid records. Messrs. - Weisa, Shapiro, Silver- harped-' on racial .discrimination In 1924 Gerelick•_played on. the man, Pitt and Speigal . . . Over Purple team when it west to the a .year .ago we; told you to watch (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts finals of the state tournament Frank Glazer, the piano virtuoso only to lose the championship to ,. eFature Syndicate). from Milwaukee . , It w-fs a good Creighton Prep. tip ^ . . His-return engagement j A hasty fello-w, Phil entered in Kcw York this season has def- Deny Embraced.;. Catholicism Nebraska in mid-semester. He initely classified him as one of Recent re- became eligible lor.JH^ster teams .London. (WNS) tlje most interesting of contemports that Henri Bergson, French- Curing the midway 'point.-of tbe Ado porarj' Jewish musiciana Jewish philosopher and. author next , •winter and immediately to"I- your list of American and winner of the Nobel Prize in stepped Into a regular's job._ E s naamed for; Jews: Ottenheim, 1 U e r a t u r e i - ^ f o r n i a l i y cmbrac- played out that half season,.ta'ea. Kentucky—population.^loO --y^'J e d Catbolicism, were denied in one more full season, tliea giving What W a JJewish radio actress is. put j - ^ j ^ ^ c i r c 3 e s here. I t was said up collegiate competitipa. to sloop nightly by bar' J that Bergson lias merely express- "Phil quietly becarae absorbed ths iiEsc nmia rpadins Cbristian Science* ed himself as Jsympatbe'tic, to tbe by independent basketball. He • litPTnturo in German? • . . Did philosophy of Catholicism- but bad had an offer' fro.ni the famous you notice that tto New Vorli not been converted. Cook Paint team but « d a ' t take j Times .and the Herald-Tribune now publish a gheUo colunn, consisting: ot Teports of rabbiniOar Fanoral ParSora Ar© FarassliGd ia Kasso-LSa F cal ijp.rmoris? . . . Formerly tho "COUHTEOUS—REUA2LE** riibiiif,' uttcranrps arper.vcd topether with those of Christiaii ministers . . . T h e rabbis-tbem!• ssivts asked for the new format FUIJEKAL DISECTOZS . . -Tun campaign committee uponFaraani HA 1 2 2 : soring tbe publication ot Te-
r fr
?• i*
- - - "^ i
Page 8
' Society Nev/s Mr., and Mrs. L. Montrose spen last week-end -In Minneapolis where they attended the wedding of. their son, Dave .'Montrose, to Miss Jessie Singer, of Dallas, Tex. -Charles Montrose also attended the wedding. Mr. Montrose $nd hl3 bride will make their home in' Minneapolis.
]• •' ;
Women 1 Aid
graphic agency, undertook,to con- selected and a grand. prize o£ adrals. "The Jews aesm prosperous ] seems hardly a Jew in Europe fine the bureau's activities, to dis- $12,000 all-electric'-home vrill be bat in -Venice the synagogues ! that would not come to Amerlc* seeped medieval in their pover- j ^ t h e f i m o p p o r t u n U ^ . A m W l * seistaation . of ' news within" Ger- awarded the winner. Tots! prizes 1 awarded are more'thae fiS/.OO-O . many alone. " ' .'' ' AmericarJsras dosEinste t h e i The Gestapo did not show Mr. .. Althocgb one cf the largest moaerr, c i t y of Fragne but the \ Geist,the alleged evidence to sup-contests staged in recent 2'es.rs, ,chEinB ^ea uv to .150 re*r*. rgo j port "its' charge; but. promised to its sponsors, the- Nebraska Power j to Hock the Ghetto pates vre ffilS j • _L__ " produce it later. company and the General Electric jhuEg in tne City Kail es momenNOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION company,- require no purchases to jtoes oJ the past." "Tfce o!de«. EVC- j J n t h e o ntv Coun of Dou Jn t h e C U Pl be made a or sre there any other j ESOSKeS.. Sirts:to,Epeak ensi eesjetery Douglas etery in Europe, Court.