hardly ^ j<*w ^
•~x j>
OUld riot come to America first; opportunity."
sy -k>\ views exprerseQ by Lad"Trtg Iiewisohn tn hl3 colaran are his own and do not necessarily reflect the policies or attitude of our publication. Reproduction in wholo or in part .strictly forbidden.
S_;,MATT£H OF THE ESpF Zola. Bainbridge DeaceasecL jrscms interested, in said estate iby notified that a petition has pd "in said Court alleging that iceasea died leaving no last a-praying for administration 3 estate, ana that a bearing -had on said petition before pit on the 27tli day ot No[1337. and that If they falj to Bt said Court on the said 2"th (•November 1337, a t 3 o'clock So -contest said petition, the gay^grant the same and grant Oration or said estate to Jo. Ajdl or some other suitable and-proceed to a settlement
CE OF SHERIFF'S SALE District Court of Douglas Nebraska. tne of an order of sale issued lie District Court of Douglas ^Nebraska, and in pursuance a-ee of 'Ea'icl Court -in an acrein indexed at Appearance nber 251 at Page Number a tion racket Number i3 at raber 539. wherein Harold W. .is Plaintiff, and Frank B. aU are Defendants. J-will "at sk A. M.. on-Tuesday the-7th December 1337. at the East or of the Douglas County louse in the City of Omaha. County. Nebraska, sell at action to the highest, bidder i. the fo!owine described proBlock 4 in Ames Place, -n to' the City of Omaha. J>ougnty. Nebraska, as surveyed. and - recorded: to satisfy tho d Incnmbrances therein set satisfy the sum of 516.70 d the increased and accruing " • as provided by said order -
"S1FBEB 26, 1937
fsl PI
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Not so very many years ago T the tiling "svas -unheard-of. Today .obi David H. Wice ana BishTT7T Increased activities have made \S ~ in every city of any size -where 3rocilfy Crnam Trill be Epeakit necessary for the A. Z. A. to dwells a Jewish, community of rs ct tSe EC^:* Town Hall foru.m, seek, larger quarters for its naany importance there is a handfsponsored bv the Nebraska Sotional offices so that the offices s o m e, modern, well-equipped Jack Cohen of Lincoln Named jj •will be moved this -week end from Comasinoration of Vic lory-of ciety of Colonial Daraes of Amer- First Lady Also Hew Regional Irlaccabeans to Be •building -which belongs to that ica, on Sunday evening, Decemthe Sixth. Floor ' of the Brandeis Observed Eere President -.. ber 5, at -the Joslyn Memorial. ~ community and houses, under Theatre building to the Fourth, They will discuss, "Thoughts- on whatever name, the hundred sefloor of'the Karbach block, loth Chanukah, the ' " F e a s t cf Cincinnati {JTA}—airs. FrankApproximately 350 persons at- and Douglas street. cular activities of Jews, especialand Peace." •• ; ly of the Jewish youth of both tended the fifths semi-annual conRabbi Wice will speak first on lin D. Roosevelt believes that the The new quarters are approx- Lights," the "Feast of Decueasexes. It matters comparatively ference of the Southwest Region imately sixty per cent larger tion," will be appropriately oh- I "On the " March." Bishop Osnam best TIT ay to handle p.nti-Semitism '•• little -whether the building and served in Omaha beginning Sun- > will conclnde the symposium is to ignore it. The T'irst Lacy than the former office. the organization be called Center of District Grand Lodge No. 6, day evening, November 2S. speaking oa 'Ultimate Objectives.' also advises Jews to guard or "Y" or, as in one conspicuous B'nai B'rith held here last Sunagainst becoming embittered ana Sunday .afternoon at 4 o'clc:!: example,. Jewish Y. M. and Y.."W.. day. All sessions of the convenwithdrawing into themselves. Dt 1 C : C ( the children of the Temple Isrrcl A. The pattern is generally the tion toot place at the Jewish Sunday school "will have aa afterMrs. Eoosevelt expressed, these v.'il! rev safe. There is an assembly hall, noon of games and entertaining: z. opinions in an Interview st Cham- Dream" ; : a library, class-rooms, a "gym' Community Center. Supper will be served at 5:30. paign, III., with Edward E. Cruse, the "Eor , - . - V . , Jack Cohen of Lincoln was hand-ball court, ping-pong room, managing editor cf B'nai B'rith ExtensioOn the Sabbath of Chaank^, chess-room, cafeteria, etc. etc. elected new president of the remagazine. The interview will ap- verpily 0 December. 4, children of both ih" The variety and. splendor and ef- gion. Other officers elected are: The C pear in the forthcoming Decemj Betb. El and Vaad will -be ent'rficiency of equipment vary with Harry B. Cohen of Omaha, viceber issue of the Jewish monthly. tanied at the respective sysathe size of the communities and president; Al Fox of Council The overwhelming majority of the moneys available. But I have Bluffs, secretary, and Dr. Louis j Numerous Applications Being | gogues. Jlembers of ths Beth El to ! Americans are not ar.ii-Semitic Ghaziibah Carnival auxiliary •will serve luncheon folseen no Center or " T " that was Tlimsrtnln Dimsdale of treas nf Sioux Kimir City, f!itv. treas' T?«J/«I?TT/J»1 Eeceived for •?«». "B'nni J she said after a lecture she delowing services at the Beth E3 not at least adequate; I have urer. B'rith Affair j iiverecL under the auspices ct the Junior synagogue. seen many that were, positively ' l i . ' • The conferences were opened J B'nai B'rith. Hiliel foundation at dazzling. At the Taad the entertainment with an invocation by Rabbi Milthe University of Illinois. "We With the closing date for enIn keeping- with, the festive air The thing itself is of immense ton A. Kopstein. tries : rapidly drawing nearer, | Trill also _ come . _ after the services of the Chanukah season, the Beth have much less of that kind of importance, of a greater import- Robert Hess, prominent Mil- numerous applicants havfe been ° r t h e J u n 2 0 r Congregation. Chanukah comnaem orates the El Rigadoo will be held on Sun- [ prejudice here than exists^ elseance than may he quite clear to waukee B'nai B'rith leader, was received for the B'nai B'rith ana- Chanukab. coramcc ., r the day, November 2S, in the auditor-• where in the world," Xrs. Roosev i c t0I *, : the. people who build "and run and principal speaker at the banquet tenr night to be given at the Jew7 c f t h e 3*^s 4 leadership of the Maccabeazs, i a a o ' the Central Club, 21st and velt said. •use these Institutions. For here held Sunday evening. He spoke over the pagan tyrant, Antiochus Dodge streets, starting at S p. is. "My aavice to minority there is most powerfully ilus- on "The Position of the Jew in a B'XAI B'RITH A5IATEUB Epiphanes. The holiday was In- Groups of women have been that suffer from prejudice is to trated once more the tremendous Changing World." Henry MonXIGHT working tirelessly for the past ignore, so far as possible, the mi- . stituted in 165 B. C. -when t i e fact concerning the Jewry of the sky was toastmaster at the bangetting their booths ia or- ; nority who practice it." she ceJews, after their victory, tnrsed exile which Graetz and the older quet and Rabbi Frederick Cohn Entry Blank der. The booth expected to be ' clared. "O* course, we must have to rededicate the ancient templs recited the invocation. Cantor historians missed completely but : (Fill in and forward to Hywhich had been defiled by theone of the most, popular Is t h!eeducation.—a great deal of it— Lwcv. " ' ' - " ' which Dubnow triumphantly dem- Aaron Edgar, accompanied by Bakery and Cacned goods booth against such un-American praconstrated; that that Jewry never Miss Betty Fellman, sang several men Shrier, 74O First yatjonat pagans who- had erected aa altar under the ctairmanship of Sirs.; tices. But no minority should alBrink Bldg., AT 7611, or Dr. for burnt sacrifices three years quite lost its instinctive power ot vocal selections. Jack Eraiascn. This booth takes ' low itself to became embittered Ceon Fellmsn, 723 Brandeis earlier. i : f independent sociological funcThe afternoon forum on "War, the place of the annual bake sale, fcr them. v r i •' • i should t o t withdraw The holiday is a joyous cele- one of the Auxiliary's yearly pro- • '. tioning. Cut off from the normal Democracy and the Jew" was Theater Bids., HA 3737, chairitself because cf them. That opportunity of a people to'estab- conducted by Irving Levitas of j men of Program committee, bration, yet emphasizing devotioa , jects. Every type of cake, pastry, does r students I1' '. *i 0 . . T improve conditions." on or before December 1.) lish and organize a state as itsKansas City. to the great ideals of Judaism, ;a n d d e l i c a e y a s T e I 1 s s delicious Mrs. Soosevelt advised Ameri- to opposr i,-- •. ' . - r r central public function, it inThe B'nai B'rith little theater namely the ideals of religions lib- j £ 0 ^ e ~ ^ade" canced "goods be can Jews to hold their heads high . .% stinctively organized its Kahal group, under the direction ot Hy- Name erty and human brotheraood. j offered. with pride, EEfi retain, their cor- clared. 1 "%"n •—-, '" which, until the "end of the eight- men Shrier, presented a sketch The Menorah, the number of j Another group _cf the msl attitude or Eooa-will to all it iir.pos* v " ' ' " - ~eenth century everywhere and entitled, "The Trial of Jacob "whose lighted candles is increased ] g-ne women have been busy n a k - otter groi:ps. I'o e ( "They should re- dom in « c even later in Eastern Europe, was Finklebottom. one each, day of the eight days of j iagr knick-knacks for the fish member that, after all, their de- lecture TCOTL •=• ".if a kind of a little theocratic state the holiday, recalls the legend of pond and sewing booth which is tractors form only a small miBen Kazlowsky was general •within the ^ecular state but which chairman of the conference and * . the only crucible of unpolluted oil I being superintended by Mrs. ' E . nority," she said. '. right- sic e zi Phone Ifo. he secular gtate used very often Ephraim Marks was co-chairman. found in the temple at t h s time j Meyer and Mrs. I. Stalmaster. side. lo< T i.' ^ "Then you believe," asked 7>lv. of its re-dedication, a crucible , 1 tfor its own purposes, such ^as tax- Mrs. Julius Bisno and Mrs. Ben Hundreds of . large baskets of Gmsd, "that a minority that is freedom r . My act is: collecting. Under the so-called Kazlowsky, co-chairmen of the j that lasted for the eight days. • groceries will be given away at discriminated • against has a p e r emancipation the Kahal' gradualGifts and candies make Chanrt- ; the "Country Store" which is be- fect right, in cur country, to look : t t i s £E i committee, were in ly withered away and the activi- women's registrations. \ ing managed by the firm of Stein- with complete confidence to the order, 11 kah an. important holiday for the charge of ties of Jewry tended to become : the children who commemorate the ; berg, Goldware, and Rosenblatt, majority lor ;•:slice?" Delegates came from lodges in mer " - o• merely charitable and' sectarian.' Sioux ;City, Cbttncil Bluffs, L i n - | downfall, of _ Antiqchus. with par1 In Americaj^however, jwhere free-, coin and Siouir."iFalls.' ties and games and the remem- : cers, who jircrris«---thst erery tas- Roosevelt emphatically replied, ' .-. '.'•'-• \- I The- »<. v . flom has lastfed long* enough and ' ket "will be worth., from three to "if any minority did not hsve the . tion s t ijV , > brance of. the less fortunate. •where it has been complete • four dollars. right to look confidently to the solved b : i.. enough to liberate the Jewish ish Community Center the evej Door prizes have .foefcn secured majority lor complete justice a t against s " - c^. ; group to an unafraid expansion ; B'nai B'rith to ning of December 19. j by the committee headed by Mrs. Et all times whenever it is recently c ' ^"' of .its various instincts there has Dancers, singers, musicians | J. Blank and Mrs. JI. Katelman. M dent ccrr •>- •- s . arisen, once more as the sociohave all announced their intenI An electric clock and a . hand- assailed." logical functioning of a people, tion of participating in this un; Chicago Sunday j made afghan • are two of the the community center under Esther Kramer, one of the Pi- usual event. The Sigma Alpha that can be won with the • j prizes in El S F a r i * T"l s — •whatever name. oneer Women's outstanding lead- I Mu fraternity of Lincoln has enThe regular quarterly meeting j purchase cf an admission ticke leader? r*" ^ " 1 ? ^The center has, of course, no ers, will be in Omaha Saturday tered a skit, " G r u n t s and of the general committee of Dis- j x drawing for a full-sized, hand- i Committee c e i "• " " r r ~ Jurisdiction, nor even a norma- and Sunday, December 4 and 5. Groans," which was one of thetrict Grand Lodge~ No. 6, B'nai j sewn, tuft mattress will be held \ . earliest p " - •" err tive influence of any kind. Ev- On Saturday afternoon she will I prize winners in the recent Kos- B'rith, has been called'by Dr. A. j during the evening. i c i s c r i m i i -—•••• . 1 ,-' ,1 II erything about it Is voluntary. It T>e guest at the Oneg Shabboth of j met Klub competition. Greenherg, president of the dis- , Three clowns will hand oat bal- ! The bi-monthly meeting of the IquitoKs' = - ' ' 7 '" r is established by no authority nor tlje Pioneer Women to be held at trict, for Saturday evening. Noj loons, guns and canes. There Trill Many out-of-town B'nai B'rith strict committee of the TVork- colleges. does it become the source of any. the home of Mrs.. J. Feldman, lodges have become interested in Tember 27, and Sunday, Xovem-1 be ice cream, candy, ancS games =s's Circle was held in Sioux j ^ pro r T " ^ ' r " Its origin within the deep in- 2445 Burt street. Sunday eve- the local group's method of con- ber 28, In Chicago. ! for the children. ty last Sunday. The district stinctual life of the communities ning she will be principal speak- ducting their amateur night and | Omahans besides Dr. GreenDelicious kosher foods, prepari is the central body of cilscrimir; r is; nevertheless, very clear to any er at a dinner -io be given by the have sent inquiries. "•' 1 berg, -who"will attend are: Henry j ed by the women, will be served AVcrkmen's C i r c l e tioned ir. V t - s 1 .competent observer from the joy Pioneer Women and the Jewish Cash prizes of 515, §10 and $5 Monsky, Philip Klutznick and I at reasonable prices in the dining in Nebraska and *r^ r and pride taken in it hy the old- National "Workers' Alliance. •will be offered to the three prize j Sam Beber. •" \ room of the Central Club during ling seven brandies end c">- t er people of the communities and The sessions will be held at I the supper hour. Chevera Kramer has been with winners. Hyinen Shrier and Abj 450 members. There are alf 1 ' d " Irom the use made of it by the the Pioneer "Women since its ner Kaiman will act as masters of the Covenant club and will be ! ladies' auxiliaries with E E ' I ' I " youth of both sexes. The centers preceded by a dinner on Satur-1 fE ceremonies for the evening. ?l 3 ' ship cf about ECO in all. ,are very.busy places; the activl- founding and has been instrumental in strengthening the or- Persons desiring to compete day evening. ' On Sunday an all- j _ E . . 7 T r . r > " .. ; Officers of the district cc, i ytie3 are manifold; all the faciliganization in Canada, especially are asked to fill in the blank and day session will include reports | i if tin I Ch | tee a r e : I. Singer, cha - . • ties are in constant use. As foci ! ! forward it to Mr. Shrier or Dr. and discussions dealing with antiffAYY iSions City; ?'. Shilcff. sec:«.r_-' of merely social life, as the scene in her home city of Toronto. C" Z defamation, Hiliel Foundation, A-j " ' While visiting in Eretz Tisroel ! Leon Fellman. ! Sious City; Sol Ascrch cr of healthy mental and physical she was given the opportunity to Z. A. membership, public rela-| • _ K o r n Q ( W X 5 > the ground jMoines; S. Lemer of Oman; r r activities,^ they cannot be praised tions a n o t h e r important « t m - , t h a t Je^i£i interests ! I.- -Kill of Lincoln. too highly.; To the well-disposed observe at close quarters and par- BRITISH ENVOY TO ties of, the Grand Lodge The A drive for membership Gentile observer, education or ticipate in the work of the Moapriority over Jewish religQ^estion of tho next district con- ious interests, two young Kovno : two states was planne. clergyman, the centers, as such zath Hapoaloth, "The "Working INTERVENE IN ' Woman's Council." ..vention will also be considered • men have often told me, seem RQUMANIA Revisionists had themselves con-: session. There js to be Chavera Kramer has been TisRepresentativcs f r o m eight verted- to Catholicism in order to | ence soo the fine flower of Jewish life in iting all cities in western Canada states and five Canadian provAmerica. gain admittance to the Lithu- ;' Sioux City. It was slso cr Bucharest (WNS) The BriUsh So far, so good. And the good and is now to tour the middle- ambassador to Roumania is re- inces will attend. anian navy where they hope to be j to organise an EnElisb.-sp 3s very good. But to • the Jewwestern and southern states of ported to have received instruc| trained for future service In the ! branch in Omah deeply aware of the character of this country. i Jewish merchant marine tions from London to make Pales-1 C-'turEt Reservations for the dinner are the situation of the Jewish peofriendly -representations' to the tine. The parents cf the two s-cro- i-;!v. ple in the world, the matter is 75 cents and may be made by Roumanian government against Rerisioiilsts have taken legal £c- '--rr-.r-': ' not so clear, the matter is notcalling Mrs. H. Okun, WE 1642, Its p'olicy of depriving Jews nattfon against the priests vrto cos- -;-/-"-r. r " Sale of Company Mrs. Sam Nitz, WE 4986/or Mrs. so happy. Except for the impulse verted the boys without permis- ^-V r > '—.the end of the uralized since that created them—what is there J. Feldman, AT 143S. sion. • t ' " r - _ -•-world war of their Roumanian Although his present plans are I that is Jewish about the centers? citizenship. still quite indefinite, l i a s Barish, j Not the form, certainly. If a It is understood that he will who last week announced the sale i great T. M. H. A. and a great convey to the Roumanian foreign j £ t h e B a r ; g h . S a n d e r s Motor com-' Y. M. C. A. were to be illuminoffice unofficially the feeling'.that jp a n y o f which he was president, ated in the middle of the night his government would be greatly j is contemplating a long, muchx the difference between the two pleased if these discriminations j needed rest. would consist in the difference Rabbi David A. Goldstein -will Iagainst Jews were not carried; The motor company which he i. Beatrice-Eissc,'who las: v -,. 1 between a few inscriptions, motgive his'second book review of : out. has" headed since 1SS5 has been ; was named t r i a n e r of the L, - ." tos, wall-decorations. The sa,me w bought by Maxson, Mitchell, in- games, activities, courses of study the series sponsored by the Beth j • Wolf prize novel avrsrd giEl auxiliary on Monday, Novemcorporated. Mr. Barish cams to —again with a very few excepOmaha in 192S from Sioux City \i the Jewish Pablication soc - . tions. The form, I repeat, of the ber 29, "when he will speak on as distributor for the Reo people- j a first coxsin cf'-Juiius E ••-• Jewish center or T. is not Jewisht Erie Remarque's recent novel, . Perhaps it cannot be. Arid per- "Three Comrades." Sis years later he became presi-i Omaha, eaecutire secretary Ci Funeral services were held dent of the company recently i At his nest review Rabbi Goldhaps outer or physical form is not A - z j^ at least now nor has been for stein will discuss, "The Outward Sunday at the Jewish Funeral j sold. | Miss -.Bisno's story, Home for Abraham Krestul, 64, j Room" and . the "Mind . That many ages among our character. Since coming to Omaha 3Ir. who died Thursday afternoon fol- jBarish has been , active In all : row's Bread," tells of a. Je-, Found Itself." istic achievements.- And so the ;* ; labor leader In the Chicago — | communal and philanthropic ac-, Record crowds have been, at- lowing a heart attack. Jewishness of these Jewish instiA resident of Omaha for S5 jtivities. ' At the time-of the com-j * " tutions will have to be sought in tending these reviews. years, he is survived by his wife, I pany's sale, Mr. Barish expressed Mr. Biaao saw the mar =c their content, will It not? PreMinda;- a son, Joseph of Ocala, ] his appreciation of the support of the book"-wi cisely as the membership is JewS80,000 Eaised by Show ne nxs couc i Fla.-, and a daughter, Mrs. Jennie 1 given liiin: by the Jewish people working on it. ish, so will the spirit have to be Jewish if the centers are to be New York (JTA)—Between \ Rosenblatt of Omaha. of Omaha. S creative forces within the Jewish $S0,000 and $100,000 was raised •! Burial was in Golden Hill TT i n f!,r. J and BO also within the general for Palestine through the "Night cemetery. Saves Cemeteryin Salonika of Stars," held last week at Madi/ cultural life of America. . Salonika (WNS)—Thanhs to . Opposes Ifasi; Camp " Twice and twice only did. I ask son Sauare Garden for the benefit the .personal interveEticn o* give a series of pe-fcrraa- a director for certain statistics, of the United Palestine Appeal, Premier .John Metasas, ths ' ola sis Gsrmaa cities has ie-z. ~-~ the comparative number of mem- Harold Jacobi, chairman of the. Bridgeport,. Conn. (TVXS)—i j ed to tile Hsbarssia r l w - : e w i s | j ccsaetery here, which was Forecasting- .'statewide opposition I bers registered on the one hand event, estimated. to have been displaced to na&e to the establishment'.. of Nasi' In courses In Hebrew and Jewish roonr *or a houstag fierclopsisst, history and, on the other hand, In 1740 Charles of Bourbon, Camp voa Stenben .at South"bury, vail, remain '-undisturbed for c In courses in Spanish, Russian, king of the Two Sicilies, to re-the Bronsoa Hawley Post of the year.. After that It will be cos/stenography, typesrriting, adver- store languishing trade, invited American Legion adopted a tinan- verted into a public part to- "be The HEbiaiah' wiil let ~ / Using, physical education, etc the Jews, expelled in 1432, to re- | imous" resolution opposing forma- maintained by the city, but theGermany at the close of i „ . \ (Continued on page..81) turn. tion of the camp in Connecticut. graves will not be touched. doa season.
