December 3, 1937

Page 1

Iv the foCr

SKY. GROD1NSKY, MAKER I & COHEN. Attorney!!, Omaha National Bank. BIdg. II


Interested! in



ke of .Elizabeth .Anna Gertrude

iltaor. ns Heirs 'Apparent, or

umptive, and Xext of Kin of Said Elizabeth Anna Gertrude [""Minor: • and each of you are hereby |i that on the ]2th day of No. 1337. the following order was in the above entitled matter: matter coming; on for hearing y 12th day of November. 1937,, duly verified petition of John Guardian for Elizabeth Anna ie Volz, a minor, praying for a to sell all of the right, title iterest of the said Elizabeth Gertrude Volz. a minor, in and . .Smith Fifty ID(O Feet of the One Hundred and Twenty-five feel of Lot Forty (4U). HartAdaition to Omaha, Douslas , .Nebraska, as surveyed, platted !Corded. and the Court havins is Petition and being informed premises, finds that it is for nefit of and the best interests minor ward. Elizabeth Anna He :Yo!z. that her right, title iterest. in and- to said afore•ed real estate be sold. ,'. THEREFORE. IT IS ORD that all -persons interested estate and the nest of kin of nor ward. Elizabeth Anna GerVolz. appear before the undera Judge o" the District Court for Douglas County. Nebraska. Liouplas County Court House aha. »sebraska. on the 21st day ember, 1937. at nine o'clock A. that day to show cause why a should not be granted John fluardian. for the sale ot such [state. }S FURTHER ORDERED upon ition of Guardian that a copy s order be published for three pive Tveeks in the Jewish Press, I newspaper printed, published. f genera] circulation in Douglas k. Nebraska. fed at Omaha. Nebraska, thl3 lay of November. 1S3T. JOHj; A. RINB, Judge. 37-3t


A Treat for Omahans

anischewitz Kosher; Food Products HOSHE& BEANS IH TO5SATO SAUCE ' ' oVEGETABLE SOUP o TOSVJATO SOUS^ 3k f o r Manischewitz bod Products a t Youx rocer or Call - T 7628 WE 2054 (Distributor!

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The trJewa expressed by LuSwig fjewisohn in hlo, coloma are his own ana do not neces* saTiSy .reflect the policies or ate titcde of oar publication. Se» production in whole or to part strictly forbidden. XOUTH ASH BOOK.S Young men. and; young women •with books- in their hands. T/e 'bare but^to thinfc of our own youth to Irnow that from them in this posture—that from youth reading conies the great decisions of. the world- "What we read at twenty, -what finds us - at twenty, colors - temperament and determines character and therefore taste. true of the people of the' book; it Is of the most critical" importance what-' our young people read in their plastic years. It is. no' exaggeration to say that the-whole future of the Jewish people depends on

JintcrcS aa tSecoad Class Mall Matter oa January SI. tssu- i t • t»Oato?ftea ctHmaha. Nebraaia. ender tha Act of Marcii 8. IS79



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Kabbi David H. Wise .trill speak Saturday evening before the Omaha, Phi B&ta Kappa Essociatfop£ anniversary dinner' at the BlasS' thur. Rosinsky will be chairman Etone hotel, ferfc of. registration. The topic of his address will be Plsy Scheduled, at .3 After registration the • young "Hold the Wire." ' Center women will be entertained by the Senior Hadassah at an Oneg D AT - Center Players will present On Saturday morning, Decem- Shabboth to be held at 2 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center* their second offering of the seaber 4, delegates from St. Louis son "The Good Hope" this SunCity,, St. ,' Joseph, Des Bess Kirshenbsxim is chairman of day aad Mondaj-, December 5 Moines, Cedar Rapids, Sioux City, the Oneg Shabboth, A program A ^i £ r • and G. at the Jewish Community Council Bluffs, and Lincoln will will follow, Center. This play is at present ber r Saturday evening the convenarrive i n Omaha- for; the two days ing given- by popular demand by. the £ZcF~1Vr >' -er F T " r r r tion banquet will be held at the convention of the ^Southwest Rehonzr K? "K Te f—r-r. p<=f t h a t : . • '•'; -• " . • • • • / • •' '; • Eva LeGaBiense in Chicago. gional Convention, of the Junior Hotel Rome to be followed, by the five rzTEor.s c.z^rC°-z.. r. The! cast for the .Play includes: We need not be troubled about Hadassah. Headquarters will he Convention Dance. . Local. young Z. A. 1 Esters' El Ben Seckerman, Nathan Secker- Feldir^cr. g-£ve a F?c~t tr'k pen will act as escorts for the the readings of the young people at the Hotel Fontenelle. 1 taan, • Sarah Seckerraan, Harold Competition for visitors. The Dance will begin at who are learning or have learned Miss Bertha Gortenberg of KanH'abler, - Joe . Hornstein, Harold sr: ^ rcer,; Prises Hebrew; we less.troubled sas City, Missouri, ..president, of 10; p. m. Jack Swanson and his Kendis, Martha ' Kimelsteic, Re- , about the reading of those who the. Southwest Region of Junior orchestra will furnish the music. 'The entry date for the B'nai becca Kirsbenbauin, George A. j dirrctcrc v ere i~ have preserved Yiddish, despite Hadassah, will .preside at the Mrs. Irving Forbes is banquet Spitser, Sylvan Franfcel, Margar-; t\T~.r,~. the wretched Russian Influence in convention." Kalah Franklin, pres- chairman -and Miss Ruth Marks, B'rith amateur sight has been extended until December IS. The jet Friedlander,' Sam White, Fjor-j a certain section of Yiddish writ- ident .of the local chapter, will be dance chairman. The Sunday morning business program will be givea at the eace • "Wolf,' Minnie Wolf, Abe j ing; our'.great concern must be general chairman of the hostess i Salztsan, .Sid 'Wintroub, Sain Kap- \ with that -vast portion, of .our committee. _;... . . ."-. • session to be held at 9:30 will be Ian and Joe Cohen. j youth which is more or less con•IJ'XAI B'RITH 'AJIATSXR Miss Ruth Jacobsen is in followed by a dinner in the Cen'. t r" ' Mrs. .Herman.Jahr is directing. c i ' " • NIGHT ' " • fined to the English"language and charge .of. the-welcoming badges ter lodgerooms. Miss May Tucker Herman Keijermans, the authmust find Its spiritual- nourish- and ieys'to. the city^ and Mrs. Ar- Is in charge of the Sunday dinor . of the play, • won reknowc ner. Dinner will be followed. by . Entry Blank ment : and shape its' future; within •when Its production caused public the afternoon business, session that limitation. -It l a . for them and the election of officers. At . ' (Fill in aucl forward'to Ky- demand a change in that a Jewish literature in Engthe coaditioas of the Diitch Wishnai 5:30 Sunday evening there will men Slarfer, 74O- First Katioaisl lish must be created. "We have no bo a snack and program. Miss Bank' -Bldg., AT 7311,.. cr Dr. ing industry. o n more urgent task in America to: Season tickets for the Center Una- Gross Is chairman of - the I*eoa Fellshari, T2S Erasdels day than--the diminution of JewPlayers will admit; Single admisSunday evening supper. Theater .Bids., KA STS7, chairish" illiteracy among the younger 1. The following Senior Hadassah men of Program. conrsuSttee, sions -will be available at the Jew- j The members of the B'nal generation. • ' , ; : isa Cosmrunity Center bos office! j ™c; Vr.;d v.l1. v~~'z\rc members will be hostesses at the on .or before December 13.) ~ -Israel synagogue and their guests • Toward' that end MS..Leo'.'.'W. p Oneg Shabboth: the Mesdames J. Schwarz -has already; contributed will hold a Chaniitah . banquet Abrahamson, Loui3 Alberts,-Oscar •r* f his invaluable Jewish Caravan. thia. Sunday evening at 6:30 at Belzer, M. D. Brodkey, Dave BpLace j feeii at O the_.synagogjie,...EIghteenth and ; He has now given vus .another-vol-. -fo Honor-Esther : I Cenifr IT. iorris . Franklin," "J." J. j rr_ c T . Chicago" streets. , stein, ume—brighter, lighter, more;eleFriedman, David A. Finkel,"_Hax. : "compaetly " and r Fred -Whiter -well-known local FromMn, • David A. Goldstein, J. concentratedly . edited, t hp.u g h attorney,* "will 'be toastmaster. Goldware, Jack Kaufman, M. F. A joint ChaEukali cslefcratloa neither'briefer nor less rich.".This Cantor 'AV Schwaczkin /will lead Levenson," and Julius Stein. Phone No. • will be held San day r Decesber E, new volume • ia called .'A Golden the' singing.-~ Rabbi Milton KopThe. Oneg Shabboth will also at 7 p. m. at. the Jewish • Com- b© ru;.t r-cc"-~- rT Treasury of -Jewish Literature stein will give the' invocation and be open to all Omaha women and Ely act is: perform theceremonial lighting munity Center by the Jewish Na(Farrar" & Rinehart) and these girls interested. tional /VTorkers Alliance and the eight' hundred pages contain not ot the Chcnukah candles. ' Pioneer Women. . Mrs. Esther Stanley 7. Levin, chairman of a single repetition of the CaraKramer, .leader of the Pioneer van's."seven' and a half - hundred fthe' membership committee, -will CO. BWFFS SUUDAY \j. i.. - : Women -of America, -will be guest which shows, as n o . one knows Preside. A prominent Omaha SCHOOL TO €I¥E . speaker. • " business " man -will opeak on better than Jlr. Schwarz, what f. A musical program will be preboundltE3 Tiche3 we have to draw "Chanukah From the Layman's PROGRAM'sented . by .Harriet Bernstein, voupon. TUQ new volume i3 edited, Viewpoint." Tv c r j?.'.'. r« - t The committee In charge init.seems to me,: with . a _ firmer Pupils of the Council .Bluffs ****** Community Center ra Ds- calist, v i o will .be accompanied 4 •II * E c r ''by Salriey Sslz, v'STZlsi. cludes: •William "Welnor, Joseph hand,, a riper taste, a more delics2absr « „ - - , . . . ? - - w v Sunday School will present tfeelr i ' ; Those that .e&ssct attend -the j cate arrangement of "valuei." At Tretialr, . Jacob Eernotcln, j J I h o 2 a n i i 2 ] c ^ ^ . ^ p ^ m SanTIJJ the "iis;c o™n estr'as supper are-welecsie .to come .at'| all event.1 .it is an - altogether Bloch, 'Icycr Fercr J r Roses. Ar^r-iras Trill S •*::.— ' ' "-"*- "- - - - - • , -t . will fee . no' ccZleciki'i. ' '-.' | "if "', ';..'' ,.'a are a.I """•• -zibre in- "Sehwac::d£, i s d -a c c s Sam T,'olf, r:orriE Ail.,, : The.public ' . -is invIteS. . . | debted _ta Ilr. Stiwars. The* limincludins niiciwal Lelccticzc, Shapi.o -and LCD Bhernan Reiervations mr.y be mads by itations of tbe book's usefulness members of the cast c£ this skit, j _,,>>„_ : _ . „ _ , • , „ Jewish and Hebrew recitatiens, inhere in its character, in tho calling JA 0SS7 or HA 27G3. The amatETir Eislt, an annual j i Alktb t&ht ii* together with a. short skit entitlcharacter of all such books and ed, VOver the Chanukah Lights," B'nai-. B'rith affair, arives local ea-j ' i A. C. V*. - s do not constitute any. criticism RABBI CGIffl TG has" been arranged. The public is tertalners an• opportunity• to dis-| 1 , ! ; . . ^ of- Mr. Schwarz's , achievemfent. playtheir talents. Cash prizes of J PAGkMU invited to attend. The'-bbok ::costs three dollars and REV1EU BGOZ Regular classes will be held $15,. 510:and f5 will be given to Is .with its 818- pages cheap at WEDNESDAY .the.'three winners. '.- ' •-Miss:- Harriet--Newman, d'augh- j Q ^ T - , Sunday morning. the. price; its format is dignified -Abner Kaliaan and Hymen ter of Mr.-and Mrs. Julius 'New- j TriJ,",X" and Its-weight considerable. • It is Shrler will set as masters of man, toofe" the part o* Peter. Pan j * ^"^,T. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will re?r t r s c.n-enot a book you can pick up and in the • Omahan Wojaan's Club j ^-""'^ ceremonies for. the evening. slip into, your pocket- and take view. Henry D. Thdreau's "Walpageant, "The"• Romance of Oraai ' , , / ^ * . Persons desiring to compete with you' and dream over • indoors den" on-TSTednesday evening, De^^ rccli-E-n t are asksS to fill in the blank aad ha".given Tuesday evening s.t the i _^T.^ v ' or not. And-that is the- kind of cember -8, at S p. m. In the Baird Clubrooms. Miss Newman also j St. Louis (JTA)—The Genaan- forward it to Mr. Ehrier or Dr. book which, in addition to Mr. building, Seventeenth and Dougto modelled winter sports wear for i ^ ;. Amerlcan Bund cancelled last Fellrnan:' ' • Schwarz's: noble and permanent las streets. ' the Thoraas-Silpatrick; Junior fie- j'ir^ tcTrro I>crcrr"reT This is the eighthreview in the week a midwestern regional contomes, is what' is ..needed- for our partment. young men apd women', our boys series of 20 being given under the vention scheduled to be held here IMS.. RQQSEVEU'S MTOSae is a -student at Central-High. anspices of the Book-a-Week club for want of a place to meet. OaTcand girls—dozens, and finally School. of -the extension, department o f ville Farmers hall, whose ' memhundreds of - such little Jewish books and I take this opportunity the University of Omaha. bership is mosty of German ex- MMIEWEB Before 'their admission was! of. saying, that -I am-starting a traction, refused to permit its officially sanctioned -the Jews re- { scheme to provide them with such Polish Palestine Coaf erencs hall to be used by the pro-Nazis. Approximately. 450 persons at- siding, in London had as their ; little, books and that :from that Similar refusal was met pre- tended Rabbi David A. Gold- headquarters the ' house of the j scheme I shall derive neither viously -when the Bund approach"Warsaw (JTA) — Resolutions Portuguese ambassador, the Mar- ; " praise nor profit nor want either calling for intensification of Zion- ed German House and the Lieder- stein's book review, Monday even- rano, Antonio de: Souza. ing.. ' but I am her© asking .all those ist activities in_-Poland and sup- kranz dub. . The Bund attributed At the next review, Rabbi Gold(and they must" be many now) port of the Palestine Jewish com- the cancellation of the convention who are hearing of this plan to munity were adopted at a nation- to i "campaign of h a t r e d stein will discuss, besides the two AN QPEli LETTER further it-for the sake of our al conference on Palestine attend- against it." Frits K-uhn, national books already announced, Elesayoung men and ;women,-of our ed by.:2,000-delegates from all "Fuehrer" of the Bund, had or Roosevelt's recently published, '• Now" that .the 1037-1ESS bpys.and girls, especially .those parts of the country except Gali- been scheduled to address the "This is My Story." Community Chest campafes among; them who cannot possibly cla. has officially coiD.e to En end convention. pay ^three dollars, for- one book. and the vast a r i s j of workers I want to quote two.brief pasdiEEiissed, I should l i t e pubsages from Mr. Schwarz's preface licly to express xny deep and which seem to me especially valsincere appreciation to the uable and profoundly right. One masy Jewish women w h o Is his definition of Jewish literaworjied so hard and so laitiiVienna (WNS)—Jewish aad ture, of ...this, immemorial, manyfnlly during the past two anti-Semitic studeats at the Unilanguaged literature, that is ours. "weeks in Division D. versity of Vienna have jolted By-means' of illustrated- slides Byzantine. Jews who had become "Jewish literature is -what Jews . The names of Miss Blanche have written about themselves Todro3 Geller, who spoke' Tues- converts to Christianity and had hands in a student strike pretest2131HE.S, Sirs. Reuben Brovra and their life. In any language, as day evening at the Center Forum carried into their art the fear of ing against a .new ruling adding and lira.. Korris • Etalmastsr a full year to the training .re: well as their creations, whatever on "Is There a Jewish Art," creating Images. 1 quired of prospective doctors. The the Bubject matter, in the' He- showed that despite the injuncHe showed a picture of a fresco II lira:' to ticss listed in a ~-T?~ brew and Yiddish .tongues." Note tion ot the second commandment, found in the synagogue of Beta anti-Seraites are halting simply XJ5V.S eSit'os • of Ths JeTri"3" because they •will hays'.to ^-orfc a the Jews from earliest times have the Tightness and deep '•: aignlfiAlpha arid dating-from 244 B. C, Press, . •" • ' had an. art. cance of - this. So. cnarged depicting the face of Moses: This -year in,a.public hospital trit&oat 1 a s happy to saBO«-.e© that 'pay before bsisg . admitted to Its own character is the Jewish Li&e ail primitive people the picture, showing GreeS" influence, Tg rsacbsd the q^ots. ttssigTi^S. soul that it can create literature Jews were forced by the exigen- bears close resemblance to later medical - practice. • to our division. It is an out of Its substance within forms cies of nature to mate pottery for pictures.of Christ. The Jewish students joined the _ aehievssisat of wlilch- ^-_e caa that, are not its own. In that their, household' needs and these -. "Under the influence of-"Men- strike ' bscassa • the ssw ruling • manner, too, the Jewish people pieces they decorated with primidelsohn" the German Jews began amounts-to a Tirtuai- exclusion of en who • "rort£5 shoalS t a t s charged with its character and tive simplicity. painting Jewish life," Mr. Geller J.ews .from xaeSicar practice since ' unto herself a jest share cf transformed into- its image the no public hospital accepts Jewish Tlie Bible describes man-y "explained. Later in, the same ••way that price. F r o a the majors. languages of its host-peoples and crafts and even the detail of the . the ghetto painters of Russia internes. through the captains, to • the created Ladino, Yiddish, Judeo- ^implements Esed in tho Temple arose to glorify ghetto life. -. lieutenants—all verted w't's. s Mr. Geller showed tpk works ot i 1 seat cad ierrcr friiea reilecied Arabe. That literature In Yiddish worship. Archaeological escavaarid-especially- in'Hebrew Is Jew- tions have brought to light many many modern Jewish painters, .inish Irrespective of- rits subject of the ceremonial objects csed in cluding artists like. Leon" Bakst this canircunal task •prhlci 3s Joseph Israels, v:ho did not matter is; of course, strictly anal- the old synagogues. ' ' . annaally otrs. ogous to the Englishness of EngMr. ".Geller .showed- a raristy of paint Jewish subject matter yet • ' Mrs. Jacob Blank, president of lish, to the Frenchnes3 of French everyday^.objects from places as revealed a' Jewish influence ia the • Beth' El -auxiliary, acd Mrs. the we of tils rear's prssi- I I.. "$7."Rosenblatt and Krs. Join literature. But r that b"y writing of China used, by Jews in their work. f tflS the liE finest tfc"-g:s | •Sent," 33 C2S Cl themselves and" their lives and medieval.' times. Seals, rings, J. Laurie Wallace, Nebraska's Ferer, chairmen o* t i e Higadco, •Omaha eoes, sot only because S their special reactioa to the BUEI Megillah cases' and' other €eoora- forejaost portrait painter, • intro- hafe expressed their apprecsaticn hst Eoney money Is is rs.Iss rsissd f cf the fact tfcst of things Jews^liave sbeen able to tive pieces wsro shown aa well cs duced t h e speaker. Bphraia for the fine support' given the create authentic Jewish literature Illuminated manuscripts ard even 2Iax2is, chairman 6J the * Forcm Beth. El 'Rigadoo oa Sunday, Not o - f;'. SI _ iin-Arabic and German, in-French vesifaer 2S. comnittee, presided. clothes. cre-s&s e of si; reap: and English—that observation or^ of ths most interesting Tlis next speaker on the Forma. Ose About 1.S00 an, wo en atd ; ia o: rather, conatatatlon, goes to the slidea shown -waa that of a Trill be Dr.-Joachim Pi-iss,; for- fchiidren .crowded the. Central to Oiir very root of the historical char- found in the ruins o£ a Bynac th' partlcipats. 'flaisg merly of Berlin, —bo- t^ill spsak club " i to well t£. acter, of the historical unique- "of l»oEspoii aad now In t i a Tati- on January 4. I t s concert to 65 ness, Elnmallgbeit, of tho Jewish ~giroa by Erschaa Zfirsi S.E3 tcsa oricstsl l3UZ?..ts,T.'- An, esculent sr.?can. people, . p . ,lTMr. Geller exprerscd ths belief forward OES weeS, to J"an- per. was Berred Is tfes aajoisisj Tho. second- passage o£ Mr. that Mosaics wero conceived by cary IS Instead" of January 25. roost.








