<t Vrf!
Tho iriewa csprccscd by wig hevilsnlm ; in' ".hte colajna; ars his own and' do not. necess-: ssrily reflect".the. pollutes or.nt-; titcdc of our' publication. Reproduction in :whola or in rt strictly forbidden.' ". -
Arabs—but. the titution are open lings the 'univerS'inkei said, is a. are is little of or3. The student? any have to -work-" |d a number get lanling bricks to tiedical center on I And then there" j—although one ine' day -when the la.ry is provided by it person — and ^o •wherever they s to classes every [clubhouse with a isembly hall, but
Lfe- as compared, olleges.
y has a student j"31 regular stu-' search students— 120. Ten of the-rom the United them from New Hartford and one. lia. . The instrucree Americans— Kaplan, Dr. Alexand Prof. I. J.
Kntered eo gecozsd Classa i'.all -Matter oa January 21, 2E21. at Fostotflca of Otnaha. Nebraska, untter the Act ol KarcS Z, 1S73
~* 7 "*-"
Mill ^
Hardly^had we recovered from Feurlicht's anouncing., through t ;^-r: A derrkorial Ejeeting was held Plans are • now under way for the columns of the Forum that Saturday night at the Rone Hotei \Ji observance of the Sesqiii-Cententhe Jews have a martyr-complex for.the late Edward FileEe, famed nial of the American Constitution and evoke• their own sufferings I • 1 •— - Boston merchant. Tribute • was | on February 7 under the auspices Picketing asd Tioleace | when there comes Mr. John Courr Ittamer Ben Avi to Speak at of the Round Table of Jewish Hoted • Gersiaa Esbbi to Dis- paid to the-*ounfier of the credit! Ca"ssss Shops t s I •'•"I f -C~ J ' f C nos and proclaims- in: an Epistle • - - cuss Future of Ears. Banquet on Januaioa Eioveiaent in America by .j Close I to the Jews In . the December • • ' pean «Tewry uary 12 meaibers of • the Nebraska organ| A speaker is to be brought here number of the Atlantic Monthly to deliver the principal address.. Tv'arsaw (WNS)—Terror a r c ' . -what do you suppose? That Dr. Joachim Prins, who is to : Omaha Sss fifty-two credit- -unThe Thirty-fifth anniversary of The meeting will be open to the , V ' the Jews' should incarnate Christ the Jewish National Fund is be- public. speak here on January 4, aas ions, ths direct result of Filece's fear cf economic ruin are rapidly ; in" life! Unbelievable as it may ng celebrated by the local counaroused wide comment wherever activities. Lee A..Borders of Ouia- spreading through Polish Jewry j seem this Jew, .whom I have al- cil, who -will bring the' observance he has lectured since coining to ha- is E,' director of the . national as a result cf the intensirication I ways taken* for a man of. sense to • a. dose on' January 12 when . 0 It..',: . America. . association, snd. is • managing • di- cf the militant anti-Jewish boy-1 cott campaign during the "month I and talent, declares like. .any Ittarmar ben' Avl, Palestinean After- hearing hiia Rabbi Ste- rector or ths Neerask,;, league. ' of Polonization" launched "by the j Fundamentalist or, any; seventh- writer, speaks at the anniversary phen iWise remarked that "D~. . Congress.of Polish Traders to ef-; rate theologian who has . never banquet. Prinz is not only a great aad das- , •' ' feet the complete elimination of | heard of Herford. and Moore or sic master of German, his native ?• K The Omaha group of the J. N. Jews from all branches of trade ' tongue, but has already become anybody: or anything, "Jhat; "the F. has been In-existence for seven I and industry. i a master of English. A slight history -of the- Jew3" d'jtring the years and- attempts to coordinate C i Tise boycott is being carried ; foreignism lends charm to the past -nineteen centuries has in- the work of all groups interested through mass picketing o£ 1 r oat deed been a deflection from their in the Jewish. National Fund. The Asks That Foreign Ideologies beauty of hi3 utterance and the • Jewish scops in tfcs major towns j power of his voice. He will be spiritual destiny". . . the.leaders local council is made up of repHot Be Allowed to " crro Z'~ k — ' i • »"T» j and cities and the use of violence j a great figure in America as he of Jewry must'come out with- a tesentativ.es from Hadassah, JunCreate Disputes -CiO" 1 c l ""r- i - - r ' was in Germany." j by anti-Semitic hoodlums. In ; complete avowal.of .thelultimate ior Hadassah, Mizrachi, Women's - r "• * i r; f ' applications of Jewish teaching Mizrachi, Pioneer Women, Goldie Dr. Prinz came to the United Has If© rear cf Asti-Seraitis i Warsaw, Radomsk, Kinsk and ; rt . - Cr* .— r -" r ' c r ^ New York (WNS)—A plea to j Csestochowa long picket lines j prliich - found its.; expression in Myerson Club, Jewish National American citizens not to permit States in August. In Berlin be -.cr Dictatorship j have been thrown around Jewish \ Christ." ; .-'-.:' r-; -, •> c t c J - • Workers Alliance, the B'nai "divided- opinions regarding situ- occupied the principal pulpit -of shops. ' j the city and it is told-that-cis ations in other lands" to "create The silliness - of; Mr,. Cournos's B'rith, Omaha Hebrew Club, the In many cities ths picketing I contention that any kind of con- Temple, all synagogues, and al cleavage between religious groups popularity and ability were so New York' (JTA) — Justice in our nation" lest '-'philosophies great that it was almost_ impos- Irving Lehman, addressing a Con- j £has led to violence which t a s ] version on the part; of -the Jews synagogue -auxiliaries. i iorced" hundreds of Jewish stores I to any •• interpretation of L ChristFunds are raised in Omaha by dominant in totalitarian states sible to. obtain, a seat in t i e sysa- stitjitioa commemoration meeting E r; i ~ E." ,. i T , i • -> ianity .would, even touch the ques- means of the National Fund ...... disrupt the cordial relation- gogue,. the largest in Germany, of the K-ew York Society of the ] -|o close. Protests to local ojfi- ; tion, of anti-Semitism has been Boxes, Golden Book, Junior Gold- ships which now exist among because of the huge crowds that J e w ish Theological • Seminary, I cials and the ministry • ol com- j I inerce have proved unavailing. In too ihoroughly and too brutally en Book, and Tree donations. Protestants, Catholics and Jews in came on Friday evenings. said he feared no movement for ! As the spokesman of German dictatorship- and growth ot .anti- i some instances the pickets are be- : disproved in too-: many times and Over 550 national fund boxes are America" wan made by President - c ; -r' ~ ; ing fed by field kitchens. j Roosevelt In a statement released Jewry he was the first to answer Semitism. ' ia this country, beplaces to merit contradiction. Th distributed throughout the city The whole country is flooded j thing-that seems to me-to.be sin- and; are emptied twice a year by by Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, direc- the charges of the Hitlerites, sad cause-of the influence of religion, ister and worthy of :oux attention the committee under the. chair- tor of the National Conference of It was because ot these attacks which he held to be in "irrecon- with millions of leaflets calling ] Jews and Christians. The presion the populace to join se ber-I is the fact that man like Dr. Henof Mrs. Jack Kaufman. dent's statement, given in connec- that he was forced to leave the cilable c a n d i with the totali'cott. A free delivery system Reich. He made his American y. Goddard Leach, edit ir of th I. Morgenstem and Judah Wolf- tion with the 10th anniversary tarian state. , i been orgsnized in many towns /{ Fo.-um and Mr. • Ellery Sedgwick son are In charge of donations to celebration of the conference ot debut on Yom Kipper when ha "There is irreconcilable ! _.j, _ j.^^^.- v v 0 ^ - r - •!-.=, spoke on behalf of the United )£ editor of the Atlantic accept ar- the Golden Book/ and Mrs. J. which Mr. Roosevelt is honorary conflict between religious groups! ^ boyc-^"' ^o"de"""'r " " "the : _ „ , v Palestine Appeal. - licles in this subject of a kin Ricblin and Mrs. Max Goldstein chairman, called upon citizens to l In Omaha Dr. Prins will speak | ^ ^ ^ J ? % % ^ \ critical" Eiteation an 'emergenc: which, on any other subject t take - care of donations for the advance democratic principles in ^ o n \ ^s ^ ^ . ^ a i i e ^ ! ^ier_e a ce oJ all organi-the whole world, they woul Sefer Ha-Yeled, the Children's the United States and declared on "Has European Jewry a Tu- j upon the _stupid ture." He speaks : here ander-the ' .-..• -mferjonty --.- - . - . : s^n-Cua *.u^. *.BV,ISR m e i i.bers ol promptly refuse — .articles by Book. . - ; T - I - "' ' . cf to a , p a r l i E m e E that "in this nation we proclaim auspices of the Center Fcrura. I racial ^ men who are • completely- out ot Trees are planted on various the equal rights of all religious ic race, tegao tfeeor ffleet ^ touch with the subject they write occasions by the J. N. F. After groups whether of the majority or Tickets for the lecture may bs ! campaign for ths rcthless ester- j IT about, men whose opinions are the first of the year all tree do- of minorities, and find our unity obtained at the Center "or from j min'atic'n , -~c- of t i e Jews ia Germany j less" tijan worthleB3, men whom •nations by Omahans will go to in- a common citizenship." any member of the committee. Tf, • and lo! a prince of the Catholic ; those who know would not and the Harry Lapidus Forest which Church, Cardinal Faalhabsr, is j The text of the president's .could not for a moment take ser- is being planted in memory of the 4 his great - JBercaoa Vudeataum, j ; statement reads as follows: "~f iously. . • late Omaha Jewish leader. Chrislcath'EEi, tnd Gsrniantliuta*, \ Up to ID 20 the Keren Hayesod . "This country is thoroughly From Mr. Cournos*-article it is challenge ia t i e name ot Christ-!. committed to the principle of civil perfectly: eyiclent" that he- is sim- took care of all -work in Palestine and religious liberty. Instead- of laaity the "power ol' the State and With a-record crevfi aEEin In ply ignorant. Completely and Only fifteen per cent of the money deploring the variety of racial called' iipoa Ciristiaas to' uphold niany-sidedly ignorant. He ev- collected-at that time went for strains , and spiritual traditions tbe -prcpistio.ideals" of love, Ji « ^ ! attendance t i e 1c idently: lives in utter alienation •land. Since the organization of which are an .'inherent- part of car Ss& holiness which &re ths 3'EEI B'riib repeated • tlss cccees from- Jewish.: life. -He evidently the. l£ereii;',,KaycmeUi ..eighty, per. : -we" •"'•welcome 't&eai '"iter zr : cWntrot'ta'S~ctpiiaflona ' goes for knows no -JewCexcept' ihc&e tianity End to reject the pagan token ot the freedom that we; enave as ignorant as, himself. Then land acquisition while twenty per joy and believe that the common ideals.asserted fcy leaders of the First prise cf Si5 T-erf" \o i-?&,? why- does" he presume to apeak cent ia donated to reforestation life is enriched" by what each of movement, 'tkougii long ago aban- old Florence Freak's . who Esr-.c: for us? He is careful"—•and"thls? projects, irrigation, land draining these ; groups contributes. In* this doned ' by the " savEgs ' Germanic and danced. Florence is a pi'-Pil ct Eritton School of Dane13 iu: itself suspicious"— never to "and well digging. tribes. _The. pastors of Protestant }t h e A »: nation we proclaim the equal Stanler Epstein, lire say "we" or "our people" or "my All land resources of the Jew- rights of all religious groups Branch 173 of tho "Workmen's churches "have" shown for the same ! ' n year old accordionist and acrcbapeople." He feigns' to himself ish National Fund have now been whether of the majority.or of mi- Circle of Omaha will celebrate its jcoarage'as the Catholic priests. that he surveys the Jewish peo- exhausted, having been divided norities, and find our unity in a thirtieth anniversary on Saturday j "I am often asked whether 1 tic cancer, vr&s awarded second ple objectively, from some higher into colonies. At present the common citizenship. Freedom of night," December 25, at S:SO with 'fear in this country a movement prize of ten. dollars; Third prize vantage-point. His vantage-point- Jewish;National Fund is raising speech, of the press and of as- a concert - for'members' and their! for'a dictatorship and the growth went to Robert Lev:*, dancer. *_^ r "orr" is ignorance soaked "with alien five "million dollars to acquire a sembly are 'guaranteed to all t>y families. An anniversary banquet i of anti-Semitism which csnally Billy Bieyers, state director ol prejudices of the most "'vulgar tract of land in" northern Galilee. the Bill of Rights. will bs held on Sunday evening, I accompanies £-«ich movements.- the Federal Music Project, made -kind. I am- sorry to : see him December 26, at 6:SO p. m. "Jewish National Fund Land has over-optimistic, but a personable master ol ceremon! Perhaps I ar "This American doctrine is where he is —- sorry not :for our also been. used for t h e Hebrew f The Workmen's Circle Dramaj I have EG Each fears, EEd the rea| ies. Hymen Shrier anfi Sr. Leoa 'sake'but-tor his own. . University, Bezalel School of Arts challenged or • denied in \ other tic club will present a one-act j son why I have EO suci fears is Fellman were chairntes. ei the parts of the world today. \ l t is Of nearly everything he says and Crafts, Rdthschild-Hadassah my earnest hope that divided play and a group, of songs at.the because I believe that American j It is precisely the contrary that University hospital, the power opinions regarding.situations in concert. A musical program will idealism, American traditions ana j lor the contest. is true. Jewry Is not more divid- stations, and a number of smaller other lands than ours will not also be presented Sunday evening American independence will sot j tolerate the destruction of ed Internally than'ever; never schools and institutions. • create cleavage between religious at the banquet. A speaker is being.sent here liberties. The influence oi reHg-1 H e a r P c r t ^ g ^ e s e since the sorcalled emancipation J. _ p ,,;, groups in our nation. Philosohas Jewry been beneath all exter- Name Judges'for. phies dominant in totalitarian from New -York by 'the natioaal ion in America is great. even Marancos Want to among those who rarely attend nal differences so profoundly at states must not be allowed to dis- office. Many guests and representa- church." one, nor so consciously : a people, rupt the cordial relationships A. Z. A. Contest one people. It i3 tragic and scanwhich now exist among Protes- tives from- the chapters in Sioux Omaha, Nebr. — Ludwig Lew- tants, Catholics and Jews in City, Des Molnes and Lincoln will Jalous for any Jew to be so igSalcniki (^"NS)—The Jews of , aorant of Jewish life as.to say: isohn, Lewis Browne and Ben America. We believe in democ- be guests at "the . banquet. All this city where Sabbatai Zri. the j "Today Israel is faced with spir- Aronin will serve as judge3 of racy, a happy combination of members of the Workmen's Circle r e a c l l ' , f a l s e sessi =-H of the leth ceriturr : itual, If" not physical extinction." the 1038 natioaal A. Z. A. En- freedom and responsibility. Our have been invited to attend. ^ ^ ^ _ _ ' began his amasing career, are Essay Contest, Sam Beber, " e ^ Q O ™ *"l *«»*'»«»»'"• ' • «" Let us for the. moment' confine Both affairs will take place at (JTA) The Xevr i E-^°S ever a report in the local ; c«. _York ^ f *t Aionh V.*.M*A I P ^ . Mathers fought for it and left it to ourselves to America where both president of Aleph Zadik Aleph, the Labor. Lyceum, 22cd and York Times declares editorially Jewish press that ssvcr&l thenMr. Cournos and.I live.: Well',:in Junior Order of B'nai B'rith an- U3 as our heritage. We are de- Clark street. termined to maintain it and to that the campaign of Nazi lead- sand Portuguese Marennos vrho ' the past three years and a half nounced today. demonstrate in America the posers . to destroy Christianity is ! returned to the Jewisi 'old under . I have visited over -100 Jewish The subject of this year's com"creating a ssfknxs breach in ths | the inflence ol the ProO.lErar.no ' communities i n : t h e United petition i3 "Underlying Causes of sibility of a community in which OKLAHOMAN-LEAVES Reich" and the Nazi program of i committee ol London end AmsterStates; I have visited many of Modern Anti-Semitism," and A. men of diverse racial origins and HEBREW U. religious convictions can live topaganization is "endangering the j dsE, have abandoned Judaism - : s , """ e r them — Chicago, Cleveland, St. Z. A. members, to whom the comi and set up a new Christian-JewESTATE gether in mutual respect, friendunity of the state. Loula, e t c .etc. a number of petition is limited, have until ship and co-operation in all those As proof, the editorial quotes !i s t l s e c t c a S e r t f c s leadersh ip of March 1st to malce their entries. times; many of the leading, rabmatters . that make for human New York' {JTA)—The He- the Pastoral letter or Count Koa- j G o 1 - C&rlos Devcro, -."bora they Ludwig Lewisphn is known happiness and national well-be•bla and leading. laymen are. I brew university will receive ap- rad von Preysicg, of the Catholic iE r e acclaiming as the messian. *im~-proud and happy to say, dear wherever literature Is read as ing. proximately $35,000 under the diocese of Berlin, warning that | According to the report, the ind close friends of mine;-1 have the author of The Island Within, "The perpetuation of these will of Adolf Lowiager, realtor, "it ia a-fatal mistake to suppose | 3ie=i^erE cf the new sect are cn:oma ia contact with the massea Up-Stream, The Last Days of that-the nation's welfare can be j d e r t f c e in"tsence of a Fascist >f our peaple, too; I "sedulously Shylock and Mid Channel. Of democratic principles demand, as of Lawtoa, Okla., who died Dethey deserve, our devotion and cember 5 at the age of 83, it was promoted 'by,-ths destruction cf I Weblogy which has been read the Yiddish press;- I have him, the Saturday Keview of Litattended - Zionist Conventions, erature Bald, 'He belongs of .right sacrifice. We must not hold them announced by Samuel B. Finsel, | Ghrietianity" and th-a memoir of slb'e for widespread ag'tatio-s in 3'nai B'rith Conventions, J . N . F. to the most distinguished circle too cheaply at a time when they director-'of-the American Friends | the. Protestant chaplains of ths Portugal, linking Jews with ComReiehswehr' cantioning . that "a munism. It is "claimed that Colongatherings, meetings innumer- of contemporary novelists in seem to be receding in some quar- of the Hebrew university. ters where they were Once valued. • -Mr.. Lowinger's will, dated Defuture war will find the Gensas el Dsvarc, a leafier Vn. rs.scist AmerieaJ* tble at Jewish Centers, Y'sietc; Rather they must be intelligently cember 11, 1386, provides that nation in the; midst of ths bitter- j circles, lEcnche-5 E new i have occnpled pulpits, both Lewis.Browne is already wetiConservative • and Reformed, • In known to A. Z. A.; members Who] fostered and bravely advanced I his • entire. estate be taraed over ness . brought about "by t i g cos-: Cleans of fresir.g 'tbe rcia c.ontE.ct vritb. part of the land and I am attended the Pacific Palisades welcome the effort of the Nation- for.the use of the'Hebrew univer- flict between ChriEtianity and Na- i * sity except for 12,000 al Conference of Jews and Christioaal Eocialisirs." ' " . to bear. witness that even convention several years ago lere In this upon the whole un- where that - author conducted a tians, to increase in local com-! to the Jewish community ol bis ipiritual: society wKere Ignorance forum which still remains, as an nmnities the number o£ i t s ; native town of Papa, Hnssary, — ~ s at' a premium among men of A.. Z. JL. highlight of all times. Round Tables of leading citizens i ill" raqe3 and persuasions '-^-that Mr. Browne is the author of How of all faiths "who by mutual con-; .nb to iven here the spiritual life of l s - Odd of God, Stranger Than Fic- saltation and planning may deal•' •ael is stronger, • deeper, more • as- tion, That Man. Heine and a host with occasions of distrust or mis• Gl-sns Falls, N. T. <VTJCS' . j understanding and pave the way more valiant- than- it ha3 of other veil-known and Th* J.ewish Santa Claas c£ i to co-operation." 'officers o f ' . t h a . O m a h a H e - [.northern' c o u n t r i e s e : i been s.nd that','-it-all-'who standing hest-sellers. b r e w Club TS-,11 b2 i - r L i ' l d c : <•"--„ i 2c-,"^.n. .: i " •The third judge, Ben Aronin, salt themselves Christians aver11 JACOB SYNAGOGUE': Suiiday, Jann".~y 2. T r n — •«-*—r- , T „. f.-~ — - - iged-tip morally arid.spiritually also well-known to A. 7n A. memts 'well, as hiBh, as those who "bers as "Uncle Ben*.of the Hollis•ELECTS NEW BFFICERSl :all themselves Jews,'- the world ter Camp Convention in which - ' Kabbi Miltci A. ;rc-;:c.a —»1 Tould wear, a differjent face and be -participated,•- is beloved as a The B'nai Jacob. S v, dilferent aspect. - I t is not: we lecturer and educator. His poems held a meeting and "supper at the! be-main spea.::c-, a-d Kct^^n S. Hr; Cournos, whoneed Christ.-It and ; stories have appeared widely home of I. -Blacker_ last Sunday.ji. Yaffe, iastallls^ c-^.c. n s the Germans and the Poles and in ; metropolitan: journals and Mrs.: B. Shafton -was chairmaa of'j . Mr. I. llorr^ 1 -1 mti-Semitea everywhere. And magazines,... while Moor's Gold j supper arrangements and was as- •president.of 1=3 l i - - c - C.-b. ;v,henl in:, the face of-.this Christ- and The Lost Tribe are among j sisted hy Mrs.. I. Blacker and mdom youTEay that we"//"need bisJ best known books. "His plays Mrs. F. Jacob. vhrist'and not thsy,-you playdnto have been acclaimed by the most New officerf are:' B. Sbsfton. lie hand of -every anti-Semite severe-critics.-'•-'-. •-- president; .A. Hirsch, vice-presi- ' Vienna ( J T . 1 ) — . . tnfi of., every-progromchik••in-.the" dent;-I. Swartz, treasurer. Wcis- I.RueSieger von E*cl: irorld. Did you know that? Did The Jews of Austria formulat- en elected are: Mrs. P . Jacob, | ; E S ? Austrian *wc-> Uat not dawn-upon-you? .. _ - '..'.- ed a; legend that they were des-,.-president, and Mrs... J. Abram- i^iaarrtea- : Iast —c- r '.-vThe thoroughly ignorant. Jew cendants of a • s d a ' ol •"Abraham. I son, :Tice-pres5dent. .Nors Gregor, c, .'of. ,eourss, 1ignorant in every ' $15.25 "was collected for t i e : -This was to relieve them .of any ... • (Continued .oa ; p'age-.S.) .k- . responsibility.'for thd. Crucifixion.'' Kational Funfl.' "-,.".•'. '•'• -.'" isU' descent.
to Shun (JTA)—Nationere forbidden by "to farther or •called nationalisi-American politlise." as issued lo AdWalter G. Robinafter jt vrus dislif onned officers pen of the Nevr pnard had attendby a Russian antipr at. .•which unfere also reported Lsent.
