December 31, 1937

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rom Page l.) tr. Couraos, «opyCoughlan.. Bays: t have been withthese tvfo —- one t evil,* the other r a tootU" —r"were is amusing ' how , Jewish or non« [wells on the sysj legal. comperisaimprisonment and ide'd in the writtver used without >n of the oral law ins to Moaea the h — the triumphMr incomparable [consecration both il and for society. *3Mr. (Cournos dp he'obvious scripjl^viticus or I)enI editors like Mr. ! Jiave read them jiem, nevertheless r statements yiofcal if by 'any tatements can be the antebtion of the Jew psychologically a j stiff-necked enjso 1 arraign not pa but also — on ibaing forever exs^pages of Uie Atnedgwick. • [Sedgwiclj, realisibis Christendom s Germany, Italy, ? seething hatreds faese aggressions [is for vrar, .tbi3 Into, a- pre-Noacbic erv; cult of . hate n d a r e you-aware anocent sufferings Israel everywhere shames and vioir own. Did we arid War? Did we aty of Versailles? rist — we, a peoQf, peace, of nonbe moral appeal?

!Iho views expressed by T-:g Levrlsoun IS his column «sro his own and do not necessarily reflect the policies or attitude of our publication. Beprodnc. tlon In whole or in part strictly iorbidden. "„.'.. Ju *

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£?V2i? asSseoija Ossa Mall Matter en Jancary a.- m i . at ' ;j^stgHlca_^_uaaafca. Heferafeka. coder tha Act?? MarcS a. 1S7S


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TRIAL BAM/OQXS The Arabs are sending out < The appearance of Brachal 21Aires (;JTA)—Presltrial balloons. Falastin, best and irah, Yemenite singer, originally Vcrgas will tolerate no best-inown of the Arab papers scheduled for January 25, has persecution in Brazil, the writes: "Every one, both Arab Telegraphic agency was and Jew, should work to exploit BabM Kepsttin to 3a Principal been changed to January IS. Brachah Zflrah will appear with Ittasasr Ban Avi to' told by-Prof. Aaron Aciermas the-present existing eagerness for Speakerjat Lastallatioa 'en-"Stcnn-OvET Nahum Nardi,- Palestinian pianist a- -settlement-that -may-save the upon his arrival froia fie JaIlcstia?? Palestine" and composer,*and Jlichel Gibcountry." It is, upon the whole, neiro to attend t l s Trology coano wonder. Arab -hooliganism son, singer of Jewish, folksongs. gress. Installation of new officers of .Members of the local This is one of the features ol Pror. Ackeraan declared Jewhas reduced the country to a de- the Omaha Hebrew Club * will National F u n d -Council ^ a i ; l g h l m n i Chapter, te haTe n o t beea plorable economic condition.' Our take place at 3:30 on Sunday, the Center Forum program. bring their of the or-j^-,, „„,. fee d e p o r t e d j r o = 1 Braril. e*eced p Tishuv has suffered. Bnt its eco- January 2,.'at.-the Jewish Comsanitation's thirty-fifth anaiver-| H e a s s e r t e d t h e Vargas — — < ?egio-El nomic structure is firm and in- munity- Center. rention EEJI t"-"~rrrc-t re" . Eary to a close "SVednesaay e-Tna-; »rj6«^ t ^._ Teasg Xrienctiy to telligently, bnilt; we. have .re- ,.:-The. following, officers are to a1 A ing, January 12, wliea Ittanar j c ^ f l ^tention"to" the fact that it cember 25, -C. zrt Z sources, both moral 'and material, be installed: I.. Blorgenstern, ben Avi .speaks on "fetors. QTCT bad-jnst dissolved tbe asti-Sstait- Island, 111 " . n . > _ to draw upon. The poor Arabs president; D a n i e T Schwartz, Palestine."£ ethers. to the vice-rrei-^sr;r c' lb are ruined by their ovn folly and vice-president: Sol Rosenberg, ' The Decorations Coninittr" their own sullabili,ty. Mussolini secretary, and John Feldman, ference. headed by Mrs. Sol Kahz^r*-""*ziveg money for guns and pamph- treasurer. New trustees arc: Irn Is the cz)rz:t im-rrr^cr to decorate each table so thst .lets. But that is all he gives, vin Levin, Loais Jlorganr snd I South Side Carter c: C will represent Ecms Palestins InArab economy, leaning upon ours, Jack Saylari. Joe Tretiak, ~. Jo>a I*T T"-^ 1 ' '"j I defeated Cn:rr:. >-i. 3, -stitution built on-jewisli Kati"~•*? nurtured by ours, taught by ours, KirBhenbaura- and Elibu Blocb British Government Shortly to al Fund land. ' sals. Morten '"cr^t'.r r r ; Annotisoe Composition reached a state ot unheard of are the new members of tbe eskell Liaserc vere rrc— j_-s Serving with Mrs. .Kalis c i •cell-being- for rich and poor. In .ecutive ^committee. ,IC S. .Yaffee ' ". aad Duties- df Group Oraa-ia tee.™ this coininittea are: Mesdatae: .*. \* attacking us the Arabs attacked •will be the installing officer. Abe Resect cf tb? Sszn IvL Erman, Morris Trankiir, U.' London (WNS-Palcor Agency) and brought hurtling down over Habbl Milton- A. Kopstein will their heads all that the last twen- give the principal address at the The British Government is plan- A. Meyers, David Blacker, Jc? ty years had .brought them of installation. Cantor E. Sellz ning to announce shortly tbe Rice, Meyer Eeber, Jacob R, C;-, to Bill S to Agitation ol prosperity, of civiliazftion, of will present a program of vocal composition and duties of tbe hen and David Golfistein. Resaick.-wcs cvsr 'c direr Reservations for the dinner arc! new commission that will go to Hasis health. contestants. 7>— \ selections. He -will be accom- Palestine to discuss with Jewish being taken by Mrs.' A. S. Rub-] And now, to. use an expressive panied by his daughter, Shirley. oratorical con:c:t r ', ^ and Arab representatives details nitz, chairman, or Mrs. B. A. £i-i Kew. York . (WKS) •— By and j vulgarism, they.Jianre _eoli!-ieet_ This is the Hebrew Club's nine- arising out of the report submitt- mori, co-chairmen, or any mers-j large Italy is still free from anti- | They have very cold feet. Terror ty-fourth installation. It was orot ths ia charge j SemitisiOr but what anti-Jewish J and. hooliganism have gotten out ganized in IS 92 as a charitable, ed by the ;Peel Royal Commis- ™* Omaaa r'o.hsr ^.hcripsion, it was stated in the House Tboss. on the reservations coin-, feeling there is due primarily to I ed the Ee^ii-f.nrlE o. the b^E*.^,.of hand. •" The desert men shoot benevolent organization, and of Commons by Colonial •" Secre- mittee' are: 'Mesdames M. B r o d - ^ ^ and hold up for the joy of it. But i a . o n e o t the oldest: Jewish soball tcurE£~rrt, c~lr *~ t r r" *imam 1 If 7 ' "_• * ' --Lasers, tary W. G. A. Ormsby-Gore. Dur- *_•• , , , ' M.• Grodis-; ; t _ t o r s > S o s a l d M a r i o Batatansti, the settled Arabs, both capitalists cieties in .the city. • feated by Ct csr:'E £cztrL C : s . - ing extended references to Pal^ ' J-" H. Kulakofsky, Hermaa - cantor' cf the Great Syaacliie*~ and workers, see their own ruia' Sol Rosenberg is serving his estine, the Secretary also declar- Cohen, Sam Beber, Philip Sluts- gog-ae in Rome, who has just ar- chapter wh-cl- trek tfcs to™~~Land would like peace. I t is cred- forty-eighth consecutive term as sn€Et chE.iz7.oz:i:.7. nick, Juliu3 Stein, Joe Rsdlscribly reported that even the most Becretary and JoSn Feldman his ed that conditions were improv- ski, O. S. Belzer, J. Rosenberg, rived here on a visit. Over rro r:rsrr;: rczlzt r"ci ct Cantor Batatanski said anti- tbe convert-"r. Nirs^cn Cl'-CE . /^prominent and apparently uncom- thirty-first consecutive term as ing, even though spora'dic acts Nathan Taffe, William Alberts, 1 f ' Jewish agitation in;. Italy is be-j were represented. of terrorism were continuing. He •'•ti ""promising clans of - the ruling t r e a s u r e r . '••'•'..'.. Jack Kaufman, Dave Stein, KE£ lag spread by alleging that the \ classes are eager to restore tran- '.: The meeting will" be bpea to informed the House that a vig- Miss Kalah Franklin. Italian Jews are traitors .to P a s - ! - , . '•• "suiility and prosperity and re- members and their -wive3. He- orous campaign was under way to Council Bluffs reservations csiin. and agents o£ Enslani- Ra- j tlOlCE combat terrorism. member "with longing the . days fresliments -will be served. « Replying t° David Adams on may be made with Mrs. Morris Cial anti-Semitism, however, has j •when their surplus .lands fetched raage little impressics, lie declsr-j the situation in Palestine, tbe Grossman. ' astonishing prices from Jevre. So Invitations are. being sent to cd. ' Tbe chief, sufferers of Ita.1- j MkracM .to'Hplid:. Colonial Secretary submitted a tho trial balloons go up. written reply in which he said: neighboring communities, it is 'ian Enti-Semitism are the Sion- i At this point theTe enters a Funeral Ec~r.~£r -"Generally the condition of thQ hoped to have a .representative ists. he said, because they are typical Jewish tragedy. We, toe, re^rnrcied as pro-Sritisii.© Tfcurstiay country is somewhat improved attendance from out-state. •want peace; what always and forct ' -^F, -Friday, evening, January 7, Trill o? this feeling the. Sioaist move- tett •f - -*- - - — * though sporadic act3 of terrorever do Jews ".-want; more * than ment has been, officially banned The monthly M'lave Malfee ol ism continue. "Gangs of terror- be observed-as J. -N. F. sabbath '•><• peace"? Nothing, all_ 47, local synagogues. aad its publication, Israel, snp- j Tucsra, • i Asd'it. is. Jews who'"have made the Mizrachi Zionist organization ists are still operating, including pressed. BatatasE'ki reported that; vrfco had c-r- to Ar^r^-a ipeace bet-ween th'e • Aians and • our? wiUL be held on Saturday at'S--p. a number of persons from oatia communal, religious and pbil-j iaiS "been ..'.I for re-"-:.: m side Palestine who are acting E3 m. at ths Adass Jeshuren synap .atlthla'inoiaent. anthropic afiaJrs Italian Jews ea- j For E C - ; tbrr Z-R r - ^ ; ? i It la tlie madly ill-advised^ worfls gogue,. 25th. iand -Seward: streets. leaders and organizers. Since fey complete -R-ctcEosiT. throusb ; was a ps--: "? c_ _ ; C ; ana activities nf-certain -Jews that • Rabbi .N. .Feidman .will speak November £3rd,. the Sigh Coma national Is-w enacted under the ; sionsr EX. :. missioner ' .has '.-reported the" fcl'.QI•• the. we'eli a hzxs- -^jiven tlie:- 'Arabs. .-^ /wholly. oii. tba'portion jts.".reiat!on '!:-'id/.|ie::ide3l-s£. -j This -law makes it possible for! and Trus. - - - " p the etreng- ing; casualties while resisting de- : v'aolly• hopeless notion G£ fha (WKS) •—. Reacting the. JCTTisn. comiii'j.rdties '. t o tax 1 , born in ? . - • t "•>'-"thening of traditio'nal Judaismin fense forces —killed, 10; wound•iermsoa-'^hich peaceJs.PiQBsfble. thb pleas by teacaers'and scb- Jews, even .those-not interested I the'son cl z :.:ro— H-" .r. C t ilcs Diaspora and in Palestine. . ed,\4? Jews — killed" 5'; -wound- lars from abroad to oppose tha, Above"-alL Lord Samuel (the ed,- 27. The figures Include,live betto benches for Jewish etu- In-things-Jewish, for Jevrssh"cosa-| ha.n ssd Cc-—rr > r . r z. c~, ." f onner Sir Herbert! who has done Arab and one Jewish policeman ents in the Polish colleges anfl tnansl and religious • .purposes, j Kraus. Hs v E; t f.*"Ct.r_t£ ~Z this thing. "Incrediblei and' mpia_ i;ysoi€tstem who -^ere" killed in the same per- .niversity, 54 leading Polish uni- Ths aati-ZioniEt feeling,-.however, j TJniversit; c'. "el:.":L— V Ctrdus-as It m u s t seem,- this~iaan iod. One British constable was versity professors, issued a -man- has-cplit. many. o£ the Je»risii i A past r c: Icrt "I L " "who 'Is or /fancies himself a philkilled and another vfounded. (A ifesto, denouncing the segrega- eoEiniunities so bsdlj- that iQ i a IOSJTS el T T" " ' " '^ T osopher, who-h.Etd'the felicity and of'-Finnish Life total of 48 -casualties: Ed.) tion- of Jewish students as harm- song.cases ^ovemiaent coamis-j Eraus h r ' >"°- " ' " ~ tha honor of watching the miraEioners have ' been . Eppointefi toj ES3 comrvr-: f"r—F. culous beginnings of the rebirth .On ^Monday evening, January Twenty-six Arabs were tried by ful to Poland's prestige. The affairs pending new.. eleosurvivii-c £.rr: h.c v f e : E tc~. the military courts and one exemanifesto called on. other proj cf bur lana and our ueopie—this 3, 1938, at 8 o'clock,. Rabbi DavDavid; s. L : L : ; cuted, three acquitted, and twenfessors to join tbe protest and asman put into the heads ol the id A. Goldstein •will review "Kar s o t h e r , ZZzh. Z. ~ . l^r&'u:, \JL-~. imprisoned for varying sailed the government's approval Ara'b' leaaerBhip/-the notion that trina" by Sally Salminen. This ty-one b r o t h e r , C E ~ , 11.,'<-~i. s. ill f" periods. Two Arab3 were conVOCATIONAL. we • could or would compromise on Finnish novel was awarded the demned to death by the civil af ghetto benches as a "heavy "the plan of a demographic future Helsingfora prize, for the year, court. Combined c o l u m n s ot blow to Polish culture and a TRMEIEG F 0 1 Nebraska. fon - JEretz '- Yisroel according to and the review -will be the fourth mounted police and Transjordan great danger to its future." A similar protest was mafia by the' POUSB JEWS' •which we would forever be in the series of Book Evenings frontier forces are operating eci" the f5"~v."t~'". ~ ' ~ "I v-r- Ft olish Federation of Labor. ority. Incredible but true. Watch being sponsored by.the Beth El jrith great activity in the north Tbe gaetto bench question the; color and the slogans of the Synagogue Auxiliary at the Jew- and vigorous'steps are being Ne-W. York (JTA)—Tvith dorwas thrown into the courts trial-balloons; note the substance ish Community Center. mitories already established ia £2 taken to combat the murder camct the out and out fabrication-of 5S Jewish merchants in Kslisch! cities, and • traaiing arranged lor For his fifth . review* Rabbi a supposed treaty between Weiz- Goldstein announces filed suit against the district j In Ipcal factories, the Joist Dis"Assignmaim and an' Arab notable. The ment in "Utopia" by Eugene Lygovernor who had fined them j tribution coEiaittss Esnccnced Arabs have astutely, fastened on ons instead o r '-Toung Henry of for closing their stores during j tbat a comprehensive system lor this thing; - they will now try to Navarre" as previcfusly announcchildren in :he general strike called to "pro-j aiding Bucha'ieti (.T""i — : r . Arrest of'Antipersuade the world that .it is we ed. Tills review will be given on test the establishment cf ghetto to become qualified tadustrial anti-SeEil^c rr.i r- > " " ""•' "" •who -will not make peace. By a January 17. The final ; review benches. The Jewish storekeepworkers is arising. Jewish Pickets ers were fined because tbe gover-riii tsrc IT" ' — - - "-" ^ ' ^ Jew they have been- encouraged will.take place on February 7th. -More than .2,600 children, have to\mak& the condition of peace Tickets may b e secured a t t h e "Warsaw'CWNS) — "While the nor ruled that their closing -eras already bees, sided is obtaining ; or more f--'-<%- —, the only condition ot all cdndi- Box Office t h e night of t h e r e an insult to Polish universities. traiains and f i n d i n g work nation-wide anti-Jewish boycott ; tSonsthat we cannot, that we dare view... . , - - . . - , through, this system., socordlng to j tai i a e s ^ ' . . gaia in intensity, the ministry of not.accept. . . ' • • ' . ." : a'report i r o a ths J. D. C.'s Euro- I cf the €"«> the interior instructed police Seised ia Swindle Does not Samuel know that it pean office. authorities throughout the coun\ Georg TEL Is minority status that conbtJtutes UNITED SYNAGOGUE try to arrest all pickets preventJerusalgia ( J T A ) — T i e Honexile? Does he not loicrw that ing .:-. customers from entering orary Mexican consul in Jeruthe powericssness • to- determine Jewish shops in Cracow and Lodz salem, Ferdinand Damiaai, hiis JohEEnesbuTS ("WN5)—wits--' thoug^ . . one's way of life which minority MONTHLY were arrested. • . been arrested on charges cf cut ths JeiTS 50-th Atrica -vronlfi j CSUL CI ... status entails Is precisely! v/hat swindling Mrs. Miriam Can of i not "fcave reached its present stags | The boycott question also re"New Tork (WNS)—r-The Jewish has caused that corruption of the ah by taking $1,000 in re- ! of cultural and commercial de^ • ceived an airing in the Sejm Jew and'Jewish culture and the Touth Journal, the first issue of when Madame Palzynska, a non- ,-urn for a promise to bring her I velcpment. Minister of Sdccation 'were RCI-'-1 Jewish way of life, from which the new monthly published as the Jewish deputy from Vilna, ques- relatives to Palestine from Aner- ] Hofrayer declared ia zx. address of t h e e*~c" — ~~—Zion and the rebuilding ot Zion official organ of the Young Peo- tioned the government on the ic.a. Tbe promise was not ful- here in •wkict ae bitterly, assailed and so the redemption :ot the peo- pie's' League of the United Syna- picketing, activities of . students filled ' . tbe irrowth' .of anti-Sesitisa. _ which, she assailed as demoralizple" through" the laid, was "to save I Ed'gne. of ..America, has just made ing. The Jewish deputy, Lieb UB and has saved us? Where has U t s apeparance here under the edi- Minczberg, p r 01 ested bitterly he livedwho all these of Asher Block The periodical is dedicated "to against the government's failure •others are years? willing Or forthose the Worship is de of Ameri- to protect Jewish merchants and and interests sake of what they'call peacs to theThidealsriodical turn Eretz. Yisrael into . another can Jewish youth, to the advance- denounced the . whole policy of corner of the Galuth. With whom ment of a, more creative Jewish anti-Semitism. have these men spoien? ~ "What ife, and to the furtherance of Meanwhile the Sejm and the Greek ambassador larity ES a csiaedian to gain suchave they read? Have they never universal freedom, • ju3tica - andSenate approved a newlawwhid -.'-. _ • '' . . .. '..'... forbids Jews to manufacture o of good--wlll,- George Givot, re- cess ca the concert EtE"e. really thought about the Jewish peace." problem in its totality? ^ Are He is at present, on his vrEy sell Christian religious. objects, turned to Omaha last -peek to they still in their heart ol hearts At the same time the anti-Semit- open bis new career &s'a coscert east to play Eeveral theatrical eaMoiE thinking of Palestine as a charitic, campaign gained an importan singer before a select group oi j able enterprise 'with which -they ally when former Premier Ignac iiarspsrss and their children and the Jewish Paderewski's new party through hometown- friends. It was ia] t i e s e j s c yocs. Later he will Hoses Soffer, 57J died at a lo- its official organ, Nowa Prada Oxcalia tbat Givot sot'his start j .j-g people as a -whole have nothing fjis cal hospital Tuesday evening air- issued a "call to fight the Jews' to-do?-; . ..'•'•- ' V ^•"•*»cr"* c r c h e s t r a . in the tfeeatricai TTCTH. I T Tha other night at the Yeshi- ier a two months illness. and gave its support to tea anti'Expecting'a criti"-i -•--•••—-^ A resident, ot Omaha for 22 Jewish boycott. vah conference-1 heard Governor and. adEiittedly Ecr-c--, - - r - r - i CFrank Murphy of . Michigan, BO years, Mr.- Soffer is survived by ertheless gave an r&*rs 'aM; re:- "-" panicking politician but a sensi- five daughter, Mrs. 3iar Goldfonnasce that -was rcc;.i?i — .tb r tive;'' cultivated gentleman; givs stein, Mrs. J. Abrainson, Mrs. Al :. •. ."' " Correction unstisted eattmsE£:~. T--*> c—- » an account of the various rabid Zovits, and Sirs. David Freedmaa . In last -week's Jewish Press, i seasas- of bpin'on in^^cst"! i^.z". was -erroneously stated that new - anti-Semitic group3 and move- of.. Omaha and Mrs... Herman 1 -•_ C - _ ; c were elected by the B'nai j Givot'faced'.a seccr.1 c—c rrlw ments within tbe "United States.. Friedman of Atchison, Kansas. officers Jacob Synagogue. Those -named career. Tbeso are .mere rabble. True. So Funeral services -. were held For• a-atitaber c! were tbe Nazis'in, say, 1920. But •Wednesday from ' the Jewish •were the new' officers of Caevra eajoye-3 top-sucee" L.r tbat 1B not the^point. I have suf- Funeral home. Burial was at ICsdiaha of the synagogue.. tor of ths mirta-~icTr'' .-~, ~ T ficient faith in America and Pleasant Hill Cemetery. ; . 'Warsaw (JTA)—Escluslon- of thicsl character's; ths C""- : r~American democracy to be no "Warsaw1 (JTA)—The ministry the Maccabi, Jewish- sports cl'ob, crepe-hanger in this matter. Tfc«? point is this: ,That low men in! of interior officially asonnced -from.-the Polish Teasis association: have attempted ts c: - _~_ :~ of the spite of their own frustra- tbat the Yiddish newspapers, the •sras announced here. The club's tbe vogiie introduce » ' ~ r *-". tion will vent that piite only or Day, ot New York,' and Haiat, of membership in tha TTorld 'Ir.ecaM but he "is today f--' --- - - -• Paris, Trill not be admitted iato Union xrcs sslvcncsd as ths rea- of-dialecticians.- " c ~ ^ ™r 1" ." son for the action. Poland. ready to a « - X : 11; " « - (Continued on page S.)