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THE JEWISH PRESS-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1937 fior'e, co-chairman of t h e ' joint necessarily, bring tolerance foi foreign committee of the board of the Jews, but rather ;he probadeputies of British Je^-s andthe , bility o£ increased persecution oJ By LOUIS FEKARSKT I Anglo-Jewish association. ' Jev.'s. Certain cooperative, groups is I i isolated sections of Palestine had Mr. Moniefiore discussed beJoin ir. Protest fore a meeting of 'he borrrl of Hollywood—Harold Arlen (Hy- no means of seeing a moving picdeputies the International aspects man Arluch, by birth), formerly ture some of the inhabitants of Nazi art'-Jewish ,projinpanda London (JTA1—-The Christiae a bar-and-clef man of these hills, had never seen one. A plan was in connection with the visit to students' organization at the Uniwrote a number of the hit-tunes Leouard Montefiore Eersinds Berlin by Viscount Halifax, Lord versity of London will join tlm in Broadway's 'Hurray for What.' ment was mounted on a truck, .British Government • of creating a traveling flicker show. President of the British cabinet ! Jewish Union society in holding a Propaganda, council. : protest rally against "ghettc Topsy-turvy this show b u s i - i C a m e t h e b i g c i g h t • ' • E i s h u n Referring to Lord Halifax's vis- benches" in Polish universities, it ness . . . Years ago while touring dred spectators eagerly awaited London (JTA)—The British it to an exhibition of pporif- tro- was announced at a general meetthe three-a-day route, George the "premiere" . . . A "Mickey -was i government was urged last week phies in Germany, Mr. Montefiore ing of the society. Mouse" of ancient vintage Burns burned with a desire to to keep Nazi anti-Semitic Propa-. s a - d t b e r e V £ F EnO f!ier exhibition study dancing . . . but could nev- the bill. Tbe reel unwound In celebration of her COth Jane Addams and Carrie Chap- lions, headed by Jane Addams, er afford it. While working in the audience listened intently, j gansia in mind when conducting,^ Germany There he would hare Famed to Turkish Academy spoke : negotiations -with Germany, an a • found Jews of ail countries held birthday, Rosika Schwimmer, man Catt in founding the Inter- and another to the neutral n'a- "Damsel in Distress" he was What a strange mouse Vienna (JTA1—Ludwig Czazonly English . . didn't know j address by Leonard G. Montethe celebrated fighter to r national Women's Suffrage Alii-, -tlpns, under Rozika Schwimmer, taught how to dance by Fred AsMip to ridicule. The allusion was k e s , v.-ell knrwn Viennese pianist Hebrew at all! And Mickey for: peace, who1 more than 20 years ance, after having made her who might present once again her talce and was paid for it, to the first time in his rocketing i to the Nazi "Eternal Jew" exhihi- a n d former professor at the State to a lonK ago became the most famous debut in the international wo- plea for the neutral states to off- boot - - or rather - - to shoe. contract In Germany i tioc -in Munich. Academy of Music, has been apcareer, was a B. O. flop. woman in the world by her ef- men's movement as one of the er continuous mediation. "I£ Lord J-Ialifax visited that pointed professor at the Turkish i during pre-Nazi days. Then came forts to end the World War, principal speakers at the congress . j the upheaval . . . Universal left exhibition," the Jewish lr-ader Academy of Music in Ankara. Having presented their plans Jascha Heifetz, who scarcely ' the coming of.yrhlch she pre- of the International Council of before kings, presidents and ruffled the public prints during Yacht Club Boys deserve some j Germany . . . Miss Geal went to said, "he would find descriptions dicted, has been awarded on in* W o m e n in -Berlin. designed to hold up to ridicule Rozika prime ministers with., assurances years of concertizing. i3 now sort of award for composing a! Hungary. By the time sbe ternationnl peace prize. In this Schwimmer carried on her battles of support, the two delegations his Patronize Our Advertisers and hatred the Jews in whatever breakin? out all over the mace. t u n e i a t b e shortest time on rec-'j ready to come to America,; as article Miss Klotts reviews the which resulted in such victories met in the United States In Seporti and music, it was on i Laeramle, Sr., bad retired. It ^" i country they may be. I sppo,fc tragic career of Mme. Schwim- as the achievement of suffrage, tember, 1915, iu the anticipation It's our publicity boys at work, ! the" clefs in' three hours and. then that Paramount "found* lier. I -^-jth some feeling SP there are nier, the Hungarian Jewess of legislation for other social, of Wilson's approval and the sub- of course. This week's yarn re- twenty minutes. They'll sing it; ! some of my own relatives among who sold Henry Ford the idea economic and educational advan- sequent formation of a neutral: lates how Jascha recently asked in their current offering. to be guided through Radio City. "The Great Goldwyn" has gone ; themof the peace chip and is today j tages Jfor women conference. . A specific time and a special urge that in any general dis; into its second printing at Rana living casualty of the end- ' ' They were winding up the i doa House . • . Sammy Is on his ' enssion of Anglo-German relaThe Genuine Bate* Grip Wilson's refusal to call the j guide were readily arranged, As international press secreless struggle for peace.—THE tary of the International Wo- conference doomed all hope for Heifetz arrived with his valet. day's "takes" on "Bluebeard's! second thousand of gift volumes tiocs that may take place in the Bowling' Ball now sold [ EDITOR. in Omaha by the men's Suffrage Congress which the cause of peace, and the dele- The guide, properly impressed Eighth Wife." Everybody hoped i aud hasn't -yet completed bis list near future these things be borne it would be'the last shot of the j of personal friends. in mind," Mr. Montefiore con-, gates returned home hopeless, j with the Importance of his charge she organized in Budapest in In the sunny chintz-draped" liv- 1913, as well as correspondent broken in spirit. All except Ro-jdid all but turn the City Inside scene. Director Lubitsch leaned! tinned. "Pillorying insults heap" ing room of her New York sky- for. several important European zifca Schwimmer. She had met j out in anAL IU1U LUC V»itJ l i m i l i c En route to the East, the Great ed on citizens of foreign counto make the tour and forward engrossed in the action scraper apartment where on Sep-dailies she was living In London Henry Ford, who had expressed j interestingeffort dialogue. It was over Word-Mangier was interviewed by tries cannot in er.y sense be reand informative. With tember 11th she celebrated . her on the eve of-the war. Lubitsch approved with a broad tbe press. Said he, impressively: garded ES a matter of internal 14 Z72&: t% & Douglas his eagerness to do something in j due reverence he. addressed his 60 th birthday, Rozika Schwimsmile . . . turned to the" sound "I-have no statement to make, The Betes Grip Ball will mer is virtually a prisoner in ex-\ For some time Rozika Schwim- behalf of the peace movement, (remarks to the big, important- man, "Good, eh?" "Somebody and I won't make it until I ar- policy." produce higher score* and With his backing an unofficial looking gentleman mer had harbored the fear of a , the little He also held thst tbe collapse ile. There, the white-haired clarq coughed," was the morose reply.' rive in New York!" l i i.l-p 'POI-P1 thumb !world conflict—ever since the fellow trailed along glad to be in of the NfizI rciin-e r < = \h° ^ ' '• which parley was organized ion of peace sits quietly reflectr Irately the director asked, "Who, - ing how 22 years ago she had di- Sarajevo assassinations. There ] might have the same effect as the on the show. At the end . . much coughed?" "You did," answered • Jack White bemoans that since cJ a iri'itrry c> cf.t T CIJI' r o; verted the attention of millions was but one thing to do:. Obtain official conference which Wilson to the guide's mortification . . . the "mixer," and the incident most of his scenes -in. "5 2sd of people throughout the world a hearing with the Prime Minis- had refused to' call. The problem the imposing party reached over was closed. Street" were left on the cuttingfrom the warfare in' which' they ter and discuss the matter with of transportation for the Ameri- and carefully helped the small & room floor, he is getting fan mail were engaged to the ideals of him. Rozika Schwimmer did this can delegates to the conference chap put on his coat. It seems from mice! Mitzi Green has touched her WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS was met with the realization of the latter was the violinist! peace—how at the age of, 38 sheon the 9th of July. 1914. But eighteenth milestone . . . it seems • ScferaffS 't> CfeocoSeites Cup*t» Rey had recruited almost the entire David Lloyd George felt that another dream which Rozika but yesterday. Schwimmer had long harbored, Black-out. * CRI5K£K Dry Gicjer Ale End Harvester Cijf»r» peasant womanhood of Hungary Peter Lorre introduces a new peasant womanhood of .Hungary official reports as came to namely, the dramatic 'peace ship." * T to the common interest and par-; hand did not seem to Justify the On December 1, 1915, the Os-superstition into this over stockAT 4292 S I S So. *Cih £t-ect Franciska Gaal is "Uncle" 1937, Jewish Telehe insists on two Carl's discovery. He signed h e r |(Copyright, ticipation in pacifist activities. jj alarmist view she took of the sit- car II, chartered by Ford, sailed ed business graphic Agency, Inc.) artificial roses decorating whatThere are those whose love for!uation," (as he later expressed it from Hoboken. ever camera, is photographing his peace and the recollection of a!! m his "War Memoirs") and the But the group .desiring to pro-pictures. Some think he's just life-time spent in the futherlng | incident was soon forgotten, of that pursuit p r t throughout t h r u g u t the But Mme. Mme.Schwimmer's in- long the war was powerful, and world bade them to remember stincts were well founded, being aided by a sudden movement of the United States in 1929 beRozika -Schwimmer and present baaed both o n h e r wide knowl- dissentioa within the very ranks cause she refused to take the to her^as a birthday gift the un- edge of international affairs and of the pacifists, their bitter oppo- oath to bear arms for her counofficial world peace award of personal contacts with major per- sition gained following until it try, Rozika Schwimmer is today "WHERE OMAHA SWFS F/T&' CC $7,000. Among those who spon- sonalities throughout the Contin- succeeded once more in bringing a woman without a country. disappointment and immedicable sored it were Professor' Albert ent The outbreak of the war disaster to a "universal hope... The They could stop her from pubEinstein, Carrie Chapman Catt, found- Rozika Schwimmer in Bulishing and lecturing and earning Romain Rolland, Stefan. Zwelg, dapest, editing the influential and voyage of the peace ship was a a living-—they could successfully Mrs. Margaret Sanger, Sylvia fearless Hungarian publication, failure. With accusations flung conduct their campaign so that at her by enemies of her peace Pankhurst and Emil Ludwig. "The Woman." plan—charges that she was a sel- no land might be her home—but Into the trenches by the thousIn the modest, homey ' little fish adventuress, a swindler and they could not stop her from apartment occupied by herself ands, went batches of her litera- a German spy—Rozika Schwim- thinking—planning—hoping still. and her sister Francisca Schwim- ture pleading with the soldiers to mer returned home, defeated but "Find $1,000,000," she says mer, she might have spent the re- put. down their guns; imploring not conquered. (Tommy Manville, Doris Duke, mainder of her life in peace and them with the trutht that &'war Hutton could become It was a few months before the Barbara comfort—but there is no peace in ended by military, conquest could saviours of the world -with just a end of the war. Mme. Schwimnot bring permanent peace but the heart of Rozika Schwimmer little of what th.ey 'have, she in a world lacked with hate and continued unrest and new causes mer played a. leading part in the notes), "draft adventure-loving coup -which overthrew for future conflict. bloodless bloodshed and fear. to disseminate the new Karl, arid made her youth plan in countries which refuse to As the daily': ~ paper, its head- Her appeal—now- grown- unt-I Emperor friend. Count Michael Karolyl, participate; arrange for citizens' lines filled with war horrors; falls versally potent—was issued to president. Her appointment as to her lap, her eyes look toward 'all men, women and organiza- Hungarian minister to Switzer- committees In such countries as tho walls lined with books and tions who want to stop the inter- land made Rozika Schwimmer the Germany and Italy to escort the documents concerning, various in- national massacre at the earliest first woman envoy, in history—- dictators to the best insane asycidents in her career, and. for a possible moment" to ' prevail which, post £he retained until lums . . . " brief spell she relives the momen- upon the disinterested neutrals to Karolyi was ousted by the Com- "I'd be willing to administer tary glory of a rich and colorful offer continuous mediation to themunist putsch.' When the Com-plans for the conference," says belligerents. life. Rozika Schwimmer on her COth In '.September, 1914, Rozika munist regime, however, was disA .strange nostalgia wells np in Schwimmer .visited the United played by the white terror Mme. birthday, "and I could have it unher as she Tecalls how when still States bearing with her this mes- Schwimmer, smuggled on a Dan- der way within a year if I could a. youngster in Bchool the prob- sage of warning from millions of ube boat, had to flee to Vienna only get the money. It's very lem of social injustice had com-European women to the people of in order to escape the fate of plain the peace burden rests on manded her interests gradually the United States: ''If you do not other Jews, Socialists and pacif- America." to the exclusion of. all other activ- help us end the war. in Europe ists who had been killed by the(Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) ities . . . And soon she had given before the militarists end it, you.thousands. . up a very promising future aB a too will be :4rawn In."- But to the 111 and impoverished she acpianist to take her place-in.the people of the United States in cepted the invitation of American ranks of' those whose lives were 1914 this seemed as incredible an friends and came to the United "Say It With Ftewers" dedicated to the causes of better ."alarmist view of the situation" States in 1921. Once again aslife and understanding among the aa had. her prophecy to > Lloyd sailed as a Bolshevik agent and peoples of the world. George but a few months before. an adventuress who had duped '• It was Rozika Schwimmer who The vwar continued. And Ro-Henry Ford,'advocates of militarorganized the Hungarian National zika' Schwimmer .returned to ism sought by every means pos^Council of Women, the first wo- Europe. She w.ould' conduct a sible to prevent* her making a livSpecialize in. Center* man's trade union; who helped meeting of the International Con- ing by lecturing and writing. Enpieces, corsages, fuemies knew; and feared her powdraft foundation legislation ' for gress, of Women at The Hague^ ncral arrangements, weddings, cut flowthe car© of the underprivileged Far and wide echoed her plea for er. Clubs and organizations were era and potted plants children and promoted other ad- attendance, and in spite of the secretly wkroed against her. Edivanced social Ideology. So high- danger and terrific obstacles in tors rejected her articles. ly esteemed 'was the work she th€ Spring of 19i5 two thousand In exile from her native Hunwomen from war-stricken and rendered there that she was appointed to the national govern- neutral nations met there and resolved that two delegations be ing board for child welfare. Finally, in 1004, she joined sent: one to the belligerent naTOR? band troul nese' j Tomi i bord't | SettL I having his grinder^

By Diana IClotts.