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IAMS S. O'CONNOR, Attya. 0 Brandeis Th«3. Blag. '•
ISnterea as Second Clasa Mall .Matter on January SI. .1921. at Postoffico of Omaha. Nebraska, under tho Act of Marca S. 1S73
•-ERTCE CRAWFORD,-. County Judge.
[interests of the -k-b Po«
at Omaha. Nebraska, this y'of October, 1937. ; JOHN HOPKINS. Sheriff. .Douglas County, Nebraska. 10-23-37-Bt
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His Orchestra Sunday 5:30 F. F.I. EIO3J.
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Pioneer Women - ; • Leader, to Visit' ;-, Omaha Chapter
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"The lines are fallen unto me i t . hie miserable vagre for the month, ! way within its power. H$ the traditional Chaaukah BOng, 2r. Morf.erstErn-E article re-. definite alooatton would be ma pJeasant places. Yes, I have a which the whold family can elng rcrts thpt begini-e"'s wages now J immediately the newly organJ; goodly heritage." with you. - Jev,-£ have been sing1 A great zaar.;- pfeopk tic i^ght it \iv. these hotter t'rrcT * genersllj-j emergency • cotomlttee s e t n ' ing it for centuries ft&d Mr. World run )-elv-ecr. fr.<=rc ?nd *2,50G. ; t h e Shanghai Jewish communl •R'tsR't good lor the 6OL1E C£ Is sure every ona ot you is famil5 prophets to get so £a;,. Tlicre TTJF1, it r : r « ?n T-F . i«- Jest 8bout ; under the chairmanship of iar with it and considers it just yoi-iig m a r r i e d IloUzer ( b r o t h e r of the Los An were old-f&s.hioned folks vt~ as Jewish as any traditional chant RABBIS' WAGES yglllVi J| PC^JIFP Of r e a struggle!' geles j u r i s t ) had made known to could not adjust tfce'r cirri? t » « you have ever heard in the synaIn a recent issue of The Synagogue. So you may be surprised gogue (& publication of the Unicr. the iUts. tt.?4 t t c fi-r.-:>r r f u - L: t'r.f v r " i u v, i>h i l l o t h e r s . It Mm Its exact needs; to hear that the melody Itself of American Hebrew Congrega- ^ng a ratbi 'lisd to Cs' vr'A'u t-£ Hi&kts. l.:m « ; : «vl.;.. k m to all Vi v v l,. c. L Lrf ^ ^ f u_l I- c ' . fu d » to isn't Jewish at all, but is taken Moat) liospltal A«kR Aid & ptece fil£C« about fabfab-, W - T 5 5 p r Torres. ; « = t.r'. : ~ ." *•« > ,,nmke , ^ tions) there is a from an old German folk-song bis1 wage3 by Dr. Julian Korgea-' hungry-locking rabbis who rsxuc : DOL.I e ^ i ruf... .> M^R «-*->" Shanghai (JTA)--TaXfid bethat dates away hack to the Mid- .tern.' president ot the Hebrew »<* »>• entirely happy with the j.somelhlne of the pam of r e - yond its capacity in treating i,. Polish aristocracy is "ngog- .i. of Poland for one night. The. world; they wert pfegsltaists who Kind. This is gooci post-gro.oua..e «00 cases monthly, the B'nal the library ot Oxford University. dle Ages. But don't' let this dis- union College. . . *» . . •. » . n>f»t.« ' . • x,- > a n o r s ] Mnffirs tfRS CcUlCStiOll f o r TRbbiB. becauise Prince /Michael Radliel- man word "wahl" .was added to As recently as 1854 another work "courage you from singing" Maos % , J o-<*on even -n-fcoT. when dGeneral Motors was B'rith Polyclinic hoBpitai is u n I congratulate Mortimer's pssr- <c ble wiU^ scion of one of the most his name and he became King on the subject was written by Tzur" with the greatest' gusto; to • continue operation. of! ents on his having escaped the Shanghai officials of the Internablutiblooded royal: families, has- Saul Want. ' you won't be breaking the antiHirsch Edelman of London on or! i |-fabulous time o£ jevisfc tenipk- tional Jewish fraternal order remarried & Jewess.. Polish Jcv?» Nazi boycott. ." ' king Saul took advantage of B 6 l a r . j n w . Eis eyes will not Le suffered ry lives in; daily terror Ol po- hid brief, and nocturnal*reign to der of Dennis M. Samuel, one of After the musical part of.the ered to a rabbi should be only the j ^ ^ ^ ^ g a i d ( tire.tlguve cost of living of the rabbi, as a 4 en were a bad influence even for j to look at the world through tlie pealed. groms. / B u t once - another decree that very night that hence-' Saul's wealthy descendants. Jew- evening you c f n N t t l « to At a Uneetihg of tlie B'nal insta . . . and ish historians refer to Saul's elecrabbis who didn't get them. A i EtS.iP.efl glass o! milliOTi.-rioUF'Prince'Radzlwill : had a Jevr forth a muirder of a Jew was to the serious business of spinning B'rith lodge it was ducidpfl ( 0a p . ftf llvitsg which the \ jive only fl four-figure rabbi's wife migllt | templec —•«"» elected Icing of Poland* This be punished with the same sever- tion very briefly. your dreidlach, for stakea o£ alpeal to international fascinating narrative by a di- the murder of a nobleman. King Saul had six sons and five monds or raisins or both. But be- gation would wish its rabbi to "Cedric, we don't seeciltion: "OR," 'Morumer, iool,: lers o£ the order. i,< ri rect descendant of.- Saul Wahl The following morning ..King daughter, all of whom were bless- fore you start this Jewish put- live, so that he may participate i to be. getting anywhere We ' beautiful the world is! Everyfor an emergency fund of who was: t i n g , of Poland for Saul laid down his scepter when ed w i t h numerous progeny. and-take game you must each with digalty and responsibility in with our miserable ?S,O0e a year ; thing's so oho night.tells the whole story the'/-polish gentry' elected SlglB- Which explains why so many look carefully ,at your dreldfel, every worthy, interdenomination- . . . Just look how the others are j Xor will his even be beguiled coraniiinal taoreiaent and thus Anraham Map«f burn | n Kovof this amazing-, anfl long-for- mund III of the house of Waaa i Jewish families in Poland and and note the letters that are en- al, yon need is ;from prophetic mission by lcrepresent the congregation prop- getting up . . . What 110, 1808, is responsible for the You with your i gends. ol great EElaritr ii be gotten chapter o£ Jewish his- as king oflPoland. Germany boast of descent from graved on Its four sides. They erly and creditably in th© general a bigger pulpit , introduction of the novel into ! by right rabbis. tory. , . -—EDITOR their regal ancestor, King /Saul. are the Hebrew letters Nun, Glm* great talents." The story of Saul who'was eomniunlty." The time of rulgarly c--:trfva- Hebrew literature. king for a night may be apocry- Among those who. claim kinship mel, Hei and Shin, and they stand No, it wasn't good befor looking rabbis' 1 pint par for rabbip has PEPS! - Prince RadzlwlH, vno (of :;the phal hut it is well established in with him are the author, who has for four Hebrew words, "Nes eyes (which, should Fatroiiiae Our Advertise™ Xow there used to be a fabu- compassioB&tely at & wreaclierl | Mortimer living on. a wage sui ranking' nobles of sixteenth ^cen- Jewish . history. There are docu- written-a history of the Katzen- gadol hayah sham," which mean tury Poland, tvas notorious t o r his ments, proving that Saul was an ellenbogen family^ from which "a great miracle occurred there." lous time in American Jewish -world) to be eating covetously at j elect, for comfort ana dignity (this is to say, a living wage in •wayward and wanton-mode of liv- important factor in Polish' royal stem;, among others/Moses Men- The miracle, of course, Is that of temple life. When one had a \iiie t i g pulpits. ing. His escapades finally became circles in the- sixteen century. Few delssohn, Gabriel RleBser, cham- the consecrated oil right after the boy who wag good in elocution But others felt that rahtiis no four figures) will walk humbly BO scandalous that the ' Polish of Poland's ChriBtlan historians pion of the emcipatlon of the Ger- Maccabean victory. And the rea-one said. Yes, Mortimer, must be longer had any prophetic mission j with the Lord. _ clergy prevailed, upon him to un- mention" the epiBOde. First to re- man Jews, Karl Marx and many son why the dreidel Is considered a rabbi. to help nsake the'world better,! (Copyright, IS 37, by Seven A r t s ' g dertake a pilgrimmage to Rome cord the story, of Saul's fleeting other intellectual giants. Mortimer was only ten j since everything WES already so peculiarly sacred to Chanukah is, of to seek pardon fot his sins from KingBhip was his great-greatAs strange as was. his life so according to an old story, that at years old he made a great speech j good; what with two machines in the Pope. Absoluttoh was grant- grandson, , Moses Katzenellenbo- Was his end. i t is known that the time of the Syrian persecu- In school against the Kaiser. ~' This every garage <5f the Congregation, ed Radzlwill on condition that Be gen* who related it- in a^manu- Saul died in 1617 but where he tion the Jews who gathered to- was during the war. His baby what with two pheasants (not do^ penance, by. making • the return, script^ still: preserved in Is buried no'one knows. gether to study the Torah always eyes fairly burned with a flame mere ctllckent) ia the congregaJourney from Rome to Brest-Lltcarried dreidlach with them, so that all but consumed the Beast tion's every pot. ovak on foot. When" Radzlwill The function of rabbis seemed, that if any Syrian soldiers should of- Berlin, as he Was C&Ued. It was even in the climatic mo- indeed, to. have been reduced to j -reached Padua, footsore and ex^approach they could hide the holy hausted, he paused for a rest on books and pretend they had been ment when Mortimer exclaimed, the simplicity of speaking to God j a bench in front of the house of spinning . these little tops all Down with the Kaiser, that fcis for the members 6a YoJa Kippur j £ Rabbi Samuel Judah Katzenellenmother Eaid to his father, He's and to being ornamental. lit 'act, I along*. • C bogen, the rabbi of The ler Fend to, On thfe first night of Chanukah certainly cut out to be a rabbi. • th© opinion in many a coftgrcga- j e wind blew against his hairy, They became the more sure tion that a rabbi WEB rabbi i Lodg-e's Shanghai I you'll probably be too busy esC threadbare coat, but Rabbi Sam1 amlnihg all your Chanukah pres- that a rabbi wes what Mortimer enough if he made a good show- J Hospital | A Store in Every uel, Ixamining the stranger from iI ents to spend too much time ought to be as time marched into ing fos Jews 5n the general com- I I c inunity; if he gave speeches to j a window, saw the tired traveller Neighborhood singing and playing ' with the the 182O's. The '20's were the Rotary and Kiwanis. Ke* York (JTA)—E'nai S'rith j t •wore under his shabby coat a dreidel. But on the nights that golden age of American rabbis. early this month initiated efforts: MR. WORIiD'B QtTESTIOXS jacket embroidered with precious a, "He's worth the mosey for that !t 0 a i d happened only 2,l6i years follow—-and there are etghi alto- Rabbis* wages were advancing "e-'&r-siricken j M ' j • See how many of these quesj e w e l s . • • • " . _ • .: : . . i slone," it w&s said, "and v?e pay ago; and that, you surely realize. gether, as you know—you'll have with the stock market. " j Jewish, community, the J. T. A. • _ tions you can answer after you S, When, overnight, while people him well." Taking it for granted -that he Is comparatively recent for a peo- plenty of'time to spin these little was told by Alfred M. Cohen, in- I ii * * * was some distinguished "person- have read Mr. World's "Asli Mo ple as old the Jews. tops. For unfortunately it is the slept, General Motors brought in ternattonal president of the fra-! Another" chnt. ' * J< age, Rabbi Samuel'sent- his ^serBut ;?ilortiiser was born too Mr. World isn't' going to tell custom to give presents on the enormous profits, congregations , , iernEl. order, over the telephone i ./Hie difference M vant • to . invite' the' stranger Into- • 1. Why floes. Chnmikah cbnio you the story of the Maccabees first evening only. Which really could feel generous with rabbis. late for the golden er&. " * g ifrom Cincinnati, * ' 1 so enrly :thi9 year?. . . th ths house, Radziwili accepted is fair enough-. Your Christian" j To raise rabbis' wages was like came reaay for the rabbinical | M r . C o h e n ' s s t a t e m e n t v r « 3. Explain what »- Hebrew in any great detail. But, knowing friends must already envy you for giving a thanks offering to God•seminary cu with alacrity and was soon telling just toward the er.d ol what young memories are, he in connection with a F; ? rpCl his story to his Jewish host. Be- lenp year Is. for the happy way. In which ev- the fabulous time of Jewish tern* i! made having an eight day holiday while does want to remind you of its hai story quoting the mor 1. r H( 3. Is the ^story of the .Maccafore speeding his guest on his outlines. At that time Palestine their Christmas lasts for only a erything was going in the world. pie life.j Israel's Mesenger as c h r ' c r i ; ia« way, Rabbi Samuel provided the .bees found intUeJBibl^?' It was like, laying down a fat Even before t i e r reduced single day;. Imagine how jealous had been' conquered by .the Syryo 4. Who- is the- hero ' of . the ians, whose, king, Antlochua Epi* they'd be it you got presents on burnt offering in the ancient j themselves-from .Rolls-Royces to sAmerican Jewry with Prince with funds and new clothfesing. Mis one request of Radzlwill Chanukah story? phanea, was determined to put an each one of the Chanukah nights! temple. Chevrolets, cougregations drastic- j! indifference" to the m< 5. Who Is the heroine? Shanghai's Jews. was that upon reaching Poland Around their rabbis congrega- SUy reduced xabbis for the celebration 6f Chrlstend to the Jewish faith. He de•srt 6. What... famous composer filed the Temple by erecting a u a s really is connected with our tions built million-dollar temples he should take care of.the rabbi's Even before the members be-i ( T h e ? p P o r t 0 ? t t e ehx' eon, Saul, who had be$tt:.sent,'.' by wrote an oratorio based on this pagan altar In It, and decreed Chanukah. Not religiously, but in with marble altars and stained gan to,deny themselves the choic-! rontained In an editorial 1.j ; ;, '".*"-.: death for ail Jews who would ton- the sense thai "both are festivals jrtass windows from Vienna andi j cst cuts of steaks, they (in many j Shanghai periodic*!, was reor-;-<his father to the famous talmud- etory? 13 7. What is ttic origin of •itinue to worship their own Godof light celebrated a t that time of platinum crowns on ,the scrolls c•fjs, . congregation) decided they' ?' airmail from Ehfinghr,!. "I.lcal academy in Brest-Utovsk." melody of "MOOSTMIP?"-; • « . the year when we have least light, the law. ' I could do without a rabbi. Many a editoriel obviously vnt Radziwill kept his word:.v He 8. Whatsis-the meaning ot~y • t l l e l r when the daya -are shortest and . Coagregations were protJd of rabbi was out of a job e.n£ rab-before E'Eai B'rilli's inter sought out Saul and. made him his I bis' wages fell as low as S 1,500 the Shanghai Situation yns hofjiido or court Jew. tinder the the letters engraved ; o a - . t h o l | Then came the Maccabees, the the nights longest. Somewhere be- j to* big salaries they paid ten hero snd tbere; since the eupply known.) patronage of his princfiljft^on'sor sens; of. the,.?Jewish priest" mom EURNS hind both o£^ these'-holidays' Is "ai & I«-prlced', five-figure rabbi val 4 e cotnnio'n orlg* Mattathiasv. leadership primitive5 idea that the sun needs! was a cherished possession, like & of rabbis had become so plentiful. Saul rose quickly in "i&Svelsfechi HARRIS Mr. Cohen pointed out that in Boi of the eldest brother, Judas, they His Orchestra ' la the good Ussies a young rab- a cable tc- the B'Biiai B'rith of "his fellow-Jews. His wealth In of ' botii ' "Chanakah and encouragement at this season, i Rolls-Royce. Ambitious parents the rebelled against the Syrian tyalso increased. He became one of ChriiStnias? Cvury Sunday S:30 P. M, and that the kindling o£ special w e r e enchanted by reports that i'bl, just out-of the'seminary, could j shanghai lodge, pent Xovember ' ope 10.^Why. are presents-giye,n ^rant, and after many hard-fought lights on earth will ' give n e w ' j t n e r e "B'ei'e rabbis getting up to get from $4,000 to JE.COO, which; 5, n e had con-incnicated his or- ; the merchant' princes' of ithe'.DuKOIL battles succeeded in driving out a t t h i s " s e a s o n ? / '•'•••' • . . • < " . Chy of Lithuania. Appointed roystrength to the light, that shines i $25,000 a. year. "Certainly, our i was really a poor start lav a j ganizatioti's fiesire to-heSp in r.r.y the Syrians and . purifying the al servant by King Sigismund HI on us from heaven. Probably, too, Mortimer ought, to b» & rabbi, junior prophet. Junior prophets and in appreciation > of favors to the • No doubt all of you are very Temple. An old legend, tells us that is why presents are exchang- considering what a speaker he should not be allowed to get that that when the Temple had at last anj royal house, Saul was authorized busy these dayB preparing the last comfortable'. ed on these holidays. Originally, is." O r r Fcner&H Pftrfors Are Fornisfeec in Homa-Ltke men to wear a golden chain. A coat of your Chanukah presents, helpr been purified it was discovered when Mr. World was .very young Lo! The prophets in Israel Yes, the generosity of congrethat only a single day's supply of B ing mother polish up the Chanuof arms bestowed upon him rep•'COURTEOUS—RELIABLE" —so young that he really can't were getting fat and joining the gations was deflated to mean parcart' hunting for the: holy oil remained for the Eternal remember distinctly now—people country clubs and becotaing qual- eiraony often. One day, in a cer resented a ljon crowning himself, kah lamp and ; 'Light over the Ark-of the CovenKru and an eagle. His chief Occupa- dreidels you played with last y&ar probably used fo sacrifices . . bring . . • ^ ified people for the best society, tain email community, I met the chai tion was overseeing leases ol at. this. time. AVhat with Thanks- ant; and that then a miracle oc- io.. . They could look at the world end j rabbi on the main street, He was un {i n e t r ng th FUNERAL DIRECTORS curred, and that tiny amount of }** « <-° &** 7 ! f v 4 state revenues, duties and bridge gjlying just over, you//must be"' it was good: the Psalmist jj going about among the members HA 1228 and when they learned that the j g prov - tolls. When salt "boiling houses haying a very hectic week-end. ~'\ oil continued to burn for ,eight larg" -were opened Mn. . Lithuania in That's .one fascinating' thing days, until a fresh supply had sun doesn't need their presents, J knew .what he ,was talking about:; to collect enough money to pay out; started to give these, gifts to 1578 Saul leased the entire bus- about the Jewish holidays—you been consecrated. This, as you they their relatives and friends. Mr. have guessed, is the reason" why •was! iness from the king. He also su- never can tell when they're going World does hope that this year all in i pervised collection of revenue for to pop up. For years now you've the Chanukah celebration centers your family will realize the imabout the .kindling .of special terri i d ; the government at Brest and wasbeen.used 4 to the Idea, of Chanuh old d custom, and portance off this , . p Pr entrusted with 'the -.operation/.'ol 'kah coming-in the.middie bf;t)e- lights for ,eight diys. . . 14 a give you plenty of presents. . the fishery, mills and. alcohol -and cemDer-f-sometimes^ I f almost co- '. But Mr. .World wouldn't want, will (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts beer m o n o p o l i e s . . , '• '>> incides with Christmas, which the girls among you to feel that F-sature Syndicate) the boys can crow, over you be-, These extensive business acliv1-. cmalces it so niiich* easier to ex- cause Ley At®®* a Gift a Dcy for Chrhimat the hero of this holiday is a" itiea.brought Saul into intimate plain, to. yp'ur Christian playmates man. For Chanukah.hag a herocontact with the .royal-court. King / why^yxni get^ Chanukah'; gifts in- ine, too—the ; Martyr Hannah,, Sei Stephen Batory (l570ri587);.held stead of Christmas'presents. And who preferred to see her seven •vrill him in high esteem while the then,* because'the Hebrew month children killed .before her' very o'cloc Jews though enough of him to is a few day*s shorter than the. eyes rather: than have them.re9 o'c The Genuine Bates Grip elect him president of the Jewish secular calendar month, we get a nounce Judaism." So, young ladies, Ra Bowling Ball now sold . c o m m u n i t y of Brest-L.itov8k. year like tHis one, with Chanukah tell that to '.your . brothers^—and tlnue ia Omaha by the Saul's highly placed friends also coming • right -on top of Thanks- then, to "soften the blow,'go over at 4 earned rhim the envy and enmity giving Day. When you start'ex- to the piano and play the' fam&us ot many. Once Jiia enemies tried plaining this to your nori-Jewlsh march, "Hail, the Conquering to revenge- themselves on „ him friends you can take their breath Hero Comes," from Handel's through his -daughter,.