-, XebrasU: ialiiicatloES for • participation j eating- to -the-seventh century are j R..: Kurtz,, famous .writer and beyond filling out the fclfink End j pointed out vriih price and a Eta- j h h otifi ?d mailing it in to the address gives j speaker, will lecture, at the Jew-ia tfcs entry form. Entry forms j tue cf tbe Golem has been placed j fll ^'"- ;'.," ' *hat a petition ish Community Center on Mon-are gi-ren free et all Nebraska | in one of tbe most important in- I u . ; - ' nut'. preying ior administration day, November 29, at 8:30 under Power coiapany offices &cd by jtersectlOBS.'' • " ' o n '•"" estate, fim' that = hpprlner "Yet regardless ofhow they j vrni he had „,,_ «,(,!_ petition before the auspices of the "International eiaployees'of the Nebraska power • are treated ' s i tbe monieEt there < vembe°l!-i'i>"->"n. ;tlf;, *"'"' ^a-v o f N o company. ) Workers-Orders, 126.. ——————— , . , | p p n e a r a t said Court on t h e i a l d 2Tth
(Continued from Pase 1.) Gladstone, Dave Levine, - Leon HISSOTAPILL, Weiss, Harry Rubecstein, IS. Rubeastein and Kate Mantel. ijrs. Lou]3 Lipp, captain, and Newsies to Have the Kesdaraes Julius Solomon,"I. SoJzman, 'AI Fiedler, Seymore Cohn, Iz Weiner and • William Sioux City newsies will have • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lass of St.Wolf. their annual Thanksgiving dinner Louis departed this week after a Mrs. T. A. Newman, captain, of turkey and all the trimmings .visit In tlj« home of the former's the Mesdames "Oscar MayeroThanksgiving noon, through the parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Lass, Henry Greeriberg, Harold efforts and, generosity of A.-M.712 Otoe street.- Mr; and Mrs. The annual Sisterhood dance Davis and the Sioux City business Ben Lass were married Septem- Tuchman, Sam Rosenblatt and \ will be held nest Wednesday eve- men, who contribute each year to ber 11 ln : St. Loui3, the bride berjr.y or Novoml^r ]-m. a t S o'clock IRViN C LEVIN, Attorney Mrs." Hariy Rosenfeld, major. ning, Thanksgiving: eve, at themake the dinner possible. More ing the former. Sarah Gross, 76S Brar.tJftis Theetfif Bk'n. ' ? • • , , » ' ' t o ' c o n i e 8 t " ' « ' petition, the Romoneks See PROBATE NOTICE Bellevue ballroom. Johnnie Whit- than 150 newsies; will be guests daughter,- of Alexander - Gross of Mrs.-Fred Rosenstock, captain, ney and his orchestra will fur-at the dinner, which will be St. Louis. They went from Sioux and -the Mesdames Dave,Rosen" u P ! ' some other suitable .IN ELECTRIC CONTEST War Preparation ^a-nrritin, In the matter of foe estate o? Pam I"'" settlement deceased. j i pr-ooeed to nisli the music for dancing. served at the Jewish Community City to Chicago, where they are stock,. Milton- Livingston, Louis KctSce 1K lierebr Given {hat tlie i ., (Continued from Page 1.) "• •• •'. visiting prior to -their return, to Kiilakofsky and Dave Greenberg. ERVCE CRAWFORD, Mrs. • R a t h . Hasi, _ . 