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of jUst on Mondays, Wednesdays, sad Fridays . . . Games have been hot and interesting . . . TheFASCISTS AM f.ii A.)—-srving Oonldi ladies, also, have been coming Xf.rd fet the Ubivarsitj up in greater numbers-.'. . . Of , hag been eotectftd » . . By LEE GROSSHAK » r- $ 1 T ( f i I b< special interest has. been the. speitET Vai-Bity PrastS cial class for Jewish ladles only Kelaingfors, FinlanJ : J'^0 f.rnule»t8. The J. -C-C.-Varsity basketball on Tuesdays and Thursdays . . . Nazi and Fascist prcpagrn. , ii will return to active duty next The Matron women are improv- created suoli interse n j 'ijfitvi of Rome alwayi week after a short lay-off on ac-ing as. volleyball players . . . Last j throughput Fiftiesd tl.n pHii.e fieiegfi-tlonis tcount of the holidays. week, they defeated teams from I ernmeat ia giving tc "\C^ luring the 19th cenCoach Phil Gerelick will have Benson, and Council Bluffs . . . ' demands .'for catlav -~ a week to .get his lads back Into Return games will be held. . democratic organizpuo.»s shape, the first game of 1938 be-N ••Impresse-d tef a s u . r ing scheduled on Jan. 7, with anti-Fascist mass rr«.ctl 'By Louie Pekaroky Diego d'Aguilar, one of the 'I I the Center cagera moving to Waministry of justice «a61 terloo, Nebraska. On January 9, 'ounders oJ.tbe Viennese Sepbar- taken steps to protecttc community, was'before his reIt'6. just a trip across town' gel63 newspaper offered tuition Soon there were 1,000 young and which is on Sunday the J. C. C.conversion reported have 'ieea cist newspapers for attrrl per sharpshooters p e r f o r m once from tho slums of tioa Angele3 in a dramatic school to any en-beautiful west coast girls working officials. ernrneat • rand inquisitor of. Spain. again on their home court, enKares and Col. Asrne SOT: to t h e glitter and success of terprising young individual who In theso radiant Bpectacles in t-wo. of the lesdlag Fascist Hollywood. How Miss Fan- could secure a required number every part of the United States gaging the crack Murphys in a - ! The first Governor-General of been arrested . aad are chon, t h e femalo half of the of new subscribers. Fanchon attd where audiences were weary of charity contest. An attractive schedule has Brazil was of Marrano' origin. charges. celebrated team, of Fanchon''&• Marco then set out to get sub-warmed-over Broadway talent. Marco, raad© that trip the bard scriptions, by canvassing from 1 Miss Fanchon ia described as a been arranged for our team dur- ( way on the road to becoming house to house and after much showman to the,tips of her well Ing January. The Jewish aggrefilmland's first woman produc- hard work she was able to. enter manicured fingers. She not only gation will play Kansas City, er JG told in this iatim&ta the school and complete a course. knows how to get effect with oth- Lincoln as well as several other sketch by the motion picture Then she began humbly doing er people, but she knows how to local aggregations. Also there 1 f " 3 ^ /~*Ki «£J~™^?' T~ editor of the Seven Arts Pea* walk-ons with a Los Angeles be effective herself. She has an la the possibility of scheduling a game in St. Joe. • - ture thb Jewish Press.—T stock company. When she dis-almost Continental sense of dra- We have a splendid Varsity Editor. covered that she and her brother matising her own potentialities.. basketball team at the J. C. C. v £fir"mi were more than passably good as She was a fashion plate in San And the fans can help it still Today's success Btory from dancers, she rejoined Marco in an Francisco in the Talt and that more by giving all their support. Where QiXiGka Shops Tr 'iih Confidence- .,, Hollywood has a new kind ot act. She still had a way with the city is famous for its emart wom• Heroine. It is the .story or M13Spiano and he still fiddled, but to-en. She ia a personality-moulder Fanchon, who recently, became gether they danced. Because the of the first order. She has the Omaha 1A. Z. A. No. 1 advancthe first woman producer ot mo- couple had an infallible cense of near-divine ability to extract from ed to .''the- , semifinals of t h e ' d i s Shop Early tion pictures to be signed to a what the public wants, they found a drab and timid girl a dynamic, trict A. Z. A. tournament at Rock Island, Neb., last week, losAt Quantities In M contract by a major studio, after themselves obtaining professional dramatic individuality. With a An Limited breaking down the barriers ot a engagements in Los Angeles* Fan- score of shows touring the coun- ing out to the championship 0 deep-rooted prejudice, against chon and Marco next went to San try under her close, supervision, it South Side Chicago outfit, 38 to 22. • Tho: Chicagoans also took STARTS MONDAY . . . <r;2C A. -having, a woman-occupying a too- Francisco where they entertained goes without saying that she un-the measure of the other Omaha lanking position in- Hollywqod. at- Talt's Restaurant and where earthed countless undiscovered A. Z. A. chapter, No. 100, i n . a Altnough Miea F$nehon: : is, the heir success story really began. stars and helped along many first round game. 42 to 24. In only name she has ever used pro- They were not only good, but more already on the way to the my opinion, the South Side Chifessionally, her real name, before .Hey had a knack of ferreting out top. Blng Crosby crooned for one cago A. 2. A.'s were the best her marriage to William Simon, Jther good talent to build up the of her early shows; Dorothy La- bunch in the. tournament without encouragement •was Fanchon Wolf.- Her husband how. It was a t this, restaurant mour received but we believe the Omaowns,and'operates a chain, of hat they really hit their real from Fanchon long before she at- ahadoubt, A. Z. drive-In restaurants in , Los ' Aii- itrlde—that of conceiving and tained her present high rank as ond best. A. No 1 outfit was seceeies^-those-popular eatmg places producing shows. Theyknew that an entertainer; Arthur Freed B^JUN!ORS!. . . .'.MISSES' . T . ' AHD WOUmS . , '. DRESSES •where -you drive right in with _s entertainers they were compet- used to play the piano while Fan- • The No. 1 aggregation played your- automobile and havo your ing with others equally good, but chon's girls rehearsed; Harry some, splendid ball Ia the entire Street drssssii sports dresses, cacfe*!, sinner, larmel <ens tvenme vesr dresses. meal served while you sit and re- as producers they, were In a 'class Richman worked for Fanchon and tournament. In their first game, ' #IIn sshesre, e s , crepes, p , wools, velvets &nd nary efher rsvcHJcs. Jiinlors', Misses', lax in .your vehicle. : . ' •: f by themselves. The Bhow at Talt's Marco in a night club back in the they defeated the tough .Lincoln W M e n ' i siJ Wr!? «^~«team, 19 to 17, in one of the Women's rid', Sss. "There . is • nothing freakish was so popular that theatres in San Francisco days; Lupe Velez most exciting contests in the '• Third Tlmr shout :her' success as the : first and around San Francisco en- got her very first Hollywood job woman to mafce.: major"" -action, gaged it. ; Fanchon .and Marco from Fanchon; Myrna Loy wasmeet. pictures in this-- Highly cotripeti- ullt up the .show, made it strong- discovered in a Fanchon and MarHandball players, you'd better tiva ^business where ability, • t a l - er, more lavish. They are true- co chorus and boosted along to ent,. cleverness, originality, imag- born discoverers, and always were stardom; Martha Raye, Ben Blue, start getting in shape. City and ination, .personality and -'other ooklng for new'talent. Many of! Mitchell and Durant and other A. A. TJ. tournaments will soon vital- factors muat be developed the biggest names In the show stage and screen luminaries have get under tray a t the J. C. C. «. »• totheir. fullest extent. -MissJE'aa- business obtained their start on benefited from thetr^assoclatlon courts. Also, if you hurry, you can still enter the J. C. C. douehon's auceeasis not one of • those the Pacific coast and most of with Fanchon and Marco. © UNTRIMMED . . . AKD F ' J : J T F : M K < = 2 . . . Z' ESS AND "flash-in-t h e-p a n " happenings; them have been helped on the The nationally-known Fanchon bles" tournament. COATS she was not "discovered" by •way' at some time or another by and Marco theatrical studios In ©ss-gecus ur.!nrsrssd spsrfs h new va-'xd c f ' c s f ; r'yor t ^Vv $11 jut' | IS. Basketball teams, attention. If f eome Hollywood film executive Fanchon and Marco. Hollywood is a tribute to the you desire a league at the J. C. AUo a cirend sslfccfian ef fo inmrnsd, sports end dress cceis cfvaniy $3S sni $4$. because of outstanding beauty. After, an unsuccessful .attempt genius ot this gifted woman and WHh large fur collars. All sisss. • ' • She rose from poverty and hum-<u rthe- production of a Broadway her brother. When you go to C. this year, you had better get ble • beginnings to her" present revue in New York, they brought see a show at Radio City Music in touch with me at once. I t is oiae© in the sun as a successful their show back to California. Hall In New York and witness a getting late in the year and unindividual via tho longest- and Theto was no money-to pay theperformance in the celebrated less we can get started at once, •• / ; : # > t hardest road. Paramount Pic- train fare, so the railroad accept- Rockettes dancing unit or watch there Just won't be a league. fe.<-':^. tures was the major studio which ed Marco's note for 92800. The the equally famous Fanchonettes Now, this is up to you. We have recently recognized her remark- note was paid off within six team at the Paramount theatre In enough good teams around-the ^ /p- ET: •«y able record and the possibilities peeks. Since that- time th*at rail- Loa Angles: -ypu.-vlew but two of Center to have a fast league, but /.v«ftr • I for her to aad new laurels to her toad- has.: been, .blessed., .with^the many outstanding . examples ot If s up to the various clubs to get going. I, personally, can't com• " ' • • -%d^ M • •••'•• W ' i ? : '" • ' ' ' i i I' brilliant' *b"y"inter- assignment of transporting' the Fanchon and Marco's dancing pose a whole league by myself. "•••FITTED'. . /PRINCESS . , . AND K£W SWASGER: STYLES lag tha-field Of screen entertsbi'- large nationally-known.'"• Fanchon' ¥pectlcles..' Thl3 couple" has also ment and signed her to a. con-and Marco stage, units .on their added operation of theatret to classes are plcklng^up filfed -Princess end Swaaaer rfy'es. Caraculs, Musbeh. P«rsian<>L«mbs,Jonies. tract which gives her complete transcontinental tours. Trans- their mammoth and varied enter- by leaps and bounds, very grati.Marmcts, Prem'er Bonded Seels mi Menio^a U&V&TS, m£2a e j New ^mand control ever the making of filma portation costs havo reached as prises. ' ,-'•••• fying to yourg truly . . . Men's Buekskins (Dyed Coney}. assigned to Her. Her first Parahigh as §400,000 a year. ReturnThat came modesty which mount :proSuetfon, ; "Turn Oft tho Ing to .Ban Francisco, this re- makes Miss Fanchon disclaim re- volleyball sessions are now held Moonr is being widely acclaimed sourceful duo found that theatres sponsibility for any celebrity's every noon of the week, Instead and indications a t e ; that ; Miss were so eager t o book their: shows success makes her cloak her priFoachon's claim to fame will b6 that the only way to satisfy them vate life "with secrecy. She hasLACT WARNING 1, €. _~ based not aloHa on her. being a was to/have more'than one Fan- no time for extensive, social acJAC3. IS, 2OZ *,*-»»•»,. • Troman producer, but priinarily chon and Marco show running'at tivities such as those engaged in b*i her being a producer of good the same time. Thus was launch- by some Hollywood figures of im> pictures, fihe eayfi she wants to ed tho Fanehoa and Marco portanee. Besides carrying man^ produce pictures that bubble with "Ideas", which provided stage sized burdens on her shoulders as youth, r6mance and song. Her shows for many thousands of an executive unusually well, that WWIe.tKey last, on sale Monaey on!y! Over 103 jisrfars5, mlasst', WSfMtt's hh second picture, "Thrill of a Lif e- popular priced movie theatre pat- creative urge that vents itself in priced'dresses, in ih© newest, winter eclsrs esa st^?lcs. Shsp ea?!y» at €pi&tAW\Gt Sffe • time,? has alEo proved a hit a t rons.. This project became such a Fanchon and Marco "Ideas": finds limited. the. bo-£ offices of the country's sweeping success that within a ample expression In., her home, to •, theatre's and equally bright pros- abort; time. theatres up and down which she Is so devoted. i l ^ U I C AND. - peets. ara in store for her third the, west coast were, featuring (Copyright, 1927. by Seven Arts 1 £iim, "Romance in • the Hough, their v. shows, fieadquartfers for V7%Feature Syndicate.) now being: filmed, a t & \;: this profitable and intricate, orWhat is believed the only Jew. "Miss Fanehoa was born in Losfeanltation were, established in lAngelos. and. .actually,: she has Hollywood. Miss Fanehoa took ish military cemetery in the eg enly made^a trip across, town In great pride In the dances which world is the confederate soldiers' traveling the road of fame and she staged at;.- Sid •, Qrauman's plot in Richmond. glory...,... from the other side of Egyptian theatre In . Hollywood the tracks; where she spent her among the "Ideas." .The Egyptian 's<? IE speela 25 fur trimmed cfsss ens spcrh ccets, '0?"> impoverished childhood, t o beau- in- those.days represented HollyNew. is the time untrimmed sports ctzii, edxized *r rrs'y ?C. 1 tiful Baverly Hills, where she wood, at Its peais and It was the coat. now lives. Unlike the proverbial scene of the most glamorous film prophet, Dha is one of the very premieres attended by the greatfew who have won honor in' •.heir eat stars in the film capital. The own country. There were lots of most critical audiences In tho a " * , . * ? / * " /"-.-'• •''•• children in the Wolf family and country gasped at and cheered they never had quite enough of the dajKlirig beauty of her prceverything to go around. Perhaps Iofe.uea.ct3-at this theatre.that Is' the reason Miss • Fanchon Mis3 Fanchon's movie • screen and her brothers, Marco, Roy'and debut was made at this period Bubs Wolf, have been so close to In her life. It was before the oneach- other. :. To theatregoers rush of big musical spectacles, beA group of lecher prices fine f . r cic's h &r, everywhere, the two names, Ean- fore a dance director was convv."nMt fu*s. Smalt (Dyed Ccnsy), Cere . chon-and Marco, have become a sidered ~&n artist In his own right, depos!f holds your c national, institution: -, The o.ther before intricate dance . routines iSeetmei two "brothers.. are associated with were considered an indispensable -mostFanehon and Marco theatri- part: of motion picture entertaincal v enterprises. Freedom from ment. The motion pictures of *V9 poverty, a.'desire to havo things those days had dances in them EAR©A1NS1 GREAT BARSAiKS OH CUR MAIN'FLOOR •she realised other children In the but tho dance director was con-© Eqalp •with CHSIDRIH'S'COATS neighborhood would never get Bidered just "another member of this great 'net/ BALBRiSSAN PAJAMAS was foremost in Fanchon's mind the 'staff.- Renowned now as a safety-tire end' r g.s* she grew o u t . of childhood. creator of dance effects, Mies you take no 2-pc. styles. Greatly-rsSucsS to caly fei".S tSxy last, onij-—,. Fanchon and Marco's, career start- Fanchon was called to the studios eftaAcesbec&txse: ••' 1 ed when they worked up a little to stage- dances and Maurice Cheact in which she played the piano valier, Greta Garbo and other Whfle th?? I Broken and he did things "on ' a violin celebrities came under her influTheir entertainment: "at partles1 ence then. Hundreds of theatres Od33 and ends, slightly tatissed from lciSga meetings' &nd church socials' clamored'. for the "IdoM" chows. feaadliag. Ciioics— . brought them, their first compen- which wero. replacins vaudeville • I • • ' eatioa and' started them on the TT s n a vimi way. Their work,fascinated them and .they began"'< to learn what SALE! . . . KID GLOVES sort' of things amused, diverted Eo'-alar $2.E3 rales,.. War.tod colors entire etocS of bags. Tour a n d " entertained, people. • ' This d styles. Spa-cia!— brother '• •and ; sister team deter.miaed to reach tha top In their . 2& '» TOteW/» OFF . -Held because people paid; and-;of: .KNIT SPORTS-DRESSES S A L E ! . » . ROBES •. ten, paid well-for entertainment Go'feotis priat cotton®. A estirs stack of silk and flannel One" of F&neiton's characteristics grasid sewfegsGftme&i,I s iSa KN\ I Is that she is aever satisfied with ' all slaes- tact st3.?les, *


