December 10, 1937

Page 1


felil, 3337. by .Seven Art. [Feature Syndicate) •crf™ liSTylasla ia his colnma his ovns ans2 do not necesreflect tho policies or attitude o f oar , pablicatJoa. Keprociactioa i n whole or in' part strictly torbiddea. - '•

/IN C. LEVIN, Attorney Brandels Theater Bldn PROBATE NOTICE ; !--mutter of. the estate ttf'-gati p.-

d e c e a s e d .





,a liberal education as wei king of pride and glory..'

: . .

M s . Hereby Oifen that th. i- of said deceased will : m'eeinistratrts of said estate, be!. Cuurily Judge of OouKlai Nebraska. • at • the Cotiiuj oom. In said County, on ih« I- nf January. 1S3S. and on th» y nf March. ]32S. a t 0 o'clooh each day. .for the purpose ot Ins their claims fur exatninakdjustment a n d • allowance Months are Hllowed for -. .tin k. to present their claims, irorr. dav of Pecemfoer. 1037. f SRTCE CRAWFORD. , . County Judge.' p3: County Judge

as Sccoaa c;a£3 tiatl llaltc? oa JansiarT n . i s a . &t • Postofflca cf Umaia, Nesrasaa, nr,Ssr tka Act ot tlsxcii 8, 1579


* i s hereby ulveii that o n N o [20. 1937. the Rarish Sander; Co.." a Nebraska • corporation, I principal place of transacting

at Omaha. Nebraska, adopt-

iniendment to its Articles^ pf ration by- which Article 1 Tvas

1 to read ns follows: r "Name

[ame: of this corporation .shall pon-iMItcJiell. J n c " . . [ at Omaha. ..Nebraslta. this )r of November. 1537. ,SH SANDERS MOTOR CO. '•y Max M. Barish. president.

It. Klutznlcfc. '





<• >•






N3URG, WEBB. B E 0 3 R (NICK ana KELLEY, Atty'B. (Union- State S a n k Bldn-."Omaha. Neb.





An. * „ u* ,

On the occasion of Its fiftieth The Jewish National Workers A new gym class for Jewish ythe Teahiva an'i AIM&nce, Branch. 54, Poale. S i r ' , women meets every Tuesday and Teshiva College of Kew ¥ork anwill hold a special mestJE.g OIL ' Thursday morning at 9:30 at the nounces the need of a redemption Tuesday, December . 14, a t S:CC 1 fund for'th& carrying on of iti> National Conference of Jews, Jewish ' Community Center. The p. ra. a t t h e Jewish Community S i r first class was held last Tuesday Kalab' FranMia' activities. Others may speak for : • Cflristians to Observe cf' Center. . with 13 women attending. the Yeshiva itself,, although . I, Anniversary'-. "-• Anyone wishing, to join the too, have the -warmest sympathy All. snesibers have been r s class i3 . asked to register now. for the practice of our traditional Qsested as an elecKalah Franklin, .president. cf tion cf officers "will be held f t "Word has come from the NewThe classes are through by noon. learning and teaching in.more or York office' "of the National Con'the local Junior Hadassaa sroap', less the traditional-way. Let me this meeting. . • . •• • was treasurer of 'the speak primarily for the Teshiva ference of Jews and Christians Southwest Kegioii of Junior .HaCollege, the only college of lib-tha't Governor R.'Ll Cocbxan will —cr rrc as honorary chairman of the dassah at the ' convention held eral arts and sciences under Jew- act hp Trrcommittee for Nebraska in the here last' Saturday and Sunday. ish auspices in the country. 10 th anniversary celebration or Bertha Gdrtenberg , of Kansas For a number of y.ear8 leaders the organization..••-•City was re-elected regional-presIn Jewish life—Louis I. Newman ,~-i-V^«? ident. . ' - ' - . The celebration, will be the oc•was -toe''first—nave' plead for a casion for a campaign to culmiOther officers .named were; Jewish institution of the higher nate shortly after- nest •WashingFaye Cohen of "Waterloo, Xeb., learning in America. About eigh- ton's birthday to multiply the teen months ago there -was a number of local "round tables" Schools, Fraternities and Sor-lirst .vice-president; Dorothy MerGrerfell *>. E.UCI epe. v ^c lin of Sioux City, second viceflicker of hope that a Jewish Peo- tit. Jews, Catholics and Protes- "--.•- '• orities t o Be- ••' "The • Good" Eope" -'Glrc president; Mildred Shatz of I>es ple's TTniYersity -would come into tants Jo foster, mut'•' • ' H o n o r e d Capable Cast a t . Moines, third vice-president; Alilbeing, but;that flicker died down ual understanding and to proCenter. dred Ossmas of Slarshalltowa., again. The arguments for. anmote co-operation on. matters of A collegiate sight program SatAmerican Jewish' University (an- common concern as American urday evening -will feature the Ia., recording, secretary, a n d In their second c-fferiag of t v s first of . t h e season's series of Clara" Greenfield;of--Kansas. City, season, Sunday, sad -Monday, ir-e alogous at least to the arguments citizens. .'•'.... — *. o-. " r : dances . sponsored by the Round corresponding secretary. •which led to the founding of Nebraska members of the na- Table of Jewish Touth. Dancing • The nest regional coiferesce Center Players proved that thc.r r* ^ -_-„.,„Catholic, Anglican, Quaker colreputation &s one of the tsst •leges or universities) are entirely tional conference include Dr. A. will start at 9 o'clock in the audi- will be .-held-In-Sioux City. amateur groups in these parts jS Greenbergand Dr. Nicholas Dietz, C. Z'I torium of the Jewish Community A round of activities t a d fceea irrefutable both from the :poirit of of Omaha and Professor E. M. Center. Music will be furnished planned for ' tha delegates who not unwarrsntefi. The plat*, "TI.0 He v CE "view of education and'the point Jr., Good • Hope," is a difficult 7-0and Dan V. Stephens of by the 4rving-Rhodes. orchestra. came from St. Louis, Kansas' City of Tiew of public policy.' The Stahl" Fremont., . . . The auditorium is being deco- St. Joseph, Des Moines, heavy responsibilities of Ameri accepting the. chairmanship rated with the banners and colors Rapids. Sioui City, Co can Jewry but even more a resid of In the committee for Nebraska, of local schools," fraternities end and Lincoln.' •um of craven ghetto feara have j Governor Cochran -wrote to .Dr, so far rendered abortive all hopes Everett Ross, Clinchy, - director, sororities, and the. fraternity aad '• Business sessions were JjslSj "The Good" Hope," written t y Sunday. . . ; ; Herman Heijermans, is a story c' for a Jewish. seat'.of the higher "I * shall be pleased " indeed to sorority songs played. experienced by the This is a couple affair. Center learning i n the United States. At the final meeting, a hiitiei the' travail serve as a member of a national fisherfolk who .at .that time Meanwhile there has been in committee sponsoring a move- members aro ; admitted without supper 7 held a t - t h e Fontenella Dutch lived in incredibly tragic corii-existence for some years the: ment to furth mutual understand- charge. Season tickets are | 1 per Sunday'evening, the Kansas City tions. us l.It is the old tale cf theICordcTcr, couple for non-members. group gave a skit on "ConvenTeshiva College which offers the ing among members of the variwomen who wait for-the mea v r ? Adolph Layton is chairman of tions." "' Members cf the Ideal /• complete iour-year course of a ous religious groups in the Unittell. to sea. normal American college.curricu- ed State??.- Certainly if we are to the committee sponsoring the chapter also' -presented a sketch go • The large cast included' dance and is being assisted by entitled, "Lights-West Oct." lum leading: to the normal and malntaiii. the. fundamental prinfr.r i i normally recognized degree. Is ciples underlying our • democracy Lois Barish, Bob ppsjey, Florence "' The nest meeting-of t i e Oma- seasoned - Center • performers a-d „_*„•> a nuniber o* new players. • ^c^_p^ Steinberg, Joe Guss, AI Orach, ha-chapter will Be-held s t -the that thoroughly "understood by a,we all of us can do no less than Kimelstein a ^ l n ^_^^_ ( sufficient number Of people? I t to lend our efforts to.a movement Harold Stern and Daa Miller. r Jewish Community Center at S " M a r t h a proved herself -a capable act re: s t _ l t / ' not seem to me-that it canfor their practical application. In- - Last year's Hound Table dances o'clock, December 16. by her interpretatioa of s\ 1 be. 5*or -were it niiderstoo^, would tolerance and bigotry have n o were one of the most popular of secrete.-rthe events on the Center proKnisrtje, tli-s nstaer, -wao fcr:;: not students. and_ endowments place in the American scheme of 1 : ! gram. her cowarfilv. son to his stip c~"~ thrqng- the thrsshpld of the col-things." "".'.-• " j to Save him He at sea.' Sy:-"—: c^ _ -«>7h£r.F t hiie c; Other Round Table Ranees are lege?. Would not that large remCi i t e 1 11 to I Frankel in the "dramatic role r ' " " ** scheduled for January 16, Febriant of free-minded Jews which 1 ruary 6, March "20 and April 10. j Geert fc-iiBd the part, to fcis ta'.- ic =l :^ .1 i .S, E. must exist in America mate that I. M o r g e e s t e r n o n ^s Each dance will feature a differI ents ' acd Rebecca- Kirshenb:rrr ," " ^" '"I , . college the one, college, of their j was. again a- spirited j-onrg li ent theme. " . , - • '•-. The Vaad annual sons and BO make it in- th& most ',-, Named'Psresic banquet trill'be held at the -erw-j Intimate sense their own? . ; '"• ..of Helsrev/ Glulb t".' •*• • ish Community Cester on- San- [ • N o t e w o r t h v perfsrmEiiosE ~ s — •>•• Let me hasten to say* that.-I tiay GTeni 12, *.t; turned Sekerman r« v. ?" Mr. I . Mocsenstern was chosea have examined the curriculum "of .BiSO 'P- a . Clesientise. t.h.e :: S ( the! College -from the 'point of new president. ,of the Omaha E e jte Ssl •!ia.Eghter;--T of one -srao taught for years. brBsr- club -at- tli&<- election -ol ••••0?^in American .universities and, ha3 f . i c e r s held. Sunday. .Daniel of..the Taad, -sill l a gEest Sara ICsElas. a s Jelie; E a - c ' d never entirely lost touch -svith the r of t£s "eveslns. T i e elsc-'Geo-rge Z .<.Schwartz is the ne\v .vice-presiacademic" life.' The curriculum is •tlpn of cosmisslosers £^4 mem-zer &s Clement Bos; ' Marger.t dent Sol Rosenblatt continues as immensely . Intelligent and imbers of • tae board • of governors Friedlaafier a s Karietjir S r r mensely -well, ordered. • Science secretary and John Feldman as On IZz-z.-: Will take place at this meeting. White- as Simon; - Florence •"-{•••• Establishes and mathematics are not neglect- t r e a s u r e r . . ' , . . . - . - . . - . ..'••'•••' : .. A. • program .oX ent us s a a r t ; ""Harry. Leviason c s p ed. • The Teshiva, indeed, has a New trustees are:. Irvln Levin, • Eoyal -Family to will follow. Tvlees; SJd •RTintroub ES T r e s s ; tToc Personal Property" • •. name no less than illustrious in Louis Morgan and'Jack Saylan. VC.-.1 j Cohen' EB Hops; Minnie 'Wolf the field of mathematical studies. Joe Tretiak, Joe Klrshenbaum Mathildej .'and • Ssm Kaplan : c-d l:_^~J^.. _. 1 ,_, ,_ - / . But the emphasis is on the eter-, and Elihu Bloch are the new Jaffa, Palestine (JTA)—Heirs Omt Ben 'Seteruian ' as t h e e r e c t - *"-, _"" ^ ^", „ "_"", _t, < _- v ..'_,-' *sal and eternally necessary hu- members bf . the . executive com- ot the Sultan A M E I Hamid last " f © •••i week -won an.' Important test case inanities and Hebrew and Jewish mittee. \ras directed by *"rs against the Palestine gorernment studies are treated as an integral Jshr. Sets were designe j part of these humanities, so that for title to 4,580 dnnains fabout '.'.-"Word has .beea .received that Kerinan c : .. and executed, by Nate Se Isadore Richlin. . Annoimce Lecture of Mrand : j the. education, offered by the 1,000 acres) of land in the vicin- Mrs. • Joseph RicMia, has beea i Teshiva College is, "without minc- ••'•'••' S e r i e s a t C e n t e r ity of Gaza, once-the property of elected a.'EGmber of Sigina S i , ing: -words, the ideal education by the Turkish ruler. - ' . ' • ' . ioao'rary Ecieatitio fraternity. v :c-^ r" •whlqli an American 'Jew of this The action, -which-hasvdragged " HicMIa, .-who'.is workiss for a The International Workers Orage can be prepared for life, der has announced that" the first on for several years and has been wort, harmony, both -srith. him- of a series of lectures open to the srgued In Palestine's high courts Fh. D. at the • University of Chip, "CT The Jewish • Community Cc-tcr' self and his world, effectiveness public will be held on Wednes- as well a3 in the Privy. Council at cago,- has been doing research in varsity basketball team -ender t i c and consecration. If my small day, December 15, at 8 p. m. atLondon, is .believed to '.establisa the'; department of chemistry. son -were of college age I -would the Jewish Community Center. an important precedent "for simi- '. He -is a - graduate of North tutelage cf a former.fniversU^ cC Nebraska star, Ph-il.Gerelict, v *»'. v v •without hesitation send him to The series" will be built around lar actions by heirs to recover H i g h , ' . ' . . : - . make its "debut against the £rl:rl " " the Teshiva college. And indeed questions of current interest. vast tracts ia Palestine registered Five at the- Center gym ifc'ss fun•while I look once more into the Edwin Richards will speak on as the Sultan's personal property. fiay at' 3'"o'cloc£. -A preliirlrrrr | T5',.-,-r~ page3 of the college catalogue December. 15 on "Roosevelt and The government had claimed the game' wIH" take" place Et 2. i * "*w ."*" Inter. and see-what Is. bessedly and hap- the. Special Session." property on the grounds .that it Is free. I *, C pily required of each student in Faith " Meetings . Admission had been transferred to the TurkAn attractive s c h e i s l e cl "" each year in the field of Jewish ish government and surrendered gumcg. Trltls tha better teas:ir studies and ot Hebrew, it seems CHILDREN OF VAAD to Great Britain under the peace ."Providence. (JTA)" —: Students the state fcss beea &r&wn up. T i o ' .^^ _ to me that in pleading for the BQEORED'ATtreaty following conquest of thefrom -11 .colleges.attendiag the hisil!siH of t i e season Lc~c T .JJ" 1 •i support of the Yeshiva college I Inter-Faith - conference of Newgames '•will- be' irith the Je—.-t ^..c.'.!.„'/ " Holy Land in the world war. am protecting nis opportunity, colleges a t Brown univer- Community• Ceiiter tears of ZIZTS.- " r v _ r "'r The land, court, composed of ithisd .weefe "when the time, comes, to. get a r sity., were asTsed by-th» decent education. Last Saturday, Chanukah Sab- Judge Paul E . F . Cressall, a "National' '.Conference of Jews aaa SEE City.-' The this g:r=.s ;~ '_"_ ' Briton, and Judge Abdu. Daoudi, Mari, please, that none of thebath, approximately 100 children an Arab, had disagreed when the Christians to -talia the lead in a studies. of and for the world at of the Junior Congregation par- case came before it last July, the nation-wide campaign'to establish •large are neglected—not the so- ticipated ,in a dignified service former ruling for the' heirs and roufid tables, of'Protests&is, Cath- called social sciences,- nor the and Chanukah party -which -sras the latter for the government. olics and Jews in ustiversities and at natural sciences, nor history, nor given for them by members of The ruling; followed further colleges" throughout the Halted the Vaad auxiliary. the languages ancient or modern. . . . . . . . ." Special Chanukah gifts were arguments. on procedure, r the^ at- States. Indeed I have the impression that ."An Increasing-sumlier.of Fastorney general claiming -; that Greek, for instance, flourishes distributed to the children. where the judges' disagreed/they, cist and, Commiisist 'cells," crganhere as it has long ceased to do .Ege c-f ST Krs.-Esther BerE-=A— should ml? the plaintiff had ized on the .campuses ot in the atmosphere bf determined Install; Herman a s failed "to prove his case," while and. South ." Aiaerica.3. colieges | has realised her 50-year amr - -~ Eelf-stupification which Hes with Attorney C. R. Weinshall,* Conn- makes it high time that American, j by-becoming a -la-ti-yer. •.•••^,Psi'.Mu President leaden weight over the average sel for the . •" heirs,: argiied that . studeats - loyil to • Aser|saa . de- • .Mrs.-Bernstein, -who raised t r ; „ _Tc.TI._ _ _ American college, where tinkerLeo Berman vras installed as once the court had. decided the Tnoeracy and believing In religion,..! sans and two -cUg'cMers aaa L*. ing reigns supreme and where the es, ysr the ne-w- president of the Psi Ma Sultan's title to ths land vas gen- •anite ia defessa..' c-f ioth," said}them raise manipulation of mere things Ia. Col. Samuel "Moffat, liald director j Uriel tiat El "space i3 so largely taking the Monday evening at the Rome. uine, its disagreement sliotfld be of.llie CGafersuce, i s a Etateneat ter ezsminat! Other officers installed -were: taken as proof • that tlia go™ern• place of the intellectual and spir•tll'S ISCStlDS. " ' EO-W tO UlSug ( itual disciplines that make men S." Edvrin Epstein,, vice-presi- meat had failea to satisfy t t s "WTiea her '. ;fes.i5d gieg s *"r— ~ iree and keep them free. That dent; Morrie Epstein, recording court that tbe' government claiia years ago she Secldedr to gro ir '— X make men free and keep them secretary; Morrie Fall:, treas- irks valid. . • - . * ' I law. With only ecu- r. free. Let me repeat that phrase. urer; I. LI Tre'tiak,; parliamenI cation, she trest neaTiy four :•—•-'• ^ Oiss is .Bill-to Bar DictatorsMis .For.Jt leads to the essential point. tarian; Hy Giller, sergeant-at| to preparatory- school to ec '\-j.. An. amusing story, is told. . Aarms. ^ -. .' J k & v o c a t e s • • -.has -b-cea received oJ -the j high . Eclioc-1' tcuSiag, t i e s •wealthy and prominent gentleman A special meeting -will be held I tZ ?l J «|^'1P Til TfT?:^ :as3sed to help the Teshiva §unday at 1 p..m. at the J. C C. •Washington (JTA)—The houss at and the Yeshiva. College.-.He re- to lay plans for the -wrnter season. Immigration committee vras to .12, ia'Eaa Frandsca cu Salarday. Itnres "at aool i a Bo-Eton. fused on the ground that the Colnold -a hearing--"Wednesday-en a^ Mrs. Erasdeis,. tha v/ii lege was ._•. preserving , "ghetto e « bill introduced by. Chairntan .Sam-. tcnzeT presidcat pt • the PUSS-CON Ideology." _>The-; gentleman wants " uel Dicketein' -which vrotiid dsnj Jewish" Ignorance' which means •- r--:•• FOR. DECEMBER 2S Brandess store, .Sad bees ill for atlsenship 'to'.persons -whoibelleve 'Jewish bondage; he wants Jewish several months. Siisee ibs -death illiteracy, which means self-dis- .' Mas Brodin and Selda Zlatia, in or advocate government by dic- of her-husband 20 y c - c-a I r~ tatorship. .'-. . ".. • . trust, Belf-contempt, blind sutfer- famous Jewish opera singers, frill „ -- j . Eranfleis lived in IV"v I r >- J "** 1 .1r ~ '}'- -ins. servility, baseness,"helpless^ be "presented by ^the Omaha later : California. ness, liomelessness...Even as any branch of the Ico'r oa December 'Dr. Lurie Biss :i vy; man's ignorance of his basic hu- '26 at a ••cultural festival to be Surviving are sn.. m*1, 13 ^oi.z. inanities—-speech, history, faith, held at the Jewish Community 'Jerusalem • (JTA>—Dr. . JossJ. of X*os - A s g e l c s , w^i^i t"™ ^.2-—^^" sspiratlon——be that man Greeli or C e n t e r . a'aoted personality.-ia the j ters, -i . . •. . •'""'.' ••- • Jeir-T—means. nnfreedom, means Je-K-ish folk ' songs, several Zionist .movement, died here last jj Paris,: France, * slavery and subservience to anysketches, and Russian songs -will -at the. age of 'fie..... ".He" vras Eae-r of Eaa'Mai r, ^ n r L Lv, •frind °^ doctrine ho-wever foul o f ' b e included oa t h e program. The bead o* the educatios departmeat ' on" Sunday; in'Neef. the Jewish National council. •; •'{Continued on page 8.) affair-is-open t o the public. • ~ r " ? * f * e ?*7" ""~* * " . r *