7001 South Mrs. Herman Miller and Mrs.C e n t e r . creditor?! of paid decepsed v\V, imepi ! County Judge. Mr. Fred T^oolworth, director St. Louis to reside, where he is in Mrs. Max Holzman, . captain, Twentyrs£veath street, t Omafca, is that meant. Ke smiled in embar- Ihe administratrix of. said -esiete, be- j E. N. Grueskin are chairmen of fore me, • County Judpe of iinujrlns ' and the Mesdames Alfred Mayer, the possessor, of. a brand new. reJ'CONNOR, Atty*. the dance. Assisting them on of the Boy. Scout work, in Sioux the advertising business. rassed fashion and said almost Count;', .Nebraska, at the " County i 5 Thna. Blag. Hubert . Sommer, Harold Farber, frigerator, as. a result of an entry Court Room, in said County, on. the I the committee for arrangements City, will be the speaker. H. N, apologetically, 'yon- know, don't 11th day of Jp.niiarr, I!)."S, end on the ! Bennett Cohn and Jack Marer. Slotsky will actas toastmaster, In ths. "Better. Living-With ElecICE. OF SHERIFF'S SALE will be Mrs. A. M. Davis, Mrs. J. Ilih day of X.Iarch. 1<)3S, et, !' o'clock j ,— Mrs. Joe Harris entertained 16 Mrs. Sam Appleman,. captain, tricity", contest, sponsored.by the von?' and' tarzied to describing A. SI., each t;?.y, for the -purpose of i Kalin, Mrs. S- G.Pickus, Mrs. I*.and the invocation will be given friends at dinner and bridge the Eights." and the Mesdames Herman GoldNebraska Power" company acd.tbe S. Goldberg., The ticket commit- by Mr. Davis. -| A skit;will be pre-^Wednesday evening in the Sioux "Escept for Holland, antl-Semtee is headed by Mrs.. Herman sented , by the,: J.; C. C. dramatic Teashbp, complimenting M r s . stein, Ed E. Brodkey, Harold General Electric company.. -An- 'ittsn. ' seems ' t o . b e growing Brodkey and the-Misses.Marjorie group. .. ' ; /.-•' Nick Sherman, who will leave this nouncement that she had won' one throughout Europe.. The Jews of Slotsky and Mrs. Mark Sabel. of the |200 weekly awards.in this Amsterdam-' are happy. Their synAfter the dinner the. newsies •'month for Lincoln to make her Killer and Francis Bergman. In charge of the tickets are Cmm'v j,,f<-e I Upot n Pltf i e 'N' CTi n :> indexed a t Appearance • Mrs. _Millard . Speier, captain, gigantic contest.was made Mon- agogue, bunt ia tbe Terra cf SolMrs. Earl Kline, Mrs. Fred" Sher- will be guests of -Herman Levy, home. Cm r t r ?u'ii- e P i ' ' " "' ' > '" ""'< »<• Page Number 11-I9-ST Et : and. the .Mesdames Robert Rosenday night in General . Electric's omon's .Temple," he's ' in recent man, Mrs. S. I... Krueger, : Mrs. manager of the Orpheum theater, V.UU1.1J L U U < , I , | S i E x p o u t i o n 3">ocket N u m b e r 63 a i ._ I Pa'pp Xumlior i>?.n. vherein Harold \V MONSKY, GRODJNSKY, MARER Louis Agranoff, Mrs. Sol Novit- at the afternoon, show. • Mrs.- M. Mrs. Jacob . Courshon of Chi-thai, Edward Brodkey, -Herman "Hour, of Charm", program, over years been ..visited by Queen Wil!: ,-, Grshsm. Frank— B. Clarence Bergman and Mor-radio station WOW and the NBC & COHEN-. Attorneys. „ • i> , Plaintiff, ,^ .. nnd . ••- — sky, Mrs. Sam Greenstone, Dr. Mushkin is in charge of theIcago is expected to arrive in Jahr, heialEa three times." Killer and ,Miss Joy Monsky. network. . . . . P a e .. . ' Delia Galinsky, Mrs. Abe Pill, menu, with Miss Dorothy Merlin, Sioux" City Sunday t o ' visit with ton 737 Omaha National Bank B'.dp, fr -V\ ^ V , 7 Lio Send ants. J will at - l a Italy the Eocaoaeks saw the To All Persona Interested iv. the .Mrs. Joseph Wetnberg, captain, ' i H. e cloeic A. Ji.. on-Tuesday the 7th The "Better Living Vvith ElecMrs. J . Kalin; Mrs. A. M. Grues- superintendent of the federation, •Ther parents," Mr., and' Mrs. A. L.and Estate of JKlisabeth Anna Gertriule magnificent temples of Rome and rtay of .Hoi'«o Dec«?mb«r 1PS7, East the Mesdames "Louis Lerin, in th« Cityatofthe Omaha. VO'E. Minor, .as Keirr • Apparent or Court kin,. Mrs. Abe Agranoff, Mrs. S.in charge" of the general arrange- Galihsky, and with Mr. and Mrs. iam •Wertheimer, jr., Bert Hene, tricity" contest is open to every- Floreaee that' resemble Cethefront floorCount?.