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THE JBWISH PRESS—FRIDAY. DECEMBER SI, 1937 ypicsl F lo {JTA.) —-Irving Gould,', ,tadcnt s.t tha TJaiversitj J ftp, lias been selcaiod as / eal 1937 Varsity ^ i of S20 students.

:\ Aiatri of Rome alwayi the state dolesatlona t. a during tho 19th ccn-

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?.1arssl. ICtic&ta Roy H Ci

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Father of all, upon whoa is j land or to persecute the Catho- j cur astronome-* 1 • ~r —• * founded every lasting civiliza- j lie or the MennoBite. j sought to learn v- --' pr—"--. tion. Adding to these similarities j But they may well be realized j this Star or to c >.; \ in faith, Christian and 3ew have', if we fio our best to minimize I vras made, as t : - ' i - v ' in common a goal which, in a j sectarian and racial barriers; if, i do with the aic ' = sense, is larger, more vita!, than ; i a the faith of Hoger Williams,! scope. ' In the E'-*-' r c^ religion itself. That goal is the j we judge each citizen by bis char- j to me, it is relict ..c _rt _ fulfilment of the ideal of deraoc-j acter and ability ratier than by! Star was cosipc-i." -1 L racy in its every phase—political, i his theological creed; if in our'j cent things that a—- " I ^ " r social and economic. It is the! social life we sincerely try to see; heart . . . of lc-» r - ' - - "r task of carrying over into oar so-! through oar neighbor's eyes and j compassion, goo.: v z^ ^ z cial and economic order what in • so to grasp his point of view; if By reason oC religion is called brotherhood. It > we remind the Christian that shone so brigh •• requires the practical, willing, | Christ and His apostles were Icy- Wh£H i t ^CICSG. thoroughgoing and unselfish de- j al Jews and never abandoned These men the- <= ' SS - i . votion of every person. 1 their ancestral faith; if we re-casion to cisccr^G0Y1B2I0S OF IHCHIGAlf Democracy as conceived and j mind the Jew in turn, tiiat the expressed in the American con- j most influential Jew in history in .the water f"0~ vt ^ \ stitution is. something more than! is the Slan of Galilee, and if we! camels drank. This aWe analysis or the toward which the friends of in the suffering it has endured, a method of government. It is a ! teep constantly before us this j They had be~philosophy of American democ- democracy and the Founding Fa- the Jewish race has known a bit- passionate, political faith. It is a j precept of both Judaism and Star until ci: & F ^ racy by one of the most bril- thers of, this Union strove BO terly tragic history. Put to slav- faith in the natural capacities | Christianity: _ "Thou shall love from their sight i 1-7 -" liant of the younger figures; in steadfastly and iong.\ Their bat- ery in Egypt, made captive in and inherent possibilities of the I the Lord thy God with all thy not which way tc contemporary American public tle has been too dearly won, tooAssyria, invaded by the Romans, common man, in his essential heart, with all thy soul, with all ert; and they e* life was part of an aadress long-fought, and their goal too segregated and pillaged by medi- worth and dignity. In the scheme thy mind, thou shalt love thy scanned th- h Governor Murphy made a t *be highly esteemed to be nullified eval Europe, driven at one time of democracy, as in the code of neighbor as thy thyself." As we le Star again. 50th anniversary jubilee din- now by misconception — deliber- or another from most of the Christianity, all men are on a learn to cooperate ia the coraBut cue ner of Xeshiva College, which ate or honest—ot the ideals states of Europe, they have re- common level of dignity and ini- j mon task of the community and | tiniself rather r* marked the launching of a n a - which carried them forward. fused to succumb. In the words portance. Today it is undisput-1 the nation, the beauty of that! which were t -"cc iiTere tth tion-trifle effort to raise §3,Admittedly we h a v e not of the Reverend Henry M. Ed-able that America has far to go | precept will become more anS gone a long 000 000 for the maintenance achieved in America the perfect monds,, of Alabama: •We have before- these noble principles will! more apparent. For not only will j without drink. C i . tz.-^z* of that celebrated institution state or the ideal society. As a damned you for the very atti- be operative socially and econ-jit enable us to keep faith with I Wise Man, vrh: - x- =-"--; of Jewish learning;.—The Ed- people we are Btill troubled by tudes which we ourselves have omically as well as politically. In j those who have lived' and worked S heavens the camels thirst. mas,, since tne people raarr'- ; itor. many differences, by forms of made inevitable, we have robbed this decade especially the nation j and died for democracy before were better Hirst to give the cam-I! slaughters and mate ready :c discrimination, by frequent den- you and now criticize you for be- has endured much. As we make us, but it will enable individual els to drink than to search the I new generations to cie an5 r--Three hundred years ago a ial of liberties, and by insecurity ing secretive. We have driven our way slowly out of the valley Christians and Jews to learn each j heavens. secute their brethren. lone Englishman, expelled as a of income and livelihood for you together like sheep in a or depression, millions are still t other's hopes and longings and j H e firew f r o E , t - ng E k i l i s w&teT j Ch, rr.y friend, ss.ifi the heretic from the foundling com- many "Of our citizens. But while storm and now call you clannish. jobless, those dependent upon j to appreciate each other's hones- i j- o r ^he camels to crirk and c&r- j ' mon-wealth of Massachusetts, ven- conceding the existence-of these We have accused you of mater- them lacking often the necessar- j ty and purpose. When this! __ tured into the fringe of the'great shortcomings, we can ill afford ialism, because you have been ies of life. It is said that one- j comes- to pass we shall build an I ^ " c h a n c e d l o look downward 7n American wilderness and found- to jeopardize the security of this successful in business. Your third of the people are ill-clad,! America in which Jew and Chris- jt i e p a U a a d l 0 , i a t b e w a . = _ h e ed a colony where he might i es- democracy, such as it is. by re-prosperity has been an evidence ill-fed, and poorly housed. But j tian. Protestant, Catholic and ag- j b € h e i d t h e -ejiection of the Star pouse without let or hindrance sorting to,the facile methods of of a mercenary mind, ours an men and women yearn for secur-i nostic shall side by side work to jt t E t j , a ( , b e e n lost _ I n t i l e v - a t e r Corne in and l e t bis heretical idea. That colony oppression and coercion in our evidence of the favor of God. We ity—they want a just share of! perpetuate this democracy which drawn for kindness he had foui us tell jrns •was destined to become the tin-efforts to correct the nation's have taken your, Bible 'over and the national income, wholesome j is our common trust. the Star; and he looked cp and yoa sitoiald D iest state i n the American Union, Ills. We cannot over- made it ours and said never a working conditions, w o r k i n g ; (Copyright, 193", by Seven Arts it i e r e i t T a S j fc-jgtt in the skies ill allow them h i jj —--.Feature. Syndicate) but t h e idea-was destined to be look the fact—a fact that is evi- word of appreciation of the gen-hours that will time again! all< m e dent, allthrough history -—that ius for God which produced it. the cornerstone upon which that i restful recre- j for h ° From this the Three V\*ise men democracy has come, the hard Through all the Christian cenation. The farmer, also lacking Union is-built. The Englishman, learned of -what the Star was • as you know, was Roger . Wil- way. "We cannot afford to strip turies our ritual has rested upon security, wants the prices of his made; the pail of water drawn in ; liams, . and the principle which it of all meaning by forgetting yours and in these days of en- products stabilized so that his compassion was lite the spectre-, richment of worship we discover income need not fluctuate to ex- > [1 made of .him. an outcast- |was that .government for the benefit scope thst the EstrcnomerE in our ! \i U u D u ' • £ briefly this:. "It is the will; and of the many^ has. always been once more how rich yours is— tremes; he wants the soil he tills ; time employ to discover the com- ; k, V By AL SEGAL command of'God that permission gained only* . over the merciless | but no intimation of thanks. We preserved against the ravages ofj position of stars. j have called peace a Christian atthe elements. Business and in-i ot the most paganish, Jewish, opposition of those vrho profited The Three TTise IIen then took Turkish, or- antUChristian 'con- by government for the benefit of titude, forgetting that it was a dustry, too, want stability and j "Merry Christinas,'* I say to \up their journey E.£Eln end fcl-; sciences and worships be granted the few. I t would be lolly to for- Jew who. first used those words, security against disastrous flac-; my neighbor and my salutation j j is no mere neighborly gesture. to all men in all*, nations yand get that the Fathers of our re-which now belong- to humanity; trtatJons in the market. I believe in Christmas as I And after that the Star was nevAnd these things we must un- Ib e l Tor countries." Today: the tiny State public fought at. great" cost, and about beating swords into plowiev heard of £.£Ein T-ntU tfcs story e in all kindness, in charity er of" Khode Island-is but "on© of at a time when they were ill- shares and spears into pruning questionably have if we are some! came to Tne one fip.y when 1 was hooks." and in good will. I cannot be forty-eight— 48. states united tbj iquipped for war, a revolution so day to attain that degree c* a a r t f r o i a thinking of Christines which still Christmas. All thru seemed BO lar o" even after the form a great democracy pos- hat'they might enjoy the beneIt is needless here to embark democracy ot which the Fathers I P I/write about Christ- "0 00 years. sessed of a material culture such Ilts of a gorenuaent, of the peo-upon a lengthy discussion of dreamed when they established | December sxs s function as a worker as no man dreamed o* in ;the Jle, b y ' t h e people, and for the these and the many contributions ine Constitution "to form a more Ko-vr, as I E.IH told, no sooner P^ess. T i e oilier was year 1{>36. "Would that we might people. the Jews have made to civiliza- perfect Union, establish Justice,, d a y a the Star through -with leadJ ) said. id Ing the Tv'ise Men than it dis(a non-Jew) say this glorious nation has pro- "With these historical truths we tion. Most intelligent men know insure domestic tranquillity, pro-S Y o u s efriend esi t 0 Christ- solved. How it is that a star err gressed spiritually a3 remarkably are bound to bear in mind, also, and willingly concede the great- vide for the common defense, \ m s s ,b e t t e r t b aunderstand n y of us do. SD sucdenly dissolve is net for tra s - i t h a s materially! But, Baa to the knowledge that. the indomit- ness in governmental realms ot promote tbe general welfare, and >*TTes - J answered, I guess i f s relate, such i s not the case.;To- able handful of humans whose Disraeli and Oscar Straus; in fi- secure the blessings of liberty to ibecause s l h a or £ 0 0 ourselves and our posterity." I " day, in 1937, the Bame forces colonies' were tho foundation ol nance ot the Rothschilds and Solvefi, It v a s s-ucfe a disso.u* ° peace and good will. So tion that caused the "enlargement"* of this republic were driven here by Jacob Schiff; in science of Ein- The task; of achieving democracy] I look at Christinas as at a fis.zzj .l as "undid t i e Star even ir flaming desire to enjoy a free- stein In music: in philanthrophy in its fullness is plainly a vast ] Hoger "Williams; from the colony ling old ideal which I have al- j palpable dest. Of Massachusetts ; are sti5l;Lat dom denied to them in their of Spinoza and Marx; of Rubin- one. Obviously, too, i t will be a J ways loved, and I ssy, Some flay j AH that of ich the seeking the- ostracism;? if homelands and now guaranteed stein inmusic; In philanthrophy long and tedious task, for we can i the world shall catch cp with j i^-ade became l u t t^s.:-ii-L. 1 not ' the expulsion _.Irom Jour to -all in this nation which they of Nathan Straus. I do "wish to hardly hope to complete over j Christmas. . j is to .ear, the I ; ! zxC llir shores, of those whose creeds are fostered—tha Tight to worship as emphasize as strongly as I can night what has been developing; I mean that Christmas still is jtice, the .con»_:r'z~. Vcc ridiculously-Illogical is he since the days of Aristotle and a d i s t a a t : at'variance with" the~ faiths that thsy pleased. Paradoxically, soraawill, the peace tr.C ir? r c and I a n not £lsof them, once they had achieved who, blinded by the clannishness, Socrates, when the city-states of h e a r t e n e d SO3.1, are in-the majority. becaEse ia Greece and Rome gave d e m o c ' 2000 years the materialism, the unsociablethis freedom here, were reluctant t Kecehtly, the'-headlines o t ness of a few, fails even to /bal-racy a forward impetus by put-!ltihe vTohr ledt i mh aes n > m caught up with xniddlewestern daily shouted; the to grant it to others-of opposing ance the objectionable against ting tine into practice th« ccrar.enf. of ! " ^ ^et come . . . the concept of creeds. I t was this intolerance news that organization work was great, and uncompromisingly a "Citizen body" born to rule. \ a gorgeous clawn . . . vhen the g "Williams search- the proceeding in a movement whose that sent Roger tars the entire Hebrew race with But it is, withal, a task" that world will take hold of Christavowed objective was to "drive ing for a new home in the Rhode the same brush. And as the requires the willing cooperation j m a so-r Te h e n oxt B h a U E o t Jewry out of the nation." Select- Island wilderness. It was this in- Christian has been uncharitable of every member of this fiemoc-.j i ^ . _ ' Ing from the many so-called jus- tolerance which inspired . Lord to the Jew in these divers ways, whicl1 J today . . What racy. I t requires in everyone the j Baltimore to proclaim in his coltifications for Jew-baiting the new hate, what sew so Christian and Christian have desire, and the determination to j theory that the Jews are" the pro- ,ony the right of every man to fought between themselves—the serve without distinction of race, tomorrow? ponents and sponsors of Commu- worship God in his own way. And INO, we Tea. ha-rea't had \ nism, the leaders of- this move- it was" the same intolerance for church against cburci, faction creed, color, station, birth and! other arbitrary, artificial, and • Christmas yet and w i e i say 2 dissenters that in 1776 moved ment have announced that It is against faction. Jews, Catholics ^eTr ? Christmas i am making s. their plan to ;"snbjugate" the en- the delegates to the constitution- and Protestants too otten en- man-made lines of division that i W isli f o r a r e : n o t Sixteen!! atHaroey St. too often" hide the God-made re-j s ideal to be tire Jewish race. To effect this al convention of the colony of deavor to emphasize their differend they would purse.the schools Virginia to write Into their doc- ences and minimize their agree- semblances between man and jrealized ia our time. I have besn these 2000 years-for i of all Jewa; eliminate them from ument of supreme law this mo- ments, when, it they followed the man. It presupposes an aware- waiting Liirist:ss - S . I wait and dream' m public office; and segregate and mentous provision: "That reli- teaching of Him who counselled ness in all that faith, - coopera-. i s t e n iot ana, listenconfine them in forty-eight spe- gion, OT- the duty we owe to our '"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as tion, mutual helpfulness, and the Ii ]n g X h e a r aChristmas st0T * z-l3QUt t t e - - cially created Jewish cities. ; Af- Creator, and the manner of dis-thyself," they would seek rather idea that every man has infinite ! o I ' ter a probationary period ol 17 charging it, can be directed, only to stress their agreements and to worth, if not because "of his ac- | ^ethlehem. complishments, at leasts for his; The story comes out of remctyears they would provide a yote by reason and conyiction,-not by respect their differences. possibilities—that all these form est inter-stellar spaces in which force or violence, and therefore to determine whether the resiThere are those, perhaps, who Star vanished when it v s s1 • dents of-these Hebraic communi- all men are equally entitled to will defend their intolerance on the basis- of democracy just as ,the throu 51 the Three TTise. ties would be permitted to depart the free exercise of religion ac- the ground that they have no they do of religion. Such Tinsel-! e a& guidiag or sre s a w h i s s t a r i = from them and travel at ;will cording to the ^dictates of con-'cause for agremeent with other fish service, such mutual help- j ^t h e e a' s"t '„"( Fa B " 5t i s throughout the country. This, science; and tha" it is the mutual faiths. But such an assertion is fulness and cooperation cannot'!c h l i s t i a ! '1 Scripture.) mind-you, in a land whose, su- duty of all to practice Christian demonstrably superficial. He who come to be as long as religious!1 Tt J t iR i s K 1 !s: h -.astonJshiag, * -' " ' -"^<- -:is. deed, i i t t preme law sets up as the first in forbearance, love and charity is minded to search, or is willing intolerance and "disregard for a bill of fundamental rights' the toward each other." to search for such common meet- our constitutional guarantees of probibiUon that "Congress shall The meaning of the principle, ing grounds will find them sub- religious freedom keep our peo/"""* ' mate no law respecting an estab- placed a decade or more later in stantial, real, and abundant— ple at odds. They cannot be realishment ot religion, or. prohlbit- the Constitution of the United whether It be between Jew andlized, nor can democracy become : Ing the free exercise thereof.' States, and since incorporated in Catholic or Protestant and Jew.a reality in every phase of life, This in a nation where the con-the constitution of the several To cite but a few, both Protest- while movements a r e being stitutions of t h e _compo;ient states, has not to this day been ant and Catholic have as a com- planned to drive Jewry from the states—repeating the expressed altered. Though some may con-mon heritage the whole literadesire of the whole sovereign strue it to require mere tolera- ture of the Old Testament. The Patronize Our Advertisers. tion and others may give It only Hebrew prophets and the Ten ;people — warmly embrace ;tha lip •_• service,. religions "freedom Commandments of Hoses are the same principle. This In a democ still means that: every man hasfoundation of our whole ethical racy that for three hundred odd an inalienable right—a right not life. The unity of the Christian years ha3 owned the reputation granted to him by a superior Church until the sixteenth centhe Wer'.s"i of being a haven i o r persecuted power but a right that is natur- tury is a tradition of more than and oppressed victims of intoler ally his—to follow the dictates 1,500 years duration which both ance and prejudice elsewhere. of his conscience In matters ot Protestant and Catholic share c* Truthfully it may be said tha religion. I t means that bigotry The noble St, Francis is recogRoger William, dead these threi and intolerance should find no nized as a saint by Protestant Save Mossy ia centuries, is yet in danger. '.;. place in a land founded on theand Catholic alike. Again, in j Doubtless many of the propon principle of equal rights for all their conceptions of God ' and I ents of this and other movements and special privileges to none. Christ, of the moral tragedy of! T~ JIW .10 't. ;'shirted and otherwise—design Te3, the meaning is- still the the world, the spiritual glory of j same, but the tragedy ia that the cross, and'in their belief in] ed to rid the nation of enemie :\ fancied and real, have at hear; there are many among us whoImmortality, Protestant and Cath- j the well-being of this Union;;v do not know that meaning, some olic stand on common ground, j !£,S^ NOW all love and would willingly ^de- who. deny it, and a few whoAbove it all looms the most} fend. In their own way, theylas- would adopt from undemocratic striking truth of all—the fact j ON Models NOW pire to protect it against wha foreign states the methods of that the Jews have given to civCm they. honestly believe to be .;'jag- persecution and, oppression. The ilization the idea of one God, the Meld gIrd's-f gression from within. Insofar; a Iine3 of division between creeds are intricate, the animosities nuthis is true, we may synjpatt 117.50—SsI2 _lo iferciaa Regs . . . . . S9.SC with their objective—that of \ed merous and conflicting, but none CLEAN LINEN vancing the best interests of th perhaps illustrates" more clearly 102^0—-9sl 2 Heavy Wiltos Regs . . . . . 69.SC • Attracts nation—even though we naus: America's failure to a give full efc: fect to the spirit of tha First .77.50—9sl 2 OMAHA TOWEL condemn, the method they propose. But to those who are hon Amendment than the attitude of SUPPLY .«£?.& S7.SO—9stl2 vvoos Wiitoa K'usg's 9SC estly. intended, as well as to\ith a large number of our people Voisrs Since 1S7S unfortunate few who are, nipti- toward the Jews. ICE 2S2S -69.50—©si2- Heaviest Assaiaste Tated solely by prejudice and Homeless and entirely u unique hate, we are bound to give this 41.SO—9x12 A admonition: Look well and keenSS.SO—©si 2 ¥elTSi ly a t the history and meaning^ of Foiooral Parlors Arm Foraisbed la Hoase-LUse FasMea democracy, as well as the origin •'•-.•• : '."COURTEOUS—SELIABLE" • . ' of this democratic land before you undertake to coerce and;joppress the noa-conformist. "Take good counsel "with-yourself- totUnI»'DIR2CTOSS' -9 tt. sure that you do not in your, i m r HA 1 2 S S Fansasa bitiba defeat t h o objectives