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sarily: bring; tolerance foi le-ws, but rather ;he probaof increased persecution oi



ism, and with the emergence, of a .groups within each nation-. Sci- = chi, financial wizard . . . In- fj' 1TT " the latter is reliabi; S. warlike spirit among the Fascist : la regard to the attack upon cidentally, dictators. These developments freedom, the Jewish question has reported to be -virtually a prison- < rX lifted the Jewish problem out of become merely one problem of er . . Though he has resigned j the realm of the peculiar and the persecution among inr.ny since fro the-post of F isolated. Prior to 10S3 it ^as religionists and "workers, as well possible to conceive of the solu- as pacifists and democrats, have ! The only reason he isn't rcsfie victim of a one-man blood purge tion of the Jewish problem a s ' been victimized. The onslaug I4 is that his death Tronic be Tightsomething attainable without rel- ; against Jews is a single aspect the evance to the solution of other • the destruction of freedom, albeit ly interpreted as problems. The Jewish question j the most cruel in its conse-: bankruptcy of Xs.Eisrr.-. , a class by itself as a prob- \ quences. The growth of the total- ing will soon be a ais nonlem of injustice. Jewish leaders itarian idea has made clear the Aryan wife, the former Emmy and humanitarians at large could relationship between freedom and Sonneman, expecting an heir any T ~ The National Conference of 1 measure, through sociological ' dwarfed the religious interests make specific appeals to nations the safety of Jews. Restrictions 1 week now . . . Headquarters of u Jews and Christians has em- }m e ans. | which had previously been para- ; raistreatin Jews or to the con- placed upon the -liberty of any i »-tr '•• the Union of Islamie and Chrisbarked on a three-month celemount in the movement. The sue- : science of ' mankind on- t h e group are a danger to the free • iian Arabs, the organization said an'i-: r o ^ TAn awakening occurred very! bration in observance of its shortly.- The second.St.age Of the : c e s s of the Nazi party had the ! strength that the Jewish question functioning of ail groups other . to be behind much of the terror- tire r rr I e L tenth year of activity in mu- '.movement was reached When it i e f f e c t o f revolutionizing tradi]=' than those existing for the exism in North Africa, have been take-* t A '• ; w a s the leading social problem of tual understanding between t \i became plain that in order to \ tional conceptions of dealing with ; the day. But the danger o'f war press purpose of upholding the shifted to Berlin. End the name in n Jews and Christians. In this i eliminate group prejudice it was i the Jewish problem. rearm- i principles of the . political or has been changed to Islamischer lea i For t h eprecipitated ; . . . . by - . Germany's first of two articles., presented Kultr.rbund . . . I necessary to establish the factors j f i r s t t i m e i n history anti-Semi- j amerit program and the imperial- j economic coterie |n power. by special arrangement beI which caused it. This resulted in • t i s m w a s spoused by a govern-; istic policy of Italy and Japan ] In other -words. ami-Sernitism LONDON H K A R S tween the Seven Arts Feature m e n t a s introduction Of that explora- I official policy. Moreover, i over-shadovred the Jewish ques-• has become a single-aspect of That the so-called escape of the Syndicate and The Frater of Pi d.iU a World-wide campaign' w a s tion in world importance. With ' larger problem—the world prob- Grand Mufti from Jerusalem was | tory instrument, the intcr-faith ; Lambda Thi Fraternity, Mr. launched under the auspices of threats of a universal conflasra- lem, and cannot be separated not. an escape at all. but due to i Seminar. The Seminar "started a! Minslty makes an objective anBerlin aiming at the dispossession j tion the maintenance of peace he- from the wider aspects of this the deliberate laxity of the Biit- :c« be 1 E, alysis of ten years of- good will new process i n h u m a n relations:: of Jews in each country regard-I came the foremost world prob- problem. Its solution is bound up i.=h authorities, who wanted him —th<. process of probing, of askin this country.-—The Editor. ! ing why various cultural *and r e - ! l e s s o f existing minority treaties, i lem. In addition to this, it was with peace, freedom and econom- out of the country . . The story Vi \ f ' ligious "groups are unpopular. It i constitutional guarantees or other | evident that the maintenance of ic justice. There are some con- is that with the Mufti outside oi "The goodwill movement is brought Protestant, Catholic "and I l e S a l safeguards. The advocacy j peace had an important bearing siderable advantages to this po- Palestine the British could legal"-0 U F -, state -*-!_ anti-Semitism _ _ i : c — .-*.•— of _<r the *-u_ x' n ,j uu pp oo nn the Jtwsition. The symbiosis of war, fas- ly get control of the funds of the effn.t about to celebrate its tenth anni- the situation situation of of the the Jtws versary,. In token .of-this, event, Jewish leaders into consultation ! ire r cism, economic Injustice and anti- Moslem religious bodies, of which since the latter have historically for the first time in American brand by anti-Jewish groups genTif Ol I beg leave to propose that the history. Its advent was widely ; era lly> made it necessary to view i been the. scapegoat of warrior na- ; Semitism has resulted in an alli- the Mufti was the boss . . . With 1 / efforts -for justice ana amity in hailed by leaders of r l l three^ the welfare of the Jew as being j tious. The identity of anti-Semi- ance among Democrats, religion- these funds, 'tij said, he financed il the relationships between Chris- groups as the beginning of a new i inextricably bound up with sys-; tism with " war cannot be ob- ists, workers, resce lovers and the campaign of terrorism . . . era hi'inter-group relationships in'••t e m s « f government where here- | scured. It follows, therefore, thai Jews in a war which has ' been The Grand Duke George of Eesse. a connotation which has become tofore it had been considered pos- i in.the present situation there can developing on a universal scale who was killed in that Belgian ret this country, as rightly it was. disparaging". A motion-for aboliBut the dominating ethos of \ s i b l e to safeguard the Jewish po- be no hope for an amelioration of between justice and injustice. As plane crash together with most of to tion is surely in "order.; "We still |! — — < £ £ £ " - still i sition, either by legal or moral i the plight of the Jew until all the number of his enemies in- his family, wss not too popular regard goodwill in national and ; purely religious and also essen- sanctions, within the framework | threat of war is past. The creases the Jew discovers himself with the Nazis, for he was the 1 1 O! international affairs as very wor-} t i a l l y s u b J e c t i v e . achievement of peace between the with many new friends who are great-grandson of prince Albert. The Seminars | o £ diverse political systems. thy goals. But there.has arisen | w g p ^ c o n c e r n e d i n l a r g e degree ! The first secular factor, there- nations is an essential condition ready to fight his battles out of Queen Victoria.'s consort, reputed II among- Jews—at least among a . - ^ . ^ t f a e - b e U e £ ? a n d p r a c u c e s of i fore, was the introduction of"the to the achievement of peace be- 1 the realization, that they are : to have been a half-Jew . . The Itr certain class of Jews—a disposi-j t h e r e l i g i o u < | groups, on the the ||Jewish Jewish question question into into the the realm realm of of | tween the cultural and religious therebr fighting their own battle. , demise of the London Daily Tele- an I! • t I ( graph, once one of the city's most tion Since worldwide p . to -minimize the term good-, t h e o r y t h a t ignorance and mis-; the political. I popular dailies but now merged established itself j will as applied to inter-faith re- understanding of these beliefs I anti-Semitism I with the Morning Post, began lations, • I and practices were principal prej-1 as fascist in philosophy the con-j i when Lord Burn ham. nee Edward inc This attitude is largely a relic |j udicemaking udice-making factors factors. Outside of jI elusion was reached that there there;j C il ' 1 \ Levy, died in IP 16 . . . Levy, imi- K" -of the early days of the move- this, the meetings devoted much i could be no hope, for respect of j *~> O U i versally known as "Telegraph To ment. The goodwill movement time to cataloguing the faults of j the rights and freedom of Jews j • '1 I t ! Levy," took the name of Lawson •ir. g u "began as something new in Amer- Jews, Catholics, arid Protestants. I in Fascist states. At" least, the j « 1I ' in IS75 tinder the will of his un- cor » 1 ican life. It was organized direct- An earnest effort was made to es-! Fascist State was. a potential en- ; XRUE STORY some of our big-shot anti-New ; cle. Lionel Lawson . . . Kashruth 1 nior<= ' rf n ly as a result of the agitation of tablish the causes of racial and ! envy of the Jews, even the non-i p e ter Shmidilr, eleven-year-old Deal industrialists to the support the Ku -Klux'Klan and Henry religious prejudices but the Sem- j anti-Semitic State. For coinci-1 J e w j s ] l youngster from Budapest, of . _ Hitler's ._ aims . . . A friend of ; racketeering bothers English Jew- : Ford's Dearborn -Independentand mars invariably were concerned j dentally with the rise of Nazism, j i 3 b e i D g hailed throughout Hun- ours who has just come back ry 1.00. it seems . . . It has just h-rr r been discovered that a now ceit. fell -heir to a history of re-1 ^ 5 ^ tthe'periphery, prob- jjItalian Fascism revealed itself as j g a r } a s ^ h e p p y of the p \\u\e Jewish boy little Jewish boy • from Brazil tells us that Dupe— as i l i i iits |gar} ligious warfare which had been | iem_ The analysis was not super-11closely akin to Hitlerism in pardon, we" meant the Duke—cf ceased - rabbi had been issuing liw h o s t o o d u p t 0 streicher" so intense and bitter as -to disbut it was far from com-1 militaristic aspirations, its stri- One of a group of 500 Hungarian Windsor has written an article censes to non-kosher butchers, certifying them as kosher, for a l i l i figure the national life. "Up until plete. So far'as the -Jews partic- j dent "nationalism, and its suphoys invited to Germany by the praising Hitler for a Brazilian Do 0 1 1928 the nation had seen the ularly were concerned they:failed | pression of liberty. So that there Nazi regime to see the joys of newspaper . . . They don't want fee of 30 shillings a week . . . birth and-death of .a series of to go down to the root causes of j was here a conflict 1 ' of ideals childhood in Hitlerland, Shmidik any publicity about it, but theABOUT PEOPLE : That "mam" gag of Georgie anti-Jewish prejudice. The subjectiv.eness of | which would cause the Jews to went with his friends anti-Catholic a n d to visit Italian and German consulates in ! Jcssei is the name of s new colCl epidemics, some of .which had the discussions obscured import-! be ' inevitably at odds with the Nuremberg . . . Outside the beau- this country have received orders n umn which he'll begin syndicatachieved political importance^ For | a n t external factors over which ! government. Unless Jews stifled; t i f T U v h a U t h e k i d s V v - e r e l i n e d - 1 0 b a n the" shipments of the ve r , : ing this month . . . Intermarriage it ' ••one hundred years, beginning in j, the- Jews had no .control. Mr g .•their . religious impulses they j! up for an address by Julius rent issue of Photo-History, which continues to take its toll among e says some pretty plain thirgs i prominent American Jewish farr.ithe 1830's, tMe^TJnited States_had| B u t t h e v a l u e o f t h e e a r l y s e m . i would be^ moved to Protest^ the j s t r e ; c h o r . _ . Beaming good will, had an anti-Cathohc tendency | i n a r s C o l u m b i a i Harvard, Wei-1 Policies of the State. Fascism beStreicher welcomed them and ex- about Fascism and Avar . . . The • lips . . . Audrey Lewisohn, daugh. . . _ , .vented . . , .itself , , such. pow— Jewpressed his joy at seeing them . . same ruling, we presume, will be •which in Cali£orn;a a n d o t h e r ; came an adversary of the ter of Frederick Lewisohn of New To" erful national associations as the places should not be underestim- either in fact', or in ideas. "But," he added, "I hope there applied to the November 27th 11 Know-Nothings, the A. P. A., the ated. They served, the very use-: • Another ; secular factor was a r e no little Jews among you'r . . Saturday Evening Post when the York and related to t h e ?elig- h«-i 111 Ku Klux'Klan "and assorted nativ- ful purpose of clarifying the po-; thrown onto the lap "of leaders of. At this a little voice piped up: official gentlemen get around to mans. has become the bride of Matthew Baird, 3d . . . And Fran,'ist groups. The. first'thing which reading John Gunther's article in -iBll^Vi 1 ughter of ilrs. Ferthe Federal Council of Churches' it . . . Last week's scoop about ces titer J.U.. Committee on Goodwill Between the Congressional Record pub- ris Sands Hetherington. Jr. . . . ; Jews and. Christians and its suc- way the possibilities and limita- utilization of economic distress to singled out for'special honors lishing a list of 100 names cf The children of Ainerica will no •' doubt erect a monument to Dr.. cessor,' The National Conference! tions of inter-faith cooperation. turn masses against. Jews. Such And so he came forward, bowed Nazis on .the Pacific coast linked H. Harris Perlman of Philaoel-. of Jews' and Christians, Our. Funeral deeply and'paid • bis respects to i to"Killinj =r "and that a Nazi ball pliia . . .. Ke advises parents -to ' .contend: the arch" J-udenfresser . . Strficher ' was held on board the U. S. S. give -their youngsters - iollypops iinter-grQiip was so stunned that he abbrevi- Illinois, a government, training when they have colds . . ..Wsshfaced with a t e d his address -and left the ship anchored in the Hudson was ington won't be surprised if Isa-. luture of tolerance in place so hot that it crashed the nation's ethnic I youngsters'to enjoy a sightseeing ' 1 mentalism gradually disappeared j up dor Lubin, Corcmissioner of , past of intolerance. as groups of leaders explored the; trimmings to give it appeal UPthej'trip i". . And as for Peter—when ' front pages 72 hours before vou Labor Statistics, goes higher up i • The very newness of this idea masses in the Reich. Hitler had ihe-got 'back to .Hungary he found ; read it, although we had writtc involved.. n the New Deal ladder . . . Did you i had an egregious effect upon its problems An underlying philosophy- or I 'a. wide field of economic unrest j his.-picture "plastered over the it a week previous. proponents. In reaction from'hisset of rules for the conduct of in- -to capitalize upon. The masses front page'of every newspaper BERL1X BrZZES tory the leaders unconsciously ex' aroused - against a "Jewish WHISPER IT iOW hibited an /excessively sentiment- terfaith affairs emerged from. . The right wing of the Xazi ' The real . reason why Mrs. al approach. In an effort to atone these conferences as the thought i Capitalism," while the, wide disParty is rumored to be ready to of religious leaders on the sub-j tress was sold to the captains of k n Roosevelt resigned liquidate the- Nazi wild men b^ for past wrongs to Jews and Catholics. Protestants placed too ject matured. These set forth I industry who were willing to pay | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ •agreeing to a war within the next b l a c t b a U i n g of r friend eighteen months. a.nd then havinuch reliance upon the technique certain basic conclusions respect heavily for the promise to keep Jr., wife ing the Reichswehr place Hit1*3' of flattery, as a substitute for a ing the inter-religious relation-! the workers m their place. The I ^ and j ^ scientific approach. The goodwill ships of the three cultures which j alliance of anti-Semitism e Secretary .of the Treasury! a n < 1 h i s yes-men in some comfort^Uillmuiil uul>cl£llv , movement in its early stages was havebeen accepted as the consti-j economic reaction was found in j . able concentration camp and dedistinguished largely by its em- tution'and by-laws of the good- all countries where anti-Jew1Sh , d e r g r a ( J u a t e b yt h e n a m e o f ' R clare to the enemy that the n z.r , wHl movement ever since. Out of j feeling was fomented. j ^ .' e ? n o o d l g r e p 0 1 t d t 0 v s s s phasis upon the theme of rabbi is over . . .'Amor.g those said to ; loves Christians —-minister loves these seminars also came t h e ; The. solution of the Jewish ione o f t h e m o s t " a c t j v e xazi propbe privy to the scheme are ForJews. Sycophantic affirmations recommendations for a host of | problem was thus . inseparably j ; a g a n dists' in the East . . . "We eign Hinister von Neurath. Genactivities—an educational proj tied to the solution of the econ^ ^ why Victor Spirodovitch, on& of mutual admiration were the eral Goering and H j a l m a r CLOTHES order of the day. This technique gram in the schools and colleges,! omic problem. It was recognized s o n o f a ieadlris White .Russian If did nobody any harm, least of all work with clergymen and church-| that as long as economic^ injus- | an ti-s e rnites who .is a collaborator the Jews, but it was at best a es, research in religious educa- j tice makes men grasp at illusive j o f co'unt'Tensiatzky, has suddenA Trect fcr Crr;r!-»~n3 palliative. The question of a cor- tion materials, a program for wo- j panaceas and search forconveni- U y t a k e n u p residence in the Jewrect diagnosis and, concomitant- men's organizations, pilgrimages i ent scapegoats the Jewish posi- j ^ q U a r t e r of New York's East Manischevritn Kcsher iy, a proper cure, still remained, of ministers, priests and rabbis, tion will he insecure and that a s j s i d e _ _ f congressman Weaver Food Products & fact which was soon discernible the operation, of an interfaith long as nations starve for raw of North.Carolina is fathering a e KOSKZ^ c=Ar;3 r;, TOnews service, and. so on. to impatient Jews: materials and larger, territory b m which' provides for revoking MATO EAUCC It may he' briefly stated that governments will be. disposed to 11 t h e citizenship of naturalized feebleness of the move- ' U....IW i,. L — < t d i t - g o o d w i n movement did not ged in publishing and carry on external wars and inter-] at its inception arose largeAsk f o r I'larisclicwI'z untH five years af- U a l Combats with . groups of ^ propaganda literature Food Prcr'irct? r.t " Yccr t l t e r . i t s inception. This^ was as I population. -The causes of thej EUbsidized from foreign sources Grocer or Cell - originated as an intensely .the result of outer compul-j economic, unrest which produces j _ _ _ Official Washington circles gious expression. I t began as, a riiueh AT 762c; r - r 3c.-< r e sion as' it. was of trial and error. Fascism • and. anti-Semitism must Christian religious .movement,' -The first years of the movement | be removed before any.lasting so- are keenly interested ia the ~ ' i k specifically as a Protestant reli- were devoted to a consideration I lution of trie'Jewish question can port- that one of the objectives oC • j | the American visit o£ Captain:j§ gious movement The .early lead- were ! Fritz Weideniann, Hitler's nura- i § . ers were earnest men but they of the subjective factors in, the"! be Aachieved, third factor, entered the sitwere deeply religious men.--Their prejudice problem anfl to ques- uation as.'the Jewish question be- her one yes-man, is to win over approach to the problem was. ho- tions arising out of the -relationmiletical out of sheer habit and ship :<Df-Christians and Jews to i came linked'with the attack upon i'i for reasons of temperament-. [•each/other a^- religious groups, freedom ...which was. a .concomitant Their defense of the Jews was ! The religious .-Issues were pretty of the rise of Fascism and Naz— " based upon the contention that is 11 ch thrashed out by the semin-i — :— the latter are the People of thear process and the responsibility! Invest Safely. Wisely In Jews for the .w.ijr'j I I E origin of certain types~of preju\B"-'--- r:-'v world which was growing increas- dice was. established and coningly secularist. They did not ap- ceded. Annuity. Endowment, LWe • " ' pear to discern that since the ; But with . . MARK LEOPI ;the advent of Hitler Men "wHo l~>r . "Causes of anti-Semitism are_chiefRepresents 21 Strong Compan. to .power in 1933 there entered LJ L L, "11 more f o r e _ . , ly sociological the solution must les—Every Type of a new factor of overwhelming Olfcrs an unusual cpportunUy to cil^ia f;~t p:rr.c '0 t.z:i ana Bonds written. Call ATtherefore be achieved, in a large work to i - \ c i i 7667 or WA-5150. importance - ; t h e secular a n d


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By Louis Minsky

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scornful of our own habits. The picture is harsh now, because I external • •v

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and internal, which

bare made the Jevr and Judaism

the Jews, even in America, are going through a difficult P e r - j w h a t t h e y . a r e today. Nothing of iod, not so much in their relation to the non-Jewish world, but any importance, 5a ilie field of