-Hannah, a. away^by pointing out .that when great oratorio 'Judas Maccabeus,' IA 2 7 2 4 12, £ Rat striking beauty of /great Intelll'l tho r; H.ebrew. year begins to run which celebrates the exploits of fho Sate* Grip Ball . . . give b gence.. When theI. .'.Kl'ng's wife too far ahead'df Itself "the' situarenowned ^Jewish herd. •. " • at the! , died, those who sought to under- tion is. straightened out by adding produce higher scores o»d And while" you're at the piano, erenio an(. extra month to the year; in mine Saul induced, some Influen-. : Tha tial noblemen. to, call the' -mon- other,, words, the Hebrew, leap be sure-you play "Maos T«ur," ' North's • arch's attention-to Saul's daugh- year, instead of having just one pie v?i. ter. The King found Hannah BO extra day, has a whole month exMount attractive that ho planned io -have tra. Rev, . . her abducted. But Saul got- wind - Of course'you remember the sei" ot the scheme: Post-haste he ran atory behind the celebration of •will ps to his friend; Samuel Schorr, .the Chanukah. It is not a The, 1 chief rabbi of Brest-Litovsk, then- story; but has come down to us •will U a man past seventy and a widow- ,in the' Book of the Maccabees, 2:30 1 er. Of him he asked that he" make which is not old enough to be Goldba . Hannah his wife. And-the mar- part 'of the actual ' read "riage took .place Immediately. how: could it be old enough? The you." Shortly after, on August la^h, .events we remember on Chanugroup 1587, King Stephen died. Under Inured the Polish constitution a new with R king waa to be chosen by vote of Mont tho country's noblemen. And address - when Prince Radziwill journey- Johnson's club. ' ed to Warsaw for. the royal elecbefore 1 tion he took Saul with him. it ]/2 Gallon , Congrci soon became evident that no ©fo-CSoafc ton, w agreement could be reached on a and See the Etas candidate' at the first "meeting-of lego ar^i Our the noblemen. But the constitu- . Applies* tion provided that - the country Window? must not remain without a king FEDEA over night. It was at this point that Radziwlll said he had a candidate who Rflldwest) A spa should be named until agreement Carpot'cnd of dire a was reached. And to the astonishJe-wisb ; ment of the Polish bluebloods, 613 S. 24th Wedne.- ? Radsiwill put in nomination the HA asos plan3 fc | JUNIOR!5' SUES namo of Saul. Ho -argued thav Th© excjwdte details i r e .gold details? jeirei- tips, handsome meeting Saul was politically harmless and : MISSES' SS2IS brdds, fringed assists in. rich colors of Black, Brown, Sl&te Grueskfi that it was perfectly safe to perBi'JLSj Kitural» Greea and Wis<&, All current styles, the-'best settatlon, pj mit him to be king for a night. WOMEN•S SKES Strange to relate, the assembled tyb} (ia mztkf cases) of tfee saasoa s i auch higher prices. -noblemen accepted Radaiwill's HAtP SUES Better ©ress S&te—T&iifi Rsscx proposal and elected Saul, the son and grandson of rabbis, as king
By Mas: Wolleneteiner
ii* 3
By Florence' Rothschild
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)E r.i," ".l-.r .t-.v~.'f.i. •Hi; i , e c . "
The Most Complete Line of Chanukah Gifts We Have Ever Shown
Largest Assortment • Highest Quality Low Prices
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THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1037 a Phi Beta Kappa key. So they're ' answers the phone herself iinper-; silver shovel in her mouth."" | Jewish homeland in Palestine. j Eeiugfee all glove salesmen, eh? the i seriating a Swedish aaid. Sam \ "All Eddie Cantor wants ou of.! Addressing the council of of Jaffe receives hundreds o£ letters: life is a place in the sun or vice !goTpiiirr r or "e'r,Ere°r I ME.;. :JLPin dot biograpyiiy: June Trav- from all ovef the world anent his :versa." r. o=i i \ u cm c: n t is has green eyes, iircram hair, is performance 2.5 the two-hundred'•Hollywood is a jail," describes ;the rt:i.^e five-feet-four, weighs 116 pounds, year-old iauia in "Lost Horizon.": Mas Gordon, "the most beautiful , r- i i i ; was born in Chicago twenty-two George Givot sells walnuts from ' jail in the world. his Tarzana ranc"h. Ernst Lubityears ago. After a terrific din a t L\ A. sch never-accepts social invita- one morning, the office bey chirp- • Irving Berlin takes his piano tions when working on a picture. ed. "That's nothing . . . only Sam • wherever he goes. It has a trick ! Charlie Cbaplin s liofiern Times .G o l d w v n d r o : i p = n g h i s a c o e - t . . , keyboard ' which automatically |h a s harvested four million GO.- Bert Lahr finishec a loss ho' i lars thus far — in spite of being transposes. .. | banned in Germany and other •s c e r i e ' wiped away the perspiration, begged. "I wish somebody Fritz Feld "recently played a : Fascist spots. They're naming a would baste tne!"' I theatre after Paul Muni in Lon-
its. jower. Ho said a ' aite alocation Would be made \ lediately the mev.-ly organized J rgency committee s^t up by f~ Shanghai Jewish "cdrnmunity, / ' er tlie cliairmauahip iDf Joseph [zer (brother of thq1 Los Ans jurist) had made known to its exact needs." Hospital .Asks banghai (JTA)—Taxed bed its capacity in : treating 1,cases month'?, the': B'nai Polvclmic • hospital is unto - c o n t i n u e operation. ;hnl officials of the ittternatal Jewish fraternal order reled.
-•• •
. . .
The most important event of improvise, and among those who the new musical season is the did so was Walter Damrosch. Algolden jubilee concert to bethough he was BO tiny- at that given by the world-famous time that his feet did not reach piano virtuoso, Joseph Hof- the pedals and special pedal ex-
.t a -meeting of the v-Blnai th lodge it was decided to ap1 to international headtiuars of the order, at Cincinnati, an emergency land of 55,000.
Patronize Our Advertisers
! :I • I
and His. Orchestra Every Sunday S : 3 0 P. •"-•
'K O I L
in Home-Like.' Fashion —RELIABLE"
H A 1 2 2 6
\J Si
' found, on examining the music, that the boy was right.
"was given a velocipede and hea spent all the time he could riding
His Berlin triumph attracted it in the park. attention throughout the ContinHofmann was 18 before he ent and the next few months again returned to the* concert fonndJalm travelling to Denmark, platform and to a career of Norway and Sweden, giving con- mounting successes. In 1896, certs under the patronage of the when he was 20, he again visited Queen of Denmark. On his re-the United States and has toured turn to Berlin he played at a con- here almost every season since. In cert in the Royal Opera House in 1926 he became an American citthe presence of the Emperor. In- izen. Besides bis Tast activities as vited to appear in Paris, he found a concert pianist, Hofmann has . himself in the company of such been director of the Curtis Instinoted composers as Camille SaintSaens, Ambroise Thomas and Leo ' Lelibes. It was In Paris that Eu• binstein again heard Hofmann
1 V\ 11
Foe of
Abraham itfapu, born in Kov1S08, is responsible for the reduction of the novel into jrew literature.
SEE ;vHiedifference.''
tute of Music in Philadelphia since 1926, and' also its instructor of piano. Remembering his small part so well that he j c o i •'! ""> own youthful days, he has always in great demand . . . but he isn't | don . . . it will be- called, "JHuci '.B,V,C F ail. keenly interested in the ca- happy. Seems acting intereferes • M i m e . " '• co' r"",e mann, a t the Metropolitan Op- tensions had to be built for him, been ! of young musicians and 3swith his career which he hopes tior. cr era House on ^November 28th he created a deep impression by reers Jascha Heifetz, now a part of (Copyright, 1 5 " , Jewish releone of the most enthusiastic supwill be • directing. Feld should in. celebration of the; 50th an- his calmness, poise and dignity on porters of the Musicians' Emergraphic'Agency, Inc.) our industry, vras relating stories make good in that field for he's niversary of his American de- the platform. about his early struggles. Harpo gency Fund, to which the protops in ingenuity. A few years "r:.- r s but from t h e same platform. Within three months of his of his golden jubilee con- ago when some of his relatives :w a s a n interested _ listener until; W i n n e r C t N Mr. Blattman here presents American debut Hofmann had ceeds in b j Heifetz remarked that he practic-' will go. | some little'known sidelights on played 18 concerts at the Metro- certAmong !jwent from Germany to Palestine, ; ally supported his family when .he ; Peace Prise Noted. : in tho^e who will be in the boyhood of the man who politan Opera House and 24 onthe audience at the Metropolitan I was seven. "Hrapb," flipped Har-" has T>een called Anton Rubin- tonr. Although 40 more appear- Opera House when Hofmann, now fountain apparatus, and set them ! po. "before that I guess you were ; stein's successor.—The Editor. ances had been booked for him,at the peak of his career, walks up in business. I t was the first, . Stockholm (JTA) — Viscount! ever seen in the "land of milk !J U E t a bumhis parents decided to cancel the onto the stage where his little and honey," and drawing those j Cecil of Chelwood, famed British ' At one o f the studio commis, The world has had few jenuine i rest of the tour, feeling that it feet trod fifty years ago, is his f who were curious as we^l as j pacifist acd head of the British prodigies ,of the piano. Mozart J was more important" to conserve mother, now 84 years old. Despite | those who thirsted,- it did a thriv- j saries, there is a table especially League cf 'Nations Union, last reserved . for directors and prowas one, having made his mark his health than to add to his week was announced as the Nobel • frequent persuasions, Mrs. Hof- ing business. ducers. " The other day Fannie as a concert pianist at tne age of jfame as a pianist. At this point mann has permitted her fear of peace prize winer for IP ST. i : " i Brice walked in, liked the table . : six, 125 years ago. Sixty years in his career, a patron, then anon- the ocean crossing to keep her Prominent amongLord Cecil'E „„„ ^. =&t Boulevard Buzsings: Eddie Can-, _ - _ s a t<d o ^ a a d _ a t e h e r m e a l later Franz Liszt captured the at-ymous,, but afterwards disclosed from America since that memor- I tor is opening a gift saop. Eyeing' xobody" Hip'ped""her"off'"on Teav- • humanitarian activities have been tention of the European public. to be the late Alfred Corning his opposition to the Nazi regicae able day in 1887 when she stood.I the holiday business or a second1*ing she said, * " • . - . why <». 1 h;=. „„„„„;+;,,„ *^.•»>,,. v . . i „„„..!,„„ wonder Rubinstein and Mendelssohn were Clark of New York, offered to nervously in Germany, his service as chairin the wings of the son-in-law? Gregory Ratoff has j st h eo a l y v o m"I a i l a tt h a t t a n l e piano wunderMnder in their turn, provide for the child's entire fam- opera house awaiting the. end of j his own picture hanging in " : s |witasurely man of the governing *icCy crestfelt fusnv but no one more truly deservedfly,so that the senior Hofmann her ten-year-old eon's American | office ed by the League of Nrrrr= -"r autographed, you - * *•"" -if "* — * \that designation than Josef Hof- might devote his full attention to Z',:- S 19S3 to deal with, las r r r i . r ^ Luise Rainer lives in a Quotes from Quipsters: debut. please! 'mann, who will celebrate the fif- guiding Josef's musical destinies. a proh-iem and his Sizprrrt of il-*. "Martha Raye .was born witl More than half, a century has j small apartment, servsntless tieth anniversary of "his debnt in Under the patronage of his un-elapsed since the day when RuAmerica as a concert pianist at a known benefactor, Hofmann re- binstein, who was giving his sevgolden jubilee concert at the Met- turned to Europe to continue his en great historical concerts in ropolitan Opera House on Novem- musical studies,: studying theory London, was told of a newly disand composition with Urban and ber 28th. " -'.'•. covered infant prodigy. Shaking Born in Cracow, Poland, Hof- piano with Moszkowski, and lat-his head he said he did not, as a t.' mann. was playing the piano at i e r becoming the only private pu- rule, believe in these wonderful three and a half years. At five he pil of Rubinstein. children, though he admitted hav"Unlike some of our contemporhad made his professional debut. ing heard one boy such as the hisSix months after he acquired his ary medical prodigies, Hofmann tory of music had never before j f V!' was also a real boy. Everybody first piano, Hofmann gave his father, Casimir Hofmann, then who met him as a boy pianist re- the piano which stood besid* him, conductor of the Warsaw Opera, marked that in spite of his bril- the maestro exclaimed, "And the an/ original mazurka for a births liance he had all the likeable name of this young rascal is Josef day present. His first public ap- characteristics of a wholesome Hofmann." Rubinstein's verdict pearance was at a charity concert youngster. Mnsjcally mature, he has been upheld by two genera, x : and his father was promptly ov- still had a boy's natural enthus- tions of critics and music. lovers. \ e^whelmed with offers for concert iasm for toys and gadgets and aToday Hofmann is universally • appearances for the boy. But thenatural aptitude for mischief. The recognized as the peer of pianists, father and the mother, the latter virtuoso' who is now~one of thethe modern Rubinstein. world's • most -highly paid artists '.famous a generation-ago as Matwas once promised twenty-five (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts : hilde "Wysockska, the opera singcents by his parents for each conFeature Syndicate) -er, were more anxious to preserve cert he played. On one occasion • the youngster's health than to exwhen he had finished his program hibit him as a prodigy and perand encores were demanded he mitted him to make very few pub- refused to play, saying, "The conlic appearances. . cert is over and I have earned \ ^ 'Ttose few appearances attract- my quarter." Later, of course, he , By HELEN ZIGMOKU f ed an' unprecedented amount of returned to the stage, but in the attention. "When Hofmann was artists* room he remarked to his Hollywood — Novel by Jesse only seven ' Anton Rubinstein father, "In the future you must heard him play/in "Warsaw and pay me by the piece—two cents Lasky, Jr. will soon be off the was so greatly impressed that he each for my own compositions pre-=3. It's entitled, "Husbands' Teferred to "him as Va boy Ench and five cents each for the oth-Holiday." Twill be cinematized as the history of music had never ers." His extraordinary mental but not by Papa Lasky ..,. « Jun"; before .produced" - When Joaef acumen was not confined to theior wouldn't even let his father was eight, his father for the first piano. On a visit to the office of have a peak at the galley sheets. time yielded to pressure to allow his manager.-he was attracted by Sub'sfantis! Reduciions! the boy to .make a public appear- one of the earliest ' typewriters. Paul Muni and JDavid Sarnoff ance under professional manage- "Ha," he cried, as his eyes fell of R. K. 0- are included in a list ment. His debut took place at a upon the strange instrument, of 150 "greatest living Jews" in matinee in Berlin's largest con- "what is that?" And with a a compilation called the "Jewish ; cert hall with the Philharmonic child's delight at a new toy, heHall of Fame." ^ New on Sals ai .. Orchestra. This concert made it seated himself and began to fin. evident that the boy pianist had ger the keys. He had never beJ. Edward Bromberg always an extraordinary memory as well fore seen a typewriter, yet in less manages to avoid looking in at as a special gift for detecting mu- than fifteen minutes he had rat-the projection-room where the «ical inaccuracies. At his first re- tled off four short letters, one daily shots are being run off. hearsal he not only played the in French, German, Polish When asked why, he snapped, • Luxury Coats, frimms'd wift lavish furs in Pcrsk-. . First Beethoven^ Concerrto from English. The work was as"Come late a n d avoid the Biua'Fox, Silver Fes, Welt, Bsaver. H d memory, but after, it was com-perfect as if i t had been done by 'rushes'". pleted went to the conductor and an experienced typist. Until the fabrics, bsaufifuliy Uned. Sizss for woman £"£* said to him in French: "The cel-very moment of going on the Albert Lewin, producer, holds misses. * . '.'los were not correct in the. last stage, ho always played with degrees from Harvard, "N. T. U., passage; it should go so." And he blocks or a toy steam engine, and Columbia, and also possesses • Substantial Reductions! played the passage on' the piano which was his greatest'Joy. Shortfor the astonished conductor, who ly after his arrival in New York
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and once.more proclaimed" him "the greatest wonder of the present age." After completing his sensational European tour, Hofmann, then * i s taken into OUT ten years old, came with his parents to America. His debut in this country was set for November 29. i?r -IT r7]i?r -I 1887. American critics had heard of the young pianoforte virtuoso of whom Saint-Saens went so far • to encourage the purcimse of new merclaandise. It io offered for resale tit ttse lotrest prices •we can put upon it. as to say that he had nothing firat and constant purpose is to make it -easy for our more to learn in music. On the Our customers t o bare the new. Oar second is t i e quick dis* night before nis Metropolitan" Oppocal of the old. ' era concert Hofmann gave a private recital to the press of New Every day in tKe year tier© are large sssorlnseots off• erciL In fact you"cah .furnish, a-whole .house Froxa this Tork at "Wallack's Theatre. A. stock which changes constantly. " contemporary writer in the New Tork Herald-Tribune wrote that It's worth your while to coxae to the Exchange Departthe "audience listened at first-in inent today, and a -week From today, to "secure what you .. amazement, then in admiration, want. WE LIST A FEW TYPICAL EXAMPLES. and at last surrendered themselves to a feeling of affectionate Burl walnut c&ina cabinet, like n e w . . . . . . . . . . . . . regard for the Heaven-gifted gen4O-£ncij ssmbogany bookcase -. . . . . . . ."". . . ..»„ . . . . . ",£2.S0. ius. "While be played, Hofmann Walnut. and- mahogany spinet .desk . . - . . . . . , . . • . . S*S9 . ceased to be a boy- The soul of a ' Maisogany" t e a cart -with glass t r a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.S0 man and to a great extent a S&ahogany. oeeretsry, small size - . . . " • . . . . . . . . . . .3.P.S0 man's power, seemed to .have Cjbiltls oak .roll top desk vritk swivel - chair. . ; . . . . 3.S53 passed into him." The following Several odd xipljolstered davenpoTts, eacii. . . . , -. ,«'3.S9 night he took t \ e musical /world by storm, playing a long and dif- . Valour upholstered 2-pc. living room suites," each. S.©0 ficult progrcm of solo numbers and selections with the orchestra Good. Selection of Coal Ranges and Kehtsrs as a critical capacity audience lis.• ' •' ••. Convenient Terras '. •'.' . • tened enraptured. The young-pianist created a great sensation , not only by the brilliance of his playing but ."by .his unusual "gift" of -EXCHANGE-ANNEX improvisation. Members of the audience were invited \o suggest 1GI9 Haraey St. Under the Nebraska Power 2!ds« themes upon which the boy would