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J. C. C Team to : . Play -Solcol Wtrz



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Page 2

omics. The solution of the secularists takes no account o* the psychic, the psychological "and the purely religious factors involved. Theae must receive consideration In atiy final solution; For there is no guarantee that when the political and economic Utopia arrives movements will not be fomented. against Jews "for- rellgious, . patriotic, tribal or other reasons. We are here dealing with the motivations of human nature which are often unpredictable and cannot be classified into systems. A far-'sighted solution must be concerned not only with changing systems but also with changing Individuals. The changing of the individual is primarily a religious task. -' '

the'Band" produced b; a past president. of Motion picture Adrer; -By JiOUTS.PEKARSTCI" " ' piro has" directed" piii paigns for such famou EfDIA'S MOVIE QUEEN ties as Noraa .Talmai Jos Jeacette Res, editor of The, Seheack, Will Rogers, Harold II ti Hollywood Mirror and Hollywood j Lloyd, Jack Dempsey, Mary Fietcorrespondent for several publiea- | £ord, Ronald , CCIEIEE, Charles tions; in India, sent us the fol- j Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, I-Ia3 f lowing item from • Dipali "Maga-1 Roach, .John Barrynior.e, D. .TC, zine, published at-Calcutta, In-'i Griffiths, Gloria Swaxson, J'sxei : dia: "Sulochana, the ' famous ] Gaynor and many others. Now he ;: PARTOmovie star of India, lovingly; directs publicity writing for Stelcalled -the <jueen of the" Indian ; la Adler, Mae West and other under contract to screen, has caused quite a eensa-i celebrities The National Conference of Emsnuel Cohen of periodically in various parts of National Conference of Jews and tion in film circles . all over the i President Jews and Christiana has , em' ' . • Christians .are conceived in relicountry by her sudden elopement; Major. the country. •( barked on a three^nionth celegious terms Is indicated in its with a German physician of Bom; A third aspect of this formula TRACK STAR TO FILM STAR ;.-'-. bration in observance of Its constitution which puts it as folbay, Dr. R..J. Weingarten. Sulo- j Sam Stoller, cf Detroit, who tenth year of activity in mu- is a recognition of the totality of chana's real name is Ruby Key- ! was a "member of the United the human. relations problems. I lows: • • • • . . ' " ' • ' tool understanding between '"Believing In a spiritual interBut the changing of systems Is ers. The couple left by airplane I States Olympic track team ia the Jews' and Christians. Ia this revert here to the plea made at second of two articles present- the beginning of this rrticle for pretation of the universe and de- also a religious task, both from Tor Gaza Airport in Palestine,] 1SS6 games In Berlin and vho ed by special arrangements be- the abolition of the term- goodwill. riving -its .inspiration therefrom, the point of view,of. Idealism and where they were to be carried by 'holds two titles and shares three tween the Seven Arts Feature The goodwill movement has be- The Natonal Conference exists to of practical effectiveness. As be-•Jewish rites. This glamorous per- | world running records, is ia HolSyndicate and* The Frater of pi come a human relations move- promote justice, amity, * under- tween secular methods and reli- sonality of India's movies, Sulo-: lywood training for a theatrical liambda Phi Fraternity, Mr. ment. It originated as a move- standing and cooperation among gious methods for changing sys- chana, was born In Poona in Oc- Icareer. Through, the interest cf Minsky makes an objective ment for better relations. among Jews, Catholics and Protestants tems the thoughtful person must tober, 1907, of. Jewish parentage, j Joe E. Bro-wn, famous film et&r Protestants, Catholics and Jews, in the United States, and to ana- concede the superiority of the re- Her first chance to become a | and sports fas, Stoller has been analysis of ten years of good method. The secular movie star came when a photo- cast in several parts in recently %rill in this country.—Tho and although thia interfaith em- lyze, moderate and finally elim- ligious phasis Is still paramount, the inate intergroup prejudices which method always stands in danger graph of her attracted the at-, filmed "pictures. Ke is sow playEditor. , movement has been placed in the disfigure and distort religious, of ridicule or resentment, of be-1 tention of the proprietor of the j ing in an RKO film, "She's Got position of having to work foe business, social and political re- ing identified with revolutionary j Kohiiioor Film Co. of Bombay. IEverything," .which stars Ann The introduction of these secu- better human relations among all for K6M 5n one of the fuss c<lations, with a .view to the estab- techniques and thus being dis- She rmade her debut in "Veer- j 'Sothern and Gene Raymond. The lar factors into the prejudice sections of the people. roles ot her career . . . The youth who gained prominence as lishment of a social order in credited. The religious method, bala" in 1925 and sine/then has! problem has had an obVious efture is titled "Everybody Si on tho other hand, although con- starred in scores, of India-Made j a track star st the University- of which religious ideals of brotherThe all-inclusiveness of the fect upon those concerned .with -rich Kerry cailiEg ur>o'i ceivably not as drastic as the sec- pictures. She lately T S S under! Michigan ia describes as the 1ES7 Christian-Jewish relations in the concept of Justice and' the inter- hood and justice shall become the his long experience es a Er world's "fastest hurnsn." He isular, may ultimately be more pro- contract to the Imperial Film Co. I United States. It has provided dependence of human relations Is standards of human relations." vre.y £Ed Hollywood theatrics.; ductive of results with the least of Bombay and was the highest! undefeated in his athletic specialthem with a formula for whole- evident to < the .observer. The It may be argued that it is posecutlve to assist him in his pari ty and is the 'National Intercolevil of'consequences. Religion, afpaid artiste in India." some human relations, a formula Christian-Jewish problem Is, in sible to- achieve more wholesome legiate ChstcpioK and Western as producer, and Edvrin !•. !K ter all, carries with it a certain PUBLICITY MAN SHAPIRO which goes- down ,to root causes essence, a problem of justice. Its human relations upon a generally Conference Champion in sprints. directing . . . The original E measure of authority which enOne of the biggest Hollywood J and aims at ~ far-reaching solu- solution' will be hastened in pro- secular level. There * are moveHe shares with Jesse Ovrecs, and screen play lists Edgar A sures respect for Its message. If v portion as the Ideal of justice bejobs of publicizing the motion j ments in existence today organtions. %' '• famed Negro sprinter, on the- cin- VCooli as co-author , , Eclfiie *Crthe religious technique is not as comes .a Teality among men and zed upon a secular' plane which picture stars throughout t h e ! tor has leased prcperty In H The first element in this for- will be retarded as long as injusaggressive as the secularist it Is world is held down by Victor der paths of America, the world's mula Is the premise that only in tice characterizes the affairs of are' directed toward the eradlca- compensated by the fact that it record for the 100-Eieter fissh, •wood," next to the farocus El Mansfield Shapiro, publicity and a political democracy can reli- society. To work for justice to lon of race hatred and anti-Semi- reaches those Individuals whose 10.S seconds; the 60-yard dash, Berhr restaurant, ES the r.l'ct advertising director of Major gious and cultural groups func- Jews atone without regard to Its tism. .The difference between conversion is most necessary to 6.1 and the 100-yard "race. 9.4 his second antique and -art.g Pictures Corp. He is a native of tion freely as groups and as in- attainment, for other groups is these movements and the rell- social change. There is something seconds. Stoller wants 'A Etvsfiy shop . . . His cl£ii£Eter ERG scndividuals." It. Is futile to work for not only -impractical but un- ious movement, however, is that to be said for a technique which New York, attended High School to he a professional radio sisser. In-law, Sir. and Mrs. Joseph h £er, vrill operate the shop ti understanding among the various sound. For, the' position of the the achievement of justice and influences the kind of people who of Commerce and won his -B. S. STtTBIO NOTES . ; the' name of Etaie Cantor, faiths in religious fields without Jews Is influenced to some de-. brotherhood Is, In the former, need changing most. Aldous Hux- at New York University. His first j All Hollywood. 5a applauding concern as to poltlcal factors. gree by social, political and econ- very often, a mean3 anfl not an ley has pointed out that the mo3t big job was assistant promotion The control of the political ma- omic factors over '•; which .they end. The end Is the establish- effective propaganda is not that manager for Hearst's Magazine. the splendid lend-a-hel-ping-hand chinery by the wrong sort of peo- haye no control,'so that7'the. equil- ment .of a.;leftist political, and which converts the proper people Then, in turn, he became promo- campaign, to aid sick, poor and (Copyright, IBS7, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) ple'can destroy in a day what It ibrium is likely to be upset at economic order. Or, If such is who later make history. The re-tion manager for Leslie Judge, needy people led by Benny Rubin as part of his new radio program cartoonist on the Detroit Journal, I not the .case, the creation of such l a s taken religious leaders years any-given moment by abnormal ligious method' Is likely to be to build up. The perpetuation of conditions in these 'spheres. Ac- an order is viewed as the means more efficacious than the secular- general advertising .manager for ion.KHJ, Los Angeles, and affili<•••".democracy is essential, both to re- tivity on the'part of labor, for to the end. . • \ 6" room copies : ist • not because It converts tHe an independent film distributor, j ated stations. Last .week SSO | FOR. REKT There is, for example, a, school masses, who are already partly exploitation and publicity direc- families received baskets of food [ ——EAI m o £ e r a — f t r a g e — ': ligioua liberty arid to Inter-reli- example, may' stimulate countergious rapproachment. The de- activity on the part bf capital in of secularists who' maintain an convinced, but because i t - may tor of Pathe Exchange, publicity bought with donations obtained I IOCS Sc.SStfe ATCBK«. Call : struction of-democracy may re- which the Jewish issue Is' intro- exclusive concern with economics move that group which is most and advertising director for Sam- by Rubin. Benny always was a S MA U S E or WE-1TET. ' f .suit riot merely in an attack upon duced.' A movement against Com-- as a solution to the Jewish prob- likely to come to leadership'in uel Goldwyn, then United Artists swell guy , . . The incomparable and later Fox Studios. In 1933 comedienne, Fanny Brice, vrhc Jews but in ah assault upon,the inunlsm may be manoeuvred by lem.specifically: and 'the .human the future. he was manager of the Hollywood captivated Broadway and London freedom of religious groups to irresponsible elements " Into a relations question generally. Aspropagate their principles, -which' movement'against the Jews. Po-. suming that the adherents of this office of Quigley Publishing Co. for many years, is making her The difference between the rein turn means an end to efforts Itlcal parties may* utilize the Bchool are sincere and not politiHe is co-author of "Here Comes second motion picture appearance ligious solution and the secular at Christian-Jewish ''understand- Jewish question in an attempt to cal propagandists they need to solution of the human relations ask themselves the question, •will discredit the opposition. problem, as of many other proban economic reorganization of solems. Is the difference between Major concern'in this struggle •k Where ciety eliminate racial prejudice? The. existence' of Injustice truth and half truth. The secular to preserve democracy must, of against- any group is always preg- Viewed .superficially it might solution Is a partial solution. The course, centre in a resistance to nant with danger to the position seem to be in the affirmative. religious solution attempts to deal totalitarian doctrines. But this is j of Jews. It should b e ' remem- The Soviet experiment, thus far with the totality of the problem, I not sufficient, since it is a pure-' bered that an tl-Jewish move- at least. Indicates that It might since religion, unlike secularism, jly negative approach. The idea ments in America -have usually be-possible to .dispose of . anti- is concerned with every aspect of i Ia3 developed among leaders of originated in those sections of the Semitism By -a'-radlcal economic life. , Its. techniques, even \ when, ! the good-will movement perhaps country.where^Jews are ctfjnpij^ reorganization: ot society. But the applied to secular factors^ are • more than" any-other group that atlvelyunknown but where-.otheV objection", hgre 1 | ^fBal most Je-^s the most ideal to bring about the ' In order to survive, democracy groups, haxe•.felt the sting of per- are .-not suite-, ready, to relinquish ends desired. ... "„ - • : must be.aggressive and bold. Ii secution. The South im'meaiately: theif JeVlsH laealism'tor the hayjxaust become missionary-minded. en of a COmmunist> \ totalitarian : comes to mind. Organized move(Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts It la no' Idle accident that the ments against the Negro, such as paradise.. The problem, rather, .'is Feature-Syndicate) 11937 Willlamstown Institute of the Ku Klux Klari, have-been di- •whether the" economic determinpEtuman Relations had as ' its rected against Catholics and Jews lsts can achieve a satisfactory so.theme the topic, "Public Opinion Telephones Increase in as well despite the fact that these lution under the democratic sysj a Democracy." The "Williamstwo groups are numerically small tem. The answer must be stated . Palestine town gathering was an indication in the Southern area. The per- n the negative. The human rela^ the larger thinking on the subtions problem Is composed of a sistence of intimidation of Nej e c t of . the future of democracy Jerusalem (JTA)—The numgroes may well be viewed with variety of factors of which the jL*c7hlch has developed among goodber of telephones In Palestine disquiet by Jews even though an economic Is merely one. There- is will leaders during the past few rose from 11,412 at tho end of anti-Negro sentiment may not at no denying, it3 status as among years. The underlying reasons beAugust, 1936, to 14,452 a year the most important factors. But a specific time be coupled with hind the Institute's theme is that an anti-Jewish bias. It is possible the fact remains that there are later, representing an Increase of democracy must he made workto conceive that the state of mind other elements indispensable to 26.6 per cent according- to a bulable In order-to survive and must which han no compunction about an effective solution. The econ- letin of the government office of sg is' t i e demonstrate its superiority over burning Negroes a t the stake xaay omic technique may be satisfac- statistics. S |K| it in esto* other systems of government. be turned with equal intensity, tory as far as it goes but it does raatic tuTiiitg't feeca.xjee: • No This can be accomplished not under the compulsion of an ef- no,t go far enough. The economic Patroniza Our Advertisers dials t o twasi, tvrarl or merely by denouncing the totalifective propaganda, against Jews, approach, and the secular solu•iratcls. * Ke funslyliESj with tarian systems but by proving.the knobs." • More ' EtatloBE At Catholics, "foreigners," Commu- tion generally, therefore, may be democratic method superior in _ s, * Tcsitlrm nists or any unpopular group. Ed- indicated on the major promise FOR "RENT—4- or' S rooms.'j practice. •. in operation. - • Siircja'sfiecl ucation toward an essential Jus- thatjit views the problem from Upstairs or down. Separate • Tynes But if the democratic system tice in the dealing of all human an incomplete • perspective. It Is entrance. 2 7 1 0 ' Burt. HA ! itself perfectly asd eilestan oversimplification. • • ' . . • beings with each other regardless So to be made permanent and ly. • Jwst press a button— 38S7. . . - . . ' ' ' "•! real, the attainment of political of class, religion or race is one that's aH. Trs.ce jreiiF old The human relations problem aemocracy alone is not sufficient. of. the prerequisites of a sound set now for.a trsaljr naoiJern Is to a large degree • a human radio——a sew G. E. with ."."Without economic democracy po- human relations policy. problem which, trill exist apart Touck Tunlsigr. Juct press & litical democracy is .always in Finally, we come to the under- from systems of "politics, or econbutton—-that's all, and only danger -of overthrow by dissatisfied masses or fearful overloads. lying philosophy of the moveM 111 I* <w «i ( A political democracy in which ment. This Is that the movement For Rent—Complete Apart» there operates an- economic tyr? for more wholesome human relaTouch Tsiiiac (7 b u l t o s s ) . Silent'Tuning, A-F-C Tone Monianny Is a hollow sham at the tions shall have a religious basis. enent in beautiful homo. AT The problem of human- rela*—*;>) **<£ V * tor. Lower Dial. Visual ' Vo5mercy of the subversive forces of 6931. •uisse Control. Visual 4.peint if i% Fascism and Communism. Work- tions is - primarily , a religious Tone Control. Automatic Sand ers must, not only have the right problem and of thia we. must not Isdacater. < 12-incK Stcbi'iced to organize but share In the prof- lose sight.-The movement for the Ds^aratc Speaker. Bass Cera3 JA'SOQO its of Industry and must1 be pro- betterment of human relations jisia^w^' pe^satioa. Foreign - Porasstic has been criticized for over emtected against the hazards of unReception. R. F. Pre-Selector phasis upon its religious ^aspects employment and.old age. Hence, Stagre. Haa«J«ome Fcll-Le.asth leaders^of the goodwil movement and it may be that in it's early Console. have placed more and- more em- years other elements, were not phasis upon Interfaith coopera- sufficiently stressed. But ends to tion for social justice. -The teams be sought are religious, whatever of; mlnister-prlest-rabbl - h a v e techniques .may be employed, and stressed the relationship of econ- the motivation upon which we omic democracy to the 'elimina- must depend is of a religious end Chcv.-rczm . . . &Cih en tion, of prejudice. Cooperation character. among Protestant, Catholic and That both the objective and Jewlsh:b6dies such as the Federal the motive of the activities of the Council of Churches, the National Catholic Welfare Conference and the Central Conference of American Rabbis for social action Is becoming -more, frequent, while Johnson's economic justice* has become a major theme for the human rela- Y2 Gallon tions institutes and seminars held

'By.'Louis Minsky • •:. - :-'

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'OUST fOSEATS \crs' Unior. o' est to f.fc (JTA) — "Ghetio * rccetiUr established in !<c.!<oo!s vere assailed in to Kirdfiter of 'Education av-skl eunt by Prof. j e . SC.TIB.