1.-- -
t. V
the Philosophy Department as Hfi will also remain ac- t t 4 e _ T t h e Confe-vnce OR Jewish Assistant Professor 6 nd In 1 9 2 3 I Obviously the* British have pro- tion plan, the Jews must accept j ' ' bbe is press- vas raised tu s. full professorship. tected their imperial interests. it. British opinion 3s strongly beRelations, a ;# They have surrended nothing hind it. Th© Mandates Commisdent. he_ but their burdens. However ral- sion and the 'Council of . the Jerusalem CWNS-Faiccr ^SS8B—I_I—i Dr. Cohen cHefi "poor . uable the estra foothold in the League of Nations have indicated cy)—Edward Keith-Roach wes ">„- other circurr.str.r ees" as the s their approval. No other nation ] Near East which the Palestine appointed by the Palestine gov- reasons Tor his desire to retire. mandate gave to Britain, its ad- is sufficiently concerned to inter- eminent as district commissioner The C a m p u s , undergraduate ministration was a thankless pose an objection. The Arabs will for Jerusalem, succeeding to a newspaper, declared in a frontof t_s task. It yielded little beyond the not permit a continuancefate The Genuine Bates Grif "of iP° s t believed to be one of the , p a g e editorial, ,'J.Iorris Cohen Cowling Ball now sol. • ill-will of Jewa and Arabs, I be- present mandate. The adiBiniEtratire : can't resign from the College r . o g t -difficult jrj Ofriafae by the lleve the the British would wash Palestine", at least until • another tasks in* Palestine- Since 1920 he jW O s't let him." their hands of any further re- major unheaval, seems, to be set-had, been district commissioner of Professor Coher,, a leading sponsibility if they could. But! tled. Northern Palestine -with head- oscpher -find logician, ev.tlior o' However, the prospect is not they dare not face the loss of quarters at Haifa.. A Britisher several -books End treatises, enterprestige in the East and the in- as dark as it might seem. Dr. born in March, 1SS5, the uew e _ew ;p d c i t y C o 2 i e g e a s a E f U d eri t i B Weizmann, the head of the world dignation of world Jewry and m £T£-4 IS. & Douglat commissioner started .his career,, gE3 ) I a t e r s t l . e l o d f;t Zionist organization, believes that ence and autonomy, the Palestinliberal opinion generally. The Be'tet, Grip Ball will chalant Arabs who knew that alCan partition be avoided In v» u _,„_„„ million „-,,„ Jews ^ can be settled in the banking profession, finally ; £n"}versity e.va retr-rnec! to'Citv ian Arabs began to feel that they For the Jews the partition of two produce higher scores tnc Palestine? Is there any prac- Chough a Jew riding through Jaf- had in the new Jewish state. Even if I becoming a member of the Insti, ^ j£ g { xoo_"as a member of o e e n cheated. The fact that Palestine is-'a• major catastrophe. •ISminote- t h e *i»or_* thatnV tical alternative to it? Should fa would probably get a knife in they been this estimate proves too gener gener-|; tute off Bankers. During the" war ' t(.j^* v[a*tiema**j(rs ,JJ e'~p aVtrn e r.t h e Mathe -were better off economicalSince the Balfour Declaration 3 his back they'were-perfectly .'sate Jews accept tt? These are the,, •Fnsferrei of agrl- ; be joined the Lan;astire Kcs.li- • -taff_ I n 1 3 1 2 ly than their cousins in nearby was issued in 1917, they have ous, the intensification d r d throughout the period ' " ' ' vital questions bearing on the in Tel Aviv. v • ; ; culture and the development off i ers, served lands, that their literacy rate needed not' less land but more. on the eastern frc_.t, reaching Palestine situation posed and Nevertheless, there la no doubt higher and their death rate The post-war nationalistic reac- industry and commeice will cer- the rank of major. . •; answercd bjr Rabbi Bernstein, that the Jews now reciprocate was. tainlyenable at least one million lower, did not impress them. tion and economic depression who has just returned from the feelings of tho Arabs. Chil- They His activities in Palestine >tart! simply did not want to be have • intensified anti-Semitism to find homes there. Since in Palestine, whose frank and dren in the Jewish schools h are overrun or ruled by foreigners. everywhere. The tragedy of Ger- twenty years the Zionists have ed in' December, 191P, when h e ' realistic article we present by developing a militant chauvin- They.wanted to be free and autowas appointed public custodian Tl As we enter the -winter selling man Jewry has been- most publi- settled only one-third of a mil- cf enemy property in Palestine. prize special arrangement with THE ism. Since-the.plan for the newnomous like the other Arabs. lion Jews in- Palestine, the pros- \ cized because it was most unexseason, 1 v a s t to" take this cp~ , After servi-g as first assistant Jewish state was announced, the i__ 1 NATION,—The Editor. In. such ambitions they have pected. Actually: the plight of pect at its worst presents a task ! secretary porti_Tsity to extend an invitation of the Pale_tin« governgreatest -ambition of m a n y encouragement and aid Polish Jews Is infinitely worse. to challenge the generosity, the • In 1026 I spent four months . youngsters has been to join the received he occupied various posts, Sibui to yow to visit OUT »_iesrpomf from Italy. Mussolini's treatment There are more of them, nearly statesmanship, and the creative ment, Janil in Palestine. This year re- i Jewish army that will be formed. of. the Libyans and the • Ethio- ten times as many. And they are energies of the Jews for at least becoming full district commis&md see the fine new 1SSS Cbrjrssioner ia 1826. Mr. Keith-Roach , / _ , | iturned for a visit of . ? i On the streets and playgrounds pians hardly qualifies him as a poorer than the German a generation. What .will happen has written numerous books of ler and Plymouth cars e,nd a be ai months. The changes which I one sees drilling and games and friend of the Moslems, but poli- much The Polish Jewry is being after that is ia the lap of the travel and is joint editor with, S:r this I noted convinced me ol the neces- exercises designed to develop a tics dictates strange alliances. In Jews. gods. Perhaps after a period of splendid selectioa of vee.1 used tionEl sity of partitioning Palestine. military discipline. -The Jewish his determination to dominate ground to dust and nothing can peace the Arabs may be ready to Charles Luke of "Kacdbook be done to prevent it. The situBltot^ - For in my earlier visit I traveled colonies are well arraedr themen the Mediterranean II Duce could c_.r va,_es. ation of the 900,000 Jews in Ru- sell to the Jews large areas of Palestine." 'I>onard Kielibej:.$4 freely and without fear through- are trained for, defense. Armed d e f e e undeveloped territory or through not overlook so obvious an op- mania is becoming nearly as terbcidyf out the entire country. I visited are guards patrol the* fieldsi day .andd portunity, to harass the British. rible. And as the tragedy of the events now impossible to fore; contej Arabs in their home3, slept in night, and even children's picnics see, the pressure against the grand their inns, even thumbed rides which I attended were guarded From the Italian radio station at Jews in Central and Eastern Eur- Jews In Europe may be eased. In for ej ' on their horses. I encountered by police' with-- loaded "rifles. The Bari' comes incitement to rebel- ope deepens, the doors to the the meantime there is work to ;Thj /nothing but courtesy, and .friend- new colonies" are built like stock lion, and from the Italian treas- "West are more firmly closed be done, and Jews will be free New York (JTA) — Dr. Kor<>Ee a liness. There was some anti-Jewr ades with thick wall to keep out ury comet funds to arm the re-against them. Only a negligible to do it under conditions more | ris Raphael Cober. will retire SE bels. .No> one• knows; how..much number of Jews are.permitted to gate 'I ; ish feeling, but'it was not wide- , . . ''_, ,11 „ Wo'lta Vii'fh t DeiS. i\O> oneKUOwg uum uiutu h it h i h conducive to success than BritProfessor cf Philosophy at the enter the Western democracies, S e a OsssJsa's Largest-Motoj Car Distributors ! ! with ^ tremendous' ^ _ ^ , " light ^ S i has been spent,6r how, buVevIn; Sio' spread or intense or spontan- ^ tower of the City of New York eryone knows-that a handful of and the German refugees who ish rule affords. Jews will b$ jaCollege eous. It was artificially fomentt t h e e n d o I t h e c u t •jectors" which" search'-for prowl- poor Arabs in , Palestine -were no ma of the current seme: : found asylum in England and able to regulate Immigration and , at theJ end a n u a r y , l t T £ s announced for e. ed for the most part by self-seek- ers at night and fiash signals to equipped ./with sufficient rifles, France not granted land purchase and to develop this are still remember one ing effendi. I, nearby colonies. The Valley of l d h d t dvelop _ paid. bombs;" and- machine-guns to keep labor certificates.- They are al- their economic life unhampered. | 57, k P r o f e s s o r Cohe71< who I iaiiceri peasant.•'- asking whether; it was Esdraleon, which the Jews have several battalions -of. British Sowed to enter but denied the At least they -K-ill be in a posi- j is £t |feec o H c g e tOf3 5 years. AT 4411 time i true, a3 his landlord had told transformed from a swampy wil- troops at bay for months. It is tion to show the 'world what a In a letter of resignation , Dr. Ail him, that the Jews under Ein- derness to a fertile garden, is a a mistake, however, to think means of earning a livelihood. The only land which opened Jewish state based on Jewish Cohen said he wished to devote Presa stein had designs on th_.mosque scene of peaceful beauty during that-the Italians . are primarily its doors wide to the Jews, ac- prophetic Ideals can be. himself to "philosophic study anS that j of Omar. It happened that he the day, but at night it is like a The Arabs, for their part, will responsible for, the trouble in cepting more of them than all vjll h was working several months of battlefield, with armed men on do well to accept the partition .•whichi the year for a' Jewish farmer In guard everywhere and great Palestine. The 'Arabs are respon- other countries ofv the world com- plan, as their best friends advise sible, though they have received bined, was Palestine. But PalesBubscri Hedera and earning five • times' light-'" flashing their signals, back tine in 1923 was reduced to one- them. It gives them all the land _ny ci what ha had previously received and forth to announce 'all quiet' help- from outsiders. Thus far the Jews have dis- third of its original size when which under existing conditions ;wlll befrom the effendi. He had no or to warn of impending attack. p£ any1 grievance against the Jews, and Many factors have combined played a remarkable restraint. Trans-Jordan was given to Emir they could hope for. True, the.! j t h r f o e his feudal exploiter at to make Palestine an. armed They have refrained from organ- Abdullah as a separate Arab Jews are granted some of the Entj therefore his feudal exploiter atmore fertile sections of the coun* Where Omaha Shopt icilh Confidence «• • jllicm bi tempted to play upon his rell-' camp. Some responsibility' at- ized retaliation because they do kingdom. And now the remain- try. But the Arabs must not fornot want sporadic riots to being fragment is to be split into the Jet gious fanaticism.' On the whole taches to the Jews for Introducget that these, too, were barren come open warfare. They want three, leaving for the Jews a Sioux i titn eseemed then that the benefits ing modern nationalism into a until the Jews made them ferI <5Onte"t Jews were bringing to the country wMlch before the war the world to. understand that it tiny portion. Not only is the tile. Responsible Arabs will also i8 not war but pogroms that are ; Jewish territory small but it con* Arnc Arabs In the form of higher .was not a nation but- only; the recognize that the Jews are in (press | -wages,' improved living condl- southern end of Syria.' Its ignor- occuring in Palestine. But they tains 225,000 Arabs. If they re- Palestine to stay and that any jCity-tq tions, universal • education, and ant , and impoverished natives are prepared. They have the main, they, limit still further the plan which involves their elimteohtest] elimination of disease would ul- were conscious only,of being op- means with which to resist and .possibility of Jewish Immigra- ination is doomed to failure. Not papts j'timately form the basis for a pressed subjects" of Turkey. Zion-. retaliate. • The • Arabs respect tion and land purchase. If they arid in] peaceful life together: Ism undoubtedly- helped to make their strength and never openly are to be moved, it will be cost-i only fear of consequences in the anytlm! I return from ^Palestine now them politically--conscious. More- attack Jewish colonies. They ly In money and ill-will. T h e way of ranch firmer British conJDecemb •tfith the melancholy conviction over,-as the Jews raised the limit"i themselves to ambushing Jews will now have to supply and trol b u t also enlightened self-inJbie cori that this was an illusion; that; Arab'standard of living; as they unarmed Jews, burning hospitals finance all t h e agencies of gov- terest shoald bring t h e new Arab i&. meeti realistically.", viewed,, the present stimulated and supported univer- and forests, bombing busses and ernment, including a n ' a r m y and leaders to make their peace with 4er will ai m s of Jews and Arabs are ir- sal education for'; Arab children; babies' bome3. On the few oc-police^ They a r e also expected t o Britain a n d t h e Jews. F o r the J ernoonj reconciliable. This time, too, I 'as their land purchases enabled casions . . ijshen raiding parties contribute substantial sums a n - Arab masses a r e sick -of strikes 1 Co'mmuj passed through Arab villages but Arab effendi to' :send their sons have been discovered by Jews, nually to t h e support of | h e Arab and riots. They have suffered ; first B | always in haste ; and fear." Noti rto universities -Jn other Moslem they have been: so thorougfily state on t h e curious ground that most during all t h e trouble^ Tens Shfecked once but scores "of time3 Arab countries, where'/nationalism was beaten that the Arabs have never the Arabs have become '•' accus^ of thousands hav© been, reduced .;:• I'- boys hurled • stones at- us and intense; as; an increasing part of returned to" the attack. .-. ' tomed t o Jewish subsidies; and to destitution. The last -strike Wr*" "%k JS'»':3°i n ?d their leaders in shouting the tax moneys, •- raised largely Obvjousiy this-'.-tate of affairs would be lost without them. Cus- ruined t h e city ot Jaffa. I t s shops j ~ JnlaCtS the 'vilest epithets. In-.an Arab from Jews, was-given by the gov-' Is intolerable. Any situation- in toms and trade barriers a s well are empty a n d i t s workers a r e ! as zigzag frontiers and corridors, In my opinion, t h e school near Jerusalem American ernment to tho; Grand MUfti, •which domestic peace must rest costly and difficult to patrol, will unemployed. Mi Arab masses a r e ready to accept on foreign bayonets and the Christian teachers told me that •. religious and nai presumably for building of a home on superior- separate t h e states. The Royal any plan that promises peace i -oil Mrs. only by the sternest measures charitable purposes but actually ity in bombs Is morally indefen- Commission proposes that Jeru- Palestlne and releases them from j Heights could they keep" their pupils to be spent for •.propaganda and sible as well as precarious. The salem be included in t h e British the fear of Jewish domination, j to the from mass attacks on Jews, and arms aganist'•the Jews, . Jews British have become" sick' of it. territory, not t h e Jewish. This is particularly now • t h a t their inI am•far from certain that they were actually contributing to the a crule a n d unwarranted blow Shabboer. _>__uuu». • . . • , , processes which, ultimately made After the riots of 1936 they ap- for 70,000 of i t s 110,000 inhabi- transigent and terroristic leadere 3 o'clocl w e rAnti-Zionist altogether and .successful. anti-British for their own defeat, s i t is not pointed a royal commission to tants a r e Jews. The magnificent ship has been eliminated. At the by s e n t Sirs Lo iment has penetrated into ev- the weak but the strong who study the problem and to recom- Jewish Agency building, which is moment t h e only such plan that, any chance of success is parr on the vi e r y element- of the Arab popula- make revolutions, and the Jews mend a . solution. The-commis- the capitol of Jewish Palestine, has tition. o tt o on nl l t h e sion proposed a clear-cut soluttli onn o have made the Arabs strong. selfseeking the Hebrew U n i v e r s i t y , - ' a n d a Jiadassal t 5°l * ^ yy the-self-seeking, British weakness contributed tion — the partition of Palestine. whole network of hospitals (Copyright, 1937, by Seven Arts, At 4'- a ° a unscrupulous, the professiontat F e a t u r e Syndiqjite) By the terms of its plan about <will JistV * _i ors, but the rank and further to Arab'.strength. I am schools, a n d libraries a r e located two-thirds of the country, lying ^ jj-i file, tho youth, the idealistic are not one of those .who believe that there. The Jews have created o ep t Jacob Hart, who lent money to __rs jj C j-°PP° se d to further Jewish immi- Great Britain deliberately sabo- chiefly in the east and south, is the beauty a n d t h e prosperity o and land purchase. This aged the Jewish, national! home. to be given to the Arabs and to the new Jerusalem, and thej the Marquis de.. LaFayette, is jdent o | gration be attached to the kingdom of Is true certainly of all who "are But. there is pleiity of -evidence should be permitted t o - r e t a i n 1 often called Maryland's "Haym The rs articulate. Undoubtedly there are o support that contention." The Trans-Jordan; A narrow strip & - , . . _ • conB Salomon." •"Stb.- § *derable numbers of Arabs supineness of British .officials in along the coat, the Valley of Es- In a Jewish state under interna *OP M - JU f; f h o i r e content and who would he face of Arab agitation, and draelon, and t h e . land around tional guaranties which will safeg Galilee, a. territory, about the guard the holy places of other not.willingly raise a hand against attacks, ' CLEAN LINEN lack of .a clear-cut 2___ Ros the Jews. But they dare -not' policy, the size of Deleware, is assigned to religions. To put the Deganias, ays Attracts Customers failure actively to the Jews for an "autonomous the oldest and most successful of t h e P THI! 8PQak. For under the prevailing promote-friendly A Arab-Jewish TeOMAHA TOWEL • terror aven moderation, publicly lations were certainly no fulfil- state. The British retain;a nar- the Jewish agricultural collecSUPPLY Ahe • Schb e_pressedi Is an invitation to row corridor from Jerusalem to tives, in the Arab state is another ment of t h e promise to facilitate |ba; in.-ci murder. I know educated Arabs theYour* Since 1S76 establishment of-a Jewish na- the sea, also Bethlehem and Naz- indefensible recommendation of JPrdceed-! who have gladly, surrendered the tional home In Palestine. W h y areth, ostensibly to protect the tho commission. , ...... KE 2S2S • Weil lecurlty of government-office tor did Britain n o t establish-a firm, holy places.. They also . keep a For all the faults in the. partiPlans i ihe insecurity of revolt, in. the definite -policy? i The answer i n temporary protectorate.— which 3oiut Jun.l a s t t w o y e a r 3 j e w a have seen my opinion, ' i s that i t found It- may very well continue indefini$o be he] their best "friends.! among the self faced with what i t believed itely-— over several large cities, :purl &rabs, their business associates, were, insuperable obstacles in t h e notably Haifa, which is the -westIhelr well-paid employees turn conflicting aims of Arabs and ern outlet of the Iraq tOll line and jigainst them out of principle, or Jews. Whether they really were is rapidly becoming one of the through fear, or for money. They insuperable or not i s n o w beside great ports of the Mediterran'-W3 learned to' their sorrow ,in 1936the point. A t present t h e only ean. And they hold on to Akaba, - ' Z l khat little instigation waa needed relevant fact Is that t h e British which is destined to become the .- V'..~L* :an•:«• lo change Arabs , from gracious government, supported by a pub- eastern terminus of a canal that J-ioard- of' neighbors to savage enemies. lie opinion sick of bloodshed and the Biitisb/ plan to build parallel 'Lipshutzti Dnce the Arabs realized that vio- fearful, of ..war, anxious about t h e to the Suez. ':"• jtheebng.! isnee works and that every po-_ other Moslems-In- t h e - empire, "What; does this proposal mean ^eaf. Mr. srbm" evoked not the, stiffening frightened b y . t h o rising:menace to the three groups Involved? tlva-fori: Bf British policy but further of t h e fascist nations and their member ;p' wmpromlse an_ capitulation, the new. threats to.: i t s life linos, tors. .'Via Kurder ot Jewa 'became'a nation adopted a policy; of comprdtnlae ';'«lijde-ii.'fj"vl policy. This hatred of Zion^ and vacillation toward Arab agi-.;aiV-iM.:'s4 fe>m s n d the, British has grown tators which w a s rightly InterBsin^d fji to such proportions^ has become preted a s •weakness and defeatatrot?,?-' looh forward'to! to which Is 10 intense, so articulate, so wlde- ism. As murders were rewarde_ re_se»ido ipread, and so well organized witli concessions, thoy rapidly beTfe© savia Jary, and {hat It is the fundamental factor came pogroms. ."••'.-•" a the situation..-.' AU •wistter apparel fcas cirastics-Ily i-edtsceet' The intransigent Arab mtnor* ' Faced with euch.deadly hostilprices t© a point that will Insure ss-nsedlate Hy w a s strengthened,"'too, by tho
Qmshm Fixture & Supply Co.