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the mercy of foreign steamship lines, which are planning . a rreight rate increase. Included In the pli is l o r developingshSpins are t h e development of. PUBI-ISMtD £V£RY FRIDAY AT OMAHA. NEBRASKA. BY two or f?;r<=e more move ports for the THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY fruit season' at Nathania am] Eiehron Jscoli. 12.00 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. Ono Year Trip wonU! he in addition to By DAXICTJ IJ. SCFsOEK ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON, APPLICATION 'he T P ] Aviv port, whose ra EDITORIAL OFFICE: BOO.BRANOEIS THEATER BUILDING New York s'JTA) — "Within ripvpinpment v/as descrihed hy ' SIOUX CITY OFFICE-JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER the next, several months a fleet M'-P. Vye:r?oT) in glowing tern PRINT SHOP ADDRESS-4504 SO. 24TH STREET of some £5 seas-Dins vessels, coas"T didn't recognize the port DAVID BLACKER Business and Managing Editor tal steamers and fishing: boats. when I rrfiirnpci io Palestinf- af. FRANK R. ACKERMAN fjdjtor ter the Eionist Congress." si19 pear. The "environment is a most j a?™? t h e - T ^ ! s h f ' ^ - - V i l i bthee snid. -LEONARD NATHAN -• Associate Editor felt need in Jewish religious "T?IP Breakwater hnd hf-pn 25 | plowing the Mediterranean rigorous moulder. The nest RABBI FREDERICK COHN Contributing Editor schools. It describes the cornpoextpy.ppd. ncvF- building: have h-pn I u• e •, T r , . . u * rears should therefore see the de- Jewish homplsnd extends its area creE ted, anrt now preparati,i RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS - . - Book Editor sitioa of the Jewish elements that * \ . _ „ _„ . „,...,,„„., «-,„,.,• 'of colonization into the unpariiUS AineriveSopinent of a -soli b.sve- been made for the laiulin^ By Rabbi Frederick Cohn ANN PILL . . . Slous City. Iowa. Correspondent | today constitute the American can Jewish community, free from j tioncd sea. Sunday, night we light the first candle in celebration of j Jew. it records the contributions the pettiness, the rivalry and the ! This fleet is included in tlie of passengers. The port ha= fu||_v Plmnnlmli > ' j made by each to the Jewish scene. , . . . . have hindered ; immediate plans of Nar-hshon justified all our hopes. It is now t h a t buanulian. . , ? i t will help destroy the erroneous !c o n f u § i o n Ltd.. the maritime organization handling twice as much carro as Let us light candles also in our souls that the glow of de- [notion that one section is more: genuine union- and co-operation of Palestinian Jewish labor, the Jaffp. port.. In a world'so given to turmoil as ours is today, one can"PaleFtine'Je-wry Is heinc ennwhose emissary, Mrs. Golclie Myvotion may burn there. / * •^ | important than another. erson. has arrived -h^re to spelt vinreci that it is feasihlp to im. T a ef i r s not escape its analogies with the heroic ages of the past. ChanWhat Jews sadly lack is'religious fervor. We pay homage! s l P o r t u ste s chapter, "The Spane J e wi n A r a e r i c a S55P.0O0 from American Jewry port through Tel Aviv. Importers >" ukah allows no exception. Of all the Jewish holidays it is the to all'else—philanthrophy, 'nationalism,' what have you—but I l \ through sale of 100,000 shares of says they never got such sprvice , , j deals not so much with the Spanmost significant in this present era. stock. ; ish and Portugese Jews on Amer- i as they are petting at Tel Aviv. by the board. By. Dr. Pbilip Yet religion, if we only stopped to consider it, is our chief | ican soil, but rather with their j The lone ranpe plans of Nach- The port is quiet and dignified. It ~ Today as in that ancient time when the world was threatimixirtance in intheir their native native land, land, Bhon, as described hy Mrs. Myer- resularlr employs about 600 lab. ened with paganism, a P a g a n i ! ™ w h , ° S n ^ ^ glory, the chief cause of whatever good reputation we may i' importance and many more during the son in an interview" •with the JewBIBLE ' the known world was to sound the death-knell ot human con- => ' ' . - , , / ,. . ,f . ' „ .- • and their rich contributions to T 1 „',.-•/ season. A voice is heard in Kamah ish Telegraphic Agency, are more! the known^wo ^ ^ ^ ^ j have m , t h e world. Religion brought us to the fore. Religion jJ e w i s a .l e a rning. The outstand"The Mediterranean is a profitamblfiotiB. W i t h |Tr.,ooo,r»Cf science, xne IO . , „ _ „ - _ . . 1 o > . _ + l l A C ' i s our crown of glory in the eyes of many. ! ing intellectual leaders of Spanish lamentation and bitter -weeping. RMP place to carry on business. ^ t s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ 1 1 ^ ! Our very LLlof Chanukah is a religious festival. ! " ' . - * «< their great nterarv Rachel weeping for her children, there c-oulfl be established zgro- The Ita'ian line coyers part Of its villages, fisheries souls that considered the aspirations of Judaism irksome, -in , .. , • y • , •-• - .e_Al r i i. e in. • ' achievements, are noted. The In- she refuseth to be comforted for "g Industries and a preat loss incurred elsewhere with the thTconquered Palestine of that day one saw the Jews sub-1 Twenty-one hundred years ago our fathers fought for fheip r e - j n u e a c , o f S p a n i s h J e w r y i n t h e her children because . they are profits it makes in the Mediterrc^Wn" to the alien doctrine It was easy to turn from the ' »>e«>»v The heroism of the Maccabees was inspired .by religion.!ThUnited states was never larger, gone. The Lord saith, refrain thy maritime industry. anean." Coincident with t h e r a p ^ scriDujg io ine uneii uuui . « relative paucity in numbers, •,-oice from weeping, and thine ntio ;,.,, !t .. n _j t n pno . no . P They had absolutely no political or other end in view. They Mm. Myerson say the possibilprinciples of human welfare and responukhty and to engage , ^ ^ > nationalism but for Judaism. }™M™ Hmite* their possibui- eyes from tears, because thy chil- of Ps«estine's maritime industries inpp for the Jews that would be in the pleasant pastimes of the pagan peoples. . , ° ,, , * -iU * i T V. ' : ties and scope. dren -will return back to their the Jewish population's interest in the sea is .crowsns: spurred by created by the development of It was the re-awakened conscience of certain Jews that! Let us equally esteem our faith today. Jews show very; The German Jew in America own, border. of the infant Tel Avh- maritime industries if partition It was tne nawuheutu . r1pfilp(1 + h . t ; little religious .interest today. They rarely attend religious ser- has played, and still does, a larg-j "_t thee up wavmarks. make ' t l s e 1success ! S e t suide-posts, ' s e t thy heart i P " - t l i e experimonts in a 3ev- comes. Temples and Synagogues on Friday nights and particu_. .. . , prompted the rebellion against the oppressor who detiled that, ° _ -"* _ . J . J J _ = . Spanish and Portthe highway, even the ! issh - merchsnt marine — and not "And if there is no partition, • .. - ° ° • • • ° * author deals which was dearest to the hearts of the faithful. rThey saw the vices. Temples and Synagogues on Friday nights and particu- ugese precursor.s The ^ _____ . . . . . , thee which thou wen test, re-! l a s t l y , the necessity of havine a then the sea opens to ug a now y on baturdays, are deserted. JCTVS are found everywhere, i n sketchy fashion with the life country. It adds on to the terri, rule of the Hellenistic Syrians as degrading'to human beings, tory of Palestine. It Is a territory where we don't have to fight for every inch. And it provides possibilities for employment of tens of thousands of persons."
to rule the southern states, the Grand Wizard now says is an excellent person. . . As for the Jews, if they^d only seek conversion, they would readily be welcomed into the Klan. It's only our peculiar habit Of being different that in the past bothered the hooded orSy BE. SIIEODOSE N. LEWIS EabH,.JloBat Sisal Temple, Sloas Cliy ganization. \ . . . Perhaps the era of good feeling is here after all—since Dr. Evan's heart is so ablaze with loving kindness toward his j "Tlie American Jew," by Abra-I while young and reselling maturham J. Fcldinan. Blocb Pub- I ity in an American atmosphere, fellow men. In fact, after reading the article we found the lisliing Co. !>3 Pages, $1.25. i defy recognition. Crude raannerGrand "Wizard had done an admirable job of telling how useisms, alien habits, even distincThis book by Rabbi Feldrnan less an organization the K. Iv. K. really is. tive facial characteristics disapof Hartford will supply a long
Candles in the Soul
Gems of the Bi . and Talmud
one, shall die for his own iniquity, •L, , T i r TJ • +^i«,, n . . f . . n t . + l l _ ' getting t h a t there is no business so important as religion, the : ..•„_„ „# Jewish people have been every man that eateih the sour spirit in the maritime campaign, t i o n s o of f tianity. That reawakened soul of J u d a i s m . t o d a y confronts t h e ° ° •-.,-•• • . , , u * w >. • • : T* hailed from Germany. grapes, his teeth shall be set on is the economic fact that bonts J "• . . . . . „„_„ « V n t K ^. 1 salvation of their immortal souls. It "would seem that their i guided, The French revolution intensi- edge. jbodies and material welfare could be subordinated for a time, " ; serving Palestine now employ 15i b same enemy. But the victory of this age will come i\ot hv fied the struggle of the German I will cause a shoot cf right- j 0 0 0 men of whom only 150 are j There are many so-called 'Jews' who do not belong to a Jewish might, nor hy power, but by i l y spirit." for emancipationOut^ of ,e o u s n e s s t 0 g T 0 W n p n n t 0 David Jews; and Jewish maritime in(Congregation. "Wherein, then, are they entitled to be called ; this was born Reform Judaism ia n d h e s h a l l e x e c u t e justice and dustries could enpsge tens of Warsaw (WNS)—A test cai» thousands of persons. 'Jews'? A Jew is one who follows the religion of Judaism and i w l l i c J l h a s made^ much larger j righteousness in the land. in the Polish courts to determine g At ^present there is a Jewish in the United States j the legality of the ghetto bench 'Strife-torn Palestine, beset by terror, experienced its darkJewish Jewish religiouscharity, institutions. Giving a few dollars : f,rosress After I Rabbi Jleir said, "It is a mer- ! freighter, the RachaC, carrying on seating arangement for Jewish est day fcst week. It-was not that terrorists killed more Jews 0supports a small sum usually in-com-l •> Q c e i na w h i I e t -o Lil3.Il IL of; itorions act for one to support his 'coastal trade, calline at Cyprus students is heinp planned by the th ifisn pleasure, l than on pastt d days; it was was not that more orangegroves orange-groves were i a r iis o n ^ y5j t h luxury • the German revolution, thousands > daughters, and so much the more and ports of Palestine. Syria and heirs of the Jewish Wavelberg h wii i a t ii s s p e n t o n s ell ffj o n S eifi cut down or-fields burned. Palestine found itself with the |a n d indnlo-ence, not always of the healthiest kind is not ; O f G e r I 2 a E § sought refuge and his sons, who occupy themselves Egypt. This has completed tven-. family. The basis of the suit, ty voyages. There is slso the fish- which will name the Polish govblood of innocent Arabs on its hands. ,e n 0 ^ h ; t o c o n s t i t u t e o n e s e l f a r e a l < J w , N o r i s t h e ' m o r e o r ; ^edojn ^ . e c ^ » ^ j^ ^ ££ZJ[£ ^f'Uo ing boat, SE&pir, launched four ernment as defendant, is a conAn act of revenge,-while never condoned, may. ottimes be le&s s i n c e r e s u p p O r t of a'so-called 'Jewish nationalism.' Speak! in* large numbers. Most of them : teaches the Torah to the son of months ago as the first. Jewish tract, entored into between tha justified. A desire to bring to'justice the murderers of inno- ! a b o u ; t <j e v o t i o n t 0 the land of Palestine—what made Palestine' c a i a e h e r e desPerately poor, with ; his neighbor, the Scripture con- attempt s t deep-sea f i s h i n g . V\~EveH>?iTs and the governm whose crew is now able to sup-shortly slier the reoonstitution. cent Jews, victims of a reign of terror can M b ^ l , p r e c i o u s : a n d d e a r ? ft. w a s b e c a n s e i t w a s t h eH o ] y ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ . £ * ^ £ 1 «%Z>Tl£?ZlZ^^o*. port itself. Xachshon and the Polsnd as an independent repnbBut for Arab men and women who have not subscribed to tne ,L a n d o f Eeligion, where religion first came to full and fine esT-; In the course of time these Ped- not the scripture explain the rea-1 - ^ ^ Agency lso maintain a: lic. Arab campaign of terror to fall victims of Jewish hate is de- p r e s s i 0 I l j 'flowered' in the immortal reli»ion of Israel. Pales-' d l a r s amassed wealth, opened; son for its laws? Because the rea- training ship. In that contract the WarelVv'ith this small beginning. !b s i r e s s e £ t a b l J s e n ber<?s agreec? to establish an entine had supreme value in men's sight because the Prophets " ; ^ t s t some of! son of two laws were explained Xachshon plorable. u v plans in the next few i ••"..-.•. ° "^<""" >- <-""= ^ - : which are powerful commercial : and King Solomon, one of the to launch e.t least 20 fish-I gineering school in Warsaw and *It is evident that the Arab terrorists ha\e no re jSpoke there, because the Bible was written there; because the; a nd Industrial institutions. I world's great men, stumbled over months ing boats, two • - three freighter.-. flip Polish frovernment pledged itfor their own. The leaders of the terror are motivated by pure-1 highest truths of religion and morality were proclaimed there, I The Russian-Polish Jews have ! them." of from l.CCO to 1,200 tons for self not. to permit any discrimina:a r i c h h i s t o r y b o t h a t h o m e a n < i Ra bi Nechein S£id coastwise trade, two large freisrht tion of race or creed against stuly selfish reasons. They have extorted huge sums from Arabs •b e c a u s e the One God of the Universe was worshipped there ' ! ? ^\ - "^'f vessels for trade with European ' dents in Ibis school. The Wavelwho to all appearance have been friendly to-Jewish immigra-1w h e n t h e r e s t o f t l ; e , v o r l d w a s s u n k ^ h e a t h e n d a r k n e s S ) i g J ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ ^ X ^ ^ s S ^ T ^ t l anci two passenger: berg heirs believe they have an ironclad case because the ghetto tion. They have murdered more Arabs than Jews as part ot |{ n o r a n c e ) error "and superstition. Heine was right. "A Book i s ; scholars, who hare significantly! the parties enter, listened to their! countries benches were first introduced in ; claims, and thereafter let the wit: ships. enriched fishing- boats will open a their campaign- to retain"their feudal rights. Jewish life and thought, jness enter, listened to their tsii- newTheindustry th school founded by this Jewish t h e Jews'Fatherland.^' Within the pages of its immortal Bible i and labor marlcef. Since the Arab leaders do not care.about the Arab peoples, I s r a e l l i v e d it.,t^e-ii£e,: entertained its highest hopes, dreamed ' S ^ ^ ^ n d ' t h f ^ l l f e l t \ mony ^— and^ then ~~ told ^all» of^them» to Until HOT fishing has been car- family. The minister of educahas received a formal letter nor do the English, the least the I alestvnian Jews can do as i t sWOrld-encompassing dreams of unity, of pei-fection, of hap-' figures in the rennaisance of He- j so out before they discussed the ried on primitively by the Arabs tion of protest from the Wavelbergs brew are ma er and deep-sea fishing principal!!" not subject them to a third terror. The policy of certain Jews, p j n e s S t L i s t e n t o the words of the supreme literarv artist: "'The Russian and - " was a .disciple who stud ;- ofPolish thesej' «There but has ihus far failed to answer although not always the Zionist leaders, to the Arabs has been l j e w s m a y console* themselves for tlie loss of Jerusalem and > by Italians. A Jewish fishintr inlSSlM e f i i n t I l e" college lthh t l s the Zionist leaders to the Arabs has been I ' I f ^ J ^ ^ ^ °here L in ? " * of Rabbi Ami dustry it. f o r will open the possibilities organized en i twenty-two years, who was an'enlightened one evemfor this day. It is not that Jewish hos- t h e Ark o f t h e Covenant r this loss is* but trifling when com- IwhTn massacres, fo7 ! secret which ' establishingmany branch inpitals have been open to,the Arabs, but the Arab health sys- pared with.the Bible, the indestructible treasure which they large scales, made life for them caught disclosing a Joseph Hess, a Liverpool silwas taught in college. Rabbi Ami : eustries, such as versmith, was in 1837 named the tem itself has been? conducted by Jews. have saved. I owe the re-awakening of my religious feelings;\ixx ^ Riu s ^s i a ea n d. PPo l£a n d£ i^n t o f! e r a' b lSe expelled him from tlie college and '' « n f l canning. The Zionists have built a new country without waging war it o that Holy Book,.and it has become for me equally the source pogroms brotight additional refu- announced, "This man is a re- Already a villace is being plan- first Jew to serve as a juror. ned on Jewish National Fund nor committing the sins of invasion. The native population hasj o f salvation and the object of most ardent admiration. I think :; sees. Today they constitute the vealer of secrets." land on the Haifa Bay area where ! larsest element i n th been aided without the loss, but the increase, of liberties. ; j m a y fi a t t er myself that I comprehend the character of Moses i e American fishing will be combined with og- | FOR KENT— -Two furn Ished riculture. A visitor to Palestine i r o o m s a it c« kis. chen -— nil , The ideal motivating the resettlement of Palestine does not > a s r e v e a i e d in the first portion of the sacred book. AVhat -a next "5 years will witness ••is conveniences. Call now could see Eirls doing the inaUow for the murder of innocent Arabs. The British govern- j g i a n t f o r m l How small Sinai appears when Moses'stands upon a further process of integration. ,527. tricate work of weaving; fishing ' WE Z increasing the efficiency of its constabulary forces. The j i t i . . . j did not see that, notwithstanding his hostility to art,i A s the melting pot assimilates nets. One of the acute problems, neJewish police have been authorized and armed to" take care of j Moses was a great artist . , . He built human pyramids', carved Berlin (TVNS) —Facing the cessitating development of Jewish marauders. The Jews have no blood feud with Arabs. Their j human obelisks;: he took-a poor shepherd family and created a unify the various strands in the j death penalty if convicted, Arnold ! shipping facilities, according to only interest is justice. " • -• ' ! nation nation from from itj its a. a great, ffreat. eternal, eternal holy holv people, neoDle. a a people DOOTIIP. of of God,fio... . • Jewish group-and make of it a! Bernstein, Jewish head of the i Mrs. Myerson, is provided by the JEWISH BOOKS Jewish Arnold Bernstein and Red Star | citrus industry. Last year fruit destined to outlive the centuries: he cre,ated Israel!" < homogeneous ^mogeneous American American Jewish; EK RELJGIOUS : A i T , T . » . '*••• *• - - • • * • - - u i i i i , ' t - j community. When this desirable -• shipping lines, both of which fir i was permitted to rot for l?ck of ARTICLES And Israel..must continue to be 'a'holy people,' 'a people ; gO al is finally achieved, the j the German flag and operate be"-! enough shins and ports. Dccrtwr St. W7 3S27 One cannot read the day hy day story of the resistance i of God, honoring religion and devoted to it as giving them i American Jew will be able to j tween German, Belgian a n d ! Last yearr ssome 10 million esses
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School's Donors to Test Legality of "Ghetto Seats" ~
A Dark Day in Israel
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Arnold Bernstein, Ing Magnate, on Trial'for Life-
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Poland Restituta
to the ghetto benches without being stirred. I t is no. longer [ their chief 'raison d'etre,' their real, reason for being, when so f*™ ^ ! s °°Te^sh^reH " o u s 6 ^ 1 just another"phase of the long, sad history of modern Pollish \ many, wish t o destroy them. A non-observing Jew is a mere ; ^nd^Jewish ^ a r l t a W e 8 endeavor Jewry. I t is no longer of interest toerely to Jews, but is be- • husk and shell of a. Jew, a 3e-natur.ed Jew, a Jew that has with greater unity of purpose, coming a n epoch in the more important struggle for human . ceased to perform-his true function in the world; a n organ in | a n d h a ' r m o n l o U s outloolt.