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:i Fpdcration of Teachers. e public here. ••'~t. of the letter follows: behalf o£ the American on of Teachers, reprer?,e00 teachers in thp •::;pfes, I wish' to protest 1. h t eetablishment of at! Ghetto" in Poland. This ; the most periovss possible violaon eg the solemn, obligation asi;med tcva^-cs the minority peo5es v.-lier. the United States of America helped to free Poland ifo-i the yoke of centuries-


"We Cf.r-Tiot believe that the Polish government will defy the public sentiment ol the -world and continre this policy. As American teachers we have been shocked, beyond measure to hear that Eucti outra&eoua regulations have reduced. We should be uee .teJut to hear from you have been

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THB JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, BSCE3IBES 10, 1937 weaker hands and I do riot t r o w ^ T , , . . . how to fcandls my children when they go und atteiapt to t t i c t for thesiselvea. Even before they By HELEN ZIG'.:O2CD were 13 years old they were ask-' " t t c C f C ? " Cf 1"'*1 "•"—• '"r-''^<~- ; c-.v-" ing Impudent questions: Yvty was it necessary to go to a syna'•.in ytrr.E cZ Ussrr- r c Hollywood—Whctta c-cocp! . . 'r - c i gc~us in order, to be good? And What a squib! TTist euphonic i 1--£ how did I know there was a God? Swedish irsnicker belrg worn iy And if there was a God why did Gertrude Kiesen is . far removed S' he let'wars go on and why dicing from her origis&l tag. Sort o !io do something' for Jews? played anagrams -with herself, Oh, I answered • (though my* iopped oft four letters, doubled Gert father would, -have- dealt raore one . . -.. and there • she was - - - writ-Eg a fUi.-leL.~th revel r r o r r ; -r firmly with: a strong hand) oh, brand new! You can work back her radio'iar^IIy, "The Gol£ber~r." TZ tho3e are;,questions that : should- from teat • . . but tafce it from Three thousand Jews have one of the major-activities of. the of seventeen of its best musicians, n't be- asked.. -Besides, God' has She's a your Mrs. Sherlock: been ' removed from , Germaa Kulturbun'd 'from t h e beginning although one of the conductors of done very well by Jews. "schwester" with.a capital "J. 1 cultural life since 1933. Nowas the orginizatlon of lectures the Kulturbund is able to comI recalled their being saved in I about li='-:n- Co I I " . e vc ilc. ' Zi.i • Jew Dovr writes in a German on these *.heme3. . . bine that work with the occasion- the Dick of time, a t the Red Sea i r o u tyr="-i::c i l l U s L.O-'.ZL, CZZ\ Local hill-billies are chuctling jiewspaper. ?»o .Jews appear oa yca?M c Lcr prl. VEL. There have been, four principal al direction-of the orchestra in and their being rescued in the '. t h e German stngo and Gcnnan classes of entertainment—-opera, Palestine. Berlin and Frankfort last hour- almost from the ma- . . . • 'cause Mr. Wurtzel produces he w es cver'^h;~~ tmly " B " pictures; -whereas Miss' are free' of Jews. Such } concert, drama, and - lecture. -In atone among the communities chinations of Hainan (wbs was first." "Vr£:;, aren't "Ci us W. rises to the "A" class. She e lioast of Propaganda the first years the Jewish com- have a permanent Jewish theatre. hanged instead) and theirvictory recently exhibited her paintings • posci c I - f : il frfr -Minister Gpebbels to tho an-' panies could play, the classics of. In t h e other places musical and over - Antiochu3 who ejected Je- Et - the Steraer gallery in New 1ttiEn yoi: set v '/r '.i nnal meeting of the Reich German ~ literature and music; dramatic performances have to be hovah from the temple and" put York City . ; . had twenty-five \ ar:o ctv>?" And we landscapes and murals . . . gar- ;sterr. "Tin.; . : Chaniber of Calture. Kever- Goethe's "Faust" aud ies3ing'a arranged by visiting companies Jupiter in His stead theless German Jews maintain "Nathan der Weise"-f-Ts-hose h?ro and artists. The director of the have .lived ever- since; I .said. r = r.-><.". -v". nered praise . from the critics, i - a flourishing.intellectual life in I la- a Jew-*—Beethovens symphon- whole organization was formerly ? :r t Buh why-have "we lived? they During the display, a cineinalite • "hut w3rcn II t.-.l ; tr " r v It 'the cnltaral vacuum of the ies and Handel's quartets. But the director of the opera at Char- asked. What for? wandered in, inquired, "Where's j Office, they cec c> t r .•Third Reich. In this article a a later^dispensation of t h e Min-lottenburg. He has had a< large It is all too irritating: the way the screening?" j Berlin Jew reveals- how the istry of Culture imposed a "fresh and varied task, forming the com- they stick their ; questioning'noses Mrs. La£ty, toormay sooa corn- ;.. ;'Jeivs taNazilanfl hrve. devised restriction: "non-Aryan" J e w ' s panies and organizing the whole in'tD the well-accepted ~f acts' of niand a bigger bos-office teas -cr' Lee ScL'3 '-T' . their awn cnltaral institutions were not fitted to play or express apparatus of t h e tlieatre and Jewish life. I (as do other,-WTit- Jesse. She just returned from a Tunes' free .r: or : tree from Nazi propaganda^— the works of the, Aryan German opera, planning t h e t o u r s ing and talking Jews, must for- showing -of "her pictures given at > • 7 -•if p--r "•-The Editor. - - ..'• genius. Mendelssohn was allowed, throughout the year, maintaining ever b e finding new and more ra- the invitation of Leland Stanford. 1 ti~c. but not" Beethoven or "Wagner, a t the Proper sequence of opera, tional purposes for being Jewish. >; I t has been said that the Jews a Jewish concert.;' The German concert, drama, and lecture, the Some say. that the .purpose of Dore Schary author of the ] 2='-=" to be btr-edl :r In Germany are t h e one part of Jewish theatre m i g h t play proper distribution between Jew- being Jewish is to establish soBroadway bow-in, ' "Too *Many j the German society which p're-JI Shakespeare, Moliere, o r Shaw; ish and world composers and au- cial justice in the world ana oth- Heroes," Is a mcvietown product | thrt-e v-er ?- rs. z. . thors. ers that the only good reason for Vserves freedom of thought and ;D n t n Q t <j oe theo'r Hanptmann.; It v ::r.t"e irr^-e also eligible for an "eliha" I Aryp^-" freedom, of opinion. Cut. off as it j is .fortunate that • music.-••.••-The organization of artists being a Jew is to reclaim • Pales- anywhere, name beiag Isafiore \ tney're grj-cuf -e: cf ihe V and Is from the social and intellectual drama are. International; and~it 'comprises' 1,«25 active members, tine, but still others say. No,, it's life of t h e general community,- it the Jewish theatre i n Germany ;Is ot whom the vast laajority are | not a good. Jewish purpose merely Schary. i ccvitcl.. cr.C Jofrrl has devised its Own cultural .in- Testricted in'one aspect it is en-musicians and opera singers; 111 | to reclaim Palestine: the true The" other, ayem, publicity de-j stitntions, and ' ' is free from the larged In another.' I t can draw oh are actors, 170 are painters. Over Jewish ' purpose is to' estab'iish a partment requested Grade t o ! mass propaganda which no ". the =whole world v except Aryan 200 artists a r e maintained in labor Palestine., ' . Or, we are Jews for the pur-stand in for press photos with • an"-German may escape. I t may Germany, and i t can and does work permanently, and a much er v . h e of some interest to give'-• ah play the works.'. of- ;the greatest larger number receive help. Dur- pose of fighting" anti-Semites, cr Kadame Flagstad, cpera singer. | k>ert 3 for the purpose o£ producing JewGracie cocipiieS, then whispered ing the four years of its existence account of the cultural Institu- and; most modern. >:dramatists: of Ij in George's ear, ""Who is tion, t h e Judischer Kulturbund, the European countries, of Ibsen.- the organization has . expended ish a r t . : -which with the approval of t h e Shaw, and Noel Coward, as well Bm. 4,000,000, and more than 'Such is the' dreadful,confusion never heard of • her." 'Sail i Goyerrirnerit of the Reich, - hasas of:Shakespeare and Moliere.' half of that has gone in salaries. that has superseded the.old sim- right," lie assured her, "She nsv- j 144 1 been established sine-: 1933, and- /At' the. came Unie the Kultur- Members pay a modest monthly plicity, all. on".account of the in- e r h e a r a o f subscription, for which they are ISA carries on its activities In all thebuna mates a point of producing quiring" minds of the children towns "wliich have a considerable plays which have a special inter- entitled to attend either one -op- which demand to be .satisfied. In ' Possible casting icr"Go*he with • ^ est for the Jewish audience, eith- era and one lecture or one the-ray. own youth- It .was being Jew-the "Wind": Panlette Goddard forjX Jewish population.f It was one of. the special hard- er because the theme is Jewish atrical performance and one con- ish enough if a good boy didn't Scarlett; • Katherine Locte ior I ^ ships of t h e ".'Aryan" legislation or because the Writer, is., a. Jew, cert. The. fortunate, no • doubt, skip more / than half the Eora- •Melanie; Lencre Ulrie for Belle !# Watlin". All ttiree cave been [^ in Germany t h a t those TE1J,O had Germany- Jewry -is saining a full- may subscribe for both series and Ing's prayers. have the instruction of the...lecer . acquaintance, than any other / N o r a r e today's-young'content tested for t i e parts . ". • "but ."butEO ! g taken a tire-eminent-part- i n t i e artistic ture as'well as the recreation of merely, nerely to .iak .oneationn.. : iThey w signees ".yet. Selzsict says s^oot- 15^ literary, musical, and . dramatic Jewry with the modern, to .ask . ouestioEs. : T the play, the concert, and the life of the republic were, utterly achievement of t i e ,. ews.. There cast doubts on venerated Jewish ing" starts Feb. 1st POSITIVELY j « but he forgot to nention tfce ; .Is/a surprising'ffedeom about the opera. No person may attend a Institutions and stick pins (as eieluded from that'life in the i Third Reich. Every Jewish artist choice of plays. Rigid, as is "the performance unless he proves one might.say) into.tie Ecst dig- year. in a theatre '.or cinema, "was •dis- control over a l l ' performances In that he is a Jew. The restriction nified people" in- Israel .and-, call missed ; no German-Jewish musi- Germany, there Is no. pre-censor- applies even to visitors. The r e - them stuffed- shrts. y7e give them nowadays. I find myself being j: cian could play t o a German audi- ship of plays, and the -Jewish 'striction m a y b e a necessary pre- the newest a n d hottest news' of up by ' their cbaliergiiig ence; no Jewish painter could e i - theatre produces -for Ita Jewish caution of the authorities of the anti-Semitism,' hoping' to' set rush, even though iny father toot j hibit In a German gallery;. Jio audience dramas which would not Heidi. If the Jewish theatre were | them.warm for Jud>ifia,-bet.iin- such pains to keep me forever i Je-wish •"' writer could publish, a be possible In the general-theatre. •open-to,the general public it pertinently they" ask.-.Is this, all disciplined-in'tie safe old paths, j book in Germany or .•write an/jar- One play I saw was by a Hungar- might prove too attractive. • you. can .offer for tbe nourish- I am not a strong man like Mr. j Warsnaw, who, like Gibraltar, ] : tide for a German journal. Bruno ian Jew.. The hero was a Social- (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts ment of. Jewish life? • . • Feature Syndicate) •We want .them dutifully to-, cry stands rock-ribbed against all -the.! "Walther and Reinhardt, Korda ist butler,.who is elected to Parat the old."wailiag. wall,-bet-itheyi waves. and Elizabeth Bergner, • Ludwlg liament while" In the - service r>t look.-over-.the-wall si Spaniards') I-aja.swept up. by the Inguirand Feuchtwariger "were driven the Conserrative Prime Minister. dying .foe, liberty sad at Chinesajing children' and go . along with from t h e . country. "But German' He-continues to sexve and accomihi them. I go along and laugh witb perishing _fqr.ths. right -to live f Jewry, for whom things of the panies his master to the ^Chamber "Should;. v?B- stop, t o : c r y : l o r our them and, in trutn, there is 'so i intellect were still precious, early till, in the end, by "his parliamenmuch In' .Jewish life to la"s~n a t ; own' siria'ilef", pain?" set Itself t o provide an. artistic tary "powers, ho defeats his ma's-Goyernment.-^The acting was They are", like the. wicked hoysj with them I . stick my cose into life for.its own small B6cIety;.The ^ t h e audience was Inwho (according .-to-.the Book of the forbidden places of the aim of t h e Kulturbund' was, on e iIn.Germany • -. . . ' CMU.BREK Kings) mocked t h e - prophet sacred. - - • the one hand, to provide inteliec-. Cent, as- audiences. Mr. Kathaa. Warshaw, a native Elisha -who was .bald-headed .So i t goes in'these times. They tual recreation for- the segregated" used to be, and there was.a f e e carry you off your £eet (unless Jewish communities, and, on theing of intimacy ' etweeh perform- of Poland, who made, good in "Bald-head! Bald-head!" Oh, Elisha m u s t have- thought, you are _a determined man " other, to secure a living for the.ers- and -audience .which gave, a Brooklyn, eeems. greatly troubled. •" hundreds of non-Aryan artists- of Bpecial. character to;.the pcrform- According to the. daily press one they are mocking ray. bald. head. (S£r. "Warsliaw; but, perhaps, ot his own children i s supporting My. bald, head is an • old estab-1 Is; the best thing to do -about the i all kinds, musicians, actors,' film, ance.. •a seat of wisdoa. It ichildren—^to• ~o along with- thers j s The Kulturburia.haslts branch- a strike in His own factory. He lish'ed workers, writers, and journalists who were suddenly thrown on the j ea in a number of toisms, and | t suspects "still another of radical reflects! God's sun itself.- These lest they'go too far aad get.lost. leanings, . ' • boys must b s taught a lesson to (Copyrirrbt, 1SS7, by-Seven Artsj^t street. I t had also a purpose of enrollsi its members in every comMr. TVarshaw feels something Feature Syndicate) | respect a- venerable institutionglving to the Jews in Germany a mUnity of JewsV large or Email. to be done about this? He like a y bald head. . • knowledge of the intellectual and Over a hundred organizations are ought h a s taken steps. He announced • • Elisha,-was like my father who artistic achievement of their peo- affiliated to. It". I t has today some ] CLEAN LIKEK g i ft ple. Jewish history and" Jewish, 70i000 contributing .members in hat he will spend time and had the" strap -. . . a--strong man. Iweyc -Attracta Ciss tradition were in large measure a community of lessthan 400,000 money to fight Communism. He'suinnicned two she-bears from unknown to German Jewry; and souls—and in Berlin it is engaged OMAKA.TO^WEL the woods and caused 'them to In an effort to bring up its mem- Tea, yes, Mr. "Warshaw; chil-j devour- the -Iniquitoas-boys . . -. bership t o 20,000. The constant dren have no respect nowadays. all 42 of them. Vosrs Since SS73 emigration of the Jews from Ger- They are asking too many Q.ue3-' Tet such "a thing Is not to be ICE 2S2S mvfist Safely, wisely inr many confronts It •with new prob- tlons, sticking their nosea into done -trtth.'--impudent cMldrea c ?r lems ,notj only bie<^.use;. it talie3 economics, politics and the facts away subscribers but also, because of life. I myself was brought up in the it drains away steadily'i the best -it artistic' forces. The ., creation .of knowlefee that new babies are Represents 21 • Strong Companies—Every Type of lnsursnse the' Palestine • Symphony Orches- ashed out of the river. But to• ana Bonaa written. "Can A T - t r a last year by Huberman,. for day a child says, "You can't tell /6S7 or'WA-515a -.:•'•• example, deprived German Jewry me that babies are fished out of the river. Its physical structure would not permit a baby • to inhabit a rive J4 and to live.- Go tell it to the marines. • Thus on every side the children 1., are challenging .everything. " Particularly I "(as one of the best friends, of Jewish life') am troubled about the children. Before they began asking questions vnlh everything that stood established Tiros in and there tJso safe to were no problems. ..''.'' • tie O.S. K0IS7 c«3p» One knew way he -WE3 a" Jew: ©f year itsrsi3tandcsJsiJs It .was to lay. t'villum every mornfor ing and to pay dues to tha synamiles t o ec gogue and to fast on Tcni Kippur; to send the children tp r e ligious school, to keep two sets of dishes, to observe Jahrzsit. It Tras all very simple before tho challenging children began surging against t h ^ old, .establax •ut VIA j lished and deep-rooted things of Judaism. One wa's a Jew. because of a a • cktza: cc i%1A.f-m.sA one was born that way a s d EO child wa3.isnplou3 enough ever to Astonishing hc-w trany names on'your giS list this will lake ask questions.. ; I was sure there was a God as . edro.of—best] Holeprosf Hosiery ifsslf is so fia' soon as I became old enough, to dear o*d shesr and."cifagsfher lovely. And whor. -it's ssf observe my. father .(wrapped In ' iff by'this rich gift box, it'has that extravagant iosk trie* adds. t'Tillum)_speaking, to . Htm - every• so much'Jo ihs tHrili of giving—and receiving.. morning at one of the -east windows of the house. There was sonethins almost'Ineffable.ia ike rhythmic swaying of my father's " al? s i a G i f t Boie befiy an be addressed-himsslf. to tha Creator of heaven asd earth. Had I any fibtibts -abbat the •' Qso'iSy sjcufely tsrtinsd byGooo* Haisssssc-ins ess£ Ess Bs:*sr tebnes efficacy of 'thesa. rites.- say. father would S-VB toowa-what- "to" do trife Eta. He kept a 'cartaln' Etoat v*>r\. ••&%? ; to '..discipline' trap 1?' 1 icorals and .my misd; he .was a s t r e s s man who fesew i o w t o iecp i i s cIiilSraaT/alMagEtraigli't la tho caclsnt paths c£ Israel. S u t tis'rod'lias Pallia ffcza n y