By Philip•R.'Bernstein
in her Yorks?
Noted Phi] Plans to Retire
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After Christmas
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Udla V-n
I"the ?~i-I" i'"1-' PL-idia 5_.-i.-.---.r.x i>!
BO''-" *-^£-.\>;" ..''I ild» .-i'f i.;.; ;.:i.->; fence «• i::.o.-.ii.i;-j-i
the l»n».-n ceivefi i.' L JM
1859, w of phi!n!.From >'i». compUnt'. words itthem i»'v then « » U r o o t ?'»•
Starts Monday—at 9:30 A. M. Tremendous Reductions lionahle' on
,•:-.;; :»abW I ty, Jews who had come to Pal--peak'.thls -istine with -the friendliest feel
• ^ • S S ^ ..urned : " - . * ^in
riao. of riaUonaliam 'turoughoiit the Near East. As Trans-Jordan,
bitterness,, against banquet f | j a Q _ i . . Today, -although Jews are' Egypt were granted sSu t _ - ; ^ | -iever the aggressors against the '•will: b e ; s | | y-abg,: they distrust and detest -__r_.;.;L.;,ft;],;'_.em^ *and are prepared to fight ?'t_s"•-" SlBtfe^ iac&" with : •& vengeance. ' I repeat, 'Miii. M. S i ; e s t I bo "misunderstood,' that • Sin as ctifl here is a fundamental difference y,;: -Sri letwcen,'the conduct of Jews and »f Arabs. Although Jews cannot calk in" safety through any Arab "Footb • own. Arabs can enter Jewish Til-Jd picki - ' ages without lear ot attack. In north w ,i fel Aviv I livedr on Hayarkon Sious Ci - Ureet, whlca is th© main thortral His •luglifare to the Arab/city o f j a t _3l3berc - ' fe. • Every : <3ay" •'caravano .of j a m Sls laden ^tttl" sand end; stones sro seni played • _ .'lassei - o a f door driven -by. nonathletic? 1
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LOG AKQES.E0 Convenience !,i anothrr cfferins of this- hots!. Whether on burineEa or pleasure bent, the Hotel C!ar_ makes an idea! "bass of operations,"1 as TTPU as a rtsifu! ••btlict * #a t tho end o£ tho flay'n • carnp--i!sii." G c o _ Foo_, Rat«ra!r. Ar._ tno_erato charges, ns -prcll r_ lor room njscomraixSatloRS, g-ivo final cisrslficancs t o a i r 1_» worC— COi-sTOF.T. P. O. a, MORRIS,
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He is a very' taleited -srriter ana ] the American L . L * u. idea .man, but he is .asytking biitj.ifiet • . , Ex-lLsa*; v e. practical. . . . • Irtoidentaily, wej-pioix Kax Saer ^ brcs^ .MRS. ESEIA U ere told that Et3.II . "LizSr^iz re- i his cub, Mas _^ce t»--i. Funeral cervices -were held lost gards Eiastein a s s perscaz,! en-jjwho weiglis .EA r c L Friday afternoon s t t h a eTny . . ."I.reyer'.EIlens'teinViiiay-j.riiig—pardon, •z*'t . „ . *-•. J J O I P Mortuary ia South . Omaha . for : or of Newark, "trio is under in-! ians will be Er"r~,:\ Mrs. Emma Steinberg, 75, wao the BY SUBMARINE: • o a s i s of Prince Stsrheisber dicteent os s charge -of' r.llegea; a&t Ben Korre'l --.— died Thursday morning in Indian'Viennese actress Nora By DIANA ICLOTTS apolis, Indiana. Mrs. Steinberg, • Don't be surprised . -if. Sitlsr beautiful Gregor, is an Italian by ' birth, I conspiracy to defraud the city, i Jlear Afimir&l »E U.e 1 the widow of Herman Steinberg, celebrates the advent of the new has tinted .hat the i iSictraent i IS a grandson c" Ih year by announcing,, his..engageand was discovered by Mas ReinThis year being: tha 50th an- ions parts of the world have beea pioneer South Omahan, had been PI .with, a bigoted New- i L. Sossr.its, oise-t n_ Sosialfiesiokrates, or- •originatefl rk niversary of tiio- creation, of established centers for the study a resident of Omaha for 45 years ment to,the daughter: of a Ger- hardtof the Danish Socialists, has i ~ Beirspaper publisb* Esperanto, t h e international of and Bpread of interest in thebefore leaving last year to make man baron . . . Hitler's "experts" . . The F I i-T8"r)erel5& br1'on the Jewish question will find scandalized European liberals by Yorkers are"'anticipating political .er In l&ngtmgei |jy Dr. Xnzcfovilz Sa« universal language. her home in Indianapolis. this country is .laying t n | excitement if the. report that themselves • in a .concentration cot the new Danish or- Bert Stand, secretary o* Tain- j eg|r menhof, a 'Warsaw Jew, Ma Sidney Kiliman, \ Surviving are: two daughters, camp one of these days because approving because Today there are 2,000,000 Esdinance''outlawing sarriage bedaughter, Iddia, has com© t o peranto speakers in the "world, Mrs. Harry Cooler and Lillian of of their failure to inform the |tween. nis.lcams.ted Cloth-' many Hall, is preparing to enter j head of the J Jews and German America t o promote increases most of them in Holland; and Indianapolis; a son, Julius of Fuehrer that the dietary laws ob- Aryans German in Denmark .. . The Nazi interest in i t . In this exclu- there are 10,000 in this country. Omaha; and four grandchildren. served in his personal • kitchen literary auto-da-fes are Ebout to sive interview granted t o t h e •"To the Jewish people, especBurial was in. Pleasant Hill are akin to kashruth It is be duplicated in Fascist Spain . . IN Women's editor of t h e Seven ially,"explains Hi53 Zamenhof, cemetery. Rabbi David H. Wiee strictly verboten to mix meat and i All librarians have received orArts Feature Syndicate, .Miss "it has deep-sprung significance. officiated. .< ' milk dishes in. preparing Adolf's ders from General Franco to Zamenhof tells o l her, worSc For it is as an answer to the profood . . . Two of Hitler's most in- purge ' Spanish public libraries ' of and of •what Esperanto should phecy in the third chapter, ninth HAKRY EGSENBLUM anti-Fascist and anti-Nazi litertimate associates are the Engmean t o the Jews. BDETOS 'paragraph of the book of ZephanFuneral services were .held lishwomen XInitey Freeiaan-Mit- ature by burning thera at public Sunday afternoon at tho Crosby- ford and Mrs. Bryan GuineES, bonfires . . . Baron George fie ian which says: 'For then will I turn to theCarlson-Meyer Mortuary for Har-daughters of Lord Redesdale . . . Potters, the Austrian nobleman, Small, blonde Lidia Zamenhof ry Hosenblum, 52, who suffered a Both are Streicher-like in their charged with being the brains of j peoples is not beautiful. . Not, at least heart attack last Thursday even- anti-Semitism A pure language in the accepted sense or the term. Their friend- the Fascist coup d'etat which the That they may call upon the ing. Mr. Rosenblum had been in ship with Hitler has led to their j French police blocked hy a series But she is • attractive a3 she sits business in Omaha for more than enforced resignation from the of raids, was the organizer of the name of the Lord, • in her room at the Hotel New To serve him "with one consent. thirty years. • Council .of Emergency Serrice,-an | first international anti-Semitic Yorker and. answers in musical Surviving are: his mother, Mrs. organisation which trains Eag-j congress,-held at Salzburg is English the .. question of her In- "Then, too, how it -will bind terviewer; .., Sks . lias difficulty, together the people of the Dias- Louis Rosenblum; two brothers, lishwomen for war-time service 1924 and attended by representfor although she executes with pora. True there is Hebrew, but Sam and Joe; M. V. Priesiaan, as officers in women's corps . atives of the Nazi party . . . ease and acuracy the telling of that is not' enough. For, do allMrs. Sara Frohm and Mrs. Morris Berlin is tickled pink over the S3XFF a complex story,'English is not I the Jews'in France speak He- Cbipkin, all of Omaha, and Mrs.resignation of United States Am- | Isador Gennett, the American A. P . Kendis of South Pasadena, bassador Dodd He was so j j e W i E a ^ . B r Te teran who flusher mother tongue, and occasion- brew? In England? In- China? In d i openly antirNazi in his views that tered the Nazis by laying a | ally, she must Tesbrt- to the help the United. States? Do they aU California. Burial was at Pleasant Hill the Nazi authorities regard his wreath at the base of Germany's, of'her friend and interpreter, speak English —• or even Yiddish? Thus brother in his broth- cemetery. Rabbi David Goldstein resignation as a major diplo- monument to its -world war dead, Madeleine Humbert. matic triumph . . . Sterilization. officiated. '. . ' tell the inside story cf his It is evening, and the East er's country is a stranger. "Esperanto, indeed, -is not is being considered in Berlin for j e x p i o i t j n the January issue Room of the New Yorker is packHARRIET Z.AX.K1S the 300,000 half-Jews who are iT h e j e v i s a y?&T Veteran . . We ed with" people listening to a meant to be a substitute for inAfter gallantly fighting for two not accepted by either Aryans cr hear from his friends that the _ young woman of about 33 years dividual national languages, but Those anti-Sem- florist from whom he purchased' old whose eyes sparkle behind rather a universal second langu- years, Harriet Mae Zalkin, 5, died non-Aryans Bhell-rimmed glasses. With all age. There must be brotherhood Thursday morning following an itic slogans that lined the roads t h e ^ r e a .tn phoned Nazi headthe courage and wisdom of a among men. But how futile the operation to relieve pressure from Berlin to Nuremberg, torn , , u a r t e r s before selling it to him, • down overnight during the Duke t 0 g e t an O. K. . . . "Yes, if the modern Minerva Bhe stands be- attempt to achieve understanding caused by a pituitary tumor. SheMs survived by her parents, of "Windsor's visit because^ Hitler J j e w pars," the replv . . fore her audience and in a.full in a world wherein brother ou rich voice says "whimsically, by speaks to brother each in a ton- Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Zalkin, and a g ^ s jc a n n o vgg eet t strictly kosher choir j strictly kosher choir didn't ex-king *to so | nc aen i s . . . Ar a hbi frora Lithuania ! touringwant thethe • world advertising way of introduction, "Mi estas gue foreign to the other. And sister,~Sandra, 8 months. Cvcr S65 Kcivl ., Lidia Zamenhof." And all at once how peace, where there is no Funeral services were held Nazi anti-Semitism, are being re- j v 2 S b e e n engaged hv the conn\ slight, blonde Lidia Zamenhof is understanding!" says Lidia Za- Thursday, December 16, at the placed Ex-Kaiser Wilhelm's , t r y > s j a r g e s t r of - beautiful, radiating that grace menhof. Jewish Funeral Home with burial popularity in Nazi circles took a e i l o w j ^ a tt 00 boss oss the the kosher s and charm which emanate from "The dumb fish" of the sea arein Golden Hill cemetery. nose dive when • Berlin learned Chinese food factory . • He gets the truly great. "Who is thia not strangers in foreign waters; that envelopes containing letters! p a i d t w j c e a y e a r * Dr supervising Lidia Zamenhof who slowly and birds of all parts of the world ABRAHAM' KATZ from Berlin are destroyed before j c r e T r Of twelve Chinese cooks. some strange foreign language sing in harmony; even the stu- Funeral services were held at his aides give him the letters, ES awho have been trained to scour olds the attention of an aiidi- pid' chimpanzee of one part of the Jewish Funeral Home for he can't stand ;the sight of thetheir hands in kosher powder belience of English-speaking men the forest can make himself un- Abraham Katz, 22, who died Fri- swastika on the envelopes '. . . fore kosherizing the noodles . . . . , '*n r> \~ PiT'sTT itlOI . and "women, while- the. elderly derstood by a chimpanzee in an-day morning. Katz was the sonNew regulations issued by the Business must he pretty bad for, Ail sizss white-haired gentleman : at her other part of the forest! Only of Aaron Katz, principal of theNazi ministry of education make St l l 6 s t. a d c honi5a when the presi.. E^C.3 side interprets phrase by phrase man, who is above them all, Talmud Torah. it necessary for all professors Id e n t 0 « t n e Marriage Brokers As-1 ]'• what she is saying?' stands before fellow man, mute I; ~T;~i Surviving besides his father, and teachers to. know all about j sociation of the United States F0HI>IAI^ AT TH to exchange thoughts the Jewish problem . . . Nazi-sec-j R^bM Nathan TTolf, calls on Un- | As she progresses, sentence' by —unable v are his mother and a brother, Is•et agents have been given or- ;c l e S a l a t 0 oyer^ai-i the isarris.Ee i' rael, 1.9. sentence, the story of Esperanto, and ideals." lers to find the two secret radio j l a w s , _ _ j i a 3 . R e inhardt's "Eter- ' the language she speaks, as con- And how much is lost in the stations in.. France that are jn a l R0&d," which has beae gathLOUIS FAXGEB ceived by her father, to be theexchange in a great world court, C""1*** "?CC universal langauge -for mankind, where are met the wise men of Louis Fanger, 72, who suffer- broadcasting anti-Hitler p r o- jj e r j S 5 dust since May, may be ; i all nations, and one must receive ed a fractured skull in a fall at grams - into Southern Germany j j ^ v ^ j n to the Rockefeller Cen-: *_ Js unfolded. . Ludwik Zamenhof, born in the message of the other through his home, died Sunday at. the very day . . . German scientific, t r e Theatre for a Radio City run \ IS59, was a distinguished doctor an interpreter! How quickly a Nicholas Senn Hospital. His wid- magazines are< crediting isdus- i i n preparation for a tour cf the | the 'Broadway of philology • in ^Warsaw, Poland. deep-sprung- ideal, expressed in ow, Mrs. Fannie Fanger, has trialist' Carl Bosch, with the in- jj country, y, y the choicest words degenerates ti f th t i f i i l i t n been in California and because of From his early, youth he had rention of the artificial nitrogen jJ s t s s a y . _ _ . g u t ^g, tE0-?r that into the commonplace statement ill health could not return for the compiled comparative lists of fixation process . . •• but world j ?* can't happen unless sosse o* of cold fact, when deprived of the funeral. V" words in all languages, broken fervor cientists know, the real inventor! o u r r j e a - patrons dig dovn deep and genuine spirit of inFour daughters, Mrs. I. Gross- was the llate Fritz Haber, The reports os the debate them down into their roots- and terpretation which only its origH b GerG then selected the most universal inal creator can „ inject into it. man, Mrs. J'. J. Pink, arid Ruth raan-Jewish Nobel Prise winaer, j between Judge Proskater and root lor the corresponding words Surely, if one cannot understand^ Fanger of Omaha and Miss An- whom the Nazis drove into exile Maurice Samuel were all -wrong nette Fanger of Los Angeles; and suicide . . Proskauerwalked out not bein a new language he was comthe other is saying, there" three sons, Morris and Frank of VIA ETHEH. "WAVES cause.Samuel implied that he was posing: a common language, that what can be little hope of delving be- Omaha, and Max of Cleveland, London insiders are not at all! an economic Bourbon, but ba- j he hoped might bring closer in yond word to the implication and a brother, M. Fanger of New •ashful about predicting that | cause Samuel- called Proskauer's friendliness and understanding of thethe thought beneath. York also survive. England's aggressive Secretary j rebutal "a spiritual nob appeal." the peoples of the world. In 1S87 For TEIUS and Emtrtness tills gro-ap • Thu3 while great ocean liners Funeral services were held of ' War, Leslie Hore-Belisha, will | t it was completed r— and he callPEOPLE is tuie^usled. Princess and Swagger ed it "Esperanto" which in that speed their way across the "waters Monday afternoon from the Jew- be 'prinie minister wihtin two Now that.. Margot JJarianoff, st"!*lss iz s-isss'for j'oniors, si^ses EJIS language means 'He who hopes.' bringing ever closer widely sep- ish Funeral home. Rabbi David ears . . . His sensational reor- daughter of Prof. Albert Einarted parts of an expansive world Goldstein was in charge. Burial•anization of the army has nade In 1910, the original group of stein, has heae divorces from Dr. him the talk of the country . . . Dmitri-'Marianoff we can tell you Esperantists, headed by Dr. Za-and telegraphy and airplanes was in Pleasant Hill cemetery. Because he's a bachelor, Kore- that Mariano** has been ia desmenhof met in Washington, D. C.crumble even further the wall of MRS. MOKTXMORB ASHKB . . . From all parts of the world distance between land and land, Belisha is the subject of. all.sorts | perate straits for some tine Mrs. Mortimore Asher, 32, .of of marital rumors came great echoes of acclaim; the wall which stands between The latest and among them, from far away man and man is neglected and Indianapolis, Indiana, died Mon- has him smitten with' Mile, d'Att-1 day. Mrs. Asher was formerly driffet Passuler, daughter of the j Persia was a message from one forgotten. - FOS EEX2 Madeline Kenyon. of Omaha. 'Abul'I-Baha, son of Baha'uilah "It- i3 really not difficult to blue-blooded French Duks of j cejilrally locatea. Sea. 1 who founded the Baha'i Faith "love thy neighbor, .only we must ' Surviving are her parents, Mr. Pasquier . . 'Tissalfl that at a scnable. l a 0977. which recognizes ^the unity of make it less diffciult to make and Mrs. S. Kenyon of Omaha; Paris dinner Hore-B^Hsha was God and, of-mankind, with the ourselves understood. her husband; one son, Jerry, 10; overheard whispering: "Is it posfundamental purpose of promot"Yes, soon we'll ail J?e speak- one sister, Mrs. E. Bikson of Min- sible in France for a Jew t o ' p£ ing concord, harmony and better ing it, everywhere. They there neapolis; and one brother, Mere- marry a Catholic?" . . . Fritz !' understanding a m o n g men. will be no strangers, in any land dith of Parkston, South Dakota. Mandl, Austria's munitions - kiag,.'»' •.