rights and human dignity.
gh. at evt '.< No pie Mo Rdth'e •wlJ
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I the body-politic disused^nd. liable tobe diseased, and threat-1
about the same ^ A m e r i c a n p o r t s > ^ e n t on trial_ be-i were shipped i na? i ^ Hl^burg^tosethel ^wHhlat js^^o'oof [fj ve Jewish directors on charges' 1941-42 it is estimated SS.C-Of).-
|O f
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treason'and violation-of the | COO cases will be exported. The laws. I citrus industry is at present at than a year ?.go, ; • ~~ ; ~
The most important news heard today is not of the heroic en the health of the whole • organism; bringing the, name of jany one element in American j the six Jewish industrialists have defiance of the Jewish students to the traditional arrogance • the Jew into contempt as one who cannot possibly possess the [ Jewistl Iife- J u s t a s t b eAr y ai »|been in prison awaiting trial, in
invest Ssfe'y. w?ise!y Irs
T wi!' rinse our ,iP, the Chamikah nTtinlpp n t frr^n E!y r^duc^rl p r i o r s . I J'pr'e r- $.;Tio.:i ^,']e<-1!-M5 of C h a n i i Unh 1,-impp 7^;i<ie frnm b r a s s , pj)v^r piatod f.iH: chroiiiiilni p l a t e d . 1 v i ! ! Ff!! r".-r>ry OJT 1 .^f Rlmost ropt and w i t h e v p r v p i i r c h a ^ e ) ivill pivi. B b c r »f C l i d n n k n h Can'Me* i o - y o : t:ii:uii;Ui-ih FREE.
of the Polish petty nobility, but of the sudden resounding of a | respect of others; when he does-not respect himself, his people,{^, ^ 0 ^ A". o p t S r ^ h " ! ! d t S n S r t S i ' S " of I.-^ only 'x limi long silent voice, the voice that motivated the bloody struggles Ins father and mother, his religion for which his ancestors.suf-! holds one groiip of Jews superior! their property if found guilty. kind—ihereft«-fi 1 R'! c to for Polish liberfy, the reawakened voice that once made the j feed, untold woes and. made incredible sacrifices—-even like !t0- another. Qualities of poise \ — to xnke iKiviintnrf of ftepresents SI Stronc CompanWHILE THEV LAST. ies—Every Type o* insurance name Poland synonymous ivith the cause of freedom. (the Maccabees whose .memory we honor twenty-one centuries! one Boncie written. Gal! ATCsfds £6c ©oxen .'66? pr WA-6150. The ghetto benches instead of becoming the death seats ' after they re-lit the candles of religion' in the Temple, re-kind-' j one of Florida's first two sena- j for an enfranchised Polish Jewry, have become the rallying I ling the Light of Judaism so that it could"Slluminatg the whole :• transplanted ia American soil tors. i" point of liberal, democratic Poland."The national minorities,!earth. By their devotion and heroism the Maccabees not meretthe h e eJCDloited r e hfirfi finrJinfr a n nanco for' t.hft-.tpwsr exploited Classes, classes, aare here finding cause -iTTi+li with wliinli which +l-inrrilr they j ly SftVPll saved JiirlaisTTl Judaism for the Jews; tliov they cn-u-orl saved mnn'otjioio+in monotheistic o+V.5. ethi-1 can identify themselves." Only too well did they realize a vic-cal religion for the whole world which could afterwards ex-; Men! Winter's Coming &n Apace and Here99 Paee-Scitcr Shoe Value tory' for the Endeks here, would merely be the start. press itself as Christianity among the European peoples, and! From distant Switzerland comes a protest fr,om Poland's as ifobammedanism among the Arabs of the desert, giving the, first premier, Paden-v ';i; frniV : -j s the protest of the daugh- nations that faith by which, it lives today and which contains ter of Poland's foremost woman.^lentist; in Warsaw itself the its noblest hopes for tomorrowsprotest of Wanda Pilsudski. The names of .the professors who' Let us re-light the candles of a pure Judaism in our souls. exceed vour Norseland leather \v stand with .their-Jewish students, the names of those liberal "We Jews will be tho better for it; and in no way can we conthey're own idea of long wear and radical .students, will perhaps never be known to man.tribute better, td the moral improvement and ultimate perfec-1 .But they are tha hopes of future Poland, names to be inscribed tion and happiness of the world than by being such -Tews as the ! the idea! weather resisting ieatiiei on the tablets of liberty. Maccabees were, worthy cons of heroic sires, to whom their for all kinds of fall weather. Judaism, enthusiastically'proclaimed and loyally lived, is not1 izard '' o ra convention, or an anachronism, or a tragic o§ the Grandd W Wizard surv a1 uta We were deeply article recently' "* ' ^ P r o u ^ privilege, a rare opportunity for hijfh-! ny touched touched by by the the honeyed honeyed art e s t service a Brown or Black for' "Liberty" "Liberty" by by the the Grand Grand Wizard Wizard of of t.he the Ku Ku Klus f consolation, a "glory, an inspiration, the light of writtenn for' Klus Klan. Something within us was stirred, some hidden heart- theii'lives, a beaeon light for all humanity. - - Frederick Cohn. string resounding to the realization that all—well, almost a l l was forgiven ,and 'that the Klansmen didn't dislike us—at least, Jewish Calendar . not all of us. * ' X-RAY In something of a humbled mood Dr. Evans not only ad56S3 FITTING mitted that there were some Jews who were fine, upstanding Hanukkah SERVICE 3Ion., Xov. 23 men, but the Pope, the Pope whom the Klansmen during the Fast of Either „ Wed., Mar. 1G | It election of 1928 accused of wanting to appoint negro cardinals Purim Thurs., Mar. 17'
THE JETTISH PRES.?—FlilDAY, X O T E J I B E U 2fi. 1?37 e mercy of foreign' steamship les, . which are planning- . a 3 eight rate increase.".Included e plans for developing. Jewish siping are the development of/ ro or three more ports for the nit season", at Natiiania and chron Jacob. :;
sh J
This •vvonld be in addition to e Tel Aviv port, "ivhose rapid ?velopment was described by rs. Jlyerson in glowing terms. ''I didn't recognize t h e ' port hen I returned to Palestine nfr the Zionist Congress," she id. "The Breakwater, had been tended, new building have been eated, and now preparations ive been made for t i e landing passengers. The port has fully stified all our hopes.; It is now milling twice as much cargo as ie Jaffa port. ! "Palestine 'Jewry is being conneed that it is im>rt through Tel Aviv;' Importers ys they never got such sen-ice i" they are getting at : Tel Aviv. he port is quiet and dignified. It gularly employs about 6.00 labers. and many more during the ange season. : "The Mediterranean is a profitile place to carry on business, le Italian line covers: part of itB 5S incurred elsewhere with tho ofits it makes in the Mediterr; ean." -. • " ' Mrs. Myerson say the possibiles for the Jews that would be eated by the development of aritime industries if partition mes;
Hadassah Plans • -, - Council of Jewish Many Activities
ciiool*s Donors to Test Legality of "Ghetto Seats"
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to have \: i f . • , ' the ric. •, v . . c The : c . rl • " o£ thf r-.- - <:-=. - _ cabinet. T. o ; ' .
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are: Vale-..-- ? - r " and ccr. r ~ " ~ " • folio; under-<!'"."e"E.ry c known i c r L-s :.. views, ".'•"• xz.-' r . .
€z^z"~~! " i i
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To:HonorT.ociros \ ' Geller After Talk
Junior Hadassah
Sigma Delta Tau
Zionists Grossman
Important Posts; asserted,
of Palestine I wish to thank dis- Ruth -Jacobsen has charge of Theta chapter w a s ' awarded ist dicipline. During the recent j ted." na Brookl'r, N. Y, trict charmen, co-chairmen and badges and Mrs. Arthur Rosinsky fourth place among t h e 15 sorori- j Zionist Congress, at Zurich, 'The hint was perfectly clear," is chairman of registration. ties on t h e Nebraska campus. solicitors.". , .-.'•' Grossman made pubUc confi- Tabot'nsty de-iared pres- E r n i p , - ^ ^ r — ^ r Following the registration the This cup was given in recognition , Mrs. Kaufman also announced documents t that t h t purported t d jj t ^ a i i J c ? Kevisicnlst victims is d e n t - si al l d ,-t.v. - • I' i 5 Most-' \ >.:iz; : ; ^ .Senior Haaassah -will be hostess = those eligible to participate in the of high scholastic attainment for ,t b e transcript of conversations o Jlt^-"- r' "fieM^'a*" denuncia-• Musii--' rs.-i— nation-wFde drawing to be held in j to .the young women at an : Oneg second semester of last year. ;De t^een Dr. Chaim. Weir He declared the "dewiso- . New York for the iree trip to j Shabboth to be held at 2 p. m. a t The annual Thanksgiving din-, a n d Colonial ..Secretary W. G. A. | of Revisionists proved the . Palestine. Omahans eligible are: j the : Jewish Community ^Center. given for the girls be- j orinsby-Gore regarding details of;intention to start "a kiad of civil . Mrs. M.' Brodkey, Brodkey Jew-j Bess K i fore members left on their vacai proposed partition of Fales- war in Jewry." ) f c —t ".rr ?"' the plans t i n e _ • • . elry company, Mrs. I. Dansky, for this affair. A large program i t i o n _ Baer "I feel personally proafi that j has been planned. The suspension of Mr. GrossI for this event. Mrs. Max Davidson, Mrs. A. my son. is also among the' crrest- ; man is in accordance with existEpstein, Mrs. S.' Feldman, Mrs. J. J Saturday evening the convened*" he concltided. ] ing statutes of the Court of HonLADIES FREE' LOMl J. Frleden,.Rabbi David A. Gold- tion. banquet wUl-be held at the or. The action was taken by the stein, Mrs. M, Jacobow, Mrs.'Hotel Rome.-follow The with convention Isaac Hart, an E-glish Jew cf Jack Aaron Katz, Mrs. S. H. Katz, Mrs. dance Executive on the recom-j . bec&use of t i s lcy£Uy Ladies Free Loan Society j r» t " '• ; M. Kirshenbaum, Mrs. D. Marko- Swans'on and his orchestra, fur- The *hif •*. w - S *• ^ cro wr. during the Revoluwill hold a Chanukah Tea on mendatxon of the Congress attor- j nishing the music. Mrs. Irvin witz, Mrs. J . Milder, Mrs. Albert ney. Mr. Grossman loses his . *^iiil VLarr. : ". « „„„.«.. » . . aSam a u » -Kitz,' « ^ . Mrs. « . » Forbes is banquet chairman and, Wednesday, . December rights as a member of the Actions! tion,.was bruUIiy Newman, Mrs. David Sherman. Mrs. Julius Stein, I Miss Ruth Marks, dance chair-| o'clock at the Jewish Committee, the Zionist praesidi-1 .^"%^5Dfi!S^SSS°13 ity Center Mrs- Samuel Steinberg, Mrs. r-r-r - * - < — r " - £• ' urn and the Smaller Actions Com- |H The drawing for the silverware Trilling, Mrs. A. Weiss, Mrs. Ir- The 9-30 Sunday morning busi^ in session here. i £ Always Attracts set will take place at this time. ( -vin Ziegman and Miss Blanche ness session will be followed by a Congress ia recota- A „ • . .attorney, . . . ,. OMAHA TOTTEL dinner at the Center. Miss May All those who haven't turned In Zimman. Tucker --is in charge-of ttejun- their stubs have been requested mending the aisciplisary action g . . 'SUPPLY pending the Courts final judg-ie' At the afternoon | to do so at this time. fieciared that Mr. Gross-\% Yottr» Since ISTG day
FOR RENT—Two furnished Kitchen — all
- E-
Chicago left Saturday evening ties.*' Hadassah members desir- | the Xi Lambda fraternity. Those " " B e l a a n -was fired upon a a d Nation?I ZKT. r'1".-; v, Ouaoea. The worker. pointevi rr r . r - c r r after visiting for several days ing to attend can do so by tele- 'serving for the year are: Bill •Y^etallyhuda Shpancv, 2 4, left a pregwith Mr. and Mjs. J.. M. Rice. phoning Mrs. J- Rosenberg, JA Sokolof, president"; Sara Finkel.' n a n t The r~r ~ r~ l sriIe a s d vice-president; Oscar Mayerowich, " Parents, who live Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Alter are 1042. tht-1 T " i \ ~1' r ' I - . • , sisters of Mrs.- Rice. been ccr r i- -c r On December 4, 2 p. m., at theSecretary, and Sam Garrop, treas-;. in Tel Aviv. British troops continued E O J ' erals. r : c : . A'Jewish Community Center,. Ha- urer. dassah -vrill be hostess to the! Plans are being formulated for I ping up operations ia northern ! Veevotl's r-;.-S-: Southwestern Regional confer- i the eighth annual New Tear's i Palestine, engaging an Arab band ence of Hadassah Juniors for a n ' eve dinner-dance. Art Grossman of 50, killing one Arab and cap-crats for a t Oneg-Shabboth. Girls from St. | will be general chairman of the turing another. The troops, to- cember E>'ti talling 1,500, are aided by Royal Members of the social commit- Louis. Mo.: Kansas City, Mo.; Si- j affair. 1 1 1 . •••• • " " • • • " . jAir Force planes, armored cars tee of the •women's division of.the Joseph, Mo.; Des M6ines, Ia.; \NAZ! ACTITUI I and the Trans Jordan Frontier Jewish Community Center will be Sioux City, Ia.; Council Bluffs, OSXN MEMORIAL BIBLE CLASS j ForcellIKEFED TO A lecture on the "Heart of a hostesses at the reception to be Ia.; Lincoln, Neb., and Omaha, o" P r. -i > jr.' f f University," by Kev. Joseph P . given Tuesday evening following Neb., will be honored at the joint The Hebrew laborite daily, Dai i . ik. i-i. The first meeting of the Bible j r a r TC"f* f Zuercher, S. ' T-, president of Todros Geller's lecture. Senior Junior Sabbath gathering, j c l a s s c o n a u c t e d by Rabbi Milton j - published in Tel Aviv, was J Creighton "University will be given Mrs. John FarbeT and Miss The following Hadassah worn-' A. Kopstein was held " on Tuesday ; suspended - J -again — '- * by the authoriat 3~:30 in the Joslyn Memorial j xianche Zimman will preside a.t en -will be hostesses for the after- al the B'nai Israel Synagogue, j ties—-this time for five days, re- ' tative i V . l « :, c - : c r r - z~i i.'. "^ r» •~ . • ' . • " i , - -, ,, .. , ,.. lecture ;"hall. • . , I the tea tables. . noon: Mrs- J. Abrahamson, Mrs. Rabbi Kopstein spoke on the portedly • in connection with its ing t h t c - t r ; ' . = h"-r-r.t rf r N r r ' , - , - - , " ^ , . , . . , _ - - ,- . - ti , ., , , r T Miss Esther Leaf -will play the! They will be assisted by the Louis Alberts, Mrs. Oscar S. Bel- First Chapter of Genesis. ; account cf disorders in Jerusalem Sunday afternoon organ pro- Mesdames David Greenberg, Ben zer, Mrs. M. D.. Brodkey, Mrs. The nest meeting will be held j Sunday. , gram at 4, assisted .by Ruskin, Ravitz, J. Greenbtg, Sam Wolf, Dave Epstein, Mrs.-Morris M. on Wednesday, December 8, a t | Twenty of' the 50-odd Sionistg a c t i v t i t ° P t o t h o - c r.' ' I f " - T - ± - - » - —,- v ' "• - • v - •<- ,. .Ben Shapiro, J. Goldware and J. Franklin, Mrs. J. J. Friedman, 1:15 at the B'nai Israel Synago-j Revisionists arrested were trans" Sandborn, pianist. Stein. .'••".• Mrs. David A. Finkle, Mrs. Maxgue, 18th and Chicago streets. ] f erred to the Acre cos centra tion '•practice cf r " ~ - ' ' - : : Szz. r.:. - . - r i ,i » : - ' • • Ncr-- r ! - - - , - f r Mrs. Joe Greenberg and Mrs.Fromkin,, Mrs. David A. GOld- A women interested are! camp, including Eri Jabotinsky, j t i e s E " t f r ?;:- c e d f - c r :?-?v"n. r r — * T= ; - -1---. * ', .--••• ; • -. * A UU j e ^ j n Ben Ravitz are chairmen of thestein, Mrs- J. Goldware, Mrs. Jack | inTited to attend. The Bible ] s o n c f the world president of the E p r c - s r . t s t ve r*:c!'-<•.- '. - "z. x - - r f i r r ~" " " t ' - - •• ~ ?? ; ' ( " t *T v; 1 " * t ' * ' ' ' social committee. 1 Kaufman,. Mrs. M. F . Levenson Class meets on the second and j New Zionist organization; Others ' ii n t h e C r r r s ' l c r x . r . e c r c . i t .r.-po" ; r-rc : !> . r The city-wide Jewish National and Mrs. Julius Stein. fourth Wednesday. were to b© released en condition •names ci 11C S-" l h"-r. C ' ' f-- ' - r - \'* n ' -•• *• <• '•-•••, ^ r ^"t-*:~C Fund drive for the- year -frill culAn invitation is extended to all j they report to the police daily for Iniacs he SE..C ^ r ? i e r f - E .r. z r r r r : .!•=• " •;, Tf. ' r - - . - +* . " minate on the first day of ChanuOmaha girls and women to atj three months. — | Hitler r . c ' - £ " : : l r - v c~; r — ?-r\.'r~ re --•-<• 1"• ' , - - . - / ;_; . kah- ' Box holders who have conBAS-A-MI 1 A meeting of the Bas-A-Mi j Vladimir Jahotinsky, who is co""= f > " > • " - ~ -r ••"" * f c _ ' '• ~! , ^_^ tributed ?5 or more during 1937 Despite t h e cold weather tend this interesting Sabbath as" " - : - - . - . x . • ' • ' • . i . - ' , ~ . "will be entitled to participate in Thursday evening, November IS, semblage. Club was held at the home of! barred from entering Palestine, \ -the drawing of a free trip to the lodge room of the Jewish Miss Frances Rubin on Tuesday, declared in a statement received r ' w a s - E - T - . - : - - : r r - ^ - r - - : - - : •'-f v- »- - ( r-~ --•-.!• • ; ' • ' ' »( - • - . -' . " " • , ' / . , , - Palestine sponsored by the na-Community Center was filled for November 16v-Mr. J. Stein, a re£- here, that the purpose of the &rtional organization- One trip -will the memorial service heia for jEquatrr.d r " - - r - f rf t h e £ u - - . — F •- l » i ^ > " • •'" ' '-^ • ; , ^ . " . . , ".„. ligee from Germany, talked to the | rests was to discourage the tenr<~ - Z:T.. - , r "' - <; If' v,. , . . - , . . ,-i..\ .be allowed for each 1,000 donors. Fannie Katelman. Herskov,itz by With balloons, daggers, a pro- club of conditions in the Reich. I dency of the Jews to hit back at ; e a n _ Approximately" 10 trips will be the Junior Hadassah. followed I Arab terrorism. Warning that j fessional fortune teller and all An open discussion Kabbi David A. .Goldstein and decorations to carry out the the meeting. \ y awarded " throughout the United I retaliation coald not be halted by \ The ;:.:r»: Cantor A. Sehwaczkin officiated. "Fiesta"' theme, the pledges preThe Club drawing was held on j imprisoning J e w s , Jabotinsty ' Soap T £^S --*" . I "States. •' .• . "V '•- ' Following the services the reg-sented a novel party for Theta Sunday, November 21. at the; ne id that the arrests suggested ; by Ja=-Ci ^*-Z Omaha's quota for the year is ular meeting of the Junior HaSas- chapter's annual pledge party. Jewish Community Center. Pro- •t h e g o v r a n s s t had no firm pol- \ port. amost filled. "Workers' on the t - •> sali was- held to discuss final Chaperones were Mr. and Mrs.ceeds will go to the "Neglected', i c y calculated to stamp out baadrive have been "urged to com-plans for the annual Thanksgiv- Ben Polsky, Rabbi and Mrs- Har- Children's Club" of Palestine. I ditry bat "indulged in a game of plete their territories in order to h Southwest S t h t r y j o i t , . Mrs.. Madeline Baer and I settling accounts with the opposi- ; t h e jev ?* T T be able to Teport before the De-ing dance and for the jtion.". cember 1 meeting. Owners of. Regional convention to be held Mr. and Mrs. W. Seelenfrennd. ! nare. Jewish "National Fund boxes who there December 4 and 5. Caroline Kulesh, Omaha, was j From the very besiniiiEg cf the have not "been called on are re- Many alumni of Junior Hadas-U general chairman. j reprisals; the Revisionist leafier quested to call Mrs! M. F- Leven-j E ah and several Senior Hadassah Mr. Daniel Hill, who recently official spokesmen at I ! t were present. t eon, WA 0850.. guests returned from a four-month trip - ! the Jewish agency and a Socialist : The convention will he attend- to Europe and Palestine, spoke at Mrs. Jack ..Kaufman, assisted Jerusalem (WNS Palcor Agen- press organ stated repeatedly that by Mrs. T. A. Tully, and with the ed by delegates from Junior Ha- the Sigma Delta Tau cultural cy) — Meier Grossman, president; the practice of hitting back was co-operation of Mrs. M. F. Leven;! dassah chapters in six different hour November 18. Mr. Jiill icnopoly of a of the Jewish State Party, exclusive An .-;r"rf_- ; son, president of the Jewish Na- states. Headquarters will be atspoke on "The Jew Abroad" and suspended from all his, posts in'. certain "oatside the gates cT " • . ' " ; T element the HotelFontenelle. ^Kalah tional Fund council, directed the showed motion pictures taken on] t h e ^ o r l d z i o n l s t Organisation ; agency," an element akin" to the v • ; Franklin, president of the local his trip. drivepending the decision, of the Zion- j Birronini element (Erith HabirMrs. ^Kaufman states, "In be-(chapter, will be general chairman At the annual Pan-Hellenic^ l s t C o u r t of*Honor on a suit charg- !T ~ ' j - , Kevisionist secret orpaai. . . violation . . . _of . Zioni. half of Hadassah and the future for' the hostess chapter. Miss scholatship . t e a November 12{ n g - jz a t i o a ) -^-hich zaust be esterni-:
Joseph Hess, a Liverpool silersmith, was in IS37 named the trst Jew to serve as a juror.