erican JTeacfcers' a Sefids Protest to;'SwietoslawsM. ihichago (JTA) — "Ghetto ches" ^recently established iD md's schools were assailed in itter to Minister-of 'Education etoslawski sent : by: Prof. J e , IS.' Davis, "president of- t h e arican Federation- ol Teachers, made jpublic here.. ;, • •he test of the letter follows: On behalf of the. American leration of Teachers, jrepreting" 25,000 teachers in *the ted States, I wish' t o protest inst t h e establishment •-or. letto Benches" in Poland.1 This he most serious posslble-Tiola-i ot the solemn' obligation ashed towards the minority peowhen the United States of erica -helped to free Poland the yoke of centuries'We cannot believe that the ish government Trill defy the 'He sentiment of the world and tinue this policy. As' Ameriteachers we have been shockbeyond measnre to 1 hear t h a t h outrageous regulations have Introduced.; "We should be y grateful to hear/from you .t these measures have -been lealed." . \, ; -

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THE JEWISH PRESS—FEIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1937 been termed 'Jewish' and thus supposedly dispensed with. Today Communists and Jew3 are confused by certain, elements r •• % ¥4" , Gl ft j) f % #^% x to the intense dissatisfaction of both parties. • The latest political group to receive the stigma of 'Jewishii PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA,^BY''*'* • • By BE.SHEODOSE H. LEWIS .V:THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPAN? ness' is the -Austrian Monarchist movement. We cannot recall Babbi, SIssi Teispls, Sioas CSi7 that the Hapsburga have ever i n a n y way been liable to this -I SUBSCRIPTION P R i e e T o n o Year • ; : » . ' . . . . . ADVERTISING RATES FURNISHED ON A P P U C A H O N , * charge except for a brief period when the influence of the ;.:• EOI7ORIAU OFFICE: £00 BRANDEIS THEATER QUILOING ' Rothschilds at the Jime of Metternich was especially felt. Even "DETJTEROXOMT," WITH COJJ- j who has made It his specialty to j r , BY JOSEPH REI- serve and to minister to the seeds I • •.:;,'' SIOl/X CITY OFFICE—JEWISH COMMUN.JTY.CENTEI3 this influence was slight and only concerned the well-being of DEH. J E W I S H prBliICA- of the sick. Few understand the | ' PRINX SHOP ADDRES3—45O4 SO. S4THQTREETthe Austrian Jews. TIOX SOCIETY. S4Q PAGES. mental and spiritna! requireDAVID BLACKER • • Business and Managing Editor ' In all likelihood the Austrian monarchists are probably in Dr. Reider, -who is professor of ments of the sick and the sufferFRANK R, ACKERMAN •- .'!.-'•;. .Editor LEONARD NATHAN - .• • • Associate Editor no way complimented by the accusation, hut nevertheless we Biblical philology at Dropsie col- ing:, as deeply as Dr. Dicks. SufRABBI FREDERICK COHN ' . Contributing. Editor cannot resist saying one word in their favor. In a recent inter- lege^ has written a helpful com- ferers from physical, mental acd spiritual maladies will / find here j RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS • .-"'. • ^•'i , Boofs,Editoi view the Archduke Otto showed an intelligence that makes us mentary to the text of Deuteron- spiritual consolation, contort and ] omy, the translation following the ANN P t L L . / • .••:'•: •• '•-' '.-•• • Sioux'City,, Io Iowa, Correspondent believe, that the Hapsburgs are. at least one dynasty who\ has English version ol the Jewish Part I •will prove most helpful, profited by its experiences. His analysis of the anti-Semitism of PsM i c a t J c n society. His interpretations clarify tlie text and aid j appealing as it does direcily to the Nazis was so discerning that he has provoked the anger In reaching- the precise meaning j the sufferer. The Army _-_.....,aim's It includes prayers' of the Biblical word and sentence. for the Eight before an operation, How perceiving are the eyes of many who visit Germany, of the Austrian and German Nazi movements. Though we bear no brief for any monarchial movement, In the introduction^ the author for one who is discouraged and how blinded by'false values so* that they prate of the Reich's discusses, such matters as the afraSd, for the lonely s,ni the disglorious unity, has been demonstrated this past week by twowe cannot help but think that Otto has certain qualifications title, contents, authorship, date, tressed, for the trid and weary. religious teachiags, style and The chapter "Others" contains courageous moves on the part o^ Christian Germany.^ Those that might make him/a statesman instead of a mere king. test. He is extremely orthodox meditations in behalf of the famwhose "voices have .filled the air with paeans of praise because rsIn his vietrs as to authorship and j ily, the doctor and for the curse. Hitler has given Germany a new spiritual revival must have date, and disagrees with the {The fourth division, "Our Re..The Isrselitisch Dream school of Yv'ealaausen and others ligious Heritage," Includes sigbeen a bit shocked by the daring petition filed by the ProtestBy Rabbi Frederick Cofan who place this -book in the nificant selections from Scripture, ant army chaplains and by the bold words of Count von Preyseventh century. Dr. Reider holds &nd the Setter known poets. The' We are reading these, weeks in the synagogue the story of sing, Bishop of Berlin. the | low ia spirit,'the weak 3n conrsjre j w!th tradition that Moses The meaning of the petition cannot be discussed here with- j j o s e p k j t -s o n e ojf he most interesting and dramatic not only author of "Deuteronomy." la j and faith—the despondent and out a recapitulation of the relationship between the-govern- j nt j i e gi^ie j> ut ^ all literature. Joseph -was the 'dreamer' large measure the purpose of the j despairing' will find here ready and necessary aids to help them ment and the"Eeichswehr. But even on the surface, the eon- j ww ]ol os see ddreams came true. He dreamed of the bowing down to r e m s came u e . He dreamed of the bowing down to conviction. The question of au- ia their mental difficulties, and tent, the courageous disregard of Nazi arrogance the petition ,U i m o f ^ ^ flnd s t a r g . o f a n e i p t l j l y a n d a h e a v e n l y g r e a £ . thorship, however, is of no im- physical anguish. contains tones that bide evil for the Nazis; This is a splendid little booJi to ness. His dream came true. He became governor of the great portance. Ultimately, it matters isrho wrote the book of! give to those in the hospital -or j In their petition^ the chaplains make the ^direct charge^that jE g y p t i a n ; empire." "Only in the "throne w"as~Pharaoh greater j little J? about to eater it. The author has j 'half the populace believes everything that the hfcB his b r o t h e r s a n d a g e d are the mastered the art oJ. prayer and j Bays and that'the other half believes nothing that^comes irom jobe i S ance tb 0 1 ^ The W l d todav bows down tohis" charac^ doctrines wnich the boot pro- his meditations are convincing, j claims, and the teachings con- helpful and sane—designed to j the government.' It accuses' the parly leaders of blasphemy j+M . p l ^ i m i s , i p s s ; Whis n h l i m p Treligiousness, a ^ moral n r a 1 m imagnanimity. l-Bhjmifn5Hr ter,, -^ his ssublime cerning Israel and God and huand directly states (\yhere otheja dare not: mention such things • ' Israel is-the Joseph of the peoples. His coat of many- manity it sets forth. The validity meet the moods even of the ncn-j religious, and sceptical. Any pa-1 as arrests) that of the Reich's 18,000 Protestant ministers, since colored genius has but brought him envy and enmity. Oft hasand the truth of these doctrines tient in any institution, pi -vrhat- j 1934, 1,300 pastors have been arrested and .sentenced to vary- tic been well-nigh done to death. He lias been an incorrigibleare utterly independent of their ever creed is certain to derive i authorship. Once belief ia the coarage and faith from ttis j ing terms of imprisonment. D dreamer, the world's arch-idealist. He has dreamed the dreatas idea of supernatural revelation is help, little volume. j G "Herr. Herri's There is no prevarication'in the statement, of beauty and of "blessedness, the dream of justice and of holi- abandoned, the issue of author- • "Meditations For the Sick" Mmistrr;lmow S no method for! dealing:with -the^Rrotestantj ness> t h edre^ o £ ? eace. and love. He has dreamed the dream ship becomes interesting only should be placed in the library c* iifrom the scientific and scholarly every hospital. It will aid the church but dictatorship. The Secret Political Police-have ^ - p £ an ideal world wherein all men would be happy and blessed point of view. | doctor and the curse and prepare 1 ways been the ojrgain of its policy. Its procedure has become He ™-^has -^ -- •> •»» •• - •<• ^ -••of«•**• v,A more scientific attitude to- ' the patiest B<iet;t;atel3r for the crdreamed the- dream of God, righteousness, of moral wards th© entire volume would deal ia store *or him. even more harsh." • • : . \ : : : ' • . : perfection, of a blessed humanity. Alas) Israel's dream has not & have mads the commentary more It rejects.with finality the absurd statement of the gov-'cdme true. Perhaps it; is too great to be immediately, if ever, Jielpful. Regarding the book as a tV eminent that 'chiefly Communists' and Social Democrats are to realized, the coming of any Messiah. The world unit. Dr. Reider fails to distia- j is-, of th© Bible xr be found at the services of the Confessional churfiK! ^It has not welters in a night-mar. e of cruelty and hate, in a dark hysteria guish between the snag; tif iceat ] ethical doctrines of' Deuteronomy j 1 a Isirnua been very long agg that the .Communists and SociaK Demo- of doubt and gloom. It is shaken violently with mid-night ter- and the few tribal and; immoral j crats were being held up to the Christians of-Germany as rors of impending doom and disaster. Israel,the * dreamer is requirements it enjoins. (Deist, j cast into the pit! The world cries out in derision and mockery, 20:16). Even the Biblical coa- j dangerous atheists, enemies of the churches." ^ ', t ; : . maad to exterminate the heathen BIBLE ' ! It is significant that the greatest defiance of the.Nazi's 'let us sell ;him into Egypt and. let us see what will become of together -with hi3 idols, is not I fpoke unto thee In tny pros-j 'comes from the churches: It reveals the ministry as truly the his dreams.' Let us sell out the idealist and all idealism and criticized bat slightly apologized perfty, but thou 'saidst I vrVd not j . representatives-of morality in a state that is seeking to "free see what will become o£ the impractical visionaries in a world for. hear, this hath been in thy rn^n-j this complete acceptance ner from thy youth, not to listen itself from any' ethical, responsibilities so that i t can achieve of 'realism,' of ruthless materialism, of conscienceless and un-of Ittheistraditional belief in the di- to xay voice. k eohsionable selfishness and greed. Its nefarious purposes without hindrances. , ' . -_ '• vine Inspiration of the Tolums, Woe unto the leaders that csIn one part of the world, and perhaps there only, is the this lack of critical approach to troy and divide nsy people therecontents which mar this 'com- fore, saith the Lord, ye have di: dream still cherished. Michael Foster has written a beautiful the Catholics P r o t e s t Anti-S'emitism . " ' • ; , / mentary—so scholarly anct scien- vided a y flock and driven them i s i! •A. welcome pronouncement against ^anti-SemitismV has story about it which he calls "The American Dream.' He hastific in problems o* text. It "would away, and I hare set taken care j beea more aathoritatire come from the "Catholic Association for International:Peace" no doubt received his inspiration as well as the title of hi3hare visit upon you i t s { the, author approached I>eateroTi- jjof them I fine novel from? James Truslow Adams "The Epic of America," 11 of reur doings. _ . and signed by..'a: number of leading Catnolic'-churchmen and, omy "with less reverence and more j And Eeet t£& peace ol t t e city | whose leit motif is what he calls 'the American dream' which critical acumen, frith less regard laymen. The report entitled, "The Church arid the Jews" conr I fears csussfl you to be •tor traditional authority and he" believes ia being dramatically realized in the erer-espanddemns 'anti-Semitism' as un-Christian and in; makes carried a^ray captive End pray ing and developing and progressive history of America, the mere for modern Biblical study nnto the Lord for it, for in peace ! a noble plea for truth, justice, and charity. . and scholars. And this does not shall ye hare peace. j "We have been troubled by what seemed an* ominous silence dream of the common man of a constantly increasing richer and involve the entire acceptance o* thereof Let not your prophets -antEfli-{ fuller life, with ever more of life's satisfactions and happiness, YVealhansen's thesis. .Ose must on the part of the Church,, considering that several Catholic distinguish ia the Bible between viners that are in the midst, of j countries have been" the hot-beds of anti-Jewish feeling,, namely grounded in freedom, made possible through opportunity, and th® choice and th© inferior, be- yen, mislead you, neither hearken j Poland and Austria. Even this present statement is not with- safeguarded and brought to realization.through the governthe permanent sad theye to yotir dreams. mental and administrative forms of democracy. At times the transient, to Co itfoil -justice. out its qualifications reminding us .that' where the Catholics ere taught in a Bar&itha. The Bible ia not enhanced by It' "was the custom c t h e lave been persecuted Jewish voices have not been raised. This dream seems lost, quenched in corruption and confusion, killed blind eacceptance of the traditionis true in the case of Mexico and Spain, partly .because the by the 'shouters' and the 'grabbers,' distorted and vitiated by al point of view regarding-" its ori- minded people of Jerusalem n et to siga any documents unless they Jews have sad'memories of sojourns in these J:wo countries, a immense deafening 'ballyhoo.' But hope and salvation lie ingin and infallibility. And neftfcer were" a^are •who "vrere to sign is Judaism. • with then. They also Trocld not j j partly/because the persecution did not come from another re- 'the silent ten percent,' in the. quiet dwellers in quiet streets, «nderstand_to act ES judges, usin the quiet, lamp-lit hordes where the dream is cherished. The • I ligious body but from members^ of the Church itself. .' "MEBFTATIOXS F O E . they "were s^rare vriio Tf'ere .1 i less dream may be obscured but it cannot be killed. Ever it is reSICK," BX-SSEI, L. D1CSS. , . „ , A report of this sort should have a n effeet oh the minds' t 0fce t h e n WILLETT CLARK & CO'. 113 " c° s l e a sses. .hey also j discovered* and followed anew by noble, heroic souls who, at ] • ; of some petty religious leaders, particularly ; those who find •would-not go to a banquet unless ; PAGES. • ,' ; ' some satisfaction in raising every sort of harass. If whatever cost to themselves, will see to it that the dream is they -were aware who were invited j The author of "Meditations for " j ; ; this report could in some way be given an official- sanction carried forward to be fulfilled at last. "For, a small moment I t h e S i c k " i s a minister of religion frith them. Kabbi Chlya End Rabbi Sitnor, j I to be read from* the pulpits in countries where the priests thein- have I forsaken thee, but with everlasting kindness will I have j •went to intercalate a year in Asia j | selves help inflame the populace, the Catholic church will have compassion on: thee." Frustration must yield to eternal fruition. -France's En-Air • and they -were metfcyResh Lak- J ish who joined them saying, "I • So perhaps Israel's dream will be realized, too, as was earned a debt of: gratitude. Chief Arrested •will go with the si to see bow they j Joseph's. Israel's head may be-upon the stone^—the stones of In Rigfetist Plot -do it." In the meantime he saw ; persecution, of obloquy, of scorn may rain upon his head—but 'A New Emroy to Berlin . ' . -" \, • • ;::. ' _ • •. .' . .". a man who was ploughing in the-j : |l Paris (WNS)—A nation-wide Sabbatical year ajad he said tc j For many months now it has been apparent that Ambas- his thoughts are. ip the stars and he sees the angels of God— military plot to overthrow the re- them. "This man is a priest and sador William E. Dobdwa^s to resign his post, in Berlin. No divine events—ascending and descending upon the ladder of publican government ana replace tills in th© Sabbatical year." They TC time and history; with God ever above, above the fury and be: one was surprised at the announcement during'the week,that it with an authoritarian regime answered, "He may say, "1 ESI trc the fray, pledged to the^ accomplishment of His Will, of Hispreliminary to the restoratioa of j merely an imperial servant in the a new American representative will go to Berlin in January. 3iei . . . a : fair exchange „ for the vn™™™;™ /^righteousness, of justice,' of truth, and of love !2onarchy has been foiled, | estate.' " He again SEW a man. To Ambassador Dodd was,, in .a sense, who trimmed his vineyard and he | Miaister of t h s boj diplomatic representatives sent by the'Nazis. In the stifled at- |'-C°?^ Jastice, tenderness/ and truth' as Foster beautifuUv PX i . Interior In an- |said. "He is a priest and trims I Set -•• • • • - • ' " ••• - • - "• - '•- " - . • • - . - • : - ••••.-:,•• • • • - . - . • • • , 1 ! n w » ^' ^ • • ' • o r t i i . ^ „ ! . . _ . : ! _ _ , . . . - , _v.u"j«=*., jjjfo-jjjg^ France in the Sabbatical bai mosphere where democracy was held u p t o scorn, He not only j presses it). When we sleepers '.awake to a real'consciousness of InTuncing^thar'Generai Edouardf11^e a r vineyard du Seigneur, "retired commander! ?B & r - " l ETixe * answered, "Ke may ^represented his country, but militantly preached the political jthe solemnity and sacredness of life, of the universality and of e e c i tfee t w i S E t 0 m a k e s the French air fores, has beea ! '' inviolability of moral obligation, we, too, will exclaim with the nrrPEtPf! i: doctrines on which itwas founded. . .. "- '•/ scores of of i[^aJs for the press.' " "whereupon arrested tnsrpthur'' together -nriTh sfwpr< j He differed from the ministers sent here'incthe<fact that ancestor of Joseph fend of all the dreamers who after all._._. con-[.other "important military and |Resh Lakish remarked, "The stitute the true glory and nobility of life"Surely the Lord is naval figures linked to the pro- heart knows "whether it is cose I l e was sincere, a man of high moral integrity who advocated posed putsch. ' j for a legitimate purpose or, out of | democracy not at the insistence of the State department but in this place, and I knew it not!" S£ifi Renewed raids on .secret h e s d - ! P e r t r e r E e n e s s - " T h s a t h e a . I a t the dictates of his own conscience. In fact; he occasionally .s a ' • - Frederick Cohn. a troublesome person." quarters and arsenal cf Les Cag- j' "Ke . is i they came to their place, I oiilards (the hooded ones), 'a j i clashed with i i s immediate superiors.. His refusal to attend ascended to the attic and re- I secret military organization patj I the Nuremberg conference undoubtedly prejudiced the Nazis •1 the ladder that Kes;i Lak-1 "/-• '•' . - J e ^ r i b h ; . C a l e n d i r .-• ".•;••;"'• \ ,.-