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sea the ct'Iic the spirit, cr ir> the material, is in the re-thinking of their own lives. > By All SEGAIi r'uui.itintu bVfclO r HI DAY AT OMAHA. NEBRASKA. BY synagogue for bingo. Ob,.Kanbi; Nrv; York • _A!-> - Dubbing neglected or ignored. The maniThere is much beauty in Jewish life - - not mere sentimen- festations of the Jewish genius in THE JEWISH PHESS PUBLISHING COMPANY . Eliezer, you saw them going t o , :?ie Gcvnisn t:viF.h refugees set~BIXGO tal beauty. Perhaps when less of a premium is put upon the the literature of Israel-—the Talbingo." j ed in the rintnei Stares -new £2.00 SUBSCRiPJlON PKiCfc. One Year mud. Philosophy,. Theology, the Dear Mr: Segal: >vhat ao you j Then Rabbi Eliezrasked him. ; ilerim rsuhers," Tlshbi Joarhim' r powers "of self analysis, the novelist will present a happier picADVERTISING RATE9 PURNISHED ON APPLICAtlON CabaUah—are carefully consid- think of Jewish congregations { "Who is bingo? Is he a new rinz. noted emigre rabbi, in a , EDiiORlAt. OFFICE! BOO 8RANDEIS THEATER BUILDING """" ture. The material is there. ered, and the principal personali- that take W bingo? As you know | god? Have the Jews taken a new hanksgi'-inr.: ile.y address from SiOUX CITY OFFICE-JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER ties with1 their peculiar charac- there is one in our city that has ; go^?j; And he wept even to think l.he I r of Tomple B'nai Jeshu' PRINT SHOP ADDRESS—4504 SO. 24TH STREET teristics scrutinized. Due em- had a bingo game every Xxe&nes- i o£ this. rr.T =• thpnks to the United UAVJD BLACKER• >.'•".• Buslnes3 a n d Managing Editor . • • ; . ' ' • • • " •;•. " F r i e n d s h i p phasi3 is paid and rightly so. to day evening- during the past few j Segal made clear the wholf ,Stp< behalC of. all the reinFRA&K R. ACKERJMAN .-.' '-.;... ' Editor By Kabbi Frederick Gofan the economic factors in the •world weeks. A conspicuous sign on the ! thing: Bingo is a game holy unto sees m Germany. "Nobody LEONARD NATHAN . . . ..-;' Associate Editor Friendship-is a beautiful human relationship. It may occur at large, and as they affected t h e | l a w n . i ' n f O r m s"'the passerby that : the Lord, since it is ajrainst the couki lifve known, "he said, "that RABBI FREDERICK COHN 1 Contributing Editor The author recognjzes the ! this is a binge-supported syna-; mortgage . . . "It like poker e'-pr. cur modern epoch would licbetween both men and women. We may perhaps have only one Jews. RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS -. • - -Book Editor enormous role .of economics and jgogue. ! in which one tries to get the live come p. new epoch of Pilqrini how It Influences the course of ANN PILL .-.•'-'.'•'• •• sious City, Iowa, Correspondent true love, but we may have, man,y friends. Fathers. Yet the expulsion of understand that synagogues; right cards and yet, rabbi, it 1 What is friendship? It has been variously defined and Jewish life. The unbiased sta- in I other cities are, running this not like poke" since in poker one Jews from various countrie- in will find these volumes most game for the purpose of reduc- may win only with two cards" . . the world created a new emigradescribed by some of the greatest men who have written in- dent helpful, will marvel at the au-1 Colonies for the Reich . their mortgages. But Rabbi Eliezer knew no more tion. This emigration is not spiringly on friendship. The great Greek philosopher, Aristotle, thor's penetrating insight and."at j ingShould Jews, who hare always of poker than he knew of bingo. op.nsed by l;,nd hunger and bad "We will holler,"-states Herr Hitler, "until the world Can that all earthly possessions; would a"vail us nothing, and his conclusions, balanced, rea- trusted God, now turn to bingo "In any event, rabbi, they come PCor omit: conditions. It is caused no longer refute our claim.-^t'o colonies." . would be counted/worthless if we had not a friend. Cicero, insonable and wise. for help, as many of the' churches to schnl for bingo even as thry by the persecution of a rare and ' The first volume traces the de-1 are doing? conie for Yom KIgpur and even a faith." The question of German colonies, hitherto considered 1 ; his famous essay, 'De Amicitia,' declares friendship the most velopment and growth of Juda"Mine house shall be a house ; j a g r e ater numbers than for Yom One thousand German Jewish 'mere academic .question, .is again in the fore. Certain persons'^' ot human possessions. Bacon said that without it life ism, the rise of Christianity, and of prayer: Isn't that the way it •' Kippur. If you get the five right refugees, gathered at a special have thought it strange that the Viscount Samuel,- a Jew, and ^ ^ e a wilderness. "A friend," wrote Emerson, "is onethe Talmudic era.. Ev*ry influ-j g o e s ? j s there -anything said •E l i m bers then it has been a good Thanksgiving day service in the ostensibly a liberal, should come out "with" "an; .eloquent plea \ be sincere." And Browning has a similar ence that can bear upon a group { about its being a house for gsmb- •e v e nins in the schul and you German Jewish Congregation, social, political and | ling? What have you to say? j that the schechinah has been sent a telegram to President for the return-of the colonies. Other Jews in both Parliament thought when as Paracelsus lays bare his soul to Festus, he—economic, cultural—is analyzed with the H. R. S. Roosevelt, Governor Lehman and j there and touched you." and tjie House of Lords.have'expressed the same sentiment. splendid result that we see the Mayor La Guardia expressing the makes him exclaim, "Ah, but he is my friend!" It is he who ] Yet those explanations served j But if Herr Hitler,thinks that i t is his, stentorian voice as a growing, maturing, re-j Well, who am I to speak on i only to confuse Eabbi Eliezer the thanks of German Jews for the has also beautifully written, "There must be some one to cast Jew spending organism, yet eterrally ! this? I turn rather to heaven of the United States I that is frightening even the British Jews to listen, he is sadly your glory on, to share your rapture with." This idea of shar- retaining his essential and basic \ where there is better authority ; more and he wept . . . "Oh, what hospitality having been forced out of j mistaken. It is that voice, hysterical, insane, that prevents any : has fallen upon Is rael when this "after ing enters into the relationship of true~ friendship. Bacon had character. Sspeclally illuminat- than I on sacred issues of the syn- j bingo brings man; more of them i i ' l e ] a T l d o £ th^ir birth as victims intelligent aation on the question. also said, '"A friend doubles our joys and halves our sorrows."ing are the sections dealing with agogue. Eventually all causes to schnl thsn the 'Lord God, King of intolerance and hatred" and Germany's gruat tragedy is symbolized in its abject selfChristianity, with the Talmud, j having to do with synagogues of the Universe,-- the Lord of pledged themselves "to keep faith Tennyson, in his stately lines on Prayer in "Morte d'Arthur" and with Islam. A world of sig-j come to heaven, as did the matter pity. Once a major continental power, it was reduced to a Heaven and Earth, blen.sfd bp Hiswith tMs land of democracy and shows the tender solicitude one entertains for one's friend. nlficant and absorbing facts POV- • of bingo only recently. holy name?" All the rabbis wept eqnality and to willingly jSevote secondary rank. Colonies were taken and the country invaded. ' "More things are wrought by prayer than this world ering a long anu difficult period j The sainted rabbis, In fact, dis- with him. our efforts to the welfare of our The people felt themselves step-children in ^urope. ConseIn the Jewish drama, is.presented ' discussed it. It was the ghost of new homeland according to the dreams of v When they were done with with skill, insight and scholar-' Rabbi Eliezer who first brought commands'of our Holy Writ." quently, she has isolated herself economically and politically. •Therefore let thy voice rise like a fountain for me night ship, and concentrated Jn com-it up. Ke (whose interest in Ju- weepins:, they t o o k counsel If peace is to be achieved in Europe, the continued isoladaism is not less though he hr.s among themselves and discussed paratively few pages. and day; "The Levellers," a n Engltah tion of Germany cannot go on indefinitely. She has a certain been dead so long) likes from the matter this way and that, ss political party of Cromwellian More interesting to the reader For what are men different from sheep and goats will be the second volume which, • time to time to turn the trans- they always had done in all diffi- Enciand, advocatpd th« adoption just claim to her colonies, certainly as just a claim as England culties. The day fell into nijrht Who nourish a blind life within the brain with the exception of the opening cosmic ray upon the synagogues. end the night gave way to an- 01 the Torsh as the norm of Engand France who now possess them. This (as every one should If knowing God, they lift not hands in prayer chapter, deals with the complex other morcicg rnd the morning lish legislation. The question is no longer does Germany have a right to and tantalizing problems of the know) is an invisible but raost ran away to the -night and the Both for themselves, and those who call them friend." age, created by the indus- powerful light J n paradise by these colonies. Thq. major question, is "Can Germany be trustnej A friend is one who prays for us and for whom "we pray. modern trial era, by the new political: which the things of the earth are ni.srht to another morning, P..V.C, ed." Germany's so-called treaty violations, had they been un: FOR KENT —•- Three unfurG The Bible has some beautiful thoughts on friendship. and by the enlarged scien-1 seen and magnified manyfold; a still they were not through with \ uishetl rooms AH inodern their argument. dertaken by the TVeimar Repxiblic, would have won the acclaim "There is a friend," says Proverbs, "that sticketh closer than a state tlfic outlook. "The Wanderer" j Jew going to a synagogue may be "It is evident," finally said ' conveniences, separate enInt of many who condemned this as proof of Nazi perfidy. The brother"; Teminding up of the homely maxim, "A friend in and "Within Ghetto Walls" arej seen almost in his full stature. Rabbi' Eliezer, "that bingo is s • trance, 2613 Parker Street. the re-occupation of the Rhmeland was merely the re-occupation , . • ». , , ; , „ • _ . , , , , „ ,. , ,_, excellent descriptions of Jewish j Rabbi Eliezer did cot always certain geme of chsnee that is ; JA 02P7, p arr, pleasure when he directed .. , ...- . , ; .. . ,•"•.,• . „ •• , , F ., need in a friend indeed!" The Mohammedans call Abraham, 'El lite under Catholicism. The fact; of her own demilitarized territory territory, lands that faced a heavily j ; ' / played to the glory of GOG." qua <> of transcosmic ray upon ^ synail/ the 'Friend of God.' While the Bible sublimely pictures and results of Jewish emancipa- j the "Yes." said Rabbi Hillel the on I I fortified French frontier. Her repudiation of the rearmament tion, aa experience which has gogue life; in recent years he had Patronize Our Advertrsers the friendship of God: "Though my father and my mother forKentle, "the multitudes of Israel been almost afraid to look, since the drastically torn Judaism from clause of Versailles was no more a violation than the refusal play games for the greater glory not in multitudes were t h e Jews ists of other nations to disarm as they were ohliged to do by the salie me, God will not forsake me," says the prophet God's ancient and hallowed moorings. going to t h e synagogue. of God. It is again as in psslms ran friendly nearness to every human soul is immortally expressed I and uprooted millions of Jews terms of the same treaty. "JU, yai, y a i , " he sighed. "The where they danced before the a r e TiTidl by by the Psalmist: "Whom have I in heaven but Thee, and on i y Portrayed. The secLord. The children of Israel now j' Yet just as may be Germany's claim, there again ereeps in tioa deals not only with the po-procession of t n e old men to t h eplay bir.go before the Lord." JEW 3SK BOOKS \ DtALCK earth I desire none besides,Thee." God remains the best, last litical status of t h e Jew a n d his j synagogue_ grows l e s s . a n d less ' . that element of suspicion that too often bars Germany's deAt this, the malicious Segal admission into the. economic life (since they die) and the children (whose nose was in everything: in i "SCL '• 5 sires. Hitler himself has stated that Germany is not interested true friend when all others seem to have forsaken us. of the nations, "but with that do cot take their places." j Herbert Margin, Professor of Philosophy at the University which Yet there was a recent day heaven as it he a been on earth) v m \V7 3527 j 5 in colonies, but that her destiny is in Europe, in lands conwas of even frreater and " 0 Rabbis, they of Iowa, has written a most significant volume entitled, "A more telling moment, the spirit- j when the ghost of Rabhi Eliezer interrupted: think cot of the Lord God Jeho-

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tiguous to the Reich. Philosophy of Friendship." He defines friendship most briefly u^i'tr^^rlnation'aV'reflected in ! S^wed ^ a nimbus as-he lootI i v.,v r}nK, out the rimnukftK Germany's colonies were never of great economic consethe earth oown the enorgrs.nd prize which is $£75." 1 n'-tir'e? R*. t!y i- ^'.S''< 'a p r i c e s . length of the transeosmic quence. But again while she cries for more land and for more need.' He maintains that friendship is the Ultimate Reality. i-->n oi" ( ' h a m i But gentle Killel, who coulti I '. have a p emu-1 His ghost, indeed, took oc a TIKI ie ft "iii b r a s s , s i i resources, she |js rapidly converting tjultivatible land into mili- Ha,d not Spinoza, that 'God-intoxicated man,' reduced all to see good in everything, answered: l .from i »r. .'»?ul stars, lie rsn c'hroininni plated; ? had always before "Oh, let us be thankful tnto the one n!: ;ili»iost roHf tary roads, airports, reservations, and other activities to the'amor intellectualis dei,' 'the intellectual love of Godf—and this wide horison can one grasp j (though he evfi ..'h,i se 1 will the ultimate and crucial signifi-j walked with stately measure) to Lord who has given this blessed of i~">>r> r •i'--;!h C a n d l e s point where tMs withdrawal of land shows its effect in ;'!.-; icins: ihP h i s 'love' is but friendship raised to the nth power, friendship's cance of Jewish emancipation. | the congregation• of the rabhis to instrument, bingo, by which to nti '. \BSOLUTEI_V ' statistics. . .' . . . < the children of Israel- bark I tO'-v of Cl crown. The Bible makes love the supreme thing in life, en- "Nationalism," the closing sec- ]impart to them the tidings of i; bring to Kis house in such numbers.'" : I FREE. The colonies, are merely bargaining agencies. If they are tion. should appeal to a very large what he had just seen. I h a r p orn nfl rinmbc-.- ofe joining: "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy circle of readers since it deals "An amazing thing (blessed be ! And Rabbi Eliezer added with ij; earn kindI advise ev* returned the Nazis will be satisfied for the moment. After > • n n >ni!> tiric- tn buv one,the Lord!) has happened. I saw j a. twinkle, "Blessed be anything heart 'and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." In thewith the most urgent of contemthat what will they use for their bargaining? • r vnr of my offer; that brings Jews to schul." LAS complementary sentence, considered the high-water mark of porary issues facing the Jew. The The wicked Segal felt rebuked j V-'t-HLE THEY ethics "And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself," the He-isa assimilation, is a- startling sea. I said, 'It must be Yom Kip- | and his soul 'withered almost to £Sc Dozeil Despite all attempts to de- pur again.' yet it is not Yom Kip- I nothing. The Sea and the Soil | brew word for 'neighbor' literally means 'friend.' Josiah Royce, fact. the identity of the Jew, de- pur, as you know. I saw it with For centuries the Jew has been a stranger to the soil and in his celebrated "Philosophy of Loyalty" sums up all religion stroy spite denials of Jewish nationthe sea. The people who farmed the fertile crescent in ancient and morality in the sentence T3e loyal tor loyalty.' In similar ality, despite efforts to reduce the | my own eyes . . . the Jews going Jew to a philosophical sect, or to to schul In soch numbers!" days lost contact with the feel of the earth. And at the time fashion Prof. Martin maintains that the universe is 'friendly an economic abstraction or to a At this the rabbis let out their they tilled they furnished sailors, many of whom went with with psalms of praise unto to friendliness, and hostile to hatefulness.' It exhibits Tenny- religious denomination, the Jew,voices the Lord, and their chanting the Phoenicians, their neighbors, in frail'craft as far as Britain. obstinately oblivious to son's 'the love of love, the hate of hate, the scorn of scorn.' remaining all these clever and insincere ra- <filled paradise with its echoes There have always been Jewish farmers and Jewish sailors. "The solidarity of mankind, the Universal Brotherhood of has clung with an even unto the dome. And all the In Spain many of the great landlowners were Jews. In Amer- ! Man," based on friendship and brought about through friend- tioaalizations, ataazing tenacity to his ethnic in- congregation of Israel in paraica, the expression 'Jew's land,' once popular in the south, to his cultural herit- dise came running to the big »'*•*} ship, individual, national, and international is, according to dividuality, age and folk life. This failure to house of the rabbis to learn what designated large plantations suitable for sugar and tobacco Martin, the ultimate goal of man. As the poet Markham has assimiliate completely, to disap- had happened. raising. . ""What has happened?'* * * pear among the peoples he dwells memorably expressed i t : "Is Hitler dead?" The contact with the soil has-heen firmly re-established. in, plus a measure of economic "There is a destiny that makes us brothers, "Has anti-Semitism been abolsuccess have stimulated antiNot only in Palestine, but in the Ukraine, South America, and, None goes his way alone Semitism, which Is assuming ished?" what is more significant to us, in the United States where the Then Rabbi Eliezer told thc.lL inodern forms and Is today being All that we send into the lives of others farmers are now organizing a national body. ' , -'- , disseminated under new disguises what he had seen . . . "Yes, rcy Comes back into our own. ; " and slogans. Under Nazi inspira- children, I saw the Jews.going to For the moment the Jews of the world are concentrating I care now what his temples or his creeds— tion and finance, a Vast 'pseufio- schul la great numbers, thousr '< on the sea. The sea was never forgotten by Jews. Many of the gcientific literature of anti-Sem- it is not Yom Kippur, With iry ' ( One thing holds firm and fast— ,. -, itism instruments used for navigating were invented by Jewish scienhas appeared and is caus- own eyes I saw them. For that j That into his fateful heap of days and deeds ing the Jew untold and incalcul- we praise the Ruler of heaTen tists., It is a matter of: history; that t i e captain of the ship , , able harm. How to cope with it and earth." The soul of a man be cast." that rescued William I I I from, dro^rnmg was a Dutch Jew, Now there was one in the cel?E:is a bitterly debated question, -•Frederick Cohn. de Penha, for which act- his descendants now have legal claim acutely troubling Jewish, leaders. tlal congregation of Israel whose ' Rich WootUand T&nes t3





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band i trout } nese j Tony | bordi i Settl. barri "i

to Labrador. A number of American privateers in the Revolution and the War of 18i2 were commanded by Jews/and it is recorded that one of Captain Kidd's followers was the member of a .prominent American-Jewish family. Some Spanish historians-would have us believe that Columbus himself was a

The deep devotion of the'author to Israel and Judaism is most evident in the closing chapter of this great work. Epilogue, which is a provocative and stimu-

name also was Segal. He was an- j other Segal.