In that contract the 'Wavel>rgs agreed to-establish an enineering school in "Warsaw and in Polish government>]£ not to permit any discximina6n of race' or creed against stuents in this school. The TVavelerg heirs believe they have an onclad case because the ghetto enches were first introduced in l school founded by this Jewish imily. • The minister of educaon has received a formal letter f protest from-the Wavelberg3 ut has thus far failed to answer
modern conveniences. WE 3527.
1 N F
Warsaw (WNS)—A test cas* the Polish courts to determine e legality of the ghetto bench ating arangement for Jewish adents is being planned by the lirs of the Jewish . Wavelberg mily. The basis of the suit, iich will name the Polish govnment as defendant* is a conact entered into between tha avelbergs and the government—J lortiy after the reconstitution ol \ oland as an independent repub-
rooms -•• a n d
The civic and legislatire The Hadassah -president, Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, states, "The Ha- 1 of the Council of Jewish Women dassah December meeting should j meets today at the apartment of be attended by all members, not 1 Mrs. Archie Jacobs ia the Loyal only to hear Mr. Julius Bisno's S hotel. Mrs. Joe Jacobs will be coANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT SACKS-WOLK inspiring talk on 'My Trip to j hostess. Threaten Death to Those \ Mr. a n d Mrs. Jack Kaufman Palestine From a Hadassah View- j The marriage of Miss Ida Co-operate 'with Arab Wolfe, daughter of MT. and Mrs.announce the engagement of their point,' and to hear-the Council JUNIOR VAAD II A. WolU. to Mr. M a x R - Sacks Bluffs Hadassah Choral group di- j cousin,; Sylvia Letwin,\ to. "Richtook place, on October 31 at the I rected by Cantor Aaron Edgar, h e lnformal Stud Jerusalem were son of Mr. and•Mrs.; ^ participate in intthe dScus h T .7 ^ G r o u p ot i';warnpd (JTA)-Arabs home of t h e bride's parents. Only ard-Hynrite, .'. . •--•-.•... . " D U Xt l o0. Participate 7lr ,i nr xr,.,,, .•A-n-riiinrv . .n,e cuscus-, t the Junior Vaad. Auxiliary will -frill warned last last vrep.u week hv by th« the,illegal' members of the immediate family Abraham Hurwjtz. M 0 t h e m n y P r O b l e m S a t ll ; ^ meet on Monday, November 29, [ "New Arab Supreme Committee," were present. No definite date has teen set confront us in our various activi- at 8 -p.'-'m. at the home of Miss replacing the body liquidated last Rabbi David A. Golstein offi- for the wedding. ties." ' Una Gross, 3524 N. 24th street, month by the authorities, on paia ' The meeting is called for 2 p .R,abbi Milton A. Kopstein -win of death not to cs-operste -with ciated. m. Wednesday, December 1, at The ' bride Tvore an egg-shell lead the group in a discussion of Jews, British or Arab moderates. BAR MITZVAH Cent r satin wedding gown and carried Mr. and Mrs. William Herzoff i th ® J ^ ' 1 S ^ ComJin^ ? ! Jewish Customs and Ceremonials. The threat, it was understood, v a shower bouquet of white Chrys- anounce the Bar Mitzvah of their i and 'will be proceeded by a 1 Miss Anna Berman is president caused Arab members of the o'cock board meeting. anthemums. . . . -.'"•• . and Mrs. Carl Lagman' is sponsor Jerusalem Municipal council to son, Robert, on Saturday mornTwo Oneg-Stiabboifas Tho couple, after a four-week ing, December 4, at-the Beth El of the group, . , deny a request of the district On November 27,2 p. m., Mrs. All girls who are interested are commissioner to sign a joint apwedding trip to the south and synagogue. All friends and relaLewis Laserowitz will be hostess j invited" to attend. peal 'with the Jewish councillors east, willreside in Omaha. . tives are invited to attend. to Hadassah members in her new j \ tor peace. The Arabs issued a HONOR COUPLE AT TEA home at 2516 Country Club | : separate appeal instead. Xf LAMBDA ' Mrs. Bessie Chudacoff honored CHICAGO VISITORS LEAVE boulevard, Mrs. D. A. Goldstein A chalutz -.(pioneer worker) laMr. and M r s . R. L. Freeman her .daughter, Lylyan, and Miss will give a portrayal of "Hadasofficers were elected - by : D o r i a S in the fields of Tel Amal Chudacoff's fiance, Dr. Samuel and Mr. and ' Mrs. T. C. Alter of sah Jubilee Convention Personal!-1 : Wick, at a tea on Thanksgiving -cf+ernoon. • ~ Assisting her were the Misses Bertha Whitebook, Lillian . JdnIsch, Lillian Slutzky, Sally Morgan and Mrs. M: Freeman. , ~ ' Dr. "Wickf "who* comes from Miwjiukee, will -spent the 'week-end in Omaha. Another, visitor was Dr. Louis Steinberg of Elgin,
'And if there is no partition, en the sea opens to us ; a new nntry. it adds on to the tern's -y of Palestine. It is a terriry where we don't have to fight every inch. And it provides ssibilities for employment of as of thousands of persons."
l.wil! close out nil the ChanuUah articles at;jrrcatly reducerl prices. I have a good selection of Chanukah I.amps mhdc from brass. FIIVf-r plated and chromium plated i will sell fvfry one a t almost ros=t and with every purchase J xrill JTIVM a b o r of Chanukoh Canrilea .TTirt "a iioonlot rontnininf: ihft hls7or,v of Chanulcah ADSOLUTEU.Y FREE. I have only a. limited number of each Trind—therefore I advise evj-ry one contemplating 1 to bT3>'o n * to t.ako ndvantaprc of ray offer WHILE THEY UAST.
By Mrs. David- 1L Newmaa
ih Cards ! 5 e Dozen
S J -ening-at 5;3Dthere
wil be a Chummy supper ana program. Miss Una Gross is S m a n of arrangements . for
i! The Young Men's Vaad Butterscotch Ice Box Cooldes hold its regular meeting on Tues-I? One cup butter, 2 cups brown j Sunday evening. day, November 30. at S p. m. at j fc sugar, .2 eggs beaten, 4; cups the Congregatioa B'nai Israel, | \ flour, ;.^4 teaspoon salt, 2 tea- - WOMEWS WZRACHl 18th. and Chicago- street. After \\ spoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon cinnamon. .. ' The following tree donations the, business session. Rabbi Mil- ; [ ton A. Kopstein will lecture on;" Cream butter, add sugar, eggs, cinnamon, sifted dry ingredients. Shape into rolls and let stand in refrigerator over night. Cut in CHESED SEEL. £M£S~ of M inch slices. Bake in .a hot ovon, 425 degrees. . Tho Chesea Snel Ernes' Variations: " Chocolate-^—add 2 give a benefit card party, on Mon- | squares ot melted chocolate to of the birth of a daughter; _Mr. -day, December 6, at the JewsEis ' the dough;. Nut-—add••"% cup, and Mrs. Sam Weinberg of Fre-Community Center. Admission . finely chopped, walnuts or pea-mont oh the occasion of the Bar tickets are thirty-five cents. ; nuts to dough, Spice^add ¥L Mitzvah of- their son, ? - 0 ° e ^ ' .-Refreshments will be served at ' teaspoon nutmeg, 1 teaspoon cin- Mrs Klotz on the occasion ol me l.p. .m. . . , : Tha public is'invited to attend. namon, Vi. teaspoon ginger^ to marriage of her daughter. Grace; Mr and Mrs.-M.-.E.. "Weinbfirg on dough. the occassion of the Bar Mitzvab Patronise Our Aflvcrtircrs of iheir grandson, IRbberti ana Bata Torte' ' 1 cup chopped walnuts- 4- egg Mr. and'Mrs. L ; Fiedler on: tho whites. 1 teaspoon, vanilla. 1 cupoccasion o! "the marriage of. their J chopped dates. % cup sugar.' 54. daughter. . " '• teaspoon: salt. % cup- vanilla Anyone desiring- to donate a B i lli We wafer crumbs. tree to the J. N. F. may do so by VJ Beat whites light "but not'stiff. callins Mrs. Weinberg, Wa. 1354. Add sugar, vanilla, and salt. Fold in nuts and dates and pour in a ' The "Women's Mizrachl vill v-. "Sve!i-£reQsed spring., form lined hold a Chanukah Sahoath at tho v.-ith coolsIe cramb3. Bake In a! home of Mrs. L..Ko3enblstt,--3025 J clo™ oven until firm. Webster Street on Saturday, De——————— . cember 4, at 2 o'clock sharp. _ , Sliaon Barach -was surgeonTUbbi Kopstein nni cpeak on, genoral on tho staff • of General 1 Chanukah. There vv-ill bs group singing. Loo.
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SUPPORT — This interesting study, by the American caricaturist Hayle shows the CIO chieftain,' John L. Lewis, who has given his support to the Wages and Hours bill before Congress, though he wrote that -it still had its defects. His statement was sent to the House Labor Committee - studying the bill.
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VICTORY—Carrying huge banners bearing the likeness' of . General Francisco Francor Insurgent leader, these Spaniards In Salamanca' are celebrating the fall of Gijon, after the news arrived at the Insurgent headquarters. Since the fall of fJijon, on the Bay of Biscay/about all the coastline held by the Loyalists is/650 miles on the Mediterranean. This is now blockaded by Insurgents. _
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"STOP STAB-GAZING"—Dynamic Mayor La Guardia of New York, left, telegraphed to Nathan Straus, right, Federal Housing administrator, to cut out "star-gazing conferences" and get down to concrete cases. Mr. Straus replied that'New York was not the only city in the country.: They are shown- in Washington.
AGENT — Sir Robert Hodgson, whose reported appointment as the. first British agent to Rebel Spain caused much speculation throughout Britain. The move was said to have been to safeguard British lives and trade interests among Insurgents. .
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COST O? VTAS GOES UP — Nations cf the world still dsbtburdened from the last conflict Ere finding that the price of war has gone up. Cost of the World War has been added up to $340,,000,000,000. Cost of a new war would far surpass that amount, with new construction and hish ccst of materials responsible. Army bombers, for example, like the "flying fortresses" in center panel, cost $250,000 eaca and a squadron cf 63 wojld release 100 tons of bombs daily, at $833' a ton. A naval tcrpado, upper left, costs $12,503. Every round fired from a big gun, like the mobile weapon at uppar risht or the anti-aircraft g-Jn at
«Cs:t center. cDFtr tbout VS. vnl'.: E "J-'cvCr. r.r^T -'-' "'" vith detonating charge costs about tlZT, A co~l-". c"j'is"'oa vould fire away $CSC,003 daily. I£odcm brltIosVl?s, fr.Ur erJri?r"r'.. v"i. t? r^' r-onid SSO.» POC.OOC each, Ncv the xince l-cs'dov,M°f,, T~np new- Ftrrr"! earner Yerktown. lower right, recer.Q- Ic-onchsc ft, vt.. cost $20,0Cr.CCC. New iterr.s Jo be coasiirrec. ir. f t lr-.r-nf^nj: r a r vould t s tanks. Irvcr left. rn_ frs ^"s'-s. - "(>, n-"1-- fr>- soUiw-s, RS in ncrht center, but for th? civiliai p?px lr,no-: p,<: vel\. Tanks cm- cixilic^is" gss masks vorc not ussi vidolr i~ in? V'orli Var.
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•HQMBHES — With marauding bands of Chinese developing trouble for the victorious Japanese in Shanghai, these British Tommies stand guard along the border of the International Settlement, b e h i n d sandbag barricades.
. • WOMEN 1N-CONGEESS—Congresswomen pictured at luncheon In the House of Representatives .restaurant in Washington, during the special session. Left to right: Representative Edith -Nourse Rogers of Massachusetts, Representative Virginia E. Jenckes of Indiana, and Representative Caroline OTDay of New-York. Mrs; Rogers is a Republican, the others Democrats. ....
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LATEST IS&IG-VTSON CAKVJL—Hndlns threats of drsurht and "floods in California's Imperial Valley is ths All-American canal betv/asn Y u n r . Ariz., and Colisioo, Cal., a section cf r-hich is shown hero. Ths giant Mainllner, with a t:in~ spread of To feet, could easily land in the canal, £32 feet vide at water level.
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Japanese v/ar. In the picture above a Japanese consalar official surveys fallen pediments of a building in Shanghai, after Japanese forces occupied the city.
'POLO TOPS—Cecil Kniitb, co«boy from Te:;as, who kas riddsn to a 10-goal rating at the to? cf American polo, aecorcliiit? tcr announcement made by the United States Polo Association. The caly other-IQ-coaJ stars in the United States arc Tomm? Hitchcoi'^ and Stewart Iglehart. Smith has had an excellent csason with Old Wettbury team, winner of the open championship.
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KT—Tn process of tasttr- fc? too Ape-;, '.evercn spc boat p.iot, here Is; oac of 11 o! Uie t U jit at Attanrio Citv, N . J., for tee Chiasse [OTeranen;. "lies- a r e beLe%cd ^e ^ n e c for tliO SUJCJ^c IILJI
, about 500 sonds of esplo^s in cadi bew, shoot their lead tgaxst Japanese snips
attempt to get away.