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terned after the Ku Klus Klas, : disclosed the existence cf huge ish, • should net be able to joinj them. Resh Lafcish then casie to > stores of arms, and the formation I His attitude toward the Nazis was peculiarly American. Rabbi Jochanaa End cuestioaed. ! of a complete military organizaof Tebeth ;....«......^.......................;...............;..Dec. 14 L The arrogance of the Nazi mystics was disgusting to this Jef" E e s who are trying to justify I prepared for civil war. .............Jan.. 3 tionSearches the transgression of the eabbati-; ,fersonian American who had left a professional chair;at the :Rosh Chodesh Shebat ...............,....' o£ banks, homes, , cal year are they fit to -jnterca- | .University of Chicago to represent this country during.a most°Rpsh Chodesh Adar I pe^ 2 apartments and secret- rendezvous ! late a, year?" RabL-i Jochansn: 1 March 4 in' various parts of the -country I said'to Resh Lakish, "T«s, vre\ Berlin It can be said in his favor that never ~*Kpsh' Chodesh Adar 11................. trying period in Berlin. led to the confiscation of docu1fi once did he compromise with the Nazis. On .the contrary he Fast of. Esther .......................:..;....„......;..... 1 6 ments incriminating many highly..jean &eps~^i on thesn, ths trot-bis \ fiGn l

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showed his contempt. '•"••"'" > i a r c n 1 7 j placed persons. A'large number | 5tsa e ? n ............April 2 j oi those sfrested. or being sought !j **" Chodesh Nisan We have enough faith in" the Secretary of State" to feel I by the police are rightist military that whoever becomes the "new ambassador will be a capable Passover (1st dayX April 16 leaders. ................April 22 person. But we sincerely'doubt that he will really take. Am- -Passover; (7,th day) 5 Rosh Chodesh Iyar ....„.;.............„......*,........ '.. ..; May 2 bassador Dodd's place. PSYCBOAfiAUZES Lag B'onler v.... ......;...;...;...................... ..........«......t....May 19 BIBLE I f MEW • Eosh Chodesh Sivan ;..;...,.....».................;..;.........: .May .31 *!%& ^JewisE5"-Monarchists Shevuoth (1st day) .....'.......................... ;::..-.June 5 Vienna (WNS)—At the age of j • The most effective way. of discrediting a social or political [ movement in\this great age of enlightened thought:^^^^^ » .-^...••.............:..,.Jxme 30 82, SigBiund Freud, father of j : Fast of .....;.................JuIy 16 psychoanalysis, has completed a j it 'Jewish,'; Fortunately, the persons addicted to this custom " ; nev two-ToIiime ~orfc psyohoaa- j ' :..^....,.;,........Juiy 20 ; aiding the Old Testament and! do not iaye the respect of the world,? and. are rapidly losing Rosh Chpdesh Ab : : what little'prestige .they might have possessed,, v'' '•'•;'*;•';' , -Fast"of Ab ..........;......;........;.....................,..M........«............,..,.Aug,.6 parts of ths New. The. first vcl-jj I n theVpast the Eerainist ilovement, "Birth Control Move- ;•: • * Also observed the previous day., Fasts "falling-; on Satur- urns 1is called. "Vv'as Moses Egj-pt-1 '• ian?* - aafi tlia second- is entitled j snent, Central Banking Systems, Socialism, Liberalism, have all day are observed the next, day (Sunday) instead. .-„ "It Moaea "Was







I 1

gift... something :es the lasting reIhe Nebraska has selections in theoose while assort- M



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Children's Warm Winter Overcoats


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the overcoat values! New raglan and. set-in sleeve models , . . -double breasted, full belted styles . . . colors fancy blue, gray, brown, tan, f a n c y mixtures. Sizes 32 to 38. .

FRIEDX.ANDER-PAPERNY YEXGER-XIORG A>* Sunday afternoon in the hallThe marriage of. Miss;; Sally Morgan", daughter of Mr. and Mrs. room of the Blackstone hotel Miss Joseph Morgan,; to Mr. Ab3 Ven-Sylvia Paperny, daughter of Mr. - 1 - ' - p. - . ger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Ven- and Mrs. Louis Paperny, became ger, -will take place Sunday after- the bride ol Morton Friedlander, noon at 4 p'.clock at the home of son of. Mr, and Mrs. — Herman : the' bride's parents. Friedlander. Rabbi David GoldRabbi David A. Goldstein 'will stein and Cantor Aaron Edgar • 1 perform the ceremony in the pres- performed the ceremony before BETE EL AUXILIARY CQ: BLUFFS EADASSAE ence of the immediate family. an improvised altar of palms and DEBORAH SOCIETY i . ferns banked against a white! Members of the Beth El ausilCouacil Bluffs Kadassah will cGOLDE-FLEISH3IAN . satin background and flanked by. New members of the Deborah iary -were given an artistic as wel! ; hold its regular meeting on DeMr. and Mrs. Harry G. Fftish- large candelabra. society will be honored at a a s cultural treat at the luncheon ' cenibe: 15 at 2 o'clock at the Eo- l c : zman "^announce the marriage of The bride's gown was of white luncheon to be given Tuesday at meeting "Wednesday. Each table j tel Chieftain. Mrs. Sara Boffi their daughter, Harriet; to Mr. slipper satin, made .on princess 1 o'clock at the Jewish Coramundecorated to represent a dday I i s the chairman in charge of the i> Ben B. Golde of Los Angeles on linea. The bodice was sheered Uj" Center. , of the week or a season of the j prog-ram. •Sunday, November 28, in Uos An- afid the waistline gathered. Her As one of the main features of j year. j A radio Grains entitled, "The ,- • geles. :tiara of white slipper satin held the program Mr. J. Kafc2, a mem- . Q : h outstanding was the ! Daughter of Her People." the life r . M r . and Mrs. Golde vrill make a three-yard veil with a 12-inch ber of the Talmud Torch * * « - S a t u r d a v ^ ^ j c f Henrietta. Szold, will be P re- T Qa ^ ^ their home in Los Angeles. face veil. She carried a prayer will demonstrate the teaching | A r ( J n H a . k o d e s h Bni B i n . a h a n d j ES3ted "naer the directiDT: of Mrs. " "" ' r book covered •with orchids and methods used in a model class- ^ m i n i a t c r e aemhs7s c f a c o a . j Clrfle Krasne. BACM-SWARTZ lilies of the valley. ~r r ^ ^ room. gregation in frock coats and | The following sre memberE of T h e marriage of .Dorothy 1 — „ ,!,,,„Faye Edell will present a pro] taleisim. The maid-of-hohor ;was t h e ; ; the cast: Nat Swartz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. gram of accordion selections. bride's sister, Miss Rose Paperny. Featured on the program was ! '*•-•>• W. Swartz, to Edwin K. Baum of In addition to the list cf host- Mrs. A. Tf. Currier, who enter- i c i J " d e . K l a s l 2 ! : Iia L 1 ^" . Chermss. BakerSfield, Cal., son of Mrs. Bridesmaids were Miss Lillian r ! and Joe Gotsciner. The choir, sc- c Lena Baum formerly of Norfolk, Friedlander, Miss Thelma ScholI Falk, Mrs. Albert Newman, Mrs. tained with the folksongs o cornpanied by Mrs. Mas Kramer, 5 r c '' many nations. Nebraska, was. solemnized No- _nick,- Miss Zell Abrahamson and „- r„„ > - - \ Robert Kooper, Mrs. S. dander, i Rabbi David Goldstein review- ! ^ l U . P " e s e E t several selections. Miss Lois Gerlisky. ' j vember 25 at the B'nai Jacob - r-r.— c i. and Mrs. Max Frotnkin will also ! ed "The Buried Candelabra." by i Birthaav relresninerts Till he Joe Soschnick /was Mr. Fried- j Temple, Bakersrield. Rabbi Aaron "serve. e t r v e d m h o n o r of h e 5tl1 blrtb lander's best man. Harry Wolfj I Stephan " — • 1 ' " " Werner celebrated the rites. Reservations for the luncheon i day jot Henrietta Eroid. The ceremony culminated a son, Ben Roginsky a n d ' Harold may be made by calling Mrs."A.] number of s m a r t prenuptlal Stern were ushers. Feme Ray BKUfi CHOLffJ • jCTLTURAL GKC Roffman, HA 73T7, or Mrs. Jacob j Katleman wa3 flower girl' and events honoring the couple., I The Cultural Group will meet Bernstein, HA 0 203. David Belzer "was ring-bearer. ' Mrs. Baum.has; been visiting a The regular meeting of the j Monday at S o'clock at tfce home A reception and rdance for the long-time friend, Mrs. Henry EgBikiiT Cholini society -will be held J of Mrs. Herman Krause. WOMEN'S MIZRACE1 ger, •who before her marriage was 350 ifuests was given immediately on Monday, December 13, £t 2 j following the ceremony. Ida Hoffman of Omaha.. -:Mr. and o'clock at the Jewish Community The couple departed for a 10PBMER WGEEE Mrs. Egger attended the; couple. The Women's Mizrachi fcel<i an j Center. Tea will he served by day wedding trip to Chicago. On A luncheon for the bridal party Oneg Shabboth Saturday after-1 t t e e x e c i . t i v e Tj O s r d . Several new memoers^ ned the , and families followed .at the Ho- their return they -will reside at noon at the home of Mrs. L. j T f a e d r a w i l l g - o r t b e Ktsssian ' t 3 l e ? l o n e e r Gotten cunn Tr° C-r- T- f visit of Esther Kramer, field sac- ; n t c~ f^n-. tel E l Tejon after "which the ne-w- the Theodore apartments. Rosenblatt. Mrs. M. Brodkey, js a m o T a r ^11 o e ield. r e l a r y i O r h© *-2.^^OH£.l ^"-^'cllliZci- * ~ •lyweds departed- for a week's president of the organization, iheTS v h o h a T e tickets are asked j>t i o n Out-of-town guests included: wedding trip. They will reside at poured the tea. She was assisted !t 0 D r i n g t i e m > T l l e meeting is * The cra'vring scheduled for DeMr. and Mrs. Hymie Kasdon of 1721 Palm street, Bakerefield. by Mrs. N. Levinson. jo p e n t 0 t h e p u b ] i c . cember 1 was postponed uiitil the Mrs. Baum was attired in" aj Yankton, S. D.; Mrs. Herman Rabbi Milton A^ Kopstein spoke ~. nest reg-iilar meetiEg on January burgundy . colored velvet af ter- Levy, Mrs. Sol Levitan arid on "Chanukah." gjg^ C£15S 4. All members who have tickets noon dress and wore a black vel- daughter, Florence of Sioax The next regular meeting of out are ssked to get them to the vet hat and a ^gardenia'; corsage. City; Mr. L. Cochrane, Mr. and the Women's Mizrachi will be _ Wednesday, _ _ The Bible class of the Taad j ticket chairman. ; Mrs. Roy Love and Mrs. Alvin Her going-away costume was held_ on December Miller of Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. 15, at 2:30 at the Jewish"Com-J met with Rabbi Milton A. Kop- . ! tailored suit of oxford gray and Mrs. Harry-Lehman of MalT munity Center. This is to b° a IE t e i n a t the B'nai Israel sj-naRabbi Moses bar Da%-id oC Po- • vrorn with black accessories. vern, la".,' and Mr. and Mrs. Louis business meeting of importance j ^og-ae last Wednesiiay. Great in- j land taught Ezra Stiles, one ol i | ^ Mrs. Egger selected a burgundy and all members hare been crsed terest was shown by the class in ] the early presidents of Yale, Eab- i colored afternoon dress of nov- Caplan of Dea Moines. to attend. A 1 o'clock board meet- t n e d a 3"' s lesson. j ba.iaK i elty fabric and wore a corsage of Mrs. Morton Friedlander HONORED ON "WEDDING Hollywood roses. ... ing will precede the business ses-! F o r t h e - e s t meeting the t i a e ANNIVERSARY sion. has been charged from 1:15 to 2 ; .n..^.^^...^..,. . ...—•;—; . ANNOTTNCE .ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. J. Lintzman were SPEXDS VACATION "WITH I . ' o'clock. The class will meet again ; . j on December 2 2. it Mr. and Mrs. William Bernstein honored at a surprise party on PARENTS . • AXXOUXCE BAR ^ Tea will be served. The class !. of Council Bluffs announce the the occasion; of their 35th -wedDr. Arthur M. Greene, who" is Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cohen < . engagement of their .daughter, ding anniversary on November now taking special training at the announce the Bar riitvah cf their is open to all vrcraen who arc is.- [ . k V? Pearl, to Mr. Lou Shrier of Oma- 27. They were presented with a Post Graduate School of Medicine son, William r.Iaynard, at the terestcd. i; beautiful gift. ha./ [ • - . • . . • of the University of Pennsylvania B'nai Jacob synagogue, Twentyii Miss Bernstein attended Abrain Philadelphia, yill spend his fourth and Nicholas streets, on JUKI02 VAAD ham Lincoln" High school. Mr. Z. B. T. MOTHERS' CLTJB •winter vacation with nis parents, Saturday, December 11. F-elaThe December meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greene. . Shrier attended Creighton -unitives and friends are cordially inA meeting cf the Junior versity, where he-was a member Z. B. T. Mothers* club will be held vited. 2so invitations are being j Study croup will be held TUEF- , : on Thursday; December 16, at the 61 -the Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. O31AHA CLTJB .OF NEW issued. day ni^ht at S p. re. at the ho~e home of Mrs. David Sherman, 127 The Omaha Club of New York JOSI/STN 3EE3IORIAIi ': North Thirty-fourth street. entertained at a card party at the A program of the Toung« ArtHotel Capitol in New York City ists series will be presented in the ANNOUNCE BAB MITZVAH last Sunday afternoon. Joslyn Memorial lecture hall this Mrs.N. Linsman announces the Sunday afternoon at 2:30 by the Bar Mitzvah of "her son, Melvin, VISITING U f CAIilFOKNIA Omaha Music TeacTiers associa- on Saturday morning, December Miss Rnth Tuchman left Saturtion- Harriet' Esancy, harpist; 11* at the B'nai Israel synagogue, day evening for California, where Mary Binkley, pianist, and a vo- Eighteenth x^ad Chicago streets.. . she-will -visit her brother, relacal quartette, Pay Trient Carter, -Friends and relatives ere tn- tives and friends. She expects to Elizabeth L. Johnston/Frieda A. T itedreturn on January 4. Klein and Fannie Owen Jacobsen, •will appear on this program. TO HONOR RABBI CHICAGOAN TlSlTIXG HEREThe lecture at 3 : 3 0 p . m . SunFollowing services at the Vaad Anita Drell of Chicago has day at the Memorial will be "Mu- this evening the Ladies' auxiliary been the guest of her aunt, and sic In, the Schools," by Mr.Lytton will be hostesses at" a tea to hon- uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry GerS. Davis, supervisor of music in or Rabbi Tjri Miller of New Or- ber. She will stay through the leans who will be guest speaker. winter" liolidays. Extensive enthe Omaha public schools. tertainment -plans h a T c been At 4 p. m. Sunday Mr. Martin made for her. yj. Bush will play the Sunday TO HONOR STEDENTS afternoon organ recital, assisted F r i d a y evening, . December - by Miss Evelyn L.' Smith, pianist. 54, the Beth:El .synagogue w Patronize Our Advertisers r'T LOV: A book review of Burnett's hold its annual Students Sabbath. All students in the city and those -""Paul Gaugin," illustrated -with lantern slides, will be given in home for their vacation are inA Treat for ©nialisns -the-library by the librarian, Mrs. vited to attend that evening. Maaisclse-wits ' ICoslier Sena W. Murtagh, at 4:30 SunFood P r o d ucts ,_ -.,., . ENTERTAINS COMMITTEE . day afternoon. 9.KOSHEK BSAKS IFI TOMrs. Harry Trustin, assisted by E1ATO ''SAUCE ' Mrs. Moe Katelman, -will enter' TO SPONSOR DANCE • VESSTASLE- SOUP An unusual social event will tain for the committee of the I . •••' . .'- ' •TOSSATO.SOUP fake place during the winter'hol- Beth El which- is collecting: the Aslc ' f o r MaaJseliawJta: ldays. Miss Betty Soref and Miss pleages-for the building fund. Ruth'Friedman are sponsoring a. Food ? r o a a c t s a t Your Bubscription matinee dance in the i HONORED ON BIRTHDAT Grocer or Call • A. group of friends, honored Crystal ballroom of the Hotel ! \ Rome on.Sunday, December 26, Reuben Kulakofsky at a BTirprise birthday party at the Blackstone between 2:30 and 5:30. (Distributor) Tickets maybe purchased from hotel on December 2. About 25 persons attended. • either of the girls. -,-