-, of (he Dmiglas sell County Don^jas Nebraska, at Presumptive, Nfxt oro'K Kin Presumptive, and a.nc; Next n of —, --;•«.n.-^o. * M. Davis. . u b i,• c a u ^•-•.••'•-.•. c on e 6 1 „ .b l d, d e rK l . body "and nothing has to'be purG. Pickus,.,Mrs. J. H. Greenberg,- ments. the Said Elizabeth Anna. Gertrude ! r ' -,., .v; *,°,J," V ^ ? , _ M. Handler and Miss Rose Weinn f Volz. JV'inor; . l i o r c a f - h , ine foiowlng described prochased in "order to compete.' Entry Mrs. A. Rosenfeld and Mrs. HyAERAKAMS C C'CCN'NTF;. b e r g . • - . • • • - . ei-ch of ou rrt h f r ' r ; ,,,-. , blanks'may" be "secured" from any man Fishgall. . . ' t r Ames Place, -n Charles Baldwin' departed SatAt«orrey , WORKMEN'S CIRCLE s Mrs. I. c. • Levine,. major. \ ' . " - o" Omaha. Doug40; CrsndEls Theater Eltj. Nebraska Power company office urday evening for; Peoria, 111., ;• ,.';'»a, R8 surveyed. Mrs. Phineas. Wintroub, capemployee a^d the simple re'••n-i|.->iT. to satisfy the LEGAL XOTJCE The > Workmen's ' circle and •where he has accepted a position ;ain, and the Mesdames David or Hadassah Will In the District Ccn::t of •!•" oiK'^p therein s e t quirements of the contest are that County, Nebraska. To th» npzrl cZ o n ihiF l£^ •' - ' ^ P ™ of $16.70 auxiliary will open . their . winter ind where he will, make his home. Forman, Julius - Haykin, Leon you u-.Ccr C'L': fill cut a sentence beginning: kin and all persons interested n the T'.----->RSO(3 and Hccniinff •"•• - Sponsor- Party season with 'a dinner Sunday evefo>- " T : OVPT of Linicn Bu-.^Bteln. a irJnor: Vo'z. v \ '.,oi. by said order Mrs. Leah Baron, 606 Virginia Mendelson, Harold Parish, Abe "The electrical way of living ap- Estate Toa are he-eb;" notifiec? that on tne C-erfin-c Volz. a ir"•<-•• ning, November 21,'in'the Jewish Pra'dell'and'David Cohen. peals to r:e particularly because ITth day of November, 1I."7, a peti- l.c'fn^'e to f-e" f". c ' ;'. The annual card party spon- Community Center. street, returned home this week 'i N"hraslta. this and order v c r e f.!ed in the r> s- F.rd 3rtr-c-Ft c" t? e ." The co'atest has al-tion sored, by the Senior Hadassah from Chicago, where she has Mrs. Julius:Stein, captain, and . .'. Ar.na Gf-'i-riMi^ ^~<--'". f-. trict Court oi I>"!:glas Cour.tv, Ne"f INS. Sheriff, The, winter's plans will be out- spent the past month with her the Mesdames Joe -Gold-rare, Reu- ready run core than seven weeks braska,'which order reads in*v,-orus i r ti:e South T ' f C n chapter will be held next Monday • ^.-ii.iity, Nebraska. Vi p r t One !._;"H-~PC. £.:M evening a t the Jewish Community lined and discussed at this'time. son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and ben Bordy, J.- J. Friedea, Hymie and will close on-December 4. In.and figures s s fo'.lowF: 10-2!t-37-5t In the District Court o" Ttcvrlzp 1:2:1 reet c: ;^-t i>— Milder and H. Ruben. Center, with Mrs. Jack Robinson A musical /program and Beveral Mrs. Irving Goldstein. the ccate'st, weekly awards ere County, Xeorsska. In the JTstter of .