^Somehow, there seemed to be a,i . . For are we not all .leaves of Funeral services were held haa learned to his regret that it's |1 ' Food Products sp.irit of relationship, a goal one tree; flowers of one garden; yesterday at the N. P. Swanson dangerous for a . J e w to play'j" • KOSHER ES&I5S IM XOdr s ln o n e sea? around with anti-Semites . , . . j : Funeral home. Burial was at common to both this . obscure ° P " For years Mandl was the backer * Pleasant Hill." Rabbi Frederick faith and his own newly accepted of Austria's Nazis and the Heim-J' As the evening .progresses, and Cohs conducted the services. language: Unity of mankind. wehr of Prince Starheniberg . . . "> Thus Dr. Zamenhof in his "later her introduction has been comfor I.r^.si-sc^iE'wEL! And the Nazi press judiciously ^ pleted she steps down from the MRS. S. STJEFLEU years became an ardent sympathProlucla at Ye^' refrained from mentioning his i |j platform and lesson one in EsWord has been received here izer with the Baha'i movement. . . But now that Acs- ^ Groscr cr C&H - • a Esperanto, the wort a n d peranto begins . . . . In vain you of the death in San Francisco on Jewishness tria and Germany are at oddsY> dream of a. lifetime -was born. look for a textbook. Startled you Saturday of Mrs. S. Stiefler, for- again Goebbels has seen to it 11 meet the information -that the merly "of Omaha. Mrs. Stiefler 3ut in 1917 its father died, ins to the youngest of his three grammar can be - learned In half had made her home for the past that the Nazi, press should "pil-'' children, Lidia, the complete en- an hour. Even the vocabulary, as nine years with Mrs. J . Golden,- lory Mandl as "that Jews who i D i i C^=:.tCT5 A dowment of the beautiful spirit -you have found" listening all evey tierg of'Los Angeles and Mrs. S.exploits Spain" . . . The new wife; C " ' " - C". L ning is not unfamiliar to the ear. Lesman of San Francisco. of love and understanding .which Soon she. Trill say brightly, Funeral services' were held on motivated its conception. She was 13 when he passed away, but "Mi estas Lidia Zamenhof." And Sunday in San Francisco. already deeply aware of the im-you will answer eagerly, "Mi es.... . . E L I IVOHMfEB, measurable task before her. Shetas (and supply your name)" and must tate up the cudgels for thealready you are Mends. And , Eli "Wonkier, 30, Omaha resispread of Unity of Mankind and there is humor laughter — dent "for thirty years, died "WedLove and Peace in a world rid- lots of fun In the little East nesday morning at his home. Sir. den with the horrors of blood- Room. There is nothing dull Wohlner was a past president of shed and war. She must contin- about a langauge as alive as Es- the Beth Hamedrosh Hagode! ue the work begun by her father. peranto . . . She will say, "Misynagogue. Esperanto must live* Her father ainas vin (I love you). And there He is survived by five sons had died in the Jewish faith, but is the reflection of a strange in- Albert, Harry, Morris, Paul'., of Lidia Zamenhot turned to the ner light. Yes,' Lidia .Zamenhof is Omaha, and Louis of Tabor, Ia.; 'Baha'i movement for spiritual beautiful — a s ' is the message a. daughter, Mrs." Bessie Ltxtski cf Visi^ comfort. Thus it is the invita- she brings. Poland; thirty grandchildren tion extended her by the Nationand twelve great-grandcaildren. al Spiritual Assembly of the Ba- (Copyright 1937 By Seven Arts Funeral services were held V/ay ic Izis^Icio I I YYear K K l ha'is of the United States and' Feature Syndicate). Thursday at tha Jewish Funera' j Canada (which body," incide,ntalHome. Burial was at Fisher f ly, defrayed the cost of her voyFarm cemetery. ; ) age from" Gdynia) which makes ' possible her now being here to quent declarations. Ths Depart'. carry further ..fbe torch of her Washington, D. C. '("WNS) — ment of Justice was asked to i n ; sire's life work by conducting a z nation-wide drive-to place Esper- Action looking to the nullifica- vestigate his activities from tlis of hi3 arrival in thia country anto upon the American tongue tion of the naturalization of Fritz during her short stay of three Kuhn, leader of- the pro-Nazi until his naturalization in K German-American Bund,, as a 1934. \ m o n t h s in this country. At-the same time the Iinmi[1 She had become acquainted step toward his deportation was" t'with the language by instruction initiated by the House Immigra- gration- Conimittee voted favor/ a n d word of mouth from the lan- tion Commutes when it adopted ably-on a bill that says " s o perguage maker himself. She appli- a resolution calling upon, the De-son shall be naturalized or b cr. ed herself diligently to the educa- partments of Justice and Labor made a citizen of the United to investigate Kiihn's activities. States who does. not believe in tion afforded her> by the schools V,The Labor Department was the form ot government cf the and university of Warsaw, where she later remained for five years asked to SEsemble all documents United States or who is a" .memis ' an" instructor in Esperanto, concaraing him, ' including - hisber of or affiliated with scy or- j ysince, she has taught Sn France, petition for citizenship so that ganization which ddvocates aay ] * » ..a t « J. f Holland, Sweden, while in var- his statements at that time coald form of,•-government-other than! be checked against Ms subse- that of the United States "
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TIi© Rooe of Appreciation
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^'•"1 f-Plfl to AbihBt >' f iv r oM men die, lie the leaders o£ - £ j£tr o> EtEUC." "t v Lub the Holy Oi.e 'HTOiEK'S DRIVE TO THE Interferes 5n the affairs of th:s j 1 sakl "Time vil.1 show who will j 3AST" F . EIimr\'N JOXES. B. P . splendid democracy. jbur; vrliom,'' BUTTON & CO. ISO PAGES. .The prospects for peace &re not j 1 r. bhl rope, snid: "This j g very bright. The democracies cf j $1.00. people s;?.y 'many old camela This is a fearfully alarming the Trorld hat© and fear vr&r. Eit- | book, one "which should be read ler and Mussolini have nothing to j arc -l e.der. with the hides of the roi-rg; ones,* " aad studied by all concerned frith lose, and fcnew that ultimately, j to save themselves from disgrace, j Kf br\ ,Blesba.r gaid: "How do=5 world affairs and especially they"' will have to resort to war. j Vienna (WNS) •VTindowe ir a scholar appear in the eyes of an the guestioa of European and peace. l a graphic &ad coa-Hitler is demanding impossible j Jewish shops were smashed by j jpnc-anv, person? At first a » Tinciag manner, the author ana- ransoms• sffeieh no self respecting! KBEIE in a series of raids organiz- i t;UE!,m?.F,nce the scholar appears to lyzes Germany's urge tOTr&rds country can grant. Mussolini is •ed in retE,"kiior; for the ErnsBiiinj: : hits a golden pitcher. However, conquest, the country's trsditicn- growing caily more belligerent; of a. window in the new Germcr. ' vyov.'hoklins- a conversation with *-
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-. By.-Eabbi.Frederick Colas Of all the roses in the Garden of Life—and there are many Business and Managing Editor (rose of happiness, rose_ of righteousness, rose of success)—the DAVID BliAOKBR • • .-.,». .,'. '' "Editor rose of appreciation is the most beautiful. It blooms delightFSANK R. ACKHRMAN » ,. Associate Editor fully upon its stem, exhaling the sweetest fragrance that brings LEONARD NATHAN - . . . .• Contributing Editor RABBI FREDERICK COHN • intoxicating joy to the human heart, It is the American Beau-. • • . . • ' - : . BooU E d i t o r , RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS Sious City. Iowa, Correspondent ty Rose in the Garden of God. ANN PILL. ' "• How lovely it is to be appreciated. Bitter is it only to be ignored, to "be treated with cold indifference, to be belittled, : For a Positive Judaism . • , •. •. : . disesteemed, perhaps even to be condemned and vilified, maliciTravel Bureau, where e life-slse \ Through th^tinfortiuiate.cireiinistances of a complex world ously misrepresented,, mistrusted; cruelly, and unjustly dealt al policy of "Drive to the East," and irresponsible and desperate.; picture of Hitler VSF. on. display- • i.iiri. !>e tii.ipee.rs like a silver ; pi;cher end upon receiving a £ava basic cad indispensable feature The csly hops for. peace in Eur- i } situation, the viewpoint of too many Jews is becoming miser- with, deliberately and cynically cast aside. of the Reich's foreign policy. The ope is for the democratic coun-: S'ich&el Lepenschuss, a Jewish : or ±--cr>i the Ignorant, the scholar ; ably distorted. Their Judaism, which should' be theirjoy, has Yet all men need appreciation and encouragement. With- author shows how the present tries to form a •ucited front, and . merchant, was errested on e. -.rpears to Mm like an earthen ' become their burden. Their religion, which should give them out it their flower of life withera and dies. "What dew is upon German Government systematic t° oppose the insolence and de- i charge o£ having smashed the of the tyrants.. It is my ; window in the travel bureau. T're schoolmen propounded a faith, has become obscured in a maze of unwholesome visions. the grass, to the flower of the field, so appreciation and encour- cally and assiduously undermin- fisnes ed the authority of the establish- firm conviction that if the de-1 cuesvion. "Is the memorial pray. "' Jews, too often, are made conscious of;, their Judaism and agement are to the soul. Appreciation encourages.. Lack of ed governments, strives to over-J raocracies would organize iranie-: er ir honor of the living or (or i their obligations to it by the bogey of a possible American Hit- appreciation discourages, dampens all effort, chills and kills. throw established states, in the dieately and put in effect a vig-: the cet'eased?" And after. Gem© ©f th© Bib ler, of a fascist dictatorship. National magazines seeks sub- All noble'energy is paralyzed. The heart is taken out of earnest hope of widening its sphere of in- orous economic boycott against: fluence, of gaining economic, mil- the trouble makers, wsr, which i ; scriptions, philanthropic organizations ' make their appeal?^ inhibition of all the faculties. There is a blight itary and political control cf now appears inevitable, might be j • ffpty, WiMtv In Dr. F'J5!ii5» Seer I fraternal orders campaign for members, a l l making the same upon the whole life. smaller nations and peoples, of averted. But immediate anfi "un-' • ified actionis necessary. And for \ making' these catspaws in the ;;DSNTIAL \ appeal—they offer an alternative to the German situation. • Whereas appreciation and encouragement stimulate and in- Nazi march to po-wer. The vol-this the democracies are not yet! I • "Within Judaism and Jewish life is a-wealth that a thou- spire. New life is imparted which results in the most fruitful ume exposes the diabolical plans ready. ! . <~,>Jk LEON My people hath been losx Bb.eep • sand Hitlers could not destroy. In the old days when the Jot and beneficent activity, the most valuable and often epoch-mak- and the fiendish designs of the Several valuable appendices are I their leaders hs.ve caused their Compan. Hitler regime. The picture is in- included at the end of the book j to go astray. of insurance \ of the Jew was many times harder than now, the force that kept ing result. . C«ll ATinfer-J deed a horrible one to contem- which give authoritative I will give then: one lieari Judaism alive was not a eommon complex of fears, but the bond ; "Even the greatest need encouragement, else their spirits plate. Yet he "who does not in- mation concerning: German Ee-! andAnd I will put a. new cpirit withof .a positive, living religion. . sist upon living in a "world of armanent; The Balkan entente; , lag and flag. A mood of despondency falls upon them. Shake- illusion in you. I will remove tl~" str-.r-;Albania; Nazi Plots in Africa; i he vrho "wants to approach ; Inherent within Judaism are the reasons why Jewish in-. speare has given expression to this in the glorious twenty^-ninth heari out of their flesh £.:• I I v " [..: r the problem of peace and "war in Nazi Persecution in 1936; and! 7 give then-, a heart of flep .:• stitutions should receive support.* Our religion incorporates Sonnet: •:- J-5, i®38 «,••.;Europe from a realistic angle, Radical Catholics in Nazi-Ger-! He that htih given fc's h"PFf" is. ' the highest aspirations man has known. Our culture has incany. ' ] can not afford to miss this small "When, in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes, to the hunerry, hath covf pf' •*••" but unusually significant book, '•', 3pired every people with whom it'has come in contact. "Our Those who bfclieve in democra-t I alone beweep my outcast state, or to dismiss and ignore the in- cy and who are earnestly concern- ] naked with garments. '•" : ! : * j history is an'unbroken ; record that invites pride. There is little And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries. controvertible, the brutally nak- ed with its future should read j hath uot given forth uprr *' c ed facts concerning the machina- this book, and make it available j est hath esecctec true Jut >.'ot '' I j , ' upon it that causes shame. And look upon myself, and curse my fate. twees man and man, lie..!- N E'I tions and the unprincipled am- for others, ! ed in Ky statutes, and li£ LThis fear appeal is repugnant to those who have an respect Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, bition of the German Reich. time; Ilirf ordinances tofiee.I"" £br themselves or their Judaism. It is as. malicious as t h e ac. Featured like him, like him with friends possess'd, is ;i.st, b.e shall surely !;•• The Nazi procedure is treachcusations of the anti-Semites. : ,' Desiring this man's art and that man's scope.. erous, efficient and diabolically With what I most enjoy contented least; It is the richness, the vitality of Judaism that holds us tor shrewd. It is so conducted as to give it an aura of pure innocence Yet, in these thoughts myself almost despising gether and it shall continue as the tie between fifteen million Tirerefore the man was r-or and to conceal the essentially Haply I think on thee, and then my state, persons until that day when its existence is no longer essential f-r^y tc teach that fee v n - ?< fiendish and immoral designs bef c :"cy« one BOTI! cf e humr.r h<-,r Like to the lark at break of day arising to the well-being of man. ' . ' hind it, designs incidentally fully > cciBidered by the Scrir-r-f proclaimed by Hitler "la his From sullen earth,-sings hymns at heaven's gate. if he hs.<3 destroyed th? v're Mein Kampf" and which the . • For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings F a s c i s t s F a c e t h e " Y e l l o w . P e r i l " .'• • present regime is pursuing -vrlth Esalansky Speaks to Palestine That then I scorn to change my state with kings. a typical Russian disregard, for Fanners Gatfeeretl The unfortunate incident in China that threatened Japethics and honor. st Tel Aviv The very thought of his sympathizing, loving friend raises anese-American relations brought a disdainful cry from those The Nail attack always begins his head and his heart. Celestial music sounds in his souL He great protectors of 'Aryan' culture and civilization. German Tel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agency) with economic p e n e t r a t i o n . —The prediction that two million papers poohoohed the American state departments making a is encouraged to continue in his place and with the work in Thanks to the financial Jews could tee absorbed in mountain out of a molehill although not very long ago when hand.: He is then so content with his lot, that he would not of Dr. Shacht, many a Balkan more country, Yugoslavia, Greece, Bul- the boundaries s,t present proa German boat was-bombed in Spanish waters the Nazis re- "change his state with kings." Rounaania, have become posed for. the Jewish state was panti! Such, magic can be wrought by appreciation and encourage- garia, taliated by shelling the city of Almeira and killing a number economically dependent u p o n j m a d e by Moshe SmiiEnsky, presiment 1 Equal only to the tragic gloom that descends upon the Germany. Because the Reich is dent of the Palestine. Tanners' of civalians. • v .. ' ' " • desperately poor and can not af- federation, author and noted exThe sincerity of the Fascist nations is thus exemplified. soul when these are withheld, leading often to utter despera- ford to pay in cash, aH trading ponent cf Arab-Jewish friendship, It-is, of course, with the Nazis that the idea of 'racialism' tion and even suicidal despair. How often, even little children, is done in kind, after the primi- in ' sn address at the iefieretion i3 most closely associated. However, during the Ethiopian take their own lives when they feel they are utterly un-appre- tive fashion. The chief commo- conference. Kr. Siailansky gave dity of German export is arnaa- full endorsement to the proposal campaign when Italian apologists came; in^drpves, one of these, ciated, abandoned, and alone! ments. The Reich obtains neces- for the cstablishiaent of s Jewish Great is the responsibility that rests upon all to speak an a member of the famed. Rossetti family, defended Italy's desary and wholesome food, and in state. The adoption cf that promand for more children with the reminder that only Mussolini occasional word of encouragement when they can sincerely do return gives the -peoples whom gram, he asserted, is the key to i the amelioration cf the economic and those who believed in him realized the gravity of the Yel-so, not to let the occasion go by, to praise and not to always it has seduced, guns, bullets, and difficulties gripping the country.: weapons of destruction. Econoonly criticize, find fault, censure, and condemn. Criticism is low peril. It was to save, the future "Europe that Mussolini mic penetration is always follow- The speaker, who in the past has j by no means always constructive nor are those who continuwanted more Italians. It was Japan's rising birthrate that ed up by political. After Dr. frequently been critics! cf the ' Mi ally permit themselves this privilege and luxury always intel- Shacht undermines the economic Jewish Agency, expressed confi- •• naj caused Mussolini to