He was



from t h s earth. At, feis passire from the world many had sale',




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By DB. THEOBODD W. E.UWO Rabbi, Mount Sinai Sezapt®, SIsox CSiy



in Newly. Arrived

good riddance; for he was one of| the scoffers of Israel. At times

lating analysis of contemporary Jewisi life, of the factors of dis- rather weep. integration, and of integration. NOT (as the rabbis were fior e This is a fine tradition. As the Jew's relation to the'Boil The falling birth rate, the eco-« with their chanting) this Seg£l nTJ nornic crisis, the difficulties with j is no longer .casual/neither should his feeling for the sea;"A SOCIAL-.AND. RELIGIOUS laughed in heaven and the vo cc ' qualities, unbroken contin- Palestine rehabilitation, the so-' The concerted efforts of a half ceutury of colonizing have final- •HISTORY. OF THE JEW," S. these his laughter resounded in tif>' uity, critical scholarship and a cial and religous transformatons • iof ly resulted in what appears to be success. In the same deter- W. Baron. Three volumes. Co- reverence for his subject matter, are discussed. Despite these n t e r s t e n a r E p a e e S ; f r o m ,onB mined fashion the Jews are being given:'the opportunity to sail lumbia University Preas. 537.50. make this latest effort i.t Jewish serious and challenging problems Ito .another. . H o bo\, he laughed, "it's ' J history' unique, Inspiring and hope and faith are justified, and 1b .-_~,.. This is an unusual and superb the seas as once they were do. Despite the dark picastonishingly successful. reinforced with constructive The rabbis who had learned to ture in some parts of the^ world, it cannot be so horrible an age [used with p^rsureTna "profit! It The vork consists of three ifthought and a courageous pro- know everything that was in' !is a h l 8 t o r y " '* " large, attractively gottea-up t o l - gran of sedan, the future ot the heaven ana earth and in the tne * Jew, " but Tadi"S ? ! If atter two thousand years the Jew has in a measure eome umes. The first covers the pe-Jew and Judaism is assured. One | water under the earth au'd in iu£ back to the happy life he once knew—when lie was peasant! 7^~ £ £ " riod of Israel's origin dewn to, must never forget,_. that and sailor. , it is „not. |i bowels in t t e depth of the e a n i . with merely chronicling unrelated roughly, the beginnings of the the Jew alone who is compelled jn e T e r t h e l e B S fenew n o tM n R 0 , > events in monotonous fashion. Middle Ages. The second volume • ~' The bane of Jewish history, as of starts with the Hiddle Ages end to face horrible dilemmas, and to ( make difficult choices. Every peo- j The Jew in Fiction all history, has been this serious takes us to our owa age. The and every nation is obligated. FOR RENT Furaieisesi rosn Jewish novelists have come in for increasing condemnation defect. The.present volumes are carefully collected and edited pi© to do likewise. ' _ S2S3. notes culled from a large library happily free from this fault. The because of the characters of their novels. It is as thdu"h everv Tbe "author concludes •'Kith aj : of Jewish and non-Jewish authora un'.fied, a con< i •.' accusation of the anti-Semite* is readily proyed by the%tran£ = a ^ n ^ S s T u L S ities compose the third volume, note ©£ hope. And the history he j so vividly portrayed strengthbehavior of the men and women of certain Jewish works of Je^isl1 experience and Jewish arid testify to the wide aad pro-has ens the assurance that Israel will achievement. It Is a harmonious found erudition of the author. fiction. continue to live and serve. whole; a unit. ^Iso .worthy of Strictly speaking, this is a l'i\ _ _ The pictures presented should not cause dismay. In reality ZZ*L the'mhoils critical, _ ,yet . . historical and philosophical, essay Udefonso Lopez, referred to sr it is a form oi,self-criticism, that cruel though i t may-be, m a y ' positively Jewish, approach to on the Jew and Judaism. To rec-Seigneur Hebraeo by Cardinal ia terial o l ord the bars facia of Jewish exisresult in a J e w r y that can set a standard for. human conduct " , ; necessity, contraverKiCltUlea, was given the . titlr, sial, and subject to divers, con- tence never . eatisf les Dr. Baron. "Gonseiller d'Etat ordinaire" lor I t is, in a sense, a n earnest attempt to p u t a house completely; His concern is with the interpre- his services to Prance. ly criticism does not lessen his tation of these facts, with the in order, to gather loose ends, dust away cob-webs. understanding of those Novelists are not a p t to present typical situations of tliei profound attachment to Israel correct and to Judaism. His "history" is events which, have shaped the desenvironment. To present the drama of, their story they^ a r e « sense of tiny of Israel and with the per- FOR HENT—S poors- duplex tempted t o emphasize the basic elements'of their picture, and t h e term, satisfying the mostes- sonalities who directed the path ——all a « j « r ss—»gil!.r*ge—— in this age, particularly t h e sordid. , " acting standards of scholarship, of its culture. H© gives us & 1009 So. 3Stk Avenue. Ca.II critical evaluation, and a reraa?k« MA 1 I 3 S bs- WE >17S7. -rr. T. . , yet free from oid aloofness, cya'-- ably accurate one, of the -forces, llarrano. -




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Refugees lye Thanksgiving Jay Thanks to tL S.

i XO-HOSTICSS LfXCHIlOX ~'QZEr$ IdZFJ CF! I A no-hostess lunrhton was given for Miss Hplen May Saltz! TI-e Tronic-'s J man of Council Bluffs at the Ho' hoU a Cbd-iAah Set tel Chitltain on Monday. Miss hoce cf Tlrs. L. IZCc Saltzman, who is to be married Websre- «-reet, on I on December 26, was presented llias Dora Tannenbaum. field i This Sat^rta .s beir;! with a chest of siUer. , worker for the National Council •! by r ' l charters cl zlt° r r t i o r t ' I oT Jewish Women, spoke on "Tile I gE.ll £iltlOIi. K £ i 1 I Ml t^H . j . . I HELPHAND-SILVERMAX j OMAHAXS ATTEND BAH j Council and Its Relation to AserTO stein Will 1 D gjest sppalie-. ! The marriage of Arthur Help-• MITZVAH •- DEBORAH-SOCIETY • ican Life," Monday afternoon at ric' the Jewish Community Center. 1 hand, son of Mr. and Mrs.. David | A number of • O.mahans attend-'; Mrs. ECT Ilr-O'p-, - : o s Helphand of Fremont, to Miss; ed the. Bar Mitzvah of Chau Pod- I • • . • J Miss Tannenbaum has had a ' grata, cf "5 idcish sontrs. Tea -Gladys Silverman, daughter ,/° r i rofski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis I The Deborah society will fete '> long professional career in social I refreshments v .] be sen &d. Mr. ana Mrs. Alex Silverman of j.Fodrofskl of Chicago, on Novem-; n e w m e ^ b e r s a n d f r i e n d s a t ^ a ; work since her graduation from | members ^ r j ti e.r fn-..cs c c Los Angeles, was solemnized on ; ber 20. Those present included > i u n c l l e o n < t 0 b e g l v e n Tuesday, Columbia, having been associated j vite: November 14-at. the Wilshire : Arnold Levin, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-; December 14, at-1 o'clock'at the with, .the Hebrew sheltering and; tl_e Bowl in Los Angeles. \ ' , "./ •• tliam Boasberg of Omaha and •; Jewish Community Center An Guardian Society o£ New York, ; ,b[— r Mr. and Mrs. Ben Helphand ofj Miss Rose . Levin of. Hollywood,; interesting program has been the Irene Kaufman Settlement of I Los Angeles, 'brother and sister-i C a l . - ^ . . - _ . 'planned. Pittsburgh and the Jewish Social j Bureau of Chicago. Sfae I , w o was Hostesses for the occasion will : lService because of/ b e M e « . d n m e _M s YJLC Feldman, l a s traveled widely through 75 guests attended the . a. recent illness, is now recuperat-1 qaratl'" ^rolim N" 'Levir.son Kate Europe and the Near East and ceremony and the wedding, din- j ing: at her home. .. jTatle, Ida' Bernstein, Henry ^Bel-' spent four years in Palestine. A rcee^re c* 1L» ner : stuc> f o e - TCS 1" i3 .'•.•'• \ • - • • " - . • • ! niopt, Joe Goidware, A. Katz ' Preceding Miss Tannenbaum"s of Mi»s ITca Gross Following a short wedding trip,ANNOUNCES BAR MITZVAH ! Charles Ross, J. Pinkie, A. Rolf- : t a l k - ^ I r s- I- 3olzman. program: ninc:, X o ' t i ^ r ^c the couple will make their home] . Mrs. N. Linsuian announces'the / m an, Dave s'icin, J. H.' KuTakof- , chairman, introduced the Misses Jev .s"i irvs vss r ' in" Los Angeles. - .. .;' j Bar Mitzvah of her son, Melvin, sky, S. Epstein and M. Brodkey. 'Esther and Florence Steinberg, i *- Cfr o- J •Mr. .Helphand attended the | on Saturday morning, December; Reservations are being taken w h ° Played several violia and piH.nv.i_ecn v i» M^iss T>ora University of Nebraska. Mrs.' n , at the B'nai Israel synagogue, : by Mrs. A. Roffman, HA 7377, i ano selections. Helphand studied at the Mabelle | Eighteenth and Chicago streets., and Mrs." Jacob Bernstein,, HA Mrs. David H. Wice opened the the Junior Council, and Mrs. Sam ; Scott Rancho School for Girls at t. Friends and relatives are in-iO2O3." Chanukali program with a tribute Wolf, acting president ol the '•. C-ODJT ted Azusa. i :•••;•"•••' I M r s .J o e Goidware will pre- to past presidents. Past presi- council, were also honored. ! dents honored' were Mrs. Fredside- ' . ' •• • Mrs. David A. Goldstein, chant-' GEXDEIJTAX-GILBEUT AXXOUXCE BAR JUTZAH • erick Conn, Mrs. Carl Furth, Mrs. icg the traditional Chanukah ; : Samuel Nathan, Mrs. J. Harry prayer, closed the service by ask- '. ENGAGEMENT Jlr. and Mrs. William Herzoff j PEfBETA EPSlLOll' ; Kulakofsky, Mrs. Isadcre RosMrs. Helen Gilbert a n n o u n c e s . ! a n n o a n e e the Bar Mitzvah oft C everyone present to kindle a ; enthal and Mrs. M. Grodinsky. . taper which they. held in hand to ; A recru'er sreeiits: C hte engagement of her daughter,; jheir- Son, Robert.- an Saturday1, Sylvia, to Mr. Hymie Gendelman, m o r n i n & ( December 4, at the Beth j .A t a recent meeting of the Phi; Miss Sarah Rifkin, president of . hold high kindled light. i Myerson C'LII v as hs^C en Tces..son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Gendel-. E1 .,s y n a s o g u e \-\i friends and \ C e t a Epsilon Fraternity at its j ' day. xcnerrLcr ZZ, Pi l.e Piivtou n e w house man. The wedding will take place relatives" are invited to attend i . 50S Xo. 21st street,' j hotel, rirs. Hc.icar C^ler; T reocr | Carl Fredricks and Bob Roffman on December 26. CIVIC AND. LEGISLATIVE \ sided. A p r r T f l ^ e p r t en t t ^ rtri CHILD DEVELOPMENT j were pledged into the" fraternity. : sale of ttctstr fr>r *Yo O'fT.r; c ANNOUNCE" BIHTH GROUP At the last meeting Phil Malkia ANXOUXCES ENGAGEMENT GROUP • t h e Qu/t TTFS grjTpn by ?'~E. " F - - rectec* V^ J'rr rt i"af T> ,1 M^r. and Mrs. Harry Levitan of j . was elected secretary and Abe j Mr. Samuel Fellman annunces v "1 me'eif tne lo^rv f~j ; ry Mencelsor. Memphis, Tenn., announce ... _ , ' Raben, Sergeant-at-arms. I The Civic and Legislative gTcup the engagement of his daughter, , . , . The Child Development group \ On December 1 i t e m^-cbe-s Alice. Srrs. Hr-olC f 15?"xF : Miss Betty Fellman, to Dr. Abe C. birth of a son on- Tuesday, ?soPlans are being made for ' of the Council of Jewish Women of the Council of Jewish Woaen Fellman, son of Mrs. Brindell vetnber 23. Mrs; Levitan was for- formal -dinner dance on Valen-:"is meeting today for. a dessert- vvi!l meet-Tuesday, December 7, j entertained Mrs. Estt^r K-HTZFT. merly "Sarah Ann Noddle of | AanouaceiieEt was rsacis thet Fellman. tine's (3ay. ; luncheon at the home of Mrs. the home of Mrs. M. B. Silbsr- j Morns J,I r.kin would FcJ'e'?^ t t e ' No definite wedding date has Omaha. Present officers are: Meyer J. Sbumow. Mrs. Albert B. Xew- man. Mrs. Henry Greenberg and ; next rrxEUnc OE "Trcra^n I c S~~n\C been set. Mrs. Elmer Greenberg are coRaben, president; Morris Roit- man is co-hostess, E. CoLr: RECEIVES FOR ARTIST stein, vice-president; Ma n n i e; . Mrs. George Xeuhaus leads this hostesses. . Mrs. John Farber was hostess Katzman", treasurer; Phil Malk'in, ' group. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Mary Fredericks, who has so" Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trel.'jak ! at a tea on Tuesday afternoon for ;s e c m a r v ' . a n d ^ Rabe*n LETE EL AVILLl/SJ been ill, will return to lead this ser! announce the engagement of tieir i Tpdros Geller who spoke that eve- : ; i . M t . a t ' . g r m s group. d F l l n ining n g on the Center C n t e r Forum. Forum AsAs ; ' daughter, Sara Jerry, to Joe Fell-j JUNIOR COUNCIL man, son of Mrs. B. Fellman. ; ; sisting Mrs. Farber were Mesplant:Pd fc- t v e Beth El 'rcctcor J.N.F. COUNCIL The wedding will take place' on i dames Irving Benolken, D. S. SISTERHOOD . The National Council of Jewish i meeting on. VedncsJay, De^.errDecember •- . I. Fairchild,, John r^-mu^ 19. .L*. .. --. McPherson, - C. Z..,! The local Jewish National fund: j u n i O r s W n r hold its regular! ber £ r Miss Tretiak is a graduate: of • Gurzon, David H. W ice,.Ben Rav-; council will hold its regular meet-: nionthlv meeting on Sundar" DeMrs. Herman Auerbach will One cf the i.e£txres ot the r"0the University-of Illinois and Mr. i "z, Richard Einstein, A. J. Sis-] ing on Tuesday, December 7, at S ' cember -5, at the Jewish" Com-; speak on her recent trip to.Rusgraia w..i be ?I"S. V,'. A. Curlier, ! Fellman attended Creighton. •; l.tek, A. H. Brodkey, Conrad j p. m. at the Jewish Community; m unity- Center at 2: SO. sia at the meeting of the Temple }.Y;ouiig, S. C. Jolinson. H. B. Far- ; Center. Mrs. JI. F. Levenson.' The report on the bridge trill . Sisterhood on. Monday, December ^°" g ^ . ea" 111 renov, "Tbc j president, will announce the be given by Ida Blacker. ber, and Miss Ruth Allen. I 6, at 1 o'clock. A ioard meeting COUXTRY CLXIJ : Among the guests were several; chairman, of tile addition fund-j A program will follow the bus-! will precede the program. The The Highland Country club Trill Zvrc.g. : hold a stag Monday, evenin at who" are the possessors of pic-j raising program. ... meeting. . meeting is open to guests of iness Ilestrssps -r"l be Tee the downtown quarters in .the; tures by Mr. Geller. ! flans for the 35th anniversary : On Wednesday, December S ' members. Sirs. Clarence BergTVilllrm Pclltck, --be Eol Paxton hotel, Dinner will-: be; Mrs. Harry-DuBoff played the j dinner to be held on January 12 ; M r s . George Neuhaus will speak': man. who is in charge of tb° Reuben Ercwi;, : : L,. S"e'r. eerved at 6:45. organ during the tea hours. j will be .announced. , ron "Modern Problems." This is a j luncheon, is takini reservations. Brodkey, Trei Procter. 31 six weeks course held every WedVase, Al r 'cr'E£r, .Tack : > HOLIDAY GUEST . Z. B. T. MOTHER'S CLUB | nesday r.t the Center. David Slacker, m e " , r ' M£FS VAAB Miss Judith Levensdn, who; The December meeting of the Herman Ccvcn ITcbff " T came home from. Lincoln, where | Z. - B. T. Mother's Club will be ^ e-rr"Tuesday evening- at the : K. TnllTcr Fr~ry : ' " ' f BETH EL MEN'S CLUB she Is a student at the university,! held at the home of Mrs. David Jevrisli Community Center the The nest meeting, of the YccEg for the Thanksgiving-holiday, had i Sherman, 127 No. 34th street on members of the Mother Chapter -; Men's Vaad vrill be held on Tues-, 1 Beth El.; day, December 7, at t i e B'nai '••Borcey. L"vis Scrc-'cw fri as her .house- guest, Miss Ruth j Thursday, December 16 ' at, 1 of A. Z. A. will compete with one ' Men's club were to h present- [ Israel synagogue, Eighteenth E.ncl ]rt- Frsirkfl. Sobel of Scottsbluff. Miss Sobel] o'.clock. ' ; • ed a stag last night at ibe Fed-Chicago, streets. is.a. member of the Sigma Delta honors. The winner of the conDEPART FOR XEW Definite- plans are being inace \ Tau sorority of which Miss test will represent, the chapter in ; eral Baking company. Forty-fifth > ' for the shois-iag'of Nebraska foot- j ' Mrs. Louis' Sbaf ton • and ' -son, the oratory .contest to be held : and Farnam streets. enson is a pledge^ . I Entertainers from the Chez ball game pictures. All. young j Donald, are leaving Sunday to ,j U T .j n r join' Mr. Shafton in Sioux Falls, j ' -* vited to at- \ j Paree were to have presented acts ; men interested are ENTERTAINS EMPLOYEES tend. • i .-;• :Mrs. Martha K. Haft of New South Dakota where they will i ber 25, 25, 27 in Rock Island, III. ' }from the current floor show. T o r t and Los Angeles, founder make their future home.1 The topic which the contestants and-president of the Robinson, Ostrich farming was first atBAS-AM 'are discussing'is: "Jewish Contri-' stores, -was hostess to all em- j COUSINS CLUB tempted by a Jew, Joel Jlyers cf , butions to Democracy." This i s ! South Africa. - ' ." ; '•ployees o£ the local store at a din- \ The Cousins Club will not meet the . . _national ^ ^ . ^A. x Z. A. oratory topic i The regular meeting of i e r held Wednesday night a t the | during:, the month of December f o r t h i s a r _ Bas-a-mi club was held en TuesBfecfcstone hotel. , : , j because of the death of Mrs. J . J . Last week a practice basketball ; day, November 30, at the home of; f Following dinner motion pic- j Simon. Ernie Priesman Presents . . . game was played between the j Miss Louise Say Ian. Modern MusicaJ Instruction on z'A tures of 'California were shown. -Lincoln chapter Xo. 3 and the- Miss Esther. Kramer spoke on Musics! Enstruments fcy a stsff cf SISTERHOOD CIKCT.E Professional Teachers. )Io{her ^ e r - nt h g a s i u m \P a l e s t i n e a n dw h a t Amer;can. The Vinisnt ConservEtory of Of JOSIiYN 3IE3IORIAIi ' «ie.Omaha Jewish Communitv ! Jewish girls cau. do to aid the of he ' TBe lecture at 3:^0 "this Sun-{Center. The visitors plaved a "fire' pioneers there AT £E£S . ZZ24 Dodge St. day--afternoon in the Joslyn Me-irael Sisterhood will give a Sun- i g a m e > . b u ( . w e r e e d ^ d ' ^ ^ o f ' ? Foundation Piano Instruction fc" morial lecture hall will be 'Some I day evening supper, on December ;T i c t o r r b y : a s p o e d - d ' ,,„.,„.. MIES Betty 'Feliman Social and Economic Phases - of j 12 at 6: SO at the home of Mr. | s i v e o m a h a t e a ^ ' T h o ^ v i ^ - Patronize Our Advertisers Sweden' by Mrs.. Bernice S. Engle ! and Mrs.-Harry Trustin. • made, by the team sives'the rtniT fv fc. o f Central High School. , 'Assisting Mrs. .Trustin as co-, t e r high h o p e s Q fr - t a i n i |. X. f ^ A program of Duo-Arts records.! hostesses ..will be Mrs. J. Harry j £ G C O n d y e ar,;the championship of j !