- < '". A^T tr ' w Mrs. D . R . Cohen, captain, and made to the best essays of thethe Application of Gl?iyj- Uurrste.n. and Mrs. Philip Sherman in speakers will-be featured at the r " c1 o1n e f . Fr-rj : ! e O i r - i 1 hp< ,-.T the Mesdames Sam Zlotkey, Jo- week and at tfc© conclusion cf the cruardian of the Instate c" JJIII^T crid . charge of the arrangements. At- dinner meeting. rep.i"!! w "" J - V T L U T F ^ J ->r n r 5" "'<-"r>=< BurnFte.n, a minor, for leave to seli seph Jacobs, Milton -Mayper, contest,. the best essays will : be real in t^<5 p^^irtpt'fi, - r i Tv> ' h , - ' r - fo tractive prizes will be awarded eFtate. t h e 1-<T.£t r f i n ' :!-p t i ' ^ " •;• .--«•- .~ Aaron Ginsberg and M. Bercovici. Doc. ,"u?, Xo. ?T, Cr5i°r to Shovr of t h e r — i n - v f . ' i 'V ; .' I. , - . and refreshments served. (Cbntinned from page 1) Shaare Zion Cause. Mrs. Louis Albert, captain, and G e r t r u c l t >i c i , *J-f 1 b-' - I " 1 *. t •>> Upon re.-i'lrntr the Cii'.y verified pe- a n d -!r.:"r< '": ; r r.nd • ~c FT J ; "->-p. The November meeting •' of MAX FROMKKIN, Attorney he Mesdames Max Davis, I. W. tition cf Gl.idj s Brrnsteir., ptErdicr. SZO Insurance Building Senior Hadassah will take "place Rabbi H. :R. Rablhowitz will ,np Immediate and no simple one. Rosenblatt, - Morris Franklin, A. of the estate of lAV.tS.-r, UiirrstP.n, a omaraNesr in'nor. di.-ly filed herein, for l-eerjs=i> next' Tuesday- afternoon in thespeak on "Goodwill, the Right The.;group relations which are Rlpps and Paul Rukes. to sell the foilovri-s de^cribeJ rer] Jewish Community Center. Mrs. and Wrong Way," at'- the. service mass and power relations exist fii(- -he jif., oC I .-1 r" NOTICE OF INCOFSPORATiON-OF estate .of said i-ir.o-, to-v it: Mrs. Dave Stein, captain, and FURNITURE CO., INC An tr.S.vided Max Rosenstock is in "charge of this evening. Cantor Pliskin and cannot of themselves-be al- the Mesdames Jake Blank, Sam CENTRAL I-£7- interest irr and Notice is hereby f;!ven that the cnthe program which will include and the synagogue choir will tered within the framework of Steinberg, Morris Wotilner, Aaron dersiR-neil ha\e formed a corporation to lx>tr :?,$ in J'onto!a:r. r r ^("-"tion the City of Omahs, l)oi;~l,-_s C^UTIcurrent events, the lighting of the chant the ritual. '•• . • . • human nature. But If all the B'sEdgar, Jack Kaufman and Maxunder the fa-ws cf Xcbraska. The 1to tr. XctrarVr., E.S J.-J;-V£; C-. r't-tted name cf the corporation shall be Chanukah lights and reading of for t h = ' p v - r " ? ff. r>CENTRAL FCRNITL'KE CO1IPAXV, [cndrecor-Ie-i. Irving pliskin will act as can-on-all'-:the thousand isands of , taininff funds for tha rnalritPTiance Hebrew poetry by /Mrs. Leon' tor during the Junior Congrega- their dispersion became ' coldly INC., with its principal pJace cf bu^i- ;?.r3 r;;rro~t or sc.!d va-c, r.r5c it £rnesA at Omnhxi, Nebraska. The gen- ipearinp therefrom Marx. A panel discussion on thetion service . tomorrow morning, ayare of .the "facts of the case and t h s t it i" T""-ev*rry eral rafure oi t:;e buslnrrs is a re- • and v..'A be ber.ef.ee! to srjd -F-E.-CL youth of all countries will be aand. Isadora' Nadler will 'read, the ceased; from their, silly and sciftail furniture store with power to I that F.isd rrrA c r t r t e h» rc'.C Bureau.of-•own, buy anil sell real and personal j IT IS OrvC^riED thct the' r e s t cf feature of the program. The law. Refreshments will be dis-' destructive and often enough 1 property. The jsulhorized capitsl 'kin cf raid ir.lnor £.-d. e:; ;>c-rsonF iavnmeeting will begin at 1:30 o'clock trlbuted by.' Mr. and Mrs. J.