ue Group of

By every standard of comparison, the B o y s ' Own S t o r e ' has

lot Miss Ause Goocbisde ! North Fifty-first street. Kabb; Hilton A. Kopstein wil! eontintts • On .Sunday, December. 12, at A large crowd attended the \ "is discussion cf Jewish laws. j 2:30 at the Jewish Community j Chanukab. tea and drawing given | the Ladies* Tree Loan on De- | | Center the chapter will hold the iby ceraber 1. Mrs. S. Epstein was \ VAAl 1 election of officers for the ensa- I awarded the silverware set. j :ng term. Mrs. J. Miller, ticket chairman', | -j^g CDSC Snsfbcth rf the A send-off smoker, he'd in wishes to thank the committee j Vasd auxiliary will take Place o~ honor of men leavrng for the reg- and all others who helped make! Saturdsv December 11. st 2 p. m. ional convention, will be given at the drawing a success. !a* the-hoice of Mrs. E. SicmsE. the home of Joe Gass on Sunday, An executive meeting cf the ' 401 North Thirty-first street. December 19. Ladies' Free Loan will bs held I Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein will All men who intend to enter December 15 at 2 p. in. at the j give the second of kjs series of the oratory or 'debate contests at home of Mrs. H. Gnss, ££17 lectures on "Outsi£.r,dinc Jlcvethe. convention must have their North -Nineteenth street. cents of Jewish History." orations and work letter-perfect.



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IttlllSi INTO A VALLEY—Mas E. Nohl, 27, of Ililwaukes. being assisted out of his diving suit in which he descended 420 feet, greatest depth ever reached by a human, near Port Washington, Wis. He touched the bottom of a valley in Lalie Michigan.

C A E N I V A L — Lovely Patsy O'Connor of Butte, Mont., will bsthe first American girl ever to wear the crown as cjuee of the Banff. Canada. Winter Carnival, to be held Feb. 0-13. The charmins American speed skater won the honor at last year's carnival. Ker throna will be a mila hish in tha C d i s Roddes.

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iiil QUIZZED —A Palestine police official questions Jewish youths and others, after three Arabs were shot i~ the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem, recently. The shooting, which took place near the scene of this picture, was one of several racial outbreaks in the city. Note the Jewish boys with their symbolic curly sidelocks, in contrast with the blase youngster at left.






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PLAGUED — Secretary of State Cordell Hull.concerned with the worries of state, as seen by the American caricaturist H a y l e . The S e c r e t a r y continuously strives diplomatically for peace in the world, although he believes firmly In upholding the dignity of the United States. Many 'demands are made upon him in these parlous days.


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ESTEZafATIOICil. GUESTS—TiZty-fziz: naKoss s^:e rcia ths Kplc~"tic Corps ta T7arhiastan» Icrsest ever c in any ca?i:^.L Oerpite rcrs cad rumors cf WJJS, ccrdi tallty exists csioss- tissa rcprcsantctiTcs cf fcrtl^a which extends fre:n t i 2 p-mcti^c-Js cffisiil life to tes social cctirltlis already la progress. Hence, the c i t diplomats are fccii^ translcraed frcs solemn cuJiss to cf real enjeynezt. STest to tirs. Eoccerelt es ths nstisn's hostess at these cccs^sioss is the pop'^l^r cicxk-hcircd. tall csd. sler Gull. \rife*cr Sscrstary c* Slate Cornell Ec2, siotra


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tiaiiiiiiis IT WAS GOBT—His right foot trell protected, while he uses a, cane.vhero is Great Britain's Prime Minister. Neville Chambsrlaln, who, has been suffering, irom an attack of gout. But recuperating, he is shown leaving 10 Downing Street.

POLO ACES FEOM MEXICO—Mexico's famed polo team as it arrived in San Francisco to p!i? z. series with, an all-star California Quartet.. Left to right, with Dora, Major Antonio Kara , Ccptuin Alberto Sesma, Lieutenant Jose Villalobos, Major Juan Gratia, Major Francisco lledina end Julio Muller. The team, was a runnerTup ia the 1935 Olympic contests.





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advantages of Center athletic departnieat.


A. Z.A. Selects All-Axnericon

"! \

<" . i - „ , r <~ • About SO men have bean, showlag up to ths buslneL^ men's noon I r ; Ii:.i'u Ic" ; en ^ e Ccrr.l.u.' Although Old Jack Frost has hour Health club class -which beSam Beber, iresSdsrit c* the TOMORROWS .NEWS : . .-. , B'nal B'rlth'a spokesmen are finally settled in, the Jewish com- gins -at 12:15 -with, calisthenics Aleph Zadifc Aleph, today anI'? •" Any day now t h e front pages telling audiences that B . B . in-munity .-nevertheless brave the and then finishes with hotly con- nounced the selection of the A. Z. j At the late services tcnigl cont:r.i; Rabbi Uri Hiller cl Kev; Orler.ns, sness with t!' spired the screening _of the Zola tested v o 1 l"e y fai a 11 skirmishes. cold winds to get in some-valu.Trill explode a story about ;a Wall A. All-Jewish All-American foot- i Street combine t h a t i s putttagr-up picture . '. . The Hebrew Free able moments In the Center gym. Those that have been coming up ball team, made '-under direction La., vrlll be tlie jruest Epetker. Earp gtufiic Rabbi Milton A. Kopstein v;ill atrical rrou r Loan Society in.New York has iso regularly are: Les 'Burkenroad. Prom 9 :"30 in the "morning till new -dally -lieavy dough l o r a of-Irvia-r Kupcinet, sports editor | conduct tlie services, Cantor A. an much money, lying -idle In banks Sam Gyiinsky, Jos Colin, Dave 9:30 in* the evening Physical Di• newspaper in . New York City, of the-Chicago Daily News ana of . -which will advocate Fascism for that it la looking for borrowers rector Lee Grossman is in the Conn, Irvin St'almaster, C. B. j the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate Sehwaczkin "sril! ofr.iciE.te. Tee \ currpr.t v-^oi "Will be served utter services. . Leaders of Shanghai Jewry thick of it with classes In all'in- Sjchoppe, John Sterling, -America . -. ^ "Ti3 Bald-that, a eec(serving Anglo-Jewish newspawho have been criticizing Jewish Brodkey, On Saturday .rcor-ii-g ?.!f]rin. door sports. As I see it, those to Dr. Paul Ellis, Gale .fetary of Nasl propaganda minispers thro-uglio-jt t h e t7nited the son of J.Irs. X. Linsmer, will |-control of: t*--- rter. Goebbels. is here incognito- In relief agencies in America for that do turn up their noses at the Margolin, Fr4nkiin Vincent, Joe States). becorae Bar JlitzvEh. I Stuc.c-nt cou'-r-r "• "the interests of this scheme . » . * their alleged failure to aid the bad weather and take advantage Rice, Julius HornsteiE, Ernest Of the 22 men selected for a The Junior CongTeerUion serv-I Biff Jones, n r Anti-Kazi circles report that the war-stricken community seem to of the Center facilities have it J'riesroaii, Jack Sadofskr, Mas first and secocd teara by-Jewish • 'real reason for the so-called "per- have forgotten that two ."of the 6ver|hose who lounge around as Platt," Hy Belman, San Co&en. newspaper editors throughout the ices start promptly at 10 a. m. at j cers. End an "N" • 'sonal" visit to these shores I of richest Jewish families in the much more is gotten out of life Phil - KiutzmacS, Phil Feldman, country, seven have been named the - Congregation B'nai Israel, | t've are E.ISC-- or. Eighteenth and Chicago streets, j board. "Hitler's adjutant... Krltr ; Wlede- wbtld, the Sassoons and Kadoor- if one is- in tlie right physical Iz Levlnson, Al FieWer s,sd Jack on other JUl-Ar-tericsis^ teams seMrs. Kex Chasen •will be hostess j mann Is a series of secret pow- ea, have headquarters in Shang- snaps, therefore being in the Bann. lected thus far this year by sports it o t h e children after services. hai . Congratulations to the Lonright mental attitude to take full to be held for• tha purpose THen-nT".-'. v writers. The first team "selection -| 3. C. C -61 injecting new life into the Ger- don, Jewish Chronicle on its new advantage of- all that is" offered was E.S follows: : BETE EL • "man-American Bund,. which has type face Standings The change,_the us. ' Be one of the lucky memL. E.—Bill Luftman, Drake At services tonight Kab'c-i -been losing members:at a rate first In thirty years, is a great bers of the' Center and enjoy Pet. university. W. David A. Goldstein will ep2£.k on that should warm,tht5;coc£le3 of mprovement Unification ol physical happiness. , r " -' •• i Sooners , . . . . . , , s o 10 ',667 I T r.t L. T.—Milt 'pollack, California. "What Is the T-Llmud." any good' Jewioh heart . . "Fuetnv anti-Nazi boycott activities In this dnrinj Cyclones . . . . . . . 17 13 .567 denl "L. G.—Leroy "Mqnsky, Alabama Nest week ELbbi GolcEiein'r ! er Frits Kuhn will- get the. axe, country is in sight.. . . The AntiThe' b a s lc e t b all enthusiasts Tigers 1 " 13 .56™ Center—Sam Stah'l, Cornell. Eerraon will be, "Growing Up— 54 rears old. r - r at "Wiedemann's orders, we hear Nazi League, the'- Joint Boycott whose enthusiasm has been slow- "Wildcats 14 .533 16 R. G.—Sol Maggied, Ohio State How to Bsccrne a ?.'«tcre FP~F-on- scientist who <..--;. . . .On'the'other hand, some who Council and the Jewish. War. Vet- ly diminishing due to the lack of Cornhuskers , . . 12 IS .400 of Ivlarshal J ot i_ r :. R. T.^Joe Ober, Pennsylrania. claim to be in the :know.| declare erans have reached an agreement an organized league can start Jayhawkers S .22 .2 67 \Jt. E.—Alex Schoenbauin, Ohio Kegi:lar Saturday i s o r n i i i f ; .that .Wiedemann's realmission Is to act together' in ' investigating working hard at the game again * - serrices are held at f* o'clock. At Tuesday night's bowling ses- State. to mate the Nazi movement here boycott violators . . . And before for when December SOta rolls Q. B.—Al Litwak, Vv'estern Re-1 jCantor - . . - , * ^ . - .Aaron ».^«^ T-.J^-^ ,.„„-the n,.! Tiema (J" , . . „, . , , . . • , I Bion the Tigers took two games Edgar and so strong that it will • serve as a long we expect further unification serve university. Beth El choir will lead the servalong, they will find themselves . i ing ol the model for all other countries »•. at the beginning ot a fast anc f r o c l t h e g o o n e r s t h e w i d c a t s L. H.—Sid Luckman, Columbia i ce s. ir.v.r.Ur £l.=t If Kuhn does get the gate his suc- ABOUT PEOPLE furious ••' season. Nest Monday two out of their three frora the R. " H.—Sid White, Brooklyn | . i and the Jayhatrkers cessor will probably be not a •Ger; IsrE.el T£E,'lic: Th& California,' annulment of night," December 13. at 7:30 i a s Cyclones, two from the Corahuskers. college. j T53^«T*Xi"5"! •man but a" Hungarian,- :by the the marriage of the former Erika been set by Lee Grossman &3 the Fire hundred series "were ' F . B.—Marshall Goldberg, Pitt, j Rabbi David K. "price will clis- ; name ot Joseph Nagy ^ ', . Note Lowendahl and Mohammed Essad final meeting night of the man-bo-wled by Jack Melcher, 501; . The second team selected -was: j cuss "Cor,Terts to Judaism" &E 'to" President. Nicholas; Hurray- Bey, internationally famous au- agers whose teams expect to play. Sam Meyerson, 527; Leo Weitz, L. E.—Ed Krause, Western Re-j the subject of this ever ing's ser- : Butler of Columbia u University: thor, revealed a sensational story Regulation AAU rules •will pre- 536, and B. Minkin, 513. serve university. j mon. \ The story is going the ; Toands .". . Essad Bey, it-seems was sore vail at all time and more than A new policy was inaugurated L. T.—Leo Disend. Albright. j Next week he will spetk ors anything else Eportsmanship that one of yonr prominent pro- because he had to leave Germany Tuesday night when it was deL. G.—Herman Spector, Xavy. i "Are We Losing This Genera-; fessors is secretly a big shot Nazi with his wife, daughter ot a be stressed. It's a. great thing— ided to pay the bowliog expenses Center—Jerry Stein, N. Y. Cits- lion?" sportsmanship;—whether in athagent Concert managers won- wealthy German Jew, "because she letics, business or social affairs every week of the raan who bowls college. • Regular Saturday m o r n i n g dering why audiences at concerts is non-Aryan • . . It now turns out sportsmanship may mean the dif- he most pins over his average. R-. G—Ed Merlin, .Vanderbilt. services s t the Temple begin at In erraj by ""Jo3e Iturbi, the Spanish pi- that Essad'Bey is himBelf a'Jew, ference between success or -fail- The first winner was L. Singer, R. T.—Ed Stern, Pennsylvania 11 o'clock. cfeese c anist, have suddenly fallen off having been born with the name ure. Always be'a good sport and whose average 5s 12S and who Military academy. R. E.—Marty Gliekman, Syraought to know that he's been of Leo Nussinbaum, which he the. rosy things In life will nat- bowled 440, giving him 56 pins Santlert. over his average. cuse. seen too . often in the intimate dropped when he embraced Islam urally be yours. •we e r e . company of known Nazi -agents '. . . Mrs. Essad Bey claims that Q. B.—Beraie • Bloom, New rst?vinee Harold Turkel, Lincoln. . WES ! on the Pacific Coast . ' . . There the Jewish moslem told he he was York university. rctRinec I know the Jewish All-Ameriof princely Arabian lineage . . . the Loni Be-' will be no publicity'about It, but L. H.—Sully Sherman, Chicago declared winner cp i c ^~e bate __trophy last week. This various undercover 'agents of But a little snooping revealed can team has been selected, but I university. vrHc vn'P can't help_ rattling off a few Last Tuesday evening s t the trophy is giren a Undo' Sam are quietly, checking that Essad and ,'• Leo. both mean R.- H.—Sol 'Nschten, Boston t o take c * freshman debate co petition, arid up on disturbing reports of Nas "loan," and that Bey means words about a Jewish player preliminary oratory eliminations uni versify. Tight here in our-own midst who held by the Mother Chapter of is awarded on the basis and Fascist activities on the pan "princeling" • • • The Communists mai \ B.—Al Hessberg, Yale. of hlsh-ranking army and navy Tailed to elect any' members in would have received a berth -on A.--Z. A. to determine who is to Of those selected on the A.Z. terial, stvle, argument and pre- tk p pas' New York's City Conncil, "but that the All-American had it not been represent the chapter in the ora-A. All-Jewish, All-Aiaerican. foot-I eentation. The debate was judged officers . . . isvite you t c f--.i «-•«.." for the fact that he played on & tory finals at the Cornbelt Regatigiist body, wilt have one memball team, the folowin have |jbj" b the h university's debate coach, ciisplay 5 CJC7T_ F.VC NAZI GROANS losing ball club. Nobody plots a ional tournament, '"which is to be ber who was quite a revolutionist Highly-placed German officials man from a poor team, but even held in Rock Island, 111., at the been selected on other general I ^.Ed Turtel was selected from a All-Amertanr teams: Mai-shall Held of 15. f?peakin-r on tbe have been sounding out Washing-1 i n - his younger days_ against tremendous odds, Sam ton-again about the. possibility of Charney Yladecfe, Who-saw the in- Gantman of St.". P a u l came end of this month, Stanley Tarkel Goldberg, Sid Luckman, Alex question, "Keaolvefi: Thet we sr~ r0Te t h e and Irving Nogg won the right to Monroe Doctrine as esa German-American -reciprocal side, of many of the: most notori- through for honorable mention. compete in the final eliminations Shoehfcaura,- Milf Pollack, Lercy! P Moasky, Marty Glickman and Al ! pressed hy "President 'Monroe," . trade treaty . . . But it's no soap, ous Czarist prisons - • .Governor Sammy who matriculated at St. •which be .held before the HesEberg. j TurkeFs delivery was the high-: because the State Department de- Henry Homer of Illinois almost Thomas Military school . in St. ' their ; next . r?sular chapter at | llg-Sit ' of t i e debate, Enfl r ? * • had himself-pinched as a kidnapmands' drastic changes .In Nazi Paul was chosen on the All- meeting nest Sunday afternoon. Asti-JewisH SHI •Shelved' fiscal views . . . George Sylvester: per recently . . .He.was standing Catholic team of-- five states in At this same meeting the' chapRobert BemstPjTi, oiti^h?" f- • a Springfield • candy store both i>askett>all and. football. This Viereck, personal irlend of the ter's new pledge class which has when he noticed two litfle girls ex-Kaiser-and once", charged with 19-year-old flash was highly . V ~' Istanbul <JTA)— A bill that being- a Nazi propagandist, seems window shopping . . . When he praised when, he finished his been working hard for the past "R-puld ban foreign Je-R-s from j Crack s«"UEfi, -perfcrmed a ?.*'> r t few weeks .under Morris Arbitthat 'group's fiemonstrp.tion ?z the to have-had the good.fortune to: invited them inside to have some freshman year at Creighton and Turkey -frill be shelved, it "was re- iannual military ball last v-eck. man, pledgemaster, be forcandy a nearby State trooper • £J Bernstein demo-""trated offend the/Nazis . -.His new started to investigate, and had to folks nearabouts thought of him;mally- Initiated.' After the initia- liably learned..' ' ' fare: as the one to lead the university, book, "The KaiEer.on;Trial," Jiasj tion these boys and the active be convinced ot the' Governor's to great glory in coming years. been, banned in Germany because^ members of the chapter -srill be will be ieid. The boys who £.re J re^t id'entity- before he - admitted, that ItJaJtoo; bad-that one man it eit"ol3,' two German Jews, Max! Slspgesture rto the children r.•addressed--'by-"IB.* -protalneaf- local completing their terms with this j Irrin Vs."?. Orr-iJ-r.. :s o::e 4 1 r nerve injury TCtrs-tjaa Walther h ^ been_ purely friendly 3'aal B'rith man. Kefresisieats meeting are Ray Schapiro, presi- ' . . . The for their efforts to maintain Jthe. ernor Incidentally set somo kind shoulder-'sustained in early prac- Trill be served at this raeetiiig.dent; Sara T*-"olki Tjce-president; . monarchy,. . . Worse yet, the vol-' ot:a precedent byV lighting the tice! hindered him to. the extent The meeting neit Sundaj- -trill Dave Tv'einer and Max Prostok,.' ume is-'adorned with a picture of first ^andle at the .Chanukah eel-, that ' usually being a triple- be the-.Jast. regular meeting in Bergeant-st-arms; Daniel Miller,; another., noted, German Jew,- the ebration Of "St. .Louis*. Temple Is-; thrkater his duties were cut down this . term. At the next reg-nlar chaplain,, and Morton 3iargolin, [ l a t e r Bhipping:.;-magnate' Albert r a e l . . . . . :; to blocking.- Even at that Sam- me'eting tha election of officers reporter. } ' - •"• • . • - " ' Ballin--'.'. .-Incidentally, Viereck IN ARTY CIRCLES by has proven to folks that In has. expressed his disgust at Nazi that department he is one of the James Waterman Wise, author best in the game and to you folks totalitarianism and persecution of Jews' In a letter to,Elmer fiertzi son ol Dr. Stephen S- "Wise, has my has proven to folks that he of the. Chicago, law firm of Mc-written an 'anti-Fascist s o n g coming years. 1 / y n Inerney, Epstein and Arvey . . . called "We. March" to a tune In this letter he promised to fight from Brahms' First Symphony . . ..Because of the lackof players to the utmost any attempt; to Leo Schwarz's new 'book, "A there will be no class separation foist Nazism,upon America ... . \ Golden Treasury of Jewish Liter- the JCC handball tournament The Nazi camp at Andbver, N. J., ature," Is being recommended by scheduled to start Tuesday, Deis going to have anti-Nazi neigh- the Book of the Month Club • . . cember 14. Awards will be given bors . . . . . A labor group Is plan- Two art exhibits are attracting to the Class B team who finishes ning, to; set Up a camp : a,tTbtoFa, New Yorkers these days . . . One at the top of \ h e less-talented twenty-five mile3 from Andover is being given by the children of players as well as the champions, .;:-»'Latest candidate for the JobBoris Schatz, creator of the Bez- Those entered to date are: M i i Of'becoming America's fuehrer is alel School at Jerusalem . . . The George • Schapiro a n d Jake 'i son, Bezalel, continues in the tra: 24-year-old Francesco Paul CasSchriebman. dition of his father and paints tprina,_ son Sol Yaffee and Jack Ban. worker. ." . of a Bronx WPA Palestinian landscapes and charMax Turner-JaKe Adler. . . He calls "himself the 'I5uce of 3,000 American fascists' acters . . . The daughter, Zahara, Millard Sigal-Sam Zorinsky. andrinodestlyiconfesses.. to; pos-has•-•&.fine water-color brush -with Morris Bloom-Is Bogdanbff. sessing a combination of the.'best an entirely French point of view Sam Teper-Earl Siegal. * . qualities' .of Hitler and Mussolini .--. . 4>. few blocks away* Jacob *KalHarold Garbor-Leoiiard Seiner. . . . - H e boasts that when he wasisch of. Cleveland, has an exhibiAaron Epstein-Sam Epstein. in; Ge'rmany two years ago i e ;re- tion of sculptures- dedicated to the Iz .Novak-Paul Bogdanoff. «elved the'Hitler CroS3 for organ- American laborer . . . Convention•'-••'I \f.K-yj <V£ Harry Altschiiler-Nonasn Koral stuff, but typically American. izing Fascists ^ ney. . . _ H e . . ..The whole range of: Jewish America - also ;brags of f ?£: Les Giventer-Jim Burroughs. getting flattering adaptablliiy^is revealed In theaa George Spitzer-Bill Skolnkk. letters from Sir Oswald "JMbsley two exhibits, which prove. once »'• r ' Al Oruch-Morris Rosen. and General Franco v . ..And, sig- more" that there Is no; such thing Dave Richards-Hy Weiner. nificantly enough^ lie was a,."mem-as is, specific-illy Jewish art . . . . Herman Coreaman-Hy Levin. ber of the 7lBt Regiment-of the When you: read-the critics* raves New York.National Guard* Tintil about the operatic voice of Lyla Four of the Saronl-just'remember that in lj.es1 •; A new morning women's clas3 three months ago twentyrthree Smith : College . gals H.Qines, her ' hown town, they has been organised by L e e r- ~ Grossman which brings Into use imbibing G e r m a n . culture a t t h eknow her as Lylyan "Sachs'. ,. ^ gyza and pool facilities German House In Northampton, Molly Picon-came back from her Mass.,' a r e non-Aryans'o . . . tour of South Africa, with a fancy This class convenes %t 9:30 in the Tuesday and TOU vocabulary Of Afrikaans, the morning b o t h There's going to be a grand South African Dutch dialect, as Thursday and is for the Jewish scrap for the presidency" of the well as with\critics' notices call- women only. The other tsornlng National Council of. Jewish Wo- ing her the O. Henry of the stage class on Monday, Wednesday and men at the Pittsburgh convention . . . -Ventriloquist Edgar Bergen Friday has to date an enrollment of 30 women who are taking ful' The leading can- and-his dummy, Chralies McCarnext: month thy,' have Jewish contemporaries didate 1s Mrs.' Maurice Goldman of-New York, but she'll get stiff Patronize Our Advertlcers competition from Mrs. Alexander j in Ludwig Satz, the stage comic, Kann of Washington, D. C. . . '. j and his wooden protege YoshSe A similar battle, is brewing for|Klotz (Joe "Wood"to you), who<\ the • International presidency of are luring Broadway sophisticates no so. ism ST. B'nal B'rith - . •. A new Eaglish- to the Roumanian Village . . . -y JjOTi'iBlfweeKly" Is about to appear (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts Feature- Syndicate) In South-Jersey . -. . Speaking 'of 1 il Bsslish-Jewish "weeklies, -lanky Abe Allen dropped the editorship Appeal to Polish T7omea \'.* ot Brooklyn's'after one week, to Warsaw (JTA)—The Polish take" over the publicity' of the League for Peace and Democracy JDC'a New York-campaign-. . . circularized an appeal against C "Which reminds'Ms to tell you that anti-Semitism and urging free,, »«T" f tao national 'chairmanship of the dom and T>eace for all citizens X. JDC campaign,' vacant-since tho The appeal is* directsd largely to death of Fells 2.1. Warburg, may Polish women. bo iilled by Herbert H. Lehman, if he doesn't decide to change bis Albany" residence for n Senatorial Oar Faacra! Parlors Aa*o Ftarssshcd \ik Hana© ,j toga in Washington • . . Political fCOOHTSOUS—RSUABLS" insiders are saying • that Lelnnan may exchange places with Sena- tor Bob Wagner because tho latter is the only Democrat who can. win labor's support in the 183S SSrd HA 1228 New York, gubernatorial election