become so violent a militarist. of a Etato, the pro- dence that thefcouEds.rie6cf thss i Mn -. In a little over a year Mussolini's erstwhile enemy is nowlectually or morally qualified to indulge in this exercise. It Independence am paganda ministry enters upon the projected Jewish state will be en- i his foremost friend. And Hitler, the great exponent of.Teu- often proceeds from the most colossal egotism, conceit and scene, and deluges the country larged beyond those envisages in I tonic civilization, finds it expedient to make an exception in vanity. Thoreau said that some would find fault with the red- with dishonest, poisonous Nasi the royal commission report. Ke • always shrewdly adde4. the belief that the Kegeb, j the case of the Japanese. Perhaps they are. not yellow-haired, ness of the dawn if they only got up early enough to do EO ! propaganda, disguised, under the high claims the large stretch cf land in south- ] or tall, or German-speaking. ButHhey are relentless, -unprin- Praise upraises! Thoughtless, irresponsible and incompetent of fighting Bolshevism and world ern Palestine, wc-iiiS remsia la criticism disheartens and destroys. Not to encourage a droop- Jewry — the two srch enemies BritiEli possession. cipled—and that gives them a kinship bond to the Nazis. ing, despondent spirit is the unpardonable sin! a thousand-fold of mankind, represented as iden- In the cocrse of Ma rseech, Sniilansky also crged Jews to more so to put obstacles in the way, whether of word or deed, tical and synonymous. Against giv© ; utmost support to the these enemies Germany is waging A Threat to Czech-Slovakia • to be a blight, a 'wet-blanket,' a 'joy-killer,' a, constantly carp- a heroic and sacrificial battle Keren'theirHayesod and the Keren An editorial column that is confined to discussing'subjects ing-critic, a gloomy pessimist, a misanthrope, a cynic, an as- which It invites the less enlight- Kayeaeth,. in view cf the hasie ened nations to join. In many psrt played y these two instituof Jewish, interest usually finds itself hard put to comment on assassin of the soul! Each yecr The Nehrasfstfs gift countries, the German govern- tions • in th«development cf the Czecho-Slovakia. Despite a Nazi movement among its German In his "Wind from the Mountains," the sequel to the beau- ment actually owns outright eith- country. : service- gr®w$' in popularity. minority, it is the scene of no, Jewish discrimination. Almost tiful "Beyond Sing the Woods", Gulbranssen attributes the de- er all, cr nearly all, newspapers The assembly included SSI delalone of the succession states has it shown a real ability to gov- gradation and moral ruin of Major Barre to the fact that he which voice Nazi EentSsnents, fea- egates representing 4,000 farmNasi propaganda, and cham- ers and planters cf Palestine. • ern itself. I t has produced the only men worthy to be'called had not received proper moral support in his struggle with life ture pion the interests of Germany This year's conference is notable statesmen, men of political stature who dwarf into significance and adverse fortune. Many a tragic failure is due to the lack against the interests of the citi-1 for the amalgamation of the fedA great many wise and sound busithe loud-mouthed dictators who surround and threaten it. ' of appreciation and encouragement. A cheering word would sens. If that does not succeed eration . with the Xatidnel Agrithe S< ness men are calling on us to sugS?a In The recent visit of French statesmen t6 its capital remind have tided one over the crisis, would have enabled one to vault fully, the propaganda machinery j culturists' union, both of which t gest useful gifts for them to give to -continues its nefarious wori with had been at odds for years. For pproceo us that it may be called upon to play the irole of the next Belthe abyss.'. their, mer* end women employees direct bribery, and assassination. the first time in the history cf the gant V gium in the event of another war. To prevent that war there Plan The pathetic appeal of Louise Imogen Guineas superbly It stopa nowhere. Every official, federation, composed of the largand other friends. Eeres the quick ;3oint ; is the grave possibility that those countries'interested in peace beautiful "If I Should Die Tonigtht" i3 still poignantly per- high' and low, who can be mads *er private planters, an official inW&jT e c « fe-^iS? tiivfcr^.^'****/**.- ^ ^ ' . ^ t • • < • " * to sell his soul aad betr&y Ms vitation to address the confer\±o be' may compromise the independent status of Czecho-Slovakia j tinent: country, is bought. Nazi agents, csc8 was addressed to e, member |the 2 Czech-Slovakia has demonstrated to the world that demoNasi spies, Nazi money incessant- of the Jewish Agency Executive. ISIarch "0 friends, I pray tonight, ly spread N a s i propaganda, The • spokesman WES Dsrid ben cracies.-haye powers that dictatorial governments can never! • ,' • Keep not your kisses for my dead, cold brow, preach Nasi doctrines esd - chsa.- Gurion, chalrznaa cf the Esecn-| realize. Upon the death of its late great first statesman; .Thom-1 . The way is lonely, let me feel them now. pion Nazi policies. tive, who .espresaed satisfaction | Give as Masaryk, it was necessary that the government beg the peo-.1 --r:rs $ - Tha whole ©astern portion of with the closer approach cf the I Think gently of me, I am travel-worn: pie to remain away from the city of Prague, where the funeral | Europe is today in the grip of j farmers to the Siosist crganlzaj ' g My faltering feet are pierced by many a thorn the -Natis. Greece 'has actually! tlcn and the V&ad Leumi. |S was to be held, for.fear that the city could never accomodate • Forgive, 0 hearts estranged, forgive, I plead! gone Fascist, and there iTazl pen-j A demand .for th© arming el j «| •Jjipshu • the huge crowds that wanted to pay their last, respects; OWhich ^ When dreamless rest is mine, I shall not need etration . is complete evea to' the | the Jewish community cf Pales- .| | | jthe co of the dictators could expect such voluntary homage? estent o* having German officials j tine in view cf the continuing dis- U'% The tenderness for which I yearn tonight.'' . Jrear.the Greet army and navy, j ttirbsnees was one of two prind-j ffii It is the duty of the democracies to guarantee that Czechtive fo Better one rose of appreciation now then mounds of flow- run Rosimania is slowly but gradually I pal resolutions adopted by the i .6 sneml'3 Slovakia shall not become another Manchuria, another Ethio- ers" heaped upon the tomb, tailing a. prey to the Nazis, as are federation. The other resolution pia. I t has contributed to the prestige of Democracy when the Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia. '-Were called for the revision of Article : . Is not that the meaning, too, of the admonition in the Book .dude ] ,—; Y Suggest it not for courageous Opposition IS of the League S-Itnfia-te on older democracies were by their action detracting from the and II. of Proverbs? "Withhold not good from him to whom it is clue of a ffe-w-brave spirits'the Nazis Palestine, declaring that it vzs j names! respect with which our ideology once was-held. .'"•'•-. when it is in the power of they hand' to do it. Say not unto would have triumphed long Ego. Jeopardising, the €evelcsssert cf ; Unfortcnately the opposition is trade s,nd indtsstry. thy neighbor: 'Go, and come again, and tomorrow I-.-wflLg if • k for cur ccd .t depr.idisorganized and •weak, and per- The pls.ee of Je^wlsa labor ia I l l when though hast it by thee." ' secuted by the government which ^eivish-o^fnsd plsnts-tloriS eTolse^ t F i g K t ' N a z i s ' • •.'•• is on the side • of' Fascism, for si heated discussion ia vie-w of tive I • • • ; ' / . \ ' ' . ? . • ,.-.. • ••" • — F r e d e r i c k C o i n . The embattled farmers who withstood the British at Conobvious reasons. In these oppos- cherges heing made that .TewisS; i cord snd Lexington have never had greater reason to be proud ition parties, there is a measure employers wers fiiscrimln&ting j isper"of hope, snsi if Etrengthened, the l a p . -. •••• of thir: descendants than the rebuke given to the Nazis by the in :•..grasp ©f Hitler Trould he eeriousT. i ••v - ^ - \ . ; . , : ; ...• '••/•• -•• • '• . ' 5 6 5 3 - 1 9 3 7 ' . ; . " • - : • Connecticut Yankees of Southpprt. asd possibly broken. ed that the federaticn gr> en recbarf :3 Theirrecent^decision..toforbid the building of a Nazi camp Rosb Cliodesh Shebat ..........~..~.M.....M.....W....M.;....W.... i?. !s in a peculiarly ord ss fsverir.;? the eiap in •'jjosltlca. It has a cf a ICO j c r cert Senrie-it Bwas apparently not hastily formulated, but only after care- *Eosli Chodesh A d a r I , .Feb. minority, ajj-rcs-j Others that the rats 2Hr .- ^ fully considering the effect on American principles—-namely, "Kosh s Choaesh Chodesh Adar I I '. .-. „ March cf tirae taillioas, the bs 1.1,* v t t 70 c? £C" pethat of freedom of speech and assembly. Fast of Esther ...... ••«.... ,,,,o,.,.l-iarcli 1.6 Ilr.. .: Tolerance of other people's views hss been one of the great III: achievements of the American system. Yet it cannot be eom- E03k Chodeah Nisan .April M..L prosaisd GO that under its protection those who disdain it can Pacsover (1st day) ..„ ................................................^.pril 1G aeeompliali thei? aefarious purpose. Passover (7th day) ..„..;.,........,„......,....»..... «......,..»^pnl 22 ii To be tolerant of thonc who hate toleraaee h • suicide. In °EosIi Chodesii lyar .......<.,...M.....«.............«,......M»....M'»...«i.,..J2a7 2 Germany and Italy the Fascists rose to power by taking ad- Lag B'omer" FOE \i , „ .......«.......«^...i«M,.....,.Sl£y 19 eslavs'xic. zzi provider "ir;:lcrirtt,tc £ field n vantage of the rights given them by democratic constitutions. Rosh Chodesh Sivan ,„„.,„.,«.»„,..„ Ms^1 31 t frirly piausibt*1 rr*""Et i precis; > EDJTOBlAt. OPPICSr.600 BRANDSIS THEATER DUIUOINQ CIOUX CITY OPFICE-JEWISH COMMUNITY CSNTER PRINT SHOP ADDRESS—45OS GO. 24TH STREET
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L. and" i e who . "Saves \-.cng the Scriptures consider 'it a s •! :aad saved; the T7hole >brid. : ca^wien Moses:and ;:Aaron •.-:• |;d'.together.aid were follow- ^ r-Nodan and Abthu, the sons j iron Kodab said to Abihu: / jn will tile two -old men Aikf 7,P-OU and I be the leaders of W To which the Holy One "Time -will- show who will ; " i ? r h o m ,
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bbi Popa.said; "This j B people say .'many old camels ;aden with the hides of the g ones.'"
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pbi ,Eleabar said; "How does lolar appear in the eyes of an [•ant person? At first: acstance the scholar appears to a golden pitcher. Ho-wever, ['holding a conversation with ; he appears like ^i silver er and upon receiving:a faviom the ignorant, the scholar ars to him like an earthen er."
. - • - • . • • •
e schoolmen propounded a jtion. 'T!s the memorial pray1 honor of the living or for aeceased?" And after.: : 1 invest Safely. Wisety in [Annuity, Endowmenv fctto ; ' : : . H I A R K L B O f t ::-..;-••-•: •presents 21 Strong Compan. s—Every Type oJ insurance Id Bonds written. .Call A T . =7 or WA-51E0.
WARNING ~ ES JAN. 15, 2.93S
t Other J s - : X-
Slerabers of the Alpha. Chi Sorority of the Municipal i their best • producers, I University of Omaha gathered Announcement "has been na&e } for a surprise chili dinner ia ionHollywood — T h r e a d i n g ; d LondoE, tee Gerr^an film ia-i The~ by the Bankers Life Insurance or of Miss Hannah Baua. at her; Company of Des Moines that Ab- home last Sunday evening. tbrough the E.EE-S Cf r&dicein £Bd • ^ustry incurred^ deficit cf ten-; j , , . - , jr.,, • , . - , - . . ner Kairaan was ona of the five j giPjles,, - - -r t- »-v - Tho sorority will entertain on celluloid-air nirtures, oae-bas to j asu-one-half aUhon marts: ARON'OFF-GESSBUBG MISS GttBEIlT HOXOHED j of bcir.R- --. . ; Mr.- and Mrs. Morris Ginsburg Twenty-two guests -were pre- men from Omaha from the O. G. Tuesday evening, December 2S, perform mental h&ndspriiE. Last j „ direct:Eg^"Lancer Spr," i (Lish and .z. : (. ~"~r of Denver, Colorado, formerly of sent at the; luncheon and bridge Wilson Agency to qualify for the n honor .of Miss Betty Fellsan, night the "Trocadero" lured to j1^""cea_ iS Omaha, announce the. marriage given last Saturday at the Jack annual convention to be held in past president, whose engage- what seeraed a Warner ceiebra- i -'aE esoue-j. Xiamen CJUJ;2 xcsx1 08, j *0 »,e ^-t_ ^ ^ 1 ; u - i i * "Gua? • fczzlea. the P ' " • finali;-!- . t . " - v , of their daughter, Bess, to, Mr. and Jill by Miss Estelle. Gilbert Gulfportr Mississippi, January 10 ment to Dr. Abe Fellraan was re- tion wlta' Jack cutting & ess-j I£" candle birthday cats. TTas It I bnea aI - " T e Eu'>=i SE -' '&' l i f e e J n «T«s- i Ef.iesoV.rr. •cently •anouBced. Gilbert Aronoff on T&anksgiving to honor her sister, Miss Sylvia to 14. ' ike i a EKr0 •• • ' ? e . • • | tkfPK. E {"- " ' - - -- " The other Oraahans are: WillContinuing their campus activ- T^aniers* first birtiiar? "VTell, ia Gilbert, a bride-to-be. Sharing D a y . - . - . ' • • • • • • • . ' • " ' • • • .,' • ' • ' : <K ' like iapneuao=.i&!" | c c ,i, r I l , T j C - r --- , 1_ , honors with Sylvia Gilbert -were iam Clark, Ray Neary, W. H. ties, tho girls participated is the hardly! At t i e otter end c£ the | ^ ~ • } tiraself -- r—-•• r" '— intra-xnural volley ball tourna- table the Lucky strike people j C:;1 ? the Misse3 -Betty Fellraan, Marva "Wood, and Addison Wilson. ENTERTAIN ON WEDDING -' j fcrtte the "•;•-- 1 x ment last week. Hanaali Bnan clustered about a duplicate cue- j Cohn, and Helen May Saltsman, candle confection. Inquiry filEwill participate in a special fiance Friends of .Mr. and Mrs. Benthree brides elect, and Mrs. Abe demonstration under the direc- cicsed-tlie celebrstisa ES the first r T?*r,1.• ,; :*. £ Milder have been, invited to at- Venger, a recent bride. ion of Ruth Diamond, physical anniversary of the Lucky Striie tend a cocktail party on WednesMiss Rcss Leaf, who Is visiting Forty-four men attended the •director. Esther Steinberg is a prgoraa, aad the beglSEiEg cf| i1^-1 r~* ~ ' v day at 9 o'clock at; the Paxton here from" Los Angeles, Califor- smoker given in honor of the hotel in h on or of their silver -wed- nia, was also an honored guest men going to tha- Rock Island member of the Muny U's girl its Eeeonii yea? iritS Warasr Etts- j ;. t '..,-" L . t quartet which sings at school dio talent. ding, anniversary. at the luncheon. : i-'J' *iii»J i, -i_ *."* _«^ regional convention. Tho smok- functions. "We spotted . . . Edward E o b Sileen Zevitz, recipier was held Tuesday evening, ent of s citizenship inson i n a career hugely enjsyscholarship, December 21, at th's home of s prominent in the dramatis ajfKOtTNCE BIRTH HONORED ON WEDDING Tt • . ' C - " . ' 1'k -" l arts ing h i s raeil ia. i a f a r s i t l attire., Sonny Biehards. Social games department as is Florence SteinDr. and Mrs. Irving Sternhill. ANNIVERSARY announce the birth of a daugh-j Mr. and Mrs. Morris' Dolgo£f wers playeS and refreshments berg who appeared ia a recital ter, Frieda Helene. on December celebrated - t h e i r - twenty-fifth were served. T"^^ " ' j r ^ v ^t rja ^1 if^"^^" „,". , ' '• presentation of the department. Ida gets a turn. Blonde!! aa£ | ^ a ki 16 at the Methodist .hospital. Mrs. anniversary on Sunday at the At the smoker tae chapter pre*t D; ' •t •Mu ^ - r . (* • • - ' .r ' f . • " . Mrs. Fannie Witkin Pessser Powell cutting u p Uke feifis. I*ar- ht s h, s d, ^ g o o d .; o. i . t *e -" a-^S E' i e -s • " ^ -: , ,'" ' V ^ '' . Sternhill is the former Ruth Jewish Community Center. Over sented'pins to Doc Dansky, Has- was initiated into Alpha Eajpa r y Adler, * e a l t h v easterner, 1 fcell Cohen, Hilton Fxohin, andDelta, honorary soeislosieal fra- dancing on s i r witb Jrsjjile Ani- aa ^rho earceS good monsr. I Shapiro. . 140 guests were present. Ke, &i his age, cotld look tor- ; Members of the' Dramatic and Dan lanzman in appreciation cf ternity. PleSga Libby Rubacfe is ta. Louisa. to I ward to a comfcrt'able t-ctcre their services as advisors. Kest, to t h e Coeoaaut Grove S i n g i itg Gesundschaft. were now a saesaber of the Women's ARRIVED YESTERDAY Bi-otter J New basket-ball. jersiea were Athletic Association. Pauline where a C. E . S. — Phil EakerMiss Thelma Caspar, who is a among the. guests. Mr. Kenyon had I ers tried. ;n ;i V presented to all members of the Rosenblum and Esther Steinberg Joe EeiebEian conibisation held. I salesmaa i n 'Junior at the Eastman. Conserva- was toastmaster of - the evening. c eTec y -pere siello-B- olfi ; the laorf .>! f . h a ; , ' ) basketball team. •. TTo lsaraea t l a t Baker Is j ^ ^ are members of the Tcna i t iil ou w tory of Music, Rochester, N. Y., ,l.ouis "Wolk, dramatic director of w " B W J 1 " ^ ^ retired a t about [ came, a grand h e ; ij < i. ;.;.;--£ 1 r — The following are the men wno &nd pianist . . . a a d that he i ^ ® ^ staff. /arrived home yesterday to spend the Gesundschaft, presented a stamps -his feet wbea fee laugbs | 6 0 &nd c o u 3 d b e E e e n C E bright j nave t h e f r « . ••: . r : • - : will represent the chapter at the sketch. Numerous t e 1 egrams Pledge Adeline Tatetaas the winter holidays with her parregional convention. Joe Guss selected to serve on tha Nebra- heartily. Artie Auerbach, his I1 '-•-"^" pleasantly Etrolling on : ci&lly & ' r ' ^ r r r i " ;"• = __ ents: It was erroneously stated in were received from out-of-town F iUTt 6 i r e and George Shafer, debaters; jnever t a * f;: ' { =" "dear cia EagUsh. professor," J \ ^ f « ^ iriends. . ska Tcbsrculosls e o n n itics last week's Press that she had arAbe'Resnick, orator and Jacfe Ep- which distributed bangles. Pledge dialectiag to t i e great peril of • Xx~iB " r t Es t a r : eafilEE: rtioh > ?,:Ccb ex , - - T~--rived the previous was •worth EtriviEg Jor . . . & jro&I ! that PRS-°. stein, Norman Kuklin, Manny Hi- ievltz is a reporter on d o Gate- his upper plate, got stymied MATINEE DANCE r e T - ! of melstein, Joe Kirschenbaum, Irv- way Etaf t. sore in a y a m . WUsa Phil B u B - t hoal ItS EEeBt s8 BaE oieE=:la: . Many tickets have been sold STUDENTS HOME \. gested he t r y a zsw Etoiy, h s re-j ' E advances in his | Ke euvle" -,'. •• T. ~"~ - - *•-.