-..H. shameful denial of these facts J . T . A, Closed-By. : C'T-c.rr '.',,"• a u , r ; [ stock shall be {10.000.00 and all of | tereyfed in her e-*"tp p ^ r r »i-*p~e •with a dessert luncheon. taid stock £ha.".I be common of the the District Gotrt or Dot;?:,-.! Ce"~~Mosow in'honor of'the birth of a and communicated: their knowlpar value of. ficcro p?r Efcsre. « , fv, \ c ! '-it''" i-i r^ -"* - -^ ^- "\ - r. •-• ;• Gestapo : Ruling shaU grandson. > - edge and clear cognition to each commence do:r.s business upon "f th» r>ci:j::-"c C o i ' r " Cr-—t T~T"p o.ther and to all the A's in the Berlin (JTA)—The Gestapo, the fiiins of its articles of Sncorpcra.- in the C'.iy of Omr-hal Keo-ms'ia, OT t : I of f " :-: - c\, . . . , . , , ^ L .,.,>. t The fourth in a series o£-bookCarnival Attended reviews by Rabbi-R&blhowitz was world-;—one . tremendous forward German secret police, last -week tion Trlth the Cc-Tity Ci»rR or Dcrsias County. Ncbmska, end shall CCIT-,- tSe 2"th s3sy rf Doees-.ier. i:2". t l r step: would 'have been taken. timie a. period of titty years. The >^ ?f. t i f=V^*v r p i : ^ . ; ' pfi- th<--? ) " hy Large Crowcl given "Wednesday evening. He ".': No" problem can be" solved un- formally explained to the Ameri- highestforamount of its indebtedness , whr a KcenFe should not be f—^Vter :an.consulate general why It hadshall rot eicpti two-thirds reviewed ".The Burled Candelaof its cap- i t s raid G I t i j s BMrns-.t'.r,. cu-.ril.ac. sell t e Irtcre^t of F=>S I—'O " i~^ More than 1,000 persons at- bra," by Stefan Zweig. c j til it is correctly stated. We can- Invoked, a decree enacted in "the ital stock. The tffaira of this cor- j, f5 said real f e.sjate for the purpose hot even begin to think about a last days of the Hfndenburg re- poration Bhfiil be ir.~r.rred tiy a Boenl i crrve tended the annual Jewish carniFst ^"th. of directors of not less than two nor problem until we know what that val held Monday evening at the gime to close the Berlin bureau more than five members.. j a coprr of this order b» published ontv problem is. And the Jewish prob- of the Jewish Telegraphic agency, IN VriTNHFS TTHEP.KCF, the par- jprich Trfck fcr t i r e s FVCOP?!,'.*-^ vet\& Roof Garden, and sponsored by Sixty Attend ties have hereunto subscribed their i In the Jewish Press, e 3«tr»l r"""Vetn is in the very last analysis a American-owned news service/ the Inter-Club council in- a conames this 3rd 'd.sy cf November, ! psper rrlrted. putl.^'.-pd and cf FenDonor problem of those mass relations 13J7. operative fund raising effort for er?! rircu'siticn in F"i' r™ :-,f-. In padlocking the offices, GesPOT,OM^ON I.AGMAN Dated November iT, 3C"T. "r -"" th» which" localize" power tapo agents had- informed bureau 14; organizations. . IDA LAG31AN Sixty • women : • attended the among-men Court. and determine issues. Since powIn the preser.ee c ' : r. ?r. D:NTEX. "Booths, refreshments, dancing Donor's luncheon given; by . the manager, Otto Schick, an Ausn-i9-s:-"t. c-aC"* and drawings combined to offer Ladies' auxiliary "of Shaare Zibn er, not even sufficient power for trian citizen, the action was takan evening of good entertain- Tuesday afternoon in v the syna- elementary self-protection, is ever :n -"on-account .of endangering ment to those who attended. gogue social' halL Mrs. David ocalized anywhere-in- the Jews public safety arid order,'' under Ben Sekt was chairman of theGoldstein of Omaha was the guest as a group, as a