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Page 4


i-.abor solely as ruthless imperialist policy. Nor has Zionism made e is no necessary such harsh measures. "Whether or not Jewish immigration into Palestine wa3 permitted, Britain would still be faced with the" necessity of fighting these same Arab brigands. PUBLISHED EVtRV FRIDAY Al OMAHA. NEBRASKA. DV I Sy B5. SKE0DCUC K. LITuTS THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPASS Prance, which has spent a fortune in Syria and Lebanon and Eabtsl, Meant Slasl Sesple, Sloss City has made Beyrout an up-to-date modern city, has had the same SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. One Year '••: - . ; • , -. . ADVERTISING RAT CO FURNISHED ON APPUICAIION difficulties as Great Britain. LABOR SPY BACKET," easily and often . . . convince EDITORIAL OFFICE: COO BRANDEI8 THEATER BUILDING In putting down Arab brigandage, not only is the govern- "THE SIOUX CITY OPPICE—JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER LEO HUBERMAX. MODERN yourself - that practices held by — A tragic r ment bringing a sense of security to the Jews, but the Arab PRINT SHOP ADDRESS—4504 SO. 24TH GTRGET , ' AGK> BOOKS, S E W YORK people £s definitely wrong, are I sews, the sal c ' 1 definitely right . . . . must be slipCITY. 1S5 PAGES, S5c. DAVID BLACKER Business and Managing; Editor population will be able to breathe more freely. More Arabs ;o be perFRANK R. ACKERMAN <• •' > ' ••• - E d i t o r than Jews have been kilied by Aj-abs. They, rather than the This unusually significant book pery, shrewd, sharp, sneaky . . . lafc r - Z T -" \ p'many for must not hesitate to .break the LEONARD NATHAN . . Associate Editor Jewish colonists, have been the victims—as they were the vic- la a summary of the testimony «• 1033, &n= tel - - " - . C given before the LaFollette Civil law when you caa." This is the j To ' ' * "RABBI FREDERICK COHN • - • • Contributing Editor fdom of actims when Turkey ruled the Arab countries. Friendliness to Liberties Committee, by reluctant kind of moral instruction and < I omBelves RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS • • - BooSt Editor training given apprentices by the j toe " ^^ York on ANN P I L L '••'•. • •''•.. Sioux City, Iowa, Correspondent the Zionists has merely been an excuse for extortion and obstinate and embarrassed wit- leading detective agencies in the nesses, leaders of nationally T all that murder. Known, detective agencies, and of country, all presumably dedicat4:e with ed to the holy cause of "law and • Though all violence is to be deplored, it is apparently es- reputable and imposing industrial order." '. A New Roumanian Premier • • . - sential that harsh police methods be employed to bring about enterprises. It Is an inescapable i int agen"When business' is dull, i. e. of "-— ..- —s: With bitterly anti-Semitic Professor Octavian Goga com- lasting peace in Palestine and make possible an •Arat-Jewish moral challenge to the Industrial ' ' e spendto " T *5 i •. ' ' <• «and business leadership of oar where there are no labor diffimissioned to form a new Roumanian cabinet, the fate of Rou- capproachment. l o ' k , after culties, the detective agencies country. I t tells the incredible tb ity '" ---.-',-u n to Germanian Jewry seems very black indeed.' Unless the king himtale of brutal efforts xm the part actually ferment them. Their intu on? o£ them, Dr. many. Only Roger Bahson, the famous staself takes a hand, one can only speculate on what will happen of large, powerful and reputable come EEd their "business" thrive l-u-riuz TV'oh acn, speaks Engcorporations to smash labor un- vnly in industrial strife s c d mis- tistician, who is cei'tainly not v.r, in that unhappy country. 'ish, hut v. hoiil exception they The Infection Spreads ions, to prevent employees from understanding. Hence, they see favorable disposed, towards e r r . -c"used to Bi-. a word about polThough only one-third of the deputies in parliament are All Europe seems to be affected by the ghetto bench rash organizing, to disrupt organiza- to it that dissension between the Hal. has said this abcutt Industrie' tics or the SCI ' of Jews in Germanagement and staff always | Ep avowedly anti-Semitic, it must be remembered that Hitler first hat broke out in Poland. Roumania, in which the democratic tions already formed, of persisCQi i'.ic.r.y. Thry e'"pn clpplined to be And they are skilled in "employers malte a serious nhotocrF.phefi in a group or to spying upon •workers, and of assumed the chancellorship of Germany without the mandate processes are even less effective, has instituted ghetto benches tent They er when they engage E ppy discharging and "blacklisting" creating it, or faking it. tb.1 of the majority. And once in power the will of his reactionary in Bucharest institutions without even the travesty of debate. them upon joining a union. The thus double cross not anly the agency. It stirs t p trouble TI'^TP mention the name Hitler, lest they V>e regarded as spreading Vs minority triumphed. •none exists, it is the most potent "atrocity" reports. Asked if they . ' In Jugo-Slavia a minority of gentile students decided they evidence establishes beyond per- worker, hut the employer. paj breeder cf radicalism the*, v p adventure of a doubt that many That the corporations are truly would like to remain in New VP.I "What is to be the program of.the Goga government will would prefer having their Jewish colleagues sit elsewhere. reputable industrial concerns conscious of wrong doing and Ere hare. The "boring from within" York, p. 11 were silent but their •-ory one perhaps soon be known. "Without much doubt the militant camFortunately American college and university students, de- have violated written and unwrit- ashamed of hiring spies is evi- j which r£ 3ic£l agitators ohp.rr- eyes answered the affirmative. al, w and ' paign to exclude the Jews from the economic life of the counspite discouraging reports now and then, in no way resemble ten law.thrown morals to the dent from the fact that book- I ed with is a drop in the bucket Ral •wind, l a the insane desire to pre- keeping accounts always conceal j to the boring that industrS&i r,pies try will be intensified. Mot their European counterparts. Here the opportunity of higher ventworkers from exercising moneys paid industrial agencies'^ do for money which the employer Asti-Semitic Editor, Suicide education is given to all classes. European students are drawn their inalienable American rights for the service. pays. The spy agencies set cut Roumanian Jews, like their Polish brethren, have never Even, more j oM and forming associations to pro- ashamed are they of, and mere j to find rotteness t n d ii tfcsr ao Paris (JTA) — A. Kuvorin, am " enjoyed the benefits of emancipation. A corrupt political situ- rom the-wealthy or aristocratic elements. Only in rare in- tect their interests. criminal is, the purchase of tear 1 not actually find it some make it who was editor of the most inthe stances are persons of unquestioned ability admitted to the ation has embittered all elements of this highly exploited popThese are words of n«ertir..' anti-Semitic daily i n The total sum spent by Indus- gas, rifles, guns and ammunition * or fake it.' and truth. W1SCOT Tsarisr. Russia, Novoye Vremia, cf all sorts, for. use against the 1 - nlation. One need only remember the past escapades of theschools and in much rarer instances to the faculty. trie? for • applying and spies put? committed suicide here by inhalworkers in case of strikes. The royal family to realize the type, of individuals constituting Thus the universities which should be the depositories of Capital, if it is intellipently amounts, in round figures, to 80 1 always found It diffi- gVsided end morally motivated, ing jras in an obscure hotel where dick the ruling caste. . knowledge; the .seats of learning, have become nothing but million dollars, and the roster of committee those who have employed the ser- cult to trace the origin of the or- •will give Senator La Toilette a he lirod in frreat poverty. Jy- r In Roumania are twice as many Jews as in Germany. A hotbeds Of reaction. TAnti-semitism is merely another* manifes- vice of strike breaking agencies der for these deadly supplies, vote o£ thanks i o r exposing this are ' proving that the corporation was JewJ long-time program of discrimination has resulted in the im- ation of the decadence of the ruling classes of Central and sounds like a "Who's Who" of conscious of the immoral thing it career Katies at the ruals of "3 poverishment of the majority of the Jewish population. Rou- eastern" Europe. By every vicious sort of demagogery they American business. It is a shock was doing and took precautions American industry. It should instantly gret busy and set iis house to discover that the leading InP.'sptsc" TO^TIIT m a n with and. seek to preserve their privilege. pales p x r e r i e n c e t o -«rork in in order by accepting the letter dustrialists of the country, the against detection. Fres" mania, • though influenced by Germany and ruled by Hohenzollerns, has never had pretensions to being a cultural center. It is "with gratification that -we read of the protests of largest and most powerful cor- "What the employers are most f.nd spirit of the TCsurEW Act. cv.C. liquor s t o r e . Apply a t 4 9 3 2 of t\! As the general population has made no great contributions to American educators. And it is with deeper gratification that porations, those who actually di- anxious to prevent their employ- freely according to every em- So. 2 4 t k S i , rect the industrial life of Ameri- ees from doing, sameiy, organize, ployee the privilege to joir P "; >•cial the-world of knowledge, neither has its Jews. For its harassed we realize an increasing number of Polish professors are proca and who control the lives of they themselves hare clone en a tinioE, aufi by rppotrriiEirc ~Y.?' Ish i scholars will be no hospitable universities "or schools eager to testing the ghetto benches. Nevertheless the sad fact remains millions of American citizens and large and natiosal scale. JCuia- TIC ion as its spokesman.. C-;1 'f.l L i . . . . . ( V. r r r * - ylet fe organliatious in the • United obtai W «.v' » •( that these so-called centers of culture have been turned into their families, have stooped to the i secure their services. tion ; degradation of spying upon their j States, parading tinder "saoceat institutions of degradation.. Should exile be the lot of the Jewish population, they will an(ih jhly patriotic names, are ticall workers, and preventing and dis- j ' ! ->. „ bodies of employers bs.tsdmuni have no place to go. They have no choice but to remain and rupting. union organlaztions. The i titles of the eight chapters of the j ed together for purposes of Self \ f | of si,\lfaesubjected to every sort of degradation. EVENTS BOWLERS - • volume will give the reader an 1protection i. e. to fight organized f *<> To their defense shail rise no. princes of the church, as in T h e Gpipmsn*! Betes idea Of the amazing character of labor. What they wish tfeeir emBy Babbi Frederick Cohn Sovrlang E&Fi new i i Germany, for the Roumanian orthodox prelates have spoken; the book: "Eight Million Dollars ployees not to do, .they themla Omahafcffcifae selves have Cone most smccessa Year for Spies"; "Smash the i o persons, no matter how bad, deserved the sentiments exEvents are divine, for they come from God. As snow-fla"kes "Spies a t "Work"; "The fullT« y Tessed by these bishops, chosen more for their policies than from the bosom of the wintry sky, so the myriad events fall Union"; Gentle Art of Hooking"; and The conclusion is inevitable that $ety. No people, to borrow the expression of a distinguished from the hand of the Eternal, They are the angels which Jacob "What "is to Be Done?" American labor is most eager to erican Catholic churchman, ecrald be as corrupt as the Bou- beheld in his dream, ascending and descending the ladder of The chief service that organi- organize and that the employer is bitterly opposed to its doing so. <nanian Jews have been accused of being without having de- life. Above is God, above the fury and the fray, in supreme zations, like the Pinkertors, The The Eet#K Grip Eafl v i so-called "American "Way" Burns, Railway Audit Bureau, croclnee laigjaers eeort>s I li stroyed themselves long .'"••• majesty above all that happens here below. God is above and etc., render corporations who hire which has been given a great deal the r.os*e' i\~c~ Yet, black, as the situation appears, it is not entirely with- behind • all the happenings on earth however seemingly insig- them is the smashing of unions. of publicity by large corporations 1 is viciously un-American since by out hope. There is no unity among these' various anti«SemitIe nificant, disconnected, haphazard and discordant. He gives And their success at th\s is simply astonishing. Spies have actgroups that give power to the new government. They have them unity and meaning. He is the unity that pervades all life, ually won the confidence of workCHAZM fought with each'other on the streets of Bucharest and have the law that reigns throughout the universe, so that history is ers to such a degree as to stand St. Ch Of 1.56 : drawn each others blood. Though tHey are united in the hatred not '•& tale told by an idiot,' 'sound and fury signifying nothing,'successfully for election to promand m positions in unions, such as ' D£ all foreign elements of Roumania's population,' their aims but an ordered wholei a web of rationally woven happenings, inent of ind vice-president, treasurer and secHamb! , are divergent, their ambitions irreconcilable.' . ' an infinite drama of time and o£ eternity. retary and especially t h e latter_ i Once in office, the traitors wreck Nor do the Jews stand alone in their Struggle," for every Sistii 4 The greatest minds have recognized this. Shakespeare has the union, aad deliver the memi minority group in the country has been subjected to this ridic- expressed it in immortal language: bership roster to the employer_ 'jnlous chauvinism of the men -who are now to: rule the country. Wholesale discharges and "black"There is a Destiny that shapes ,our ends listing" follow without a word of Plansi iEven amon? the ethnic Roumanians is a'liberal bloc which explanation. Anything more disthe \ , Rough hew them though we may." • 7 honorable, more immoral, and Sinai •; may someday regain control. . Man with his free-will may seem to take the initial steps; more criminal than this "boring The Jews of Roumania are inured to hardships. "Within held Fling TTi]! the boundaries of Roumanian Bessarabia is Kishnief, a name the finishing touches, and the relation to the whole, belong from within" which the leading detective agencies in the country "Activit! to G o d . ' • \ . • •' . ' - . . ' ' have habitually done at the bewUl be \ synonymous with the -bloody pogroms of Czarist Russia. The One of the first to recognize this truth was the brilliant, hest of reputable corporations, is a.-'hostc/ ' Jews have survived other anti-Semitic movements and antiDrastic Rcductku yet most mystically devout, Joseph. 'Not you, but.God, sold inconceivable. one -wL!\ Semites. Their courage will not desert them now. Board me hither,' he said to his ama'zed, humbled brothers. "You One of the saddest chapters In Goldbei-.l the volume is that entitled "The meant to do me evil, God meant it for good." OUR Mrs. T/fc-j EntersValhalla ; : •Gentle Art of Hooking." The 'Not you'—nor I—nor men with their thousandfold schemes term Herman "hooked" is applied to a Into Valhalla there was received one day last weejs the last and plans, doings and misdoings,—'but God.' God is behind all. factory worker who succumbs to The t: • ; ble, wit hero to pass its portals. Many years have passed since the oldHe directs and regulates all. He rules and over-rules. -'Man the temptation of extra money hostess^ chow ars Teutonic gods have found a believer to accept into their proposes, God disposes.' The prophet Isaiah attained to thi3 held out by the professional spy, hostesac. charmed circle. For approximately; two thousand years the profoundly penetrating and sublime conception of life: "My and who begins to report on his | f # f fellows. Ones he accepts money Religion •Germanic gods have suffered from a dearth of followers, until ;vc Sports Goafs ** I fill Slit iC W thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are your ways My from the spy, he is "hooked" and ' with, Ms • there arose one, Eric Ludendorf. . ;: ; it is impassible for the average ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the Mra. Sai General Ludendorf, gruff Prussian, was not one to accept earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My ^thoughts man to rehabilitate himself in the i Greenstc' eyea of his fellow workers. He Is • The F new ideas readily. "What if several thousand year ago Germans than your thoughts," "Who will deny that 'the heavens are ruined morall yand degraded spirMembers .had ceased believing in'their old pagan gods. To him they higher than the earth!' That is a concrete fact, visible to all, itually. The shame and remorse bio will ' Dave Al \ still existed. It was to their charmed circle that; he belonged, indisputable. "Who will deny that a Divine Providence rules that invariably overwhelm these servi JLevy, co- • ' that circle of fearless knights who accomplished impossible the universe? That is equally patent to all spiritually sensitive unfortunates ultimately Wrecks pate ID them. The English langauge Ijy the Sllverber; jmittee1, Book R©ti feats of bravery. These were more to his liking than the single souls. Joseph needed no 'divining cup' to divine this truth of does not possess sufficient words poster:) Abe Agr,'1 ; Oriental God who attempted to dispel rather than create chaos. truths. The dramatic experience of his whole life most elo- of contempt with which to de: scribe these pariahs who seduce Harrison, Years ago they laughed, at Ludendorf. A defeated general quently proclaimed it. • innocent men and introduce them : man Fish, whose courage was legendary; whose feats onTthe battlefield a life of spying from which And God. means all for good. As the spiritual Browning into lira. Ben were no longer of interest. "The^rmy he led was defeated. escape is almost impossible. To Friedman said.of life: "It means intensely, and it means good." "All is Eeduea "women into a life of th table, • Others took credit for his. successes; the imonarch for whom shame 2s an outrage universallygrams an he fought in exile. He was a crack-pot, a bitter anti-Semite, watched" said Rabbi Akiba centuries before him, "and the and condemned. The The- st an anti-republican. "Who took him seriously? "Who even both- world is judged in goodness!". The poet Tennyson has given abhorred business of "hooking" is not an shine tab this classic expression in the familiar lines: lota different, excepting that the ered to sympathize with his hulking figure! \ BOhU llOSi. "Yet I doubt not, through the ages, one increasing'pur- 'victims are weak males, and'thst and Mrs. Yet his funeral was the impressive state funeral given by a the -rewards to t h e "procurer" are pose runs .• * hostesses, government that had accepted his views without totally acceptInordinately large. preside &*• "And the thoughts of men are broadened with the process - The utter .'depravity of the Mrs. Hen: ing him, Those that laughed at him, called him a crack-pot, business:- is glaringly revealed in , J. Kalin, are ruled by men who think as he did, who prefer their Ger- •'. • J. o f t h e s u n s . " the^ chapter entitled .-"The. Rat's tural tab1.- manic paganism to the Semitic religion called Christianity. "There is a Power, not ourselves, that makes for righteous- Code," Ke who seeks success is tesa Mrs, Crack-pot though he was, he was more the heroic figure ness," declared the brilliant British essayist Matthew Arnold. warned, fcy ' his mentor t h a t "in E a r r Kii Mrs. Sol than those who would emulate him. He .will not feel strange Life's 'increasing purpose' 'makes' for righteousness,' for theorfipr to vrin success in the spy o£ the I'. in Valhalla. final triumph however seemingly, discouragingly slow of truth, prepared to overthrow ycttr moral have ag justice, peace, and love. ccrr.rl;.- . . . K s : t lttrxi to lie Levitt at: Joseph's bitter experiences became the means of the salMrs. KY : Tiae Policy of the Mailed Fiat • grata ch- • vation of a world. How often seeming evils are, indeed, 'angels' Britain's abandonment of her policy of ruling with a gloved in disguise.' Blastings turn to blessings. 'The Tines are the MID. She Program ; hand in Palestine has yet to show its effect. Though comment masquerade of the eternities,1 said Eraerson. CLEARANCE ;is still premature, the record of Sir Charles Tegart, one of the "There shall" never be one lost goodt What was, shall live v most feared of British colonial police officials, ci vc s promise as before; ^•sy.£j.\.r .^ l The "; • that the country will be pacified. : S*ft * • ' The evil is null, is nought, is silence, implying sound; '?{ .•1 I Club \:VThis new policy has been urged on Britain by everyone ' skit a t ! ."What was good, shall be good, with, for evil, so smell luncheon concerned. Her old methods of conciliation merely encouraged good more; o • sx ao class --wi 1 terroristic activities andaggravated a sore situation. LawlessOn the earth tho broken arcs; in-the heaven a perfect truck a bers on -;'-.. ness that v/ent unpunished appeared to the Arabs too profitattackc round." Talzm,, Sliangh Ueld a t r. HA E&23 able to be abandoned. . . Frederick Cohn. T&urcdc.,, -Britain's treatment of the Arabs should not be interpreted