--. ring Forbes, and Sonny Richards, to the younger set for the matPlans ar& being fora-silstsd fey Isadore Kichlin, who is a gradmembers Of the basketball fcE£d. " T y start a sew von vea * o r t i e s - T e B ' t h t t VO\L\& he the ! fairly CIPF t!- 0 ;--r. ;-. - \ - 1 • inee 'Stag 'n Drag', the afternoon chairman Cella Lipsiaaa for tJis uate student at the University of hapI>r €ad of i l s c-r:i . c*11"68" i ! 1 jfcucdSeBf-^-rcri r r "• .. ; annual bridge-luncheon to ts I got sash a l i t i a g for £is T o n ? " ! -'Chicago, and Morris Bichlin, who dance to* be given on next good tisse. Ose coside't aEt icore i soraet;inrF -r -«• — n -. - - ? . • , ' , Sunday afternoon by Betty Soref held at Hayden's on January S. attends the University of Missouri EEcord-treakers: thaa to be a contented old fcacise- | cie. r v " - ? c ;-<• v r1 Friends of the organisation have at Columbia, are spending the and Ruth Friedman at the Rome lor a t t h e e a d cf his days- Every- I thorocpt :'<:i: 6C2ad BOSS. Crystal Room. Music will be lia is TTTitias been urged to attend the event. Morris Arbitman was elected thiE winter holidays .with their parp o i r t i n g fa tLs-t b r i g h t ] H r trrr ' > , T ; • •.-.-S Sophie Tucker sailed out gCCO ii furnished by IVynohe Harris' president of Mother chapter of A. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hichlin. ' t r i e hscC V; " / - ? - - . - - ; - - -- ' •• Isolidsy cards: It took tvo ESCejection for h i a . Swing Orchestra. ;. A. Sunday afternoon. Arbitman PM Sisssa life; retarlss tiro ^-ests to do t i e Jab. i K e h a d h a d a ; on tjm. r ; - - v-r-«- -- f-r , Tickets may he obtained from has held .the office of secretary TO BE HOSTS ON NEW TEARS Ricardo Cortes is pantcialialss ia a 4 ' f r £ S ^£PPT that he i s d kept | that Eeeir=c" t'v-r-c . r either tf the girls or at the door. and was delegate to the national Stanley Slosburg, "Warren Accp t i e good E a s e his people 6.1-5 You ^^ i f - t r n r ! ' , ' : • • . ' !- 7- - • • The seinl-anaual election cf the Ms .S-60tSi pJctiire. convention of 1937. He has been German, and Howard Kaplan Trill •frays iafi SIES in F r t n t f u r t . They j cle-VTarr --. ', • i "-< ; " ' :• Phi Sigma Sorority took plaes st CONVAliESCING Tporter for the Cornbelt Region "be hosts to approximately on© reesnt t s a e . "An Old Stratr Hat," a meeting held at the fceiza cf Mr. Joseph E. Marks Is at the of A. Z. A. and at present is sechundred friends at the Elk3 club brousiit their averags to e s s Jcannetta Marks. on New Years Eve. This is the Clarkson. hospital convalescing retary. song & weeS for t i r s s years. New officers arc: President, after a major operation. Other new officer* are Leo boys' third annual subscription ' That EdSie Canter banquet — nuisercnis in the beth claia cad j fir.-'sb^iJ ' b" "' «• ("1— Kata; vlcs-jsresiacnt, Sherman, vice-president; Has&ell Marjoria dance. An K . B . C. archestra will Louisa "Wistroub; secretary, trhat Egain? — -was defrayed by tbeir graves -vrsre old, old craves ; r^Icnies. V><- - - - r ' RETURNS FROM NEW XORS Lasere, treasurer; Morris Kirschbe featured. Reservations -must Mrs. Hubert Sommer returned enbaum, senior eargeant-at-anas; Jeanaette Marks; treasurer, Shir 20th-Fos aafl Tcsaco esually — acfi their hsE.Sstos.es •were grc-ea | right &]pr.r. T! .- '• be in by Thursday, December 30. last week, from a six weeks visit Stanley Turkel, junior cergeant- ley Cohen; reporter, Esther Wia- cost $12,000 I He used to hear of Hitler •vriih- \o i a tlzpr:-,"-,in New York with her brother-in- at-arms; Sam "Bud" Wintroub, troub; round table representao c t& HOME FROM CHICAGO I t ' required a a A. B., A. M., j v? a^sietr ^haterer. Hitler j ,V .»,.< -• . - tives, Louise "Wintroub and 3£ t t e n i E law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. K. reporter, and Ray Shapiro, chapMyron Cohen, who is studying I Kaimen. Ph. D. professor, e study of e a - j ^ a s t u t a lcn-2 voios. TThat cctld j com9_ ;;«f -. ; : . r , , jorie Katz. lain. All will hold office nntfl music with Czerwonky at De phonlca, sjid a "Webster's diction- j» fello-w like Eiiler do to disturb | uie rcuLE ! . " . . : - - • ' • June, 'inclnding the secretary, IrPaul University in Chicago? will | ~~ ary to select Holly Eass* cineraa e y e a in the least a people ^•bct( C r s . ving Nogg, who was elected last spend the holidays with his par- f H a d a S S a l s as fieep-rooted in Germary \ A * <j,er . f,r • . , . , caption. Result: Lilli I l a r l c r e . June for a twelve month term. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Coas t h e eldest oak in t h e SchvE.rz- : p S j ^ e - r — -T TT«F »(•Liiiesa Shower Retiring officers are Sam "Wolk The Pioneer "Women's Organ- Luise Rsiner irill t a hen. vice-president; Morris Adler, isation will hold its Oaeg Shsbi ported -:. - < - - T ' . ; - , nine ia. January . . . snd there- •wind. VISITORS FROM CHICAGO Tho first Hadassah meeting of treasurer; Max: Prostok, Eergeartt- bos Saturday at the horse of after, xrt guess. 1 S r e a Trbss E l t l s r caste t t last I |.. n I ,^ij^ v .^. . Mr. and Mrs. Nate Sherman 19 3 S on January 6th will be de- at-arms; Morton Margolin, report- Mrs. S. Richman, SOOT Nicholas • t o poTrer, it VTBE felt is. Prank- ! „,„_ and family of Chicago arrived on voted to the annual Linen Show- er, and Jos Hornstein, chaplain. street. Dave "Werdhein of New i furt ttat vhsterer sn;j T ' l " "• * - - ' • " ! > They ^rere haTizg a little dif- to J W B c l E e i r i e r e i E G e : . : : £ .. T "Wednesday to spend a few days er. •• This'..will be a gala social JRay Shapiro was president and Tork, executive secretary ef the with their parents, Mr. and Mrs; event, devoted to an entertaining Haskell Lazera was sergsast-at- Poall-Slon, will be guest spsafc- ficulty ca cue oJ ta» sets tbe !Ths press button arms ander ths old other aye Julius Sherman. c r . • ••• prpgtam foll^ed hy tea. Mrs. Phiccas ^Wintroub, pro- tlon. • Ths Omaha group will iave a n o r e then elser-hcr CALIFORIAN HERE gram chairman, announces a drarepresentative from ' Palestine. to fl&Es &i t i e sreper. Eicrsent. Germasy, tcere verj" old 3Irs. Aaron Richards o£ San matic two-act play with a cast of Chavsra Euperzaintz as its guest, "Th9 light aoesn't ^orfc," e s plalned t i e elcetrScIaa. " J i a t l i t e . Jose, California, who, with her fourteen, "They Shall Not PerUarcJi 6 cad 7, my breitar," s u r n s r e S Milton j ~"e?£te ^ ^ ^ ^ ^c : t : . son. Peter, has been visiting her ish," which is being directed by The Omaha section of the NaBerl parents,-Mr. and Mrs.^Renhen Mrs. Herman Jafar, director of the tional Council of Jewish Juniors ®« -{contested life c£ F r a n t f c r t : t r t . VAAD BIBLE CLASS Kulakofsky, will leave Tuesday Center Player Guild. This play .is planning a breakfast on. JanT,B««.*_^,.-;,. T«^V« . _ r - | Yet the pojrros c a s e c-.-fr. -.c for New Orleans -where she will portrays the problem of the Jew- uary 2 in the Black Mirror room ^ a t f e r t t n i doctors Ie',1 c:... The Bible. Class of I t s Yaa3 fiotcs 02 onloas £,sd bossy ESSS- *J join Mr. Richards. "While in ish: children in Germany. of the Fontenelle Hot^l In aonor a c t . •Wednesday at tao B'aal Isvicbed betireea rye bread. New Orleans they will attend the In charge of the tea tables will of Miss Dora Tannenbaum, field Beany Baker adds visessr to salesaca z t s t citte- irsr '"-'" Santa. .Clara-Louisiana game in be Mrs. David A. Finkle assisted worker for the National Council rael Synagogue. Rabbi Hfltoa A. Kopstein la la charge. Several his coffee the Sugar BowL .. by Mrs. Seymour Cohn who plans of Jewish "Women. George "Vessel's fsTsrits is zrss TTES talrcs tsifie t r t<" ,"«•"•Mr. and Mrs. Richards will re- to carry out the Bhower motif in Members and prospective mem- new members attended. The nest class -will be held ea Kandel EOUP, "It's made frith isb caspScyer . . . "I bars r-S-—• turn to Omaha for a few days be- the decorations and Chamisho bers are asked to make reservafore going back to the Coast. Oser B'Shevat (Jewish Palestine tions with Miss Gertrude Guss January 12 at 2 o'clock at t i e MaEdels," be eays, "vhich los B'aai Israel Synagogue. All "wo-like ssaa.ll dried tip pieces s » | i E H - r r Arbor Day) in the refreshments. Webster 2261. to© J'PtTjEll 53 BEATRICE SOMMER VISITS . Council Members are asked to men Interested are invited to at- pararaoust .stsoi!" Anyone wishing to make a linBet this 3PAREJJTS en shower contribution can do so note the change in time of the tend. Tlist 1 JTIIBS Beatrice Sommer, -who ia by phoning Mrs. Kueben Kulakof- Current Events Group. It is now. Hear la "Tcrrrlct" r r ' T — - j a student in. the dramatic depart- sky, Wa 4405. held at 7:50 at the Jewish Com. W0MEWS HORACE! you posed IT E S S Frir-rr.. c- " : - ? : ; munity under the leadership 0 ment of the University of Ohio ' Educational boy. • I in Columbus, is spending her va- The Current Topic Study Group Mrs. George Neuhaua. Tho Wcmea's Misrachl held its cation with her parents, Mr. and which.was inaugurated at the regular meeting on December 15. Jtfrs. Louis Sommers. home of Mrs. Julius Abrahamson, Mrs. M. Brodkey, president, ap. ; : : BAS-A-W ~ • chairman, will hold its second pointed Mrs. J. Abrahamson and Eeed Asiaa. Etcn. i s -rzzlLr.t. Izt"': feer talfe until r i s I"7.rrr3 i:~r-J.- MEMORIAL meeting Tuesday, December 28th, Because of the Round Tabl Mrs. J. Katelman as setr board llsh. Jfc^r he i - r rirr'd Gen-;, At 3:30 p. m. this Sunday af- 1:00 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Forum held on December 14, thi members. under -King and :ort;ds t c r ts • ternoon the Joslyn Memorial will Harry Braviroff. : last regular meeting of the Bas- Mrs. Abrahaiasoa is nesibErpresent Dr. Lyman Harris of the : Mrs. David A: Goldstein's class a-mi Club was postponed unti Bhip chairman. The crgasisatioa. smile for press rictirrcc;. TT&strB; ; Omaha Municipal University in on "The Problems of Partition," the following day and was Meld is planning a membership drive. to &i»n»5. "h&T "p &s E^r*^^c:**^«* i the lectureynail. The title of BIB will^be held at. 1:15 p. m., Tues- at the home of Miss Rosali< the lot, uh@ tzx'JLtz, . . . ctLd zzz.'. lecture wih be "Some Interna- day,'December 2Bth, at the Jew- Tuchman. The Bas-a-mi's two iset Genaaa Trade tional Life-Lines." •'..reprsentative^ to the Round Ta ish Community Center. Kitty (Coic=> Cirl^Ic f.Icxd:; At 4 oclocli an organ recital The newest cultural class on ble, Irene Meyerowits and Ro Tork (WN5) ~ A sccrs trill be presented in the Concert "Modern Jewish Problems," will lie Tuchman, attended the meet- of pickets from the Joint Boycott a E©W eoatraat re? s. ELCT,- cr.!' Eroasi^ay. Its z~r:-^c~l fr-*v.-r '' Hall by Esther Leaf assisted by be formed immediately after the ing- at the Ce. ~er. Council are inarching np assJ Louise Seidl, Harpist. Janusxy meeting under the.-chairPlans were made for a sluin.be do-srn. in front of the Grand Cen- Is no Fries- z.~-tt rr.?"-. T*-~. , manship of Mrfi. Sidney Cahan, party to be held Monday, Decem- tral Palace to urge t i e public ta assisted by ilrs. Harold S. Bar- ber 27 at the Paston Hotel.,, boycott the annual trade exhibit Ish, -Mrs. Meyer Kaben, and Mrs. It -was also decided that t i e of the pro-Nazi Genns Jules Shapiro. Anyone desiring to money received from the draw Business League. The esnlfeit register, call Mrs. M. F. Leven- ing be sent to Palestine; Iras opeaea Trttn &n aasress fey : By Mrs..DaTia-.M. NewxBaa son, Educational 33irector, "Walnut Frits Kuan, leader o£ tae Gcrinan-Anierican Bund. 0 S 5 0 . ' • - • • • ' „. Activities A regular meeting of the LadUse your favorite pie crust and Ebaborate plans are being made loll quite thin- Cut bananas in by Mrs. Joe Goldware, chairman, les' Golden Hill Society will b 2-inch lengths. Then cut crust for the second Jubileo luncheon held on Tuesday, December 2S In strips long enough to tuck and card* party to be given the at 2 p. m. at the B'nai Israel Sya•.round, bananas and wide enough latter part of January at the age-Sue, lS^h and Chicago streets. to close both ends. -Mis cup Blacksfone hotel. All interested sugar and 1 teaspoon cinnamon in reserving tables call the chairand roll banana' in this mixture.. man, Ma 28.71.Roll up. in pie paste and prick - A Hadassah Choral group unwith'a-'fork. Sprinkle with sugar der the direction of Cantor Aaron ind cinnamon -mixture. Bake in Edgar is being formed. All intot oven 15 minutes until brown. terested in joining call the chairWhip i« pint creans stiff. Add man, Mrs. Dave Brodkey, Gl 034S.
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S teaspoons of sugar mlsture. Pile on top of puff and serve hot w cold. •-...-' .
New officers
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..Peaches in .-Cream. year -were elected at the last One auart canned or fresh meeting of .thQ Eiaesel Club of peaches.' ' 1 pint
Council , . _„.,._. is . new "president.. Other officers 3,:~s»C:i: •°- l s cup toiling ^ater, presPleasure j ello in a ; Wowl and include: 'Miriam'Saks, vice •casurer;, C2^-> cj.^c «^vs Seldin, trcas „,„.„ ^ ^ J identr'Kulh •our cecrcti •olved.eet aside to partly coa-jLibby real. When thictened ilka <e£g Hir in cream Yfhippecl. Lot stand 1 lew -minutes, poM in clicsfl dinner -was given at ths hems o! feaches~-amj enough poTrdered Shirley Gershun. ' All iu!?ar to srreeten. Pour-In mold attended. Guests were ind Dlace in refrigerator xintil Krasae and .Xorinaa Seldi Serve with peach sSicea. pledges, and Miss June lleycrioa.
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BASEBALL j GOLF TENNIS .:enry Cotton, EngUsh profession- Don Budge, of Oakland, Cal., win- Joe DiMaggio, of the New York Yankees, season's home-run ;! al, who won the British Open ner of the TJ. S. and Wimbledon leader, with 46 f championship . titles
FOOTBALL Clint Frank, outstanding Yale halfback, universal choice for All-Amercian
TKACK Don Lash, Indiana 'Dniversity, who set new two-mile indoor mark
RACING Captain George.E. T. Eyston, England, drove his automobile 311.42 miles an Ixna
TACKTIKG Harold S. Tanderbilt, who successfully defended the America's Cup
Peter Pick, th rd-time winner, A.&.V. 100 rard. indoor free style
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BOXING Joe Louis, Detroit, new heavyweight boxing champion of the world
HOCKEY POLO Dave Schriner, leading high scorer Cecil Smith', of Texas, given new for second consecutive 10-goal rating at top of year American polo
the Jf"> UM-rhit
Willie Koppe, who successfully defended his 1S.1 balkline cue title
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ICHAMFION TROTTER—Greyhoiind, owned by E. J. Baker of | St. Charles, HI., world champion trotting horse of 1937. His mark if-'-A ;'of 1.56-surpasses the record, of 1^56% set in 1922 by Peter Manning [and;unbeaten-until this year. Greyhound is driven by Sep Falin, | of Indianapolis. The horse was past the age limit to run in the Mi 1-Hambletonian this year. nai -qri am'
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Steto reception or ihi sctson for tlis Dlplonic lit ••?: v : ; i . long 1 lines ol cnvcrs in fee THiiLc I-Iousc. Arno:^ Enroll, vcve Dr. Chsnting T. VCtng, Chinese Ar.ibE.sssdo:. 11c. In;- three daughters, shevn f.bove. They £.i"c, left to ri&lii I- . Yor-Ii, cJTici&l hostess. LCiss Ar-Fu end Ivliss An I-Isiu Trans.
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JBISTBOAY SOON—President Roosevelt's 55th brithday will be '^observed on Jan. 30 and again the public will be asked to participate in the fight against infantile paralysis, dread malady suffered .by the President. Above is Keith Morgan, chairman of the comi'rnittee in charge of the celebration, standing beside one of the ^•posters in his Washington office S
INJURED, WALKS AGAIN—Last March, Ray Woods, professional high diver, leaped from the San Francisco-Oakland bridge, fractured his spine and was told he never would walk. But here, with Mrs. Woods in St. Louis, he is on his feet again. By spring he hopes to walk unassisted.
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ARRESTED AT FOED PLANT—In near-freezing weather la front of the Ford plant at Dearborn, Mich., police arrested SOS United Automobile Workers members for distributing handbills. Here, one of them is taken away by a policeman. Members expected to seek an injunction against further interference.
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F^J SOUSE TO N^4NI52NG—^Through, the memorial gateway at Tazang speeds this motor transport ^•uck ES the Japanese forces strive to catch up with the retreating Chinese. Tazan was heavily -ttacked by the Japanese as a key point in the Chinese 'defense line when the Chinese fell back from Shanghai Japanese later started an attack in three new drives.
FAELSD HERO—America has its own mythology end this mofcl sculpture, designed by Edmond AmateU depicts Pa-ol Eunyan. fabled north woods titan, with his favorite ox, Bins Babe, and his friend, Shanty John. K is for the New: York WorM Fair. •
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K2W OAII IK :• With the sriCK-c^ppsd Caxitiseztil XJ:^ias i: lbs background, is r^j-icr Pirl; catii, ic^i ilj" completed
by the Bureau ci Hecianction as a supplemental water supply. Tlas a z.u t c l l i da' ©a Taylor River, a tributary cf the Colorado. It.will be in use nest spring.