pi THE .TE1VISH TTRESS—FRIDAY. XOYE^TT.ET; 2,1 If-n? Jewry is becoming more and more ; Jews, even though therp is still cemented, and unified as a result • much cause for uneasiness.. The of the decrees. Even t ae little '• boycott is being carried out -with children participate in the fight, much stubborness, raid many and one can meet sis year old Jewish places of business have youngsters, -who -with proud. been forced to close their doors, hearts and uplifted fceaSs, bare! because the government institu- j gone on strike to defend the tions ceased buying from them; rights of Jewish students. j even if they have Gentile part-
2 Fh&x L
As mentioned, the democratic: ners. Yet .the new Christian sentiments in Poland are spread- j places of business are not prosmg, and consolidation o demo-; pering. The Jew suffers and the cratic forces is -going on at a; Pole is not helped by it. Meanthe chaos in business keeps j swift tempo, Even former mem- ; bers of the •government camp •increasing. i i I i H i One of the most-talked-of night, I'm going to sleep -with an i among other things, a Coney have come out for democracy.; The impression is spreading And Paderewski's actions and that the Jewish question is only pi •. = t " | - n t . and bitterly-criticized navels in actress." y" Island hot dog vendor, a -window stand have caused a split in the an'episode-in the general strugt i. 1 7 M Jewish circles has been Jerome According to the author, Mrs. jcleaner, and an operator in a Endek ranks. gle for democracT in the land. Weidman's "I Can Get I t fop Bogen and Ruthie Kifkin repre-i The "Azan," that is, the "Camp ; There are victims of pogroms, but e c ktie factory.; He wrote his You Wholesale," the Jewish sent warm, understanding people, jnnovel -with what time and energy of National Unity'' h a s n e t had ; more victims fell among the peasprotagonist of whichi is gener- not as Jews, specifically, but as | had left after -working as an t much success, There are con-; ants i* Galicia during the unrest. • nlly regarded as one " o f the people with souls.. We Jews have h e accountant during t h e d a y and j stant disputes a n d splits in its Jewish students a r e persecuted. inOst despicable characters in .modern fiction. Here Mr. Weid* no.more Tight to a monopoly on- g O i n g t o law school a t night. He's jr a n k s . Among the former Legion- : b u t no less are Polish students what, we term so proudly the j given n p his accountant's job and eers is growing t h e discontent and teachers and members of na-answers for the first time the "Jewish h e a r t " t h a n we have on study of law since he's be- over the fact that the netf leaders tional minorities. It is becoming questions Jewish readers havo the meanness of a Harry Bogen. come a successful novelist, and j of Poland are departing too far . clearer to democrats and workers been askings about his. book, its The human being comes first. His will devote a i r his time to writ-] from the heritage of Pilsttdski. j and peasants that the struggle is characters and their .race.—* race is secondary. • ' • ing. His literary credo is simple! This strengthening ef democratic ; a common one, and that strength-j The Editor. , ,.-.•••. • "And t h e matter of racial loy- and direct. A writer must con- j sentiments has been, a decided j ens the hope among Jews. We {.~tKi. alty?" cern himself with material which, j cause for much rejoicing and • are no • longer deserted and iso-the .Several months ago, Jerome dav cnir.c £t t h e ^.' i 1 i-~ I C>>r"r.n r.',t} "That we can by to him, is-important. He must j hopefulness among the Polish ' lated.. VPeidman, a young Jew, published weeding out t h e Harry Bogens. treat that material with honesty his first novel, "I. Cah Get It for We have them, of course, just a s and distinction. and returned to South Africa a memovf.t " t Yon Wholesale." T/he protagon- Catholics, and Protestants, and, I full-fledged swastika-waver . . . ihe cest! r "In writing my book, I felt that ist Of the novel, Harry Bogen, suppose, Mohammedans do. By Emanuel Shin'well. Jewish mem- ; iu?. Jasi1"", I I was exposing a loathsome man, nominated by critics as one of the our social disapproval^ by our Mjl_ W e idman said. "I never ber of the British House of Com- ; tribute tr- < ««(• most despicable characters in awareness of that pernicious type raor.E, was the fellow who un- cr on or. , meant to identify his character modern fiction, is definitely iden- of individual, we can, at least, seated the late Fjunsey T.IacDon- created . his Jewishness, and I'm sortified as Jewish, as iB the simi- puncture his ego and refuse t o with aid in the last parliamentary dec- tens ol i > , ^ t h a t s o m e o f my r e a d e r s have, [of Pelley's Silver Shirts . . Ditto ; tions . . . Minister of mines in "sold" i:r ' <" THE XEWS larly unattractive locale of the tolerate him." . The lives of men like Harry Bo-i ; story. There has been,' subseDespite the seeming calm in ! for the Anti-Communist League MaeDonald's second cabinet, Shin- c"r,a awa> i . • Although he is only twentyquently, some agitation in. Jewish four .years old, Mr. Weidman can gen are shaped by social and Washington Uncle Sam is plenty | headed, by Colonel Smytlie . . . ! well is the author ci' a sweeping dred tiiu: • ' circles, .as to what were Mr. Weid- look back on a varied career, as economic forces, not by religious worried over the establishment of ! Who is it that permits Xazis t o ;plan for reforming the Labor , dealer Er . , _ . _, run their affairs on 1". S. govern- : Party . . . Or.e point in the pro- Berlin bi i •. •man's intentions in writing the witnessed by some of the jobs or racial heritage." ....... • • . ia Fascist State in Brazil . . . The ment property? . . . Last week book and as to whether he actu- he's held after school hours and gram forbids Labor 1\I. P.'s to at-: .^ .__, (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts State Department has its fingers crossed against the thought that i Fritz Kuhn addressed a meeting tend public functions at which ally felt his people were like that. during< vacations. He's, been, Feature Syndicate) other Latin-American republics of the anti-Seniitic White -KUs-; court dress or knee breeches are At a glance, Mr, Weldman, perAnd i sians °n board the U. S. S. Illi- obligatory . . . so'flahle, good-looking, and very may follow that example "CwelL-mannered, is the direct antijust for record's sake it" ought to ' nois, a government training' ship. thesis'to the "tight-lipped shrewdbe noted that all but five, of i anchored in the Hudson River off , ness' and vulgarity of-his Harry twenty Latin-American countries j "9th. street . . . And on December • That the hullabaloo over Jew- '; QE APT ish persecutions abroad is having r^fff^' Bogen. • ' "' '•; .--. are complete or quasi-dictator-i 12th the German-American Ccn-: an effect on Christian public , -"•*•*•*••- •*•'*• ference will ^ a bazaar in ; ships . . . One of the strange par'"Are Jews like that?" Mr. : opinion in this country is c-vi-j —. j . , , adosea ' Of' the Brazilian Fascist New York's 71st Regiment Ar- ; Weidman was asked. dencea by the considers ble num- ; j , ; e w York <'Wls"S>—Decision: mory, • which • belongs to the Em"The fact that my character A letter by an American in "Der Tag, translated from the Se t- U p i S ' that Dictator Geutiio "Vagas has lon_been a personal I Pire State . . Our report last week : ber of cash contributions received ;T,-af. r P ! , e r v e d ,,,. S u ? r e m e courtYiddish was a" Jew was, to me, purely forby the Joint Distribution Commit- j .ice ^"ini«mp T. Coiline on Uie 1 enemy of Plinio Salgado, fuehrer i that Oswald Garrison Tillard tee from non-Jews . . . Most of n s t tuitous," he answered. "The enples f f o l u . r f , r .. t : f , £ Gemini ,Tc-vr- ] of the anti-Semitic Fascist Integj would speak before and -after tire purpose of my novel was to the contributors live in small i s h t>hvsiciaiiF. for r. niEiiciHmus rilista Party . . Vargas has open-j Fritz Kuhn on a Xew York radio show up the opportunist, the man The attempt^to establish a ghet- | of seats: to ly supported the Italian Fascists ; station in order to denounce him towns . . . One of Pittsburgh's .E c t ; o n —aiiist Hie r-i.irc I?oa7c! of | t h r e e ; categories who achieves success of a sort f Polish P l h Jews J th universiri j JevrSy f o rt n e national Polish stu- ii a Brazil but has turned a'cold I ^ a s slightly premature . . Villard best-known rabbis is famous for;: r r ! r E , - j E ;.o compel a. !o lirensr I to for in the through trampling on other peo- ties has met with a very stiff and | a third section, where j shoulder on the Xazi p r o p a g a n d a s invited to speak, but reiused, his book reviews, wfcfrh craw t ] i e ioVT ff! ,. p,. Er ;i;, e " in yfV- y o ,' fc j ple. Fortunately for society, a determined resistance on the part j j . . . ; e w g c a n gjt Poles, who be-1 (jists -who are financing Salgado : saying he'd rather "introduce a huge crowds of women iittrec'ed .c ; F s e ^-i--} a r-PC:ic; man like that is just a phenomen- of the Jews. Also Polish workers. of the lem- • ._ long to no party or organization, j .. _ . As a result of the Brazilian < rattlesnake"' . . . So Kuhn didn't by his understanding 1 on of-our economic system and jp e a s a n t s a n d democrats are help- special Aryan law of the ir.ine po . t c "i c i . T " > "•! . o u p all American diplomatic of- j speak either r not to be racially identified-with l n g J e w s J n their struggles. The government, but a temporary de- jcficials in Latin America are re- j FOREIGN" FLASHES ;k r . o w i t . "> - ; ! ~ <-> i i " liny people." - -f ••Polish government itself did not cree of some rectors in order tb ported to have been given orders j The British cabinet has been of t h e b r - v- - i "" r ! The young author spoke anticipate such energetic resist-1 maintain order in the universi- to make an immediate survey of j advised to dispose of the problem ,: h e t E i n . . 1. . ' 1• " . • • , ' ' " . " • ! warmth; as he explained his point ance. Already there, are signs of | the extent of" Xazi aad Fascist ac--| of a job for the Duke of Windsor out a w^r ^ s - r C I . . V I of-view. In the present .order off retreat on the part of officialdom, .However,-the opinion is that the 1 tivities in the countries to 'which j by appointing Mm High Commis-, things, thereis 6o much stress, he for at the Lemberg University the | d e c r e e s h o u "i d n o t ". be lightly sub- | they are accredited . . To counter- i sioner of Palestine . . . Fear of f.invec. r » , T 7. • To counter feels, on : getting ahead, that, in rector declared that he is against m i t t e d ' t o triumph. Because the act Fascist sentiment south of the Two cf T - - - . the ! latent anti-Semitism has caused n o v e l v, r.- the "dbg eat dog" struggle, the the establishing of a ghetto. This u n i v e r s i t y l s o n i y the beginning j Rio Grande Uncle Sam will soor. i -• - r " n oon • the French film censor to bar theF r i e d ? . . . A - ' * i- "~ smart,, ruthless wise guy -lacking j i s said to be the result ! of what may follow and later- at- j launch his own radio station, to ; showing of Paul Muni's pi in r the ordinary "human decencies j .Jewish. •>• 1 "> . . - - protest . ,strike. . . In . addi-! .- . i tempts made to estab-j make direct Spanish and Ports-! biography of Zola . . The reasci w o r k ofTr " ' - ' '. is often produced. I t is as much tton, the Ukrainians -have joined | j . ^ tte i e U o e T e r r s 7 l i e r e . T h e g u e s e broadcasts to Lstin l i s t e d b r ' — i : " .--- - r a : mistake to think of him them in their struggles, and that iE n f l • ca . - . This by. way of a counter- [ Carol's girl friend, is so often re- ; Samue-l I t -• •> <• g e r e a d e m a l l ( j e d t h a t -tasto -of the governtermeiof _his rac^as it, attraction to the pro-Fascist and j ported to be in half a dozen wide- lair, J,:t<- " ' T i d e in to res Jew-S b e c -"- c him to a particular social class, ment. In Lemberg the Endeks Warsaw, Tchenstochov, Breesk pro-Nazi programs heard, in South i ly scattered places at the same ; is ciiit=- r It is Mr. Weidman's belief that .have already' smashed the win-adn other cities. and Central America from Rome ' time is that Carol, fearing at- j r many a respected financier • hasdows of. Ukrainians, and that is ' ~" ! tempts en her life, has hired , Arthur."" T h e J e w i s h p ro t es t-strike suc- and Berlin . . . been guilty, on a wider and more brining a rapproachment be- ceeded a'hundred per cent. Even WHAT HAPPEXS HERE j scouts s t enormous . salaries to ; elegant scalfe, of the same sort of tween national minorities in Po-apostates went on strike, and peo- We have seen evidence which ! scour . Rouinania for women re- ;dian rnt'r' ..»"T' pitiless destruction of those who [ land. ple, who keep their places of bus- leads us to believe that Baron ' sembling Lupescu Six were termyer > •> 5 -^ stood in his path. if* The Polish democrats have now iness open on Tom Kippur did'not Manfred von Killinger, Xazi con- j found, and each was sent, to aa- j u s t F.S r . . . '-•Then why did you associate | begun to fight more energetically remain at a distance. _Jn Warsaw, sul-general in San Francisco, not other part of the country to im-den as . " c your-character.with the dress in-j for the defense of the Jews. A as in other Polish cities, many only is the chief of Xazi propa- personate "Bibi." as Carol affecv - - Idustry which is so predominantly very strong impression was made arrests occurred. Even the school ganda on t i e Pacific Coast, but tionately calls her . . . . Charles are s i r " " ' Jewish?" was the nest- question by the actions of the old profes- children went on strike. The Jew- pulls the wires that control Nazi Bedaux, the Fascisticaily-inciined the gree-i - ~" F - ". r- • posed.. : ; • ' ";•. ' . •' . . sor, Michaelevski, a senator, a ish children that study in Polish j doings in Mexico and Canada . . . I mentor of the Duke of Windsor's flower i— L - c c i ~ "Because in a job I had as an close friend of Pilsudski. He hashigh schools were expelled for! Tvillinger, we are informed, won I abortive American trip, denies be- noticed i c ~ ; ~ r . . . uie Yet he sponsored " S t e m b e r ^ " - . f accountant, I became thoroughly "placed himself at the head of the their actions, but later -svere re- the Pacific Coast job en the | ing a Nazi r c . •" ' •> * acquainted with the dress; indus- new-democratic party' and deV instated. strength of his "achievement" as : a Paris exhibit of wood scalp- ; W>o r l d p 1 c try," Mr. Weidman smiled. "I clared to the students that he has - Moving scenes occurred in the I a member of the court that im-j tures by Annie Hempel, a German : iit sr"ij, E " c ' *• — r !** ~\ ] tator c r ; ^ ~ < ^ was familiar, with the background sworn loyalty and allegiance to student home in which the Jew-posed the deaths sentence" on Hel-! artist who has the official (\ and the idiom of. the people I met, the constitution, which gives ish - students blockaded them- muth Hirsch, the naturalized j ings oi"the Xazi hierarchy . . i h e tion . . A- - c •' ' and .so it "was perfectly i.natural equal rights to all citizens, and selves. From the entire city food American Jew whom the Xazls! chief exponent of Xazi irrecie-n- : Chana C "- *i f '• h a s b r o Ci " - * <" T for me to give that setting to my will not break* his TOW. As a was brought to them. There is beheaded in June Any day tism in South Africa is, strange to j P a r i s s t ~ . " r <<- ' z pious Christian, he declared, he the widespread, feeling among the now the Congressional Record say, the local minister of war,< of P e r e ^ 7 "* - - r "- - . story-" It is-:an ugly but absorbing j cannot allow the persecution of students that they stand in the I will publish a list of a hundred ! who would be required to repulse ; Y i d d i s h - o- . . . ^ - " ' Btoiy that Jerome Weidman tells Jews, for also Jesus was the sonfront-lines: and therefore they j names of. pro-Nazi agents on the'i any forcible, attempt y Germany • S h s l o c i ' In-his "I Can Get It for You of a Jewish mother. Which led a hare to defend their dignity and Pacific Coast linked to Killinger I to recapture •r African colonies ?• Wholesale." Harry Bogen, ex- number of priests-professors to integrity and together .with it the And in consequence of this ! notr under nia; date to the I'nion light r shipping clerk in New -York's gar- declare that he had committed a dignity and the rights, of all the j expose the State Department may . . This super-patriot, Eerr Pirow, . . . At ment cester, decides he -wantsito sacrilege "With'his words. And thePolish Jews. He has Career" 5 The activi- ! is of German descent ask.for his recall get. places,'and so. he betrays -his Catholic Church sees to it that The matter of ghetto benches i ties of Colonel Edwin Emerson,; been agitating for the return Christians shall not Iraternize fellow workers by engineering a in the universities had actually paid writer for the Xazis and j Germany's colonies and has bspurious strike, and then opening with Jeivs. shaken all of Poland. It has Washington correspondent of the j threatening to take vigorc a successful strike-breaking agenThere, is much'talk going on caused more repercussions than Voelkische Beobachter, will be es-I measures against all who refr"_ cy.. He wheedles two trusted em- about the following dramatic and many a pogrom. Possibly, the posed within the next thirty days j to "buy or sell -German, goods . . . ployees from firms he does busi- tragic incident which illustrates ghetto'benches in the-universities . . That so-called Xational League! Strangest of all for a minister :T ness with, makes use of them as how. wild the Endeks have become will, be converted into a sort o£ Against Communism, with head-j war, he is said to have prorai-V -r h (J long ;as he. needs thetu, and ends" in their agitation for a ghetto. A Dreyfus case, and the Polish na-j quarters at 113 W%st 57th Street. I immunity to all who would ref.'fby declaring a- false bankruptcy, child of a year and a half was to tion will be broken up into two j New York, and 935 Market Street | to take up arras "if called t o - v t r leaving the more gullible of his be operated in the university hos- camps.' The "Polish democrats j San Francisco, is merely a cloak; for England1' . . . Recently he v . ^ two partners to- serve an unmer- pital. The child was already un- point out with justification that j for the anti-Semitic • shenanigans j ited Xaziland, interviewed Hitl_r ' ited'jail sentence.; He : outrages, der chloroform and a young Jew- it is not a purely Jewish matter. : '— " . t h e only..decent-emotioas lio hasish-doctor was ready to operate. In the Polish universities not only | / • > —• ? _, T^,mn ^ — ~ —• N CisSse* Cc—pct known, I6ve for his mother and Just then an Endek colleague are Jews discriminated against,' <^— —— _ _ _ 2 ^ ' - " ^ w ^ . ^ ..,-..„—^—. . __—i affectioii for; Ruthfe' R'ifkiri, the. tore off his mask.' The child was but also children of Polish -work-; girl, who might have made a hu- in danger of dying. A second doc- ers and peasants have no easy1 man being; of rJiim.'. Then; ^20,000 tor,- unprepared, -had to perform, entree, making up only thirteen; richer and sitting on top of the the operation. Professor Michael- percent of the student body. Alsof world, he makes the pungent re- evski was witness to this barbar- children of national minorities, flection with which the story ism and was so shocked at this are not "welcomed, and for that ends, "Two years ago I was just inhumanity that he reported it to reason the majority of. the stua poor slob from the Bronx. To- the ministry of education. dents are aristocratic—Endekish. inslisli n. • Even in the high schools and Were the attitude and politics in Yards and Showrcrms faculties, established with Jewish the institutions* of higher learn;Segregation of • "• :. funds, the ghetto has been estab- ing to change for. the better, it is • ,.-Reich-Jews;to:;" - lished for Jews. The Jewish stu- certain that the attitude toward dents continue to.stand for long the Jews in public life "vrould si; ! hours' at a stretch, even though multaneously, change. And Poles often they fall a-way from exhaus- are being reminded that the czar•rer Berlin (WNS)—The ?tazi pro- t i o n # some democratic professors fstic regime -wanted to establish a 'O-.T ",-?nir.:ir gram of segregating Jews from hare Bhown their solidarity with ghetto for Poles. . other.. Germans will be carried their Jewish: students and stand . The Polish democrats cite also ihrough "to the very end," thewhen lecturing, and many Polish, the words and lectures of pilsudofficial National Socialist party students have shown their cour- Ski "on education. One lecture, corespondence announces in a age by sitting on the ghetto •which Pilsndski once gare to the ' statement, declaring that: Jews benches. Protests have also come polish teachers and which was I should-be grateful thai th& Mazis from the Poliift. socialists who published in a Lemberg news- \ IssliffilrfSi" r f did not employ lynch law in deal- joined with Jews ;ih their assem- j-paper recently, was suppressed by ing with^the. Jewish problem. Kins is blies during the protest days, .j the censor. A few dajrs later Pil-! Declaring-that "in pursuing/-the. Prominent professors as well aa sudski's lecture was okayed. The*; V,ro sell a h u " r:r:I rrcfr rr.;' ;*--;- ; s - : : w nolicy of complete separation 1 some of the leading writers and. Polish journalistic .association from Jewry the feich government {.intellectuals ia the land have lent protested against these acts of the i recoramesid them to fvrryc1-?. T.iere ir s. t e for cveiy aort of Isuiliiisi^ SLTsd. ."cr every ^ o c ^ . - O O j ; . docs not. engage, in a jolicy of j their voices and energies against [censor. It often happens that'i persecution of a minority, but is the. decrees. ' Thus the Jews are j what is forbidden in one city is | We a r e iaterc&ted in ; c ~. c:._ -, :ur — ; ~ . ~ ~ , merely concerned with changing not isolated in: their struggles for! allowed to be printed in another I . tsa shew you ihs hag"' '"•^'. - ' :rz'"''-- - ' ~ " - " the mode of life of the German freedom and equality. city, which Indicates that public j before you etcide. \ " r- r rrcr->~ r—~r people," the official Xazi ' news Among some Jewish, politicians i opinion on the ghetto-decrees is without ppy fTil^st'^--, agency asserts that German Jew- and journalists there was . the j very much split, 18»f—Main W*«* We J.STC a &':TL~1" , r r * ' e r a ' I s —*~-• c cr ; : r ry "has not deserved such leni- opinion- that the ghetto decrees;. The struggle for.Jewish, resits ency,' "nor does it. show "any grati- ought to be; temporarily submit-;.sains moraeiatutn. Sren. Cha?ritude for this policy of the. Ger-ted to, for officially there is n o ^ u m and- cssirailators h&ve "been | man government." Aryan clause in them. There are • dravt-n into the battle. Poliah.
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By Harry Mendelson
r navy shell complete pnbat division -would j to cost around $30,i new aircraft carrier i t Korfolk, Va., cost *L an impending war not only for soldiers, Jation as vrell. Tanks ly in the World War.