The i Jiae Su and M Council




Cetft>n and ! *

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JHJ7TSH P.EESS—FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1»BT \~ organised. Labor iewise. There is no \i we are t& preserve Ley. '"





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More than fifty members atTh Sisterhood of the Council CANTOK'S NEW FINU tended the annual open board Bluffs Talmud Tcr&h will hold Hollywood: Despite t t ? meeting and luncheon at the a book review and tea at the ; that her career is theatr ~z~^ -= . , of Mrs. J. Katleman, 417 Jewish - Community Center Moa- horae i c - T r ' Oakland Avenue, Council Bluffs, !; just starting, a young, Ett-E',. ^F ,.. day. charming acd tale-ted sir, i-rrz !„ CETRON-SALTZMAN ROSEN-HELLBK . • •on "Wednesday, January 5 at 2 p. Plans' for a party to be given • Philadelphia is very much .r oe- .,,__ „ The wedding bt Mis3 Marjoris The marriage of Miss Helen on Wednesday, January 5, at the m. < maud for radio work. S r i »r ;,-{.«, Mae- Saltzman, daughter of Mr. Hiller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Jane Vincent will review Bond Bakery Company were an; Miss Sara Eernsr, daugi •£: rT and Mrs. Charles saltzman of Louis Hiller, and Edward Rosen, nounced by Mrs, Ben Raviti, the Pulitzer-prize play, "Tou • Mr. and Sirs. Samuel Ker :* r' I ' Council Bluffs, and Mr. David son of Mr. and Mrs. David Rosen chairman. There will be a Dutch Can't Take It With You." Tic• Philadelphia. She was b " r Cetro'n of Davenport^ son of Mr. took place on December 22 at supper for members and their kets s a y be obtained at the doer : Albany, N. T., spent mat; ^---= and Mrs. L. Cetron of Des Moines the home t)f the bride's parents. members of the committee. 1 in Tulsc, Oklahoma, befc"? i"p~ husbands beginning at.6:30 fol- from was- solemnised at the homo of Rabbi David H. "Wice performed >r r - r lowed by a full evening of enter-! c l uTf il e3 se committee ia- charge iathe bride's parents. Rabbi David the ceremony in the presence of tainment. Miss Dora Tannea-j B Mesdaiaes M. Tudelson. trce name is Li' A. Goldstein of Omaha perform- the immediate family. . <- F V ! . r » r £L. i baum of New York City, field ! e r-s oKubby, B. Gershxin, Sani Key- two recent appearances on ~Z.r ^ F - r-t Oil- t ed the ceremony before the palma S a m Saks a a d A b e BeaIV Th© bride wore a gown of ivworker for the National Council. | ' banked fireplace in the presence ory satin made in the princess Cs-ntor's rsclo progxsirs-. will be a guest of the party. of close friends and members of mode with long sleeves. The which she impersonated I*c.I s Announcement was also made the immediate family. • ins Eepburn and Oracle -A' " skirt showed a train over which that Friday night, January 7, well, has started her on r--r *i The bride was attended hy her fell a long tulle veil. Her bouquet will be 'Council Sabbath' at TenA dramatic two set play, the, to national recognition ss £• £"* sister, Miss Dorothy Saltzman, i was of gardenias and lilies of the pie Israel when Miss Tannea- linen shower, and a tea will fea- I edienne and by Miss Florence Gilinsky of valley. baum will speak. Mrs. J. E. Co- ture the Hadassah neetis ; at; ucderstaad that Cantor liLCil 1 :" Omaha, Dr., I. Wolkin of Iowa The couple, are in Chicago on hen, president of the Omaha sec- 2:30 Wednesday, January 5th, I impersonations so much t v ' t saCity was best man. their, wedding trip. tion, will introduce Miss Tannen- at the Jewish Coraraunity Center, j is in line ior future book •• z* r r Following the ceremony a dinbaum, and Mrs. Sam 'Wolf, Mor- which will be preceeded by a 1 his coast .to coast to bro? '1rr::=; , r ^ , , . ner for 450 guests was served. Gertrude Guss GENDEIMAN-GILBERT ris Katleman, and Ben Shapiro, p. m. board meeting. A capacity Miss Berber's interest in *>-r—- A ** ' Out of town guests included!: c ! 1 Sunday afternoon at- 3 o'clock Gertrude Guss is chairman of vice presidents, and Mrs. Ssra attendance ia expected. Mrs. Reu- cals and a desire to ~akf it !-"*1 ™ ^.' \. Mrs. Albert Saltzman, Mr. Carl Miss Sylvia Gilbert, daughter of; the committee arranging for the j -Rifkin, president of the Junior Ufa work came about wr-~r s ^ ben Kulakofsky is chairman cf Saltzman, and Mrs. Philip SaltzM Hl b h ii Breakf ast to be given -by the] Council, will conduct the Eer-! the Annual Hafiassah Linen lost her job as a sales r.:'. in Helen Gilbert, became the —,, _ man of Minneapolis; Joe Bozman Mrs. Ys'anamaker's Philadelphia, c"1- „ '.«.„_, of Davenport: .Mr. and" Mrs. Wil-bride of Mr. H. Gendelman; son Omaha section of the National j vices.a Junior Council members j shower. re: i a co-operation with Mrs. A.pertinent store because r t r ->oe 1 liam Mazie and Mrs. A. Mazie of ot Mr. and MrB. S. Gendelman. Council-of Jewish Juniors in the "^H ct as ushers. A reception o . r 11 The ceremony was performed at Miss Tannenbaum will follow H. Fromeason, National Hads.s- amused the other girls r^ imi-1 Black Mirror Room of the Fon-tfor Sioux City; and Mr. and Mrs. L. ne serrice. Mrs.31anuel Grod- sah Linen Chairman, a complete tating a haughty and i r rl" Cetron and the Misses Zella, Ida the home of the bride by Rabbi tenelle Hotel on January 2 to and Leah Cetron of Des Moines. David A. Goldstein in the pres- honor Miss Dora Tannenbaum, insky, chairman for "Council list of linens wanted was print- fiowager who was s, cc£tc~e- r : :1 r - i i field worker for the National Sabbath" ia being assisted by. ed December 17 th ia the Jewish the store. The couple left for a wedding ence of the immediate family. Mrs. Sam Gilinsky and Mrs. Phil- Press. Linens listed on the Na- The long step from E £<—r-tAfter a -wedding trip to KanCouncil of Jewish "Women. trip to Chicago. They will make sas City the couple will reside in tional Kadassah Requisition aad caer.t store counter to a rl^c e cAssisting Miss Guss will be ip Gilinsky, co-chairmen. their home in Davenport. rr. Omaha. Cash Donations are being accept- Eddie Cantor's air show T CE iot Civic.and Legistlntive GroEj> Miss Irene Fishberg, Miss Lillian ed. Mrs. Kulakofsky isbeing asmade overnight however. V s-t Kaiser, and Miss Rose MendelThe Civic and Legislative Study ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT r son. group will meet on Friday, Jan- sisted by Mrs. Ben EroSkey, At. came an opportunity to ar?csr : Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. "Wolf an- ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH uary 7, at 1 p. m. at the hosia 1627 and Mrs. Jake Blank, Ha. radio acts over Station WC*V n Mr. and Mrs. Max M. Steinberg nounce the engagement" of their Philadelphia, then she T1E:CC ih' of Mrs. Philip Gilinsky. Mrs. daughter, Gwendolyn, to Victor of Council Bluffs announce the SISTERHOOD Mrs. Phineas Wiatroub, Pro- telephone operator in th«- ' "E" David Cohen will be co-hostess. B. Jacbbs of Fresno, California. Bar Mitzvah of their son, LawThe Child Study group will j t a a Chairman proudly an- audition of "Hollywood Yv\t\ Miss "Wolf is a graduate of the rence Jack, on Saturday morning, Members of the Arts nounces the cast of characters in She won a place a "r University of California andvMr. January 8, at 9:SO.a. m. at the Grafts Circle of the Temple Is- meet January i at 1 p. m. at the the play "They Shall Not Per-Bowes vaudeville show Bn d home of Mrs. Leon Fellman. Mrs. ••v e . i" - ' , r Jacobs of the University of Ari- Beth E l Synagogue, Omaha. rael Sisterhood will be in charge Leo Fried will be co-hostess. ish," being produced by Mrs. toured the country. Her T ~rl 1 ii A reception will he held on of the bridge luncheon to be givzbna. The wedding is to take -r tl » Herman Jahr, director of the for national fame carce w.ih s. Sunday, January 9, from 5 to 10 en Monday, January 3, at 1 place early in February. spot in "Paramount, OE PF-CCC Centers Players Guild: : at 10 South 15th street, Council o'clock in the Temple Vestry r- r -f followed bv another — crc f f t . , . Helen Alberts Helen . . •Bluffs. c ' rTO RECEIVE FOR Room, • . . Julius CoEn Herman successful vauaeviue tour, v r All friends and relatives have . . . . Elaine Frank i months ago she returr-ed to I'r 1 Prudy . Mrs. Jules Newman and Mrs. Mother Chapter No. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Josepn Morgan been Invited. No invitations -e fine showing at the Cornbelt Re-! . . Paula Betatoct lywood and a movie talert sen* Manuel Grodinsky are in charge will receive from 3 to 7 Sunday hare been issued, • glonal Tournament held last j Hilda . . . Jcy Gree&berg saw i e r entertaining et ire lE.Tr- Of • 1 of reservations. afternoon, January 2, a t \ their Edward ilalashock ous Trocadero night clu'r. T v e Assisting them at the luncheon home, 530 So. 5lBt street, in ois when their basketball and orI YAAD AUXILIARY . Yale Trustin nest day she was cast in r i-'^i" will be: Mesdames Milton Abrahonor of their son-in-law and Gordon Kargolin short iTaaae by MGM. L E T - F - ? hams, Edwin Brodkey, Leon Fell- atory representatives went into] daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Abe V. . . Doris Levenson was booked lor "Let's Gc T"r""^The regular meeting of the man,. Phil Gilinsky, Leonard Pos- the semi-finals of the cotapeti- j getty Tenger who were married on De. Mrs. C. W. Vaad Auxiliary Trill be held on ley, Hymie Milder, David Wice, tions. The.debate team went to | Mrs." Bernstein cember 12. Frledlanficr Ststion KFVCB. She -was ar. .reJanuary 4, at thd Con- Louis Lipp, Julius Solomon, Rob- the finals. Nineteen chapters] Friends and- relatives are In- Tuesday, I Mrs. Schwartz.—Mrs. Aaron Gins- mediate success and was r^ke.1 gregation B'nai Israel, 18th and ert Rosentbal, Aaron Ginsburg, were represented. . r rmt vited. No invitations are being Chicago streets at 2:15 p. m. Manning Handler, Herman Kully, Debating in fine style the j for a spot on a new He 'yv oc'd C- C O ~ Chapter's team defeated Lincoln, j Mrs. Gluck ..Mrs. Jack Branson. air show ceiled ."The I e ; : e £ Issued. '"• There will be an important busi- Max Cohen, Jack Marer, r^ i - 3, and East St. Louis Chapters. I Mrs. Meyer.Mrs. David S. Cohen Choice." T'an ms.ij is ? o \ : rf ." ness meeting which will he fol- Herman Goldstein. VISITOR .-FROM CHICAGO... only to be defeated in a close fl-j Greta Mrs. Chas. Ross and many radio listeners r : "lowed by a talk by Mrs. Herman Mrs. Harold Kasin, of Chicago Auerbach. _\ nal round by South Side Chicago j Following the Shower Meeting. cuiring about this up EBS Q~~~'-Tspent several days visiting her chapter No. 64. The.subject for | tea will be served, also fruit and : headlLner. PlOtiEER-WOMEN Members of the executive parents, Mr. and MTS.1 A. Gins- board debate was resolved: That the', refreshments significant c* JewwilTmeet at 1 p. m. •."burg, her brother-in-law and sisThe Pioneer "Women's organ- Recomciendations of the Royal j j B a Arbor Day (Ch&inislio Oser ^ , speaker . , „ . „ „ , .. uel Omits, fr- ^-c ter, Mr. and Mrs. "W. Joffe, and lzation will hold a tea on JanuCommission are for the Eest l a B'Shevat). Mrs. David A. Finkle ; Hollywood Acti-NaEi LeEr> • • her many friends here, BAS-ArMl t t off the th Jewish J i h People. People j assisted i d by b Mrs. M Seymour S C Cohn h n c o i i tin i u s h i s TECIiO &Ci'ir?-r""eary 4 at 2 o'clock at the Jewishh j terests t'Mrs. Kasin will bo Temember In the near future Haskell La- j R r c jjj charge cf arrangements. Community Center to honor new E?ite threats s-gainst his : * - o here as MiS3 Leona Ginsburg. On Monday, . December . 27, members. Mr. Joe Radinowski zere' and Morton Margolin, who i. ACTIVITIES i s crudely printed ~ members of the Bas-a-mi Club will be principal speaker. composed the Mother Chapter's _^ meeting of the Child "Welfare ceived marlced with E. s^&stil^E, rcr") ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT held a slumber party at the PaxAll members, old and new, andteam, will meet.a team from the Group will "be held Monday, Jan- the league office.;. s-~ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Berg- ton Hotel. All members, incluaEt the of the league would be v - c r man announce the engagement of lng Caroline Kulesh, honorary their friends have been invited 100 chapter.on this question be- uary 10th, 1:30 p. fore a local group. home of Mrs. D. Sherman, 127 also, the letter warned. '.' their daughter, Frances, to Stew- member, "who attends the Uni-to attend. The basketball team played a N. 34th St., Chairman, assisted wood police, "who ta-1 r V art Gilinsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. versity of Nebraska, were prebang-up game defeating all com- by Mrs. Morris Katleman. Co- called to investigate prer,."^ 1. Gilinsky. sent. • , . .. BETE EL AUXILIARY ers •until they too were defeated Chalrcian. rsors of vic-lencs rlap.aed ?•-No definite wedding date has • The next meeting will he held In the semi-finals by Chicago A Hostess Luncheon Card Par-; anti-Nasi groups, End pr •" • ••• P.LANS FORMAL DANCE been set. at the home ot Miss Ruth Lee South Side No. 64. ty will be given at 1 P. in. YCed- jthcrities a r e loc-kins; i~"r Block. " • ' . - • . •' • Irving Nogg, who represented nesday, January 26th, at t i e i HOrsEGTTEST Plans are being- made by the the chapter in the oratorical cos- Blackstone Hotel, unde direc- i . The Mlsse3 Dorothy and Lee Beth El Auxiliary for a formal test, made a fine showing and t5on of Mrs. Joe Goldware, Sla. ;KETT- COXTKACT WOMEN'S MIZRACEl PASTEKNAK White have as their, houseguest dance to be: held Saturday even- reached the semi-finals. 2S71. Members wishing to raise; seven-year contract during the holiday season, Miss ning, February 5, at the Paxton At the,business sessions of the their "Give & Get" funds t y r e - ' provides for his Eervioes es \ Members ot the "Women's Miz- Hotel. Muriel Hechter of "Winnipeg, tournament Irving Nog-g was serving a few tables are instruct•oducer en Jns ' rachi -and their friends will meet Canada. . * Mrs. Moe Venger, Mrs. Cy Sil-elected vice-president o£ the Re-ed to call the chairaau. A meetat a bridge to be given at the During her visit Miss Hechter .ver, and Mrs. E. A. Meyers are Harold Zelinsky of Oma-j lag of all hostesses will is being extensively entertained. home ot Mrs. Ben Laytin,. 5010 chairmen of the committee mak- gion. ha 100 was elected president. at 1:30 p. m. Capitol Avenue, on Tuesday, JanLast Friday evening a fare- 3rd at th& J. C. C. uary 4, for the benefit of the ing arrangements for the affair. JOSLTTN IHEMOBIAIi Music- for' dancing will be fur- well smoker was held by the new Beth Zelroth Girl's school in The Director, Mr. Paul H. Tel Aviv. This will be a dessert nished by Lloyd Hunter and his chapter at the home of Eernard Grummann will give & lecture a t IEB SEEl EMES orchestra. Epstein. About forty persons at3 o'clock. this Sunday afternoon luncheon to start at 1:30. tended. in the Lecture Hall on "Art In Mrs. J. Abramson Is new A regular meeting of • the An executive meeting of the LADIES FREE LOAM the Home." A program o£ Duochairman of the membership Chesed Shfcl Esses •will bs held on , new officers was held Tuesday Epccialiie Art music" will be given a t 4 committee "which is conducting January S, at l:SO-a,tj night, Plans were made for tlia j Monday, the drive to increase the mems o'clock in the Concert Hall. A regular meeting of the LadChssed Shel Eaes building, j bership roster of the organiza- ies Free Loan Society will be coming term. Installation of new! theReports ctit flew. will be given for officers will be held on Sunday tion. ere itud pottefi l ENTERTAIN AT DINNER held on "Wednesday, January 5, benefit card D&r .Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Mogil enat 2 p. m. at the Jewish commortgage. Every - member is.s tertained twelve guests at dinmunity Center. All members have BETH EL AUXILIARY besn reqnested to bs-. present at ner in honor of tbs fir3t birthbeen urged to be present as the BIBLE CLASS this meeting. U day of their daughter, Patricia The Beth El Auxiliary -will semi-annual report will be given. The Bible Class sponsored by Lee. • -- •> ". meet on "Wednesday, January 12. The report of the drawing will the Council of Jewish "Women Mrs. Harry Trustin, program be read at this time. ENTERTAIN AT lilTNCHEON chairman, is arranging an unusAlso President Mrs. S. Klaver Miss Ruth Rosenstock and ual feature, for this meeting. has promised a surprise for all meet Tuesday morning at 10:SO at the Blackstone Hotel. Miss Babe' Milder entertained The Oneg Rabbi David Wice conducts the • fourteen guests at the Blackfitone held on January 15 at-.the home last Thursday. Patronise Our Advertisers. of Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky.