- ByPMKAS j . siaon



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Sigma Alpha Mui

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t-born •women, the __«tli Hoyt: of-New "*sr.' center,.and; tlie'..--; 7 Letts *of Chicago,- . I. right.- ' ..diplomatic scene .are . e Btissian Ambassa-, ' Italian Ambassador^ .; h& Ambassador from ' ; talented • and ;cnaixn- ; s quickened. • ',- : .




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k i — Krsf arbitration t i Wy'of the United AtrtpI Corners, CIO affiliate, in begun in Detroit.- belt .and General Motors. Willard S. Hotchkiss. by decision both-sides'have to .abide.

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-oa U. S. Anny Sicscl Corps) - >

3un." during a-recent test ' J:igned to-fly low in raifls ^ zl 800-horsepower motors.- •' STrishi Dnitsfl

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yrgbt, 1637, by Seven Arts by the auxiliary of the synagogue. Blatt" . . . "And now," the; revaria every 10 years 'since 1G34, among other free men. Such is, among and by the Bide At the meeting which followed porter said as ha sipped cham- Feature Syndicate) with "Aryan" spectacles, the of many oilier cogent arguments, the-dinner, Mrs. Charles Barriers pagne at the press table, ""look semi-official Qssen-atore Romano was elected president of the the fiiEfiamentEl reason wfcr CV.T at him and look at me" . ; . t'ltudwrote. F"!«iBF.NB!. r RC, BB, B E 8 "^ R auxiliary; Mrs. I. Levin, vice- wig, whose real name • Is Em.ll T&e T a t r e a n mouthpiece sons ana daughters Elioulfi get ED E.L.LEV, \ity-2.' president; Mrs. A b e Saltlin, Ludwig Cohn, incidentally relates Sank. Bidg., education'In vrfclcS JeTusti Lncirlstressed that despite denials from E3ISS ANNA PILL eorrcspsadeal treasurer; Mrs. ' S. Bolotnifeov, privately that his favorite White Germany concerning; the "liquida- efijre Is integrated v.'ltfc tfce totalsecretary, and Mrs. Sam Baker, Souse personality Is Steve Early, tion" of the "Passion Play," the ity of culture. And vX prprcr.t tlic T. the Barish Sanders recording secretary.Teshivs college is tbe only ; LlGiOV 'CO.. F. D. R.'s secretay, because" he" report is "substantially tree." Nebraska corporaitoh. • Robert Pill, Bobby Slotsky, LeonRabbi S. Bolotnikov of Tlptution of learning in. America was the only one to call him Erail v-5-.h .!sr m-irinirn! nincw of trfinsafiting Declare Aati-Sessitie Groups Isaac Pinto headed a company ard Stein, Bernard Weiner, Doris Dusineps a t Omaha, aflo|>tHence !•(< r-T: Rri^nsnnciif t^e'hrapba, of Jews who in 1712 ,defended where this is possMe. Already Losing Grueskin, Joanne Agranoff, Mor- hereth Israel synagogue delivered . . . Everybody else, including his c HE Articles <rf the-principal address and a muthere is no worthier institution, wife, calls him Ludwig . . . . fneorpc-.?.£for. by T'liir!- Article I wall the village o ' Savanna ia Suriton Greenstone, Harold KosenInfluence no worthier cause. It is the cause iLmende*;'. to read j*s rollows: nan against the French. thal, Barbara Robinson, Billy sical program was presented. Morris Lazriowich was chairman . D R . ISRAEL GOLDSTEIN: of Jewish spiritual freedom, Steel?, Mexico City (JTA by Airmail) forpnrntfon.' shall Heeger and Herbert Holland. T'ne of the program. Here's hoping you have gooff fly- —High political leaders in an inSunday evening Rabbi Lewis f j D a reel lit. on; arm, ?i em-ask W01LD S WIKBOW Ing weather to enable you to car- terview with X>er' Weg, Yiddish spoke at the evening service of BAF;iSH F A X n S > S .ATOTOR CO. ry out your plans to fly- to thenewspaper, declared flatly that the First Unitarian church. (Coatiniied frons page 1) Bv Mai'. JU. ;iivriph, President. anti-Semitic measures recentfy j Pacific Coast on a Saturday night, Wednesday he delivered two Large Attendance Expected at foolish, to any fallacy, Jibwerer | IMATIONAL A f R i ' X o ^ u ' r . . 6 N ' ] N G , addresses at the University of Members of the Ladies' auxil- deliver ten speeches for the Jew-introduced into parliament have Annual Synagogue Wisconsin in Madison, speaking iary of Shaare Zion. entertained at ish National Fund in five days, not the slightest chance of adop- gross or stupid. The illiterate L i ™ ? i l c ? . , i s , . h e r e b j * P i ' v « " ttip.t the TWJew, tbe Jewishly illiterate Jew, before the Inter Faith group at a card party Monday evening in and return in time to preside- at tion. Affair & KKULEY, • .Memorial Hall and the National the synagogue social hall. • Re-the Friday night services; at your Among those subscribing to is' st the mercy of the whole Conference .of Jews and Chris- freshments were served a n d Temple B'nal Jeshurun Y . I : this declaration •were Deputy Al- world's follies and of the whole 0 s Sank Shaare Zion fathers and sons tians. i . O X A L AIR OOND1. fonso Sanchez Garcia, president world's crimes. He will be pleased ri"-'f c!?. \ i .5\ o . ^ A iN'u The- principal vine prizes awarded. . have their annual banquet with repeating for the thousntioTi on Petition 5:T of business shall be Pt Or^aha " N " fc WAUCHOPE: Wonder if youof the constitutional committee, andth'futile time some cM mis- braska, End the general nature of'thp I'inaS Adminlstni! for £e~t?r?m^Sunday evening, December 12, in Tomorrow he will address the ? and Mayas Navarra, unofficial International Relationship club, ov. A^COT^V.. business to be transacted eha! W e «the synagogue social hall at 6:3CT Mrs. Nick Sherman • departed realize Jiow "big news" Palestine take. Ke will cot carry the conOui1-!.. of Pouglas In the & o'clock. This annual affair has and Wednesday he will talk a t Sunday for Lincoln, Neb., where has become in the last few- private secretary to President sciousness ' of his funSasaental manufacture, deal j n , lease. KOU.' and ?v, in t h e Matter of ; ;iCour.iy. ! l e E 1 Ksis.te c-. .ieam-tie Eubln, always attracted a capacity at- Whiting/ la., for. the. Farm night Mr. Sherman is engaged in busi- months? . . . Y o u would if you Cardenas and a leader of the Na-possessions ia his nicd and heert. thereof, aceesories, ' instr-.rneir-"*!""Jo* ! vices, end to deal in. any ""end Wn cie- —"—''• tional Revolutionary party. tendance, and the .committee in school. Yet he will be—we have all sees vices, parts End supplies ocmrtec^T AT: person? ;r ness, and where they will make were aware that some of Ameri"Jews," said Senor Navarra, and heard him—a bragrsrt and a therewith or relating thereto, both "at fpr a?e hereby Uied that on- the ca's most famous newspapermen charge of the arrangements plan their home. . . "»;h Oay of > por. .• J9S7, Jsnno are now in tKe Holy Land',. . ; . "have nothing to fear from this boaster, noisy and empty at the To appb' for, purchase, or In «*»"• TUibir: to accommodate a large number. filed a p n in Kaid County caxnapign, which played-out poliI^awrence Baron •will act as same time. It is ignorance that manner ocqiiire arm hold, t o operate C^'ir*. iirayinc shr* vn?" fJnal d f t Miss Lillian Rorlich spent last They include John Gunther, Chiand pell, arid to license others. Fno In strptior. f>rrT".!P+ n'l'"'! herein •,he, toastmaster. Mr. A. I*. Feinbergweek-end In Kansas City. Miss cago Daily News correspondent; ticians without influence are conany manner deal with any and t>Vtied end allowed, ami iirat Jie b e ducting against them. We know Phelps Adams, New York Sun's •will speak in behalf of the faMaiylin Rorlich arrived in Sioux g-hts, inventions, Improvements ami wi? and that a what Jews have accomplished for tor -p-lth thers. Earl Himowltz in behalf of processes. rocesses City recently from- Gary, Ind.; toWashington correspondent and ul on said petition g v be him that hearingTo purchase, lease, or otherwise ;i before a free man Mexican industry-"Webb Miller, crack. United Press the senior sons, and Arthur Davis sni'l Cnnrt on the "7h "7thd d a y of make her home with her sister. j acquire, r.nd p.nfi to hole!, hold, CTTI, sell VT\'1 bf Navarra recommended to Dep- j di in behalf of the junior sons. , man . , : . Not to mention our o-vyn j dispose of real and persona] Wrojx^tr ! December. li>:17. nnd that if-you :^aii The Jewish Art Theater group ' i tc iii>D(>;u i«io?i? siiiu Court, o n. t h t | Of £l] kinds, a n a to deal in stocks Miss Goldie Levin, who will Homan Slobodin . . . Wonder if uty Garcia appointment of a com- j i bonds, debentures e.nd secu-ities sA isnid "7th i!<-.y of n c r e m b e r . 1987, »t 9 The theme of the banquet will recently organized at the Jewish j o'clock A, ?'•;., ETKI contest said.. t>etlO F INCORPORATFS'N OP \ evpry sort. fjo the SS Shaare Zion, with dec- Community Center will be pre-leave next week for Portland, Gunther will be writing an "In-mission to determine who is be-!NOTICE E i To borrow Tnorser for its rorpo-Eie ! t'nn. the C=--'r-t. rp.-y E r a n t - t h e prayer hind the current anti-Semitic agi- [ ^ " N E T T D I S P U A Y E SERVICE, orations and table appointments sented to the public at an open Ore., to make her home, was side Palestine" . . . purposes, to issue bonds, ipbemnr*-^ lot said pctrciori. enter a de«ree i*t tatlon, declaring " I am not sure o r o b l i g a t i o n s of t h e c o r p o r a t i o n i r - m Micirshr), an<! nu-.l;»; such <Uher"anrt carrying out the ship idea, and meeting Monday evening, Decem- guest of honor at a dinner at the d Is hereby jrtrpn that the nu» i time t o firn«-. p p ^ fn ppp],i-p tt 1 p £f""T*!'"' that all this agitation does not Notice Oasis Wednesday evening. given ber 13, at the Center. ;waiters in sailor garb. i k i s Court ?rmy~ seem __ ne<2 have formed a corporation j by m o r t g a g e , piedg-e, Cieea, t r u s t o r I cre^s. • LUCKY-SEVEN: O u r oddI prot'f-r f: c-t>'" ;V>At a l l m a t t e i * pursuant to the laws of the State of i otherwise. singularly emanate froia foreign Fascists." Nebraska. Esther ^nd Pauline Friedman Two plays will be presented, by her co-workers at the Cohen hings department, said e s t a t e - m a y be name of the cornors- j To purchase, liolcl, sell snS transfer Deputy Garcia pointed out that tion shall - The be HARNETT DISPLAY | shares of stock of this and other corpresent a novelty number, "A Bargain's a Bargain" and Wholesale Grocery company. Miss quiet and contemplative f o r such suspicion exists and that SERVICE, INC., with, its principal CE CRAWFORD, i porations; to acquire the good-TVill, and Leroy Goldblatt will ' be "D-298." The cast in the first Levin will visit with friends in weeks, bursts forth with this beplace of business £n Oraahs. ~ ! rjg-ht.s. aspetp end property*, and tn County Judge. leard in a group of songs. A one- play will include Margaret Kos- Los-Angeles, en route to Port- ated bit of research .-. . Thecertain leftist groups in parliaI tiijusri£ke aiiu Ensiniie trie v/hoie or of the business to be ti . „... I any part o£ the oWipraUonP of c r y act play, "D-2 9 8," will be, given berg, Sally Weinstein, R u d y land. British Government's statement ment are already conducting in- ure by the corporation shall be to conduct j person, f^rm, Essociation o r a group from the Community Shindler, Joe Goldstein, Marvin of policy backing partition of Pal- vestigations along that line. a, window display service and genera! j tion. and in general !o do a r y t h i n q It was also made clear in the advertising business, both as princi- i insofar a s t h e sam? eppcrSsin to, Center Jewish Art theater. In Beechen and Sadie Taxer. In the Mr. and Mrs. Emil Levich, estine was issued the seventh day pal ar.d s s agent; to plan, derise end ' or be useful for, or necessary*, in concourse of the interview that anti2121 Nebraska street, announce the cast will bs Esther Erinberg, play "D-298" will appear Esther of the seventh month of 1937, make interior and exterior advertiae- nection •with the conduct of the fousiEarl Novich, Charles Schindler Erinberg, Lillian Rivin, Earl the birth of a daughter on De- ust seven years after the last im- Semitic groups are beginning to ^ ment and display installations of | ne^s of this corporation. 1 To carry on bURinoss p.t any or ksnd and nature; to sell or to and Rosalie Sacks. The play has Novich, Charles Shindler and cember 2 at the Lutheran hospi- portant statement of policy on lose influence in parliament, with every purchase, or otherwise acquire any ! places •within the jurisdiction o? the even, the proponents o £ the rebeen directed by Mrs. Lucille La- Rosalie Sacks. The plays • have tal. rigrhts. privileges, licenses or fran- i U n i r e ! States a n d ir. a n y End a'i; Palestine (the Passfield White suitable for the purposes of the foreign cotiritriep. yalliere. .. Paper) and has seven numbered c e n t l y introduced restrictive chises been directed by Miss Josephine corporation; to buy, hold, sell, mortThe aiithorizoS capital ptock f>f this measures dropping their support gage, trade end fieal in si] kinds of : corporation Community -singing and sur-Lavalllere. paragraphs . . . Moreover, it Isof them when they became COa- real and personal f?hri'S 5>e ^if'.noo.OO. t/!"'"