mass, it follows terms of a decree of February 20, necessarily that Jewish Interests 1933. - » carnival, " with Sam Cohen, Si speaker. " -, . Krueger and A. M. Davis, -viceConsul Raymond, Gelst was inA skit, depicting the nlanner cannot be protected even by those chairmen. . • \ in which the money.was "earned non-Jews, individuals or groups formed the' bureau, was charged Jack Reams and his orchestra by the members, was.given by that wish-them no ill. -. Somehow, with sending news abroad, lnvlosometime, the 'Jewish people must 1 a t i o n ' of an understanding provided music for dancing. The members of the •auxiliary. a^gain live together like the other •eached after the Nazis had largest program book ever put peoples In/order to achieve that closed the bureau 5 in July, 1933, out by the carnival committee JUNIOR HADASSAH minimum mass-power ' •- situation under' which' the Jewish - Telewas mailed to every'Jewish home by means of which "alone a people in Sioux City and surrounding Seventy, members, attended the an- practice that minimum of territory before the carnival. MONSKY, GROD1NSKY, MAHER M Proceeds will be divided among paid up party given by. Junior self-determination which is needCOHEN, NAttomeyi. Hadassah Wednesday evening in .737. Omaha National Bank EI<JQ. ed for a normal: and healthy life. 14 organizations of the council. i \ the Corn room of the Martin ho- •: -The first • and immediate point • t by Publication on Petition 1.7 tel. Following .'a 6 o'clock din- a to make every Jew in the 'orNotice Settlement of Final AdmlnistraGeorge Vandenbrink present- world-sea that. Until at least a :lon Account. Tiphereth Israel ner In the County Court of Douglas ed a chalk talk. A millinery style vast majority of the Jews in theCounty, Nebraska, Jn the Matter of milthe Estate of Arthur Katskee, De'Secvices at Tiphereth Israel show was given by Martin's world, and especially the Jews in ; will begin this evening, at 5 linery department, and the re-the western democracies, see that :eased: All persons Interested In said mato'clock and Saturday morning at maining evening hours were there is literally no use in talk- ter, are hereby- notified that on the r . 17th . day of November, 1937, Bess spent.playing bridge." ; 9 o'clock. '-.-' ing; about "anything else. There Katskee filed a petition In said CounRabbi S- I. Bolotnikov will conty Court, praying that her final ad8 no use' trying to build a house f > *f / r ministration account filed herein be tinue his discussions on Chumish in midair^ or to solve a mathe-- settled and allowed, Auxiliary Plans Dinner and that she be at 4 p. m. ' discharged, from her trust.as adminmatical problem without a knowlistratrix and that a hearing will be The Ladies' "auxiliary of Tip-edge cof the nature and value of had orv. said petition before said Court on tire 11th day of December, 1B37, h'ereth Israel synagogue will give numbers or-to cure a disease Moiant Sinai uid. that if you fail to appear before their annual -banquet; in the so-without ,an exact perception of its said Court on the said 11th day of 1937, at 9 o'clock A. M« Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will cial hall of the synagogue Sunday character and cause. There is no December, /' nd contest said petition, the Court give his second address" on Poland evening, December 5, at 6 o'clock. use; there-is no hope. The Jews may grant the prayer of said petition, • < a decree of heirshlp, and make at the regular temple service this An elaborate' program- of speak- are supposed to be. a clever peo- enter such other, and further orders, allowers and music ban been planned. ple. Until they think-this busi- ances and decrees, a s to' thi3 Court evening. .'"'