•3ws l o u r IYork with . Permission b CWNS) — A tragic |9 German Jews, the tourists to he perave Nazi Germany lor States since 1933, ar« mplete treedom of acsy enjoy themselves ;ights of Xew;York on 0,00 apiece, all thatjerruitted to take with

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ed by a tourist asen•man Jews are spends in Mew York, after must return to GerT one of them. Dr. ilinann, speaks - Engrithoot exception they say a -word about polstatus of Je^rs in Gerey even declined to be :ed in a group or to ie name Hitler, lest garded as spreading reports. Asked if they i to remain in New were silent but their :red the affirmative.

oitic Editor, Suicide (JTA) — A. Suvorin, editor of the most inanti-Semitic daily in Lussia, Novoye1 Vremia, 1 suicide here by tnhalL an obscure hotel •where n great poverty. ;

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: ELP WANTED! •A—Young man "with fcxperience to work in store. Apply a t 4 9 3 2 th St.

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A. Z. A. 1


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VACATIONS IN EAST Edwin' Sommer'left last Friday evening for a two weeks vacation in the east. He will visit Cliicago.-'Washington, and New York before returning homo.


rFNIMERGOES OPERATION Un- A. D. Faier.underv.-ent a 'major operation Monday -at the Nicholas Senn hospital. JPHI EPS TO B E HONORED A tea is being given this afternoon by the Syndicate Club at the home of Harry Altsuler, SC01 " Davenport street, r to honor a group of Phi Eps from the University of Iowa. The honored guests are: Al Aronotr, Irvin Beechen, Mllo Brady, and Dave, Lasensky.

Group 2

prrf Dy Eta. Bavlfl t l TSz-


SJUS CF mvs 3Ctfi,"T —rt'JS

C©ats 'fjfi ft.?:.

Da.e Jxunblss ^2 cup butter, 1% cups brown BUgar. 3 eggr. 1 cup cut dates. 1 tup chopped nuts, l teaspoon vanilla. 7 tablespoons -water. 2V2 . ;ups flour. 1 . teaspoon baking powder. T>rop by spoonfuls on a bakins iheet in a hot oven. •







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Mr '. .'..k...^*-,^,...,!.... of U J L V cial i *r DOLOSES IN COIVIE-BACK—^Lovelier than ever, here Is Dolores ish-1 ' Costello, former wife of. John Barrymore, who is staging a comelet tk ;- * back to the screen In a new picture about to be released:in Hollyobtat • wood. Miss Costello, formerly a screen star, is the daughter of tion-i ;v Maurice Costello, himself an early star of the films. Miss Costello ticall 2 retired after she married Barrymore. munJ " of S\ tions tors the i *; -*-> <' H theE ue td ••

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HALTED — Emancipator .stumbled and .this is what happened. Hardly, could the racing horse be the earth than he, is here, onfall'fours. Meanwhile Jockeyi Mildmay'appears intent on continuing the race, regardless of the "halting of his mount. The spill occurred during the recent'running of the Pegasus handicap' steeplechase at Gatwick, England^ .This Pegasus had no wings.

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POLITICAL ABr,;s—Paris po^cs co^tirus to disoccr cache? o' £.T™S Uic- n, Les Cago-dards (The EooSsd I.^e^) vith Ir1,o~t to institu:-? £• po.lticC rstclli-i inost recent and largest of ths cseliss, fcrjr-d in £ bassraor.i o' E pp"f~C Ir r-i Storss cf cartridges bore the mcrn^sctoiy nisrk of s To'":'.?. ££?,ir, rr.ur-'.ior left are Peris detectives.


crow LONG - DISTANCE COLUMN — Walter CKeefe. biaiorist newspaper columnist, as he arrived in New York with. 2£rs. CKeef e, the former Roberta Robinson, from four weeks in London, Budapest, Paris and Yienna. Unable to obtain ne^rs in Budapest, ba had to call Paris daily by long-distance telephone end dictate his column to a French operator, who cabled it to Anerica.


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AGA'S GBANSSON BIDES—Little Prince Eharim Khan, son of AU Khan and grandson of His Highness the Aga Khan, fabulously rich Indian ruler and spiritual leader of 100,000,000 Mohammedans, is taken for a sleigh ride by his nurss, at a winter resort in Switzerland. His parents ar,e in India, but his younger brother,' 2 Vz months old. is also in Switzerland. i '




SWIM, SUIT —Frances GiSord, lovely screen" player, is proud of her new bathing suit, shown at Palm Springs. Cal. The suit is of knitted material in novelty style, with button decorations on the brassiere, which is in the new shoulder-strap design.




- .



-&MWSSEN WEEE LUCKY — These Spanish Insurgent airmen, Lieutenants Manuel Bamires, left, and Fulsencio Piinas, found "fortune t7itfa them after their plane wes defaced by Loyalist batteries and fell to the Gulf of Cadiz, when thsy tried to'return to Cadiz airport. Five ships passed them, but eventually thsy were picked up by the Largo Bay and taken to lizltz.


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V I C T O B I - liuch - carried Pe?p- Eopfcins Jsyce Tron o. S23.0D3 victory in a Los Ange-ss court u*ljen Judge Edr;£rd Br£,nd mlod that she did not ewe Celebritr Pictures, Inc., C22.C0D en a note ths company sought to collect. " Ths judge suid that the nionsy Iv^ss Joyce received :r. 1225 W£.s an rdTErsee en funds Miss Joyce is shcra in ccurt, one arm in a cast as the result cf £,a automobile- cocidsnt.



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IN PARTY — This scene shows the Christmas party in Washington given for children of the diplomatic corps. Twenty-four youngsters from 19 embassies and legations broadcast holiday greetings to the United States, Europe and South "America. The boy a t the microphone is Charles Lombard, son of the French military attache.




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WANS-SO BE AUSSST2B?—Thcsa smart snd railitary-looldns drls are ths n c - CSfnece pollrsv/omen organised by the Japaaess authorities who have recently taken ever ffis aaci^n; Chinees at? of PeMng. The girls" are responsible for the supervision of women and children la ths city. Japanese recently changed the city's name from Peiping.