\vr York («'Ks) — Dubbing German Jewish refugees setj in the United States "new rim Fathers," Rabbi Joachim z, noted. emigre rabbi, in a ilcsgiving day address from ralpit of Temple B'nai"Jeshu-. gave thanks to the United ;s in behalf of all.-the refufrom Germany- "Nobody have known, "he said, "that i our modern epoch would bpb a new epoch of,.Pilgrim pers. Yet the expulsion oi 3 from various countries iu world created a new. emigr'a, This emigration .: is ' not ;ed by land hunger and bad omic conditions. It is caused ;he persecution of a race and ' ith." ,: ne thousand German "Jewish, gees, gathered at aj special nksgiving day service in the nan Jewish Congregation, a telegram to President sevelt, Governor Lehjnan and or La Guardia expressing the iks of German Jews for the pitality of. the United States" er having been forced put of land of their, birth as victims intolerance and hatred" and Iged themselves "to keep faith, b. this land of democracy andality and to willingly jdevote efforts to the welfare of our ? homeland according to the smands-'ol our Holy Writ." 'The Levellers," an English: itical party of Cromwellian gland;' advocated the adoption, the Torah as the norm of Engh legislation, - • . . : ; . . R_; RENT Three nnfurlisted rooms. All modern ;onveniences, separate entrance. 2613 Parker Street. JA O297. . Patronize Our Advertisers

SEALER \n JEWISH' BOOKS AND OTHER RELIGIOUS V ARTICLES '..•".; 2 4 2 9 Decatur S t . W 7 3 5 2 7 . I will dose out all the; Chanuk&K articles at greatly reduced prices, I Tiave a good selection of Channkah Lamps mride from brass, silver plated and- chromium plated: 1 will sr!l every one at almost cosf and- with every purchase J will grive'a box of ChanuVrah Candles and a booklet containing Jhe fcisr tory- of CbanuUah ABSOLUTELY. -

• -. •




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I have only a- HmitS'd : number ot each kind—therefore 1, advise e\> cry one -contempIatinEr to buy one," to take advantage oi my offer; WHILE THEY LAST. . , Chanukah Cards £ 5 e Dozert

! • '



T P v 7 1 T * r «- ' f

fcc.s cr.


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md Tones Arrived

concert hall at the Memorial at 4 | IeW, _Mrs.. Harry' Malashock, and | w o n a^Lbicoln taTt' winter. ^ I n fl M«i. Sam oninsfer. o'clock Sunday. . j accordance with their, pre-eonven- 'i _ The "Town Hall" Forum meet-1 i-.tion schedule the chapter's basFROM Ing-at 8 p. m. Sunday at the Jos-i | Icetball .team accepted an Invitalyn jlemqrial will be devoted to j OPERATION tion to play a practice game with Mrs. Moe Venger is convalesc- sioux Citv Chanter 12. ''Thoughts on War and Peace. RaTjbi David H. Wice Wice.will be the s at the Clarkson hospital frora I Rabbi David H. tirst speaker on the program,'pre-j an operation undergone TVednes- i tps^i » CLEAN LINEN . £, [ senting "On the March," and i day morning., T Alv/ays Attracts Customers--.H Bishop G. Bromley bxnain will TO LEAVE HOSPITAIi present the second half, of the *'\ Mr. David Lazarus, who has s; OMAHA TOWEL . program "Ultimate Objectives." ;= M SUPPLYThe Forum meetings are spon- been seriously ill of bronchial j 2, Boreab'y "the Nebraslta Society of j pneumonia for the past month, j=-l Yours _ S i n c e l S 7 S Colonial Dames and are open to! will return home from the Meth- -J. K^- - S Z S the public without charge. 1 odist hospital in a few days.



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••-•^!sm REFUGEES NEAR STARVATION—These homeless Chinese in Shanph 2,000,000 refugees who. mad with hunger, stormed rice shops for food c.z bristling bayonets of guards. Only scanty food supplies have trickled intc refugees aie in a criticol state vith the t d'xnt cf co'ci vrrt'irr.

r.rr typical o" the city's vrre ti:mrd back by the he vrr-torn city and the

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GANDHI'S HEALTH POOR—High blood pressure and a vrca' ened heart have caused much anxiety lately amons Indii Nationalist leaders over Mohandas K. Gandhi. The 68-year-olo Nationalist is shown second from left as he arrived in Calcutta recently, with some of his followers, to confer en the releass of political prisoners. On his appeal to the Viceroy 1.100 were freed

the s

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EXPANSION—Fioyd h. Carlisle, president cf the Consolidstsd Edison C o m p a n y end the Kiagsra - Hudson group ot Nev York power companies, who told President Roosevelt thst his Cutnpar;ics would bssin au espsnsion program calling for the expenditure of

HOW'IT'S DONE AT 69—Busby browed Vice President John N.- Garner recently observed his 69th birthday and here is a study in Vice Presidential philosophic calm as he smokes a cigar in his office in Washington on his natal day. Upper left shows him about to light the cigar, already somewhat in need of servicing. Upper right.he lets the smoke dribble out, forming a n ectoplasmic mustache. Ah! Maybe, lower left, it's going to turn into a ring. It didn't—so.Jow^er right, $ee you down-home i n ' Uvalde. Texas, sometime—if you're ever : down that way. '



nsst two years. He is shown as he left the White House in Wasiiington, after conferring with President Roosevelt.



.v s.vt : E E H A S A i,:r.T^:r-. —Sc:;; left, majority leader &vz tulc lions on hi? I*.fcAcloD of Cr.h^cm". thinks, are .iu.?t goo


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FOS FJ).B.'s CRUISE—An infected tooth kept President Roosevelt from making .his .annual trip to • Warm Springs,- Ga., for Thanksgiving Day. dinner with the Foundation patients, but he - -plans a fishing cruise in tropical waters to recuperate i r o n his 1 recent indisposition. Here, the Potomac, Presidential yacht, arrives ' in readiness-af Miami;-Pla.


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PESSHING'S NEPHEW THE .ESCORT—Bearing-names of Hollywood film stars-who contributed to its outfitting, this ambulance is being escorted, from Detroit, Mich., by George O., Persbing, right., nephew of General John J. Pershing. Mr. Pershing is field secretary for the-Medical Bureau to Aid Spanish Democracy, and the-motor ambulance is to be shipped to Spain. - •

• ^



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BABDS SOON — Prince Bernhard, husband of Crown Princess Juliana of The Hetherlands, who expects to be a daddy soon. The Prince is shown, right, recording air raid exercises held recently near Amsterdam, which h e witnessed with high officers of his adopted nation's army. The Princess' baby is expected early in January..

A S S U R E S — Marx Dormoy French Minister of the Interior who gave assurance that dangei to the republic was past, aftei Surete Nationale agents had made many arrests and had seized many guns and much ammunition in a plot to set up a monarchist dictatorship. French agents charged that the plot was instigated by . the • Cagoulards (Hooded, Ones), a secret military organization. Most of ythe arms were seized-in Paris. -

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tlEFEESE IN,1TOO—i-rjeferee Jcc Gar.i:nf.c:^ tried to separate George Dusette and Cy Williams, during their wrejtiing bout to San Francisco, recently, end here is vrlist happened to the ciuclt "discomfitted "referee v»hen Williams made a slight mistake in Identity. Williams won the thrilling bout in two straight falls. :

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J li !- works, .'ovr ere thi'pe

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T pieces. Upper Ifft, clorfe ir K"?si; in tower dcs'rr sfl v.i.h ei..?; fare of the Dowager Empress' bodyguard, of silver end roid v.t^rapp.-.'-r c P- I'C m, toy sieatnboat music box for the Czarevitch, which still plays "God Save the Czar. Copyright United Ncwspictures