••; 1 f ness through, their cleverness may seem proper, to the end that all Thanksgiving morning - t h e matters pertaining to said estate may will be the cleverness of clowns Northside churches and. the tem- .••'•".'•- '• J . c . c . ' ; ^ - - , '•; oe finally settled nnd determined. and slaves., BRYCS CRAWFORD, ple :will hold, a union service at l-19-37-3t. County Judge. Mount Sinai temple at 10 o'clock. r r . The call. for • wearable o l d (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts Rev, George Dunn will : deliver clothes is again ina^e by the JewFeature Syndicate) the sermon and various ministers ish Community Center to take will participate in the service. care of the many who- apply every The Sisterhood book review day. Men's clothing is; greatly BUTTER-NUT PROGRM2 will be held this afternoon a t needed b y worthy applicants. prli:?- «! c I T ^ V ^ . V - » •-•• • Seventeen-year-old Kay Neal is 2:30 in the home of Mrs. L. S.Anyone having'clothing to donate Goldberg. Miss Ruth Miller will is asked to get iH touch with Miss a high school girl who has'made good on the radio. Her golden read "You Can't Take j It With Merlin at the. Center.* Tou." The religious--discussion ret o l A class for those who wish to voice" has made her a star on a Lfwticr-Muw fczz r e t c. r.cv,- c:ylzt in group of the Sisterhood met take out their citizenship papers network feature program, ButterThursday morning in the temple has been organized at the Com-Nut Coffes Pot Inn, each mornflcvcr. I; iz richer, :r.;I£cr cvS "»c"«"."c with Rabbi Lewis. munity Center, and meets • every ing at 8. Monday afternoon Rabbi Lewla Monday evening with Mr. Mc- Kayc sings a song the way you addressed the Sioux City Rotary Donald. Those interested in cit-like to have it sung. She is heard club. Tuesday evening he spoke izenship v/ork . and . In securing over WOW and WAAW at S and tha co-jntry : i cU if if t'lz t'lzrA before the men and women of the thefr citizenship papers may still over KFAB at 8:15. o ia b:.7 roon'.v BtTes^iluitra vi-ii; Congregational church in, Yank- enroll in thta class Monday at fortsb!*, ra;i;r;:.-~ chi'rs. T'rco r '. " ton, and Wednesday addressed 7:30 o'clock. the student body of Yankton colAn open meeting to present the lege and Yankton High, school. newly organized Jewish Art thea...7ICC3 K;.- ; -- c-.iy "ir, ! ter group to the public is planned Lta Ar.;;:e-, :.C3 C.-; :/i!-.trj by Mls3 Lucille .Lavallier and the C.-n'Frar... S.KJ Chlct~2 FEDERATION BOARD : i.rc staff of the theater group. The FO ElEST'mDESPAY date will be announced In a forthIsv: tr.rzz is oC'.-r ^-!:. ony coming issue of The Jewish Press. A special meeting of the board A cast for the skit to bo presentof directors of tha Federation of ed at the father and con banquet Jewish Social Servica was held will be chosen from-this group.' Craft classes arc still'open-to Wednesday evening- to begin plans for the annual. federation anyone under IS interested in meeting and banquet. Mr. E. N.joining. The classes are making -•,"~ r Grueskin, president of the feder- celluloid rings and doing • metal work this week. ation, presided at the meeting. j ,
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