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righteous ia bad for them c^d the thlEEs that win ferine- clevrn or. world. his becigs" head & tss.p of critiit Rabbi Acha lectured, "He that cism frcta Eionists fine1, cnti-aseooo does not live upon the reward of siirJlEtionists . . . Sam Barman. his'ancestral merits, fee wto does another Hartford, Cone., boy who not overbearingly, he that never made good (he oripingtefi those A HERO RETURNS soldiers replied, "our Colonel - Istanbul (WNS)—Failure of tried to compete in the special snapry Esquire covers) gets the wealthier Jews to support the Tho real name of loader Gen- Lefitowits never makes mistakes" credit for the swell art work in OR Hachaim hospital, noted Jew- trade of his neighbors, ha that nett, the Jewish war veteran who the sensational Technicolor .film, V ish institution in the subufb of never tried to derive any benefit put a wreath on Germany's war FROM A L t CORNERS . from the treasury of charity, he "Nothing Sacred" . . . . Merer Balat, has forced the closing of memorial and thereby horrified L u d o v Novina,' -Influential Berger, femer crack crime and the maternity ward and the re-is.considered righteous and shall orthodox Nazi circles, ia Yossol Prague daily, Is offering the surely live." feature rep-orter for the N. T. Ganapobky . . . A delegation of hooks of: Sholom Asch a s circu- duction of the number of beds Times, is sow dragging down SUCCESS STORY: His name Is to, 25. .V • -,••••'"•• Rabbi .acha said: "Whoever tho Jev/ish War Veterans met lation promiums . . . The death fancy figures as a staff member, Gennett at Quarantine, and wasof Renate Mueller, one of Ger- Fear' i3' expressed that unless gives? Trumah to an ignorant Jacob Chaitkin . . . He's a law- of the New Yorker . . . . And yer, with offices at 60 Wail street funds "are forthcoming the entire priest, acts as if he threw it bedistressed to find him wearing many's' leading ECreen actresses. Mike's desk at the Times has not a JWV cap but the headgear wher was reported to have died hospital will close. . The institu- fore a lion, wasting the offering. . . . Until a gabby guy Earned been turned over to Milton of tho Disabled American Veter- from the effects of a reducing tion", was,'one© subsidized by Sir Rabba said, "Previously I Adolf Hitler copped himself & Eracker, who Is well knovn to ans, of whom he is one . . . His treatment," was really suicide .'-. . Elie Kadoorie, millionaire Bag- thought there is no truth in theseat-among the mighty,' he wasAnglo-Jewish journalists vlik \ whole world but since I am at unknown . . , Next week someprepared statement to the press Sho •. was. grieving becausB the dad merchant. Rabbi Tabuth, and if the whole time, the Nazis .who control the whom be has covered a ': struck the ship news reporters as Nazi authorities had broken up world filled with gold were given purse strings in Berlin will again Jewish story for his peper . . . tho • funniest thing • they had her romance with ^'the Jewish to him,, he would not change his have reason to believe that this Kilt, a talented versifier oE the ! hoard in many a month . . . Only banker Otto Deutsch, now in esword.".It happened that be came man Chaitkin is their real Num- 'lighter school, has been covering j their kindness saved • tho JWVIla .••,' .'Wonder if1 .there is any to a city named Kushta (truth). ber Oae enemy . . . Because at the Southbury, Conn., Nazi camp ] embarrassment . . . Believe it or connection between the fact that The inhabitants of tbat city that time, the Brooklyn Supreme story . . . J.IEX SeiimeHr.g got the [ not, Gennett oavr cervieo with the rumors appearing in /the. Palestine Arab dally Falastin so often would not change their words, Court will start trial of a case official blessing on his victory | famous Imperial Hussars, tho find their, way into tho New York Madison I TEMPLE and it never happened that one involving payment by the Nazi orer Harry Thomas Czar's own regiment . . . But an Garden . . . Conveyed to Services at Temple Israel will died an untimely death, and heGovernment of some %i,500,COOh ji £Square attack of mamp3 just as ho wasTimes and the fact that the E in h'is dressing room by no ready to.sail for Trance with tho Times' Jaffa correspondent is Jo- begin this evening at S .o'clock. married one of its inhabitants, I in defaulted bond interest . . . less a personage than German •• seph Hana,' editor of Falastin . . Regular Saturday morning serand site bore him two children.. With Chaitkin again counsel for 82nd Regiment of the 326th U. organ of. the Jew- vices will be 11. Ambassador DieckhoJf . . When \ It happened once that his wife fplaintiff . . . Ckaitkin was the S. Infantry, prevented him from "Fraternity," Communists of France, has colonists in thenew set- ; Nest Friday will be Council washed her head and a female i i r s t lawyer to test the right c f .| Jewish, ^ Setting a crack at the Germans ia ish Joined the cry to close the doors Sabbath and services will be neighbor came to ask for her, and tbe Gercian. Government to de- j -Sment OL the World War . . -. Ho feela. of France to Jewish immigranfs : e4 s nnuual ' EonTE.&-gression however, that ho has made u& . . * If Mussolini anti-Sem- conducted by the Council of Jew- he thought that it was not prop- fault on payments, to bondhoid-, a c t ish Women, Miss Dora Tanneers of America . . . He won his! P " ^iVn Arab neighbors, reper to say that she. was washing for it now . . . Ho claims to boite, why did be use the phrase of both Eifies sealed something of a -writer and la "the fatal atmosphere of the baum, field worker for the Na-her head- and therefore she said precedent-establiEhing case in!| rescntJtires tional Council, will be guest she was out. When his two chil- 1933 and since that time, some it - - by engaging in a shotting ' proud of his membership in theSannedrin " of Geneva"' in hiB speaker. . . . Anti-Semites pics- i dren died, the Inhabitants came $5,000,000 ita3 been recovered ;• contest American Writers Union . . . His speech announciflgr • Italy's,; withtered City • College Trails vrith I by American holders of the deand asked him. what does this 69-nago'manuscript on his ex- drawal from the League? . . The stickers demanding "ghetto! , . '"BETH-EL mean. He told theai the truth, faulted bonds . . . Until Hitler's iI benches periences in Germany la now be- new Kadvobagata Synagogue in ' ' . . . . With the college ' advent, Chaitkin knew virtually At services this evening, Rabbi whereupon they said to ' li£sn, ing edited by a special committee Cochin-India will have a Torah netting of financial law . . . To-j population over £0 per cent Jew-! David A. Goldstein will speak on ark built with five candles (two "Great Jewish Events of the "Pray to' move away from oar day, he is regarded as perhaps ' isfe, -it sppears the "ghetto"! city In order not to cause untimeand a half tons to you) of teak Year." ADVANCE KOTICE : the outstanding authority on it vrouia be Gentile „ , , Toim£ Dr. | ly death among us." donated by the Maharajah Next Week Rabbi Goldstein with respect to bond issues . . . Josef Dunner, novelist, is not at . We hear that Rabbi Solomon wood of Cochin . . .- AntirNasis in Mex- will speak on "The Most Import"Trie DepartFreehof of Pittsburgh's Temple ico And his home in the country, a all concerned at the fact that the are still laughing at the specer&l District -r . Nazis have included him in their Rodef Sholom its being readied ac tacle of a mangy dbg roaming ant Mitzvah of Our Time." 'S home that Kazi \ jack built, he the next occupant of the pulpit ol the streets of. Durango with a sometimes jokingly refers to as latest list of de-citisenized a o t - Censes a r e give; -Regular Saturday morning : ables abroad . . . Dunaer, autht"- of businesses h; New York'3 Temple Emanu-El . swastika services are held at 9. . "Hitler Villa." tied to his tall . . . T h e of "If I r c % t t " L i e . • i a=,ic:/- L" t- c o t entitled >. 'Tis whispered that the present flag was ripped from - the off ice i,: incumbent, Rabbi Samuel Gold- of the German consulate by stuVAAD PUN: '\Tcnder if anybody has ly COE.IL Lied I c i v c e ^ J " - e : <. onson, who-camo from Rodef dents . . . Queen Mary was a re- The late services will be resumLondon (JTA) — George Lan- ever bothered to point out to P a l e s t i c . . . C o - j t . s to ^ t Sholom, wants to retire * . . A cent visitor to the London Jew- ed next Friday night. - Rabbi sbury, noted pacifist, said that Propaganda Minister Goebbels Aniericir. Keh-ev r<— « : re CCnational Jewish figure who lives ish Museum and showed great in- Milton A. Kopstein will deliver ho fouad the Jewish problem In that German Jews &re "knows — page CTEt ( t = r .rrif . .v 7 t in Philadelphia ia the winner of terest in exhibits of phylacteries the sermon. Cantor A. Schwacz- Poland purely economic and oaeand. have been for years B. H. -— •whatevrr I - r p e r o d t-~ r l ' t f zrrterial. thst r '~T.'c-~r this year's Phi Epilson Pi na- and.tzltzes . . . The Prague ex- kin wil officiate. that a "good deal of capital" plus as Asake-Kazis. had spcrt v rel-=; . c r " e r " - r s - fcr tional uervlce award for tho out-hibit ' of 40, years of Zionist hisJunior Congregation services stoppage of armaraest expendistanding contribution to Jowish tory ia euch a bjg'hlt thit there's start promptly at 10 a. m. at the tures would go a long wsy tow- DOODLER: Neville Laski of a 2 0 0 - r t g e . " . . E ' . . . life . . . A pledge of secrecy keeps talk of bringing it to New York Congregation B'nai Israel, 18th ard -solving. London has a "dcodHag" rival in (Copyr.rht. ICC 7. b'- E f e i Ar^r Us from telling you his name . .- . . . Production Of a genealogical and Chicago street. Mrs. Sam George Backer of New York . . . Returning from a .visit to that Speaking a fraternity reminds U3 table showing no Jewish blood Epstein will be hostess to the country in the interests of paei* There's a difference between the that the chance that a Jew will and subscriptions to at least two children after the service's.' fism, Mr. .Lansbury* told the Jew- pencil products of the two men, again bo the head of the Inter- anti-Semitic publications a r e however . . . N. L. goes ia for .Ish Telegraphic Agency: fraternity Council was^set back among the requirements for Saturday morning 'Cantor Abraornate doodles , . . While' G. E. coveral years because The Jeal- membership in Le3 Cagdulards; ham Schwaczkin and the choir ,, "If southeastern Europe, in- favors the severe geometric ousy of the representatives of one tho French Ku Kluis Klari . . Al- of the B'nai Israel Synagogue, cluding Poland, got a good deal of capital, stopped spending monj school, _ his parellelogrsris Jewish fraternity tried to prevent bert Einstein has accepted the 18th and Chicago streets, will the election of a representative of chairmanship of the Ernest Bloch chant the services in: honor of ey- for arms and developed the such another ditto to the council exec- Society * formed in London to the marriage: of .Sarah Jerry Tre- country more fully, it vrould help a solution considerably." VISITOR: Second Avesue is utive . . . EJphraim Speiner, tho bring,the celebrated Jewish ^com- tiak and Joe Felfman. The Jewish problera, he said, rife-with rumors that Sherwood noted archaelogist, is slated to poser's Works to wider public noTretiak is the -daughter •was accentuated by stoppage cf Anderson, is planning a novel bo the nest president of Dropsie tice . . . All the talk of a Jewish of Miss • Mr. Joe Tretiak, for many emigration from Europe since the with that thoroughfare as a loCollege . . - .He's married to a colony in Madagascar has done years the-congregation's treasur- War. Others beside Jews, he add- cale . . . They started when the member of the Gimbel family . . Palestine no good . . . Pro-Arab er. Members of the synagogue ed, wanted to emigrate. *• noted author of "W'iaesbnrg, The Jewish Publication Society's propagandists- -^in- - Londea; -; have and friends are invited . to the Ohio," was seen dining with his I prize-winning- Jewish novel, "To- Seized on: the Madagascar scheme synagogue for the services and wife and friends in -the Cafe \ morrow's Bread,"' has set a rec- to .argue that there -is no longer , to - the KidUsh 'after the' service. PARIS COURT: ORDERS' Royal, hangout of Yiddish liter-! ord with a first printing of 10,- any need for a "-.big. Jewish • imary celeba . . i j 000 copies, unequalled by any migration to Palestiner', \ .-'• DISSOLUTION OF ASOUT PEOPLE •••: -, ;•;.;.' FASCISTS •other JPS volume cscept 'tho' PARADOX: When the Rns-j Bible . . . And Llverlght is bringsian St. -Nicholas Cathedral in I .ias out a trade edition of tho Because .of his phenomenal Paris (WNS) — Colonel de l a New York got riled about & crack '•• f novel „ .". The "University of In-achievement In leading the. ReRocQae's -breach Social Party in Tiffie Magazine to the effect /By. DP. Piwtb She? diana will be the locale' of th? publican ticket in his-successful •was declared to be an illegal con- that it w&s dominated by the So-If nest unit in the growing chaiir fight for common pleas, judge in tinuation of the outlawed Fascist viet, it hired a youiig Jewish at- j " of .Hillel Foundations . . . Pitts- Philadelphia, Theodore .Rosen. Is Bible Crolx de. Feus, which was distorney, Sidney N. Berry, to sue j burgh is readying a - citywlde now. slated to be the Republican ; I-Will "give-: a new heart and I solved 'by government decree ia for libel . . . The other day, Tide ; function in honor- of- its number- candidate for attorney-general', will take away .the stony heart 1936, in a ruling handed down by published a retraction End the | one athlete, Marshall .Goldberg, Hollywood Is trying to Bell; Maur- but of your flesh. I. will, put a a Paris court. suit was settled out of court . . . { Ask f c r ' "•" 03 January 16th . . . new' spirit Within you. And I will The court also fined Colonel da The cathedral, • it should be es- | Fooa r r o i ' i c i s ice Schwartz the idea of. screenSTOISED AT HOME ing" ^is;, stage version; of "Thebetroth thee unto Me forever, yea La Rocque and five of his associ- plained, was built with funds fur- | • George Holmes, the Connecti- Brothers AshkenazI," but Maur- I will betroth thee unto Me inates 3,000 francs each. cished by the late Czar of all the j righteousness and in Justice, in cut business man and war veter- ice wants It f ilmed In. Yiddish , Russias . . . . j an ' who is leading the fight Wall Streeters are pjredlcting: the loving kindness and Im compasSARCASM; We "offer this for j . ' • ' ' • ' - . . . . . . . . NEW YORK POLICE •against the openin-j of a Nazi appointment "of .Benjamin But- sion. the "crack of the month" prize j catap in Southbury, was' once- a tenwleser,; of -KUhn, Lbeb. and My people.. are destroyed for OFFICE HELD. . . . Ttiajor C. 3. Jarvis, foriaer! member of' the Ku • Kins Klan, Co., to the presidency of the Fed- lack of knowledge because thou governor of Sinai, told & reccsti BY JEW but quit the sheeted order when eral Reserve Bank of New York hast rejected knowledge, I will London gathering, referring to a | iio became- disgusted with their . , . A "Jewish attorney' by thealso reject thee, that thou shalt manifesto signed by Arab leaders j un'-American monkeyshines . . . New Tork (WNS) — ThSin Irak, Syria Arabia, &asi Lybia: name of Sidney Berry> Is credited be no priest to Me. L"1 Indirectly tho anti-Nazi "boy- with having settled out of court - My people ask counsel of their highest ranking post ever attain- "An Arab will put his signature, j cott" of last week's Schmeling- a'libel suit brought against Time stock and their staff declareth ed by a Jew in tho New York City to any document - - Other than i Thomas fight has prevented Jhe Magazine by ..the Russian Cathed- unto them for the strange spirit Police Department was given to an I. O. U." . . . I holding of the Schmelins^Louis ral in New ..Yorkr .-"'wliieh.; was hath caused them to err, and they Inspector Louis Costuma in the boat in Berlin \ . . When the pro- built with money-donated by the have'gone'astray from their God. year-end, shakeup when he was MISH-MASH: Prof. Morris R. moters found that tho picketing late csar . . .China's.: new1 press deputy chief inspector Talmud ' be Cohen, in aa interview a n d . boycott agitation h a d agent in America, is Carl Byoir, and assigned to complete conThe death of the righteous is made public acst week, says* brought them the b l u e s t indoor who was ones accused of 'press- a misfortune for them and for the trol of polica in Manhattan. .fight crowd seen in. New York in agehtlng.Hitler.. ... Latest dance world, while the death of the Other Jews named to high ofthe last two years they decided craze is- the Ku Klux Klog,-cre- wicked is a'benefit'for them and fice- were Louis Roseafel'd, proth^ere was no need to move the ated by a member of the cast of for the world. Separation of the moted to inspector, and Lieuterx n i"1 next Schmeling bout to Naziland the .WPA play "Processional," in wicked is a benefit for them and nant Mas Finlielstein, promoted which Catholics, Jewc and Prot. . . A well-known author is planthe world, while separation of the to captain. ning to do a study- of anti-Semi- estants appear in Klan regalia . . tism in America along the lines Ira Gershwin is working on a "1 Ttr\ r-*^* of tho "Middletown". series . . biography of his lato brother " '1 New Deal insiders are worried to George . . . death over the undisguised Fas- (Copyright, 1037, by Seven Arts / f cist sentiments of Ilarriner EcFeature Syndicate) clea, chairman of the Federal Recc-rve Board . . . Women living in the Yorkvillo section of NewPICKETS SUE KUffil f 1- ' York are beginning to avoid us- FOR FALSE ing subway and elevated stations if* crsTs end Chs-.rro3=s . . . -Ci:: E= in that vicinity, because of thoARREST 1' Lc -1 appearance of foul language New York (Vv'NS) — Damage .about J e w 3 a n d anti-Nazis \K v scrawled on billboards by ' the suit3 for false arrest have been neighboring Hitlerites . . . Tho brought against Fritz Kahn, leaAmerican Society for Race Tol- der of the German-American erance is calling a national con- Bund, by George &usso and Hergress on tho question of racial bert Harris, pickets of tlio N03cfccrimlnation nest spring . . . Sectarlan Anti-Nazi' League, who Oat Michigan way" they say that were arrested on the complaint Harry Klpke lost his job as foot- of Kuhn only to be freed after a ball coach'because too many 6£ brief hearing by Jlasictrctc lib players got jobs in the unlon- Bromberger. TO r-.v: \ - ft t~ bu^ting outfits organised by Hen- The two pickets were arrested ry lord's private police . . Credit after ICuhn had charged they Now Tor:; Foit columnist Lenny called hln r. "rscketcGr" while ;• n r ; o rll ''r•"?•!.-, —'••' r. f Lyons v,-ith this pip of a yarn . . . tboy T.-oro dnnoustratias i'J front S-_ ;m: that a snooty lady who of Grond Central Pcl^co usainsi ov."ji3 a country estate aer.r c lail- a trr-'io exhibit. itary encampment phoned tho commandant to send eight of his safin to ona of her parties, which I<icr.;ov,- (\V2\3) — Ruccicn Cis."fc ~W "' Sdgar A. fiaird. Presiasn wa;i suffering from an overabun- and Yiddish -translation of medJ. Ktrfeer . A. Lrc-s, Tiis-Pr :s. dance of females . . . Sho speci- ieval Hcbrav,- literature, uotably '• • Waycs C. SslhT, Aee't S ~ fied that none of the military tli3 v.-erk.-. o£ Iba U;ra and YeiliO f£3 \irlil P^LV for *£cr. guests be Jew 3 . . . in a little huda Halevi, ^7iIi bo published In while four Chinese and four Fili- 'a special anthology early In I9CS e r i o o-_? r!ve-Tpinos presented themselves . , . by the Goslitinclat, the Soviet A " "There must be some mistake," Government'.- literary publishing s. tho stunned bluenoso cried . . . home. The anthology will con"'ibaro couldn't bo," ono o£ thotr.ln 200 pas:..


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|lon. Above is one of tlio the Boulevard de Ficpus. his factory. The men at •


Polish Problem : Purely. Economic



of a huge liner to cross lorsepower producing" a"• |Hed through horizontal




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fu Baugh, who- forward e National League proI to marry. He is shown. Siith, a junior student in k Miss Smith's father, j, will perform ceremony.


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bb basketball champions, ptoeffen. Hank Luisettl. ear's, but were to return !sht "United Newspictrrts