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mm THE JEWISH PRESS—FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1937 developed early in his life asd lie j pasESj T-J decided to learn every angle of it I from the bottom, up before select- i ing it as his life' work. He -want,»; i>#w& i t v w ? ed to achieve success solely through his own efforts. After graduating from Hamilton Insti- I Ut V V *>*.* tute and New York University he • Students home from scho took a job as office boy to Nicfc- j be honored at a special service r M i l l " ? The literary editor of tho Sev- intensity of his scene. The writolas. M. Schenck, then . general' this evening at th© Eeth El ~n- i E' Eirdrrc en Arts Feature Syndicate hero lug is so slovenly, the choice of manager ot theatres, for Loew,; agosue. Services trill be conductdissects four of the latest boots • words' of ten so fantastic, as to Inc. Shortly after that, fc© was j ed by Cantor Area Edsar tud the dealing with Jews from the hn«; make It difficult to believe that a given full charge of the COEI- Beth El choir. Rabbi Davsd morons,/ sociological; spiritual - publishing house as distinguished pany'g real estate departiaeat. Goldstein win speak on. "The Su- i and religions' viewpoints. Ore o' for ita taste as Viking Press Then came the-additios&l respoa- preiae Test of Character." ;—THE EDITOR would give its imprimatur to euch Kest Friday - crenitg Kabbi •\voric"s ig'Test arc. j" Eibility of buying all pictures for •drivel.' the Loew Circuit Theatres in Goldstein's sermon "rill be "Iir.-: collections' ol Hebrew — books publishptf i As good a way as any to achNew York. He was elected a vice For; all his bad writing Halper in the. earliest j e f s . ieve a composite of i. Jew Is to ;-.president and -director cf Lcev, err. Above are picttsred the thrco outstanding authors ^rbo — has ooaie into A read, an interpretation .Of J him has d e e p human sympathies Inc., in 1920, and held that poe! tl>e Ketrev Ur^-p-' .. from the humorous, sociological, which emerge to the surface des- judge the A. Z. A. English Essay contest. Reading fron left sition until he resigned in 1935. VAAB ..V. •spiritual and .religious . points of pite that burden. The vignette For many years he vas the film j p to right they are; Ludwig Lswishohn, Ben Aronin and Lewis u s f 0 the late h* •nr at which view. That Is the effect derived of Raa and Moe, a shop.girl and purchaser for the entire cSiain o£ j i^staesggjti close' Et his time cf - from reading a miscellany of volr a laundry driver, earnest and lov- Browne. cn of Loew Theatres and this Esade ij vear, the 1st® Friday cigfct serumes like ''Tho Education of Hy^ ing, • who must seal love cheaply thp p.'t o. him the biggest individual buyer j j f r r Sr because that is the level of their Jsa^e been postponed until T e e s man JCaplan" by Leonard Q. Rosa 'Mush," and it better be good— of films in the industry. economic life is a highlight In j January 7. (Harcourt, Brace. & Co.) and P. A. P.) . . . ifrrtef Two years ago, Loew decided Regular Friday evening ser".-• "The Chute" by. Albert Halper, "Tho Chute.", Equally fascinating If 2 to take up motion picture j!ro- r j c e s s r e is, the famous football star who "Lost Heritage"; by Bruno: Frank MISH-MASH; Chicago Univer- ductlon, and he possessed the ad- j services st; and "The B'uried Candelabrum" has been reduced.to a small post the i sity, according to a current gag vantages of having a thorough j Tte services of the Junior Conby Stefan Zweig (all from Viking in tho mail order house because >reviousc u picture of the exhibitor's acgle, j gregation are fcelfi every Saturhis fame, has fleeted. The disinin educational circles, has bel Press). • .'.'. '. _. . -, ' • ie n ersit rev egration of" character i s ' well come under President Hutchlns his perspective upon films and j day morning at 10 a. m. at the ori ( But- after reading, the four vol- handled, though some of the orte eo'.i a place where Protestant "Profs" knowledge of the problem of i Congregation B'cai Israel, ISth o£ the most this type o£ selling the pictures to the public. umes, two by Americans and two rtones are reminiscent of the! aad Chicago streets. teach medieval Catholic theology by Germans, one.is as far away as dime novel. Mrs. J. Bernstein TTSS hostess the world. to Jewish boys and girls . . . Lou Coining to Hollywood, Loew became affiliated cs a vice presi- to tbe chiiclren E-t Eerrices last Tliere are ever from a definitive knowledge rboi L RIttenberg is preparing a survey Halper's present novel suffers of the character aims and ideals of Yiddish and Anglo-Jewish dent for three months -with the Saturday. Mrs. L.. Neveleff will brew incuna kucv r The first bo'irk v: r of Jews — that, is, it one insists n comparison with his own prevTRAVEL NOTE: Hebrew t . journalism in America . . . Lud- Hal Roach Studios. Ha left there fce hostess t ious "The Foundry." It seems early in 1936 to form Ms own 'that there are, any marks -which pi ^I^^^ President Judah Magnes may wig Lore, N. Y. Post "cables colcompletely distinguish that race particularly bad as against notn- visit the "United States soon . . . umnist," sports a mustache that organization, David L. Loew r portrait of Chicago, life: Meyer from any other-group. ' , , There is also a. likelihood of a makes him look a lot like the Productions. He signed Corned- ] Tonigfit at services Ksb&i !>?•-; revhi's "The-Old Bunch." visit to. these shares by an im- late F. M."w."". . . Commonweal, \ ian Joe E. Brown, who then Leonard Ross's Jew • Is the vauvid H.' "VTice will speak oa "Men j In . r'Lost Heritage," Bruno portant Palestine official . . . i deville type -with, •whom most Catholic periodical, lists among! the fifth best bos offic® attrac- of the Yesr." Kegulsr Saturdar morning ser- P o r t u g a l f na the books of the year Leonard | tlon among the movie stars, to a 'Americans, are familiar.- It is the Frank gives us the noble Aryan The Sc oc» DANCE NOTE: An American Q. Ross's "The Education of Ky- contract. Three Brown pictures j vices be held at 11. Jew whose personality - Js com- who remembers the ethical per-, i eludes 4 2 . pletely overshadowed by his dia- sonaiity of; a Jewish friend and devote© of the "shag" was watch- man Kaplan" Famous phrase were released this season and t lect, whose.life is a series of com- orsakes the land which bore him, ing an exhibition of the Hora, now current in Jewish circles: the fourth -will be mafia during Ar.-or? their ical episodes. The smart New arid ; also • sprouted the Nazis. Hebrew folk dance . . . "Hmpf," "He can dish it out, but he can't the winter. In the meantime, j.Ix hock1- r"'r-tPt ir Pomp k Yorker Magazine brought Hyman Prince Ludwig Camburg, of Sase- he muttered, "they may call it take it" . . . Ask Maurice Samuel Mr. Loew is ssarchingMor b'f 1TL, rrd tbcre Pet. W Kaplan to the public: and the Camburg, comes to a Czech fron- the Hora, but it looks like the about it . . . Philip Laszlo', late name talent vrith plans in misd j , • ier town in November, 1935, and for establishment ot a second i Tigers ,. 22 Big Apple to me." ..61 14 painter of prince and pope, was dainty-brained sophisticates who . 10 cherish that magazine hailed s mistaken by the__innkeepcr as born a' Jew Lord Rothschild, unit to produce Class A pictures j Soonsrs „ merely another in the horde" of 15 1 r>'rr LIT'RY NOTE: I. S, Singer is 27, has turned inventor Kaplan as simply the funniest He apart from the Brown series. Be- j Cyclones 1 Jews who have crossed.the border definitely in Dutch At least has perfected a new voltmeter at j sides his movie interests, Loew thing ever. , ....-•'• it IP from Germany in flight from the and his .brother are partners in j Cornhuskers per e T Kaplan is the star pupil of the Nazis. But when he sees the pass- his famous novel, "The Brothers Cambridge University, where he the'stock brokerage firm cf Mer-1 jay-hawkers le £6 ..it Ashkenazi," is, having just been Is a research worker in the zooAmerican - N i g t t t Preparatory port of his guest, he gives to him Pf "sorer iP' Tuesday night's bowling saThe young vin Ash .and Co. and he Is pres^School for Adults and Is said' to that obeisance due to the prince translated into that language . . . logy department pr^rtpd, " ideat of. Pace Press, a New York the Tigers via two o^t ot thre lord, who now rates among the > . « be a memento ot Ross's own days •>f a great royal house. printing firm. Mr. Loevr, SS> i from, ths ComhusterB; the Cy-; tn& ."Megilp His name SUCCESS STORY: world's richest inventors, holds \i«, as a night "school teacher lor forFrank's- version of what the is Harold J. Rome . . . Age, late an M. A. and Ph. D. Because years old, hss been married to j clones two of three from the ; EAramaic ant eigners. The education of Mr. .ra, EpR.'iE, . Nazis did to tho soul of a decent Unknown & few of an error on somebody's part, tfie former Meta Edman since Sooners; and the Jayhawks two 'l printed. S twenties Kaplan enables the author to de1919, and with their two chil- o «t cf three from the Wildcats. | about 14?:. non-Jew has little power. Jacques weeks ago, he's now good copy Lord Melchett had a few embarvote almost a'full chapter to evrcli a not only ; Five ti:n£red series were bowl- ! All these •Wetzlar' the; Jewish- antiquarian, for Broadway columnists . . . . rassing hours at a recent Buck- dren, Marcus the 2nd, IS, and ery word which gives difficulty'to at be- i whose love. of beauty and integ- Because he wrote the songs for ingham Palace function . . . Hs Virginia, 3, they live ia Beverly €t j j-y L Q O ^ e Sts, 525; Joe Givot, because they are uniqu the Jew learning the English lan- rity impressed'Ludwig-from childHills. The Loews go in for rery 506; H. Coren, 60S; Phil Kats- cruse 1 he.' r~e t_r£. ft "Pins and Needle3," revue put on appeared In military uniform inguage. "When Milt Gross did the hood days, commits suicide in a corr.rl? e "rr" e'cp'"pr' by the International Ladies' Gar- stead of the customary knee- little lavish entertaining and - j £ n r 54g. epics of American literature in prison cell after he is stripped of partying. They fresjuent the Hill- a a 4 ment "Workers' Union which is breeches . , Ve'uger, 5 01. Informed of the East side accents for the comic everything by- the Hitlerites. But wowing even the Broadway critcrest .Country Club -where thsy *>•£ owling the mes strips, he- made the Sunday morn- the ; description of! his plight ics . . , Harold started life in error, he rushed home, found the enjoy their favorite, sport, golf. » r&pe wj",l ge & b 0 T e his ings of millions more cheerful. evokes, little emotion of sympa- Hartford, Conn., where ho was a breeches were at the tailors, de- Mr. Loew also plays ping pong >P n s jotiowisg wee elded to don trousers (worn at t n e But Hyman is no longer a novfel- thy. Not becauso. sensitivity to high school classmate of our own these functions by Socialists) and tennis end his favorite hob- fOr t j . e } eE -g- ue , Jewish suffering in Germany has Victor M. Bienstock, JTA Euro- and then spent most of his time by Is clay sculpturing. I T.= Hyasan Levin L- S t E i To treat Kaplan as a clown is been dulled by frequency of con- pean chief . . , Studied architec- at the affair explaining he hadn't age 126) bowled 45 S5 no disrespect to him as a man or tact but because Bruno Frank' is ture at Yale; then got a job with become a Socialist convert . . . FTOXLAXD FACTS Movie Actcr J. Edward Bred- i above his ETerag a Jew. But it requires a caat-iron cold and pallid In his evocation of famous -architect William Les- (Copyright, 1937, Jewish Teleberg came to Hollywood with a stomach .--to,, be: able to swallow; a dramatic historic episode- From eaze,' only to quit in a huff wh graphic Agency, Inc.) very odd .bobby... For.years, r e hundreds of pages about a man the time we first glimpse Ludwig, an immediate superior refused to JLi AL£l/ are told, lie has been collectins] i LL who may be.amusing for a maxi- through his development as an give him time off to play : a unusual shoes, slippers and san-1 fQ El mum Of ten minutes- Ross, who la art student under Prof. Johannes couple of his numbers for Gypsy dais. Besides, he collects phonLeo C. Rosten to his checkbook, Jtottek, to his final marriage to Rose Lee . . . And now, Broadograph records of the -world's L.U>i L1! .iuu t u is said to. have -obtained a very- Ruth Wetzlar, Jacques' daughter, way managers and Hollywood best compositions, for siusie hats •BjrlXHJISPEKAKSKT . generous : Hollywood contract be- ia London, there seems to be a producers are rapping at Home's its charms for him. Girls, his - St. LoaJs (WNS) — Rabbi l.eo cause ot Hyman Kaplan. In the film "between the reader and these door . , « "Suggested billing lor ^•'PROFILTU •' great passion, however, is chess meantime Rosten has also written Characters. Either Frank has not the newly-discovered lyrlclstHollywood: So'quiet and unas- . . . Orchestra Leader Phil Har- "Wolscj-, Spiritn^l ieader ol Tem- a valuable book-on: "Washington experienced his people deeply or "The Architect of Song" . . . suming in manner Is producer ris ia in Hercaasilla, Mexico £.t 1ple Rodef Saolom, Phliadelpaia George Z. Kedalie, former United correspondents and their, grada- their plight Is ao close to . him David; L. Loevr that you would this writing, to Inspect his States District Attorney for the tlns of corruptibility. "We "would that be takes too much for grantnever suspect him of being one ART NOTE: Art critics think of Hollywood's biggest and most e-rty in the Sonera Hills to see K' Southe'ra district ol New York, suggest that / Hosten. extend his ed. In any event, "Lost Heritage" •writing in the latter field. Hyman is merely Interesting but/hardly well of the late George, Gersh- popular film magnates. By this there is any geld there . . . Kar- j and- Frank Altschul of Stsmfcrd, win's belated venture into the statement we do not mean to ris is reported to fesv@ purchased Conn., 3>artner in the banking Kaplan, who spells his name with realm -of brush and easel • f . a" star between every letter, may; Tequired reading. convey the impression that all some Mexican land recently for . house c£ Lasard Frcres, Ere 1500, and hearflttst heard that Banplcscf! eiaplcs cf! a m 0 E f f t h e vrQI~in&£l leaders be simply a "howl" to the type " T h o Buried Candelabrum" view of the posthumous exhibit Hollywood^ raovie makers are os- J500, Lcare of intellectual -who finds humor give3 Stefan Zweig the opportun- of his paintings has created the tentatious or pompous individ- ore tafeen frota the property ia- Jj ns-EieS to the KepublicEti party's in mispronounced syllables but as ity'to write another version of Impression that George the paint- uals. But we are willing to haz- dicate a large gold committee en progrEin -which will feoi aJl kino oi a source of genuine wit he 13 as "The Eternal Road." It takes us er might hav© well eclipsed the ard a guess that if you visited Anyvray, if Phil doesn't Had draft & fieels-ratiori 0' part skids.. No dull as the life he leads. back to the year-455 in Rome, fame of George the composer . the studio where Mr. Loew pro- gold, he -win hunt . . . The ctples, It TTES here tj And that, as the type-tossers say, duces tho famous Joe E. Brown Angeles Chapter of MailansxcL, the the execntjve' committee oT the Something of the caricature ia when the Vandals swept down on la no faint praise . . . Asso-pictures, you would never single Americac-Palcstine also to be found in the characters the city and carried off every piece of. treasure, including the out Mr. Loew as the "boss" cf csation, has elected Bcris Mssrros; •whom Albert Halper has assemblLETTER: "Dear Paul," writes the organisation. It is most like- Director of the Musie Depart- | ed in "The Chute." Chronologi sacred* candelabrum which Titus i,, cally this novelmay have preced- had brought from Jerusalem af- a Hank Levy who has been stung ly you'd find the producer oceu- ment at Psraiaouat Picttreis. | to the quick by our jab at his pying a seat In the background, honorary- president. SJid Conipose d ' "The Foundry'1 but whether ter his sacking ol the Temple. According to the legend, tho all-Jewish team. "So the Amer- eyeing scenes being shot, but not er Joseph -Achrca, honorary rlce,: written before or after it Is 'def• initely Inferior, in writing, in candelabrum ueprsent3 ;the ' link ican .Hebrew. all-Jewish football stopping to Inferfere with the president . . . • characterization, in theme. Even between the Jews and" their gold- team is only 10]ll kosher be- work of th© players or the direc- (Copyright, 1S3T, by Seven Arts rrr:*- ire** (' Feature Syndicate) I the essentials of grammar seem en past. As it Is carted off on a cause I selected AJ Hessberg of tor. Loew production headquarYale "as my fullback; so, you're ters are at the Selznick Studio in f to-have escaped Halper in innum ship to Carthage, Rabbt Eliezer, t a ^k-^.^,-41 PEtronizs Our Afivertirers. s'erable. sentences and paragraphs the leader of the band of Jewish all wet and so, too, is 'Mush Culver City. Producer Loew i "The Chute" is the story o elders trailing the Vandals till "Wiener who told he's Catholic. not at all the big shot In manner t o n e of Chicago's large mail'order they reach the harbor takes along, The fact is that AI is a Jew, and by which sosie other film, indusOusr FB«©7SES Perfors Arc Fcrn5s&®5 5JS KS y: houses In which the tempo ol ac- a! little boy called Benjamin. The to take the word of Rabbi Louis try executives are known. His ;* tivity brings •• nervous indigestion lad is supposed to remember the I. Newman, 'a very good Jew.' It friends describe him as a maker jj?--.and physical exhaustion to the glory of this candelabrum and happens thatAl Hessberg is a dis- of movies "??ho likes to engage ia ;•; thousands of cogs which operate carry on the tradition to the gen- tant cousin of the mother of Mrs. clay sculpturing In his spare moNewman, •whose name was Lil- ments. This marked change from : the great wheel. Paul Sussman, erations of his own lifetime. lian Hessberg. Further, Al was the average conception of Hollyrwitiit 17-year-old son of a poor tobace pass and finally Carthage KA F e r a a a Et SSrd : conist, must take a job at a few Is attacked by Byzantium, which confirmed in an "Albany temple, wood 'movie bosse3 is only one c£ he. Is an active member of the Mr. Loew's significant Qualities. ; dollars a weelc in "the chute" be- carries oft the candelabrum with David L. Loew and his twla his father cannot send him the other trophies. The Jeweler Kobut Society (a Jewish group) to school to develop hia great of tho Byzantine ••-. court, Sech- at Yale, sod he Is that much a brother, Arthur, ere sons of the architectural talent. What hap- apiah makes a duplicate of Jew'that he came down to New late theatrical world pioneer, York last Spring to speak at the Marcu3 Loav. Arthur is a vies pens to Paul in the plant,' to his the sacred t r e a s u r e which Annual Father and Son banquet president of Loew's Inc., cne cf sister, Rae,- Tvho la too. poor to marry, to Moe, her eventual hus- .'takes'-, the place of the Original. of Rabbi Newman's Temple Ko- the most powerful controlling band, and to several other men The latter is carried oft to Pales- deph Sholom And now -that factors in. the motion picture and women crushed under a, hea- tine and burled there by Benjam- we're throwing bricks at other, business in this country. David's vy economic burden is the,mater- in Marnefesh, now a very old man people's glas3 houses, you can Interest in tha theatrical I l l n e s s ial which; Halper. has worked Into whoso mission in life has been apologise to • your clients for completed. Wiener's listing Hal Hirshoa of h i s n o v e l . ; . ; , . ' : - . - • • ; - i ••••' ' < "We walk along an ancient the University of California,. Los LAS The title .of. the novel. la th«5 road . . . on which our father and Angeles branch, as the halfback huge cylinder through' which the forefathers walked in days of ,on-his .all-Jewish squad. Accordvarious- departments In the plant yoVe"-i3 the beginning: of Rabbi Ing to Barney Glazer,* columnist rush the goods which are distrib- Elleser's tale to little Benjamin on the Los Angeles Jewish Comuted in: response to: the orders:by aa thoy walk along the highway muiiity Press,: the selection of mail. Keeping, up;-with the exact- through tho night accompanying Hlrabon has. given coast ing time schedule slices pounds the the treasure.representing the 'the biggest laugh'- inyears. Glasoff the weight of any.one work- tradition and glory of the scatter- er further states that Tony Falins in- the madhouse and drive3 ed tribes. kenstein of St. Mary's, a JTA \ ' © tha sensitive to mental aberraTh reconstruction of the Jew- honorable mention, is also not a tions. In the course of his story^ ish past can. become sentimental Jew. But hitter even as correcHalper'gtvesi us rapacious E. G. if it 13 not framed in dignity and tions may be, tnb letter shcald Rosenthal, the' head ot the com- simplicity. Sv.'eig's brief narrative SACK OF pany who: finally; sacrificea all his a'retelling of an old legend, Is, at least have the bate to a col-! uianist • (for I remember 111 -t, ys m - r s* • employes to" preserve : W: 0-5711 to-bo brief, incredible tripo. Th2ro ono) in that It v.-lll be a skin; : the 'beginnings of J labor Is.no majesty, no beauty, no pow- space filler" (Noto to -1". er in his old Jews or in his old Wiener: tho next move is you.-". union; an account of sex the economically-harried;. the de- story. What Zweig need3 is a clever understanding of the essenttails of an othodox wedding- ' •'• • - For:hundreds of-pages Halper ial dignity of tLo J w i s h past. Ho reiterates-the description ot the could learn' much from Ludwte technique of tho mail order busl- Lawisohn. • ' - "'• / •'.-..; ' ' WHOLESALE"S1STEIBOTOSS " _ " risss until .it sounds like the "de'o'.Schrafft*a-Chocolates •' •" " . ^-Mbriel, Cwcata-Key tails for building a plant. But if (Copyright 1937 By Seven Arts - ° Canada-Dry Giager-Ala ' end-HarrcsSs?" CSEEKI1" ha nad cut his novel In half, he Feature Syndicate.) ..: " • : • • • : • •• .' '® Fe!sta£? B e e ? •sronld jiot have lost anything; raSB.6J, • SIB'"So. 13th-.Street... •-- . . . -: =AT 4SS2 ther- hs :wbuld have enhanced the Patroniss Our Advertisers. BSSS3S8SSESSS