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c. c. iOV, Team Stand inss

Pet. W . L . Sooners . . . . . . . . 19 8 .704 Cyclones 16 11.593 >f tbo cliapier SI-EC,E^. NO Tigers . . . . . . . . . . 15 12.555 Wildcats . . . . . . . 14. 13.519 At services this evening Kcbbi- :?, s.t t h e Jev'iph Con: Cornhuslters . . . . 11 15.407 David A. Go'.isf'e:p.'s ssrmpr. v i ' i .'e:-n,<'-r. The c e ^ membf-r? RVP Jayhawkers. . . . — 6 21 .222 be "The Lesson snr" the ChalAt Tuesday night's bowling the lenge of C h a r u t s o . " Sooners took two out of three Regulsr Satnrdav morning ser- Kc from the Cornhuskers; the uprices are held £t ? o'clock. DIAL TWISTERS: You are j a big city like Galveston has less about t o get a breafe, you people j than a 1,000, as is true' of Waco, j and-conilng _Cyclones, toot three Cs.Etor Asron Edp&r t h e Eetli E l choir vriil cnn^uct the who twirl the dials to tune in onTyler, Corpus Christ! and Beau-j from hte Jayhawkers, and the services. foreign language news broad- mont . . . That, nevertheless,! Wildcats won tvro put of three eii -b» rfT p p r !Saturfiar "morning Kobert S. . Particularly Jewish Texan Jewa have the highest pro-! from the Tigers. casts Five hundred series w e r e Herzoff, son cf Kr. and Mrs. V«"ii*%:?' hours . . . Because there has Just portion of. synagogues aud synali&m" HerzoK will become s. E s r ' v been organized in New Yorfe City gogue-goers among them . . . And bowled by Sam Horwich. 510; MitivEb. ; ^ a firm calling itself Continental 36ordained rabbis, or one to ev-jSam Meyerson, 528: Phil KatzAlso oa Saturday children of Who have a ! man, 50S, and Sam Katzman, , .&> Radio Pres3 which will specialize ery 1,500 Jews -f.'E. MAXSON the morning Junior Congregation , l-e , S ;|is;: in" serving small radio stations remarkable record for long ten- 511. Secretary-Trcasarer will fee gcests a t E Chan Utah O. S . KITCKELL \rtth a foreign language news-jure, one that Is unequalled by ere? W h . F 1 : 1 f t r r - , Standings Vp-to-Tt&te luncheon to be givea "sy the -srois- ;fcr i^p v?v rur™ >c-r casting servica-. .- , For the first any other State . . .Rabbi Henry Player President O. K. Mitchell and F. E. MasGames Total Ave, j en of t t e Eeth El auxiliary. I time Jewish news will be .served Cohen, toj name but one, baa oc-X,eo Weitz . . . . . 2 7 4,955 183 I son of Maison-Mitchell, Inc., sac-! Maxson-Mitcliell will .-continue up in the crisp, accurate style of cupied the same pulpit in Galves- Joe Givot .18 3,177 176 cessor to Barish Sanders Co., will j to handie a full line cf Dodge and the big broadcasting chains . . . ton for nearly 50 years . , That Sam Yousem . . . 9 1,522 169 continue to offer the same nigh-1 Plymouth cars and Dodge tructs. The news will be piping hot, too, sons of three of- the rabbis have H. Coran . .18- 2,962 164 grade service for which" Earish- j Headquarters of the new coa• At services this cveninir Kabbi since it will be brought to the lis- followed, in their dada' pulpit Phil Katzman .27 4,397 162 David H. .Wice will speak on; ireeE Lpbe: ftuT 1 pany remain at 2563 Farcsni St. "Chanukah—1S.S7 Editioa." teners direct from the news agen- steps, one of them David l«efkq- Jack Melcher .25 4,069 162 Sanders was famous. j LiEco^r cL^rie- \ o . r,. cies instead of being; shifted, 24 witz, Jr., actually occupying (as Sam Katzman :27 4,353 161 Regular Saturday doming ser- I "ne'e: A.e di-^r lor c 'selves ia RucsaEia. hours later, from the newspapers assistant rabbi) the same pulpit vices will be held at I I . I " P e r " 2c~cr>riOr., rrec l-r Meyerson .27 4.2J3 158 International otIJgEtioas will . . . The outfit, incidentally. Is as his father . ; . . . That three of Sam The High School group vrV.' Cet T.ii.v: c h r r ' c " I r t i t I 3,630 157 Abe, Venger . . .23 be respected by Rumania ia draft* meet Sunday aftercooa F.t E:EC. headed by a non-Jew who has had the Texas rabbis were • born in H. Horwich . . . 9 1,421 157 iog measures for the "protection big--time; newspaper experience . . Boston and studied a t Harvard i p i gteinberg 27 4,202 155 On Tuesday morning the Biblr au Here's hoping Tie can bringorder . . . Ten a r e graduates of Hebrew i g_ of national labor," it was asserted class vrill be held at the Eisck- iOEsi tofnarcer^ ir be i 2.948 155 Mlnkin .19 i y reln er out of the choas that has existed Union College, two of Jewish In'k P i Georg Tatarescu ia astone at 10:SO. 1,854 154 Rock Island Dpcembe- £S. f FP in the small radio stations as farstitute for. Beligion, five of Jew-HatTy. Smith ., .12 I Proclamation to the zratioa in The Mea's Club luncheoa vr;]i. 4,121 152 .27 Sam Zweihack as their newseasting is concerned ish Theological Seminary^ three which he outlined his govern- be he3d VvedEesday E-oon in tfee Abe Fellman . . .27 .4,114 152 ment's policy oa minorities. Highland Country xl«b doT-ctcrT! of Chicago Hebrew Theological George Shapiro .24 3.666 152 quarters "E'T.'Se PEXIDS hotel. College and one of the Isaac £1- Jack Fleishman .24 3,633 151 national Pessasts Party, KtsissBja Lifts Baa oa D t i Jol2S ' GLASS SALESMAN: Here's a chanan Teshiva, the remainder Herbert Marks .23 3.4S9 151 CoiSectioas • Bloc VAAD tip for you, if you represent a coming from foreign seminaries Barney Abrams .27 4,t>34 149 : Bucharest (JTA) — The . • Ru2,982 149 . . . That the State University at .20 Julian Milaer firm tha t produces shatterproof • •night Rabbi At late services tonight Rsbti | a t h s s :jte 148 Bucharest (JTA) — The ap- ' manian. f f a : Milton A. Kopstein will speak or panes . . . Jewish residents ot aAustin has several Jewish profea- Dr. Davo Platt .27 4,001 und collections ; general elections next | ban on Zionist fund .17 2,527 148 .—Its I^ssaoa acd In- , | Poliah village have just appealed Eors on Its faculty . . . And that Lee Hurwits 145 ] inoiitli. find all Rumanian politi- ! imposed several noaths^ ago. The ; terpretatioe." Nest week Kabb for glass that will teslst the as-one of the clerics, Rabbi Joseph DrT Sam* Morgan' 26 l!772 I45l saults of anti-Semitic hoodlums Both combines his pulpit duties Mose Franklin .24 3.43:5 1 4 3 l c a l Parties having anti-Semitic I ministry cf interior circularizes ^ ^ r i Killer of Xew Orleans, La.,' casiKe of t h e Eariei with, those of a professorship in iAbner Kalman .13 1,871 143 programs as the National s"atiosal Peas-'police districts ordering that col- | W. JJI If you can finance a trip to Po. . s^ tbe pulpit with Kabbi i EtE«Scps Mctor Car C land, you can clean up by;selling clasalcs at the Texas College of j j a y Malashock .14 1,992 142 ants party, previously considered j lection of racaey for Zionist pur- ; jc, we are hsiprj' • t e !>.: carloads of t h e glass that sheds Slines And how about some] Sam Horwich .26 3,668 141 democratic, joined the Iron Gnsrd 1 poses be permitted in the future. I Cantor A. Schwacztin will of-j I ficiate at services. I rocks like a duck, sheds water . . - tidbits from other States? Jake Adler . . . • IS 2,493 13S in an election bloc and adopted | ret«! in r>%ir f>r< Every Jewish shop in Polaad ia a Sam Steinberg .24 5,301 137 an anti-Jewish platform. prospect . - . . ." ' pie ym Ecnne-St Cols MISH-MASH; While Prof, llor- Oscar Mayorwieh.27 3.SS5 136 A manifesto was distributed to Seta Beta Tau was greatly hon- j •wrfee ics'i fee -rc-rj- Ii»p; decal Kaplan of the Jewish Theo- Ben Levine be entertained £1 21 2,769 131 the population in the Mehedinti ored in.the recest election of the: 1,178 ta Sake care <f"f j*t»it department in which the Peasants LEO CHERTOK: If yOTi are logical Seminary is capably fill- M. Shukert party to be £iv iso 9 Blade, l i e fxitupe. Binfeehf.treally going through with your ing a chair a t the Hebrew Uni- L. Singer . . . . , . 2 1 2,706 128 party undertakes to give peasants ! M i U t a r y science society at X gifts will be fiistribsuit against Haile Selassie, to getversity, in Jerusalem, hi3 daugh- Dave Krants . . .12 1.494 124 the right to possess arms and jb r a E k a * b y having four men from ! , " " T " ~ " iite par,!. We ccrcisl 1'or services s t a r t him. to cough up ihe §100,000 ter Naomi is studying medicine a t Hyinan Levin .._.21 2,583 123 promises to allow them "to pese-1 t h e J u a l o r c l s s s p l e d s e d . Tboss i ^ P^: - ,.,! invite y o u t e T-ieH r>\ ? U J t 10 s.. E . at the Cos- <2icplff.y ronm enc" e-t The individual high single trate into the heart of cities and ; ^r,,,,, rhn^n you claim to have spent in that the American School in Beirut, » - Wnnrard TTgt>-! °"" ; , cll0sea w» e r e : Howard KapB'nat Israel, Eigfetoption to half of Ethiopia which Syria srrcg'atioa Believe i t or .not,: we game' so far this season was Samdrive out all Jews aad aliens who j Z B T gK £rlaa tte fine m e vr iS>5 KUder. St&nler Slosilussplini kept you from esercis- fenow a rabbi who lives on a Meyerson's 264. The highest In- moaopolized Rumanian trade and j burg and Ernest- Tv'lntroub, all of eenth and Chicsero streets. iagr, forget i t ^ . . Haila is prob- street named for a famous car- dividual series was bowled by Joe I industry. Omaha. .Additional '.hoaor was j ffi ably the'inoat judgmcnt-pr6ol gny dinal . . . He's Rabbi Meyer Ash- Givot, 624. The move Julius j be stowed wfcea Howard Ksplan In the world . .". (Leo is a cousin kennzi, who lives at 308 Rue Car- The team high wag the Cy-Manin, newly elected president of ;w a s u j ^ g president or this group. ; New Tork (JTA)—Jnlias Xat\ ol Moahe Shertok of Jerusalem.) j dinal Jlercier, Shanghai .». . Theclone's 951 and their 2,596 was the Peasants party, conferred £ t j H c v a g c>j0Eeii from EOiae So'ehes, 11-year-cld piario prodicr. late Lord Rothschild left an es-the highest team series "for the length with Zelea Codreanu, lesd- j men. rna-ie a- t i t witi E.TISist.cs £n£ I WEDDING BELLS: Dear Har- tata of less than $500^000, out-season. er of the Fascist esti-Seinitie i Kakiag the final football trip : critics allfce when be msci® fcis ; riet Bie'nstock, it's perfectly swell Bido the value of his soological Iron Guard, and was understood j the Xebrasia team to Man-;Ne^ Y o r k fl^but last west ss i f ' that you're going t o carry this museum . . . His fortune was eo to have entered into an election j hattan.on the 27th -R-ere Jerry i soloist - with the FMIhtrmonie- j London fellow, Si Clayton, -whosmall because • the first Lord bloc in opposition to the Tarar- j Milder and Leonard Mustia, both , STraphony orcbestra. ; just arrived from England oa theRothschild cut him out of his will escu, government. This • of Omalsa. Jerry went in his ca- i Dressed in low-necfeed white ; Queen Mary . . . But what about when ho quit London to follow greatly B urpr l S edpohtea circles j p a c i t 7 . o f j u a i o p m a a a g e r Qt i shirt, knee-length, trousers your boss, who ia.also our boss? the paths of science'. . T h e AmerThe "Dissideat Liberals," headed !t ^& Leonard as &' mesibsr! black shoes £5£ soets. It- p'.irr . . . . . . W e h e a r . ha'll hays to goican Hebrew Trill be coming out t. I. fe.. «f|r.«.». by Constantln Bratanin. were also !o f t h B t ^ g ^ ^ i t - i busliy..^-red lad London (WKS-Palcor into hock to buy you a redding with a 64-page Constitution issua —Tis British, goveramcat said to have joined the ^oz _._! reSsctor lamps, two -table.: gtftefi finders Mosart's D Tvo ; present since lie's been losing December 10 . .;--;' Dr. Isaac Gold- severely taken to task in - the The opposition biocwfcscn w i l l - ! a m p s £ 2 dt i r o ftgh t r a y s T e r e i concerto. heavily (all of five huctas) bet- berg, newest 3. T. A. columnist, houES.of commons : for its lazness ntest the elections for s aew ;g r a t e f E l 3 T r€ , ce iv«i fcy the hbvsz] ting with the smarter boys in theis patting the finishing touches parliament .against^a Eovemmeat | from "its" mother club test office on Columbia football games on a couple of new books while in dealing with assassins in Pales- bloc comprising Premier Gcors | These "lorely gifts add ra-ucfe to visiting in ;>Tew York a t the St.tine when it was disclosed by Tstsrescu eseu's Liberal party. Prof. \, tthe ^ h w RT)T>carB appearance of the house. • Moritz . . . For the first time in Colonial Secretary W. G. A. Rn Alexander Talda-Toevod's " ! The chapter held a "farra par-! Ormsby-Gora that 410 persons thirty years, the London Jewish TEXAS TIDBITS: Rabbi David manian Front and Pro*. Nicolae ty" the night of November 20, S Alpert -sprites in to tell us some Chronicle is changing its type were murdered during the period Jorga's National Democrats, will j £ f t e r t h eI o w a football gasse, that from January, 1936, to October, face . . . Norwegians will now mighty 'interesting faets about and that these crimes seek to ensure "free elections." j -^^ deemed bv all atteading to I our folk in-the Lone Star State have the opportunity to read I. i. 1937, Meanwhile, the TTnios cf Ru- one cf the biggest snecesses on j brought only seven death sen. . . For example, that we num-Singer's masterpiece, "The Brothmanian Women, t i e nost import- jjje campus. Fifteen of] | tences-tbat were later commutedber only 50,000 there, although ers -Ash&enazi," a Norwegian snt women'3 orgaaisatios in ths I the fraternity were present. 151 the State is t h s largest In thetranslation having just been pub- The colonial secretary anousced c o a I l t r 7 a t a these figures in reply to a ques-|' ' c° c sress -presided 1 gaiety WES added to t i e occasion! Union . . . That Houston leads lished In Oslo . . . •over by the anti-Semitic Princess ; by bavisg all c f t i e r^csts- corse1 with 12,000 of us . . . That even (Copyright, 1937, Jewish Tele- tioa by D. Sandys, Conservative, Alexandra-Cantacozina, -adoptea a.; attired in raral costumes. Tfeei who inquired about the number graphic Agency, Inc.) series of anti-Semitic resolutions, i house was Eisa decorated a p - ' of murders and assassinations JRV1N C. LEVIN, Attorney. and the number of convictions The. union demanded supremacy j propriately. Hay covered t i e ! 7E3 Brandels Theater Building. JfflWffl PICKETS for' Rumanian^ labor in all fields ! floor tfaroughout the entirefioarn-S and death sentences. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OFGREET HITLER of activity, a proMbition oa Elised | stairs, and cors stalks is-sre to be: Mr. Onnsby-Gore revealed that NATIONAL. AIR CONDITIONING, INC. . •-.. there were 113 convictions as themarriages, dismissal o£ state, and j seen everyplace, leading a. true' ,SE2©32SS» A l 3 ^ yi51Z. ' B r C municipal employes who marry j farm Etaosplisre to the sff&ir. j sSrictSy F^eea Kile v&en Notice Is hereby given that the on-MDE result of the 410 murders, bat women derelgned have associated themselves of "non-Rumanian blpM," | sigt e n : together ana have omaniseila corpothat only seven, prisoners were ration under the laws of the State of New York ,{JTA)—A hundred sentenced t o death. -Of this ~! establishment of a 10-year resi-j- Between 184" and 1S46 Henry 'L n Nebraska. The name of ihe reauiremeat for naturaliza-, Castro, z West Indian Jew, had I j | I t7 i tion Is NATIOXAL NATIOXAL AIK CONDI-pickets bearing signs, saying. "Out ber one sentence was reduced to t ^encs ion an a With Wiedemann," and . "Secret intr an an^ Prohibition on allow-j introduced 5,000 imEs.!sTssts into|-| ' TIONING, INC The principal place of business shall be at,Omaha. Xe Agent Wiedemann, a threat to penal servitude following an apins foreigners to establish, tfcen- ' Teras. peal and five others were changed braika, and the general-nature of the business to be transacted shall-be io our democracy." greeted Captain to long imprisonment by the high manttfafture. deal in, lease, sell, ana Fritz "Weidemann, personal adjumraissloEer. Forty-two murder otherwl»te dispose ot, machinery, parts tant of' Relchsfuehrer Hitler, as thereof, nccesoriea, instruments, decharges are still waiting tor trial. *&& f'H x™$ r ? &'• vices, and to deal In any and all de-ho arrived on the Europa last vices, parts and supplies connected week. He vras the guest of Coni0u therewith or relating thereto, both a t sul-General • Hans Borchers in. • w h o l e s a l e ' a n d retail." _ - • ' . ' • M£M\gi XM To apply for. purchase, or in any York and Ambassador Hans If^^-f manner acquire ana hoia, to operate and sell, license others, and in Hi Dieckhoff in Washington. « *tote.sat any manner deal -with, any -and all . ' • • . • " . " • •


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lillii ben W. Barkley of Kentucky, States Senate, receives con{•s. Senator Barkley evidently aator is a native of Graves


410 Palestineans • - Murdered Since ',. • -' January of 193S

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s Sussian imperial court jeweler :ry. An exhibition of his works, f s in New-York"; Above are three ; .d sapphires. "Upper right, miniaaphire eyes. Bottom,- toy steamCzar." Copyright United Newspieture3


rights', inventions, improvementa and processes. . •• . * • • . Abraham Gradis of Bordeaux To purchafie. lease, or otherwise eat up large storehouses in Queand to hold; own, sell ana bec to supply the needs of ths of real and persona!


ggsg-S.-Bssr^f-ss OSrecS





every sort.: . To borrow money for Us corporatepurposes, to lssTie bonds, Jrtenturc^ or obligations of the corporation .fr.^m time Jo time, and to secure the same by mortgas'e, pledge, deed, irust or otherwise. . To purchase, hold, sell and transfer shares of stock .of this and other corporations; to acquire the . good-will, rights, assets and property, raid to undertake and. assume the whole or any part of the obligations of any person, firm, association or corporation, and In genera} to do anything Insofar as the same may appertain to. or be useful for, or necessary. In Connection with the conduct of the business of this corporation. To carry on business at any place or . places -within the Jurisdiction of the TJnltel States and In aisy and all foreign countries. The authorized capital «stoc& of ihi3 corporation shall be $10,000.00. divided Into one hundred (100) Bharen of the par.value of J100.00 each; and aU of siaid Stock shall be common stock anil shall b§ paid -for In canh, notes or other property or serviced, at the reasonable market value thereof; and shall be non-assessable. : The corporation shall commence i!oinK business. on the 22nd day of November. 1937, and its existence : shan terminate on the 21st day of No. vember, 2037. unless its life be extended beyond raid date by amend. mpnt to these articles. That the hlshest. amount, of. any Indebtedness or liabllltr to which this corporation Is »t any time to subject itself, shall not exceed two-thlnlr. or Its capital stoctr. » That the affairs of this corpora-tion shall be conducted by a board of directors of not Jess than two nor more than five, ana the following officers: A President, Vice-Presldent, Secre' tarr and Treasurer, any.two of which offices may be held by one anfl the eame person. HENT.T n . MAnsnAL.Ti, ROSE O'NEH^. Incorporctors. In Pre2erice Of: IN C. LEVIN.



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Modernise Yoias* . Home v/ifch 1 i r \ I 1i UD

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4 y •t£>uiia^

If your-side walls need attention, let us show you how ArtBrie -will transform your home Into a "Brie" residence. Wo can show you a job in your OTTU nsighborhcod where tfes value of the house has been greatly increased, fcccauEe the Brie 3s applied over insulating board, the fuel savings will pay the total cost. ' - -


F t e t ' daES'.TirpTfemansSilp'Rna'-the Wgftest" ' Materials .inSiire 3:oa f l s r side irslls. H S T S TS''ce-. ttoiate this.•week.. — [• .". '.- ' . ' .. •

• ; . ; • . : i T P . S Y E A R S T O . P A Y ;.. , •• range all details,. materials, labor and; a : .fs!asa':-that.-asks ;PI@'




Pago 8

to S& Today


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fCc-t£=uc£ frers ytgo I )