•fr V
55, of Corpus Christi,' > Safest Truck Driver. -iVention at Louisville, 1.000 miles, in the last
..." Continue till End
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Page B
Society News *
! what it is not through the will j Frankfurt-and-Main were imi- • j of Jews but through the e Tc'i-i- I fated arid the young men sat en ;
WORLD'S -WINDOW (Csitiaued from page 1}
' "Carmen" will be presented in etc. And both times the gentleMr. and Mrs. A. Silyerberg, 3051 Stone Park Boulevard, an- English by the Omaha Society for man in question bristled defennounce the engagement of their Grand Opera in English at the sively. and sharply out of the depth of his moral discomfort and daughter, Miss Lillian Magasiner, to Hymau Hurwitz,, 114 Jennings Paramount Theater, Omaha, De- his wounded conscience. Since then I ask no more. street. The wedding date has notcember 3^ Let us see clear. To see clear been s e t Karl Jorn, Denver tenor, will is'in itself a sign of hope and a Mr. and Mrs. Silverberg presid-
MISS ANNA PILL, correspondent
Sisterhood, to ;. . .. . Participate in ed at open house Thanksgiving Peace Meeting .day in honor of their daughter,
• sions.practiced by the vrcrlc j Weil, I am snre that my j are exaggerated. I'm. deter i to, be sure. I don't want j lieve that some of these I : some institutions of which 1 can't help being proud are « \ shells. But I would be a : if some intensely Jewish c I were compulsory upon each
MONSKY, GRODINSKY. MARER & COHEN, Attorneys. 737 Omaha National Bank Bldg. I t in the < Gertrude \ i 1 irent or of Kin of na. Gertrude
p e hereby T. Of . \ O C,j
rrter was I (i matter: hearing niler, 1937 r of John " 1 Anna i"fc for a n 1 t. title I llzabeth 0 in and I of the [ wonty-flve ) Hart>a. Douglas "(i platted having t informed it is for interests I h Anna 1 L tltla afore1 1" OR. ;reste<J kin of 1 1a Gerh" unrier' Court "*• braska. House 1st day t eiock A. ••p why R te 1 John f of such
-* >_
Don be guest artist in the role of Don j Jose. Mr. Jorn is a former mem- j m a r k o f P r °sress. Unless the cen-! ber and if here and there th- r ber of the Berlin and Metropoli- I t e r s a r e self-affirmatively Jewish j of Rosenzweig's Letrhau The Mount Sinai Sisterhood is with guests calling between 3 tan opera companies. He will be in spirit, creatively Jewish; unGRODINSKY, MAFI" one of several, local organizations and 5:30. Blue and rose appoint- supported by Orville Moorem ! less at the heart and core of ev-!MONSKY, COHEN, Attorneys. is a j 737 Omaha planning the Peace Rally to bements graced the tea table, with young Denver baritone, and lead- « * ^ember's activity there Nations! Bank £ cc December 6 at the First white roses forming the center- ing Omaha singefs, including | ^ * tJ t ^C 0^ n^ Ab e i a t6i s f ^i d ' 0 Twentyrtwo "workers of the held piece. . . Publication on Marguerita Sholkofski, Antoinette j ^ ? ° l . ^ ^. ?h Presbyterian Church. The meetthat , /is so, fthe!j J?J?rnr ? £%j£ Junior Hadassah chapter canvas- ing, of F.nai AU Miss Magasiner, a graduate of Scigliano, Betty Anderson, Helga elsewbere-nnless sponsored by the local comon centers a r e sed the Jewish homes in Sioux mittee on the Cause and Cure of Central high school, attended the Wykoff, Walter Yuenger, Peter destined to become ; the County Court of D in City last-Sunday for the annual and less our will have as its speaker. University of Michigan at Ann Koley, William Seymdure," and Jewish National Ftfnd Flag Day War, more and more the products cf \ cea?e§-"'ate ° r A r t h u r K a t s K e Walter H. C. Laves, .of the Arbor. Her finance, also a Central Robert Rimmerman. solicitation. Parts of the city that Dr. graduate, attended' Morningside The production will utilize an that more or 'less hostile world j A]i persons interested in saic: — of Chicago.' Dr. Laves were not" covered last Sunday will University College and the University of orchestra recruited 'mainly from is director, of the Midwest office that shuts us out from or makes i i^h^daj^of^Xo^ern'f^ ^SST"" be visited this Sunday by the ele-of the League of Nations Asso- Iowa. ; e P veri teams. : US — subtly Within .!jKatskee "filed' account a*petition in said S ori:™^tTSnfS A°S^i'.t• > «uncomfortable ^wishboyor^rl g ^ ™ ^ filed > " <~ her ciation and a contributor to the that seeks in the "Y"only what : settled and allowed, and that >A breakfast and meeting pre- Current History and Political SciA no hostess party will be giv- Ben, South High schol, Concord- the " Y " olleTS offpr=i rHr,""? i discharged from her trust as t Christian ceded tbe work of the teams Sun- ence Review magazines. .. .. . . , .• niin^s i i s t r a t r i x a r i d t h a t a h e a r i n £ ? , en for Mrs. ,S. Bolotnikov next ia and Rush School Choruses, and . the slight moral discomfort in the j had on said petition before said day. Miss Sophie Franklin was Tuesday afternoon in the Jewish the Cora Quick Ballet. t 1I h d ay f chairman of the project and was Madame Thea Moeller-Harms Christian "Y" might better stay j ?{j a ^. 1 S . a^?, December Community Center at 2 o'clock. a! r in the latter and suffer the fcioral j said assisted by the Misses Ruth Grue- Sisterhood to , aid 'court Court oS" the"s^d 3ith i Both Rabbi Bolotnycov and Mrs.will be director, and James C. discomfort until that discomfort December, ISST, at 9 o'clock skin, Buth_Marx, Rose Albert, will speak. Refresh- Douglass will direct the orches- becomes pain and Meet Friday Bolotnikov Fern Wolfson, Dorothy Epstein, tra. ments will be served after an inil I r 1 upon Tamarra Franklin, Elaine Mushcomes insight and that pain be- ££. ™£kf^ay^oSaifPp mat a f.jpy The Mount Sinai Sisterhood formal afternoon. f r three t h a twork insight and kin, Pearl Oleusky,. Bluma Olen- Chanukah meeting will follow a becoraes aspiration and and I enter a decree of heirs!):p. d v.i<5h Press, smnmnnaniaTmnnnunimmnnBinnraHninimnnmnnnnnnnr s In charge of the arrangements sacrifice and creative and affirm- ji may seem proper, to^ the end sky, Margaret Kosberg, Esther one o'clock luncheon next Friday ^ ^ ^ publisliPd, said esta < n in Douglas ative Jewishness. The director Erinterg, Goldie Lehman, Rosa- afternoon, December 3. Mrs. Her-are Mrs. N. Sadoff, Mrs. H. Lazid deferrnir' riowich, Mrs.' Sam Lipman and who does not see this and emphaBRYCE lie. Sacks, Jessie Slutsky, Mary I ' U , thig Auerbach of Omaha will Mrs. I. Klass. County Ji size this and hammer away at this 31-13-37-31. Hanin, Alice Tilevitz, Sophie man speak on "A Woman Looks at I INK. in season and out of season, who ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, A Slutsky, drainie Hurwitz, Esther Russia." Mrs. Fred Sherman will 400 Erandeis Thea. Slog. 1 age. stresses membership and teams Weiner, Ruth Lassman, Ethel give the invocation, and Mrs. Miss Dena Baron, 1810 GrandVAAD and Gentile approval and civic Miller, Sara Weinstein and Ros-Louis Goldberg will preside. view Boulevard, departed MonNOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ena Sacks. day evening for Los Angeles, Cal- At the late services tonight functioning, may as well know n e District Court cf Mrs. M. A. Weiner and Mrs. £ Tnthe ifornia, where she will.visit with Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein will that it is he who builds a ghetto j In t y, 7 ,- ™ ~ Jack Robinson are in charge of friends &nd relatives. speak on "What Are We to Be—the desolate ghetto Which is ! uB '- k By virtue i of an order of sale ' ^ » ,-r.r ] i Thankful For?" Cantor A. Sch[out of the District Court of D-u •-! * Funeral Services . the luncheon arrangements. waczkin will officiate. Rabbi Gershon Mendes Seixas Held Sunday for Dr. and Mrs. B. Courshon, 3315 -e ' The Junior synagogue meets was one cf the, first trustees of ' tion therein indexed a t Appe VE J. G. C. Jackson street, . returned this promptly a t 10 o'clock every Sat- Columbia college. Docket Number S"l Et Page Ni_—if"r Louis Krueger, 51 nex 5. Execution Docket Number « week from, Chicago, where they urday morning at the CongregaISovembcr 1., Page Number 53S. wherein Harold TV'. _ D~X{ Gei ;?UP The Jewish Art theater group visited with friends. Mayer Lehman was Alabama's Graham, is Plaintiff, and Frank B. : Cour^ tion B'nai Israel, Eighteenth and Funeral services for Lcmls met Monday evening in the ComDIXEEX, suri F. 31. Graff, et al., are Defendants. 1 will at Chicago streets. This Saturday- Commissary-General during the 10 o'clock A. JI.. on Tuesday the 7tb .Tudgre, Krueger who died last Friday munity Center with Mrs. Lucille in Civil War. day . of December 1E37. at the East Mrs. Eva Woskoff returned | ppett will be hostess to M r s > H L i evening in the home of his mothMAX FROMKIN, Attorney the Lavalliere. The membership, front aoor of the Douglas County 533 insurance Euiiding er Mrs Anna Krueger 3701 Jack- which now numbers 35, is still home recently after an extended the children. Court House In the City of Omaha. '054 BEN E. KAZLQWSKY, Attorney. arrl Omaria,Nebr, Douglas County. Nebraska, sell Et visit with friends in 'California. Suite 532 insurance Bldg. son street, yrere held Sunday af- open, and anyone interested in ' I -, * r * _ Saturday, December 4, all chilpublic auction to the highest bidder qua r CE OF INCORPORATION OF Miss Ann Woskoff is at home reternoon at Shaare Zion synago- joining is urged to do so before dren attending the Sabbath serv- HARNETT DISPLAY SERVICE, for cash, the folowing described pro- i NOTICE OF INCORPORATION C on; j CENTRAL FURNITURE CO.. INC perty, to-wit: cuperating from an appendect- ices of the Junior synagogue will INC. gue. Rabbi H* R. Rabinowitz and i is the" Lot 17, Block 4 In Ames Place, -n j Notice is hereby given that the u omy. Cantor A. Pliskin" officiated at the the cast for their first play ; dersigr.ed have formed a corporatt r be entertained at a special ChanuAddition to the City of Omaha. DougNotice is hereby given that the unIsts T «• service. Mr. Krueger was-51 years chosen. las County. Nebraska, ES surveyed, ! under the laws of Nebraska. kah party to be given t by the -rsijErned have formed a corporation platted o ; name of the eomprp.tion shn.ll and recorded: to satisfy the were ran More than 150 pursuant to the laws of the State of More than 200 couples attendold' and was vice-president o£ COMPANY. therein set ! CEXTSAL FURNITURE Newsies and ineumbrances t guests of the Jewish Community ed the Thanksgiving dance given members of the Ladies' auxiliary Nebraska, Thei name of the corpora- ' fliens : ! by: o r t h Kruegers Fruit Company. sum of ?36.70 i INC., with Its r-r n" -""' T»'~c<" n" Vi-cshall b HARNETT DISPLAY : t 0 satisfy t h e sum Center at the annual Thanksgiv- by the ' Sisterhood Wednesday of the Vaad. Special Chanukah tion \ aess at Omah'i costs end the increased and accruing SERVICE, INC., with its principal Born in Russia, Mr. Krueger ing dinner yesterday afternoon. gifts will be given to children Place : p- , of, business in Omaha. Douglas costs. aJl as provided by said order :eral nature oC t i tail furniture F came to the United States and di-Following the dinner,. at which evening in the Bellevue ball who attend the services regu- County. Nebraska. The general nat- and decree ' T>ated at Omaha. Nebraska, this. i own, buy ant' s ure of the business . to be transacted rectly to Sioux City 45 years ago. Mr. Fred Woolworth was guest room. larly. ] property. Tl e by the corporation shall be to conduct 27th., day of October. 1537. Johnnie Whitney and his or• stock shall b= 1 He was a member of Shaare Zion speaker, the boys were treated to JOHN HOPKINS. Sheriff. i window display service and general '. said stock s h-' chestra played for the dancing. Douglas County, Nebraska. advertising business, both as princisynagogue. •'-..• BETH EL an afternoon show at the Orph- Mrs. Herman Miller and Mrs. E. 10-23-S7-ot ! par value of - " pal and as atrent; to plan, devise and sliS.ll commer"*" Surviving are his mother; three eum. i - r.- 1 Rabbi Goldstein's sermon this make interior and exterior advertise.•" • . N.' Grueskin were in charge of evening i the filing of : = r \ u ' = ment and display installations of brothers. Si and Sovel Krueger of IRVIN C. LEVIN, Attorney will be, "Wh7 Thanks! tion with the Co ••*' C ' every kind and nature; to sell or to the arrangements. 763 Brandeis Theater Bidg. Sioux City, and Mark Krueger of I ias County, N<"•>""• ^ r i giving Is. So Difficult an Art." purchase, or otherwise acquire any PROBATE NOTICE | tinue for a p<"n j <' ' " . privileges, licenses or franWakonda, South Dakota; and six Shaare Zion Next week he will speak on Miighest arao!i". c" r ^ suitable for the purposes of the Miss Helen Ratner entertained "The Lesson and the Challenge chises In the matter of the estate of ?am 1 shall not exce<> f ' - * \ . - \ sisters, Mrs. J. H. Hosow, Mrs. corporation; to buy. hold, sell, morti it".l Ptock. rj e ? ^ gage, trade and deal in all kinds of Waliirxn, deceased. Abe Pill, and Mrs. Sam Ballin of - At Shaare Zion synagogue this twelve friends at a dancing party of Chanukah.'' Notice is Hereby Given that the ; pnration shall h* - r-< r° real and personal property; to buy, Sioux City; Mrs. Sam Kassove of evening,. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz Sunday evening in her home. of said deceased will meet of Dir«ctors o ' i "• . ' I c '. Cantor Aaron Edgar and thesell and hypothecate notes, stocks srid creditors the administratrix of said estate, beAnthon, Iowa; Mrs. Aaron Green- will speak on "Thanksgiving and i'np.n fh «• r-*f- > -« Beth El choir will conduct the bonds, and other obligations of every fore mV, * County Judge of Douglas!' more IN WITNE;-^ ^ -L r.T. '.,*", Held of Chicago, and Mrs.'-Jay Chanukah." Cantor A. Pliskin MAXV/ELL HOUSE kind, including stocks and bouds of c , o u n t } . _ xebraska. Et the County' ties services. have hcfi'if f • this corporation, ana to do all of the Court Room, in said County, on the Whitebrook of Philadelphia. and the synagogue choir will things set forth to the same extent Ilth day of January, IKS, ar.d. on the : unities this 3 C Cr ' c ' Nove-nh*-", i V On Saturday morning, Deceml PERFECTS DRIP chant the ritual. as natural persons might or could do. { n t h day of JIarch. l?3S, a t S o'clock i P^Lr A >'O^ T J \ C Y A N ber 4, the Bar Mitzvah of Robert and which now or hereafter may b? i A II "each day. for the purpose Junior Congregation services ,DA U t M A X ' _ GRIND COFFEE authorized by law. The authorized " * ' " " ' Herzoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. presentingtheir claims for examinaSynagogue Dinner Will be held tomorrow morning In the presence of. I «• capital siock of this corporation shall tion, adjustment a n d allowance. 1'j.tronize $3.00 consisting of 50 shares of j Three months are altoirpd the li-12-4t Arnold 3aron acting as can- The drip method of coffee mak- William Herzoff, will take place be to Be Held Monday with the par value of $100 each. at Beth El. Each creditors"to'present their claims, from tor, and Max Rich, reader of the is growing steadily in popushare of stock shall be- fully paid for the 11th. dav of December, 1S37. and non-assessable when issued. The Shaare Zion Synagogue will law. Refreshments will be served ing "BRYCE CRAWFORD. larity •— possibly because uniforTE5IPIiE corporation shall commence business Coxsnfy Judge. j hold its annual Chanukah dinner to the children by Mrs. Mary mity is more fool-proof by this as of September 1st, 1?37. and Khali County Judge. 11-lS-ST-St This evening at services Rabbi for a period of 50 years • )- and election Monday evening, No- Hurwitz, in honor of the birth of method than by any other. Exact- David H. Wice will speak on continue thereafter. The highest amount of j . . •• . * " ] . * vember 29, in the social hall, a grandson/ indebtedness to which the corporation I ly so much coffee is measured at any time subject Itself, shall ' ' j when the Auxiliary and the men Children of the Sunday school into one compartment of the pot, 'What M a k e s a City 'Go shall - "V not exceed two-thirds of the capital Wrong'." Next week his sermon \Ji of the congregation meet togeth- will present a Chanukah program exactly so much boiling water stock, but this restriction Khali not £' A er. The annual election to the this Sunday afternoon at 3 poured through the fresh, frag- will be on "Chanukah, 1937 Edi-include indebtedness secured by mortgages or liens. The business of the tion." STK y * IP F*™ vrr m o'clock in the social hall of the -- •-' Board of Directors of the concorporation shall be conducted by a rant grounds •— and as the dripRegular Saturday m o r n i n g board of directors, to consist of not gregation will follow the dinner. synagogue. A play, recitations, ping process 'goes on the houseless than two persons, and by the ofMr. Barney Baron,' president of songs, and the kindling of thewife can busy herself with othei services will be at 11. ficers of the corporation, who shall be the congregation, will preside at Chanukah lights will compose kitchen duties while her beverage .Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock a president, vice-president, secretary treasurer, any two of which ofthe meeting/and will also give the program which is under the automatically attains the strength thevChildren of the Sunday school and fices may be held by the same person. the1 president's report of the year. supervision of Mrs. Herman body and color her family desires. will be entertained at a Chanukah The directors may enact suitable by^claws for the conduct of the corporaMrs. Joe Kutcher; president of Licht. There will be no session party. tion's business. The articles may be [ But with the drip method, just of the Sunday School in the the Junior Congregation will give amended at any regular or special j meeting of the stockholders hy a ma- I w> > morning. A.Chanukah n-ewspaper as with the perculator or boiling ITALY JUSTIFIES their annual reports. Jorlty vote of the outstanding stock methods, it is of prime importrepresented at the meetinc Mrs'. Herman Licht will pre- will bs issued by the Sunday ance to'use the right grind. Maxside during the program, which School with contributions by well House —'• after extensive re- PRO-ARAB H. ,T. HARNETT, See the ccur.t-y in tl," ity Ej-"sr.Jo7. HARRY COLTCK, Rica in big roomy streamliners with will include the kindling of themembers of the school. Mrs. into the- country's coffee- STAND ll-25-37-4t. Incorporators. comfortable, reclining chairs. Free pillights by Cantor PUskin, and aMiller is supervising this project. making preferences — has perlows. Luggage stored inside, alwsya FRADENEURG, WEBB. B E B E R, skit by.the synagogue choir The fected a special drip grind to in- R o m e (PTA)—Italy's out- KLUT2NICK End KELLEY,, Atty's. handy. Low cost tr.cals. y Cry of the Nations." 200 U 200 i S t t Bank B k B li Union State Blcig., sure the most delicious drip cof- spoken pro-Arah attitude is justiNOTE THESE LOW F'iSiKES Mount Sinai Oraaha. Neb. fee, in addition to the regular fied on the ground that England's $ S.CO Kansas City.$2.95 Denver -' •;* Notice is hereby given that on No- ILos An; Des Moines, £.50 23.00 "Democracy Triumphant," a grind for perculated and boiled failure to understand the Pales- vember Senior Hadassah 20, 1937. the Earish Sanders ' _ tine political situation" makes Motor Co., a Nebraska corporation, i s s n i " r a n - 24.00 Chicago . . . E.50 {Thanksgiving message, will be coffee. _, understanding hetween the East with its principal place of transacting I Two hundred people attended the subject 'of Rabbi Theodore N. Trip Tickets— business at Omaha, Nebraska, adopt- I S a v e C!1 K3S3 and West impossible, it is assertthe annual card party sponsored Lewis' sermon at Mount Sinai »d an amendment to its Articles of j l a w fa?OS ©tHier paants Teachers on Strike ed bv Relazioni International!, Incorporation by which Article I was m--by the Senior Hadassah chapter Temple this evening. "^IS a SIT amended to read as follows: I —-•-organ'of the Institute for Study Last Friday, Rabbi Lewis was New York (WNS) — Teachers "Name ( CJItU^ST ; sus DEPOT bands Monday evening in the Jewish The name of this corporation shall i -"-ID Scv, trouh' Community Center. In charge of the speaker at the Professional I in the^Hebrew school of Congre- of International Politics. Masson-llitchell, \ , The periodical declares the po- be_ _ „ _ „ „ „ „ .Inc." ,. nesej the arrangements were Mrs. Jack Men's Club, and Sunday he spoke gation'-Kehilath Israel in the Dated s t Omaha, Nebraska, this ; s " day of of November, November. 1?"7. TOOK Robinson and -Mrs. Philip Sher- at the Workmen's Circle Banquet. Bronx are out on strike in protest sition created in Palestine by tnis i 20th •h day ! fcordfj man. - • . . • • ~ " " ™ ' SANDERS " • * " " " " MOTOR CO. : . Wednesday, Rabbi Lewis address- against what they say are annua failure must interest all powers' BARISH By i l a s M. Barish, President, i Settl* to whom Mediterranean ' equili- | witness?" The monthly meeting -of the ed the student body at North Junsalaries ' ranging from $650 to foarrit Hadassah chapter followed a des-ior High School. hilip Klutznick. ?800 a year. The strike was call- brium is important.. .ir-26-S7-4t. C o s e oa—EYEEYO^S! This Is your last sert luncheon Tuesday afternoon The Sisterhood discussion group ed by the Hebrew Teachers Un•-, afternoon at the Jewish Commun- will meet with Rabbi Lewis next ion, spokesmen xfor which claim s s e s ts sicsre in & - S4H,S?P EPSST Sriug \ ity Center. Mrs. Max Rosenstock Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. that the Kehilath Israel school is cH was in charge of the program the only one in the Bronx not Contest _;___i_Vj e n Jinc - _ . — - ^-i V . -^. j which, was on a Chanukah theme. Patronize Our Advertisers * meeting union wage standards. Get slatted
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