Contest Judges
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JUNG1-time winner, ard indoor tyle
| held their first forps, vritn long le guests were and his three Lss Yoeh, official
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J. C. C. Bcn
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ii n\ \ •western Colorado, fecsntly completed Jim, 168 feet high. H
\ Carl Ri
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'Monday- afternoon with- ••'••'• Rabbi fndow/ United Slat ' ; .Rabinowita in the home of Mrs. < i I. H. Levin. The Book of Samlimits. ily to aily tola Meeting T.ge l . ) uel will be discussed and the The lezdc i ' Gerissaiij? meeting will begin a t 1:30 ;' Union- City, 'N."" J. ' (WNS);'-:-| the lard v^oi nos, copyUnion' City,-a jhbtbed of -brownled that Ts.il — ' ' .n, says: C3ISS ANNA PILL, eorrespeadsal I-vaunas (JTA) — T i e Berlin •SouthfcBry, Conn., (JTA) —colored eeet ~ i.' , *• Eh'irt • Nazi, activities^ "became 'the f been withcorrespondent, of t h e • Js^S -This farniisg comraunity, £t a birthplace of- a ; new/shlrt • movfewo — one Mornins Journal p* Ne'w.'Ybrk, a bittsrly-foiight - thrpe-ana-a-half- peciire pure - - ; - E meht''•• dedicated to fighting all tabliSii a cs~ ; the other Lithuanian cfifsea naaed Fijj .hour town meeting, last week will co~tinsie, "- s hz. shirt ^groups when'the -'.American o-> h' —were has been-arrested "by the Gestapo voted. 142 to gl to set up zoning Alliance of Loyal ;_Citizens -was "•ine how -Lith- regulations which • will t a r e the The annual Father and Sonorganised here to "counteract ttie (German secret police).'The 1 i or noQ« Patronise banquet a t Mount Sinai Temple purposes of other shirt.organiza- uanian Foreign- Ministry. protest- effect cf preventicg tfce pro-Nazi < n the sysed' to the German Gorerisiaeat Gennan-Anjeriesn Bund from eswill be held Wednesday- evening, tions.'•'- Opposed' to;all forms; of compensathe arrest and received • a •tablishlns' ?* Summer cr4mp Sere. MONSKV, GR December 29. Mr. A. M. Davis •'government'- except" democracy, Egalnst 1 •- iiment and f The 17S-acre tract acquired by COHC will act as toastmaster and Rab- the -Alliance's -members • wear a ..reply. rejecting the • desaad for 1 the writ' . the Bund is.- the Kettieto^rn disbi Theodore N. Xewis will deliver uniform' of • red,- white and-blue Fiak'a release. In the Pls-tr LOLI t "d without Nebra the invocation. - Mr.-j. Kalin will shirts.- The - shirts'".'• have ' reii '• New.York (JTA) — David' L. trict of 1the- town i s barred from County. 3i2 the Matti < * o 'ie oral law NOTICE TO SUBSCBIBERS extend- greetings from'the con- sleeves, blue collars-and-a;'blue Mekler,. city editor of tfce. Jewish beiag a camp since the zon'sg John VoTz. gux -t - c I Moses the •Morning. Journal,-said the paper Elizabeth Ann,( i i "cofle restricts it -to farciisg and gregation, and Milton Bolsteln panel-down the-front, and'a red for License to c f 5 triumphAll subscriptions -to.--the will extend greetings in'behalf cf. "aeart on "the pocket. — • • V : "cad'received;no notification o£ Residential purposes. The code, Notice is h€ rn i osnparable Jewish Press ."terminate Janu- the Brotherhood. ; Dr. J . M. Land > A largewhfte star printed with the arrrest of its Berlin corres- forbids "marching or drilling, a n t to an c r r «," ition both ary!, 1938. Subscriptions will/ lead. the community singing. the- number ;l 48" to- -represent- 48 pondent. • The correspondent had with or without ams, escept by John A. Rine, 1 . R - f < Court of Don " » i ^" — or sociely. Commendation for the work bought in the past have-been made on t h e Z * i » < 1 i Bernard. Slotsky will speak"- in •states i is • sawed -' 6n> "the: back. .never, signed, his naras to; dis1SS7. for t h e - - P < ' o <• ; """uvnos do the Jewish. Press has done with paid• for. up to and:including patches, .preferring.'.to. ..use.. _the behalft of the sons, and Mr. Roy-Founder "of the' movement, which , hereinafter Ge F Il !RV!N C LEVIN MOUS scripthe hope that it will continue in this date. The present-sub- Schwarzman will respond/in be- •is.')rioh-military and -non-sectarian pseudonym, "Ben Yehuda." Isold at public 1 " "S3 Brar.deia Theatre Elds. i us or Denlike vein in the future was ex- scription sales contest being half of the fathers. Jack krueger is Bena'amin-Franklin: Long, -an j bidder for Cas - r o *"* > Omaha, c the Douglas < . ^ pressed, by Sioux City Jewish like Mr. conducted in Sioux City Cov- will-present a group of accordion ac'f.6r, who< has -'impersonated'' Abthe City of O NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE I Nebraska, leaders as the Sioux City sub- ers the period „ January•.: 1, solos, and; a .play "A Bargain's a ^rSaiain • -Lincoln. • Co-founders ar4 "ead them on t e 2 h f ' o SALE " < "' Nutice : is "hereby given that on j uary, 3S3S. at scription sales contest neared 1938, to January 1, 1939. The Bargain" will' be: presented b r the 'Charles -De'ImontVNoble,- 'a" ••salessaid s a l e t o 1r e ~ - r ->T - O Monday, the 17th day of January, 'the completion of its first week. participants'in'the contest are Jewish Community: Center Drama- man^of: WOOdridge,? isV J.-^'a-'deckT ents viofollowir.g c oc »<"• I9S8. a t 11 o'clock A. M., at Shames ] wit: Bty&y & Radiator Company, 1D0G Cumby any "The Jewish Press is one of selling and collecting for this tic club,-with :a -cast including hajna, on^a if erry boat; a'nU *a - h 6"use The South r ' ' ' • ;'Montevideo (JTA-Airraail) — itis Street, Omaha, Netrsska, the •un- the Vv'eFt ->•«• ' . — period. ; " •; :• • s can be the best Anglo-Jewish weeklies. Rudy . Shindler, J o e ' Goldstein, painter, r fTOe - - Allfanca >has'1$ The "'democratic German com- dersigned will sell E* public suction. Twer.ty-fsve ' " % r w C tbe anteto Che highest bidder for cash: 1—1332 I's special articles, its editorial Sadie: Taxer, /"Margaret Kosberg, members."'' It:\usea::a",•• js.alu.te'- of munity here lias' joined the local Xash Forty (if-y. ( r * « sedan. Motor No. 14403, covered o the Jew i P P"O page, its news items make it a Omaha, Doi:- - - " " r*- > three fingers 'held .over "the heart. Committee against' Anti-Semitism by a chattel tnortE3P in favor of Marvin .Beechen arid/ Sally /Wei ka« as Eurvc ? p c e^ t *~ , fP i t logically a •valuable and .interesting weekly, stein. .The play has-been direct- Sir. LOng vsaid -his 'movement^is in fighting the infiltration of Na-Shames Bofiy & Rafiiator Company, corded. and executed by Mattie Owen, sf.td -necked enone that can'be read with profit Seated a t Omaha. Nebraska, this |'defInitely -opposed -to" C'ommun- zism. A delegation of the Ger-mortgage ed-by Mrs. Lucille Lavalllere. bearingdate of July 3, 1S37. :!)"7. arraign not And BC and pleasure by every Jew," said Said1 ssJe will b« for the purpose of 21st day of December.' en:;- . .1 .Mrs...M. 'Blanksand Mrs. Mas jm -Fascism..and;Nazism;' ' i JOES VOZ.Z man community, at a meeting of -foreclosing said mortgage, for costs Kabbi Theodore N. Lewis, of the o'nlj* Sir. Cournos but BIBO — oa l!-24-S7-5t. Mushkiri are in charge of* the dintha Committee against Anti-Sem- of sale and all accruing costs, and Mount Sinai Congregat'on. : the chccce c" being forever exfor the purpose o* satisfying the ner, arrangements; Drive. itism, announced its readiness to amount now dtle thereon, to-wit: MONSKY, GKODiNSKY, -f-'AFXR Said Rabbi H . R. Rabinowitz clufied from the prtges of ihe AtJ1S2.44. That no suit or other proheip' the Jews "in combating Nazi 'COHEN, Attorncvs, of the Shaare Zion Synagogue: " I lci:tic. — Mr. Secgvrick. ceedings a t law have been instituted 737 Omaha Netlensl Eank Elt'g. ^ Prague (WNS)—A non-Jew, propaganda. to recover Eaid debt or any part aui very happy to recommend Do you, Mr, Scdgvick, realis: Ccfunt-Schoenborn, who-Is a Ger-, -V-Decimps, organ of the commit- (hereof. Xctice is hereby p v e n that by-virthe" Jewish Press as one of the man : pro-Zionist, - h a s ' become tee, published a pass dedicated SHAMES BODY & RADIATOR CO. tue cf a certain Conditions! Sajps Uc&"y regard Ibis Chrigiendom most satisfying Jewish weekly 12-S4-3T-4t. Mortgagee. !?oTitract dated ?,Sarch 31, 1S"T, dcljof IDS" — this Germanj', Italy, «halrman-.of - the Keren Hayesod to ' the German coniiaunity. An fileg snd recorded'in the Office : of Proceeds t o Aid German Eefpublications in this country. MILTON R. FROHM A children's program will be a campaign In Czecho- Slovakia. article by Friedrich Brandt,' a the County Clerk of Donr-as. Court;-. Russia — these seething hatreds : f ugee Students at • •". feature- of -the:. Senior.-Hadassah Count Schdenborn's leadership of "I find its new authentic, Ju1004 Omaha Nations! Bank Eidg. aggressions Nebraska, on June Z. ISi'.T, trnd e^e- s.nd wrongs, these German leader, calls on anticutefi by ChBS. n . Smith to the Amerdiciously selected and faultlessIowa U. meeting, next. Tuesday afternoon, tha-. Zionist fund^ raising effort Nazi Germans • to fight Hitlerite NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ican. Z,o&v. Plan, 7which Coridition?.! ana preparations fo? v:p,v, .this ly -phrased. Its feature articles In the Coutity Coart of Douglas Sales Contract .^ as executed to se- hurtling-back lido r, pre-Noachic December 28, when, the members h a s brought fn; considerable agitation and ."do not let .your- !ountv. cure payment of S4E€.4ft find ujwn .tiscralit;:, this v.er^- CE.U oi hate Xebraska. aro excellent commentaries on One of the outstanding social will give a luncheon: for adults money from Christians, especially In the Matter of the Estate of which there is e bElar.ce of S3S7.SJ self be terrrorised by seventy Jewish life and its problems. : due end unpaid, and clefeuit havinc f.p.i, rr.urcier? Ace! ere you aware events of the year will be held and. children.. Proceeds of the from anti-Nazi •Germans. Rosenbliim, Deceased. Nazis who. •srish to ' force our Harry Al! persons interested in said estate been msfle • in the payment of said ot the lister!:" janocent eufferiugs "It is indeed, an education Saturday night, December 25, luncheon which-, la •• called for 1 SHIT,, the i!nderrd£T!e£ v,'kV. E<?K the community to obey the orders of are hereby notified that a petition property and a delight to read the Jewish when the Sioux City Alumni Club o'clock will go toward the Infant /Patronize-Our Advertisers. dePcl—Ibed ir paid Cori<3itioi3al of the people Israel everywhere has been filed in said Court alleging"The Fuehrer.'" Pres3 regularly." V that said deceased died leaving no sisles Contract, to-vril: for crimes s e t eliaraes and vioof the Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity Welfare. Fund • ; last -will and praying for EflminiKtraOne 3PS5 FI;.-rnoiith Coupe "autrlences not their err,. Did we Mr. E. N. Grueskin, president will present their-annual Cabartion upon his estate, and that a hearJoan .Agranoff will "offer the Tnoblle, fferini No. 1041415. 3Sfoi:o?ifasis Eebcked ing will be had on said petition beprovoke t i e TToriel Wr.r? Din v-'e of \ the Federation of Jewish So- et, Dance in the ballroom • of theinvocation and Barbara RobinNo. P. J . 141E4. fore said court on the 35th day ofat public auction at El id Maror street. iHirose the Treatj" c:< TersaiHes" Amsterdam (JTA)—-Anti-Jew- January. cial service said that "the Jew-Martin Hotel. Proceeds, of-this son . will introduce the program. 1S3S, end that If they fail Omaha, Nebraska, OD January i-Sth, ish speeches by Nazi members of to appear at paid Court on the said 1S."S, Et 30 o'olocl,-: A. 7,1.. for the "p"o.r- Do v e nesc!- Cbrsst — ye, E peoish- Press will be a capable out- affair will go towards the sup-A ;play- "Child Welfare" will be lath day of January, ISSS, et 9 o'clock pose of foreejosing: EaJd Cor;i!!!tlOTifi] 5"!e Pt t t e least. oC peace, of nnpthe Dutch ' parliament were met A, M. to contest let for Sioux City news if it can* port of a German Refugee stu- Iven with Bertll Rosenstock, said petition, the •Sales Contract end satisfying: the •with angry cries. by other mem- Court may grant the same and ets.ni sa.:*i indebtedness r.nt! coFt of pale,1 resistsnee, ot tbe morel anpeal? obtain a wide enough distribu- dent at the University of Iowa, . Segulah Rabinowitz, Ruth Lewis administration cf said estate to Dated a t Omaha, this 21st da;- of Ds v-e or CJirasieRdom.? That is together and have.orranfiedT bers. ' Justice Minister Goseling tion'in this territory. I t is'pracPatrons and^-Patronessea ' will and Lois'Ray Miller in the cast. ration under the laws of the S Michael I*- Donovan or some other December. 3S"7. jumped up and declared that suitable tfce .question. tically the only means of com-? include Mr. and Mrs. - Ben • Sekt, person and proceed to £ setAMERICAS" LOAN" PLAK, A dance number will be pre-NebrasUa The name f \ h | 2 Dutch law did not differentiate tlement thereof. Ev Slonski-. Grcainskv, Ktrer & munication between the majority Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Levitt, Mr. sented , by Marylin and - Helen TT'' By Sevec Arts BRTCB CRAWFORD, Cohen. Jts Attorne'-s, as to. race or origin. of Sioux".City, Jewish organiza- and Mrs. Barney Baron,.Mr. and Fish and directed by Lois-Novitlt-K-ST-St. County Ju3sre. tions; and the people they Jesire Mrs. A. L. Galinsky, Mr. andsky. • Louis Slotsky will 'appear to reach. If supported during Mrs. Morey LIpshutz, Mr. - andin-a. danqe . number and Jack the current, subscription contest Mrs. Hyman Fishgall,'. Mr. andKrueger l-will present an accord- otherwise dispose of, the Press can be of immense val- Mrs. Lipman Weinberg, - Mr. and on solo. A pantomine skit will , an<Tto deal-in any and all ue to- Sioux City. Jewry." Mrs. M. Lasensky, Mr. and Mrs.be-directed by, Rachael Ginsberg'. The subscription sales contest Max Rosenstock, Mr. and Mrs. The luncheon will be given at in Slous City opened December Jo e Kutcher, Mr. and' Mrs. L. :J. the Jewish Community Center.' 19 and will continue. until Jan- Kaplan, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohuary 15. §300 in prizes are be-en, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller, any manner • deal. and ing offered to the persons sell- Mr. and-Mrs; A. J. Galinsky, Mr. ing the greatest number of sub-and Mrs. Arthur Sanford; Mr. A Students' Welcome Service £ ,To .- purchase, • Jesse, or 'oOicrwf«<> scriptions and every contestant is and Mrs. A. M.' Davis, Mr. andwill be,: held af Mount^Slnai' Tein- acquire, arid to joW. o-^a s i n a n ! assured of a fifty cent award for Mrs. Lawrence Davidson, Mr. and ple this evening," when" fifteen unieach subscription sold. Mrs. Henry Sherman, Mr. andversity; and college BtudentjC who orl Participants may enter- the Mrs. Abo Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. are home for winter Tacation» will r Its - corpor Ben Schuleinv contest at any time, securing participate in the service. They 7 The committee In charge-of will represent: the univeraitles of subscription blanks at the Jewish Community Center, headquarters the arrangements, is composed ol Iowa, ^Nebraska, Smith' college, Ephralm Baron, Dave Albert; Wellsely, Northwestern university of the contest. "**•" * C i h E Earl-Kline and "-Drv Lionei Lon- and, several: others.' 'Rabbf Theo: :.- to acquire the don, ' •'•.•-'•' dore N. Lewis will deliver the
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Plans are being completed lor for Jewish. Jrlay the January meeting o£ Mount ..' Sioux City's social affairs have Sinai Temple Sisterhood, to be The Community Center Jewisji been enlivened this week by stuheld Friday, the 7th. The meet- Theater group ••• held. ' try-otitsdents .home f6r their, winter vaing -will be in the form of an Monday foV their next: play, and cations from < colleges • and, univer"Activities Luncheon." Members the following -were named:for the sities. ... . , '."•'..'.. ., ' o S i ea ^ t & P r ^ capital" stock of th)« will be seated at ten tables with cast: Arthur Bronston, Nathan students from" Iowa university corporaOon- shall beS10;00a.00,xrivJ3ea a hostess and co-hostesses. Table Levich, Jack Slutsky, Irvin Lun- who; arrived in Sioux City this into ens' hundred 0 0() (100) thar'es ot the one Trill seat the officers and in, Jean Montrose, Rose Albert wqek Ihciude; Henry -Greehberg, S ' ' f t £-« b -00"eacli; and W o f S " for In cash, cotes or __ paid Board of Directors. Mrs. Xi. S.and Herman Sacks.; The play Newton Sacks, Lewi3 Weinberg, other, property or services, a t ' ttte Goldberg will be hostess, with selected is "The Eternal Bond" Thepdpro .Skalovsky,.. Ernie Ep- SkillP'J?"* m a r k e t value .thereof.' and non-assessable. c Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis and Mrs. by Rufus Learsi. stein,. Morris . Bernstein,1, Milton shall becorpomtion •' *&h<in - commence Herman'Slotsky, co-hostesses. liusiness _ on > tha-; 22nd; day :ofBarrent, Perry Oshowits;. isadore The first rehearsal of. the play —*jsri• . T53i* dnd • i t s cslstcnot* The second will be a Peace Ta- will be held before.the members Shindler, -Sylvia , Herzoff, Jean — terminate on tha 21st day- of No. ble, with Mrs. Max Rosenstbck, of the theater group next .Mon- Shlndler, Betty Oshowitz, Mina Yember, 2037. unless tt3- life be eStended beyond said date by amendhostess, and Mrs. Nathan Gor- day evening, andr during the Slotsky and Velma Beechen. ment to these articles: - . chow and Dr. Delia Galinsky, co- same evening cast' for a second •; Sidney. Kalin, who is enrolled ~ ' ' '" highest amount of any ln.„_ or. liability .to which this hostes3es. Table three will be play"The Old Order", by" Eliza- at the University of Nebraska .ar- _ . corporation Is at any-time to trubject ICeligion and Religious School, beth Beck will be selected. rived" this week t o . spend his va- tself» Khali-not-exceed ~two-thlrd3 o; capital stock.. with Mrs. Si Krueger, hostess; Several members of the group cation with his parents. Philip ItsThat the affairs of this corporation Mrs. Sam Pickus and Mrs. Samwill present "A Bargain's a Bar- Silverberg and - Bernard Marks shall bs conducted by a becrd-of diGreenstone; co-hostesses. rectors or not lcr,3 than two nor mote are in the "city, coming here from gain" before the Business and than Jive, and tha following officc-fsThe Fourth table will be theProfesisonal Mens .Club, Decem- Harvard where:they are students. A-. President. . Vice-president, . SecreMembership table; Mrs. Mark Sa- ber 30, and at the Father and IVllss Lois Levitt, a student at tary and Treasurer, any, two of which offices may bo held by one and theble will be- hostess with Mrs. Son Banquet of Mount Sinai imith college. Miss Ethel Baron sams person. Dave Albert and Mrs. Herman. Temple next Wednesday. HENRZ- R. MARSHALL* who is attending Wellsely, and ROSK O'NEILL. Levy, co-hostesses. Mrs. Lorence Miss Carolyn Fi3hgall, a "student , __ Incorporators. Silverberg will be hostess at the it Northwestern- university, ar- In Presence Of: IRV1N C. LEVIN. . . Book Review Table, with Mrs. rived here thi3 we6k for their .2-K-37-4t.Abe Agranoff and Mrs. Meyer Mrs. David Aronsohn of Min-winter vacation. Harrison, co-hostesses, Mrs. Hy- neapolis will be the guest speakm'an Fishgall will be hostess and er at Shaare Zion synagogue thin Miss Fern-Sadoff of MinneapMrs. Ben Schulien and Mrs. Gale evening when the Tenth Annual olis is a guest hero in the home Friedman co-hostesses of the six-Students Service will be held. of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Shubb. th table, which will be the Union- Cantor A. Pli3k5n and the synagrams and Memorial table. gogue choir will chant the ser- Miss Ida Heshelow will leavo The eeventh will beN the Sun- vice. today-for Chicago, where-she will 'I J ' A reception for the students spend two shine table, with Mrs. B. Aron•j , . ,_ weeks visiting .with sohn hostess; Mrs. E. E. Baron will be given following the ser-friends. and Mrs. Charles Baldwin, co- vices, with the Ladies Auxiliary hostesaes. Mrs. A. M. Davis will a3 hostes3e3. Mrs. Lorenco SilMiss Anna Kanofsky Is recuppreside a t the House Table, with verberg and Mr3. A. M. GrucEkln erating a t ' t h o Lutheran hospite.1 * • . ' - . ^ ''•. < , * Mrs. Herman Galinsky and Mrs.are in charge of the arrange- from an appendectomy. J. IC-alin, cb-hostesse3. The Cul-ments. Master of cercmonie3 at tural table will have as its hos-tho reception will bo Mas Maron, Charlotte Levin teaa Mrs. E . N. Grueskin; Mrs. representing tho University of Earl KU.no/ will bo co-hostess. South Dakota, Minnesota will be ed members of tho La.3 Azzizz. Mrs. Sol Novitsky will be hostess represented by Henry Glnaberg corority Monday eveaic-j at her of tho Program table, and will and Marvin Kline; Harvard by horns, 121 Market street. havo as co-hostesses Mrs. Meyer Philip Silverberg, • Grinnell by The Esbra club met WeJncsia;Levitt and "Mrs. Fred Sherman. Abe Singer; University of Chicaevenins with Mies Gkala Pill, . i go by Sidney Bergen; University Mrs. Novitsky who Is the prosocial hour foliov/ad the mectlajr. gram chairman has appointed of Iowa by Jean Shlndler, Sylvia Herzoff, Milton Barrent and BenMrs. Sherman as'chairman of tho Zlisa Goldie Levia left last jamin Sacks; Morningcide Colprogram for t&o day. lego by Pauline and" Ssther v/eek for an estc-nded visit with Friedman and Ames by ' Sid her caters in L02 Angclca aad I C C Spats. All students aro invited to Portland, Greson. &?* VL*» * w e attend.-' * -. r The Intermediate Dramatic p Harold Rosenthal -will be can-Llaecabi S q Club will present a pantomine tor at' the Junior Congregation London, (JTA) —• Mcccabi ' skit a t the Senior Hadasnah service tomorrow .morning and Houc3, new.London headquarters luncheon Tuesday. Tho danco David Kunts -will -read tho law.of the' v.-orld Jcirizb. spores orjeclaa3 will present several num- Refreshments will bo served D7 nlzation, iz open to tt'o pcbHs lolbers on t h e samo program. Rabbi and Mrs. Brown in lionor lowinc coreiaoniea at which Lord Talmud Torah game night is of the birth of a son; Mre. Aroa- Melchett, honorary president, end held a t the'Center every other EOhn will tell tho story. other pro_3iia-ant BritC23_deiivorc.d Thursday with Miss Roso GoldsThe Bible group will meet man In charge of tho children. •
Jewish Press
es Contest r
/ The contest Is open until January 15th. . Anyone Is eligible to' enter.- .
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