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Friends of .Mrs. S. Bolotnlkov. ars that I var.t to quota is • Mra. Herman Auerbach, news- wife of the rabbi of Tlphereth "— the foncwi-s: "The rrsssst eda-j °'-««r r?c-:'-"- "•' • paper woman of Omaha, Neb., Israel synagogue, honored her at EHSS AKKA PILL, c c n c s j d f a Albany, N. y . (WXS)—An ir.- '. citisncl setup fces r-jeceeSeS in j truer cf .'•>? < , will be the guest speaker at the a Chanukah party Tuecday afterOi:r Sisterhood luncheon meeting thl3 noon in the Jewish: Community vestijjalioa of the conduct of SO covering rather tfc-r. ;!Iata£ng the i afternoon in the Temple Annex. Center. A social hour was fol-uniformed officers and c e a of ?ict. It is cur he':ef that the the 244th Cocct artillery, r. cnii live coal cf Jewish literature can _Mr3. Auerbach will speak on "Alowed by refreshments. of the New York National Guard. still tcuch the lips cf its dispirWoman Looks at Russia." She of 'tl r b"r^ cf '^.rrecently completed a 6,000-mile attended a Russicn Fsscfst cfst Ited he.'rs Word has been received . here f Ell Ercs r.-c :-T,T. "=: tour of Soviet Russia. Mrs E'arl The Ladles; auxiliary of-congre- Kline, who • is In; charge of theof the birth of a daughter, to Dr. >all aboard the training ship U. violent uscerEictcincrt and I R E recorcHcd In r ' r . Scfcwars" ; "I. S. Illinois c:i November IS, fccf gation Tlphereth iarael T>UI hold decorations for the;meeting, will and Mrs. Hy Osheroff of Medford, ss of e;th?r "E?tur"' cr "illume". Golds-; cf , their nlnth'annuarbanquet in the also introduce, the- speaker. Mrs. Ore.' Mrs. Osheroff is the former eea ordered by Adjutant Gescrai Etsre. Zi if fu". of Walter G. Robinson, commander [ and I admire him too much social'hall'of-the synagogue, West Sol .Novitsky is chairman of pro-Rebecca Stillraan of Sioux City. full cf n s c ' r r ; ; : uif;the State National Guard, after pretend to be. But •bis observaSixth and - Sioux • streets, Sunday grama for the year. Mrs. Fred ty ar.d full cT rover; eading the first of a series 1 importEace. tipa is of towering Miss Rose Pill. reviewed ^ the B'nai B'rith to Sponsor Open •evening , December-S^at 7 o'clock. Sherman will. give.the invocation book, "Bread and Wine," at a articles in the-New York Post re- The severance cf youth from the j An elaborate program hag been and Mrs. L. S. Goldberg win pieMeeting at vealing the jaefdeat. : funded and 'forced espsrieaoa of arranged -.under the supervision side at the business meeting ; A'meeting of the Alpha Sigma club Center ',. .His first' step' will';be to~ qttes- raaaliind—this Is our age's deepof Aaron "ShuHdn,-, president; of Chanukah grab bag will be a fea- held Monday evening. Miss FlorOnfhf • loa v the commanding officers .of est, tragedy. And it is true of the Rabbi Ferdinand Myron laser- the congregation, ' a n d Mrs. ture of1 the program. ' - -: ence Major-presided. h© 244th "Coast artillery. De- youth of all peoples. Who could —Temple • - ' • Charles. Barric&s, president", ot K s t ; .e in' i zrlif;! Mrs;.'.Jack Robinson and Mrs. man of Israel; St.•Louis, mands have'also beea voiced for be solemn about-the pretensions V-oL- :, ,r> Mrs. Herman Auerbach of M.'A. Welner are In charge of the •will address an open meeting the Ladies auxiliary.' '• Omaha, who Is In Sioux City to- an; investisation by Governor Leh- of the new slave-states {rightist luncheon arrangements. the i.-Cl -.< he-.isponsored by the B'nal B'rith Rabbi S."-Bolotnikov,.'a3 princiday to address the Temple Sister- man, coraniander-in-chief of Sheor leftist) who had read in Plu- Vo!-: 7 lodge Wednesday evening, Decem- pal speaker of the evening, .will 1 tate National Guard and Naval tarch's Life of .Lycargus the story pi r -e hr-fi^ hood, is a house guest of Mrs. Sol ber 8, in the Jewish Community give a review-of-1 the meaning- of ire ilitia. The governor has ! w n Noyitsky, 3135 Jones street. , Center at 8:30 o'clock. Chanukah in connection- with the asked to eseicise his power csdf-T BEN E. Rabbi Isserman ha3 visited and Jewish history to the .present day. lection 254 of the military laws Suite' 532 Insursnce. Bids." 1 on th.r 12 otudiofi the situations In Nazi Mr. Morris Lazriowich/: vice- •- The regular meeting of the A. PHILANTHROPIST NOTICE OF INCORPORATION C >f. the .state -to baa the presence CF F HARNETT Z.' A.chapterwas held* WednesGermany, Soviet Russia, Fascist president of the "synagogue,, "Will if uniformed guardsmen • at any DiSFLAY SERV3CE, Volz. C',r ! NC. ' day ^evening in the Jevsish Com- HONORED BY GertrvZo Italy, Poland. England, Belgium, act as toastinaster. lolitical rally. munity -Center. Tuesday evening SALVADOR . Notice is hereby griven that the e n - i J,' Switzerland and Palestine. He Is ••;'• • jersisned have- formed a cornorRtion I basketball practice was held 'at •the author of three noteworthy pursuant tu the laws of the Stats of to the S.,n h i • •?(•» i o Woodrow Wilson school In prepaABRAHANtS & O'CONNOR, • N'ebraska. The nsme cf the corpora- West O-e . ; i " " - c t ' rnr_ " v hooks, "Rebels and Saints," theAUXILIARY TO H0U> I > •:•' San ' Salvador, E l " Salvador tion shall he HARNETT DISPLAY (HE) Tret r ' J.o* r,i—.,~* Attsrneys. ration- for the."mid-winter tournasocial message of the prophets of SERVICE. INC., -with Us principal CARb:BAkTYJMIDASt 4C0 ' Erandsis Theater Elds.' r,' ; I , T "r ')r-r*T. ment to be held a t Rock Island. (WNS)—In appreciation of his Israel; "Sentenced to Death," the niacs of business in Omaha. Po-jptes msn'r o u n t : • > " < n ~ ' f . r r>- F i ••> • • <• services to the government ot E! Oountr. Nebraska. The general n a t - Cand LEGAL NOTICE Jews In Nazi Germany, and "My rco—\ec. E-'O ;lie C nure of the business to be trsusartefl ..In the District Court of Douglas Salvador and to its people, BenjaLadies auxiliary pf-Shaare,Zion Second Visit to Nazi Germany." County. Nebraska. To the next of by the corporation shall be to conduct read tl.f .''€ . r r-,," 11 , min Bloom, American Jewish kin and all persons .nterested In thei window display 'service- and general p He is editorial contributor of thesynagogue.will sponsor their anbusiness, both as princi- the berp'.' t r>r banker, has ' been awarded the Istate of Kiiilan Burnstein. a minor: advertising Modern View In St. Louis, and nual card party in the Bynagogue plan, cerise p.nd o" the :r -r.Toxii are hereby notified that on the pal . and e s agent: „tor ._... ....„ Cocoa and a roll will be served Medal of Merit by the congress of Tth has contributed articles to Thesocial hall Monday'evening', Deday of November. 1S37. a pet!- make interior end esterior advertise- Gertr':."e v~i'~, to Sioux City newpies every night El Salvador. * : lon and order were filed in the DSs' . . . . . . _ .. ment and display instaliations of Nation, The Survey, The Chris- cember ' 6. - Tables will •' be- made rict Court of Douglas County. Ne- every kind ana nstcre; to nel] or to Bloom, who has lived here for iraska, tian, Century and The Christian up for bridge and mah : jopggi' and at'the Jewish Community Center, Nov. T.-.n which order reads in words purchase, or otherwise acquire s s y between the hours of ,7 and 8. The 48 years arid Is president of t&e nci fi?rureS a s follows: ris-hts, privileges, licenses or fran- in t h e eFt?te rrr »oe rt'3 ' <"••' i *• i refreshments "will,'be-served. Century Pulpit. In tha Distrirt: Court of Douglas chises puitabl? for the purposes of the boys pay a penny for the lunch, Tfr^,- VL'^. J_i.zfci)t-t! tint . .«• Mrs. S. H., Shulkin .and • Mrs. and..the balance Is defrayed • by Occidental bank, built and oper-1 County.. Nebraska. In the Matter of corporation; to buy. hold, sell, rnort- tthe Rabbi Isserihan. la a. frequent n i d e Yf'" rr">~"- ! " - ' v }^ i-i-<•• tlie Application or Gladys Burnsfwn. ates at his own expense a 5300,gaEe. trade and deaJ ir. all kinds of Bigried. a ."I'r'ire o" f ' p :» = .-'Cf Cm • speaker on the radio over nation- Henry .Shertnaii *dre" co-chairmfcn the,'Center^ Miss'Dorothy Merlin,; of the Estate . of LililSan real-ETjd persons! propert3<-; tr> buy, 000 children's hospital. ' - guardian Bufnstein. a minor, for lsaye to seli 5e3I end hypothecate rjotps, stocks -Bnd al-hookups, and a large attend- of the arrangements. r 'Assisting superintendent, announces. in t h e l>ouc' «• oi eaJ, . . , . . . • . . . . ..J..-.:. . . . . . . . . •txrrno-s. £n<3 other oblifrstions of every ance is expected a t the meeting them are Mrs. -EH Robinow,liTrs. 1* .fcloTSing, is. stilLneeded to ta£e Doc. 333, -VNoi. •'• S3.' —tirSer- to Show fc47x!. inciuding stocks and honds of in O i r<r h r . J> «•"•r>- ' s, c PatronlzerOur Advertisers' of 0e" -~-"""••, ' ~. r" r Archie KroIOfff'Mrs. Arthur Kapthis .corporation. End to do ell .of the 'auss. . .. ...... Wednesday. Dr. Louis J . . Dimsv care" of 'the applicants who apply Upon-reading- the duly verified pe- things set forth to the safti'e extent -%'t., of t h r t f ~ dale, president of the B'nai B'rith lan, Mrs. A:-M. Grues'klD'r Mrs. to.the Center for assistance.. Any-.' licensp r i o r l i is uaturEl persons rnisht or coisM do. :itk>n of-'Gladys Burnstein'.'guardiair GRODriStSKY. MARER & lodge, will Introduce the speaker. Sam SlcHskyi •Mr's.-Nathah'Goldi's, one-having-men's clothing to do-MONSKY, f the estate cf Lillian Burnstein, a ?.n!l which now or herpafter may be Volz, G r v t ' i s i , COHEN, Attorneys. minor, duly filed herein, for Hcehsp suthorizeij by law.' The authorized rest e^^r,eMrs. Sam ^Epstein,' Mrs:,-Frank nate for this purpose is asked to 737 Omaha National Bank o sell the following described' real capital stock of this corporation shal! Margolin. Mrs.; Ben -Baron,' Mrs. cair-Miss Merlin a t t h e Center. be $5,000, consisting of 60 shares of tate of said minor, to-wit: Notice by Publication on Petition thi? o-i"f I f An undivided E-27 interest In and the par value of $100 each. Each I. H. Levin, IJ,ra."Milton' for -Settlement-of Final AdministralO.'J^ot l-33-ln Montdair. en Addition share of stock sfca!V be fully ps!S forsuccer«;^e v, ^t='t ^r tion Account. Mrs. Mike Musbkidi.-Mrs. Meyer md 7ion-sssessab!e whea issued. The a l e g r " r e v . — , - r o the City, of Ornaha, Douglas CoaaIn 'the-County Court of Douglas :y,>' NeBraska, s s surveyed, platted corporation KhtM eosninenee business s.nS c" p"-">-r I r Shubb, .Mrs.; S.- B.-.Gelfand, Mrs. County, Nebraska.- In -the- Matter of the recorded, for the- purpose of ob- -.of September* 1st; -IS37. and shall Co* Nf-jrHfikn .Estate of Arthur Katstee. - De- ihd Leon „ Shulkiq,. Kirs. • Frank EpTi±'-c f t ')~ir ainlnjt funds for the maintenance as Staff members for the' Center continue for s. period of 60 years J2th C?" of Vov» r d nd support or said ward, and It a p -.thereafter. The highest amount of Jewish Art Theater group have stein. Mrs/'^Phillp' Sherman •• and . H : - p e r s o n s . I n t e r e s t e d In.said m a t - earing'therefroiJi that-'it'is J i e b k indebtedness to -which t h e cor-porEiiOT! ter are- hereby, notified that- on the • ": * been-named, and-plans begun for Mrs. Joe Kutcher.'^ _'r . will ba .beneficial to said. shall s t any time subject itself, shell ,. ,t&e Hebrew Mothers' Club will 17th day of" November, 1937. Bess md hat «a<d-real—estate be sold. " an open meeting to be held Mon-filed a petition In said "Couh-' •'IT IS ORDERED, that, the ,-next- of- not;"ezcse<i two-thirris. of the r i p ' t s l give a-luncheon Tuesday,'Decem- KatsKee stock, e t this restriction Fhs-'l pot ty Court, praying, t h a t Jier flaaJ a d day, , December -. 13,.' when .the in of said minor and all persons in» inclada b indebtedness secured by raor b e r ^ , at one o'clock in the social ministration'account filed herein be erested In her estate appear before group will be presented to the pages or The busJneBS cf tJ-f- ' and allowed, and : that; she be District Coart of Douglas Ooen- corporationliens. hall of the Shaare Zion Synago- settled shall be conducted by n discharged from h e r trust a s admin- he public. A play, "A Bargain's a r.-Nebraska, in Co^rt Room No. 7 hoard of directors, to consist of n"^ ' gue. Mrs. William Erinbenr, istratrix and that a hearing will: be- >f- the- Dousiss County Court House Bargain," -will- be given at the Rabbi Sol" Bolotnlkov, "- 207 on said-petition before said Court n -the City of Omaha. 'Nfebrastau'. on Sass-than two persoTis. and by the ofpresident of the club will pre- ohad Fourteenthstreet,. will' speak'at n - t h e 11th, day of. December, 1937." he 20th-day of.December, 1E37. Et s ficers of "the corporation. TPho Eiisll 5:=open meeting with., the cast ine' president, vice-president, secretary , _ sTde/ and Mrs. S- B. Gelfand will and that If you fall to appear before Co. chiding Rudy Schindler, J o e Tiphereth Israel' synagogue dur«ald Court on 1 :the said n t h day-of V.-'t/C. to show cause, i r any there "be.and- treasurer, sny-two cf yrfcich o ' - ! give" the invocation. ing the services 'tomorrow mornficss Tnay b« teeiA by the same p?r*o- ' . Jiy a'license should not be eranted December, 1937, a t 9 o'clock. A. • M.i Goldstein, Marvin Beechen, Marcontest said petition, the Court o.said- Gladys Bumstein. guardian. The directors may enset frcitsble by- r He will Bpeak^on'aChanui •: Mies''Rosalie Sacks will review and Ing.' He garet Kosberg,. S a d I e; Taser, ing' may grant-the-prayer or said petition, ;or.'seH the Intsrest of said minor !n lates-for the confiact cf the corporr- ' • 1 the- book "The Mother" by - Shb- enter, -.tha purpose tlon's busirieBs. The Ert!c3e!» Tnsy" b^ a decree of hetrship, an<2 ^make said real- -eststa Sally Weinstein. A member of bah theme. such other and further orders.' allow-- feovs set fortJi. During ttiV'.w^ek'he .will'con- lom-Asch. ' • --, ^ _ ^ _ . • ainiended -£t -any regrnlar or eper-K the federation board •will speak. ances and decrees, a s t o this Court IT iS FtJHTHiiR ORDCTED that jm e e t i n s -ef the stockioldcre by & mtJacobson and Mra. F may . seem proper, to t h e end that-all tinue me hla talks on .the 'Talmud. • "K.ns/J.'J a" copy of this crder be'published once J .ferity rote cf the .ont»tan«3tns t l Mrs. Lucille Lavalliere is diGorchow are in charge of thematters pertaining t o said estaia may acli w.eek-for threei-sBccefsive.weeks I represented £.t th© ms-vdv.s. C s r " T?T ' rector of the group and v Sovel DO finally "settled and determined. ln";tl»e-Jewirfj Pren^, R legal ne-ws-j - K. ,T. KATINTITT, tnenu'.arrangements, with Mrs. I. **fl H. Hesnelow assistant d i r e o t o r. paper p r i n t s , published and rf ceKEAr.r.T COL.ICTC. and Mrs. -James" Gang- in U-19-37-3t. BRTCE CRAWFORD, Stage manager Is Roaena Sacks; B7 the County Juije. "ot-the dialn^ room. electrician, Isadore • MAX -. FROMK1N;-Attsrney scene designer, Tammara Frankr c ^ i r s C u r A d i £tci5&"£> 5 ^ InsisrancaSuniln 1-19-37-St•Hn;,costume designer, Fern WolfA t ' t h e annuar.'cpn'trregational • • •'•'.Shaajre'.Zion son; social chairman, Esther Chanukah dinner •'• held Monday NOTICE : O F .INCORPORATION O F c - '. ' FURNITURE CO., INC.. Erinberg;. cashier. Bertha Heshe- evening- In .the! Slfaare.-ZIoii .'syna- "Rabbi H. R. Rablnowitz- will CENTRAL Notice ris hereby given that the un-. ; low; ticket committee. Earl Him- gogue, 12 menr-were elected, to the speak thia evening on "What Be- <Jersigtiea hav^ formed. a corporation owjts and Earl Novichj master oi board of "directorsV-to .-serv<v-vfpr .came of the Original Meno'rah." under t h e laws of - Nebraska. Theriatne " of - t h e corporation Khr.ll be properties, Rudy Schindler; busi- the coming yeir.',. They; are. A.' Ht The Bersnon bo based oa theCBNTHAIi FURNITURE • COM PANT, ness manager, Miriam Blank,-and Baron,'- B a r n e y . ' i INti. with its principal place of businovfel of.Stefan Zwelg, ."The 'Bur- ness a t Omaha, Nebraska. T h s conpublicity directors, Sadie Taxer Davio, _M. -iFalt, ; / . g ied "Ccjidelabra." eral nature of- the business Is a r e r and Rosalie- Sacks. • • • • . tail furniture . Etora with power t o John'Lanflbers, L.* J/' Kaplan,. Ell Tomorrow morning the Junior own. buy a n a sell real" and personal Shubb',. •' Lestpr Congregation will be hosts to theproperty. 'New members are welcomed a t Robinow, Meyer T h e authorized capital > > stock shall b e $10,000.00 and all of the meetings, -which' are. held . at j HpnirS'r Hee'ger, 'RT1dv Hh infi5i>r-ri-nrl-n " M-' parent.^. All parents are urged said stock shall' be common of the to attend the service. Burton-lip- par .value of -$100.00. per chare. I t the Jewish Community Center. Singer.' commence doing business- upon The meeting - of' th©V- auxiliary sliutz will be .the reader of-the shall tho filing of i t s articles of incorporalaw arid .David Ku'ntz will act' as tion with the County Clerk of Dousand congregation "fallowed" a dinHANI TO ATTEND M. ' ' ner. Mr. Morey^-Lfpsh^tz, chair- Cantor. ms County. - Nebraska, and shall contlnue'for a pefloa of fifty years. The UADASSAHXONCLAVE man of the membership7 cprnmit- "Refreshments wHl be served by highest amount 1 of" its Indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of its captee, and Mrs. J"oe -Kutch'fer, .presi- "Mr^and MrB. Louis. Shindier, in ital stock. The affairs of thlg corTwerity-five> members, of thedent of the auxiliary,^-gaye their honor-of the tenth birthday of poration shall be'managed by: a Board of Directors of not-less t h a n two nor Sioux City Junior Hadassah chap- annual reports^. Qantor • AV 'Pli3kin' ,'thelr daughter, Lorraine. ; more than five'members. ChanukahllghtsVand ter will go to Omaha this week- kindled the Chanukah-llghts.Vand A- large. attendance heard the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the p a r end to attend • the Regional ~Ha- the synagogue? choir-presented la d 'revlew.-of "Katrina". -given- by ties have-' hereunto 1 subscribed their MAXWELL HOUSE ss just the rlgffct coffee dassah convention. The conven- musical number.' *'-'reports •R'abbl.Rablnowlt'z Tuesday even- names this 3rd day of K -veoibeiv tion ' program : includes a. dinner were presented-by. the chairmen.' the • synagogue social hall: to sersr© to'. guests •• - • QS any occssloraj diav. ' SOIX5MON T-.AG1IANTwo hundred persons attended .Th©;iinal review' of the Saturday night, business sessions IDA U G M A N . 1 ; vihether It's; a i^rasd fiffilseMfj feast cr' a '-""', on Sunday 'and a buffet supper the affair.- ' • ' In the presence "of: will be given 'December 13. ~Iisht .itindieon. ; 'F6v. MAXWELL' HOUSE Sunday evening. Miss Saretta Krigsten, president of the local yiyes yoss anel yovzT.^guests a frieracly stzsafrcz\. li chapter, will be a delegate, as and h s s &• smooth, fusli-bodiesi sffi i c e r* will,Miss Dorothy Merlin. ; goodness : whether • jbu drlafc It wife milk Thursday evening, December 9, the regular •'meeting- of the local • or crsara with Biils&In saeals cr black &fter group will a t the Jewft t> e rr-r* a ish- Community Center, when reports of the convention will be made. . .•:.-.•. f <. t , . ^. Get cr

Auxiliary'- Plane


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.J. C. C.News


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Name Staff for

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Hebrew MotherG ' to-Meet Tueoday

Tipher.etk'V Israel \


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ba. trc nci To

• Mount



That is'why the'devoted Jei-rleli wife, also fce-r. own Lssfessd the essjoyssent of a r a p of.-MAX¥/£LL KOUSS'COFFEE for breakfast. every ssorraing to start the slay right, and la th© evesjirag MAXWELL HOUSE: COFFEE' briass -tie

S i n a i '•••

Chanukah services will be held at Mount Sinai Temple-this evening, when children of.'the: confirmation class will 'participate and kindle the Chanukah lights." The children include Bernard "Welner, Robert Pill, Samuel Heeger, Hubert Friedman, Leonard Stein, Bob Slotsky and Doris Pill. Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will speak on a Chanukah theme. Tuesday Rabbi Lewis delivered three addresses In LeMars, la., speaking at the Western Union college, the high school and the Rotary club. ',.';••.• : Next Tuesday Rabbi Lewis will epeak a t the University of Wisconsin,, a t Madison. .

or •r r * ;% rc"-*f > 'todf y Gri^ d i c r ? c tci c: : _ <r.1C KC1>" • I Tr-.r ' C'-*-tc fr>


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for sraaking the rlctes'i drip» coffee •••yoa'v© ever, tasted. REGULAR GRIK0 lor maids


A Proc/r

(P!-ao Ssaall Carpylas Fifty-seven . Jews cams with Catherino da Braganza to England a t the time of her marriage to Charles I I .


tfce M&xiwell Mouse Show Boat .1: i.


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