?o?r; property; to bur. I one hundred fl()0> shares of. t h e jrrise gifts for the children will based .on the Royal Commission's Mrs.. Lucille Lavalliere, who is j p a r value of. each; BP.& K\~ of complete the program. report, the warrant for whose'au- vinced that they had been tricked i ; sa^d stock shall he common ptook ap.r. local director of the Federal theshi>.H be for in cash, notes or .Mrs. Ben Shindter and Mrs.ater project, will speak on the thorization was aigned by King by agitators whose sole interest [ kind, including stocks ana bonus of ;pother propeTfy or services, at. t h ^ JVHke^CSushkin are in charge of work of the group, and Miss Rodward (the Eighth, unfortu- was to spread anti-Semitism ia i tHn40T°traforth 1S~*ne <2<5™" e-4^*I reasonable market VBlue thereol, F.nd ; sh&ll be non-ass.essable.' the dinner arrangements. : as natural persons might or could do, nately) on August seventh of; last •Mexico. zena Sacks, member of the theaI and -which now or hereafter may be• The corporation shsl* rommeiicp year and which held seventy sester, will also speak. 1 authorized by law. The authorises \ cloinc" business on t h e 2Sno. c)"y of capital stock of this corporation shz.ll Ncvember, lOoT, nr.d i t s ^Kist^riee sions in Palestine . . . • MUNCHES MOVE TO The meeting and program are be S5,<>00, consisting' of 50 sharps o" • ?hal! tersninate or, the Cist day oi S o the par value of $100 each. { vember, 20?7. unl^ps i t s life tie c~~ open to the public, ar.d plans for AID STATELESS share of stock shall be fi:lly pa Tor i tended bpyonci sRid fiate t y arnepaMISH-MASH: Cigarette, factorthe coming months will be preand non-assessable when issued, The ! ment to these articles. corporation shall commence business I Thet the hig-hoFt amcnr.t. of pv.y !pies in Palestine turned. out,-the JEWS sented. Refreshments will conas of September 1st. 1937. and shs.1! Funeral services for Mrs. A.clude the evening's program. . o r liab!!;":y to which this neat little sum of 600 million of Oslo,' Norway (WXS) — Acontinue "or a period of 50 years ! debtefiness is r.t s.r;?' tirr?e to sucjec: ' ievin, 64, 1606 Ingleside avenue, ZIONISTS: The British Gov- the "coffin nails" in the first great relief effort to help.. 100,- thereafter. Hie hishcEt • amount c ' ]Icorporation itself, shall not exceed two-thirds of i yi-ero , held Monday afternoon in ernment has definitely turned eight months of 1937 . . . The 000 statele.53 persons ia Vienna, indebtedness to which the corporation i i t s capita! stock. • j a t any tiise subject itse'.f. shsll I That the aflairs cf this corpes-ati^n j Shaare Zion synagogue, with thumbs down on the proposal to American Tobacco Company had most of them Jews, i s being or- shall ; o r pSeasnrG not exceed two-thirds of the cnpUal •; s'na.I! be conducted I 1 " P. bofirn of <5i- 1 Babbl H. R. Rabinowitz and CanClark makes convene a round-table conference, better start looking to its laurels ganized by .the Naisen Help for stock, but • this restriction shaJ] not 1 ; rectors tef not less than t*s*7c nor more ; r- of opera. indebtedness fcyrnorttor Ai-PIiskin officiating. Mrs. the Stateless, founded last spring T BInclude ag-es or liens. ^ h e secured we hear via the London grapes>s % restful .. David Ben Gurlon's daughbusiness of tlve ' than five, s n d the lol!ov:jns oiCicsrs: I Ii6vin died- Sunday evening foletui ot t h » by Odd Xaasea, son of the late 1 corporation _ shall be conducted by a! terj- End Treasurer, a r y two of ^-hich j vine . . . There will be no offi: lowing a lingering illness. She Committees for the coming cial announcement, though, so ter Geulah is now Mrs.' Emanuel „ , 7 7 - „ -,. , t , board of Erectors, to consist of netoffices may be held by otse a n d the i Font",. .Tiflturr.'i-, An<? m o d ben Eliezer . . . George Sokolyear were named by Mrs. William i ;was born in Russia -and moved to e r s t e charsres, v.n tweVi &s tor you'll have to take Peters'.word sky's boy (whose late mother was Fridtjof Nansea. The stateless i ]gSS t h a 7 l 1 W 0 persons, End by the of-' same person. EEXRT R. 5TARP~AI,u. 1 Erenberg a t a luncheon meeting rnprn <»CAiT>n--.n<T;s ijonS. CiV» i DersoE3 i a Vieaaa are outside the I ficers of the corporation, who" shall be Sioux City in 1913. *innl FignUtCKn.-e ' t o sBsur-' • KOSK o-yv.r^ij. \ of the Hebrew Mothers club, held for it . . . Also Dr. Chaim Weiz- Chinese) is a student at a TalI . , . . .. i a president, vice-president, secretarv in-rorfi—COMFORT, Surviving Mrs. Levin are three Tuesday mann will not visit these shores mud Torah . . . Joseph C. Hyman category of reiUgees whom the ] ?'ices may be held by the same person. • j afternoon in the Shaare Prps^-nc? Of: f n d treasurer, any two of trhich ofdaughters, Mrs. Jack Mushkin Zion social hall. • in December, as predicted . . . of the J. D. C. Is now a suburIKVTX C L.EVIX. [ !|5£,S( Nansea Bureau in Genera sup12-S-ST-4t. £ and Mrs. Joe Friedman of. Sioux And probably will not get here having taken a house In plies with passports. The Nausea tion's business. • The articles may be City and Mrs. Dave Chudacoff of In charge of menus will be for the next three months at least banite,' amended a t GJ?.y regular or special Mt- Vernon, which makes him. a Help plans to set up a perman- meeticg' of the stockholders by a ma•Wagner, S. D., and two sons, Hy- Mrs. J. Jacobson, Mrs. S a m neighbor of our boss . . . There ent bureau in Vienna to procure jority vote of the outstanding stock man Rivin of Scotland, S. D., and Baron, Mrs. Frank Gorchow, Mrs. the meeting. was almost at many estimates on citizenship rights in the land of represented at H. I. Merlin and Mrs. M. Satin. The J. KARXETT. Pave Hivin of Tyndall, S, D. NAZIS: Our secret agent No. 1the age of the hanged • Arab ter- their birth for the newly-born E.UIRX COL.1CK, dining room committee,"will inll-2S-"7-4t. Incorporators. clude Mrs. I. Menin, Mrs. James whispers that the Department of rorist chief Sheikh Farhan Es- children -of the stateless. DEW ABRAHAM Gang and Mrs. S. B. Gelfand. Mrs. Justice has completed Its prelim- sadi, as" there were hairs in his inary report on your -doings in big beard . . . His years were put r^ ^ i " " ' AUXILIARY ELECTS J. Himowitz is in charge of the this country . . ".. at anywhere from 55 to S5, which finance committee and. Mrs. R. H. is something of a record . . Well, ia chairman of the memThe Ladles'. auxiliary of Beth Emlein ELIAS M. GROSSMAN: "That everybody agreed that the' Sheikh bership. Mrs. Sam Baron and Abraham synagogue, at a recent Mrs. Vatican City (Havas Tia JTA) I. H-. Levin are chairmen of paragraph we had in a recent col- was hanged . . . M. M. TJssishkin's meeting elected Mrs. Paul Kaplan the Sunshine -^—German Xaiis trill replace the umn about your etching of the committee and Mrs. son Samuel is a student of - conpresident for the coming year. H. R. Rabinowitz urtis Bay Shipyard at Baltimore stitutional law and; has - had •. a famous Oberamraergau "Passioa is program Other officers elected were Mrs. chairman. created quite a stir .-. . Life, the book published in Hebrew on Play," which has been given by . , John Bird, vice-president; • Mrs. devout Gerraah Catholics in Obpix mag, and newsreel companies Philip Bonus, -treasurer; Mrs. I. At the meeting Tuesday Miss sent their camera hounds to take "Systems of Administration Ia .era'mmergau, Tillage ia upper Bathe. British Empire." JUirkin, recording secretary,; and Rosalie Sacks reviewed "The of Morris Shapiro the -Mrs. A. Lass, corresponding sec- Mother." The invocation was pictures (Copyright, 1937, Jewish -. TeleFor fear the Jeirs would leave, given by Mrs. S. B. Gelfand, and owner, and the yards . . . Where ; retary. * graphic Agency, Inc.) :the .Senate of Hamburg in .the' not long ago Shapiro, going dver Mrs. Erinberg presided. : Seventeenth . century petitioned a German vessel that had come in. for scrapping discovered i t to Portuguese Jews settled in St.the clergy to permit the building be the same on which he hadThomas, West Indies, ia 1492. of a eynagogue.SHAARE ZION come to this country as a steer- i!]WTW"V \^ 5/is i* liiii+t *i ta-li5"J^'iJ'-j£ n ?.• "^i --1 £i #\ g ; ; ^ ' . . " V C - , " ' ^ ' •'"""'IJT,' •<•"'„—P" s''^"-.'; ' A. Z. A. members will speak at age passenger forty years ago . . . At a reorganization, meeting of Shaare Zion synagogue this eve- P. S.—Shapiro refused to let the the Pioneer 'Women's club, held ning when Joe Maron and Na-boys take pictures . . . " .this vreelc, Mrs. Kuth Leaf was •named president for the coming thaniel Singer will present a de- HANK LEVY: If you haven't year. Other officers elected in- bate, and Calmon Levich will de- been tipped off yet that all-Jewclude Mrs. S. Levin, correspond- liver an oration. Cantor Pliskin ing secretary; Mrs. I. Lubman, re- and -the synagogue choir will ish American you selected "for the American Hebrew is one-eleventh cording secretary; Mrs. S. Rather, chant the ritual. li utj \LA L j L^J&»' LLTTS iJ Tomorrow morning at the Jun- non-kosher . . . Al Hessberg, Yale treasurer; Mrs. Leah Sperling fullback, is definitely not a tribesior .Congregation service, Harry C '""'-1"'" !,- i""~,<wa3 named social chairman and .Sl3T0 c§_ Wiicz&ig Scrsfee man . . ; At least,-ie was a-CathWeinstein will act as cantor, and Sirs. Leaf, cultural chairman. jMrs. M; Weiner ia chairman of Burton Lipshutz, reader of theolic as recently as last year, when law. Lorraine Raskin will serve our Morris Weiner querier • Yale jtbedue3 committee. '..._' Mrs. Esther Kremer of Canada refreshments to the children In on his faiifh . . . •was the guest speaker at an open honor of the recovery of her GEORGE BACKER: You were • . : jaeetlns Tuesday evening in themother. % Monday evening Rabbi Rabino- seen sipping orange juice with Jewish. Community Center. witz will present the last in his Palestinian Berl Katznelson the Iit! series of book reviews, speaking other night in the Cafe Royal, on "Victoria 4:30." The review and being "entertained" by the u cafe's unofficial jester . . . will begin at 8:30 o'clock.


Society News


official and -c were s Of Ji

shoot! the si one c in the •with' locks, young


Death Claims Sions Cityan

Hebrew Mothers Name Committee

"Passion Play" to-^ Be Replaced witK Nazi *Aryan Show*

•Pioneer Hold Election TX-V cane. Frirri berl:i i

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Alliance. Flans Concert

TOM DEWEY: If it's true that A Chanukah meeting of ' the 1 you have hired Harold- Keller of Jewish National WorkerB Alliance ML- Vernon,, former A l b a n y •was held recently in the home of bareau chief for the New York David Sperling, 1020 Iowa street. ..American, as.your secretary, you O. O. Marksbury, professor of H lecture on Chanukah written for members of. the, order b r Mr. sociology and economics at East have acted" wisely because they iAntln, v/a3 read by Max Kaplan. High school will be the speaker don't come any smarter than heJunior Hadassak meeting Plans for the concert to be at the Wednesday, evening, DecemEMIL LUDWIG: While you jiven here January 13 by Brac- nest ""' were being honored at a dinner Iiah Zfirah and , Sir. . Gibson of ber 15. iho Jev/lsh Art Thealer of New Mrs. Belle Shulklri, accom- on -the occasion of completion of York, were, completed, and .Mrs. panied at the piano by Beatrice your F. D. R. biography, one of Goldio Levin was nasned chair- PHI, will present a group of the reporters covering the dinner songs, and current events.will be told his colleagues that he had man of the ticket committee. given by Miss Ruth Marks. started his career with Ludwig Miss Saretta Krigsten will pre- years ago on. the Berlin "8-Uhr side at the meeting. Reports of MOUNT, sim: the convention held in Omaha Rabbi Theodore N.' Lewis will last week will be made. The conspeak this evening on "Russia—. vention next year will be held In Sioux City. After'Tv/eaty Tears."' This af ternooa the Modern Srima group of the Sisterhood 200. ATTEND ANNIVERSARY -Trill meet ia the home of Mrs. Sol DINNER fl Kovitslry, when Miss" Ruth Miller T/lll Tsvier? "Private Lives." Mrs. 3 . X. Grues!;in and Mrs.. NovitTwo hundred members and siy will bo joint hostesses.: friends pf the Tiphe'reth Israel Tiie religious school honor roll congregation attended the annual lor tho month of November In- Chanukah dinner last Sunday cludes the "following children: evening in the synagogue social EEuaert Friedman, Doris Pill, hall. The dinner "was sponsored

Jr. Hadassah to


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