•dems- -of the -. Bible



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"Page S

ents, Mr.'and Mrs.. A. 'M. Davis. further discussions' of a new An- Belgium with its Walloons and "Abr. S3 yi Mr.'Morris Davis •of.-Cincinnati, gio-Italias agTeemsnt. tl- sr - -c Flemings, its French university st" r" Ohio, is'.also.a guest in t h e home II Tcyere, also pablisfced a vio- Liege and its Flemish nalversUj , ti-o / ^ a flof his son A..M.'Davis. lent sttack oa the well-known at Ghent. That and no mitstior Italian journalist Giovanni Enjre- i-.pon ocr immlgratic Dr. Leon Galinsky of Oakdale ly, and declared he t a d been sr- crease, so that po-s-er and popula- 1.-ST-. --r-s-M er E3ISS AHUA P i l l , eonre$pc2&2l Iowa, Is spending t h e week end rested "for'treason." Esgely dls- tion can at least be balanced — F <• r r Cc here with his parents, Mr. andappeared three days before. ret c '"^r"; that is the Ei'simnin •re care ECMrs. H e r m a n Galinsky. cept, the minimam v.;e dare tc ~ hope and work for. Anything ^ ilotcd German Ealsbi to Ad Pstroai sa Oar Aflvertlssrs. Sumner Goffin ' o f Portland, - TO OUR.CONTESTANTS less, one Iota less and vre Ere I dress Open Ilceting at Maine, a student a t the Univerplunged into 'ialuth in the _' J.-0.-.0. WifidoY/* long All tho world loves n leader sity of Iowa is spending his vaFrcncl run. Does Samuel know tbe *-* . . ' . and nest week the Jewish Tts suJferisgs cf the Jews i s Yemen [ ~i .Dr. Joachim Prinz, noted Ger- cation "in Sioux City with his (Continued frosi Pase I.) i'ress will pnbiish returns to and in Iraq? Has he heard of man rabbi, will speak before an classmate, Benjamin Sacks. date on tho bioax City sub-' open meeting Thursday evening C^CC NSKV, h'APE those who have no povrer, whom the liquidation of the Abyssinian scrjption sales contest with tin; January 6,-. at the. Jewish ComMiss Lillian • Romirowsky r e - they need not fear, who cannot Christians \>y the Arabs? A Names of those. In the van* munity'Center, at 8**30' o'clock. turned to h e r home in Chicago, in any sense hit back. Then on minority in Arab slavery? He Gubscribers Find M u d of In guard. The meeting is sponsored by the Monday, after spending t h e week whom? Or rainoritSes. And first must be mad to dream cf such & p in Conn tior . tcrest in Columns of Xoa'll be able to tell how *' i*,"T B'nai B'rith lodge ^and is open end with friends I n Sioux'City. of all on the Jewish minority. thing. . • ch • , far in froat.yon'are'.'-.'. . o r Local Weekly to "the public. And so even here, even In AmerNow coses the so-called radit' • possibly faovr far behind. Miss Ruth Jacobson of Omaha ica, because we are a hopelessly ' Dr. Prins came to the United cal whipper-snapper- acd says; N"€ Remember that the contest States in August. In Berlin, he spent last week end in Sioux City small minority we are subjected .AH Sioux City i3 talking about r i"r >Jor. occupied the principal pulpit of with h e r mother, Mrs. S. Jacob- to insult, to obloquy, to every MONSKY, GRODSNSKV, MAKER & the Jewish' Press subscription closes January 16, that 'here in f son. • • ' are only two weeks. in" which the city and it is said that his foulness of accusation that foul cur* TI?" " r~ --' sales contest,' which offers ?300 COHEN, Attorneys. ' r t ; i " *!£"«• o ' f",! 73? Omaha Nations! Bank BSsig. popularity and ability were so and furtive minds can invent and, -in cash prizes to the persona ob- to make the sales necessary to d u e i-~ " t •*»" win one of the three grand Miss Margaret Saitlin of Chica- far more practically and telling- NOTICE OF PHOEATE OF WILL h e c " r~~ «• igreat that it was almost impossitaining the greatest number of In the County Court cf Douglas S13T-, * " 1 ble, to obtain a seat In the syn- go,-spent several days last week ly, to far-reaching economic and subscribers to the Press In Sioux prizes of $150.00, 3100.00 or p r c ; * LI C^O - <.£uc Ci r e t.o Nebraska. ,550.00. But you can't lose, be- agogue because of the large in Sioux City with her parents, professional exclusions. Does any- Countv, City and surrounding territory. In the Matter o* the Estate c* Sal"" Co~ " -: O-e : "' crrase. each subscription sold Mr.-and Mrs. M. Saitlin. crowds that came to hear him. one not know that? Does anyone Aaron Ferer. Deceased. The Jewish Press is conductAll persons interested in said estate JT1 entitles yoa to EOc.; •• ' .'• Dr. Prinz was the first man still feign to be blind to that? ,..-e ing this contest In order to reach herebj- notified that a petition I - ~ Misses Rose, Anna, and Dora Do not the very sparrows on the has b«en filed in said Court, praying j ^t1 r . Remember also that the goal, who had the courage,\ in the , -c , _ _ . . . riJ" Vr-np every Jewish home in the Sioux for the probate of a-certain instru- ! ,il', *"-"'"; i Magilevsky spent last week end F /','c 'r r^Ul" in Sloax City la 400. And we name of the Jews, to answer the house-tops chirp It? Is it not City vicinity •with -a compendium ment now bn file in said Court, .pur-j-"••'•• -' " t "k with friends in* Minneapolis. MUST reach. onr Eoal. So pitch attacks made on them in Gerpart of the equipment of every porting to be the last will and testa- | g°!i of news of the moment and of C— * raent of said deceased. End that a S"ua l " " many. Because of the courage and college student with a smattering hearing the cultural and intellectual- ac- in THIS. week. - Give it all wii! be had on said petition | » A-^r l " . ^~ e.i Miss Florence Lohrmann reyou've got. Climb oa tho daring of his public speaking, of tbe social sciences? before tajid Court on the 2£nii day of ! - --"; r • a ] ' • tivities of Jews everywhere. "• Januarj-, 193S. and that if they fail to ! Dec^r.o'-jmerry-go-roand nnd whirl Prinz was frequently arrested urned to her home in Omaha A bi-natlonal state ia Palesat said Court on the said "2nd | _ T --\, Its columns are graced by the away to a successful, finish! w i t h tine? By all means. A Etate like apjiear and finally forced to leave Ger- Sunday after visiting day of Januarj'. 1S"8. at 9 o'clock j - j work of Ludwig Lewisohn.'Al Se- Don't forget that there are A. M.. to contest the probate of said j many. His articles In the Jud- friends In Sioux City. r ^ ' , "~ gal, Phtnea3 Biron, and Helen 5800 waiting to be claimed. M0NSKY, GRODINSKKY. MAKER & will, the Court may aliow and pro- i " - - - •ische . Rundschau caught the atbate said will and grant EdministraCOHEN, Attorneys Zigmond regularly. Feature Raymond Fischer arrived .in tention of many. tlon of said estate to Sam Ferer end stories by noted men of affairs Ferer or some other suitable . His address her© is eagerly an- Sioux City last week from Cleve- In the District Court s of Docglas J-Torris person, enter a degree of helrship sxia County. Nebraska. explain and interpret this modticipated by the community end land, where he. Is enrolled at the proce'eel to a settlement thereof. In the Matter of the Application of ern age. annual Father and Son Banquet the B'nai B'rith lodge. BRTCE CRAWFORD. "Western Reserve School of So- John Vo!z, guardian of the Estate of County Judge. •In. this issue Governor , Frank Wednesday evening.' "Mr. A. M. Anna Gertrude Volz, minor, 12-31-ST-St. cial Service. He Is spending his RUiabeth for License to Sell Real Estate. 1 3Iurphy of Michigan discourses Davis acted as toastmaster. The vacation with his parents here. Notice Is hereby- given tliat pursuMILTON R. FROHM ant to an order by the Honorable on democracy and tolerance, with dinner arrangements ;.were in tho 1004 Omaha National Bask Eldg Jobn A. Rine. Judge of the District . -.the theme that democracy is the hands of Mrs. M. Blank and Mrs. Mra. Jake Knox and daughter, Court of Douglas Countr. Nebraska, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Sioux City was eliminated in Louise Charlotte returned from made oa tha 21st day of December. • safeguard of religious tolerance Max Mushkin. In the County CoBrt of Douglas ; 1337, for the sa!a of the real estate Count;-, Nebraska. ! the basketball semi-finals of the _, and a bulwark against •- bigotry. edar Rap.ids where they visited hereinafter described, there will be In the Matter of the "state of i Another. feature article ' discus- f.RATERMTY:EQWS iBMCE A. Z. A. regional tournament this with Mrs. Knox' brother and sis- sold at public auction to the highest Harry Rosenblum, Deceased. ! for cash, at the East Door of All persons interested in said estate j week by Joliet, Illinois. Sioux ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Abe bidder soa Hollywood's only woman mqthe Douglas County Court House in ere hereby notified that petition the City of Omaha. Doutrlas County. has been filed in said Court alleging j tion picture producer. Ludwig The Phi Epsilon fraiernity City team which originally had Bass. Nebraska, on the 2Sth <3ay of Jan- that Kiel deceased died leaving no ; Lewisohn comments on the pre- raised funds for German 'Refugee been awarded the game by foruary, 15SS, at 10 o'clock A. SI. the last will and praying for administra- j said sate to remain open for one hour. tion upon his estate, aiid that a hearsent scene in his "The World's students at Iowa City, by giving feit but had agreed to play when Mr. and Mrs. Max Falk, 2523 the folloirins described real estate, to- ing TdU be had on said petition be"Window," bringing to readers a dance here last. Saturday even- the'other team appeared, led un- Jennings street, announce the wlt: fore said court on the 15th day of til the final minute when a free birth of a son,' December 21, at -of the Jewish Press the views January, I9ns, and that if they f? I The South Fifty (5S) Feet of ning in the Martin Hotel. The throw tied the score. The local to appear at said Court on the srs'l the TTest One Hundred and $iid opinions'of one. of the most 15th day of January, 1S3S. s t S o'cin"i dance was sponsored by the Sioux chapters zone- defense was prais- the Lutheran Hospital. Twenty-five (125) Feet of Lot lamed of present day Jewish uaA. I.I. to contest said petition, fre Fortj<if»), Hartman's Addition to Court may grant the ssrae and g~E-t Douglas County. Nebrasthors. Al Segal writes human In- City Alumni Club of: the fratern- ed "by coaches - and spectators Mr. and: Mrs. Louis Fish an- Omaha, administration of said estate to ka, as survej-ed, platted and reity. '':.'.•'. ' " ' . ,'••••'. alike. terest stories from tfie Jewish Michael I* Donovan or some ct; tr nounce . the birth, of : a daughter, corded Committees in charge of the = suitable person and proceed to a retrcene; Phineas Biron "WinchellDated at Omaha, Nebraska, this A number of the local mem- December 28 at the Methodist Uemeiit thereof. 21st day- of December, 1SS7. _3zcs" about contemporary Jews dance were headed by .Ephraim bers attended the tournament in H o s p i t a l . - - • • . - . ' . JOHN VOL.S, ERTCE CRATTFOHD, Baron,. Dave 'Albert, ;'Earl Kline *f ttl «c* in the world; Helen Zigmond Rock Island, and entered the or12-*4-*"-5t. , County Jucrc. Gua@rdian. and Dr. Lionel .Londonlconducts her column from Hollyatorical and debating, contest as •Miss Rosena. Sacks is visiting wood. well as basketball. at Rice Lake, "Wisconsin with These features support the .Ir. and I Irs. Hcrir^n S-cks, saws column, devoted to- affairs of Jewish interest locally, nationally and internationally. Miss Pearl Olehsky Was leected Two press services and a local staff cjterate to- kesp this news president 6f the Debra; Club at; a At a 'meeting Monday night, - up to the moment and complete. meeting h"eld recently' i n ' the the - c a s t for- " T h e Old Order" home of "Hiss Glsela Fin.; Miss i The Jewish Press feels that it r r was selected from, members of iu performing a necessary func- Pill' waa* :ndmed- . Tice-j>resident; tho J . CJ C. Jewish A r t Theater. Fern 'Woifdon, secretary;"Rosa, tion in. the communities it serves. Tho play- Is' a" prize -winning o n e . It has been a connecting bridge Bashefkihf treasurer .and Elaine* in.-, a ".contest :Bponaore4^-.-by. i the between Jewish thought every- Mushkin,. Publicity "chairman. :The n e ^ offleerB-were install^. Jewish Welfare Board. The cast 'Jilan Paper Chzrgzs JCTTS TOO] CH-I ,- where and its readers.Active in Fzzzlzt St. < • ed at a 'dinnfer meeting. Tnesd'ay Selected includes E a r l Hlmqwltz. At present the Press is conof I. GovcrraxzzA evening at the Oasis. Guests'at fiiva Shae!fer,' A r t h u r . Bronaton, ducting, a subscription sales conand Sarah ; Welnitein and' Goldie' Lehthe dinner' included .jaany memtest in Sioux,-with $300 of IJ man. ' *.'•"•" **••••' •' * * • •;'•• Some (JTA) — Allegations prizes to be awarded the winners. bers of th^ club who-are, • home Ham •'The Old Order" w i l l ba one hat Jews or persons of Jewish for- their • winter'TaYour cooperation as a member of from school : of Hbrea plays \o be given early rigin play: too big a role in Ital-'-.'. ".-."-. ' " . - « the Jewish community in the cation. i n ' F o b r u a r y by' the group. an-political life are_made-by 11 ' ] form of a subscription will be Tevere, in the first article of a i solicited. eries on "Jews in Italian Politcal.Llfe." It'cites-their 'too greet' -MONDAY AFTERNOON] participation in. Parliament and Government services as harmful Miss Lucille Lavalliere, direc-; Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will Samuel Lipton, 57, 1717 Jones in view of alleged Jewish contor of the Federal;Theater Pro. speak this evening on tho substreet,.died Monday afternoon in nections-with '.'secret Internatictiject here will be-the'guest speakject 1 "May a Jew Criticize His a local hospital, after a month's al forces, working against Italian er'at the Activity luncheon given Own People." Cantor A. Pliskin illn^sa. Funeral services -were Interests." by the Temple Sisterhood next a n d ' the synagogue choir will •held' a t ' Shaare Zion synagogue Corriere della Sera of Milan Friday afternoon. She wilr speak chant the ritual. •with Rahhl H. B. Rahinowitz' and began publication of. a series of on the work of the" project. Slax Rich, son of Mrs. Lena Rich Cantor A. Pliskin officiating. articles by its Jerusalem corres^Mrs. Sol Novitsky will give the ' "0111 celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Mr.', Liptoh -vras born In Rus- pondent, Enrico ,RIzzino, who ,' tomorrow morning at tho syna- invocation. Mrs. Fred Sherman, sia and came to Sioux City when describes at length • what he gogue, and will serve refresh- a member of - the program com- a; young man. ' terms the "English terror" in the ments to the children of the Jun- mittee will^be chairman: for the Survivors are his widow and Holy Land. Riazino denies Itald a y . -'• ' • * ''• * "-•'•"'• I .-.'; ior Congregation in honor of the four daughters, Anne of Sioux ian propaganda is being dissemoccasion. City, May of :Chicago, Mrs. Will- inated among .the Arabs and At the children's service, Hariam Wolfo'Vof Omaha and Mrs. blame's the English mandatory 3y Weinstein will be reader" of Eve Alpert of Chicago. policy for the "tragic situation tho law and Billy Heeger will act of the Arabs." zn Cantor. Two,of the most authoritative The Bible Groun of the Ladies Children presented the program Fascist commentators accused at the Senior Hadassah luncheon Auxiliary will meet Monday afGreat Britain of using the "alibi" Tuesday afternoon In the: Jewish Miss Lillian Hellerstein, daughternoon at 1:30 in the home of Community Center, and proceeds ter of Mr. and Mrs. *H. Heller- of Italian propaganda in Pales: ;' Sirs. I. H. Levin. tine to avoid reaching a settU -.- Students fro»n._ away were were "directed to the Infant Wel- stein of Los Angeles, will be- ment with Italy, and of attempt fare Fund of Hadassalu Mrs.; come the bride of Sam H. Epjobseri (guests of honor at the service Ruben Miller was In charge of stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. B, H. ing to temporize until the Britis! -BIKOIM llast Friday evening, when Mrs. Ipate i '•'.. Epstein of Sioux City, Sunday rearmament plan is completed 1 M> tin •David Aronson of Minneapolis the arrangements. Giorna! Appearing >on the program evening, January 2, at the Brown Virginia Gayda, in ftnitte: "Tas • the speaker. Following the 'poster' ~ar?ice a reception was given by were Joan Agranoff, Barbara Palace Hotel in Denver. Rabbi H. d'ltalia, : and Maurizio Maravis % ff£ ff^. ^*5 tT% T " 8 1 ^ ^ ^ • IT T^ ^- "^"^ T IS- T^i ^* lia, in La Tribuna, both retortcc tho Ladies Auxiliary for the stu- Robinson, Bertil Rosenstock, Se- Kavar will officiate. sharply to statements made in -.MORDECAJL • b^AifhAIM i dents. At the reception the fol- gula Rabinowitz, Ruth Lewis, .: Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Epstein de- the House of Commons by Brit£%. lowing students participated: Lois Ray Miller, Marylin and parted Monday f o r Denver _-I,lns ilaron, Sylvia Herzoff, Jean Helen Fish, Loiiis Slotsky, Jack where they will visit returning to ish Foreign Secretary Anthonj Shlndler,- Milton Barrent, Benja- Krueger, Rachael Ginabarg, Cecil. Sioux City after their sr-n's wed- Eden to the effect that resumet! min Sacks, Sidney Bergan, Henry Pill, Sherman Sperling, Annabel! ding. Other Sioux Cityans who Italian radio propaganda sent to 5 'i Ginsberg, Marvin Kline and Paul Satin, Dorothy Goldstein, Leo will attend the wedding are Mr. the Holy Land was preventing " tTrledman. Mrs. Lorence Sllver- and Isadore Rich, Isadore Sperl- and Mrs.' Ben Fish, cousins of ' aorg and Mrs. A.. M.' Grueskin ing. tho brideagroom. * rrcro in charge of • the reception Mr. Epstein, a former Sioux ;• "iTangements. FUNERAL SERVICES IELD Cltyan, graduated from East High achool and attended the UnUQR HENRY IJARGOUN iversity of Iowa. He, and. his Funeral cervices for Henry bride will make their home In Margolin, G8, who died Friday Denver. H i - . Theodore N. Lewis afternoon in. his home at the speak this evening .on "The Castle apartments, wero held Mrs. Sara Bliss and- son David Vtnerican Jew." The service will Sunday afternoon at Shaara Zion of Appleton, Wisconsin, are 5o=in at S o'clock. synacosue. Rabbi H. R. Rabin- gueats this week in tho homo of Visiting stud"ni? participated owitz and Canlor A. Pliakin of- Mr. and lira. E. R. Davis. Mr.' r ii t i e Welcome : < i ire last Fri- ficiated. Mr. riargolln suffered and Mrs. Davia' entertained Irfy| evening in i <» Temple. a otroko the Tuesday before bin Thursday evening in their honor. suiting them were r.r»lyn Fish- death. j'.iiSJi representing .No. thwestem; Mr. Margolin came to Sioux Mic3 Miriam Blank, daughter "crhard Marks, Harvard; Sidney City from Ha warden tea yearn of Dr. and Mrs. M. Blank, Sioux Uiih, Nebraska; Lois Levitt, ago, where -ho was in buGinecn. Apartments left last Friday night '-•liiii; Ethel .Baron, Wellsalyj He ~/as a member o£ the Sious to visit her brother Leo Blank of 'Jdijj>y Bergon, Chicago U; ,Dor- City Consistory No. 5, Shaavo Chicago, /.nd sister Mrs. Louis •t'jjj! Dnvis, American Conserva- Zion synaso^ue, anrt the B'nni Fatz of Milwaukee. Oonvcn.'pr.ij '•; sn-t'-r- - ' '•'^ orj'; Lewis Weinbarg, Mina Slot- B'rltb. feri.-:; cf tj.l.- ho:c% -VS-'V ' ^' J ".:y.j|Ted Skalovsliy, Milton GalSurviving V'.-y T/idow, Mrs. Blrc. Ben Pill, 2002 Suransit •T.r"c;r. Kowton Sacks and Henry GoMie MarscHn or Sious City; : ,','rj^bors. University of Iowa. . Ihreo sons, Ilr.rr/ Marcolin of street, returned house Tuesday -*.i; the conclusion cf tho ser- Ysnkton, Sari rior^olin of Dead- from Knnrr.3 City where else ''-r]|r.abbl end r,Srn. Lewis en- wood, and Tra:j:: rjarcolin of visited with relatives. •* tinned tho students at an ia- Sioux City; r.nd two daushtern, ".lizs Dorothy D-iyi", a -tirCcat ''"'laal rrathorisg 1E thsir home. Mrs.- Phil Goldblatt of Sioiirc City r.'if!> bunded fathers nnd sons and Mrs. Abe N. Borg of Hitch- at tho American Conservatory In Chicago arrived horns Friday to • I Uje connresation attended the ell. spend her vacation with her p»r-



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